MATERIA MEDICA PURA. B y SAMUEL HAHNEMANN. TRANSLATED AND EDITED BY CHARLES JULIUS HEMPEL, M. D. VOL. IV. NEW-YORK: RADDE, 322 BROADWAY. WILLIAM LONDON: H. BALLIERE, 219 REGENT-STREET. 1846. ENTERED according to Act of Congress, in the year 1846, by WILLLIAM RADDE, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the Southern District of New-York. LEAVITT, TROW & CO., PaRinTs, 33 Ann-Street. THE TRANSLATOR'S PREFACE. Two principles are constantly contending with one another for supremacy in religion, science, and law; they have always been designated by the terms analysis and synthesis; and they will never be reconciled to one another, until they shall have each established an absolute control, and shall nevertheless respect one another as indispensable to the integrity of each. These two principles have likewise divided the science of the medical art from time immemorial. One synthesis has replaced another, until Hahnemann appeared and crushed every known formula in the theory and practice of medicine with his overwhelming reason. He established the doctrine " similia similibus curentur," and taught and demonstrated the value of symptoms. He arranged the pathogenetic symptoms of drugs.into a system, which, it must be confessed, requires the most determined energy and perseverance to study and to master. The symptoms, as we find them arranged in the Materia Medica, seem to exhibit an incoherent skeleton of the medicinal virtues of our drugs. And yet it may be asserted a priori that all the symptoms which a drug is capable of producing in the animal organization, must be physiologically connected with one another by an invisible but nevertheless real bond. Considers ing the nervous system as a musical instrument and the nerves as the strings thereof, the symptoms would be like so many vibrations which the drug realizes upon that instrument. TRANSLATOR'S PREFACE. What now remains to be done is to show the physiological unity of the symptoms of a drug, and thus to establish its unitary character, and its primary, secondary, tertiary, or its essential and accidental attributes, in a manner which shall reduce the selection of a therapeutic agent to something like a mathematical certainty. The great object of our symptoms, and that which will ultimately redeem them and cause them to triumph, is to use them as the groundwork of a new system of physiological medicine, which shall be free from foolish speculations and shall be based upon experience. The great object for us to know is, what tissues, organs, nervous trunks are primarily affected by our drugs, and how? what secondarily, and how? etc.; and in what order are they affected? what is the nature of the pain? what the successive stages through which the pain may pass? what are the exact equivalent expressions for those successive degrees of the same pain? how is one symptom related to another or influenced by another? How, for instance, is a buzzing in the ear related to nausea, or a darting in the temples to uneasiness and looseness in the bowels? If we discover a certain symptom in one part of the system, in what other parts of the system ought we to look for affiliated symptoms, and what symptoms may we expect to find? These and similar questions the physiological homoeopathist ought to solve, and will solve if he understand his duty, and acquire that vast amount of anatomical and physiological science which is absolutely necessary to the accomplishment of that end. CHARLES JULIUS HEMPEL. NEW-YORK, August, 1846. PREFACE. How is it possible that small hommeopathic doses should have such great power? THIS question is not only asked by the ordinary allceopathic physicians, who vie with one another in prescribing large doses, but also by the beginners in homoeopathy. It is very foolish in itself to doubt the efficacy of small doses, inasmuch as every practitioner can have an opportunity of witnessing their effect. But although the effect of small doses cannot be denied, yet the deriders of homoeopathy are in the habit of ridiculing the minuteness of our doses by contrasting them with illusory similes. " If a drop of such a highly attenuated drug were capable of producing any effect upon the system," they object, " in that case every drop of the water of the lake of Geneva, into which a drop of medicine has fallen, ought to be more highly medicinal than homceopathic preparations, inasmuch as these contain proportionately much less medicine than the aforesaid drop would." I reply: In preparing homceopathic medicines, we do not simply add a small portion of medicine to an excessive quantity of an unmedicinal substance, mixing it but slightly, as must be the case in the simile above mentioned, which has been ex vi PREFACE. cogitated merely for the sake of derision; on the contrary, we add but a small portion of unmedicinal substance to a drop or a grain of medicine, and by means of the processes of shaking and trituration, we not only succeed in impregnating gradually andf most intimately every particle of the unmedicinal substance with the power of the medicine, but also in developing that power to an almost boundless extent. The fact that the inmost power of a medicinal agent can be infinitely developed by trituration and succussion, had never been known heretofore. We have not the means of effecting an intimate mixture of the medicinal substance with every drop of water in a lake. That mixture could not even be effected with a hogshead of water., A hundred weight of flour, if taken all at once, could not be mixed with a grain of medicine as intimately as if you took a hundred grains at a time, mixing them with the grain of medicine, and continuing to add another hundred grains of flour to one grain of every successive mixture until the whole shall have been taken. As I have said above, the peculiar mode which I have adopted for the preparation of homoeopathic.medicines, effects not only an intimate union of the medicine with the nonmedicinal substances with which it is shaken or triturated, but it effects such an infinite development of the inherent virtues of the drug, that the processes of trituration and succussion which I have introduced in our art, ought to be looked upon as one of the greatest discoveries of the present age, Certain phenomena have led us to suppose that the physical virtues of some of those substances of Nature which we call matter, can be developed by trituration; but no one has ever suspected to what an extent the dynamic power of drugs can be excited by trituration and subsequent succussion. Even the development of the physical virtues of material substances by trituration is astonishing. It is only the uninformed who consider matter something PREFACE. vii inanimate, whereas astonishingly great powers can be developed from its inmost depths by trituration.' The uninformed see indeed the sparks of fire which start in all directions when we strike a steel against a flint; but how many are they who have ever thought of what is really going on in that process? Almost every body strikes thoughtlessly the steel against the flint, but very few see the wonder, the great phenomenon which is really taking place. Those sparks are incandescent particles of steel, which, when allowed to fall upon paper, cool, and then appear as little globules of steel, which are frequently perceptible to the naked eye; or, at any rate, may be detected by means of the microscope. What? Is it possible that the friction of steel against flint should produce heat enough to cause steel to melt? Does it not require three thousand degrees of Farenheit's thermometer to melt steel? Whence comes this enormous heat? It does not come out of the air! For the same phenomenon takes place under the bell-jar of an air-pump. There remains nothing but friction to account for the phenomenon. Can the common man, who thoughtlessly draws his steel out of his pocket to light a piece of tinder, imagine that this cold steel contains an inexhaustible provision of caloric in a latent condition, which is developed, or, as it were, called into existence by friction? No, he does not believe it, and it is nevertheless true. It is only by friction that this inexhaustible provision of caloric can be elicited from the metals. Count Rumford, in the fourth volume of his writings, teaches us to heat rooms merely by quickly rubbing metallic plates against one another, without employing any fuel. Caloric, odor," etc., are not the only things which are deSee my treatise in the "Allgemeine Anzeiger der Deutschen," 1825, No. 194. Horn ivory bone, limestone impregnated with petroleum, etc., have no odor in their natural form; but when filed or rubbed they begin to smell, and even to stink intolerably, on which account the latter has been named lapis foetidus, although it has no smell in its original form. viii PREFACE. veloped by friction, but the dynamic virtues of drugs are developed likewise. I believe I have been the first to discover the great fact that the power of liquid medicinal substances can be developed by succussion, and that of dry medicinal substances by trituration, to such an extent that substances, which in their natural crude form did not seem to have any power, acquire an astonishing medicinal power by being triturated. Gold, silver, platina, vegetable charcoal, have no influence on the human organism in their natural form. Even the most sensitive individual may take several grains of crude gold, silver or charcoal, without experiencing medicinal symptoms. But after triturating one grain of gold with ninety-nine grains of sugar of milk, and continuing this trituration up to the twelfth potency, the remedial virtues of gold become roused to such an extent, that a man who was suffering with horrible melancholy, and who was impelled by intolerable anguish to take his life, needs but to smell for a few moments of such a preparation of gold, in order to recover his cheerfulness and love of life. It is self-evident, that in proportion as the power of medicinal substances is developed by trituration, they ought to be administered in smaller doses. S. HAHNEMANN. MATERIA MEDICA PURA. OPIUM. The dried milky juice from the green, half-ripe heads of the papaver somniferum, especially the large-headed white poppy, the papaver officinale. A number of chemists have endeavored recently to analyze opium into morphine, narcotine, meconic acid, extractive matter, caoutchouc, opium-balm, fat oil, glutinous matter, resin, gum, volatile matter. Most of them, however, disagree both in regard to the mode which they adopt in separating opium into its constituent ingredients, and in regard to their chemical nature and relative power. Considering this difference of opinion, the probability is that not much can be expected from those alkaloids in the treatment of disease. Homoeopathy uses the drug as nature gives it, and prepares it for medicinal purposes in such a manner as will make every constituent element of the original drug to enter into the prepared drug in the original proportions. The object of Homceopathy being to save, not to destroy life, we have no occasion, in our art, for morphine, or indeed for any of those dangdtous artificial preparations. We therefore either use the alcoholic solution of opium, or we triturate one grain of opium with ninety grains of sugar of milk, and prepare the potencies in the usual manner, using one or two pellets of the 30th potency at a dose, which is quite sufficient. It is much more difficult to observe the effects of opium than those of'any other drug. The primary effect of small doses, which affect the organism passively, appears to be to irritate for a time the voluntary, and to diminish the irritability of the involuntary muscles, VOL. IV. 2 2 OPIUM. to exalt the fancy and courage, and to blunt and stupify the external senses, the sentient sphere, and the consciousness. The contrary of this takes place when the organism reacts want of irritability and activity of the voluntary, and morbidly exalted irritability of the involuntary muscles, absence of ideas and dullness of the fancy, timidity and excessive susceptibility of the sentient sphere. The primary symptoms of large doses are not only dangerous, but they frequently succeed one another with a sort of tumultuous hurry, are frequently intermingled with secondary effects, or suddenly change to the latter. In some persons single symptoms are more striking than in others. We know of no medicine which is more capable of suppressing the lamentations of the patient more easily than opium. It is in this delusive power of opium that originates the great abuse which has been made of it. If the use of opium were generally followed by as good effects as it frequently is, there would be no drug which would do as much good as opium. But the contrary is generally the case. The power and speed with which it acts, make great caution and a careful knowledge of the circumstances where it ought to be administered, an indispensable condition of its being administered with benefit. This is not possible except when it acts homceopathically to the symptoms. In some rare cases where physicians dared to act contrary to the rule " contraria contrariis curentur," or when they made a mistake or acted numinis affiatu, by the inspiration of a god, wonderful cures have been effected by opium. Generally, however, opium has been used as a palliative, and no palliative is more capable of disguising morbid symptoms or smoothing them over, no palliative produces a more dangerous reaction and does more positive injury after its palliating effect has passed off, than opium. Opium has been used as the principal remedy against all sorts of cough, diarrhoea, vomiting, sleeplessness, melancholy, spasms, nervous complaints, especially against all sorts of pains. But very few of those ailments are primary effects of opium; most of them are the opposite of those primary effects; this shows how little permanent good must have been accomplished by opium in the treatment of those affections, as is indeed abundantly confirmed by experience. Opium has sometimes removed slight and recent cases of diarrhoea, vomiting, sleeplessness, trembling, etc., in a perfectly healthy body. A short cough which has been occasioned by a OPIUM. cold, a recent trembling occasioned by fright,' a diarrhoea which has been suddenly occasioned by fear, by a cold or other slight causes; retching, which has come on in consequence of a moral emotion, loathing, etc., may yield to opium, and sometimes does yield suddenly, because all that opium requires to do in these affections, is, to suppress them for a short while, in order to enable the organism to remove in the meanwhile all disposition to those affections, and to effect its restoration to health by means of its own inherent recuperative power. (See Organon of the Healing Art, ~ 63. Note.) The power which opium possesses, to palliate the above named trivial affections, should not lead one to suppose that opium really possesses the power to cure such affections permanently, under all circumstances; those affections cannot be cured by opium if they are fragmentary symptoms of a more comprehensive affection to which opium is not homoopathic, or after they have lasted for some time. It is for this reason that opium has been employed in every country to the detriment of patients affected with old cough, chronic diarrhcea, chronic sleeplessness, chronic vomiting, habitual spasms, fits of anxiety and trembling. These ailments have never, in a single instance, been cured by opium, if they were either fragmentary symptoms of an affection to which opium was a mere antipathic, or after they had been in the organism for a certain length of time. In using opium in the above mentioned affections, as a palliative remedy, a delusive alleviation is at first experienced; the influence of opium disappearing in a couple of hours, the dose of opium has to be increased in order to secure the continuance of its palliating influence, until, finally, it is increased to such an extent that opium-symptoms are produced in the system, which are frequently much more troublesome and dangerous than the original disease. What a pernicious although universal abuse of a drug which God has destined for the cure of totally different affections!2 The greatest abuse which has been made of opium is as 1 Smelling of a pellet of the 30th potency of opium, removes the effects of recent frights, were they ever so violent, almost instantaneously, but only when the smelling is resorted to immediately after the fright; if used too late, the opium does mischief. 2 Opium is a specific for certain kinds of the most obstinate constipations, and for acute fevers characterized by a sopor bordering upon stupor and by absence of without any complaint, snoring with the mouth open, half jerking of the limbs, burning heat of the perspiring body, and. for some other morbid conditions to which opium is homoeopathic. OPIUM. an anodyne against pains of any kind, no matter how old and inveterate they might have been.' The fact that opium should be used as an anodyne against all sorts of pain, appears of itself foolish to common sense. Physicians ought to consider that pains vary according to the nature of the disease, locality, time, the circumstances in which they originate, are excited again, increased or diminished, etc., and that this variety of pains requires a corresponding variety of remedies, inasmuch as every drug, being itselfa finite substance, can only have a finite sphere of action. Opium is no true anodyne, does not cure pain. Among the primary symptoms of opium there is not one symptom of pain. Every other drug excites a particular kind of pain in the organism and is therefore capable of curing a similar pain, especially when all the other symptoms correspond. Opium is the only drug which is incapable of curing a single pain, for this reason, that it does not produce any kind of pain as a primary symptom, but on the contrary insensibility, which is necessarily followed by an increase of sensibility as a secondary effect and a corresponding increase of pain. All the pains which have been palliated by opium, return as soon as the stupefying effect of opium has passed off, and return at least with all their former violence.2 Generally the pains return with greater violence, and their farther suppres' Although I have condemned the practice of administering opium as an anodyne as late as twenty years ago (see the first edition of the Organon, 1810); although I have shown that practice to be a sinful transgression of the just rights of the patient, nevertheless the practice has continued as before without any intermission. The perpetrators of that practice have indignantly rejected my exhortations; my exhortations, intruding upon their thoughtless routine, have roused their anger just as the impenitent sinner, whose conscience is struck by the sermon of the minister, growls at the latter instead of being dissatisfied with himself. But what does a man like me, who feels bound in his soul to teach important truths, and who has truth and nature on his side, care what.those incorrigible spouters may say? He who feels strong enough to discover errors and to enlarge the boundaries of science, is obliged to do so, and the public ought to listen -to him, although a whole school, who thinks its authority so well founded that it does not think it worth while to appeal to nature, or who feels bound, at any rate to suppress the memory of the discoverer, should be,offended by the new doctrine.-Fr. Casimir MAedicus. 2 Willis, in his Pharmacia Rationalis, says, p. 298: " Opiates generally alleviate the most horrid pains and produce insensibility for a.certain time; but as soon as that time is passed, the pains return immediately and soon become as violent as before;" and page 295: " When.the opium ceases to act, the colic returns, and does not abate till the %opium is resorted to again." OPIUM. 5 sion requires increasingly large doses of opium, which, finally, establishes its own peculiar effects in the organism. This suppression of pain by means of opium is mere quackery, deception of both the patient and his friends, and is frequently attended with dangerous and even fatal consequences, which are represented as a new disease by those who administer the poisonous drug.' Chronic maladies are the touch-stone of true treatment, because they do not disappear of themselves; slight ailments which come on of a sudden, pass off with or without medicines, by the recuperative power of the organism; but if remedies do act as curatives in acute affections, these ought to disappear much more speedily than when no medicine is given. If opium seems to appease pain in acute diseases, it is because these diseases either became speedily fatal, or else disappear of themselves in a few days, together with the pain. Opium cures pain indirectly when it is homneopathic to the general affection, in which case the pain disappears together with the disease. Every case of dysentery, for instance, depends upon a retention of feces in the upper.part of the intestinal canal; it is evident that some cases of dysentery which are accompanied with heat and stupor, may be cured by opium, for the simple reason that certain primary effects of opium correspond to those symptoms hornmopathically, and of course cover the accompanying pains which were occasioned by the spasmodic retention of the fbeces. The pain in lead-colic cannot be removed by opium until the constipation which had been occasioned by the lead, has been conquered by small doses of opium; the pain disappears indirectly, but does not yield to the stupefying power of opium. Opium can never cure pain directly, without doing injury; on the contrary, it is a principal remedy in those affections where a condition of stupor has made the patient insensible to pain, for instance, in decubitus, etc. Painful diseases, both acute and chronic, can only be cured by a remedy which is capable of producing in its primary action upon the organism a pain similar to the one which it is intended to cure; when that remedy is administered, both the disease and the pain disappear at the same time. Opium being given as an antipathic remedy to pains, it was Alloeopathic physicians frequently occasion inflammations of the brain and bowels by attempting to suppress violent headache and colic by large doses of opium. OPIUM. a matter of course that it should produce dangerous drugsymptoms, such as stupefaction, constipation, and the like. Instead of looking upon these symptoms as necessary effects of improper doses of opium, they were looked upon as accidental inconveniences which might be corrected by certain artificial contrivances, so called corrigentia, the effect of which was supposed to be that opium would alleviate pain without producing delirium and costiveness; that it would arrest vomiting and diarrhoea without stupefying, and that it would convert sleeplessness into sound sleep without exciting heat, and without leaving any headache, trembling, weakness, chilliness or low-spiritedness. To counteract the coldness which was experienced as a secondary effect of opium, heating spices were added, and its constipating virtue was supposed to be counteracted by cathartics and salts. By dissolving it several times in water, by filtering and inspissating it, its crude, pretendedly useless and hurtful resin was supposed to be separated from it, and the pretendedly poisonous narcotic essence was supposed to be expelled by submitting the opium to digestive processes for months; it was even thought that it might be refined and moderated by roasting, and that it might in this manner be converted into a precious and faultless panacea against all sorts of complaints, pains, sleeplessness, diarrhoea, etc. This was, however, an illusion; all that could be accomplished by such expedients was, to diminish the power of opium without changing its nature. Larger doses were now required to attain the same object, and whenever those larger doses were administered, they acted as the original opium; the new preparation had the same stupefying effect, produced the same kind of costiveness, etc., and it became evident that opium has no useless or bad quality, but that its peculiar effects must become troublesome, prejudicial, and even dangerous, if the drug is employed antipathically, no matter whether in its original form or after having been weakened by a multitude of expensive contrivances. Opium, especially when administered in large doses, has a peculiar effect upon those who are not accustomed to it, or who are very excitable; it produces a momentary reaction of a peculiar kind, which is short, occurs but seldom, and ought not to be confounded with the real primary and principal effect of opium. These rare, momentary, incipient reactions correspond almost entirely to the secondary effects of the organism when primarily acted upon by opium; they are a sort of reflex of these secondary effects; deadly paleness, cold sweat, timid an OPIUM. guish, trembling, mucous diarrhoea, momentary vomiting or short cough, and occasionally one or the other kinds of pain. In cases of poisoning by opium, the genuine primary effects of opium are not seen; but the incipient reactions just mentioned at once terminate in death. I have seen such cases, and Willis relates some in his Pharm. Rat., sect. VII, cap. I., p. 292. The oriental opium-eaters are constantly in a state of the secondary effects of opium, after the effects of opium have subsided; their mental powers are very much weakened by the frequent use of that drug; chilly, pale, bloated, trembling, lowspirited, weak, stupid, and with an evident feeling of internal discomfort and anxiety does the opium-eater stagger to the opium shop in the morning to swallow his number of opiumpills, in order to accelerate the course and restore the warmth of the blood, to raise his sunken spirits, to animate his cold and barren imagination with a few ideas, and to rouse for a time the activity of his paralytic muscles. The symptoms which will be found enumerated hereafter are, most of them, secondary effects of the organism. Would that those physicians who continue to administer large doses of opium as an antipathic remedy, reflected on those horrid secondary effects. I should say that they ought to suffice to arouse the humane feelings of those men, to enlighten their consciences about the wrong they commit, and to prompt them to use opium for the benefit, not for the ruin of their patients. Dangerous doses of the tincture of opium are antidoted by the tincture of ipecacuanha, camphor, and especially by strong coffee, which is to be given by the mouth and rectum, and is to be accompanied by friction of the body. But when icy-coldness of the body, insensibility and want of irritability of the muscular fibre have already set in, a warm bath is to be added to the above means. When large doses of opium, which had been administered for the purpose of alleviating pain and arresting diarrhoea, had produced paralysis of the limbs, it can scarcely ever be expected that such paralysis should be cured, no more than paralysis caused by violent electric shocks can ever be relieved. Some of the primary effects of opium last only a couple of hours, others, especially when produced by larger doses, last longer, unless they should cause immediate death. Opium is one of those drugs the primary effects of which seldom correspond homceopat!hically to the symptoms of disease; but, when they do, a few pellets of the 30th potency are sufficient at a dose. My co-observers are, Cubitz, Gutmann, Schoenike, Stapf. 8 OPIUM. OPIUM. HEAD: Vertigo, when stooping. (a. 20 h.) Vertigo and stupefaction of the head. Violent vertigo obliges him to sit down.-5. Vertigo, as if every thing were turning with him in a circle. He feels giddy, anxious; his senses are confused. Vertigo and confusion of the mind. He staggered to and fro like one intoxicated. Intoxication.-10. A sort of intoxication which prevented her from keeping herself on her legs. Small doses of opium produce cheerfulness of mind, larger doses produce intoxication. Cloudiness of the head (immediately). Gloomy feeling of thle head, with a feeling of dry heat in the eyes, and a disposition of the eyes to close, without, however, feeling drowsy, with sensation as if he had been awake the night before. The head feels heavy and as if intoxicated (for 12 hours).-15. Obtuse feeling of the head. Sensation in the head as if smoke were ascending into the brain. Stupefaction. Dullness of the understanding, as if he had a board before his head, accompanied with vertigo, which obliges him to lie down, followed by trembling of the body which lasts for some time. Violent stupefaction and intoxication (from smelling much opium).-20. Dull stupefaction, with faint eyes and extreme debility. Stupefaction and insensibility; his answers, however, are appropriate. Sensation in the head as one experiences after waking from sleep consequent upon a violent intoxication with wine. Dullness of mind, short, anxious respiration, with heaving of the chest; the eyes are full of water and half closed. Ideas crowd upon him; he feels cheerful.--25. He feels more disposed to serious, important affairs. He is without sleep the whole night, but more disposed to elevated contemplations. After taking opium, the evening previous, he lost all inclination to sleep; his imagination and memory became astonishingly strong, so that he was almost forced, as it were, to pass the night in the deepest meditations; at daybreak he slumbered for a few hours, after which he was unable to recollect what he had been thinking during the night.' Slow thought, ' The mental and moral symptoms of opium are less easily distinguished from one another than in any other drug; in opium they are generally united. When opium is used palliatively for the purpose of suppressing pain, spasms, or a mental or moral condition contrary to that which opium is capable of producing (as in 619, 25, 612, 613, 611, 605, 614), or for the purpose of suppressing the natural night-sleep, it generally occasions in the place of those symptoms a sort of mental or moral ecstasy, which is a suddenly passing primary effect. This ecstasy is very much like the state of clairvoyance. OPIUM. stupidity, absence of sense. Taciturn.-30. Weakness of mind. Disappearance of the mental faculties. Dullness of sense. Dullness of mind. Dullness of all the senses and mental faculties.-35. Indifference to pain or pleasure. Stupefaction, indifference. The head feels dull; he has no clear notion of any thing; when reading, he is unable to conceive the meaning of what he is reading. Dullness of sense. (a. 8, 12 h.) He does not recognize his nearest relatives, the most familiar objects.-40. His senses are dull, he is insensible, he is scarcely conscious of his existence; his answers, however, were pretty appropriate. He is not conscious of himself. Stupefaction and loss of rationality. Dullness of physical sensations, which sometimes disappear altogether. She was unconscious of what took place around her; she seemed to be insensible; the joints were flexible, and all the muscles were in a state of relaxation. -45. Cloudiness and weakness of the mind; he deceives himself, as if his eyes were four times as large as they are, and as if his body had gigantic proportions. Sensation as if he were flying or hovering through the air, and as if every thing were turning with him. He sees and hears, but he has no taste, smell or tact; however, he feels the coldness of his own body. (a. 1- h.) Stupidity. Stupidity, indifference to external objects.-50. Stupidity and imbecility. Opium-eaters are drowsy and almost stupid. Opium-eaters are alivays indolent and intoxicated. Want of memory. Loss of memory.-55. Weakness of memory (when using opium frequently). Loss of memory (for several weeks). Long-lasting loss of memory.' Wavering ideas.-60. He is insensible to shame and refined feelings. The power of volition was overcome by the least cause. Opium-eaters are said to be inconstant; they frequently promise what they afterwards refuse to fulfil, (every body is on his guard against them; does not want to have any thing to do with them). Rush of blood to the brain. (The vessels of the brain were distended with blood.)-65. Pulsations of the arteries of the head. He hears the arterial blood rise to the brain. Painful headache, in the occiput. Headache on one side of the forehead, with pressure from within outward, increased by external pressure. Headache, as if there were pressure in the forehead from within outward.-70. Tearing and 1 Note to symptoms 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58. When these conditions have become continuous, and have been made permanent by eating opium for a long time, they denote a certain paralysis of the organs of the mind, which it is probably impossible to cure. (From 53-58 are secondary effects.) 10 OPIUM. beating in the forehead, sour eructations, sour vomiting; she had to lie down, after which she began to perspire. Single twitchings in the temporal muscles. Sort of pressure in the forehead, which seemed to extend as far as the eyes and nose. Sensation of tightness in the head. Headache.--75. Violent headache. Pain in the head as if all the contents were torn, with sensation as if every part in the body were turning wrong side up, with a feeling of angriness and uncomfortableness. Heaviness of the head. Heaviness of the head for several days; theocciput feels like lead, the head falling backward constantly; it was impossible to keep it erect.-80. He is unable to keep his head erect; it totters to and fro. FACE: Sunken, pale countenance. Pale countenance. Frequent alternation of redness and paleness of the countenance. Pale countenance and nausea, with sensation of drowsiness and diminution of all the secretions, frequently even of exhalation.-85. Pale face and forehead, and glassy eyes. Claycolored countenance. Clay-colored, pale countenance, faint eyes filled with tears; he slumbers with his eyes half open, does not heed any thing, gives vague answers, passes his stool involuntarily, sinks into his knees, and falls, and has a short, anxious respiration. Bluish, clay-colored face. He looks in his face as if he had not slept enough, or as if he had been revelling the whole night, with sunken, winking eyes.-90. All the muscles of his face look relaxed, which gives the face a stupid expression; the lower lip feels inclined to hang down relaxed, the nostrils are wide open, and it is only with great difficulty that he can raise the upper eyelid. Red spots on either cheek. Bloated countenance. Bloated countenance, hot and dry skin, white tongue, hoarseness, oppressed breathing, spitting of blood. Dark-red countenance.-95. The face is entirely red. Red, bloated, swollen countenance. The face is cherry-brown. The veins of the face are distended. The face is red and puffed, and the veins of the head are distended.100. The face and eyes are red. The face is uncommonly red, and the lips are swollen. The face is not only red, but looks inflamed. The face is entirely red, and the eyes look wild, red, and protrude from their sockets.-105. Disfigured countenance, taciturnity, staring eyes. Spasms of the facial muscles. Spasmodic movements of the facial muscles. (a. 7 days.) Convulsive trembling of the facial muscles, lips and tongue. EYES: Glistening, sparkling eyes.-110. Staring and glistening eyes. Glassy, protruded, immoveable eyes, which do not see any thing, like those of a dying man. The pupils are OPIUM. I1 immoveable to the light. Dilated pupils (the first hour). The pupils dilate easily.-115. Contracted pupils. The eye is only half closed, and the pupils are dilated without possessing any irritability. Open eyes with the pupils turned upward. Sensation in the eyes as if they were too large for their cavities. He stares at those who are present with watery eyes, but he does not know what is taking place, and he is unable to recognize those persons.-120. Scintillations before the eyes. Dimsightedness, as if he were looking through a gauze. His eyes see black; he is giddy. Although he has his full understanding, yet he complains that his eyes are obscured, and that he is getting blind. (a. 4 h.) Swelling of the lower eyelids.125. The eyelids hang down as if paralyzed. The eyelids are trembling, they cover the globe only half. EARS: Dull roaring in the ears, after dinner (in four hours). Humming in the ears (very soon). Ringing in the ears. MOUTH AND TEETH:-130. The lower lip is painful when touching it with the upper teeth or with the fingers. Distortion of the mouth. Locked jaw. Violent pains in the lower jaw (after 7 days). Force had to be used in opening her mouth, and pouring a few tablespoonfuls of soup down her throat.-135. Pain of the upper jaw. (a. 8 h.) Toothache. Vacillation of the teeth. Fine, corrosive pain in the nerves of the tooth. (a. 8 h.) Hanging down of the lower jaw.-140. Paralysis of the tongue. Speech becomes feeble when he begins to talk; he has to make an effort in talking loud. He is unable to talk, although his mouth is open. He stutters. White tongue.-145. Black tongue. Ptyalism. Profuse Ptyalism. Ptyalism as if occasioned by mercury.-150. Suppresses the secretions from the salivary glands, the Schneiderian membrane and glands of the larynx. Inspissates the saliva, the nasal mucus, the mucus of the trachea, and makes the tongue dry. Dryness of the tongue, palate and fauces, without inclination to drink. Feeling of dryness of the anterior part of the tongue, without thirst, early in the morning. Dryness in the mouth, without any desire for drink, with chilliness over the abdomen.-155. Dryness over the whole mouth, with little thirst. Dryness in the back part of the throat. Dryness in the throat and on the tongue. The mouth is so dry that he is scarcely able to utter a word. Violent thirst, especially a desire for small beer.--160. Causes little ulcers in the mouth and on the top of the tongue.' Occasions ulcers in the palate and on the tongue. When chewed, it burns the mouth and SFrom tasting opium. 12 OPIUM. tongue, and inflames the throat. Excites an intolerable, biting burning on the tongue, as of pepper.'-165. The veins of the neck are distended, and the arteries pulsate violently. Difficult deglutition. Inability to swallow. Bitter mouth. Flat, almost no taste.-170. Sour taste. Bitter taste in the mouth, next morning. Loss of appetite. Takes away the appetite immediately (when taken in a somewhat large quantity).-175. Want of appetite either for solid or liquid food. He has an aversion to all things. Aversion to food, for a long while. Excessive aversion to food, with extreme debility. Extreme aversion to meat, with impure tongue.-180. He asks for food, but as soon as he has swallowed a morsel he does not care any for the remainder. Increase of appetite. Canine hunger in frequent paroxysms, sometimes accompanied with a flat taste in the mouth. (a. 3 and several hours.) Canine hunger, with puffiness and oppression of the stomach after a meal.-185. Excessive hunger with great debility. Canine hunger with aversion to food. GASTRIC SYMPTOMS: Nausea. Inclination to vomit. Frequent nausea and vomiting.-190. Violent retching. Vomiting. (after a few minutes.) Inclination to vomit, during exercise. Vomiting after a meal.-195. Disposition to vomit; hematemesis. Pain in the stomach and convulsive motions, during which she vomits. Continual vomiting. Green vomiting.-200. The stomach is insensible to emetics. Eructations. (a. 5. h.) STOMACH: Repletion of the stomach. Oppression of the stomach. Continued hiccough, with short intermissions.-205. Violent pressure at the stomach (immediately). Weakness of the stomach. Oppression of the stomach as if a stone were lying in it. (a. 2 h.) Violent pressure in the region of the stomach, immediately after dinner, diminishing during a walk. Painful distention of the stomach.-210. Troublesome pressure across the stomach, after dinner, as if he had eaten too much, or as if the food had been too hard; this pressure is relieved by walking in the open air. Violent pain in the stomach. Sudden pressure at the stomach and compression of the diaphragm. Constrictive pain in the stomach, intolerable and giving one a deadly anguish.2 Weakens the stomach.-215. Retards digestion and diminishes the appetite. Slow digestion. Disturbs digestion, occasions a feeling of heaviness, and compression in the stomach, and an indescribable trouble in the pit of the stomach. Painful distention of the pit of the stomach. When taken into the mouth in a certain quantity. 2 From opium being taken immediately after dinner. OPIUM. 13 ABDOMEN: Distention of the abdomen, especially in the umbilical region.-220. Sensation of distention of the abdomen and especially the stomach. Accumulation of flatulence in the stomach and intestines. Distended abdomen. The abdomen is distended and painful. Pain in the abdomen, as if one had taken a cathartic. (a., h.)-225. Colic, as from a cold. Simple pain in the abdomen, as if bruised. (a. 2 h.) Oppression of the abdomen, and a pressing puffliness of the abdomen, as if it would burst; the pressure decreased by moving the body, but it returned when sitting down. (a. 2 h.) Constant formation of flatulence. Frequent emission of flatulence. -230. Sensation as if the abdomen were oppressed by a weight in the umbilical region, with anxiety; a feeling of flying internal heat and stupefaction of the head. (a. 1 h.) Beating in the abdomen. Aching and tensive pain in the abdomen. (a. 24 h.) Stitches in the left side of the abdomen, also between the inspirations. (a. 3 h.) Colic, before and after stool. -235. Oppression and heaviness in the abdomen, as of a stone. Drawing colic. Pain in the abdomen, as if the intestines were cut to pieces. STOOL: Sluggishness of the peristaltic motion, retention of stool. Paralysis of the intestines.-240. Costiveness. Retention of stool and urine.-245. Constipation for ten days, terminating in death. Hard stool, preceded by pinching pain in the abdomen, and flatulence. Sensation, when making an effort at stool, as if the passage into the rectum were closed. Hard stool for six days, he has to make an effort every time he goes to stool. Costiveness for 6, 8 weeks, with loss of appetite; no stool was passed except by an injection; even in this case nothing but small, hard balls were passed.-250. Costiveness for several months. Opium sometimes causes diarrhoea (secondary effect). Papescent stool (immediately or in - hour). -255. Fetid stool. (a. 20 h.) Increase of stool. Watery diarrhoea.' Discharge of a black substance by the rectum. (a. 24 h.) Liquid, frothy stools, with itching, burning in the region of the anus, and a violent tenesmus.-260. Fetid diarrhoea. Violent, painful movement of the fetus, frequently intermitting for hours, but afterwards returning with so much more violence. The uterus had become soft. Excessive, laborlike pains in the uterus, obliging her to bend double, with anxious, but almost ineffectual desire for stool. (a. - h.) Excessive pain in the rectum, with distensive pressure (between 4 and 6 hours). SWhenever she uses opium for her tooth-ache. 14 OPIUM. URINARY ORGANS: Lemon-colored urise, with a good deal of sediment. Dark-colored urine. Dark urine and dry tongue. The urine is dark-red, and deposits a sediment. Hematuria.-270. Scanty, but red urine, without clouds. The urine has a brick-colored sediment. When making an effort to urinate, he feels as if the passage into the urethra were closed. Spontaneous interruption of the stream when urinating. He is not able to emit urine, except after great efforts.-275. He emits but little urine of a very dark-red color, with cutting pains during micturition. Suppression of urine. Retention of urine.-280. Retention of urine with dry mouth, and increased thirst. Weakens the contractile power of the urinary bladder. Opium sometimes suppresses, sometimes excites the urine. Excites the urine. GENITAL ORGANS: Erections during sleep, and impotence after waking. Excessive erection. Excitation of the sexual instinct, erection, emission, and lascivious dreams.-290. Excitation of the sexual desire, erection for 24 hours, lascivious dreams, emission. Emission (1 night). Nightly amorous visions, emissions. Excessive excitation of the sexual desire. -295. In some the sexual desire is excited, in others diminished. Slow, sexual desire. Opium is supposed to diminish the sexual powers. Excites the sexual desire. Impotence.300. Impotence. Diminution of the sexual desire. Increased menstrual discharge. (a. 2 h.) Opium left the menstrual functions undisturbed, even in a case where it had been used for thirty years every day, in doses of four grains and more, causing very painful, spasmodic paroxysms. CORYZA AND RESPIRATORY ORGANS: Obstruction of the nose, like dry coryza, in the warm room, after walking in the open air.-305. Hoarseness. Hoarseness, with dry mouth and white tongue. Excessive hoarseness. Hoarseness as if occasioned by mucus in the trachea. When swallowing liquids she coughed.-310. The cough is worse after a meal. Hollow, dry cough (immediately after taking the drug); it passes off again very speedily. Paroxysms of a violent dry cough; followed by yawning and a sudden loud cry. (a. 36 h.) His face becomes suddenly blue, and he wants to cough, but the breathing is arrested; after this he falls into a deep sleep, his body being covered with a cold sweat. (a. 30 h.) Cough during deglutition.-315. He coughs up a frothy mucus. CHEST: Spitting of blood. Expectoration of a thick, sanguineous mucus. Suppression of the sanguineous expectoration and stool. Quick respiration.-320. Quick, oppressed, OPIUM. 15 anxious respiration. Accelerated, difficult respiration. The breathing is shorter and shorter. Slow respiration. Difficult, oppressed respiration, especially at night.-325. At times single, deep inspirations; at times the breathing is suppressed for minutes. The inspirations are long and sighing. Short, snoring breathing, which is from time to time arrested for half a minute. Short attacks of anxiety, with short, oppressed breathing and trembling of the arms and hands.-330. Difficult respiration and anxiety. Anxiety, with contraction and tightness of the chest. Constriction of the chest, as if it were stiff; difficult respiration. Asthma, as if he would be attacked with pleurisy, accompanied with tension in the region of the scapula. Spasmodic asthma.-335. Oppressed and difficult respiration, and anxiety about the heart. Diminished breathing; asthma. Difficult, impeded respiration. Deep, snoring breathing. Difficult, deep breathing.-340. Panting, loud breathing. Excessively difficult and anxious breathing, with open mouth. The breathing was at times snoring and loud, at times difficult and feeble. Loud, painful, raling respiration. -345. Moaning, slow respiration. (a 4 h.) Moaning, suppressed breathing. The breathing is imperceptible; some. times accompanied with a little noise.-350. Irregular, suffocative breathing. Oppressed, difficult and irregular breathing. The breathing stops for a few minutes, after which it returns with a sigh. The breathing was arrested; for five minutes he was like one dead; after this the inspirations became short and sudden, as if hiccough were about to set in. The breathing was interrupted by progressively increasing intervals, until death set in.-355. Excessive aching pain in the right side of the chest, also between the acts of inspiration, with stitches in that side during an inspiration (a. 1 h.) Drawing tearing pain in the side of the chest. Contractive (clawing) pain in the sternum and back, which is felt during motion. He feels hot in the chest. Burning in the heart, as of glowing coal; she thinks she will die with it.-360. Pain in the hypochondria, especially the right. Tension in the infra-costal region; it is very painful to the touch. (a. 4 h.) Tensive pain below the short ribs, along the attachment of the diaphragm, during an inspiration. UPPER LIMBS: Single twitchings in the arms.-365. Convulsive motion to and fro in one or the other arm. Paroxysmal trembling in the left arm. (a. 3 h.) Tingling sensation in the fingers, increasing when seizing any thing. Itching of the arms and shoulders. Trembling of the hands.-370. The arm is paralyzed. (a. 48 h.) Disagreeable creeping in hands and feet, passing over into a frightful rolling. 16 OPIUM. LOWER EXTREMITIES: The lower limb is almost insensible. Violent itching of the lower limbs, in the evening. Weakness of the lower limbs.-375. Sensation as if the blood-vessels were alternately traversed by sudden torrents of fire and by icy cold water. Drawing-tearing pain in the back. He strikes his foot convulsively up and down, with a sudden, loud cry. Numbness of the foot. The foot feels stiff, and is so sensitive that he can neither tread upon it, nor use it in walking. 380.- Swelling of the foot. Heaviness of the feet after a meal. (a. 2 h.) GENERAL SYMPTOMS: Horrid pains, penetrating the marrow of the bones. Emaciation of the whole body. Dropsical condition of the body.-385. He cannot bear the open air, and feels as if he would catch cold. Pale, bluish color of the skin. The skin of the body, especially that of the genital organs is blue. Blue spots on the body, here and there. The whole body is red.-390. Burning pain and sometimes itching of the skin. Burning and itching of the skin, and rising of the epidermis in pustules.' Stinging itching in the skin here and there. Itching, especially of the upper parts of the body, commencing at the chest and extending over the face, especially the nose. Troublesome itching.-395. Redness and itching of the skin. Itching of the whole body; after scratching, red blotches make their appearance, itching a good deal, but soon disappearing again. Cutaneous eruptions, and sometimes itching. Sweat is frequently followed by cutaneous eruptions and a smarting itching in the skin.-400. Small red itching spots on the skin here and there. Itching and creeping in all the limbs. (a. 5 h.) Sensibility is diminished first, afterwards irritability. The limbs are numb and insensible. The limbs are numb and insensible, the whole body being cold. (a. 2 h.) FITs, SPASMs:-405. Cold, stiff body. Tetanus. Incipient opisthotonus. Sort of opisthotonic spasm of the nape of the neck. (a. 1 h.) The back is stiff and straight (a sort of tetanus, between the first and second hour).-410. The trunk is curved in the form of an arch, owing to the violent tremor in the limbs, which causes a sensation in the nerves as if they would be pulled to pieces.. Rigor of the whole body. (a. 1 h.) Tetanus and epileptic convulsions.2 Convulsions.3 Spasmodic motions, accompanied by cries.-415. Convulsive movements. Epilepsy. Epileptic fits, with violent delirium. Foam at the I From the frequent use of opium. 2 Shortly before death. 3 From large doses. OPIUM. 17 mouth. Uneasiness in the sound limbs, which cannot remain quiet a moment.-420. Tremor of the whole body, as if he had become frightened, accompanied with single jerks in the body and twitchings in the limbs, the flexor muscles whereof are the only muscles in a state of activity, the outer parts of the body being cold. Convulsive trembling of the limbs. Spasmodic trembling of the limbs. Tremulous motion in all the limbs, causing every nerve to be pulled upon. Staggering.425. He is unable to walk without staggering. Agreeable weariness, as if occasioned by intoxication. Slow, vacillating gait. Invincible weariness. Indolence.-430. Great inclination to lean against every thing, to stretch the feet carelessly, and to support the head upon one arm. He feels strong. Debility. (a. 8, 12 h.) Laxness, indolence.-435. Debilitated; every thing is disagreeable to him; he is drowsy, dizzy, stupefied, sad, and he loses his memory.' Opium suppresses the mobility of the voluntary muscles, diminishes the sensibility, and therefore causes sleep. In strong persons opium diminishes the power of the voluntary muscles, makes the head feel heavy, and causes great debility.2 Grows soon old.-440. Opium causes a sensible diminution of strength, and takes away the tone and the mobility of the solids. Relaxation of the limbs and debility. The mobility of the muscles decreases. Heaviness of the limbs. (a. 14 h.) Debility.3-445. Opium frequently causes apoplexy.4 Is unable to do any thing, feels faint and weak. He is scarcely able to stir his feet, or to make a step forward, even when obliged by force.-450. Debility, and inability to move. He became excessively debilitated. Difficulty of moving the muscles. Increased inability of moving the limbs. Laxness of the muscles, occasioning a sort of paralysis.-455. Laxness of all the muscles. Paralysis.5 The limbs were immoveable, and remained in the position in which they were placed. Great debility and sinking of the vital forces." Uncomfortableness, both of the body and mind. SAfter the primary effect has passed off. 2 This diminution of the power, and even paralysis of the voluntary muscles is a secondary effect of opium; the primary effect of opium is to excite the power of the voluntary muscles: if the primary effect is interrupted by stupefaction and stupor, one or the other limb continues to jerk nevertheless. 3 From the daily use of opium. 4 From large doses. 5 From taking too frequent and too strong doses of opium. 6 Even until death ensued. VOL. IV. 3 18 OPIUM. (a. 8, 12 h.)--460. Fainting fits. Fainting fit every quarter of an hour; he closes his eyes, hangs his head, with weak breathing, without consciousness, the pulse remaining unaltered; this is followed by a few spasmodic concussions of the body, a few minutes after which the paroxysm terminates in a sigh; afterwards anxiety.' Hemorrhage from a vein which had been opened a little while ago (until the person died). Her strength feeling increased, she attempted to rise from her bed, but she fainted immediately, and felt giddy; after lying down her consciousness and strength returned. Inclination to lie down. SLEEP:-Yawning for many hours, with pain in the articulations of the jaws, as if they would break. Drowsiness. Great inclination to sleep. Falls asleep suddenly. Coma vigil.-470. Unintelligible talk during the sopor. A sort of sopor, the eyelids being half open, the eyeballs being turned upwards below the upper eyelid, the mouth being more or less open, and the breathing being snoring. Drowsiness, sopor, stupor. Sopor. Produces a morbid slumber in place of a sound sleep.-475. Continuous sopor in the night, with increase of thirst, clean tongue with dark-red edges, and dry, parched lips. The opium-sleep passed over into an unusual stupor. The stupor was so intense that it was impossible to get an answer out of him.-480. Sound sleep, with raling breathing, as after an apoplectic fit. (a. 6 h.) Almost constant slumbering, the eyelids being half closed, accompanied with constant grasping at flocks, and moving of the hands over the bed-cover. Stupor, without consciousness, and raling in the chest. Sleep with consciousness. He hears every thing that is said, but is unable to wake himself; he wakes after the lapse of two hours. By shaking the patient and talking to her, it was possible to wake her. When awake she complained and wished to die soon.-485. Sopor and insensibility, with natural warmth, and a natural pulse and respiration. Unconquerable sleep, during which he feels pain, however, and opens his eyes when pinched. Irresistible sleep (immediately after taking two and more grains), which was however disturbed with dreams, and at the termination of which he felt nauseated instead of refreshed. Unrefreshing sleep with general sweat. Weariness after a sleep produced by opium.-490. He feels faint-hearted when waking. Inclination to vomit when waking. On waking from his opium-sleep he feels faint, his head feels heavy and the throat feels dry. Erection 1 From the tincture of'opium mixed with spirits ot hartshorn. OPIUM. 19 during sleep, and impotence after waking. Stuttering on waking from his opium-sleep.-495. Difficulty of moving the tongue, after waking. The head feels gloomy after waking. He starts in his sleep; on waking he is like one drunk and half crazy. Intoxication and vertigo after the sleep. He feels still more exhausted after waking, owing to restless dreams in the night.-500. A man who had not had any dreams for a long time past, dreamed after taking opium. The whole night he was haunted by a multitude of visions. and fancies. Opium-sleep is always disturbed with dreams and gesticulations. Merry dreams.--505. His dreams are at times pleasant, at times sad, at times anxious and terrible. The opium-sleep is disturbed with dreams which are at times pleasant, at times frightful; it either degenerates into sopor or into an apoplectic death, with convulsions. Deep, sound sleep, with rattling breathing, as if she had had an apoplectic fit. Snoring.-510. Snoring during an expiration, while asleep. 1Moaning while asleep. (a. 2 h.) Lamenting cries during sleep. Restless sleep, full of moaning and groaning. Anxious sleep, full of dreams. (a. 7 h.)-515. Anxious sleep, disturbed with the saddest dreams; he seems to be in constant delirium while he is in his sopor. Suffocative fit during sleep (night-mare). Sleep full of terrible fancies and fearful dreams.--520. Sleep full of fright; when closing his eyes, he feels as if he had lost his understanding. Vivid, vexatious dreams, he does not succeed in any thing. Frightful dreams. Sweet, pleasant slumber, from which he is suddenly waked by frightful jerks in his limbs.-625. Restless, sleepless nights. He is very drowsy; nevertheless he is unable to fall asleep; the pulse being slow. The soporific power of opium is very much diminished by great pain or great grief. Sleepless nights with delirium.-530. Sleeplessness, full of imperfect images, and full of fancies which were altogether distinct from the surrounding objects, as in crazy persons. Between the waking and the sleeping states he had dreams and fancies about dragons, skeletons, and horrid ghosts and masks. Restless nights, sopor alternating with waking, delirium, hot skin, stupor; he is lying coiled up in one heap. Sleep and redness of face. FEVER:-The pulse sank from one hundred and eight to seventy-two beats; accompanied with chilliness and shuddering, diminished cheerfulness, great debility, and increase of appetite.-535. Diminishes the beats of the pulse and the inspirations. The pulse decreases by fourteen beats (the first four hours); after the lapse of ten hours the pulse increases by 20 OPIUM. thirty beats.' The pulse diminishes one half.2. The heart beats four times more slowly.3 Great, slow pulse, the respiration being slow, heavy and snoring.-540. Great, slow pulse, with slow, heavy and snoring breathing. Slow pulse. The pulse is stronger. The pulse is at first slow and full, afterwards weak. Slow pulse, with moaning, slow breathing, red, puffed face, and profuse sweat, with convulsions.4-545. Full, equal, slow pulse, with deep, snoring breathing. Faint, sup-.pressed, slow, small pulse. He complains of feeling chilly. Inclination to shudder. Diminution of animal heat.-550. Chilliness in the back, with suppressed, scarcely perceptible pulse. Cold extremities. Thirst during the chilliness. Fever: first chilliness, afterwards flushes of heat in the face (with white tongue and sweat before midnight).-555. Fever: first chills, afterwards heat with sleep, during which he sweats a good deal. (Fever: he falls asleep during the chilly stage; no thirst during the chilliness; thirst during the hot stage, ac. companied with a profuse, general sweat. Chilliness as soon as she gets into bed in the evening; as soon as she falls asleep she begins to perspire, especially about the head. (Fever: trembling chilliness with thirst, afterwards increased heat of the whole body, with inclination to uncover herself, with strong, full pulse, dryness of the fauces without thirst, and vividness of ideas and memory.) (a. 1 h.) Coldness of the extremities.-560. Coldness with stupefaction. Diminution of animal heat, followed by increase of exhalation from the skin. Strong, quick pulse, which finally becomes weak and intermittent (a. 8 hours, shortly before death).5 Quick and unusually weak pulse, with quick, oppressed, anxious respiration (after several hours). Quick pulse with headache.-565. Quick, violent, rather hard pulse, with [a dark-red countenance. Congestion of blood to the brain. Violent, quick, hard pulse, with heavy, impeded respiration. Accelerated circulation, with sensation of heat.-570. The blood-vessels are distended with blood. Increased heat. Alternation of moderate warmth and coldness. Great redness of the face with burning heat of the body, for eight hours; afterwards convulsive beating with the right arm and foot, with loud cries, heavy breathing and coldness of the face and hands, which are SFrom rubbing in eight grains of opium, after fifty minutes. 2 Alston saw this through the microscope in the foot of a frog, to which he had given some drops of the tincture of opium. 3 In a frog, to which opium had been given. 4 From opium mixed with the spirits of hartshorn. 5 From one scruple. OPIUM. 21 covered with drops of sweat (shortly before taking the drug).575. Burning heat in the face, and a sensation of heat, especially in the eyes, without thirst, for six evenings in succession. Heat with thirst. Increases the heat of the whole body, and occasions dryness of the mouth, and thirst. The skin is sometimes dry and hot, sometimes a slight sweat breaks out. Heat of the body, with great anxiety.-580. Intolerable heat with great anxiety. Acute fever, with delirium making its appearance after a short sleep, and lasting twelve hours; after the fever he becane very weak, and was attacked with fits of nausea, the pulse being weak; in three hours the delirium recurred, lasting forty-eight hours, with a strong, full pulse; after this he fell into a sleep of eight hours. Restlessness, oppression, confusion of ideas and scintillations, during which a burning, disagreeable heat ascends to the head, and afterwards spreads over the whole body. Drops of sweat about the head, afterwards over the whole body, and sleep. Increased exhalation from the skin.-585. Sweat all over. Early in the morning during sleep, a sweat breaks out over the whole body, and he shows a disposition to uncover himself. (a. 12, 36 h.) Cold sweat on the forehead. Sweat, especially on the upper parts of the body, the lower parts being hot and dry.590. Profuse sweat. Strong sweat (for twelve hours). General sweat. (a. 8 h.) Violent sweat, during a pretty quiet sleep.-595. Profuse sweat, causing an itching in the skin, and bringing out an eruption, all the senses, taste, sight, smell, becoming in the mean while insensible. Sweat and eruption of a red rash, with itching. General sweat over the hot body with great thirst, full, strong pulse, vivid eyes and bright mind. MORAL SYMPTOMS: Contentment. Alternation of sullen mood, without care, and of cheerfulness.-600. Taciturnity (after the smallest dose). Calm indifference to the things of this earth, owing to the ecstatic excitement of the fancy. Constant contentment, as if they were in heaven. He remained the whole night without pain, in great contentment.' Extremely delightful feeling, with contentment of mind and forgetfulness of all his ailments.-605. She was unable to obtain peace and happiness except by taking opium. He had no sleep, but he became quiet and contented, as if he were in heaven.2 Sweet, delightful fancies, than which nothing can be In the evening he had taken a grain of opium for a most troublesome pain. 2 After having taken a moderate dose of opium, on account of violent pain from stone. 22, OPIUM. more pleasant, especially after having been tortured by pain. He feels as if in heaven, vivid, delightful fancies hovering before his mind, which keep off sleep.-610. The cheerfulness produced by opium is like a dream without sleep. A female who was in the habit of indulging sad thoughts, was relieved of her sadness for some time in a most wonderful degree.' Opium causes forgetfilness of the sufferings of the soul, and produces a feeling of bliss in their stead.-615. The opiumeaters, who are generally sad and stupid, become cheerful; they revel, sing amorous songs, laugh, and indulge all sorts of comic manners; this pleasant exaltation of the mind lasts about an hour, at the termination of which they become angry and raving, and finally relapse into a state of sadness, and then fall asleep. Cheerfulness, contentment, disposition to work, fearlessness, courage.-620. Boldness, magnanimity; he feels as if he would carry out any thing in spite of obstacles, with a feeling of bliss; this sensation only lasts a few minutes, after which his head feels gloomy (after a quarter of an hour). Boldness in danger. Opium gives those who dread a surgical operation courage and boldness. Criminals (in India) lose the fear of death, and march boldly to the gallows.2-625, Audacious, daring. Opium makes one wild and cruel, like a ferocious beast.3 Rage, frenzy, and mania. Frenzy and distortion of the mouth (from applying opium upon the temples).-630. Mental derangement. Delirium. The patient is haunted with visions. Fearfulness and tendency to start. Want of courage. -635. Fear. (a. 8, 12 h.) Frightful visions. During her delirium she saw ghosts, devils, and masks around her bed, which tormented her very much.4 He said a great many incoherent things, and pointed to persons with masks, whom he pretended he saw approaching to him; now he broke out into a loud laughter, now he started on account of imaginary fencing-masters, who might stab him; he became angry when one tried to SThe opium acting as a palliative, she was obliged to increase the dose as she continued the use of the drug, until she took an ounce and a half after the lapse of one week. 2 The last nine symptoms are palliative effects of opium in persons who were desponding. 3 In persons who are weak and without courage, opium produces boldness, anger, and rage, palliatively. This palliative effect gives the Turks an almost irresistible power and desire for battle, as long as that effect lasts, but in a few hours it passes off, and the soldiers become stupid and cowardly, and are more easily beaten than any other army. 4 This happened whenever her ailments, palpitation of the heart, vomiting, hiccough, cardialgia, colic, tremor, and convulsive movements, were palliated by opium. PULSATILLA. 23 persuade him that he was indulging foolish fancies; nevertheless he blamed himself in his delirium for indulging them.' In his delirium he talks about all sorts of things with open eyes, and afterwards he only remembers his talk as a dream.-640. She was hot, anxious, and intoxicated, talked all sorts of things, retracted what she had said, at times she started, at times she seized the hand of those around her with great anger.2 He acts absurdly. His cheerfulness and mental bliss increase until they become irrational.' Violent mania, with redness of countenance, glistening eyes, and increased animation of the body. He rolls about the floor like a maniac, threatening and burning with anger; he does not recognize his friends, his head and face are swollen, the lips are reddish-blue and swollen, and the eyes are inflamed and protruded.-645. Ecstasy, followed by sadness and despondency. Hopeless and peevish mood. (a. 8, 12 h.) Lamentations and howling (first hours). She is put out with a pain until she cries.-650. Distrust. Sullen mood. Melancholy. Anxiety. Excessive anguish.-655. Anguish about the heart and restlessness. (a. 2 h-4) FROM THE EXTERNAL APPLICATION OF OPIUM. Burning pain and irritation of the skin. Blisters on the skin. Great heat and pain of the skin, it draws a blister, corrodes the skin, and occasions mortification. Corrodes the skin, causing the hair to fall off, and occasioning itching.-660. When applied directly to the nerve it increases its sensibility and pain. When applied to the muscles, opium very soon destroys their irritability. PULSATILLA. (ANEMONE PRATENSIS.) (Express the juice from the green, recent and whole plant, and mix it with equal parts of alcohol.) THIS powerful plant produces a number of symptoms in the healthy human organism analogous to the diseases to SFrom opium which was given for a sort of dysentery. 2 From opium, administered for an excessive pain, which threatened to bring on convulsions. 3 From a large dose of opium. 4 This symptom was palliated by opium, which she had to take in doses increasing in size progressively. 24 PULSATILLA. which the human system is liable. It may be numbered among the polychrests. It may be employed both in acute and chronic diseases, inasmuch as its action lasts from ten to twelve days. My remarks on the peculiarity of its symptoms will be found annexed to the respective symptoms. The following symptoms have been obtained from moderately large doses, and may therefore be considered primary symptoms. This medicine acts best when not only its physical symptoms are homceopathic to the disease, but when the action which Pulsatilla is capable of exercising upon the mind and temperament, is analogous to the patient's temperament, or the state of his mind. The disposition which corresponds best to the nature of Pulsatilla, is a timid disposition, with disposition to weep, and to experience silent grief and chagrin, a mild and yielding disposition, especially when the patient had been good-humored and bland in his good days, or disposed to levity and kindlymeant malice. Slow and phlegmatic temperaments correspond to Pulsatilla, but least of all men of quick decision and movements, although they may appear ever so good-natured. Absence of thirst and occasional chilliness are additional indications. In females it is especially suitable when the menses delay a few days; also when the patient lies in his bed a long time in the evening before he drops to sleep; and when the patient is worse in the evening. It is useful against the bad effects of eating pork. Chamomilla antidotes the sleeplessness, debility and diminution of sense produced by Pulsatilla; Coffea the timid anxiety. Ignatia and Nux are likewise antidotes. Coffea cruda is the best antidote to the fever, the weeping mood and the pains of Pulsatilla. In robust chronic patients, it is seldom necessary to administer a whole drop; in acute maladies, and when the patients are very nervous and irritable, the smallest part of a drop of the sixteenth potency is sufficient. PULSATILLA. HEAD:-Vertigo. Vertigo as if intoxicated.' Vertigo as if the blood were mounting to the head; rapping sensation in 1Compare 2 and 4 with 87, 976. PULSATILLA. 25 the head, with sensation of repeated and short diggings-up. Giddy wavering as if intoxicated, with internal heat in the head, and paleness of the face, which has a natural warmth, especially in the evening.-5. Fits of vertigo, intoxication, heat. After a meal he feels as if intoxicated. Vertigo, especially when sitting. Vertigo, early in the morning when rising; he is obliged to lie down again. Vertigo when walking in the open air,' going off by sitting down.--10. Turning sensation and stupid feeling in the head, only when sitting, and as if drowsy. Vertigo; he imagines he is not able to stand firmly (in the first hours). Vertigo; he imagines he is not able to lay hold of a thing (in the first hours). Sort of vertigo, when turning the eyes upward, as if he should fall, or as if he were dancing.2 Vertigo when stooping, as if he would fall, as if intoxicated; afterwards disposition to vomit. (a. 6 h.)-15. Vertigo when stooping, scarcely permitting her to rise again. When stooping his head felt heavy, as if he were unable to raise it again. Vertigo when walking and stooping, as if the head were too heavy, with a somewhat turning sensation, which was likewise felt when lying down. Sensation in the head, when stooping, as if he would fall forward. When walking he staggers as if he were giddy, without however being so, in the evening (after three days).3-20. Gloomy sensation in the head and vertigo, excited by motion. Is unable to carry the head straight, is obliged to lie down, and is nevertheless unable to remain in the bed.4 Headache when lying down for the siesta, which is felt in that side of the brain upon which one does not rest. (a. 18 h.)5 Is unable to raise the head, or to carry it straight. Heaviness of the head.6 -25. Heaviness in the head; he is unable to bear the glare of a light.7 The head feels gloomy, and the forehead feels as if beaten in two. Headache as if the forehead and temples would burst, early in the morning when in bed. Headache One of the alternate symptoms of Pulsatilla, occuring after its opposite, and less frequently; in this case the symptoms are diminished in the open air, or disappear entirely, and reappear when sitting, or when in a state of rest, as is partially the case in 10. 2 Compare 56. 3 Compare 732. 4 A sort of third-alternate symptom, a sort of mediate symptom between those symptoms which appear in the sitting position, and those which appear during motion. 5 Compare 51. 6 Compare 85, 649, 922. 7 Compare sensitiveness of the eyes to the light, with 86, 87, 88, 90; it is an alternate symptom of the obscuration of sight. See 80, 81. 26 PULSATILLA. when moving the eyes, deep in the orbits, as if the forehead would fall out, and as if the frontal bone were too thin, with a gloomy feeling in the head, in the evening. (a. 48 h.)'-30. Hemicrania, as if the brain would burst, and as if the eyes would fall out of their sockets. The head feels stupid, the eyes in the head ache. The head feels stupid and heavy. The head feels rather stupid, and the head aches, as if the forehead felt bruised. The head feels rather stupid, as if his memory were wanting. (a. 2 h.)-35. The head feels desolate and hollow; his head felt like a lantern. The head felt dreary and painful, as if he had been intoxicated the day before.2 Headache, as if he had been intoxicated and had sat up the night before. (a. 12 h.) The head feels gloomy; he loses his ideas. If he has seized an idea, he cannot turn his mind away from it.-40. Headache, making his head feel obscured, on entering a warm room.3 Creeping headache in the forehead. (a. 1 h.)4 Bubbling sensation in the head, at night; he heard pulsations in the head distinctly. Headache, resembling pulsations in the brain. (a. 6 h.) Beating headache, about midnight.-45. Beating headache in the forehead, when stooping and when exerting the mind, disappearing when walking, in the evening. Beating headache, diminished by external pressure. (a. h.)5.Jching pain in the head when stooping. Aching pain in the whole forehead, only when walking. Aching pain in the occiput; with frequent heat and constant exhalation of the body. -50. Tearing headache in the left side of the occiput, early in the morning. (a. 60 h.) After lying down to sleep, he experiences a tearing headache in that side of the head upon which he does not rest.6 Drawing headache in the occiput over the nape of the neck early in the morning. (a. 60 h.)7 Headache when waking, and a little while after; the brain feels oppressed and dull, or as if torn, as it does after taking brandy. (a. 6, 12 h.) Lachrymation of one eye, with drawing headache.-55. Pain on the hairy scalp when pushing the hair backwards, a kind of drawing pain. Tensive and drawing headache in the forehead, over the orbits, increased by raising the eyes.8 I Compare 29, 30 with 185, 638, 710, 816. 2 Compare 847, 956. 3 Compare 509. 4 Compare 85, 649. 5 This diminution of the pains on external pressure, takes place with other Pulsatilla-pains. See 761, 762. 6 Compare 22. 7 Compare 54, 55. S Compare 29. PULSATILLA. 27 Headache: the brain feels tight, with a boring pain in the vertex. Pinching headache over the eyes, which becomes worse when looking at a thing intently. Boring headache from within outward, with dull stitches.-60. Single, sharp shocks or jerks in the right hemisphere of the brain. (a. 1 h.) Jerking tearing in both temples, as if they would be torn asunder. Headache: Stitches extending from the occiput through the ears. Stitches in the occiput, worse when lying down, passing off when raising the head. Stitches darting through the whole brain, after dinner, and continuing until bed-time, mingled with shuddering and fainting fits. (a. 16 h.)-65. Stitching in one side of the head. Stitches in the temples. Stitches'through the forehead, from within, in the evening. Cutting headache. Headache in the evening, as if caused by dry coryza; afterwards dry heat in the bed and excessive drowsiness, with delirious talking and almost waking dreams.'-20. Headache as if one had eaten too much, or as if one had spoiled one's stomach by overloading it with fat meat.2 Humming in the head. Headache from time to time, as if a keenly painful wind rushed through the brain. (a. 40 h.)3 Sensation in the brain, when walking, as of the snapping of an electric spark, synchronous with the pulse. EYES: Contraction of the pupils, followed by dilatation. Puffiness of the eyes, and sensation in the eyes as if they squinted. He sees objects double (after several hours). Obscuration of sight, with inclination to vomit and paleness of sight. Obscuration of sight with vertigo, after rising from a chair and commencing to walk. (a. 24 h.)-80. Obscuration of sight, as if a mist were before the eyes, when rising from a chair and commencing to walk. (a. 24 h.) Obscuration of sight, early in the morning when rising from bed. Short-lasting obscuration of sight. He sees better at a distance.5 Obscuration of sight recurring several days.-85. Vanishing of sight and hearing, with drawing headache and a sensation of heaviness and creeping in the brain; this is followed by chilliness.6 (Scintillations before the eyes.) She sees fiery circles before the eyes, which become more and more enlarged towards noon (ceasing towards evening). He sees a star-shaped shine around the flame of a candle. When shaking the head, Compare 907, 914, 989. 2 Compare 286-291. S Compare 132. 4 Compare 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 84, 85 with 977, (18.) 6 Curative effect, after a large dose. 6 Compare 640, also 24, 25, and 41, and lastly 52, 54. PULSATILLA. he experiences a sticking in the left eye, and a tear drops from it.-90. One or the other eye experiences sticking pains, almost without any inflammation of the white; he cannot bear the sight of a candle-light and can open his eyelids only a little. (a. 8 h.) Headache which affected the right eye; a pressure was experienced in that eye, and a tear came out of it. The headache affected the eyes, they hurt him, in the evening. An (inflamed) red spot in the white of the eye near the cornea. (a. 30 h.) The margin of the lower eyelid is inflamed and swollen; in the morning a tear drops out of the eye.-95. A stye on the eyelid, and inflammation of the sclerotica now in one, now in the other corner, with a drawing tensive pain in the corners when moving the facial muscles, and with ulceration of the nostrils.: Dryness of the eyelids. (a. 12 h.) Dryness of the upper eyelids, especially when he is sleepy. (a. 1L h.) Dryness of the right eye, and sensation as if the eye were obscured by a mucus adhering to it and which can be wiped off, in the evening. (a. 24 h.)2 Dryness of the eyes, and a sensation in the eye, early in the morning, as if a foreign body were pressing in it (after many hours).-100. Aching pain in the left eye. Aching pain in the internal canthus. Aching-burning pain in the eyes, especially morning and evening. Aching pain in the eyes, as if they were hot. Painful pressure in the eye, with a sensation as of rubbing, as of a little hair had got into the eye.-105. Pressure in the eye, when reading, as if sand had got into the eye; this pressure ceased when he ceased to read, and recommenced again when he recommenced his reading. Itching in the inner canthi in the evening after sunset. (a. 28 h.) Itching in the inner canthus as if an ulcer were healing; after rubbing the eye, he feels a fine stinging painful pressure in the eye. Burning and itching in the eyes, which obliges him to scratch and rub. Itching stinging in the eyes, obliging him to scratch. (a. 24 h.)-110. Itching in the eyes. Itching of the eyeball in the outer canthus, in the evening; early in the morning the eyelids are agglutinated. (a. 8 h.) Agglutination of the inner canthus early in the morning.3 Agglutination of the eyelids in the morning. Itching (gnawing) and burning in the eyelids, in the evening.--115. Biting pain in the inner canthus as if it were sore. (a. 8 h.) LachryCompare 157, 158, 520, 521. 2 Also in the morning after waking, and after the siesta, Pulsatilla occasions a dimsightedness as if something were hanging over the cornea which can be wiped away, but which does not disappear except of itself; this symptom is more marked on one than on the other eye. 3 Compare 119 and 155. PULSATILLA. 29 mation in the open cold air.1 The eyes became dim in the open air, and they run. The eyes become filled with water in the wind. (a. 10 h.) Bleareyedness.-120. Twitching of the eyelids. (Pimple on the head.) Biting, itching of the hairy scalp.2 (a. 9 h.) Small little tumors on the hairy scalp, painful like ulcers. FACE: Twitching in the muscles of the cheeks.-125. Shuddering on one side of the face.3 Pale face. Tightness in the face and fingers (especially when taking hold of any thing), as if the parts would swell. The skin of the lips and face is sensitive to the touch, as if sore. EARS: Rush of blood to the organs of hearing. (a. 8 h.)130. Murmuring in the ear synchronous with the pulse.' Frequent grumbling in the ear. Noise in the ear as if caused by the wind or by the rushing of water, after four o'clock in the afternoon. (a. 10 h.) Tremulous sounding in the ears, as when one strikes against an iron bar. (a. 3 h.) Ringing in the ears (from the 4th to the 8th hour).--135. Chirping in the ears as of crickets, early in the morning when in bed. (a. 50 h.) Hardness of hearing as if the ears were stopped up. (a. 3 h.)5 Hardness of hearing as if the ears were stopped up, with trembling and sweat on the back, returning every other hour. (a. 3 h.) Itching deep in the ear. (a. 24 h.) Itching in the right ear, afternoon and evening. (a. 30 h.)-140. Itching, pricking in the internal ear. (a. 6 h.) Single, tearing jerks through the ears. (a. 12 h.) Jerking in the ears. Jerking in the external ear, afterwards heat of this ear. Violent pain in the ear, as if something would press out.-145. Heat, redness and swelling of the outer ear. (a. a few hours.) Heat and sweat of the external ear. When blowing the nose the air rushes into the ear, occasioning a sensation in the ear as if it were distended by that air; accompanied with stitches which dart towards the eye. Pus flows from the left ear. (a. 12 h.) A small painful gland becomes elevated- between the antehelix and the articulation of the lower jaw.-150. A large, red blotch in the region of the zygoma. A red, hard elevation on the right cheek in front of the ear, causing a burning and contractive pain. (a. 5 SCompare 116, 117, 118. This watering of the eyes is an alternate symptom of 96-99. 2 Compare 122, 123 with (15.) 3 The appearance of the symptoms on one side of the body only is peculiar to Pulsatilla. Compare 822, 837, 972, 973, 976, 994, 995, 996. Rhus tox., Belladonna, Cocculus, have somewhat of the same peculiarity. 4 Compare 130, 131, 132 with 71. 5 Compare 136, 137 with (28.) 30 PULSATILLA. d.) Scurfy eruption on the antehelix with a burning smarting pain, emitting water, accompanied with a glandular swelling lower down in the neck, painful to the touch. Cracking in the ear when moving the head or the body. (a. 4, 16 h.) Sticking pain in the parotid gland. NOSE: Abscess in the region of the root of the nose, near the canthus of the eye, as if fistula lachrymalis would form.' (Pain in the root of the nose, when stooping, as if an ulcer would form.) Sensation in the left nostril, as if an ulcer would form. (a. 8 h.) Ulceration of the external wing of the nose, emitting a watery humor. (a. 6 h.) Darting pain in the nose.-160. Smell in the nose, early in the morning, as of old coryza.' Illusion of smell; he imagined he was smelling coffee and tobacco; even in the open air. Bleeding from the nose. Haemorrhage from the nose with dry coryza.-165. Blows blood out of the nose early in the morning. (a. 48 h.) EXTERNAL MOUTH AND TEETH: The epidermis peels off near the outer border of the lips, until the raw flesh becomes visible. (a. 10 h.) The epideimis of the lips becomes cracked. (a. 2 h.) Twitching in the lower lip, for two days. The lower lip is swollen and cracks in the middle, with a tensive pain. -170. Itching in the region of the skin, especially in the evening. (Drawing tearing pains in the lower jaw.3) Contractive (astringent) pain in the jaws, as if occasioned by an acid, accompanied with shuddering and cold sweat in the face. (Sticking beating toothache, at four or five o'clock in the afternoon, aggravated by cold water.) The toothache comes on again every time he eats.