A 575114 4t~ 7.f,4*. YP ~- *,.~.Li V 4 N ~M A 4 * A 4 A <V 2 AN EP'ITOME OF.HOMUE'OPATHJC PRACTICE, 9 b *& ~ -Ask,~ yo 4 - AN EPITOME or HOM~IEOIPATHIII PRACTIJOE; COMPIXLED CHIRPLY FROM JAHR, RUCICERT, BEAUVAIS, BOENNINGHAUSEN, &c. DY Jo To CURTIS, M.LD., AND J. LILLIE, MI XD Omnis medecina ab observatione oritur; sedula et acournta phanomonorum exploratio, fundarnentum est cognitionis morborum. NEW-YORK: W. RADDE, 322 BROADWAY. 1843. ENTrEBD according to Act of Congress, in the year 1843, by W. RADDE, n the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the Southern District of New-York. TO FEDERAL VANDERBTJRG-H, M. D., WHOSE U NT IR I NG Z EA L GREAT PROFESSIONAL SAGACITY, AND B R ILLI A NT SUCCESS$ HAVE MAINLY CONTRIBUTED TO THE PRESENT FLATTERING POSITION OF HO MCEOP ATHY, IN THE ari~teb lat, THIS VOLUME IS RESPECTFULLY INSCRIBED DY THE,EDITORS. Ile 4 PREFACE. THI present work was undertaken in the belief that a volume more compact, comprehensive, and clear, than any that has yet appeared in our language, was much wanted for the novice in Homoeopathic practice. Jahr's New Manual of which this is essentially an epitome, possesses the merit of endeavoring to distinguish by appropriate marks, the different results hitherto obtained, in the unparalleled experiments, and benign and brilliant practice of the immortal Hahnemann and his school. That work, however, has its defects. As a manual it is too large. It seems a misnomer to apply such a title to four volumes, even though compressed into two; while it cannot be denied, that this bulk has been A* Vi PREFACE. attained, by the most glaring violations of bre-,vity; a cardinal virtue of style in general, and absolutely indispensable in a manual. Vain repetitions and downright tautologies abound in every page; while the greater part of the work is occupied by pathogenetic results, which a practice of half a century has not yet confirmed. These undoubtedly have their value to the practitioner, especially to him who can study them in their details in the German records; but being next to useless to every one else, are out of place in a manual, and would be still more inappropriate in a work like this. We have been compelled to differ from the New Manual and the English translation in the rendering of some very important German expressions. We make these alterations, not for the purpose of finding fault, but because in an art so exact as Homceopathy, PREFACE. Vii exactness of phraseology is absolutely indispensable. Thus, Kreuzschmerzen is always translated in Jahr's book, by maux aux reins, which he says has exactly the same meaning in French, that Kreuzschmerzen has in popular language in Germany. This is strange inadvertence. Jahr does not say that Kreuz means loins or small of the back. He must be aware that it means the bone between the hip bones known to anatomists as the sacrum. Kreuzschmerzen, therefore, must mean sacral pains, or in plain English pains of the rump. But he asserts (and he ought to know) that custom in Germany has changed the meaning to loin pains. Now though he were right in this, it would be no justification of his translation. For Hahnemann does not use the phrase in this sense; and it must never be forgotten that Hahnemann's records form the mass of our Materia viii PREFACE. Medica. In his elaborate record of Pulsatilla we find him formally explaining Kreuz by heilige Bein, holy bone, or sacrum; and anatomists use Kreuz in the very same sense. By what authority then does Jahr in the synopsis of Hahnemann's Pulsatilla, change sacral pains into loin pains? Hahnemann distinguishes loin pains in that very connection by the word Lendenschmerzen; why does Jahr confound both under one phrase? It were well if this were the only important medicine thus perverted. But when we remember that there is not one weighty and well defined drug, from Aconite to Zinc, in which Kreuzschmerzen (sacral pains) does not form a leading feature, and that it is a symptom of perpetual occurrence in practice, especially in the treatment of female complaints;-the vast importance of the change will be duly appreciated. PREFACE. ix Another word, the translation of which we 'have ventured generally to alter, is drioicken. There is no single expression occurring half so frequently in the original records as this. 'it must then be a matter of very great moment, that a proper word should be selected for its translation. The word chosen by Jahr as equivalent in French is vresser-to press. Accordingly these pressing pains are continually recurring in every line of the manual. But, however frequently we meet them in the book, certainly they are not often met with in English practice. We rarely find our patients complaining of pressing pains, and as we cannot suppose that the Germans are constantly experiencing feelings unknown to us, there is ground for suspicion at least that yressure cannot be the precise idea which a German attaches to druck when applied to X PREFACE. pain. This suspicion gathers strength when we find driicken qualified by pressendes. As it seems a palpable and ridiculous tautology to speak of pressing pressing, and as, confessedly, pressendes can mean nothing but pressing, we are driven to the necessity of xegarding driicken as something different. On examining drickcen in the Lexicon, we find that though its primary meaning is to press, its secondary meaning is to cause pain by pressing. By a transition the most common in language, the effect is taken for the cause, and thus, druck in its secondary sense signifies the pain which the pressure produces, rather than the pressure itself. What word then are we in the habit of employing, when we wish to express the pain produced by pressure? Do we not say the shoulder aches with its load? Is there any word which we so generally use to characterize pain as aching? This word, then, PREFACE. Xi answers the German driicken in two essential respects. It denotes pain arising from pressure, and is the most common word in the language to express pain, just as we find driicken employed more frequently than all other terms put together, to denote pain in the language of the Germans. We can find confirmation of the correctness of this view in the English translation of Jahr. For example, in Belladonna, we find " aching pains in the eyes;" which aching answers to pression in Jahr, and on examining the German, we find driucken the word of which pression is the translation. Here then we have the English translator strangely breaking loose from the trammels of Jahr, and daring to render driicken by aching. This, however, is not the only instance of such a rendering.In the second volume, or Repertory, under the " eyes" we have "aching in the orbit;" Xii PREFACE. and Bovista, Cuprum, Paris, and Phosphorus, are given as producing it. On examining Bovista in volume first, we find the aching turns out to be pressure, which when traced to the original German, is found to be driicken; and the same holds of the other three. It is worth noticing, that in the pathogenesis of Cuprum we findpressure under both " eyes" and "ears;" but in the Repertory the pressure in the eyes becomes aching, while that in the ears continues unchanged. We are quite at a loss to gather the English translator's views of the meaning of driicken. It is not our intention to maintain that driicken never retains its primary meaning of pressing in the Homceopathic symptomatology. On the contrary, we have sometimes translated it in this way. We think, however, that such instances ought to be regarded as merely the exceptions There is only one other point which it is PREFACE. Xiii necessary to mention in reference to Jahr's French Manual. Though it has been prepared with tolerable industry when we candidly consider the difficulties of the work; it is clear some of his asterisks have fallen out. Thus while his record shows that Belladonna produced toothache in those on whom it was tried in health, as there is no asterisk at such symptoms, it is implied that no cure of toothache by that drug has ever been known to be effected. As the daily experience of every Homceopath refutes this, we have restored the symptom to its true place. The same remark applies to toothache and diarrhoea under Bryonia. There is a mistake of a different but far more important kind under Aconite, our grand antiphlogistic, the precious plant without which the Homceopath could not treat acute disease. Under the head Fever, the last symptom is put down thus: o Pouls dur XiV PREFACE. frequent et acceler6. This implies that Aconite has often cured hard, rapid pulse, but never produced it on the healthy subject. But we have only to examine Hahnemann's record to find fever and febrile pulse among the symptoms. By a curious oscillation in error the English translator drops the cypher, thus telling the world that Aconite has often produced hard rapid pulse on the healthy, but never cured it in the sick. Dropping the cypher then is no trifle. It leads to an error of the most astounding and dangerous character. The cypher in arithmetic is not more significant than the cypher in Jahr. Even the cypher, however, is less important than the asterisk, which makes known, not only what the drug has cured in the sick, but also what it has produced in the healthy, thus furnishing a double proof, the most conclusive imaginable, not merely of the power of the medica PREFACE. XV ment, but of the truth of Homoeopathy. These asterisks then, are the very essence of the book. They are the beacon lights which Hahnemann has fixed on the most fatal shoals and rocks, on which life is wrecked. As we have just seen, Jahr has been culpably careless about these marks. How is it with the English translator? In the compass of five pages in Belladonna, he has allowed eighteen of these beacon lights to go out! Eighteen forms of disease, which Belladonna has caused and cured, are thus virtually denied as having been cured at all! Ex uno disce omnia! It is the more to be regretted that the English translator should thus extinguish the stars of one of our mightiest constellations, as allopathy itself is beginning, under the hated but resistless power of Hahnemann, to regard Belladonna as a sort of panacea.* It is then * Vide London Lancet, No. 10 for January. XVi PREFACE. no time for the friends of Homceopathy to bate her pretensions on this blessed plant. If such be the havoc on the asterisks, who can calculate the damage on the cypher? The absolute perversions of meaning are too numerous to be pointed out. As samples of their general absurdity, we shall only quote one or two. Thus, under Aconite, we find in Jahr, " Grande agitation etjactation," One would think there could be no great difficulty in finding out that the words must mean great agitation and tossing. However, the "hack" contrives to stumble in the grossest way, by prea senting us with boasting instead of tossing. It will not do to say in apology for such sheer nonsense, that the printer is to blame; for unfortunately for such a shift, jactation does actually mean boasting, as well as tossing, and as we find the word correctly rendered under Belladonna, the inference would seem to be PREFACE. xvii that finding both meanings in the Dictionary, and unable to determine which was the right one; he ingeniously resolved to make sure of being correct at least in one of the cases, and so first gave us the one meaning, and then the other. Again, under Rhus, we have "erup tion au visage comme la couperose," translated, "Eruption on the face like copperas." Now here again, the Lexicon has been the stumbling block; for no doubt it told the translator that Couperose signified Copperas, but unfortunately it did not tell him, that in French Nosology, the word means that red eruption which we often see on the faces of those who indulge in ardent spirits; and though he writes himself Al. D. his education had not informed him of the fact. But the most extraordinary instance of mistaking the sense of an equivocal word, is to be found in Chap. X. Sect. II. under the xviii PREFACE, word Faeces, which is followed by the symptom " Yellow trace on the nose and cheeks in the form of;" and Sepia is given as the drug possessing the astounding quality, of marking a yellow trace on the nose and cheeks in the form of feces!! On turning to Sepia in the first part of Jahr, we find under Face the symptom,-" Trace jaune qui occupe le nez et les joues en forme de selle." The double meaning of selle, which may signify either a saddle, or an evacuation of the bowels, is again the stumbling-block. Apparently puzzled which to choose, he gives us the right meaning in the first volume, and the unsavoury one in the second. In conclusion, we would only observe that we have entered into such details, not by way of criticising the work in question, or enumerating its mistakes, but simply to preserve our own alterations from suspicion of mistake. PREFAkCE. xix It is not necessary that we should say much of the way in which this volume must be used in the treatment of disease. Of course that drug must be selected, whose recorded range of action, agrees most precisely with the features of the case. There is no remark so familiar in works on Homocepathic practice, as the injunction to look at the totality of symptoms, both in the drug and the disease. The difficulty has been to avoid perplexity amid the wilderness of symptoms. We hope this difficulty will be much diminished by presenting those points alone for consideration, which experience hab demonstrated to be most essential. To enhance the value of the index we have occasionally inserted remedies not yet con-, firmed at the bed-side. These will be found enclosed in brackets. The character of the type indicates not the XX PREFACE. relative value of the drug, but the frequency of its cures;-thus, in ABORTION,* Sabina has cured oftener than c h a m o mill a, ch am o m i a, than Hyoscyamus, and so on. This is because the symptoms of abortion represent the pathogenesis of sabina oftener than that of ch amomil la, but it would be a mistake to think sabina preferable in every case, since in some the phenomena might bespeak crocus, in others nux v. &c. This consideration, though familiar to those acquainted with our art, can hardly be too often urged upon beginners. As the subject of the dose in individual cases, involves difficulties of great moment, which can often be solved only by long practice, we deem it prudent to recommend to beginners, and more especially to the domestic practitioner, the employment of * See the firs: article of the Repertory. PREFACE. Xxi the higher forms of the medicines, as these in a majority of cases will be found sufficient. Should such milder preparations prove inadequate, it will be safer to resign the treatment to more experienced hands. NEW-YORK, May 21st, 1843. ii. LLa.a;~.:;~:~~ I ANTIDOTES. WE append to each drug a list of the medicaments which experience has proved to be most useful in controlling or destroying its effects, should its action on the economy be so powerful as to require interference. It is proper to observe, however, that in the treatment of drug diseases as well as natural ones, the agent employed should hold a strictly homceopathic relation to the case. A seeming exception to this rule is indeed to be found in instances where the deleterious agent has been swallowed in doses so large as to require evacuants or chemical re-agents,-this practice, in conformity with the generally misapplied, yet sound rule, "tolle causam," is never neglected by the rational physician, but it should be borne in mind, that the dynamic alterations produced by drugs, almost always require subsequent treatment which should be purely homceopathic. EDs. Aconitum. Alcohol, vegetable acids. Agaricus. Camph. coff. puls. wine. Alumina. Bry. campb. ipec. Ambra. Camph. nux v. puls. Ammon. carb. Am. camph. hep. s. c. c Xxvi ANTIDOTES../lmmon. 'mur. Campli. hep. s. e'. A'nacardium. Camph. Adngustura. Coff..Kintim. crud. Hep. mrner. Argentum. Mere. puls. A/rnica. Cainpl. ignat. Arscrticum. Chin. ferr. hep. s. c. ipec. nux v. verat. Asafo~t. Caust. chin. * urum. Bell. chin. merc. Baryta carb. Caruph. merc. Belladonna. Coff. hyosc. hep. is. c. wine. Bismuttura. Calc. Borax. Chain. coff. Bovista. Carnph. Bryonia. Acon. chain. ignat. flux v. Cal carca carb. Camph. nitri ac. suiph. Campliora. Op. spirits of nitre. Cannabis. Carnph. Cantharis. Camph. Capsicum. Cainph. Carbo anim. Campli. Carbo veg. Arsen. cainph. coff. Causticum. Coff. coloc. flux v. spirits of nitre. Clucmomilla. Acon. cocc. co~ff. ignat. flux v. puls. Cicuta. Amn. tabac. Cinchona. Amn. ars. bell. caic. caps. carb. -v. cin. fer. ipec. moec. natr. natr. ma. puls. sep. suiph. verat. Clematis. Bry. camnph. Cocculus. Cainph. nux v. Colchicum. Nux v. puls. cocc. Colocynthi~s. Cainph. caust. chain. coff. staph. ANTIDOTES. lkxvil, Conium. Coff. spirits of nitre. Crocus. Op. Cuprum. Bell. chin. cocc. duic. hep. s. c. ipec. mere. flux v. Digitalis. Nux v. op. Drosera. Camph. Dulcamara. Camph. ipec. mere. Eupharbium. Camph. lemoni. Eupkra~sia. Puls. Ferrurn. Arn. ars. bell, chin. hep. s. c. ipec. mere. puls. verat. Grapitites. Ars. flux v. wine. Helleborus. Cainph. chin. Hepar SuiphUriS. Bell. vinegar. Hyoscyamus. Bell. camph. chin. Ignatia. Amn. camph. chain. cocc. coff. puls. Jodium. Ars? campli. chin. coff. hep. s. c. phos. spong. sulph. Ipecacuanha. Amn. ars. chin. Kali carb. Camoph. coff. spirits of nitro. Kreosotum. Nux v. iod.? chain.? Lachesis. Ars. bell. caps:' Lauroceras-us. Campli. coff. ipec. op. Ledum. Camph. Lycopodium. Camph. puls. xxviii ANTIDOTES. M~agne~sia muriatica. Cainph. are.? Manganum. Coff. Mercuri us. Arn. asa. bell. caniph. carb. v. chin. dube. hey. s. c. iod. lack. lye. inex. nitr. ac. op. sass. sep. sil. sulpit..Ptezercum. Cainph. mere. Atoschus. Campli. flux v.? Muriatis acidum. Camph. bry.,Tvatrum carbonicum. Are.? cainph. spirits of wine. Natiruin muriaticum. Ars. earnph. spirits of nitre..Titrum. Spirits of nitre..Kitri acidum. Cale. cainpl. con. hiep. s. c. mez. petrol. suiph..TVux moschata. Carvi seeds. Nux vomica. Aeon. alcohol. cainph. chain. cofr. coce. pubs. wine. Oleander. Cainph. Opium. Cainpl. eale. eon. hep. s. c.' inez. petr. suiphi. Petroluem. Aeon. flux v. Phosrphorus. Canpip. COff. flUX V.wine. Phosphori acidum. Cainpl. cot1. Platina. Pubs. Plumbum. Alum. bell. hiyos. op. plat. strain. Pulsatilla. Chain, coff. ignat. nux v. Ranunculus b. Bry. eainph. pubs. rhus. Rheum. Cainph. chai.nfux v Rhododendron. Camph. clein. rhus. Rhus. Bry. eainph. coff. subph. Ruta. Caniph.? ANTIDOTES. xxix Sabadilla. Campli. puls. Sabinma. Carnph. Sambucus. Ars. camph. Secale. Campli. solarium nigrum. &mneg~a. Amn. bell. bry. campli. Sepia. Aeon. spirits of nitre, tart. vinegar. Silicea. Carnph. hop. s. c. Spigelia. Campli. Spong,,ia tasta. Campli. Squilla. Camph. Stawunur. Canpli. Staphysag-ria. Camphi. Stramoninm. Nux v. tabac. vegetable acids. Strontiana. Campli. Sulphur. Acon. camph. chain. chin. merc. flux v. puls. Sop. Suiphuris acidumt. Puls. Tartarus emeticus. Cocc. ipec. puls. Th~uia occidentalis. Camph. puls.? Verat rum. Acon. campli. chin. coff. Verbascum. Camph.? Zincum. Camphi. hep. ignat. - 4ý ER RATA. PAGr 26, 32, 42, 56, 60, 73, 100, 113, 118, 123, 125, 126, 127, 135, 136, 136, 136, 138, 141, 141, 143, 144, line 25, for gitation, read - 22, - locbiae, - - 6, - glary, - - 30, - bulinry, - - 8, - caranoma, - 9, - gary, - - 4, - libia, - - 4, yellows, - - 171 - 7, - asthritis, - 19, before stone, insert - 33, for humoure, read - 12, - wine, - 7, - bats. cap. - 6, removec ) from - 26, for olt, read - 28, - nar v. - 10 - 9 - - 14, - mix, - - 23, antoc. - - 23, - V. - - 24, - berb. - agitation. lochia. glaiiy. bulimy. carcinoma. glairy. tibia. yellow face. stomach. arthritis. feeling of. tumours. urine. bats. cop. cannab. BeOB. nux V. sil. nux. ant. c. nux v. verb. -.~t 1.-ACONITUM NAPELLUS. RANGE. Acute inflammations; active congestions; inflammatory fevers; croup usually in alternation with spongia. PATHOGENETIC AND CURATIVE. GENERAL. Shooting pains; troubles worst at night; fits of pain with thirst and red cheeks; sensitiveness of the body and especially of the diseased parts to motion or contact; fainting on sitting up in bed, with buzzing in ears; uneasiness from taking cold. SKIN, &c. Dry burning-; yellow-; incoherent talking, with closed eyes, without sleep; loss of sleep from anxiety, with continual tossing; starts in sleep; inability to lie on the side. FEVER. Dry burning heat, with extreme thirst, sometimes preceded by chills, with trembling; heat chiefly in head, with red cheeks and shivering throughout the body; pulse hard, frequent and quick. MORAL. Great agitation, with anguish, cries, tears groans &c.; dread of death; easily annoyed and frightened; alternate tears and laughter; despair of recovery; inclination to escape from bed; delirium chiefly at night. 1 ^ 2 ACONITUM NAPELLUS. HEAD.-Dizziness chiefly on sitting up; feeling of fluctuation in brain; headache with nausea and vomiting; stupefying pain in -; weight and fulness in forehead and temples, with expansion as of bursting; shootings and beatings; congestion; pains in--; aggravated by moving, speaking, &c. EYEs. Inflammation; lachrymation; aching; dilated pupils; lids inflamed; excessive dread of light. EARS, &c. Buzzing; bleeding of nose; face puffed, hot, arid; red patches on both cheeks; sweat on forehead; black lips; dry mouth; trembling, stammering speech; burning and pricking in throat; bitter or putrid taste; unquenchable thirst; disgust for food. STOMACH. Bilious, greenish, or mucous and bloody vomiting; oppression about the stomach with difficult breathing. ABDOtMEN. Tightness and aching in the hypochondres; burning and aching in the region of liver, with impeded breathing; tenderness in the region of liver; jaundice; drawing pains in- on stooping; burning about navel; tenderness of- to touch or motion. STOOLS. Suppression of--; small, frequent, softwith straining; watery-; white- with red urine. URINE, &c. Scanty, burning, deep red, with bricklike sediment; menses too copious. CouGH. Pain in larynx; continual desire to-; short dry-, chiefly at night; blood-spitting with-; shootings in chest with-. CHEST, &c. Short breath, chiefly during sleep; painful, anxious, groaning breathing; distressing oppression of-; stitches in- on breathing, coughing and moving; anguish in-, which cuts the breath; palpitation, with great distress; stiffness of nape, sacrum and hip joints. AGARICUS MUSCARIUS-AGNUS CASTUS. 3 CURATIVE. Feeling of bruising and weight in all the limbs; measles; purpura miliaris; general sensation of heat, with red cheeks, and headache on turning the eyes; frequent shiverings, with burning and dry skin; shootings in eyes on moving; swelling of eyes; sparkling eyes; face alternately red and pale; onesided pain in face; throbbing toothache; white tongue; expectoration of blood and mucus; whooping cough; short breath on sitting up; fits of suffocation; shootings in the region of the heart; inflammation of elbow or knee. 2.-AGARICUS MUSCARIUS. PATHOGENETIC AND CURATIVE. Eruptions like chilblains on different parts; miliary eruptions; gauze before eyes; spots before eyes; itching and burning on ears; shooting and pulling in jaws, cheeks, and chin; after sexual intercourse, great weakness and night-sweat; white pimples, scaling off on arms; itching and burning like chilblains on fingers and toes; pulling in legs as if in the interior of the bones, especially sitting or standing, alleviated by motion. 3.-AGNUS CASTUS. PATIOGENETIC AND CURATIVE. Heavy feeling in head as if from smoke; loss of sexual desire; yellowish flux from urethra. CURATIVE. Mucus from the urethra; menses suppressed, with drawing pains in belly. 4 ALUMINA. 4.-ALUMINA. RANGE. Fetid discharge from nose; leucorrhcea; tetters. PATHOGENETIC AND CURATIVE. GENERAL. Convulsive movements of the limbs; chaps; late sleep; stupefying sleep; dreams; chagrin; anguish; misgivings; unfitness for work; inability to think. HEAD, &c. Giddiness; -ache as if the hair were torn out, with desire of vomiting; chronic -ache from suppressed herpes; itching on brow; feeling of sand in eye in evening; burning in eyes; buzzing in ears. NOSE. Inflamed; thick yellow mucus from-; bleeding, stoppage; smell blunted. FACE, &c. Pale; feels heavy; shooting pulling in cheek bones; dry mouth. STOMACH, &c. Appetite irregular; sour belchings and heartburn; nausea; feeling of rawness in pit ofand hypochondres; pain in liver on stooping; cuttings in bowels. STooLS, &c. Hard; constipation; itching in anus; bed-wetting; sexual feeling excited; menses scanty; colic during menses; acrid leucorrhcea; leucorrhma before and after menses. CouoG, &c. Short, dry- with difficult breathing; oppression of chest; difficult breathing while sitting; catarrh of air passages; palpitations. EXTREMITIES. Sacrum aches as if beaten during rest; paralytic heaviness in arms; chaps in hands; whitlow; legs heavy. CURATIVE. Bad effects of being thwarted, stretchings when seated; lack of vital heat; leprous eruption; tet AMBRA. 5 ters; chill just after eating soup at midday; oozing scabs on temples; eyes cold; solid yellowish lunips from the nose; prostatic fluid escapes at stool; shocks about the heart; pain on touching the breast bone; tetters on forearms; stiffness, swelling and insensibility of limbs at night; weakness about hips; joints of feet fatigued on sitting; burning under toes. 5.-AMBRA. PATHOGENETIC AND CURATIVE. GENERAL. Jerks in the muscles; fatigue in bed in the morning and on awaking in the night; dry skin; old eruptions return; sleepiness, dreaming, with muttering; chills (partial) followed by hot face; flush, with anxiety at heart; sweat by day on belly and thighs; sadness; disgust for life. HEAD, &c. Tenderness of scalp; red sclerotica; troubled sight; ringing and buzzing before the ears; bleeding from nose; stoppage of nose; choking on swallowing; rawness in throat; hawking of mdcus in morning; loss of appetite; abortive belchings; flat rancid taste; sour belchings with taste of food; nausea and vomiting; aching in the liver. ABDOMEN, &c. Weight, inflation, soreness in muscles of- on coughing and turning; coldness in-; fixed wind; irregular stools; sour smelling urine; blind piles; leucorrhcea; whooping cough; short breath; oppression on the chest; rawness in chest; stiffness in the sacrum after sitting; arms swell easily; trembling of the arms; sensitiveness in the bones of the elbow; cramps in the hands on seizing; stiffness of foot joints; soreness of soles, also burning; swelling of the feet; cutting pain in the hands and feet. 1* 6 AMMONIUM CARIBONICUM. CURATIVE. Catarrh of the bladder. 6.-AMMONIUM CARBONICUM. PATHOGENETIC AND CURATIVE. GENERAL. Feeling of spraining in joints; debility; dislike of walking out; miliary eruption; scarlatina; drowsiness; nightmare, on falling asleep; sleeplessness; chills in the evening; hot head and cold feet; disquietude in the evening; anxiety with weakness; disgust for life; unmanageable temper; weakened intellect. HEAD, &c. Giddiness; -ache with nausea; hammering, with bursting in the forehead; falling of the hair; burning in the eyes; dry matter on the eyelids; troubled sight with sparks; black spots and luminous bands before the eyes; roaring and ringing in ears; hardness of hearing, with suppuration and itching of the ears; hard swelling of glands of neck. NOSE. Itching pustules; bleeding; catarrh; dry catarrh. FACE. Sharp pullings with shootings on right side; eruptions. TEETH, &c. Chronic looseness of-; rawness and scraping in throat. STOMACn, &c. Bitter taste after eating; thirst; want of appetite in mornipg; fondness for sugar; giddiness while eating; heartburn, and scraping in throat after food; sour belchings, or with taste of food; heartburn and vomiting; pain in the-; contracting pain in-. ABDOMEn. Pain with diarrhoea; rumbling. AMMONIUM MURIATICUM. 