A576097 7z #7PIN" IN li I d~> 4 A Avg HULL'S JAHR: A NEW MANUA ^1F *HOMNIEOPATHIIC PRACTICE. EDITED, WITH ANNOTATIONS AND ADDITIONS, BY FREDERICK G. SNELLING, M.D. FIFTH AMERICAN EDITION, WITH- AN APPENDIX OF THIE NEW REMEDIES, BY DR. C. J. HEMPEL. SY1MWPTOMATOLOGY, PUBLISHED BY WILLIAM RADDE, 550 PEARL-STREET. PHILADELPHIA: F. E. BOERICKE, 635 ARCH-STREET. OTIS CLAPP, Dos8toni.-H. C. G. LuYTIES, S~t. Louis.-KEEN & Co., Ohicamo-S~NTsr & WORTHINGTON, Cindinnati.-BEOcxwrTH & Co., Cleveland.-J. G. BACKOFEN & BoN, Pittsbiirg.-E. A. LoDGEC, Detroit. LONDON' H. TURNER & CO. & JAME~S Epps. 1868. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 18W). by, WILLIAM BADDE1, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of New-York. HENRY LUDWIG, Printer %nd Steretyper, 89 & 41 Centre-street. TO U be Efemorg OF A. GERALD HULL, M. I), ONE OF THE EARLY FOUNDERB OF IIOM(EOPATHY IN AMNEIOCA AND EVER AN EFFICIENT CONTRIBUTOB TO ITS LITERATURI, Mars IPOURTH EDITION OF A WORK SO RICHLY ADORNED BY BIN IS INSCRIBED, WITH PROFOUND RESPECT AND GRATEFUL AFFECTION BY FREDERICK G. SNELLING, M. D. f PREFACE TO THE FOURTH AMERICAN EDITION. BY DR. JOHN F. GRAY. Ai the instance of M. RADDE, the publisher, I have examined the manuscript of the new edition of JAXR's Hand-book, prepared by DR. SNELLnWG, the diligent and worthy successor of my cherished pupil and beloved friend, the late DR. A. GERALD HULL. It will prove very gratifying to most practitioners to find that DR. HULL'S successor, in this indispensable hand-book of our school, has faithfully preserved, not only the liberal spirit and scheme of the preceding editions, but all the contributions of his deeply lamented predecessor, in their original form. He has, moreover, carefully collated from all good sources over two hundred pages of useful new matter, for the clinical chapters of this first volume. This important task, as far as I am able to judge, fairly and ably brings the hurried practitioner face to face with the best adjuvants to his responsible duties which modern and recent researches and experience have added to clinical medicine. DR. SNELLTnG'S edition is to the homceopathic practice of to-day just. what DR. HULL'S first one was to that of 1840. 3 4 PREFACE. Clinical conjectures, when carefully constructed from the whole retrospect of medical literature, are guides to the successful use of our materia medica. For, without such aids as the present editor and his predecessors have furnished, it would be impossible to make a selection between half a dozen very dissimilar, but, by the text of the SYMPTOMATOLOGY and REPERTORY, equally indicated drugs-a predicament in which the practitioner constantly finds himself placed in the chamber of the invalid. All honor, then, to HAHNEMANN, HARTLAUB, TrINKS, FLEISCHMANN, JAHR, HERING, HULL, HEMPEL, GUERNSEY, and their brave young successor, SNELLING! Let us thank them for their necessary and useful work. INTRODUCTION. L-ON THE SYMPTOMS COLLATED IN THIS WORK. OUR plan of collating the effects of medicaments consists in presenting primarily the pure pathogenetic effects; and secondarily, as perfecting the former, the morbid conditions known from experience to have been cured by them. In composing the first edition of our work we took an entirely opposite course, and preferred for our basis the symptoms which, in the practice of medicine, had contributed to indicate the remedies. But,.reflecting that these symptofis are much less certain than symptoms purely pathogenetic, we changed our course in the second edition, taking the pure Materia Medica for the basis. There was a single inconvenience which attended this procedure: that two sets of symptoms were thrown together without distinction. On the other hand, this inconvenience was not, it is true, followed by any serious result; inasmuch as the direct symptoms indicated the circumstances in which a medicine, according to our principles, ought to act favorably; whilst the symptoms cured discover those in which the medicine has acted with good effect, which, as regards practice, amounts to the same thing, if, in relation to these last, it was certain that they had disappeared under the action of the remedy. For this reason we have endeavored,in this edition, to distinguish as far as possible the two kinds of symptoms, designating by a zero (0) those which, without having been observed as pathogenetic symptoms, have, notwithstanding, been cured by the medicine; and those by an asterisk (*) which have been observed, at the same time, as pathogenetic effects and clinical indications; while those pathogenetic effects which have not as yet contributed to any known cases of cure are left without any distinguishing sign. Thus each symptom can be estimated according to its true value, and applied according to the confidence placed in the respective classes which we propose to establish. For our own part, we are never guided by a singosymptom; it is the general characteristic resulting from the total pathogencsis that controls us in our appreciation of particular symptoms of every 1) 10 INTRODUCTION. kind. This is our rule for determining the choice of a medicine; it is the rule we have observed in tracing out the tableaux of this work, and it should be that of every homoeopathic physician who would avoid deception. For, when some isolated feature fails to exact resemblance of the symptomatology of the Materia Medica, the total physiognomy, such as results from the ensemble of the symptoms, will not on that account be less exact tban the best portrait after nature; and whosoever slall acquire by profound study the truly essential characteristic, will be in possession of a science that the knowledge of single features can never give. That the sphere of action of medicines may be better settled, we have given a more extended number of symptoms than in the previous editions. This, it is true, has rendered the coup d'ail more difficult; but the clinical observations, which are to be found at the end of this volume, alphabetically arranged in a clinical index, will prove ample aids to bring them into favor. able light, and to form a much more concise resume, without interfering in the least with the residue. It is not intended, however, that the symptoms marked in italics should determine the choice of remedies to the exclusion of the others. EVERY SYMPTOM HAS A RELATIVE VALUE, BUT NO ONE IN AN ABSOLUTE MANNER. That which is characteristic in the pathogenesis of a medicine is only relatively so to the medicines which do not possess it; and the same symptom which, in such or such a series of comparisons, has no distinctive value, because common to them all, acquires the highest importance on comparing this medicine with another. in this manner we have generally distinguished those phenomena which appeared to predominate over the others in the same organ, or those sensations which seemed to reappear most frequently in organs which were most unlike, &c. We have frequently, also, distinguished in two alternating effects that which seemed to occur the most frequently, although, in almost every case, the one and other of these effects had an equal importance. Thus it is that diarrhceaand constipation in Nux-vomica, thirst and thirstlessness in Pulsatilla, burning pain and ice-cold sensation in Arsenic, are one and all alike characteristic for the choice of the medicine when the rest of the symptoms accord with the disease. There is also a phenomenon more constant than is generally imagined: all medicines, principally the polychrests, wh, ch have some well-marked symptom, hold equally in alternation this symptom and the phenomenon opposed to it; and it is generally wrong to consider one symptom as primitive, and another as secondary or consecutive: for one or other (according to the individuals) can, in reality, first manifest itself. And is not the same fact observable in a large number of diseases sui generis? Does not typhus, for example, produce incessant sleeplessness and then the INTRODUCTION. 11 most profound coma, or stupidity at times and then delirium, or constipation the most obstinate, or diarrhoea the most violent, according to the conr stitution of the individual affected? The question of Similia and Contraria does not hang on the relation of some isolate symptoms, but on the totality of the phenomena, the general aspect of the disease, and the pathogenesis of the medicament. But this is not the place for the discussion of this question, of which we have simply taken note, and to which we have given a passing glance, merely to answer those who have desired to know how we have, among contrary or contradictory effects, distinguished that which is primitive from that which is consecutive. II.-ON THE USE OF THE HOM(EOPATHIC DOSES. Beside the pathogenesis and resum d of clinical cases, some remarks upon the doses used and the duration of their action may be found at the head of each medicine. In regard to the doses, we have selected them as found in authors, regarding them only as historical authority, but in no respect as absolute rules. The question of dilution must always be secondary, rela. tively to that of the medicine. HAHNEMANN employed the thirtieth in preference; others such as they find in the pharmacopoeias, and others pass from one dilution to another, especially in cases of repetition. Dr. MURE, in an article inserted in the Bibliotheque de Geneve, prefers the use of the first (low) attenuations in acute diseases, and those of the last (high) in chronic maladies. We ourselves, in the preface to a former Paris edition, expressed similar opinions regarding the different dilutions, and virtually the same up to the present time, in this form: that, if any distinction is to be maintained for practice, we think that the first attenuations generally answer the best for maladies whose progress is rapid, while the last accord with those whose progress is tedious. But another question arises for information: whether, in cases where the low dilutions seem to be required (such as some primitive forms of syphilis, gonorrhoea, &o.), a desirable result cannot be attained by administering, the last dilutions in reiterated doses, and especially by spoonful doses of a watery solution? For, whatever may be the increase of strength which the remedies may acquire by trituration or shaking, it is not the less true that there follows at the same time a loss of power, inasmuch as any quantity of the thirtieth dilution will always prove more feeble than an equal volume of the first, The thing is perfectly evident, if we compare the effects which ten drops of the crude tincture of Arsenic will produce with those which result from ten drops of 12 2NTRODUCTIOI. the thirtieth. The observation is equally applicable to those substanees which are called inert in their natural state: in this, that if we take a grain of Lycopodium, or pure Carbon, but sufficiently triturated to become active, this grain will act more than an equal volume of the thirtieth dilution of these substances. But, on the other hand, it is ascertained that, by these dilutions, the body of the substances has been dilated or expanded in its surface; and, in this manner, not only affects a greater number of our organs, when taken, but also develops all its atoms, which remain inactive in the compact state, and, by consequence, allows a display of their entire action. For example, a hundred drops of the first dilution will produce, together, an effect infinitely more decided than can be obtained by a single drop of the crude tincture; yet, in the hundred drops of the first dilution, there is not in reality any more medicinal matter than existed in the single drop of the crude tincture. Whence it appears that, while a single drop of the thirtieth, in itself, may be more feeble than a drop of the first, a certain number of drops may constitute a dose which, by the extension of its active atoms, will not only prove equal, but even surpass the power of the first dilutions. This is not the appropriate place to treat the preparation of doses, which justly belongs to the pharmacopoeias; notwithstanding, we will propose this question: For the development of the dynamic virtue of a medicine, will it answer to move the atoms of substances, either by shaking or trituration, or will it not be preferable to advance from dilution to dilution to reach the greatest extension possible of the atoms as to surface? We have seen the ingenious instrument of trituration invented by MURE, and the really powerful machine with which he effects the dilutions of his medicines; we have used the medicines prepared by these means, and must confess that, in respect to activity, they absolutely leave nothing to be desired, unless that their effects are sometimes in direct proportion to the increased number of shakings theyfmay have received. The essential requisite is that the mixture shall be as intimate as possible; and, to produce this result, it is necessary that the substances be agitated up to a certain point; but, for a medicine mixed with alcohol in the proportion of 1 to 100, it is probable that, after 50 or 100 shakings, the combination, of all the atoms will be effected as completely as possible. The palpable advantage which a machine offers for shaking appears in the power of preparing medicines in the proportion of 1 to 100, and perhaps, also, of 1 to 10,000, advancing even up to the thirtieth Through a mechanism which will conveniently allow agitation in so large proportions, we can obtain all that is to be coveted in relation to the deve. lopment of the virtue of medicines. INTRODUCTION., 13 III.-ON THE REPETITION OF DOSES. We have treated at length of the dilution to be employed in a separate article, feeling that this question appeared less important for practice than that of the multiplication of doses, or of the repetition, according to the occasion. Give, if you please, during a certain time, 10, 12, or 15 globules to the sick, and also one entire drop of the first dilutions; and. on abstaining from the repetition of the dose until a new indication supervenes, you will not perceive a more unpleasant aggravation than if you had administered some globules of the last dilutions, and, in this case, the difference will be by no means in proportion to the relative volume of the medical substance taken. Change your experiment, on the contrary: take a single globule of any dilution, whether of the first or of the thirtieth, and dissolve it in 10, 12, or 15 spoonfuls of water, and give the solution to the sick by spoonfuls; the aggravations that will follow in particular cases, especially in some chronic affections, will be much more violent, and much less easy to combat than those which appear in consequence of one entire drop, also of the first dilution, when it has been taken at a single time. We have remarked this fact more than a hundred times in the course of our observations; and HIIAHNEMANN himself has given it as his opinion that one or two globules, taken at a single time, form a feeble and most gentle dose, while the same globules, dissolved in a quantity of water, and taken in repeated spoonfuls, have a much more decided action upon the organism. Frequently, it is true, a patient may take a spoonful of a like solution for a fortnight, every evening or every morning, without any misadventure; but it is not less frequently the case that, after the use of the solution, an aggravation arises proportionately more violent than the state of the patient had been satisfactory during the taking of the medicament-an aggravation which, in many cases, does not yield to a new dose of the solution, but to return, in consequence, with renewed intensity, resembling in action the relief afforded by palliatives. On this account, however salutary and however preferable this mode of administering medicines in repeated doses may be, in many cases, it is, never theless,not always applicable, and demands, for its successful employment, to be based on fixed principles and rules. These rules, we very well know, cannot be established with any certainty but by comparing a great number of the most contradictory observations; and, if we hero essay to express our opinion on this subject, it is only with the intention of presenting some ideas for a more extended examination in the solution of this impo'tant question. 14 INTRODUCTION. Our ideas, in other respects, are the same as those we have expressed in our first edition, but more matured. The principle which, according to our views, and conformably to the basis of our science, should lead to a view of the question in its true aspect, is that true, durable, and radical cures are never effected by the direct action of a medicine, BUT BY A REACTION OF NATURE EXCITED BY IT; whence there follows, as a first general consequence, that every repetition of doses is at least superfluous, EXCEPT ENTIRELY DISPLACED, whilst this reaction follows its course. Thus, we observe, in a large number of not very inveterate functional lesions, an amelioration often established after the single taking of an appropriate medicine, which, with very unimportant interruptions, continues in general up to the entire cessation of suffering. To administer reiterated doses immediately after, in such cases, or to renew the first taken upon A slight and sudden diminution that this amelioration may undergo, would be opposing nature in her efforts, and most certainly 'retard the cure. Also, in some recent and trifling organic lesions, a cure may be frequently obtained much more promptly by the administration of a single dose. But it is quite the contrary in all very severe cases of organic lesions, especiallythose which result from the energetic action of some poison, miasm, or medicinal substance. In such instances the disease appears to have its own peculiar vital power, which controls the vital force of the organization, and obstructs or promptly neutralizes the reaction, which requires for its support a new and constant activity sufficient to triumph over the disease. Here we can administer repeated doses, in solutions, with the greatest success, whether the dilutions be the first or last, provided they are only continued to the necessary point for establishing the victorious reaction of the vital principle. The same rule applies to all the organic lesions which, from their nature, maintain a continual focus of irritation in the parts affected-such as inflammations with suppuration, ulcers, some forms of disorganization, &c. In some cases of chronic diseases, characterized by a kind of inertness and wvant of reaction, we may have similar recourse to reiterated doses of globules dissolved in water; but this depends upon another reason, and in regard to a design quite different from that of the preceding cases. For, whilst we struggle to combat the violence of the disease which triumphs over the reaction, we will also endeavor to aggravate the malady, so to speak, before arousing it from its inertness, and thus elicit the reaction of the vitality of the organism. Nevertheless, these trials are not always without danger, and it is necessary to proceed with much caution, lest the aggravation, on deve loping itself, may be 8o violent as to render insufficient the reaction of the vital force. Therefore, in similar cases, we must mPost cautiously administer INTRODUCTION. 15 the repeated doses at intervals as short as possible, and arrest them on wit, nessing the supervention of the first signs of an aggravation. Finally, there is another case in which we may repeat the doses: it is when, after a time more or less prolonged, the disease improves, and yet the symptoms indicate the same medicine more than any other. But these cases seldom occur, except we have given a single dose one time for all, or many spoonfuls to the point of aggravation, the effects of which we await without further action; and then it is essential that we are certain of the cessation of the aggravation before we have recourse to a repetition. IV,-ON THE DURATION OF THE ACTION OF MEDICINES. What we have said regarding the period when the repetition of a single dose should seem to be indicated, applies equally to the choice of a medicine. For every aggravation, after an appropriate time, is not always a natural aggravation of the disease; frequently, on the contrary, it is dependent upon a new excitement provoked by the medicine which continues to act; and here nothing better can be done than to wait, since it will generally subside in a few days, and give place to a much more decided expression. We frequently witness this development, especially in chronic diseases, after the administration of a single dose, one time for all. Frequently the two and three first days are good, then follows a light aggravation, which disappears and renews itself occasionally for some time; so that-generally in the first fortnight, and especially during the third week-the number of bad days exceed those of the good, while a change finally takes place at the conclusion of the month;-the favorable days now exceeding the bad, a durable benefit is established, and continues to the seventh and eighth weeks, an epoch in which the relics of the disease, which have not been completely destroyed, commence their reappearance. In the meantime, there is a.case where the aggravation is only the last effort of the action of the medicine: an effort that does not fail to subside in several days, leaving the disease, if not entirely cured, at least in such a state that no other means offer a more favorable issue. To apply a new medicine in such a case, without knowing what might be developed, must frequently annul the whole treatment, while, by carefully watching and understanding the progress of the vital reaction, we may frequently obtain in two months, with a single dose of a single medicine, an acceleration of cure-which could not be done in two years by a continual change of medicines, or by inappropriate multi. plication of doses. Such is our oft-repeated experience in following out the 16 INTRODUCTION. precepts HAHNEMANN gives on this subject in his "COrganon," and in the first volume on " Chronic Maladies;" and to it we seriously call the attention of every homoeopathic physician. It is never necessary, in any chronic disease, to change the medicine without having observed, at least during five or six days, the aggravation which seemed to demand it; and, likewise, those which sometimes occur after the cessation of a medicine administered by spoonfuls ought to be treated after the same manner-that is to say, to allow the medicine to act so long as there is any room to hope for improvement. Notwithstanding the indispensable rule that a salutary remedy shall be allowed to expend its entire action, including the occasional momentary aggravation, we must not hesitate to interfere with the medicine we have chosen: 1. When it produces no effect; or 2. When its effect is unfavorable. The first of these conditions will be revealed to the attentive physician when he observes no symptom peculiar to the medicine, and when the state of the disease remains stationary, or is progressively aggravated without amelioration in any respect, presenting only such symptoms as belong to a more advanced state of the malady. It is then that the physician will do well to make an immediate repetition of the medicament administered, even to the extent of producing some change. If there follows an improvement, even though it be slight, it will be necessary to watch the alternations of good and bad, as we have before indicated; but if, on the contrary, the state be rendered worse after the repetition, we must observe whether the aggravation be salutary, or whether it be owing to badly-chosen medicine, from the prolonged action of which we must expect unfavorable results. This last may be easily recognized when the supervening aggravation, which may be a contest of the medicinal symptoms, is neither preceded nor interrupted by a single moment of comfort, and when, at the same time, the originally manifested disease makes its progress in the fashion of the general symptoms. In this case the physician ought not fail to replace the acting medicine by one which responds more accurately to the ensemble of the malady, and which will also cover the symptoms produced by the acting medicine. We can lay down as a principle that, if the general state, and especially the moral condition of the patient be ameliorated, the physician should await the action of the medicine, whatever Mhay be the state of the local signs in other respects; but, whenever the patient is worse in these respects (the general state including the moral), without any promise of a favorable termination, the medicine should be changed. The time justly required for observation, before deciding for or against, should be at least 5, 6, or 8 days in chronic diseases, as we have before stated; and in acute diseases from 15 to 30 minutes, or from 6 to 12 or 24 hours, according to the degree of vio INTRODUCTION. 17 lonce and the more or less rapid progress of the disease. Thus, on examinm ing the state of the invalid, we have frequently witnessed the salutary action of the medicines prolonged to 24, 48, and 96 hours, in acute diseases, and to seven and eight weeks in chronic maladies. These are the views we have wished to make known in indicating the duration of the action of each medicine. V.-ON ANALOGOUS REMEDIES. A salutary medicine having expended its action, the disease will be frequently left in a state which is less characterized by the kind of symptoms than by the diminution of their intensity, so that we feel that we should repeat the same medicine. In the meantime, on carefully examining the patient, we shall observe some shades of variation, even though very delicate; it is then that another medicine is frequently indicated, which, in its pathogenesis, bears a strong resemblance to the first. On this account HAHNEMANN has indicated Calcarea or Nitric-acid as suitable after Sulphur, Lycopodium, &c. Dr. CONSTANTINE HERING has increased these indications, which we have taken pains to add to the descriptions of medicines for facilitating researches of every kind to the physician. And, to render useful the other affinities, besides those which HAHNEMANN and HERING have indicated, we h1ve given at the head of each medicine, under the rubric, " Compare with," a list of those which seemed to have the closest analogy, and which, on occasion, could not only be administered after, but also serve as antidotes to this medicine. This list frequently differs from that of BCENNINGHAUSEN, because the additions which the pathogenesis of many medicines has received in latter times has also developed their analogies. The principal advantage which the physician can draw from these indications is in making comparative studies of analogous medicines, the better to establish their points of dissimilarity, and to avoid a multitude of deceptions which cannot fail to arise if they be confused in the administration of one for the other, as, for example, Lachesis in the place of Mercury, Veratrum, or China, in that of Arsenic, &c. A deplorable abuse of these indications would be, on the contrary, to take them for an absolute guide for a choice, and to give a series of analogous medicines without any other reason than this analogy; or, again, to precede a medicine still indicated by another which is not, only because it has been reputed to be efficacious after the use of the first. The fundamental law for the employment of medicines is always the SIMILITUDE OF SYMPTOMS and the necessity of allowing the medicine to expend its action. An analogous medicine cannot be thought of until the action of 18 INTRODUCTION. the first has been expended, and then it should be only used on a comparison of symptoms, and a conviction of the fitness of its indication. In the article on "Antidotes" we have indicated medicines of which that in question is the antidote itself, persuaded, as we are, in many cases, that the antidotal relations of two medicines are reciprocal, and that by the one we can relieve the others. Besides, it is necessary, in the choice of antidotes, as in that of medicines in general, to follow them in their series. The best antidote will always be that which best answers to the symptoms; and, in general, it will be much more profitable not to lose time in seeking for an antidote, but to make use of the medicine which most clearly accords with the ensemble of the symptoms which the patient presents. If this medicine partake of both relations (antidotal and homoeopathic), so much the better; but, if it possess neither of these, he must not hesitate to search after one that is more suitable. VI.-ON THE MANNER OF USING THIS MANUAL. Having already given instructions for the practical use of this MANUAL, we deem it equally important to make a few remarks on the mode of pursuing the study of the medicines. We should commence by glancing at the "11 Clinical Index," for which the employment of a medicine has been recommended, taking into consideration such cases only as are distinguished by italics, and, in comparing each one of the cases with the pathogenetic symptoms, which can indicate the medicine in a given case. This investigation, once made for the cases which are prominent, the same will answer for the rest, and may be extended to other cases than those we have cited, but which must ever depend on the ensemble of the symptoms. In this manner we gradually become familiarized with the medicine, and begin to have a sufficient general knowledge thereof. To attain this knowledge it will answer a good purpose to make extracts from this MANUAL. But, if the practitioner be much occupied, he may abridge his labor by underlining in red all the clinical cases and such symptoms as we have distinguished by italics, and, in order to have some guiding marks at once-a frame-work which he can gradually fill up in the course of his practical researches-take pains to underline in red the symptoms he may not have so distinguished. A person beginning to act thus respecting the medicines, and comparing the most analogous medicines with each other, will soon find that he has not done enough, but, appalled by the mass of the symptoms, will feel that he ought have recourse to Hahnemann's most important works-"Materia INTRODUCTION. 19 Medica" and "Chronic Diseases"-for the pursuance of these studies, to procure the ample details of symptoms which the last analysis requires. The complete knowledge of the Materia Medica is not as difficult as has been generally thought, and all depends upon the manner in which it is undertaken. By proceeding in a methodic manner, and by progressing from generals to particulars, the student cannot fail in the end to master the most complex lessons of this art. The course of study should begin with those medicines which are most useful, and gradually extended, step by step, down the scale of importance, till the remainder are understood also. The homoeopathist, in making choice of a remedy for a case of disease, excludes none of the medicines from the inquest, but takes all under consideration impartially; and in the, practice it is indispensable to take this course. Whilst, in a preparatory study of the Materia Medioa, it is better to avoid the attempt to form a coup d'eil of all the medicines at once, and to study only one or a few at a time. Finally, that physicians may have the study of the selection of medicines facilitated, we have indicated in Table I. those which are most used, and after this we have prepared another (Table II.), which contains a classification of the medicines according to their importance. These classes are five in number, each one of which is divided into five parts, except the last, which is composed of medicines not much known. At the end of this table will be found a plan of study, arranged so that the student who follows it will thoroughly examine the medicines, and very much extend his knowledge of a great number of them. We have divided it into three parts-the first including seven studies of all of the most important, and the two others of eleven each for the details. By devoting a week to each of these studies, in eight months' time the student may acquire the contents of our MANUAL, when he may also undertake the comparison of analogous medicines, a labor which, in every case, will prove equally productive with the others. The new student of homoeopathy should pursue this labor, then, so indispensable to the acquirement of a certain degree of safety in practice. To see all the homoeopathic physicians give that attention to our science which its importance demands will unquestionably prove a more agreeable recompense than we could have wished for all the industry and trouble that the new remodelling of our work has necessarily required at our hands. C. H. G. JAHR. TABLES AND EXPLANATIONS. WITH THEIR ABBREVIATIONS, SYNONYMS, COMMON NAMES, ANTIDOTES, AND COMPA&RISONS. REMEDIES. SYNONYMS. PAGE.I 1.-Acet.-acid, Acidum-aceti- Acidum-aceticum. CUM. 49. 2.-*Acoec., Acoszitum (Hahne- Aconitum-napellus. mainn). 651 8.-Act.-rae., Actea-racemosa.I Cimicifuga-racemoma 4.-0Act., Actea (Ruckert). 9151 Acteee-spicata; Christoforiana. 5.-Adeps. 94 6.-AEth.,.tfthusa-cynapium (Hartlaub a-nd Trinks). 96 7*..*A-ar, Agaricus-muscarius MHahnemann). 102 S.-Agn., Agnus (Stapf). 116 9.-Alco'hol. 121 10.-Alcohol-sulph., Alcoholsulphuris. 140 11.-Allium-cepa. 142 12.-Allium-sat. 14.5 15.-AL, Aloes-gwnml. 149 14.-Alnmen. 150 15.-*Alusm., Alumina (Hannemaun). 169 16.-*Ambr., Am7,ra-grisea--- (Hahnemnann). 184 1T.-Amrnonic., Ammoniacum. 191 1S.-Ammon.-kcet., Ammoniumaceticum. 198 19.-*Am.-c., Ammocisem-carbonicum (iHahnemann). 202 20.-0Am.-c~aust., Amumoniumcausticanm (Wibmer). 223 2-Am -otAnemoseiu-mue ria~ticu (Halinemann). 230 Adeps. LEthusa. Amanita. Agnus-castus; Vltex-agnus. Alcohol. Liquor-lainpadiL. Allum-cepa. Allium-satlvum. Aloe-spicata. Alumen. Oxide of Aluminum; Argilla. Ambra. Aminonlacum. Ammonium-acetlcum. ENGLISH.-GERMAN. Vinegar. Monkshood.--Sturmihnt Eisen. hut. Black Snake Root. Herb Christopher or Baneberry. -Christophaicraut. flog's Lard. Garden Hemlock. - Garten. schierling. Bu Agaric.-Fllegenpllz. Chaste Tree. -Keuschlamm. Spirits of Wine. Carburot of Sulphur. Common Onion. Common Garlic. Aloes.-Aloe. Sulphate of Alumina and Pot.ash; Alum. Pure Clay.-Thonerde. Ambergris.-Grauer Ambra. Gum Ammonias. - Animonlak Gummi. Spirits of Mindererus. Ammonies-carhonas; Sub-carho- Carhonate of Ammonia.-Koh. nas. Ilensauree. Ammonia. Ammoniac-murlas; Hydrochloretum-ammonit. Caustic of Amamonla.-Aetz Am. moniak. Mm-late of Ammonia.-Salmilak. DOSE.-HAsesexaANN AND JAms employ the 30th dilutions of each remedy in preference, 0"e globule of it is a dlose. NOACTS AND THiNKs' Dosa.-1 or 2 drops of the 1st, 2d, or 3d dilution, or of the 1st, 2d, or Bd trituration, according to circumstances. Others pass from one dilution to auothser, especially in cases of repetition. HanclNG.-2 or 3 glohules of the proper remedies should he put on the tongue, or dissolved In water. In violent cases, even S or 10 globules, or, if the tinctures are used, 1 to S drops of the medicine into a clean glass, pouring thereon from a hsalf to a whsole pint of water, mixing it effectually; a tablespoonful to adults, and a teaspoonful to children, must be --iven every hourIn chronic diseases every morning. When the patient, after taking medicine., bcgins to feel bp~tter, however lit tie, he must cease taking medicine; bet, as soon as his convalescence ceases, 20 TABLES AND EXPLANATIONS. 21 Nom.-The asterisk (*) indicates the medicines respecting which we possess at the same time clinical observations and pathogenetic symptoms. The cypher (9) indicates those of which we possess only the clinical observations. The remedies whose names are printed in italics are those of which the greatest use has hitherto been made. Those which have no distinction are those of which we possess some pathogenetic symptoms, but which have hitherto been scarcely ever employed. The names of the several remedies referred to in this book will be found in the first column. The names of the second column are used in medical works, and are affixed to imported preparations. The third column contains the English and German Names; the fourth column the Comparisons; and the fifth column the Antidotes. COMPARE WITH. ANTIDOTES. I.-Oxalic, citric, tartaric, and other vegetable acids; also Phos.-ac., sulph.-ac., nitric, and muriatic-acids. 2.-Agar., anac., ant.cr., arn., ars., asar., bell., bry., camn., cannth., caust., cham., cof, colch., croc., dros., dulc., graph., hep., hyos., ipec., mere., nitr.-ac., nsac-c., op., phos., plat., puls., rut., sabin., sep., spig., spong., stram., sulph., verat. 8.-Digitalis, Ergot. 4.-Acon. is often indicated as an intermediary remedy after Amr. and srulph.; frequently after Acon., arn., ars., bell., bry., cann., ipec., spong., sulph. 5.-? 6.-Cic., con., cupr., and the other remedies belonging to that family. 'l.-Acon., bell., coff, graph., nux-v., phos., puls., staph. 8.-Bov., cupr., natr.-mur., nitr.-ac., olea., plat., sel., sep. 9.-? 10.-? 11.-? 12.-? 13.-Carbo-v., puls., sabin., sulph., and Calc.-c., cham., eoloc., jal., nux-v., phos., rheum. 14.-? 15.-Ars., bar., bell., calc., cham., ign., ipec., lach., led., magn., mere., nux-v., phos., plum., rhus. sil., sulph. It is particularly suitable after Bry., Inch., sulph. Bry. is often of great use after Alum, when indicated. 16.-Calc., cham., graph., lye., nuew-v., phos., phos.-ac.. puls., sab., sep., staph., verat., verb. 17.-Bell., dulc., hep.-sulph., mere., nitr., puls., seneg., stan., sul h., tart.-emet. 18.-? 19.-Am.-caust., am.-mur., ant.-c., arn., ars., asa., bell., bry., camph., chin., ferr., graph., hep., hyos., kali-c., lach., lauroc., lye., mere., mang., nux-v., phos., puls., rhus, sil., stann., staph., sulph. 20.-Am.-carb. and am.-mur. 21m.Am.-carb., and its analogous remedies. Chalk, whiting, white of eggs, magnesia, soap or oil, bicarbonated alkalies, china, nux, coffea, ars., bellad. Acetum, vinum, camph., n.-vom. Aeon. is antidote to Cham., cotf., nux-vom., petroL, sulph. Secale-cornut. Vegetable acids. It is an antidote to Opium. Camph., cofE, tosta., pul., vinnn. Camph. Vinegar, vegetable acids. Bry., cham., ipoo. Camph., n.-vom., puls. It antidotes Staph., n.-vom. Senega.? Am., arn., camph., hep.? Dilute vinegar. Ars., camph., coff., hop., hydr.-c-, lauroc., nitr.-sp. he should begin to take some of the same medicine, or another appropriate one. It not unfrequently happens that the medicine aggravates the symptoms and makes the patient temporarily worse, which is, nevertheless, a good sign. In such cases, the patient should cease to take any more, and wait for the effects of what he has taken. If the aggravation is very violent, let him smell of Camphor, but not change the remedy. But, should the beneficial effect cf the medicine be interrupted and cease altogether-the patient growing worse, in consequence of taking cold, eating improper food, &c.-he should take something to counteract the cause which occasioned this interruption, and then recur to the same medicine which had previously produced the favorablle change. With regard to the external application of the tincture of Arnica, Iypericum, Ruta, Symphytum, &c., it is only necessary to put 1 or 2 drops of the remedy in a wine-glass of water, and apply this 3 or 4 times a day, or as often as mentioned under each particular case, to the injured part. 22 TABLES AND EXPLANATIONS, REMEDIES. SYNONYMS. EXGLISH.--GERMAN PAGE. 22.-*Anao., Anacardium (Halinemaun). 241 23.-Aug.,- Angustura (Hahineman~n). 250 24.-Angustura-spuria. 256 See Br-woea,, &c. 258 Anisatum-stellatuin. See Illic.-anisat. 706 25.-Anthrak., Anthrakokatli (Kiluge~r). 202 26.-*Ant., Antimonmiuorc*udum (Hahuemaun). 284 *Ant.-t., Antimonium-tartaricum; Tartarus-emet-,icus. See Tartaluw-sti3iatus. 1116 2T.-Apis-met, Apis-meUifiec. 2711 2&-*Arg.--, Argentum (Hahinemaann). 279 29.-*Ago. -nitr. Argontum-naitriourn. 284ý Anacardium-orlental; fSemecarpus-anac. Cortex-angusturre; GaLipea-officinalis. LithanthrakokalL. Antim-suiphuret; Stibium-sulphuratuni-nigrom. Argentum-foliatum; Argentummetallicum. Argentum-oxydatum-nitratuni. Malacca Bean.-Malaccanuas. Bark of Bonpiatidla ~rifolitats -Wabre Angustara, Ailthraclte, Coal - Fiinf kirchnor, elne Art Braunkohie' Steinkohle.I Crude Antimony. - Schwefelspiessglanz. Poison of the Honey-Bee. Silver.-Silber." Nitrate of Silvser. -S alpotersau. res Silber; Aetzsilher. [Leopard's Bane.-Wohlverloi B0.-*Arni., At-nica-inontmana alendula-alplns. (Hlahnemann). 298 O1.-*Ar8., Arwsicum-albwS (}iahnemann). 810 Arsenicum-citrinum. See Aro~-er. 834 82.-Ars.-hydrog., Arsenicum-, hyd~rogenisatam. 882 83.-Ars. -ter.,. Arsenicum-tersuiphuratum (Hahnemann). 384 84-Art-v., Ar-temisia-vulgarisl (Noack and rh-ika). a385 85.-Arum-m., Arum-maculaturn.338 86.-*Awa-f, A w-foatda (Stapf.) 336 87.-*Aar., Asartun-europfeum (Hahnemnon). 340 33.w-Asp., Asparagus. 343 89.-A-tham., Athamanta-orosolinum. 344 40.--.*Aur., Awrwlm (HahineMann). 3,45 41.-Aur.-faL, Auruin-fulminans (Hahuemaun). 340 42.-Aur.-mur.. Aurum-muria-I ticum (Hahnenmnn). 830! Arsenlosum-aclduin; ArseniHydrogenlnm-arsenlcosum. Arsenicum-citrinum; Auripigmentum, Orpiment. Radix-partheniL. Arum-vulgare. Asafcetida; Stercus-d~aboli. Asarum-nEt; Asara-baccara. Asparagi. Aurum-motnlllcum; Auruin-foliatum. -I Axsenic.-Weisser Arminik. 'Arsenluretted Hydrogen (la.- - Arsenik-Wasserstofi Gas. Tersuiphuret of Arsenio. Mugwort.-Gemelner Beifries Common Arum. - Geflecktor Axon. Gumn Resin of Fernla.--Stinkender Asand. Asaret of Europe.-llaselwurz. Asparagus.-Spargel, Mountain Parsley. - Gebirge. Petersilie. Metallic Gold.-Blatt-GolcI. Fulminating Gold; the Oxide ot Gold with Anunonias. The Muriate of Gold. I TA-BLES AN]) EXPLANATIONS. nip COMP'ARE WITH. AN.TIDOTES. I 39.-Acon.., ars., cale., natr.-m., nnx-v., oleanct, plat., sep.,1 sulph.-ac., or Ign., nux-mosch., croc., petros., phos., rhus., staph., suiph. 23.-Bruc., canth., carb.-a., carb.-v., cofE, mur., plat,,' 24.--Nux-vomica 25.-Ant.-c., bry., carb.-a., carb.-v., kall, rhus, verat. 26.-Aeon., alum., amm., am., caust., ar8.. asa-f., chain., coff /ekep hyos., jod., ipec., mere., nux-vy., pisle., 86)., stannisup., tart.-8t. Puk., and mere, are sometimes Indicated after Ant.-crud. 2T.-Arsenlcum. 23.-Asa-f., aur., bell., chin., hep., mere., nltr. -ac, nux-vom., puks, plat., s~ann., zinc. 29.-Alumien, alum., natr.-mur., phos., and erg.-/el., 80.-Aeon., am., ara., bell., br-y., cann., caps., hain., chin., etc., ciasa, coloc., euphr., fer., hep., ign., ipec., merc., aeatr., nux-v., puts., rs-h, meta, samb., sabin., seneg., staph., asulph.-ae., neratr. It is indicated after Aeon., ipec., veratr. It is suitable after Aeon., ipee., rhus., suiph.-ac. 81.-Aeon., ara., bell., bry., cale.-e., earb.-v., chiai., Mhin., cof.d, dig., dule., ferr-., graph., hell., hep., iod., ipee., bach., lye., mere., natr.-m., sene-v., p/ao., puks, rhus., saffmb., sep., meuph., yes-at. Ars. is indicated after Aeon., arn-, bell., chin., ipse., bach., verat. After Ara, is suitable Chin., Ipeo., nux-v., suiph., verat. 82.-Araen~s. 33.-? $4.-Caust., puls., ruts, sea., strain 86.-Cauth., mezer., ranunc.-b., and sceber., rhus, venat.; or Aeon., asar., hell., kali, phos., puls., thuja. 86.-Am.-c., amn-rn., aur., ceuet., chin., lye., mere., p/wa.-a., plat., puts, thiae., or Ant.-t., coff., eon., cyeL, tpec., lohol., moach., rhua, rata, aeon., cabe.-e., cast., clent., asses-v., ol.-a., petrol., pheILb tax.? Asa-f. is indicated after Thuja, puls. Afterwards are suitable Caust., puls. ST.-Aeon., chain., chin., hep., Ipec., mere., puls., sep., strum., aur., graph., ign., valer., viol. BS.-Arn., cann., dig., spig. 89.-? 40.-A-sa-f., be?)., calc., chin., cupr., lach., merc., nsier.-ac., pu1s. nux-v., spig. Aur. is indicated after Bell., chin., puis. 41.-? 42.-See Annum. ICamph., coff., Jugbans Coff. Camphor. Bry.? veratr.? Hep., mere., puls. Ant.es Uantli. dote to Mrs., Jod., mnere., plumb. iWine increases the pains. Mfere., puls. Mere., corr.. nat-rn., nltr.-a. Large doses are antidoted by Kitchen Salt dissolved in water, and taken in large quantities; afterwards mucilaginous drinks are to be given. Camph., caps., ipec., ign., verat., and vinegar in large quantity. It antidotes Am.-c., chin., dic., ferr., ipee., seneg. Wine increases the pains. Of large doses, the Sesqui-oxyde of iron; the juice of the sugar cane, and h1oney water; the carbonate of potash and magas., shaken with oil-infusions of' astringent substances; large quantities of diluent drinks; op. Of small dlosLes, Camph., chin., chin.-suiph., fesv., hep. jod., ipee., amer-v., sasubuc., tab c., yes-atr. Ars. is used as an antidote of Garb.-v., chin., ferruim, graph., jodinin, ipecac., laches., mere., nux-v., veratr. Oil of turpentine.? rVinegar Gamph., chIna, canet., e~L it antidotes Mere., pWbs Gamph., vinegar, vegetable adds Golf. Asparagus is said to antiddbs GOXf Bell., chin., cnpr., mere..Anr. ans*tidotes Mere., spig. 24 -TABLES AND EXPLANATIONS. IRPIEMIEDES. PAGE. 43.-*Bar.-c.1, Baryta-ca)-bonicum (Hahnernannl). 351 44..*Bax.-m., Baryta-muriatica (Hering). 360 45*elBeladonnan Ha~hnemann). 361,46.-Benz.-ac, Beonzoic-acid(Jeanes).332 47.-.*Berb.v., JBerberis-vulgoarie. 384 48.-*Bism., Bismuthum (flIabnemann). 891 4iv.-*-Bor., Boraco (lalinemann). 393, bo.-*Bov, Bovista (Hartlaub and Trinks).400 51.-Branc., Brnca-ursina (Noack and Trtnks). 405 52.-Brom., Bromi~ne. 403 Bruc., Brucea-antidysenterica (Hering). See p. 253 53.-*Bry., Bryoseia-alba(Hahnemann). 412 SYNONYMS. ENGLISHI.-GERMAIN. Bary-ts-carbonas. Baryta3-murias. Atropa-beliadonna. Berberis-dumetorum. Bismuthi-subnitras. Borax-veneta, or Natrum-boracicum. Lycoperdon-bovista. Heraclium-sphondylinm. Bromium,ý or Marides. Ferruginea LlHer. Bryonia. 4.CaL, Caladinrn-seguinaum.I Caladinm, or Arum-segninum. 423 Carbonate of Barytes.--Kohien. satire Schwererde. Muriate of JBary-ta.-Kochsalz. satire Schwererde. Deadly Nightshade. - Toilkrsche. Flowers of Benzoin. - Benzoe Blumen. Barberry.-Berberrltze.,Nitrate of Bismuth.-Bismuth. Sub-borate of Soda.-Boraxs; ine Saizart. The Puff-BalL.-Bovist. Bear's Breech. Bromine.-Stinketoff. False Angnstnra.-Brucea-antldysenteri. White Bryony.-Zaunrebe. Poisonous Pedllveaux.-Giftlger Aron, Carbonate of Lime. - Kohiensatire Kaikerde. Oxide of Lime.-Aetz-]Kalk. Phosphate of Lime.-Phosphor. satire Kalkerde. Marigold.-Goldbinme; Itingei. blume. Camphor.-Kampfer. Indian Hemp. - Indlanisehei Hcatif. Hemp.-Hant. Spanish Fly. -Spanisohe Flile gen. Cayenne Pepper. - Spari~echez Pfeffer. Animal Chercoal.-Thlerkohle. Charcoal.-Holzkohlep. Croton Cascaniila.-Casoeriflo Castor.-BibergelL 55.--*Calc., Calca~rea-carboscica (Hahnemannl). 426 56.-Cale.-canet., Cal caresa- canstica (Noack and Trinks). 447 57.-Caic.-phos., Calcarsa-phosphorica. 450 53.-Calend., Calendula (Stapf ). 451 9-a~mpla, aphora (Habnemann'. 452 60.-Cano.-ap., Cannabinuna-apocynum. 453 61.-*LCaciza., Gan'aabis (fishnemanti). 458 62.---v*Ca~nth., Canctharis (Hartlaub and Trinks). 463 63.-*6Ccpa., Gapswuam (Hahnemaann). 470 64.-*Carb.-a.., ~Carbo-avisdsalise (Hahnemnian). 475 65.---C:Orb.-v., Carbo-vogetabiUs; Carbo-ligcd-fag.. (HahneMann). 481 06.-Casc., Cascarilia (Noack and Trinks). 492, 61.-Cast., Castoretim (Hartlaub and Trinks). 493 68.-*Caust., Causticum (Habnemann). 496 Calcis-carbonna. Calcium-oxidatom. Calcis-phosphas. Calendula-officinalis. Laurus-camphora. Cannabis-sativa. Melod-vesicatoriua. Capsicum-annum. Carbo-carnis. Carbo-1ignl-fag. Croton-cascarilla. Castoreum-sibiricum. 'fincture-acris sine Kall. Canstic.-Aetzstoff. '4 TABLES AND EXPLANATIONS. 25 COMPARE WITH. ANTIDOTES. -I 48.-Alum., bell., caic., caust., chai., chin., dule., lach., iago., mere., oats., phos., sep., sil., suiph., tart-e. Tart.-e. is suitable before and after Bar.-c. 44.-Bar.-carb. Ant.-chel., cic., dig., dulc., far., mur., hyos., lact., lauroc., op., spong. 46.-Acon., agar., alum., am., asn., ars., cur., bar., calc., cant h,, caust., chain., chin., cina, cojff, coloc., casn., cap., cupr., dig., dulc., fer., her., hyos., lach., merc., nitr.-a., op., phos., phos.-a., plat., plumb., puls., rhus, seneg., Sep., sil., strai., suiph., vales. Bell. is indicated after Hop., lach., mere.; phos., nitr.-ac. After Bell. are suitable Chtn., con., duic., hap., lach., rhus., saneg., strain., valer. 46.-? 42.-Aloe, ass., ass-f., calc., carb.-v., chai., chin., lye,, natr.i., nitr.-ac., nux-v., puls., rheum., tarax., tart-em. 48.-Calc., verat., zinc; or Ant.-c., caps., carb.-v., nux.-v., plumb.; or Cann., sntiph. 49.-Chai.., coff., mere., natr., puls., sulph. 50.-Bell., bry., carb.-a., carb.-v., kali, mere., puls., sep., sil, stron., verat. 61.-Aur., bor., lyc., plat., suiph., vinc.-i.-kreas. 52.-Arnnon., chior., jod. Angust.-vera, bell., chai., coff., nux-v., op., see., p0os., stram. 53.-Acon., alum., arn., ars., chaam., chin., clam., ign., lach., led., lyc., mere., mur.-ae,., nuc-v., op., phos., puts., rhus, squil., senag. Bry. is suitable after Acon., nux-v., op., rhus. After Bs-y. are indicated Alum., rhes. 64.-Caps., carb.-veg., chin., graph., igo., mere., nitr.-a., phos. 65.-Alum., snac., arn., ars., bar., bell., bism., chin., cupr., graph., kali, lyc., magnes., mere., nihr-a., nur--v., phos., puls., sap., sit., sutph., veret. Calc.-c. is indicated after Chin., cupr., nit.-a., suiph. After Celc.-c. are indicated Lyc., nitr.-a., phos., sit 66.-Calc.-earb. and ealo.-aeet. 5T.-Calc.-cerb. 68.-Arn., carb.-a. and veget., con., fer.-mur., led.. rhus, rut., sulph.-a., symp. 59.-Cant/., chain., cocc., byos., kali, lauroc., op., puls., rhus, stram., verat. 60.-? 61.-Arm., bry., canth., nux-v., op., petrol., pals., stann. 62.-Aeon., bell.. cemph., caun., caps., chin., coff., coloc., Iauroc., led., lyc., puls.. rhus, saneg., suiph., zinc. 03.-Arm., bell., calad., chin., cina, ign., nux-v., puls., veratr. 64.-Boy., cale., carb.-v., ign., ipec., mere., natr.-mur., rhod., set sil8 and the remedies which are snalagous to Cerb.-v. 66-mt.,' ems., cale., carb.-a., chin., coil., far., graph., kali, lach., lye., merc., natr., nux-v., sutph.-a., puls., rhod., sep., stram., zinc. Carb.-v. is indicated after Kali, lach., nux-v., sep. After Carbo-v. is indicated Ars., kali, mere., phoa.-a. 66.-Chin., nux-v., rhis, valar. 6T.-Anm., asa-f., cainph., chai., croc., op., valer., zinc. O3.-Amm., asa-f., bell., cale., chai., ceff., coloc., cupr., ign., lack., lye., mere., natr., nux-v., phos., phos.-ac., rhies, sep., atann., suiph., verst. Is indicated after Asa-f., cupr.,lsoh., sep. After Ceust are suitable Sep., stann. 2 Of large doses, the Sulphat. of soda or magnes. Cf small doses, Bell, camph., dule., mere. See Bar.-carb. The white of an egg is the best antidote of large doses. Black cotl., camph., hap., snlph., op., puls., vinum, zinc. BelL antidotes Aeon., cupr.., far., hyos., kali-chior., mere., plst., plumb. Cnmph. According to Buchnor, Berb, antidotes Aeon. Of small doses, Cale., caps., nux-v. Chai., coff. Camph. Camph. and all the acids. Lar e doses of Op., coff., vapors ofalcohol, of ammonia; camph. Of large doses, an infusion of the tincture of galls; of smaller doses, Chai., coff., op., tarab. Aeon., chai., nux-v. It antidotes Alum., rhus. The root of the plant against palsoning by the leaves. Caps. Camph., nitr.-ac., nitr.-sp., sulph. It antidotes BisnL, china, chinin., suiph., nitr.-ac. Bry., nux-v. Vinegar and coff. increases the effecta. Op., splr.-nitr.-dulcls, vinegar, wine. Coff. and alcohol Increase the effects, &c. Bry., chin., ipee. It antidotes Quinine. Of large doses, a few glssses of very sour Lemonade; of small, Camph. Camph., vinegar, and alcohoL Camph. Caps. antidotes Calad. and chin. Caiph., and ars., coff., lach. ASs., camph., coff., laeh., nltr.-sp. It antidotes Chin., lacl., meore vinun. Camph., op. Coff., coloo., nitr.-sp., flu-v. I I 26A TABLES AND EXPLANATIONS. REMDIS.SYNONYMS. ENGLISH.--GERMAN. PAGE. 69.-*Cham. Chamomilia (fishnemann). 508 'W.-Chel., Chelidonium (HEahnemann). 516 lI.-Chen., Chenopodii. 518 'r2.-*Chin., China-qfflicinalis (Hslmnemann). 519 'I3.-Ohin.-sulph Chlninumsuiphuricum (6Lartmanan). 532 74.-Chin.-hydro., Chininumhydrocyanicum. 5388 l5.-Chin.-mur., Chi-ninum-muiriaticum. 539 76.-*Cic., Cicuta-virosa (flabnemann). 539 'fl.-Cim.-lect., Cimex-lectularius. 5,42 '7S..5Cin., Cina (Hahuemana). 54:4 79.-Cinch.-sulp., Cinchoninumsuiphuricum. 54S 80.-*Cinnab., Cinuaharis (]Elabnemaun). 551 81.-Ginnam., Cinnamionum. 552 82.-*Cist., Cistus-canadensis. 553 83.-Citr., Citri-succus. 554, 84.....*Clem., Ciematis-erecta (Hahuemann). 554, 655-Coccion., Coccionella. 557 86.-*Coc., Cocculu-e (fihnermann). 657 Matricaria-chamomilla. Chelidonium-meju.q Chenopodii-glauci-aphls. Ctincona. Cicuta. Artemisia-judalca; Artemisiasantonics. Hydrargyrl-snlphuretum-rtibruin. Common Chamomile. - Feldkamille. Great Celandlne.-Schdllkraut. Chenopod.-album. - Gemeiner Gansefuss. Peruvian Bark.-China. Sulphate of Quinine.-Schwefei. saures Chiuin. Hydrocianate of Quinine.Blausaures Chinin. Ilyclochiorate of Quinine. Salzsaisres Chinin. Water Hemlock. - WAsser. Schierling. Common Iled-bug.-Wanze. Mugwort of Judna. -CinasamenC. Sulphate of Cinchonine. -- Schwefelsaircer.Chichon~in. Red Sulphur of Mercury.-Zinnoher. Cinnamon.-Zimmt. Rock Rose.-Stein-Rose. Lemon Juice.-Zitronensaft. Upright Virgin's Bower.-Brennwaidrebe. Cochipeal.-Sonnenkiifer. Indian Cockel.-Kockelsamen. Common Horse-Radish. - Goroelner Meerrettig. Raw Coffee.-Kaifee. Meadow Saifaron.-Herbst Zeit. lose. Bitter Cucumber.-Coloquinten Gurke. Common Hemlock. - Fleckenschierling. Bind-Weed.-Ackerwinde. Balsam of Copaiva.-Copaivar balsa~m. Red Coral.-Rothe Korallen. Saffron.-Saffrau. Rattlesnake Poison.-K-lapperschiangenggift. Purging Cro~ton.-Purgloeroton. Cocc. -septempnnctata. Cocculus; Superosus. pernum-cocculus.) (Menils S7.-Coch., Cochlesres. 56-3 Coch.-armoraci-a. 88.&.*Ceff.,Ceffea-cruda(Stapf). Coffes-Arabica..564 89.-Colch., Colchicum. 56S I Colchidnm-aotumnale. 90.-*Celec., Celecynthis (Hahnemaun). 1571 91.-*Cen., Conium (Hahnemann). 6T56 Cuciumis-colocynthis. Conium-maculatum. - 92.-Cony., Convolvulus. 586 Conv.-arvensis. 98.....*Cop., Copaivee-halsamum Copaiha. (Hahneiuann). 5S6 94.-Coral., Corallia. 588 Corallia-rubra. 95.-*Croc., Crocus (Stapf). 589 Crocus-sativus. 96.-Clrotal., Crotalus (Flering). Crotalus-horridus. 593 9T.-Crot., Croton. 697 Croton-tigliuco. TABLES AND EX3PLANATIONS* 27 COMPARE- WITH. ANTIOTES. 69.-Aeon., glum., ambr., arm., ars., bar., bell., bor., dry.,J oomph., caps., caust., chin., cina, cocc., cuff., coloc., fer., graph., hell., hep.,7 hyos., ign., ipec., kall, led., lyc., mugn., magn.-mur., cinrc., flux-v.., -petr., phospli., puts., rheurn, rhus, sass., sep., strain., suiph. 'l0.-Thuja, nitr.-ac., sulph.-a., op., helleb. 71.-? 72.-Am., am., ars., asa-f., bar., bell., bry., calc., caps., curb.-v., chain., chin., cino, cupr., dig., fer., graph., hell., hep.-snflph., jed., ipee., lach., lyc., mierc., muir.-a., notr.,.nutr.-in., nux-v., phesp., phosp.-a., puts., rhus, samli., Sep., 8ll., Stan., suiph., thuj., verat. OlCin. is indicated after Arm., ars., ipec., mere., pheap.-a. verat. After Chin., tArs., bell., carb.-v., puls., verat. '18.-Am.-muer., ang., ant-tart., aran., amn., ars., bell, bism., cast., chain., coff., di,-., igo., ipec., merc., mosoli., nux-m., mix-v., op., pbos., puls., sulph., -vinurn, chin. '14.ý-See Chinmn.-sulph. 765.-.? '16.-Amn., con., 'lach., lye., merc., op., puls., thuja, verat. Cic. is indicated after Lach. '18.-Am., amn., ars., bell., bry., calc., caps., chain., chin., fer., hep.-s., ign., ipec.. nitr.-a., oleand., pbosp., sabad., sil. '19.-See Chin. and quinine. 80.-Mere., suijph., nitr.-a., thuja. 82.-Bell., carb.-v., plies. 8.3.-? 84.-A 'rs., bell., bry., canth., caps., caust, con., merc., rhus, sil., suip. 85.-Bell., chain., nux-v., puts., rhus, st~aph.,. thuja, and Anarc., bry., chin., byes., merc. 86.-Ant-c.,urs. carb.-. chaon., eqifi, colch., cupr., ign., ipec., jod., laur., inerc., mooch., natr.-m., nitr., nu--b-v., olean., puls., rhuss, sabin., sass., spong., strain., tarax., tart.-em., vAler., verat. Cece. is indicated after Ipec. 87.-Alum., cantli., caps., rhus. 88.-Acon., ugar., am-rn., angust., ant.-c., urs., asa-f., bell., bry., cantli., earb.-v., caust., chum., coce., col., con., di-g., egos., jed., kali, lauiroc., mang., mere., nuxe-v., op., plios., plies-ac., puls., rhus, sep., suiph., valer., verat. 89.-Aeon., ars., chin., cocc., mere., natr.-mur., nux-v., op., puts., sep. 90.-Amn., belt., cantli., caust., chum., coff., dig., staph., verat. 97-mass-f., bell., calc.-c., coff., dig., dule., ferr., graph., j ed., lye., mugn.-mus-., mang., merc., moscli., ositr.-ae., nux-m., nux-u., op., phos., plies-a., plumb., puts., rhus, ruts, sabad., sassap., sep., staph., suip., sulp.-a., tarax., teucr., valer., zinc. 92. -? 98.-Cebeb., merc., tereb. 94.-Cale.-carb. 95.-7Aeon., bell., cmust., ignat., lach., magn., moseb., magn.p.-arct., op., plot., staun., tart.-em. 96.-Loch, and the analogous remedies. O7.--Jatrop.-cur., eupliorb.? tart.-em., and Bell., coloc., rhus, verat. Aeon-, cocc., coil'., lgn., nux-v., puls. Acon. relieves the tearing and drawing pains. Cleam. antidotes CofL, nux-v. Camph. Mrn., urs., bell., cabe., caps., csarb.-v., for., ipee., mnore., natr., nstr.-mur., puts., nse-u-., sep., sutph., ye-at., Cina. Selen. aggravates the pains occasioned by China. Of large doses, Fer. See Chiusin.-sulpl. Mrn., tahac. It antidotes op. Bry., chin., byes., 1pec See Chin, and quinine. Nitr.-a., chin., op., sulph.. It antidotes Euphor. and strain Bry. for the toothachie caused býy Clem. Camph. Campb., nux-v. It antidotes Chain., cuprum., ignat., inux-v. ' Aeon.' From the abuse of Coffee, Chum., igos., mere., nux-vom.. sulpli. Coff. antidotes Psorin. Of large doses, Vinegar and honey. or 6 to 8 drops Caust.-am. to one pint of water with sugar. Small doses, Coc., nux-v., pu61s. Campli., caust chum., ceff. staph. It antidotes (ýaust. Coff., nitr.-sptr. It antidotes siltr.. ac. Merc., merc-corr Culc.-curb. -Aeon., bell., op. Pliosph. See the antidotes of Lach. IIt antidotes Plumb.? 28 TABLES' AND EXPLANATIONS. REMEDIES. SYNONYMS. ENGLISH.-GERMA". PAGE. 95.-Cub., Cubebse (Noack andl Trinks). 601 99.-.*Cupr., Cuprum (llahneMann). (601 1OO.-*C~upr.-acet., Cuprum-aceticum. (Noack and Trinks). 606 101.-Cupr.-carb., Cuprum-u rbonicum. 609 102.-Cupr.-ars., Cuprum-arsenicosum. 610 103.-Cupr.-snlph., C-uprum-sulphuricuin. 610 104.-Cyc., Cyclamnen (Hlahnemann). 611 10O.-Daph., Daphne-indica 614 106.-~*Mlez., Mezereurn. 615 lOT.-Diad., Diadema. 621 lOS.-Diet., Dick~amnus. 621 mann). 6,22 I10O.-Dracontium-fceflldus. 627 I1l.-*Dros., Drosera (Hahnemasmn). 627 112.-s Duic., Dulcarnara (H-ahnemaun). 621 113.-Elat., Elaterium (Matthews). se 6:36 Electricity, seIsnpondcrahi/ia. 706 iN4-Lag., Eugenia-jambos. 6106 115.-Eupat., Eupaturium (William-son). 6:37 116.-Euphor., E uphorbitni (Hahnemann). 641 117.-*Etaphr.,B'uph~rasia (H-ahnemann). 64,2 1.-vnEvonymus. 64 3' 119.-5 Fer., Ferrwin. (N'Oacklfflal Trinks). 646 120.-*For.-acct., Ferrum-ataoticumn (Hahnemann). 6416 121.-Fer.-caqrb., Ferrom-carbonicum (Noack and Trinks). 6150 122.-Fer.-iod., Ferrssm-lodatum3 (Nioack and Trinks). 6350 123.-Fer.-mfagOn Fcr'vrum-ma.(neticuin. 0 6-50 124.-Fcr.-mfur., Ferrum-muriaticura. 6.52 125.-Fer.-sulph., Fcrrum-sulphuricum. 6 52) 126.--0F11.-'fl., Filix-mas (Noack and Trinks). 6521 l27.-Flulor.-ac., Fluoric-acid (Hering). 653 128.-Ps-ag., Fraga-ria-vesca. 6.57 Galvanism. See Imponderabilia. 706 129.-Gent., Gentiana. 65S Piper-cubebs. Cupriim-metallionna. Cubebs.-Kubebenpfeffer. Copper.-Kupfer. IAcetate of Copp er.-Grin span. Cuprum-oxydatum-arsenicoSUM. Sulphas-cupricus-c.; Aqua. Cyclamen-Earopoaum. Daphne-mezereunms Aranea-diademna. Dictamnus-albus. Digitalis-purpurea. Dracont.-fcet. Drosera-rotundifolla. Solanum-dulcamara. MNomordica-elatertum. Jambos. Eupatorium-ierfoliatiun Euphorbluim-officlnaruns E up hrasia- ofMcin alis. Evonymiis-Europssus. Ferrum-snetallicuni Fcrrum-aceticum-o~xydatum. iierrum-oxydulatum-carbonlcorn. Ferrum-hydlrolodicum-oxydulaturn. Lapis-magneticus. Ferruru-ruriaticurn-rubrsam. Fcrrurn-oxydulaturn-sulphuriCUns. Aspidiurn-filix-mas. Acidurn-fluoricurn. Carbonate of Copper.-Kohiensans-es Knpferoxyd. Arsenite of Copp er.-Arsenik. saurcs Kupferoxyd, or ScheePa Grau. Sulphate of Copper. - Rteiner Kapfer -Vitriol. Sow-Brea~d.---Schweliaebrot. Indian Daphne.-Indischer Sal. delbast. Mezercon. - Gemeiner Keller. hals. Papal Cross Spider. - K~reuz. epinne. White Dittany. Fox-Glove.-R-lother Fingerhiat. Skunk's 'Cabbage. Sun-Dew.-Sonnenthan. B1 tter- Sweet. -Bi ttersdss. Wild Cucumber.-E selegurke. Malab~ar Plum-.Tree. - Wilder Jainhos. llone-Set.-Wasserdost. Spurge.-Wolfamilch. Eye-bright.-Augentrost. Spindle Tree. -Pfaffenhdtchen. Metallic Iron.-Eisen. Acetate of Iron. - Essigsaures Eisen. Carbonate of Iron.-Elsensafren. Iodide of Iron.-Iodeisen. Loads tonc. -Magnets teln. Muriate of Iron.-Rothes Salz. saures Elsenoxyd. Sulphate of lron.-EieenvltrioL Male Fern.-Farren. Fluoric-Acid.-Flues-spatsiiure. Common Strawberry. - Erdbecre. GeTitlana-cruclata. Gentana-naclta.Crosswort Gentlian.-Bitterwurr. TABLES AND EXPLANATIONS. 29 COMPARE WITH. ANTIEDOTES. 98.-Caps., cop., tereb. 99.-Agn., am.-c., aur., bell., calc., chin., cocc., dros., dube., hep., hyos., jod., spec., merc., nux-v., puds., rhus, ruta, samb., spong., suip., verat. Csapr. is indicated after Verat. After Cupr. are Indicatud Calc.-c., verat. 100.-See Cupr.-met. 101.-See Cupr.-mel. 102.-See Cupr.-rInet. 103.-See Cupr.-met. 104.-Arn., asa-f., chin., magn.-mur., nux-v., pails., rhus, sll. 105.-See Dapline-mezereum. 100.-Ambr., eanth., caps., chain., ouphor., hell., hyos., ign., merc., 7aitr.-a., staph., verat., zinc. lOT.-? 10S.-Angust.? artem., ruts. 10t1.-Ars., bell., chin., coll., coich., con., hell., hyos., mere., n~ax-v., op., petr., puls., spig., sulph.-ae. 110.-? 111.-Aeon., alum., amm., bry., Chis., eupr., hep., hyos., ipec., nitr., uux-v., puls., rhns, sep., sil., epong., squiills, verat. 112. -Acon., ars, bell., bry., eon., cupr., Opec., lach., mea-c., nux-v., phosp., rhu-s, suiph. 113.-? 114.-Opium. 115.-Amn., chain., mere. natr.-mur. rhus, tart.-em. It alternates well with Natr.-mur. in intermittent fevers. 116.-Bell., mere., mezer., nitr.-ac. 'Euphorb. is indicatedI after Bell., mnere., nitr.-ae. 117.-Arn., mere., nux-v., puls., seneg., spig. 118.-Plans., spig., thuja. 119.-See Ferrum-acel. 120.-Am., ems., hell., ealc.-c., carb.-v., chin., chain., eisa, eon., graph., hoep., ipec., led., mere., mur.-mag., natr.-mur., nux-vj. plat., plumb., pails., sep., thuja, vemat., verb. 121.-See Ferr.-acet. 122.-See Fe".-acet. 128.-See Fe"-.-ccet. 124.-See Ferr.-acet.Er 125.-See Ferr.-acet. 126.-? lOpium. Of large doses, the white of an egg, or nmilk, or wheat flour, or a solution of sug-ar. Of small doses, Bell., cale.-e., chin., coce., duic., hep.-sulp., ipee., inerc.-corr., nuxV., rhus., suiph., &c. See Cups.--mel. See Cupr.-met. See Cupr.-met. See Cupr.-met. Peals. Bry., dig., rhus, siL, s~ep., zi no. Vinegar, eamph., mere. It anti. dotes Mlere., nitr.-ac. Mere. Of large doses, Vegetable acids, vinegar, eainph. Of small doses, Nux. V., op. Oamph. Camph., ipec., mere. It antidotes Cupr. Coffee. Camph., citri-sne. Camph., peals. See Fer-aum-cceg. Amn., ars., bell., chin., hep., ipec., mere., pails., verat. Iron antidotes Copper. lee Fers-.-acet. lee Ferm.-acet. l6ee Ferm.-acet. lee Ferr.-acet.. lee Ferm.-acet. Cainph. 129.-Rhenns, tarax. so TABLES AND) EXPLANATIONS. REMdEDIES. SYNONYMSb ENGLISH.-GERM"N. PAGE. 180.-Gent.-lot., Gentiana-lutetia. 659 11-isGinseng. 660 1 132.-Grass., Granatum. 6611 l83.-*Graph., Graphites (Hah-I nemaun). 363 134.*Grat., Gratlola. 6711 135.-Guaj., Goajacum (HalineMann). 674 136.-Gutt., Gummil-gutti. 676 137.-*1Thematox., Ilematoxy-' lum. 679, 18S.-*Hell., flclleberus (Hahnemann). 680 189.-*Hep., Hepar-s-ulphuris (llahnemann). 683 Heracleum-sphondilllnm. See Branca-ursina. 40.5 140.-Hlydr., Hydrocianic-acid (ilartlaub and Trinks). 690 141.-*H-yos., Hyesciamus (Flabnemaun). 692 1-42.-Hyper-per., Hypericum (Noack and Trinks). 697 148.-*Ig-n., Ignatia (Hahnemann). 699 144-Anis., Illiclumn-anisatumn. 706 145.-Elee., IMPOINDERABILIA: a. Electricity. 706 b. Galvanism. 708 1. Magnetismus (HahueMann). 710 2. Magn.-p.-arct., M~agnetispolus-articos (Hahnemann). 713 3. Msagn.-p.-anst., Magnetispoius-australis (HlahueMann). 715 146.-lud, Indigo (Noack and Trlnks). 718 14T.-*I., Ipecacuanha'(Habnemgnn) 722 148.-0Jal., Jalapa (Noack and Trlnks). 725 149.-Jatr., Jatropha-curcas (Hahnemann). 725 15O.-Jod., Jodium (Halinemann). 726 Radix-ginseng. Punica-granatum. Pluinhago. Gratiola-offielnalis. Guajacum-officinale. Gutta-gamba. Hs3matoxylum-campechianum. "Eellebores-nlgee. Hepar-sulphurls,calcereum. Acidum-b~orusslcnmm ilyosciamus-niger. Hypericum-perfollatum. Ignatia-amara. Semen-aniffl-stellatL. Magnes-artlllelales Indlgofera-tinctorla. -onvolv-ulus-jalapa. Semina-ricinI-majoris. Jodum; jodina. Gentiana-Lutea.lPinfbittrige KraftwnrzeL. Bark fr-om the rent of th. Pomeg-ranate Tree. Black Lead.-Reisblie Hedge Hyssop. - Gottes Gnadenkraut. Resin of Guajacum. - Guajakgoummi. Gamboge.-Mangostana; Morella-Gaerte. Logwood.-We~st-Blntholz,. Christmas Rose. - SchwarzO Nlesswvurz. Sulphuret of Llme.-Sehwefelleber. Prosaic Acid.- Blau-Siure. Black Henbane.-Bilsenkrant. Perforated St. John's WorkHexenkraut. St. Ignatius' Bean. - IgnatX Bohne. The Seed Badlan. - Sternanis. samen. Northi Pole of the'Magnet. South Pole of the'Magnet. Indigo Plant- Indigo. Ipececuanha.-BfeehwurseL Jalap.-Sohwarze Jalapa. Barhadoes, Nut. - Barbado' Nuss. Iodlne.-Jodlne. TABLES AND EXPLANATIONS* 9i COMPA-RE WITHI. ANTIDOTES. I 180.- -?-4. 131.-Cannabis. 132.-Amr8.? jod.? filix-rn., chin. 133.-Aeon., agar., ambr., am.-c., ars., asar., bell., bry.,I calad., caic., earb.-v., chain., chin., con., guaj., hep., hyos., kali, lye., mag-n.-c., magn.-mur., mere., nitr.-ac., nux-v., phosph., puls., rhus, sabin., selen., sep., siL., suip. Graph. is suitable after Lye. 134.-Bell, dig., euphorb., nux-v. 135.- Graph., merc., flux-v.; also Antim., suiph. t.36.-CoL, cop.? subi. 137.-Merc. 133.-Ars., bell., br-p., chain., chin., dig., ignat., op., par., phos., see.-c., stann., strain., verat. It is indicated after Bell., chin., bry. 1399.-Am.-e., ant.-e., amn., ers., bell., bry., c/tam., chin., cin., eupr., dros., ferr., od.,laeh., mere., nitr.-ae., plumb., spong., sil., Zinc:'Rep"-s. is suitable after Bell., lach., sil., spong., zinc. Afterwards are indicated Bell., merc., nltr.-ac., spong., sli. 140.-Lauroc., inur.-ac., op. 14t.-Acon., ant.-c., amn., bell., carnph., eaust., carb.-a., carb.v., chain., chin., eupr., dig., dros8., g.,raph., igo.,- lach., led., inagnýniur., nux-v., op., phos., plat., plumb., puls., ruin, sab., sop., spig., squil., strain., verat. 142.-Agar., coec. 143.-Alum., am., ars., bell., calad., cabc-c.,. caps., eauset., eham., chin., coec., eoj/, cr00., hell., hyos., ipee., magn., manet-p.-arc., magn.-p.-aust., mezer., moach., natr.-mur., nux-moach., nuxz-v., par., phos., phos.-ac., puts., ranunc., rhus,,mute, sahad., sec.-c., sep., sil., spong., stann., staph., suiph., teucr.,, tart.-em., val., verat., zine. 144.-? 145.--? Bell., croc., elec., fer., inaag., gabv., ign., lyc., meg-,n.p.-arct., mag'n.-p.-ausetr., nux-v., petrol., pals., strain., sab., teucr., zinc. Z See Mag-net.-art. 8. See Afagnet.-p.-eret. 146.-Ign., lyc., nux-v., tongo. 141.-Aeon., alum., ambr., ern., ars.. bell., cabe., canth., carb.-v..,.,caust., chrem., chin., emsa, eocc., cro0., eupe., dros., dubc., fern., ig-n., laumoc., lyc., nuxz-v., op., phosob., puls., sabin.. sep., sulph., tab., tart., veratr. Ipec. is suitable after Acon., amn., ars., verat. After Ipec. are suitable Amn., ars., chin., coec., ign., nux-v. 149.-Oroton OIL 150.-Ars caust, chin., cocc., coff., con., cupr., dig., hap.-s., Mmere,, plosph-., rhus, sabin., spong., squil., isulph., verat. Camph. Ars., nux-v., vInum. Graph. anti. dotes Ars. Camph.? Grat. antidotes Joel. Rali-c., op., coff., vegetable acidi (Jamph. Oamph., chin. BelL, chain. against the colic- and diarrhoea. Vinegar. Amns..c., coff., camphL, Ipec., op. Vinegar, bell., campb., c&i& Mesmerism. Pubs., chain.; sometimes by (bee.,, amn., campli., vinegar. Electm., Ign., zinc. See Magnet.-art. See Magnet.-p.-arct. Camph.? op.? Of large doses, Tincture of Galls. Of small, Ar-o., ars., chin., nux-v.Ipecac. antidotes Alum., ant., tart., ars., chain., chin., cnpr., dule., terr., lauroc., op., tab. Caoph'.? OL.-croton., cazoph. Of large doses, Boiled starch; oT sugar-water, milk, tepid baths,, mipvies baths, mere., an -d Arm, ep,., hyos. Of asmall doses, Ant., ars., easuph., shin., saiph., ces., hop-s., phosph., opong. Jo'd. is useful after or in alternation with Wore. 32 TABLE S AND EXPLANATIONS. R~iI~rS.SYNTONYMS. ENGLISH.-GEIRMAN. PAGE. W51.--Jufc., Juncus. 732, 152.-Kali-blclir., Rali-hicliromlcum. 783 15.-Kal.-brom., Kall-bromatom. 733 I64.-*KaI.-carb., Kali-carbonicum (Hah~nemann). 73O,9 155.-KaL-chL, Kali-chlorlcnn'. 74S 166.-Kal.-hyd., Kali-hydriodicum (Noaclr and Trlnks). 730 1-57..-*Kall-nitr., Nilirum (Hahnemanan). 7533 133-Kam-lt.,Knimia-latifolia (Hering). 736 159.-*K~rea~s., IKreasoturn. 758 Ji uncus-effusus. Bromuretumn-potassicflm. Potasse-carbonas. Potasse-jodidum. Nitram; Kali-nitrioum. Krcasotum. I 160.-*Lach., Lachesis (Her- Trigonocephalus-lachesis. ing). 7631 181.-Lact., Lactuca. 776 162.-Lam.-alb., Lamiuna-album. 7719 163.-*Lauir., Laurocerasus (Hartlaub and Trinks). 730 164.-Amygd.-arOar., AmyqdalaS amarsa (Noack and Trinks). 784 165.-~*Led., Ledum (Hahinemann). 785 Lactuca-virosa. Lamlum-follosum. Prunus-laurocerasus. Anaygdalus-comtannis. Ledum-palustre. Flowering Rlush.-Flatter Binse. Bichromate of Potash. Hydrobomate, of Potash.Brom. Subcarbonate of Potash.-Gewdchs Laungensnlz. Chlorate, of Potash.-Knallsalz. Hydriodate of Potash.-Chlorsaure.s Kali. Nitrate of Potash.- Salpeter. Laurel; Spoonwood. Kreosote.-Kreoisot. Lachesis. - Lachesisschlangengift. Poisonous Lettuce. Dead Nettle. - Weleshlenen. sang. Cherry Laurel.-Klirsohlorbeer. Gemeiner Mandelbaum. Marsh Tea.-Sumpfporst. Scarlet Lobelia. - Rothe Cardinaisbiume. Indian Tobacco. - LobellenKraut. Common Hop.-Gemeiner Hop. fen. Wolf'Is Foot.-BObrlap'p. Carbonate of Magnesia-Bittorisaizerde. Murmate of Magnesia. - Koch* saizeaure Bittererde. Sulphate of Magnesla.-Schwe'. felsaure Bittererde. 166.-L~ob.-c., Lobelia-cardinillis (Dubs). 789 167.-Lob.-inf., Lobelia-inflata (Jeanes). 1789 168.-Lup., Lupolus. 790 169.-*Lyc., Lycopodiusn (Hahnemauna). 791 170.-*Magn.-.c., Magnesse-cerbonice (Hlahnemann). 801 Lycopodium-clavatum. Magnesia-alba. JT1L-*Mag-n.-m., Magnesia- IMagnesia-salita. murietice (Habuemaun). 806 1 I 172.-Magn.-sulPh., Magnesia- Sulphas-magneste snlphurica (Hartlaub and frluks). 811 I TABLES AND EXPLANATIONS. 88 COMPARE WIT11. ANTIOTES. - I 154-Am.-c., am.-r., ars., boy., bry., caust., calc.-c., camph., carb.-v., chain., chin., coO'., graph., laur., lyc., magn.-e., mangan., natr.-m., nitr.-a., nitr.-sp., flux-v., par., phosph., PulS., rhus, sahad staph, sil., snip., tarax., viol.-nd. iKal.c. is suitahle after ~y. natr.-m., nitr.-a. Afterwards Garb.v., phosph., and the remedies which are analogous to the latter. 155.-Am.-c., si-n., bell., calc.-c., cocc., kali-c., kali-hyd., natr.-m., nitr. 156.-Jodium. 15't.-Am.-c., amn., caic., coec., kal.-c., natr.-m., nitr.-a., 2aitr.8p. 158.-? 169.-Phoaph., minr., and suiph.-ac., nitr.-a., ems., calc.-c., chin., chinin.-suip., cocc., ipec., jed., kali-hyd., mere., nuxv., petr., phesp., puls., rhusa, sec.-c., sil., suiph. 1GO.-Alum., era., tell., bry., caps., cart.-v., caust., chain., chin., cocc., eon., duic., hey., hiyos., lyc., mere., iealr.-m., uitr.-ac., nuif-in., nux-e., phes.-a., puls., rhus, semb., seien., snip., verat. Is suitable after Ars., con., hep., lyc., mnere., nitr.-a., nux-v. Afterwards Alum., era., bell.. carb.v., canaL., con., duic., mere., nux-v., phos.-ac. 161.-Am.-c, ama., carb.-v., con., cupr., dig., hyos., ipec., lach., lyc., mere.-s., nux-v., seneg., &c. 162. -Gale.-c., chin., ferr., puls., sabin., sec.-c., snip. 163.-Am.-c., cantli., chin., coec coff, hydr.-ac., ipec., kelie., lach., mere., nux-v., op., ilaosI ec.-c., spig., vemat. 164.-? Anam.-c. Camph., coO'., nitr.-sp. Of small doses, Pals., bell Compare Jad. Of small doses, An.. Mn., ara., chin., mere., rhos, snip., valer. Nitr.-sp. Camph. increases the pains. Chin.? ars.? ipec.? coce.? Aown, nux-v. Alom, ems., bell., chain., caps., chin., coce., hep., mere., natr.-ui., nuxin., nux-v., phos.-e., rhus, samb., verat. For the bite of the Serpent, Ars., tell., caps., natr.-m., samb. Vegetahle acids and ecoffee. Of largee strong( smallidc 165.-Ama., bell., try., canth., chain., chin., ferr., jodt, kali- Camph. hyd., lye., mere., mix-v., phoaph., phos.-ac., puls., shod., rhus, sep., snip., thuja. Ledl. is indicated after Lyc. A-fter Led. are suitable Chin., sep. 166.-?? 16T.-Ac.-hydr., ars., asar., coce., lA'os., ipee., act.-v., laur., Camph.,I strain., tahac.; also Alum., ant.-c., and tart., eon., erot., dig., jod., mere.-sob., mezer., nux-v., phos., spoug., verat,, zinc. 168.-Bell., eann.. coec., hyos., ipee., laet.-v., lauroc., led., Coffee.? nux-v., strain. 169.-Ambir., am.-c., am.-m., ems., bar., try., eale.-e., eanth., Cemph., caps., carb.-v., caust., chain., chin., cie., eon., graph., ipee., coffee. led.., mag., magn.-p.-arct., meg-in., mang., mere., mur.-a., natr., natr.-m., nilr.-ee., nnx-v., pelr., plat., phesp., phus.ac., puts., rhod., rhus, sep., sit., spig., staph., suiph., thuja, verat. Lycop. is suitable after Gale., silic. After Lye., Graph., led., phos., puls., sib. 170.-Aeon., ars., bar., bell., bry., eale.-e., earb.-a., carb.-v., Ghain., pcaust., chain., eon., croc., eyeb., ferr., graph., hyos., jod., kali-e., lye., mags. in., nitr.-a.., nnx-v., nux-in., petrol., phos., plat,, plumb., rhus, sil., syig., apong., squil., staph., snip., sulph.-a., verat. 171.-Aeon., ems., bar., bell., tryi., eale.--e., carb.-a., earb.-v., Ars., cbsj caust., chain., eon., eyeb., form., graph., hyos., kali-c., lye., mago., magss.-s-ulph., nitr.-a., nux-v., nux-mn., petrol., plat., plumb., pnis., rhus, sib., spig., staph., squil., suiph., sniph.a., vemat. 172.-Galc.-camb., chin., mag.-m., nux-v., puls., sniph. Gampb. I. 2* doses, Am.-c., soap-wr~te coffee, milk, tarl.-em. o,oses, Gampb., colt, ipee., op. Ipec., laur., strain., tabso. lyc., Puail., Caust., cup of nia., rnero.-sol, mix-v. 34 TABLES AND) EXPLANATIONS. RIEMEDIES. PAGE. 178.-*Mfarg., Mangascum Hahuemnaun). 812 174.-Mony., Menyanthes (llahnemann). sit 1758-Meph., Mephitis. 720 176.-M- ercurial., Mcrcurialisperennle). 801 *3Lerc., Mercurius (Hahunemann). 824 flT.-*YKesc.-g., Mercurius-solubilis Halinemanni. 824 1TS.-Merc.-j., 3Mercurius-jodatu~s. 836 179.-*MJerc..,v., Mercurius-vi%rue. 8.39 ISO.-llerc.-ac., Mercusriu~s-acetic"s.82401 1 81.-Merc. -prcecip. -rueb., 8Iercurius-prcacipi tat usa-ru er. 8-10 182.-*Mlerc.-subL.-corr., Hercurius- sub livmatus-corros iVUS. 841 1843.-Mlere.-dutc., Mercurusduicis. 8413 184.-Divers I'lfercurial Preparatio-ns. 844 185.-Millef., Mlillefolium (Hartlaub and Trinks). 88,0 188.-Mos., Moschus (Hahnemanin). 851 187.-Mur.-pur., Murex (Petroz). 854, 188.~*isr... Muriatsc-acid (Hahnemann). a851 189.-*Natr.-carb., Nat rum-carbossicuma (llahnemnann). 859 190.- N-atr.-m., Natrum-musiaticum (Hahnemann). 86-6 191.-Igatr.-nit., Natrum-nitricnm. 878 192.-Nlatr.-sulph., Natrum-sulphnrlcum. 876 393.-Nice., Niccolum (Hartlatis and Trinks). 878 194.----*Nitr.-ac., Nitri-acidum (Hahuemanu). 881 195.-Nitrou-s-acsd (Noack and Trinks). 889 196.-Nitri-spiritus-dulcis (Noa-.k and Trinks). 889 197.-Nux-jug., Nux-juglans. 890 -198.-Nnx-m., Nax-mposchata (Hfelbig). 892 SYNONYMS. Manganesii-oxydurn Trifolium-fibrinum. Mephitis-putorius. Hydrargyrum. Hydrargyum-oxydnlstum-nigrnrn Hydrargyrum-jodatum. Hydrargyrum-metallicum. Hydrargyrum-aceticum. Hydrargyrum-oxydatnm-rub ruin. l-ydrargy-rum-murlaticum-corrosivuin. Hydrargyrum-muriatlcusn-oxydnlatu~m. Achillea-millefolium. Moschus-verus. Murex-purpurea. &cIdum-hydrochlorlcums Sodie-carbonas. Sodii-chloreturn. SBodoe-nitras. Sodoe-suiphas. Niccolum-carboniciass. Aciduna-azotlcum. Aclduin-nitrosum. Spiritus-nitri-dulcts Juglans-regia. Myristics E-NGLISHE.-GERMAN.e Manganese.- Braunstein. Buck Bean.-Bitterklee. The Sknnk.-Stinkthier. Dog's Mercury. Mercnry. - Schwarzes Quecksilber. Mercury Solubills. - Hahnemann's anflosliches Queckeil-. her. Protiodide of Mercury. Qnicksilver.-Laufeudes Queck. silber. Acetas Mercurii. - Essigsaures Quecksilber. Red Uxyde of Mercury.-Rother Prdcipitat. Corrosive Snhlimate.-Aetzsublimat. Calomel.-Fersiisstes Quecksll. ber. Milfoll; Yarrow.-Schafgarbe. Musk.-Moschus. Purple Shell-Fish. - Purpurmuschel. Muriatic-acid.-Kothsalzs~.nre. Carbonate of Soda.-Minersll. aches Langeusalz. 3luriate of Soda.-Kochsalz. Nitrate of Soda.-Salpetersau. res Natrum. Sulphate of Soda. Nickel.-Nickel. Nitrlc-acidk-Salpeterslure. Nltrous-acld.-Salpetrlge SaRum Nitrous Ether.-Salpeternaph. ta. European Walnut. - Europil. sche Walnuss. Nutmog.-Muskatnusa TABLES AND EXPLANATIONS. 35 COMPARE WITH. 178.-Am.-c., ain.-m., calc.-c., coff., con., kall-c., lyc., plat., puls., sabad., sassap., thuja, verat. 174.-Acon., chin., oux-v., verst. 175.-? &con., am., ain-inur., ant., arg., am., ars., asa-f., arum., bar., bell., bov., bry., talc., calad., carb.-a., carb.-n.. caust., chain., chin., cicot., cleni., Cco., coji., cole/i., tori., cupr., dig., dule., euphor., euphr., fer., graph., guaj., hep., jod., lath., lauroc., led., lye., mez., inago., natr., nitr.-ac., nux-.v., op., phosph., phosph.-ac., puls., rhus, sab., sossap., selen., sep., sil., slaphys., spong., strain., stron., suiph., thuj., valer., verat., vlol.-tr. Mercury is suitable after Bell., hep.-s., lath. After Mere. are indicated Bell., chin., duic., hep., loch., nltr.-ac., sep., sulph. ITT.-See Mercurius. 178.--See Mercurlus. 179.-See Mert. 180.-See Meret. 181.-See Meret. 182.-See Meraurins. 18.SeMerturius. 184.-? 186.-Ass-rf., belL, cacuph., chin., coca., MEf con., trot., hyos., igo., laur., nux-in., nux-v., op., phos., plat., pius., strain. I88.-Ars., sue.? bell., bry., talc., chin., lyt., nstr.-m., nitr.a., nux-v., phos.-a., rhus, aqoil., viol.-od. 189.-Aluin., amn., ars., carb.-a., carb.-v., caust., chin., Ign., kali, lyc., inert., nate.-mur., nux-v., plumb., puts., rhus, sep., sil., spig., staph., sulph. 190.-Ago., am., ti-s., bell., talc., caps., caeb.-a., tarb.-v., caust., chain., chin., Igo., kali, lyt., mere., mur.-at., oatr., oitr., nur-v., par., pluinb., puts., sabad., sep., spig., squil., staph., sulph., viol.-trit. Natr.-mur. is suitable after Lath., inert. 191.-See.Natr.-caeb. 192.-? 194.-Acon., amn., tue., bell., bry., catc.-c., con., hep., jod., kali-t., Ical-nilr., lye., mere-., mez., mur.-ac., natr.-carb.,ý nati--mur., op., petrol., phos., p/ice-a., puts., rhus, sep., sulph., sulph. a., thuja. Nitr.-a. is suitable after Bell., talc.-c., hep., kali-c., natr.-carb., natr.-in., polo,,I sulph., thuja. After Nltr.-ac. is suitable Calc., petrol., puis., sulph. ANTIDOTES. Coff., merc.-s. Caroph. Canaph. Acid.-nitr., acid.-phos., am.-c., sen., ars., aso-f., aur., auruin-na., bell., canaph., carb.-v., chin., toll., eupr., dolt., elec., ferr., ferr.-jod., gusjC., jod., kali-hyd., hep., krea., natr.-us., oux-v., opium., phoep., plumb.-a., sans., aid., staph., solp sulphate of zinc. The white o an egg. See Merturius. See Merturius. See Meet. See Meet. See Meet. White of an egg, chin., hep., calo.... See Meet. Camph., coff. Of large doses, Mago.-calcinata, supo. Of small doses, Bry., camph. Ars., canaph., oitr.-apin. It Is an aotidote to Chin. Ana., camph., altr.-spir. Camphor antidotes Natrum very weakly; frequent smelling of Splr.-nltr.dulc. relieves the effects of Nat. much better. See Natr.-carb. Of large dloses, Soap. Of small doses, Calc.-c., canaph., con., hep., inert., mez., petrol., phos., phoa,. at., suiph. l98.-Con., Igo., mouth., mix-v., op., pials., ep., sulph. I Campb.? 36 TABLES AND EXPLANATIONS. REMEDIES. PAGE. j199*.*Nu.T-v., Nua, vomica (Hahnemann). 896. 200.-Olea., Oleander (Hahinemann). 910 201.-01.-a., Oleum-animale (Hartlaub and Trinks). 913 202.-OL-jec., Oleum-jecoris. 916 203.-Onisc.-a., 0niscus-asollns. 917 204.-Ophiotox., Ophiotoxicon (Hering). 911 205.-O0., *Opium (Hahnemann. 920 A. JRorpasum-aceticum. 926 B. Morphium-puruen. 928 C. Morphiumn-muriaticum. 929 D. Mlorphium-sislphuricum. 929 E. Codein. 929 F. Narcotin. 929 G. 'Varcotinum- aceticum. 930 H. Narcotinnrn-muriaticnm. 930 206.-Oxa.-ac., Oxalic-acid (Neidhard). 930 20T.-Paaon., Pseonia. 932 208.-Par., Paris (Ilartlauh and Trinks). 933 209.--*wPetrot., Petroleum (Halinemann). 136 210.-Petros., Petroselinumi 941 211.-Phell., Phellandriom (Hartlaub and Trinks). 941 212.- --- Phos., Phosphorus (H-alinemann). 943 213.-*Ph~osph.-ac., Phosphoricacid (Hahuemann). 95-4 214.-PhytoL-dec., Phytolaccadecandra. 959 215.-Pin., Pious. 962 216.-Pimpin., Pimplnella. 962 217.-5Plat., PlatIna (Hahnemaann). 963 21S.-Platina-chlorica. 966 219.-*Plumb., Plumbum (Noack and Trlnks). 961 SYNONYMS. Strychnos lNax-vomica. Nerium-oleander. Olenm-animale-eethereum. Oleum-jecoris-morruw. Milliped. Laudanum.. Morphium. Paris-quadrlfolia. 0leum-petroa; Naphtha-petrte. Apium-petrosollnum.. Pinus-sylvestris. Pimpinella-saxifrýaga. Platina del Pints. Plumbum-metallicuni. E-NGLISH.-GERMAS. Poison Nut. - Brechnuss Krhhenauge. Laurel-Rose.-Oleander. Purified Animal Oil of Dippel.. -Hirschhorn geist. God-Liver Oil.-Leberthrau. Wood-Louse.-KellereseL. Poison of Serpents. White Poppy.-Mohnsa~ft. Acetate of Morphia.-Morphin. Alcaloid. Saizeaures Morphium. Schwefelsaures Morphium. Essigsaner Narcotin. Oxaboc-Acld.-Kleesaare. Peony.--Giolitrose. True Love. - Vierbisit Ein. beere. Stone Oil; Naphtha.-Bergdl; SteindL. Pareley.-Petersilie. Water Fennel.-Wasserfenchel Phosphorus.-Pliosphor. Phosphoric Acid. -Phosphorsatire. Poke. The Pine.-Finns. Pimpernel.-PlsnpineL. Platina.-Weisgold. Lead.-leL. 220. -Plumbum-aceticum. 971 lAcetas-plumbLAeaeo ed-llukr I Acetate of Lead.-Bleizuoker. TABLES AND EXPLANATIONS. 37 COMPARE WITH. A.NTIDOTES. I 199.-A can., alum., ambr., am.-c., am.-m., ant.-c., arn., ars., argent., bism., bor., calc.-c., camph., caps., cart.-a., carb.v., caust., chain., chin., cocc., cuff., coich., con., cupr., cycl., dig., dros., duic., fer., graph., gaaaj., hyos., iga., ipec., lach., lauroc., lyc., magn.-p.-arct., magn.-p.-aust., magn.mur., merc., mur.-ac., nata-., natr.-m., nux-moach., op., petrol., p has., plumb., putis., par., ran., rhod., rheumn., rhus, ruta, sabad., samb., sep., spig., aquil., strain., suiph., tab., tart.-em., tarax., thuje, valer., viol.-cd. It is suitable after Are., ipec., lach., patrol., phoa., suiph. After Nux-v. is suitable Bry., puts., suiph. 200.-Agn. chin.,cmn. cocc., ign., nux-v., puts., sabad., suiph. 201.-Anac., emn., cocc., lgn., flux-v., op., phos., rhus, zinc. 202.-? 203.-? 204.-? 205.-Acon., belt., bry., camph., caun., chin., chain., cic., eqif., catch., con., croc., dig., hep., hyos., ipec., tech., tact., menyan., inerc., inasch., nitr.-ac., nux-v., phos., phos.-ac., plumb., puls., ruta, strain., tart.-em., verat. Of large doses, Wine, colt, csmph., op. Of small doses, Alcohol, bell., campli., chain., cocc., coff., op., puts., strain. Nux-v. antidotes Ambr., ars. calc -c. chain., chin., cocc., cuff., cotch., cupr., dig., graph., lach., lye., merc., mosch., op., petrol., phos., plumb., puts., strain., sulph., tab. Cemph., cocc., nux-vom.? Camph., nux-v., opium. Of large doses, Strong cuff., camph., ether, am.-c., netr., Ipec., asa-f. Of small doses, Bell., camph., cofE, hyos., ipec., marc., strychnine,9 nux-v., plumb., strain., vinum. Op. antidotes Lach., marc., nux.?V., strych., plumb., strain. Cap. of Cainph., cofft Acon., onum,-ag. Ofiit la irge doses, pelet.OfPsallan tdoses, PCamph., lxVcf vAlum. elbo. ecn,. op., plat., puls., sebad., sec.-c., strain., strych., sulph.-ao. Plumh4 antidotes Vinegar. 206.-? 20T.-? u-. ussbd 208.-Hell., ign., kall-c., natr.-m.,nu-.ptsabd 209.-Acon., calc..c., Cann., chain., dig., ign., lyc., magn.-p.. eustr., nitr.-a., flux-v., phos., puts., aep., spig., sit., sulph., verat. It is suitable aftEr Nitr.-a., phos. 210.-Caun., marc.-aol., nux-v., pubs., sep., sulph., thuje. 211.-Bry., puts., sep., strain., suiph. 212.-Acon., agar., alum., ambr., am.-c. am.-m.n era. bell. bry., calc.-c., cart.-v. chin., cuff, graph., jod., ipec., kaliý krea., lyc., magn., merc., nux-v., op., petrol., plumb., pl. rhuNs, sp., sil., sulph., veart. It is suitable after Cae -c chin., kali, lcrea., lye., flux-v., rhus, sil., sulph. After-_ wards Petrol., rhus., sulph. 213.-Asaf., bell., chin., cuff., con., far., ign., tech., lad., tyc., 7nerc., nitr.-ec.-, op., phosph., rhu-s, sec.-c., sap., staph., suiph., thujea, veret. Phoap.-ac. is suitable after Lech., rhus. After Phos.-ac., Chin., far., rhus, veret. 214.-? 215.-? 21T.-Angnat., asa-.f, eur., bell., ceuth., carb.-e., croc., fa~r., hyos., lyc., magn., meng., natr., natr.-m., nitr.-ac., plumb., outs., rhus, sated., stron., verb., valor., viol..od. lIs suitable after Belt. 218.-? 219.-Alum., boll., chin., cob., hyos., inerc., natr.-in., nuza-v., op-, phosp., plat., puts., sated., isee.c.c strain slp. verat., Zino...,up. 220.-9-ee Plusibum. 88 TABLES AND EXPLANATIONS. REMEDIZES. SYNONYMS. EiNGLISH.-GERMAN. 221.-Podoph.-pelt.. Podophylum-pellatum (Williamson). 974 222.-Poth.-fcet., Pothos-fcetidus. 911 223.-Prun.-Bp., Priinus-spinosa. 918 224--~*Puls., Puisatilla (Hahnemann). 9M 223.-*Ran., Ranunculu-s (Stapf ). 991 1. Ranunculns-bulbosus. 991 2. Ran.-sc., Ranunculus-sccleratus. 994 8. Ran.-sc, Ranunculus-acris. 995 4. Ran.-fl, Ranunculus-fiamisla. 995 226.-Raph., Raphanus-sativoS. 996 227.-RaL., Ratanhia, (Hartlaub and Trinks). 991 223.--*Rheu~n (Hahnemann). 998 229...*Rhod., Rhododendror (Stapf). 1000 230.-kRhus-r., Rhus-radicans. 1004 281.-~*Rhus-t., Rhu~s-toxicodendron (llahnemanui). 1012 232.-Rhns-v. Rhus-vernix. 1020 233~...*RuL, Ruta. 1021 234.-*Sabad., Sabadilla (Stapf ). 1024 235.-*Salsin., Sabina (Stapf). 1027 236.-..*Samb., Sambucus (iahnemano). 1030 201.-Sang.-C., Sangulnaria-canadensis. 1031 23S.-*Sass., Sa~ssaparilla (Hahnemano). 1034 239.-Scroph.-fl., Scrophularianodosa. 1037 240.-*Sec.-c., Secale-cornutuns (Noack and Trinks). 13 241.-Sel., Selenium (Hering). 1040 242.-Seneg., Senega (Stapf). 1041 243.-Seon., Senna. 1045 244.*Sep., Sepia -(Hahnemann). 1046 A~napodophyllu~m-canadense. Ictodes-fretidum. Acacia-nostra. Pulsatilla-pratensis; PulsatillanigricauB. Ranunculus-pratensis. Raph.-hortensis 5.-minor. Krameria-triandria. Rhabarharum. 7lhododendron-chr-ysanthuin. Rhus-toxicodendron. iRhus-venenata. Ruta-graveolens. Veratrum-sabadilla. Juniperus. Sambucus-nlgra. -Polyandria. LSmilax-sassaparilla. iClavias-secalis s.-cerealls. 5Cassla-senna. -Sepim-succus. tegfuss. Stinkender Fachkolben. Sloe-Tree.--Schleedorn. Pasque Flower.-Kuichensch&i ie. Bulbous-rooted Crow Foot. Knolliger Hahoenfuss. Marsh Crow Foot.-Bdser Hah. nenfoss. Kliene Schmalzblume. Egelkrau t. Garden Radish.-Gartenrettlg. Rhatany Root.-Ratanha. Rhubarb.-Rhabarber. Yellow Rhododendron. - Sibi. rieche Schneerose. Poison Fine. Poison Oak.-Gift Sunaob. Varnish Tree.-Firniss Sumacb. Garden Rue.-Raute. Indian Caustic Barley.--Sabep dilla-Samen. Savine Tree.-Sadebaum. Elder Tree.-Fieder. Indian Puccoon. Sassaparilla.-Sarsaparilla. Common Brown-Wort. Ergot of Rye.-Mutterkorn. Selenium.-Seelen-MetaIL Rattlesnake.-Senega-Wu~rzBI Senina.-Sennesbl~tter. The Juice of the Cuttle-Fish.-, Seplensaft. TABLES AND EXPLANATIONS. 39 COMPARE WITH. ASTfl)OTEB. 221.-Ass, bry., nox-v., puls., sep., suiph. Nux-v. 222.-? 223.-? 224.-Acon.,, ag-ar., ambr., am.-c., am.-r., ant.-c., ang-cst., ara., are., eisa-f., aser. bell., bov., bry., cslc.-c., camph., Cana., cauth., caps., carb.-v., c/earn., chint., dCi., cocc., coff., catch., con., cupr., cyc]., dig., dros., euphr., fer., graph., hyos.iin., ipec., kaff-c., tach., led., tyc., magu.-p.-arct., maug., niagn.-m., menyan., mere., mez., mosch., natr., natr.-m., nitr.-ac., flux-v., olean., op., par., petrol., phos., plat., plumb., ranunc., ranouc.-scel., rheum., rhus, ruta, sabad., Sabin., sass., scill., selen., sep., all., spig., spong., stan., talib., strain., suiph., suiph.-se., tart.- in., thuja, valer, verat., zinc. Pul 's. is suitable after Ass-f., antiin., aur., chin., lach., tyc., otr.-ac., rhus, sap., sulpb., tart.-em., thuja. Alter Puls., Ass-f., bry., nitr.-a., sep., thuj'a. 225.-Ars., bry., marc.-s., lu-x-v., pole. rah.-scel., rhus, sabad., sop., staph.., soip. Clems.? mere.? pole., ran.-b., shoe. 226.-? 22T.-? 228.-A-m., chain., coff., ipee., marc.-s., pule. 229.-Ac.-phos., Clem., chin., dole., led., marc., flux-v., pole., shoe, seneg., solph., thuja, zinc. 280.-Rhees-tox. and the analogous remediee. Rhus-rad. is suit-able after Ant.-c.*, are., bell., bry., lach., flux-v., op., eulph. 231.-Am.- c., era., are., bell.bry., calc.-c., caust., chin., Clam., cecc., coff., can., duic., tech., led., lyc., nitr.-ac., flux-v., pleas-pie., phos.-a., plat., puls., ran., sMod., samli., sep., sit., suip., verat., zinc. Rhue is suitable after Ar., bry., calc.-c., eon., phos., phos.-a., puls., solph. 232.-'? 233.-Acon., ass-f, bell., bry., ig-n., led., mere., nux-v.,7 puts., s/ens, sec.-c., sll., staph., soip., thuj., verat. 284.-Ball., byes., ign., lye., marc., natr.-m., flux-v., phoep., pole.., rhus, sap., sta-ph., suip., verat. 235.-Aeon., ago.-c.,bl., chin. far. ign., ipac., mere., phee., plst., pole., -rot, sep., staph., sulph., thoja, zinc. 233.-Aeon.,- bell.,chin., ip.ec,, hap., lye., pals., rhsho, selil, epong.., strain., Bolp. 237.-? 238.-Am.-c., chain., Clam., eCOCO., merc., pole., ran., sap., sit., snip. 289.-? 240.-Am-., ars., camph., ign., laur., plumb., rhus, saol.-n., verat. 241.-Agn.-c., ambr., bry., cash.-a., grap~h., ign., lach., mere., nitr.-a., pole., shoe, ruts. 242.-Amn., are., bell., bry., cauth., eophr., lach., pale., eilt., Stan., sulph. 248.-? 244.r-Acon., are., bar., hell., calc.-c., and phosph., carb.-v., chin-, ladý, lye., mere., otr.-a., nux-v., phoep., pole., shod., shoe, sass., sil., suip., tart.-et., verat. Se~p. is suitable after Caust., led., mere., pole., elI., snIlp., sulp.-a. Afterwarde are suitable, Oarb.-v., caust., pole. Camph. Chain., coff., Ignat., flux-v., vinegar. Pole, antidotes Agar., ambr., argent., hell., chain., chin., coleb., far., lgn., lyc., mere., plst., ranonc., sabad., stann., SnIP/s., suiph.-ac., tart.-em. Bry., camp/s., pole., rhine. Asrack and wine do not interrupt the action. Pole. Wine and coff. antidotie only partially. To drink a quantity of water. IMl and water increase the pains. Camph., chain., coff. Oamph., clam., shoe. Bry., camph., coff., mare.., pole.,, snip. Bry., camph., coff., snlph. 'Rhus antidotes Bry., ranone., rhod., tss1I.stib. Camph. Camph., pals. Osmph., pals.? Are., eampla. Camph.? Csmph., sol. -n. Ign., pole. Chin. aggravates the pain.. Area., hell., bry., eamph. Acon., spir.-altr.-dol., tart.-st., acet.vinl. Sep. antidotes Oalc,.,Iphosh chin., mere., sassap., suip. P. 40 TABLES AND EXPLANATIONS. REMEDIES. SYNONYMAS. PAGE. tA.-*Sil., Silicea (Hahne- Silica. ma~nn). 10581 246.-Solanum: a. Sol-lyc., Solanum-lycopersicon. 1066 b. Sol.-mam., Solanum-mammosum (Hering). 1066 c. Sol.-nig., Solanum-nigrum. 1066 24T.-*Spig., S~pigelia (HahneMann). 1066 2,4S.-*Spong., Spong-ia (Hahnemann). 1071 249.-Squil., Squillia (faihnemann). 1074 25O.-*Stanrs., Stannum (Hahneinann). 1076 251.-*Sta~ph., Staphysagria (Hahnemann). lOS2 252.-*Stram., Strammonium (Hahnemann). 1067 253.-Stront., Strontiana (Hartlaub and Trinka). 1091 254..-*Sulp., Sulphur (Hahnemann). 1094 255.-*Snlp.-a., Suiphuris-acidum, (Hahoemano). 1107 256.-Symphytum-officinale. 11 15T.-Tab., Tabacum. 1111 255.-Tan., Tanacetum. 1114' 259.-Tarax., Taraxacum. 1115. 260.-* Tart. -em., Tartar-usemeticuso (Noack and Trinks'). 1116 261.-Tart.-ac., Tartari-acidum. 1123 262.-Tax.-b., Taxus-baccata. 1129 263.-Tereb., TerebinthinaI (H~artlaub and Trinka). 1130 264.-*Teuc., Teucrium. (Stapf). 1131 265.-Thea, Thea-chlnensiG. 11383 266.-Ther., Theridion. 1133 267.-*Thuj., Thuja (Habnemann). 1134 268.-Ton., Tong-o. 11391 269.-Trios., Triostoum, (Williamnson). 1140 27.-Tnssilago-petasites. 1141 271.-Urt., Urtica-urens. 11411 272.-Uva-ur., Uva-ursl. 1141 273.-Yaler.-of., Yaleriana-officinalis (Stapf). 1141 Lycopersicon-esculentum Spigella-antheirnia, Spongia-marlna-tosta. Scilla; Scilla-maratima. Deiphinum-staphysagria. Datura-strammoniumn. Strontiana-carbonica. ENGLISH.-GERMAN. Silicious Earth.-Kjeselerde. Tomato.-Liebesapfol. Night-Shade; Poison-Apple.Giftapfel. Garden Night-Shade.-Schwar. zer Nachtschatten. Indian Pink.-Spigelle. Burnt Sponge.-Ilost Schwainm. Sea-Onion.-MeerzwlebeL. Tin.-Zinn, Stavesacre.-Stephanskdrner. Thorn-Apple.-StecliapfeL Strontlan.-Kohlensaurer Strou. tian. Brlmstone.-SchwefeL Snlphnrlo Acid. - SchwefeIasuire Tobacco.-Taback. Common Tansy. - Gemelner Rain-Farren. Dan dclion.-Ldwenzahn. Tartar Emetic. - Brecliweinstein. Tartaric Acid. - Weinsteinesure. Jew.--Gemelner Bibenbaum. Turpentine.-Terpentin. Wall Germander. - Katzexkraut. Tea.-Thee. Theridlon of Om'sgoe.-Aranjo Spinne. The Tree of Life.-Lebensbawm. Tonkin Bean.-Tonkoboline. Three Bony Seeds.-DrelbhLit triger Dreisteln. Stingging Nettle.-BrennesseL BearL's Berry.-Birentraube. Valorian.-Baldriaia. Nicotiana-tabacum. Tanacetum--rulgare. Leontodon-taraxacum. Antimootumn-tartaricum; tarus-stibiatus. Tar Acidum-vini.J Oleum-terebinthinsa. Maram-verum. Theridi-on-cura.9savi cum Thuja-occidentalls Baryosma.-tongo. Trio ste un-p erfollatnm. Dipterix-odorata. Arbutus -uva-ursi. Valeriana-officimalls. TAM3ES AND EXPLANATIONS& 41 I COMPARE WITH. I 945.--Alum., aznbr., am.-c., bell., bov., calc.-c., carb.-a., caust., cyci., Cic., cin., dros., graph., ign., hep., kali, lach., lyc., magn merc, natr., petrol., phosp., puls., rhod., rhus, ran.Be., 8s7f., sass, sep., spig., suip., verat. Sil. is suitable after Calc.-c., hep., lyc., suip. After Si1., Hep., lach., lyc., Sep. 246.-? 247.-Acon., aur., bar., boy., chin., dig., euphr., hyos., lach., laur., lyc., mage.-m., mere., moach., natr.-m, flux-v., petrol., phusp., puls., sabad., sable., sil., spong. strain., tarax., verat. 248.-A con., dros., hep., jod., phosp. After Spong. Is suit-able Hap.-s. 249.-Bry., dros., hyos., jod., mur.-ac., natr.-m., nux-v., puls.. rheum, rhus, scueg., spong. 250.-Am.-c., am-r. r.-m., arg.-n., cae.c. cun-naut. chin. dule. fer. ign., puleR., seneg., sil., zinc. 2M1.-Ambr., are., eon., ign., lye., merc., nux-v., phos.-ac., phos., puls., ruta, thuija, verat. 252.-Acon., bell., bry., camph., canth., chain., coce., hell., hyos., ign., mere., nuvx-v., op., plumb., tab., verat., zinc. 25.3.-Ass-f., calc.-c., graph., kali-c., natr.-m., phos., plat., stan., all., suip. 254. -Aeon. am.-m. ant.-c., cr8., bar., bell., bry., cale.-e., esenth., caps., caust., chain., chin., enS'., eon., eupr., dule., gr-aph., ige., ipee., jod., laeh., lye., magn., magn.-m., mere., natr.-e. et mur., nitr.-ac.,. fux-v., petrol., pbosp., phos.-ac., puls., rhus, sassap., seneg., sep.. sil., sulp.-ac., yes-at. Suip. is suitable after Aeon., ars., eupr., mere., nitr.-,., flux-v., puls., rhus. After Suiph., Aeon., bell., Cale., enpr., mere., eitr.-ae., flux-v., puls., rhus, sep., sil. 255.-Mrn., con., dig., mmr., and nitr.-ae., puts., rule, suiph. 256.-? 257.-Aeon., ars., bell., chain., dcl., coca. o. hell.,byos., ipec., krea., nux-v., op., strain., veral., zinc. 258.-? 2,59.-Con., kali, iaux-v., puls., spig., valer. 2600-Aeon., ant.-c., asa-f., bar., chain., coce.. ign., Ipec., kalie., niltr.-ab., nux-v., puls., sep., verat. After Tart.-em, are suitable Bar.-c., ip ec., puls., sep., sisiph. Tart.-em, Is suitable after Pals., bar.-c. 261.-? 262.-? 268.-Aeon., bell., eamphi., eseth., eux-v., pul&. 2.64.-Con., ig-n., magn.-p.-aret. 26-5.-? 266.-Ole.-c., phos.-aa. -It Is suitable after Calc.-e., lye. 26T.-Asa-f., bry., cane., eanth., chin., cop.., fer., led., lye., mere., nitr.-ae., petrol., plat., pulse., sabin., sop., staph., suiph. Thuja is suitable after Nitr.-ac. After ThuJa, Nitr.ae.? uls., staph.? 269.-? 270.-? 271.-? 2T2.-? 218.-Bell., eamph., esth., coca., coff., eon., ige., mere., flux-v., plst., puls., staen., tarax., spong. ANTIDOTES. Camph., hap. S11. antidotes Mere., suip. Aur., eamph. Spig. antidotes Mere. Camphor. Camphor. Puls. Camph. It antidotes Mere, and th uja. Vegetable acids, and Vinegar iiiXv., op., tab., strain. It antidotes Mere., plumb. Camph. Aeon., eampb., chain., chin., mere., nex-v., puls., sep., sulp. It anti dotes China, jod., mere., nit~r.-ac.. rhus, sep. PalS. Camph., ipso., nux-v., vinumn. Camph. Chin., ipec. Of small doses, Ass-f chin., coec., ipee., op., puls. i antidotes Sepia. Camph.? Camph., canth. Camph., ign. Chin., fer., thusa. Chain., coce., mere It antidotes Mere., thea. Acetum. Camph., eoff TABLES' AND' EXPLANATIONS. REMEDIES. SYNONYMS. ENGLISHI.-GERMUAN. PAGE~. 2TC4.-5Verat., Veratrurn (Hfalnemann). 1143 2"15.-'Vcratri., Vera~t-inum. 1150 276.-Verbas., Verbaiscum (Halinemann). 1151 277.-*Vine., Ymnca. 1152 278.-W'iol. -O, Viola-odorata (Stapf).15 279. -* VioL-., "Viola-tricolor. 1154 280.-'Vip., Vipera-redi (Hering). 1155 2S1.-*Vip., Vipera-torva (Hering). 1156 2S2.ýý*Zinc., Zin~cum (Hahnemann). 1158 2S-03.-Zinc.-oL., Zincum-oxryda-.turn. 1165 264.-Zine.-sniph., Dzinum-sult p huricum. 1166 N -Zing., Zingiber. 1166 266.-Gelsem., Gelsemlnui*.epervirens. 121 29T kasum., Hammamolisvirginiua- 12031 Veratrum-albuna. Verbascum-thapsos. Vinca-nalnor. Jaces. Zincum-mietallcuin. Zincnm-oxydatnm-albucn. Vitriolum-zinci Zingiber-officinale. White Hellebore.-Welss Niess Wurz. Veratrin. The Yellow Mulleln.-Kdnigskerze. Winterggreen.-Barwurzel. Sweet Violet.-Wohlriechendes Vejichen. Heart's Ease.-Sticfunitterchen. Italian Viper. German Viper. Zlnc.-Zink. 'Oxyde of Zlnc.-Zinkkalk. Sulphate of Zinc. - Schwefelsaures Zinkoxyd. Ginger.-Ingwer. Yellow Jessamine; Woodbine. Witch HazeL-Wdnachelrimte...Zmuberatrauch. TABLES ANTD' EXPL A'NATInONSx.T COMPARE WITH. ANTIDOTES. 274.-Acon., ambr., ram., cr8., bell., boy., bry., caroph., caps., caust.,. chin., Cic., cojfI'. coloc., cup-., dros., ferr., hell., hyes., ign., ipec., jod., lauroc., lyc., mangan., rnagn.-mur., merc., mez., op., petrol., pbos., phos.-a., puls., ran.-sc., rhus, rota, sab., sec.,,sqry., si~l:, 'spig., staph.,, strain,- suiph., tart.em., zinc. Vei&kL id snlthbltafter ArgC, chin., cupr.,i phog.ac. After Verat. are indicated Arn, ars., chin., cupr., ipec. 275.-? 276;-7? 278.-KA1~ mur.-ac., nux-v., phospli., plat. 279.-Baryt., caps., mere., natr.-mnr., nitr.-ac., sulph., vioi.-od. 28L -L whes%; 2S2.-Anac., amn., ars., tell., bry., calc., cauth., carb.-Vi., haep.plumb., puls., rhus, sep., all., satnn., staph., stront., suiph., thuja. 283.-? 284.-S-e~e'Zincsenn. 28C-Baptigla-tinct. CST.-Colltns6onUiscanhdfnnI& Acon., camph., coff. Verat. anti-:1dotes Ars., chin., ferr. Black coffee with lejnon-lutee. Camph.-? Vegetable scilim' Carnph. Camph. Ca~mph., hep., igziat It anitido-te's Bar. Chiamn and nux-v. aggrd-. 'rate the effects of Line. See Zhscum. 44 T-ABLES AND EXPLANATIONS* ORDER OF MEDICINE TO BE STUDIED, A. POLYCHREST. -Aeon., Bell., Bry., Mere., Nux-vom., Puls.-.Arn., Ars., Chain., Lach., Rhus, Sulph.-Cale., Chin., Lye., Phos.,. Sep., Sil.Carb.-v., Dule., Rep., Hyos., Ipee., Yeratr. B. SEMI-POLYCHRIEST.-Caus., Coee., Fer., Graph., Ign., Nitr.-ae., Op., PerStaph.-Aur., Bar.-c., Cann., Canth., Coloc., Con., Phos. -ae., Spig. Strain.-Ant., Cie., Coff., Kal.-e., Magn.-e., Magn.-m., Stann., Tart.Dig., Dros., Jod., Led., Natr., Natr.-m., N.-mos., Thuj., Zinc. C. Medicines which have been equally often employed.-Alumn, Am.-o., J3or~, Cupr., Hell., Kreos., Mez., Mur.-ac., Spong., Sulph.-ae.-Am.-m., Asa., Carb.-an., Cin., Euphr., Mosch., Sabad., Sabin., Sassap., Squil.. Agar., Amb., Anac., Bis., Caps., Clem., Coich., Magn.-aret., Magn.-aust., Rheum, Valer.-Agn., Ang., Asar., Boy., Guai., Oleand., Plumb., Plumb... ae., Prun., Rod., Rut. D. Medicines which have hitherto been used less extensively or less frequently.-Ae.-fluor., Am.-eaust., Bar.-m., Cale.-eaust., Cale,.-ph., Camph., Chel., Croc., Cye., Euphorb., Grat., Laur., Nitr., Samb., See., Seneg., Tarax..-Arg., Arg.-nit., Lam., Magn.-s., Men., Meph.,. Natr.-s., Par., Ran., Ran.. se., Stront., Tabae., Teucr., Viol.-od., Viol.-tr.-Berb., Brue., Chin., Cist., Coral., Daph., Gent.,. Gran., Gum.-gut., Ind., Mere.-c., Nice., 01.-an., Phell., Sang., Selen.-AXth., Cal., Cast., Crot., E ug., Evon., Fer. -mg., Hin i., Hy.. per., Kal.-eh., Lact., Pwon., Ratan., Symph., Tereb., Thor., Tong., Verh. E. Medicines respecting which we possess some notions.-Ae.-ox., Aet., Aloes, Anis., Artes., Arum., Aur.-m., Brom., Case., Cinnam., Citr.-sue., Coecion., Convol., Cop., Cub., Diad., Diet., Blat., Fer.-ae., Pul., Prag., Jal., Jatr., Kal.-bieh., Kal.-lat., Lob.-inf., Lob.-ear., Mere.-jod., Mill., Morph.ae., Natr. -n., Natr.-sp1,, Nux-jugl., 01.-an., 01.-jee., Onis., Petros., Phin., Pod.-pelt., Rhus-rad., Rhus-v., Seroph., Senn., Sol.-m., Sol. -n., Tanac., Tart.-ae., Thea, Trif., Trios.-perf., Tuss.-pet., Urt., Uva., Vine., Zine.-s., Zing., Ammoniac., Amyg.-a., Anthrak., Ars.-hydr., Ars. -ters., Atham., Aur.-ful., Benz.-ae., Brane.-urs., Cann.-ap., Chenop., Chin.-sulph., Chin.hydr., Chin.-mur., Cimex, Cinch.-sulph., Coelil., Crotal., Cupr.-ars., Cupr.earh., Cupr.-sulph., Elect., Eupat., Per.-earb., Per.-jod., Per.-iur., Per.. sulph.j Galvan., Gins., Hydr.-ae., June., Kal.-hydr., Lupul., Mang., Mere.. P., Murex., Ophiot., Phytol., Pimp., Ran.-ae., Ran.-fl., Raph., Seroph., Sol.-lye., Tax.-b., Veratrin., Fip.-r., Vip.-t. TABLES AND EXPLANATIONS. 45 ORDER OF INSTRUCTION. FIRST COURSE.-MOST IMPORTANT DISTINCTIONS. 1. Distinction of the most important CLINICAL CASES, for the medicines of letters A and B. 2. Distinction of the most important of the GENERAL SYMPTOMS, comprising the SKIN, SLEEP, FEVERS, and MIND for A and B. 3. Study of the most important of the symptoms of PARTICULAR ORGANS, singly for A. 4. Same study for B. 5. Same study as that of No. 2, for C and D. 6, 7. Same studies as 3 and 4, first for C, then for D. SECOND COURSE.-STUDY IN DETAIL OF THE POLYCOHEEET A AND B. 8. Study of ALL THE CLINICAL CASES, for A and B. 9. Study of all the signs of GENERAL SYMPTOMS, including the MENTAL, for A only. 10-13. Study of all the signs of PARTICULAR ORGANS in succession, for each one of the four collections contained under A. 14. Same study as that of No. 9, for B. 15-18. Same studies as those of Nos. 10-13, for the four summaries of B. THIRD COURSE.-STUDY IN DETAIL OF THE OTHER MEDICINES, C AND D. 19-29. Same studies as those of Second Course, in the same order as for C and D, and the summaries they comprise. *** For the comparison of analogous medicines see the list of medicines at the head of the pathogenesis of each substance. DISTRIBUTION OF MATERIAL IN THE EXPOSITION OF THE PATHOGENESIS OF MEDICINES. A. Abbreviation of the name of the medicine.-English names.-Names of the authors who have published the medicines.-Duration of action. B. Antidotes of the medicine, and the substances for which it is the an. tidote. C. Analogous medicines, with indication of those which precede or follow, TABLES AND EXPLANATIONS. CLINICAL REMARKS.-See "Clinical Index." GENERAL SYMPTOMS-Containing predominant sensations; state of strength; the phenomena of the nervous, sanguineous, lymphatic, osseous systems, &c.; access of restlessness, convulsions, &c.; and predominant circumstances under which the symptoms are aggravated, ameliorated, &c. SKIN-With lesions of the exterior organs, ulcerations, abscesses, &o. SLEEP-With dreams and nocturnal sufferings. FEVER-With state of the pulse, perspiration, &c. MIND-With symptoms of the understanding and memory. HEAD-With dizziness, vertigo, and condition of the scalp. EYEs-With symptoms of the pupils and sight. EARs-With symptoms of hearing and the parotids. NosE-With symptoms of smelling and coryza. FAcE-With phenomena of the skin of the forehead, lips, jaws, and sub. maxillary glands. TEETH-With the gums. MOUTH-With the tongue, saliva, speech, &c. THROAT-With curtains of the palate, palate, and tonsils. APPETITE-With the defects of taste, hunger, thirst, aversion to food, or extraordinary loss of appetite, suffering after meals, or consequence of certain aliment, &c. SToMACH-With eructations, nausea, vomiting, and symptoms.in the praecordial region. ABDOMEN-With symptoms of the liver, spleen, anus, and inguinal glands, as well as flatulence. STooLs-With suffering of the anus, rectum, and perineum. URINE-With affections of the urinary passages. GENITAL ORGANS-With the sexual functions of man. MENSTRUATION-With symptoms of the genital parts of the female, mamme, &c., and also the symptoms which are connected with nursing. LARYNX-With symptoms of cough. LUNGs-With symptoms of respiration, and sufferings of the heart. TRUNK-Containing symptoms of the back, loins, neck, arm-pit, and skin of the trunk. ARMs-Containing symptoms of the upper extremities. LEGS-Containing symptoms of the lower extremitics. EXPLANATION OF SIGNS EMPLOYED TO DESIGNATE THE DIFFERENT KINDS OF SYMPTOMS. The symptoms which have no sign are symptoms purely pathogenetic-.. that is to say, symptoms produced by pure experiment. (*) The asterisk designates the pathogenetic symptoms which have been confirmed by cures. STABLES AND EXPLANATIONS. 47 (o) The cipher indicates the symptoms or the circumstances under the presence of which the medicine has acted favorably, but which have not as yet been observed as pathogenetic symptoms. (-) The stroke above is intended to annul the indication of the preceding sign. Thus, where this stroke is not found, the last sign of a phrase always influences all the rest. On the contrary, all that comes after this stroke is fully equivalent to the symptoms which have no sign, and belong to the observations purely pathogenetic. All the signs will be often found in a single phrase, as, for instance, in the following: Itching, *shooting pains and pressure in the eyes -and in the eye-lids, oespecially at night, *or in the evening, -as well as in the morning. In this phrase there are first: Itching, shooting pains, and pressure, which have been observed, all three, as pathogenetic symptoms, but of which the two last, shooting pains and pressure, have been at the same time removed by the medicine in one case of cure, as the asterisk (*) indicates. But the stroke (-) before and in the eye-lids announces, at the same time, that the cure has as yet been observed only for the eyes, and not for the eye-lids, for which the observation is not pathogenetic. Then comes the cipher (0) before especially at night, which declares that these sensations, in -the case cured, had taken place at night, but that, at that hour, they had not been observed as pathogenetic effects. But the second asterisk (*) before in the evening, meansthat, at that latter period, these symptoms have taken place, as well in the case of cure as in the quality of pathogenetic effects. The last stroke (-) indicates, finally, that the appearance of these symptoms, in the morning, has been -hitherto observed only as pathogenetic effects. (? ) The note of interrogation is placed after the name of any disease which has not yet, to our knowledge, been cured by that remedy with absolute certainty, or which has been recommended merely upon theoretical grounds. (;) The semicolon in this work has been employed to separate the parts of one and the same symptom; it has only been used for the purpose of distinguishing the part after it, as being entirely different from the part preceding. Thus, "vertigo in the evening; when walking in the open air; with nausea," &c., means: Vertigo in the evening; vertigo when walking in the open air; vertigo with nausea, &c. The symptoms printed in italics are generally those which have been observed or removed more frequently than the others; but this distinction has been made only with relation to the symptoms of the same organ, and often even only for the kind of sufferings, so that one pain, for instance, has been distinguished only with relation to other pains, and not with rela. tion to other symptoms of the same organ, and still less with relation to all the symptoms of the medicine. It is thus, for instance, that in the following phrase: Pressure, itching, and shooting pains in the eyes and in the eye-lids, the passage printed in italics means only that the shooting pains have been observed oftener than the itching and theo pressure, and that they have taken place more frequently in the eyes than in the eye-lids. WILLIAM RADDE, vubistar ad N ffaohnflat U9 N roftagt & Ua-nJOx L HOMEOPATHIC "ED.ICcN S. WM. RADDE. No. 800 BRoADWAY, New-York, respectfully informs the Homsopathic Physicians, and the friends of the system, that he is the BOLE AGENT for the LEIPZiG CENTRAL HOMaEOPATIIo PHARMAoY, and that he has always on hand a good assortment of THE BEST IIOMCEOPATHIC MEDICINES, In comnlete sets or by single vials, in TINOTuREs, DILUTIONs, and T=rTr=a ONS, ALSO, POOKET CASES OF MEDIcI8s, AND PHYSICIANS' AND FAMITnL - DICnInE CHETs TO LAURIE'S DOMESTIC................... 60 to 82 Remedies. EPPS' "............................... 68 HERING'S ".............~~........ 65 " GUERNSEY'S. "........................... 88 0MALL'S MANUAL............................. 86 HEMPEL and BEAKLEY'S PRACTICE............. 66 " Small Pocket Cases, at $8.00, with FAMILY GUIDE and 27 Remedies. Cases with 260 Vials of Tinctures and Triturations to JA B's NEW MAmUAL, o SYMPTOMEN CODEX. Physicians' Pocket Cases, with 60 Vials of Tinctures and Triturations. Cases with 200 to 800 Vials of Low and High Dilutions of Medicated Pellets. Cases with from 50 to 80 Vials of Low and High Dilutions, &c, &c. HoacorATHIo CHnocoLATE. REFINEcD SUGAR OF MILL PUxB rLOBULAl AriAo. Tn;CTuRE-the best specifice remedy for Bruises, Sprains, Wounds, &f. ARNioA PLASTER-the best application for Corns. URTIcA URENs--the best specific remedy for Burns. ALSO BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, AND STANDARD WORKS ON TEE SYST0M, IN THE ENGLISH, FRENCH, AND GERMAN LANGUAGES [481 MANUAL OF THE HOMOEOPATHIC MATERIA MEDICA, 1.-ACETIC ACID. ACET.-ACID.-Vinegar.-An acid peculiar to the vegetable kingdom.-Duration of action: primarily, from one to twenty-four hours; secondarily (from long-continued use), many months. COMPARE WITH-Oxalic, Citric, Tartaric, and other vegetable acids; also Phos.ac., Sulph.-ac., Nitric and Muriatic-ac. ANTIDOTES.-For poisoning, Chalk, Whiting, Magnesia, Soap or Oil, Bicarbonated alkalies, Milk, White of Egg, or almost any demulcent. Homeopathically, China, Nux-v., Coffea, Ars., Bell. 'RATIONALE OF ITS ACTION.-Acetic-acid is a powerful antiseptic, being employed, as is well known, in pickling, preservation of animal food, and anatomical preparations. Liquid albumen,(as the serum of the blood and white of egg) is not coagulated by it, but coagulated albumen is readily dissolved by it, especially with the assistance of heat. Fibrin, as muscle or the crassamentum of blood, is also readily dissolved by it. Casein is coagulated by it, and it dissolves the hematin of the blood.- It is a solvent of gelatine. Diluted, and mixed with mucus, it will act as a digestive fluid. Only one fatal case of poisoning with it is on record, and in that the patient, a girl, appeared to be intoxicated, complained of acute pain, and was violently convulsed. Swallowed in a very dilute form, and in moderate doses, it proves refreshing, allays thirst, diminishes preternatural heat, lowers the pulse, and augments the urine. In its general effects, therefore, it appears to lower the powers of life, and to prove mildly antiphlogistic. Its local operation is astringent. When habitually used, it appears to produce a languor of digestion, which has been known to be followed by tuberculosis: It is said, in long-continued doses, to induce disease of the gastro-enteric mucous membrane. To these observations it may be added that, according to Hebreart, a small quantity of Acetic-acid, dropped into the wind3 49 50 ACETIC CID. pipe, caused hissing respiration, rattling in the throat, and death in three days, from true croup. The lining membrane of the windpipe was covered with a fibrinous pseudo-membrane, exactly as after croup.-F. G S. INTELLECT.-Confusion of ideas; disinclination to exert the mind; slight and transient delirium; diminished intellectual power. Clinical Remarks.-It has proved curative in mania with cerebral excitement; delirium caused by Opium; delirium of typhus; alternate stupor and delirium of typhus. DIsPosITIoN.-Irritability of temper; nervous and excitable mood. HEAD.-Giddiness; dull pains in the forehead and vertex; shooting pains through the temples; heaviness of the head, with sense of intoxication; indications of vascular excitement in the brain; disten-. tion of the temporal blood-vessels, with increased heat of the head. Clinical Remarks.-It has proved curative of hoemorrhage of the nose, arising from determination of blood to the head (used locally as well as internally); headaches from abuse of stimulants, tobacco, coffee, and Opium; affections of the brain dependent on nervous congestion. SCALIP. Clinical Remarks.-In tinea-capitis, the local application of the strong acid is recommended by Wigan. The first application is with the acid, diluted with three times its weight of water. On being applied, a number of spots, previously looking healthy, become red patches; then, with a piece of sponge tied to the end of a stick, each spot is to be saturated thoroughly with the strong acid for three or four minutes. A single application is sufficient in the majority of cases. A crust grows up with the hair, which may be removed as soon as a pair of fine scissors can be introduced beneath it. Erasir-ns Wilson speaks favorably of a similar mode of'treatment repeated once a week.-J. C. P. EYE. Clinical Remarks.-Particles of lime in the eye are effectually dissolved, and the pain eased, by bathing the eye with diluted Vinegar.-J. C. P. o FACE.-Face pale and waxen; eyes sunken and surrounded by a dark circle. THROAT; DIPHTHERITIC OR CROUPOUS FALSE M1EMBRANE. Clinical Remarks.-The sore throit of scarlet fever is much benefitted by the application of the steam of warm Vinegar; in quinsy, and almost every form of ulcerated or relaxed sore throat, much relief is obtained by inhaling the vapor of hot Vinegar and water. APPETITE AND TASTE.-D)iminished appetite; tongue pale and flabby; adypsia; vomiting soon after eating. ACETIC ACID. 51 STOMACH.-When taken daily, in its diluted form, and in large doses, it produces great uneasiness, cramps and colic, and gradually destroys so effectually the texture of the stomach, and its digestive functions, as to cause emaciation of the body. Clinical Remarks.-Dr. Tracy's (of Ohio) experience with the vegetable acids, as corrigents of acidity of the stomach, has been considerable; he has prescribed them in a large number of cases, and in nearly all with decided benefit. Dr. Tracy himself was subject to repeated and severe attacks of conjunctivitis, accompanied with acidity of the stomach, which he had attempted to correct by the early and free use of Soda, but in vain. He had for months abstained from the use of acids, but was finally induced to take a glass of lemonade, with great alleviation. The remedy was again and again repeated, and the threatened ophthalmic attacks effectually prevented. Dr. Tracy has found vegetable acids uniformly and entirely successful in removing the disposition to attacks of acidity of the stomach in persons subject to them; and his impression is that, in all such cases, they can be relied upon with more confidence than any other remedies. In cases of acidity from pregnancy, he has found the sub-acid fruit of great service, while those that were tart could not be borne, and mineral acids were decidedly injurious, while the whole range of alkalies and absorbents were of little or no avail. Braithwaite says this may seem a very unscientific (but very homoeopathic) mode of procedure; still facts seem to corroborate the value of the practice in some cases. Dr. Chapman, of Philadelphia, experienced relief from the same remedy. The late Professor Wiston had for a long time ineffectually endeavored to relieve an opulent merchant of acidity of the stomach, who was very speedily cured by drinking of sour beer. Dr. Chapman had a most distressing case, which proved utterly intractable during nearly a whole winter, to the regular alkaline remedies, which was cured promptly during the summer by the patient subsisting on the sour pie-cherry. Nor is this the. only instance in which Dr. Chapman has heard of cures ascribed to tart and perhaps unripe fruit of several kinds, and one especially by Professor Hodges, to sour or unripe apples; he also attended a case with Dr. J. Rhea Barton, which yielded immediately to wheaten mush and Vinegar, largely and eagerly consumed.-J. C. P. ABDOMEN.-Griping pain in the bowels; diarrhoea; tympanitis, with difficulty of breathing (from large doses); rumbling in the abdomen. Clinical Remarks.-Dr. Parrot has treated, successfully, diarrhoea accompanying typhus fever with diluted Vinegar; also diarrhoea with 52 ACETIC ACID. pain in the gastric region, rumbling, and delirium; also constipation with tympanitic abdomen and stupor; also griping pains in the abdomen of several years' standing, with difficulty of breathing, sleeplessness, vomiting after every meal, impaired sight, and irritable mood; also six cases of ascites follbwing intermittent and scarlet fevers. STooL.-Watery diarrhoea; diarrhoea, with colic pains, and tenderness of the abdomen to the touch; bloody discharges from the bowels. Clinical Remarks.-In a paper read before the Epidemicological Society of London, Dr. J. H. Tucker begins by alluding to the remarkable, but well established fact that, in 1849, the cider-districts of Herefordshire, Somersetshire, and part of Devonshire were, to a great extent, exempt from the ravages of cholera, while the disease was raging around. Upon further inquiry, it was ascertained that this exemption was confined a good deal to those individuals who drank cider as a common beverage, and that those who partook of malt liquor occasionally suffered. He also remarks that, in some parts of France and Normandy, more particularly where cider is the common beverage, cholera is seldom known to exist. TUCKER also expresses the opinion that other vegetable acids will be found of service, such as lemon-juice (but lemonade often causes griping and diarrhoea), orangejuice, and sour wines made from grapes. As it would be quite impossible to supply the world with a sufficient quantity of 'pure cider, he suggests that Vinegar might be found a useful substitute in case of another outbreak of cholera. He then proceeds to show that acid drinks were not only preventive, but remedial in epidemic disorders of the bowels. Cases are related in which not only were persons exempt from attacks of cholera raging around them, who drank freely of cider, but a case of severe cholera is also related which yielded to the diluted juice of sour apples. He also refers to some established facts connected with the spread of epidemic dysentery in the army, showing the efficacy of vegetable acids in that disease. URINE.-Urine increased in quantity, and of a lighter color. UTERUS. Clinical Remarks.-In uterine haemorrhages the application of cold Vinegar and water to the pubes is not only agreeable, but tends considerably to arrest the discharge of blood.-J. C. P. LARYNX, TRACHEA, AND CHEST.-Irritation of the windpipe and chest; dry cough, attended with oppressed respiration, succeeded by a moist cough with fever, increased difficulty of breathing, emaciation, night-sweats, cedema of the feet and legs, diarrhoea, and death. De"position of diphtheritic false membrane. True croup. Klusemann reports three cases of hemoptysis caused by the use of Acetic-acid, in from one to four weeks. ACETIC ACID. 53 Clinical Remarks.-Vinegar, much diluted with water, has often checked night-sweats, brdnchial hemorrhages, and diarrhoea from hectic fever. Kopperstcetter, Oettinger, and others, have cured several cases of hydrothorax by the use of Vinegar, in from two to six weeks. In phthisis, the value of the external application of diluted Vinegar to the chest and upper part of the body, in allaying the profuse perspirations, is well known; it is a measure attended with salutary effects, and is of great comfort to the patient. The mixture employed by Sir C. Scudamore for this purpose is composed of one pint of Vinegar, one of Cologne water, and two of water. Alcohol or spirits and water is often more useful than Vinegar. Dr. Roberts strongly advocates both the internal and external use of Vinegar for checking the hectic and night-sweats, restraining haemoptysis, and producing costiveness. As a preventive of phthisis, Dr. Graves speaks favorably of washing the chest with Vinegar and water, beginning with it tepid, and reducing the temperature gradually until it can be used cold. In hemoptysis, the internal and external use of Vinegar was highly esteemed by the ancients; Caelius Aurelianns Avicenna, and Rhases are among its chief advocates. In asthenia and angina-pectoris, it is of great importance to diminish the susceptibility of the patient to cold; one of the most.effectual means of effecting this is to bathe the chest with Vinegar and water. It is a measure fraught with benefit also to those who are liable to continual catarrhal attacks.-J. C. P. BREASTS. Clinical Remarks.-To milk or mammary abscesses, the application of warm Vinegar is stated, by Dr. Dewees, to be so successful, in the early stage of the disease, that we need not in general look for any other remedy. It is, he states, particularly useful when the breasts are greatly and painfully distended with milk; it should be perseveringly employed for twenty-four hours. This testimony in favor of it is very strong. UPPER EXTREMITIES.-Diminished muscular power of the arms and hands; paralytic sensation in the wrists and hands; coldness and prickling in the hands. LOWER EXTREMITIES.-(Edematous swelling of the feet and legs; impaired muscular power of the legs; diminished sensibility of the feet; coldness of the feet. FEVER.-Hectic fever, with emaciation, cough, night-sweats, diar. rhoea, dyspnoea, and dropsical swelling of the feet and legs; typhus fever, with violent delirium, diarrhoea, pain in the abdomen, rumbling 54 ACETIC ACID. in the gastric region; also typhus with stupor, tympanitic abdomen, and obstinate constipation. SKIN.-Skin pale and waxen; general anasarca; diminished sensibility of the surface of the body; temperature of the skin below the natural standard. In scarlatina, dilute Acetic-acid, internally, has been strongly recommended by Dr. Isaac Brown. He considers that it is more efficacious than any other treatment, and that it tends to prevent the occurrence of dropsy. Dr. Webster relates four cases, in which it appeared to him conclusive that sponging the body of the patient pre vented the spread of the disease beyond the original patient.-J. C. P. In psoriasis, Dr. Cummin states that his trials with strong Aceticacid have been highly satisfactory; the diseased cuticle separating in flakes, and a new surface being exposed, of a much more healthy character. The application of the acid is hot and painful, especially when there are excoriations and fissures; but these should be protected by Glycerine, or simple cerate. The acid requires, in most cases, to be repeated two or three times. In obstinate cases of lepra, much benefit has been derived from the use of baths acidulated with Acetic-acid.-J. C. P. Ncevus-Maternus.-Dr. Behrend, of Berlin, advises, in the case of the small flat ncvi, the application of strong Acetic-acid; under this treatment the blood is made to coagulate in its vessels, the nevus becomes hard and yellow, and is thrown off in the form of a parchment-like layer. In obstinate cases, the Muriate Tincture of Iron, or a slight application of strong Nitric-acid may be used. Warts and moles may be removed effectually by the application of the strong acid. The warts should be first carefully pared down, and the acid should then be applied with a camel's hair brush. Large moles may be touched lightly with strong Nitric-acid, a wet rag may be applied at once to prevent the acid from burning too deep, and subsequently the mole may be touched every day or two with Aceticacid. I have found this mode of treatment very successful.-J. C. P. Cancer.-Aceticacid is the only known agent which dissolves the true cancer cells; it may be used freely, internally and externally. Burns and Scalds.-Cleghorn, of Edinburgh, recommends the immediate application of Vinegar to the burnt surface, to be continued until the pain abates, and when this returned the application was ropeated. In purpura, whether attended by fever or of a torpid character, Erasmus Wilson advises sponging the. body with tepid Vinegar and water. ACONITUM NAPELLUS. 55 In hospital gangrene, when of a mild character, Delpech speaks highly of the topical application of Acetic-acid and Vinegar. The ulcerations having been previously cleansed, are to be washed with strong Vinegar, and then covered with charpie, wet with the same liquid. If this fails, caustics must be used. Vinegar in Itch.-Professor Le Cocur, of Caen, recommends for the cure of itch, forcible frictions of the parts affected with a hard sponge, soaked in good Vinegar, thrice daily, so as to penetrate the skin and rupture the vesicles. He has tried this treatment with the most complete success in ten cases, the average length of the treatment being less than five days. He thinks this treatment preferable to all others, on account of its speedy action, its inexpensive nature, its freedom from all unpleasant odors, and its easy application. He suggests that similar results might be obtained by frictions with the mineral acids, diluted with water. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-Febrile symptoms accompanying typhus; hectic fever; dropsical affections arising from loss of blood, diarrhoea, or functional derangements; hmmorrhages from the nose, lungs, and stomach; local eruptions, of an itching and burning character; determination of blood to the head, with delirium, convulsive movements, and severe pains in the head. PATHOLOGY.-Concentrated Acetic-acid acts as a caustic poison to dogs. It causes blackening of the mucous lining of the stomach, analogous to that produced by Sulphuric-acid. Four or five ounces of common Vinegar proved fatal to dogs in ten or fifteen minutes, when the oesophagus was tied to prevent vomiting. Injected into the blood, it does not appear to act energetically. Its chemical influence depends principally on its power of dissolving fibrin, albumen, and gelatine, by which it is enabled to dissolve many of the animal tissues. On animals, it was noticed that large doses of the impure acid affected the cerebro-spinal system, and caused giddiness, insensibility, paralysis, and convulsions. A very constant effect of it was an affection of the windpipe and lungs. The acid was detected by its odor in the blood and secretions. 2.-ACONITUM NAPELLUS. ACON.--Blue Wolfsbane or Monkshood.-See HAHNEMANN'S Materia Med., Vol. I.-Duration of action: from half an hour to 48 hours, or several weeks, according to circumstances. COMPARE WI'rH--Agar., Anac., Ant.-c., Am., Ars., Asar., Bell., Bry., Cann., Canth., Caust., Cham., Cof, Colch., Croc., Dros., Dulc, Graph., Hep., Hyos., Ipec., Merc., Nitr.-a., NAx-v., Op., Vhosph., Plat., Puls., Ruta, Sabin., Sep, 56 ACONITUM NAPELLUS. Spig., Spong., Stram., Sulph., Verat.-Acon. is frequently useful as an inter. current remedy after Am. and Sulph., unless indicated at the commencement of the disease.-The following remedies are most frequently indicated after Aeon.: Arn., Ars, Bell., Bry., Cann., Ipec., -Spong., Sulph. ANTIDOTES.-In poisoning, free vomiting with Mustard, Sulphate of Zinc or Ipecac., Wine, vegetable acids (vinegar, acid fruit). Ilomceopathically, Camph., Nux-v., Par.? Guco??-Aeon. is an antidote to Chanh., Coff, Nux-v., Petrol., Sulph., Sep., Verat.-Oil, and vomiting excited by oil, seem to aggravate the effects of Acon. RATIONALE OF ITS AcTCON.-According to Dr. Gerstel (a homosopathist), the primary action of Aconite consists: 1. Almost exclusively of an affection of the nervous system, especi. ally of -the vaso-motor portion of the great sympathetic nerve, with a simultaneous affection of a larger portion of that part of the spinal marrow which presides over sensation, viz., the posterior column, while the anterior or motor column only becomes implicated by reflex action. 2. The peculiar character of the primitive action of Aconite is paralyzing or depressing; from smaller doses and slighter degrees of its action, this paralyzing influence is marked by the occurrence of crawling, prickling, and'creeping sensations, accompanied with a sense ofnumbness, to which is added, at a later period, a feeling of swelling, especially in the skin of the arms, fingers, face, external chest, and legs. 3. Frequently the depressing action of the Aconite is confined to the sphere of the sympathetic nerve, and is marked by a confused and depressed state of mind, which seems to proceed from the region of the heart. 4. Then a feeling of chilliness, or creeping chills over the back, or proceeding from the back, are experienced, and may gradually increase to an intense sense of coldness, with shaking chills, actual numbness and blueness of the parts most distant from the centre of the circulation, viz., the fingers and toes. 5. From a continuous and more powerful action of it, its paralyzing power will influence the vaso-motor apparatus in particular, marked by intermitting, weak, and irregular action of the heart, emptiness of the left side of the heart and great blood-vessels, with corresponding alteration of the pulse, even down to complete pulselessness, with oppression of the chest anxiety, restlessness, vertigo, and swooning, all proceeding from debility of the heart. 6. The simultaneous affection of the sympathetic and spinal nerves is marked by sensations of bruisedness, sluggishness, heaviness, and lameness of the muscles, especially of the mouth, tongue, upper, and still more of the lower limbs, and by entire loss of sensation, especially of the hands. ACONITUM NAPELLUS. 57 7. It is to be expected, from this state of depression of the arteries and sensorial nerves, that all the secretions and excretions which depend principally upon the arterial influence will be more or less interrupted; still the urinary secretion seems at times to form an exception, as it may be increased in quantity, and then it is more watery and spasmodic. It is very probable that similar alterations take place in the serous, fibrous, and mucous membranes. 8. From extreme degrees of its action, viz., from more or less complete paralysis of the arteries, a very high state of venosity, or intense venous congestion ensues. The heart is then found to contain retained blood; the lungs are hypermemic and over-filled with black, thinly-fluid, and venous blood, without exhibiting the slightest trace of inflammation; the sinuses of the membranes of the brain are crowded with black blood; hence the vertigo, staggering as if from intoxication, the bloating of the face, the involuntary sighing, the deep breathing, the blueness of the skin of the face and lips, the icy coldness of the limbs, the venous abdominal plethora, the obstruction of the liver, the crowding of the blood with crude bilious substances, the dark yellow color of the skin, &c., until, finally, death ensues, from complete obstruction of the circulation and respiration, owing to paralysis of the heart, pulmonary apoplexy, and asphyxia.-J. C. P. SECONDARY OR KEACTIVE STAGE OF THE ACONITE DISEASE.-In those cases where the primary action of the Aconite is not too powerful, the organism reacts at once against it, and nervous erethism, hypersesthesia, and arterial reaction ensue; thus, the creeping, crawling, and numb sensations give way to more or less painful piercing, rending, aching, and pressing sensations; the sense of weariness, lassitude, lameness, and powerlessness are supplied by trembling, jerking, partial or general convulsions; the coldness, faintness, weakness, irregularity, and slowness of the pulse are supplanted by arterial reaction, heat of the face, sensation of swelling of external parts, and erethistic or synochal fever; the heart beats more powerfully; the pulse becomes quicker and fuller, and occasions congestion and irritation in all the secreting organs, and in parts abundantly supplied with blood, as the bronchial mucous membraue, exudation of blood and inflammation may ensue.-J. C. P. GENERAL EFFECTS ON THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. Nerves of Sensation. -Aconite seems to exert a very decided and specific action upon the nerves of sensation, as evidenced by the peculiar feelings of tingling, prickling, numbness, creeping, and craw'ling, &c., which it causes in so marked a degree in almost every organ and part of the body. It is somewhat a matter of doubt whether it acts primarily and para, 3* 58 ACONITUMI NAPELLUS. lyzingly upon the nerves of sensation, or whether the numbness, ting. ling, and loss of sensation, which it produces in so eminent a degree, arises from its depressing action upon those ganglionic, or vaso-motor, or great sympathetic nerves which follow the blood-vessels to their most minute ramifications and preside over their functions. My own impression is, that the pains caused and cured by Aconite are not purely nervous or neuralgic pains, but are such as arise from some acrid, or rheumatic, or other irritation of the ganglionic nerves about the blood-vessels, or else are congestive in. their nature, or owing to the return of the circulation and nervous energy to the blood-vessels and nerves of the afflicted parts, similar to what happens when the foot or leg is said to be asleep. Veith Meyer thinks that Aconite stimulates, or excites, or arouses the sensibility of the nerves of sensation, and assumes that the few symptoms that indicate an opposite condition are so insignificant that they may be considered as the results of secondary action. But it is impossible to read a well described case of poisoning with Aconite or Aconitine without becoming aware of the prominent and primary importance of the signs of paralysis of the circulation and the nervous energies, or direct depression of the vital powers; thus, the most manifest symptoms are, slight wandering delirium, the consciousness being partly retained; general muscular tremors, or very slight convulsions; failure of the circulation; a feeling of numbness and tingling over the entire body; coolness or coldness of the skin; loss of sight, and death by exhaustion or syncope. If the above views be correct, it cannot be a specific in cases of pure neuralgia, in which the nerve alone is affected.-J. C. P. Nerves of Motion.-Aconite does not irritate the nerves of motion primarily like Nux-vomica, Angustura, Ig.natia, and Strychnine, but rather produces great muscular debility, which may, however, in the reactive stage, be followed by increased muscular energy, or irritation, and even convulsions. Still it is to be supposed that the convulsions caused by Aconite are similar to those which follow an excessive loss of blood, or the use of Tobacco, Digitalis, Ptussicacid, &c.-J. C. P., MUSCULAR SYSTEM.-If Aconite is homoeopathic to any form of in. flammation at all, it is so to 'rheumatic inflammation, inflammation of the muscular and fibrous systems, &c. Latham says: Acute rheumatism of the severest kind may have the start of us for full ten or fourteen days, during which nothing whatever has been done for its relief, and when at length the proper remedy has been applied, it has been cured as easily and rapidly as any one could promise himself that it would have been if he had taken it in hapd one or two weeks ACONITUM NAPELLUS. 59 sooner; surely there is something remarkable enough to make us stop and think for a moment. An inflammation of the brain, the liver, or the lungs, would not thus wait our pleasure or our neglect, and be as cdurable ten or fourteen days hence as it is to-day. For inflaipmation in these organs does not stand still in its first stage. It is progressive from stage to stage, and each succeeding stage carries it farther and farther away from the remedy. But it is the very peculiarity of acute rheumatism that it does, in a certain sense, stand still, or rather does not get beyond the first stage. All its actions and movements are as forcible and rapid as possible, yet it does not get beyond the first stage. All its energy is expended upon one stage, and there is no apparent progression beyond it. A fortnight ago there was great heat, and nervous and vascular excitement, and great pain and swelling of the joints, and to-day we have nothing more, and perhaps nothing less. There is no more sign of inflammatory exudation, or suppuration, or of parts disorganized, or parts destroyed, now than then. Verily, it seems as if the disease had wanted to be cured all the while. In fact, all the principal German writers on the materia medica place great stress upon the. proclivity of Aconite to cause rheumatic symptoms; thus Vogt, Dierbach, and Sobernheim agree that, after the first tumult caused by taking large quantities of Aconite has passed off, that the head is apt to become very painful, and pains appear in the limbs, especially the so-called bone and joint pains, and persist until a more or less profuse sweat and increased flow of saturated urine set in. VASCULAR SYSTEM. HIeart and Arteries.--Pulse frequent, soft, and weak, the beat being sometimes so feeble as to be almost imperceptible. Pulse 100, feeble, and regular. Pulse feeble, 120, and intermitting after every second stroke. Pulse 90 and of fair strength. Heart's action almost imperceptible. Pulse small and 140. Pulse 40. Pulse often intermitting and feeble. Pulse scarcely perceptible. Sensation as if all the blood in his veins were frozen. Pulse scarcely to be felt; when it became more perceptible it was still intermitting and irregular; at timcs two or three beats followed each other quickly, and then were succeeded by an intermission. Pulse quick and irregular. Pulse slow and intermitting. Heart flabby and containing but little black fluid blood. Pulse so small and weak that it can scarcely be felt. Coldness and pulselessness of the limbs, and feeble beating of the heart; when the pulse became fuller it was only 58, and intermitted every fourth beat; gradually it rose to 70, and finally tq 100, the skin becoming hot and dry. Pulse irr.gular and slow; pulse 54, unequal and soft. as if the blood did not fill the arteries, U-eag 60 t. ACONITUM NAPELLUS. almost empty. No pulse to be felt in radial or temporal arteries; afterwards it rose to 125. Both venous and arterial blood very fluid. Some fluid and a great deal of coagulated blood in right side of heart; ventricles and auricles filled with black coagulated blood. Teste asserts that, "If Aconite could be given in the very commencement, before the disease has had time to develop a local inflammation, this localization might be prevented in many cases; but I believe, likewise, that when the local inflammation has already acquired a certain degree of intensity, many other drugs may, by virtue of constitutional idiosyncrasies, or with respect to the organ which has become the local focus of the disease, be preferable to Aconite, which, in such cases, could not be administered without involving a precious loss of time. As a general rule, it seems to me that, even in acute inflammations, Aconite is only indicated when the inflammatory fever is the ruling symptom." CLINICAL REMARKS.-In disease of the heart, particularly in those in which the chief indication is to diminish the action of that organ, Fleming found Aconite a most valuable remedy. In functional derangement it will often effect a cure. In simple hypertrophy, pain and increased action of the heart, it is preferable to Digitalis; its action is more purely sedative and more unifdrm. But, in a very large class of cases of disease of the heart, when obstruction exists, which prevents the heart from transmitting the necessary quantity of blood by the usual number of pulsations, and it is forced to make up Sfor such inadequacy by more frequent and forcible contractions, the use of Aconite, Digitalis, and similar remedies is highly injurious VENOUS SYSTEM.-It is homoeopathic to intense or excessive venous congestion of many organs,.with entire paralysis, or depotentization of all the arterial activities, carried up to the point of absolute cyanosis. If the vital forces of the patient are great enough to react against the Aconite, of course quite opposite symptoms will arise, viz., acute pains in various parts, and more or less active febrile excitement, which rarely, however, proceeds to the extent of causing true inflammation. When itidoes seem to cause inflammation, it is not a pure, frank, and decisive inflammation; even Dr. Veith Meyer is obliged to admit that, " We have as yet no irrefragable proofs that this drug can produce any thing farther than the congestive state; there are as yet no instances, not even in cases of poisoning, nor in the later and most industrious provings of our Vienna colleagues, in which the in troduction of it into the healthy organism has resulted in the appear ance of any one of the products peculiar to inflammation, viz., an exudation." It may occasionally cause an effusion, but never a true ACONITUM NAPELLUS. inflammatory exudation of plastic lymph, fibrine, or pus. "Even in the post-mortem examinations of those poisoned by Aconite, so far as now known, as well as in the experiments upon animals, no positive and decisive indications have been observed that any true inflammatory product has ever followed the administration of Aconite." Hence Aconite cannot cure a fully developed inflammation, but can only subdue that congestive state which precedes inflammation, before a perfect inflammatory stasis and exudation have set in; in other words, it can cut an inflammation short before it is fully developed, but it cannot cure it when it is; this is confirmed at the bedside. In inflammation this remedy never fails to exert its beneficent and quieting power over the fever which accompanies the inflammation, and even over som6 of the inflammatory symptoms themselves, still, should the disease have gone a stage beyond the stadium congestivum, we often find ourselves obliged to abandon our Aconite, or at least only to rely upon it as a fellow-worker with other drugs more homoeopathic to the existing disease. Pereyra (not Pereira) says, " We observe no genuine traces of in flammation in the bodies of those who have fallen victims to this poi son-he insists that the mere circumstance of patches here and there of vascular fullness (which even Noack and Trinks admit to be seated especially in the veins) along the alimentary canal, does not prove that inflammation is present-for this appearance is observed in almost all cases where life is extinguished from the action of sedative agents," and Opium, it is well known, causes flushed countenance, full pulse, but does not excite inflammation, but venous congestion.-J. C. P. Vogt says, except the over-filling of the great vessels with (venous) blood, we find but few traces of affection of the intestinal canal, in poisoning with Aconite, of the kind which the acria cause. He adds that violent poisoning with it is characterized especially by the excessive predominance of venosity, great congestion, and accumulation of (venous) blood in the head, chest, liver, and whole abdomen--it seems evident that, if the veins be so full, the arteries must be comparatively empty.-J. C. P. The bilious symptoms which Aconite is apt to cause, also speak for its primary action upon the venous system. This is a great stum. bling-block to those who assume that it acts primarily and excitingly upon the arterial system. Veith Meyer says: "There is one morbid condition of the economy which, in the present position of our science, is not easily reconciled with what we (Veith Meyer) have laid down as the general sphere of activity of this drug; I (V. M.) have as 62 ACONITTIM NAPELLUS. sumed that its field of operation is solely in the ganglionic nervous system, that it affects only the vaso-motor nerves which excite or sustain the arterial activity." Biliousness, jaundice, and congestion of the liver are vastly different affections from arterial congestion, true and arterial inflammation. Look for a moment at the following symptoms of Aconite, and see if they do not present a perfect picture ofJaundice.-Dark-yellow skin. Yellowness of the sclerotica. Loss of appetite. Disgust for meat. Bitter taste in the mouth. Bitter taste in the mouth, with want of appetite. Pains in the chest and under the short ribs. Malaise after eating. Eructations with sourish taste. Vomiturition. Vomiting of green bile. Vomiting of a greenish, watery fluid. Vomiting of mucus. Pressing pain in the stomach, as if from a weight. Violent colic-pains. Pressing pains, as from a weight in the hypochondria. Colic, with inflation of the abdomen, relieved by the discharge of wind. Pressure in the hepatic region, by which the respiration is embarrassed (apparently from an increase of bulk in the organ), then aching in the umbilical region. Squeezing pain in the region of the gall-bladder, when sitting, embarrassing the respiration. Flatulence. White evacuations. White evacuations and red urine. Thin, rather watery evacuations, with some colic, grumbling in the abdomen, and faint feeling. Constipation for several days. The urine passed in the early morning is brown, becomes cloudy after a time, and deposits a sediment. Nights in the highest degree restless, sleepless, and full of dreams. Fearful, vexatious drdams. Head confused and vacant in the morning after waking. Pain all over, as if beaten. Unusual weariness. Constant itching and biting in different spots on the skin, obliging him to scratch. Slow pulse. Pulse unequally full, soft. You will not easily find, in any of the text-books on pathology, a clearer description of icterus than this detail of symptoms brings before you. According to the assumption of the primary venous, and passivecongestive action of Aconite, we would expect exactly such effects upon the liver and biliary functions. It also seems homoeopathic to abdominal dropsy from disease of the liver and omentum. LYMPHATIC SYSTEM.-Stdrck and Greding assume that Aconito does not act as prominently upon the glandular system as Conium, yet they both report cases of glandular swellings and tumors which resisted the action of Conium and yielded to that of Aconite. TOXICOLOGY.-Dorsal decubitus; fixed eyes; contracted pupils; livid countenance; stiffness of the jaws; coldness and pulselessness of the limbs; short, imperfect, difficult respiration; feeble beating of ACONITUM NAPELLUS 63 the heart, with intermissions. Peculiar crawling and trembling in the limbs, attended with piercing pain. In another case, the patient first experienced warmth and contraction of the throat; excessively anxious and restless, complaining of his throat, and of burning along the oesophagus. His mental and sensorial functions were undisturbed; his tongue whitish; nausea; no pain in the bowels. The primitive action of the drug sdomed to fall upon the lower limbs, which were in incessant motion, even while sitting; when he walked, his legs trembled, so as to give him a peculiar staggering gait; he had violent pain in the throat, and exhibited excessive restlessness and fear of death. Two and a half hours after, he could not hold himself upright, and was attacked with a peculiar variety of convulsions, viz., the upper and lower extremities were forcibly drawn inwards, the fingers clenched, and thumbs turned in so as to form a fist; the legs were in a state of persistent adduction; all this time there was not the slightest concussion; the face was covered with a cold viscid sweat; the eyes turned up, so that only their whites were to be seen. No pulse was to be felt in the radial or temporal arteries; the paroxysm lasted about three minutes, was attended by cracking of the joints, and succeeded by exhaustion. He experienced and expressed very great anxiety; thought that his last hour had come; his intellect was generally unclouded, except at intervals, when he fell into a state of stupefaction, closed his eyes, let his head sink, and then rose up again, with a motion similar to that made by one who has fallen asleep while riding and then suddenly awakes; but he was perfectly blind, and could distinguish neither persons nor objects around him. He again vomited, had constant nausea, and was again attacked with convulsions. In two hours more the patient had recovered his sight, but the convulsions were as frequent and more severe than before; the temperature of his skin sank lower every moment; he experienced several shudderings, and soon after became icy cold, with hippocratic countenance and violent retraction of the head backwards; respiration stertorous; mucous rattle heard at a distance; still, notwithstanding his agonizing condition, he heard everything that was said to him, and had not the slightest pain in the abdomen; soon after the first attack of convulsions, the palms of his hands became so insensible that he did not feel deep pricks 'with a needle. He remained in this condition for two hours longer, when the heart and pulse-beats again became perceptible; warmth and general comfort returned; in an hour more his appearance had improved, a profuse warm sweat broke out, pulse rose to 125, sensation had returned in the palms of both hands, and respi. ration was free and easy. After a short sleep, the patient awoke with 64 ACONITUM NAPELLUS. a general bruised feeling; injections brought away black and very offensive feeces; urine was scanty and very turbid; abdomen not at all painful; tongue moist and white. For several days the patient's features bore the marks of fright and stupidity. HAHNEMANN.1-The very careful observations of the venerable founder of homoeopathy deserve the strictest attention-viz.: " That Aconite causes a prompt removal of inflammatory action, without consecutive effect in fevers, called purely inflammatory; acts magically in measles, purpura-miliaris, in inflammatory fevers with pleurisy, &c., if the regimen be somewhat cooling; is an indispensable remedy in the most obstinate chronic affections, in which the state of the body requires a diminution of what is called rigidity of fibre (sthenic diathesis, &c.); is the first and most powerful curative agent in croup, several kinds of angina, and other local inflammations, especially when thirst and frequent pulse are attended by great impatience, agitation which nothing can calm, and tossing from side to side in great agony; cures morbid states in persons whose minds have been excited from fear and indignation;.is indispensable for females who suffer from fear or contrarieties during the catamenia, which otherwise might be interrupted; may be salutary for those symptoms (which follow), principally of a tonic character, which appear to be contradictory, but are alternate states; and will prove inoperative through vegetable acids, wine, and other remedies which correspond palliatively or homoeopathically with its effects in excessive doses." HIARTMANN.-" Sanguine temperament, robust constitutzon, and diminution of the pains when moving, especially indicate this remedy. Inflammatory fever-for which Aconite is a specific-is characterized by: Constant burning heat over the whole body, with redness of skin; distention and redness of the face; eyes glistening and prominent; respiration short and anxious; dry, red tongue-in rare cases it is somewhat coated with mucus; great1 thirst, constipation, and even absence of dejections; inappetence; hot, red urine, which is passed in small quantities; sleeplessness, jactitation, restlessness, and anxiety. In all local inflammations, attended by this fever, as pleurisy, pneumonia, carditis, enteritis, &c., Aconite is frequently required, either as a direct or preparatory expedient. In congestions, seething of SThe Clinical Remarks-in the previous editions of this Manual-comprise so many repetitions that we shall arrange them, and the additions of Noack and Trin!;s, in an alphabetical form, at the close of the volume, while their place will be supplied by practical observations derived from the best medical authors, properly accredited -Ei. ACONITUM NAPELLUS. 65 blood, and hmKmorrhages. of various kinds, it is indispensable. In acute diseases, where all remedies which seem to be indicated are ineffectual, or affect too powerfully without improvement, Aconite often removes very quickly this hyper-excitation of the nervous system; by this treatment, the remedies which are then indicated act more favorably." Griessolich thought that Aconite was indicated when there is excessive irritability of body or mind; in mental derangement, when the vascular system is much involved; when there is frenzy, attended with congestion or inflammation of the brain. Especially when there are paroxysms of great anxiety and mental depression. In hypochondria, when the patient imagines that various wonderful transformations have taken place in his internal or external organs. Rtickert advises it when there is anxiety and fear of approaching death; when the organ of caution is affected. Lombard thought it affected the brain somewhat like Opium. Teste commends Aconite in mental derangement of recent date, caused by fright, and in the delirium which precedes or accompanies certain acute fevers. Fleming used Aconite internally in fifteen cases of headache, with complete success in ten; of the successful cases, three were nervous, four plethoric, and three rheumatic;' of the unsuccessful cases, three were nervous, and two dyspeptic. Relief was usually experienced after the first dose, and a complete cure effected on the first or second day. Drs. Burgess and Radley have seen Aconite of incalculable service in relieving the agonizing pain of nervous headache; Henderson and Miller have also used it with success. Strrck and Vogel recommended it in rheumatic headache, and Copland has found it useful in both nervous and rheumatic cases. It is often more useful when applied externally than when taken internally. It is homoeopathic to the most violent headaches, when the patient lies as if unconscious, retches to vomit, thinks he must die, cannot endure the slightest noise or mation, and in which the face is pale, and the pulse small and intermitting. Also, in hemicrania, when there is a violent pain over the left eye, attended with nausea and vomiting. In severe rheumatic headaches, when attended with pains in the fibrous sheaths of the nerves, in the fibrous membranes of the brain and scalp. In venous congestive headaches, with excessive numbness and tingling in various parts. It is antipathic to arterial congestive and inflammatory headaches, and must then be given in full doses. In coma and applexy- it is homoeopathic to these disorders when 66 ACONITUM NAPELLUS. they arise from venous congestion or nervous exhaustion, and must then be given in very small doses; when they depend upon active arterial congestion the dose must be comparatively largo. Fleming says, the pupil in general is more or less contracted, dilating to its natural size immediately on the cessation of respiration; it is owing to venous congestion. Its sympathetic action on the retina is remarkable: when applied to one of the temples, or one side of the forehead, more or less blindness of the same side is produced. When the conjunctiva is slightly painted with Aconitine, contraction of the pupil speedily takes place and continues for several hours. -Pereira has observed it to cause contraction of the pupil in some amaurotic cases of several years' standing, and where the iris underwent no change on exposure to strong light-when the ointment of the alkaloid, or the tincture of the root is applied to the temple or forehead, the pupil occasionally becomes dilated. Fleming has only witnessed this in two cases, in both of which it was attended with partial blindness of the same eye; why such opposite effects should ensue in the two cases it is difficult to understand. Giddiness, with confusion of sight. Headache, vertigo, with dimness of vision. Con traction of the pupil, disappearing after the jugular vein is opened. In four cases, Fleming saw dilatation of the pupil accompanied by almost total blindness-either paralysis of retina, or of iris. Aconitine applied to the eye-ball of a rabbit-in three minutes the pupil began to contract; in five minutes it was scarcely one-sixth of the size of that of the other eye; when the contraction was extreme the pupil was insensible to light, but when only partial it still retained its mobility; the contraction continued for nine hours. Slight giddi. ness and dimness of vision are very common effects; dull, heavy pain in the eye-balls; dimness of vision and profuse secretion of tears; pain and watering of the eyes, without vascularity; black specks floating in the field of vision, dazzling and dimness of vision; from ten drops of the root, general trembling, violent headache, pain of the eye-balls, constant lachrymation and intense photophobia, vascularity of conjunctiva not increased, eyes fixed and protruded, pupils contracted. Noack advises it in ophthalmia of a catarrhal or rheu matic nature, especially when chemosis, or great redness and swelling around the cornea has taken place. Heat and burning in the eyes, especially the left; great photophobia, inflammation, and lachrymation of the eyes, with such severe pain that the patient wished to die, swelling of inflamed eyes, redness of the conjunctiva and sclerotica Inflammation from a foreign body in the eye, with redness, stinging pain and pressure in every part of the eye, intolerance of light and ACONITUM NAPELLTUS. 67 'Achrymation. Dryness and heaviness of the upper eye-lids. Pain. ful., tense, red, and hard swelling of the lids, especially in the morn. ing. Sensation as. if the whole eye-ball were pushed into the orbit. Prickling and smarting of the eye-lids, as when a cold is setting in. Soreness and itching of -the eye-lids. Yellowness of the whites of the eyes. Sparks and mist before the eyes; flashes and scintillations; lamps seem tremulous, and luminous vibrations before the eyes. It is used internally and externally, by German physicians, in rheumatic and arthritic iritis and amaurosis; also in simple rheumatic inflarninations of the eye. A very deaf old lady was almast cured of her deafness by an accidental over-dose of Aconite. In cases of severe earache and inflammation of the ear, I have been in the habit of putting in a small quantity of the root of Aconite.-J. C. P. It is a very useful remedy'in the epistaxis of young and plethoric persons. It hla's been used spiccessfully in many cases of neuralgia of the face. Thus, it cured one ease of tic-doloureux, of eight years' standing, in eight dlays; one ease, in both intra-maxillary nerve-s, of nine years' standing, in six days;: one application of the tincture of the root, externally, cured one case each of neuralgia, supra- and infra-orbitalis; one case of infra-orbi~tal neuralgia, of five years' standing, was cured by the external use of Aconitine in fifteen days; one case of supra-orbital neuralgia, of four years' standing, by the internal use of the alkaloid, in six days; a nine months' infra-orbital neuralgia, by external application of' the tincture, in nine days; a seven months' neuralgia, inframaxillary, by the tincture, internally and externally, in thirteen days; a two months' neuralgia-frontalis, by the external use o~f the tincture, in three days; a tic-doloureux, of several years' standing, affecting the whole left side of the face, was only temporarily relieved after each application of the tincture; a neuralgia occipito-cervicalis, of several months' duration, was cured in four days; another, of several years' duration, was only relieved for several hours after each application; a hemierania, of three weeks' duration, was cured in five days; another, of seven days' standing, was cured by two applications; and one of' three days, by three applications.-In all cases of neuralgia it is said to be better to commence the treatment by external applications; but, if it be caused by inflammatlion, cither in the painful parts or in the nerve farther up in its course, or should it be traceable to sympathetic irritation, the internal- use of the remedy will probably have to be resorted to; if the neuralgia arises from some local irrita, 68 ACONITUM NAPELLUS. tion of the nerve, or is merely functional, the local applications will probably be sufficient.-J. C. P. Dr. Fleming employed it in forty cases, by rubbing the gum with a few drops of the tincture of the root, or by introducing a bit of cot. ton, with a drop or two of the tincture, into the carious tooth. In seven of these cases it failed; in six, it relieved only for a short time, and in the remaining twenty-seven it afforded complete and permanent relief. I have used Aconite in this way for seven or eight years, with almost invariable success.-J. C. P. It is a valuable local application in painful affections of the tongue, especially in cancer; it should never, however, be applied to any open sore. Noack advises it only in slight catarrhal inflammation of the tonsils, palate, and pharynx, but I have used the tincture of the root successfully in the severest attacks of quinsy, and found it more beneficial than Belladonna; it is especially indicated in rheumatism of 'the muscles of the throat, in which there is intense pain on swallowing, and but little redness or swelling of the mucous membrane. It has been used successfully in many cases of chronic pharyngitis. I often apply the tincture of the root externally to the neck with much benefit. Professor Dumas, depending upon the intimate sympathy between the throat and womb in women, and knowing the specific impression which Aconite makes upon the throat, was led to use it in uterine pains; when the throat became affected the uterus was relieved.-J. C. P. It is homoeopathic to want of appetite, from excessive debility or a piralytic state of the digestive orgaus; also to well-marked bilious derangementNoack advises it in the vomitings of pregnant or hysteric females; when there is vomiting of blood or worms; also in cramps and inflammation of the stomach. I have found the external application of the tincture of the root very useful in many painful and inflammatory affections of the saomach.-J. C. P. Noack recommends it in disphragmitis; in peritonitis, even the puerperal variety; in colic, from taking cold; enteritis, inflammations of both the large and small bowels, when attended with piercing, cutting, burning, and rendering pains, with extreme sensitiveness of the abdomen to touch; it is said to have proven useful even when faeaal vomiting, great anxiety, and coldness of the legs have set in, and in strangulated hernia. I have been in the habit of depending upon a lavish external use of the tin--urc of the root in ail the above affections. The relief in puerperal peritonitis is extraordinary; I have ACONITUM NAPELLUS. 69 almost ceased to regard peritonitis and enteritis as formidable affec tions, provided Aconite can be applied externally, both early and abundantly enough. Aconite certainly seems to exert a very powerful action over the liver; it is homoeopathic to venous congestion of the liver, and general plethora-abdominalis; to ascites, from disease of the liver, even from granulated liver; also to fully-developed jaundice. The external use of the tincture should not be forgotten. Professor Fouquier has used it, with some success, as a diuretic in passive dropsies. De Candolle says it is a domestic remedy among the Alp people in dropsy.-J. C. P. In Dysentery.-Marbot, surgeon-major of the " Crocodile," man-ofwar, treated three hundred cases of inflammatory dysentery with Aconite: there was intense fever; hard, contracted, rapid pulse; violent headache; a dry and bitter mouth, although the tongue was flattened and not much loaded; tenderness of the abdomen, colic, distressing pulsation in the right hypochondrium, and tenesmus. The effects of the Aconite quite surpassed his expectations, for the inflammatory symptoms subsided in less than a day, and the blood disappeared from the stools in a few hours; he always found it to abate the hlemorrhage and lessen the fever, the pain in the belly also becoming relieved, and the stools passing easier, even a few hours after the first dose. But the Aconite exerted no other effects upon the stools than removing the blood from them, their mucous and glairy characters continuing as before, and even their number not undergoing a diminution proportionate to the improvement of the other symptoms; it would seem to exert a very feeble action on the intestinal contractions, but promptly subdues the febrile action and the excitement produced in the various organs. Aconite does not cure the dysentery, but so modifies its nature as to render it amenable to treatment that proved useless before. After Aconite, Ipecac. came in play; Mercury was given when the liver and pancreas were disordoered, the stools being green, opaque, or foamy and muco-purulent. He did not lose one case out of three hundred. It renders the evacuations in inflammatory dysentery and diarrhoea less irritating, and removes the fever.-J. C. P. In simple inflammatory, catarrhal, and spasmodic croups, I have been in the habit of relying almost exclusively upon tincture of Aconite root and Tartar-emetic, in alternation; and, I may say, always with success, and that right promptly. It is a great waste of time, how. ever, to use these remedies in true membranous croup: Bromine, Ammon.-caust., lod., Mere., or Bichrom.-pot., are there required.-J. C. P. Borda recommends it in pneumonia, after the first violence of the 70 ACONITUM NAPELLTS. inflammation is broken, and spasmodic coagh, suspicious expectora. tion, great irritability of the lungs, and an erethistic state remains. Busch and Beaumes advise it in pulmonary consumption, during the erethistic inflammatory stage, with flying stitches of pain in the chest and feverishness; also when the tubercles are softening and the sputa are fetid and of bad character. Kindervater, of Hanover, has depended upon it for twenty years in the cure of all acute internal rheumatic inflammations, i. e., all those that are caused by taking cold, such as rheumatic pleurisy, pneumonia, bronchitis, peritonitis, acute arthritis, &c. The above are all allopathic authorities; another, Dr. Routh (see London Lancet, Aug., 1855), says, the first indication in pneumonia is to diminish the general fever and the increased pulmonary respiration; these can be effected by the tincture of the root of Aconite, on the action of which, in small and repeated doses, he dwells at length, and especially in reference to its certainty of action and utility as compared with the ordinary tincture.-J. C. P. In lumbago, Fleming used Aconite in ten cases, and in each a complete cure was effected; it was used internally and externally, and relief was felt speedily in every case. It seems homoeopathic to spinal irritation. Vogt says, after great restlessness, Aconite causes relaxation, diminution of heart and pulse-beats, head becoming confused, often very painful, the face more puffed-up and livid, pains set in in the limbs, especially so-called bone-pains, and pains in the joints, until, under profusely out-breaking sweat and increased flow of urine, the symptoms generally disappear. It seems not only to produce the pains, but also the crises, by sweat and urine, of rheumatism.-J. C. P. J. A. Schmidt has advanced the conjecture that it acts prominently upon the fibrous tissues, external skin, and pulmonary mucous membrane-far less upon the lymphatic system and glands. Vogt thinks this notion is not far from the truth, if we call to mind the pains in the bones and joints, the sweat, itching, and springing up of vesicles 'like rheumatic miliaria?); in further corroboration, he adds, that the observations of the'best practitioners have found it more serviceable in diseases of the fibrous tissues, and even Storek admits that it is far less serviceable in glandular affections than Conium, although it is a much more acrid and energetic drug.-J. C. P. Sobernheim says it causes painful sensations in the joints ana hones, which disappear after the breaking out of a profuse sweat and abundant secretion of urine, and adds that it differs from Conium by its more prominent action on the fibrous system and external skin whence arise the bone and joint-pains. ACONITUM NAPELLUS. 71 Harnisch says it causes pain, fullness, and trembling of the limbs, especially of the lower extremities, and the patient at the same time often suffers from the most violent pains in the bones and joints. Kuttner says, general painfulness of all the joints not unfreuently arises after large doses of Aconite. Harnisch adds that the skin-eruptions, profuse sweats, also the pains in the joints, limbs, and bones, all prove the peculiar action of Aconite upon the skin and fibrous tissues, which is to increase the activity of them. Harnisch thinks it is to be doubted whether the good effects of Aconite against rheumatic and gouty joint-, limb-, and bone-pains depend upon its homceopathic power (which it certainly possesses) of causing similar effects on the healthy; the violent pains, which it causes in the bones, limbs, and joints, prove the peculiar action of it upon those parts, and depend partly upon an inflammatory-like irritation, and in part upon a purely nervous affection; hence, he says, if this remedy cures these complaints according to the homoeopathic law, it should also, as it quickens the pulse and circulation, and causes febrile symptoms, cure acute rheumatism and febrile gout.-J. 0. P. There is a vast quantity of old-school testimony to the efficacy of Aconite in rheumatism and similar affections. Noack and Trinks say it is used in the old-school practice in rheumatic-spasmodic asthma; in arthritic affections of the chest; in lumbago and ischias; in stiffness of the limbs (rheumatic); in rheumatic swellings; in rheumatic swelling of the periosteum; in rheumatic swelling of the bones; in local bone-pains; in mercurial disease, taking the form of rheumatism; in rheumatism; in wandering rheumatism; in rheumatism of the joints; in gout, nodous gout, and gout with paralysis; in violent pains in the limbs; in rheumatic metastases to internal parts.-In Germany, it is regarded as the main remedy against chronic rheumatism. Of fourteen recipes for Aconite, in Sobernheim's " Materia Medica," eleven are for rheumatism. Sobernheim says it is the main remedy in rheumatic and gouty affections, partly chronic and inveterate, attended with abnormal metamorphoses, partly fixed and very painful, and occurring in the form of joint-rheumatism and joint-gout; he thinks it allays the pains by actively exciting the suppressed perspiration and causing profuse diaphoresis. Grefe, Schmidt, Rust, Lombard, Kopp, Brera, G. A. Richter, Stark, Hufeland, Stdrck, Barthez, Scudamore, Vering, &c., all join in recommending it.