-175. The toothache commenced at two o'clock in the night, and did not allow him to lay his head on a cold place of the bed: a sort of sticking-digging first in the teeth of the lower, then of the upper jaw, from one root into the other, coming on again at noon. Stinging toothache relieved by eating. Stinging gnawing toothache in the gums, especially towards evening, aggravated by the warmth of the bed, relieved by exposing the tooth to the cold, open air, and removed by sleep in the evening. (a. 6 h.) Sticking pain in the posterior molar tooth, aggravated by opening the mouth, from two to six in the afternoon. Toothache comes on as soon as he takes Compare 112, 115. 2 Compare (31) (74.) 3 The so-called tearing pains of Pulsatilla, are generally a shortlasting, drawing tension, which always terminates in a darting analogous to tearing, somewhat as if a nerve were put upon the stretch, and then let loose again suddenly, causing a painful jerk. Hence the terms " single, tearing jerks, 141;" " drawing-jerking, 180," etc. * See note to 187. PULSATILLA. 31 any thing warm in the mouth.-180. Drawing-jerking toothache, aggravated by drinking any thing cold. Jerking in the molares, with a slight swelling of the gums. (Jerking toothache, especially early in the morning, relieved by cold water, after having been warmed in the mouth, not increased by chewing, but excited by picking the teeth.) Jerking toothache, from six in the afternoon until eleven at night, preceded by heat in the head with thirst; the toothache is followed by sweat, Tearing toothache.'-185. Pain in the teeth, as if they were pushed forward.2 The tooth is painful when chewing or biting.3 The toothache increases in the wind.' The teeth vacillate early in the morning. The gums are painful, as if they were sore.-190. The internal side of the gums is painful, as if corroded. (a. S h.) Sensation of swelling, on the posterior side of the gums, which, however, did not exist; he experienced a burning sensation in that region whenever he inserted any thing warm or cold into his mouth. INTERNAL MOUTH, PHARYNX AND (ESOPHAGUS: The tongue feels broader than usual. The tongue is lined with a tenacious mucus as with a kind of fur.5 White tongue, with bad taste in the mouth, early in the morning.--195. Painful vesicle on one side of the tip of the tongue. (a. 6 d.) Sensation in the middle of the tongue, as if it were burnt and insensible, even when the tongue is moist, in the night and early in the morning. (a. 6 h.)7 Sore throat: stitches in the back part of the throat, between the acts of deglutition; none during deglutition. Stinging sore throat. Sore throat; cutting pain in the throat. (a. 8 h.)-200. Sore throat: pain in the side of the palate, when touching it, or when talking, as if there were a painful pimple, with dilatation of the pupils, early in the morning. Painless sensation, as if the epiglottis were covered with tenacious mucus, or were swollen. Sore throat: sensation, when swallowing, as if the back part of the throat were narrower than usual, or closed by swelling.-205. Sore throat: sensation as if the pharynx were swollen, now lower down, now higher up. (a. 6 h.) Sore throat: pain when swallowing, as if the submaxillary glands were protruding into the throat, and as if the Compare 171. 2 Compare 638. 3 Alternate effect of 182. The increase, or the appearance of the symptoms, in the cool, open air, is a rarer alternate effect than the appearance of the symptoms in warmth, especially the warm air in the room, for instance 509. 5 Compare 219. 6 Compare 217, 220, 221, 228-232. 7 Compare 218. 32 PULSATILLA. protruding part were sore and raw. (a. 8 h.) Sore throat: when swallowing the palate feels sore, as if raw. The back part of the throat is painful as if it were raw, accompanied with a drawing pain in the cervical muscles. Sore throat: rawness and sore feeling in the throat, between the acts of deglutition, and as if the throat were too dry, early in the morning. (a. 2 h.)'- 210. Sore throat: scraping and raw sensation in the throat, as after violent vomiting; he does not feel any thing when swallowing; early in the morning the throat was dry. Scraping and dry sensation in the throat. Raw, scraping sensation in the throat, with dryness in the mouth. Sore throat: when swallowing he feels as if the throat were swollen, and as if the trachea were rough. Dry throat, after midnight.-215. Dryness in the throat, early in the morning. (a. 6, 20 h.) Intolerable feeling of dryness in the throat, extending as far as the tip of the tongue (without any dryness being visible), with thirst; he is, however, unable to drink much, on account of a desire to vomit, which is excited by the drink. Early in the morning the mouth and throat feel dry, and are lined with an insipid flat-tasting mucus, with a fetid smell from the mouth, which he does not perceive himself. (a. 12 h.) Dryness of the tongue early in the morning. Early in the morning, when waking from sleep, his palate, lips and tongue feel dry, the dryness afterwards changing to a very tenacious mucus.2 TASTE AND APPETITE: Slimy taste in the mouth, and inclination to vomit, early in the morning. (Slimy, saltishbitter taste in the mouth, early in the morning, not without appetite.) The throat is lined with a tenacious mucus, early in the morning.3 The inner mouth is lined with a fetid mucus, early in the morning, when waking from sleep. Fetid smell from the mouth early in the morning.4-225. Putrid smell from the mouth, early in the morning. Putrid smell from the mouth in the night. Bad smell from the mouth in the evening, after lying down. (a. 96 h.) Taste as of putrid herbs in the back part of the throat. Taste as of putrid meat in the mouth, with inclination to vomit. (a. 2 h.)-230. Eructations after dinner, tasting of putrid meat; this taste remains afterwards in the mouth, with inclination to vomit. (a. 14 h.)5 Taste as of putrid meat in the mouth, especially early in the morning, when hawking up. Taste as of pus in the mouth, occasionally, especially in the morning. Nauseating taste in the mouth, as one experiences before breakfast when rising early. (a. 12 h.) EmAlternate effect of 206, 207. 2 Compare 190. 3 Compare 193, 217. 4 Compare 217. ' Compare 286, etc. PULSATILLA. 33 pyreumatic (pungent) taste in the mouth.-235. Earthy taste in the mouth, with inclination to vomit (also after one hour). Flat taste in the mouth, as if one had eaten earthy things. (a. 10 h.) The saliva in the mouth constantly tastes sweetish. Beer has a nauseating sweetish taste. (a. 2 h.) Bitter beer has a nauseating sweetish taste.-240. Nauseating taste from smoking tobacco. The tobacco has no taste when smoking, but does not cause any loathing, towards evening. (a. 20, 50 h.) Bitter taste in the mouth, in the evening (at six o'clock).' Bitter taste in the mouth early in the morning (a. 24 h.), going off after a meal. He has a constantly bitter, bilious taste in the mouth, especially after a meal.-245. Rumbling and movements in the abdomen, accompanied with pinching pain in the abdomen; this was followed by the ascension of humid qualms in the throat. Bitter taste, with desire for lemon juice. Every kind of nourishment tastes bitter to him: afterwards he feels chilly, and a cold sweat breaks out. Bitter taste in the mouth, in the evening, after drinking beer. (a. 8 h.) Aversion to milk, early in the morning, although it tasted well to him.-250. Milk has no taste in the morning. The food she takes has an excessive salt taste to her (except brown bread); several hours after eating, a scraping, salt taste continues to ascend in her throat. (a 4, 28 h.) Bitter taste in the mouth after taking coffee. Wine has a bitter taste. (a. 8 h.) Aversion to butter; it has a bitter taste to him.2-255. Bread and meat have a bitter taste. Brown bread tastes bitter, not the other food. Bread has a bitter taste while chewing it; the bitter taste disappears as soon as the bread is swallowed. Bitter taste in the mouth, a quarter of an hour after eating, the appetite being good.-260. The taste in the mouth is somewhat bitter, especially early in the morning, and some time after a meal; the food, however, had a good taste. Bitter taste after vomiting.3 Gulping up of a bitter fluid. Bitter eructations at night. Bilious eructations in the evening. (a. 2 h.)-265. Beer has a bitter taste in the morning; it leaves a sour taste afterwards. (a. 12 h.)5 Bread has a sourish taste; she finds it SRarely (and at most only in the evening and morning) does Pulsatilla occasion a continuously bitter taste in the mouth; the bitter taste which Pulsatilla occasions most frequently, is either occasioned while drinking, or while eating and chewing, especially brown bread, or it makes its appearance after the beverage or food has been swallowed; this kind of bitter taste is an alternate symptom. 2Compare 254, 256, 271, with (41.) 3 Compare 316. 4 The bitter and sour eructations are alternate symptoms, although both of them are primary effects. VOL. IV. 4 34 PULSATILLA. too dry. Sourish taste in the mouth after a meal. (a. 3 h.) Gulping up of a sour fluid, after drinking coffee. Sour eructations early in the morning.-270. Loss of appetite, the taste being otherwise pure and natural. Aversion to meat and stale bread. Diminished taste of every kind of food. (a. 4, 8, 16 h.) Meat has no taste. Fresh meat has a putrid taste.-275. He has some appetite, but bread, butter, and beer, have little or no taste (stewed prunes are the only things which have a good taste to him). (a. 12 h.) (He does not care about any warm food. He only cares about butter, bread, and fruit.) Want of appetite, on account of the food being tasteless, and the stomach being replete. Absence of thirst. Increased appetite in the evening. (a. 5 h.) GASTRIC SYMPTOMS:-280. While taking her dinner she is oppressed by sleep, and she is obliged to sleep. Early in the morning when rising, a sort of gnawing sensation in the stomach as one experiences after having suffered hunger, going off after eating. (a. 12 h.) Gnawing sensation in the stomach, like canine hunger. (a. 8 h.) Canine hunger (immediately, but passing off soon). Desires food, but does not know which; does not relish any thing of what he eats.1-285. Is hungry, but has no desire for any particular kind of food. Sensation as if the stomach were spoiled.2 Symptoms of deranged stomach. Tension in the feet from having eaten a little too much at breakfast. (a. 48 h.) Frequent eructations tasting of the ingesta.a-290. After eating cake he has eructations tasting like old rancid tallow. Sentsation in the stomach as if one had eaten too much; the food rises back again into the stomach, as if vomiting would set in. Imperfect eructations. Eructations tasting of the ingesta, after eating, followed by inclination to vomit. (a. 4 h.) Nausea with inclination to voihit, ascending into the mouth.-295. Nausea with inclination to vomit rising into the throat. Nausea with inclination to vomit, early in the morning, with accumulation of mucus in the mouth, which is soon succeeded by sour taste in the mouth. (a. 13 h.) Sensation in the pharynx as if a worm were creeping up. Nausea and qualmishness early in the morning after eating milk. Nausea with inclination to vomit, which ascends in oesophagus and pharynx with a very disagreeable sensation.-300. Bread and meat occasion an inclination to vomit. Intolerable nausea with inclination to vomit, without any vomiting. (a. 1 h.) InSCompare (42.) 2 Compare 70, 229, 230, 231. 3 Eructations tasting and smelling of the ingesta [see also (44)], are a much more frequent alternate symptom than mere risings of air. PULSATILLA. 35 clination to vomit with chilliness. Nausea with inclination to vomit, only in the throat, but not when swallowing. Nausea with inclination to vomit, when on the point of taking food. -305. She feels nauseated while eating, occasioning an aversion to food. Smoking tobacco causes an inclination to vomit in persons who are used to tobacco. Aversion to smoking as if one had smoked enough. (a. 5 h.) Excessive aversion to smoking. Nausea with inclination to vomit when slumbering or sleeping, although he has an appetite even for brown bread. (a. 20 h.)' -310. Nausea as if brought on by heat of the body. Nausea and loathing as if one had taken oil. Nausea towards evening, after a walk in the open air, with salt or sour vomiting. (a. 36 h.) Sensation of nausea and inclination to vomit in the epigastric region, especially after a meal. (a. 1 h.) Inclination to vomit, with grunting and rumbling in the epigastric region.-315. Vomiting of the food which had been taken a long time ago. Vomiting of food in the evening; afterwards bitter taste in the mouth and dullnses of teeth. Nightly vomiting, with stitching-drawing pains in the back in the direction of the scapulae.2 (Vomiting of a small quantity of food before midnight, almost without any nausea.) Short vomiting of bile. -320. Burning in the oesophagus after vomiting. Loss of appetite after vomiting.3 Gulping up of a watery fluid (without nausea or vomiting) which she has to spit up. (a. 3 h.) Immediately before this she experienced a sensation in the pit of the stomach as if something had been torn loose; a pressure is experienced in the same region during the eructation. Ptyalism. Ptyalism for twenty-four hours, with inclination to vomit.-325. Frequent discharge of watery saliva from the mouth.4 Flow of watery saliva, like waterbrash. Jerks from the stomach towards the throat, and tensive pain in the throat, with anxiety and a feeling of internal heat, disappearing after a meal. (a. 6 h.) Hiccough when smoking. (Hiccough, in the night while sleeping).-330. Inclination to hiccough after drinking. Aching-drawing pain in the pit of the stomach, early in the morning, passing into the side of the chest as a sticking pain, and lastly into the back as a tearing. (a. 24 h.) Tension in the region and pit of the stomach as high as the breasts. Pulsation in the pit of the stomach.5 Beating in the stomach, which is felt when laying the hand upon that organ. SCompare 512. SCompare 309, 508.-Similar irritations in the night are 408. 415, and other nightly symptoms 545, 546, 547, 563, 610, 673, 687, 702, (46.) 3 Alternate symptom of 309. 4325, 326, and 322, are analogous symptoms. Comp. 508. 5 Comp. 43-46, 842. 36 PULSATILLA. STOMACH:-335. Pain in the pit of the stomach during an inspiration. Aching, afterwards darting pain in the pit of the stomach. Violent pressure in the pit of the stomach, early in the morning, mingled with inclination to vomit. Achingclawing or strangulating pain in the pit of the stomach, arresting the breathing, in the afternoon. Attacks of contractive or choking pain in the oesophagus, as if one had swallowed a large piece of fresh bread. (a. 10 h.)-340. Disagreeable feeling of oppressive tension in the abdomen, as if the abdomen were full, hard, as if neither stool nor flatulence would pass; the stool, however, being passed slowly without being hard, and the flatulence coming off with difficulty and in short flatus. Darting and pricking in the infra-costal region, as if there were an ulcer extending to the small of the back. Contractive and clawing sensation in the epigastric and the hypochondriac region, as if the flatulence became incarcerated in that region (especially after a meal); the sensation afterwards passes into the chest and arrests the breathing. (a. 16 h.) Drawing-tensive pain in the hypochondria. Tension in the region of the stomach, in the forenoon, going off by motion. (a. 26 h.)-345. Stitches in the pit of the stomach1 when missing a step on the uneven pavement, etc. Feeling of anxiety in the region of the stomach. Pain in the stomach an hour after eating. Sensation of weight in the stomach as if a stone were lying there, early in the morning when waking.2 Pressure in the stomach and flattlent colic, immediately after supper, followed by nausea and inclination to vomit. (a. 24 h.) ABDOMEN:-350. Pinching-sticking pains in the epigastric region, with flatulent colic, in the morning. (a. 24 h.) Pinching pains in the epigastrium. Colic, only when walking. Dull pain and feeling of a tensive distention in the epigastrium, when sitting. Sensation in the abdominal integuments as if swollen, with a tensive pain, without emitting any flatulence. -.355. Hard distention of the abdomen, with a painful sensation of rigidity in the abdomen, and sensation as if the abdomen would burst (accompanied with swelling of the dorsa of the feet). Flatulent colic early in the morning as soon as he wakes; grunting and painful shifting of flatulence in the epigastric region. Continuous, dull stitch in the side of the abdomen, as if occasioned by an incarcerated flatus. Flatulent colic directly after supper; painful rumbling of flatulence, especially in the epigastric region. (a. 4, 24, 48 h.) ' Comp. 350, 651. 2 Comp. 336, 337. 8 Compare 349, 368. PULSATILLA. 37 Cutting colic over the umbilicus, as if colic would come on.360. Hard circular prominence around the umbilicus, painful when walking. (a. 24 h.) Titillating itching in and above the umbilicus, painful after scratching. Colicky shifting of flatulence in the abdomen, in the evening after lying down. Shifting of flatulence from one part of the intestines to the other, with loud rumbling, and with a more or less pinching sensation, especially in the evening when in bed. Rumbling in the abdomen, as of flatulence.-365. Loud rumbling in the abdomen, with frequent purging, and griping and pinching in the abdomen. Repletion after a meal, and colic with rumbling from time to time. Sensation in the abdomen, after supper, as if it were full of flatulence. (a. 2 h.) Sensation in the abdomen as if it were empty (riddled).-370. Sensation as if fasting, and pinching and shifting of flatulence in the abdomen as if fermentation were going on. Colic after drinking. (a. 3 h.) Colic after drinking, in the evening. (a. 6 h.) Bloatedness after every kind of food. Cutting colic as if occasioned by flatulence, before supper. (a. 36 h.)'-375. Cutting colic in daytime, and especially in the evening, every other day. (a. 4, 5, 6 d.) Colic, cutting deep in the abdomen, relieved by stooping forward, causing a sensation as if he would vomit, towards five o'clock in the afternoon, three days in succession at the same hour; going off at nine o'clock in the evening while lying in the bed bent double; he fell asleep. (a. 24 h.) Cutting in the abdomen after having taken some exercise. The wind is passed with cutting colic, in the morning. (a. 8 hours, and a. 20.) Fetid flatulence after a meal.-380. Colic in the hypogastrium which is more pinching than cutting, accompanied with loose stool. Pinching colic, uniformly affecting the whole abdomen. (a., h.) Griping colic deep in the hypogastrium, on the left side; she had to tie her abdomen up.2 (Pinching colic early in the morning, amid chilliness and heat.) Pinching colic (a. 4 h.), and severe stitches darting from the abdomen into the penis; frequent and thin stool, with violent desire for beer.-385. Colic as if diarrhoea would set in; however nothing is passed except a good natural evacuation. (a. 48, 72 h.) Aching, pressing pain in the abdomen. (a. 1, 42 h.)3 Colic in the night: pressure in the abdomen here and there after midnight, as if flatulence had been incarcerated, with a feeling of heat over the whole body, without any thirst; the emission of flatulence afforded no relief. Colic after stool. Drawing in the back during stool; between the stools the drawing was scarcely 374-378 to compare with 359, 417, 648, and partly with 649. 2 Compare 365, (47.) 3 Compare 337, 338, 348. 38 PULSATILLA. ever experienced.-390. Colicky pain in the abdomen after stool, as if occasioned by flatulence. (a. 5 h.) Pressure in the rectum after stool. Pain in the abdominal walls as if bruised when gaping. (a. 2 h.) Chilliness in the abdomen (extending as far as the lower part of the back). Pain in the abdominal muscles when sitting and coughing. (a. 3 d.)-395. Painful sensitiveness of the abdomen, when touching it (after several h.). Painful sensitiveness of the abdominal walls after a loose stool, accompanied with violent thirst; the abdomen could not be touched without suffering pain. STOOL: Obstinate constipation. Daily stool, but hard (with pain in the hemorrhoidal tumors). Painful evacuation with painful pressing and pain in the back.'-400. Difficult stool early in the morning, and again two loose stools in the day. Frequent desire for stool, with livid complexion and faint feeling. Frequent urging for stool as if diarrhoea would set in occasionally. No tenesmus either in the rectum or anus, but a constant desire in the more remote intestines, without any stool being passed. Frequent loose stool mixed with mucus (also after 2 h.).-405. Frequent passages of mere mucus (also after 48 h.), every evacuation being preceded by colic. Evacuations consisting of nothing but loose mucus mixed with blood. (a. 12 h.) Discharges of faeces mixed with blood, early in the morning. (a. 72 h.) Diarrhoea, once or twice in the night, green as bile; every discharge being preceded by rumbling. (a. 4 d.)2 Passes green mucus. (a. 2 d.)-410. Diarrhea, first green, then slimy. Slight chilliness after stool, especially in the lower part of the back (and a pressure in the pit of the stomach). White stool (for four days, after three days, also after 8, 24 hours). Stool like hacked eggs, preceded and succeeded by cutting, especially in the morning.-411. Watery diarrhoea in the night. (The faces are thin and as if pressed flat.) Diarrhea with cutting in the abdomen.3 Loose, acrid stool in the morning.4 Acrid stools.-429. Blind hemorrhoids with itching in the evening. (a. 10 h.) Blind hamorrhoids with itching of the anus. (Flowing hemorrhoids) discharge of blood from the anus.5 (a. 8 d.) Continuous, dull stitch in the rectum, as if occasioned by an incarcerated flatulence. (a. 1 h.) 1 This and the six following symptoms (compare 504), are the most usual and principal kinds of evacuation occasioned by Pulsatilla. 2 Compare 415. These kinds of nightly diarrhoea are characteristic of Pulsatilla, and there is scarcely a drug which occasions them as often. 3 Compare 359. 4 Compare 451. s Secondary effect. Compare (56,) (57,) (58.) PULSATILLA. 39 Haemorrhoidal tumors with single itching stitches in the anus. -425. Burning in the rectum during stool. Blind hmmorrhoids until nine o'clock in the evening, with sore pain in the anus, both in rest and motion, increased somewhat during motion. (a. 24 h.) Sore pain in the anus, immediately after an evacuation. (a. 4, 5 d.) Blind haemorrhoids with sore pain. (a. 1 h.) Smarting in the anus and the hmmorrhoidal tumors. (a. 3 h.) -430. Painful, protruding blind hmmorrhoids. (Tearing with pressure, when standing, extending as far as the anus.) Blind hamorrhoidal tumors preceded by pain in the small of the back. early in the morning. Soreness and excoriating pain in the fold between the buttocks, externally. (a. 1 h.) URINARY ORGANS: Pain in the vesical region when touching it.- 435. Constrictive pain in the abdomen extending as far as the bladder, with pressure as of a stone. Frequent desire to urinate. Enuresis nocturna. Involuntary micturition; the urine comes off' involuntarily when sitting and walking. Continuous, dull stitch in the neck of the bladder, as if occasioned by incarcerated flatulence. (a. 1 h.)-440. Sharp (almost cutting) pressure on the neck of the bladder when walking in the open air, as if caused by flatulence, but without any desire to urinate. Continual pressure in the region of the bladder, without any desire to urinate, in the evening and night. Pressure upon the bladder as if occasioned by flatulence, towards morning. Tenesmus of the bladder. Frequent, almost ineffectual urging for micturition, with cutting pain during micturition (cutting water).-445. Pressing, before micturition. Pressing upon the bladder. Pressure upon the bladder only when lying upon the back; this obliges him to pass urine. Copions micturition.1 Passes some urine involuntarily when coughing, or when emitting flatulence. (a. 48 h.)-450. Colorless urine. (a 1{ h.) Passes acrid mucus from the rectum while emitting a watery urine, and accompanied with a feeling of weakness in the loins.2 The urine is red from time to time. Brown-red urine. Dark-red urine without sediment.-455. Brown urine. Urine with a ring of violet-colored mucus on top, and a sandy sediment. (Jelly-like sediment.) Urine with violet-red sediment. Urine with red sediment.-460. Urine with brick-colored sediment. Severe stitches darting from the abdomen into the penis. Burning in the anterior part of the urethra after emitting brown urine. Burning in the region of Secondary or curative effect, succeeding a tenesmus of the bladder, 436, 443, 444, 445, 446. The symptoms 437, 438, seem to be primary alternate symptoms of the above mentioned tenesmus. 2 Compare 418. 40 PULSATILLA. the neck of the bladder in the evening, before retiring, as if he would urinate. Burning in the orifice of the urethra, during and after micturition, the urine depositing a brick-dust sediment.-465. Contraction of the urethra, the stream becoming very thin. (a. 1 h.) Drawing pain in the urethra between the acts of micturition. Creeping pain with pressure in the orifice of the urethra, after micturition. Pressure and creeping in the glans after micturition. GENITAL ORGANS:--(Swelling of an inguinal gland consequent to the disappearance of a venereal chancre.)-470. Stinging itching in the prepuce when sitting and lying down, but not when walking (in the evening). Stinging-itching sensation under the prepuce. (a.- h.) Itching-smarting pain in the outer and inner prepuce. (a. 6 h.) Biting-itching under the prepuce near the glans. (Fine stinging near the genital organs.)-475. Itching of the scrotum, early in the morning, in and out of bed. Swelling of the right side of the scrotum. Swelling of the scrotum. (a. 48 h.) The scrotum hangs down very low. (a. 1 h.)-480. Tearing pain in the testes. (a. 24.) The right testicle is drawn up and swollen, the spermatic cord is swollen, with tensive pain, whilst the left testicle is hanging down low. (a. 1-t h.) Drawing and drawing-tensive pains from the abdomen through the spermatic cord into the testicles, which hang down low. (a. 6 h.) Long-lasting erection in the morning after waking, not without sexual desire. (a. 6 h.) In the morning after waking, the sexual desire is excited. (a. 24 h.)-485. Emission in the night. Two emissions in one night, without dreams, and next day an intolerable heaviness and laziness in the limbs. (a. 12 h.)' Itching irritation in the region of the vesiculam seminales, early in the morning in bed, exciting a desire for an emission, almost without erection, and without any amorous thoughts. (a. 12, 36 h.) Erections day and night. (Frequent erections, with discharge of the prostatic juice.) (a. 36 h.)2-490. Discharge from the urethra of the color and consistence of semen, with burning pain, especially immediately after micturition.3 Discharge from the urethra, with drops of blood. (a. 4 h.) Cutting pain in the os tince. (a. 6 h.) Drawing-pressing pain towards the uterus, with inclination to vomit every morning. Drawing-tensive pain in the abdomen, resembling labor-pains. (a. 4, 5 h.)-495. Contractive pains on the left side of the uterus, resembling labor-pains, obliging Alternate symptom of 915. 2 Compare (68.) SCompare 462 (65.) PULSATILLA. 41 her to bend forward. Leucorrhoea with burning pain.' Acrid, thin leucorrhoea. Milky, painless leucorrhcea. Milky leucorrhoea, with swelling of the pudendum.-500. Painless leucorrhcea, slimy, thick, of a milky color, especially perceptible when lying down. Painless, cream-like leucorrhcea. The menses are preceded by chilliness, stretching and yawning. Sensation of heaviness in the abdomen, as of a stone, when the menses are about to appear. (a. 1 h.) Pain in the abdomen and small of the back, during the menses, as if a stone were pressing down, the lower limbs being disposed to go to sleep when sitting down, with an empty, unsuccessful urging for stool.2-505. (Spasmodic and almost burning pains in the abdomen, during the menses.) The menstrual blood is thick and black, and appears only a few times in the day.3 (The menses only flow in the daytime, when she is walking; in the night they do not flow at all, or but little.) During the menses she had. an attack of sickness in the night; water came from the stomach, like waterbrash.4 Obscuration of sight during the menses; she feels worse when entering the warm room.5-510. The menses delay, with coldness of the body, chilliness and trembling of the feet.6 Suppression of the menses.7 Suppression of the menses with nausea and inclination to vomit without any vomiting, with good appetite." Cardialgia during the menses. Pain in the side for a few days during the menses.9-515. Stitches in the chest during the menses, when taking an inspiration. Stitch in the side previous to and during the menses, the stitch being excited by moving the arm, by taking an inspiration and by loud talking; the arm feels paralyzed while the stitch is felt. The menses appear too early by seven days.10 Appearance of the menses which had been delayed. (a. 1, h.) COLD AND CORYZA:-Dry coryza.-520. Obstruction of the nose, ulcerated nostrils." Dry coryza, with ulcerated nos1496, 497 are alternate effects of 500 and 501. 2 Compare 399. 3 The difficult, retarded, or even suppressed flow of the menses seems to be the primary effect of Pulsatilla; the too early appearance of the menses seems to be a rare alternate effect (517). 4 Compare 309, 317, 318, and 322, 325, 326. 5 Compare 40. 6 Compare 747, 851, 852. 7 In several females advanced in age, especially in those whose menses usually made their appearance at the time of the full moon. 8 Compare 309. 9Disappearing upon the breaking out of sweat. 0 See note to 506. " Compare 95. a- a 42 PULSATILLA. trils.1 Green, fetid discharge from the nose. Obstruction of the nose as in catarrh, in the evening when retiring; in the morning a thick, yellow, opaque mucus is blown out of the nose, as in old coryza. Continual tickling in the nose.-525. Sneezing. (a. 4, 12 h.) Sneezing in the evening when asleep. Sneezing early in the morning when in bed. Coryza for two hours in succession (immediately and after two hours). Coryza with loss of smell and taste. LARYNX AND TRACHEA:--530. Scraping sensation in the region of the epiglottis, as is generally the case in hoarseness. (a. 1 h.) Early in the morning after rising, his chest is affected with cough and expectoration. (a. 24 h.) Hoarseness, without being able to speak a loud word. Cough (after four hours). Scraping and dryness in the throat, causing two or three turns of cough.-535. Cough is excited by a scraping sensation in the chest (trachea). The cough is excited by a feeling of dryness in the trachea. Tickling in the trachea, extending from the pit of the stomach to the epiglottis, exciting cough. When the child coughs, it seems to shake all over. Sensation, when coughing, as if the stomach turned inside out, and as if he should vomit; the cough makes tears come out of his eyes.-540. Coughs immediately after having taken a mouthful of food. (Cough excited by a contractive sensation in the larynx, especially after eating, with vomiting and bleeding at the nose.) Sensation in the throat, while coughing, as if it were irritated by the vapor of sulphur. Tickling in the region of the thyroid cartilage, occasioning a short cough. An inspiration occasions a desire to cough. (a. 2 h.)-545. Night-cough hindering sleep and causing exhaustion. Nightcough occasioning dryness of the throat. Dry night-cough, going of when sitting up in the bed, returning when lying down again. (a. 8, 32 h.)2 Continuous cough in the eveping after lying down. Cough, with pain in the chest.-550. The child vomits after coughing. Violent cough, with difficult expectoration of a small quantity of tenacious, mucus. Hard cough toward evening. Hcmoptysis. Cough with expectoration of black lumps of coagulated blood, until evening. (a. 1 h.)-555. Dry cough for half a day, followed by a continuous secretion of mucus in the anterior portion of the trachea for several days, which can be thrown off by voluntary cotigh. Cough with expectoration. (a. 2 h.) Cough with expectoration of yellow mucus. (The expectoration during the morningcough has a disgusting salt taste.) Cough with a bitter exSCompare (29.) 2 Compare 574. *, " PULSATILLA. 43 pectoration. The mucus which is thrown off in coughing has a biting-pungent taste, almost like the taste of tobacco-juice in a pipe (after some hours). Night-cough occasioning stitches in the side. Pain in the side while coughing and when rising. -565. Painful weariness in the region of the short ribs, on both sides, occasioned by slight cough, such as generally sets in after a long fit of concussive cough. (a. 30 h.) Dry cough with difficult expectoration (after several hours).' Stitches in the shoulder from coughing. While coughing he had a few darts into the lower right arm. Stitches in the back while coughing. CHEST:-570. His cheit is affected and feels sore.2 Shortness of breath immediaWly after a meal, for a few hours. (a. 72 h.) Want of breath when the air is drawn in through the nose, but not when drawn in through the mouth. (a. i h.) (Asthma when smoking his usual tobacco.) Asthma and vertigo accompanied by weakness in the head, when lying in the recumbent posture; all this disappears when sitting up.3-575. Sensation in the trachea as if it were pressed in from without and constricted, so that he was deprived of air a whole minute, in the evening when standing, without any cough. Asthma in the eveningfollowed by slumber, after which he 566, 551, 552. These 'and the preceding symptoms of dry cough are alternate symptoms of those with expectoration (556-562); however the latter seem to have the precedence, so that diseases to which Pulsatilla is homoeopathic, are more easily cured when accompanied with much expectoration, than when accompanied with dry cough. In 555, the alternate symptom with much expectoration, came after the dry cough, which occurs but rarely. 2 Compare 531. In the catarrhal condition which is expressed in this sympto:'in a popular manner, the internal tracheal glands seem to be swollei and inflamed, and unable to secrete the necessary quantity of mucus. Hence the feeling of dryness, roughness, painfulness, and the deceptive sensation as if an excessively tenacious mucus obstructed the trachea, and would not come off. 3 Compare 547. The symptoms which Pulsat. excites in the recumbent posture, when sitting, when rising from a seat, when standing or walking, form as many primary alternate symptoms of different value. 1ie symptoms excited in the recumbent posture, are generally calmed by sitting up, the reverse oacurs seldom; the symptoms excited in the sitting posture, are frequently relieved or removed by motion, the reverse occurring but seldom. The act of rising causes so many more and so much more vehement symptoms the longer one had been seated; the symptoms which are felt after sitting down, are likewise so much more vehement the longer and more violent had been the previous exercise. Those alternate eff~ts which occur most frequently and which are most characteristic, have likewise the greatest curative effects, when homweopathic to the disease. Ir ~t V. 44 PULSATILLA. wakes with a suffocative fit, short cough or vomiturition, a headache in the forehead with tearing through the eyes, creeping on the tongue, cold feet, cold sweat in the face, and a good deal of rising from the stomach. Asthmatic sensation in the lower part of the chest, as if it were too full and too high, in the morning.' Spasmodic sensation through the chest. Continual spasmodic tightness under the chest.-580. When lying on the left side she complains of anxiety, and quick palpitation of the heart, and want of breath. Spasmodically contractive sensation on the right side of the chest, with erethism of the blood and internal warmth. (a. 26 h.) Jerking sensation in the muscles of the chest, especiaJy early in the morning after waking. Spasmodic pain acrosothe chest. Painful stiffness of the muscles of the chest early in the morning after rising, when taking a deep inspiration and when moving the chest. (a. 12 h.)-585. Cramp-pain first in the right, afterwards in the left side, lastly in the chest. Drawing-tensive pain in one or the other side of the chest, increased when taking an inspiration. Stitching in the middle of the pectoral muscle when raising the arm, towards evening and during the whole night until early in the morning. (a. 4 h.) Sticking pain in the chest when moving the body. Sticking in the side, only when lying down.2-590. Dull stitches in the region of the heart, and continual pressure, with anxiety, impeding respiration, relieved by walking. Stinging pain in the left side after lying down, in the evening. (a. - h.) Tearing and somewhat sticking pain in the side of the chest.3 (a. 1 h.) (The ribs ache when grasping them.) Compressive cutting, almost like stitching, in the region of one of the lower left ribs, when lying on the right side, going off when stretching one's self, or when lying on the painful side.-595. Cutting pain in the chest here and there. (a. 6 h.) Anxious feeling in the chest, the pulse being quicker. (a. 1 h.) Impeded respiration in the morning, owing to anxiety in the chest. Congestion of the blood to the chest and heart, at night, with anxious dreams, for instance about being immured, and starting with an anxious cry. Pain in the middle of the chest, the sternum, as of an internal ulcer, with headache in the forehead, before midnight. (a. 4 h.)4-600. A small painful spot in the region of Compare 338, 342. 2 Compare 331, 574. 3 Compare note to 171. 4 Pains here and there as of an internal ulcer, are especially peculiar to Puls. Compare 123, 157, 619, 620, 690, 700, 703, 761; also sore pain which is felt when seizing a part. Compare 128, 653. ~..* PULSATILLA. 45 the sternum as if the expired air were striking against it. Drawing-tensive pain in the sternum. (Pressing and gnawing in the region of the sternum, extending as far as the region of the stomach.) Corrosive itching in the upper part of the sternum, not going off by scratching, in the evening. (a. 36 h.)' Swelling of the breasts, with tensive pain, as if puffed up with milk, while nursing.-605. Itching of the right nipple, not going off by scratching. (a. 24 h.) NECK AND BACK:-Cracking in the scapulae, when making the least motion, early in the morning. (a. 64 h.) Clawing pain in the right scapula, when sitting. Sticking pain between the scapule duriggrinotion, arresting the breathing.2 Sticking pain between the Mhpula, eve ri n in rest.3-610. Stitches in the scapula, at night. Pain f the scapula, as if too heavy. Drawing-stinging pains in the nape of the neck, between the scapula and in the back.4 Pimples extending from the scapula to the middle of the back; itching continually, especially in the evening when undressing. Sticking pain in the nape of the neck.-615. Drawing-tensive pain in the nape of the neck. Rheumatic pain in the nape of the neck, with weariness of the feet. (a. 84 h.) Sort of rheumatism in the nape of the neck in the afternoon; he had great difficulty in moving about. Pain in the nape of the neck as if the neck had been twisted over night. Swelling in the nape of the neck, extending as far as the carotids, and painful only when touched; but the pain is then very intense, as if there were ulceration.-620. Swelling on the right side of the neck, with sensation, when moving or touching the neck, as if the parts were torn or tense,5 or as if there were an internal ulcer; this pain is not felt when swallowing. (a. 4 h.) Itching-pimple on the side of the neck, the itching cannot be relieved by scratching. (a. 21 h.) Painless cracking in the first cervical vertebra, when moving the head. (a. 1 h.) Biting-itching on the side of the neck, after shaving, not going off by scratching, or rubbing, but becoming painful. (a. 5 h.)6 Itching of the neck and cheeks in the daytime; scratching occasions pimples.--625. Pimples on the neck below the chin, which are painful to the touch. Pain of the cervical glands. Boring Compare 603, 605 with 621, 623. 2 It is peculiar to Pulsatilla to cause asthma by exciting the parts not belonging to the respiratory apparatus. S Alternate symptom of the one preceding. 4 Compare 317. 5 Compare 327, 615. 6 Compare 603, 605, 621. 46 PULSATILLA. pain in the submaxillary glands, even when the parts are not moved. (a. 4 h.) Drawing-tensive pain in the submaxillary glands.' The back is painful, and stiff as a board. Pain between the shoulders as if one had been stooping a long while and then rises again; going off by walking. Tearing pain in the back.2 Sticking pain in the back and across the chest. Stinging pain in the back. (a. 2 h.) Painful pressure in the back from below upward.--635. Itching in the back and over the loins. Aching pain in the fourth vertebra, especially after walking." Aching pain in the small of the back (sacrum), as if weary, in the evening. Painful pressure in the small of the back from within outward, i*the evening.4 Stiffness and pain in the smaJLaf the backWhen lying down, as if there were subcutaneoisl ceration, or as if the parts were held by a tight band which refuses to yield.-640. Pain in the small of the back when raising the upper part of the body and bending it backward, going off by stooping forward. (a. 12 h.) Pain in the small of the back resembling labor pain, as if a band were drawn through the small of the back, drawing the parts together; this arrests her breathing, especially early in the morning. Pain in the small of the back as if dislocated, during motion. Pain in the small of the back when stooping forward, going off when raising the trunk and bending backward. (a. 24 h.) Pain as if bruised in the small of the back and knees, when lying still in the bed, going off when rising and walking about.-645. Pain in the small of the back after sitting; he is scarcely able to rise or stoop. Pain in the small of the back as if having stooped too long; the pain is mostly felt when standing or sitting, relieved by bending the body backward and by walking; accompanied with weariness in the feet which obliges one to sit down.5 Sticking pain in the small of the back and the abdomen, with cutting pains in the abdomen which arrest the breathing. Sticking in the small of the back; afterwards the pain extends into the abdomen, where it becomes cutting and sticking, and arrests the breathing; followed by a creeping,6 heaviness and a drawing sensation in the head, accompanied with vanishing of sight and hearing; afterwards chilliness, as if he had cold water poured Compare 327, 615, 620. 2Compare 630-633 with 317, 331. 8 See note to 574. 4 Compare 29, 30, 185, 710. 5 This symptom, and 639, 643 are similar, and alternate symptoms of 640, 645, the former seeming to be the principal. s Compare 24, 25, 41, 52, 54, 85. PULSATILLA. 47 over him.-650. Drawing-tensive pain in the loins.' Drawing pain from the loins to the pit of the stomach, where the pain becomes sticking during an inspiration. Sticking in the loins when stooping forward, early in the morning when in bed. (a. 10 h.) Excoriating pain in the lumbar region and the wrist, as if the parts were sore on the outside. UPPER LIMBS: Pain in the shoulder, when attempting to raise the arm.-655. (Some stitches in the axilla when sitting.) Continuous tearing pain in the shoulder-joint, obliging one %to bend the arm; it comes on in the morning when waking, and either disappears of itself after half an hour, or disappears when resting upon the painfil arm.2 Sticking rheumatic pain, in the shoulder-joint in the morning, when moving the arm, or when bending the head to one side. (a. 18 h.) Sticking pain in the shoulder-joint, when moving the arm fast. A few stitches in the deltoid muscle of the right upper arm. (a. 1 h.)-660. Darting pain in the shoulder-joint. (a. 4 h.) Bubbling sensation in the shoulder-joint. A bubbling, a sort of tremulous sensation on the top of the right shoulder in the afternoon. (a. 3 d.) Sensation of excessive weight in the shoulder-joint, and as if paralyzed when one attempts to raise the arm. Pain in the shoulder-joint, resembling a clawing and heaviness. (a. 60 h.)-665. Pain as if sprained in the shoulder-joint, when bending the arm backward. Drawing pains, coming on in shortlasting, recurring paroxysms, extending from the shoulder to the wrist-joint. Burning through the arm in the night, beginning in the shoulder. Burning pain in the arm, in the evening, with a feeling of dryness in the fingers. (a. 48 h.)3 Sensation of numbness in, and heaviness of the arm when raising it, when holding any thing with it, or doing any kind of work.670. The upper arm feels painful to the touch. The arm is painful when in rest, as if the humerus were beaten in two in the middle; this pain extends into t e thumb, and makes it useless. Tearing in the muscles of the upper arm, immediately. Drawing pain in the arm, even in rest, the whole night, from the shoulder to the fingers; these became insensible, without however becoming cold or pale. (When holding any thing in the hand, the arm feels as if it went to sleep.)-675. A sort of artificial ischias. 2 See note to 171 and to 816, 817. 3 The symptoms of Puls. alternate in respect to the time of day when they appear and disappear. They principally appear in the evening, and next to that period, in the hours after midnight. (See note to 317, relative to the nightly symptoms.) Very few symptoms appear in the afternoon, still less in the morning, etc. 48 PULS ATILLA. Pain, as if bruised in the elbow-joint, when moving the arm, the pupils being dilated, early in the morning. (a. 8 h.) Pain of the elbow-joint when stretching the arm. Pain of the elbowjoint, when moving it. (a. 18 h.) Corrosive itching of the tip of the elbow-joint, like itching and rubbing with wool. (a. 2 h.) Small, not inflamed, tumors, above the elbow-joint, under the skin, painful when touching them.-680. Heaviness of the arms, with tearing pain in the elbow-joint, when attempting to twbnd it, only in daytime. Tensive pain of the tendons of the elbow-joint when moving the arm. Drawing-tearing pain in the bones of the lower arm, in repeated paroxysms, both in daytime and in the evening.' The veins of the lower arm are distended.2 Sensation of coldness in the arms, as if they would go to sleep. (a. 72 h.)-685. Jerking-tearing pain in the arms. (a. 3 h.)3 Darting sensation in the forearm, in the direction of the wrist-joint, especially early in the morning after waking. Tearing-drawing pain in the arm, especially in the fingers at night. Drawing-tensive pain in the interior of the arm, extending as far as the wrist. Itching in the lower arm, especially in the dorsum of the hand, and between the fingers, obliging one to scratch, but without occasioning the formation of pimples.-690. Rigidity in the right wrist-joint, even when not moving the hand. Painful stiffness in the wrist-joint, when moving it, and as if the hand were sprained or strained. Sweaty hands, early in the morning after rising. Pain, as if sprained or strained in the carpal bones, afterwards in the arm, in.the evening, more perceptible during motion than in rest. (a. 4 d.) Drawing pain in the thumb, with a sensation of stiffness during motion.-695. Pain in the second joint of the thumb, when moving it, as if sprained or strained. Stiffness in the second joint of the thumb or knee, as if these joints were dislocated, and as if they would crack. (a. 2 h.) Tension in the posterior joints of the fingers, early in the morning. Tearing pain in the extensor tendons of the fingers. (a. 10 h.)4 Pimples between the fingers containing water, with a fine stinging pain, as if a splinter had been stuck in, when feeling them or when moving the fingers. (a, 4. d.)-700. Pain of the index-finger on the side of the nail, as if a panaritiurn would form. The fingers go to sleep early in the morning. (a. 36 h.) The fingers go to sleep in the night. (a. 30 h.) SCompare note to 171. 2 See note to 973 and (87.) 3 Symptoms 685 to 688 are to be understood in the manner which has been explained in the note to 171. 4 To be understood as explained in note to 171. PULSATILLA. 49 LOWER LIMBS: Simple pain in the glutei muscles, as if bruised, or as if there were subcutaneous ulceration, after sitting. Pain in the hip-joint, when bending the back, at noon.-705. Pressure in the left hip, and at the same time in the head, in the forenoon, going off during motion. (a. 26 h.) Pain in the hip-joint, as if dislocated. (a. 3 d.) Visible, painless twitching of a few fasciculi of muscles of the thigh, in the evening, whei in bed. Jerking, almost sore pain, from the hip-joint down to the knee, early in the morning, when lying in the bed, disappearing when walking. Stitching in the anterior side of the left thigh, down to the knee, and extending from the right calf to the heel; not during motion.-710. Violent pain in the muscles of the thigh and upper arm, as if they should be burst open from within. (a. 2 h.) Drawing pain, at night, in the muscles of the thigh, obliging him to move them; he cannot find any ease in any position; feels sleepless, tosses about in his bed to and fro, even after the pain has disappeared, and coldness all over. Sudden, transitory paralytic weakness in the thigh, when walking.' [Pain in the right thigh, resembling stiffness; when grasping it (or when touching it) the part aches, a sort of pricking being felt in it.]2 Drawing and tension in the thighs and legs, in the evening.-715. Pain in the thighs, as if bruised, not in the flesh, but in the bones; also when pressing upon the part, the pain feels as if in the bones; she was unable to bend the knees or to kneel down; sensation as if the bones would break. Bruised pain in the muscles and bones of thle. thighs. (a. 18 h.) (Tension about the thighs, when walking and stooping.) Paralytic pain in the knees and heel, as after a long journey, at the commencement of a walk, after having been silting on a chair. (Painful stiffness in. the right knee, when walking, when stretching the limb.)-720. Excessive weariness of the legs, with trembling of the knees.3 Tearing pains in the knees, like jerks. (a. 3 i h.) Tearing pain, extending from the knee to the hip, only when sitting, not when walking. Tearing and drawing pain in the knee. Tension in the bend of the knee (immediately).-725. Tearing pain in the knee with swelling. (Pimples in the bend of the knee.) Painless swelling of the knee. (Coldness in the knee at night, when covered with the bed-cover.) A small place on one side of the knee is painful as if bruised.-730. (At night she was unable to move the affected thigh and leg; she had to let them Or rather when commencing to walk after having been seated a long while. See note to 574, compare with 718, 747. Compare 699. 3 Compare 747, 748. VOL. IV. 5 50 PULSATILLA. lie as they did, on account of a bruised pain which she felt in the knee and below it; there was no pain to the touch.) Cracking in the knees. Unsteadiness and weakness of the knees; when walking his knees give way suddenly. The legs go to sleep when rising from a seat.' Paralytic pain of the legs when rising from a seat, going off when continuing to walk.-735. Pain as if bruised in the outer region of the tibia. Simple pain of the legs. Pain in the leg when letting it hang down. Drawing pain in the leg, in the evening. In the night he is obliged to bend his left lower limb, and to leave it so, otherwise it does not feel easy.-740. Acute drawing in the legs as far as the knees, in the evening, with more chilliness than in daytime, without any subsequent heat.2 Drawing pain in the legs from the feet to the knees, as after a long journey on foot; the pain abates in the morning, and finally disappears entirely. Sensation in the feet, as if he had performed a long journey on foot. Sensation of coldness in the leg, although it feels naturally warm. Heaviness and drawing pain in the feet, less in the arms.-745. Heaviness of the legs, especially in the forenoon. Heaviness of the legs in daytime. Towards evening the feet are insensible, but weary; they trembled when walking. (a. 48 h.) Trembling in the lower limbs, early in the morning.3 Tremulous sensation in the legs and knees, in the evening, after lying down. (a. 3 d.)-750. Weariness of the feet. (a. 50 h.) Weariness of the knees (not of the feet), when rising from a seat. Weak feet, so that he is scarcely able to stand. Buzzing and moaning sensation in the feet, when standing, disappearing when walking. (Bleeding of the varices of the leg.)-755. The tibia is painful when touched. Pain as if bruised in the outer region of the tibia, especially when moving the foot upward. Pain on the tibia, as when beating it with a stick, from afternoon till evening. Pimples on the leg, from which a watery fluid oozes out; they are affected with a burning pain. Drawing on the inner side of the calves when sitting down, after a long walk. (a. 36 h.)--760. Visible twitching in one part of the right calf, early in the morning, when in bed, not without some disagreeable sensation. The flesh on the legs is painful as if there were subcutaneous ulceration, especially in the evening, after lying down; this pain is relieved by compressing the parts with the hands. (a. 3 d.) Pain in the bones of the leg, as when presCompare 504. 2 Most of the pains of Pulsatilla are accompanied with chills, or at least chilliness. Compare 765, 921. 3 Compare 748, 749, with 720, 807, 808, 845, 851, 852. 4 Compare 732. PULSATILLA. 51 sure is made upon an ulcerated spot, after having walked for some time, especially in the afternoon, relieved by pressing upon the part, or by sitting down, but especially by the night's rest. Drawing-tensive pain in the calves. Tensive pain of the calves.-765. Cramp of the leg, in the evening, after lying down, with chilliness. (a. - h.)' When walking, he feels a pain in the calves like cramp. When walking, he feels a sudden pain in the tarsal joint as if sprained. Tearing in the tarsal joint when moving the foot, early in the morning, with dilatation of the pupils.2 Tearing pains in the region of the malleolus internus, aggravated by walking. (a. 4 h.)-770. Tearing pain across the dorsum of the foot, extending as far as the heel, morning and evening. Swelling of the dorsum of the foot. (Swelling of the dorsum of the foot, with painful rigidity.) Swelling of the feet above the malleoli, not below. Evening swelling of one foot.-775. Swelling of the foot. Hot feet. Hot swelling of the feet, extending as far as the calves. Constant burning and heat of the foot when in rest, increased by walking. Red, hot swelling of the feet, with a tensive, burning pain,. increasing to a stitching pain when standing.-780. Red, hot swelling of the feet, with itching creeping, as if frozen.3 Profuse sweat of the feet every morning in bed (secondary effect?' after healing a swelling of the foot). Excessive sensitiveness and tingling in thle foot, when first setting the foot upon the floor in the morning, as if too full of blood. Tingling-stinging, pain in the bottom of the feet when standing, as if pithy, or as if gone to sleep. Numb pain in the ball of the big toe.-785. Numb pain in the bottom of the feet and the ball of the big toe,4' as after a high leap, and as if pithy, immediately upon treading, after having been seated a long while; this pain gradually disappears by walking. (a. 1 h.) The bottom of the feet is painful, as if bruised. Tearing pain in the bottom of the feet, above the knee, and in the back.5 Tearing pain in the bottom of the feet and above the knee. Single stitches in the bottom of the feet and the tip of the toes, when at rest.-790. When treading the soles feel ecchymosed, or as if ulcerated. Burning pain in the soles. Pain in the hollow of the foot when treading, as if something had grown out, or as if there were an internal ulcer, with stitches, extending thence into the calves. L See note to 740. 2 768,769, 770. See note to 171. 3 Compare 803. 4 Pain of the periosteum upon external pressure, accompanied with, painlessness of the skin and muscles. S 787, 788. See note to 171. 52 PULSATILLA. Boring pain in the heel, towards evening. (a. 58 h.) Early in the morning, when in bed, he experiences a stinging in the heel, which passes off after rising-795. Burning-pricking pain in the ball of the heel,' with itching, as in frozen limbs. (a. 4 h.) Boring-sticking pain in the heel. (a. 3 h.) Cutting pain in the heel, in the evening, after having become warm in the bed. Somewhat red and elevated spot on the dorsum of the foot, painful to the touch, causing a prickling or somewhat sticking pain, as if an ulcer would form at that place.2 Tearing jerks or shocks (ictus in Latin) in the big toe. (a. 8 h.)-800. Pricking in the toes, especially the big toe. (a. 1 h.) Pain of the toes, as if the shoe had pinched him. Pain in the big toe, which increases in the evening, and disappears as soon as he lies down to sleep. (a. 30 h.) Itching tingling in the toes, as in frozen limbs, in the evening.3 In the evening, after having become warm in his bed, lie experiences in the ball of the little and second toe a burning-pricking pain, accompanied with itching, gradually becoming excessive, as in frozen limbs. (a. 3 b.)-805. Before midnight he experiences a painful, intolerable itching, and itching stinging of the feet and toes, which feel as if inflamed; this itching seems to go through the whole body, and is especially felt close to the root of the nails; it is an itching resembling that of frozen toes, but leaves no painful pithiness when walking, as is the case when the feet are really frozen. (Cold hands and feet when sitting.) GENERAL SYMPTOMS: Tremor in the left arm and left foot, with tearing pain. (a. 1 h.)4 Trembling in all the limbs, with tearing pain. (a. 3 h.) In the evening, when in bed, he experienced an undefinable sensation in the feet which seemed to come from the head.-810. The forearms, hands and legs Igo to sleep when lying still, with tingling; this becomes less when moving them. (a. 2 h.) The limbs upon which one had been lying when asleep, have gone to sleep when waking, with tingling. The symptoms are less in the open air. (a. f h.)5 He has a desire for fresh air, and yet colic and inclination to vomit augment in the open air. (a. 10 h.) Dreads the open air. (a. 6 to 8 h.)-815. After his walk after dinner he felt so -exhausted that he could not help sleeping; the more he endeavored to resist sleep the more drowsy he felt. In the morning The pricking pains of Puls. are generally burning-pricking. 2 To be understood as in note to 599. 3 Compare 780. 4 Comp. 807, 808 with 747, and note to 171. 6 812, 813, 814. Three alternate symptoms of Pulsatilla, the first of 4which is the principal, that is. the most frequent and strongest. PULSATILLA. 53 and in the night he is most comfortable in the recumbent posture and with his feet drawn up; on the contrary, when lying on one or the other side he feels several spasmodic symptoms; for instance, haemorrhoidal pain in the anus, headache as if the skull would fly to pieces, pains in the joints, asthma, anxiety. (a. 38 h.)' The pains diminish and disappear in the recumbent posture; but they increase or break out again when lying on the side, either right or left. (a. 24 h.) Drawingtearing pain now in one, now in the other limb, with chilliness and coldtess.2 Drawing-tearing pains here and there in the whole body, in short-lasting paroxysms returning at short intervals.--820. Drawing-stinging pain in the limbs, especially in the joints, which are painful as if bruised when touching them. Jerking-drawing pain in the muscles, as if pulled at by a cord, not in the joint.3 Jerking pain in the left side. (a. 4 h.) Biting itching of the skin here and there. Itching of the dorsum of the foot and between the breasts, early in the morning when in bed.-825. Itching-stinging sensation in the skin, resembling flea-bites. (Burning itching over the whole body, before midnight, when getting warm in the bed, becoming more violent by scratching; this prevents his night-sleep; not much in daytime, and only after having become heated by a walk, or when rubbing the skin; no eruption is visible.) Boils here and there. (Red, hot spots on the body, increasing in height until they become blotches as if occasioned by nettles, of a corrosive-itching pain.) The ulcer inclines to bleed.-830. Severely sticking-biting pain in the ulcer, with itching all around. Burning biting in the region of the scurf (belonging to the ulcer), early in the morning when in bed (accompanied with a dry cough). (a. 20 h.) Burning as of hot coal, early in the morning, on the side of and directly over the ulcer of the foot, for two minutes. Tickling itching below the ulcer of the foot. Excessive itching around the ulcer as if it would heal. -835. Stitches are experienced in the ulcer which concuss the whole body, whilst the parts around the ulcer are merelyaffected with stinging pains which afterwards change to a, burning. Stitches in the recent wounds, in the evening. In. the ulcer of one foot stitches are experienced shooting from below upwards; in the ulcer of the other foot he feels a burn816, 817. This is the most ordinary condition. But it sometimes alternates with another state, where the pain which had come on in the recumbent posture disappears by either lying on the affected part (see 656), or on the side generally; see 447. 2 818, 819 are to be understood as in note to 171. 3 Comp. 171. 54 PULSATILLA. ing. (a. 24 h.) A biting is experienced in the ulcer of the foot shortly before bandaging it, morning and evening. The redness around the ulcer becomes hard and shining.-840. The old burn (which is healed at present) is painful to the touch. Increase of pain in the ulcer, when one is just on the point of eating. Troublesome beating of the arteries through the whole body; it is especially felt when touching them.' Drawing pains in the limbs and the whole of the body, with anxious trembling. Tremulous anxiety, increasing when sitting or lying down, diminishing during motion.-845. Sensation of tremulous anxiety in the limbs. Excessively disagreeable sensation in the whole body, driving him to despair, depriving him of rest and sleep. Sensation in the body as if he had been up late in the night, with a feeling in his head as if he had been drunk the day previous. (a. 12 h.) Early in the morning, when in bed, his limbs, especially the joints, are affected with a simple pain, obliging him to stretch the limbs, with heat of the body, without thirst. (a. 12, 30 h.) While sitting, in daytime, he inclines greatly to stretch his feet. (a. 24 h.)-850. Uncomfortable feeling early in the morning after rising, going off during motion. (a. 22 h.) Tremor of the hands and feet during motion. (a. 28 h.)2 Tremulous weakness. Weakness and relaxation of the limbs, without feeling weary, early in the morning after rising. (a. 24 h.) Weariness of the legs, not when walking, but only while rising from a seat.-855. Feeling of immobility and stiffness in the body. Heaviness of the whole body. (a. 8 h.)3 He feels lazy, and wants to sit and lie down constantly. His limbs feel bruised. The limbs feel weary and lame.-860. Excessive weariness from a short walk, for many days.4 The whole body feels debilitated; he has to lie down. (a. 3 h.) Painful sensation of paralysis in the region of the ligaments.6 The longer he lies in his bed in the morning the weaker he grows, and the longer he wants to lie in his bed, or the more desirous he becomes of sleeping a little longer. SLEEP: He lies on his back while sleeping, the hands laid on his abdomen crosswise, the feet being drawn up.6-865. I Comp. 43, 44, 45, 46, 333. 2 Comp. 851, 852 with 720, 747, 748, 749, 807, 808, 845, 999. 9 The weariness and weakness excited by Puls. in the body are generally felt as a heaviness. 4 Comp. 814. 1 This symptom is likewise and principally felt in the evening about dark, accompanied with a painful sensation in the joints as is felt at the commencement of a fever and ague paroxysm, with chilliness. 6 Comp. 716. PULSATILLA. 55 Snoring inspirations when taking an evening-nap in the sitting posture. He sleeps on his back with his arms stretched over his head. Constant sleepiness, full of dreams. He feels overwhelmed with sleep in the evening without being weary. (a. 4 d.) He feels so debilitated that he is unable to walk a few minutes; after such a short walk he is obliged to sleep for hours, and so on during the day.-870. He feels sleepy at an unusual hour, either late in the morning or early in the evening. Irresistible sleepiness in the afternoon. (Drowsiness while eating his dinner.) Unusually long sleep with his eyelids closed; at the commencement the sleep is a mere slumber full of fancies and dreams. Slumber full of dreams about incoherent objects; the dreamer thinking at the same time of names which are not the true names of those objects, but which are mistaken for such; hence the incoherent, loud talking in the sleep.-875. Light sleep; afterwards he feels as if he had not slept at all. Stupefied, stupid, restless sleep; he tosses about. He turns to and fro in his sleep. Nightly, restless sleep; he feels so hot that he is obliged to throw off the bedcover, the palms of the hands being warm, but without sweat. The first three nights he was only able to sleep in the sitting posture, or with his head bent sideways or forward; he did not fall asleep before midinight.-880. Is unable to fall asleep in the evening, on account of feeling hot and anxious. (a. 4 h.) Wakes from feeling too hot. Sleeplessness, as if the blood were too much agitated. Anxiety at night, as if too hot. Feeling of heat in the night without thirst. (a. 36 h.)-885. He easily wakes before midnight. He falls asleep late in the evening, and afterwards wakes very early without being able to fall asleep again. After lying down, in the evening, he sleeps for an hour and a half without any dreams; but after this he wakes and remains awake until morning, and has to turn from side to side all the time. Wakes frequently at night, and remains awake, whereas he feels sleepy in the daytime. She frequently wakes before midnight and dreams a good deal, sleeping quickly only from two o'clock in the morning; next morning she feels so weary the whole forenoon that she would have liked to sleep half the day.--90. Sleeplessness; he wakes every three hours. Sleeplessness with a crowd of ideas on his mind. Before midnight his sleep is prevented by a fixed idea; for instance, by thinking constantly of a melody, his memory and imagination being immoderately active on account of the will-faculty being overpowered by his drowsiness. In the evening, after going to bed, he is attacked with anguish, accompanied with an excessive multitude of ideas 56 PULSATILLA. and a rush of blood to the head, obliging him to leave the bed. (a. 5 h.) Vivid dreams and fancies after midnight, which exert his reflective faculty all the time until he wakes, the object of his thoughts being almost always the same. (a. 48 h.) -895. Vivid dreams about things which had been discussed or which had taken place the day previous. She sat up in her slumber, stared at every body, and exclaimed: Drive that man away. Frightful dreams; he has to rise in his bed. (a. 5 h.) He wakes frequently from a frightful dream; for instance, as if he were falling. Dreams about murder.-900. Frightful dreams; he starts in his sleep. He starts in affright while sleeping. Dreams full of fright and disgust. While slumbering he starts and experiences a jerk in his arm.-905. When waking the sound of the words seems to him too strong, it reverberates in his ears like a roar. (a. 2 h.) He wakes at night as if frightened and stupefied; he knows not where he is, and he is not fully conscious of himself. (a. 5, 12 h.) Confused dreams in the night. He dreams about disputes. (a. 24 h.) He exclaims and starts in his sleep, being frightened about a black dog, a cat; he wants to have the bees chased away, and so forth.-910. Anguish when waking in the night, as if he had committed a crime. He has intimidating dreams; for instance, as if he. should be beaten or meet with an accident; he sighs and cries aloud in his sleep; on waking, the dream was yet so vivid that he had to take deep breath, with a sigh. He talks in his sleep (also after 40 h.). After midnight he talks in a state of half waking about imaginary thiings which he pretends had been hovering before his eyes. Slight, general sweat after midnight, while in a state of stupefying slumber, accompanied with vivid dreams.'-915. Lascivious dreams evening and morning, almost without any sexual excitement. (a. 8 h.) While sleeping, the child drew the mouth to and fro, opened the eyes, distorted them, and then closed them again, accompanied with twitching of the fingers. Jerking of one or the other limb, when on the point of going to sleep. Jerking of single limbs or of the whole body when sleeping. Spasmodic shaking and jerking of the head and the whole body when on the point of falling asleep (in the siesta), twice in succession. (a. 36 h.) FEVER:- Yawning. Chilliness accompanying the evening-pains.2 Chilliness of the body in the afternoon, followed by heaviness and heat in the head. Shuddering. Repeated shuddering.-925. Shuddering, as if sweat would break out. Chilliness, and a chilly feeling internally; constant sensation as I Compare 989. 2 Compare 740, 765. PULSATILLA. 57 if one should freeze, even in the warm room, morning and evening. Cold hands and feet; they felt dead. Chilliness early in the morning when rising. In the afternoon the upper part of the body felt warm, the lower part of the body felt chilly internally, without any coldness being perceptible to the hand.-930. Chilliness in the evening all over; he felt cold without shuddering. Chilliness towards evening, only of the thighs, which felt cold to the hand, whereas legs and feet remained warm. Chilliness the whole evening before going to bed, even while walking. Chilliness towards evening, without any cause. Chilliness in the evening, without goose-flesh.-935. Shuddering over the back, the whole day, without any thirst. Shuddering in the back, extending as far as the hypochondria, and mostly on the anterior parts of the arms and thighs, with coldness of the limbs and a sensation as if they would go to sleep, at four o'clock in the afternoon. (a. 10 h.) Creeping shuddering over the arms, with heat of the cheeks and a feeling as if the air in the room were too hot. Quickly-passing chilliness after dinner. (a. 6 h.) Chilliness after dinner, in the epigastric region, and over the upper arms. (a. 5 h.)-940. Chilliness in the evening after lying down; a short attack of heat after lying down. Feeling of chilliness with trembling, returning in a few minutes, followed by little heat, without sweat. Chilliness in the room in the evening. Chilliness in the warm room toward evening, or sensation as if he were cold, mingled with a feeling of heat. Chilliness the whole day, and three flushes of heat in the face.-945. Chilliness, with occasional flushes of warmth (a., h.); afterwards increased warmth in the face and the rest of the body.' Chilliness without thirst; thirst during the hot stage. Desire for water during the heat. Desire for water in the evening. Thirst for beer; nevertheless it has a disagreeable taste. (a. 10 h.)-950. Violent thirst after the disappearance of the heat, especially for beer, with white tongue. Thirst, especially in the morning, and for beer (a. a few hours). Desire for spirituous drinks. He wants something strong and stimulating. In the evening, after lying down in his bed, he is attacked The Pulsat. fever and ague is generally characterized by the thirst occurring only during the hot stage, rarely after the hot stage, or before the chilly stage. There is no thirst when there is merely a feeling of heat without any heat being perceptible to the hand. An alternate symptom of this mere feeling of heat is a feeling of heat mingled with a feeling of cold. There are a few more alternate symptoms belonging to this latter symptom; but they are rare, and therefore little available in practice. 58 PULSATILLA. with heat immediately, without any thirst or sweat; the sweat broke out between two and five o'clock in the morning, accompanied with thirst, and increasing after every drink he took.955. He was attacked with chilliness in the evening; this was followed for a few hours with heat which was rather external than internal, with weariness and debility; in the night the heat was only felt internally, and became entirely dry until five o'clock in the morning, without any sweat; this was followed by a dreary feeling in the head, and in a few hours by a bloody expectoration from the chest, which became leather-colored afterwards. Fever: repeated shuddering in the afternoon; in the evening a general, burning heat set in, with a violent thirst; starting in affright, which prevented sleep; pains resembling severe, maddening labor-pains, with painfulness of the whole body which made her unable to turn in her bed, and watery diarrhoea. He feels hot, and nevertheless wants to be covered; he licks his lips, but does not drink; he moans and groans. Fever: great chilliness and external coldness in the evening, without shuddering or thirst; in the morning he has a feeling of heat as if sweat would break out (which does not break out however), without thirst and without any external heat, but with hot hands, and unwillingness to be uncovered. (a. 26 h.)' Fever: violent chilliness, followed by a mixed sensation of internal heat and shuddering; afterwards a general, burning, heat with very quick pulse and hurried breathing, as if suffering mortal anguish.-960. Fever: shaking and chilliness, followed by general heat and sweat, with drawing-jerking pains in the bones of the extremities. Fever: chilliness, with hot ears and hands, every afternoon at one o'clock. Fever: thirst at two o'clock in the afternoon; at four, chilliness without thirst, with coldness of the face and hands, with anxiety and oppression of the chest; after this he lies down and feels a drawing-pain in the back extending up to the occiput, and thence to the temples and vertex; after the lapse of three hours his body feels hot without thirst; the skin is burning, with large drops of sweat in the face, sleepiness without any real sleep and great restlessness; next morning the whole body was covered with sweat. (a. 70 h.) Internal heat with moderate thirst in the afternoon. Heat in the night, and chilliness (shuddering) when turning in the bed.-965. Burning on the chest and between the scapulae, at six o'clock in the afternoon, accompanied with chilliness of the thighs and legs, without thirst. Heat, followed by shuddering. First Compare the alternate symptom (104.) PULSATILLA. 59 heat, afterwards violent chilliness. Dry heat of the whole body, in the night and early in the morning. (Thirst about midnight, without feeling any more than ordinary warmth.)970. Dry heat of the body, in the evening, with distended veins and burning hands, that desire cool places. One hand feels hot, the other cold. On one side of the body the hand and foot are cold and red, on the other they are hot, in the evening and night.' Hands and feet are hot. (a. 4 h.) Sudden heat and redness of the cheeks, with warm sweat on the forehead, especially in the evening; the heat in the face is accompanied and succeeded by shuddering in the back and over the arms, without goose-flesh, and by a boring headache, from within outward, with dull stitches; mingled with paroxysms of anguish.-975. Redness of the right cheek, with violent burning in the cheek, especially when in the open air; accompanied with heat of the right hand, shuddering of the whole body, cloudiness of the head resembling intoxication, and ill humor, with inclination to take every thing in bad part. (a. _ h.) Sudden heat with a good deal of sweat in the face, trembling of the limbs and obscuration of sight, as if one would faint.2 Flushes of heat. (a. 12 h.) Heat of the whole face in the evening. Sudden redness of the face, with shuddering of the feet and anxious trembling.-980. Heat in the afternoon, for one hour, in the whole body. Heat of the whole body except the hands, which are rather cool, with aching-pain over the orbits and an anxious moaning. Anxious heat over the whole body, the hands however being more burning than the rest of the body, with tearing pain in the occiput. Sensation as if a very hot air blew upon him, which gives him headache.3 He cannot bear any external warmth; his veins are distended.-985. Heat, early in the morning, when in bed, with sensation as if sweat had broken out. Disposition to sweat in the daytime. (a. 14, 30 h.) Disposition to sweat early in the morning. Sweat, the whole night, accompanied with stupefied slumber full of talk, and with desire for beer.4 Sweat during the morning-sleep, going off after waking.-990. Slight, general sweat. (Cramp (?) in the This redness, even of the cold parts [comp. 1005 and (86) ], shows that Puls. has the power to cause distention and swelling ot the veins even when there is no heat; in some instances which are not mentioned here, Puls. has even produced varices; comp. 420, 421, 424, 426, 683 and 985. 2 Compare 78-82, 84, 85. 3 Compare 984 with 997, 1000, 1001, (105.) 4 Compare 69, 907, 914. 60 PULSATILLA. hands and muscles of the arm during his night-sweat.) Copious morning-sweat. (a. 48 h.) Sweat on the right side of the face. Sweat only on the right side of the body.--995. Sweat only on the left side of the body. (a. 40 h.) Anxiety, as if he were in a hot air.' Anxious heat as if hot water were poured over him, with cold forehead. Trembling of the whole body, with cold sweat. (a. 3 h.) Palpitation of the heart and great anguish, obliging him to cast of his clothes.-1000. She feels too hot with her clothes on, and too chilly with her clothes off. (a. 2 h.)2 Palpitation of the heart, without anguish, lasting whole minutes. Palpitation of the heart after dinner. (a. 5 h.) Palpitation of the heart from talking. Anxiety in the afternoon, with trembling of the hands, which are marked with red spots, but not hot. MORAL SYMPTOMS: The child moans and groans when it wants to be carried or to have an evacuation. Towards evening lie began to tremble; he was assailed with a fear of ghosts, for four evenings in succession; in the daytime he was likewise attacked with anguish, trembling, and a feeling of a flush of heat over the whole body, although hands and face were pale and cold. Morning-dream with anxiety; after waking the anguish continued, accompanied with apprehensions and discouragement, on account of an unfounded but disheartening vision of the fancy (the same which he saw in his dream). (a. 6 h.) Anxiety; he has no rest (for one hour). Anguish; thinks he will be ruined. (a. 1 h.)-1010. Anguish in the region of the heart, even unto a desire for suicide, with a sensation in the pit of the stomach as if he would vomit. Anxiety, as if he would have an apoplectic fit, in the evening after lying down, with chilliness, noise in the ears like music, with jerkings in the fingers of the right hand. (a. h.) Tremulous anguish, as if death were near. (a. 1 h.) Solicitude about his health. He is full of care about his domestic affairs, early in the morning.-1015. He is unable to think of his affairs, without feeling some grief, early in the morning. (a. 8 h.) Uneasiness of mind, as if one did not do one's duty. (a. 18 h.) Excessive irresoluteness. He flees from work, is irresolute, beside himself, with panting breathing. He wants to do this or that kind of work, and when he is offered it to do he refuses. (a. 10 h.)--1020. The child wants now this, now that, even when good-humored. Is envious, greedy, would like to have every SCompare (105.) 2 Compare (106.) 3 Compare 1020, 1021, with 284, 285. PULSATILLA. 61 thing to himself. Aversion to labor, ill-humor. (a. 1 h.) Peevishness, which increases to tears when he is interrupted in his business (in the afternoon). (a. 36 h.) Sullen mood (after several hours).-1025. Cries a good deal, and feels greatly dissatisfied, early in the morning after waking. Ill-humor and malcontent the whole day, without any cause. (a. 24 h.) An unpleasant news makes him sad and desponding. (a. 20 h.) Gloomy, ill-humored, chilly. Finds fault with every thing that people say. (a. - h.)-1030. Hypochondriac peevishness; finds fault with every thing that is said. T'he child makes its limbs stiff from ill-humor. Excessively peevish in the evening, toward sunset; he does not like to answer any questions. He is disgusted with every thing.'-1035. Her head feels so still, and the world around her seems to her so empty, that she imagines she is alone in the world; she did not wish to speak to any body; as if every body were a stranger to her. The things around him are not indifferent to him, but he does not wish to heed them. (a. 1 h.) His head is full of ideas, but they change. Hurriedness. Want of attention, is precipitate in his actions, does something different from what he intended. (a. 2 h.)-1040. Has great trouble in finding the proper expressions while talking. He omits single letters when writing. Intellectual labor fatigues him most. In the evening he is more disposed to employ his mind than at other times of the day.2 After a walk through the room he is out of humor and has no appetite. (a. 48 h.)-1045. Does not take any pleasure in any thing, but on the other hand is not displeased with any thing. Exceedingly whimsical, and put out with every thing, even with himself. OBSERVATIONS OF OTHERS. HEAD: Violent vertigo, as if intoxicated; vertigo as one feels after turning for a long while in a circle, accompanied with nausea. Vertigo (immediately), still worse the next day. Reeling sensation, as if he would fall to one side.-5. Reeling, as if he had taken brandy. Stitching headache. Sticking and tearing in the head, especially in the temples. Constrictive headache in the temples. Whizzing in the head, with roaring in the ears, which is still more violent than the whizzing; in the evening he had to lie down before his usual time.-10. Tensive headache over the whole brain. Aching pain in the forehead above the orbits, affecting the head. Dull headache, 1035, 1037, 1046, are alternate symptoms. 2 Curative effect. 62 PULSATILLA. especially in the forehead. (a. -L h.) The headache, which discontinues and recommences again at an indefinite period, is especially violent in the open air. Beating headache in the occiput, the beating takes place at regular intervals.-15. Large pustule on the hairy scalp, in the region of the occiput, with fine tearing pains. EYES AND FACE: Dimsighted, as if his eyes were covered with a mist. Objects appear very pale. Obscuration of sight.' Dilatation of the pupils.-20. Pain in the eye, as if it were scraped with a knife. Excessively tearing, boring, cutting pains in the eye. Swelling and redness of the eyelids. Bleareyedness. The face feels warm both to himself and others.25. Sweat of the face and of the hairy scalp. EARS AND NOSE: Fine ringing in the right ear, afterwards in the left, with a pleasant titillating sensation in the region of the tympanum. Whizzing in the ears (a. 7, 8 h.), lasting two days, and terminating in a sudden concussion, which went from the head across the chest, like an electric shock, with a sensation before the eyes as when a soap-bubble is bursting. Sensation in the ear as if it were obstructed, and a whizzing in the ear resembling a strong, distant noise. (a. 12 h.) Purulent discharge from the right nostril.2-30. Feeling of pressure in the root of the nose. Fetid smell before the nose, as of old coryza. TEETH AND MOUTH: Beating in the gums synchronous with the pulse; more violent near the warm stove. The saliva flows together in the mouth as when one drinks vinegar. Ptyalism.-35. Troublesome deglutition, as if the muscles of the pharynx were paralyzed. Tearing sensation below the larynx, a sort of ripping up. Tearing in the upper surface of the tongue, followed by heat in the same. TASTE AND GASTRIC SYMPTOMS: Bitter and bilious taste in the mouth after eating or smoking. Bitter taste in the mouth early in the morning before breakfast, remaining while he smokes his pipe.