PROPOSED 5DUPL HEALTH DISTRICTS, NEW YORK CITY 626125 STTSIA RFECDA STATISTICAL REFERENCE DATA ~~i zy:Ti~ \r ~PT"r, C a~i~fr,, District Populations, School Children; Births; Tuberculosis and Contagion Registration; Local Mortality COMMITTEE OF NEIGHBORHOOD HEALTH DEVELOPMENT March, 1930 UNIVERSITY OF MICl GJAN Laý;Ai S Proposed EEATIMH DISTRICTS, NEW YORK CITY STATISTICAL REENCE DiTA District Populations, School Children; Births; Tuberculosis and Contagion Registration: Local Mortality Compiled by GODIAS J. DROLET and MARGUERITE P. POTTER QCOMMITTEE ON 1EIGHBO 00D HEALTH DHEVEOPMMT* KERNETH D. WIDD1MERa, DIBECTOR March, 1930 Public Health RA 44 6 M4 -g3c 00CMMITTE ON NEIGHBORHOOD HEATTRH DEVEOPMEMJT Department of Health, City of New York Proposed Health Districts, New York City STATISTICAL REFERECE DATA District Populations, School Children; Births; Tuberculosis and Contagion Registration; Local Mortality Based on Reports from the Bureau of Records Department of Healthi City of New York, and w4th acknowledgements to Bureau of Preventable Diseases of the Department of Health; Bureau of Reference, Research and Statistics Board of fducation, New York City; Oities Census Committee; Official Catholic Directory. March 1930. OOMMITTE ON NEIGHBORHOOD HEAILTH DEVELOPMENT Department of Health, City of New York Dr. Shirley W. Wynne, Obairman, General Committee Bailey B. Burritt, Chairman, flecutive Committee Xenneth D. Widdemer, Director Miss Mary Arnold Mrs. J. C., Bernheim Dr. Carl Boettiger Dr. Thomas M. Brennan Dr. Eleanor A. Campbell Alexandezr Cleland Miss Hazel Corbin E. He. Lewinski-Corwin Miss Maria L. Daniels Edward T. Devine William Hodson Harry L. Hopkins Very Rev.:dsgr. Robert F. Keegan John A. Kingsbury Owen R. Lovejoy Dr. T. A. McGoldrick Thomas S. McLane Dr. Obarles S. Prest Lawson Purdy Thomas J. Riley Dr. Alfred Shipley Mrs. V. G. Simkovitch Miss Elizabeth Stringer Miss Frances Taussig Miss Lillian D. Wald Miss Marguerite Wales Dr. Linsly R. Williams Henry C. Wright PSble Health +,/_ ~ n/e.rc/~",+c.:~c+ Proposed HEALTH DISTRICTS, NEW YORK CITY TABLZE 0o CONlTETS Tables 1929 Population, Births, Deaths, ComOmnicable Disease Registration, School Children............. 1929 Birth Rates, Mortality Rates, Contagion Rates........ District Population-School Registration Ratios and 1929 Population I Censuses, Population Estimates............. Population Trend, 1925 to 1929.................. Hospitals, New York City.............. Notes............. ~ ~ ~ ~......... Health Areas Included in Prooosed Districts....... Charts *. * * *.. 0.. Estimates... 0 *.*...... -.... *..- 0 0 @ @ ~ S4. 5. 15. 21. 22.25. 27. 28 Manhattan and Bronx Health Districts.................... Staten Island Sub-Districts....................... Brooklyn and Qaueens Health Districts.................... 1929 General Death Rates Manhattan and Bronx.............. 1929 General Death Rate, Brooklyn and Qaeens............. 1929 Infant Mortality, Manhattan and Bronx............... 1929 Infant Mortality, Brooklyn and Queens............... 1929 Pulmonary Tuberculosis Registratiqn Rate, Manhattan and Bronx.... 1929 Pulmonary Tuberculosis Registration Bate, Brooklyn and Qxeens...... 1929 Principal Communicable Diseases, Registration Rate, Manhattan and Bronx.. 1929 Principal Communicable Diseases, Registration BRate, Brooklyn and Queens. 1929 Births, Deaths, Elementary School Registration, Staten Island..... Elementary Schools, Public and Parochial, Manhattan.......... Elementary Schools, Public and Parechial, Bronx..... *...... Elementary Schools, Public and Parochial, Brooklyn............ Elementary Schools, Public and Parochial, Qýjeens............. Hospitals and Elementary Schools, Staten Island............ Hospitals and Clinics, Manhattan..................... Hospitals and Clinics, Brooklyn..................... Greater New York Sibway and Elevated System................1 2 3 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 23 24 26 tCfOMM a FTE < ON NE:IGHIHI Ra~OOD HAATHi DEVEOfRi(ENT 505 PEARL STREET NEW YORK, N. Y. TELEPHONE WORTH 4000 SHIRLEY W. WYNNE, M.D. CHAIRMAN BAILEY B. BURRITT CHAIRMAN EXECUrIvE COMMITTEE KENNETH D. WIDDEMER EXECUTIVE OFFICER Dr. Shirley W. Wynne, Commissioner of Health, City of New York, 505 Pearl Street, New York, N.Y. My dear Commissioner: The accompanying Statistical Reference Hand Book has been assembled by the Committee on Neighborhood Health Development to assist in visualizing health districts for the proposed health centers of the City of New York in closer relation to the present distribution and trend of the population, and with a regard to the basic oonditions that have a greater bearing upon the likely demand for standard, public health activities, In the absence of an