7 STOOLS, &c. Constipation; hard; blood during-; piles; nocturnal urination. SEXUAL. Want of- desire; pollutions; excoriation on vulva and anus; colic and pains in the sacrum during menses; also toothache with need of lying down; acrid leucorrhcea. COUGH, &c. Hoarse-; loose tickling-; night-; short breath, humid asthma, shootings in chest; drawing pains in nape; drawing in back and sacrum; swelling of glands of neck and armpit. EXTREMITIES. Arms and fingers dead and stiff; pain in the wrist (formerly sprained); legs tired; cramp in the feet; drawing in legs when seated; sweating feet; feeling of sprain in great toe. CURATIVE. Chronic miliary eruption; freckles; myopia; cataract; coldness in the eyes; burning, or boring in the liver; painful commotion in the belly when walking; shootings in the sacrum while coughing; burning in the chest; shootings in walls of chest; sharp drawings from the side to the shoulder-joint; hands swell when the arms hang. 7.-AMMONIUM MURIATICUM. PATHOGENETIC AND CURATIVE. GENERAL. Paralytic weakness; night sweat; weeping; moroseness; motes before the eyes; ringing and humming before ears; ulcers at the corners of the mouth; bitter belchings; shootings in the spleen; tenderness of groin to touch; constipation; blood with stool; soreness in the rectum; pains in the sacrum and back; violent cough at night; dry morning cough; stiffness 8 ANACARDIUM. in the sacrum; shootings in shoulder-blades; drawing in the hip; cold feet. CURATIVE. Drowsiness; sneezing with shootings in nape; tightness in the joint of the jaw in opening the mouth; vomiting and diarrhmea during menses. 8.-ANACARDIUM. PATHOGENETIC AND CURATIVE. GENERAL. Trembling and extreme weakness in the limbs, and principally in the knees; easily chilled; anxious dreams, late sleep; fever, chill and continual shuddering, even in a warm room; sweat during the day while sitting. MORAL. Anxiety, discouragement; disposition to blaspheme. HEA D. Ache from noise and from false stepping; pains about the temples. EYES. Weak troubled sight. EARs. Brownish discharge; itching; deafness; roaring. NOSE. Bleeding, stoppage and dryness; mucous discharge. MOUTH. Bad smell in-; water in-. STOMACH. Want of appetite; weak digestion; morning nausea. ABDOMEN, &c. Aching in the liver; hard belly; itching in the anus. LARYNX. Cough (short) with expectoration. EXTREMITIES. Weakness and drawing pain in the arms; trembling cf the hand; shooting and weight in the forearm; burning in ths soles of the feet. ANGUSTURA-ANT. CRUDUM. 9 CURATIVE. Double consciousness; in the morning on awaking, aching in the pit of the stomach; blood with the stool; piles; oozing from the rectum; burning in gland of the penis while making water and afterward erections by day; coition without enjoyment; itching, galling leucorrhoea; rattling in trachea while on the left side. 9.-ANGUSTURA. PATHOGENETIC AND CURATIVE. Palpitation of heart with anguish. CURATIVE. Tetanus; caries. 10.-ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM. RANGE. Rheumatism and gout; troubles of the stomach. PATHOGENETIC AND CURATIVE. GENERAL. Inflammation of tendons; gout with gastric symptoms; drawings, or shootings and tension, chiefly in the limbs; great sensibility to cold; sleepiness. FEVER. Intermittent- with nausea, vomiting, bitterness of the mouth and moderate thirst; tertian. MORAL. Chagrin. HEAD. Congestion; itching, with falling of the hair. EYES. Inflamed lids. NosE. Excoriation of the nostrils; stoppage of-. FACE. Heat with itching, chiefly in the cheeks. TEETH. Pains in the carious--; pricking, drawing, 10 ARGENTUM-ARNICA MONTANA. gnawing; renewed after eating, increased by cold water, and mitigated in the open air. STOMACH. Loss of appetite; eructations tasting of the food; nausea with desire to vomit; mucous and bilious vomitings; cramplike pain in the pit of the stomach. ABDOMEN. Violent cutting pains. STOOL. Constant excretion of mucus. URINE. Frequent and abundant emission. EXTREMITIES. Hot and red swelling of the forearm; numbness of the legs after sitting; corns and callous excrescences of the soles and toe. CURATIVE. Mucous from the urethra, with burning and pains in the sacrum; inflammation of the tendons of elbow. 11.-ARGENTUM. PATHOGENETIC AND CURATIVE. HEAD. Cramplike pains and shootings. THROAT. Inflammation, with feeling of excoriation on swallowing and breathing. 12.-ARNICA MONTANA. RANGE. Rheumatism and gout; falls, bruises and sprains; congestion to the head; bastard pleurisy. PATHOGENETIC AND CURATIVE. GENERAL. Crawling, pricking in the limbs, joints, and in wounds; sprains; rheumatic and gouty pains; restlessness in the sick parts, weariness in all the limbs; cessation of general pulsation; congestion and ARNICA MONTANA. 11 heat in the head, with coldness of the body; fainting fits after mechanical injuries. SKIN. Small boils; hot, hard, red swelling of affected parts. FEVER. Shivering; much thirst even before shiverings. MORAL. Melancholy; obstinate resistance; loss of consciousness. HEAD. Whirling giddiness; giddiness with nausea; aching, chiefly in the forehead; shootings, chiefly in the temples; burning; return of pains after a meal. EYES. Excoriating pain in the- and lids; pupils contracted; prominent-. NOSE, &c. Swollen; face pale and hollow; dry or white tongue. STOMACH. Putrid or bitter belchings; disgust for food; nausea; vomiting of dark coagulated blood; retching; contraction and cramplike pain in the- and pit of the-. ABDOMEN. Hard and swollen. STOOL. Constipation; involuntary-; indigested-. URINE. Brownish red, with bricklike sediment. LARYNX. Dry short cough; cough of children after crying and sobbing; cough with expectoration of blood. CHEST. Short, panting, difficult respiration; oppression of the-; shootings in the- and sides; pain as if from a bruise and compression of the-; stitches at the heart with fainting. EXTREMITIES. Painful weakness in the joints. CURATIVE. Spasms from wounds (tetanus); apoplectic paralysis of the left side; marks from blows; coma with delirium; levity; headache above the eye with greenish 12 ARSENIOSUM ACIDUM. vomiting; inflamed eyes; swollen ecchymosed lids; eyes dull or half closed; yellow puffed face; toothache with swelling of cheek and crawling in gums; food is vomited at once, mingled with blood; shootings in pit of stomach, with aching through to the back, and drawing together of the chest; bloody urine; bluish red swelling of penis and scrotum; bruised testicle; hydrocele; swelling of spermatic cord; expectoration of black coagulated blood, without cough; sore nipples. 13.-ARSENIOSUM ACIDUM. RANGE. Skin diseases; dropsies; intermittent diseases; putrid fever; cancer; cholera; diarrhoea; asthma; epilepsy; paralysis; inflammation of windpipe. PATHOGENETIC AND CURATIVE. GENERAL. Fits of suffering with anxiety; chill, rapid sinking of strength, and need of lying down; burning, chiefly internal, or vivid pains; nocturnal pains driving to despair and rage; worse after eating in the morning, on rising, at night in bed, and while lying on the parts affected; intermittent sufferings; edema with burning; prostrating debility; emaciation with colliquative sweats; violent spasms; epilepsy, preceded by burning in the stomach, and pressure and heat in the back, which ascend to the nape, with vertigo; trembling. SKIN. Cold, bluish, and dry, like parchment; yellowish color of-; reddish spots; petechia; urticaria; black pustules; ulcers with raised callous edges, with red shining halo, and burning pains; fetid ichor; proud flesh; varices. SLEEP. Want of-, with tossing; coma vigil of ARSENIOSUM ACIDUM. 13 ten broken by groans and grinding of the teeth; twitching of limbs at night, burning under the skin as if there were boiling water in the veins, asthma, agitation and anguish at heart. FEVER. Coldness with clammy sweat; chills and shivering at night in bed, on walking in the open air, or after drinking, and often with severe pains, yawning, oppression of the chest, and hard breathing; morning and evening-, with shivering, slight heat, intense thirst, or perfect thirstlessness; quartan, tertian, and sometimes quotidian troubles before the fit, and sweat after, on falling asleep; pulse irregular, or rapid, weak, small, frequent; sweats frequent, colliquative, nocturnal, and on falling asleep. MORAL. Anxiety, restlessness, anguish, and fits of fainting; remorse, dread of solitude, spectres, and thieves, with wish to hide; disgust for life, and excessive fear of death; spite, impatience, censoriousness; delirium. HEAD. Weight, weakness, and embarrassment in-; throbbing pains; pains, periodic and especially after eating; pain in the scalp, which is intolerable to touch; scabbing pustules. EYEs. Redness of the lining of the lids and of the white of-; inflammation of lids; corrosive tears; spasmodic closing of the lids; lids glued together; extreme dread of light. NOSE. Flowing, corrosive, burning coryza. FACE. Pale, hollow and cadaverous; color yellowish, bluish, leaden, greenish, or earthy; distorted features; redness and bloating; scabbing ulcers; bluish or blackish lips; eruption about the lips; cancerous ulcers; swelling of the sub-maxillary glands, with pains of contusion. 2 14 ARSENIOSUM ACIDUM. MOUTH. Great dryness, bluish or white tongue; bitter taste after food; throat, burning; accumulation of grayish or greenish mucous; gangrenous sore throat; constriction of the oesophagus upon the morsel swallowed. STOMAcn. Intense, inextinguishable thirst, requiring but little liquid at once; longing for cold water, acids or brandy; after eating, vomiting and pain in the-; after drinking, shivering; water-brash; very violent vomiting after food, or at night; vomiting of food, mucus, or bile, yellowish, greenish, brownish or blackish; bloody vomiting; while vomiting, intense internal heat, diarrhcea, and fear of death; inflation of the-; pain as from a stone; cramps; intolerable burning. ABDOMEN. Excessive pains; inflation; dropsy; violent cuttings, cramps; colic after food, with vomiting or diarrhmea; coldness, or intolerable burning in the-. STOOL. Constipation; violent diarrhoea, with vomiting and extreme weakness; nocturnal diarrhoea; burning-; mucous-, of a greenish, yellowish, brownish, or blackish color; fetid-; excoriating, itching, and burning in the rectum and anus. URINE. Retention; bloody-; burning in urethra. GENITAL. Menses too soon, and copious; acrid leucorrhoea. LARYNx. Tenacious mucus in the-; dryness and burning in the-; spasmodic constriction; dry cough in the evening after lying down, or at night, cough with expectoration of bloody mucus. CHEsT. Short breath and fits of suffocation; anguish and extreme weakness; anxious, groaning respiration constriction of the-; shootings in the breast "::50~r ~;; ASA-F(ETIDA-AURUM. 15 and breast bone; violent and insupportable palpitation, chiefly at night; irregular beatings of the heart. EXTREMITIES. Drawing acute pains at night from the elbow to the armpit; pain of bruising in the kneejoint; herpes on the hough; falling of the jaw; cramps in the calves. CURATIVE. Pimples which burst and become scabbing ulcers; bloody pustules; tetters, burning at night; ulcers like warts; frequent waking with difficult falling asleep; ulcers on cornea; lips dry and chapped; bleeding gums; tongue blackish, dried and chapped; aphthae; swelling of the mesenteric glands; ulcer above navel; whitish or indigested stool; scanty urine, or painful, or with mucous sediment;periodic cough; swelling of arms with blackish pustules; burning ulcers at finger ends; sharp drawing in hips, reaching the groins, thighs and ankles; burning ulcers on the legs; burning swelling of the foot, hard and shining, with burning vesicles of a bluish black, on the ankle; fatigue of the legs and feet. 14.-ASA-FCETIDA. PATHOGENETIC AND CURATIVE. Glandular swellings; fetid sanious pus. CURATIVE. Inflammation of bones; syphilitic periostitis; caries; hardness of hearing; pus from nose. 15.-AURUM. PATHOGENETIC AND CURATIVE. MORAL. Melancholy; excessive anguish which tempts to suicide. 16 BARYTA CARBONICA. HEAD. Pain in-; when not kept very warm, as if air were passing over the brain; congestion; humming; exostoses. EvYs. Darkening; black spots and flames. NoSE. Inflammation of-; scaling off; scabbing nostrils; stoppage of-; flowing coryza; red scaly eruption on the- and brow. FACE. Tensive pains in the upper jaw. ABDOMEN. Tendency to hernia. GENITALS. Swelling of the testicles; pains in the abdomen as if the menses were about to appear. CHEST. Beatings of the heart, irregular, or by fits, sometimes with anguish and oppression. CURATIVE. Inflammation of bones; scaling eruption on the brow and nose; caries of palate, with bluish ulcers; swollen ulcerated tonsils; painful retention of urine; falling and induration of womb; nasal voice; fits of suffocation, with falling, loss of sense, and bluish color of face; strong congestion to chest. 16.-BARYTA CARBONICA. PATHOGENETIC AND CURATIVE. GENERAL. Swelling and hardness of glands; debility in body and mind; emaciation. SLEEP. Drowsiness day and night; muttering sleep. FEVER. Night sweats. MORAL. Anxiety about one's family. HEAD. Vertigo with nausea on stooping; aching pain over the eyes; eruptions. EYES. Aching and burning, especially from much looking; inflammation; glued lids. BELLADONNA. 17 EARS. Eruptions on, or behind-; tingling and roaring in-. NOSE. Dry. FACE. Pain with tense swelling; eruption. TEETH. Shocks in-; burning shootings in the carious-. THROAT. Soreness, with swollen and suppurating tonsil; loss of voice. STOMACH. Pain after dinner; sour belchings after eating; water-brash; nausea in the morning, fasting or from indigestion; pain after eating or on pressure; weight even after a small meal; excoriating pain on swallowing. STOOL. Hard; itching, burning, rawness and oozing at the anus. URINE. Frequent and abundant. SEXUAL. Diminution of desire. TRUNK. Pain in the sacrum, stiffness in the sacrum; stiffness in the nape. EXTREMITIES. Numbness in the arm on lying on it; numbness in the fingers; drawings and shootings in the legs. A CURATIVE. Weeping; aptness to take cold in head; baldness; sight dim and easily dazzled; scabs under nose; mucous catarrh; toothache before menses; leucorrhma shortly before menses; fatty tumour on nape, with burning in the base; encysted tumour in armpit; fetid sweat in feet; lymphatic swelling on great toe. 17.-BELLADONNA. RANGE. Scrofulous, rickety, and nervous affections; rheumatism and arthritis; convulsions; scirr2* 18 BELLADONNA. hus; erysipelas; scarlet fever; measles; congestions; inflammatory and nervous fevers; inflammation of the brain; mania; nervous and congestive headaches; inflammation of the eyes; fungus of the eye; drop serene; sore throats; peritonitis; inflammation of the womb; difficult menstruation; miscarriage; flooding with bearing down pains; falling of the womb; hipjoint disease. PATHOGENETIC AND CURATIVE. GENERAL. Pains, shooting, tearing, or aching; spasms, convulsions with cries; epilepsy; fits ofrigidity; tetanus; spasmodic laughter; trembling; heaviness of limbs; paralysis; hemiplegia; formication. SKIN. Hot, scarlet red, swollen-, total or partial; erysipelas; scarlet patches; eruption like measles; red, hot, shining swelling; boils; painful swelling of the glands. SLEEP. Continual desire of-; fits of somnolent coma; coma broken by momentary awaking with furious looks; sleeplessness at night, on account of excessive anguish; frequent startings during sleep, -with fright, groans, cries, anxious dreams. FEVER. Shiverings and partial shuddering; the shiverings are chiefly in the evening; paroxysms of shiverings alternating with heat, or shiverings followed by heat, with exacerbation at night or in the evening; type quotidian; dry burning heat, often with swelling of the veins, beating of the carotids, heat, redness and bloating of the face, and burning thirst; pulse, strong and frequent, or full and slow, or small and slow, or small and frequent, or hard and tense. MORAL. Melancholy; great agitation, with continual tossing, chiefly at night; groans and tears; fear, BELLADONNA. 19 distrust, and a wish to flee; maniacal laughter; delirium at night; delirium with murmurs; silliness, fury, biting and tearing; madness, illusions of sense and frightful visions; complete loss of reason. HEAD. Fits of vertigo, with tottering and swimming of the head; stupor and loss of consciousness; fulness, weight,- and violent aching in the head,: chiefly in front above the eyes, and sometimes as if the head would burst; feeling of expansion in the brain; shootings, dartings as if from knives; violent beating; throbbing in the carotids; congestion, especially on stooping; feeling of cold or heat; feeling of fluctuation as if from water, and heavy balancing and shocks; -ache, aggravated by motion, especially of the eyes, by shocks, touch, the open air, or a draught; bending of- backwards; during sleep, - is buried in the pillow. EYES. Heat and burning; aching in the- and sockets, rising into the head; heavy lids, quivering of the lids; shootings in the- and corners, with itching; -red, brilliant and convulsed, or fixed, sparkling and prominent; look fixed, or furious and unsteady; twitches in-; inflammation; yellow sclerotica; burning tears; immovable pupils; gluing of the lids at night; dread of light; confused weak sight; halo round the candle; objects seem double or reversed. EARS. Boring, ringing, roaring and humming in-; hardness of hearing; shooting in the parotids. NosE. Bruised pain in-; shootings at night; redness and burning at the end of-; ulceration in the nostrils; bleeding; smell too acute; putrid odour in-. FACE. Pale, sometimes suddenly alternating with red; - hollow, with restless distracted air; burning heat of the-; bright redness and bloating of-; deep 20 BELLADONNA. scarlet, or bluish redness of-; hard swelling, and bluish redness of-, chiefly one of the cheeks; pimples on temples, corners of the mouth and chin; purulent and scabby pimples, chiefly on cheeks and nose; twitchings of the mouth; swelling of the lips; pimples, scabs, and ulcers on the lips; trismus; shootings and tightness in the joints of the jaw; swelling of the submaxillary glands and of those of the neck. MOUTH. Excessive dryness of the-; froth on the lips; much saliva; throat and- filled with whitish, clammy mucus; violent hemorrhage from the-; excoriation of the inside of-; tongue chapped, or covered with whitish mucus; red swelling of the papillm of the tongue; pain of tongue; trembling and paralytic weakness of the tongue; weak voice. THROAT. Excoriation and shootings in-, chiefly on swallowing; great dryness and burning in- and tongue; inflammation of-, and veil of the palate and tonsils; suppuration of the tonsils; painful swallowing; impossibility of swallowing a drop; constant necessity of swallowing; tightness and choking in-; sensation of a body in-. APPETITE. Loss of taste, putrid taste; loss of-; burning thirst, often with horror of liquid. STOMACH. Bitter or putrid, or sour and burning belchings; nausea; retching, with violent vomiting; retching with complete inability to vomit; hiccough; pressure, cramplike pains, chiefly after eating. ABDOMEN. Pain as from a stone in--; bloating; cramplike pains in-; feeling as if seized with claws; soreness of the whole-. STOOL. Suppressed-; constipation; mucous-; involuntary-. BELLADONNA. 213l URINE. Copious-; sometimes with profuse sweating; incontinence and involuntary emission of-; turbid or clear, or blood red-. SEXUAL. Violent bearings down as if all would fall out; dartings in the internal parts; flooding; flow of milk. LARYNX. Catarrh with cough, hoarseness, and tenacious mucus in the chest; voice, hoarse and weak; loss of voice; cough, chiefly at night; short dry cough; hollow cough; before coughing, tears, or pains in the stomach; shootings in the belly while coughing; the slightest movement at night in bed, renews the cough; expectoration of thick puriform mucus. CHEST. Rattling in the bronchi; oppression of the-; dyspncea; irregular breathing; breathing short, anxious and quick; pressure in the-; shootings in the-; violent beatings of the heart; anguish at the heart. TRUNK. Painful swelling and stiffness of the neck and nape. EXTREMITIES. Drawing, aching, with feeling of torpor and lively pain in the arms; swelling and scarlet redness of arms and hands; in the shoulder, drawing aching, passing quickly from top to bottom of the arm; painful twitchings in arms and hands; weight and paralysis of legs and feet. CURATIVE. Fits renewed by contact, or contradiction; pustules with white edges, black slough and swelling; chilblains; on closing the eyes for sleep, spectres, and jerking of limbs; ill-nature and crying in children; dizziness with distress, falling and loss of sense; daily afternoon headaches, lasting all night and worst in bed; 22 BISMUTH--BORAX-BOVISTA. sweat in head; falling of eyelid; ulcers on cornea; fungus (medullary) in eye; lids turned out; bleeding from eyes; blindness in twilight; swelling of parotids, extending into throat; dry nose; neuralgia of face; keen pains in jaws; red, hot, dry tongue; red edges of tongue; inflammation of tongue; shootings in throat extending to ears; liquid runs from riostrils on drinking; intolerable hunger; violent pain in belly; digging in belly; swelling of transverse colon; itching on belly; burning shooting in loins; sharp drawing in spermatic cord while making water; falling and induration of womb; dry vagina; pale menses; flow at other times than menstrual; diminished lochia; soreness of larynx, so that on feeling the throat, one is like to be choked; fits of stricture in larynx; whooping cough; breathing superficial and rapid, or deep and slow; burning shooting, worse by fits, in hip joint. 18.-BISMUTH. PATHOGENETIC AND CURATIVE. STOMACI. Cramplike and aching pains in the-, after eating; blood-spitting. 19.-BORAX. PATHOGENETIC AND CURATIVE. Aphthre, aphthous diarrhoea; sterility. 20.-BOVISTA. PATHOGENETIC AND CURATIVE. TRUNK. Pain in the back, with stiffness after stooping. BRYONIA ALBA. 23 21.-BRYONIA ALBA. RANGE. Rheumatic and arthritic affections; inflammatory, puerperal and nervous fevers; inflammations; dyspeptic affections with constipation; pleurisy and inflammation of the lungs; obstinate constipation. PATHOGENETIC AND CURATIVE. GENERAL. Tightness, drawing pains and dartings, especially in the limbs, and during motion, with pains that will not bear touching; torpor and lameness of the limbs; red shining swelling, with dartings on moving; pain with shivering and coldness; aggravation at night, in the evening, after eating, and on motion. SEIN. Erysipelas; miliary eruption in children and lying-in women; phlyctmnm, itching, biting, burning; petechia. SLEEP. Loss of-; especially before midnight, caused by heat, agitation of the blood, anxiety, principally in the breast; -troubled by thirst; somnambulism. FEVER. Cold and shivering in bed; shiverings with trembling, often with heat in the head, redness of face, and thirst; universal dry heat, especially internal, with longing for cold drinks; copious sweats night and morning. MORAL. Fear, with desire to flee; irascibility; delirium. HEAD. Confusion and stupefaction of-; giddiness on rising from a seat or from bed; headache after eating; great fulness and heaviness of-; with digging aching towards the front; expansion or compression of the brain; shootings in-, sometimes on one side; the pains in- are aggravated by motion. EYES. Feeling as if sand were in-. 24 BRYONIA ALBA. TEETH. Aching aggravated by warm things; aching in which- feel long. EAns. Feeling of stoppage in-; humming. NOSE. Sensitive swelling in-; ulcers in nostrils; epistaxis; dry stoppage of--; dry coryza. FACE. Pale, yellow, earthy color of-; red burning of-; swelling of-; lips swollen and chapped; dry lips. MOUTH. Dry-; tongue loaded with a dirty white. THROAT. Sore-, with hoarseness and difficult swallowing; sensation of great dryness in-; dartings in- when touched. APPETITE. Loss of taste; flat taste; tastelessness of food; burning thirst; longing for unusual things; morbid-, craving often, but little at once; disgust at food. STOMACH. Empty belchings; rumination; hiccough; nausea after eating what tasted well; nausea and anxiety while sitting, or trying to drink; desire to vomit, with water-brash; vomiting of drinks; aching as if from a stone after eating; dartings in- on motion. ABDOaMEN. Colic, with tightness of-, and waterbrash; bloating of-, with aching in the epigastrium, especially after dinner; cutting and darting in- after eating; ascites. STOOL. Constipation; large feces; small hard stools; diarrhoea with colic; loose stools. URINE. Hot. COUGH. Hoarseness with sweat; -and rattling in the chest; -spasmodic and suffocating, especially after eating, and often with vomiting; shattering-, with dartings in the sides of the chest, or with headache; -with yellowish expectoration. CHEST. Breathing impeded by dartings in-; BRYONIA ALBA. 25 shootings in the- and sides on breathing deeply, allowing one to rest only on -the back, and increased by the smallest movement; heat and burning pain in-; beating of the heart. TRUNK. Rheumatic stiffness in the nape and neck. EXTREMITIES. Drawing pains in the joints of the shoulders and arms, with tension, dartings, and shining red swelling; tight and painful stiffness of the knees; tightness in the calves; swelling of the legs; pain of dislocation in the foot-joint on walking; red-hot swelling of the feet, with tightness on motion. CURATIVE. Pale, hot, tense swelling; swelling and induration of glands; comatose sleep broken by delirium; cries and delirium on falling asleep; before the shiverings, dizziness and headache; disgust for food during the shiverings; despair of recovery; caprice; giddiness, only on stooping; burning in brow; dry tetters on lids, with burning itching; eyes dull, glassy or sparkling, and swimming in tears; blackness or flames before eyes; dread of light; noise intolerable; hot, bluish, and brownish swelling of face; dry yellow tongue, or dark and chapped; speech indistinct from dryness in throat; burning in stomach, rawness in pit of stomach; dartings in liver, especially on touching, breathing or coughing; drawing from hypochondre to the stomach, and into the back, sometimes with vomiting; urine, scanty and reddish; flooding of dark blood with pains in sacrum and head; burning in fundus of womb during pregnancy, increased by motion, mitigated by pressure and repose; cough with expectoration of pure blood; convulsions in arms, also burning and weariness; shootings in thighs; drawing dartings in calves 3 26 CALCAREA CARBONICA. reaching the ankles and feet, with red shining swelling. 22.-CALCAREA CARBONICA. RANGE. Diseases complicated by scrofulous, rickety, or lymphatic tendency, (particularly in children,) curvature of the spine; eruptions; purulent discharges; megrim; difficult dentition; acidity of the prime viam; phthisical complaints. PATHOGENETIC AND CURATIVE. ZGENERAL. Cramps of the limbs; dartings and drawing pains in the limbs; agitation of the blood in plethoric persons; epilepsy; the symptoms are aggravated or renewed by working in water, as well as in evening, night, and morning, after food, and every other day; great agitation which compels one to move about incessantly; bruised feeling in the limbs; debility; great fatigue from speaking or moderate walking; taking cold easily, and great sensibility to cold and moist air. SKIN. Urticaria; dry-; tetters and scabs, warts; induration of glands; varices; gouty nodes. SLEEP. Somnolence during the day and early in the evening; want of- from multitude of ideas; during-, cries, groans, starting; dreams; -disturbed with tossing and frequent awaking; gitation and asthmatic sufferings at night, with anxiety, heat, thirst, and palpitation of the heart. FEVER. Shiverings and horripilation in the morning; tertian- in the evening, at first heat of the face, followed by chills; excessive sweat by day, after moderate exercise. MORAL. Melancholy, anxiety and anguish; fear CALCAREA CARBONICA. 