-40. Bitter taste also of the food. Aversion to bread and butter. Appetite, but he cannot say what he would like to eat. Loud eructations. Continued eructations after a meal, tasting of the ingesta.-45. Disposition to vomit. Violent vomiting of a green, slimy-watery substance, having a sour smell, and burning in the oesophagus and pharynx like fire, after supper and after having gone to bed; this vomiting occurred three evenings in succession. STOMACH AND ABDOMEN: Griping pain in the pit of the 1 From the vapor. 9, Compare 522. PULSATILLA. 63 stomach, when waking or sleeping. Tearing pain in the abdomen.-50. Sticking pains in the abdomen. Rumbling and grunting in the abdomen. STOOL: Diarrhcea which does not weaken. Diarrhoea without colic. Slimy diarrhoea five mornings in succession, after rising.-55. Involuntary diarrhoea, during sleep, five nights in succession; also in the daytime he has three or four diarrhceic stools. (a. 40 h.) Profuse bleeding from the anus. (a. 7 d.) Profuse bleeding from the anus during stool. Haemorrhoidal flux for three days. Several small blotches in the loins of the size of peas, containing pus and affected with a burning-pricking pain. URINARY AND GENITAL ORGANS: He passes six ounces of blood through the urethra without any pain. Increased secretion of urine. Enuresis. Almost constant flow of urine. Tenesmus of the bladder.-65. Troublesome burning of the urine. Pain in the urethra after urinating, as if the finger-nail were being pressed hard into the urethra. Constrictive pain behind the glans. Agreeable tickling of the glans, followed by discharge of a colorless mucus looking like prostatic juice. Discharge of a fetid fluid from the urethra (gonorrhea?).-70. Nocturnal emissions. Increased, profuse menses. Burningpricking pain in the vagina and in the labia. CATARRH AND CHEST: Tickling in the nose as of fine snuff, causing a sneezing. Fetid mucus in the nose, as of old coryza.-75. Oppression of the chest, with cough without expectoration. One spasmodic inspiration and expiration, passing over into a short-lasting suffocative sensation, as if one lost the breath and had to die. Constriction across the chest. (Asthma.)' (Ulcerated, corroded lungs, hectic fever, expectoration of blood and pus.)2 BACK AND EXTREMITIES: Beating-tickling sensation in the back. Sticking pain in the upper arm. Stitches in the arm, here and there. Nightly itching in the arm. Vesicles on the arm, which afterwards become filled with pus and then scale off.-85. Suddenly passing burning pains from the toes to the groin. Stitches in the tibia from below upward, with burning pains in the outer parts and an erysipelatous redness.3 The swelling of the foot and the varices increase. Violent From the Pulsatilla silvestris, which is related to the anemone pratensis. 2 From a syrup made of the purple-colored flowers used by a female in the case of her husband and two children for fever, cough, roughness of the throat, acute catarrh, and for pleurisy. 3 From y-Q grain of the juice in a female of 58 years. 64 RHEUM. sticking pains in the tarsal joint, in the evening. (a. 10 h.) The foot felt so lame that she had to drag it.-90. Burning pain in the dorsum of the foot. GENERAL SYMPTOMS, SLEEP AND FEVER: Great heaviness and great chilliness of the arms and legs. Inclination to stretch one's self. He was unable to fall asleep in the evening. Sleeplessness with excessive restlessness.-95. He was unable to sleep before two o'clock in the morning. Restless sleep, with tossing about in the bed, as if too warm. Intolerable dry heat in the night, in bed. Intolerable itching, in the evening in bed.-100. She frequently jumped out of her bed, because she felt more comfortable out of the bed. Coldness, paleness and sweat of the whole body, for two hours. (a. 2 h.) Chilliness, as when one enters the cold air coming out of a warm room. Shuddering, almost without chilliness, the hair standing on end, with anguish and oppression.' Slight chills in the afternoon.-105. Feeling of warmth, as in a room which is too hot. (a. 3 h.) Her clothes felt too tight; she felt disposed to take them off. Violent heat all over, in the evening, with disposition to be covered, and a violent desire for beer. Chilliness, followed by heat of the head and the hands, which was perceptible both to himself and others, with a slow, full pulse. (a. 12 h.) Redness and burning heat in the face (immediately), followed by paleness of the face.-110. Slight morning-sweat. Profuse, fetid night-sweat. Night-sweat, a fortnight in succession. MORAL SYMPTOMS: The symptoms appear with particular violence every other evening. Peevish, weeping mood, out of humor.-115. He is very still. He feels gloomy and melancholy. (a. 4 h.) Extremely out of humor and desponding. RHEUM (RHUBARB). (Prepare the tincture by taking a portion of the best powdered root and mixing one grain of it with twenty drops of alcohol, shaking the mixture several times a day for five or six days, keeping it in a room which has the usual temperature, and then pouring the solution off.) FOR the last thousand years since this root had been made known by the Arabians, it has been used in the most absurd manner for the purpose of sweeping out the intestinal canal or SAlternate symptom of 959. RHEUM. 65 of arresting certain kinds of diarrhoea, but even the latter rarely with any success. This abuse of the rhubarb ought to be attributed to the fact that the homceopathic law of cure has never been systematically followed in the treatment of disease. The following symptoms show that rheum must be very useful in many of the ordinary diseases of children. One drop of the ninth potency is quite sufficient at a dose. RHEUM. HEAD: Beating headache. Hammering sensation in the head, which seemed to ascend from the abdomen. (a. 6 h.) Headache extending as far as the occiput, afterwards the pain becomes tearing. Dull, tight, dizzy sort of a headache, extending over the whole of the brain, and being worse on the top of the head and in the temples.-5. Stupefying headache, as if the parts in the head were turned out of their places, more during motion than when stooping. Heaviness in the head, with an oppressive heat ascending into the head. Sensation when stooping as if the brain moved. Obscuration of the head, with bloated eyes; afterwards headache over one of the orbits, with dilated pupils. (a. 1 to 4 h.) [Vertigo. Vertigo when standing, as if he would fall to one side. Cloudiness in the sinciput, with a moving sensation in that part of the head. The head feels quite stupid, as after an intoxication.-5. Creeping in the temporal region. Drawing pain deep in the head behind the frontal eminences. Clawing headache, coming and going like the pulse, now in the left, now in the right temporal bone and on top of the head. (a. 15 h.) Sensation of heaviness in the head and intermittent tearing in the same (while walking). (a. 1 h.) Aching pain across the whole sinciput.-10. Aching pain in the right side of the head, especially on top of the head and in the temples. (a. h h.) Dull, beating headache in the sinciput, especially when standing. Slight stitches above the temples. The frontal muscles incline to contract into wrinkles.] FACE AND EYES: Aching and burning sensation in the margin of the upper eyelid.-10. Contraction of the pupils, accompanied with an internal restlessness (for 16 hours). The eyes feel weak; they become painful when looking at a thing for a long time; with a pressure in the eyes as if they were weary. Itching rash on the forehead and arm. [Tensive sensation in the skin of the face.-15. Corrosive pain in the left eye before going to sleep, as if dirt, dust or an VOL. iv. 6 66 RHEUM. insect had got in, with lachrymation. Lachrymation in the open air. Beating pain in the eyes. Pressure upon the eyelids even when they are closed. Drawing in the eyelids.-20. The pupils are more or less contracted.] NOSE AND EARS: Roaring in the right ear, with sensation in that ear as if the tympanum were relaxed, with dull hearing (as if the hearing were on the point of becoming obstructed); the roaring and the relaxation of the tympanum abated (the hearing became restored) whenever he swallowed with a certain force, only momentarily, for the symptoms returned immediately. Snapping as of electric sparks and clucking in the ear and in the muscles of the side of the neck, which could be felt with the hand. [A sort of straining with some itching in the left ear which obliges him to insert the finger into the ear. Pressure in the meatus auditorius as if it were pressed upon with a finger. Sometimes a beating is felt in the ears, especially when stooping while writing. Warmth around the nose.-25. Drawing, as it were stupefying pain along the root of the nose, causing a creeping in the tip of the nose.] JAWS AND TEETH:-15. Drawing, expanding sensation in the right lower jaw extending as far as the right temple. Digging-up pain in the hollow teeth, which feel as if they had risen and vacillated. (a. 12 to 24 h.) [Pressure as with a finger in the region where the head and nape of the neck unite. Pain in the left molar teeth, which is accompanied with a sensation of coldness and occasions a confluence of the saliva in the mouth. Pain in the left upper foreteeth, which is accompanied with a sensation of coldness.] APPETITE AND GASTRIC SYMPTOMS: Aliments, even sweet, taste bitter, but not when merely put into the mouth. (a. 10 h.) Want of appetite. Hunger, but no appetite.-20. He feels qualmish and inclines to vomit. Coffee is repugnant to him unless it is very sweet. MOUTH, PHARYNX, (SOPHAGUS, STOMACH AND ABDOMEN: Dryness of the mouth, which feels dry to him, without any desire for drink. Repletion in the stomach as if he had eaten too much; this is sometimes followed by drowsiness. (a. 8 to 12 h.) Contractive sensation in the stomach, accompanied with nausea. (a. -L h.)-25. Cutting colic shortly (- hour) after dinner; he has to bend double when sitting, in order to find relief; it is worst when standing. Expanding, clucking (bubbling) sensation in the abdominal muscles, as if he could hear it. Colic before and during stool, abating after stool. The emis RHEUM. 67 sion of wind is preceded by pinching colic. (a. 24 h.) Pinching in the abdomen,' he feels a strong urging for stool in the large intestine; but he is unable to accomplish any thing; the rectum is inactive. (a. 24 h.)-30. Flatulence in the abdomen, which seems to rise towards the chest and to cause a pressure and tension here and there. [Contraction of the pharynx.2-30. The sensibility of the tongue and the sense of taste disappear for a whole day.8 Sour taste in the mouth. Great appetite, but the food, although one relishes it in the beginning, soon becomes repugnant. Desire for various things, accompanied with aversion to certain other things (for instance greasy, fat things); however, he cannot eat much of the things he likes, because they become repugnant immediately. He does not relish his food, and it soon becomes repugnant to him, although he has a good deal of appetite.-35. Pressure in the stomach as if it were filled a good deal with food. (a. - h.) The abdomen is distended after a meal. Urging for stool after a meal. Nausea in the region of the stomach. Feeling as if one would vomit. (a. h.)-40. Nausea, colic. Sensation of nausea in the abdomen. (a. 10 minutes.) Pressure in the region of the spleen. Dull stitching on the left side of the pit of the stomach. Stitch in the pit of the stomach.-45. Violent beating, and painless clucking in the pit of the stomach at regular intervals. (a. l1 h.) Distention of the abdomen. Pressure in the intestines when taking an inspiration, as if they were full of fluid. Rumbling in the abdomen. Dull, strangulating cutting transversely across the abdomen.-50. Single painful cuttings in the abdomen without stool. Pressure in the umbilical region (immediately). Pressure in the umbilical region, as if the intestines would be pressed out. Cutting in the umbilical region. (The cutting in the abdomen is increased by the eating of a few plums.)-55. Colic, bloatedness of the abdomen. Flatulence. Cutting drawing in the left loin below the short ribs, and anteriorly in the left side of the hypogastrium directly above the os pubis; diggingup sensation in the intestines. (Sharp) cutting in the left ' The primary effect of rhubarb appears to be a colicky, sometimes ineffectual urging the stools being bad fiecal matter. The evacuations occasioned by rhubarb consisting of faeces, the drug cannot be employed in dysentery (although the colicky pains are alike), for this additional reason, that there is no correspondence between the other symptoms of rhubarb and those of dysentery. 2 From chewing and eating the stems and leaves. * From eating the stems. RHEUM. loin. Tension in the left side of the hypogastrium, directly over the os pubis, after a meal. (a. 3 h.)-60. Pressure in the region of the os pubis, as if a strong pressure were made with the tip of the thumb. Twitching in the abdominal muscles. (a. 20 h.) Violent cutting in the region of the lumbar vertebra, as if it occurred in the substance of the vertebrce, increased by an evacuation.] STOOL: Stool, the first part of which is hard, the second liquid. Diarrhoeic stools, consisting in faeces and mucus. Discharges of grayish mucus by the rectum. Painful pressure in the abdominal ring when walking, as if hernia would protrude. --35. Fine, frequent, itching stitches in the right inguinal gland. [Papescent, sour-smelling stool; one shudders while the evacuation is taking place, and after the evacuation a renewed urging and pinching in the bowels (constriction) set in. (a. 6 h.) Frequent urging for stool, which results in a loose, papescent, fetid evacuation, with colic, and with tenesmus immediately after the evacuation-in spite of his efforts nothing comes off, although he feels an urging-another evacuation taking place a little while after; after rising from stool, the urging, which had subsided gradually, becomes more and more violent, the pain in the abdomen which accompanied the evacuation increases likewise.-65. Cutting in the abdomen and emission of flatulence, early in the morning when uncovering one's self. (a. 14 h.) Increased urging for stool when moving about. A sort of tenesmus of the rectum. (a. 5 h.) Painful sensation in the region of the anus, as is felt after a diarrhoea of long duration. Stool mixed with mucus.-70. Stool first loose, then hard; preceded and accompanied by violent cutting. (a. 24 h.) ] URINARY AND GENITAL ORGANS: Burning urine. (a. 20 h.) (Frequent emission of a large quantity of urine.) [Weakness of the bladder; he had to press hard when urinating, otherwise the urine would not have been voided entirely. Pressure upon the bladder. Burning in the kidneys and bladder. Red-yellow urine, as in jaundice and acute fevers.-75. The urine is light-yellow, with a greenish tinge.] RESPIRATORY ORGANS: Dull, quick stitches under the last rib, during an expiration. Dull, quick stitches under the last rib, during an inspiration and expiration (continuing for a long while).-40. Single stitches in the chest. (a. 6 h.) Oppression of the chest. Crackling rising as of little vesicles, first in the left, afterwards also in the right pectoral muscles, RHEUM. 69 continuous, and perceptible to his own ears. Simple aching of both nipples, which seems to come from flatulence in the abdomen. Long stitch in both nipples. [Compression of the chest. Asthma; when taking a deep inspiration the chest does not yield sufficiently; as if a weight were oppressing the chest directly under the throat. Painful pressure across the sternum, occasioning a sensation as if the thoracic cavity were narrower than before; sometimes single stitches are felt instead of the pressure. Burning pain on the left side of the sternum.-80. Dry cough in the evening. (a. 5 h.) Cough with expectoration of mucus for five minutes. (a. 13 h.) The milk of nurses becomes yellow and bitter.] BACK AND EXTREMITIES: Stiffness of the small of the back and hips; he is unable to walk straight. Single stitches in the arms. Jerking sensation in the right elbow. Jerking in the arms and hands early in the morning, also in the rest of the body, two days in succession. Bubbling sensation in the elbow-joint, in rest and motion.-50. Violent lancinating pain in the thumb. (a. 3 h.) Weariness of the thighs, as after an excessive effort. Twitching of single parts of muscles on the posterior surface of the thighs, especially when the muscles are put upon the stretch, when sitting and when drawing up the knees in the recumbent posture; the twitching is perceptible to the eye, and can be felt with the hand. The lower limbs go to sleep when laid across one another. Tensive aching pain in the bend of the left knee, extending down to the heel.-55. Bubbling sensation in the bend of the knee, as if it could be heard. Painless bubbling in the bend of the knee, extending as far as the heel. Stiffness of the knee, which is paioful in motion. Painful weariness in the bend of the left knee when standing, with a drawing sensation from above downward. Tensive weariness in the bend of the right knee.-60. Bubbling in the leg, from above downward, accompanied with sticking. Tearing and sticking pain transversely across the instep. Stinging itching in the hollow of the foot. Bubblingsnapping sensation in the ball of the left big toe. Stinging itching of the root of the little toe; almost as one experiences in a frozen toe. [Tearing in the upper arms and the finger-joints. Tearing in the forearms.--85. The muscles of the forearm feel contracted, accompanied with a tremulous motion of the hands. Sensation in the lower surface of the forearm as if it were going to sleep. Distended veins of the hands. (a. 2 h.) The palm of the hand feels hot to him and others, Cold sweat in the hollow of the hands, whereas the dorsum of the hand ani the 70 RHEUM. rest of the body were warm. (a. 20 h.)-90. Sweat in the palm of the hand while the hands are closed. Tearing from the thumb to the little finger across the hand. (Stitching in left knee when walking.) (Early in the morning, after rising, the left tarsal joint feels sprained, and is painful when treading upon the foot.) Sticking in the left foot, in the edge of the sole, behind the little toe.-95. Burning paroxysmal pain between the internal malleolus and the tendo Achillis, as if it were touched from time to time by an incandescent coal. (a. 5 h.) GENERAL SYMPTOMS, SLEEP AND FEVER:-65. He feels a simple pain in all his joints when moving them. (a. 12 and more hours.) The limbs upon which he lies, go to sleep. Heaviness in the whole body as when one wakes from a deep sleep. Drowsiness. Snoring inspirations during sleep. (a. 1 h.)-70. Vexatious, offensive dreams at night. Vivid dreams, ufhich make one sad and anxious. He extends his hands above his head when sleeping. He is restless when sleeping; he moans and bends his head backward. The child tosses about in the night, cries several times, and says tremblingly that there are men.-75. The child is pale; she grumbles in her sleep as if she were quarrelling, and has convulsive drawings in the fingers, facial muscles and eyelids. He is delirious in his evening-sleep, and walks about in his bed with his eyes closed without talking, and feels very hot. It takes her a long time, after waking, to become conscious of herself. After sleeping he feels a heaviness in his whole body. After sleeping his eyes are agglutinated.-80. After sleeping the mouth is lined with fetid mucus. After sleeping he has a putrid taste in his mouth. After sleeping his breath has a fetid smell. ' After sleeping he has a pressure in the pit of the stomach spreading over the sternum during an inspiration, and being changed to a pain as if bruised. He shudders without being cold externally. (a. ' h.)-85. One cheek is occasionally pale, while the other is red, or both are pale. Alternation of chilliness and heat for only two minutes; she feels moreover weary and anxious, and every thing was repugnant to her, even those things which were dearest to her. He feels hot all over without being thirsty. (a. 2 h.) His hands and feet feel hot, without his arms and thighs feeling hot, the face being cool. Cool sweat in the face, especially around the mouth and nose. (a. 3 h.)-90. He sweats on the forehead and hairy scalp, even after making a little exertion. [Debility of the whole body when walking. Debility of the whole body. The whole body feels heavy as if one had not slept enough. Frequent yawning.-100. Drowsiness. RHUS RADICANS. 71 Before falling asleep he raises his hands involuntarily above his head. In his sleep, which is restless, he imagines that he is walking about in a state of half consciousness, half dreaming and half waking. Anxious dreams of deceased relatives. '-105. Early in the morning, after sleeping, he feels lazy and suffers with a violent clawing and tensive headache transversely across the whole anterior half of the head. (Slight chilliness, early in the morning.) The cheeks feel hot to him and others. Warmth of the whole body, without thirst. Heat of the body, with restlessness.-110. Quick pulse. Sweat which tinges linen yellow and smells of rhubarb.] MORAL SYMPTOMS: He is silent, and nothing makes an impression upon him. He is lazy and taciturn. Moaning, anxious, ill humor. The child asks for many things with a sort of impetuosity and with cries. [Delirium. State of mind as if one were half asleep. (a. 11 h.) Gloomy mood; he is unable to continue long the same occupation.-115. Peevish, taciturn.] RHUS RADICANS, OR TOXICODENDRON. (Express the juice from the recent plant, and mix it with equal parts of alcohol. The following symptoms have been obtained from the Rhus tox. The Rhus radicans of this country is believed by some to have a somewhat different action from the Rhus toxicodendron. HEMPEL.) THE symptoms of this remarkable and valuable drug have a great many interesting peculiarities. One of them is that the symptoms which this drug is capable of exciting in the healthy organism, are most violent when the part affected is in a perfect state of rest, or is kept as immoveable as possible. The alternate symptom, the exacerbation of the symptoms in a state of motion, is much rarer. As regards the other peculiarities, every one may easily discover them for himself in the following list of symptoms, which is perfectly truthful and accurate. On comparing the symptoms of Bryonia and Rhus, some of them will be found to be strikingly similar, others strikingly opposed to one another. The very same symptoms which, when excited by Rhus, are aggravated in a state of rest, are relieved by rest when occasioned by Bryonia. The symptoms 72 RHUS RADICANS. of these two drugs belonging to one family will account for the fact that Bryonia and Rhus were the specifies for the epidemic typhus which desolated many districts of Europe in the late war of 1813. While thousands of patients whose treatment was derived from speculative notions about the essence' of the disease, died almost without an exception, all those who were treated with Rhus and Bryonia recovered, as may be seen in the sixth number of the Allgemeine Anzeiger der Deutschen, where I describe the nature and homoeopathic treatment of the epidemic. What a triumph for the homoeopathic healing art! Large doses of Rhus act about six weeks; smaller doses proportionately less. It is owing to this slow action that the improvement is frequently perceived only thirty-six hours after the dose had been administered. The unpleasant effects of Rhns may be relieved by Bryonia, Sulphur, Camphor, Coffea cruda. Long experience has convinced me that the tincture of Rhus should never be used, and that a small portion of a drop of the 30th potency is entirely sufficient for curative purposes. RHUS. HEAD: After rising she feels intoxicated, and imagines she will fall. Her head is affected; she is unable to stand firmly. Violent vertigo when lying down, with fear that he will die. (a. 10 h.) Vertigo; every thing turned with her, especially when standing or walking, also (but less) when sitting, not at all when lying down.'-.5. Reeling and tottering sensation in the body, without feeling giddy in the head. Sensation, when walking in the open air, as if something were turning in the head, still he does not feel giddy. Stupid feeling in the head, when sitting down, as if intoxicated; when rising he feels giddy, as if he would fall forward or backward.2 Giddy when walking, as if she would fall forward.3 Dizzy when rising from bed; he is scarcely able to keep himself on his legs.-10. The head feels gloomy and dull. Stupefied, weak feeling in the head. Weakness of memory. He seems to be engaged in thinking, but he has no ideas. When walking, he feels so dizzy that he scarcely sees the men which are standing before him.--15. She feels a vertigo after walking or stooping, not otherwise. Loss of thought, as if owing to a swimming of the eyes; frequently she is unable to see things. Loss of thought; ' Compare 180. 2 Compare 180. 3 Compare 180. RHUS RADICANS. 73 for instance, in writing 12 he would put down 1, but was unable to recollect the other number; when holding paper in his hands, he had to think what it was. Stupefied headache, and buzzing in the head. Obtuse feeling in the head (immediately).---0. The head feels obtuse and as if intoxicated, early in the morning. (a. 12 h.) Reeling, with headache affecting the whole head; when writing he lost his thoughts and memory, and he was unable to collect himself. Obtuse feeling of the head, pressure in the right temple, and a pressure directly over and behind the right orbit, as of a weight. Pressure in the temples. Headache as if the eyes were pressed out of their sockets, with yawning and chilliness, without thirst.-25. When stooping he feels as if he could not raise himself again; the nape of the neck feels embarrassed; when stooping he feels as if a quantity of blood were rushing to his brain. Constant heaviness in the head; when stooping he feels a sort of weight settling down the forehead, and drawing down the head, the face becoming hot at the same time. Headache behind the left eye, with pressure from behind forward. The head feels so heavy that she has to hold it straight in order to diminish the load which is pressing down in the forehead. The head feels heavy and gloomy when turning the eyes; the eyeball itself hurts him.30. Painful heaviness in the temples, pressing from above downward. Headache as if the brain were compressed from temple to temple. Heat in the head, with dry lips and thirst, followed by a violent headache, as if the forehead should be pressed asunder, with great heaviness in the forehead, especially when coming into the room out of the open air, or when waking from the siesta; the headache disappears as soon as she lies down in the evening. Burning pressure in the region of the right temporal bone. Pressure in the right temple, irradiating from below upward, in the evening when in bed, worst in rest; in order to be relieved he had now to sit down, now to leave his bed.-35. Tearing in the head to and fro, worse when stooping; from five o'clock in the afternoon until bedtime. Headache, drawing in the occiput and temples, with pressure in the eyes; it is so violent early in the morning that he has to leave his bed. (Headache, as if he had spoiled his stomach.) Tearing headache. On waking and opening his eyes he is attacked with a violent headache, first in the forehead behind the eyes, as if the brain would be torn to pieces, as after an intoxication by brandy, and made worse by moving the eyes; afterwards in the occiput, as if the cerebellum were bruised; a pressing from within outward is felt in the temples. -40. (Headache in the left side and occiput, as if the parts 74 RHUS RADICANS. were sore, extending as far as the teeth.) When making steps, she feels every step reverberate in the head. Occasional sensation in the brain, as of the flagging of sails. Wavering sensation in the brain, when walking. Stitches in the head from within outwards.-45. Fine beating in the right side of the head. Burning in the head and a fine beating or pecking headache. Burning pain, sometimes in the occiput, sometimes in the forehead. Burning-creeping sensation in the forehead. He feels the pulse in the occiput.-50. A few fine, violent stitches in the right temple from without inward. Her head feels too full and heavy (with ringing in the ears), occasionally accompanied with stitches in the left temple from within outward. Heaviness in the upper part of the head, after walking. Single stitch in the head, above the eye, from within outward, while eating, and continuing for four minutes; followed by nausea and fulness; a warm sensation ascending into the head. Singlejerks in the occiput, in the afternoon.-55. Tearing in the upper part of the head, shortly after a meal; at the same place the head feels sore to the touch; sometimes the wholQ head is affected by the drawing pain. Painful creeping in the head, a sort of digging as with a needle, a fine prickling digging. A sort of creeping headache after a walk in the open air. Creeping in one part of the occiput, in the afternoon, as if an abscess would form. Creeping in the scalp. (a. 72 h.)-60. Headache rather externally, contracting the scalp as if she were pulled by the hair; nevertheless, the head is not painful to the touch. The hairy scalp is very painful to the touch, and when moving the hairs backwards. The head is painful to the touch, like a boil. Corrosive itching of the hairy scalp of the forehead, face, and around the mouth; rash-shaped pimples make their appearance. Pain in the posterior cervical muscles, towards evening, as if the parts had gone to sleep, and as if the head had been kept erect too long. [Vertigo. Violent vertigo. Vertigo as if he were held up into the air while sitting. Vanishing of thought during a walk after dinner.-5. Staggering walking, without vertigo. While walking he staggers constantly to the right side. His head feels confused, without any definite pain. Vertigo and stupid feeling in the head. Dizziness.-10. When turning the head, she lost her senses; when stooping she felt as if she could not raise the head again. The head feels dull, immediately. Obtuse feeling in the head and want of inclination for literary occupations. His head feels weary, he cannot think well; he is averse to talking, or finds it troublesome.-15. His mind felt exhausted for several days; he was unable to retain RHUS RADICANS. 75 a single idea, and was almost quite stupid.' Slow development of ideas. Forgetfulness: he is unable to recollect the latest events. Dullness of memory: he has great trouble in recollecting the most familiar things and names; sometimes his recollections are quite distinct, when he is free from the febrile chills. The head feels full and heavy, with sensation when stooping, as if the brain were falling forward.-20. Sensation, when shaking the head, as if the brain were loose and were knocking against the skull. Headache transversely through the forehead. Headache in the occiput, which goes off when bending the head backward. Headache in the forehead when moving the arms violently, as if pressure were made with a dull point. (a. 25 h.) Pressure and drawing in the left side of the hairy scalp from below upward.-25. Tearing pain in the right temple. (a. h.) Simple tearing transversely across the hairy scalp, externally. Drawing with pressure on the left side of the hairy scalp. Creeping and crawling over the forehead and nose when sitting straight, going offwhen stooping.] FACE AND EYES:-65. Redness and sweat of the face, without thirst. (a. 1 h.) Sensation as if she had a gauze before her eyes; she is unable to see distinctly. The eyeball feels sore when turning the eye or when pressing upon it; he is scarcely able to turn the eye. Pressure in the eye as if it contained dust. Painful pressure in the eyes.-70. Pressure in the eye, when exerting the sight. Pressure in the left eye, as if it were inflamed; the internal canthus is red, and filled with gum in the evening. Aching and contractive pain in the eyes, evening. Burning pressure in the eye, from evening until morning; going off in the morning after rising. In the morning the sclerotica is red, with a burning pressure in the eye; the eyes felt as if protruding from their sockets.-75. In the morning the eyes are red and agglutinated. Ophthalmia. Bleareyedness. Lachrymation in the evening, with burning pain.-80. Biting in the eyes; agglutination of the eyes in the morning. Biting in the inner surface of the lower eyelids. (a. 2 h.) In the cold air the eyelids are made sore by saltish, acrid tears. The eyelids feel dry, especially in the inner canthus. In the evening the eyelids feel heravy, stiff and rigid, as if paralyzed, and as if he found it difficult to move the lids.85. Stitches under the eye. Bruised pain in the inner side of the orbital bone, towards the nose. Pressure in the region of the malar bone, with fine stitches. [Pale face. The face looks sick and sunken, with blue From moistening the fingers with a strong tincture of Rhus tox. 76 RHUS RADICANS. margins around the eyes. (a. 18 h.) Pointed nose for three days. The face looks disfigured and distorted; the left side looks contracted and shorter, and the right elongated. (a. 22 h.) Redness and sweat of the face, without thirst. (a. 1 h.) The skin of the face peels offl-35. Violent swelling of the face; the head becomes twice as large as before; a sort of phlegmonous erysipelas, obliging him to keep in his bed for four weeks.' Erysipelatous swelling of the face and neck.2 Great swelling of the head, face and eyelids, making it impossible for him to open them for twenty-four hours. Violent swelling of the face. Swelling of the face, especially of the eyelids and lobules of the ears.-40. Swelling of the head in some persons. Violent burning of the swelling of the face, eyelids and lobules. Intolerable itching of that swelling. Swelling of the head, neck and chest down to the umbilicus. Swelling of the lip and nose, followed by pale swelling of the face; on the third day the swelling of the face increased, with burning pain, the eyelids being closed by swelling, the eyes running; on the fourth and fifth day the face was covered with vesicles filled with yellow water; they burst and emitted but a small quantity of water; the swelling of the face lasted eight days, longer under the chin; it scaled off.3-45. Drawing and tearing in the region of the eyebrows and in the malar bones. Inflammation of the eyelids. Biting itching of the right upper eyelid (going off after some friction). Twitching sensation in the left upper eyelid. (a. 48 h.) Sensation in the right lower eyelid, consisting of twitching and contracting.-50. The right upper eyelid feels swollen and occasions a pressure; this goes off in the open air. (a. 26 h.) The eyelids are dry and are constantly closed as if he were drowsy, in the evening. Twitching and feeling of dryness of the eyelids, during a febrile chill. Inflammation of the eyelids. Itching of the right outer canthus. (a. 27 h.)-55. Red, hard swelling, like a stye, on the lower lid of the left eye, towards the inner canthus, with an itching pain, for six days. (a. 48 h.) Sensation as if the right inner canthus were swollen. Biting sensation in the right eye, as of an acid. The objects look pale.' Pressure on the frontal bone, increasing gradually until it ceases of a sudden.-60. Dull drawing in the left side of the forehead through the left cheek, down the jaw, through the muscles and teeth, as if a toothache were approaching.] ' From exhalations of the plant and from gathering it. ' From the exhalations of the plant. 8 From the juice spirting upon the hand. 4 From moistening the fingers with a strong tincture of Rhus tox. RHUS RADICANS. EARS AND NOSE: Painful beating in the internal ear at night. Otalgia. (Whizzing in the ear.) Piping in the ears, as of young mice. (Titillating creeping in the ears, as of something living; she had to insert her finger.) Frequent bleeding at the nose even when merely stooping.-95. Bleeding at the nose in the night. (a. 4 h.) Bleeding at the nose in the morfiing. (a. 40 h.) Bleeding at the hose when clearing the throat. Sore feeling about the nostrils. Herpetic eruption around the mouth and nose; sometimes causing a darting and burning-itching pain. (a. 24 h.) [Fine, painful tearing behind the left ear. Tingling in the right ear, when walking. (a. I h.) Two violent reports in the left ear in short succession, as if the tympanum were burstitg, when on the point of going to sleep in taking the siesta, itn the recumbent posture; he started in affright at every report, but soon went to sleep again. (a. 4 h.) Bleeding at the nose.-65. Feeling of hardness and swelling under the nose, going off when feeling the part. Tension below the right nostril. The tip of the nose is red and painful to the touch, as if it would ulcerate. (a. 8 d.) Crusty eruption near the left wing of the nose and below the nose. (a. 48 h.) Burning sensation below the left nostril, making the air which comes out feel hot; this symptom goes off in the open air.] MOUTH, TEETH AND JAWS:-100. (Pustule in the fold of the cheek, which is painless per se, but when touched a fine pricking is experienced in it. (Burning vesicles around the mouth, and near the nostril.) Pimple on the lower lip, below the vermilion boider, in the white skin. Clusters of pimples, which are filled with a watery fluid when first forming; they are near the corners, on the border of the lower lip, and feel sore when touched, and when not touched a smarting sensation. as if occasioned by salt, is experienced in them. (a. 10 h.) Fine, burning cramp in the right cheek, in the afternoon, as if the parts were ulcerated; the skin of the cheek becomes hot and rough, as if an eruption were coming out; he had to rise from bed, and felt very thirsty.-105. Pimples on the side of the chin, the tips whereof become filled with pus; when touching them, a pain is experienced in them as if a sharp edge were pressed into them, accompanied with a burning which is continuous. Pain in the region of the articulation of the jaw, close to the ear, which feels like a cramp in rest and when moving the parts; the pain is diminished by a strong pressure upon the articulation, and by eating warm things. Pain in the articulation of the jaw, as if bruised, or as if it would break, 78 RHUS RADICANS. when moving it. (a. 1 h.) Pain in the articulation of the jaws, as if they would become dislocated, during a spasmodic yawning in the evening. (a. 1 h.) Cracking in the joint, when moving the jaw to and fro (in the morning). (a. 12 h.)-110. Cracking in the ear (in the articulation of the jaw) during every movement of the jaw. Aching and digging-up pain in the submaxillary gland, even when not moving it. Swelling of the submaxillary glands; deglutition caused a pricking in the glands. Single dartings, in the evening, from the temple to both jaws and rows of teeth, debilitating him entirely, and accompanied with a bruised pain in the left temple; he yawned, but he was unable to go to sleep immediately, lest the pain should return. Slowly stitching and at the same time darting pain in the cuspidatus, in the evening.--115. Darting toothache in the night, at ten o'clock; the dartings entered into the head, and were relieved by pressing upon the parts with a cold hand. Dartings in the nerves of the roots of the hollow teeth. Darting in the nerve of the tooth, from below upward, palliated by imposing a cold hand upon the part. Cutting toothache, as when a wound is inflicted. Intolerable burning sore pain in the gums, as far as the roots of the molar teeth, at half past two o'clock in the night; the pain obliges him to sit up in bed, with a feeling of heat in the body and especially about the head, with sweat on the forehead.-120. Cutting beating pain in that portion of the palate where the teeth terminate, as if there were ulceration going on; contact occasions a pricking as in an ulcer. Pressure in the inner gums of the foreteeth, and in the periosteum of the teeth, shifting here and there. The teeth feel loose, with painful tingling in the teeth from time to time, as when a part goes to sleep. Painful tingling in the tooth, resembling a digging as with a needle; a fine prickling digging. The teeth are painful when chewing, as if they were elongated and loose; still they are not painful when touched, and do not vacillate.-125. Toothache (in the evening), first in the hollow tooth, which became looser and raised, afterwards also in the other teeth, in which partly a prickling, partly a creeping was experienced. The foreteeth vacillate and feel painful, both when touched by a warm and cold drink. Pain of the foreteeth, when touched by the tongue. Visible vacillation of the first two molar teeth, the two cuspidati, and the four lower incisores, with a creeping pain in the gums, also between the acts of mastication. Looseness of the lower incisores, she is unable to use them in masticating.-130. Great vacillation of the lower four incisores; the gums stand off from those teeth; they can be separated from the teeth, and touched RHUS RADICANS. 79 without feeling any pain, except when the teeth themselves feel painful. [70. Early in the morning, when rising, he feels a pricking point in the right side of the lower lip, with sensation as if it were bleeding. (a. 48 h.) Dry, arid lips, covered with a reddish crust. Sudden prickings in the right cheek. Cutting contraction in the right cheek. Cutting pain in one point of the cheek; afterwards he experiences an itching and pricking in that point, which goes off after scratching. (a. 10, 11 h.)-75. Burning contraction in the right cheek, with aching pain in the crowns of the three upper molar teeth. Coldness in the closed mouth, as if a cold wind were moving in, with roaring in the left ear. Pressure in the outer side of the gums of the lower molares, and at the same time on the shoulder, and in the region of the left clavicle. Dull pressure in the lower molares and near the shoulder in the region of the left clavicle. Toothache in the right upper teeth, as if they were pulled into their cavities by the roots.-80. Toothache in the lower molares; sharp pressure and a dull pain, with a musty smell in the mouth. Sensation between the right teeth, as if a tenacious body were between them. Sensation in the lower jaw, as if the gums were squeezed from both sides, with a musty sensation of decaying flesh in the mouth. Cramplike pain in the articulation of the jaw. The parotid and submaxillary glands are swollen and hard.] INNER MOUTH, TASTE AND APPETITE: Confluence of water in the mouth; he has to spit frequently. Internal inclination to spit, as if he had much saliva in the mouth. The saliva flows out of his mouth while taking the siesta in the sitting posture. His mouth fills with water during the siesta. He has to spit out a quantity of saliva and mucus the whole day; at the same time something sour rises from the stomach into the mouth. Frequent hawking of mucus in the morning. She hawks a good deal, only in the morning; the more she rinses her mouth the more does the mucus in her throat increase. The mucus on the tongue has a salt taste.-140. Feeling of dryness in the throat. The tongue is not coated, but very dry, which occasions a desire to drink. Feeling of dryness on the tip of the tongue (without any dryness being visible); he thinks that that is the cause of his thirst. Thirst occasioned by a feeling of dryness in the mouth; it remains in spite of drinking, in the afternoon and after midnight. Feel. ing of swelling in the throat, accompanied with a bruised piln,/ both when talking and when keeping the throat quiet; when swallowing he feels a pain as of a swelling, with pressure, and accompanied with a stitch as if something pointed had been 80 RHUS RADICANS. stuck in. (a. 3 h.)-145. Stitch when swallowing and yawning, as if she had swallowed a pin. Severe stitches in the throat, in the region of the epiglottis, dull at the commencement and sharp at the termination; they are only felt between the acts of deglutition, and pass off while swallowing. Stinging in the throat during deglutition when the throat is dry; a pressure being felt when the throat is moist. Sharp, bitter-sour taste in the mouth.-150. Coppery taste in the mouth and a scraping sensation extending deep into the throat. Putrid taste in the mouth, early in the morning after waking and after a meal, without any bad smell from the mouth. Greasy taste in the mouth; the food, however, has a natural taste. In the forenoon he has a taste in the mouth as of putrid meat, as if the stomach had become spoiled by putrid meat; aliments, however, have a natural taste (the putrid taste did not return after a meal). Putrid, slimy taste in the mouth, she has to spit a good deal.--155. (His mouth feels bitter the whole day; food too has a bitter taste.) Bitterness in the mouth, which disappears after eating. (Bread has a bitter taste.) (Sour things have a bitter taste to her.) Sourish taste in the mouth after taking milk.-100. Aversion to coffee. No appetite for tobacco, but no aversion to it. Frequently he feels a sudden appetite for dainty things. From time to time one feels a shuddering as from nausea over the whole body, without any sensation of chilliness. She has no appetite, but food has a natural taste; she has a putrid taste in the mouth after having swallowed a mouthful.-165. Repletion in the region under the sternum, with a sensation as if the appetite had gone for ever. Complete loss of appetite for any kind of food; he does not relish any thing solid or fluid, nor tobacco. (a. 16 h.) She ate without having any desire for food, and she relished her food. Although she relishes her food pretty well, yet she has no appetite for it, and her stomach always feels full. The breakfast will not go down, owing to a feeling of repletion. [Rough and sore feeling in the left tonsil during deglutition. (a. 6 h.) Apparent dryness of the mouth; feeling of dryness with violent thirst. Accumulation of saliva. Confluence of saliva in the mouth after smoking tobacco as usual.-90. Frequent spitting of tenacious saliva. A good deal of mucus in the mouth, without any strange taste. Tenacious mucus in the throat, which comes off after a little hawking, but leaves a sort of roughness. Slimy taste in the mouth; the mouth feels lined with mucus. He relishes his food, except the bread, which has a rough, dry and scraping taste.-95. Bread has a bitter and rough taste. Does not relish beer. Flat taste in the RHUS RADICANS. 81 mouth. Bread, and food generally, are repugnant to him. Aversion to meat and& broth for several days.-100. Desire for cold milk, he swallows it greedily.] GASTRIC SYMPTOMS:-170. Repletion and eructations after moderate eating. A sort of canine hunger; nevertheless, he has a sort of soap-taste in the mouth; every thing he takes. has a straw-taste and causes eructations; the appetite disappears after taking the least quantity of food, and he feels replete. Creeping in the stomach and horrid eructations, which only abated in the recumbent posture, but returned whenever he raised himself. Empty eructations after eating or drinking.. Violent empty eructations in the evening, followed immediately after by hiccough which had no sensation of any kind. (a. 36 h.)-175. Frequent eructations, also tasting of the ingesta. Burning eructations. Giddy in the head shortly after a meal. Drawing toothache in a tooth which is not hollow, shortly after dinner. Anxiety in the abdomen with flatulence, mostly after a meal.-180. Sudden weakness in the head and vertigo, (when standing) making him feel as if he would fall forward.' Headache immediately after a meal (tension in the whole sinciput). (Cough immediately after a meal.) Weary immediately after a meal.-185. Excessive sleepiness immediately after a meal. Excessive distention of the abdomen immediately after a meal. Headache after drinking beer. Sensation of heat in the head after drinking beer. Shuddering, especially after a meal.-190. Pressure at the stomach after a meal, for several hours, as if occasioned by indigestible food. Pinching in the epigastric region, after eating or drinking. Nausea after eating or drinking. Nausea and confluence of saliva in the mouth after eating and after drinking coffee. (Her stomach felt oppressed during dinner; this prevented her from falling asleep; the pressure had passed off after waking.)195. Early after rising, he feels warm and qualmish as if he would vomit; the nausea disappears after lying down again. She frequently raises herself in the night in her sleep, and she gags as if she would vomit; but she does not vomit. Confluence of the saliva in the mouth early in the morning, with a desire to vomit; still she feels hungry. In the evening she felt several times a suffocative sensation ascending from the pit of the stomach to the pit of the throat, which arrested the breathing momentarily. [He feels replete after taking a glass of wine; he has an aversion to wine and feels at the same time a heaviness of the head. Comp. 4, 7, 8. 7 VOL. IV. 82 RHUS RADICANS. Complete want of appetite. Complete loss of appetite, for several days. Want of appetite; he eats but little, is very soon satiated, and is nevertheless hungry.-105. At a period when he ought to have been hungry, he was without any appetite, the mouth being full of saliva which had a flat, slimy taste. Want of appetite in the palate and throat, with emptiness in the stomach and canine hunger, the latter disappearing after having been seated for a time. Peculiar heaviness in the abdomen, which felt quite empty, with hunger in the sitting posture. (a. 24 h.) He was hungry in the morning, but when sitting down to breakfast he cared nothing about eating. Natural hunger early in the morning; indifference to food at dinner, which he relished nevertheless.-110. More than his usual appetite.' (a. 4 d.) Little appetite, but hunger with sensation as if the hunger affected the chest. He felt qualmish and nauseated after rising from bed, as if in the chest. Nausea. Nausea as if in the throat. -115. Nausea in the chest with canine hunger; the nausea disappears after satisfying the hunger. Nausea in the stomach and qualmishness in the chest, which became worse when stooping. (a. 26 h.) Risings from the stomach, which became incarcerated in the right chest. After a meal he becomes faint and giddy. Drawing with pressure, from below upward, in the left hypochondrium, with anxiety and nausea in the chest. (a. 63 h.)-120. Nausea early in the morning after rising, with a sort of anguish, which gradually goes off in the open air. (a. 27 h.) Nausea which was somewhat relieved after eating, but which returned again, with hunger without an appetite. Fullness in the stomach after a moderate meal, as if he had overloaded the stomach, the appetite continuing strong. Canine hunger and emptiness in the stomach, with want of appetite in the palate and throat, going off after having sat a while. Hard pressing in the hypochondria from below upward, with anxiety, as if he were threatened with death, when sitting crooked. (a. 9 h.) STOMACH AND ABDOMEN: Pressure in the pit of the stomach, as if swollen, impeding respiration (in the evening).-200. Pressure in the pit of the stomach, as if he had swallowed too large a morsel. Oppression in the stomach toward evening, as if the parts in the pit of the stomach were drawn together. (a. 6 h.) A sort of clawing in the pit of the stomach, as if too full and tight. Violent throbbing below the pit of the stomach. Violent throbbing in the region of the stomach.-205. Contractive pain on the right side toward the stomach. Stitches extending I Curative effect. RHUS RADICANS. from the right side towards the stomach. Sticking pain with pressure in the region of the stomach (impeding a deep inspiration). Colic: sensation as if a heavy lump were lying in the abdomen. No colic when lying down, but the abdomen is painful when sitting, as if it were pressed upon.-210. Aching pain at a small spot in the abdomen, as if a wind had become incarcerated, only when moving and turning the body considerably, for instance, when going up stairs; not when feeling the part. Spasmodic pains in the right side of the abdomen, early in the morning, when catching a little cold, accompanied with a moaning, desponding, disconsolate mood. (a. 24 h.) First a cutting in the abdomen, afterwards a sticking in the right side of the abdomen. Colic composed of cutting, tearing, and pinching, affecting the whole of the intestines, without much flatulence or distention of the abdomen, worse during motion, but gradually improving during rest. (a. 24 h.) Painful distention of the abdomen, with colic, as if occasioned by a quantity of flatulence, shortly after a meal.-215. Excessive distention of the abdomen, shortly after a meal. His abdomen was distended the whole day, with fermentation in the same. Fetid flatulence. Burning in the abdomen and thirst.-220. Digging-up and writhing colic, as if a worm were moving in the abdomen. Drawing pain in the left side of the abdomen during an inspiration. Contractive pain in the left groin. Pain and contraction in the abdomen, obliging her to walk crooked. Cutting in the middle of the abdomen, before noon, at the same time she was frequently obliged to go to stool, the discharge looking natural; the pain abated by bending the body double; it increased by motion. (a. 16 h.) [Pressing in the abdomen, as if the intestines were raised towards the heart, when sitting. (a. 25 h.) Sensation, when raising himself after stooping, as if the abdomen were bloated,with a warm feeling in the chest. A pressing in the left side below the ribs. Pressure in the pit of the stomach, during motion. Sticking pain in the pit of the stomach. (a. 1- h.)-130. Simple sticking in the pit of the stomach, near the right hypochondrium. (a. 10 h.) Pain in the stomach. Sensation as if a lump were lying in his stomach, after a meal, especially when standing. Painful pinching below the diaphragm, above the stomach; afterwards the pinching is felt in the stomach itself. Pinching in the pit of the stomach, extending thence rapidly into the hypogastrium, where it is felt at a small place. (a. 3 h.) -135. Pinching in the umbilical region on the right side, with a chilly creeping over the upper arms. Pinching in the abdomen while sitting down, with oppression ascending from below 84 RHUS RADICANS. upward. (a. 25 h.) Pinching in the right side under the ribs, soon extending to the umbilical region, as if he had worms in the body, when sitting. (a. 23 h.) Pinching in the abdomen, in the forenoon, when walking in the open air, accompanied with incarcerated flatulence, which is not passed in sufficient quantity. (a. 25 h.) An almost jerking pinching in different parts of the abdomen.-140. Excessive pinching in the abdomen, during a natural evacuation. (a. 25 h.) Distention of the abdomen in the umbilical region, with violent pinching. Digging-up pain in the right side of the abdomen. Sticking, from the umbilicus toward the region of the heart, as if an arrow were flying through the part, repeated at every beat of the pulse. (a. 24 h.) Sticking above the umbilicus.-145. Drawing from the umbilical to the pubic region. (a. 27 h.) Contusive pain below the umbilicus. Visible contraction in the middle of the abdomen, across the umbilicus, the abdomen feeling hard, distended and rigid along that line. (a. 3 h.) Cramplike drawing in the umbilical region. Cutting in the left side of the umbilicus, during an inspiration while sitting.-150. Cracking and rumbling in the abdomen, with shocks in the direction of the mons veneris. (a. 36 h.) Fullness and fermentation in the abdomen, with hunger, the whole of these symptoms passing off after a meal. (a. 26 h.) The flatulence occasions a jerking in the abdomen. Easy emission of a quantity of wind, which seems to form in the rectum. (a. 1 h.) Frequent flatulence in the abdomen, which he does not pass in the evening.-155. Rumbling flatulence and pinching in the abdomen, without any flatulence being emitted. Darting and pinching pain in the abdomen. When walking, the interior of the abdomen feels lax, and he feels a shaking in it at every step. Early in the morning, after rising, the abdomen was affected with an ulcerative pain when extending the body, and the abdominal integuments felt as if too short. (a. 24 h.) Drawing sensation, with pressure in the right side of the abdomen, and a feeling in the abdominal integument, when sitting, as if it were covered with cobweb. (a. 4 h.)-160. Pressing on the mons veneris. Sensation in the mons veneris, as if distended, when walking in the open air. Drawing, transversely, across the region of the abdominal ring, when sitting. Tension, with stitching in the left groin. Sensation in the left groin, as if one portion of the contents (hernia) had protruded--165. Pressure in the right groin as if hernia would come on. Heaviness in the left groin, when walking, as if a tumor were hanging down. Pressure in the right groin, from within outward, accompanied with canine hunger and rumbling in the abdomen. (a. 11 h.)] RHUS RADICANS. 85 STOOL:-225. Constant tenesmus, with nausea and tearing in the intestines; the urging sometimes was ineffectual, sometimes resulted merely in a watery discharge. Burning in the rectum before every stool. The child cries previous to stool; it is quiet after the evacuation is over. Four natural stools at short intervals (after a few hours). Seven diarrhceic stools, like jelly, streaked, white and yellow, without colic. (a. 20 h.)-230. Three or four watery stools, with a quantity of flatulence. (a. 24 h.) Diarrhea. (Several loose stools a day, followed by tenesmus.) Diarrhoea; every evacuation being preceded by pinching. (a. 40 h.) Hacked diarrhceic stool.-235. (White stool, neither too loose nor too hard.) (Constipation.) (a. 3 d.) (Stool somewhat bloody.) Frequent urging, but scanty discharge. (a. 68 h.) Sore, blind haemorrhoids, protruding after every stool. (a. 24 h.)-240. Soreness of the anus between the stools. Laborlike drawing toward the uterus, when standing. Drawing in the back from above downward, with tension and pressing in the rectum, as if every thing would come out there. Creeping in the rectum as of ascarides (after a few hours). Itching, deep in the rectum.-245. Itching pain of the anus, as if occasioned by hemorrhoids. [Severe pinching and digging-up in the abdomen, accompanied with sudden expulsion of frequent stools, mingled with flatulence, excessively fetid, first thick, afterwards watery. (a. 1 h.) The colic abates after the evacuation, but soon returns again with a renewed desire for stool.-170. Diarrhoea. Diarrhaea, several times an hour, for 60 hours. (a 30 h.) Stools, mixed with blood. Red and yellow stool, mixed with mucus jellylike and flowing. Sudden, loose, yellow, frothy stools, without almost any smell, and without being preceded by colic; the first drops are passed involuntarily, as if the sphincter were paralyzed. (a. 24 h.)-175. Coherent, but loose, whiteyellowish stools. (a. 45 h.)] URINARY ORGANS: Burning pain in the region of the root of the urethra, during inicturition. Stitches in the bladder, on both sides, when a desire to urinate is coming on. He has to urinate every minute in daytime. Profuse emission of urine. (a. 14 h.)-250. He urinates three times in the night. He eructates whenever he emits urine. Hot urine. Dark urine. The urine is turbid while being emitted.-255. Dark urine, which soon becomes turbid. White-turbid urine, which became more so as the emission continued, so that the last drops looked like flocks. (a. 24 h.) The urine looks like water, with a snowwhite sediment. (The stream of the urine was double.) 86 RHUS RADICANS. [Horrid eruption upon the genital organs,' closing of the urethra by swelling." Humid eruption on the scrotum,3 and swelling of the prepuce and glans. Considerable biting in the forepart of the urethra, both duiing and after micturition, continuous more in rest than when walking. (a. 5 h.) Swelling of the glans, early in the morning when rising, with simple pain when touching it, accompanied with biting in the urethra, during and after micturition. (a. 12 h.)-180. Stinging itching of the inner surface of the prepuce. (a. 9 h.)] GENITAL ORGANS: Pain in the inguinal glands, at night when in bed, when she moves, turns to the other side or raises herself.-- 260. Simple pain in the abdominal ring, as if hernia would protrude. Red spots on the inner side of the prepuce, near the frmnu]lum. Swelling of the prepuce, close to where it unites with the glans. Irresistible desire for emission, after three o'clock in the morning. (a. 20 h.) Profuse nocturnal emissions. (a. 6 h.)-265. Violent labor pains, as if the menses would suddenly make their appearance, in the hypogastrium (immediately, for four hours). Stitching in the vagina, not increased by contact. Pain in the vagina, as if sore, in the evening, shortly after touching it. Sore pain in the vagina in the evening, without touching it, two evenings in succession. Discharge of blood from the womb (menses). (a. 7 h.)-270. Some discharge of blood from the womb, without pain, in a pregnant female, about new moon. (a. 72 h.) In a female somewhat advanced in years the menses stopped suddenly on the third day, without another drop of blood.4 [Violent erection toward morning, with frequent desire to urinate. Frequent erection at night, with frequent emissions of urine. Cutting drawing in the left testicle. The menses, which had ceased for a long time, reappear profusely. (a. 7 h.)-185. The menstrual discharge causes a violent biting pain in the pudendum.] CATARRH, LARYNX AND TRACHEA:-Frequent, violent, almost spasmodic sneezing. Hoarseness deep in the trachea. -275. Scraping rough feeling in the larynx, causing hoarseness. Roughness in the throat and trachea, as if the chest were raw and sore. Involuntary flow of a quantity of mucus from the nose, as in a very bad kind of catarrh, without any SFrom moistening the hand with the juice, and from the genital organs having probably been moistened by the juice likewise. 2 And death. F From moistening the hand with the juice. SShe was fifty years old, and continued to have her menses for too long a time, causing many ailments after the third day. The suppressiop was a curative effect. RHUS RADICANS. 87 - catarrh being present, early in the morning after rising. (The nose is sometimes obstructed as in dry coryza, worse in the room, better in the open air.) Ascension of a hot vapor from the throat (the lungs). [Roughness of the throat, inducing a short and hacking cough. (a. 3 h.) Cough and coryza, with expectoration. Sensation of coldness in the throat during an expiration, as if a cold breath were rushing out.] CHEST: Palpitation of the heart, so violent when sitting still that the body became moved by every beat of the pulse. Tremor of the heart. Itching of the breasts. Itching of the left nipple, in the evening after lying down in bed. Vanishing of the milk in the breasts. (a. 12 h.)-285. Contractive sensation in the sternum, with sticking jerks in the sternum. (Early in the morning when in bed.) Pain in the chest as if the sternum were pressed in, going off after rising. Contractive sensation in the chest. Tension across the chest in the evening, short breathing and weakness in all the limbs. Oppression of the chest in the night, with sticking pains, especially during an inspiration.. (a. 5 h.)-290. Shortness of breath, especially when going to stool. She is not able to sit down; has to take deep breath, as if she would suffocate, especially after a meal. Nausea, with desire to vomit, under the short ribs, oppressing the breathing. Oppressed and anxious, as if she had no breath. Sensation in the pit of the throat, as if the trachea were stopped and constricted; this sensation went off for a short time by eating and drinking, but returned speedily.-295. The breathing becomes heavy after he had walked awhile. Scraping and burning sensation in the chest, even between the inspirations. Short, anxious, painful cough, frequently waking him before midnight, with very short breathing. Frequent titillation in the air-passages, as if he would cough, making the breath short;it goes off by moderate exercise. Titillating cough especially in the evening, causing dryness in the throat.-300. Cough, with a disagreeable tension across the chest. Frequent vomiturition in the evening after lying down, with bitter taste in the throat, until he falls asleep; the same vomiturition and taste in the throat early in the morning, until he rises from bed. Sweat all over when coughing. (Cough in the open air.) Panting cough, with concussion in the head.-305. The cough racks the whole chest, as if every part in the chest were loose. Pain in the stomach when coughing. (Vomiting of the ingesta when coughing, in the evening.) When coughing she feels a taste of blood in her mouth, without however coughing up any 88 RHUS RADICANS. blood. The cough torments him a good deal in the night.310. Dry cough before midnight, which occasioned a sticking in one of the loins. Cough at three o'clock in the morning, worst after waking. Cough especially violent after waking. (Cough, especially in the morning, with black, viscid expectoration.) Stitches when coughing in the left side of the chest. -315. Disagreeable feeling of heat in the chest, when walking in the open air. Slow drawing down the left chest, not during the inspirations, but when the chest is quiet. Pimples in the right side of the chest, extending as far as half the back; they feel sore and as if excoriated, with fine stitches piercing from within outwards. Deep stitches on either side of the sternum, when stooping while sitting. Violent sticking in the left side in the evening, under the ribs, until midnight. -320. Boring stitches in one of the lowest ribs, when standing. Lancination from the right breast to the left side of the abdomen, in the evening. Stitches in the left side when talking and taking a deep inspiration. Frequent stitches in the side. Frequent stitches in the right side.-325. Stitches in the side when walking in the open air. [-190. Weakness in the chest after a walk in the open air, making it difficult for him to talk. Fullness in the chest, accompanied with hunger without appetite. Pressing in the left chest not far from the pit of the stomach, when stooping while sitting. (a. 25 h.) The chest and the upper molares feel pithy and numb. The left side of the trunk, from the axilla to below the ribs, is swollen and painful.-195. Oppression of the thoracic cavity. (a. 2 h.) Oppression of the chest, as after violent weeping. Constrictive sensation in the chest; he feels qualmish and nauseated. Stinging, oppressive pain in the sternum, impeding respiration, with a continual short cough, without expectoration. (a. 2 h.)-200. Fatiguing cough, with expectoration of white mucus, day and night. Some severe, pulsative stitches over the region of the heart, obliging him to exclaim, when sitting, in the evening. (a. - h.) Boring pain in the left side, in the evening when in bed. (a. 5h.)] NECK:--His neck aches during motion, as if stiff and tensive. Pain in the nape of the neck, as of a heavy burthen, preventing him from lying down. (a. 4 d.) Tearing between the shoulders, drawing them near one another from both sides. Violent rheumatic pain between the scapulae, neither alleviated nor increased by motion or rest, relieved by warmth, but aggravated by cold. (a. 48 h.) [Itching pricking, like flea-bites, in the nape of the neck. RHUS RADICANS. 89 Pressure in the posterior cervical muscles when bending the head forward.-205. Pressure in the upper part of the nape of the neck; the place feels numb. (a. 10 h.) Drawing across one side of the nape of the neck, when stooping. Rheumatic stiffness in the nape of the neck. Stiffness of the nape of the neck. (a. 4 h.) Stiffness of the whole neck, obliging her to complain of pain in the nape of the neck whenever she attempts to move her head. (a. 4 h.)-210. Itching of the neck and the forearms. The left shoulder feels paralyzed. Tensive cutting across the scapula. Rumbling jerking and contractive sensation in some parts of the left scapula and over the right knee. Pain on the left scapula as if a strong pressure were made upon it with the finger. (a. h.)-215. Contraction of the skin on the left scapula. (a. 54 h.) Tensive cutting across the scapule. Jerking in the side near the left scapula, when sitting. Pressure under the left scapula in the side of the back, seeming to come from below. Drawing and pressure under the left scapula, oppressing the breathing.-220. Pressure on the right scapula.] BACK --330. Stitching in the back when stooping (evening). Stitches in the back, with pressure, more when walking than when sitting; also when stooping, but more when raising himself again. Drawing pain in the back in the evening; he had to sit straight. Drawing pain in the back when sitting, disappearing when walking. Constrictive pain in the muscles of the back when sitting, diminished by leaning backward, increased by stooping forward.-335. When sitting, the small of the back feels painful, as after strong stooping and bending of the back. Pain in the small of the back, as if bruised, when lying upon it quietly, or when sitting still; he does not feel any thing when moving about. Stitching jerks in the small of the back (when walking). Stiffness of the small of the back, painful during motion. Pain in the small of the back, when touching the parts, as if the flesh had been beaten loose.-340. (When walking or standing he feels a sort of tearing from the hip to the knee.) When lying on one side, his hip aches, and when lying on the back, the small of the back aches. [Bruised sensation in the right side of the lumbar vertebrM and in the small of the back. Stiffness in the small of the back. When standingor bending backwards, he feels a pressure in the small of the back as with a sharp edge.-225. Burning point in the small of the back, towards the right side. Heaviness and pressure in the small of the back, as if a blow had been received upon it, when sitting. (a. 6 days.) Drawingdarting sticking, as with a nail, in the os coccygis.] 90 RHUS RADICANS. UPPER EXTREMITIES: Stitching in the shoulder when lying down, ceasing during motion. Swelling of the axillary glands, which is painful both when touched and when in a state of rest. Sensation from the shoulder to the hand, as if something were rolling down; the sensation is neither warm nor cold.-345. Tremor of the arm when exerting it moderately. Drawing stitches in the arms, commencing in the shoulders. Boring stitches in the upper arm, when standing. Tearing in both upper arms; worse when working; she then has to let her arms hang down; they are more painful under the bed-cover, and the bone aches when feeling it. Painless beating in the left elbow.-350. Drawing and tearing from the elbow joint to the wrist joint. Tension in the elbow-joint, when stretching the arm; she had difficulty in lifting the arm. Lancination in the left carpus. Drawing pain in the palm of the right hand. Cold sensation in the carpus which has the natural warmth to the feel, as if a cold wind were flowing upon it.-355. The dorsum of the hand is covered with rhagades, and hot; the skin is hard, rough and stiff. In the evening the hands and face are swollen and hot. (Bubbling for several hours in the right hand between the thumb and the index-finger.) Hard pimples on the hand, with stinging corrosive itching. Inflamed blotch over the middle-joint of the ring-finger, with itching-burning pain, sometimes passing over into a slow stitch; cannot be removed by friction and scratching.-360. Pimples on the inner side of the carpus and on the cheeks, which resemble itch, affected with burning itching, and smarting when scratched. (Pinching on the dorsum of the fingers, on the outer parts of the arms and on the occiput.) (Spasmodic contraction of the fingers.) In the morning the index and middle finger of one hand feel as if gone to sleep. [Sensation on the left shoulder, near the clavicle, as if some one were pressing there. Tearing in the shoulder-joint and in the upper part of the scapula.--230. Burning prickings in the arm, below the axilla. Drawing in the left arm, when raising it, from below the axilla to the middle of the upper arm. Sensation as if hot water were running through the arms. Prickings in the left upper arm. (a. 5 days.) Violent stitch in the right upper arm, as if coming from without.-235. Tension in the left upper arm in the open air. (a 10 h.) Jerking sensation in the left arm. Cramplike drawing in the left elbowjoint, when moving it. (a. 76 h.) Burning-itching pain in the left elbow, obliging him to scratch, and going off after scratching. (a. - h.) Digging-up pain in the bone of the left forearm when moving it, and jerking in the right carpus; the whole RHUS RADICANS. 91 forearm feels stiff.-240. Debility and stiffness of the forearm and fingers when moving them. (a. 25 h.) Coldness of the forearms. Corrosive burning in the right forearm. (a. 4 d.) Jeiking tearing in the elbow-joint and the wrist-joint, also in rest, relieved by motion. (a. 5, 6 h.) Violent tearing pain in the arm, most violent when lying still.-245. Sensation of debility in the upper part of the right forearm during motion, and pain in the carpus, as if sprained, when seizing any thing. (a. 27 h.) The left forearm is painful as if bruised. (a. 48. h.) Erysipelas, swelling, pustules and burning itching of the arms and hands. Sensation in the skin of the left forearm as if rubbed with a woollen cloth, or as if it had been scraped with a knife, accompanied with a cold sensation in the arm. Sprained sensation in the upper surface of the left carpus, when bending it.-250. Burning in the flesh between the thumb and left index-finger. (a. 11 h.) Involuntary painless jerking inward of both thumbs, only when laying the hand on something, for instance, on the table. (a. 24 h.) Creeping and gnawing in the lower knuckles of the second and third fingers of the left hand. Stitching in the dorsum of the index-finger in a tendon. Stinging pain in the fingers.-255. Sensation in the tips of the fingers (in the warm room) as if they were too much filled with blood, the dorsa of the hands being cold. (a. 10 h.) Creeping in the tips of the fingers as if they had gone to sleep. Sensation in the left index-finger, as one feels after it had gone to sleep. Tearing in the joints of all the fingers.] LOWER EXTREMITIES: Aching pain in both hip-joints at every step, and a paralytic feeling in the anterior muscles of the thighs.-365. Red, hot spot on the right hip, affected with a burning pain. Jerking in the thigh, with tremor of the knees. Stitches in the thigh fiom within outwards. Boring stitches in the thigh when standing. Occasional drawing pain in the thigh, obliging her to bend double, when rising from a seat and when standing, but not when sitting. (a. 96 h.)-370. Jerking tearing in the right thigh, a little above the knee. (a. 96 h.) When sitting down after a walk, he feels a buzzing sensation in the knees and the bends of the knees. Stiffness, especially in the knees and feet. Drawing and tearing from the knee to the tarsal joint. Drawing pain in the knee.-375. Stitching in the side of the knee when walking. Violent itching in the region of the tendons of the hamstrings, in the evening when pulling off the stockings; scratching caused pain. Drawing in the whole foot, as if paralytic, when sitting. Great inclination to stretch the leg and foot, early in the morning in bed. The bends of the knees and the calves feel heavy as a hundred-weight; he can scarcely drag his feet.-380. Her 92 RHUS RADICANS. lower limbs feel heavy and iveary, as if she had walked a good deal. The legs feel very weak in the afternoon when walking in the open air; he was scarcely able to drag them, they felt so heavy and bruised; after having sat an hour, all weariness had disappeared. Tension in the calves when walking, and as if the hamstrings were too short. Jerking in the calves. Heaviness and tension in the feet, when sitting; when walking, he merely feels weary.--385. Painful weariness in the legs when sitting, going off by walking. (a. 36 h.) Tension in the knee as if it were too short. Heaviness in the legs extending from above the knee to the lower tarsal joint, making it difficult for her to stand; this heaviness diminishes when walking and is not perceptible when sitting. His feet feel weak only when sitting, as if the blood were descending into the feet. Weariness in the feet so that she is not well able to ascend a height, as if she had been running too fast.-390. Her lower limbs feel paralyzed. (a. 12 d.) Cramp in the calf after midnight, when lying in the bed, and when sitting down after a walk; the cramp disappears by bending the knee. Cramp in the calf when sitting, going off immediately after rising or commencing to move (immediately). Stitch in the tendons of the hamstrings directly above the calf, during fatiguing motion, when rising from a seat, and when touching the parts. (Clucking sensation in the outer side of the calf lasting several hours.)-395. Lancination in the parts over the tibiae, anteriorly; accompanied with debility and weariness. When rising from a seat she feels a stitch across the knee. Sudden pain for half an hour in the affected leg, toward evening: a general slight beating and creeping, accompanied with a cramplike pain (somewhat as is felt in a panaritium, in rest, but increased by motion; worst when touching the part; it disappeared suddenly). Pain in the tibia; a sort of groaning in them in the night when laying her feet across one another; she had to move her legs frequently to and fro, which prevented her from sleeping. Beating in the dorsum of the foot.-400. Tingling in the feet early in the morning when lying in bed (and after rising). Deadness of the right foot; it felt as if made of wood. Itching in the region of the outer malleolus of the left foot and above the dorsum of the foot. Swelling of the feet, which is painless when touched, in the evening. (a. 48 h.) Sticking as with knives in the lower part of the tendo Achillis, worse when touched and after lying down.-405. Stitch in the inner malleolus of the right foot, when rising from a seat. Cramplike stiching in the tarsal joint, in the region of the malleolus. RHUS RADICANS. 93 Early in the morning, when rising, the foot feels sprained. (Sweaty feet.) Pain in the sole of the right foot, near the ball, as if an increasingly strong pressure were constantly made upon the painful spot.-410. Tension and pressing in the sole of the foot. When treading, the heels ache and feel pithy. Stitches in the heel when treading. Short, burning pricking between the small and the great toe, in the evening when walking and also at night when in bed. (a. 12 h.) Stitching in the affected ball of the big toe, in paroxysms, as is felt in an abscess which opens; a beating is felt in the evening.415. Stitch from the big toe to the middle of the left breast, when standing. Stitch in the right big toe. The chilblains break out again, four months and a half too early, a burning itching in the chilblains in the afternoon and evening; when not scratching, he feels a pricking in the chilblains, obliging him to scratch; tumors come on after scratching.1 The corn has a burning sore pain, from the pressure of the shoe. (a. 3 h.) Pain in both heels when first treading, as if he walked on needles.-420. Pricking in the bottom of the foot, as if he were walking upon needles. (Small, red, round blotches on the ball of the foot.) [Drawing pain in the right buttock, directly below the small of the back, going off by pressing upon the part.-260. Cramplike contraction in the right buttock. Cramplike pain in the left buttock when standing. (a. 29 h.) Cramp in the left buttock and thigh. Tension in the groin near the left hip, when sitting, as if there were not skin enough.-265. Tension in the left hip-joint when sitting. Tension in the left thigh, coming out of the joint. Drawing and tearing in the right groin, extending along the thigh. (a. 9 h.) Tearing pain in the outer part of the midde of the thigh when sitting, going off during motion. Sensation in the upper part of the right thigh, internally, towards the groin, as is felt in the fingers when stretching them apart, with the wrist-joint being either strained or sprained. (a. 58 h.)-270. Tension in the posterior side of the thigh when crossing the limbs. (a. 6 d.) Bruised and drawing pain in the right thigh. (a. 56 h.) Cramplike pressure when sitting, in one part of the right thigh below the groin. Burning point in the inner side of the right thigh, near the scrotum. (a. 2- h.) Red, burning spots and streaks on the inner side of both knees, with small vesicles which soon dried up.-275. Crawling on the inner side of the right knee, with tension of the tendons. (a. 2- h.) Tension with stretching of Compare 414. 94 RHUS RADICANS. the tendons on the inner side of the right knee, causing an uneasiness in the foot. (a. 2- h.) Tension in the left knee-joint, when rising from a seat. A drawing in the bend of the right knee, when bending it. (a. 27 h.) Tearing in the knee and the tarsal joint, more in rest.-280. Stitching below the right knee. Stitching during a walk, first in the interior of the left, then of the right knee. Cramplike pressure in the left tibia when bending the knee; afterward burning. Coldness in the region of the left tibia. Pressure in the outer region of the right tibia, which is followed by a burning.-285. He can scarcely get along in the street, owing to the stiffness of the legs; he constantly staggers to the right side (forenoon). Fine pricking in the outer parts of the leg. (a. 11 h.) Stinging itching in the left calf. Drawing in the right calf, internally, which makes the foot uneasy. Sensation as if the skin of the calf were too tight, with stinging in the skin when sitting, disappearing dhring motion.-290. Cramplike drawing in the left calf extending as far as the bend of the knee. Sticking as with a knife in the left tarsal joint, from without inward. Drawing in the right tarsal joint, Burning stitches and sensation of warmth on the dorsum of the right foot. (a. 4 d.) Drawing in the heel of the left foot, from below upward, accompanied with burning.-295. Feeling of heat in the left foot. Stitching in the left heel, when sitting, after a walk in the open air. Spasmodic contraction in the inner side of the bottom of the foot, abating when stretching the foot or bending it upward. (a. 64 h.) Stinging itching in the ball of the big toe of the left foot. Drawing-aching pain in the big toe of the right foot, with a sensation of warmth.-300. Fine stinging in the left big toe. Fine stinging in the fourth toe of the left foot.] GENERAL SYMPTOMS: Pricking in a small spot in the limbs, becoming worse when lying down. Pricking in the joints, in rest (and when bending, not when stretching the limb), not when touching them, nor during the night when in the recumbent posture. (Creeping pain in the face, the dorsal spine and the sternum.)-425. Creeping in the ulcer. Pains in the affected part, with anxiety, which cause him to moan, when sitting still. (Biting pain in the ulcer, as of salt, only in the night; she is frequently waked by the pain; the pain disappeared in the daytime, and only returned when walking in the open air.) Pricking in the region of the scurf, early in the morning when waking. (Pain in the ulcer as if bruised.)430. Burning-biting pain in the ulcer, with crying and moaning. (Quickly-passing burning in the affected part.) The limbs upon which he is lying, especially the arm, go to sleep. RHUS RADICANS. 95 Drawing in all the limbs when lying down.--435. Continual tearing-drawing pain about eight o'clock in the evening, when sitting; disappearing during a walk (is not felt again when lying down). The pains in the joints are worse in the open air. He feels stiff when going down hill; the stiffness is not felt when walking on level ground. She feels stiff when rising from a seat. Feeling of stiffness when commencing to walk after having sat still.-440. Weariness which is worst when sitting, diminishes when walking; he feels very stiff when rising from his seat. Great debility, as if his bones ached; she sits or lies down all the time. Unsteadiness of the limbs, with chilliness; was on that account unable to stand. Paralytic sensation of the whole body, in every joint; it is worst after sitting when attempting to rise again, and towards evening. After having walked an hour in the open air, he felt a pain in his feet, and became immovable; this went off again when sitting.