-J. C. P. Vogel advises it in atonic gout, and iv the head-gout which occurs in the form of hemicrania, with predominant affection of the fibrous dura-mater. 72 ACONITUM NAPELLUS. Greding recommends it in affections of the heart and chest, from rheumatic and arthritic causes. Kahleis, Davies, and Lombard, in rheumatism of the heart and affections of the fibrous portion of the pericardium. Vogt says, in many instances, pretty rapid relief from pain has been caused by it; but most of such cases seem to have been of rheumatic or arthritic origin, and ceased when Aconite-perspiration set in. Harnisch says it cures chronic rheumatic and arthritic inflammations of the stomach and bowels. St6rck cured the most violent rheumatic pains, which do not allow of the use of the arms and legs. Thilenius says it relieves nocturnal syphilitic bone-pains far better than Opium. Stdrck thought that the syphilitic acridities, which attacked the nerves and bones, and caused the pains, were solved by the Aconite, broaght into the general circulation, and then cast out by the profuse sweats and urinations which ensue under the use of it.-J. C. P. The alcoholic extract of Aconite, according to Lombard, possesses a specific curative power against acute joint-rheumatism; he says it quickly relieves the pains, and rapidly promotes the absorption of the effused synovial fluid from the affected joint; he used it exclusively fnr two years in the Hospital at Geneva. Kopp advises it in rheumatic pains with syphilitic basis. Brera, in nocturnal syphilitic bone-pains. Pereira says, as a topical remedy, it is most valuable for the relief of neuralgic and rheumatic pains; in rheumatic pains, unaccompanied with local swelling or redness, it is frequently of great service; in painful conditions of the intercostal and other respiratory muscles, occurring in rheumatic individuals, Pereira has found this remedy most valuable. In acute rheumatism, it has not proved successful in his hands, but he has been informed of cases occurring to others in which it has been of great service; he adds, in rheumatism, it has frequently proved serviceable when combined with a sudorific regi men; and he has seen it give great relief to rheumatic pains. In rheumatic hypertrophy of the heart, it has been recommended by Lombard, of Geneva, on account of its decidedly sedative effects vpon that organ.-J. C. P. Pereira says the application of the tincture, as an embrocation, in neuralgia and rheumatism is invaluable, and adds further: " Of the great efficacy of Acomitina in neuralgic and rheumatic affections no one can entertain a doubt who has submitted the remedy to a trial." Vogt says it is among those remedies which onlv.cure after a pro ACONITUM NAPELLUS. 73 tracted use; it is praised with justice in old and atonic dyscrasias, as the rheumatic, arthritic, psoric, and degenerate syphilitic; especially when these affections have attacked the periosteum, articular apparatus, the muscular and tendinous sheaths or have lasted for a long time, and are deeply seated. He says it is used in acute and chronic rheumatism and chronic gout. In acute joint-rheumatism, he says, Aconite is now admitted to be one of the most efficient remedies, which most quickly relieves the pains, and even aids much in facilitating the absorption of the effusions about and in the joints, and lessens the inflammation, especially when combined with Colchicum. Not less great is its curative influence in chronic rheumatism, even in those forms which are increased to the highest grade of neuralgia, viz., in prosopalgia and ischias, in which Roche, Thealier, and others, have praised it as almost a specific. Also in diseases of the fibrous tissues and bones, viz., in tophi, dolores-osteocopi, &c., when dependent upon venereal, arthritic, rheumatic, or degenerate scrofulous dyscrasia, it, according to the most experienced practitioners, effects more than any other narcotico-acrid remedy.-J. C. P. It also caused dizziness, dimness of sight, and a great vivacity of impressions, which the patient compared to the magic lantern, which appeared to her as soon as she closed her eyes; also caused stiffness of the diseased arm, dizziness, fanciful visions, sudden flushes of the face, and a great liveliness of impressions, almost always accompanied with gay and pleasing thoughts (like Opium). From the first day, the pains were much diminished, and each time the dose was increased the pains were calmed in proportion. Finally, the LARGE articulations, such as the wrist, elbow, and shoulder, were more promptly cured than those of the fingers, although the latter were first affected; perhaps, hence, were more fixed. The eadema followed the course of the pains, i. e., disappeared from around the LARGE joints more rapidly than from the smaller.-J. C. P. Lombard thinks Aconite possesses a specific virtue for the dispersion of rheumatic inflammations when seated in the joints. It does not appear to destroy the principle of rheumatism, for this attacks other joints while the patient is using it; hence, without exerting a preservative action, it cures rheumatism by neutralizing its morbid influence wherever it tends to fix itself. Patients have declared that they have found a diminution of pain in the space of an hour, but usually the sedative effect was only evident at the end of several hours. The antiphlogistic action, which arrests the inflammation and tumefaction, whether internal or external to the joint, is commonly more slow; as twelve to twenty-four hours is the most common period 4 74 ACONITUM NAPELLUS. for this amelioration; sometimes, however, thirty-six to forty-eight hours elapse. Its influence extends to the synovial membranes, and contributes powerfully to the absorption of the effusions which exist in almost all cases of acute rheumatism. Its influence on the nervous system is very remarkable: as soon as the doses are a little increased, there is observed a certain excitement of the brain, characterized by nocturnal visions, by a peculiar gaiety, and a great vivacity of impressions; the circulation of -the brain also appears to be modified in such a way as to produce vertigoes; with dazzlings and flushes of heat in the face. The digestive organs were but little or not at all affected. Appetite rereturns after the second or third day, and remain good. Some complain of a disagreeable mouth, and have a little whiteness of the tongue. The stools were increased in frequency in one case only; but not altered in quantity or quality. Hence Lombard was forced to consider that this remedy acts neither as a derivative nor a sudorific, but as a specific remedy against rheumatic inflammations, one whose action is upon the fibrous and tendinous parts which surround the joints, as well as upon the synovial membrane lining them.-J. C. P. Dierbach classes Aconite among the diaphoretica-acrida in company with Ledum-palustris, Rhododendron-chrysanthum, Rhus-toxicodendron, Dulcamara, Pulsatilla-nigricantis, Chelidonium-majo.ris. Lombard says St6rck, who first used this remedy in rheumatism, thought he observed a sudorific virtue in it, and was struck with this indication. However, in eight or ten cases of acute articular rheumatism, which Lombard treated with Aconite, there was but one in which its use was followed by abundant perspiration; all the other cures were obtained without any sudorific action, and even in one case it ARRESTED copious sweatings which had lasted ffteen clays. Vogt says, in small doses it frequently causes a great increase of the secretions; but thinks this action is most marked upon the skin, where, besides copious sweats, it often causes violent itching, and formication with springing up of vesicles. Stbrck noticed its great affinity to the skin, especially when perspiration has been suppressed.-J. C. P. Dierbach says, even in small doses it exerts a great influence upon the skin; this Stbrck noticed in his experiments upon himself, ant thence drew the conclusion that it might prove serviceable in rheu matic and arthritic affections. The diaphoresis takes place under violent itching, and in arthritic and rheumatic diseases not infre. quently passes over into profuse sweats; which at times, however, only show themselves on the most diseased parts, upon which red ACONITUM NAPELLUS. 75 vesicles (perhaps like rheumatic miliaria) or pustules, filled with watery fluid, at times spring up. In some persons, it also excites an abundant secretion of strongly saturated urine. Sobernheim thinks it acts especially upon the skin and uropoetic organs; causing increased and altered urine, which is very much saturated and highly tinged. Dupont has published a curious case of chronic general perspiration, which had lasted upwards of six years, and resisted all treatment, until extract of Aconite was given; at first, in one-half grain doses, gradually increased until sixteen grains per day were taken. (See " Wilson on the Skin," p. 272).-J. C. P. Our experience has confirmed most of the above observations, with the exception, perhaps, of croup. In angina-membranacea, or true croup, the continued use of Aconite involves a vital loss of time: Tartar-emetic, or Bichromate of Potash, should be instantly applied, according to their indications. In the advanced stages of phthisis. pulownalis, a sudden sense of sufocation sets in, attended by prostration and expression of death, which we have promptly palliated by repeated doses of this drug.-ED. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.- *Shooting pains, oor rheumatic, which are reproduced by wine or other stimulants.--Sufferings which, particularly at night, seem insufferable, and which generally disappear in a sitting posture.-*Attacks of pain, with thirst and redness of the cheeks.-*Distressing sensibility of body, and especially of the parts affected, to every movement, and to the slightest touch.-~Pain as from a bruise, and sensation of heaviness in all the limbs.-A sensation of drawing, with paralytic weakness in the arms and legs.-Failure of strength and stability, pains and cracking in the joints, principally of the legs.-Rapid and general decay of strength.--*Attacks offainting, ochiefly on rising from a recumbent posture,-and sometimes with *congestion of blood in the head, ~buzzing in the ears, *deadly paleness of countenance, and shuddering. -. Uneasiness, as if from suppressed pcrspiration, or in consequence of a chill, with pain in the head, buzzing in the ears, colic, and cold in the head.-Sensation of cold and of stagnation of blood in all the vessels.-Shaking in the limbs.-Cataleptic attack, with cries, grind. ing of the teeth, and sobs.-Swelling of the whole body, which as sumes a blackish color. CHARACTERISTIC PECULIARITIES.-.Acute local, and especially congestive inflammations, wzith great erethism of the nerves and the vascular system; violent fever, the pains appearing intolerable.'Congestions, especially of the chest, heart, and head, arising fron plethora.-Inflammation of the serous membranes. - ONeuralgia, 76 ACONITUM NAPELLUS. rheumatism, and arthritis, accompanied with *stinging pains, or with a lame and numb feeling in the affected parts, oviolent intolerable pains, and great nervousness.-~External and internal dry heat of the affected parts.-~ Great sensitiveness of the affected parts from contact and movement.-*Pains as if bruised.-OParoxysms of pain, with thirst and redness of face.-~Various affections consequent upon fright and chagrin, especially in females, during the catamenia.0Aconite is particularly suitable to persons with bright redness ot the cheeks, especially young girls of a plethoric habit, disposed to rushes of blood, who are lively, nervous, irritable, and lead a sedentary life. oWine and other heating substances renew the pains.-O The pains are particularly intolerable at night, and disappear, for the most part, when sitting.-Many of the symptoms appear in the evening, or early in the morning, and frequently diminish in the open air.-*Complyaints arising from a cold, ~especially from the effects oc dry and cold weather, from a current of air, and particularly from the east wind (this is a dry and sharp wind in Germany). SKIN.-Crawling, itching, and desquamation of the skin, especially of the parts affected.-Itching over the whole body, especially on the genitals.-Entire body (of a child) painful, and distressingly sensitive to the touch.-*Skin dry and burning.-A sensation of crawling and burning, extending through the entire body, especially the arms and feet.-~Swelling and burning heat of injured or suffering parts.-*Yellowish color of the skin.-Single, long-continued stitches, here and there mixed with a sensation of soreness, and finally terminating in a diffused sore feeling.-Fine prickings, as from needles, on different parts of the body.-Spots similar to fleabites on the hands, on the body, and elsewhere.-Vesicles red and broad, attended by itching.-Reddish vesicles, filled with an acrid fluid.-OMorbilli.-~ 0Purpura-miliaris.-~ORubeola.-~ Variola. SLEEP.- Great desire to sleep, even while walking, but principally after dinner; frequent yawning and stretching.-~Drowsiness, with anxious fancies and rapid respiration.-*Dreams and confused reveries during the waking state, -and springing out of bed.-*Sleep. lessness, 0owith anxiety, *restlessness, and continued tossing from one side to the other, in consequence of pain, with inability to lie either on the right side or back.-*Startings in sleep.-*Anxious dreams, with nightmare.-Dreams, with a sort of clairvoyance.Light sleep.-*Impossibility of lying on the side.-During sleep, one lies on the back, with one hand under the occiput; or gets in a sitting posture, with the head inclined forward.-*Nightly delirium. FEVER.-Cold shiverings over the arms and feet, continually, or AOONITUM NAPELLUS. 77 of the back and arms; also on the face, or ascend from below interior. ly to the chest; sometimes *in the evening, after lying idon, also with frequent yawning, after rising early in the morning.-Universa. chilliness, with internal dry heat, hot forehead, and tips of the ears; or, with redness of cheeks and pains in the limbs; or, coldness, with stiffness of the whole body, heat and redness of one cheek, and coldness and paleness of the other; open and staring eyes, and contracted pupils, which dilate slowly and lightly, and only in the dusk.-Coldness and chilliness, and paleness, at first of the finger-points, and then of the fingers, followed by cramp in the calves of the legs and in the soles of the feet, and, finally, chilliness of the forehead.OChilliness if uncovered in the least ("or by movement) during the hot stage offever.-- Frequent shiverings, with dry, burning heat of the skin.-Chilliness and coldness of the hands and feet, towards evening; then inclination to vomit, which ceases after taking food, that is neither craved nor disliked, followed by heat of the face, and sad and despairing thoughts.-*Burning heat, especially in the head and face, towards evening, with redness of the cheeks, shivering over the entire body, pressing-outward headache, with thirst and anguish. -Alternating paroxysms of redness of the cheeks; either with heat of the head, universal shivering, and natural taste; or, heat over the whole body, headache with rolling the eyes, and puerile gaiety; or, shiverings attended by weeping, and oppressive headache; or, obstinacy and opposition, with burning around the navel.-OFevers, inammatory, and with local inflammation, violent dry heat, burning dryness of the skin, excessive thirst, redness, or alternate redness or paleness of the countenance; great nervousness, restlessness, moaning and tossing, fears and anxiety, painful congestion of the head, vertigo and delirium, the latter chiefly at night.--Slight perspiration over the entire body.-Copious sweat, with diarrhoea and increase of urine.--~Constant sweat, especially on the covered parts.-Sour sweat.-~OPulse hard, frequent, and accelerated. - Feverish, frequently intermittent pulse.-Pulse feeble, 120, intermitting after every second stroke. MORAL SYMPTO MS.-*Inconsolable anguish, piteous hoiwlings, la. mentations and reproaches, from trfling causes; painfully anxious lamentations, attended by disheartening apprehensions, despair, loud moaning and weeping, bitter complaints and reproaches.Great anxiety, attended by palpitation of the heart, oppressed breathing, increased heat of the body and face, and great weariness in all the limbs, followed by congestion of the head, and stupefaction, with fleeting redness of the face.-*Lamenting apprehensions j 78 ACONITUM NAPELLUS. approaching death, odesignating the day of her death.-I/esenti' ments as if in a state of clairvoyance.-Anthropophobia and misanthropy.-*A strong tendency to be angry, or to be frightened, -and to quarrel.-The least noise, even music, appears insufferable.-Fitful humor: at one time sad, depressed, irritable, and despairing; at another time gay, excited, full of hope, and disposed to sing and dance. -*Alternate paroxysms of laughter and tears.--*Anxiety respecting one's malady, and despair of cure.-~Fear of spectres.*Disposition to run away from one's bed.--Mind, as it were, paralyzed, with incapability of reflection, and a sensation as if all the intellectual functions were performed in the region of the stomach. -Paroxysms of folly and madness.-Unsteadiness of ideas.--De. liriwn, especially at night.-Weakness of memory. HEAD.-* Vertigo, oparticularly on raiszng the head, -or else on rising from one's seat, from stooping, or moving the head, and often *with a sensation of intoxication or reeling in the head, loss of consciousness, -dimness of the eyes, nausea, and qualmishness at the pit of the stomach.-- 0On going into a warm room, the forehead feels as if it were compressed.-*1Headache, as if a portion of the brain, here and there, were raised up, which is aggravated by the least motion, and even by speaking and drinking.--*Pain in the head, with inclination to vomit, also vomiting.-Dull headache, as if the head were bruised, with bruised feeling in all the limbs.-The brain feels as if contracted in the forehead.-Compressed, tensive headache behind the orbits.--The forehead is grasped with pinching pain, as if in the bones, or over the root of the nose, as if she would lose her reason, -aggravated by walking in the open air.--Fullncss and heaviness in the forehead, as from a weight, which, with the entire brain, would press through the forehead, -or as if the eyes would start out of their sockets.-*Piercing and throbbing, and piercingthrobbing in the head, forehead, or tenples, -as if from an abscess; sometimes induced by walking and abated by sitting.-Lacerating pain in the left temple, with roaring and ringing in the ears.-Sensation as if a ball rose from the umbilical region and diffused a cool ness through the vertex and occiput.-Burning headache, as if the brain were moved by boiling water.-*Congestion of the head, with heat and redness of face, or with a sensation of heat in the brain, sweat on the scalp, and paleness of the face.-Crepitation, as from the crumpling of tinsel, in the temples, nose, and forehead.-Sensa. tion in the vertex as if pulled by the hair.-Pain in the head, as if from taking cold after profuse perspiration, with buzzing in the ears, cold in the head, and colic.--Aggravation of the pains in the ACONITUM NAPELLUS. 79 head by movement, speaking, rising from a recumbent position, and by drinking; relief experienced in the open air. EYEs.-- Eyes red and inflamed, oith deep redness of the vessels, -and intolerable pains.--Acute ophthalmia.--Profuse lachrymation, -and with intense pain.-Vertiginous, dimness of vision.Frightful inflammation of the eyes, with lachrymation.-Transitory blindness in many cases.-Heat and burning in the eyes, with *pressive and Oshooting pains, especially on moving the balls.OSwelling of the eyes.--Dilated pupils.-Dryness, heaviness, and pressure of the upper eye-lids, and *inflammatory swelling of the lids, especially early in the morning.-~Eyes sparkling, -convulsed, and prominent.-Look fixed.-- Excessive photophobia, -or a strong desire for light.-Black spots and mist before the eyes.-Sudden attacks of blindness. EARS.-Tearing in the ears, or tickling (as of a small worm in the right ear).-Ringing and *roaring in the ears.-A sensation of stoppage of the ears, or as if something obstructed the left ear.Excessive sensitiveness of hearing, and intolerance of every noise. NOSE.-Stupefying pressure over the root of the nose.-*Bleeding from the nose, oespecially in plethoric persons.-Smell very sensitive:-Violent sneezing, with pain in the abdomen, or in the region of the left ribs-Coryza, headache, humming in the ears, and colic. FAcE.-Bluish face, with black lips.-~(During the febrile paroxysms) the face is swollen, red, and hot, or red and pale.-Redness of one cheek and paleness of the other, or redness of both cheeks.O On rising up, the red face becomes pale as death.-- Sweat on the forehead, -the upper lip, and the cheek on which one is lying.-. Distortion of the facial muscles.-Tingling pain -and sensation as if swollen in the checks.-Ulcerative pain in the malar bones.OLateral prosopalgia, with swelling of the lower jaw.-- Lips black Oand dry.-Burning, tingling, and piercing jerks in the lower jaw. TEETH.-0 Toothache (especially from cold) in a raw air, with throb. bing pains in one side in the face, intense redness of the cheek, congestion of the head, burning heat in the face, and great restlessness. -ORheumatic tooth and faceache, especially in sensitive and con. gestive subjects, renewed or aggravated by wine or other stimulants; also if caused by agitation of the mind, especially chagrin.--Congestive tooth (and faceache), especially in lively, young, and sedentary girls. MoUTH.-*Sensation of dryness, or dryness of the mouth and tongue; also with heat, ascending from the chest to the head. Cool. ness and drynesi of the mouth, or sensation of dryness and roughness 80 ACONITUM NAPELLUS. of the middle of the tongue, without thirst.-Numbness and tingling of the tongue.-Tingling, biting, piercing, and burning of the tongue.-Paralysis of the tongue, especially at its point.-0 Trembling, temporary stammering speech.-Soreness of the orifices of the salivary ducts, as if corroded.-Ptvalism, with stitches in the tongue. THROAT AND (ESOPHAGUS.-Scraping in the throat, with difficulty of swallowing.-Piercing choking, at first of the left, then of the right side of the throat, especially when swallowing or talking.*Burning, fine piercing, -and astringent sensation in the fauces.oAcute inflawnmmation of the throat, with violent fever; also with dark redness of the parts (the fauces, velum-palati, tonsils), almost entire inability to swallow, and hoarseness.-Dryness of the throat. Violent pain in the throat. APPETITE AND TASTE.-* Taste bitter, or insipid and fishy, as from stagnant water, or from bad eggs.-~Bitter taste of all kinds of food and drinks, excepting water.-*Loss of appetite, -with sourish taste in the mouth; or bitter taste, with pains in the chest and under the short ribs.--OAversion to food.-Pepper taste.-*Burnin2, unquenchable thirst for beer, -which sometimes oppresses the stomach. GASTRIc SYIPTOMIs.-Rising of sweetish water into the mouth, like waterbrash, sometimes with nausea.-Scraping sensation from the pit of the stomach to the throat, with nausea, qualmishness, and a sensation as if water would rise.-Singultus, especially in the morning, or else after eating or drinking.-Empty, or ineffectual effort to eructate.-Loathing, qualmishness, nausea, and inclination to vomit, especially in the pit of the stomach, sometimes while walking in the open air; sometimes, worse when sitting, and better when walking.-Inclination to vomit, as after eating anything sweet or fat.-Vomiting, with nausea, thsrst, general heat, profuse sweat, and eneuresis.-Vomiting of blood, of blood and mucus, of green bile, of lumbrici.-Inclination to vomit, with violent diarrhoea.-In a hysterical person, before eating in the morning, vomiting of mucus, with nausea and gagging, renewed after eating and drinking, with stomach-ache, and violent pressing pains in the forehead and orbits of the eyes.-~Vomiting of large quantities of dark-red, coagulated blood. STOMACH.-Pressure, as of a load or stone in the stomach and pit of the stomach (with feeling of repletion); it increases to asthma, or extends to the back, with contraction, sensation of stiffness, as from lifting.-Stomach-ache.-Aching and coldness of the stomach.-- Feeling as if a cold ball lay in the stomach, and ascended, and spread a cool air over the vertex and occiput.-Painful feeling of swelling ACONITUM NAPELLUS. 81 in the pit of the stomach, with want of appetite, and paroxysms of shortness of breath.-Contraction in the stomach, as of astringents. -_ Violent pains in the stomach, after eating or drinking.--Jln. flammation of the stomach?- Tightness, pressure, fullness, and weight in the hypochondria.--Pressure in the region of the liver, with oppression and arrest of breathing.-- Acute hepatitis, with violent fever, and painful sensitiveness of the region of the liver to the touch.-*Jaundice.-Complete jaundice, twice produced in one case, toxicologically. ABDoMEN.-Drawing in of the umbilicus, especially early in the morning, before breakfast.-Burning in the umbilical region, sometimes spreading to the pit of the stomach, with anxious throbbing, piercing, and vanishing with a chill.-Pinching, griping, and wringing in the umbilical region.-Compression of the navel, with spasmodic pressure at intervals.-Sensation above the umbilicus, on the left side of it, as if something cold were pressing out in that region. Drawing pains in the abdomen, extending from both sides to the umbilicus, which are excited by stooping with the abdomen.-xThe abdomen is sensitive to the touch.--~ nflammation of the bowels and peritoneum.-_~ nflammation of the intestines, with intense burning and lacerating pains in the umbilical region, becoming intolerable to pressure, and aggravated by turning on the left side; with distention of the abdomen, paroxysms of anguish, frequent hiccough, constipation, loss of appetite and sleep.--*The abdomen is distended and swollen, as in dropsy.--Ascites?-Colicky pains in the abdomen, with tension and pressure, as from flatulence.-Rumbling, grumbling, and fermentation in the abdomen, either with raw feeling, or during the entire night.-0oInfammation of the hernial stricture, especially when accompanied with bitter, bilious vomiting. STOOL AND ANUS.-- Constipation in acute affections.-Diarrhea, with nausea and sweat, either before or after.--'*Frequent, scanty, and loose-stools, with tenesmus.-Diarrhaea, with eneuresis and colic. -_ T/Watery diarrhwa.-*W Ihite stools, with red urine.--iMomentary paral-Isi.s of the anus, with involuntary stools.-Pain in the rectum. -Piercing and pr1essure in the anus.-Bleeding piles. URINARY ORGANS.-- etention or suppression of urine, with pressure in the bladder, or piercing in the region of the kidneys.-Incontinence of urine, sometimes accompanied with profuse sweat, with frequent watery diarrhea, and colic.-Painful, anxious urging to urinate, with excessive watery urination, sometimes excited by touching the hypogastrium.-Dific4 It and scanty emission of urine, with frequent urging, and sometimes with pinching around the um4* 82 ACONITUM NAPELLUS. bilicus.-Brown, burning urine, with brick-colored sediment.-01on frequent urination, with bright-red, hot urine, without sediment -Momentary paralysis of the bladder, with involuntary emission of urine.-Burning and tenesmus of the neck f'the bladder.-Stitches in the kidneys, with retention of urine. MALE GENITAL ORGANS.-Itching of the prepuce. Piercing and pinching in the glans, on urinating.-Pain in the scrotum, as if contused.-Tingling in the genital organs.-Amorous paroxysms.Diminished or increased sexual desire, alternating with relaxation of the penis.--Onflammation of the scrotum?-Itching of the genital organs. FEMALE GENITAL ORGANS.-*Increased and profuse menses, oespecially in plethoric females.-OSuppression of the catamenia, in lively young girls of plethoric and sedentary habit.-Frenzy on the appearance of the catamenia.-Metrorrhagia.-Copious, tenacious, yellawish *leucorrhaea.-O Complaints in pregnancy, especially fear of death.-oPhiegmasia-alba-dolens of lying-in women?-Increase of milk in the mammee.-~Milk fever, especially in plethoric females, and when violent delirium sets in.-~Puerperal fever, especially with peritonitis.--OVaricella and benign rash of infants? LARYNX AND TRACHEA.-Attacks of catarrh and coryza, sometimes accompanied with headache, colic, humming in the ears, and enuresis.-Hoarseness early in the morning.-Croaking voice.-Relaxation of the epiglottis, allowing food and drink to enter the larynx, causing suffocation and cough.-Sensation as if the trachea was bcnumbed.-*Cough in the hot stage of a fever.-*Short dry cough, arising from a titillation in the larynx, with constant inclination to cough, -particularly excited by smoking or drinking, or *at night, or -after midnight, and returning every half-hour.-~Spasmodic, rough, croaking cough, sometimes with danger of suffocation, and constriction of the windpipe.- oCough, with thick, white, bloody, or mucous expectoration.-~Dry cough, with heat over the body, thirst, and great restlessness.-~ Coughwohenever one takes cold, and which is particularly troublesome at night--~Dry cough, which allows no rest at night., with constant irritation and oppression in the upper half of the left lobe of the lungs.--~Whooping cough, first stage, especially when dry and whistling, with fever and burning pain in the larynx and trachea.-o Grippe, with inflammatory condition of the pleura or lungs; or with rheumatic symptoms, catarrh of the windpipe, and sore throat.-~Membranous croup-inflammatory stage, especially in excitable, nervous, and vascular subjects. Burning heat, thirst, short cough, quick and hurried breathing.--*Hcemoptysis, in preg. ACONITUM NAPELLUS. 83 nancy, without pain, but with nocturnal anguish, lamentation, and whimpering; bright red face, and improvement in the recumbent posture.-OInflammation of the trachea and bronchia.-~The larynx feels painful to touch. CIIEST.-*Shortness of breath, especially when sleeping, after midnight, Oor on rising up.-- Fetid breath.-~ The breathing is anxious, labored, sobbing, or quick and superficial; or loud, strong, and noisy, with open mouth and asthma.-Slow breathing during sleep.*Paroxysms of suffocation, with anxiety.-Asthma.-Irregular and spasmodic respiration.-Stertorous respiration.-Oppression of chest. -Oppression, with a sensation of contraction and anxiety in the chest.-Asthmatic complaints, especially in sensitive, plethoric young persons (particularly young girls), who lead a sedentary life, or in whom the attacks are brought on by the least excitement of feeling.-~Asthmatic complaints of adults, especially if there b.e great congestion of the head, vertigo, a full and strong pulse, or even hamoptysis. -_A kind of asthma-millari, with a violent, hoarse, crowing cough, at night, danger of suffocation, and constriction of the trachea.-Anguish in the che-st, arresting the breathing, and accompanied with warm sweat on the forehead.-Aching pain in the chest, which is only relieved for a short time, by bending the trunk backwards.Aching, oppressive, and constrictive pain in the chest or side of the chest.-Pain in the chest as if the sides were drawn towards one another.-Piercing and stitches in the chest and its sides, especially on respiring and coughing; frequently with a plaintive and whining mood, woith anguish and ill humor, or with oppression of breathing. -0Pneumonia and pleurisy, especially in the first stage, during violent fever, accompanied with heat and thirst, dry cough, and extreme nervousness.--Carditis?--Feeling of heaviness about the heart.-- Chronic affections of the heart, with constant pressure in the left side of the chest, difficult breathing from violent exercise and going up-stairs, with stitches in the region of the heart, oppressive congestion of the head, fainting fits, and aggravations in the fall and spring.-*~Palpitation of the heart, with great anguish, 0 general heat, especially in the face, and feeling -as if the muscles were severely beaten.-oPalpitation of the heart in young, plethoric, sensitive persons, especially of sedentary habit.-Intermitting and irregular pulse. Three radial beats to one impulse of the apex, contractions of left ventricle still being synchronous with pulse. Right auricle seems to be in a constant convulsive state, its actions quick, ir. regular, and disproportionate. TRUNK OR BACK.-- b uise.d sQepatin, or a painful lame stiffness 84 ACONITUM NAPELLUS. on motion, in the small of the back and loins, often extending to the back and ncck.-Painful boring to the left of the lumbar vertebra. -A rooting, boring pain from the right scapula to the chest, increased by an inspiration.-Rheumatic pain in the neck, only when moving it.-Aching pain in the left half of a cervical vertebra.Pressing pain in the neck, as if pressure were made with the tip of a finger, from without inwards, in the direction of the trachea.OPainful stiffness of the nape of the neck. UPPER EXTREMITIES.-Numbness and paralysis of the left arm, which scarcely permits the hand to stir.-The arms hang down powerless, as if broken.-The arms feel chilly and insensible.-Lacerating pain in the arm, from the shoulder to the wrist-joint and fingers, seldom felt except during movement, with blueness of the hand during the pain.-Bruised pain in the shoulder-joint (also in the hipjoint).-Swelling of the deltoid muscle, which, when touched, feels painful, as if bruised.-Drawing pain in the elbow-joints.-Weight and debility in the fore-arms; pain as if from a blow.-Transient paralysis.-Drawing, with a sense of stitching and tearing, and pain excited by motion.-Contractive pain in the hands and fingers.Tearing and paralyzing drawing in the wrists (joints).-Numbness, icy coldness, and insensibility (deadness) of one hand.-Cool sweat in the panms of the hands.-Swelling of the hands, with frequent paroxysms of cough, and good appetite.-Feeling of fullness in the limbs, as if about to burst, accompanied with a sensation of numbness and pricking over the -whole surface.-Pain in the thumbs, as if sprained and lame. When bending the fingers, violent stitches dart through the wrist-joint to the elbow-joint.-Tingling pain in the fingers, even while writing. LOWER LIMBs.-Tensive pressure in the thighs, with great weakness while walking.--Weakness in the region of the head of the femur, and inability to walk, with a feeling as if it had been crushed, particularly after lying down and sleeping.-Numbness and lameness in the.left thigh.-Transient paralysis.--Unsteadiness of the knees, they totter and give way when walking.- Tearing in the knees, as from a jerk, in the inner side.-Drawing in the right leg and the region of the tendo-Achillis, extending as far as the heel. -The legs feel heavy.--The legs and feet feel numb, and go to sleep. -Coldness of the feet, extending as far as the malleoli, with sweat on the toes and soles of the feet. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.--General convulsions, lasting about five minutes. Prickling over the whole body. Distressing restlessness. Constant movement of the legs, like in chorea. Arms and legs ACONITUM NAPELLUS. 85 drawn inwards; fingers strongly clenched together; turned-in thumbs, and feet in a state of permanent abduction; no convulsive shocks or jerks. Painfulness of all the joints, as if attacked by rheumatic inflammation. Bruised and festered feeling of the whole body. Mentality generally clear and unclouded-only obscured excPptionally. Transient paralysis. Feeling as if all the blood in ones veins was frozen; then became dizzy, with burning in the head as if the skull were filled with boiling water. Clonic spasms and cold sweats, also tonic spasms. First feeling was a tingling heat in the tongue and jaws, with such strange alteration of sensation that neither friends nor the looking-glass could convince him that his face was not enlarged to twice its size; this gradually extended, until it involved the whole body, especially the extremities. Slow and difficult respiration. Pulse quick and irregular. Skin burning hot. PATHOLOGICAL ANATOMY.-IN MEN.-Bloated countenance; expression of terror on the countenance-The abdomen is distended.-Blue spots on the neck and back.-The vessels of the brain considerably injected; the substance of the brain dotted with blackish points.-The lungs are heavy, bluish, violet-colored on the posterior surface; filled with blood; scarcely any crepitation.The left ventricle is empty, the right is filled with clots of gelatinous blood.-The oesophagus, stomach, and bowels, as far as the coecum, are red and congested.-The blood-vessels, particularly the veins of the bowels, are turgid with venous blood.-The liver and spleen are filled with a quantity of blackish blood.-Effusion of yellow serum into the abdominal cavity. 3.-ACTEA RACEMOSA. ACT.-RAC.-Cimicifuga Racemosa. Black Snake-root. RATIONALE OF ITS ACTION.-Dr. Mears, who tried it upon himself, reports a decided impression on the brain, evinced by a distressing pain in the head, and giddiness; it also increased the force and fullness of the pulse, and produced a flushed condition of the face, fol. lowed by uneasiness in the stomach, and violent efforts to vomit. Dr. Garden had previously mentioned this tendency to affect the brain, which he compared to that of Digitalis; he also thinks that it acts powerfully upon the secreting organs and absorbents, and, in large doses, causes nausea, vertigo, anxiety, great restlessness, and pains in the extremities.-J. C. P. Chapman says, if given so as sensibly to affect the system, it causes 86 ACTEA RACEMOSA. first: some nausea, greater freedom of expectoration, more or less relaxation of the skin, with slight nervous tremors and some vertigo; the pulse is apt to be considerably lowered, and to remain so for some time. It has also been supposed to act specifically upon the uterus. Dr. Hildreth, of Ohio, has found it, in large doses, to cause some vertigo, impaired vision, nausea and vomiting and a reduction of the force of the circulation.-J. C. P. Dr. N. J. Davis, of New-York, has uniformly found it to lessen the force and frequency of the pulse, to soothe pain, and allay irritability. From experiments conducted by our friend Dr. Henry D. Paine, of Albany, we find among the most prominent symptoms: Restlessness early in the morning, continuing for a week. Disposition to perspire at night, continuing for three weeks; these perspirations were irregular, usually occurring three or four times a week, about three, A. M., commencing while asleep, and disappearing a few minutes after waking; never profuse. During the first week, the surface was cold with the perspiration, but, during the last ten days, the perspiration was attended by heat rather than coldness. Pain in the eye-balls was one of the most constant symptoms: it was an aching pain, situated in the centre of both eye-balls, rarely in one alone; it continued about three weeks after leaving off the drug. Another wellmarked effect was anorexia, lasting for two weeks; a sensation of faintness in the epigastrium was also an important symptom, usually experienced in the morning, before eating; it did not entirely prevent eating, which was followed by a sense of repletion, as if too much food had been taken. The bowels regular at first, were followed by alternate constipation and tendency to diarrhoea. Symptoms of catarrhal fever were supposed to be among the most common effects of the remedy-viz., pain in the head, coryza, sore throat, dry, short, and hacking cough, continuing night and day, for two weeks.-J. C. P. Wood and Bache think that it stimulates the secretions of the skin, kidneys, and pulmonary mucous membrane. From Dr. Paine's experiments, it would seem to cause perspiration and eruptions upon the skin; also frequent urination, and increased flow of pale urine; finally, it excites secretion from the nasal and bronchial mucous membranes. It is supposed, by some eminent physicians, to be a good substitute for Ergot in parturition, although it acts in quite a different way-viz., by relaxing the parts, thereby rendering labor short and easy. Its action in rheumatism is said closely to resemble that of Colchicum.-J. C. P. NERVOUS SYSTEM.-It undoubtedly exercises considerable in. fluence over the nervous system, probably of a sedative character: ACTEA RACEMOSA. 87 but this power is shown rather in morbid states of the system than in health. Very large quantities cause no alarming effects. It is said to soothe pain and allay irritability.-J. C. P. 1. Nerves of Sensation.-Its effects upon these nerves seem to be secondary to its action on the vascular system. 2. Nerves of Motion.-It appears to exert a peculiar and specifio action upon some of the diseases of the nerves of motion, especially in chorea, more especially when a rheumatic irritation falls upon the motor nerves and the muscles, and causes St. Vitus' dance. Dr. Davis says we cannot doubt its efficacy in chorea, in all cases arising from undue irritability or mobility of the nervous system, especially when induced by exposure to cold; in short, when chorea arises from a rheumatic irritation of the motor nerves and muscles, or of the anterior column of the spinal marrow.--J. C. P. Drs. Garden and Chapman say that, in large doses, it causes anxiety, great restlessness, slight nervous tremors, and pains in the extremities. As it requires large quantities to produce these effects, it may be possible that large doses only are homceopathic to chorea. VASCULAR SYSTEM.-Dr. Davis has never known it to produce a perceptible increase of any of the secretions; nor thinks it has the slightest stimulating powers. He has uniformly found it to lessen the force and frequency of the pulse, to soothe pain, and allay irritability. In a word, he regards it as one of the most purely sedative agents we possess, and asserts it causes a depression of the pulse, which remains for a considerable time. In acute rheumatism, the only visible effects of the Actea are: Diminution of the force and frequency of the pulse; disappearance of the arthritic pains and inflammation, with occasional vertigo, or disposition to fall on attempting to assume the erect attitude. Hence it seems to exert a decidedly depressing and sedative effect upon the vascular system.-J. C. P. CLINICAL REMARKS.-It has proved curative in dyspepsia of several months' standing, with severe pain in the forehead, over the right eye, and extending to the temple and vertex, with fullness, heat, and throbbing; and, when going up-stairs, a sensation as if the top of the head would fly off; coldness and chills, particularly of the arms and feet; faintness in the epigastrium; pain and regurgitation of food after eating. Also to various neuralgic pains incident to the critical period of life, and severe pains in the head, particularly in the forehead and eye-balls. Also to dull pain in the head, fullness in the forehead an.d eyes, pain in the eye-balls, increased secretion of tears; fluent watery coryza, frequent sneezing; soreness in the throat, causing difficulty in swallowing; cough, particularly at night, caused by tickling 88 ACTEA RACEMOSA. in the throat.-PAINE. Dr. Davis says it will relieve many cases of severe headache, from simple irritation of the brain, in delicate females. It has cured ophthalmia, with pain in the eye-balls, a sensation as if they were enlarged, most severe in the morning; prickling in the inner canthus, aggravated by reading; inflammation of the eye-lids; slight secretion of mucus only in the morning; sore throat; headache caused by reading. It seems homceopathic to rheumatic and catarrhal ophthalmia; it may prove useful in sclerotitis and iritis. Some authors assert that they have never known it to produce a perceptible increase of any of the secretions; others say that it operates powerfully upon the secreting organs and absorbents, and that it is expectorant and diaphoretic. It certainly seems homoeopathic to catarrhal affections. It has cured chorea, when attended with almost complete loss of.the power of swallowing. In the sore throat and cynanche-maligna, a decoction of the root is recommended by Dr. Barton. It is an excellent remedy against dryness of the throat, or a dry spot in the throat, causing cough; also in dry coughs proceeding from irritation and tickling at the lower part of the larynx. It is peculiarly homoeopathic to a faint and sinking feeling at the pit of the stomach. It has been supposed, by some eminent physicians, to be a good substitute for Ergot in parturition: being dissimilar, however, in its mode of action, relaxing the parts, and thereby rendering labor short and easy. Hence it is useful where there is great rigidity of the soft parts, such as occurs in females who have their first chil. dren late; or in those who are remarkably firm and muscular, or in whom the os-uteri dilates slowly, from great muscular resistance and rigidity. In cases of parturition where the vagina is dry, and the os is rigid, this remedy will do good service. It facilitates labor, by rousing into increased action the mucous membrane, and thus supplying the parts with a lubrication. In domestic practice, it is occasionally employed to produce abortions, and in a few instances with success. In these cases a decoction of the root is used.-Chas. Sumner, M. D., while attempting to obtain provings of Actea-racemosa, did not observe any decided symptoms from the medicine, yet was relieved of a very troublesome hacking cough, of some months' standing. Dr. Garden thought highly of it in consumption. In some parts of the country it has become a very popular remedy for coughs. Dr. Wheeler has found it useful in several cases of severe and protracted cough, especially in the chronic cough or bronchitis of old people. Dr. Hildreth advises it in acute phthisis or gallapping consumption; he has often seen the most prompt relief from the decoction alone against the febrile excitement or hectic paroxysms; also in ACTEA RACEMOSA. 89 allaying the cough, reducing the rapidity and force of the pulse, and promoting gentle perspirations; he has often seen the same happy influence exerted against those intercurrent congestions and inflam. mations so frequent in the second and third stages of consumption, especially when caused by taking cold. Actea is a useful remedy in rheumatic inflammations of the lungs, and especially in that form of consumption which arises without any especial hereditary tendency, from carelessness and exposure to cold and wet. Dr. Garden used it successfully for twenty years. He says, shortly after commencing its use, the h"-.ic paroxysms are entirely checked, the night-sweats begin to diminish, the purulent expectoration is speedily improved, the cough becomes less troublesome and frequent, the pulse falls from 120 or 130 to the natural standard, the pain in the breast and sides abate, strength and appetite improves. It is supposed to possess tho peculiar power, in an eminent degree, of lessening arterial action, and, at the same time, imparting tone and energy to the system. The efficacy of Actea in chorea has already been dwelt upon. The evidence of a favorable influence over rheumatism, is of a decided character. Very many cases, including the severest forms of acute inflammatory rheumatism, have been treated with results satisfactory in the highest degree: every vestige of the disease disappearing in from two to eight or ten days, without inducing any sensible evacuation, or leaving behind a single bad symptom. It is particularly useful in the early and severe stages of acute rheumatism.. It is comparatively of little use in sub-acute and chronic rheumatism; the more icute the disease, the more prompt and decided will be the action of -the remedy. In large doses, it causes vertigo, dimness of vision, and a depression of the pulse, which remains for some ti-me. It seems somewhat homoeopathic to rheumatism, or at least to rheumatic pains, as it caused in one case, that of Dr. Jesse Young, an uneasy feeling, almost amounting to an ache, through all the limbs, occurring after each dose, and lasting for three or four hours; while Dr. Garden says it causes great restlessness and pains in the limbs. Still it requires large doses to cause these effects. A strong decoction is said to be an effectual remedy for scabies.-J. C. P. MIND AND SENSORIUM.-Vertigo, impaired vision, dizziness, dull. ness in the head. Vertigo, fullness, and dull aching in the vertex. Vertigo, anxiety, and great restlessness. HEAD.-Acute pain generally through the head during the day; at times more severe on the left side. Remittent headache, of long standing, more or less severe every day, but increased every second day. Dullness of the head, and pain in the forehead and occiput D0 ACTEA RACEMOSA. Dull boring pain in the forehead, over the left superciliary ridge continuing for two hours. Pain from the eyes to the top of the head, which seemed as if the nerves were excited to too much action, last. ing three hours. Pain in the forehead; dryness of the pharynx; aching in the eyes, apparently between the eye-ball and orbital plate of the frontal bone. The pain in the head is always relieved by the open air. Dr. Mears reports a decided impression on the brain, evinced by a distressing pain in the head, and giddiness, with increased force and fullness of the pulse, and flushed face. Dr. Garden had previously mentioned the tendency to affect the brain, somewhat like Digitalis.-J. C. P. EYES.-Aching of the eyes. Aching pain in both eye-balls, rarely in one alone, continuing for three weeks after discontinuing the drug. Pain in the eye-balls; increased secretion of tears; constant dull aching pain in the right eye-ball and across the forehead, accompanied with nausea. Stinging in the eye-lids; dullness and heaviness of the head and eyes, as if produced by cold. NOSE.-Frequent sneezing and fluent coryza during the day. Copious coryza. Fluent coryza, aching and soreness in the nose during the day. Fluent watery coryza; frequent sneezing; soreness in the throat, causing difficulty in swallowing. Very profuse greenish and slightly sanguineous coryza after rising; fullness of the pharynx, and constant inclination to swallow; dullness of the head, and pain in the forehead and occiput. MOUTH.-Offensive breath. Dryness and soreness of the lips. Unpleasant taste in the mouth; accumulation of thick mucus upon the teeth. THROAT.-Dryness of the pharynx, and inclination to swallow. Fullness of the pharynx, and constant inclination to swallow. Soreness of the throat when swallowing; sensation of fullness and stiff. ness of the neck. Sensation of rawness in the throat; hoarseness, which increased towards night; constant unpleasant fullness in the pharynx. Palate and uvula red and inflamed. APPETITE AND STOMACH.-Eructations and slight nausea. Pain and regurgitation of food after eating. Loss of appetite. Repugnance to food. Nausea and vomiting. Sense of internal tremor in the stomach after breakfast. Faintness in the epigastrium, with repugnance to food. It requires large doses to produce nausea, and then almost only when taken on an empty stomach. ABDOMEN.-Flatulence, causing a sensation of fullness in the abdomen. Rumbling of flatus below the umbilicus. Fullness and pressure in the lower part of the abdomen. ACTEA SPICATA. 91 STooL.-Disposition to diarrhoea. URINE.-Increased flow of urine. LARYNX.-Hoarseness. Unpleasant fullness in the pharynx. Constant inclination to cough, caused by a tickling sensation in the larynx, which almost prevents speaking. Short dry cough in the evening, and at night; fluent coryza. CHEST.-The pain in the head continuing for ten days, followed by coryza, with sore throat, and gradual extension of the disease to the bronchial mucous membrane; dry, short, and hacking cough, night and day, continuing two weeks, which was uncommon; the prover not having had a catarrh or cold for several years. Acute pain in the right lung, extending from apex to base, aggravated by inspiration. Lancinating pain along the cartilages of the false ribs, increased by inspiration. Soreness of the chest. Cold chills and prickling sen. sation, during the day, in the (female) mammae. Prickling sensation in the breasts. SUPERIOR AND INFERIOR EXTREMITIES.-Dull pain in the right arm, deep in the muscles, extending from the shoulder to the wrist. Dr. Garden experienced pains in both the upper and lower extremities, from the use of large doses. BACK.-Stiffness of the neck. Drawing pain in the lumbar region. Pulsating pains in the region of the kidneys. SKIN.-Eruption of white pustules, and large red papulse on the face and neck. FEVER.-Occasional cold chill. (See Vascular System) SLEEP.-Very restless at night. 4.-ACTEA SPICATA. ACT.-SPIC.-Herb Christopher. Baneberry. CLINICAL REMARKS.-RMickert advises it in prosopalgia, and in certain rheumatic and neuralgic affections of the face and head. A girl, twenty years of age, had a chill, and was speedily attacked with a violent pain, which commenced in a carious tooth of the upper jaw. This pain was pulling and tearing in its character, and extended to the zygomatic bone, and to the temples, and was increased by the lightest touch, or any movement of the facial muscles. Three globules of Actea removed this pain in a few hours. Dr. Roth has given this medicine, with advantage, in cancer of the stomach. It is particularly useful when there is much tearing and darting pain in the epigastric region, accompanied with vomiting. Dr. Roth 92 ACTEA SPICATA. commends Actea in acute and chronic hepatitis. Riickert has also employed it successfully in hepatic affections. In constipation, from a lack of bile in the intestinal canal, Dr. Lemercier has found this medicine quite serviceable. Dr. Roth has employed Actea with considerable benefit in calculous affections of the kidneys. It is especially appropriate in those cases which occur in individuals of gouty diathesis. A woman, forty years old, subject to rheumatic affections and hamorrhoids, had been attacked, apparently in consequence of a chill, with severe pains in the articulations of the hands and thumbs, accompanied with swelling. The least movement rendered the pains insupportable. Three globules of Actea, thirtieth, produced a decided amelioration in a short time. A second dose, three days afterwards, effected a perfect cure. In rheumatic affections of the large articulations, this is a remedy of considerable value. It has proved most beneficial in cases accompanied by biliary derangement, and is appropriate in both the acute and subacute varieties. Golden advises a dilution of Actea for weak and nervous patients, who are troubled with frequent cold sweats after slight exertions of mind or body. It is also homoeopathic to suppressed perspiration, especially when occurring in rheumatic subjects. INTELLECTUAL FACULTIES.-Loss of consciousness. A sort of intoxication. Disturbance of the cerebral functions. Furious delirium. AFFECTIONS.-Sadness. Melancholy, causing a distaste of life. Obstinacy. Complainings. HEAD.-Boring pain in the head. The head-symptoms are more intense at night; they are also increased by walking, and are generally periodical. FRONTAL REGION.-Pressure in the forehead, commencing early in the morning. TEMPORAL REGION.-Lancinating pain in the temples. VERTEX.-Pressure in the vertex. OccIPUT.-Hammering pain in the occiput. ScALP.-Sensation ofhorripilation in the hairy scalp. Eruption of small pimples in the hairy scalp. CRANIAL BONES.-Pain, which seems to be located in the periosteum, and even in the bones of the skull. CONJUNCTIVA.-InjectiOn of the vessels of the conjunctiva. Ophthalmia of a catarrhal character. VISION.-Blue colors appear in the objects which we look at. When fixing the eyes for a long time upon an object, spots appear before them. TEARS.-Flow of burning tears. ACTEA SPICATA. 93 EARS.-The external cars are painful to the touch. When sneez. Ing or masticating, lancinating pain in the ear. Murmur in the ears after sleeping, increased by mental emotions. NosE.-Bruised feeling of the nose. Redness of the wings of the nose. Nasal secretion tinged with blood. Epistaxis, during an oppression of the chest. FACE.-Great sensitiveness of the face. Pain in the face similar to that of rheumatism. The cheek upon which he lies perspires easily. Sweat upon the face. Cold sweat upon the forehead. LIrs.-Slight cracks upon the lips. The skin around the mouth assumes a light yellow color. SALrVA.-Increased secretion of saliva. BUccAL CAVITY.-Foetid breath. SUBvMAXILLARY GLANDS.-Pain in the sub-maxillary glands when eating. PHARYNX.-Sensitiveness of the throat when speaking. Tearing pains in the throat, especially when respiring cold morning or evening air. APPETITE.-Sharp appetite in the morning. Hunger, with repug. nance to meats. NAUSEA.-Nausea. Malaise after eating. VoMITING.-Inclination to vomit, with giddiness. Vomiting of acid substances. Vomiting. SToMACH.-Cramp of the stomach. Painful sensation of pressure at the epigastrium. Cancer of the stomach. ABDOMEN.-General uneasiness in the bowels. Abdomen sensitive to the touch. Sensation of compression in the abdomen. Spasmodic contractions in the abdomen. Pain in the abdomen like that which precedes or accompanies menstruation. Pain in the abdomen like that which precedes diarrhcea. IIEPATIC REGION.-Pulsations in the right hypochondrium. Acute or chronic hepatitis. REGION OF THE SPLEEN.-Insensibility of the left hypochondrium. FLATULENCE.-Expulsion of a great abundance of flatulence. ALVINE DISCHARGES.-St0ols in the form of pap. Colic pains during the stools. Suspension of the evacuations. URINE.-Frequent desire to urinate. Frequent desire to urinate, and pain during the act. RESPIRATION.-Difficulty of breathing, like an attack of suffocation. Difficulty of breathing, with lancinating pain in the epigastrium on taking a long breath. Difficulty of breathing, with pain in the stomach. Whistling respiration. Difficulty of breathing, with pain. 94 ADEPS. ful shocks in the abdomen at each inspiration. Respiration seems difficult, in consequence of weakness, especially obvious when expir. ing. Difficulty of breathing, with pain in the hip. RENAL REGION.-Sensation of beating in the region of the kid, neys. Calculi of the kidneys. SACRO-LUMBAR REGION.-Tearing pains in the loins. Bruised pain in the sacral region, when lying on the side. IIANDS.-Pain and paralytic weakness of the hands. FINGERS.-The fingers are numb, cold, and discolored. INFERIOR EXTREMITIES.-SweLling of the lower limbs. Boring pain in the legs, which is relieved by extension. Weakness of the lower extremities after changes of temperature. Swelling of the joints after a little fatigue. Trembling of the thighs on raising them. Sen. sation of great lassitude in the knees. Inflammation of the knee-joint. COLDNESS.-Coldness after drinking. Rigors, followed by heat, during which vomiting occurs. Eructations during the chill. SwEAT.-Viscid sweat. I-ot sweat upon the head. Malaise and cold sweat. Suppression of the perspiration. FEVER.-Cephalalgia, which continues after the fever has subsided. Delirium during the fever. STRENGTH.-Sudden lassitude, without any appreciable cause. Lassitude after eating. Lassitude after speaking for a long time. Debility from walking in the open air. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-Pulsations throughout the body. The pains are generally tearing and pulling. The symptoms manifest themselves particularly after mental emotions, walking, fatigue, speaking, eating, by the use of salt meats, beer, and by inhaling the fumes of tobacco. Most of the symptoms appear in the morning, and especially when in the open air. Its action is most decided in afections of the parenchymatous organs, the seat of old inflammations, or of active sanguineous congestions. This medicine is especially suitable to men. The characteristic symptoms are weakness and tingling. This proving seems singularly trivial, and gives but little idea of the spirit of the remedy. 5.-ADEPS. ADEPS.-Hog's Lard. CLINICAL REMARKS. In Scarlatina.-Inunction of the sur. face with Lard was first proposed by Dr. Schneeman, of Hanover, and has since been adopted successfilly by Dr. Mauthner, of Vienna, ADEPS. 95 Mr. Taylor, of London, and others. The treatment has been further tested by Professor Ebers, of Berlin, who treated twenty-two cases, eleven of which presented one or more of the severe complications, and of whom six died. Of the twenty-two, the inunction with Lard was tried in thirteen cases, and the ordinary remedies in nine; of the latter, five died; of the former, only one was fatal, and this was beyond hope when the treatment was commenced; the remainder recovered. Prof. Ebers concludes that the inunction with Lard does not interfere with the development of the eruption; for this comes out on the third day, and declines on the fourth or fifth. The complications of the disease disappear more favorably than under the ordinary treatment. No desquamation or anasarca ever follows the use of Lard. The inunction seems to destroy the contagious principle. The Lard requires to be diligently rubbed in, over tho whole surface of the body, every morning and evening. Mauthner treated his own daughter, aged fifteen, successfully with it.-J. C. P. In Measles, the Exanthemata generally, and in Inflammatory and Typhus Fevers.-In these diseases, inunction with Lard is strongly advised by Mr. Taylor. He relates numerous instances in which inunction with an ointment, composed of equal parts of Lard and Suet, was attended with the best effects; no internal remedies were employed. He states that it reduces the force and frequency of the pulse, and, when employed at an early period of the disease, that it wards off a typhoid condition. The dry and brown tongue becomes clear, the patient falls into a sound sleep, and delirium subsides; in fact, all the symptoms improve, with a steadiness and rapidity not seen in other methods of treating fevers.-J. C. P. In Erysipelas.-Erasmus Wilson considers that inunction with Lard is in every way superior to all fluid applications. He at first, on the suggestion of Mr. Grantham, relaxes the skin with hot water or steam, and then saturates the surface with hot Lard, which is afterwards covered with wool. He also speaks highly of the value of Lard inunctions in the treatment of violent sprains. Mauthner also uses it in burns and erysipelas. In Itch.-Professor Bennett used Lard inunction in four cases of itch, and in each a cure was speedily effected. From these and other cases, he infers that the efficacy of Sulphur ointment mainly depends on the unctuous matter which it contains. It is of importance that the parts should be kept moist, and for this purpose oil-silk, so as to completely envelop the parts, should be used. The same treatment has been found successful by Mr. Bazin, who found that six frictions during threedays, were sufficient to effect a cure of itch.--J. C. P. "96 6ETIUSA CYNAPIUM. In Consumption.-In Frank's Magazine, about twenty cases of consumption, more or less successfully treated with Lard inunctions, are reported; the hectic fever and sweats soon abated, and all the patients improved in flesh and strength. It may be tried in cases in which Cod-liver oil cannot be used internally.!-J, C. P. In Profuse Sweats.-Several cases are reported in which it removed profuse and debilitating perspirations in non-tuberculous persons. In scrofula, it has also been used successfully.-In all cases, the Lard should contain no salt; if the Lard has already been salted, this should be worked out in water.-J. C. P. 6.-ETIIUSA CYNAPIUM. XETH.-Garden Hemlock, Fool's Parsley.-See Hartlaub and Trinks' Annals, vol. iv., 1.-Duration of Action: from three to four weeks. COMPARE WITH-Cicut., Conium, and the other remedies belonging to that family. ANTIDOTES? This plant has received the common name of Fool's Parsley, from its resemblance to common Parsley, and the unpleasant accidents which have occurred from mistaking one plant for the other. It has a botanical alliance with Conium-maculatum, Cicuta-virosa, &c.---J. C.P. RATIONALE OF ITS ACTION ON THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. N.erves of Motion.-According to Christison, it is more apt to cause convulsions than any other Hemlock. It is homceopathic to violent epileptic cramps-, with turning in of the thumbs, redness of the face, convulsive movements of the eyes, which are turned down spasmodically; very great dilatation of the pupils; frothing at the mouth clenching of the teeth; small, hard, and quick pulse, with natural warmth of the body, or coldness of the extremities. From its marked action on the stomach, bowels, and liver, it would seem most homceopathic to the abdominal or ganglionic epilepsy of Schoenlein. In this disease, the patient first 'experiences, from time to time, a gnawing, contracting, burning, or piercing pain in the region of the navel, corresponding to the superior or inferior mesenteric plexus of nerves; this pain may subside on the setting in of a feeling as if a vapor or a hot flame passed over the part. The aura may ascend to the stomach, followed by a feeling of spasm there, and by vomiting of an albuminous fluid; or it may extend from the stomach towards the right hy. pochondrium, followed by slight and transient signs of jaundice, such as yellowness of the whites of the eyes, yellowness of the face and tongue, &c.; or it may progress at once towards the brain, and an XaTHUSA CYNAPIUM. 97 actual paroxysm of epilepsy may promptly occur. Abdominal epilepsy is said to happen most frequently between the seventh and eleventh years of life; it is four times more frequent in males than females; the attacko are more common towards the full of the moon, after which they lessen, and towards the last quarter they are entirely absent.-J. C. P. If.lEthusa Le homoeopathic to epilepsy, it ought to be antipathic to paralysis; yet Noack has recommended it in paraplegia inferior. It causes great debility, lassitude, and tiredness, especially in the legs, attended with drowsiness; also, paralytic pain in the left shoulder; sudden lassitude of the fore-arms while knitting; weakness of the right wrist; paralype pains in the thighs while sitting, disappearing after motion; great lassitude of the legs. These are all symptoms which point to great debility, and, perhaps, to approaching paralysis; but, as JEthusa is pi eminently a convulsive remedy, it must be antipathic to paralysis, except when it occurs in consequence of the exhaustion which succeeds previous convulsive action.-J. C. P. Nerves of Sensation.-It is supposed to act much less specifically upon these than upon the nerves of motion; in fact, most of the 2Ethusa-pains are rending and piercing, such as occur in muscular or fibrous strictures, and are comparable to rheumatic or muscular contractive pains, like labor-pains. Thus, it is homeodpathic to rending and piercing pains in the muscles; in the head, especially in the temples, mostly in the afternoon; in the ears; zygoma; in the gums; in the epigastrium, extending up to the cesophagus; in the lumbar and hypochondriac regions; in the nape; in the elbow, hand, and finger-joints; in the thighs, knees, and feet.-J. C. P. MUSCULAR SYSTEM.-Any remedy which acts specifically upon the nerves of motion, almost necessarily acts equally specifically upon the muscles. It may prove homoeopathic to the convulsions which attend Bright's disease.-J. C. P. VASCULAR SYSTEM. Fever.-Chill in the room; chill after having walked in the open air. General coldness. Internal coldness. Coldness of the whole body, accompanied by somnolence; coldness of the whole body, perceptible to the touch, without thirst, for two days. Redness of the face during the coldness. Horripilation, with heat extending over the whole body. Painful lassitude, hot breath, and jactitation during the horripilation. General heat. Complete absence of thirst, notwithstanding the great general heat. General sweat. He cannot bear to be uncovered during the sweat. Irregular pulse; full, accelerated, imperceptible pulse. The febrile symp. toms manifest themselves more especially in the imorning with very 5 98 98ACHUSA CYNAPIUM. great malaise and disposition to delirium, which go off during the sweat.-J. C. P. Abdominal Typhus.-It causes blackness and dryness of the tongue, buzzing in the ears, and severe purging of light yellow bilious matters; these symptoms probably led Noack to suggest its use in typhoid fever. The stools in typhoid fever are for the most part loose and frequent, and either of a dark color and offensive, or else thin, yellow, and ochry, somewhat like poa-soup. But the most essential part in typhoid fever is the peculiar change in the blood; this consists in a diminution of the fibrin and an increase of the carbonated salts, especially of carbonate of soda. Numerous experiments have shown that, in animals which have for a long time been submitted to the excessive use of alkalies, the blood becomes destitute of fibrin, and rich in the carbonated alkalies; hence the alkalies are homeopathic to typhoid fever, and the acids antipathic. It is not known whether JEthusa, Rhus, Belladonna, &c., also produce a change in the blood similar to that which occurs in typhoid fever.-J. C. P. GLANDULAR SYSTEM.-Roth says it is homoeopathic to swelling of the lymphatic glands of the neck; also of the axillary glands. It may prove homoeopathic to some scrofulous affections, as it is found to produce tumefaction of the meibomian glands, chronic, photophobia, stoppage of the nose with thick mucus, yellowish discharge from the ears, herpetic excoriations of the thighs, great debility, emaciation, profuse perspiration from the least exertion, and general dropsy. -J. C. P. CLINICAL REMARKS.-Roth says it is homoeopathic and curative against: tumefaction of the meibomian glands; chronic' inflammation of the edges of the lids; sticking together of the eye-lids in the morning; pustules on the cornea; commencing amaurosis; and chronic photophobia. HIe also says it is homoeopathic to a yellowish discharge from the earm.-This remedy is one of the most homoeopathic to vomiting and diarrhoea; to cholera. It has been used very success fully against the vomiting of milk in infants; against regurgitation of food about an hour after meals; intolerance of milk; children throw up milk almost as soon as it is swallowed. cither coagulated or not coagulated, and by a sudden fit of vomiting, followed by great weakness and tendency to fainting. It is supposed to be homoeopa. thic to the first stage of granular liver; in one case, the liver was found hard and yellow; it also exerts a specific action on the duode. num and liver. It is homceopathic to that irritation of the duodenum which extends along the ductus-communis to the liver, thus causing a great accumulation of bile in the gall-bladder, and a great cvertitw TETHUSA CYNAPOIt. 99 of bile, sufficient to stain the whole liver, duodenum, and part of the colon and omcntum with yellow bile: it is also homoeopathic to pain and tenderness in the region cf the liver. According to Corrigan, the first stage of granular liver is marked by colic-pains, generally felt about four or six hours after dinner, quick pulse, vomiting, and constipation, or the stools may be loaded with mucus, and sometimes tinged with blood. As the disease advances, the fits of colic occur more frequently, the vomiting becomes more intense, the skin dry, the pulse quicker, the tongue red and smooth; in most cases there is pain at the top of the right shoulder, and in all a degree of jaundice, very slight at first, but progressing gradually, and sufficiently distinct, if the conjunctiva be examined. There is also some slight pain in the region of the liver and duodenum. It is very evident that JEthusa is homoeopathic to this train of symptoms. It is homoeopathic to cholera-infantum; to bilious diarrhoea and dysentery; to the diarrhoea of teething children, when attended with acidity of the stomach and decided bilious derangement. It promises to prove homoeopathic to Bright's disease; it is homoeopathic to odema of the face, and to the diarrhoea and vomiting which so frequently attends this affection. Noack recommends it in paraplegia; it is homoeopathic to great debility, lassitude, and tiredness, especially in the legs, attended with drowsiness; paralytic pain in the left shoulder; sudden lassitude of the arms; weakness of the wrist; paralytic pain in the thighs; great lassitude of the legs.-J. C. P. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-Great prostration, languor, debility, with drowsiness.-The limbs become cold and stiff.-Epileptic fits of children, with clenched thumbs, red face, squinting of the eyes downward. dilated pupils, foam at the mouth, lock-jaw.-Spasms, with stupor and delirium.-Fatal convulsions. SLEEP.-Drowsiness, with languor and debility; soporose condition the whole day, with involuntary closing of the eye-lids; sometimes passing off in the open air.-Drowsiness in the afternoon. FEvER.-General coldness; sometimes with drowsiness.-Shuddering when entering a room from the open air.-Febrile heat.-The pulse is small, accelerated, and hard.-Irregularity of the pulse and the beats of the heart. MORAL SYMPTOMS.-Great anguish, restlessness, and oppressive anxiety; sometimes followed by headache and colic.-Ill humor, vexed and irritable mood; especially in the afternoon or in the open air.-He looks serious, does not feel disposed to talk, complains of heat in the head.-Sadness and oppressive anxiety, in the afternoon. -Delirium, frenzy, insanity. 100 1ETHUSA CYNAPIUM. SENSORIUM.-Out of his senses; stupefied.-His head feels dull and stupid, as if intoxicated.-Sensation as if the brain were constricted.- Vertigo: coming on or going off in the open air; with drowsiness; the eyes close involuntarily-while sitting and after rising from the seat; while sitting, and going off after rising. HEAD.-Violent headache, as if the brain were dashed to pieces.The forehead feels as if compressed.--Weight in the forehead, with illhumor, and pressure upon the eye-lids; during dinner; in the occiput, with beating in the forehead.-Sensation as if both sides of the head were in a vice.-Lacerating pain in the head, paroxysms of a sort of darting laceration.-Stitches in the left temple, the head being drawn up; in the temple, when turning the head.-Stinging and throbbing in the whole of the head.-Throbbing in the head upon entering a room from the open air.-Most attacks of the headache come on in the afternoon.-Rising of heat to the head, with increased temperature of the body, redness of countenance, and abatement of the giddiness. ScALP.-After a walk in the open air, the head, face, and hands feel swollen; this sensation passes off in the room. EvEs.-Burning in the eyes as from smoke, in the room.-The eyes are glistening and protruded; staring and inanimate.- The conjjunctiva looks red, and the vessels of the conjunctiva are injected.-Staring, strange look.-The pupils are very much dilated and insensible. EARS.-Violent itching in the ears, going off by rubbing.-Stitches, particularly in the right ear, sometimes with a sense of lacerating.Tearing around the left ear, following upon stitches in the ear.-The ears feel obstructed.-Hardness of hearing, especially of the left ear. NOSE.-Stinging in the side of the nose, followed by burning. Pain in the nose as if ulcerated.-Sneezing and irritation, inducing a desire to sneeze, especially in the left nostril.-Stoppage of the nose; early in the morning after waking.-Copious secretion of a dry nasal mucus.-Fluent coryza. FACE.-Features expressive of anguish and pain.-The countenance is pale, altered, and collapsed.-Lacerating in the face; in the malai bones. TEETH.-Stinging in the gums.-Painful sensitiveness of a hollow molar tooth, increased by contact. MOUTH. THROAT, AND (ESOPHAGUS.-The mouth feels dry, although it is moist.-Heat and dryness in the throat. Stinging between the acts of deglutition.-Sensation as if deglutition were impeded, with spasmodic contraction of the throat and ear of the right side..TASTE AYD APPETITE. -Flat, sweetish taste in the mouth; early on,( (~~ ABTHUSA CYNAPIUM. 101 waking; accompanied with dryness of the mouth.-Bitter taste.Thirst; continual thirst. GASTRIC SYMPTOMS.-Empty eructations (in the afternoon). Eructations, tasting of the ingesta.-Singultus in the evening.-Violent vomiting, with diarrhoea; vomiting of coagulated milk ("in children); of greenish mucus; of a frothy, milky-white substance. STOMACH AND HYPOCHONDRIA.-Sensation as if something were turning about in the stomach, followed by burning, which extends up into the chest.-Lacerating in the pit of the stomach, extending into the oesophagus.-Piercing in the hypochondria; in the left hypochondrium, accompanied with burning and a pressure from without inwards, or succeeded at times by a piercing under the left mammae, and a whining mood.-Sensitiveness of the region of the liver. ABDOMEN.-A cutting across the 'abdomen, above the umbilicus; and in the hypogastric region.-Pinching and shifting of fatulence around the umbilicus, with urging to stool.-A sensation as of boiling water in the umbilical region, followed by pinching in the stomach.-Colcl feeling in the abdomen.-The abdomen is distended and sensitive to the touch; black and blue swelling of the abdomen. STOOL.-Hard stools, with violent urging, and lacerating sensation in the anus.-Loose stool, generally preceded by a pinching or cutting in the abdomen; accompanied with tenesmus, and followed by urg ing; early in the morning, after rising.-Diarrhoeic stools, of a liquid, bilious, light yellow, or greenish substance, accompanied with violent tenesmus.-Bloody stools. URINE.-Copious, pale, watery urine. LARYNX, TRACHEA, AND CHEST.-Frequent turns of a short and hacking cough.-Dry cough after dinner.-1The breathing is short and anxious, or interrupted by singultus.-Rending sensation and tightness in the right side of the chest; and in the middle of the sternum, followed by burning and anguish. BACK, SMALL OF THE BACK.-Sensation as if the small of the back were in a vice; burning in that part, passing off by rubbing it.Sensation of heat in the back from below upward. Lacerating in the nape of the neck, sometiines throbbing and drawing. UPPER EXTREMITIES.-Tension in the muscles.-Lacerating in the fore-arm and hand. LOWER LiMBs.-Lancination in the left thigh, from the hip down into the leg, accompanied with drawing; in the bottom of the riglt foot.-Great languor in the lower limbs. PATHOLOGICAL ANATOMY. IN MEN.-The body is but slightly decayed after the lapse of three days.-A multitude of ca. 102 AGARICUS MUSCARIUS. daverous spots.-Immediately after death the body becomes stiff and very cold.-The upper limbs are moveable, the lower stiff.-The hair is very firmly rooted in the scalp. Bloated countenance, the cornea is dim and deeply sunken, the pupils are very much dilated.-The mouth is firmly closed. Black tongue.-Contraction of the cardiac orifice of the stomach; the stomach contains a brownish, serous fluid.Apparent, but not fully developed inflammation of the mouth, fauces oesophagus, and stomach.-The whole of the intestinal canal is dis tended with air.-Light color of the bile in the duodenum; the anterior edge of the liver, a portion of the.colon near the liver, and a portion of the omentum exhibit a similar color. The liver is hard and yellow; the gall-bladder is turgid with a fluid, yellowish-brown bile.-The spleen has a livid color.-The kidneys are congested with blood.-The brain and the sinuse are congested with blood.-The venous blood is fluid throughout. 7.-AGARICUS MUSCARIUS. AGAR.-Amanita or Bug Agaric.-See Hahnemann's Chronic Diseases, Vol. I. Duration of Action: forty days in chronic affections. COMPARE WITH-ACon., Bell., Coff., Graph., Nux-v., Op., Phosp., Puls., Staph. ANTIDOTES.-Camph., Coff., Puls., Vinum. RATIONALE OF ITS ACTION.-This species of mushroom derives its name from killing flies, when dissolved in milk. It is highly narcotic, producing in small doses intoxication and delirium, for which purpose it is used in Kamtschatka. From the account of Dr. Langsdorf, it appears that the inhabitants of the North-eastern part of Asia use this variety in the same manner that wine, brandy, arrack, opium, &c., are used by other nations. The fungi are collected in the hottest months, and hung up in the air by a string to dry; some dry of themselves upon the ground, and are far more narcotic. The usual mode of taking the fungus, is to roll it up like a bolus, and swallow it without chewing; which the Kamtschatdales say would disorder the stomach. One large, or two small fungi is a common dose to produce a pleasant intoxication for a whole day, particularly if water be drunk after it, which augments the narcotic principle. The desired effect comes on from one to two hours after taking the fungus. Giddiness and drunkenness result in the same manner as from wine or spirits; cheerful emotions of the mind are first pro. duced, involuntary words and actions follow, and sometimes, at last, an entire loss of consciousness. It renders some remarkably active, AGARICUS MUSCARIUS. 103 and proves highly stimulant to muscular exertion; by too large a dose, violent spasmodic effects are produced. So very exciting to the nervous system, in many individuals, is this fungus, that the effects are often very ludicrous; a person under its influence wishing to step over a straw, takes a stride, or a jump sufficient to clear the trunk of a tree; a talkative person cannot keep silence or secrets; and one fond of music is perpetually singing.-J. C. P. The most singular effect of the Amanita is the influence it possesses over the urine. It is said that from time immemorial the Kamtschatdales have known that the fungus imparts an intoxicating quality to that secretion, which continues for a considerable time after taking it. For instance, a man moderately intoxicated to-day, will, by the next morning, have slept himself sober; but (as is the custom) by taking a teacupful of his urine, he will be more powerfully intoxicated than he was the preceding day. It is, therefore, not uncommon for confirmed drunkards to preserve their urine as precious liquor, against a scarcity of the fungus. This intoxicating property of the urine is capable of being propagated; for every one who partakes of this intoxicating urine has his own urine similarly affected. Thus, with a very few Amanite, a party of drunkards may keep up their debauche for a week. Dr. Langsdorff mentions, that by means of the second person taking the urine of the first, the third that of the second, and so on, the intoxication may be propagated through five individuals.-J. C. P. The effects of this active principle of this and other fungi, viz., Amanatine, appear to resemble considerably those of Opium. It promises to prove homoeopathic to delirium tremens. It was supposed that the Northern hordes, when they invaded the South of Europe, were aided in their victories by its exciting effects. Several French soldiers in Russia ate a large quantity of the Agaricus-muscarius, which they had mistaken for Agaricus-caserca. Some were not taken ill for six hours and upwards. Four of them, who were very powerful men, thought themselves safe, because, while their companions were already suffering, they themselves felt perfectly well; and they refused to take emetics. In the evening, however, they began to complain of anxiety, a sense of suffocation, frequent fainting, burning thirst, and violent gripes. The pulse became small and irregular, and the body bedewed with cold sweat; the lineaments of the countenance were singularly changed, the nose and lips acquiring a violet tint; they trembled much; the body swelled; and a profuse fetid diarrhoea supervened. The extremities soon became livid, and the pain of the abdomen intense; delirium ensued, and all four died. Several of their comrades were severely affected, but re 104 AGARICUS MUSCARIUS. covered. Two of these had weak pulse, tense and painful belly, par. tial cold sweats, fetid breath and stools. In the afternoon they became delirious, then comatose; the coma lasted twenty-four hours. The symptoms of deep narcotism and violent irritation are.gene. rally observed. PATHOLOGY.-Skin yellow; round pale-red spots upon the body pupils natural; abdomen somewhat distended; mucous and bloody froth from the mouth; vessels of the scalp congested; all the vessels of the brain filled with dissolved, dark-red blood; dura-mater and arachnoid quite red; the blood-vessels which penetrate between the convolutions of the brain, enormously distended with blood; the cortical substance of the brain much reddened, and the medullary substance marked with numerous bloody points, from the size of a pin's head to that of a pea; one teaspoonful of bloody serum in each lateral ventricle; vessels at the base of the brain, especially the circle of Willis, crowded with blood; tentorium-cerebelli covered with a net-work of minute vessels; cerebellum unusually soft, with an extravasation of blood of the size of a pea in its arbor-vitre. Pleura, diaphragm, and pericardium much reddened. Lungs much congested, blue and marbled, in a state of splenization, and crowded with black blood. Heart filled with black fluid blood. Arch of the aorta much reddened. Gall-bladder filled with much grass-green fluid bile; pharynx, cesophagus, trachea, omentum, pancreas, peritoneum, external surface of the stomach, and small bowels, and the internal surface of the bladder much reddened, and all the blood.vessels filled with black fluid blood. Internal coat of the stomach, duodenum, jejunum, and colon of a scarlet-red color; brownish-red appearance of the base of the stomach and pylorus; two large excoriations in the fundus of the stomach, and one in the duodenum; contraction of the cardiac and pyloric orifices.-J. C. P. ANTIDOTES.-It is well known that the noxious qualities of the most virulent species of Agaricus are communicated to brine, vinegar, &c.; the olive-tree Agaric loses all its poisonous properties when salted, and becomes eatable;' the pickle is thrown away. In fact, two poisonous principles have been discovered in Agaricus, one of which is so volatile that it is dispelled by heat, or the act of drying, or by immersion in acids, alkalies, or alcohol; the other is more fixed, and resists such processes. With the aid of these processes, especially in Poland and Russia, even those kinds of mushrooms which are elsewhere refused by common consent as poisonous, are eaten with perfect impunity, being extensively dried or pickled in salt or vinegar. AGARICUS MUSCARIUS. 105 In poisoning with mushrooms, emetics and cathartics should be used; as vinegar dissolves out all the noxious principle, it should be avoided; the strength must be sustained by mild tonics and stimulants; Ether, and infusion of Galls are particularly recommended. Teste asserts that Camphor and Nitric-acid are antidotes to this drug. Mr. Gerard has recently shown, before. a committee of the Paris Council of Health, that the poisonous mushrooms may be entirely deprived of their deleterious properties by being simply macerated, and then boiled in water to which a little vinegar has been added. The poisonous principle is perfectly soluble in water, and is entirely removed. It is not soluble in alcohol, except by virtue of the water which it may contain. This furnishes an important hint for the pharmaceutical preparation of the Agaricus and other fungi, in which the alcohol used should be as largely diluted with water as is consistent with its. preserving powers. ON THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. Nerves of Sensation.-It produces excessive sensitiveness to all external impressions; great sensibility of the skin, so that the slightest pressure produces intense and longcontinued pains. Nerves of Motion.-It causes great liability to twitching of the muscles, irregular convulsive movements, and desire to dance; also a curious state of the nervous system, which becomes so acted upon by mental emotions, or the exercise of the will, that muscular twitchings and convulsive movements are excited, a condition of body closely resembling that of a patient suffering from chorea and hysteria. It is asserted by some physiologists, that the principal office of the cerebellum is to preside over and regulate the faculty of locomotion, and Agaricus acts specifically upon the cerebellum.--J. C. P. ON THE VASCULAR SYSTE.M.--Like all the narcotic remedies, Aga. ricus seems to act far more powerfully upon the venous than upon the arterial system. It seems to prevent the arterialization of the blood, and render it more venous. It is more homceopathic to venous congestion than to inflammation.--J. C. P. ON THE BLooD.-The body is in general livid, the blood.fluid, so much so that it sometimes flows from the natural openings of the body. All the vessels of the brain are filled with dissolved, dark-red blood. Heart filled with black fluid blood; all the blood-vessels filled with black fluid blood. ON THE HEART.-Heart filled with black fluid blood. Pericar. dium and arch of the aorta much reddened, i. e., stained with the fluid blood. ON THE PULSE.-In one case the pulse became small and irregi. 5* 106 AGARICUS MNUSCARIUS. lar, and the body was bedewed with cold sweat; in another, the pulse was weak. Pulse small and quick (80); or slow, feeble, unequal, intermitting or undulating. FEVER.---Constant chilliness, with inability to get warm. Violent shaking chills through the whole body, with normal temperature of the face. Cold hands, without thirst and subsequent heat. Sensitiveness to cool air. General heat in the evening, with redness of the cheeks, coldness of the hands, and thirst; general heat at night, intermingled with chilliness, followed by sweat; general heat in the afternoon, with headache and thirst, followed by aggravation in the evening, attended with hurried breathing and great languor. SLEEP.-Irresistible drowsiness in the day-time. Drowsiness, especially after dinner; sleeplessness, on account of pain and uneasiness in the legs. Sleep disturbed by desire to urinate, with copious flow of urine, spasmodic cough, or coldness in the legs. Sleep interrupted by a multitude of dreams with fitful fancies, partly pleasant, partly unpleasant. ON THE MUCOUS MEMBRANES.-Many Of the varieties of Agaricus cause the secretion of large quantities of yelloeo mucus. Thus, in a dog, poisoned with Agaricus-bulbosus, the stomach was found full of a thick, yellow mucus; in another case, the whole intestinal canal was filled with a thick, yellow mucus; a woman evacuated an abundance of yellow mucus.-J. C. P. SIUN.-Itching, burning, and redness of various parts, as if frozen. Miliary eruptions, close and whitish, with burning itching. CLINIOAL REMARKS. IHAHNEMANN.-" Apelt has found this drug serviceable in pains of the upper jaw-bone and the teeth; also in pains of the bones of the lower extremities (as well as in the marrow), and finally in itching eruptions of the skin, of the size of a millet-seed, and thickly set together.-It has also been found useful in lassitude consequent upon coition.-Whistling has cured with it convulsions and tremor, and J. C. Bernhard even some kinds of epilepsy.-Dr. Woost has seen the effects of large doses of Agaricus lasting for seven or eight weelks. Camphor is the chief antidote, even against such affections consequent upon the use of Agaricus as have assumed a chronic character."-HULL. It seems to be homeopathic to a variety of nervous and hysterical affections, especially to spinal irritation, and those affections of the brain which simulate it. Noack recommends it in mania-saltatoria, as it is homoeopathic to a state, in which the slightest exertion of the will produces the most violent effect upon the over-sensitive nerves and muscles, and call:: forth the most strange and almost AGARICUS MUSCARIUS. 107 unimaginable motions of the limbs; inclination to dance; the most curious motions of the hands; extraordinary agility of the limbs, and extreme facility in the performance of the most fantastic motions.J. C. P. In Chorea.-St. Vitus' dance has been denominated an insanity of the muscles, and is very analogous to mania-saltatoria. Agaricus is homoeopathic to trembling of the limbs, subsultus, slight jerks of the muscles here and there; twisting about of the arms, persistent convulsed state of the muscles of the head and neck. Agaricus is only homoeopathic to the true nervous cerebral chorea, i. e., the most common form of it, or that which arises from a functional disease of the brain, and in which the convulsive movements cease during sleep. Nux and Ignatia are homoeopathic to spinal chorea, in which the spasmodic action does not cease during sleep, for the spinal cord does not sleep. Hydriodate of Potash, Iodine, and Actea-racemosa are homoeopathic to rheumatic chorea, which is apt to be attended with acute endocarditis or pericarditis. I have seen two instances in which chorea was attended with acute rheumatic inflammation of some of the structures of the heart. Agaricus may also prove homoeopathic to that most dangerous and almost always fatal variety called electrical chorea, in which the convulsive movements finally give way to coma, and the patient dies with apoplectic symptoms; venous congestion of the cerebral and spinal meninges appears to be the only uniform abnormal condition observed in electrical chorea.-J. C. P. In Cranmps, Convulsions, and Epilepsy.-It has long ago been recommended, in the dominant school,.in epilepsy, especially in that variety induced by fright (Vogt, Dierbach), and is said to form the active part of Ragolo's secret remedy against this disease.-J. C. P. This remedy has been employed empirically, for many centuries, for the cure of epilepsy and chronic enlargement and induration of the glands of the neck and throat. Teste considers its action to be somewhat similar to Belladonna and Lachesis, and prescribes it only after these remedies have failed. Agaricus ought to prove curative in some cases of intermittent fever; it may also prove useful in hectic fever, but its great affinity is for nervous fevers, typhusversatilis, and delirium tremens. It is one of the most homoeopathic and useful remedies against frost-bites. It is one of the most homceo. pathic remedies against acute delirium, mania, delirium tremens, the delirium of typhus, &c.; it should be borne in mind when Belladonna and other remedies fail. It is one of the most homnoeo, pathic remedies against chronic dizziness resltinlg from frequent 108 AGARICUS MUSCARIUS. intoxication, or habitual free use of strong liquors; in dizziness, from congestion of the brain, with threatening of apoplexy, especially in the studious, sluggish, or intemperate in eating and drinking. - It is most homoeopathio to the headaches of persons subject to nervous twitchings and St. Vitus' dance, or to spinal irritation, with great soreness, uneasiness, and weakness down the spine, with or without derangement or enlargement of the liver. Als.o in the headaches of those who use wine and spirits too freely, or who become delirious whenever they are feverish or in pain, attended with twitchings, startings, grimaces, and a state resembling pleasant intoxication. According to Black, it is indicated in nervous and congestive headaches, in which fullness, sleepiness, and frequent inclination to yawn are present, attended with relaxation and soreness of the whole body, pain in the back, and a feeling as if all the joints were dislocated. Hence it would also seem suited to the headache and general derangement which attends influenza. It is homcmopathic to congestion of the head, with pulsation in all the vessels, redness and heat of the face, and delirium. Also to catarrhal headache, with aching in theforehead over the eyes, drawing pain in the forehead, extending to the root of the nose, rending pain in the forehead above the root of the nose, as if the brain were lacerated, with burning pain in the nose and eyes, great dryness of the nose, profuse epistaxis, and abundant discharge of thick, viscid, nasal mucus, followed by frequent dropping of water from the nose. I have used it frequently and successfully against many varieties of headache in nervous and. hysterical persons. It is homoeopathic to headaches attended with or followed by great soreness or tenderness of the scalp, and against chronic tenderness of the scalp, such as occurs in persons with spinal irritation. It is homceopathic to spasmodic twitching of the eye-lids and winking, such as occurs in nervous, verminous, or scrofulous children; to chronic inflammation of the meibomian glands; to short-sightedness and dim-sightedness of both eyes; to muscae-volitantes, from disorder of the watery spectrum, when everything seems as if obscured by turbid water; to incipient amaurosis, when black motes hover before the eyes, or everything seems surrounded by a mist, or covered with a cobweb. It is homoeopathic to nervous pains in the ears; but especially against the pains, itchings, and other inconveniences which attend frost-bites of the ears. It is homoeopathic to epistaxis and frost-bites of the nose; also to great sensitiveness and tenderness of the nose, with or without great acuteuess of the sense of smell. It is homoeopathic to frost-bites of the face: to painful throbbings and twitchings in the face, such as attend gumn AGARICUS MUSCARIUS. 109 boils and abscesses about the face; it is useful against the pimples of acne, which occur on the faces of young persons, and a tendency to blueness and roughness of the skin of the face; also to chaps and fissures of the lips. It is homoeopathic to neuralgia of th.e face; to toothache from taking cold, especially when the teeth feel long, and are very sensitive to pressure when touched or while chewing; and to inflammation of the lining membrane of the alveolar processes. It is homoeopathic to mercurial salivation; also to ulceration and soreness of the mouth, from gastric and bilious derangement, and to a foul and bilious state of the mouth. It is very homoeopathic to bilious dyspepsia, especially when occurring in very nervous and sensitive persons. Agaricus is one of the most homoeopathic remedies against excessive flatulence of the stomach and bowels; against the fullness and oppression of the stomach which arises from flatulence, and produces a feeling as if *the contents of the chest were compressed. It is most suited against the flatulence of nervous, hysterical, and bilious persons. Agaricus is one of the most homoeopathic remedies to excessive flatulence and tendency to diarrhcea, such as occur in nervous and hysterical persons, especially if there be marked bilious derangement; also in indigestion, -colic, and flatulence, from irritation or sub-acute inflammation of the stomach and bowels (chronic gastro-enteritis). Agaricus is one of the few homoeopathic remedies against enlargement of the liver and spleen, and all the attendant gastric, bilious, and intestinal derangements. Against general abdominal and venous plethora. It is homoeopathic to bilious diarrhoea, especially when attended with much and excessively fetid flatulence-viz., when there is yellowness of the skin and whites of the eyes and tongue, bitter taste in the mouth, nausea, eructations, pain, tenderness, and fullness in the region of the liver and spleen, great rumbling in and distention of the abdomen. It is peculiarly suitable when these symptoms are associated with much nervousness. It may prove useful in gastro-enteritis and peritonitis; also in ulceration of the stomach and bowels, especially that which obtains in typhoid fever. This remedy may prove useful in many affections of the kidneys, bladder, and urethra, as we have indubitable proofs that it is conveyed to these parts. It probably acts upon the genital organs in the same manner as spirituous liquors. It is ho. moeopathic to excessive itching of these parts and profuse menstrua. tion.-J. C-P. Air-Passages.-We have already noticed the tendency of Agaricus to excite the secretion of large quantities of yellow mucus from the stomach and bowels. The Agaricus catarrh is characterized by a i10 AGARICUS MUSCARIUS. copious discharge of thick tenacious mucus from the nose, followed or preceded by an accumulation of dry mucus in the nostrils, as if they were entirely filled with it; frequent sneezing. Roughness of the throat; frequent hawking, with discharge of small balls of phlegm, frequent irritation in the trachea, with inclination to cough; dry cough. Shortness of breath and asthma, frequently obliging one to stand still while walking; labored breathing, as if the chest were filled with blood; vwlent oppression of the chest, preventing deep breathing, with sensation as if the breath were constricted. Paroxysms of anxiety in the chest, and sense of suffocation. Stitches in the lungs. Itching and burning of the breast and nipples, with eruption of pimples. Profuse sweat upon the chest. Agaricus promises to be one of our most valuable remedies in congestion of the lungs and in congestive asthma, especially-when these disorders occur in bilious and nervous persons. It ought to prove an admirable remedy against derangement of the heart, when associated with great enlargement of the liver, and secondary congestion of the lungs, with all the attendant difficulty of breathing, palpitations, spasmodic cough, derangement and congestion of the kidneys. It may ward off many cases of ascites and hydrothorax, arising from primary congestion and enlargement of the liver. The powerful action of Agaricus upon the motor nerves and muscles has already been alluded to. It is one of the most useful remedies in spinal irritation and lumbago. Many cases of so-called nervous headaches are merely extensions of spinal irritation to the ramifications of the spinal nerves within the brain. Ker has used it successfully when there were violent oppressive pains, principally in the forehead, often attended with delirium, vomiting of a bitter bilious fluid, sense of languor, feeling as if the body were bruised and joints dislocated, with a sense of uneasiness and weakness all down the spine. It is homoeopaihic to many of those anomalous pains in the limbs which arise from spinal irritation. It is one of the best remedies against frostbites of the fingers, and that peculiar mottled purplish state of the skin, owing to a fluidity ancf venous condition of the blood, which so easily leads to chilblains and frost-bites.--J. C. P. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-Great debility, languor; painful sense of weight, and sensitiveness in all the limbs; staggering gait, want of muscular power; trembling.-After a little exercis.e or walk he feels weary, with a burning sensation in the lower extremities, and the muscles feeling vatnful to the touch.-After ascending a little eminence, he feels faint, and profuse sweat breaks out.-Concussion of the nerves.-Cmtvulsions.: partial; in the posterior portion of the AGARICUS MUSCARIUS. 111 chest; in the epigastrium and hypogastrium, with sensation as if the whole body were shaken through.--*Epilepsy. CHARACTERISTIC PECULIARITIES.-Cramp-pains in the muscles ot the limbs, especially when sitting.-Drawing and tearing, especially in the limbs, which continues when sitting or standing, and goes off during motion.--The pains are diminished and removed by movement. SKIN.-Itching of the whole body; burning and prickling in various parts; *itching, burning, and redness of various parts, as if frozen.-TMiliary eruptions, close and whitish, with burning itching. SLEEP.-Frequent yawning; as if he had not slept enough, with stretching of the limbs; so violent in the morning that it makes him giddy.--Irre'istible drowsiness in the day-time; early in the evening, sometimes with inability to fall asleep.-Sleep is prevented by ideas crowding upon his mind, and feeling of weariness.-The night sleep is restless, unrefreshing, and full of dreams.-At night; desire to urinate, with copious emission; spasmodic cough from an irritation in the larynx, soon after going to sleep; feeling of coldness in the left lower limb. FEVER.-Shuddering.-Chilliness, sensitiveness to cool air, even at night, when raising the cover of the bed but slightly; constant chilliness, particularly in the morning in the room, with inability to get warm; in the evening, accompanied with shaking.-Heat in the face and trunk, with cold, trembling hands and thirst.-Sweat after very little bodily exertion; when walking; at night when sleeping. Pulse small, quick (80), in the morning; slow, feeble, unequal, inter mittent. MORAL SYMPTOMS.-Despondency; lowness of spirits; anxiety, as if he apprehended some unpleasant occurrence; uneasiness of mind.Bodily and mental restlessness.-Indisposition to talk.-Irritable vexed mood, ill humor.-Listlessness, aversion to any kind of work, particularly to mental labor, followed by congestion of blood to the head, pulsations in all the vessels, heat in the face, and inability to think.-Great forgetfulness.-Loss of consciousness.-Fearless frenzy, with intoxication, accompanied with bold, vindictive designs.-Menacing, mischievous rage, the patient directing it against himself in some instances, with great strength.-Shy mania.-Excess of fancy; ecstasy; prophecy; he makes verses. SENsoRIUM.-Dullness of the head, with dull pain; as after intoxication; especially early in the morning, with muddled and confused state of the mind.-Dullness of sense; imbecility.-Dizziness, intoxication, stupefaction; staggering to and fro, especially during a walk in the open air.-Vertigo of various kinds, especially early in 112 AGARICUS MUSCARIU.I the morning, as if-intoxicated; vertigo as if he would fall, occasioned by the light of the sun; with staggering obscuration of sight, in paroxysms every five minutes; in the open air, particularly when walking and reflecting; in a room when turning about, relieved by turning the head speedily. HEAD.-Headache early in the morning, in bed; when sitting, especially in the occipital protuberance.-Dull pains in the right temple; in the forehead; in the whole head, with stupefaction, thirst, and heat of the face.-Great weight in the head, especially in the forehead and temples; in the morning, as after intoxicatzon.-Pressure in the head, accompanied with flushes of heat, and passing off after an evacuation; in paroxysms, in the evening before going to bed; in the forehead, particularly over the eyes, sometimes accompanied with stinging or with vertigo; changing from the left to the right side; in the temples, frequently accompanied with despondency, and increased by pressure or by touching the hair; in the occiput, sometimes a pushing pressure, after dinner.-Drawing pains in the head; early in the morning when waking, with pressure in the eyes; in the forehead, extending to the root of the nose; in the temples and occiput.-Drawing cutting in the forehead, which increases to an oppressive stupefying pain in the sitting posture.-Tearing in the head, as if the brain were torn, in the forehead, above the root of the nose; in the right temple; the left side of the occiput and the whole of the head, at intervals, particularly behind the right ear; in the left hemisphere of the brain, with pressure and a confused state of the brain.-Lancination from one side of the head to the other, in the morning.-Stitches in the left temple.-Digging, especially in the forehead; boring in the vertex, driving him almost to a state of frantic despair. ScALP.-Painful sensitiveness of the scalp, as from subcutaneous ulceration; especially in the vertex, with tearing drawing, and made worse by pressing upon the part.-Twitching of the skin of the forehead and temples.-Cramp-pain in the region of the left temple.Pimples on the hairy scalp. EYES.-Pressure in the eyes from without inwards.-Pressing and drawing in the eye-balls, especially the left.-Itching and tingling of the eyes.-Burning sensation in the eyes, with sensation of contraction, in the evening; of the inner canhi.--Redness, of the whites of the eyes; yellow color of the eyes.-Swelling of the left eye-lids, towards the inner canthus.-Narrowing of the interval between the eye-lids for several days.-Twitches in the eye-lalls and eye-lids.Dryness of the eyes.-The caruncula of the left eye increases in AGARICUS MUSOARIUS. 113 size.-Lachrymation of the right eye.-Sensation in the eyes as if they had to be wiped constantly.-The eye-lids adhere to one another as by slimy threads; wiping relieves this symptom only for a short time.-Gum in the canthi of the eyes.-A viscid, yellow humor glues the eye-lids to one another.-Vanishing of s.ight when walking in the open air.-Great weakness of the eyes; if she looks at an object long, it appears pale.-Short-sightedness and dim-sightedness of both eyes.--Very indistinct sight; everything appears, obscured, as if by turbid water; or surrounded with a mist; or as if covered with a cobweb.-A black mote is hovering before the left eye.-He sees things double.-Dread of light.-Incipient amaurosis? EARs.--Tearing pain in' the meatus of the right ear, increased by cold air passing into it.-Itching in and behind the ears.-Itching redness, and burning of the ears, as if they had been frozen.--Humming in the cars.-Tinkling, in the open air. NosE.-Itching of the nose and alce of the nose.-Burning pain in the nose and eyes.-Soreness and inflammation of the inner wall of the nose.-In blowing the nose, blood comes out of it, early in the morning, immediately after rising from the bed; this is followed by violent bleeding from the nose.-The smell is more acute. FACE.-Burning sensation and stitches of the cheeks,-Twitching and pulsations in the cheeks.-Redness of the face, with itching and burning, as iffrozen.-Itching in the face.-Itching of the forehead, with pimples.-A tearing pain in the lips and the throat.-Dryness and burning of the lips.--The upper lip is chapped, with a burning sensation in the fissures.-Bluish lips. JAWS AND TEETH.-Violent tearing in the right side of the lower jaw.-Tearing in the teeth of the lower jaw, increased by cold.Drawing, throbbing, lacerating pain in the molar teeth. MouTH.-Painfulness and bleeding of the gums.-Swelling of the gums.-Bad odor from the mouth, with a fetid taste.-Acrid odor from the mouth in the morning.-Soreness of the inner mouth, especially the palate. The tongue is sore.-Small painful ulcer by the side of the fraenum of the tongue; at the tip it Is bordered with dirty-yellow aphthae, producing a sensation, immediately after a meal as if the skin would peal off.-Tongue is coated white.-Back part of the tongue is coated yellow.-Slimy tongue.-Foam at the mouth.-Flow of saliva. TASTE AND APPETITE.-Insipid or bitter taste in the mouth.Want of appetite, with thirst.-A good deal of hunger, but no appetite; early in the morning.-Ravenous appetite.-Sudden attacks of rabid hunger, towards evening, with perspiration.-After a meal, 114 AGARICUS MUSCARIUS. sensation of choking in the oesophagus, and oppression at the stomach. GASTRIC SYMPTOMS.-Frequent rising of mere air..-Heartburn.Hiccough.-Nausea, with cutting pain in the abdomen. Eructations, with qualmishness in the region of the stomach. STOMAcH.-Oppression at the stomach, with inclination to go to stool.-Oppressive weight in the stomach.-Oppression at the pit of the stomach, eAtending as far as the sternum.-Cramp-like drawing in the pit of the stomach, extending as far as the chest.-Cutting, resembling spasms in the stomach, immediately below the diaphragm, and extending towards the vertebral column when sitting. ABDOMEN.-Acute pulsative pain below the left hypochondrium; it rises as high up as the third and fourth rib.-Stitches under the short ribs of the left side, when breathing, and especially when sitting with a stooping chest.-In the region of the liver, sharp stitches, as of needles.-Dull stitches in the liver, during an inspiration.-Troublesome fullness of the whole abdomen; it makes sitting and breathing difficult.-Bloated abdomen.-Sense as of writhing in the abdomen.Pznching below the umbilicus, attended with a bloated condition of the abdomen.-Violent pinching in the abdomen, attended with diarrh&ea; in the epigastrium.-Cutting pain in the abdomen, sometimes followed by liquid stools.-Loud rumbling in the abdomen.-Emission of a large quantity of wind, smelling of garlic, with smarting pain in the rectum. STOOL AND ANUs.-Hard, dark-colored stools after constipation.Stools are first hard and knotty, afterwards loose, and lastly diarrhaic.-Watery stool with nausea, with cutting and fermentation in the abdomen.-Liquid, or slimy yellow diarrhceic stools.-The diarrhaeic stools are accompanied with pinching and cutting in the abdomen, and emission of a quantity of flatulence; also with painful drawing-in of the stomach and abdomen.-The evacuations are accompanied and succeeded by smarting in the anus.-Itching, tingling, and titillation of the anus, as of ascarides. URINARY ORGANS.-Pressure in the region of the kidneys and in the loins; disturbing the night's rest.-Frequent urging to urinate, with copious emission.-Scanty urine.-Difficult emission of urine.Retention of urine.- The urine is reddish, scanty; clear lemon-colored. -Discharge of viscid tenacious mucus from the urethra. MALE SEXUAL ORGANS.-Itching of the genitals.-Drawing in the testes.-Involuntary emissions.-Great aversion to an embrace, or else great desire for it, with little ability, or with deficient excitement, or tardy, znsufficient emission of semen.-Every embrace is followed by AGARICUS MIUSCARIUS. 115 great debility and languor, profuse night-sweats, and sometimes a burning itching of the skin. FEMALE SEXUAL ORGANS.-Increased menses.-Titillation of the genital organs. LARYNX AND TRACHEA.-Frequent hawking, with discharge of small flocks or small balls of phlegm.-Frequent irritation in the trachea, with desire to cough.-Dry cough after dinner.-Both dry and fluent coryza, with sneezing. CHEsT.-Shortness of breath and asthma, frequently obliging him to stand still when walking.-Labored breathing; breathing as if the chest were filled with blood.- Violent oppression of the chest, hindering deep breathing, or else obliging one to take a deep breath; with sensation as if the.chest were constricted; with draw'ing pain in the region of the diaphragm; in the region of the heart, with oppression and pulsations.-Oppression of breathing in the lower portion of the chest, when moving about.-Painful palpitation of the heart when standing.-Beating sore pain in several parts of the chest; at night. Itching and burning of the chest and nipples, after which pimples make their appearance.-Profuse sweat on the chest at night. BACK, SACRAL REGION.-Pain as if sprained and bruised in the small of the back, when standing; in the loins, nape of the neck, and back, when lying down and sitting still.-Lameness and painful weakness of the dorsal muscles, especially of the loins, worse when standing or walking.-Violent pain in the small of the back when rising from a seat, rendering it difficult to move, or when sitting or lying down, relieved by movement.-Burning itching of the back. UPPER LIMBS.-Weakness and painful weariness of the arms, with pain as if bruised.-Rheumatic pains in the arms; drawing in the shoulder-joint, with weakness of the arm.- Trembling of the hands, as from old age, particularly when holding anything.-*Burning of the fingers, with itching and redness, as iffrozen, -or from a burn.White pimples (miliaria-alba) of the size of a grain of millet-seed, brought out by scratching a burning itching place, and followed by scaling off of the skin. LOWER LIMBS.-Painful lameness of the lower limbs.-Painful and excessive weariness and weakness of the thighs and legs, with tottering.-Pain in the hip-joint, very great while walking, and relieved by sitting.-Lacerating pain in the limbs when sitting, improved by movement; in the thighs at night, disturbing the sleep.-Rheumatic pains in the thighs and legs, while sitting.Stinging in the leg.-Cramp in the feet at night.-*Itching, burning, and redness of the toes, as if frozen.-Burning itching of the 116 AGNUS CASTUS. legs, especially in the evening, followed by desquamation of the skin. PATHOLOGICAL ANATOMY.-Discharge of frothy, blackishgreen substances.-The stomach and bowels are distended with fetid air, their inner surface exhibits traces of inflammation and gangrenous spots.-A sort of inflammatory congestion in the neighborhood of the pyloric orifice of the stomach.-Large spots in the stomach and intestinal canal, where decomposition seems to have made considerable advance.-The mucous membrane of the ileum is destroyed in various places.-The stomach contains a blackish fluid.-The liver is excessively enlarged.-The gall-bladder is filled with a thick, dark-colored bile. 8.-AGNUS CASTUS. AGN.-Vitex Agnus Castus, or Clhaste Tree.-Stapf's Additions.-Duration of Action: from eight to fifteen days in some cases. COMPARE WITH--Bo., Cup., Natr.-ac., Oleand., Plat., Selen., Sep. ANTIDOTE-Camph. RATIONALE OF ITS AcTION.-Dioscorides says that it increases the flow of milk, brings on the menses, thins the spermatic fluid, produces pain in the testicles, and brings on sleep. He recommends the seeds against poisonous stings, dropsy, and enlargement and disease of the spleen; a decoction of the leaves and seeds, in a bath, in inflammations and other diseases of the womb. It is said to be useful in lethargy and frenzy, when applied to the head. It was thought to cure the bites of serpents; to remove hardness of the genital organs, fissures of the anus, bruises, and wounds. Hippocrates recommended the leaves steeped in wine against metrorrhagia; with wine and oil to expel the after-birth; the seeds in diseases of the spleen; also against ascarides; to increase the secretion of milk in nursing women; the fresh leaves to be put on inflamed organs, and plasters of the same for ulcers. Roth says it has cured: Whiteness of the tongue, bitterness of the mouth, loss of appetite, sensitiveness of the abdomen to pressure, swelling of the abdomen after eating, occasional pains in the lower abdomen and in the kidneys while urinating, great accumulation-of wind in the bowels, hardness of the stools, and redness and muddiness of the urine. Also when the menses last from ten to eighteen days, being preceded by headache, vertigo, and dimness of sight, accompanied with pains in the pelvis and loins. Also oppression of the chest on going up-stairs; AGNUS CASTUS. 117 cough, with raising of blood, followed by copious mucous expectoration, with paroxysmal attacks, especially in the morning, of palpitations and bleeding of the nose; also when there is a deficient secretion of milk in child-bed women; when the legs are much fatigued and swollen towards evening, with sallowness of the skin and disturbed dreams. It has cured quartan fevers of six months' duration, marked by slight chilliness towards evening, followed by heat and headache, without thirst, but with slight delirium, the paroxysm terminating in profuse perspiration. According to the homceopa. thists, the spirit of the action of this drug may be expressed by stating that it produces a condition which counterfeits marvellously that which obtains in old age, marked by dullness of the intellect, weakness of memory and hearing, blear-eyedness, trembling and feebleness of the limbs, decay of the sexual appetite and power, suppression of the menses and secretion of milk, and prevalence of urinary and arthritic complaints. It is also homoeopathic to that premature old age which arises in young persons from abuse of the sexual powers, marked by melancholy, apathy, mental distraction, self-contempt, general debility, frequent loss of prostatic fluid, &c.-J. C. P. ON THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. Nerves of Motion.-It seems to exert a more decided action upon the motor nerves, and upon the muscles and joints, than upon "the nerves of sensation. ON THE VASCULAR SYSTEM.-Chilliness, without thirst or subsequent heat. Constant trembling of the whole body, from internal chilliness, the body feeling warm to the touch. Chilliness of the whole body, without thirst, although the hands are the only portions of the body which feel cold to the touch. Frequent alternations of chilliness and heat, without thirst. Heat of the whole body, with coldness of the knees. PULSE.-The pulse is apt to become slower and less perceptible, 60 per minute. SKIN.-This remedy is especially remarkable for the sensation of corrosive itching which it produces in various parts, without its being attended with any marked eruption. It is homoeopathic to corrosive itching upon the scalp, especially in the evening; also upon the forehead and eye-brows, in the eyes and upon the lids, about the tip of the nose, upon the cheeks, about the ears and chin; itching and scratching sensation in the throat, with irritation to cough; about the groins, perinseum, genitalia, and arm-pits.-J. C. P. CLINICAL REMARKS.-Roth says it has cured quartan fevers of six months' duration, when characterized by slight chilliness to. wards evening, followed by heat and headache, 'without thirst but 118 AGNUS CASTUS. with slight delirium, the paroxysms terminating with profuse perspirations. It may prove useful against the spleen-affections and dropsy which follow quartan fevers. It may prove a useful remedy against pruritus and prurigo. It had an ancient reputation against itching of the anus. Noack recommends it in hypochondriacal melancholy, melancholia-anoa, melancholia-tadium-vitae. It is homoeopathic to great mental dejection, with fear of approaching death; despair and melancholic undervaluing of one's self, with desire to be dead; melancholic hypochondriacal humor, with dissatisfaction with one's self and contemptuous undervaluing of everything; thoughtlessness and inability to work; difficult comprehension of what has been read and heard; great mental anxiety, with excessive debility, and feeling as if diarrhoea were about to occur; excessive mental distraction while reading. It is said to be very useful in purely hysterical and hypochondriacal affections bordering upon fixed melancholy, not depending upon any dyscratic or material cause, but rather upon a misdirection of the mental powers, and occurring in old maids, widows, and widowers. It is allied to Ignatia and Aurum in its action; and while Agaricus produces great excitement of the nervous system, Agnus-castus causes great torpor. Noack proposes it in hemicrania. It is homceopathic to tearing pains, especially above the right eye and temple, as if one had received a blow uipon the eye, attended with soreness to touch, increased by motion, aggravated in the evening, and lasting for several days. It is probably best suited to the headaches of persons with derangements of the womb, ovaries, testicles, or sexual organs in general; in the headaches of those given to sexual excesses or subject to seminal emissions, or of those of unmarried persons suffering from nervous debility. Noack proposes it as a remedy against coma; it is probably most suitable against the drowsiness which arises from nervous exhaustion, rather than from congestion. It may be suited against hydrocephaloid drowsiness. It is homoeopathic to pharyngitis; also to the formation of an excess of uric acid in the stomach. It is a singular coincidence that Agnuscastus has been supposed to exert a specific influence upon the spleen, and Scherer has found uric-acid in considerable quantity as a normal constituent in the juice of the spleen. It may prove useful in some forms of dyspepsia and flatulence. Roth says it is homoeopathic against whiteness of the tongue, bitterness of the mouth, loss of appetite, sensitiveness of the abdomen to pressure, swelling of the abdomen after eating, occasional pains in the hypogastrium, great accumulation of wind in the bowels, hardness of the stools, pains in the kid. neys, and redness and muddiness of the urine. Dioscorides recom. AGNUS CASTUS. 119 mended it against dropsy, ascites, enlargement and other diseases of the spleen. Hippocrates recommended the seeds in diseases of the spleen. It has been recommended by Nopck in chronic diarrhoea. In pruritis-podicis and excoriations about the rectum. It is homoeopathic to corrosive itching about the groins, anus, and perinaeum; to acute, deep, sharp stitches about the coccyx; to painful spots near the anus while walking, as if there were subcutaneous ulcerations. It has been recommended against fissures of the anus. It may prove useful against the uric-acid diathesis, and also against the oxalic-acid diathesis, as the recent experiments of Wohler and Frerichs-in which the introduction of uric-acid into the organism, by the primgce-vic or by the veins, was followed by an augmentation of the urea and oxalate of lime in the urine-afford tolerably strong evidence that the uric-acid in the animal organism undergoes a decomposition into urea and oxalic-acid, precisely similar to that which can be artificially produced by Peroxide of Lead. It may prove useful against the melancholy and despondency which attends the oxalic'acid diathesis.-To prevent getting children, a man took for three months, morning and evening, twelve grains of the Agnus-castus, by which the parts were weakened to such an extent that, not only did the erections become deficient, but he lost his semen as he intended, and never begat children. This drug has received the Greek name Lygon, from the great flaccidity of the penis, which it causes. Dr. Landerer, of Athens, uses the seeds of the Agnus-castus with the greatest success in gonorrhoea, curing cases in which even Cubebs had failed. Although it is said to thin the spermatic fluid, and produce pain in the testicles, still an ointment of it will remove pains in the testicles. Roth says it is useful against oppression of the chest on going up-stairs, cough with raising of blood, followed by copious mucous expectoration, with paroxysmal attacks, especially in the morning, attended with palpitations and bleeding of the nose. Noack has recommended it against the after-effects of dislocations. It is homoeopathic to piercing and rending pains in the joints; pains as it from dislocation of the joints, especially in the shoulder-joints; para. lytic pain in the wrist-joint, only felt when turning the hand; gouty rending pain, with swelling of the finger-joints; lassitude and tired. ness of the limbs, increased by every motion. It will also probably prove useful against gonorrhoeal rheumatism. It had an ancient, reputation against bruises and wounds. It is homueopathic to pier. cing, aching, rending, and luxation-pain in the hip-joints; piercing, drawing, and dislocation-pain in the knee-joints; weakness of the ankles, with predisposition to sprain them.-J. C. P. 120 AGNUS CASTUS. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.- The corrosive itching is relieved by scratching, but returns speedily. SLEEP.-Starts in sleep, as if from fright.-Restless sleep.Anxious and voluptuous dreams. FEVER.-The pulse is slower and weaker, only sixty. Constant trembling qf the whole body from internal chilliness, the body feeling warm to the touch.-Chilliness of the whole body, without thirst; the hands are the only parts cold to the touch.-Frequent alternations of chilliness and heat, without thirst.-Heat of the whole body, with cold knees in the evening in bed; he feels as if fire were creeping over him.-Great weakness, as if from violent anguish, with sensation as if diarrhoea would set in, when standing. MORAL SYMPTOMS.-Melancholic, hypochondriac mood.-Discouragement and desire for death, followed by exalted feeling.-Sadness, with idea of approaching death. SENsORIUM.-Extreme absence of mind; he is unable to recollect many things.-Vcrtigo.-Contractive headache above the temples, when reading; he has to read several things twice, and is unable to chain his attention. HEAD.-~Headache in the upper part of the head, asfrom staying in a room filled with a thick and smoky atmosphere.-Tearing pain in the temples and forehead, more violent during motion.-Pain towards the temple, as if she had received a blow upon the eye.Pain in the upper part of the right side of the head, of a smarting and stinging nature, externally, as if it were in the bone. ScALP.-Corrosive and stinging itching in several portions of the face and scalp.-Chilliness of the scalp, which feels warm to the hand, however. EYEs.-Dilated pupils the whole day.-Running of the eyes when in the room.-Burning of the eyes when reading.-Corrosive itching under thecyes.-Pain under the right malar bone. EARs.--Ringing in the ears, or rather roaring.-Hardness of hearing.- Corrosive itching of either cheek. NOSE.-Illusions of smell; he sometimes smells herring and musk, without either being present.-Aching pain in the dorsum of the nose.-Corrosive itching of the tip of the nose. JAws AND TEETH.-Corrosive itching near the chin.-The teeth are painful when touched by warm food or drink.-Deep tearing in the right ramus of the lower jaw, below the sockets.--~Ulcers about the teeth. TASTE AND APPETITE.-Coppery taste in the mouth, as if the mouth had been galvanized.-Aversion to drink, followed by increase of thirst. ALCOHOL. 121 GASTRIC SYMIPTOMS.-Eructations, smelling like old urine.-Disagreement of food, with sense of repletion, or feeling of nausea in the pit of the stomach.-Frequent hiccough, with ill humor.-The mouth is very dry; saliva viscid, and the uvula red.-~Ulcers in the mouth. STOMACH AND ABDOMEN.-Loud rumbling in the abdomen.-Hard pressure in the hepatic, region, increased by touch.-~ Swelling and induration of the spleen.-~Ascites.-Much flatulence? STOOL AND ANus.-Loose diarrhoeic stools, followed by inaction of the rectum.---Constipation.-Itching-stinging in the inguinal region, perinoeum, coccyx, and sacrum. URINARY ORGANS.-Urine frequent and abundant, of a dark color. MALE GENITAL ORGANS.-An absence of sexual desire, with flaccidity and coldness of genital organs.-Drawing along the spermatic cords.-A kind of yellow gonorrhcea, and crawling-itching of the genital organs.-The semen runs out in a stream, without ejaculation, followed by increase of sexual desire, with a kind of madness and violent erections. FEMALE GENITAL ORGANS.-~Suppression of the menses, with drawing pains in the abdomen.-~Leucorrhcea.-OSterility.-Deficient secretion of milk in lying-in women. LARYNX AND CHEST.-Sneezing, from dryness of the nose.-Tenacious mucus is lodged in his throat, which he is unable to bring up.Pressure on the sternum, especially during a deep inspiration.-Dull pain in the chest. UPPER LIMBS.-Lacerating pain in the joints, increased by motion. -Hard pressure in the axilla and upper arm.-Prickings and stitches above the elbow and wrist.-Swelling of a finger-joint, with lacerating pain. LoWER LiMBs.-Pain in the right hip-joint, violently increased during motion, with debility and weariness.-Cramp-pain in the left thigh, when walking.-Shooting drawing in the knees and muscles. -Heaviness of the right foot; sensation as if a heavy load were attached to the tarsal bones, drawing the foot down.-Tearing in the anterior joints of the left toes, more violent when walking.-Fine lancinations in the soles of both feet. 9.-ALCOHOL. ACUTE ErFECTS..-According to Christison and authors who have treated of the actions of alcoholic and spirituous liq.uors on man, have distinguished three degrees in its immediate effects: 6 122 ALCOHOL. 1. When the dose is small, much excitement and little subsequent depression are produced. 2. In the second degree, the symptoms are more violent: excitement, flushed face, confusion of thought, delirium, and various mental affections, varying with individual character. The majority of intoxicated persons become jovial, sympathetic, and even indiscreet---. many things which otherwise would remain a profound secret are allowed to escape (in vino veritas); others become sentimental and affectionate; some speak with incomprehensible suavity about learned subjects, politics, country; in some cases, the coward becomes a hero in his own imagination; others are always ready to quarrel or fight, and either comport themselves' as pugilists, or become almost murderous in their ferocity; but, fortunately, there are generally others not less drunk who are not only peaceable, but anxious to preserve the peace. Another class of drunkards always become depressed in spirits, sit quietly in a corner, are much absorbed in themselves, and burst into tears and complaints over the most trivial occurrences. The perceptions are disturbed and often confused; the harmony between the intellect and will is broken up; the higher intellectual functions, and even the common processes of the understanding become more and more difficult, while the imagination and the lower impulses predominate. These symptoms are followed by dozing and gradually increasing somnolency, which may, at length, become so deep as not easily to be broken. After the state of somnolency has continued several hours, it ceases gradually, but is followed by giddiness, weakness, stupidity, headache, sickness, and vomiting. This degree of injury from Alcohol may prove fatal, either in itself, by the coma becoming deeper and deeper, or from the previous excited state of the circulation causing diseases of the brain in a predisposed habit. There is a singular variety in the principal symptoms in this form of intoxication, even when completely formed: thus, when the stage of stupor is fully formed, the person is sometimes capable of being roused, sometimes immoveably comatose for a long time; the pulse is sometimes imperceptible or very feeble, sometimes distinct, or even full, generally slow or natural, seldom frequent, very seldom firm; the pupils are occasionally contracted, much more generally dilated, and, in a few instances, alternating between one state and the other; the countenance is commonly pale, sometimes turgid and flushed; the breathing is for the most part slow, and also soft, yet not unfrequently laborious, but very rarely stertorous. Convulsions are rare, having been observed twice only in twenty-six cases. Neither do any of the special symptoms seem to bear a marked rela ALCOHOL. 123 tion to the ultimate event; for many cases get well when the pupils are much dilated, the coma profound, and the pulse imperceptible. It usually happens that, if the stage of stupor be completely overcome, recovery speedily ensues, without any particular symptom except headache, giddiness, sickness, and the customary consequences of a debauch. But, on some occasions, the comatose stage is succeeded by one which indicates much cerebral excitement-by flushed face, injected eyes, restlessness, a febrile state of the system, and delirium, even of the violent kind. In other cases, this affection puts on very much the characters of a slight attack of typhoid fever. In another variety of this second degree of intoxication, an apoplectic disposition is called into action by the excited state of the circulating system, and death ensues from apoplexy, or some other disease of the brain, rather than from simple drunkenness. Thus, in some instances, extravasation of blood is found within the head after death; but, as this is a rare effect of intoxication, it must be considered as the result of poisoning with spirits, exciting sanguineous apoplexy in a predisposed constitution. In other cases, the stupor of intoxication, after putting on all the characters of apoplexy for two days and upwards, terminates fatally without extravasation; here the poison operates by developing a constitutional tendency to congestive apoplexy. In some cases, an interval of returning health occurs between the immediate narcotic effects of the poison and the ultimate apoplectic coma which is the occasion of death.-J. C. P. Case.-A lad, aged sixteen, swallowed sixteen ounces of whiskey in the course of ten minutes, and, pursuant to the terms of a wager, walked up and down a room for half an hour. He then went into the open air, apparently not at all the worse for his feat; but, in a very few minutes, while in the act of putting his hand into his pocket to take out some money, he became so suddenly senseless as to forget to withdraw his hand, and so insensible that his companions could not rouse him. He died in sixteen hours.-J. C. P. 3. The third degree of poisoning is not so often witnessed, because, in order to produce it, a greater quantity of spirits must be swallowed, pure and at once, than is usually taken, except by persons who have made foolish wagers on their prowess in drinking. Then there is seldom much preliminary excitement; coma approaches in a few minutes, and soon becomes profound, as in apoplexy; the face is sometimes livid, more generally ghastly pale; the breathing stertorous, and the breath having a spirituous odor; the pupils sometimes much contracted, more commonly dilated and insensible; and, if relief is not speedily procured, death takes place, generally in a few 124 ALCOHOL. hours, and sometimes immediately. The patient may recover if the iris remains contractile; but, if it is dilated and motionless on the approach of sight, recovery is very improbable. These cases generally die with the symptoms of pure coma; convulsions are not common, but occasional cases do occur in which the coma is accompanied with alternating opisthotonos and emprosthotonos.-J. C. P. Occasionally Alcohol acts as an irritant; after its ordinary narcotic action passes off another set of symptoms occasionally appear, which indicate inflammation of the alimentary canal. Case.-A young man had been drinking brandy immoderately for several days, when at length he was attacked with shivering, nausea, feverishness, pain in the stomach, vomiting of everything he swallowed except cold water, thirst, and at last hiccough, delirium, jaundice, and convulsions. Death took place on the ninth day. The stomach was found gangrenous over the whole villous coat; the colon was much inflamed, and all the small intestines red. ON ANIMALS.-Huss and Dahlstrom administered daily to three dogs, of various ages but of nearly equal size, six ounces of Swedish brandy. Intoxication, canine appetite, and intense thirst were occasioned by each dose during the first three months; but the dogs continued fat and apparently well. In the fourth month the bark of the animals became hoarse, they had a hoarse, dry hiccough and cough, the eyes were staring and full of tears, hearing was much diminished, and their sleep became restless, with frequent subsultus and jerking of the limbs. After the completion of the fourth month the dogs trembled when they attempted to stand; their walk was shuffling, and there was evident weakness of the extremities, especially in the hind-legs, so that they often remained in a sitting posture while taking food. Cramps and convulsive movements and subsultus next appeared in the limbs and trunk, both during sleep and when the anijnals were awake and lying on their sides. The sight of other dogs, however, roused them at all times from their apathetic condition, and they endeavored, even in their weakened state, to attack and bite them. Their strength diminished more and more, the sensibility of the skin, especially of the ears, was remarkably lessened, the appetite fell off rapidly, but the irritability towards other dogs continued unabated to the last. The deposit of fat rather increased. They all died in the eighth month. PATHOLOGY.-The appearances were the same in all three: the stomach was contracted, its mucous membrane lead-colored and cedematous; the intestinal canal coated with a tough bad-smelling mucus; the liver considerably enlarged, softened, and dark; the bile dark ALCOHOL. 12-5 and so tough that it could be drawn out in threads; nasal, tracheal, and bronchial mucous membrane slightly inflamed; vessels of the brain and its membranes much congested, with effusion of clear scrum between the arachnoid and dura-mater; a clear, gelatinous, semi-coagulated fluid between the same membranes of the spinal cord, especially near the fourth and sixth dorsal vertebrae; muscles pale, relaxed, and soft; fat soft. GENERAL EFFECTS ON THE NERVOUS SYSTEM.-Alcohol has been generally believed, since the experiments of Sir B. Brodie, to act on the brain through the medium of the nerves, and to do so without entering the blood. But we agree with Christison, who says this may be doubted, as it does not act so swiftly, but that absorption may easily take place before its operation begins. It is probable that Alcohol exerts a similar action upon many of the nerves to that which it does upon the brain; congestion, serous effusion, and induration of the nerves are not improbable effects.-J. C. P. Nerves of Motion.-Alcohol rarely causes convulsions; but it exerts some influence over the nerves of motion, probably through the cerebellum, whose office it is to co6rdinate muscular movements; for intoxicated persons do not possess full control over the voluntary muscles, as is seen in their stammering speech, the staggering to and fro, and tendency to fall. In delirium tremens, also, there are peculiar tremors, particularly of the tongue and hands. There is also trembling of the hands and arms; a constant trembling motion of the muscles under the skin (tremblement vermiculaire). Shaking and shivering are merely higher degrees of trembling, and only occur when the muscular system is much weakened. Diminished strength and a state of weakness and relaxation of the locomotive muscular system. Partial paralysis. Subsultus, jerking, and spasmodic drawing and starting of the muscles. Convulsions and epileptic attacks. Nerves of Sensation.-Formication in or under the skin is one of the most common chronic effects of Alcohol on the nerves of sensation; it is frequently attended with restlessness, which obliges the patient to move the affected limbs constantly. Fleeting sensations of drawing or piercing, generally in the feet and legs. Hypermsthesia, pain, and neuralgic rendings; these are generally preceded for some time by formication, flying pains, and piercings. These may be followed by dullness of sensation, or even loss of sensation, or anesthesia; it is noticed first in the tips of the toes, then in those of the fingers, finally it extends over the back of the foot to the leg, or tibia, or to the back of the hands. 126 ALCOHOL. Great Sympathetic Nerve.-The chronic action of Alcohol upon this nerve and its ramifications are evinced more by alterations in the structure and functions of the various organs of the chest, abdomen, and pelvis than by any particular sensations. In small quantities, Alcohol expends its action almost exclusively upon the abdominal organs. One can distinctly feel how its action expands from the solar plexus upon those organs in which the splanchnic nerves ramify. There is a feeling of comfort in the abdomen, more rapid and powerful digestion, more active peristaltic movements, increased desire.for food and drinks, more profuse secretions, especially from the kidneys. ON THE BLOOD.-Through whatever channel Alcohol operates, there is no doubt that it enters the blood; for in man the breath has a strong smell of spirits for a considerable time after it is swallowed, and it has been found in the tissues and secretions after death from large doses. One of the most important appearances in poisoning with Alcohol is the fluid and venous condition of the blood. According to Steinheimer and Roesch, Alcohol acts directly on the blood, and intoxication is owing to an alcoholic venous plethora, in which the proportion of hydrogen and carbon in the blood is much increased. A similar alteration of the blood occurs in poisoning with narcotic drugs, and the delirium and excitement of the nervous system produced by them and Alcohol is consequent upon this change in the quality of the blood. If Alcohol be added to blood which has been drawn from a vein, it becomes dark, and loses its normal opacity; or becomes more or less transparent, and changes to a cherry-juicelike fluid. With the aid of a microscope we see the blood-globules gradually losing their red coloring matter, which becomes uniformly dissolved and diffused through the serum, which then assumes a peculiar cherry-red color. This serum coagulates to the consistence of thick milk, but cannot form solid coagulas, and no watery particles separate from it. These appearances coincide with those of the blood of topers, which is thiek but fluid; it coagulates very loosely, contains little fibrin, but much albumen and fat.-J. C. P. According to C. H. Schultz, when Alcohol is absorbed into the blood, it renders the coloring matter of blood-globules soluble in the bloodplasma, and produces a contraction of the walls of the blood-globules. The quantity of fat in the blood of topers is considerably increased, it may increase to eleven per cent. according to Lecanu. The blood often seems milky or curdy. Accordifng to Moleschott, Alcohol burns off in the blood, or forms a combination with the oxygen of the blood, and is converted into carbonic acid and water; this prevents the oxygen Pf the blood from combining with the organic mass, thus stopping ALCOHOL. 127 its oxygenation and combustion, and retarding the normal and constant metamorphosis of the tissues; hence it occasions a lesser demand for food and solid nourishment. Dr. Ogston has furnished the most positive proofs of the absorption of Alcohol into the blood. He says, " that Alcohol will escape by the kidneys unchanged, is proved by the fact that it can be tested chemically in the urine." This he has verified in several cases of death by drowning. That this fluid, however, could be found in the urine in any but the minutest quantities, and in a highly diluted state, he did not consider at all likely till the following occurrence showed its possibility: Case.-A man, aged forty-seven, while intoxicated, threw himself into the water; the body was recovered in less than an hour, and inspected fourteen hours after death. At the inspection, from three to four drachms of urine from the bladder was being heated in an iron spoon over the flame of a candle, to ascertain if it contained albumen, when the flame set fire to the vapor rising from the fluid. This unexpected event was witnessed by Dr. James Jameson, and several medical students.-J. C. P. Alcohol passes directly from the stomach and intestines into the blood; a part of the spirit is, perhaps, then decomposed, but another portion is carried directly by the portal system through the liver, and from thence to the lungs, where much is exhaled with the air that is breathed, but the remainder passes into the arterial system, and from thence over the whole body. All authors are agreed that the blood of dram-drinkers contains a much larger proportion of carbon than that of healthy individuals. Scharlau has estimated the excess of carbon in the blood of drunkards to be not less than thirty per cent. Huss comes to the conclusion that both the arterial and venous blood of dram-drinkers is loaded with fat; that it is impregnated likewise with Alcohol; that the solid constituents in defibrinated blood are diminished, as is likewise the proportion of blood-globules.-J. C. P. Boecker thinks that Alcohol causes a decidedly venous condition of the blood, with a proclivity towards melanosis. Also that it produces a partial solution of the coloring matter of the blood in the plasma, rendering the serum reddish and turbid.-The blood in fivo drunkards contained: In 1000 Parts Health. Solid constituents of defibrinated blood...... 202.180 221.000 Blood-globules.......................... 122.484 141.100 Albumen............................. 76.804 69.400 Extractive matters and soluble salts of serum, 12.594 6.800 Fibrin.............................. 2.200 2.200 128 ALCOHOL. Hence Alcohol diminishes the solid constituents and the blood4 globules; increases the quantity of albumen, fat, and other extractive matters; and exerts little or no influence upon the fibrin. CLINICAL REMARKS.-Alcohol is evidently suitable in some dyscrasias and blood diseases. It is homoeopathic to adiposis and venosis; more or less antagonistic to tuberculosis. In tuberculosis there is a deficiency of fat in the system, which Alcohol may supply, especially if aided by fatty food, cream, Cod-liver oil, &c.; there is an excess of albumen which Alcohol may increase; there is a deficiency of iron and the chlorides of soda and potassa which Alcohol cannot supply. Hence Alcohol alone may prevent tuberculosis, but cannot entirely cure it when fully developed; it may require the aid of Codliver oil, Iron, and Chlorides of Soda and Potassa. In this connection we may be permitted to add, that the morbid condition of the blood produced by the malaria or poison of intermittent fever, is totally distinct from the morbid condition of the blood which attends tuberculosis. As far as chemical analysis goes, the facts show that the state of the blood in confirmed and aggravated intermittent fever is the very antithesis of the state of the blood in tuberculosis in several important particulars; and, more especially, that the proportion of albumen is greatly diminished, while that of the red corpuscules is uniformly and to a very considerable extent increased--two circumstances which are in direct opposition to the state of the blood in tuberculosis.-J. C. P. The blood of four persons, residing in malarious districts, and suffering from intermittent fever, was analyzed by Cozzi; the following are the results: 1 2 3 4 Average. Water and salts.. 737.67 705.49 732.45 809.17 746.19 Fibrin.......... 2.20 2.06 2.29 1.96 2.12 Fat............ 15 21 13 16 16 Albumen........ 48.71 56.61 47.69 53.10 51.50 Blood-corpuscles, 211.27 235.63 217.54 135.61 200.01 Tuberculosis. Fever and Ague. Health. W ater................. 798.021 746.19 791.378 Fibrin................. 2.776 2.12 2.952 Fat................. 1.554 16 3.240 Albumen.............. 88.144 51.50 70.501 Blood-globules......... 114.794 200.01 127.426 Hence it is evident that fever and ague diminishes the quantity offat and albumen, and increases that of the blood-globules. Hence a residence in a fever and aguish atmosphere, in order to cure tuber ALCOHOL. 129 culosis, must be assisted by fatty food, Cod-liver oil, Alcohol, Iron, and the Chlorides of Soda and Potassa.-J. C. P. HEART AND ARTERIES.-In strong, but not excessive doses, a feel. ing of -warmth and comfort spreads from the epigastrium over the whole body; the pulse becomes raised, more powerful, and quicker; all the muscular movements take place with more ease, power, and endurance; the tone of the nervous system is raised, especially in the brain, followed by greater vivacity, excitement of the feelings and courage, and more general and astute powers of thought. The metamorphosis of the tissues takes place more rapidly, followed by increased secretions, especially from the skin and kidneys. In a few hours this state is followed by relaxation and exhaustion, lassitude, inclination to repose and sleep. In Ogston's cases, the walls of the heart were loaded with fat in eleven cases, coincident with general obesity in three cases. There was general enlargement or hypertrophy in eleven cases, coincident with abundant fat on its walls in five cases. Hypertrophy of the left ventricle in five cases; dilatation and attenuation of the right ventricle in nine cases. The tricuspid valve was diseased in four cases, the mitral in eight, and the aortic in two. There was dilatation or the aorta in four cases; bony plates and atheroma in four cases. There were abnormal appearances in the pericardium, heart, and aorta in thirty cases out of seventy-three, or in forty-one per cent. The changes in the heart and arteries, to be met with in drunkards in such numbers, are attributed, by Dr. Carpenter, partly to the gouty and rheumatic diatheses generated in such persons by alcoholic fluids, and in part to the direct action of the poison introduced into the blood; but, more particularly, with the exception of the increase ot fat about the heart, by the exposure to inclement weather from which drunkards so frequently suffer.-J. C. P. Alcohol is homoeopathic to a fatty state of the heart and adiposis in general. Chambers has been in the habit of forbidding tea, coffee, and alcohol to obese persons, with striking advantage; and he thinks that good effects have followed their disuse in cases of thickened heart in muscular subjects. It is also homoeopathic to many of the symptoms of typhoid fever; and Tweedie gives the following sum. mary of cases or stages of fever in which stimulants prove beneficial: 1. It is sometimes observed that when a patient in fever has been going on favorably, the pulse becumes suddenly soft and compressible, the skin cool and damp, accompanied by a feeling of considerable ex. haustion. With these symptoms there need be little hesitation in 6* 130. ALCOHOL. allowing six or eight ounces of wine in twenty-four hours, at proper intervals. 2. When the symptoms denoting sensorial disturbance, languor, low muttering delirium, tremor, or subsultus progressively increase, if, at the same time, the patient lose his strength from day to day, the pulse be soft and the skin cool, Wine may be safely prescribed. 3. When the fever assumes the petechial character, more especially if the spots be large, and of a dark or livid hue, Wine is indicated. 4. In cases of sudden and unexpected collapse. 5. Dr. Graves considers that Wine and Opium may be sometimes advantageously prescribed in the advanced stages of fever, even when particular symptoms apparently render their propriety doubtful. Thus, when the tongue is coated with dry brown fur, the teeth covered with sordes, when there is suffusion of the eyes, dry and hot skin, heat of the scalp and flushing of the face, a low form of delirium, sense of weight or pain in the head, not of an acute or throbbing character, and the pulse small, rapid, and thrilling, Wine may be given with advantage.-J. C. P. HEAD.-HIallucinations and congestion of the head occur as a matter of course; they do not require explanation. Melancholy with inclination to suicide (monomanie suicide ebrieuse) is not an uncommon effect of chronic alcoholismus; also mania with inclination to commit murder (monomanie homicide ebrieuse); mania with inclination to incendiarism (monomanie incendiaire, pyromanie ebrieuse); mania with excessive inclination to drink (monomanie d'ivresse); polidipsia (omomania), this is not a fault, but a disease, and must be treated as such, with the aid of nurses, attendants, medicines, &c.; the liabilities to relapse are as frequent and obstinate as those of mania and fever and ague, and must be guarded against as sedulously. Stupidity, (stupidite ebrieuse); maniacal or drunken ferocity (manie, ou ferocite ebrieuse), this is most common in those of hasty and passionate temperamer4s; dementia (demence ebrieuse). In the bodies-of nearly seventy drunkards, examined by Drs. Peters, Middleton Goldsmith, and Moses, in 1842 and 1843, there was invariably more or less congestion of the scalp, and of the membranes of the brain, with considerable serous effusion under the arachnoid. The substance of the brain was unusually white and firm, as if it had lain in Alcohol for an hour or two. The ventricles were generally nearly or quite empty. In not more than eight or ten cases were there more red spots on the cut surface of the brain than are usually found The peculiar firmness of the brain was noticed several times, even when decomposition of the rest of the body had made conside. ALCOHOL. 131 rable advance; typhus fever is the only disease, save induration of the brain, in which a like firmness is often observed. Occasionally a few drachms of colorless or reddish turbid serum were found in the ventricles of the brain.-J. C. P. In ten cases of fatal delirium tremens, the membranes of the brain were congested in four; an excess of fluid was found under the arachnoid in eight; an excess of fluid in the ventricles in six; and in the majority of cases the substance of the brain was " wet." In seventythree cases, examined by Dr. Ogston, the dura-mater was adherent to the calvarium in eleven; highly injected in four; much thickened (leathery) in one; serum between it and skull-cap in one. The arachnoid was thickened in thirty-one cases; serum under it and over the cerebral hemispheres in forty (coincident with arachnoid thickening in thirty); serum at the base of the skull in seventeen; between the dura-mater and arachnoid in two; in the cerebral ventricles in twenty-four-viz., in some quantity in fourteen, and limited to these in four. The pia-mater was injected in twenty cases; very minutely in nineteen; limited to the base of the brain in two. The surface was figured in one; coincident with ventricular effusion in fourteen; with effusion at the base of the brain in nine; a quantity of serum under the pia-mater in one case. The brain was hypertrophied in two cases; indurated in twenty-six, very much so in ten; indurated coincidently with sub-arachnoid serum in twenty-one; with abundant ventricular serum in five; with lymph on portions of the brain in three; with softened fornix in one. The brain was softened in four cases. There was cedema at its base in five, coincident with injection of the pia-mater. The cerebellum was softened in six cases; coincident with softened cerebrum in three; with indurated brain in one. The cerebellum was indurated in eight cases; coincidently with induration of the brain in all. The medulla-oblongata and spinal cord were indurated in one case, coincidently with induration of the brain and cerebellum. The choroid plexuses had vesicles upon them in fourteen cases. The cerebral'arteries were in a state of fatty degeneration in one case. There were abnormal appearances in the brain and appendages in eighty-nine per cent.-J. C. P. Alcohol is homoeopathic to many forms of congestion of the brain, insanity, dropsy of the brain, especially hydrocephaloid disease, induration of the brain, &c. In many cases of typhoid fevers, and other maladies characterized by cerebral disturbance and dcpression of nervous energy, Alcohol is a specific remedy of great value. How often do we meet with groups of symptoms, during the course of scarlatina, typhoid, and other feve.s, which similate those of alcoholic 132 ALCOHOL. intoxication! Like Opium, it impresses specifically the brain (tubercula quadrigemina particularly) and nervous system; and the phenomena which arise from its use bear a close resemblance to those of this drug. EYES.-A blood-shot condition or congestion of the eyes, with a bilious condition of these organs, are among the most common effects of even moderate quantities of Alcohol. Hallucinations of sight are common, both in simple intoxication, delirium tremens, and alcoholismus-chronicus. The patient sees double, or thinks he sees a variety of objects, men, animals, good or bad spirits, angels or demons. Optical illusions are among the most uniform and singular effects of the abuse of Alcohol. This probably arises from the fact that the most marked action of this stimulus is upon that portion of the brain which gives origin to the optic nerves. EARS.-Singing in the ears, or rushing and roaring noises are not uncommon; hallucinations of hearing are also not uncommon, such as imaginary voices, talking, or shouting; in chronic alcoholismus they are not constant, but occur most frequently in the evening and about midnight; the patient may even imagine that he hears singing or instrumental music. Ringing in the ears, which has arisen from mere debility, from excessive loss of blood, &c., is often cured by the judicious employment of alcoholic stimulants. NoSE.-Hallucinations of smell are not common; but the patient may imagine that his room is full of the vapors of Sulphur, or suppose that the devil has defiled his bed, and that this smells as the devil is supposed to do.-J. C. P MOUTH, TASTE.-Great dryness of the mouth is a common effect of Alcohol, although the tongue is commonly moist in delirium tremens. Hallucinations of taste sometimes occur in alcoholismus-chronicus, and the patient may suppose that all the drinks which are offered him taste more or less of Alcohol.-J. C. P. The excessive dryness of the mouth and tongue which so often accompany typhoid and malignant fevers, is sometimes materially diminished by the use of Brandy or Wine. When other phenomena correspond, such as delirium, optical hallucinations, depression of the nervous system, &c., Alcohol is homoeopathically indicated, and should be prescribed without hesitation.-J. C. P. STOMACH.-Derangements of the stomach are very common in drunkards; among the chronic effects, the most frequent is vomiting, viz., tho well-known morning-nausea and vomiting. At first the throat seems full of mucus, which is hawked up with difficulty; this becomes more and more difficult, and finally inclination to vomit and ALCOHOL. 133 actual vomiting occur, caused at first by the attempts to hawk up phlegm, but finally they occur without this, and are attended with a feeling of oppression, discomfort, tension, and aching in the epigastrium. Besides the morning-vomiting, these symptoms may also occur more or less frequently during the day, especially after eating and drinking. These gaggings or vomitings of drunkards are preceded for a longer or shorter time by a feeling of pressure or tension below the breast, by fullness and distension after eating, by sour or putrid eructations, rising of water in the mouth, &c. In the morning, a tough, or sour or bitter, or saltish or insipid water is raised; during the day, the food, more or less altered or digested, is brought up, but the vomits are always more or less sour or offensive. The tongue is more or less furrowed or cracked; the furrows either run the whole length of the tongue, or else are confined to the tip; the fissures, like the furrows, may be deeper or smaller, straight or crooked, or in zig-zags, but they always run from the median line of the tongue towards the edges; the surface of the tongue may be furry or fibrilated, but it is more frequently scraped, robbed of its epithelium, and as if varnished; in such cases it is flesh-red in color, with enlarged papillae at its tip. The appearance of the tongue varies in the same person, according as he drinks more or less, or the stomach is more or less irritated. The trembling of the tongue has already been alluded to. The breath has an offensive smell, especially while digestion is going on, arising in part from the evaporation of alcohol from the bronchial mucous membrane, id part from the eructations, and in part from the filth in the mouth and between the teeth. The mucous membrane of the throat is often unnaturally red, and has a feeling of stiffness. That of the oesophagus is generally in the same condition, as is evident from the burning or slightly painful sen. sation which is frequently felt in swallowing. The stomach may be sensitive or not, tense or relaxed, according as it is filled with food, air, &c. When emaciation commences to take place, the recti muscles, especially that of the right side, becomes rigid, and cannot be relaxed. The appetite, which at first was good, or even excessive, especially for tasty and fatty food, becomes less and less, in proportion as the taste for drink increases. Inflam. mation and ulceration of the stomach may arise from other causes, and then will be aggravated by the Alcohol. Dysphagia, arising from spasms in the pharynx and cesophagus, is not uncommon; at first the attacks are periodical, finally, they become continual, and may lead to contraction of the oesophagus.-J. C. P. 134 ALCOHOL. According to Orfila, if a large quantity of Alcohol be taken during or shortly after a meal, it coagulates the albuminous portions of the contents of the stomach, and this coagulated albumen passes off almost unchanged into the small intestines. The action of the gastric juice upon the other constituents of the food is prevented, and they undergo acetous fermentation. Hence, as Alcohol prevents the digestion of albumen, it may prevent tuberculosis.-J. C. P. In Peters' cases, the stomach presented various appearances. In some drunkards the mucous membrane is perfectly white, but somewhat thickened, with distinct flat mamellonated elevations of small size. My friend, Professor Middleton Goldsmith, was one of the first to call attention to the fact that, when a large quantity of undiluted spirits had been taken shortly before death thA stomach was often found wrinkled, as if from the action of a powerful astringent; the tops of the rugoe or wrinkles presented a punctated and vivid-rod appearance, while the depressirns between them were blanched, as if from the action of Alcohol, and the whole mucous membrane was coated with a thick layer of white and very tenacious mucus. In other instances, there were thickening and mamellonation of the mucous membrane, with patches of slate-grey chronic inflammation, upon which spots of punctated, starlike, or diffused haemorrhagio effusion had supervened. In ten or twelve of the worst cases, in which from three pints to two quarts of liquor had been swallowed, within thirty-six or forty-eight hours betore death, we found extensive haemorrhagic effusion in a larger portion of the walls of the stomach, with exudation of blood in large patches under the mucous membrane.-J. C. P. In Ogston's cases, the stomach was usually small or atrophied in sixteen; highly congested in ten; false melanosis in two; softening of the mucous membrane in two; hour-glass contraction in five; unusual thickening or hypertrophy in one; covered with copious mucopurulent secretion it! one. Ogsten places much stress upon the unusually small size of the stomach, altogether different from any mere state of emptiness or natural contraction of the organ; in short, he regards it as such an atrophy of the whole stomach as that viscus might have presented had its growth been arrested in early life. Thus, in one case. the stomach was only half the ordinary size; in a second, it was not larger than that of an infant at birth; in a third, it barely exceeded the diameter of the duodenum over the greater part of its extent; and in the remainder it was unusually or remarkably small as compared with the rest of the intestinal tube, ALCOHOL. 135 I feel confident, that there was no actual atrophy in many of these oases. I have seen many cases in which a large quantity of pure spirits had been taken, probably enough to cause death without the aid of other causes, in which the stomach seemed unusually small, from the powerful corrugating action of the Alcohol, but such stomachs could be easily stretched to their natural size. It is true, however, that many habitual drunkards take very little solid food, and 'hence, as the stomach is very rarely fully distended, it may finally remain almost permanently contracted.-J. C. P. Alcohol is homwopathic to many forms of irritation and congestion of the stomach; it is a favorite remedy against dyspepsia from debility; it relieves many forms of nausea and vomiting, and may prove homoeopathic to the morning-vomiting of pregnant women. It is also homoeopathic to acidity of tho stomach and water-brash.-J. C. P. According to our experience, about one dyspeptic in five can take brandy with benefit, provided it is employed in a very dilute form, and is drank during dinner. As a general rule, it will disagree with dyspeptics of a bilious temperament, while those who are nervous or lymphatic will be able to use it with impunity, and, occasionally, with advantage.-J. C. P. BOWELs.-The small bowels generally partake of the chronic irri. tation and congestion which obtain in the stomach; but the symp. toms do not all arise from chronic inflammation, but from the influence of the altered chyme which comes down from the stomach, altered composition of the bile, imperfection in the nutrition in general, and of the composition of the blood. Hence, after death, the small bowels may appear nearly healthy. But, in higher grades of alcoholismus, there will be more or less difficulty of digestion, colicpains, flatulence, persistent constipation, or alternations with diarr hoea, with puttylike, globular, blackish, or light grey fasces, or con stant diarrhea, with bilious discharges, or like clay dissolved in water, or slimy or bloody matters. A large quantity of pure Alcohol also reaches the duodenum, mixes with the bile, which loses its alkaline properties, and can no longer be precipitated into insoluble flocculi by the addition of the acid chyme, as is normally the case; in the natural state, this insoluble precipitate from the bile is not reabsorbed, but is cast out of the body with the faeces; in drunkards, however, no such precipitate ensues, the bile remains fluid and unchanged by the chyme, and a large portion of it is reabsorbed. Hence the bilious disorders in topers, and the frequent occurrence of jaundice. Large quantities of acid chyme and imperfectly digested food pass along the small 136 ALCOHOL. intestines, and even reach the coecum and colon, when they also undergo a farther acetous fermentation. Hence the sour eructations, colic from acidity, irritation and flatulence, and the dyspeptic troubles of drunkards. The small bowels, in Peters' cases, were literally filled with bile, and their mucous membrane thickly coated with a very tenacious mucus. In eight or ten of the worst cases, numerous and extensive patches of haemorrhagic effusion were found, with copious exudation of blood in and beneath the mucous membrane.--J; C..P. Ogston found unusual contraction of the intestines in six cases; softening of the mucous coat in two; enormous distention in two; atrophy in one case, the bowel being attenuated and translucent; congestion of the duodenum in one. It is quite homoeopathic in diarrhoeas proceeding from an atonic condition of the mucous membrane of the intestines, and from chronic inflammations of this structure. It likewise proves curative in diarrhoeas caused by slight irritation of the mucous coat, in consequence of colds, improper food, &c. OMENTUM.-The appearance of this organ was generally very pecu liar; it was usually equally filled with an ashy-grey slushy fat, but no large masses or lumps of fat were met with. Our attention was first called to this sign in Vienna; it is there regarded as so charac teristic that a cadaver was often judged to be that of a confirmed drunkard, from a glance at the omentum when the abdomen is first laid open.--J. C. P. In Ogston's cases, the omentum was loaded with fat in four, coincident in all with abundant subcutaneous fat; in two with fat around the heart; in one with conversion of the vermiform appendages into large fatty masses. MESENTERY.-This was always loaded with a thick layer of whitish yellow fat. LIVER AND PORTAL SYSTEM.-Alcohol rarely or never causes acute inflammation of the liver in temperate climates; but it often causes congestion, attended with jaundice; also enlargement. The blood which returns from the intestines into the portal-system and liver is more or less mixed with Alcohol, imperfect bile, and other undigested and impure matters; hence the abdominal venous plethora and subsequent affections of the liver. As much bile is returned to the liver, it is doubtless resecreted from it again with great rapidity; hence, among other causes, the large quantity of bile which is usually found in the gall-bladder and small bowels. Abdo minal dropsy only occurs in drunkards after the liver has been dis ALCOHOL. 