actual census of New York City, it has seemed best, even after noting for each district previous data of the Federal and the New York State censuses, first to formulate also estimates based on the latest figures of elementary school registration - experience having shown that the latter has a distinct and fairly constant relation, in larger areas, to,the total existing population. The school registration utilized includes both that of the public and parochial schools for elementary grades only. Exclusion, as far as possible, has been made of the high school registration, since the students are drawn from a wider territory, A further corroboration of the population estimates, based upon the present school registration, was also obtained by checking with the number of births being reported during 1929 in each health area of New York City. From these data the table showing the population trend in each district since the last census was finally prepared. Second, realizing that public and private health activities center mostly around maternal and infant welfare, the control of contagion -- most frequent among younger children -- and school medical service, it was deemed worth while to assemble the reports for these groups. Accordingly, for each district there have been noted carefully the births, corrected for residence of mothers, the infant deaths, the general mortality, the registration of new cases of tuberculosis and of other communicable diseases, as well as the elementary school population, Third, it should be stated that in addition to the statistical material assembled and brought up to date, there was also careful allocation upon appropriate health area waps of all of the elementary schools of New York City and, upon another series, existing hospitals and clinics. -2 - Finally, comparative rates of mortality, contagion or of birth figured from the latest reports permit seeing which districts show health conditions demanding more urgent attention. "Neighborbood health developiment, properly planned, should assure, it is believed, public health protection and health facilities available and accessible to every section of New York." The report was compiled by Godias J. Drolet and Marguerite P. Potter, who wish to acknowledge the great assistance received with original material from the Bureau of Records and the Bureau of Preventable Diseases of the Department of Health of the City of New York; the Bureau of Reference, Research and Statistics of the Board of Education; and the New York, Brooklyn and Queensboro tuberculosis and health associations. Sincerely yours, Bailey B. B ritt, Chairman, Executive Committee, COMMITTt. ON NEIGBMCRHOOD EILTT-H DEVELOPTMM 1 MANHATTAN AND THE?RONX HeaLth District5 WILL IAMSBRIDQEI#p WESTCHEPTE1, HE COMMITTE.- ON NEIGH8BORHOOD HEALTH DEVELOPMENT January, 1930 2 STATEN ISLAND Sub -D ist ri cts IF 14 - PORT RICHMOND TOTTENV ILLE COMMITTEE ON NEIGrHtbORHOOD HEALTH DEVELOPMENT January, 1930 3 BROOKLYN AND QUEENS HeaLth. Districts 4 PROPOSED HEALTH DISTRICTS New York City 1929 POPULATION, BIRTHS, DEATHS, COMMUNICABLE DISEASE REGISTRATION, SCHOOL CHILDREN 129 BIRTHS, INFANT TBC t OTHER DEATHS, Elementary BOROUGHS POPULATION Resi- DEATHS New CONTAG- Resi- SCHOOL V' stimates~ dents Cases ION ' dents EG. 1929 MANHATTAN: Lower East Side... 311,299 5,831 383 951 6,600 4,904 67,565 Kips Bay-Lenox Hill. 179,026 3,309 258 519 3,689 3,317 27,318 East Harlem.... 195,805 5,562 478 539 4,255 2,868 39,215 Central Harlem.... 173,611 4,126 416 808 6,243 3,041 21,400 Lower West Side... 249,733 4,862 397 1,071 7,403 5,560 39,297 Riverside...... 233,218 3,415 201 526 4,510 3,569 24,740 Washington Heights.. 253,018 3,578 215 525 3,443 2,841 29,333 Borough of Manhattan* 1,595,710 30,694 2,352 5,016 40,499 26,333 248,868 ERONX: Mott Haven...... 208,880 4,361 260 437 2,766 2,430 44,069 Morrisania.... 256,867 4,732 240 488 2,868 2,461 40,451 Tremont....... 252,417 4,786 191 391 2,514 2,235 36,385 Fordham-Riverdale.. 157,187 3,486 165 294 1,729 1,628 28,352 Pelham Bay...... 83,291 1,840 89 159 803 830 13,515 Wmsbridge-Westchester 130,036 3,087 138 183 1,762 1,252 21,062 Borough of Bronx**. * 1,088,678 22,320 1,088 1,960 12,447 10,841 183,834 STATEN ISLAND: N* =* Borough of Richmond. 155,740 2,732 173 233 2,421 1,946 27,460 BROOKLYN: Wmsburg-Greenpoint. 235,573 5,000 322 378 2,810 2,670 54,826 Fort Greene.... 194,595 4,132 327 469 3,665 3,100 30,821 Red Hook-Gowanus.. 181,579 3,822 307 459 3,157 2,796 34,175 Sunset Park..... 214,143 4,495 250 343 2,350 2,313 36,561 Bay Ridge..... 238,733 5,672 253 335 2,602 2,367 41,754 Bashwick..... 245,903 4,604 266 366 2,192 2,958 41,452 Bedford....... 257,677 5,034 269 433 3,077 3,194 38,012 Flatbush..... 