-445. His lower limbs feel weary. Sudden faintishness at nine o'clock in the evening, with full consciousness his heart did not beat; he was more cold than warm; his mind felt easy, but he was scarcely able to walk. (a. 48 h.) The limbs tremble after exerting them for a time. He trembles and grasps at things hastily. She staggers when rising in the morning, and is unable to stand erect. (a. 20 h.) -450. Early in the morning, when lying in the bed, those limbs and joints upon which he does not lie, feel bruised. [Extreme mobility and animation of the body, one afternoon (third day). Tremulous sensation in the limbs, even when in rest. Jerking in different parts of the body, between the joints.-305. Jerking in the limbs. Jerking of single muscles. Burning itching here and there. Stinging pain in the limbs. Creeping in the paralyzed parts.-310. Swelling of the hands and feet. Black pustules, inflamed and itching, covering the whole body in a short while. Scurfy eruption over the whole body. Burning eruption of small vesicles filled with water, and redness of the skin of the whole body, except the hairy scalp, the palm of the hand and the bottom of the feet. Itching of the whole body, especially the hairy parts, the hairy scalp and the genital organs.-315. Red spots of the size of large lentils, with small vesicles in the middle filled with water. Black stain on the spot which had been touched by the juice. (a. 3 d.) That portion of the skin which had been touched by the juice became tough and hard like leathtr. The skin touched by the juice becomes as hard as tanned leather; the hardened parts scale off in a few days. Great debility of the whole body.-320. Great debility. Some 96 RHUS RADICANS. fainted.' He feels aebilitated, bruised, as if he had not slept a whole night. Extreme weakness of the lower limbs, especially in rest. The left arm and leg are somewhat contracted and stiff.-325. Paralysis of the lower limbs for three days; he walked with the greatest difficulty, dragging his feet along.2 During and after a walk, all his limbs feel stiff and paralyzed; accompanied with a sensation in the nape of the neck as if it were oppressed by a hundred-weight. Inclines to lie down. Cannot remain up.] SLEEP: Inclines to sleep, when sitting down after a walk. A good deal of yawning in the morning, as if sleepy; also in the evening. Wants to lie down all the time; drowsiness in daytime, anxiety, restlessness, sadness, dry lips. Drowsiness in daytime; she feels very sleepy in the morning when rising. -455. Restlessness during the siesta; he moves his hands to and fro when sleeping, and plays with his fingers and hands. He feels nauseated when sitting up. Inclines to lie down, feels weary and debilitated; does not feel rested enough when sitting. Does not want to get up in the morning. Feels drowsy in the evening at six o'clock, suddenly, and to such an extent, that she is not able to undress herself; paralyzed in all her limbs.-460. Violent and spasmodic yawning,3 occasioning a pain in the articulation of the jaw, which is near being dislocated, in the morning, and at any other period. Sleeplessness before midnight, with or without sweat. Sleeplessness until midnight, without heat; he was simply sleepless. He has no sleep in the night, he sweats as soon as he lies down, without thirst, but leaving him no rest. Painful cramp, first in one, then in the other leg, in the forenoon, when in bed, which can neither be removed by bending or stretching the lithb, nor by leaning the foot against the foot-end of the bed, for half an hour. (a. 12 h.)-465. Feels so wakeful and hot in the evening, that he is unable to sleep; no thirst, felt chilly when uncovering himself, his blood was agitated, his arteries throbbed, sensation in his eyes as if thick clouds were passing before his eyes; after midnight he became quiet and slept well. She feels nauseated in the evening, when lying down; she had no rest in bed, and had to turn from side to side all the time. 1 From the smoke of the wood, five or six persons. s From moistening the fingers with a strong tincture of Rhus tox. 8 The muscles of mastication, in this cramp, seem to obtain a spasmodic preponderating action, which is sometimes so violent that the lower jaw has to be held with the hand, lest it should be drawn down too low. This same symptom is produced by Ignatia and the northpole of the magnet. RHUS RADICANS. 97 Sleepless for four nights; she could not remain up. Jerking in that part of the head upon which he is resting in the night. She is frequently waked in the night by an ugly bitter taste, with a dry feeling in the mouth.-470. Thirst in the night without any desire for drink, the mouth feeling slimy. Violent pressure at the stomach as she was about to fall asleep, this prevented sleep for a long while. As soon as he was near falling asleep, he had anxious dreams about his affairs. In the evening when sleeping he talks half loud about his daily affairs. (a. 12 h.) Soporlike slumber, full of continual anxious dreams. -475. Restless slumber after midnight, full of vexatious, disagreeable ideas and thoughts. Frightful dreams, for instance that the world is perishing by fire, with palpitation of the heart when waking. Dreams about fire. Cannot sleep after three o'clock in the morning; if he sleeps again, he has vivid dreams, and feels, after waking, as if he had not slept at all. She sleeps with an open mouth.-4S0. Short breath in the night. He cannot lie in any other position, in the night, except on his back. Sensation in the night, as if something pressed him out of his bed. Great anxiety in the night; he cannot remain in his bed. Disagreeable feeling of heat over the whole body, through the night, without thirst.-485. No sound sleep after midnight; she has a burning sensation over the whole of her body, obliging her to toss from side to side, without thirst, accompanied with dreams full of anxious agitation. He talks loud in his morning sleep. In his night sleep he talks about business, wants to throw away every thing, asks for this or that. Starting, when on the point of falling asleep, as if he dropped something of importance. He started every quarter of an hour in his forenoon sleep.-490. Loud and sniffing expirations during sleep; the inspirations are inaudible. Dizzy in the morning when waking, soon disappearing when rising. Shuddering sensation when rising from bed in the morning. [Frequent yawning in the morning when rising.-330. Some began to yawn. Has no rest in the night. Restless, disturbed sleep, turns a good deal from side to side. A good deal of sleeplessness at night. Restless sleep; he tosses about, and raises his bed cover.-335. Falls asleep late, and tosses about in his bed. Weeps loud in his sleep. Violent colic in the night. (a. 5 d.) Is waked about midnight, by a violent pinching, digging-up bain in the abdomen, with a sensation of weariness and emptiness in the pit of the stomach, and quicklypassing desire to vomit. Anxiety at night; he would like to leave his bed and call for help, on account of an indescribably VOL. IV. 8 98 RHUS RADICANS. disagreeable feeling.-340. Wakes from his sleep with convulsive, irregular movements of the limbs. Complains of an excessive headache, which seems to come from a sensation in the limbs, as if they were violently distended. Nausea in the chest and stomach in the evening, when in bed, going off after going to sleep. Dreams about things which had been done or spoken of in the evening. (a. 72 h.) Light dreams about things which had been thought or said the day before. He dreams in the night that the plans which had been conceived the day before had been realized, in connection with the things which had suggested the plans.-345. Wakes early out of humor. Out of humor, in the open air; is near sleeping when walking.] FEVER: Feeling of coldness in the limbs, for instance, as when a finger becomes dead, or when a limb is about to go to sleep, or as is felt in the interior of a limb when a paroxysm of fever and ague sets in; no coldness is perceptible to the hand. He is very sensitive to the cold open air; it affects the skin painfully; however, he is not averse to the open air.--495. Icy-cold feet, in the evening when in bed; they cannot be got warm; the rest of the body being warm. (a. 3 h.) She is attacked with shuddering as soon as she leaves the stove. He cannot get warm when walking in the cold air, although he may be covered ever so much; he shakes with chilliness in the open air, with violent thirst, and the lips being glued together by mucus. Chilliness in the room towards evening; she had a cold thrill all over. Chilliness (immediately).-500. Shuddering in the back (immediately). Chilliness about five o'clock in the evening, with shaking in the room, with beating toothache and confluence of saliva in the mouth, without thirst; the shaking and chilliness are still worse in the open air; afterwards the shaking and chilliness continue in the warm room, even near the hot stove, with violent thirst, the ptyalism ceasing; the chilliness ceased only in the bed, the thirst remaining; this was followed by a stupid sleep, as if the head had been dull and obtuse; the thirst existed yet in the morning, and the dullness of the head likewise, but this passed off after rising. (a. 6 d.) Chilliness toward evening; he had to lie down and to cover himself; after this he became warmer. At seven o'clock in the evening, he felt chilly and cold to himself externally, without shuddering, but did not feel cold to others, nor did he feel cold internally; he is able to drink cold without being troubled from it; immediately after lying down he feels hot externally, which does not permit him to be uncovered; no thirst; with watery mouth and dry lips; afterwards, about midnight, while RHUS RADICANS. 99 he is in a state of half slumber, a general exhalation sets in, increasing to a sweat after midnight, first in the face, then on the hairy scalp and throat down to the chest. Chilliness in the open air, without thirst.-505. Shuddering and heat at the same time over the whole body, after a walk in the open air, without thirst, also some warm sweat over the whole skin the palms of the hands sweat most. She feels too hot internally, the whole day, and chilly externally; nevertheless her skin feels naturally warm to the hand, and she has no very great thirst; coffee increases the internal heat. Pinching chilliness in the feet and between the shoulders; and a quarter of an hour after, a good deal of external heat and burning pain on the left arm and in the left side of the upper part of the body, with redness of the cheeks. Chilliness and heat in the evening; her face feels to her very hot; nevertheless the cheeks felt pale and cold, but the breath which came out of the mouth was very hot; two evenings in succession. Her face looks red, and she experiences a burning heat in the skin; to others her skin has a moderate temperature.-510. Evening-fever with diarrhoea; chilliness at eight o'clock in the evening, followed by dry heat and thirst, and cuttings in the abdomen and diarrhoea, for several hours, in bed; afterwards sleep; diarrhoea again in the morning. (a. 24 h.) Eveningfever with diarrhoea (second paroxysm); chilliness through all the limbs, for one hour, after six o'clock in the evening, without thirst; followed by dry heat, after which came heat with profuse sweat and thirst, three hours in all; mucous diarrhoea with violent cuttings in the abdomen, followed by tenesmus, and by a pressing from both temples towards the centre of the head, with congestion of blood and heat in the head. (a. 48 h.) Fever: drowsiness, weariness and yawning (in the forenoon); when walking, he felt inclined to sleep, with anxiety; afterwards an evacuation with cutting, followed by excessive heat in the whole body (at ten o'clock in the forenoon), without thirst; sensation as if warm water were poured over him, during which he felt an occasional shuddering; or sensation as if his blood were coursing hot through the vessels and too violently through the head; and if the head were pressed down, obliging him to stoop, with beating headache; chilliness at seven o'clock in the evening, as if cold water were poured over him, or as if the blood coursed too rapidly through the vessels; after lying down and covering himself he was attacked with heat immediately; in the night he felt a kind of drawing in the dorsal spine, between the shoulders and in the limbs, as if he ought to stretch himself constantly; 100 RHUS RADICANS. sweat in the morning. Fever: towards noon he is attacked with a febrile coldness in all his limbs, with violent headache and vertigo (somewhat relieved by a walk); again chilliness toward evening; he has to lie down; he is unable to sleepin the night; he is in a constant state of giddiness and sweat. (a. 48 h.) Fever: (at five o'clock) in the afternoon he feels a stretching in all his limbs, a shuddering over the whole body, with much thirst, cold hands, and redness and heat in the face; he feels a shuddering in the evening, in bed; in the morning his whole body had been covered with a moisture, accompanied with a pressing in the temples.-515. Chilliness in the feet and between the scapulae; soon after heat on the left side and in the left arm (immediately). Fever: (at six o'clock) in the afternoon the body feels warm, with internal and external heat of the head, and shuddering over the body, without thirst; accompanied with stretching, drawing and debility in the limbs, and headache as if the head felt dull and the sides of the occiput were pressed together; accompanied with violent cough, short breath, and pain in the throat, as if the tonsils were swollen; towards morning the whole body was covered with a slight moisture. The left side of the body felt hot and the right side cold, without chilliness. Chilliness about the head and back, the fore part of the body felt hot. Occasional cold shuddering during the sweat, at night, in bed, the shuddering being accompanied with cramps in the abdomen. -520. Inclines to vomit, with heat of the head and hands, and chilliness of the rest of the body; afterwards chilliness all over during the inclination to vomit. She feels hot to herself and others, the veins being distended, and accompanied with a weakness, obliging her to lean backward, with violent thirst, also frequently in the night; next day shuddering over the upper part of the body, especially the arms. Heat in the forehead, in the evening, and in the whole head; the heat is not felt so much on the outside. Extreme heat in the hands, with dull headache, in the evening. (He is attacked with heat, when sitting down.)-525. When returning home from a walk in the open air, he is attacked with heat and sweat over the whole body. Violent burning in the skin, with twitching tremulousness of the skin, and a general sweat at night; a violent paroxysm of cough sets in as soon as he stretches the hand from under the cover. He is attacked with warmth when walking in the cold, open air, and he is covered with sweat all over. Sweat over the whole body, except the face, which is however hot (after noon). Slight sweat over the whole body early in the morning when in bed, except the RHUS RADICANS. 101 head.-530. Slight, vaporous exhalation from the skin in daytime; he wants to be covered. The skin is moist and the hair of the head is wet. Night-sweat, especially around the neck. Sweat before midnight. Profuse morning-sweat.535. Daily morning-sweat. Sour-smelling morning-sweat, with cold, sweaty cheeks. Slight sweat the whole night. Sweat on both legs in the morning. Vaporous exhalation in the night, of an acrid smell, without the skin becoming wet. -540. Thirst, even in the morning. Violent thirst. (a. 1 h.) A good deal of thirst in the night (from two to five o'clock); afterwards a vaporous exhalation. Absence of thirst. (a. 2 h.). [Sensitiveness to the cold open air. (a. 4 h.) Chilliness, with dry lips, and less thirst than hunger. Constant chilliness.-350. Shaking and chilliness when entering a warm room from the open air, without thirst. Extreme coldness of the hands and feet, the whole day. Great desire for water and beer. Slow, sometimes irregular pulse. (a. 4 h.) Quick pulse.-355. Warmth in the face and fingers, with chills in the scapulae, without thirst. Heat and great thirst. Slight chills, which were followed by slight warmth after lying down in the evening, without thirst. Double-tertian fever, with jaundice. Sweat all over, also in the face. (a. I h.)-360. Sweat over the whole body, inodorous and not debilitating, while sleeping, at three and four o'clock in the morning.] MORAL SYMPTOMS: Impatient and vexed about every trifle; she does not like to be spoken to often.-545. Out of humor. Averse to every kind of work, even ever so little. When on the point of falling asleep, he starts in affright about a trifle, as if it would cause him the greatest misfortune. Her ailments are excited or increased by the slightest chagrin, for instance, discharge of lumps of blood after the menses had ceased, etc. Sad; weeps without knowing why.-550. Invcluntary weeping without feeling in a weeping mood, with rumbling in the abdomen. Company was indifferent to him. Desponding; he would like to weep. Sadness, inducing a love of solitude. (a. 10 h.) Melancholy and anxious, as if she apprehended a misfortune, or as if she were alone, in dead solitude and silence, or as if she had taken leave of a friend, worst in the room, but relieved by walking in the open air.555. Dryness in the throat, with fits of frightful anxiety and mental uneasiness. Anxious and tremulous (from 10th to 27th day). Debility, with anxiety as if he would die, more after than before midnight. Desires to die, without feeling sad. Anxiety: she had to hold on to something when sitting, be 102 RUTA GRAVEOLENS. cause she thought she could not sit unsupported, on account of the pain (bruised and drawing sensation in the limbs).-560. Anguish of heart, more in the afternoon than forenoon; she felt so anxious half the night that she did not sleep, and sweated all the time. (a. 12 d.) Internal uneasiness, which prevented her from sitting still; she had to move to and fro on her chair, all her limbs being in that state of perpetual motion. Restless mood, anxiety and apprehensiveness, accompanied with constant paroxysms of sudden and painful uneasiness about the heart (in the pit of the stomach), and heavy breathing. He did not sleep half the night, was desponding, apprehensive and full of anguish about the heart. Ill-humored, desponding.-565. Full of sad thoughts, aniious and fearful, which induce debility, and oblige her to lie down for hours, to gather strength. He imagines that an enemy means to poison him. She had an inexpressible anguish, with pressure at the heart and tearing in the small of the back. She was unable to sleep from three o'clock in the morning; she rose anxious, restless, and debilitated, and trembles constantly, especially in the knees (with sweat in the back).-570. During her anxiety she feels a confused movement under her chest, oppressing her so much that she breathes heavily and deeply, which gives her relief; the pulse is alternately slow and fast. Anxiety and apprehensiveness at twilight, towards evening, as if he ought to kill himself, for one hour. He was assailed with sad thoughts, which gave her fear and made her tremble. She could not chase away her disagreeable thoughts. He has a perfect control over his ideas, and is able to pursue any train of ideas at his pleasure, without being disturbed with intercurrent thoughts.'--575. He has a perfect control over his ideas, and is able to pursue any train of ideas at his pleasure, with calm, slow breathing.2 [Mental derangement; he imagines he will die.] RUTA GRAVEOLENS. (Express the juice from the whole plant and mix it with equal parts of alcohol.) THIS powerful plant has been chiefly used by laymen as a domestic remedy. I Curative effect. 2 Curative effect. [RUTA GRAVEOLENS. 103 Rosenstein praises it in affections of the eyes induced by too much reading. Swedjaur and Chomel join in that praise. Symptoms 38 and 39 show that the good effects of Ruta in those diseases depend upon its being homoeopathic to them. A drop containing r-o-oi- of a grain is, in many cases, more than sufficient for curative purposes. Camphor antidotes the unpleasant effects of Ruta. RUTA. (The following symptoms are by Hahnemann.) Dullness of the brain in the forehead, with a beating pain in the forehead, in the evening, before going to bed, and still worse in the morning when waking from too deep a sleep. (Tearing in the outer region of the right parietal bone, going off in the evening; afterwards a tumor was discovered at the same place of the size of a walnut, which is painful when touched as if there were subcutaneous ulceration, going off in a few days.) (First a violent pain, sticking and tearing, in the hairy scalp, after which a tumor forms in that place of the size of a dollar, and one finger high, which was first painful to the touch.) Sweat on the vertex (immediately). 5. Visible twitchings in the muscles of the eye brows. (a. 12 h.) (Flying pains before the eyes.) (Bleeding from the nose.) (She blows blood from her nose the whole day.) Bleeding of the gums when cleaning the teeth.-10. Diggingup pain in the lower teeth. Aching pain in the velum pendulum palati, more between than during the acts of deglutition. (a. 2 h.) (Pricking in the pit of the stomach.) When she seated herself, she felt a sticking which came out of the abdomen. Discharge of blood at stool. 15. Fullness in the chest,.with pressure, causing asthma and short breathing. Numbers of fine, deep stitches, changing to a corrosive itching, with redness and heat of the skin of the arms. Hands and feet are debilitated: she was unable to hold any thing firmly in her hand, and when sleeping she did not stand firmly on her feet. Pain in the posterior spinous process of the os ilium, even when sitting, as if something would press out there; the pain decreased, whenever the parts were pressed upon. Burning pain in the upper and inner side of the thigh, only when sitting, especially when waking in the recumbent posture, not when standing or walking.-20: (Violent contractive and 104 RUTA GRAVEOLENS. cramplike drawing pain from the middle of the thigh down to the hip-joint, and thence to the small of the back.) (Cold feeling in the inner side of the legs, from the bottom of the feet to the knee, without shuddering, as if the parts had gone to sleep.) (a. 24 h.) He feels crowded in every part of his body, oppressing the breathing. All her limbs feel heavy and debilitated; she was averse to work. (Cold sweat in the face, in the morning in bed, with redness of the cheek.) 25. Heat all over. Dissatisfied with every thing around him, and especially with what he did himself. OBSERVATIONS OF OTHERS. HEAD: Sudden attack of vertigo when sitting; every thing turns with her in a circle; afterwards her cheeks glow. (a. 12 h.) Violent vertigo when walking in the open air; he came near falling on the right side. (a. 26 h.) Violent vertigo, early in the morning when rising from bed; he came near falling forward. (a. 24 h.) Slow train of ideas.-5. Frequent absence of thought; things which have become quite familiar to him are done by him quite mechanically at an improper period. (a. 48 h.) Gloominess of the head, a sort of inability to collect one's consciousness. Dullness of the head. Sensation in the head and body as if he had not slept enough. Heaviness in the head, mostly in the forehead, continuous, as if a weight were lying in the forehead. (a. - h.)-10. Headache after dinner, a sort of pressure on the whole brain, with great mobility of the nervous system, and restlessness in the whole body, which does not allow him to sit down. Painful pressure on the whole brain, in the morning after rising. (a. 24 h.) Obscuring pressure in the whole head. Stupefying headache with nausea, especially in the right side of the forehead, with a feeling of heat in the face. (a. 4- h.) Painful pressure in the sinciput, at regular intervals like the beats in music.-15. Pressure in the forehead, over the root of the nose. (a. 2- h.) Drawing headache in the right side of the forehead. Pecking headache, in one side of the occiput. Intermittent, boring stitches in the right side of the forehead (when sitting.) (a. 31 h.) Stitchingdrawing pain extending from the frontal to the temporal bone.-20. Sticking drawing in the vertex, externally. (a, 24 h.) Tensive-drawing pain as after a blow or shock, in the sides of the head, externally. Itching of the hairy scalp, diFectly behind the left ear; the place was painful to the touch; RUTA GRAVEOLENS. 105 it was a kind of itching, accompanied with soreness; the itching disappeared by scratching, together with the soreness. Corrosive itching of the left side of the hairy scalp, obliging him to scratch and returning frequently. (a. 36 h.) Corrosive itching of the whole of the hairy scalp, especially of the left side and the occiput, abating after much scratching, but returning constantly. (a. 38 h.)-25. Two little ulcers on the hairy scalp, one on the left side and one towards the nape of the neck, occasioning a corrosive itching, which obliged him to scratch all the time, and returned frequently. (a. 38 h.) Gnawing pain with pressure, on the forehead. (a. 12 h.) Dull tearing in the temporal bones. (a. 1 h.) Pain as of a fall, extending from the temporal bones to the occiput, in the pericranium. Burning compressive pain, on the head, externally, causing stupefaction. (a. 11 h.)-30. Heat in the head. Great heat in the head at eleven o'clock in the evening, with feverish uneasiness of the whole body, and anxiety. Erysipelas on the forehead.1 FACE AND EYES: Itching of one side of the face. (a. 24 h.) Crampy tearing pain in region of the malar bone, with stupefying headache in both sides of the forehead. (a. 5 h.)35. Sensation as if shadows were hovering before his eye. Sensation as if there were not sufficient light before his eyes. Contraction of the pupils. (a. 2' h.) Sensation in the eyes as if he had exerted them too much by reading. Slight, aching pain in the right eye, with obscuration of vision, as after having observed too long a time an object incommoding the eyes.-40. Feeling of heat and sensation as of fire in the eyes, with soreness, when reading at candle-light. Burning under the left eye. (a. 3 h.) Itching of the inner canthi and the margins of the lower eyelids, increasing to a smarting biting by scratching; at the same time the eye fills with tears. (a. 4 h.) Pressure on the upper wall of the orbits, with tearing in the ball. Pressure on the inner surface of the left eye, with considerable lachrymation in the open air. (a. 48 h.)-45. Pressure on both eyeballs, accompanied with spasm of the lower eyelids, which draws them partly upwards and partly towards the inner canthus, the latter most, for some days. (a. 8 h.) Spasm of the lower eyelids, the tarsal cartilage moves to and fro; when this abates, water runs out of both eyes for an hour and a half. Spasmodic movement to and fro of the orbicularis muscle. Involuntary staring at one and the same object, with contraction of the pupils. (a. - h.) From gathering the herb. 106 RUTA GRAVEOLENS. EARS: On shaking the head, he experiences a sensation in his ear as if something were rolling to and fro.-50. Sensation in the ear as if a piece of blunt wood were moved over its walls, a sort of scraping with pressure. (a. 2 h.) Pain about the ears as if violent pressure were made upon them. Titillating, hot pressure in the ears, becoming worse by inserting the finger. Itching stitches in the rightinner ear. (a. 3 h.) Contusive pain in the cartilages of the ears.-55. Pain as of a shock or fall below the mastoid process. Numb pain in the facial bones, as after a shock, descending as far as the teeth and jaws.' Sharp pressure in the root of the nose. (a. 36 h.) Pain in the upper part of the nose as if a plug were bored through it in a transverse direction, occasioning a scratching and a pressure; this sensation does not pass off by blowing the nose or by inserting the finger into it. Slight sweat on the dorsum of the nose; the nose and cheeks are warmer than usual, the face being but slightly red, without thirst.-60. Pinching in the left cheek. (a. 24 h.) Gnawingarthritic pain in both cheeks. Pimples on the upper and lower lips (from applying the vinegar of Ruta). TEETH AND MOUTH: The inner side of the right upper gums is sore and swollen, with stinging pains, which are most violent when touched. (a. 36 h.) The mouth feels sometimes dry and viscid.-65. Feeling of soreness and pressure in the region of the velum pendulum palati, when swallowing, but not otherwise. TASTE, APPETITE AND GASTRIC SYMPTOMS: Desire for cold water in the afternoon. (a. 33 h.) Unquenchable desire for cold water in the afternoon; he drinks much and often without being incommoded by it. (a. 24 h.) Eructations (immediately). Empty risings.-70. Eructations tasting of the ingesta, after a meal. The aliments she eats have a taste as of wood; they taste dry and flat. (2 d.) He has an appetite; but as soon as he eats, he experiences a tensive oppression in the epigastrium and chest, as if he were replete with food. (a. 5 h.) She has an appetite as usual; but as soon as she begins to eat, she feels an aversion against every thing. Frequent hiccough (while smoking the usual tobacco). (a. 4 h.)75. Frequent hiccough with some nausea (while smoking the usual tobacco). (a. 34 h.) Inclination to vomit when stooping. STOMACH AND ABDOMEN: A sort of nausea in the pit of SRuta seems to occasion several pains in the bones and the periosteum. RUTA GRAVEOLENS. 107 the stomach, with desire for stool, decreasing momentarily by emission of flatulence. Lancination in the interior of the pit of the stomach. (a. 24 h.) Gnawing oppression in the pit of the stomach, night and morning. (a. 12 h.)-80. Oppression in the region of the liver, near the pit of the stomach, exciting an uneasiness. Burning gnawing in the stomach. Emptiness and gnawing in the stomach, as if he had not taken any food for a long time. (a. 10 h.) Fine, painful beating, or a pecking sensation, under the left short ribs. Pain under the left short ribs, increasing when pressing upon the part, and arresting the breathing, when waking in the night.-85. Corrosive burning in the left region of the abdomen. Coldness in the interior of the umbilical region, and sensation as if something became detached in that part. Severe stitches in the abdominal muscles, in the pit of the umbilicus, obliging him to draw in the abdomen. (a. 1 h.) Lancination from below the umbilicus towards the mons veneris, during an expiration, arresting the breathing; she does not feel any thing when pressing upon the parts hard. Alching-gnawing pain in the region of the liver.--90. Scratching and gnawing in the umbilical region, mixed with nausea. (a. 6 d.) Cutting-pinching, as of incarcerated flatulence. (a. 2- h.) Pinching and aching pain in the abdomen, with a feeling of uncomfortableness as after a cold. (a. 48 h.) Tensive pressing in the whole of the abdomen from the umbilicus to the hypogastrium, at night, as if the menses would make their appearance; the pain increpses when pressing upon the part. Agreeable coolness in the abdomen and chest.-95. Heat in the abdomen and chest. Drawing pressure in the region of the kidneys along the loins, when sitting. Bruised pain in the loins, with oppressive tension in the opposite parts of the hypogastrium, only when sitting, but not when walking or standing. A digging-up, bruised sensation in the lumbar region directly over the small of the back, when sitting down after a long walk; the pain continues for some time when walking, and then disappears gradually; it returns when standing or sitting. Rumbling in the abdomen. (a. 1 h.)-100. Fetid flatulence. (a. 24 h.) Easy emission of flatulence. Emission of flatulence as if stool would come on. (a. 39 h.) Lancinations in the rectum when sitting. Tearing in the rectum and in the urethra, between the acts of micturition. (a. 2 d.) STOOL:-105. Scanty, hard stool, almost like sheep's dung. (a. 40 h.) Difficult expulsion of stool in the first twenty-four hours, as if occasioned by a want of peristaltic motion in the rectum; the faces being of a large size. Constant desire for stool, although the feces are more loose than 108 RUTA GRAVEOLENS. usual; the tenesmus continues after the evacuation. (a. 24 h.) Two loose stools after a previous sensation of nausea in the rectum, the stools being expelled with great difficulty owing to a sort of rigidity and inactivity of the rectum, (a. 12 h.) Retarded stool on the second day.-110. Frequent urging for stool, with protrusion of the rectum; a considerable quantity of flatulence is emitted whenever the urging takes place; the rectum protruded when stooping ever so little, and especially when cowering (a. 72 h.); the falling of the rectum continued the following days, and, although the rectum was easily pushed up again without any pain, it fell out again immediately for several days. URINARY ORGANS: Pressure in the region of the neck of the bladder, as if the neck closed with pain, shortly after micturition. (a. 24 h.) The quantity of urine he emits is very inconsiderable; but after micturition he feels a pressing in the bladder without any more urine being emitted (on the second and third day). Immediately after micturition she feels at every step as if the bladder were filled and were moved up and down; not when sitting. (a. 48 h.) Considerable pressing in the bladder, as if it were too full; the quantity of urine emitted is but small; after micturition the urging continues as if more urine would come: which, however, is not the case (after a few hours for several days).-115. Excessive urging as if she could not retain the urine, although she emitted only a drop; during and after micturition she feels a painful burning in the genital organs, and the urging continues for a long time; she had quiet nights, the urging was felt only in the morning before day-break. GENITAL ORGANS:-Increased sexual desire. Nocturnal emissions, without dreams. LARYNX AND CHEST:-Frequent sneezing. Pain in the region of the larynx, as of a bruise or contusion.-120. Agreeable coolness in the chest. Gnawing, corrosive drawing in the left chest. Gnawing in the left chest. Gnawing pain in the right side of the chest, accompanied with a somewhat corrosive and burning sensation.-125. Strong compression of the lower part of the chest in the region of the last false ribs, at night; he dreams that some one is seizing him round the body violently, and that he wakes in consequence. (a. 24 h.) Pressure in the region of the sternum, which, to judge from the feeling, seems both internal and external. Hard pressure in the region of the sixth true rib, more violent during an expiration and contact. (a. 2 h.) Dull shock in the left side of the chest. Sharp stitches between the left nipple and RUTA GRAVEOLENS. 109 axilla, more violent during an inspiration. (a. 30 h.)-130. Sticking pain in the interior of the left nipple, more violent during an inspiration. (a. 4 d.) Stitches in the chest and arrest of breathing, which causes great anxiety; when going up stairs. Stitches in the outer surface of the sternum during every movement (sec. day). Oppressive sticking in the sternum, when sitting, both during an inspiration and expiration. (a. 4 h.) Fine cutting, which extends from the throat into the chest, especially into the region of the clavicle and the axilla, where it stops; the cutting is felt when walking, and becomes worse as one walks faster. (a. 36 h.)-135. Tremulous bubbling in the region of the last true ribs of the right side. (a. - h.) Intermittent gnawing or pecking in the region of one of the costal cartilages, at night, over the xiphoid cartilage. BACK: Pain extending from the os coccygis to the os sa. crum, as if caused by a fall or bruise. Hard pressure in the region of the left lower surface of the os sacrum. Pain in the lumbar vertebrae, as if bruised.-140. Painful darting in the dorsal spine, opposite the pit of the stomach; this becomes worse by pressing upon the part with the hand, in which case a pain is felt under the last short ribs extending into the abdomen afterwards, and arresting the breathing. The dorsal spine is painful as if bruised, when sitting or walking; this pain arrests the breathing. Hard pressure on the left side close to the os innominatum, not far from the dorsal spine. (a. 2 h.) Intermittent painful beating in the back, directly over the left os innominatum, going off when pressing upon the parts, and reappearing afterwards. Beating in the region of the posterior border of the left os innominatum (after a long walk, extending across the hip over the anterior surface of the thigh, down to the knee, and disappearing when pressing upon the os innominatum).-145. Intermittent beating in the anterior spinous process of the left os innominatum. Stitches in the dorsal spine when sitting, accompanied with sudden attacks of anxiety. Drawing-aching pain in the right side of the dorsal spine, opposite the liver; the pain being especially painful during an inspiration. (a. 2 d.) Pain as of a fall in the dorsal vertebra, in motion and rest. Drawing pain in the dorsal spine, as if bruised, frequently arresting the breathing. -150. Bruised pain in the left side of the back when sitting, disappearing again when standing or walking. (a. 101 h.) Pain as if bruised in the dorsal spine, and paralytic weakness in the small of the back. Bruised pain along the dorsal spine when sitting, especially on the left side. (a. 73 h.) Pressure 110 RUTA GRAVEOLENS. in the interior region of the right scapulae. (a. 14 h.) Stinging itching between the scapulme; it did not go off by rubbing (immediately).-155. Drawing-sticking pain in the apex of the scapula, when moving it, obliging him to let the arm hang at once. Drawing pain in the scapula, arresting the breathing. Drawing in the nape of the neck. UPPER LIMBS: Intense pain, as if sprained, in the shoulder-joints; these pains abate somewhat by raising the upper arm and by drawing it, but they return immediately by letting the arm hang down, or by laying it upon any thing. Pain in the right axilla as of a burning-biting ulcer. (a. 48 h.)--160. Crampy drawing in the biceps muscle of the upper arm. Painful jerks in the upper arms, beginning in the centre; when the pain reaches the elbow it is felt all along the arm as far as the tips of the fingers, the bones feeling too narrow; accompanied with weariness and heaviness of the lower limbs. Coolness in the interior of the arms. Itching of the left upper arm, inducing a desire to scratch. (a. 8 h.) Hard pressure in the right elbow-joint, more violent when stretching the arm. (a. 12 h.)-165. Pain in the left elbow-joint, as of a shock, with weakness in the arm. (a. 36 h.) Dull tearing in the long bones of the arm. (a. 1 h.) Dull tearing pain in the right elbow-joint, and the neighboring parts, extending to the lower extremity of the humerus; when stretching the arm the pain is changed to a sort of painful pressure. (a. 36 h.) The ulna feels bruised. Crampy tearing in the left forearm. (a. 25 h.)-170. Paralytic pressure in the outer side of the right forearm. (a. 10 h.) Painful drawing with pressure, in the middle of the anterior surface of the right forearm. (a. 34 h.) Tearing, with pressure in the right wrist-joint, more violent when moving it with force. (a. 32 h.) Distention of the veins of the hand, after a meal. (a. 4 h.) Stinging titillation in the palm of the left hand. (a. 36 h.)-175. Erysipelas of the hands, from gathering the plant. Pain in the left wrist-joint, as if broken, even in rest. Pain in the bones of the wrist-joints, and of the dorsa of the hands, as if bruised, in rest and motion. Crampy pain transversely across the right hand. (a. 7 h.) Painful drawing, with pressure, in the posterior joint of the two last fingers at night. (a. 42 h.)-180. Pains in the fingers, in rest, as if bruised or contused. (a. 6 h.) Tearing in the left middle finger, especially the middle-joint, and the middle phalanx. (a. - h.) Drawing, with pressure, in the middle joint of the three right middle fingers. LOWER LIMBS: Pain in the bones around the hips, as of a bruise or fall (during motion). He is unable to bend dou RUTA GRAVEOLENS. 111 ble; all his joints are painful, and the haunch bones feel bruised.-(a. 10 h.)-185. When feeling the affected parts, especially the haunch bones and tibice, they are painful as if bruised. (a. 29 h.) Burning, sharp pressure, in the upper bend of the right thigh. (a. 1 h.) Pain in the middle of the femora, as if bruised (in motion). The whole of the anterior surface of the thighs feels bruised and is painful to the touch. (a. 31 h.) When stretching the lower limbs ever so little, the thighs are painful in the middle, as if bruised.-190. The bruised pain in the thighs continues two days, so that he is scarcely able to walk. Pressure in the middle of the outer side of the right thigh. Bruised feeling in the posterior part of the thigh and above the knee (during motion). He is unable to walk directly after sitting and rising; he tumbles back upon his chair; the bones feel as if broken; the thighs give way from weakness and pain. When walking he staggers from side to side.-195. When walking he staggers from side to side; the feet do not support him; the thighs feel debilitated, and are unable to hold out. Hard pressure in the upper inner surface of the left leg. Hard pressure in the middle of the outer side of the left leg. The knees give way when rising from a seat and commencing to walk. (a. 4 h.) Paralytic heaviness in the knees; he is obliged to change the position of his feet; he feels relieved after a walk. (a. 1 h.)-200. He finds it dificult to go either up stairs or down stairs; his knees give way. Cramplike contraction of the bends of the knees when rising from a seat. Weariness in the left knee after a walk; the knees gave way. Tremulousness in the knees, with lassitude of the feet. Tremulous heaviness of the legs.-205. He is not allowed to tread firmly, lest the bones in the feet should ache, accompanied with a feeling of heat. Dull stitches dart slowly along the tibia, commencing in the dorsum of the foot. Beating and hacking pain in the anterior side of the left tarsal-joint, as if there were an ulcer. Burning and corrosive pain of the bones in the feet, in rest. Burning sensation under the malleolus externus, when standing.-210. Sticking pain, with pressure, when sitting, first in the left then in the right heel. (a. 12 h.) Burning tearing in the left big toe, especially when making pressure from without. (a. 6 h.) Burning pains in the toes, as from a bruise or contusion, as if a foreign body had been thrust into the parts. Cramplike fine stinging in the little toe of the right foot, when sitting, which became more intense when moving the toes. (a. 33 h.) Painful drawing in the toes. -215. Painful pressure in the bottom of the left foot, when sitting. (a. 36 h.) Hot, prickling titillation in the bottom of the foot. 112 RUTA GRAVEOLENS. GENERAL SYMPTOMS: Cramplike tearing, with pressure, now in the upper now in the lower limbs, in rest and motion. (a. 3- h.) When lying down, all the parts upon which he is lying are painful, as if bruised, even in bed. (a. 17 h.) Itching of the whole body, early in the morning when rising from bed, abating after scratching. (a. 24 h.)-220. He feels tired and lazy, only when sitting; he does not feel so any longer after having walked a while. His lower limbs feel so restless and heavy that he cannot keep them still; he turns constantly from side to side. WEAKNESS: Great debility. Great weariness and heaviness in the whole body after dinner; she was so sleepy that she had to close her eyes; she felt better in the open air. He feels very tired after a short walk; his limbs feel bruised; his loins and the small of his back ache; but he feels the pain only when he sits down; he feels relieved when rising and walking about.-225. Tiredness in the limbs when sitting; when keeping his hands upon his knees they felt so comfortable that he did not like to remove them from that position. Lassitude and heaviness in the whole body. SLEEP: Yawning and stretching of the hands. Imperfect yawning, several times; the yawning was accomplished half only.-230. She fell into a deep and sound sleep as soon as she laid down in the evening. Excessive drowsiness after a meal; he fell asleep when reading; it was a sleep with half consciousness; when touched ever so lightly he woke with a cry of terror. Restlessness in the night: she wakes frequently, experiencing a nausea; and a painful turning around the umbilicus; a sensation as if the water would accumulate in her mouth; sometimes rises up to the pit of the throat. He is excessively restless, tosses from side to side, wakes every hour, and has great difficulty in falling asleep again. Restless sleep, with vexatious dreams.-235.j Frequent waking in the night, as if the time for rising had come. Vivid confused dreams. FEVER: Shuddering of the whole body, even while near the warm stove; hands and feet are cold to the touch, the face being warm interiorly and exteriorly, and the head feeling dull as in catarrhal fever, with violent thirst, which disappeared after drinking once. Chilliness and coldness of the whole body. A cold thrill on one side of the head and face.-240. Coldness descending along the vertebral column. Chilly shuddering, especially in the back and over the chest, at short intervals. Cold sensation in the back ascending and descending. Chilliness, or rather shaking chills, over the whole back, with goose-skin, accompanied with yawning and stretching. Inter SAMBUCUS NIGRA. 113 nal chilliness; she is unable to get warm (before the proving she had this sensation regularly previous to the appearance of the menses).-245. Heat in the face, interiorly and exteriorly, with redness. Heat over the whole body in the afternoon, with febrile uneasiness and anxiety as if he should die, arresting his breathing; he is especially troubled with great heat in the face, without thirst, accompanied with white coating of the tongue and a feeling of rough dryness on the same. Great restlessness three evenings in succession, with headache and febrile heat. Increase of warmth in the feet. After walking in the open air. she perspired over the whole body. (a. 6 h.) MORAL SYMPTOMS.-250. Frequent attacks of anxiety, with apprehensions and.desponding thoughts. Indifference. She is not disposed to do any thing; she does not feel comfortable. He feels low-spirited in the afternoon and the whole of the evening; he indulges melancholy, sad thoughts, and feels weary of life. Anxiety the whole day, as if he had done any thing evil; when the door was opened he feared they came to take him to prison.-255. He is peevish and out of humor if things do not take place according to his wishes. (a. 24 h.) Irresolute, not disposed to do any thing. Inclines to be angry. Inclines to contradict.-260. Out of humor and distrustfil the whole day; he did not trust his best friend, and imagined he was deceived. (a. 40 h.) Good-humored (curative effect). When applied externally, it draws blisters and corrodes the skin. SAMBUCUS NIGRA. (Express the juice from the recent leaves and flowers, and mix it with equal parts of alcohol.) NEXT to Chamomile, the Sambucus Nigra has been abused in domestic practice more than any other drug. It was not even considered as a drug, but as a mere domestic remedy, as if its use were of not much, if any, importance. The frequent use of Sambucus in domestic practice is indeed a proof of its usefulness; but from its usefulness it does not follow that it is not hurtful where it is not homoeopathic. Common sense tells us that Sambucus, being a powerful remedy, must be hurtful when it is administered without being homoeopathic to the disease; for this reason, that it affects VOL. IV. 9 114 SAMBUCUS NIGRA. morbidly the healthy body, and must therefore affect so much more the body in a state of disease. Common physicians are indeed unaware of the ailments which Sambucus is capable of producing; they are ignorant of the effects of Sambucus altogether. But because physicians do not see those effects, this is no reason why they should not exist. The misery of oppressed subjects is not the less real because government turns away its eyes from it or declines listening to their complaints. The ordinary physician is frequently in the habit of prescribing tea of Chamomile or Sambucus, together with his other mixtures; he recommends even healthy persons to drink either kind of tea for breakfast, as a drink which he says preserves their health and makes them even more healthy than they are. So little does he know the nature of drugs. The following list of symptoms is not complete, but it is sufficient to enable the honest and unprejudiced practitioner to employ Sambucus homoeopathically in many diseases. A small portion of a drop of the tincture is sufficient at a dose. Large cupfuls of an infusion of Sambucus can do no more than heal diseases to which the drug is homceopathic; but on the other hand, such excessive quantities become hurtful by exciting great heat and profuse sweats, which deprive the patient of his strength. SAMBUCUS NIGRA. (The following symptoms are by Hahnemann.) Dizziness early in the morning when rising. Red spots on the cheeks here and there, accompanied with a burning sensation. (a. 1 h.) Tearings and stitches in the teeth of the upper and lower jaw of the left side, extending as far front as the incisores (a. 2 h.); the pain extended as far as the eye, with sensation in the cheek as if it were swelling, which was not the case. Titillation in the ears and throat; the titillation in the throat was somewhat relieved by the tongue. 5. Thirst, without the drink he takes being agreeable to him. He slumbers with his eyes and mouth half open; on awakening he was unable to catch his breath; he had to sit up: when sitting up the breathing was very hurried, with wheezing in the chest as if he should suffocate; he tossed his hands about, head and hands being bluish and puffed; he was hot, without any thirst; he cried when the paroxysm SAMBUCUS NIGRA. 115 came on; no cough, especially from twelve to four in the night.1 Tearing in the finger joints. Drowsiness, without any sleep. Dreams. 10. Restless sleep; when sitting up in the bed she felt as if the pains went lower down, and she felt more easy. He starts from his sleep in affright, with anxiety and shortness of breath, increasing at times unto suffocation with trembling. Chills with shaking, before retiring. (a. 4 h.) Agitation of the blood in the evening, half an hour after lying down, accompanied with a tremulous sensation. Feeling of an intolerably dry heat all over the body. 15. While the heat is on him, he dreads uncovering himself; he imagines it will give him a cold or a colic. Heat of the whole body, without thirst, shortly after lying down. (a. 2 h.) A heat is felt in the hollow of the hand and the bottom of the feet when touching those parts. Sweat in the face, many hours after the dry heat had passed. Profuse sweat, without thirst, when waking, from seven o'clock in the evening until one o'clock in the night, in the face and all over; after his sleep he was more hot from perspiring, but without thirst.-20. Periodical delirium; he saw frightful things on the wall. OBSERVATIONS OF OTHERS. HEAD: Dizziness; cloudiness of the head, for some minutes. (a. 1 h.) He feels very well early in the morning, except that, when moving about, his head feels giddy, accompanied with a tensive sensation, as if the head were full of water (a. 24 h.) Lancination through the left half of the occiput, frequently recurring and continuing for a long time; between the attacks he feels a dull sensation in those parts. (a. I h.) Tearing and aching pain in the upper part of the forehead, spreading, as it were, like rays towards the eye (after two days).-5. Aching and tearing pain in the head when stooping, extending as far as across the left temple, close to the bone. Tearing in the temple, more particularly close to the head, occurring in single paroxysms, which pass off very quickly. (a. 10 h.) Pressing in the whole head, in all directions, from within outwards. (a. 1 h.) Pressure in the temples from within outwards. (a. 1 h.) Aching pain in the forehead, and a sudden, painful jerk through the brain from one side to the other. (a. I h.)-10. Aching, stupefying pain in the head, as is felt during a cold in the head. (a. 1 h.) Aching, stupefy' A kind of Asthma Millari. 116 SAMBUCUS NIGRA. ing pain in the head, as is caused by intoxication. (a. 20 h.) Digging-up pain in the vertex. (a. I h.) Itching of the forehead, going off by rubbing. (a. 4 h.) EYES AND NOSE: At first the pupils are very much contracted (a. 40, 44 h.), afterwards very much dilated.-15. Sensation as of a light flush, as one experiences in blushing, rising as high up as the face. (a. 1 ~ h.) Heavy and pressing sensation in the tip of the nose, as if it would bleed. (a. 2 d.) Itching of the dorsum of the nose, with a slight pithy feeling in the skin of the nose. (a. 3- h.) Tension in the left cheek, with a gnawing pressure in the region of the upper jaw-bone. Tensive pain, as if the cheek were swollen, and numbness of the cheek. (a 11 h.) EARS:-20. Sharp stitches in the interior of the right ear, accompanied with a cramp-pain in that ear. (a 8 h.) Painless, suppurating pimple on the left side of the lower lip, with a reddish areola. (a. 37 h.) PHARYNX, (ESOPHAGUS: Oppressive heaviness in the nape of the neck; moving the head requires a greater effort than usual. (a. 4 h.) Cutting stitches deep in the cervical muscles of either side, especially when moving the neck. (a. ~ h.) Great dryness of the palate, without thirst. STOMACH AND ABDOMEN.-GASTRIC SYMPTOMS:-25. Hiccough during and after a meal. Sensation of incipient nausea in and below the pit of the stomach. Short stitches close below the stomach, increased by external pressure (when sitting). (a. 4 h.) Feeling of dull pressure in the region of the stomach. (a. 4 h.) Rumbling in the abdomen.-30. Pinching in the abdomen, with emission of flatulence, as if occasioned by a cold. (a. 48 h.) Pain in the abdomen, as if the bowels were bruised. Pinching pain in the abdomen, when leaning against a sharp border. Pressure in the abdomen, with nausea, whenever he presses it against any thing. (a. 101 h.) Stitches in the obliquus externus, when sitting or standing. (a. 4 h.)-35. Spasmodic tearing in the abdominal muscles, especially when moving them, in the evening when lying down. (a. 12 h.) Fine pinching in the abdominal muscles of the right side, below the short ribs. (a. 1 h.) Fine tearing in the left side of the abdomen. (a. 1 h.) Sticking in the left side of the abdomen, above the hip; single, rather dull prickings, regular as the pulse, for a quarter of an hour; now increasing, now decreasing. URINARY AND GENITAL ORGANS: Frequent desire to urinate, with scanty emission. (a. 2, 18 h.)-40. Frequent desire to urinate, with copious emission. (a. 38 h.) Desire to SAMBUCUS NIGRA. 117 urinate at night. Frequent emission of a bright-yellow urine. Thin stream. (a. 10 h.) Itching of the orifice of the urethra. (a. 1 h.)-45. Involuntary emission of semen, after midnight. RESPIRATORY ORGANS: Hoarseness, occasioned by a quantity of viscid, tenacious mucus in the larynx. Oppression and stitches in the left side of the chest, below the nipple. (a. 5 h.) Oppression and pressure behind the sternum, and pressure in the pit and region of the stomach, with nausea and a feeling of debility. (a. 5 h.) Cutting pinching in the region of the last false ribs, towards the dorsal spine. (a. 9 h.)-50. Sharp, intermittent cutting in front, in the region of the third false rib, especially when moving the trunk. (a. 3 h.) Sudden clutching, internally, in both sides of the chest, in the region of the fourth true rib. (a. - h.) BACK: Drawing pressure in the small of the back, extending as far as the muscles covering the inner surface of the os ilium, when standing. (a. 2 h.) Cutting shocks in the os sacrum, most violent when bending forward, with a tensive pain. (a. 9 h.) Aching pain in the middle of the spine, not disappearing by any motion, and continuing for a long while. (a. - h.)-55. Pulsative throbbing sticking under the right scapula, when sitting. Cutting stitches in the region of the scapulae, in rest. (a. - h.) Sharp stitches from within outward, in the region of the right scapula, interiorly; most violent in rest. Fine pinching in the axilla. (a. 4 h.) EXTREMITIES: Fine stitches in the middle of the upper arm, in the inner side. (a. 1 h.)-60. When he leans on the upper arm, it feels as if it would break. (a. 3 h.) Paralytic heaviness in the elbow-joints. (a. h.) Drawing pain in the carpal bones, and extending along the ulna, in rest. Sharp stitches in the spinous process of the ulna. (a. - h.) Cutting stitches in both wrist-joints, regular as the pulse; the stitches are somewhat relieved by moving them. (a. I h.)-65. Tearing pain above the hip-joint, all around, only when walking. (a. ~i h.) Crampy drawing in the posterior and superior part of the thigh, when walking, in the region where the gluteus maximus is inserted. Drawing-sticking sensation in the upper part of the anterior muscles of the right thigh, in rest. (a 3- h.) Stinging itching of the inner side of both thighs; when rubbing the thighs the stinging becomes a burning. (a. 1 h.) The hamstrings are put upon the stretch, and feel as if too short, so that standing becomes troublesome to him. (a. 4L h.)-70. Violent itching of the patella, with a rough and scraping sensation, as if an eruption would break out. (a. 4- h.) Sensation of weariness in the legs, with sensation as if cold air blew 118 SAMBUCUS NIGRA. upon them; boih symptoms are felt only when standing. (a. i h.) Sharp piercing stitches in the inner side of the tibie, somewhat relieved by motion. (a. 1 h.) When standing, the middle of the right tibia feels dead, cold, and as if gone to sleep. (a. 4 h.) In the evening, when in bed, he feels a tearing pain in the external malleolus of the right foot, and in the anterior tibial muscles. GENERAL SYMPTOMS:-75. When sitting, he is suddenly attacked with a painful drawing in every part of the surface of the body. (a. 3 h.) His hands tremble when writing. Great heat all over, when walking. (a. 3 h.) Most of the pains come on in rest and go off during motion; only a few painful symptoms are occasioned by motion. Dropsical swelling (from the external application). SLEEP:-80. Frequent waking from sleep, as if wakeful. Vivid dreams, which he is unable to recollect. Lascivious dreams, with emission. FEVER: The pulse becomes slower, and falls from 70 to 60. (a. - h.) The pulse became slower by ten beats, but more full. (a. 6 h.)-85. Repeated attacks of slight shuddering. (a. -L h.) Slight chilliness, the face being warmer than usual. (a. 1 h.) Chill over the whole body, with stinging crawling, now in one, now in another place, with remarkable coldness of the hands and feet; in the lower limbs the shuddering extends especially from the knees downwards. ( a. j h.) Chilliness over the whole body, especially the hands and feet; they are cold to the touch, although the latter had been wrapped up very warm. (a. h.) The hands are cold. (a. 1 h.)-90. Creeping in the fingers, which are quite cold. (a.,h.) The feet are icy-cold, the rest of the body being naturally warm. (a. - h.) Burning sensation in the face, the body being moderately warm, and the feet icy-cold, without thirst. (a. 1 h.) The pulse is quicker, a few beats above 70. (a. 2 h.) Warm feeling about the head and neck; the face and the rest of the body are also warmer to the touch than usually, but without thirst.-95. Frequent flushes of heat in the afternoon, with great heat in the face; only half an hour after sweat breaks out in the face. (a. 10 h.) Profuse sweat after midnight, but not about the head. On waking, he is covered with sweat all over, two nights in succession. MORAL SYMPTOMS: Great tendency to start; he starts at things which he sees constantly around him. Continual ill-humor; every thing affects him unpleasantly. SPIGELIA ANTHELMIA. 119 SPIGELIA ANTHELMIA. (Extract the tincture without heat from 50 grains of the entire herb by means of 500 drops of alcohol, shaking the mixture every day.) THIS drug, which was first used in the south of the continent of America, as a domestic remedy against worms, became known to our physicians some eighty years ago. Ever since then it has been used to expel lumbrici, and for no other purpose. The formation of worms in the intestines is merely one symptom of a more fundamental disease which requires to be cured; otherwise the expulsion of worms will not prevent their reappearance in the bowels. It would be foolish to use such a powerful drug as the Spigelia for the expulsion of worms, unless the fundamental malady is likewise cured. This cure is possible, as I know from several cases where the patient got well without a single worm being passed. However, physicians were short-sighted enough to persist in considering Spigelia as a drug fit only to expel worms. To employ such an important remedy for no other purpose, which is often accomplished by a little Cina, would be the same as to perform an ordinary piece of work with a most valuable instrument. The following symptoms show that the varied and great powers of that plant are destined to accomplish results which are much more important than to expel a few lumbrici. Considering that Spigelia is generally administered in doses of sixty or seventy grains, it must be confessed that it could not be administered by more unscrupulous or unskilful hands than those of our physicians who content themselves with administering a drug as the common man was in the habit of giving it, without inquiring into the dynamic relation of the drug to the pathological state of the system; a relation which can only be discovered by proving the drug upon the healthy organism. This drug has the peculiarity that the primary effect of a dose, even when not repeated, increases progressively in the first seven or ten days. The provings ought therefore to be instituted with the greatest care, inasmuch as even sixty, eighty, or a hundred drops of the tincture produce powerful effects in even robust and very healthy persons. A small portion of a drop of the decillionth potency is sufficient at a dose. Even a small dose acts four weeks. Owing to this intensity 120 SPIGELIA ANTHELMIA. of action, it is necessary to select Spigelia with the greatest care, and with the strictest reference to the characteristic symptoms of the case. The excessive effects of this drug may be neutralized by frequently repeated small doses of Camphor. SPIGELIA. HEAD: Vertigo: after having stood a few minutes he is in danger of falling. Vertigo; when looking down he imagines he will fall. When walking he becomes giddy; every thing turns with him in a ring; he is obliged to stand still; he feels like one drunk. Weakness of memory; he is unable to remember the most familiar occurrences.-5. Obtuseness of the head. Headache, confused feeling in the head. Heaviness and pain in the head, when shaking it. He cannot shake his head; the shaking makes his brain ache, and makes him giddy. When talking loud, or when coughing, his head aches as if it would burst.-10. He dares not stoop; if he does, his brain feels as if it expanded, and would fall out at the forehead. The occiput is heavy; it feels as if it were drawn down by a load. Headache, as if the head were too heavy; when putting the facial muscles upon the stretch, the skull feels as if it would burst open at the top. Long stitches in the forehead, coming and going like the pulse, from evening until morning, forcing him to exclaim; accompanied by a hammering in the ears. Pain in the occiput, as if the arteries were pulsating across an obstacle.-15. After having stooped a while he is unable to raise his head again, owing to a pain in the nape of the neck. Severe pains in the outer parts of (in?) the occiput (towards morning), and a sensation of stiffness in the nape of the neck; in the morning he is unable to move the head, until he has risen from his bed, and has dressed himself; after that it disappears. Pain in the nape of the neck early in the morning after rising; when holding the neck still, the nape is painful, as if it had gone to sleep; he is obliged to move the nape of the neck all the time, for it is not painful then. The occiput is painful as if he had received a blow upon it. The occiput is extremely painful; he is not well able to lie upon it. -20. Ulcerative pain of the scalp in the region of the vertex, when touching it; from time to time he feels a dull sticking jerk in that region, which seems to penetrate deep into the brain. The scalp is painful, and the hairs are painful to the touch. (The hairy scalp is covered with rash-pimples.) Creeping itching over the forehead, which obliges him to rub a good deal. SPIGELIA ANTHELMIA. 121 [Vertigo.1 Vertigo when sitting, standing, or walkingleast when lying down-the head falls backward, with nausea in the palate, and uncomfortableness in the thoracic and abdominal cavity; pinching pain in the abdominal cavity with sensation as if he had to go to stool; this pain deprives him of consciousness. Vertigo: when looking down he is on the point of falling down instantaneously. Vertigo when turning the head while walking; he does not feel any when looking into the air without turning the head (in the open air). -5. Vertigo: he staggers when walking, as if he would fall to the left side. (a. 4 h.) Vertigo, as if he were intoxicated and were unable to tread firmly. (a. 14 h.) He sits as if absorbed in reverie; he is staring all the time at the same place. (a. 3 h.) Great forgetfulness, want of memory. Mental indolence and great forgetfulness.-10. His memory appeared to him more faithful and stronger than before. (a. 5 d.) Intoxication. Obtuseness of the whole head. (a. J h. Obtuseness of the whole head, with pressure in the forehead from within outward. (a. 5 d.) Painful obtuseness of the head.-15. Drawing, with obtuseness in the occiput, in the evening when walking in the open air. (a. 10 h.) In the evening, his whole head feels obtuse, his head feels confused. His head feels stupefied as from smoking. (a. - h.) Sensation in the head, when sitting, as if it were empty and reeling. (a. 1 h.) Constant stupidity in the head, so that every kind of labor which requires medi-'.4 tation, is difficult for him.-20. Every kind of labor which requires an exertion of the mind, is difficult for him. Gloominess and aching in the forehead and temples; accompanied with a sensation as if both sides of the head were pressed together in the direction of the forehead. In the upper part of the forehead the head feels confused and empty; the scalp is sensitive to the touch, and the hairs feel as if standing on end. (a. 3 h.) Pain in the forehead. Aching pain in the whole of the sinciput.-25. Violent pressure in the right temple, which gradually spreads over a larger surface. (a. 23 h.) Violent pressure in the temples. (a. 1 h.) Long continued sensation in the brain as if something were tied round the head very firmly. (a. 28 h.) Pressure in the region of the left frontal protuberance from without inward, accompanied with a similar pressure in the outer and inner parts of the brain. Pressure in the region of the right frontal eminence, from within outward. (a. 11 h.)-Violent pressing from within outward, in the forehead. (a. 2 h.) Pressure in the cerebrum and cerebellum, 'J. Linnins: he used the Spigelia from Maryland. 122 SPIGELIA ANTHELMIA. causing dizziness. Aching pain in the left hemisphere of the brain, immediately. Aching pain in the left side of the forehead, the pressure being from within outward. (a. J h.) Continual aching of the head, worse when stooping. (a. 35 h.)35. Pressing in the forehead from within outward, worse when stooping. (a. - h.) Painful pressure in the right side of the head, as if the head would burst. (a. 82 h.) Pressing in the forehead as if the brain would issue from it, abating for a few moments by pressing upon it with the hand. Tensive-aching pain in the forehead, from within outward. (a. 34 h.) Violent pressure in both temples from without inward, especially in the right temple. (a. 56 h.)-40. Pain under the left frontal eminence, as if a heavy load were lodged there. Violent aching pain in a small spot of the vertex. Violent pressure in the region of the left occiput from without inwards; he could not stoop without increasing the pressure, unless he pressed upon the affected part strongly with the hand. Drawing with pressure in the right vertex and occiput. Pressure, with tearing in the head, from the left frontal eminence to the occiput. (a. 34 h.)-45. Frequently recurring drawing in the region of the left temple. Pressure with tearing in the outer parts of the frontal bones. (a. 8 d.) Boring pain in the forehead. Boring pain in the region of the occiput and on the top of the head, as if he endeavored to draw the head backward. (tLAFlapping sensation in the brain when walking; he feels every step.-50. Shaking and flapping sensation in the brain, even when merely moving the head. While walking in the open air, he feels at every step a violent pressure in the head, from without inward, towards one point in the middle of the brain; the pressure comes on with a shock. (a. 6 h.) Violent jerks in the occiput, afterwards in the temples, at every step, when walking in the open air. (a. 28 h.) The headache is worse in the open air.-55. The headache is worse when lying down, better when walking about.' Shocks and jerks in the left side of the head (a. 54 h.). Shocks, with tearing, in the right temple. (a. 50 h.) Tearing pain in the forehead, setting in with a shock, more violent in the right frontal eminence; it causes an involuntary standing still of the globes of the eyes, when standing or sitting. (a. 27 h.) Violent tearing in the forehead, the occiput and the temples.-60. Tensivetearing pain in the forehead, especially below the left frontal eminence, towards the orbits (a. 6 h.). Fine, digging-up tearing in the brain, especially violent in the left parietal Alternate effect. SPIGELIA ANTHELMIA. 123 bone, during motion, when walking, and more particularly when missing a step, towards evening; several evenings in succession. (a. 11 h.) Digging-up and digging-up tearing pain in the occiput, in the left vertex and the forehead, during motion, and during every strong noise, and increasing in violence when speaking loud, or when merely opening the mouth a little; can be most easily borne when lying down. (a. 12 h.) Intolerable gurgling pain in the occiput, at first increasing by walking, and afterwards by the least motion, and is most relieved by leaning backward on a chhir; the pain became worse in the horizontal posture. Slow tearing stitch in the left side of the head.-65. Intermittent, contractive, lancinating pain at a small spot of the left parietal bone, rather posteriorly; the pain seems to be rather superficial. Sticking, with pressure, at a small point of the left side of the occiput. (a. 49 h.) Sharp sticking directly behind and above the right frontal eminence. Violent, but fine prickings, as of electric sparks, in the left temple. A good deal of heat in the head.70. Burning pain in the left frontal bone. (a. 1 h.) Burning pain in the region of the left temple and forehead. Burning in the left outer parts of the left temple. Burning in the skin of the right temple, near the eye. Burning pain in the outer parts of the right forehead, extending as far as the eyes, so that he is unable to turn them without suffering pain.] EYES: Swelling in the region of the temporal border of the orbit, aching when left alone, and feeling sore when touched.-25. Severe aching in the region of the left side of the orbital bone, near the temple, downward toward the zygoma; afterwards the bone in that region begins to swell; this swelling is painful and sore when touched. Pain as if the upper eyelids were hard or immovable; he is not well able to raise them. Ulceration and smarting soreness of the margins of the eyelids. Profuse moisture in the eyes, without any sensation. Bleareyedness; the water which runs from the eyes is biting and acrid.-30. Pain in the eyes as if there were sand in them. A quantity of eye-gum, and frequently the whole day. Aching pain in the eyeballs. The eyes are very weak; there seems to be some inward obstruction; they remain in the position in which he places them, and he does not distinguish what he sees, like one whose sight is vanishing. When looking steadily at any thing his sight vanishes.-35. He sees well at a distance, but not at a proximity. [75. Burning pain in the left eyebrow. Burning itching in the right eyebrow, going off by scratching. (a. 26 h.) Itching creeping on the left top of the head. (a. 32 h.) Biting pain 124 SPIGELIA ANTHELMIA. in the skin of the left side of the forehead. (a. 34 h.) The scalp feels as if it were contracted and tight.-80. Sensitiveness of the whole head to the touch, especially when moving the scalp. Pain in the left orbit as if it were pressed together from above. Severe pressure above the right orbit, with a dull aching pain in the whole head. (a. 21 h.) Dull pressure above the orbits. (a. 1Q minutes.) He feels constantly as if his eyelashes were full of hairs or filaments; or as if a fog were before his eyes; this sensation increases by rubbing the eye. (a. 1 h.)-85. Creeping in the eyes. Itching in the left eyeball, going off by rubbing. Itching stitch in the right eyeball, returning after rubbing. (a. 1 h.) Continued sticking pain in the right eyeball, also when moving it. (a. 24 h.) Violent digging-up stitch in the middle of the eye and in the inner canthus, not impeding vision, but pressing the upper eyelid down. (a. 74 h.)-90. Redness and inflammation of the whites of the eye, early in the morning; his eyelids are so heavy that he is scarcely able to open them. The whites of the eye are red and filled with turgid blood-vessels. Pain in the eyes. Pain in and above the eyes. He was not able to turn the left eye without pain in every direction.-95. His eyes ache when moving them as if they were too large for the sockets. Tensive pain in the left eyeball. (a. 49 h.) Sensation in the eyes as if they were running, which however is not the case, accompanied with a weak pressure in the eyes; the sight is altered during all this time, as if his eyes were really running. (a. 26 h.) Painful pressure from without inward, on the side of the right eye. (a. 3 h.) Intolerable aching pain in the eyeballs, still more painful when turning the eyes; when he attempts to roll his eyes to one side for the purpose of looking at a thing, he becomes giddy; he has to turn the whole head in order to look to one side.-100. Contractive burning pain in the right eyeball. Burning pain in the left eye, towards the temple. (a. 33 h.) Dry heat in the eyes, in the afternoon. Burning pain in the outer canthus of the right eye. Burning pain in both eyes, so that he is obliged to close them involuntarily; for five or six minutes he is unable to open them, accompanied with an anxiety that he will not be able to open them again; after the pain had disappeared, he was able to open his eyes again; but now he was prevented from seeing by a fiery appearance, which was towering before his eyes in the shape of blood-red masses; the power of sight returned amidst a flow of tears and a considerable dilatation of the pupils. (a. 14 d.)-105. Sparks before the eyes, as previous to the eruption of the scarlet fever or measles. Involuntary motion SPIGELIA ANTHELMIA. 125 of the eyes, to the right and left, owing to irregular movements of the recti muscles, the external and internal., Contortion of the eyes. His sight is less distinct than usual; when looking at a thing he has to exert his eyes as if they were full of water. Transitory amaurosis.-110. Dilatation of the pupils. Dilatation of the pupils (after a short time). The smallest dose produces dilatation of the pupils. The pupils are unchanged, but they look weak and dim. The eyes look faint and dim. (a. 7 d.)-115. Yellow borders around the eyes. The eyes look weak and dim, the pupils being unchanged. The eyelids are so relaxed and paralyzed that they hang down very low, and have to be lifted up with the hand, the pupils being very much dilated. Sensation under the right upper eyelid as if a hard body were lodged under it; this went off by rubbing. (a. 4 d.) Burning pain under the right eyelid. (a. 3J h.)-120. Fine painful cutting, as with a little knife, in the border of the left lower eyelid. (a. 9 h.) Sticking pressure under the lids of both eyes. (a. 21 h.) Fine painful pricking in the border of the right upper eyelid. (a. 23 h.) Single, recurring stitches in the left eyelid. Sticking pain in the internal right canthus. (a. 111 h.)] EARS: Constant snapping as of electric sparks, and humming in the ears, extending into the forehead, accompanied with undulating pulsations in those parts; he is obliged to hold his hand over his eyes to obtain relief. Strong buzzing in the ears, especially in the evening. Sensation in the ears as of the moving of the wings of a bird; after this a humor flows out of the ears and the hearing becomes extremely acute. Talking sounds like the ringing of bells through both ears, and sounds through the whole head.-40. The ear closes when blowing the nose, he does not hear; the ear opens again when shaking it with the finger inserted into it, the hearing returns likewise. She thinks her ear is stopped up, even when she does not listen or talk. Boring, dull-stitching jerk in the inner ear, from time to time, darting even into the throat (through the Eustachian tube). [Early in the morning, when rising, the facial muscles look as if pushed out of their natural positions, and swollen. When waking from his siesta, his whole face looked swollen, bloated, pale and disfigured, as in a person who is threatened with a heavy illness, without pain or tension, or any other troublesome sensation; the swelling disappeared entirely after six hours, but returned again more violently on the following morning after waking, but more about the eyes. Burning pain in the right malar bone. Dull pressure in the region of the 126 SPIGELIA ANTHELMIA. malar bones, exteriorly. (a. 4 d.) Pressure, with tearing in the left zygomatic process, with indistinct sensation of swelling when the pain abates.-130. Darting tearing in the right malar bone. (a. 30 h.) Violent drawing stitch from the right upper jaw to the vertex of the head. (a. I h.) Fine stitch in the left cheek. (a. 4 h.) Burning pain in the left cheek, continuous. (a. 27 h.) Burning in the skin, in the region of the temple, in front of the ear. (a. 75 h.)-135. Drawing pain in the tragus of the left ear. Otalgic pain in the region of the border of the left outer ear. (a. 22 h ) Clawing pain in the region of the posterior portion of the outer right ear. (a. - h.) Twitching in the right outer ear. Itching of the right outer ear. (a. 36 h.)-140. Itching in both outer ears at the same time, (a. 5 days.) Burning pain of the right outer ear. Burning sensation in the whole of the left outer ear. Gradually increasing painful pressure in the meatus auditorius. (a. I h.) Sensation as if a plug were pressing into the left ear. (a. J h.)-145. Aching pain in the left ear. (a. 13 h.) Aching pain in the interior of the right ear, extending through the whole of the malar bone and in the right molar teeth. (a. 57 h.) Continuous pain in the right ear, as if it were being pressed asunder. (a. 59 h.) Drawing pain in the left ear, towards the malar bone. Violent tearing shocks in the right ear, several times.-150. Paroxysmal darting pain in the ear, extending as far as the eye and the lower jaw. (a. 12 h.) Beating in the left ear. Boring stitch in the interior of the right ear. (a. 49 h.) Itching stinging in the left ear. Itching creeping in the right ear.-155. Itching prickling sensation in the right ear. (a. 77 h.) When setting down the foot suddenly, a bounding sensation is perceived in the ears, as if water were splashing in them. (a. 4 h.) Noise in the left ear, as if the wind were suddenly passing along. Whizzing in the ear. Sensation in both ears as if he heard a ringing at some distance, with a sensation as if the ear were loosely stopped, or as if a strong fog were before it.-160. A strong sound affects the inner ear painfully. (a. several days.) In the open air when the wind rushes into the ears they feel closed as with a finger. (a. 5, 6 h.) In the evening the ears become closed as if something were lodged before the tympanum, which feels contracted. (a. 14 h.) Hardness of hearing in the left ear, as if the ear were closed with the finger, accompanied with a fluttering noise in the ears. (a 2 h.) Sensation as if the left ear were loosely stopped, but without hardness of hearing. (a. J h.)] JAWS AND TEETH: (Tensive pain in the articulation of the jaw.)-45. In the lower jaw he feels a tearing in the SPIGELIA ANTHELMIA. 127 direction of the ear, and around the ear as far as the nape of the neck, making it impossible for him to move his head without feeling pain. Stinging pain in the right side of the neck; when swallowing he feels a stinging in the parotid gland and in the interior of the ear, a sort of middling pain between otalgia and sore throat. Considerable swelling on the left side of the chin, itching during the siesta. (a. 12 h.) Burning in the upper lip. Blackish painless pimple in the vermilion border of the lower lip.-50. Swelling of the cervical glands. Beating-tearing toothache; it is made worse by cold water, but goes off when lying down. Toothache, a sort of pressing from within outwards, most violent when lying on the right side; he does not feel it while he is eating or drinking, but immediately after the toothache commences again, and he frequently wakes in the night from that pain. Toothache preventing his night's rest; it drives him out of his bed; he does not feel that pain in daytime, except immediately after a meal, not during the meal. Smoking in the evening gives him a toothache. [165. Disagreeable sensation in the root of the nose, as if there were an impediment. Prickling in the nose, obliging him to scratch, and afterwards disappearing for a short while. Itching of the whole side of the nose. (a. 35 h.) Titillation of the dorsum of the nose, as if the little hairs on the nose were lightly touched, or as if a soft breeze were blowing'over it; this sensation was felt a long while. Itching of the right wing of the nose.-170. Itching boring in the right nostril, obliging him to sneeze. (a. 78 h.) Herpetic eruption, with sore feeling to the touch, in and around the right nostril. (a. 12 d.) Burning in the right upper lip, also continuing while moving the lip. (a. 52 h.) Continued burning tension in the upper lip, in rest. Several small pimples on the chin, containing pus, almost without any sensation even while touched. (a. 4 h.)-175. Painful pressure on the right angle of the lower jaw. Pain as if the right lower jaw were torn out of its joint, only during mastication; between the acts of mastication only a dull pain was felt in the articulation of the jaw. (a. 34 h.) Coldness in the upper teeth, with fine dartings in the same. Drawing pains in the hollow tooth. Intermittent dartings through both rows of teeth, especially in a hollow tooth. (a. 4 h.)-180. Painful jerks in the nerve of a hollow tooth, from the crown to the root, at intervals of ten minutes, worse in the afternoon; the pain increases when water or air is brought in contact with the nerve: the pain seems to decrease by the smoke of tobacco. (a. 48 h.) Bubbling pain in 128 SPIGELIA ANTHELM1A. one of the left molar teeth. (a. 20, 24 h.) Cramp-pain in the upper molar teeth, the lower jaw having the appearance of being spasmodically drawn against the upper. Gnawing pain in the hollow tooth.] MOUTH, PHARYNX, AND (ESOPHAGUS.-GASTRIC SYMPTOMS: White coated tongue. Putrid taste in the mouth, and he thinks that his mouth smells badly. Fetid, putrid taste in he mouth. Burning pain in the region of the palate. Frequent empty risings, after every meal.-60. He has no desire to eat, but his thirst is great. He does not relish his tobacco. Pressure in the pit of the stomach, as if oppressed by a load. Stitches in the pit of the stomach during an expiration, less when lying than when sitting or walking. In the evening he had several stitches under the left ribs, causing him to bend double entirely. [itching-boring stitch in the right side of the tongue, from behind forward, with a sourish taste in the mouth.