137 eased, indurated, or granulated for a long time. It is apt to remain isolated, or unassociated with general dropsy; even the feet and legs are not apt to swell. The contrast between the distended abdomen and emaciated extremities is very striking in this form of dropsy. In Peters' cases the liver in moderate drinkers was found a.little larger than natural, somewhat softened, and its external surface dotted with whitish patches of fatty infiltration, which extended but two or three lines into the parenchyma; the color of the rest of the organ was of a rather darker red than natural, and the edges retained their normal sharpness. In excessive drinkers the liver was considerably larger, the edges more obtuse, and the patches of fat larger and more numerous. In old habitual drunkards the liver was very large, weighing at least six or eight pounds, and often ten or twelve; the edges were very thick and much rounded; the parenchyma almost white with fat, soft, fragile, and the peritoneal covering could be torn off in large pieces with great ease. Granular liver was found in four or five cases only; and gall-stones only twice.-J. C. P. Ogston found the liver enlarged in thirty-two cases; granular in fourteen; nutmeg liver in thirteen; fatty liver in twenty-four. Cirrhosis was only present in five cases out of one hundred and seventeen. Alcohol is homoeopathic to enlargement of the liver, fatty condition of this organ, and to the nutmeg and granular liver; also to biliousness and jaundice; and the ascites from disease of the liver.J. C. P. SPLEEN.-Although the spleen, in those who die of delirium tremens, is generally enlarged, soft, and brittle, and swells more rapidly and considerably when drunkards are attacked with intermittent fever, still no actual alterations of structure take place during the course of alcoholismus-chronicus, neither are there any symptoms referable to this organ. In Peters' cases this organ presented but few characteristic alterations. It generally retained its normal size, but was somewhat congested and softened. Occasionally it was rather larger than natural, but, as a rule, the small size of the spleen contrasted strongly with the very great size of the liver.-In Ogsten's cases the spleen was indurated or hcpatized in ten; enlarged in two; atrophied in one; softened in one. It was softened in fifteen per cent. of the cases, and hypcrtrophied in eighteen per cent. KIDNEYS.-Pain and sensitiveness in the region of the kidneys are apt to arise after a debauch, when the urine may also contain albumen, or the serum of the blood, owing to a transient but decided 138 ALCOHOL. congestion. At. times the urine also contains the coloring matter of the bile, viz., when there is congestion or chronic disease of the liver; or an excess of phosphates or urates, especially when the liver is indurated; or it may become alkaline when symptoms of paralysis arise. Drunkards are particularly apt to get disease of the kidneys when they are attacked with relapsing fever and ague, or chronic rheumatism. In Peters' cases the kidneys were generally somewhat enlarged, flabby, their cortical substance infiltrated in numerous small spots, with a whitish, fatty, or albuminous substance; occasionally they were granular; the pelvis and ureters were generally in a state of chronic, slate-grey inflammation.-J. C. P. In Ogsten's cases there was general fatty degeneration in one; congestion in four; sometimes coincident with nutmeg liver and albuminous urine; enlarged in thirteen; atrophied in one; buff-colored, with atrophy of the cortical portion in four; with albuminous urine in five. BLADDER.-In Peters' cases the bladder generally presented no unusual appearance; but in four or five of the worst cases there was a state of haemorrhagic exudation, which rivalled in extent and severity that which has already been described as occurring in the stomach and bowels. When drunkards become weak or partially paralytic, the bladder will partake of the debility of the rest of the system.-J. C. P. In retention of urine from paralysis of the bladder, bathing the hypogastric region with Alcohol, and allowing it to evaporate, is occasionally useful. LUNGS.-In Peters' cases these were generally not much diseased; at least, dyscratic organic disease of them, directly attributable to Alcohol, was not often met with. Congestion of the lungs was very common. Where large quantities of spirits had been taken shortly before death, the lungs were often found in a state of splenization; they appeared perfectly saturated with dark blood, which soon changed to a florid red on exposure to the air, except that which flowed from the large severed vessels, for this remained thick, dark, and tar-like. The parenchyma of the lungs was heavy and semi-solid to the feel, and somewhat softened, as the finger could easily be forced through it. The bronchi were almost always found reddened, somewhat dilated, and more or less filled with catarrhal secretions. Dr. Peters feels obliged to call particular attention to the infrequency of phthisis in drunkards; in the seventy cases, he never met with a tubercular abscess, even of the smallest size, while a small numbei ALCOHOL. 139 of chalky or obsolete tubercles was frequently noticed; and cicatrices were also occasionally found, marked by the presence ot puckering of the surface of the lungs, of solid lumps or stripes, which were readily felt before the lung was cut into, and, when this was done, they were found to consist of masses or stripes of callous fibrous tissue, around which were rarely discovered a few discrete, grey, crude, small, tubercular granulations. In every instance, these appearances were strictly confined to the upper third of the superior lobes, and all the rest of the lungs was entirely free from either recent or old tubercular disease.-J. C. P. Ogsten also says that, so far as his one hundred and seventeen cases go, his observations bear out the correctness of the now commonly-received opinion as to the comparative immunity of drunkards from tubercular affections. In Barclay's report of the fatal cases of disease of the brain, occurring during the last four years in St. George's Hospital, in ten fatal cases of delirium tremens, tubercles were found in the lungs in six cases, once recent, and five times in the form of a cretaceous mass. In seventy-three of Ogsten's cases, there was effusion into the pleura in three cases; adhesions of the lungs in twenty-five cases; emphysema in twenty-one cases; tubercles, and those latent, in only ohe case. Ogsten says that the additional labor thrown upon the lungs, when Alcohol has entered the circulation, after its absorption and the retardation which takes place under these circumstances of their functional activity from this cause, as well as by the toxical effects of the Alcohol on the medulla-oblongata, will alone go far to account for the frequency of morbid changes in these organs in drunkards; still, there can be but little room for hesitation in attributing many of these morbid changes, in part at least, to other causes, such as exposure to cold. Ogsten places much stress upon the frequent occurrence of emphysema in drunkards; and emphysema, it is well known, almost excludes tubercles. The emphysema of drunkards is supposed to arise from a lax or flabby, non-contractile or debilitated state of the lungs, as it never occurs unaccompanied by pulmonary collapse, or by one or the other form of pulmonary atrophy. There is probably a fatty degeneration, or some similar defective nutrition of the tissues of the lungs. SKIN.-In the earlier stages of drinking, the skin is soft, velvety, and much disposed to perspiration; gradually this changes, and finally it becomes dry, rigid, thick, dirty, or yellowish grey, and a variety of eruptions are apt to break out, especially eczema and prurigo. Varices and ulcers of the legs also occur, but the lattel 140 ALCOHOL SULPHURIS. may also be caused by eczema, erysipelas, accidental injuries, &c., but they are always difficult to heal, and frequently break out afresh. The cellular and adipose tissues undergo various changes; at first they are generally the seat of a larger or smaller quantity of greasy greyish-white fat, which is deposited partly under the skin, partly between the muscles, and partly in the omentum, and in various portions of the abdomen. In the latter stages, this is reabsorbed, and emaciation occurs; then we find a gelatine-like mass under the skin, followed by serous exudations and anasarca, or an excessive degree of emaciation. 10.-ALCOHOL SULPIIURIS. ALCOHOL-SULPH.-Liquor Lampadii, Carburet of Sulphur. Lampadius, in 1796, while distilling a mixture of pyrites and charcoal, procured a clear liquid in the receiver, wh:ch he named Alcohol-sulphuris, or the Alcohol of Sulphur. It consists of one equivalent of Carbon and two of Sulphur. It is a transparent, colorless, volatile, and inflammable liquid, with a very pungent taste and peculiar odor, somewhat ethereal, and yet partaking of that of sulphuretted hydrogen. It is insoluble in water, soluble in alcohol and ether, and in the oils generally. Its solvent powers are remarkable, as it dissolves Sulphur and Phosphorus rapidly and in considerable quantities. CLINICAL REMARKS.-It may prove useful in some forms of sick headache, especially when the pain commences in the forehead, and extends to one or the other temples; also to scrofulous affections of the eyes and lids; to twitching of the eyes and lids, such as occurs in scrofulous, nervous, and verminous children. It is homoeopathic to some rheumatic and neuralgic affections of the face; and,is also one of the most homoeopathic remedies to chronic pharyngitis, which is so often mistaken for chronic bronchitis; to irritation of the pharynx, with much hawking and spitting, and gagging cough from the irritation of an elongated uvula, especially when these symptoms occur in bilious and dyspeptic subjects. It is homoeopathic to pyrosis and heartburn, and to various dyspeptic and bilious derangements. It is homoeopathic to flatulence, bilious derangement, bilious and flatulent colic, and congestion of the liver. It is one of the few drugs which seem to exert a specific action upon the cecum. It has cured a chronic diarrhoea, appearing every four or six weeks, attended with colic, the evacuations being liquid, frothy, yellowish, ALCOHOL SULPHURIS. 141 sour, and attended with tenesmus. It is homoeopathic to chronic irri. tation of the pharynx and larynx, with constant desire to hawk and spit, with hoarseness and short cough, and may prove homoeopathic to the first stage of tubercular disease of the lungs; it may prevent the tendency to irritation and congestion of the upper parts of the lungs which so readily lead to the fresh deposit of tubercles in consumptive patients. It is homceopathic to chronic rheumatism, and to prurigo and impetigo.-J. C. P. HEAD.-Pain in the forehead, which draws towards the left temple, and remains there for two hours. Pressive frontal headache, lasting almost all day, and accompanied with transient pains in the temple. Drawing and tearing pain, stretching from the forehead to the temples, lasting all day, more severe in the room and during rest, relieved by walking in the open air. Dull pain in the frontal region, with nausea and heaviness of the whole head. Thumping pain in both temples. Violent pressive pain in the right temple, with malaise, desire to vomit, and rumbling of wind in the bowels, EYES.-Burning and itching of the lids; pustules on the lids, lasting four days. Dilatation of the pupils, with quickness of the pulse. Abundant secretion of whitish yellow mucus in the eyes. Lachrymation of the eyes; twitching and trembling of the muscles of the eyes and lids. EARS.-Pain in the ears as if some one were striking upon the tympanum with a dull.instrument. FAcE.-Redness and puffiness of the face; heat of the face and hands. Lancinating and tearing pains in the cheeks, extending up to the temples, and lasting two months. MOUTH.-Dryness of the lips and mouth; irritation of the cavity and isthmus of the fauces, followed by a sensation of contraction in the larynx, with gagging cough and.quick breathing. Gum-boils. Pasty, disagreeable taste in the mouth, with foul taste of the pharyngeal mucus; bitter sharp taste in the mouth, or very repulsive acrid taste, or sweetish putrid taste. Great accumulation of saliva, with sweetish taste; very frequent spitting; pale red swelling of the uvula and velum. Burning and scraping in the pharynx and cesophagus. STOMACH.-Very abundant eructations; sour, burning, acrid regurgitations (pyrosis), occurring one or two hours after eating. Continual acrid regurgitations. Regurgitations of air, with nausea, discharge of flatulence upwards and downwards. Burning in the stomach and hepatic region; heat in the epigastric region, which ascends and occupies the whole chest; violent heat, ascending from 142 ALLIUM CEPA. the stomach to the head. Fullness in the stomach, with eructations, yawning, desire to vomit, and dizziness. ABDOMIEN.-Great inflation of the abdomen, with rumbling of wind and tearing colic; colic-pains after eating; slight wind-colic, from time to time, with desire to urinate; colic-pains, with loose stools and flatulence. Paroxysm of disagreeable pain in the left lobe of the liver. Soft stools, preceded by pain in the left lobe of the liver, and followed by pains in the cmecal region. CIECAL REGION.-Lancinating, twitching, and pinching pains in the region of the coecum, not relieved by discharge of flatus, and increased by pressure, by turning from one side to the other, and doubling-up the body. Dull pains in the region of the caecum. STOOLS.-Liquid stools; slimy diarrhoea; watery diarrhoea; liquid diarrhoea, with violent pain in the epigastrium; sudden diarrhoea, after having dined with good appetite; violent diarrhoea, with tenesmus and sour evacuations. LARYNx.-Heat and irritation of the larynx; hoarseness and irritation of the larynx, with continued desire to hawk; cough provoked by a tickling at the bifurcation of the bronchi. Slight dry cough. CHEST.-Sensation of heat in the chest; congestion in the upper parts of the lungs; oppression of the chest; fullness of the chest. Slight stitches and pains about the chest. LIMBs.-Pains in and eruption upon the arms and legs. SKIN.-Sharp itching and stinging in different parts of the skin, as if from nettles; itching in various parts of the skin, much aggravated by scratching; bleeding and burning of eruptions when scratched; (prurigo); eruptions of impetigo on the back of the hands, the pustules are seated on an inflamed red base, contain a yellowish cloudy serum, and form thick yellowish scabs. FEVER.-Great internal heat, with coldness of the hands and feet; general heat, headache, quick pulse, cramps in the calves of the legs and toes, without much thirst, and no perspiration. PULSE.-Quick pulse-it rises from 76 to 90 or 95. SLEEP.-Sleeplessness from headache; dryness of the skin, and general unpleasant heat, so that he is obliged to rise and bathe himself. 11.-ALLIUM CEPA. ALLIUM-CEPA.-Common Onion. RATIONALE OF ITS AcTIoN.-Onions contain an ethereal oil, which is colorless, very volatile, of acrid taste and smell, and which causes ALLIUM CEPA. 143 inflammation of the skin when applied to it; when this oil is burnt, sulphurous acid is developed. Fourcroy and Vauquelin found Sulphur and Phosphorus in combination with this ethereal oil, and which give rise to the peculiarly disagreeable onion odor; also an abundance of uncrystallizable sugar, a mucilaginous substance resembling gum-arabic, free Phosphoric-acid, and Phosphate of Lime Acetic-acid, Citrate of Lime, and Pectic-acid. According to Dierbach, Onions are rarely used as a medicine, although they have often been recommended as an article of diet to dropsical persons, while the expressed juice, in teaspoonful doses, sweetened with sugar, has been praised for the same purpose. Applied externally, they also exhibit a diuretic action, whence the bruised bulbs have been used in the form of cataplasms over the ab. domen in ascites. Consbruch and Jenner have recommended them in spasmodic -ischury and strangury. Onions have been held to the nostrils for the relief of hysteric cramps, and a decoction in milk has been used as an injection against ascarides. But still more frequently their irritating properties have been called in play in order to hasten the suppuration of abscesses, boils, buboes, either singly, or in combination wiih Mustard, Soap, &c. The vapor of Onions irritates the eyes, and causes lachrymation; when used in excess, the peculiar odor of the Onions is exhaled from the skin, and, in one instance, it was unmistakably detected in the pus of a fistula. Chil dren and delicate adults cannot well digest raw onions; they are apt to cause eructations, heartburn, and cramps of the stomach. Epileptics should avoid them; also those subject to seminal emissions. Hippocrates was acquainted with the diuretic action of this plant, and also recommended its external use against falling out of the hair. In paralysis of the tongue, Celsus recommended the chewing of raw Onions; Appollonius used the juice in deafness. Vogt recommends them against infarctions of the abdominal organs; flatulence; chronic catarrhal affections, with tough, glassy mucus; in diseases of the urinary organs, gravel, dropsy, &c. Pereira says raw Onions are occasionally taken as an expectorant, with advantage, by elderly per sons affected with a winter cough. A roasted Onion is sometimes employed as an emollient poultice to suppurating tumors, or to the ear to relieve the earache. The expressed juice has been given to children, mixed with sugar as an expectorant. The large quantity of Sulphur and Phosphorus which the volatile oil of Onions contains, renders them an applicable remedy in many lung-affections. Suzphur, Graves says (see " Clinical Lectures"), will relieve chronic cough and long-continued congestion of the bronchial mucous membrane.--It 144 ALLIUM CEPA. would appear that Sulphur, when taken into the system, is eliminated by the kidneys in the form of sulphates, or exhaled from the skin and mucous membranes in the form of sulphuretted hydrogen, and in this way we arrive at some explanation of its beneficial action in diseases of the skin and chronic irritation of the bronchial mucous membrane. In fact, paradoxical and homoeopathical as it may seem, Sulphur, although evidently stimulating, is nevertheless very effica cious in curing many diseases connected with, or depending on inflammation or congestion. Thus, what remedy gives such prompt and certain relief in that painful affection, piles? How rapidly does that specific irritation of the skin termed scabies, yield to its use! The celebrated Hoffmann was in the habit of adding Sulphur to his cough prescriptions in all cases of chronic bronchitis in the aged and debilitated, and Graves has no doubt that from five to ten grains of Sulphur, taken three or four times a day, is one of the best remedies in chronic cough accompanied by constitutional debility and copious secretion into the bronchial tubes; it has a tendency to produce elevation of the pulse, increased heat of the skin, and sweating. It is most homoeopathic when the cough arises form a peculiar tickling or itching sensation about the throat-pit. Hering thinks that Onions fill a chasm between Aconite and Ipecac.; that it is peculiarly useful during many catarrhal epidemics; that it has a certain relation to Chlorine and to Phosphorus, and that it may be successfully used either before or after the use of Phosphor., or to complete, with greater rapidity, cures which Phosphorus has left unfinished. It would be more correct to assume that it has affinities with Sulphur and Phosphor. Hering thinks that, in children, it is suited to many affections of the head and eyes; to catarrhs and constant discharges from the nose; to sore throat, cough, rattling in the chest, colic, flatulence, disorders arising from worms, and urinary difficulties. It will often have to be aided by Iodine, Spongia, Sulphur, and Phosphorus. In adults it is also suited to catarrhal affections of the head and eyes; oppression of the chest, senile asthma, and the accompanying or alternating affections of the kidneys, bladder and urinary apparatus; disorders of the stomach and bowels, flatulence, chilliness, &c. It very closely resembles Assafoetida in its action. A rather rare case of poisoning by Allium-cepa is reported in Frank's Magazine: A man, aged fifty years, of large frame, sanguine temperament, of regular habits, and always having enjoyed excellent health, was attacked a quarter of an hour after having eaten a raw Onion with his bread and butter at supper, with violent cutting pain in the bowels, frequent urging to urinate, with ability to pass only ALLIUM SATIVUM. 145 a few drops of scalding urine. Four hours later his physician found him walking through his apartments in extreme anguish; at times he would throw himself on his bed, complaining of constant violent pain in the left lower half of the abdomen near the umbilicus, accompanied by the above-mentioned urinary difficulty, with constipation, and violent thirst; his countenance had an expression of great anguish and despair; there was increased heat of the skin; pulse somewhat accelerated, full and hard. The pain in the abdomen was increased by the slightest pressure. The contents of the stomach were removed by an emetic, &c. 12.-ALLIUM SATIVUM. ALIUM-SAT.-Common Garlic. RATIONAL OF ITS AcTION.-The effects of Garlic on the system are those of a general stimulant; it quickens the circulation, excites the nervous system, promotes expectoration, produces diaphoresis or diuresis, according as the patient is kept warm or cool, and acts upon the stomach as a tonic and carminative. It is also said to be emenagogue; applied to the skin it is rubifacient and irritant. Moderately employed it is beneficial in enfeebled digestion and flatulence, and is habitually used for this purpose by many who have no objection to an offensive breath. It has been given with advantage in chronic catarrh, humoral asthma, and other pectoral affections in which the symptoms of inflammation has been subdued and a feeble condition of the vessels remains. It is advised habitually and with great benefit in such affections occurring in children, as well as in the nervous and spasmodic coughs, to which they are peculiarly liable. Some physicians have highly recommended it in old atonic dropsies and calculous disorders; and it has been employed in fever and ague. It is thought to be an excellent anthelmintic, especially in cases of ascarides, in which it is given both by mouth and rectum. The juice, in doses of a few drops, is said sometimes to check nervous vomiting. If taken too largely, or in excited states of the system, it is apt to cause gastric irritation, flatulence, hxmorrhoids, headache, and fever. Bruised and applied to the feet, it is much used as a revulsive in disorders of the head. It is especially useful in the febrile complaints of children, by quieting restlessness and producing sleep. Bruised in oil, it is often tried as a liniment in infantile convulsions, and other cases of spasmodic or nervous disorders among children. It is also used to resolve indolent.tumors, and in cases of cutaneous eruption. A clove 7 116 ALLIUM SATIVUM. of Garlic, or a few drops of the juice introduced into the ear, are said to be highly efficacious in atonic deafness. A Garlic poultice applied above the pubes has sometimes restored action to the bladder in cases of retention of urine from debility of that organ. Vogt says that the acrid ethereal oil which exists in Garlic gives this remedy some affinity with the empreuymatic ethereal oils, and renders it serviceable in nervous and verminous diseases; still, he thinks, its principal action is upon the skin and mucous membranes. A decoction in milk is used internally and in clysters against ascarides and lumbrici; it is also employed against blenorrhoeas of the lungs, genital organs, and bowels; in diseases of the urinary organs, such as gravel and dropsy. Dierbach thinks that Garlic acts more upon the skin, and Onions upon the kidneys. According to Medberg, Garlic is very injurious to consumptive and bilious persons, and those suffering with hoematuria.-According to Merat and Delens' " Dict. Univ. de Mat. Med.," Vol. I., p. 189: " It sharpens the appetite, stimulates the stomach, facilitates the digestion, and expels flatulence;" and according to them it is an excellent remedy for phlegm. " Pounded Garlic has been applied to the skin on account of its stimulating properties in paralytic or rheumatic diseases; in about two hours after its application it will draw a blister like a mustard plaster." Murray furnishes the following sketch of the empirical uses of this drug: The anthelmintic and febrifuge properties of Garlic were known even to Plinius and Dioscorides, and have since been verified by a number of physicians of the highest rank. Rosenstein, Taube, and the English physician Bisset, have even expelled teenia with Garlic. According to Laurembergius and Lind, Garlic is not only a preventive of "scurvy, but a real specific for this disease. Celsus and Dioscorides recommended it in old chronic coughs, accompanied by dyspnoea and a profuse expectoration of ropy phlegm. In accordance with this recommendation it was used with success by Mead, Rosenstein, and even Murray. Rosenstein relates that, by means of Garlic, he suc ceeded in stopping a chronic cough, with general prostration and excessive emaciation. Three similar cases were cured by Teste.-J. C. P. CLINICAL REMARKS.-In intermittent fevers, Garlic is a highly esteemed Hindoo remedy. It is, or was also, formerly employed in Europe. Bergius speaks highly of its virtues; he commenced with one clove, night and morning, and increased the quantity until four or five were taken at a dose. The quantity of Sulphur which Onions and Garlic contain make them useful in many cutaneous complaints. Teste recommends Allium-sat. very highly in diabetes-mellitus, a# ALLIUM SATIVUM. 147 a palliative. It has been used in retention of urine, in dropsy, and gravel. It would seem somewhat homceopathic to Bright's disease. In calculous diseases and ulceration of the bladder, Bransby Cooper relates a severe case, treated by Mr. Cline, in which, after a variety of remedies had been employed in vain, Leek tea afforded the most astonishing relief. Cooper has given it several times since, sometimes with, at others without benefit.-J. C. P. It is recommended in cases of erythematous angina, not preceded by coryza, occasioned by a cold or by excesses at table, and attended with a sticky feeling in the throat, with dryness, tickling, heat, and a sense of rawness in the larynx, roughness of voice, hollow, dry, and not very frequent cough, dry heat on the back of the hands, and slight moisture in the palms, all of which symptoms generally come on in the evening. In cases of chronic bronchial catarrh, with profuse mucous expectoration, without acute pains in the chest (especially in fat individuals). In cases of permanent dyspnoea of long standing. In whooping cough, Dr. Dewees says he has never employed any remedy of equal service with Garlic in substance, to relieve the cough of habit, which often remains after whooping cough; he has used it repeatedly, and never seen it fail. A child, aged six or seven years, may eat one-third of a clove daily, gradually increasing the quantity.-J. C. P. Three cases of rheumatism of the hips were cured by Allium. GENERAL EFFECTS. FEVER.-Catarrhal fever, with predominance of coldness; shiverings from day to day, coldness all over, with heat in the face; horripilations in the forenoon and in the evening; general heat, with malaise, thirst, tense pulse, sweat after twelve o'clock in the day-time; sweat with itching; sour sweat; fetid sweat; vomiting during the fever. SLEEP.-Oppression of the chest during sleep; coldness during sleep, which occasions frequent waking; thirst at night, preventing sleep. SKIN.-Flaccid skin; formication; excessive sensitiveness of the skin; tension of the skin, in the joints; dry skin; white spots, which afterwards turn yellow, and are accompanied with stinging and itching; red spots in the back, hands, on the inner surface of the thighs, and on the genital organs. MIND, DISPOSITION, AND SENSORIUM.-Vertigo when steadily looking at a thing for a long time; or transient, and only on rising from a chair. HEAD.-Weight in the head; dull pain in the occiput in the morn. ing; heaviness in the head, which ceases during the menses, and 148 ALLIUM SATIVUM. reappears afterwards; throbbing in the temples; heaviness in the forehead, which scarcely allows one to open one's eyes. EARs.-Buzzing in the ears. TASTE AND APPETITE.--Hot taste in the mouth, coming from the throat, exactly like the taste of Garlic, immediately after taking the drug; it continued the whole morning, and returned after the second breakfast so strongly that it caused a flow of saliva, dryness of the lips and palate; profuse flow of sweetish saliva in the mouth, in the forenoon, after eating; more particularly in the afternoon and at night. Eructations; immediately sensation as if something cold were rising to the throat; voracious appetite; burning eructations after eating. STOMACH AND ABDOMEN.-Straining to vomit, with retraction of the abdomen; burning in the stomach, stitches of pain in the stomach; twisting and pinching around the navel. STOOL.-Soft stools. Diarrhoeic stools, accompanied and succeed ed by cutting pains in the abdomen and loins. Constipation, with dull pain in the abdomon, which continues almost all the time (for eight days). URINE.-Profuse whitish urine (which is rendered cloudy by the addition of nitric acid). GENITAL ORGANS.-During the menses, pimples break out about the vulva, and extensive excoriations occur on the internal surface of the thighs; the spots are of a bright red color, and accompanied by itching and smarting on the inner surface of the labia-majora and the orifice of the vagina. THoRAX.-Coryza; accumulation of phlegm in the throat in the morning, with heaviness in the head. Cough, with painful irritation in the windpipe; difficult expectoration of a glutinous mucus; cough in the morning, after going out of his room, with profuse expectoration of mucus; almost continual rattling of mucus in the bronchia. Stitches in one side of the chest; stitches under the shoulder-blades and pectoral muscles, increased while coughing and drawing a long breath. Embarrassed respiration. The chest-symptoms are worse in the open air, after eating, and when stooping. BACK.-Stitches in the back; red spots on the back, apparently like tetter; tearing pains in the sacrum. UPPER EXTREMITIES.-Painful sense of contraction in the arms; tearing pain in the fingers; heat, followed by moisture, in the hollow of the hands. LowER EXTREMITIES.-Tearing pain in the hip-joint; intolerable pain in the united tendon of the iliac and psoas muscles, worse on ALOES. 149 motion. Painful lameness in the thighs; boils on the thighs; dig ging pain at the tibio-tarsal articulation; stiffness of the feet; burning at the soles of the feet. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-General lassitude, especially in the lower limbs, so that one dreads the fatigue of ascending a few steps only; lassitude, especially in the morning. The pains caused by Al lium are mostly pressive pains from within outwards, or tearing pains 13.-ALOES. ALOE.-AUg. Hom. Zeit., XX.-Duration of Action? ANTIDOTES.-Vinegar, vegetable acids. RATIONALE OF ITS ACTION. ON THE NERVOUS SYSTEM.-Aloes docs not act specifically, either upon the nerves of sensation or motion; it may possibly exert a secondary action upon the great sympathetic nerve. VASCULAR SYSTEM.-It acts far more specifically upon the vascular system than upon the nervous; it may, however, act specifically upon those parts of the great sympathetic nerve which accompany the blood-vessels into every part of the system. BLOOD.-It was once a common opinion that Aloes dissolved the blood, or increased its fluidity. Lewis alleges that this is the condition of the blood drawn from persons who.are in the constant habit of using Aloetics, although, according to Schwenke, it seems rather to coagulate than dissolve the blood, when added to some which has been drawn from a vein. It was also an old opinion that it proved emenagogue, from its power of dissolving the blood, and hence would be hurtful in scurvy, and in all haemorrhages proceeding from a lax state of the blood and system. It is probable that Aloes acts in the same way upon the venous system that Iron does upon the arterial; they both diminish the quantity of fibrin in the blood, and increase the quantity of blood-globules.-J. C. P. FEVER.-Dierbach says it is a heating remedy, which readily excites febrile symptoms in young persons, such as a quick pulse and a troublesome sensation of warmth in the abdomen. The excited state of the portal system, which it so readily causes, may, in some cases, extend to the whole venous side of the circulation, and congestion, to the head and chest, but especially to the abdomen may arise, attended with unpleasant heat, anxious feelings and throbbings, with increased sensitiveness and distention of the abdomen, frequent stools, mixed with blood, or bloody stools with violent abdominal 150 ALOES. pains, piles, severe distress in the kidneys, hot, scanty urine, with burning while urinating, and pain in the back. Harnisch says, in very sensitive and plethoric persons it may cause an excited state of the whole vascular system, so -that the pulse becomes fuller and harder, the mouth dry with thirst, scanty discharge of red urine, increased warmth in the abdomen, throbbing and aching in the region of the liver, congesti)n to the head and chest, with oppression and anxiety, bleeding from the lungs, and apoplexy.-J. C. P. HEMOARRHAGES.-Aloes is particularly apt to excite hemorrhagies, especially and more frequently from the haemorrhoidal vessels an.d the womb; occasionally from the kidneys and bowels, and rarely from the stomach, lungs, and head... LIvER.-Aloes has been supposed to act upon the liver from time immemorial. Aloe bilem rubrum expellit (Rhazes). Aloe ad infernis intestinum bilem ducit (Areteus). According to Sigmond, its influence upon the liver is marked by the particular composition of the evacuations, the color and odor of which, and their peculiar pungent effect on the rectum, prove that an increased quantity of bile has been poured out. Wedekind assumes that the operation of Aloes upon the bowels depends upon an increased secretion of bile, excited by its specific action on the liver, and asserts that, as long as the stools are white or grey in jaundice, Aloes will not purge, even in large doses, while the purgative effect supervenes as soon as the faecal matters contain bile. When there is an excess of bile, it is apt to cause bilious dysentery and hepatitis. Vogt says that it exerts a special action on the liver, and tends more to the restoration of a checked secretion of bile than any drastic purgative. Antyllus counts it among the remedies which evacuate yellow bile. It causes aching and tension, and uneasiness in the region of the liver, bilious papescent stools, with heat of the whole body, while the evacuations are not watery and copious, but faecal and bilious, and emit a peculiar putrid smell.--J. C. P. VENA-PORTA.-Another class of physicians think that Aloes acts primarily and specifically upon the portal system, and assume that its influence upon the liver and bowels is secondary to this. That it acts upon the vena-portarum is fairly to be deduced, from the very peculiar state into which the hmemorrhoidal vessels are thrown by the congestions which so rapidly occur after a dose of this drug has been taken. Wedekind says it exerts a specific stimulant action on the venous system of the abdomen and pelvis, and hence causes an increased secretion of bile, irritation about the rectum, and vascular excitement of the sexual organs. It readily causes stagnation and ALOES 151 accumulation of blood in the abdominal vessels, and the various affections and consequences of plethora-abdominalis.-J. C. P. ABDoMEN.-Pressure, tension, and heat in the region of the liver. Fullness, heat, and distention of the abdomen. Beating, boring, and stinging in the umbilical region. Diarrhoea, preceded by colic. Most violent colics. Discharge of a large quantity of fetid flatulence. Violent cutting pains in the abdomen. BOWELS.-It is a specific purgative; for, when applied externally to a blister, it will operate upon the bowels (Gerhard); tincture of Aloes, put into a carious bone, has excited purging (Munro); an Aloetic pill, applied to an issue, has had the same effect (Pereira); also an Aloetic salve, rubbed upon the abdomen (Dierbach). Dr. Heller injected a solution of half an ounce of socrotine Aloes in six ounces of warm water into the jugular vein of a cow, which had suffered, for six days, with obstinate constipation and constant vomiting, and had withstood all ordinary injections and purgative medicines; the cow shivered immediately, followed by quickness of the pulse and respiration for one hour; then succeeded frequent urgings to stool, by which, however, only a small quantity of hard fmeces were evacuated. The same procedure was repeated the next day, when violent straining produced first the discharge of some dry dung, followed by profuse soft evacuations; the vomiting ceased, and appetite and health soon returned.-The part of the bowels upon which it operates by preference is a matter of dispute. Wood and Bache think that it has a peculiar affinity for the large bowel, and acts rather upon its muscular coat than upon the exhalent vessels. Cullen agrees to this, and asserts that it rarely or ever produces more than one stool, which seems to be merely an evacuation of what may be supposed to have been already present in the great intestine. Hardly any dose under twenty grains will produce a liquid stool, which effect is always attended with pain and griping; on the other hand, the ordinary bulky and rather hard Aloes-evacuation may, in innumerable instances, be constantly obtained from one to two grains. The slowness of its effects has also been advanced by Lewis in proof that it acts on the large rather than the small bowels; for Aloes hardly ever operates under ten or twelve hours, and often not till sixteen or eighteen, while even twenty-four hours may elapse. Finally, to be still more minute, Newman has conjectured that it acts more especially upon the circular than upon the longitudinal muscular fibres of the colon. Whether given in a large or small dose, it hardly ever causes a copious evacuation, and an increased quantity does not produce a corresponding cathartic effect. But these authors forget 152 ALOES. its decided action upon the liver and bile. Its effects upon these are.so distinct and characteristic that, when added to other purgatives, its peculiar operation do not take place until some hours after the evacuations caused by the other purgatives have occurred, and the Aloes-stools differ from them both in color and smell. It rarely or never causes watery stools, but the dejections are always yellowish, greenish, or blackish and slimy, and often emit a peculiar, offensive, and almost putrid smell; the color and odor of the evacuations, together with their pungent effect on the rectum, prove that an increased quantity of bile has been poured out.-J. C. P. It may cause emaciation, stricture of the rectum, and enteritis. If its use be long continued, it causes dryness of the intestines, rigidity of the niuscular coat of the bowels, especially of the colon and rectum, in consequence of which obstinate constipation may ensue. Very large doses may cause violent cutting abdominal pains, watery and long-continued diarrhoea, tenesmus, and inflammation of the lower portion of the alimentary canal. The faeces may be enveloped in a thin pellicle of altered intestinal slime, or there may be discharges of membranous-like pieces from the rectum, or very largerolled-up pieces of intestinal mucus. One of the most common effects of Aloes is irritation of the rectum, giving rise, in some instances, to hoemorrhoids. Cullen has seen piles produced by large and frequent doses, with heat and irritation about the rectum, and tenesmus. Fallopius says, of one hundred persons, who had used Aloes freely as a purgative, at least ninety became affected with a hemorrhoidal flux, which ceased when their use was omitted. URINARY ORGANS.-Strangury, flow of blood from the kidneys; burning while urinating; violent pains in the kidneys; hot, scanty urine. Greenhow ascribes a diuretic effect to Aloes, and Moiroud injected four drachms into a vein of a horse with no other effect than producing the evacuation of a large quantity of urine. It has been repeatedly noticed that when Squills and other diuretics failed to act, the addition of a small portion of Aloes has speedily produced a copious diuresis. GENITAL ORGANS.-It causes a determination of blood to the womb, and fullness of its blood-vessels, especially the veins, and thus uterine irritation and menorrhagia are apt to be induced or increased by it. Vascular excitement of the sexual organs, immoderate flow of the menses, racking pains in the loins, and labor-like pains are frequently occasioned by it. Discharge of blood from the urethra, drawing and burning pain in the sacral region. Burning ALOES. 153 while urinating, aching and heaviness in the pelvis, erections and pollutions, and excitement of the uterine vessels. CLINICAL REMARKS.-It has been used successfully in some troublesome nervous affections, such as hypochondria, melancholy, mania, cramps in the stomach, &c., when brought on by a suppression of the menstrual or haemorrhoidal discharges. Hceýmorrhoidal. congestion of the spinal marrow is most common in the cervical portion-there is stiffness and drawing pain along the nape, with difficulty of swallowing; when the dorsal portion is affected there is stiffness of the arms, and compressing pain in the chest, which often amounts to dyspnoea and asthmatic attacks. Many cases of hypochondria and melancholy owe their origin to functional derangement of the liver. Aloes, which exercises a specific action upon this organ, and promotes the bilious secretion, is quite homoopathic in instances of this character. Among the phenomena accompanying this variety of hypochondria, we usually observe constipation, stools scanty, dry, and clay-colored. Aloes rouses into action the torpid liver, promotes the intestinal secretions, and thus regulates the bowels, restores the normal foecal discharges, and enables the nervous system to recover its impaired tone. Aloes is one of the most useful remedies against vicarious haemorrhages, such as occur from suppression of the menstrual or hbemor. rhoidal discharges. I have several times removed hsematemesis from suppression of piles or menstruation; also bleeding of the nose, and bleeding from the lungs. It may prove useful in hsemorrhagic apoplexy, from suppression of one or the other of these discharges, and should be borne in mind in all these vicarious haemorrhages.--J. C. P. Haemorrhages occurring in chlorotic patients are often permanently removed by the use of Aloes. The following symptoms are especially characteristic: Emaciation, pale and waxen countenance, uterine irritation, irregular menstruation, leucorrhea, heat and irritation in the rectum, hoemorrhages from the nose, throat, lungs, and rectum, obstruction of the portal circulation, large secretion of urine, active sexual feelings. In apoplexy and other cerebral affections, Aloes is a valuable remedy, especially when these affections arise from a suppression of the menstrual or haemorrhoidal discharges. Irregular haemorrhoidal congestion to the head, with the attendant redness and heat of the face, illusions of vision, and threatened apoplexy, may be removed by Aloes. Serious affections of the head have sometimes disappeared on the occurrence of a hmmorrhoidal flux, and therefore, in persons who have been subject to this discharge, but in whom it has ceased, 7* 154 ALOES. it may be advisable to attempt its reestablishment, with a view of relieving other and more serious disorders. In hcemorrhoidal congestion of the brain, often the patient complains of dizziness, great heaviness and confusion of the head, and the choroid coat is blue with congestion; illusions of sight, such as sparks, flies, and sliderfeet, before the eyes, and an approach to amblyopia-amaurotica; from time to time, severe turns of vertigo set in, so that the patient becomes much agitated, and supposes that he is attacked with apoplexy; the attacks are more severe in hot weather, and when constipation is present.-J. C. P. A few drops of a watery infusion of Aloes, put into the ears, and a teaspoonful, night and morning, of the simple tincture of Aloes, with Liquorice, has removed the most obstinate deafness, loss of smell, and congestion to the head. In hcemorrhoidal congestion to the head, noises in the ears, illusions and hardness of hearing are not uncommon. Aloes is homoeopathic to many cases of what may be called bilious sore throat-i. e., when the irritation of an excess of bile in the system causes more or less irritation in the pharynx. Many cases of catarrhal, rheumatic, or inflammatory sore throat, occurring in very bilious persons, often require an intercurrent dose of Aloes to remove the bilious derangement, before the other symptoms will yield to the usual remedies. It has been recommended in derangements of digestion, depending upon debility of the muscular fibres of the stomach and bowels; against abnormal secretion of mucus, acid, or gas; in anorexia, dyspepsia, flatulent distention, and painful aching in the region of the stomach, with acid, rancid eructations, sluggish digestion, constipation, especially when these disorders occur in bilious and hypochondriacal subjects. Its bitterness is said to render it an admirable stomachic, which promotes both appetite and digestion; some think that it regulates the due secretion of the gastric juice, while the ancients termed it the anima ventriculi.-J. C. P. Waring recommends it in dyspepsia, occurring in persons of a relaxed habit, or in those who have been debilitated by long illness, particularly if there is reason to believe that the duodenum is implicated. It doubtless acts specifically upon the portal portion of the vascular system of the stomach. It is the best remedy in hcemorrhoidal congestion of the stomach and spleen, when there is congestion and enlargement of the spleen; when pressure on the enlarged spleen causes difficulty of breathing in the left side of the chest; when there are pains in the spleen, following the course of the vasa-brevia, sour eruc ALOES. 155 tations, heartburn, or sour vomiting; when there is distention of, and pain in the stomach, with sensation as if a warm fluid had been poured out into it, followed by vomiting of blood. In mild cases of dyspepsia, accompanied by an excess of the gastric secretions, water-brash, tasteless or bitter eructations, and heartburn, Aloes, in a nonattenuated form, often proves beneficial. It has also been employed with success in indigestion caused by a lack of the bilious secretion. Against slight functional derangements of the liver, Aloes is an excellent remedy. The symptoms for which it is particularly indidated are: Irregular secretion of the bile, the stools sometimes containing an excess, and at other times a deficiency of this fluid; heat, fullness, and pressure in the hepatic region; dull pains in the liver; lassitude, drowsiness; yellowish tinge of the skin; feeble appetite; depression of spirits. It is one of the most homceopathic remedies against plethora-abdominalis; also against many forms of bilious and venous congestive colics; also against many hremorrhoidal and congestive colics. In hcemorrhoidal congestion of the duodenum and malcena, often there is a peculiar cutting or aching pain about the navel, aggravated a few hours after eating; the umbilical region is apt to be distended and rather hard, the bowels constipated, and the faces as if burnt; there is also are markable pallor of the external surface, coldness of the limbs and hands, and a peculiar pale-yellow, earthy color of the face; finally, there is a sensation as if a warm fluid had been poured out about the navel, the abdomen swells more and more, with a doughy or mushy sensation to touch; the more the abdomen becomes disturbed the greater is the pallor of the skin; the pulse becomes small, weak, and trembling, the extremities cold, the features shrunken; finally, black tar-like passages take place, with much straining.-J. C. P. Aloes is one of the most homoeopathic remedies against bilious diarrhoea and dysentery; it is also far more useful in hoemorrhoids than Nux or Sulphur. According to Dr. Belcher, it is indicated in hcenorrhoidal dysentery when the patient is restless and anxious, the face flushed, tormina troublesome, and tenesmus vehement, the evacuations being dark-green in color, or bloody, with offensive mucus; when the abdomen is puffed up, the lungs oppressed, with frequent inclination to breathe deeply, and the pulse frequent. Also in dysentery in pregnant females, or those suffering with uterine congestion; or when it attacks emaciated persons, especially children, with distended abdomens and tendency to marasmus. Tilt says he has never seen haemorrhoidal affections caused by Aloes, but he has often seen them relieved by it, and his experience 156 ALOES. is corroborated by that of Giacomina, Avicenna, and Stahl. In former times, Aloes was regarded as the sacra anchora in the cure of h.emorrhoids of ari asthenic character, although it produces active congestive piles. At times the moliminae-haemorrhoidaliae pass over into flowing piles under the use of Aloes, while at others they cease without any discharge having been produced. Under the latter circumstances, Harnisch conjectures that the tonic and stimulating effects of the Aloes removes the debility of the vessels upon which the premonitory signs of piles has depended; i. e., that the tendency to active congestion, produced by the Aloes, overcomes the passive stagnation of blood which previously existed. Loeseke asserts that if Aloes be given before the accustomed flow of piles comes on, the flux will ensue; but, on the other hand, if given while they are flowing, a stoppage will be effected.-J. C. P. It has often proved useful in hcemor'rhzoidal afectzons of the kidney and bladder, when there is pain in one or both sides of the lumbar region, drawing pains along the ureters, towards the bladder, with scanty secretion of urine, and those derangements of the stomach which always attend kidney-affections, such as gastralgia, with good appetite, and vomiting soon after eating. These symptoms may increase until nephritic colic ensues, the pains are exceedingly severe, the abdomen is retracted, vomiting occurs, the urine is suppressed, until, finally, a quantity of dark blood red urine is passed. When the bladder is more particularly affected, there are periodical, violent, and contracting pains in the neck of the bladder, especially while urinating; when the pains are very severe, entire retention of urine may occur, or when any water is passed it is only in drops or jets, never in a full stream; the pains continue after urination, and extend over the pubis; the patients can neither sit in comfort or assume any position in which the perinseum is pressed upon; at first the urine is not altered in quality, but finally blood is passed; sometimes the urine is mixed with a large quantity of tough, ropy mucus. Harnisch says that aching in the region of the kidneys, with scanty discharge of hot urine, or tenesmus of the bladder from venous congestion of it, will often give way before the use of Aloes. It is homceopathic to hcemorrhoidal afections of the uterus, in which there is aching in the region of the womb, pressing-down pain, with some prolapsus, varicose swellings about the neck of the womb, and in the vagina, with discharges of blood during the menstrual intervals; these discharges consist of a dark, pitch-like substance, and have a different odor from that of menstrual blood; either before or after these haemorrhages there may be a discharge of tough greenish ALOES. 157 leucorrhoea, with the peculiar odor of hoemorrhoidal mucus. By restoring the hsemorrhoidal secretion, Aloes will often relieve the sensations of aching and weight on the pelvis, the erections, pollutions, and tenesmus, which are often felt as premonitory symptoms of piles. Eberlec says that Aloes, given in small but frequent doses, deserves to be accounted the best remedy we possess for those protracted, exhausting, and obstinate hemorrhages from the uterus which occur in women of relaxed, nervous., and phlegmatic habits about the critical period of life. In amenorrhoea, it is, perhaps, more frequently employed than any other remedy in the dominant school, entering into almost all the numerous empirical preparations which are habitually resorted to by females, and enjoying a no less favorable reputation in ordinary practice. Schoenlein recommends the injection of a solution of ten grains of Aloes in a small quantity of warm fluid, to be thrown into the rectum at the period when the catamenia should occur. He states that its action is more certain than that of any other emenagogue. Dr. Atwell has used it in this way with decided advantage. Aloes will often prove serviceable in hcemonrrhoidal affections of the chest, when there are more or less of the signs of congestion of the lungs-viz, aching upon one or both sides of the chest, difficulty of breathing, cough, with expectoration of but little mucus, no fever, but lividity of the face, lips, cheeks, and tongue, followed by more or less haemoptysis.-J. C. P. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-Congestion of blood to the head, chest, and especially the abdomen.---General heat of the body.-Accelerated pulse.-Anxiety. HEAD.-Periodical h.emorrhoidal headache, alternating with pains in the small of the back.-Dryness and chapping of the lips. JAWS, MOUTH, PHARYNX, &c.-Stitches and throbbing in the hollow teeth.-Heat and dryness in the mouth; redness and dryness of the tongue.-Hlematemesis. TASTE, APPETITE, GASTRIC SYMPTOMS.-Taste as of clay; diminished appetite; violent thirst.-Eructations tasting of the ingvta; bilious eructations. ABDoMEN.-Congestive malaise, pressure, tension, and heat in the region of the liver.-Congestive fullness, heat, and distention of the abdomen; beating, boring, and stinging in the umbilical region; emission of a quantity of fetid flatulence.-Violent cutting pains in the abdomen. STOOL AND ANUS.-Bilious papescent stools, the whole body becoming hot during the evacuation, with a fecling of malaise in the region of the liver.-Evacuations consisting of fcecal and bilious imrat 158 ALUMEN. ter, having a peculiar putrid smell.-Discharge of large clots of mucus from the rectum.-Frequent watery sanguineous stools, with vio. lent colic.-Izemorrhoids.--Cutting pains previous to the diarrhoea,. which is accompanied with tenesmus.-Diarrhoea, followed by obstinate constipation, and torpor of the intestinal canal.-Violent burn. ing in the rectum.-Congestive stricture of the rectum.-Fistula? URINARY AND GENITAL ORGANS.-Violent pains in the region of the kidneys.-Scanty, hot urine.-Burning during micturition.Discharge of blood from the urethra.-Increased secretion of yellow turbid urine.-Congestion of blood to the uterus.-Profuse menstruation.-Miscarriage. CHEST.-Congestive oppression of the chest, with anxiety. BACK.-Drawing and burning in the small of the back. PATHOLOGI(AL ANATOMY.-Dryness of the intestines.-. Inflammation and ulceration of the mucous membrane of the intestines. 14.-ALUMEN. ALUM.-Sulphate of Alumina and Potash. Alum. RATIONALE OF ITS ACTION.-This is a compound of Alumina, 10.92; Potash, 10.08; and Sulphuric-acid, 33.68, and in its action it partakes of some of the properties of all these articles. It is generally supposed to act very much like Sulphuric-acid, only somewhat less severely, and more purely as an astringent. Others have compared its action to that of Sulphate of Zinc, Acetate of Lead, Sulphate of Iron, &c.; but it differs widely from all these. In common parlance, Alum is said to be a purely and simple astringent remedy, but the Potash which it contains also renders it somewhat of an alterative and deobstru"ent medicine. Besides, as all the Alums of commerce contain more or less of Sulphate of Iron, varying from five to seven parts in a thousand, it is also somewhat tonic and blood-improving in its action. The immediate topical effect of a solution of Alum is corrugation of fibres and contraction of small vessels, by virtue of which it checks or temporarily stops exhalation and secretion, and produces paleness of parts by diminishing the diameters of small vessels. It is by these local effects that Alum, when taken internally, causes dryness of the mouth and throat, somewhat increases thirst, checks the secretions of the alimentary canal, and thereby diminishes the frequency and increases the consistency of the stools, as observed by Wibmer, when taken in doses of three grains, dissolved in five drachms of water ALUMEN. 159 several times a day. When taken internally, in moderate doses, it is absorbed into the system, and has been detected in the liver, spleen, and urine. Kraus. has noticed that the urine becomes remarkably acid from the use of Alum. When taken in large quantities, the astriction is soon followed by irritation, and the paleness by pre tcrnatural redness; it may thus excite nausea, vomiting, gripirg, and purging, and even an inflammatory condition of the alimentary canal; effects which may sometimes be induced by small quantities in persons endowed with unusual or morbid sensibility of the stomach and bowels. Barthez, from half-drachm doses, solved in one ounce of distilled water, experienced a sense of contraction in the stomach, lasting for a quarter of an hour, followed by acute aching in the stomach. From one drachm doses, solved in two ounces of water, he merely felt a more decided sense of contraction of the stomach; his appetite was never disturbed, on the contrary he rather thought that it was increased. From two and a half drachm doses he felt an inclination to vomit, lasting for a quarter of an hour, but no vomiting ensued; three drachm doses caused vomiting and constipation; the vomiting was easy and not preceded by much nausea. Alum was detected chemically in his stools.-J. C. P. PATHOLOGY.-From doses sufficiently large to cause death in animals: The stomach was found filled with a large quantity of fluid; its internal surface, throughout all its extent, was covered with a greyish substance, intermixed with greenish and bilious-looking particles; the mucous membrane was extensively reddened or inflamed, especially in the greater cul-de-sac, which was dark brown in color; near the pylorus there was an extravasion of blood, and the mucous membrane was very red; the coats towards the pylorus were extraordinarily thick and hard, as if they had been tanned, and were very firm under the knife; the walls of the small bowels were slightly thickened, and coated with a yellowish-white granular substance; the large bowels were filled with a greenish offensive fluid. As Alum has been but little used by homoeopathic physicians, a large portion of the clinical remarks must be derived from allopathic sources; this is not to be regretted, because we take it for granted that homoeopathists claim to know, not only all that is contained in old-school writings ana experience, but a great deal more. Hence we must take heed that our old-school brethren are not in possession of new or old facts with which we are not acquainted.-J. C. P. NERVOUS SYSTEM.-Alum is not supposed to act as prominently on the nervous system as Sulphate of Zinc or Acetate of Lead. Nerves of Motion.-It is said, from its action in lead and other 160 ALUMEN. colics and in whooping cough, to be an antispasmodic; but Copland thinks it cures lead colic by exciting the partially paralyzed muscular coat of the bowels, and thereby enabling them to expel retained matters of a noxious description. Too little is known about its action upon muscular fibres and nerves of motion to hazard any decided opinion. Among the symptoms enumerated by Fournier, in the case of a lady who had taken a large quantity of Alum, we find " slight convulsive movements." Orfila also alludes to a similar case.-J. C.P. Nerves of Sensation.-It is not known that Alum acts specifically upon any of the nerves of sensation. Ganglionic Nerves.-It is generally supposed that the action of Alum upon the nervous system is confined to the ganglionic nerves; it may be propagated thence to the vascular system, as these nerves follow the blood-vessels into every part of the human frame. HEART AND ARTERIES.-The especial action of Alum upon the heart and arteries, apart from its astringent action, has not not been particularly investigated. VENOUS SYSTEM.-Alum is supposed to exert not only a blood. coagulating, but also an antiseptic power on the venous blood. By astriction of the capillaries it may impede the return of blood from the arteries, and thus operate upon the venous system. CAPILLARY SYSTEM.-This seems to be the great field of the action of Alum. It exerts an astringent effect upon the capillaries of all the mucous and serous surfaces, upon the lymphatic and blood-conveying vessels; hence it moderates or checks all profuse mucous fluxes arising from atony of the parts; and by exerting a tonico-astringent action upon the tone of the vessels, it prevents passive hoemorrhages, and even opposes the tendency to liquefaction and putrefaction of the organic mass when such is in operation. LYMPHATIC SYSTEM AND GLANDULAR SYSTEM.-It is not known whether Alum exerts any specific and peculiar action upon these systems apart from its tonic and astringent action. FEVER.-Notwithstanding. that Alum causes dryness of the tongue, mouth, and throat, similar to that which obtains in typhus and typhoid fever, it still has been strongly recommended in those diseases by Fuster, Fouquier, Dobler, and Skoda. The two former recommend it in the second stage of abdominal typhus, when, in consequence of ulceration of the abdominal mucous membrane and of its glandular apparatus, there are ichorous, offensive, and blood-mixed loose stools. In 1838, Drs. Dobler, Skoda, Herz, and Folwarenzy placed their sole reliance upon it; many hundreds of cases have been treated and saved by it.-J. C. P. ALUMEN 161 CLINICAL REMARKS.-In dilatation of the heart, and aneu. rism of the aorta, Alum has been advised by Kreysig and Dzondi. Sundelin also mentions a case of supposed dilatation of the heart, in which relief was gained by the use of Alum. The value of Alum in menorrhagia and hmamaturia has been already considered under the appropriate heads. In purely atonic haemoptysis it likewise proves serviceable. Dr. Theophilus Thompson considers that it is one of the best direct astringents that can be employed, and thinks it acts more efficiently when allowed to dissolve in the mouth than when taken in mixture. In atonic hzematemesis, Alum thrice daily in combination with Opium has proved serviceable, although'it is of inferior efficacy to the Acetate of Lead. In haemorrhage from leech-bites, in that from the gums after the extraction of a tooth, and in other superficial bleedings, a saturated solution, or the powder of Alum, locally applied, is often an effectual styptic. In hoemorrhages, whether proceeding from an exhalation or exudation from the extremities, or pores of the minute vessels, or from a rupture of a blood-vessel, a solution, or, in some cases, the powder of Alum, may be used with advantage to temporarily constringe the capillary vessels, and close their bleeding orificcs.--J.C.P. It has been used successfully in a peculiar form of mental alienation, in which the patient plagues his family contiaually, keeps his or her bed almost entirely, without apparent necessity, has an appearance of embonpoint from general bloating, but a sickly and sallow complexion, with burning down the cesophagus, tenderness over the stomach, cough, and insupportable pain near the left groin or ovary. Under the use of Alum, the patient will soon leave his bed, become rational and affectionate towards his family, and attend to his duties. In profuse atonic epistaxis, the injection of a solution of Alum into the nostrils often proves effectual in arresting the discharge. It is frequently also applied by means of a plug soaked in a saturated solution, and pressed up the nostril. Several cases of polypus of the nose are reported as cured by simply snuffing up a solution of Alum. Alum, reduced to an impalpable powder, and snuffed into the nostrils, has, in a few cases within my own knowledge, effected cures of copious catarrhal discharges. As an application to nasal polypi, we can vouch for its utility. In purulent ophthalmia, a collyrium of Alum is a useful cleansing application. In the severer forms, a saturated solution of Alum, dropped into the eye, is occasionally of great service. In the purulent ophthalmia of Egypt, Clot Bey found great benefit from dropping into the eye a saturated solution of Alum and Sulphate of Zinc. Dr 162 ALUMEN. Rognetta speaks highly of its value. In the ophthalmia of India, commonly known as country sore eye, Waring speaks from experience of the efficacy of the following native preparation: Place some finely powdered Alum on a heated plate of iron, and whilst the salt is in a state of fusion, add a small portion of lemon or lemon-juice, until it forms a soft black mass. This, while hot, is placed entirely round the orbit, taking care that none of it gets beneath the eye-lids, as it causes under these circumstances intense agony. One or two applications, each being allowed to remain on twelve hours, are sufficient in ordinary cases to effect a cure. In the ophthalmia of infants, after the subsidence of acute inflammation, a colyrium of Alum is one of the most serviceable applications which can be had recourse to. Waring employed it with success in hundreds of cases. It has also the recommendation of Ramsbottom, Lawrence, Pereira, &c. In ophthalmia-tarsi, a similar colyrium is advised by Howard. In the purulent ophthalmia of infants, it forms the most efficacious remedy we possess. In these cases it is usually applied in the form of the Alum cataplasm. In ecchymosis of the eye, an Alum poultice is an effectual application. It is made by agitating a small piece of Alum with the white of an egg, until it forms a coagulum. This is placed between two pieces of linen rag, and applied to the eye for some hours. In the latter stages of conjunctival inflammation it is often proper. As regards topical applications to the eye, a certain amount of judgment should be used. In the first stage of ophthalmia, it is sometimes considered expedient to cut short the disease by the application of a strong astringent solution. " It is not to be denied," says Dr. Jacob, " that such applications may have the effect of arresting the disease at once; but, if they have not that effect, they are liable to produce an increase of irritation." But, as the details necessary for making the student acquainted with all the circumstances respecting the application of stimulating or astringent applications, in the first stage of ophthalmia, are too lengthened and numerous to admit of their proper discussion in this work, I must refer for further particulars to the essay of Dr. Jacob's ("Cyclopadia of Pract. Med.," art. Ophthalmia), as well as to the treatises of writers on ophthalmic surgery. I may, however, add, that whatever difference of opinion exists as to the propriety of these applications in the first stage of ophthalmia, all are agreed as to their value after the violence of vascular action has been subdued. In the treatment of the purulent ophthalmia of infants, no remedy is perhaps equal to an Alum wash. In purulent discharges from the ears, topical appli cations of a solution of Alum are often serviceable. We have fre ALUMEN. 163 quently seen chronic otorrhoea disappear under the use of injections of Alum water. In affections of the mouth, involving a congested state of the mucous membranes, much benefit is often derived from the local application of Alum.-J. C. P. In ulceration and sponginess of the gums, whether mercurial or scorbutic, the lotion as for ulceration of the throat is found highly serviceable. It should be used several times daily. To scorbutic ulcers, very finely powdered Alum, in substance, may be applied. It forms a useful astringent wash in certain states of mercurial sore mouth, and is used with the best effect to, check profuse ptyalism, whether from the abuse of Mercury or other causes. It is an excellent topical application, in the form of powder, in profuse haemorrhages after the extraction of teeth. In catarrhal affections of the throat and fauces, Alum is highly recommended as a local application. In chronic cases, when the mucous membrane is much- congested, and covered with mucus,,which gives rise to a troublesome cough, Alumr gargles afford great relief and benefit. In ulceration.and relaxation of the throat, a solution of Alum in water, or decoction of Cinchona, proves a very useful gargle for ordinary cases. It has been employed successfully as a gargle in elongation and loss of contractile power of the uvula. As an internal remedy in chronic ulcerations of the mucous membrane of the throat and pharynx, it is a remedy of great value. We have cured cases of this kind with small doses of Alum, after having been baffled for months with other medicines, which at first appeared to be more homoeopathic. Dr. Marcy says, he is acquainted with a number of obstinate cases, which have been quite cured by the internal and topical use of the Rockville Alum spring water of Virginia. When confined in the stomach, Alum causes inflammation of the entire mucous membrane, worse near the great cul-de-sac, where it is of a deep brown color. The walls of the stomach are much thickened at the pyloric extremity, and hardened as if tanned. The walls of the small intestines are slightly thickened, and lined with a light yellowish substance. Traces of Alum may be found in the stomach long after it has been taken. In catarrhal affections of the stomach, Sir J. Murray speaks in the highest terms of Alum. In one aggravated case, attended with pyrosis, a complete cure was effected by Alum in electuary. He considers that it renders the mucous coats more firm, and restores their tone and strength. He considers it especially useful in the peculiar affection of the stomach, attended by the frequent vomiting of a large quantity of glairy fluid. In prescribing Alum, it should 164 ALUMEN. be remembered that the vegetable astringents decompose it, by which the astringent property of the mixture is probably diminished Alum was first given in colica-pictonum, by a Dutch physician named Grashuis, and was afterwards, in 1774, used in fifteen cases by Dr. Percival, with great success, and subsequently its efficacy was fully established. It allays vomiting, abates flatulence, mitigates pain, and opens the bowels, frequently when other powerful remedies have failed. The modus operandi of Alum in lead colic is not very clear, but the theory of its action is, that it converts the poisonous salt of lead in the system into an innocuous sulphate, and in support of this view must be mentioned the fact, that other sulphates (as those of Magnesia, Soda, Zinc, and Copper), as well as free Sulphuricacid, have been successfully employed in the lead colic. But, on the other hand, the presence of lead in the primoe-vise or evacuations has not been demonstrated, though experiments have shown that when the Acetate of Lead is swallowed, the greater portion of it forms an insoluble combination with the gastro-intestinal mucus, and in this state may remain some time in the alimentary canal. Alum has also been found successful in other varieties of colic not caused by lead, and unaccompanied by constipation. In large doses it acts as a purgative. In abdominal typhus, which was epidemic in Vienna in 1838, chief reliance was placed on the internal exhibition of Alum. Under every phase of the disease-diarrhoea, delirium, and debility-it is stated to have been equally beneficial. It was found particularly serviceable in checking the exhausing diarrhoea.-F. G. S. In infantile cholera, Alum has been found to be signally successful. Of sixty-seven cases treated with it by Dr. Diirr only seven died. The ages of the children varied from the period of birth to fifteen months. In chronic diarrhaa, and diarrhoea-mucosa, depending upon a relaxed condition of the mucous intestinal membrane, Alum given internally is often attended with great amelioration. Drs. Adair and Harrison speak favorably of it in this class of cases. In chronic dysentery, Alum was formerly held in high repute. It has been advised, variously combined, by Birnstiel, Lpos, Hunnius, Michaelis, Hargens, &c. Moseley and Jackson employed it, and Adair found it useful, combined with Opium and aromatics, in epidemic dysentery, occurring among negroes. Injections of Alum water, or of Alum whey, are very useful in the copious and frequent hemorrhages which sometimes accompany piles and abrasions of the mucous membrane of the rectum. Cases of this kind now and then reduce patients to a very low and dangerous condition, and appear to resist all internal remedies. The astringent ALUMEN. 165 and toughening effect of these injections have, in some instances, arrested the bleeding promptly and permanently. In prolapsus of the rectum, the injection of a solution of Alum proves serviceable. It may also be used in painful bleeding piles, when unattended by inflammation. In hematuria, which resists the action of the Acetate of Lead and other ordinary remedies, the injection into the bladder of a solution of Alum is sometimes effectual in arresting the discharge; this, however, should not be had recourse to until it has been ascertained that the bladder, and not the kidneys, is the seat of the disease. Dr. Prout observes that he has never seen any unpleasant consequences follow the use of this expedient; and that he has seen it arrest the most formidable huemorrhage when all other remedies had failed, and when the bladder had repeatedly become again distended with blood, almost immediately after its removal. If, after the use of the injection, coagulm remain in the bladder, they should be broken up by repeated injections of cold water. Alum may be given internally at the same time; although, as an internal remedy, it is less efficacious than Gallic-acid. In catarrh of the bladder it is highly spoken of by Sir J. Eyre. In diabetes, under the idea that the discharge might be arrested by the use of powerful astringents, Alum, in combination with other remedies of the same class, was advised by Dorer, Brocklesby, and others; but Dr. Brisbane satisfactorily proved that it was incapable of arresting the disease. Kraus observes that the urine becomes very acid from the use of Alum. It has been used successfully against incontinence of urine. In one case of irritable bladder, in which the patient was obliged to pass urine every hour or two, both by day and night, grain doses of the first trituration of Alum every four hours effected a cure in six weeks.-F. G. S. In gonorrhoea and gleet, the injection of a solution of Alum is often productive of benefit. Dr. Friedrich, of Leipsic, also advised its internal use, as well in the inflammatory as in the chronic stage. He states, that under its use, all the symptoms subsided rapidly, and that he never saw any ill effects from its employment. In obstinate cases it may be advantageously combined with Cubebs. In gonorrhcea-preputialis, a weak solution of Alum, applied on lint to the part, is generally effectual. In leucorrhcea, Alum, combined with Aloes, proves highly serviceable. It is also sometimes used in conjunction with Sulphate of Zinc. The decoction of Oak-bark often forms a good vehicle. Dr. Burne found this solution most serviceable when simply applied continuously to the external parts. Dr. Dewees states that in some obstinate cases he has effected a cure by Alum and Ni-Lro 166 ALUMEN. In menorrhagia and uterine haemorrhage, Alum internally has been advised by Lentin, Miiller, Hufeland, Dewees, &c., and it often proves effectual in controlling the discharge. Dr. Ferguson regards it as a highly useful stypic, and advises it in small doses with syrup of Ginger, three or four times daily. In purely atonic cases, Alumin solution may be used as a vaginal injection. It is inadmissible if any inflammatory symptoms are present. In morbid growths and ulcera. tions of the uterine cavity, or of the os-uteri, an Alum hip-bath and vaginal injections are strongly advised by Drs. Lange and Ashwell, and its utility is confirmed by Delmas, Recamier, and others. Care should be taken that the fluid passes well up into the vagina. In prolapsus-uteri the same measure is attended with the best effects. Dr. Nevins also speaks highly of a pessary, composed of equal parts of powdered gall and Alum, enclosed in a fine muslin bag. It has been recommended internally and locally against hypertrophy, induration, and excoriation of the womb. It will often cure obstinate ulcerated buboes rapidly when applied locally.-F. G. S. In angina-membranacea, called by Bretonneau, diphtheritis, great importance has been attached to the employment of loca.l applications, and, among others, to promote the expulsion of the false membrane, he recommends the insufflation of finely powdered Alum. The most effectual means of administration is in the form of an impalpable powder, blown through a quill upon the affected part. It is recommended as an emetic in croup in preference to Antimony or Ipecacuanha. Prof. Meigs states that it acts more certainly and powerfully than those medicines, and produces less prostration of the vital powers. In various anginose affections Alum is found highly useful, applied topically, either in powder or solution. When the affection is attended with membranous exudation, its effacacy has been particularly insisted upon by Bretonneau, applied in solution prepared with vinegar and honey for- adults, and in- powder by insufflation in the cases of children. Yelpeau, in 1835, extended the observations of Bretonneau, and has used Alum successfully, not only in simple inflammatory sore throat, but in, those,forms of angina dependent on small-pox, scarlatina, &c:-F. G. S'. In the chronic stage of whooping cough no remedy has proved more efficacious than Alum, given in increasing doses. A very excellent formula is recommended by Dr. Golding Bird, in which he combines it with Conium. Alum is supposed to exert a sedative power in diseases of the chest by J. Symons, London Lancet, March, 1844, p. 42. Dr. Simm, of Ripon, first recommended Symonds to use it in whoop, ALUMEN. 167 ing cough; he found it to answer his fullest expectations, thence led to use it in other thoracic complaints. It evidently so changed the expectoration as immediately to cause a copious discharge of mucus from the bronchi, and finally checked the. superabundant secretion; did not produce thirst or any unpleasant symptoms, and, so far from aggravating the febrile state it often served materially to alleviate it. It produced neither nausea, pain, nor constipation, while it sometimes relieved colic pains accidently present.--J. C. P. In acute and chrpnic bronchitis, especially when expectoration was ropy. Even in very acute bronchitis in children, with profuse secretion of mucus. In the acute bronchitis of old persons, supervening upon chronic morning cough. In whooping cough, to allay irritation, restrain inflammatory tendency, and diminish superabundant secretion. In nervous asthma; in phthisis. In general it does not interfere with expectoration; the first effect is usually a copious discharge of mucus, followed by a diminution in quantity, without any oppression of chest or other indication of improper interference with the secretion.-J. C. P. In in-growing nails the local application of burnt Alum will often effect a cure in three weeks, and that after extirpation of the nail had failed; the nail must be raised up, so as to expose the whole of the sore and ulcerated part, which must then be dried, and the Alum applied; the crust formed by this application must be renewed every day, and a fresh quantity applied.-F. G. S. In rupia, Mr. Erasmus Wilson states that, in one very obstinate case, he succeeded in healing the ulcerations, after other applications had failed, by injecting a strong solution of Alum beneath the undermined edges. To the ill-favored ulcers left by ecthyma, he advises the application of a solution of Alum, with or without Opium. To flat nevi, Dieffenbach recommends the use of a compress of lint, to be firmly bandaged on the morbid structure, and to be frequently wetted with a solution of Alum. The lint should be disturbed as little as possible, and the compression maintained, if necessary, for several weeks. When the navus becomes white, flat, and firm, its speedy cure may be expected. To chilblains, an Alum poultice is stated to be an excellent application. It is only admissible in unbroken chilblains. To indolent and other ulcers, whether of the skin or mucous membranes, Alum has been found serviceable. It is particularly recommended by Dalmas. As it causes much irritation, he advises it to be combined with Opium, and made into an ointment with lard: used thus, it quickly determines the cicatrization of ulcers. It occasionally gives rise to great irritation. To repress 168 ALUMEN. the growth of fungous granulations, burnt Alum sprinkled over the surface is very effectual.-F. G. S. In intermittent fever,'Alum' was at one time much used, it having been prescribed by Ettmuller, Lindt, Muller, and others. Lange and De Haen recommend it with aromatics, or Sulphuric-acid, or Ether, and Adair with Cinchona. It is rarely used at the present day.-F. G. S. PATHOLOGY.-From doses sufficiently large to cause death in animals, the stomach was found filled with a large quantity of fluid; its internal surface, throughout all its extent, was covered with a greyish substance, intermixed with greenish and bilious-looking particles; the mucous membrane was extensively reddened or inflamed, especially in the greater cul-de-sac, which was dark brown in color; near the pylorus, there was an extravasation of blood, and the mucous membrane was very red; the coats towards the pylorus were extraordinarily thick and hard, as if they had been tanned, and were very firm under the knife; the walls of the small bowels were slightly thickened, and coated with a yellowish-white granular substance; the large bowels were filled with a yellowish, offensive fluid. As Alum has been but little used by homoeopathic physicians, a large portion of the clinical remarks must be derived from allopathic sources; this is not to be regretted, because we take it for granted, that homceopathists claim to know, not only all that is contained in old-school writings and experience, but a great deal more. Hence we must take heed that our old-school brethren are not in possession of new or old facts with which we are not acquainted.-J. C. P. MouTH.-Very severe pain, burning sensation, and dryness of the mouth. THROAT.-Very sevee pains in the pharynx. Burning in the mouth, pharynx, and stomach. SToMACH.-Burning heat, and tearing pains in the stomach. Nausea and vomiting. Distention of the stomach. Intense thirst. When confined in the stomach, Alum causes inflammation of the entire mucous membrane, worse near the great cul-de-sac, where it is of a deep brown color. The walls of the stomach are much thickened at the pyloric extremity, and hardened as if tanned. The walls of the small intestines are slightly thickened, and lined with a light yellowish substance. Traces of Alum may be found in the stomach long after it has been taken. Taken internally, in large doses, Alum excites nausea, vomiting, griping, purging, and even an inflammatory condition of the intestinal canal,-effects which may perhaps be induced by small quan ALUM1NA. 169 tities in persons endowed with unusual or morbid sensibility of the stomach and bowels; as in the case of the lady in whom dangerous gastro-enteritis was apparently induced by a single dose of a solution containing between ten and twenty grains of burnt Alum. Ordinarily, however, tolerably large doses of Alum may be given without any unpleasant effects;-thus Prof. Dumeril has given a drachm, properly diluted, in chronic diarrhoeas, within twenty-four hours; Prof. Marc, two drachms in passive hamorrhages, within the same period of time, and MM. Kapeler and Gendrin have administered three drachms at one dose in colica-pictonum. BowEL.--Distention of the bowels. Burning pains in the small intestines. Copious solid stools. The walls of the small intestines are somewhat thickened, and lined with a light yellowish substance. REcTUM.-Smarting and burning at the rectum, after a solid stool; hapmorrhoidal tumors after a hard stool. KIDNEYS AND BLADDER.-When Alum has been absorbed into the system, it has been found shortly afterwards in the urine. But, in its passage through the kidneys and bladder, we are not aware of any peculiar sensations it produces. WINDPIPE.-Sense of constriction in the windpipe. Heat and burning in the throat and larynx. CHEST.-Oppression of the chest. Tightness across the upper part of the chest. Sense of heat and burning in the chest. SKIN.-Creeping and coldness of the skin, soon after large doses, followed by heat and tingling of the same parts. FEVER.-Fever, accompanied by intense thirst, continued nausea and vomiting, sleeplessness, agitation, animated expression of the face, pain and distention of the epigastric region, frequent pulse, and burning pains in the mouth, pharynx, and stomach. 15.-ALUMINA (OXYDE OF ALUMINUM). ALUM.-Argilla, Pure Clay.-Hahnemann's Chronic Diseases, Vol. II.-Duration of Action: 40 days in some cases. COMPARE WITH-Ars., Bar., Bell., Calc., Cham., Ignat., Ipec., Lach., Led., Magn, Mere., Nux.-v., Phosph., Plum., Rhus., Sil., Sulph.-It is particularly suitable after Bry., Lach., and Sulph.-Bry. is often of great use after Alum., when indicated. ANTIDOTES.-Bry., Cham., Ipec. RATIONALE OF ITS AcTIoN.-Alumina is allied to Calcarea, Baryta-c., Magnes.-carb., Silex, Carb.-vegetabilis, and Carb.-animalis, Graphite, and Sepia. Teste, with characteristic flippancy and as8 170 ALUMINA. sumption, asserts that it is the Sepia of chronic diseases. The deve. lopment of the curative powers of this drug are solely due to Hahne. mann, and even as yet, but little is known about, and less is done with it in the old school. Hahnemann recommended it especially in chronic disposition to eructations lasting for years, and to colds and catarrhs of the head of very long standing. Dr. Hirschel reports several cases of inflammation of the throat, chronic gonorrhcea, chronic induration of the testes, in consequence of gonorrheea; obstinate leucorrhcea, elevated papulous eruptions, and burning red, violently itching spots about the organs of generation, cured by Alumina. NERVOUS SYSTEM. Nerves of Motion.-It has been supposed to produce various pains and weaknesses in the nerves of motion and fibrous tissues, arising from arthritic or scrofulous irritation of these parts, or from an alkaline or phosphatic condition of some of the juices or fluids of these parts. Nerves of Sensation.-Here also it has been supposed to produce various changes of sensation and pains arising from the causes above alluded to, and others which cannot be more nearly designated. Ganglionic Nerves.-It probably acts more decidedly upon these than upon the cerebro-spinal nerves.-J. C. P. VASCULAR SYSTEM. Blood.-The peculiar action of Alumina upon the blood can only be vaguely hinted at; it is similar to that pro. duced by alkalies and alkaline earths in general, approaching towards a scorbutic or scrofulous condition of this fluid, marked by thinness of the blood, predominance of the white globules, deficiency of fibrin, albumen, iron, and fat, with a probable excess of water and chlorides, leading to scorbutic or dyscratic inflammations, ulcerations, and deposits.-J. C. P. 0 VENOUS SYSTEM.-It may act somewhat more decidedly upon this than upon the arterial, or rather it may tend to depotentize the arterial system in strict proportion as it may tend to cause a preponderance of the venous. Capillary Vessels.-This probably is the great field of the action of Alumina upon the blood and blood-vessels; this remedy doubtless tends to produce an excess of white blood, rather than of red; to prevent the action of the capillaries, and cause various ulcerative, scorbutic, and dyscratic capillary actions. GLANDULAR SYSTEM.-Alumina doubtless acts specifically upon the glands and lymphatics, and upon those nerves and vessels which supply and control the operation of these organs. This is evidenced ALUMINA. 171 by its specific action upon the cervical, follicular; and other glands, and upon the testicles. Mucous MEMBRANES.-Alumina seems to have a specific affinity for many of the mucous membranes, especially those of the nose, ears, throat, larynx, and sexual organs. SEROUS MEMBRANES.-Its action upon these parts' cannot be certainly made manifest; it seems to act more decidedly upon the mucous than upon the serous tissues. FIBROUS TISSUE.-It seems to be homoeopathic to various pains and disorders of the cellular or fibrous tissues, arising from or connected with a scorbutic, phosphatic, or scrofulous taint of the blood. MUSCULAR SYSTEM.-Its action upon this system is doubtless similar to that exerted upon the fibrous tissues in general. CELLULAR TISSUE.-It seems to act more decidedly upon the sub. cutaneous cellular tissue than upon the cutis-vera; at least acne, urticaria, paronychia-cellulosa, rhagades, &c., to which it is more or less homceopathic, are affections of the cellular tissue rather than of the skin proper.-J. C. P. CLINICAL REMARKS.-It may prove homoeopathic to several forms of chronic dyscratic fevers, or sub-acute inflammations, and to chronic and obstinate fever and ague, with a great predominance of coldness and debility, and to slow consumptive fevers under like circumstances. It may prove as useful as Baryta in the hypochondria of aged people, and in that arising from obstinate catarrhal and dyspeptic derangement. It may prove homoeopathic to the vertigo of aged people affected with an atheromatous or earthy deposit in the coats of the cerebral and cardiac arteries. It may rival Baryta in the prevention of apoplexy under these circumstances. It may also prove useful in brain and other affections, arising from the phosphatic diathesis.-J. C. P. The sleep-phenomena, to which this drug is homoeopathic, are symptomatic of other more important derangements of the organism. Among these conditions, may be ranked diminished power of the capillary vessels and nerves, and, as a consequence, diminished animal heat in the tissues supplied by them. It may prove useful against the chronic headaches which attend or follow obstinate or severe fever and ague. It is homceopathic to the roughness and pimply condition of the face and forehead, and the fissures and chapping of the lips, which attend disorders of menstruation in many young girls. Also against 172 ALUMINA. the clayey and earthen complexion and eruptions of the face and lips which follow fever and ague. It is homoeopathic to the weakness of the eyes and chronic conjunctivitis which is sometimes connected with leucorrhoea and disorders of menstruation. It is homoeopathic to ozcena and chronic catarrh; it should always be borne in mind when Baryta, Qalcarea, and Aurum fail to cure. It is homoeopathic to chronic and obstinate otorrhoea, arising from a scrofulous affection of the mucous membrane of the ears. In its primary action, it is homoeopathic to dryness of the mouth and throat, similar to that which occurs in typhoid fever; but this may be followed by a scrofulous or scorbutic state of these parts, attended with more or less profuse secretion. It may prove useful against some gum-boils, and scurvy of the mouth, but it is more than probable that most of the above so-called pathogenetic effects were accidental, as they were felt in decayed teeth and old stumps. It is homoeopathic to a very common and troublesome chronic affection of the pharynx, in which this organ looks as if it had been dried, glazed, or varnished, with or without considerable redness, and always with great dryness and stiffness of the throat, and more or less hoarseness.--J. C. P. It is homoeopathic to those forms of dyspepsia in which there is a deficiency of gastric juice and other gastric fluids. This may allow the food to ferment, followed by flatulence and Acetic-acid pyrosis. Teste says, he has often derived the greatest advantage from the use of this drug against diseases occurring in aged females, which had apparently been primarily seated in the sexual system, but whose peculiar symptoms had completely disappeared with the cessation of menstruatidon. Generally these were cases of dyspepsia, with rush of blood to the face after eating, tettery redness of the tip of the nose and upon the knees, sour eructations, vomiting, attended with paroxysms of suffocation, and returning every now and then, with such violence that the life of the patient seemed in jeopardy. These attacks of cramps in the stomach generally took place in the evening or at niight; the vomiting was soon followed by cutting pains, spasms in the bowels, cramps in the legs, and a violent diarrhoea, which relieved the majority of the symptoms. In one obstinate case, Alumina frequently produced a surprisingly speedy improvement; the vomiting and cramps of the stomach were permanently relieved, but the herpetic eruption on the nose, cheeks, and.ehin remained, and Teste says he has never succeeded in effecting a ALUMINA. 173 cure of this form of acne, nor does he believe that other practitioners have been more successful. Gratiola, Cicuta-virosa, and Carbo-animalis will often do a great deal when other remedies have failed.-J. C. P. Alumina is one of the most homocopathic remedies against constipation from very great dryness of the bowels; it should be used more frequently than Nux and Sulphur, as should Calcarea, Plumbum, Baryta-carb., Bismuth, &c. Dr. Ficinius has used it in diarrhIea-acida, and dysenteries, both grave and slight. According to Scila, Alumina is not exceeded by any other ant-acid remedy for celerity and certainty of action. Erdmann, of Dorpat, always used it with the greatest confidence in the diarrhoeas of children, arising from acidity in the prima-vie. Dr. Wiese, of Tnorn, gave it successfully in seven cases of diarrhoea in children, when caused by errors in diet, or when the presence of acidity of the stomach and bowels was more or less evident. Scila recommends it after four years' experience, not only in infants, against vomiting arising from acidity, and obstinate greenish diarrhoea, but also in children up to four years of age. He never gave it without benefit, and in the majority of cases it alone sufficed to effect a cure. In several old and neglected cases, in which the pains were very great, the remedy had to be continued for fourteen days before a cure was effected. It is said to be far superior to Magnes.-carb., and Cal. carea. It may prove useful in some scrofulous affections of the mucous membranes of the urethra, bladder, ureters, and pelves of the kidneys; also in phosphatic diseases of the urinary organs. It is homoeopathic to enlargement and induration of the testicles and to chronic gonorrhoea. Teste says he has seen a few doses of Alumina excite and maintain for two months (?) in succession, a tearing cough, every paroxysm of which was accompanied by involuntary emission of urine, which reduced the patient to despair. Every physician in full practice must have met with such cases, in which no Alumina had been given. It is homoeopathic to the dry irritating cough which occurs in the first stage of phthisis from scrofulous irritation of the pharyngeal and laryngeal mucous membranes. To hoarseness from dryness or even follicular ulceration, or thinning and absorption of the mucous membranes of the airpassages.-J. C. P. It is homoeopathic to slow and insidious dyscratic irritations and inflammations about the lungs and air-passages, especially when the mucous membranes and follicular and glandular parts are especially 174 ALUMINA. affected. In the first stage of tubercular consumption, when the cough is dry and hacking, or almost incessant. It is homocopathic to acnous and urticarious eruptions on the nape and back. Also to chronic enlargement and induration of the cervical glands. It is homoeopathic to scrofulous irritation of the nerves and fibrous tissues which simulate rheumatic pains; also to a chronic tendency to ulceration of the hands and fingers, and to subcutaneous corrosion of the cellular tissue, and to superficial felons. It is homoeopathic to the pains and weaknesses in the back and legs which attend phosphatic diseases of the urinary organs; also to swelling and pains in the legs and feet from atheromatous disease of the coats of the arteries; to rhagades, fissures, herpes, and tendency to ulceration about the toes.-J. C. P. Hahnemann recommends it in the following affections, provided the remedy is otherwise homceopathically indicated.* " Moroseness; fearfulness (easily starting up with fright); reluctance to labor; absence of the power of recollection; difliculty of thinking; vertigo; headache, attended with nausea; oppression in the forehead, and rush of blood to the eyes and nose, with bleeding from the nose; itching of the forehead; heaviness of the face (Hering); bloated places in the face, like bulbous excrescences (Hering); coldness in the eyes, when walking in the open air; in the evening, pressure' in the canthi of the eyes, as if from sand; the eyes are closed with pus; running of the eyes; buzzing in the ears; redness of the nose; tearing pains in the malar bone; dryness of the mouth; eructations; inclination to eructations for years; sourish risings; irregular appetite, which is sometimes great, sometimes wanting; frequent nausea; pain at the pit of the stomach, and in the hypochondria, wh'en stooping;' colic early in the morning; want of action of the rectum; itching of the anus; frequent urinating at night; difficult stools, attended with discharge of the prostatic fluid; excessive sexual desire; scanty menses; painful menstruation; leu. * NoTE.-The diseases which I have indicated in the preface to every remedy, are not to be considered as names of diseases, but merely as isolated symptoms, which have either decreased or disappeared when using the remedy under whose head they are mentioned. As these affections have not always been indicated with the necessary correctness, they should never be relied upon as indicating the disorders which will be cured by this special remedy; they are mentioned to inform the reader that reliable experience, obtained at the bed-side of the patient, has proved that certain remedies,which had been chosen agreeably to their pathogenetic symptoms, were curative in the diseases for which they had been administered.-JAaR. ALUMINA. 175 corrh a; disposition to catch cold, which lasts for years; coryza and cough; rawness in the throat; catarrh of the throat and chest; diffi. culty of breathing; asthma; cough; itching in the mammae; pain in the thyroid cartilage; palpitation and shocks of the heart; pain in the small of the back, during rest; paralytic heaviness of the arms pain in the arms on letting them hang down or stretching them in the bed; chapping and sense of excoriation of the hands; paronychia numbness, stiffness, and insensibility of the legs at night,; pain, as from fatigue, in the articulations of the foot when sitting; cold feet, followed by burning under the toes; tremor and twitches of the limbs; frequent aching of the limbs when sitting; disagreeable want of animal heat; bad consequences of chagrin; falling asleep late; light sleep; a great number of dreams during sleep; unrefreshing sleep, which is more like stupor; chills in the evening; fever and ague, beginning with chills, immediately after having eaten warm soup. "According to Bute, Bryonia is an excellent antidote against the fevers caused by Alumina; others consider Chamomilla and Ipecacuanha antidotes."? GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-Tearing and drawing, particularly in the limbs.-Feeling of constriction, particularly in the internal organs.-Dull bone-pains, with pressure.-Involuntary motions and convulsive jerks of single limbs.--Affections of the mucous membranes, sometimes accompanied with ulceration and purulent secretions?-~Scrofulous, ~arthritic, and rheumatic affections?-~Complaints arising from chagrin or from the abuse of Mercury?-~Congestion of blood to the chest and head, occasioned by suppression of the hoemorrhoidal flux?--~Spasmodic affections?-Lacerating or pressure in the limbs.-Sensation of paralysis in the muscles, principally in the morning.-Congestion of blood to the head; blackness before the eyes; giddiness, tingling in the ears, and drowsiness.-Inclination to convulsive laughter, in the evening, when in bed.Tremulous irritation of the whole nervous system; shaking pulsations through the whole body; sense of contraction in the feet, as if the tendons were too short; when he touches anything, he feels as if electrified.-*Involuntary convulsions and movements of the feet, fingers, and of the head and other parts, with twitchings in all the limbs.-Pain in the limbs, as if the bones were compressed; pressure in the joints.-Great liability to take cold.-Depression of strength, with lassitude, headache, dullness of the mind, chilliness, or teveriahness.-~Trembling of the limbs.-ODeficiency of animal heat 176 ALUMINA. CHARACTERISTIC PECULIARITIES.-MOSt of the symptoms come while sitting, and decrease when walking. SKIN.-Corrosive itching over the whole body, particularly in the evening after getting warm in the bed. Existing herpes get worse towards evening.-Itching rash on the arms and lower limbs, which bleed after scratching.-Small excoriations become inflamed.-~Rhagades.--OHumid scurf and gnawing tetters.-~The cutaneous troubles come on at every new and full moon. SLEEP.-Great drowsiness in the day-time, especially towards evening, succeeded by *wakefulness in the evening, from fancies crowding on his mind; followed by yawning, with and without drowsiness. -Restless night-sleep; he tosses about, and wakes frequently, with heat and anxiety, especially after midnight; *unrefreshing nightsleep, a mere slumbering, with sensation in the morning as if he had not slept enough; followed by *deep, sound sleep, especially towards morning, when he wakes with difficulty, frequently with languor, weariness, and yawning.-Symptoms at night, when in bed: uneasiness in the limbs and tossing about; heat and anxiety; throbbing in the roots of the teeth; cough, which disturbs sleep, and is succeeded by a dry heat; pinching pain and rumbling in the abdomen; headache, with pain from the bend of the knee down to the heel; spasm and oppression of the chest; anxiety, asthmatic oppression, and sweat while walking.-During the sleep: starting up as from fright; muttering, loud talking, and laughing; violent crying, sometimes with great restlessness, lamentations, expressions of disconsolate grief, moaning and groaning.-*A number of dreams at night; -particularly dreams with anxiety, or apprehensions of death after waking, or with nightmare; dreams with mental exertions; agreeable, vexatious, confused, disgusting, and frightful dreams.-In the morning on waking: lowness of spirits, as if oppressed with grief; and pain in the stomach, chilliness, nausea, and fever. FEVER.-Internal chilliness and shuddering, especially in the evening, with great sensitiveness to cold air; continuing even while in a warm room or in bed; or the whole night, with restless sleep; oor coming on immediately after eating the soup at dinner.-Cold creeps ing over the body towards evening, with beating in the forehead and occiput.-Hot cheeks and cold hands.-Bitterness of the mouth, flow of saliva, prostration of strength, pain in the head as if it would burst, and vertigo; want.of appetite, sleeplessness, and tossing about in the bed. Paroxysms of fever in the evening, consisting of chilli. ness and shuddering over the whole body, especially over the back and feet, sometimes with heat of the face, and alternations of coldness or ALU MINA. 177t warmth, or followed by heat 6f the body and sweat on the face-.Hteat over the whole body, generally without thirst; anxiou& sweat, with heat, especially at night,. or sudden paroxysms of heat, witb anxiety and palpitation of the heart. MORAL SYM'PToMS.-j--Sullen, joyless, and desponding mood, especially early in the morning on waking; weeping, groaning, and desire to be alone; disposition to look at everything unfavorably.-i *Anxiety, -anguish, oppressive and vague fearfulness, or uneasiness as if he had committed a crime.-Anxiety, with fear of an epil~eptid attack or loss of reason.-Despondency and fear of death.-0Apprehensiveness.-Nervousness; *tendency to start.-Thoughts of suicide on seeing blood or a knife.-Fitful mood; at times full of confidence, at times desponding.-Dissatisfied;. despairing; lowness of spirits; ill humor, vexed, grumbling; peevish, obstinate; quarrelsome, repulsive.-Smiles at everything contemptuously.-Serious; reflecting on himself; anxious or ill-humored.-Ennui, *no desire to do anything, especially anything serious-.-Listless.-Absence of mind; want of attentio'n when reading, and unsteadiness of ideas. SENSOa~IUM.-*Inability to recollect things. or follow up a train of thoug(hts.-Stupid dullness and numbness of the head, some'times with heat in it, particularly in the morning.-Stupefaction, with dread of falling forward.-* Vertigo, -particularly in the morning, increased by stooping;. reeling vertigo, as if he would fall over when walking (during which he staggers); vertigo as if eve~rything were turning in a circle. IIEAD.-Headache, sometimes on thie left side, aggravated by walking in the open air.-The head feels heavy; with palenes~s of couritenance and langour; the vertex feels painful to the touch.-Pressure in the forehead from without inward; or within outward; or' over the eyes in the evening, sometimes with a chill, or followed by noctu-rnal heat and sweat; sensation in the head as if its coittents were in a vice with a weight on the. top.-Feeling as if the brain were dashed to pieces or bruised; with redness of the cheeks.-S'tupefying tightness in the right temple, relieved by pressing upon it; tightness, with drawing and beating in the right side of the occiput.-ODrawing as if the hairs were pulled at, with inclination to vomit.-Lacerating pain in the head.-Stitches in the brain, sometimes with inclinatioel to vomit.-Boring in the temples, sometimes with tearing, in the evening.- Throbbing in the head, sometimes with stitches, pressure, or lacerating.-O Congestion of blood to the head, with pressure in the forehead and bleeding, of th~e nose.-Heat in. the, head'.-The h~eadache abates when it is rested'quietly upon a cushion. 8* 178 ALUMINA. SCALP.-Falling off and dryness of the hair: soreness to touch creeping and titillation of the hairy scalp, oitching of the forehead. --*Itching scales on the hairy scalp.-O~Humid scurf on the temples. EYEs.-Pressure on the eyes, with inability to open them; great photophobia; opressure in the canthi, in the evening, as from a grain of sand.-Lacerating in the upper margin of the orbits. Prickling, smarting, and violent itching of the canthi, eyes, and lids.-OFeeling of coldness in the eyes, when walking in the open air.--Burning in the eyes.-Redness of the eyes, especially of the right, with feeling of soreness, smarting, and dimness of sight.-Inflammation of the conjunctiva.-Stinging pimple on the lower lid; stye on the upper lid.-Falling off of the eye-lashes.-Weakness of the upper lids.Spasmodic closing of the lids, at night, with great pain when opening them.-#Copious lachrymation, -especially in the open air.Profuse secretion of mucus, with *nightly agglutination.-Dimsightedness, as if seeing through mist, obliging one to wipe his eyes constantly.-Everything has a yellow tinge.-Squinting of either.ye.-Twitchings and luminous vibrations and stars before the eyes, as in vertigo.-Light before the eyes when closing them. EARS.-Lacerating, boring, or pulsation in the ears.-Stitches in the ears, especially in the evening.-Itching in the ears, increased by rubbing.-Heat and redness of the ear.-Discharge of pus from the right ear.-Sensation as if something were before the ears.*Humming in the ears, or vibrations as from the tolling of bells when rising from bed; hissing in the ears; whistling; crepitation; snapping as if from electric sparks, especially when chewing or swallowing. -One's own voice appears altered to the right ear. NosE.-Ulceration of the nostrils, *which are sore and scurfy; with discharge of a quantity of thick, yellowish mucus.-oUlceration of the Schneiderian membrane, with pains in the root of the nose and the frontal sinuses.-*Bleeding from the nose, which is painful to the touch, *swollen and red.-ODischarge of pieces of dry, hard, yellow-green mucus.-The smell is weak; owanting; -or acute.-Frequent sneezing, without catarrh; with singultus.-*Stoppage of the nose.-Fluent coryza; in the left nostril, with stoppage of the right; followed by dry coryza and complete stoppage of both nostrils.-Disposition to catarrh, continuing for mat y years.OCoryza with cough. FACE.-Gloomy and desponding expression of countenance.-*Pale. ness of countenance; -alternate redness and paleness of the face; copper-colored cheeks, like those of drunkards.--Lancinations in the malar bones, and -in the right side of the face, with tearing in the ALUMINA. 179 terth.-Drawing in the jaws and cheeks; tension of the skin, with heat in the face, or as if the white of an egg were drying upon it.oThe face feels heavy and swollen.-Flushe&of heat.-Painful red spot on the left cheek.-Roughness of the skin of the face, especially on the forehead.-OBlotches on the face.- Violent itching of the face, *forehead, or -cheeks, with small pimples, either sore or painless.Frequent boils on the left cheek.-~oHumid scurf on the temples.Bluish lips, during and after an attack of fever.-The lips feel swollen; vesicles on the lips, and on the inner side.-Peeling off of the lips; dry, chapped lips. TEETH AND JAWS.-Lock-jaw.-Tension in the articulation of the jaw, with difficulty in opening the mouth, and stitches while opening it, which shoot up to the temples.-Drawing, lacerating, boring, cutting pain in the teeth, sometimes extending to the larnyx and temples.-The pain is most violent when chewing and pressing the teeth against one another.-Sensation as if the teeth were elongated. -Ulcerated condition at the root of every tooth.-Ulcers on the gums, discharging a kind of blood, which tastes saltish.-Drawing pain, with soreness of the gums.-Bleeding of the gums.-Swellings about the gums.-Thick, fetid mucus on the teeth.-Toothache of pregnant females. MouTH.-Soreness of the mouth, about the palate, tongue, and gums, as if burnt.-A number of little ulcers in the mouth.-*Dryness of the mouth, -on waking; followed by increased secretion of saliva, with astringent sensation in the mouth, and a musty, putrid smell; ptyalism.-Constant secretion of saliva in the mouth; even with dryness of the throat.-Tongue feels rough, and is coated white, with good taste; or is yellowish-white, with bitter taste. THROAT AND (ESOPHAGUS.-Pain in the throat when swallowing. -Pressure in the throat, or in the middle of the chest, when swallowing food or drink, as if the cesophagus were compressed.-Constrictive pressure, tension, spasmodic drawing, or stinging in the throat during deglutition.-Roughness and scraping in the throat, with hawking.-Burning and soreness of the throat.-Chronzic inflammation of the fauces.-Tedious swelling of the tonsils.-The pain in the throat is most violent in the evening and at night, and is relieved,by warm food or drinks.-Great dryness of the throat and mouth, as f parched, with violent thirst; or with rawness.-Copious accumula. tion of a thick, tenacious mucus, particularly in the evening, and when waking; frequent hawking and difficult raising of phlegm. TASTE AND APPETITE.-Taste as if from blood in the mouth; sweet taste in the throat, with giddiness and subsequent raising of 180 ALUMINA. bloody mucus.-Astringent, bitter, and slimy taste; or flat, insipid, metallic, sourish-salt taste; or acid and rancid taste in the throat.Everything has a flat taste.-Entire absence of hunger and appetite; nothing has a taste to it; oirregular appetite, at times excessive, at times deficient.-Aversion to meat; hunger without appetite.Great desire for vegetables, fruit, and liquid food.-After eating, and principally in the evening: hiccough, pressure in the stomach, pinching in the abdomen, violent nausea, tremor;. or aversion to food, and languor.-After eating potatoes: pain in the stomach, nausea, inclination to vomit, and colic.-A good deal of thirst the whole day, also at dinner. GASTRIC StYMTOMS.-Heartburn.-Waterbrash.-OInclination to eructate, of many years' standing; *frequent eructations: empty; or bitter, with loathing; or rancid, burning, acrid, and corrosive; *or sour, -in the evening, in bed, with burning in the throat, and gulping up of a sour mucus.-Frequent nausea: -especially during the chilly paroxysms; with chilliness; after a walk, with headache, paleness of countenance, want of appetite, withfaintfcling at night -Qualmishness in the stomach, pharynx, and oesophagus.-Nausea. with inclination to vomit when standing; with strangling sensation in the oesophagus; vomiting of mucus and water, preceded by retching STOMACH.-Violent pain in the stomach, with tenderness to pres sure.-Violent pressure and soreness at the pit of the stomach, and great oppression of the chest.-The stomach feels bloated.-Twisting and constriction in the stomach, extending into the chest and throat, attended with labored breathing. Sensation of pressure and con traction at the pit of the stomach, extending into the chest, and between the scapulae.-Drawing pain in the stomach, with difficulty of breathing.-Sensation of coldness in the stomach. HYPoCHoNDRIA.-Stitohes and cutting pain in the region of the liver on stooping or raising the body. Long-continued burning and stitches in the hypochondriac region.-Pain in the hypochondria and epigastrium, when stooping. ABDOMEN.-.Continual pressure, weight, and burning in the abdomen.-Pinching or writhing, or colicky pinching and lacerating, with chilliness in the abdomen, relieved by heat.-Flatulent colic.-~Co, lica-plumbea?-Violent cutting and rumbling in the abdomen, prin. cipally in the evening, succeeded by an oppression of the chest, and difficult breathing.-Drawing pain in the abdomen.-Colic, followed by diarrhoea, and pain in the region of the kidneys. Protrusion and incarceration of inguinal hernia? Distention of the abdomen, with rumbling and emission of flatulence. ALUMINA. 181 STOOL AND ANUs.-Retention of stool.-*Tenesmus, lasting a long while, and succeeding a troublesome pressure in the abdomen.-*In. activity and paralysis of the rectum.-*Hard and difficult stool, attended with pain in the rectum.-*Bearing down, during an evacuation; the stools hard, knotty, and scanty. Bright stools covered with slime, preceded by colic.-Stools almost liquid, with a burning sensation in the rectum. Chronic diarrhcea, attended with tenesmus. Chills over the whole body, during an evacuation, in the evening. *Sensation of pricking and excoriation in the rectum, after an evacua. tion. Chronic difficult evacuation of hard stools, with cutting pain in the orifice of the rectum, succeeded by a jet of blood. Drops of blood and bloody mucus, during an evacuation.-Chronic piles.*Itching and burning of the anus. Pressure and stitches in the perineum and rectum. URINARY ORGANS-Pains in the kidneys and loins, when walking or stooping, as if bruised. Pressure and drawing in the region of the bladder; itching and burning in the urethra.-Feeling of weakness in the urethra and the genital organs. Frequent desire to make water, with an increased secretion of aqueous urine, sometimes with burning.-Reddish, turbid urine, leaving a sandy sediment. Scanty urine, or less copious. A thick, white sediment in the urine.-White, turbid urine, as if chalk had been stirred with it. Phosphates?Burning when urinating, much worse in the evening.-Involuntary emission of urine. MALE SEXUAL ORGANS.-Pressure in or tickling of the sexual organs and the thighs.-Secretion of smegma behind the prepuce.Painful contraction in the spermatic cord and testicle. Sexual desire increased or suppressed.-Numerous erections in the evening and during the night, when lying in bed, and in the afternoon when sitting. Frequent and violent erections, and involuntary emissions of semen. Symptoms are worse after a pollution.-Pressure in the perineum during erections. FEMALE SEXUAL ORGANS.-The menses are scanty and pale; too soon; or do not appear till the third month.-Uneasy sleep before the appearance of the menses; with many dreams, and rush of blood, heat in the face, headache, and palpitation of the heart on waking.-. Flow of mucus from the vagina before the appearance of the menses, with tremor, lassitude, and a bearing down sensation, with cutting pains in the abdomen during an evacuation; *or attended with pinch. ing, writhing, and pressing, like labor-pains. During the menses: *pinching in the abdomen, and lassitude; or frequent urinating, the urine corroding the genital organs.-Painless LEUCORRH(EA.-*CHRO 182 ALUMINA. NIC leucorrhoea, continuing three days after the menses.-Acrid leucorrhcea, irritating the genital parts. Leucorrhoea like lymph, in the afternoon and night. *Chronic abundant leucorrhcea of transparent mucus in the day-time. Chronic leucorrhcea, clear, like water or transparent mucus; stiffening the linen. Chronic leucorrhoea of yellow mucus. Itching in the vagina during the leucorrhcea.-In pregnant females: ~Toothache; oconstipation; Oconstipation of infants; oitching in the mammae. LARYNX AND TRACHEA.-Rattling in the chest, caused by mucus. -Hoarseness; roughness of the throat. Violent tickling in the throat. Irritation in the larynx, inducing cough. Cough, with clawing and tearing in the throat; and violent pain in the head. Chronic, violent, short, dry cough, with sneezing; and tearing, lancinating and pinching pain from the nape of the neck to the right axilla. Chronic dry cough, at night, with dryness of the throat; coming on suddenly early in the morning, and passing off quickly, or else continuing when walking in the open air, and discontinuing in the room. -Chronic continual dry cough, attended with vomiting, stoppage of the breath, and lancinating pain, extending from the left side of the abdomen to the hypochondrium and pit of the stomach. Long turns of a violent dry cough, during the day. *Chronic cough, with copious expectoration, especially early in the morning.-Sensation of stricture in the throat. CHEST.-*Oppression of the chest. Oppression, seething, and pulsations in the chest. Chronic stricture across the chest.-Weight on the chest, with shortness of breath, without cough. Oppressive pain in the chest. Pressure and oppression of the chest, with shortness of breath and irritation to cough.-Oppressive pain in the middle of the chest, alternatingwith a tightness and violent palpitation of the heart, especially after dinner; violent oppressive pain in the chest, at night.-Constriction of the chest. Chronic soreness of the chest and in the pit of the stomach, with fatiguing cough, running of the eyes, and tenacious phlegm. Erratic stitches in the chest, sometimes aggravated by breathing, sometimes burning; lancination, aggravated by the slightest motion.-Boring pain, aggravated by breathing, relieved by raising the trunk.-Chilliness in the sternum.-Heat in the chest with stitch.-*Palpitation of the heart, on waking. Fre. quent palpitation of the heart; oshocks in the region of the heart.Burning eruption on the chest.-~Pain in the thyroid cartilage when touching it. BACK.-*Gnawing pain in the sacrum, relieved by stretching, and ascending to between the shoulders.-Lancinations.-Tearing and ALUMINA. 183 Jerkings in the small of the back, especially in the evening, during motion.-Pain as from bruises in the sacrum and back.-Violent pain, stitches, and shooting pains all along the back, sometimes aggravated by breathing or stooping. Pain in the back, as if a hot iron were thrust through the lower vertebrae. NECK.-Painful drawing in the muscles of the neck; increased on moving the head.-Itching in the nape, and stitches in the glands of the right side of the neck. Stinging in the left side of the neck, relieved by pressing upon the part, with tearing in the head and stitches in the ears.-Drawing, pressure, and swelling of the left side of the neck.-Stiffness of the muscles of the neck. SUPERIOR EXTREMITIES.-Pain in the shoulder-joint, as if sprained, especially on moving the arm.-Stitches, lacerating pain, lameness, and pain as if bruised in the arms, changing from side to side. -Great lassitude in the arms, which one is scarcely able to lift.Burning sensation and tension of the upper arms and fingers, as from a red-hot iron. Soft, red swelling of the arm, with violent stitches of pain.-Pain as if strained in the muscles of the upper arm; drawing pain and lancinations in the upper arm and the elbow, the pain seems to be in the bones. Lancinating pain, as if sprained, in the elbow and wrist-joint.-Drawing, lacerating pain in the arms. Para. lytic sensation in the arms. HANDS.-Painful sensation of the wrists. Burning itching of the hands; the skin peels off.-Coldness of the hands.-Rough, chapped, readily-bleeding hands.-Gnawing behind the finger-nails, with tingling along the arm, as high up as the clavicle. Swelling of the fingers.-The tips of the fingers are disposed to ulcerate; with lancinating pains.-OPANARITIA. INFERIOR EXTREMITIES.-Stitches and lacerating pains in the hips and pelvis, and in the thighs and legs, principally when at rest.Heaviness of the legs; oprincipally in the hips; he can scarcely drag them; when walking he staggers, and has to sit down; great weariness of the legs when sitting.-Pain in the bend of the knee, rendering it difficult to extend the foot. Drawing pain in both knees, when ascending the stairs. Violent lacerating in the knees and patcllce; and from the knees down through the toes, with a sensation of swelling of the knees; trembling of the knees; weariness of the legs; tearing and drawing pain in the leg; tension and burning in the external surface of the right calf.-Frequent cramps in the calves when laying one foot across the other, or standing upon the toes; or as if the tendons were too short, after rising from a seat; heaviness of the feet, with great lassitude of the legs. Lacerating 184 AMBRA GRISEA. pain in the feet. Weariness in the feet when sitting.-Pain in the soles of the feet, when stepping upon them, as though they were tender and swollen; itching of the toes with redness, as if frozen, worse after scratching, in the evening. Herpes between the toes. It is extraordinary that this remedy is not more frequently used in chronic affections, if we take into consideration the careful provings it has been submitted to.-ED. 16.-AMBRA GRISEA. AMBR.-Ambergris. Grey Amber.-Hahnemann's "Materia Medica Pura," Vol. I.-Duration of Action: 40 days in chronic affections. COMPARE WITH-Cale., Cham., Graph., Lycop., Nux.-v., Phosph., Phosph.-ac., Puls., Sabad., Sep., Staph., Verat., Verb. ANTIDOTES.-Camph., Nux.-v., Puls.-It antidotes Staph., Nux.-v. RATIONALE OF ITS ACTION.-By some the Grey Amber is supposed to be a tallow-like product from the gall-bladder of the whale. According to Pereira, it is produced from the sperm whale, and seems to be the indurated faeces (perhaps somewhat altered by disease) oi the animal. Mr. Beale collected some of the semi-fluid faeces; and found that the dried mass had all the properties of Ambergris. It has a pleasant Musk-like odor, which is supposed to be derived from the squid, or Sepia-moschata, on which the whale feeds; in support of this opinion, it must be mentioned that the horny beaks of this animal are found imbedded in the masses of Ambergris. Swediaur was the first to trace its origin to the sperm whale; Lecleuse was the first to. suggest that it might be hardened and altered faeces; Home the first to hint that it might be a hardened and altered secretion from the liver of the whale, or a kind of gall-stone; Oken supposed that it was indurated bile-resin, which opinion is strengthened by the chemical analysis of Pelletier and Caventou; while J. J. F6rey conjectured that it was a species of adipocere, arising from the decompo. sition of dead Sepia.octopedia, and the other kinds of Sepia, which emit an Amber or Musk-like odor, and bases his opinion on the fact that the beaks and bones of those cuttle-fish are found in Ambergris but, as these are also the most common food of the whale, it may have a double origin, one from the faeces of the whale, and the other from the spontaneous decomposition of dead cuttle-fish. When genuine, Ambergris has a peculiarly pleasant odor, not easily described or imitated, and which is exceedingly diffusive, especially in solution, so that a very minute quantity is perceptible even when mixed with other perfumes; a grain or two rubbed down with sugar, and added AMBRA GITSEA. 185 to a hogshead of claret, is very perceptible in the wine, and gives it a flavor by some considered as an improvement.-J. C. P. Boswell noticed, after taking thirty grains, quickness of the pulse, increase of muscular power, and of sight and hearing; also greater activity of mind and of the sexual power. It was formerly much celebrated as a stimulant and anti-spasmodic, supposed to produce excitation and strengthening of the whole nervous system, and even to prolong life. In the East, it has long been used as an aphrodisiacum; hence its action may be the opposite in this respect of that of Agnus-castus, Conium, Camphor, &c. According to Noack and F. Hofstetter, Ambra is said to exert a remarkably specific action on the organ of hearing; and as curative effects, old-school physicians have noticed increase of muscular power, relief from intellectual weakness and mental depression, increased power of seeing and hearing, and increase of the sexual power and fluids. Its action has been compared by old-school physicians to that of Musk, Castor, Coffee, Valerian, &c., &c. It had also an ancient reputation for causing the reappearance of suppressed eruptions, such as itch and herpes. On account of its stimulating properties, Chaumeton and Cloquet were led to give it in typhus fever.-J. C. P. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.- Spasms and *convulsions of the muscles.-Lacerating or cramping pains in the muscles; aching pains in internal organs; lacerating pains in the joints, frequently on one side of the body only.-~Drawing through the limbs, and ocutting in the hands and feet.-Tingling inquietude in all the limbs, with anxiety, only in the day-time; agitation of the blood, and accelerated circulation, with increased debility of the body after a walk in the open air; he feels the throbbing of the arteries like the tick of a watch. Conversation produces fatigue, heaviness of the head, and restlessness.-Nervousness, with great irritability of temper and impatience.-*Great languor: especially in the morning in bed, -and particularly in the lower limbs; sometimes relieved by walking; weariness and pain in all the limbs; sense of weight in the body, and weariness; prostration of strength; giving way of the knees; weakness, especially in the feet; a sort of insensibility; sudden weakness, early in the morning, with inability to walk alone, and cold sweat upon the forehead and hands; he has to lie down, owing to a feeling of weakness in the stomach, and giddiness.---Cramps in the body.- Jerks and twitches of the limbs, -the whole night, with coldness of the body.-~Complaints incident to old age.? CHARACTERISTIC PECULIARITIES.-Many of the symptoms make their appearance during sleep, and abate after rising; many othei 186 AMBRA GRISEA. symptoms are aggravated in the evening, when in a recumbent posture and by warmth.-Many symptoms are relieved by a walk in the open s.ir, and by resting on the part affected, but reappear when sitting down. SKIN.-*Numbness of the skin as if asleep, -early in the morning "om waking.-*Itching and burning of the skin, oas if from the itch; causes suppressed itch and herpes to reappear upon the skin.-~Burning herpes.-oDryness of the skin. SLEEP.-*Drowsiness in the day-time, -with inclination to stretch one's limbs, followed by sleeplessness the whole night, without any apparent cause; sleepless until morning, when he falls into a slumber, disturbed with fanciful wanderings.-*Restless night-sleep, full of dreams; he wakes frequently at night.-At night. uneasiness in the whole body; pressure in the epigastrium, with restless sleep; lacerating pain, with pressure from the occiput, and in the forehead, after falling asleep; heat in the head before midnight, and uneasiness in the occiput after midnight.-On waking in the morning: great weariness, especially in the upper part of the body, dullness of the head, nausea in the pit of the stomach, aversion to getting up from bed, and sensation as if the eyes had been closed too tightly.Anxious and vexatious dreams, with talking during sleep; also disturbing sleep. FEVER.-Chilliness: with great weariness and desire to sleep.At night: coldness of the body, and twitches of the limbs, with restless sleep, or internal chilliness, which does not p6rmit him to fall asleep, or which wakes him frequently; ochilliness of single parts, followed by heat in the face.-Flushes of heat, with anxiety about the heart; flushes of heat in the face and over the body, every quarter of an hour.-Profuse night-sweat.-Sweat the whole day; worse during a walk, especially on the abdomen and thighs. MORAL SYMPTOMS.-Great restlessness the whole day, with oppression of the chest; nervousness of long duration.-Anxiety in the evening.-Great lowness of spirits; indifference to joy or sorrow; Odisconsolateness; -sad thoughts, with qualmishness about the heart and sadness of mood; despair,; ~loathing of life.-Vexed, quarrelsome, disposed to whine and to be vehement.-Alternation of lowness of spirits and vehemence.--~Aversion to talking or laughing.-~Embarrassed manners in society. SENsORIUM.-Dullness of the head, every morning; it feels muddled as after nocturnal revelling.-Great weakness of the head, withchilli ness about it, or vertigo.-Dullness of the mind; weak memory.-- Vertigo; especially when walking in the air, obliging him to lie down, with weakness in the stomach. AMBRA GRISEA. 187 HEAD.-Headache: in the forehead, with apprehension of losing his reason; in the sinciput and forehead, with pressure from above downward, every other day, commencing in the morning, with heat of the head, burning of the eyes, paleness of face; or heaviness of the head, in the evening, on the top of the head; or in the whole of the head, with stinging pains; in small parts of the occiput, or in the left frontal eminence.-Continuous headache, as if a catarrh in the head would set in.-Rush of blood to the head, especially when listening to music.-Crampy sensation in the head, from temple to temple.-Drawing in the head, with pressure from the nape of the neck to the sinciput; the pressure being afterwards felt in the occiput.-Lacerating pain in the head, with paleness of face and coldness of the left hand.-Stitches. above the left temple, from without inward in the head; violent stitches, in the evening, darting upwards in the direction of the occiput; painful lancinations while making an exertion, which are felt at every step, and abate in a recumbent posture.-Dartings in the head. SCALP.-Painful spot in the occiput; tearing with pressure on the top of the head; whizzing noise about the temples.-*The hair feels sore when touched; *falling off of the hair.-Pimples on the forehead. EYEs.-Pressure in the eyes, as if they had been closed too tightly; or as if they were lying deep in the sockets, especially early in the morning.-Lacerating in the eye, and in the parts surrounding it.Smarting in the eyes; as if dust were lodged in them, with pressure; or with lachrymation.-Burning in the right eye; and about the lids.-Itching. of the lids, as if a stye would form; around the eyes, violent, titillating.-Inflammatory redness of the white of the eye, "*and injected condition of the vessels.-*Dimness of sight, -as through fog; obscuration of sight. EARs.-Frequent tearing in the right ear, and behind the ears.Tension about, and tingling, itching, and titillation in the ears.*Boring, oringing, and *zohistling in.the ears, -in the afternoon; crepitation and snapping, as from electric sparks in the ears.-Diminished hearing; deafness of one ear. NosE.-Bleeding from the -nose, especially in the morning. Continuous dryness of the nose, a biting irritation and frequent desire to sneeze, with tingling in the nose; frequent sneezing.-Dry coryza; "*stoppage of the nose, -with a feeling of soreness; headache when blowing the nose; catarrhal feeling in the forehead and cyes.-OChro. nic suppression of catarrh. FACE.-Spasmodic tremor of the muscles of the face.-Flushes of 188 AMBRA GRISEA. heat in the face.-Jaundiced complexion.-Red spots on the cheek -Corrosive itching in the face.-Pimples on the face.-Hot lips. TEETH AND JAWS.-Stinging, drawing, and lacerating pain in carious teeth, aggravated by warm, allayed by cold substances.-Bleed. ing of the gums, especially of those of the right lower jaw.-The gums are painful and swollen. MOUTH.-Fetid smell from the mouth.-Dryness of the mouth, tongue, and lips, early in the morning when waking; sometimes the parts feel numb.-Smarting in the mouth, with sensation as if the parts were excoriated, and with inability to eat anything solid on account of the pain; vesicles in the mouth, with burning pain.Rheumatic pain in the tongue and fauces; scraping sensation about the palate.-The tongue has a greyish-yellow coating. THROAT AND (ESOPHAGUS.-Scraping in the throat, as 'in catarrh; dryness early in the morning.-Pain as if a foreign body were lodged in the throat.-Secretion of mucus in the throat, with roughness and scraping; or with hawking, gagging, and vomiting.--~Choking in the throat, when swallowing food.-~Soreness in the throat. APPETITE AND TASTE.--~Insipid, rancid taste in the mouth; -(bitter taste, in the morning on waking).-~Loss of appetite.-After dinner: anguish and pressure in the pit of the throat, as if food were lodged ihere.-Acidity in the mouth after drinking milk. GASTRIC SYMPTOMS..-Frequent empty eructations, -after dinner or in the afternoon; loud and bitter, or *frequent sour eructations; *ineffecual eructations; or Otasting of the ingesta.-Frequent heartburn while walking in the open air, with ineffectual eructations; acrid rising in the throat, every evening, with sensation as if the stomach were deranged.--Nausea and ovomiting. STOMACH AND HYPOCRONDRIA.-Feeling of weakness in the stomach, with vertigo.-Spasm of the stomach.-Pressure in the region of the liver. ABDOMEN.-Pressure in the abdomen, and in the epigastrium, with coldness of the hands and feet.-Crampy sensation in the abdomen, succeeded by a cutting pain in the epigastrium, or a fermentation and bubbling sensation in the epigastrium.-Violent spasms in the abdomen.-Tightness and distention of the -abdomen, after eating or drinking; *pain from incarceration of flatulence, -principally in the right"side; emission of inodorous flatulence, after pressure in the abdomen.-Sensation as if the parts in the abdomen were compressed, early in the morning.-Cutting in the abdomen: very violent in the evening and after midnight, with general sweat; or with loose, diarrhceic stools, early in the morning;-Stitches over AMBRA GRISEA. 189 the hips.-Twitchings in the abdominal muscles in the evening, soreness of the muscles, when coughing or turning the body.-Feel ing of coldness in the abdomen, sometimes only in one side. STOOL AND ANUs.-Frequent ineffectual urging to stool; crampy sensation in the abdomen, especially in the right side, after an ineffectual urging; *constipation; -scanty stool; ~irregular intermittent stool, sometimes every other day, followed by copious, loose, lightbrown stool.-After stool: pressure in the hypogastrium, weakness in the pit of the stomach, and constant urging.-Pain in the rectum and bladder; urging titillation of the rectum.-Stinging, smarting, and itching of the anus.-Discharge of blood with the stool; 0varices of the rectum; hemorrhoids. URINARY ORGANS.-Increased secretions of urine, with inability to retain it, in the morning.-The urine is turbid during the emission, and dark brown; or light brown, with brown sediment, the urine itself having a yellow color; urine with a reddish cloud; having an acrid smell after standing awhile; mixed with blood; scanty urine, with reddish sediment after a couple of hours.--Sourish smell of the urine.-Burning of the orifice of the urethra and in the anus. MALE SEXUAL ORGANS.-Lacerating in the glans; or pain as if ulcerated.-Burning in the region of the vesiculae-seminales.Itching in the glans. FEMALE SEXUAL ORGANS.-Burning in the genital organs, with discharge of a few drops of blood, especially after walking and a hard stool.-Pain as of soreness, and violent itching of the pudendum; swelling and soreness of the labia.-The menses are too early.Discharge of blood between the menses.-During the menses the left leg looks blue, on account of the distended varices, with pressing pain.-*Leucorrhoea:.(only at night); discharge of thick mucus, with stitches in the vagina before the discharge; discharge of pieces of a bluish-white mucus from the vagina.-Inflammation of the ovaries.? LARYNX AND TRACHEA.-Hoarseness and roughness of the voice.Accumulation of a greyish mucus, which it is difficult to cough up, with scraping in the throat.-Burning titillation from the larynx to the abdomen.-Tickling in the throat, inducing cough.-Cough: excited by a scraping sensation in the throat.-Deep, dry cough, with confluence of water in the mouth, and subsequent scraping in the throat.-Cough, with occasional violent paroxysms; a kind of whooping cough; *spasmodic cough, oespecially in slender persons; with eructations and hoarseness.-Cough, with expectoration of white mu. cus and coryza; cough, with saltish expectoration.- With the cough./ 190 AMURA GRISEA. opressing in the temples; -itching in the throat and in the region of the thyroid gland; pain in the side, below the pit of the stomach; sore pain in the throat; pressure in the umbilical region. CHEST.-Fetid breath, in the morning on waking.-Oppression and tightness of the chest, with uneasiness, impeding a deep inspiration.O-~Shortness of breath.-~Asthmatic complaints of children and scrofulous persons?-Oppression of the chest, extending to the back between the scapulse, and relieved for a short while by eating. -Wheezing.-Feeling of rawness, and burning lancination in the chest, extending through to the back; in the right half of the chest a violent lancination, arresting the breathing.-Pressure in the chest. -~Nightly tremor in the chest.-Pain as if bruised, with oppression of the chest, relieved by eructating.-Anxiety about the heart, with arrest of breathing and flushes of heat; palpitation of the heart during a walk in the open air, with paleness of countenance; during the palpitation of the heart he experiences a pressing in the chest as from some foreign body.-Burning with pressure, aggravated by pressing upon the part; rheumatic pain in the right side; pressure with lacerating in the left. BACK, SACRAL REGION.-Stitches in the small of the back, aggravated by movement.--~Stiffness in the small of the back, after sitting. -Pressing pain in the small of the back, from within outward, with great weight.-Painful tension in the lumbar muscles; rheumatic pain, with tension in the back.-Burning, with stinging-rheumatic pain in the scapula; drawing with pressure in the nape of the neck. AaMs.-*The arms go to sleep easily; *when lying down upon them; *while carrying something in the hand, also at night (the right arm), *with numbness -of the left arm, in rest; of the hands, at night; tingling in the thumb as if gone to sleep.-Lacerating in the arms.-Drawing: in the shoulder, fingers, and thumb, with pressure in the right fore-arm; rheumatic pain from the thumb to the wrist-joint.-Stitches in the arms.-Pain in the shoulder as if sprained and lame; in the evening with drawing.-~Tremor of the arms; -bubbling sensation and jerking in the arm.-Lameness of the hand. *Cramp in the hands; ~in some cases only when taking hold of anything.-(Painful swelling and stiffness of the articulations of the fingers and thumb, when in a state of rest).-Continuous coldness of the hands; particularly in the evening, with chilliness of those parts.-Itching of the hands. LOWER LIMBS.-Lacerating in the lower limbs; rheumatic lacerat. ing in the leg?-Sensation in the thigh and legs as if asleep, with weight or rigidity of the muscles. -Lameness of the knee, as if A MMONIACUM. 191 sprained, aggravated in the evening.-Intense and painful coldness of the legs, particularly in the evening.-Cramp in.the thighs and calves, almost every night; buzzing sensation in the calves and feeq; tingling and numbness of the feet, when lying down, with fainting and obscuration of sight on rising, followed by vomiting of bile; he is obliged to lie down again.--~Stiffness of the tarsal joint; of the feet, with great weariness; *the feet are painful when walking, -the heel and the left tarsal joint are painful; Opain in the bottom of the feet, as from subcutaneous ulceration; arthritic pain in the tarsal joints and in the ball of the big toe; stinging in the left foot, in the heel, in the ball of the big toe.-~Swelling of the feet; -of the left malleolus, with pain when beginning to walk; (pain in the legs up to the knees).-Itching of the toes and interior of the bottom of the feet, not removed by rubbing.-Cold feet.-*Burning of the bottom of thefeet.-~Lancinations in the chilblains on the toes. 17.-AMMONIACUM. AMMONIAC.-Gummi Ammoniacum.-See Homcopathic Gazette, 4cc. Duration of Action? RATIONALE OF ITS AcTIoN.-Ammoniac is the concrete juice of an umbelliferous plant denominated Dorema-ammoniacum, six or seven feet in height, growing in Persia and Afghanistan. All parts of the plant contain a milky juice. At certain seasons this exudes through punctures made in the plant, and hardens in the shape of tears, which are collected for use. It is exported from Bushire, and usually reaches Europe and this country through the ports of Hindostan. Though usually imported from Bombay, it occasionally comes from the Levant. It is said to be a stimulant, although Trousseau and Pidoux deny that it has any stimulant properties whatever, having taken it in two-drachm doses without observing any such effect. Still, large doses are said to cause congestions, violent pains in the head, especially in the occiput and forehead; pains in the eyes and dim-sightedness, aching in the chest and spitting of blood, restlessness, loss of appetite, relaxation and weakness of the stomach, and diarrhoea. Wood says, like many other stimulants, it may be given so as to prove diaphoretic, diuretic, and emenagogue, although its principal action is manifested upon the pulmonary, gastric, intestinal, and urinary mucous membranes. Again, it is asserted, that is not merely a stimulant, but a nervous 192 AMMONIACUM. stimulant, although much less powerful and useful in nervous affe3. tions (except in those which arise from primary disorder of the mucous membranes) than Assafoetida, Galbanum, and Olibanum. It is generally regarded as a trivial remedy, but that is only because it is so frequently used in inappropriate cases, and in too large or too small doses, and at improper times and stages of the diseases against which it is suited.-J. C. P. GENERAL EFFECTS UPON THE NERVOUS SYSTEM.-In addition to other properties, it has been supposed to possess those of a nervous stimulant, in a somewhat less degree, however, than Assafootida and Galbanum. In this capacity it has been supposed to be useful in some affections of the optic nerve, in neuralgic and colicky affections of the bowels, in nervous and asthmatic affections of the chest; but in all these disorders its action on the nerves is probably secondary to that upon the mucous membranes of these parts. Nerves of Motion.-It probably acts more decidedly upon the nerves of motion than upon those of sensation. It seems to exert a specific action upon the motor nerves of the chest, abdomen, and limbs, as evidenced by the cramps and pains in the chest and bowels, and the rheumatic pains in the limbs which it removes. ON THE VASCULAR SYSTEM.-Although, when used externally, it acts as a local irritant, often producing a papular eruption, and sometimes considerable inflammation of the skin, yet it is generally thought to exert a very moderate excitant influence over the circulation. In large doses, it often occasions a feeling of heat, weight, or uneasiness in the stomach. ON THE BLOOD.-ItS action on this fluid is unknown; it doubtless tends rather to increase the white than the red globules. FEVER AND PULsE.-Increased circulation in the capillaries; pulse small, corded, quick, and hard; tendency to chilliness and perspiration. ON THE LYMPHATICS AND GLANDS.-It has generally been supposed to exert a specific action upon the lymphatics, glands, and absorbents, and has been much used to promote the resolution of scrofulous tumors, chronic swelling of the joints, venereal nodes and tumefactions, and enlargements of the liver. It is said to increase the flow of lymph more than any other gum-resin. ON THE MUCOUS MEMBRANES.--ThiS is apparently the great centre of the action of Ammoniacum; it doubtless acts more specifically upon these parts, and upon the mucous follicles and muciparous glands, than upon any other tissues. It is homoeopathic to catarrhal affections of many of the mucous membranes, and also to catarrhal 193 AMMONIACUM. rheumatic affections, and to scrofulo-spasmodic affections, such as scrofulous ophthalmia, when attended with much spasm of the eyelids; scrofulous bronchitis, when attended with spasmodic or asthmatic affections of the muscular fibres of the bronchial tubes, and in chronic or scrofulous affections of the intestinal mucous membrane, especially when attended with spasmodic or colicky affections of the bowels. Vogt says it acts more powerfully than Assafoetida upon condensed secretions of mucus and lymph, influencing especially the mucous membranes of the chest, abdomen, and genitals. Besides increasing the flow of mucus, it is said undoubtedly to possess the power of rendering a thick and tough secretion more serous, and hence is thought to be more suitable in blenorrhoeas of viscid, than of merely profuse mucus. In fact, it is regarded as a mucum incidens et resolvens. It acts much less decidedly upon the serous membranes and cellular tissue.-J. C. P. SKIN.-A papular eruption is frequently caused by the application of Ammoniac plaster, which occasionally increases to a quite considerable degree of inflammation of the skin. Dr. Duncan has described a fatal case of diffuse inflammation following its use in a case of diseased knee-joint.--J. C. P. CLINICAL REMARKS.-It is homoeopathic to the dullness of mind and relaxation of body which so often arises in persons suffering from chronic mucous affections; also to some of the nervous and irritative phenomena which occur in like subjects, although less useful than Ambra, Assafcetida, and Moschus. It is homoeopathic especially to headache arising from disease of the nasal passages and frontal sinuses. The specific action of Ammoniacum and Galbanum on the optic nerve is undoubted. Schwartz recommends it in amaurosis, although he refers to Wichmann's observation, that it causes dimness of sight. It would seem most homceopathic to affections of the eyes, when attended with derangement of several or many of the mucous membranes. The tinctures of Ammoniacum and Galbanum are said to have been used locally, with great success, in various diseases of the eyes, such as scrofulous ophthalmia, ocular debility from prolonged reading, spasmodic motions of the eye-lids, weakness of the lachrymal duct, &c. A compress, moistened with the tincture, has been applied over the eye for one hour, then removed for several hours, and reapplied again. A burning heat is first felt; it lessens gradually, and ceases within an hour, when the compress becomes dry. Richter says he has used it with much benefit in amaurosis, and adds that he has frequently performed a complete cure in cases where he hardly 9 194 AMMONIACUM. expected it, and in some where the disease had actually been present for several years.-J. C. P. It seems to act specifically upon the mucous membranes of the ears, and doubtless will prove a better local application than many others more frequently used. It is far more homceopathic to influenza, and acute and chronic catarrh of the nose, than many other remedies which are more frequently used. It is homoeopathic to some neuralgic affections about the lips and cheeks, which arise from a catarrhal affection of the sinuses, and other nasal passages. It is homceopathic to many catarrhal affections of the mucous membrane of the mouth and pharynx; also to many cases of chronic dyspeptic sore throat, the so-called clergymen's sore throat, or chronic pharyngitis, which is so often mistaken for chronic bronchitis. Both schools advise it in weakness of digestion. Noack says it is remarkable that Wibmer says it causes weakness of digestion, yet calls it a stomachicum. It is homoeopathic when there is a thin yellowish coating on the tongue, tastelessness, or insipid sweetish taste in the mouth in the morning, or a nauseous bitter taste in the mouth, disappearing after eating, loss of appetite, eructations after eating, nausea almost to the point of vomiting, and great weakness of digestion. In short, it is homceopathic to many gastric and bilious states, especially when occurring in scrofulous subjects. It has been used in disturbances of the biliary secretion, and in swelling, inclination to induration, and already formed induration of the liver. Schneider advises it in chronic jaundice, in old obstructions and iýfarctions of the liver, spleen, and pancreas. It is most homoeopathic when there is a thin yellowish coating upon the tongue, and nauseous, bitter taste in the mouth, disappearing after eating. Still, Wood says, it has only been prescribed in obstructions and engorgements of the abdominal viscera, from a vague notion of its deobstruent power, although Paris found it valuable in mesenteric affections, by correcting the viscid mucous secretions of the intestines; hence it may be most useful and homceopathic in those affections of the liver and other abdominal organs which commence in disease of the mucous membrane of the duodenum, and are propagated along the ductus-com munis to the biliary ducts, gall-bladder, &c. It deserves attention in scrofulous affections of the gastro-intestinal and biliary mucous membranes.-J. C. P. In a peculiar chronic affection of the stomach and bowels, marked by constant distress and burning about the epigastrium, continual rumbling and fcetid flatulence, with papescent stools and general distress from, and mal-assimilation of the food, Ammoniacum (first to AMMONIACUM. 195 third trituration) will often prove a remarkable palliative, and frequently remove the disorder. It should be thought of in chronic dysentery; and when there is a mucous diarrhoea, with colicky pains and flatulence, connected with a feeble, or torpid, or scrofulous state of the alimentary mucous membrane, and especially when this condition happens to be associated with a chronic cough, there is a double indication for its use. Some authors speak highly of its utility in long and obstinate colics depending upon thick mucous matter lodged in the intestines. It is homoeopathic to mucous piles, to mucous diarrhoea, and to many other chronic affections of the intestinal mucous membrane. Noack recommends it in diarrhoea-mucosa, when attended with chills, cutting pains in the abdomen, and profuse slimy stools; also in colic with diarrhoea, when there are violent cutting pains in the bowels, soft pappy stools, with profuse discharge of wind, and much rumbling in the bowels. It is also recommended in the dominant school in abdominal cramps and flatulent colic. In all these cases, if smaller quantities fail, moderate doses of Lac-ammoniacum will often prove useful. In passive dropsy, it has been advised by Fordyce, but it is a remedy of inferior value. Frank says it has been used externally with success in many cases of hydrocele, especially in young persons. It should be thought of in chronic gonorrhoea and leucorrhoea; in diseases of the spermatic cord; in tendency to diabetes; in the uric and lactic-acid diatheses, and in the peculiar forms of indigestion and urinary derangement which attend them. Its action on the urinary organs is said to be inferior to that of the balsams, but greater than that of any other gum-resin. It is most homoeopathic when there is an increased flow of urine, followed by dripping of a few drops, the urine being loaded with lactate of urea. It has been advised against haematurea and diabetes. Sobernheim says it causes a congestive state of the uterus, and even excites a flow of blood from it, and hence has obtained'the reputation of an excellent emenagogue, and has, in fact, afforded excellent service in amenorrhcea when there was local debility or torpor of the uterine mucous membranes. Schneider has recommended it in menostasia and dysmenorrhcea, when arising from obstruction in the portal system, and in irregular menstruation. Also in amenorrhcea arising from chlorosis, and in those hysterical affections which attend these disorders. It may prove useful in some cases of dysmenorrhoea and partial retention of the menses, arising from a scrofulo-catarrhal thickening of the mucous membrane of the cervix.--J C.P. 196 AMMONIACUM The complaints in which it is most frequently used are chronic ca. tarrh, asthma, and other pectoral affections, attended with deficient expectoration, without acute inflammation, or with a too copious secretion from the bronchial mucous membrane, dependent upon debility of the vessels. In spasmodic asthma, Ammoniacum often proves highly serviceable, relieving the symptoms in a remarkable manner. It is best given in alternation with Scille, or with a small portion of Hyosciamus or Conium. Plasters of Ammoniacum applied to the chest also afford evident relief. In hysterical asthma it also proves most useful. It may be alternated with equal doses of Assafoetida. In asthenic pulmonary complaints, it proves useful by promoting expectoration when this is deficient, and by assisting its expulsion, when it accumulates in the air-passages, and the patient has not strength to expectorate. Pereira says, in chronic cough, with deficient expectoration, or in chronic catarrhs and asthmatic affections, with profuse secretion, it sometimes affords slight relief; but although he has seen it extensively employed, he had observed it to prove useful in a few cases only. Quarin, Wedekind, and Selle advise it when the mucus is tough, profuse, and hard to be expectorated. Peter Frank in chronic, pulmonary, and bronchial catarrhs, with nauseous, thinly-fluid, and purulent-like expectoration; Brumer, Quarin, and Behrends, in mucous asthma; also in asthenic inflammation of the lungs, especially when the expectoration is checked. In alternation with Nitric-acid, it is said to be an excellent remedy in cases where large accumulations of purulent or viscid matter exist, with feeble or difficult expectoration.-J. C. P. It has been recommended in joint and hip-pains, and in gouty nodes; but it is more homoeopathic to pains seated in the lymphatic vessels, and which are often mistaken for rheumatism. It is most specific against pains in the joints and limbs, when attended with affections of one or several mucous membranes, with derangement of the urinary organs, and excess of lactate of urea in the urine. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-Swelling of the joints of the upper and lower limbs.-Neuralgia?-Languor after making the least effort; heaviness of the limbs towards evening; heaviness and languor of the body, with despondency of mind.-Drowsiness in the day-time, in the morning when rising, with lazy feeling; restless night-sleep, disturbed by dreams, unrefreshing; falls asleep late; heavy dreams.-Coldness and chilliness; disposition to sweat.-- Pulse small, tight; quick and hard.-Gloomy mood; not disposed to do anything; ill humor; he is displeased with anything he does; inability to make any mental exertion. AMMONIACUM. 197 HEAD.-Dullness of the head, with inability to work; heaviness of the head.-Violent headache.-Pressure in the forehead, on one side; pressure over the eye-brows.-Sense of dullness in the forehead, with dimness of sight.-Tearing in the right side.-Pressure in the occiput.-Stinging of the hairy scalp.-Sense of swelling in the region of the occiput.-Itching, tingling; pimples on the borders of the hairy scalp. EYES.-Pressure and tingling in the upper portion of the eye-ball; beating and tingling in the upper part of the left eye, succeeded by pressure.-Feeling of dryness in the eyes, with sensation as if a foreign body were lodged between the upper lid and the left eye.Dimsightedness in the evening, and particularly early in.the morning, immediately after rising, and heat in the eyes.-In order to read, he has to exert his eyes.-Photophobia, even in cloudy weather. EARS.-Tearing in the right meatus auditorius externus.-Roaring in the ears, with hardness of hearing. NoSE.-Disagreeable dryness of the nose, early in the morning on waking. -Increased secretion of mucus.-Sneezing, followed by a copious flow of mucus. FACE.-Pale countenance with sick feeling, preceded by frequent change of color.-Drawing in the right malar bone, towards the temple.-Dartings from the region of the lower jaw to the interior of the mouth. MOUTH, PHARYNX, &c.-Dryness of the mouth and throat, early in the morning on waking.-Sense of fullness in the fauces and pharynx, with nausea.-Sensation as if a foreign body were lodged in the throat, with inclination to swallow it.-Burning roughness in the pharynx and oesophagus. GASTRIC SYMPToMS.-Frequent eructations.-Nausea, with incli. nation to vomit.-Pappy taste; insipid, sweetish, in the morning; bitter taste in the pharynx, with absence of taste on the anterior portion of the tongue. ABDOMEN.-Rumbling in the hypogastrium, with sense of dullness in the frontal region.-Pinching.-Violent colic.-Violent pressure in the pubic region. STOOL AND ANus.-Insufficient stool; retention of stool.-Stool loose, papescent; loose, with a good deal of flatulence, and preceded by rumbling in the abdomen; slimy, preceded by chilliness and writhing colic.-Liquid stools; mucous diarrhoea.-Pressure in the rectum. URINARY AND SEXUAL ORGANS.-Increased secretion of urine t the urine contains a good deal of urea and lactic acid.-Burning in 198 AMMONIUM ACETICUM. the urethra.-A few drops come out after micturition.-Stinging in the right spermatic cord, and near it; drawing in the cord.-Stinging in the root of the penis.-Itching of the pubic region. LARYNX AND TRACHEA.-Roughness of the throat.-Continual tickling, without any desire to cough. CHEST.-The breathing is short and loud, with anxiety; accelerated; oppression and stitches in the left half of the chest, during an inspiration.-Pressure in the chest; dullness and numbness of the posterior part of the right half of the chest, with subsequent pressure deep in the chest. UPPER LIMBS.-Lancinations in the shoulder-joints; tingling in the left joint.-Rheumatic pain; pain as if bruised, particularly in the elbow and left wrist-joint, accompanied with tearing in the right hand.-Swelling of the fingers; drawing in the middle finger of the right hand; rheumatic pain in the right index-finger. LOWER LIMBS AND LolNs.-Weight and pressure in the lumbar vertebra; stitches in the loins, particularly during an inspiration.Rheumatic pain in the left side of the region of the pelvis; stitches over the hip, when walking, obliging him to limp; in the right hipjoint when sitting.-Languid feeling in the lower limbs.-Darting pain in the left thigh, along the crural nerve; violent pain over the knee, when walking.-The knees feel swollen in the evening, when sitting, with pinching in the bend of the knee; stitches in the right knee. Tension in the knee-joint when walking.-Lacerating in the tibia.-Lacerating in the tarsal-joint; tearing and burning in the metacarpus.-Sense of weight in the right foot; pinching, burning, tearing, and drawing in the left foot; tingling in the right foot.Swelling of the toes. 18.-AMMONIUM ACETICUM AMMON.-ACET.-Acetate of Ammonia. Spiritus Mindereri. RATIONALE OF ITS ACTION.-The experience with this medicine is almost wholly clinical. It is usually regarded as refrigerant and diaphoretic. Externally, it has been applied as a lotion and collyrium. Dierbach regards it,as the only specific diaphoretic remedy, with the exception of Dover's powders; he regards it as one of the most powerful and certain remedies for the promotion of transpiration and perspiration. It is a very great favorite, and an unusually fre. quently used remedy in the dominant school, being used almost universally for the production of crises through the skin in febrile AMMONIUM ACETICUM. 199 diseases, although it is less useful in the commencement of severe attacks when the fever and inflammation are violent, than when these have aiready somewhat abated and a skin-crisis is about to occur, or, as Wendt says, when there is a cutis mollis et tractabilis. As it is not competent to the removal of any severe febrile or inflammatory disease, it is only used in the milder forms of synochal, irritative, typhoid fevers, and rhoumatic fevers, and then generally has to be aided by other remedies; in gastric and bilious fevers, after sufficienit evacuations are supposed to have been effected; but more especially in catarrhal rheumatic fevers, as these are supposed to be attended with check of perspiration. It has also been used in rheumatic anginas, rheumatic pleurisies and pneumonias; in exanthematic fevers, such as measles, scarlet fever, and small-pox, to aid the outbreak of the eruption when this is retarded. In dropsy, from checked perspiration, or injury of the skin, such as occurs after scarlet fever and in Bright's disease.-J. C. P. On account of its ammoniacal basis, it is supposed to approach somewhat in its action that of the exciting or stimulating remedies, although it causes so little heat of the skin and activity of the pulse that it has been regarded as the most excellent diaphoreticun non. calidum,; but still it is regarded as better adapted to feeble constitutions, and to typhoid and debilitated states than most other allopathic antiphlogistic remedies. On the other hand, the neutralization of the Ammonia by means of the Acetic-acid, renders it somewhat similar in its action to that of the neutral salts, although it is not so depressing and debilitating. Again, like Vinegar and some other acids, it is supposed to exert a peculiar action upon the biliary and urinary organs.-J. C. P. ON THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. Nerves of Motion.-This remedy is supposed not to exert the same irritating action upon the spinal system and nerves of motion which the other ammoniacal remedies are known to do. Thus, Christison says that the second group of the order of alkaline poisons, including Ammonia, with its salts and the Sulphuret of Potassa, have a double action on the system; for, beside their local effects, they produce through the medium of the blood a disorder of some part of the nervous system closely resembling tetanus. Nerves of Sensation.-With the exception of the relief of pain in dysmenorrhoea, the Acetate of Ammonia is not known to act specifically upon the nerves of sensation; but, as dysmenorrhoea often depends upon the congestion of a womb which has not a sufficient out. let, and Acetate of Ammonia causes scantiness of menstruation, it may relieve the pain merely by lessening the congestion. 200 AMMONIUM ACETICUM. Ganglionic Nerves.-It is supposed that this remedy acts more decidedly upon the ganglionic nervous system, especially that portion of the great sympathetic nerve which controls the functions of the arterial system, than upon any other portion of the nervous system. VASCULAR SYSTEM. Heart and Arteries.-Sobernheim says it causes some increased heat of the skin, together with a quicker, fuller, and more undulating pulse; but that these phenomena cease on the breaking out of the perspiration which it is the specific action of the remedy to cause. VENOUS SYSTEMI.-We have no absolute proof of any action upon this system, although some authors think that it acts upon the portal system and biliary organs, like Vinegar and the Muriate of Ammonia. GLANDULAR SYSTEM.-Vogt supposes that it acts specifically upon the lymphatic system, like the Mutriate of Ammonia. CLINICAL REMARKS.-In febrile and inflammatory affections, and exanthemata, those medicines which determine freely to the skin are best calculated to afford relief. Of these, none will generally answer the purpose more uniformly than liquor Ammoniumaceticum. It also forms a good auxiliary to more specific measures. In inflammatory dropsy, Dr. Todd found liquor Ammonium-aceticum a very valuable sudorific, particularly when alternated with small doses of 'Tartar-emetic. The solution of Acetate of Ammonia is a valuable diaphoretic, much employed in the dominant school in febrile and inflammatory diseases. The late Dr. A. T. Thomson used it as a lotion, with good effect, in porrigo affecting the scalp. It is sometimes used externally as a discutient, and Mr. Brande speaks of it as an excellent application in mumps, when applied hot on a piece of flannel. In tonsillitis, liquor Ammonium-aceticum will be found very useful. In the hydrocele of children it is strongly recommended by I)r. Maushner, applied by means of compresses kept constantly moist. In dysmenorrhca it has been strongly advised by Cloquet and Patin; they found it very successful in relieving the paroxysms of pain. Kopp praises this remedy very highly, as a palliative in dysmenorrhcea; he gives a tea or dessertspoonful every hour, from the com. mencement of the pain until its relief; it only palliates, but is not severe in its action, and does not produce secondary affections. In dysmenorrhcea, Colombat says, with the view of producing a more rapid sedative action upon the uterus, and to overcome the painful tormina which accompany the discharge, we may give from forty to seventy drops of spiritus Mindereri, in a glass of plain or sweetened water, at two doses. It allays the pain, and in that way facilitates AMMONIUM ACETICUM. 201 the flow of the menses; the first dose should be given as soon as the malaise and uterine pains are felt, and the second in a half-hour; if the symptoms do not improve, a third dose may be given, but with some reserve, in order to avoid what sometimes results from it, a diminution in the quantity of the flow.-J. C. P. In Menorrhagia and Organic Diseases of the Womb.-A married lady, aged thirty-four, who had been much reduced by profuse menstruation, had had all the signs of consumption and organic disease of the womb for two years. She had lancinating pains in the womb, decided increase in the size and hardness of the organ, with ulceration, and profuse discharge of sanious, very offensive pus, mixed with shreds of organic matter and black coagule. Walking and sitting were very painful; and all her sufferings were much increased at the monthly period; the abdomen then became exceedingly tense and painful, so that the slightest touch could not be borne; the lanci. nating pains became so incessant as to deprive her of all rest, and led, in the course of a few days, to a state of exhaustion which was only interrupted by frequent convulsive shocks and loud cries. At the end of five or six days of suffering, profuse menstruation would occur, and relieve her from her intense suffering, but plunge her into a highly dangerous state of exhaustion. After the use of all other means, forty-drop doses of spirits Min. dereri were given on the second day of a monthly period, when all her sufferings had reached their height; th'e pains abated rapidly, and ceased entirely in twenty minutes, and the menses became less abundant. Henceforth, thirty or forty drops would always relieve the lancinating pains, and control, although not entirely abate the hbemor. rhage. The next monthly periods occurred without much suffering, and the flow was decidedly lessened. Examination by touch and speculum proved that the womb had lessened in size, the ulcerations had also improved, and some of them seemed on the point of cicatrizing; the discharge was less abundant and offensive, and she could sit and walk without pain. Case.-A lady, aged thirty-two, had suffered with frequent menstruation, and so abundant that she became decidedly weaker and,hinner; she also had a habitual dry cough, oppression of the chest, nausea, vomiting, and poor digestion; finally the menses occurred as often as twice a month, leaving her only four or five free days, and all her other symptoms were aggravated; spiritus Mindereri was given in twenty-drop doses, night and morning, followed by gradual diminution of the haemorrhages, so that in three months the menses 9* 202 AMMONIU CBOIC NICUM. occurred only regularly once a month, and lasted only four days, the other symptoms also disappeared gradually, with the exception of the cough, which was also much better. Case.