334,940 6,313 280 400 2,699 3,082 45,754 Lower Flatbush.... 179,072 4,066 176 212 1,771 1,585 34,104 Brownsville... 269.799 5,652 289 353 2,238 2,315 61,194 Borough of Brooklyn. 2,352,014 48,790 2,739 3,748 26,561 26,380 418,653 QUEENS: Astoria-Elmhurst.... 250,165 6,020 302 406 1,770 2,713 38,858 Maspeth....... 173,462 2,399 116 221 954 1,465 23,209 Flushing...... 131,084 2,934 144 131 1,173 1,484 24,826 Jamaica West..... 196,061 3,172 140 206 1,325 1,977 26,241 Jamaica East..... 165,314 2,734 143 217 1,418 1,469 28,663 Rockaway....... 33,961 621 34 7 121 421 6,416 Borough of Qaeens.. 950,047 17,880 879 1,248 6,761 9,529 150,213 NEW YORKE CITY......6,142,189 122,416 7,231 12,205 88,689 75,029 1,029,028 For notes see page 27 PROPOSED HBALTH DISTRICTS New York City 1929 BIRTH RATES, MORTALITY RATES,. C0NTAGION RATES BIRTH NFANT TBC $ OTHER GEYERAL BOROUGHS TE OtR- New CONTAGION DEATH + ALITYt Case Registratior Rate Bate ~:I Rate * + MANHATTAN: Lower East Side....... 18.7 66 305 2,120 15,8 Kips Bay-Lenox Hill..... 18.5 78 290 2,061 18.5 East Harlem.........28.4 86 275 2,173 14.6 Central Harlem........23.8 101 465 3,596 17.5 Lower West Side...........19.5 82 429 2,964 22.3 Riverside.........4.. 14.6 59 226 1,934 15.3 Washington Heights....... 14.1 60 207 1J361 11.2 Borough of Manhattan.... 19.2 77 314 2,538 16.5 BRONX: Mott Haven........... 20.9 60 0 209 1,324 11.6 Morrisania,...............18.4 51 190 1,117 9.6 Tremont................#. 19.0 40 155 996 8.9 Fordham Riverdale.......... 22.2 47 187 1,100 10.4 Pelham Bay...............22.1 48 191 964 10.0 Wmsbridge-Westchester.....23.7 45 141 1,355 9.6 Borough of Bronx.......20.5 49 180 1,143 100 STATEN ISLAND: Borough of Richmond...... 17.5 63 150 1,555 12.5 BROOKLYN: Wmsburg-Greenpoint........21.2 64 160 1,193 11.3 Fort Greene..........21.2 79 241 1,883 15.9 Red Hook-Gowanus......21.0 80 253 1,739 15.4 Sunset Park...........21.0 56 160 1,097 10.0 Bay Ridge....... 23.8 45 140 1,090 9.9 Bishwick............18.7 58 149 891 12.0 Bedford................0 19.5 53 168 1,194 12.4 Flatbush.........o..a18.8 44 119 806 9.2 Lower Flatbush......... 22.7 43 118 989 8.9 Brownsville.........20.9 51 131 830 8.6 Borough of Brooklyn...... 20.7 56 159 1,129 11.2 Astoria-Elmhurst.......24.1 50 162 708 10.8 Maseth.........13.8 48 127 550 8.4 Flushing...........22.4 49 146 895 11.3 Jamaica West..........16.2 44 105 676 10.1 Jamaica East.......16.5 52 131 858 8.9 Rockaway................ 18.3 55 21 356 12.4 Borough of Queens........1..8 49 131 712 10.0 NEW YORK CITY * *0 1909 59 199 1,444 12.2 For notes see page 27 I19Z9 GENEIRAL DEAPTHl RATEI MVANHATTAN AND THE iLZONX HeaLth Districts 6 16 a. 'r%. k 115pr OL z K L A 0, 18.5 N HILL L WE Rate,per' 1,000 popi. EI]Urtder 10.0 NOTE: 2bronx 10.0 New'YorK C. tV IZ.Z 13.0 -16.9 SI-TO -20-9 COMMITTEE ON NEIGHBORH1OOD HEALTH DIEVIELOPMENT.January, 1930 Q.jxP.- M.PV~O".F 7 1929 GENERAL DEATH1 RATE BROOK.LYN AND QUEENS HeaLth. Districts Rate per 1,000 L Ul Under 9.0 V 0 9.0 - 9.9 V, 101.0 -10.9 population. 1. -1L9 SI3o-lz.0+ 13.0 + NOTE Brooklyr hI1.Z QLueens 10.0 New YorkC: I IZ.Z SJ-DL -M RP./O..ED. 19Z9 MORTALITY INFANT MANHATTAN AND THE BRONX Health Districts WASI 6C H El wARO 1at-e per 1,000 I lUnder 45 S45-49 5 50--59 births 60-69 g 170-84 -85+ WI NOTE Maranattarx Bronx New York CitJ 77 4; 5 45 COMMITTEE ON NEIQGrBOOROOD HLALTH DEVCLOPMENT January, 1930 rJ.D. - MP.PE/O.F D. 9 19Z9 INFANT MORTALITY BROOKLYN AND QUEENS Health Distri cts NOTt Rate per 11000 birtho SUnder 45 I 555-59 2 j 45-49 60-69. 50-54 70+ B~rooklyr Ckueens New Yorktn. New York eit 56 49 59 QGJ. P.-M.P.? /.0 FD. I929 Re4istration rate, New Cases PULMONARY TUBERCULOSIS MANHATTAN AND THE.BRONX HeaLth D istr cts 10 WILL IAMSBRID GEl'4, L# WE1 TCH ESTLER = KIPSI U - 2 0 LENOX HILL Rate per 100,000 population i Under 175 ZZ5-275 175 - 19C9 Z-76 -399 00 ZOO-ZZ4 400+ L(e WEC~ LOWER 305 EAST SIDE NOTEI Manrattart brornx New York C-t 314 180 199 S COMMITTEE ON NEIGnBORnOOD HEALTH DEVELOPMENT January, 1930 G J. -M.PP/O.F.D. 1929 egistrattion rate, New Ca5es PULMONA1RY TU1FRCULO51 BROOKLYN AND QUEENS HeaLthL Dis-tricts 11 L II Urderl100 100 -1Z4 e~~ 125 - 139 140-160 161 -199 -2001 - NOT El brooklyn 159 queens 131 New York-Citj 199 &4ZD.- M.P. P./O 0--F.. 12 1929 Registrat;iorin Rate PRINCIPAL COMMUNICABLE DISEA5ES (ExcLusive of Tubercuio5is) MANHATTAN AND THE BE5RONX. -- istr icts:WILLIAMSBRID GQE - '---- E3 5 35TR SW E5TC H EST ER1 WASHINGTON I 36 b H EIGHTS W. *4 RIVERSIDE ]III 1934 w 2~ 96 WEST f 73 ARLEM 1ý LENO HILL Rate per 100,000 I I Under 1000 [ 1000 -1199 z1Z00-1599 LLOWER SST SIDE,IIIJ) popuLa-tion 1400- 2099 11112100 -Z199 o200 + 2538 1 143 1444 NOTE Manhattan Bronx New York Cit r L3 o COMMITTEE ON NEIGNBORMOOD HEALTN DEVELOPMENT January, 1930 CQoverur reportrs of typhoid) measLes, scarLet fever, whVoopi% cwuýh, dipKLth-eria, infLuen.xa, prteuLorra)s phlls and onorrhea G.J.D.