-185. Fine stitches in the right side of the tongue. The tongue was covered with fissures, as if it would peel off; they disappeared again in the following night. (a. 5 d.) Vesicles, now on the tongue, now on the palate, burning when touched. (a. 41 h.) The tongue was painful during mastication, as if the back part of it were swollen. Sensation in the back part of the tongue as if it were swollen. (a. 12 h.)-190. Swelling of the left side of the fauces, and fine stitches in that part when swallowing. Shuddering and chilliness, with tensive pain in the left side of the neck below the ear, in the evening; next morning one of the glands of that same region was swollen, the swelling being hard and painful to the touch; accompanied with stinging of the left side of the throat during deglutition, with swelling of the gums and a difficulty of opening the jaws; the stinging during deglutition ceased when pressing the swelling in; he perspired two mornings in succession. (a. 9 d.) Frequently recurring pressing stitch in the throat, in the region of the larynx; at first it is fine, then it becomes severer and bigger, disappears during deglutition, but returns again immediately after. (a. 28 h.) White-coated tongue. Offensive smell from the mouth, the whole day, perceptible only to others.195. Early in the morning, when waking, he has a quantity of mucus in the fauces and mouth, which is alternately white and yellowish, without any peculiar taste. (a. 22 h.).ccumulation of a whitish,frothy saliva in the mouth, which he is frequently obliged to spit out. (a. 16 d.) Titillation in the pharynx, and sensation as if a half liquid body would ascend from the pharynx into the fauces, accompanied with a hollow cough and with waterbrash; all these symptoms were SPIGELIA ANTHELMIA. mg so violent that he feared in his anxiety he would faint, for three minutes. (a. 4- h.) He was not able to swallow the saliva; it came up again every time he attempted to swallow, as if it nauseated him; he had to spit it up. Confluence of saliva in the fauces.-200. Flat taste in the mouth; nevertheless the food has a good taste. Excessive dryness in the mouth, early in the morning after waking; sensation in the mouth, as if full of needles, and as if glued together, without thirst; there was even a good deal of saliva. (a. 24 h.) A good deal of thirst and no appetite. (He becomes hot while eating something cool.) Great desire to eat and drink,for four days. -205. Complete aversion to smoking and to use snuff. Aversion to smoking and to coffee during the whole time of proving. Eructations. Empty eructations.-210. Sour eructations, the acidity being tasted as high up as the tongue. Nausea, as if he had fasted too long; a sort of canine hunger, with nausea. Desire to vomit. Pressure at the stomach. Pressure in the pit of the stomach, as from a lump, disappearing after pressing with the hand, and changing to a tension and pressure in the chest.-215. Pressure in the pit of the stomach, as if he ought to eructate to obtain relief; but no eructation took place till he had swallowed air. Troublesome feeling of fullness in the abdomen after a moderate meal.] ABDOMEN:-65. Cutting pain in the umbilical region, several afternoons (from five to six o'clock), with chilliness, diarrhnea, and a good deal of micturition. Colic as from a hard swollen lump in the umbilical region, in the evening. Stitches above the groin, in the hypogastrium, with a stitchlike oppression of the chest. Tensive pain in the right groin when touching it. Cutting and sticking in the region of the abdominal ring; the intestine protruded, which was rarely the case, and formed a sort of hernial sac; when touching the place it felt sore. [Sensation in the abdomen as if a great load were falling down, especially during an inspiration. (a. 3 h.) Painful pressure in the abdomen, as if the walls of the abdomen would burst, especially in the evening, previous to the loose stool, after which the pressure abates somewhat. (a. 9 d.) Shifting pinching, with pressure, in the abdomen, disappearing again after the emission of flatulence, three afternoons in succession, at three o'clock.-220. Pinching pain, with pressure, in the abdomen. Pinching in the whole of the abdomen, in the recumbent posture, so violent that he was unable to stir. (a. 44 h.) Pinching in the abdomen as if all the intestines were strung together; this occasions a great anxiety, and makes VOL. iv. 10 130 SPIGELIA ANTHELMIA. the breathing troublesome. (a. 4, 7 d.) Violent pinching in the abdomen, followed immediately after by a loose stool, the looseness increasing gradually, but the evacuation being nevertheless somewhat difficult. (a. 49 h.) Now a pinching, now a grumbling or rolling is felt in the abdomen; every paroxysm of this sort of pain is accompanied with a desire to pass his urine; the urine was unchanged, but it went off in greater quantity, for six days. (a. 14, 15 d.)-225. Pinching' pain in the abdomen. (a. 11 d.) Pinching in the umbilical region, on the left side. (a. 10 h.) Pinching stitch in the abdomen, with emission of flatulence; this is immediately followed by a desire for stool. (a. h.) Pinching in the abdomen, which extended into the chest like a stitch, accompanied with emission of flatulence. (a. 84 h.) Sticking while walking, on the left side of and near the umbilicus.-230. Dull stitch in the pit of the stomach and oppression of the chest, worse during an inspiration. Dull stitches during an inspiration on the left side of and near the umbilicus. Dull, intermittent stitches on one side of and at a distance of a few fingers' breadth from the pit of the stomach. (a. 1 h.) Sharp stitches in the abdominal cavity, in the region of the os innominatum, resembling splenetic stitches, only while walking; they pass off after having made thirty or forty steps. Intermittent, burning, sharp stitches on the left side and near the pit of the stomach.-235. Sharp stitches, occurring at regular intervals like the beats in music, deep, internally, below the ribs, ceasing after a long and deep inspiration, and returning during an expiration. Stitches in the region of the liver, disappearing when walking more slowly. Severe cutting in the abdomen, from both sides towards the centre (early in the morning when in bed), with emission of flatulence, which afforded no relief. The cutting and digging in the abdomen which seemed to be occasioned by the sitting down, are much less painful after rising. Tearing drawing through the abdomen. (a. 5 d.)-240. Slight burning in the abdomen, with tasteless eructations that seem to be mingled with something watery. (a. 2L d.) Itching in the left groin. Dull stitch in the groin. Tensive stitch in the right groin, only during a walk. Boring-digging pain in the right groin.-245. Itchinggnawing, fine stinging in the muscles of the left os innominatum. Intermittent, dull stitches in the left side, directly over the os innominatum. Burning stitch, posteriorly, in the region of the border of the left os innominatum, on the side of the os sacrum, during an inspiration. Boring stitch in the os ilium. Boring stitch in the perinaeum. (a. 37 h.)-250. Crawling SPIGELIA ANTHELMIA. 1 1 in the rectum and anus, as of ascarides. (a. 1 h.) Itching in the region of the anus and os coccygis, for many days, and not abating after scratching. Itching of the anus, abating after scratching. (a. 4- h.) Dull pressure in the rectum, between the stools. Grunting in the abdomen, resembling the croaking of frogs. (a. 4 h.)-255. Audible grunting, in the abdomen. (a. 40 h.) Loud grunting in the left, afterwards also in the right side of the abdomen. (a. -t h.) Rumbling here and there in the abdomen, as of flatulence, painful now and then. Rumbling in the bowels preceding an evacuation, of which several papescent ones occur early in the morning, and one in the evening. (a. 6 d.) The emission of flatulence is accompanied with a sensation as if a quantity of loose stool had escaped, together with the flatulence; which was not the case however.-260. Flatulence having a smell as of rotten eggs, for several hours. The evacuations and the desire for them were accompanied with a painful bruising sensation in the region of the first four ribs of the left side, going off after the evacuation.] STOOL:-70. White stool, every day. Discharge of pieces of thick mucus by the anus, for two days; he felt as if he passed wind; the stools were like sheep's-dung, and enveloped in mucus. Long, ineffectual desire for stool in the abdomen, after an evacuation. [No stool on the first day; on the second day (after taking another dose) he passed hard stools, after long pressing. Spasmodic pushing and pressing in the rectum, as if he could not retain the stool. (a. 3 h.) Frequent desire, without being able to pass any thing. (a. 4 d.)--265. Desire for stool; but he does not pass any thing, and the desire passes off again. Stool, the first portion of which is hard, the second loose; after the evacuation he experiences a few pushes in the forehead, from within outward. (a. 26 h.) Discharge of loose stool, for two days, mingled with a yellowish tenacious mucus, two or four times a day, at irregular intervals. (a. 3 d.) One or two loose or even watery stools a day. (a. 16 d.)] URINARY ORGANS: The urine is emitted with difficulty in the night; the emission is followed by burning. Ten copious emissions of urine in one night, with painful pressure on the bladder, going off after the emission was terminated. (a. 12 h.)-75. (The urine spirted out of the urethra when pressing upon the bladder exteriorly.) In the afternoon, while rising from his seat, five or six drops of urine drop out of his urethra suddenly and involuntarily; this takes place four times in succession; every dropping is succeeded by burning in the forepart of the urethra. 132 SP1GELIA ANTHELMIA. [Desire to urinate, as from a diuretic.-270. Frequent desire to urinate, succeeded by the emission of a quantity of urine, without any trouble. (a. 3- h.) Two copious emissions of urine in succession, even after having emitted the urine previous to taking the medicine. (a. 1~ h.) Frequent copious emissions of urine for three days and a half. Watery urine. (a. 2 -h.)-.275. Urine with whitish sediment, for several days. Burning stitch in the urethra, with desire to urinate. (a. 59 h.)] GENITAL ORGANS: One-half of the glans is swollen. (a. 7 d.) Creeping about the glans every day. [Frequent erections, without any sexual desire, but with thoughts about an embrace. (a. 17 h.) Discharge of prostatic juice. (a. 20 h.) Itching stitch in the left testicle. (a. 51 h.)-280. Itching stitch in the right testicle and in the penis, from behind forward. Burning stitch in the right testicle and in the penis. Twitchings in the scrotum. (a. 4 d.)] CATARRH AND RESPIRATORY ORGANS: Sudden coryza; first dry, and in four hours fluent; the fluent lasts twenty-four hours.-80. Some cough early in the morning, when the coryza had passed off. (a. 48 h.) She is attacked with cough and coryza in the night. Catarrh, a sort of catarrhal fever; he was hoarse, and felt hot to others day and night; no thirst or sweat, the eyes protruding, with profuse coryza, violent headache and weeping mood. Dry, violent, hollow cough, occasioned by an irritation deep in the trachea, especially when stooping; the cough arrests his breathing. (Painful pressure in the chest, after hawking.-85. Sticking in the chest, contracting it, so that he was unable to breathe. Sticking in the chest, from within outward, between the acts of respiration, which is easy. [Frequent sneezing. (a. 4 h.) Sneezing early in the morning after waking, with discharge of bloody mucus.-285. Obstruction of the forepart of the nose; with frequent flow of mucus from the posterior nares into the fauces, for eight days. Obstruction of the nose for several days. Expectoration of a quantity of mucus from the fauces, the whole day, proceeding most of it from the posterior nares. (a. 24 h.) Spontaneous discharge of the nasal mucus by the mouth from the posterior nares; only a little tenacious green mucus was discharged by blowing the nose; the forepart of the nose was always dry (from the sixteenth to the twenty-sixth day). The flow of mucus from the posterior nares into the mouth was frequently so copious and perceptible that he had to hawk it up immediately to prevent suffocation; this woke him at night.-290. When taking snuff, the nose was not irritated SPIGELIA ANTHELMIA. by the tobacco. Discharge of mucus from the nose, which is now white, now yellow, also from the hack part of the mouth. (a. 7 d.) Increase of dry coryza, after a meal. (a. 12 h.) Sudden violent cough from water having got into the larynx. Sort of suffocative cough, as is occasioned by a quantity of water getting into the larynx.-295. Short and dry cough in the open air, making the chest feel sore. Sensation as of excessive hunger in the chest, with confluence of saliva in the back part of the mouth. (a. 4 h.) Pain in the chest, at intervals. Violent pressure in the chest below the left clavicle. Excessive hard pressure in the whole of the chest, towards evening.300. Strong, painful, oppressing pressure in the middle of the chest. Pressure above the xiphoid cartilage when standing. Pressure and drawing in the chest when standing. Tearing with constriction of the muscles of the chest when standing. Tearing with constriction of the lower part of the chest, above the pit of the stomach, with oppression: afterwards the same pain is felt in the upper part of the chest, below the pit of the throat, accompanied with palpitation of the heart.-305. Violent pain in the upper part of the left side of the chest, resembling a pain as if sprained, only when turning the body to the right side. when missing a step, or when turning the left arm, for a whole day. (a. 7 d.) Lancinating pain commencing below the left nipple and extending into the region of the scapula and the upper arm, more violent during deep inspirations. (a. 11 h.) Tearing-boring pain from within outward below the right nipple, extending toward the sternum, and changing to a sharp pressure with tearing. (a. 2 h.) Cutting constriction of the chest, with anguish. Sudden, drawing, stinging pain along the sternum from above downward.-310. Tensive stitches in the left chest, more violent during an inspiration. (a. 27 h.) Continued tensive stitch in the right side of the chest and abdomen, continuing during inspirations and expirations, worse when walking, tor two hours. (a. 82 h.) Tensive-drawing stitch in the true ribs of the right side, continuing during an inspiration and expiration, more violent when pressing upon the parts externally. Continuous tensive stitch in the right chest, more violent during an inspiration and expiration. Tensive-boring stitches in the left chest, continuing during an expiration. (a. 57 h.)-315. Tensive stitch in the false ribs of the right side, continuing during an expiration. Boring stitch in the region of the diaphragm, on the right side, continuing during an inspiration and expiration. Stitch in the chest, in a transverse direction, in any position, from within outwards; the stitch is 134 SPIGELIA ANTHELM1A. especially felt in the sternum. Sharp stitches above the left nipple from without inward, when sitting crooked while writing, recurring at various periods; the stitches disappeared speedily when he raised his chest. (a. 31 h.) Fine prickings in the right side of the chest. (a. 5 h.)-320. Momentary, violent sticking pain in the left chest, toward the clavicle, preventing the breathing, in the evening. (a. 12 h.) Quick, painful darting in the front part of the chest, as of an electric spark. Darting pain in the outer parts of the upper portion of the chest, below the axilla. (a. 55 h.) Violent stitch in the left side, close below the heart, passing into a sort of creeping for a short while, and afterwards returning with the same violence in the form of a stitch. (a. j h.) Pinching stitch in the left region of the diaphragm, so violent that it arrested his breathing, and he had to stand still. (a. 2- h.)--325. Itching stitch below the clavicle. Itching, corrosive stinging near the left axilla, anteriorly. (a. 1~ b.) Itching stitch in the left pectoral muscles. (a. 10 h.) Dull stitch in the left chest, continuing during an inspiration and expiration. Dull stitches in the right chest, continuing during an inspiration. (a. 2 h.)-330. Dull sticking-pinching pain below the right nipple, in the thoracic cavity, from within outward, more violent during an inspiration. (a. 8 d.) Dull stitches in the region where the beat of the heart is felt, a little more exteriorly, recurring regularly as the pulse. (a. 3 h.) Dull sticking in the region where the beat of the heart is felt. (a. 56 h.) Dull, oppressive sticking in the heart, between the region where the beat of the heart is felt, and the scrobiculus cordis; the same sticking is felt in and above the scrobiculus cordis, and the chest is oppressed. Unusually strong beating of the heart; he frequently hears the beating; the beating could be seen externally through the clothes.-335. Palpitation of the heart and anxious oppression of the chest. Palpitation of the heart, early in the morning after rising, when sitting, with anxious oppression of the chest; the heart seems to be in a tremulous motion. The palpitation of the heart increases by sitting down, and by bending the chest forward. The anguish increases during a deep inspiration, and when arresting the breathing; he has then palpitation of the heart and oppression; the heart beats more violently, and he feels the pulsations of the heart when laying the hand on the pit of the stomach. As soon as he sits down after rising, the heart begins to beat violently; the part above the place where the beating is felt fzels as if painfully oppressed by a load; at the same time he feels a cutting and digging-up in the SPIGELIA ANTHELMIA. abdomen, as if caused by incarcerated flatulence, continuing longer than the palpitation.] BACK: [-340. Stitches in the small of the back, worse during an expiration and inspiration. (a. 21 h.) Twitchings in the dorsal and intercostal muscles. Stitches in the back, opposite the heart. Prickings in the back when walking, shifting to the left side (a. 12 h.) Painful pricking in the upper dorsal vertebrae.-345. Itching stitch in the dorsal muscles of the right side. Itching in the back, in the region of the right scapula, not going off by scratching. Bauised sensation in the spine, even in rest. (a. 38 h.) Sensation in the left scapula as of drops of blood pressing through a valve, a kind of bubbling. (a. I h.) Dull, boring stitch in the left scapula. (a. 70 h.)-35(. Sharp stitches in the region of the right scapula, exteriorly, returning at regular intervals. Single jerks in the muscles of the right shoulder. Red pimple on the neck, sore to the touch. (a. 10 d.) Some red pimples on the neck, sore to the touch. (a. 5 d.) Intermittent drawing in the posterior cervical muscles towards the occiput.-355. Paralytic sensation on the left side of the neck, not impeding the motion of the head, and going off very soon. (a. I h.)] UPPER EXTREMITIES: Pain as if sprained in the shoulder joint, and in the posterior joint of the thumb and indexfinger. His arm frequently went to sleep when writing, so that he was unable to hold his pen. Severe stitches in the bend of the elbow, and in the fingers.-90 Single sticking jerks above the wrist-joint. Single sticking jerks near the posterior joints of the fingers. Cold hands, with cold clammy sweat, especially in the palm. [Twitching on the top of the right shoulder. Tensive pain in the left axilla, in rest. (a. 38 h.) Burning pain in the left axilla. (a. 31 h ) Itching in both axillae, especially the left. (a. 13 h.)-360. The left shoulder and the arm hang down very heavily when walking, with tension in the forepart of the upper arm. Trembling of the upper limbs. Feeling of weight in the right upper and lower arm, in rest; nevertheless he raises the arm very easily. (a. 3 h.) Drawing pain in the right deltoid muscle, more violent when pressing upon it strongly. Cutting drawing across the deltoid muscle.-365. Pressure with tearing in the middle and the external surface of the right upper arm, more violent when touched. Twitching in the muscles of the left upper arm. (a. 71 h.) Itching stitch in the tip of the left elbow. (a. 11 h.), Itching, pricking pains in the bend of the right elbow, obliging one to scratch. (a. 35 h.) Jerking in the muscle of the left lower 136 SPIGELIA ANTHELMIA. arm, directly above the wrist-joint, only in rest. (a. 55 h.)370. Aching in the right lower arm. Pain in the right lower arm as if both bones were squeezed with pincers, in rest. (a. 22 h.) Boring stitches in the right lower arm. (a 52 h.) Itching in the outer parts of the right lower arm. (a. 5 d.) Aching above the right wrist-joint, in rest. (a. 34 h.)-375. Violent lancinating pains above the left wrist-joint, when moving the index-finger while holding the arm close to the body. (a. 45 h.) Tearing in the carpal joints of the left hand, recurring at regular intervals; soon after a cramp-like tearing is felt in the palm of the hand, not impeding the motion of the hand. Cramp-pain transversely through the metacarpal bones of the left hand, from the side of the thumb to the tip of the little finger, as if the whole hand were squeezed together. (a. 6 h.) Drawing pain transversely through the metacarpal bones. Fine tearing in the phalangeal articulations. (a. 40 h.)-380. The hands are pale-yellow, as after a long illness. The hands go to sleep in rest, with tingling in the tips of the fingers, going off when moistening them or when firmly seizing any thing with them. Creeping in the hands when pressing them together, as if they had gone to sleep. (a. 12 h.) Boring creeping in a small point of the right palm. (a. 79 h.) Itching in the palm of the hand and in the tips of the fingers, as if they had been frozen.-385. Burning itching in the middle of the palm of either hand. (a. 24 h.) Involuntary drawing of the tendons of either hand, so that the fingers were drawn crooked, with cramp-pains in the hollow of the hand. Reddish hard pimple in that spot of the palm of the left hand which had been burning and itching the day previous; the pimple remained for several days with a burning itching sensation. Painful drawing in the metacarpal joint of the thumb. Tearing pain in the joints of the right thumb. (a. 7 d.)-390. Tearing in the articulations of the fingers of the right hand, recurring regularly as beats in music. (a. 12 h.) Burning pains in the dorsum of the posterior joint of the little finger. (a. 7J h.) Burning pain in the outer parts of the articulation of the left thumb. Paralytic pain in the right indexfinger. Pimple on the middle-finger of the right hand, painless of itself; when pressing upon it, it emits a yellow pus, and disappears on the day following. (a. 17 d.)-395. Tearing, with pressure, in the tip of the left little finger. (a. 48 h.) Itching stinging in the tips of the fingers. (a. 10 minutes.) Bubbling, dull stitches in the tips of the fingers, as if frozen. (a. I h.)] LOWER EXTREMITIES: Bruising pain in the anterior mus SPIGELIA ANTHELMIA. 187 cles of the thighs, only when walking. Single jerks in the outer parts of the patella.-95. Compressive pain in the knees, mingled with drawing and striking; the pain increases the longer he walks. The knee is painful when touching it, as if bruised. Bruising pain in the interior of the knee-joint, when bending the knee. Digging-up and great uneasiness in the left knee; he had to change its position all the time, to bend it, to stretch it, etc. (a. 4 h.) Creeping in the calves.100. Drawing in the legs from above downward, with a feeling of warmth, or as if warmth were coming to the parts; the feet were likewise warmer. Single sticking jerks above the tarsal joints. Early in the morning, when first setting the feet upon the floor, the soles are painful: as if ulcerated. [Tensive pain in the left glutei muscles, when walking. (a. 5 d.) Great lassitude of the lower limbs, especially in the thighs, as low down as beyond the knees, as is felt after long running, even when sitting.-400. Bruising pain in the groin and in the upper and inner part of the thigh, towards the perinaeum, as after a long ride in a person who is not used to riding. (a. 3, 4 h.) Drawing pain in the right hip, and in the muscles of the right thigh. Below the neck of the left femur, in the external and posterior muscles, he experiences, at a small spot, intermittent, burning, sharp stitches when sitting, little diminished by rising, but more violent than before when sitting down again. Itching in the skin, more in the thighs than legs, frequently returning after scratching. (a. 11 h.) Continual corrosive itching of both thighs, as if an eruption would make its appearance; scratching does not relieve it; it is not perceptible in the body.-405. Creeping itching of the right thigh, going off by scratching. Tension in the muscles of the anterior thigh, only when walking. Tension in the right thigh, only when sitting. (a. 36 h.) Itching, continuous stitch in the left thigh. Tensive, continuous stitch in the left thigh, when walking, ceasing when standing, and afterwards returning when sitting down. (a 4. d.)-410. Drawing tearing in the right thigh, when sitting. (a. 29 h.) Tearing, with pressure in the outer parts of the left thigh, from the knees to the os innominatum, as if in the periosteum; the pain was more violent in those parts where pressure could be made upon the bone. (a. 11d.) Aching in the right thigh, more violent when pressing upon it. (a. 5J h.) Aching above the right knee when sitting, disappearing by motion. (a. - h.) Boring pain above the right knee-joint, only in rest.-415. Tearing tension in the outer side of the left knee-joint, when setting down the foot in going up stairs. (a 76 h.) Tearing pain, as if 138 SPIGELIA ANTHELMIA. sprained, in the left knee-joint, only when walking, so that he is sometimes obliged to limp, in that he is not well able to bend the leg. Sharp, deep pricking in the outer parts of the right patella, when sitting. Strong prickings through the knee, when bending it; only when walking the pricking ceased for a few moments. (a. 5 d.) Short-lasting feeling of heaviness in the right leg, when sitting. (a. 9. h.)--420. Itching diggingup in the left tibia below the patella, in rest. Tensive stitch in the left tibia, in rest. (a. 4 d.) Sticking in the calf, accompanied with jerking and pulsations in the patellce, when the knees are stretched. (a. 13 d.) Sensation in the right calf as if drops of blood were pressing through a valve, a sort of bubbling. (a. - h.) Digging-up pain in the right calf, interiorly, more violent when walking.-425. Cramp in the left calf. (a. 11 h.) Tensive drawingin the left calf, when walking. When sneezing he experiences a tremulous chilliness through the legs, from above downward. Burning pain above the right malleolus internus. (a. 37 h.) Fine boring stitch in the right malleolus internus, in rest. (a. 33 h.)-430. Pain when bending the foot up and down as if the tendons around the joint were too short, a cramp-like sensation. (a. 10 h.) Smarting drawing in the tarsal-joint, with a feeling of soreness. (a. 4 h.) Hard pressure as of a hard stone in the tarsal-joint, accompanied with drawing in the joint, when standing. Darting tearing in the dorsunm of the foot. (a. 45 h.) Intermittent tearing in the metatarsal bones of the left foot. (a. 12 h.)-435. Intermittent tearing in the left foot, behind the toes. Itching of the dorsum of the left foot, in rest, not going off by scratching. Itchingboring stitch in the dorsum of the right foot, in rest, obliging him to scream violently. (a. 79 h.) Burning pain in the dorsum of the left foot. (a. 56 h.) Digging-up, with pressure, in the right foot, behind the toes, only in rest; 440. Fine tearing in the muscles of the left toes. (a. 10 d.) Wart-like excrescence on the second toe of the left foot, without sensation, disappearing again after three days, and leaving a white cicatrix behind. (a. 3 d.) Wart-like excrescence on the second left toe, painfully smarting, but burning when the shoe presses upon it, like a corn; it left a white thick cicatrix. (a. 17 d.) Itching stitch in the second toe of the right foot. Creeping in the tips of the right toes, only in rest. (a. 53 h.)-445. Itching stitch in the bottom of the right foot, continuing during motion. Violent stitches in the bottom of the left foot, when sitting. (a. 4 d.) Boring-itching stitch in the ball of the second and third toes. Sensation in the bottom of the left foot, when treading, as if the parts were too much stretched and too short, occasioning a SPIGELIA ANTHELMIA. 139 stitch-like pain. (a. 29 h.) Itching creeping in the bottom of the right foot. (a. 77 h.)] GENERAL SYMPTOMS: When walking, every step he misses causes a painful jerking through the limbs. His lower limbs feel heavy; he feels a humming in his lower limbs; he has to drag them along.--105. He feels bruised all over; when rising from a seat he feels giddy, his feet feel unsteady, as if lie would stagger. Pain, as if sprained or bruised in the right shoulderjoint and in the posterior joints of the thumb and index-finger. Great lassitude of body and mind, especially after standing. He feels extremely debilitated when hungry. All the symptoms are worse in the afternoon. [Trembling of the lower, and then of the upper limbs. Small blotches on the lower limbs, after scratching them. The whole body is very sensitive to the touch; when knocking any part of the body against any thing, the part feels painful and shuddering; even when treading, the body is painfully concussed. (a. 3 d.) Prickings in several parts of the body, after a moderate walk, when going up stairs.-455. All his limbs are affected, especially when walking; his spine feels bruised. He does not feel well in any part of his body; his limbs feel heavy and weary; he is not disposed to work, although his mind feels cheerful. (a. 6 d.) Tearing in the limbs, either directly above or belowthe joints, close to the bones, as if they were scraped. Great heaviness in the upper and lower limbs; after going up stairs he breathes heavily. Great lassitude, especially when going up stairs. (a. 2 h.)-460. Great lassitude in the morning; all his limbs feel heavy; he dislikes to stir. (a. 7 d.) Weariness when walking, standing or lying down; he is almost unable to do any thing with his hands, or even to dress. Weakness of the body and tremor of the hands when seizing any thing. (a. 131 d.) Heaviness of the arms and lower limbs. He feels intolerably hot when taking but moderate exercise, especially in the face; the whole body perspires when the exercise is more violent. (a. 14 d.)-465. He is very sensitive to cool air. Great lassitude after a walk. When walking in the open air, he is at first strong, but soon feels weak, especially in the muscles of the thighs, with an anxious pressure on the chest, in consequence of which he would like to eructate, which he is however unable to do; he obtains relief by a desire for stool and emission of flatulence. (a. 5- h.) In the evening, while in the open air, he feels very sick and anxious, with internal heat, and has to hasten back to his room, where he does not feel much better. (a. 11 h.) After a moderate exercise, he feels so debilitated that he imagines that he is on the point of dying. (a. 24 h.)-470. Convulsions, death.] 140 SPIGELIA ANTHELMIA. SLEEP: Constant yawning (immediately). No sleep before midnight, every night, but no pain. Constant restlessness in all the limbs, at night; he has to change the position of his limbs all the time, to bend or stretch them. (a. 10 h )1 Restless sleep, frequently disturbed, full of anxious, frightful dreams, for example: that the lightning had knocked away his shoulder. Weary early in the morning when waking.-115. He feels more weary in the morning than the evening previous. [Yawning without drowsiness. Frequent desire to sleep, which he is, however, able to resist. Drowsiness, with yawning, as if he had not slept enough. (a. 5 h.) Irresistible drowsiness in the evening as long as he remained up; but as soon as he had laid down, he was unable to sleep for a long time.-475../fter lying down he remained awake until late in the night. Weariness in the morning; shortly after rising he was unable to keep off sleep when sitting. (a. 7 d.) Irresistible desire to sleep, with yawning, the whole forenoon. (a. 2 h.) He feels so drowsy in the morning that he has to hang his head over, and his eyes closed. (a. 2- h.) Long siesta, contrary to habit; uponi waking he could not prevail upon himself to get up, and he fell asleep again.-480. Sleep, disturbed with many dreams which he does not recollect. Stupefied sleep.2 Sleep disturbed with vivid dreams, which he is unable to recollect; after midnight he wakes frequently, and is in a half-waking state.-485. Confused dreams, during which his mind is so busy that he feels weary in the morning; when waking he does not recollect his di eams. Vivid dreams of known things, of one and the same object, for a long time. Vivid dreams about fire and dispute; he thinks it is time to rise at one o'clock. Anxious dreams of fire and ghosts.-490. Nocturnal emission, before waking in the morning, without occasioning any debility, during a dream about an embrace. Dream about an embrace with emission, without erection.] FEVER: Violent thirst, late in the evening. (a. 28 h.) Severe chilliness over the arms and shoulders. Severe chilliness through all the limbs, the whole day, without thirst, two days in succession. Severe chilliness and coldness immediately after dinner.-120. Chilliness in the afternoon, followed by heat and thirst. Fever: chilliness in the evening, with cold hands and distended abdomen, without thirst; next night, while lying quietly on his back, all his joints feel bruised, he has vivid, pressing dreams, talks in his sleep, his body feels This restlessness was very soon relieved by Aurum. 2 From the smallest dose.-Bergius. SPIGELIA ANTHELMIA. 141 hot, mouth, nose, and eyes dry, without thirst. Chilliness for half an hour in the evening, when lying down, followed by heat and sweat all over, almost the whole night. Alternate chilliness and heat the whole day, with redness 6f face. Feeling of heat in the body, without any heat being perceptible to others.-125. Heat in the lower limbs, at night, without sweat or thirst. Feeling of internal heat at night, with dryness of the mouth, without thirst. He sweats when covering himself lightly. [Weak and irregular pulse, now slow, now quick.-495. His pulse, which is generally at 72, falls to 54. During the morning, fever. (a. 24 h.) Chills every morning after rising. Thrills of shuddering over the whole body, at intervals of from two to ten minutes; they seem to commence especially in the region of the chest. Sometimes the chills extend from the pit of the stomach only as far as the abdomen and the lower limbs, sometimes also as far as the back. (a. 24 h.) A slight movement of the body brings on chills.-500. Shaking chills without thirst, early in the morning, with tolerable lightness in the movements of the fingers, and brightness of mind. Occasional chilliness every morning after rising, for a couple of hours. Chilliness of the whole body without thirst, only in the morning (a. 2 h.), several mornings in succession, returning at intervals, and extending from the feet upwards.. Every morning he has thrills of chilliness, now only over the feet, now over the head and hands, now over the back, or the chest and abdomen, now over the whole body, without thirst. (a. 72 h.) Slight chilliness in the back, toward the abdomen as far as the umbilical region. (a. 2 h.)-505. Thrill of shuddering over the whole body, without heat or thirst. (a. 1 h.) Sensation of goose-skin on the right thigh, without any chilly feeling. Chilly feeling and goose-skin on the arms; he dares not approach his arms to the body, for then he experiences a disagreeable, shuddering sensation. (a. 4 h.) Thrill of cold shuddering over the whole body, except the arms, with sensation as if the hairs stood on end. Thrill of shuddering over the whole body, with heat over the whole body, without thirst. (a. 7 h.)-510. Cold sensation over the whole body, without any coldness to others; his skin was warm to the feel all over, especially on the chest. Internal fever early in the morning: cold thrills at intervals from five to ten minutes, with increased warmth of the skin; the chilliness seems to start from the pit of the stomach, and to spread over the trunk, head, and the upper limbs, without thirst. (a. 24 h.) Coldness of the tips of the fingers, the remainder of the hands being moderately warm. 142 SPIGELIA ANTHELMTA. (a. 3 h.) Cold hands, hot face, no thirst. (a. 5 d.) Feeling of heat all over, and especially heat in the face; nevertheless he longs for the warm bed in the evening. (a. 7 d.)-515. The hands feel cold to the face, but warm, to one another; the palms are a little moist and clammy. Feeling of heat in the face and hands; whereas the hands feel cold to the face and the face cold to the hands. (a. 8 h.) Alternation of coldness and heat on the left side of the forehead, no change of temperature being perceptible to others. For five days in succession he felt a chilliness in the morning after rising, at the same hours, and heat at noon (five hours afterwards), mostly on the trunk, but more so in the face, with redness but no particular thirst. Alternation of heat and chilliness; the chilliness being especially felt on the back, the heat in the hands and face.-520. As soon as he lies down he feels chilly; after which he is covered with a profuse fetid sweat. Heat, with great desire for beer. Great heat, with sweat over the whole body, especially about the head, without thirst. (a. 1 h.) Increased warmth in the back; hands and abdomen feel to him burning hot; he feels hot all over. Flushes of heat over the back, after supper.-525. Feeling of heat in the spine. Flush of heat over the face, without reddening it. (a.: h.)] MORAL SYMPTOMS: Restlessness and apprehensiveness; he was unable to remain quiet at any one place. Sad and out of humor, with redness of face.-130. Extreme low-spiritedness, in the evening; he felt as if he could kill himself, with chilliness of the body. (a. 8 d.) [Want of attention. He does not like to talk. (a. 7J h.) He is not able to join in the joy of others, although he is not sad. (a. 7 h.)-530. Anxiety and apprehensiveness of the future. (a. 10 d.) Deep reflection about his future fate. (a. 24 h.) Anxiety for the future, his mind being intractable and inclined to ill-humor. He is sad, discouraged and timorous. (a. J h.) sad and out of humor.-535. Serious, taciturn; he gets out of humor when one attempts in the least to jest with him. He is out of humor about any thing that does not seem good to him, for many hours. He gets easily angry. At first he is gloomy for three hours, afterwards he feels bright and cheerful; in the afternoon his gloominess returns. He is cheerful, full of confidence, and satisfied; his condition alternates with palpitation of the heart and oppressive anxiety of the chest.-540. In spite of his pains and troubles he feels cheerful, free from care, contented; whereas he was usually apprehensive and suspicious (curative effect). After the first day he is more cheerful and animated than usual (curative effect). Extremely cheerful. SPONGIA MARINA TOSTA. 143 SPONGIA MARINA TOSTA. (Roast the sponge in a tin cylinder, by turning it over incandescent coal, until it is brown and can be rubbed into a powder, 20 grains of which are used to 400 drops of alcohol to make the tincture; shaking the tincture twice a day for eight days, without warmth.) THE sponge which is burnt to a black coal appears to be much less powerful; whereas the brown-roasted sponge communicates to the alcohol all its great remedial virtues. Water turns milky from the tincture, of which it holds a good deal in solution. The sponge contains some Iodine. The goitre, although originating in various causes combined, yet is the same malformation generally, and ought to be cured by the same specific. Medicine being unaquainted with specific remedies for specific diseases, nothing was left to the common man than to experiment with drugs until he should have discovered the proper agent. This was indeed the longest road, but it is the only one which has led to the discovery of the only known safe remedies for diseases which are permanently the same and spring from the same cause. Thousands of years must have elapsed before the Spongia tosta was known as a specfic for goitre. Arnold von Villanova has been the first to recommend it for that disease, in the thirteenth century. Medicine appropriated to itself the discovery of the Spongia; but thinking it beneath their dignity to use a simple drug, physicians combined it with many other drugs; the mixtures helped either little or nothing, until the remaining good effects at last were attributed to the accessory ingredierts. The Spongia was at last entirely omitted from the pulvis ad strumas, and rejected altogether by several modern pathologists. I have found that one or two doses of the smallest portion of a drop of the potentialized drug is sufficient to cure goitre. For other purposes of healing, a small portion of the decillionth potency is sufficient. Camphor is the most powerful antidote of Spongia. Spongia is a specific against a certain form of angina membranacea (s. 145), the local inflammation being previously appeased by Aconite.* Hepar snip. will le se!dorn found necessary with Spongia tosta. *This is most easily accomplished by making the patient smell of a 144 SPONGIA MARINA TOSTA. SPONGIA TOSTA. HEAD: Weakness of the head, and a dullness which unfits him for any kind of mental labor, accompanied with a feeling of weariness through the whole body. The head feels dull and stupid. The head feels heavy the whole day. Heaviness of the head after resting it on the table.-5. Drawing pain in the vertex (immediately), violent pressure in the forehead and occiput, as if they were pressed together, at noon. (a. 5 h.) Beating in the left temple. Buzzing like a double pulsation in the region of the ear, when lying upon it, on either side. Sensation in the forehead as if the blood had become accumulated in it.-10. Increased rush of blooJ to the head. Sensation in the head as if every thing would issue through the forehead. [Vertigo when sitting as if the head would fall to one side, with a feeling of heat in the head. (a. - h.) Giddiness as if one would fall backward. Vertigo in the head, as if tipsy. (a. - h.) Violent rush of blood to the brain, with heat on the orehead; perceptible throbbing of the carotids. (a. 1 h.)-5. Dullness of the head; he staggers as if tipsy, for one hour. (a. + h.) Painful heaviness in the occiput, as if it were full of lead, while walking; it recurs at intervals. (a. 14 h.) Heaviness and fullness of the head, increased by stooping. Painful pressure in the vertex. (a. 5 min.)-10. Dull painful pressure in the right frontal eminence, from within outward. (a. 30 h.) Dull headache in the right hemisphere of the brain, when coming from the open air into the warm room. (a 1-, 35 h.) Painful pressure in the right parietal bone, from within outward, when lying down. Dull painful pressure, from before backward, in the forehead, above the eyes, as far as the occiput and nape of the neck, for ten hours, until he falls asleep. (a. 3 h.) Violent tearing pain in the left temple, close to the orbit, occasioning a sensation of pressure in the left half of his eye. (a. 2 h.)-15. Aching in the forehead. Sensation of pressure from within outward in the right temple. (a. 11 h.) Violent pressing pain in the left occiput, as if it would burst. (a. 94 h.) Jerks through both sides of the head, especially in the temples as far as the occiput, whenever he gives a jerk with his arms, or sets his foot down firmly. (a. 1 h.) Occasional pain in the side where the (small) goitre is; beating in the head, descending down to the cheeks and extending pellet of 30th potency. The more acute the disease and the smaller the dose, the more rapid is the cure. SPONGIA MARINA TOSTA. 145 into the neck in the shape of a tearing.-20. Dartings in the forehead, increased when walking. (a. 5 h.) Painful pressure on the right side of the head and neck, descending. (a. 4 h.) Stinging, with pressure, now in the forehead, now in the occiput, felt only during motion, accompanied with a sensation of burning heat from the region behind the ear, across the occiput down to the nape of the neck. Transverse prickings on the left side of the forehead. (a. 4 h.) Boring prickings in the left side of the forehead when walking in the open air, as if from within outwards. (a. 34 h.)-25. Sharp stitches in the left temple, externally, as far as the forehead. (a. 6, 14 h.) Pressure on the left side of the forehead. (a. 84 h.) Sharp pressure in both temples, externally. (a. - h.) Pressing pain, from within outward, on the left side of the forehead, when sitting, going off after rising. (a. 64 h.) Gnawing pain on the top of the head, externally. (a. 1 h.)30. Disagreeable sensitiveness of the scalp, especially when moving it. (a. T h.) Burning in the right side of the scalp. (a. 15 h.) Sensation as if the hairs on the top of the head stood on end, or as if some one were moving them; most violent when performing any movement of the body. (a. 1 h.)] FACE AND EYES: Strong heat of one side of the face, excited even by thinking of it. Aching over the right eye, rather externally. (a. J h.) Pressure below the eyelids, all round.15. Tension in the region of the left eye, near the temple. (a. 4 h.) Early in the morning, when in bed, the left lids close; she can open them only with difficulty. When staring at one point, she has headache and her eyes run. She has great trouble in distinguishing distant objects. Itching of the eyelids.-20. Burning in the left eye, around the eyeball. Pricking in the region of the eye. Suppuration of the eyes. The eyes are deep sunk. Pale face. [Tensive contractive sensation over the root of the nose. (a. 114 h.) Creeping stitches in the left nasal bone. (a. I h.)-35. Yellow crustlike eruption in the region of the left eyebrow, painful only when touched. The eyes look faint and the eyelids are swollen, as after an intoxication, or as if he had been revelling all night; he is debilitated and drowsy. (a. 34 h.) Sudden stitching drawing in the region of the outer angle of the left orbit, extending around the upper and lower border of the eye, towards the inner canthus. (a. 1- h.) Tensive sticking pain in the left outer canthus, most violent when moving the eyes; going off by contact. (a. 44 h.) Stinging itching below the left eye, somewhat abating by rubbing. (a. 5 h.)-40. Heaviness of the eyelids. Oppressive heaviness in the eyelids, VOL. IV. 11 146 SPONGIA MARINA TOSTA. as if they would close. (a - h.) Sticking, and lastly aching pain in both eyes, in the evening. (a. 9 h.) Pressure in the right eye and sticking. Burning pain in the outer surface of the left lower eyelid.-45. Redness of the whites in the eye. Considerable lachrymation. Flushed cheeks, although the face has only the usual temperature. EARS: Red swelling of the anterior border of the concha of the right ear, with a pimple in that swelling, which emitted a humor like an ulcer, for nine days; the ear was painful when pressing upon it. (a. 24 h.) Pressure and pushing in the ears. Otalgia, a contractive pain. (a. 3 h.) Hardness of hearing. Itching of the left cheek. (a. - h.)-30. Stinging itching in the left cheek. (a. - h.) Sticking in the outer parts of the cheek. Swelling of the cheek. Crampy hard pain extending from the articulation of the left jaw, along the cheek, in the evening, when eating (for five days). Dull ringing in the ears. (a. I h.) Ringing in the right ear. (a. 10 h.)-50. Inflamed pimple close to the meatus auditorius, which became finally covered with a scurf, and remained for several days painful to the touch. Tumors on the left ear, painful to the touch. (a. 1 h.) Burning in the orifice of the right ear. Sore pain in the cartilage of the ear, not altered by contact. (a. - h.) Tensive pain in the swelling close to the orifice of the meatus auditorius, and creeping in that swelling as if it would form an abscess and break open; occasional stitches are felt in it. (a. 15- h.)-55. Fine stitches in the right ear, from within outward, as if through the tympanum (immediately). Cramp-pain in the left ear, when walking in the open air. (a. 244 h.) Drawing pain in the internal right ear. (a. 9-1 h.) Tearing sensation, with pressure, in the right malar bone. (a. + h.) Fine darting stitch from the upper jaw into the interior of the right ear, in the evening when in bed.] NoSE: Tearing in the nose.-35. Arrest of mucous secretion in the nose. Eruption on the tip of the nose, and on the lips. MOUTH, JAWS AND TEETH: The lower jaw is painful to the touch. Sensation in the thyroid gland, and in the cervical gland, during an inspiration, as if air were rushing up and down in those parts. Sensation as if the cervical glands were swollen. (a. 14 h.)-40. Pain as if the cervical glands near the larynx and trachea were swelling. Sensation of pressure in the goitre, several times a day. Continual prickings above the pit of the throat, externally, in the lower part of the goitre. Several large pimples under the chin on the neck, painful when pressing upon them. (a. 12 h.) Vesicles on the border SPONGIA MARINA TOSTA. 147 of the tongue, with sore pain.-45. Stinging and burning vesicles on the inner side of the cheek, and on the border of the tongue, preventing her from eating any thing solid. Itching in the upper and lower teeth. Pain in the posterior molares of the right lower jaw, as if the gums and teeth were swollen, and as if the teeth were lifted out, for two days. Painfulness of the gums during mastication; they are swollen. Pain as if something had got between his teeth.-50. Ptyalism. (a. I h.) [60. Cramp-pain in the left upper jaw. (a. I h.) Transverse prickings in the left upper jaw. (a. 21, 3h h.) Violent and long-continued bleeding of the nose, during dinner, after blowing the nose but little. (a. 3 d.) Fine stitches below the lower lip. (a. 7 h.) Continued violent burning below the right corner of the mouth, in the chin, as if an eruption would form; the burning increases by putting the skin upon the stretch. (a. 6 h.)-65. When touching the left side of the chin as far as the corner of the mouth, it is painful as if ulcerated. (a. 4 d.) Several glandular swellings below the right lower jaw, impeding the motion of the neck; a tensive pain is experienced in them when touching them. (a. 73 h.) Sticking pain in the goitre when swallowing; slight aching between the acts of deglutition. Stitches in the goitre; also between the acts of deglutition.-70. Stiffness of the neck, when turning it and when stooping. Intermittent, slow pressure on the right side of the neck, as if the skin were pressed together between the fingers; that same region was painful to the touch along the carotid artery. Painful pressure above the thyroid cartilage, increased by touching it (immediately). Aching pain in the region of the larynx while singing. (a. 6Q h.) Tension of the right cervical muscles, when bending the head backward. (a. 3 d.)-75. Sensation in the goitre as if every thing in it were vacillating and moving about in it as if alive, especially when swallowing. Sensation in the goitre as if there were a movement in it, a bloating and pressing as if every thing would come out. Painful tension on the left side of the neck near the pomum Adami, when turning the head to the right side. (a. 1 h.) The region of the thyroid body feels indurated. (a. 4 d.) Twitching of the muscles of the right side of the neck when lying down. (a. 24 h.)-80. Fine Sdarting stitches in the outer region of the larynx at different periods. Shooting stitch on the left side of the neck. (a. 1f h.) Long slow stitches in the right cervical muscles, immediately upon waking from sleep, disappearing during deglutition, and afterwards re-appearing again immediately. (a. 23 h.) Fleet creeping in the outer region of the neck. (a. 1L h. 148 SPONGIA MARINA TOSTA. Painful cramp in the cervical muscles after opening the mouth widely, and afterwards biting the teeth together firmly; the lower jaw was drawn down violently, with a heaviness in the articulation of the jaw as if it would be dislocated.-85. Drawing prickings through the left side of the neck. (a. 60 h.) Painful feeling of stifness in the left side of the nape of the neck when turning the head to the right side. (a. J h.) Frequently returning, cracking pain with pressure on the left side of the nape of the neck, close to the scapula, not influenced by motion. (a. 71 h.) Cracking in the nape of the neck when stooping. (a. 16 h.) Pricking in the upper incisored.-90. Sensation, when chewing, as if the molares were dull and loose. (a. 6ý h.) Burning pain in the left upper molares. (a. 12 h.) ] APPETITE AND GASTRIC SYMPTOMS: Burning in the throat, fauces and ears. Sticking sensation in the throat, especially after a meal, and sensation in the outer parts of the neck as if something were pressing out, morning and evening. Sweetish taste in the mouth. Bitter taste in the throat, not in the mouth.-55. Empty eructations. (a. 1 h.) Continued nausea. Increased appetite. Violent hunger. [Eructations. (a. 2 h.) Sour regurgitations. (a. 5 h.) Hiccough. (a. 81, 33, 37, 57 h.)-95. Repeated hiccough. (a. T h.) Bitter taste in the throat. (a. 1 h.) Bitter eructations. (a. 1 h.) Desire for cold water in the evening. (a. 38 h.) Diminished appetite.-100. Confluence of water in the mouth, with nausea. (a. 24 h.) Nausea when smoking as usually. (a. 30 h.) Disposition to vomit, without any vomiting. Tobacco has a scraping bitter taste in the mouth and fauces. (a. I h.) Violent thirst after smoking.] * STOMACH AND ABDOMEN: Pressure in the pit of the stomach, in the afternoon.-60. Aching pain in the region of the stomach, continuing the whole forenoon. (a. I h.) She cannot bear any tight clothes around the trunk, especially not around the region of the stomach. Fullness in the abdomen, after a meal, as if the prover did not digest. Distended abdomen. (a. 24 h.) Grunting in the abdomen and empty risings. (a. I h.)-65. Spasms in the abdomen. (a. 6 d.) Pain in the abdominal ring, as in inguinal hernia. A number of ascarides are passed every day; creeping in the anus. [Disagreeable sensation of laxness in the cesophagus and stomach, as if he had drank a quantity of tepid water, for several hours. (a. 23 h.) Sensation of internal coldness in the pit of the stomach, with fullness in that region. (a. 4 h.) Heat in the abdomen when smoking, which rises into the chest, the rest SPONGIA MARINA TOSTA. 149 of the body feeling chilly. (a. 3 h.) Painful contraction below the stomach, on the left side, especially when lying on the right side. (a. 17 h.) Stitches in the right side of the abdomen, in the region of the liver. (a. 1 h.)-110. Pricking in the abdomen, with loud rumbling. (a. 5 h.) Frequent pinching in the abdomen, abating after emission of flatulence. (a. 14 h.) Cutting in the epigastrium, after a meal in the morning. (a. 26 h.) Cutting in the abdomen after supper, in the direction of the left chest. (a. 4 d.) Violent colic after breakfast, obliging him to bend the abdomen double; accompanied with great desire for stool, the faeces being natural but scanty. (a. 5 d.)-115. Colic, pinching in the whole abdomen. Pinching deep in the abdomen, when sitting; it obliges him to get up, he imagines he has a desire for stool; the pain abates immediately after rising, and disappears entirely when stooping while standing. (a. 10 h.) Fine stitch in the outer region of the navel. (a. 2 h.) Tensive pain in the epigastrium when walking, worse when stooping. (a. 1 h.) Tensive pain in the epigastrium, when sitting.-120. Digging-up sticking in the abdomen, on the left side, perceptible only during an expiration, and worst when stooping. (a. 10J h.) Sensation as of something alive burrowing under the abdominal wall, above the left hip, in the left side, upon which he is resting in bed, in the morning. (a. 22 h.) Strangulating sensation in the left side of the abdomen, becoming more painful by pressing upon the part with the hand. (a. J h.) Strangulating sensation deep in the abdomen, relieved by the emission of flatulence, but increasing again soon. (a. 7 h.) Dull stitch in the psoas-muscles of the right side. (a. 6 h.)-125. Cramppain in the left groin, while sitting. (a. 14 h.) Glandular swelling in the right groin, affected with a tensive pain when walking. Tearing pain, with pressure, in the abdominal ring, only when sitting, on both sides, at different times. Qualmish feeling in the abdomen, accompanied with frequent liquid stools.] STOOL: (The first portion of the faeces is hard, the latter soft.) White diarrhoea. (a. 48 h.)-70. Tenesmus at every stool. Bruising pain in the region of the anus, almost like soreness. Every evacuation is preceded by stitches in the anus and grunting in the abdomen. [Emission of flatulence, and a loose evacuation. (a. 6 h.) i -130. Hard stool, delaying 7 hours. (a. 9 h.) Pressure in the lumbar region, occasioned by flatulence, during stool. (a. 36 h.) Tensive pain from the middle of the abdomen to the anus. (a. 114 h.) Sore pain at stool, for some days. (a. 2 d.) ' Tenesmus in the anus, during stool, as if diarrhaea would set in. (a. 4 d.)] 150 SPONGIA MARINA TOSTA. URINARY AND GENITAL ORGANS: (Pain in the neck of the bladder, as if he would urinate). Thin stream.-75. (Inability to retain the urine.) (The urine looks frothy.) The urine deposits a thick, grayish-white sediment. Simple pain of the scrotum, also when touching it. Squeezing, strangulating pain in the testes.-80. Long, rather dull stitches dart from the testes into the spermatic cord. Aching swelling of the testes. (a. 10, 24 h.) Swollen, painful spermatic cord. Pain in the back, afterwards palpitation of the heart, previous to the menses, the whole day. Drawing in the upper and lower limbs during the menses. [135. Frequent emission of urine. (a. 11 h.) The clear, saffron-colored urine deposits a yellow sediment when standing. (a. 23 h.) Voluptuous itching of the tip of the glans, for several hours, obliging him to rub. (a. 52 h.) Itching burning of the scrotum and the body of the penis, several times. Painful drawing stitches from the body of the penis through the glans. (a. 4 d.)-140. The menses appear too early and- too profusely (immediately).] CATARRH, RESPIRATORY ORGANS:-85. Hoarseness, cough and coryza, very violent. Pain in the chest and trachea when coughing, with roughness in the throat. Constant cough from a deep spot in the chest, where he feels a pain as if that part of the chest had become sore and bleeding from the cough. (a. I h.) Dry cough. (a. 4 h.)-90. Dry cough, day and night, with a burning in the chest, as if some hot substance were in the chest; the cough diminishes after eating and drinking. (Frequent night-cough for two minutes, with ill-humored expression of countenance.) (Violent asthma, a. 10 d.) Slow deep breathing, as after exhaustion, for several minutes. (a. I h.) She became suddenly debilitated after an exertion; the Schest was especially fatigued; she was almost unable to speak, had heat in the face and nausea; in a few hours heaviness in the head.-95. Hurried, panting breathing after a dance. She becomes weak after every exertion, no matter how little; the blood rushes to the chest, the face becomes hot, the body begins to glow, the veins are distended and she loses her breath; it takes her a long time to recover herself. After a moderate exercise in the open air she becomes suddenly weak and sinks down upon her chair; great anguish, nausea, paleness of face, the blood rises from the heart into the chest, as if she would vomit blood; her eyes close involuntarily, almost spasmodically; tears press out of the eyes through the closed lids; she is conscious of herself, but she is unable to control the action of her limbs with her will. Stinging itching in the left side of the SPONGIA MARINA TOSTA. 51S chest, near the shoulder. (a. I h.) Fine stinging in the outer parts of the chest and arms, for several days. [Sneezing and fluent coryza. Dry coryza. (a. 25 h.) Scraping burning and constriction of the larynx. Dryness in the region of the larynx, increased by hawking. (a. I h.)-145. Difficult respiration, as if the throat were closed with a plug, and as if the air could not pass. (a. I h.) Hollow cough, with some expectoration, day and night. Painful pressure below the short ribs when coughing. (a. 1 h.) Hawking of mucus. (a. 25 h.) Boring stitch in the right intercostal muscles, continuing during an inspiration and expiration. (a. 7 h.)-150. Violent prickings in the right side of the chest, from within outward. (a. 56 h.) Drawing stitches in the left chest when sitting with a curved back, especially when taking a slow, deep inspiration. (a. 5 d.) Severe, intermittent stitches in the left side of the chest. (a. 1j h.) Drawing stitches below the second rib of the left chest, only when walking. (a. 8 h.) Fleet, painful stitches in the right side of the chest; if he rubs the part, he feels as if a load were descending there behind the skin. (a. 50 h.)--155. Cutting pain with pressure in the left side of the chest, when taking a deep inspiration; not much pain otherwise. (a. 3 d.) Sticking-pinching crawling in the left side of the chest, in the region of the sixth, seventh rib, becoming more painful by external pressure. (a. 10 h.) Sudden pain in the muscles of the chest and back, left side, as if a broad, pointed body were pressing upward; a broad pressure with many fine stitches. (a. 3 d.) Pressure in the left chest, sometimes accompanied with stitches in motion and rest. Pinching jerk in the left side of the chest, from without inward. (a. 20 min.)] BACK: 100. Violent stitch in the small of the back. The small of the back and the nates are very numb. [160. Dull pain in the region of the right sacro-iliac symphysis, when standing. (a. 27 h.) Pressing sensation in the spinal marrow, going up and down, when sitting straight. (a. 6 h.) Feeling of coldness in the back, in the region of the last ribs. (a. I h.) Aching in the small of the back, only when walking, especially when setting down the left foot. (a. 1 h.) Fine tearing in the region of the os sacrum, from the right side to the left, superiorly, only when sitting. (a. 5 d.)-165. Burning itching of the back, at night; he merely slumbers, tosses about constantly, with heat of the body, no thirst; especially towards morning. Painful, shooting stitch in the region of the right scapula. (a. 17 h.) Pain in the outer regions of the scapule, as if something pointed had been pushed in; a constant 152 SPONGIA MARINA TOSTA. sticking pain, accompanied with soreness. (a. I h.) Jactitation of the muscles around the left shoulder-joint.] UPPER LIMBS: Stitches in the elbow-joint, when moving it. When bending the arm he feels a stitch in the tip of the elbow; this is followed by tearing in the elbow-joint, as long as he keeps his arm bent. Aching in the tip of the left elbow. (a. I h.)-105. Pain in the left lower arm as if the bone were compressed. (a. 1 h.) Large blisters on the right lower arm. Drawing pain in the lower arms. (Burning in the arms and hands.) Several stitches in the right wrist-joint, in rest. (a. 1 h.)-110. Tensive pain in the left wrist-joint, in rest and motion. (a. 1 h.) Violent drawing in the left wrist-joint. (a. 3 d.) Itching in the ball of the left thumb, which cannot be removed by rubbing. (a. 3 h.) Swelling of the hands; she was unable to bend her fingers. The metacarpal joint of the left middle finger became big and red, and felt rigid when bending it.115. Aching pain in the posterior finger-joint of the right hand. (a. 1 h.) [Burning on the top of the left shoulder. (a. 16 h.)-170. Fine stitches in the axilla, when sitting. (a. 1 h.) Constant pricking itching in the left axilla, when sitting. (a. 5 h.) Sticking drawing through the upper arm. (a. 1 h.) Cramppain below the elbow-joint, in the upper part of the fore-arm, with slow bubbling, especially when leaning the arm on any thing. (a. 3 d.) Severe boring stitches, from within outward, in the internal muscles of the right forearm. (a. 1 h.)-175. Heaviness in the forearms. (a. I h.) Trembling of the forearms and hands (in a few minutes). Drawing-aching pain in the right wrist-joint. (a. 6 h.) Crumbling sensation in and behind the wrist-joints. (a. - h.) In one point of the palm of the hand he feels a pinching with sensation as if the skin were drawn towards that point. (a. a few minutes.)-180. The tips of the index-fingers become numb, without turning pale. (a. I h.) Cramp-pain in the ball of the left thumb, only when moving the hand, the whole day. (a. 6 h.) Painful drawing in the posterior joint of the left thumb, extending into the forearm. (a. 14 h.) Cramp-pain in the ball of the right thumb, continuing the whole day, and spreading into the thumb when the hand is moved. (a. 1, 14-, 25 h.) Continuous sore stitch in the region of the anterior articulation of the thumb. (a. 14 h.)] LOWER LIMBS: Pain in the internal part of the thigh, above the right knee, aching posteriorly. (a. { h.) Violent drawing in the left knee; afterwards profuse sweat, in the nights. His lower limbs were quite stiff. Tearing in the SPONGIA MARINA TOSTA. 153 tibia, the whole forenoon.-120. Tearing in the malleoli; the feet are heavy as lead, the heaviness ascending in the tibiae. (Prickings in the heels, when sitting down after a long walk, for one hour.) [185. Quick jerkings of a part of a muscle, in the region of the right buttock. Fine, excessively painful stitch in the skin of the internal portion of the right thigh. (a. 54 h.) Severe boring stitches from within outward, in the outer parts of the right thigh, near the hip. (a. 8 h.) Continuous drawing stitches in the upper part of the outer portions of the thigh, directly below the left groin, especially when walking. (a. 21 h.) Titillating itching of the outer parts of the left thigh, close to the groin, obliging him to rub the parts. (a. 21 h.)-190. Tension, as if a muscle were too short, in the outer parts of the upper extremity of the thigh, whenever setting down the foot; the tension is always accompanied by a stitch. (a. I h.) Pulsative sharp stitches through the right thigh over the knee, early in the morning when in bed. (a. 22 h.) Sticking pain, with pressure, over the right knee (when sitting). (a. 4 h.) Heaviness in the knee-joints, perceptible when walking. (a. 1 h.) Weariness in the knees when walking, as if they would bend, even when setting down the foot firmly. (a. 4 h.)-195. Drawing pressure, in paroxysms, in the region of the bend of the left knee, felt only when bending the knee, and alternating with a similar sensation in the axilla. (a. 6 h.) Dull sticking in the left knee, in the evening when lying down (continuing during motion), for a quarter of an hour. (a. 41 h.) Continued prickling itching in the bends of the knees, when walking, obliging him to scratch. (a. 5 h.) Aching pain in the tendon of the right outer hamstring, more violent when walking than when sitting. (a. 7, 9 h.) After a short siesta the legs go to sleep, first the right, then the left; when trying to walk, the left leg was spasmodically drawn up to the thigh; even when sitting he was not able to keep it stretched, it was then drawn spasmodically backward. (a. 5 d.)-200. Sharp stitches in the right calf, when walking. (a. 1ý h.) Great uneasiness in both legs; he has to change their position frequently. (a. 161 h.) Sensation of heaviness, with tearing, in the left tibia, close to the tarsal joint. (a. 34 h.) When walking fast, he experiences a sensation in the lower part of the left tibia as if a load were hanging from it. (a. 3 d.) Drawing tearing from the right tarsal joint to the knee. (a. 81 h.)205. Drawing pain from the right foot to the thigh. (a. 11 h.) Creeping in the left foot, coming on when walking, and not going off when sitting. (a. 1 h.) Prickings in the right 154 SPONGIA MARINA TOSTA. heel from below upward, when sitting. (a. 6 h.) Severe pricking in the right heel, from within outward, when standing. (a. I h.)-210. Aching pain in the right heel, increasing when walking. (a. 1b h.) Voluptuous itching in the dorsum of the toes of the right foot, early in the morning, when waking, obliging one to scratch. (a. 24 h.)] GENERAL SYMPTOMS: At all hours of the day he feels a creeping somewhere about the skin, were it only at a very small part; after that the spot becomes hot and red; then he feels a corrosive itching in that spot like the crawling of a flea (without pricking), after which miliary vesicles make their appearance; the itching is not diminished by scratching; on the contrary, scratching seems to make the itching more lasting. (a. 2 h.) An itching eruption makes its appearance upon the skin, together with red, itching spots. When scratching an itching spot, an itching is felt in many other parts.-125. Especially when feeling cold, she experiences an itching gnawing in the outer parts of the chest, in the pit of the stomach, back, upper arms, at other times only about the feet; rubbing increases the gnawing itching and produces redness; vesicles make their appearance upon those parts, but they soon disappear again. The lower half of the body feels numb. Weariness in the whole body, especially the arms. She feels most comfortable in the horizontal posture. Extreme relaxation of body and mind; she prefers not doing any thing.-130. Bruised feeling in the upper and outer parts of the body. On waking, his whole body feels bruised. [Itching over the whole body as when sweat breaks out, obliging him to rub, and returning all the time, early in the morning when waking. (a. 48 h.) Continuous itching stitch about the whole body, now here, now there, as of a fine needle, obliging him to rub, but not disappearing by the rubbing. Painful stitches in several parts of the body, obliging him to scratch. (a. 49 h.)-215. Weariness of the lower limbs. (a., h.) The body felt so heavy that he felt obliged to lie down on the ground when walking in the open air, without drowsiness. (a. 9 h.) Continued lassitude and bruised feeling in all the limbs, especially in the muscles of the lower limbs. (a. 2 h.)] SLEEP: Sleeplessness until after midnight. He was unable to sleep; as soon as he fell asleep, he became delirious; his forehead felt thick and sore to the touch, an aching pain over the eye, worse when stooping, as if every thing would come out of the forehead; he felt chilly and cold in the back; this lasted twenty-four hours, during which time he felt chilly. She spoke several times loud in her sleep, but not anxiously. SPONGIA MARINA TOSTA. 155 -135. Sad dreams. Fatiguing dreams. Vexatious and anxious dreams, exciting a desire to weep. [Great weariness and disposition to sleep. (a. 1 h.) Sleepiness with yawning, without being inactive, in the afternoon. (a. 8, 33 h.)-220. Sleep disturbed with dreams. Sleepless almost the whole night, with frightful dreams about murder (sixth night). He frequently wakes in the night, as in affright. Four nights in succession he slept very little, the sleep being disturbed with many dreams; he wakes about midnight, but he feels so restless that he is unable to fall asleep again; when closing the eyelids he saw at once the most vivid images: at one time he imagined that a battery was fired, at another that every thing around him was in flames; at times scientific subjects crowded upon his mind; in short, a number of objects went through his fancy, disappearing as soon as he opened his eyelids, and reappearing when closing them; this lasted until morning. Early in the morning, when waking, he was covered with sweat all over. (a. 25 h.)] FEVER: Cold hands. Cold feeling in the lower limbs.140. Coldness, paleness, and sweat in the face, with heat of the whole body. Stretching of the upper and lower limbs. (a. - h.) Fever: early in the morning he has pain in the head and abdomen, followed by violent chills, with cold bluish hands and some thirst; afterwards, when lying down, he felt a dry, burning heat, with some thirst and a good deal of uneasy slumber, for 36 hours; during the night, when waking and moving about, he felt a nausea and vertigo, with slight sweat every twelve hours, when the heat abated; lastly tearing and sticking in the left eye and cheek, and eruption on the lips. In the afternoon he felt a headache in the occiput, a sort of heaviness and a stitch when turning the head, with heat in the face, hands and feet, chilliness of the rest of the body and disposition to coryza, accompanied with weariness of the body, and bitterness in the mouth; in the evening, after taking off his clothes, he has shaking chills, followed in a quarter of an hour, when in bed, by heat in the whole body except the thighs, which were numb and chilly; sweat at night.-145. Increased temperature of the whole body, with thirst. Cool sweat in the face, in the evening when sitting, accompanied with an increased feeling of warmth through the whole body. Flushes of heat in the face and blood, with excitement of the nerves. Several attacks of heat a day, with anxiety, pain in the region of the heart, weeping and disconsolateness; she would like to die immediately. [225. Violent chilliness in the back, not going off. by the 156 SCILLA MARITIMA. warmth of the stove. (a. 1- h.) Shuddering and chilliness over the whole body, especially in the back, although he was standing near the warm stove, without thirst, continuing for two hours. (a. ý, 221 h.) His limbs are disposed to stretch. (a. 30 h.) The pulse is fuller and quicker. (a. 1 h.) Sensation of burning heat on the forehead, without any heat being perceptible to others, with quick, hard pulse, for half an hour. (a. } h.)-230. Violent heat on the forehead, alternating with shuddering in the back, without thirst, in the afternoon. (a. 10 h.) He feels a sudden and anxious heat over the whole body, with heat and redness in the face, and sweat. (a i h.)] MORAL SYMPTOMS: She is very timorous, and is unrelentingly pursued by a frightful image from the past.-150. Apprehensive as if she were threatened by a misfortune. She inclines to start, and does'start at every trifle; when starting she always feels a heaviness in the feet. She is not satisfied with the quantity of work done; she cannot do it to her satisfaction. Taciturn and dissatisfied. Insolent, contradictory.-155. Mischievously witty. Alternately cheerful, weeping, quarrelsome, and vexed mood. [Headache, loss of appetite, drowsiness, lassitude all over, ill-.humor; every thing was disagreeable to her. Taciturn and indolent. (a. 3 h.)-235. Irresistible desire to sing, with excessive mirth, for half an hour (a. - h.); afterwards absent in mind, and not disposed to work, for an hour.] SCILLA MARITIMA. (The tincture of the bulbous root of Scilla maritima.) Pound one hundred grains' weight of a recent bulb into a pap, adding gradually one hundred drops of alcohol; dilute and mix this pap with five hundred drops of alcohol; let the mixture stand a few days, and of the clear brownish tincture, which ought to be poured off previously, mix six drops with ninety-four drops of alcohol, shaking the two well together. This makes the first attenuation (--). The following list of the symptoms of Scilla is not complete. I have added a few notes illustrative of the use of that drug. Large doses of Scilla act a fortnight. Murray and Tissot praise camphor as an antidote of Scilla; this accords with my own experience. SCILL MARITIMA. 157 SCILLA MARITIMA. HEAD: Early in the morning, when rising, he feels giddy as if he would fall to one side. (a. 48 h.) His head feels weak and dreamy. (a. 6-12 h.) The head feels cloudy and dizzy. (a. 2 minutes.) Clawing headache in the sides of the head. (a. 1 h.)-5. Contractive pain in both temples. Darting stitch in the right temple as far as the forehead. Violent drawing stitches in the right temple; they contracted one-half of the brain. Flapping sensation in the head, when shaking it. (Tearing headache, not preventing mental exertion.) (a. 12 h.) [Vertigo with nausea, as after having turned in a circle for a long while. Obtuseness of the forehead and occiput, with pressure in front and behind. Dull, humming headache, early in the morning after rising. Heaviness in the whole of the sinciput, early in the morning after waking.-5. Extreme heaviness in the whole head, as if he could not keep it still, only when sitting. Flat pressure on the whole top of the head, as of a burthen. (a. 12 h.) Short lasting pressure in the occiput. Aching pain in a small spot of the left frontal eminence. Aching-drawing pain in the forehead.-10. Quickly passing pain in the occiput, extending from the left to the right side. Single painful stitches in the forehead, from the left to the right side, and accompanied with drawing. Drawing in the right temple, terminating in a stitch. (a. h.) Drawing-sticking, long-continued pain in the occiput, when sitting. Slow stitches in the right forehead.-15. Painful shock in the left frontal eminence. (a. 1 h.) Tearing pain in the occiput. Diggingup pain in the forehead. Painful sensitiveness of the top of the head. Painful sensitiveness of the top of the head and internal stupefaction, early in the morning.-20. (Gnawing) itching of the forehead and chin, as if an eruption would break out, disappearing while scratching the part, but returning immediately after. Stitches in the right frontal eminence and nose.] EYES AND FACE:-10. Titillation in the outer canthus of the left eye. Itching in the left eye. (a. 24 h.) Contractive sensation in the right eye. Great dilitation of the pupils. (a. 2 min.) Contraction of the pupils. (a. 5 h.) [The face looks alternately sunken and bright, without heat or chilliness. Distorted, rigid features, enlarged eyes and staring look, with redness of the cheeks; without thirst. Staring look.-25. The left eye is evidently smaller than the right; the upper lid of the left eye feels swollen, it hangs down, which can be felt, and on which account the eye is somewhat 158 SCILLA MARITIMA. smaller. The eyes feel as if they were swimming in cool water, for a few minutes. Contraction of the pupils (immediately). -30. Dilatation of the pupils. Fine burning in the outer canthi. A multitude of fine prickings in the outer canthus of the left eye. Violent tearing in both eyes at the same tinle, behind the eyeballs as it were.] EARS AND NOSE: (Tearing pain in the interior of both ears.) Acrid mucus from the nose. Sore feeling about the margins of the nostrils. [Tearing pain behind the left ear.] MOUTH, JAWS AND TEETH: Humid and spreading eruption over the middle of the upper lip, with stinging itching. -20. Vesicles on the tongue. Stitches in both the upper cuspidati, as when a sharp and cold air rushes into the teeth, when eating or drinking any thing either cold or warm. (Pain in the sub-maxillary glands.) (a. 3 h.)] [35. Stiffness in the left cervical muscles. Stinging itching about the throat and jaws, as of a flea, going off momentarily by scratching and recurring afterwards. Pimples on the neck which increase until the 7th day, and are painful only when rubbed. (a. 4 d.) Drawing and squeezing in the cervical muscle, even when not moving them. The skin of the neck is sensitive to the rubbing with the cravat, and exhibits reddish, almost excoriated places. (a. 24 h.)] APPETITE AND GASTRIC SYMPTOMS: (Every thing tastes sour and bitter.) Empty eructations for several hours. (a. 1 h.). -25. Frequent sour risings into the mouth. Complete loss of appetite; he is unable to eat any thing, and nevertheless has a good taste in the mouth. [40. His mouth feels viscid and slimy. The upper palate feels rough and scraping posteriorly. Burnt taste in the palate, even while chewing food; it remained after eating, and was felt only while swallowing. Burning in the palate and throat. Scraping burning in the palate, resembling heartburn. (a. 5, 6 d.)-45. Canine hunger (in a few hours). He could not eat enough, he relished his food so much; his stomach felt full, and he had an appetite nevertheless. Complete loss of appetite. Loss of appetite, partly because he had no appetite, partly because the food tastes as if burnt, and partly because some food had no taste: for example, meat and soup; whereas other kinds of food had a sweetish taste, such as bread and butter.-50. The taste of food is less and dull. Weak appetite. Tobacco does not taste well. The food, especially meat and soup, has a repulsively sweetish taste. (a. 48 h.) Empty risings.-55. Short eructations. The eructations have a SCILLA MAR1TIMA. 159 repulsive taste. After dinner he has eructations tasting of the ingesta, and a disposition to vomit. Nausea and eructations. Desire to vomit in. the region of the stomach.-60. Nausea in the back part of the throat, and an almost constant confluence of saliva in the mouth. Constant alternation of a desire to vomit in the pit of the stomach, and indications of diarrhoea in the abdomen; either one or the other is present, the latter especially. Excessive efforts to vomit. Violent nausea. Vomiting.] STOMACH AND ABDOMEN: Sticking pain, with pressure, in the left side of the abdominal muscles. (a. 24 h.) Bubbling in the right abdominal muscles. Pinching in the hypogastrium (a. 14 h.); returning at the same hour, next day, and abated and disappeared after emission of flatulence.-30. Itching of the anus. [65. Weakness of the stomach. Spoils the digestive power of the stomach. Painful clawing below the breast, in the pit of the stomach. Fine stitches near the left side of the pit of the stomach. (a. 32 h.) Cardialgia.-70. Intermitting pressure in the pit of the stomach. (a. h.) Pressure at the stomach as of a stone. Excessive pain in the stomach. Inflammation of the bowels. Painless rumbling in the abdomen. -75. Pinching in the abdomen. Pinching and rumbling in the abdomen, as of flatulence, which was emitted. (a. 14 h.) Incarceration of flatulence and cutting in the abdomen, without emission of flatulence. Rumbling above the pubic region (more frequently when standing or walking, than when sitting), going off after a meal speedily and permanently. Empty feeling in the abdomen, as when one had been fasting-80. Drawing pain in the abdomen, increased when walking and not abating by pressing upon the abdomen. (a. 28 h.) Tearing through the abdomen, below the umbilicus. (a. 4 h.) Acute pain between the umbilicus and the pubic region, as of flatulence or a purge, or as if diarrhoea would set in. (a. 2 h.) Tension of the abdomen, which however felt soft. Cuttingpinching in the abdomen.-85. Sensitiveness of the distended but soft abdomen. Emission of a loud flatus whenever he touched the abdomen. Emission of flatulence, fetid. (a. 1 h.) -90. Unceasing emission of noisy, strong, fetid flatulence, relieving the abdomen momentarily.] [STOOL: Hard, scanty faeces, in the evening. (a. 12 h.) Hard stools every day. Papescent stool, without colic. Discharge of a quantity of brown, loose, slimy, fetid faces, with. out pain or tenesmus, accompanied with bubbling flatulence, and mixed with ascarides and a quantity of shapeless, white 160 SCILLA MARITIMA. filaments.-95. Diarrhoea from two to seven in the morning, watery, almost without any flatulence. Constipation. Sticking in the region of the anus when walking. (a. 8 d.) Stools tinged with blood. URINARY ORGANS: Tenesmus of the bladder after micturition, without any urine being present. (a. 5 h. for 3 d.) The emissions of urine are not more frequent, but more scanty (for three days). Frequent micturition, without any increase of urine (in the first hours).' Less desire to urinate, and scanty secretion. (a. 20 h.)-35. Great desire to urinate, with scanty emission. (a. 40 h.) (Hot urine, the faeces being mixed with undigested particles, and very fetid.) [Great desire to urinate, and to evacuate the bowels; the first emission of urine being accompanied with a loose stool without colic. (a. 10 minutes.)-100. When pressed a second time to urinate, he had a loose stool without colic. Constant, but inffectual desire to emit urine. (a. 1 h.) Less secretion of urine. (a. 45 h.) Little secretion of watery urine. (a. - h.) Violent desire to urinate; he emitted an unusual quantity of urine, which looked like water. (a. 7 h.)-105. Little desire, with reddish urine, in the ordinary quantity, with reddish sediment, for three days. (a. 20 h.) He is unable to retain the urine, the quantity being too great (a. 1 h.) for twelve hours. Great desire to urinate. (a. I h.)2 Less emission of urine than usual, and scanty emission of a urine which is not dark. (a. 24 h.) Sanguinolent urine.