-A lady, aged thirty-seven, subject to profuse menstruation, lasting for ten or twelve days, followed by leucorrhoea, had had six miscarriages, followed by dangerous htemorrhages; these were succeeded by dry cough, attended with oppression of the chest, increasing in intensity with the metrorrhagia, which at one time lasted for three months, attended with heat in the genitals, extending through the whole abdomen, increase of cough, oppression, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, emaciation, and daily loss of strength. Finally, her face became earthen, eyes dull, emaciation great, skin hot and dry; pulse frequent, small, and thread-like; cough dry and frequent; oppression constant; burning heat in the abdomen, entire loss of appetite, obstinate constipation, violent pain in the epigastrium and between the shoulders, burning thirst, constant nausea, and frequent vomiting of mucous matters; the lower portion of the abdomen was tense and very painful. The neck of the womb was hot, soft, much enlarged, and sensitive, and the slightest touch caused bleeding; with all these sufferings she had an incessant inclination for coition. Spirits Mindereri was given, in forty-drop doses, three times a day; in three days the haemorrhage had lessened three-fourths, with entire relief from the accompanying symptoms; the sexual inclination had also almost ceased. On examination, after six weeks' treatment, she was found almost natural in size; and in three months she recovered her former flesh, strength, and health. 19.-AMMONIUM CARBONICUM. AM. CARB.-Carbonate of Ammonia. Sub-carbonate of Ammonia. Volatile Salts. Salts of Hartshorn. Baker's Salt.-See Hahnemann's " Chronic Diseases," Vol. II.-Duration of action: forty days in some chronic affections. COMPARE WITH-Am.-mur., Arn., Ars., Bell., Bry., Chin., Fer., Graph.. Hep., Kali., Lach., Lauroc., Lye., Mang., Nux.-v., Phosph., Puls., Rhus., Sil., Staph., Sulph. ANTIDOTES.-Arn., Camph., Hep. RATIONALE OF ITS ACTION.-Carbonate of Ammonia is formed during the putrefaction or destructive distillation of th(ee organic substances which contain nitrogen. The anhydrous neutral carbonate can only be obtained by bringing together dry carbonic-acid and ammoniacal gases. It is supposed to prevent the coagulation of the blood, and retain it in a liquid state. If this be true, it must prove a valuable remedy AMMONIUM CARBONICUM. 203 in those maladies which are accompanied by a crude condition of the blood, and an unusual tendency to decomposition of this fluid. Theoretically, we should commend it in typhus, malignant scarlatina, malignant erysipelas, and diseases of a similar character. It is readily absorbed into the blood, and appears to act specifically upon the nervous system, especially upon the vertebral column. Its action is nearly the same when injected into the veins. In the first place, its effects are chiefly manifested upon the ganglionic and true spinal systems; then we observe its effects upon the circulation, respiration, secretions, and the muscular fibres. It is not, like Opium and alcoholic stimulants, a diffusible stimulant, and its effects are more transient than these substances. According to Billing, it is a " local stimulant, and as such excites momentarily the action of the heart, through the solar plexus. It immediately unites with animal acids, and then circulates, or is diffused, not as a diffusible stimulant, but as a saline sedative. It therefore performs the double office of a temporary local stimulant to the stomach and heart, and a sedative to inflamed capillaries elsewhere." Carbonate of Ammonia is a stimulant, excitant, diaphoretic, powerful ant-acid, and anti-spasmodic; in large doses,, emetic; and, under some circumstances, expectorant. Injected into the veins it causes convulsions. Internally it has caused gastric inflammation with tetanic convulsions, the body ultimately becoming curved, with the head bent backwards. (Opisthotonos.) Wibmer found one and one-half grains to cause no particular effect upon himself; three grains increased the pulse from 68 to 72, with throbbing headache; six -to twelve grains usually, but not constantly, caused increased frequency of pulse, with disorder of brain, manifested by pain, heaviness, throbbing, &c.; in one case, the disposition to cough, with increased secretion of bronchial mucus, was extraordinary. Pereira gave fifteen grains, three times a day for two months, with no other effect than suspending epileptic fits during this time. Huxham has detailed a remarkable case, illustrative of the ill effects resulting from the long-continued use of it. A gentleman had so habituated himself to the use of vast quantities of it that at length he could eat it in a very astonishing manner, as other people eat sugar or carraway seeds. The consequence was, he brought on hectic fever; vast hbemorrhages from the intestines, nose, and gums; every one of his teeth dropped out, and he could in consequence eat nothing solid, he wasted vastly in flesh, and his muscles became as soft and Oabby as those of a new-born infant; he broke QAt- all Qver his body 204 AMMONITUM CARBONICUM. in pustules; his urine was always excessively high-colored, turbid, and very fetid; he finally died in the highest degree of marasmus. Vogt assumes that it causes a more active metamorphosis and liquefaction in the vegetative organs, viz.: increased secretion from the skin; more ready loosening of mucus from the bronchi; more profuse secretion of urine, with simultaneous absorption of lymphatic fluids from internal parts; increase and hastening of the menses; increased flow of bile; but the most marked of all is its action on the skin; so that the ammoniac remedies have always been considered as excellent diaphoretica; and next in its action upon the lymphatic, vascular, and glandular systems, whence it is regarded as a fluidizing, absorption-hastening, and resolvent remedy for the organs of thea a systems.-J. C. P. In larger doses it causes stimulation to the point of overheating, whence heat and congestion have generally been regarded as signs of too great irritation from Ammonia; its expanding and dissolving powers then also become evident; excessive and very profuse perspirations set in; also greater secretions of mucus, more profuse flow of urine, and, in general, more hasty and active metamorphoses, with great inclination to excessive expansion and liquefaction. This fluidizing action may become excessive, overbalance the formative power, and cause inclination to solution and decomposition; we see this not only in the profuse secretions which it causes, but in the undermining of all the assimilative processes, viz.: in the destruction of digestion, in the solution of the chyle and blood, the want of contractile power, the diminution of organic cohesion in all parts-in short, by the occurrence of a true scorbutic state; yet it is advised in affections of the intestinal mucous membrane, viz.: in gastric fever, in mucous inflammations, and in chronic mucous states with formation of viscid slime, in diarrhoeas, and dysentery.-J. C. P. GENERAL EFFECTS ON THE NERVOUS SYSTEM.-That the principal action of Ammonia is first manifested upon the ganglionic and true spinal systems is evident from the spasmodic actions which it induces, and from the increased activity of the circulation, respiration, and the secretions. It does not affect the brain like Opium and alcoholio stimulants, but appears to impress specifically the vertebral column. Among the effects of large doses, convulsions have sometimes been observed. Nerves of Sensation.-It produces temporarily increased heat of the skin and a tendency to perspiration. Indeed it exalts momentarily the sensibility of all the organs, operating especially upon the sentient extremities of the nerves, and upon the capillaries. It causes AMMONIUM CARBONICUM. 205 much itching of the scalp, and of the whole surface of the body. From its stimulating effect upon the nerves and capillaries, it has been often employed in low forms of typhus, scarlatina, and other maladies characterized by depressed nervous and vascular power. Nerves of Motion.-It probably acts more specifically or. powerfully upon the nerves of motion than upon those of sensation; it not only causes increased capability for muscular exertion, and a state in which all the nervous functions are executed with greater facility, but all the salts of Ammonia cause convulsions. Great Sympathetic Nerve.-By its specific action upon the solar plexus, it rouses into augmented activity, temporarily, the heart, stomach, and lungs. Under its influence the activity of nearly every organ of the body is for a short time increased. Thus we have an increase of perspiration, of urine, of mucous seerctions, and a temporary increase of muscular power. ON THE VASCULAR SYSTEM. Blood.-It is speedily absorbed into the blood, and exercises the remarkable power of inducing a more liquid state of this fluid. It counteracts all tendency to crudeness, coagulation, or decomposition of the blood, and on this account affords a reasonable ground for supposing that it may prove useful in some dis. eases which are accompanied by, or eventuate in blood-deteriorations. According to Billing, "it immediately unites with animal acids, and then circulates, or is diffused, not as a diffusible stimulant, but as a saline sedative. It therefore performs the double operation of a temporary local stimulant to the stomach and heart, and a sedative to inflamed capillaries elsewhere." In cases of poisoning by this substance, sanguineous effusions are found in various parts of the body. Physical Efects of Ammonia on the Blood.-Hufeland observed that the officinal, and probably all th6 salts of Ammonia, have the property, to a greater or less degree, of dissolving the blood-corpuscules, even to the nucleus, although slowly, and the protein textures generally. Whether they are thus endowed of themselves, or whether it is in virtue of Ammonia set free from the alkali of the blood, is a question; but, at all events, it has been ascertained that free Ammonia is not essential to these effects. When blood is combined with an ammoniaoal salt, it acquires, generally, a brighter red; but this soon passes into a brownish-red hue; it does not coagulate, but forms at best a loose, semi-fluid cruor; the corpuscules begin to disappear, and the whole becomes more limpid. Blood thus decomposed, progressively evolves distinct traces of Ammonia. It is very probable that we may partially explain, upon chemical grounds (solution and disengagement of Ammonia), why large doses of the Ammonia act 206 AMMONIUM CAIRBONICUTM. as poisons, and smaller doses, long continued, induce a scorbutic condition. Yet the same salt, judiciously exhibited, furnishes a valuable stimulant to the secretory and excretory apparatus. It causes a sensation of congestion to the end of the nose, blowing out of blood from, and bleeding from the nose after eating. We do not see that it causes vomiting of blood, and doubt whether it has any specific tendency to do this; it may, however, act chemically and corrosively upon the stomach, and thus cause hoamorrhage from it, as it induces inflammation of the stomach, even when introduced into the cellular tissue. As for hremorrhoids, it causes great swelling and protrusion of piles, with pain, discharge of blood from the rectum during and after stool. As for haemoptysis, it causes cough, with mucous or muco-sanguineous expectoration, coughing up of blood, with burning and heaviness upon the chest, shortness of breath, redness and heat of the face, nausea, anxiety, and trembling of the whole body. As for apoplexia-pulmonum, it causes congestion to the chest, great heaviness upon the chest with pain, heaviness upon the chest, as if from accumulation of blood. It is very decidedly homceopathie to purpura-haemorrhagica. Heart and Arteries.-By its action on the nervous system, it augments temporarily the muscular force of the entire organism. Through its local action upon the solar plexus, it stimulates into increased activity the heart and arteries. This augmented action is of but short duration, not excessive, and therefore not usually followed by any reaction of a depressing character. This effect of Ammonia upon the circulation is accomplished independently of any action upon the brain. FEVER.-Frequent chilliness towards evening, frequent paroxysms of feverish chilliness, blueness of the hands and nails, chattering of teeth, and shaking; sometimes these symptoms are followed by nightly heat, with sensitiveness to cold; nausea, thirst, oppression of the chest, with stitches in the left side, tearing in the forehead, and dullness of the head, alternate redness and paleness of the cheeks, pressure at the stomach, with disposition to eructations, accompanied by a violent coryza and sleeplessness, for several days,during the catamenia. Feverish heat in the head, with cold feet. Continual night-sweats. CLINICAL REMARKS.-In scarlet fever, the Sesqui-carbonate is a very valuable remedy. It has been strongly advised by Mr. Wilkinson, who has employed it successfully in above two hundred cases. He does not depend, he states, upon its diuretic, nor diaphoretic qualities, but believes that it possesses the power of increasing the strength of the arterial action, at the same time that it dimin AMMONIUM CARBONICUM. 207 ishes its frequency; that it supports the vis-vitce, without increasing the heat and irritability of the system, and by such means counteracts the tendency in scarlatina-anginosa and scarlatina-maligna, to ulceration and sloughing, and all the other evils attending it. In Austria, during an epidemic of scarlet-fever, commencing in April, 1841, Dr. J. Fischer treated 112 cases by Ammonium-carb., aided by occasional applications of cold water to the head; of which 105 recovered, and 7 cases terminated fatally; The seven fatal cases were: two of hydrothorax, one case of angina gangrsenosa; the four remaining came under treatment at a very late date, suffering from violent disturbance of the brain. In acute glanders, it proved successful in a case which came under the care of Mr. Wilkinson. Ammonia is evidently homoeopathio to some varieties of fever and ague, and also to hectic fever, when the chills and sweats are predominant. In lepra and psoriasis, Mr. Cazenave successfully employs this salt. In syphilitic eruptions, Dr. Schedel states that he has seen this salt succeed when mercurials have failed. The remedy, he adds, is certainly disagreeable at first, and often causes nausea, but with a little patience the stomach is soon brought to bear it. In erysipelas, occurring in debilitated subjects, it proves highly useful. Dr. Watson observes that, after a preliminary purgation, he commences its use, and, generally speaking, a large proportion of his cases recover. In rubeola, urticaria, roseola, erythema, and in other diseases of the same class, Mr. Wilkinson also bears witness to the value of the Sesqui-carbonate. He states that for the last seventeen years he has administered this remedy, and that he has not only never lost a patient in the above diseases, but has never had a case of the kind that has even appeared dangerous, or that has given him a moment's anxiety. In scrofula, the late Dr. Armstrong found that those cases attended by much debility, a languid state of the circulation, and deficient cutaneous secretions, were much becefitted by the use of this remedy. In puerperal insanity, when great debility exists, together with defective subcutaneous circulation and cold extremities, the Carbo. nate of Ammonium, in alternation with Camphor, may be given every third hour with advantage. In mercurial erethism no internal remedy is more to be trusted than the Sesqui-carbonate, in conjunction with Camphor and other stimulants. In the nervous, excitable, anxious, and tremulous conditions which often follow abuses of alcoholic stimulants and opiates, this is a re. 208 AMMONIUM CARBONICUM. medy of considerable power. It is also useful in similar conditions arising from undue mental excitements, such as grief, excessive anxiety, &c. Cases of delirium trenmens have been said to have been cured with Carb.-ammon. alone, but Wood says, over absolute drunkenness it has no control whatever; but, in slight disorder from alcoholic drinks, it occasionally gives relief. In sick headache with excess of acid in the stomach it is often useful. In those sudden cases of collapse and loss of consciousness, which, if the patient survive, must be followed by febrile reaction or inflammation, it is admirably adapted; and, from the absence of any special stimulating action on the brain, to those cases in which the reaction is likely to be attended with inflammation or greater vascular exitement of the brain. Instances of this kind not unfrequently occur in the cold stage of febrile diseases, in collapse from concussion of the brain, and prostration from any sudden shock.-J. C. P. In typhoid and scarlet fever, accompanied by a general prostration of the forces, with a dull and stupid intellectual state, alternating occasionally with transient flushes of mental exhilaration, this medicine is quite appropriate. Under such circumstances we are in the habit of prescribing the first trituration. A case of epistaxis is related by Dr. Chapman, in a young woman, represented as anaemic, reduced in flesh, very pallid, and very dejected. She was twenty-two or twenty-three years of age, and had been subject for several years to repeated and copious bleedings from the nose. The only characteristic symptom that was mentioned in the letter of consultation, for the choice of a remedy for epistaxis, was, that it was brought on by washing the face and hands in the morning. Ammon.-carb., 3, was sent to her, and, after a few doses, the bleeding ceased and recurred no more; she also recovered strength, flesh, spirits, and color. The cure was permanent.F. G. S. Dr. Chapman also relates a case of critical epistaxis, caused, it was supposed, by latent measles, to which the patient had been exposed some three months previously. The epistaxis continued to occur daily for a few days to an alarming extent. On the fourth day he complained of a severe pain in, the forehead, and a sensation as if the brain was forcing itself out just above the nose. About a grain of the third trituration of Ammon.-carb. was administered. One of his serious bleedings had occurred just before. In three or four hours after he was covered with measles, and a few doses of Pulsatilla sufficed to effect a cure.-F. G. S. Mr. Wallace states that he has seen some very severe cases of AMMONIUM CARBONICUM 209 cancrum-oris cured by the internal use of this remedy. He advises the strong Nitric-acid as a local application at the same time. A liberal diet should be allowed. In acidity of the primse-vie, heartburn, and flatulence, particularly when occurring in cases of atonic dyspepsia, or in hysterical females, the Carbonate of Ammonia proves very efficacious. It may be repeated if necessary. In drunkenness, after the stomach has been emptied, the Sesquicarbonate may be given internally with advantage. Its application to the nostrils is also beneficial. In dyspeptic complaints, accompanied by preternatural acidity of the stomach, and flatulence, without inflammation, a properly-diluted solution of Ammonia may be employed, with a two-fold object. that of neutralizing the free acid, and of stimulating the stomach. It must be remembered that the healthy secretions of the stomach are of an acid nature, and that the constant use of Ammonia, or any other alkali, must ultimately be attended with injurious consequences, more especially to the digestive functions. While, therefore, the occasional employment of alkalis may be serviceable, their long-continued use must ultimately prove deleterious. It has a specific action upon the lining membrane of the kidneys, bladder, and urethra. A case of diabetes is reported in Frank's Magazine as cured by Ammonium-carb., in a lady, aged forty-eight, past menstruating. Symptoms: Violent thirst, dryness of the skin, constant chilliness, emaciation, oedema of the feet, with gradually increasing ascites, passing from fifteen to twenty quarts of urine daily, of a greenish color, clear and without smell, appetite voracious. The length of time in effecting the cure not mentioned.-In cases of urinary calculi, in which the urine is acid, and alkalis are indicated, especially if the constitution is much debilitated, the Carbonate of Ammonia is the most preferable alkali for administration. At the same time that it corrects the acid diathesis, it determines to the skin, and gives a stimulus to the system generally. In chronic bronchitis, and catarrhal affections occurring in debili. tated constitutions, this salt will be found serviceable. It is also very useful in that form of catarrh which Laennec designates as "suffocative." In the advanced stages of croup, the Sesqui-carbonate has been prescribed as a stimulant, expectorant, and occasionally as an emetic, in order to promote the discharge of effused lymph. When the patient is greatly debilitated, it may prove useful, but some caution is necessary in its use. 210 AMMONIUM CAIBONICUM. In those forms of asthma arising from, and connected with disease of the heart, Dr. Hope states that he has derived more,benefit from this salt than from any other remedy. In a very obstinate case, which resisted all other means, the alternation of Ammonium-sesqui-carb. and Antim.-tart. afforded great relief. Inpneunwnia, in the advanced stages, when the inflammatory symptoms have subsided, and it becomes of importance to promote expectoration, Dr. Williams states that he has seen this indication wel; answered by the Sesqui-carbonate of Ammonia in doses of five grain6 or more, every two or three hours, as the urgency of the case may require. He advises its exhibition in alternation with infus. Senege, and with five to ten drop doses of tincture Lobelim-inflatre. It acts specifically upon the mucous membrane of the bronchi, and their ramifications through the lungs, augmenting the secretion, and giving rise to a congested sensation in this structure. It also stimulates temporarily the lungs, increases the number of respirations, and causes slight dyspnoea and some uneasiness of this organ. It is an excellent remedy against very troublesome dry or moist short coughs, day and night, with irritation of the bronchial membrane and its ramifications, and of the substance of the lungs, with dyspnoea after the slightest exertion, stitching pains through the sides of the chest, palpitation of the heart, accelerated respirations, worse on ascending stairs; or from exertion of any kind, a general feeling of malaise. In advanced stages of pneumonia, when the lungs are approaching a paralytic condition, with a general loss of vital energy, this is a remedy of great value. It tends to re-establish the impaired vitality, and, by promoting expectoration, and imparting to the pulmonary structures increased activity, it not unfrequently induces a permanent improvement of all the symptoms. Ammonium-carbonicum is homceopathic to one form of hydrothorax, and occasionally will cure it when the disease has advanced to that stage where the effusion becomes general, as shown by cedema of the lower extremities, enlargement of the abdomen, &c. HAHNEMANN.-" Ammonium-carbonicum has been found useful in the following affections: "Fearfulness; disobedience; want of docility; loathing of life; uneasiness in the evening; attacks of anxiety; anxiety, with weakness; diminution of the thinking faculty; vertigo, when sitting or reading; chronic headache; headache as if something would get out at the forehead; headache, with nausea; hammering headache; falling off of the hair; dry pus on the eye-lids; burning and feeling of coldness in the eyes; dimness of sight, with AMMONIUM CARBONICUM. 211 a sense as of waving before the eyes; black points and streaks of light hovering before the eyes; cataract of the crystalline lens; shortsightedness; hardness of hearing, accompanied by suppuration, and itching of the ear; humming and tingling before the ears; itching of the nose; pustules in the nose; bleeding at the nose, early in the morning, when washing; summer freckles; tearings, extending from the left upper lip across the cheek as far as the ear; cracking in the articulation of the jaw, when chewing; chronic looseness of the teeth; sore throat, like rawness of the throat; soreness of the throat; swelling of the inner mouth; eructations tasting of the ingesta, either food or drink; bitter taste in the mouth, especially after a meal; rawness and burning of the oesophagus from below upwards, after a meal; headache after a meal; nausea after a meal; vertiginous giddiness during a meal; unconquerable desire to eat sugar; thirst; want of appetite in the morning; sour eructations; heartburn; eructations and vomiting; pain at the stomach; spasm of the stomach; contractive pain in the pit of the stomach, when stretching one's self; burning pain in the liver; boring stitches in the liver, in the evening, when sitting; uneasiness in the abdomen; painful concussion in the hypogastrium, when setting the foot down in walking; costiveness; difficulty of passing the stools; colic, with diarrhcea; blood with the stools;' discharge of blood from the rectum (flowing hwemorrhoids); itching of the anus; varices of the rectum; nightly micturition; pollutions; (deficiency of the sexual desire); scanty menses; sterility, with scanty menses; menses too short and scanty; menses too early;-during the menses, she experiences' a pressure upon the genital organs, cutting in the abdomen,, tearing in the back and the genital organs, these symptoms obliging her to lie down; watery discharge from the uterus; leucorrhcea; profuse, acrid, corrosive leucorrhoea; chronic dryness of the nose; chronic coryza; dry coryza; shortness of breath; asthma; cough; cough with hoarseness, the body being warm; caused by titillation in the throat, with discharge; cough by day; cough at night; stitches in the small of the back when coughing; burning in the chest from below upwards; tearings, beginning at the upper left side of the chest, and extending as far as the shoulder-joint; stitches in the fleshy part of the chest; goitre; swelling of the cervical glands, accompanied by an itching eruption of the face and body; pain in the nape of the neck; rigidity of the arms and fingers,--they become cold and insensible, at night, early in the morning, and when closing the hands in seizing something; pain of the wrist-joint, which had been sprained same time ago; swelling of the fingers, when letting the arms hang down; the 212.&w _6 AMMONIUM CARONICUM. fingers go to sleep; great lassitude in the lower extremities; draw ing pain in the legs, when sitting; stitches in the heel; sweating of the feet; swelling of the feet; cramp in the sole of the feet; pain as from a sprain in the ball of the big toe, at night when in bed; burning in the hands and feet; feeling of weakness in the limbs, when walking in the open air; disinclination to walking; drawing and tension in the small of the back, in the back and in the joints; curvature of the bones; warts; burning stitches and tearings in the corns; drowsiness by day; sleeplessness at night; nightmare on falling asleep; feverish heat in the head, with cold feet; evening chills; sweat. " This remedy may be repeated with advantage, after some intermediate remedies. Its effects, when excessive, may be diminished by smelling of Camphor."-ED. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.--Violent headache after walking in the open air; violent rheumatic pain, with sensation as of drawing. through all the limbs, hands, feet, nape of the neck, head, &c. The hands and feet go to sleep when sitting; this symptom passes off by moving about.-Cold hands and feet, even in a warm room, and when they are well covered; all her limbs ache in the forenoon, and at night, with gnawing pain in the small of the back, more when at rest than when moving about.-The right side of the body appears more affected than the left. Visible emaciation of the whole body.-Tired and weary all day, without being either sad or cheerful. *Excessively tired. *Extreme lassitude;-weariness and moroseness when walking in the open air; he trembled with weakness; when walking, she trembles all over; she staggers when rising. *Great lassitude in her limbs, and complete disinclination to work; great lassitude and fatigue of the body, early in the morning and in the forenoon, as if he had worked too much; relieved by walking in the open air.SSensation as if bruised in the whole body, lassitude and whining mood, early after rising; sensation as if the limbs were bruised, in the evening; great fatigue and weakness of the limbs,-especially in the evening hours, in the knees and legs; he is obliged to lie down.-Pains in some parts as if ulcerated; or lancinations and tearing, relieved in the warmth of the bed.-*Pains as if sprained in the joints; *drawing and tension in the joints, -as if the tendons were too short.--Curvature of the bones (and other rickety and scrofulous complaints)?-~Sprains?-Local inflammations.-Scorbutic affections?-*Glandular swellings. CHARACTERISTIC PECULIARITIES.-The right side of the body seems to be more affected than the left.-Several of the symptcms seem AMMONIUM CARBONICUM. 213 either to appear or to become aggravated in the open air.-Many of the symptoms are aggravated in the evening. SKIN.-Itching of the skin of the whole body; burning pimples, of the size of a millet-grain, on the nape of the neck and on the forearms.-The whole upper part of the body is red, as if covered with scarlatina. *Rash on the left side of the neck and the left lower arm. OChronic rash.-Small red tubercles around the elbow, and on the neck, cutting and painful, a few of them ulcerated.-Unusual sensitiveness of the skin to cold. SLEEP.-Weariness, uneasiness, or chilliness.-Spasmodic yawning in the evening; sleepinesb during the day; very sleepy when not busy. *Sleepiness in the day, with yawning; unconquerable sleepiness after supper; does not sleep well in the night; cannot fall asleep on account of uneasiness, dry heat, and sometimes burning at the stomach; or on account of itching and stinging of the skin; towards morning falls into a heavy sleep, with perspiration.-Light sleep at night; uneasy, unrefreshing sleep, tosses about; uneasy sleep, with frequent waking.--Frequent waking at night, with chilliness; with inability to fall asleep again; frequent waking up, with groaning and sobbing; frequent starting from sleep, as if in afright, at night, with subsequent great fearfulness.-Sleep full of dreams; he dreams while awake, at night; vivid, fanciful, lewd, romantic, or anxious dreams.-At night, attack of great anxiety, as if she had to die, with cold sweat, audible palpitation of the heart, and involuntary weeping; she was unable to move her eyes, or to speak, accompanied by labored breathing and trembling of the hands; vertigo at night; rush of blood to the head, at night, and heat in the face on waking; boring and lancinating pain in the head, sparks before her eyes on waking; attacks of nausea, the whole night, preventing sleep; pressure at the stomach, at night; violent colic; dry coryza, and obstruction of the nose, while lying in bed; all the limbs pain at night, with a gnawing pain in the small of the back; motion gives him pain;-easier to lie on the left side than on the right. FEVER.-Excessive seething of the blood at night; he imagines that the blood will burst the vessels and heart; chilliness at night; *frequent chilliness, towards evening, continuing until he goes to bed. *Frequent paroxysms of feverish chilliness, in the evening. *Chills before falling asleep; chilliness in the open air, or upon coming out of the open air and entering the room. *Attacks of chilliness, in the evening, frequently with horripilation, blue hands, blue nails, chattering of teeth, and shaking; sometimes these s)mptoms are followed by nightly heat, and by sweat early in the morning 214 AMMONIUM CARBONICUM. C(hills and heat for several days, mostly shaking chills, followed by a general dry heat; a little sweat early in the morning.-Alternate chilliness and heat, with sensitiveness to cold; nausea, thirst, pressure at the chest, with stitches in the left side of the chest, tearing in the forehead, and dullness of the head, alternate redness and paleness of the cheeks, pressure at the stomach, with disposition to eructate, with a violent coryza and sleeplessness; for several days, during the catamenia.-Feverish heat for several evenings in succession, one hour and a half, accompanied by headache. Heat at night; in the forenoon. *Feverish heat in the head, with cold feet. Continual night-sweats. Sweats early in the morning; in the joints. *Sweat in the day-time. MORAL SYMPTOMS.-Serious mood; sad, disposed to weep (particularly in the evening), with thoughts of death.-Full of care and gloomy anxiety.--OAnxiety with the weakness; ouneasiness in the evening; *turns of anxiety; great anguish, as if he had committed a crime,.every afternoon, accompanied with weakness and apprehensive anxiety; uneasiness, with fear of danger, sometimes with violent oppression of the heart.-Dread of labor.-Out of humor, particularly in the morning; in the forenoon, with headache, in bad weather. -~Loathing of life.-Nervous and irritable mood; ~disobedience, want of docility.-Vexed and vehement, particularly in the evening, with scolding mood.-Excessive exaltation of the fancy; great tendency to start;-mirthfulness or laughter about trifles.-OFearfulness. SENSORIUM.-Does not seem to be in fall possession of his reason.ODiminution of the thinking power; absence of thought; great forgetfulness, and inability to collect his senses, with headache when reflecting on anything; great absence and confusion of mind.-The neadfeels muddled and dull, or stupefied.-Reeling giddiness, as if from intoxication, towards evening, after having been sitting; dizziness with vertigo, even when turning slightly.--Vertigo, especially sn the morning, owhen reading and sitting at night, with luminous vibrations before the eyes, with staggering, as if he would fall; as if everything were turning in a circle, at night, when moving the head; or from morning till evening, and most violent in the evening; with nausea and loss of appetite from the early morning, sometimes relieved by a walk. HEAD.-~ Chronic headache; *headache with nausea, -particularly early in the morning, in bed, with pain in the stomach, and ill humor; after dinner.-Pressure on the top of the head; over the whole of the head after getting heated; in the brain, moving about, with stitches over one eye.-Sense of weight in the head; in the AMMONIUM CARDONICUM. 215 forehead, early in the morning, with pain; after dinner, with beating in the forehead; in the left side of the head, worse in bed; in the right side.-Sense of oppressive fullness in the forehead, as if from the vapor of coal; tumult in the head, and *pain, as if the contents would issue through the forehead; pushing sensation in the head, as if the forehead would burst, with beating in the forehead, or with tension in the nape of the neck, accompanied with sense of fullness in the forehead.-Sensation as if the contents of the head were compressed.Drawing and lacerating in the whole head, early, after rising, and during the whole day.--Lacerating in the temples early, and in tho evening; behind the left ear, as far as the vertex, with a sensation as if the head were cleft.-Headache, with stitches the whole day.Erratic stitches in the head.-Headache, resembling a knocking or hacking with a sharp instrument; pain, preventing movement.Painful throbbing and beating in the temple and occiput.-Pain, as from ulceration, in moving the head, and on pressing upon it, especially in the occiput, and in that region.-~Hoammering headache.On moving the head, sensation as of the brain falling to and fro, towards the side to which he stoops, sometimes with stinging pains.Headache, as if water were in the head. ScALP.-The head catches cold easily.-Violent itching of the hairy scalp, especially of the occiput.-Sensation as if the hair would stand on end, with tingling.over the head, and a feeling of coldness after coming out of the open air and entering the room.-The scalp and the hair are intensely painful when the hand is moved over them.-~ Falling off of the hair. EYES.-The eyes are weak; the patient winks continually.-Pressure in the eyes.-Pressule and cutting in the eyes.-Pressure and fine stitches or prickings in the eyes,--Burning of the eyes the whole day, especially early on waking, with intolerance of light, and in the evening on lying down.-Feeling of coldness in the eyes.-Inflammation of the inner canthus of the right eye, without pain.-The eyes are inflamed and dim; or agglutinated early in the morning.-ODry gum on the eye-lids, early in the morning, after sound sleep; it takes a long time to open them.-The eyes are closed with gum in the morning; they run in the day-time.-When reading, the eyes run.-Lachrymation; the white of the eye is congested, as in in. cipient inflammation of the eye; the vessels of the cornea are dis. tinctly visible.-When sneezing, white stars twinkle before his eyes. -OShortness of sight.-- Cataract.-Dimness of sight, with twink. ling before the eyes. EARs.-Frequent and painful stitches in the ear.-Throbbing in 216 216 AMMONIU1 CARLBONICUM. the ear at night, when resting on it.-Twitches and pinching in the internal ear.-Lacerating, itching, or tingling in and around the ears, sometimes with swelling of the cervical and parotid glands.-Whizzing in the left ear.-Illusions of hearing; he imagines he hears the ringing of bells.-At night, whizzing in the left ear. Every day, after midnight, whispering, as of the wind among trees, in the right ear, when resting upon it in bed. *Buzzing in the ears, as if the hearing were dull, and as if something were keeping off the vibrations of the air.-*Diminished hearing. NosE.-Furuncle on the tip of the nose.-Pustule on the side of the nose.-Pustule on the dorsum of the nose, in front. An acrid fluid runs from the nose.-Discharge of bloody mucus from the nose, frequently, or of blood from the left nostril. *Bleedzng at the nose; after dinner, or when washing the face in the morning.--~Chronic dryness of the nose.-Stoppage of the nose, at night particularly; he can only breathe through the mouth, with suffocative anxiety and pain in the chest from making the exertion to breathe.-Frequent sneezing; violent; early in the morning, in bed.-Coryza, with stoppage of the nose, rattling in the nose, and voice not clear, with stoppage of the left nostril; *dry coryza; ochronic coryza; -fluent coryza; violent, with cough, or with tearing in the left cheek. FACE.-Violent pain in the face on the right side.-Drawing pain in the cheek-bones.-Heat in the face, during mental exertion, with red cheeks.-Paleness of the face, with nausea and moral and phy. sical weariness.-Pale face, accompanied by headache, pain at the stomach, and ill-humor.-Pale, bloated face, for a long time.-Hard swelling of the cheek, *of the parotids and the glands of the neck.Freckles.-White herpetic spots of the size of a small pea, which scale off continually (upon the cheek).-Boils upon the cheek and around the ear.-Small boils and indurations, emitting water and blood, upon the cheek, at the corners of the mouth, and on the chin. Eruptions upon the forehead, resembling little boils.-Pimples and vesicles on the forehead, and the tip of the nose.-Miliary eruption around the chin, without sensation.-Pustules upon the forehead, temple, cheek, and chin. Burning vesicles on the vermilion border of both lips.-Herpetic scaly eruption around the mouth. Scaliness of the skin of the chin.-The lips are sore, dry, and chapped, and bleed easily.-Pain and swelling of the submaxillary glands. JAWS AND TEETH.-Under the gums, upon the jaw, a swelling of the size of a pigeon's egg, very painful in chewing.-Gums tender and inclined to bleed; oscorbutic affections.-~Cracking of the articulation of the jaws when chewing.-Swelling and inflammation of AMMONIUM CARBONICUM. 217 the gums, with swelling of the cheek; abscess of the gums, with discharge of pus; violent toothache, with heat of the &ame side of the head; violent toothache, as soon as one enters the bed in the evening, the whole night.-Warm liquid or air passing into the mouth aggravates the pain; cannot speak without pain. The teeth are paznful when pressed against one another, in biting; toothache during the catamenia, day and night, especially during and after dinner, relieved by warm cloths, and by pressing upon the teeth. Drawing toothache J during the catamenia,; it passes off by eating.-Lacerating pain in the upper teeth.-Sensation at the roots of the teeth as of ulceration; shooting toothache, shooting pains in the molar teeth, upon pressing their edges against one another; on touching the tooth with the tongue.-Throbbing and pressure in the teeth.-Toothache in the evening, as if. the teeth were pressed in; they feel *loose, dull, and elongated, as after having eaten acids.-The decay of the teeth progresses rapidly; even the sound ones fall out. MoUTH.-Burning vesicles on the inner side of the cheeks, lips, and on the tongue; small ulcer at the tip of the tongue; pain in the palate, as from an ulcer; burning at the tip of the tongue, made worse by touching it; redness and inflammation in the mouth and throat; these parts are painful, as if sore and excoriated.-~Swelling in the mouth; the buccal cavity feels so narrow that she scarcely dares to open her mouth or to move her tongue, lest she should hurt some part by touching it with the tongue; difficulty in talking, as if the organs of speech were paralyzed. THROAT AND (ESOPHAGUS.-Sore throat towards evening. Pain in the throat during deglutition, as if the right tonsil were swollen; swelling of the amygdalse, with difficult deglutition, especially early in the morning and in the evening; sensation as if something were in her throat.-Sore throat, sense as of scraping (rawness); burning sensation in the throat, down the cesophagus, as from alcohol; bad sore throat, a sort of stinging and drawing, or tearing, more painful,.hen speaking; pressure in the throat, with swelling on both sides externally; dryness of the mouth in the evening, which cannot be relieved by drinking; the mouth feels parched early in the morning; great dryness and heat of the mouth at night. TASTE, APPETITE, AND GASTRIC SYMPTOMS.-Collection of salti-sh or watery saliva in the mouth; bad smell from the mouth; sweet taste, with bloody saliva.--Bitter taste in the mouth early in the morning, and attacks of nausea the whole day; foul and acid taste in the mouth; sourish and metallic taste of food; constant eructations; *eructations tasting of the ingesta. *Eructations tasting of the in10 218 AMMONIUM CARBONICUM. gresta, during and a~fter supper. '*Sour eructations. *Freque~nt heartlurn.-Feverish chilliness early in the morning, succeeded by hiccough, sometimes with nausea and coated tongue. *Continual thirst, and no appetite. *Wan't of appetite early in the maorning; milk becomes offensive to her; no desire for milk, meat, or boiled things;-a g-ood deal of hunger and appetite; rabid hunger; increased appetite at dinner; satiated after having eaten a little;,bheat in, the face duringo and after dinner; *sense of nausea and lassitude during and after dinner (during the catamenia); pain in the stomach, and loathing of supper, while eating it; stitches in the chest after supper. *Qualinishness after dinner. *Qualmishness and inclination to vomit, every day, immediately after dinner, for a whole hour; uneasiness, with pressure at the stomach and *forehead, immediately after dinner, for several hours.-*Eructation and vomiting.-Offi-matcm-esis. STOMACI-.-Grcat pressure at the pit of the stomach after eating, succeeded by nausea and vomiting of the ingesta;-afterwards, sour taste in the mouth.-The stomach appears full, trembling (during the catamenia); sense of emptiness at the stomach; pain at the stomach, with disposition to watery rising; *painifulness of the stomach, when pressed upon; the clothes press upon the stomach; oppression at the. stomach after dinner and supper; oppressive weight at the pit; pressure at the stomach, with n ausea and sensitiveness in the pit; oppression at the stomach, with sensation of contraction (also in, the chest, accompanied by loathing and nausea; oppression at the stomach, early in the morning, changing, to nausea and inclination to -vomit; pinching and rumbling in the stomach.-Feeling of coldness in the region of the -stomach; heat at the stomach, which extends to the bowels, as from drinking strong wine. ABDoMEN.-0Bnrning; %boring stitches in the liver;-nching pain under the right ribs, in. the region of the liver.-Soreness of the liver; aching pain in, the left side of the abdomen, early in the mnorning. -Painful compression on both sides of the abdomon, only when sitting, relieved by motion and extension of the limibs.-Sudden painful contraction of the bowels, as far as the region of the stomach, relieved by compression.-Violent pinching, contraction, and rumbling- in the abdomen in the forenoon, comingr on while walking in the open air, relieved by lying on it and applying warm cloths. Cutting pain in the abdomen; biting sensation in the belly, with contractive pain at the stomach, and chilliness and sweat. Stitches in the abdomen, which render walking diffl-eult.-Wcight in the abdomen.-0Pain in the abdomen, as from concussion, wyhen treading.-.-- AMMONIUM CARBONICUM. 219 --Distention of the abdomen, with retention of stool.-Rumbling and shifting of flatulence in the abdomen.-Rumbling in the abdomen, with colic.-Griping, with a good deal of flatulence; disposition to colic, with flatulence. STooL.-*Retention of stool during the first days, succeeded by loose stool;,constipation during the first four days. *Retarded and hard stool.-Hard, painful stool, with pricking in the anus; hard stool, surrounded with streaks of blood; loose stool, twice a day.-*Diarrhoea, with colic early in the morning; diarrhoea, composed of fmeces and slime, with cutting in the abdomen, before and during stool; evacuations, with constant tenesmus; violent cutting in the rectum.Colic before and after the loose stool.-After the evacuation, sense as of scraping, then burning, at the anus; *discharge of blood during and after the evacuation; the varices of the rectum protrude during the evacuation, and are painful a long time afterwards, so that she finds it impossible to walk. *The varices of the rectum protrude, even when there is no evacuation; they recede when lying down. *Varices of the rectum moist, accompanied with pain as from excoriation. *He cannot sleep at night, on account of a burning pain at the rectum; *itching of the anus. URINARY ORGANS.-Violent pressure of the urine upon the bladder, with cutting; constant urging to urinate, even at night, with dimin ished emission of urine, with burning.-*At night, several emissions of urine; some of them seem copious;-involuntary emission of urine while asleep; frequent and copious emissions of urine; increased and turbid urine; the urine looks pale-yellow; white sandy urine for several days; the urine looks reddish after dinner, as if it were mixed with blood; haematuria. MALE SEXUAL ORGANS.-Violent itching of the genital organs; increased weight of the scrotum.-Choking pain in the scrotum and spermatic cords; the scrotum is painful to the touch; total absence of the sexual instinct; disinclination for the other sex; vehement desire for coition, with trembling of the body, almost without erection. *Involuntary emissions almost every night. The child becomes sore between the legs. FEMALE SEXUAL ORGANS.-Violent itching of the pudendum; soreness of the pudendum and the anus; the parts are especially painful. during an emission of urine. Swelling, itching, and burning of the pudendum. The menses appear too late by three or five days; there occurs one complete interruption.-*The courses come on six days too soon.-Premature and copious catamenia, with spasmodic pain, and blackish or light-colored blood; acrid, it makes the thighs sore; 220 AMMONIUM CARBONICUM. this soreness causes a burning pain.-Paleness of the face, before and during the catamenia; unconquerable sadness;-toothache; colic, with griping, pressure, and tension between the scapule; violent tearing in the abdomen oand vagina;-violent pain in the small of the back, and great coldness.-Great debility and soreness of the whole body, especially of the thighs, with yawning, toothache, pain in the small of the back, and chilliness.-- Violent acrid leucorrhca, causing a soreness.-Watery, burning leucorrhoea; watery discharge from the uterus.-The right mamma feels painful to the touch. LARYNX AND TRACHEA.-Constriction of the larynx from both sides of the throat; drawing and stinging itching in the larynx. Hoarseness and roughness in the throat increased by speaking; violent and frequent hoarseness; oppression of the chest, with coryza and expectoration of mucus.-Rattling in the larynx, as of mucus.--Nightly cough.-Violent dry cough in the morning and middle of the night; cough, with asthma.-Cough, with asthma, in the evening, when in bed; deep out of the chest, extremely violent; cough which contracts the chest; every paroxysm of cough causes a stitch in the pit of the stomach, cough with heat in the head. Short and suppressed cough, from an irritation in the larynx, with a painful sensation of spasmodic asthma.-Dry cough, especially at night, as from particles of dust in the throat.-Cough, with expulsion of phlegm and soreness in the throat; affecting the chest and head; with expulsion of phlegm, intermixed with little globules of blood.-Cough, with expulsion of bloody phlegm, weight upon the chest, and short breath, especially on ascending an eminence.-Bloody expectoration when clearing the throat.-Roughness and bloody taste in the mouth, succeeded by cough and expectoration of light-red blood, with burning and weight in the chest, heat and redness in the face, and trembling of the whole body.-~ Incipient pulmonary phthisis.-~Haemoptysis?-Asthmatio complaints in dropsy of the chest.? CHEST.-Difficult breathing at night, with fear of choking when the cover of the bed touches his mouth. *Asthma and palpitation of the heart, after every exertion. Contraction of the middle of the chest.-Attack of asthma for eight days; trouble in ascending steps, or in breathing, aggravated in a warm room.-Short breathing, with stitches in the chest.-Short breathing, especially on going up-stairs.-Chronic weakness of the chest, and coryza.--Weight on the chest, as from an accumulation of blood; tightness of the chest when walking in the open air.-Rush of blood to the chest (after writing).-Heat and burning in the chest from below upwards.-Painful oppression of the chest, especially when lying in the bed, as if compressed. AMMONIUM CARBONICUM. 221 Stitches in the chest: the parts feel bruised when touching them.Stitches in the right side of the chest when stooping; aggravated by metion.-Stitches in the left side of the chest during a portion of the. night, which do not permit her to lie upon the left side; violent stitches in the left side of the chest, commencing in the prmecordial region, and then moving downwards towards the side, and afterwards towards the back; frequent stitches in the heart.-Frequent palpitation of the heart, with retraction of the epigastrium, and sense of weakness in the prrecordial region; audible palpitation of the heart, and accelerated beating; when the hand is pressed upon the heart, the blood seems to rise in the throat, with impeded breathing.-Tho right half of the chest is painful to the touch.-Purple rash on the chest.-OLancinations through the fleshy part of the chest.-Lacerating from the left side to the shoulder-joint. BACK.-Pain in the small of the back, increased by motion, as from a bruise.-Shooting pain in the small of the back.-Drawing pain from the small of the back to the legs.-Drawing and aching pain in the small of the back and in the loin, only when at rest, in the day-time, disappearing when walking.-Violent throbbing pain in the small of the back, and in the loin, when at rest; gnawing pain in the small of the back, and in the hips, from which part it extends to the abdomen, and moves again backwards both when at rest and in motion.-Pressure in the back; burning, especially in the small of the back, several times during the day.-Neck: violent burning in the nape of the neck, early in the morning.-Drawing all along the back, beginning at the nape of the neck: stiff neck when turning the head.-*Drawing pain in the nape of the neck (with stitches in the head, over the temples, and bloated face).-~Swelling of the cervical glands, with itching eruption in the face and upon the skin. SUPERIOR EXTREMITIES.-The glandular indurations in the axilla become painful and enlarged.-Drawing and lacerating pains in the shoulders and arms.-Weight and lameness in the right arm, the hand being swollen and cold for half an hour.-The right arm feels as if weighing a hundred weight, and is without strength-*The right arm is weak and cold, it feels benumbed and lifeless; this is succeeded by a tingling sensation.-*The arm is cold, stiff,-and, in the elbow-joint, as heavy as lead.-Rigidity and deadness of the arms and fingers, in the morning, when taking hold of anything.-Spasm in the right arm, which draws the arm backwards, succeeded by heat of the body, and turbid white urine.-Pain in the elbow-joint, when extending the arm.-Stiffness of the elbow-joint.-Violent pain in the middle of the left fore-arm, in the evening, when in bed, with 222 AMMONIUM CARBONICUM. sensation as if the bones would curve inward *and break.-Itching and eruption on the arm.-Tension and lacerating in the wrist-joints, as far as the fingers, worse during motion, ceases in bed.--Pain in the wristjoints, which had been sprained at a former period.-Trembling of the hands.-The skin of a child's hand becomes quite hard and chapped, the fissures being very deep.-Drawing, lacerating, and crampy pain in the hands.-OThe fingers swell while the arms are hanging down. INFERIOR EXTREMITIES.-Burning itching of the nates.-Acute pain in the hip-joint when walking; every morning in bed, as if beaten asunder; the pain decreases after rising, and still more when walking; in the afternoon, the pain disappears entirely.-His legs are contracted; the tendons of the muscles of the legs feel too short; pain in the left leg, as from a sprain, when walking; uneasiness in the legs.-*Sudden and great weakness in the lower extremities.-*Great lassitude in the thighs and legs.-Acute pain in the right femur, as if the inmost marrow were shaken, increased by lying down and sitting; great lassitude, with pain in the thighs as if they would fall off.-Pain as if bruised in the thighs.-Lacerating in the knees and knee-joints; boring pain in and upon the patella; boring and draw. ing in the knee.-Pain in the knee, as from a sprain, when sitting down and turning the leg; burning redness, like the eruption in scarlatina, in the bend of the right knee and along the leg; the pain increases when laying the cold hand upon the parts.-Pain in the legs, as if lame, as if they were going to sleep, relieved by walking; the legs frequently go to sleep, when sitting or lying down, and at night, when he is resting upon the leg; tearing below the knee and in the left tibia.-Frequent cramps in the legs, especially in the tibial muscles and the feet.-Violent cramp in the calf, when walking in the open air.-Acute pain in the heel, early on waking, as if the bone were perforated by ulceration; lacerating in the feet; cold feet; chilliness of the feet, in the evening, especially when going to bed; rapid *swelling of the feet, extending as far as the calves; great lassitude in the feet; trembling of both feet; tingling and itching in the sole of the foot, which is almost unbearable.-Stitches and drawing in the feet; the big toe becomes ref, swollen, and painful, especially in the evening, when in bed, and *the whole foot swells up. During walking, the ball of the big toe is painful, as from subcutaneous ulceration.- Cramp in the bottom of the foot.-~Sweat of the feet.--Pain in the ball as if sprained, at night, in bed.-~Burning, stinging, and tearing in the corns.--Podagra.? AMMONIUM CAUSTICUM. 223 20.-AMMONIUM CAUSTICUM. AM. CAUST -Aqua-ammonia. Spirits of Hartshorn.-Wibmer's "Mat. Med. and Toxicology." COMPARE WITI.-Am.-carb. and mur. ANTIDOTE.-Dilute Vinegar. RATIONALE OF ITS ACTION.-When taken by accident, undiluted, or insufficiently diluted, it produces severe inflammation of the mucous membrane of the mouth, fauces, and stomach, and may even vesicate or act corrosively. Much caution is also requisite in applying it to the nostrils, in order to revive fainting persons, or to rouse them from positive syncope. Several instances of severe inflammation of the air passages are on record from this cause, some of which proved fatal. NERVOUS SYSTEM. Nerves of Motion.-In almost all cases of poisoning with Amnonia and its preparations, convulsions are observed, apparently showing that these substances act specifically upon the spinal marrow. Aqua-ammonia, injected into the veins, or even into the cavity of the pleura or stomach, is apt to cause tetanic stiffness and convulsions. Pereira infers that it acts more upon the grey than upon the white substance of the nerves and brain. Nerves of Sensation.-It is not known whether this remedy exerts any specific action upon the nerves of sensation, apart from its irritant and croupous-inflammatory action. VASCULAR SYSTEM. Blood.-The action of Ammonia on the blood has already been discussed when treating of Carbonate of Ammonia. Heart and Arteries.-The experiments of Blake show that Am. monia, introduced in large doses into the veins, acts by suddenly extinguishing the irritability of the heart. Small doses first lower arterial pressure from debility of the heart action, and then increase it by obstructing the systemic capillaries. When injected into the aorta from the axillary artery, it causes.great increase of arterial pressure, owing to the latter cause; and then arrests the heart, while respiration goes on. Four seconds are sufficient for the Ammonia to pass from the jugular vein into the heart, so as to be discovered there by Muriatic-acid causing white fumes. Pulse.-Weak, small, frequent. FEVER.-Profuse perspiration, violent fever. Dry skin, shivering, chilliness, violent thirst. Caustic Ammonia in small doses is said to act as a stimulant, excitant, or calefacient; it produces a sensation of warmth in the mouth, throat, and epigastrium, frequently attended with eructations A temporary excitement of the vascular system 224 AMMONIUM CAUSTICUM. succeeds, but this quickly subsides; the heat of the skin is increased, and there is a tendency to sweating, which, if promoted by the use of warm drinks and clothing, passes over into profuse perspiration. When the recession arises from, or is connected with an inflammatory condition of the bronchial membrane, it is inadmissible. INFLAMMATIONS.-Caustic Ammonia is decidedly homoeopathic to inflammation, especially to the so-called " croupous inflamations" of Rokitansky. Nasal mucous membrane covered with an albuminous coating; uvula covered with a layer of lymph and mucus; posterior surface of epiglottis and entrance of rima-glottidis covered with a false membrane and trachea and bronchi covered here and there with layers of pseudo-membrane are among its effects. SKIN.-When applied to the skin it causes pain, redness, vesication, and more or less destruction of the part, thus acting first as a rubefacient, then as a vesicant, and lastly as a caustic or corrosive agent, and may even cause gangrene. When given internally it is apt to cause perspiration. Mucous MEMBRANES.-The ammoniacal reme'dies have always been supposed to exert a specific action upon the mucous membranes. The great peculiarity of its action is the tendency to the formation of croupous inflammations and exudations which it is apt to cause. CLINICAL REMARKS.-The preparations of Ammonia would seem homoeopathic to true croupous inflammations of the nostrils, throat, larynx, trachea, oesophagus, and of the large and capillary air-tubes. I have already drawn attention to this fact in the Honcuopathic Examiner, Vol. I., p. 187, 1846. It is also homoeopathic to convulsions and tetanus.-J. C. P. ANTIDOTES.-The vegetable acids, such as Lemon-juice, Vinegar, &c. When it has been inhaled, the vapors of Muriatic-acid may be very cautiously employed.-J. C. P. Cullen thought it the best anti-spasmodic known; he gave it in doses of four to six drops,,in a wineglassful of plain or orange-flower water. Pescay recommended it in tetanus. Hope recommends it in epilepsy; he says, if taken, at the first warning of an attack, it seldom fails to arrest it. Pereira quotes a case in his own practice, and another in that of Pinel, in which the inhalation of ammoniacal vapor, immediately after the first warning of an attack of epilepsy, apparently averted its occurrence. He found it particularly useful in hysterical epilepsy, and in that form of the disease which Sauvages called lypothymia, in which the patient is described as dying away. Ducros and other French physicians have found the liquor Ammonise, applied with a camel's-hair brush to the palate and gums, so as to AMMONIUM CAUSTICUM. 225 cause a profuse discharge of tears and saliva, rapidly cured'some )bstinate cases of tic-douleureux. It was also found productive of great benefit in the same cases, if given internally. Externally, applied as a counter-irritant, it also affords striking relief. The preparations of Ammonia are more homoeopathic to scurvy and haenorrhages from deficiency of fibrin in the blood than to any other forms of blood-diseases. In scrofula, the late Dr. Armstrong found that cases attended with much debility, a languid state of the circulation, and deficient cutaneous secretions, were much benefitted by Ammonia. In typhus fever, small-pox, scarlet fever, and other septic disorders, an unusually large quantity of Ammonia is developed or liberated in the blood. In the bites of venomous snakes and insects, in which the poison is absorbed into the blood, Ammonia has long been used. It is certainly a powerful nervine stimulant in these cases, and is more efficacious than Brandy or any other stimulant. It may be given internally, in doses of ten or twenty minims, in water or wine, every half-hour or oftener, if the urgency of the symptoms require it. Externally, it should be rubbed into and about the bitten part. The patient should not be allowed to lie down or go to sleep; he should be kept. moving about, and his fears allayed in every possible way. In bites of scorpions, centipedes, mosquitos, and other venomous insects, a liniment composed of equal parts of Ammon.-caust., Olive-oil, and Opium, well rubbed over the bitten part, affords great relief. A few drops of the Ammon. may also be given internally. Although, in full quantities, it extinguishes the irritability of the heart, still, Wood says, in consequence of the energy, and at the same time the brevity of its stimulant action, it is admirably adapted to all those cases of sudden depression or collapse which, if the patient survive, must be followed by febrile reaction, if not acute inflammation. The want of any special influence on the brain, adapts it peculiarly to those in which the reaction will be likely to be attended with inflammation or great vascular excitement of that organ. Instances of the kind are not unfrequently presented in the cold stage of febrile diseases, the collapse of concussion of the brain, and the prostration of any sudden shock. Gerard, of Lyons, has used it with success as a sudorific in grave fevers, also in those arising from atmospheric influences, i. e., in catarrhal-rheumatic fevers. Pugnet and Brachet have used it with astonishing success in catarrhal-rheumatic fevers, when the chill was well marked. Wood says, in all fevers assuming in their progress a low form, requiring stimulation, this is one of the first of the diffusible 10* 226 AMMONIUM CAUSTICUM. stimulants which may be had recourse to. In typhus and enteric fevers, in the various exanthemata assuming a typhoid form, especially scarlatina, small-pox, and malignant erysipelas, and even in the phlegmasia, when attended with the same state of the system, it may be used; yet, in all these diseases, the quantity of Ammonia in the blood is increased. Its tendency to produce softness or moisture of the skin adds to its usefulness; and sometimes, when the breath and exhalations from the patients have a sour smell, as they are apt to have in low fevers, its property of neutralizing acid may be considered a peculiar recommendation. We should not have been surprised to see Wood recommending it when the breath was ammoniacal. Still he has doubtless often applied it unwittingly when that was the case, supposing the breath to be sour or musty. In continued fevers, which have existed for some time, and where all violent action has subsided, and the brain does not appear much disordered, it is occasionally of great service. Its diaphoretic action may be improved by diluents and warm clothing. In intermittent fever it is sometimes of advantage, given during the cold stage, to hasten its subsidence. In the exanthemata, when the eruption has receded from the skin, and the extremities are cold, it is sometimes of great benefit, on account of its stimulant and diaphoretic properties. When the recession arises from, or is connected with an inflammatory condition of the bronchial membrane, it is inadmissible. Caustic Ammonia is evidently more homceopathic to croupous in. flammations than to any other variety. I suggested this remedy against membranous croup as early as 1846; also Bromine, the credit of which has been assumed by so many other physicians.-J. C. P. In some inflammatory diseases, especially pneumonia and rheumatism, when the violence of the vascular action has been reduced by proper treatment, Ammonia has proved serviceable. In alternation with Senega, Dr. Pereira has has found it valuable in chronic pulmonary affections. Although it is a sudorific, it has been recommended in the dominant school against the colliquative sweats of phthisis; also against a dry parchment-like state of the skin; in exanthematic fevers, with suppression of the functions of the skin, and consequent nervous affections. It is said to be homoeopathic to scarlet fever, because it induces a scarlet redness and burning heat of the skin, especially on the superior portion of the body, and upon the thighs and knees; it also causes a scaling off of the epidermis, dropsical effusions, inflammation of the throat and tonsils, and croupous inflammation of the throat and nose. Gerard, of Lyons, used it di. luted with water, to prevent the inflammation in cases of burns. AMMONIUM CAUSTICUM. 227 Tinea and herpes are sometimes combatted happily by ammoniacal lotions; and the faculty of preventing deep-seated inflammations and suppurations has also been attributed to its local application. The linimentum Ammonice is much used in rheumatic pains, inflammations of the throat, and catarrhal affections of the chest, especially in children. The liquor Ammonice-fortior is used for its vesicatory effects, when Cantharides cannot be employed, on account of the extreme susceptibility to strangury, or when it is desirable to raise a blister very promptly, as in cases of sudden and great prostration from gouty spasms in the stomach, anginose affections of the heart, the sinking spells of low fever, &c., and intolerable neuralgic or spasmodic pains. It has also been employed to obtain quickly a denuded surface for the endermic application of medicines, in cases of great emergency- Its use is recommended for ring-worm, as being one of the most useful applications; it is advisable to limit the proportion of alkali to the amount of stimulation which it is desired to produce. Three cases of temulentia are reported in Frank's Magazine as cured by liquor Ammonium-causticum, in twelve to fifteendrop doses, in sweetened water, every five, ten, or twelve minutes. In two cases, the functions of the brain were very much excited, and in one case there was complete absence of sensibility. A case of syncope in a woman, aged seventy-five, brought on by working in the garden during the heat of the sun, in a bent position, was cured, as reported by Frank, by three, four, or five-drop doses of liquor Amimonium-caustium, on a piece of sugar. These attacks came on several times, with trembling, coldness of the limbs, frequent yawning, and vertigo. Sage says he obtained the most astonishing success with the vapor of Ammonia, to animals asphyxiated with Carbonicacid gas; he thinks it acts chemically, the alkaline gas against the acid one. Still, Ammonia causes its own peculiar form of asphyxia; in fact, in that kind of asphyxia which occurs from Ammonia, the contractility of the muscular fibre is always enfeebled. In cases of atonic apoplexy, in which diffusible stimulants are admissible, Ammonium-causticum will be found to be one of the best of these. The vapor may be also applied to the nostrils. In epilepsy and congestion of the brain, arising from debility, Dr. Hope has found the internal use of Ammonium-causticum exceedingly efficacious. In bald. ness, a stimulating wash, composed of Ammonium-causticum, has been found of great service. "We have long been in the habit of using this remedy against catarrhs of the nose, coryza, and ozoena, both internally and locally. It is quite singular, however, that Nitric-acid will relieve some cases 228 AMMONIUM CAUSTICUM. I in which Ammonia seems indicated, but does not cure. Still, both Ammonia and Nitric-acid are compounds of Nitrogen.-J. C. P. It seems homoeopathic to some varieties of canker sore mouth, nursing sore mouth, ulceration of the tongue and gums, and may prove useful in cancrum-oris. Pringle used it against angina, as a resolvent, but it is more especially homoeopathic to the pseudo-membranous affections of the throat and oesophagus, such as the diphtheritis of Bretonneau. For chronic hoarseness, dryness of the throat from deficiency of secretion, and chronic asthma, the inhalation of it has been advised, to promote the secretion of a watery vapor from the mouth, fauces, trachea, and bronchi. I have found a few drops of Ammonia, largely diluted with water, and the doses repeated several times a day, the best remedy against catarrhal and paralytic aphonia. Although it has caused vomiting of blood, yet Pinel used it diluted in four parts of water, as a haemostatic, and Gerard has checked with it the hemorrhage from cancerous ulcers. Noack advises it against violent spasms of the stomach and heartburn; also against nervous dyspepsia and gastrodynia, although it would seem far more homoeopathic to gastric disorders when arising from congestion or inflammation. During the cholera season in Halle, in 1848-49, Dr. Reil used liquor Ammonium-causticum with great success, in the third stage of choleraasphyxia, where other remedies had failed. This treatment in cholera is corroborated by Dr. Kurtz, who gave the liquor Ammonium-causticum with success, in cases where but little purging or vomiting occurred, or where this had almost ceased, with rapid sinking of the temperature of the skin and failing pulse, dyspnoea, threatening paralysis of the lungs and heart, and asphyxia. In amenorrhcea and chlorosis, Dr. Ashwell states that he has derived great benefit from a mixture of Ammonium-causticum and milk, thrown into the vagina daily. It has also been very successfully employed by Lavagna in amenorrhcea. Dr. Dewees relates a very obstinate case of pruritus in a female, which completely yielded to injections into the vagina of a mixture of 3ss.-3j. of the solution in 7ss. of water. " It succeeded like a charm." He adds that he has since successfully employed it in numerous cases. It should be freely injected into the vagina. Rayer advises its application to the velum-palati in cases of simple idiopathic asthma. He dips a roll of lint, a few inches long, into a mixture of four parts of the solution and one of water, presses out the superfluous fluid, and immediately applies it for a few seconds to the velum-palati. This at first causes a feeling of suffocation, with cough and much expectoration; but this soon passes off, and great AMMONIUM CAUSTICUM. 229 relief is experienced. It should be applied weak, at first, and may be repeated if necessary. Great care should be taken not to apply the mixture to the back part of the pharynx, as such an application may prove serious or even fatal. Rayers states that, in one hundred cases, he has employed this treatment with success, and without unpleasant consequences. In chronic bronchitis, an embrocation of Ammonium-causticum is advised as efficacious, and, in fact, in many pulmonary affections, such as chronic pleuritis, phthisis, &c., it will be found of permanent advantage. It is recommended for violent spasm of the stomach and heartburn; also membranous croup. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-Affections of the mucous membranes and organs of the chest, contraction of the flexor muscles; contraction of the oesophagus and of the colon.-Excessive exhaustion and muscular debility; debility which scarcely permits him to stand violent trembling on making the least effort.-Skin hot and dry afterwards moist, even sweating.-Restless sleep.-Chilliness; fever towards evening; the pulse is at first small and not much accelerated, afterwards it becomes more rapid from hour to hour.-Great tendency to start. HEAD, &c.-Dullness of the head; pressure in the forehead, with sensation as if the head would burst; pressure in the temples.Entire stoppage of the nose, with discharge of a watery fluid.-Pale countenance, with features expressive of pain; disfigured countenance.-Burning in the oesophagus, or else violent pains; whitecoated tongue; scraping and burning in the throat; difficult deglutition; dark redness of the velum-pendulum-palati, tonsils, and the posterior wall of the pharynx; the uvula is drawn up and covered with white mucus. STOMACH, &c.--Burning thirst.--Vomiting of the contents of the stonach through the nose and mouth, with violent burning in the parts which are touched by the expelled substance; vomiting of mere mucus.-Painfulness and swelling of the pit of the stomach.-Rumbling in the abdomen.-Several diarrhoeic stools after the vomiting, with burning at the anus, sphincter, and colon.-The menses appear a fortnight too soon and too profusely. CHEST.-Cough and expectoration of mucus; the voice is low and feeble; broken speech.- Violent oppression of the chest; want of breath; desire to draw a deep breath, which is prevented by a pain in the region of the oesophagus; hurried, heavy, rattling breathing. PATHOLOGICAL ANATOMY. IN MEN.-Considerable red ness of the Schneiderian membrane, which is covered with an albu 230 AMMONIUI MIRIATICUM4. minous membrane.-Considerable redness of the velum-pendulum. palati, its arches, and of the mucous membrane of the posterior wall of the buccal cavity.-The uvula is drawn up, and covered with a mucous layer.-The posterior surface of the epiglottis, and the entrance to the rima-glottidis, are very red and covered with a pseudo-membrane.-Considerable redness of the whole of the trachea and of the bronchi, covered here and there with membranous layers. -A few intensely-red streaks in the mucous membrane of the oesophagus and stomach.-The ileum exhibits red spots here and there. 21.-AMMONIUM MURIATICUM. AM MUR.-Muriate of Ammonia.-Hahnemann's "Chronic Diseases," Vol. II. -Duration of Action: from 3 to 4 weeks. COMPARE WITH-Am.-carb, and its analogous remedies. ANTIDOTES.-Camph., Coff., Hep., Am., Hydr.-ac., Lauroc., Nitr.-sp. RATIONALE OF ITS ACTION.-This salt consists of about thirty-one parts of Ammonia, and sixty-nine parts of Muriatic-acid. Hence it is to be supposed that it partakes in part of the action of these two remedies, although it necessarily has effects peculiar to itself. It is most nearly allied in its action to Hydriodate of Potash, Muriate of Baryta, Chlorate of Potash, and Bromide of Potash. Counsellor Gumpert commenced with administering one-half or one drachm of the salt in twenty-four hours; increased the doses one drachm every three or four days, until, finally, from four to six drachms were given each day. When about half a pound of Sal-ammoniac had been used in the course of four weeks, the following complex of symptoms would appear.-J. C. P. A state of things which would exactly imitate a status pituitosus, or febris mucosa, attended with the most invincible repugnance to the remedy, so that even the thought of it would cause nausea.-The eyes would become dull, and present a peculiar glassy or watery shine;-lassitude, sluggishness, and prostration overpowered the whole body;-the tongue became coated and white; the patient experienced a constant shivering, hawked constantly, and scraped his throat, because there was an incessant tickling there, although he did not get up much mucus; there was a sense of emptiness in the stomach, although the patient could not bring himself to take food. The perspiration was generally increased; the sweat broke out from the slightest exertion. Much urine was excreted, of a strong ammoniacal, or even mouldy odor, although it generally remained quite AMMONIUM MURIATICUM. 231 clear. Glassy and tough mucus was occasionally evacuated by stool, but diarrhcea occurred only rarely.-J. C. P. This state of things did not last long before a formal attack of fever would prostrate the patient upon his bed; the paroxysms consisted of CHILLS and FEVER, followed by profuse perspiration. These paroxysms resembled those of an ordinary fever and ague, and were followed by relief from the premonitory symptoms already alluded to, and from some of those of the disease against which it was given. In the course of eighteen months, Gumpert noticed five paroxysms like the above, all of which followed the seven-day type quite accurately; they recurred regularly as long as the organism was sufficiently saturated with Sal-ammoniac; they became slighter, and finally ceased as the effects of the drug wore off; and could be reproduced again at pleasure by resuming the remedy. In one case, the septimana set in after the Muriate had been used six weeks, and recurred regularly every Thursday for four weeks; the fifth paroxysm was slight, and the sixth omitted, while the seventh was reproduced by repeated doses of the drug. Wibmer took from ten to twenty grains per dose, and repeated it at the end of an hour; the effects were a sensation of warmth and oppression in the stomach, increase of appetite and digestion, and softness of the stools, headache, and increased desire to pass urine. When applied locally, it irritates the skin moderately; but, if very freely applied, it may inflame it. When taken internally in a powder, it produces a feeling of coolness in the stomach; but in solution it causes the contrary sensation of warmth, which, if the dose is somewhat large, may be attended with epigastric uneasiness or oppression. The secretions become notably increased, especially those of the bronchial tubes and other mucous membranes; urination and perspiration are also frequently induced, and menstruation is said to be promoted. Small doses are apt to constipate, while large doses cause loose stools and discharge of quantities of a tough glassy mucus. With these effects, or rather preceding them, there is a liquifacient, falsely called an alterative influence, for Arnold found itto diminish the plasticity of the blood, and Fischer saw a scorbuticlike dyscrasia produced by the long-continued action of this salt. It exercises a specific influence over the stomach, for Orfila, Smith, and Arnold observed that inflammation of the stomach ensued to whatever part of the body the salt might have been applied. NERVOUS SYSTEM.-In the inferior animals it has been found, when largely given, to cause great disturbance of the nervous system, as indicated by convulsions, paralysis, and coma. Vogt supposes that 232 AMMONIUM MURIATICUM it exerts a peculiarly specific action upon the ganglionic system, aa is evinced by its powerful and specific action upon the stomach and portal system, and its peculiar relation to fever and ague and the vegetative processes generally. VASCULAR SYSTEM. Heart and Arteries.-According to Sundelin, after its absorption it appears to reduce moderately the action of the heart and arteries, and in this respect belongs to the class of debilitating or temperant agents. Vogt regards it as a cooling and anti phlogistic neutral salt, which follows well after Nitrate of Potash. VENOUS SYSTEM.-The Germans suppose that it exerts almost as specific an action upon the portal system as Mercury; and Sundelin hazards the opinion that it is a temperant agent to the arterial system, and an excitant to the venous capillary system. Blood.-It causes a scorbutic-like state of the blood, in which there is no necessary increase of the watery particles, but diminution of 'the blood-globules and fibrine; in chlorosis, there may be an increase of fibrine and diminution of blood-globules; in scrofula, an increase of albumen and deficiency of fat, fibrine, and blood-globules. LYMPHATIC SYSTEM.-It has always been supposed to exert a specific action upon the lymphatic vessels and glands. It excites a more active state of all glandular organs; acts as a powerful resolvent remedy, and while it increases their power of absorption, it also stimulates the excretory actions of the skin and kidneys. It has been decided to act more powerfully upon the glandular tissues of the gastro-hepatic system, and of the uterine organs, than any others. Mucous TISSUES.-It is supposed to exert a specific action upon the mucous membranes, especially those of the gastro-intestinal organs. It acts, although in a less degree, upon the pulmonary mucous membranes; also upon those of the urinary organs; while it effects in a still less degree the mucous membranes of the female genital organs, merely because they are more isolated from the sys temrn than any others. SEROUS TISSUES.-Nextoto the mucous membranes, it is supposed to extend its action to the serous tissues, increasing the vegetative processes in them, especially their power and function of absorption, more particularly in the peritoneum and pleura. FIBROus TIssuEs.-It is not generally or distinctly stated that this remedy exerts any specific action upon the fibrous tissues, but it has effected cures of induration of the prostate, and other'fibrous glands. also in thickenings and semi-fibrinous conditions of the stomach, bladder, and urethra; also of indurations of the liver, ovaries, and AMMONIUM MURIATICUOM. 233 uterus, when a large quantity of fibrous tissue of new formation is developed in these organs. ADIPOSE TISSUE.-It acts as powerfully on this system as liquor Potassae or Kali-hydriodicum. Imagine a man about fifty years old, of middle stature, with a broad face, whose breadth was still more increased by a large mass of fat hanging beneath the chin; imagine also a large head, with a broad neck, adorned with a fatty mass, extending from one ear to the other; two small ears, pushed forwards and outwards by the fatty tumor; sallow eyes and fhae; lax cheeks, and thin hair, and you will have a true picture of the head of the patient Place this head upon a delicately constructed, bony frame, with small, thin hands and feet, scantily nourished arms and legs. Then imagine, on each arm, a large mass of fat, which commenceq at the deftoid muscles, passes over the shoulders to the nape, forwards upon the chest, and filling the arm-pits; a flabby pot-belly; and, finally, two nates, whose proportions would be envied by many modern dames, and you would have a vivid idea of the funny figure which our patient presented when unclothed. He was put under the use of Ammonium-muriaticum. In the sixth week, the seven-day fever was established, and recurred regularly every Thursday. When the patient abandoned the treatment, his belly was collapsed, there was only a trace of the fatty bolster on his neck, the nates were shrunken, so that his clothes had to be made greatly smaller, and the swellings on the shoulders had much diminished After every paroxysm of the seven-day fever, the diminution of the swellings was too evident and remarkable to admit of doubt, while the general improvement of the patient's health was equally great. Before commencing the use of Sal-ammoniac, his digestion was very irregular; loss of appetite alternated with canine hunger, and constipation with diarrhoea; but all these disturbances ceased, and his sallow complexion was replaced by a more healthy and animated one; his eyes became clear; his breathing, which had been much oppressedprobably from accumulations of fat about the heart and in the chest-- became quite free. CLINICAL REMARKS. HAHNEMANN.-" In the following affections, this remedy has shown itself especially efficacious: Whining, peevish, unsociable mood; muscce volitantes, in the day-time, and in the evening by candle-light; (hard hearing); tingling and buzzing in the ears; ulcerated corners of the mouth; tensive pain in the articula. tions of the jaws, when masticating or opening the mouth; empty eructations; painful stitches in the left hypochondrium, early, on waking up in bed, with difficulty of breathing, which obliges the per. 234 AMMONIUM MURIATICUM. son to sit up; the groin, when touched, feels as if there wer3 swelling and subcutaneous ulceration; disposition to costiveness, discharge of blood during stool; soreness up along the rectum, when sitting; vomiting and diarrhoea during the catamenia; pressive and contractive pain at the belly and back during the catamenia: pain at the small of the back during the catamenia; tearing in the feet during the catamenia; lancinations in the nape of the neck, as far as the shoulder, when sneezing; violent cough; tightness at the chest when doing some kind of labor with the hands; stiffness in the small of the back; stitches in the right scapula, when breathing; lancinating pain as from a sprain in the left hip; cold feet; paralytic weakness in the limbs, with dizziness; sleepiness during the day, with laziness and indisposition to work; night-sweats."-ED. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-Pain as from bruises in the whole body, especially in the back, with tearing in both shoulders and in the bacK, early in the morning, after rising, and worse during motion.-Erratic lacerating and painful shooting in the limbs, mostly in the (temples), arms, popliteal spaces, thighs, calves, fingers, and toes, in the evening, when sitting, relieved after lying down; in the evening, shooting and lacerating in the tips of the fingers and toes; shooting, stinging, and burning pricking in the tips of the fingers and toes, as if they had gone to sleep; burning and stinging in the abdomen, back, and scapula, with chilliness and sleepiness. Erethistic state of the circulation, constantly. Seething of the blood in the whole body, with anxiety. Violent throbbing pain in the forehead, towards evening, lasting one hour, increasing by contact, accompanied by weakness, and by chills on going to bed.-Sudden faintness and weakness after dinner, while taking exercise in the open air.-A good deal of lassitude in the morning.-oParalytic weakness in the limbs, with dizziness. The limbs of the right side appear to be more affected than those on the left. She appears tc be better in the open air. SKIN.-Excessive itching over the whole body, mostly in the evening; especially on the chest and the fore-arms, with little pimples after scratching; violent itching around the hips, at night and early in the morning; also of the thighs, legs, and around the bend of the knee, with rash pimples; fine rash over the whole body, for two weeks; vesicular pimples upon the chest and the left leg, itchbng at first, and then burning. SLEEP.-Great sleepiness early in the evening.-No sleep before three o'clock in the morning.-No sleep before midnight, on account of cold feet or heat in the head.-Starting while falling asleep; AMMONIUM MURIATICUM. 235 weary sleep, restless nights; sleep full of dreams; frequent, anxious, frightful dreams, which rouse her from sleep with a start; she then feels oppressed with anxiety.-Lewd, voluptuous dreams.-Frequent sneezing, without having a cold, with titillation in the throat.-Weight on the chest; excessive pain in the small of the back, rousing herfrom her slumber, with painful lameness in both hips and the thighs. Bruised pain in the side and back. Stitches and lacerating pains.Violent itching at night. FEVER.-Chilliness (and coldness), mostly in the evenzng; sometimes preceded or accompanied by thirst, and followed by sweat in the night.-Frequent attacks of fever, every half-hour; chilliness, followed by heat, with a bloated red face, and thirst, both during the chilly and hot stage.-Frequent flushes of heat, with subsequent sweat.-Great heat, when in bed at night, followed by sweat early in the morning.-Heat in the palms of the hands, soles of the feet, and in the face, in the evening, immediately after lying down (with thirst); afterwards, sweat.-Heat over the whole body, with redness of the face, and sweat, when taking exercise in the open air.-*Sweat over the whole body for several nights; -copious sweat, early in the morning, when in bed. MORAL SYMPTOMS, SENSORIUM.-Great earnestness; full of melancholy and anxiety; *disposition to weep; bitter taste during the anxiety, and nauseating, bitter eructations; *is full of ill humor, indifferent, absorbed in thought, and can scarcely be induced to speak, in the evening.-Involuntary antipathy to certain persons.-The head feels gloomy, as after intoxication; dizzy and dull in the room; passing off in the open air; vertigo, worse during motion, passing off in the open air; giddiness and fullness of the head; the head feels as if too heavy. HEAD.-Feeling of heaviness in the head.-Violent headache for several days; headache on the top of the head, as if the head were broken in two.-Pressure in the forehead, with sensation of heat, the head feels as if compressed.-Painful dartings from below upwards, in the left temple.-Lacerating in the head.-Stitches in the left temple, side of the forehead, and of the head, when stooping, and in the vertex, with sensation as if the head would burst; stitches and pressure in the head, especially on the left side, in the room.-Boringin the forehead, almost the whole day.-Glowing heat in the right side of the head every evening; frequent flushes of heat; heat and fullness in the head, early after rising; burning pain, and sometimes stitches in the left temple, when at rest; when masticating or sneezing, ScALP.-Itching of the hairy scalp. 236 AMMONIUM MURTATICUM. EYEs.-Sensation as of hammering or pushing over the margin of the right orbit.-Lacerating in the upper border of the right eye; in the external canthus of the eye; in the eye-balls.--Burning of the eyes, especially of the canthi, after rising, with intolerance of light; the eyes burn at night, with profuse lachrymation.-Twitching of the eye-lids; laehrymation early after rising; redness of the whites of the eyes, and itching; a vesicle on the white of the eye.-Mist before the eye; in the open air she distinguishes nothing.-Yellow spots before the eyes, when sewing, and when looking into the garden out of the window.-OMotes before the eyes. EARs.-Stitches in the ears, from without inwards, and from within outwards, with boring or burning, mostly when walking in the open air.-Grinding and tearing pain in the right ear; also at night, when lying upon it; with digging and rolling in the ear, as if something would get out.-Shooting and boring in the ears; itching in both ears, with running of liquid wax.-Buzzing and thundering noise in the right ear, when sitting, also at night, with pulsative beats at equal intervals.-OuHumming and tingling in the ears.-(OHard hearing). NosE.-Sore nose, internally, and around the margin of the nostrils; external swelling of the left side of the nose, with discharges of bloody crusts.-Bleeding at the nose from the left fossa, after previous itching.-Frequent sneezing; osometimes with tearing from the nape of the neck to the shoulder.-Stoppage of the nose, with constant itching.-Coryza, with sore nose; obstruction of the nose and loss of smell; dry coryza, with discharge of clear water; with sense of obstruction, with copious but difficult expulsion of mucus; only in one nostril, with secretion of a quantity of thick yellow matter, and tearing in the malar bones and teeth. FAcE.-Complexion very pale.-Shooting and lacerating pain in the bones of the face.-Burning heat in the face, passing off in the open air.-Swelling of the cheek, with enlargement of one of the submaxillary glands, attended with a throbbing and lancinating pain.-Eruptions in the face, herpes in the face, dry and tettery.Both lips burn like fire; excoriation of the upper lip, with burning soreness; chapped lips; dry, wrinkled lips; itching pimples around the upper lip; blisters on the upper lip, which become inflamed and ulcerated; Oulcerated corners of the mouth. JAWS AND TEETH.-- Tensive pain in the articulation of the jaws when chewing or opening the mouth.-Swelling of the gums; tear tng toothache, mostly in the evening. MoUTH.-Vesicles at the tip of the tongue, which burn like fira AMMONIUM MURIATICUM. 237 THROAT AND (ESOPHAGUS.-Sore throat; stinging in the throat, during and between the acts of swallowing; swelling of the throat with painful pressure when swallowing, and drawing and lancinating pains in the swollen submaxillary glands.-Throbbing in the tonsils, which are not swollen, with uneasiness and oppressive anxiety; throbbing in the glands of the neck, with flushes of heat.-Swelling of the cervical glands.-Sore-throat, with rawness.-Roughness of the throat, which passes off after dinner; with stinging pain.-Feeling of dryness in the throat; phlegm in the throat, mostly early in the morning. TASTE AND APPETITE.-Pappy, disagreeable, or bitter taste in the mouth, with bitter eructations, passing off after eating. GASTRIC SYMPTOMS.-Sourish taste in the mouth on waking; nausea and water-brash after eating; beating in the chest after dinner, through the pharynx, with heat of the face and uneasy mood.-Diarrhea after every meal, with pain in the back, belly, small of the back, and limbs.-Almost total loss of appetite.-Much thirst, absence of thirst, bitter eructations, sometimes tasting of the ingesta; gulping up of bitter, sour water, the taste remaining in the mouth until she ate something; frequent hiccough.-Attacks of nausea, with disposition to vomit, when walking in the open air, or after dinner; after dinner that symptom passes off, and by walking in the open air; nausea, with oppression of the stomach and disinclination to eat. STOMAcH.-Sensation in the stomach as of emptiness or hunger; sensation of fullness in the stomach, with oppression.-Frequent drawing in the stomach, water-brash, and qualmishness, even vomiting, relieved by eructations in the open air; gnawing or grinding in the stomach, as of worms.-Burning in the stomach, extending to the pharynx, like heartburn; burning and pressure at the stomach, terminating in stinging; burning and pricking at the pit of the stomach, shifting thence to the right axilla and the upper arm. ABDOMINAL REGION.-Occasional pinching in both hypochondria. -Stitches and burning in the region of the right ribs, in the afternoon, when walking.-*Splenetic stitches, even when sitting; oin the morning, on waking, with difficulty of breathing, obliging him to rise. -Pressure in the left side of the abdomen, as from the hand.Weight in the abdomen as of a load, with anxiety, as if the abdomen would burst.-Distention of the abdomen.-Stitches in the left side of the abdomen, over the hip, when sitting or stooping; cutting and shooting around the navel.-Pinching in the belly, around the navel, with subsequent evacuations; pinching and griping pain in the abdomen, with dyspnoea; pinching in the belly at every inspiration, passiug off again by an expiration; pinching, shifting about in the Obdoe 238 AMMONIUM MURIATICUM. men and in the groins, as before the appearance of the menses, early after rising.-Burning pain in the epigastrium, also in the right groin, when sitting.-Feeling of distention in the groins; pressing, lacerating pain in the groin; sometimes with stitches or tenesmus of the bladder; ulcerative pain in the groin.-Rumbling and moving of flatulence in the abdomen, at times with pinching, rumbling, or fermentation in the sides of the abdomen; frequent emission of loud or fetid flatulence. STooL.-*Occasional intermission of stool for several days.-*No stool for two days, with constant colic, and sensation as if diarrhoea would come on.-Hard stool, in clots, scanty, followed by a soft stool. -Several loose stools during the day, sometimes with tenesmus and pain in the abdomen; loose yellow stools, with great urging, followed by tenesmus and burning in the rectum; diarrhoea, followed by pain in the abdomen, a feeling of soreness as if bruised; half liquid, slimy stools, with pain around the umbilicus; green slimy stools, early in the morning; pain around the navel preceding the usual stool. -Stinging in the rectum during stool; burning in the rectum during and after a loose stool; itching, and *soreness of the rectum; pustules by the side of it.--Lacerating in the perineum when walking.-Lancinating pain in the perineum in the evening.-OBleeding from the rectum. URINARY ORGANS.-Pinching and stinging pain in the bladder, as far as the urethra, when lying down.-Constant pressure of the urine upon the bladder, from four o'clock in the morning.-Increased or decreased secretion of urine.--Increased amount of urine at night, obliging him to rise.-Bright-yellow urine, with a loose cloudy sediment; clayish sediment in the urine, after one hour. GENITAL ORGANS.-Stitches and beating in the left spermatic cord. - The menses appear two days too soon, *with pain in the belly and small of the back, in the night the blood flows more abundantly; dis. charge of a quantity of blood with the stool, during the catamenia, Leucorrhoea with distention of the abdomen.-Leucorrhoea like the white of an egg, after previous pinching around the navel; brown slimy, painless leucorrhoea, after every discharge of urine. LARYNX AND TRACHEA.-Hoarseness, with burning in the region of the larynx, the whole forenoon.-Huskiness of the chest, as from a cold.-Frequent hawking, with expectoration of small clots of mucus, accompanied by a feeling of roughness and soreness behind the uvula. -*Violent cough, in the evening when in bed; cough when breathing deeply, especially when lying on the right side; *dry cough(from tickling in the throat), with stitches in the chest and hypochon AMMONIUM MURIATICUM. 239 driac region. Expectoration of blood for six days, after previous itching in the throat.--~Chronic cough, worse after eating, after drinking anything cold, and in a recumbent posture, with whitish, thick, tasteless expectoration in the morning. CHEST.-Short breath; *asthrma when moving the arms with force, and when stooping; weight or pressure on the chest when walking in the open air; pressure in the chest, with stitches, as of a morsel of food which had been swallowed and had been arrested in its course. -Shootings in the chest, sometimes when taking an inspiration or when stooping in the sitting position; coming on at regular intervals, as the beats in music.-Throbbing at a small place in the left cavity of the chest.-Painful tension under the right chest, compression as in a vice in front of the lower part of the chest, when standing; pain as from a bruise, under the right chest, when touching the parts, often with shortness of breath; burning at small spots of the outer chest (when walking in the open air).-Lacerating pain in the chest. -Red spots on the chest, with sensation as of burning itching, turning pale when pressed upon with the finger. BACK.-Pain in the small of the back: when walking, so that she was unable to walk straight; when raising the body after stooping. -*Painful stiffness in the small of the back, even when sitting, mostly, however, when raising the body.-Nightly pain in the small of the back, which always rouses her from sleep.-Pain in the small of the back, as if the parts were bruised or dashed to pieces. Bruised pain between the scapulae. Tension in the back, when sitting, and as if the back were compressed in a vice, disappearing on motion; drawing and pressing, from without inwards, in the middle lumbar vertebre.-Stitches in the scapula.-Icycoldness of the back and between the shoulders, not removed either by feathers or wool; the coldness terminates in itching. Itching in the nape of the neck and back; painful tubercles.-Drawing in the nape of the neck; in the tendons; stiff neck, with pain when turning it, from the nape of the neck as far as between the shoulders. Lacerating, alternately in the i-ight and left side of the neck, sometimes in both; it alternates with tearing in the cheeks. ARMs.-Swelling of a gland, in the axilla, resembling a hard red ulcer, separating into parts, like a large pimple. Blisters of the size of peas, on the shoulder, tensive and burning, and forming a kind of scurf after three days.-Rheumatic pain in the shoulderjoints, when moving them, first in the right, then in the left. Drawing and beating in the shoulder-joints; burning and pressure in the right axilla.-Her right arm is heavy, and feels rigid; the upper 240 AMMONIUM MURIATICUM. arm feels paralyzed. Lacerating in the tendons of the arms; passing off by motion. Lacerating or pressure in the arms.-Itching and burning in the arm.-Itching, burning eruption on the arms and hands.-Violent lancination through the hands, while walking in the open air.-Stitches and beating in the hand, worse when moving it; relieved by motion. Lameness in the hands and fingers. Pain as if from a sprain in the hand when seizing anything. Shooting and lacerating in the fingers, thumbs, and joints. Stitches and painful throbbing under the nail of the thumb; frequent tingling in the tips of the fingers (and thumbs), as if the parts had gone to sleep. LEGS.-Pain in the left hip, as if the tendons were too short; when sitting, a gnawing pain in the bone;* pain as if sprained, with tearing and lancinations; -when sitting, tearing along the thighs from the left hip, relieved by rising.-Weariness and weakness of the legs, the whole day; trembling of the left leg, with sensitiveness to the touch.-Lacerating pain in the thigh, in front, when sitting; stiffness, lancinating pain, or stitches in the knees; the ham-string muscles of both legs are painful in walking, they feel as if too short. -Sensation as of contraction of the thighs. Tension and drawing in the legs.-Insensibility of the left leg when sitting (it feels dead). -Stinging pain in the left calf.-Violent lacerating pain (and lancinations) in the heels, with pain as from ulceration.-Throbbing and pain as from ulceration, when walking, in the foot; sensation in the feet as if they had gone to sleep; *cold feet, in the evening, when in bed; shooting and tearing in the toes, when sitting and standing. Stitches, pinching, and aching in the toes. PATHOLOGICAL ANATOMY.-The vessels on the surface of the brain are turgid.-Collapse of the brain.-The volume of the liver is diminished; the surface and the edges of the liver exhibit a bright red color. The mucous membrane of the stomach is inflamed, and is sometimes detached from the muscular coat.-The mucous membrane of the stomach, in the direction of the spleen, is covered with a large number of small gangrenous ulcers, penetrating the mucous membrane throughout; the mucous membrane of the stomach has become putrefied in the neighborhood of the spleen, and has separated into pieces floating in a quantity of slimy fluid.-Blackish, fetid fluid in the stomach and ileum. Small red spots on the rectum.-A few red spots on the anterior surface of the lungs.-Collapse of the lungs.-The fat which separates the base of the right ventricle of the heart from the auricle externally, contains a good deal of extravasated blood, the extravasation extending into the muscular tissue.-Aneurismal distention of the heart and the large vessels -A few silall red spots in the ANACARDIUM. 241 left ventricle, extending to the depth of a line into the muscular tissue. -Dark-red blood, which soon turns bright red in the air.-The blood is less coagulable, the fibrin is increased. 22.-ANACARDIUM. ANAC.-Semecarpus Anacardium. Duration of Action: 30 days in chronic diseases. COMPARE WITH-Acon., Ars., Calc., Nux-v., Oleand. ANTIDOTES.-Camph., Coff., Juglans. CLINICAL REMARKS. HAHNEMANN.-" The following symptoms indicate the use of Anacardium with tolerable certainty: Hypochondriac, sullen mood; depression of spirits; dread of men; fearfulness; apprehension of near death; deficiency of moral feeling (depravity, flagitiousness, inhumanity, hardheartedness); sensation as if he had two wills, one of which repels him from what the other leads him to do; sensation as if the spirit were disunited from the body; desolate emptiness of the head; headache pressing from the temple towards the eyes; headache in the occiput, arising from wrong stepping and great noise. Weakness and dimness of the eyes; nets and dark spots before the eyes; painful swelling of the ear; itching in the ears; running at the ears; grumbling of the ears; roaring in the ears; surdity; bleeding at the nose; fetid odor from the mouth, without his perceiving it; accumulation of water in the mouth; feculent taste in the mouth; violent thirst; want of appetite; nausea early in the morning; weakness of the stomach; difficult digestion; oppression at the pit of the stomach, early in the morning on waking up; oppression at the liver; hardness of the abdomen; blood with the stool; varices of the rectum, sometimes painful; itching of the arms; humor oozing out at the rectum; burning in the glands before and after micturition; involuntary erections during the day; there is but little enjoyment in coition; leucorrhcea with itching and soreness; feeling of dryness in the nose; obstruction of the nose; chronic coryza, and discharge of mucus from the nose; expectoration when coughing; rattling in the larynx, when lying on one side; stitches and heaviness in the fore-arm; tensive pain and weakness in the arm; trembling of the right hand; burning in the soles of the feet; weight in the limbs, especially in the knees; tremulous lassitude; want of irritability of the skin, which dannot be excited into itching or becoming moist by the use of resins; sensitiveness to cold and draughts of air; catching cold easily,; falling asleep late; anxious dreams; chilliness; sweat when sitting." 11 242 ANACARDIUM. Camphor and Spirits of Nitre do not seem to act sufficiently as an. tidotes; Coffea-cruda is a powerful antidote against the anger and the Vehemence consequent upon the use of Anacardium. NOACK AND TRINKS.-" The ' Confc: tio-anacardina seu sapientium' has been celebrated as a distinguished remedy against weakness of mind, memory, and the senses. Nevertheless, R. A. Vogel ('IHist. Materia Med.,' p. 276) remarks: That 'Caspar Hoffmann has called this confection of the wise a confection of fools, because many had lost their memory, and had become mad on account of using it too often and inconsiderately.' Hence it was only the improper and too frequent use of Anacardium that made it hurtful; if applied correctly, it became curative." GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-Drawing and pains in almost every part of the body. General aching in the interior of the whole body. -Sensation as if all the bones were bruised, early in the morning, when lying in bed, with stiffness of the nape of the neck and the small of the back, and headache in the forehead and temples; relieved on rising.-Repeated lacerating, in paroxysms, simultaneously through the upper and lower extremities.-Heaviness in the left upper and lower extremity when walking.-Highest degree of debility, he can scarcely move his hands; *he trembles from every motion.-Very faint from going up-stairs.-*A short journey on foot completely exhausts him.-Paralysis of some parts.-Panting, languishing condition, like paralysis; his legs totter when standing; painful weakness of' the feet, when sitting.-Weariness of the limbs, as from walking too much, and sleepiness as from great weakness. -OCatches cold easily, and is very *sensitive to currents of air. SKIN.-*The skin of the body is insensible to itching stimulants. -Corrosive stinging itching upon the body.-Burning itching, principally at night, increased by scratching.-Pain, as of a boil, in the affected parts. SLEEP.-Disposition to sleep.-Uneasy sleep, at night, with fre.. quent tossing about.--Light sleep, with frequent waking.-Sound sleep until nine o'clock in the forenoon.-Slumber, day and night, with great heat and thirst; the skin feels hot; he grumbles and sighs when asleep.-Constant stupor, without dreams; after waking, he is quite stupid; hot skin with red cheeks and cold forehead, although he complains of heat in the head; at the same time, violent thirst and dryness in the throat.-He lies in a state of dreaming, night and day, without sleeping, full of anxious thoughts about his daily business.Vivid dreams at night; about fire; dreams about dead bodies; *anxious dreams, full of dar:ger; he screams anxiously when asleep. ANACARDIUM. 243 Startings, as in affright, when lying in bed waking,*in the evening.Violent drawing in the abdomen and in the extremities, with subse. quent burning, followed by pain in the bones when touched, so that she cannot fall asleep, in consequence of the pain.-Diarrhoea at night, with subsequent constipation.-Cramp in the calves, at night. -Twitches of the mouth and fingers, when asleep.-~Pressure in the pit of the stomach early in the morning, on waking. FEVER.-- Chilliness several minutes, after dinner; *continual shivering-even in a warm room.-The open air is disagreeable to him.-Chilliness and want of appetite. Icy-cold shiverings; chilliness over the whole body, as if he had caught cold in the wet; hor ripilations over the whole body, with heat in the face, without thirst. -Feverish uneasiness in the afternoon, as is felt during a cold, accompanied by languor, and tremor of the limbs.-Quickly-passing heat in the face and brain, in the afternoon, with redness of the cheeks; heat in the face, with nausea and heaviness in the whole body, every afternoon at four o'clock.-Heat over the whole body, with chilliness. Heat of the skin, with great thirst, and dry, parched lips.-Internal heat, with external chilliness and cold sweat. The rest of the body being moderate.-Clammy sweat in the palms.-Frequent waking from sleep, with general sweat.-Night-sweats. MORAL SYMPTOMS.-*Sadness.-*Anxiety, apprehension of threat ening misfortune.-Fearfulness and *apprehension, in the evening after having spent the day with a cheerful disposition.-He imagines he is surrounded with enemies.-Apprehension and thoughtfulness, when meditating over his present and future destiny.-Want of confidence in his strength, and *despondency. Has little confidence in himself.-In the forenoon *he is extremely hypochondriac, lowspirited and desponding, with stupidly foolish and childish manners; all his motions are extremely awkward and indolent.-Excessively peevish and ill-humored; everything which surrounded him made a disagreeble impression upon him; gloomy, peevish mood, with desire of going into the open air.-He takes everything in bad part, and becomes vehement.-Irritable and contradicting; a slight offence makes him vehemently angry, he breaks out in personal violence.Want of disposition to do anything.-Dread of labor.-He is very indiferent and unfeeling.-Excessive cheerfulness.-Ie laughs when he ought to be serious.-He refrains from laughing at the ludicrous.--Sensation as if he had two opposite wills acting against each other. SENsoRIUX.-~oSensation as if the connection between body and mind were dissolved.- Great weakness of memory.-He remembers 244 ANACARDIUM. with difficulty.--In the afternoon his memory is better than in the forenon.--Increased quickness of memory; he spontaneously recollects the smallest circumstances of times long past.-Dullness of the senses, with anxiety; he scarcely perceives what is taking place around him.-Every kind of intellectual labor is difficult for him, owing to absence of mind.-Dullness of sense; dullnessof the head and prostration of strength.-His head feels muddled and empty.-Increased fancy; he is constantly thinking of some new object to which the mind forcibly clings.-The mind gradually becomes dull, so that he is without any ideas.-His mind is animated; he likes to enter upon acute analytical investigations; but every effort of this kind gives him an acute oppressive pain in the forehead, the temples, and the occiput.-Any little effort of the mind causes a sensation in the brain as if bruised.-Illusion of the fancy; he imagines he hears his name called by his distant mother and sister, with an apprehension of misfortune and anxiety.-Melancholy illusion; he imagines he sees a bier in a side-room, upon which either his friend or himself is lying.-He confounds the present with the future. HEAD.-Painful dullness of the head, especially in the morning.Dizziness of the head, as after taking spirlituous drinks.-Vertigo on stooping, with sensation as of turning round; in the open air.-Vertigo, as if the objects or himself were wavering; he is obliged to hold on to something.--Pain in the head, especially in the forehead; stunning, aching, occasioning vertigo.-Pressure: in the head, worse in walking, as if the brain were shaken. Dull pressure in the centre of the forehead, gradually extending over the whole anterior part of the head, in the evening.--*Violent pressure in the region of the right temple.-Dull pressure, as from a plug, on the right side of the vertex.-Pressure in the temple Pressure from without inwards, and sense as of squeezing in both temples, with continual constriction of the upper part of the head, increasing towards evening.--Compression simultaneously in both temples; constrictive headache in the forehead, with peevish mood and violent digging pain, diminished by pressure.--Head feels as if compressed by a tight band, with pressure in the left temple; lacerating headache during hard labor.Repeated lacerating in the whole head, with chills over the body, low spirits, and uneasiness; the pain returns every third day.-Sudden, acute, piercing, and biting lacerating in the temple, as far as the brain.-Lancinations in the forehead over the right eye.-Sharp stitches through the head, reaching deep into the brain.--Headache, with stitches in the left temple.-Drawing pain in the head.-Several violent dartings, at intervals, so that he would like to scream.-Vio. ANACARDIUM. 245 lent digging headache in the evening; relieved by pressure and during a meal; accompanied by intolerable pain, as if a heavy body were forced in at those parts; better in the evening.-Throbbing headache.-Heat in the head.-The headache is worse during motion.-Pressure in the forehead, over the left eye-brow, from without inwards. SCALP.-Violent itching of the hairy scalp and forehead.-Tubercles on the hairy scalp, sore when touched. EYES.-Sore eyes, without redness.-Sensation as if something were in the eye, lower lid.--Pressure in the eye-ball; dull pressure, as from a plug, in the upper border of the right orbit, reaching as far as the brain, with stupefaction of the whole side of the head.-Rheumatic pain in the left eye (more in the lids), as far as the temples.Lacerating in the balls and orbits, early on walking.-Twitches in the eye-lids.-Great sensitiveness of the eyes to the light.-The light appears to be surrounded with a halo in the evening.-The flame of a light appears to flicker, and to become alternately dark and bright. Luminous vibrations before the eyes.-Contraction of the pupils.Great dilatation of the pupils (reaction).-Short-sightedness.-Dimness of the eyes, as if they were full of water.-~Muscoe-volitantes. EARS.-Cramp-pain in the ear.--Painful pressure in the external ear.-Jerks like electric shocks.-Twitches in the external ear.Drawing pain behind the left ear.-Lacerating in the left ear, down the cheek.-Pain as from ulceration in the ear, mostly when swallowing; when pressing the teeth against one another in masticating.Tearing and throbbing, with pressure in the cartilage of the ear, and in the internal ear, as if an ulcer would form.-*Itching in the ears while a brownish *matter is running out at the same time.OPainful swelling of the outer ear.-Roaring before the ear; *humming in the ears; tingling in the right ear.-Feeling of obstruction in the left ear, as from cotton.-Hearing either dull or acute. NosE.-Bruised pain in the nose.-Pustules about the nostrils.*Bleeding at the nose, -after vehement blowing.-Illusory smell.The smell disappears, although the nose is not obstructed.-*Chronic coryza.-*Obstruction of the nose -as if by a quantity of mucus.*Chronic coryza and oblennorrhoea from the nose; -dry coryza; violent fluent coryza, with lachrymation, after a good deal of sneezing; violent coryza, with fever, inability to get warm, heat in the head, and icy-cold hands and feet, followed by a dry heat, sensation as.if the tendons of the legs were too short, cramp in the calves, and uneasiness about the heart.-OFeeling of dryness in the nose. FACE.-Dull pressure in the face.-He looks worn out, hollow 246 ANACARDIUM. eyed, with blue borders around the eyes; paleness of the face; pale, sickly, wan complexion; dry heat of the face and head, with dullness of the head; paleness and heat of the skin, which is, however, not perceptible to himself.-White scaly herpes on the right cheek; itching of the forehead; hard red pustules on the forehead and wing of the nose, with a feeling of soreness; rough, exfoliating, herpetic skin around the mouth, with titillation; dryness of the lips; burning dryness of the margins of the lips, as from pepper. JAWS AND TEETH.-Burning upon the chin, and dull pressure, in an ascending direction.-Frequent drawing pains in the lower jaw, especially in the evening.-Occasional lacerating in the articulation of the jaw.-Swelling of the gums; bleeding of the gums consequent upon slight rubbing; toothache upon taking anything warm into his mouth, a pain.-Drawing pain in the gums and the roots of the lower molar teeth of the left side.-Cramp-like traction in the lower row of teeth of the right side, reaching up to the ear; tearing in all the teeth, returning at intervals. MOUTH AND THROAT.-Fetid odor from the mouth.-Painful blisters in the mouth.-The tongue is white and rough.-Heaviness of the tongue, and sensation as of swelling, hindering or preventing speech; in the afternoon his speech is firmer.-His throat feels raw and sore. -Sensation as of scraping (rawness) in the throat.-Pressure in the throat-pit.-Dryness in the throat, passing off by eating; in the forenoon. APPETITE, TASTE, AND GASTRIC SYMPTOMS.-Bitter dryness in the mouth and throat.-Insipid, putrid taste of the food; food, of which he is otherwise fond, disgusts him so much that he would like to vomit.-*He has no appetite for dinner; bread tastes bitter.Constant thirst.-At times violent hunger, at times none at all.Great appetite, with pressure at the stomach and nausea unto vomiting after a meal.--Difficult digestion, weakness of the stomach,-Almost all the symptoms disappear during dinner; they come on again two hours afterwards.-After a meal, heat in the face, with accumulation of sweetish saliva in the mouth, and violent thirst; heat in the face, and exhaustion of strength; shaking in the pit of the stomach at every step; pressure and tension in the pit of the stomach; pressure at the stomach, with a feeling of extreme exhaustion and physical prostration, with great thirst; pressure in the region of the stomach, towards the abdomen, as if he had eaten too much; shifting of flatulence in the abdomen, as from a purgative; extreme weak. ness, both of body and mind; irresistible desire to sleep; short and hacking cough, affecting the throat as if it were raw; roughness ANACARDIUM. 247 in the throat, with a deep tone of voice; burning eructations after a meal; eructations, with spasmodic pain in the stomach; hiccough.-- Heartburn, after soup, like sour air in the oesophagus, with a sensation of contraction; burning sensation from the stomach to the throat. --*Nausea, early in the morning, with sensation in the stomach as of fasting.-*A good deal of nausea, early in the morning; violent nausea towards evening, constant accumulation of water in the mouth vomiting, followed by acidity in the mouth. STOMACH.-Sensation as of fasting in the pit of the stomach.-Intensely painful, dull pressure at the pit of the stomach, slowly coming and going; pressure with drawing pain below the pit of the stomach, when walking; disappearing after a meal; violent contractive pain in the stomach, relieved by stooping, made worse by lifting the arm or turning the body.-Sharp stitches in the proecordial region, extending thence to the small of the back; lancinations in the prcecordial region, when taking an inspiration.-Cutting in the prmcordial region.-Slight rumbling and fermenting in the pit of the stomach. ABDOMINAL REGION.-Pressure in the liver.-Stitches in the hypochondrium.-Dull stitches in the region of the spleen.-Pain around the umbilicus, as if a plug were forced into the intestines.-Pressure in the region of the umbilicus, as of something hard, aggravated by breathing, speaking, or external pressure.-Dull intermittent stitches in the region of the umbilicus.-Single sharp stitches' in the abdomen.-A sudden undulating darting in the abdomen, from without inwards, like lightning.-Cutting and pinching in the abdomen, as from flatulence, or cold, with urging to stools.-Attacks of colic from flatulence.-Pinching and crampy pain in the abdomen, apparently in the intestines.-Shootings in the muscles of the abdomen, close under the short ribs.-Intermittent dull pressure from within outwards over the abdominal ring.-Continual rumbling in the abdomen, especially in the region of the umbilicus.-Continual rumbling and pinching in the abdomen. STooL.-Frequent urging during the day, without being able to expel anything. Constant urging; the expulsion not taking place immediately, he experiences a painful twisting and turning in the intestines across the abdomen.-Stools loose first, then hard; of a very pale color, with watery diarrhoea, difficult expulsion.-Pinching in the abdomen during stool.---*Frequent itching of the anus.OBlood during stool.-OMoisture from the rectum. URINARY ORGANS.-Itching in the urethra.-Constant desire to urinate; but little urine passing off; he is obliged to rise at night 24.8 ANACARDIUM. to urinate; the urine is clear, but in small quantity; the urine, while being emitted, is turbid, deposits a dirty sediment, and, when shaken, looks like clay. GENITAL ORGANS.-Cutting pain along the penis.-Itching of the scrotum.-Extreme sexual desire, or discharge of the prostatic juice, with difficult or easy stool.-Discharge of the prostatic juice after emission of urine.--Involuntary emission of semen at night, without lewd dreams.--oInvoluntary erections in the day-time.-~oWant of en. joyment during an embrace.-Tearing in the mons-veneris.--Leu corrhoea, with itching and soreness. LARYNX AND TRACHEA.-Roughness of the throat.-Short and hack ing cough after a meal, affecting the throat, as if raw; *violent cough after dinner, with vomiting of the ingesta; nightly cough, with raw ness of the throat.-Severe cougn in the morning or evening, when in bed, with pain in the head.-Painful pressure on the top of the head when coughing or taking a deep inspiration; cough commencing with titillation in the larynx and suffocation; periodical attacks of cough only in the day-time; attacks of racking cough, resembling fits of whooping-cough, coming on whenever he begins to talk.-Racking cough, which preventssleep.-Short cough, mostly in the afternoon, with expectoration of a consistent, grey-yellow substance; *short cough, with expectoration of pus.-He spits blood when coughing. CHEST.-Short breath.-Asthma, dyspnoea; with weeping, which relieves the oppression.-Dyspnoea, with internal anxiety and heat.Oppressive anxiety in the region of the sternum, without pain.Uneasiness in the chest, apparently about the heart, especially in the afternoon.-Oppression at the chest, like dyspnoea, with difficulty of breathing; pressure at the chest, especially when sitting, with fullness; he would like to vomit in order to be relieved.-Dull pressure, as from a plug, in the right side of the chest.-Undulating drawing in the left side of the chest.-Feeling of soreness and rawness in the chest, increased by inspiration.-Sensation behind the sternum as if there were a sore place in the chest.-Severe lacerating in the chest; lancination and stitches in the chest.-Pulsative.lancinations in the chest, above the heart; a stitch in the proecordial region, at night, when drawing breath.-Short lancinations in the heart, succeeding each other two by two.-Drawing pain in the muscles of the chest.-Quivering sensation in the pectoral muscle, when raising the arm.-Itching and pricking in the outer part of the chest. BACK.-Painful stiffness in the back, in the shoulder-blade.-Vio lent lancination, with pressure under the shoulder-blade.-Dul stitches in the left sholdder-blade, causing a lacerating pain all rounl. ANACARDIUM. 249 --Pain as from a bruise, in the scapula and upper arm.-Stifness of the nape of the neck, with tensive pain, especially when moving the head quickly; dull intermittent pressure, as from a heavy load, on the nape of the neck and top of the shoulder, apparently in the bone. -Rheumatic drawing along the neck; hard pressure on both sides of the larynx, which sometimes interferes with deglutition; sudden dull pressure, as from a weight, on both sides of the neck.-Inter. mittent prickings, with throbbing, on the left side of the cheat, close to the neck.-Frequent itching of the neck and axillae. ARMs.-Intensely painful lancinations, with tension in the arms when stretching and extending them.-The left arm goes to sleep.Pressure in the left arm, with lassitude.-Rheumatic drawing pain in the upper arm, with a feeling of stiffness.-Spasmodic pressure in the muscles of the upper arms, when walking *in the open air, and when sitting, in the evening; dull pressure in the left upper arm, apparently in the humerus, intensely painful and intermittent.Painful jerking in the left upper arm, above the bend of the elbow.Throbs as from a heavy body, intensely painful in the centre of the left upper arm.-Pimples with red areolme and pus at the tip, with painful itching during motion.--Pressure in the bend of the left elbow, *which draws the arm down as with a weight, and renders its motion difficult, when walking in the open air.-Pressure from without inwards, in the fore-arms.-Aching pain in the muscles of the right fore-arm when writing.-Cramp-like pain in the arms, hands, and wrists.-Prickings in the back of the left hand.-Violent, painful lancination in the ball of the right hand; burning stitches in the external border of the left hand.-Feeling of dryness in the hands; dry, hot hands.--Tremor of the hands; -stinging itching in the outer knuckle of the right hand.-Nightly itching in the hollow of the hand and between the fingers; violent friction relieves the disagreeable feeling, without diminishing the violence of the symptom.-The hands are covered with warts.-Crampy or pulsative twitches in the fingers.-Numbness of the fingers. LEGS.-Pain as from a sprain and a bruise over the right hip, when rising from the seat, also coming on when moving the trunk while sitting; drawing here and there, pressure, and feeling of heaviness in the legs, after a walk, the heaviness is diminished by extending the foot (immediately); intensely painful, dull pressure in the thighs, sometimes intermitting regularly as beats in music.-Dull pressure, as from a plug, in the glutei muscles of the left side; violent pressure in the thigh, regular as the pulse, and always accompanied by a lanoination.-Slight twitchings and drawings in the thighs --Burn11* 250 ANGUSTURA VERA. ing prickings in the muscles of the thighs.-Pressure and drawing in the knees and legs; burning pain.-Painful uneasiness around the knees, with a sensation of stiffness, as if a bandage were tied round these parts, when sitting.-Itching eruption around the knees, as far as the calves.-Heaviness in the legs.-Painful drawing in the tibia.-Rheumatic tensive pressure in the leg.-Cramp-like pressure in both calves, painful stretching in the calf; cramp-like intermittent drawing in the legs, from the heels up to the calves.-Burning pain in the leg, with soreness above the heel; burning in the legs, here and there, as of red-hot sparks.-Dull intermittent pressure in the internal border of the sole of the foot.-Painful jerks in the dorsum of the foot, internally.-Prickings in the dorsum of the foot.-*Burning of the soles of the feet when sitting.-Cold feet, early in the morn. ing.-The feet, which had been warm, become intensely cold when walking; the cold feet become still colder.-Itching. 23.-ANGUSTURA VERA.-(CORTEX ANGUSTUIE, OR ANGUSTURE.) ANGUST.-Bark of the Galipea-officinalis, or Galipea-cusparia.-Duration of Action: from 3 to 4 weeks in chronic affections. COMPARE WITH-Bruc., CanDth., Carb.-a., Carb.-v., Coff., Mer., Plat. ANTIDOTE-Coff. CLINICAL REMARKS.-It has been employed extensively in the malignant bilious intermittent fevers, dysenteries, and dropsies of Angustura and Demerara. It is probable, however, from the testimony of physicians in Europe and in the United States, that it is better adapted to tropical diseases than to those of temperate climates. It seems homceopathic to nettle-rash, when followed by flat, painful ulcers. It was at one time considerably used in place of Peruvian Bark as a febrifuge; but has not been found successful in the treatment of intermittents in northern latitudes. More recently, Mr. Brande has spoken favorably of its febrifugic properties, and relates instances in which it has proved successful. Alibert, however, gave it a fair trial, and found it of little value; and general experience has pronounced the same verdict. Pereira recommends it, on the authority of Winterbottom, in " adynamic continued fever," especially when complicated with great disorder of the digestive organs. Merat and De Lens assert that the natives of the country where it is indigenous regard it as superior to Quinine in the treatment of intermittent fev is; they also employ it like Quassia and Columbo ANGUSTURA VERA. 251 in dysenteries. Bretonneau, of Tours, used it in several cases, but was unsuccessful. Reydellet and Niel, *of Marseilles, have ad. ministered the Angustura in powder, in five cases of vernal inter. mittent with entire success. Fodere has succeeded but three times in eight cases. This is qualified, however, by the reflection that oftentimes the most insignificant remedy will cure an intermittent, more especially one occurring in the spring-a simple stimulant being sometimes all that is needed to enable the system to throw off the morbific influence. In order to give weight and value to a remedy it should succeed in the case of a tertian or quartan, of marked type, which has lasted from fifteen days to a month. It is usually thought to have no special influence on the brain and nervous system, but is generally regarded as a stimulant tonic, in small doses acceptable to the stomach. Many of the phenomena enumerated by Noack and Trinks as due to this variety of Angustura belong properly to the False Angustura. It has been ascertained that much of the bark which was formerly sold in Europe was composed of a mixture of both varieties, so that we are left in some doubt with regard to the pathogenetic and therapeutic effects peculiar to each kind. It seems to act upon the stomach somewhat similar to Cocculus and Nux-vomica, and may be employed against acidity, nausea, bilious derangement, flatulence, dryness. of the mouth and throat, especially when there is an excessive desire for cold drinks, with more or less lassitude and inclination to faint. In the dominant school it is regarded as a valuable remedy in cases of dyspepsia with diarrhoea and loss of appetite. In cases of flatulency attended with nausea, if taken an hour before dinner, it'will often restore appetite and digestion. In large doses it evacuates the stomach and bowels, and is often employed for this purpose in South America. It has been recommended in dyspepsia and other diseases in which a tonic treatment is demanded., t has the advantqge over Peruvian Bark that it is less apt to oppress the stomach. It is said to promote digestion, increase the appetite, expel flatus, and does not cause constipation. In large doses it is apt to vomit and purge; it seems homceopathic to wind-colic, to excessive formation of flatulence and great rumbling in the bowels, to diarrhea with or without slimy stools. Many of its pathogenetic symptoms correspond with those of China, and it is therefore now and then employed with advantage in diarrhoeas, flatulency, and other abdominal troubles, in which China is indicated, but fails to afford prompt relief. In the last stages of cholera-infantum, it has sometimes been prescribed with speedy benefit. It seems to act powerfully upon the muscles and motor nerves of the arms, and may prove useful in some 252 ANGUSTURA VERA. painful spasmodic or partial paralytic affections of those parts. This medicine, according to Noack and Trinks, has a remarkable specific action on the motor and spinal nerves. The two following cases exhibit its curative action in this respect: A lady, about fifty years old, oppressed with gloom, of a saturnine complexion, suffered much from pain in her spine, at the nape of the neck, and the sacrum especially; at either of. these places the pain was much increased by pressure. She had great difficulty in walking, and seemed threatened with paralysis of the lower limbs. She had a sensation of tremulousness and uneasiness in the muscles of the neck. Various means were resorted to for her relief, with little or no effect. Finally Angustura was prescribed, and very materially relieved her. She is:cheerful, the pain much less, and she walks with more ease and comfort. Another lady, about the same age, was also threatened with paralysis of the lower limbs. There was a considerable aggravation of her sufferings from a few doses of Angustura, followed by amelioration.-It seems to act less specifically upon the lower extremities than upon the upper. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-Itching in the evening, when in bed after rubbing the parts, flat, very painful ulcers make their appearance.-Sensation in the whole body as if he had lost his strength, and as if the marrow of the bones had become stiff.and coagulated. Excessive weariness after walking in the open air, especially of the thighs.-Lassitude and weariness of all the limbs, without sleepiness. -When walking, he feels a painful straining in the muscles, here and there. In the evening, after sitting for an hour, he feels quite stiff and contracted; after rising from his seat he is unable to straighten himself.-Lameness of the hands and elbow-joints, without stiffness, accompanied by chilliness and want of animal heat.-Excessive mirth, accompanied by a drawing in of the limbs, as if the tendons would be strained, in the afternoon. SKIN.-Ulcers which affect the bones.O-Caries. SLEEP.-When sitting and reading, he falls asleep, but is roused by the slightest noise, and starts up with a shudder which thrills through his body. In the evening,, great physical depression, and irresistible inclination to sleep when sitting.-Great sleepiness in the evening, until nine o'clock, afterwards he is wide awake until after midnight.-Vivid dreams; uneasy sleep, full of dreams. Confused dreams, partly of a terrific nature. FEVER. -Early in the morning, chilliness in bed, without any subse quent heat. Internal shivering at three o'clock in the afternoon, with violent thirst, without any subsquent heat.--Slight heat after a chill ANGUSTURA VERA. 253 Increasing warmth over the whole body, towards evening.-A good deal of thirst in the afternoon, followed by shivering over the back.Increased warmth of the cheeks and body, accompanied by an aching in the temples and sides of the forehead.-Warmth of the body, except the head; the cheeks were cold. MORAL SYMPTOMs.-Discouragement and peevishness.-He is easily frightened and starts.-Bright mood; confident that he can achieve everything with vigor.-Liveliness and activity of the mind.-He has not confidence enough in himself to undertake and to achieve voluntary motions.-Pusillanimity. SENSORIUM.-Gloominess and dullness of the head, as after intoxication,-Dullness and sense of contraction of the head, when walking rapidly.-Great absence of mind; he easily falls asleep when reading.-In the afternoon, great animation and facility of intellect. HEAD AND SCALP.-Vertigo in the open air.-Cramp-like headache. -Headache; pressure in the forehead, over both eyes, as if the contents would issue forth, both when at rest and in motion.-The brain in the forehead feels as if bruised.-Headache, as if everything in the brain was moving about, with oppressive and boring pain, especially in the temples; pressure in the forchead.-Drawing and oppressive pain in the temporal region.-In the evening, drawing and oppressive headache on the right side of the head.-Lacerating headache, rather externally, extending from the vertex over the temples.-Intermittent prickings in the temporal region; itching of the scalp. EYEs.-Violent burning in the inner half of the eye-balls and in the internal corner of the eyes.-Tension in the eyes, from behind forwards.-Soreness of the eye-lids.-Feeling of dryness under the upper eye-lids.-Pressure in both eyes as from a bright light, or weari ness.-The eyes are red, and burn, with nightly agglutination.-Contraction of the pupils.-Dilatation of the pupils.-Pressure in the right eye and orbit.-Itching stitches in the upper eyelid.-Early on rising, dimness before the eyes, as if the cornea were obscured.-He sees better than usual. EARS.-Burning in the internal ear, in the region of the tympanum. -Sensation as if something were inserted in the ear.-Cramp in the external ear.-Throbbing pain behind the ears.-Heat of the ears and cheeks.-Cramp-like pain in the region of the malar bone.Tingling in the ear.-Drawings in both ears, which soon go off.Very painful lacerating twitches in the internal ear, gradually assuming the form of stitches.-Lacerating in a tumor over the right mastoid process. FACE AND NOSE.-Tensive pain in the temporal musclez, when 254 ANGUSTURA VERA. opening the jaws.-Cramp-like pain near the articulation of the jaw. -Feeling of heat in both cheeks, without any warmth being felt externally.-Sensation of a corrosive soreness deep in the nose. MOUTH AND TEETH.-Digging pain in the lower jaw; great dryness of mouth and lips, without any thirst.-Drawing pain, relieved by cold. -Throbbing toothache in a hollow tooth, in the evening, after lying down.-Lancinating drawing in the gums of the right upper row. GASTRIC SYMPTOMS.-Nausea during a walk, with great lassitude all over.-Bilious eructations.-Pinching stitches in the tip of the tongue.-Burning as of pepper on the tongue.-White tongue, with a feeling of roughness.-Roughness and dryness in the back part of the palate and fauces, without any thirst, worse when swallowing.-Putrid, flat, or bitter taste in the mouth.-Great desire for cold drink. -Frequent hiccough.-Nausea, especially during a meal.---Sense of nausea in the stomach.-Food does not relish, yet he has a strong appetite. STOMACH.-Cramp-like pinching pain below the pit of the stomach, in the evening, when sitting.-Cutting lacerating in the pit, increased by moving the trunk, after dinner. ABDOMINAL REGION.-Loud rumbling in the abdomen.-Early in the morning, diarrhoea comes on after previous colic, and nausea, the last evacuation was mere slime.-(Tingling- itching of the rectum, as of ascarides.-Cutting under the short ribs.-Dull, shaking, erratic shootings in the abdomen, near the umbilicus.-Cutting in the bowels and hypogastrium.-Cramp-like colic when walking.-Drawing pain, as from a bruise, in the right side of the abdomen, when walking in the open air.-Pressure in the hypogastrium, from within outward, accompanied by anguish.-Fermenting and rumbling in the abdomen, as if diarrhoea would come on, accompanied by incarceration of flatulence. STOOL.-Indications of diarrhoea, with dragging through all the intestines.-Frequent desire in the rectum, as if diarrhoea would come on immediately, with shiverings over the face.-Every evacuation is followed by shiterings over the face, and goose-flesh.-Emis sion of stinking flatulence.-A loose stool, with painful tenesmus of the rectum, as if it had been contracted, with distention of the haemor rhoidal veins, and a burning pain as if the rectum were corroded.Moderate costiveness.-Frequent slight desire for stool; after strain. ing, a few hard clots came out. URINARY ORGANS.-Frequent desire to urinate, but little urine being emitted.-Pressure on the bladder, followed by the emission of a quantity of white urine; tenesmus after micturition.--Orange. ANGUSTURA VERA. 255 colored urine, which becomes easily turbid.-Burning after micturition; frequently obliged to urinate, although only a few drops are emitted each time, causing a burning during or after every flow. GENITAL ORGANS.-Itching in the scrotum.-Stitches, sometimes itching of the prepuce.-Voluptuous itching of the tip of the glans, when walking in the open air.-Drawing in the left spermatic cord, alternating with twitches, with a sensation of shivering in the neighboring parts of the scrotum and thigh. LARYNX AND TRACHEA.-Titillation in the larynx, inducing a dry, short, and hacking cough.-Violent cough, deep from the trachea, early in the morning, with expectoration of yellow mucus.-Roughness in the throat.-Tenacious phlegm in the trachea, which it is difficult to hawk up. CHEST.-Cutting with pressure in both sides of the chest, changed to cutting thrusts, continuing even when breathing is arrested.Tightness of the chest, and pressure in the left side when walking fast.---Great oppression of the chest, with violent palpitation of the heart.-Violent palpitation of the heart, when sitting or stooping, with a painfnl sensation, as if the heart were contracted. In the evening, when lying in bed; it decreases when sitting up.-Painful thrust or shock in the region of heart.-Internal trembling, resembling hiccough, during an inspiration.-Cutting, with pressure through the thoracic cavity, from within outwards, with a sense of anguish.Painful sensitiveness of the chest, even when touched but slightly. -Itching stitches.-Frequent short cough, followed by one hic. cough.-Sharply pressing, almost pinching pain, in a small spot of the upper portion of the chest.-Lancinations in the last rib, during an inspiration, before going to bed, and after having lain down. BACK.-Early in the morning, when in bed, pain in the small of the back, as if broken.-Bruised pain in the small of the back, worse about four in the morning.-Drawing pain, with pressure in the small of the back.-Tension in the muscles of the back, near the axilla; he finds it difficult to raise his arm.-Violent tremulations in the muscles of the neck.-Dull stitches between the top of the shoulder and the neck.-Painful stiffness, resembling a drawing between the scapulae, and in the nape of the neck, early in the morning; painful and difficult moving the arms when rising.-Pain as from bruises in the muscles of the neck, on the left side, towards the shoulder; the parts felt as if they had been strained; abated in the open air.-. Lancinations in the scapula.-Drawing stitch in the nape of the neck. ARMS.-Arms tired and heavy.-Stiffness in the joints of the elbows, with lassitude of the fore-arms.-Pain in the elbow-joint, apparently 256 ANGUSTURA SPUR! 1. in the tendons of the muscles.-Drawing in the fore-arm and in the hand.-Pain in the posterior joints of the fingers, as is felt when moving an ulcerated.part.-Pressure with cutting in the axilla.Aching of the humerus, as from a bruise.-Itching, lacerating, and stitches in the arms.-Feeling of heat in the dorsum of the hand.Rheumatic; drawing pressure in the dorsum of the hand.-The fin. gers are cold.-Aching in the flesh of the ball of the thumb.-Drawing around the joint of the thumb, as if sprained, especially when bending the thumb. LEGS.-Drawing cramp, like pain in the legs and knees.-Sense as of stiffness in the feet.-Bruised feeling in the abdomen and thigh. -Sudden heaviness and lassitude in the lower extremities.-Pressure, with drawing pain in the tendons of the hip-joints, on rising from a seat.- Tremulous stitches in the thigh, and upper border qf the illium, extremely painful, and felt only when sitting.-Tension and lameness in the muscles of the thigh.-Tensive aching pain in the rectus muscle of the thigh, when stretching the limb.-Lameness, as if produced by a contraction of the ligaments.-Drawing, burning pressure and dull stitches in the tibia.-Aching as from a sprain, in the foot, when walking in the open air.-Lameness of the joints of the feet.-Drawing stitches, boring or lacerating pain in the feet.-Sweat of the feet.-The feet feel numb and pithy, as far as the knees, but without tingling.-Momentary cramps in the feet.-Pain of the foot when standing upon it.-Cramp-like pain in the foot, followed by an aching on the day following, and a bruised feeling when standing on it. 24.-ANGUSTURA SPURIA. ANGUST. SPUR.-False Angustura Bark, erroneously called Brucea-antidysenterica.-(See "New Materia Medica.") GENERAL REMARKS.-At the time when this drug was proved in this country, under the direction of Dr. Hering, it was supposed to be derived from the'Brucea-antidysenterica, and thence received its name. According to more modern investigations, however, it has been decided to arise from a variety of the Strychnos species, similar to, if not identical with Nux-vomica. Pereira unequivocally pronounces it the Nux-vomica, and gives numerous cases of poisoning, which certainly would appear to substantiate his views-the symptoms observed being identical with those produced in acute poisoning with the Nux-vomica; but the matter appears to be involved in some doubt, Dunglison, however, looks upon the Nux-vomica as a different plantl ANGUSTURA SPURIA. 257 and recommends the preparation of Brucin from the Brucea-antidysenterica in preference to the Strychnos Nuz-vom., in consequence of the Brucin from the latter being always combined with a small amount of Strychnia. It is distinguished from the Angustura-vera by its greater thickness, hardness, weight, and compactness; by its resinous fracture; by the appearance of its epidermis, which is sometimes covared with a ferruginous efflorescence, sometimes is yellowish-grey and marked with prominent white spots; by the brownish color and smoothness of its internal surface, which is not, like that of the genuine bark, separable into laminae; by the white, slightly yellow powder which it yields; by its total want of odor, and by its intense tenacious bitterness. Analysed by Pelletier and Caventou, it was found to contain a peculiar alkaline principle, which they called Brucin, and upon which its poisonous operation partly depends. In consequence of its presence, a drop of Nitric-acid upon the internal surface of the bark, produces a deep blood-red spot. The same acid, applied to its external surface, renders it emerald green. In the true Angustura-bark, a dull red color is produced by the acid on both surfaces. At present it is generally believed to' be derived from the Strychnos Nux-vomica, the bark of which, according to Dr. O'Shaughnessy, exactly corresponds with the description given by authors of the False Angustura, and like it contains Brucin. RATIONALE OF ITS ACTION.-It is classed among the simple tonics or bitters, and is very similar to them in its action, though perhaps rather more energetic in larger doses. In small doses its effects resemble those of Gentian, Columbo, Quassia, &c. Emmert, from thirty experiments on animals, concludes that the following are the principal effects of Angustura-spuria: Difficult, and at first quickened respiration; frequent, and afterwards spasmodic pulse; an anxious, timid state of mind; diminished control of the muscles, especially of the inferior extremities; spasmodic rigidity of the limbs, and frequently of the muscles of the chest; trembling as if from electric shocks; jerkings and startings, especially along the spine, excited by great, slight, or even scarcely perceptible impressions; attacks of tetanus, especially in the form of opisthotonos, excited by the slightest causes; in these attacks the head and spinal column are bent back in the extremest manner, and the limbs, are stretched out; the chest and limbs become fixed and rigid; the eye-lids and pupils are extended to the greatest degree, and the eyes are projected rigidly and immovably far out of their sockets; the lower jaw is pressed firmly against the upper, and the face is distorted; the pulse becomes slow, small, and spasmodic; respiration ceases almost entirely, and red 258 ANGUSTURA SPURIA,--BRUC)EA. parts become blue. In from one and a quarter to one and a half or two minutes the tetanic paroxysms relax, the pupils and eye-lids contract, the eyes sink back into their sockets, and the body becomes soft and flabby, respiration returns with difficulty and great exertion, but gradually becomes freer, and still remains.obstructed, and the arterial blood continues darker than natural; the pulse becomes more frequent, larger, and freer, but still remains somewhat tense and hard. The irritable and excitable state of the muscles still continues, and the nervous attacks return at longer or shorter intervals. Consciousness and sensation are not at all lessened, but are rather heightened, and a certain timidity and fearfulness is developed, which may be compared to the pantophobia of hydro. phobia. No perceptible evacuations are caused by Angusturaspuria; vomiting does not occur, nor diarrhoea. After death the irritability of the muscles and nerves is not diminished; the involuntary muscles retain their irritability longer than the voluntary, and the heart is not paralyzed. The rigor-mortis sets in more de cidedly and quickly than common. Putrefaction is not hastened, and l.o organic post-mortem appearances are found, except a great accu. Ululation of venous blood in the large veins, and even in the arteries. " till this venous blood does not exhibit any other alteration, but coagulates in time like other venous blood, and undergoes the same changes from exposure to the air. The general effects of the remedy are experienced in about seven minutes, and occur suddenly; it proves rapidly fatal, often in the first attack of tetanus. Convalescence is slow, and the lower limbs recover more slowly than the upper. Death takes place from a general nervous affection, attended with spasmodic rigidity of the chest and consequent obstruction of the circulation. On account of the large quantity of Brucea which the False Angustura contains, it will be proper to make a few remarks on this substance. BRUCEA The alkaloid Brucea or Brucin was discovered by Pelletier and Caventou in 1819, in the bark of False Angustura. Pure Brucin, obtained by a process of precipitation, is of a white color, and in regular crystals of the form of oblique, prisms, having a base representing a parallelogram; it has a pearly lustre, and very bitter taste. With acids, Brucea forms neutral salts', which differ from the salts of Strychnia. EFFECTS ON THE SYSTEM.-It acts energetically on the animal economy in the same manner as False Angustura, but much more ANGUSTURA SPURIA.-BRUCEA. 259 strongly. It is similar in its operation to Strychnia, but is considered to be weaker. It requires four grains to kill a rabbit, whilst half a grain of Strychnia is sufficient. A tolerably strong dog, to which three grains of Brucea had been given, was affected with symptoms resembling tetanus, but did not die. Pelletier is of opinion that Brucin, or rather the alcoholic extract of False Angustura, might be substituted in practice for the extract of Nux-vomica; its action is nearly the same, while there is no danger of its acting too violently. Andral has frequently prescribed it, and his deductions are that it is far more under control than Strychnia. Like Strychnia it has been given in cases of paralysis with varying success. It would appear to have acted most beneficially in that resulting from lead poisoning. M. Bricheteau, from his observations on man, and M. Bouchardat, from his on animals, infer that Brucin is more active than is usually admitted. In paralysis succeeding apoplexy, the former employs it with much advantage, and agrees with M. Andral in its beingmore manageable than Strychnia. He is of opinion that no benefit is to be expected from it in paralysis until six months have elapsed from the attack of apoplexy. Earlier than this it may induce serious effects, owing to its toxical effects on the cerebro-spinal system. Magendie administered it with success in one case of atrophy of the leg, and another of the arm; and Lepelletier suggests its use in impotence. EFFECTS ON THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. Nerves of Motion.-Some interesting experiments have been made to show that it acts on the spine directly, and not on that organ through the medium of the brain. If an animal be poisoned by inserting the extract of False Angusturabark into its hind-legs after the spinal cord had been severed at the loins, the hind-legs as well as the fore-legs are thrown into a state of spasm; or. if the mcdulla-oblongata be cut across, and respiration maintained artificially, the usual symptoms are produced over the whole body, by the administration of it internally or externally-the only difference being that they commence more slowly, and that a larger dose is required to produce them, than when the medulla is not injured On the other hand, when the spinal cord is suddenly destroyed after the symptoms have begun, they cease instantaneously, although the circulation goes on for some minutes. Nerves of Sensation.-It does not act specifically upon these parts, but has occasionally effected cures of so-called neuralgias. Ganglionic Nerves.-We have no evidence that it acts specifically upon these nerves, but it may be supposed that it does act upon those portions of the great sympathetic nerve which preside over the in. voluntary muscles. 260 ANGUSTURA SPUILIA.-BRUCEA. ON THE VASCULAR SYSTEM. Heart and Arteries.-It doubtless acts specifically upon the muscular coat of the heart; and also upon that of the arteries. Fever.-It is supposed to be most homoeopathic when there is a chilly feeling, dread of the open air, great coldness, shuddering with a good dealof thirst, and sweat while walking. Rapid pulse, intense thirst, general trembling, or involuntary jerkings of different parts of the body, great sensitiveness to touch, symptoms all increased by mental emotions, noise, light, or motion. Venous System and Blood.-It seems to have a marked tendency to increase the quantity of venous blood in the system. In one case the cheeks and lips became blue; the blood in the veins was found liquid and brownish; the left lung was bluish externally and very full of blood. In Emmert's experiments, red parts become blue; the external blood was darker than natural, while there was a great accumulation of venous blood in the large veins and even in the arteries. Still the majority of those effects may arise from the tetanic rigidity of the chest and consequent obstruction of respiration, and from pressure upon the veins and arteries by the spasmodic state of the muscles. LYMPHATIC SYSTEM.-We have no proof that it acts specifically upon the lymphatic vessels or glands. ON THE TISSUES. Muscular Tissue.-Next to the motor-nerves, it doubtless acts most specifically upon the muscles. The general effect of Angustura-spuria is to produce convulsion of the spinal marrow and of the voluntary muscles. Tetanic spasms, periodically excited or aggravated by noise or contact, fright, swallowing of liquids, or feeling the pulse, with undisturbed consciousness and increased sensibility; opisthotonos; trismus. Mucous Tissues.-It seems to act somewhat specifically upon the mucous membranes of the nose, throat, and large bowels. GENERAL SYMPTOMS. SLEEP.-Drowsiness in the day-time, sleep full of dreams, orgasm of the blood. MIND AND SENSORIUM.-Gloomy, discontented, taciturn mood, an. guish, tendency to start (in animals). Want of mental energy, with drowsiness. Dullness, particularly in the sinciput, with heaviness in the head and drowsiness. Vertigo as if he would fall, in the evening. HEAD.-Pain the forehead, in the evening, after a long walk in the sun; over the left eye, or behind the brows, which feel as if swollen, and across the root of the nose.-Creeping digging in the vertex.Dartings in the head, worse during a walk, and particularly in the sun; in the right temple, with fullness of the head, or with dartings in the ear.-Buzzing sensation in the left temple.-Great fullness ANGUSTURA SPURIA.-BRUCEA. 261 and pressure in the head, accompanied by spasmodic twitchings of different parts of the scalp. EYES.-Redness and inflammation of the canthi, with itching; itching of the eyes, with burning and injected condition of the vessels in the canthi.-The eyes are painful, as if they contained sand.-Dim, bloated eyes.-Lachrymation and redness of the conjunctiva (in animals).-Staring, protruded, immovable eyes.-Dazzling of the eyes. -Obscuration of sight.-Twitchings of the eye-brows and eye-lids while reading.-Dilation of the pupils.-Paihful pressure of the eye-balls. EARs.-Darting in the ears, at times in one, and then in the other. --Tingling and humming in the ears.-Buzzing in the ears, increased by stooping or walking rapidly. NosE.-Pain across the dorsum of the nose, internally.-Tickling in the nose, with heaviness in the head.-Violent sneezing, preceded by pulsations in the nose.-Violent fluent coryza, with lachrymation. restlessness, sleeplessness, feeling of coldness in the head, dryness of the mouth, and copious secretion of mucus in the throat. FACE.-Palenless of face.-Bluish color of face, particularly of the cheeks and lips.-Each single muscle of the face is put upon the stretch.-Quivering sensation in the lips.-Lock-jaw, the lips being quite open, and the anterior teeth exposed.-Grinding of the teeth. -Sweat on the forehead and in the face after the paroxysm of spasm. -Itching herpes, with scaling off of the skin.-Increase of existing rash.-Feeling of heat in the cheeks, but without any external feeling of warmth. TEETH.-Fleeting, tearing pains in all the teeth and gums, aggravated by cold. MOUTH, PHARYNX, AND (ESOPHAGUS.-Increased secretion of mucus in the mouth and fauces.-Dryness in the oesophagus, and burning pain in the pharynx, as if occasioned by rancid grease.-Mouth open, and frequent disposition to sigh.--Spasmodic closure of the mouth, causing an inability to speak. APPETITE AND GASTRIC SYMPTOMS.-Constant loss of appetite.Hunger with loss of appetite.-Violent appetite.-Bad pappy taste. -Pressure at the stomach, with palpitation of the heart; fermentation in the bowels, and vomiting of the injecta.-Risings in the stomach, followed by pain, but without provoking vomiting. STOMACH AND ABDoMEN.-Sensation in the stomach as of long fasting.-Burning and heat at the pit of the stomach.-Griping in the abdomen, particularly at the umbilical region; succeeded by vomiting and diarrhcea.-Colic, with nausea and drowsiness.-Colic ceasing 262 ANTIIRAKOKALI. after an evacuation.-Pinching and rumbling in the bowels.-Red raised rash on the abdomen.-Cramp-like pain at the pit of the stomach. -Eructations, followed by pressure and pain in the stomach. STOOL AND ANUS.-Costiveness.-Frequent small evacuations of bloody mucus, with griping pains in the abdomen.-Copious, soft, loose, evacuations.-Great disposition to diarrhoea, with colic and flatulence.-Frequent emission of flatulence.-Itching of the varices towards evening. GENITAL AND URINARY ORGANS.-Lancination in the urethra.-Violent burning. CHEST.-Panting breathing.-Interrupted convulsive and suppressed breathing.-Oppression of the chest.-Painful soreness of the chest, worse when lying on one side.-Shooting below the mammary region, increased by respiration.-Beating of the heart scarcely perceptible.-Palpitation of the heart.-Pain in the right side of the chest. BAcK.-Crampy sensation in the back.-Painful weariness in the loins and region of the sacrum.-Violent jerkings along the spinal column, particularly along the lower portion, as if occasioned by electric shocks, with slight raising of the trunk.-Violent opisthotonos. UPPER LIMBS.-Stiffness of the shoulder-joints.-Rigidity of the upper limbs.-Tearing in the arms.-Cramp-like pain in the dorsum of the hand.-Free motion of the upper extremities, while the lower extremities are rigid and painful upon any attempt to bend them. LOWER LIMBs.-Feeling of lameness in the right thigh.-Stiffness of the joint.-Rigidity of the extremities.-Bruised feeling in the limbs.-Cramp-like pain above the knees.-Weariness in the knees.Inability to bend the lower extremities, every effort to do so being attended with acute pain. ANISATUM STELLATUM. (See ILLICIUM ANISATUM.) 25.-ANTHRAKOKALI. ANTHRAK.-Anthracite coal. (The provings have been instituted with coal obtained in the mines of Finfkirchen in Germany, which is a species of bituminous coal, according to Buchner; the coal had been dissolved in caustio potash).-See JOSEPHUS POLYA, observationes de herpete, ejus complicationibus et remedio ovo " Anthrakokali;" KLINGER, "de anthrakokali;" Allg. ho. mnop. Zeit., XVIII., p. 235. COMPARE WITH-Ant.-c., Bry., Carb.-a., Carb.-v., Kali, Rhus-tox, Verat. ANTIDOTES. -Bry.? Verat.? ANTHRAKOKALI. 263 GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-The limbs feel sore and weakDropsy. SKIN.-Burning and turgescence of the skin.-Urticaria.-Herpes erysipelateus cutis.-The herpes becomes worse.-Blotch-shaped, violently itching pustules, appearing at night, and disappearing in the morning. SLEEP.-Sleeplessness, with irritated pulse, restlessness at night, and profuse sweat. FEVER.-Alternation of horripilation and heat, followed by slight sweat and accelerated pulse.-Increase of animal heat, flushes of heat.-Sweat, which is at times warm, and then again cold, every night, general or local; viscid, making the skin shine, profuse, nightly, general, alleviating sweat, with restlessness, headache, soreness, and physical prostration, with accelerated pulse; sweat on the parts where the eruption has come out, and on the shoulders, hands, tibiae, on the dor-sum of the foot, on the heels and genital organs.-Violent fever, with vomiting of yellow or green bile, and with bilious stools.- Gastric-bilious fever.- Febris:-erysipelacea.-Accelerated full pulse. HEAD.-Cloudiness of the head.-Headache.-Heaviness of the head, accompanied with languor and restlessness. MOUTH.-Dry mouth.-Dry, clean tongue.-Coated tongue. THROAT AND (ESOPHAGUS.-Dryness of the pharynx.-Warmth and heat of the pharynx and oesophagus down to the stomach.-Gnawing sensation in the pharynx.-Burning in the pharynx, with slight dysphagia; dysphagia, with dryness of the pharynx. APPETITE.-Disagreeable, rough, acrid, burning taste.-Burning, insatiable thirst.-Loathing.-Loss of appetite.-Derangement of the digestive functions. STOMACH.-Warmth and heat in the stomach.-Spasmodic pains in the stomach.-Inclination to vomit.-Bilious vomiting, mixed with black mucus; violent vomiting of yellow or green bile, accompanied with violent fever. ABDOMEN.-Tympanitic distention of the abdomen.-Flatulence and borborygmi.--Violent burning, deep in the abdomen.-Grip. ing-tearing pains in the bowels, without diarrhoea, especially at night. -Colic with flatulence. STooL.-Papescent stool, preceded by colic and rumbling in the abdomen.-Copious diarrhoea, with colic.-Increased evacuations, having a blackish tinge.-Bilious evacuations, with violent fever. URINE.-Ischuria.-Copious emission of pale urine with sediment. -The urine is I ale, of the color of honey, it has a disagreeable smell, 264 ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM. and a marked alkaline reaction.-Saturated, acrid, flocculent urine.Copious, earthy, blue sediment, adhering to the sides of the chamber. -Titillation and burning in the urethra when urinating. GENITAL OnGANs.-Sweat of the genital organs.-Itching of the orifice of the urethra.-Frequent and painful erections.-The menses appear too early. CHEST.-Oppression of the chest.-The throbs of the heart are more violent. ARMs AND LEGS.-Sweat in the axillae, on the hands and tibie, on the dorsum of the foot, and on the heel. 26.--ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM. (STIBIUM SULPHURATUM NIGRUM). ANT. C.-Antimony.-Hahnemann's "Chronic Diseases," Vol. II.-Duration of Action: 4 weeks, in chronic diseases. COMPARE WITH-ACon., Ars., Asa.-f., Cham., Coff., Hep., Ipec., Mere., Nux.-v., Puls., Sep., Sulph., Tart.-st.-Puls. and Mere. are sometimes indicated after Ant.-c. ANTIDOTES.-Hep., Mere., Puls.? CLINICAL REMARKS.* HAHNEMANN.-" Crude Antimony is useful when the following symptoms are indicated:,V' A child cannot bear being touched or looked at; rush of blood to..r the head; troublesome itching of the head; with falling off of the hair; redness and inflammation of the eye-lids; sore nostrils; heat and itching in the cheek; pain in hollow teeth; chronic loss of appetite; eructations, tasting of the ingesa;, nausea, loathing disposition to vomit consequent upon spoiled stomach; colic, with absence of appetite, hard stool, and red urine, in a child; pinching in the belly, with a sensation as if diarrhoea would come on; alternately diarrhoea and constipation, in people rather advanced in age; difficult hard stool; constant discharge of a white-yellowish slime from the anus; frequent urinating, with discharge of a quantity of mucus and burning in the urethra, with pains in the small of the back; cutting pain in the urethra, when urinating; obstruction of the nose; painful inflammation of the tendons in the bend of the elbow, with violent redness and curvature of the arm; the legs go to sleep when sitting quietly; violent pains in the lower extremities; corn on the sole of the foot; large horny places on the sole of the foot, close by the toes; * For "Rationale of Action" of Antimony, see Antimonium-tartaricum, vel Stibium-tartar. ANTIMON1UM CIUDUM. 265 J& horny ex-rescence in front, under the nail of the big toe; malformations of the skin; sensitiveness to cold; somnolence." J ^ HARTLAUB.-" Hepar-sulphuris and Mercury are antidotes to the effects of Antimony."-ED. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-O Rheumatic inflammation of the muscles; ~arthritic affections, with swelling and nodosities.-~Dropsical affections.-o~Rheumatic contraction of the muscles, with curvature of the limbs.O-~Freckles.-~Malformations of the skin; ~horny excrescences; ~corns; ofungus-articularis (by applying the drug externally?).-ORed and hot swelling of the parts affected with gout or rheumatism; ofistulous ulcers.-Convulsive movements, especially of the head; convulsions, and trembling of the limbs; excessive swelling of the whole body.-Dropsical swelling of the body; incurable dropsy.-Excessive hamorrhages.-Emaciation and exhaustion.-Apoplexy, accompanied by such a violent flow of saliva that he expelled at least a quart of watery foam.-Death after a few hours, brought on by the use of Antimony for cramps of the stomach.-Death produced by suffocating catarrh in fifteen days, occasioned by a few grains of Antimony.-Weariness, especially of the feet, with great peevishness, at seven o'clock in the evening; great lassitude, early in the morning, and disinclination to rise. SKIN.-Itching of the whole body, mostly at night.-Pustules with yellow or brown scurfs.-Eruption resembling rash.-Nettle-rash; white blotches with red areolte, with violent burning and fine stinging, in the face, on the limbs, except the fingers, which were swollen; with violent thirst and nausea.-Blotches and vesicles, as from stings of insects, especially in the face and in the joints of the extremities; they come on with itching, and often disappear after a few hours; brown spots and dots, like small hepatic spots, especially on the arms. -Pale and livid color of the nails. SLEEP.-*Great sleepiness during the day, and early in the morning after waking; tired feeling in the morning; in the evening feels overwhelmed with sleep; *somnolence in the forenoon.-Slumber, with fanciful delirium.-Slumber, with illusions of the fancy; he falls asleep late.-An erratic itching, with perceptible blisters, frequently rouses him from sleep.-He wakes at two o'clock at night, with a mild warmth all over, and burning itching and sensation of excoriation of the anus.-Tenesmus of the bladder rouses him from sleep at night; at night, intermittent emission of a small quantity of urine, with painful erections.-Frequent waking, as from fright.Anxious, horrible, disagreeable, or lewd dreams. FEVER.-A good deal of chilliness, no heat.-Disagreeable feeling 12 266 ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM. of internal chilliness, so that he cannot get warm.-Icy cold feet constantly.-Shivcrings over the whole back, without thirst; shiverings over the whole body, early in the morning, with heat in the forehead, without thirst.-Towards noon, violent chills, for an hour, with violent thirst for beer; then sleep, succeeded by heat and constant thirst.-Pulse sometimes a few quick beats, then three or four slow ones.-~Gastric and bilious fevers.--Quotidian fevers (also tertian) with gastric symptoms, such as want of appetite, eructations, loathing, nausea, vomiting, coated tongue, bitter taste, tension and pressure at the stomach, little thirst, pain in the chest. MORAL SYMPTOMs.-Irritated state of mind, feeling of grief, breathing is short and heavy.-Dejection of spirits during the day.-He is averse to talking.-Attacks of anxiety, uneasiness; anxious reflections about himself.-Disposition to commit suicide, in the night.Disposition to start, even at slight noises.-Ill-humor the whole day; he felt discouraged; peevish, vexed without any cause; othe child will not allow itself to be touched or looked at. SENsoRIUM.-Weakness of the head.-Dementia, idiocy.-Does not complain of hunger, but eats when it is offered.-Complains of no pain. HEAD.-Confused and muddled state of the head, as after continual working in a cold room.-Intoxication.-Vertigo.-Headache, and sub. sequently a little bleeding at the nose.-Indistinct dull headache in the anterior part of the head, and vertigo, increased by ascending a flight of stairs.-Violent headache after bathing.-Dull stupefying pain.