- M KP/OFD. 19 29 7reistration Rate PRINCIPAL C&MMUNICABLE.DISEASS* (E.xclui6ve of Tuberculocis) BROOK.LYN AND QUEENS HeaLth. Districts 13 1ete per 100,000 II lnder 600 11I 600 -799 800 -899 popuLztion. 900 -1099 IIoo 110-1Z99 1300 + NOTE Brooklyn Queens New York City I 29 712 S444 * Covers reports of ty phoid, measte4, sarLet- fever, whoopi ng cough, daphtheria, "Ifluenza, pneumontia syphiis and gonorrhea G.-JD.-M.-PP/o Fm. 14 19Z9 BIRZTH5, DEATHS (LocalPResidents) and ELEMENTARY SCHOOL REGIS5TRATION STATEN 1SLAND Sub -D istricts COMMITTEE ON NEIArH4 ORl1OOD MEALTH DEVELOPMENT January, 1930 %.J.D. - Mr.PP/O.FD. PROPOSED HEALTH DISTRICTS 15 New York City DISTRICT POPULATION - SCHOOL REGISTRATION RATIOS AND 1929 POPULATION ESTIMATES Elementary 1925 1925 1925 1929 SCHOOL STATE PERCENT of RATIOS of POPULATION BOROUGHS REGISTRATION CENSUS School Reg- Dist.Pop. Estimates 1925 1929 q istr. to to School q _ ' Total Pop. R gagtr MANHATTAN: Lower East Side... 92,947 67,565 428,244 21.7 4.6:1 311,299 Kips Bay-Lenox Hill. 40,088 27,318 262,713 15.3% 6.6:1 179,026 East Harlem..... 50,771 39,215 253,506 20.0% 5.0:1 195,805 Central Harlem... 24,342 21,400 197,478 12.3% 8.1:1 173,611 Lower W est Side.. 52,803 39,297 335,564 15.7% 6.4:1 249,733 Riverside...... 26,537 24,740 250,15 10.6% 9.4:1 233,218 Washington Heights.. 24,538 29,333 211,658 11.61 8;6:1 253,018 Borough of Manhattan 312,026 248,868 1,945,029 16.0% 6.2:1 1,595,710 MONK: Mott Haven...... 46,875 44,069 222,180 21.1% 4.7:1 208,880 Morrisania..... 36,081 40,451 229,117 15.7% 6.4:1 256,867 Tremont...... 27,629 36,385 191,673 14.4% 6.9:1 252,417 Fordham-Riverdale.. 20,868 28,352 115,695 18.0% 5.5: 1 157,187 Pelham Bay...... 7,442 13,515 45,864 16.2% 6.2:1 83,291 Wmsbridge-We stchester I 10,927 21,062 67,463 16.2 6.2: 1 130,036 Borough of Bronx... 149,822 183,834 872,168 17.2% 5.8:1 1,088,678 Borough of Richmond. 24,381 27,460 138,277 17.6% 5.7:1 155,740 BROOKLYN: Wmsburg-Greenpoint.. 64,446 54,826 276,908 23.3% 4.3:1 235,573 Fort Greene..... 35,356 30,821 223,228 15.8% 6.3:1 194,595 Red Hook-Gowanus... 37,152 34,175 197,397 18.84 5.3:1 181,579 Sunset Park..... 35,068 36,561 205,398 17.1% 5.9:1 214,143 Bay Ridge...... 33,849 41,754 193,535 17.5' 5.7:1 238,733 Bushwick....... 43,177 41,452 256,136 16.9% 5.9:1 245,903 Bedford....... 38,140 38,012 258,545 14.8% 6.8:1 257,677 Flatbush...... 30,356 45,754 222,220 13.7% 7.3:1 334,940 Lower Flatbush.... 20,710 34,104 108,743 19.0% 5.3:1 179,072 Brownsville..... 59,398 61,194 261,881 22.7 4.4:1 269,799 Borough of Brooklyn. 397,652 418,653 2,203,991 18.0% 5.5:1 2,352,014 QUEENS: Astoria-Elmhurst... 28,002 38,858 180,275 15.5% 6.4:1 250,165 Maspeth...... 19,384 23,209 144,874 13.4& 7.5:1 173,462 Flushing...... 20,017 24,826 105,692 18.9; 5.3:1 131,084 Jamaica West..... 22,941 28,241 159,266 14.4% 6.9:1 196,061 Jamaica East..... 15,574 28,663 89,823 17.3% 5.8:1 165,314 Rockaway.. ~ ~.. 6,416 6,416 33,961 18.9% 5.3:1 33,961 Borough of Queens.. 112,334 150,213 713,891 15.7% 6.4:1 950,047 1JEW YOR~ CT'VY _ _ _ aa r -.. -or 4w W eeA 0 as & V?0*o cl01~,v 9 51873*356 17.0oN 5.9:1 6,142,189 For notes see page 27 16 ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS, MFANHATTAN 54. Aza"ý P2-s-a?r I L1- A- I L3p 1 l 1. A 14, bofI. ll I 10 L.rýI 5.1ý) zw5-. lam" ý1.n x.-mitq!.*-I Ll. " UI1. Lcr1 v21n 2. 1:14, A, L4 &I-." W lo vn, 04. It 51. 1-ir- 1? % SA.r, a uq t d jo c-1L UL. 4.16-4 L. Lot- k. a% CvpQlrlO 5 ~I Ulm A as s. cul1- 1 -A. r= iwrur i: IT;1. ý,% IN dm.1 3a.- 2. 1%13 mmr 21t: c- w ~ s. LAS A. t. E.Jy c aoIQ m~ 8*17 ý I IL -:6 '-!1 lr; k A-a 5.04 1owC-yg O ~INJ 39 jj" 1w Awiw RcA 22.1. YA. ~J 60 4- tu %. t"4I U t* 3A % M-1 sll 41 A\k,;ovk W MtfflqpbA. awl &61 Wý vlju A-r.. 46 5%, --i " 2u u I1.z.171, ate% llý4~ aA ý,-, E tw- L21 s.l m cr-1.41 f.ol a" A14 lux 34 5" c-!A 67 Cf ý-t zýLl =j 6- 1 *2-% or 1-4,.1r L.M-u um r tab", 21 56 4ý L14Y r w- C-r-1 -1 But Ilblb 41-: 4c o- s,47 ar rxrwt- b4 ) so &.3 1W V 0- L- ~y -x ',-It ua M-ý Sa c~ Lu 'r zu_ý* L ~-~. mt51 tea 0ý L-4 ý -f as *L-VA. ftrPk = 11.1% icwl-)~ zft ktboT7 1". yu a L&, ft pQ metvy rýr 4D* a 3ý~ Iftami?I --.r4 r7 14 itI~ a ý lt 144 al.~ 7 L3~~SI ".1.~ I b-j ra lic 'sl~ -o.r. rv:.z -a aw o%Tlw.1;I L~d ~? or-..u~~61 Art~rlr W. Is y 490 a4. i 70) at. rr " '...t. 44. 4 3 1.4 a t.4 474 17 )2ý1 43L~a i 14 76 4.4... at. 214224Sott.474. 4.6.AIL* _.. 1 70 gi i-t ioS t. la F61 T1 L., g.. ) ýal C at.,~ 19y14kty C 6%. or 15 11-ctg I.a~ f~~Hat a 111 32 St. 27 21, 11 1 atr. 31 11 A.II ~~ 16 36 at: 01 6) 9. it 4x.OI\ SO 70 ti a. 119 St. 9 G~r. 109.17at 3 0 to~~l 10I~~~a~ 3 1 109 all It.