27 fil humour; sadness with heaviness in the limbs; indifference. HEAD. Vertigo on ascending to a high place; -ache from cold; stupefying throbbing pains in-; boring in the forehead; icy coldness in and on the-, especially on the right side; scabs on the scalp; falling out of the hair; tumours on the scalp. EYES. Aching in-; itching and shooting in-; smarting, burning, and cutting pains in-, on reading by candle-light; quivering of -lids; red and thick swelling of the lids, with gluing together at night; dilated pupils; haze; photophobia; presbyopia. EARs. Throbbings in-; roaring, humming, ringing in-; crackihg in- when swallowing. NOSE. Epistaxis; fetid odour in-; the sense of smell is either blunted or heightened; painful dryness in-; stoppage of-; dry coryza. FACE. Pale, sunken, with hollow, encircled eyes; itching eruption on different parts of-; swelling of the upper lip. TEETH. Aching in-; aggravated or excited by a current of air, or any thing hot or cold; painful sensibility of the gums. MOUTH. Dryness of the tongue. THROAT. Hawking up of mucus; bad taste in the mouth, most frequently bitter or sour, or metallic, especially in the morning APPETITE. Hunger after eating; disgust at food; dislike of tobacco smoke, fondness for salt things, wine and dainties. STOMACH. Water-brash; aching in the-, or cramps, chiefly after eating, and often with vomiting of food; aching in-, even fasting. ABDOMEN. Tightness in the two hypochondres; 28 CALCAREA CARBONICA. frequent fits of cuttings, chiefly in the epigastrium; shootings, or pinchings, or aching in-; cold feeling in-; enlargement and hardness of-; incarceration of wind; pressure of wind to the inguinal ring. STOOL. Constipation; frequent protrusion of piles; diarrhoea. URINE. Burning in the urethra. GENITAL. Weakness of the - function; lust; brief erection and tardy emission. MENSTRUATION. Too quick and copious; duringcongestion to the head, toothache, &c.; abortion; flow of blood, at other times than-; flooding; itching on the vulva; corrosive or mild leucorrhaea, flowing by fits or along with the water. LARYNX. Frequent hoarseness or of long duration; large accumulation of mucus in the trachea and bronchi; cough in the evening or at night, generally dry; purulent expectoration; cough, with blood-spitting; in coughing, aching in the stomach. CHEST. Shootings in the breast and sides; burning in the chest; beatings of the heart, at night or after eating. TRUNK. Pain in the sacrum, back, and nape, as if after a wrench; stiffness of the nape. EXTREMITIES. Drawing pains in the arms, at night; boils on the forearm; swelling of the hands; sweat in the hands; hands dead; prickling in the fingers as if dead; paralytic weakness in the fingers; drawing shootings in the hips and thighs; stiffness and weight of the legs; cramp in the legs; varices; shootings in the knees; swellings of the knees; cramp in the hough, the calves, the soles, and the toes; red spots on the legs; burning soles; foot sweat; corns. CAMPHORA. 29 CURATIVE. Bloating in children; fat; rough skin; branlike scales; encysted tumours; rickets; daily fever about 2 P. M.; illusions; delirium; hammering in head compelling to lie down; large head with open fontanel in children; evening sweat in head; suppurating fistula lachrymalis; pus from ears, also polypus; milk crusts; frog-tongue; swelling of the mesenteric glands; diarrhoea during teething; involuntary frothy stools; sour stools in children; blood from urethra; polypus of bladder; pollutions; shootings and burnings in coition; before menses, swollen painful breasts, fatigue, headache, timidity, colic, and chills; swollen veins in vulva; leucorrhcea before menses; swelling and deviation of vertebral column; suppuration of glands in armpit; coldness and swelling of feet at night. 23.-CAMPHORA. PATHOGENETIC AND CURATIVE. GENERAL. Convulsions; tetanus. SKIN. Cold blue-. FEVER. Chill of the whole body with mortal paleness of face, shiverings and teeth chattering. HEAD, &c. Giddiness and weight of-, which obliges one to incline it backwards;.impotence. CHEST. Suffocating oppression of the-, and constriction of the larynx. CURATIVE. Epilepsy; excessive thirst; strong pressure on the epigastrium; thick and red urine; spasms in chest. 3* 30 CANNABIS--CANTHARIS. 24.-CANNABIS. PATHOGENETIC AND CURATIVE. EYE. Spots on the cornea. STOOL. Constipation. - URINE. Stream of- split; burning pain in the urethra and bladder, before and during making-; inflamed urethra; yellow mucous discharge from the urethra. GENITAL. Painful erections. LARYNX. Respiration difficult, and only possible when erect. CHEST. Dartings deep into the-; inflammation of the lungs. CURATIVE. Heat of face and redness of cheeks; obstinate retention of urine; scanty and bloody, and drop by drop emission of urine; calculus; phimosis; cough with greenish viscid expectoration; spasmodic contraction of the tendon Achilles, with violent pain. 25.-CANTHARIS. PATHOGENETIC AND CURATIVE. GENERAL. Drawing arthritic pains in the limbs with affection of the urinary passages. THROAT. Sore-, with burning and rawness extending to the chest. URINE. Pressing and useless desire to pass-; difficult passing of-; dark red-; bloody-, passed drop by drop; burning smart in passing-; cutting pains in the urethra before, during, and after passing--; pains acute, darting and cutting, in the urinary passages; CAPSICUM--CARBO ANIMALIS. 31 inflammation of the kidneys, bladder, and urethra; excessive sensibility of the region of the bladder. GENITAL. Swelling of the neck of the womb. CURATIVE. Pains in the hips, with spasm in the urinary passages. 26.-CAPSICUM. PATHOGENETIC AND CURATIVE. "FEVER. --with chill, thirst, heat, and mucous troubles. STOOL. Nocturnal diarrhoea, with burning pains in the anus. URINE. Pressing and almost useless desire to pass-. LARYNX. Hoarseness; cough, chiefly in the evening and night. CURATIVE. Nostalgia, with redness of cheeks and sleeplessness; intermittent fever, with paleness, contracted pupils, and delirium during the chill; and with lethargy, dilated pupils, and stertorous breathing during the heat. 27.-CARBO ANIMALIS. PATHOGENETIC AND CURATIVE. GENERAL. Easy straining on lifting; weakness on walking, with sweating, also during eating. SKIN. Hard and painful swelling of glands. MORAL. Despair; timidity; giddiness, especially in the evening or morning. HEAD. -ache after eating; congestion and internal heat; scabs. 32 CARBO VEGETABILIS. EARS. Roaring. NOSE. Stoppage of-; dry coryza. TEETH. Drawing pains in the gums. MOUTH. Dryness of the tongue and palate; bitterness of-. STOMACH. Great weakness of digestion; hiccough after eating; nausea, even at night; fainting at the-; aching in the-; spasms in the-. ABDOMEN. Aching and cutting in the region of the liver; rumbling in-; incarcerated wind. STOOL. Frequent- by day; shootings in anus. GENITAL. Knots in the breasts. CHEST. Beating of the heart. EXTREMITIES. Darting pain in the hip; drawing and shooting in the limb. CURATIVE. Arthritic stiffness and nodes; sensibility to the open air; chilblains; running from ear; crysipelas of face; bleeding of the gums; painless abortive belchings; sour water in the mouth; squeezing in the stomach, as if by claws; burning leucorrhea; serous and fetid lochiae; erysipelas of breasts; herpes in the armpit; gouty stiffness of fingers. 2S.-CARBO VEGETABILIS. RANGE. Induration and suppuration of glands; scabious eruptions; obstinate intermittent fevers; flatulence, and disorders therefrom; hoarseness; croup. PATHOGENETIC AND CURATIVE. GENERAL. Burning pains in the limbs and bones; throbbings in different parts of the body; numbness of CARBO VEGETABILIS. 33 limbs; bruised feeling in the limbs, especially on rising in the morning; excessive prostration; liability to take cold. SKIN. Miliary itch; nettle-rash. SLEEP. Somnolence -by day; -in the morning, or early in the evening; want of- from bodily agitation; dreaming with starting and fright. FEVER. Shivering and chill; nocturnal sweat; morning sweats. MORAL. Restlessness and anxiety, especially in the evening; timidity, irascibility. HEAD. Weight in-; throbbing in-, especially in the evening, after eating, with heat and burning in-. EYES. Burning pain in-; myopia. EARs. Fetid pus from-. NOSE. Itching in-; violent coryza; epistaxis. FACE. Pale-; yellow-. TEETH. Contractive pains in -; opening, retraction, excoriation, and ulceration of the gums; bleeding of the gums. MOUTH. Dryness of-, or water-brash. THROAT. Scraping in-; hawking up much mucus. STOMACH. Bitter taste, salt taste in mouth or of food; after food, acidity; empty or bitter belchings, sour belchings; continual nausea; water-brash; spasms of-, with wind and extreme sensibility of the pit of-; bad effects from suckling; aching in the pit of-. ABDOMEN. Bruised feeling in the hypochondres; shooting pain under the ribs; tightness, aching and darting in the liver; bloating of-; pain in-, as if from lifting; excessive discharge of wind. STOOL. Constipation; liquid or mucous-; blind piles; burning itching in the anus. 34 CARBO VEGETABILIS. URINE. Scanty-; frequent, pressing and anxious desire to pass-; burning-. GENITAL. Pollutions; too quick emission; menstruation too quick and copious; itching, burning and excoriation at the vulva. LARYnX. Prolonged hoarseness; hoarseness, morning and evening; spasmodic cough, two or three times a day; cough with greenish mucus, or yellow pus. CHEST. Short respiration; difficult breathing with oppression of-; burning and aching in-; rawness in-. TRUNK. Stiffness in the nape. EXTREMITIES. Drawing, acute and burning pains in shoulder; acute drawing in the forearm; heat in the hands; acute burning drawings in haunch and knees; restlessness and weight in limbs; cramps in the calves at night; fetid bleeding ulcers; sweat in feet. CURATIVE. Feeling as if injured by lifting; actual strain from lifting; trembling and shocks in limbs during the day; emaciation, especially of the face; paralysis and total loss of pulse; herpes, chilblains, varices, petechime; lymphatic swelling with suppuration and burning; induration of glands; fever, with thirst only during the chill; fever with coma, rattling, cold sweat on face and extremities, hippocratic face and small flying pulse; absence of pulse; frequent flushes, cold sweat, fear of ghosts, indolence; headache from overheating; pains in eyes from using them, aching and burning in eyes, bleeding of eyes, pupil insensible; stoppage of nose; face hippocratic, tetters on face, red pimples on face, chapped lips; aching of the teeth produced by heat or CAUSTICUM. 35 cold; looseness of the teeth; vomiting blood; the troubles of the stomach are aggravated or renewed by taking cold or food; navel painful to touch; colic from riding in a carriage; rumbling in belly; the least food aggravates the troubles in belly; involuntary putrid stool; painful, large deep blue blind-piles; wetting bed; dark red urine; aching in the testicles; swelling, at the vulva; inflammation of the breasts; brownish spots on chest; continual dartings in the sacrum; stiffness of the dorsal spine; aneurism in the hough; tetters on knee; obstinate torpor in the feet; redness and swelling of the toes. 29.-CAUSTICUM. RANGE. Chronic rheumatic complaints; paralytic affections; eruptions; catarrhal affections of the airpassages; hoarseness and loss of voice. PATHOGENETIC AND CURATIVE. GENERAL. Drawing and tearing arthritic and rheumatic pains, especially in the limbs; shocks, spasms; epilepsy; intolerable disquietude through the whole body in the evening; paralytic debility; great sensibility to cold. SKIN. Itch; excoriation in children; warts; varices. SLEEP. Anxious dreams. FEVER. Violent shivering; nocturnal sweat. MORAL. Melancholy; restlessness and extreme anguish; irascibility, timidity. HEAD. Shootings, chiefly in the temples; stiffnew and.dartings in-.:EyE. Inflammation of -lids; ualceration of--; tears, black bands, sparks. 36 CAUSTICUM. EARS. Murmuring and humming in-. NosE. Eruption at the end of-; stoppage of-; dry coryza. FACE. Gouty pains in the bones of-. TEETH. Throbbings in--; painful loosening and lengthening of-; sensitiveness in-. MOUTH. Mucus in-. THROAT. Mucus in-. STOMACH. Dislike of sweet things; nausea after eating, or in the morning; disagreeable taste as if one were going to faint; cramp in-; dartings in pit of-. ABDOMEN. Aching in-, and hypogastrium; fixed wind with costiveness. STOOL. Chronic constipation; itching at anus". URINE. Frequent desire to pass-; involuntary emisssion of-. GENITAL. Pollutions. LARYNX. Hoarseness; short cough; dry cough, with burning and excoriation in the chest. CHEST. Short breath; palpitation. TRUNK. Painful stiffness in the back; pulling and acute pain in the shoulder blades; stiffness in-. EXTREMITIES. Painful drawings in the arms and hands; sensation of fulness in the hands on grasping; pain of dislocation in the hip-joint; drawing pains in thighs and knees; pains in the ankles; cold feet; swelling in feet. CURATIVE. Paralysis; old warts in the eyebrows; fistula in the gums, old ulcers in gums; stammering, paralysis of the tongue, distortion of mouth; difficulty of swallowing; aching of stomach after eating, vomiting; large belly in children; viscid shining stool, protrusion CHAMOMILLA. B7 of piles; fistula; torpor in genital system; menses too weak; female repugnance to coition; copious leucorrhcea; excoriated chopped nipples; want of milk; impossibility of expectorating phlegm; goitre; dartings from the fingers to the elbow; aptness to fall in children; pains in varices. 30.-CHAMOMILLA. RANGE. Great irritability of the nervous system; convulsions; diseases of young children; inflammatory and nervous fevers; bilious affections; colics, also from flatulence; diarrhma and other troubles, particularly from dentition; metrorrhages; puerperal peritonitis; acute catarrhal affections. PATHOGENETIC AND CURATIVE. GENERAL. Drawing rheumatic pains, chiefly at night in bed; pain, with thirst, and heat and redness of one cheek; sensibility of the nervous system; sensitiveness to the open air; limbs stiff, and as it were, paralyzed; fainting, with sinking, and insipidity in the stomach. SKIN. Miliary eruption; -difficult to heal. SLEEP. Coma; want of- at night, with fits of anguish; in -, startings with fright, cries, tossing. FEVER. Continual alternation of partial chill or shuddering, with partial heat; universal heat, especially in the evening or at night, in bed, with anxiety, thirst, redness of cheeks, hot sweat in the head; after or during the heat, sour sweat with itching; burning heat with redness of the cheeks (often only one), chiefly at night, with groanings, tossings. MORAL. Excessive anguish, as if the heart were about to burst, with complete prostration, restlessness, 4 88 CHAMOMILLA. groans and tears; disposition to weep and be troubled; quarrelsome humour and anger. HEAD. Giddiness with darkening of the eyes; weight in-. EYES. -inflamed; matter in-, gluing together at night; twitchings of the lids; - convulsed; sparks beforc-. EARS. Drawing and tensive pain in-; dartings into the-; humming in-; inflammatory swelling of the parotids. NOSE. Epistaxis. FACE. - hot, red, burning, or redness and heat in one cheek, with cold and paleness in the other; swelling of-; twitchings of the mouth and face. TEETH. Violent aching of-, generally on one side, chiefly at night in bed, with red swollen cheek; the pains are ordinarily drawing, or throbbing and darting, after hot drinks, especially coffee. MOUTH. Dryness of- and tongue; putrid odour of-; convulsive movements of the tongue; bitter taste in-. THROAT. Sore-, with swelling of the parotids. STOMACrs. Excessive thirst for cold drinks; vomiting of food, sour matter and phlegm; bitter vomitings; aching pressure, excessively painful in the pracordial region; pressive gastralgia, as if from a stone in-, with impeded respiration, chiefly after eating or at night. ABDOMEN. Tightness and anxious fulness in the hypochondres and in the epigastrium, with a feeling as if all were carried up into the chest; flatulent colic, with bloating of the-; extremely painful colic, drawings and cuttings in-; dartings in-; pressure toward the inguinal ring; spasms in-. CHAMOMILLA. 39 SSTOOL, &c. Diarrhoea at night with spasmodic colic, and whitish mucous, or watery, or yellowish, or greenish-; piles with chaps and ulcers. MENSEs. Colic before-; pressure (like parturient) towards the uterus; flooding with dark red blood and clots, with parturient pains; scirrhus of the mammary glands. LARYNX. Catarrh and hoarseness; dry cough excited by continual tickling in-; expectoration of bitter or putrid mucus. CHEST. Fits of flatulent asthma, with anxiety and fulness in the prmacordial region; shootings in-, chiefly on breathing; oppression of-. EXTREMITIES. Nocturnal pains with paralytic weakness in the arms; paralytic and drawing pain in the hip, chiefly at night; cramps in the calves. CURATIVE. Catalepsy; epilepsy with retraction of thumbs; foam before the mouth, preceded by colic, or followed by coma; febrile sleep; intermittent fever with nightly aggravation, pressure on pit of the stomach, nausea or bilious vomitings,; colic, diarrhoea and painful urination; swelling and redness of eyelids; yellow sclero. tic; bleeding of eyes, spasmodic closing of eyes; running from ears; erysipelas of face; shootings on one side of face; trismus; tongue red and chapped, or covered with a thick and yellow coat, aphthae; shooting or burning pains in pharynx; solid food cannot be swallowed, especially in a recumbent posture; burning in throat from the mouth to the stomach; deep redness of throat; burning in pit of stomach and hypochondres; burning cuttings in pit of stomach, with impeded 40 CHINA. breathing and pale face; painful sensibility in belly to touch; hot yellow urine. 31.-CHINA. RANGE Debility and diseases from loss of blood and humours; dropsies; passive hoemorrhages; intermittent fevers; gastric and bilious affections; induration of liver and spleen; diarrhoea, also of undigested material. PATHOGENETIC AND CURATIVE. GENERAL. Tight drawings or twitching dartings in the long bones, with paralytic pains and debility; pains provoked or increased by touch, or food, or at night; arthritic red hard swellings; dropsy; debility, with trembling and ready sweating; nervousness; emaciation. SKIN. Yellow--. SLEEP. Tardy-, or want of-; want of-, with headache and bulimy; agitated unrefreshing-; pain, ful, frightful dreams, alarming even when awake; confused foolish dreams after midnight. a FEVER. Shivcrings with headache; heat with dry burning lips and mouth, and red face; the fits ofare often preceded by palpitation, sneezing, anguish, nausea, &c.; sweat during sleep; weakening night sweats. MORAL. Apathy; despondency. HEAD. -ache as if from suppressed coryza; bruised feeling in-, with boring in the crown of-; -ache at night; sharp or twitching -ache; splitting -ache; -ache aggravated by touch, motion, or current of air; sensibility of scalp. CHINA. 41 EYES. Inflammation of- worst at night; dilated pupils; sparks, motes and darkening. EARS. Humming. NOSE. Bleeding. FACE. Pale earthy-; bloated-; rheumatism of--; dry, black lips. TEETH. Dull pain in carious-; throbbing pain in-; aching in-, after food and at night, bettered by pressing, aggravated by touch. TONGUE. Yellow or white-. SToMAcH. Bad taste; food insipid; bitter taste; dislike of food, with a feeling of fulness; burning thirst; desire of variety without knowing what; indigestion; bitter risings, or sour, or tasteless, chiefly after eating; risings with taste of food. ABDOMEN. Shootings in the liver; swelling of spleen; shootings in spleen; dropsy in-, with asthma and cough; much bloating. STOOL. Mucous, watery or yellow -; indigested-; white-; thin- after eating or at night; crawling in anus as if from worms. SEXUAL. - desire; pollutions; clots of blood from the womb. COUGH. -with difficult expectoration; convuJsive-.; provoked by laughing, &c.; whitish mucous expectoration, mingled with black particles; expectoration streaked with blood; during -, pressure on the chest and rawness in larynx. CHEST. Impeded breathing, with great oppression of-, and anguish as if from fulness of stomach; breathing only possible with a high pillow; shootings in-. CURATIVE. Twitchings; quotidian or tertian fever; fever with 4* 42 CICUTA'. headache, congestion to the head, &c.; painful throbbings in head; pains in eyes as if from pressure round the orbits; pain as if from sand in eyes; dark cornea as if there were smoke in the bottom of the eyes; yellow sclerotica; short sight; chapped tongue; voracity; water-brash; sour glary vomitings; vomiting of blood; colic with unquenchable thirst; pappy, frothy, frequent stools; diarrhoea from fruit; diarrhea without pain, but with great weakness; involuntary, liquid, yellowish stools; lumbrici; too quick emission in coition; induration of the neck of the womb; during the catamenia spasms in the chest and abdomen, or congestion in the head, throbbing carotids and puffed face, prominent watery eyes, twitchings of the eyelids and fainting; leucorrhca; watery and bloody discharge from the womb, with clots of blood or fetid pus, with itching of the thighs; cough with tough transparent mucus; cough with purulent expectoration; short hurried respiration; arthritic swelling of knees and feet. 32.-CICUTA. PATHOGENETIC AND CURATIVE. GENERAL. Trembling; electric shocks in head and limbs; spasms; epilepsy; catalepsy; tetanus; drawing pains in the limbs. SLEEP. Half-. HEAD. Purulent eruptions on the scalp. EYEs. Pupils either contracted or dilated; suspension of sight with giddiness while walking; double sight; gluing of the lids at night. EARS. Purulent eruptions before and behind the-. FACE. Confluent purulent eruption on the-. CINA. 4 MOUTH. Trismus; gnashing of the teeth. STOMACH. Satiety and pressure in the stomach after the first mouthful. CHEST. Impeded respiration. EXTREMITIES. Spasmodic twitchings in arms and fingers. CURATIVE. Giddiness on sitting up in bed, with darkening of vision; painful commotion in head; wavering vision; dread of light; crusts in nose; worm colic; pinchings and grumblings in belly; tonic spasms in the muscles of chest, alternating with vomiting; swelling of the neck. 33.-CINA. PATHOGENETIC AND CURATIVE. SLEEP. Want of-. FEVER. Quotidian- with bulimy, nausea, clean tongue, diarrhoea, dilated pupils and emaciation; tertian-, heat chiefly in the head, with paleness or yellowish colour of the face. MORAL. Tears. EYES. Dilated pupils; weak sight with dread of light. NOSE. Picking-; stoppage of-. FACE. - bloated and bluish chiefly about the mouth. STOMACH. Bulimy; vomiting of mucus and ascarides. URINE. - soon troubled. COUGH. Dry spasmodic-; -with sudden starts and fainting..0 * 44 CINNABARIS-CINNAMONUM--CLEMATIS. CURATIVE. Heaviness in the limbs; epilepsy; strong heat with fever, delirium and tossing; headache after fever; face alternately pale and cold, or red and hot; aversion of the child for its mother's milk; bitter taste of bread; vomiting or diarrhcea after drinking; vomiting, with clean tongue; bilious vomiting; unpleasant risings; pappy stools; ascarides; wetting the bed. 34.-CINNABARIS. This medicine has been found especially useful in sycosis. 35.-CINNAMONUM. Cinnamon is almost specific in flooding after delivery. 36.-CLEMATIS. PATHOGENETIC AND CURATIVE. EYES. Inflammation of- with copious lachrymation. ABDOMEN. Swelling of inguinal glands with jerking pains. URINE. Contraction of the urethra. SEXUAL. Painful inflammation and swelling of the testicles. CURATIVE. Obstinate miliary eruptions; vesicular eruptions; scaly tetters, with sanious corrosive pus, and inflamed skin; reddish oozing itching tetters; quartan fever; shuddering followed by sweat; induration of inguinal COCCULUS. 45 glands; swelling of axillary glands; induration of testicles; arthritic nodes on fingers; scaly tetters on thigh. 37.-COCCULUS. RANGE. Paralysis, also after apoplexy; nervous fevers; gastric affections; constipation from torpor of the intestines. PATHOGENETIC AND CURATIVE. GENERAL. Feeling of vacuity or constriction in internal organs; unilateral troubles; cramps; paralysis; aggravation from sleep, speech, food, and above all, coffee and tobacco; fainting. MORAL. Melancholy; anxiety; timidity; susceptibility. HEAD. Violent -ache, especially in front; -ache with every movement as if the eyes were about to be torn out, with giddiness; -ache with a feeling of hollowness or tightness. FACE. Red-. MOUTH, &c. Dryness of- without thirst; burning in the gullet with sulphur taste. STOMACH. Disgust at food; risings with nausea; mere empty or putrid risings; nausea which makes one faint; cramp in-. ABDOMEN. Bloating of-; burning drawings and tearing in-; windy spasms in-; tendency to inguinal hernia. STOOLS. Soft yellow-. URINE. Frequent- as in pregnancy. MENSES. -too quick, with spasms in hypogaBtrium; leucorrhcea like water, containing washings of meat, mixed with sanious purulent serosity. 46 COFFEE. CHEST. Constriction of-; palpitation. EXTREMITIES. Paralysis of arms; paraplegia. CURATIVE. St. Vitus' dance; during spasms, red, hot, puffed face; emaciation; pale skin; fever, with stomachcramp and paralysis in sacrum; pulse full, hard and frequent; despondency; rolling of eyes during spasms; dilated pupils; nausea from motion of carriage or ship; aching in liver; shootings in liver; burning stools; suppression of menses, with spasms and paralytic weakness; menses scanty, irregular, with leucorrhcea in the intervals; bloody mucus during pregnancy; uterine spasms; short broken breathings; anxious congestion to chest; hot arthritic swelling of the hands; torpor of the hands; inflammation of knee with passing shootings. 38.-COFFEE. PATHOGENETIC AND CURATIVE. GENERAL. Painful sensibility; excitability. SLEEP. Want of-. MORAL. Tears; cries; agitation during the fits of pain; vivacity. TEETH. Drawing acute -ache; sore throat. ABDOMEN. Pains in-; diarrhoea. CURATIVE. Fever with anguish; shuddering with colic and violent agitation; cries of children; hardness of hearing with humming; bilious vomiting; diarrhoea during. dentition. COLCHICUM-COLOCYNTHIS. 47 39.-COLCHICUM. PATHOGENETIC AND CURATIVE. ABDOMEN. Ascites. STOOL. Dysenteric-. URINE. Scanty-, dark, hot, with straining. CURATIVE. Nervous exhaustion from night work. 40.-COLOCYNTHIS. PATHOGENETIC AND CURATIVE. GENERAL. Spasms. SLEEP. Want of- from indignation. FEVER. Hard pulse. HEAD. Lateral -ache. EYEs. Burning cutting in the-. FACE. Tightness, tearing, burning, or shooting in-. MOUTir. Throbbing in the left teeth. STOMAcr. Bitter taste; colic and diarrhola, however little is eaten. ABDOMEN. Bloating of- like tympanites; cramp in-; excessively violent colic; colic from cold; cuttings and shootings in-; great sensibility and feeling of emptiness in-; grumbling in-; coflee and smoking diminish the colic. STOOL. Dysenteric-. CURATIVE. Skin hot and dry; dozing alternating with delirium and open eyes; dry general heat; wish to run away; want of religious feeling; lateral headache with nausea and vomiting; congestion to head; heat in head; 48 CONIUM MACULATUM. acrid serum from head; crusts on face; dark red face; tongue coated yellow; vomiting of food or greenish matter; vomiting with diarrhcea; sensibility in the pit of stomach; colic with cramp in the calves; inguinal hernia; paralysis of the sphincter of anus; pain in hipjoint as if it were bound with bands of iron to the pelvis and sacrum, with pains from the loins into the legs; spontaneous luxation of the hip-joint. 