-Headache as if her forehead would burst; with a feeling of intoxication.-Pain in the region of the right eye-brow, within the skull, as if the parts were pressed asunder.-Pressure from without inwards, in the forehead, with sense as of drawing, at intervals.Momentary drawing pain over the left temporal bone, going off by pressure, and returning with increased violence immediately after.Lacerating pain in the whole head, frofi morning till night; with heat in the head towards noon, diminishing when walking in the open air.-Continual boring pain in the forehead and in the temples, from within outwards. ScALP.-Pain in the left parietal bone.-Slow pulsations in the left temple, externally, with fine prickings.-Single lancinations in the hairy scalp.-Red, hard pimple, painful to the touch, close to the cartilage of the ear.-Small flat tubercles upon the hairy scalp, of the size of small-peas, painful to pressure, and with titillation all round. -Red, hardened, slightly elevated place on each side of the forehead, itching like nettle-rash, going and coming.-0Troubl some itching of the hairy scalp.-~Falling off of the hair. ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM. 267 EYEs.-Itching in the external canthus of the eye.-Winking of the left eye-lids.--Lancinations, with pressure below the left eyebrows.-Redness of the eye-lids, with fine stitches in the eye-ball."*Redness of the left eye, with dread of light on rising in the morning, and with secretion of mucus in the inner canthus.-*Red inflamed eyes, with itching, and nightly agglutination.-*Inflammation of the eyes.-Mucus in the rigat cantnus, in the morning, with dry gum in both lids.-Enlarged opening between the lids.-Incurable blindness. -~Arthritic affections of the eyes. EARs.-Stitches in the ears.-Redness, burning, and swelling of the ear.-Splashing in the ear, as of a few drops of water, when moving the jaws.-Tingling before the ears; *continual roaring in the ears,-especially when there is stillness around; most in the afternoon; *painful roaring in the ears.-Violent din in the ears, as if some one were beating against the gate of the house.-A kind of deafness of the right ear, as if a leaflet were placed before the tympanum; in the evening his right ear felt as if locked up.-Loss of hearing. NosE.-*Feeling of soreness in the nostrils,-when inspiring air, especially in the right nostril, which is a little obstructed; *both nostrils become chapped and covered with crusts; *sore nostril, with drawing pain.-Bleeding at the nose.--Stoppage of the nose; particularly in the evening; dryness when walking in the open air, which scarcely allows him to talk.-Coryza, with sore, crusty nostrils; dry orfluent coryza, particularly in the morning. FAcE.-Pimples like chicken-pox, stinging on pressure.-Nettlerash in the face, especially on the cheeks; several pimples in the face, painful like mosquito-bites.-Red, burning, suppurating eruptions on the face.-Eruption on the cheek with a yellow crust, painful to the touch.-Sensation, of soreness on moving the hand over the face.-Burning stinging in the chin and the upper lip, as from a little spark of fire.-Formication on the upper lip.-Twitches of the muscles in the corners of the mouth.-The lips are dry.-Cracks in the corners of the mouth, painful like sores. TEETH AND JAWS.-*Toothache in a hollow tooth, worse at night than in the day-time.-Pain as if the nerves were affected.-The toothache is renewed after eating, or applying cold water, and is relieved in the open air.-The nocturnal toothache is accompanied by great warmth, which seems to come from the chest.-Shooting toothache, in the evening, when in bed, and after dinner.-Stitches in the tooth, when inspiring air.-Profuse bleeding of the gums.The gums stand off from the teeth, and bleed easily. MOUTH.-Dryness of the mouth at night.-Accumulation of saltish 268 ANTIKIONIUM CRUDUM. saliva or water in the mouth; on the tongue.-Smell from the mouth, as in mercurial ptyalism; violent ptyalism from nose and mouth, ptyalism, without any fetid odor from the mouth, and without looseness of the teeth.-Blisters on the tongue.-Tongue coated white in the forenoon.-Fine pinching in the region of the palate the whole night, especially painful during deglutition.-Sensation as of scraping (rawness) in the velum-palati.-Rawness of the palate, with expectoration of a quantity of mucus.-Sore throat on the left side, as from a swelling or a plug.-Impeded deglutition. TASTE AND APPETITE.-Violent thirst, with dryness of the lips; thirst in the evening; at night.-*Want of appetite.-Feeling of hunger in the region of the stomach, on waking, without appetite; not relieved by eating.-Laziness and disposition to lie down after dinner.-Lassitude, tremulous fatigue, and heaviness in all the limbs sfter dinner.-Flatulence.-Difficulty of breathing during supper. GASTRIC SYMPTOMS.-*Bitter eructations, like bile; gulping up of a fluid, *which tastes of the ingesta.-Iiccough.-Nausea with vertigo; *nausea after drinking a glass of wine; *nausea and vomiting.--Violent nausea; terrible vomiting, which nothing can stop; *vomiting of slime and bile; frightful vomiting, with convulsions.Violent vomiting and diarrhoea, with excessive anguish.-OGastric derangement from overloading the stomach. STomACH.-Painfulness of the stomach when pressing upon it.Pressure at the stomach early in the morning, with thirst; *pain at the stomach, as from excessive fullness, with appetite.-* Cramp-like pains at the stomach.--Cramp of the stomach.-Burning spasmodic pain at the pit of the stomach, in paroxysms.-Heartburn, otension and pressure in the pit of the stomach. ABDOMEN.-Great inflation of the abdomen, especially after a meal; with pain as from internal pressure.-Intolerable pain in every part of the abdomen.-Pinching pain in the region of the umbilicus and stomach.-Violent cutting in the abdomen, with loss of appetite, --hard stool, and red urine (in the case of a child); cutting in the abdomen with a feeling of nausea, and accumulation of water in the mouth.-Sudden compressive colic,, with gulping up of water.Cutting in the abdomen the whole day, with a feeling of oppressive anxiety as if coming from the stomach, want of disposition to work, indifferent mood, and pain at the stomach, during eructations.-Pain in the groins when pressing upon the parts, which feel hard as if the glands were swollen.-Hernia.-Rumbling in the abdomen. STooL.-Flatulence.-Constipation.-Severe tenesmus after dinner and quick expulsion of ordinary fa-ces, with straining.--*Hard stool, ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM. 269 with previous straining in the rectum; *difficult expulsion of hard stool, without previous straining.-Papescent stool; liquid stool.-. *Disposition to diarrhoea, which does not take place; diarrhoea at night, and early in the morning; ~alternate diarrhoea and constipation in aged persons; ~diarrhoea of pregnant females; *discharge of slime from the rectum, with emission of flatulence.-Continual discharge of blood and solid excrements by the rectum; expulsion of black blood by the rectum; pain in the rectum during stool; feeling of soreness, as if an ulcer were torn open.-Protrusion of the rectum during stool.-Drawing pain in the anus.-Itching of the anus.-Sharp itching in the rectum.-.Burning itching, and sense of excoriation in the anus at night.-Boil on the perinaeum, with burning, and pain far around. URINE.-Desire to urinate, frequent and violent, emitting much urine every time.-Frequent desire, although little urine is emitted.Frequent copious micturition, also at night; involuntary emission of a large quantity of urine, occasioned by a convulsive cough.-Goldyellow watery urine, with a scarcely perceptible cloud.-Brown-red or dark-red urine; small red corpuscles in the urine, after standing.-oFrequent micturition, with discharge of mucus and burning in the urethra, with pain in the small of the back.-o Cutting during micturition. GENITAL ORGANS.-Drawing in the spermatic cord; itching of the genitals.-Nocturnal emissions, with many dreams; pressure in the womb as if something would come out; discharge of an acrid water from the vagina. LARYNX AND TRACHEA.-Rough voice.-Extreme feebleness of voice.-Loss of voice whenever he became hot; the voice returned by resting himself.-Early in the morning, roughness and dryness in the throat.-Sensation as of a foreign body in the throat.-Violent spasms in the larynx and pharynx.-Hawking when walking in the open air.-Cough early in the morning after rising, in paroxysms; decreases in severity.-Frequent dry cough; severe dry cough, with sense as of scraping in the larynx.-Cough, with discharge of viscid thin phlegm; deep out of the chest, early in the morning. CHEST.-Burning in the chest during every turn of cough, as of fire, with a glowing hot breath.-Deep sighing breathing, as from fullness of the chest, dyspnoea; very troublesome asthma.-Suffocative catarrh; oppression at the chest early on waking; aching pain in the interior of the chest in the evening, when lying down; heavy aching pain in the chest or back; lancinating pain, with pressure, under the clavicle, apparently in the larynx, when drawing breath.--- Stitches and lancinations in the chest; burning in the chest, with dry cough, and dyspnoea almost to suffocation.-Violent palpitation of the 270 ANTIMONIUJM CRDDUM. heart; violent, continual itching of the chest.-The chest is dotted with fine red points, with violent itching. BACK.-Violent pain in the small of the back, when rising from a chair, it disappears in walking; lacerating in the back, from morning to night.--Spasmodic stitches in the scapula, when sitting.- Violent itching of the back.-Red pimples and brown liver-colored spots on the shoulders and back.-Rigidity in the nape of the neck, and between the scapulae, when stooping.-Drawing in the muscles of the back, worse in the evening or morning on motion; stitches in the skin of the neck; itching of the neck; sensitiveness of the skin of the neck; small pimples on the neck and under the chin, painful to the touch.-Hard, long-continuing pustules below the neck, like small blisters, which fill with pus. ARMs.-Itching in the arm, with reddish blisters.-Eruption on the arm, resembling rash or hepatic spots.-Painful lameness in the muscles of the upper arms, when bending the arms.-Quivering drawing in the muscles of the upper arms, passing off by warmth, and returning in a draft of air.-Corrosively-itching pimples in the bend of the elbow.Drawing, with lameness, in the fore-arm; with sensation of pressure from without inwards.-Itching vesicles of the left hand.-Itching vesicles and pimples on the hand and arms.-Drawing pains in the fingers and their joints.- Gouty pain in the joints of the fingers. LEGs.-Drawing pain in the hipjoint, when walking; also in the evening.-Drawing pain in the thigh and pelvis.-White, hard tubercles on the leg, of the size of a small pea, itching, and surrounded by a small red circle.-Bluish spots on the thighs.-Repeated attacks of rigidity in the thigh, like a slight cramp.-Sharp stinging itching of the thigh, followed by a flat yellowish pimple.-Stifness of the knee; painful stiffness of the knee.-Drawing pain in the knee.-Red pimples on the knee, like vesicles, resembling chicken-pox, with stinging pain when touched.-Drawing pain in the leg, lancination in the hollow of the tibia, deep stitches all along the tibia.-Bluish spots on the tibiae.-Pain as from a sprain.-The feet feel heavy and benumbed. -Drawing pain in the heel.-Sharp fine prickings in the sole of the foot; painful stinging in the sole of the foot.-Chilblains on the feet, with pain and redness in the summer season.--Great sensitiveness of the soles of the feet, when walking, especially on stone pavement. -*Large horny places on the soles of the feet, close to where the toes commence, painful like corns, and always returning after having been cut out.-Mortification of the foot; the foot is quite black.-Cracking of the big toe, during every movement requiring an effort.-Lacerating, cutting, or burning pain in the big toe. APIS MELLIFICA. 271 ANTIMONIUM TARTARICUM. (See STIBIUM TARTA,.) 27.-APIS MELLIFICA. APIS-MELL.-Poison of the Honey Bee.-(See "New Materia Medica.") RATIONALE OF ITS ACTION. Nerves of Motion.-We infer that it operates as a gentle stimulant and tonic upon the anterior portion of the spinal column. An increase of muscular power, and a tendency to spasmodic movements of various muscles have now and then been observed from a protracted use of large doses. Nerves of Sensation.-It rouses the nerves of sensation into a condition of morbid excitability. A marked effect produced upon several provers was excessive sensitiveness of all parts of the body to the touch, the heat, and cold; and their sensitiveness was usually accom. pained by great mental irritability. Ganglionic Nerves.-Many facts prove that it acts specifically upon this system of nerves. Its influence in producing muscular contractions of the uterus, miscarriages, menorrhagia, &c., is probably due to a primary action upon the great sympathetic. Other reflex phenomena have occasionally been noticed, which lead us to the same conclusion. Mucous Tissues.-Upon the mucous membranes of the tongue, mouth, fauces, and throat it acts specifically; redness, burning, sensation of fullness and dryness are the chief effects. Two provers experienced coryza, with feeling of swelling and burning of the Schneiderian membrane. It acts especially upon the neck of the bladder, producing mucous and bloody micturition. Its influence upon the pulmonary mucous membrane is evidenced by oppression of the chest, frequent inclination to expectorate, and burning of the membrane. Serous Tissues.-Its action upon the serous tissues is strongly marked. Among the first effects which we experienced while proving it, was great tenderness of the entire peritoneum on pressure, or on turning in bed. It impresses specifically all the serous membranes, producing that kind of inflammation which disposes to dropsical effusions. The physiological and clinical facts adduced farther on will demonstrate this conclusively. Muscular Tissue.-Temporarily, it exalts muscular power; but a reaction occurs in a few hours, which leave the muscles wearied, weak, and tremulous. The muscles are apt to become stiff, tender upon pressure, and somewhat swollen. 272 APIS MELLIFICA. GLANDULAR SYSTEM. Ovaries.-Upon these organs it exerts a most powerful influence. Not only does it produce inflammation and enlargement of the ovaries themselves, but it operates specifically upon their serous envelopes. Tonsils.-It acts slightly upon the tonsils and the salivary glands; but this slight action may be due to the effect produced upon the mucous membrane covering these glands. The action of Apis is very similar to that of Cantharides, Euphorbium, Mezereum, and Rhus, and it often succeeds when these remedies fail. It is often wonderfully useful in erysipelatous, serous, and cedematous inflammations, and in serous effusions and dropsies; still we have often seen it fail in our own and others' hands, when it seemed fully indicated.-J. C. P. CLINICAL REMARKS.-In doses of five, ten, or fifteen drops, three or four times a day, it is highly recommended in many diseases of the bladder and kidneys, as well as in some uterine affections. Some practitioners assert that it will produce abortion in the pregnant female if its use be too long continued or when employed too freely. It seems to have been most successful in quinsy, ascites (particularly post-scarlatinal), amenorrhooa, dysmenorrhoea, hypertrophy of uterus, with induration, &c. Some forms of ophthal-mia, and also hordeolum or stye, erysipelas, &c., have been cured. See the report above alluded to. For hydrops-amnii et cedema-labii, see Peters' "Diseases of Married Females." It is appropriate in scarlatina, when there are much heat, redness, and irritation of the skin, great restlessness and nervous agitation, sensitiveness of the entire surface of the body, an oedematous and erysipelatous appearance around the ulcers in the throat, frequent and painful urination, redness, heat, and burning of the tongue, disturbed sleep, and thirst. In many instances, where the above group of symptoms have been prominent, the third dilution of Apis has afforded speedy relief. Its virtues in scarlatinal dropsy are well known. Operating, as it does, specifically upon the kidneys as the main seat of the malady, and also upon the membranes which throw out the effusion, it is evident that it must present an excellent simile to a majority of these cases. Post-scarlatinal dropsy, in a girl about nine years old, developing itself a month subsequent to an attack of scarlatina, was treated successfully, by Dr. E. A. Munger, with Apis;-the patient was in the following condition: Puffed face, remarkably so about the eyes; anxious expression of countenance; abdomen very much distended, and general anasarcous condition of the body; violent beating of the heart, distinct over the whole chest; pulse 160 or more; res. APIS MELLIFICA. 273 piration excessively labored, panting, and hurried; inability to assume a recumbent posture; urine very scanty and high colored; heat and dryness of the surface, with thirst; no pain. Aconite, Ars., Bell., Digit., Helleb., with no apparent change for the better; on tht con. trary, on the second day of January, being the third or fourth day of her present illness, the condition became still more alarming; face and lips livid; gasping and exceedingly rapid respiration; pulse indistinct; cold perspiration, and cold face and extremities. The case was considered as extremely doubtful of recovery; however, after the use of Apis, 3, for about twenty-four hours, the patient began to pass large quantities of urine, and from that time gradually re. covered, when, on the tenth day of treatment, she was considered perfectly cured. A case of eruption was cured by Dr. Bishop, with the following characteristics: commencing with small pustular formations just under the cuticle, with burning, smarting, stinging sensation; in coming to maturity, deposition of dry scabby matter, laminated form, scaly, brownish, and sometimes straw-colored. Looseness of the bowels in the morning, thin, watery, yellowish; some griping at times, but generally painless. The looseness of the bowels had continued three or four weeks. Treatment for the last ten days, Rhus and other anti-psoric remedies; no abatement of symptoms, either of skin or bowels. The parts mostly affected with the eruption were the inner portion of the thighs, also below the knees, upon the hands, face, and back of the neck, and upon the central portions of the body. He received Apis, first, to be taken twice in twenty-four hours, which was followed by an effectual and almost immediate cure of both diarrhoea and eruption; no return,for eighteen months. The cutaneous affections for which Apis is most appropriate are urticaria, lichen, porrigo, eczema, prurigo, and certain forms of scarlatina. The special indications are, itching, stinging, pricking, and burning of the eruptions. When the eruption presents this peculiarity, and other symptoms correspond, one of the high dilutions will generally afford prompt relief. Dr. E. A. Munger has used Apismellifica with success in several cases of urticaria, of which the fol lowing are the most prominent symptoms: Hard, red, somewhat conical swellings, occurring usually on the lower extremities, below the knees, but sometimes on the arms, and occasionally, but rarely, on other parts of the body, varying in number and size, some being no larger than a half-dime, others an inch or two in diameter. Heat. redness, extreme soreness, and a burning, smarting, stinging pain are the principal characteristic symptoms. In from two to six days the 12* 274 APIS MELLIFICA. spots which made their appearance become livid, and the swelling, heoat, and pain subside; but, unless the disease is checked, new ones continue to appear for an indefinite time. There is usually but slight general swellings of the limbs affected, and but little febrile excitement or other constitutional symptoms; but, in a few instances, they have been considerable. The accumulation of evidence of its efficacy in ascites and anasarca is too voluminous for a work of this nature; suffice it to say that it is among the most prominent and certain of its therapeutic properties. MIND AND DisPosITIoN.-Irritable disposition the whole day; nothing appeared to satisfy him, everything awry.-Unfitness for mental exertion.-Dread of death, or sensation as if he should not be able to breathe again.-Great anxiety, and apprehension of some approaching disaster.-Intellect clear and active, but morose and irritable. SENSORIaUM.-Confused vertigo for several days, at times very violent; worse when sitting than when walking, and extreme when lying down, and on closing the eyes, from several doses of the thirtieth.-Head is dull and slightly confused.-Crazy, wild, blind stag. gers in horses (old observation).-Vertigo on rising suddenly from bed.-Lightness of the head on rising, and when walking in the open air. HEAD.-Chronic headache in nervous subjects; violent pain in the forehead and temples, at times involving the eyes, attended by vertigo, nausea, and vomiting; must hold the head and eyes down.-Pain in the sinciput, and confusion of the head.-Violent headache, mostly confined to the forehead, with fever, second day.-Burning and throbbing in the head, aggravated by motion or stooping, temporarily relieved by pressing the head firmly with the hands, with occasional sweat for some hours.-Violent pressive pains in the forehead and temples for several days.-Violent sharp pain in the left temple. -Headache, with fullness and heaviness in the occiput.-Sense of fullness and heaviness of the head.-Head feels as if swollen.Severe pains in the eye-balls, increased by exposure to light.-Puffiness of the scalp, forehead, and around the eyes.-Integuments of the head feel swollen and stiff. SLEEP.-Night-sleep is full of dreams (this symptom repeated in every proving).-Fidgetty restlessness the latter part of the night. Fidgetty restlessness the entire night, with inability to sleep.-Great inclination to sleep, but inability to do so, from extreme restlessness and nervousness.-Sleep disturbed by oppressed respiration and disagreeable dreams.-Sudden startings from sleep, with great agita. APIS MELLIFICA. 275 tion and anxiety; the prover wakes from sleep in the morning, weary and unrefreshed. EYES.-Quivering and twitching of the left eye-ball, es ecially at night.-Burning stinging in the right eye, commencing with a dull heaviness, causing flow of water; twice repeated.-Stinging itching in the eye, eye-lids, and around the eyes.-Pain around the orbits of the eyes.-Slight agglutination of the eyes at night; had to pick them open in the morning.-Soreness, redness of the eyes and lids, secretion of mucus, and agglutination of the lids, attended with nettle rash over the surface.-Erysipelatous inflammation of the eye-lids.-Weak eyes; for several days, with photophobia.-CEdematous swelling of the eye-lids.-Smoky opacity of the cornea, occasioning almost entire loss of sight (curative).-Redness and smarting of the eye-lids.-Eyes sensitive to light.-Puffy swellings of the eye-lids, and around the eyes, with sensation of burning, and stiffness of the integuments.Acute pain in the eye-balls.-Slight inflammation of the lachrymal sac. -Redness of the conjunctiva, with burning pain, increased flow of tears, and great sensitiveness to light. NosE.-Sneezing.-Redness and burning in the nostrils.-CEdematous swelling of the upper lip and nose.-Erysipelatous inflammation of the nose.--Arid discharge from the nostrils.-Burning, itching, and stinging eruption upon the nose. TEETH.-Jumping pain in the superior molars of the left side.Sore pain in several teeth, accompanied by swelling and redness of the gums and cheeks.-Throbbing pain in a single tooth, with numb sensation in the gums. FACE.-Sore elevations, like the sting of insects, very tender to the touch, at the external corner of the eye-brow.-Burning stinging, as of fire, on the chin, malar bones, and left superciliary ridge.-Swelling of the lips, and sensation of swelling for several days, followed by a fine eruption around the lips, and dryness and peeling off of the lower one.-Prickling in the lips, and sensation as if they had received a severe contusion, with sensation of swelling in a few hours.-Face puffy, with a feeling of stiffness.-Face swollen, red, and painful.Lips swollen, stiff, and slightly tender.-Puffy swellings (oedematous) under the eyes, with smarting and burning of the eye-lids.-Itching and burning eruption upon the lips, the chin, the nose, and under the eye-brows.-Spots like hives upon the chin and cheeks. MOUTH AND THRoAT.-Contraction and erosion in the throat in the morning.-Extreme sensation of rawness and scalding all around the margin of the tongue, as if it had been scalded, and slight pim, ples on the edge, from taking the tincture at four hours.--Increasea 276 APIS MELLIFICA. feeling of contraction in the throat, rendering deglutition difficult, at eight hours.-Rawness, burning, and blisters along the edge of the tongue, which are very painful, accompanied with stinging, at eight hours, from the tincture.-Scalding of the mouth and throat for two days.-Dryness and heat in the mouth and throat, and a feeling in the tongue as if burnt.-Dryness of the tongue; red, fiery appearance of the buccal cavity, with painful tenderness.-An aching pressure, as if from a hard body, back in the upper part of the throat and fauces.-Stinging, burning, dryness, and swelling in the throat.Frequent inclination to swallow, but the act is attended with some difficulty, from diminished power over the muscles of deglutition. -Dryness of the tongue, with prickling sensation in the tongue and fauces.-Redness, swelling, and burning pain of the entire toigue.Erysipelatous appearance of the tonsils and fauces. APPETITE AND STOMACH.-Violent eructations.-Nausea, apparently from the throat.-Nausea and inclination to vomit at night, and disa greeable rumbling in the abdomen, as if diarrhoea would come on.Prickling pain, and sensation of heat and burning in the stomach.-- Increase of appetite.-Strong craving for food and drinks, but nausea, eructations, heat, and burning in the stomach shortly after eating or drinking.-Distention of the stomach, with occasional burning sensations at the pit of the stomach and in the throat, lasting several days, and followed with catarrh of the stomach, with its usual dyspeptic concomitants.-Bitter, or acrid eructations. ABDOMEN.-Abdomen full, swollen, and tender, with swollen feet and scanty secretion of urine.-Burning, internal soreness, external tenderness, even to the pressure of the bed-clothes.-Aching and pressing pain in the hypogastrium, with bearing down in the uterus, as if the menses would come on, in two persons.-Rumbling in the abdomen, as if diarrhoea would ensue.-Sore, sickly feeling in the abdomen.-Dull pain in the bowels.-Fullness and evident enlargement of the abdomen, from many and large doses, in a female.---Fullness and sensation of bloating in the abdomen.-Tenderness of the entire abdomen on pressure, or on turning in bed.-Sensation of fullness in the abdomen, with dull pains, which are worse on motion, or from pressure.-Tension over the hypochondriac region, with prickling sensations. ANUS AND STooL.-Throbbing in the rectum.-Loose, lumpy stool.-Loose, urgent stool in the morning.-Stools soft and pappy, mixed with serum.-Loose stools, eight days in succession.-Several loose yellow stools, with extreme weakness and prostration; stools coming on at every movement of the body, as though the anus were APIS MELLIFICA. 277 continually open, in a lady of forty, affected with chronic ascites. -Yellow, watery diarrhoea; griping; twelve movements in as many hours; frequent yellow watery evacuations, from a single dose.Watery diarrhoea, with smarting at, the anus.-Frequent disposition to go to stool, with inability to accomplish anything.-Distension and soreness of the bowels, with much flatulency, and small brown.dvine discharges, affording no relief.-Small bilious discharges, which produce slight smarting at the anus and tenesmus.--Loose discharges, containing some mucus and considerable blood. URINE AND GENITALS.-Repeated urination every few minutes, continuing through the entire day, in a person never subject to such attacks.-Frequent and excessively profuse discharge of natural urine through the day and night, in a dropsical and pregnant subject, from three doses of the thirtieth.-Frequent and copious discharge of urine.-Burning in the urethra, before and after micturition.-A pustule, sore as a boil, surrounded by a red areola, and maturated in the centre, arises in the hair of the pubes, remaining sore and painful some days.-Frequent desire to urinate, attended with burning in the urethra, with uneasiness in the spermatic cord; on the sixth day, from large doses.-Frequent urging to urinate, with copious discharges of straw-colored urine (from large doses).-Vesical tenesmus, with frequent slight discharges of red urine.-Burning and scalding in the urethra, especially near the neck of the bladder, during and after urination.-Strangury.-Frequent and painful urging to urinate, with scanty discharges of urine, mixed with blood.-Copious urinary secretion (primary effect), succeeded by very rare and small discharges (secondary effect).-After urinating, pain in the neck of the bladder, with shooting pains along the ureters towards the kidneys. MENSTRUATION.-Bearing down pain, and sensation as if the menses would come on, in many cases.-Bearing-down pains in the uterus, as if the menses would come on, with aching and pressing in the hypogastrium.-Metrorrhagia at the second month, with profuse flow of the blood; heaviness of the abdomen; faintness; great uneasiness; restlessness, and yawning.--Haemorrhage from the uterus, occurring in a lady who was always regular and healthy; occurring one week after the cessation of the usual menstrual period, and three days after taking the medicine.-Miscarriages at the second, third, and fourth months.-Suppressed menstruation (pathogenetic and curative effect in many cases).-Tenderness of the ovaries on pressure.-Steady pains in the ovaries, with occasional bearing-down sensations in the ovarian and uterine organs.-Sharp, cutting pains in the left oviry 278 APIS MELL1FICA. worse at intervals, and extending down the thigh.-Severe paroxysms of contractive and spasmodic pain in the right ovary, occurring every fifteen to twenty minutes, and each paroxysm lasting from one to three minutes.-Six days previous to the monthly sickness, sensation of weight and heaviness in the ovaries; pressing pains at the os-uteri, and after taking the second dilution, night and morning for three days, premature appearance of the menses, with unusually copious flow.-Great tenderness over the uterine region, with bearingdown pains, leucorrhoea, and painful urination after four doses of the tincture.-Profuse yellow leucorrhoeal discharge.-Green and acrid leucorrhoea, with frequent and painful urinaticn.-Conversion of an existing mild leucorrhcea to one of a yellow and irritating character. -General increase of heat and of vitality in the uterus and ovaries. LARYNX AND TRACHEA.-Hoarseness and rough voice, day and night, on second day.-Heat and smarting in the throat, with occasional hacking coughs.-Dryness of the throat in the morning, causing cough and hoarseness.-Hoarse voice and hoarse cough, from irritation of the trachea.-Hoarseness, with scraping in the larynx and oppression of breathing.-Symptoms worse in a warm room, and ameliorated in the open air. CHEST.-Stitches in the left side of the chest.-Sensation of aching heat in the region of the diaphragm, as if from running violently.-Pressure in the chest, soon.-Sharp pains and stitches through the chest and back at night.-Hurried and difficult respiration, with fever and headache.-Pain near the heart, almost arresting breathing at night, continuing at intervals for some days.-Short, rapid breathing at night.-Sensation of soreness, lame, bruised feeling, as if from a recent injury, from being jammed, bruised, or beaten; confirmed in many provers.-Sensation of burning heat in the chest and stomach, early in the morning, second day.-Sense of fullness, constriction, or of suffocation in the thorax; difficult and anxious respiration.-Rapid, painful, and spasmodic respiration, aggravated by lying down, and ameliorated by inhaling the fresh air in an upright posture.-Burning and stinging pains throughout the entire front part of the chest.-Slight pleuritic stitches in the sides of the chest. BACK AND NECK.-Rheumatic stitches in the muscles of the right side of the neck, worse on motion.-Tension in the right side of the neck, beneath and back of the ear.-Sudden flush of heat over the back, as though sweat would break out, accompanied by a pain at the left ileo-sacral articulation.-Dull pressure under the scapula, with sore feeling on motion.-Pain in the. back, under the scapula, worse on moving.-Stiffness in the small of the back.-Weakness of the ARGENTUM METALLICUM. 279 back, obliging him to lie down.-Stiff and weary feeling in the lumbar muscles.--Itching eruption like urticaria covering the entire back, and extending up the back of the neck to the hairy scalp.Blotches on the neck and back, which itch and smart on rubbing and scratching them.-Pain and soreness in the region of the kidneys, on pressure, or on stooping, constant dull pains in both kidneys, with small secretion of red urine (from repeated doses of the twelfth dilution). SUPERIOR EXTREMITIES.-Fiery burning at the points of the fingers.-Tingling of the fingers of the left hand.-Dull pains, appa. rently in the bones of the arms and fingers.-Aching in the right shoulder and upper portion of the arm.-Red spots upon the arms, hands, and fingers, which itch arid burn very much.-((Edematous appearance of the hands and fingers.-Feeling of stiffness in the hands and arms. INFERIOR EXTREMITIES.-Fine burning stinging on the knee.((Edematous swelling of the extremities.-Darting, transient pain in the external malleolus-of the left ankle for four days.-Dull pains, as if in the bones of the lower extremities, disappearing on walking, returning again while sitting.-Burning of the toes, and redness like erysipelas, and heat of a circumscribed patch on the foot, while the remainder of the foot is cold, continuing half an hour.-At night, the feet were found swollen, with a sensation of heaviness and rigidity; the upper part of the feet felt tingling and itched, and were of a bright red color.-The soles of the feet and balls of the toes had a feeling of painful fullness, and in walking gave a sensation as if cushioned; sixth day, from large doses.-(CEdematous swelling of the legs and feet, with sensation of weariness and stiffness when attempting to walk.-Itching eruption, like urticaria, upon ihe posterior portion of both thighs.-Bruised and sore feeling in the feet. 28.-ARGENTUM METALLICUM (or AEG. FOLIATUM). ARG.-Silver.-See Hahnemann's " Mat. Med. Pur.," Vol. I.-Duratian of Action: 3 weeks in chronic affections. COMPARE wITH-Asa-f., Aur., Bell., Chin., Hep., Merc., Nitr.-ac., Nux.-v., Puls Plat., Stan. ANTIDOTES.-Mere., Puls.? RATIONALE OF ITS AcTION.-Dierbach tells us that Silver has been repeatedly observed to cause fatal dropsy when given against 280 ARGENTTUM METALLICUM. epilepsy; Vogt also says that it has caused cachcxia, emacia tion, and dropsy, although he tells us. that it was used in olden times in dropsy, ulcerous cachexia, and other obstinate diseases of the vegetative system. G. A. Richter says, in some instances, when given against epilepsy, the original disease has been supplanted by a fatal dropsy, complicated with induration of the liver. From the experiments of the homceopathists we find no proof that it is homoeo. pathic to dropsy, except that it has caused a painless, slightly red. dened swelling of the wrist and lower half of the fore-arm. Vogt says it was once regarded as diuretic, but that latterly we hear little or nothing of this effect; but, in the experiments upon the healthy, the metallic Silver causes frequent urging to urinate, and more pro. fuse flow of urine, while the Nitrate is said to have caused violent irritation of the urinary organs, increased secretion, and involuntary discharge of urine. Noack regards this effect as so marked that he has recommended it in diabetes; hence it may prove homoeopathic to dropsy with increased flow of urine.-J. C. P. According to Dr. Huber, metallic Silver acts principally upon the following parts: 1. The Articulations.-The action of Silver upon the articulations is so uniformly the same, and so certain, that but few remedies equal it in this respect. 2 The Bones-especially the long bones, and upon the cartilages, particularly the cartilaginous surfaces of the ears, eustachian tube, tarsal cartilages, cartilages of the nose, false ribs, &c. 3. The Muscles, Tendons, and Ligaments-especially those which are in the neighborhood of joints, also upon the psoas, triceps-brachialis, &c. 4. Upon certain Glandular Organs-such as the salivary glands and testicles. 5. Upon the Heart.-Huber recommends it in spasm of the heart, and Noack in some heart-affections. CLINICAL REMARKS. HAIHNEMANN.-" Some forms of diabetes can be permanently cured by Silver, provided the other concomitant symptoms are also indicative of the remedy."-ED. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-Lassitude and heat all over when walking in the open air; he feels a sort of anguish, as if his clothes were too tight.-A tearing, with pressure in the extremities of the long bones, over or below their joints, in different parts of the body.Great weakness of the body. especially of the thighs, when sitting or walking, with somnolence.-Uneasiness and a feeling of laziness in all the limbs. ARGENTIJM META.LLICUM. 281 SKIN.-Intolerable itching, as from a flea.-Burning itching. SLEEP.-Dreams about the events of the day.-Anxious dreams. FEvER.-Chilliness in the afternoon and evening, even in bed; sweat after midnight.-Heat in the afternoon, without thirst.-Shiver. ing through the wwole body.-In the evening, when in bed, quick pulse with thirst. MORAL SYMPToMs.-Increased cheerfulness, and disposition to talk the whole day.-Discouraged. HEAD.-Sudden giddiness, and as if a mist had been before hie eyes.-Vertiginous drowsiness, his eyes closed.-He feels a tingling in his head, and vertigo, as if he were tipsy.-The head feels dull and hollow, his whole brain aches, accompanied by chilliness.-Ach. ing in the forehead, with stupor and drawing pressure in the occiput. -Stinging and burning pain in the head.-Violent lancinating and tearing pain in the head.-When standing or reading, a sensation as if the brain were compressed, with nausea and heat of the body.The nape of the neck feels stiff.-Spasmodic jerking of the muscles of the head, face, and neck -Attacks of vertigo.-He is all the time in a kind of intoxication.-Sense of darkness in the head, as if there were smoke in the brain.-Sensation in the head, both as of pressure and trembling, over the right ear, towards the occiput.-Excessive pain in the temple, being both aching and lacerating.-Pressure and lacerating pain in the region of the temporal bone, increased by contact.-Lancinations, apparently in the skull, or on the surface of the brain, in front of the ear.-Light pressure in the head, with a feeling of soreness.-Slight thrill of shivering over the hairy scalp.-Aching in the forehead, over the eye-brows.-Lacerating in the frontal eminence.-Intermittent boring the whole day, the pain increases in the evening after lying down. EYEs.-(The eye-lids are very red and thick).-Violent itching in the corner of the eyes. NosE.-Tingling and itching in the nose, followed by bleeding.Irritation in the nose, as if catarrh would set in.-Stoppage of the nose, with smarting in the left nostril.-Fluent coryza, with constant and profuse secretion of mucus; excessive fluent coryza, with frequent sneezing, or without sneezing. FACE.-Painful gnawing pressure in the bones of the face of the right side, the pressure is most violent in the malar bone.-Lacer. ating in the region of the left malar bone.-Fine drawing pain in the muscles of the face, especially in the region of the cheek-bones. EARS.-Violent itching of the external ear.-Lancinations from the internal ear of the left side as far as the brain.-Sensatijn as if the 282 ARGENTUM METALLICUM. ear were stopped.-Lacerating, with pressure over the ear.-Corrosive itching of the lobules of both ears early in the morning, after ri-:in JAWS AND TEETH.-Swelling of the upper lip, close under the nose.-The gums are painful, especially when touched. MOUTH, PHARYNX, &c.-A little blister on the tongue, feeling sore and burning.-His throat feels raw and sore.-Boring and digging pain in the throat.-Pressure in the outer and left side of the neck, when walking in the open air.-Lancinations in the submaxillary gland, from without inwards.-The region of the submaxillary glands is swollen; the neck stiff, with tension in the parts when moved; deglutition is rendered difficult, as if there were an internal swelling of the throat; he is obliged to force every mouthful of food down his throat.-Feeling of dryness of the tongue, which, however, is moist. -Mercurial angina.-Sense as of scraping in the velum-pendulum palati, as if a rough body were adhering to it. TASTE, APPETITE, AND GASTRIC SYMPTOMS.-Accumulation of viscid saliva in the mouth.-Indifference to food.-Violent appetite, even when the stomach is replete.-Excessive gnawing hunger the whole day; which cannot be satisfied by eating.-Heartburn.-Almost continual qualmishness and nausea.-Nausea in the throat, followed by heat all over, mostly about the head, with redness of the face, without thirst.-Retching.-Loathing for food. ABDOMINAL REGION.-Early in the morning, sense as of burning, like heartburn, in the abdomen, stomach, and as far as the chest.-A painful distension of the abdomen at night, with pressure.-Contractive pain in the belly, after the morning stool, when sitting, as arises from a cold in the bowels.-Pressure at the pit of the stomach.Pinching across the stomach, and in the left hypochondrium.-Loud rumbling in the abdomen.-Bellyache as in diarrhcea.-Cutting internally, across the abdomen.-Contraction and straining of the abdominal muscles when walking, so that he has to walk stooping.-Lancinations in the abdominal muscles.-Boring pain on the right side of the hypogastrium, over the groin.-Lancinations in the region of the abdominal ring. STooL.-Frequent desire for stool in the lower part of the rectum, with expulsion of a small quantity of loose stool.-Stool after dinner, dry and cru ling. URINARY AND GENITAL ORGANS.-Frequent desire to urinate, and copious emission of urine, for several hours.-Pain in the testicle, as l. <m contusion.-Emission almost every night. LARYNX AND TRACHEA.-Irritating, short, hacking cough, withlout any expectoration, early in the morning, after rising from the bed. ARGENTUM METALLICUM. 1 283 -Cutting in the trachea, producing cough, which does not relieve the pain.-*Rawness and soreness of the throat, especially when coughing, not when swallowing. CHEST.-Pressure in the chest, sometimes with violent stitches.Oppression of the chest, as if a heavy load had been lying upon the chest, which almost prevented breathing.-Spasmodic tension, with pressure in the region of some of the ribs.-Stitches in the chest, making breathing painful.-Gnawing irritation on the left side of the chest, when at rest.-Cramp-like pain of the chest; after the pain has subsided, the place is painful to the touch.-(Oppression and burning in the region of the heart).-A lancinating and crampy pain in the sternum, most violent when stooping.-Violent pressure in the region of the sternum, internally, increased by every motion, especially by stooping.-Aching of the sternum, externally.-Violent cutting in the region of the lowest ribs during a deep inspiration.-Lancinations at the termination of the ribs, near the vertebral column, especially when curving the back. BACK.-Burning stitches in the small of the back.-Drawing in the pelvis and small of the back.-Bruised sensation on the small of the back.-Sharp pressure under the scapule.-Lacerating and pressure in the shoulder.-Boring stitches in the axilla.-Titillating and itching stitches between the scapulm. ARMs.-Tensive drawing in different parts of the arms, resem bling stitches.-Spasmodic drawing pain, with pressure in the bend of the elbow, as if the arm had been violently sprained by motion.Continued pinching in the upper arm.-Lacerating in the upper arm. -Burning, quickly-passing stitch in the upper arm.-Aching in the flesh of the upper arm, which increases by contact.-Feeling of lameness in the arms during motion, especially in the elbow-joint.-Tension, when bending the arm, at the upper extremity of the ulna.Lacerating, with pressure in the muscles.-Stinging, itching burning under the skin of the wrist-joint.-Cramp-like drawing in the back of the hand and foot.-Tearing, with pressure, in the bones of the wrist and fingers.-~Inflammation of the tendons, with redness and curvature of the arm. LEGS.-Tension and drawing in the groin.-Violent pain behind the left hip.-Lameness in the hip-joint and thigh when walking, especially when moving the leg forward, with stitches when setting down the foot.-Cramp-like lacerating pain in the knee or its vicinity. -The knee is painful, as if it had been bruised, worse when sitting than when walking.-The knees often bend when walking.-In the evening, when in bed, he experiences burning, corrosive stitches in 284 ARGENTUM NITRATUM, the tibia.-Cramps in the calf, most violent when at rest.-Pain, as from bruises, and throbbing in the joints of the feet, worst when sit. ting.-Lancinations and lacerating in the feet and ankles.-Burning sensation in the right heel and tendo Achillis; the parts felt as if they had gone to sleep. 29.-ARGENTUM NITRATUM. ARG. NI.--Ocster. Zeitschrift. COMPARE WITH-Alumen, Alum., Natr.-mur., Phosph., Argentum-fol. ANTIDOTES.-Me-r.-cor., Natr.-mur., Nitr.-ac.-Large doses are antidoted by kitchen-salt dissolved in water, and taken in large quantity; afterwards mucilaginous drinks are to be given. RATIONALE OF ITS ACTION.-M. Poumarede has related an instance of poisoning with an ounce of the Nitrate of Silver in solution. A few hours afterwards the individual was found insensible, with the eyes turned up, the pupils dilated, the jaws locked, and the arms and face agitated' by convulsions. In two hours there was some return of consciousness, and an abatement of the convulsions, but still complete insensibility of the limbs, with redness of the features, and pain in the stomach. In eleven hours he could articulate. For thirty-six hours he continued subject to fits of protracted coma; but he eventually recovered. Sixteen hours after taking the poison he vomited a large quantity of Chloride of Silver. Esquirol mentioned a case in 4hich Nitrate of Silver was given freely during a period of eighteen months, at the end of which time the patient died, and the stomach was found destitute of the mucous coat over one-half of the inner surface, with several points of corrosion down to the peritoneal coat. PATHOLOGICAL ANATOMY. IN MEN AND ANIMALS.-Dark rose-colored, or bluish-red, or blackish-red, black-spotted, or blackish green lungs; the posterior portions of them are affected in particular, and either equiformly, or in places only. Condensation of the lungs, as in hepatization; they neither crepitate nor float on water. Much blackish blood in the lungs. Crepitating, aneemic, almost emphysematous lungs. The heart appears bluish-black, and is distended with a great quantity of blood; black blood in the left ventricle. Emptiness of the arteries of the heart. Much black blood in the veins. Con. traction and smallness of the stomach. Paleness of the mucous membrane of the stomach. Small black spots, of the size of a pin's head, near the pylorus, consisting of corroded portions of the mucous mem. brane, and forming true perforations-giving the affected portion a ARGENTUM NITI.tATUM. 285 sprinkled appearance. Transformation of the gastric mucous membrane into a soft pulp; whitish-grey eschars near the pylorus; cherry-redness and inflammation of the stomach in several spots, with very great thinning, even of the muscular coat in others. Dark cherry-red coloring and softening of the mucous membrane of the duodenum. Thickening of the walls of the bladder. Metallic Silver has been found in the choroid plexus, the pancreas, bones, and skin. EXPERIMENTS ON TiE HEALTHY.-Schaebert experimented on himself with Nitrate of Silver; he first took one-eighth of a grain in one half-ounce. of distilled water, in the morning, while fasting, and only observed a very unpleasant metallic taste and slight burning in the throat; several repetitions of the same experiment only.produced like results. After taking one-fourth grain, the burning in the throat was somewhat more persistent; after taking three half-grain doses, in the course of three days, the burning sensation became decidedly seveie, stools and pulse were not altered, the tongue acquired a dark bluish color in a few places, there was an increased feeling of warmth in the stomach, and slight nausea, disappearing after eating. After the lapse of a few days, he took one grain, one and a half hours after dinner, and experienced an intense burning in the throat, attended with nausea and retching, without actual vomiting, but with a paroxysmally increased feeling of warmth and some spasm in the stomach; the tongue had a dirty brown coating for severed days, and a slight diarrhoaa occurred towards evening and continued the next day, relieving the pains in the stomach entirely. Besides this, he experienced annoying and dull pains in the head, attended with a peculiar dejection of spirits, and restlessness. In three days all these symptoms disappeared; but, eight days afterwards, he took one and a half grains in the morning, fasting; the nausea and inclination to vomit which ensued were immediately relieved by hearty eating, but he felt unwell the whole day, and had dull pains in his head. Frank took small doses of the Nitrate while he was in perfect health; he soon became indisposed, derangement of the stomach, heartburn and water-brash set in, and lasted several days after he discontinued the Silver; he had never suffered in this way before. These symptoms disappeared, but a neuralgic pain in the left infraorbital region gradually developed itself, and lasted the whole winter; the pain was persistent, and generally not very severe, but occasionally it would become quite severe for a few moments. Simultaneously the action of the heart became somewhat irregular; at times there would be an intermission of its beats, with an evident and unpleasant feeling in the chest; if his attention was strongly directed to this point, 286 ARGENTUM NITRATUM the action of the heart became still more irregular, but exercise in the open air did not affect it. He had, at the same time, a constant feeling of fullness in the epigastrium. Sudden and violent exercise of his muscles, such as jumping, or going fast up-stairs, and some mental emotions, would produce rather violent palpitation of the heart; and all the above symptoms were apt to be increased at night while in bed. Some time afterwards, Frank took four doses a day, for two days, of one-tenth grain each; then two-tenths of a grain, four times a day, for two days more; then three-tenths, four times a day, for one day; then four-tenths as often, for one day; then five-tenths, three-fifths, four-fifths, one grain, and one and one-fifth grains, each four times a day, for one day, when he became so unwell that he had no further inclination to pursue his experiments. He became and remained constipated for eleven days; on the tenth day he began to have an aching sensation of fullness in the stomach, after very light meals of bread and milk; his whole abdomen became very much distended on the eleventh day; on the twelfth, violent headache was added to the above symptoms, and it was with the greatest difficulty that he could force himself to take any food; his nights were restless, so that he could not stay in bed after four, A. M. On the thirteenth day there was still greater disgust for food, with foulness of taste and tongue; on the fourteenth day he again had violent headache, without feeling otherwise unwell, but his night was so disturbed that he was obliged to rise at three o'clock; he could only force down one glass of milk during the whole of the next day, during which the very violent headache continued, without nausea; finally, he was much relieved by taking two cups of strong black coffee, his supper tasted excellently, but, on the following day, he could only take very small quantities of food, on account of heartburn. His desire for food and drink was very slight. In another series of experiments, Frank took one-fourth of a grain mixed with three grains of sugar of milk; he experienced a very bitter taste, with warmth on the tongue and in the throat; drinking a little distilled water caused light eructations, and sensations such as attend a catarrh of the pharynx and larynx. A few hours after, the same dose was taken, solved in one drachm of distilled water, followed by a sweetish taste and sense of warmth in the mouth; an hour afterwards he took half a grain, solved in one drachm of distilled water, and experienced the same sensations in a somewhat greater degree; a scratching sensation in the larynx, which caused him to hawk and cough;, in a quarter of an hour more he felt a warmth between the shoulder-blades and breast-bone (probably the oesophagus), which gra ARGfNTUM NITRATUM. 287 dually changed into a slight aching in the epigastiium, attended with insipid eructations; one grain doses, in one ounce of water, only caused a very bitter taste and transient nausea. ON THE VASCULAR SYSTEM. On the Blood.-Nitrate of Silver acts on the system at large through the circulation; of its absorption, or rather of the absorption of the metal in one form or another, there can be no reasonable doubt. Dr. Dreyer, of Moscow, thinks that it possesses a certain peculiar and specific power of urging the fibrin of the blood to more energetic vitality, by consolidating its parts, while Kopp found, when he let blood from a vein flow into a solution of eight grains in one ounce of water, that it coagulated with great rapidity and quite firmly. Frank concludes that it coagulates the albumen of the blood; also that it diminishes or prevents the absorption of oxygen; it prevents the putrefaction of organic substances and the decomposition of the blood by preventing, or very much limiting the formation of sulphuretted hydrogen. According to Mr. Blake, the Salts of Silver, when directly introduced into the blood, do not act on the heart, but operate by causing obstruction of the capillary system. If they are injected into the aorta, the systemic capillaries are obstructed, the nervous system is consequently oppressed, respiration is arrested, through the medium of this nervous oppression, and death takes place by asphyxia; the heart continuing to beat vigorously. If, again, they be injected intc a great vein, immediate obstruction of the pulmonary capillaries takes place, so that the blood ceases to be transmitted to the left side of the heart. ON THE NERVOUS SYSTEM.-It is evident that the Nitrate in small quantities, and the Chloride and Oxide of Silver in larger proportions, are absorbed into the vascular system, and thus conveyed to all parts of the body, and consequently also to the nerves, with which they doubtless come in immediate contact. Upon these they may exert an irritant or astringent, or toughening action, and probably the Salts of Silver may also enter into a chemical combination with some of the constituents of the nervous mass, especially the alb-umen, and that an actual and tangible Albuminate of Silver may be there formed, as it is in the blood and in other parts of the system. In the case of poisoning before quoted, it produced.convzdsions, and hence it seems to act decidedly upon the motor nerves of the spine and brain, while clinically it has been found more useful in epilepsy and other spasmodio disorders than in neuralgia or other affections of the nerves of sen. eation. 288 ARGENTUM NITRATUM. CLINICAL REMARKS. DR. GRAY.-" According to my observations, the Nitrate of Silver is eminently indicated in disturbances of the brain, and the consequent derangements in the system generally, which have arisen from moral causes. The opinion advanced by Miller does not correspond with the facts I have witnessed. Epilepsies produced by moral causes (such as, for example, very S impassioned lay-preaching), a c promptly and durably cured by a few small doses of this drug, whilst those proceeding from abdominal irritation, independently of moral causes, are, at best, but poorly palliated by very large and frequently-repeated doses. The same observation must, I am persuaded, hold good with respect to gastric disturbances; those only will be really cured by it which have arisen during too great or too long-continued mental exertion. The bodily symptoms being similar to those produced by this drug, I should regard it as an indispensable remedy when there are the following moral conditions: 1. A crowd of impulses to act, to move, to be busy, which, without any distinct purpose to effect, keeps the patient in continual motion; a state of unrest, which gives the appearance of hurry and discontent to all his conduct. 2. The opposite of the foregoing condition; not the calmness of deportment which occurs when the mind is in healthful contemplation, but an apathy indicative of a privation of motive or purpose; a state verging upon, and often ending in perfect imbecility. Or, 3. Errors and defects.of perception. The erroneous perceptions in which I have seen Nitrate useful, have been: 1. As to time; the patient constantly fearing he should be too late, and supposing that one or two hours had elapsed, when not more than a quarter or an eighth of the supposed time had passed, and this all the while, night and day, for many weeks together; and 2. Errors as to the velocity of gait, the patient supposing that he was walking very rapidly, when he was, in fact, moving but very slowly indeed. Moreover, I should regard the Nitrate as the remedy (other indications existing for its use) in all severe commotions of the system arising from too great acuteness of the perceptive organs: e. g., certain forms of epilepsia and chorea. It is, I think, probable that Silver will be found as strictly adapted to the cure of morbid perceptions, and their concomitant disturbances in the digestive, motor, and genital apparatus, as Gold is to the removal of diseased affections, and their consensual motory and genital diseases. However the reader may regard the foregoing specula. tions of Muiller, he cannot, if he be a thorough student of Hahnemann. ARGENTUM NITRATUM. 289 permit them to have the slightest weight with him in the choice or rejection of the Nitrate of Silver as a remedy for a case in hand; they are beyond the limits of possible testimony, and for all known purposes of the homoeopathic art they would be useless, even if demonstrably true, because we have no possible means of knowing when the pneumo-gastric nerve or the abdominal ganglia are the essential site of disease."-ED. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-Great debility and weariness in the lower limbs the whole afternoon, as after a long journey on foot, with sick feeling, dread of labor, drowsiness, chilliness, and sickly appearance.-Peculiar debility.-Rigidity in the calves.-Feeble, weary, and without appetite.-In the morning, after rising, debilitated, tremulous, irritated, and apprehensive.-Tremulous weakness, accompanied with general debility, as after physical exertion, and apathy. -Nervous, faintish, tremulous sensation, as if a severe disease were about to attack him.-Excessive debility, wretched appearance, and emaciation.-Tremor of the limbs, general debility, as from physical exertion.--Powerful excitation of the muscles and nerves, and consensual excitation of the nerves of the stomach.-Seething in the whole body, with increased temperature.-Sensation as if the body, and especially the face and head, expanded; he feels as if the bones of the skull separated, with increase of temperature.-Sensation in the limbs as if they would go to sleep or become rigid.-Complete insensibility of the body.-Convulsions.-Presentiment of the approaching epileptic fit.-Paralysis of the extremities. SKIN.-Cachexia, emaciation, affection of the liver, dropsy.-Fatal dropsy.-Prickling itching in the skin at night.-Small itching pimples.-Small itch-pimples, bleeding when scratched.-Pustulous ecthyma.-Wart-shaped excrescences on the skin.-Peculiar discolo. ration of the skin (argyria) fron the blue-grey, violet, or bronzecolored tinges to the real black. SLEEP.-Soporous condition.-Sleepiness when sitting.-Nightly nervousness.-Nightly nervousness, with heat and fullness in the head. -Sopor, with tossing about in the night; no sleep.-Sleep very restless.-Restless night; tossing about; heavy fantastic dreams.Restless, stupefied sleep, with horrid dreams.-Restless night, with headache and stupefaction.-The night's rest is disturbed with a dull headache.-In the morning he wakes from a slumber full of dreams, with dullness of the head.-He wakes in the night with sore throat. FEVER.-Yawning and chilliness.-Feverish sick feeling the whole afternoon; constant weakness and exhaustion.-Shuddering over the whole body, which passed into a febrile chill, the head being 13 290 ARGENTUM NITRATUM. hot and the hands cold, with nausea.-Chilliness and nausea after rising.-Chilliness and headache in the forenoon.-The chilliness was accompanied with a pale, almost yellowish countenance, nausea, and empty risings.-Fever, after a meal.-Febrile condition; head. ache and chilliness in the forenoon; in the afternoon, creeping chills, dry and hot skin, and nausea.-Night-sweat.-Sweat, with chilliness in bed.-Morning-sweat. MORAL SYMPTOMS.-Irritated and anxious mood in the morning after rising, with great nervousness, feeling of weakness, and tremulousness.-Anxiety in the prmecordial region; sighing; feeling of disease.-Apathy, with great debility and tremulous weakness.-Hypochondriac taciturnity, with dullness of the head, and beating in the whole body.-Hypochondriac and gloomy mood; drawing pain in the forehead; yellowish complexion; sweetish bitter taste in the mouth; dry, viscid lips; feebleness, and febrile sensation; debility and weariness of the lower limbs. HEAD.-Vertigo in the morning, with headache.-Vertigo, with complete but transitory blindness, nausea, and confusion of the senses, buzzing in the ears, and general debility of the limbs as after fatigue, and trembling.-Giddiness, as if from intoxication, with lassitude and debility of the lower limbs.-Giddy dullness of sense, as if he had lost all sensations, with drowsiness.-Dizziness before falling asleep.-Soporose condition.-Difficulty to collect his senses.-Dullness of sense.-Weakness of memory.-Imbecile appearance.-On lying down for the purpose of relieving his head, visions and distorted faces hover before his imagination.-Stupid feeling in the head when writing.-Dull headache over night; in the morning, sometimes changing to fullness, and stinging in the forehead.-Confusion of the head.-Dull and muddled state of the head, with beating in the whole body, and hypochondriac taciturnity after dinner.-The head feels obtuse, with whizzing in the ears and hard hearing.-H[eadache at night, with heat relieved by cold.-Sensation in the head as if the epileptic fit were approaching.--When waking in the morning, he has a terrible headache, obliging him to gnash his teeth.-The head feels full, heavy, and stupid; the headache becomes intolerable when making the least movement, and continues the whole day.-Pressing pain, or painful fullness and heaviness in the head.-Pain in the forehead and vertex as if the parts were grasped together.-Pressure deep in the brain, with chilliness the whole forenoon.-Pressure in the fore. head.-Aching pain in the forehead, above the eye-brows.-Aching pain, extending as far as the eyes, with sneezing.-Pain in the head, as if it would burst, occasioned by mental labor.-Undulating throb ARGENTUM NITRATUM. 291 bing in the whole forehead.-Drawing, or bands, over the surface of the brain, apparently in the membranes or the sinuses.-Lacerating, extending down the temple as far as the face.-Drawing, with pressure and heaviness in the side of the head, abating in rest, but increasing by the least motion.-Pushing-beating pain in the right side of the head, with a general feeling of uncomfortableness.-Pulsations in the left side of the forehead.-Digging pain in the head, increased by motion.-Stitches and digging in the frontal eminence.-Digging-up, incisive motion through the left hemisphere of the brain, recurring frequently and decreasing rapidly.-Cutting, as with knives, in the left temple.-Excessive congestion of the head, with throbbing of the carotid arteries, with heaviness, stupefying dullness of the head, great melancholy, weakness of mind, inability to express himself suitably and coherently.-Pain in the head, the head seeming enlarged.-The whole head affected, appears enlarged.-Headache all the time.-The headache is worse in the open air; relieved by tying a handkerchief tightly round it.-Headaehe, with eructations and chilliness.-Generally the headache is accompanied with chilliness, and sometimes with a general increase of the temperature of the body.-Headache and toothache. SCALP.-Itching of the hairy scalp, particularly at night.-Itching and biting near the nape of the neck.-Tumor-shaped, itching elevations on the hairy scalp, and in the nape of the neck.-Extremely troublesome itching, creeping, and crawling of the hairy scalp, as of vermin, with sensation as if the roots of the hairs were pulled upwards. FACE.-Dull, drawing, lacerating pains from the right temple to the upper jaw, and to part of the teeth.-Convulsions of the facial muscles, the mouth being almost locked.-Sickly appearance.Sunken, pale, bluish countenance.-Appearance of old age. EYEs.-Itching and smarting of the canthi.-Itching and smart ing of the left eye.-The eye runs, looks red, and glistens.-Aching pain deep in the eye, early in the morning.-Burning and dryness of the eyes in the morning, when waking.-Pressure in the eyes as if too full, heat and pain in the ball of the eye when moving or touching it; mucous flocks impeding the sight.-Redness of the eyes; sensation as if a grain of sand were in the eye; he saw through mist.Nightly agglutination of the eye.-The eyes were filled with mucus; reading is difficult.-The canthi are red; the carunculus-lachrymalis is swollen; clusters of intensely red vessels extend from the inner canthus to the cornea; the conjunctiva is puckered and interstitially distended; increased secretion of tears and gum.-The conjunctiva 292 ARGENTUM NITRATUM. of the eyes and lids is red as blood.-Around the cornea, towards the inner canthus, the conjunctiva exhibits a red congested swelling. -Blear-eyedness.-Vanishing of sight.-Sensation as if blindness were coming on in the evening, at twilight.-The letters become blurred before the eyes; her sight vanishes when reading or writing. -She is only able to read by holding the page at a distance from her eyes.-Fiery bodies and flashes before her eyes, in the morning, in the dark.-Obscuration of sight, with anxiety, heat in the face, and lachrymation.-Ophthalmia, with intense pains.-Opacity of the cornea; a large portion of the cornea is covered with a white, opaque, apparently dense, but not very deeply penetrating spot.-Contraction of the pupil.-Wild rolling of the eyes, the pupils being dilated and insensible to light.-Hollow-eyedness.-Ophthalmia, abating in the cool and open air, intolerable in the warm room. EARs.-Dragging pain in the ears.-Clear ringing before the ears, passing into momentary deafness, with dull roaring.-Ringing in the ears and deafness.-Whizzing before the ears, with dullness of the head.--Whizzing, feeling of obstruction, and hard hearing in the left ear.-Painful stoppage of the ears, with headache. NosE.-Pain and swelling of the right alm-nasi.-The left nasal bones are painful, as if bruised.-Rigidity and clawing in the nasal cavities.-Smarting and itching in the nose.-Ulcers in the nose, becoming covered with yellow crusts.-Scurfs in the n'ose, being ex-.essively painful when becoming detached, and occasioning a bleeding. -When sneezing, a bloody and purulent matter comes out of the nose.-The nose is obstructed.-Dullness of the sense of smell.-A good deal of sneezing.-Coryza, with constant chilliness, sickly look, lachrymation, sneezing, and violent stupefying headache.-Disagreeable stoppage of the upper part of the nose.-Discharge from the nose resembling white pus, with clots of blood. MOUTH AND LIPs.-Painful pustules on the lips and corner of the mouth.-The lips and soft parts of the mouth have a bluish appearance.-The lips are dry and viscid, without thirst.-Parched condition of the lips, mouth, tongue, and fauces, night and morning. JAWS AND TEETH.-Th4e gums are inflamed, and stand off from the teeth.-Loose, readily-bleeding. gums, neither painful nor swollen.The teeth are very sensitive to cold water.-Pain in the teeth when chewing, and eating sour or cold things; grumbling in the teeth, as if from decay.-Pain as if beaten to pieces in the body of the left lower jaw.-The tongue and mouth are dry and parched, with violent thirst.-Dry tongue, with slimy mouth.-White tongue.-White, slimy tongue.-Yellowish-grey tongue.-Red, painful tip of the ARGENTUM NITRATUM. 293 tongue; rough tongue; the tongue is painful, as if burned.-The tongue is swollen and painful, as if ulcerated subcutaneously.-Ulcerated crusts on the mucous membrane of the mouth, especially that of the left cheek.-Fetid odor from the mouth in the morning.Ptyalism.-Astringent taste in the mouth, with confluence of watery saliva.-Burning pain in the region of the velum-palatinum and the posterior nares.-Ulcerative pain of a small spot in the velum-pendu lum-palati.-Troublesome tension and prickling of the palate.-Swell ing, with a wart-shaped excrescence. PHARYNX AND (ESOPHAGUS.-Intense titillation of the palate and pharynx, occasioning a fatiguing short, hacking cough, at noon.Dark redness of the uvula and fauces.-Scraping in the throat.Roughness and scraping of the throat, as if raw and sore.-Sore feeling in the pharynx when drinking cold water, or during empty deglutition.-Roughness and dryness of the throat, with ulcerative pain, at night.-Seated ulcera Live pain in the pharynx.-Pain in the right side of the throat, as of an ulcer, drawing and tension upward and downward; sensation as if a splinter were lodged in the throat, when swallowing, eructating, breathing, stretching, and moving the neck; som etomes an undulating jerking and pulsating was felt in the throat, continuing for several days.-Burning and dryness in the fauces and pharynx.-Dryness and strangulation in the throat, with shortness of breath, at night.-Accumulation of a tenacious thick mucus in the throat.-Strangulation.-Continuous repulsive sensation in the stomach and pharynx.-Paroxysm of cramp in the aesophagus.--(Esophagus feels spasmodically closed; producing a sensation in the stomach as if it would burst. TASTE.-Bitter, astringent, metallic taste, as of verdigris, exciting nausea and inclination to vomit.-Pappy, chalk-like taste in the mouth, viscid lips, thin mucous coating on the reddish-white tongue. -Pappy, bitter taste, with viscid mouth.-Sweetish-bitter taste, with hypochondriac mood. APPETITE.-Diminished appetite.-No appetite; a quantity of eructations.-Speedy repletion.-No appetite at breakfast.-Unusual ap. petite.-Strong appetite.-Urging desire for acrid cheese.-Irresistible desire for sugar in the evening. GASTRIC SYMPTOMS.-Violent belching.-Most of the gastric derangements are accompanied with belching.-Slight nausea in the stomach, with chilliness and shuddering, and a peculiar sensation of rigor in the lower limbs.-Nausea, resembling hunger.-Nausea, with gurgling in the abdomen.-Faintish sort of nausea, with violent palpitation of the heart.-Leaden-colored countenance, with nausea 294 ARGENTUM NITRATUM. -Nausea.-Vomiting.-Great irritation of the stomach, anxiety in the proecordial region, and vo'miting.-Vomiting and diarrhoea, with violent colicky pain.-She wakes about midnight with an oppressive sensation, as of a heavy lump in the region of the stomach, inducing vomiting; a tremulous weakness and a sensation in the head as if it were in a vice.-Pain in the praecordia. SToMACH.-Trembling and throbbing in the stomach.-Sensation of heaviness and pains in the stomach, with nausea.-Nausea, heaviness, and pressure in the stomach.-Oppression of the stomach.-Tension and pressure in the stomach, causing anxiety, and a sensation as if the stomach were filled to bursting.-Weak stomach; food oppresses the stomach like a dead weight and drags it downward; on waking, a violent spasm of the stomach, with hunger, nausea, and considerable flatulence.-Raging gnawing at the stomach, a sort of hunger, with nausea.-Cardialgia and internal chilliness, early in the morning.-Violent cardialgia, waking her in the night; twisting of the stomach, which extends down into the abdomen.-Violent cardialgia; griping and burning, momentarily.-Burning, ascending from the stomach.-Burning sensation, nausea, and pain in the stomach.Burning in the stomach and chest.-Inflammation of the stomach.Inflammation, suppuration, and dissolution, of the mucous membrane of the stomach, the muscular membrane appearing to be more or less involved in the inflammatory process.-Gastro-enteritis.-Gangrene of the prime-vice.-Contraction of the stomach.-Gtnawing pain in the stomach, on the left side.-Stinging ulcerative pain on the left side of the stomach, below the short ribs, more intense during a deep inspiration and when touching the parts.-Ulcerative pain in the stomach after dinner.-Hard pressure in the left hypochondrium. -Pain in the hypochondria. ABDOMINAL REGION.-Cutting and stinging in the liver.-Affection of the liver, ending in fatal dropsy.-Fine stitches in the spleen, coming on at intervals.-Emptiness of the abdomen, with nausea.Fullness, heaviness, and distention of the abdomen, with anxiety, impeding respiration after supper.-Oppressive drawing pain in the whole abdomen down to the groin, with tension, as in ascites.-Painful tension and pressure in the abdomen, as if sore and ulcerated.-- Darting stitches through the abdomen.-Coldness in the abdomen, which is painfully irritated.-Sensation as of a ball ascending from the abdomen into the throat.-Pressing pain in the groins, more violent when touching them.-Cutting in the small of the back and tbdomen.-Colic around the uumbilicus.-Flatulence. STooL.-Frequent evacuations of a greenish, very fetid mucus, ARGENTUM NITRATUM. 295 with emission of noisy flatulence.-Acts powerfully upon the intestinal canal, occasioning from four to five stools a day.-Frequent evacuations, with slight pains in the abdomen.-Diarrhcea with colic.-Violent diarrhoea.-Bloody evacuations.-Bloody stools with great debility.-Several evacuations of bloody mucus, without any particular pain, towards morning.--A good deal of urging during the diarrhoea. -Colic previous to the diarrhoea.-Constipation; the substances evacuated were dry and ofa firm consistence, whereas his bowels were generally loose.-Slowness and diminution of the facal and urinary discharges.-Dry, firm, alvine evacuations.-Diarrhoea or constipation. -Intestinal phthisis, ulceration of the intestines.-Creeping and burning in the anus.-Itching of the anus.-Discharge of a quantity of the ascarides.-Discharge of teenia. URINARY ORGANS.-Pains in the kidneys.-At first the urinary organs are greatly irritated.-Is a diuretic and diaphoretic.-Frequent emission of a pale, strong-smelling urine.-Copious urination. -Scanty and rare emission of a dark-yellow urine.-Emission of a few drops of urine after urinating, with a sensation as if the interior of the urethra were swollen.-Burning micturition and feeling in the urethra as if swollen.-Burning after micturition.-Dragging pains during micturition.-Painful pushing in the urethra.Heat, itching, and titillation, in the morning when urinating for the first time.-The urethra is painful, as if closed up by swelling, and ulcerated.-Ulcerative pain in the middle of the urethra, as if a splinter had been pushed in. The urethra feels swollen, hard, and knotty.-Inflammation and violent pains of the urethra, with increased gonorrhoea, priapism, dysuria, bloody urine, fever.-Slight burning in the whole course of the urethra, increased gonorrhoea, burning during micturition, painful tension during erections, chordee, bleeding from the urethra, shootings in the same from behind forward. Oozing of mucus from the urethra.-Stricture of the urethra. MALE GENITAL ORGANS.-Chancre-like ulcers on the prepuce; at first their tips were covered with pus, but afterwards the ulcers became diffused through a pretty spacious depression, exhibiting the tallow-like coating of chancres.-The right testicle is enlarged and hard.-Painful coition.- Want of sexual desire, the genital organs having become shrivelled. FEMALE SEXUAL ORCANS.---Congestions to the uterus.--Hemorrhages from the uterus.-The menses are accompanied with cutting pains in the small of the back and groin.-Suppression of the menses, miscarriage, and metrorrhagia.-Suppression of the mucous leucorrhoea; it reappeared in a few weeks, but less and milder. 296 ARGENTUM NITRATUM. LARYNX AND TRACHEA.--Hoarseness with roughness in the throat.Nightly hoarseness, with turns of dry cough, after which she throws off blood-tinged mucus mixed with saliva.-Dry tickling in the larynx, occasioning a cougl.-Dry, fatiguing cough, occasioned by a violent, almost burning titillation in the throat, before retiring in the evening.-Paroxysms of dry cough at night, sometimes so violent as to induce vomiting.-Sufocative cough for several days at noon.-Cough after dinner, impeding speech. CHEST.-Violent, continual irritation, with cough and spitting of blood, with torturing oppression of breathing.-Nightly cough and sweat.-Fullness and anxiousness in the chest, with disposition to sigh.-Heaviness in the cavity of the chest, with desire to sigh.Oppression of the chest, with a crampy sensation.-Difficulty of breathing.-Excessive suffocative oppression of breathing.-Suffocaalve fits.-Nightly pain in the chest.-Stitches in the chest--Achingtcnsive pain in the chest.-Pressure and weight as of a stone, in tho middle of the sternum.-Burning in the chest.-Palpitation of the heart, at night.-Violent palpitation of the heart, wvith a faintish nsusea.-Beating of the heart.-The outer chest is painful to the touch.-The glands of the chest are painful, as if ulcerated.-Itching of the chest and the axillae. NECK.-Sensation as of a cramp in the right anterior cervical muscles.-Bounding pulsations of the left carotid at regular intervals, distinctly seen by the naked eye. BAcK.-Violent pressure between the shoulders.-Itch-like eruption, especially on the back.-Tensive squeezing pains in the back.Nightly pains in the back.-Weight in the small of the back.-Violent pain in the small of the back, as if sprained, early in the morning, when sitting.-Pain in the small of the back, relieved when standing or walking.-The small of the back feels weary.-Digging, cutting in the small of the back.-The lumbar region feels bruised. -Heaviness and drawing in the loins, with debility and weriness, trembling in the lower limbs, as after a fatiguing journey.-Stiffness, heaviness, and paralytic pains in the region of the sacrum and back. -Heaviness and paralytic sensation in the region of the os-sacrum. ARMs.-Tensive pain in the shoulders and arms.-Pain in the wrist, as if sprained.-Painful eruption.-Rheumatic tearing in the joints of the fingers. LEGS.-Paralytic heaviness and debility of the lower limbs.Periodical nervous (cramp-like) drawing, from the hip down to the knees.-Paralytic weakness of the lower limbs, and emaciation of the same.-Itching, blotch-shaped pimples, principally atnight.-Paralytio ARGENTUM NITRATUM. 297 painful drawing, as if bruised, above the left patella.---Violent tearing, raging, digging-up pain under the patellae.-Drawing tearing from the knees into the legs.-Rigidity in the calves, with great debility and exhaustion, as from fatigue.-Excessive weariness of the calves, as from fatigue.-Violent drawing in the calves when going up-stairs.-Arthritic drawing in the foot.-Staggering gait in the open air. PATHOLOGICAL ANATOMY.-The plexus-choroideus and the veins of the fourth ventricle presented a lead-colored appearance, in the case of a female, of thirty years, who died in the Salp6triBre, and who had taken for a long while the Nitrate of Silver against epilepsy, and finally died of tuberculous phthisis. What is remarkable in her case is the fact that her skin had a lead-colored appearance during her life, and that this discoloration disappeared after her death in every part of her body except around her mouth. Partial erosion of the mucous membrane of the fauces and the oesophagus; slight detachment of the membrane. The stomach is deprived of its mucous membrane in that portion of it which is turned towards the o*sophagus and in the region of the curvature, the space being from four to, five inches; the other membranes in the above-mentioned parts of the stomach offered so slight a resistance that they were torn by the mere weight of the contents of the stomach. More or less intense redness of the mucous membrane of the stomach; here and there greyish-white or blackish-dark crusts were discovered in it. The mucous membrane having been destroyed, the muscular coat of the stomach became inflamed, and exhibited a vivid redness, and here and there a crusty appearance. The stomach was perforated where the poison acted intensely. The mucous membrane of the intestines, especially of the stomach, was covered with a whitish coagulum, or was red and congested, or parts of it were cauterized and transformed into white-grey or brownish-black scurfs; those parts were sometimes seen perforated. The liver was softened, large, and flabby.. The kidreys exhibited a lead-color. The lungs and the veins of the body looked black-green, the veins looked as if they had been injected with black-green blood. (A portion of the vena-cava became white by dipping it into muriatic acid). The lungs were congested, infiltrated with serum, or parts of the lungs looked ecchymozcd and were of a black-red color; the heart looked dark-red and livid; the ventricles and the trunks of the large veins were turgid with black blood, 13* 298 ARNICA MONTANA. 30.-ARNICA MONTANA. ARN.-Leopard's Bane.-Hahnemann's " Mat. Med. Pur.," Vol. I.-Duration oJ Action: from six to ten days. COMPARE WITH-ACon., Am., Ars., Bell., Bry., Cann., Caps., Cham., Chin., Cic., Cina, Coloc., Euphr., Fer., Hep., Ign., Ipec., Mere., Natr., Nux-v., Puls., Rhus, Ruta, Samb., Sabin., Seneg., Staph., Sulph.-ac., Verat.-It is frequently indicated after: Acon., Ipec., Verat.-Is frequently suitable after: Acon., Ipec., Rhus, Sulph.-ac. ANTIDOTES.-Camph., Ignat.-It antidotes: Am., Chin., Cic., Fer., Ip';c., Sen.Wine increases the pains. RATIONALE OF ITS ACTION.-Wood and Bache say that Leopard's bane is a stimulant, directed with peculiar energy to the brain and whole nervous system, as manifested by the headache, spasmodio contractions of the limbs, and difficulty of respiration which result from its use. It acts also as an irritant to the stomach and bowels. Dierbach says that its effects are very characteristic, and that its action upon the skin is the most marked, the functions of which it can arouse from the most torpid state; the outbreak of perspiration, which sometimes assumes a red color on the chest, is one of the most constant symptoms. Not unfrequently one notices a feeling of formication, and a prickling, piercing, spasmodic sensation, which has been compared to slight electric shocks; in large doses it sometimes produces a sensation of coldness over the whole surface of the body. The primae-vie are soon attacked by Arnica, and eructations, stomachache, retching, nausea, vomiting, colic, tenesmus, at times diarrhoea, but more frequently constipation, increased flow of urine, and a painful itching of the genitals, have often been noticed. Its influence upon the organs of the chest is marked by anxiety, oppression, palpitation of the heart, and dry irritative cough. It often excites headache, attended with dizziness; the smell of the flowers is apt to excite sneezing, whence the name of the plant, which is properly Ptarmica. It is generally believed to possess the power of absorbing blood which has exhaled from the blood-vessels (ecchymosis), and is then apt to cause pain in the injured part. The pains produced by Arnica are said to be far less severe if the patient moves about his room than when he lies in bed. According to Vogt, it is an acrid, athereal-oily, or exciting remedy, which, in small doses, acts specifically upon the vegetative side of the nervous system, and upon the motor functions; he would describe more exactly the sphere of its action by saying that it is at those points where the nerves and arteries lose themselves in the organia structures, and where the veins and lymphatics arise, viz., in the ARNICA MONTANA. 299 capillary vascular system, especially that of the membranous structures, viz., the external skin, the fibrous membranes, the tendons and sheaths of the muscles, the ligaments of the joints, the periosteum, serous and synovial membranes, the pleura, peritoneum, &c. In these parts, in virtue of its exciting or acrid powers, in combination with its aethereal-oily properties, it excites the actions of the nerves and vessels, hastens the natural metamorphoses of the tissues, or arouses them from torpor and inactivity, or retains them in a certain stage of organic vitality when they tend towards colliquation or putrescency Given in larger doses, it either affects the stomach especially, and causes scraping in the throat, burning, extending down to the epigastrium, spasmodic painful contraction of the stomach, with flow of much saliva into the mouth, unpleasant sensation of nausea, cardialgia, eructations, retchings, vomiting, followed by colic or diarrhoea; or it may affect the whole organism, especially the brain and spinal marrow, and excite vertigo, stupefaction, confusion of the head, glimmering before the eyes, noises in the ears, anxiety, timidity, oppression at the prsecordia, inability to stand up, followed by increased pulsation of the arteries, violent congestions of blood towards the terminal branches of all the blood-vessels, especially to the head, chest, and abdomen, attended with palpitations of the heart, pulsations in the epigastrium, greater development of heat, and irritation of all the tissues, marked by formication, prickling, piercing, trembling, subsultus, &c.; finally, the secretions are stimulated, especially those of the skin, mucous membranes, and kidneys, which not unfrequently are attended with haemorrhages. CLINICAL REMARKS. HAHNEMANN.-"Arnica is a polychrest, or remedy applicable to a great variety of diseases; exhibits its specific efficacy in all cases of injury from falls, blows, and surgical operations; is an indispensable intermediate remedy in most inveterate chronic diseases, although each dose acts only six days; is useful in some forms of spurious pleurisy; but is always hurtful in purely inflammatory, acute diseases characterized by external general heat, also in diarrhoea."-ED. For a long time popular empiricism had availed itself of the properties of Arnica, when a Belgian physician, Fehrius or Fehr, drew the attention of his colleagues to this plant. The facts published by him tended to show that the Arnica, whether used internally or externally, was a specific remedy for sanguineous effusions, sugillations, ecchymosis, &c. A large number of German, Swedish, and French practitioners confirmed Fehr's observations, and its use soon became quito extensive. According to Morray, it was successfully 300 ARNICA MONTANA. used against the following maladies: external lesions, such as are caused by a blow or fall, or contusion; a certain form of fall pleurisy; cachexia; Eadema; atrophy,; traumatic peripneumonia; suppression of the menses or lochia; uterine hemorrhage;,- calculous nephritis; gout; muscular contractions; gangrene; jaundice produced by contusions; paraplegia; hemiplegia; paralysis of the bladder; amaurosis caused by a cerebral affection. Stoll used it with success in certain forms of dysentery, especially in epidemic dysentery, and also cured with it several cases of intermittent fever, a circumstance which induced him to term it the Quinine of the poor, a designation which, however, it does not seem to deserve. More recently it has been lauded as a remedy for spasms, convulsions, tetanus, convulsive cough, trembling, and evenfor the itch,; but this last is not to be relied on. Murray states the accidents which it is capable of producing, in over-doses, to be: vomiting, anxiety, sweats, an aggravation of pain around injured parts, which, however, never lasted long, sensitiveness of the abdomen, weakness of the senses and nerves, tingling, lancing, and burning pains, or shocks resembling those produced by the electric fluid. Homceopathically, the sphere of Arnica comprises, alltraumatic lesions (contusions, cut or torn wounds), with their immediate consequences (internal or external hcemorrhages, fractures, luxations, sprains, traumatic fever, syncope, tetanus, paralysis, pneumonia, hepatitis, cýc.), or their remote consequences (partial emaciation, neuralgia, intermittent fevers, 4-c.) It is particularly adapted to sanguineplethoric persons, with lively complexions, and disposed to cerebral congestions. It acts but feebly on persons who are partially debilitated, with impoverished blood and soft flesh. It acts principally on the muscles and cellular tissue. The boil is the one of all cutaneous affections to which it is most adapted. Hence, again, it is more adapted to the treatment of phlegmonous erysipelas and deep burns than to that of simple erysipelas and superficial burns. From the fact that Arnica frequently cures acne and boils independent of any traumatic cause, it probably cures internal maladies which emanate from their retrocession. Much success has been obtained with the Arnica in the homoeopathic treatment of gout, especially of the foot; also idiopathic rheumatism, and of certain kinds of neuralgia characterized by the cutting, tearing, or wrenching character of the pains. Arnica has Jeen used in paralysis since the time of Junker, in 1736, and, although it was for a time supplanted by Nux and Strychnine, its use was revived by Schneider in 1821, who preferred the ethereal oil of Arnica in the paralysis which remained after apoplectic attacks, and by Graefer? who used the flowers against paralysis ARNICA MONTANA. 301 from injuries. Golis rendered himself famous by his successful use of Arnica in the latter stages of dropsy of the brain. The celebrated Neumann has seen the most decided good effects from the internal and external use of Arnica in acute hydrocephalus. Concussion of the brain is often accompanied by congestion, depression of the cerebral action, stupor, &c. All these symptoms are either prevented or re lieved by speedily washing the parts which have received the shock with the tincture of Arnica, which should at the same time be given internally. A linen compress may be applied to the part, and moistened more or less frequently, according as the injury is more or less considerable. As soon as the above-named symptoms have disap. peared, the use of Arnica must be stopped, thie rest is to be left to nature. The smaller vessels of the brain, when torn, have frequently been healed by Arnica. Secondary hemorrhage in the brain, congestion of blood, secondary suppurations and effusions of lymph have frequently been prevented by the proper and speedy application of the tincture of Arnica. Notes on Arnica in Pleurisy and Pneumonia.-a. In pneumonianotha Arnica is an excellent remedy, if the irritation of the vascular system is very moderate, with a sensation of soreness of the chest, cougl not frequent, and the expectoration of slime is streaked with blood. b. Characteristic indications for the use of Arnica in pleurisy are especially: uneasiness in the affected side; a constant desire for change of position in bed; a painful soreness of the chest, with general internal heat, with cold hands and feet; or when the patient complains of stitching pain in the affected side, with feeling of tightness of the chest, and frequent dry cough, causing increase of pain.-HARTMANN. c. If the expectoration in pneumonia is watery and foaming, or brown, of foul odor, and mixed with foul blood, and brings no relief, then Arnica will be the best remedy; also if stitching pain remains after a deep inspiration, in traumatic inflammation after surgical operations and extensive injuries; not less useful in the rheumatic form, especially when there is a certain degree of mental depression; also in nervous and torpid inflammations.-BUCHNER. d. According to Watzke, Arnica is indicated in the first stage of pneumonia in strong-built individuals, with consensual irritation of the brain. e. According to Peschier, in the remaining pain in the chest, oppression, and dyspnoea, after the inflammatory condition has been removed by Aconite and Bryonia. f. Dr. Wurmb, of Vienna, says: "As Arnica is one of the few reme. dies which cause resorption, it is a pity that it is overlooked too often 302 ARNICA MONTANA. by physicians in cases such as pleurisy; although Arnica appears to act more speedily when there is an exudation of plastic lymph, never theless it is very efficacious in serous exudations." g. The physiological provings of Arnica completely show its speci. fic sphere of action on the lungs and pleura, with its numerous symp. toms of bleedings from the substance of the lungs, and its prompt action on the heart. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-Complaints of nervous individuals, or of plethoric persons with red face; sometimes also of lymphatic, weak persons, with pale, livid face.--~Rheumatic and arthritic pains, with inflammatory or erysipelatous swelling of the affected parts.-Atrophy of children.-Mechanical injuries: sprains, dislocations, strains, contusions, concussions.-~Bad effects from China.-OParalysis after apoplexy.- Jerks and shocks in the body, as by the electric fluid.-~llot, hard, and shining swelling of the affected parts.ORed, blue, and yellow spots, like ecchymosis.-OBites of insects. -Wounds by dull instruments, with more or less contusion; owounds inflicted by the teeth, by cutting, and by pointed instruments, fire-arms; tearing of the fibre; ~sore excoriated places of the skin; bed-sores; oburns; ~corns (after cutting them).Jactitation of single muscles, in every part of the body, especially in the limbs.-*From time to time, sense as of lacerating in almost every part of the body, especially in the lower and upper extremities; the pain for the most part appears to rise from below upwards.-Darting pain in the affected part.-Twitchings in all the limbs, especially in the feet and shoulders, with heat of the feet.-Uneasiness in the whole body, without any mental anguish; a kind of excessive mobility, 4which finally increases to a kind of trembling of the whole body, owith a throbbing sensation in all the vessels.-The parts of the side on which he is resting go to sleep.-Painful sensitiveness of all the joints, and of the skin, on making the slightest motion.*Painful and excessive sensitiveness of the whole body.-*Heaviness in all the limbs, with painful lameness in all the joints, during motion, as if the joints were bruised.-Painful concussion in all the limbs; it is felt when the carriage in which one is riding shakes, or when one treads too hard in walking.-Disagreeable sense as of dull tingling, or dull pain in a contused part.-*Rending pain in the limbs.-Excessively violent pain, which caused many to scratch the wall or the floor with their nails, like madmen; the pains do not con. tinue more than an hour (immediately after taking the medicine).*Tremor of the limbs.-Pain in all the limbs, as if they had been bruised, both when at rest and in motion.-Languor in the feet and ARNICA MONTANA. 803 arms, when walking in the open air.-Languor, weariness, sensation as of being bruised, obliging him to lie down.- Tremulous uneasi. ness and languor.-He feels faint when walking; he recovers himself when standing.-The feet felt tired after a walk in the open air; the knees gave way; she became sleepy immediately, fell asleep, and dreamed.-When walking in the open air, he feels as if the whole right side, especially the shoulder, were too heavy and paralyzed.Lassitude and laziness of the whole body.-General sinking of strength; he can scarcely move a limb.-Fainting turn, with loss of consciousness, in mechanical injuries.-oParalysis of the right side of the body, after apoplexy.-0 Convulsions and tetanic spasms consequent upon mechanical injuries. CHARACTERISTIC PECULIARITIES.-The pains increase by talking, moving about, blowing, and even by every sound.-The pains quickly wander from one part to another.-The violence of the pains almost makes him crazy. SKIN.-Deeply penetrating, dull stitches in the limbs, here and there.-*Pricking in the skin.-*Fine prickings in almost every part of the body, especially the nose, eye-brows, eye-lids, even hands and fingers.-Stinging, burning, and itching pain in the skin.-Burn. ing and cutting pains. SLEEP.-In the evening, one feels sleepy too soon.-Sleepy after a walk.-Starting during sleep.-Moaning when asleep.-Loud, unintelligible talking when asleep.-*Involuntary expulsion of fcce* while asleep.-His sleep is full of dreams and does not refresh him, he feels as if he had not slept at all.-Sleepiness during the day.Sopor, starting as in affright, when falling asleep.-Dreams about frightful objects, of the lightning having struck, graves, &c.-Sleeplessness, with anguish, as if occasioned by heat, until two or three o'clock in the morning. FEVER.-Great internal heat, hands and feet being cold, with chills over the whole body.-Dry heat in bed, with violent thirst.-Violent shivering when gaping.-Dry heat over the whole body, after waking, early in the morning.-Occasional flushes of heat in the back.Nightly thirst.--Thirst without any external heat, the pupils being scarcely capable of dilatation.---Feeling of cold all over the body, although the skin feels warm.-Chilliness mostly in the evening.Fevers: Otertian, quartan; Oin the afternoon, *or evening.--Typhus. -Fever early in the morning; *first chilliness, then heat.-Extremely disagreeable painfulness of the periosteumn of all the bones, resem-. bling almost a drawing in all the limbs, such as occurs in an attack of fcoer and ague; ~accompanied and succeeded by headache, yellow. 804 ARNICA MONTANA. ness of the face, want of appetite, aversion to meat, and bitterness of mouth.-Shivering over the whole body and the head, with heat in the head, and redness and heat in the face, accompanied by coldness of the hands, and a feeling as if the hips, the back, and the anterior surface of the arms were bruised.-*A good deal of thirst and drinking during the yawning stage previous to fever;-afterwards thirst, but little drinking during the hot stage.-Shaking chills, without any.thirst.-External and internal chilliness an hour after the headache, and constant anguish.-Seething of the blood in the evening, accompanied by dizziness of the head; he feels pulsations in the whole body (and coughs for hours until he vomits; this wakes him at night). MORAL SYMPTOMS.-Violent attacks of anguish.-Trritable, sensitive mood.-Depression of spirits and absence of mind.--Hypochondriac anxiety, peevishness.-Uneasiness of body and mind (without anxiety).-Indifference to everything.-Excessive sensitiveness of the mind.-Quarrelsomeness and peevishness.- Obstinate and headstrong resistance to other people's opinions.-Sullen insolence and imperiousness.-Weeping.-Apprehension of future evils.--Hopelessness.-Tendency to start.- Frivolous, wanton, ill-behaved; absurd talk. SENSORIUM.-Vertigo; in the forehead, especially when walking, everything turning with her, and threatening to fall over with her. -Vertigo; *when raising or moving the head, she feels as if everything were turning with her.-Dullness of the head, with vertigo and anguish.-Stupefying headache, early in the morning.-Heaviness in the forehead.-Want of memory.-Absence of mind.-Contraction of the pupils, with cloudiness of the head, and dullness of one-half of the head.-~Loss of consciousness; delirium; vertigo, with obscuration of sight.-~Apoplexia-sanguinea, with extravasation of blood -oConcussion of the brain and spinal marrow by a fall or blow.-- oHydrocephalus. HEAD.-- Burning in the brain, the remainder of the body being cool.-*Heat in the head; the remainder of the body being cool. -Aching in the temples.- Headache, followed by a throbbing pain in the temples.--Aching in the forehead, which increases near the warm stove, ascending the stairs, walking, or reading.Headache as if the head were distended from within outwards.Headache over the eyes, extending tooards the temples, with sensation as if the integuments of the forehead were spasmodically contracted. -Stupefying, dull, continued pain in the forehead, more externally..-Headache on the top of the head.-In the left side of the forehead, as after a violent knock against something.-*Lancinations in the ARNICA MONTANA. 305 fore part of the head, when coughing.-Lancinating pain in the forehead, which becomes worse by lifting up the eyes, with heat in the face and thirst.-*Stitches in the forehead.-Headache as if a nail had been thrust into the temple, with general sweat about midnight, followed by languor.-Aching in the left temple, lancinating and lacerating.-Stitching pain in the forehead.-Darting, lancinating headache when stooping, as if everything would issue through the forehead, with nausea, qualmishness.-*Lancinating and tearing pain in the head, increased by stooping and coughing.--Darting pain in the fore part of the head.-Great internal and external heat of the head.-Transitory burning on the top of the head and on the neck, externally.-Headache, worse when sitting up. SCALP.-Cold feeling in the head.-Stinging itching of the hairy scalp. EYES.-Dry heat in the face towards evening, extending as far as behind the ears, without thirst, the nose being quite cold.-Cramplike tearing of the left eye-brow.-Staring eyes, ofaint, dim, without lustre.-The eye-lids are swollen and ecchymozed.-*Contraction of the pupils, with cloudiness of the head.-Dilatation of the pupils.Stitches in the eyes.-Itching of the canthi.-Burning in the eyes, without any dryness.--Occasional flow of tears, which burn like fire. --Slight protrusion of the right eye.-Drawing pain in the right eye-ball.-*Painful, dull, intermittent pressure in the margin of the left orbit.-Spasmodic twitchings, with pressure under the left eye.OThe eyes are half closed; ophthalmia from mechanical injuries.OObscuration of sight. EARs.-Pain in the cartilage of the ear, as if the parts had been bruised or contused.-Intermittent pressure in both ears, in the region of the tympanum.-Dull stitches through the internal ear.Heat and burning in the lobule.-Stitches in the ear, followed by a lacerating pain.-Pressure in the ear.-Sensibly-diminished hearing. -Humming in the ears. FACE.-Feeling of heat in the ear and cheek.-Eruption on the cheeks, like small-pox, under the eyes.-Throbbing and pinching in the swollen cheek.-Pain as from bruises in the articulation of the right jaw, when moving it.-Red swelling of one cheek, with throbbing and pinching pain, swollen lip, and heat in the head, with cold body.L-*Hot, red, shining, stiff swelling of the left cheek. NosE.-The nose pains him from above downwards, as if he had had a violent fall upon it.-Lancinating pain in the nose.-*Swelling of the nose.-Sensation as if the nostrils were ulcerated:-Feeling of heat in the nose, it is cold to the touch.--Frequent bleeding at the 306 ARNICA MONTANA. nose.-Dull pressure on the nasal bone, with stupefaction.-Itching of the upper lip, it burns when rubbing it.-Parched lips.-Chapped lips.-Ulcerated corners of the mouth, with burning pain, especially when moving those parts.-Burning heat in both lips, with moderate warmth in the body.-Swollen lips.-Trembling of the lower lip.-- Incipient paralysis of the lower jaw.--Swelling of the submaxillary glands. JAWS AND TEETH.-Tingling in the gums, as if they had gone to sleep.-*Toothache as if the teeth had been bitten out, it is throbbing; the teeth feel as if they were pressed out by the blood rushing towards them.-During mastication the gums are painful, as from subcutaneous ulceration.-0 Toothache, with swelling of the cheek. MoUTH.-Dryness in the mouth, with or without thirst.-*Tongue coated white, with a good appetite and good taste.-Sensation of dryness on the tip of the tongue, in the palate, on the lips, with shivering over the arms and thighs.-Biting sensation in the tongue.-The tongue feels sore.-Fetid breath from the mouth.-Sputa mixed with blood.-OHlemoptysis.-~Hsemorrhage from nose and mouth?-Putrid smell from the mouth. THROAT.-Burning in the back part of the throat, with a feeling of internal heat.-Stinging in the back part of the throat, between the acts of swallowing.-Deglutition is prevented by a sort of nausea, as if the food would not go down. TASTE AND APPETITE.-*Putrid, slimy taste in the mouth.-*Repugnance to meat and broth.-Desire for vinegar.-Want of appetite, the tongue being coated white and yellow.-Taste of rotten eggs in the mouth between the meals.-Phlegm in the throat; it tastes bitter when hawking it up.-*Bitter taste in the mouth. GASTRIC SYMrPTOMS.-*Empty eructations.-*During the eructations a bitter phlegm is gulped up.-*Empty eructations.-*Early in the morning, eructations, tasting of rotten eggs.-Nausea and disposition to vomit, early in the morning.-Heartburn.-After supper she weeps, is peevish, listens to nobody, and does not wish to be told anything.-Complete want of appetite, with nausea.-*Nausea.Qualmishness of the stomach, with empty eructations.-Nausea, without vomiting, or without stool.-Vertigo and nausea when reading too long.-*-Inclination to vomit.-Vomiting.-*Vomiting of coagulated blood; oof dark blood; orenewed by drinking or eating, with vomiting of the ingesta.-Empty retching.--*Retching at night, with weight as of a lump in the pit of her stomach. STOMACH.-Fullness and pressure in the stomach.-Feeling of repletion in the stomach, accompanied by loathing.-*Pinching, spas ARNICA MONTANA. 307 modic griping in the stomach.-Pain in the region of the heart, as if the heart were squeezed together.-Oppression of the heart.-Pressure as if a stone were lying in the stomach.-Painful pressure above the pit of the stomach, with dyspnoea.-~Stitches in the pit of the stomach, with pressure extending to the back, and oonstriction of the chest. ABntOMEN.-Spasm in the hypochondriac region.-Sudden pinching in the stomach.-Stitches under the false ribs, arresting the breath, when standing.-Cutting above the umbilicus, especially when taking a deep breath, and at every step,-Catting in the abdomen, as after a cold.-Colic resembling dysentery.-*Tension and inflation of the abdomen, especially the lower part, with a dull general pressure in those parts during the night, with heat of the limbs, and dreams, fatiguing the mind.-Sore pain in the abdomen when coughing or touching it.-Pain in the region of the liver, with pressure as of a stone, both during expiration and inspiration.-Lacerating in the abdomen above the umbilicus.-Cutting and pinching in the abdomen. -Lancinations in both loins.-Cutting in the loins, especially when stooping.-Dull stitches in the right side, below the ribs.-Sharp thrusts through the abdomen, from one side to the opposite.-Aching pain in the region of the liver.-Burning stinging pains in the epigastric region.-Retraction of the umbilicus.-Fine tearings in the abdominal muscles.-Colic; an hour afterwards tenesmus; at last an evacuation of fmeces composed of small lumps, mixed with flatulence. -Rumbling in the abdomen.-Colicky pains, owing to flatulence.Fermenting in the abdomen.-oColic from straining the bowels by lifting a heavy load. STOOL.-Flatulence smelling like rotten eggs.-Urging to stool, followed by a copious, loose, or pap-like, sourish-smelling stool, giving great relief.-Hard, difficult stool, with pressure in the abdomen.-Papescent diarrhoea, with distention of the abdomen previous to stool.-*Papescent, brown stool, with rumbling in the abdomen.-Painful pressure in the rectum.-Frequent small stools, consisting only of slime.-Frequent stool; after every stool he is obliged to lie down.-*White diarrhoea-like stools.-(Diarrhoea resembling brown yeast).-*Constipation.-*Involuntary stool at night, when asleep.-*Undigested stools, although not liquid.-Crampy sensation in the rectum.-Tenesmus of the rectum.-Pressing in the rectum when standing.-Blind hremorrhoids. URINARY ORGANS.-Frequent desire to urinate, with copious emission of urine.-Watery urine.-Retention of urine, with tenesmus of the bladder.-Tenesmus of the neck of the bladder.-*Urging, the 308 ARNICA MONTANA. urine dropping out involuntarily.-Desire to urinate, with biting burning, increased after micturition. Cutting pain in the orifice of the urethra, at the termination of micturition.-Stitches in the urethra.-Brown, clear urine, which immediately becomes whitish and turbid.-*Brown urzne, with brick-red sediment.-A small quantity of red urine.-Frequent emission of white watery urine.-Frequent desire to urinate, with emission of a small quantity of yellowred urine.-Itching in the anterior part of the urethra, in the region of the glans, when he is not urinating.--Hlematuria. GENITAL OnGANs.-Itching, or itching stitches in the glans.Itching red spot on the glans.-Itching pimple on the prepuce.(Painless tuberele on the scrotum).--Symptoms after mechanical injuries: Red-blue swelling of the penis and scrotum, inflammatory swelling of the testicles; hydrocele; painful swelling of the spermatic cord, with lancinations from the testes into the abdomen.Symptoms as if the menses would make their appearance.--Too long and too violent after-pains; soreness of the parts after hard labor; erysipelatous inflammation of the mamma, and soreness of the nipples. LARYNX AND TRACHEA.-Catarrh of the chest, on waking.Hoarseness, early in the morning.-Frequent sneezing.-Feeling of internal coldness in the chest.--Dry, short, and hacking cough, as from a titillation in the trachea, every morning after rising.Cough at night, during sleep.-- Cough, in children, produced by weeping and lamenting.-Pain in the chest, as if it were raw, with roughness of the throat during cough.-*Hcemoptoe.-Cough which excites vomiting.-Cough, producing a feeling in the ribs as if bruised.-Cough, with stitches in the side of the chest.-Bloody expectoration from the chest.--oCough, with expectoration of a brightred frothy blood, mixed with coagulated clots and mucus; Oexpulsinn from the chest of clots of black blood, even when not coughing, at every exertion of the body.-~Inability to throw off the loose phlegm in coughing, he has to swallow it. CHEST.-- Short panting breath.-Dyspnoea, quick expirations and inspiratiofns.-*Oppression at the chest, with anguish, pains in the abdomen, and headaohe.-*Excessive difficulty of breathing.-Frequent and slow deep breathing, with pressure below the chest.Aching pain in the lower extremity of the sternum, which is especially felt during a deep inspiration.-Cutting, with pressure through both sides of the thoracic cavity, increased by inspiration.-*Dull stitches in the thoracic cavity through the sternum, from without inward.-*Stitching pain in one side of the chest, with a short cough, ARNICA MONTANA. 309 which increases the pain, and continued asthma.-*Stitches and prickings below the last rib.--Dull stitches in the right side, near the ribs.--Stitches in the left breast, during a deep inspiration, neat the sternum.-His chest feels sore, his sputa are sometimes tinged with blood, especially when walking.-*All the joints of the bones and cartilages of the chest feel painful, as if they were bruised, during motion and breathing.-Stitches in the heart, from the left side to the right, owith fainting fits.-Oppression at the heart.-The beating of the heart is more like a quivering.-Pain in the region of the heart, as if it were squeezed together, or like a shock.-The motion of the heart is first very rapid, then suddenly slow.--Pain as from a sprain in the joints of the chest and back.-Anguish across the chest, with inclination to vomit.-Aching pain in the right breast. -Stinging itching in the sides of the chest and in the back. BACK.-The small of the back is painful, as if bruised and lame. -Arthritic pain in the back and limbs.-Pain as from bruises, in the back.-Burning pain in the back, when walking out in the open air.-Sensation in the back, almost under the shoulders, as if a lump were lodged there.-Stitch, at every inspiration, in the right side of the back.-Tingling in the vertebral column.-Painful pressure in the middle of the dorsal spine (when sitting).-Aching pain between the scapulce.-Cutting thrusts between the scapule, extending into the thoracic cavity, when walking.-Pain of the right scapula, towards the back, as after a violent shock or fall.-Cramp-like tensive pain in the muscles of the neck, and cervical vertebree.-Pimple on the side of the neck, with stinging pain when touched. 1-Prominent swelling of the cervical glands, exceedingly painful.-Drawing lacerating and pressure in the neck.-The head feels heavy, and falls to every side, on account of a weakness of the muscles of the neck. ARMs.-Drawing and aching pain in the left shoulder, when standing erect.-Broad sharp stitches under the axilla, from without inwards.-Sense of excoriation under the shoulder.-The arms feel weary, as if bruised by blows, so that he was unable to bend his fingers inwards.-Drawing tingling, and stitches in the bones and muscles of the arm.-Twitchings in the muscles of the upper arm.Intermittent, painful lacerating, with pressure extending from the lower part of the upper arm as far as the elbow, apparently in the bone.-Tingling in the fore-arms.-Lacerating pain in the arms and 1 This kind of pimple, surrounded with an inflamed red border, is extremely similar to a boil. Boils are, therefore, cured by Arnica. Homceopathically, Arnica may be used as a preventive against boils in persons who are subject to them. 310 ARSENICUM ALBUM. hands.-Burning stitches in the fore-arm.-Pain as from a sprain in the wrist-joint.-Cramp in the fingers of the left hand.-Lancinating, darting pain in the finger. LEGS.-Trembling in the lower extremities.-Tearing pain in the lower extremities.-Pain as from a sprain in the hip (back, chest wrists).-Pain in the thigh, when rising and treading upon the foot. -Sense as of twitching in the muscles of the thigh.-Pain in the thighs, when walking, as from a blow or contusion.-Drawing, cramplike pressure in the muscles of the left thigh, when sitting.-Stitches in the knee.-Sudden weakness in the knees; they give way whilst the feet are numb and insensible.-Arthritic pain in the foot, with a little fever towards evening.-Standing becomes painful.-Prick in the knee, when touched.-Lacerating in the bones and muscles of the legs and in the joints.-(Aching in the paralyzed foot).-Feeling as of tingling and creeping in the feet.-Sudden swelling of the (sick) foot.-Violent burning in the feet.-Tingling in the feet.-Dull throbbing pain in one of the toes.-Dull trembling pain in one of the toes.-Violent stitches in the toes, when walking.-Severe lacerating pain in the toes, sometimes with redness.-Painful cramp in the muscles of the soles of the feet.-Sense as of tingling in hands and feet, and lancinating pains in divers joints. 31.-ARSENICUM ALBUM. ARS.-Acidum Arseniosum, Arsenious Acid.--Hahnemann's "Chronic Diseases," "Vol. V.-Duration of Action: 36 to 40 days in chronic affections. COMPARE WITH-Aeon., Arn., Bell., Bry., Cale., Carb.-v., Cham., Chin., Coff., Dig., Dulc., Fer., Graph., Hell., Hep., lod., Ipec., Lach., Lye., Mere., Natr.mur., Nux-v., Phosp., Puls., Rhus., Samb., Sep., Sulph., Verat.-Ars. is frequently indicated after: Aeon., Am., Bell., Chin., Ipec., Lach., Verat.-..fter Ars. are frequently suitable: Chin., Ipec., Nux-v., Sulph., Verat. AIrIDOTES.-Of large doses: the Sesquioxide of Iron; the juice of the sugarcane and honey-water; the Carbonate of Potash and Magn. shaken with oil; infusions of astringent substances; large quantities of diluent drinks; Op.Of small doses: Camph., Chin., Chin.-sulph., Fer., Hep., lod., Ipec., Nux-v., Sanib., Tabac., Verat.-Ars. is used as an antidote of Carb.-v., Lhin., Fer., Graph., Iod., Ipec., Lach., Mere., Nux-v., Verat. RATIONALE OF ITS AcTION.-Christison says: "' The symptoms of poisoning with Arsenic may be advantageously considered under three heads. "1 First Class.-In the first set of cases there are signs of violent irritation of the alimentary canal, and sometimes of the other mucous membranes also, accompanied with excessive general depression, but ARSENICUM ALBUIM. 311 not with distinct disorder of the nervous system. When such cases prove fatal, which they generally do, they terminate, for the most part, in from twenty-four hours to three days. "Second Class.-In a second and very singular set of cases, there is little sign of irritation in any part of the alimentary canal, perhaps trivial vomiting, or slight pain in the stomach, but sometimes neither; the patient is chiefly or solely affected with excessive prostration of strength and frequent fainting; and death is seldom delayed beyond the fifth or sixth hour. " Third Class.-In a third set of cases, life is commonly prolonged at least six days, sometimes much longer, or recovery may even take place after a tedious illness; and the signs of inflammation in the alimentary canal are succeeded or become accompanied, about the second or fourth day, or later, by symptoms of irritation in the other mucous passages, and more particularly by symptoms indicating a. derangement of the nervous system, such as palsy or epilepsy. The distinctions now laid down will be found in practice to be well defined, and useful for estimating in criminal cases the weight of the evidence from symptoms." Hahnemann, in his first essay on the homoeopathic principle, asserts " that it has a great tendency to excite that spasm in the blood-vessels, and the shock in the nervous system, called febrile rigor. If it be given in a pretty large dose (one-sixth or one-fifth of a grain) to an adult, this rigor becomes very evident. This tendency makes it a powerful remedy as a similarly acting medicine in intermittent fever; and this all the more as it possesses the power, observed by me, of exciting a daily-recurring, although always weaker paroxysm, even although its use be discontinued. In typicaldiseases of all kinds (in periodical headache, &c.), this type-exciting property of Arsenic in small doses (one-tenth to, at most, one-sixth of a grain in solution) becomes valuable, and will, I venture to guess, become invaluable to our perhaps bolder, more observant, and more cautious posterity. * * * * The continued use of Arsenic, in large doses, causes gradually an almost constant febrile state; it will thus, as, indeed, experience has to a certain extent taught us, prove useful in hectic and remittent fevers, as a similarly acting remedy, in small doses (about one-twelfth of a grain). It possesses a great disposition to diminish the vital heat and the tone of the muscular fibre. Hence paralysis, from a strong dose, or a long-continued and incautious employment of it. It diminishes the tone of the muscular fibre, by diminishing the tone and cohesion of the coagulable lymph of the blood, as I have convinced myself by 312 ARSENICUM ALBUM. drawing blood from persons suffering from the effects of Arsenic, more especially such as had a too inspissated blood before the use of this metallic acid. It also diminishes the sensibility of the nerves. Thus, it generally seems to kill more by extinguishing the vital power and sensibility than by corrosive and inflammatory power, which is only local and circumscribed. It weakens the absorbent system. I would direct particular attention to its peculiar power of increasing the irritability of the fibre, especially of the system of the vital functions. Hence cough, and hence the above-mentioned febrile actions. When used for a length of time, and in pretty large doses, it seldom fails to cause some chronic cutaneous disease (at least, desquamation of the skin). It produces acute continued pains in the joints, as I have seen." The following remarks were compiled many years ago, from authorities not now recollected: The earliest poisonous (!) effects are, diminished (?) action of heart and intense inflammation of stomach. Given medicinally! the first and earliest sign of its action is an increased strength and frequency of. the pulse; next follows the well-known fullness of the palpebra, and itching of the ala-nasi. If its use be continued, the irritation of the mucous membranes extends to the fauces, inducing redness and cough, and along;with these symptoms the tongue begins to be covered with a white fur, which, gradually increasing in thickness, gives its surface the appearance of having been rubbed over with chalk; the action of the heart continues to increase in force and frequency-the pulse becomes full and hard, and, at last, a general anasarcous state is set up. Again, the symptoms induced by an overdose are of an inflam. matory or pyretic character. Bouillaud says it acts poisonously on the system in two different ways: First, By exerting a specific influence on the blood, thus giving rise to adynamia; Second, By exciting an inflamed or sthenic condition in the parts to which it is applied. Emery says, whenever unpleasant symptoms arise from doses of one-fourth of a grain, they are always of a more or less inflammatory character; such as a quickened and strong pulse, sharp pains in the region of the heart, and general feverish heat. Along with these symptoms, he has occasionally observed a partial paralysis of the extensor muscles of the hand. The prostration of the nervous and circulatory systems are often fatally great, coupled with severe structural disorganization of the stomach and bowels. Brodie, in his experiments, always found the action of the heart excessively feeble, although the muscular parts, including the intestines, nearly retained their usual irritability; hence it would seem to exert a specific para ARSENICUM ALBUM. 313 lyzing power upon the heart. It seems also to have almost a specific tendency to irritate and inflame the gastric surfaces, as appears from the fact, in several cases of fatal poisoning from its external application, that the mucous membrane of the stomach and bowels has, on dissection, been found highly inflamed. Jaeger compares the action of Arsenic to that of the poison of snakes, which acts primarily upon the blood. Sproegel sprinkled it upon a wound in a dog's back, and he found that the stomach and bowels became inflamed. Coagulated blood was effused into the cavities of the stomach and bowels. The pleura, pericardium, and lungs were also very much inflamed. Lachaise, of Angers, says that one-eighth of a grain has no other effect than that of inducing speedy vomiting. One-fourth to one-half of a grain produces more decided symptoms-stomach seriously affected, also the bowels. Hence there was.pain in the abdomen, nausea, vomiting, with acrid sensation in the throat. Repetition of the dose, same symptoms, with vertigo and great prostration of strength. A. S. Taylor gave one-third of a grain to a child of sixteen months: in about twenty minutes it became sick, and vomited severely for three hours, and thus recovered; it did not complain of pain. A lady, at fifty-two, took one-half of a grain; in thirty to forty minutes complained of general uneasiness; she had no pain, but vomited violently for four hours; she then recovered. A gentleman, aged forty, took two and one-half grains; in twenty minutes felt unwell, and vomited for three hours; he did not recover entirely. for several days. In these four cases there was no pain, but violent vomiting and prostration of strength. A full stomach probably saved them all. CHARACTERISTIC PECULIARITIES.-Arsenic exhausts the powers of life, either of single organs or of the whole organism. It produces decomposition of the organic substance, a cachectic condition, colliquation, which the following symptoms clearly show: Yellow, pale, death-like color of the face, sunken eyes, haemorrhage, per rectum, &c.; foul, destructive, easily bleeding, cancerous ulcers; eruptions like scorbutis; black pustules; emaciation; dropsy; pthisis, &c. Among the pains produced by Arsenic, burning pain is the most characteristic and constant, although there are other remedies, such as Carbo-anim. and vegetabilis, Euphorbium, Mezereum, Pulsatilla, Secale-cornutum, &c., which produce this kind of pain, but none in such a marked degree as Arsenic. A very characteristic effect of Arsenic is the periodicity of its physiological phenomena, although there are other remedial agents-such as China, Ipecac., Natrum-mur., Nux-vom., Pulsatilla, Rhus-tox., Veratrum-which possess this inter. mittent character. All morbid conditions produced by Arsenic are 14 814 ARSENICUM ALBUM. characterized by extreme restlessness, uneasiness, and almost causing frenzy in some instances. Arsenic pain is relieved, although only temporarily, by the application of external heat. The arsenic pain appears mostly during rest, and is generally relieved on motion. Roaring in the ears, during a paroxysm of pain, as in China, is a characteristic symptom of Arsenic. Arsenic nausea and vomiting is accompanied by extreme prostration and anguish, periodical, and worse during rest. The cardiac symptoms point strongly to Arsenio as a remedy or palliative in morbid conditions of the heart; also its specific action on the external skin is very strongly marked. GENERAL SPHERE OF AcTION.-Arsenious-acid appears to exert a SPECIFIC influence on several parts of the body, especially the alimentary canal, the heart, and the nervous system. That the alimentary canal is specifically affected is shown by the inflammation of the stomach produced by the application of Arsenic to wounds, and which, according to Sir B. Brodie, is more violent and more immediate than when this poison is taken into the stomach itself. That the heart is also specifically acted on by Arsenious-acid is proved by the symptoms (the anxiety at the precordia, the quick, irregular pulse, &c.), and by the post-mortem appearances (red spots in the substance of this viscus), and by the diminished susceptibility to the galvanic influence. The specific affection of the nervous system is inferred from the symptoms: namely, the headache, giddiness, wandering pains, impaired sensibility of the extremities, delirium, coma, feebleness, lassitude, trembling of the limbs, and the paralysis, or tetanic symptoms. The alimentary canal, heart, and nervous system are not the only parts on which this acid appears to exert a specific influence; the lungs, the skin, the salivary glands, &c., are also specifically affected. The disorder of the lungs is inferred from the local pain, cough, and occasional inflammatory appearances after death. The eruptions and other altered appearances of the skin, and the falling off of the hair and nails, sometimes noticed, have led to the idea of the specific influence of Arsenious-acid on the cutaneous systeip; an opinion which seems further supported by the tact of the remarkable influence it exercises in some cutaneous diseases, especially lepra The salivation noticed by Marcus, FerriLir, McFarley, Cazenave, and others, shows that the salivary glands are specifically influenced. The swelling of the face, and the irritation and redness of the eye-lids also deserve notice, in connection with the specific effects of this poison. CLINICAL REMARKS. HAHNEMANN.-" Fits of anguish at night, driving him out of bed. Burning in the skin; burning pain ARSENICUM ALBUM. 815 in the ulcers. Quotidian and intermittent fevers. Scabs. Inflam. mation of the eyes and lids. Vomiting after every meal, burning pain at the pit of the stomach. Corrosive ulcerated blisters in the soles and toes." DR. GRAY.-" It is important that practitioners should point their attention to the question, whether drugs which are ISOMORPHOUS are not, on that account, allies in the treatment of disease; thus Arsenic, Phosphorus, and Antimony, being eminent instances of the isomor. phous relation, and being strikingly analogous in their pathogenesy, is it not very probable that these two similitudes depend on the same element in each-namely, an identical original force or power? We find these drugs chemically uniting with other substances in precisely the same atonic proportions, and producing crystals in each case of the same form. "The analogies between these drugs as to their pharmacotoxio results, already very striking, would doubtless have been still more so, if either the simple form in each case had been tried on the healthy, or, what is the same thing, the same combination, as, for example, the sulphuret of each had been in use for the pathogenesy. " It is quite possible we may, by looking in this direction diligently, find the rich vein of classification upon which Bcenninghausen has empirically struck so eagerly, and yet with so little satisfaction to his colleagues."-ED. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-Pains in the whole body, excessive, intolerable, in every position of the body, mostly in the evening. Anxiety, with languor; inability to collect one's senses; reeling sensation, and difficulty of attending to all his business.-OAttacks of hysteric weakness-Fainting fits; violent, deep; with weak pulse; with vertigo and swelling of the face; early in the morning, with anxiety.-*General rapid sinking of strength; excessive debility; -particularly of the lower limbs, knees, hands, and feet, which are trembling; as from want of food; when walking ever so little; lameness; *weakness, with inability to take even a few steps without sinking, particularly previous to vomiting setting in; *weakness, obliging him to lie down, with inability to leave the bed; *he feels stronger when lying down, and sometimes falls down suddenly when rising, with vertigo- and aggravation of the headache; oweakness, with dropping of the lower jaw, sunken, extinct eyes, and open mouth; -with profuse sweat, vomiting, and hwematuria.-*Emaciation, marasmus, consumption; *sometimes with fever; with livid face, blue margins around the eyes, great debility, want of disposition to do anything, and constant desire to lie down; atrophy of children, 316 * ARSENICUM ALBUM. with tympanitis and glandular swellings.--Spasms; *tetanic spasms, *convulsions, with frightful contortion of the limbs, or else the con vulsions may be excited by violent pains in the bottom of the feet.-- *Epileptic fits: ~with burning in the stomach and spinal marrow, with sensation as if the paroxysm commenced in the spinal marrow, and moved thence to behind the ears and into the brain, after which the patient becomes giddy, and falls down with loss of consciousness; or else the paroxysms commence with beating about with the arms, and end with a jerk through the whole body; during the paroxysm, the patient is lying like a dead person, pale but warm, his thumbs are clenched, his fists are turned to and fro, the arms are slowly drawn up and down, his mouth is distorted, and the breathing has become imperceptible.-- Trembling of the limbs; -particularly when walking; with sweat in the face: oin drunkards.-Stiffness and immobility of the limbs; particularly of the knees and feet; with violent lacerating pains; paralysis, particularly of the lower limbs, sometimes with loss of sensation; contraction of limbs.-*Diseases of the mucous membranes and chronic blenorrhcea; odropsical complaints; oscrofulous affections.-Complaints arising from abuse of China or Iodine; ofrom drinking wine; ofrom cold and wet.-*Arthritic and rheumatic pains and complaints; *drawing and lacerating, particularly in the limbs, with inability to lie on the afected part, and dinminution of the pains when moving the affected part; -tearing in the bones; *burning, particularly in the interior of the afected parts; -burning-corrosive pains; pain in the affected part as if the bone were swollen and interstitially distended, or as if an ulcer were seated there. CHARACTERISTIC PECULIARITIES.-Arsenic is especially suitable to melancholy, but also to nervous and even choleric temperaments; also to females.-The pains wake one particularly before midnight; *they are felt at night while sleeping; *the pains seem intolerable, drive one to despair and frenzy; *they appear periodically, and are particularly apt to recur every day or every fourth day.-~'The parozysms of vain are frequently accompanied with secondary complaints, such as: *shuddcring; *coldness; -chills, with subsequent thirst; heat in the face and body; humming in the ears; *anguish; *excessive failing of strength, and inability to rencain up.-The pains come on: principally in the evening after lying down; *after midnight; *early in the morning after rising; when sitting or lying down; after dinner.-Aggravation: *after dinner; from the conversation of other persons; when sitting or lying dozn, when the pains become intolerable.-Amelioration: whet standing, and when ARSENICUM ALBUM. 317 moving the affected part; *by walking about, particularly of the pains which come on at night; *by the applicatzon of warmth: -by compression of the affected part. SKIN.-- Chlorosis; *jaundice.-*General anasarca.-Swelling of the face and body.-Inflammatory swellings, with burning pains.The skin of the body peels off in large scales; painfulness of the skin all over the body; *burning and burning itchzng;--parchment-like dryness, coldness, and blueness of the skin.-Spots: blue, particularly on the abdomen, genitals, and in the white of the eye; inflamed, like measles, especially on the head, face, and neck; *resembling peteehice, Oaccompanied with typhus-putridus, -or unaccompanied by any fever, painful in the evening.-*Miliary eruption; -scaling off; red, scorbutic; Owhite.-- Urticaria.-Itch-like eruption, fine, like sand, itching; particularly in the bends of the knees.-*Pustules: ored pustules, changing to ichorous, crusty, burning, and spreading ulcers, sometimes seen on the head and in the whiskers; Oblotchcs filled with blood and pus, excessively painful.-~The Arsenic should be exhibited in small-pox, when hoarseness, angina-faucium, and diarrhoea supervene.-Little blotches which heal with difficulty; white blotches of the size of lentils, and having the color of the skin, with a biting sensation, particularly at night.--Black blisters; -burning and very painful.-- Carbuncle.--OHerpes, having a red, unwholesome appearance, with vesicles and violent burning, particularly at night; (in the pit of the stomach and back).-* Ulcers: *cancerous, particularly painful early in the morning; *with burning in the ulcer and in the margin; *with lacerating pain, oparticularly when the parts become cold; omortifying ulcers; oputrid; *with high edges; owith red, shining areola, and a basis which is either black-blue or has the appearance of lard; *with thin, bloody pus; *withfetid ichor and proud flesh, -which soon becomes putrid, blue, and green; *with a thin scurf'on the surface, and slight bleeding when bandaging the ulcer; -with deficient secretion of pus; ulcers having the shape of warts.-*Varices.-Chilblains.-Discoloration of the nails. SLEEP.-Laziness, dread of movement; great weariness; violent, unconquerable drowsiness, alternating with restlessness.--oComa vigil, interrupted by sighing and grinding of the teeth.--*Sleeplessness, *with uneasiness and tossing about; -with fainting fits; with moaning.-Restless sleep; *early waking; Ofrequent waking, and difficulty to fall asleep again.--Starting of the limbs when on the point of falling asleep,-particularly of the affected parts.-Symptoms at night when in bed. prickling, lacerating, *restlessness and 318 ARSENICUM ALBUM. tossing about; inability to get warm; anxious heat and uneasiness, with *burning as if hot water were coursing through the veins, or with throbbing in the head; ~suffocative fits; *great anguish; dryness in the throat, with thirst.-Symptoms during sleep: *starting as in affright; -loud moaning; talking and quarrelling; grinding of the teeth; sick feeling all over; ograsping at flocks.-Symptoms in the morning when waking: great irritation of temper; vomiting of white mucus, with bitterness of mouth, preceded by qualmishness and nausea, extending up into the chest.-Dreams: full of threats, repentance, or apprehensions; frightful dreams; dreams about thunder-storms, fires, black water, and darkness, vivid, vexatious dreams; dreams full of fatiguing reflections; fanciful dreams; raving of the fancy at night. FEVER.-- Coldness of the limbs: *general coldness, with parchment-like dryness of the skin, or with profuse sweat, -or alternation of dryness and sweat; in the evening, on the hands, feet, and abdomen: coldness, as if cold water were poured over him; in the evening and morning, with copious emission of urine, scanty stool, and stretching of the limbs; at night, followed by heat; external coldness with internal heat; coldness in the knees, with heat of the head and ears.-- Chill.: particularly after drinking, with chilliness; *after a meal; -sometimes the chill passes off after a meal; -shuddering when out of bed; *when walking in the open air; *at the commencement of the fever, before the chilly stage sets in; with hot forehead, hot cheeks, and cold hands; in the morning it sometimes alternates with heat.--Chilliness, violent, with shaking; "-every afternoon at three o'clock, with hunger, the chilliness increasing after a meal; internal chilliness in the afternoon, with heat of the skin and red cheeks; *in the evening, all over, with coldness, or only from the calves to the feet, with inability to get warm, particularly in the evening when in bed, as if occasioned by a cold; ochilliness down the back, and afterwards all over.-Internal coldness, without any coldness of the skin, or warmth without any warmth being perceptible externally.--Heat, generally dry and burning. -internally and externally, with desire for beer; internal heat, sometimes with diarrhoea; *anxious heat, *at night, dry, -sometimes without thirst.-* Violent fever; ofrom abuse of Cinchona; intermittent, particularly quotidian, quartan, tertian, and double tertian; Otyphoid, putrid fevers, fevers with petechice and miliaria-alba; ogastric, bilious, mucous fevers; *lentescent, hectic fevers.--Fever commencing with coldness; -coldness at night, followed by heat; at first shuddering, then chilliness, and lastly dry heat in the evening, ARSENICUM ALBUM. 319 -sometimes with cold hands and feet; chilliness after a walk in the open air, followed by sweat, preceded and succeeded by hiccough; *Chilliness, generally in the afternoon or evening, followed by dry heat, generally in the evening, and sweat at the termination of the fever, mostly at night,;.alternation or mingling of chilliness and heat; *heat without any previous chilliness, followed by sweat; -heat at night, with sweat of the face and feet; burning heat (every fortnight), followed by sweat in the nape of the neck.--~Fever charac. terized by: ~absence of thirst during the chilly stage, and sometimes the hot, or else great thirst, particularly in the hot stage; ~great languor, weakness, trembling of the limbs, and sometimes partial paralysis; Ooedematous swelling of the feet and other dropsical complaints: ~uneasiness and great anguish at heart; oviolent lacerating pains in the bones and limbs, particularly in the back; ostretching of the limbs; ~delirium; ~vertigo, humming in the ears, and fainting fits, particularly when raising from a recumbent posture; ~muddled condition of the head, with laceration and oppression in the forehead and temples; obloatedness of the head and face; ~yellow, livid countenance; ~tongue coated white, or dry and red; the lips are swuollen, dry, and parched; oeruption and scurf around the mouth; oslow speech, tardy answers; obitter taste in the mouth, or insipid and flat taste; onausea and aversion to food; violent pains, oppression, and burning in the region of the stomach and pit of the stomach; particularly after a meal; pain and swelling of the spleen and liver; distended abdomen; ~hard and intermittent stool; odifficulty of breathing, oppression and pains of the chest.-Symptoms preceding the fever (the chilly or cold stage): *feeling of illness in the whole body; *stretching of the limbs and drawing through the whole body; ~yawning; *weakness, desire to lie down, sometimes even ofainting; oheadache, vertigo, and stupefaction; muddled condition of the head, and inability to collect one's senses; -humming in the ears.-During the chilly stage: goose-flesh; Ochattering of the teeth; Ocoldness, particularly in the abdomen; oprostration; oyawning; *stretching of the limbs; -drowsiness; *feeling of illness in the whole body; *drawing through the whole body; *pains in the limbs; Otearing or sticking, sometimes in the bones or in the head; "-heat while talking or moving about, with redness of the face; -illhumor; *anxiety; -inability to collect one's senses; ~headache; obitterness of mouth; -nausea, with disposition to vomit; *pains in the stomach and pit of the stomach, oppressive or -gnawing; cutting colic and diarrhoea; odifficulty of breathing, oppression, -spasms in the chest; Ocough until vomiting sets in; -the thighs are weary and 320 ARSENIC UM ALBUM. bruised; pains in the small of the back and back.-After the chilly and previous to the hot stage: ~lassitude and sleep; ~vertigo; *thirst; -hiccough; ~anxiety; ~nausea and sometimes vomiting of bile; odiminution of the pains.-During the hot stage: orestlessness; odelirium; ~inability to collect one's senses; ~muddled condition and heaviness of the head, vertigo, headache; *anxiety, obitterness of mouth; ~tongue coated white and dry; onausea; opains in the liver and spleen; tension and fullness in the abdomen; opressure and burning in the pit of the stomach; ~pleuritic stitches; *redness of the skin; ~oppression of the chest; odryness of the nose and mouth; ~dry cough; -sweat of the face and feet; -colicky, anxious tightness in the hypochondria and epigastrium.-After the hot stage: ~sleep, from which he wakes with anguish and sweat; -nausea, with inclination to vomit.-After the ftver (the sweating stage): hiccough; ~pressure in the forehead and temples, with frightful dreais; ~feeling in the limbs as if bruised.-*The sweat sets in at the close of the fever, generally at night; *in the evening, when in bed, at the commencement of sleep, -sometimes seen only on the hands and thighs; *debilitating sweats, the debility sometimes increases to syncope; *cold, clammy sweats; ~sour, fetid sweats; -sweats tinging the skin and eyes yellow; *nightly, particularly about the thighs and knees, or in the back, with itching.-During the sweat: excessive thirst, with constant desire to drink; a diminution of all the pains accompanying the fever; ~anguish; -humming in the ears;-excessive seething of the blood, as if the blood were too hot, and coursing through the vessels too rapidly, with small, quick pulse; the pulse is irritated, frequent, not full; quick, small, rather hard; rapid, feeble, intermittent; small, feeble, frequent; *intermittent, -small, unequal; suppressed, even while the beats of the heart are frequent and irritated. MORAL SYMPTOMS.-*Melancholy sadness, -particularly after dinner, with headache; melancholy mood; *religious melancholy and retirement from the world; loud weeping, with few incoherent words; -piercing lamentations, interrupted by swoons.-*Fits of anguish of the most violent kind; -with lamentations about the pain in the abdomen, which arrests the breathing; *with uneasiness in the whole body; -with tremor, and fear that he will be obliged to murder somebody; *with heat, which does not allow him to sleep before midnight, also at three o'clock at night, with nausea and an inclination to vomit, with tossing about in the bed; *driving him out of his bed at night, or in the evening after lying down; -with oppression of the chest and labored breathing; *anguish, as if from remorse of conscience; ARSENICUM ALBUM. 821 -as if he should die, anguish of death; anguish about the heart, zoith fainting fits; with tremor and cold sweat in the face, or tearing in the abdomen.-Restlessness: with sadness and violent thirst; with pain in the abdomen and knees; with moaning and ill-humor (in a child).-*-Fear; *with great anguish and sweat; Odread of solitude; -fear of some absent person, whom he imagines to be lying dead before him; *drcad of ghosts, which appear to his fancy day and night; dread of vermin which are crawling about his bed; *of thieves, -whom he sees everywhere, and hunts up in his house in the night; *springs up from his bed and hides himself.-Irresoluteness.-Great earnestness; when alone, ideas about illness crowd upon his mind; he despairs of his life; *great fear of death, owhich she frequently deems quite near, with weeping, coldness, chilliness, and subsequent languor.-Excessive sensitiveness; oanxiety of conscience, as if she had offended everybody; -tendency to start.-He talks little, complains of anguish; weakness of body and soul, without talking.-No inclination for anything; impatience and anxiety; out of humor.*Vexed mood about trifles, with disposition to censure everything, or to talk about the weaknesses of otherpeople; with excessive sensitiveness to noise, talk, or light.-*Great indiference even to life; oaversion to life, disposition to suicide.-l-~ elancholia, arising from the abuse of wine or brandy.-~Melancholia arising from the retrocession of rash, and in consequence of taking a cold drink. SENsoRIuM.-Diminished memory.-Stupid and weak feeling of the head, as in catarrh of the head.-Weakness of the mind.-*Delirium. -Many thoughts crowd upon him; morbid activity of the organs of sense; he lies down without consciousness, articulating unintelligible sounds, with staring eyes, cold sweat on the forehead, tremor, and small, hard, quick pulse.-Loss of sensation; loss of consciousness; loss of speech.-Delirium with open eyes; mania, with headache, anguish, ringing in the ears, with disposition to hang one's self, writing down unmeaning characters, with trembling, weeping, sweat as from anguish on the forehead.-Rage, with mania to escape, he has to be confined.Dullness of the head in the evening; *weakness of the head, sometimes arising from an excess of pain, with qualmishness and weakness in the pit of the stomach; dizzy and dull feeling in the head after sleep; muddled condition of the head; stupefaction, sometimes with loss of sense and vertigo, or with restlessness, as arises from an excess of activity.--*Vertigo: --with reeling, during a walk in the open air, with stupid feeling in the forehead, as if intoxicated; vertigo as if one would fall, only when walking, or every evening when closing the eyes; with obscuration of sight; with vanishing of sight 14* 322 ARSENICUM ALBUM. when raising the head; with nausea and disposition to vomit in a recumbent posture, less when sitting up; with headache. HEADACHE.-Violent headache; for several days, with vertigo; simple headache in the occiput; semilateral headache *after dinner, *periodical headache, diminished by the application of cold water; headache over the eye, very violent in the evening and night.Stupefying pain in the forehead, generally of an oppressive nature.Pain as if bruised: on one side, early in the morning when rising, as if the region of the forehead over the nose were sore.--Great weight in the head: particularly in the forehead; -especially when standing or sitting; *with humming in the ears, -particularly in the room, going off in the open air, or early in the morning after rising, with pressure as from a load.-Tensive pain in the head; crampy pain over the eyes.-*Lacorating in the head: -with heaviness of the head, weariness, and drowsiness.-*Beating pain in the head; -with nausea and inclination to vomit when raising one's self in the bed; hammering in the temples, particularly in the forehead over the root of the nose.-Sensation as if the brain were moved; snapping in the head as of electric sparks, above the ear, when walking. SCALP.-*The hair is painful; *when touching the scalp, it feels painful asfrom subcutaneous ulceration, -burning of the part which is touched; contractive pain; creeping in the occiput as if the roots of the hairs were in motion; oviolent pain in the left temple and side of the forehead, with weeping and moaning, intolerance of contact, and a brownish-red spot on the left frontal eminence, with a black tip in the middle.-*Swelling of the head and face; -excessive.-Corrosive, burning itching of the hairy scalp, as if ulcerated; *pimples covered with scurf, and painful as if ecchymosed when touched; -innumerable red pimples; *pustules with burning pain, on the scalp and face; pimples filled with a bloody water, on the forehead and temples, with painful soreness after friction; spreading ulcers and suppurating crusts on the hairy scalp, as far as the middle of the forehead; *tinea-capitis, owith swelling of the cervical and posterior cervical glands. EYES.-Pain deep in the eye, with violent stitches when moving the eye-ball; opains which oblige him to lie down; *aggravated by moving the eyes, ~by the light; pain in the eye as from sand.*Lacerating in the eyes; -throbbing in the eyos after midnight, every throb being accompanied with a stitch; drawing pain, with twitching of the lids; jerking in the left eye.-oStinging burning in the eyes; -itching burning around the eyes and temples, as of redhot needles; corrosive itching in the eyes; *burning in the eyes, ARSENICUM ALBUM. 323 -and in the upper margin.--Ophthalmia; *violent, with intense redness; #inflammation of the conjunctiva and osclerotica, with dark redness and congestion of the vessels; oscrofulous inflammation of the eyes; rheumatic inflammation;? arthritic;? Ocatarrhal; Oinflammation from having been standing in the water.--Specks and ulcers on the cornea.- Violent swelling of the lids; oinflammatory; -cedematous swelling; the eyes close and swell in consequence; soft swelling under the left eye, obliging the eye to close.-Yellowness of the sclerotica, as in jaundice; fainzt, protruded, staring eyes, without lustre, and turned upwards; *staring, wild look.-Contracted pupils.--Dryness of the lids, especially the margins, with pain when moving them, as if the eye were rubbed by the lids.-*Lachrymation, the eyes water profusely; the tears are acrid and corrosive.-*Nightly agglutination.-The eyes close, as from weariness; *spasmodic closing of the eyes, especially when looking into the light; tremor of the upper lids, with lachrymation.-*Photophobia, Oexcessive..-Weakness of sight; dim-sightedness, as through white gauze; vibrations of light before the eyes and obscuration of sight; sparks, white spots, or points before the eyes; almost complete blindness, with dullness of sense. EARS.-Dragging, lacerating burning in the ears.-Hardness of hearing, as if the ear were stopped up; the ear becomes closed during deglutition; deafness.--*Roaring in the ears, particularly during the paroxysms of pain; noise as of rushing water; tingling, also in the head; singing in the right ear, when sitting. NOSE.-Pain in the root of the nose; stitches in the bone; *burning in the nose; swelling of the nose, with pain to the touch; Ohard tumor in the nose; scaling off of the epidermis; ocancer of the nose. Violent bleeding from the nose. Ulcerated condition of the nostrils, high up, with discharge of fetid and bitter-tasting iohor.-Frequent continued sneezing.-Dryness of the nose, or else discharge of an acrid fluid.-Coryza; every morning, when waking, *with sneezing; profuse fluent coryza, with stoppage of the nose; excessive coryza, with hoarseness and sleeplessness; with discharge of a watery mucus, occasioning a biting, burning, and soreness in the nose. FACE.-*Sunken countenance; *pale,,death-colored face; *yellow, livid; *bluish, sickly color of the face; lead-colored; ~greenish; -with green and blue spots and streaks; *disfigured, *death-like; *distorted features, -as if dissatisfied; Owith sunken eyes, surrounded with blue margins, and with a pointed nose.-*Bloated, puffed, red face; swelling, -sometimes elastic, especially under the eyes, and particularly early in the morning, or accompanied with fainting and verv 324 ARSENICUM ALBUM. tigo; hard swelling on the frontal eminences, resembling a nut, worse in the evening.-O~Drawing and stinging in the face; convulsions of the face; itching; eruption on the forehead, blotches; ulcers all over the face; owart-shaped ulcer on the cheek; ocancer of the face; ~crusta-lactea; Oherpes-furfuraceus; Oacne-rosacea.-*Bluish lips; *with black dots; -blackish color around the mouth; odry and parched lips; -brown streak through the vermilion border of the lower lip, as if burnt.-Twitchings of the upper lip when falling asleep: *swelling of the lips; -swelling of the upper lip, preceded by a burning-stinging itching as of red-hot needles; extending as far as under the nose.-Red horpetic skin around the mouth; *eruption along the margin of the vermilion border; *burning eruption around the mouth; *ulcerated eruption around the lips; *cancerous eruption, with a thick crust, and a basis which has the appearance of lard, on the lower lip; -spreading ulcer on the lip, with pain in the evening, in bed, with tearing and biting in the daytime during movement, most violent when touching it, and in the open air, disturbing the night's rest.-~oSwelling of the submazillary glands, -with pressure and pain as from contusion, or painful only when pressing upon the gland. TEETH.-Drawing pressure in the teeth; violent lacerating in the teeth, with tearing in the head, immediately before the catamenia; painful looseness of the teeth, with soreness of the gums when touch. ing them, and swelling of the cheeks.-Falling out of the teeth.*Spasmodic grinding of the teeth.-Nightly lacerating pain in the teeth, when lying on the affected side, removed by the warmth of the stove, succeeded by a painful swelling of the nose.-~The gums bleed readily. MOUTf.-*The tongue is bluish or white; ~coated white; ored and dry; obrown or blackish; ~cracked and trembling; -insensible; as if burnt and having no taste; pain in the tongue as if covered with burning vesicles; the anterior portion of the border of the tongue feels corroded, with a biting sensation in the part.-*Fetid smell from the mouth; *great dryness of the mouth and tongue, frequently accompanied with a violent thirst.-Feeling of roughness in the region of the palate; tasting bloody saliva.-~Aphthae in the mouth.--Slow and tardy speech; oor else hurried, anxious speech. -OStomacace? THROAT.-*Scraping sensation in the throat; -as if occasioned by rancid grease, early in the morning, when swallowing the first mouthful of food; lacerating in the pharynx; *burning in the pharynx.-- *Angina; *angina-gangrenosa.-Constriction of the pharynx and (esophagus; sensation as if the oesophagus were closed.-Painful, dif ARSENICUM ALBUM. 320 fi3ult deglutition, as if the pharynx and oesophagus were paralysed.OEverything he swallows occasions a pressure in the oesophagus, as if it had stopped in that part.-The throat feels very dry, with constant desire to drink; slimy condition of the throat; hawking up of mucus; *grey, *green, -saltish, bitter expectoration. APPETITE AND TASTE.-*Bitterness of mouth, *particularly after eating and drinking, -in the throat every other day, *or early in the morning; -saltish, dry taste; putrid, fetid taste, as of putrid meat, early in the morning; sour taste, even the food tastes sour.-*The food has no taste to him; it does not taste salt enough; -or else the food tastes too salt.-*Violent, unquenchable, burning, suffocative thirst, obliging him to drink frequently, although but little at a time; or else *complete absence of thirst.-*Desire for acid things (-water and vinegar, acid fruit); *desire for cold water; *for brandy; -for coffee or milk.-*Loss of appetite; -with violent thirst; he relishes his food; insurmountable aversion to food, the mere thought of food nauseates him.-When eating, his chest feels compressed; eating is preceded by nausea.-After a meal: *headache; (in the morning) and at dinner, *he experienced a *pressure at the stomach, and suffers *with empty eructations -and a faintish feeling in the body which occasions nausea; *nausea and vomiting; -distention of the abdomen, or pressure and cutting in the abdomen, after eating or drinking.-*After drinking, shivering and chilliness, othe vomiting and diarrhoea set in again, eructations and gagging take place.oWeakness of digestion, with vomiting after eating.-ODerangement of the stomach in consequence of ice, fruit, acid things, &c. GASTRIC SYMPTOMS.-Frequent and empty eructations, sometimes with dullness of the head; sour eructations after dinner; bitter eructations after a meal, with gulping up of a greenish bitter mucus; gulping up of an acrid fluid.-Frequent hiccough, with eructations.-- Nausea, qualmishness in the morning and afternoon; nausea with great anguish; with fainting, tremor, followed by heat and shudder. ing.- Water-brash.-Inclination to vomit, particularly in the open air; with qualmishness when raising one's self in the bed, and sudden vomiting; empty retching.-*Vomiting. *at night, or early in the morning; *after every meal and after drinking; *vomiting of everything he eats or drinks, chronic; -excessive vomiting of what he drinks, with great exertions, mixed with mucus and water, with great bitterness of the mouth; *vomiting of yellow-green mucus and bile, -vomiting of a thick and glassy mucus; vomiting of fluid, bluish, dingy-yellow substances, followed by great exhaustion; *of brownish or blackish substances, -with great exertions, and aggravation of tho 826 ARSENICUM ALBUM. pains in the stomach, sometimes mixed with blood; *vomiting of blood; -of blood and mucus; bloody discharges by the mouth and rectum.-~Morbus-niger?-* Vomiting, with diarrhoea: -immediately after the fainting; copious, watery diarrhoea, when the vomiting ceases; ~Asiatic and sporadic cholera.-During the vomiting: *vio. lent pains in the stomach; internal burning heat and thirst; *sore. ness in the abdomen; -violent screams; apprehension of death; violent colic.-~ Sea-sickness.- 0Vomiting of drunkards; ~vomiting of pregnant females. SToMAca.-*Excessive pains in the stomach and pit of the stomach; -pains causing nausea; *pain as if the stomach were torn to pieces; *great painfulness to the touch.--*Distention of the region of the stomach; -torturing distention, as if occasioned by flatulence, worse after vomiting and a diarrhceic stool; food causes a pain in the stomach.-*Pressure at the stomach: *with weight as of a stone, -sometimes with burning; *in the pit of the stomach, as if the heart would be pressed out of its position; *after a meal, particularly in the region of the cardiac orifice and in the oesophagus, as if the parts were filled with food up to the mouth, sometimes followed by empty eructations.-*Spasmodic pains in the stomach; -particularly after eating; periodical; excessive, with thirst; with violent colic, diarrhcea and fainting fits.-Cutting in the stomach; drawing in the stomach, in the evening when sitting down, as if a part of the stomach would be torn off; lacerating in the stomach, spasmodic, oppressive, or boring; lacerating across the region of the stomach when walking; gnawing and corrosive sensation in the stomach.-*-Heat or *burning in the stomach and pit of the stomach, with pain and oppression; -in the chest and stomach, with tightness and oppression.-*Oppressive anxiety and excessive anguish in the pit of the stomach, with lamentations and moaning; -at night, extending to the upper part of the chest.:--~Induration, scirrhus, cancer of the stomach?-OAcute and chronic gastritis? HYPOCHONDRIA.-0~Induration of the liver; -pressing sensation in the liver during a walk in the open air; oswelling and painfulness of the liver (in fever).-O Swelling and painfulness of the spleen (in fever).-Stitches in the side of the abdomen, with inability to lie upon it; lancinations in the left hypochondrium, in the evening when in bed.O-~Inflammation of the spleen. ABDOMEN.-Pains in the whole abdomen; *excessive; *at night; *after eating or drinking; *with vomiting or diarrhoea; -in the hypogastrium, with heat in the face; in the epigastrium and loins, like renal colic; pains wandering about in the abdomen, with diar. ARSENICUM ALBUM. 327 rhoea accompanied by pains in the anus; pains which become seated in the left side; pains, with great anguish, lamentations, tossing about, internal restlessness which does not allow one to lie still, despair of one's life, -sometimes with a sensation as if the abdomen were detached from the thorax.-*Spasmodic pains in the abdomen, -with lacerating and boring; *colic, recurring from time to time; -cutting cramp-colic, in the evening in bed, and in the morning after rising; sensation as if the intestines became twisted, with pinching, cutting, rumbling, and diarrhoeic stools.--Cutting in the abdomen: -first a mere pinching in the inmost parts of the hypogastrium, only in the morning, before, during, and after a diarrhoeic stool; in the side, increased by contact.-Gnawing pains in the abdomen; lacerating in the abdomen, with icy coldness of the hands and feet, and cold sweat in the face.-Writhing sensation in the abdomen; dysenteric pain in the umbilical region.--Uneasiness in the abdomen, -with fever and thirst; *cold and chilly sensation in the abdomen, which is warm to the hand; *burning in the abdomen, -with heat and thirst, with cutting and lancinations, at noon or in the afternoon, going off after an evacuation.-OSoreness in the abdomen, particularly when coughing or laughing.-~Enteritis?-*Swelling of the abdomen, -excessive. -oTympanitis in children, with glandular swellings.-~Ascites.*Distention of the abdomen, painful; painless after a meal, relieved by leaning the back against something; repletion in the epigastrium, with pinching.-In the right groin: pain as if sprained when stooping; burning or stitches in the inguinal regions; oswelling of the glands; digging and burning in the inguinal cavity, which is excited even by the least touch.-Weakness of the abdominal muscles; oulcer above the umbilicus. STOOL AND ANus.-*Constipation, -with pains in the abdomen; ineffectual urging; *tenesmus as in dysentery, with burning and pressing in the anus and rectum.-Unperceived involuntary discharges of faeces.--*Diarrhcsa: Oat night, or renewed after eating or drinking; *violent, with frequent discharges; *with tenesmus; *with colic; *with vomiting; with great weakness; *with thirst; Palternating with constipation.--Evacuations: *burning, oaccompanied with violent colic; papescent; *yell~w, watery, scanty; *dark-green, consisting of mucus, or mucus mixed with faecal matter; *slimy, sometimes scanty or liquid; #tenacious, bilious; owhitish; *greenish, dark-brown, diarrhoeic, -smelling like putrid ulcers; *putrid; *black, burning, and acrid, -with uneasiness and pain in the abdomen; Oundigested;.expulsion of a lump resembling undigested tallow, and mixed with tendinous substances; *bloody evacua. 828 ARSENICUM ALBUM. tions, -with vomiting and excessive colic.-*Dysenteric diarrhea, odiarrhoea during dentition; Oduring small-pox.-Before stool: cut ting in the abdomen, and sensation as if the contents of the abdomen became twisted; sensation as if the abdomen would burst; colic.-- During stool.: tenesmus and burning of the anus and rectum, -painful contraction above the anus, in the direction of the small of the back.-After stool: cessation of the colic, burning in the rectum, with great weakness and trembling: dragging pain around the umbilicus; distention of the abdomen; palpitation of the heart, and tremulous weakness, obliging him to lie down.-The rectum is pressed out spasmodically, with great pain; it remains protruded, after haemorrhage from the anus.-Itching of the anus, with a feeling of roughness, and with soreness as if the parts were excoriated; soreness when touching the parts; burning, which is sometimes relieved after the expulsion of hard, knotty stool.-The henmorrhoids are swollen and painful, with tenesmus; blind haemorrhoids, with burning stinging; varices, which burn like fire, particularly at night, hindering sleep, with stinging pain in the daytime, particularly when walking, less when lying down; expulsion of pieces of mucus, with tenesmus, cutting in the anus as of blind hoemorrhoids.-Corrosive itching of the perineum. URINARY ORGANS.--Paralysis of the bladder; -retention of urine, as if the bladder were paralyzed, with great urging to urinate; suppression of the secretion of urine.-Frequent urging to urinate, with burning; with emission of a quantity of urine at night, obliging him to rise frequently.-Involuntary micturition, even at night during sleep; diminished discharge of urine, with burning; Oscanty, darkyellow urine; -increased, copious, and, sometimes burning hot urine; the urine is almost colorless; excessively turbid; greenish dark brown, turbid when leaving the bladder, and not becoming clear by standing; ourine depositing a slimy sediment.--Painful, difficult micturition; strangury.-*Haematuria.-During micturition: *burning, sometimes at the commencement only; contractive pain in the left groin.-After micturition, a feeling of weakness in the epigastrium, with trembling.-Biting and tearing in the urethra. MALE GENITAL ORGANS.-Itching of the parts; corrosive itching of the penis.-Inflammation and *swelling of the genital organs, -excessively painful; gangrenous; the glans is swollen, blue, and red, with rhagades; swelling of the scrotum.-OErysipelatous inflammation of the scrotum of chimney-sweeps?-Discharge of prostatio fluid during a diarrhoeic stool. FEMALE GENITAL ORGANS.---.Profu catametnia; -too soon, after ARSENICUM ALBUM. 329 twenty days.--~Suppression of the catamenia -During the catame. nia: ovarious kinds of complaints; -lancinations from the rectum to the anus and pudendum; laceration in the back and abdomen.Bloody mucus after the catamenia.-*Leucorrhoea; -dropping out while the woman is standing, with emission of flatulence; *acrid, corroding, -thick and yellowish.-~Induration, or even cancer of the uterus.? LARYNX AND TRACHEA.--Tremulous voice.-Hoarseness, with roughness, early in the morning; with violent coryza and sleeplessness.--Feeling of dryness and ~burning in the larynx; ophthisis of the trachea, with deficient secretion of mucus; oacute and chronic inflammation of the trachea; Ogrippe, particularly when accompanied with inflammation of the eyes and photophobia.-Cough.- *as if occasioned by the smoke of Sulphur, with sense of suffocation or constriction in the trachea; *after drinking,; * cough occasioned by a constant irritation or titillation in the trachea; -cough occasioned by a jerking in the hip; *during movement, with want of breath; *during a walk in the open cold air; *early in the morning, -very violent, or shortly after taking tea; *in the evening when in bed, or at night, -obliging him to sit up, or with asthma and suffocative fits.-*Dry cough. -deep and short, after midnight; fatiguing and violent; *short and hacking, with soreness, as from excoriation in the chest, or soreness from the pit of the stomach upwards, with short, labored breathing.-*Expectoration dificult;,scanty and frothy; -consisting of tenacious mucus which is lodged in the chest; saltish expectoration, with pain in the chest while raising, preceded by oppression of the chest; *expectoration, consisting of a blood-streaked mucus, osometimes with a burning heat in the whole body, -or succeeded by nausea, as if he would vomit; hoemopto.--OPeriodical spells of coughing; Owhooping-cough;? oincipient phthisis-pulmonalis.Symptoms during the cough: water in the mouth, like water-brash; *arrest of breathing; -danger of suffocation, with swelling of the throat (at night); nausea as if he would vomit (in the evening in bed); *soreness in the chest, as if ecchymozed; -sensation in the ab. domen as if bruised; lancinating pains in the pit of the stomach, under the ribs, in the side of the chest and abdomen, or in the ster. num; heat in the head, and aggravation of the pain. CHEST.-- Difficulty of breathing, in windy weather; Oin the room, even when clad warmly; owhen laughing and moving about; owith coldness of the body; owith cold sweat.--Shortness of breath; *anxious and oppressive shortness of breath; -painful breathing; moaLing breathing.-*Asthma, *chronic; -returning frequently; 330 ARSENICUM ALBI,[ occasioned by chagrin; after exertions, as from anguish.-*Oppres. sion, hlabored breathling; *when ascending an emtinence, especially when going up-stairs; *when walking, particularly when wcalkding rapidly; -when coughing. ~-*Arrest of b&reathing.: -fromn pain in the pit of the stomach; from anguish, and a pain in the abdomen, with mnoaningt and lamenting; in the evening, when getting into bed, with wheezing, in the trachea, and constriction of that organ. -~*Suf/'cati ce Oppr~eSSiOn, and arrest of breathin-g, sometimes with -weakness and excessive dlebility; *at night, or in the evening- in bed; -suffocative, catarrh.-*Angina of the chest; -with low breathing, which she is una})le to accomplish, except by bending the chest forward; 0asthmna ]Uiillari;,.? spasmodic asthma offull-grown people. ~Gosrcinof the Chest, -with, angaish,; pressure, Oin the sternum; feeling in the chest as if excoriated and raw; internal chilliness in the evening, partictuiarly after a meal; heat in the chest extending below the diaphragm; burning in the chest and sternum.-0Dropsy of the chest? -Irritated beating of the heart; *p_?dpitation of the heart, -violent, excessive, particularly at night, also irregular, with anguish; when lying on the back.-~*Yellow spots on the chest. BACK.-Debility in the small of the hack; sensation as if bruised by blows; painful stiffness.-Pains in the back, with uneasiness and anxiety; stiffness, painful sensation as if bruised.