( 12 71~L~~ 110 To Come I 2 " S 2, at. 119 M 10 I 11: A%11 m A* Lir4:.I Ir 14ll l~ 57 176 a I Z,\.r~ 1 1 It S I~~~ r 1`2 S I- 1) PI ot I.. 121 1 ~~~ll ~~ 0 ii for. tb at. 110 r 60 It j S.t it 8%. To " IS 1 327 St. It "01.0 A...r 103' %bil ~a" 156 I&SO Trl. 4,0. 83A 109 at. -r ~ls~ ~~ 6A 163\ZII it 5 to 1I I. ITS) T aI. t1I It.~ r~ 40 11?v a ~.0I M )L6WS Ft. I.O talI.0 V.$2 1). 1., A~. )1 1.101. 6611 4 0 1: "0'04%. IT? Aid at.l 45 9 3 6. I9 LOI.t 0)at A. 1!kL~f. A b )LL~l r 221) to.% 14; It. nbo LimP t~r rdl b 4... of IS. 11. OfO 11. SO ~~rr.4 r *bor*Kh tl eition aqjar#Lmeql bycity o mttartgtr haeA Melth Devieloptn"+r GP 4 P+ *baeasd or Heal+h Area Map *9 N ewYoeCtZy, Heatla Ad4inist,4eton add e4%catiol Se4.thn lMFare-CouncrIof NewY- k, pr f4red in L _nrCO opt#-* co operWta.or w4th k H YrCity ý7.rt7e4nt aP Health, C ieV Cense Co Cmm;T.. 4A RpserC-h N OTE.: Figures tr EaCh 5sectio SienviCNe4Yo laerTaaesai 74 Heth SHa&Hh r +f0r trhetalth areaC uarebtr. _ __ 17 ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS, PUBLIC,PAROCHIAL,Reistration 1929 BRONX NEWYORK CITY....... 0 7*A?4S 48c 48d -14 a& 51 1. 96 Hr& hAdnn-r o.n-rADia00ho isof tjootth Cataes' Otsisus Comn'iat~te at( odHeatin Tevo opmeant NOTE: FigureS necscor refer to hea1th area nonnber. 0 4) 114Z 0- 113; O ICO oc < Il C A- z QFW ', G'! eEI 81 S 41 awk L i ft 4 e'. 6JYi6 18 I _ _ )I\l~l~c SPhcscJL~ ~4~~~~~ r~~~~L~-. ~~~ r~ ~~C~'~.~l'\ ~rr~l~~ r r~ Ic*r f~ a.u;~l~~ r, ~-J~ ~~t' \' ~.~r~~r~:::::lc~,;~... I~ C~~~-~~ r)L~.rr ~I~C~~~\ '~' ~ -~ ~~ ~~~~~( n ~~-1-r~ ~~ ~~~~-h~~' ~~ ~~1~~~ ~~ )~ TU~I ~~~~ ~r~~~.~-~~~\-t~ n ~~~~"~ L -~~ -~. -iZ h ~~~C-~~~' ~ ~I~~-~i~~ ~ ~~ I~.~ r~ ~~~r~~ ~. I~~ ~~ ~r. r~r~ ~~.~~ F r '~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~u~~ r~ ~~~r~~~~. ~~ ~~C~~--~~ r~c.~ ~ ~~ ~~~ I'~.r ~~~~rr ~r~~~.~r ~--~- r ~rr ~r R C~(~L-- ~~--~ ~~~,~- r~ r~~c ~ r. ~~ ~~s~ ~-r~ ~.. ~h~-~-~~~.~,~.~~~1~~~' ~' r~ u~.., r-~~ s -~~L- c..,~.,.. ~L ~~i~~r ~~~~-~ ~~~ ~ -~n ~~~ ~~, ~~ ~r..~irr -I '~~~ ~~ -'~~~-~ c~;r-~~J ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS PUBLIC PAROCHIAL Refis ration 19Z9 BROOKLYN New York City Health Areas la 8~t IL r- - r +~C4L " Y.~l~ N. Y. C. Dept. of Health and Welfare CL, Pobp 1925 Sate Cenoa _ __I_ _ __ __ I Iltlh __ 19 U' ELEMENTARY SCHCOO1? PUBLI C, PAZOC H IFAL 'kefl' stration 19 29 'QUEENS BOROUGH New York City Pbroch ol 5cbccl,5 Health Areas N. Y. C. Dept. of Health and Welfare CL. Pop. 1925 State Cenaua 20 HOSP ITALS AND ELEMENTAIRY SCHOOLS Staten Island, New York, Citj P.S.No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9.10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 72 23 24 27 28 29 3C 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 PUBLIC SCHOOLS Address Summit Ave., Tottenville,i7ener St., Richmond Valley Latourette St., Pleasant Plains Arthur Kill Rd., Charleston funboy Rd., Huguenot Park 1016 Rossville Ave., Rossville Arthur Kill Rd., Green Ridge Lindenwood Ave., Great Kills Beach & 8th Sts., New Doro Ricuhmond Rd., New Dorp 50 Jefferson Ave., Donegan Hills 109 Rhine Ave., Stapleton 161 Hylan Blvd., Rosebank 75 Broad St# Staeleton Grant St. & St. Paul Ave., Tomrokinsville Daniel Low Terrace, Tombkinsville Prosmect & Far View Aves.,New Brighton Broadway & Market St. W.New Brighton 3" Greenleaf Ave., W.New Brighton Heberton Ave., Port Richmond 168 Hooker P1., Port Richmond Forest & Columbus Ayves., Graniteville Mersereau Ave., I'ariners Harbor Washington Ave., Mariners Harbor Richmond T=rnDike & Wild Ave.Linoleumv ille Richmond Ave., New Snringville Centre St. R ichmond Victory Blvd;&Slosson Ave, W.New Brighton Fisk Ave.&Blvd, W. New Brighton Bloomingdale Rd. Bogardus Corners 14 Osgood Ave., Stanleton" Midland Ave., Gra-nt City Fingerboard Rd.&Grant Ave, Rosebank Manor Rd, W. New Brighton Lamont Ave.&Jefferson Blvd., Annadale Huguenot Park Lincoln Ave., Midland Beach Sand Land & Mac Parland Ave., So. Beach Henderson & Lafayette Aves, New Brighton Clamson St.& Locust Ave., New Doro Richmond & Agusta Ayves., Eltingville Castleton Ave., Tomnkinsville. Maple Parkway, Mariners Harbor Morrison Ave., West Briýhton PAROCHIAL SCHOOLS No. Name 1 St. Adalbert 2 Blessed Sacrament 3 Insnaculate Conceotion 4 St. John Baptist de la Salle 5 St. Margaret Mary 6 St. Mary 7 St. Mary of the Assumntion H 0 S P I T A L S 8 Our Lady of Good Counsel Name Address 9 Our Lady Help of Christians Marine, No. 21 Stapleton 10 Our Lady Queen of Peace Richmond Memorial 275 Prince Bay Road 11 Our Lady of Pity St. Vincent's Bard & Castleton Aves. 12 St. Patrick Sea Side New Dorp Beach 13 St. Paul Sea View Castleton Corners 14 St. Peter Staten Island Tomakinsville 15 St. Rita 16 Sacred Heart 17 St. Stanislaus Kastka Address Morningstar Rd., Port Richmond Delafield Ave, W.New Brighton 121 Targee St., Staoleton 76 Jackson