41.-CONIUM MACULATUM. RANGE. Scrofulous and carcinomatous affections; tetters; inflammation of the eyes; chronic gastralgia and colic after meals; catarrh with night cough. PATHOGENETIC AND CURATIVE. GENERAL. Curving of limbs in sleep; nocturnal pains; hysteria and hypochondria; swelling and hardening of glands; fainting; restlessness, especially in legs; sudden exhaustion while walking; great fatigue and other annoyances while walking in the open air; want of natural heat. SLEEP. Desire of- by day; desire of- in the evening, with exhaustion of the eyelids; late-. MORAL. Hysterical anguish; timidity; moroseness; desponding indifference; want of energy; irritability. HEAD. Fits of tearing -ache that force one to lie down; obstinate shootings in the sinciput which seem to issue at the brow. EYES. Itching under the-; sty; myopia; presbyopia; motes and coloured fillets; dazzling by daylight; dread of light. EARS. Much wax, resembling mouldy paper and mixed with pus and mucus; humming, ringing and grumbling in-. CONIUM MACULATUM. 49 NosE. Swelling of nostrils; sneezing. FACE. Heat; tearing and shooting in- at night; itch and itching eruptions. MOUTH. Toothache, generally drawing; shootings in teeth; involuntary swallowing; scraping in throat; bitterness in- and throat; putrid taste in-. STOMACH. After eating, acidity and water-brash; empty, frequent, and noisy eructations the whole day; abortive eructations, with feeling of fulness in the throat-pit; risings with taste of the food; water-brash sometimes after eating. ABDOMEN. Eating shootings under the left hypochondrium; fulness of--; contraction of- with oppression; feeling of rawness in-; grumbling in-. STOOLS. Constipation with straining; hard - every two or three days; diarrhcic- indigested, with cuttings and frequent belchings. URINE. Frequent desire of passing clear watery-; -stops all at once, and after some moments begins again; cutting pains in the urethra during the passing of-. SEXUAL. Swelling of testicles; excessive pollutions; itching of the pudendum, internal and external. MENSEs. -too quick; suppression of-; duringfeeling as if all were falling down, and drawing in the thigh, or cramps in belly; burning leucorrhccn, with colic before or after; scirrhous hardening in the breasts with itching and shooting. CoUGH, Dry spasmodic-; whooping-. CHEST. Short breath on walking; impeded breath; shooting in the breast bone; shocks in the-. TRUNK. Aching and compression above the hips; tightness in the nape. EXTREMITIES. The shoulders feel as if bruised or 5 50 COPAIBBE BALSAMUM-CROCUS SATIVUS. excoriated; sweat in the palm; weariness in the knees; cold feet. CORATIVE. Nettle-rash from exercise, brownish spots, or red and itching, which come and go; moist tetters; giddiness on looking back; coldness in eyes while walking out; spots on the cornea; hearing injured by wax; swelling and hardening of parotids; pus from nose; dryness in nose; stoppage of both nostrils; eating tetters on face; carcinoma on the lip; aching of teeth provoked by walking out; total want of appetite; digging about the navel; wind fixed; cuttings while passing wind; pressure on bladder as if the urine were about to escape with violence; thick urine; want of energy in coitibn; weak, short erections; prostration after coition; cramps of womb, with pinchings and diggings above the vulva, with tightness in the abdomen, and shootings up to the left side of the breast. 42.-COPAIBE BALSAMUM. PATHOGENETIC AND CURATIVE. Bronchitis, with muco-purulent expectoration. CURATIVE. Gonorrhcea; diseases of mucous membranes. 43.-CROCUS SATIVUS. PATHOGENETIC AND CURATIVE. GENERAL. St. Vitus' dance; black viscous blood from different organs. SEXUAL Flooding. CUPRUM-DTADEMA ARANEA. 51 CURATIVE. Spasm of the eyelids at night. 44.-CUPRUM. RANGE. Epilepsy; cholera. PATHOGENETIC AND CURATIVE. GENERAL. Jerkings in sleep; tonic spasms with loss of sense and bending the head backwards; epilepsy; violent spasms; protracted debility; excitability. EYES. Aching in- and lids increased by touch. NOSE. Stoppage of-. THROAT. Drink is heard while descending. STOMACH. Extremely painful aching in- and pit of- aggravated by touch and movement. COUGH. Dry suffocatingCURATIVE. While weeping, spasms with want of breath and retraction of thighs; St. Vitus' dance; the spasms begin mostly in the fingers and toes; chills after epileptic fits; feeling as if the head were empty; headache after epileptic fit; aching in teeth, with sharp drawing up to the temples; water-brash after taking milk; passing urine at night; spasms in fingers; burning in the soles; sweaty feet; suppression of foot sweat; spasms "in toes. 45.-DIADEMA ARANEA, Is little known, but has been found useful in ague. Robert Jackson prefers it in this disease to either bark or arsenic. Of course it is worthy of much attention. 52 DIGITALIS-DROSERA, 46.-DIGITALIS. - RANGE. Cyanosis (blue disease); dropsy, jaundice; disease of the heart (with slow pulse). PATHOGENETIC AND CURATIVE. GENERAL. Dropsy; jaundice. SLEEP. Broken-. MORAL. Extreme anguish; tears and anxiety. HEAD. Giddiness with trembling. EYES. Aching in-, increased by touch; burning above the-; dartings in-; inflammation of the-lids; lachrymation; gluing of the -lids; things look green or yellow. STOMACH. Want of appetite; nausea; spasmodic desire to vomit; mucous vomiting; aching, burning, and weight in the-, and pit of-; fulness of pit of-. STOOLS. -white as clay, or like ashes. URINE. Painful and almost useless desire to pass -; with burning and very scanty discharge; difficult passing of- as if from contraction of the urethra; dark brown or reddish. CoUGH. -dry; bloody expectoration. CURATIVE. Bluish skin; blue colour of lips and eyelids; bluish tongue; bitterness. in mouth; morning nausea on awaking; sensitiveness and aching in the liver; bloating of belly; ascites; asthma as from dropsy in chest. 47.-DROSERA. PATHOGENETIC AND CURATIVE. FEVER. Chills with coldness of feet, hands, and face; -with nausea. ~i,,,,,i.,.;^.~ i~~--:"~:;~9~ ~~I" ~-:~~f~:-:-~:""~~~~';:"-T ~:;1:;~itr::~- -i~~ a"~;,~-~~-"'-:~:"I';1:;: ~:-'"-":"";' DULCAMARA. 53 EYES. Loss of sight; presbyopia. NOSE. -bleeding. CoUGv. Hoarseness and bass voice; -and hoarseness; -at night; dry spasmodic--, with retching; fatiguing- like whooping, with bluish face, whistling breath, suffocation, bleeding at nose and mouth, and anxiety; morning -, with bitter nauseous expectoration; vomiting of food after and during cough; cough with purulent expectoration. CURATIVE. 'Light dazzles. 48.-DULCAMARA. RANGE. Effects of cold; eruptions. PATHOGENETIC AND CURATIVE. GENERAL. Tearing pains; sufferings from cold; swelling and hardening of glands; dropsy also from cold. SKIN. Nettle-rash; tetters. FEVER. Dry heat and burning skin. HEAD. Stupefaction as from a vice on the brow; boring and burning in the fore-, with digging from within outwards; -ache increased by the slightest motion. EYES. Inflammation of-. MOUTH. Paralysis of the tongue; sore throat from cold. STOMACH. Burning thirst for cold drinks; nausea with vomiting of thick mucus; aching in the- up jo the chest. ABDOMEN. Pains in - from cold; inflammatory swelling and hardening of inguinal glands. 5* 54 EUPHRASIA. DIARRInIaA. -from cold; -of greenish or brownish mucus. SEXUAL. Mucus from urethra. EXTREMITIES. Tetters and warts on hands. CoUGH. --provoked by a deep breath. CURATIVE. Mucous discharges; moist tetters; dry tetters; scabbing tetters; warts; tetters on joints; itching pustules; unquiet sleep; fever, first chills, then burning with dull headache, red face, burning in palate, and unquenchable thirst for cold drinks; fever with aggravation in the evening; caprice; headache from speaking; eruption and warts on face; thick brownish or yellowish scabs on face; swelling of submaxillary glands; tongue coated with mucus; bitterness in mouth; serous stools at night with colic; involuntary urine; thickening of the bladder; eruption on labia; hoarse cough; whooping cough. 49.-EUPHRASIA. PATHOGENETIC AND CURATIVE. EYEs. Inflammation and ulceration of the borders of the -lids; swelling and gluing of the lids; much mucus, sometimes bloody in-. NosE. Violent coryza and much mucus; embarassment of head and corrosive tears. CURATIVE. Inflammation of cornea; cicatrices and spots on cornea, condylomata. FERRUM-GRAPHITES. 55 50.-FERRUM. RANGE. Congestions; hemorrhages; gastric troubles; thread worms. PATHOGENETIC AND CURATIVE. GENERAL. Ebullition of blood and hemorrhage. SLEEP. Drowsy fatigue, with agitated-. HEAD. Giddiness on stooping; -ache chiefly in open air; periodic hammering -ache. FACE. - pale; lips pale. STOMACH. Bitter taste of food; vomiting of food chiefly at night; aching in-, chiefly after eating. STOOLS. Diarrhoea; ascarides. SEXUAL. Flooding; abortion. LARYNX. Purulent expectoration. CHEST. Hindered breathing. EXTREMITIES. Shootings and tearings in shoulderjoint and arm; weakness and bending of knees; stiffness, drawing, and weight in limbs; swelling of feet. CURATIVE. Emaciation; pale skin; fever, with congestion to the head, bloating about the eyes, swelling of veins, vomiting of food, short breath, and paralytic weakness.; headache every two or three weeks; indigested stools; flooding with excitement of the vascular system; dry spasmodic cough after food, with vomiting. 51.-GRAPHITES. RANGE. Eruptions; gastric troubles; hemorrhoids; troubles of the womb. PATHOGENETIC AND CURATIVE. GENARAL. Cramps; arthritic drawings, chiefly in 56 GRAPHITES. ulcers; gouty nodes; numbness; emaciation; chilliness. SKIN. Erysipelas; tetters and other humid eruptions; excoriation chiefly in children; unhealthy skin; deformed thick nails. SLEEP. Difficulty in falling asleep; great agitation at night, with frightful dreams. MORAL. Anxious agitation at night; restlessness (morning); horror of work. HEAD. Intoxication while rising in the morning; embarrassment in-; tearing in the scalp; itching in the scalp; moist scabs on-; sweat in-, on walking out; falling out of hair. EYES. Aching in-; darting in-,; inflammation of-; dry matter on the lids and lashes; gluing of lids and lachrymation; myopia; dread of light. EARS. Fcetid pus from-; tetters and excoriation behind the-; hardness of hearing; ringing, humming, thundering in-. NOSE. Dry scabs in-; foetid odor in-; stoppage and painful dryness in-; dry coryza, with headache; mucus from-. FACE. Erysipelas in--; lateral paralysis and distortion of-; eruption in-; oozing pimples in-; ulcers inside the lips; scabs on the chin and round the mouth; corners of the mouth ulcerated. TEETH. Shooting pain in-, after cold drinks; easy bleeding and swelling of the gums. THROAT. Pain in-, as if from a plug; scraping in-. SToMAcH. Bulinry; dislike of cooked food; weak digestion; nausea, chiefly in the morning; obstinate vomiting of food; aching in-, sometimes with vomiting, alleviated by lying down, and by the heat of the bed; cramps in-. GRATIOLA. 57 ABDOMEN. Weight in-; bloated-; wind; much fcetid wind expelled; sensitiveness in the groins. STOOLS. Obstinate constipation with hard-, and hardness in the liver; incipient-; too soft-; large piles with excoriation, especially after-. URINE. Emission of-, at night. SEXUAL. Hydrocele; repose of-, or unbridled desire; slight relish of - pleasure; excoriation of vulva; menses late, scanty and pale; suppression of menses; leucorrhcea like water. COUGH. At night. CHEST. Impeded respiration; strangling while falling asleep or walking out. TRUNK. Violent pain in nape. EXTREMITIES. Cramp and tearing in hands; gouty nodes on fingers; tettery excoriation between fingers; excoriation between the legs; torpor and stiffness of the thighs and toes; restlessness in legs; tetters in thighs; ulcers on legs; swelling of legs and feet, with hardness and shooting pain; cold feet even in bed; burning feet; swelling and distortion of toes; callous skin, eating vesicles, and ulcers on toes. CURATIVE. Gouty nodes; shingles; encysted tumours; faotid discharge from ears; whistling in ears; freckles; painful nodes on lower jaw; hardness in belly; vesicular erysipelas near navel; tenia; burning chaps between piles; involuntary emission without erection; leucorrhoea before and after menses; cracked voice; spasms in chest. 52.-GRATIOLA. PATHOGENETIC AND CURATIVE. STOMACH. Aching in-after food. a~ 58 GUAJACUM--HELLEBORUS--HEPAR SULPH. STOOL. Constipation. 53.-GUAJACUM. PATHOGENETIC AND CURATIVE. GENERAL. Gout. HEAD. Tearing in one side of-, to the cheek. EYES. Swelling of lids. EARs. Cramps in-. STOOL. Constipation. CHEST. Dartings in-; aching and crawling pains in bones. CURATIVE. Drawing together of parts; nausea; dislike of milk. 54.-HELLEBORUS. PATHOGENETIC AND CURATIVE. SKIN. Leucophlegmatic swelling of-. SLEEP. Dozing. MORAL. Silent melancholy. URINE. Deep coloured. CURATIVE. Burying head in pillow; ascites. 55.-HEPAR SULPHURIS. RANGE. Mercurial poisonings; eruptions; "croup PATHOGENETIC AND CURATIVE. GENERAL. Drawings, especially in the morning on awaking; gout; ulceration of glands; night pains and HEPAR SULPHURIS. 59 their aggravation, especially during chills; emaciation; prostration after smoking. SKIN. Erysipelas; nettle-rash; unhealthy skin; chaps; ulcers (putrid). SLEEP. Unquiet, with head thrown back. FEVER. Shuddering and chills, especially in the open air; dry heat at night; flying heat with sweats; easy sweat. HEAD. Soreness just over the eyes every evening or at night in bed; boring; falling out of hair; nodes, sore when touched. EYEs. Inflammation; occasionally erysipelatous; lachrymation and gluing of lids; dread of light. EARS. Purulent discharge. FACE. Red burning-; erysipelas. TEETH. Inflammation of gums. MOUTH, &c. Salivation; sore throat, as from a plug; scraping in throat that hinders speech and swallowing. STOMACH. Morbid hunger; risings, with burning in throat; fits of nausea. ABDOMEN. Cramps; shootings, especially on left side. STOOLS. Tenesmus; dysentery. URINE. Dark and hot. SEXUAL. Want of- desire; prostatic fluid after urine. COUGH. Dry evening-; fits of dry, hoarse, hollow-, with suffocation, and ending in weeping. BACK. Drawing in-. EXTREMITIES. Chapped hands; nettle-rash on hands and fingers. CURATIVE. Suppurations; startings in sleep; suppurating scabs 60 HYOSCYAMUS. in head; spots and ulcers on cornea; in the evening by candle-light, dimness of sight alternating with clearness; crusts behind ears; ulcer in mouth, with porky base; swelling of tonsils; dryness of throat; hoarse, hasty speech; swelling of the region of stomach, with aching pains; flatulence; whitish, sour stools; wetting bed; mucus from urethra; leucorrhaa, with smarting; caranoma of the breast; barking cough; anxious, whistling breathing, with danger of sufbocation on lying down; fits of suffocation, which compel one to throw back the head; foetid sweat in armpits; fingers dead; inflammation of ankles, with night pain. 56.-HYOSCYAMUS. RANGE. Convulsions; epilepsy; mania; typhoid fevers; inflammation of the brain. PATHOGENETIC AND CURATIVE. GENERAL. Spasms; epilepsy, with bluish puffed face, involuntary urination, froth at mouth and prominent eyes; dance of St. Vitus; convulsions with cries, extreme anguish, oppression of the chest and loss of sense; twitching of tendons. SKIN. Brownish spots occasionally. SLEEP. Want of- from excitement. FEVER. - with fits of epilepsy; great weakness, flames before the eyes and congestion to the head, type quartan and quotidian. MoRAL. Fear of being betrayed or poisoned; stupor with plaintive cries, especially at the slightest touch; unconsciousness, with closed eyes, and raving about business; delirium. HEAD. Giddiness as from intoxication. IGNATIA. 61 EYES. - red, fixed, convulsed; spasms; closing of lids; dilated pupils. FACE. - puffed and red as blood. TEETH. Throbbing, tearing pain, especially after cold, with congestion to the head. MOUTH, &c. Foam; loss of speech; constriction of throat, and impossibility of swallowing liquids. STOMACH. Hiccough after food; retchings and vomitings, with cuttings that force cries; mucous vomiting; vomiting of food; sensitiveness at pit of-. ABDOMEN. Cramps in- sometimes with vomitings. STOOLS. Painless diarrhoea; involuntary-. URINE. Involuntary-. COUGH. Spasmodic- at night, especially on lying down. CURATIVE. Picking the clothes in sleep; wish to run away at night; jealousy; delirium sometimes with epilepsy; blindness at night; teeth coated with mucus; tongue crusted brown; vomiting of blood; pains in liver; soreness in muscles of belly on coughing; spasmodic cough at night with redness of face and mucous vomiting; cough dry, shaking, sobbing, with soreness in the abdominal muscles. 57.-IGNATIA. RANGE. Despondency; convulsions; epilepsy; troubles of the womb. PATHOGENETIC AND CURATIVE. GENERAL. Spasms, sometimes with strangling and throwing back the head; hysterical weakness and fits of fainting; pains at night. 6 62 IGNATIA. SKIN. Excoriation. FEVER. Universal heat, with redness chiefly of one cheek, and want of thirst; want of thirst during the heat and sweat. MORAL. Chagrin with sighs; moroseness; alternation of silly gaiety and tears; short replies; weak memory; love of solitude; anguish; weeping; corroding heart care. HEAD. Giddiness; spasmodic aching in front and behind; falling out of hair. EYES. Pain in- as from sand; inflammation; lachrymation; dread of light; haze. EARS. Hardness of hearing. FACE. Redness and burning in one cheek; crusts on the lips and at the corners; trismus. MOUTH. The tongue is readily bitten when eating or speaking. STOMACr. Dislike of milk and tobacco smoke; want of appetite and prompt satiety; clayey taste; risings of food or bitter fluid; hiccough every time one eats; nausea with agitation; vomiting of food; feeling of emptiness and weakness in the pit of-. ABDOMEN. Pain in left hypochondrium; pinchings in-; windy colic, especially at night. SEXUAL. Menses too quick and strong; every ten or fifteen days; cramps in uterus; cramp of the womb during-. CHEST. Sighing respiration. EXTREMITIES. Insupportable pains in the bones and articulations of the arm. CURATIVE. Epilepsy, with frequent yawnings and red face; St. Vitus' dance; after spasms, deep sighs and sleep; fever ": "i ";dc~: IODIUM. 63 with headache, pain in stomach, great fatigue and paleness of face; giddiness, with sparks before the eyes; trembling; throwing back the head; redness, also convulsive motions of eyes; swelling of parotids; human voice best heard; bleeding of nose; pale, red, blue or earthy face; twitchings in face; froth at mouth; periodic cramp of stomach; dry hoarse cough; opisthotonus; twitchings of arms and legs. 58.-IODIUM. RANGE. Mercurial poisonings; scrofula; goitre; chronic inflammation of the wind-pipe; inflammation of the knee-joint. PATHOGENETIC AND CURATIVE. GENERAL. Tearing in limbs chiefly in joints and at night; deviation of bones; swelling and hardening of glands; debility. SKIN. Dry. HEAD. Stupor in the morning; beating in-. EYES. Excoriating pains in-. EARS. Humming. FACE. -pale yellow. TEETH. Softening of gums. MOUTH. Ulcers; salivation; loaded tongue. STOMACH. Morbid hunger; water-brash; nausea. ABDOMEN. Violent colics; fixed wind. STOOLS. Constipation; diarrhea alternating with constipation. URINE. Passing- at night. MENSES. Too late. THROAT. Inflammation of- and wind-pipe. CoUGH. --dry; - morning; - with much mucous expectoration, sometimes bloody. 64 IPECACUANHA. CHEST. Hindered breathing; violent palpitation; external swelling of the neck. CURATIVE. Whoopingcough; cough with pain in chest and fever; shootings in left side while breathing; loss of breath; weariness in arms; swelling of fingers; continual cold in hands; inflammatory swelling of knee; dropsical swelling of knee; white swelling. 59.-IPECACUANHA. RANGE. Bark poisoning; gastric troubles; intermittent fevers; asthma. PATHOGENETIC AND CURATIVE. GENERAL. Fits of uneasiness with dislike of food, and great and sudden weakness; bleeding from various organs; tetanus sometimes with opisthotonus. HEAD. Fits of -ache with nausea and vomiting; aching in fore-. NosE. Coryza with stoppage of-. FAcE. - pale. STOMACH. Great disgust for all food; nausea; retching; vomiting of indigested food or greenish bilious matter. STOOLS. - bloody or mucous; diarrhoea with nausea and cblic. URINE. - bloody. COUGH. - especially at night with disgust and vomiting; dry-; whooping- with bleeding at nose and mouth and vomiting of food;-spasmodic and suffocating, with stiffening of the body and bluish face. CHEST. Short anxious breathing; spasmodic asthma KALI CARBONICUM. 65 with contraction of larynx; loss of breath on the least motion. TRUNK, &c. Opisthotonus and emprosthotonus. CURATIVE. Different kinds of spasms; epilepsy; miliary eruptions; thirst only during the shivering and cold; fever with gastric trouble; fever in evening with restlessness, dry painful heat, burning palms and night sweat; twitching in face; bitter taste; nothing liked but dainties; water-brash; vomiting and diarrhca; vomiting of pitchy-looking matter; swelling of the region of stomach; aching in stomach with vomitings; excoriating pain in belly; colic in children; pitchlike stool; bloody urine with pains in bladder and navel, burning in urethra, desire to vomit and pain in kidney and pit of stomach; twitching in legs and feet. 60.-KALI CARBONICUM. RANGE. Parotitis; troubles of the womb and lungs; dropsy. PATHOGENETIC AND CURATIVE. GENERAL. Drawing tearing pains; dropsy; aptness to take cold. SKIN. Itching burning spots; warts. SLEEP. Desire to- by day and early in the evening; twitching during-; troublesome dreaming. MORAL. Timidity; irascibility; and loss of memory. HEAD. Embarrassment of-; -ache from riding in a carriage; lateral -ache with nausea;, aching in the occiput; congestion to-; aptness to take cold in-; dry hair. 66 KALI CARBONICUM. EYES. Swelling of-; gluing of lids chiefly in the morning; "!achrymation; motes; dazzling from light. EARs. Shootings in-, sometimes from within outwards; inflammation and swelling of parotids; feeble confused hearing. NOSE. Ulceration of the inside of-; blunted smell; stoppage. FACE. Yellow-; drawing pain in-; flying heat in-; bloating. TEETH. -ache from eating; shooting aching in-. THROAT. Much mucus in-; hawking up of mucus. STOMACH. Bitter mouth; longing for sugar; sour risings; anxious nausea with desire to vomit; fulness of- after eating; pinching. ABDOMEN. Aching in hypogastrium; weight in-; coldness; fixed wind; much wind. STOOLS. Constipation; large fmces; itching in anus; piles. URINE. Frequent desire of passing--; frequent passing of-. SEXUAL. Hot swelling of testicles; keen- desire or total want of it; repugnance to- intercourse; erections painful; excessive pollutions; weakness after coition or pollution. MENSES. Itching on and in vulva; too quick or too weak; suppression of-; corrosive-; itching eruption and excoriation during-; leucorrhmea. LARYNX. Hoarseness, purulent expectoration with cough. CHEST. Impeded breathing; cramp. TRUNK. Pain in sacrum; drawing in back; stiffness in nape. EXTREMITIES. Aching on shoulder; numbness of KREOSOTUM. 67 arms; weakness in arms; stiffness in elbow; trembling of hands in writing; sharp drawings in lower-; aching drawings and tearings in legs; burning shootings in legs and feet; stiffness in foot joints; cold feet; sweat in feet; shootings in ball of great toe; corns. CURATIVE. Warts on face; tightness above the stomach; pain in liver; ascites; wind; spasmodic asthma; hydrothorax; cramp in stomach on coughing; pain in sacrum after a fall; weakness in muscles of neck; goitre; weakness in arms in the morning in bed; paralytic pain in wrist; fretid sweat in feet. 61.-KREOSOTUM. RANGE. Scrofula; hmmorrhages; eruptions; diseases of the mucous membranes. PATHOGENETIC AND CURATIVE. GENERAL. Shootings in joints; general feeling of over fatigue; night pains. SLEEP. Desire of- with yawning; continual need of-; agitated-; dreams. FEVER. Cold. MORAL. Bad humour; weak memory. HEAD. Throbbings; falling of hair. EYES. Itching in-; burning with lachrymation; gluing of the lids at night; swelling of the lids; furfuraceous tetter on lids; haze before-. NOSE. Sneezing; dry coryza. TEETH. Successive pulling in-. STOMACH. Desire to vomit, especially in morning; as in pregnancy. 68 LACHESIS. URINE. Much-; frequent and pressing desire to pass- at night. MENSES. - too quick and too long; during - hardness of hearing; leucorrhoea corrosive or benign; shootings in breasts. COUGH, &c. Scraping in throat; dry whistling-; -with short breath; -in evening; spasmodic - with desire to vomit; continual hoarse, hollow-; involuntary urination during-. CHEST. Short breath with oppression; violent shootings in the heart. EXTREMITIES. Pains in sacrum like spasmodic parturition; pains in back at night, worst in repose; soreness and burning in the soles; cedema in the feet. CURATIVE. Mealy pustulous tetters, with violent general itch ing; humming in head; pimples on brow; moist tetters on ears; red pimples; hardness in the cardia with soreness to touch; flooding; tetters on ankles. 62.-LACHESIS. PATHOGENETIC AND CURATIVE. GENERAL. Tightness in the muscles as if they were too short; pains in the bones; keen drawing rheumatism; periodic pains; asthma; aggravation and renewal of troubles after sleep; paralysis; lateral paralysis; debility of body and mind; fainting fits with dyspnca, nausea and cold sweat; epilepsy with cries, and convulsive motions; before the fit, cold feet, eructation, paleness and dizziness; halmorrhage. SKIN. Yellow-; dry miliary itch, with large yellow or bluish black vesicles; superficial ulcers with foul bottom; hard tumours; whitlow. LACHESIS. 69 SLEEP. Light - with agitation and groans; dreams at night, heat, tossing, burning in palms and soles. FEVER. Dry heat, chiefly at night, and especially in feet and hands, often accompanied with tossing, headache, delirium, inextinguishable thirst and eructations; heat alternating with cold; nocturnal or evening quotidian or tertian, often accompanied with headache, and rapid sinking; chronic-; typhoid-; sweat chiefly after heat, towards morning; cold sweats; pulse intermittent, or weak and frequent. MORAL. Melancholic prostration; sadness and disgust at life; distrust; laziness; indecision; apathy and weak memory; imbecility; mad loquacity. HEAD. Giddiness chiefly in the morning on awaking; apoplexy; congestive -ache; pains deep in the brain, or above the eyes; aching and pressing as if the skull would split; -ache every morning on awakig, or in the afternoon. EARS. Dryness of-; wax scanty, hard, or pale, or white, with hardness of hearing. NosE. Swelling, redness and excoriation of the borders of- with crusts in the nostrils; dry coryza. FACE. - pale; hectic; erysipelas. TEETH. - aching with headache, chills, heat, and weight in the limbs. MOUTH. Dryness, or salivation. THROAT. Tickling; dryness; angina; swallowing; swallowing hindered; the pains in- are aggravated by touching the neck; much tough mucus in-. STOMACH. Want of appetite; morbid craving; after food, aching in--; giddiness, eructations, flatulence, desire to vomit, or vomiting eructations that soothe the pains; sensitiveness in the pit of-. 70 LAUROCERASUS-LEDUM. ABDOMEN. Pains generally aching, about the navel; - blown up by wind. STOOL. Constipation; hemorrhoids, with colic; bleeding hlemorrhoids. URINE. Pressing in the bladder, with desire to pass - with copious discharge; troubled, brown -; burning in urethra while passing-. MENSEs. Weak, slow -; spasms during -; pains in sacrum when - appear. Couve. Hoarseness; something in throat, impossible to detach; - which detaches nothing; - always after sleep, during sleep, or in evening after lying down; also on sitting up; - dry, short. CHEST. Dyspncma, chiefly after food; asthma; palpitation. TRUNK. Painful stiffness, from the sacrum to the hips., - EXTREMITIES. Trembling of hands; itch; whitlow; shortening of the tendons of the hough; painful, red, or bluish swelling of the legs; abscess in heels. 