-Stiffness of the,nape of the neck, as if bruised, or as if sprained; tensive stiffness of the neck-; contortion of the muscles; swelling of the neck; itching under the jaws; colorless, bitin g er uption.-Blee ding soreness in1 the axilla; lancinations; glandular swellings. ArrNis.-*Drawin~g and lacerating in the arms, particularly at nighAt, from the elbow to the shoulders, -or in the elbow and wristjoint; corrosive itching above the wrist-joint.-O-Swelling of the arm, with black- blisters, having a putrid smnell.-The hands are stiff and insensible.-Drawing in the bones and joints of the hands and arms.-Cramp and rigidity of the fingers.- Coldness of the hands; painless swelling; hard swelling of the fingers, with pains in the bones; Oburnrng ulcers on the tips of the fingers.-Sickly color of the nails. LEGs.-Coxa~gra; Olancination in the hips, thigh, and groin.-Vio. lent pains in the limbs, particularly in the joints; tearing or drawing laceration in the knee and tarsal joints, when moving themý or when walking, with uneasiness, worse at night.-Cramp in the legs, with lassitude; convulsions of the legs and knees weariness; sensation. as if the lower limnbs would break down, in going up-stairs; lameness of the lover limbs; coldness, particularly of the knees and feet, with ARSENICUM ALBUM. 331 cold sweat and inability to get them warm; swelling of the lower limbs, with violent pains.-Corrosive itching of the thighs; *pain as if bruised, -as if the flesh were loose, only when touching the parts and when sitting, or when rising from a seat, with sensation as if the parts were sprained; oitching herpes in the popliteal space.-Spasmodic pain in the legs, early in the morning, with humming and buzzing; drawing, *in thle tibia; in the calf.-Cramp in the ca!f, when walking, or at night in bed; with coldness, stiffness, and lameness of the leg.-Heaviness of the lower limbs, so that he is scarcely able to raise them; wasting away of the lower limbs; swelling of the legs to beyond the calves, preceded by lacerating in the calves; *ulcers on the lower limbs,; oold, *z#ith burning and Olancinations, -or covered with gray scurf, and surrounded with an inflamed margin.-Pains in the feet, aggravated by movement; pains as if the foot had been sprained by turning over; laceration and bruised feeling in the feet.-Numbness, stiffness, and insensibility of the feet, with swelling and great pains; lameness; coldness, particularly when sitting still, when in bed, with contracted pulse.-*Swelling of the feet; *hot, shining, with burning red spots, or oblack-blue blisters; -hard, red-blue, very painful swelling; itching swelling; colorless swelling of the malleoli, with tearing pains, which are relieved by external warmth.--Ulcers in the bottom of the feet, or also in the heels, with bloody pus.-The toes are stiff, and do not allow him to tread; Osoreness of the ball of the foot, when walking, as if the skin had been rubbed off; 02dcer'ated spreading blisters on the tips of thefeet. PATHOLOGICAL ANATOMY.-The bodies of those who have been poisoned with Arsenic generally exhibit two opposite conditions: either they resist putrefaction for a long time, and finally look like mummies, or else they decay rapidly; at first Arsenic seems, indeed, to promote putrefaction, but, after a while, putrefaction is arrested by it; according to the experience of some observers, bodies that have been poisoned suddenly, by large doses of Arsenic, decay rapidly; bodies that have been poisoned slowly, by small doses, become dry like mummies. In some cases, bodies which decayed slowly had not become very livid even on the third day after death; there was an entire absence of cadaverous spots, no trace of putrefaction anywhere, no very offensive smell of corruption on opening the abdominal cavity, and a complete absence of, or only a moderate rigidity; in some cases, however, the body soon became rigid, the muscles lost their irritability, the fingers and toes were violently contracted and bent backwards, and the mouth was tightly closed.-As respects the mmmmy like desicca. 332 ARSENICUJM HYDROGENISATUM. tion of bodies, which were disinterred a long time after death, the following appearances have generally been discovered: Offensive smell of the body, like old cheese; parchment-like dryness of the skin, like that of a mummy; brown mahogany color of the skin, especially dark-brown color of the face and abdomen; gray, leatherlike, indurated skin, having a stiff and firm feel; peculiar toughness and hardness of the cutis, offering the same resistance to the knife as the crust of an old cheese.-The adipose tissue is transformed into a mass resembling lard or cheese.-Striking toughness and dryness of the muscles, which have preserved their shape, and look only a little paler than the muscles of a recent subject.-Destruction of the soft parts of the nose.-Transformation of the thoracic and abdominal viscera into a brownish, half desiccated, leather-like, firm substance, without any definite form.-Small, shrivelled heart.-The omentum, liver, and kidneys look like tallow. The rapid decay after death has been found accompanied with the following phenomena: Intolerable smell of the body, especially when' opening the abdominal cavity; the epidermis had disappeared entirely in every part of the body.-Dissolution of the whole body into a kind of ichor.-Papescent softening of the muscles of the thigh.-Green, yellow, or black coloration of single parts, of the whole or of only a part of the face, and also more particularly of the genital organs.Extensive thick, white, or gray musty covering of the whole body, or only of the face, hands, and feet, with a black and putrefied integument underneath. Fluidization of the lungs, with many air-vesicles on their surface.-Transformation of the substance of the heart into a kind of pap.-Dark-brown spleen and liver.-Dissolution of the pancreas.-Putrid kidneys.-Putrid -uterus.-Separation of organic parts when touching them ever so slightly.-The vertebr.e and pelvic bones separated from one another.-Gangrene of the genital organs. ARSENICUM CITRINUM. (See ARSENICUM TERSULPHURATUM.) 32.-ARSENICUM HYDROGENISATUM. ARS. HYDROG.-Arseniuretted Hydrogen Gas.-Noack and Trinks.-To prepare the Gas for medicinal purposes, mix equal parts of Arsenic and Tin or Zinc with Muriatic-acid in a gas-retort; warm the mixture gently;-by passing it through boiled water, a series of attenuations may be made. and the Gas may be administered by olfaction. ANTIDOTES.-The Gas is strongly absorbed by the Oil of Turpentine, which ia thickened by the Gas, and deposits white crystals; the Oil of Turpentine might, perhaps, prove an antidote to the Gas. ARSENICUM HYDROGENISATUM. 333 GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-Disagreeable tingling in the parts which had been dead heretofore, particularly in the nose, occasioning a violent sneezing, and such an intense coldness that warm cloths have to be applied.-Rhythmical recurrence of the pains.-Deadness of the extremities.-Weariness.-Considerable weakness. SKIN.-Dark brown color of the body.-Whitening of the hair on the deadened parts.-A vesicatory applied to the pit of the stomach draws dark red blood. SLEEP.-Sleep is entirely wanting.-Restless sleep, interrupted by the least noise. FEvER.-Chilliness over the whole body; violent chilliness while undressing.-(Sensation reappears amidst profuse sweat in the parts which had been dead, accompanied with a feeling of disagreeable tingling, as is experienced in a limb which is exposed to heat after having been for some time in the cold.)-Frequent pulse; cessation of the pulse, and vanishing of every sensation of life in the deadened parts. MORAL SYMPTOMS--Great excitement of feeling, inducing him to talk constantly. HEAD.-Vertigo, which is especially violent in going up-stairs, when it causes a staggering gait.-Oppressive stupefying sensation in the head, as of a load, banishing sleep at night. EYEs.--Deadness of the re gion of the eye-brows.- Whitening of the eye-brows. Yellow-colored, deeply sunken eyes, surrounded with broad blue margins. FACE.--The face is disfigured to such an extent that it cannot be recognized; it betrays a deep internal afection; the features are distorted and expressive of pain. APPETITE.- Loss of appetite.-Great thirst.-Loathing.-Indescribable weakness and nausea, hindering walking. SToMACH.-Troublesome, continual singultus.-Vomiting of a yellow-green mucus of a bitter taste; vomiting of mucus and bile; unceasing gagging and vomiting, excited again by introducing the least quantity of food or drink into the stomacl, or even by merely thinking of water; repeated vomiting, with excessive anguish, colic, despondency, and apprehension of imminent death.-Violent cutting colio in the region of the stomach and below it, recurring at short intervals. ABDOMEN.-Violent colic in the umbilical region, returning at intervals.-Undefined, excessively disagreeable sensation in the abdomen, as if it were entirely inactive, as if the whole abdomen had been transformed into a stone.-Periodical pains in the abdomen.-- Glowing heat in the abdomen, and cold extremities. 334 ARSENICUM TERSULPHURATUM. STOOL.-Obstinate Constipation. URINARY ORGANS.-Disagreeable oppressive sensation in the re. gion of the kidneys, increasing rapidly, and spreading thence over the back to between the scapulae; violent, uninterrupted pain in the region of the kidneys, especially perceptible during a desire to urinate.-Dark, black-red urine, consisting of pure blood, and depositing a thick coagulum of blood, with glowing heat in the ab. Jomen while emitting it, and cold extremities; haematuria. MALE GENITAL ORGANS.-Vesicles on the glans and prepuce, con. taining pus, leaving small, round, flat ulcers behind after bursting. CHEST.-Anguish and oppression. BACK.-Intolerable pain in the back, particularly at night. ARMS AND LEGS.-Sensation of deadness to the middle of the fore-arms, and up to the knees, the power to move the limbs remaining intact.-Disagreeable tingling in the hands and feet, and fleeting stitches in the arms and lower limbs.-Intensely painful, lacerating pains in the upper arms and elbows, and in the knee. joints, as if arising from arthritis.-Coldness of the extremities. 33.-ARSENICUM TERSULPHURATUM. ARS. CIT.-Auri Pigmentum, Orpiment, Tersulphuret of Arsenic.-Hahne. mann's " Chronic Diseases." SYMPTOMS.-Reeling as if intoxicated, when walking in the open air; stupefaction of the head, with ideas crowding upon the mind. Stitches in the right side of the forehead, sometimes beating stitches; tension behind the right ear, as of a foreign body, when turning the hair backwards. Gum in the canthi. The teeth feel painful, as if loose, when chewing. Violent nausea after a meal. Violent colic, as from cold, in the morning when waking. Prickings in the right side of the chest, from within outwards. ARTEMISfA VULGARIS.-ATURUM MACULATitM. 886 34.-ARTEMISIA VULGARIS. ART.-Mugwort.-Noack and Trinks.-Duration of Action? COMPARE WITH-Caust., Puls., Ruta, Sec., Stram. ANTIDOTES? No regular proving of this remedy has been made. It has been used with success in epilepsy of lying-in women, occasioned by fright; in epilepsy depending on menstrual irregularities, hysterical spasms, spasmodic attacks of children, approaching to epilepsy. It is sometimes given to promote labor-pains and for suppression of menses; periodical spasms in general; gastric fevers, when on the point of passing into the typhoid form; typhus-stupidus; malignant petechial fever; intermittent fever; chlorosis; dropsy; chronic headache and prosopalgia; dysphagia; cardialgia; chronic vomiting; scirrhous tumors of the stomach; inflammatory colic of children; diarrhoea of children and full-grown persons; cholera-sporadica; dysentery after the bloody discharge has ceased. 35.-AURUM MACULATUM. ARUM M.-Common Arum.-"Archiv.," XIII., 2.-Very little known. ANTIDOTE.-Vinegar. HEAD.-Slight pressure in the left temple.-Pressure below the ear, behind the lower jaw.-Violent irritation of the eyes and nose. MouTH.-Bleeding of the gums.-Stinging in the mouth.-Sting. ing and burning in the surface of the tongue.-The tongue is so much swollen that it fills up the whole buccal cavity and makes deglutition impossible. THRoAT.-Impeded deglutition, as if the uvula had become swollen and elongated-Continual seated burning in the throat.-Titilla. tion in the throat, sometimes increased to a violent burning.--Jurn. ing, contractive pain in the fauces.-Pressure in the throat, from without inwards, in the posterior region of the palate, causing a desire to swallow, with sensation of swelling in the larynx, which impedes deglutition, preceded by oppression in the abdomen and chest.Pain in the left side of the throat, near the trachea, and below the larynx, when pressing the part with the finger. STOMACH.- Vomiting.- Hcematemnesis.-Burning, contractivepain in the stomach.-Cardialgia.-Inflammation of the stomach. ABDOMEN.-Emptiness in the abdomen; as if he had vomited.Oppression in the abdomen, as from great anguish and fear, without 836 ASA FCETIDA. palpitation of the heart, gradually rising into the chest.-Violent aching pain in a spot between the umbilicus and the superior spinous process of the ileum, particularly when standing, or when lying on the side or back, most violent when expanding the chest, or when putting the abdominal muscles on the stretch, or when pressing upon the part from without.-Inflammation of the intestinal canal. STOOL.-Diarrhoea. URINE.-Increased secretion of urine. The urine is watery, light colored, smelling almost like burnt horn, with a cloud in the middle after standing. FEMALE GENITAL ORGANS.-Profuse menstruation. LARYNX AND TRACHEA.-Bloody sputa.-Continual hoarseness.Pressure in the larynx; titillation, with desire to cough; excess of mucus in the respiratory organs; violent racking cough, with scanty expectoration; after a long paroxysm of cough he raises mucus, traversed with yellow threads; sensation after drinking as if something remained sticking to the upper part of the epiglottis. 36.-ASA F(ETIDA. ASA F.-Gum Resin of Ferula--Stapf's "Additions to the Materia Med. Pura." -Duration of Action: from 4 to 6 weeks. COMPARE WITH-Ant.-c., Aur., Caust., Chin., Coff., Con.-m., Mere., Nux-v., Phosph., Plat., Puls., Rhus-tox., Thuj., Tart.-em.:-Asa-f. is frequently indicated after Thuj., Puls.-Afterwards are frequently suitable: Caust., Puls. ANTIDOTES.-Caust., Chin., Elee.-It antidotes: Mere., Puls. CLINICAL REMARKS. NOACK AND TRINKS.-" Palpitation of the heart, particularly when arising from physical exertions, or by the sudden suppression of habitual discharges of blood or other secretions, and when accompanied with violent congestion of the lungs, overloading the stomach, helminthiasis, flatulence, diseases of the liver and spleen, hysteria, and hypochondria." GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-Weariness; languor in the afternoon and evening; trembling, with cold skin, and small, feeble pulse.Feeling of heaviness in the whole body;, relaxation and sinking sensation in the limbs; great lassitude during movement; feeling of prostration when lying down or standing, with dryness of mouth.*Cwhrea.-oConvulsions and epilepsy of children, occasioned by worms or by a morbid condition of the abdominal plexus.-~Hysterio and hypochondriac complaints, and other kinds of nervous diseases, occasioned by a morbid condition of the abdominal nerves?--Scra ASA FCETIDA. 337 fulous afections;? orickets;? Oinflammation, ramollissement, and curvature of the bones;? *caries of the bones?--Complaints from abuse of Mercury;? nightly, syphilitic (mercurial!) bone-pains.Jactitation and toitching of single muscles.-Scraping and boring in the periosteum.-*iLenworrhage.-Prickings, here and there; cramplike drawing or jerking in the outer parts of the limbs; lacerating pains from below upwards along the track of a nerve.-Congestion of the portal system and pulsation of the veins. CHARACTERISTIC PECULIARITIES.-Intermittent, pulsative, or oppressive darting, also lacerating pains from within outwards, transformed into diferent kinds of pains, or relieved by touching the parts, and sometimes with a feeling of numbness. SKIN.--Dark-red, hot swellings.- -Glandular swellings.-o Cold swellings?-o Ulcers, particularly when affecting the bones,; ichorous, fetid, thin pus; othe ulcer is painful when applying the bandage; -violent painfulness of the bone to the touch, also at night; bright-red, raw appearance of the wounds, covered with a crust of tenacious lymph, with transparent, lymph-like pus, and sensitiveness to the touch; Oulcers with elevated, bluish edges. SLEEP.-Somnolence in the evening, with great weariness.-Restless, unrefreshing sleep, with frequent waking; great restlessness at night, with tossing about in the bed.-A number of dreams, which are generally cheerful. FEVER.-Shuddering over the body.-Coldness and dryness of the skin.-Feeling of heat in the face, after dinner, with anguish and drowsiness.-The pulse (and the beats of the heart) are accelerated; small, feeble, and increased; small, quick, unequal. MORAL SYMPTOMS.-Out of humor.-Hysteric and hypochondriac uneasiness and restlessness.--Inconstancy.- Laziness.- Irritated mood, with indifference to anything.-Fits of great joy. SENsoRIUMV.-Weakness of the thinking powers; frequent absence of all thought.-Confusion of ideas.-Dullness of the head, with aching pain, sometimes in the temples; sensation as if the brain were constricted or compressed; dizziness and gloominess of the head; muddled state of the head.-Vertigo; sometimes with a violent pressing in the head; with vanishing of sight, in the evening, and afterwards cold sweat on the forehead and limbs, with colic.-Weakness in the head. HIEAD.--Heaviness of the head; particularly in the forehead, with dullness of the head.-Tightness in the head, stupefying.-Congestion of blood to the head: with warmth in the face; with stupefying pain. -Pressure in the head, particularly in the forehead and above the 15 338 ASA FCETIDA. eyes, in the whole head, as if the head would burst, or in the occiput as if the brain were compressed; pressure, with throbbing in the temple.-Constriction of the brain.-Stitches in the head.-Sense of shaking, as of the water in a pail when carried, with bubbling sensation in the brain.-Burning prickings in the forehead, with pain as if ecchymozed when touching the parts. EYES.-Crampy drawing around the brows; pressure in the eyes.Burning in the eyes.-Burning stitches in the eyes.-Sensation as if sand were between the eyes and lids, as if cold air were blowing upon the eyes.-Closing of the eye-lids as if sleepy, with burning. EARS.-Pressure in the ears.-Tingling in the ears.-*Diminished hearing, Osometimes accompanied with purulent discharge, even when occasioned by abuse of Mercury. NosE.-Bleeding of the nose.-0oOzcena, with discharge of greenish and fetid pus??-Diminished smell.-Frequent violent sneezing; coryza. FACE.-Tension, with feeling of numbness, particularly in the region of the right malar bone; drawing in the angle of the jaw, sometimes extending down to the nape of the neck.-Heat in the face. TEETH AND JAWS.-Feeling of soreness of the gums. MOUTH AND THROAT.-The mouth feels very dry.-Dryness or burning 'in the throat, particularly in the oesophagus; pressure in the aesophagus, or sensation as if a body were ascending; tightness of the throat, with pressure in the chest; soreness in the cesophagus, preceded by burning; tension in the pharynx when swallowing.-o(Esophagitis.? APPETITE AND TASTE.-Insipid taste, sometimes with loathing; flat, acrid taste.-Want of appetite.-Heaviness and coldness in the abdomen after drinking. GASTRIC SYMPTOMS.-Frequent rising of badly-tasting air; acrid, rancid.-Loathing; nausea as if he would vomit, from morning till noon. STOMACH.-Pressure in the stomach; after eating, with great prostration; pressure in the cesophagus, with sensation as if a foreign body were ascending.-Pain as if bruised, with feeling of fullness and eruc.ation; cutting and burning in the region of the stomach and diaphragm; spasmodic pains in the stomach; contraction of the stomach, with loathing and nausea.-Pulsations in the pit of the stomach, perceptible to the eye and hand.-0Ii/lammation of the stomach;? Ospasm of the stomach;? ~weakness and excessive accumulation of mucus in the stomach.? HYPoCHONDRIA.-OChronic inflammation and swelling of the liver.? ABDOMEN.-Colic: with great malaise, ill-humor, and oppressive ASA F(ETIDA. 339 anxiety; in the epigastrium, as after a cold, or as if diarrhoea would set in, with canine hunger.-Heaviness in the abdomen, with bloatedness.-Burning in the abdomen.-Cutting in the abdomen.-Stitches, lancinations, dartings in the abdomen, particularly in the left side when walking; through both sides of the abdomen, relieved by pres sure; in the umbilicus, tingling or burning.-~Tympanitis?--Ascites arising from an organic affection of some abdominal viscus?OTympanitis in children, with glandular swellings?-~Tmnia? STOOL AND ANus.-Costiveness.-Constant urging to stool, sometimes ineffectual; violent pressing towards the rectum.-Stool hard and dark-brown, having a pungent, disgusting smell, with pain in the anus; hard and papescent stools; copious, papescent evacuations of a yellow or dark-brown color, and a disgusting smell; watery, liquid stools.-Diarrhoea; with colic; preceded by urging; with flatulence. URINARY ORGANs.-Spasms in the bladder during and after micturition.-Urine brown-yellow, or dark-brown, having an acrid, pungent odor. FEMALE GENITAL ORGANS.-Labor-like pain in the uterus, with cutting and bearing down, returning at intervals.-Menses too early, scanty, and lasting only three days. LARYNX.-Huskiness in the trachea, inducing a short and hacking cough.-Dull, short, and hacking cough; dry cough, occasioned by a titillation in the trachea, violent, racking; deep, in paroxysms, with short breathing and oppression of the chest.--Whooping cough;? oangina-membranacea.? CHEST.-Accelerated breathing, with coughing and yawning, and generally with a small, contracted pulse.-Asthma; oppression of the chest: with drawing pressure; with hurried breathing; with accelerated beating of the heart and arteries, with full and swelling pulse; oppression as if the lungs could not expand sufficiently.-Spasmodic asthma: with dry cough, from titillation in the trachea.-OAsthmatic complaints of scrofulous persons;? ~after too great exertions;? Oafter venereal excesses;? oafter taking too hearty a meal;? asthma Millari;? Omucous asthma of old people.?-Pressure in the chest.Stitches (lancinations, dartings, &c.) in the chest.-Pressure in the region of the heart, as from congestion and distention of the vessels, with small pulse.-0 Organic affections of the heart,;? oaneurisms;? opalpitation of the zeart.? BACK.-Racking pain below the scapula; burning in the region of the'vertebrme.-Rheumatic pains in the scapulce.-Rheumatic drawing and lacerating in the nape of the neck and back. ARMs.-Stitches in the shoulder; drawing in the joint, with tremu. 340 ASARUM EUROPEUM. lous uneasiness, obliging him to move the part constantly.--Stitch in the elbow.-The wrist feels as if bruised, with drawing and pressure when moving it.-Pressure in the roots of the fingers. LEGS.-Lacerating around the joint when walking.-~Coxagra?Restlessness, when sitting, as from a violent throbbing of the- vessels; twitchings and jactitation of the muscles of both thighs.-Burning, and burning throbbing in the upper part of the knee.-The legs incline to go to sleep.-Tension in the foot.-~ Cold swelling around the malleoli. 37.-ASARUM EUROP2EUM. ASAR.-Asaret -of Europe.-Hahnemann's "Mat. Mod Pur.," Vol. I.-Duration of Actian: from 8 days to a fortnight. COMPARE WITH-Acon., Hep., Stram., Puls., Sep. ANTIDOTES.-Camph., Vinegar, vegetable acids GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-Excessive sensibility of all the nerves. Great lassitude after dinner. General weary feeling, sometimes as if bruised all over. Lacerating or darting in the limbs.-Lightness of all the limbs. When walking in the open air the headache disappeared, together with the hot feeling in the cheek, the drowsiness, and ill-humor. SLEEP.-Languor and nausea towards evening. Drowsy, out of humor. Nightly vexing dreams. FEVER.-Slight shuddering over the body. The hands are icy cold, the rest of the body warm, Shaking chills in the evening, with extreme languor; without thirst. Sensitive to the cold. Chilliness when drinking. Cold feeling over the body, as if a cold wind blew upon him. Fever the whole day; chilliness in the afternoon. Feeling of heat externally, with internal chills and thirst after dinner. Profuse night-sweat.-~Sour-smelling sweat.-0 Gastric fevers.?-Intermittent fevers.?-~Slow typhus.? MORAL SYMPTQMS.-Sadness, with weeping mood and anxious feeling.-Great cheerfulness.-*Great nervous irritation. SENSORIUM.-Dullness of the mind. Inability to do any kind of work. Sensation of vertigo. Dullness, and stupid condition of the whole head, with tension in the region of the ears. Early in the morning when rising, dizziness and drowsiness of the head, with headache in the left side of the forehead. Nausea and pain in the head from the least mental exertion. Aching pain in the forehead, with muddled state of the mind. HEAD.-Dull headache. Painful 'igLo ness and dullness of the ASARUM EUROPAIUM. 341 head.-Pressure in the brain. Intense compressive headache, more violent when walking or shaking the head. Violent pressure in the forehead, downwards upon the eyes.-Aching in the temples, especially the left. Sharp aching above the root of the nose. Violent drawing pressure in the brain, under the forehead. Drawing headache, as if it would extent into the temples. (Stupefying) drawing pain here and there in the brain, in the ear, and nape of the neck. Lacerating, pulsative pain in the forehead. Throbbing pain in the forehead, early in the morning, when rising. Tension of the scalp, which makes the hair feel painful. EYEs.-*Dry burning in the eye-lids and the inner canthi, especially in the left eye, oas if occasioned by brandy, with continual lachrymation.-~The eyes are inflamed; blear-eyedness.-~Redness of the conjunctiva, with stinging and burning in the canthi; Ocold is pleasant to the eyes; sunshine, light, and wind are intolerable. Obscuration of vision.-~The eyes stare. EARS.-Dull roaring in the ear. Dragging pain in the ear. Continued pain, owing to pressure, with tension in the region of the orifice of the meatus-auditiorius. Diminished hearing.-Ears feel stopped up in front. FAcE.- Warm feeling in the cheeks. When washing the face with cold water, the vertigo, headache, burning in the upper part of the tongue and in the mouth, contraction of the left cervical muscles, and the languid feeling in the knees disappear, but all those symptoms return when wiping the parts with a towel. Cutting cramp-pain in the region of the articulation of the lower jaw. NOSE.- Discharge of bloody mucus from the nose. Dry coryza. MOUTH.-Biting in the gums. Frequent contractive sensation in the interior of the mouth, producing an accumulation of watery saliva. Tongue coated white. Smarting sensation on the tongue and the gums. Burning sensation across the middle of the tongue, afterwards burning and dryness in the whole mouth. TAsTE.-Taste in the mouth as if the stomach had been deranged. Food tastes bitter. THROAT.--Dryness of the throat, with stinging. Raw throat. Difficult deglutition, as if the cervical glands were swollen. GASTRIC SYMPTOS.-Hiccough. Frequent, empty eructations, oputrid, osour, setting the teeth on edge, with heartburn. General uneasy feeling and nausea. Nausea and loathing, with shuddering. Continued nausea and inclination to vomit, in the fauces.-Nausea and inclination to vomit, with pressure in the forehead, and a quantity of water accumulating in the mouth. Vomiting, with great 842 ASARUM EUROPIEUM. anguish.-Vomiting, diarrhoea. Vomiting, with great exertions and violent pressure in the stomach; a quantity of sourish water only is thrown up. Vomiting, with violent compression in the epigastrium, a similar sensation being felt in the head. (Vomiting is followed by a diminution of the pains in the head). OAsiatic cholera Oand cholerine. STbMAIc.-Fullness in the stomach, with hunger. Pinching in the stomach. OCardialgia; oexcess of mucus in the stomach. ABDOMEN.-Soreness and pain as from excoriation in the spleen.OInguinal hernia?-Constrictive sensation in the region of the diaphragm. *Cutting in the epigastric region. Excessive colic and vomiting. Fullness in the abdomen, with appetite and hunger. Qualmishness in the abdomen, with repeated attacks of oppressive headache. Pressure in the abdomen. Cutting in the abdomen, and sharp stitches in the rectum from above downwards previous to stool. STooL.-Stool, consisting of hard, small pieces. Scanty, yellow, mucot.9 stool. Diarrhoea, like resin, and consisting of tenacious mucus; mucus with ascarides.-~Lienteria?-Diarrhoea from debility, with hectic fever.-Before stool: discharge of thick, black blood; Oprolapsus-recti.-~After stool: pressing, with discharge of white bloody mucus. URINARY ORGANS.-Pressure upon the bladder, during and after the emission of urine. Constant desire to urinate. Raging, intense pain in the left groin, darting through the urethra into the glans, and causing a sore, smarting, contractive, violent pain in the same, for a long time. GENITAL ORGANS.-Miscarriage, abortion.-M-enses too soon and too long, with black blood.-~Violent pain in the lumbar vertebree, at the appearance of the menses; which scarcely permits her to breathe. LARYNx.-Inspiration irritates the throat, and excites a cough. Short breathing; the throat feels constricted, and he is attacked with a short and hacking cough.-0 Whooping cough.?--Angina-membranacea.?-Tabes-pituitosa.? CHEST.-Frequent dull stitches in both lungs, during an inspiration. Feeling of pressure in the whole chest. Sharp pressure in the, region of the last ribs, as with the back of a knife. Pain round about both lungs, as if constricted with a sharp wire.--oChronic pneumonia.?-Pituitous and spasmodic asthma of full-grown people.? BAcK.-Burning pain, with stitches, in the small of the back, while sitting. Painful lameness in the back, as if bruised, disappearing when lying down. Pain as from bruises, in the back. Violent lace< rating stitches in the shouldcrs. ASPARAGUS. 343 SUPERIOR EXTREMITIES.-Sudden dull pain in the axillary glands. Pain as from a sprain in the shoulder, when moving the arm. Lameness in the arm. Drawing, with painful lameness in the wrist-joint. Occasional darting and lacerating pains in the upper and lower limbs. INFERIOR EXTREMITIES.-Bruised feeling, and sometimes a painful lacerating in the upper and lower limbs. Painful feeling in the hip. Drawing pain, with pressure, in the hips. Dull pain in the hip-joint, and in the middle of the thigh, when touching the parts. Pain in the hip-joint in walking. Violent lancinations in the knees, during motion and when at rest. *Lassitude of the lower limbs, when going up-stairs. Lassitude in the knees, with staggering when walking. Languor and weariness of the lower limbs and knees, with sensation as if bruised. *Uneasines's in the left knee-joint, inducing one to move about. The toes of bothfeet are painful, as if frozen. 38.-ASPARAGUS. ASPAR.-Sec " Hygea" of 1840.-Very little known. COMPARE WTH---Arn., Cann., Dig., Spig. ANTIDOTES.-Coff.?-Asparagus is said to antidote Coff. HEAD, EYES, AND FACE.-Giddiness in the forehead; dullness of the head like giddiness; stupefaction in the region of the forehead, followed by pressure in the temples; pressure in the forehead.-Pale face.-Burning of the cheeks. STOMACH.-Increased thirst.-Nausea, early in the morning on waking, followed by vomiting of food, bile, and mucus, afterwards diarrhoea, consisting of bile and faeces.-Feeling of repletion in the abdomen; pinching in the umbilical region, in the evening, with painfulness to the touch; distention of the abdomen.--Bilious diarrhoea, with burning and soreness of the anus, colic, and drawing in the groins. URINARY ORGANS.-The urine is straw-colored, scanty, becoming speedily turbid, with a white pellicle on top, and a white, flocculent sediment; the urine deposits a fatty substance; clear urine of bad smell.-Urging to urinate; frequent emission of a small quantity of urine, succeeded by burning; diminished emission of urine.-Burning in the urethra; also cutting; with drawing in the groins, colic, diarrhoea, and pain in the anus. GENITAL ORGANS.-Excitement of the sexual instinct. RESPIRATORY ORGANS.-Hawking, with irritation, inducing cough, 344 ATIIAMANTA. with inability to detach the mucus.-Violent cough, with oppression of the chest, and expectoration of a quantity of mucus; violent cough, inducing a desire to vonzit.-Oppression of the chest, particularly in writing; labored breathing, during movement.-Pressure in the chest, after breakfast, with tightness during an inspiration.-Palpitation of the heart, which can be heard and felt; frequent palpitation of the heart, with anxious restlessness when moving about; violent palpita tion of the heart when sitting; irregular, quick, double beats of the heart; the beats are scarcely perceptible.-Stitches in the region of the heart, after dinner. BACK.-Pain in the region of the shoulder when touching it; rheu matic pain between the scapulse. LEGS.-Pain as if sprained in the hip-joint. Pain as if bruised in the thigh. Painful soreness in the hip and kree-joint when bending them. 39.-ATHAMANTA. ATHAM.-Atliamanta Oreoselinum, Mountain Parsley.-"Archiv.," XVII.Duration of Action? ANTIDOTES? GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-Feeling of weakness and exhaustion, as frons fatigue.-Icy coldness of the hands and feet, with chilliness all over the body, and a feeling of weariness and exhaustion; burning in various parts of the body, going off by touching the parts, succeeded by great coldness; increased warmth of the head in the evening; with quick pulse, and excessive excitement of the mind and physical powers, without thirst.-The night's sleep is sound and deep, in the morning he sleeps longer than usual. HEAD, EYES, AND EARS.-Giddiness; dizziness and dullness of the occiput in walking; pressure and dullness in the head and in the upper teeth; cloudiness with dull headache; giddiness and constriction in the sides of the head. STOMACH, ABDOMEN, AND STooL.-Bitter taste, particularly while eating; eructations, imperfect, with malaise as from hunger. Rheumatic drawing in the outer parts. Sudden, almost irresistible expulsion of fmeces, preceded by pinching in the abdomen. TR ACHEA AND CHEST.-Bitter mucus in the trachea, which cannot be thrown off, even by vomiting.-Oppressed feeling in the thoracic viscera. EXTREMITIES.-Pain as if bruised above the thighs; pressure in the knee-joint from within outwards. AURtJM. 845 40.-AtTRIJM (TmiEP COMMON METAL). A.UR.-G old.- --Hahnemann's "Chronic Diseases," Vol. 11.-Duration of Action: 6 weeks, and even several years. COMPARE WITH-ASa-f., Bell., Cale., Chin., Cupr., Lach., Mferc., Nitr.-ac., Pals., Nux-v., Spig.-Aur. is frequently indicated after Bell., Chin., Pals. ANTIDOTrES.-Bell., Chin., Cupr., Mere.-Aur. antidotes Mere., Spfg. CLINICAL REMARKS. HI-IANEMANN.-" I have cured, by means of Gold, several eases of melancholy, in persons who earnestly thought of killing themselves. They took in all about the -fa oor part of a grain of Gold. I have also cured several other important affections, which will be found enumerated among the symptoms of Gold, and I doubt not that much higher triturations than those which I employed would have been sufficient for obtaining the same results. "Shortly after closing these introductory remarks, I had an opportunity of convineing myself that 1 U U-0-0 part of a grain of Gold will manifest a most powerful curative action, especially in cancer of the palate and nasal bones consequent upon the abuse of the acidulated preparations of Mercury. The Gold symptoms analogoug- to these artificial affections will be found among the subsequent symptomB.* "ccFarther trituration and dilution develops and dynamizes the power of Gold still more, so that I now use, very often, only the smallest part of a grain of the deeillionth potency. ",,In the following affections, Gold has been found especially useful: IHypochondriasis; melancholy; loathing of life; disposition to suicide; rush of blood to the head; cancer of the palate bones and nasal bones; obscuration of sight by black spots hovering before the eyes; toothache froma rush of blood to the head, with heat in the head; inguinal hernia; induration of the testes of long standing; prolapsus and induration of the uterus; rush of. blood to the chest;_, falling down unconsciously, with the face becoming blue; attack of suffocation, with severe constrictive dyspncea; injuries inflicted by the abuse of Quicksilver;pan in the bones, at night; nodosities of the gout." -ED. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-Simple pain, or pain as from a bruise, early in the morning, when in bed, in all the joints, especially in the smiall of the back and knees; the pain increases during rest, and *NOTE.-Ant. Chialmeftus, in "1Enchiridion Chirug.," p. 402, has observed the same curative powers of Gold, when used internally, against the bad congeý quences of the abuse of ~e11.4 pparatw~ns of Mlemrcur. 346 AURUM. passes off after rising. Pain as from bruises in the head and in all the limbs, early in the morning when in bed, most violent when at rest; passing off immediately after rising.-Going to sleep; numbness and insensibility of the arms and legs early on waking, more when lying still than in motion.-Shooting and drawing pains in the arms and legs, occasionally.-In the afternoon, painful drawing in the veins, with exhaustion. Violent seething of blood, as if it were boiling; all her blood appears to rush from her head into the lower extremities; they feel paralyzed.-Internal emptiness and weakness of the whole body.-Excessive sensitiveness of the whole body, susceptibility to every sort of pain.--OHysteric and hypochondriac complaints; oscrofulous sufferings; Odropsical affections; Ocomplaints from abuse of Mere.; onightly bone-pains; Oinflammation and ulc.e ration of the bones; syphilitic and mercurial affections of the bones. SKIN.--Bony tumors on the head, arms, and legs; oarthritic nodosities; odropsical swellings; oscrofulous and mercurial glandular swellings, ulcers, and tetters; Orhagades; Ocancerous ulcers.-Formication all over the body; itching and burning shootings.-Pustules on the face, the neck, and chest. SLEEP.-In the morning and on waking, sense of fatigue. Drowsiness in the daytime. Uneasy sleep. He sobs aloud when asleep. Frequent waking at night, as in affright; frightful dreams, with loud screams in his sleep. FEVER.--Tery sensitive to cold over the whole body. Coldness over the whole body, early in the morning. Coldness of the body, especially of the hands and feet, in the evening when in bed. Chilliness, in the evening, when in bed, with coldness of the legs as far as the knees. Horripilation over the whole body, in the evening, with dry coryza, without heat and without subsequent thirst; in the evening, shiverings and chills after lying down; headache before lying down. MORAL SYMPTOMS.-*Dejected spirits, and full of grief; *longs for death; frequent attacks of anguish about the heart, and tremulous fearfulness; excessive anguish, with palpitation of the heart, weariness in all the liml5s, and sleepiness; great anguish, *increasing unto self-destruction, with spasmodic contraction in the abdomen. ORcligious melancholy, occasioned by remorse after a violation of duty.Uneasiness, and hurried desire for bodily and mental activity.Apprehensiveness; dread of men; shyness; pusillanimity.-Loathing of life.-Constant sullenness and taciturnity.-Peevishness, and indisposition to speak. Atra-bilious and quarrelsome.-Peevish and *vehement; the least contradiction excites his wrath.--*Rash angef and vehemence,; *weeps and laughs alternately. *Frequent alternation AURUM. 347 of silent peevishness and cheerfulness. OHysteric and hypochondriao dejection of spirits.-Tremulous agitation of the nerves, as in joyous hope. SENSORIUM. --Fatigue and nausea from mental labor. HEAD.-Dullness of the head. Vertigo. Headache as from an incipient cold. Headache, worse on reflecting or reading. Pressure in the temples; pressure, with lacerating in the head, erratic.Lacerating pain, more violent during motion.-Semi-lateral, throbbing, hacking licadache-*Rush of blood to the head; when stooping, passing off again after raising the head; *tumult and roaring in the head, Oespecially in hysteric persons; osensation as if a current of air were rushing through the head when it is not kept warm.-The bones of the skull painful on lying down.--Small exostosis, with boring pain, which increases when the tumor is touched. EYES.-Sensation of weakness and pressure in the eyes.-Pressure in the eyes, as from some foreign body.-Tension in the eyes, with diminution of sight.-~Red swelling o0-the lids in scrofulous persons, with styes.-Distended, protruded eyes.-Contraction or dilatation of the pupils.-Indistinct sight, as if a black gauze were drawn over the eyes.-Half-sightedness, as if the upper half of the eye were covered with a dark body.-Double sight.-*Fiery sparks before the eyes.~Incipient amaurosis.--Specks on the cornea. EAR.--Tension in the ears.-Crepitation in the left car.-Humniing.--Roaring in the cars, early in the morning.-The parotid gland is painful to the touch, as if contused.--Affections of the ears from abuse of Mercury.--~Caries of the mastoid process.--Fetid otorrhoea.-~Hardness of hearing, from elongation of the uvula, with difficulty of speech. NosE.-~OCaries of the nose.-The right nasal bone and the adjoining part of the upper jaw are painful to the touch, especially at the place where the infra-orbital nerve comes out.-Feeling of soreness in the nose.--Painful nostrils, they are closed by ulcers.-. *Swelling of the nose, in the room, after walking in the open air, oin scrofulous persons; *swelling and redness of the right nostril, and underneath. Dark, brown-red, slightly elevated spots on the nose, painful when touched.-Cancer of the nose.?-Loss of smell.-oStop. page of the nose.-Coryza, sometimes violent and profuse, FAcE.-Violent lacerating in the malar bane.--K*Tension in the malar bones and in the ears.-Burning stitches in the malar bone.-- Eruption on the face; fine pimples.-Bloated face, shining as from sweat, with distended, protruded eyes; swelling of both cheoks, with Bwelling of the lips and nose,-oInflaammatory pain in the bones of the 348 AURUM. face, particularly when occasioned by abuse of Mercury; Oswelling of the frontal bone, the upper jaws, and the nasal bones; ored eruption on the forehead and the nose, with scaling off of the skin; swoollen, ulcerated lips, in scrofulous subjects. JAWS AND TEETH.-Pain in a submaxillary gland, as if it were swollen. Hacking and grumbling pain in the teeth, with swelling of the cheeks. Toothache caused by air entering the mouth. Sensation of dullness of the molar teeth. Looseness of the teeth. Painful pustules on the gums, as if a fistula-dentalis would form. Ulcer on the gums, with swelling of the cheeks. OBoring; -a kind of pressure in the region of the palate.--oSwelling and ulceration of the tonsils. MOUTH, PHARYNX, AND (ESOPHAGUS.-Stinging soreness in the throat, only during deglutition. *Putrid smell of the mouth, in young girls at the age of pubescence. Caries of the palate, especially after abuse of Mercury, with bluish ulcers; Odrinks flow back again through the nose. TASTE AND APPETITE.-Bitter taste in the mouth, with sensation of dryness. GASTRIC SYMPTOMS.-Want of appetite.-Nausea in the stomach and throat. STOMACH AND ABDOMEN.-Pain in the stomach, as of hunger. Swelling of the precordial region and the whole upper part of the belly. Heaviness in the abdomen, with icy-cold hands and feet. Pressure in the abdomen. Tensive pressure in the abdomen, just below the umbilicus, and in both lumbar regions, with feeling of fallness and urging.-Painful feeling of contraction in the abdomen Colic in the abdomen.-OSwelling and suppuration of the inguinal glands, after abuse of Mercury; or from some syphilitic cause.-Want of flexibility, and painful stiffness in the hip and the tendons of the psoas muscles.-Weakness in the groin.-.Pressing in the right abdominal ring, as if hernia would protrude, when sitting: *protrusion of inguinal hernia, with great, cramp-like pain.-~Inguinal hernia of children.--Exostosis in the pelvic cavity. STooL.-Constipation.-Diarrhoea; nightly diarrhoea, with much burning in the rectum.-The external border of the rectum is painful and swollen. URINE.-OFrequent emission of watery urine.-Painful retention of urine, with pressure on the bladder. Turbid urine, like buttermilk, with a deep sediment of mucus.-Dull lancinations in the urethra. GENITAL ORGANS.-Nightly erections and pollutions.-Itching of the scrotumn,--Swzelling of the right testicle,-with aching pain when AURUM FULMINANS. 319 touching or rubbing it.--~Chronic induration of the testes.-Pains in the abdomen, as from labor, as if the menses would make their appearance.-~Prolapsus and induration of the uterus. LARYNX.-Cough, at night, from want of breath.-Nasal tone of voice. CHEST.-Oppression of the chest and abdomen when coughing.Intensely painful stitches under the ribs, when taking a deep breath and yawning.-Difficulty of breathing; severe dyspnea; asthma, when walking in the open air; excessive dyspnea, with difficulty of breathing at night; dyspnoa with dull stitches in the chest, when drawing breath.-Tightness of the thoracic cavity, with anxiety. OSuffocative fit, with constrictive oppression of the chest, falling down without consciousness, and blueness of countenance.--~Violent congestion of blood to the chest.-Pressure on the right side of the chest, with extreme anguish.-Cutting pain on the left side near the sternum, more violent during an inspiration. Stitches, with heat and dyspnoea; when walking, the heart seems to shake as if it were loose; sometimes a single very violent beat of the heart. *Palpitation of the heart, owith anguish and oppression of the chest.--~Organic affections of the heart, with hydrothorax.?-~Aneurisms.? BACK.-Pain in the small of the back.-Tension in the neck, as if a muscle were too short, even when at rest, but more violent when stooping. ARMs.-Fine stitches in the shoulder.-Soreness of the shoulders, even without touching or moving them.-Lacerating in the arms, wrists, and hands.-The fore-arms feel heavy when at rest. LEGS.-Lameness and pain in the hip-joint, only when rising from a seat and walking. The thigh feels paralyzed.-Weakness of the thigh when walking.-Painful stiffness and lameness of the knees, both when at rest and in motion; pain in the knees, as if tightly bandaged, when sitting and walking.-Vacillation of the knees.-The heels are painful as from subcutaneous ulceration. 41.-AURUM FULMINANS. AUR. FUL.-Fulminating Gold, the Oxyde of Gold with Ammonia.-Hahnemann's "Chronic Diseases." Spasms, convulsions.-Sinking of strength; fainting fits, cold sweat on the limbs, violent vomiting.-Internal anguish and restlessness.-Profuse salivation.-Violent, green vomiting.-Black stool; colic, particularly in children.- Violent colic, with vomiting and diarrh-sa.- Violent diarrhea. 850 AUvRUM MURIATICUM. 42.-AURUM MURIATICUM. AUR. MUR.-The Muriate of Gold.-Hahnemann's " Chronic'Diseases," II. (Symptoms from Jahr, Noack, and Trinks, &c.) GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-Spasms and convulsions.-Inflamma. tory affections of internal organs.-Seething of the blood.-Heieor. rhages.-Fainting fits.-Aggravation of the syphilitic symptoms. SKIN.-Purple redness of the skin.--Condylomata. SLEEP.-Obstinate sleeplessness. FEVER.-Violent chills.-Increase of the animal heat and of the turgor-vitalis; general erethism and acceleration of the circulation. -Profuse sweats.--Violent fever; fever, with excessive and continual heat of the skin; febrile paroxysm, with shuddering pain in the limbs, back, and stomach, terminating in critical sweat, sediment in the urine, and ptyalism; febrile paroxysm, with irritated pulse, slight chilliness, heat, thirst, redness of the skin, terminating in a critical sweat which continued for several days; urine, ptyalism, diarrhoea, blennorrhoea, and ulcers; fever, with hard, spasmodic pulse and great restlessness; the fever resembles the Mercury, but still more the Iodine fever.-Feverish, full, strong pulse; pulse 80, 90, 100 a minute. MORAL SYMPTOMS.-Violent anguish.-Sadness.-Cheerfulness: HEAD.-Vertigo.-Titillation in the forehead.-Drawing pain in the forehead.-Congestion of the blood to the head, increasing to delirium.-Throbbing in the carotids and temporal arteries. EYES.-Lacerating in the left eye.-Amaurosis. EARS.-Tingling and humming in the ears, followed by hardness of hearing. NosE.-Creeping and crawling in the nose; *redness and inflam mation, with itching of the nose, and subsequent desquamation; *red cwelling of the left side of the nose, ulceration of the inner cavity; Oozcena, with discharge of a yellowish-green pus, oalso with discharge of blood from the nose. TEETH.-Darting pain in the teeth, partly on one side of the jaw, partly in the upper incisors.-(N. B. According to Chrestien, the Muriate of Gold acts more violently than Corrosive Sublimate, but irritates the gums less). MOUTH.-Frequent accumulation of saliva in the mouth; mild, inodorous, watery salivation, with slight inflammation of the buccal cavity.-Dry mouth.-Painful irritation of the parts over which the food passes.-Infiammation of the buccal cavity.-Dryness of the tongue.-PRed tongue.--Excoriation of the tongue.-Warts on the BARYTA CARBONICA. 351 tongue.-Blueness of the mucous membrane of the mouth and the tongue protruded from the mouth (in dogs).-~Ulceration and swelling of the lips and nose, particularly in scrofulous persons. PHARYNX AND (ESOPHAGUS.-Dryness of the fauces.-Redness of the fauces and pharynx. APPETITE AND TASTE.-Metallic taste.-Loss of appetite.-Increased appetite. STOMACH.-Nausea.- Vomiting; vomiting of white, frothy matter, or of a small quantity of livid-colored matter.-Feeling of increased warmth in the stomach.-Pressure in the region of the stomach.Cardialgia.-Gastric irritation.-Mllost violent gastritis. ABDOMEN.-Distention of the abdomen.-Contractive, tensive pain of the abdomen.-Pains in the abdomen and diarrhoea. STOOL AND ANus.-Constipation.-Frequent liquid stools. Diarrhcea and pain in the bowels.-Warts and condylomata at the anus. URINE.-Increased secretion of urine, the urine having a peculiar smell and sediment.-Turbid urine, with brick-dust sediment. GENITAL ORGANS.-Increased sexual instinct.-Exhausting erections.-Warts and condylomata on the prepuce.-Flat ulcers on the scrotum.-The menses appear sooner and are more profuse. LARYNX.-Feeling of obstruction in the larynx, with shortness of breath; 0affections of the larynx in syphilitic persons, or from abuse of Mercury.-Hoarseness, with violent fever. CHEST.-Deep, labored breathing; oppressed breathing.-Strong noise at every expiration.-Labored, whistling, panting breathing, threatening suffocation.-Great oppression in the chest. -Suffocation, with great pain.-Sticking pain below the ribs, with all the symptoms of pleurisy.-Inflammatory condition of the thoracic viscera; pneumonia.-A few stitches directly above the heart.-Peculiar feeling of heaviness and hardness in the heart, with frequent and sudden arrest of breathing.-Palpitation of the heart.-Inflammation of the heart. EXTREMITIES.-Swelling on the wrist-joint, with tension when bending the hand backwards, and stitches in the swelling when grasping anything. 43.-BARYTA CARBONICA. BAR. CARB.-The Carbonate of Baryta.-Hahnemann's "Chronic Diseases," II.-Duration of Action: 50 days. COMPARE WITH-Alum., Bcli., Calc., Caust., Cham., Chin., Dulc., Lach., Magn., Mere., Natr., Phosph., Sep, Sil., Sulph., Tart.,-Tart.-em. is frequently suit. able before and after Bar. 352W BARYTA CARBONICA. ANTTDOTES.--Of large doses - the Sulphate of Soda or Magnesia.-Of small doses: Bell., Camph., Dale., Mere. CLINICAL REMARKS. HAHNEMANN.-" This drug may be advantageously used in the following affections, provided it be homoeopathically indicated: Whining mood; anxiety, as regards domestic concerns; dread of strangers, of company; headache close over the eyes; susceptibility of the head to cold; eruption upon the head; baldness;, eruption upon and behind the ears; tubercles behind the ears; eruption upon the lobule; buzzing and tingling before the ear; pressure in the eyes; inflammation of the eye-balls and lids, with dread of light; agglutination of the eye-lids; flying webs and black spots before the eyes; dimness of sight; he cannot read; the eyes are dazzled by the light; scurf under the nose; eruption upon the face; single jerks in the teeth; burning stitches in the hollow tooth, if something warm touches them; dryness of the mouth; constant thirst; eructations after eating; sour eructation; water-brash; chronic nausea; pressure at the stomach, also after eating; pain at the stomach, fasting and after eating; pain at the stomach on touching the pit difficult knotty stool; hard and insufficient stool; tenesmus of the bladder and frequent micturition; weakness of the sexual powers; leucorrhoea immediately before the menses; coryza; troublesome dryness of the nose; night-cough; hoarseness of the chest with nightcough; excessive secretion of mucus in the chest; palpitation of the heart, perceptible without any previously exciting cause; pain in the small of the back; stiffness of the small of the back; stifness of the nape of the neck; stitches in the nape of the neck: pain in the deltoid muscle, on raising the arm; the arm goes to sleep when lying upon it; the fingers go to sleep; traction and tearing in the legs; ulcers on the feet; fetid sweat of the feet; painful lymphatic sweling of the ball of the big toe; twitches and jerks of the body by day; heaviness in the whole body; loss of strength; general weakness of the nerves and body; susceptibility to cold. WARTS; raving when asleep ', twitches of the muscles of the whole body, at night; night-sweat. "-ED. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-Consequences of a cold.-0Scrofulous afections.-Pains in the joints and long bones; crampy pressure (or pressure with lameness), drawing and tearing, or tension as if too short; *jerking of single limbs, also in the daytime; jactitation of the muscles, particularly at night, in the whole body.-Stitches in the joints, with feeling of relaxation.-In the morning, on waking, all the limbs feel bruised, with weariness and heaviness in the limbs.--*Great BARYTA CARBONICA. 350 sensitiveness to cold; *he catches cold easily, and is liable to sore throat in consequence.-A walk in the open air fatigues him.-Great weariness: with constant inclination to lie or sit down; at eight o'clock in the evening, with weakness and languor of the body, as if he would sink down; *prostration and inability to support one's-self on one's limbs; -also with giving way of the knees, pain in the spine in the region of the loins, and a feeling of malaise in the whole body; great nervousness, with excessive irritation of all the senses.0Atrophy of children, with tympanitis and glandular swellings.OParalysis after apoplexy. CHARACTERISTIC PECULIARITIES.-The pains are more particularly felt on the left side, most of them come on while sitting, and go off during movement or in the open air.-The limbs go to sleep when lying on them.-Inability to rest on the left side, owing to seething of the blood, palpitation of the heart, with soreness in the heart, and anxiety.-The weakness, which is generally a kind of heaviness, is most supportable while lying down.--oComplaints of old people, or of children, *particularly physical, nervous, and mental weakness. SKIN.-Prickings over the whole body.-Tingling and burning prickings, here and there.-Intolerable tingling over the whole body. Burning itching here and there.-o~Warts.--Panaritia.-*Swelling and induration of the glands.O-~Steatoma and sarcoma. SLEEP.-Frequent yawning. Unconquerable drowsiness. Uneasy sleep, full of dreams. Sleeplessness, at night, on account of feeling very hot. At night, frequent drawing in the ear. Pain in the legs, at night, as if he had outdone himself by excessive walking or dancing. Faintishness, at night, with nausea and vomiting, Weeping mood, at night. *Ravings of the fancy and stupefaction, at night, as in fever. Unrefreshing sleep, the limbs felt weary, as if bruised. Confused dreams, with uneasy sleep, frequent waking, and great fatigue. FEVER.-Chilliness with thirst, in the afternoon. Sensitiveness to the cold. Slight chills, especially over the arms, with goose-flesh and yawning, in repeated attacks. Chilliness of the head, with shaking, and tension in the region of the malar bones. Chilliness, in the forenoon. Constant coldness, as if she had cold water poured over her, worse in the afternoon. Sense of coldness with burning, on the forehead, in the forenoon. Alternate chilliness and heat, the whole night. Frequent flushes of heat rising to her head. Heat at night, and anguish. Dry heat the whole night, with sleeplessness. Ex. cessive languor of all the limbs, in the afternoon. *Sweat after midnight. Exhausting *night-sweats. MORAL SYMPTO~rs.-Disinclination to talk; dejection of spirits; 354 BARYTA CARBONICA. *dread of men; *suddenly overwhelmed with an evil apprehension; *great solicitude and anxious care, about insignificant things, oparticularly about domestic affairs.-Highest degree of irresoluteness; great ennui and ill humor; peevish, morose, quarrelsome. Anger. Mirth increases to wantonness. SENSORIUM.-Deficiency of memory. Dullness of the head:. the head feels gloomy on waking; dullness when sitting, abating in the open air; dullness and heaviness of the head, with drowsiness spreading towards the temples and the forehead; with tension in the forehead and eyes.-Vertigo; vertigo, *from stooping, with nausea, or headache.-~Apoplexy, of the old, or drunken. HEAD.-Headache in the evening; every noise affected her brain painfully. Painful pressure in the brain. Stupefying dull pressure in the forehead, close above the eye; pressure in the forehead, from within outwards; violent pressing in the whole head, as if it would burst, especially violent in both frontal eminences, and above the orbits; sense of weight in the whole occiput, close to the nape of the neck, with tension; feeling of tension around the whole forehead, in the skin, as if it were too tight. Drawing and lacerating. Rheumatic pain in the occipital bone; with glandular swellings in the nape of the neck; shooting, deep in the temple, in the orbit, and the ear of the left side; stitches in the head, commencing immediately in a warm room; severe stitches in the whole head, increasing and decreasing; violent stitches in the brain, with heat and tingling in the head; throbbing in the occiput, as far as the frontal eminence, in the evening; violent throbbing in the forehead, deep in the brain, when stooping; digging headache, in the forehead and temples, also in the upper and fore part in the head, almost daily, early after rising, discontinuing in the afternoon; sense of looseness in the brain; rush of blood to the head, the blood seems to be stagnant; whizzing in the head, as of boiling water; heat in the head.-Shivering over the hairy scalp.-The scalp is painful to every touch; the hair comes out when combing it; obaldness; Oliable to colds in the head; itching and gnawing of the hairy scalp and the temples; formication in the scalp; eruption on the forehead (of the genus herpes?) with a burning itching sensation.o-~Humid and dry scurf on the head. EYEs.-The eye-balls are painful.-*Soreness and weariness of the eyes, with pressure.-*Pressure deep in the eyes.-Pressure in both eyes, with itching as from dust.-Lacerating in the eyes; itching in the eyes: itching, burning pressure, sense of soreness, and feeling of dryness in the eyes; dry heat and pressure in the eyes; 'the eyes burn after exerting them, internal inflamed redness of the lids; BARYTA CARBONICA. 3;,. redness of the white of the eye, and a white pimple on it, near the cornea; inflammation of the eyes and lids, especially in scrofulous subjects.-Swelling of the lids, early in the morning; purulent mucus in the lids, early in the morning; *agglutination of the eyelids. *Sees everything as in a fog; accompanied by an aching pain in the eye-balls; sensation as of a gauze before the eyes, early in the morning and after dinner; frequent obscuration of sight; *black spots before the eyes; fiery sparks before the eyes, and lacerating in the eyes. EARs.-Drawing pain in the ears; violent stitches in the ear; *throbbing in the left ear; *throbbing and hard pressure deep in the right ear.-Itching in the ears; *eruption on the ears.-The right parotid is swollen, and painful to the touch.-Cracking in the ear, when walking fast, swallowing, sneeziug, &c.--Roaring and buzzing in the ears; noise in the ears, in the evening, like the ringing of bells; hard hearing. NosE.-Bleeding at the nose.--Scurf under the nose. Sneezing, especially in the evening, with concussive sensation in the brain, and subsequent vertigo.-Stoppage and *troublesome dryness of the nose. -Constant coryza, with sense of obstruction; *fluent, -with hollow, deep voice, and dry cough, in the morning and daytime. FAcE.-~Inflammatory prosopalgia with swelling.-Stitches in the face; sense of tension in the whole face, with loathing and diarrhoea; osensation as if the face were swollen;: slight swelling of the face; *swelling of the left cheek and the region behind the ear, with pain in the temple.-Heat in the face, without redness; redness of the face, with purple lips and seething of the blood.-OHerpes;? Ocrustalactea.?-Dryness of the lips and gums. Swelling of the lip, with burning pain. Pustules about the lips. JAWS AND TEETH.-Painful gnawing in the left lower jaw. The glands of the left lower jaw are painful. *Swelling of the submaxillary glands, Owith.induration. Toothache in the evening, when in bed. Tensive pain, and painful stitches in the whole of the right row of teeth: Lacerating in the molar teeth. Painful gnawing in the roots and the gums of the molar teeth. Boring in the teeth, as soon as he introduces cold or warm substances into his mouth. *Drawing, jerking, throbbing toothache, as if something were lodged under the teeth. oBurning stitches in hollow teeth when touched by warm food.-Painful toothache, with soreness.-Frequent and considerable bleeding of the gums. *They are of a pale red, and bordered with a dark-red narrow border.-0Toothache in decayed teeth, before th. menses, or from a coll. 856 BARYTA CAIo.: i u.A MOUTH.-The buccal cavity feels numb. The whole mouth is filled with inflamed vesicles, especially the palate and the inside of the cheeks. Hardness on the middle of the tongue, burning when touched; burning sense of excoriation at the tip of the tongue.Burning blisters at the tip of the tongue.-Coated tongue. *Dryness of the tongue, early in the morning, with sense of swelling of the throat. Dryness in the mouth, early, after rising. Viscidity of the mouth. Fetid odor from the mouth. THROAT.-Rawness and roughness in the throat, worse after swallowing. Roughness and sense of excoriation in the throat, worse during empty deglutition, the neck being painful on both sides when touched. Stinging sore throat, when swallowing. Dryness, and painful stinging and pressing, as from a swelling in the left side or the throat, only when swallowing. Choking. or contraction in the throat, with arrest of breathing. sensation as if a plug or a quantity of phlegm were in the throat. Swelling of the left tonsil. Chilliness, heat, and sensation as if bruised in all the limbs, succeeded by *inflammation of the throat, with swelling of the palate and tonsils, which pass into suppuration, preventing him from opening the jaws, or from speaking and swallowing, with dark-brown urine and sleeplessness.-- Chronic disposition to inflammation of the -throat, and swelling of the tonsils. TASTE AND APPETITE.-Bitter and slimy mouth, with coated tongue. Sour taste in the mouth. *Thirst, with dryness in the mouth. No appetite. Slight appetite. Repugnance to food, with feeling of hunger. Symptoms after dinner: worn out, faintish, uneasy from constant urging to stool, and feeling of anxiety in the lumbar region; great laziness and dread of labor; pressure upon the bladder; suppressed eructations, with subsequent spasmodic contractive pain at the stomach. GASTRIC SYMPTOMS.-Incessant eructations. *Sourish or bitter eructations. Rancid eructations. Heartburn, preceded by eructations. Nausea, early in the morning when fasting, with palpitation of. the heart and anxiety. *Nausea, as from a deranged stomach, early in the morning.-- Weakness of digestion. SToMAcH.-*MNausea in the region of the stomach. *Inclination to vomit, a kind of uneasiness with qualmishness. Frequent vomiting of mucus. *Pain in the stomach. Sensitiveness in the prsecordial region. *Heaviness of the stomach, with nausea, when fasting. Feeling of repletion after taking ever so little food, with painful heaviness of the stomach, as from a stone, and an intensely painful gnawing. *Pressure at the stomach, as from a stone, relieved by LATRITA CARBONICA. 357 eructations. Pressure in the preecordial region, with dyspnoea and a sensation as if the breath were arrested; the pressure increases by tasting a little food. Contractive pain in the stomach, in the after. noon. Pain in the stomach, as from ulceration, on external pressure. Soreness in the pit of the stomach, when pressing upon it, and when drawing breath. Painful, writhing sensation in the stomach, while eating, when the food is descending into it, as if it had to force its way through and over sore places. *Even fasting, she feels a soreness in the stomach. The sense of pressure, with soreness and gnawing in the stomach, is most violent when walking or standing, also whensitting crooked; when lying on the back, when stooping, *or pressing upon the stomach, only feels a painful pressure, not the gnawing. ABDOMEN.-Severe pain in the bowels, preventing sleep, and returning on the least motion. Painful distention of the abdomen. Feeling in the abdomen as if something were swollen in it. Tenseness of the abdomen, with sensitiveness of the abdominal integuments to the touch. Sudden contractive pain in the hypogastrium, above the genital organs. Pinching in the abdomen, with nausea. Pinching round the naval, on the least motion. Pinching bellyache, extending from the top to the bottom of the abdomen. Cutting colic, at night. Painful cutting in the abdomen, especially round the navel, in the evening. Violent colic, as if diarrhoea would take place. Sensation in the abdomen as if she would be attacked by diarrhoea, accompanied by chills. Sensation of anguish, with uneasiness and sick feeling in the lumbar region, like an urging to stool. Feeling of soreness around the belly, commencing in the small of the back. Painful pressure in the muscles, especially in the evening, increasing to an insupportable degree when walking. Pressing in the abdominal ring, during exercise and stool. STooL.-Frequent urging. Frequent urging, with painful soreness in the lumbar region, and shivering chills over the head and legs, as in dysentery; then loose stool, at short intervals, the pains in the loins continuing, with renewed urging. Urging, with violent pain in the belly. Loose stool, terminating in diarrhoea. Diarrhoea, mixed with blood. Hard stool, with burning in the rectum. Expulsion of ascarides. Burning in the rectum during the otherwise natural stool. Humid varices after stool. Varices of the rectum, with stinging pains, and as from excoriation. Frequent expulsion of blood from the rectum, with distention of the abdomen. Crawling in the rectum. Biting, burning in the rectum. Burning around the anus, and soreness, as if the parts were excoriated. UR.NE.-- Great desire to urinatc, cannot retain the urine. *Fre BARYTA CARBONICA. quent emission of urine every other day. Rare and scanty emission of urine, with burning in the urethra. Urine with yellow sediment. Burning in the urethra during micturition. Pinching in the abdomen during micturition. MALE GENITAL ORGANS.-Burning in the left testicle. Red, excoriated, moist, burning place between the scrotum and the thigh. Numbness of the sexual organs. *The sexual desire is suppressed. *Diminished sexual desire. Great increase of the sexual desire., Sudden erection in the evening, with shuddering. FEMALE GENITAL ORGANS.-Continued increase of the sexual desire. *The menses are very scanty. The menses appear too soon. Before the menses: ~Toothache, with swelling of the gums; ocolic, with swelling of the lower limbs; ~leucorrhoea. During the menses: Cutting and pinching in the abdomen; pain, as from bruises, in the small of the back. Discharge of sanguinolent mucus from the vagina, with anxious beating of the heart, uneasiness in the body, pain in the back, and weakness even unto fainting. Tearing in the pudendum, at intervals. LARYNX.-I-oarseness and a.vhony for some weeks. *Voice not clear, on account of tenacious pniegm. Roughness or tickling in the throat, occasioning a continual short hacking cough. Cough excited by continual speaking. *Cough after midnight, -also with huskiness and accumulation of mucus in the chest. Dry, short cough, in the evening, with subsequent weakness in the head.-Suffocating cough -OLoose cough, with a saltish, starch-like expectoration of four weeks' standing, went off. CHEST.-Soreness in the chest, when coughing. 0Suffocative catarrh, and paralysis of the lungs in old people. Fullness in the chest, with short breath, especially when ascending a height; with pain as from bruises, in the left side. *A pressure on the chest, with tickling and dry cough. Stitches and shooting in the chest and heart. Soreness in the inner and outer parts of the chest.-Violent beating of the heart. Palpitation of the heart, when lying on the left side.-Burning of the outer parts of the chest, with redness of the skin. Itching of the outer parts of the chest. BACK.-Pain in the small of the back. Heaviness in the small of the back and loins, as from cold. -Painful drawing in the small of the back, as if a heavy body were moving downwards. *Tensive pain in the small of the back, worst in the evening. *Sensation as of incipient throbbing in the small of the back.-Great pain in the right side of the back, when lying down. Weakness and want of mobility in the dorsal spine. Pain, as from bruises, between the shoulders. BARYTA CARBONICA. 359 Burning in the loins.-Throbbing in the back, like strong pulsations, mostly when at rest, and after an emotion.-Violent itching of the back, day and night.-*Stiffness in the nape of the neck, -when waking from the siesta. OLancinations in the nape of the neck, otension in the neck and scapulae, particularly when the air is rough and cold; Osarcoma, with burning in the inmost parts. Swelling on the nape of the neck, which, little by little, spreads over the whole head, with redness of the skin, and pain thereof, as from ulceration, *accompanied by considerable swelling of the glands in this region, for several days. *Several glandular swellings in the nape of the neck and occiput.-Frequent pain of the axillary glands. OSteatoma in the axilla. ApRs.-The arms are heavy and tremulous. *When laying the arm upon the table, it goes to sleep. Tension in small places of the arms. Swelling of the right arm, with pain in the axillary glands. -Bone-pain at a small spot of the upper arm, as if an ulcer would form there. OPain in the deltoid muscle when raising the arm.Pain of the elbow, as from a contusion.-Pain, as from bruises, apparently in the radius.-Painful lameness in the fore-arm and hand, going off by motion. Tension or drawing in the wrist-joint.-Cramppain in the hand. Dryness of the skin of the hands, like parchment. Titillation in the hands, *after which they go to sleep. *Numbness in the fingers, as if gone to sleep. LEGs.-Sudden stitches in the hip-joint, as if luxated, with pain when walking, as if it would break down. Burning in the nates. Violent lancinations in the nates. Lacerating from above downwards in the buttock, increasing and decreasing. Cramp in the lower limbs. Tension in the lower extremities, up to the hip. *Lacerating and tension in the bones of the lower extremities, down to the heel. Drawing pain from above downwards, along the whole of the left lower limb. Languor in the left lower limb, early in the morning. Weariness in the lower limbs, and jerks in the foot, when sitting, with painful soreness of the posterior surface of the thigh. Sudden beating in the thigh. Violent pain, as from a contusion, in the middle of the thigh., Violent itching of the thighs, even at night. Painful stitches in the knee-joints.-Pain in the leg, especially in the right tibia, as if the parts were lame. Drawing pain in the legs, apparently in the bones. OUlcers in the legs.-Uneasiness in the feet, when sitting. Tremor of the feet, when standing. Cramp-like pain in the soles of the feet. Drawing pain in the foot, only when walking. Burning in the soles of the feet. Drawing pain in the toes. Cramp in the toes, on extending the foot.--Frtid sweat of the feet. 860 6ARYTA MURIATICA. 44.--BARYTA MURIATICA, BARt. M1JR.-Mnriate of Baryta.-Hering's 11Jahr." COMPARE WITH-Bar.-carb., Ant., Ohel., Cie., Dig., Duic., Fer.-mur., Hyos., Lact., Lauroc., Op., Spong. A NTIDOTES.-See Bar. -c-arb.-Aneord~ing to Lisfrane, the white of an egg is the best antidote of large doses. 0 GENERAL SYMPTO MS.-0 Scrofulous complaints.-G-reat weak ness, obliging him, to lie down; general muscular weakness, as if paralyzed.-Fainting fits.-Stiffness and immobility of the body, with periodical convulsions.- General heaviness.- ConvulsionT general, of single parts; in the face; periodical attacks of convulsions, withý excessive jactitation of the limbs.-Increase of the secretions and excretions, and disposition to decomposition of the animal fluids.-I1emorrhages.-Gen eral. insensibility.-General emaciation and atrophy.- Increased insensibility of the whole nervous system. SKIN.-Biting in the skin; burning and biting in excoriated parts. -Itch-like pimples on the head, nape of the neck, abdomen, and thighs; yellbwish scaly eruptions; tetters.-Fetid, ichorous ulcers.-. Swdlling and induration of the glands, particularly those of the neck and abdomen; suppuration of glands.-O General anasarea after scarlet fever. FF~vER-Heat all over, day and night; heat in the face, with redness..-Pulse full and frequent.-Tertian fever.-Increased exhalation from the skin; cold sweats. MORLAL SYMPTOM~S.-Attacks of oppressive anxiety, with pain in the stomach, nausea, and gngging.-Anx-iety, with vertigo.-Tendency to start.-Great internal anguish.-Absence of mind.-Acute mania.-Sense of oppressive anxiety.-Imbecility. HEAD.-Vertigo, with sense as of turning before the eyes.-Dullness and heaviness of the head.-Headache, with vomiting.-Tineacapitis, extending to the sides anad the posterior part of the neck; violent itcl~ing eruption on the hairy scalp. 1 EYES, EARLS, AND FAcE.-Swelling and inflammation of the eye. lids; staring, immovable eyes; the p 'upils are dilated, insensible; the eyes are staring.-Blennorrhcea of the eyes, ears, and nose.Deafness during the vomiting.-Drawing pain in the facial muscles TEETH, MOUTH, PHARLYNX, &c.-Beating and stinging' in the teeth, after midnight,"on waking; looseness of the teeth.-Swelling of the palate and salivary glands; coated tongue; dry ~mouth and tongue; mercurial odor from the mouth.-Difficulty of swallowing. GASTRIC SYINrTOMIs.-Putrid taste in the mouth, and also of the BELLADONNA. 361 food he takes; loss of appetite; thirst.-Great weakness of digestion. -Constant nausea; loathing; empty retching; vomiting, also early in the morning, with anguish;, watery vomiting, with nausea. STOMACH AND ABDOMEN.-Pressure at the stomach, also after a meal, particularly after eating heavy food; weakness, and excessive sensitiveness of the stomach; spasmodic pains; ascension of heat into the chest and head; burning at the stomach, with v6miting; inflammation of the stomach.-Swelling of the liver.-Violent colic; burning in the abdomen; pain as of worms; accumulation of mucus in the stomach and intestinal canal.-Swelling and induration of the abdominal glands; fetid, ichorous ulcers in the inguinal region. STOOL AND URINE.-Obstinate constipation; slimy, yellowish diaryrhea; diarrhoea, either painless, or else accompanied with violent colic.-Frequent urination, sometimes involuntary and painful; enuresis; whitish sediment;-Diabetes.? GENITAL ORGANS.-Swelling of the scrotum; frequent nocturnal emissions.-OChronic gonorrhoea.?-The menses are too early; pain as if bruised in the pelvic cavity. RESPIRATORY ORGANS.-Catarrh, with heat; cough; oppression of the chest; heat in the chest.--OHumid asthma.?-Palpitation of the heart; accelerated beating of the heart. EXTREMITIES.-Pains in the back.-Swelling of the hands and feet.-Drawing pains in the thighs; cramps in the toes.-Convulsive jerkings of the hands and feet.-Paralysis of the upperandlower limbs. 45.-'BELLADONNA. BELL.-Deadly Nightshade.-Hahnemann's " Mat. Med. Pura," Vol. I.-Dura. tion of Action: from one day to eighteen months. COMPARE WITH--Acon., Agar., Alum., Am., Arn., Ars., Aur., Bar., Calc., Canth., Caust., Chai., Chin., Cina., Coff., Coloc., Con., Cop., Cupr., Dig., Dulc., Ferr., Hep., Hyos., Lach., Merc., Nitr.-ac., Op., Phosph., Phosph.-ac., Plat., Plumb., Puls., Rhus.-tox., Seneg., Sep., Sil., Stram., Sulph., Valer.-Bell. is frequently indicated after: Rep., Lach.. Mere., Phosph., Nitr.-ac.-After Bell. are frequently suitable: Chin., Con., Dulc., Hep., Lach., Rhus-tox., Seneg., Stram., Valer. ANTIDOTES.-Large doses of Bell. are counteracted by black Coffee. Almost all authors have recommended Vinegar as an antidote against Bell. This is a mere conjecture, which one author has copied from another. Abundant experience has taught me, on the contrary, that Vinegar increases the pain produced by Bell.* Fits of paralysis, and colic, produced by Bell., may be assuaged by SStapf has also observed that applications of Vinegar to the forehead increase the headache produced by Bell., so as to make it insupportable; the applications had to be discontinued. 16 362 BELLADONNA Op., although it acts only as a palliative. A small dose of Op, probably, also relieves the somnolence consequent upon the use of Bell. Stupor, insanity, and frenzy, produced by Bell., are homneopathicalliv relieved, in tihe speediest and most certain maniler, by a fev snmtil doses of HI\os The intoxication of Bell. is relieved by Wine; myself. as well as Trajus and Moibanus, have witnessed this effect of Wine. A small dose of Bell. havin belen aldministered non-homweopathically, and being succeeded by a weeping mood, attended with chills and headache, these effects may be stayed by a similarly small dose of Pnls. Adequate help is the most necessary when a large quantity of the berries of Bell. have been swallowed. In this case, relief may be obtained by large portions of strong Coffee, which restores the irritability of the muscular tibre, puts a stop to the tetanic convulsions-although acting as a mere palliative-and secures the vomiting of the berries; this may, moreover, be facilitated by tickling the pharynx with a long feather. The erysipelatous swellings of Bell. are speedily removed by small doses of Hep. Camphor, too, is a good antidote against some of the symptoms of Bell.-HAHNEMANN. CLINICAL OBSERVATIONS.-According to lahnemann, Belladonna may be used as a prophylactic against the genuine, erysipelatous, smooth, and glossy scarlet fever, as described by Sydenham, Plencitz, and others. To effect this the smallest doses of Bell. ought to bo given every six or seven days. He says: "This great discovery of mine has been scorned and sneered at by a number of physicians, for at least nineteen years. They were ignorant of the character of this disease, which is proper to childhood, and they were indiscreet enough to mistake for scarlet fever the purple-rash, which had migrated into Germany from Belgium, as early as the year 1801. They falsely applied to this purple-rash the term " scarlet fever," and failed, of course, in trying to cure it by means of the remedy which I had proposed. I rejoice that, in subsequent years, other physicians should have again observed the genuine scarlet fever, that they should have confirmed the prophylactic virtues of Bell. against this disease, and should have done me justice, after the unjust derision which I had so long suffered. " Purple-rash (Roodvonk) being a disease different from scarlet fever, it requires to be treated in a different way. In purple-rash, Bell. can d9 no good; and patients who are treated with Bell. in this disease, will generally have to die; whereas all of them might have been saved by the alternate use of Acon. and the tincture of Coff.,-the former being given against the heat, the increasing uneasiness, and the agonizing anguish; the latter against the excessive pain and weeping mood. Acon. and Coff. should be alternately given every twelve, sixteen, or twenty-four hours, in proportion as one or the other medicine is indicated. Of the Acon., I give a small portion of a drop of the decillionth solution; of the Coff., I exhibit the millionth degree of potency in the same form and quantity. Recently, both diseases, which are so different from each other-the Syden BELLlADONNA., 363 hamian scarlet fever and the purple-rash-seem to have become complicated in some epidemic diseases, so that one patient derives more benefit from Aeon., another from Bell."0 HARTMANN.-ThliS author states: "In addition to the antidotes mentioned by J-Jabnemanin, Merc.-sol., in chronic sequel ce, remaining after the use of Belladonna, deserves attention;-aets more powerfully than any other substance on the nerves, particularly those of the cerebrum;-is applicable, under certain circumstances, to intermittent. nervous, and other fevers;-is an admirable remedy during dentit ion --also0, in inTflammatory affections, as: Acute and chronic hepatitis-; anginose a/flections; abdominanl sfammations., inflammations of the lymphatic vessels and glands in children; catarrhal ophtha/,mia, also arthritic,; araurosis; in~flammation, of the brain; otiis,; measles;' and hydrophobia. Belladonna is indicated, also, for: C'nonest ions of the head, chest, and uterus;-hcemtorrhages;, spasmodic diseases, cramp of the stomach,--whooping cough; epilep.sy.;-hoea;-raphaia;-apoý7)lexy,--go'ut;-rhe-umatism;po sopalgi'afothiergi~lli,-vertiego.;-scrofula,;-otor~rhwaa -scirrh-lous indurations -d--(ysen-terýy,---cachezies,-itnsanity and iynbeciiity."-ED. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-*Spasms, startings-, and con vulsions of the limbs: when- waking- from sleep; *after afit of chagrinn,-' SO violent that he runs- up the walls; *re~newed by the least contact; with hiccough; with weariness and anxiety; *with screams and loss of consciousne'ss; *With delirium; *with laughter;,*-with contort io n o f th e ey es; *with extension of the- limbs, or violent distortion of the muscles;, -affecting principally the flexor muscles; with starting, principally of the hands and feet, with insensibility and rattling breathing; alternating with complete immobility; *tetanie spasmis, opisthotonos, spasmodic inclination of the body and head to the left side; *,paroxysyns of stifness, and immobility of all1 the limbs, or of singlie limbs only, -sometimes with insensibility, distention of the cutaneous veins, red, puffed face, full and quick pulse, and profuse sweat; *epileptic spasms; 0hysteric spasms; 0eclampsia; OSt. Vii us-dance, especially in girls; Othe- spasms are-preceded by creepinig in the muscles, as of a mouse, tingling, with feeling of swelling and numbness in the, limbs, or colic, with pressure extending up to thel head.-* Trembling of the limbs; *woeariness, -particularly in the evening, which scarcely allows h-im to walk; *laziness and indispositi.ton to work or stir.-*Great general debility, with weariness and a desire to sleep, in the afternoon.-*Lameness and pa~ralysis, -of the upper and lower limbs; *hemiplegia of the right or left side, -parti. cularly of the arm and. lower limb; 0sometimes with loss of sensation. 364 BELLADONNA. -Faintingfits, sometimes resembling lethargy.-Excessive irritaa bility and sensibility of the organs of sense.-*Liability to take cold, with great sensitiveness to cold air.-Seething of the circulation and rush of blood to the head, with debility as if he would faint._-Atro. phy and marasmus of scrofulous subjects.-OErgotism, from eating Ergot.? ~Bad effects from taking cold; ofrom fright, chagrin, or mortification; Ofrom abuse of Chin., Valer., Mere., Op., Cham.-. ORheumatic and arthritic complaints, with inflammation and swelling; ocongestion of blood; oscrofulous and rachitic complaints.-*Pressure, with sticking or tearing in the limbs; *burning stinging; *tingling in the limbs; -pain as if bruised in the limbs and bones; lancinations in the affected parts, extending into the head. CHARACTERISTIC PECULIARITIES.-~Bell. is particularly suitable for complaints of plethoric individuals disposed to phlegmonous inflammation; or for complaints of lymphatic, scrofulous individuals liable to glandular swellings. ~diseases of children, females, and young people of mild temper, blue eyes, blond hair, delicate skin, and red complexion.-Some of the Bell. pains disappear suddenly when they have reached the highest degree of violence, or they disappear in one place while other and different pains make their appearance in other parts of the body.-Sudden and violent cramp. pains, which are generally experienced during sleep, obliging one to draw in the affected part, especially the side of the chest or abdomen, loins, elbow, &c.-*Aggravations of the pains at night or in the afternoon at three or four o'clock; the least contact, and sometimes the least movement aggravates the pain; some of the Bell. pains are aggravated or appear after sleep. SKIN.-Creeping or crawling itching; prickling biting; the skin is painful to the touch.-Watery vesicles (on the palm of the hand and tibia), so painful that he would like to scream; *pemphigus;? red, scaly eruption on the lower parts of the body, extending as far as the abdomen; recf spots, as if occasioned byflea-bites, or like bloody spots or petechiwe, on the chest, abdomen, face, and neck; *eruption re. sembling measles; opurple-rash (giving first Acon.); Orubeoloa; *scarlet spots and scarlet redness, particularly on the face, neck, chest, abdomen, and hands, sometimes with, hot swelling of the parts, and with small, quick pulse, asthma, violent cough, delirium, -increase of memory, rubbing of the nose, and dilatation of the pupils; ~natural small-pox, when metastasis to the brain threatens to set in; oblisters occasioned by a burp, with white margin, black scurf, and oedematous swelling of the parts.-*Erysipelatous inflammation, with swelling, -or even mortification of the parts; -redness, inflammation, and BELLADONNA. 365 swelling of the whole skin; *red, hot swelling of affected parts; Ove~icular erysipelas (giving Bell. before Rhus. when the fever is violent).-Cold and hot gangrene; oulceration occasioned by a burn. -*Boils; *chilblains; *bites of insects.-Cold, painful blotches and swellings.--Glandular swellings, painful or suppurating.-*Scirrhous zndurations;? cancerous affections;? Oscrofulous and mercurial ulcers.-In the ulcers: burning when touching them; soreness around the ulcer; black crust of blood on the ulcer; secretion of bloody ichor.--Bleeding soreness in the bends of the joints.OJaundice. SLEEP.-- Drowsiness:. continual, or more particularly in the evening, -with desire to stretch the limbs.-*Somnolence; *stupor, lethargy, deep sleep with snoring, he lies motionless, -sometimes he raises his eyes, with wild looks, or subsultus-tendinum, pale, cold face, cold hands, and hard, quick, small pulse; also with thirst after waking, or hunger, with burning heat, dryness of the mouth and breath.-Stupor at night.-Sleeplessness at night; *even with drowsiness; *sleeplessness from anguish; -sleeplessness occasioned by thinking about a business which requires to be attended to.-Symptoms at night: *restless and tossing about; *frequent waking, with great difficulty to fall asleep again; *starting as in affright, particularly when on the point of falling asleep, -sometimes with sweat on the forehead and in the pit of the stomach, or with dry heat and fear; *anguish, hindering sleep, with drawing in the limbs; intermittent breathing with forcible expirations, when sleeping or waking.During sleep: *tossing about (in children), -they stamp with their feet and scold; screaming, *moaning, *starts, which wake him even when on the point of falling asleep; aggravation of the pains, making sleep intolerable; singing and loud talking; suffocative snoring when taking an inspiration.-In the evening, when on the point of falling asleep, he feels as if floating in bed; ofrightful visions and convulsions after scarcely closing his eyes.-*Dreams; -after having scarcely fallen asleep; *anxious, frightful, terrifying, -rendering sleep intolerable.-Symptoms in the morning when waking: unrefreshed, languid; -he finds it very difficult to rouse himself, and is ill-humored; weariness and reeling vertigo; headache with great languor; heaviness in the head, above the eyes, these are painful when touched.-Symptoms after sleeping: Oaggravation of the symptoms and *headache. FEVER.-Coldness: of the whole body, generally with pale face; particularly of the feet, sometimes with bloated red face and conges. tion of blood to the head.-Chilliness *iu the back, or in the pit of 366 BELLADONNA. the stomach, or commencing on the arms and spreading thence over the whole body; *particularly on the arms, -when taking off his clothes, with goose-flesh, and redness and heat of the ears and nose; creeping chilliness, in the evening.-Shuddering: when the least current of air blows upsn him.-*Fever, Oparticularly quotidian, also double quotidian, *or tertian; *commencing with a shaking-chill or shivering, mostly in the evening, sometimes in bed or at night; Oless frequently early in the morning, *succeeded by heat, -sometimes after a very short time, or on the left side only, or a mere flush of heat, *with or without sweat; *alternation of chilliness and heat; -external coldness with internal burning heat.-Symptoms during the fever: *absence of thirst during the chilly and hot stage, or else burning thirst in the hot stage; drowsiness; vertigo; dullness of the head. -During the chilly stage: onausea; drawing in the back and limbs, with sensation as if bruised.--*Heat: -violent burning.: internal or external, or both at the same time; *dry; -particularly of the hands and feet, also with paleness of face and absence of thirst; #*principally-of the head and face, with redness (and sometimes sweat) of the face; especially after dinner or every noon; *at night, with pain on removing the cover of the bed, as he feels when he is attacked with chilliness; -in the evening, particularly in the hands and feet; during slight movement.-Symptoms during the hot stage: *deliriumn; *redness of the face; *obscuration of sight; *violent burning thirst, or else absence of thirst; -burning in the stomach; *rage; *dullness of the head; orestlessness; *redness and puffiness of the face.-*Inflammatory fever; otyphoid fever, especially when accompanied with an excited state of the circulation, with furious delirium, violent aching in the forehead, visions, frightful startings, and violent burning heat: ~lentescent fevers;? gastric.?-Pulse: *strong and quick; *full and slow; -large and frequent; Ohard and tight.-Sweat: *during or after the heat; -from the least movement, over the whole body, especially in the face and on the nose; cold sweat on the forthead. MORAL SyMPTOMS.-~Derangement of the will-faculty; oafter suppression of erysipelas, meningitis, typhoid fevers, apoplexy; oin drunkards; in pregnant and lying-in females; oafter frights, chagrin, mortification, grief; 0after a cold.-o-~Melancholy, amorous, with sexual excitement; ohome-sickness; she felt as though she ought to escape. *Great anguish about the heart. *Anxiousness in the precordial region. *Frequent moaning, especially early in the morning; at every expiration; while asleep, alternating with jumping and dancing. He suddenly screams, while his hands and feet tremble. BELLADONNA. 867 *Anguish about the heart, -headache, redness of the face, and bitter. ness of the mouth towards noon and evening. Anxiousness when meeting people. *Uneasiness; she changes from one place to another. Unceasing movement of the body, especially the arms; the pulse remaining unchanged. Violent agitation in bed. Incoherent speech in the evening. Constant delirium. The delirium subsides after a meal. She prepares for her departure for home. He talks deliriously as in a dream. *Talk about wolves and bulls, Owar and soldiers. kHe is beside himself; in a rage; talks much about dogs; arm and face swell. *Nightly delirium, which subsides during the day. *He mutters as if asleep. OSenseless prattle. He talks like a maniac, with staring, protruded eyes. Talkative, lascivious. Dumb. ness succeeding the talkativeness. Merry craziness. *Inactive, sitting behind the stove. *She tries to compose songs, and sings merry, but utterly senseless songs; she whistles occasionally, but refuses either to eat or drink; at the same time she hears nothing and sees nothing, with paleness of the face and sweat upon the forehead. *He sings and warbles an air. He smiles a long while to himself. *Frequent laughter. While laughing and singing she constantly touches the things around her. *Inmmoderate laughter. Wild and wantonly merry, disposed to quarrel without any cause, and to offend; *extreme mirth after supper. *Foolish manners: *At times he talks ridiculously like a crazy person, at times ration. ally. *He demeans himself like a fool and crazy person. He imitates the gesticulations of a juggler.-Craziness: they undress themselves, run through the streets in their shirts, gesticulate in a strange manner, dance, laugh aloud, and utter and demand foolish things. Violent shaking of the head, foam at the mouth, and loss of consciousness. Horrible contortion of the muscles of the face, she puts out her tongue to its full length, smacks with her tongue, and is tormented by retching, in paroxysms. At times he grasps hurriedly at those who are near him, at times he recedes from them shyly Irritated mood, she would like to weep at the slightest provocation. When walking in the open air she is attacked with anguish and a weeping mood; she is weary of life and indlines to drown herself. * Violent weeping, moaning, and howling, without any cause, accompanied with fearfulness. ONow he weeps, then he sobs; *weeping, and extreme ill-humor, when waking from sleep. Despondency, dejection of spirits. *Want of disposition to attend to anything whatever, indifference, deficient physical and mental activity. *Ex. treme indifference, for hours. *Apathy, nothing could make an impression upon her; *want of cheerfulness. Headache, with prea 368 BELLADONNA. sure as from a stone, during which she moans and is put out of humor by trifles. *Not disposed to talk; he answers with ill-humor and screams. He desires solitude and rest. *Irritable mood, with great dryness of the mouth. *Great irritability of the senses; taste, smell, tact, sight, and hearing are more refined and keener than usual. *She is very much irritated; she gets easily vexed and then weeps. *Delirium, which is either continual or returns in paroxysms, first )f a fierry nature, and afterwards changing to rage. *Howling and screaming on account of trifles; this is made worse by talking to him kindly, the pupils being easily dilated and contracted. *Violent quarrelsomeness, which cannot be appeased. *Delirium, with wild manners. Rage;, He tosses about in his bed in a perfect rage. *He tears his shirts and clothes. He strikes his face with his fists. *Frenzy, with attempts at violence. *Rage, with gnashing of teeth and convulsions. *Instead of eating that which he had called for he bit the wooden spoon in two, gnawed at the dish, and snarled and barked like a dog. *Rage, the patient being sometimes very cunning, and alternately singing and screaming, or spitting and biting. *He acts foolishly, tears his clothes, pulls stones out of the ground and throws them at those around him. *Rage; he injures himself and others, and strikes around himself. *He wants to bite those arouna him, at night. *Burning heat of the body, open, staring, immovable eyes, with rage, so that she has td be held constantly, lest one should be attacked by her; when thus held and prevented from using her limbs she constantly spit at those around her. *He bites everything in his way. *He tears everything around him, bites and spits. *He attempts to jump out of bed. Anxious and confused; she apprehends death. *Shy craziness. *He tries to escape. *She tries to throttle herself, and begs those around her to kill her. SENsORIVut--~Vertigo. *His head turns; *vertigo attended with nausea, -as is experienced when turning quickly round in a circle, or when waking from the morning sleep, after spending the night in revelry. *Sense as of turning in the head and in the pit of the stomach, becoming so excessive after rising that everything vanished from before her sight.-*Vertigo, as though everything turned in a circle. Sense as of turning in the head, relieved in the open air, aggravated in the room. Fits of vertigo, both when at rest and in motion. *Sense as of reeling in the head, while sitting, resembling vertigo. *She totters to and fro, as if intoxicated. Fits of vertigo attended with dullness of the mind; ~accompanied with loss of consciousness and falling; ~with anguish and luminous vibrations before the eyes; ~when rising from a recumbent posture; ~when stooping, 0 BELLADONNA. 369 4 Oearly after rising from bed.-Cloudiness of the head, with glandular swellings in the nape of the neck. Dullness of the head, increasing during motion. Reluctance to all sorts of mental labor. Lassitude of both mind and body.-Mental weakness. *Stupefaction. Confusion of the mind and senses. Illusion of the senses. *He imagines he sees things which are not present. *He does not recognize his own relatives. OHe wants to pull out his teeth; ohe walks about as if very busy; ohe gathers herbs, which he names wrong, and then offers for sale; ohe converses with his late sister in the church-yard. *Loss of consciousness.-*-Highcst degree of stupor. *Loss. of sense, with convulsions of the extremities.--*Loss of intellect, for some weeks. Insensibility. She has a headache, during which she loses her ideas. Absence of mind. HEAD.-Headache, as if the brain were stunned. 1His whole head feels heavy as from intoxication. His head feels heavy as if he were going to fall asleep; he is not disposed to do anything. *His head aches, but only above the eyes; the headache is like a weight in the head, and is experienced early on waking up. Sense of weight with violent pressure in the whole of the occiput. *Heaviness of the head as though it were about to fall down. *Early in the morning, headache, as if something were descending in the forehead from above the eye-brows, by which the opening of the eyes is prevented. *Head. ache, especially in the forehead. Continous dull headache in one of the sides of the head. Aching in the head, especially in the lower part of the forehead, close above the nose, becoming insufferable on setting the foot down for the purpose of standing or walking. Headache above the orbits, as though the brain were pressed into a smaller space; *this pain obliges him to close his eyes. Violent pressure and aching pain in the forehead. Pressure in the head, extending over large surfaces. *Aching in the forehead; during motion it increased so much that it caused his eye-lids to close; the headache became milder when seated or lying down; as soon as he walks into the open air the forehead feels pressed upon, as though it would be crushed, "*as if a heavy stone were pressing upon the forehead; aching, deep in the brain, which is felt over the whole head, both when walking and after havTing walked in the open air. Tension and pressure in the left vertex, and in the forehead. Headache, as though the head were screwed together from side to side. *Continuous and forcible dilatation of the whole brain.-Violent pressing in the whole head, from within outwards, as though it would be dashed to pieces, increased by coughing, and in the open air.--Headache, close above the orbits, as though the brain were pressed out; the eyes remain 16* 370 BELLADONNA. forcibly closed on account of the pain, the pupils being contracted. Pain when stooping, as though everything would press out at the forehead. *An aching in the forehead frequently obliges him to stand still when walking; at every step the brain feels as if it were ascending and descending in the forehead; the pain decreased by strongly pressing upon the parts. Violent pulsations in the forehead, with pain as if the bone were being raised. Pulsations in the head and in most parts of the body, when waking. Violent throbbing in the brain from before backwards and tooards both sides; this throbbing terminates in the shape of painful stitches. *Pressure, with a sense as of lacerating, in the head, especially in the frontal and temporal region, the pain is wandering. *Drawing in the head, extending towards the forehead, as if the brain would dilate. *Drawing pain extending from the temple across and over the right orbit. Boring and throbbing in the head, in the cheek; increased by motion. *Stitches in the head. *Sharp stitches through both frontal eminences from within outwards. Excessive headache; dull stitches dart through the brain in all directions. Lancination, as with a knife, from one temple to the other. Cutting and lacerating pain in the head, wandering from one place to another. Burning and lacerating pa~n in the left frontal eminence. Lacerating pain in the right side of the vertex; it is more violent during motion. *Lacerating over the eye-brows. *Sense of cold in the brain, in the centre of the forehead. *Drawing in the forehead. Drawing pain in the frontal bone and in the nape of the neck, both when at rest and in motion. *Sensation as of swashing in the brain. *When stooping, the blood rushes to the head; the head feels heavy and giddy. *Congestion of blood to the head, without any internal heat. *Heat in the head. Pain, externally, over the whole head, as is felt in the integuments after pulling the hair. Violently gnawing pain, externally, in the region of the frontal eminences. Cramp-like pain. ~Headache every day, from four o'clock in the afternoon until three next morning, increased by the warmth of the bed and a recumbent posture.--lleadache, which is aggravated by moving the eyes, by concussion, and by a current of air.-~I oemicrania.?-Hysteric headache.?-Headache after a cold. Titillating itching of the forehead. Swelling of the head. The integuments of the head are so painful that even the pressure of the hair gives pain. Uneasy look.-*Convulsive shaking and bending backwards of the head.--~Boring with the head into the pillow.--oProfuse sweat of the hairy scalp. FAcE.-Lacerating and drawing below the malar bone.-Distracted features, *Paleness of the face; anxious countenance, -with thirst; BELLADONNA 371 with an increased appetite. *An extreme paleness of the face is instantaneously changed to redness, with cold cheeks and hot forehead. Feeling of burning heat in the face, without redness or thirst, with a moderately warm body and cold feet. *Sensation of a tingling heat in the face, under the skin. *Uncommon redness of the face. *Vio. lent redness and heat in the face, without sweat. *Red, hot face, with icy-cold extremities. 'Glozwing redness of the face, with violent, inexpressible headache. *Heat and redness about the head. *Great heat and redness of the cheeks. *The face is very much swollen and hot. *Dark-red face. Thickening of the skin in the face, as if an eruption would break out. *Bluish-red face, with great heat of the body in the evening. *Scarlet redness of the skin of the body, especially the'face, accompanied by great cerebral action. *Scarlet-red spots in the face, with a strong pulse. Sudden shivering, with great cloudiness of the head and face, red eyes, and swelling of the face, which is covered with small, dark-red spots. Red and swollen face, with staring eyes. *Swelling of the cheeks, with burning pain. Hard, large swelling in the face, near the nose and eye, with swelling of the parotid glands. Swelling of the face, and especially of the lips, owith induration and stinging in rough weather.-*Erysipelas of the face.--*Nervous prosopalgia, with violent cutting pains; -pressure, cramp-feeling, lacerating, and drawing in the malar bone. SUlcerated corners of the mouth, near the commissure, -with lacerating pains round about, even when left untouched or unmoved. Small pimples on the lips, covered with a scurf, and smarting as if they had been touched by saltish water. Scirrhous induration and cancer of the lips.? Spasmodic movements of the lips. The right corner of the mouth is drawn outwards. Risus-sardonius: spasmodic distortion of the mouth. Bloody foam at the mouth, vacillation of the head, and gnashing of the teeth from morning till noon. A number of small pimples on the chin, resembling rash, and burning when touched. OSwelling of the submaxillary glands;.red blotch in the angle of the lower jaw, with stinging when pressing upon it. EYEs.-OEntropium. Continual trembling and winking of the eye-lids. Throbbing pain in the lower eye-lid, towards the inner can. thus; the spot where the pain is is swollen and inflamed. *After waking in the morning her eye-lids close again spontaneously, (Optosis). Itching stitches in the inner canthi, which only go of for a while by rubbing. *The inner canthus of the left eye is very painful even when slightly touched. *Smarting in both eyes, *Involuntary lachryma. tion. *Saltish water continually runs out of the eyes. *Feeling of burning dryness in both eyes. *Pain and burning in the eyes, 372 BELLADONNA. *Photophobia, with spasmodic movement of the eyes, occasioned by the light. Burning of the eyes, accompanied by an intensely painful itching, disappearing by the eyes being pressed upwards. *Iiftam. mation of the eyes oin scrofulous and gouty individuals.--~Interstitial distention of the sclerotica; ospecks, thickening, and ulcers of the cornea; 0fungus-medullaris in the eye; ~hcermorrhage and ecchynmosis of the eye; *stitches in the eye, from without inwards. *Early in the morning, the eye-lids are completely agglutinated. Swelling and suppurative inflammation of the left caruncula-lachrymalis; the pain being first burning. *General pressure in both eyes. When closing the eyes, she feels an aching deep in the eye-ball. *Pressure in the eyes, with lachrymation, especially early in the morning. *Tingling and pressure in the eyes; they felt as if they had been full of sand. Pain in the orbits; the eyes sometimes feel as if being torn out; sometimes as if pressed into the head. Lacerating in the eyes, which extends from the inner canthi. *Contraction of the pupils. *Dilatation of the pupils in the evening, even when the light is held quite near. *Dilated, immovable pupils. *The power of vision is at times entirely extinct, at times only diminished, the pupils being immovable and enormously dilated. *Obscuration of sight, with great dilatation of the pupils. *The eyes see dim and black. *Amaurosis, he cannot read anything printed. On waking, he is blind. *Excessive weakness of sight. Transitory blindness, with headache. *Dimness of sight, alternating with cramps of the hands and feet; cloudiness of the head, and languid feeling in the limbs. Dullness of sight, with trembling of all the limbs' Presbyopia, as exists in old age. *Obscuration of sight, as if fog were before the eyes. *Wh en reading, the letters look blurred, and appear blue and gold-colored *The eyes see a large ring around the light, of several colors, especially red. When moving the eye-lids, he sees sparks, like electric rparks. *One sees things double; multiplied and dark. *He sees rthings wrong side up, oor they look red. *The eyes feel as if protruded. The eyes protrude, with dilated pupils. *Staring and sparkling, shining, glistening eyes. *The eyes are red, glistening, and turn in their sockets. *The eye-balls turn convulsively in a circle. *The eyes become distorted. *Spasms of the eyes. Eyes and hands are constantly in a sort of spasmodic motion.-~Squinting.?--Weakness of sight from doing fine work. EARS.-Stitches extending from the upper jaw into the internal ear. *Stitches in the parotid gland. *Lacerating in the external right ear, from before backwards. *Lacerating from above downwards in the external and internal ear. Lacerating pain in the BELLADONNA. 373 external ear of the right side, and in the whole side of the face, from above downwards. Feeling in the right ear as if it were violently torn out of the head. Pain in the ears and temples, which is alternately lacerating from within outwards, and pressing from without inwards; this pain alternates with a similar pain in the orbits. Sharp thrusts in the internal ear, like a painful dragging. The muscles behind the left ear are painful, the pain extending as far as the neck. Stitches in the external ear, with hardness of hearing. *Stitches in the internal ear, occurring during eructations tasting of the ingesta. Drawing pain from the ears as far as the nape of the neck. Puriform liquid exuding from the ears. *Tingling in tl/e ears.-Din in the ears as of trumpets and cymbals, also like the whizzing of the wind (immediately); afterwards *humming and murmuring, worst when sitting, relieved when standing or lying, still better when walking. *Roaring in the ears. Vertigo and dull colic. Wind rushes out at the ears. Deafness, as if a skin had been drawn over the ears. *iHard hearing.-~Acute otitis.-~Hardness of hearing from a cold, after cutting the hair.-*Inflammatory swelling of the parotid glands. NOSE.-Small red blotches near the root of the nose, painful only when touched, as from subcutaneous ulceration. Pimples on the cheeks and nose, becoming quickly filled with pus, and covered with a crust. Cold nose. Diminished or increased smell. *Bleeding at the nose. *Tingling in the tip of the nose, going off by friction. *Fine stitches in the tip of the nose, the whole night, beginning in the evening. *Sudden redness of the tip of the nose, with a burning sensation. * Ulcerated state of the nostrils and the corners of the lips; but they neither itch nor pain.-~Great dryness of the nose; -at times it is stopped up, at times water flows from it.-*Coryza, *zvith ough; -fluent coryza of one nostril, with smell as of herringbrine. JAWS AND TEETH.-*Lock-jaw. Lock-jaw, accompanied by convulsions in all the limbs, and chilliness. Stitches.and tension of the jaw, in the direction of th.e ear. Excessive pain when biting. Swelling of the cervical glands, painful at night; not painful during deglutition. Cramp-like, tensive sensation of the left cervical muscles, even during rest. *Grinding of the teeth, with foam at the mouth, smelling like rotten eggs. Spasm of the right arm. *Painful swell. ing of the right side of the gums, with.fever and sensation of chilli. ness. Vesicles on the gums, painful like burns. Ulcerative pain of the gums when touched. Heat in the gums; itching and throbbing. The gums of a hollow tooth are bleeding. Toothache, more drawing 374 BELLADONNA. than lancinating. Toothache, with drawing in the ear. *He wakes after midnight, with a violent lacerating in the teeth.-Uniform, simple toothache, resembling a sore pain, brought on by the contact of the open air. Toothache in the evening after lying down, and when engaged in some kind of intellectual activity; a numb pain in the dental nerve, almost resembling a sore pain, or a continuous lancination in severe cases. Toothache; sharp drawing from the ear down into the hollow teeth of the upper jaw; in the teeth, the pain became boring, less when eating, increasing, after the meal, worst at night, and hindering sleep. Dull drawing in the upper and right row of teeth, the whole night; painful jerks were occasionally felt in the teeth. *[Digging (searching) toothache (lasting only a short while.)] *The fore-teeth feel too long. The teeth are painful when biting, as if the roots were ulcerated, and would break off immediately. Painful dartings in the nerves of the roots of one or more teeth.--Rheumatic toothache, particularly in females, especially when pregnant.-~Throbbing (lacerating, and digging) in the teeth of pregnant females.-- Lacerating toothache, worse in the evening; Olancinating lacerating on the left side, now in the ears, then in the teeth, then in the face.-~ Toothache, with red, hot face, and beating in the head.-~Difficult dentition. MOUTH.-ORed, inflammatory swelling of the mouth and fauces. "*The tongue is painful, especially to the touch; it is red, hot, and dry, with red edges, and white in the middle; *cracked tongue, white coated, #with ptyalism. Feeling in the tip of the tongue as if it had a vesicle upon it, painfully burning when touched. *The papillc are bright-red, inflamed, and swollen. *Tremor of the tongue. *Stammering weakness of the organs of speech, with unimpaired consciousness and dilatation of the pupils. Passing aphonia. *Paralytic weakness of the organs of speech. Speechlessness. Dumbness. *Heavy speech, heavy breathing, and great lassitude, consequent upon the oppressed condition of the chest. *Nasal voice. "*The tongue is covered with a quantity of yellowish-white, 'tough (Oor brown) mucus. *Profuse ptyalism, Omercurial; *soreness of "the inner side of the cheek; *the orifice of the salivary ducts feels corroded. *The saliva in his throat was thick, tenacious, white, and sticking to the tongue like glue. *Slimy mouth, with sensation as if a bad smell came from it, as when the stomach is deranged. *Slimy mouth, early in the morning when waking, with headache. oGreat feeling of dryness in the mouth, -with irritable mood, mouth and tongue looking moist. *Considerable dryness in the throat and mouth, with thirst, *parched condition of the mouth, as if the skid BELLADONNA. 37. had been destroyed by something acrid or corrosive. *Hcemorrhage from the mouth and nose. THROAT.-Roughness of the throat. Rawness and soreness of the palate. Dryness in the fauces and burning of the tongue. * Violent burning in the throat, the mouth being naturally moist. Food and beverage cause a burning sensation in the mouth, like spirits of wine. *Infiammation of the throat and fauces, ~phlegmonous with violent fever (alternating Bell. and Acon.); oinflammation of the velum-pendulum; Oof the uvula. Continual desire to swallow. *Sore throat, stitches in the fauces, and pain as from an internal swelling; -felt only when swallowing and turning the neck, or when touching its side. Internal swelling of the throat. *Soreness of the throat when swallowing or spitting. OSensation as of a lump which cannot be removed. *Violent lancinating pain in the throat when swallowing or breathing. *Stitches in the left side of the throat. *Inflammnation of the tonsils; they suppurate in four days,; Othe inflamed parts are covered with a white, tenacious mucus, as with a skin; 0mercurial angina.-*Impeded deglutition, or entire inability to swallow even liquids, Owhich return by the nose. *Considerable constriction of the fauces. Contraction of the oesophagus, with painful scraping in the region of the epiglottis. *Painful contraction and narrowing of the fauces. *When swallowing, one experiences a sensation in the throat as if the parts were too narrow, contracted, as if nothing would go down. Aversion to every kind of liquid, she demeans herself like a fury when seeing it. OHydrophobia;? oconstant urging to swallow, with danger of suffocation when he restrains himself from swallowing; *deglutition is impeded by dryness of the throat and fauces. Paralytic weakness of the inner parts of the mouth. Pressure in the throat, with choking ascending from the abdomen, unaccompanied by either nausea or vomiting, APPETITE AND TASTE.--Loss of taste. *Insipid taste in the mouth. *Disgusting taste, the tongue being clean. *Putrid taste in the mouth, -after having eaten something. OA putrid taste arises from the fauces, also while eating or drinking, although both food and drink have a natural taste. *Flat sweetish, or *viscid taste in the mouth. Saltish, sourish taste in the mouth, Obitter taste. *Bread tastes and smells sour. *The smell of milk is disgusting and repulsive, and has at first a bitter or sourish taste. *Aversion to food. *Total aversion to all sorts of nourishment and drinks, with frequent and weak pulse. *Complete loss of appetite. Want of appetite, with headache. Diminished appetite; *meat especially is repulsive to him. *Repugnance to beer; *to acid things. *Long-lasting 376 BELLADONNA, aversion to food. ~Insatiable hunger. A peculiar contractive sen. sation in the stomach after eating a little. Cough and great thirst after a meal. Feeling of intoxication after a meal. Violent pinching below the umbilicus after a meal, directly behind the abdominal integuments. *Absence of thirst. Desire for drinks, without caring about drinking; he approached the cup to his lips, and then set it down again immediately. Excessive thirst in the evening, with watery taste. *Great desire for cold drinks, without any heat. Violent thirst at dinner. Violent, burning, suffocative, unquenchable thirst, with inability to swallow the least drop, or with great aversion to drinks; ohe drinks with a trembling haste. GASTRIC SYMPTOMS.-Bitter, *frequent eructations, with want of appetite, and vertigo. *Half-suppressed incomplete eructatzons. Putrid, burning, sore eructations.-Heartburn. oWater-brash. *Reepeated attacks of violent hiccough. *Violent hiccough about midnight. *Eructation resenmbling hiccough; a sort of spasmodic eructat'ion. Nightly hiccough, with violent sweat. Convulsions of the head and limbs after hiccough. afterwards nausea and lassitude. *Nausea and inclination to vomit in the throat (not in the pit of the stomach), with occasional bitter eructations, in the evening. Qualmishness after breakfast. *Frequent attacks of nausea in the forenoon. Inclination to vomit, when walking in the open air. *Nausea in the stomach. Nausea, with inclination to vomit, especially when about to eat. Nausea, inclination to vomit, and vehement thirst. Vomiting in the evening. *Vomiting, vertigo, and flushes of heat. *Vomiting of bile and mucus. *Vomiting of undigested food, which had been taken twelve hours previous. OSour, watery vomiting. *Unsuccessful inclination to vomit; empty retching. SToMACH.-Violent pains in the region of the pit of the stomach. *HIard and painful pressure in the stomach, especially after a meal. Periodical pain in the pit of the stomach, with tremor, at night. Painful pressure in the pit of the stomach, felt only when walking; he has to walk slowly. *Spasm of the stomach, resembling a cramp. Chronic spasm of the stomach, always occurring during a meal. Contractive pain in the pit of the stomach. Burning in the stomach Stitches in the pit of the stomach. Excessive, lancinating, and cutting pain in the pit of the stomach, which forces one to bend the body backwards, and to arrest the breathing. Inflammation of the stomach and duodenum. ABDOMEN.-Burning in the abdomen.. *Continual colic. *Colic, constipation, enuresis, with eructations and inclination to vomit. Colic, spasmodic tension, from the chest into the abdomen; so vio BELLADONNA. 377 lent that he is unable to move his body. Colic and leucorrhcea. *Pressure in the abdomen as from a stone, in the evening, with pains in the loins. ODigging pains in the abdomen. *Distended, but neither hard nor painful abdomen. *Sensation as if the abdomen were distended, with con.trictive colic below the umbilicus, coming on in paroxysms, and obliging one to bend double. Distention of the abdomen around the ribs, owith protrusion of the colon like a pad Pressure in the abdomen, which is drawn in (when lying down). *Cramp-like, constrictive pain in the lowermost intestines, alternating with dull stitches or jerks in the direction of the perineum. *Constriction of the abdomen around the umbilicus, as if a ball or lump would form. *Colic, as if a spot in the abdomen were seized with the nails, a griping, clutching, seizing as with talons (clawing). Contractive dragging in the umbilical region, especially about noon and in the afternoon. * Violent contractive griping in the right side of the abdomen when walking, accompanied by sharp stitches darting irom that side through the right side of the chest and the axilla. Exrr,nely painful contractive gr:piTgs in the umbilical region, coming from both sides, and meeting in the umbilicus. *Pinching colic; he is obliged to sit with his body bent double, with unsuccessful inclination to diarrhoea and subsequent vomiting. OFlatulent colic. Painful pinching in the region of the liver. Lancinations in the inguinal glands. Sticking, with pressure, in the umbilical region. Violent, incisive pressure in the hypogastrium, here and there. Itching stinging about the umbilicus, passing off by rubbing. Heat, with anxiety, in the abdomen, chest, and face, with obstruction of the nose. Heat from below upwards, with sweat as from anguish; afterwards nausea with horrible anguish, the nausea descending more and more in the abdomen. *Long lasting painfulness of the whole abdomen, as if it were all sore and raw. Rumbling and pinching in the abdomen.-~Painfulness of the abdomen to contact.OPeritonitis.?-oEnteritis.? STOOL AND ANus.-Shuddering, during stool. Desire for stool, with sensation in the abdomen as if diarrhoea would come on, accompanied by heat in the abdomen. *Papescent stool, mixed with mucus. Heat in the head, alternating with diarrhoea. Diarrhoea, inclination to vomit, and pressure in the stomach. -Granular, yellow, somewhat *slimy stool (Stool smells very sour). Stool white or green, with enuresis and sweat. *Diarrhaic stool, followed by frequent urging, little or no stool being passed. Frequent loose stools, with tenesmus. ODysenteric stools.? *Tenesmus, with diarrheic stool in small quantity, followed immediately by increased tenesmus. 878 BELLADONNA. *Tenesmus and colic. Vomiting after tenesmus. *Tenesmus, con, stant pressing and bearing down in the direction of the anus and the genital organs, alternating with painful contraction of the anus. Pressure zn the rectum, towards the orifice. *Constipation. Constipation with inflation of the abdomen, and heat in the head. *Contraitive pain in the rectum, afterwards sore pain in the epigastrium, followed by sudden diarrhoeic stool, lastly tenesmus. Violent itching and constrictive sensation in the anus. Hemorrhoidal flux for several days. *Involuntary discharge offceces, -from paralysis of the sphineter-ani. URINE.-*Suppression of stool and urine for ten hours, -accompanied by profuse sweat. *Difficult micturition. *Retention of urine, which comes off only drop by drop. *Frequent desire to urinate, the urine being passed in very small quantity, although of a natural color. *Yellow, turbid urine. Clear, lemon-colored urine. *Urine yellow as gold. Urine with white, thick sediment. Scanty, dark, or brown-red urine. The urine becomes turbid, like yeast, with reddish sediment. *Frequent and copious emission of urine., Frequent and copious emission of pale, thin, watery urine. Enuresis at night, with profuse sweat. Enuresis, especially in the morning, with thirst and obscuration of vision. Enuresis with appearance of the menses. Enuresis from paralysis of the neck of the bladder. *Inability to retain the urine. Sensation of writhing and turning in the bladder, as if there were a large worm in it, without any desire to urinate. Dull pressure in the region of the bladder at night. ONephritis.? MALE GENITAL ORGANS.-Itching titillation in the fore part of the glans. Lacerating in the spermatic cord. Lancination all along the urethra. Soft, painless tumor on the glans. Lancinations in the testicles, which are drawn up. Nocturnal emission of semen, the penis being relaxed. Violent lancinations in the pubic region at every step, apparently in the internal genital organs. FEMALE GENITAL ORGANS.-The menses appear four days too soon, Othey are suppressed, Otoo pale. Increased flow of the menses. Pressing early in the morning, as if all the contents of the abdomen would issue through the genital organs, followed by a discharge of a white mucus. Leucorrhoea and colic.-OPressing,followed by hemorrhage.-*Stitches in the inner parts, Ogreat dryness of the vagina; Oprolapsus and induration of the uterus.-~Flow of blood between the periods.-Metrorrhagia, the blood having a bad smell, oof a bright-red color, with lumps.-~Moral derangement, toothache, cardialgia, and colic of pregnant females; oattachment of the placenta; Ohamorrhage after confinement, or after miscarriage; spasms of BELLADONNA. 379 parturient women; ophlegmasia-alba-dolens, nymphomania, and other complaints of lying-in women; omilk-fever; odeficiency of milk, or Ogalactorrhoea, and difficulties in consequence of weaning; Odeficient lochia; opuerperalfever, particularly after a violent emotion, or after suppression of the secretion of milk; oerysipelatous inflammnation of the manmmce, particularly from weaning; Oswelling and induration of the mammse; ocancer of the mamma.-OOphthalmia, spasms, sleeplessness, and screams of new-born infants; Otroublcs from dentition. LARYNx.-*Hoarseness. Rough, hoarse voice. *Noise and rattling in the bronchial tubes. Every inspiration causing an irritation, with dry cough. *The voice is rough, hoarse; *weak and whizzing; onasal; *aphonia.-O~Great painfulness of the larynx, with danger of - sufocation when touching or turning the throat, when coughing, talking, or taksng breath,; ~spasmodic constriction of the throat.oGrippe.?-OLaryngitis and tracheitis; *angina membranacea.? "*Violent cough about noon, several days in succession, with discharge of a large quantity of tenacious mucus. *Coughing fit, with subsequent heat, ~with asthma, from congestion of blood to the chest. *Night-cough, frequently waking herfrom sleep, with rattling of mucus in scrofulous subjects; Owith catarrh and stitches in the sternum, with lacerating in the chest. *Violent dry cough (in the forenoon), as if a foreign body had got into the larnyx; with coryza. *Itching titillation in the back part of the larynx, in the evening when in bed, causing an irresistible dry cough. *Sensation as of a dry catarrh having settled in the chest, which continually excites a dry cough. Dry cough day, and night, from titillation in the pit of the throat, or with headache and redness of the face.-Short and hacking cough, from scraping in the throat; Ohollow cough, Obarking, spasmodic, especially after midnight, with gagging.--oWhooping cough. *Ex. pectoration of bloody mucus, early in the morning when coughing. Violent cough during sleep, with gnashing of teeth. Cough, with lancinations in the side under the left ribs. *The cough is preceded by weeping, Oor pain in the stomach, and accompanied by a sensation as if he would vomit; Oby lancinitions in the hypogastrium, as if the uterus would be torn off. CHEST.-*Oppression of the chest. *Labored, *irregular breathing, "at times hurried, at times slow; Oviolent expirations. *Difficult respiration. *Small, frequent, anxious, oshort, and hurried inspira. tions, owith moaning. *Pressure in the chest, affecting the heart. Violent oppression across the chest, as if compressed from both sides. *Asthma Feeling of oppression in the chest, in the evening when 380 BELLADONNA. in bed, with difficulty in taking an inspiration, as if prevented by mucus in the trachea; accompanied by a burning in the chest. Burning in the right half of the chest. Stitches in the sternum when coughing or yawning. *Fine stitches under the clavicle, from before backwards, during a walk. *Fine stitches in the left side of the chest, extending from the sternum towards the axilla, more violent,during motion. Stitches in the side of the chest under the right arm. Pinching-stitching pain in the chest on both sides of the upper part of the sternum. OTension in the chest.-oOHysteric spasms of the chest.-Continuous stitch with pressure in the cartilage of the left ribs, increasing in violence during an expiration, when it resembles a burning sensation. Painful pressure below the right nipple; in the chest, and between the shoulders; *with short breathing, when walking or sitting. Crampy painful pressure in both halves of the chest. Great uneasiness in the chest. (*Palpitation of the heart, when at rest, as if the shock extended to the neck, increasing during motion, with difficult and slow breathing). A sort of palpitation of the heart when going up-stairs, a kind of bubbling sensation. Chest and thighs are covered with dark-red small spots of different sizes. *The breasts become filled with milk (in a female who is not pregnant), the milk running out.-*Tremor of the heart, with anguish and oan aching pain. BACK.-Dull intensely painful drawing in the whole circumference oC the pelvis.-Intense cramp-pain in the small of the oack and the os coccygis; he can only sit for a short while; unable to lie upon the back, and relieved mostly by standing and walking about slowly. Rheumatic pain in the back. Lancinations from without inwards in the vertebra, resembling stabs with a knife. Pain, as from a sprain, in the right side of the back and the spinal column. Cramplike, oppressive sensation in the middle of the spinal column, becoming tensive when attempting to straighten the back. The back, especially the scapulat are covered with large red pimples; the whole skin looks red, and feels sore when touched. Aching under the left scapula, more towards the outer side. Pain between the scapula, as if the parts had been strained by lifting. Itching stinging of the scapula. Stitching with pressure on the top of the left shoulder. *Painful stiffness between the scapulae and in the nape of the neck when turning the neck and head to and fro, early in the morning.-Aching pain in the outer side of the neck, when bending the head backwards or when touching the parts. *Glandular swelling on the nape of the neck, with cloudiness of the head. *Painful swelling of one of ihe left azillary glands.-*Painful swelling and stiffness of the nape of BELLADONNA. 381 the neck; -crampy tension, drawing, and drawing pressure in the muscles; -perceptible throbbing of the vessels; distended veins; ~sour sweat on the neck; lacerating in the axilla. ARMs.--*Lacerating with pressure, in the shoulder, Odarting suddenly along the arm, particularly painful at night, relieved by pressing upon the parts, excited by movement. Extension and stretching of the upper limbs. Rheumatic pains of the arm with tingling, followed by convulsions of the same arm. The arm feels stunned and painful. Swelling of the arm. Great languor in the arms, especially in the hands. Weight in both arms. Weight and lanmeness of the upper limbs, more however of the left one. *Lameness and pressure of the arms with weakness. *Lameness with lacerating and pressure in the anterior surface of the left upper arm. Concussive spasms of the upper limbs. Drawing pain in the inner side of the left upper arm. Lacerating pain in the humerus. Pain, as from bruises, in the upper arms. Creeping along the left arm. Lameness and drawing pa in in the elbow and the fingers. Stitches in the fore-arm. Cttling lacerating in the lower muscles of the right fore-arm. Lanteness and lacerating in the carpal bones and bones of the hand. Copious, cold sweat of the hands. *Swelling of the hands. Feeling of stiffness in the hand and the fingers. LEGS.-OCoxalgia, with burning stinging in the articulation, most violent at night and by contact,; ~stiffness in the hip-joints, after sitting, with difficulty in rising from the seat.-Pain of the thighs and legs as if bruised. Occasional lassitude of the lower limbs, with drawing pain. *Heaviness of the thighs and legs when walking, accompanied by stiffness of the knee-joints. *Paralytic drawing in the right lower limb. Lameness of the lower limbs; she had to lie down, suffering with nausea, tremor, anxiety, and vertigo.-Pain of the left hip, with limping. Tension in the hip-joints when walking, as if they were sprained. Cutting and darting lacerating in the muscles of the thigh when sitting. Excessive weight and stitches in the thighs, when walking; also when sitting. Painful throbbing in the upper and inner part of the left thigh. Violent pains in the knee. Tremor of the knees. Disagreeable sensation in the joints of the limbs, especially the knee-joints, as if they would give way, especially when walking, and mostly when going down a height. Lassituaie of the legs when going up-stairs, especially of the calves. Creeping in the legs from below upwards, externally, accompanied with sensation as of innumerable stitches, internally. Pain in the leg, as if jammed, with a dull lacerating and confused commotion internally, especially in the right, relieved by letting the leg hang down. Burning lace, 882 BENZOIC ACIC. rating along the leg, through the inner side of the patella. Tremulous weight of the legs. Dull lacerating in the legs. Excessive pain in the legs, obliging one to extend them. Drawing weight in the legs. Lacerating pain in the tibia. Cramp in the calf when bending the leg, in the evening when in bed, going off by extending the leg. Lacerating and pressure in the middle of the inner side of the leg. Sweat of the feet, without any warmth, when sitting. Corrosive itching of the feet. Pain as from a sprain in the tarsal bones, when walking or bending the foot inwards. Cramp in the sole of the foot, in the evening when in bed. Burning, and digging sensation in the soles of the feet. Tingling in the feet from below upwards. Swelling of the feet. Heat, especially in the feet. Stinging pain in the soles of th-e feet. Pain, as from a bruise, in the ball of the heel, when treading upon it. PATHOLOGICAL ANATOMY.-Rigidity of the whole body.-- The fingers, particularly the thumbs, are spasmodically clenched.Great distention of the whole body.-Rapid decay of the body.Absence of putrefaction.-Horrible smell of the body.-The blood is generally in a state of decomposition.-Frothy blood from the eyes, nose, and mouth; discharge of a watery, brown-yellow, disgustinglysmelling fluid from the nose, mouth, genitals, and anus.-Expression of fear and dread in the countenance.-The mouth is tightly closed. -Hard abdomen and distended to such a degree that it seems as if it would burst; the abdomen, penis, and genitals are hard as a stone, emitting a frothy, fetid water when opened; effusion of a yellowish serum into the abdominal cavity.-The veins of the abdomen are turgid with a black-red blood.-Intense inflammation of the mucous membrane of the pharynx, cesophagus, and stomach, which can be easily detached.-Yellow coating in the stomach of bile and mucus. "46.-BENZOIC ACID. BENZ. AC.-Flowers of Benzoin.-See "Transactions of the Amer. Institute of Homoeopathy," 1846. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-Itching on various parts of the body and extremities. SLEEP.-Wakes after midnight with violent pulsation of the heart and temporal arteries (110 in the minute), without external heat, and cannot fall asleep again; in the morning, the tongue is covered with a white mucous coat; nausea and total loss of appetite: in the afternoon, at four o'clock, all these symptoms had vanished. He wakes BENZOIC ACID. 3083 every morning about two o'clock, from strong internal heat and a hard, bounding, but not quickened pulse, so that he must lie.awake upon his back, because the pulsation of the temporal arteries sounds like puffing in the ears, and prevents him from going to sleep again. FEVER.-Feeling of coldness of the knees, as if they were blown upon by a cold wind. Frequent pulse. HEAD.-Confusion of the head with drowsiness. Pain in the temples. Pressure on the whole of the upper part of the head and spinal column, as if they were pressed together by an elastic body. Itching of the scalp. EYEs.-Itching in the angles of the eyes. EARS.-Itching in the left ear. Shooting pain in the right, ear; intermitting. TEETH.-Slight cutting pain in the teeth. Darting pain in carious molars in both jaws. MOUTH.-Soreness of the back part of the tongue, felt most whilst swallowing. Sensation of soreness and rawness at the root of the tongue, and on the palate. *Extensive, ulcerations of the tongue, with deeply chapped or fungoid surface.. *An ulcerated tumor in the left side of the mouth, upon the soft commissure of the jaws- behind the last molar teeth. THROAT.-Heat in the oesophagus, as from acid eructation. STOMACH.-Singultus. Sensation of heat throughout the abdomen. Pain in the left side of the abdomen immediately below the short ribs. BowELS.-Bowels freely open, with. extraordinary pressure to stool. *Fetid, watery, white stools, very copious and exhausting in infants, the urine being of a very deep-red color. URINE.-Irritability of bladder, too frequent desire to evacuate the bladder, the urine normal in appearance. Urine at first only increased in quantity and not in frequency. In a few days urination became exceedingly frequent, with strong pressing. Urine of an aromatic odor, and saline taste; the odor long retained, most in the forenoon. *Urine highly-colored, sometimes of the color. of brandy, the urinous odor exeeedingly strong. *Urine of the above character, of a specific gravity greater than that of healthy urine passed into the same vessel, retaining its place below the healthy urine without admixture, and. though of a very deep-red color, depositing no sedi. ment. *Hot, scalding urine of a deep-red color and strong odor, causing so much suffering in its passage that this was performed but once a day. GENITAL ORGANS.-A thrilling almost painful sensation on the left 384 BERBERIS VULGARIS. side of the glans-penis, extending into the urethra, so severe as to occasion starting, ending in a sensation of tickling and itching. LARYNX.-Sneezing, with slight hoarseness, without accompanying catarrhal symptoms. *Troublesome, and almost constant dry hacking cough. BAcK-Dull pain in the back, in the region of the kidneys. ARMS AND LEGS.-Giving way and cracking of the joints, both of the superior and inferior extremities, in motion. Pain in the joints of the fingers of the right hand. Pain in the right tendo-achillis, and in the region of the heart at the same time. The pain is incessantly and suddenly changing its location, but its most constant seat is in the region of the heart. *Pain in the large joints of the great toes, with slight tumefaction and redness 47. -BERRERIS VULGARIS. BERB. V.-Barberry.-See Journal fil Arzneimittellehre, I., 1.-Duration of Action: several weeks: COMPARE WITH-Aloes, Ars., Asa-f, Bry., Cale., Carb.-v., Cham., Chin., Lye., Natr.-mur., Nitr.-ac., Nux-v., Puls., Rheum., Tarax., Tart.-em. ANTIDOTEs.-Camph.-According to Buchner, Barberry antidotes Acon. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-Itching, corrosive sensations here and there.-Smarting pain, as from excoriation (on the genital organs).Lacerating pains (head, eyes, ears, cheeks, upper-jaw, lips, teeth, neck, abdomen, mons-veneris, chest, back, extremities).-Lancinating, darting pains (head, eyes, ears, teeth, tongue, stomach, abdomen, inguinal region and region of the bladder, extremities).-Tensive aching pains (bones, head, eyes, nape of the neck, chest, inguinal and vesical region, small of the back, extremities).-Feeling of coldness in various parts.-Bubbling sensation in various parts.-Jerking pains herd and there.-Burning sensation in various parts of the body.-Bone-pains; distention of joints.-Lymphatic swellings on the tendon.-Feeling of anxiety during movement, long standing, rising from a seat, or early in the morning, when sitting up in the bed or rising.-General languor and debility, increased by walking or standing for some time, feeling of exhaustion, even after slight exertion only; languor, even unto trembling; slow, feeble pulse.General feeling as if bruised in the whole body, particularly in the lower limbs, and more especially after stooping for some time.Weakness, almost amounting to fainting, when walking, standing, or rising, sometimes accompanied with vertigo; condition of fainting BERBERIS VULGARIS. 385 while walking, after riding in a carriage; fainting turn after a walk, with sudden seething, of the blood, sweat, heat of the upper half of the body; coldness, paleness, and sunken appearance of the face, oppression of the chest shortly before going to bed, shivering while entering the bed, difficulty in falling asleep, restless tossing about, and heavy dreams.-oArthritic and rheumatic complaints connected with affections of the urinary organs, or hcemorrhoidal afections, or menstrual derangement, complaints which are either aggravated or excited by movement, fatigue, riding in a carriage or on horseback, coition, spirituous drinks. CHARACTERISTIC PECULIARITIES.-The pains are either excited or aggravated by movement.-The pains are more particularly experienced on the left side.-The pains are frequently most violent in the afternoon. SKIN.-Burning pricking, as of mosquitoes, in the skin of the head. -Corrosive itching and stinging in the scalp and face, felt repeatedly in various places. Small, dingy-red, petechial, sometimes slightly itching or burning spots on the fore-arms, or on the dorsum of the hand.-Blotches like nettle-rash on the upper arm.-Clusters of red, burning itching or stinging, also gnawing pimples on the skin, painful when pressed upon, generally surrounded with a vividly-red areola, and surmounted by small tips containing pus, lastly changing to brown, spots, resembling hepatic spots.-Painful, intensely-red and inflamed pimples on the mucous membrane of the cheeks and lips, w'ith ulceration in the centre.-Vesicles on the lower lip, of the size of a pea or smaller; blisters on the tongue and gums.-Soreness of the skin around the anus, with violent burning, severe pain to the touch, and great sensitiveness when sitting, terminating in the formation of a crust around the border of the anus.-Soreness of the anus, after a walk of several hours. SLEEP.-Great weariness and drowsiness in the daytime and evening.-Unusually long sleep, with a feeling of languor and as if bruised, with oppressive headache, pain in the small of the back and loins.-Repeated waking at night, with tightness in the head, congestion of blood to the head, and nervous irritation.-Restless sleep, disturbed with itching and burning, or with anxious dreams; sleep full of dreams, restless.-Bodily and mental languor, early in the morning on waking. FEVER.-Chiiliness, particularly before or after dinner, with icycold feet, dryness and viscidity of the mouth, without thirst.-Chilli. ness along the back.-Chills over the whole body, with subsequent heat and increase of thirst.-Feeling of chilliness on the whole body, 17 386 BER BERIS VULGARIS. with heat in the face and icy-cold feet.-Heat in the hands and head, in the afternoon.-Feeling of heat the whole day.-Violent flush of heat in the face, particularly in the evening. Profuse nightsweat. MORAL SYMPToMs.-Mental languor, with difficulty to collect one's senses, and weakness of thought.-Want of disposition to work; dizziness; indifferent, calm, sometimes even apathetic mood.-Disposition to weep.-Out of humor.-Anxious mood, with great fearfulness and tendency to start. Great anguish and uneasiness. HEAD.-Giddiness and dizziness in the head, when walking, or at work, with weakness, as if he would faint in stooping.-Feeling of intoxication in the head.-Empty and muddled sensation in the head; stupid and dizzy feeling in the head.-Early in the morning the head feels dull and heavy, sometimes with languor, ill-humor, and chilli. ness; feeling of heaviness and fullness, particularly the sinciput. Sensation as if the head were swollen and bloated.-Feeling of tension and numbness in the skin of the head and face.-Oppressive, or oppressive tensive pain in the whole head, particularly the fore part; dull aching or stinging pain in the head.-Oppressive dragging, tensive pain in the forehead, increased or excited by stooping, relieved in the open air.-Pressing pain in the forehead and temples, from within outwards.-Oppressive pain in the temporal regions, in the direction of the eyes.-Lacerating pain in the whole head.-Sticking pains in the head, generally darting or shooting, or in paroxysms.-Lancinating pain in the forehead and temples.Increased warmth in the head; heat in the head after dinner, and in the afternoon. Peculiar feeling of coldness in the temporal region. - The pains are relieved in the open air and aggravated by movement. EYES.-Sunken eyes, surrounded with blue or dingy-gray borders. -Itching in ýhe eye-brows and eye-lids, burning, biting, or stinging; itching in the canthi of the eyes, sometimes biting or' stinging.Heaviness in the eye-lids when moving them.-Feeling as if the lids were swollen.-Heat in the face in the evening, mostly in and around the eyes; heat, burning, and redness of the inner surface of the lids Continual dryness of the eyes.-Dryness and biting or burning, sometimes with a sensation as if sand 'were in the eyes, with occasional slight redness of the conjunctiva of the lids and even the eye-ball.Inflammation of those canthi where the lachrymal glands are situated; sensation of coldness in the eyes.-Pressure and burning in the eyes. -Intermittent, painful lacerating in the eye-ball.-Bubbling in the eye.-Dartings in the eyes.-The eyes are sensitive to bright light.-- BERBERIS VULGARIS. 387 Most of the eye-symptoms seem to become worse in the open air; movement of the eye-balls excites or aggravates the pains'. EARS.-Heat or itching in the ears.-Drawing pains in the ears, terminating in severe stitches.-Lacerating and lancinating pain in the inner ears, alternating with similar phenomena in other parts of the head. Pressing pain with stitches in the ear, as if the parts were being dug up by something.-Painless beating with pressure, and buzzing in the ears, particularly the left, with dryness and a feeling of coldness of the ear.-Lancinations through the tympanum at intervals, causing one to start, mingled with fine digging-up stitches and a sensation as if the ears were full.-Stitches in the ear. NOSE.-Frequent tingling, biting, or itching in the nostril.-Profuse coryza, with oppression of the chest, particularly at night.-Dryness of the mucous membrane of the nose.-Catarrh of the nose, lasting for months. FACE.-Striking paleness of the face, with a dingy-grayish tinge, sunken cheeks and deep-seated eyes surrounded with bluish or blackishgray borders.-Frequently-returning evanescent heat of the countenance, with redness.-Cool cheeks and hot temples,-Pressing-sticking pains in the jaws, particularly in the lower jaw, more especially at night. TEETH.-Slight bleeding of the gums.-Dingy-red border of the gums.-Sensation in the teeth as if too long, too large or dull.-- Scraping-gnawing pain in the roots and on the body of all the lower molares. Ulcers on the gums. Lacerating pain in the upper molares. Darting through the teeth, with sensation as if the gums were loose, and as if the teeth were raised out of their sockets. MouTH.-Burning about the mouth and chin.-Simple, or else biting or burning itching in the lips, going off by rubbing.-The mouth feels dry and sticky.-Bad, metallic smell from the mouth.Stinging-burning sensation on the tongue, with painfulness to the touch.-Painful white blister on the tip of the tongue; violentlystinging, small, red pimples on the tongue, the fore part of which is stiff and somewhat thick. THROAT.-Dryness in the throat and feeling of pressure in the posterior region of the palate and fauces.-Scraping in the throat.-- The pain is either excited or increased by talking or swallowing, and is accompanied with redness of the tonsil. Inflammation of the throat, with stiffness of the neck, hoarseness, and burning in the throat. APPETITE AND TASTE.-Increased thirst and dryness of the mouth. -Hunger without appetite.-Increased appetite, almost like canine hunger.-Loss of appetite, with taste bitter as bile.-Bitter, sour taste; long-continuing, bitter, scraping-burning taste, particularly in 388 BERBERIS VULGARIS. the palate.-Bad, qualmish taste in the mouth, as if coming out of the stomach, like heartburn. GASTRIC SYMPTOMs.-Nausea and inclination to vomit before breakfast, disappearing after breakfast, nausea and languor. Empty eructations; bilious eructations.-Singultus.-Intensely stingingburning taste; peculiar pain in the stomach, resembling heartburn, sometimes rising into the oesophagus. STOMACH.-Violent, continued, lancinating colicky pains in the upper part of the abdomen, in the stomach and left hypochondrium, increased by respiration, movement, and contact, in the evening on going to bed: with shortness of breath and distention of the abdomen. Whirling sensation in the region of the stomach.-Pressure in the stomach, a few hours after a meal. AnnoMEN.-Distention.of the abdomen.-Drawing-lacerating or lancinating pain in the left hypochondrium, with sensation on taking an inspiration as if something were torn loose. Sticking pain with pressure in that region of the liver, near the gall-bladder; pressure in the region of the liver, in the border of the false ribs.-Dull sticking or stinging, or burning, gnawing, aching pain on one side of the umbilicus, increased by deep pressure, and passing either to the right lumbar region, or else to the inguinal, hepatic, splenetic region, or to the region of the stomach.-Lancinating pain in the abdomen.-Drawing pain in the abdomen.-Cutting-Ierking pains in the umbilical region, or superficial lancinating pain in that region, sometimes extending towards the lumbar region.-Sticking, darting, or else pressing sticking, or tensive sticking, or oppressive dragging-pain, in the inguinal region, aggravated by walking.-Cutting-contractive pain in the inguinal ring from without inwards.-Externally: violent burning pain under the skin in the left side of the abdomen; wanderinglacerating or lancinating pains in the walls of the abdomen, particularly in the left hypochondrium in the direction of the umbilicus. STOOL AND ANus.-Hard, scanty stool; tinged with blood.Copious faecal diarrhoea with a good deal of pressing; copious liquid stool, with constant colic.-TVatery evacuation.-Burning-stinging pain in the anus before, during, and after stool.-Tensive-pressing in the small of the back and anus after stool, sensation as if he would go to stool again.-Painful pressure in the perinmeum.-Sensation of fullness in the anus.-Pressing in the anus, frequently-returning irritation in the anus, or smarting pain as if the parts were excoriated, or at times simple itching, and at times a burning titillation in the anus and in the surrounding parts, transitory stinging or beating pain in the anus.-Continual violent bulning pain and soreness as from BERBERIS VULG ARIS. 3S9 excoriation at the anus.-Hcemorrhoidal tumors with burning pain make their appearance several times after stool. URINE.-Oppressive-tensive, or lancinating pain in the region of the kidneys.-Sensation in the kidneys as from ulceration.-The pains in the region of the kidney are generally worse when stooping and rising again, and when sitting or lying down than when standing.-Painful cutting, extending from the left kidney in the direction of the ureter into the region of the bladder and the urethra; violent sticking pain in the bladder, extending from the kidneys into the urethra, increased by strong pressure, with urging to urinate.Burning-itching, biting, or smarting pain in the region of the bladder. -Crampy contractive pain in the region of the bladder.-Continuous, frequently-recurring aching pain in the region of the bladder, both when the bladder is full and empty.-Stitch in the urethra, extending nto the bladder.-Titillating pain in the urethra.-- The pains in the urethra are either excited or aggravated by movement.-Urging to urinate.-Pale, yellowish urine, with weak, transparent, jelly-like sediment, or else turbid, flocculent urine, with a more copious mucous sediment, covered with a white, or grayish-white, or reddish bran-like sediment, or yellow-red crystals upon the sediment and the walls of the vessel.-The emission is accompanied with violent pains in the kidneys; the urine looks red as if inflamed, and deposits a copious sediment. MALE GENITAL ORGANS.-Most of the pains in the genital organs are excited and aggravated by movement.-Depression of the sexual instinct: burning pain as from excoriation in the penis.-Stinging in the glans.-Pain in the spermatic cord, which is at times dragging, at times lancinating, and then smarting as from excoriation, and frequently extends into the testicles.-Soft swelling of the spermatio cord.-Lancinating or smarting pain as from excoriation, or smarting burning pain in the testicles, the pain is generally very intense.Burning, itching, and tingling of the scrotum; pain of the scrotum as if sore, particularly of one side, and more especially the left.Shrivelling and coldnes; of the scrotum, with aching pain. FEMALE GENITAL ORGANS.-Smarting pain as from excoriation in the vagina.-Feeling of burning and soreness in the vagina, particularly in the fore part. The menses are very scanty and painful, thd blood is more like serum; in the commencement they are accompanied with a'good deal of chilliness, pain in the small of the back and head, violent lacerating in the whole body.-The menses are. very scanty, and intermitting of a gray mucus with labor-like or ulcerative pains, ill humor and tensive pains in the muscles. 390 BERBERIS VULGARIS. LARYNX.-Hoarseness, with pain or inflammation of the tonsils.-- Rawness, or scraping sensation in the chest.-Short, dry cough, with deep sticking pain behind the sternum, which is increased by a deep inspiration. CHEST.-Pain in the mammae.-Feeling of subcutaneous ulceration and swelling in the lateral region of the chest near the scapula.Oppressed breathing.-Sticking pain between the scapuloe, increased by deep breathing. Stitches (lancinations, dartings, intermittentcontinuous) in the sides of the chest.-Painful dragging-sticking in the region of the heart, outwards and downwards.-Palpitation of the heart. BACK.-Painful stiffness of the neck, with tensive burning, or iacerating-sticking, or lancinating pains in the neck.-Lacerating pain in the side of the neck.-Itching in the nape of the neck.Drawing and lacerating in the scapulve.-Lancinations from the lower region of the dorsal vertebrae through the chest, arresting the breathing.-Itching in the lumbar region.-Digging pain with pressure, or gnawing pain in the lumbar region, as if an abscess would form.-Sticking pain, or sticking pain wuith pressure in the lumbar region, in the region of the kidney, in the side of the abdomen, in the region of the bladder, or the inguinal region; aching, or tensive, lacerating, or lacerating-sticking, in the region of the loins and kidneys, in the posterior region of the pelvis, the thighs, and sometimes extending even dozen into the calves, with a feeling of lameness or swelling in the back, in the lower extremities.-Itching in the small of the back; burning pain, or digging pain with pressure, or sticking pain in the small of the back.-Drawing, lacerating in the small of the back.-Feeling of lameness and as if bruised in the small of the back, felt on waking, worse when sitting or lying down. ARMs.-Feeling of languor and lameness in the arms, which increases to a pain when making an exertion.'-Pain as if sprained in the shoulder-joint, or else pain as of subcutaneous ulceration.Itching.-Burning and burning stitches.-Stinging in the arms and hands.-Smarting-lacerating pain in the arms and fingers.-Drawing and pressure in the arms and hands. Painful lacerating in the arms, extending into the fingers.-Drawing-tensive sensation, aching pain, and wandering-lacerating in the muscular parts of the arm.-Slight redness of the tips of the fingers, with frequent itching in the joints, as if they had been slightly frozen. LEGS.-Emaciation of the lower extremities.-Feeling of weari. ness and as if bruised in the lower extremities, sometimes with heaviness and a feeling of lameness and stiffness, dull aching pain 091 BISMUTHUM. as if bruised in the calves.-Feeling of coldness, or of warmth.Buzzing sensation in the calves, as if they had gone to sleep.-Simple or else burning biting, prickling itching.-Smarting asfrom excoria. tion.-Simple pain as if sore in the bend of the hip-joint, or in the outer parts of the thigh, accompanied wtth burning in the bend of the knee, or in the toes, with pale redness in the toes as if frozen.Burning or burning stitches.-Sticking pulsative pain.-Crampy sensation in the outer parts of the thigh, legs, and feet.-Aching pain in the bend of the knee, with sensation as if the ham-strings were shortened, as if the knee were stiff and swollen, aggravated by bending, and particularly by extending the knee.-Pain in the tibia as if the bone would become enlarged, tensive aching, or pressing, sometimes accompanied with burning.-Drawing tension with lame feeling on rising.-Lancinating pain in the lower extremities.-Pain in the toes as if ulcerated and contused.-Pain as if sprained (partly with lacerating) in the metacarpal joints of the toes, with sensation of swelling, increased by contact.-Violent pain in the inner side of the knee-joint near the patella, penetrating into the bend of the knee, and behind the patella through the joint, as if the part were violently swollen, on bending the knee. 48.-BISMUTHUM. BISM.-Nitrate of Bismuth.-Halnemann's " Mant. Med. Pura," Vol. I.-Duration of Action: from five to seven weeks. ANTIDOTES.-Of small doses: Cale., Caps., Nux-vom. SLEEP.-Languor and depression of strength. When working, an excessive drowsiness assails him.-Excessive drowsiness, afew hours after rising.-Frequent waking, at night, as if in affright. Vivid, anxious dreams at night. N-ight-sleep disturbed by lascivious dreams. -Frequent waking, at night, with lassitude. FEvER.-Flushes of heat over the whole body, especially on the head and chest, without any chilliness either before or after; early in the morning, shortly after rising. MORAL SYMPToMs.-Restless ill-humor. He is peevish and dis. satisfied with his condition. He commences one thing and then another, without finishing any. Solitude is intolerable to him.Violent apprehensive anguish. HEAD.-Vertigo, sensation as if the brain were turning in a circle. Dullness of the head. Heavy, oppressive, painful weight in the forehead, cspecially above the root of the nose, and in both temples 392 BISMUTHIUM. when sitting. Pressure and sensation of weight in the forehead, more violent during motion. Pressure and sensation of weight in the occiput, more violent during motion. Dull pressure, with drawing in different parts of the head, more violent during motion. Dull, cutting pain in the brain, from above the right orbit to the occiput. -Burning contractive feeling, particularly in the forehead and eyes. EYES.-Lacerating pain in the forehead above the internal canthus of the right eye, and in the bottom of the orbit. Pressure in the right eye-ball. Gum in both canthi.-Mistiness before the eyes, with stupefaction. FACE.-Livid complexion, blue borders around the eyes EARS.-Drawing pressure in the external meatus of the left ear. MOUTH AND TASTE.- White coated tongue in the evening, witwhout heat or thirst. Metallic, sweetish-sour taste on the back part of the tongue. Great desire for cold drinks in the evening, without heat. Violent eructations, of a fetid, cadaverous smell. Nausea at the stomach; especially violent after a meal. Violent retching.-Vomiting: vomiting of brownish substances. STOMACH AND ABDOMEN.-Slight nausea, pressure at the stomach, pas.sing over into a burning pressure in the frontal region, vertigo with humming in the ears, redness of the conjunctiva, and quick, rather hard, small pnelse.-Inclination to vomit and actual vomiting, w-ith oppressive anxiety, small pulse, vertigo, and prostration.-Repeated easy vomiting of bile; easy vomiting of bile, with empty eructations and nausea.-YVomiting and diarrhoea, with gagging and burning in the throat.-Violent convulsive gagging and inexpressible pain in the stomach.-Oppression of the stomach, which passes over into a burning; troublesome pressure and burning in the region of the stomach, and afterwards emission of a quantity of flatulence from the stomach;, pressure in the stomach, vertigo, headache, particularly in the frontal region, redness of the eyes and dimness of sight, with small; contracted, rather hard, frequent pulse, elevated temperature of the body, white-coated tongue, loss of appetite, thirst, oppression of the stomach and colicky pains, with emission of a quantity of wind from the stomach, and loose bilious stool.-Inflammation of the stomach. *Pressure in the stomach, especially after a meal.-Burning in the stomach;,cardialgia.-Pinching, with pressure in the abdomen, and rumbling, with urging to stool.Urging in the evening, without any evacuation; evacuation of a cada. verous smell; diarrhoea, watery. URINE.-Frequent and copious micturition; the urine is watery / retention of urine. BORAX VENETA. 393 GENITAL ORGANS.-Aching of the right testicle, more violent when touching it.-Nocturnal emission, without any voluptuous dreams. CHEST.-Fine stingings in the middle of the sternum, not altered by inspiration or expiration. Crampy pressure' in the region of the diaphragm, through the chest, when walking. Violent beating of the heart. Dull lancinations and lacerations in the region of the last ribs. BACK AND NEcK.-Pain in the left side of the back when sitting, as if one had stooped too long. Tensive pressure on the right side of the neck, near the cervical vertebra, both when in motion and at rest. Sensation of jactitation of the muscles in the right side of the neck. ARMS.-Lacerating pressure in the right shoulder-joint.-The arms are bluish, lame, weak and languid.-Spasmodic, contractive lacerating in the muscles of the arm. Lameness and languor of the right arm. Pain in the bones of the left fore-arm, as if bruised, with vibratory sensations as by blows. Lacerating with lameness and pressure in the right fore-arm, especially violent in the carpal bones. Lacerating in the right carpal bones, going off during motion. Weak feeling in the hand, as if he were not able to hold the pen, and would tremble. Intense lacerating pain around the styloid process of the radius, as far as the muscles of the hand, most violent in the process itself. Violent lacerating pain in the left carpal bones. Lacerating in the metacarpal bones of the right index and middle finger. Itching lacerating and pressure in the styloid process of both ulne. Fine lacerating in the tips and joints of the fingers, especially under the nails. LEGS.-Bluish thighs.-Corrosive itching near the ti6ice and in the dorsa of both feet, near the joint, becoming more violent by scratching. Lacerating in the bones and joints. Lacerating in the heels. 49.-BORAX VENETA. BOR.-Natrum Boracicum.--Hahnemann's " Chronic Diseases," II.-Duraticm of Action: four weeks. COMPARE WITH-Chaim., Cof., Mere., Natr., Puls., Sulph ANTIDOTES.-Cham., Coff. CLINICAL REMARKS. HAHNEMANN.-" Borax has, for a long time, been used as a domestic remedy, against the aphtha of children, and for the purpose of facilitating the labor-pains of parturient women. 17* 394 BORAX VENETA. Antidotes.-Cofea-cruda against the sleeplessness and the head. complaints of Borax; Chamomilla against the painful swelling of the cheeks. Wine aggravates the symptoms, especially those of the chest, and Vinegar reproduces the symptoms which had already been relieved, especially the stitches in the chest." NOACK AND TRINKS.-''Borax is especially adapted to sensitive, laz temperaments and nervous constitutions, especially to females and children, pregnant and nursing women, and such individuals as suffer from hcemorrhoids. Borax is especially suitablefor diseases of the mucous membranes of the respiratory and digestive organs, and the diseases of the female parts."-ED. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.- Catarrhal complaints in damp and cold weather.-Loss of appetite every evening, nausea, drawing in the head from the vertex into the temples, and drawing in the abdomen towards the groin. Uneasiness in the body, which did not permit him to sit, or to be lying long on the same part. The infant grows pale, almost livid, the flesh, which was before hard, becomes relaxed and withering; it cries much, loathes the breast, and often wakes with anxious cries. Loss of strength in the joints. Weakness, especially in the abdomen and the thighs. Worn out, weary, and indolent, with heaviness in the feet. Formication and tremor of the feet, with nausea and disposition to swoon; going off in the open air. After an animated conversation, uneasiness in the body, nausea, and stupefaction with vertigo. While meditating during labor, trembling of the whole body, especially of the hands, with nausea, and with weakness of the knees. Faint, lazy, peevish, thirsty, after the siesta, with heat when walking in the open air, and sweat on the head and in the face, with dullness of the head, pressure in the forehead and the eyes, which feel sore when touched; at the same time inclination to deep breathing, during which he experiences stitches in the intercostal muscles, with hard, quick pulse. SK1N.- UnwlTolesome skin. small wounds suppurate and ulcerate. Inclination of old wounds and ulcers to suppurate. Whitish pimples of the size of a hemp-seed, with red areolae, on the chest. Erysipelatous inflammation of the leg, accompanied first by coldness, chills, and thirst, with vomiting of food and bile, then heaviness in the head, and throbbing in the temples, with uneasy sleep at night, resembling slumber, and afterwards bleeding at the nose on the sixth day. SLEEP.-Sleep, disturbed with thirst and coldness. Disturbed nights; he was unable to sleep soundly, on account of a rush of blood to the head, uneasiness in the body, rumbling in the abdomen, and diarrhoea, On turning to the right side, pain in the intercostal BORAX VENETA. 395 muscles. The infant often wakes with screams, and clings to the mother with anguish, as if it had been tormented by frightful dreams. Vexatious or voluptuous dreams. FEvER.-Cold creeping over the whole body, with throbbing headache in the occiput, as of an ulcer. Slight chills over the whole body, especially the back, without thirst, with flat taste, rough throat, stitches in the chest when breathing, languor, lameness, extension and stretching of the limbs, with contracted, quick pulse; at the same time heat, heaviness, and stupefaction of the head, and burning of the eyes, with sensitiveness of the same to light. Chills at night, with tremor, vomiting of food, lacerating in the thighs, and pain in the femur, as if broken; then heat and thirst after sleep; in the morning, bitter vomiting, succeeded by sweat with diminished thirst. Coldness, with headache, and subsequent heat without thirst; when walking in the open air, the headache ceased. Coldness every other day, in the afternoon, with thirst and sleep. Alternate coldness and heat, frequently with sweat in the face, whilst he has cold creepings over the back, with extension and stretching of the limbs, accompanied by languor and drowsiness. Frequent flushes of heat early in the morning, with nausea and inclination to vomit. MbRAL SYMPTOMS,-Great anguish, with great drowsiness. Anguish with weakness, trembling of the feet, and palpitation of the heart. Easily frightened. Low-spirited and peevish. Want of disposition to work. Occasional loss of ideas.-Attacks of vertigo, with loss of presence of mind. Giddy, with fullness of the forehead early in the morning. Vertigo and fullness of the head, on ascending a mountain or a stair-case. Fullness in the head, and pressure round the eyes, as if they were held fast. Fullness in the head, and pressure in the small of the back when sitting. Fullness in the head early in the morning, with want of clear ideas and presence of mind. Heaviness of the head. Headache, on the top of the head, and in the forehead, in the evening. Headache, with dullness of the whole head. Headache, all over, with nausea, inclination to vomit, and trembling of the whole body, early in the morning. Oppressive headache over the eyes, going off soon, when walking in the open air. Pressure above the eyes. Dull headache early in the morning, especially in the forehead. Oppressive drawing pain in the forehead, above the eyes and towards the root of the nose, sometimes extending into the nape of the neck. Shooting pain in the forehead, with nausea and lacerating in both eye-balls, in the afternoon. Lacerating in the vertex, in the afternoon, with buzzing of the ears. Lancinating headache above the eyes, and in the temples, with heat and coldn ss 396 BORAX VENETA. in alternation. Throbbing in both temples; in the forehead. Pul, sative pressing upwards of the blood high up in occiput. Hot head of the infant, with hot mouth and hot palms of the hands. SCALP.-Sensitiveness of the external head to cold, and to changes of weather. EYES.-Lacerating in both eye-balls, with shootings in the forehead, and nausea in the afternoon. Itching in the eyes, sometimes with a feeling as if sand were in the eyes. Soreness in the external canthi. Burning in the eyes. The eye-lashes turn themselves inwards into the eye, inflaming it. Inflammation of the borders of the eye-lids, in an infant. At night, the eyes are closed with hard, dry gum, which irritates the eyes like sand. Lachrymation. EARs.-Pain in the ear. Stitches in the ears; when washing them with cold water, early in the morning. Inflamed and hot swelling of both ears, with *discharge of pus. *Discharge of pus from the ears, with lancinating headache; *discharge of pus from both ears, after previous itching of the occiput. Sudden sensation of obstruction in the ear. Roaring in the ears, the hearing being much harder. NOSE.-Ulcer in the nostril. Red and shining swelling of the nose, with a sensation as of throbbing and tension. Bleeding at the nose early in the morning, and pulsative headache in the evening.Fluent coryza, also with sneezing or tingling in the nose. FACE.-Erysipelas in the face. Swelling, heat, and redness of the cheek, with lacerating pains in the malar bone, and great pain in the swelling when laughing. Swelling of the face, with pimples on the nose and lips. Pimples in the face. JAWS AND TEETH.