-110. Brown-yellow, transThe primary effect of Scilla upon the uirnary passages is a great desire to urinate, 33, with copious emission (106), especially of a urine which is clear as water (104) (111), or which at least is watery, although not much so (108). In a few hours after this first and positive effect of Scilla, the secondary effect or reaction of the organism takes place, being the contrary of the primary effect, viz: little desire to urinate, scanty and rare emission of urine 32, 44 (102), the urine having sometimes a natural color (108), sometimes being more dark (105) (110), or the emission being scanty even when there is much desire, 35, or no emission at all, 31. All this being unknown, it was impossible that Scilla should ever have cured dropsical swellings, for which purpose it was already employed by the Egyptians thousands of years before the Greeks. Most of those patients who were treated with Scilla for dropsical swellings, were hurried into premature graves. Dropsical swellings can only be cured by Scilla when the symptoms of the urinary organs correspond to those of Scilla. Such swellings are very rare. Scilla will, on the contrary, be found a specific remedy in cases of diabetes. 2 The prover was in the habit of emitting a moderate quantity of urine twice a day. SCILLA MARITIMA. 161 parent urine, scanty, and forming flocks when standing (the first eight hours).' Frequent emission of urine which is clear as water, with sudden desire. (a. 1 h.) Urinates at night. (a. 18 h.) Sticking in the region of the orifice of the urethra, and a little further back. (a. 21 h.) Sticking pain in the urethra when pressing at stool. (a. 8 d.) ] GENITAL ORGANS: Anxious, dull stiches in the glans. Compressive pain in the testicles. [115. Hemorrhage from the uterus.] CATARRH AND RESPIRATORY ORGANS: (She sneezes several times at night.)-40. (Mucous discharge from the nose.) Coryza with ulcerated nostrils.) Dry coryza. Titillation in the region of the xiphoid cartilage, internally, occasioning a cough, which increased the titillation. He is frequently obliged to take a deep inspiration, and this deep inspiration occasions a cough. -45. Frequent desire to cough, the cough being dry and short, of four or five turns, occasioned by a titillation below the xiphoid cartilage. Cough, which was at first accompanied with expectoration.)2 Constant expectoration of mucus. (a. 2 h.) Dry, violent cough, occasioning a racking pain in the abdomen, and dryness in the throat. When coughing and walking, he feels a pain in the side of the abdomen as if an intestine would break forth.-50. Cough even unto retching. Coughing, talking, or performing the least exercise, excites an intolerable feeling of heat, without any heat being perceptible externally. (a. 20 h.) (Rattling before the cough, which disappeared after the cough.) Darting stitches on either side of the chest, not far from the sternum. (a. 24 h.) Pressing, broad stitches during an expiration, below the last rib, on either side (for two days).-55. Dull, broad stitches in the lowermost last rib, early in the morning when in bed, which waked him. Drawing pain in the chest. (a. 8 -12 h.) Drawing stitch from the last true rib, as far as the shoulder. (a 4 3 h.) Compressive pain in the right side of the SThis appeared to be a curative effect; the prover suffered with copious secretion and emission of urine. 2 According to all my observations, Scilla excites the mucous glands of the trachea and of the bronchial tubes, so that the mucous becomes thinner and looser, and can be thrown off more readily; see 46, 47, 52 (126) (128). This is its primary effect. When used as an expectorant, it palliates the symptoms, and, if the tenaciousmucus in the chest be a chronic ailment, Scilla finally increases the suffering, inasmuch as by a reaction of the organism, the mucus in the bronchial tubes becomes more and more tenacious, and the cough more and more dry, see 43 45 48 (125). Scilla is therefore useful for excessive secretion of muous in the chest, for which it was already recommended by Weickard. VOL. IV. 12 162 SCILLA MARITIMA. chest, terminating in a stitch. (Aching pain in the right side of the chest, below the arm, which becomes a beating pain when stooping; when touching the parts, he felt a pain as if the flesh were loose.)-60. Pointed stitches in the region of the extremity of the clavicles towards the shoulder, during an inspiration and expiration. [Violent, continued sneezing and fluent coryza (immediately). Acrid coryza, with frequent sneezing. Profuse fluent coryza early in the morning. (a. 6 d.) Violent catarrh; the eyes look dim and faint, and are full of tears (in the forenoon). (a 7 d.)-120. Heavy, slow expirations and inspirations. Asthma, with frequent quick breathing and anxiety as long as the asthma lasted. Asthma and sticking in the chest, most troublesome during an inspiration. Oppression across the chest, as if it were too tight. Slight irritation in the pit of the throat, inducing cough, in the upper part of the trachea; he coughs a few turns. (a. 1 h.)-125. Cough with diminished expectoration. (a. 9 d.); at every turn of cough he experiences a painful pressure in the thoracic cavity, from within outwards, and a painful contraction of the abdominal muscles. Cough in the morning, with profuse mucous expectoration. (a. 7 d.) Pneumonia;1 violent cough early in the morning, with stitches in the side at every turn of cough, with expectoration, (a. 6 d.); the days previous there was scarcely a trace of cough. Stiches in the region of the left and right true rib, at the same time.-130. A kind of pleurisy. Constrictive stitch in the left side, under the last rib, excited by rapid walking. Stitches in the left side. (a. 1 h.) Stitches in the middle of the xiphoid cartilage, almost like one continuous stitch. Repeated stitches in the sides.-- 135. Excessive stitching near the sternum from above downwards, making the breathing difficult. Pressure (tension?) in both sides, from the axilla to the abdomen, particularly when extending the thoracic cavity during an inspiration. (a. 2 h.)] [BACK: Painful sensitiveness of the skin from one hip to 1 In searching the records of the physicians of any century, we shall find that the best among them have occasionally used the Scilla with the greatest success in pleurisy, although they well knew the extreme acridity of that root when placed upon the tongue, or when taken internally in large doses. These good effects were obtained in virtue of the homceopathicity of that root to those pleuritic affections, (see 53 to 55, 58, 60 (122) and (127) to (135). The physicians who employed Scilla were much more successful than those who resorted to the barbarous use of antiphlogistics and bloodletting. They would still have been much more successful if they had administered Scilla strictly homceopathically, in small doses, (the quintillionth or sextillionth of a grain,) and unmixed with other drugs. SCILLA MARITIMA. 163 another, across the back. (a. 6 d.) Painless drawing in the outer part of the left scapula. Painful darting above the left scapula. (a. 8 d.)-140. Red pimples on the back, the tips whereof were full of pus, with stitch-like itching, and with a burning-stinging itching after scratching; on the day following every pimple was covered with a small crust. A spot of the size of a dollar, between the scapulae, composed of densely crowded, but not confluent pimples, with titillating (creeping) itching, as of a flea, transformed by scratching into a burningstinging itching, but changing again to a crawling itching some time after.] UPPER AND LOWER LIMBS: Stiffness in the nape of the neck. (a. 12 h.) Rheumatic pain in the lateral cervical muscles. Sweat in the axilla. Convulsive jerking of the left arm (when standing).-65. Convulsive jerking of the upper and lower limbs, when sitting. (a. 24 h.) The thighs feel bruised. Weariness of the thighs. Bubbling, descending from the upper part of the thigh to the toes, in one uninterrupted line. Contractive pain in the bend of the left knee, obliging him to bend the knee, when standing.-70. Drawing pain in the leg. Burning pain in the ball of the right foot, as after freezing. Sweat of the toes. [Crawling itching under the right arm, in the outer parts of the chest, removed for a short while only by scratching. Painless jerkings and jactitations in the muscles of the upper arm. Slow pricking along the skin from the shoulder to the middle of the upper arm.-145. The hands frequently go to sleep in the day time, when leaning the head upon them, and of the lower limbs when crossing the legs. Painful pricking in the middle of the left metacarpus. Darting pain in the wrist-joints, transversely. (When handling the recent bulbs with the hands, they become covered with vesicles.) Stitch-like drawing pain from the left wrist-joint into the fingers.-150. Painful pricking in the joints of both hands, also without moving them. (a. 3 d.) Small red spots upon the hands, feet, chest, and the whole of the body, assuming the appearance of itch-like pimples, a sort of greasy itch which shows itself between the fingers, on the feet and the whole body, with burning itching. (a. a few days.) Prickings in both thighs. Drawing-pain in the muscles of both thighs. (a. 7 h.) Intermitting drawing pain in the outer parts of the thighs, when sitting or walking.] GENERAL SYMPTOMS: Soreness between the limbs. Bubbling sensation below the scapula, in the back and the left upper arm.-75. Continued, dull, rheumatic pains about the whole body, abating in rest and increasing in motion. (a. 6 and 164 SCILLA MARITIMA. 24 hours.) Weariness. (a. 6 h.) Feeling of heaviness in the whole body, as if weary. (a. 8-12 h.) [155. Burning and itching in the skin. Cold gangrene. Excites scirrhous tumors. Scirrhous tumors, accompanied by fever and inflammation, are apt to become cancerous from using squills. Pains in the whole body.-160. Uneasiness in the upper and lower limbs; he has to move them all the time to obtain relief. Violent pains in the limbs. Stinging, now in one, now in another part of the body. Spasmodic movements.-165. Convulsions. The whole body becomes faint, which is especially perceptible when taking a long walk.] SLEEP AND FEVER: Sleeplessness, without any particular cause. Heat in the face, more internally than externally, without thirst, increasing when moving the body; the rest of the body feeling chilly, when uncovered ever so lightly.-r80. Heat and redness in the face, for three hours, especially in the face, when performing the least motion, and when talking. (a. 10 h.) (Dry external and internal heat, without thirst, for three hours (a. 2 h.); afterwards internal dry heat, without thirst. Heat in the head, with cold feet. Every afternoon the body feels hot, without thirst, and cold feet. Thirst during the evening-chills, without any internal or external heat. [Frequent yawning without drowsiness. (a. 2 h. Stretching of the upper limbs, with yawning, without drowsiness. (a. 11 h.) He feels more debilitated from the sleepless nights, than from the diarrhoea. His head feels confused; nevertheless he is in good spirits.-170. Drowsiness in the evening, a few hours before his time. Sleep, with merry dreams. Faintness and drowsiness after dinner. Restless sleep. Frequent waking, and turning in the bed from side to side.-175. He dreams that his body has become puffed up to an enormous size; the dream was so vivid, that he felt himself on waking, to see whether it was true. He wakes after midnight, with anxiety and desire to vomit. He fetches a deep and heavy breath occasionally. Debility early in the morning after waking and rising, especially in the region of the hips. Confused feeling and heaviness in the head, after a quiet sleep without dreams. (a. 72 h.) -180. Small, hard pulse; it feels like a tight cord. During the vomiting, the pulse falls to 40, shuddering over the whole body, the skin being somewhat cold. (a. 6 h.) When walking, even in the heated room, he feels cool and chilly in the back and arms, not when sitting. Icycold hands in a warm room. (a 1I h.)-185. Icy-cold hands and feet, the rest of the body being warm. (a. 4 h.) Internal DELPHINIUM STAPHISAGRIA. 165 chilliness at night, with external heat, without thirst. (a. 6 d.) Feeling of great heat in the whole body, in the afternoon, but without any external redness or thirst, for some hours. (a. 6 d.) External heat with internal chilliness in the evening, immediately after lying down. (a. 7 d.)-190. Chilliness, and shortly after, heat over the whole body. Heat over the whole body, as of heating drinks, with icy-cold feet, without shuddering, thirst, or sweat. Feeling of heat in the whole body, without thirst, or sweat. (a. 2 h.) ] MORAL SYMPTOMS:-85. Vexed about trifles. Courage, resoluteness. [Lazy in the morning, is not disposed to mental labor.-195. Averse to any business, indifferent, taciturn. Not disposed to think, desponding. Anxious, with dread of death.-200. Great anxiousness. Whining mood. Cheerful mood (probably curative effects).] DELPHINIUM STAPHISAGRIA. [Pulverize four grains of the seed, together with an equal weight of chalk (for the purpose of taking up the oil), and extract the tincture by adding 600 drops ofalcohol, shaking the mixture once a day, for a whole week, without warmth.] The ancients employed the Staphisagria in a very crude manner, for the purpose of exciting vomiting or ptyalism, as we learn from Dioscorides, who likewise recommends it against tooth ache, borrowing this recommendation from domestic practice. Joh. Hein. Schulze (Theses de Mat. Med. Hal. 1746, p. 435), who suffered with toothache, took some of the seeds into his mouth; but he experienced such a violent exacerbation that he thought he would become crazy. The Staphisagria being used by the Greeks for the extirpation of lice, they called it <geQoxoxxov; it is still now an ingredient of an ointment used for that same purpose (unguentum pediculorum). Every drug being so much more capable of curing violent diseases as it is capable of powerfully affecting the healthy organism, a good deal may be expected of Staphisagria as a curative agent. Dose: one pellet of the thirtieth potency. Large doses act over three weeks. Camphor antidotes Staphisagria. 166 DELPHINIUM STAPHISAGRIA. STAPHISAGRIA. HEAD: vertigo in the room, as if stupefied, not in the open air. Vertigo when stooping and turning the head suddenly; every thing turned with him in a half circle. Vertigo: he stumbled against a door when walking. Vertigo when lying down, in the evening, as if every thing turned with him.-5. Obtuseness of the head, only in front, in the middle of the forehead, at a small spot of the size of the tip of a finger; a sort of stupid feeling: when in the street he knew not whether he was going right or left; he had to be very careful lest he should fall. Alternation of stupefying and boring headache. Violent headache, early in the morning after waking, as if the brain were torn, going off afterward amid violent, spasmodic yawning. Headache during motion, as if the brain would fall out; also in rest he felt as if the brain were compressed, were standing off from the skull, and were lying in it loose. When shaking the head, he had a sensation, at a small spot in the middle of the forehead, as of something heavy, such as a leaden bullet, lying in the brain, which would not become detached.-10. Paroxysmal obtuseness of the head; sometimes his head felt clear. When he attempts to conceive an idea, it escapes from his mind. Dullness of intellect, preventing him from any kind of work. Tearing in the forehead, in the evening when sitting; when stooping he felt a sticking in the forehead; when walking he felt relieved. Sticking headache, the whole day. (a. 17 d.)-15. Sticking in the left temple. Single, long, dull stitches from the scalp into the brain, not far from the vertex; the place is painful to the touch. Tearing in the outer parts of the head and in the teeth. Itching of the hairy-scalp. Itching, crusty eruption of the hairyscalp, as well as directly over and behind the ear.-20. The hairy-scalp itches; it is humid and covered with crusts. Great falling off of the hairy-scalp. Large but painless blotch in the hollow behind the lobule of the ear, with a white pimple on the top. Itching pimples in the nape of the neck. [Vertigo, especially when sitting; diminished by walking about. (a. 1 h.) Vertigo. (a. 8 h.) Obtuseness of the head when standing or talking, as if he would become giddy, for a long time. (a. 14 h.) Vertigo in the forehead, and a stupid feeling in the fore part of the head. (a. 5 h.)-5. The head feels obtuse, dull and heavy. (a. h.) The head feels obtuse all the time, and the mind feels depressed. Confused feeling in the head, as in catarrh. Vanishing of thought: he forgets his DELPHINIUM STAPHISAGRIA. 167 first idea when interrupted in his conversation, or when his attention is directed to some other object. Vanishing of thought; when thinking of any thing, so many ideas crowd upon his mind in confusion, that he is unable to disentangle them, and forgets his first idea altogether.-10. Weakness of memory. A few minutes after reading he has only an indistinct recollection of the thing read; or when thinking of any thing he forgot shortly after what he had been thinking of, and recollected it again only after long thinking. A sort of painful buzzing in the head. (a. 5 h.) Humming and sticking in the whole head, worse when stooping and walking, in the evening, for many hours. (a. 36 h.) Confused feeling in the head, early in the morning, with contractive pressure in the vertex. (a. 4 d.) Headache in the vertex, a sort of contraction and compression from all sides.-15. Oppressive, stupefying headache, especially in the forehead, more violent when moving the head and when standing. Heavy loads in the head, over the cribriform plate, like a lump shaped into a ball. Pain in the head when stooping, as if the parts would issue through the forehead. (a. 5 h.) Headache as if the brain were compressed (mostly in the forehead) with paroxysmal roaring in the ear, which terminates much sooner than the headache. Sensation as if the occiput were compressed internally and externally.-20. Pressing of the brain, especially in the occiput, against the skull, and pressure in the brain, as if too much blood had accumulated in it, in the evening before going to bed, continuing after lying down. (a. 39 h.) Pressing headache in the left half of the forehead, from within outward. (a 2 h.) Oppressive painful heaviness in the occiput, with pressure from within outward, when walking in the open air. (a. - h.) Heavy pressure over the orbit of the right eye, in the open air. (a. 3- h.) Heaviness in the head. (a. 72 h.)-25. Heaviness of the head, relieved by leaning the head upon the hand. (a. 1 h.) Hardpressure in the head in the region of the right temporal bone, and of the vertex. Hard pressure on the right side of the forehead. Pressure over the right eye, and drawing from below upward. Pressure above the right eye, behind the eyebrow, as of something hard.--30. Aching pain in the left temple, externally and internally, as if one pressed upon the part somewhat hardly with the finger. (a. 1- h.) Drawing pressure in the forehead, from time to time. Violent tearing with pressure through the left hemisphere of the brain, especially violent in the forehead, gradually increasing and decreasing. (a. 54 h.) Dull, painful, sometimes sticking pressure from within outward, first in the whole forehead, afterwards only in the left frontal eminence, 168 DELPHINIUM STAPHISAGRIA. going off in rest, but returning with so much more violence during motion. (a. 4 h.) Sharp pressure on the top of the head, occasionally.-35. Stitch-like and drawing pain, with pressure, in the left side of the forehead. (a. 2 h.) Dull pinching headache in the forehead, with stitches in the region of the temples, abating by walking, but returning when sitting or standing. (a. 4 h.) Sudden stitches in the upper part of the frontal bone, causing him to start. Boring stitch in the vertex from within outward. (a. 56 h.) Boring stitch, with pressure from within outward, in the whole of the left half of the forehead, awaking him early in the morning twice, with violence, for one minute. (a. 22J h.)-40. Sharp burning prickings in the left temple. Fleet burning stitches in the occiput, from right to left during the first day, afterwards from below upward. Dull sticking in the right temple, externally and internally, as if the bone would be pressed out; more violent when touching the part. Drawing-cutting tearing in the side of the forehead. Burning-sticking pains in the region of the left parietal bone.-45. Burning stitches in the outer parts of the frontal bone. Corrosive itching of the whole of the occiput, rather made worse by scratching. (a. 14 h.) Corrosive itching of the upper part of the occiput, with sore pain, returning at the same time in the evening and at the same place. Itching gnawing of the hairy scalp, increased by rubbing, for several days. Pricking itching of the hairy scalp, and small pimples on the forehead.- 50. Fine burning pricking of the outer parts of the scalp. A number of hairs can be easily pulled out of the scalp without any pain. (a. 4h.) Burning pain, with pressure, in the region of the left temporal bone, interiorly, close above the ear. (a. 2- h.) Rheumatic drawing with pressure, when bending the head forward, in the outer parts of the occiput, commencing at the articulation. Painful drawing in several outer parts of the head, more violent when touched. -53. Drawing-tearing sticking in the left temple, apparently in the bone, continuing as the pulse (a. 40 h.); next day it was felt from time to time, now in the left, now in the right temple, sometimes also in the left frontal protuberance, less violent, continuing a few days. Painful drawing in the region of and behind the occipital protuberance, at every motion of the head. (a. 10 minutes.) Sore feeling in the outer parts of the right parietal bone, only when touching them, preventing him from lying on that side. (a. 80 h.) Rigid pain in the left side of the nape of the neck and occiput, only at night, frequently waking him from sleep, and making it impossible for him to lie on either side.] DELPHINIUM STAPHISAGRIA. 169 FACE AND EYES: Small (itching?) pimples in the face at a distance one from the other.-25. Beating pain, with pressure, in the whole face, from the teeth to the eyes, for sixteen days. Dilatation of the pupils. When looking at a thing it appeared covered with a white gauze, which made the object invisible. When reading, he saw gmall black flashes between the letters, and then whole lines had disappeared. When looking into the open air he sometimes saw black flashes before his eyes, a kind of vibration of the light.-30. In the dark of the night, while in bed, she sees a fiery column before her eyes. The eyes are dim, and so hot that the eyeglass becomes cloudy from the heat. Dim-sightedness as if the eyes were full of water, with itching and stinging in the inner canthus; he has to rub the place. When writing, the eyes soon ache; especially in the afternoon he experiences a smarting and burning in them, after which a few smarting tears run out; he has to avoid the light, because light brings on the pain the sooner. Smarting pain in the inner canthi.'-35. A rather biting than itching pain in the inner canthus of the left eye. Biting water runs from the eyes early in the morning. Violent itching in the inner canthus, early in the morning, worst in the open air; he is obliged to rub the eyes. He sees a shine around the candle, in the evening. Dry gum in the eyelashes and in the outer canthus, at night; the gum becomes likewise dry in the open air, and this occasions a tension.-40. Dry gum in the inner canthus, constantly; he is frequently obliged to rub it off in day-time. Early in the morning the eyes are closed with gum in the inner canthus. Sensation in the eyes as if they were full of sleep. Dryness of the eyes in the evening, with pressure in the same. Pressure in the eye; she has to wink frequently.-45. Early in the morning, when waking, the eyes are dry, and a pressure is experienced in them; she is unable to open them without having previously moistened them. Contractive sensation in the upper eyelid, causing a flow of tears. Pressure in the upper eyelid, the whole day, more violent when closing the eye. Itching of the margins of the eyelids. (a. 2 h.) Inflammation of the white of the eye, with pain.-50. Pimples around the inflamed eye. [The face is bloated as from a cold.-60. His eyes look hollow and large, his face looks weary and pointed, as after a nightly revelry, or as after disagreeable emotions. Small pimples on the forehead and near the corners of the mouth, occasioning a SIn a man who had never suffered with pain in the eyes. 170 DELPHINIUM STAPHISAGRIA. violent itching and a pain as of subcutaneous ulceration when touching the parts. (a. 9 h.) Pimples in the face, on the forehead, the cheeks, and around the mouth and the wrist, occasioning a drawing, itching disappearing for a short while by scratching, but afterwards returning in the form of a stinging. The pimples in the face sometimes occasion a tensive soreness; when touching them they feel painful, as of subcutaneous ulceration. Fine prickings in the face and in the rest of the body.-65. Burning tearing, with pressure, in the right temple, close to the eye. (a. 7 h.) Burning sensation, with pressure, around the left eye. (a. 4 h.) Contraction of the pupils, after half an hour, after which they dilate considerably. Dilatation of the pupils, the first days. Dilatation of the pupils for many hours.-70. Contraction of the pupils. (a. -, 1 h.) Severe pain; cutting as with a pain below the left upper eyelid. (a. 75 h.) Pain under the left upper eyelid, as if a hard body were lying under it. (a. 13 h.) Pain, with pressure from within outward, in the upper wall of the right orbit, directly behind the eye, continuing a long while and returning frequently. (a. 10 d.)-75. Aching pain in the upper part of the right eyeball. (a. 3- h.) Hard pressure in the inner canthus of the right eye. (a. 31 h.) Dryness of the eyes, continuing the whole day. (a. 13 h.) Burning, which is not disagreeable, in the outer canthus of the right eye, extending a good ways back of the eye towards the ear, and returning in paroxysms. (a. 1- h.) -80. Itching of the margin of the upper eyelid, in the open air (a. - h.); two hours later the itching was likewise felt in the other eye; it went off by rubbing. Blunt stitches in the eyes, when exerting them. Sticking shocks in the eyeball, as if it would burst. (a. 1- h.) Deep, hollow eyes, with blue elevated margins, like one who has indulged in excesses, for four days. The right eye is open more widely than usually. (a. 78 h.)-85. Dim-sightedness at a distance, and at a proximity. (a. 10 h.) Illusion of sight; when rising from a seat, he thinks he is much larger than usual, and every thing before him appears to be much lower than it is. (a. 26 h.) Tearing pressure in the outer canthus, in the region of the lachrymal sac. (a. 72 h.) His eyes close sometimes, although he is not drowsy.] EARS AND NOSE: Dull, but deep stitches in the interior, first of the left, then of the right ear. Inclination of the right articulation of the jaw to become dislocated while gaping. Pain in the articulation of the jaw, while yawning. (Drawing pain in the region of the ear).--55. Pinching in the left ear. DELPHINIUM STAPHISAGRIA. 171 Itching of the cheeks. Smarting pain of one nostril, as if it were ulcerated. Sore nose, interiorly, with scurf. [Cramp-like burning pain, with pressure in the outer parts of the left posterior concha. (a. 8 h.)-90. Stitch in the left ear. (a 31 h.) Dull, painful stitch, deep in the right ear, in the evening. (a. 48 h.) Tensive stitch in the left ear. (a. 81, 36 h.) Feeling of coldness rushing into the right ear like a cool breath, for a few hours. Ringing in the left ear. (a. 41 h.)-95. Ringing in one or the other ear, when moving the head, disappearing again in rest. (a. 23 h.) Slight reports in both ears, occasionally, as if the wind were suddenly rushing in, without any diminution of hearing. Drawing in both malar bones. Tearing, with pressure, in the left malar bone, the teeth being affected with a similar pain. (a. 1 h.) Tearing and pulling from the head through the cheeks as far as the teeth. (a 36 h.)] JAWS AND TEETH: Scurfy ulcer in the middle of the upper lip.-60. Pimple on the vermilion border of the upper lip, covered with scurf. Burning swelling of the gums, with heat in the cheek. The gums are painful to the touch. The gums bleed for many days when pressing upon the gums or brushing the teeth. The gums become pale and white.-65. The teeth blacken rapidly; she is obliged to brush them twice a day; nevertheless they exhibit black transverse streaks in the middle. The inner side of the gums is painful and swollen, also when swallowing. Blister on the inner side of the gums, passing into an ulcer, and occasioning a stinging pain. Blotch on the gums, which is not painful per se, but when pressed upon with any thing hard. (a. 17 d.) The gums become corroded.-70. The toothache is excited by drawing air into the mouth. Gnawing pain in the four lower fore-teeth, especially at night. Painful traction in the teeth from time to time, followed by beating in the gums. Drawing toothache, with pressure in the anterior teeth, as if occasioned by mercury, worst at night, towards morning. Piercing drawing in the hollow tooth, and in the corresponding tooth of the other side, early in the morning.-75. Violent drawing toothache, with swelling of the cheeks; aching pain in the same side of the head, and heat in the face. Swelling of the cheek near the lower jaw. Pimples on the neck. Pain of the submaxillary glands both when touched or left alone. The submaxillary glands are painful as if swollen and contused.-80. Swelling of the tonsils and submaxillary glands. [100. Cutting drawing in the left malar bone. (a. 22 h.) Burning stitch in the right malar bone. (a. j h.) Dull stitch 172 DELPHINIUM STAPHISAGRIA. in the left malar bone. (a. 22 h.) Burning sharp sticking in the left cheek, obliging him to scratch. Itching (corrosive) pricking of both cheeks, obliging him to scratch.-105. Ulcerative pain of the left cheek when yawning. Sore pain in the left nostril, in the cartilage of the septum, when touching the part, as if it would ulcerate. Itching of the left wing of the nose, going off by contact. (a. 78 h.) Sensation in the lip as of fine cuts, as if it had become cracked. Burning of the middle of the upper lip, near the outer border, for minutes.-110. Vesicle on the margin of the vermilion border of the lower lip, stinging and burning when touched. Sharp stitches with pressure in the upper lip from within outwards. Shining-red ulcer on the margin of the vermilion border of the lower lip, occasioning a dull sticking-drawing pain which is sometimes accompanied with an agreeable itching, inducing scratching, which causes stinging. (a. 6 h.) Ulcer on the lips, with a gnawing-drawing pain in the ulcer. (a. 37 h.) Ulcer on the lips, emitting at first pus (a. 3 d.), afterwards greenish water. -115. Tensive sensation below the chin, in front, under the border of the lower jaw, as if a blotch would form. Sensation below the chin, near the symphisis of the lower jaws, as if a gland were swollen; there is something hard, like cartilage, of the size of a hazlenut; he feels a hard aching pain in that part, during deglutition, when touching the part, or when rubbing the part with the cravat. (a. 26 h.) When bending the head forward, when sitting, it falls forward almost involuntarily. (a. 10 h.) Heaviness of the head and weakness of the cervical muscles; he had to lean the head either backward, or on either side. (a. 12 h.) Sensation in the nape of the neck, as if it were pressed down.-120. Paralytic drawing in the region of the spinous process of the first dorsal vertebra. Paroxysmal stitches in the side of the neck, almost behind the ear, in the evening. Tensive stitch in the left cervical muscles. Drawing with pressure on the right side of the neck, independent of motion or contact. (a. 32 h.) Tensive pressure in the side of the neck.-125. Drawing aching, rheumatic pain in the side of the neck, when bending the neck forward. Fine tearing in the muscles of the neck. (a. 5 minutes.) When bending the neck forward, a rheumatic pain is experienced in the region where the neck rests upon the shoulders and back, a sort of drawing-pressing stiffness. Compressive-drawing toothache in the right row, which can be excited by cold water. Drawing pain in the hollow tooth, early in the morning. (a. 72 h.)-130. Violent tearing in the roots of the teeth, causing the facial muscles to become distorted, now DELPHINIUM STAPHISAGRIA. 173 to one, now to another side. A tooth which had been but slightly affected for a long time, became suddenly hollow within eight days. Exfoliation of the posterior surface of an incisor tooth. (a. 28 h.) Painful drawing in the gums of the posterior molar teeth and in their roots. Painful drawing in the gums of the incisores and the cuspidatus, and in their roots, right side, extending into the muscles of the lower jaw. (a. 26 h.)-135. Painful spasmodic shrinking of the gums of the upper and lower teeth of the right side, making it impossible for her to separate the jaws without pain. When eating he feels a tearing in the gums and in the roots of the lower molar teeth. (a. 72 h.) Tearing in the whole row, with a feeling of dullness in the teeth, when biting upon them. (a. 40 h.) Toothache when eating; the teeth are loose; he is not able to chew his food properly; when chewzing he feels as if the teeth were pressed more deeply into the gums; he has the same sensation when the teeth of the upper and lower jaws simply touch one another; the gums are white. (a. 56 h.) The hollow teeth are sensitive to the least touch; and if the least food remains in the hollow tooth, a violent pain is felt extending into the root, and the gums around the teeth are sore.-140. Tearing toothache, immediately after eating and chewing, and after taking a cold drink, going off within half an hour, but returning after another chewing; it was not brought on by warm drinks or liquids; nor was it excited by motion, but made worse when already existing, especially by exercise in the open air. When drinking any thing cold, her teeth became painfully affected, like hollow teeth. Toothache in a hollow tooth after eating; a corrosive drawing (except in the incisores, where a pressure was experienced), which became much worse in the open air, even when the mouth was closed, but gradually eased in the room for several days. (a. 5 d.) The teeth begin to grumble, even when chewing. Tearing, first in the root of the hollow tooth, afterwards extending as far as the crowns of the teeth, only directly after eating and chewing, aggravated in the open air; accompanied with a pressure upon the crowns of the affected teeth, towards their roots; when touching the tooth with the finger, the other teeth become painful. (a. 9 d.)-145. Titillating sticking in the molar teeth of the right lower jaw. (a. } h.)] MOUTH: Sticking in the tip of the tongue without its being touched by any thing. Sticking pain in the border of the tongue when pressing it against the palate, as if a sting were sticking in the tongue, going off when eating. Sore pain of the forepart of the tongue. Vesicle in the mouth. 174 DELPHINIUM STAPHISAGRIA. [Whitish coated tongue. (a. 46 h.)] PHARYNX AND (SOPHAGUS:-85. Rough throat, as if sore, when talking and swallowing. Stitches in the palate, extending into the brain. Dryness in the throat, especially in the evening, before going to sleep; stinging in the throat during deglutition. [Painful drawing from the os hyoides as far as the lower jaw; more violent when touching the side of the neck. (a. 48 h.) Swelling of the sublingual gland, which prevents deglutition, for four hours. (a. 3 h.)-150. Burning scraping in the palate, between and during deglutition. The palate is rough and scraping, but very moist. Smarting with pressure in the posterior part of the palate, only between the acts of deglutition. (a. 4, 5 h.) Scraping sensation in the fauces, behind the nares, as if snuff had got through. Dry tongue and tenacious mucus in the posterior nares, closing them.-155. He talks very faintly, on account of a weakness in his organs of speech, although he is otherwise lively. Dry feeling on the tongue, confluence of a sourish water in the mouth, and tenacious mucus, obstructing the posterior nares.] TASTE AND APPETITE AND GASTRIC SYMPTOMS: Confluence of saliva in the mouth. Ptyalism.-90. Flat, qualmish taste in the mouth; nevertheless, food has a good taste. Watery taste in the mouth; food, however, has a good taste. Food has no taste to him, still he has an appetite. Bread tastes sour to him. Great desire for milk.-95. (Beer excites a scraping, repulsive taste in the throat.) Tobacco has a biting taste. Heartburn while smoking the accustomed tobacco. Scraping eructations, affecting the larynx. Pressure and sticking as high up as the chest, when she attempts to eructate.-100. Hiccough after every meal. Hiccough half an hour after supper. For three days he feels qualmish. Nausea, with desire to vomit, every morning. Desire to vomit.-105. Sensation as if the stomach were hanging down relaxed; still he has no appetite. Extreme canine hunger, even when the stomach was full of food; when eating again he relished his food. Digging-up pain in the stomach. Fullness in the pit of the stomach, with pressure and sticking. [Sanguineous saliva, immediately. Stinging in the palate, when dry, in the evening. (a. 12 h.) Bread has a sourish taste. -160. Ugly, bitter taste in the mouth, when empty. (a. 46 h.) Constant accumulation of mucus in the mouth, without any bad taste. The mouth is always full of a watery humor, as when one is very hungry. Sensation as if one would vomit, in the morning. (a. 1 h.)-165. Nausea in the mouth and DELPHINIUM STAPHISAGRIA. 175 pharynx, when eating, as if he would vomit. (a. 9 h.) Confluence of water in the mouth, after a meal; a kind of water-brash. Confluence of water in the mouth, immediately, with single, short eructations, as after having taken an emetic which has no effect. A sort of eructation; a quantity of mucus gets into his mouth from the upper part of the throat. (a. j h.) Tasteless eructations; but neither air nor any thing else comes up.-170. Rising of a tasteless humor after a meal. Eructations tasting of the ingesta. Frequent, empty eructations. Frequent hiccough when smoking.-175. Frequent hiccough accompanied with nausea and stupefaction of the head. (a. I h.) Absence of thirst; he drinks less than usual. A few hours after a copious and substantial meal, he has a violent sensation of hunger, with confluence of water in the mouth.] STOMACH AND ABDOMEN: Pressure in the stomach early in the morning after waking, as of a load, remaining the same in any position of the body. (a. 6 h.)-110. Tension across the epigastrium, in the hypochondres (as hypochondriacs complain of), causing an anxiety and oppressing the breathing, early in the morning, in bed. Pressure, with heaviness and tension in the abdomen. The abdomen feels compressed, which oppresses the breathing. Tensive, painful pressure in the abdomen, as if he had eaten too much and then pressed upon his abdomen, with nausea and confluence of saliva in the mouth. Drawing pain transversely through the abdomen. -115. Drawing in the sides of the abdomen from above downward, as if the menses would appear. (a. 4 d.) Drawing pain in the abdomen, as of flatulence. Incarceration of flatulence in the abdomen (the first eight hours). Emission of a quantity offetid flatulence, for 36 hours. Rumbling in the abdomen.-120. Rumbling and cutting in the abdomen, for many days. Continued sticking pain in the abdomen, under the right ribs, only at the commencement of a walk in the open air. Three paroxysms of cutting in the umbilical region, as if externally, in the evening when in bed. Cutting in the bowels, especially after a meal, with nausea, causing the water to flow together in the mouth, and great lassitude; after the cutting she experiences a great heat in the face, and the blood rushes to the head; the veins of the hands become distended. Spasmodic cutting in the abdomen, with trembling of the knees, in daytime, when performing the least exercise, especially violent after micturition; in the evening the cutting is felt without performing any exercise, relieved by bending double.-125. Cutting in the abdomen, before stool. Tensive pain in the region of the stomach. (a* 13 h.) Pinching-oppressive pain in the pit of the stomach, disappear 176 DELPHINIUM STAPHISAGRIA. ing again when sitting and bending the body forward. (a. 1 h.) -180. Clawing pressure below the sternum, on the left side of the xiphoid cartilage. Fleet painful pressure under the last ribs, as of incarcerated flatulence. Contraction in the hypochondriac region, oppressing the chest and breathing (a. 2 d.), continuing for three days. Clawing pressure below the short ribs of the right side. (a. 1 h.) Great rumbling in the abdomen, without pain and without emission of flatulence. (a. 1I h.)-185. Rumbling in the left side of the epigastrium. (a. 1 h.) Rumbling in the abdomen after a meal, which sounds as if bubbles were bursting. Rumbling in the abdomen, and drawing in the intestinal canal. Hard, painful pressure below the umbilicus, on the right side. Stitches, with a clawing sensation, above the umbilicus, on the left side; they are sharp, and recur regularly as beats in music.-190. Pinching stitch in the bowels, left side. (a. 35 h.) Continuous, dull stitch in the region around the navel, worse during expiration and when pressing upon the part. (a. 8 h.) Tensive stitch in the left abdominal muscles. (a. 32 h.) Bruising pain above the hips, in the loins, extending below the umbilicus, most perceptible when bending forward but felt likewise when touched. (a. 18 h.) Bruising pain in the abdomen. (a. 48 h.)-195. Itching prickings in the umbilical region. Dull stitch in the left groin, more violent when pressing upon the part, but disappearing during an expiration and inspiration. (a. 84 h.) Copious emission of flatulence. Hot flatus. (a. 36 h.) Excessively fetid flatus.-200. Pinching in the bowels with emission of flatulence. (a. 13 h.) Violent screwing-pinching pain in the whole of the abdomen, now here, now there. ( 2L h.) Pinching in the abdomen, transversely, and drawing in the sides, as if diarrhoea would set in. Pinching in the epigastrium, early in the morning, as if diarrhoea would set in; nevertheless he was unable to go to stool.-205. Tremulous sensation in the abdomen, and indication for diarrhoea. Tardy stool early in the morning, owing to an absence of the peristaltic motion in the large intestines.] STOOL: Cutting colic and nausea, early in the morning, followed by diarrhea; the last portion is mere mucus.' Colic, diarrhea, the last portion of which is mere mucus. (a. 42, 48 h.) Loose stool, which goes off without his being aware of it, SThe following four symptoms seem to have been occasioned by an excessive dose; almost every drug becomes a cathartic when taken in an excessive dose; the true primary effect ofStaphisagria seems to be: colic, with desire for stool, constipation, or scanty, hard, or even loose faeces, but the latter rarely, as may be seen from symptoms (203) and (208). DELPHINIUM STAPHISAGRIA. 177 while he imagined that wind would pass. (a. 2 h.) Diarrhoea and flatulence. (a. 3 h.)-130. Several ordinary stools a day, four days in succession. Hard stool with flatulence between. Frequent desire for stool, without colic; he passed very little each time, which was very hard, with a pain in the anus, as if it would burst. Ineffectual desire after stool, without any thing in the rectum. Contusive pain in the rectum, after a hard stool, for three-quarters of an hour.-135. Smarting sore pain in the rectum, a long time after stool. Costiveness for several days (the first days). Violent itching of the anus, with blotches around the anus. Painless swelling of the inguinal glands, most perceptible when walking or standing, and continuing for many days. (a. 36 h.) [The stool is twelve hours later than usual, and comes off in small and hard pieces. (a. 14, 15 h.) Hard stool on the first day, no stool on the second, hard stool again on the third day, ordinary stool on the fourth day. Cutting and digging-up in the epigastrium and hypogastriumn, after which a small quantity of loose faces is passed; after the expulsion of the faces, the cutting is felt again with a renewed desire for stool, but no evacuation in spite of any exertion; a sort of tenesmus, which does not disappear (nor does the colic) until he leaves the seat. -210. Cutting in the abdomen, with violent desire for stool, after which a small quantity of liquid faeces is passed, with internal chilliness in the head; a kind of tenesmus immediately after the passage of the faeces. Hard, scanty stool, with a burning-cutting pain in the anus. (a. 10 h.) Scanty, hard stools of a small size, coming off with a painful pressure in the anus. (a. 26 h.) Continuous aching pain in the rectum, when sitting. Difficult stool; at first he passed hard fmeces; these were immediately followedby a loose stool, which excited pain and pressing as if the rectum had been constricted; they wanted to come off, but in vain; renewed tenesmus.-215. A loose, yellowish, copious evacuation, immediately after a hard stool, early in the morning. Loose, but difficult stool, owing to a constriction of the anus, as in haemorrhoids. Loose stool. (a. 49 h.) Itching of the anus when sitting, between the stools. (a. 7 h.)] URINARY ORGANS: 140. Copious and frequent micturition, for several days. (a. 24, 40 h.) Scanty secretion of urine the first day.' Copious, red urine. Cutting during micturition, which becomes still worse after micturition. SmartSThe symptoms of the urinary organs are similar to those of the alvine evacuations, as may be seen from the observations of others. VOL. IV. 13 178 DELPHINIUM STAPHISAGRIA. ing and burning tingling at the orifice of the urethra, between the acts of micturition. Burning, deep in the urethra, when sitting, only between the acts of micturition.-145. Burning in the whole of the urethra, at every micturition, for many days. Pressure upon the bladder, when waking from sleep; she had to emit a large quantity of urine; renewed desire, with pressure, in an hour. Involuntary spirting out of urine when coughing. [Frequent emission of a watery urine at first; in a few days the urine became dark-yellow.-220. Emission of a small quantity of urine every fifteen minutes, for the first four days; on the days following the usual quantity of urine is passed, but of a dark color, and every hour. He urinates very often, on the second day less frequently, but more copiously. He urinates a little more frequently than usual, and a little less copiously at a time. (a. 7 d.) Frequent desire to urinate, passing a small quantity of dark-colored urine, for three days. Frequent desire to urinate, with copious secretion of urine. (a. 6 h.)-225. Desire to urinate: he emits scarcely a spoonful of reddish or dark-yellow urine in a thin stream, sometimes drop by drop; after urination he feels as if the bladder were not yet empty, for the dropping continues. He urinates frequently, but little at a time, about a cupful of dark urine. (a. 24 h.) He urinates less than the first day, but more frequently than in his healthy days, and a little more than on the first day. (a. 3 to 7 d.) Immediately after micturition he feels a pain as if sprained, directly above the urethra, behind the os pubis. At night the urine is passed with erection of the penis, drop by drop, with burning in the region of the neck of the bladder, accompanied with ineffectual desire for stool; he was relieved by lying bent double.-230. A sort of burning in the middle of the urethra, between the acts of micturition. (a. 6 h.)] GENITAL ORGANS: Discharge of prostatic juice during hard stool. Involuntary emission during the siesta, in an old man who had not had such a thing for thirty years. (a. 12 h.)-150. Nocturnal emission for three nights in succession. Nocturnal emission five nights in succession, accompanied with lascivious dreams. After a nocturnal emission he feels a weakness and heaviness in both arms, as if he had lead in them. The primary effect of Staphisagria is to excite the sexual desire; five or six days after, a constant absence of that desire sets in, both in the genital organs, and in the fancy. Itching of the interior of the scrotum, which can only be alleviated by pressing the scrotum between the fingers.-155. DELPHINIUM STAPHISAGRIA. Voluptuous itching of the outer parts of the scrotum,' increasing by rubbing, becoming a sore pain externally, while the itching continues internally, and finally occasions an involuntary emission of semen. (a. 5, 6, 8 d.) Painless bubbling in the scrotum. Dampness about the corona glandis, below the prepuce. White humid excrescences in the hollow behind the corona glandis, and a similar excrescence on the corona itself, both of them itching when touched by the shirt. Painful sensitiveness of the pudendum; when sitting she feels a pain in that part.-160. Spasmodic pains in the pudendum and the vagina. Stinging itching of the pudendum. Smarting of the pudendum, also between the acts of micturition. A vesicle on the internal surface of the great labium of the right side, posteriorly, occasioning a biting per se, but a sore pain when touched. (a. 9 d.) Appearance of the menses, which had ceased to flow for a year, with cutting and rumbling in the bowels, at new-moon.2 [Excessive erection the whole night, without emission. (a. 16 h.) Erection the whole night without any amorous fancies, and without emission. Amorous dreams at night, with two emissions. Nocturnal emission, without dreams.-235. Violent drawing-burning stitches from the right abdominal ring, apparently in the spermatic cord, as far as the right testicle, (which is, however, painless to the touch,) when sitting, standing or walking, but most violent when stooping. (a. 33 h.) Drawing (tearing) with pressure in the right testicle, as if it were violently compressed. Aching pain in the outer parts of the left testicle when walking, also after every friction; the pain is more violent when touching the part. (a. 8 h.) Sticking pain in the right side of the glans, when standing or walking. CATARRH, LARYNX AND TRACHEA: 165. (Obstruction of the nose in the avening; she cannot breathe through the nose, and talking is difficult.) Sneezing, with coryza. Suddenly appearing fluent coryza, with catarrhal sound of the voice, for a quarter of an hour (at two o'clock in the afternoon). Profuse coryza without cough. Cough with expectoration of mucus.-170. Coryza and cough for several weeks. Tenacious mucus in the chest, the first six and eight hours after taking the medicine, and then several mornings in succession; afterwards, and in the daytime, loose expectoration from the 'Cured by smelling of Ambra. 2 This being a primary effect, the menses did not return in the months following. 180 DELPHINIUM STAPHISAGRIA. chest. Weak feeling in the chest; something tenacious in the trachea obliges her to hawk. Cough, with the titillation exciting the cough, only in the daytime. Violent cough after lying down, in the evening and at noon, with expectoration of tenacious mucus.-175. Cough with expectoration, mixed with five to eight drops of blood, preceded by a scraping sensation in the chest. Cough, with yellow expectoration like pus, most violent in the forenoon from 9 to 12 o'clock, not very copious in the morning. (a. 5 d.) Ulcerative pain behind the sternum, when coughing. [Frequent sneezing without coryza. (a. 2 and 10 h.)-240. Coryza; at first he blows out nothing but thick mucus, afterwards thin. (a. 4 d.) Violent fluent coryza; one nostril is obstructed, not the other, with frequent sneezing, lachrymation and chapped lips. (a. 3, 4 d.) Violent coryza: tickling in the nose with discharge of a quantity of mild watery fluid or of thick mucus, afterwards nothing but thick mucus comes out. Constant desire to hawk, excited by tenacious mucus in the larynx, which he finds it unable to throw off. He throws off a quantity of mucus easily.-245. Sharp cough threatening to tear open the larynx, as if occasioned by a constant narrowing of the trachea, without any previous particular irritation. (a. 4 d.) Sharp irritation in the larynx, with desire to cough, immediately after a meal, the cough, however, being very little. (a. 4 d.) Sharp cough shortly after a meal, with confluence of water in the mouth; sensation as if this water were driven through the oesophagus with force, and cut it. (a. 26 h.) Itching, fine, sharp stitches in the region of the upper end of the sternum, directly below the pit of the throat, obliging him to scratch the part.] CHEST: Pressure and heaviness in the chest, when sitting, which abated when walking. Pressure in the left chest, uninfluenced by breathing.-180. Oppression in the chest and feeling of uneasiness, driving him from one place to another, in the afternoon. Asthma towards the end of the embrace. Uneasiness in the chest. Palpitation of the heart when walking and when listening to music. Tremulous palpitation of the heart during slight exercise.-185. Violent palpitation of the heart when waking from the siesta. Constant pain in the middle of the sternum, as if something were ulcerating in that region, worst when raising and stretching the body; the pain likewise increases when touching the part; it becomes a tension and a sort of pressure, arresting, sometimes, the breathing. Bruising pain in the muscles of the chest, early in the morning, when moving in the bed, and in the daytime when crossing the arms; she does not feel any thing when trouching the DELPHINIUM STAPHISAGRIA. 181 parts, nor when taking breath. Pain of the outer parts of the chest to the touch. Dull sticking-aching pain in the region of the cartilages of the last ribs, when stooping; they feel sore when touched.-190. Rash upon the chest; the chest becomes red and itches when he becomes warm. Herpetic eruption in the region of the lower ribs, composed of small, close, red pimples, occasioning a burning-itching stinging, like nettles; the place becomes painful after rubbing it; accompanied with a thrill of chilliness across that part, and across the epigastrium. Stiffness in the nape of the neck. Itching in the nape of the neck. [Painful stitches in the chest, making the expirations difficult. -250. Dull stitch in the left chest, returning in a few minutes. Violent stitch in the right chest, when sitting and bending the upper part of the body obliquely to one side and forward. (a. 2- h.) Tensive stitches in the left chest, when lying down and during motion, more violent during an expiration than inspiration; most violent when going up stairs, when a continuous stitch is felt finally, which almost arrests the breathing. (a. 17 h.) Continuous, boring, dull stitch in the left chest. (a. 37 h.) Dull stitches in the intercostal muscles of either side, when sitting, worse when leaning backward, and continuing during inspirations and expirations. (a. - h.)-255. Soreness behind the sternum. Contractive oppression of the chest, causing slow and difficult inspirations; the expirations relieve the symptom; accompanied with anxiety and restlessness, especially when sitting, relieved by walking for five hours. (a. 6 h.) Pressure above the pit of the stomach, like soreness, with nausea in that region. Sticking-cutting in the region of the left costal cartilage; sensation as if an incision were being made there, accompanied with stitches. Sharp stitches commencing in the posterior region of the right ribs, and winding round as far as the cartilages.-260. Stingingitching between the costal cartilages. Sharp stitches in the region of the fourth costal cartilage of the right and left side, at intervals of several seconds, and lasting longer than usual; they press slowly from within outwards, independent of breathing. (a. 14 h.)] BACK: Pressure and tension in the muscles of the nape of the neck and of the shoulder. (a L h.)-195. Early in the morning, rheumatic pain in the nape of the neck and between the scapule, like a drawing; when rising from bed the pain was so great that she was unable to move her arms or to turn her neck the whole forenoon, several mornings in succession, with faintness of the whole body until noon. (Pain in the 182 DELPHINIUM STAPHISAGRIA. back, at night, from evening until 5 o'clock in the morning, shocks and knocks, arresting his breathing, during a slumber.) Severe stitches along the back, from below upward. (a. 7 d.) Stitches and pain as if sprained, in the small of the back, at rest, disappearing when walking. Early in the morning he feels a pain in the small of the back, as if every part of it were broken; when rising from her bed she was unable to raise any thing from the floor, until 8, 9 o'clock; after this she felt hungry, and then had colic with diarrhoca, the latter portion of which was slimy.-200. Drawing-down pain in the small of the back, more when stooping than when standing straight, least when sitting. Pressing in the small of the back the whole night, as if bruised; the pain was worst at 4 o'clock in the morning; it went off when rising. [Pain in the small of the back, not much impeding walking, most violent when rising from a seat, when turning to the other side in the bed, and whenever performing a lateral movement, for several days. (a. 10 h.) Violent burning in the lower and outer parts of the os sacrum. (a. - h.) Drawing-sticking, sometimes darting in the os sacrum, when sitting.-265. Hard pressure on the left side of the vertebral column, in the dorsal muscles. (a. 4 d.) Drawing pressure in the first dorsal vertebre, accompanied with a smarting sensation. (a. 1I h.) Burning-aching pain below the right scapula, close to the spinal column, accompanied with a painful feeling of heaviness in the right chest. (a. 2 h.) Stabbing pain between the first dorsal and the prominent vertebrae.] UPPER LIMBS: Pain in the region of the bones of the arm, not in rest nor when touched, only during motion. Intolerable pressure in the periosteum of the humerus, in rest and motion; the place is still more painful to the touch. (a. 36 h.) Drawing, with pressure, in the right upper arm, in the evening when in bed.-205. Itching pimples on the elbow and towards the hands. Drawing-tearing pain in the forearm, especially when moving the arm and hand. Red elevation on the forearm, with a pustule in the middle, with burning pain when left alone, and occasioning an ulcerative pain when touched. Herpes on the hands, itching in the evening, and burning when scratched. [Stitches in the left axilla.-270. Itching prickings in the right axilla. (a. 3 minutes.) Itching prickings in both axillae. (a. 5 minutes.) Dull, aching pain in the right axilla. Drawing-sticking in the left shoulderjoint, especially when moving the arm towards the chest. Stitch, with pressure in the right shoulder, from below upwards. (a. b h.)-275. DELPHINIUM STAPHISAGRIA. 183 Slight pressure on the shoulder, painful to the touch, as if the flesh were loose, when walking. Pressure upon the shoulder, as if it were being pressed down by a load, when sitting. Pain in the right shoulderjoint, as if sprained, only during motion. Dull sticking pains in the region of the shoulderjoint, more violent when touching or moving the joint. Drawing, with pressure, in the shoulder-joints, early in the morning when in bed and directly after rising; more violent during motion. (a. 5 d.)-280. Fine tearing about the head of the left femur, more violent during motion. Paralytic drawing in the shoulder-joint, sometimes in the whole arm when laying it under the head while lying in bed. (a. 90 h.) Tearing pain in the left upper arm, in the deltoid muscle, when sitting, going off by motion. Tearing pain in the muscles of the left upper arm, close to the elbow. Stitch-like tearing in the muscles of the right upper arm, near the elbow-joint.-285. Violent aching pain in the left shoulder-joint, not disappearing by motion. (a. 36 h.) Paralytic aching pain in the left upper arm, more violent during motion. (a. 72 h.) Hard pressure in the right upper arm from without inwards, more violent during motion. (a. 2 h.) Paralytic aching pain in the outer parts of the upper arm, more violent during motion and contact. (a. 36 h.) Drawing, with pressure, here and there, in the upper limbs, more violent when touched. (a. 7 h.)-290. Paralytic pressure in both upper and lower arms; more violent during motion and contact. (a. 5 d.) Drawing, with pressure, in the deltoid muscle. Slow, dull stitches, like pressure, in the middle of the forearm. Paralytic weakness around the elbow-joint. (a. 2 h.) Sensation, near the bend of the elbow, more toward the forearm, as if an eruption had broken out, or as if one had ripped the skin with a pin, a kind of burning thrill; however nothing is seen in that spot which is especially painful when touched.-295. Drawing, with pressure, a sort of clawing, below the left elbow, near the outer side of the ulna. Lancination in the left forearm. (a. 1 h.) Drawing, with pressure, in the muscles of the forearm and on the dorsum of the hand. Jerking in the left forearm, in rest. (a. 75 h.) Cramp-pain around the right wrist-joint, going off when stretching the fingers, but returning when bending them, which is accompanied with a lancination through the whole arm as far as the shoulder. (a. 24- h.)300. Transverse drawing pressure in the wrist, especially during motion. Lancination in the left wrist-joint. (a. 1 h.) Drawing pain through the metacarpal bones in the dorsum of the hand, especially during motion. Titillation in the palm of 184 DELPHINIUM STAPHISAGRIA. the left hand, inducing one to scratch. Painful drawing in the metacarpal joint of the right index-finger.-305. Paralytic drawing-pain in the phalangeal joints, more violent during motion. Hard pressure in the region of the metacarpal bone of the left index-finger, more violent when touching or moving the finger. (a. 4 min.) Intermittent aching pain in the region of the metacarpal bones of the left thumb, more violent when touched. Painful drawing in the joints of the fingers of the right hand. (a. 5 h.) Fine, jerking-tearing in the muscles of the thumb, especially violent in the tip. (a. 45 h.)310. Tearing pain in the muscles of the ball of the left thumb, going off when moving the thumb. Fine, jerkingtearing in the muscles of several fingers, especially in their tips. When stretching the fingers without supporting them upon any thing, they are convulsively moved up and down. Creeping in the fingers, as if they would go to sleep. (a. 4 -h.) Aching, cramp-like pain in the ball of the right little finger, when moving the hand.-315. Continuous aching pain, commencing in the metacarpal joint of the right middlefinger, and extending towards the tip of the finger, continuing also during motion. (a. 77 h.) Deep, itching-burning, sharp prickings in the left thumb, inducing scratching. Tensive stitches in the tip of the left thumb. (a. 52 h.) Pricking pain in the metacarpal and phalangeal joint of the right index-finger, continuing during motion. (a. 54 h.) Cramp in the fingers and in several parts of the limbs.-320. Sensation as if the tips of the fingers of the left hand were covered with a hard skin; he has little sensation in them, and does not well distinguish what he touches. The right hand feels hotter to him than it was hot; it was redder than the other hand, with a fine tearing in the metacarpal joints of four fingers. Titillating, sharp stitches in the palm of the hand. (a. 1 h.)] LOWER LIMBS: His nates feel sore after he has been sitting a while.-210. Feeling of numbness in the left hip when standing, extending down to the abdomen. Aching pain around the hip joint when walking and sitting. Sore pain in the upper and internal surface of the thigh. All the muscles of the thighs feel bruised when walking fast, for two days. Herpes on the thighs and legs.-215. Creeping in the thighs and legs, which had been swollen for years, the swelling being elastic, with sensation as if the interior of the limbs were hot and heavy, and were being distended. Stitching pain, with pressure, in the outer side of the knee, when treading and feeling the part. Burning-itching pimples on the leg. Itching of the DELPHINIUM STAPHISAGRIA. 185 leg, in the evening, in bed; after rubbing, flat ulcers break out, with violent pain. Heaviness and tension in the calf.-220. Intolerable cramp in the calf and sole of the foot of that limb upon which he is resting; it wakes him from the siesta. (a. 24 h.) Cramp, especially in the upper and lower part of the calf, when waking from sleep; it cannot be diminished either by stretching or by rubbing the limb; the pain becomes more intense by thinking of it, even after it had already been diminished. Swelling of the metatarsal bone of the right little toe, painful when touched. Painless swelling of the dorsa of both feet, of long duration. (a. 13 d.) Burning, painful itching in the interior of two toes, as if they had been frozen. (a. 4 h.) [Burning, corrosive itching of the nates, as when something made of wool is drawn over the skin, in the evening when in bed; scratching drove it from one place to another. Boring pain in the left glutei muscles, when sitting. (a. 12 h.)-325. Stinging itching of the glutei muscles and several parts of the body. When lying down he experiences a painful weariness across the thighs, and as if they were bruised; with sensation of excessive rigidity in the joints and a tremulousness in the same, so that he is not able to hold them still. Pain as if sprained in the middle of the left thigh, especially when walking. (a. 8 h.) Tension in the vastus externus when walking. Paralytic pain, like drawing, in the middle of the thigh, anteriorly, in rest and motion.-330. Burning pricking in the posterior surface of the left thigh. Deeply penetrating, dull stitch in the middle of the left thigh, exteriorly. Fine, painful, piercing stitches in the internal surface of the left thigh, directly over the knee. (a. 38 h.) Itching stinging in the internal sides of the thighs. (a. 3 h.) A kind of gooseskin, without chilliness, over both thighs and legs; a number of red and white pimples on them, the tips whereof contain a whitish pus. (a. 10 d.)-335. Weakness of the thighs and legs for several days, especially in the knee-joint; he has to drag the foot; accompanied with lancinations in the calf, and pain in the small of the back. (a. 10 h.) Dull sticking, almost scratching sensation in the right thigh, internally, above the knee-joint. (a. 8 h.) Stitch-like pain in the inner border of the knee. Jerking, above the right patella. (a. 9 h.) Drawing tearing below the left patella, not going off by motion. (a. 54 h.)-340. Pain in the thighs when walking (more in the left), she has almost to drag them. (a. 51 h.) Drawing sticking in the right knee-joint, more violent during motion. Dull stitches in the region of the knee-joint, near the patella; when touching the part, the stitches were changed to an aching 186 DELPHINIUM STAPHISAGRIA. pain. Dull stitches in the right knee-joint, early in the morning, immediately after rising, more violent during motion. (a. 5 d.) When walking, he experiences in the right knee-joints and in the bellies of the gastrocnemii muscles a paralytic drawing resembling a weakness, continuing for a long time, even after walking, when sitting.-345. Pain (as if one had missed a step?) in the knee, for one minute, when walking, and when moving the foot. Sensation, when rising from a seat, as if the knees would bend involuntarily; a tremulous, nervous drawing-up in the bend of the knee. As soon as he lies down he experiences a drawing-up sensation in the knee-joints, a kind of nervousness and voluptuous uneasiness in those joints, obliging him to get up. Drawing sticking in the left knee-joint when sitting; sometimes he feels a jerking in the joint. Burning pricking below the left knee, on the outer side, sometimes in paroxysms.-350. Boring stitch in the right tibia, in rest. (a. 1, 35 h.) Itching of the right tibia above the external maleolus, not going off by rubbing. (a. 21 h.) Paralytic pressure in the gastrocnemii muscles of the right leg, externally, more violent when touched. Tearing pain in the muscles of one or the other leg, when standing or sitting. (a. a few minutes.) Lancination in and below the right calf, and above the left heel. (a. 1, 10 h.)-355. Itching stitch in the right calf, continuing when standing and walking, and going off by scratching. (a. 78 h.) Drawing, with pressure, in the outer part of the tibia, when sitting. (a. 6 h.) Drawing pressure in the tarsus, transversely, especially during motion. Tearing, with pressure, in the left tarsal bones, close to the joint. (a. 51 h.) Contractive sensation of heaviness in the tarsal bones of the left foot, close to the tarsal joint. (a. 3J h.) -300. Slinging itching close above the outer maleolus of the right foot; it obliges him to scratch, but does not leave any peculiar sensation. Burning itching of the internal malleolus of the right foot. (a. 4 d.) Itching in the region of the tendo Achillis, above the heel. Stinging itching of the big toe of the right foot. Burning, with pressure, in the tip of the big toe of the right foot, in rest. (a. 4- h.)-365. Burning itching of the little toes, in the evening, as if they were frozen; they are painful when touched, and the painful places are red, for four days. (a. 12 h.) Itching burning of the little toe of the right foot, as if it were frozen; it felt painful when pressing upon it slightly. Tingling in the lower surface of the toes, which does not induce scratching; they feel as if they had been to sleep. Aching pain in the inner side of the bottom of DELPHINIUM STAPHISAGRIA. 187 the left foot, in rest. (a. 29 h.) Pricking in the bottom of that foot which is laid across the other, when sitting. (a. 17 h.)] GENERAL SYMPTOMS: 225. Itching of the head and the whole body, especially early in the morning, a creeping itching and crawling as of a flea, going from one place to another. Blotches of the size of peas on the whole body and thighs, itching and emitting a humor when scratched open, when they occasion a burning pain. Tearing and jerking around the ulcers in the evening and early in the morning, in rest; ceasing when walking. Lancination in the ulcer. Smarting in the ulcer, as of salt.-230. Smarting itching in the ulcer, as of salt. Darting and pecking pains of the ulcerated leg, the skin of which becomes covered with a thin crust, from which a yellowish water oozes out. In the morning, after rising from a seat, he turns pale, becomes giddy, falls to one side as in a swoon; similar paroxysm next day about the same hour. All his limbs ache; the muscles ache when touching them, the joints when moving them, more in the forenoon than in the afternoon. Pain in all the bones.-235. Early in the morning, when rising from bed, all the joints feel stiff, especially the shoulder and hip-joints, and the small of the back. Early in the morning, when in bed, she feels very tired, without any drowsiness; all her limbs ache as if bruised, and as if no strength were in them, for one hour. Great weariness, early in the morning, when waking, disappearing soon. [Drawing-tearing pain here and there in the muscles of the whole body, when sitting. (a. 81, 34 h.) Pain in the joints of the shoulders, elbows, fingers, back, knees, of a drawing kind, when moving those joints, less in rest, especially in the evening. Tremor in the interior of the limbs, early in the morning, when keeping them for a long time in one position. (a. 24 h.) Paralytic drawing in different parts of the body, especially the joints, when leaning the limbs for a time in an unusual and inconvenient position. Itching sharp stitches in diferent parts of the body.-375. Prickings, resembling fleabites, in the lower limbs, hand, nape of the neck, head, etc. (a. 1J h.) Stinging burning here and there in the skin. Burning sensation in the limbs, now here, now there, but never in the rest of the body. Deeply penetrating sharp stitches, returning at long intervals, in different parts of the limbs. (a. 1 h.) Below the shoulder and hip-joints the limbs feel bruised and painful, as after a long journey on foot.-380. General bruised feeling, worst when walking, relieved when sitting and lying down; especially in the calves she experiences an excessive painful weariness, as if beaten with clubs; she was scarcely 188 DELPHINIUM STAPHISAGRIA. able to drag her feet. The whole body feels painful as if bruised, with feeling of lassitude, worse during motion; when walking, a little after having been seated, the painful sensation came on again with renewed violence. (a. 40 h.) Great weariness in the knee-joints early in the morning after rising; he finds it difficult to walk or to stand. (a. 24 h.) Debilitated all over, especially in the joints, when walking. Weary and weak, early in the morning. (a. 41 h.)-385. Great weariness and disposition to sleep, in the afternoon when sitting. (a. 3 d.)] SLEEP: Great inclination to yawn and stretch herself. Falls asleep as soon as he lies down in his bed, in the evening.-240. Drowsiness in daytime; he slept whenever he sat. Great drowsiness in the afternoon. He falls asleep late in the evening, and wakes again at 4 o'clock in the morning, several nights. He dreams about his business, as soon as he falls asleep. Vivid dreams, with coherent ideas.-245. Dream about murder. The child is very restless in the night, and calls her mother all the time. He wakes every hour in the night, from 2 o'clock, without any cause. Restless night; he woke every night half and then slept again. He did not sleep the whole night, and nevertheless his eyes closed.-250. Violent burning pains in the ulcer, in the evening after lying down, for hours, so that she was unable to fall asleep. The herpes itches only at night. His upper and lower limbs started, several nights, as if some one had tickled him; a kind of spasmodic but painless jerking; he felt moreover hot, although he covered himself but lightly, but without thirst or sweat. [Violent yawning, causing the tears to drop from his eyes. (a. - h.) Frequent yawning as if he had not slept enough. (a. 2 h.) Great weariness and drowsiness after a meal; he feels a desire to lie down, falls asleep soon, but feels gloomy and heavy when waking, and dreads to walk; walking was very troublesome for him, especially going up hill; after walking a little longer, he felt very cheerful and strong. Wakefulness early in the morning, followed by drowsiness and a chilly shuddering in the back.-390. He wakes towards morning, as if he had slept enough, but falls asleep again immediately. (a. 46 h.) Drowsiness in the afternoon; his eyes close. Wakeful before midnight; but as soon as he went to sleep he dreamed of dispute. Immediately after going to sleep he is waked by a dream that he is fighting with a wild beast, which makes him start. (a. 30 h.) Restless and anxious dreams.-395. Tossing about during sleep. Restless for several nights, was filled with all sorts of thoughts before mid DELPHINIUM STAPHISAGRIA. 189 night. Vivid, disagreeable dreams, towards morning. Dreams full of wrath.-400. Restless dreams; he is busy with all sorts of things, starts as in affright, wakes, but does not become entirely conscious of himself. Amorous dreams and emission of semen. Voluptuous dreams without emission. In the evening her calves pained her so much that she was unable to go to sleep; she had to change the position of her limbs constantly, to get some relief; she had the same sensation in the calves after having got up in the night and having laid down again. (a. 37 h.) He dreams as soon as he falls asleep; now he fights with some one, now he has anxious images, which wakes him, and then he dreams again.-405. Dreams about murder the second night.] FEVER: Fever in the evening consisting of the cold stage merely. Shuddering the whole night, without thirst and without any subsequent heat.- 255. Internal shuddering, with violent thirst, several days, at three o'clock in the afternoon, without any subsequent heat. Shuddering, with goose-skin, several afternoons at three o'clock, ceasing in the open air, and no thirst. Chilliness early in the morning when in bed, without any subsequent heat. Chilliness early in the morning when in bed, followed by heat; she did not wish to rise in the morning. Slight heat after the shuddering.-260. Early in the morning, when in bed, he feels a heat about his head, with sweat on the forehead. In the open air she was attacked with some heat and some headache, (towards evening.) Feeling of great heat, as if she were burning externally, with thirst; there was orgasmus sanguinis; no previous chilliness. Feeling of great heat at night, in the hands and feet; he had to keep them bare. Heat in the night, especially around the forehead, so that she remained awake ever since three o'clock; chill at nine o'clock in the forenoon.-265. Disposition to sweat. A good deal of sweat, several nights after midnight. Night-sweat, having a putrid smell. (a. 8 d.) Sweat smelling like putrid eggs, after midnight. (a. 4, 6 d.) Profuse night-sweats. (a. 10 d.) [Cold feet in the evening, in bed. Violent chill in the evening before falling asleep; he shook in his bed, and could not get warm. (a. 20 h.) Frequent chilliness in the night, which wakes him, but he does not become conscious of himself. Shuddering, with drowsiness and dryness of mouth. (a. 3 h.) -410. Shuddering and chilly feeling when taking a meal, without thirst, two hours before the hot stage. Chilliness in the back, even when near the hot stove. (a. I h.) Back and arms remained cold although he was near the stove; frequent 190 DELPHINIUM STAPHISAGRIA. chills over the back and arms, toward the nape of the neck, over the head and face, early in the morning after rising. Chill, shaking the whole body, with warm forehead, hot cheeks and cold hands, without any subsequent heat and without any thirst. (a. 1 h.) Shuddering over the whole body, without thirst and without being immediately followed by heat. (a. 30 h.)-415. Fleet chilly shuddering along the back, after a meal. Feeling of heat to him, and real heat in the face, without thirst, an hour after the chilly stage. Feeling of warmth over the back, which is not disagreeable, three hours after a meal. At intervals he experiences a thrill of heat ever the lower part of the back, the rest of the body being without any subsequent sweat. Feeling of warmth on the forehead, as of a constant, warm breath touching it; sometimes also a cold breath, with redness of the cheeks and warmth of the external body. (a. 4 d.)-420. When waking in the night, he is covered with warm sweat, on the abdomen, feet, genital organs, although covered moderately, no thirst; when uncovering himself, a cold air comes upon him, the sweat ceases, he imagines he will catch cold. (a. 72 h.) Excessive sweat in the afternoon, with heat of the whole body, without thirst, although he sat very quietly. MORAL SYMPTOMS:-270. He recollects anxious thoughts and things from the past, as if they were present, causing anguish and sweat: after this, there is a blackness before his eyes; he knows not whether the images are true or illusory; afterwards he thinks every thing is sometimes different, and he loses all desire to live. He knows not whether the things which he sees in his fancy are real or imaginary (from five to seven in the afternoon). (When walking fast, he feels as if some one were walking after him; this gives him anxiety and fear, and he has to look round all the time. Hypochondriac mood; every thing is indifferent to him; he does not care about living. Even the most interesting thing was indifferent to him.-275. Vexed, early in the morning; he was going to push away from him all those things which he held in his hand. She does not want to hear any one spoken of; she wraps up her face and weeps aloud, without knowing why. Every word which is said to her vexes her; she weeps when one attempts to talk to her. Peevish; she weeps several times without any apparent cause. Weeping mood.-280. She sheds tears and grieves at her condition; nothing gave her any pleasure. (a 50 h.) She felt sad and spiritually dead, but had no disposition to weep. Violent, internal anxiety, chasing him from place to place, but without exciting any complaint on his pait. Anxious and timorous. DATURA STRAMONIUM. 191 [Serious, thinking of himself, taciturn. Phlegmatic, with weariness of mind and sadness of heart; every thing is indifferent to him, but he is neither vexed nor debilitated. His mind feels weary; he has no desire to talk or to think; the things around him are indifferent to him.-425. Not disposed to any serious work. Out of humor and not disposed to any mental labor. (a. 2 h.) Out of humor and vexed the whole day; he was beside himself with ill humor, and was extremely thoughtful. (a. 37 h.) Silent ill-humor; he is vexed at every thing, even at those things which do not concern him. Out of humor and restless the whole day.-430. He dreads the future. Sad; he apprehends evil consequences from trifling things, and cannot ease himself. Sad without any cause.-485. Quarrelsome, but merry mood. At first he is cheerful,2 then anxious, and lastly, calm and contented. He became cheerful and communicative.2 LHe was cheerful and communicative, and enjoyed his existence. DATURA STRAMONIUM. (Express the juice from the recent plant, and mix it with equal parts of alcohol.) THIS stupefying plant does not produce any real pain primarily. The pain occasioned by Stramonium is the result of the secondary action of the organism. Stramonium, in its primary effect, occasions an excessive mobility of the voluntary muscles, suppression of the secretions and evacuations, being succeeded by paralysis of the muscles and excessive secretions and excretions as a secondary effect. Stramonium cures certain kinds of spasmodic muscular motions, and restores suppressed secretions in some cases when there is no pain. The homceopathic physician will never administer Stramonium in cases of complete paralysis or inveterate diarrhoea, or Incipient short-lasting reaction of the organism in a person of an apprehensive and desponding mood; afterwards the primary effect of the drug became again visible in the anxiety, which was again conquered by the reactive power of the organism, after which the mood remained cheerful. 2 Reaction of the organism in a man of the opposite temperament. 192 DATURA STRAMONIUM. when violent pain constitutes the chief part of the symptoms, or when the symptoms of the case are too much like the secondary symptoms of Stramonium, which are always more numerous in narcotic drugs than the primary. But what powerful curative virtues does not Stramonium possess in cases of mental disorders, or convulsions, to which it is homceopathic! I know this from experience. I have found Stramonium curative in some epidemic fevers, the physical and mental symptoms of which were similar to those of Stramonium. Some kinds of hydrophobia are cured by Stramonium, others by Belladonna, others again by Hyosciamus. Moderate doses act only thirty-six or forty-eight hours; smaller doses act less long. Violent primary effects are neutralized by citric acid, or by berries in which it is contained, such as currants, berberis, etc., much better than by vinegar. Smoking diminishes very much the cloudiness produced by Stramonium. According to Falck, it may be relieved by alcohol, and according to Pleheve, by a cold foot-bath. A drop, or, in some cases, a portion of a drop, of the 9th potency, is a sufficient dose. STRAMONIUM. (The following symptoms are by Hahnemann.) Intoxication. (a. 8 h.) Stupid feeling in the head. Intoxication, and heaviness in the body. (a. 1 h.) Vertigo: the head feels drawn backward; he is moreover very drowsy.