63.-LAUROCERASUS. CURATIVE. Gelatinous expectoration. 64.-LEDUM. RANGE. Gout; rheumatism; haemorrhage from tho lungs. PATHOGENETIC AND CURATIVE. GENERAL. Arthritic pains, aggravated in evening and heat of bed; anasarca. LYt0oP6obiM.7c 71 SKIN. Tetters, dry, mealy, and very itchy; boils. HEAD. Stupefying -ache; violent beatings. EARS. Hardness of hearing. FACE. Tuberose eruptions. CoUGH. Dry, shaking, with expectoration of red blood. CHEST. Constriction; eating itching on -, with red miliary spots. EXTREMITIES. Hard and tight swelling of the knee; inflammation; also, cdematous swelling of legs and feet. CURATIVE. Strong heat, alternating with sweat. 65.-LYCOPODIUM. RANGE. Glandular disease; rheumatic gout; erup tions; gastric and pulmonary troubles. PATHOGENETIC AND CURATIVE. GENERAL. Drawings and tearings at night and during repose; shootings; painful stiffness of muscles and joints, often with torpor; numbness; cramps; shocks; emaciation; coldness; gouty nodes. SKIN. Itching on becoming warm; painful eruptions; excoriated patches; dryness. SLEEP. Yawning; somnolence; agitated -. MORAL. Melancholy; anguish; dread of solitude; irritability; obstinacy; unfitness for thinking. HEAD. Giddiness on stooping; -ache, with giddiness; weight in -; -ache, as if from a nail; tearing --ache, chiefly in afternoon or at night, and in the forehead; congestion; eruption; baldness. 72 LYCOPODIUM. EYES. Aching; gnawing burning and shooting, especially in the evening; gluing of lids, chiefly at night, and lachrymation by day; matter in -; presbyopia; darkness; black spots and sparks; dazzling and irritation. EARs. Sensibility to sounds; ringing and roaring; hardness of hearing. NOSE. Ulcerated nostrils; bleeding; coryza. FACE. Yellow and earthy, with deep wrinkles; hot flashes; eruptions; freckles; tetters. TEETH. Dull pains, with swelling of cheek and gums; cramplike shocks during or after eating. MOUTH. Dryness without thirst; foul tongue; bitterness or sourness in the morning. THROAT. Dryness; burning, with nightly thirst; hawking of mucus. STOMACH. Loss of appetite; bulimy; dislike of hot things; after eating, fulness in chest and belly; after milk, acidity and diarrhoea; violent belchings in afternoon; sour risings, chiefly of milk; pyrosis; frequent or continual nausea; bitter water-brash; vomiting of food or bile; vomiting of greenish, bitter matter; aching in - after every meal; swelling of pit of-. ABDOMEN. Tightness, as of a hoop round the hypochondres; bloating; pinchings; clawing in hypogastrium; cuttings, chiefly above the navel; fixed flatulence; rumblings. STOoLS. Constipation; itching and tightness at the anus; cuttings, shootings, and excoriation in rectum. URINE. Pressing desire, with too frequent urination; bloody; itching in urethra; pinchings; shootings and cuttings in bladder and urethra. SEXUAL. Excoriation between the scrotum and LYCOPODIUM. 73 highs; - desire or torpor; impotence; pollutions; tardy emission; burning and gnawing on vulva; shootings in labia on lying down. MENSES. Too copious and too long; before -, sadness; leucorrhcea. COUGH. After drinking; dry, obstinate, morning -; nocturnal -, which shakes the stomach; dry -, day and night; - excited by breathing deeply, with a gary, yellow and salt expectoration; -, with much green expectoration; copious expectoration of pus; -, with expectoration of blood; while coughing, shocks in the head, short respiration, smarting and shaking in the chest, or pains in the region of the stomach. CHEST. Continual oppression in -, aggravated by the open air; continual aching in -; shootings in -, especially the left; palpitation during digestion. TRUNK. Pains in the back and sacrum, especially on moving; shootings in the sacrum on rising from stooping; drawings, tearings and shootings in back and sacrum, especially at night; stiffness in the nape; swelling cf the glands of the neck and shoulder. EXTREMITIES. Pains in the bones of the arms at night; drawing pain in the arms; jerking in the shoulders and arms; paralytic weakness in the arms; numbness of the arms and fingers; dryness of the hands; red swelling and gouty tearing in the finger joints; gouty nodes snd stiffness in the fingers; tearing in legs and knees, chiefly at night; swelling of the knees; curvature or stiffness of the knees; swelling of the legs, with red burning extensive spots, and pains which prevent leaning on the foot; cramps in the calves, especially on walking; pain in the soles on walking; cramps in the feet and toes; cold feet; cold sweat in the feet; corns. 7 74 MAGNESIA CARBONICA. CURATIVE. Easily injured by lifting; varices; inflammation of bones, with night pains; softening of bones; ulceration of bones; total prostration of strength, with hanging jaw, eyes glazed and half closed, and slow respiration through the mouth; purulent tetters; bleeding ulcers; tertian fever, with acid vomitings and puffings ofthe face after the chill; nervous malignant fever; slow fever, with clammy night sweats; headache from moral causes; headache, with tendency to faint; smarting in eyes; moist scabs on and behind ears; hectic face; swelling and tightness in face; painful coldness in face; goitre; fondness for sweets; sickness from carriage motion; qualmishness in the morning; gravel; repugnance to coition, or the opposite; too ready emission in coition; wind from the womb; chronic dryness of the vagina; menses readily suppressed by fear; leucorrhoma, preceded by cuttings in the lower belly; rawness and oozing crust on nipples; weak voice; rattling, snoring respiration; soreness in chest; rawness in chest, especially after speaking; stitches, alternating with toothache and pains in limbs; deviation of vertebrae; drawing from nape to occiput; tetters in nape and axill e; gouty stiffness in elbow and wrist; burning, itching, and gnawing on legs, especially in the houghs; paralysis of limbs, with bloody urine and constipation; white swelling of the knee; ulcers; burning in legs; swelling of the feet. 66.-MAGNESIA CARBONICA. PATHOGENETIC AND CURATIVE. SKlI. Excessive itching. SLEEP. Somnolence.; want of-. MAGNESIA MURIATICA. 75 EYEs. Gluing of the lids; black spots before-. - EARS. Hardness of hearing. NosE. Dry coryza, which allows breathing by the mouth only. STOOL. Constipation. MESSES. Too slow. TRUNK. Stiffness of the nape. EXTREMITIES. Fits of tearing in the shoulder. CURATIVE. Frequent falling without total loss of consciousness; epilepsy; darkening of the cornea; also of the crystalline lens; inguinal hernia; diarrhoea of a sour smell; scrotal hernia; fits of tearing in shoulder, especially at night; chapping in hands; boils on legs. 67.-MAGNESIA MURIATICA. PATHOGENETIC AND CURATIVE. GENERAL. Paralytic drawings and tearings in limbs; spasms and hysteric weakness; weakness apparently proceeding from stomach. HEAD. Tight aching in fore-. EARS. Throbbings. NOSE. Crusts in-; rawness of nostrils; acrid serum from-; rawness and burning in-; inflammation of the lower part of-, especially in morning. STOMACH. Continual nausea. ABDOMEN. Excessive and continual inflation of-, with constipation; painful hardness of-, especially on left side; spasms in-, especially in evening, and sometimes followed by leucorrhoma. STOOLs. Hard and scanty; chronic diarrhoea; tapeworm. 76 MAGNES-MAGNES. P. ARC.-MAG. P. AUS. CHEST. Oppression. EXTREMITIES. Paralytic tearings in upper-, aggravated by movement; numbness of arms on awaking. CURATIVE. Acrid serum from nose; eruption on face; continual nausea, with dingy face and nervous excitement; sweat in feet. 68.-MAGNES. PATHOGENETIC AND CURATIVE. Falling of the fundament. 69.-MAGNES. P. ARC. PATHOGENETIC AND CURATIVE. GENERAL. Nervous excitement. SLEEP. Great desire to- by day; swelling of one cheek. TEETH. Aching in carious-; pains in carious-, with swollen painful gums; aching aggravated by eating and heat, alleviated by the open air and walking; aching, with shocks which traverse the periosteum of the lower jaw; aching, with red hot swollen cheeks. STOOLS. Constipation. 70.-MAGNES. P. AUS. PATHOGENETIC AND CURATIVE. Bad humour; involuntary and frequent urination; impotence; whitlow; nails enter the flesh. CURATIVE. Varices. MANGANUM--MENYANTHES-MERCURIUS. 77 71.-MANGANUM. PATHOGENETIC AND CURATIVE. GENERAL. Inflammation of bones, with digging insupportable pains at night; yawning; burning and dryness in the eyes; constipation; pappy stools several times a day; hoarseness; catarrh; blows at the heart. CURATIVE. Gout; blunting of the senses; gluing of the lids in morning; troubled sight; wind. 72.-MENYANTHES. PATHOGENETIC AND CURATIVE. Fever, with cold feeling in the belly. CURATIVE. Flux fropm the ear. 73.-MERCURIUS. RANGE. Syphilis; scrofula; eruptions; jaundice; inflammatory fevers; dysentery; diseases of bones and joints; aphthae; glossitis; sore throat; hepatitis. PATIOGENETIC AND CURATIVE. GENERAL. Tearing and drawing pains at night; insupportable in the warmth of the bed; pains in the bones at night; gout; rheumatism, with sweat which does no good; all the bones feel as if broken; debility ý congestion and hemorrhage; spasms; nervous excitement. SKIN. Yellow; engorgement; inflammation and ulkceration of glands; pustular eruptions; itch-like erup7* 78 MERCURIUS. tions, which bleed easily; dry, itchy, mealy tetters; phagedaenic ulcers; chancrous ulcers; exostosis and caries. SLEEP. Somnolence; deep sleep; late sleeping and early waking; light sleep; tossing at night; sweat on awaking. FEVER. Heat mingled with chills; night-; pulse irregular or frequent; excessive sweats. MORAL. Excessive anguish and disquietude; dejection; moroseness; groans; inability to think. HEAD. Duskiness; giddiness chiefly on rising or holding up the-; tearing, drawing, shooting in-; often on oi side and extending to ears and teeth; exostosis; tenderness of scalp; sweat. EYES. Aching; itching and burning chiefly in the open air; inflammation; lachrymation; sensitiveness of- to light and fire; -lids inflamed and ulcerating; cutting under -lid; gluing of the -lids; spasmodic closing of the -lids; dim troubled vision; momentary loss of sight; black spots. EARS. Tearing, shooting pains, sometimes with feeling of cold in-, increased by the warmth of bed; pus from- with tearing; hardness of hearing, with stoppage of-; roaring and humming. NOSE. Swelling of bones of-; bleeding; flowing coryza. FACE. - pale or earthy; puffiness of-; swelling of cheek; tearing in bones and muscles of-; yellowish crusts; chaps and ulceration about the corners of mouth; rough dry lips; trismus. TEETH. Tearing, shooting pains in the roots ofextending to the ear and check with painful swelling; return or aggAation of aching in the evening or night, and warmth of bed; - set on edge; itching and red MERCURIUS. 79 ness of gums; retraction and swelling of gums; livid sensitive gums; ulceration of gums. MOUTH. Stench in-; inflammation of the inside of-; aphthae; tough mucus in-; fcetid salivation; thick white mucus on tongue; inflammation and ulceration of tongue; aphonia. THROAT. Painful dryness of the-; rawness and smarting in-, or sensation of heat ascending in-; shooting pains in- and tonsils; elongation and enlargement of uvula; suppuration of tonsils; inflammation of mouth and -; sensation of something in-; painful or even spasmodic swallowing; liquids run from the nose; the troubles of- extend to the ears and adjacent glands. APPETITE. Putrid salt taste; acid and mucous taste during and after eating; violent burning thirst; bulimy; loss of-; disgust at all food. STOMACH. Extreme desire of vomiting; loud belchings; bitter or mucous vomiting; great tenderness of the-; sensation as of a stone in the pit of-. ABDOMEN. Tenderness in the region of the liver; swelling and hardness of liver; inflated and tender-; violent colic; excessive pains in- going off on lying down; inflammation of inguinal glands. STOOLS. Constipation; tenesmus; dysentery; diarrhoea from evening air; mucous, bilious, putrid or acid-; acrid burning-; blood or mucus from rectum; ascarides and lumbrici. URINE. Fcetid, troubled, sedimentous or bloody-; acrid burning-. SEXUAL. PhagedMnic ulcers with porky base and raised edges on gland and prepuce; drawing pain in testicles and spermatic cord; suppressiL of menses; before menses, dry heat with congestion to the head; 80 MERCURIUS SUBLIMATUS. falling of vagina; hard swelling in breasts with ulcerating pains; excoriation of nipples. LARYNX. Catarrh with febrile chills; dry cough. CHEST. Short breath on ascending stairs; palpitation of the heart. TRUNK. Drawing pains in back and nape. EXTREMITIES. Keen pains in shoulders and arms; scaly burning tetters on forearm and wrist; itchlike eruption on hands; cramplike contraction of hands and fingers; keen shooting pains in the hip-joint; tetters on thighs and legs. CURATIVE. Red shining swellings; night epilepsy; bad skin; synochal or typhoid fever; pain in eyes on trying to fix an object; ulceration on eyelids; pustules and ulcers on cornea; fungus in ears; blackish color of nose; dryness of nose; flow of acrid serum from nose; swelling of submaxillary glands; thick, tough mucus in throat; suppuration of inguinal glands; fall of rectum; indigested stools; cutting and contracting pain in the loins at night; hard swollen testicles; suppuration of breasts; burning and tickling in larynx; convulsive cough with gagging; shootings in occiput; painful swelling of metatarsal bones. 74.-MERCURIUS SUBLIMATUS. PATHOGENETIC AND CURATIVE. Bilious fcetid evacuations, green or brown, or scanty, mucous and bloody, accompanied with cuttings and painful straining; unavailing desire of going to stool; faices mixed with mucus and clots of blood; flux from urethra at first serous, then thick, with burning and shooting in urethra on urinating. MEZEREUM-MILLEFOLIUM. 81 75.-MEZEREUM. PATHOGENETIC AND CURATIVE. RANGE. Mercurial poisonings; diseases of bones, mucous membranes, glands, and skin; neuralgia of face. GENERAL. Fits of suffering, with chills and shuddering; sensibility to cold air. SKIN. Itching, especially at night, aggravated by scratching. FEVER. Chills with violent thirst. HEAD. Itching eruption; catarrh. FACE. Paleness; cramplike benumbing aching in the bones of cheek. TEETH. Pain in carious--; drawing burning or boring dartings in- extending to the bones of the face and temples; pulling and tearing in-. STOOL. Constipation. URINE. Bloody-. SEXUAL. Chronic leucorrhcea. LARYNX. Violent cough on lying down. CURATIVE. Inflammation and swelling of bones; ulceration of bones; emaciation and bloating of children; fever with headache; paleness of face; hard swelling in the spleen; weakness and great sensitiveness to cold air; tertian; torpor with drawing pains in the side of the head; inflammation of eyes; cramplike benumbing aching in the bones of the cheek, sometimes on one side, and extending to the eye, temple, ear, teeth, nock and shoulder; shortening of the leg. 76.-MILLEFOLIUM. PATHOGENETIC AND CURATIVE. Spitting of blood; bloody urine. 82 MOSCHUS-MURIAT. ACID.-NAT. CARB. 77.-MOSCHUS. PATHOGENETIC AND CURATIVE. Fainting; convulsions; want of sleep during the whole night; cramplike drawing in the head; nose bleeding; cramps of the chest. CURATIVE. Weakness to fainting, with general coldness at night; chest spasms setting in with a necessity of coughing, and increasing so as to produce despair; impotence from cold. 78.-MURIATICUM ACIDUM. PATHOGENETIC AND CURATIVE. MORAL. Hesitation and restlessness. EARS. Hardness of hearing. FACE. Freckles; scabbing pimples. THROAT. Excoriation and burning in- and palate. STOMACH. Disgust for food; risings. ABDOMEN, &c. Bloating; cramplike pains; blind piles; impotence; tearing, aching and drawing in the arms; cold feet. CURATIVE. Sensibility to cold. 79.-NATRUM CARBONICUM. PATIOGENETIC AND CURATIVE. GENERAL. Crawling shootings in muscles; apt. ness to be sprained and to suffer from lifting; during the pains, anguish, trembling and sweat; want of firmness in the whole body; easily fatigued by walking; NATRUM CARBONICUM. 83 protracted weakness; unwillingness to go out; apt to take cold. SKIN. -dry; copious sweat on the smallest exertion; tetters; warts. SLEEP. Insurmountable desire of sleeping by day, with late sleeping at night, and late waking in the morning; lively dreams. FEVER. Cold hands and feet; night sweat. MORAL. Despondency; disquietude with fits of anguish; dislike of society; hypochondria; easily frightened; weakness of intellect. HEAD. Embarrassment of-; giddiness; -ache in the sun; -ache with shootings; tearing in the outside of the fore- every day at a fixed hour. EYES. Inflammation; ulcers on the cornea; presbyopia; down before -. EARS. Great sensibility to sound; dulness of hearing. NosE. Continual coryza, and cough provoked by the smallest current of air. TEETH. Aching. STOMACH. Bitterness of the mouth; thirst and uneasiness after cold drinks; bulimy in the morning with a feeling of faintness and emptiness; weak digestion; aching in- after eating; continual wambling nausea; spasms in theABDOMEN. Shootings in the left hypochondre; inflation; shootings and diggings in-. STOOL and URINE. Insufficient stool; frequent and pressing desire to make water day and night, with copious discharge; burning urine. MENsss. Pressure as if all were urged towards the pudenda; too quick-. LARYNX. Continual coryza; cough with salt expectoration, or with greenish pus. 84 NATRUM MURIATICUM. CHEST. Short breath; aching; shootings;1 violent beating of heart. BACK. Soreness in-; stiffness in neck. EXTREMITIES. Aching in shoulders; cramps in feet; ulcers on heel; swelling of feet or of soles of feet. CURATIVE. Yellow circles like the remains of tetters; leprous tuberosities; shootings, cuttings and burning in wounds; itch on belly; heat of the face; freckles; yellow spots on brow and upper lips; metrorrhagia; deformity of the neck of the womb; after coition, mucus from vagina; continual cold on the left side; cuttings in the hands and feet; tetters in hough. 80.-NATRUM MURIATICUM. PATHOGENETIC AND CURATIVE. GENERAL. Paralysis; bad effects of being thwarted; or of speaking too much; indolence; one feels bruised and tired especially in the morning; hysteric weakness; aptness to take cold; disquietude after a chill. SLEEP. Somnolence; inability to- at night; difficulty in falling a- after awaking; agitated-; anxious dreams with tears and talking. FEVER. Frequent internal chills; constant chill; morning sweat; sweat easily started by exercise. MoRA.. Melancholy; disquietude about futurity; anguish; irritability; easily frightened; weak memory; inability to think. HEAD. Painful confusion in-; vertigo; morning -ache; weight in -, chiefly in occiput; splitting -ache; shootings, hammering, drawings in fore-; crusts; abundant fall of hair. NATRUM MURIATICUM. 85 EzEs. Inflammation; acrid tears; lachrymation; gluing of lids; spasmodic closing of lids; letters confused while reading; presbyopia; spots and sparks. EARs. Shootings; pus from-; hard hearing; ringing. FACE. Itching pimples; while eating, pain in cheek hones as if from festering; swelling of lips; swelling of submaxillary glands; tetters about mouth. TEETH, &c. Fistula in gums; bitterness of mouth. THROAT. While swallowing, feeling as if a plug were in throat. STOMACH. Continual thirst; loss of appetite; disgust for fat things; bulimy; heartburn; water-brash; load in-; spasms. ABDOMEN. Shootings in the region of liver, also of spleen; inflation; -ache; daily cuttings and pinchings; fixed wind; rumbling. STOOL. Constipation; too frequent -; tedious looseness; during and after- burning; blind piles. UnrEs. Involuntary; night-; after emission of-, mucus. SEXUAL. Increase of- desire or opposite; impotence. MENSES. - too quick and abundant, or late and scanty; - too long; - suppressed; headache before, during, and after-; moroseness before-; sadness when- set in; itching on genitals; leucorrhcea. COUGH. Hoarseness; mucous expectoration in morning; provoked by tickling in throat or stomach; morning-; spasmodic- at night; short-; -with headache. CsesT. - embarrassed with catarrh; short breath; whistling breath; internal tightness; shootings; anxious palpitation after motion, or lying on left aide. 8 86 NITRUM. BACK. Feeling of bruise and lameness in sacrum; tearing across the hips; night pains in-; drawing in--; tightness in nape. EXTREMITIES. Weakness and paralytic weight in arms; shootings in the muscles and joints of hands and fingers; numbness and crawling in fihgers; dislocating pain in hip; drawings in thighs, knees and legs; paralytic weakness of legs; tetters on hough; heaviness of legs and feet. CURATIVE. Easily wrenched or injured by lifting; varices; corns; chill with thirst; heat with burning thirst; prostration before fever; before chill, headache; quotidian fever with pains in bones, jaundice, headache, weakness, loss of appetite; typhoid fever with dry tongue and thirst; diplopia; bloody vesicles on the inner surface of the upper lip; salivation; fondness for acids; during eating, sweat in face; after eating, empty risings and nausea; vomiting of food; cramp in diaphragm on stooping; diarrhoea with colic and mucous discharge; female repugnance to sexual intercourse; leucorrhcea with headache, mucous diarrhoea and colic; scabs in axilla; digging in arms; shortening of the tendons in hough; burning and swelling of feet; sore feeling in ankles; foot sweat suppressed. 81.-NITRUM. PATIIOGENETIC AND CURATIVE. STOMACH, &c. Continual burning thirst; cramps; fixed wind; diarrhea; cough in the open air, or ascending a stair, or holding one's breath; cough with shootings in the chest, and expectoration of pure blood. NITRI ACIDUM. 87 CURATIVE. Daily feVer with drawings in the limbs; cough with purulent expectoration, and colliquative sweats. 82.-NITRI ACIDUM. RANGE. Diseases of the bones; syphilis and sycosis; mercurial poisonings; tedious suppurations; glandular diseases; sore throat. PATHOGENETIC AND CURATIVE. GENERAL Tearing in limbs; pains on change of weather; pains during sleep; debility; emaciation; aptness to take cold. SKIN. Dryness; urticaria; freckles; chilblains; limbs as if frozen, inflamed, itching and chapped by moderate cold; pain in old scars on change of weather; warts. SLEEP. In the morning easy or difficult awaking; sleep unfinished and agitated, and broken by starts; dreaming. FEVER. Continual chill; afternoon- chill and heat; foatid night sweat; sour sweat like the urine of horses. MORAL. Sadness; uneasiness about one's health, with fear of death; unfitness for work; excitability; irritability. HEAD. Giddiness, walking or sitting; giddiness, compelling to lie down, chiefly morning and evening; tearing in the fore-, the vertex and occiput; congestion; itching; falling hair. EYES. Itching and shootings; inflammation; ulceration; spots on cornea; pupils slow in contracting; gauze, sparks, spots, floating before 88 NITRI ACIDUM. EAus. Shootings; stoppage; hardness of hearing; cracking, throbbing, and buzzing. NosE. Rawness and crust in-; bleeding; bad smell; abortive sneezings; stoppage. FACE. Pimples on brow and temples; scabbing pustules, with large red borders. TEETH. Throbbing pain chiefly at night in bed; loosening of -. THROAT, &c. Salivation; inflammation; tonsils red and swollen; burning and excoriation in-; bitterness of mouth chiefly after food; sweetish taste; thirst; disgust at meat and sweetmeats; sweat while eating; after eating fulness in stomach. STOMACH. Sour belchings; desire of vomiting; frequent nausea and desire of vomiting; shootings in pit of-. ABDOMEN. Pinchings and cuttings; shootings, especially on touching-; inguinal hernia; swelling and suppuration of inguinal glands; apt to take cold in-; rumbling; fixed wind. STOOLS. Irregular; hard; tenesmus; diarrhoea; itching in anus; piles which bleed at-. URINE. Incontinence; painful; fcetid. SEXUAL. Chancres; sycosis; torpor; pollutions, suppression of menses. COUGH. - by day; - dry especially in evening on lying down; - barking; - with purulent yellow expectoration; hoarseness; roughness of the bronchi. BREATHING. Whistling-, hindered-. TRUNK. Pain in the back; shootings in and betweon the shoulder blades; stiffness of the nape; swelling of the glands of the neck and axilla. EXTREMITIES. Chilblains on hands and fingers; NUX MOSCHATA. 89 coldness in legs; itching in thighs; violent cramp in the calf; sweat in feet; chilblains on toes. CURATIVE. Inflammation of bones; ulceration of bones; black pores; brown, reddish, coppery, or violet spots; itching tetters; wens; oozing burning ulcers on head; paralysis of the upper eyelid; flux from the ear; wen on the lobe of ear; ulceration of mastoid process; chapped lips; ulcers on the red of the lips; salivation sometimes in febrile fits; depraved appetite; milk is indigestible; nausea from fat victuals; inguinal hernia in infants; relaxed testicles; coppery spots on hands; also chaps; rough hands; white spots on nails; restlessness in limbs in evening; pains in thighs; jerking in the calves; shootings in heels. 83.-NUX MOSCHATA. PATHOGENETIC AND CURATIVE. Pains from cold weather; faintings; slowness of mind; confusion of head; headache from indigestion; pale face; toothache from damp evening air; weak digestion; bloating of the abdomen; bloody diarrhea; hoarseness and catarrh; short breath, especially after eating; oppression of the chest coming from the pit of stomach; palpitation. CURATIVE. Double tertian fever with desire of sleep; malignant fever with putrid or colliquative diarrhoea; shooting tearing toothache, extending to the ears and temples, aggravated by the air and touch; nightly tearing in teeth with inability to chew; shooting toothache ag8' 90 NUX VOMICA. gravated by heat; pains in teeth ahd teck from moist night air; prostration and uneasiness after eating; swelling of liver; weight in the hypochondre and upper belly; diarrhoea from debility or cold; stools like beaten eggs, and loss of appetite in children; diarrhoea of infants, with loss of appetite and somnolence; suppression of menses; dry cough, with suspension of breathing after a chill in water; cough while working or in the warmth of bed. 84.