St., Stanleton 558 Lincoln Ave,, Midland Beach Bay St, Virginia Ave, Rosebank 2242 Richmond Tcrrae4 Pt.Riclrhnd 742 Austin P1, Tomokinsville 7 Yetman Ave., Tottenville 69 New Dorm Lane, New Dory 1382 Richmond Ave., Graniteville 256 Center St., Richmond 130 Franklin Ave., New Brighton Richmond Terrace, New Brighton 79 Wellbrook Ave., Pt. 2ichmond 397 Burgher Ave., W.New Brighton 109 York Ave., New Briehton No. 1 2 S 4 5 6 21 PROPOSED 1HALTH DISTRICTS New York City CENSUSES, POPULATION ESTIMATES CENSUS 1929 BOROUGHS 1920 1925 1929 POPULATION Federal State Estimates School Basis ft t $ Estimates ~ MANHATTAN: Lower East Side......... 521,815 428,244 358,958 311,299 Kips Bay-Lenox Hill...... 325,094 262,71ý 216,523 179,026 East Harlem. *.......... 0 298,996 253,506 219,820 195,805 Central Harlem..0....... # 214,649 197,478 184,765 173,611 Lower West Side.......... 432,538 335,564 263,756 249,733 Riverside........... 275,361 250,158 231,497 233,218 Washington Heights......... 189,57; 211,658 228,012 253,018 Borough of Manhattan..... 2,284,10,945,029 1,693,956 1,-595,710 BRONX: Mott Haven....... 227,92 222,180 217,928 208,880 Morrisania...... 210,49 229,117 242,906 256,867 Tremont...........139,420 191,673 230,359 252,417 Fordham-Riverdale.......... 85,43 115,695 138,100 157,187 Pelham By....0.... t - 27,74 45,86 59,279 83,291 Wmasbridge-Westchester.... 40,25 67,463 87,606 1301,036 Borough of Bronx........ 732,01 872,168 975,946 1,088,678 STATEN ISLAND: Borough of Richmond...... 116,53 138,277 1 154,379 155,740 BROOKLYN: Wmsburg-Greenpoint... 321,35 276,908 243,999 235,573 Fort Greene.......... 248,17 223,228 204,759 194,595 Red Hook-Gowanus....... 221,58 197,397 179,487 181,579 Sunset Park........ 184,23, 205,398 221,068 214,143 Bay Ridge...... 122,10 193,535 246,429 238,733 Bushwick.............. 269,65< 256,13 246,128 245,903 B~dford............ 231,927 258,54 278,257 257,677 Flatbush..... 142,964 222,222 280,907 334,940 Lower Flatbush.......... 49,147 108,743 152,871 179,072 Brownsville............. 219,80 261,881 293,038 2692799 Borough of Brooklyn........... 2,018,3512,203,999 2,341,448 2,352,014 WUE=ES: Astoria Elmburst.......... 121,61 180,27E 223,714 250,165 Maspeth............. 119,08 144,87 163,973 173,462 Flushing............. 73,553 105,692 129,505 131,084 Jamaica West...... 91,205 159,266 209,660 196,061 Jamaica East...... 42,069 89,823 125,183 165,314 Rockaway.... 21,54C 33,961 43,159 33-961 Borough of aueens........ 469,042 713,891 995,194 950,047 NE*. YORK CITY........ 5,620,048 5,873,356 6,060,923 6,142,189 -- J~~L__ _ C_ 22 PROPOSED I EALTH DISTRICTS New York City POPJLATIOWN TRhD, 1925 to 1929. 1925 1929 BOROUGHS State ~~ School Basis CHANGE Census Estimate I Lower East side.................. 428,244 311,299 -116,945 Kips Bay-Lenox Hill......... 262,713 179,026 - 83,687 East Harlem............. 253,506 195,805 - 57,701 Central Harlem.a................ 197,478 173,611 - 23,867 Lower West Side.............. 335,564 249,733 - 85,831 Riverside....................0. 250,158 233,218 - 16,940 \ash!ington Heights................. 211,658 253,018 + 41,360 Borough of Manhattan...............1,945,029 1,595,710 -349,319 MRO7X: M1ott Haven.................... 222,180 208,880 - 13,300 Morrisania.............. 229,117 256,867 + 27,750 Tremont............... 191,673 252,417 + 60,744 Fordhaem-R iverdale............ 115,695 157,187 + 41,492 Pelha- Bay............... 45,864 83,291 + 37,427 Tmsbridge-Westest ster........ 67,463 130,036 + 62,573 Borough of 'Bronx................ 872,168 1,088,678 +216,510 STATEN ISLAND: Borough of Richmond.......... 138,277 155,740 + 17,463 BROOKLYN: Wmsburg-Greenpoint.t.............. 276,908 235,573 - 41,335 Fort Greene............... 223,228 194,595 - 28,633 Red Hook-Gowanus.................. 197,397 181,579 - 15,818 Sunset Park.... -......... 205,398 214,143 + 8,745 Bay Ridge.............. 193,535 238,733 + 45,198 Bushwick................ 256,136 245,903 - 10,233 Bedford............... 258,545 257,677 - 868 Flatbush.................. 2c22,220 334,940 +112,720 Lower Flatbush................ 108,743 179,072 + 70,329 Briownsvi11e.e.............. 261,881 269,799 + 7,918 Borough of Brocklyn...............2,203,991 2,352,014 +148,023 QUEENS: Astoria-Elrmhur s t............ 180,275 250,165 + 69,890 Maspeth...................... 144,874 173,462 + 28,588 Flushing................. 105,692 131,084 + 25,392 Jamaica West.................. 159,266 196,061 + 36,795 Jamaica East.................... 89,823 165,314 + 75,491 Rockaway....................... 33,961 33,961 0 Borough of Queens................. 