-5. Disagreeable lightheadedness, with a feeling of weakness in the head. Diminished memory. The loss of sense seems to be accompanied with an internal uneasiness, and to proceed from it. Clawing headache. The black letters seem to him gray, and as if a second letter of the same kind, and of a light-gray color, were placed sideways or above (a kind of diplopia), for example: F F' -10. Objects appeared to be in an oblique position. He saw things as if through coarse linen, only fragments of them, and as if cut through; for instance, of a face he only saw the nose, 1 When he attempted to draw this phenomenon on paper while he saw it, he drew but one F, and afterwards carried the pen over the same lines, imagining that he had drawn a second F. DATURA STRAMONIUM. 193 etc., as if the eyes had but a small vision, and he was only able to see a small point at once. He imagines he sees a reddish-gray border around white things, for instance, around paper. When reading, he was unable to distinguish a syllable; the letters seemed to move and become blurred. Dullness of vision, like a fog before his eyes, as if he saw things through a glass of turbid water; the objects looked as if they had become diffused and were too distant.-15. Almost complete blindness for six hours; on the days following, he experienced a pressure as from the middle of the eyeball, at every change of light, either when going from a dark place into a lighter, or from a light place into a dark. Distinct vision, more so than usually. (Curative effect, after 24 hours.) Swelling and inflammation of the eyelids. Involuntary lachrymation. Beating toothache, as if a portion of the teeth would fall out. -20. Sensation as if the inner mouth were raw and sore. (a. 24 h.) Dryness in the throat. Great dryness in the mouth, so that white bread tastes to him like straw. Great dryness in the mouth, so that he is unable to spit, although the tongue looks moist. Ptyalism. 25. Strangulating sensation in the throat. The velum pendulum palati hangs down very low; food and drinks went down with a good deal of difficulty, and with a scraping pain in the velum pendulum palati. Inability to swallow. Difficult deglutition, with stinging pain in the fauces. Difficult deglutition, with aching pain in the sub-maxillary glands. 30. Loss of appetite. Increased appetite. Nausea. Bilious vomiting, after the least motion, even after sitting up in the bed. Constant bitterness of mouth, the food tastes bitter. -35. Pressure in the region of the heart. Colic, as if the abdomen were puffed up; the abdomen was painful even when touching the side. Tearing pain in the abdomen, as if the umbilicus were being torn out, which afterwards retreats into the chest. Sensation as if the abdomen were extremely tense. Distention of the abdomen, which is not hard.-40. Discharge of coagulated blood from the anus. Haemorrhoidal flux for several days. Constipation for six days, without any pain from repletion, or without any distention of the abdomen. Suppression of all the excretions. Emission of urine without any power; he was indeed able to retain the urine, but he felt all the time as if he had not the power to retain the urine and to close the neck of the bladder; VOL. IV. 14 DATUIRA STRAMONIUM. accompanied with a sensation as if the urethra were too narrow and unable to be distended. 45. Tumor in the groin. Increased menstrual flow; the blood comes off in large pieces, and is coagulated. Excessive menstrual flow, metrorrhagia, with drawing pains in the abdomen, the thighs, and other limbs. His nose feels obstructed and dry, although he is able to breathe through it. Difficult breathing.-50, Oppressed breathiug. Aching pain in the chest and sternum, excited by talking. Sensation as if something were turning about in the chest; afterwards heat in the face. Bruising pain in the back and abdomen, excited by motion, (a. 12 h.) Bruising pain in the back and shoulder. (a. 13 h.) -55. A spot in the back which is painful when touched or no. Small spot in the back, occasioning a drawing pain when touched. Drawing-tearing pains in the back and epigastrium. (a. 1 h.) Drawing pain in the middle of the spine, with drawing pain in the opposite posterior part of the stomach. Drawing pain in the middle of the spine.-60. Drawing pains in the small of the back. Trembling of the arms when eating. Drawing pains in the thighs. Vacillation of the limbs when walking or standing. Trembling of one and more limbs.-65. Trembling of one hand, when eating. Convulsions of the limbs. All the limbs ache. The limbs feel as if gone to sleep. Sensation as if one part of a joint were separated from another, and could not be joined to it again. Pimples, like blotches, on several parts of the body, and also in the palm of the hands, occasioning a stinging-itching, increased by rubbing. Immobility of the limbs, she is unable to stir (a sort of catalepsy). Weakness of the body, weariness of the feet. Violent desire to lie down. Cutting pain in the sternum, after lying down in the night, disappearing after emission of flatulence, but returning afterwards. 75. Restless sleep. Vivid dreams about historical facts. He goes frequently to sleep, and, when waking, has a comically majestic appearance. Cold limbs.-80. Coldness of the whole body. Coldness and chilliness for eight hours. The feet were extremely cold early in the morning, and nevertheless they were extremely sensitive to every cold current of air. Heat in the face. Sensation of heat in the face, when the coldness and chilliness are passed. 85. He feels hot. He covers himself carefully during the DATURA STRAMONIUM. 195 heat; but if he merely stretches a finger from under the cover, the pains become very violent. Fever: first heat in the head, afterwards coldness of the whole body, followed by heat of the whole body with anguish; sleeps during the heat, and violent thirst after waking, so violent that he feels a stinging in his palate, until he drinks. Slight sweat at night. Heat and sweat all over, without thirst. (a. 5 h.) Red rash over the shin. (Irregular spots on the arm resembling flea-bites.) (a. 3 h.) Loquacious dementia: he complains of a dog cutting and tearing his breast with the teeth. He imagines he is dying and cannot live until evening; he rejoices at dying, makes preparations for his funeral; his mind being otherwise in good order, and his health being good. He is very sad after lying down in the evening, has thoughts of death, and weeps violently. 95. Despair. Great ill-humor, even unto vehemence, followed immediately after by a disposition to laugh aloud. OBSERVATIONS OF OTHERS. HEAD: Vertigo. Vertigo, with redness of face. Vertigo, with pain in the abdomen, and a gauze before his eyes.-50. Vertigo, with diarrhcea. Vertigo, headache, dimsightedness, violent thirst, tenacious mucus in the mouth, rumbling in the abdomen, and pain in the epigastrium. Vertigo for eight days. Vertigo; he staggers to and fro like one drunk. He becomes giddy while sitting or standing in a room; he staggers.-10. Vertigo, want of thought four mornings in succession after rising; he has but a dull and distant recollection of things, (weakness in the memory,) and he sees as if through a gauze, for two hours. Staggering. He staggers about the room and looks as if he were seeking something.-15. He stumbles against the door whenever he goes through it. Intoxication. Intoxication, with thirst, and a profuse flow of a burning urine. Rush of blood to the head. Heat of the head, and sparkling eyes.-20. Apoplexy. Weakness of the head. Heaviness in the head. Stupefaction of the head. Stupefaction of the head, with dimsightedness.-25. Stupidity. She sits senseless and immovable like a wooden figure. Dulness of the head. Obscuration of all the senses. Obscuration of all the senses and anxiety, followed by a red rash on the back, and sweat.-30. Extreme insensibility of all the senses. Insensibility. Headache. Dull or violent headache.-35. Pain in the head and pelvis. Headache with anorexia. Headache and 196 DATURA STRAMONIUM. distention of the abdomen at times. Beating headache in the right temple, with diarrhoea. Giddy headache with fainting and thirst.-40. Headache and pain in the eyes. Violent headache and toothache, with profuse lachrymation. Convulsions of the head and arms, with hiccough. Spasmodic drawing, only in the head and eyes, with grinding of the teeth.45. He frequently raises his head from the couch. Spasmodic drawing of the head to either side, with screaming and raising of the arms over the head. Early in the morning he moves his head to and fro, with excessive thirst. He moves his head to and fro; this movement is only interrupted by hiccough. Swollen face, turgid with blood.-50. Swelling of the face. FACE AND EYES: Swelling of the face and redness of the cheeks. Swelling of the face, eyes and tongue. Swelling and redness of the eyes and face -55. The skin on the forehead is wrinkled, the eyes stare, the whole face looks wild and frightful. (a. 3 h.) At first his face looks friendly, except the staring eyes; at last it becomes quite disfigured by deep furrows from the inner canthus to the cheek, by folds running from the nasal wings across the angle of the mouth, and by knitting the eyebrows, and it looks frightful on account of the sparkling eyes; after the lapse of an hour the eyes look dim and the face has a dismal expression. (a. ~, 2 h.) At first his face looks quite friendly, except the dilated pupils, but afterwards it looks dismal, like that of a man who is anxious, with deep furrows and wrinkles. The cheeks are red and bloated, but the upper part of the face looks gloomy and contracted. Frequent redness of the face, with staring eyes.-60. Erysipelas on the right side of the cheek, nose and face. Pale face. Frequent sweat in the face and on the forehead. Contracted pupils; they do not dilate in the dark; all things appear to him smaller and at a greater distance, and like one dazzled by the light. (a. 1 h.) Dilatation of the pupils.-65. Extreme dilatation of the pupils, with obscuration of sight. The dilated pupils contract again after drinking vinegar. The pupils are dilated and immovable. Dim, sad look.-70. Sparkling eyes; he complains of the rays of the sun dazzling him and of the loss of appetite. Glistening eyes. Staring eyes. Staring, somnolent eyes. Burning of the eyes, with dimsightedness and profuse sweat.-75. Pressure and tension in both eyes, for six days. (a. 2 h.) Pressure in the eyelids, as if swollen, which is really the case, or as if oppressed with sleep; hence a great disposition to sleep, which he is however able to overcome. (a. 3I h.) Ulcerated eyelids. Agglutination of the eyelids, at night. Swelling of the eyes. Swelling of the eyes, DATURA STRAMONIUM. 197 with dilated pupils and contortion of the eyeballs in every direction. His eyes close, his eyes see black. The upper eyelid hangs down, as if caused by a spasm of the orbicularis muscle. Redness of the whites of the eyes and the margins of the eyelids; the eyes run profusely. Extreme sensitiveness of the eyes to the light. (a. 24 h.)-85. Lachrymation of the left eye, of the right eye, and of both eyes together. He sheds tears without knowing it. Lachrymation of both eyes, with obscuration of sight.-90. He opened his closed eyes only when spoken to. Dimsightedness. Obscuration of sight, excessive.-95. Dimsightedness every morning, as if a gauze were before the eyes. Dimsightedness with great thirst. Dimsightedness with thirst and sweat. Bleareyedness after dimsightedness.-100. Vertigo and headache after dimsightedness. Presbyopia for a long time; he was only able to read distant print. Contraction of the pupils occasioned by drinking vinegar after the pupils had been dilated by the stramonium: during this contraction all objects appeared to him extremely small; as to the distant objects, he did not see them at all; but on looking at the sun, the pupils remain staring, and his eyes became entirely black. The patient is unable to discern small things, such as the point of a pin. Indistinct, confused sight.-105. All things look as if in an oblique direction. Diplopia: he sees small things at the places where they are, but he sees a second representation thereof a little higher and to one side. The objects are multiplied and of various colors. Black things seem to him gray. -110. He sees objects in a room which do not exist. Fiery visions before her eyes. Disappearance of sight and hearing. EARS: Wind rushes out of both ears. Shuddering about the chin. MOUTH AND TEETH: 115. Trembling of the lips, hands, and feet. The lips have a yellow streak along the vermilion border, as in malignant fevers, and adhere firmly together; he fears lest they should grow together. Toothache. Grinding of teeth. Grinding of teeth, with shuddering over the whole body.-120. Grinding of teeth; he raises his hands above his head, and he moves them as if he were winding a ball of thread. Grinding of teeth, with gloominess in the head. Grinding of teeth, contortion of the hands and shuddering-lock-jaw, with closed lips. Muttering.-125. Constant muttering. The patient screams until he is hoarse. He screams until he has lost his voice. Stuttering. Stuttering and uttering of inarticulate sounds.-130. He talks little, and utters single inarticulate sounds with a loud voice. His voice has not the usual sound; it is much higher and finer than 198 DATURA STRAMONIUM. usual; it is a mere sounding, he is unable to utter an intelligible word (he hears and feels it himself); this makes him anxious. A kind of paralysis of the organs of speech: he has to exert himself a long while before he is able to utter a word; he merely stammers and utters inarticulate sounds. He is mute and does not answer. Dumb, he expresses his wish by pointing to things.-135. He was mute, immovable, and pulseless for six or seven hours, and his limbs were paralyzed, without consciousness; after that period he tossed about in his bed with great rage, made innumerable signs to those around him which were not understood, and then became quiet again. His tongue is paralyzed; it trembles when he attempts to put it out, as in typhus fever. Swelling of the tongue. Swelling of the tongue all over.-140. The swollen tongue hangs out at the mouth. Bloody froth at the mouth. Hydrophobia (with other symptoms mentioned in their respective places, we have): restlessness, violent convulsions, the patient being so violent that he had to be tied; he rolled about in his bed sleepless and uttered crowing-screams: he was delirious without memory or consciousness; his pupils were extremely dilated, violent desire to bit'e, and to tear every thing with his teeth; extreme dryness of the inner mouth and fauces; the sight of a light, mirror or water excited horrible convulsions; irresistible aversion to water, with constriction and convulsions of the oesophagus, froth at the mouth, and frequent spitting. Dread of or aversion to water and any other liquid, with spasmodic motion. Aversion to watery liquids; he became enraged when his lips were moistened. PHARYNX, (ESOPHAGUS:-145. Inability to swallow, on account of dryness of the throat. Dryness of the tongue and palate, so that they feel quite rough, without any thirst at first. (a. - h.) Extreme dryness in the mouth and want of saliva; he is unable to spit up any thing, although the tongue is pretty moist and clean. The palate feels parched, so that he is not able to eat a mouthfil of bread.-150. Excessive dryness of the inner mouth. Extreme acidity of the tongue and mouth. Sensation of dryness on the tongue and in the throat. Feeling of great dryness in the mouth and want of saliva, although the tongue looks clean and moist. Great dryness of month and fauces.-155. Dryness of mouth, thirst; dimsightedness, sparkling eyes, sweat and diarrhoea. Dryness of mouth and palate with violent thirst (a. 6 h.), and such an absence of taste that he drank a pound of vinegar at one draught, without tasting it. Tobacco has yet some taste, but the food tastes like sand, and forms a round lump in the DATURA STRAMONIUM. 199 oesophagus, so that he apprehends suffocation. (a. 3 h.) Bread and butter taste to him like sand; on account of the dryness of the mouth, the things remain in the cesophagus and threaten to strangle him. Thirst with great dryness of heat. -160. His cesophagus feels constricted. She tries to eat bread and milk, but is unable to swallow either. Constrictive sensation in the fauces after a meal. (a. 2. h.) His throat feels constricted as if he should suffocate, or as if he were threatened with an apoplectic fit. Constriction and spasm of the oesophagus.-165. Thirst, violent, or with headache. Violent thirst with copious secretion of burning urine.-170. Troublesome thirst with the slaver hanging out in threads. Frequent spitting. Slaver hanging out at the mouth. Frequent ptyalism. Long continuing ptyalism and diuresis.-175. Profuse ptyalism with constantly increasing thirst. Copious ptyalism, day and night; he loses from three to four pounds of saliva. Ptyalism with hoarseness. Tenacious ptyalism. Viscid mucus in mouth, with good appetite. GASTRIC SYMPTOMS: 180. Hiccough. Violent hiccough. Sour eructations. Constant bitterness in mouth, and the food has a bitter taste. Food has a spoiled taste.-185. Every kind of food tastes to him like straw. Diminished appetite. Undiminished appetite, with colic, diarrhoea and vomiting. (The limbs are convulsed, while an artificial vomiting is excited.) Inclination to vomit.-190. Inclination to vomit, with profuse ptyalism, in the evening. Nausea, with flow of an extremely saltish saliva. Vomiting at night. Vomiting of green bile at night. In the evening he vomits up bile with mucus. -195. Vomiting of green mucus, with thirst. Vomiting of a sour-smelling mucus. Vomiting of mucus in the evening. STOMACH: Biting pain in the stomach. Aching pain in the stomach.-200. Anxiety about the pit of the stomach. Anxiety about the pit of the stomach, before noon. Anxiety about the pit of the stomach, with dry heat of the body. Anxiety about the pit of the stomach, with difficult respiration. ABDOMEN: 205. Bloated abdomen, especially in the region of the pit of the stomach. In the evening the abdomen is bloated, with heat of the body and anxiety in the pit of the stomach. Bloated, but not hard abdomen. The abdomen of children becomes highly bloated from the seed of stramonium, with anxiety in the pit of the stomach, cold sweat, chilliness of the limbs, confusion of intellect, stupefied half-slumber, and anxious evacuations upward and downward.-210. Bloated abdomen, painless to the touch. The epigastrium is tense, hard and painful. Rumbling in the abdomen. Rumbling in 200 DATURA STRAMONIUM. the abdomen, with diarrhoea. Rumbling in the abdomen with colic.-215. Violent fermenting in the abdomen for 7 days. Rumbling in the abdomen, with obscuration of sight. He complains of rumbling in the abdomen, as if living animals were crying and moving about in all the bowels. Colic, rumbling and diarrhcna.-220. Colic, diarrhoea. Itching in the abdomen. Colic, watery vomiting and diarrhoea. STOOL: He has a desire to go to stool, but he has an evacuation only 24 hours after. Constipation. A writhing pain in the bowels, previous to every evacuation; a blackish diarrhoea every hour. (a. 36 h.) Diarrhoea, six days in succession. Diarrhoea, ceasing after a profuse perspiration.-230. Diarrhea, with increase of appetite. Diarrhoea, with paleness of face. Stools have a cadaverous smell. Emission of a large quantity of flatulence. URINARY ORGANS: He was frequently obliged to urinate, but the urine was retained a minute before it came, and although it came out merely in drops, yet a large quantity was passed in the forenoon. (a. 4 and 5 hours).-235. During micturition, no stream is formed in spite of all pressing and urging; the urine is warmer than usual, but it comes out only in drops; he is not able to hasten the emission or to press out the last drops, but without experiencing any painful sensation in the urethra, except the sensation as if a cylindrical body were pushed through the urethra.' Suppression of the excretions from the bladder and stool. Retention of urine. Diuresis, with shuddering and rumbling in the abdomen. Profuse, involuntary emission of urine.-240. Profuse diuresis. Profuse diuresis without thirst. GENITAL ORGANS: Lasciviousness. Complete inability to perform an embrace. Impotence.-245. During the menses the body smelled as of semen. Excessive loquacity during the menses. Watery menses. Discharge of black blood from the uterus.-250. Metrorrhagia. Reappearance of the menses which had been suppressed for four years. Erysipelas of the left cheek immediately after the menses. Hiccough and moaning after the menses. CATARRH AND CHEST: Obstruction of the nose.-255. Sensation as if the nose were obstructed, although he breathes freely. Frequent sighs. Violent stricture across the chest. Hard pressure on the cartilages of the third and fourth rib, with difficult respiration; he is unable to inspire a sufficient After drinking vinegar, the urine came out again in a thin stream, and the desire to urinate was not as frequent. DATURA STRAMONIUM. 201 quantity of air; he does not feel any great anxiety. (a. J h.) Oppressive and unusual pains.-260. Difficulty of breathing, with anxiety about the pit of the stomach. His breathing becomes more and more difficult, and he becomes blue in his face. Feeling of dryness in the chest. Spitting of blood. Slow inspirations and sudden expirations.-265. Drawing (rheumatic) pain, extending from the side of the neck into the limbs. EXTREMITIES: Fine, sharp stitches in the forearm and a rheumatic constrictive pain in the deltoid muscle. The sound hand trembles when eating. He grasps at a thing quickly, imagines he has seized the thing before touching it, and, if he does hold the object, he does not feel that he has hold of it. (a. 4-5 h.)--270. Spasmodic rigidity of the whole of the lower limbs. (a. 36 h.) Severe pain in the loins. Pain in the right thigh. A few sharp stitches in the outer part of the right tibia. Boils on the feet.-275. Burning and itching of the feet. Rheumatic drawing in the left tarsus, evening. (a. 36 h.) More or less violent burning in the dorsum of the foot. (a. 24 h.) FAINTING FITS: He wants open air. He hurries off too fast in going to a place.-280. Extreme irritability; he moves about so fast in the first hour, that all motion is finally arrested and his eyes see black. He performs all his movements with great force and hurriedness, so that he feels anxiety if he cannot achieve them at once. Although he staggers, yet his limbs obey the will so readily, that he feels as if he had none; they seemed to him much longer than they were, so that when walking, he thought he had already touched the floor, when the foot was yet half a foot away from it; this makes him finally set down the foot very rapidly. When going down stairs he takes two steps for one, and is not aware of it till he stumbles. Fainting.-285. Fainting in the forenoon, with great paleness of face, and afterwards loss of appetite. Fainting, with great dryness in the mouth. Snoring during a swoon. After the swoon there remains a spasm of the head to either side, with redness of face. Heaviness of the limbs.-290. Heaviness of the feet and weariness of the legs. Slow motion of the limbs, with creeping in the same. Heat over the whole body and sweat, during the least motion. (a. 24 h.) Difficult motion and creeping in the limbs, with lachrymation.-295. Sensation in the arms and limbs as if they were separated from the body in the joints. The limbs go to sleep. Difficulty of moving the limbs, the pulse being almost extinct. Immobility.300. Loss of voluntary motion (catalepsis) atnd loss of senses; deglutition remains uninjured. Stiffness of the whole body. (a. 1 h.) Paralyzed limbs. Paralyzed legs. Paralysis of J 202 DATURA STRAMONIUM. several parts of the body.-305. When rising, he threatens to fall (in the first eight hours). He is unable to walk alone, he falls unless he is held. The lower limbs bend suddenly when walking. Weak when walking. He is unable to stand.-310. He has to lie down. SLEEP: Drowsy and staggering. Sleeps a few hours. Drowsiness in daytime.-315. He sleeps in the daytime, and he wakes with an important and solemn look. Quiet sleep. Quiet sleep after the convulsions had ceased. Sleeps twentyfour hours. Some sleep twenty-four hours; they lie like dead persons.-320. After a deep sleep full of dreams (a. 24 h.), during which he has an emission of semen, he feels quite drowsy, and he sees as through a gauze. Deep, sound sleep; he fetches breath with great trouble and snores during an expiration and inspiration. Deep sleep with snoring. Deep, snoring sleep, drawing up the leg rarely. Slumber, with snoring and a bloody froth at the mouth; dark-brown countenance, death.'-325. He lies on his back with open staring eyes. Restless sleep, violent headache and profuse diuresis. Restless sleep full of dreams, with tossing about in the bed. Restless sleep followed by violent headache, vertigo, lachrymation and ptyalisrn.-330. Sleep interrupted by screams. Screaming and howling at night. Wakes from his sleep with a scream. Remained awake all night, tossed about in his bed, and uttered crowing screams. Sleepless.-335. The limbs of the child were quite stiff. Continual cramp in hands and feet. The hands are clenched (not the thumbs), but they can be opened. Violent motion of the limbs. Constant movement of the hands and arms, as if he were spinning or weaving. (a. 8 h.)-.340. Convulsions. Violent convulsions in bed, during which he was like frantic, and had to be tied. (a. 6 h.) Frightful convulsions at the sight of a candle, mirror, or of water. The convulsions and the delirium could especially be excited by contact; they were followed by great weakness. The convulsions and the dilatation of the pupils remained when the pulse had already become slower and the abdomen relaxed. (a. 18 h.)-345. Spasmodic movements. Spasms in the left arm, afterwards in the right leg, followed by sudden spasms of the In the case of a child of eighteen months, six hours after swallowing the seed. The body was covered with a number of brown stripes, the abdomen was filled with a yellowish water, the bowels were distended with air, the liver, spleen and lungs, were likewise covered with brown stripes, there was a good deal of water in the pericardium, the heart was flaccid, and it, together with the blood-vessels, was filled with a quantity of fluid thin blood. DATURA STRAMONIUM. 203 head in all directions. He moves his limbs to and fro. His hands tremble when seizing any thing. Spasmodic drawing up and inwards of the anterior muscles of the thigh, in paroxysms.-350. Convulsions, jerks. Convulsions of the left lower limb; they commence with a shock and the limb is drawn inwards and upwards. Spasmodic tossing up of the limbs. Alternate contractions of the hands and feet. Slow contracting and stretching of the limbs, in paroxysms.-355. Trembling of the limbs. Trembling of the whole body. Constant trembling of the feet. FEVER: Tremulous, weak, unequal, sometimes intermittent pulse.-360. Small, quick pulse. Frequent, quick, small, irregular pulse. Small, quick, and at last scarcely perceptible pulse. Extinct pulse. Strong, full pulse of 80 beats.-365. Strong, full pulse of 90 beats. Chill through the whole body, with single jerks partly of the whole body, partly of single limbs, of the elbows and knee-joints, without any thirst. Whenever he takes a dose of stramonium, he experiences a disagreeable, shuddering chill, as if he dreaded the stramonium. (a. 3, 4, 5, h.) The limbs and the trunk are cold all over. She lies on the floor, cold, senseless, and breathing feebly. (a. 2 h.)-370. Chilliness along the back, in the afternoon. Chilliness and shuddering of the limbs at night. In the afternoon he experiences a tremulous tossing of the knees and feet, as of violent chilliness, his mind being intact. Violent chill. Fever in the afternoon.375. Violent fever at noon, returning with the same violence about midnight. After the vomiting, in the evening, he experiences a continuous, violent fever, with profuse sweat. Fever every day, after noon. Fever in the evening, for two days. Towards noon he experiences great heat, redness in the face, vertigo and lachrymation.-380. Great heat with quick and small pulse and bright-red vermilion-colored countenance. In the evening he feels a burning above the knee when walk-,ing, and heat through the whole body, with excessive thirst. (a. 12 h.) Heat of the whole body. Great heat, slight sweat, quick, soft pulse.-385. Great heat, and talking during sleep. Copious sweat. Sweat with diminished appetite. Profuse sweat at night.-390. Sweat after severe thirst. Sweat in the back. Frequent sweat with good appetite, diarrhoea, distention of the abdomen and colic. Violent sweat, with great thirst. Profuse sweat, with colic.-395. Great sweat, with increase of thirst. Cold sweat over the whole body. Eruption' over the whole body, with swelling, inflammation and itchAll the eruptions and the itching occasioned by Stramonium, seem to be secondary symptoms. I 204 DATURA STRAMONIUM. ing. Blisters upon the skin, breaking out after the violent symptoms have made their appearance. Inflamed, painful pustules on the right leg, emitting an acrid water. (a. a few weeks.)-400. Itching eruption. Chest and back are covered with a red rash, pale in the morning, redder and more frequent in the afternoon, and perceptible in the warmth, for 11 days; after the lapse of that period the scales drop off. Itching over the whole body, early in the morning, after waking. Tingling in all the limbs. Creeping under the skin.-405. Creeping, extending from the left side into the thigh, or into the toes of the same side, thence into the abdomen, whence the creeping descends again into the right thigh and foot. MORAL SYMPTOMS: Uneasiness, delirium. While slumbering he hears two persons talk, but he does not know who they are. He does not seem to notice the objects around him, and he really does not notice them.-410. Stupefaction of the senses; some laugh all the time, but they neither hear nor see, although they have the thing constantly before their eyes; they even talk and answer the questions put to them, as if they had their senses, although the whole is like a dream to them. After waking he does not recognise any thing around him; he takes his book and goes to school, but he enters by the wrong door. After waking, all things appear to him as if they were new, even his friends, as if he had never seen them. He imagines he is very tall, but the objects around him seem to him very small. Absence of mind; bland delirium (for 24 hours). -415. He apprehends the loss of his senses. Imbecility. Insanity.-420. Dullness of sense. Confusion in the head. Strange fancies. Loquacious delirium.-425. Delirious, he had no memory or consciousness. During the intervals of his half consciousness, he recollects his waking dreams, but not those things which he had done or said in his lucid moments. He talks with a person whom he does not know, and answers that person as if he were in his senses; but, upon coming to his senses he does not recollect the conversation. He talks with absent persons as if they were present, accosting dead figures, such as chessmen, with the names of those persons, and not noticing any of the persons around him. He walks about the room taciturn with staring, sparkling eyes and blue margins around the same, but he does not notice the objects around him, and is interested only in the objects of his fancy.-430. He dreams with open eyes, talks nonsense, and if his friends tell him so, he excuses himself, saying that they had induced him to talk nonsense; after that he is again absorbed in his dreams, and continues his nonsense. The patient is in a state of insanity, he is full of not unpleasant fancies, DATURA STRAMONIUM. 205 expresses his wishes by signs, and runs about for some days busy with his fancies, and cheerful. He dances on the churchyard, at night. Insane, he dances, gesticulates, breaks into a laughter, sings. (a. 3 h.) He sings and utters unclean things. -435. He is like one enchanted and beside himself. He grasps at the air with his hands, laughs, crawls about his bed. He shows by his gestures that his mind is confused: he kneels down and extends his arms as if he were looking for something. With his eyes staring, and his pupils dilated, he saw nothing, did not recognise any of his family, carried his hands about as if he would grasp at something, and stamped with his feet. He bends his knees, and kneels down, and stretches his arms as if he were looking for something.-440. Confusion of intellect, he laughs, moans. Paroxysms of constant talking, or of rage, or he breaks into a loud laughter, or he acts as if he were spinning. Senseless quarreling. Continued violent quarrel. He beats those around him with a terrible cry, and rages.-445. He bites a person's hand. Rage. Furious delirium. Indomitable rage. She has to be kept in her bed by force.-450. A strong man was scarcely able to hold him. He assails men, beats them, and endeavors to seize them. Great desire to bite, and to tear every thing with his teeth, even his own limbs. Alternation of convulsions and rage: he had such violent spasms that his mother was not able to hold him; when the spasms abated he became furious, beat and bit those who attempted to hold him. Rage, he wants to murder men. -455. Rage, he wants to kill himself. He imagines he will be slaughtered, roasted and eaten. He jumps out of his bed at night, and exclaims that the disease will break forth from his head. She sometimes exclaims about dogs, cats, and rabbits approaching her from above, from the side and in the middle of the room. Delirium, he is frightened as if a dog would bite him.-460. He imagines he sees ghosts. He starts up in affright. Sadness. His imagination is confused, and is disturbed with fear. Strange objects intrude upon his fancy, frightening him.-465. She imagines she sees a number of persons and grasps at them, and yet they were not present. Frightful fancies, his features show fright and terror. In his lucid moments he requested to be held lest he should fall. The things, and persons around him appear to be changed: although he knows at first that his friends are around him, yet he forgets it immediately after; he imagines he is quite alone in a wilderness, abandoned; he is afraid; figures of animals jump up out of the ground, side by side, causing him to fall to one side, where, however, similar forms start up, causing him 206 LEONTODON TARAXACUM. to run forward. He sees more horrifying figures on his sides than before him (between three and four hours).-470. He imagines he is alone all the time, and he is afraid. He has no rest any where; he is frightened by visions even with his eyes open, forms of dogs, cats, and other frightful animals growing out of the ground by his side, and causing him to start to one side in affright. Inclines to start. Alternate consciousness and rage. LEONTODON TARAXACUM. (Express the juice from the recent plant before it begins to blossom, and mix it with equal parts of alcohol.) LIKE many other drugs, this too has been abused in the treatment of disease from mere speculative suppositions, by giving it in excessive quanitities in the treatment of disease. In all cases where the so-called practical look of the physician failed in establishing the fact that the case before him required the remedy indicated in the books, he suspected obstructions of the capillary vessels in the interior of the body, and prescribed Taraxacum to dissolve the viscid and inspissated humors. The milky juice of that plant sufficed to lead to the supposition that it would act like soap, and dissolve the obstructing humors in the same manner as soap dissolves chemically all sorts of substances in a vessel. If the Taraxacum had been proved upon healthy persons, its pathogenetic effects would have indicated its therapeutic powers, and would have shown that Taraxacum, like any other drug, can only cure diseases to which it is homoeopathic. One drop of the tincture is sufficient at a dose. TARAXACUM. (OBSERVATIONS OF OTHERS.) HEAD: Vertigo when walking in the open air, as if intoxicated; the head now inclined to the right, now to the left side. (a. 21 h.) Unsteady step and vertigo, when walking in the open air, as if he would fall over. (a. 10 h.) Great obtuseness and dizziness of the head, when walking in the open air; he thinks he feels giddy and staggers. At times he feels a contraction and a whirling above the nose in the forehead, LEONTODON TARAXACUM. 207 like vertigo; at times a sensation as if the brain were distended in various places; this sensation gives no pain.-5. Sensation in the head as if the brain were constricted from all sides by a soft pressure. When walking in the open air, he feels a crawling pain in the forehead, with pressure, spreading from the middle of the forehead, as if it contained something alive. (a. 4 h.) Sensation in the head, half pressure, half itching. Pressure in the lowest part of the occiput, and heaviness of the same. Heaviness of the head, with heat and redness of the face.-10. Painful pressure in the sinciput in the direction of the forehead. Oppressive stupefying pain in the forehead, as after an intoxication. (a. 1 h.) Aching pain in the right temple. (a. 35 h.) Burning painful pressure in the head from below upward. Painful pressure in the head from within outward. (a. 21 h.)-15. Heaviness in the occiput, going off when stooping, and coming on again when raising the head and keeping it straight; in this case it is worst. When sitting, he feels an oppressive stupefying pain in the whole forehead, so that he lost his senses when reading, and did not know where he was, accompanied with nausea; he felt better in the open air. (a. 1j h.) Continued painful pressure upon the forehead. (a. 4 h.) Drawing aching pain in the temple. Painful drawing pressure on the frontal bone, when standing.-20. Drawing pain in the left temple when sitting, ceasing when walking or standing. (a. 5 h.) Tearing pain in the occiput, when walking, going off when standing still. Tearing in the outer parts of the occiput, when walking. Lancination in the occiput, behind the right ear. Lancination in the left side of the forehead in quick succession. -25. Continuous sticking pain in the left side of the head (for six hours). Prickings in the left temple when sitting, ceasing when standing. (a. 1, h.) Violent, continuous pain in the left temporal region, when walking, going off when standing. (a. 38 h.) Sharp stitches in the left and outer side of the forehead, not abating to the touch. (a. 13 h.) Dull sticking pressure in the outer parts of the forehead. (a. j h.)-30. Pimple on the right side of the hairy scalp, above the temples, painful when touched, as if there were subcutaneous ulceration. (a. 15 h.) Tension of the forepart of the scalp, as if it were fastened tight to the skull. EYES: Pimple in the middle of the left eyebrow, occasioning a painful pressure when touched. (a. 27 h.) Contraction of the pupils. (a. 4 h.) Dilatation of the pupils. (a. 26 h.)-35. Agglutination of the eyelids, early in the morning when waking, for several days. The eyes do not bear the L 208 LEONTODON TARAXACUM. light of day, they water constantly, accompanied with a pressure in the region of the right upper eyelid, as if there were something which he tries in vain to wipe off. Burning in the left eyeball. (a. 11 h.) Violent burning in the right eyeball, towards the inner canthus.-40. Burning, fine pricking in both eyelids of the left eye. (a. 4 h.) Stinging-burning pain in the left eyeball. (a. 20 h.) Burning pricking in the left eyeball, toward the outer canthus. (a. - h.) Sharp sticking pain in the right eye. Sharp pressure as of a grain of sand, in the inner canthus of the right eye, with sensation as if the eyelids were swollen. EARS: 45. Hardness of hearing; in the evening his hearing is dull. Pressure in the interior of the left ear from without inward. Chirping in the left ear, as of grasshoppers. (a. 33 h.) Tearing in the outer meatus auditorius, and sharp pressure behind the ramus of the lower jaw. Stitches behind the ear, with tearing along the side of the neck.-50. Sticking in the right ear from within outward, which ended with being felt from without inward. Itching-burning stitching in the right ear. Drawing pain in the outer parts of the right ear. (a. 5 h.) FACE, MOUTH AND TEETH: Sharp pressure in the right cheek. (a. 4 h.) Stitch with pressure in the cheek.-55. Pustule on the upper part of the left cheek, with a red area, occasioning a gnawing pain when touched. (a. 24 h.) Pustule on the right wing of the nose. (a. 8 h.) He twice bleeds from thle left nostril, before dinner. (a. 30 h.) Cracking of the middle of the upper lip. (a. 6 h.) Pustule near the right corner of the mouth. (a. 49 h.)-60. Sudden itching below the clin. (a. 1 h.) Acute pain when moving the jaw and neck, in the region of the lower part of the parotid gland and in the muscles of the neck, and extending from the sternum up to the mastoid process. Jerking in the lower part of the side of the neck. (a. 15 h.) Sharp, boring stitches in the left side of the neck from within outward, for a few minutes (immediately). Jerking, with pressure, in the posterior cervical muscles, behind the left ear. (a. 31 h.)-65. Sticking in the left side of the nape of the neck, as of a somewhat dull pin, when standing, going off when sitting down. (a. 1, h.) Sticking, with pressure, in the nare of the neck. Painful pressure, like two shocks, in two incisores, rather in the crown. Sour-tasting blood flows out of the hollow teeth of the right side. Sensation in the teeth, when chewing, as if they had been made dull by eating some fruit. (a. 37 h.)-70. Drawing pain in the hollow teeth of the right side, extending Li0NTODOt TJAItACUM. 2tie zC36" i along the cheek as far as the eyebrows. Bui'ning prickinig it the left side of the tongue. (a. 9 h.) Tongue coated white (a. 21 h.) White-coated tongue, peeling off here aind thre: gradually. (a. 111 h.) The tongue is coated with a Wxiteý skin, with a sensation of rawness in the outer piarts of thA tongue; it then peels off in patches and leaves darkred, delicate, sensitive places. (a. 34 h.)-75. Dry, browni-coated tongue, early in the morning, when waking. Confluence of saliva in the mouth, and sensation as if the larynnx were closed by pressure. (a. 31 h.) Difficult deglutition; a kinid of pressure as from an internal swelling of the throat. Sharpý pressure in the anterior wall of the pharynx and larynx, between the acts of deglutition, inducing cough, but going off when swallowing. Confluence of sourish water in the moutht -80. The phlegm tastes sour, and sets the teeth on edge. (a. 3, 4 h.) Dryness and stinging in the throat. Feeling of dryness in the throat, and a bitter phlegm in that region, making the speech sound hoarse. TASTE AND GASTRIC SYMPTOMS: At the tip of the tongue the butter has a repulsive, saltish-sour taste; when reaching the palate, it has the usual taste. Meat, especially gravy, tastes3 sour to him, when it touches the tongue.-85. Bitterish ta'ste: in the mouth, before a meal; food however has a natural taste. Bitter taste rises into the mouth from the oesophagus. Tobac, co has no good taste, it occasions a burning in the; throiat almost like heartburn, and arrests the breathing, goes off agaiiiby drinking. Bitter eructations and hiccough. Empty ertu-. tations, continuing for several days, and came on especially after drinking. (a. h.-90. NaUisea, accompanied with: anxiety, when sitting, going off when standing. (a. 2, h.)j Nausea, as if the stomach were overloaded with fat thiris; he felt as if he should vomit, with an oppressive sttiped)ring pain in the forehead, he felt relieved in the open airl (a. 1I h.) Qualmishness and nausea in the pharynx. (a. 21 ho.) Great chilliness after eating, and especially after dririking. STOMACH AND ABDOMEN: Painless motion and gruntin-g in' the abdomen.-95. Rumbling in the umbilical region, towvar~~d the left side. Sudden continuous movement in the:abdbmi~en as if bubbles burst in- it. (a. 51 h.) Tension in the pit of the' stomach, and pressure on the xiphoid cartilage, when st1od.' ing. Pressure below the ribs of the left side. Aching pain izi the left side of the abdormen.-100. Pinching in the abdomen-x (a. l: h.) Pinching in the abdomen, followed by eniissiori'of flatulence. (a. 3, 16 h.) Continuous stitchestwth pressfiir i': the left side of the abdomen. (a. 24, 30 h.) Boiing pain ifn VOL. Iv. 15 210 LEONTODON TARAXACUM. the region of the umbilicus, from within outward, toward the right side.-105. Single, violent and sharp stitches partly in the left portion of the epigastrium, partly in the left or right side of the abdomen, partly in the hypogastrium. (a. 14, 31 h.) Severe stitch in the side of the abdomen, continuing for a minute. Burning stitches in the left portion of the hypogastrium, in the direction of the genital organs. (a. twenty-five hours.) Pressure in the left lumbar region from within outwards. Itching-stinging pain in the right abdominal muscles.-110. Painless bubbling in the muscles of the left iliac region. Feeling of pain in the left groin when walking, as if sprained, somewhat relieved by standing and touching the part. (a. 6 h.) Titillation in the perinaeum, between the anus and the genital organs, obliging him to scratch. (a. 14 h.) Voluptuous itching of the perineum; after scratching a corrosive pain was felt in the part scratched, lasting for hours. (a. 32 h.) STOOL: Two soft stools on the first day, difficult and requiring much pressing. (a. 8 h.)-115. Third evacuation on the first day, hard, and requiring a good deal of pressing. (a. 16 h.) The stool comes on sooner than usual, and is papescent; the urging continued, without any thing being passed. URINARY AND GENITAL ORGANS: Desire to urinate, without pain. (a. 1 h.) Frequent desire, with copious emissions. (a. 3 h.)' Frequent desire with scanty emissions. (a. 25 h.)'-120. Tickling of the prepuce. (a. 71 h.) Continuous boring pain in the glans. Fine stitch in the left testicle. Burning stinging in the right testicle. Nocturnal emission every other night.-125. Long-lasting, involuntary erections. (a. 9 d.) RESPIRATORY ORGANS: Frequent sneezing when walking in the open air. (a. 4, 28 h.) Titillation in the region of the pit of the stomach, inducing a hacking cough; he felt it coming a few seconds previous, but was not able to prevent it. (a. 40 h.) Boring and digging pain in the right chest, more violent and continuous when walking. (a. 3 h.) Pressure in the left side of the chest, below the axilla.-130. Pressure in the internal surface of the ribs, during an expiration, when standing, in the right side of the chest, from the hepatic region into the chest, in a place of the size of the hand. Burning pressure S These two symptoms, the former of which is the primary, the latter the secondary effect, show how wrongly the common physicians proceed in endeavoring to cure dropsical swellings, with diminished secretion of urine, by Taraxacum. It will be found useful in some kinds of diabetes, provided they do not depend upon a chronic miasm, as they often do. LEONTODON TARAXACUM. 211 in the sternum, more violent during an expiration than during an inspiration. (a. h.) Stitch, with pressure, in the right chest, going off during expiration or inspiration; when pressing upon the part, the stitch returned and spread as a continuous stitch. (a. 2 h.) Stitch into the right side of the chest. (a. 4 h.) Dull sticking in the left chest. (a. 1 h.)-135. Sticking in the left side toward the back. When standing, during an inspiration, he experiences stitches in the chest from without inward. Continuous sticking in the right side of the chest when walking. Violent sticking in the sternum. (a. 6 h.) Stitch in the right chest, directly below the axilla. (a. 11 h.)-140. Three violent stitches, one at every inspiration, below the last rib of the left side, posteriorly. Severe stitch in the region of the sixth rib. Violent sticking in the left side of the chest, in the region of the lowest rib. Boring-sticking drawing in the region of the acromial extremity of the right clavicle.-145. Jerking in the left intercostal muscles. Jerking in the right intercostal muscles. (a. 14 h.) Tensive pain in the region of the diaphragm, during a deep inspiration. BACK: Pressure in the small of the back. Soft pressure in the small of the back, when standing.-150. Painless creeping in the small of the back. Tensive sticking in the back towards the right side. Sticking pain, with pressure, in the whole of the spine towards the right side, when lying down, with difficult breathing, especially violent in the small of the back. Continuous dull stitch in the right scapula, from within outward. (a. 21 h.) Rumbling and bubbling in the right scapula. UPPER LIMBS: Throbbing on the top of the left shoulder for one minute. Jerking in the top of the left shoulder. Painless rumbling on the top of the left shoulder, with chilliness all over. Jerking in the external muscles of the left upper arm. (a. 4 h.) Twitching in the upper arm.-160. Paroxysmal throbbing in the internal surface of the upper arm. Aching pain in the muscles of the left upper arm. (a. 30 h.) Aching pain in the internal side of the left upper arm. Pain in the outer side of the left upper arm, resembling electric shocks. Itching pain in the internal side of the left upper arm.-165. Sharp stitching in the outer side of the left arm. A series of painful, and partially violent prickings in the posterior surface of the upper arm, going off by friction. Intermittent stitches in the outer side between the elbow and the middle of the right upper arm, in rest. Sticking in the right elbow-joint. Stinging in the left forearm, in rest and motion. (a. 13 h.)-170. Sharp stitches in the right forearm, going off by contact. (a. LEONTODON TARAXACUM. 13 h.) Jerking in the muscles of the left forearm. (a. 10 h.) Burning in the right forearm. Aching pain in the internal side of the right forearm. Frequently returning drawing pains in the forearm.-175. Tearing drawing in the left wrist-joint, extending into the three last fingers. Pimples on the hands, especially on the sides of the fingers, also on the dorsum of the hand, itching somewhat. Burning pain in the third and fourth fingers of the left hand. Sticking pain in the fourth finger of the left hand. Aching pain in the three last fingers of the right hand.-180. The tips of the fingers are cold as ice. (a. 6 h.) LOWER LIMBS: Jerking in the left glutei muscles, inferiorly. Itching of the left glutei muscles. Twitching in the upper part of the muscles of the thighs. (a, 2 h.) Sticking pain in the whole of the left thigh. (a 9-, 101 h.)-185. Boring stitches in the internal side of the thigh when sitting. A spot in the upper and front part of the the thigh feels painful as if bruised, more so when touched than when walking. Pressure on the inner side of the right thigh, when sitting or standing, but not when walking. (a. 2 h.) Gnawing itching of the left thigh, obliging one to scratch. (a. 7- h.) Tearing in the outer hamstring when sitting.-190. Drawing-sticking pain in the outer side of the right knee. in rest and motion. (a. 3 h.) Sticking pain in the whole of the knee-joint. Sharp pressure in the outer side of the knee, when bending the leg. Burning pain in the left patella. Continuous burning pain in the front part of the right knee.-105. Burning pain in the outer side of the right leg. Burning pain in the lower part of the right leg. Burning in the front part of the tibia. Violent stinging in the right leg, extending from below upward, when standing, going off when sitting. (a. 30 h.) Prickings in the outer side of the left leg, extending from below upwards, when standing, going off when sitting. (a. 31 h.)-200. Drawing pains in the legs, when sitting and walking. Weakness of the legs, especially when going up stairs. When walking, the right leg is weaker than the left, and nevertheless this leg feels as if the muscles were stretched the most. Corrosive pain in the outer parts of the right leg (when standing). (a. 1J h.) Tearing pain in the outer border of the left leg (when standing). (a. 2 h.)-205. Beating, dull stitches in the surface of the right calf, below the bend of the knee. Stinging in the right calf. Continuous burning stitches in the calf (when sitting). Aching pain in the left calf. (a. I h.) Darting pain in the right calf, going of speedily when touching the part. (a. 1 h.)-210. Violent itching of the left calf, in the evening when lying down, oblig LEONTODON TARAXACUM. S213 ing one to scratch; the itching continues after the scratching; after the scratching the place became red and humid. (a. 17 h.) Stitch in the dorsum of the left foot, toward the big toe. (a. 37 h.) Stitch in the internal malleolus of the right foot, when sitting. (a. 32 h.) Itching stinging in the region of the internal malleolus. Drawing- pain in the dorsum of the right foot when standing, going off when sitting. (a. 1 h.)-215. Drawing-aching pain in the dorsum of the left foot, when standing. (a. - h.) Tearing drawing in the left tarsal-joint. Burning pain in the right foot, externally. Burning drawing in the dorsum of the left foot. (a. 37 h.) Pressure in the dorsum of the right foot. (a. 22 h.)-220. Itching in the dorsum of the right foot, going off by scratching. (a. 11 h.) A few itching vesicles on the dorsum of the foot. Stitches extending from the dorsum into the bottom of the foot. (a. 11 h.) Boring pain in the bottom of the right foot. Burning boring in the bottom of the left foot. toward the little toe.-225. Sticking pain in the bottom of the right foot, from within outward, when sitting, at times violent, at times fine. (a. 10, 21 h.) Itching stinging in the bottom of the right foot. (a. 32 h.) Burning-aching pain in the bottom of the right foot, in the direction of the toes, when sitting. Continuous traction along the tibia, coming from the little toe, when sitting. Paroxysms of burning in the toes, especially in the dorsum of the right big toe.-230. Sticking in the right big toe, in the direction of the second toe. Burning stinging in the right big toe, when walking. (a. 9 h.) Lancinations in the toes. Violent itching in the dorsum of the fourth toe of either foot. (a 25 h.) A good deal of sweat between the toes, especially those of the right foot. GENERAL SYMPTOMS: 235. He moves all his limbs with ease, but he feels as if the moving forces were tied up. Weak feeling of the whole body; a languor, during which he would like to sit or lie down; when doing either he is in a middling state of consciousness and unconsciousness, like one who is on the point of falling asleep. Internal sensation as if he were very sick; all his limbs ache when touched or when placed in a forced position. Almost all the symptoms appear when sitting; they disappear when walking. SLEEP: Frequent yawning when sitting, as if he had not slept enough. (a. 51 h.)-240. Drowiness in the daytime (when reading); his eyes closed, he had to lie down; the drowsiness passed off during motion. (a. 5 h.) Irresistible drowsiness after a meal; when waking he felt a desire to urinate, with some burning; this was felt only before and 214 THUYA OCCIDENTALIS. after the emission of urine. He falls asleep when listening to scientific objects, in spite of his efforts to the contrary, and he fell at once into vivid dreams. Anxious, vivid dreams, which he is unable to recollect.-245. Dreams full of dispute at night. Voluptuous dreams. Frequent waking from sleep, and tossing about in the bed; he had no rest in any position. Frequent waking from sleep, as if he had slept enough. When waking from sleep his whole body was covered with a light sweat, exciting a biting in the skin all over, which induces him to scratch. (a. 23 h.)-250. In the evening when on the point of falling asleep, his whole body was covered with sweat, which continued the whole night; in the morning he felt bright. He began to sweat all over when on the point of falling asleep; the sweat woke him frequently; every time he woke he felt a heat all over his body, and a more glowing heat on his cheeks; he was drenched with sweat, but he felt bright in the morning. FEVER: Slight sweat over the whole body. (a. 22 h.) Sudden warmth of the face when walking in the open air; also of the rest of the body, without thirst. (a. 37 h.) Heat in the face, to himself and others, with redness. (a. 11 h.) -255. Face, hands and the rest of the body are hot, without thirst. (a. 6, h.) Chilliness through the whole body. (a. 26 h.) Chilliness for some hours, with continuous, oppressive headache. Violent chilliness when walking in the open air, as in a paroxysm of fever, without being followed by either thirst or heat. (a. 24 h.) MORAL SYMPTOMS: Irresoluteness; dread of labor, although the work progresses satisfactorily as soon as commenced.-260. He feels quite gloomy when unoccupied; he knows not what to do with himself, and is nevertheless unable to make up his mind as regards doing any thing. Ill-humored in the morning, and not disposed either to business or talking. (a. 25 h.) Disposed to laugh. Loquacious to excess. Firm, religious courage and confidence; cheerfulness; he is content with himself and his situation. THUYA OCCIDENTALIS. (Crush the green leaves into a fine mass; then mix this with twothirds of its weight of alcohol, and express the juice.) I THINK that this plant, which, in its exterior, is somewhat THUYA OCCIDENTALIS. 215 similar to the Juniperus Sabina, has never been seriously employed by European physicians. Parkinson and Hermann state mere speculative theories in regard to its therapeutic properties. According to Boerhaave, the distilled water has been serviceable in dropsical swellings. According to Kalm, it is employed in North America as a domestic remedy against indefinite pains in the joints. From the following symptoms it will appear that Thuya is a specific against sycosis, and against sycosic gonorrhcsa, provided it is not complicated with other miasms. I have hitherto used the smallest portion of a drop of the decillionth potency, even in the worst cases. But inasmuch as the sycosic gonorrhoea is one of the few idiopathic diseases, it gave me a fair opportunity of testing the higher potencies of Thuya, and I found that even the sixtieth potency exhibited the therapeutic power of Thuya more powerfully than the lower.' The same statement applies to the other liquid and similarly prepared drugs, as I can affirm from boundless and most accurate observations. Small doses act from two to three weeks. Large doses seem to be best antidoted by Camphor. THUYA. HEAD: He staggers after having stooped. Vertigo, also when sitting; she staggers when walking. Frequent vertigo, also, when lying in bed. A good deal of vertigo when sitting down; a sort of moving to and fro, made worse by lying down. -5. Vertigo, especially when sitting down and closing his eyes; it went off when lying down. His head feels obtuse and unable to think. Slow thinking and slow talking; when talking she tries to find the words. (a. 3 d.) Weakness in the head; his brain feels dead and numb. He was unable to get rid of the thought which he just had in his mind.-10. Headache, early in the morning; sometimes he feels as if the head were screwed asunder in the articulation of the malar bone and the upper jaw; sometimes as if a nail were driven into the SThe discovery that trituration and succussion develope the medicinal properties of drugs in proportion as those processes are carried on farther, until the material substance shall have been transformed, as it were, into medicinal spirit, is of inexpressible value, and so undeniable that those who, from a want of knowledge of the resources of Nature, consider homceopathic attenuations as mere mechanical divisions of the original drug, must be struck dumb whenever they consult experience. 216 THUYA OCCIDENTALIS. vertex with a sudden jerk; sometimes as if the forehead would fall out, with internal chilliness; all these symptoms improved in the open air. Headache, early in the morning, as after too sound a sleep, or as after stooping, a sort of pulsating, or a sort of short jerks, with pressure, accompanied with redness in the face. Boring pressure in the head. Drawing headache. Tearing in the right side of the sinciput and face, transversely across the nose, as far as the malar bone and above the eyes; most violent morning and evening.-15. Sticking headache. Fine prickling in the head, early in the morning. Drawing in the temporal muscles, a sort of external headache, worse during deglutition. Pricking pain in the region of the temples. Three red, painful blotches in the region of either temple.-20. Itching of the occiput. [Reeling sensation, as after frequently turning in a circle. (a. ( h.) Cloudiness in the forehead (immediately). Stupefaction of the head, early in the morning. (a. 6 h.) Does not heed those things which take place around him.-5. His head feels cloudy, so that he knows not where he is, when standing. (a. I h.) Stupid feeling in the head, with nausea. Sense of intoxication, especially early in the morning. His head feels dreary, when sitting or standing. Dull pain in the head, as if stupefied.-10. Numb feeling and humming in the left hemisphere of the brain and in the left ear. (a. 3 h.) Cramp-like sensation in the left side of the head, with a subsequent feeling of warmth. Painless drawing in the right parietal bone, with a slight pressure, a warmth which is almost agreeable, spreading over the whole body. (a. 4 h.) Dull drawing pressure across the forehead, as if a load descended in it, (a. 4J h.) Deep pressure in the right temple. (a. 1 h.)15. Pressure in the left frontal protuberance, resembling a jerk. (a. 4 h.) Pressure in the right frontal eminence, resembling a jerk, and descending towards the eye. (a. 41 h.) Pressure in the left parietal bone, with a dull pain. (a. 2 h.) Dull aching pains in the occiput, for six hours. (a. I h.) Painful pressure across the forehead. (a 1 h.)-20. Furious pressing in both temples from without inward, as if the brain were pressed out. Violent, painful pressure in the head, now here, now there, only momentarily. (a. 2 h.) Drawing with pressure in the left temple. Jerking tearing in the occiput, more on the right side. (a. 1 h.) Drawing-tearing headache from the vertex to the middle of the brain.-25. Heaviness in the head, as if the brain were pressed inward by a load. (a. 11 h.) Sensationi of heaviness in the head, especially in the occiput, inereased during every motion. (a. I h.) Heaviness of the THUYA OCCIDENTALIS. 217 head, with ill humor and a want of desire to talk. (a. 3 h.) Headache from the forehead to the occiput consisting of pressure, and of a feeling as if the head were bruised and torn, when waking, and going off by continuing to sleep. Sensation in the upper part of the vertex as if it were knocked in.-- 30. Sensation in the right parietal bone, as if a nail were driven in, disappearing when touching the part. (a ~ h.) Jerklike stitch through the whole head, leaving a sensation of pressure behind. (a. 1 h.) Prickings, especially along the forehead. (a. 5, h.) Violent lancination through the right hemisphere, from the occiput to the forehead. (a. 11 h.) Violent contractive pressure in the outer parts of the left frontal eminence, which seems to press the upper eyelid down. (a. 1j h.) -35. Headache, as if the head were compressed from without, with pulsative throbbings and stitches in the region of the temples; those pains disappear by external pressure and by bending backward, but return by bending forward. (a. 4 h.) Headache in the posterior region of the skull as if it were pressed into a narrower space from both sides. Swelling of the veins in the region of the temples, in rest, without heat. (a. 18 h.) Strong stitches in the outer parts of the left temporal region. (a. 8, 12 h.) At night he does not like to rest on his left side; when lying upon it he feels a pain in a place near the occipital protuberance; he feels that pain likewise when touching the part; even the hairs in that region are painful when touched.-40. Dull aching behind the left ear. (a. I h.) Violent burning aching behind the right ear. (a. 9 h.) Corrosive gnawing in the skin of the occiput, with a sensation as if something were running about in the hairs, for half an hour. (a. 13 h.) Biting and corrosive gnawing in the right side of the hairy scalp, in the evening. Sensation in the nape of the neck as if knocked in twain. (a. 3 h.)-45. Tension of the skin in the nape of the neck when moving the head. (a. 16 h.) Feeling of stiffness in the nape of the neck and in the left side of the neck, extending as high up as the ear, even in rest, not impeding the motion of the neck (the painful stiffness did not increase by the motion of the neck). (a. 24 h.) Drawing pain with pressure from below upward, in the right side of the neck, even in rest. (a. 2 h.)] EYES: Shortsightedness. Sensation as of a gauze before the eyes, and a pressure in the same, as if the eyes were pressed out of the head, or as if the eyes were swollen. The eyes are dim in the open air, as if a gauze were before them, when looking at things either near or distant, with gloominess in the head, for half an hour. When reading things appear 218 THUYA OCCIDENTALIS. darker to him, with a sensation around the eyes as if he had not slept enough.-25. The vision of the inflamed eye is darkened. Weak eyes; pressure in the eyes as of fine sand. Stinging in the eyes (in raw air) early in the morning. Stitches in the eye when the light is too bright. The whites of the eye are reddish, like blood.-30. The whites of the eyes are inflamed and red, with smarting in the eyes and a pressure as of sand. Pressure in the eyes, for two or three days. Red blotch on the margin of the lower eyelid. Violent, deeply penetrating sharp stitch, from time to time, in the inner canthus of the right eye. (a. 2 h.)- 35. Burning pressure in the outer canthus of the left eye, without any redness. (a. 9 d.) Running of the left eye when walking in the open air. (a. 9 d.) Eye-gum in the inner canthi, the whole day. [ Tearing pain in the region of the left eyebrow, going off after contact. (a. 11 h.) Sticking with pressure above the left eye, moving towards the right eye and disappearing afterwards.-50. Boring pain over the inner canthus of the right eye. (a. 3 d.) Feeling of heat and dryness in the outer canthus of the left eye, as if the parts would become inflamed. (a. 29 h.) Great dilatation of the pupils. (a. 6 h.) The pupils remained contracted for five days. (a. 1 h.) When writing, the objects appeared to tremble (immediately after dinner).-55. Black points before the eyes, even when closing them; those points seem to move amongst one another, accompanied with an obtuseness of the occiput. A redness without sensation in the white of the left eye, near the cornea, early in the morning. (a. 74 h.) Violent stitch in the inner canthus of the left eye, causing a humor to come out of the eye, which obscured the sight. (a. 11 h.) Dry feeling in the eyes. Considerable pressure above the right eye, externally. (a. 33 h.)-60. Swelling of the upper eyelids. (a. 76, 120 h.) Pimples between the eyebrows, containing pus in their tips, and somewhat itching. (a. 6 h.)] FACE: [Digging-up, painful itching in the left malar bone. (a. I h.) Boring pain in the region of the left malar bone, diminished by contact. (a. 7, 29 h.) Pimples in the whole face. (a. 17 h.)-65. Itching in the face, obliging him to scratch.] EARS AND NOSE: In the evening, when in bed, he experiences a terrible hammering and tearing in the ear until after midnight; accompanied with micturition every half hour, and coldness of the legs up to the knees. Spasm in the inner ear, a sort of compressing and forcing, followed by a stitch, like a ray of brightness, causing him to tremble; more frequently in THUYA OCCIDENTALIS. 219 the evening.-40. Aching pain in the meatus auditorius (at noon). (Increase of wax in the ear.) Creeping and twitching toward the malar bones. Fine-darting pain in the malar muscles, only when walking in the open air. Glandular swelling on the side of the left cheek.-45. Burning heat in the face and cheeks, continuing the whole day. Scurfy, itching eruption on the cheek, not far from the corner of the mouth. Ulceration half an inch up in the nose; a scurf has formed in that part. Corrosive creeping in the dorsum of the nose. Nasal mucus mixed with coagulated blood.-50. Bleeding at the nose, two or three times a day. [Fine, cramp-like pain in the right outer meatus auditorius, most violent when pulling at the scalp from the top of the vertex. (a. 4 d.) Violent, shocklike stitches in the right side of the fauces, speedily extending to the ear, and causing a sensation in the ear, when opening and closing the mouth, as if a hole were in the ear through which the air can penetrate. (a. 64 h.) Sticking pain with pressure in the right meatus auditorious. (a. 5 h.) Pinching pain in the right ear.-70. Tingling in the ears. (a. 1 h.) Roaring in the ears as of the wind in a stove. (a. 1 h.) Tension in the lower part of the outer ear, as if it were drawn down by means of a ribbon. (a. 6 h.) Crampy sensation in the right outer ear. (a. 41 h.) Cramp-pain in the right cheek, when the cheek is at rest. (a. I h.)-75. Red pimple in the hollow behind the right nasal wing, full of a watery fluid, somewhat itching. (a. 6 h.) Tensive sensation above the right nasal wing, going off by friction. (a. 24 h.) Swelling and hardness of the left nasal wing, with a tensive pain. Sensation under the right nostril as if a place would become hard. (a. 3J h.) Drawing pain between the mouth and nose, as if the periosteum were tighter than usual; afterwards the pain is felt across the nasal bones as if a saddle were across them.] JAWS AND TEETH: (Stitches in the lip.) Jerking in the upper lip. Burning of the vermilion border and palate. Stitches in the lower jaw through the ear.-55. Pain in the left side of the neck, as if he had been lying on a hard couch, or in a forced position. When moving the neck he experiences a short stitch in the cervical muscles, which causes him to start. Pain in the swollen glands of the neck, so that he was not able to lie upon them. The veins of the neck are bloated and blue. Pressing pain in the hollow tooth when blowing the nose.-60. Sharp drawing toothache, in the teeth of the lower jaw fiom below upward, frequently without any cause, but usually at dinner. Sticking pain in an incisor. Darting pain in a hollow tooth, early in the morning. Toothache from 220 THUYA OCCIDENTALIS. evening until midnight, dull, as if the nerves were delicately touched; sometimes a jerking was experienced in the tooth. Swollen and sore gums.-65. Considerable swelling of the gums and tongue; the latter is painful when she touches it with any thing hard, or when eating. [80. Jerking sensation in the upper lip, near the corner of the mouth. Fine itching of the inner side of the upper lip. Itching pimples on the margin of the upper lip, towards the middle. (a. 6 h.) Red pustules above the lip, emitting blood when scratched. (a. 36 h.) Dryness of the lips, without thirst. (a. 11 h.)-85. Itching pimples on the chin. (a. 5 d.) Stiffness of the muscles of mastication on the left side, painful when opening the jaws. (a. 4 d.) Violent pressing pain below the left molar tooth, as if the tooth were shattered, immediately after every cup of tea which he took; the pain affected the upper and lower jaw, and disappeared gradually. (a. 1 h.) Violent tearing in the left upper jaw, toward the eye. (a. 2 h.) Drawing tearing in the left lower jaw, evening.-90. Gnawing-boring pain in the left upper jaw, repeatedly. (a. 1- h.) Continued gnawing-pain in a hollow tooth, affecting the whole side of the head; and increased by any thing cold (drink or air), and by mastication. (a. 4 d.) Sudden, violent tearing in the first molar tooth of the left lower jaw, extending rapidly through the whole of the jaw. (a. I h.) Darting through the gums of the posterior molar teeth. (a. 34 h.) Violent drawing stitch in the angle of the left lower jaw, disappearing after contact. (a. 8 min.)-95. Prickings in the left lower jaw. (a. 11 h.) Sore pain below the posterior teeth of the right side. Sore feeling in the gums of the left lower jaw, when touching them. (a. 48 h.) Toothache, a sort of hacking, or sharp beating in the gums. A row of small red pimples close to one another, sore to the touch, on both sides of the neck, from behind forward. (a. 26 h.)] MOUTI, PHARYNX AND (ESOPHAGUS: The tip of the tongue is sore to the touch. White vesicle on the side of the tongue, close to the root very sore. Rough, scraping feeling on the surface of the tongue; it is coated white; before the middle of the tongue a white, oblong, somewhat painfiul blister. The inner mouth feels as if full of blisters, as if he had burnt it, with much thirst at night.-70. When swallowing the saliva he feels a sort of sore pain in the whole palate, towards the left ear, internally, as when air rushes into a wound. Pressure and sensation of heaviness in the velum pendulum palati. Swelling of the salivary glands; they secrete a good deal of saliva. Swelling of the tonsils and the THUYA OCCIDENTALIS. 221. throat. Sensation in the throat as if full of mucus, preventing him from swallowing, and as if the fauces were constricted; the throat became rough from hawking.-75. Sore throat, a sort of swelling, as if brought on by a cold. Pressure in the back part of the throat during deglutition. Stinging in the throat. Desire to swallow. The saliva is somewhat sanguinolent.-80. Dryness in the back part of the mouth, and thirst, even early in the morning. [100. Itching in the anterior surface of the neck, inducing scratching. Stinging pains in the anterior surface of the neck, below the larynx. (a. 9 h.) Pinching stitch in the right side of the neck, disappearing by moving and turning it. (a. 3- h.) Gradually increasing stitch with pressure, on the right side below the tongue, as if the part were pricked; sometimes worse when swallowing. (a. 4 h.) White coated tongue, without thirst.-105. Feeling of dryness in the palate, without thirst. (a. 11 h.) Violent desire for cold drink, the whole day, without heat. (a. 8 d.) He hawks up a bloodred mucus.] APPETITE AND GASTRIC SYMPTOMS: Rancid eructations. Heartburn when stooping. Scraping sensation in the throat. Roughness in the throat, as if occasioned by snuff.-85. Flat, sweetish taste in the mouth. Food has too little saltish taste. (Tobacco has a musty taste when smoking.) A quantity of mucus in the throat when eating; she is obliged to hawk it up; otherwise she is unable to swallow the food. (Every thing he eats nauseates him.)-90. He has an appetite, but he does not relish his food; after eating he feels faint about the heart, anxious, with palpitation of the heart. A slimy sweetish taste in the mouth after a meal. After eating, the abdomen bloats. Hiccough soon after eating; afterwards pressure in the pit of the stomach, followed by puffiness and eructations, as from a spoiled stomach.-95. (Bitter eructations after a meal.) Putrid eructations, late in the evening. (a. 12 h.) Pain in the pit of the stomach after a meal, when moving the body or when touching the region of the stomach. (a. 11 d.) Pressure in the pit of the stomach, immediately after a meal.-100. Anguish in the pit of the stomach, rising into the head and returning again to the stomach; accompanied with qualmishness. [Want of appetite; he does not relish his food. Bitterish taste of the saliva. (a. 2 h.)-110. Bread has a bitter taste to him. Eructations tasting of the ingesta when smoking as usual. (a. 8 h.) Rancid vapor rising in the throat, perceptible to the smell. Nausea and qualmishness in the region of 222 THUYA OCCIDENTALIS. the stomach. (a. h h.)-115. Nausea and vomiting of a sourish liquid and of food, several times. (a. 3 h.) Desire to vomit after the usual smoking, with sweat breaking out over the whole body, without thirst; nausea and sweat disappeared after the stool. (a. 20 h.) Excessive flatulence, immediately after a meal; the abdomen is distended, with prickings, pressing and pushing, and scanty emission of flatulence. Desire for cold drink before a meal, and some time after a meal. (a. 10, 11 h.) Frequent pinching in the region of the stomach, during dinner.-120. Debility and laziness after a meal; the least exercise gives him trouble; he feels nauseated and has to lie down.] STOMACH AND ABDOMEN: Cramp-pain in the pit of the stomach. Cramp in the stomach, increasing very much in the evening. Contractive cramp in the epigastrium. Tension in the abdomen. (a. 3 d.)-105. Tension in the abdomen as if tied too fast. (a. 12 h.) Bloatedness of the abdomen, with contractive pains, like cramps. Bloated abdomen. Pressure inthe right side of the abdomen, as if too replete, in the lumbar region, when lying in the bed, after midnight; it impedes respiration. (Burning in the abdomen, but more in the chest, the hypochondria and the pit of the stomach; all those parts felt hot to the touch.)-110. (Burning, especially in the hepatic region.) Pain in the abdominal muscles when bending backward, as if sprained. Rumbling in the abdomen. Movement in the abdomen as of something alive, as if the abdominal muscles were pushed outward by the arm of a fetus, but painless. Tearing in the abdomen from below upwards, commencing in the right groin, in paroxysms. (a. 7 d.)-115. Painless swelling in the groin, when walking, or touching the part. Drawing pain in the groin, when she stood still or was walking, but not when sitting. Drawing pain extending from the inguinal glands through the thighs as far as the knee, more violent when sleeping, with subsequent laziness in the limbs. Stitches from the groin through the thigh, only when sitting down, but neither when standing nor walking. [Fine, painless beating in the middle of the scrobiculus cordis, almost like the beating of an artery. (a. - h.) Pinching in the left side of the abdomen. (a. 2- h.) When standing and leaning on one side, he experiences a dull pricking above the hip, in the lumbar region, close to the dorsal spine. (a. I h.) Sticking in the left side of the abdomen, aggravating the walking. (a. 14 h.)-125. Pressure in the lower part of the liver, as of a stone, when walking. (a. - h.) Cutting in the side, above the liver, during an inspiration, when walking, THUYA OCCIDENTALIS. 223 going off when standing still, or when pressing upon the part. Pressing pains in the left renal region, from within outward, when sitting. (a. 2 h.) Drawing pains with pressure in the left lumbar region. (a. - h.) Feeling of burning heat in the lumbar region. (a. 1 h.)-130. Pain in the abdominal muscles of the left side, as if a hook were being drawn up in the part, a sort of hooking from below upward. Burning pressing together transversely across the abdomen, externally as it were. (a. I h.) Distention of the abdomen, as if the intestines were constricted in the umbilical region. Single painful prickings in the perinmum, from within outwards, going off when drawing the anus in. (a. 8 h.) Beating-sticking pains in the right groin. (a. 1 h.)-135. Pressure from without inward, in the right groin. (a. 4 h.) Audible grunting in the abdomen. (a. 1 h.) Grunting in the right side of the abdomen, after stool. (a. 10 h.) Cutting pains in the hypogastrium. (a. 4, 9 h.) Noiseless emission of flatulence. (a. 4 h.)-140. Pressing in the abdomen, especially against the sides, as of flatulence, previous to stool. (a. 9 d.) STOOL: Urging as for stool, but ineffectual; afterwards (on the first day) loose stool; next day loose stool without pressing; no stool on the third day.-120. Urging for stool three times with erection. The evacuations take place with a painful constriction of the anus. Diminished stool. (a. 5 d.) (Debility after stool.) (a. 5 d.) Violent pain in the rectum during stool; the pain was so violent that she was unable to pass the stools.-125. Painful contraction in the rectum and anus, followed by tearing, as if in the bowels, in paroxysms. Violent burning in the fold between the nates, when walking. (a. 9 d.) Burning in the anus. Burning-pricking in the rectum, between the stools. The haemorrhoidal tumor of the anus is painful when touched ever so lightly.-130. (Red, painless blotches about the anus, resembling fig-warts.) [Several ordinary stools. (a. 13, 16 h.) Loose stool (immediately). Loose stool several mornings in succession. Several loose stools. (a. 2, 10, 12, 14 h.)-145. Frequent and copious evacuations of papescent stool, they give him a good deal of relief. Discharge of hard, large, brown faeces, in balls, streaked with blood. (a. 14 d.) Hard, difficult stool, especially in the afternoon. (a. 8 h.)' Frequent urging without any stool. (a. 16 h.) Constipation for several days, consequent to a copious emission of semen.] SPrimary effect; the contrary takes place after 12, 14 days as a secondary effect. 224 THUYA OCCIDEN'TALIS. URINARY ORGANS: Frequent micturition, almost every hour, but no pain. A good deal of micturition, had to urinate at night. (a 12 h.) Frequent and copious micturition. He has to press at urinating, urging every minute; some urine comes out now and then only, which is accompanied with a burning pain in the urethra.-135. The stream is interrupted five or six times, before the urine is entirely voided. Sensation in the urethra, as of a fluid running along it, especially in the evening. Sensation after micturition as if some drops were running out of the urethra, for a quarter of an hour. After micturition, some urine remains in the urethra, which drops out afterwards, not out of the bladder, but out of the urethra.-140. Burning in the urethra during micturition. Burning in the urethra, at urinating, and yet a while after. Burning in the urethra, between the act of micturition. Cutting during micturition. Burning pain in the urethra, at urinating, as if the urethra were excoriated. (a. 48 h.) Burning itching in the tip of the glans, at urinating.-145. Smarting and itching of the pudendum, especially in the urethra, during and a little while after micturition. Pain in the pudendum, as if sore and smarting, especially at urinating. Stitches in the urethra from behind forward, between, not during the act of urinating. Extraordinary stitch from the rectum into the urethra, below the franulum. Severe stitch in the urethra, in the evening. (a. 3 d.) Stitches in the urethra, at night, preventing sleep, accompanied with frequent erections. Lancinations in the forepart of the urethra. Lancination in the urethra between the acts of urinating. (a. 30 h.) [Frequent urging to urinate, and frequent micturition, without pain. (a. 1.) Profuse micturition. (a. 20 h.) Frequent and copious micturition. (a. 4i h.) Frequent urging, with subsequent discharge of copious, watery urine, also at night. (a. 36 h.) The urine looks like water while coming out; after long standing, it becomes cloudy.--155. Red urine, depositing thick brick-dust sediment when standing.] GENITAL ORGANS: Single stitches in the tip of the glans, between the acts of micturition, especially when squeezing the part. Painful stitches in the internal surface of the prepuce. -155. Stinging itching in the tip of the glans. Stinging and itching of.the glans. Erection for several hours, early in the morning, when half asleep. Prickings in the scrotum at night.-160. Itching of the left side of the scrotum (evening). Drawing sensation in the testes. The left testicle is drawn up to the abdomen, accompanied with swelling of the inguinal glands. (The epidydimis grows into a sort of goitre.) Crawl THUYA OCCIDENTALIS. 225 ing and itching in the scrotum; the rubbed place feels painful and burning.-165. Sweat of the scrotum. Sweat of one-half of the scrotum. Profuse sweat of the small organs of generation all over. Itching of the pudendum, when walking. The pudendum feels sore and smarting.--170. Swelling of both labia, painful and burning only when walking and when touching them. (a. 51 d.) Burning and smarting in the vagina, when walking and sitting. Sticking in the pudendum after a long walk. Pressing and contractive pain in the pudendum when sitting. Cramp-pain in the pudendum and in the perineum, when rising from a seat. -175. Cramp-pain in the pudendum, extending as far as the abdomen. (a 10 h.) Mucous discharge from the female urethra. Round, flat, unclean ulcer on the corona glandis, painfil and burning, surrounded with redness; in a few days a stinging is felt in it. (Whitish ulcer in the internal surface of the great labium, first sore and painful to the touch, afterwards itching, and of long duration.) Humid pimple on the scrotum.