-NUX VOMICA. RANGE. Choleric temperament; bilious, sanguine, or dry constitution; intermittent, gastric, or bilious fever; nervous debility; spasmodic diseases; injury from excessive intellectual application; catarrhal, congestive or nervous headache; apoplexy; stomacace; gastric or bilious diseases; hepatitis; incarcerated hernia; obstinate constipation; dysentery; piles; abundant and painful catamenia; acute coryza and sore throat; spasmodic cough. PATHOGENETIC AND CURATIVE. GENERAL. Shooting or jerking pains; soreness in the limbs and joints, chiefly in the morning in bed, and during or after motion; stiffness, torpor, heaviness, weakness, and paralysis of limbs; spasm, with cries and opisthotonus; chorea, followed by numbness; fits ofuneasiness, with nausea arising from pit of stomach, anxiety, trembling, and paleness; fainting after walking out, with dizziness, great prostration in the morning on awaking or after rising; nervous excitement; repugnance to going out; pains arising within doors disappear on going out, and vice versa; coffee, wine, NUX VOM1CA. 91 smoking, study, and stormy weather, provoko or aggravate the pains; emaciation. SKIN. Jaundice; -cold and bluish during chills; boils; bluish marks. SLEEP. Desire to--, chiefly in the morning, or after dinner or early in the evening with want of- at night; difficulty in sleeping before midnight, and impossibility of remaining in bed after three A. M.; thinking on many things prevents- before morning; coma; during- starts, with fright, groanings, lamentations, talking, and tears. FEVER. Chills chiefly at night or morning, or on moving or after drinking; chills chiefly in the back and extremities; heat chiefly at night; during the heat giddiness, headache, chills on the slightest motion, or on lifting the bedclothes, and thirst; quotidian or tertian -, mostly morning and eveniig; - with congestion, headache, and gastric affections; pulse hard, full, and frequent, or small, accelerated or feeble, or intermittent. MORAL. IIypochondria; anguish, chiefly on lying down, or after midnight; nervous excitement; lamentations; spite and anger; indolence; incapacity for thinking. HEAD. Confusion; giddiness with wavering in-; congestion; weight, with a feeling of expansion; tearing, drawing, or jerking headache, or a feeling as if a nail were driven in; periodic pains deep in brain, or lateral, or frontal; pains, with nausea, eructations and vomitings; soreness of scalp. EyES. Pressure and tension; burning smarting or itching; inflammation of the sclerotic and conjunctiva yellowness of the sclerotic; ecchymosis ofsclerotica and bloody oozing; corners red and full of matter, with 92 NUX VOMICA. gluing together at night; inflammation of lids; photophobia. EARs. Blows and piercings; buzzing and ringing. NOSE. Stoppage; coryza, chiefly morning or evening; running in the morning or by day, stopped at night. FAcE. Paleness; yellowness; earth-coloured; redness; drawing, tearing in-; swelling, dryness, chapping, scaling off of lips. TEETH. Jerkings and piercings in- and jaws, often extending to the head, ears and cheek bones; hot or cold drinks renew the pains; painful bleeding, and offensive swelling of gums. MOUTH. Fcetid odor; white mucous; painful vesicles; inflammation of palate; water in-; tongue white-coated, or dry chapped; heavy tongue; stammering. THROAT. Excoriation; pain in swallowing, as if from a plug; swelling of uvula. APPETITE. Putrid taste chiefly in the morning; disgust at food, especially rye bread, tobacco and coffee; thirst, sometimes with disgust at all drinks; longing for brandy or clay; after eating, belchings, nausea, vomiting, with cramp in stomach and headache; rye bread and acids injurious. STOMACH. Bitter and acid belchings; hiccough; pyrosis; nausea, and continual desire of vomiting, in the morning and after food; retching, and violent vomiting of mucus or acid, chiefly after food; rising and bloody vomiting; aching in pit of-, as from a stone; burning and excoriation in-; pit of- tender to touch; great anxiety about pr&ecordial region as if the heart would burst; inflation of-, after food. ABDOMEN. Spasms with nausea; weight ands well NUX VOMICA. 93 ing; excoriation; congestion; feeling of something alive; flatulent colic; soreness in the muscles of-; feeling about the inguinal ring as if in danger of hernia. STOOLS. Tenesmus; obstinate constipation; scanty-; small watery, mucous or bloody-; glairy bloody mucus; spasmodic constriction of rectum; piles. URINE. Tenesmus of bladder; copious watery-; scanty- by drops; burning in neck of bladder, and at orifice of urethra, while passing-. SEXUAL Itching on gland and inner surface of prepuce; excoriation and retraction of prepuce; - desire increased; falling of vagina; burning in vulva with- desire; menses too quick and scanty; during menses spasms, nausea and fainting; yellow fastid mucus from vagina; soreness in nipples. LARYNX. Hoarseness, with slime which cannot be detached; feeling of choking; dry cough; cough rehewed by moving; excoriation in- while coughing, with headache, and soreness in pit of stomach. CHEST. Asthma; during asthma pressure of clothes intolerable; slow and whistling breath, sometimes alternating with quick; stricture in-; tight pressure as if from a weight; stitches in-, aggravated by breathing and moving the-; palpitation. BACK. Pains as if beaten in- and sacrum; pains in sacrum, which hinder moving in bed; rheumatism in back and sacrum. EXTREMITIES. Drawing and torpor in arms; chilblains on fingers; shootings, jerking and sprained feeling in hip; sharp shootings, with paralytic torpor in thighs; stiffness in hough as if the tendons were too short; chilblains. 94 OPIUM. CURATIVE. Epilepsy renewed by vexation; delirium; headache with delirium; eyes hollow and weeping; cracking in ears on eating; swelling ofparotids; tearing pains of one side of the face, extending into the ear; toothache on one side; fcetid ulcers in mouth; thick tongue; swelling of tonsils; vomiting of food after eating; feeling at the cardia as if the food stopped and ascended into the cesophagus; alternation of constipation and diarrhoea; swelling and stoppage of the anus; pain in urinating by drops; stricture of urethra; red urine, with brick-like deposit; pain in kidney, as if from a foreign body, with inability to lie on either side; spasm in spermatic cord; swelling of womb, with great sensibility to touch; spasm in womb, with bearing down; falling of womb; excessive menstruation; troubles of pregnancy and delivery; palpitation with nausea; palsy of the arms; painful swelling of the knee; palsy of legs; red swelling of the leg, with black painful spots. 85.-OPIUM. RANGE. Spasms; asphyxia; coma; delirium tremens; congestion to the head; ileus; obstinate constipation. PATHOGENETIC AND CURATIVE. GENERAL. Insensibility of the nervous system; spasms; epilepsy at night, with fits of suffocation; convulsions, with cries; tetanus; opisthotonus. SLEEP. Coma; excessive desire of -, with absolute impossibility of-ing. FEVER. Pulse generally full and slow; fever, with coma. MORAL. Mania; delirium. PETROLEUM. 95 HEAD. Stupefaction, like drunkenness; congestion. EYES. Inflamed; fixed, half closed; convulsed; dilated pupils. FACE. Deep red; muscles of- relaxed; twitchings; lips and lowerjaw hanging down; mouth distorted. ABDOMEN. Hard and swollen. STOOL, &c.,Constipation; retention of urine; sexual feeling increased. BREATHING. - snoring and rattling; - difficult, slow, intermittent. CURATIVE. Vomiting of fbeces and urine. 86.-PETROLEUM. RANGE. Scrofula; eruptions; dizziness; gastric troubles. PATHOGENETIC AND CURATIVE. GENERAL. Great weakness from the smallest effort; flushes after walking or vexation; emaciation; dislike of the open air, with shivering on going out. SKIN, &c. - chapped; agitated sleep; feeling in the morning as if one had slept too little; evening fever; heat and sweat at night. MORAL. Easily frightened; sadness; irascibility; loss of memory. HEAD. Confused; giddiness; giddiness on stooping; -ache from vexation; weight and fulness in -, chiefly in morning and on stooping; aching and shooting; throbbing; eruption; falling of hairs. EYEs, &c. Myopia or presbyopia; gauze; deafness; humming in ears. 96 PETROLEUM. FACE. Stoppage of nose; heat; swelling of submaxillary glands. MOUTH. Bad breath; white tongue. APPETITE. Taste putrid, insipid or slimy; voracity; loss of-. STOMACH, &c. After food, weight; noisy belchings; water-brash; desire of vomiting; cuttings in belly; colic, with diarrhoea. STOOLS, &c. Hard; - frequent; - slimy; itching, rawness, and oozing on the scrotum and thighs. CoUGI, &c. Dry- at night; -suffocating; shootings in sides of chest; palpitation. TRUNK, &c. Pains in sacrum; pains in back; chaps on hands; cold feet; conis. CURATIVE. Fainting; emaciation in children; itching, burning pustules; proud-flesh; chilblains; chills, with itching on growing warm; headache, aggravated by thinking; drawing in brow and temples to the teeth; inflammation of eyes; fistula lachrymalis; dryness in ears; epilepsy; swelling of nose, with purulent discharge and pain above the root of the nose; dryness of nose; coryza, with hoarseness; jaundice; nausea after eating; carriage sickness; yellow bitter vomiting; sensitive swelling of pit of stomach, also, a feeling of fulness; feeling as if the belly were empty; rumbling, with feeling of emptiness; inguinal hernia; feeling of cold in the belly; stricture of urethra; flow of prostatic fluid; after coition, weakness and nervous irritability; leucorrhcea, with lascivious dreams dry choking cough at night; dry cough, with shootings under the sternum; tetters on breast; tetters on nape; swelling of glands and eruption on nape; brown spots on wrist; chil PHOSPHORUS. 97 blains; tetters on knee; also on ankles; ulcers on toes. 87.-PHOSPHORUS. RANGE. Rheumatism; gout; nervous weakness; diseases of the bones; congestions; dizziness; gastric diseases; cholera; cholerine; chronic diarrhoea; chronic inflammation of windpipe; phthisis. PATHOGENETIC AND CURATIVE. GENERAL. Gouty and rheumatic rending and shooting in limbs after slight exposure to cold; agitation and congestion of blood; bleeding from different organs; pain in joints; hysteric weakness; nervous weakness; paralysis; emaciation; impossibility of remaining in air, especially if cold. SKIN. Yellow or brown spots; lymphatic abscess; chilblains; boils. SLEEP. Somnolence; late - with sleeplessness at night on account of anguish and agitation of blood; in morning, feels as if he had not slept enough; frightful dreams. FEVER. Chills in bed; flushes of heat; heat at night; hectic; quick and hard pulse; morning sweat. MORAL. Anguish when alone; also about futurity; hypochondria; great irascibility; indolence. HEAD. Confusion in morning; frequent fits of dizziness in the morning, and in the evening in bed; giddiness, with loss of ideas; morning -ache; stupefying -ache; weight in -; congestion; itching; falling of hair. EYEs. Feeling of sand in -; burning; congestion; inflammation; Jachrymation in the open air; gluing of 9 98 PHOSPHORUS. the lids; difficulty of opening lids; sudden day blindness. EARS. Throbbing; congestion; sensibility to sound; deafness, chiefly for the human voice. NosE. Scabs in -; blood blown from -; bleeding; sensitive to odors; dryness; dry coryza; stoppage. FACE. Cadaverous; cheeks red and burning; circumscribed redness; bloating, especially around the eyes; tightness in the skin of -, sometimes on one side; drawing tearing stinging in the bones of -; pains return with speech or touch; bluish lips. TEETH. Tearing, shooting, especially in open air; pains in- with salivation on the slightest cold. MOUTH. Excoriation; salivation; slime; spitting of blood; tongue dry or white. THROAT. Dryness; scraping and burning; mucus. STOMACH. Bulimy even at night; empty or sour belchings, chiefly after eating; sour risings of food; heartburn; nausea; vomiting of bile; fulness of-; pressure after eating; pit of- sensitive; spasm and clawing. ABDOMEN. Bloating, chiefly after eating; colic; tearings, especially in morning in bed; burning; feeling of weakness and emptiness; inguinal hernia; fixed wind; flatulent colic. STOOL. Constipation; obstinate looseness; pappy-; serous diarrhoea; bloody--; itching and stinging in anus and rectum; piles. URINE. Troubled-, with bricklike sediment; burning and smarting; burning in urethra, also when passing-. SEXUAL. Strong excitement of- desire; pollutions; menses too quick and copious, or too slow; PHOSPHORUS. 99 during menses, headache, weakness, and fever; erysipelas of breasts. LARYNX. Hoarseness; aphonia; catarrh with cough; mucus; cough provoked by tickling and itching in breast, or with hoarseness, and a feeling as if the chest were raw; cough with shootings in throat; dry daily cough. CBEST. Difficult breathing with anguish in -; weight, fulness and tightness in-; shootings in-, and especially on left side; palpitation. TRUNK. Stiffness in nape; swelling in neck; swelling of glands of neck and axilla. EXTREMITIES. Tearing in shoulder, arms and hands, especially at night; trembling in arms and hands; swelling of hands; torpor at the ends of the fingers; drawing and tearing in knees; swelling of feet; cold feet; soreness in soles while walking. CURATIVE. Injury from lifting; exostoses; fistulous ulcers; fungus heematodes; sleep walking; clairvoyance; external shootings on side of head; scabs on head; polypus in nose; scabbing pimples on face; sour taste; fondness for refreshing things; hunger after eating; water-brash after acids; stricture in the cardia; uneasiness in belly after breakfast; pressure as if the contents of belly were flowing to the sides; tenesmus; prostrating diarrhoea; slimy stools, or bloody, or indigested; paralysis of sphincter ani; tuenia; powerless and prompt emission in coition; menses set in with cuttings, pain in back and vomitings; nodes in breasts, or abscess; painful sensibility of the larynx; dry cough as if from tubercles; cough with purulent expectoration; cough with greenish or salt expectoration; noisy 100 PHOSPHORIC ACID. panting respiration; burning rawness in chest; beating of heart with hindered breathing; pain from lying on left breast; mealy tetters on arms; heat in hands; gouty stiffness in knees; exostoses of libia; jerking in calves; shocks in feet, day and night befere sleep; torpor in ends of toes. 88.-PHOSPHORIC ACID. RANGE. Diseases of bones and periosteum; debility; bad effects of onanism and excessive sexual indulgence; ulcers; typhus; obstinate diarrhoea. PATHOGENETIC AND CURATIVE. GENERAL. Jerking, tearing in limbs; swelling of bones; burning feeling in the lower part of the body while it is cold to touch; paralytic or growing pains; great fatigue from walking; nervous debility. SKIN, &c. Eruption like scarlet fever; boils; night sweats. MORAL. Moroseness; apathy; indolence; intellectual weakness. HEAD, &c. Confusion; cold in the inner border of the eyelids; inflammation of eyes; lachrymation; intolerance of music. FACE, &c. Scabs on nose; large pimples; moist and scabby tetters on cheeks, &c.; viscous mucus in mouth; aching in stomach after eating; burning in bypogastrium; rumbling in belly; flatulence. STOOLS, &c. Diarrhcea; mucous whitish-; copious aqueous urine; burning in urethra during and after urination; nocturnal urination; cutting in urethra while urinating; condylomata; pollutions; cough provoked by tickling in larynx; boils on thighs. PLATINA. 101 CURATIVE. Flat indolent ulcers, with foetid pus and fringed bottom; itching ulcers; malignant fever with debility, apathy, stupor; stench from the nose; pimples on chin; yellow teeth; after meals, a tremulous feeling in stomach; serous or indigested stools; milky urine, or fcetid, or sweet; tenderness in testicles; pains in liver during menses; bloating of womb; weak voice; swelling or sweat in feet. 89.-PLATINA. PATHOGENETIC AND CURATIVE. MORAL. Sadness; involuntary tears; anguish and terror of death; pride. HEAD, &c. Cramplike pressing pains in fore- and temples, especially at the root of nose; crampliko pain in the edge of the orbits; dull thundering and rolling in ears; dry coryza often on one side; torpor on one side of face; throbbing, digging toothache. APPETITE. Loss of-; after eating, risings and pressure on stomach; constriction in belly; constipation; prostatic fluid; increase of sexual feeling in females; menses too quick and copious; menses of too long duration; during menses, feeling as if all were carried towards the vulva, which is very sensitive; extreme lasciviousness; weariness in legs. CURATIVE. Eclampsia; terror; hysteria; loss of consciousness; buzzing in head; eyes convulsed; distorted face; throbbing, digging in jaws; cramp in jaw; induration of the womb; abortion; flooding; headache, disquic9* 102 PLUMBUM--PULSATILLA. tude and tears during menses; aphonia; short, dry cough; short anxious respiration; tightness and shootings in side, which permit lying on neither side; cold feet. 90.-PLUMBUM. PATHOGENETIC AND CURATIVE. Violent colic; constipation; epilepsy. 91.-PULSATILLA. RANGE. Mild, sensitive temperament; disorders from rich food, mercury or quinine; rheumatism; flying gout; measles; intermittents; headaches from indigestion; scrofulous ophthalmia; otorrhcea; rheumatic and nervous toothache; gastric derangements; nocturnal, mucous, or bilious diarrhoea;d ysury; swelled testicles; amenorrhea; dysmenorrhcea; leucor rhea; irregular labour pains; catarrhs, with profuse mucous discharges; nocturnal asthma; heart diseases. PATHOGENETIC AND CURATIVE. GENERAL. Drawing, jerking pains in the muscles, worse at night in bed; tightness in limbs as if the tendons were too short; flying gout; fits of pain, with chill; hindered breathing and paleness; pains in proportion to the chills, soreness under the skin when touched; one sided troubles; evening aggravation, every other day; limbs apt to sleep. SKxN. Measles; chilblains. SLEEP. Somnolence; late- and early awaking; - prevented at night by multitude of thoughts; broken-; falling and starting in-; agitation at night; bad dreams; yawning. PULSATILLA. 103 FEVER. Chills in the evening or afternoon, with paleness and weight in head; dry heat at night in bed, with anguish, headache, sweat on face and chills on lifting the clothes; partial heat with red cheeks and often on one side; heat, preceded by thirstless chills, followed by sweat; exacerbation in evening or afternoon, and in apyrexia, headache, oppression of chest, loose cough and bitterness of mouth; sweats in night or towards morning. MORAL. Melancholy; excessive anguish in pit of stomach with inclination to suicide; fear of apoplexy, with buzzing in ears, chills and twitching in fingers; fear of ghosts at night; taciturnity; moroseness and aptness to take offence; disgust and contempt for every thing; running away at night. HEAD. - fatigued by thinking; feeling of emptiness and compression in-; feeling as if drunk; -acho from fat food; - feels as if it would burst; shootings, jerkings, or throbbings; roaring, buzzing; one-sided pain, extending to the ear or teeth; -ache after lying down in the evening; -ache, with congestion and dizziness. EYEs. Feeling of sand; inflammation of- and lids; dryness; lachrymation; gauze before-; circleasof light; sty; shootings, with violent jerking pain; inflammation; pus; roaring and buzzing; hardness of hearing. NosE, &c. Ulceration in-; fartid or greenish, or yellowish pus; lhamorrhage; stoppage; tickling; pale face. TEETH. Drawing, jerking, shooting; one-sided aching, extending to face, head and ears, the pains chiefly in the evening or after midnight, and in the warmth of bed, alleviated by cold water or fresh air. .104 PULSATILLA. MOUTH. Dry; flow of a sweetish or watery saliva; white tongue. THROAT. Excoriation; feeling of swelling; shootings; dryness, or gathering of a tough phlegm, covering the parts affected. APPETITE. Insipid, mucous, or putrid taste; sweetish or bitter taste of food; want of-; excessive thirst, or the opposite; feeling as if one had eaten too much fat food; after eating nausea, vomiting, and pressure on pit of stomach, also belchings, with taste of food, or bitter; hiccough; nausea and intolerable longing to vomit; greenish, mucous, or bilious vomitings; vomiting of food. STOMACH. Painful sensibility of the region of-; pressing cramp in the pit of- after eating. ABDOMEN. Pressive cramps or cuttings; the colics are often accompanied with vomiting and diarrhea. STooLS. Constipation, sometimes with painful pressing on the rectum, and pains in back; diarrhcea, with colic; slimy, bloody, or greenish-; blind piles. URINE, &c. Tenesmus; wetting bed; abundant watery-; bloody-; gonorrhea; inflammation of testicles, and spermatic cord; hydrocele; frequent erections aM pollutions. MENSEs. Spasms of womb; black blood; irregular-or quite suppressed with many troubles; leucorrhmoa like cream. COUGa. Hoarseness; fits of constriction of the larynx; shaking- in the evening or night, aggravated by lying down, and accompanied with a desire to vomit, or retching, or vomiting, or strangling; -with shootings in the chest, and palpitation; -with difficult expectoration of white tough mucus, or thick yellowish matter; -with expectoration of black blood. PULSATILLA. 105 CHEST. Fits of spasmodic constriction of larynx and-, or of the- alone; frequent and violent attacks of palpitation, with anguish. TRUNK. Pains in sacrum and back; pains in sacrum like those of childbed; shootings in sacrum, back, and between the shoulder-blades; drawing pains in the nape and neck. EXTREMITIES. Drawing, jerking, and lively pains in the shoulder joint, arms, hands, and fingers; weight and torpor in arms and hands; swelling and feeling of spraining in the elbow joint; pulling and tightness in thighs and calves; swelling of knees, with lively drawing, shooting pains; varices; hot swelling of legs, or only of the back or sole of the feet; cedematous swelling of the feet chiefly in evening. CURATIVE. Pains, with torpor and swelling of parts; fainting, with mortal paleness; epilepsy after suppression of menses; varicelli; phlegmonous erysipelas; inflamed stinking ulcers; loss of consciousness; delirium; fears and despair, with gastric symptoms, or coma; vertigo, aggravated by thinking or talking; loss of sense, with bluish redness and puffiness of face, violent palpitation, pulse almost gone, and rattling breath; trichiasis of the eyelids; darkened crystalline; acrid tears; black hard wax; chaps on tongue; inflammation of throat, with varices; pain in pit of stomach, worst while sitting; swelling and sensitiveness of the region of the neck of the bladder; inflammation of kidneys; during fever breathing quick, short, superficial or rattling, and anxious; spinal deviation; great weariness in legs. 106 RANUNC.-RHEUM-RHODOD.-RHUS. 92.-RANUNCULUS, BULB, Has been used with effect in rheumatism of the chest, which it has also the power of producing. 93.-RHEUM, Causes and cures diarrhoea of a sour smell, preceded and followed by tenesmus, with constriction of the belly, and has cured copious diarrhoea with vomiting and weakness. 94.-RHODODENDRON. PATHOGENETIC AND CURATIVE. GENERAL. Gouty drawing and tearing in the periosteum; troubles provoked or aggravated by cold damp weather, by the approach of a storm, and by rest. CURATIVE. Gouty nodes; hydrocele; induration of testicles. 95.-RHUS. RANGE. Rheumatism; paralysis; erysipelas; eruptions; rheumatic, puerperal, and typhus fevers; parotitis; enteritis; dysentery; suppressed milk; typhoid pneumonia. PATHOGENETIC AND CURATIVE. GENERAL. Drawing shootings in joints; stiffness in limbs, chiefly after resting; parts swell by being lain on; torpor in parts, with crawling and insensibility; crawling in different parts; wrenching pain easily got; paralysis sometimes one-sided; red shining RHUS. 107 swellings; feeling as if the flesh were torn from the bone; pains set in and grow worse during rest, and are alleviated by motion; weakness making it necessary to lie down; open air intolerable. SKIN. Scabbing, itching, burning vesicles, chiefly in spring and autumn; pustules on a red bottom. SLEEP. Somnolence full of painful mutterings; frightful dreams. FEVER. Evening-; chill, then heat and thirst, accompanied or followed by cuttings and diarrhoea double tertian-; chill with thirst, then general heat, with chill on the least movement, lastly sweat; during the chill pain in limbs. MORAL. Anxious sadness and mortal anguish, chiefly in the evening and night, with desire of solitude and tears; anguish with fear of death and sighs. HEAD. Giddiness and staggering as if about to fall; feeling as if the brain were bruised; painful crawling in-. EYES. Pains on moving-; inflammation with gluing of lids at night. - EARs, &c. Inflammation of parotids; bleeding at nose. FACE. Pale, distorted, or red, with burning heat; erysipelas and swelling; vesicular erysipelas, with yellow serum in the vesicles; eruption like that from drinking spirits; dry, brown lips. TEETH, &c. Tearing, shooting, jerking, aching, alleviated by external heat. MoUTH, &c. Dry with thirst; tongue dry; difficulty of swallowing as if the gullet were narrowed; total loss of appetite; thirst. STOMACH. Pains in- as if from stones; pressure in-; beatings and shootings in-. 108 RHUS. ABDOMEN. Inflation of-, especially after eating; rupture. STooLs. Constipation alternating with diarrhea; tenesmus; bloody, loose-; obstinate diarrhoea. URINE. Frequent and pressing desire to pass--, with copious discharge. CHEST, &c. Shootings in-; feeling of bruising in sacrum, especially when touched or at rest; pains in the sacrum, the back and nape, as if strained by lifting. EXTREMITIES. Paralysis; erysipelas of the arms, also of feet. CURATIVE. Convulsive movements and other troubles after a cold bath; troubles renewed or aggravated in bad weather; gangrene from vesicles, with violent fever; petechie, with complete prostration; tetters occasionally, alternating with asthma and dysentery; warts; tertian; malignant fever with talking delirium, violent pains in the limbs, excessive weakness and picking the bed-clothes; dejection with dread of company; misgivings; delirium; periodic headache; shooting headache, extending to the ears, the root of the nose and check bones, with teeth on edge; dry tetter on scalp; tinea appearing every year; tinea with thick crusts, which destroy the hair, with greenish pus and violent Sitching at night; photophobia; dry nose; fetid greenish pus from nose; oozing scabbing eruptions on face; cold sweat on face; cramps of lower jaw; violent colics at night; scarlet redness of lower belly; diarrhoea at night with violent colic, headache, and pain in limbs; retention of urine; incontinence of urine; blood-red urine drop by drop with straining; flow of blood during pregnancy; cough with bright red blood; RUTA-SABADILLA. 109 weakness and trembling about the heart; spinal deviation; opisthotonus; tearing and burning in shoulder, with palsy in the arm, especially during bad weather, at rest and in heat of bed; exostosis in arm, with burning ulcers; oozing and sanious pus; warts; shootings and heavings in hip joint. 96.-RUTA. PATHOGENETIC AND CURATIVE. GENERAL. Effects of contusion; pains in the periosteum. EYES. Pains from steady looking; gauze before-. EXTREMITIES. Paralysis; stiffness of wrist; momentary pain or shootings in wrist. CURATIVE. Eruptions on face as if from drinking spirits; colic like that from worms 97.-SABADILLA PATHOGENETIC AND CURATIVE. Heaviness and pain in the limbs in evening and towards midday; great sensibility to cold; agitated sleep; dull headache in forehead; redness of the edge of eyelids; lachrymation; nausea with desire to vomit. CURATIVE. During the chill pain in upper ribs, dry spasmodic cough, and tearings in all the limbs and knees; during the heat, delirium, groanings, and stretchings; quotidian, tertian and quartan fevers appearing at fixed hours, with want of appetite; pressing inflation of the 10 i 110 SABINA-SAMBUCUS NIGRA. stomach, pains in chest, cough, shivering, thirst between the chills and heat; in the apyrexia extreme lassitude, as if from over-fatigue; white tongue; cough, with vomiting, shootings in the vertex and pain in the stomach; dull cough occasionally, with spitting of blood; cough on lying down. 98.-SABINA. PATHOGENETIC AND CURATIVE. Feeling as if the aching tooth would fly in pieces; vomiting of food; diarrhmea; metrorrhagia, clotted or bright red blood; menses too copious; abortion; leucorrhwea; podagra. CURATIVE. Gouty pains, also nodes; suppression of menses, with leucorrhmca. 99.-SAMBUCUS NIGRA PATHOGENETIC AND CURATIVE. Starting in sleep, with choking; sleep, with mouth and eyes half open; fever, with excessive sweat at night; bluish puffed face; strangling in children, with cries; whistlin breathing; fits of suffocation at night. CURATIVE. Dropsy; emaciation; circumscribed redness of cheeks or pale face; swelling of scrotum; continual cough, with abundant expectoration; cough, with cries as if from pain in throat; itching in chest; cedema of feet and legs. SASSAPARILLA-SEC. CORN.-SEN. 11 100.