713,891 950,047 +236,156 NEW YORK CITY...............5,873,356 6,142,189 +268,833 For notes see page 27 23 HIOSPITALStAND CLINICS MANHATTAN HospitaI5 New York Cit H irl 1928 Flo frk *Borough e- tio anrfamreqby c:y C imi ttt-c, orntigtibrhobd Health 1-D)Cioprrnr b APsed I-nH eA4I+h Ar4 Map %? New Y.P Ci; H"ltk Adrini atcr nd ues tin Sec-fjan %*IFareCours~t of. I P d in co ap~~ir w~t Ht kos Ct Pp~rtt en p Healtthl CIVIea' Ctrn CoMRIlRCThe. e4 Resaar ch Satrvtk, KawY*rk Takeruteti s a H Met A noasshan, NOT E:.Figur g r r 3 ac)h sacction refer * h'.lItth Pt nu'mber. See page 25 for hospital list. 24 __ HOSPITALS AND CLI NICS N. Y. C. Dept. of Health and Welfare Cl. Pop. 1925 State Cenaus See age 25 for hosnital list.a See n~age 'D for hsia it __ 25 HOSPITALS, NEW YORK CITY MANHATTAN: 1. Be eknan 2. Beth David 3. Beth Israel 4. Booth Memorial 5. Broad Street 6. Columbus 6a. Columbus Extension 7. Community 8. Fifth Avenue 9. French 10. St. Elizabeth 11. Italian 12. Jewi sh 13. Knickerbocker 14. Lenox Hill 15. Lutheran 16. Marine No. 43 17. Midtown 18. Misericordia 19. Mt. Sinai 20. Bellevue 21. City22. Gouverneur 23. Harlem 24. Metropolitan 25. N.Y. Flower 26. N.Y. Polyclinic 27. N.Y. Post Graduate 28. Pan American 29. People's 30. Presbyterian 31. Roosevelt 32. St. Luke's 33. St. Mark's 34. St. Vincent's 35. Society of New York 36. Sydenham 37. West Side 38. Memorial 39. N.Y. Cancer Inst. 40. N.Y. Skin and Cancer 41. St. Rose's 42. St. Francis' 43. Willard Parker 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. N.Y.State Psychiatric Joint Diseases Runtured & Crionled N.Y. Orthonedic Floating Babies Jewish Maternity Manhattan Maternity N.Y. Foundling N.Y. Infirmary N.Y. Nursery & Childs St. Mary's Soc. of the Lying-in Women's Hospital Hebrew Convalescent Reconstruction Rockefeller Institute St. Andrews BRONX: I. Bronx 2. Fo rdharam 3. Lebanon 4. Lincoln 5. St. Francis 6. Union 7. House of Calvary 8. Beth Abraham Home 9. Home for Incurables 10. Holy Comforter 11. Montefiore 12. Riverside 13. Bronx Eye and Ear 14. St. Joseph's 15. Seton 16. Bronx Maternity RICHMOND: I. Marine, No. 21 2. Richmond Memorial 3. St. Vincent's 4. Sea Side 5. Sea View 6. Staten Island BROOKLYN: 1. Bradford Street 2. Coney Island 3. Cumberland 4. Greenpoint 5. Kings County 6. Brooklyn State 7. Kingston Avenue 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20 21. 22. 2. 24.3, 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. Beth Moses Betbhany Brooklyn Brownsville and E.N.Y. Bushwick Caledonian Evangelical Deaconess Harbor Holy Family Jewish L.I. College Luth eran Methodi st Norwegan Lutheran Ocean Hill Memorial Pock Memorial Prospect Heights St. Catherine's St. John's St. Mary's St. Peter's Samaritan Samaritan - Skene Div. Swedi sh Trinity United Israel Zion U.S. Naval HosTital Unity Victory Memorial Wyckoff Heights Nursery & Infants Home Faith Home for Incurable Back Terminal Industrial Brooklyn Eye and Ear House of St. Gilec St. Charles Home for Consumptives Hebrew Maternity St. Cecilia Maternity Williamsburg Memorial Hebrew Home & Hosoital for Aged 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. Harlem Eye, Ear & Throat Herman Knap Mem-orlal Manhattan Eye and Ear N.Y. Eye and Ear N.Y. Ophthalmic Tonsil Manhattan State Neurological Institute Neurological Hospital QUEENS: I. Fludhing 2. Jamaica 3. Mary Immac ulate 4. Rockaway Beach 5. St. John's 6. St. Joseph's 7. Neponsit Beach 8. Queensboro Contagious Diseases 9. St. Anthony's 26 GREATER NEW YORK SUBWAY ELEVATEE SYSTEM EXPLANATION - Subway Lines - Elevated Lines @ Express Stations o Local Stations -U NOTES: 27 The basic material here concerns itself with data for residents only of New York City so far as ascertainable from provisional monthly "Health Area Statistics". Rates are all computed upon 1929 population estimates based on elementary school registration relation to total conmmnities. ~ Computed by applying to 1929 school registration actual ratios within each district between 1925 school figures and 1925 census. 6' Includes registration in public and parochial schools, elementary and junior high, located in each Health Area; public school registration, May 31, 1929;,Ouils in -arochial schools as reported in Catholic Directory, 1929. ~" Public school registration, May 31, 1925; parochial, according to 1925 Catholic Directory 4 Pulmonary. $' Covers cases of nine leading communicable diseases: typhoid, measles, scarlet fever, whooping cough, diphtheria, influenza, pneumonia, syphilis, gonorrhea. SManhattan total includes 16 cases of tuberculosis and 4,084 cases of other contagion undistributed because of unknown address or occurrence in institutions, and the following statistics for Central Park, Bedloe's, Ellis, Governor'q Welfare, Ward's and Randall's islands, which are not in any of the Manhattan districts: births, 11; infant deaths, 4; new tuberculosis cases, 61; other contagion cases, 