-Pain in the corners of the mouth, as if they would ulcerate. Red inflamed swelling on the lower lip, of the size of a pea, with burning soreness when touched. Large patches, like herpes, around the mouth; the upper lip, after a burning heat, became covered with porrigo. Toothache in a hollow tooth of the upper row, with swelling of the cheek, which is painful to the touch, with a sensation of tension. Toothache in hollow teeth, dull and griping, in wet, rainy weather. Contractive griping in a hollow tooth, Lacerating from the hollow teeth into one-half of the head, whenever she touched the teeth with her tongue, or took cold water into her mouth. Pressure in:he hollow teeth in bad weather. Drawing pain in the teeth. Fine stitches, intermittent, in all the teeth. The teeth feel elongated. The gums of the upper teeth are bleeding, without any pain. Inflamed swelling of the external side of the gums, very painful (ulcer on the gums), with dull pain in a hollow tooth, swell. BORAX VENETA. 397 ing of the cheek and the whole of the left side of the face, extending below the eye; here the swelling is changed to a watery blister. MOUTH.-Slimy mouth. Aphthce in the mouth. *Aphthae on the inside of the cheek, bleeding when eating. Aphthae on the tongue. oUlcers in the mouth, as in stomacace. Red blisters on the tongue, as if the skin were pulled off. Dryness of the tongue, in the after. noon. Spasm in the tongue, like stiffness, or as if the tongue had gone to sleep. The palate of the infant seems wrinkled, and it often screams when sucking. The mucous membrane of the palate, in front, feels burned and shrivelled, and is especially painful when chewing. Dryness in the throat. THROAT, &c.-Roughness of the throat. Burning in the throat Much phlegm accumulates in the throat. A little piece of phlegm, streaked with blood, is hawked up. TASTE AND APPETITE.-Bitter taste in the mouth. Thirst early in the morning. Diminution of hunger and appetite. No appetite for dinner. Desire for sour drinks. During the meal, uneasiness of the whole body, with nausea, so that he had to make an-effort in order to eat something; stretching himself backwards procured relief. Nausea during the meal.. GASTRIC SYMPTOMS.-Distention from flatulence after every meal. After the meal, he felt distended, uneasy, unwell, peevish. Rumbling in the abdomen, and diarrhoea after dinner. Diarrhoea shortly after dinner, with debility in the joints and legs. Diarrhoea after breakfast. Hiccough after dinner. Nausea and little appetite. Nausea with subsequent vomiting of phlegm, with heat, and a quick, feverish pulse. Pain in the stomach, as from dyspepsia, when pressing upon the pit of the stomach. STOMACH.-Pain in the region of the stomach, after lifting a heavy weight; extended to the small of the back. Pressure at the stomach after every meal, disappearing when walking. Stitches with pressure in the pit of the stomach, with dyspnoea. Contractive pain in the region of the stomach. Contraction in the pit of the stomach. ABDOMEN.-Intensely painful pressure in the region of the spleen. Pressure, nud sometimes burning in the left hypochondrium. Pressure and stitches in the region of the spleen, increased by turning. Weakness in the abdomen. Colic, with shuddering and goose-flesh. Pinching in.the abdomen at different times. Pinching, contracting colic above the navel. Pinching in the abdomen, with diarrhea. STOOL.-Frequent urging, with rumbling in the belly and diar. rhoea. Urging, early in the morning, first with hard evacuations, then diarrhoea, with burning in the rectum. Loose stools. Soft, 398 BORAX VENETA. light-yellow, slimy stools, three times a day, with faintness and weak nes.. Diarrhcea, from morning till afternoon, without pain; with subsequent evacuation of slime and blood; with rumbling in the belly. The first effect of Borax is relaxation of the bowels, afterwards no stool for a couple of days, then hard stool once a day. Hard stool, with straining. Constipation, and stool like sheep's dung. Green stools in an infant. Discharge of lumbrici. Tenacious, viscid, yellowish slime with the stool. Reddish liquid slime, during stool, as if the stool were tinged with blood. Distended vein of the rectum, soft to the touch, and without pain. Itching of the rectum, in the evening; as from the slime of hemorrhoids. Contraction in the rectum, with itching. Boring and stinging pains in the rectum and small of the back. Stitches in the rectum, in the evening. URINE.-Pressure upon the bladder, without being able to expel the urine, with cuttings in the genital organs and distention in both hips, in the evening. Violent instantaneous desire to urinate. Frequent micturition. The infant urinates almost every ten or twelve minutes; it frequently weeps and cries before the urine is expelled Hot urine in infants. Acrid smell of urine. After micturition: burning straining in the urethra; the extremity of the urethra feels sore. Along the urethra, pain as from excoriation. Dark blue spot at the orifice of the urethra, as if the skin had gone, with biting pain during micturition. The orifice of the urethra seems closed as with gum. MALE GENITAL ORGANS.-Emission, with dream. Cutting pains in the urethra, during an involuntary emission of semen. Weakness of the genital organs. FEMALE GENITAL ORGANS.-Courses too soon, with or without pain. The courses, which had been suppressed for six weeks, immediately made their appearance after taking Borax; they lasted a day, and then disappeared; they were so copious that they resembled a hamorrhage. Suppression of the menses, fifty-four days, without any pain. Beating in the head and buzzing in the ears during the catamenia. Spasmodic pressing and lancinating pain in the groin, during the catamenia. Leucorrhwea: white as mucus, without any other ailments, a fortnight after the menses; like albumen, with sensation as if warm water were flowing down, for several days. Sterility, on account of a chronic, acrid leucorrhoea. Easy conception during the use of Borax. Stitches in the region of the uterus.OSterility.-Contraction in the left mamma while the infant nurses at the right; milk increases, flows out, and coagulates. BORAX VENETA. LARYNX.-Roughness, lacerating, and tickling in the throat. Dry and hacking cough, in a child. Dry cough, as from cachexia, such as old people are affected with, especially in the morning and evening. Cough, with rawness of the throat, and pressure in the chest. Hacking and violent cough. Night-cough. Cough, with expectoration of mucus, especiall. in the morning, with pain in the region of the liver. Coughs up a white mucus streaked with blood, which is loosened with difficulty. Chest: Stitches in the chest at every turn of cough and deep inspiration. Tightness of the chest, with constrictive oppression of the breathing on going up-stairs. Arrest of breath when lying in bed. At every inspiration, stitch in the left side of the chest from without inwards, as with a knife. At every attempt It breathing, her chest becomes contracted. Weight on the chest, so that she is sometimes deprived of breath. Oppressive anxiety in the chest, in the evening when in bed. Oppression of the chest. Stitches in the chest, when yawning, coughing, or breathing deeply. Stitches in the left region of the ribs, with soreness in the chest. Stitches between the ribs of the right side, so painful that he cannot lie on this side, with intensely-painful drawing, and sudden arrest of breath. Pain in the chest, relieved by pressure or lying on the back. Weakness of the chest, with dryness of the throat. Sensation as if the heart were on the right side. Pain as from having lain upon a hard couch, with soreness to the touch, at night. BAcK.-Violent itching and pricking of the os-coccygis. Pain in the small of the back. Dull pressure in the small of the back. Burning in the small of the back, while sitting. Pressure in the back part of both shoulders. Rheumatic drawing pain in the nape of the neck. ARMs.-Drawing, lacerating pain in and between the shoulders. Burning pain all round the upper arm. Stitches in the palm of the hand, with sensation as if the arm had gone to sleep, in the evening. Itching of the dorsa of the hands here and there, as if the parts had been bitten by fleas. Violent itching of the joints of the fingers. Burning heat, and redness of the fingers, even from slight cold, as if they had been frozen. LOWER LIMBS.--ierpes on the nates. B rning pain round the thigh. Shooting lacerating in the femur. In the limb, sense of numbness, with heat. Erysipelatous inflammation, and swelling of the left leg and foot, after dancing. Stitches in the sole of the foot. Sense of heaviness in the feet on going up-stairs, in the evening. Itching of the malleoli. Pain in the heel, as from soreness by walking Burning, heat, and redness of the toes in slight cold, as if frozen. 400 BOVISTA. 50.-BOVISTA. BOV.--Lycoperdon Bovista, Puff-ball.-Hartlaub and Trinks, III.-Dzuratio of action: upwards of fifty days. COMPARE WITH-Bell., Bry., Carb.-a., Carb.-v., Kali, Mere., Puls., Sep., Sil., Stron., Veratr. ANTIDOTE.-Camph GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-General languor, with oppressive anxiety, eructations, nausea, bloatedness of the abdomen, emission of flatulence, yawning, stretching, and disposition to sleep; great lassitude, the whole day, particularly after a walk in the open air, with languor; debility, particularly in the shoulder-joints, arms, and hands, which let the lightest things drop; great lassitude, particularly in the hands andfeet, also in the bends of the knees.-Stretching of the arms, without drowsiness.-Fainting turn, at noon, when sitting down, with sensation as if the objects around him were turned the wrong side up. Pain as if bruised in the whole body, particularly in the articulations of the arms, and in the abdominal muscles, during motion and contact. SKIN.-Itching of various parts, particularly in the evening, of the arms, with biting and burning, particularly early in the morning after washing. oMoist scurfy herpes, looking like red pimples.Pimples on the whole body, also red pimples, with itching. SLEEP.--Drowsiness.-Restless sleep.-Many dreams. Anxious dreams. FEVER.-Chilliness and coldness even near the warm stove.Coldness.-Heat, with anxiety, with restlessness; frequent attacks of heat, with oppression of the chest; heat, with thirst.-Quotidian fever every evening at seven o'clock, violent chilliness commencing in the back, with thirst, followed by drawing pain in the abdomen.Attacks of seething of the blood, with thirst. MORAL SYMPTOMS.-Uneasiness, sometimes accompanied with oppressive anxiety, and an alternation of cold feeling in the body, and warmth and heaviness in the abdomen.-Sad and desponding, particularly when alone, with listlessness, also with languor in the even. ing.-Ill-humor, vexed mood, with violent headache, also with oppres. sive anxiety, and dullness of the head.-Great sensitiveness of feeling. -Great indifference to everything around him. SENSORIUM.-Weakness of memory; unmeaning staring; great absence of mind.-Dullness of the head, particularly in stooping; heaviness, with gloom, or with dullness and sensation as if bruised, in the evening. -Dizziness, early in the morning; sometimes amount BOVISTA. 401 Ing to stupefaction.- Vertigo, with stupefaction, early in the morning. -Giddiness, everything turning in a circle, also particularly early in the morning, on rising. HEAD.-Dull pain, with languor; stupefying pain, particularly in the forehead, or in the vertex, with heat of the eyes.-Pressure, with ill-humor, beating, or heaviness.-Heaviness of the head, sometimes accompanied with despondency, inability to think, and pain in the forehead above the nose, aggravated in a recumbent posture.-Contractive pain.-Sensation as if both sides of the head were pressed towards one another, after a walk in the open air.-Distensive pain in the head.-Lacerating in the sinciput and forehead, with heaviness on stooping, and burning in the right eye; lacerating, with pressure above the eyes, and in the region of the root of the nose; in the vertex, with pain as if bruised on touching the parts; in the temples, accompanied with digging and wild confusion in those parts; lacerating in the whole head, with heaviness and sensation as if bruised; with lancinations in the forehead, extending to the ear.-Stitches in the forehead, also in different parts of the head.-Beating in the head, as if there were an abscess, or with a sensation of wild confusion, the beating is excited by cold air.-Feeling as if bruised in the right side, extending into the eye, early in the morning; in the left vertex, also when touching the parts.-The headache is deep-seated; the head feels enlarged during the pain; inability to raise the head at night, on account of the pain.-The scalp is extremely sensitive to the touch.-Itching of the hairy scalp, particularly when getting warm in the bed.-Pimples -or reddish vesicles on the hairy scalp. with itching; scattered pimples on the forehead; painful blister on the temple, itching, suppurating blister on the forehead.-Sore places on the hairy scalp, with itching.-Falling off of the hair. EYES.-Pressure in the eyes, with lachrymation or redness.Itching in the eyes and ears.-Burning in the eyes, with heat of the cheeks as if they would burst.-Inflammation of the left eye, redness of the canthi.-Nightly agglutination of the eyes.-Lachrymation, early in the morning.-Dim eyes, without lustre.-Dim sight, in the morning on rising, as if a gauze were before the eyes.-Objects seem to be too near the eye. EARS.-Drawing in the interior of the ears; stinging, ticking, as of something that is lodged in the ears; twitching in the outer ear. -Ulccr in the right ear, with pain when swallowing; Odiminution of a chronic discharge of fetid pus from the ears.-Hardness of hearing, with itching or humming in the ears.-Rushing noise in the ears, NosE.-Itching in front of the nose.-Sore,burning in both nostrils; 4022 BOVI[STA. scurfis ana crusts about the nostrils; scurfy pustules u ader the nose. -Constant feeling as of catarrh of the -nose, with desire to blow, with bwellingr of the nose; flu-ent coryz.a, with thin mucus, with dullnesp of the head.-Stoppage of the -nose, with want of air, and difficulty of speech, with pressure in the temples.-Dry coryza, early in the nmorning after rising, with frequent sneezing, and stoppage of the r-ight side of the nose.-Bleeding of the nose early in the morning. FAcE.-Boring and digging in the malar bones; beating under the jaw, as if in a swollen gla~nd.-Heat and' flushes of heat in the fa'oe, preceded by a general seething of the blood.-Pustules on the forehead and chin.-Rough herpetic spot under the chin, with itching.Chapped lips; eruption in the corners of the mnouth.-Swelling of the upper lip (after toothache), and afterwards of the che'ek, with pain of the parts to the touch.-0Scrofutlons swellinga of the lips. TEETH.-Pain in the evening when in bed, relieved by warmth; ceasing' in the open air; pain of the upper fore-teeth, when touching them and when chewing, with sutbsequent swelling of the upper lip and cheek.-Drawing.: in decayed teeth, particularly in the evening -Stitches, particularly at night, disturbing sleep, darting from the teeth to the eyes, or with bleeding of the gums. Digging, in hollow teeth, morning~ and evening.-Pain as if an exposed nerve were being rubbed.-Elongation of the teeth; the gums disappear.-The -gums are painful and swollen; inflamed spot over the decayed root of a tooth, with throbbing and ulcerative pain, especially when touching the part; ulcer, with bleeding when pressing upon it. MO UT-H-Fetid odor from the mouth.-Sensation as if the inner mouth were, numb (pithy) and crisp, early in the morning on wakcing. -Burning and heat in the mouth; great dryness, as if sand were in the mouth.-Acc-umulation of 'Saliva in the mouth, -Cutting in the tongue; burning in the tip of the tongue, and numbness in the posterior portion, early in the morning on waking.-Stuttering, particularly when 'i-ending, with inability to pronounce several words rapidly. THRoATI-Dryness, particularly early in the morning, on waking, with stinging during deglutition, and numbness in the mouth; scraping9, sliniy feeling, and burning.-Frequent pains in the throat, in the evening, with pain when merely swallowing the saliva, as- if something were lodged in the throat. APPETITE AND TASTE.-Bitter taste; putrid taste, with a good deal of mucus in the mouth; taste as of blood.-Want of appetite., with- aversion to food.-Constant, violent hungrer, insatiable, renewed eoon after eating.-After a mneal:~ oppression of the stomach, as if the BOVISTA. 403 stomach had been overloaded; cutting as with knives in the region of the umbilicus; weariness and drowsiness.--Violent thirst, particularly in the evening. GASTRIC SYMPTOMTs.-Frequent violent hiccough.-Nausea: early in the morning, with chilliness.-Vomwiting of mucus and food in a child, preceded by loss of appetite, accompanied by heat in the whole body, with bright-red puffed countenance; after the vomiting he is attacked with profuse sweat at night, particularly about the head, and bleeding of the nose during sleep. STOMAC.--Cold feeling in the stomach, as if a lump of ice were lodged there.-Pressure in the pit of the stomach: with tension in the temples and weight on the sternum.-Burning and pricking in the outer parts of the pit of the stomach, after a meal.-Fullness and anxiety in the proecordial region. HYPOOHONDRIA.-Darting in the right and lft hypochondrium. ABDO~MEN.-Pain in the region of the kidneys; colic with diarrhoea, at night and in the morning; internal and external painfulness of the abdomen, not permitting him to touch the parts, and obliging him to bend over in walking.-Pinching in the abdomen: early in the morning, on waking, with urging; around the umbilicus.-Colicky pains: in the afternoon, with disposition to stool; with violent pain early in the morning, on waking; distention of the left side, and urging to stool: aggravation of the pains in rest, diminution of the pains by pressing on the part and walking about.-Cutting in the abdomen.-Stitches (lancinations, dartings, &c.) in the abdomen.-Ulcerative pain in the hypogastrium; with lacerating in the abdomen, diarrhoea, and languor, at the termination of the catamcnia.-Burning, around the umbilicus.-Rumbling, with constipation, or else sensation as if diarrhoea would come on.-In the left groin: constriction relieved by extending the body; pinching; darting. STOOL AND ANUS.-Intermittent stool; hard, dificult stool.Urging to stool.-Liquid, yellow stool, preceded by urging, and succeeded by burning.-Diarrhea: particularly early in the morning, in the evening, or at night; with cutting, lacerating, or ulcerative pain in the abdomen; generally watery, liquid; fiecal diarrhoea, early in the morning.-Before stool. urging, also painful.-After stool: tenesmus and burning at the anus, sometimes accompanied with languor of the whole body; sensation after a natural stool as if diarrhoea would set in.-In the rectum: pressing after the diarrhoeio stool; itching as of worms, when riding in a carriage; dartings from the perineum to the rectum and the genital organs. URINE.-Frequent desire to urinate, even immediately after urina. 404 BOVISTA. tion, with emission of a few drops; with scanty emission.-The urine is yellow-green, becomes turbid; bright-yellow, with slowlyforming cloud; turbid like loam water, with violet sediment.-Stinging in the urethra; itching, burning; the orifice is inflamed and as if glued up. MALE GENITAL ORGANS.-Burning and voluptuous feeling in the parts.-Red, hard, suppurating tubercle in the penis, with pain. FEMALE GENITAL ORGANS.-Catamenia retarded by two or five days; too scanty; too short; flowing only at night; the blood is of a watery consistence; too early by eight or nine days, and more profuse, particularly early in the morning, less at night; discharge of blood between the catamenia.-Before the catamenia: diarrhoea; *during the catamenia. headache; toothache; soreness of the-fold between the sexual organs and the thighs; colic; diarrhoea; languor, the blood being watery.-Leucorrhcea. after the catamenia; while walking, thick, slimy, tenacious, like the white of an egg; yellow-green, acrid, corrosive. LARYNx.-Scraping in the throat, with desire to cough and burning, or with feeling of soreness extending into the chest.-Cough from titillation in the throat.-)Dry cough, particularly in the morning after rising, and in the evening. CHEST.-Oppressed breathing, with rising of heat to the head.Weight on the chest as of a load, with difficulty of taking deep breath; shortness of breath when making any manual exertion; constriction behind the sternum.-Pressure below the sternum and in the stomach, as if occasioned by spasm or overloading of the stomach.Stitches in the chest.-Palpitation of the heart: visible, with burning in the region of the sternum; with giddiness and headache; tremor and restlessness; with congestion of blood to the head, heat, thirst, and itching in the right eye.-ln the outer parts of the chest: visible pulsatiops near the clavicle; cutting burning in the middle of the chest; itching, with eruption and pimples after scratching; red, hard, lintel-shaped pimples, with itching and burning. BACK, &c.--Chronic pain in the back, with stiffness after stooping; -itching of the os-coccygis.-Lancinations between the shoulders. Stiffness in the nape of the neck, early in the morning on rising; tension, with pain as if from a blow when pressing upon the parts.-In the neck: lacerating.-Glandular swelling on the neck, also with tension and drawing. ARMs.-Difficulty of moving the arm, on account of weakness in the shoulder-jcint; lameness of the left arm as if sprained, with difficulty of lifting it; languor of the arms; swelling of the right arm, BRANCA URSINA. 405 with pain as if sore when touching it, and pressure in the shoulders; itching, particularly in the evening, with biting and burning.-Lacerating in the upper arm, apparently in the humerus.-Lacerating in the elbows, early in the morning.-Boring sticking in the fore-arm, extending into the fingers; lacerating, as if the tendons were being torn off, accompanied with lancinations.-Lacerating in the wristjoint; pain as if ulcerated or sprained, at a small spot in the back of the wrist-joint, when bending the hand or pressing upon it.-The -hand feels stiff, with difficulty of opening or closing it, and a feeling of weakness in the fingers; weakness of the hands, they let the least thing drop; tremor, with palpitation of the heart and oppressive anxiety; the hands are covered with dry, reddish pimples. LEGS.-Pain when stooping, in the right hip.-Lancinations in the thighs and legs, extending into the chest; going to sleep of the lower limbs.-Burning above the knee, and itching pimple; reddish, hard swelling 'like a boil.--Pain above the bend of the knee-joint, as if bruised.-Painful weariness in the leg (during the catamenia).-The feet are heavy; languid and debilitated; drawing and lacerating in the foot, with sensation as if the joint would break, with swelling of the foot; burning in the bottom of the foot; red pimples on the foot. 51.-BRANCA URSINA. BRANC.-Heraclium Sphondylium, Brane Ursine, Bear's Breech.-See Noack and Trinks' "Handbuch." CONMPARE WIT'--Aur., Bor., Lye., Plat., Sulph., Vinc.-m., Kreos. ANTIDOTES.-Camph., and all the acids. HEAD.--Vertigo when reading and sitting.-Headache, particularly in the back and fore part of the head, with inclination to vomit and sleep, aggravated by movement in the open air, relieved by tying a handkerchief round.the head.-Excessive oily exhalation from the head, so that the tips of the fingers become oily when scratching the scalp.-The eyes run and become faint when reading. DIGESTIVE APPARATUS.-Swelling of the lips and gums, with formation of vesicles.-Pressure in the throat as of hard phlegm.-Increased secretion of mucus.-Bitter taste in the mouth.-Sweet and bitter eructations, with gulping up of a bitter fluid.-Hunger, with nausea and loathing of food.-Increased thirst.-Nausea, with inclination to vomit.-Bitter, bilious vomiting, with pain in the stomach and violent congestions of the head.-Oppression of the stomach with nausea, and pressure in the pit of the stomach after a meal, as 406 AROMINE. of a stone.-Lancinating and pinching colic, obliging him to bend double.-Beating and pain in the region of the spleen; stitch in the region of the spleen when sneezing.-Flatulence and colic, with nausea and offensive eructations.-Delay of stool, with urging and pain in the anus.-Slimy, fetid diarrhcea. GENITAL ORGANS.-Drawing in the penis.-Stitches in the glans. -Itching and biting of the scrotum.-Nocturnal emissions.-Dart. ings in the labia. RESPIRATORY ORGANS.-Frequent sneezing.-Titillating rough. ness in the throat.-Dry and hacking cough, with sore feeling and dartings in the chest.-Oppression of the chest and chilliness.-- Arrest of breathing when ascending an eminence.-Palpitation of the heart and oppression of the chest.-Darting in the side of the chest during an inspiration. LEGS.-Arthritic lacerating in the limbs.-Stinging and burning of the feet. 52.-BROMINE. BROM.-See " Neues Archiv," Vol. II., 3. COMPARE WITH-Amm., Chlor., lod. ANTIDOTES-from Noack and Trinks.-Of large doses: Opium, Coffee, vapors of Alcohol, of Ammonia (using half a drachm of Ammon with four parts of water to ten drops of Brom.) Magnesia.-Camphor dissolves the Brom. very rapidly, but destroys the odor and volatility of Brom., and forms a solid crystalline mass with Brom. Noack and Trinks suggest, therefore, Camph. a3 an antidote.-Small doses are antidoted by: Coff.? Camph.? Am.-According to Donne and Balard, Brom. antidotes Strychnine, Brucine, and Veratrine, which has, however, become very doubtful, in consequence of the very exact experiments instituted by Hering. ADMINISTRATION.-According to Hering, where pure Bromine is preferable to higher attenuations, a drop should be taken from a vial of tincture, with a glass stopple, by means of a fine glass tube, and quickly dropped into a tumblerful of fresh water. By pouring out part, and adding fresh water, any degree of attenuation may be attained. One part of t3rom. to 1000 parts of water is sufficiently powerful. CLINICAL OBSERVATIONS. DR. HERING.-" The principal curative sphere of Brom. is not scrofula, but affections of the chest, heart, and eyes. In the most violent inflammations, as well as in chronic affection. of these organs-for instance, consumption-Brom. will prove extremely useful, provided all the symptoms correspond. I have cured a number of cases of tuberculosis-pulmonalis with Spong., 30, sometimes exhibiting it in alternation with Hep.-sulph., 30; in some cases, however, lod., and in others Brom. may be more BROMINE. 407 advantageous. In croup, likewise, Brom. may sometimes be superior to Spong. Most kinds of croup, being originally a species of urticaria, Ars. will, in most cases, be found preferable to Brom. In the so-called complicated inflammation of the lungs, and in incipient hepatization, it is as important a remedy as Phosph. It is worthy of remark that Phosph. has a more specific action on the left lung; Brom., on the contrary, on the right, to judge from the symptoms." -ED. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-Cracking in the joints, in the morn ing after rising. Tingling on the fingers and short jerkings of the muscles of the foot and the. region of the knee. Great stiffness in all the limbs, in the forenoon, less in the afternoon. In the after. noon the neck, nape of the neck, arms, and lower limbs were stiff, with headache extending from the occiput to the forehead, with sense as of pushing, as if the contents of the skull would be pressed out at the forehead. Great languor after breakfast, as if all the strength had been beaten out of the limbs, she was scarcely able to make her bed. Great lassitude in walking, obliging her to sit down. Excessive languor and debility. Tremulousness all over. Clonic spasms in the muscles of the eyes, in the face and limbs. CHARACTERISTIC PECULIARITIEs.-The pains appear to become worse in the warm room and when sitting down. The pains disappear entirely when riding on horseback or in a carriage. During motion most of the symptoms seemed to be less intense than during rest or in a recumbent posture. Aggravation of the symptoms from evening until midnight. Many of the symptoms are felt only on one side (the left). SKIN.-Boils on the arm and in the face. Increase of emboirpoint. *Scrofulosis; particularly swellings. SLEEP.-Excessive irowsiness and languor. Sleep full of dreams of a vivid or startling character Tremulous sensation when waking in the night. Long stupefied morning-sleep. FEVER.-Violent chill, with yawning and stretching as in fever and ague; at the same time the head feels confased and muddled; the paroxysm returns every other day, in the shape of a chilliness with cold feet. Cold shiver along the back. Cold, disagreeable drawing through the whole body, alternating rapidly with warmth, first in the left hand and side. Chilliness, with external coldness. Pains in the limbs, which afterwards give way to chilliness and heajt Heat of both hands and heat in the head, with coldness of the rest of the body. Heat in the feet, he feels cold in the other parts of the body. Burning sensation in the whole body. Internal burning in 408 BROMINE. the morning. Internal burning sensation, after which he feels as if in a hot vapor, but without sweating. The pulse is full, rather hard, slow at first, afterwards accelerated. Feeble, frequent beats of the heart. MIND AND DISPOSITION.-Extreme ill-humor. Cheerful mood. Taciturn., His business is repulsive to him. Desirefor mental labor. Great forgetfulness. Illusions of the fancy. Illusion of sight. SENsotIUA,.-Giddiness, as if he would fall backwards. Vertigo, particularly in the evening on lying down, with dullness of the head. Giddiness as soon as he attempts to cross a flowing water. Giddiness, worse in damp weather. Giddiness with nausea. Dullness of the head, or as if a band were around the head. Giddiness with headache, in the morning on waking, with itching over the whole body. Dullness of the head, particularly of the sinciput, with pressure in the region of the eye-brows and the root of the nose. HEAD.-Dull oppressive headache. Headache, remaining after the other symptoms had subsided. Headache, heaviness in the sinciput, in the heat of the sun, going of in the shade (comp. Chlor.) Stupefying pain in the forehead, aggravated in rest, going off when riding on horseback. Oppressive dull pain in the forehead, in the morning, affecting the eyes. Oppressive headache, with raging pain over the eyes. Hemicrania (on the left side). Beating headache, extending to the jaw-bones. Distensive pain in the head, particularly in the left side. Lancinating pain through the right side of the head. Darting pain. Headache, wandering from the left ear to the left temple, worse when stooping. Paroxysms of pain, with pressure in the eyes and root of the nose, darting from the interior of the brain to the vertex. Headache, particularly in the sinciput, alternating with pains in the small of the back. *Malignant scaldhead. EYEs.-Stinging sensation in the parts round the orbits. Darting through the left eye. Stitches in the eyes and chest. *Throbbing stitches in the left upper eye-lid, extending to the eye-brows, forehead, and left temple, increased by pressure, movement, and stooping, relieved during rest. Troublesome burning in the eyes. The eye-lids are very heavy. Lachrymation of the right eye. Violent ophthalmia. Inflammation and dimness of the right eye, with lachrymation. Screams, photophobia, lachrymation, and secretion of mucus, followed by puckering up of the conjunctiva, which remained inflamed a fortnight. Violent conjunctivitis of the left eye. The eye became violently inflamed, with fever and suppuration. Sensitiveness of the eyes to bright lights. Photophobia. Flashes before BROMfNE. 409 the eyes. Dilatation of the pupils. Dilatation of the pupils, with quick pulse, restlessness, and emission of urine. Dilatation of the pupils, labored breathing, frequent pulse. Affection of the respiratory organs and eyes. Protruded eyes. EARs.-Aching pain in the ear, as if around the inner parts of the ear. Pain in the left malar bone and stitches in the ear. Burning sensation in the right ear, towards evening. Beating in the ears. *Painless otorrhcea. Tingling in the right ear, as of a number of bells. Constant whizzing in the ears. *Slight swelling of the articulation of the left jaw, with cracking in the articulation when chewing; swelling and hardness of the left parotid gland; rose-colored swelling of the tonsils, difficult deglutition, tension and pressure in the throat. NOSE.-Pimples on the nose and on the back part of tiie tongue; swelling and pain of the left side of the nose when pressing upon it, as if a small abscess would form. Soreness in the nose, with scuifs. Ulceration of the left nostril, like scurfs. Soreness of the whole of the nose, and swelling of the wings; with formation of scurf in the nose, pain and bleeding on wiping the parts. Violent, concussive sneezing, followed immediately by stoppage of the nose. Fluent coryza, with frequent, violent sneezing; the parts under the nose and the margins are corroded. Fluent coryza. Stoppage of the nose and fluent coryza at the same time. Discharge of watery and afterwards purulent mucus from the nose. FACE.-Heat in the face. Hot, disagreeable feeling in the face, particularly under the nose, titillating and smarting, as if occasioned by cobweb, particularly when moving the nose, accompanied by fluent coryza and lachrymation of the eye. Sensation of burning and scraping in the fauces, so violent that convulsive twitchings in the face and hands took place. Pain in the left malar bone in the evening. Pain in both submaxillary glands, slight aching pain in the left, forenoon and afternoon. Burning of the upper lip, which appears very smooth. Soreness of the upper lip, with coryza, and long-continued peeling off of the upper lip. TEETII.-The gums are painful in the morning. Toothache on the left side. The toothache is relieved by pressure. Beating under the decayed tooth. Pain in a decayed tooth. MOuTH.-Heat in the mouth, oesophagus, stomach, with colic. Increased secretion of saliva. Inflammation of the salivary glands. THROAT AND (ESOPHAGUS.-Disagreeable astringent sensation in the fauces, followed by a sensation of burning and soreness. Burning sensation in the mouth, pharynx, oesophagus, and stomach; inclina 18 410 BROMINE. tion to vomit, violent eructations, and colic. The chronic inflamatory condition of the throat, with a feeling of redness all around, increases. Rough, disagreeable feeling in the pharynx and oesophagus. TASTE AND APPETITE.-Astringent, burning, and offensive taste in the mouth. Sour taste in the mouth. Diminished appetite. NAUSEA, ERUCTATIONS, AND VOMITING.-Nausea with desire to vomit, without being able, relieved after eating. Acrid burning from the tongue to the stomach, with nausea. Loathing, eructations, roughness in the throat, warmth in the stomach, ptyalism, slow pulse, and congestions of the chest. Frequent eructations with vomiturition, a good deal of phlegm being forced up. Vomiting of bloody mucus. Sour vomiting. STOMACH.-Constant oppression of the stomach, as of a stone, with internal heat. A kind of contractive spasm of the stomach, which disappears after a meal. Feeling of heaviness in the stomach. Excessive pressure in the stomach, with desire to vomit, eructations, colic, and rumbling of the abdomen. Warmth and burning in the stomach, with ptyalism. Burning sensation in the mouth, oesophagus. and stomach, also colic. Sensitiveness of the region of the stomach when pressing upon it. Inflammation of the stomach. IIYPOCHONDRIA.-Pain in the left side, for several days. *Enlargement and induration of the spleen, from mismanaged gonorrhoea. ABDOMEN.-Violent colicky pains in the abdomen. Violent pinching in the bowels. Colic, and borborygmi. STOOL AND ANUS.-Stool like sheep's dung, with pressure at the stomach, and in the abdomen. Hard, black-brown fieces, or mixed with bloody mucus. Slimy stools with' a quantity of flatulence. *The diarrhoea, which took place after every meal, ceased; returned after eating oysters. Black flecal diarrhoea, accompanied with blind, intensely-painful varices; cold and warm water aggravated the suffering. Tickling at the anus. URINARY ORGANS.-Burning in the urethra, after micturition. MALE GENITAL ORGANS.-Feeling of coldness of the left testicle. Swelling of the left testicle, with sore pain. *Swelling of the scrotum, with chronic gonorrhcea. Increased sexual desire. Nocturnal emissions. FEMALE GENITAL ORGANS.-Pain in the vagina as if sore. Menses too early, and too profuse. *Passive metrorrhagia. *Suppression of the menses. Headache on the appearances of the menses: of the forehead, with sensation, when stooping, as if the eyes would fall out. Pains in the abdomen, and small of the back. LARYNx.-Iloarseness, aphony. Soreness and roughness of the BROMINE. 411 throat. Slight hacking cough. Rough, hollow, dry cough, with weariness. Cough, excited by scraping and titillation. Exhausting cough, which does not permit him to talk. Cough occasioned by deep breathing. Cough with suffocative symptoms. Cough with pains in the chest. Short cough without expectoration, with soreness in the chest. Dry, obstinate, croupy cough. Dry, spasmodic, wheezing cough, with rattling breathing. CHEST.-Violent oppression of the chest, cough, headache, vertigo. Labored breathing; worse in the morning, relieved in the evening and at night. Difficulty in breathing; sensation as if the breathing were arrested in the middle of the chest. Slight feeling of fullness in the chest and throat, increasing towards noon, and continuing until evening. *Dyspnoea of long standing after measles. Difficult breathing, frequent pulse, the pulse became feeble and trembling. Accelerated breathing, sinking of strength, diminution of temperature; with violent convulsions. Snoring, and difficult beating, with a clear fluid flowing out of the nostrils, accompanied with a small, violent beating of the heart. Rattling breathing, continually interrupted by coughing, threatening suffocation. -Difficult breathing with ptyalism, cough, and lachrymation; with cough and gagging; with vomiting and small pulse; with frothy vomiting and accelerated pulse. Peculiar feeling of weakness and exhaustion in the chest. Tightness of the chest. Slight pressure on the chest when taking a deep inspiration. Aching pain in the chest. Feeling of stricture in the chest, the breathing is oppressed, and very unpleasant, with a dry titillating cough. While walking in the open air, he experienced a violent rheumatic, dull pain, with sensation of contraction in the affected part. Drawing pain, with lameness through the left breast towards the scapula, and into the left arm. Headache, violent stitches in the lungs when attempting to take deep breath, he had to cough frequently; the pulse was full, and rather hard. Sharp stitches in the right breast, particularly when walking fast. Burning in the chest, succeeded by a feeling of heat, disappearing gradually, with ineffectual inclination to vomit. Congestions of the chest. Slight oppression about the heart, and palpitation. Violent palpita. tion in the evening, which does not permit her to rest on the left side. Inflammation of the heart. *Hypertrophy of the heart. Sensation as if the flesh were loose and bruised, on feeling the chest Swelling of the mammse. BACK, &c.-Painful soreness of the small of the back, unaltered during motion or rest. Cold drawing along the back. Stinging titillation in the region of the spinal column, rather on the right side. 412 BRYONIA ALBA. The neck is stiff and painful, on turning the head about. *Scrofulous swellings on both sides of the neck. *Gottre. ARMs.-Constrictive sensation in the upper limbs. Compressive sensation in the fore-arms. Painful feeling of lameness in the shoulder. Lacerating in the arms, particularly the hands and fingers, in the evening. XTeakness in the arm. Debility of the arms. Violent pain in the hand, darting suddenly into the middle finger, with beat. ing pains. Heat of both hands. Lacerating in the fingers. Lancinations in the fingers. Dead pain in all the joints of the fingers. *Chronic arthritis, with swelling, immobility, and deformity of the joints. LEGS.-Beating pain in both lower extremities, during a walk in the evening. Weakness in the lower limbs. Pain in the left knee and hip, worse during motion. Rheumatic pain in the knee. Aching or burning pain in the bend of the knee. Heat in the feet; pain in the toes. BRUCEA ANTIDYSENTERICA.-(See ANGUSTURA SPkRIA.) 53.-BRYONIA ALBA. BRY.-White Bryony.-Hahnemann's "Mat. Med. Pur.," Vol. I.-Duration of Action: from four or five days, to three or four weeks. COMPARE WITH-Acon., Alum., Arn., Ars., Cham., Chin., Clem., Ign., Lach., Led., Lye, Mere., Mur.-ac., Nux-v., Op., Phosph., Puls., Rhus, Squill., Seneg -Bry. is frequently suitable after: Aeon., Nux-v., Op., Rhus.-After Bry. are, frequently indicated: Alum., Rhus. ANTIDOTES.-Aeon., Cham., Ign., Nux-v.-It antidotes Alum., Rhus. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-Her strength disappeared on making the least effort.-Heaviness and weakness in all the limbs, she is scarcely able to mnove her feet when walking, from mere heaviness. _OTrembling of the limbs when rising from a recumbent posture. -0Stiffness in the joints.-*Fainting fits.-*He feels very languid when sitting, less so when walking. CHARACTERISTIC PEcuLIARITIES.-The symptoms are aggravated at night, or towards nine o'clock in the evening, also on waking from sleep, after a meal, by movement and contact; amelioration during rest. SKIN.-Pain all over the body, as if the flesh were loose. *Yellow color of the skin, jaundice.-~Viscid, moist skin, in fever.-Prickings over the whole body. Burning, itching, and stinging in different parts, in the evening, after lying down in bed.-Stitches in the joints, when moving or touching them. Itch-like eruption in the joints. Pimples BRYONIA ALBA. 413 make their appearance on the abdomen and hips, with a burning itch. ing. Eruption on the whole body, especially on the back, extending to the upper side of the neck, itching violently. OVesicles which burst open and scale off, with itching and burning of the whole body.-- White miliaria (sudamina).-*Rash of lying-in women and their infants.-oPetechie; purpura haemorrhagica; onettle-rash.Herpes-furfuraceus, with burning itching.-OErysipelas, particularly in the joints. Smarting pain in the ulcer.--Dropsy.--Tense, hot, pale, or red swellings, also with stinging during motion.--Swelling and induration of the glands. ~Hard knots in various places, resembling indurated cutaneous glands.-oChilblains.-OArthritic nodosities. SLEEP.--*Great drowsiness in the day, and great inclination to sleep after dinner; on waking from her siesta, all her limbs had gone to sleep. Every part of his body on which he is lying aches. Sleeplessness from agitation of the blood, and anguish. Heat after lying down. Sleeplessness from heat, when uncovering himself he feels too cool. *The child is unable to fall asleep in the evening, he leaves the bed again. She wakes in the evening, when in bed, after a short sleep, with sensation in the pit of the stomach as if the parts in that region were twisted around something, she has qualms of sickness, feeling of suffocation. Moaning when asleep. Startings every evening when falling asleep. Vexatious, vivid dreams. *While dreaming, she rises from her bed, at night, and goes to the door, as if she would go out. Shrieking and delirium as soon as he closes his eyes. He is delirious when waked from his sleep. Nightly delirium. Delirium at day-break, about business which he has to attend to; the delirium abates when the pain commences. Sleep does not refresh him; he feels quite tired early in the morning when waking up; the lassitude disappears when rising and dressing himself. Sleep, *with twitchings in the face. *Continual inclination to sleep. Somnambulism.-o Nightmare. FEVER.-Shuddering.-- Chilliness, chilly feeling, and creeping chills, after the siesta, with muddled condition of the head, *particularly in the evening, before or after lying down in bed; during or after a walk in the open air; *with coldness of the body; over the whole skin or only over the arms.--Intermittent fevers.. Oquotidian or tertian fevers, with predominant coldness or chilliness, thirst during the hot and chilly stage, dry cough, with stitches in the chest, asthma, nausea, and gagging, and paleness of the face. Intermittent fevers commencing with chilliness, then sweat in the night; Oshuddering and chill first in the morning or afternoon, sometimes alter. 414 BRYONIA ALBA. nating with heat, with or without profuse sweat afterwards; natural warmth with thirst, then cold hands and feet, with absence of thirst; heat in the forenoon, followed by chilliness without thirst in the afternoon, with redness of face. Symrtnoms before the paroxysm (the chilly stage): Overtigo and violent headache, as if the head would burst; ostretching and drawing in the limbs.-During the chilly stage: ~Heat in the head, redness of the face, and thirst,; chattering of the teeth, dry and viscid tongue, aversion to food and drink, nausea, and vomiting.-~After the chilly stage: Languor and debility. -ODuring the hot stage: Increase of the headache and vertigo.OHeat: *cither internal or only external, or both at the same time, and generally burning, dry, and with thirst, also with red urine; heat as if the blood in the veins were burning; *dry heat in the morning or at night; heat on every motion of the body, and from every noise. Flushes of heat. Heat in the lower limbs, as if plunging them into hot water; particularly in the abdomen; in the pit of the stomach, with violent thirst: *particularly in the head, with sensation as if the contents of the head would issue through the forehead, also early in the morning. *Heat in the face, particularly towards evening, also with redness of the cheeks, or -red round spot on the region of the malar bone, also with thirst.-~Acuteinflammatoryfevers, characterized by great irritation of the nervous and vascular system; Ogastric fevers; ~bilious fevers; typhus and typhoid fevers, also with petechise, white miliaria, particularly when violent delirium is present, and the heat is intense; ofebrile symptoms preceding the eruption of small-pox, varioloid, miliaria; secondary affections remaining after measles and scarlatina.--*Sweat: *profuse sweat, particularly in the morning or at night; *anxious sweat, preventing sleep, owith sighing, short cough, and pressure on the chest. OCold sweat on the forehead and head. Sour sweat at night, also preceded by thirst, oppressive drawing in the head when sweat is about to terminate, and succeeded by a muddled condition of the head. MORAL SYMPrToMs. -*owness of spirits; discouragement; 0doubt about one's recovery, with fear of death.--Fears; *apprehensions; *'anxiety; uneasiness and dread on account of the future; -disposed to start as in affright, and to conceive fears; -disposition to escape out of the bed.-Weeping.-Irritable mood; restlessness of mind. Indisposition to think; otaciturn.-*Out of humor, and irritable, with hurriedness and pressing in the forehead; *vehemence.-*-Desire for things which do not exist, or which are no longer cared for when offered. SENSORIUM.--Vertigo, as if one were turning around, or as if every. BRYONIA ALBA. 415 thing were turned around him when standing. *Vertigo, when rising from the chair, disappearing after walking. *Vertigo the whole day, as if intoxicated. *Vertigo when sitting straight in her bed, with nausea. Giddiness the whole day, with weakness of the limbs. So weak in his mind that his thoughts vanish. Inability to recollect things..*Great weight in the head, and pressure of the brain from behind forwards. Stupefaction of the head. *Delirious talk, at tgUlt, *with desire to escape, in the evening, when asleep, with hurried speech, imagining at the same time that she is among strangers, with desire to go home. HEAD.-- In the morning, the headache does not begin when waking, but when opening and moving the eyes. *Early in the morning, when waking, his head feels gloomy and aches, as if he had spent the whole night in revelry. Gloomy compression in the head, in the forehead, above the eyes.--*The blood rushes to the head, after which the head felt compressed from temple to temple. Headache, a sort of compression, with jerkings in the brain resembling pulsations. Compressive pain in the head, early in the morning, with heaviness, intermixed with stitches, and so violent that she was scarcely able to lift up her eyes; when stooping, she was not able to raise herself again. *Violent headache, the head feeling very heavy, as if it would incline to all sides, with pressure in the brain from within outwards, and great desire to lie down. *Headache after a meal, and pressure in the forehead from within outwards during a walk. *Headache, when stooping, as if all the contents of the head would issue from the forehead. *Pain in both temples, pressing from within outwards. *Headache, as if the skull were being pressed asunder. *Pressing in the head when stooping, also accompanied with dartings; -also when sitting, with pressure.-Jerking drawing in the malar and jaw-bones, early in the morning after rising. Darting: othrough one side of the head; through the temples, -when walking in the open air.-Beating in the head. worse during movement, with dullness of the eyes and dimness of sight.--Congestion of blood to the head; *heat in the head, -also early in the morning; Cburning pain in the forehead.-- The headache sets in principally in the morning on waking; *the headache is aggravated by movement, particularly by opening and moving the eyes.-The scalp is painful to the touch, as if sore; ~lacerating over the forehead.--Burning head; ocold sweat on the forehead; *warm sweat, even about the head.-Corrosive gnawing, at night. EYES.-OThe eyes are painful when touching them; Opressure in the eyes, as if pressed out of the head; opressi/re in the eyes as oJ 416 BRYONIA ALBA. sand or smoke, particularly early in the morning on waking, or in the evening; Olancinations in the eyes.-Soreness as from excoriation in the inner canthus; *burning in the eyes, also in the margins of the lids, with biting and itching.--Redness and inflammation of the lids, also with swelling, pressure, heat, and nightly agglutination; oparticularly of the upper lids, or only of the lower; painful swelling of one eye, without redness, with discharge of pus, and dark-red and puffed conjunctiva; ophthalmia of infants at the breast and of arthritic persons.? OFistula-lachrymalig.?-OFurfuraceous herpes on the upper lid, with burning itching.-Frequent lachrymation, *particularly in the open air, oespecially when the sun shines brightly, with dimness of sight.-~Dim, faint, glassy, or sparkling, swimming eyes. -OPhotophobia.-OObscuration of sight, or else oflames before the eyes. EARs.-Contractive pain in the ear, with hardness of hearing; dartings in the ear, during and after a walk in the open air; burning in the ear from within outwards.-Hard tumor behind the ear; tumor in front of the ear, breaking, moist, covered with a yellow scurf.Discharge of blood from the ears.-Ulcerated concha.--*Sensation as if the ears were obstructed; ohunming in the ears; -buzzing or singing in the ear.- Intolerance of noise. NosE.--*Swelling of the nose, with violent ulcerative pain when touched, -twitchings in the nose, and ochronic dry coryza; *inflamed and ulcerated nostrils.---*Bleeding of the nose, particularly early in the morning, or after rising: oduring the suppression of the catamenia.-ODryness and obstruction of the nose, also when chronic.Profuse, violent coryza; with obstruction of the nose and chilliness; with dartings in the head, or pain in the Jbrehead, as if everything would issue through the forehead, particularly when stooping; *dry coryza, ~also chronic.-oCrusts of hardened mucus in the nose. FACE.-- Pale, yellow, or Olivid color of the face.-*IHeat in the face, particularly in the evening, also with burning and redness, particularly of the cheeks; -red, round spots in the face, particularly in the region of the malar bone, and on the neck.-*Bloatedness of the face,; red, soft, hot; blue-and brown-red; *swelling of the facs, -also of one side only; swelling of the check close to the ear, with burning.-Tension of the skin of the face and forehead, when moving the muscles; lacerating and darting from the malar bone to the temple, worse when touching the parts; (throbbing in every part of the face, perceptible on the outer side).-~Hard blotches in the face, resembling swollen cutaneous glands.--OThe lips are swollen and "*chapped, -covered with ulcerated patches, burning when touched BRYONTA ALBA. 417 TEETH.-Pain of a molar tooth, when masticating; excessive pain during rest, particularly when in bed, relieved by chewing; toothache on introducing anything warm into the mouth; toothache occa. sioned by the contact of air.-*Darting or flashing pain in the teeth: in the direction of the ear, obliging one to lie down.-Lancinations: extending into the cervical muscles, when eating, and aggravated by warmth.-Painful soreness in a tooth.-Looseness of the teeth, with pain when masticating and biting, and sensation as if elongated; particularly early in the morning on waking.-The gums are painful, as if sore and raw; spongy gums. MOUTH.-*Dryness of the mouth, with great thirst, or else absence of thirst.-* Tongue coated, *white or oyellow,; ~dry tongue; ~rough dark-colored tongue; -burning vesicles on the border of the tongue. -~Indistinct speech, owing to a parched state of the throat. THROAT.-~ Great dryness of the throat, -particularly in the evening.-*Sore throat, with difficult deglutition and hoarseness; -food and drinks produce a choky sensation in the oesophagus, as if they. would not go down.-Pressure in the esophagus, as from a hard body; *sticking sensation, when swallowing, turning the head, or touching the throat; scraping and roughness in the throat, posteriorly.-Sensation of swelling in the pharynx and oesophagus, or as if mucus had accumulated, particularly during deglutition; also attended with difficulty of speech.-Painful sensation of constriction in the cesophagus. APPETITE AND TASTE.-oLoss of taste; *flat, insipid, sweetish, sickly, disgusting taste; *putrid taste, as of decayed teeth or fetid meat, -particularly early in the morning, or even with clean tongue; *bitter taste, even of the food, or also after and before a meal; *particularly before breakfast, -or in the evening when in bed; *the food has no taste.-*Loss of appetite, -even with empty stomach, with hunger; Oaversion to food; *loss of appetite after the first mouthful.-o~Morbid hunger, which frequently obliges him to eat a little; -violent hunger, canine hunger, extending into the night, or early in the morning, with thirst and flushes of heat, frequently accompanied with loss of appetite -*Violent thirst.-Desire ofor sour drinks, *for many things which cannot be eaten.--*Eructalions, oppression of the stomach and pit of the stomach, with colic or "vomiting, after every meal, 9particularly after eating bread.-After a meal: Astringent dry taste, with dry parched lips; distention of the abdomen, headache. GASTRIC SYMPTOMS.-*Frequent empty eructationsý; -particularly after a meal; pungent, burning eructations; bitter or sourish eruo 1.* 418 IRYONIA ALBA. tations.-*Regurgitation of the ingesta, -also after every meal.*Nausea: Nausea on waking in the morning, accompanied with empty eructations. Nausea with bitterness of the mouth. Nausea with ptyalism, in the evening before going to bed, or in the morning after rising. oNausea with anxiety whenever he attempts to drink or sits down.-*Empty retching, also in the evening, -bringing up water and mucus, like water-brash, with coldness of the whole body. -*Vomiting: oimmediately after drinking; oafter eating bread, *vomiting of the ingesta, oalso attended with hiccough and gagging; *bitter vomiting, of bile and water, oparticularly after drinking im mediately after a meal.-*Bloody vomiting (obliging him to lie down).-~Stitches in the left side of the abdomen during vomiting. SToMAcH.-*Pressure in the stomach-: particularly after eating, as of a stone, with ill-humor; ~after eating bread. Pressure in the stomach, when walking, disappearing when sitting.-Contractive pain in the stomach, particularly after eating, succeeded by cutting in the pit of the stomach, flushes of heat, eructations, nausea, and vomiting of the ingesta.-~Stitches in the stomach when lying on one side. *Darting in the pit of the stomach when treading, particularly when making a false step, or also during movement.-OPainful soreness in the pit of the stomach, when touching the part or when coughing. Intolerance of the least pressure in the pit of the stomach. OPinching in the pit of the stomach. Cutting as with knives in the pit of the-stomach. Oppression in the pit of the stomach and feeling of warmth, with tensive pain when touching the part. Sensation of swelling in the pit of the stomach.-~Burning in the stomach, or in the pit of the stomach, particularly during motion.-OlInflammation of the stomach. OSpasms of the stomach, ~Contraction of the orifice of the stomach.? HYPoCHONDRIA.-HIard swelling in the hypochondria and around the umbilicus. *Tension, *burning, or ostinging in the region of the liver, particularly when touching it, or when coughing or taking breath. ODrawing in the region of the liver, extending into the stomach and back, particularly early in the morning and after a meal, with vomiting.-olnflammation of the liver.- Stitches in the region of the spleen.-~Diaphragmitis.?? ABDOMEN.O Colic of pregnant females. ~Chronic colic, with tension of the abdomen and water-brash. ~Hysteric abdominal spasms.? oAbdominal complaints from sedentary habits. ~Inflammaticn of the bowels.? oPeritonitis.? *Ascites. *Hard swelling around the umbilicus, and under the hypochondria.-Pain in the abdomen, as if one would vomit. Lacerating and drawing in the abdomen, ofrom BRYONIA ALBA. 419 the hips to the pit of the stomach, especially during motion, followed by stitches, especially during stool, and mostly in the evening.Painful writhing (twisting) around the umbilicus, with stitches.Pain in the abdomen, with anguish, which renders the breathing difficult and is relieved by walking. Pain in the abdomen, as if he had been purged, or as if haemorrhoids would makQ their appearance. *Spasmodic pains in the abdomen after dinner. Rumbling in the abdomen, with sensation as if diarrhoea would set in. Horrible colic (in the forenoon), as if she would have an attack of dysentery, without stool. Colic and pinching in the abdomen, and the umbilical region, as after a cold for several days. Copious, fetid stool, preceded by cutting in the abdomen. Bloated abdomen, flatulence moves about in his abdomen with colic, continual constipation, and sensation as if something were lodged in his abdomen. Colic during stool, as if the parts were constricted, or were being pinched together with the hand. STOOL.- Constipation.-*Chronic constipation. I*Hard, tough stool, with protrusion of the rectum, odry stool, as if burnt. *The faeces are of a large size, and are therefore passed with difficulty.*Diarrhcaa, with previous colic. *Diarrhoea, ofrom cold, alternating with constipation and spasm of the stomach.-Long-lasting burning at the rectum after hard stool. Soft stool, with a burning sharp pain in the rectum. Diarrhoea, especially at night, with burning at the anus at every evacuation. Thin, bloody stool. Hard stool, followed by diarrhoea with fermentation in the abdomen. PDiarrhoea with undigested stool. URINE.-Pain in the abdomen, when emitting the urine. Sensation, when urinating, as if the urinary passage were too narrow. Violent desire to urinate without the bladder being full, also at night. Itching, burning, and stinging pain in the anterior portion of the urethra, between the acts of micturition. Burning in the urethra. (Aching in the urethra.) Drawing and lacerating in the anterior portion of the urethra, between the acts of micturition.-*Hot urine; *red, Obrown, and scanty urine; frequent emission of a watery urine. -Burning and cutting previous to the appearance of the urine. MALE GENITAL ORGANS.-Stinging-burning itching of the prepuce, stitches in the testicles when sitting; red, itching rash of the glans. FEMALE GENITAL ORGANs.-Pinching and uneasiness in the disSNOTE BY H-IAI-NEMANN.-A more frequent, primary effect of Bry. is retention of stol; its alternate effect, looseness of the bowels, is rarer; when the other symptoms correspond, Bry. is therefore able to cure constipation, which few remedies besides Nux-v. and Op. can do. 420 BRYONIA ALGA. tended abdomen, as if the menses would appear.-OSuppression of the menses, with bleeding of the nose.-Menses too early by eight, fourteen, twenty-one days. Loss of blood between the menses. OLacerating in the limbs during the catamenia.-MIIetrorrhagia, the blood being dark red, with pain in the small of the back, and headache.-~Colic of pregnant and lying-in females. OBurning pain in the uterus, during pregnancy. OPuerperal fever, particularly when the mammae are turgid, with milk. ONodosities and. indurations in the mammie; inflammation of the mammae, with suppression of the flow of the milk. ~Induration of one of the nipples. OMilk-fever, with rheumatic pains in the mammea. ~Galactorrhoea and complaints occasioned by weaning. OConstipation of infants at the breast. 00Ophthalmia of infants at the breast. *Rash of infants. LARYNX AND TRACHEA.-*Hoarseness and roughness of voice, when walking in the open air. *Hoarseness, accompanied by inclination to sweat. * Violent coryza, without cough. *Dry cough, apparently from the stomach, preceded by a creeping and tickling in the pit of the stomach. *Vomiting of the ingesta during the cough.*Long-continued stitch, deep in the left hemisphere of the brain, when coughing. ODry cough, with retching; a few spasmodic violent fits in the upper part of the trachea.-. Sensation when coughing as if the head and chest would fly to pieces. *Violent cough, early in the morning when in bed, with expectoration of a quantity of mucus. *Scraping and painful cough, with retching, as if caused by roughness and dryness of the larynx. He coughs up coagulated pieces of blood Oor pure blood, or blood streaked mucus, *Stiches in the throat when coughing,--Stiches in the region of the last rib or sternum. *Soreness in the pit of the stomach, when coughing.-Pressure in the head, when coutghing. OSpasmodic cough, after eating or drinking. cAcute and chronic bronchitis. CHEST.-Pressure in the pit of the stomach, which oppresses her chest. Burning 'pain in the right half of the chest. *The breathing is shorter, the expirations are more hurried. *Asthma. *Attack of pleurisy and oppression of the chest. *Oppression of the chest, with desire to take a deep breath, with pain.-~Labored breathing, with stretching of the abdominal muscles, and single deep inspirations; Osobbing breathing. *Quick, anxious, almost impossible breathing, owing to stitches in the chest, behind the scapula and muscles of the chest, impeding respiration, and obliging one to sit straight. *Attacks of oppression of the chest, particularly at night, ~with stitches in the abdomen and urging to stool. *Stitches in the side, in the region of the ribs, during an inspiration, at intervals, and BRYONIA ALBA. 421 disappearing in the open air. *During an inspiration, stitch through the chest to the scapule. Tensive pain or stitch on taking a deep inspiration. Stitches and pulsative throbbings in the lower part of the right half of the chest. Stitch, with pressing in the chest, from within outwards.-Lancination, as is felt in ulcers, in a small spot below the clavicle, on taking the least inspiration. The small spot is painful like an ulcer, even, when touching it. Stitches in the chest when lying on the back, aggravated by every movement. Crampy pain in the chest, close above the pit of the stomach, greatest when sitting on a chair, and stooping, and when lying on one side in the bed. Tension in the chest, when walking. Palpitation of the heart, with oppression. *Heat in the chest. Considerable swelling of the external chest in front. Pricking pain below the right nipple, from within outwards, in the cavity of the chest, these prickings are only felt during an expiration. OBurning in the chest, with anguish and oppression.--Pneumonia and pleurisy, after the fever has been controlled by Acon.; otyphoid pneumonia; oacute suppuration of the lungs,? ~incipient phthisis,? Ohydrothorax.?-~Rheumatism of the muscles of the chest, rheumatic pleuritis.-~Carditis.? BAcK.--*Painful stiffness and tension in the nape of the neck and neck on moving the head.-Drawing along the neck to the ear. Painful soreness when turning the head, also in the nape of the neck, and in the muscles of the face, and those of mastication, during movement of those parts. Spasmodic pain between the scapulae, almost resembling a shuddering.-Burning between the scapulm. Contractive pain over the whole back.-Drawing down along the back, when sitting, going off by motion.-Painful darting jerking on both sides of the spine, when sitting, especially early in the morning and evening. Painful stiffness in the small of the back, not allowing him to walk straight. Pain, as from bruises, in the small of the back, when sitting, worst when lying down, not much felt during motion. He is unable to stoop, on account of a pain in the back and the lumbar vertebra, it is a. sort of lacerating, and is felt more when standing than when sitting, but not when lying down.-OLumn bago.? Stitches in the lumbar vertebroe.-Burning in the back. ARn.-Nervous lacerating in the arm from above downward. ~Convulsive jerking, spasmodic drawing and shaking. OBurning pain and weariness. OConstant trembling, also of the fingers. Pain as if sprained in the joint, on raising the arm. OShining red, rheu. matic swelling of the joint and upper arm, with stitches, Olacerating and tension on moving the parts.-Stitches in the upper arm when raising it. Pressure in the humerus, preventing sleep. Swelling 422 BRYONIA ALBA. of the elbow-joint. Lacerating in the fore-arm. Red rash on the fore-arm.--Stinging and creeping on the fore-arm. Tingling in the hand, as if gone to sleep. Weakness in the hand, which does not allow him to grasp anything firmly. Pain in the wrist-joint, as if strained or sprained, whenever it is moved. OSwelling of the hands. Stinging in the muscles when writing. Feeling of lameness in the fingers. Jerking of the fingers when moving them. Hot, pale swelling of the finger. Ulcerative pain in the root of the finger. LEGS.-OCoxagra.? Spontaneous limping.? Stitches in the hips, like cutting as with knives. OLameness of the lower extremities. ODrawing in the lower limbs.-Lancination from the hip or,uttock to the knee and feet, Oalso attended with general sweat and intolerance of contact or movement. Lacerating in the thighs when moving them. Rigidity of the thighs, like cramp, early in the morning, in bed. Drawing in the thighs, as before the catamenia. Pain as if bruised in the thighs, when sitting, with hammering throbbing. -Weakness, vacillation, and giving way of the knees. Pain as if bruised in the patelloe, and pain when going down-stairs, as if they would break. Cramp in the knees, when sitting down, and in the evening when lying down. *Stitches in the knees, particularly when moving them and walking, oalso attended with drawing from the knees into the calves. *Tensive, painful stifness of the knees. ORheumatic, shining-red swelling, with stitches. OLacerating, Oextending from the knees to the tibiae.-Burning itching and eruption in the knee. Pain as if bruised in the leg. *Lancinations and Otension, particularly in the calves, *or from the feet to the bends of the knees, -also with shining red swelling. *Swelling of the legs, also without redness, -also sudden swelling.-~Putrid ulcers on the legs. -Cramp in the calves, feet, dorsa of the feet, and heels, particularly at night, when lying down, relieved by movement. Nightly lacerating in the dorsa of the feet. *Pain as if sprained or strained in the feet, oparticularly when treading. *Stitches in thefeet, oparticularly at night, or early in the morning, in the heels, or *particularly in the bottoms of the feet when treading, with tension in the joints, oeven when lying down he experienced an intolerable tension and stinging in the joints. *Tension in the tarsal joints, particularly when moving them, or in the dorsum of the foot when sitting, also in the evening, as if the feet were swollen. *Hot, inflammatory swelling of the feet, owith redness, pain as if bruised when extending them, *tension when treading, and pain as if ulcerated when touching them. OArthritic swelling of the feet. OPodagra. CALADIUM SEGUINUM. 423 54.-CALADIUM SEGUINUM CALAD.-Arum Seguinum, Common Arum.-"Archiv.," XL., 2.-Duration of Action: fifty days. COMPARE wITH-Caps., Carb.-v., Chin., Graph., Ign., Mere., Nitr.-ac., Phosph. ANTIDOTE.-The root of the plant is said to be the best antidote against poisoD ing by the leaves of the plant Small doses are antidoted by Caps.? GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-*Calad, has been found curative in the case of a person with lax fibres, when there was an intense desire to accomplish a good deal more than physical strength would permit, accompanied with disposition to asthma, &c.-Feeling as if bruised in every joint.-Debility and languor, obliging him to lie down, particularly during the beating in the abdomen.-He dreads exercise, but he has strength enough to move about when he tries.-Fainting sensation on raising himself, passing off soon, particularly troublesome after having exerted himself by writing or meditating.-Drawing crampy pains between the bones of the fore-arms and behind the tendo-Achillis. CHARACTERISTIC PECULIARITIES.-Sleep in the daytime removes all his pains.-Most of the symptoms occur in the daytime and during the hot stage; in the evening he feels better again. SKIN.-Corrosive burning at night.-Itching every evening.Itching and burning rash.-White suppurating pimples come out on the body here and there, surrounded with red areolae, and itching, feeling sore to the touch. SLEEP.-Drowsiness.-Vivid dreams about past scenes and events. Anxious moaning in the night.-Cramps in the bottoms of the feet, 't night. FEvER.-Shuddering over the back and body.-Internal fever, going off by sleep.-*Evening fever, with which he goes to sleep, it wakes him and then goes off.-Pulse accelerated.-Full, hard, bounding pulse.-Heat before midnight, chilliness after midnight.--Heat after the siesta, followed by sweat, and then chilliness in the open air.-Heat, with thirst, violent pain in the ears, swelling of the submaxillary glands, and retention of stool.-Sweat towards evening, with prostration, yawning, and drowsiness. MIND AND DISPOSITION.-Vehement anger about everything.-- *Low spirits and gloomy thoughts in a man afflicted with impotence. -Very forgetful. SENSORIUM.-Giddy and sick at the stomach.-Gloominess in the 424 CALADIUM SEGUINUM. head and vertigo.-Sensation in the head as if oppressed by a weight, a similar sensation in the epigastrium. HEAD.-Aching in that side of the head where the head had been resting on the pillow.-Ascension of heat to the head. Stupefying pressure in the right temple on waking.-Distensive headache, par. ticularly in the forehead.-Boring pain in the forehead.-Sticking in the temple, and particularly in the right eye.-Prickings in the scalp, in the region of the sinciput. EYES.-Burning of the eyes.-Pressure in the eye-balls, which are sensitive to the touch. FACE.-Corrosive burning stitches in the cheeks. EARs.-Pulsations in the right ear, and sensation around the ear as if warm water were flowing around it.-Throbbing sensation in front of the right ear, with a slight drawing.-Chirping and buzzing in the ears. TEETH.-Drawing through the molar teeth, from above downwards. -Boring toothache, with stitches extending into the ear. MOUTH.-Swelling of the tongue, to such an extent that the tongue fills the buccal cavity, with excessive ptyalism, the saliva resembling the white of an egg; the eyes are violently inflamed, and feel enlarged; the chest is oppressed, the pulse small and accelerated; cold sweat all over. Sensation in the mouth as when one burns it with Kreosote. PHARYNX AND (ESOPHAGUS.-Dryness in the fauces and pharynx, without thirst, or rather *7ith aversion to cold water.-Inflammation of the palate, nape of the neck, and throat. APPETITE.-*HIe eats without an appetite. GASTRIC SYMPTOMS.-Eructations of wind, as if the stomach were filled with dry food; *several paroxysms of violent asthma have been cured with Calad., in accordance with the foregoing symptoms. STOMACH.-Nausea and gloominess in the head.-Burning in the stomach, which is not relieved by drinking.-Dull, internal burning in the stomach and epigastrium; passing over into violent pressure, lastly into gnawing at the orifice of the stomach, hindering deep breathing.-Prickings in the pit of the stomach, deep-seated.--Sen sation as if something hard and heavy were lodged in the pit of the stomach. ABDOMEN.-Burning in the abdomen, leaving a dull sensation behind.-Strong pulsations in the erpgastrium, particularly on the left side above the umbilicus.-Stitches, jerks, and pressure in the region of the spleen.-The abdomen is painful to the touch, particularly in the region of the bladder -Sudden writhing pains in the CALADIUM SEGUINUM. 425 abdomen in the evening.-Spasmodic cutting about the umbilicus, obliging him to bend double. STOOL.-*Small flatus, having a putrid smell.-Sensation as if diarrhoea would set in, without stool.-Scanty papescent stool.-Soft stool, one hour after discharge of blood, afterwards a working and shifting in the abdomen, hoamorrhoidal complaints.-Discharge of red, thin blood, in tolerable quantity, after stool.-Cuttings in the rectum.-Boring and digging in the small of the back and anus. URINARY ORGANS.-The region of the bladder is painful to the touch; the bladder feels full to him, without any desire to urinate.Frequent sticking sensation on the left side, behind and above the bladder.-On pressing, when urinating, the urine burns like hot water.-*Fetid urine in a man afflicted with impotence, attended with secondary gonorrhcea. GENITAL ORGANS.-The sexual organs are bloated, relaxed, and sweaty. Corrosive pain; or swelling of the prepuce.-Red, dry glans, dotted with fine points which are still redder.-Painful erection without sexual desire, alternating with sexual desire with relaxed penis.-Impotence, the penis remains relaxed, even when excited.-Imperfect erection, and premature ejaculation of the semen. -*Feeling of coldness, and cold sweat of the sexual organs. LARYNX AND TRACHEA.-Contractive sensation in the larynx and trachea.-Continual slight cough, with feeling of hollowness and emptiness in the chest after expectorating little lumps of mucus.--- Feeble cough, without resonance.-Oppression in the pit of the stomach, with oppression of breathing and cough.-Cough in the evening, with great exertion and heaviness in the chest.-Continual feeble cough, felt above the larynx CHEST.-Twitching below the region of the heart, externally.The region of the ribs and small of the back feel bruised ýn the morning on rising.-Stinging in the chest, in the evening. BACK.-Rheumatic drawing pains between the shoulders.-Spasmodic sensation between the shoulders.-The back and small of the back feel bruised, in the morning when rising.-*Pains in the small of the back, attending the secondary gonorrhoea. ARMs.-In the morning, on waking, both arms have gone to sleep. LEGS.-His knees tremble when standing. Violent pain in the knee. 426 CALCAREA,-.JICA. 55.-CALCAREA CARBONICA. CALC. CAR.-Carbonate of Lime.-" Chronic Diseases," Vol. II.-Duration of Action: upwards of fifty days. COMPARE WITH-Alum., Anac., Arn., Ars., Bar., Bell., Bis., Chin., Cupr., Graph., Kal., Lye., iMayn., Mere., Nitr.-ac, Nux-v., Phosph., Puls., Sep., Sil., Sulph., Veralr.-Calc.-car. is frequently indicated after: Chin., Cupr., Nitr.-ac., Sulph. (especially when the pupils are prone to become dilated).-After Calc.-car. are frequently indicated: Lye., Nitr.-ac., Phosph., Sil. ANTIDOTES.-Camph., Nitr.-ac., Nitr.-spir., Sulph.-It antidotes: Bis., Chin., Chin.-sulph., Nitr -ac. HAHNEMANN.-" This is one of the most powerful antipsorics, and may be used with especial benefit in the following affections, if not otherwise indicated: Depression of spirits; weeping mood; want of cheerfulness, with heaviness of the legs; anguish when sweating; restless anxiety; anguish; shuddering and horror, when the evening approaches; anxiety induced by thoughts; anxiety after listening to the recital of cruelties; nervous depression; frighfullness: attacks of despondency on account of disordered health; sensitive peevishness; obstinacy; indifference; dullness of the thinking faculties; chronic affection of the head, as if a plank were before the head; dizziness and tremor before breakfast; vertigo on going up-stairs; vertigo on ascending a height, the roof for instance; heaviness and pressure in the forehead, which oblige him to close his eyes; headache on account of reading and writing; headache from reaching too high; boring in the forehead, as if the head would burst; beating headache in the occiput; throbbing in the middle of the brain; hammering headache after walking in the open air, which forces one to lie down; headache and buzzing in the head, with heat in the cheeks; icy coldness in the right side of the head; evening, sweat of the head, falling of of the hair; pressure in the eyes; burning of the eye-lids, and soreness, as if they were excoriated; burning and cutting in the eyes, while read. ing by candle-light; cutting in the eye-lids; stitches in the eyes; itching of the eyes; agglutination of the eyes; suppuration of the fistula-lachrymalis; lachrymation, in the open air, or early in the morning; slight twitches in the upper and lower eye-lid; closing of the eye-lids every morning; obscuration of sight when reading; obscuration of the eyes after eating; dim-sightedness before the eyes, as if there were feathers before the eyes; dim-sightedness, as through a gauze; mist before the eyes when straining the eyes in looking or reading; long-sightedness, one cannot see without convex glasses; the eyes are blinded by bright light; stitches in the ears; discharge CALCAREA CARBONICA. 4127 of pus from the ears; crackling in the ear when swallowing; throb. bing in the ears; tingling in the ears; buzzing before the ears; whizzing of the ears, with hard hearing; thundering in the ear; her hearing is often impeded; hard hearing, sore nose; obstruction of the nose by yellow, stinking pus; bleeding at the nose; bad smell and fetor from the nose; smell of manure before the nose; pain of the face; itching and eruption in the face; summer freckles upon the cheeks; itching, and itching pimples, where the whiskers are; eruptions about the mouth; pain of the glands of the lower jaw; toothache after every cold drink; drawing toothache, with stitches, day and night, renewed by cold and by warmth; toothache like grinding and soreness; difficult dentition; painful sensitiveness of the gums; stitches in the gums; swelling of the gums; bleeding of the gums; dryness of the tongue, at night, or early on waking up; aphthb, under the tongue; accumulation of pituita in the mouth; hawking up of phlegm; constriction of the throat; bitter taste in the mouth, early in the morning; want of appetite; want of appetite, with constant thirst; repugnance to the usual tobacco; disinclination to warm food; chronic aversion to meat; hunger immediately or shortly after a meal; ravenous hunger, early in the morning; she cannot eat sufficiently, it will not go down; heat after eating; eructations after eating; bitter eructations; water-brash; weakness of digestion of the stomach; pressure at the stomach before breakfast and after a meal; nightly pressure at the pit of the stomach; stitching pressure at the stomach after a meal; spasm of the stomach; pinching and cutting at the pit of the stomach; simultaneously with pressure at the stomach, pressure from within outward under the last rib; one cannot bear tightness of clothing at the pit of the stomach; swelling at the pit of the stomach, with pressive pain; the pit of the stomach is painful to the touch; tension across both hypochondria. Pressive and lancinating, colic, without diarrhoea; pressive and pinching colic, without diarrhoea; colic in the epigastrium; in the afternoon, cutting and griping in the abdomen, with vomiting of the food taken for dinner; coldness in the abdomen; inflation and hardness of the abdomen; incarcarated flatulence; flatulence pressing towards the abdominal ring, as if hernia would take place; constipation; costiveness; stools scanty and hard; two evacuations a day; frequent or constant looseness of the bowels; involuntary dis. charge of loose stool, intermixed with gas; protrusion of the varices of the rectum, with burning pain, during stool; physical depression after an evacuation, accompanied by a sensation as of being bruised, through the whole body; itching of the anus; ascarides in the reo 428 CALCAREA CARBONICA. turn; burning in the urethra; too frequent micturition; hmmorrhage from the urethra; hmmaturia; libidinous, lewd thoughts; want of sexual desire; slight sexual powers; want of pollutions; too short erections during an embrace; stinging and burning in the generative organs of the male, during the emission of semen, in an embrace. Pressive pain in the vagina; pressure upon the prolapsed womb, stitches in the os-tincas; itching of the pudendum and the anus; varices of the labia-pudendi; after-pains or milk-fever, after confinement; hcemorrhage from the uterus; (suppressed catamenia;) catamenia too early and too copious; cutting in the abdomen, with griping in the small of the back, during the catamenia; leucorrhea, before the catamenia; leucorrhcea, like milk, flowing at intervals; burning and itching leucorrhoa; itching of the pudendum, while leucorrhoea is flowing. Frequent sneezing; troublesome dryness of the nose; constant coryza; delaying coryza, dry cold in the head; dry cold in the head, in the morning; obstruction of the nose; ulceration of the larynx; hoarseness; excessive accumulation of pus in the chest. cough in the bed, in the evening; night-cough, during sleep; cough early in the morning; dry cough; yellow, stinking expectoration pressure at the stomach during cough; interception of breath when stooping; pressure at the chest; stitches in the side of the chest during motion; stitches in the left side, when stooping to that side; burning at the chest; prickling in the pectoral muscles; palpitation of the heart, also at night; pain in the small of the back; pain as from a sprain, in the back; stifness and rigidity of the nape of the neck; swellings of the cervical glands; goitre; pressive pain in the right upper arm; nightly drawing and lacerating in the arms; sudden faintness of the arms, like paralysis," numbness (the German expression is, extinction, or dying off) of the hand when clutching something; swelling of the hands; sweat of the hands: arthritic nodosities of the carpal joints, and those of the fingers; prickling of the fingers, as if they went to sleep; numbness of the fingers, and dying off of the same, even during warm weather; want of mobility of the fingers; the fingers are frequently paralyzed; heaviness of the legs; stiffness of the legs; cramp in the legs; when sitting, the legs go to sleep; ulcers of the legs; stitches in the thigh when setting the foot down; varices of the thighs; stitches in the knee, when standing or sitting; stitches and lacerating in the knee; drawing pain in the knee, when sitting or walking; swelling of the knee; red spots on the legs; burning of the soles; swelling of the soles; coldness of the feet, in the evening; sweaty feet; deying off of the feet, in the evening; sensitiveness of the big toes; corns; pain in the corns; the ex CALCAREA CARBONICA. 429 tremities go to sleep; cramp of the arms and legs; pain as from bruises, in the upper arms, and in the middle of the thighs when going up-stairs; lacerating in the limbs, arms, and legs; by reaching too high, the parts are easily strained; in consequence of this reaching the nape of the neck becomes enlarged and rigid, with headache; straining easily results from reaching too high, with consequent sore throat. Great increase of fat in young men; physical depression consequent upon talking; want of strength, faintishness; faintishness early in the morning; great exhaustion after every little walk; attacks of epilepsy in the night, during full moon, with cries. Great fatigue consequent upon moderate walking in the open air; great sweat consequent upon moderate exercise; great sensitiveness to cold; one easily catches cold. Dryness of the skin of the body; rough skin of the body, as if covered with miliary eruptions; branlike covering of the skin. Boils; warts; drowsiness by day; droaw siness in the early part of the evening; frequent waking up at night; sleeplessness; tossing about in the bed, at night. Night thirst; pressure at the pit of the stomach at night, and a rising from the pit towards the larynx and the head. Nightly pains in the back and the arms; nightly asthma; nightly palpitation of the heart; heat and anguish at night; horrid images of the fancy before falling asleep; in the evening when in bed; anxious dreams; raving at night; night-sweat. Chilliness early in the morning, and after rising; frequent flushes of heat, with palpitation and anxiety of the heart; evening-fever for three days, first heat in the face, then chilliness. "Calcarea acts a long while. Calcarea generally acts well after Nitric-acid, when the action of this drug, although apparently homoeopathically indicated, had been rather unfavorable; on the other hand, Nitric-acid relieves the unpleasant symptoms of the homoeopathically chosen Calcarea, and imparts to its action a beneficent character. Nausea, consequent upon the use of Calcarea, is specifically counteracted by smelling of the Spirits of Nitre, which act even better in this case than Camphor. Other disagreeable symptoms of Calcarea are relieved by smelling of Nux-vomica. Calcarea is frequently useful after Sulphur, especially when the pupils are prone to become dilated. "Calcarea generally is indispensable and curative when the cata. menia appear a few days before the period, especially when the flow of blood is considerable. But, if the catamenia appear at the regular period, or a little later, Calcarea almost never is useful, even if the catamenia should be rather profuse. "In affections of persons advanced in age, Calcarea, even after other 430 CALCAR.EA CARBONICA. intermediate remedies, can scarcely be repeated with advantage; a dose which is given after another, without any previous intermediate remedy, is almost always prejudicial; in cases of children, howevei, several doses may be given in succession, provided the remedy con. tinues to be indicated; the younger the children, the more frequently may the remedy be repeated." NOACK AND TRINKS.-'" According to Koch, Calcarea acts especially upon the mucous membranes, on the fibrous and osseous system, on the nervous system, on the serous tissues, on the venous and also the lymphatic system of the abdomen, and upon the skin. Calcarea is especially suitable to the venoso-hcemorrhoidal, plethoric, or the lymphatic, slow and heavy, or to the scrofulous, rickety constitution especially when there is a predominant disposition to fluent coryza, cold, and diarrhaea; or it is particularly adapted to frail individuals, being poorly fed, or also to such as had, in their young years, a marked disposition for growing fat and stout. In general, Calcarea is especially useful to the young organism; it corresponds, more than any other remedy, to diseases of the reproductive system, which are the basis of all the diseases inherent in the first age of man; it may therefore be used, with especial benefit, in all scrofulous diseases, or in the diseases of new-born children, such as ophthalmia, muscular and nervous weakness, acidity of the stomach. Calcarea is likewise suit. able for the diseases of females, especially when the menses are too abundant and frequent; according to Hahnemann, Calcarea is indispensable when the menses appear too soon and are too profuse, whereas Calcarea is almost always prejudicial when the menses appear at or after the proper time; according to Lobethal, Calcarea is, in the former case, a beneficial remedy, which speedily and thoroughly cures affections resulting from menstrual irregularities, such as muscular weakness, e;cessive irritability of the nervous system, leucorrhaea. Calcarea is suitable for fancied diseases, for hysteria, hypochondria, melancholia, uneasiness, anguish, despondency, whining mood, peevishness, angriness, renouncing all hope of recovery, nervous weakness resulting from onanism, muscular weakness, dijficulty of children of learning to walk. Diseases of drunkards, delirium tremens affections resulting from catching cold in cold water, bad effects of Quinine.'"-ED. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.'-A feeling of painful tension over the whole body. Slight twitchings of the muscles and in the joints. Drawing pressure in the joints. Painless drawing in the limbs, in 1 Those symptoms which are included in parenthesis belong to Cale.-acet. CALCAREA CARBONICA. 431 the afternoon. Lacerating in the limbs. Lacerating in arms ani legs, but always only in a small place. Burning in the palms of the hands and soles of the feet. Stitches in the upper arms, under the arms, in the back, and lower extremities. *Hands and feet go to sleep. Pain, as from bruises, with lameness, in the medullary bones, the joints of the lower extremities, and the small of the back; during motion, even when sitting or standing, the small of the back aches as if bruised, and the muscles of the legs are painful to the touch. *Liability to strain a part by lifting; pain in the small of the back immediately after raising heavy loads. *Seething of the circulatory system. *Congestion of blood to the head and the chest, after painful stiffness of the spinal column. Congestion of blood to the head, with discharge of blood from the rectum. Uneasy motions in the whole body. *Anxious trembling, with languor. Continual trembling of the whole body, which became worse on going out into the open air. Great heaviness of the body. Sick feeling in the whole body, dreads the open air. Uncomfortable feeling in the evening, as before an attack of the ague. *Great physical depression, hands and feet are often cold, with paleness of the face, and frequent palpitation of the heart; all these symptoms disappeared by taking exercise. Attack of general exhaustion, with dullness of the head, vertigo, pain in the small of the back, and chilliness of the whole body. Attack of fainting, with large drops of sweat in the face. *Exhaustion and weariness of the limbs, especially the knees, oextending to the small of the back, particularly during motion and when going up-stairs. Weakness in the thighs and groins, when walking. *He is easily tired by bodily exertions. *During a walk, he feels great weakness, especially in the lower extremities, with sweat and languor. *She was completely exhausted by going up-stairs. *Talkcing makes her weak. *Weakness in the daytime, so that she could hardly bear the anguish with which she was oppressed, the fresh open air refreshed and strengthened her. oWeakness from loss of animal fluids and onanism.--Difficult walking of children.-~Atrophy, with tympanitis and glandular swelling of scrofulous subjects.--Emaciation, with good appetite.-OExcessive obesity of young men.-~Chorea; ~hysteric spasms.? *For ten days she was attacked with excessive weakness, so that she was neither able to move about, nor do anything, with violent attacks of convulsive laughter. Attack of epilepsy. *Great sensitiveness to cold air; in the evening the feet feel dead. *Great liability to cold. Symptoms of cold: stiffness of the nape of the neck and the muscles of the neck, stinging in the throat and head, above the eyes, and cough. Every walk in the open air 432 CALCAREA CARBONICA. makes her sad, and she weeps. Symptoms when walking in the ope air: headache in the vertex, which continues until he goes to bed; visible inflation of the abdomen; palpitation of the heart, and pain in the chest; sense as of drawing through the whole body, extending into the head, and obliging one to sit down. Boring pain, externally, in the left side of the forehead, after walking in the open air. Indisposed, hoarse after a walk, with dyspnoea. SKIN.-The whole skin, especially that of the feet, is painful when touched. Dizziness in the head. Itching of the whole body. In the evening, when in bed, violent itching. Itching of a dry, hot skin, as if it were covered with salt and ashes. Burning in the skin, with itching. Prickings in the skin. ORough skin, as if covered with rash. Nettle-rash, which goes off in cool air. Itching, vesicular eruption over the whole body, especially the hips. *Eruption of large, elevated patches of the size of a small pea, and even larger, mostly on the cheeks and elbows, with great heat and thirst and little appetite. Scurfy places on the thigh, with burning during the night. *Herpes speedily reappears. *Unwholesome readily-ulcerated skin; even small wounds suppurate, and do not heal. *A number of small warts make their appearance here and there. Warts become inflamed. oUlcers, particularly fistulous, with redness, swelling, and hardness of the surrounding parts; ocarious ulcers. OSteatoma, reappearing and suppurating every four weeks.--Rhagades, oparticularly of people who work in water.OPolypus. SLEEP.-Early on waking he finds it difficult to rouse. himself. "*Drowsiness in the daytime and weariness.--*Tired and sleepy the whole day.-Sleepy and languid during the day, with chilliness and headache.-*Sleepiness early in the evening. In the evening, weariness in all the limbs, with drowsiness and chilliness. *Frequently hefalls asleep late in the evening. *He tosses about in his bed almost the whole night. * 'He finds it difficult to fall asleep, on account of many thoughts involuntarily thronging his mind. *Uneasy waking in bed in the evening, the fancy being full of horrid images. Illusions of the fancy when falling asleep. *Palpitation of the heart, and anguish before falling asleep, in the evening when in bed. Symptoms at night: *full of anguish and raving, she starts in a dream as in affright, she apprehends she will become crazy, after which she experiences chills for a few minutes, which are followed by a sensation as if the body were dashed to pieces; *horrid things crowd upon her, she is unable to keep them off; orgasm with uneasy sleep, especially during the catamenia; palpitation of the heart with uneasy CALCAREA CARBONICA. 433 sleep. Internal heat, especially in the feet and hands, with dry tongue in the morning, without thirst, and external heat in the head. Violent vertigo, with sense as of wavelets of light dancing before the eyes. Stupefaction of the head, which wakes him, and increases even unto fainting, followed by tremor of the limbs and continual languor, which prevent falling asleep again. Lacerating pain in the gums, and sense as of the teeth being loose when biting upon them; boring and drawing pain in most of the molar teeth; nightly toothache, or rather congestion of blood to the teeth, coming on immediately after going to bed. OPressure in the pit of the stomach, and rising to the throat and head; a good deal of colic without diarrhoea; at night, lassitude in the knees; burning in the soles of the feet; drawing pain in the feet.-Snoring groans the whole night, in a stupor-like slumber, with constant tossing about. Palpitation of the heart, in the siesta, when sitting, which wakes him. Talking when asleep. Screaming in the night, and uneasy sleep. Dullness of the head, early on waking, with tremor through the whole body, and congestion of blood to the head. Seething of the blood on waking early in the morning, after an uneasy sleep. Vivid, confused dreams. Anxious and frightful dreams. *Frightful dreams the whole night, --_Horrid, frightful dreams. FEVER.-Grreat internal chilliness.-Constant chilliness with much thirst. Internal chilliness, with uneasiness and tremulous anguish. -(Frequent chilliness, with yellow color of the skin.) Chilliness in the evening.-(In the evening, when lying down, external heat with internal chilliness.)-Heat in the chest and head, the remainder of the body feeling chilly.-(Glowing heat and redness of the face, with hot forehead, cold Jiands, and violent thirst, for several hours.)~Heat in the face, followed by chilliness, every third day. A good deal of sweat in the daytime, when walking, and at night, when in bed.-(Exhausting sweat, day and night.)-Violept sweat in the day, the air being cold, or *during the slightest exercise. Night-sweat, mostly before midnight, with cold legs. *Nightly sweat on the back. OIntermittent fever, particularly after abuse of China or Quinine; hectic fever.-Fever, in the forenoon: alternate chills and heat. Feverish heat and burning thirst, alternating with chilliness. Evening fever: external chilliness, with internal heat and violent thirst; he feels chilly even in bed, and sweats at the same time, at last violent sweats break out. In the forenoon: headache, with sudden failing of strength, *accompanied by great heat in the forehead and hands, great desire for acidulated drinks, after lying down the hands became icy cold, with quick pulse. Fever, from morning until noot 19 434 43 ALCARtuA CARDONICA.t or afternoon, commencing with lacerating in the joints and heaviness of the head, th~en languor, which scarcely permitted her to raise herself up in bed, with h-eaviness, stretchinig of the limibs, heat, and constant sensation as if sweat would break out, accoinpanied by trembling and uneasin~ess in all the lms MORAL SYMPTOMS.-*Low spirited $ and melancholy, -also with anxiety.; 0want of cheerfulness, with heaviness of the- limbs; -sad mood, with voluptuous tremor of the body; *gyreat desire to weep, also in an infant. *Anxiety about every trifle, accompanied by, weeping mood. Anxiety of mind. Great anguish and palxpitation of t/e heart. *Sweat, as from anguish, with nausea. 0Anxiety in the evening, at twilight, with horror and shudd 'erincr; -0anxiety, which can be excited by a thought or by listening to the narration of cruelties. * Uneasiness of mnind, with gloom and anxiety. Seething of the blood, and uneasiness. *Apprehenision, as if some misfortune were about to happen. The mind is full of dread- and anxiety of the future, with fear of consumption. She fears she will lose, her understanding, or that people will observe her confusion of mind. Hypochondriasis. * Despairing mood, with fear of. disease. and misery, with foreboding of sad events. *8S'he despairs of her life, and imagines that she is obliged to die. *Frequent attacks of irritability and anguish. *Noise affects one a good deal. Impatient, desperate. Unnaturally indifferent, unsociable, taciturn. Peevishness and obstinacy. 0Yery peevish and disinclined to talk. As soon as he sits idle and quiet he becomes peevish and sleepy, and everything is disagreeable to him. *Vrexcd, peevish, sullen, and extremely indifferent towards the most impoitant things." *Intolerable sulkiness and peevish mood. Repulsive disposition. *Everything is disagreeable to her. Ill-hiunor. Disinclined to every kind of work. The first part of the day anzious, the latter part cheeiful. SENSOIUuM.-Very forgetful. 0Chronie dullness of mind, with ilifficulty to think, and sensation as if a board were pressing against his head.-0Mania 'a potu, with delirious talk about fire, murder, rats, and mice.-G-iddiness and loss of senses, as if turning in a circle.Loss of the senses. Sense of confusion and tremor in the head. Sense of dullness and giddiness in the head, every morning on rising. Painful dullness of the head, she cannot understand that which she has been reading, nor comprehend that which is spoken. The head feels constantly as if it were too full. *Dizziness of the head, early after rising, -with nausea and roaring in the ear, and a sensation as if he would fall down senseless, -or with tremor. 0Giddiness from scratching behind the ears. Stupefaction of the head, like vertigo, CALCAREA CARBONICA. 435 the whole afternoon. *Vertigo and staggering in the.evening, whien walking in the open air. Vertigo as if the body did not stand firmly. -Quickly-passing vertigo, mostly when sitting, less when standing, and still less when walking, Owhen going up-stairs. Violent vertigo when stooping, then nausea and headache, or standing. Vertigo when walking in the open air, after walking, and when standing. HEAD.-- The head is affected by mental labor. Headache, also with giddiness, *every morning on waking. Headache over the nose, in the forehead. Frequent semi-lateral headache, with empty risings. Headache, *with nausea. Violent dull headache, first in the fore part, then in the back part of the head, for some days, stupefying pressure on the top of the head, as after quickly turning in a circle, Stupefying pain in the forehead, as in vertigo, both when at rest and in motion.-Stupefying oppressive headache, in the forehead, with cloudiness of the whole head, and inability to recollect anything when reading. Painful feeling of fullness in the forehead, with beating in the temples. *Heaviness in the forehead, *increased by reading and writing.-Great heaviness of the head, with violent jerks in both temples, and pain of the whole head when stooping, which goes off again when the head is raised. Pressure in the head.-Intense aching pain in the whole head, especially in both temples. *Pressure in the forehead.-Aching in the forehead, especially over the left eye-brow, when walking in the open air.-Presswre in the forehead, from within outward, resembling vertigo, relieved by pressing upon the parts with the cold hand, and going off when walking in the open air. Pain in the left temporal region and the whole left side of the head, pressing from within outwards.-Sensation in the occiput as if pressed asunder. Violent, almost lancinating pain in the region of the vertex, pressing from within outward, when stooping. Painful pressing from within outward, in the whole head, with sensation as if the brain were pressed together. Tensive sharp pain in the forehead. Tension across the top of the head. The head aches, it feels tight. *Cramp-like pain, from the forehead to the vertex (after a cold). Cramp-like pain in the temples. *Drawing pain, Oin the sinciput, with coldness of the forehead, and nausea; -in the whole of the right side of the head, in the malar bone and the jaw. Headache arising from the nape of the neck. Drawing pain in the head.-Drawing, sometimes also lacerating headache, at times in the forehead, at times in the occiput, sometimes in the temples, di. minishing when pressing upon the parts, and disappearing when exerting the thinking faculty. Lacerating pain, the whole day, in the temples, the bones of the orbit, and the cheek. Gnawing or 486 CALCAREA CARBONICA. cutting in the occiput. Stitches in the head. Stitching pains in the brain, with sense of emptiness in the head. Single stitches through the head, with great chilliness. Lancinations through the eyes. Frequent stitches in the temples. OBoring in the forehead, as if the head would burst.-Jerkings in the head, for moments. *Throbbing headache, in the middle of the brain, every morning, and continuing the whole day. Throbbing pain in the forehead. Stitch-like throbbing in the head when walking fast. OThrobbing, aggravated by mental exertions and spirituous drinks. oHammering, particularly in the occiput, or after a walk in the open air. *Rush of blood to the head, with heat of the face, oand buzzing in the head. *Heat in the head, and considerable seething of the blood. *Heat in the left part of the head. Heat all over the head, in the evening. *Icy coldness, in and about the head. SCALP.-Itching of the hairy scalp. *Itching behind the ear, with dizziness in the head after scratching. Burning itching of the hairy scalp. *Eruption on the hairy scalp, *with glandular swellings at the neck. Pimples on the forehead. *Painful tumor on the right side of the head, osuppurating. OSoft, sore tumor behind the ear. *Thin, moist porrigo on the hairy scalp. *The hair of the head comes out when combing it, particularly in lying-in women. OSweat about the head, in the evening. OEnlargement of the head of infants, with open fontanelles. EYEs.-Pain in the eyes, as if they were pressed in. *Pressure in the eyes in the evening. Pressure as from sand. Pressure and burning in the eyes, with lachrymation. Tension in the muscles of the eyes, when turning the eyes, or exerting them while reading. Twitching and slight beating in the eye. *Stitches in the eye and head (during the menses).--Cutting in the lids; Oin the eyes, with burning of the eyes when reading by candle-light. Itching in the margin of the eye-lids. *Itching in the eyes, in the evening.*Violent itching of the eyes. Itching in the canthi. *Pain, as from excoriation, in the lower eye-lid. *Feeling of heat in the eyes, with heaviness in the upper lids. *Burning in the eyes, when he closes the lids. Itching burning of the eyes, head, and neck. Redness of the margins of the eye-lids. (*Violent inflammation of the eyes, the whites of the eyes are quite red.) Ophthalmia of new-born infants;? of scrofulous persons; oof arthritic persons;? from foreign bodies having got into the ball of the eye. *Swelling and redness of the eye-lids; they become agglutinated every night; in the daytime the eyes are full of gum, with a feeling of heat and soreness, as from excoriation, and there is lachrymation. Lachrymation, when writing. CALCAREA CARBONICA. 437 Lachrymation, and fatigue and weakness of the eye. The eyes look watery, and their lids are agglutinated early in the morning OFistula-lachrymalis. OSpecks, ulcers, and obscuration of the cornea; ofungus-haematodes in the eye.? *Slight twitching in the upper eye-lids, with a sensation as if the eye were moving spontaneously, Dilatation of the pupils. *A darkness or sense of blackness sometimes shoots across her eyes. *Dimness of the eyes, after having caught a cold in the head; with a desire to close the eyes, without being sleepy. *Sensation as of feathers before the eyes. *Sensation as of a gauze before the eyes, in both the inner canthi. Flashes of light before the eyes. *Far-sightedness; she is obliged to wear convex glasses when reading. *Long-sightedness. Black spots before the eyes. Dancing wavelets of light, and fiery sparks before the eyes, early in the morning, on waking. Light dazzles het eyes. EARS.-Pain in the ears, as if sometbing would press out. Pressure in the ears. Cramp-like pain in the ears. Drawing, dull pain in the ears. *Stitches in the ear, and the temple, going off during rest, and when the eyes are closed. *Pulsations in the ears. Burning itching in both ears. Heat in the interior of the ears, like hot blood. Burning pain around the ear. Swelling of the internal ear and right side of the face, with frequent secretion of wax. *Moist eruption behind the right ear, tumor before the left ear, painful like a boil when touched.-*Scnsation in the right ear as if something had become lodged before the tympanum, without, however, diminishing the hearing. *Hard hearing, for a long time. Sensitiveness in the brain, when hearing a shrill sound. *Tingling before the ears. *Singing in the ears, and afterwards *snapping, as of a spark from the electric machine. *Alternate buzzing, as of mosquitoes, and cracking, as in breaking dry straw, in the left ear. Buzzing roaring in the ear. *Ringing in the left ear and in the head. *Buzzing in the left ear. *Considerable humming in the ears, with hard hearing, early in the morning. Cracking in the ear, when chewing. OThundering. OParotitis.-~Polypus in the ear.-OPurulent discharge from the ears. NoSE.-(Twitches of the external muscles of the nose.) (Gnawing pain about the root of the nose.) Itching of the nose. Soreness of the margin of the nostrils. Stinging pain in the nostrils. *Soreness of the right nostril. *Inflammation, redniess, and swelling of the anterior part of the nose. Eruption on the nose. *Painful pimple in the left nostril, with itching and stinging pain. *Pimple in the nostril, painful only when the muscles of the face and nose are moved. *Sore, ulcerated nostrils; *sometimes preceded by frequent 438 CALCAlEEA CARBONICA. sneezing. Bleeding at the nose. Violent bleeding at'the nose, as in venesection, almost to fainting. *Very bad smell in the nose. *Smell before the nose, as of rotten eggs, or gunpowder, Odr of ma. nure.-oScrofulous swelling of the nose.--Polypus in the nose.(Frequent sneezing, without coryza.) *Dryness of the nose, at night; moist during the day. *Stoppage of the nose, oalso by yellow fetid pus. Violent dry coryza, with headache. OTardy discharge from the nose, in catarrh. Coryza, heaviness in all his limbs. Violent fluent coryza. Violent coryza, with headache and dyspnoea. FAcE.-Pale, thin face, with deep dark-bordered eyes. oWrinkled face, as of old people. *Yellowness of the face. Bloated redness and heat of the face. OCircumscribed redness of the cheeks. Erysipelas of the (enlarged) cheek. Pain in the face, succeeded by swelling bf the cheeks, which caused the pain to go off. Dull aching pain in the cheek. Twitchings in the muscles of the face. Lacerating in the bones' of the face and head. (Pulsating throbbing in both cheek-bones.) * Violent itching in the whole face. 0Freckles.-Burning in the whole face. Feeling as of swelling in the face, especially below the eye and around the nose, without any visible swelling. Painless swelling of the cheeks, early, when rising. *Eruption of small painless pimples, in the whole face, oand whiskers also. (*Pimple in the centre of the cheek, which became moist when scratched, and left a greenish crust behind.-Ulcer on the cheek, with a stinging pain.)-OHumid scurf on the cheeks and forehead, with burning pain; ocrusta-lactea.-(The lips and mouth are spasmodically contracted, she is not able to open it. *Chapped lips, with fissures in the tongue, and pain as if excoriated. *Szwelling oJ the upper lip, early in the morning. *Pimples on the upper lip. Eruptions of pimples around the mouth, and in the corners of the mouth. *Scurfy pimple on the margin of the vermillion border of the lower lip.-Ulb cerated angles of the mouth. Hard szuelling of a submaxillary gland, with painful tension when chewing, and stinging pain when touching it. *Swelling of a submaxillary gland, with a sense of pressure in it JAWS AND TEETH.-Toothache, only when eating. Toothache, *caused by hot or cold things. Pain in all the teeth, little fine prickings, made worse *by cold air penetrating into the teeth. *The teeth cannot bear the contact of air or cold. *Drawing in the teeth, returning at intervals. Lacerating in the teeth, as if the roots would be torn out. Gnawing toothache, worst in the evening. Boring toothache, with stitches towards the nasal bone, day and night, and with swelling of the gums and cheek.--Severe 'stitches in a tooth. (Throbbing toothache, with pain when touched, and swelling CALCAREA CARBONICA. of the gums, which is also painful to the touch.) The teeth are pain. 'ful when biting upon them. The teeth feel elongated. Bad smell from the teeth. *The gums itch.-(*Fine stinging in the gums of the whole upper jaw.) Soreness of the gums, with pain of the roots of the teeth. *Swelling of the gums, even of a hollow tooth. Painful swelling of the gums, without toothache, also accompanied by swelling of the cheeks, which is painful to the touch. Pustules on the gums, over one of the molar teeth. *like a fistula-dentalis (after a cold.?) Ulcers on the gums. *Bleeding of the gums, also at night.-oDifficult dentition.-OToothache of pregnant females, also during and after the menses. MOUTH.-Knotty swelling of the right cheek, in the mouth, with drawing and lacerating pain, every evening.-Blisters in the mouth, which form ulcers. The tongue is painful on the border and upon its lower surface, especially when chewing, swallowing, and spitting ORanula. Violent burning of the tongue and mouth.-Thick white coating of the tongue, with sensation as if it were without any skin, and sore. Swelling of one side of the tongue, which makes deglutition difficult. Little blisters on the tongue, with burning pain and heat in the mouth.-Difficulty of speech. PHARYNX AND (ESOPHAGUS.-Sore throat, with swelling of the submaxillary glands. *Sore throat, like an internal swelling extending into the ears. Sore throat, as from a plug in the throat, when swallowing.-~Astringent sensation in the throat. Spasmodic constriction of the assophagus. Stitches in the throat during deglutition. Roughness and burning in the throat, with sensation as if the whole of the oesophagus, as far as the orifice of the stomach, were raw and sore. *Swelling of the tonsils, with elongation of the uvula, and sense of constriction of the oesophagus when swallowing, also a feeling of soreness with stitches. *Swzelling and inflammation of the palate; *the uvula is dark-red and covered with little blisters. *Swelling and dark redness of the uvula. *Great dryness of the mouth and tongue, with a sense of roughness and stinging. Dryness and bitterness in the throat, the whole day, mostly early in the morning. *fHawking of phlegm, early in the morning. TASTE AND APPETITE.-Flat, watery taste in the mouth. Bad taste in the mouth, early in the morning, as from a deranged stomach. *Impure, bitter taste in the mouth. *Bitter taste in the mouth, two hours after rising. Metallic taste. Sour taste in the mouth. *G'redt thirst in the afternoon. Great thirst and brown urine. (Violent thirst, with desire for cold drinks, especially water.) Loss of appetite, with acridity in the stomach. Constant fullness. *Aversion to any 440 CALCAREA CARBONICA. thing boiled. OChronic aversion to meat; oaversion to smoking. *Ravenous appetite, the stomach being weak. Great inclination to salt food.--OHunger, immediately or shortly after dinner. GASTRIC SYMPTOMS.-(*Water-brash, from taking milk.) Every time she eats she experiences a burning sensation ascending along the throat. Regurgitation of food. *Frequent eructations after eat ing. *Distention of the stomach and abdomen, after eating or drinking. Colic after supper. At dinner, pinching in the belly, extending from.the navel. (After dinner, the drawing and aching around the temples are constantly increased; the headache often commences during the dinner, with great sensitiveness of the teeth during mastication, as if they were loose and bent over.) Rush of blood to the head, two hours after dinner, with heat of the face Violent beating of the heart after dinner. Languor and feeling of weakness after dinner. Unconquerable sleep after dinner; afterwards chills and coughs, induced by tickling in the throat. Violent inclination to sleep after supper. Cold feet after dinner. *Fr2equent eructations tasting of the ingesta. *Bitter eructations. *Eructations tasting of bile, in the afternoon. *Sour eructations early in the morning. Sourness of the stomach, rising up to the throat, a kind of heartburn the whole day. Rancid eructations, heartburn, with sense as of scraping (rawness). Burning rising after every kind of food. Eructations with hiccough. Hiccough. Nausea, early in the morning, with diminished appetite. Nausea, with anguish; nausea, with fainting turn. Nausea, in the forenoon, and inclination to vomit. Water-brash with colic. Nausea, with vomiting of the ingesta, accompanied by faintishness, swoons, and loss of consciousness. Vomiting early in the morning, succeeded by nausea the whole day, with grinding pain in the abdomen. Vomiting of sour water at night. OSour vomiting, particularly in children. Vomiting of blood, of bitter mucus, with griping*and cutting in the abdomen. STOMACH.-(The region of the stomach is painful to the touch.) Sudden distensive pain in the stomach. Fullness of the stomach. *Pressure at the stomach the whole day. Sense as of a weight being firmly lodged in the stomach. Painful pressure at the stomach, like a spasm. Pressure at the stomach, with griping lacerating when walking; owith pressing out under the last rib; opressure with sticking after a meal; ~nightly pressure in the pit of the stomach. *Spasm of the stomach, with nausea, eructations, and yawning ~after eating, with vomiting of food and oppression. *Violent spasms of the stomach, in the afternoon, until sweat broke out all over the body. Contractive pain in the stomach. Griping in the pit of CALCAREA CARBONICA. 441 the stomach, oor cutting and pinching. Soreness in the stomach. Burning at the stomach.-(Anguish in the pit of the stomach.) HYPOCHONDRIA.-(*Tension in the hypochondria.) Sense as of constriction below the hypochondria, with trembling and throbbing in the region of the stomach. Tensive and crampy pain in the region of the hypochondria, and in the pit of the stomach. (Griping in the hypochondriac region, below the pit of the stomach, accompanied by chilliness over the whole body.) *She cannot bear tight clothes around the hypochondria. Tension and pressure in the region of the liver, as if the parts were very much enlarged, even unto bursting. Aching pain in the liver, especially at night, when the hardness is more perceptible. Pressure in the region of the liver, at every step when walking. *Drawing pain in the posterior part of the region of the liver, towards the back, like lacerating. Drawing pain, extending from the right hypochondrium to the symphysis-pubis, oalso with obscuration of sight, and vertigo. Darting pain in the region of the liver. Stitches in the liver, during or after stooping. (Lancinations in the right side, below the ribs.) Pain as of rawness in the liver. ABDOMEN.-Excessive pain in the middle of the belly. Pain in the belly over the hips, when walking and breathing. Pain in the hypogastrium, after having walked a few steps, with sense of heat through the whole body. *Pressure in the abdomen, from the pit of the stomach downwards. Aching pain in the belly, below the navel, early after rising, as if pressure were made upon the abdomen, with constipation. Violent pressure in the abdomen, and hard stool. Aching pain in the abdomen, with nausea. *Pressure in the abdomnen, with stitches in the pit of the stomach downwards; also with dullness of the head. Considerable d Istention of the ahdomen, with colic, frequently during the day. Contractive pains in the abdomen, towards the small of the back, *Gnawing-griping in the abdomen and in the stomach, coming from the chest, Oalso with cutting and vomiting of food. *Frequent severe spasms in the intestinal canal, especially in the evening and at night, owith coldness of the thighs. Spasmodic turning and twisting around the navel. Sense as of a sudden griping-lacerating in the hypogastrium, in the direction of the uterus, for several days, with discharge of bloody mucus with the stool. Twisting in the bowels. *Writhing cntting pain in the abdomen. Pinching, deep in the hypogastrium, in the region of the bladder, with pain at every step, as if the internal parts were drawn down by a weight.-Violent cutting in the abdomen, early in the morning, on waking, Shooting stitches in the abdomen, especially when breathing. Drawing in the abdomen, with uneasiness, early on 19* 442 CALCARtIA dA-BO'NICA. waking. Soreness in the abdomen, with painful tension when kep ing the body erect, or when bending it backwards. Burning in the abdomen, frequently. OFeeling of coldness in the abdomen.-OEnlargement and hardness of the abdomen, particularly in children, with swelling of the mesenteric glands. Heaviness and drawing pain in the -groin. Sense as of swelling in the inguinal glands. Glandular swellings in both groins. Constant gurgling in the abdomen.-Fermentation in the abdomen. *Frequent incarceration of flatulence, with rumbling in the abdomen. Incarceration of flatulence, with pain in the small of the back. Incarceration of flatulence, with great vertigo. STOOL AND ANUs.-*Constipation, the first days; *constipation, increasing from day to day. No stool, with constant urging, accompanied by gloominess in the head. *Hard, undigested stool, and hot every day. Hard, black stool. Hard, burning stool, with slime. Constant urging, with difficult and scanty stool. Urging, as if diarrhcea would ensue, nevertheless the stools are natural. *Diarrhoea, 'the first eight days. *Diarrhoea, oparticularly of children, having a sour smell, or yellowish and fetid; oof scrofulous individuals; oof 'phthisicky persons; oduring dentition; oclay-like evacuations, scanty and knotty, or watery and papescent; *frochy, involuntary. Undigested stool, rather loose. Undigested, hard, intermittent stool. The stools are white, streaked with blood, with great despondency, and pain of the liver, produced by breathing and contact. Stool, mixed with blood, scanty. Discharge of blood from the rectum. The varices of the rectum are distended, painful, and emit blood. *The distended varices of the rectum protrude, and make even the loose stool painful. *Ascarides of the rectum. *Burning in the rectum during stool. Tenesmus, followed by pressure upon the rectum, and dyspnoea. Dyspnoea, after stool. After stool: feeling of faintishness; drawing cutting in and about the rectum; drawing and cutting in the lower part of the rectum, with a feeling of heat there; burning in the rectum, early in the morning; *burning itching in the rectum. Violent pressure in the rectum. Spasm of the rectum, the whole forenoon, a pinching together, stinging, accompanied by great anguish, so that she was not able to sit still, but had to walk about. Tensive shooting pain in the rectum, between the evacuations in the evening. Stinging pain in the rectum, as from excoriation. Burning in the rectum. *Tingling in the lower rectum. *Prickling in the rectum, as of ascarides. * Violent itching of the lower rectum. Grape-like eruption around the anus, inflamed, burning, painful.--Troubles from suppression of the hsemorrhoidal flux. UJRINE.--Stitches in the female urethra. Cutting stitches in the CALCAREA CARIBONICA. 443 urethra, with unsuccessful desire to urinate.--Polypus of the blad, der. Desire to urinate, especially when walking. Wetting the bed. *Frequent micturition at night. Nightly micturition, with burning in the orifice of the urethra. A good deal of mucus is passed with the urine, resembling leucorrhoea; this mucus is only seen when urinating. Frequent deposition of a white, flour-like powder in the urine. oUrine with bloody sediment; obloody urine; ohamorrhage from the urethra.- - Catarrh of the bladder.?-- Stone.? Fetid, dark-brown urine, with a white sediment. Fetid, pungent smell of the urine, which is very clear and pale. Acrid smell of the urine *Burning in the urethra during micturition. MALE GENITAL ORGANS.-Violent stitches in the glans. Violent burning in the tip of the glans. Pain, as from contusion, in the tes tides. Cutting and smarting pain, as from excoriation, in the testicles, commencing in the groins. Violent itching of the scrotum. Pain in the spermatic cord, as if contracted. The sexual desire is very much increased. *Violent sexual desire, originating in lewd fancy, with deficient erection and excessive weakness, and great irritation of the nerves after the embrace. Frequent nocturnal emissions. OThe erections are too short; ostinging and burning in the parts. FEMALE GENITAL ORGANS.-*Itching and stitches in the female parts. Burning soreness of the organs of generation. ~Aching in the vagina; opressing on the prolapsed uterus; ostinging in the os. tince. Discharge of blood between the menses, nine days before the period,'for two days.-(*Haemorrhage from the uterus of an old woman, who had ceased menstruating for many years, in the last quarter of the moon.) *The menses appear too soon. The menses last eight days. *There was an excessive menstrual flow twice in - succession, this occasioned the expulsion of a small foetus, with a sort of labor-pains, violent desire for stool, and cutting and bearing-down in the hypogastrium.-*Voluptuous dream at night; headache; great depression and nervousness. During the menses: vertigo, rush of-- blood to the head, and heat in the head; painful pressure on the vertex. *Attack of toothache; boring in the hollow tooth, which becomes pulsating when stooping; nausea and unsuccessful desire for stool; drawing and oppressive pains, with stitches in the abdomen and in other parts of the body, with uneasiness, even unto falling.-After the menses: toothache, drawing and lancinating, day and night, worse upon bending the head either left or right, or backwards. *Leucor. rhea, like mucus; like milk; milk-like leucorrhoea; which is mostly discharged during micturition, Oor the discharges taking place at intervals; leucorrhoea with burning and itching in the pudendum 444 CALCAREA CARBONI(JA. oVarices of the pudendum.-oSterility;?? Ochlorosis.?-oln pregnant females, toothache.-In lying-in females: too long after-pains; odebility; ~falling off of the hair; ~milk fever; *deficiency of milk, or -galactorrhoea; Osoreness of the nipples.-In infants at the breast: oophthalmia; oacidity; omuscular weakness.-In the mamme: pain as if ecchymozed, and soreness of the nipples, particularly when touching them. LARYNX AND TRACHEA.-Roughness of the larynx, especially early in the morning, with pain when swallowing.-*Painless hoarseness, she is unable to speak, especially early in the morning, Ochronic hoarseness. Titillating irritation in the trachea, which obliges one to cough. OLaryngeal phthisis; Oulceration of the larynx; ~chronic catarrh of the trachea. Cough, with coryza. Cough, excited by a sensation as of a plug being lodged in the throat, which is moving up and down. Cough is excited by eating. *Dry, hacking cough, in the evening, especially when in bed. *Nightly cough, with hoarseness. Violent cough on waking at night, for two minutes. Con tinual, violent raw cough, at night. *Dry cough, after midnight, causing a violent beating of the heart and arteries. *Convulsive cough in the evening. *Cough and expectoration, the whole day.-- Cough early in the morning, *with yellow discharge. Expectoration of blood by coughing and hawking, with sense of rawness in the chest. During every fit of cough the head is painfully shaken, as if it would burst. Cough with expectoration of fetid mucus. CHEST.-*Arrest of breath, when walking in the wind, followed by dyspncea in the room. Frequent necessity of taking deep breath. Violent desire for a deep inspiration, with considerable distention and contraction of the abdomen, and pain in the belly and chest. Shortness of breath, worse when sitting, and less during motion. The breath becomes short when ascending the least height. Tightness of the chest as if full and filled with blood.-(Sense as of tightness and anguish, the whole day, as if there were not room enough in the chest for breathing, accompanied by obstruction of the nose.) Dyspnoea, with stitches in the chest. (Considerable asthma, with anguish and difficult inspiration, as if the lower part of the chest were too tight.) Dyspnoea, with tightness of the chest.-The whole chest is intensely painful when touched or during an inspiration. Pressure in the right breast. Cutting in the chest, during an inspiration. *Stitches in the chest, towards the throat, for some hours. *Stitches in the left side of the chest, especially in the evening. *Stitches in the chest, from the left to the right side, with sensation as of constriction of the chest, and difficult breathing. Soreness in the chest, especially during CALCAREA CARBONICA. 445 an inspiration.. Rawness in the chest, after much talking and walking, also when coughing. Oppressive anguish in the chest. Anguish about the heart. *Palpitation of the heart. Violent palpitation of the heart, with excessive anguish and uneasiness, dyspncea, and pain in the back. Painful pressure in the praecordial region. Spasmodic, breath-checking contraction in the precordial region, with subsequent violent shocks. Stitches in the heart, stopping breath and leaving an aching pain.-(Lancinating drawing pain in the praecordial region.) Itching of the chest. OPrickling in the muscles. BACK.-(*Pain in the small of the back.) *Pain in the small of the back, as from a sprain, in consequence of lifting. Constant bearing down in the small of the back, towards the rectum. Aching pain in the region of the kidneys. Pain, as from a bruise, in the back and chest. Pain, as from a sprain, in the spinal column, when extending it, in the region of the kidneys. Aching pain in the middle of the back and below the scapulae. Aching pain in the spinal column, between the scapulae, accompanied by shortness of breath and increased by inspiration, with pain of the vertebrae when touched. Pressure between the scapulce during motion, occasioning arrest of breath. Stitches in the back. Drawing, shooting, or cutting pain between the scapulce. OCurvature of the dorsal vertebrae.-~Swelling on the neck. *Stiffness of the nape of the neck and of the neck Tension in the neck, so that she cannot turn her head. Swelling and painfulness of the vertebra, prominent in the nape of the neck. *Pain less glandular swelling in the nape of the neck, close to the border of the hair. *Swelling of a cervical gland on the left side, with a stinging sore throat when swallowing. *Hard swelling of the cervical glands. OSuppuration of the axillary glands. ARMs.-Pain in both shoulders and the elbow-joint, as after a great fatigue. (Violent stitches in both axillae.) The arms are painful, as if bruised, when moving them or seizing anything. Cramp in the arm. *Drawing lacerating in the right armh, from the shoulder to the hand. Paralytic pain, with sense as of burning, in the right arm. Uneasiness and feeling of anxious agitation in the articulations of the arms and hands.-Weakness and lameness of the left arm, he finds it difficult to move or to raise it, the arm falls down again spontaneously. The upper arm is painful.-(Cramp-like pain, with lacerating, in the muscles of the upper arms, when walking in the open air.) (Lacerating dartings or lancinations in the muscles of the upper arm, when sitting.) OPressing in the left upper arm. Painful pressure in the muscles of the lower anm, when walking, Drawing pain in the lower arm, mostly during rest. 'Spasmodic lacerating pain in the outes 446 CALCAREA CARBONICA. parts of the lower arm. Swelling of the fore-arm and the back of the hand. with tension during motion. ~Warts and boils on the lower arms and hands. The hands are painful early in the morning ai'd are quite relaxed. Violent pain in the knuckles, as if caustic had been applied to them. *Pain, as from a sprain in the right wristjoint, or as if something in the joint had been contused or sprained by seizing wrong or by pushing against anything. *Coramp in the hands at night, until early when rising. Drawing lacerating in the wrists and hands. OSwelling of the hands. 0Arthritic nodosities of the finger-joints. Tiembling in the hands, for several hours, in the afternoon. ODeadness of the hands on grasping anything. *Swdat of the palms of the hands, even when the body is scarcely moved. Cramp-like contractive drawing in the fingers. OTingling in the fingers as if gone to sleep. Shooting pain in the fingers. *Deadness of the fingers. Several panaritia. ~Hang-nails. oAwkwardness of the fingers.-OFrequent lameness of the fingers. LEGS.-Drawing pain, as from a sprain, in the hip-joint, when walking. Stitches in the hip-joint when stooping.-(Cutting in the acetabulum, when sitting.)-Pain, as from subcutaneous ulceration, in both hip-joints, when walking in the room.-~Coxagra.-oSpontaneous limping.-~Walking on the tips of the toes, and limping occasioned by it.-Twitches of the muscles of the lower extremities, and around the pelvis. Drawing lacerating in the lower extremities. 'Heaviness of the lower extremities. *Painful weariness of the lower extremities, especially of the thighs, as after a fatiguing walk. Languor of the lower extremities, and sensation as if bruised, especially in the joints. *The lower extremities go to sleep, in the evening, when sitting. *Stitches in the thigh, knee, and heel, only at night.-Pain in the muscles of the thigh, as if bruised, when walking. Itching of the thighs. Pimples on the thighs.-~Varices on the thighs.-(Pain of' the knees, when turning and touchinig them.) Pain, as from a sprain, in the knee.-Aching pain in the knees, or in the patella.) (*Drawing, cramp-like pain on the patella.) Tearing and tension of the inner side of the knee, when rising from one's seat. Shooting tearings in the knees. (*Sharp stitches in the right knee-joint.) Pain in the knee as if bruised. Sweat of the knees.-*Swelling of the knees.-(*Inflamdd swelling below the knees.) The calf of the leg is painful when walking and setting down the foot, when touching or bending the leg. Rigidity in the leg. *Violent cramp in the calf, at night. Cramp in the calves and bends of the knees, when extending the legs. Dull aching pain in the muscles of the tibia, when walking. Stinging CALCAIEA CAUSTICA. '447 pri~kling of the legs. Itching of the legs and feet. Erysipelatous inflammation and swelling of the leg, with chilliness of the body *Large, dark, itching-patches on the legs, with swelling of these parts. *Several ulcers on the legs. Pain in the tarsal joints, as if broken, when walking, especially in the afternoon. Pains in the bones of the feet. Violent lacerating in the soles of the feet. Pain in the soles of the feet, as from subcutaneous ulceration. *Burning in the soles of the feet. *Sweat of the feet. Swelling of the feet. The toes are painful, as from the pinching of boots. Cramp in the toes--oSwelling of the soles.--~Coldness or deadness of the feet. 56.-CALCAREA CAUSTICA. CALC. CAUST., SPIR. CALC.-Oxyde of Lime, Quicklime.-See Noack and Trinks' "Hygea," V., p. 269. COMPARE WITH-Calc.-carb. and Acet. ANTIDOTES.-Bry., Nux-v.-Vinegar and Coffee seem to increase the effects of Lime. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-Lacerating in the muscles and bones (head, eyes, ear, face, teeth, abdomen, chest, os-coceygis, back, extremities); rheumatic pains in all the joints, wandering from joint to joint.-Sticking (darting, lancinating) pains (head, eyes, nose, neck, abdomen, breast, small of the back, extremities).- Violent, lacerating, lancinating, beating pains in some nervous branches.Aching pain (head, eye, ear, chest). Tension (skin, ear, stomadh, limbs).-Wandering pains in the extremities.-Great languor, debility, and tremor of the body.-Tremulousness of the arms and feet.Illness, as after intoxication the day previous.-The limbs go to sleep. CHARACTERISTIC PECULIARITIES.-The symptoms on the left side predominate. SKIN.-Troublesome tension or intense burning of the skin.Violent itching and stinging of the skin, particularly in the region of ths occiput, behind the ears, on the neck, nape of the neck, back, and chest.-Small vesicles filled with lymph and surrounded by a red areola. Biting-itching pimples, surrounded with a red border and filled with purulent lymph.-Brown-red, either scattered or clustering painless spots like flea-bites, of the size of, a dime, on the arterior portion of the leg (with swelling of the skin). Stinging pain in the corn. SLEEP.-Sleeplessness, restless tossing about in bed, and dull ness 'of the head.-Restless sleep, with dreams.-Uneasy dreams. Violent nightmare. 448 CALCAREA CAUSTICA. * FEvER.-Violent chilliness of the whole body, in the evening, on going to bed or before rising. Violent chill, with chattering of teeth, followed by violent heat in the head.-Quick or slow pulse. MORAL SYMPTOMS.-Peevish (and weary).-Difficulty to think.Feeling of craziness in the head. HEAD.-Vertigo.-Violent dullness of the head (particularly of the left side), with periodical stitches, or with pressure in the forehead, and shooting stitches in the region of the temples. Excessive dullness of the head, dull, aching pain in the forehead, extending into the occiput.-Oppressive headache, which renders mental exertions difficult.-Violent pains in the head when stooping.-Heat in the bead.-Lacerating in the temporal region and occiput, or in the forehead above the eye-brows.-Dull, rheumatic pain in the occiput. -Lancinating pain in the temple. Stitches through the head, from before backwards. EYES.-Violent pressure and heaviness of the eye-lids.-Violent pains in both the upper eye-lids, at every movement of the lids.-- Lacerating and dartings in the eyes.-Lancinations in the eye-balls. -Boring pain in the upper margin of the orbit.-Pain in the eye as if the ball of the eye were pressed out.-Sensation in the eye as if a thorn were lodged in it, obliging him to rub, and embarrassing the opening of the eye-lids, in the morning when rising.-Pain in the eye as if some foreign body were lodged under the upper eye-lid, with stitches darting thence to the forehead, and attended with redness of the conjunctiva-palpebrarum.-Burning of the eyes, when reading, or at candle-light.-Lachrymation in the open air.-Photophobia. EARs.-Lacerating in the bone behind the ear.-Violent tension and pressure in the ear, or else pressing pains from within outwards. Cramp-like sticking pain in the ear, extending to the orifice of the eustachian tube in the fauces.-Dull, sticking pain in one or both cars, as if from a foreign body. Tingling and roaring in the ears. FAcE.-Lacerating in the malar bones. Lacerating pain from the inner canthus of the eye down to the upper lip, with sensation of swelling. TEETH.-Dull lancinating pain in decayed molares, which feel as if enlarged; violent toothache, as if the teeth were pithy and elongated, with tensive pains in the ear, as if something were lodged there. Violent pain in the articulation of the jaw, which is somewhat swollen, and, at times, is even immovable, attended with swelling of the cheek. MOUTH.-Bitter mouth.-Greenish-yellow and thick coating of the tongue. CALCAREA CAUSTICA. 4-19 PHARYNX AND (ESOPHAGUS.-Tension of the cervical muscles on either side of the neck.-Sensation in the pharynx as if a splinter were sticking in it.-Stin.ing in the throat; dull stitch in one side of the larynx.-Sore throat, and difficult deglutition, either empty or of food.-Phlegm in the throat, which it is difficult to hawk up, and which almost occasions vomiting from the irritation. APPETITE.-Violent hunger, a short time after eating.-Loss of appetite. STOMACH.--Rising of air.-Regurgitation of the ingesta, wiith sourish-bitter taste in the mouth.-Nausea and inclination to vomit, with rising of a frothy liquid. Inclination to vomit, and vomiting of sour liquid.-Tight feeling in the stomach.-Spasmodic contraction in the stomach. ABDOMEN.-Slight lacerating colic.-Oppression across the epigastric region and the hypochondria.-Darting pain in both hypochondria, changing to a lacerating, particularly violent in the left hypochondrium. Pain in the region of the spleen, as if a ball were revolving round its axis.-Violent stitches in the lesser intestines when stooping forward.-Contractive pains in the abdomen, towards the uterus.-Pinching in the abdomen, with emission of flatulence. -Rumbling in the abdomen. STOOL AND ANUS.-Loose, papessent stool, with a good deal of mucus.-Discharge of a quantity of pieces of tmenia.-Lancinating pains in the rectum towards the anus.-Tingling in the rectum and anus. GENITAL ORGANS.-Nocturnal emissions. Premature appearance of the menses. LARYNX AND TRACIIEA.-Hoarseness, with pain in the throat.Violent cough. Cough, with stitches in the chest. Cough, with expectoration of mucus and blood. CHEsT.-Lacerating in the region of the nipples.-Darting pain, changing to a lacerating, in the intercostal muscles and in the pleuracostalis, increased by inspiration.-Oppression across the sternum. -Aching pain in the chest. BACK.-Tension and stiffness of the nape of the neck and occiput. -Lancinating pains in the cervical muscles. Lacerating in the posterior cervical muscles, back, small of the back, os-coccygis.Tension in the back.-Violent pains between the scapulae, extending down to the small of the back, with pressure. Drawing in the small of the back. Violent sticking pains in the small of the back.-Pain in the small of the back, on waking, abating after exercise. ARMs.-Rheumatic pains in the shoulders, axilla, arms.-Tran. 450 CALCAREA.PAOSPHoRICA. kient, dull, lacerating pain in the upper arm, from the shoulder to'the elbow-joint.-Violerlt, lac erati ng- drawing pain in the shoulder-joint, extending over the -upper arm, and impeding the raising of the 'arm. -Drawing-lacera~ting, dull pain in the for e-arm.--Laneinatin g pain in the shoulder or in the thumb, at night.-Lameness of the han d. LEGS.-Lacerating 'in both knees and. through the feet.-Stick-ing pains in the hip-jZoint and knee. 57.-CALCAIREA P110SPIIORICA. CALO. PHOSPH.-The Phosphate of Lime. COMPARE WITH-Cede-ear. ANTIDOTES.?2 CLINICAL OI3SERVATIONS.-r-heumatism. Rheumatic paitis 'in the shoulder and arm, even with swelling of the arm, and febrile heat.-Larneness of the arm.-Pains in the joints of the bands and 'ngrsometimes occasioned by a cold.-Ulcers.-Caries of the bones.-Aene-rosacea; red vesicles filled with yellowish lymph, with lacerating pains when touching the rarts.-Exostosis of the cratnium.? GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-JBurning itching and forinication over the whole body.--0 Rheumati c affections of every kind.-Pain8 in various parts of the body, extending from the muscles to the joints; the small of the back, knees, and thumb are principally, affected.0Carious ulcers.-Falls asleep early in the evening, and wakes several times in the -night; is slcepless until morning. -Frequent dreams, about danger and fire.-Frequent tr-ansitory chill.-The 'warmth of the room is intolerable.-Distention of the veins. MORAL SYMPTOMS.-Sensitive and easily excited;- ill-humor and want of disposition to do anything. IIEAD.-Vertigo, with nausea.-IHeadache, with flatulence.-Dullness, heaviness, and painfulness of the head, early in the morning onwking.-Painful feeling of fullness in the head, sensation as if the brain were pressed against the skull, aggravated by movement. -Aggravation of the headache in the open air, when stoopinig.Itching of the hairy scalp, every evening. EYES AND NosE.-Pain in the eyes and nose, as from a foreign body.-Frequent sne ez ing. -Dis charge of mucus from the 'nose, and ptyalism.-IHe blows blood out of his nose.-0Acne-rosaýea, 're pimples, with yellowish pus, and stinging when -touched. MOUTH, ]PHARYNX, AND 'IESOPHAGUS.-Accumulation of acid Aa~liva CALENDULA OFFICINALIS. 451 i, the mouth.-Constrictive sensation in the gullet.-Pain in the throat, early in the morning on waking, aggravated by deglutition. STOMACH AND INTESTINAL CANAL.-Nausea, with vertigo, dullness of the head, and confusion of thought.- Violent pains in the stomach, with great debility, headache, and diarrhoea; the pains are excited by introducing the least morsel of food into the stomach.-Violent colic, at times accompanied with violent distention of the abdomen and accumulation of flatulence, at times attended with headache.Difficult emission of flatulence, which does not afford him any relief. Diarrhoeic stool, with discharge of purulent substances.-Fetid diarrhoeic stools. URINE.-Frequent emission of large quantities of urine, with languor and debility of the body.-Dark, sometimes burning urine. GENITAL ORGANS.-Feeling of weakness in the sexual organs after stool and urination. CHEST.-Deep, sighing breathing.-Cracking in the sternum. BACK.-Violent pain in the small of the back, when performing the least bodily effort, sometimes obliging him to scream. ARMS AND LEGS.--*Rlheumatic pains in the shoulder and arm.The arm is painful, *lame, -and goes to sleep.-*Pains in the metacarpal and phalangeal articulations, particularly those of the thumb, oalso after a cold.-Violent pain in the knees, hips, and small of the back, aggravated by movement, and particularly by walking. 58.-CALENDULA OFFICINALIS. CALEND.-Marigold.-Stapf's "Archiv," XVII., No. 3, p. 179. COMPARE WITH-Arn., Carb.-a., Carb.-v., Con., Fer.-mur., Led., Rhus-tox., Ruta, Sulph.-ac., Symph. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-Rheumatic drawing pains, only during motion. The wound becomes raw and inflamed, is painful in the morning as if beaten, with stinging as if it would suppurate; the parts around the wound become red, with stinging in the wound during the febrile heat.-Great tendency to start, with-great nervousness and extreme sensitiveness of hearing. Drowsiness, with illhumor and delirium; restless night, constant waking, frequent micturition and drinking, and uneasiness in every position. CHARACTERISTIC PECULIARITIES.-Almost all the symptoms make their appearance during the chilly stage of the fever, he feels most comfortable when walking or else in a state of perfect rest. FEVER.-Coldness and great sensitiveness to the open air, the 452 CAMPHORA. whole morninig.-Shuddering in the back.-Feverish chilliness in the hands and feet, the whole morning, with rheumatic drawing and pressure in the whole body, and pain in the ribs as if pressed together and bruised, after some sitting.-Heat in the afternoon, with frequent thirst, chilliness, and shiverings intermixed, particularly after drinking. Heat in the evening, with coldness of the head and hands, intermingled with shivering, and accompanied with aversion to drinks. Great heat the whole morning, with copious perspiration, feeling of qualmishness in the chest, and burning in the axilla. HEAD, &c.-Dullness of the head, as after a night's revel. Heaviness of the head in the morning, as after a long illness. Headache, and feeling of heat in the forehead, after a meal. Flushes of heat on the forehead, in the evening.-Inflammation of the white of the eyes, with pressure, at times in the forehead, at times in the temples, only when lying down.-The submaxillary glands are painful to the touch, with sensation as if swollen, or actual swelling, and sensation as if ulcerated in the interior. Drawing and tension in the submaxillary glands when moving the head. STOMACH, &c.-Bitter slimy taste in the throat. Boring and digging deep in the umbilical region.. Stool in the morning, accompanied with feverish chilliness, preceded by pinching and uneasiness in the abdomen.-Frequent micturition, with emission of pale, clear, hot, and even burning urine.-Lacerating in the urethra during the chilliness. CHEST AND LIMBS.-Lacerating, with pressure between the scapulse. Pain under the right scapula as if ulcerated and bruised, with prp,sure.-Rheumatic drawing in the right.side of the neck, worse whE bending the neck over to one side, and when raising the arm.-The axillary glands are painful to the touch.-Pressure and drawing tension zn the hand and in the tarsal joints, during rest.-Lacerating burning in the calf, when sitting. *** CALENDULA has been found highly beneficial as an external application in wounds and lacerations, with or without loss of substance. 59.-CAMPIORA. CAMPH.-Hahnemann's "Materia Medica Pura," I.-Duration of Action.? COMPARE WITH-Canth., Cham., Cocc., Hyos., Kal., Lauroc., Op., Puls., Rhus, Stram., Verat. ANTIDOTEs.-Spir.-nitr.-dulc.-Coffee and Alcohol increase the effects of Camph. -Camph. is said to increase the action of Nitr.-According to IHahnemann'8 experience, Camph. is no antidote against the violent effects of Ign.-Op. is CAMPHORA. 453 an antidote to Camph.; on the other hand, Camph. is a great preserver of life in cases of poisoning by Op.-Camph. is antidotal to a number of vegetable drugs, especially such as have a drastic effect. and cause vomiting and diarrhoea, paleness of countenance, coldness of the extremities, and loss of consciousness. Camph., as an antidote, should be administered in large and frequently-repeated doses. CLINICAL REMARKS.-" According to Hahnemann, Camph., when applied to the skin, producing a kind of erysipelatous inflammation, it may be applied externally to similarly inflamed parts, provided the erysipelas, irradiating over the skin, and disappearing momentarily on pressure, is a mere mental symptom of a sudden internal disease, the other symptoms of which correspond to those of Camph. "In the Siberian influenza, when it appears amongst us at the time when the hot weather has already set in, Camph. may be used as a palliative; it is an excellent palliative, on account of the disease having a short duration, and ought to be given in frequent and progressively-increased doses in water, as taught above. In this way, Camph. does not shorten the course of the disease, but deprives it of its danger, and diminishes its intensity until it reaches its termination. (One dose of Nux-v.-one pellet of the thirtieth potence-when homoeopathically indicated, frequently cures the disease in a couple of hours.) Vertigo, loss of consciousness, and coldness of the body appear to be primary symptoms of a dose of Camph., and point to a diminished afflux of blood to those parts which are distant from the heart; whereas the rush of blood to the head, heat in the head, &c., are symptoms denoting a reaction of the vital powers, just as forcibly as the former symptoms denoted their diminished action. Slight and recent inflammations, which have come on very suddenly, may therefore be removed by the palliating, cooling effects of Camph., old inflammations never. The continued, or even frequently repeated use of Camph., frequently brings on an obstinate ophthalmia, corresponding to the permanency inherent in the reaction of the organism I [Hahnemann] am not prepared to deny the homoeopathicity of external applications of Camph. to inflamed eyes. in acute cases; but I cannot advocate it, for the reason that I never use external applications in the treatment of ophthalmia." DR. GRAY.-" The sufferings which eminently indicate Camphor are those usually called asphyxia, 'sinking of the forces;' paroxysms of embarrassment of the respiration and circulation, with coldness of the surface and extremities, for the most part attended by tremors or even severe cramps in the muscular system, and cold sweats, espe. pecially about the head and neck. If this or a similar state be con 454 CAMPHOaA. neoted with the catarrhal discharges, or with diarrhoea, the indication for Camph. is strengthened. "It seems to me that the manifold antidotal virtues of this drug are owing to its wonderful control over the pneumogastric nerve, as its primary affinity with the living organism. I have found it often efficacious in interrupting the development of paroxysms of epilepsy, for which end I have given it in one or two drop doses every three to five minutes, during the premonitory symptoms of a fit, continuing the exhibition of it till these were fully subdued. Camphor, as is well known, is very efficacious when administered by olfaction, but does not sustain dynamization." GENERAL. SYMPTOMS.-Stupefaction of the senses, resembling a swoon. Insensibility. *Loss of consciousness, tetanic spasm for a quarter of an hour, consciousness returns after vomiting. Rheumatic, sticking pain in all the muscles, especially between the scapulae. Pain in the periosteum of all the bones. Diffcult motion of the limbs. Lameness and languor of the muscles. *Excessive weakness. Uncomfortableness of the whwle body. Uncommon failing of strength, with yawning and stretching. Languor and heaviness of the whole body. *Spasms. *Convulsions. Trembling.--Epileptic spasms, with rattling, redness and bloatedness of the face, twitching of the limbs,. and even of the tongue, of the eyes and muscles of the face, hot and viscid sweat on the forehead and hairy scalp, and sopor after the attack. CHARACTERISTIC PECULIARITIES.-Camphor excites most of its pains during motion. SKIN.-Violent itching.-Erysipelas. Painful sensitiveness to the least touch.-~Blue, cold skin, with coldness of the body.-Pale, withered, shrivelled skin; aching in various places, in the evening, in bed. SLEEP.-Yawning and drowsiness. Sopor and delirium. Insomnia, oalso from nervousness.-Headache, several days in succession, after rising. Talking and snoring while asleep. FEVER.-Slight shuddering, with paleness of face. Chilliness of the cheeks and back. Chills, and chattering of teeth. *Coldness of the body, with paleness. Coldness and drawing after a meal. with cold arms, hands, and feet. Coldness, for one hour, *with deadly paleness of the face (from sixty grains). Copious, cold sweat. *Feeling of great coldness over the whole body, and headache as if the brain were contracted, with pressure over the root of the nose. Small hard pulse, becoming more and more slow. *He catches cold easily. The skin all over the body is painful, even when touchcd but slightly CAM PHO;. 459 Thel body is cold all over. ileat in. the headl, wit4.. sensaotiou a5 if sweat would break out, with shuddering over, the 1 iinbs. a,44 th~e akd9-i men. Rtedness of" the cheeks and lobules. Full, quick pulse', Sopo 'r -and cra~mpy (contractiv~e) headache, great te~at'. of, the whoe, body, with distcndcd veins. quick breathing, and pain as from br~uises in the back, but without thirst and pure taste. W~arm, sweat. over- the whole body.' Slowcr pulse. *Weak, small puilse. T~e puqlse gradually incrcases in quickness. Disposition to inflammation. Increased warmnth of the whole body, with redness of the face. Heat, 'With, trembling. Trcenbling- motion of the heart. MTORAL Sx'MPToM-s.-Great ang(uish.* She tosses about. iD her, bed anxiously, with constant weeping. Confusion of ideas. Delirium., Rage, with foam at the mouth.-All the external objects are repulsive to him, and excite his ill-humior. Miania to dispute. SENSQRIUM AND I-1EAD.-Van~iShi~ig of the, senses. Loss of cqnsciouasncss. When walking, he staggers to, and fro;- he leans. against, som~ething, his scnses vanish, the limubs being rigid, and e~tende~d, the shoulders drawn backwards, the hands clenched; aftrwards, all the parts of the -body are stretched and stiff, w~ith the head bent sideways, the lower Jaw rigid and wide open, the, lips dra~wn inwards, the teeth clenched, eyes closed, with unc 'easing aistortions -of. the muscles of the face, cold all over, and breathless for,, a quarter of an hour. * Vertigo, heaviness of' the head;, the head inclines backo wards. When walk~ing he staggers as if intoxicated, Want of memory. The tetanic fit, with loss of consciousness, and vomiting,, is follow~ed by, a complete inability to recollect, as if he had no memory. Throbbing ache in the forehead, with, stingring, centinig n qig the. night, with general dry heat, and without any thirst.-L~acerating headachc.-Headache, as if the brain were constricted, increa 'sed by stooping or pressure.-D ull headache above the os-frontis, waith inclination to vomtit.-Cong-estion of blood to the head. *lleaviness of the head. Violent headache. Throbbing pressure in the temples. *Inftamma.. tion of the brain, Oparticularly when caused by exposure, to the sun. FAcE.-*Pale co-untenan~ce. Spasmodic contortion of the facial muscles, with foam at the mouth. EYEs-Sensation as if objects were too bright and shining. Contraction, then dilatation of the pupils.-Oph7/thalmia. 8'ta 'ring,, wil14. looks. Staring, inflamned eyes. Biting-itching, and staring of -the, eye-lids. The eye-lids are covered with many red sp-ot~s. Lachrymla. tion in the open air. Distortion of the eyes. Excessive contrae~qn, Of the pupils. Obscuration of sight. Strange figures are- hoverin~g before his eyes. 456 CAMPHORA. EARS.-Hot, red lobules. Tingling of the ears. Dark-red ulcer in the meatus auditorius externus; when touching it, hefeel a stinging pain. NosE.-Stinging pain in the anterior corner of the nostrils, as if the place were sore and ulcerated.-Coryza, dry coryza. JAWS AND TEETH.-Feeling as if the teeth were too long, with aching, as if occasioned by a swelling of the submazillary glands. Lock-jaw. Toothache: shooting, cutting thrusts dart through the gums near the roots of the incisores and cuspidati. MouTH.-Foam at the mouth. Dry, scraping sensation of the palate. Disagreeable warmth in the mouth. Sensation of heat in the mouth and stomach. PHARYNX, &c.-Violent burning of the palate, down to the cesophagus, causing a desire for drink. GASTRIC SYMPTOMS AND APPETITE.-Frequent and almost continual empty eructations after dinner. Absence of thirst, *or else excessive thirst.-Bitter taste of food.-Nausea with ptyalism.-- Nausea and inclination to vomit, going off after an eructation. *Short attacks of vertigo, after several attacks of inclination to vomit. Cold sweat, especially in the face, at the commencement of vomiting. Bilious vomiting, streaked with blood., STOMACH.---Pain the stomach. *Violent pressure in the pit of the stomach, or the anterior portion of the liver. Sensation in the pit of the stomach' as if it had been strained by distention, and bruised by blows, with fullness in the abdomen.-#Burning in the stomach.-Inflammation of the stomach?--Asiatic cholera, with cramps, particularly in the calves, coldness of the body, great anguish, burning in the cesophagus and stomach, and painfulness of the pit of the stomach to the touch. ABDOMEN.-Cold feeling in the epigastrium and hypogastrium. Burning heat in the epigastrium and hypogastrium. Bruised feeling in the abdomen. Pinching pain in the umbilical region.-Contractive pain below the short ribs, extending to the lumbar vertebrae. Aching in the hypochondria. Cutting colic, at night. Short-lasting ascites.--oAbdominal spasms.? STooL.--ODifficult expulsion of faeces. The rectum feels narrow, swollen, and is painful during emission of flatulence. Desire for stool, passing but little, followed by an urgent desire, and a still lesser discharge of faeces. Obstinate constipation.-Involuntary dirrrhtea.-OBlackish stools. URINE.-Retention of urine. Strangury. Diminished power of the bladder, the urine came out very slowly. Strangury, with desire CAMPHORA. 40b i to urinate, and tenesmus of the neck of the bladder. Painful micturition. Burning of the ursne during emission. Red urine.-~Red, thick urine, with thick sediment. ' Urine yellow-green, turbid, having a musty smell. Urine turbid and thick, after standing, of a white-greenish color, without sediment. GENITAL ORGANS.-Inclination to nocturnal emissions.-Sensation of contraction in the testes. Weakness of genital organs, and want of sexual desire. Relaxation of the scrotum, want of erections and sexual instinct. Violent erections.1 Amorous ecstacy. Impotence in the male. A sort. of violent labor-pains (in a female). LARYNX AND TRACHEA.- UCTUCS i n the trachea, which cannot be detached, and causes roughness of voice. Pain in the trachea and bronchial tubes, mostly when coughing, even when clearing the throat -*Accumulation of mucus in the air passages, oexcessive, with danger of suffocation; ~suffocative catarrh and paralysis of the lungs in old people? Short and hacking cough, as if occasioned by a cutting coolness in the trachea.-o~Grippe. CHEST.-Deep and slow breathing. *Oppression of the chest, resembling a sufocative catarrh, as if originating in a pressure in the pit of the stomach. Oppressed, anxious, panting breathing.-Difficult, sluggish respiration. Constrictive sensation in the throat ~Spasms of the chest from the vapors of Copper or Ars.? 0Angina pectoris after a cold.? Stitches in the left breast, when walking. BACK.-Painful drawing stitches through and between the scapulae, extending to the chest, when moving the arms. Tensive pain in the muscles of the nape of the neck, increasing in violence at every movement of the neck. ARMs.-Convulsive rotation of the arms. Painful pressure in the right elbow-joint, more violent when leaning it upon the table, in "which case the pain extends to the hands. Stitches in the fore-arm. LEGS.-Difficult motion and weariness of the lower limbs. Cracking of the hip, knee, and tarsal joints. Tremor of the feet. Draw ing pain, as from bruises, in the thighs and knees. Lacerating in the thighs. Vacillation, weariness of the limbs.-Feeling of great weariness in the feet when walking; the legs feel bruised and tight. Drawing cramp-pain in the dorsum of the foot, especially during motion. Lacerating cramp-pain in the dorsum of the foot, along the outer surface of the calf of the thighs. ' Want of sexual desire, erections, and emissions of semen, are primary effects of Camph.; it acts as a palliative, if one uses it to remove excessive sexual desires, erections, and frequent pollutions which had existed for a long time past; the evil is afterwards increased by the reaction of.th organism against the drug. 20 458 CANNABINUM APOCYNUM.--CANNABIS SATIVA. 60.-CANNABINUM APOCYNUM. APOCYN. C-Indian Hemp. ANTIDOTEs.-Bry., Chin., Ipee.-It antidotes Quinine. " This vegetable drug has been very popular in many parts of our country as a specific for dropsy. In the essays of Drs. Parish, Knapp, and Griscom (allopathic), cases are cited confirmatory of its popular reputation. " Dr. H. D. Paine, of Albany, in a note to the Editor, says: 'It is not less popular (in some sections of Western New-York) in the cure of diarrhcas and intestinal hcenmorrhages than it is for dropsies in your neighborhood. In a recent case of hminorrhage of the bowels, which came under my care, the Apocynum had been administered with decided benefit; but its allopathic repetition in increased doses was followed by an aggravation to an alarming extent of the very predicament it first relieved, which it might have otherwise perfectly cured. "1 My former colleague, Dr. Gray, and myself, published in 1835 the following curative results in our practice: 1. In two cases of ascites, which succeeded the use of immoderate doses of Quinine; 2. In a case of anasarca succeeding scarlet fever; 3. And in one of extensive cedema, especially manifest on the abdomen, attended with griping pains in the same, in a consumptive patient. " Since then, in our experience, also in that of others, it has cured many, and palliated very many cases of ascites and hydrothorax."-ED. 61.-CANNABIS SATIVA. CANN.-Hemp.-Hahnemann's " Materia Medica Pura," I.-Duration of Action: several weeks. COMPARE WITH-Arn., Bry., Canth., Nux-v., Op., Petr., Puls., Stann. ANTIDOTES.-Of large doses: a few glasses of very sour Lemonade; of small doses: Camph. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-Rheumatic drawing in the periosteum of the long bones, as if they had been bruised by blows, during motion. Prickings, at night, when in bed, and getting into perspiration, accompanied by great anguish, and a, sensation as of having hot water repeatedly thrown over him. Lacerating pushes, and deeply penetrating lancinations in different places, especially in the limbs. -OComplaints occasioned by fatigue.-Hysteric symptoms. Tetanic spasms of the upper limbs and the trunk, from time to time. Immc. diately after a mealhe feels tired in all his limbs.-Feeling of iner CANNABIS SATIVA. 459 tia in every part of the body. Great weakness after little exercise. -Sudden weakness of the lower limbs, as if he would sink down. Weariness, vacillation, and dull pain of the knees. SLEEP.- Unconuerable drowsiness, the whole day. Sleeplessness after midnight. Restless sleep. In the night he is waked from his slumber by frightful dreams, without knowing where he is. Restless sleep at night, frequent waking, confused, sometimes anxious dreams, emission of semen, followed by light sleep. FEvER.-Small pulse. Slow pulse, scarcely perceptible. Chills. -Fever, chills, with violent thirst; after drinking, he is attacked with shaking, coldness of the hands, knees, and feet; accompanied by hurriedness, tremor, distortion of the face; at times weeping, at times joyous, at times furious mood. The whole body is cold, the face becomes warmer and warmer.-Shuddering over the whole body, extending to the head, as if the hair were drawn tight. His limbs feel cold to the touch, he trembles with chilliness. Seething of the blood. MORAL SYMPTOMS.-Sadness. Cheerful mood, as if excited by liquor. Unsteadiness and vacillation of temper. Anxious mood. Mental derangement, partly with merry, partly with serious mood. Furious frenzy. SENSORIUM AND HEAD.-Vertigo when standing or walking, with dizziness. Dullness and reeling sensation in the head. Inability to recollect. Piercing headache. Uninterrupted headache the whole day. Continual headache on the top of the head, as if a stone were pressing upon it. Dullness of the head, it feels heavy, with painful pressure in the forehead and eye-lids. Pressure in the temples. Painful feeling in the head and nape of the neck, when moving the head. Creeping in the skin of the hairy scalp. EYE.--Pressure, with lacerating in the upper eye-lid. Feeling of weakness of the eyes and sight. *The cornea becomes opaque; ospecks -and pellicle on the cornea. Cataract. Sensation of spasmodic drawing in the eyes.-OScrofulous ophthalmia.? FAcE.-Tingling, itching, and smarting, as from salt, in the face.~Hot face, with red cheeks. NosE.-Large nodosity on the nose, surrounded by red swelling, like acne-rosacea. Hoemorrhage from the nose unto fainting. *Bleeding at the nose. EARS.-Roaring in the ears. Tingling and throbbing in the ear Throbbing, pushing pain in the ear, almost extending into the cheeks, disappearing when stooping, and quickly reappearing when raising the head again. 460 CANNABIS SATIVA. JAWS AND TEETH.-Stupefying, compressive pain on the left side of the chin, which affects the teeth of that side. MouTH.-Eruption in the vermilion border of the lips, and the corner of the mouth. Difficult speech. His speech was more like a clangor than a human voice. Elevation of voice, accompanied with excessive anguish and torture, owing to pain in the back. Early in the morning, burning dryness in the palate. Burning in the throat. Dryness in the mouth, viscid saliva, absence of thirst, especially in the evening, and hot hands. APPETITE AND GASTRIC SYMPTOMS.-Gulping-up of a bitter-sour, rancid fluid. A sort of retching in the pit of the stomach, rising into his throat. Nausea. Vomiting of a slimy, bitter-tasting water, accompanied by a scraping sensation in the throat, followed by dullness of the occiput. Green, bilious vomiting. Anguish in the pit of the stomach, with oppressed breathing and palpitation of the heart, rising of warmth in her throat, arresting the breathing, as if something were lodged in the trachea, accompanied with flushes of heat. Cardialgia. Pinching and cutting in the pit of the stomach. STOMACH.-At different times, violent attacks of pain in the stomach, with paleness and sweat of the face, pulse almost extinct, and rattling breathing like that of a dying man. Ulcerative pain of the stomach; when touching it, it goes off after eating. ABDOMEN.-Pinching above the umbilicus (after a meal). Pinching in the abdomen and cutting in the loins. Anxious throbbing in the epigastrium, like strong pulsations. All the intestines are painful as if bruised. Shuddering in the abdomen, as if cold water were moving through it. Painful, hard swelling in the right hypochondrium. Swelling of the abdomen. Abdomen and chest are painful externally. Drawing pain from the region of the kidneys to the inguinal glands, with anxious and sick feeling in the pit of the stomach. Ulcerative pain in the region of the kidneys, both when touching the parts and not.-Pressing from within outwards in the abdominal ring, accompanied by ulcerative pain.-Colicky pain in the epigastrium, followed by diarrhoeic stool, and smarting in the anus. STooL.-*Complete obstruction of the bowels.-Pressing in the small of the back and rectum, as if the intestines were descending and were being pressed out, when sitting. Sensation in the anus as if something cold were dropping out. Contractive pain in the anus. Itching of the perineum. URINE.-O Chronic retention of urine; strangury, particularly at night; Opainful discharge of drops of bloody urine.-Nephritis.?Cystitis.? OCalculi in the bladder. Desire to urinate, with aching CANNABIS.SATIVA. 461 pain.-Difficulty to urinate, paralysis of the bladder.' Urine full of filaments, as if pus had been mixed with it. Enuresis.-Lacerat. ing, as if in the fibres of the urethra. Itching, tingling stitches in the fore part of the urethra. Burning stitches in the posterior portion of the urethra, during the emission of urine. *Pain, during micturition, from the orifice of the urethra to its termination at the bladder; burning smarting, rather stinging posteriorly. *Simple, but violent burning in the fore part of the urethra, during the emission of urine.--*Burning during and after micturition.-Stinging smart. ing pain during micturition, biting pain between the acts of micturition. Darting stitches in the posterior portion of the urethra, when standing.-Cutting pain in the fore part of the urethra, during micturition. Discharge of watery mucus from the urethra. Closing of the orifice of the urethra by mucus.-The penis is swollen, without erection. *The urethra feels inflamed, and is painful through the whole of its length, when touching it; chordee during an erection. *Spreading (fan-shaped) stream. Frequent erections, followed by stitches in the urethra. *Painful discharge of mucus from the urethra (a kind of gonorrhoea?). GENITAL ORGANS.-Swelling of the glans and penis, a sort of erection without sensation. Coldness of the genital organs, with warmth of the rest of the body. Aversion to an embrace. Swelling of the right and lower side of the prepuce. Swelling of the fraenulum and prepuce, especially at their union. Itching of the prepuce. The prepuee is dark-red, hot, and inflamed. Smarting, as from excoriation, of the margin and inner side of the prepuce. Continual burning of the whole prepuce and glans, Corrosive burning and stinging of the outer parts of the prepuce and of the urethra in the region of the corona-glandis. Soreness of the margin of the prepuce.When walking, the penis feels sore and burnt. Tensive pain in the spermatic cord, when standing, and contraction of the scrotum. Sense as of pressure in the testicles, a sort of dragging, when stand. ing. Swelling of the prostate gland. Great excitation of the sexual instinct, accompanied by sterility.-Profuse menstruation. Confine, ment in the eighth month, accompanied by frightful convulsions. LARYNX AND TRACHEA.-Early in the morning, rawness in the chest. CHEST.-Dry, violent cough.-OChronic catarrh of the larynx and trachea.? Oppressed breathing, with sensation as of a load on the 1 The urine had to be drawn off by the catheter; but afterwards it could not even be drawn off by the catheter, on account of the instrument becoming clogged with mucus and pus. 462 CANNABIS SATIVA. chest.