-SASSAPARILLA. PATHOGENETIC AND CURATIVE. Scabs on face; continual nausea, with unavailing desire to vomit; cold feet. CURATIVE. Gouty pains, with diminution of urine; constipation, with frequent desire of urinating; gravel. 101.-SECALE CORNUTUM. PATHOGENETIC AND CURATIVE. Excessive coldness; cold sweats; sadness; anguish; delirium; dizziness; sunk eyes; nose bleeding; pale face; thirst; nausea; belching and vomiting; bloated abdomen; burning in belly; colics; menses too copious and too long; flooding; miliary eruptions in chest; cramps in calves. CURATIVE. Miliary eruption on nape and chest; sleeplessness and dry beat; somnolence, with delirium, starts and fright; dry heat, with quick pulse; small suppressed pulse; fear of death; eructation; vomiting of blood; fixed burning pains in spleen and back; flatulence; after abortion torpor in womb; warts on neck of womb; scanty hot urine. 102.-SENEGA. CURATIVE. Tickling and burning in windpipe, especially on lying down, with danger of suffocation. 112 SEPIA. 103--SEPIA. RANGE. Affections of females; rheumatism; eruptions; hysteria; megrim; constipation; abortion; amenorrhcea; dysmenorrhdea; leucorrhcea; bad effects of onanism; coughs; phthisis. PATHOGENETIC AND CURATIVE. GENERAL. Burning pain on different parts of the body; tightness in limbs, as if they were too short; sprained feeling; rheumatic swelling; bad effects of being thwarted; limbs apt to swell after work; lifting injurious; jerking in limbs; twitching in muscles; stretching; restlessness and throbbing throughout the body; agitation of the blood at night; hysteric weakness and fainting; want of strength on awaking; easily fatigued in open air; great readiness to take cold. SKIN. Excoriation in joints; brown, red or tettery patches. SLEEP. Strong desire of- by day; frequent waking without appreciable cause;- disturbed by agitation of blood and frightful dreams. FEVER. Want of vital heat; flushes; copious sweat after slightest exercise; night sweat. MORAL. Sadness; anguish; timidity; disgust at life; apathy; weak memory. HEAD. Confusion; giddiness in open air; giddiness with feeling of a ball in-; sick- ache; morning -ache; -ache which does not allow the eyes to be opened; weight in-; aching above the eyes; expansion as if- would burst; drawing and tearing, occasionally one-sided; beating in occiput; congestion; trembling and shocks; itching; moist scabs. EYES. Aching in the globes; inflammation and SEPIA. 113 shootings; swelling; gluing of lids at night; black spots; photophobia. NosE, &c. Swelling of the tip; dry stoppage; yellows; ulcerated bleeding gums; white tongue; dry mouth; rawness in throat, and shootings during swallowing; twitching in throat; hawking up mucus; thirst, especially in the morning; voracity; disgust at food; acidity after eating; eructations. STOMACH. Pain after eating; aching as from a stone after eating; water-brash; shootings in pit-; burning. ABDOMEN. Weight, with feeling of expansion; ascites; cutting colic after exercise; aching in lower-; burning and shooting, chiefly on left side; motion and rumbling after food. STOOL. Straining without result, or with mucus merely; scanty-; soft-; itching, burning, shooting in anus and rectum; bloody-; fall of rectum during-; protrusion of blind piles. URINE. Pressure on bladder; passing- at night; blood-red -; - troubled with brick-like sediment; burning in urethra. SEXUAL. Itching about the -parts; pain in testicles; pollutions; excoriations on the vulva and between the thighs; bearing down which hinders breathing; leucorrhma of a yellow or reddish green, water; itching, corrosive leucorrhcea; galling of children. COUGH. Dry-, which seems to come from the stomach, chiefly in the evening in bed, and often with nausea and bitter vomiting; -with copious mucous salt expectoration; night- with cries, strangling, and retching; bloody expectoration. CHEST. Oppression and short breath while walking; pain in sides of- while breathing and coughing; pain in- on moving; aching in- especially in the 10* 114 SEPIA. evening in bed; shootings in- while breathing; agitation in- and palpitation. TRUNK. Pains in sacrum and back; tearings in back; stiffness of back and nape. EXTREMITIES. Spraining in shoulder joint; paralytic drawing from shoulder joint to fingers; tightness in arms; pustules in back of hand and finger ends; whitlow; tearing shootings in the hips; cold legs and feet; shootings and shocks in the thighs and shins; cramps in calves; jerking of feet in sleep; burning in feet; crawling and numbness in soles; corns. CURATIVE. Want of solidity in limbs; running scabs, with itching and burning; scirrhus; pemphigus; liver spots; fever with thirst during the shivering; sweat while sitting; ptosis; pricking in eyes by light in the evening; pustules on cornea; fungous hmematodes on cornea; presbyopia; amaurosis; gauze before eyes; hardness of hearing, or the opposite; tetters behind the ears and on nape; loss of smell; stench; yellow line running down the nose and across the cheeks; inflammation of cheek from a carious tooth; tetters on face; also warts; dry, scaling lips; toothache with difficult breathing; clammy feeling in throat; dislike of milk; belchings from fat, with nausea; acidity; nausea after food; pain in pit of stomach while walking; cramp in stomach; beating in pit of stomach; feeling of emptiness in stomach; large belly in those who have had children; coldness of belly; mucus from rectum, also from urethra; swelling of scrotum; internal and external heat in female pudenda; falling of womb; flooding; menses too copious or suppressed, or feeble; hardening -of neck of womb; leucorrhcea 9 SILICEA. 115 with bloated belly; raw nipples; whooping-cough; tickling cough with constipation; rawness in chest; throbbing in sacrum; chill in back; tetter on back; sweat in armpits, also oozing tetter; stiffness in elbowjoint and hands; tetters on back of hands; swelling of hands with pemphigus; shootings in wrist; burning in palms; cold sweat on hands; itch; painless ulcers on the joints and ends of fingers; deformed nails; paralytic weakness in limbs; stiffness in joints of knee and feet; drawing in legs and great toes; shootings in shins and ankles; sweat in feet; ulcers on heel; indolent ulcers at ends of toes. 104.-SILICEA. RANGE. Mercurial poisonings; hysteria; scrofula; rickets; paralysis; epilepsy; rheumatism and gout; phlegm, lymphatic tumours; diseases of glands and of bones; ulcers; tinea; cataract; amaurosis; gastric troubles; thread worms; chronic; coryza; phthisis. PATHOGENETIC AND CURATIVE. GENERAL. Drawing, tearing, and shootings in limbs; tendency of members to swell; bruised and paralytic feeling in limbs; induration of glands, generally painless, sometimes itching; twitching in limbs; epilepsy; aggravation at new moon; weariness and trembling in the limbs, especially in morning; nervous debility; apt to take cold. SKIN. Lymphatic tumours; pressing, itching, burning, shooting, and boring in ulcers; whitlows. SLEEP. Desire of- without result; yawning; late-; loss of-, caused by agitation of blood and heat in bead; frightful visions; awaking with a start; jerking during sleep; snoring; at night, congestion to the 116 SILICEA. head, with throbbing, pain in stomach, nausea, and vomiting, &c. FEVER. Apt to be chilled by moving; sweat from moderate exercise; night sweat. MORAL. Anxiety; disquietude; timidity; discouragement; moroseness; irritability; inability to think. HEAD. Confusion; -fatigued by thinking; giddiness of various kinds, chiefly in morning; falling back; pain which ascends from the nape to the crown; morning -ache; weight in-; feeling as ifwould burst; tearing, hammering--ache; itching tinea. EYES. Itching and burning; redness; gluing at night; letters run together while reading; gray veil before -; fits of momentary blindness; black spots; photophobia. EARS. Throbbing; stoppage; hardness of hearing; swelling and hardness of the parotids. NOSE. Inflammation in nostrils; itching red scabs at the end of-; ulcers in-; bleeding; sneezing; stoppage; continual coryza. FACE, &c. Ulcers on the red part of the under lip; tetters on chin; swelling of submaxillary glands: toothache from hot victuals or cold air;, tearing of teeth worst at night: shooting toothache; easy bleeding of gums. MOUTH, &c. Raw tongue; feeling of thorns in throat; bitterness in -; thirst; dislike of hot cooked food; after eating, acidity, pressure on stomach, flow of water into - and vomiting; sour belchings; nausea every morning; vomiting of food even at night. SToOMACH. Pressure on - after every meal; griping in pit of- as if by claws; burning in pit ofABDOMEN. --hard and tense; largeness of-; SILICEA. 117 colic from constipation; cutting or pinching in -, with or without diarrhoea; burning in -; inguinal ternia (painful); fixed wind. STOOLS, &c. Constipation; hard-, with straining; pappy-, frequent urination, even at night. SEXUAL. Hydrocele; itching moist spot on scrotum; -excitement, or the opposite; menses too quick, weak, copious, or suppressed; itching on vulva; leucorrhcea while urinating or after menses; acrid leucorrhcea. COUGH. Hoarseness; -day and night increased by motion, with scanty mucous expectoration; choking - at night; - with copious transparent mucus; - with purulent expectoration. CHEST. Impeded breathing; pressure on -; shootings in - TRUNK. Pain in sacrum; paralytic stiffness in nape, back, and sacrum; tearings and shootings in back; swelling of the glands of nape. EXTREMITIES. Tearings in arms; paralytic weakness in arms; swelling of arm on which one lies; whitlow; weakness and stiffness in fingers; pressure, tearing, and shooting in muscles of thighs; boils on thighs; tearings in knee; cramps in calves; cold feet; swelling of feet fcetid sweat of feet; ulcer on great toe. CURATIVE. Agitation of blood and thirst after drinking a little wine; children late in walking; fainting while lying ont he side; inflammation, &c., of bone; scirrhous, fistulous, putrid, phagedaonic, or fungous ulcers: malignant carbuncles; ganglion; light sleep; acid sweat; debilitating morning sweat; headache from heating oneself; sweat in head in evening; lumps on scalp; 118 SPIGELIA. moist head; fistula lachrymalis; fungous haematodes and ulcers on cornea; spots and cicatrices on cornea; presbyopia; darkening of crystalline lens; amaurosis; sparks; boring in ears; stoppage of ears, which goes off with a crack, or on blowing the hose; loss of smell; abortive sneezings; dry nose; shootings in bones of face; chaps in face; scirrhus on face and upper lip; cramp in joint of jaw; shootings and nocturnal drawings in lower jaw; swelling and caries of lower jaw; toothache, with swelling of the bone or pereisteum of the lower jaw; digging or boring in teeth; sore mouth; mucus always in mouth; loss of taste; disgust at meat; dislike of child for its mother's breast and vomiting after sucking; belchings with taste of food; continual nausea and vomiting; waterbrash; vomiting after every draught; tenderness of pit of- on pressure; swelling and hardness in region of liver; pain of ulceration in region of liver with throbbing; the pains are aggravated by touch and walking; wetting bed; before menses diarrhcea; during menses pains in belly, pale appearance of objects, or burning excoriation on vulva; blood from womb during nursing; abortion; milky leucorrhoea, which comes in jets, and is preceded by cuttings about the navel; inflammation of nipples; abscess in breast; respiration impeded by lying on back or exercise; abscess in lumbar region; deviation of spine; suppuration of axillary glands; swelling of knee; also fungus; cold feet, sometimes with suppression of the sweat of feet. 105.-SPIGELIA. PATHOGENETIC AND CURATIVE. Aptness to take cold; deep pains in eyes; feeling as if the globes of the eyes were too large; violent SPONGIA TOSTA. 119 shootings in eyes, extending into the head; redness of the sclerotica; inflammation of eyes; ptosis; rays before eyes; periodic deafness; pale face; bloated face; burning and aching in bones of face; throbbing toothache aggravated by cold water; nausea while fasting; shootings about the heart; cramp in chest. CURATIVE. Convulsions; fainting in cold air; photophobia winking; cold in head; violent pains in face rendering the slightest touch or motion intolerable, with shining swelling; one-sided pains in face with anguish of heart and great agitation; toothache with pain in face and heart beating; tight clothes round stomach intolerable; short breath, chiefly while speaking, with anxiety, and redness of cheeks and lips; danger of suffocation from the slightest movement, and especially on lifting the arms; respiration much impeded while moving in bed, and obliged to rest on right side and almost sitting; sudden fits of suffocation, with palpitation and anguish; sound of a wheel about the heart; tearing in chest on lifting arms; trembling in chest; cramp in chest, proceeding from pit of stomach, and producing strangling. 106.-SPONGIA TOSTA. PATHOGENETIC AND CURATIVE. Pressing aching in head; throbbing in head; burning red weeping eyes; bitter taste sometimes only in throat; thirst; belchings; hard stools; hoarseness; pain in larynx on touching and on turning the head; feeling of stoppage in larynx; roughness and dryness in throat; burning in windpipe; cough with yellow expectoration and hoarseness; hollow dry cough day and night mucous cough. 120 SQUILLA MARITIMA-STANNUM. CURATIVE. Dry hot skin; hard rapid pulse; face bloated, red, bluish and anxious; dry brown tongue; belchings sometimes with cuttings and tearing in stomach; frequent desire to pass water with scanty emission; barking cough day and night; whistling inspiration; fits of mucous rattling in windpipe; breathing quickened anxious and difficult, sometimes with fits of strangling and mucous rattling in chest; drawing, tearing pressing in sacrum. 107.-SQUILLA MARITIMA. PATHOGENETIC AND CURATIVE. Dry burning heat; dark red face; bitter taste; thirst; disgust at food; sensitiveness of belly with bloating; red urine; short dry cough on breathing; mucous cough with short breath; weight in chest. CURATIVE. Lips and teeth black; nausea in morning while coughing; though thirsty can only drink drop by drop on account of difficult breathing; cough with blood; beating in head on rising. 108.-STANNUM. PATHOGENETIC AND CURATIVE. Epilepsy; cmaciation; physical prostration; agitation at night; debilitating night sweats; great agitation and anguish; discouragement; moroseness; stupefying pressure in forehead; shootings in forehead, chiefly after a fit of coughing; sour belchings with scraping in throat; nausea after eating with bitter vomiting; violentretching with vomiting of food; sto. mach-ache and also cramps; frequent desire to pass water STAPHYSAGRIA. 121 with scanty discharge; pollutions; leucorrhcea of transparent or yellowish mucus, with debility; hoarseness and roughness in throat; much mucus in windpipe; dry cough; greenish sweetish expectoration on coughing; during, and after cough, rawness and shootings in chest; stifled breathing at night; evening dyspncea; oppression of chest walking or ascending; weight, tightness, rawness, or weakness in chest; swelling of hands and feet. CURATIVE. Paralysis; fatigue in speaking; burning chiefly in hands; pulse small, rapid; nervous excitability, diarrhcea; colic during menses; cough from lying on right side; cough with retching and vomiting of food; mucous cough. 109.-STAPHYSAGRIA. RANGE. Bad effects of anger, or onanism; mercurial diseases; scrofula; diseases of bones; eruptions; hysteria; prosopalgia; gastric troubles. PATHOGENETIC AND CURATIVE. Inflammation of bones; hemiphlegia from anger; chronic miliaria; dry tetters on joints; cngorgement of glands; unhealthy skin; boils; night sweats; tears; easily offended; irascible; moist foatid tinea with violent itching; inflammation of the edges of the eyelids, also nodes; gluing of lids at night; cold in head with ulcers in nostrils; pain in face from teeth to eyes; swelling of lips; swelling of submaxillary glands; toothache wvith swelling of cheeks and glands of lower jaw; toothache immediately after eating; gnawing pain of carious teeth; voracity; nausea; load at stomach; swelling of inguinal glands; constipation; 11 122 STRAMONIUM. dysentery; diarrhoea; frequent passing of urine drop by drop; painful urination; hoarseness; cough with purulent expectoration; oppression and agitation in chest; #welling of glands of neck, nape and axilla. CURATIVE. Evening chill; tertian with bitter taste, bleeding gums, anorexia and constipation; deafness from mercurial swelling of tonsils; nodes on gums; large belly in children; gouty nodes on fingers. 110.-STRAMONIUM. RANGE. Convulsions; epilepsy; effects of measles; typhus; delirium tremens; mania. PATHOGENETIC AND CURATIVE. GENERAL. Cramps; catalepsy; St. Vitus' dance; convulsive jerkings; deep snoring sleep; kneeling position in bed. MORAL. Bursts of laughter alternating with rage, or groans; desire to flee; moral aggravation after autumnal equinox; blunting of all the senses; stupefaction with internal agitation; delirium with terrible visions; odd fancies; devout mania. HEAD, &c. -ache with darkening of sight; throbbing in- with fainting; convulsions; eyes fixed and sparkling; dilated pupils; stoppage of nose; face bloated with blood; stammering; spasm in throat; constipation; suppression of urine; opisthotonus; convulsive motions of arms above the head; clenched fists; trembling of hands and feet; distortion of hands. CURATIVE. Convulsions with consciousness; apathy; desire of society; circumscribed redness of cheeks; sneezing. STRONTIANA.--SULPHUR. 123 111.-STRONTIANA. PATHOGENETIC AND CURATIVE. Aching and fulness of stomach after eating. 112.-SULPHUR. RANGE. Constitutional disorders, dependent on re. pelled eruptions; skin diseases; cachexias; dropsies; asthritis; rheumatism; chronic suppurations and blenorrhmoa; chronic disorders of the nervous system; mental alienation; chronic dizziness and headache; scrofulous ophthalmia; chronic disorders of the digestive organs; hepatitis; obstinate constipation or diarrhoea; hamorrhoidal affections; weakness of the sexual system; menstrual derangements; obstinate catarrhal affections; neglected pneumonia; consumption; disorders from abuse of mercury. PATHOGENETIC AND CURATIVE. GENERAL. Shootings in limbs, chiefly joints, with stiffness; straining in limbs as if tendons were too short; cracking in joints, chiefly of elbow and knee; inflammation of joints; crawling in calves and arms; numbness; palpitation in muscles; jerks and shocks chiefly while sitting or lying; spasms; epilepsy with stiffness; fainting; trembling; stooping gait; emaciation; sensibility to wind; periodic troubles. SKIN. Itching worst at night in bed; eruption like that often following vaccination; scabbing totters; itch; miliaria; urticaria; liver spots; chilblains; warts; chaps; excoriation; ulcers with raised borders, surrounded by itching pimples, and bleeding easily; proud flesh; inflammation ofglands; dislike of washing. SLEEP. Somnolence in the afternoon or evening; 124 SULPHUR. yawning; sleeplessness; light-; late morning-; unrefreshing-; jerks and starts in-; illusions of sense on awaking; frightful dreams. FEVER. Shivering; cold hands; flushes; heat, evening, night or morning, with circumscribed redness of checks and thirst; during fever, palpitation, delirium, weakness and thirst, also before the shivering; copious sweats day and night; sweating easily by exercise; partial or sour sweats. MORAL. Melancholy; weeping; remorse; fits o anguish, chiefly evening; timidity; moroseness; irritability; indecision, weakness of memory; monomania; delirium, with picking the clothes. HEAD. Confusion; staggering; sensibility, chiefly in crown; fulness and pressure chiefly in fore-; feeling as if-- would break; pulling and shooting; congestion; buzzing and roaring; one-sided pains, or frontal; unfitness for thinking; daily -aches, aggravated by motion, open air, and thinking; coldness, sometimes only on spots; falling of hair. EYEs. Aching; itching and burning; the pains in- often extend into the head and are increased by motion and light; inflammation; ulceration of edges of lids; darkened cornea; lachrymation or dryness; mucus; morning contraction of lids; veil before-; presbyopia; photophobia. EARs. Drawing or shooting; hardness of hearing, chiefly for human voice; stoppage on one side; buzzing and roaring. NosE. Inflammation, chiefly of end of-; stoppage, sometimes only one-sided; dryness; coryza, dry or flowing, with much mucus; blowing out blood; bleeding. SULPHUR. 125 FACE. Pale, red, or swollen; pimples; freckles i swelling of lips or jaws. TEETH. Drawing or throbbing in carious-; toothache often extends to ears or head, and is worst at night; painful looseness of-; swelling of gums with throbbing. MOUTH, &c. Aphthai; tongue dry and chapped; pressure as if something were in throat; feeling as if the throat were narrowed; taste in morning chiefly sour, putrid or sweetish; food bitter, salt, or insipid; disgust at meat; dislike of sweet or sour; thirst; voracity; after eating, oppression of chest, nausea, cramp in stomach, colic, bloating, vomiting, &c. &c. STOMACH. Continual belchings, chiefly after fLod; attempts at belching; rumination; water-brash, chiefly morning or after food; nausea and vomiting, chiefly after eating. ABDoMEN. Shootings in liver and spleen; swelling and hardness in liver; stone in stomach; shootings in-, chiefly left side; pains in -, chiefly night, or after food, eased by bending; - tender to touch; fixed wind, chiefly left side; rumbling; inflammation of inguinal glands; hernia. STOOLS. Constipation; tenesmus; diarrhcea at night, with colic and tenesmus; mucous-; falling of rectum; piles. URINE. Frequent desire to pass-; wetting bed blood and mucus along with-; burning and shootings in urethra; mucus from urethra. SEXUAL. Excoriation between thighs and groins; weakness of- function; prostatic fluid with urine; pressure on female - parts, or itching and burning; menses too quick, weak or suppressed, with colic, headache, and pain in sacrum; headache before menses; 11* 126 SULPHUR. menses too pale or of sour smell; leucorrhmea; rawness and itching of nipples. COUGH. Hoarseness; crawling and tickling in larynx; voice hoarse and whispering, or quite gone; dry- with retching, vomiting and cramp in chest. CoUGH. Mucous-; -with haemoptysis; rawness or shootings in chest, with-. CHEST. Fits ofdyspnma and choking chiefly at night when lying, or even asleep; feeling of stone in chest, chiefly in morning; periodic spasms in--; weakness in- chiefly while speaking; shootings in-, or breast bone, extending to back or left side, especially while coughing or drawing a deep breath; pains of-, chiefly in left side; burning rising to face; palpitation. TRUNK. Sprained or bruised feeling in sacrum; pain in back after working; drawing and stiffness in sacrum. EXTREMITIES. Jerks in shoulders, hands and fingers; keen drawing and shooting in joints and muscles of arms, hands, &c.; crawling or swelling of arms; itching miliaria on arms; paralytic weakness of arms and hands; swelling of hands and thumbs; trembling of hands; sweat in hands and between fingers; large shining swelling of fingers; fingers dead; lively drawing in legs; heaviness of legs; tightness in tendons of hough; paralytic weakness of legs and knees; itching miliaria on legs; varices; crawling in legs and calves; shootings in feet; cold feet, or burning; cold sweat on feet; crawling at end of toes; large shining swelling of toes. CURATIVE. Erysipelas; livid spots from the slightest bruise; bright scarlet over the whole body; pale humours; SULPH. ACID.-TART. EMET.--TI. OCCID. 197 inflammation ofbones; nodes from swelling of the subcutaneous glands, chiefly on breast; hard rapid full pulse; dry thick yellow itching scabs on scalp; ulcers on cornea; darkening of crystalline lens; myopia; yellow sclerotic; pus from ears; rawness behind ears; phlegmonous erysipelas in face; itching oozing tetter on face; hepatic spots on upper lip; hard round tumour on gums, with flow of pus and blood; fondness for wine in drunkards; sugar aggravates the pains in stomach, &c.; hiccough; swelling of spleen; incarcerated hernia; purulent stools; suppressed or scanty urine; red wine with deposit; straining drop by drop of bloody urine; fcetid sweat on sexual parts; rawness and oozing on scrotum; glands of breast inflamed; febrile cough, with haemoptysis; mucous rattle in chest; distortion of spine; nodes on fingers; whitlow; pain in hip; large shining swelling of knee; transparent swelling of legs; erysipelas of leg and foot; burning inveterate ulcers on legs and feet; cold stiff toes. 113.-SULPHURIS ACIDUM. PATHOGENETIC AND CURATIVE. Ecchymosis; chronic inflammation ofeyes; aphthm; inguinal hernia much protruded; chronic looseness; menses too quick and copious; cough, with hmmoptysis; roughness in throat and larynx; dyspnoea. CURATIVE. Excoriation. 114.-TARTARUS EMETICUS. PATHOGENETIC AND CURATIVE. Eruption of pustules like varioloid; somnolence; 128 TH. OCCID.-VERATRUM ALBUM. bitter taste in mouth; continual nausea; vomiting of sour and bitter materials, chiefly at night; diarrhoea and debility. CURATIVE. Paralysis of lungs. 115.-THUIA OCCIDENTALIS. PATHOGENETIC AND CURATIVE. Jerking of limbs and muscles; tearing and throbbing as if from ulceration; aggravation from rest and heat of bed; late sleep from agitation and dry heat; painful dreams; despondency; scabs in nose; painful swelling of glands of groin; constipation of several days; tenesmus; hard stool; humid itching condylomata on gland and prepuce; ulcers like chancres on prepuce; painful erections, night and morning; palpitation, with nausea; tearing throbbing from shoulder to fingers; the pains in arm are aggravated when it hangs, and in heat. CURATIVE. Condylomata on eyebrows; ranula; ulcers in throat like chancres; condylomata on arms; warts on mouth of womb. 116.-VERATRUM ALBUM. RANGE. Bad effects of quinine; hysteria; spasms; gastric, or intermittent fever; mania; megrim; sporadic, or Asiatic cholera; dysmenorrhoea; puerperal fever; hernia; whooping-cough. PATHOGENETIC AND CURATIVE. GENERAL. Paralytic pain in limbs; aggravation VERATRUM ALBUM. 129 from rising, alleviation from lying down; sudden sinking of strength; excessive chronic debility; fainting. SKIN, &c. Dry eruptions like itch; general chill and cold clammy sweats; fever with internal heat; during the heat, continual coma, or delirium, with red face. MORAL. Excessive anguish and remorse; despair; mania; fits of erotic, or devout madness; delirium. HEAD. -ache with pale face, nausea and vomiting; sensibility of the hair; icy coldness on the crown; cold sweat on face. FACE. Icy coldness of nose; alternate redness, paleness, burning, and dark red; toothache, with swollen- &c. APPETITE, &C. Thirst after cold drinks; voracity; fondness for acids, and fruits; loss of voice. VOMITING. Nausea; violent- with continued nausea; great exhaustion, and need of lying down; -of food; bitter -; - of froth, and green and yellow or white mucus; excessive anguish in pit of stomach; hernia. STOOL, &c. Constipation; violent and painful diarrhoea after-, preceded and followed by cuttings; during-great weakness, cold and shivering, paleness, cold sweat on forehead, &c.; feeling as if beaten in sacrum and back; icy hands or feet; violent cramps in calves and feet. CURATIVE. Fits of pain, attended by delirium; pains intolerable in the heat of the bed, alleviated by rising, and going off by walking, generally commencing about 4 or 5 A. M.; pains worst in vernal and autumnal storms; epilepsy; whitish color of skin; intermittent chill; chill at first with much thirst, followed by chill alternating 130 VERBASCUM-VIOLA TRICOLOR-ZINC. with heat, then permanent heat, with thirst; fever with vomiting and diarrhoea, or with constipation; during chill vertigo, nausea, and pains in back and sacrum; fever before midnight, and in morning, quotidian, tertian, or quartan; pulse slow and almost extinct, or small, rapid, and intermittent; blindness at night; yellow face; one cheek red, the other pale; cold sweat on face; tongue dry, blackish and cracked; yellow tongue; the least food provokes vomiting and purging; while eating, nausea with hunger and pressure at stomach; after eating, hiccough, desire to vomit and rising of bitter fluid; one drop of liquid or the least motion provokes vomiting; great sensitiveness of belly to touch; belly hard and bloated; menses set in with diarrhcea, nausea and chills; menses suppressed, with delirium; whooping-cough. 