272; total deaths, 233. ** Bronx borough total includes the following statistics for Riker's, North and South Brother islands, which are not in any of the Bronx districts: births, 28; infant deaths, 5; tuberculosis new cases, 8; other contagion, 5; total deaths, 5. ***Tuberculosis and contagion figures for Richmond are from published borough totals. + Per 1,000 population; births and deaths corrected for residence. t Per 1,000 births ~4 Per 100,000 population. ~~ The difference of 5,708 in Manhattan population and 176 in the Bronx between the borough totals and the sum of the columns is due to the inclusion in the total of the population of Central Park, Bedloe's, Ellis, Governor's, Welfare, Ward's and Randall's islands in Manhattan and Riker's, North and South Brother islands in Bronx. tt The difference in 1920 population figures of 26,078 in Manhattan, 727 in the Bronx and 7,419 in Brooklyn between the borough totals and the sum of the district figures is due to the inclusion in Manhattan of a boat population of 10,725 and 15,353 residents of Central Park, Bedloe's, Ellis, Governor's, Welfare, Ward's and Randall's islands; in the Bronx of the 727 residents of Riker's, North and South Brother islands; in Brooklyn of a boat population of 7,449 and an urreconciled difference of 30 between the official 1920 Federal Census of the entire Borough and the sum of the component Sanitary District populations. $5 The difference of 9,375 in Manhattan, 232 in the Bronx and 5,495 in Brooklyn between the 1929 Borough estimates and t'he sum of the component districts is due to the fact that the estimated pooulation of Central Park, the islands and boats referred to above, following the customary arithmetical method of comnutation, fell to 0 before the end of 1929. 28 PROPOSED HEALTH DISTRICTS New York City Districts Health Areas lMANHATTAN: Lower East Side... 53, 58, 59, 60, 62 63, 65, 66, 67, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 78, 79, 80 Kips Bay-Lenox Hill. 3.6, 37, 38, 41, 42, 43, 44, 48, 49, 50, 54 East Harlem..... 17, 20, 21, 22, 25, 26, 28, 29, 30, 33 Central Harlem..... 8, 10, 12, 13, 15, 16, 19, 24 Lower West Side... 39, 45, 46, 47, 51, 52, 55, 56, 57, 61, 64, 68, 69, 77 Riverside....... 11, 14, 18, 23, 27, 31, 32, 34, 35, 40 Washington Heights.. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, BROX: Mott Haven....... 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47 Morrisania..... 21, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 33, 34, 35, 36 Tremont.......... 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22, 23, 24, 48e, 48f Fordham-Riverdale.. 1., 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 48a, 48b, 48c, 48d Pelham Bay....... 5, 6, 7a, 7b, 8, 48g Wmsbridge-Westchester. 12, 13, 14, 30, 31, 32 RICHMOND: Sub-Districts: St.George-W.N.Brighton 3, 4 Stapleton....... 5, 7 Port Richmond... 1, 2, 6 South Shore..... 9 Tottenville..... 8 BROOKLYN: Wmsburg-Greenpoint.. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 15, 16 Fort Greene...... 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 18, 19, 27, 45, 92a Red Hook-Gowanus... 23, 24, 25, 26, 40, 41, 42, 43 Sunset Park......44, 46, 47, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 92b, 92c Bay Ridge....... 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 92e, 92f Bashwick....... 17, 22, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 37, 38, 39, 92g, 92h, 92i Bedford........ 20, 21, 28, 29, 30, 36, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52 Flatbush....... 53, 54, 55, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 88, 92d Lower Flatbush..... 85, 86, 87, 89, 90, 91 Brownsville...... 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 75 QJEENS: Astoria-Elmhurst... 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 14, 39k, 391, 39m, 39n Masieth......... 16, 17, 18, 19, 22, 23, 24, 39a, 39b, 39c, 39d, 39e, 39f 39g, 39h, 39i, 39j Flushing........ 2, 11, 12, 13, 15, 20, 21, 39o, 39q, 39r Jamaica West..... 25, 26, 27, 30, 31, 32, section of 36 south of Rockaway Boulevard, 39p, 39t Jamaica East...... 28, 29, 33, 34, 35, section of 36 north of Rockaway Boulevard, 39s Rockaway....... 37, 38 UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 1 9015 00949 2433 DATE DUE DO NOT REMOVE OR MUTILATE CARD Based on Reports from Bureaus of Records and Preventable Diseases, New York City Department of Health; Bureau of Reference, Research and Statistics, Board of Education, New York City; Cities Census Committee; Official Catholic Directory distributed upon Health Area Map, Health Administration Section, Welfare Council of New York City; with acknowledgment of assistance by the Brooklyn, New York and Queensboro Tuberculosis and Health Associations