-180. Considerable swelling of the prepuce. Red spot, like a miliary pimple, on the outer surface of the prepuce; it changes to an ulcer, is covered with scurf, itches, and is sometimes painful and burning. Small pocks in the internal surface of the prepuce, deepened in the middle, and humid and suppurating; painful only when touched. (a. 16 d.) A few red, smooth excrescences behind the glans, under the prepuce, with a creeping sensation, continuing ten days. (a. 22 d.) Red excrescence on the inner surface of the prepuce, resembling a figwart.-185. Balanorrhoea. (a. 8 d.) Small low vesicle on the glans, occasioning a stinging pain at urinating. (a. 24 d.) Tickling of the figwarts. Titillation of the figwarts. Itching stinging of the figwarts.-190. Burning and painful stinging in the figwarts. Fine stitches in the figwarts near the anus, when walking. Severe stitches in the figwarts on the genital organs. Burning pain of the figwarts when touched. (Sore pain of the figwarts near the anus, also when touching them.) -195. Bleeding of the figwarts. [Discharge of prostatic juice, in threads, early in the morning after waking. Noctural emission with fatiguing pain in the orifice of the urethra, as if too narrow. Nocturnal emission, which wakes him. (a. 23, 48 h.) Cutting pain, which is most violent when walking, immediately before and during the acts of urinating, also at other times, behind the pubic bone, in the region of the bladder. (a. 12 d.)-160. Burning, piercing stitches in the neighborhood of the orifice of the urethra, between the acts of micturition. (a. 9 h.) Drawing-cutting pain in the urethra, when walking. (a. 10 h.) Violent stitches VOL. IV. 16 226 THUVA OCCIDENTALIS. in the glans, near the urethra, constantly accompanied with a desire to urinate; the urine comes out in drops when the stitches are felt; while the urine comes off the stitches are sometimes more violent, sometimes they disappear altogether; the desire to urinate continues until the sticking ceases entirely. (a 7} h.) Frequent burning stitches in the penis, continuing as far as the testes and the umbilical region, most violent when sitting, disappearing when walking and returning when sitting. (a. 24 h.) Jerking pain in the penis, as if a nerve were suddenly and painfully put upon the stretch. -165. Aching pain in the testes as if crushed when walking or sitting, increased by walking. (a. 2 h.) Titillating sensation between the prepuce and glans. (a 4 h.) Several burning stitches in the glans. (a. 8 h.) Burning stitches with pressure through the scrotum and spermatic cord, from below upward. Repeated sharp stitches in the left testis. (a. 7 h.)] RESPIRATORY ORGANS AND CHEST: Creeping in the nose as in catarrh. Sensation in the upper part of the nose like dry coryza, most violent in the evening, nevertheless the nose feels obstructed. Violent, sudden coryza. Hoarseness, as if occasioned by a contraction of the pharynx.-200. Profuse fluent coryza and catarrh, which he had not had for many years. Violent coryza with nightly cough. (a. 13 d.) Sticking in the larynx in the region of the pit of the throat, during an inspiration, for two days. Uneasiness in the cervical muscles, in the nape of the neck, and in the chest, or slow squeezing at intervals, accompanied with a sort of nausea. Blueness of the skin in the region of the clavicles.-205. Oppression of the chest as if something had grown fast in it. (a. some hours.) Visible palpitation of the heart, without anxiety. Asthmatic, obliging one to take a deep inspiration. Tightness now in the left chest, now in the left hypochondrium, inducing a hacking cough. Difficult, oppressed breathing with great desire for water and much anxiety.-210. Sensation as if some one were excoriating the chest from within. Pain in the region of the heart. Pressure in the chest, coming on after a meal. Pain in the chest, resembling a pressure, most violent after a meal. Paroxysms of pressure in the outer parts of the chest, around the axilla.-215. Considerable orgasmus sanguinis when going up stairs; her heart beats violently; she has to rest frequently. [170. Sneezing. (a. 28 h.) He frequently blows blood from the nose. Bleeding of the nose two days in succession, when blowing it slightly, early in the morning after rising. Bleeding at the nose, especially when becoming heated. (a. 70 h.) Sticking with pressure on the left side of the trachea, close be THUYA OCCIDENTALIS. 227 low the larynx, aggravated by deglutition. (a. 3J h.)-175. Hoarseness and fluent coryza (towards evening). (a. 11 h.) Dry coryza, with continued headache, such as generally aocompanies dry coryza. (a. 48 h.) Dry coryza, without sneezing, with phlegm in the fauces, obliging one to hawk, but which cannot be hawked up. (a. 26 h.) Dry coryza, which is changed to fluent coryza in the open air, by sneezing. (a. 10 h.) Fluent coryza early in the morning. (a. 70 h.)-180. Frequent fluent coryza. (a. 2 h.) Cough early in the morning when rising, as is excited by sharp things. (a. 25 h.) Strong pressure as of a heavy body in the middle of the chest, which does not impede respiration (when sitting). (a. h.) Tension from the first false rib as far as the left axilla, especially when raising the arm. (a. 1 h.) Prickling in the right chest. (a. 3 h.)185. Dull stitches with pressure in the left side of the chest, unchanged during inspirations or expirations. (a. I h.) Several beating stitches in the left side of the chest. (a. 2 h.) Strong, dull, intermittent stitches in the chest, from the left axilla, inward. (a. 12 h.) Pinching pain in the region of the fifth and sixth ribs. Boring pressure above the pit of the stomach. (a. 40 h.)-190. Sensation as if sprained or strained in the left side of the chest, close to the region of the scrobiculus cordis. (a. 61 h.) Bruising pain in the right side of the chest below the arm. (a. 3J h.)] BACK: (Stitch in the back through the chest from below upward.) Aching pain in small parts of the back, here and there, when sitting. Boring in a small spot in the back, Sore feeling in the oiter parts of the back. (a. 4 d.)-220. Draw. ing pain in the back, when sitting. Tensive pain in the small of the back. Drawing in the small of the back. Dull painful pressure in the small of the back and in the lumbar region, as if bruised, early in the morning after rising, more violent when standing and turning the trunk, less when walking. (a. 15 d.) Itching boil with a large red border, near the small of the back.-225. Tearing in the left scapula. (a. 3 d.) Bruising pain below the scapula for several hours, Beating and throbbing in the shoulder-joint. [Aching pain in the small of the back, when stooping. Stitches with pressure from the os sacrum as far as the side of the pelvis. (a. 7 h.) Paroxysmal burning stinging on the right side, close to the os sacrum, disappearing entirely after strong friction. (a. 32 h.)-195. Violent, stitch-like pains in the back when walking, along the left side of the lumbar vertebra, not changed by sitting down. (a. 10 h.) Stitches with pressure in the back. (a, 3 h.) Burning-stinging pains in tbe 228 THUYA OCCIDENTALIS. back, between the scapulam, when sitting. (a. 13 h.) Pains in the back, as from continued stooping, in the evening, immediately after lying down. (a. 66 h.) Painful drawing in the os sacrum and os coccygis and in the thighs, when sitting; after having been seated for a while that drawing hinders erect standing. (a. 4 h.)--200. Sudden, cramp-like pain in the small of the back when changing the position of the feet after long standing; he threatens to fall. (a. 6 d.) Sensation as of the beating of a large artery in the dorsal spine, when sitting. (a. 61 h.) Sensation of stiffness in the spine as after standing for a long time crooked. (a. 13 h.) Pointed stitches between the scapulae. (a. h.)] UPPER LIMBS: Cracking of the shoulder-joint when bending the arm backward; she was then unable to move the arm, on account of the dislocation-pain felt in the joint. Profuse sweat in the axilla.-230. Heaviness in the left arm from the middle of the upper arm as far as the fingers, perceptible during rest and motion. Involuntary jerking of the arm in the daytime. Starting upward of the upper part of the body in the daytime. A pain-like tumult in both arms, from three o'clock in the morning, until six. Violent drawing of several hours, apparently in the bones of the arms.--235. Digging-up drawing pain in the whole arm, in the periosteum, as far as the fingers, accompanied with a pressure as from within outwards; when waking, pressure down to the periosteum; he feels a pain as if the flesh were separated from the bones. Titillation in the surface of the upper arm, followed by a fine stitch at a small spot. The arm trembles after having been writing for half an hour, and a drawing pain is felt in it. Painful difficulty of moving either arm, as if the joints had no sinovial fluid.-240. (Pricking pain in the elbowjoint.) Throbbing in the elbow-joint, like pulsations, in the daytime; in the evening he feels a drawing in the arm extending as far as the fingers. Drawing pain in the left lower arm, from above downward. Painless red circumscribed spot on the left forearm. The skin, especially that of the hands, feels dry.-245. Tearing in the left wrist-joint. Pain in the right wrist-joint, as if sprained. The balls of the two indexfingers become red and big. Prickling pain in the posterior finger-joints. Fine stinging in the dorsa of the fingers.-250. Stinging in the tips of the three middle left fingers (afternoon). (All her fingers feel numb.) Sharp stitch in the nail of the left thumb. (a. 48 h.) The anterior joints of the three middle fingers of the left hand become red and swollen, with stinging, extending as far as the tips of the fingers (at five o'clock in the afternoon). THUYA OCCIDENTALIS. 9g9 [Painful stinging in the anterior and superior part of the right shoulder, near the clavicle, accompanied with dull tearing. (a. 5 h.)-205. Drawing stitches in the right shoulderjoint and the bend of the right elbow. Paralytic feeling in the arms, as if he had lifted too heavy a burthen. (a. 8 h.) Frequent paralytic pain in the middle of the muscles of the left upper arm, in rest and motion. (a. 11 h.) Stitches in the outer parts of the right upper arm, perceptible in any position of the arm, going off by contact. (a. 1 h.) Bruising pain in the upper arms as if beaten black and blue.--210. Sticking pain in the right deltoid muscle, as with a dull point, when walking in the open air. Prickings in the outer side of the left elbow, being the same in any position of the arm, speedily disappearing by contact. (a. ~ h.) Boring pain in the outer parts of the elbow-joints. (a. 5 d.) Heaviness in the forearms. (a. 5 h.) Pain in the outer parts of the right forearm as from excoriation.-215. Lancination from time to time in the outer side of the right forearm. (a. 3- h.) Lancination in the internal side of the left forearm, from the hand to the elbow-joint. (a. 34 h.) Pain in the elbow and wrist joints, as if they were dashed to pieces and crumbling. (a. 42 h.) Burning-sticking pain immediately above the right wrist-joint. (a. 6 h.) Feeling of dryness in the outer parts of the hands. (a. 26 h.)-220. When writing the hands tremble as if from old age. (a. 20 h.) Sticking behind the middle joint of the middle finger, as if a thorn had been pushed in, most painful when bending the fingers. (a. 16 h.) Violent, cramp-like pressure in the left hand, between the inner sides of the little and goldfinger, with a feeling of heat in all the fingers of that hand, whereas the left metacarpus and the whole of the right hand were icy-cold. (a. 2, h.) Tingling in the tips of the three middle fingers of the left hand, as if they had gone to sleep. (a. 14 h.) Lancination in the little finger.] LOWER LIMBS: Cracking in the elbow, knee, and tarsal joints, when stretching the limbs.-255. Pimples on the right buttock, itching and burning when touched or scratched. Tension from the hip-joint into the groin and along the posterior part of the thigh down to the bend of the knee, also when sitting quietly, but more when walking, less when standing. The thighs and legs go to sleep when sitting. Sticking in the upper part of the thigh. Sweat of the upper part of the thighs near the genital organs.-260. Pain as if bruised above the middle of both thighs, when walking in the open air. Weariness of the internal muscles of both thighs, in paroxysms. Pimples on the knees, resembling children's small-pox in their 930 THUYA OCCIDENTALIS. external appearance; they suppurate, do not itch, and disappear in 18 hours. Itching pimples on both knees, burning when touched and scratched. Single stitches in the knees, only when commencing to walk, and especially when rising from a seat.-265. Involuntary motion of the knee to and fro, when the pain increases. The limb is heavy and stiff when walking. A drawing pain in the right leg, from above downward, in paroxysms. White blotches on the calf, of the size of a hazel-nut, itching violently, and far around, but occasioning a stinging-burning pain when rubbed. Tension through the leg, as from weariness.-270. Pressure from within outwards in the tibia. (Enlargement of the tibia as if swollen.) The dorsum of the foot and the toes are swollen, inflamed and red, and they are painful per se as if pithy, but a tensive pain is experienced in them when treading or when moving the foot. Involuntary jerking upward of the foot when the pain increases. Painless, red spot on the dorsum of the right foot.275. Pain in the heel as if gone to sleep, early in the morning, when rising from bed. Sharp stitch in the tendo Achillis, above the heel. (a. 2h.) Drawing in all the toes, extending into the leg. Drawing in the big toe. Lancinations on both sides of the nail of the big toe of either foot.-280. Lancinations in the corn. All the toes are inflamed, shining red and swollen; they itch, and a burning is felt after rubbing. Sweat of the feet, especially of the toes. Sweat of the hands and feet. [225. Fleet, burning stitches in the lower limbs, spreading through the same all over. (a. 28 h.) Painful feeling of laxness in both hip-joints, as if the articular capsules were too flaccid and weak to support the body, only when standing, not when walking, accompanied with weakness of the whole body. (a. 12 d.) Pain in the left thigh (in the evening) when walking, as if it would break down. (a. 10 d.) Scraping, smarting sensation in the inner side of the right thigh. Pain in the right thigh and leg as if dislocated, when the limb was standing backward, when walking, and was just being moved forward.-270. Abrupt, burning-biting stitches near the inner hamstring. Continued burning-biting stitch in the anterior surface of the left knee. (a. 25 h.) Long-continuing burning in the bend of the left knee, as if an eruption would break out. (a. 25 h.) Continuous, corrosive stitches in the skin of the right patella, when bending and stretching the right leg. (a. 74 h.)-235. Dull beating pain in the outer side of the knee, when sitting, increased by walking. (a. 6 h.) Painful pressure on the inner side of the knee, from without inward, THUYA OCCIDENTALIS. 241 when sitting. (a. 2} h.) Cramp-pain above the left knee, when sitting. (a. 46 h.) Sensation above the knee, as if the parts were cut into with a fine knife; a sort of coarse sticking pain as if bruised in the legs.-240. Intermittent pinching in the calves. (a. 4 d.) Weakness of the left leg when sitting, passing over with a cutting sensation in the gastrocnemii muscles when walking, which recurred at intervals in the sitting posture. (a. 3 h.) Sharp-drawing pain in the outer parts of the internal malleolus of the left foot, thence extending gradually into the calf. (a. 21 h.) Frequent, stupefying pain in the region of the internal malleolus of the right foot. (a. 1. h.) Fine stitches in the outer parts of the external malleolus of the right foot. (a. 4 d.)-245. Continuous, burning stitch. near the external malleolus of the right foot, in rest. (a. 28 h.) Fine, painful stitches, like mosquito-bites, in rapid succession, in the bend of the right foot. A sort of cutting with subsequent sensation of warmth, in the dorsum of the left foot, near the joint, while walking. Voluptuous itching in the internal side of the dorsum of the right foot. (a. 1 h.) Cramp-like drawing in the fleshy part of the anterior joint of the big toe of the right foot, with a feeling of warmth, less perceptible when walking than when sitting. (a. 3 h.)-250. Intermittent pinching near the metatarsal bone of the little toe. (a. 3 d.) When sitting or walking, he experiences a feeling of weariness in the bottom of the right foot, as after a distant journey on foot, and as if bruised. (a. 6 h.) Creeping jerkings in the bottom'of the feet, as after a long walk. (a. 4 d.) Voluptuous itching under the toes of the right foot, perceptible in any position of the foot. (a. 10o h.) Quickly passing, violent stinging in the bottom of the left foot, near the big toe. (a. 24 h.)-255. Burning of the corns. (a. 5 d.)] GENERAL SYMPTOMS: Pain drawing from the legs through the thighs into the head, and thence back again into the pit of the stomach, during which attack she had a blackness before her eyes, and she felt qualmish.-285. Pimples resembling varicella on some parts of the thighs, elbows and forearms; they were surrounded with a red areola, and their tips were full of pus. Itching of the body, back, and upper and lower limbs, like fleabites, especially in the evening and night. Prickling itching of the whole body, until one o'clock at night, not affected by rubbing. On waking at night, arms and legs had gone to sleep. Titillating itching of the whole body.-290. The itching spots on the body become burning and painful after rubbing (nettle rash). (a. 20 d.) Pressure in different parts, as upon the bones, accompanied with a scraping, prick 232 THUYA OCCIDENTALIS. ling sensation. The skin of the whole body is painful to the touch. The symptoms are most violent after three o'clock in the afternoon and night, preventing one from falling asleep.295. Paroxysm: when walking in the open air he felt nauseated, intoxicated and giddy; he had heat in the face, anguish and sweat, and was scarcely able to breathe; his feet felt so heavy that he staggered (for an hour). (a. 20 h.) Weariness and bruised feeling in the shoulders and thighs. Weakness of body, not of mind. [Stiffness and heaviness in all the limbs. The body feels very weary and as if bruised, with aversion to exercise, in the afternoon. (a. 11 h.) Great lassitude in all the limbs, in the afternoon when sitting. (a. 13 h.) While sitting he was several times attacked with drowsiness, without feeling tired. (a. 41 h.)-260. Sensation as if the whole body were very thin and delicate and could not resist the least attack, as if the continuity of the body had been in danger of becoming dissolved.] SLEEP: He becomes sleepy early, but his sleep is restless, disturbed with dreams, and he wakes very early, out of humor, and not disposed to rise. She tossed about for an hour in her sleep before midnight.-300. Restless for two hours in the evening when in bed, before he was able to fall asleep. Restless sleep; he tosses about because he feels too warm. A good deal of dry heat in the night, and restless sleep. Restlessness atlight and anxiety; he cannot sleep; both his legs feel cold and are covered with cold sweat. He cannot sleep before midnight, and then he wakes again at four o'clock in the morning.-305. Very restless before falling asleep. Sleepless nights; he is very restless, and the body feels cold; when he fell into a nap he dreamed at once of dead bodies. He dreamed as soon as he fell asleep. Sleep full of dreams and startings. He slept only until twelve o'clock, and remained wide awake the whole night, nor was he sleepy in the morning.-310. Disposed to vomit the whole night; he forced up nothing but mucus. He talked calmly in his sleep. Anxious dreams with loud exclamations. She weeps in her sleep. When lying on the left side he dreams of danger and death.315. He dreams of having had an embrace, but without an emission; painful erection when waking. Early in the morning, when waking, he is scarcely able to collect his senses, for half an hour. Tired early in the morning when rising. Violent headache in the morning when waking, after a deep sleep at night, as if the brain were distended, with nausea and vomiting bitter water three times, accompanied with chilliness, THUYA OCCIDENTALIS. 233 which lasts five hours; he did not get warm in his bed; had neither appetite nor thirst. [Excessive drowsiness in the afternoon; his eyes closed while sitting. (a. 14 h.) Drowsiness towards evening, without being able to sleep. (a. 9- h.) He has not slept enough in the morning; is not disposed to rise; feels weary, ill-humored. (a. 38 h.) Refreshing sleep (curative effect). (a. 24 h.)-265. Long dreams occasioned by the evening conversation, with deep meditation; when accused of a crime, he relies upon his clear conscience. Restless sleep with dreams. (a. 68 h.) Frightful dreams; they wake him, with a feeling of heat in the body. Restless night; he woke frequently; fell from one dream into another, with emission of semen. Anxious vision while falling asleep; he then feels a few dull shocks in the left side, and gasps for air. (a. 18 h.)-270. Restless sleep with inodorous sweat. (a. 48 h.) As soon as he falls asleep at night, all the covered parts become covered with an agreeable, warm sweat, which disappears when waking; this sweat breaks out frequently in the night.] FEVER: Chilliness without thirst, every morning.-320. Chills, in the evening when in bed, only on the left side of the body, which felt cold to the touch. Chilliness every evening from six to half past seven o'clock, with external heat of the body, dryness in the mouth, and thirst. Violent orgasmus sanguinis every evening; throbbing in all the arteries at every motion; less when sitting. Heat in the face and burning and redness of the cheeks, two evenings in succession.-325. Redness and burning of the left cheek, accompanied with chilliness of the back from below upward, when performing any movement (not when standing or when sitting still); her fingers become numb. Violent chill for a quarter of an hour at three o'clock in the morning; afterwards thirst, then profuse sweat all over, but not about the head, which was only warm. Clammy head towards morning. [Thirst without heat early in the morning when rising. The pulse becomes weak and descends to 60. (a. 4 d.) Sudden heat in the face and redness. (a. 1 h.)-275. Excessive heat of the face without thirst, the hands and the rest of the body being merely warm. (a. - h.) Heat and redness of the face without thirst, when sitting. (a. 3 h.) Continuous feeling of heat in the whole face, without any change of complexion, without thirst, the tips of the fingers being cold, the remainder of the hand being lukewarm, and the remainder of the body feeling hot. (a. I h.) Feeling of burning heat in the face, producing neither real heat nor redness nor sweat, the hands being icy-cold, the body 234 THUYA OCCIDENTALIS. moderately warm. (a. 2 n.) Swelling of the veins of the temples and hands (in rest) without heat. (a. 18 h.)-250. The tips of the fingers are icy cold as if dead, the rest of the hand, the face, and the rest of the body feeling hot to the touch, without thirst. (a. 4 h.) Agreeable warmth over the whole body the whole evening, with coldness of the fingers, especially those of the left hand, without thirst; accompanied with a sensation as of goose-skin, and a slight shuddering over the body. (a. 31 h.) Warm hands with bloated veins, the face being cold, but the forehead hot. (a. 12 h.) Shaking chill over the whole body, without the body feeling cold to the hand. (a. 2 h.) A shuddering creeps over his back from time to time. (a. 32 h.)285. Coldness in the back which cannot be relieved by the warmth of the stove. Shuddering through and through when uncovering the body ever so little in the warm air, with or without goose-skin, hands and face being warm. (a. 1i h.) While dressed he has frequent shudderings through the whole body, without goose-skin. (a. 21 h.) Shaking chill with much yawning; the warm air feels cold to him, and the heat of the sun does not seem to be strong enough to warm him. (a. 3 h.) Nausea and vomiting, the vomiting being followed by several chills, with heaviness in the upper and lower limbs and a tearing in the occiput.-290. Rush of blood to the head with sweat in the face and desire for cold drink, even when undressedC(a. 11 h.) Slight heat, followed by a creeping chill, with icy-cold hands in the evening. (a. 5 to 6 h.) Heat with thirst, without chilliness either before or after the heat, the mind feeling well disposed. (a. 1, 4 h.) During the febrile heat he had more lucid thoughts and was more disposed to any thing. (a. 31 h.)] MORAL SYMPTOMS: (During a rapid walk he became restless and low-spirited.) Mental uneasiness for many days; all things are troublesome and disagreeable to him.-330. Lowspirited and desponding. Tired of life. Dissatisfied. Extremely scrupulous about the least trifle. Every thing is unpleasant to him; he is anxious about the future. [Angry about an innocent jest.-295. Out of humor unless every thing is according to his fancy. He walks with an excess of lightness, as if carried along on wings; she made several miles in a very short time and in excellent spirits (immediately). Good humor.' (a. 15 h.) Cheerful mood, without excess.' (a 7 h.) Disposition to talk.' (a. 16 h.)--300. Absence of mind, unsteadiness, and disposition to perform now this, now another thing. (a. 6 h.) SCurative effects. VER-ATRUM ALBUM. 235 VERATRUM ALBUM. (The alcoholic tincture from the root of Veratrum album.) THE following symptoms can only be considered a part of those which the Veratrum is capable of producing. I might have added the symptoms which have been noted by the ancient Greek authors, to confirm my own; but I have omitted doing so, lest I should make myself liable to the charge of attempting to shine by quotations. It is certain, however, that the ancients could not have acquired the reputation of performing wonderful cures with Veratrum at Anticyra and at other places, if there had not been some foundation for it. Our physicians do not often resort to Veratrum album, for this reason, that they cannot prescribe it in justa dosi, in drachms and ounces. Hence, all the diseases which can only be cured by that root have to remain uncured. Physicians have not known, heretofore, that Veratrum facilitates the cure of at least one-third of the cases of insanity generally occurring in lunatic asylums, inasmuch as they did not know to what special kinds of insanity Veratrum prresponds, or in what dose it ought to be administered. Veratrum requires to be given in different doses from those employed by the ancients. It is true many of their insane patients were cured, but many others died from the effects of the enormous doses. For even the ancients supposed that diseases were the result of some morbific matter which had been introduced into the system, and that the cure made the sweeping out of that matter necessary. Hence they gave Veratrum in the crude form, and in doses large enough to induce vomiting and diarrhoea. The fact of some of their patients getting well, did not permit them to change their opinion, that the culte was effected in another way than by purging and vomiting. It is not true that moral or mental diseases require enormous doses of any drug to be cured. It is true allopathic and improperly selected doses seem to attack the organism of such patients less than generally. But in such diseases the general health suffers least, and the patients are sometimes very robust, the invisible organs which no anatomist has ever discovered, and which serve the soul as a connecting medium, being generally the seat of the disease. 236 VERATRUM ALBUM. In such diseases seventy grains of tartar emetic have frequently been given without any effect, but the mind was generally affected so much more; in many cases the mania or melancholia became incurable. On the other hand, it is true that such diseases can be easily cured by small doses of a remedy which is homoeopathic. I have frequently cured patients by the smallest part of a drop of the 12th potency, which I mixed in the usual beverage of the patient, in order to avoid all violence. Pains to which Veratrum is homoeopathic, and which sometimes drive the patient to a kind of delirium and madness, have frequently yielded to the smallest dose. Veratrum is likewise useful in fever and agues which consist merely of external coldness, or are characterized by internal heat and dark urine, especially when the body or at least the forehead is covered with cold sweat. It is very useful in several hypochondriac affections, and in certain kinds of inguinal hernia, at least as an intercurrent refiedy. Sudden bad effects from Veratrum are most safely removed by some cups of strong coffee. Camphor removes aching in the head, with coldness of body and sopor, with want of consciousness. Aconite is to be employed when the patient is anxious and beside himself, with coldness of body or a burning sensation in the brain. The other chronic ailments brought on by the abuse of Veratrum, for instance, the fever before midnight, are most easily removed by Cinchona. Some among the subsequent symptoms seem to be secondary symptoms, which can only be determined with accuracy by closer observations. Small doses act five and more days. VERATRUM ALBUM. HEAD: Vertigo; every thing turns in a ring with him. (a. 3- h.) Want of ideas. He loses his mind. Dizzy; he feels as if nothing were firm in his head.-5. Very dizzy, early in the morning. He is only conscious of himself as in a dream. Bland delirium; coldness of the body, with his eyes open, and a cheerful and sometimes a smiling countenance; he talks of religious things, and of vows which he had promised to fulfil; he prays, and he imagines he is any where else than home. (a. 1 h.) Uninterrupted dizziness for three days. His memory leaves him.-10. Intermittent VERATRUM ALBUM. 237 beating headache. (a. 6 h.) Beating headache over the left eye for a quarter of an hour. (a. 1 h.) Beating headache. Dull pressure in the vertex, early in the morning after waking. Aching pain in one side of the head, accompanied with pain in the stomach. (a. 4 h.)-15. Headache as if the brain, were broken. Paroxysms of pain in various parts of the brain, partly as if bruised, partly pressure. Constrictive headache, with constrictive pain in the fauces. When stooping, the blood rushes to the head. (a. 8 h.) (Sensation along the temple as of a drop of water running down alongside of it, without producing a cool sensation.)-20. Feeling of warmth and coldness on the head at the same time, his hairs being sensitive. He feels chilly on the top of the head, and at the same time about the feet. (a. 1 h.) Itching of the forehead. Cold sweat on the forehead. [Vertigo, excessive. When thinking, his ideas soon fail him.-5. Reeling and intoxication. (a. 24 h.) When walking the headache increases unto reeling, but it abates again when sitting. (a. 2 h.) He almost forgets the word which he is about to utter. Almost entire vanishing of the senses. Stupid feeling in the head, with nausea, for two days.-10. Headache, with some stiffness. Headache, with vomiting of green mucus. Headache and pain in the back with colic, and desire to vomit. Painful obtuseness of the head, with tensive pressure now in the temples, now in the vertex, most violent when sitting straight and standing, diminished when stooping and when lying on the back, with contraction of the pupils.15. Dull headache, extending from the temples to the forehead, increased by stooping, going off by bending backward, and by pressing upon the head, but returning again when raising the head. (a. 3 h.) Pressing pain in the vertex, as if the head were being pressed fiat,, changed to a beating pain by motion. Internal cutting in the vertex. (a. 4 h.) Single stitches in the forehead, even when sitting. (a: 4 h.) His head feels heavy, and every thing seems to turn in the head.-20. Buzzing and humming in the forepart of the forehead, with dull internal headache. (a. 4 h.) Drawing pain in the head and small of the back. Violent headache, with diuresis. Excessive headache, disappearing at the appearance of the menses. Concussion in the head and jerking in the left arm, with paleness of the fingers.-25. Corrosive itching, continuous stitch in the hairy scalp, obliging him to scratch. (a. 10- h.) Sensation in the hairs of the right side of the head as if a cluster of hairs were being electrified; a sort of creeping in the hairs and a tendency to stand on end, with 938 VERATRUM ALBUM. a slight shuddering of the skin under the hairs. (a. 5 h., and afterwards.) Painful stiffness in the nape of the neck during the headache.] EYES: The pupils incline to become contracted.-25. Contraction of the pupils (a. 1, h.), with continued compressive pain in the eyes. Dilatation of the pupils. Weak feeling in the eyes. The eyes look faint, surrounded with blue rings.-30. The eyes are distorted and protrude. Diplopia. A sort of paralysis of the eyelids; they felt as if too heavy; he was scarcely able to raise them. Feeling of dryness about the eyelids. The eyelids are dry, especially after he has been sleeping; they are painful as if they were excoriated; they are rigid and glued together.--35. Excessive dryness of the eyelids. Profuse lachrymation and cutting pains, accompanied with a feeling of dryness and heat. (a. - h.) Long continuing, strong feeling of heat in the eyes. The eyelids glue together during sleep. (a. 2 h.) Heat in the eyes and face, with redness of the cheeks, as if caused by a hot vapor blowing upon them.-40. Painful ophthalmia with excessive headache, preventing the nightly sleep.(a. 6 d.) Ophthalmia with tearing pain. Inflammation of the whites of the eyes, with tearing pain. S[Contraction of the pupils (immediately and a. 6 h.).-30. Dilatation of the pupils. (a. 4 h.) Excessive dilatation of the pupils, with perceptible weakness of sight; he does not even recognize persons standing close by, or recognizes them only very slowly (at 7 o'clock in the evening). (a. 8 l.) Pain in the eyes. Complains of pain in both eyes, and raises the hands above the head. Painful pressure in the eye, with want of appetite.'-35. Pressure in the eyelids, as if too dry, after a short siesta; followed by lachrymation. (a. 61 h.) Painful feeling of dryness in the upper eyelid, as if salt were between it and the eyeball, without any considerable redness in the eye, after dinner. Painful sticking, with pressure in the upper eyelid, near the outer canthus. (a. 10 h.) Fine, sharp stitches in the canthi. Stinging itching in the internal sides of the eyelids. (a. 2 h.)-40. Bruising pain of the right eyeball near the outer canthus, repeated paroxysms; when pressing upon it, it ceases to ache. (a. 3 h.) Frequent lachrymation, with redness of the eyes, as in catarrh. (a. 6 h.) Heat in the eyes with headache. Redness of the whites in the right eye. Inflammation of the right eye.-45. Inflammation of the right eye with febrile heat. Considerable ophthalmia. The L The blood had the buffy coat. VERATRUM ALBUM. 239 eyes look watery, as if covered with albumen. Blueness of the left eye, with frequent eructations. The eyes are turned backward so that the whites only can be seen, for an hour.50. Scintillations before the eyes. When rising he sees black spots and sparks before his eyes; he was on that account unable to rise for eight hours, and had either to sit still or lie down. (a. 3 h.) Vanishing of sight; he is unable to see.] FACE: Cold, disfigured face, as of a dead person. Bluish face.-45. (Jerking-pinching sensation in the muscular parts of the face.) (a. 3 h.) Drawing and tensive pain over the whole right side of the face and over the right ear. (Sweat in the face and in the axillae, when walking.) [Pale face; dark-red, hot face.- 55. Redness of face with great thirst and diuresis. Extreme redness and heat of the face. Burning in the face and about the head. Itching here and there in the face, and behind the ears, as if pimples would break out (without any visible redness), with a feeling of soreness behind the ears. (a. 28 h.) Titillating itching in different parts of the face, rather biting than stinging; afterwards small red pimples break out, with red, hard, elevated borders, and brown, afterwards yellow tips containing pus; these are painless at first, but when matured they are sore to the touch.-60. Close rash on the cheek, with pain in the face. Copper-red eruption in the face, around the mouth and the chin. Swelling in the face for several days. Jerking in the cheek at noon; scintillations before the left eye; paleness of face and fainting, followed by vomiting a quantity of white foam; the paroxysm returns for three days. Stitches in the right cheek and the right chest, with ptyalism.] EARS AND NOSE: Pressing in the right ear, early in the morning. (a. 2 d.) Tingling in the ear.-50. Roaring in the ears as of wind. Sensation as of a pellicle being stretched across the ear. One or the other ear is stopped up. Aching pain in the meatus auditorius. (Tearing in the lobule.)-55. Sharp stitches behind the left ear and the jaw. Smell before the nose as of manure. (a. 16 h.) Sensation as if the nose were too dry inside, as is generally the case when the dust of the road gets into it. (a. 3 h.) (Bleeding at the nose, while sleeping, at night.) Sensation as if the nose were ulcerated inside.-60. Sensation as if the nasal bone were compressed and pressed in. [65. Single stitches deep in the left ear. Sensation as of a cold breath in the right ear, followed by a feeling of great heat in the ear, then again a feeling of coldness; this alternates several times. (a. 26 h.) When rising from a seat he is at 240 VERATRUM ALBUM. tacked at once with a humming and roaring in the ears, and he fancies he sees nothing but fire before his eyes, for eight hours. (a. 4 h.) He complains of deafness, and pain in the chest. Biting titillation and itching below the right lobule.70. Red spots upon the nose. Vesicles on the nose, standing close to one another. Hemorrhage from the right nostril.] JAWS AND TEETH: The skin of the lips becomes chapped. Burning in the vermilion border of the upper lip, and a little above. Pimple near the corner of the mouth, in the margin of the vermilion border, painful per se, but more so when touched. Foam at the mouth.--65. He is unable to speak. Lock-jaw. Dull pressure in the muscles of the left jaw, resembling a strong pressure with a dull pointed piece of wood. Pain in the submaxillary glands, as if pinched. (a. 3 h.) Vacillation of the teeth. [Vesicles near the left corner of the mouth. Red eruption around the mouth and on the chin.-75. Dry lips and dry mouth, in the evening, not without thirst. (a. 13 h.) Sticking pain in the articulation of the jaw when opening the mouth, preventing him from drawing down the lower jaw properly. (a. 4 h.) When eating, all the muscles of the lower jaw are painful as if bruised, so that he is obliged to stop chewing. Painful blotch in the lower jaw; when touching it, it causes at first a contractive pain, but afterwards it becomes changed to a pustule with an inflamed border. Smarting pain in the front part of the lower jaw, per se. (a. 9 h.)-80. Swelling of the left submaxillary glands, accompanied with sore throat, especially on the left side, causing a sort of strangulation and constriction of the fauces when swallowing, continuing a short while after swallowing. (a. 1 h.) Drawing and pressure in the left side of the throat. Grinding of the teeth. Swelling of the gums and jaws. Great toothache and headache.-85. First he had toothache, afterwards the face was red and swollen. Great weakness, with the toothache and the inflammation of the tonsils. A pain in the upper and left molar teeth, which is composed of pressure and weariness, as if filled with lead. The toothache is at first a painful pressure; afterwards, when chewing, it changes to a drawing extending into the root of the tooth, even when taking only soft things between the teeth.] MOUTH, PHARYNX, (ESOPHAGUS: Spasmodic constriction and strangulation in the cesophagus, as if one had eaten an astringent pear. Narrowing of the oesophagus, as if occasioned by a tumor. Burning in the throat. Scraping in the throat. Roughness in the throat.--75. Numb sensation in the palate, VERATRUM ALBUM. 241 as if a burnt place had been healed and were covered with a thick epidermis, or as if the palate were lined with the skin of a plum. Dryness in the throat, which cannot be removed by drink. (a. 6 h.) [Stammering.-90. Speechlessness. Burning in the upper part of the tongue and in the pharynx. Burning in the mouth, as if rubbed with pepper; however, the mouth is not dry. Burning in the throat. Inflammation of the buccal cavity.95. Warmish sensation in the posterior part of the mouth and fauces. Pain in the mouth after the nausea; afterwards considerable inflammation in the mouth; lastly redness and swelling of the tongue. Dryness in the region of the palate, and desire for water. Dryness and viscidity in the mouth, without any particular thirst. Early in the morning, after waking, he has for an hour an extremely troublesome feeling of dryness in the mouth, and viscidity, without thirst, diminishing but little after rinsing the mouth. (a. 20 h.)-100. The mouth feels alternately dry and viscid, and then watery. (a. 24 h.) Confluence of tasteless water in the mouth. Ptyalism. Flow of viscid saliva. Sudden confluence of a quantity of water in the mouth, which he cannot swallow quickly enough, and which therefore chokes him somewhat. (a. 121 h.)-105. Sensation of coldness in the oesophagus from below upward (a cold spot being likewise felt in the posterior part of the palate); this is soon followed by the gulping up of a quantity of warm, sweetish-saltish, slimy fluid; after which the coldness in the oesophagus and palate abates for a while, but afterwards returns. (a. 24 h.) Increased flow of saliva with an acrid, saltish taste in the mouth and upon the tongue, and great heat in the palm of the hand and in the pit of the stomach. Flow of mucus from the mouth, toward noon. Drawing pain in the throat, thirst, and colic. Distention of the cesophagus.-110. Distention of the oesophagus, with sensation as if he would suffocate.] TASTE, APPETITE AND GASTRIC SYMPTOMS: Aversion to warm food; when eating of it he did not like it, on the contrary he had a desire for fruit. Desirefor fruit. Desire for lemon juice.-80. Desire for acid things. Diminished taste; pappy taste in the mouth. (a. I h.) (Constantly a sourish taste in the mouth, with confluence of a quantity of watery saliva. Tasteless saliva; tastelessness in the mouth. Taste and coolness in the mouth, as is occasioned by peppermint.--85. Putrid, herb-like taste in the mouth, almost like tussiloga petasites. (a. 3 h.) Smarting taste as of peppermint in the mouth, with sensation as of heat rising from the cesophagus into VOL. IV. 17 242 VERATRUM ALBUM. the mouth, which continues and unites with nausea and inclination to vomit. Putrid taste in the mouth, as of manure. Empty eructations (immediately). Eructations even before breakfast; sour eructations in the afternoon.-90. Bitter eructations. Empty eructations in the evening after lying down in bed, followed by a scraping sensation in the region of the larynx, almost as after heartburn. (a. 12 h.) (Eructations tasting of the ingesta.) Constant flow of saliva from the mouth, like water-brash. Nausea, with hunger and pressure in the region of the stomach, while eating, disappearing after eating.-95. Disposition to vomit after breakfast, going off after dinner. (a. 12 h.) Great nausea before breakfast. Inclination to vomit with a bilious taste in the mouth. Two paroxysms of vomiting, three or four turns of vomiting each time; the nausea continued between the paroxysms; the things vomited smelled sour.1 Vomiting of bile, afterwards of tenaciots mucus.-100. Every vomiting was preceded by shuddering over the whole body. He has to lie down even at the commencement of the vomiting; after the vomiting he feels so debilitated that the femora feel as if they would escape from the acetabula. Hiccough. Hiccough in the morning when smoking. (a. 24 h.) Cardialgia. [Hiccough, continuing a long while. Fullness in the chest that he would like to eructate all the time, without any nausea.-115. Frequent disposition to nausea. Powerful eructations, mostly empty. (a. 6j h.) Empty eructations after a meal. Frequent expectoration of mucus, after frequent eructations. Constant eructations, with disposition to vomit, and accompanied with excessive cough.-120. Voracity. Voracity without thirst. Hunger and great thirst. No desire for warm food at noon, but so much the more for fruit. Desires only cold things, herrings, sardines, fruit.-125. Continuous greediness for sour cucumbers. Has no appetite or hunger; did not relish his food. Drinking is followed by shuddering or goose-skin. Diuresis, accompanying hunger and thirst. He feels qualmish; he would like to eat, still he has no appetite for food.-130. He eats a good deal, still he complains of hunger and emptiness of the stomach. Qualmishness in the pit of the stomach. Nausea. Constant nausea and ptyalism, the appetite and thirst being normal. Great nausea and disposition to vomit, with great thirst.-135. Great nausea, with profuse flow of saliva. Nausea, with great thirst and diuresis, for three days. Great nauSThe vomiting was appeased by drinking cold milk, but the patient was attacked with excessive chilliness in bed. VERATRUM ALBUM. 243 sea, with red, sweaty face. Disposition to vomit, and hoarseness; a good deal of cough. Disposition to vomit, foam coming out at his mouth.-140. Disposition to vomit, with lockjaw. Disposition to vomit and ptyalism, with lock-jaw. Excessive desire to vomit, even unto fainting. Vomiting. Vomiting of the ingesta.--145. Vomiting of the ingesta with green mucus. Vomiting of all the food he had taken, and long sleep. Vomiting of the ingesta, with mucus and green matter. Vomiting of green mucus. Vomiting of green mucus, afterwards of copious froth.-150. Vomiting of green mucus, followed by chilliness. Vomiting of froth, followed by vomiting of a yellow-green, sour-smelling mucus. Nightly vomiting of tenacious mucus. Vomiting of white mucus at night. Vomiting of white mucus, with good appetite.-155. Vomiting of darkgreen mucus and diarrhea, in spite of which he has an appetite for eating and drinking. Vomiting of a good deal of mucus, with excessive weakness. Vomiting of black-green mucus. Black vomit. Vomiting of bile and mucus, then of black bile, and lastly of blood.-160. Cholera. Violent, excessive vomiting. Cold hands previous to the vomiting; after the vomiting the hands became hot, with orgasmus sanguinis. Vomiting with heat of the body.] STOMACH AND ABDOMEN: 105. Clawing pain in the pit of the stomach, especially when walking. Pain in the stomach, as from canine hunger. Feeling of weakness in the stomach with internal coldness in the region of the stomach, and a slight pressure. Violent pressure in the pit of the stomach, extending as far as the sternum, the infra-costal region and the ossa ilii. (a. 8 h.) Pricking in the region of the spleen, after a moderate meal, when walking in the open air.-110. Tensive pain in the hypochondria, as of flatulence. Painful pressure and drawing around the pit of the stomach. Pain in the hypochondria and in the chest, owing to a deficient emission of flatulence. Pain in the abdomen, now here, now there, as if the parts were being cut with knives (immediately). Drawing tearing pain deep in the abdomen, for minutes, most violent above the pubic bone. (a. 1 h.)-115. Cutting colic. (a. 12 h.) Cutting colic with diarrhoea, early in the morning at four o'clock. Flatulent colic affecting the bowels and the whole of the abdomen, now here, now there; the flatulence is emitted with so much more difficulty as it passes of more tardily. (from 6 to 12 h.) The intestines are painful, as if bruised, when the flatulence refuses to come off. Painful pressure in the region of the coecum, as if caused by a spasmodic incarceration of flatulence. (a. 1 h.)-120 Frequent emission of flatulenu o q 244 VERATRUM ALBUM. (the first hours). The flatulence passes off with great force upward and downward. Jerking in the abdominal muscles with a warmth in the chest which is not disagreeable. (a. j h.) Sensation before stool deep in the abdomen, as if he would faint. Writhing sensation in the abdomen and back, previous to stool, with great weakness; he felt lighter and stronger after stool.-125. Anxiety during an evacuation, with apprehension of apoplexy. [Distention of the abdomen.-165. Distention of the abdomen, with ptyalism. Swelling of the abdomen, with colic and emission of flatulence. Loud rumbling in the abdomen. Colic, with loud rumbling. Painless grunting in the abdomen, as of wind. (a. I h.)-170. Grunting and pinching in the abdomen, as of flatulence, accompanied with rare and scanty emission of flatulence. Rumbling in the abdomen, as if he had diarrhaea, accompanied with frequent emission of wind. (a. 6 h.) Cardialgia. Burning in the pit of the stomach. Complains of pain in the stomach, still he eats, drinks, and sleeps a good deal. Pains in the stomach and intestines. Pinching in the abdomen, at times below, at times above the umbilicus, in the afternoon, shortly after a meal; when sitting, it was felt at a different place than when walking, and vice versa. Colic, thirst, and diuresis.-180. Nightly colic, with sleeplessness. Colic in the umbilical region. Lancinating pain in the abdomen, soon after a meal. (a. 29 h.) Cutting colic in the umbilical region, with diuresis and thirst. At times he experiences a sticking colic, at times sticking pains here and there in the body, accompanied with a smarting in the throat, as of pepper.-185. Dull aching pain, as if bruised in the intestines in the pubic region, the whole morning, accompanied with a sensation in the left groin as if inguinal hernia would form, mostly when sitting. Colic around the umbilicus, as of flatulence, without any considerable tightness of the abdomen. (a. 6 h.) Pinching in the abdomen, as in diarrhoea, but without desire for stool. (a. 2 h.) Drawing-aching colic in the evening during a walk. Colic from* the back towards the umbilicus.-190. Drawing-pinching colic, followed by flatulence and expulsion of tenacious faeces, which adhere to the rectum considerably. Frequent sensation in the abdomen as if diarrhoea would set in, but without urging; a sort of laxness and rumbling in the abdomen. Sudden (pinching?) colic early in the morning, in bed, followed immediately by urging; during the colic he expelled yellow-green papescent faeces, the last portion Sof which were half composed of mucus; the urging remained after the evacuation, some mucus being passed yet in conse VERATRUM ALBUM. 246 quence; a bruising sensation in the bowels above the pubic bones, and a qualmish sensation in the pit of the stomach remained. (a. 20 h.)] STooL; Unperceived discharge of loose faeces together with the wind. (a. 4, 16 h.) Quick, frequent loose stools (the first hours). Flatulence after dinner, accompanied with unperceived discharge of liquid stool; afterwards discharge of acrid foeces with tenesmus. (a. 12 h.)-130. Burning at the anus during stool. (a. 12 h.) Obstructio alvi, owing to the hardness and size of the faces. (a. 3, 14 h.) Urging in the epigastrium; nevertheless the expulsion of faces is either difficult or does not take place at all, as if owing to a want of activity of the rectum, which does not seem to participate in the peristaltic movement of the rest of the intestines. (a. 4, 15 h.) Dull colic,- on account of the abdomen being distended by wind, as if the bowels were bound, with uneasiness. Suppression of all the secretions.'-135. Diarrhoea with pain, the pain existing during and after stool. Paroxysmal indications of inguinal hernia. Motion as if a hernia would become incarcerated. Stitches when coughing, starting through the abdominal ring along the spermatic cord. (a. 3 h.) Pressing against the anus, with blind hmmorrhoids.-140. Blind haemorrhoids. (a. 10 h.) [Excessive alvine discharges. Frequent and painful diarrhoea.-195. Frequent and violent diarrhoea (immediately). Loose stool. Diarrhoea with profuse sweat. Chilliness and shuddering with the frequent stools.-200. Extreme weakness when going to stool. During stool he turns pale. Diarrhoea, with appetite for food or drink. Violent, bloody diarrhoea.-205. The first portion of the stool is of large size; the latter consists of thin strings, although they have the proper consistence and color. Constipation on the first day. Costiveness with diuresis. Heat and pain in the head with the costiveness. Chronic constipation.-210. The evacuations are accompanied with a cold, profuse sweat on the forehead. Burning at the anus during stool (smarting pain at the anus).] URINARY ORGANS: Burning urine. The scanty urine is yellow and turbid, even while emitting it. (a. 24 h.) Acrid urine. Stitch in the orifice of the urethra, after micturition.145. Pinching pain in the urethra, between the acts of micturition. Pain in the urethra as if constricted behind the glans, accompanied with ineffectual desire to urinate, the bladder being empty. (a. 24 h.) t For some days, from too large a dose. " 246 VERATRUM ALBUM. [Painful pressure in the bladder, and burning during micturition. Burning in the forepart of the urethra during micturition. (a. 3 h.)-215. Involuntary micturition. Diuresis, With loud rumbling in the abdomen. Diuresis, with profuse coryza.] GENITAL ORGANS: Soreness of the prepuce. Drawing pain in the testes. Erections.-150. Greater sensitiveness of the genital organs. (a. 12, 15 h.) Reappearance of the menses about new-moon, after having been suppressed a long time. Headache (tearing?) especially in the morning, accompanied with a disposition to vomit, during the menstrual flow, which had delayed six weeks; the headache abates in the evening. [Profuse menses.-220. Reappearance of the menses which had been suppressed for many years. The appearance of the menses is preceded by bleeding at the nose. The menses appear too soon, on the thirteenth and ninth days. Pimples on the right labium, before the menses. The menses are preceded by vertigo (toward noon) and sweat (at night).-225. The menses are accompanied by buzzing in the ears, pain in all the limbs and great thirst. Grinding of the teeth, and bluish face, toward the end of the menses.] CATARRH, LARYNX, TRACHEA: Catarrh. (a. 8 h.) Catarrh in the chest, without any real (involuntary) cough; the viscid mucus has to be hawked up, (a. 8 h.)-155. Scraping in the throat, as in catarrh. Tickling in the lower parts of the bronchial tubes, inducing cough, with slight expectoration. (a. 1, 6 h.) Dry and hacking cough, excited by a titillation in the lowest region of the sternum (immediately). Tickling in the lower part of the bronchial tubes, inducing cough, without expectoration. (a. 24 h.) Oppression of the chest, when coughing.-160. Short breath (a sort of oppression of the chest) when performing the least exercise, even at home; the cough does not cease until he sits quite still. Spasmodic constriction of the larynx, with contraction of the pupil. Paroxysms of constriction of the larynx, sufocative fits, with protruded eyes. (a. j h.) Arrest of breathing. The breathing is almost entirely extinct. [The exterior of the nose feels dry and hot, as in dry coryza. (a. 6 h.) Strong and frequent sneezing.] CHEST: 165. Spasmodic contraction of the intercostal muscles of the left side, arresting the breathing. (a. 3 h.) Painful constriction of the chest. Cramp-like contractive pain in the left chest, returning periodically (immediately). Many paroxysms of oppression of the chest, and a pain in the side when taking an inspiration, especially in the morning when VERATRUM ALBUM. 247 rising. (a. 5 d.) Clawing pain in the region of the sternum, more after drinking than after eating.-170. Aching pain in the region of the sternum after eating or drinking. Pressure in the region of the sternum. (a. 2 h.) Pressure under the last rib, which ends in a stitch, worst during an inspiration. (a. 24 h.) Cutting pain in the chest. (a. 15 h.) Pain under the ribs, especially during an expiration.-175. Several paroxysms of sticking pain in the right chest a day, arresting the breathing. Stinging-beating pain in the left chest, at a small spot. (a. 5 h.) Excessive anguish arresting the breathing. Violent beating of the heart, raising the ribs; the heart causes the hand to start back without pain. Heaviness of the head in the nape of the neck; the cervical muscles refuse to support the head.180. The muscles of the nape of the neck feel paralyzed. Rheumatic stiffness of the nape of the neck, occasioning vertigo, especially during motion. Stinging around the neck and in the outer parts of the chest, as of nettles, abating when gently rubbing the parts with the hand (with redness and rash-like pimples which could only be felt). Pain in the outer parts of the neck, as if the skin were sore. Pain between the scapulae, which becomes dragging when turning. [Palpitation of the heart, with anxiety and hurried,Jaudible breathing.-230. Oppression of the chest, after a burning in the throat and a gnawing pain in the stomach. Asthma and difficult breathing even when sitting, accompanied with headache. Asthma: he cannot take sufficient breath, on account of the windpipe being closed up with tenacious mucus. (a. 4- h.) Painful and difficult breathing. Soft pressure on the chest, when standing, and oppression of the chest. (a. 11j h.)-235. Oppression of the chest, when walking, and pressing in the same, as if too full, arresting the breathing. Suffocative oppression of breathing. Constriction of the throat. Suffocative constriction of the throat.-240. Pulsative pressure in the left chest, in the region of the fourth rib, as with a dull point: when touching the part, it felt sore and as if there were subcutaneous ulceration. Paroxysms of anguish about the heart, which beats very strongly, with a sensation as if it were very warm. (a. 4 h.) Stitches in the right side. Pain in the side, with pains in the region of the stomach. Pain in the region of all the ribs.-245. Pain in the side, in the mamme and thighs. Sharp, slow stitches, near the nipple, itching at last. Pain in the left chest, afterwards in the back. Frequent pain in the chest. Painful pressure in the upper part of the sternum, occurring regularly as beats in music.-250. Griping pain in the right chest. Pain in the chest with dry VERATRUM ALBUM. cough. Pain in the side, and headache, with almost dry cough. Pain in the left side when coughing, with weakness and difficulty of breathing. Three or four turns of a deep, hollow cough in the evening, which seems to proceed from the abdomen.-255. Long turns of hollow cough, with cutting pain in the abdomen. (a. 6 h.) Titillation in the chest, as if cough would set in, in the middle of the sternum. (a., and 1 h.) Severe cough in the evening, for three hours, with ptyalism. Hoarse, dry cough at night. Severe, dry cough in the night and morning.-260. Frequent expectoration after a dry cough. Cough with profuse expectoration, blue face and involuntary emission of urine. Burning in the region of the scapula.] [BACK:-185. During exercise he feels a rheumatic pain between the scapulac from the nape of the neck to the small of the back; it is especially violent when going to stool. Violent pressure in the region of the scapula, as if crushed and bruised. Paralytic and bruising pain in the sacro-lumbar articulation and the knee-joint. Pain in the small of the back when walking on a level, not when sitting (in the morning). Stitch in the small of the back when stooping, continuing a long while.-190. Aching pain in the small of the back when standing.] [Pain from the scapulae along the whole of the back, with diuresis, thirst and costiveness. Colic in the umbilical region, after pain in the small of the back.-265. When stooping and then rising again, he feels an aching in the back, and as if the back were broken. A painful drawing pressure and a bruising pain is experienced in the spine when walking; the pain goes off by pressure. (a. 11 h.) Pain in the loins. Pain in the loins and arthritic tearing pains in the lower limbs. Bruising pain in the left side of the small of the back, when stooping or when rising again.-270. Intermittent stitches in the region of the os coccygis, when standing, more itching than stinging. UPPER LIMBS: Cutting pain in the top of the shoulder, one cut. Arthritic pain in the deltoid muscles of the upper arms, and in the knee. Paralytic and bruising pain in the arms; he cannot raise them and keep them raised without pain or effort. Paralytic and bruising pain of the left upper arm, when stretching it.-195. The arms feel cold when raising them. Feeling in the arm as if it were too full and swollen. Pain in the middle of the left forearm, as if the bone were pressed upon. Trembling in the arm when grasping any thing with the hand. Jerking in the right wrist, and VERATRUM ALBUM. 249 further on toward the elbow.-200. (Dry herpes between the thumb and index-finger, on the hand.) Corrosive itching of the inner side of the wrist. (a. 24 h.) Tingling in the hands and fingers. Tingling in the hand as if it had gone to sleep. Tingling in the fingers, causing anxiety.-205. The fingers feel dead, and as if gone to sleep. (a. I h.) The metacarpal bones are painful to the touch. (a. 20 h.) Red, painless blotches on the dorsa of the fingers between the second and third joints. (a. 20 h.) Tensive pain in the middlefinger when moving it. (a. 20 h.) Pain in the joint of the thumb as if sprained.-210. Burning-itching pain in the first joint of the little finger, as if it had been frozen. Painful paralytic weakness in the upper and lower limbs, as from excessive fatigue; he is scarcely able to drag them. [Single stitches in the left shoulder-joint, even in rest. (a. 4 h.) Concealed, indescribable pain in the right axilla. Convulsions in either arm. Heavy pain in the middle of the left humerus, moving from above downward. (a. 1 h.)-275. Drawing pain in the bend of the elbows, when drawing them up; sensation as if there were a swelling in the bends, and as if this prevented him from drawing them up; accompanied with a paralytic feeling in the arm. (a. 15 h.)] LOWER LIMBS: Diffcult walking; first the right, then the left hip-joint feels paralytic. The thighs and hips feel as if they would break down; a paralytic pain is experienced in them. Weakness in the thighs and knees.-215. Vacillating gait. Cracking in the region of the knee. Cutting pain in the knee, one cut. (Sticking in the knee and ankle.) (a. 5 d.) Occasional drawing in the knees, when standing, walking and sitting.-220. Tension in the bends of the knees when standing and walking, as if they were too short. Bruising pain in the knees when going down stairs. (a. 4 h.) Painful jerking in the right knee. Visible raising of the knee when sitting, once every quarter or half hour, without pain; she started every time; it ceased in the evening after lying down. Electric starts, followed by a bruising pain in the knee and elbow.-225. Pains in the feet, especially the knees, as if too weary, as if large stones were tied fast to the parts; he has to lay them hither and thither to find relief. (a. 48 h.) When treading he experiences a pain below the knee, in the bone, as if it had been broken and were not yet firmly united. Painful heaviness of the legs, as if too weary. Pain in the calves and tibime, as if they would break down. Creeping in the legs as far as the knees; a painful tingling.-230. Painful heaviness of the legs, as if threatened with paralysis, in the 250 VERATRUM ALBUM. morning. Tearing pain in the tibiae, from above downward. Cramp in the calves. The feet swell rapidly and become thin again in a few hours. Jerkings in the weak foot, when standing, in quick succession, not when walking. (a. 3 d.)-235. Coldness in the feet, as if cold water were flowing about in them, with trembling. Tensive pain in the extensor muscles of the toes, when walking. Burning in the ankle. Sticking pains in the big toe. (a. 5 h.) Return of gout.-240. Burning itching in the left heel, deep-seated. (a. 2 h.) [Cramp-like drawing in the glutei muscles, when standing. Visible pulsative jerking of the vastus externus, when sitting or standing; the muscle rose and descended again, regularly as the pulse; painless, and returning immediately after walking. (a. 9 h.) Rheumatic drawing pain in the muscles of the thigh, when standing. (a. 3 h.) Cramp-like painful pressure in the thigh or calf when bearing on that foot, less while standing. (a. 3 h.)--280. Pain in the thighs, when sitting, as if broken. (a. 8 h.) Cramp-like drawing pain in the right thigh, when standing, commencing in the bend of the knee. (a. 12 h.) Cold smarting sensation in the outer parts of the kneejoint. Burning of the tibia, in the evening, as if they had been exposed to a severely cold temperature. (a. 14 h.) Bitingitching and creeping sensation in the calf, when standing. (a. 4 h.)-285. Painful drawing transversely through the tarsal joints, when sitting. (a. 11 h.) Pain of the tarsal joints, when walking, as if sprained, after previously stretching the feet backward while sitting, so as to rest them on the dorsa of the toes. (a. 15 h.) Short-lasting, sticking pains in the toes of the right foot, when standing, for two hours. (a. 14 h.) Violent stitch in the corn of the left foot, when sitting. (a. 14 h.) Sore pain in the corn, when standing on tip-toe. (a. 15 h.)] GENERAL SYMPTOMS: Corrosive itching in the skin. (a. 12 h.) Cutaneous eruptions, resembling itch. Clusters of painful pimples, here and there. Rash; itching also in daytime when one is warm (only in the joints?); the places burn after scratching them, and blotches made their appearance, as if occasioned by nettles.-245. Itching in the bones. Pain in the muscular parts of the body, composed of pressure and a bruised feeling. Sensation in the bones as if bruised. (a. 2 h.) Shootings in the body, here and there. Drawing pain in the limbs.-250. Drawing pain in the limbs during a rapid walk, disappearing when continuing to walk. Tearing pain in the extensor muscles when sitting. (Pain in the limbs upon which one rests, as if the couch were hard as stone.) Pressure in the region of the ankle, as if it were touched and pressed VERATRUM ALBUM. 251 immediately, momentarily. (a. 8 d.) Stiffness of the limbs, especially in the forenoon and afternoon.-255. The limbs go to sleep. Pain in all the limbs as if exhausted by too great fatigue. [290. When walking, his feet and knees feel heavy and awkward. His arms and feet always feel as if gone to sleep, also wheli lying down. (a. 8 h.) Heat and tingling in the whole body as far as the tips of the fingers and toes. Itching of the arms and feet as if an eruption would break out, but without redness. (a 2 h.) Scaling off of the epidermis.-295. Burning sensation. Stretching of the limbs. Cramp-like drawing above the joints, in the limbs, from above upward, during motion. (a. 10, 12 h.) Convulsions in the limbs and profuse sweat; afterwards headache, vertigo, and a good deal of drinking.] WEAKNESS, FITS: Chronic weakness. The open air affects him like one who is just recovering from a severe illness. Sweats easily during motion.-260. Feels weak, as if the air had been too hot. Fainting fit. Slow motion of the body. Relaxation of the muscles. Excessive weakness.'-265. He falls down from weakness. Paralytic failing of strength. Sudden failing of strength, inducing sleep, in the forenoon. Debility in all the limbs. Inclines to lie down.-270. 'Sleepy weakness in the morning, preventing'him from rising. [Spasms, convulsions.--300. Epileptic convulsions. Trembling in all the limbs, horrid anguish about the heart, and disposition to faint. Weakness all over, as after a long walk. (a. 2 h.) Debility of the whole body, especially of the arms and hands; he was not able to lift up even a book. He is unable to rise for eight hours; has either to sit or to lie down; when rising he is tormented by a horrid anguish, the forehead being covered with a cold sweat, and a nausea unto vomiting befalling him. (a. 3 h.)-305. The debility continued when lying. down, but all the other symptoms ceased; they came on again when rising; they ceased likewise when sitting, but the headache remained. Excessive weakness. He apprehends a swoon. Fainting. Apoplexy.-310. The pulse collapses, almost. Imperceptible pulse. There is the usual number of pulsations, but the pulse is weak and almost imperceptible. (a. 8 h.)] SWhich seemed to yield to iron. 2 The general spasms of Veratrum seem to set in shortly before death, and seem to be a secondary symptom, indicating an inability on the part of the organism to react. 252 VERATRUM ALBUM. SLEEP: Coma vigil. Coma vigil: one eye is open, the other is closed half or entirely, and he frequently starts as in affright. (a. - h.) Anxiety after going to bed, until midnight; coma vigil, with drawing movements in the abdomen, causing a humming in the head.) Drowsiness, with starting as in affright, preventing sleep; afterwards febrile paroxysms.-275. Sweat all over, in the evening, when he wants to g6 to sleep. Sweat in the morning, especially in the face; also in the daytime his face inclines to sweat. Heat and sweat, in the evening when in bed, but more heat. While sleeping he stretches his arms above his head (the first hours). Moaning during sleep. -280. Vivid and anxious dreams about robbers; he woke as in affright, and imagined still that the dream was true. He dreams that he is chased violently. [Yawning and stretching after the siesta. Yawning, which was frequently so violent that it occasioned a roaring in the ears.-315. Repeated yawning and stretching, with weakness and a bruised feeling in all the limbs, as if he had not slept enough (in the morning). General debility, as if he had not slept enough; his mind was otherwise bright (in the morning). His mind was so lively for two evenings in succession that he was unable to go to sleep before midnight; accompanied with an intolerable feeling of heat, in the bed (he tried to uncover himself), with restless tossing about. Long, uninterrupted sleep.-320. Sleeps for three days, even during his epileptic fits.' Quiet sleep, with thirst and diuresis. He fell asleep on his chair, with half consciousness. His sleep is disturbed with anguish and emotion; he complains that the blood in all his veins, especially about the head, is burning, that a spasm arises from the chest towards the throat, with great heat of the head and hands; heat and anguish disappeared in the open air, and were followed by frequent yawning. Indistinct dreams; he wakes unusually early in the morning.-325. Frightful dreams, followed by vomiting of tenacious, green mucus. Frightful, anxious dreams at night, for instance, that he was bit by a dog and was not able to escape. Quarrelsome dreams.] FEVER: Yawning. (He wakes in the night with a good deal of chilly trembling in the right arm.)-285. Febrile motions. The pulse is very slow and almost collapsed. (a. 4 and several hours.) Shuddering, cold thrills in the skin, for instance, of the face. (a. 2 h.) Cold sweat. Coldness of the whole body.-290. Fever returning for several days, someIn the case of an epileptic patient. VERATRUM ALBUM. 253 times for a long time.' Quotidian fever, before midnight. Heat, and redness in the face in the evening (and shuddering over the whole body); also in the morning, when in bed,. the face feels hot. Heat in the sinciput and forehead, going over first into a warm, afterwards a continuous cold sweat on the forehead. Redness and heat of the face, with slight chills.295. Heat and redness in the face and heat in the hands, with an unsolicitous mood, which makes him heed only the nearest things, and a tendency to start. (a. 1 h.) [The whole body feels cold to him and others. (a. 11 minutes.)-330. Coldness over the whole body, soon after taking the medicine. Internal cold thrill from the head to the toes of either foot, with thirst (immediately efter taking the medicine). Chilliness over the whole body. Chilliness and shuddering early in the morning. Constant chills in the back and over the arms.-335. Chilliness and shuddering the whole day, with drawing pain in the outer parts of the neck and in the back. Chilliness in the limbs, and a drawing pain in the same. Chill early in the morning after rising, while dressing. Occasional alternation of chilliness and heat, accompanied with vertigo, constant anxiety and disposition to vomit. Sudden alternation of complete paleness of the face, and heat and redness.-340. Chill in the morning, and coldness with thirst, for half an hour, without any subsequent heat, with weakness in the limbs, especially the thighs. (a. 24 h.) A dood deal of desire for cold drinks (immediately). Much thirst, in the afternoon and evening. Heat and glow, and redness of the cheeks, with contracted pupils and cold feet. (a. 10 h.) Internal heat; nevertheless he does not want to drink.-345. Heat and sweat all over, without thirst, pale face. (a. 2 h.) Heat in the back, as if sweat would break out, in the evening, during a slow walk in the open air. Sweat of the hands. Profuse sweat all over, toward morning. Sweat having a bitter smell toward morning.-350. Cold sweat. As soon as he rises from his seat, a cold sweat breaks out on his forehead. Cold sweat all over. Cold sweat all over the head and trunk. Sour sweat.-355. Sweat with burning in the skin. Longlasting night-sweat. Profuse, continuous sweat, during a long sleep. Profuse sweat, with thirst and good appetite.-360. Sweat with excessive thirst.] MORAL SYMPTOMS: Silence. He does not talk, except when irritated, and then he scolds. He gets vexed when proSI have observed it sometimes in the evening, sometimes in the morning. VERATRUM ALBUM. voked. (a. 4 h.) He hunts up other people's weak sides, and reproaches those persons with those weak sides.-300. Desire to work. Anxious uneasiness to be busy. Activity and mobility of the limbs, the pains and emotions diminishing. Excessive sensitiveness; increase of the mental powers. He is extremely lively, eccentric, wild.-305. Tremor of the whole body. Fear. Despair. Melancholia, and chilliness as if cold water were poured over him, accompanied with frequent desire to vomit. Sadness, despondency, grief, with involuntary weeping and disposition to lay down his head.-310. She is disconsolate about her imaginary misfortune; she runs about the room howling and screaming, her looks turned to the floor, or she sits in a corner absorbed in reverie, moaning, weeping and lamenting; worst in the evening; sleeps only until two o'clock. He moans and is beside himself, he cannot restrain himself. (a. 2, 3 h.) Anxiety, as if he had committed an evil deed. Anxiety, as if he apprehended some misfortune. Sensation in his whole frame as if he were going to his end; however he is composed.-315. Soft grief, until he sheds tears. (a. 24 h.) [Anxiety. Anxiety and vertigo. Excessive anguish in the evening and after dinner. Great anguish, the whole night. -365. Great anguish, early in the morning. Slight delirium. He is very noisy, wants to escape, and can scarcely be held back. He curses and swears the whole night, and complains of a stupid feeling in the head, with headache and ptyalism. Stamps with his feet (with want of appetite).370. Continuous rage, with great heat of the body. Rage: he tears his clothes and does not talk. He bites his shoes to pieces, and eats them. He eats his own faeces. He does not know his relatives.-375. Insanity: he says he is a hunter. He pretends to be a prince, and demeans himself with pride. He pretends he is deaf, and blind, and has cancer. She pretends to be in labor. She boasts of being pregnant.-380. She says she will soon be confined. She kisses any body, previous to the appearance of the menses. Bright redness and heat of the face, with constant laughing. Alternation of laughing and moaning. He sings and whistles joyfully, in the night.-385. She clacks with her hands over her head and sings; accompanied with cough and tenacious mucus in the chest. Frequent paroxyms; she runs about in the room until she falls down. She screams and runs about, with a dark-blue face. Uneasiness of mind, oppression and anxiety. Anxiety, screaming and running about.-390. Screaming and running about, with paleness of countenance and timo VERATRUM ALBUM. 255 rousness. Timorousness terminating in frequent eructations. Tendency to start and timorousness. Loquacity. Taciturnity: he dreads to talk; talking is very hard for him; he speaks with a low and feeble voice.-395. Cannot bear being spoken to. Every little thing irritates him. (a. 1 h.) Vexed at the least trifle, accompanied with palpitation of the heart, and hurried, audible breathing. Cheerfulness, sagacity. His head feels bright, when he is busy: but when he has nothing to do, he feels stupid and is taciturn. (a. 2, 15 h.)-400. Eager to work, with restlessness; he attempts a great many things, but he gets tired of a thing as soon as begun; he does not accomplish any thing. A sort of indifference the whole day; he frequently rubbed his forehead, in order to clear up his mind. FROM NOACK AND TRINKS. INASMUCH as not all the numbers of the work of Drs. Noack and Trinks are out, we subjoin the following clinical remarks on Opium and Pulsatilla in the shape of an appendix. According to Noack and Trinks, Opium is useful for morbid conditions from the excessive use of spirituous drinks. Consequences of fright and chagrin. Morbid conditions, occasioned by catching cold while the body was heated. Hydrargyrosis. Lead-intoxication. Diminished sensibility, and irritability. Want of reaction against given drugs. Excessive sensitiveness to external impressions. Neuralgia of the brain and nerves. Starting of the body after great surgical operations. Convulsions with sopor, after concussion of the spinal marrow. Convulsions with spasmodic or rattling breathing, coldness of the face and body. Tetanus. Epilepsy. Coma. Sopor, with bright-red, bloated countenance, eyes half-open, lower jaw hanging down. Sleeplessness from excessive liveliness. Intermittent fevers with coma. The febris Werlhoffii, becoming fatal in the second or third attack. Nervous fever. Typhus cerebralis. Ecstasy. Frightful visions. Delirium tremens potatorum. Sanguineous cerebral apoplexy. Nervous cerebral apoplexy. Paralysis. Acute hydrocephalus with sopor. Nervous headache with violent congestion of blood to the head. Cerebral affections from coup de soleil. Obscuration of the crystalline lens. Mercurial ptyalism. Cataract. Feculent 256 VERATRUM ALBUM. vomiting in miserere. Colica plumba. Neuralgia coeliaca. Tympanitis: Miserere. Vomiting offaeces and urine. Incarcerated hernia with vomiting of faeces and urine. Paralysis of the intestinal canal. Constipation. Dysuria. Excessive sexual desire. Suppression of the menses. Metrorrhagia during pregnancy. Weak, false, spasmodic labor-pains. Eclampsia parturientium. Fatiguing cough, followed by yawning. Dry cough, excited by a constant titillation in the trachea. Suffocative catarrh, with rattling, unequal, suffocative breathing. Suffocative condition in a case of pneumonia. Paralysis of the lungs. Spasmodic asthma. Neurocarditis with great mental irritation, tremor of the heart and double-beat of the heart, anxiety, and oppression. Stenocardia. Valuable palliative in organic affections of the heart. PULSATILLA is especially adapted to the cure of subacute affections, especially with the catarrhal-rheumatic and gastric character and remitting type; morbid conditions of the mucous, serous and fibrous tissues, with profuse secretions of the venous system, with irritable weakness of the cerebral and splanchnic nerves, morbid conditions during the period of evolution and involution in the life of females, during pregnancy and confinement. It is moreover suitable as a curative agent to persons with a phlegmatic-melancholy temperament, lymphatic constitution, pale face, blue eyes, blond hair, timid, weeping disposition, inclining to internal grief and chagrin, mild, yielding, sometimes light and goodnaturedly malicious; in females it is especially indicated, when the catamenia delay beyond the regular period. Pulsatilla is particularly indicated in affections characterized by chilliness and absence of thirst, with evening-exacerbation (which takes place in most of the catarrhal-rheumatic affections), and when the patient falls asleep very late. Pulsatilla will be found an adequate remedy in the following affections: Acute and chronic rheumatisms, acute and chronic gout, St. Vitus' dance, the lower degrees of chlorosis. Affections of the venous system, of the veins, and the venous capillaries. Affections of the mucous and serous membranes, with increased secretion. Dropsical accumulations in the thoracic cavity and in the abdominal cavity, under the skin. Varicella. Measles, rubeolae. Erysipelas phlegmonodes. Old ulcers. Internal suppuration. Chilblains. Somnolence. Sleeplessness. Intermittent fever, with quotidian, tertian, quartan type, with violent chilliness, slight heat, and absence of thirst, Mental affections, characterized VERATRUM ALBUM. 257 by depression, especially when accompanied with sexual disturbances. Vertigo. Nervous, gastric, catarrhal and rheumatic headache. Catarrhal and rheumatic scrofulous inflammation of the eyelids and eye. Hordeolum. Obscuration of the cornea. Cataract. Amaurosis. Hemeralopia. Diplopia. Inflammation of the meatus auditorius externus. Otalgia. Otorrhcea. Catarrhal and nervous deafness. Rheumatic face and toothache. Epistaxis. Angina catarrhalis. Gastric, bilious, and pituitous conditions, with and without fever. Indigestions. Saburral derangements. Spasms of the stomach and abdomen. Affections of the liver and spleen. Plethora abdominalis venosa. Mucous diarrhoea. Dysentery. Mucous hmmorrhoids. Affections of the kidneys. Catarrh of the bladder. Ischury and dysury. Incontinentia urine in children and pregnant females and lying-in females. Prostatitis acuta and chronica. Gonorrhoea. Inflammation of the testes. Hydrocele. Varicocele? Amenorrhcea. Dysmenorrhoea. Menstrual colic. Delaying and too scanty menses. Metrorrhagia, with venous character. Ailments during pregnancy and confinement. Absence of labor-pains. Long-continuing and painful after-pains. Suppression of the lochra. Metritis. Febris puerperalis. Suppression and deficiency of the secretion of milk. Leucorrhoea. Fluent catarrh. Laryngeal and bronchial catarrh, with and without profuse secretion of mucus. Haemoptysis. Phthisis pituitora and purulenta. Whoopingcough. Affections of the right ventricle. Ischias. Perniones. 18 4 LIST OF REMEDIES CONTAINED IN THIS VOLUME. OPItiM... PULSATILLA.... RHEUM.... RHUS TOXICODENDRON.. RUTA..... SAMBUCUS NIGRA... SPIGELIA... SPONGIA TOSTA... SCILLA MARITIMA. STAPHISAGRIA.. STRAMONIUM... TARAXACUM.... THUYA.... Page.. 1 S. 23 S. 64 S. 71. 102 S. 113 S. 119 S. 143 S 156 S.165 S 192.206. 214 S.235 VERATRUM....... JLIST OF NAMES OF DISEASES. A. Apoplexy, - C. Cataract, Cerebral affections, Chiorosis, Chilblains, Coma, - Constipation, Colica plumbo, Cough, Convulsions, D. Febris Werihoffli, Frightful visions, 255 255 - 255 255 255 256 256 255 256 256 256 255 255 256 251 256 355 255 256 Gout, G. H. 256 Hernia, Hydrargyrosis, Hydrocephalus with sopor, 256 255 255 M. Metrorrhagia during pregnancy, - 256 Measles, rubeolm, - 256 Mercurial ptyalism, - 255 Mimerere, - 255,256 No Delirium tremens potatorum, Dropsical accumulations, - Dysuria, - - 0 - E. Eclampsia parturientium, - Eestasy, Epilepsy, Erysipelas, phlegmonodes IF. Neurocarditis, - Nervous headache, Neuralgia, 256 255 255, 256 P. Paralysis of the lungs, 256 Paralysis of the intestinal canal, 256 Fevers, 255, 256 260 LIST OF NAMES OF DISEASES. R. Rheumatisms, - - 256 S. Sleeplessness, - - 255,256 Sexual desire, excessive, 256 Stenocardia, - - 256 Somnolence, - - - 256 Sopor, - - - - 255 Spasmodic asthma, - - 256 Suppression of the menses, 256 Suppuration, - - - 256 St. Vitus's dance, - - 256 Suffocative Catarrh, - - 256 T. Tetanus, - - - 255 Tympanitis, - - - 256 Typhus cerebralis, - - 255 U. Ulcers, - - - 256 V. Varicella, - - - - 256 Vomiting offieces and urine, 256 UNIV. eOF MICHIGAN, DEC 1 1912 717 't %. ~1 c4a#. /~2J.;.6/. /4 Ui-Lt /2B ftT' t4 Us. /f 7 ti~1r4&.- 0 / or 6 / a X4 -J6'.. "r- e:ý,ýu I.O >2I,d&-1z-*/. ~/ 1/. )6 ~dd, Le/i]. /CI.61/ 61. %P1/ / L., 'd (-p J 2 /c--; Z c,,. 1.~:~7,.I -j 4 25W / ~Y~/ /~j~ '9 / 1/ A 77 i ~ I ~ uNIVERSITY OF ICHIGAN 3 9015 02005 1887 Filmed bPreeration 19 Filmed by Preservation 1990 A 576064 C.db ~li I::;~.'~-S' ~r s ~pa "-14',