117.-VERBASCUM. CURATIVE. Feeling of stoppage in larynx and 'nose, with hoarseness; catarrh with hoarseness and loaded chest; cough while asleep, usually rough and dry, or hollow and dull. 118.-VIOLA TRICOLOR. CURATIVE. Scabs on face, with burning itching, especially at night, and oozing of a yellow thick pus. 119-ZINC. PATHOGENETIC AND CURATIVE. Unrefreshing sleep; desire to sleep in morning; fantastic dreams; night sweats aversion for work; ZINC. 131 soreness in scalp; baldness; tearing in ear; buzzing; swollen nose; aching in teeth as if sore; bleeding gums; blood spitting; salt taste; flatulence, especially after eating; constipation; diarrhoma; testicles drawn back; palpitation; violent pains in region of kidneys and back; rheumatic pains in shoulder, arms,, and dry skin, with chapped hands; chilblains. CURATIVE. Feeling of cold in bones; ganglions; apt to perspire by day; thoughts of death as if near; raw feeling in head; also buzzing; falling of upper eyelids; loose teeth; involuntary stool; urine stops just after beginning to flow; involuntary passing of urine, especially while walking; menses too quick or suppressed; menses set in with colic; during menses inflation; irregular motions of heart; and shocks with suffocation; feeling of palsy in arm; tetter on hands i stiffness of foot after sitting. It V V REPERTORY. ABORTION. Arn. bell. bry. ch am. cocc. croc. fe rr. hyosc. ipec. nux v. sabin. secal. sep. zinc. AMAUROSIS (drop serene). Bell. colc. chin. dule, merc. nitri ac. phos. puls. rhus. ruta. sil. sulph. Congestive, bell. (euphr.) (sep.) sulph. Torpid, bell. chin. mere. ruta. sulph. ANAPHRODISIA (loss of sexual desire). See sexual desire. ANGINA (sore throat), angina faucium. Aco n. bar. c. bell. canth. cham. merc. mez. nux. v. phos. ac. p u Is. Putrid angina..rs.-from abuse of mercury, bell. hep. s. c. iod. nitri ac. sulph. - Membranacea (Croup)..con. carbo v. he p. s. c. phos. spongia (acon. and spong. are the leading remedies, and are usually given in alternation, at short intervals). (Compare Millar's Asthma.) - Pectoris. (Ars.) ANOSMIA (loss of smell). Puls.-with catarrh, puls. APHONIA (loss of voice). Bar. c. bell. pho e verat (See Hoarseness.) 12?!" 134 REPERTORY. APHTHAE (sore mouth). Ars. b o r a x, bryon. chin. mer c. nitri. ac. nux v. sulph. sulp h. ac. th uj. Compare ulcers. Thrush. Borax, mere. n u x v. sulph. sulph. ac. APOPLEXY. Arn. bar. c. bell. cocc. nux v. op. puls. tart. emet. Commotion of the brain, am. Compare Paralysis. APPETITE, Bulimy (unnatural hunger). Bry. cal c. chin. cina. cocc. iod. kali c. I y c. merc. nux. v. oleand. petr. sabad. sil. sulph. v e r a t.-with worms, calc. cina, nux v. sil. Anorexia (loss of appetite). Acon. amm. c. a ni t. crud. bell. bry. cale. cham. chin. ignat. ipec. l y c. merc. natr. m. nux v. phos. puls. rhus. sep. sil. sulph. verat.-with gastric symptoms, ant. crud. bry. chin, ipec. nux. v. puls. sulph.-with debility, chin. ARTHRITIS (rheumatic gout). Acon. ant. arnm. ars. bel 1. bry. calc. carb. a. caus. c hi n. cocc. colch. coloc. ferr. guaj. hep. iod. le d. mang. mer. nux v. phos. phos. ac. puls. rhod. rhus. sab. sass. stap. sulph. Podagra (gout in the feet). Arnm. br y. l e d. sabin, verat.-compare Rheumatism. ASCARIDES. See Helminthiasis. ASCITES. See Dropsy. ASPHYXIA (apparent death), from a fall. Arn. From suffocation, op. bel 1. From cold, ars. carb. v. ASTHMA. Amm. c. amrn. ars. bell. bry. calc. chain. chin. cupr. fe r. ipec. 1 a u r. nuz v. op. phos. putls. sab. samb. spig. sul. tar t. ver. - Of Millar, (distinguished from Group by absence of fever). Ipec. samb. moac h. REPERTORY. 135 ATROPHY. Ars. bar. c. bell. calc. hep. s. c. iod. phos. puls. sil. s u I ph. Compare Phthisis. BALDNESS (Alopecia). Ars. bar. calc. graph. hep. kali. nat. m. pet. phos. sep. sil. sul. BLENORRH(EA (mucous discharge from urethra or vagina). - From urethra (gonorrhcea). Agn. bats. cap. cann. can th. caps. mer. ni t. ac. sep. sul. - From vagina (leucorrhoa whites). Alum. bo v. calc. car. a carb. v. caus. chin. cocc. con. fer. grap. kali. lyc. nux v. pul. sep. sil. sul. BLINDNESS. See Amaurosis. BLOOD-SPITTING (Haemoptysis). A c o n. am. bell. bis. bry. chin. dul. ferr. hyos. ipec. led. lyc. nux v. nux m. phos. puls. rhus. sab. su 1. zinc. Compare Hemorrhage from the Lungs. BOILS. Am. bell. lye. mer. nit. ac. phos. sil. sul. BRAIN. Inflammation of-. See Inflammation. BREATHING. Difficulty of-. See Asthma. BRONCHITIS. See Inflammation. BREASTS (female) sore nipples. mrn. bry. cham. grap. lye. phos. pul. sul. - Inflammation of-. See Inflammation of the Mammaw. CANCER. Ars. bell. carb. an. con. phos. sep. sil. sul. CALCULUS. See Stone. CARBUNCLES. Ars. Compare Boils. CARDIALGIA. Bry. calc. carbo v. cham. con. chin. ignat. nux v. puls. se p. sil. s u p h. CARDITIS. See Inflammation of the Heart. 136 REPERTORY. CARIES (rottenness of bones). Asa. ang. aur. calc. dulc. lye. mer. phos. phos. ac. sil. s u 1. Compare Inflammation of Bones. CATALEPSY (total suspension of sense and motion, with waxlike flexibility of limbs). Cham. stram. CATARACT (opacity of crystalline lens). (Cannab). caust. con. puls. sulph. CATARRH (mucous discharge). Coryza (cold in the head). Alum. amm. c. ars. bell. ch am. eup h. hep. s. c. ignat. ipe c. lach. I y c. mere. me z. n a t r. c. nitr. ac. n. vom. phos. puls. sil. sam b. sulph. Flowing, acrid. Ars. merc. mez. Gravedo (dry coryza). Bell. cham. ipec. n. vom. nitr. ac. phos. puls. sil. samb. sulph. (Compare Angina and Cough.) - of the air passages, See Bronchitis and Phthisis pituitosa. - of the bladder. Amb. bals. cop. cann. dulc. caps. mere. nitr. ac. nux v. sulph. Compare "Blenorrhcea. CEPHALALGIA. See Headache. CHLOROSIS. See troubles of Menstruation. CHICKEN POX. See Fevers eruptive. CHILD BED PAINS. - inefficient. Belt. cham. coff nux v. nux m. puls. - absent. Op. puls. sec. - after. Arn. calc. cham. coff. nar v. puls. - too violent. Coff. puls. CHILD-BED FEVER. See Fevers. CHOLERA (sporadic, violent vomiting and diarrhcea). Ars. cha m. chin. coloc. dul. i p e c. mer. ver. - (Asiatic or epidemic). Ars. bell. camph. canth car. v. cham. cic. cup. ipec. laur. nux v. sec. ver. REPERTORY. 137 CHOLERA (Cholerine, or diarrhoea in the epidemic). Phos. phos. acid. sec. CHOREA (St. Vitus' dance, or St. Guy's). Bell. c a 1 c. caust. chin. cocc. croc. cu p. hyos. ign. nux. v. rhus. stram. CORNEA, spots on. See Eye. CORYZA. See Catarrh. CORNS. See Eruptions. COLIC (enteralgia; pains in belly). Ars. bel 1. car. v. cham. cocc. coloc. hyos. lye. nux v. phos. puls. sec. ver. zinc. - (of painters; lead colic). Alum. (bell.) op. (plat.) COMA (lethargic sleep). See Sleep. -- Vigil (apparent sleep). See Sleep. CONCUSSION OF BRAIN. See Apoplexy. CONDYLOMATA. See Sycocis. CONSTIPATION. Bry. calc. cann. car. v. cocc. con. graph. ly c. nux v. op. plum. sep. sul. ver. zinc. CONVULSIONS. See Spasms. COXALGIA (hip-joint pain). Bell. bry. calc. col o c. mer. rhus. sul. COXARTHROCACE (hip-joint disease). Coloc. b 11. (calc.) (hep.) mer. (phos. ac.) (rhus.) sil. sulp. CRAMPS. See Spasms. CROUP. See Angina Membranacea. CRUSTA LACTEA (milk crusts). See Eruptions. CYANOSIS (blue disease). Dig. CYSTITIS. See Inflammation of the Bladder. COUGH, dry. Acon. amm. m. arn. ars. bell. bry. caps. calc. carbo veg. cham. c i n a. c u p r. dig. hep. s. c. hyosc. ig na t. ipec. io d. lye. more. 12* 138 REPERTORY. nux mosch. nuz v. phos. puls. rhus. sil. spig. spong. sulph. v e r a t. COUGH dry, spasmodic. Bell. cina. cup r. dros. hep. s. c. ipec. I a u r. n u x. v. verat. - with expectoration of mucus. Amb. ars. arg. bals. cop. bry. calc. c h am. china. cin a. dro s. iod. kali. I y c. nux v. pho s. phos. ac. puls. scill. sil. stann. s ulp h. tart. - with expectoration of pus. Ar s. calc. dros. ferr. lye. kali. c. nitr. phos. phos. ac. sep. s staph. - with expectoration of blood. A con. arn. bell. bry. china. dros. ferr. ipec. lye. phos. puls. rhus. s u Ip h. Compare Hamoptysis. - hooping -. Acon. arn. bry. bel. carb. v. cham. con. cupr. dros. ipec. laur. n. vom. puls. plumb. acet. tart. verat. Compare Catarrh, Laryngitis, Bronchitis, Pneumonia, Phthisis, &c. DEAFNESS, (Cophosis Dyseccea, hardness of hearing). Cal c. coff. graph. led. mer. nit. ac. p et r. phos. puls. sil. sul. DELIRIUM. Acon. bell. hyosc. op. stram. verat. - tremens. Bell. calc. hyosc. n ux v. op. stram. DENTITION. See Teething. DIABETES (copious sweet urine). See Urine. DIAPHRAGMITIS. See Inflammation of Diaphragm. DIARRH(EA. q.rs. bry. calc. caps. chaim. chin. d u 1. fcr. ipec. mere. nitr. ac. nux. v. phos. phos. ac. puls. rheum,. r h u s. s e c. sep. sul. verat. - of young children (cholera infantum). Ars. cal c. cham. chin. ferr. he p. s. c. ipec. nux v. mere. sil. sutph. verat. -^y REPERTORY. 139 DIZZINESS (vertigo). Acon. ant. c. ar n. bry. bell. calc. graph. merc. natr. nux v. petrol. phos. puls. rhus. sil. sul. ver. DROPSY (general anasarca; dropsy of the cellular tissue, especially between the skin and muscles). Ars. chin. convol. dig. dul. hell. mer. prun. spin. sam. cort. int. sul. - of the belly (ascites). Ars. chin. colch. di g. hell. kale. led. lye. me r. spon. s u. - of the brain (Hydrocephalus). Aeon. arn. ars. bell. hel 1. merc. - of the chest (bydrothorax). Ars. carb. v. colch. dig. he 11. kali. mer. sen. spig. DYSENTERY (bloody flux). Am. a r s. bar. m. caps. carb. v. cha m. colch. coloc. dulc. hep. mer. mer. sub. nux v. puls. rhus. staph. sulph. DYSPEPSIA (troubles of digestion). Ars. bell. b ry. cal c. a r b. v. dig. lach. lye. nux v. petrol. phos. puls. rhus. sep. sil. sul. ver. DYSPNCEA. See Asthma. DYSURIA. See Urine. ECLAMPSIA (convulsion fit). Acon. angus. arn. ar s. aur. bell. calc. caust. cham. cic. cocc. cup. hyo s. ign. ipe c. mose. nux v. op. stram. ver. ENTERITIS. See Inflammation. ENURESIS (See Urine.) EPILEPSY (Falling sickness). A g a r. arg. ars. bell. calc. camph. c aus. cham. cic. cin. cocc. cup. hyos. ign. ipec. lach. mer nux. v. op. plum. sec. sep. sil. stan. stram. sulph. verat. EPISTAXIS (nose bleeding). See Hammorrhages. EROTOMANIA (lascivious madness). Canth. graph. lye. nat. m. nux. v. ph os. plat. puls sil. sulph. ver. 140 REPERTORY. ERUPTIONS. Carbuncled face. Rhus. ruta. Chaps (rhngrades). Alum. cale. cyci. g ra ph. Jeep. lye. mere. petr. rhus. suiph. zinc. Chilblains. A g a r. bell, amn. earb. v. cyci. nit. ac. pe t r. phos. p uIs. rhus. sulph thay. Corns. Amm. c. ant. bar. c. caic. lyc. natr.m. puls. phos. sulIph. Erysipelas. Aeon. bell. chain. g ra ph. hep. lachp uIs. rhus. sil. sul.I Itch. Carb. v. c a u s. hop. mere. rhus. sep. sul. M 1k Crusts (crusta lacten)..8Ts. b a r. e. bell. cale. cic. graph. hep. lye. merec. sass. s u p h. viola. t. Miliary. Aeon. bcll. bry. chain. ipee. suiph. Peniphigus. Bell. dule. rhus. sep. RingWorm, (herpes circinatus). Sep. Scald-head (tinca.) A r s. bar. c. ca Ic. g ra ph. hop. lye. natr. mur. p etr. phos. rhus. sep. sil. staph. suiph. Tetters (herpes) dflum. ambr. ars. b ov.bry. ca Ic. (caus.) e 10e m. con. d u I c. graph. hop. kreos. led l y c. natr. nitr. ac. pctr. r h u s s'uiph. Ulcers. drs. msa. bell. caale. c a rb. v. clem. con. g ra p h lyc. ie r erc. phos. ac. rhus. sil. sul. Urtlicaria (nettle rash). Aeon. ars.- bry. c a Ic. eon. dulc. hop. 1 y e. nux. v. rhus. W arts. Cale. caus. dule. natr. nitr. ac. rhus. sep. thuy. sulph. Zona (shingles). Ars. graph. mere. rhus. ERYSIPELAS. See Eruptions. EYE. Intlam. of. See Inflammations. Cornea (opacity of-.) Ars. aur. cale. e a a n. con. hep. euple.lye. puls. sep.sil. suiph. REPERTORY. 141 Hemeralopia (night blindness). Bell. dig. byos. puls. v e r a t. Nyctalopia (day blindness). Phosph. verat. Compare Amaurosis. EXPECTORATION. See Cough. FACE. Cancer of, see Scirrhus. Crusta lactea, see Eruptions. Erysipelas, see Eruptions. Tic dole eux, see Neuralgia. FAINTING. See Syncope. FALLING SICKNESS. See Epilepsy. FAT. Disposition to (in children). Caec. FEVERS. Catarrhal. Acon. ars. bell. cham. caust. c a n t b. ignat. merc. mix. v. phos. puls. Compare Catarrh. Eruptive. Chicken Pox. Acon. bell. Measles. Acon. bell. b ry. puls. sulph. Scarlet Fever. Acon. ars. bell. mere. phosph. stram. Small Pox. Acon. a rs.bell. mere. rhus. tart. vacinin (vaccine virus prepared homceopathically). Varioloid. See Small Pox. Consult also Eruptions. Gastric. Acon. antoc. bell. bry. cham. ipec. mere. nux. v. puls. Hectic. Ars. chin. phos. phos. ac. si. sulph. Inflammatory. Aeon. bell. bry. Intermittent. Ant. c. ars. caps, carbo. v. cina. chin. diad. ignat. ipec. natr. m. nux. v. op. pul s. verat. Milk. Acon. bell. bry. cham. colT. puls. rhus. Nervous and Typhous. Arn. bell. bry. camph. hyos, merc. mur. ac. nux v. op. phos. ac. rhus. sp. nitr. dulc. stram. verat. 142 REPERTORY. FEVERS. Puerperal (child bed fever.) Acon. ars. bell. bry. c h i n. chain. coff. mere. rhus. verat. Rheumatic..con. a n t im.c.ar n. a res. bell. bry. caus. c h a m. d u I c. ignat. mere. nux. v. puls. r li u s. FLATULENCE. Antim. c.c a rb. v. c h in. cocc. graph. lyc. natr.m.nitr. ac flux. moe. -nuz. v. p h os. p ulIs sep. sil. s uIp h.FLUOR ALBUS. See Blenorrhea from Vagina. GALACTORRHG3',A. See Milk. GANGRENE (mortification). Ars. c h in. sil. a e Pc. GASTRITIS. See Inflammation of Stomach. GASTRODYNIA. See Heart-burn. GLOSSITIS. See Inflammation of Tongue. GONORRHCEA. See Blenorrhea from Urethra. GOUT. See Arthritis. GOITRE. See Struma. I1EMORRHA GES (Discharge of Blood) from the Bowels, see Dysentery and Hiemorrhoids. -Ears. Moara. pu 15. Compare Otorrhcea. -Eyes. Bell. -Lungs (Hwemoptysis)..&on. a?-. sins. bell. bry. china. ferr. ipec. led u m. millef. nitr. ac. nlu x. v. puls. rhus. sudph. ac. -Nose (Epistaxi~s). Acon. amn. amb. b e 11. bry. carb. veg. china. cToc. fe inr. mosch. nux. v. r huea. sep. - tomach (Hornatemesis). Acon. aw. hyose. ipec. flu x v. pule.verat. -Urethra (Hmmaturia). Ars. cairn. carstl. ipec. lycop. m e z. m ill e f. merc. phosph. ac. -Womb (metrorrhagia). Bell. bry. carbo, an. chain. czrtnain. china. Croc. fe rr. ignat. ipec. pl1a t. puls. sabin. se cal. sep. REPE RTORY.- 143 HEADACHE. Aeon. amn. a-re. aur. bell. bry. calc. carb. v. chin. cocc. coloc. duic. mag. c. merc. flux. v. plat. petrol. puis. rh usi. s e p. sil. suiph. HECTIC: See Fever. HELMINTHIASIS (Worms). 1. Ascarides (Thread Worm. Caic.J'err. ignat. nui, v. suiph. 2 Lumbrici (Long round Worm). Ci c. C i n s. sabad. s p i g. 3 Twnia (Tape Worm). Calc. carb. v. graph. m a a flu ix. sabad. stann. HIiEMOPTYSIS. Sec Haimorrhages. HiEMATEMESIS. See Haemorrhageis. HIEMATURIA. See Uriue. HIEMORRHOIDS. See Piles. HEARTBURN (Pyrosis, Water-brash). lBaryt. c. bry. c a Ic. c ar b. v. n atr. m. n itr. ac. n ux. v. p etr. puls. sep.sii. Suli. HEMIPLEGIA. See Palsy. HEPATITIS. See Inflammation of Liver. HERNIA (Rupturc). Acon. aur. bell. cocc. magn. nitr.ac. v, op. rhus. sib1. s u1. v e rat. HERPES (Totter). See Eruptions. HICCOUGH (Singultus). Acon. bell. bry. hyose. ignat. a u x v. puls. veret. HOOPING COUGH. See Cough. HYDROPS. See Dropsy. HYDROTHORAX. See Dropsy. HYSTERIA. Aur. bry. c alIc. c o n. hyos. i g nat magn. mur. nux. v. nux. mos. petr. ol. anim. puls. sep. sub. ISCHURIA. See U r ine. 144 REPERTORY. ICTERUS (Jaundice). Acon. ars. aur. bell. bry. cham. chi n, digit. mer. nux v. puls. sulph. ILEUS (Miserere Colic, vomiting of excrements). Op. plum. IMPOTENCE. Camph. chin. con. graph. lye. mags. aus. mur. ac. phos. ac. sep. sulph. INCONTINENCE OF URINE (Enuresis). See Urine. INCUBUS (Nightmare). N ux v. op. sul p h. INFLAMMATION. - of Bladder (Cystitis). Acon. camph. cannab. canth. dig. dulc. puls. nux v. sulph. - of Bones (Ostitis). Ang. asa, aur. bell. cal c. dulc. hep s. c. lye. mere. me z. nitr.ac. phosph. phos. ac. rhus. sil. staph. sulph. compare Caries. - of the Brain. Acon. bell. camph. hyos c. merc. stram. - of the Bronchi. Aco n. amrn. ars. bar. c. bell. bry. calc. cann. canth. caps. carbl.. can s. cham. chin. cin. con. cop. bals. dros. dul. ferr. hep. hyos. ignat. iod. ipe c. lach. lye. man g. mere. natr. natr. m. nux v. petr. phos. phos. ac. puls. rhus. sabin. sep. sil. spon g. squill. stan n, staph. s u lp h. tart. ver. berb. Compare Cough. - of the Chest (Pleurisy). Acon. bry. squill. - of the Lungs (Pneumonia)..con. bry. cann. chin. mere. nit r. n. vom. phos. puls. rhus. tart. sulp h. - of the Diaphragm. Bry. n. v o m. - of the Ears. BellcU. cham. mer c. n.vom.putls. - of the Eyes. Acute. Acon. bell, cham. euph. merc. nux v. puls. Chronic. Ars. calc. con. caust. hep. s. c. nitr.ac. se p. sulph. REPERTORY. 145 INFLAMMATION of Glands. Aur. b a r. c. belt. o arb. v. carb. an. chain.con. d ulc. grap h. hap. s. c. iod. mcrc. n it. a c. plum. sit. spong. staph. s-ulpk. -of Gums. Bell. chin. mere. nuxv. s u Ip hi. - of the Heart (Carditis). Aeco n. ars. bry. can. caus. cocc. puls. spig. -of the Intestines (Enteritis). Acon. b e 11. bry. c h a m. coloc. nux v. pals. r h u s. verat. --of the Iris (Iritis). Bell. (clean.) mere. -of the Kidnies (Nephritis). Ars. bell. cannab. cant/a. hep. s. c. nux. v. puls. -of the Knee (Gonitis). Amn. bry. china. m e rc. palI s. suiph. -of the Larynx (Laryngitis). A c o n. a r s. bell. cale. canth. carb. v. caust. dros. Imp. s. c. iod. laum. merc. phos. s p o n g. of the, Liver (Hepatitis). Aeqon. bel11. br-y. c h am. chin. merc. nux v. tarax. s a I p h. -of the Lungs. See of the Chest. -of Maummni (Mastitis). Bell. bry. carb. an. h ep. mar. phos.p ulIs. sit.s ulIp. -of Marrow (spinal) (Myelitis). Acon. ars. bell. (bry.) (cocc.) duic. nax v. (puls.) (rhus.) (verat.) -of the Mesentery (Mesenteritis). Ars. bell. cae.. merc. sil. -of the CE sophagus (C(Esophagitis). (Amn.) a r s. b el 11. b ry. (cocc.) merec. an az. rhus. -of the Ovaries (Gophomitis.) Acon. bell. bmygraph. mnerc. plat. -of tbe Palate. See Angina. -of the Parotide (Parotitis). Bell. caic. camb. vc ha m.co n. mere. kali. puls. r h ua. ail. suiph. 13 146 REPERTORY. INFLAMMATION. -- of the Peritoneum (Peritonitis). Acon. ars. be 1l. b r y. cham. hyos. ipec. nu x. v. rhus. --, of the Pharynx. See Angina. - of the Pleura. See of the Chest. - of the Prepuce. (Bell.) cann. m e r. (rhus.) sulph. - of the Psoas (Psoitis). (Acon.) are. (bry.) coloc. mere. (puls.) (rhus.) s i. - of the Spleen (Splenitis). Acon. am. ars. bry. carb. v. c hi n. ignat. nux v. sulph. - of the Stomach (Gastritis). See Dyspepsia and Gastric fever. - of the Testicle (Orchitis). Arn. aur. cl em. c o n. mere. nux. vom. puls. staph. zinc. - of the Throat. See Angina. - of the Tongue (Glossitis). Bell. merc. - of the Tonsils (Tonsillitis). See Angina. - of Trachea (Tracheitis). See Angina Membranacea, and Bronchitis. - of the Urethra (Urethritis). See Gonorrhcea. - of the Uterus (Metritis). Acon. bell. (bry.) (cham.) nux. v. (puls.) (rhus.) - of the Vagina. See Leucorrhcea. - of the Vulva. Acon. ar s. bell. merc. nitr. ac. rhus. - of Wounds (Traumatic)../AT. staph. INSANITY. See Mania. INTERMITTENT fever. See Fevers. ISCHIAS. Acon. bell. calc. canth. caust. cham. coloc. me r c. nux. v. rhus. LABOR PAINS. See Child-bed Pains. LARYNGITIS. See Inflammations. LETHARGY. See Sleep. LEUCORRH(EA. See Blenorrhoea. LOINS, pain in. See Lumbago. See Rheumatism, Labor Pains, &c. REPERTORY. 147 LUMBAGO. Arn. b r y. n u x. v. p u I s. rhus. stranm. sulph. LUNGS (Inflam.) of. See Inflammation of the Chest. Consumption of. See Phthisis. MADNESS. See Mania. MAMMXE. See Breasts. MANIA. Acon. ars. bell. cann. hy os c. nu x v o m. op. plat. p u I s. stram. sulph. verat. Compare Delirium. MARASMUS. Ars. bell. ch i n. cin. ferr. graph. lyc. nux v o m. rhus. sulp h. Compare Atrophy. MEASLES. See Fevers Eruptive. MELANCHOLY. See Mania. MENSTRUATION, Suppressed. Calc. cocc. con. graph. iod. kali. op. puls. s e p. sulph. - too early. Bell. bry. calc. carb. v. c ha m. croc. ferr. ignat. ipec. kali. nux v phos. plat. sep. s a b i n. sulph. verat. -- too abundant. Bell. bry. calc. car b. v. cham. c h i n. croc. ferr. hyos. i g n a t. ipec. I y c. nux m. nux v. phos. plat. sabin. sep. secal. s t r a in. sul p h. Compare Metrorrhagia under Hamorrhages. -- too late. Caust. graph. kali. l y c. natr. m. (petr.) puls. sil. sulph. zinc. -- too sparing. Con. ferr. graph. ignat. lyc. merc. puls. sil. sulph. METEORISMUS (Tympanitis). Carb. v. chin. coloc. lyc. nu x. v. sulph. METRITIS. See Inflammation of Womb. MESENTERITIS. See Inflammation of Mesentery. METRORRHAGIA. See Hiemorrhage. MILK (Morbid affections of). 148 REPERTORY. MILK want of (Agalactia). Acon. bell. bry. calc. caus. cham. mere. puls. rhus. - excess of (Galactorrhea). Bry. puls. rhus. - Drying up of. Puls. bell. bry. calc. - Crusts. See Eruptions. - Leg. See Phlegmasia Alba Dolens. MILIARY Eruption. See Eruptions. MILLAR'S. Asthma. See Asthma. MORTIFICATION. See Gangrene. MUMPS. See Inflammation of Parotids (parotitis.) MYELITIS. See Inflammation of Spinal Marrow, MOLES. (Bell.) (canth.) NECROSIS. See Inflammation of Bone. (Ostitis). NIGHT BLINDNESS. See Eye. NOSE BLEEDING. See Epistaxis, Hemorrhages. NEPHRITIS. See Inflammation of Kidneys. NEURALGIA (Pain in a nerve). Ars. bell. bry. coloc. mere. mez. nux. v. phos. puls. rhus. spig. ODONTALGIA. (Toothache.) Acon. bar. c. be l1. calc. caus. cham. chin. coff. euph. h yo s. mg s. arc. mag. c. merc. me z. nuz. v. plat. puls. rhus. sabin. se p. sil. spig. staph. s u I p h. verat. (EDEMA See Dropsy of Cellular Tissue OTITIS 'See Inflammation of Ears. OTORRH(EA. Bell. calc. hep. s. c. merc. nitr. ac. puls. sil. sulph. OOPHORITIS. See Inflammation of Ovaries. PALPITATION of the heart. Acon. ars. aur. bell. cal c. cann. ferr. nu x. v. ignat. 1 y c. phos. puls. se p. sp i g. sulph. verat. REPERTORY. 149 PALSY. See Paralysis. PARALYSIS. Ar n. bar. c. bel 1. caust. cocc. n. vom. rhus. si. sulph. - from Apoplexy. Arn. bell. cocc. n u x. v. r hi u s. Compare Apoplexy. PAROTITIS. (Mumps). See Inflammations. PEMPHIGUS. See Eruptions. PERITONITIS. See Inflammation of the Peritoneum. PETECHIIE. Ars. br y. kreos. rhu s. PHARYNGITIS (Inflammation of the Gullet). See Inflammation. PHLEGMASIA ALBA DOLENS (Milk leg.) Ar n. ars. be 11. (dig.) puls. rhus. PHRENITIS. See Inflammation of Brain. PHTHISIS (Consumption). Amrn. ars. bell. calc. carb. v. chin. dulc. ferr. hep. s. c. hyos. kali. lach. led. I y c. merc. n it r. a c. phos. sep. sil. stann. s ul p h. - Tuberculosa (Tubercular Consumption). (Ars.) caic. (chin.) kali. phos. - Pituitosa. Ars. chin. dulc.iod. phos. puls. seneg. stann. PILES. Acon. amm. c. ant. a r s. bell. calc. c a r b. v. caust. cham. graph. kali. in u r. a c. nit r. a c. nux. v. petr. p u I s. sep. sulplh. PNEUMONIA. See Inflammation of Lungs. PODAGRA. See Arthritis. PROLAPSUS RECTI (Falling of the Fundament). Ignat. merc. nux. v. sep. sulph. - Uteri (Falling of Womb). Aur. b c 11. nux v. sep. - Vagina (Falling of Vagina). Merc. nux. v. PROSOPALGIA. See Neuralgia. PSOITIS. See Inflammation of Psoas. PURPURA Hwemorrhagica. Ars. tbry. k reo s. rhus. 13* 150 REPERTORY. RICKETS (Rachitis). Ars. asa. f. bell. calc. lye. mere. mez. nitr. ac. petr. phos. phos. ac. puls. rhus. sil. staph. sulph. RHAGADES. See Eruptions. RHEUMATISM..8con. ant. amrn. ars. bell. brycarb. v. caus t. cham. chin. ferr. hep s. c. ignat. l y c. nux v. phos. puls. r h o d. rhus. sass. sep. sil. sulph. Compare Arthritis. SATYRIASIS. See Sexual desire. SCABIES (Itch). See Eruptions. SCARLET FEVER. See Fevers Eruptive. SCIRRHUS. See Cancer. SEXUAL Desire, excess of. (Satyriasis.) Canth carb. v. chin. cocc. coff. graph. hyos. lach. lyc. natr. m. mose. nux. v. op. plat. plum. puls. sabin. sil. staph. sulph. verat. - Loss of (Anaphrodisia). A g nu s. camplh. co cc. graph. kali. I y c. mag. c. mos c h. mgs. aust. sdulih. SLEEP, want of. Acon. bell. coff. hyos. ign. mose. nux. v. op. puls. - Lethargic (Coma).) Bar. c.bell. cham. lach. nux. V. op. puls. -- Apparent (Coma Vigil). Ars. bell, cham. hep. s. c. hyos. nux v. op. - Walking. Bry. phos. sil. SCROFULA. Ars. asa. f. aur. mur. bar. c. bell. calc. con. hep. s. e. iod. lyc. merc. mur. ac. rhus. sil. staph. sulph. SPASMS. See Eclampsia, Catalepsy, Epilepsy. SQUINTING (Strabismus). Bell. hyos. REPERTORY. 151 STAMMERING. Bell. caus. mere. nux v. STONE (Calculus Gravel). Calc. cann. ly c. nux. v. petr. phos. s a s s. STENOCARDIA. See Angina Pectoris. STERILITY. Bor. cale. cann. con. graph. merc. natr. m. phos. plat. sep, sulph. SHINGLES (Zona). See Eruptions. STOMACACE. See Aphthae. STRABISMUS. See Squinting. STRANGURY. See Urine, Dysuria. STRUMA (Goitre). Amm. c. cal c. caus. iod. lye. n a t r. natr. min. s p o n g. staph. sulph. SYCOSIS (Venereal Warts). Cinnab. euph. tnitr. ac. pho s. ac. thuy. SYPHILIS (Venereal Disease). Aur. lach. merc. nitr. ac. sulph. thuy. SYNCOPE (Fainting). Acon. amm. c. camph. carb. v. cham. hcp. s. c. ignat. lach. mosc. nux v. phos. ac. verat. SYNOCHA. See Fevers. TABES (Dorsalis). See Atrophy and Phthisis. T.IENIA (Tape Worm). See Helminthiasis. TEETHING. Calc. clum. coff. merc. nux v sulph. TENESMUS. See Dysentery. TETANUS (Cramp-like rigidity of the body). Bell. camph. cham. hyos. ignat. ipec. mosc. plat. sec. TRISMUS (Locked Jaw). Ang. arn. bell. caus. clham. cic. (hyos.) (ign.) (op.) plat. rhus. verat. TYMPANITIS (Bloating of the Belly). See Meteor ismus. TONSILS (Induration of). Bell. con. hep. mere. plum. sil. THRUSH. See Aphthe. see~~ 152 REPERTORY. TRACHEITIS (Inflammation of the Windpipe). See Inflammation of Trachea. TOOTHACHE. See Odontalgia. ULCERS. See Eruptions. URINE, difficulty in passing (Dysuria). Acon. arn. ars. bell. cale. camph. cann. canth. carb. v. coloc. con. dig. d u 1 c. h e p. s. c. hyos. kali. mere. nux m. nux v. phos. puls. sass. staph. sulph. - retention of (Ischuria). Acon. aur. canth. con. lach. nux v. op. pul s. rhus. verat. - incontinence of (Enuresis). Acon. am. ars. bar. c. bell. calc. carb. v. caus. cin. con. h yo s. natr. m. puls. sep. sil. sulph. - bloody (HIematuria). Arn. ars. calc. cann. canth. ipe c. ly c. mere. me z. mill. puls. - copious, sweet (Diabetes).1 (Carb. v.) (phos. ac.) URTICARIA, (Nettle-rash.) See Eruptions. UTERUS, (Amenorrhcea and Dysmenorhcea). See Cancer of- and Cancer. - haemorrhage from. See Hemorrhages. - inflammation of. See Inflammations. -- polypus of. (Staph.) -- prolapsus of. Aur. be ll. n. vom. se p. (stann.) VARICES (Dilated veins). Arn. ars. calc. carbo v. lye. nux v. puls. sulph. VARICELLA (Chicken-pox). See Fevers Eruptive. VARIOLA (Small-pox). See Fevers Eruptive. VERTIGO. See Dizziness. VISION, weakness of. See Amblyopia. - double. (Aur.) bll. (hyos.) puls. (stram.) (vce rat.) REPERTORY. 153 VOICE, loss of. See Hoarseness and Aphonia. VOMITING, bilious. Acon. ant. ars. bry. cham. ipec. mere. nux v. pul s. sep. sulph. verat. - bloody. See Haematemesis under Hwmorrhages. - of feces. Op. mucous. Ars. bell 1. calc. cha m. 'chin. dulc. ipe e. iod. mer c. n u x v. puls. sulph. vera t. WAKEFULNESS. See Sleep. WARTS. See Eruptions. WORMS. See Helminthiasis. ZONA (shingles). See Eruptions. THE ENa. - 10,~ti ton -v r.-- --^.~ii WILLIAM RADDE, IMPORTER, 3BOOSELLER AND PUBLISHER, 322 LBroadway, New- York. 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