-Violent pinching behind the sternum, it the lower part of the chest.-Pushes or beatings in both sides of the chest, frequently recurring, arresting the breathing at the same time, most painful in the region of the heart.-When taking exercise, or when stooping, violent shocks in the region of the heart, as if it would fall out.Stitches in the integuments of the chest. Cutting across the integuments of the chest. Tensive dullness of the left half of the chest, with slight jerkings, palpitation of the heart, and oppression.-Nodosity on the xiphoid cartilage.-Pain in the region of the heart. Asthma. Difficult respiration, without expectoration. Orthopno6; he was not able to breathe, except with his neck stretched, with wheezing in the trachea, and by greatly distending the abdomen.Difficult respiration when lying down.-Inflanmmation of the chest and lungs.-*Inflammation of the lungs, with vomiting of a green, bilious substance. *Inflammation of the lungs, zuith delirium.OCarditis.? Polypi of the heart.?? Aneurisms of the great vessels.? BACK.-Violent aching in the vertebra, at the base of the chest. Pain in the middle of the back, as if some one were pinching the part with pincers, the pain extending gradually towards the abdomen.The pain in the back frequently arrests the breathing. Drawing in the nape of the neck, along the cervical vertebrm, from below upwards. Drawing, from the nape of the neck to the ear, resembling a cramp. ARMs.-Pressure, with lacerating, on the top of the shoulders, at intervals.-When extending the arm, sensation in the shoulder as if bruised. Crampy contraction of the right hand, going and coming.. (The wrist-joint feels dead; he was unable to move his hand.) Cramp-like contraction of the metacarpal bones.-Sudden lameness of the hand; the hand trembled when holding anything. LEGS.-Small, white "vesicles, with large, red, smooth border, burning like fire, especially when lying on them and touching them; at the end of two days they leave brown-red spots, which are very painful to the touch. Intensely painful, sharp prickings in the flesh of the thigh, near the womb. Continued pressure, in front, on the middle of the thighs, when sitting. Frequent shuddering on the feet, from below upwards. Cramp in the calf when walking. Painful sudden beatings in the dorsum of the foot.--Cramp of the teudo. achillis, with violent pains. CANTHARIS 463 62.-CANTHARIS. CANTH.-Meloi Vesicatorius, Spanish Fly.-See Hartlaub and Trinks, I., II -" Archiv.," XIII., 1.-Duration of Action: weeks, and even years. COMPARE WITH-Acon., Bell., Camph., Cann., Caps., Chin., Coff., Coloc., Lanroc., LecL, Lye., Puls., Rhus., Sen. ANTIDOTEs.-Camph. antidotes large doses; Vinegar and alcoholic liquids likewise, according to Giacomo. According to Rayer, Sulphur baths remove the discoloration of the skin occasioned by the application of a blister of Cantharides. According to Pallas, the oil of Olives increases the pernicious effects of Cantharides, inasmuch as the active principle of this agent is dissolved by the oil.-Small doses are antidoted by Camph. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-Stingingover the whole body. Lacerating in the affected parts; burning and itching in the skin.Burning.-Rawness and soreness in the whole body, internally and externally, sometimes with burning.-Bitin'g.-Cutting. Lacerating, drawing, gnawing, stinging pains in the bones.-Swelling, heat, and redness, zflammation and gangrene of external parts.Swelling of the face, neck, and abdomen.-Subsultus and spasmodic movements of the tendons.-Convulsions, recurring at short or longer intervals. General convulsions, with fainting fits or rage.- Violent convulsions, with distortion of the limbs, shrieks, and loss of consciousness.- Violent tetanic convulsions, with hydrophobia: the con. vulsions abate periodically; but soon reappear, either as empros. thotonos or opisthotonos, the delirium, rage, and frenzy continuing uninterruptedly; accompanied with violent trismus, violent grinding of the teeth, and discharge of a frothy and sometimes blood-streaked saliva; inability to swallow and convulsive contraction of the larynx at every attempt to swallow, expression of terror and despair in the face, the hair standing on end during the convulsions; staring look, sparkling, fiery, frightfully and convulsively-rolling eyes; natural temperature of the skin, with full and slow pulse; contraction of the abdominal muscles when making pressure with the hands upon the umbilical region; the abdominal muscles (particularly the recti muscles) are drawn in, stretched like the strings of an instrument, and seem to adhere to the spinal column; sudden concussion of the whole body, suffocative constriction of the larynx, frightful, barking howling, general convulsions, ending in fainting fits and sopor; the convulsions frequently return from merely touching the larynx or making pressure upon the painful parts of the abdomen, or from looking at water or broth.-Hydrophobia.-Feeling as if bruised in the fore-arms, hands, and lower limbs, and in the whole body, at. tended with debility and great sensitiveness.-Feeling of heaviness 4644 CANTHTIARIS. and awkwardness of the whole body, particularly in the lower limbs, when ascending an eminence.-Excessive debility, vertigo, trembling of all the limbs.-Languor, relaxation, debility, prostration, and emaciation of the whole body.-Syncope.-Iloe morrh age from the nose, mouth, intestinal canal, urinary and genital organs, and from the respiratory organs'.-Tncreased secretions from the mucous membranes and ulcerated surfaces. CHARACTERISTIC PECULIARirurms.-Most of the symptoms appear principally on the right side.-Amelioration of the symptoms when lying down, aggravation from. drinking coffee. SKIN.-Erysilelatous, active inflammation of the skin, with, more burning than itching, and exudation of a serous liquid, raising the epidermis in the shape of blisters.1-Sm'all, itching vesicles between the chin and lips, on the forehead and cheek, on the palm of the hand.--Petechic'e.-Carbuncle.-E czema. E ethymatous pustules'.Ulceration and gangrene, particularly after exanthematous diseases. -Ulcers on the leg.-Itching and lacerating in the ulcers. SLEEP. -Drowsiness in the dayti~ne.- Sleeplessness, particularly after midnight, with tossing about.-Symptoms at night: frequent waking; starting up from. sleep; illusions.-Frequent, confused, and vivid dreamis.-Languor in all her limbs, in the morning in bed, with disinclination to rise. FETER,.-Frýequentpvaroxysntqs offeverish coldness.-0 Tertian fevers, with difficult micturition; ýfievers consistinga almost exclusively of the cold stage;.chilliness mingled with heat, with heaviness of the feet, lameness and immobility -6f the limbs, loss of appetite, pain in the eyes, and desire to be in bed.-Violent, acute, burning fevers.Feverish irritation, with dryness of the mouth, thirst, anxiety, and pains in the limbs.-Heat, with thirst, general redness, and delirious talk-.-0Typhoid fevers;?, 0typhus;? lentescent fevers;? 0consumptive fevers.?-Pulse increased, full, early in the morning, after the pains; hard and full, as in febrile' inflammations; full and slow;.s'mall, hard, and intermittent, or strong; freq'uen't, hard, and quick; slow; feeble, vanishing; uneasy, in the whole body, with trembling of the limbs. MORAL SYMPTrOMS.-Apprehensive mood; great anguish; anxiety, resembling hypochondria, with want of confidence in one' s self.Great restlessness.-Not disposed to do anything, ta C.iturn.-Nervous; irritable., vehement; noisy, and dissatisfied wvith everything; in' According to Humboldt, this senim became so corrosive by, galvanizing the blistcred surface, that letters which % v ýre written on the skin with it shone like fire. CANTHAR S. 465 solent and contradicting.-Paroxysms of rage, like frenzy or hydrophobia, with convulsions. SENSORIUM.-Mental languor and inertia, early in the morning; delirium; confusion of the mind.-Dullness of the head, early in the morning, with pulsation in the forehead.-Vertigo.: with loss of sense and mistiness before his eyes during a walk in the open air; with fainting; with weakness in the head.-Inflammation of the brain. HEAD.- Violent pains in the head, deep in the brain, going off after breakfast.--Weight in the forehead, also deep in the brain, with dullness and sensation as if the head were pressed forward.-Lacerating in the head.-Stitches in the head, in the occiput, as if in the bone, or deep in the brain.-Gnawing in the periosteum of the right temple.-Throbbing, deep in the right side; in the region of the right temple, with drawing in the bone.-Congestion of blood to the head when stooping, with redness of the face; also when sitting, with heat of the face.-HIeat in the head: after dinner, with sweat and burning of the hands; ascension of heat, with anxiety; in the forehead, with headache. EYEs.-Pressure in the eyes; tearing in the right eye, or drawing; itching; smarting as from salt; burning.-Twitching and stinging of the lids; pimples on the upper lid; pain of the margins, as if sore and excoriated, when opening the eyes, in the open air, with lachrymation.-Ophthalmia.-Lachrymation, with tension in the upper lids; in the open air, with pain of the lid when opening the eyes.-. Protruded eyes; eyes in spasmodic motion; fiery, sparkling, with steady, staring look.-Things look yellow.-Di-m-sightedness, particularly when writing, with headache afterwards. EARS.-Lacerating in and about the ears.-Humming in the ears after supper. NOSE.-Tension in the interior of the nose, with beating sensation as if swollen, and pain to the touch.-Erysipelatous inflammation of the dorsum of the nose, extending to the cheeks, particularly on the right side, with swelling, hardness, and subsequent desquamation.-. Pimples in the nostril, with burning when touching them.--Sneezing, violent. FAcE.-Paleness of the face, with a feeling of internal coldness; pale, wretched, sickly appearance.-Heat in the face, suddenly, with redness and thirst.-Bloatedness of the face; swelling of the right side, with tension, also without redness and heat.-Lacerating in the right mastoid process.-Eruptions on the face; itching vesicles, burning when touched.-Soreness; peeling off; swelling of the zupper lip.20* 466 CANTHARIS. Lacerating in the lower jaw.-Lock-jaw, with grinding of the teeth, and discharge of foamy and even bloody saliva. TEETH.-Gnawing in the lower teeth and jaw.-Suppurating fis. tula-dentalis over the root of one of the upper incisores.-Pains in the gums; lacerating; drawing.-Inflamed tumor on the gums, reddish-yellow and sore. Suppuration of the gums. MOUTH.-Burning, extending down to the pharynx, oesophagus, and stomach.-Inflammation and destruction of the mucous membrane. Vesicles in the mouth. Small ulcers in the mouth. Ptyalism, profuse, particularly during the paroxysms of rage.-Coagulated blood in the mouth, early in the morning in bed.-White coating on the tip of the tongue, with bitter taste and loathing. Inflammation of the tongue, with vesicles. Suppuration of the tongue.-Weakness of the organs of speech, with weak voice.-Redness, from the palate to the uvula. THRoAT.-Stinging dryness. Astringent sensation in the pharynx. Burning in the pharynx, also during deglutition, or extending down the oesophagus, into the stomach and intestinal canal.-Inflammation of the tonsils. Suppuration and destruction of the mucous membrane.-Dificulty of swallowing, particularly liquids. APPETITE AND TASTE.-Impure, offensive taste. Bztter taste. Aversion to every kind of nourishment, particularly in the evening -Increase of appetite.-Loss of thirst, or else violent burning thirst. -Aversion to drinks.-Nausea and loathing, or excessive thirst, during a meal. GASTRIC SYMPTOMs.-Water-brash. Qualmishness in the stomach. -Loathing, with ill-humor, inclination to vomit.-Nausea, while eating, with loathing of food.- Vomiting, sometimes with violent retching or fierce colic. Vomiting of everything he eats, sometimes with gagging up of bile and mucus. Vomiting of blood, with constant gagging. SToMACH.-Sensitiveness of the stomach, also externally. Feeling of weakness in the stomach.-Violent pains with heat in the stomach, tossing about in despair, sometimes with pains in the abdomen, kidneys, and bladder.-Drawing in the stomach.-Heat in the stomach, with pain. Violent burning in the stomach. Burning in the region of the pylorus.-Inflammation of the stomach. ABDOMEN.-Inflammation of the liver and diaphragm.- Violent pains in the abdomen and intestines, particularly at night.--Violent colic.-Pinching in the abdomen, early in the morning, violent, or with bearing-down towards the genital organs; around the umbilicus after dinner.-Cutting in the abdomen; stinging; gnawing.-Heat CANTHARIS. 367 and burning in the abdomen and bowels.-Inflammation and mortification of the bowels.-Sensitiveness of the abdominal walls to the touch. OPeritonitis.?-Pains in the groin.-Immovable, firm, hard tumor directly above the symphysis-pubis, in the region of the blad. der, with peculiar, tensive, and burning pains in the loins.1 STOOL AND ANus.-Constipation, with retention of urine or emis, sion of flatulence.-Frequent or constant urging; ineffectual urging or with scanty relief.-Increased and painful evacuations.--*Diarrhoea. Dysenteric diarrhoea. ODiarrhoea during dentition.-Frothy, liquid, or diarrhoeic evacuations; yellow, brown, watery stools. Stools consisting of white mucus, looking like scrapings from the bowels, and streaked with blood. Evacuations consisting of blood or bloody mucus.-Before stool: colic, urging, pinching below the umbilicus (the latter also during stool).-During stool: colic, pain in the anus and intestinal canal; pressing, extorting cries; cutting or burning in the anus,; prolapsus of the rectum.-After stool: alleviation of the colic; cutting colic; burning, biting, and stinging in the anus; tenesmus; shuddering; violent chilliness, as if cold water were poured over one, with internal warmth. URINE.-Pains in the region of the kidneys, extending into the abdomen, with severe pain during urination. Stitches in the region of the kidneys.-Cutting in the region of the kidneys, extending to the axillae. Pains along the ureters, lacerating cutting and contraction, relieved by pressing upon the glans. Pressing from the kidneys to the bladder. Inflammation of the kidneys. Enlargement of the kidneys. Pains in the bladder, violent, excessive. Pressure, stinging, pressing, and lacerating pain in the neck of the bladder. Heat and burning in the bladder. Suppuration of the bladder. Gangrene of the inner coat of the bladder. Distention of the bladder. Paralysis of the neck of the bladder.-Violent pains in the urethra, with icy coldness of the hands and feet. Violent cutting in the urethra, obliging one to bend double and scream, before, during, and after micturition. Burning, tension, sticking, or itching in the urethra. Inflammation, enlargement, and suppuration of the urethra.-Suppression of urine.-Rctention of urine, with retention of stool. Retention of urine from over-distention of the bladder. Painful retention of urine, with difficult emission of a few drops.--*Desire to urinate, *constant, violent, with inability to urinate, or with scanty 1 John Howslip, in his " Practical Observations on the Diseases of the Urinary Organs," observes: "This tumor had been occasioned by a blister of Cantharides, which was applied to the lumbar region of a female suffering with hamiaturia." Compare Pathological Anatomy. 468 CANTHARIS emission, or discharge of a few drops only, with great pains, and sometimes streaks of blood, or with discharge of tenacious mucus, at. tended with cutting; inability to retain the least quantity, of urine without occasioning a pressure on the bladder.--*Tenesmus of the bladder, strangury, -also with burning, pain in the back, or *discharge of drops of blood. -Frequent micturition, with scanty watery discharge; with profuse discharge. Nocturnal enuresis.-Enuresis, sometimes painful, irresistible, bloody; involuntary flow of urine from paralysis of the neck of the bladder.-Urine white; red or reddish; turbid, like-loam water, with white sediment, at night; full of mucus, which is sometimes filamentous, or mixed with sand, or clots of blood; bloody urine, or hot, with painful emission of the urine in drops.--*Hiemnorrhage of the urethra, hematuria, -with convul. sions. *Painful hemnorrhage from the urethra, with tenesmus. Himmorrhage from the urethra during an erection, attended with haemorrhage from the rectum.-During micturition: dysuria, burn. ing; biting, burning, jerking; tension as if the urine would be ar. rested in its course; violent cutting.-After micturition: burning; tingling in the urethra.-Discharge of a dirty, purulent fluid from the urethra; discharge of a yellow fluid from the urethra, like gonorrhoea, also bloody. OPainful gonorrhoea, with chordee and painful erections.-Jelly-like urine, almost looking like hydatids.-Albuminous urine. MALE GENITAL ORGANS.-Itching, heat, and burning of the sexual organs. Swelling of the scrotum, penis, franulum-proeputii. Inflammation of the penis. Mortification of the penis.-Feeling of weakness in the sexual organs. Increased sexual desire. Frightful satyriasis. Violent priapism, with excessive pains.-Frequent erections, continuous; *particularly at night, with contraction and soreness in the urethra. *Dainful erections, ~with chordee.-Frequent involuntary emissions. Spermatorrhoea from a relaxed penis, early in the morning, in bed, without sensation. Discharge of blood in the place of semen. FEMALE GENITAL ORGANS.-Burning in the pudendum;.yiolent itching in the vagina. Swzelling of the neck of the uterus, attended with burning in the bladder, pain in the abdomen, constant vomiting, and acute fever. Pressing towards the genital organs. Inflammation of the ovaries.-Mllenses too early, profuse, with black blood. Retarded menses.-Before the menses: burning during micturition, with white sediment in the urine.-After micturition: discharge of bloody mucus.--Cantharides promote fecundity, expel moles, dead foetuses, and the placonta, CANTHARIS. 469 LARYNX AND TRACHEA.-Burning heat in the larynx.-Contraction and constric.tioD of the larynx, even unto suffocation.-Roughness and hoarseness of the throat and chest.-Cough, early on rising, with difficult expectoration. Short turns of cough, from irritation in the larynx, with hurried breathing and asthma, or with pain in the abdomen.-Bloody expectoration, after short cough. CHEST.-Difficult breathing, owing to contraction of the larynx and trachea, or to dryness of the nose. Feeling of weaknsss in the airpassages, with feeble, timid voice. Want of breath when ascending a mountain, with orgasm in the chest and nausea.-Sticking pain and stitches in the chest, sometimes during an inspiration. Violent lancinations in the sternum. Stitches in the left side, at night, during an inspiration, not permitting him to lie on one side, or when turning the body quickly, or when breathing rapidly, with arrest of breathing. Lacerating in the chest, particularly in the region of the heart; feeling of dryness in the chest. Heat and burning in the chest, with pinching in the abdomen, and constipation, or with rising of little clots of blood into the mouth (early in the morning), also with dartings in the chest and the cartilages of the chest.-Drawing pain in the region of the heart; pain of the heart. Violent palpitation of the heart.-Great sensitiveness of the chest to contact. BACK, SMALL OF THE BACK.-Pressure in the small of the back. Gnawing in the small of the back, particularly in the evening, also corrosive gnawing, or as if in the bone, with stinging.-Pain during movement, as if sprained. Violent pains in the back.-Lancination between the shoulders at every movement, as if the parts were sprained. Lacerating between the scapulae. Stitches or lancina. tions in the scapula, attended with burning of the skin.-Stiffness of the nape of the neck, with tension when bending it over.-Lace. rating or drawing in the muscles of the neck. ARMs.-Drawing pain in the shoulder-joint.-Gnawing, drawing, and sticking after dinner, apparently in the bone. Painful boring. -Pain as if bruised. Lacerating pain in the arms.-Drawing in the bones, also in the metacarpal bones.-Burning of the palms of the hands like fire. LEGS.-Lancinations in the hip.-oCoxagra.?-Lacerating in the thigh, down to the bend of the knee.-Gnawing in the bones of the lower limb, extending down to the calves. Going to sleep, now of one, then of the other limb.-Painful sensation of swelling in both knees.-Boring in the knees, with contractiou of the lower limb.-. Tottering of the knees when going down-stairs. Violent lacerating in the calves, as if the flesh were torn loose.-Pain in the tibia, above 470 CAPSICUM ANNUUM. the tarsal joint, as if the flesh were loose.- Violent ulcerative paini in the soles.-Burning of the soles, particularly in bed. 63.-CAPSICUM ANNUUM. CAPS.-Spanish Pepper.-See Hahnemann's "Materia Medica Pura," Vol. I.Duration of Action: three weeks. COMPARE WITH-Arn., Bell., Calad., Chin., Cina, Ign., Nux-v., Puls., Verit. ANTIDOTES.-Camph.-Pepper antidotes Calad. and Chin. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-Superficial, drawing pains in different parts of the limbs, in the back, nape of the neck, scapulae, and hands, for many hours, excited by motion. Early in the morning, when rising, he feels as if all his joints were broken, a paralytic painful stiffness when commencing to move, especially in the knees and tar. sal joints, relieved by continued motion. All his joints are painful, as if dislocated, accompanied with a sensation as if swollen. Cramp, first in the left arm, and afterwards in the whole body, with stiffness of the arms and the feet, when rising from a seat, with tingling in the feet and as if they had gone to sleep. Lassitude of the limbs, greater during rest and when sitting. Weariness, greater in the morning than evening. Trembling, weakness of the feet. Complete depression of strength. He dreads all kinds of exercise.-Languor and heaviness of the limbs, followed by trembling of the upper limbs and knees, the hands felt too weary to write. CHARACTERISTIC PECULIARITIES.-Mo0st of the symptoms occur in the evening and at night.-Aggravation of the symptoms by contact, open air, and cold temperature. SKIN.-Creeping if different parts of the skin, as of a fly. Sensation over the whole body as if all the parts of the body would go to sleep. Stinging burning itching of the whole body, greatest on the chest and in the face. SLEEP.--Sleep full of dreams. His sleep is interrupted by screams and startings, as if he were falling down from a height. Sleeplessness. FEVER.-Coldness over the whole body, the limbs are cold, without shuddering. Shuddering and shaking chills after drinking. Excessive chilliness, in the evening, after lying down, followed by coryza. He trembles and shudders. *Shuddering and chilliness in the back, in the evening, followed by slight sweat, but neither heat nor thirst. Feverish shuddering, in the evening, with thirst, with great weakness, short breath, drowsiness, and ill-humor, 0or with headache, ptyalism, vomiting of mucus, painful swelling of the spleen, CAPSICUM ANNTUM. 471 pain in the back, lacerating in the limbs, and contraction of the same. --*Fevers: oparticularly quotidian and tertian, with predominant chilliness; ochilliness, with great thirst, followed by heat with thirst or without, and attended with sweat.-~Fever after abuse of Cinchona. Heat, at the same time shuddering, with thirst for water. During the hot stage: Odartings in the head, bad taste in the mouth, colic, with ineffectual urging, pain in the chest and back, lacerating in the limbs.-Heat in the face and redness, with tremor of the limbs. -Glowing cheeks, after dinner, with cold hands and feet, without shuddering. Red cheeks. The face is alternately pale and red, together with the lobules, with a burning sensation, without any particular heat being felt when touching the parts. (Burning of the hands, feet, and cheeks, the latter being swollen.) Hot ears, and hot, red tip of the nose, towards evening.-(Internal heat, with cold sweat on the forehead.) Heat of the hands. Coldness of the feet. MORAL SYMPTOMS.-Taciturn, obstinate, and peevish. Ill humor. Tendency to start. Capricious. Anguish; he imagines he will die. Want of disposition to work or think.-~Home-sickness, with redness of the cheeks. SENSORIUM.-Intoxication. Dizziness of the head, early in the morning, when waking. Feverish chills and coldness, with anxiety, sense as of reeling, and dullness of the head.-Vertigo. Increased acuteness of all the senses. Inability to think. Fatigue of the mind after the least exertion. Confusion of thought, absence of mind. HEAD.-Headache, as if the skull would burst, when moving the head or when walking. Beating, throbbing headache in one of the temples. Beating headache in the forehead. Aching in the temples and forehead, above the root of the nose, with stitches over the eye and in the ear. Stinging pain in one side of the head, increasing by raising the eyes or head, or by stooping, and accompanied with forgetfulness and nausea. Darting pain in the head, worse during rest, less during motion. Distensive headache, or as if the brain were too full. Drawing pain, with pressure in the forehead. Deeply. penetrating (dartings in the vertex. ScALP.-Gnawing or burning itching, as of vermin, in the hairy scalp. FACE.-Pain in the face, either pain in the bone, excited by touching the parts, or fine pain in the nerves, when falling asleep. Red points in the face, and herpes on the forehead, with corrosive itching. EYEs.-Dilatation of the pupils. Eyes protrude from their sockets, with paleness of countenance. Aching in the eyes, as if a foreign body were lodged in them. Burning in the eyes, early in the morning they are red, with lachrymation. Inflammation of the eyes. Dim 472 CAPSICUM ANNUUM. sightedness, early in the morning, as if a turbid substance were float. ing over the cornea, and obscured it, relieved for a time when rubbing. All objects appear black when brought before the eyes. Almost complete extinction of sight. Pressure on the eyes, he is unable to open them sufficiently.--~Incipient amaurosis.? EARS.-Lacerating in the concha. Itching pain deep in the ear. Aching deep in the ear. Swelling on the petrous portion of the temporal bone, painful when touched. Pain under the ear.-Hard hearing, with roaring. Attack of deafness, after previous burning and stinging in the ear, and succeeded by tingling. NosE.-Bloody mucus from the nose. Violent, concussive sneez. ing. Dry coryza; tingling and tickling in the nose, also burning as in dry coryza. JAWS AND TEETH.-Ulcerative eruption on the lips. Swollen lips. Rhagades of the lips. Swelling of the gums. Drawing pain in the gums. The teeth feel to him as if elongated and raised, also dull. Burning of the lips. MOUTn.-Pimples on the tongue, with stinging pain when touched. --OStomacace.-Pain as if the tongue were swollen. THROAT.-Ptyalism. Pain during deglutition, as if the throat were inflamed. Simple pain in the fauces, only when coughing. Spasmodic contraction of the fauces. Dryness of the mouth. TASTE AND APPETITE.-Taste in the mouth as of putrid water. Watery,flat taste in the mouth. afterwards heartburn. Heartburn. Acrid, sourish taste in the mouth. STOMACH AND GASTRIC SYMPTOMiS.-Coldness in the stomach. Inclination to vomit. Qualmishness and inclination to vomit, in the pit of the stomach, early in the morning and afternoon. Fullness and anxiousness in the chest, after a meal, afterwards sour risings or heartburn, finally loose stool. Stool and redness of the cheeks, immediately after dinner. Burning over the pit of the stomach, immediately after a meal. Aching in the pit of the stomach. Burning, with sense of swelling in the region of the stomach. ABDOMEN.-Pain, deep in the abdomen, more burning than sting. ing, accompanied by cutting in the umbilical region, during motion especially when. stooping or walking, with desire to weep, ill humor, and apprehensiveness, and sweat in.the face. Oppressive tension in the abdomen, especially the epigastric region, between the pit of the stomach and the umbilicus, increased by motion and accompanied ivith tension and pressure in the lower part of the back. Sensation as if the abdomen were distended unto bursting, producing a sufocative arrest of breathing. Pressure under the short ribs and in CAPSICUM ANNUUM. 473 the pit of the stomach. OColic, as if from flatulence. Increased warmth of the intestinal canal. STOOL.-Colic, cutting and writhing around the umbilicus, accompanied by expulsion of a tenacious mucus, sometimes streaked with black blood, every stool is followed by thirst, and every drink by shuddering. Drawing and shifting in the abdomen, with or without diarrhoea. Mucous diarrhoea with tenesmus. Diarrhoea, immediately followed by tenesmus, without stool. Small stools, consisting of mere mucus. Small stools, consisting of bloody mucus. oDysenteric diarrhoea.? Nightly diarrhoea, with burning at the anus.. Tenesmus. After drinking he has to go to stool, in spite of his costiveness; he only passes mucus. Constipation, as if there were too much heat in the abdomen. Burning pain in the anus. Itching of the anus. Smarting, stinging pain in the anus, during diarrhoea. Blind haemorrhoids, varices of the anus, very painful during stool. Yarices in the anus, sometimes itching. Homorrhage from the anus, for four days. URINE.-Spasmodic contraction of the neck of the bladder, with cutting pain. Tenesmus of the bladder.: frequent but unsuccessful desire to urinate. The urine is emitted in drops, as if it were poured over the urethra occasionally (immediately and for a long time). Burning urine.-Burning, smarting pain in the urethra, after micturition. Pain in the urethra, especially in the forenoon. Prickings or violent stitches in the anterior portion of the urethra, between the acts of urinating. Cutting pain in the urethra, between the acts of micturition, from before backwards. The urethra is painful to the touch. The urine deposits a white sediment. o~Hamaturia.? Catarrh of the bladder.? GENITAL ORGANS.-Continual pressing and prickling in the glans, especially morning and evening. Drawing pain in the spermatic cord, and crampy pain in the testicle, during emission of urine, and some time afterwards. Violent erection, early in the morning, when rising, which can only be subdued by cold water. Purulent discharge from the urethra. Gonorrhoea.-Discharge of fetid mucus from the vagina. Coldness of the scrotum, and impotence.- Tabes-testiculorum; dwindling of the testes to the size of a bean, extinction of the sexual instinct, emaciation, falling off of the beard, and weakness of sight.1 SThose among the French soldiers in Egypt who drank brandy which had been poisoned with "Solanum-capsicum and Pseudo-capsicum," were afflicted with the following symptoms: loss of sensibility in the testicles, softening and gra. dual dwindling of those parts. At first this was not noticed by the patient, until the testicles were reduced to the size of a bean, insensible, hard, and drawn up close to the abdominal ring, and suspended by a shrivelled spermatic cord.LARREY, " Observations sur plusieurs Maladies qui out affect6 les Troupes pen. dant I'Expedition do 1'Egypte." 474 CAPSICUM ANNUUM. LARYNX AND TRACHEA.-Hoarseness.--Frequent and short, barking cough. Cough, especially towards evening. In the evening, after lying down, tingling and tickling in the larynx, and dry, short, and hacking cough.-Painful cough. Pain in the throat, when coughing, as of a simple, painful swelling. Aching in the throat, only during the coughing fit, as if an ulcer would open. Headache during cough. Cough excites an inclination to vomit. Continual stitches in the throat, in the region of the epiglottis, exciting a dry cough, without going off by it. Coughing, accompanied with an aching pain in the ear. Drawing pain when coughing, in the side of the chest, extending up to the neck. CHEST.-Pain in the region of the ribs and sternum, when taking an inspiration. *Simple pain in the region of a rib, at a small place, worst when touching the parts, but excited neither by breathing nor by coughing.-Sticking pain in the side of the chest and back when coughing. Several violent stitches in the region of the heart.-Involuntary, violent expiration. Deep brIeathing, almost like a sigh. Asthma, sensation of fullness in the chest. Asthma, apparently coming from the stomach. Asthma, with redness of the face, eructation, and sensation as if the chest were extended. Orthopno6. Pain as if the chest were constricted, oppressing the breathing, and increasing, even by the slightest motion. Asthma in walking. Throbbing pain in the chest. Aching pain in that side of the chest on which she is resting. BACK.-Drawing-aching pain in the back. Stiffness of the nape of the neck, diminished by motion. Painful stiffness of the nape of the neck, which is felt only when moving it. Drawing-lacerating pain in, and by the side of, the spinal column.-Darting-lacerating pain in the cervical glands. ARMs.-Pain in the shoulder-joint, as if sprained. Drawing pain with lameness above and below the elbow-joint.-Drawing-lacerating pains extending from the right clavicle to the tips of the fingers. LEGS.-Drawing pain in the hip-joint, increasing by contact and by bending the trunk backwards.-Lancinating pain from the hip-joint down to the feet, especially when coughing. Pain in the muscles of the thigh, resembling an aching, and as if the parts had been strained Pain, as from bruises, in the right thigh, disappearing when walking, but returning when at rest.-Convulsive jerking and twitching, now of the thigh, then of the lower arm. Tensive pain in the knee. Straining pain in the calves when walking. Pain, as from bruises, in the heel-bone. CAR13O ANDIALIS. 4-75 64.ý-CARBO ANIMALIS. CARB. AI-Animal Charcoal.-Hahnemana's "ýChronic Diseasces,"' llI.-Ditra. 6ion of Action: forty days COMPARE; WIrn-Bov%., Cab11., Carb.-v., Ign., 1pee., Mere., Natr.-mur., Rhod., Sol., Sil., and the remiedies which ar-e analt~gou& to Carb.-v. ANTIDoTE.-Camph. GENERAL SYMPTOM1S.-Aeching i-n the joints and museles. Pressure in the stomnach, the chest, and sometimes in the abdomen. Pain in the arms and legs as if they had 'been pressed with the fingers. Lacerating and d rawing pain in the finger-s and toes. Stiffniess of the limbs, after sitting. Sensation as if hands. and feet would go to sleep, frequently. The arms and legs go to sleep, the former when leaning upon them, the latter when laying them across each other.Feeling of numbness in all the limbs, also in the head. All the limbs feel bruised, esp.ecially during motion.-The ligaments of the elbows and knees are painful when lying down.-The joints of the body feel bruised, severed, weak. Feeling in the joints as if broken. Cracking in the joints--Vacillating gait, as if caused by some external force.-lleavin-ess and trembling of the arms and legs.Throbbing and beating in the wholke body, worse in the evening.Seething of the blood, without heat.-Weakness and want of en-ergy of the whole body, with dullness of the head..-*Easily exhatisted by walking. A good deal of sweat when walking in the open air. *Tired and sleepy' after walking. Paroxysms: vertigo.-Laziness and indisposition for any kind Of mental or physical labor, the whole day.-Languid, anxious, and melancholy, especially in the aft'ernoon. -The whole day as if in a state of slumber, indolent, de~af, dimsighted, peevish, and g-loomy.-Dull and drowsy in the forenoon, miore so after dinner.-Lassitude in the morning, with sadness. SKIN.-Itchi-no over the whole body, especially in the evehning vvhen in bed. Sm~arting over the whole body. SLEEP.-Great drowsiness. Sleeplessness.-I-ot and restless, at night.-Uneasy sleep, interrupted by frequent wvaking.-When falling asleep, she starts up as if she would fall. Anguish and seething of the blood, she had to sit uip. Pain in the joints, at night.-Cramp in the thighs and legs, at night.-Bleeding at the nose, langiior, and sensation as if the body were bruised, at niohgt.-Trembling ill the interior of the limbs, in the evening when falling asleep, with twitcho iag in the knees, legs, and feet.-Ptyalismn durin6- slcep. -M-oaning-Loud talking, weeping when asleep, and sobbingý when wAkbng &1eep full of vivid fancies.0 476 CARBO ANIMALIS. FEVER.-Great chilliness in the daytime.-Constant chilliness, with icy-cold feet. Some shuddering, with thirst, every other day, towards evening; afterwards violent dry heat.-Chillincss over the whole body, afterwards heat, when lying down.-At night, when in bed, his head and the upper part of his body were hot, the legs were cold, getting warm only gradually.-Heat and thirst at night, without either previous chilliness or succeeding sweat.-Night-heat, with moist skin.-Sweat coloring the linen yellow. Profuse night-sweat. Sweat about the head, at night. Exhausting night-sweats. Fetid night-sweats. MORAL SYMPTOMS.-Melancholy, low-spirited, sad, or taciturn.Hnome-sickness.-Anxious and desponding. Shy and timid. Hopelessness. Peevish. Angry and full of wrath. Excessively merry. SENSORIUM.-Weakness of memory.-Gloominess in the head, early in the morning. Dizziness in the head, and drowsiness, as if one had not slept enough. In the morning his head is confused. Sudden stupefaction in repeated attacks. Sudden stupefaction when moving the head or walking. Vertigo. Vertigo, with blackness of sight. Feeling of giddiness in the head, as if he would be attacked with qualms of sickness, accompanied by a watery mist before the eyes. Vertigo with nausea, when raising the head after stooping. *Vertigo, towards seven o'clock in the evening; when raising her head everything turned with her; on rising from her chair she reeled to and fro. HEAD.-Heaviness of the head, in the morning, with dim-sightedness and watery eyes. Heaviness in the forehead when stooping, with sensation as if the brain would fall forward; when raising her head, vertigo. Heaviness of the head, especially the occiput and the left side, with dullness of the head. Pain in the top of the head, the place feeling sore externally. *Pressure and sense of dullness in the whole of the head, *after dinner, and continuing until evening. Aching in both temples. Tightness in the head, every day. Pain in the vertez, as if the skull had been blown to pieces, or were open. Lacerating and throbbing in the whole of the head, relieved by pressure. Pain over and in the root of the nose, as if the parts were bruised. Boring pain in the temporal bone, extending to the malar bone. Boring and drawing pains about the head, accompanied by lacerating; increasing when the head becomes cool. Stitches in the head, especially in the temples. Stitches and throbbing in the occiput. Beating and lancinating pain in the vertex, as if the head would burst, when walking. *Congestion of blood to the head, with dullness of the head. Heat in the head, with anguish, in the evening CARBO ANIMALIS, 477 when in bed, relieved by rising. Feeling as if the brain were loose, during motion, attended with pain.-Pain as from ulceration. Violent itching in the hairy scalp. OEruption and scurfs. Hard tumor on the forehead. Falling off of the hair. EYES.-Pressure in the eye.-Stitches in the eyes. Stitches, burning, and moistening of the eyes, with previous itching.-Itching and pressure in the eyes, in the daytime. Smarting and burning in the external canthus. Weakness in the eyes. Great weakness in the eyes, in the evening. Running of the eyes, when rising in the morning. Dimness before the eyes, as if she saw through mist. The eyes are continally dim. Sense as of filaments floating before the eyes. Light hurts the eyes. EARS.-Cramp in the ears, extending as far as the oesophagus, on the left side, rendering deglutition difficult. Drawing in the ear. Stitches in the ears.--Discharge from the ears.-A kind of swelling of the periosteum behind the right ear.-Swelling of the parotid glands. The hearing is weak and dull. Weak, confused hearing.Ollumming in the ears. NOSE.-Redness and swelling of the nose; it feels sore inside. Swelling of the nose and the mouth. Bleeding at the nose, succeeding a pressure and feeling of dullness in the head.-*Stoppage of the nose, especially the left nostril.--Dry coryza, -with want of breath in the nose; early in the morning on waking, going off after rising, or from forenoon till evening.-Fluent coryza, with loss of smell, yawning, and sneezing. FAcE.-The skin of the face is painful. Lacerating or shooting in the jaws or malar-bmone.-Heat in the face and head, in the afternoon. Eruption on the cheeks like red spots. Yellowness of the face. Copper-colored eruption in the face. Numerous pimples in the face, without scnsation.-OErysipelas of the face. Swelling of the mouth. -The lips are chapped. Bleeding of the lips. Vesicles on the lips. JAWS AND TEETH.-- Drawing in the teeth, with flying heat in the face. *Continual drawing in the left molar teeth, especially in the afternoon. *Drawing in a left molar tooth of the lower jaw, at night, every time she wakes. Drawing and darting pains in the nerves of the molar teeth, coming on suddenly while eating bread. Lacerating toothache, especially in the hollow teeth. Grumbling in the teeth, when touching them, worse in the evening.-The upper and lower teeth feel elongated, they vacillate.-Great looseness of the teeth; she is unable to chew the softest food without feeling pain. The gums "are pale and painful, as if ulcerated.-The gums are red and swollen, 478 CARBO ANIMALIS. and very painful.-Drawing pain in the gums. oQWleeding of the gums. MourH.-Vesicles in the mouth, which cause a sense as of burning. Burning of the tip of the tongue, and roughness in the mouth. Mouth and tongue are immovable, with difficult, drawling and very low speech.-*Dryness of the mouth, particularly of the tongue and palate. THROAT.-Sore throat as if ulcerated, or as of a blister. Scraping in the throat, attended with ptyalism.-Soreness and burning, like heartburn, in the throat, extending down to, the stomach, worse towards evening, at night, and in the morning, relieved after rising and after a meal.-Sense as of burning in the throat.-Pressure in the throat, when swallowing. TASTE AND APPETITE.-*Bitter taste every morning, passing off qfter rising. Bitter, sour, or putrid taste. Great thirst. No appetite. Repugnance to cold drink. Violent hunger in the morning. Ravenous hunger. GASTRIC SYMPTOMS.-~Great weakness of the digestion, with derangement of the digestive powers from every meal.-Eating meat isfolnowed by long-lasting nausea and inclination to vomit. Internal chilliness when commencing the meal. Anguish in the chest after a meal. Pressure in the stomach after eating. Asthma shortly after a meal. Palpitation of the heart after a meal. Eructations tasting of thefood. Putrid eructations almost continually. OSour eructations; osuppressed eructations, with pain.-Acrid heartburn. Nausea and inclination to vomit, which is felt in the stomach in the morning after rising, with heat, anguish, and rising of sourish water into the mouth, accompanied by general lassitude. Inclination to water-brash, with nausea, in the stomach, at night. STOMACH.-xPressure in the stomach, even in the morning, Oas from a load.-Pressure in the stomach, with heaviness and fullness, attended with an inclination to water-brash.-Sudden and short aching in the pit of the stomach, when taking a deep inspiration. *Contracting spasnt of the stomach. oClawing and griping in the stomach.-Frequent stitches; boring pain in the stomach, as if brought on by long fasting in the morning.-OBurning in the stomach -*Audible rumbling in the stomach, in the morning on waking. ABDOMEN.-Violent aching in the liver, almost like cutting; the region of the liver is painful when touched, as if sore.-Sticking with pressure below the left ribs. Aching in the left side of the abdomen. Weight as of a lump in the abdomen.-Distention of the abdomen. Bloated condition of the abdomen in different places CARBO ANIMALIS. like hernia.-Painful tightness in the abdomen; the parts below the ribs feel sore, as from subcutaneous ulceration. Pain in the abdomen as from subcutaneous ulceration. Pinching constriction in the abdomen.-Griping and uneasiness in the aLbdomen.-Griping in the region of the umbilicus. Pinching in the abdomen, around the umbilicus, and in the epigastrium, with sensation as if the bowels would be moved.-Lancinations in the abdomen.-Violent cutting in the abdomen., with frequent desire for stool, and even tenesmus. -Digging and writhing pain in the epigastrium.-Heat about the abdomen. Burning in the abdomen, when walking. Colic, as if diarrhoea would come on.-Bearing-down in the groins, sometimes like the burning in strangury.-Stitches in the groins. The abdomen becomes distended, and feels sore when walking, moving, or touch. ing the parts.-*Audible rumbling, as of incarcerated flatulence. STOOL AND ANus.-Unsuccessful desire for stool. Violent tenesmus; the stool is passed with much difficulty, it is hard and streaked with blood. Stool scanty and delaying, for several days.--Four evacuations on the third day, each of which is preceded by colic. -Stool, first hard, then soft, preceded by burning in the rectum. Soft stool, with mucus, looking like coagulated albumen. Soft green stool, preceded and accompanied by colic. Liquid stool, followed by tenesmus. Diarrhoea, after pinching in the abdomen, with burning at the rectum. Violent cutting in the varices of the rectum during stool. Discharge of blood with the stool.-Pain in the small of the back, during stool, with inflation of the abdomen, extending as high as the chest. Shuddering after stool (in the evening). Stool is followed by a desire for -micturition (*the urine smelling very badly); afterwards lassitude and sleepiness, without being able to fall. asleep. The varices become distended, with burnin,; pain when walking. Violent burning in the rectum, in the evening. Painful contraction of the rectum. *Stitches in the rectum, which is sore. Soreness of the rectum, with oozing the whole evening. Boil at the anus. URINE.-Pain in walking, in the region of the kidneys.-Pressure on the bladder, at night. Almost involuntary emission of urine, even from slight pressure. Increased emission of urine. Turbid. orange-colored urine; deposits a turbid sediment.. Yellow urine. with loose sediment. Interrupted stream. Scanty urine. Hot urine in small quantity, at night, with burning sensation when emitted. -Burning in the urethra when urinating. Burning soreness in the urethra, during and after the emission of urine. MALE GENITAL ORGANS.-Absence of sexual desire and laxness of the genital organs.-Frequent pollutions.-Spasmodic pain along the ^r 480 CARBO ANMAL1S. urethra, especially the membranous portion, after a pollution. Men. tal and physical exhaustion after a pollution, attended with anxiety. FEMALE GEN1TAL ORGANS.-Menses four days too soon, with head. ache previous to their appearance. Menses only flow in the morning. Anxious heat previous to the appearance of the menses. Violent pressing in the groins, the small of the back, and the thighs during the menses, attended with unsuccessful inclination to eructations, chilliness, and yawning. Bloated abdomen, during the menses. *Leucorrhea, oburning, biting. Leucorrhoea, tinging the linen yellow.-Watery leucorrha~a, when walking or standing.--The lochia are too thin, and smell badly.-~Darting in the mamma of-a nursing female, arresting the breathing, and aggravated by pressure -OPainful nodosities and indurations of the mammae.-~Erysipelatous inflammation. LARYNX AND TRACHEA.-Hoarsen~ss, worse in the evening. Roughness and hoarseness in the throat, in the morning, after rising, accompanied by dry cough. Irritation inducing cough, attended with constriction of the throat and spasms of the chest.-Rough cough, with pain in the throat, as if sore. Cough from tickling in the larynx. Suffocative cough in the evening, after falling asleep. Dry cough, day and night.-Discharge of white, yellowish mucus. Cough, with discharge of thick pus. Discharge of green pus, after dry cough. Discharge of thick, green pus, from a vomica in the right cavity of the chest. Pleuritic stitches brought on by cough. Soreness in the abdomen, from coughing.-~Suppuration of the lungs CHEsT.-Panting breathing, with oppression of the chest. Oppression of the chest, after a meal. Tightness of the chest, the chest feels oppressed, or as if fatigued by exertion. Violent compression in the chest, with arrest of breathing, early in the morning. Violent pain in the chest, as if it would fly to pieces, with soreness.-Stitches in the right breast, when sitting or writing, or at every inspiration, as if the parts were ulcerated.-Writhing (twisting) pain in and below the chest.-Tremor in the chest, like a sort of moaning.Feeling of coldness in the chest.-Burning in the chest, with aching. Pressure about the heart, almost like pinching. Palpitation of the heart, in the evening, without anguish. Violent palpitation of the heart, every beat being felt in the head. Violent palpitation of the heart, early in the morning, on waking. BACK.-Pain in the coccyx, which becomes a burning pain when the parts are touched. Pressing (bearing-down) pain in the coccyx, as if the parts were bruised. Pain, as from subcutaneous ulceration, in the inferior extremity of the spinal column, mostly when sitting CARBO VEGETABILIS. 481 and lying down.-Pain in the small of the back, when sitting, as if the menses would make their appearance. Pressing pain in the smallofthe back. Stiffness in the small of the back. Drawing pain in the small of the back, as if broken, when walking, standing, or lying down.-Lancination in the small of the back, down the thighs, on every inspiration. The back is so painful on the left side that she cannot rest upon it.-Pressing pain in the back, between the scapula, as if the parts had been strained or sprained. OBurning in the back. Tension in the nape of the neck. *Glandular swellings in the neck. ~Indurated glandular swellings, with sticking pain. ARMs.-~OHerpes; Oindurated glands.-Drawing pain in the arms and hands.-Lacerating in the upper arm.-Pain in the wrist-joint as if sprained. Dragging pain in the wrist-joints when moved.-Lacerating in the hands.-The hands go to sleep. The metacarpal joints are painful when moved.-Stitches in the tips of the fingers.-0Arthritic stiffness of the joints. LEGS.-Disagreeable tightness of the skin over the lower extremi. ties, with a feeling either of burning or icy coldness.-Cold legs in the daytime. Pinching pains in different parts of the lower limbs. Darting pain in the thighs.-Drawing and lacerating in the muscles of the thigh.-Fine burning shooting stitches in the thigh and small of the back.-Lacerating above the knee, as if in the bone. Soreness in the knee, when bending it, day and night. Cramp in the calves. Painful tightness in the calves when walking. *Drawing in the leg. Pain in the tibia as if bruised, when walking in the open air, at intervals, with tightness in the calf.-Jerking drawing in the tibia. *Painless drawing in the left leg, at night, from below upwards, owith sticking. Lacerating in the left leg, especially in the knee and ankle-joint.-The legs go to sleep in the daytime.-Weakness of the ankle-joint.-Pain in the heels, as from subcutaneous ulceration. Stinging tingling in the feet, as if they had gone to sleep, in the morning. Feet burn when walking, swell when sitting.-Inflammatory swelling on the foot, bursting open near one of the toes. Swelling and tightness of the feet.-Profuse sweat of the feet. Frequent cramp in the toes.-Violent cutting burning in the toes, especially the little toes.-Corns painful to the touch. 65.-CARBO VEGETABILIS. CARB. V.-Vegetable Charcoal.-Hahnemann's " Chronic Diseases," Vol. III. Duration of Action: forty days. CouraR WITra-Ant., Ars., Cale., Carb.-a., Chin., Coff., Fer., Graph., Kali, 21 482 CARBO VEGETABILIS. Lach., Lye., Merc., Natr., Nux-v., Phos.-ac., Puls., Rhod., Sep., Siram., Zinc. -Carb -v. is frequently indicated after: Kali, Lach., Nux-v., Sep.--After Carb.-v. are frequently indicated: Ars., Kali, Mere., Phosph.-ac. ANTIDOTES.-Ars., Camph., Coff., Lach., Nitr.-spir.-It antidotes: Chin., Lach., Mere., Vinum. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-Drawing pain in the limbs, and in almost every part of the body. *Rheumatic drawing in the whole body, with coldness of the hands and feet. Lacerating in different parts of the body, at night when in bed, and in the morning when waking.-Great anguish, heat, and feeling of unhappiness during the pains. OPains as if sprained or strained by lifting.--*Great lassitude after the pains. Seething of the blood. Tingling in the whole body. *The limbs go to sleep. *All the limbs feel bruised. *The joints feel bruised, relieved by stretching the limbs, in the morning when waking. Great heaviness in the left arm and leg, like paralysis.-Want of energy of the muscular motions. *The joints feel too weak to support the body. *Tremulousness of the body, attended with great fiiling of strength. *Languor, especially in the lower extremities. *General physical depression towards noon, with emptiness of the head and sensation of hunger. *Feeling of great lassitude, early in the morning, as after drinking much wine, attended with trembling of the limbs and stomach. *He feels exhausted and languid, as if he had recovered from a severe illness. --Languor after a short walk in the open air. *Attacks of sudden weakness, like fainting. *Attack of vertigo, in the forenoon, with nausea and obscuration of sight, tingling before the ears, tremor, warm sweat over the whole body, drops of sweat on the forehead; shortly before the attack some drops of blood come out of the nose. -*Fit when looking out of the window, with nausea and vertigo; he falls down and remains without consciousness for several minutes; upon recovering his senses he feels as if he had been in a deep sleep. Beating in the body here and there.-~Want of nervous irritability and susceptibility to medicine. Most of the pains come on in the open air.' SKIN.-Itching over the whole body, day and night. Burning in different places of the skin, at night when in bed. Burning in the skin as of sinapisms. *Nettle-rash. OAneurisms.? OVarices.?SChilblains.?-O Glandular swellings, indurated.--~Lymphatic swellings,with suppuration and burning pain.-Jaundice.?--*Fine blotches like dry itch; odry, rash-like itch; oherpes.-~Reddish-brown moles. OBright-red, round, flat, elevated aneurisms by anastomosis, bleed. ing violently when wounded in the least. Pressure and tension around the ulcer on the leg.---*An ulcer, which had been cured CARBO VEGETABILIS. 483 breaks open again, and, instead of pus, emits bloody lymph; the place is hard and painful to the touch. *The ulcer occasioned by the tissue emits a corrosive humor. *The pus of the ulcer emits a cadaverous smell. SLEEP.-*Drowsiness, which goes off by motion, in the forenoon, when sitting or reading. *Great drowsiness in the daytime. Excessive drowsiness after a meal, in the evening. OSopor with snoring.-*No sleep, with inability to open her eyes.-*Sleeplessness, on account of uneasiness in the body.-Uneasy, unrefreshing sleep. Uneasy sleep, frequently interrupted by waking, with headache in the morning, and burning in different parts of the body. Anguish in the evening, after lying down, as from oppression of the chest, with heat in the head, heat in the hands, and sweat on the forehead. *Uneasiness in the evening when in bed. Nightly pulsations in the head, as if he would be attacked with apoplexy, waking him with anxiety. He wakes several times at night, with sensation of congestion of blood to the head.-Violent pain in the occiput, at night, and boring in the fore part of the head, accompanied by sweat, paleness of the face, cold and trembling hands, and nausea at the stomach.Continual sneezing, at night.-A very vivid lewd dream; frightful dreams. oDreams with fanciful ravings. FEVER.--Chilliness and coldness of the body.-*Fever, owith thirst during the cold stage only. Shuddering in the evening, with weariness, followed by flushes of heat.-Chilliness with great thirst, followed by heat with slight thirst.-Symptoms before the chilly stage: ~beating in the temples; Olacerating in the bones of the limbs and in the teeth; -cold feet; Ostretching of the limbs.-During the chilly stage.: ~languor.-During the hot stage: ~headache, vertigo, redness of the face, obscuration of sight, nausea, pains in the stomach, abdomen, or chest, oppression of the chest, pain in the lower limbs. After the fever: oheadache.-~Quotidian, tertian, and quartan inter-.mittent fevers, also after abuse of Cinchona.-*A good deal of heat: ofrequent attacks of flying heat; -in the evening, burning, with great weariness and nightly delirium, or only internal heat, with great anguish, with coldness externally, which is perceptible to the touch. -- Typhus and typhoid fevers, particularly in the last stage, with sopor and rattling, cold sweat on the face and limbs, hippocratic countenance, and small pulse.-Pulse: frequent; *feeble and depressed; collapse of pulse (in the cholera).--Grrat disposition to sweat, copious and frequent sweat in the face (of a child); sweat with a sour smell; *morning-sweats, -warm; night-szeats, -with putrid smell MORAL SYMPTOMs.-Anxious, a sort of oppression of the chest. 484 CARBO VEGETABILIS. Very much oppressed and full. *Indescribable anguish, every after, noon, from four to six o'clock. Increasing anguish in the evening, with heat in the face. *Uneasiness in the evening. Every after noon he trembled with uneasiness and anguish over the whole body. -Whining mood, everything appeared terrible to him, he felt despairing.-* Tendency to start.-Impatience; great irritability.-She is over-excited.-.Irritability and sensitiveness.-Peevish, impatient, desperate. *Very peevish, irritable, and disposed to be angry.-Indolent mind, not disposed to think.-~Dread of ghosts, particularly at night. SENSORIUM.-Periodical want of memory.-Sudden want of memory.-OMuddled condition of the head, with heaviness in all the limbs as in a cold. Dullness of the head.-Giddiness in the head, with pressure in the forehead.--Vertigo from the slightest motion. Vertigo in bed, after waking from sleep. Giddiness in the evening, after sleeping, when sitting, with trembling and quivering in the whole body. Vertigo only when sitting, as if -the head were balancing to and fro. HEAD.-Headache, as is felt in the beginning of a cold. Headache affecting the whole of the right side of the head and face, with chilliness, coldness, and tremor of the body and jaws. Headache brought on by a sudden change from warmth to cold. OHeadache from getting heated.-Dull headache, with heaviness, in the forehead. Dull headache in the occiput. *Heaviness in the head. Spasmodic tightness in the brain. *Aching in the nape of the neck, afterwards in the forehead, followed by lachrymation and closing of the lids. Continued aching on the top of the head, and in the occiput, zvith painfulness of the hair vwhen touched. Aching in the forehead, close above the eyes. Aching over and in the eyes.-Pressure in both temples and on the top of the head. Pressure and drawing in the head in paroxysms.-Compressive headache. Headache, as if the integuments of the head became contracted. Contractive pain in the head, especially during motion. Drawing pain in the head. Dull lacerating headache, in the vertex, temples, and brain, in paroxysms. Erratic stitches in the head, from without inwards, with general painfulness of the surface of the brain.-.'Boring headache in the fore part of the head.- Violent throbbing pain in the occiput, as from subcutaneous ulceration, from morning till evening. Beating in the temples and fullness of the brain, when waking from a deep and long siesta.-*Beating headache, in the afternoon. *Pulsating pain in the forehead, after a meal, with pressure in the occiput, heat in the head, and eructations.-*Congestion of blood to the head, with CARBO VEGETABILIS. 485 hot forehead and muddled feeling in the head. Burning in the fore, head and heat in the mouth, with pain in the eyes.-Buzzing in the head as of bees.-Violent noise in the head from reading.-Lacerat. ing in the bones of the head.-Headache over the whole vertex, in the morning when in bed, with painfulness of the hair when touched, going off after rising.--*Great falling of of the hair on the head, oparticularly after severe illness.-~Susceptibility of the head to take cold.-Pimples on the temples. EYES.-OPain in the left eye from sharp looking.--Pressure in the eyes, with dullness of the head. Pressure in the eyes, as of a grain of sand, with a feeling of soreness, especially in the canthi.Pain in the eye, as if torn out, with headache.-Violent stitches in both eyes.-Itching around the eyes. Biting in the eye-lids, with redness of the margin of the lids. *Burning in the eyes, oparticularly in the canthi, with pressure.-Inflammation of the right eye. Swelling of the left eye. Profuse lachrymation and smarting in the right eye. *Morning-agglutination of the eyes. O~Hmorrhage from the eyes, with congestion of blood to the head.-Great shortsightedness.-Black, flying spots before the eyes. EARS.-Lacerating in the ear.-Pulsations in the ears.-Heat and redness of the left ear, every evening. Discharge of a thickish, flesh-colored, badly-smelling liquid from the ear. OSuppuration of the inner ear.--Deficiency of ear-wax. His ears feel stopped up.Tingling in the ears.-Roaring in the ears. Violent humming in both ears. Chirping in the ears, as of grasshoppers. Rustling in the ear as of straw, at every movement of the jaw. Swelling of the parotid gland. NOSE.-*Itching around the nostrils. Scabs on the tip of the nose. *Bleeding of the nose: at night, with seething of the blood; oafter stooping, or after straining at stool.-Frequent sneezing: with violent tingling and creeping in the nose, also particularly at night, in bed, with catarrhal roughness in the nose and chest.--Stoppage of the nose, Oparticularly in the evening, -or principally of the left nostril; dry coryza, with scraping in the throat.-*Violent coryza, -also with catarrh, hoarseness, and rawness of the chest; fluent coryza. Profuse bleeding at the nose, preceded and succeeded by great paleness of the face. FACE.-*The complexion becomes gray-yellow. *Great paleness of the face. Soreness of the facial bones, the upper and lower jaw. Paroxysms of pain in the left side of the cheek, attended with boring and burning through the part. Drawing pain in the upper and lower jaw. Jerking and drawing pain in the cheek and the jaw 486 CARIBO VEGETABILIS. Lacerating in the face. Lacerating pain in the left cheek. Lacerating jerks in the right upper jaw. Glowing heat in the face, after sitting for a short while. Swelling of the checks. *Many pimples on the face and forehead. ~Moist herpes on the face. OCrusta-lactea.? Swelling of the lips. Painful burning eruption on the lips. *Chapped lips. The right corner of the mouth is ulcerated. *Eruptions on the chin. Spasmodic pain in the lower jaw. JAWS AND TEETH.-Soreness of the roots. Toothache, as if occasioned by acids, especially in the gums, the pain comes on whenever ~ she eats anything salt, ~or anything warm or cold. Drawing and lacerating pain in all the molar teeth. Gnawing and drawing pain in a hollow tooth, with swelling of the gums. oBubbling toothache; contractive toothache; ~chronic looseness of the teeth.-Darting pain in sound teeth, disappearing shortly and succeeded by a short stitching ache in the abdomen, every moment. *Bleeding of the gums, when cleaning them. The gums are painfully sensitive when chewing. Drawing pain in the gums. Heat in the gums. Soreness of the gums in the daytime. Pustule on the gums. * The gums recede from the teeth. OSoreness of the teeth. MOUTr.-*Dryness in the mouth, without thirst. Great dryness in the mouth, early, when waking. '*Increased flow of saliva. Bitter mucus in the mouth, early in the morning. ~Stomacace.-An aching in the back part of the palate.-*Frequent biting and burning in the fauces and palate. Bitterness of the palate, with dryness of the tongue. THROAT.-Violent scraping and tingling in the throat and fauces. *Scraping sensation in the throat. *Roughness and rawness of the throat. A kind of fullness and pressure in the cesophagus, extending to the stomach, almost like heartburn.-Sense as of the Wesophagua being contracted or closed. The throat feels contracted and swollen. -Sore throat, as if there were a swelling on the palate, accompanied by painftl deglutition.- Soreness of the throat, when eating.-Inflammation of the throat, with sensation as if something were lodged in it, attended with stinging.-Inflammation and swelling of the uvula, with stitches in the throat.-0(Esophagitis.?-oSore throat after measles. TASTE AND APPETITE.-Insipid, watery, and flat taste in the mouth. *Saltish taste in the mouth the whole day, Oalso of the food. *Bitterness in the mouth, with eructations. *Bitter taste in the mouth, before and after a meal. Sour taste in the mouth after a meal. *Loss of appetite. Complete loss of appetite, with coated tongne and great lassitude. Want of appetite and frequent eructations, with ddlliuss CARBO VEGETABILIS. 487 of the head. Diminished appetite for dinner, with nausea and colic. *Repugnance to fat meat, butter, milk, which causes flatulence.-- OExcessive desire for coffee.O-Excessive hunger or thirst.-oGreat weakness of digestion, particularly in persons who have used much Mercury. GASTRIC SYMPTOMS.-Nausea at every meal. After a meal: Nausea, with oppression at the stomach, followed byoa violent draw ing pain around the umbilicus, from above downwards; painful hiccough in the oesophagus; violent palpitation of the heart; lassitude; unconquerable drowsiness, with burning of the eye-lids when closing the eyes; sleepiness, with red and hot face. OMuddled condition of the head and oppression of the stomach after a meal.--Bloated abdomen after dinner. When eating or drinking he feels as if the abdomen would burst open. Anguish after and during a meal. Headache after a meal.--Violent, almost continual eructations. *Frequent empty eructations, -preceded by a short pinching in the abdomen. Sour eructations, oafter a meal. *Sour eructations, with burning in the stomach.-Common heartburn; acidity in the stomach. -Nausea and want of appetite, even before breakfast, more after a meal, with anguish, dizziness, obscuration of sight, and white-coated tongue. *Nausea early in the morning, with qualmishness of the stomach. Nausea after every meal. *Nausea at night. *Continual nausea, without appetite or stool. * Water-brash, also at night."O~Hematemesis.-~Gastric derangement after drinking wine and revelling. SToMACH.-Sensation of tightness and fullness in the stomach. *Sense of pressure in the region of the stomach, going off by emitting flatulence.-Aching in the region of the stomach, as when pressing upon a sore, worse when touching the part. Pressure in the pit of the stomach, with anguish.-*Spasm in the stomach, with continual sour eructations.-OSpasm in the stomach and cardialgia, as in nursing women. *Contracting spasm of the stomach, even at night, owith acidity. oSpasms of the stomach, occasioned by obstructions in the portal system. Sense of contraction under the stomach. *Contractive pain near the scrobiculus-cordis, on the right side, morning and afternoon.-Acridity of the stomach, rising up to the throat, like heartburn. Burning sensation in the stomach.-OThe pains in the stomach are aggravated or excited by fright, chagrin, a cold, after a meal, at night, or by flatulent food. HYPOCHoNDRIA.-*Pain in the liver, as if bruised. *Tightness in the region of the liver, as if the skin were too short. on waking from the siesta. *Pressing pain in the liver when walking in the open 488 CARBO VEGETABILIS. air. Violent lacerating in the liver, which makes one almost scream, oPain in the interior of the liver, as if beaten to pieces.--Violen* stitches in the region of the liver. Aching in the hypochondrium.--- *Painful lancinating lacerating in both hypochondria. Both hypo. chondria are painful to the touch. ABDOMEN.-Colic, as after a cold:-~ Colic from riding in a carriage.-Weight of the abdomen.--Distention of the abdomen from flatulence.-Fullness and pressure in the abdomen, as if too full of food, accompanied by eructations. Aching and tightness, extending almost over the whole abdomen, attended with constant uneasiness and weeping, as if from despair.-Aching in the umbilical region. Disagreeable pressure in the abdomen, she would constantly like to hold it with her hands. *Belly-ache, with rumbling and emission of damp, warm, inodorous flatulence. *Aching in the left iliac region, shifting of wind in the abdomen, with pinching. Cramp-pain in the hypogastrium. Pinching pain in various places of the abdomen; this being emitted, the pinching ceases.-Sense of contraction in the abdomen. Cutting in the belly, like colic, in the evening. Colic which lasts only a few moments, but is very frequent. Aching, with lacerating in the hypogastrium, in the direction of the umbilicus. Lancination in the hypogastrium, extending to the umbilicus.-Burn. ing in the abdomen. Burning around the umbilicus. Great anxiety, uneasiness in the abdomen.-*Pain in the abdomen as from straining. -Soreness of the abdomen when touching it. Pain in the abdominal muscles as from bruises. *Distention from incarcerated flatulence on the left side of the epigastrium, more towards the back, attended with a crampy pain. *The flatus become incarcerated in different parts of the abdomen, below the short ribs, in the region of the bladder; *they cause a crampy sensation and a pressure, and gradually go off with a sense of heat in the rectum.-*Audible rumbling in the umbilical region or in the abdomen, with some pinching.Fermentation in the abdomen, succeeded by diarrhoea, with emission of flatulence having a putrid smell. *Things which are otherwise easily digested bring on flatulence and distention of the abdomen.*Flatulent and heemorrhoidal colic. STooL.-Sensation as if stool would come on, with burning at the anus and emission of flatulence. *Constipation. Violent urging, *with tingling in the rectum and pressure on the bladder, resembling a hemorrhoidal colic, and coming on at intervals; in the place of an evacuation, violent labor-like pains come on, in the abdomen, with burning at the rectum and a sensation as if diarrhoea would set in. Tenesmus at the rectum. *Hard stool every two or three days. GARBO VEGETABILTS8 489~ Papescent stool, with burning at the rectum. *Diarrhoea...O~nvo.. luntary discharge of putrid, cadaverous ly-sm ell in g stools.-0Light. colored, pale stools.-Acrid stool, with coated tcngue. *Discharge of mucus, with tenesmus. Stool is preceded by a cutting pain in the ab dom en.-0 Discharge of blood with the stool. *Burning at the rectum, during the expulsion of a few hard pieces of fawces. Cutting and pricking in the rectum -during stool.-Pressing or _crampy colic after stool. A swelling in the abdomen, resembling an induration, after stool. *Burning at the rectum, after stool. Languor after stool. Anxiety, with a tremulous sen *sation and involuntary movements, after stool. Smarting, at the rectum.. Aching in the rectum.. Gnawing and pinching in the rectum, between the s tools.-Di scharge of ascaridcs. *Itchzing of the anus, increased by scratching and succeeded by burn ing-Bu rning at the anus, accompanied with a disagreeable feeling of dryness. Congestion of blood to the rectum. *Swollen and painful varices. Titillatingc itching of the varices. Discharge of pure blood from the rectum, with lacerating pains. Discharge of an acrid, corrosive humor from the rectum. Soreness of the rectum. Soreness of the perinceum, with painful itching when touched. UxIZIE.--*Greatly diminished emission of urine.-~~*Great desire to urinate, the urine passing off very slowly. 0Frequent desire to urinate, Oalso with anxiety, day and night.-0 Diatbetes.? 0Nocturnal enauresis.-*Dark-red urine, accompanied by roughness of the throat. -*Dark-re4 urine, as if mixed with -blood. -Reddish, turbid urine. The urine deposits gravel, or a red sedimient.-Acrid smell of the urine.-Burning or Osmarting in the urethra when urinating. Lacerating and drawing in the urethra after urinating, early in the miorning. MALE GENITAL ORGANS.- Violent aching-, soreness, and a blister on the inner side of the prepuce. Swelling of the scrotum, which is hard to the touch. OPressing, in the testicles; smooth, red, humid spots on the glans.-*Frequent pollutions, without much sensation. Excessive pollution, followed by pain and burning in the urethra.*Rapid discharge of semen duringr an embrace, followed by roaring of the blood in the head. FEMALE GENITAL ORtaAN.s.~-*Itchingr of the pudendum and the anlus. *Burning and soreness in the pudendum. *P)ain, as from excoriation, of the pudendum, with leucorrhcea; afterwards appearan~ce of the menses which had been suppressed for months. *The nenses appear too soon. 0The menses are too profuse, or too scanty, W~ith pale blood. *The menstrual blood is thick, corrosive, and has 21* 490 CARBO VEGETABILIS. an acrid smell.-Before the menses: ~leucorrhoea; Oheadache; colic, like spasms, from morning till evening.-During the menses. cutting pain in the abdomen, pain in the back, and pain as from bruises in all the bones. Violent contractive headache. Burning in the hands and soles of the feet; vomiting.--Leucorrhcea after micturition. ODischarge of white mucus from the vagina. Thin leucorrhoea, in the morning when rising; disappearing during the remainder of the day. --*Milk-colored leucorrhoea, excoriating the parts. *Thick, yellowishwhite leucorrhoea. *Bloody mucus from the vagina. *Soreness and rawness in the pudendum during the leucorrhoea.-~Disposition to miscarriage, with varices of the pudendum.??-Erysipelatous inflammation of the mammie. LARYNX AND TRACHEA.-flHoarseness *in the evening, Oworse after talking or in damp and cold weather; with asthma. Loss of voice in the morning. Catarrh, which almost brought on a complete loss of voice. Hoarseness and roughness of the larynx. Roughness in the chest and frequent irritation as if one would cough; with dry cough evening and morning.- Violent tingling in the throat. Tingling and itching in the larynx, with wheezing breathing and tightness of the chest.-~Catarrh and sore throat after the measles. OGrippe.? Laryngeal and tracheal phthisis.? OTracheitis.?-Frequent irritation in the back part of the throat, bringing on a short cough. Violent tickling and cough, *with whitish discharge, in the morning after waking. Irritation as from the vapor of sulphur, exciting a cough, *with retching. Dry cough after every expiration, accompanied by a flush of warmth and sweat. *Cough after the slightest cold, in the morning when rising from bed, or when leaving a warm room and entering a cold one. Repeated fits of nightly cough, with a constantly returning irritation to cough. *Short cough in the evening. *Every day three or four turns of a spasmodic cough. Fatiguing cough, with asthma and burning in the chest. *Cough causing vomiting and retching, in the evening. *Discharge of mucus from the larynx, occasioned by a short and hacking cough. *Discharge of pieces of green mucus. *Violent cough, with discharge of a quantity of yellowish pus, accompanied by stitches in the left hypochondrium when breathing, succeeded by violent stitches in the upper part of the left side of the chest. Pain in the chest, like rawness, when coughing. Pain in the larynx like ulceration or coughing. Painful stitches through the head when coughing. OCough,fwith profuse expectoration of mucus, and occasional vomiting of mucus, particularly in the morning.-OTuberculous phthisis.? OTabes-mucosa of old people, -~Whooping cough (after Drosera). CARBO VEGETABILIS. 491 CHEST.-Desire for deep breathing, with moaning. Difficult breath. ing in the evening, when lying down, with throbbing in the head, Difficult breathing, fullness of the chest, and palpitation of the heart, even during little exercise, mostly towards evening. *Tightness of the chest and short breathing, as from flatulence pressing upwards. Frequent attacks of constriction of the chest, with impeded respiration. OSuffocative catarrh and paralysis of the lungs of old people.? Cold breath. Painful throbbing in the head and teeth when breathing.--Pain in the chest as from incarcerated flatulence.-Rheumatio pain from the left ribs to the hip. Oppressive aching in the chest. Painful drawing in the chest, shoulders, and arms, especially on the left side, with feeling of' heat and congestion of blood to the head; the body feeling cold to the touch. Painful stitches in the region of the heart. Intensely-painful stitches through the chest, arresting respiration; when going to bed. Sensation of weakness and fatigue of the chest. OSoreness and smarting in the chest. Seething of the blood, with congestion to the chest, with hoarseness and hawking. *Violent burning in the chest, as of red-hot coal, almost uninterruptedly. OHydrothorax.? OChronic inflammation of the lungs.? Palpitation of the heart, especially when sitting. Frequent palpitation of the heart, a few quick beats at a time. Pulsation in the chest, with anxiety and uneasiness. BAcK.-Sensation of coldness, numbness, and tightness in the small of the back. Tight pain and stiffness in the small of the back. Violent pain in the small of the back. Lacerating and pressure in the small of the back. OContinuous sticking, particularly when making a false step. Violent burning on the outer side of'the right hip.-- Pain in the side of the back, as fron bruises. Weakness in the back. Heaviness in the back and oppression of the chest. *Painful stiffness of the back, -in the morning when rising.-Aching near the lowest part of the back. *Drawing pain in the back, principally when sitting down. Rheumatic drawing in the back, especially when stooping.-~Itching pimples on the back.-Dull, burning pain in the muscles of the nape of the neck. Intense aching in the muscles of the nape of the neck. Swelling and pain of the cervical glands. ARMs.-Drawing pain in the shoulder. Rheumatic drawing in the shoulder. Paralytic weakness of the right shoulder and the right arm. When moving the arms they feel heavy and exhausted. Heaviness in the arms with drawing in the back. Pain in the right arm as from a bruise. Cramp in the arms. Lacerating in the arm. Drawing pain in the upper arm, with burning.-*Pain as fromn contusion.s in the elbowjoints, early in the morning when in bed. *Burning in 492 CASCARILLA. the outer parts of the right elbow.--Drawing pain in the lower arm, along the radius, towards the wrist-joint. *Drawing lacerating in the fore-arm, from the elbow to the hand. *Drawing in the metacarpal bone. *Lacerating in the palm of the hand. *Lacerating in the wrists.-Throbbing pain in the hand.-Icy cold hands.-The hands go to sleep. Paralytic pain in the wrist, when moving it. *Fine, itching eruption on the hands.--*Lacerating in the fingers. Stitches in the fingers.-Pulsating and throbbing in the hands.-The tips of the fingers are ulcerated. LEGS.--Drawing pain in the hip-joint, extending down the thigh, aggravated by walking, oalso accompanied with burning and lacerating. The lower extremities, especially the legs, are painful, when sitting or lying. Lacerating in the thighs and legs.-Great lameness, with drawing pain, extending from the abdomen into the lower extremities.-* Uneasy feeling in the thigh and leg. *The legs go to sleep. *Numbness and insensibility in the lower extremities. *Lameness in both lower extremities. *Rigid feeling in the lower extremities, after the evening sleep, with vacillating gait.-Heaviness in the lower extremities. Contractive pain in the thigh.-Burning about the thigh, in the evening. Numbness of the thighs when walking.-Stiffness and weakness in the knee. Drawing pain in the knees, when standing. Aching and lacerating in both knees and legs. Burning about the knee. Lameness in the knee-joints, after walking.--Herpes on the knee.-~Aneurism in the bend of the knee, with tension and throbbing.-The knees go to sleep.-Violent cramp in the leg, especially the sole of the foot, when walking in the open air, or *at night, when in bed. Rheumatic drawing in both legs OFetid and readily-bleeding ulcers on the legs. Itching blotches on the calves. Cramp in the soles of the feet, in the evening when lying down.-Pain in the metatarsal bones, as if rent asunder, when setting the foot down. OChronic numbness of the feet. Burning in the soles of the feet. *Profuse sweat of the feet.-The soles of the feet are painful in walking. *Redness and swelling of the toes, as if frozen, with stitches; ulcerated tips of the toes. 66.-CASCARILLA. CASCAR.-Croton Cascarilla.-Noack and Trinks. ANTIDOTES.? GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-Aching, tensive pains.-Congestions ---Languor, heaviness in the limbs. CAS TOREU1CM. 493. SLEEP.-Sleep with clear cons ciousnes s.-A number of dreams which he recollects distinctly. FEVER.-Heat with thirst and desire for warm drinks.-Anxious heat all over the body, and slight sweat, succeeded by drowsiness.-. Slight sweat with slight chills in the back, when walking. MORAL SYMPTOMS.-Want of inclination to reflect. HEAD.- Giddiness.-Heat and gloominess in the head.-Dullness of the head.-Dull, drawing pain in the temporal region. EARs.-Humming in the ears.-Heat of the ear. MOUTH, PHARYNX, AND 'IEsoPHAGus.-Feeling of warmth in the mouth.-Roughness of the tongue.-Sore throat during deglutition, as from an internal swelling in the lower part of the throat, between and particularly during the acts of deglutition. APPETITE.-Bitter taste in the mouth.-Hunger shortly after ai meal. STOMACH.-Frequent empty eructations, followed by bitter taste in the mouth.-Pressure in the stomach as if too full.-Pain in the stomach as-from concussion.-Warmth in the stomach, and burning in the pit of the stomach. ABDOMEN.-Tension and pressure in the hypochondria.- C-olic.-. Movements in the abdomen as of w at er -Pressing- flatulent colic. STOOL AND ANus.-Constipation.-Hard, difficult stool, in pieces, and covered with mucus, preceded by colic. Stool in brownish, hard, large lumps, which are passed with great exertions, now and then mingled with pieces of mucus, or with light blood.-The usual mnorning-stool is succeeded by some little pinching in the abdomen, and then healthy stool. UmLINE.-Frequent micturitilon, at night.-Momentary burning or sore feeling in the orifice of the urethra, after micturition. CHEST.-Short, dry cough, from titillation in the trachea.-Palpil tation of the heart. ARns.-Tensive, aching pain in the shoulder-joint, during move, maent and rest. 67.-CASTOREUM. CAST.-Castor. ".See Hartlaub and Trinks' "Annals."-Noaok and Trinks. ANTInoTES.-CaMph., Op. GENERAL SYMPTOMS AND CHARACTERISTIC PECULTA. RITIES.-The p~ains are attended with great sensitiv'eness to pain, or else the sensitiveness remains after t1he pains have disappeared. 494 CASTOREUX. particularly about the head. Many of the symptoms either appear or are aggravated during or after dinner, jand accompany the menses; are relieved or removed by pressure, contact, friction, warmth. SLEEP.-iDrowsiness.-Restless sleep with frequent waking. Muttering during sleep.-Anxious dreams, about murderers and robbers, with inability to move. FEvEIL.-C hill ine s s and shuddering.-Sudden violent shaking chills, particularly in the back and towards evening (also at night) with pains and ill-humor, without subsequent heat or sweat.-lleat without thirst.-HIot hands, with distended veins.-Prof use sweat.Slow pulse'. MORAL SYDIrvoTYs.-Melancholy sadness, with apprehension of accidents.-Ill-humor.----Whining sensitiveness. HIEAD.-IHeadache, with inclination to vomit, and pain in the stomach.-Hfeaviness in the head: early in the morning after rising. -Sensation offuliness in the forehead, as if the head would burst. Sensation as if the head were in a vice, particularly in the' sides.Pressure in the forehead, in the occiput, with beatingf.-Larcerating in the forehead, in the evening, and going off in the evening when in bed, or during the catamenia, with great sensitiveness of the upper part of the head when pressing upon it.-Beating and throbbing in the forehead and occiput, with heaviness.-Painful beating in the vertex, as of an ulcer, increased by external pressure. EYES.-Nightly aggalutination.-Burning of the eyes,. with sensitiveness to the light.-Constant lachryination.-Sensation as if something were hanging before the eyes, obliging one to look upwards.Mist, stars, and clouds before the eyes, when looking at a distant obj ect. NosE.-Stoppage of the nose, sometimes with laceratingr in the root of the nose.-Coryza, with secretion of a quantity of watery MUCUS. FACE.-Redness of the face, without heat, with violent colic and constant yawning. JAWS AND TEETH.-Lacerating in the jaws and teetb.-The pain ts aggravated by cold water and relieved by warmn-Boring in the whole right side, the whole night, relieved by warm water, and not permitting one to bite.- Tingl,,inzg like the creeping of worms, in the left lower teeth, excited. by cold.-Burning in the gums of the affected tooth, worse when touchingf the parts with the tongue. Swelling of the inner gum of the right side, at night, with lacerating in the region of the temple. MOUTH AND THRFOAT.--Bad smiell from the, moutli.-Drawing and CASTOVEUM. 495 jerking in the tongue, towards the throat.-Burning in the upper surface of the tongue.-Blisters on the tongue.-Swelling of the tongue.-Soreness in the throat during deglutition.-Violent burning in the pharynx. GASTRIC SYMPTOMS.-Loss of appetite.- Unquenchable thirst, particularly in the afternoon, with frequent micturition day and night. -Disagreeable, offensive, bitter eructations.-Singultus. STOMACH.-Constant nausea in the stomach, relieved after eructations, sometimes attended with pain and vomiting.-Inclination to vomit, vomiting of whitish mucus, tasting as bitter as bile and smelling like rhubarb.-Feeling of fullness in the stomach and chest, aggravating the breathing, with a feeling' of constriction in the throat, or with languor through the body.-Tension, heaviness, and dragging sensation in the stomach, with contractive pain below the sternum. -Feeling of coldness in the stomach. ABDOMEN.-Ulcerative pain and contractive sensation in the pit of the stomach, which is painful to the touch. Pressure in the region of the liver, from within outwards.-Violent colic, with rising of water into the mouth. Violent pain in the abdomen, with constant rumbling and chilliness, or with arrest of breathing and yawning. Colic, which is relieved by warmth, external pressure, and bending double. -Intolerable pinching-lacerating in the whole abdomen, with accumulation of water in the mouth, and emission of flatulence.-Lancinations in the abdomen, relieved by pressure and warmth.-Cutting in the umbilical region.-Pressure in the abdomen, as if stool would come on. STOOL AND ANus.-Frequent evacuations, preceded by pressing in the groins and pinching in the abdomen, or with cutting colic, painful rumbling, and afterwards violent burning at the anus, or with discharge of half-liquid faeces and fetid flatulence.-Discharge of bloody mucus, or of coagulated blood, or of burning mucus, with previous pinching-lacerating in the abdomen, or of greenish, somewhat burning mucus, or of whitish water with burning at the anus.Hard stool with burning at the anus. URINE.-Diminished urine, with burning during and after mictu. rition.-Frequent emission of a small quantity of urine. Loathing and inclination to vomit after micturition. FEMALE GENITAL ORGANS.-Increase or reappearance of the menses. Premature appearance of the menses, with pains in the abdomen and small of the back.-During the menses: ill-humor, constant chilliness, languor in the feet, angry exclamations during sleep, pressure in the vertex and forehead, lacerating in the forehead, with great 496 CAUSTICUM. sensitiveness of the upper part of the head, sickly, pale appearance, smarting in the eyes, painful soreness in the abdomen, relieved by pressure upon the parts, pressing in both groins with pain in the abdomen, roughness in the throat inducing cough, generally in the morning, with pains in the small of the back as if beaten; painful weariness in the middle of the thigh, afterwards extending all over the limbs.-Thick leucorrhoea. Watery, burning leucorrhoea. LARYNX AND TRACHEA.-Hoarseness without cough.--Nightly cough with burning in the throat. CHEsT.-Sudden pinching-lacerating in both breasts, with chilliness and arrest of breathing.--Frequent slow deep inspirations, with short expirations.-Short breath when walking.-Spasmodic pain across the chest.-Heat in the chest, or only below the sternum.Oppression of the heart. BACK.-Pain in the small of the back as if sore.-Painful pricking in the scapulce, or between the shoulders through the chest, as far as the pit of the stomach, aggravated by inspirations.-Violent drawing in the tendons of the nape of the neck. ARMs.- Violent pain in the shoulder, extending to the elbow, going off by external pressure and friction.- Violent lacerating in the arm. LEGS.-Drawing and tingling in the calves, as if occasioned by fatigue, going off by friction.-Violent painful soreness in the heel, relieved by pressure. Languor of the lower limbs. 68.-CAUSTICUUM. CAUST.-Hahnemann's " Chronic Diseases," II.-Duration of Action: fifty days. COMPARE WITH-Am., Asa-f., Bell., Cale., Cham., Cof., Coloc., Cupr., Ign., Lach., Lye., Mere., Natr., Nux-v., Phosph., Phos.-ac., Rhus, Sep., Stann., Sulph., Veratr.-Is most frequently indicated after: Asa-f., Cupr., Lach., Sep.-After Caust. are frequently suitable: Sep., Stann. ANTIDOTES.-Coff., Coloc., Nitr.-spir., Nux-v. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-Crampy pain in different parts of the body.-Painful pressure in the arms and thighs. Drawing in different parts of the limbs. *Arthritic pains in all the limbs. Lacerating, especially in the joints and bones. Sticking pains in almost every part of the body.-Pain, when sitting, as if the whole body had been bruised, especially the arms; this pain goes off during work and in the open air.-Every part of the body feels painful when touched, as if it had been bruised by blows.-Stifness in all the joints, in a sitting or recumbent posture, with difficulty of recovering the natural mobility of the limbs.-Tingling in the upper and lower extremi CAUSTICUM. 497 ties, as if they would go to sleep. Flushes of heat and uneasy feeling after walking. Profuse sweat when walking in the open air. OEpileptic spasmodic fits, with screams, violent movements of the limbs, gnashing of the teeth, smiling or weeping, half-open eyes, staring look, involuntary emission of urine, renewal of the paroxysms by cold water, occurrence of the paroxysms after colic and headache, with emission of a quantity of urine, and closing of the eyes after the attack. CHARACTERISTIC PECULIARITIES.-The primary effects of this drug appear to be slower than those of the other antipsorics. Coffee appears to aggravate the symptoms. When walking in the open air, and in the evening, the symptoms appear to be aggravated. The symptoms which have come on in the open air disappear in the room, except some aching in the forehead. SKIN.-Very sensitive to cold. Great liability to take cold.Itching of the whole body, at night, with dry heat, especially of the head and face, oback and calves.-Itching of the whole body, with redness, resembling that of scarlatina.-Nodosities under the skin. -Large vesicles, on the chest and back, with anguish in the chest (orthopnoea) and fever, consisting of chilliness, heat, and sweat. *A pimple on the index-finger is changed to a wart. Itching eruption.~Itch-like eruptions.-~Burns (outward application). *Injuries of the skin, which have been healed, become sore again, and begin to suppurate.-~ Warts, with pain and inflammation.-~ Varices, also painful. Seething of the blood. Uneasiness in the whole body, especially the head. Intolerable uneasiness in the limbs in the evening. Uneasiness in the body, and anguish about the heart, when sitting.*Weakness and trembling in all the limbs. Unsteadiness of the limbs, as in intoxication.-He feels tired, worn out, and the whole body feels painful as if bruised, as if some severe illness would befall him.-Failing of strength, as if fainting.-- Tottering gait of children and liability to fall.-Convulsive starting of the limbs, in the evening.-Convulsive fit.-Uterine spasm. pains alternately in the abdomen, stomach, chest, and small of the back, obliging her to stoop; she was unable to keep herself erect without suffering the most violent pains; she could not bear the pressure of clothes on the stomach, or eat even the lightest kind of food, without feeling the most violent pain in the abdomen and stomach. SLEEP.-Languor and drowsiness, which one is scarcely able to conquer. *Great drowsiness and weariness in the daytime. Sleep does not refresh her. Great drowsiness, even when in company. Sleeplessness at night, on account of dry heat. He is unable to find 498 CAUSTICUM. rest in any position of the body; every part of it aches as if it were pressed upon.-Bruised sensation after midnight.-Lancinating head ache the whole night, especially in the orbits. Nightly dryness of the mouth. Great nausea on waking from the evening-sleep. Uneasiness and jerking in the abdomen, preventing sleep.-Violent colic in the neighborhood of the groin, the pain commences in the leg and then reaches the groin.-Frequent desire to urinate, rousing her from sleep.-Dry cough at night, disturbing sleep.-Drawing pain in the humeri, at night, which prevents sleep.--General sweat, with uneasy sleep. Shuddering at night, on waking. Violent int'ernal chills about midnight, especially in the extremities, with lanci. nating pain in the back, followed by general sweat, with humming and heaviness in the head. Chills towards morning, during sleep. Uneasiness at night, in bed, with violent and very anxious weeping, and indistinct speech. Anguish in the evening previous to falling asleep. Anguish and uneasiness at night, preventing sleep. At night, when asleep, his arms and legs move about in every direction.-Talking in sleep. Disagreeable dreams. *Anxious dreams. Starting as in afright when falling asleep. Frequent starting from sleep as withfright. Coldness, frequently, with coldness of the hands and feet. FEVER.-Sensation as if a cold wind were blowing on the parts between the scapulae, in the middle of the spinal column. *A good deal of internal chilliness, every day.--Chills and shuddering, sometimes with goose-flesh, also in the warm room, or in the open air, and then passing off in the room. Frequent shuddering. *Shuddering, with goose-flesh the whole day. Shuddering, with gooseflesh and urging, the stool being very soft, and accompanied by painful colic; afterwards *general chilliness with external coldness, soon passing off in the room. Chilliness in the lower extremities, in the afternoon, extending up to the back, accompanied by lassitude. *IHe is either chilly or perspires. Heat over the whole body, without sweat or thirst; followed by coolness, which gradually becomes general, with yawning and stretching of the arms.--Night-sweat. Sour smelling night-sweat. *A good deal of sweat when walking in the open air. MORAL SYMPToMs.--Sad, whining mood, as if beside one's self. *Melancholy mood. Anxious, and as if stupefied in the head. *Ezcessive anxiety. Despondency, disinclination to business, excessive physical depression and failing of strength. Discouragement. *Full of apprehensions in the evening. *Hopelessness. When closing her eyes she sees nothing but terrible visions and distorted human faces. -Excessive irritability of the mind.--Tendency to start.---Appre' CAUSTICUM. 499 hension about the future.-Out of humor and taciturn. *Veezd, irritated mood. *Very sensitive, irritable, and vehement. 0Sensitivo and disposed to anger, with great nervous ir-ritability.-0llypoehonldriac despondency. Indisposed to work. At times desponding, at times excessively mnerry. Dullness of the head. SENSOP.JUM.- Weakness of m9emnory. Absence of mind. Cloudiness of the mind. Momentary painful tightness and dullness of the head, almost resembling a dull throbbing headache; passing off after a meal.-~*Dizzy in the morning on waking, with painful dullness of the head. The head feels stupe~fied and intoxicated.-Vertigo, with feeling as of intoxication; absence of mind, with weakness of the head; abating in the open air. Violent vertigo. IIEAD.-Headache, with. nausea. Stupefying pain in the forehead. -Pain in the upper part of the head, as if the brain were torn or dashed to pieces, especially in- the morning on waking. The whole brain is painful when shaking the head. Nightly headache, as if an ulcer were in the head. *An, occasional pressure deep in the head, with heaviness. Aching in every part of the head, with pinching in the ear and boring toothache. A drawing aching in the fore part of the forehead. -Contractive pressure in the forehead, in the open. air. -Compressive headache. Feeling in the head as if everything would issue through the forehead, when stooping.-Tight and drawing headache between the eyes.-Drawing pain in the occiput. Continued lacerating in the head. Lancination through the head.-*Stitches and warmth in the head. *Stitches in the temples. A sort of lancinating headache, in the morning on waking, and continuing almost the whole day. * Tigrhtness and stitches from the lower part of the forehead to the vertex. Jerking and pinching pain in the head. JTerks and violent shocks through the head, e-very niinute.-Beating and throbbing in the top of the. head, as if the brain would come out, ini the morning after rising. Throbbing pain, painful throbbing in the cerebral arteries. Seething of the blood in the head, as if one were intoxicated, passing off in the open air.-Roaring in the head, in the evening.-Congestion of blood to the head, with heat.-Burning pain in the forehead, as if the bra~in were inflamed. SCALP.-Sensation of numbness in the occipital, bone. Painfulness of the hairy scalp when rubbing it. Tension of the inteaguments of the head. Lacerating- and burning in the hairy scalp, in front of the vertex. Itching of the hairy scalp.-Falling off of the hair. EYEs.-Pressure in the orbits and behind the eyes. Pressure in the eyes as if sand were in them. Pressure as from a swelling in the upper eye-lid, as if a stye would farm. Pressure in the eye, as if it 500 CAUSTICUM. were distended. Lacerating and pressure in the eyes. Itching of the lower eye-lid and its inner surface, accompanied with burning when touching or moving the eye. Smarting and pressure in the eyes, which feel heavy, with redness of the eye-lids. Burning in the eyes, without redness. Burning and dryness of the eyes, with pricking and photophobia. *Iflammation of the eyes, with burning and aching. *Periodical inflammation of the eye-lids, with dry gum between the lashes.-OInflammation of the eyes of scrofulous individuals. Friction in the eyes, as from sand. OSuppuration of the eyes. Lachrymation even in the room, but mostly in the open air. -Difficulty of opening the eyes, with sensation as if the lids were swollen, mostly early in the morning. OInveterate warts on the brows. Obscuration of sight. *Obscuration of sight, as if a gauze were drawn over the eyes, when standing.- When looking at a thing too long the objects before him begin to waver and become confused. -*lMovements before the eyes as of a swarm of insects. *Flitting to and fro before the eyes as of wavelets of light. Fiery sparks before the eyes, even by day. Photophobia, his eyes are painful when moved and looking at the light of day.--~Incipient amaurosis. EARS.-Pain in th e ears, as if the inner parts would protrude.Dragging pain in the ears.-Lacerating boring or beating in the ears.-Lancinating pain in the ear, with roaring as of a violent wind. -Itching in the ear and the eustachian tube, beginning in the throat.-Tumor behind the ears. Swelling of the external ear, with contractive pain.-Running and suppuration of the internal ear, with a bad smell.-Feeling of obstruction in the ears.-Ringing. Whistling in the ear.-Humming in the ears. *Roaring in the ears frequently. Detonations in the right ear.-~Buzzing in the ear and head. NOSE.-Itching in the nose and nostrils. Frequent swelling of the nose, going off again in the evening. *Pimples on the tip of the nose. oOld warts on the nose. Violent bleeding at the nose, or only from the left nostril. *Total obstruction of the nose, with absence of smell.-*Dry coryza, ounceasing, -or with obstruction of the nose and difficult breathing, even through the mouth; profuse fluent coryza, with nightly agglutination of the eyes, or with painful nightly cough and constant headache, coryza with hoarseness, preventing loud speech. FACE.-Sickly appearance of the face. Yellowness of the face "*Pain in the face, Oarthritic tightness in the facial bones. Beating and twitching in the muscles of the cheeks. Burning, and also burning with a sensation of coolness, in the malar bones.-~Semi CAUSTICUM. 501 lateral paralysis of the face, from the forehead to the chin.-Swelling of the cheeks, with a throbbing pain.-Itching of the face.-Corrosive itching, with congestion of blood to the face, heat and redness, and subsequent breaking out of small red pimples. Fine eruption on the face.-Burning vesicles on the face.-01d warts on the nose and in the eye-brows.-Itching soreness and swelling of the lips.Ulcer, causing a burning pain, on the inner side of the upper lip. Herpes on the lower lip. *Lacerating in the middle of the lower jaw. Inflammatory swelling below the chin, as if an abscess would form, with a burning pain. Sensation of tightness and pain in the jaws, rendering it very difficult for her to open her mouth or to eat. -*Lacerating in the right lower jaw. *Arthritic pains in the lower jaw. Burning pain in the lower jaw. TEETH.-*Painful sensitiveness of the teeth to the touch. Painful dartings through the teeth, when opening the mouth. Pain in a sound tooth, when cold air gets in. Nightly pain in the teeth, as if ulcerated, also in the daytime when moving her mouth. Aching, throbbing, drawing, or lacerating toothache. Lacerating in the roots of the lower teeth, early in the morning, recurring every four minutes. Lacerating toothache, extending even into the head and left eye.Lacerating pain in all the teeth, as if they would fall out.-Stinging toothache. Stitches in the tooth, when biting upon it.-*Throbbing toothache, with pain in the gums. Burning pain in the hollow teeth, when eating or drinking.-Toothache, pressing, lacerating, and lancinating, day and night, with red (erysipelatous) swelling of the cheek, and a tubercle on the gums passing into suppuration. *Painful looseness of the incisores.--Some of the teeth are painful and feel elongated. *The gums are painfully sensitive, without toothache. *Swelling and painfulness of the gums, both in front and behind. *Swelling of the left side of the gums, with great sensitiveness when eating, and a spasmodic pain in the evening. *Swelling of the gums, with an acrid feeling in the pudendum when urinating. Violent bleeding of the gums. Chronic suppuration of one part of the gums. OFistula-dentalis. MOUTH.-Pain in the tip and the edges of the tongue, as if burnt. Vesicles on the edges and tip of the tongue.-OParalysis of the tongue. Distortion of the tongue and mouth when talking. OStuttering, difficult, sibilant, and indistinct speech.-Sensation as if the tongue were adhering to the palate.-Sore place in the upper part of the palate. -Burning dryness in the mouth.-*A good deal of mucous saliva accumulating in the mouth. *Accumulation of water in the mouth, having a rancid taste. 502 CAUSTICUM. TnHoAT.-*Phlegm in the throat, which she is unable to hawk up. *Frequent hawking up of mucus, which is immediately formed again. "*Hawking up and throwing off of a quantity of mucus, with soreness and burning in the fauces.-Dryness of the throat, with a dry hack. ing cough -Rawness and acrid feeling in the throat, with heartburn. -Rough, hoarse throat, with soreness during or between the acts of speaking and swallowing. *Soreness in the throat, behind the palate. Burning and stinging soreness in the fauces and about the uvula, increasing during deglutition.-Constant disposition to swallow. Sore throat, as from a tumor, with stinging paian.-Constriction in the throat. TASTE AND APPETITE.-Bitter, acrid, or putrid taste.- Violent thirst, for many days.-A sort of ravenous hunger. Appetite with loathing. *Aversion to sweet things. GASTRIC SYMrTOMS.-Heartburn after supper.-*Oppression of the stomach after breakfast. Shortly after a meal, cutting pain, extending from the pit of the stomach towards the abdomen, with taste of the food in the mouth, and eructations tasting of the ingesta, with dull. ness of the head, diarrhoea, and chilliness.-* Violent distention of the abdomen after a meal.-Chilliness after a meal, with heat in the face. Sensation as of having deranged one's stomach, with distention of the abdomen. Empty, tasteless eructations.-Eructations tasting of the ingesta.-Violent eructations, with an acrid and bitter taste.-Heartburn. Frequent burning rising from the stomach, as if he had eaten pepper.-Hiccough. Constant sensation as if lime were being burnt in the stomach.-Frequent attacks of water-brash. *Qualmishness of the stomach, with alternation of chilliness and heat.--Feeling in the stomach as if one were fasting. Feeling of nausea in the throat. *Nausea. Inclination to vomit, with sensation of emptiness in the stomach and a sourish-bitter taste in the mouth. A*Sour vomiting, frequently followed by sour eructations. Vomiting of coagulated blood, at night. oVomiting of the ingesta. STOMACH.-Yiolent pain in the stomach, in the morning shortly after rising, increased by every rapid motion. Pain in the stomach. abating when lying down. Paiti as from bruises in the stomach, which are also felt when pressing upon it.-*Pressure in the stomach, early in the morning after rising, only when sitting, and shortly after a feeling of constriction in the abdomen. *Spasm of the stomach. OGriping and pressure in the stomach. Painful tightness in the pit of the stomach. *Stitches in the scrobiculus-cordis, with sensation as if they contracted the heart. Stitches in the stomach. HYPOcHONDRIA.-Sharp stitches in the left hypochondrium.-Shory CAUSTICUTM. 503 and burning pain in the left hypochondrium. Tensive pressure in the liver when lying on the back.-Stitches in the region of the liver. ABDOMEN.-Pain in the abdomen, early in the morning. *Pressure in the abdomen extending up to the oesophagus. *Pressure in the epigastrium as of a load. *Dull aching deep in the hypogastrium, finally accompanied by fever, heat, anguish, and uneasiness. *Inflation of the abdomen, which obliges her to loosen her dress. Painful distention of the abdomen, accompanied by colic resembling spasms. -~Corpulency of children, with glandular swellings.-Contractive tightness in the stomach and abdomen. Pain in the abdomen, as if drawn together with a rope, when breathing. Pinching belly-ache, with paleness of the face. Cutting, as if diarrhoea would set in. Violent pinching and cutting in the abdomen, with fermentation.Prickings over the whole abdomen. Pain as from bruises, and pinching in the right side of the abdomen. Pulsations in the abdomen, Burning pain in the abdomen, in the region of the stomach, rousing him from sleep. Swelling of the umbilicus, with pain all around, when touching it.-Pain as from bruises in the groins, sometimes with stitches. *Accumulation of flatulence in the abdomen, after a slight meal, causing a protrusion of the varices of the rectum, which are painful and moist. *Shifting of flatulence in the abdomen, with cutting pain, goes off after an evacuation.,PLoud rumbling in the abdomen, when sitting, as if arising from emptiness. STOOL AND ANUS.-#Constipation. Frequent and unsuccessful desire to pass stool, accompanied with pain, anxiety, and redness of the face. OTough stool, shining like grease; Olight-colored white stool. Tenesmus; the rectum is painfully and spasmodically contracted. Liquid stool. Diarrhoea, with tenesmus and burning at the rectum. Nightly diarrhoea. OCutting in the rectum with stool. *Bloody stool, with burning and soreness of the rectum. Writhing pain in the abdomen previous to stool. Stitches in the rectum during stool.Burning in the anus, subdued pulse, and palpitation of the heart, after stool. Tremulous lassitude and palpitation of the heart after stool. Anxiety in the chest, after stool, heat in the face and inclination to sweat.-Nausea after stool.-Discharge of the prostatic juice after stool. Pressure in the rectum. Spasm in the rectum which made walking impossible. *Excessive itching in the anus, day and night. Violent itching of the rectum and the pudendum. Smarting pain in the rectum, after stool. Soreness of, and oozing of moisture from the rectum. Large painful varices. Large painful pustule, near the anus, discharging a quantity of pus and blood, accompanied by great physical depression. Pain in the perinceum. Strong pull 504 CAUSTICUM. sations in the perinaum.-~Protrusion of the varices. OFistula or the rectum. URINE.-Pain in the bladder; he is unable to emit any urine. Frequent and urgent desire to urinate. *Involuntary emission of urine at night, when asleep. Involuntary emission of urine, when coughing, sneezing, or blowing the nose.-Frequent, increased mnicturition.--Light-colored urine, like water. When left standing tho urine becomes turbid and flocculent. A quantity of mucus in the urine. Burning in the urethra when urinating. Acridity during and after micturition; corrosive sensation in the pudendum, as from salt. Pain in the urethra after urinating in the evening, accompanied by dull pain in the top of the head. Itching of the orifice of the urethra. Cutting in the urethra. Sudden burning in the urethra, at night. OHamorrhage from the urethra. MALE GENITAL ORGANs.-Burning pain in the penis. Large red patches on the penis. Vesicles under the prepuce, changing to sup. purating ulcers. Aching in the testes, at noon. Lacerating in the testes. Stitches in the right testicle. Itching of the scrotum and the skin of the penis. Excitation of the sexual desire. The penis would not become erect during an embrace. Violent nocturnal emissions, and continual and excessive erections, at night and the whole forenoon. Involuntary emissions in an old man.-Blood came out of the urethra together with the semen, during an embrace. FEMALE GENITAL ORGANS.-Burning in the pudendum. *Menses delayed ten days, after which period the flow was more abundant. The menses appear too soon by eleven days. *During the menses no blood is passed at night. Increased flow of blood during the menses. A little blood is passed for several days after the termination of the menses. The menstrual blood smells badly and excites an itching in the pudendum. Colic without diarrhoea when the menses appear, with lacerating in the back and small of the back, especially during motion. Colic and diarrhoea during the menses. Pain in the abdomen, during the menses, as if all the contents were torn, accompanied by pain in the small of the back, as if the parts were bruised, and by discharge of large clots of blood. Pain in the back during the menses.-*Leucorrhcea at night. Profuse leucorrhoea smelling like the menstrual blood. Violent itching about the mamma in a nursing female; 0soreness of the nipples, cracked, and surrounded with herpes; deficiency of milk. LARYNX AND TRACHEA.-Irritation in the throat, as in the beginning of a cold, accompanied by feverish sensation through the whole body. Intense aching in the larynx when blowing the nose. Dry CAUSTICUM. 605 ness in the larynx.-*Burning and roughness in the throat, with hoarseness. ORoughness of the throat, slight hoarseness in the chest, and feverish coldness.-*Hoarseness and roughness of the throat, early in the morning. *Hoarseness for many days; she was unable to utter a word. *Aphony for several mornings, as if a wedge were lodged in the larynx, which he ought to throw off. Catarrh, with nightly dryness of the throat and obstruction of the nose, when lying down. *Catarrh, with cough and rawness of the throat. OLaryngeal and tracheal phthisis.?-Grippe.? *Short and hacking cough, caused by constant tickling in the throat. Cough, with rawness in the throat, without expectoration. Cough at night, when waking. Cough and gagging, with difficulty of breathing. Hoarse cough, especially early in the morning and evening, not at night. Dry cough, causing a burning in the chest. Frequent dry, short, and hacking cough, rarely accompanied by expectoration. Hollow cough especially at night and early in tae morning, with tough mucus in the chest, where a stinging pain is felt during the cough, and as if there were subcutaneous ulceration. Soreness of the chest, when coughing.-Loud rattling in the chest when coughing. Inability to throw off the detached mucus. CHEST.-Arrest of breath when talking, or when walking fast.*Shortness of breath when walking in the open- air. Short breath and oppression of the chest. Difficult and deep inspirations. Sensation in the chest as if the clothes were too tight. *Asthma, especially when sitting or lying down. Oppression of the chest, with hoarseness and roughness of the throat. *Sp)asmodic asthma. Compression of the chest, with oppressed breathing and loss of voice. Great oppression of the heart, with melancholy. Aching in the sides of the chest. Pressure across the chest and stomach. Tension in the chest, lasting a good while. Drawing pain in the upper part of the chest, as after running or singing. Rheumatic pain in the chest and abdomen.-Stitches in the sides of the chest, during an inspiration. Violent stitches at night, with great anguish. Stitches in the sternum, during a deep inspiration. Stitches deep in the chest, during a deep inspiration.-Pain in the right side of the chest, as if the lungs were torn loose fromn the pleura.-Heat in the chest, sometimes extending up to the throat. Burning pain in the chest, with occasional stitches.-Sharp stitches in the chest, near. the nipple, in the direction of the umbilicus, especially when breathing.-Stitches in the outer parts of the chest, below the arm, extending to the pit of the stomach, accompanied by slight anguish. *Palpitatwn of the heart, with languor. Violent palpitation of the heart, in the morning, 22 506 CAUSTICUM. with irregular pulse and pain in the back, or with great anxiety, or with regularly-occurring contractions of the abdomen.-OStitches about the heart. BAcK.-Dull drawing or bruised sensation in the region of the oscoccygis. Violent and tensive pain in the small of the back. Aching and crampy pain in the small of the back and the region of the kidneys, when sitting. Violent lacerating in the small of the back. Pain, asfrom bruises, in the small of the back, towards evening, for several hours, with leucorrhooal discharge. Violent pain, as from a strain, in the small of the back, during motion.-_ Stiffness in the lumbo-sacral articulation. Soreness in the small of the back, with subsequent pressing (bearing-down) in the abdomen.-Frequent pulsations in the small of the back.-Aching, crampy pain in the back, in the region of the kidneys.-~Painful stiffness in the back, particularly when rising from a seat.-Darting lancination in the back and small of the back, arresting the breathing.-Drawing in the back, as if bruised. *Lacerating in the dorsal vertebrm, between the scapulas.-Stitches in the back. Itching in the skin of the back.Painful stiffness between the scapule. Pressure and dravwing in the scapule.-*Stijfness of the nape of the neck, with pain in the occiput, the muscles felt as if bound, so that she was unable to move her head.-Shuddering in the nape of the neck, as far as the brain, in the evening.-Pain, as from bruises, in the nape of the neck. Tensive tubercle in the nape of the neck.-Itching and humid tetter in the nape of the neck.-Continual tension in the right side of the neck and chest, the trunk being drawn to the right side. --Rigidity of the neck.-- Glandular swelling, like goitre. ARMs.-Pressure and stiffness in the shoulders.-Lacerating in the shoulder-joint.-Sharp stitches on the top of the shoulders. Pain in the left shoulder as if sprained. Painful lameness in the left shoulder.-* Drawing pains in the muscles of the arm. Dull lacerating in hands and arms. Arthritic drawing in different places, in the joints of the arms, hands, and shoulders, apparently aggravated by movement.-Great heaviness and weakness in the arms.-- Itching of the arms. OWarts and eruptions on the arms. Pain in the flesh of the upper arm as if caused by a sprain. Drauing pain in the muscles of the arm.-Pain in the elbow-joint, as if he had knocked it against something.-Drawing pain in the elbow-joints and in the lower arms.-Pain as from bruises in the bend of the elbow and the muscles of the chest, very much aggravated by external pressure.Lacerating in the fore-arms.-Burning across the fore-arm, close to the wrist-joint.-Lameness of the fore-arms, they feel heavy and stiff. CAUSTICUM. 507 -Swelling in the lower arm, apparently in the periosteum, painful when pressed upon.-Small, itching pimples on the fore-arms.Spasmodic sensation in the hands. *Sensation of fullness in the interior of the left hand, when grasping anything. Swelling of the hands at night, with tingling in them.-Drawing pain in the wristjoint.-Lacerating in the wrist and bands.-Coldness of the hands, extending as far as the elbow. The hand goes to sleep, with tingling in the same.-Trembling of the hands. Paralytic feeling in the hand.-Pain as from contusions, in the tips of the fingers. Throbbing pain, as of an ulcer, in the joint of the thumb.-Burning in the tips of the fingers. Shooting and burning pain in the finger-joints. -Numbness, insensibility, and tightness of the fingers. Deadness of the fingers, they become icy cold and insensible. Itching between the fingers, of the joints. Violent burning aching under the fingernails. LEGS.-Itching herpes of the nates. Violent crampy pain in the region of the hips. Drawing-aching pain in the hip, when sitting or walking.-Lacerating in the acetab-ulum.-Lic.erating in the hipjoint and downwards along the whole limb, when sitting or walking. *Pain as from a sprain, strain, or contusion in the left hip-joint.Prickling, burning pain in the region of the hip. Itching of both hips. *Soreness between the extremities, high up.-*Drawing pain in the extremities, apparently in the bones. *Violent drawing and lacerating in both extremities, from the toes up to the thighs.-Pain as from bruises in the thighs and legs, in the morning, when in bed. Pain in the muscles of the extremities, as if distorted or paralyzed. Uneasiness in the extremities, so violent that she was not able to sit still.-Violent tingling in the thighs and legs, also in the foot. The extremities easily go sleep. A good deal of painful heaviness in the extremities. Lassitude in the extremities, especially the legs and knees. Varices of the extremities. Itching of the extremities. Weakness of the thighs, with want of breath. Tremulous sensation, resembling a painful, dull, and indistinct tingling in the flesh of the thigh.- Violently-itching nettle-rash. *Soreness, as from excoriation, of the upper and inner side of the thigh, and the scrotum, with itching. Rigidity in the bends of the knees, when sitting and beginning to walk, relieved by continuing to walk. Painful stiffness in the patella, when rising. *Drawing pain in the knees, more when stretching than when bending the knees. *Lacerating in the knees. Soreness about the knee. Pain on the outer side of the knee, as if ulcerated, extending up to the thigh. Excessive lassitude of the knee-joint, and heaviness of the feet, after walking. Cramp in the 508 CHAMOMILLA VULGAMS. calf, early, wh-en in bed. Drawing pain in the leg.-*Lacerating in the outer side of the left leg, when sitting; when rising from a seat the pain extends to the hip-joint; when walking and pressing upon the hip a pain is felt in it as if bruised, not going off when sitting down again. *Lacieratingo in the calf, downwards. Burning lacerating in the tibia. *Dull and hummning sensation in the legs and feet, as if they had gone to sleep, in the morning. Red, painful -spot on the tibia, spreading lengthwise, and itching when scaling off.-Nervou~s pain in the soles of the feet. Pressure OD the dorsum of the foot. Tension in the heel and the tendo-achillis Cramp in the feet. 8tiffness in the ankle-joint. Drawing in the anlejont.-Daing pain in the bend of the right foot, extending to the big toe, where it is only felt during nxtion..-Pain when walking, as if the anklejoint we're sprained, or as if broken.-Burning in the soles of the feet. Swelling, especially of the anterior part of the foot, late in the evening, with heat, burning sensation, and internal itching, as if the foot had been frozen.-*C6old feet. ilumming and burning tingling in the soles, 1tchin~g in the dorsum. of the foot. Ulcerated heel. Burning lacerating in the toes and under the nails. Pain in the big toe as if burnt, or inflamed, or ulcerated. Violent stitches. 69.-CIIAMOAMILLA VULGARIS. CHAM. -Matricarlat Chamomifla, Chainomile.-Hahnernann's "'Materia Medica Pura," 11.-Duration of Action: three or four days. COMPAtFRE WITHi-Aeon., Alu~m., Ambr., Arn., Ars., Bar., Bell., Bor., Bry., Camph., Caps., Caust, Chin., Cilia., Cocc., Coff., Coloe., Fer., G raph., Hell, Hep., Hyos.-, Ign., Ipec., Kali., Led., Lyc., Megn., Magn.-mur., Merc., INux-v., Petr., Phosphl., Puls., Riheum., Rhus, Sass., Sep., Strain., Suiph. ANTInovrrs. -Antidotes are Coff., Iga, and Puils.; Aeon. relieves the lacerating and drawing pains. wh~en they are felt less during inotion. Chain. is an excellent antidote to Coffee, unless Nux-v. corresponds more exactly to tbe symptoms; to be removed. Persons who feel injurious effects fromi Coffee) whenever they toke any, cannot he relieved hy Chain.; they must give up the use of Qoffee altogether. GENERALj SYMPTOMS.-Weakness of the hands and feet. Cracking in the joints, especially those of the lower limbs, and pains in the same as if bruised, nevertheless no real weariness. Simiple pain in all the joints, during motion, as if they were stiff and would break. Bruised pain of all the joints, or as if worn out; hands anid feet have lost their strength, but without any real weariness. Ileaviness in all the limbs. *Pain in thep'eriosteun of all the limbs, weit4 para~lytic weakness.-Lacecrating pain in the limbs, which can only be CHAMOMILLA VULGARIS. 509 appeased by constantly turning from side to side in the bed.-Evening-attack of lacerating pains. *Drawing, lacerating jerks in the long bones of the limbs or in the tendons.-*General stiffness, for a short period. *Sensation of paralysis in the parts in which the pain had abated.-Weariness, especially of the feet. Weakness. Dreads all kind of labor. Weakness, which is greater during rest than motion. Excessive weakness in the morning when rising from bed. *Fainting fits. Qualmishness about the heart, the feet feel suddenly paralyzed, and the limbs feel worn out. ~Hysteric paroxysms of weakness and fainting.? Convulsive, single twitchings of the limbs, when on the point of falling asleep. Twitchings in the limbs and eye-lids.--*Convulsions of children.-* The child lies insensible, with frequent changes in the countenance, distorts the eyes and facial muscles; rattling in the chest, with cough; the child yawns and stretches the limbs. 0Cataleptic fits, with hippocratic countenance, coldness of the extremities, half-closed eyes and dilated pupils, without lustre. OEpileptic spasms, with foam at the mouth, colio before, and sopor after the attack.-OEmaciation and atrophy of scrofulous children.?? SKIN.-Red rash on the cheeks and forehead, without heat. Small red spots on the skin, the spots being covered with rash-pimples. *Thick clusters of red pimples on a red spot on the skin, itching especially in the night, and somewhat smarting, in the region of the lumbar vertebrm and the side of the abdomen.-oRash of infants and nursing females. oJaundice.?-~Sore places on the skin, especially in children.-The skin becomes unhealthy, and every injur4 ulcerates.-An existing ulcer becomes painful. Darting and lancinating pain in the ulcer. Buw'ing and smarting pain in the ulcer, at night with creeping ana.erces.nve sensitiveness to the touch.-~Erysipe. las. OExtreme irritabdity and sensitiveness of the nervous system, with excessive sensitiveness to pain- Grecet sensitiveness to the wind and currents of air. SLEEP.-Excessive drowsiness. OSoporous condition, with feverish restlessness, -short breathing, and thirst. Nightly sleeplessness, with fits of anguish. He imagines he hears the voice of absent persons in the night. Sleep full of fanciful dreams. Moaning when asleep.- Weeping and howling when asleep. Quarrelsome vexatious dreams. *He starts in his sleep. * Starting, uttering sudden cries, tossing about, and talking while asleep. *-He feels an excessive anguish when in bed, but none out of it.-Snoring breathing when asleep. Snorting inspirations when asleep. Moaning when asleep, *with viscid sweat on the forehead. *Coma-vigil, or inability to b51) CHAMOMILLA VULGARIS. optea ihe eyes; slumber without any sleep, quick expiration, and lacetrting headache in the forehead, with inclination to vomit. FEVER.-*HIe feels a shuddering in some parts, in the face, over the arms, with or without external coldness.-**He is cold, with shuddering from the back to the abdomen. *HTe shudders when uncovering himself *Shuddering in the open air. Coldness, in the evening when lying iown, with a sort of deafness, inclination to vomit, uneasiness, tossiing about in bed, a sort of stupefaction of the head, and diminished sensibility of the skin.-*Icy coldness of the cheeks, hands, and feet, with burning heat of the forehead, neck, chest. Coldness of the whole body, with burning heat in the face. Violent internal chilliness, without coldness of the outer parts, except the feet, with thirst; afterwards great heat with sweat.-OIntermittent fever, with nightly exacerbation, pressure in the pit of the stomach, nausea, vomiting of bile, colic, diarrhoea, painful micturition.-OInflammatory fevers. OTyphoid fevers. ~Gastric fevers, and particularly bilious, after anger and chagrin.-Chilliness in the afternoon, with violent nausea in the abdomen, accompanied by a throbbingstinging headache in the forehead, aggravated by lying down.-(Fever: chills in the afternoon; he is unable to get warm, with ptyalism, bruised pain in the back and side, and dull aching pain in the forehead; next night excessive heat with violent thirst and sleeplessness.) -Chilliness in the evening, sweat and thirst in the night,-Burning cheeks in the evening, with chilliness, particularly at night; or in the evening.-0Anguish during the heat. *Internal heat with shuddering. *External heat with shuddering.-*Glowing heat of the cheeks, with thirst and involuntary moaning. *Feverish heat and redness of the cheeks, with tossing about and delirium, eyes open. Sensation of external heat, without any heat being present. Dry tongue, desire for water, want of appetite, flushes of heat, sweat in the face, palpitation of the heart, followed by an unnatural hunger. -Unquenchable thirst and dry tongue.-General morning-sweat, *with smarting sensation of the skin, during or after the heat, with sour sweat. -Genefal night-sweat, without sleep. MORAL SYMPTOMS.-*Repeated attacks of anguish in the daytime. *Anguish as if he had to go to stool. *Tremulous anguish with palpitation of the heart. *Excessive restlessness, anguish, agonizing tossing about, with laceratingpains in the abdomen, followed by dullness of sense and intolerable headache. *Hypochondriac anxiety.-Cardialgia, he is beside himself with anguish, moans and sweats profusely Crying and howling. Fits for some minutes, every two or three hours the child stretches his body, bends backwards, CHAMOMILLA VULGABIS. bil kicks with his feet. Weep~ing uneasiness. *Tlhe child is not still till carried on the arm.-Tremtulous tendency to start.-* Crying on account Of a very trfifing, and often imaglinary offence, which frequently is very old. *Is unable to stop talking about old vexatious things. *Peevishness and ill-humor; he is dissatisfied with everything that others do. *JHe inclines to be angry and out of humor.Excessively sensitive to all odors. Irritated mood. *Incliuning to be quarrelsome and angry. *She seeks a cause for quarrellinig M1oaning and groaning from lowness of spirits. Taciturn. SENSORAxtm.-Vertigo when stooping or talking. Vertigo after a mneal, as if the head would fall to one side. Vertigo when 'risillg from bed, as if intoxicated.-~* Vertigro and dimi-sightedness after lying0 down, wi'thluseb o e.Vrtig fo as if one wiould faint. Dullness Of comprehension.-Abs ence of mind. Vanishing of thought. HEAD.-Dull, aching pain in the head, when sitting or refleeting. Headache, the head feels heavy and bruised. O0ppressive heaviness in the head.-Pain in the head as ifit would burst, on waking. Lacerating pain in the forehead, returning by starts.-Drawing headache in one side.-Lancinatling pain in the forehead, extending into the chest. Lacerations and lancinations in the temples,from within outwards. Violent stitches in the brain. Stinging headache. Throbbing h-eadache. Darting pain in the forehead, especially after a meal.-The left temple is swollen and painful to the touch. Gnawing itching of the skin of the forehead.-0Megrim, hysteric nervous headache; 0catarrhal headache, particularly after suppression of sweat. EvEs.-S~wellinga and agrrglutination of the eye-lids in the morningr, cwith swellin'gof the eye; 0red swelling of the lids.-OcYellowness of the white s.-O Homorrhag e from the eyes. Pressure in the eyes, the eyes and lids are inflamed and full of gum in the morning, particularly in new-born infants or arthritic individuals? or after a cold. Aching pain in the upper eye-lid, when moving the eyes and shaking the head. -*Tw itchingus of the eyes and lids; spasm~odic closing of the lids. eDistortion of the eyes. Violent stitches in the eyes. Sensation as if fire and heat came out of the eyes. Luminous oscillations before the eyes.-Dirni-sightedness, with chilliness. EARs.-Lacerating, in the ears, otalgia. Dull hearing in the evening. Humming in the ears, as from the rushingý of water.- Tinglingc in the ears. 0Drawing and tensive pain in the ears.-0 Discharge from the ears. -c nflammatory swelling of the parotid gland., NosE.-Sore nose; ulcerated nostrils.-*Bleedling`c of the nose.Sensitive smell.-Obstruction of the nose, with discharge of macus fluenat coryza. .12 CHAMOMILLA VULGARIS. FACE.-- Redness and burning heat of the face, particularly of the cheeks, sometimes of only one cheek, with coldness and paleness of the other cheek. OPale, sunken countenance, with features as if distorted by pain.--Frequent changes of color in the face. oYellow complexion.-D*Bloatedness of the face. OErysipelas in the face. I Swelling of one side of the cheeks, ~Owith hardness, blue-redness, and drawing, beating, and darting pains.-Red rash on the cheeks.--Convulsive movements and twitchings of the facial muscles and lips.Parched lips. Scurfy ulcerations on the border of the lip. MOUTH.-Putrid or sour smell from the mouth.-- Dry mouth and tongue, with thirst.-*Red tongue, ofissured.-- Thick, white, or yellow coating of the tongue.-Stinging vesicles on and under the tongue. THROAT.-Pain in the throat, increased by movement and deglutition. Beating in the throat. Pain as from a plug when swallowing. OStinging and burning in the pharynx. OBurning heat in the oesophagus, extending to the mouth and stomach. OInability to swallow solid food, particularly in a recumbent posture. --Sore throat, with swelling of the parotids, ~or submaxillary glands; oinflammation and swelling of the tonsils with dark redness. JAWS AND TEETH.-Swelling of the gums. Looseness of the teeth. Toothache, with swelling of the cheeks.t-Grumbling and creeping in the upper teeth. Grumbling and drawing pain in the jaw. Drawing pain in the teeth. *Tootlache, as after a cold or 3uppressed sweat. *Toothache when taking warm things into the mcath.--The toothache recommences in a warm room. * Toothache which is especially violent after warm drinks, especially coffee. OTouthache with painful swelling of the gums or the submaxillary glands.--Nightly toothache, particularly after getting warm in the bed. Toothache, recurring by starts, with swelling of the checks and accumulation of saliva. Drawing toothache, without knowing what tooth is affected; the pain goes off while eating, and is especially violent in the night, the teeth feel elongated. 4 Throbbing, darting, and jerking in the teeth; odigging and gnawing in decayed teeth; ointolerable toothache, driving one to despair.- Burning and painful swelling of the gums.--Difficult dentition, with diarrhcea, fever, and convulsions. TASTE AND APrETITE.-Sour taste. Putrid taste in the mouth in the night. *Bitter taste in the mouth, early in the mnr'ning. Aversion to food. Want of appetite, as if he loathed feoId.-Unnatural hunger, in the evening. GASTRIC SYMPTOMS.-Empty eructations. *Sourt 'uctations. The existing pain is aggravated by eructation. Frt luent hiccough. CHAMONILLA VULGARIS. 513 Fullness during a meal, and nausea afterward s-Re pl eti on of the stomach, after a meal, lasting even until ne4t day; inclination to vomit. Inclination to vomit after breakfast, the whole morning. Distent-ion of the abdomen, after a m7eal. Naus~ea after a meal. Inclination to vomit, as if one would fain t.-~*Vomiting, without previous eructations. *Sour vomiting, also of the food or cof slimy substanccs. -0Bitter, bilious vomiting. Regurgitation of the ingesta. *Vobnit.. ingf of the ingesta, caused, first, by the repletion of the abdomen, afterwards by intolerable niausea.-OAcidity in the primae-vire of children.?-Heat and sweat of the face, aftcr eating or drinking. Pressure in the hypochondria and stomach, after a meal. STOMACH.-Anxious cry *on account of a hard, aching, oppressive pain in the pit of the stomach, with profuse sweat. *Painful bloat,edness of the epigastriumn, in the morningr, 0with sensation as if the contents were ri-sing to the chest. *1Incarceratio0n of Jfiatulence, u~ith pressure upwards, in the hypochondria. * Oppression at the stomach, as if a stone were pressing downwards. Aching pain in the stomach, and under the short rihs, oppressing the breathing, especially after taking coffee. 0Spasmis of the stomach, particularly in persons addicted to the use of coffee, or with aching pain, particularly after a meal, or at nig-ht, with restlessnies and tossing, with either aggravation or amelioration by coffee.-0 Burning in the pit of the stomach and hypochondria. ABDOMEN.-.Aching pain above the umbilicus. *Fldtztlent colic. -*C~ontinuous, tensive pain in the subcostal regoion, with tension around the brain. The abdominal muscles feel bruised. Hard distended abdomen. *Comnpressi~ve pain in the abdomen (immediately). Excessive colic. S~nsation as it the whole abdomen were hollow, with continual motion in the bowels (with blue rings around the eyes). Colic, more cutting than pinching.-Drawing pain in the abdomen. Continual laceratingr colic in the side of the abdomnen, -with sensation as if the parts there were rolled up into a ball. -Pain in the abdomen, as is felt by persons who are costive, when pressing out the stool. -Abdontinal spasms. 0Darting in the abdomen, particularly when coughing, sneezing, or touhigthepat. C, ocig at,0Enteritis. O Painful sensitiveness of the abdomen to contact, as if the parts were ulcerated.~O Peritonitis.? Pre ss-ing tawards thd abdominal ring, as if hernia wvould protrude. STOOL.-Constipation from inactivity of the rectum.-Sharp pinching colic, with discharge 6if light-colored feeces.-~*Un digeste d stools. *fHot, diairrhoic stool, smelling like rotten eggs. 0Paznless, g-reen, Watery diarrhma, a mixture offceces and mucus. *A\1ightly diarrhwaa 514 CHAMOMILLA VULGARIS. with colic, obliging her to bend double.-*Diarrheic stool, consisting of white mucus, with colic. ODiarrhoea during dentition, ofrom cold, ofrom anger and chagrin; ocorrosive; Olike mixed eggs. Inflamed varices, with ulcerated rhagades of the anus. Flowing hoamorrhoids. Blind hemorrhoids. Itching pain at the anus. GENITAL ORGANS.-Sticking pain in the neck of the bladder between the acts of micturition.-Burning in the neck of the bladder, during micturition. Smarting pain in the urethra during mictu. rition. Ineffectual urging with anguish, during micturition, without any mechanical obstacle.-Weakened strength of the bladder. Involuntary emission of urine.-Urine is hot, yellow, with flocculent sedi. ment; oturbid, with yellowish sediment. MALE GENITAL ORGANS.-Itching of the scrotum. Excited sexual desire. Nocturnal emission.-Soreness of the border of the prepuce. Itching-stinging pain of the margin of the prepuce. FEMALE GENITAL ORGANs.-Burning in the vagina, as if excoriated. Yellow corrosive leucorrhcea. Acrid watery leucorrhoea after dinner.--Pressure towards the uterus, like labor-pains, with frequent desire to urinate.-*Cutting colic, and drawing in the thighs previous to the period.-oAbdominal spasms before the period.-*Frequent discharge of coagulated blood, uith tearing pains in the veins of the legs and violent labor-pains in the uterus. Drawing, from the small of the back, followed by griping in the uterus, and discharge of large clots of coagulated blood. *IMletrorrhagia.-Metrorrhagia, even of old females. Out of humor, and headstrong even unto quarrelling, at the appearance of the menses.-Suppression of the menses, with distention of, and a hard, aching, oppressive pain in the pit of the stomach, accompanied with swelling of the abdomen, labor-like pains, and anasarca.--Abdominal spasms of pregnant and nursing females; Oprecursory symptoms of after-pains of miscarriage; oviolent afterpains; hemorrhage after delivery; opuerperal fever; Omilk fever; osuppression of milk; oerysipelas of the mamme and soreness of the nipples._- Sleeplessness and cries, colic, diarrhoea, soreness of the new-born infants ~Ohard breasts.-#Induration in the mammoe, with drawing-lacerating, and pain to the touch. OScirrhous induration. LARYNX AND TRACHEA.-Wheezing, whizzing, and subdued rattling in the trachea. *Hoarseness, from tenacious mucus in the larynx. *CATARRHAL hoarseness of the trachea, -with dryness of the eye-lids. *Hoarseness and cough, from rattling mucus in the trachea; the place from which the mucus has been detached feels sore. Burning in the larynx.-0 Tracheitis.?-0 Croup.?-oCatarrhal cough of children, after a cold, or after measles. CHAMOMILLA VULGARIS. 515 CHEST.-Burning pain under the sternum, extending to the mouth. Burning in the chest, with dullness of the head, as if he knew not where he was, with anxiety. The inside of the chest feels bruised. -Aching pain under the sternum, oppressing the breathing. Cardialgia. Contraction of the chest.-Oppression of the chest.-Tensive pain across the chest, when taking an inspiration. *Oppression of the chest as from flatulence, which had become incarcerated in the epigastrium, with aching pain; accompanied by pain in the stomach, as in heartburn; afterwards burning in the spine.-Constriction of the upper part of the chest, accompanied with soreness when coughing. Asthma as in sufocative catarrh (constriction of the throat), in the region of the pit of the throat, with constant desire to cough. OSudden stoppage of the breath in children. Almost uninterrupted titillation under the upper part of the sternum, without the cough being constant. Dry cough, produced by titillation and continual itching in the trachea, about the pit of the throat. Violent dry cough when sleeping.-The child becomes angry and coughs. *Stitches in the side of the chest, under the ribs and scapulre, during an inspiration. Prickings in the chest. Stitches through the chest, at every inspiration. *Stitches from the middle of the chest to the right side, after every inspiration. BACK.-Stinging pain in the back.-Lacerating in the back. Drawing pain in the back. Contractive sensation in the spine. Pain in the small of the back, especially in the night.-The small of the back feels bruised. A sort of furious labor-pains from the small of the back into the thighs, a drawing pain, with lameness. Painful stiffness in the loins, after sitting. Intolerable pain in the loins and hipjoint, in the night, when lying on the opposite side. Lacerating pain in the region of the clavicle and throat. Drawing pain in the seapulse, chest, and hands, as if from a cold. ARMs.-Uninterrupted, fine, painful pressure in the ligaments and periosteum of the arm, from the shoulder to the fingers.- When seizing anything with the hand, the arm feels sti, as if it would go to sleep.-Drawing, paralytic pain in the elbows and hands. ONoeturnal pains with lameness.-Burning pain in the hand, afternoon.The hands are cold; paralytic stiffness in the hands, with gloominess. of the head; sensitive to the open air.--Swelling of the palms of the hands.--'*Convulsive twitchings of the fingers. LEGS.-Lacerating pain in the thighs and legs. Paralytic stiffness, with weakness, in the thigh.-Excessive pain in the thigh, when rising from a seat, or when stretching the legs.-Transitory pain as if bruised, in the thighs.-Drawing rheumatic pains, at night, with 516 CHELIDONIUM MAJUS. lameness and numbness, and relief by external warmth.-OLame, ness, with drawing extending into the thighs, particularly at night. -~Coxagra. Drawing pain.-Sensation in the legs as if they would go to sleep.-*Cramp in the calves.-Nightly paralytic weakness of the feet.-The feet feel lame. Lacerating pain in the feet.-Burning of the soles, in the night.-Burning and itching in the feet, as if they had been frozen. Sudden swelling of one foot and of the sole. 70.-CCHELIDONIUM MAJUS. CHEL.-Great Celandine.-Hahnemann's "Mat. Med.," II.-Duration of Ac. tion: fourteen days. ANTIDOTE. Camph. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-Lamene;s, with drawing in various parts, deadness of single parts.-Shooting prickings, now in the hand or arm, now in the foot, knee, abdomen, &c. Weariness and lassitude of the limbs; he finds it difficult to move a limb fast; he dreads motion, yawns, feels drowsy. Great laziness after a meal, with drowsiness and indisposition to work. In the morning, he felt so weary that he could not get up.-~Old, putrid, spreading ulcers. SLEEP.-Great drowsiness and laziness. Great uncomfortableness. Desire to lie down, without being drowsy, and without being able to sleep.-Restless sleep, full of dreams. FEVER.-When lying in bed, in the evening, he is seized by vio. lent chills and shaking, the external body feeling warm.-Alternately warm and cold through the whole body. Cold hands.-Chills and shaking, with nausea, without eructations. OHeat without thirst, in the evening in bed. MORAL SYMPTOMs.-Desponding, full of sad thoughts about the present and the future. HEAD.-Cloudiness. Dull headache, pulsative beatings in the right temple. Headache, pressing, from within outwards, especially towards the forehead, increased very much by open air, cough, blowing the nose, and by stooping. Lacerating headache, with pressure, between the eye-brows and upon the eye-lids. Dull stitches in the whole forehead, in an oblique direction. Stitches in the vertex, particularly when walking fast.-~Scald-head. EYES.-Stupefying pressure in the right orbit, from without inwards. Contraction of the pupils. Painful pressure on the upper eye-lid.-Nightly agglutination, with dimness in the morning.--00bscuration of the cornea.-Dazzling spot before the eyes, with lachrywmtion on looking into it, CHELIDONIUM MAJUS. 517 NOSE AND FACE.-Tension and drawing in the left malar bone, only when lying down. Pale countenance.-Dry coryza, with partial stoppage.-~Itching of the face and forehead.-~Herpes in the face. EARS.-Long-contiinuing stitch in the external right ear, going of gradually. Tingling in the left ear, when walking. A sort of whist ling before the ears. Whizzing before the ears, like wind. Sensa tion in both ears as if wind were rushing out. Noise in both ears, resembling the distant roar of cannon.-Lacerating in the internal ear.-~Loss of hearing during cough. TEETH.-Toothache in the left upper jaw.-Dull pain when touched in the teeth of the left lower jaw. MOUTH AND THROAT.-Great tension ocer the neck, and in the throat, above the larynx, as if the parts were constricted. A sort of choking in the throat, too hasty.-Nauseous flat taste in the mouth. Bitter taste in the mouth. GASTRIC SYMPTOMs.-Diminished appetite. Inclination to vomit. Considerable nausea, with increased warmth of the body. Hiccough. SToMACH.-Pincing, oppressive pain in the pit of the stomach, and underneath, increased by contact. Cramp-like throbbing in the pit of the stomach, causing a breathing with anguish. Burning under the ribs, on the left side, on a line with the praecordial region. Pain in the stomach.-Gnawing or digging in the stomach.-Feeling of coldness in the stomach.-Cutting, when yawning. ABDOMEN.-Tension across the epigastrium. Continual gurgling in the abdomen.-Colic. Painful pressure close above the umbilicus. -Dull pinchir, in the umbilical region, followed by the emission of flatulence. Cramp-like retraction of the umbilicus, accompanied with passing nausea. Burning pain in the abdomen, under the short ribs of the left side. Continual cutting in the bowels, immediately after a meal. Pinching pain in the groin. STOOL.-Costiveness; stool like sheep's dung. Diarrhoea, also at night. Mucous diarrhoea. URINARY AND GENITAL ORGANS.-Pressure on the bladder, with but little emission. Burning, previous to the emission of the urine. Darting and cutting in the urethra, during micturition and movement of the body.-Copious micturition, day and night.-Pale or reddish urine. Gonorrhoea.-Menses retarded, but longer.-Vanishing of milk. CHEST.-Pain in the chest. Oppression of the chest and respiration.-Stitches in the chest during an inspiration, and when raising the trunk. BACK.-Pressure with lacerating in the region of the lowermost 518 CHENEPODII GLAUCI APHIS. lumbar vertebra, extending to the iliac bones.-Tensive pain in the right side of the neck. AR~s.-Lacerating and pressure in the upper arm, with weariness of the muscles. A kind of lameness in the muscles of the upper arm, when moving it.-Stiffness of the wrist-joint.-The anterior joints of the fingers of the right hand become yellow, cold, and dead, the nails were blue. LEGS.-Paralytic weakness in the thigh and knee when stepping.Giving way of the knees when standing or walking.-Cramn in the soles of the feet, with paralysis. 71.-CHENOPODII GLAUCI APHIS. CHEN.-The Louse on the oak-leaved Goose-foot.-"Archiv," XV., 2. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-The limbs feel bruised, with drawing lacerating in the temples, ears, decayed teeth, shoulders, upper arms, tibiae, and bottoms of the feet; feeling of weariness, particularly in the legs; languid and prostrate, in the evening.-Sleeplessness at night, without great pains, lascivious dreams and emissions.-Frequent slight chills over the skin, particularly the back; burning in the palms of the hands, with disposition to sweat in those parts, in the forenoon, with rapid pulse; pulse accelerated, particularly in the evening during fluent coryza, or quick and tight, early in the morning, with hot breath and dry lips; great disposition to sweat in the face, from daybreak; warm sweat or general exhalation, early in the morning, in bed. HEAD, &c.-Dullness of the head, in the evening, as from a cold, with flushes of heat in the face; violent pressure and pushing in the forehead or occiput, aggravated by movement, with sensation as if the brain were balancing to and fro; drawing lacerating in the scalp.Burning of the eye-lids.. Lacerating in the ears. NOSE.-Soreness of the nostrils.-Violent sneezing, attended with soreness in the farynx.-Coryza, with burning and biting in the margins of the nose. Fluent coryza, with accelerated pulse, coldness of the legs, and a chill over the back. FACE, &c.-Complexion pale, yellowish; flushes of heat in the face, with catarrhal dullness of the head, in the evening; dryness of the lips, particularly early in the morning; painful lacerating in a decayed molar tooth: afterwards in all the teeth of the right side, ex. tending to the ear, temple, and malar bone; aggravation of the toothache in bed, and amelioration by general warm sweat breaking out afterwards CHINA, OR CINCHONA. 519 MOUTH, PHARYNX, &c.-Scraping in the region of the palate; burning biting; cutting burning, particularly during an inspiration; inflammatory redness.--In the throat: scraping and burning, as from some acrid substance, with feeling of dryness, and increased secretion of mucus. APPETITE AND STOMACH, &c.-Frequent pinching in the abdomen, particularly at night, or in the daytime, with urging to stool, and increased emission of flatulence. Congestion of blood to the organs in the pelvis. STOOL AND ANus.-Ineffectual urging, with pressure on the bladder and rectum.-The evacuations arepapescent, liquid, generally attended with burning at the anus and return of the urging, or with pinching in the abdomen and flatulence, before and during stool; discharges of liquid mucus, early in the morning, with bloody spots, pinching the abdomen, pressing on the rectum and bladder, and pressing headache.-Afterwards the stools become harder, but are attended with painful pressing on the bladder and rectum, and sometimes with evacuation of bloody mucus.-Drawing lacerating in the rectum. URINARY ORGANS.-Drawing lacerating in the bladder; pressing on the bladder, particularly with the ineffectual urging to stool; irritation in the urethra, as from acridity, obliging him to urinate frequently.-Frequent and copious emission of a saturated, yellow, foaming urine, attended with an acrid sensation in the urethra; in the evening the urine is foaming, brownish-red, depositing a thick, yellowish sediment, during the night. LARYNX AND TRACHEA.-Burning scraping in the larynx, as from acridity; titillating burning or stinging, particularly in the open air during wet and cold weather, with constant irritation in the larynx, obliging him to cough. Cough from irritation in the throat. ARMS AND LEGS.-Pain as if bruised in the limbs, with drawing lacerating in the shoulders and upper arms, or from the knees to the feet.-Feeling of weariness in the legs.-Coldfeet, up to the knees. 72.-CHINA, OR CINCHONA. CHIN.-Cinchona Officinalis, Peruvian Bark.-Hahnemann's " Mat. Med. Pura," II.-Duration of Action: from two to three weeks. COMPARE WITH-Am., Arn., Ars., Asa.-f., Bar, Bell., Bry., Calc., Caps., Carb.v., Cham., Chin., Cina., Cupr., Dig., Ferr., Graph., Hell., Hep.-sulph., lod., ipec., Lach., Lyc., Merc., Mur.-ac., Natr., Natr.-mar., Nux-vom., Phosph., Phos.ae., Puls., Rhus, Samb.-n., Sep., Sil., Stann., Sulph., Thuj., Verat.-China is most frequently indicated after: Arn., Ars., Ipec., Mere.. Phosph.-ac., Verat. -After China are frequently suitable: Ars., Bell., Carb.-v., Puls., Verat 520 CHINA, OR CINCHONA. ANTIDOTES.-Arn., Ars., Bell., Cale., Caps, Carb.-v., Cina, Ferr., Ipec., Mere., Natr., Natr.-mur., Nux-v., Plds., Sep., Sulph., Verat.-China antidotes: Ars., Asa-f., Aur., Cupr., Ferr., Hell., Ipec., Mere., Sulph., Verat.-belen aggravates the pains occasioned by China GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-*Excessive irritability and sensitiveness of the whole nervous system, the objects related to the different senses affect them too powerfully.-Excessive nervous sensibility, with a morbid feeling of general weakness. Feeling of internlal malaise as from impending illness.-- Pain of all the linbs, particularly the joints, as if bruised, particularly during rest (when sitting "or lying). *Painful weariness in the limbs, as after a long journey on foot, or after exhaustion by the loss of animal fluid, with constant disposition to stretch, move, or shift the position of the limbs.' Pain ful weariness in the joints, with pressure as of a load, particularly in the morning, in bed, or when sitting, increasing the longer he sits or lies.-Pain as if strained in every joint, in the bones and periosteum, with drawing and lacerating, particularly in the small of the back, back, knees, and thighs. Oppression in all the limbs, as if the clothes were too tight, after a walk in the open air.-*Heaviness in 'every limb, particularly the thighs. Languor of the whole body, with trembling of the hands. *Inertia. *Aversion to every kind of mental or physical labor. Languor when walking, also when sitting. Languid condition of the mind and body. Languid feeling about the stomach and chest, in the open air, with a feeling of weakness and prostration.-*Lassitude and languor, mental and physical. Languor, with inability to collect one's senses, particularly on rising from a seat, or one is scarcely able to keep the head erect, and drops to sleep.Weariness. *Dread of exercise. *Wants to be lying or sitting all the time.---*Chronic debility. *Exccssive debility, with great disposition to sweat, during motion and sleep. *Lameness, with difficult 1 NOTE BY HAHNEMANN.-The weakness alluded to in this paragraph, as if caused by a great loss of animal fluids, the symptoms indicating a disturbance in the digestive organs, the ailments after a meal, the easily-excited sweat, especially on the back, luring motion and sleep, and the affections of the head, coostitute precisely that kind of weakness for which Cinch. is a specific, and which affects, without almost any exception, persons who have lost a portion of their strength by hemorrhages and frequent venesection, galactorrhcea, excessive lactation, coition, onanism, involuntary emission of semen, profuse natural or artificial sweat in disease, natural or artificial diarrhoea. When Cinch. is given for any other kind of weakness, which is not the disease itself, its exhibition may be followed by the most pernicious consequences, and may even endanger life. Indeed, even in these cases, it produces an excitement, but it is not a natural excitement, it is an over-straining of the vital powers of the patient, which may be followed by a perfect collapse, or may entail upon the patient a cachectiS condition of the system which it is either difficult or frequently impossible W cure. CHINA, OR CINCHONA. 521 walking, which tires one out soon, as if the legs were too heavy. Great sinking of strength. *Trembling debility, -with dilatation of the pupils. Alternation of weakness and a feeling of great strength, particularly in the joints. o Weakness from loss of animal fluids, or after severe and exhausting illness.-Stiffness in all the joints, particularly when rising from bed (morning or after the siesta), or with languor, paleness, and inability to collect one's senses, when raising the head in the least while in a recumbent posture.-Internal tremor in the limbs with a feeling of coolness.-Spasmodic jactitation of the muscles in various parts of the body. *Darting, lacerating, increased by contact, particularly in the hands and feet. Tensive drawing in the bones, less in a recumbent posture, but becoming so much more violent afterwards. *Tensive pains. Wandering rheumatic pains, oparticularly at the commencemenc of a walk, or alternating with pains in internal organs. *Pain, with lameness or weakness of the affected parts. *Uneasiness in the affected parts, obliging one to move them continually.-Pithy and numb sensation of single parts.-* The limbs go to sleep when lying on them.-*The bones in the joints are painful as if bruised when lying still, less during motion. Cracking of the joints.-~0Ailments occasioned by a current of air, even the slightest. *Twitchings of the limbs.-Fainting fits. Apoplexy and loss of consciousness. Asphyxia..-*Emaciation, oparticularly of the upper and lower limbs. *Atrophy, emaciation, oparticularly of children. CHARACTERISTIC PECULIARITIES.-The pains are aggravated or excited by contact, also at night or after a meal. *The characteristic pains of China are: darting-lacerating, or lacerating with pressure. SKIN.-*Painful and excessive sensitiveness of the skin of the body all over, even in the palms of the hands. Stinging, pulling, or also burning and titillation in various parts of the skin.-Itching of the skin.-OSkin flaccid and dry.-* Yellow color of the skin, jaundice. OChlorosis.?-*Swelling of the limbs. *General anasarca, Oparticularly after excessive depletions. oArthritic and rheumatic, hard, red swellings. Erysipelatous swelling of the whole body.-oOstitis.? ~Caries of the bones.?-Stinging itching in Wounds.-Boring, with painful sensitiveness in the ulcers. Beat ing pain in the ulcer, only when moving the part.. Burning and pressure in the ulcer Ichor which has a putrid smell.-Humid gangrene SLEEP.-Great drowsiness in the daytime, constant, irresistible, particularly when sitting, with sudden falling asleep. Drowsiness, writh palpitation of the heart.-*Falling asleep late, and sleeplessness 522 CHINA, OR CINCHONA. from abundance of ideas. Sleeplessness after midnight, with drowsiness.-Restless night-sleep, with tossing about and frequent waking, sometimes waking with a start, and inability to collect one's senses. *Unrefreshing sleep, too short, waking too early.-Pinching pressure in the umbilical region, in the evening in bed, frightful fancies, and starting whenever he is on the point of dropping to sleep.-Symptoms at night, in bed: *aching pain in the head, with sleeplessness (-until midnight); -restlessness, which does not permit of any sleep; *anxiety on waking, from frightful dreams; *inability to collect one's senses on waking, or vertigo on waking, which is increased by raising the head; *canine hunger, *sweat all over, on waking from a restless sleep, or sweat of the hair only and on the forehead, with slight chills over the back; sweat wzhenever he covers himself in the least, or towards morning.-During sleep. distortion of the eye-balls; omoaning and whining, in children.-AA number of dreams at night; *confused, absurd dreams, with frequent waking in a state of half consciousness. *Frightful, heavy, anxious dreams, horrid, with inability to collect one's senses on waking, and continuance of the anguish, fear, and uneasiness. Early in the morning, on waking. Great languor; muddled condition of the head; feeling as if he had not slept enough, and pressure in the temples, when shaking the head, after a deep and soporous night's sleep; sensation throughout the body, as if bruised and broken; dullness of the head; heat in the head and oppression of the chest. FEvER.-Coldness of the wwole body. Internal coldness, particularly in the arms and hands, or with shuddering and shaking over the whole body. Coldness of the hands and feet, even in a warm room. Coldness of the lower limbs, with warmth of the chest and face. Coldness of the limbs, with congestion of blood to the head and heat of the forehead, or attended with shuddering and nausea.Shuddering over the whole body, with goose-flesh, or with cold hands and oppression of the mind. Shuddering early in the morning, with cold hands, nausea, and quick pulse.-Chilliness over the whole body, sometimes as if cold air were blowing on the skin, particularly when walking, with shuddering over the arms, loins, and thighs when sitting. Chilliness, particularly in the back.--Chilliness in the open air, with trembling and shuddering over the thighs, or with sensation as if cold water were running over the thighs, with coldness of the hands and chattering of the teeth.-*Increased chilliness after drinking.-Shaking chilliness over the whole body, with icy coldness of the hands, or with internal coldness, or in the evening in bed, or early in the morning with debility of the legs, or with shuddering CHINA, OR CINCHONA. 523 which is sometimes accompanied with coldness of the hands and op. pression of the mind.-*Intermittent fevers, particularly quotidian or tertian, or double-quotidian. *Fevers commencing with shaking and chilliness, generally in the evening or afternoon, less frequently early in the morning, *followed by heat and then sweat at night. Chilliness, then coldness of the hands; after that, shuddering. Two paroxysms of chilliness, after which heat. Chilliness alternating with heat, in the afternoon, with languor of the lower limbs and aggravation in the open air. Mingled paroxysms of chilliness and sweat, with continual feeling of heat and redness in the face. Intermittent fevers, with languor, particularly of the feet, Ocongestion of blood to the head with pressure in the head, *swelling and painfulness of the spleen and liver, *loss of appetite, *bitter taste, bitter eructations, and bitter vomiting, *yellow color of the skin and face, *short, spasmodie cough, *stitches in the chest, *great debility and pain in the limbs, # colic, *pains in the back, *thlirst before or after the chilliness, or during the sweating stage, rarely during the heat, and scarcely ever during the chilly stage.-Previous to the paroxysms (shuddering, coldness, chilliness): *various secondary phenomena, such as: palpitation of the heart, frequent sneezing, anguish, nausea, great thirst, canine hunger, headache, oppressive colic, &c., &c. During the chilly stage (shuddering or coldness): *headache, *nausea, *absence of thirst, overtigo, *congestion of the head, ~paleness of te face, *coldness of the hands and feet, ogagging and vomiting of mucus.-After the chilly stage: thirst.-During the hot stage: dryness of the mouth and lips, with burning - *redness of the face, *headache, *canine hunger, *delirium, pulse quick and full, violent desirefor cold drinks, -accompanied with stinging in various parts of the skin, *absence of thirst, *inclination to uncover one's self, or else chilliness and shuddering when uncovering one's self in the least; -distended veins, with readily-dilating pupils, dry lips without thirst after midnight.-After the heat:.thirst, -also particularly in the evening, with dryness of the palate, -thirst and hunger, with coldness and grumbling in the abdomen after a meal.--Increased temperature of the body, heat to others and to one's self over the whole body. Strong feeling of heat all over, with red cheeks, heat of the trunk and arms, and moist forehead, or with coldness of the limbs; dry heat the whole day; flushes of heat, with desire for cold drinks; burning heat with throbbing of the arteries, burning of the ears and forehead, and a feeling of internal heat in the cheeks, hands, and feet.-Heat in the head, with distention of the veins.-Heat in the forehead, with rush of blood to the head and coldness of the limbs. 524 CHINA, OR CINCHONA. *Acutefevers, with profuse sweat. OBilious fevers. oGastric fevers.? OMucous fevers.? ~Oheumatic and catarrhal fevers.? OTyphoid fevers.? Putrid fevers.? *Hectic fevers, particularly after great loss of animal fluids.-Pulse quick and hard, also with flushes of heat mingled with paroxysms of chilliness and cold sweat on the back. -Quick and irregular pulse. 'Slow, feeble pulse.-*Copious sweat. *Sweat when walking in the open air, also profuse sweat. Readily excited sweat during sleep and motion. Sweat early in the morning, also during sleep, greasy sweat. Cold sweat all over the body, or only in the face, with thirst. *Sw.eat after the febrile heat, particularly at night, -only on the back and forehead with thirst, or general and exhausting sweat. OExhausting night-sweats. MORAL SYMPTOMS.-*Low-spiritedness, oalso with hypochondria; sadness; hopelessness, discouragement; *fears and apprehensions, great, inconsolable anguish; intolerable in the evening and night. Lamentations and moanings. ~Dread of dogs and other animals, particularly at night.-Serious mood. *Incdifference and apathy. Indisposition to talk. Obstinate silence. Ill-humor, with indisposi. tion fo'think or work. Peevish and ill humored. Quarrclsome.Fitful mood.-Nervous irritation, attended with depression of spirits and intolerance of noise, or of anything which affects the senses. Excessive cheerfulness and animation, with staring looks. SENSORIUM.-Confusiou of ideas. Slow train of ideas.-Temporary arrest of thought. *Indisposition to perform any kind of physical or mental labor.-*Dullness of the head, *as from coryza, or -intoxication, with pressure in the temples.-Dullness, with giddiness, *as from sitting up at night and sleeplessness. Stupefying dullness of the head, with pressure in the forehead. Dullness, with cloudiness, --Vertigo ~on raising the head. Vertigo with nausea and subsequent heat. HEAD.-Headache, with languor and coldness. Pain in the temples, as in dry coryza.--~Headache from suppressed coryza. OPain in the forehead'when opening the eyes. Stupefying headache, in the morning on waking. OHeadache, with vomiting and nausea. *Heaviness of the head, with reeling sensation. *Aching in the head, particularly at night, with sleeplessness. Aching in the temples, in the evening.--*Pressure in the head, from within outzwards, as if the head were too full, directly above the eyes. Pressure as from rush of blood to the brain. *Pressure, as if the head would burst.-Compressive headache, particularly in the temples.-Spasmodic headache in the vertex, with pain as if bruised in the side of the head; worse during motion.-*Soreness of the brain, or as if bruised, when walk CHINA, OR CINCHONA 525 ing in the wind, -or aggravated by contact of the head, *when mak. ing an effort of the mind, meditating, or talking (owith boring at. tended with pressure).-Drawing from the occiput to the forehead, with contractive pain in the forehead and throbbing in the temples, increased by sitting and standing; relieved by walking, and ceasing when the parts are pressed upon.-Lacerating in the head, in various parts.-Darting pain towards the forehead, aggravated in the even ing.-Stitches in the temples, with str6ng throbbing of the temporal arteries. Cutting, extending from the occiput and temples to the orbit, aggravated by movement and stooping. Hammering in the head towards the temples.-*Congestion of the head, with heat and fullness in the head. *Sensation as if the brain were balancing to and fro, and were striking against the skull, occasioning great pain, oand obliging one to move the head.-*Hemicrania.-*Aggravation of the headache, by contact, movement, a current of air, winds, and by stepping. ScALP.-^*Great sensitiveness of the scalp to the touch, with painfulness of the roots of the hair.-*Contractive pain in the scalp, -particularly on the vertex, occiput, or forehead, osometimes as if the hair were pulled out, *or as if the scalp were clutched and drawn together in one point in a circle. Stinging itching of the hairy scalp. *Pro. fuse sweat in the hair, particularly when walking in the open air. EYES.-Feeling of weakness in the eyes, with sensation as if sunken. Violent pain in the lids. Pain above the orbits, early in the morning, increased by a walk, and discontinuing after a meal.-Pressure in the eyes, asfrom drowsiness. OPressure in the margin of the orbit, from without inwards. OPressure as from sand in the eye, when moving the eye-ball. Itching of the lids. *Redness of the eyes, with heat and burning with pressure. OInflammation of the eyes, particularly in scrofulous persons, or with evening exacerbation.Lachrymation, with painful tingling in the inner surface.-Twitching and tremor of the eyes.-oYellowness of the whites. oDim appearance of the cornea, and smoky feeling in the bottom of the eyes. -~Faint, protruded eyes.-The pupils incline to contract, or else *they are very much dilated and insensible. Dilated and staring pupils, with dim-sightedness.- Darkness before the eyes. 0Flickering sensation and black motes.-*Dimness and weakness of sight. oWhen reading, the letters look pale, with a white border and confluent.-*Incipient amaurosis, particularly' in drunkards, or after loss of animal fluids.-Photophobia. EARs.-Pressure in the ear, like otalgia. OStitches in the ears. Heat of the outer a.r. Redness of the lobules and cheeks. Eruption 526 CHINA, OR CINCEIONA. in the concha. Vesicles behind the ears.-*Ringing, -sometimes preceded by beating in the ear, or attended with titillating tingling in the right ear, or also with headache in the temples. *Humming in the ears. Hardness of hearing. NoSE.-*Frequent bleeding of the nose, -early in the morning after rising. oTcemorrhage from nose and mouth.-Sneezing, violent, dry.-Watery discharge from the nostril, with stoppage.Coryza, with sneezing, sensitiveness of the nose, and pimples on the margin of the nostrils which are painful when touched. Dry coryza, with toothache and lachrymation. Violent fluent coryza, with dripping of mucus from the nose. OSuppression of coryza. FAcE.-*Face pale, sunken. #Hippocratic countenance, with pointed nose, hollow eyes surrounded with blue margins, accompanied by listlessness and apathy. *Pale, sickly appearance, as after excesses. oClay-colored, black or gray-yellozo complexion. *Red, bloated face.--Hotface, -particularly on coming out of the open air and entering a warm room. Alternation of heat and redness of the cheeks.-*Prosopalgia, Onervous, or rheumatic.--*The lips are dry, parched, wrinkled, and chapped. *Blackish lips. Swelling of the lips. Itching burning little ulcers on the lips.-Swelling of the submazillary glands, with pain during deglutition. Pain, and choking crampy pressure in the glands, when touching or moving the neck. JAWS AND TEETH.-Toothache, with lachrymation and dry coryza. -Pressure in the molares, when biting.-Drawing toothache, particularly in the open air; in the incisores.-Stitches in the frontteeth.-*Throbbing toothache.-OThe toothache comes on after dinner and at night. *The toothache is relieved by pressing upon the teeth strongly and biting them together. OThe toothache is extremely aggravated by contact.-Looseness of the teeth, with pain during mastication.--Black coating on the teeth.-Swelling of the gums. MoUTH.-Ptyalism, sometimes with nausea. *Ptyalism, oalso from abuse of Mercury. Contractive pain in the salivary glands. oHvemorrhage from mouth and nose.-*Tongue coated, white or yellow; thick or dirty. *Yellowish tongue. OBlackish, Oparched tongue.-Painful swelling on one side of the tongue.--Aphonia.Swelling of the velum pendulum palati. PHARYNX AND (EsoPHAGUS.-Feeling of roughness of the throat. 0ODryness. Sensation of swelling. Swelling of the uvula.-Stinging in the throat.-Astringen.t. APPETITE AND TASTE.-*Flat, wzatery taste, -particularly after CHIINA, OR CINCHONA. 527 drinking. *Bitter t~aste, constantly, or particularly early in the morning. Sour taste.-*The food tastes too salt, leaving sometimes a bitter taste after swallowing, Oor the food is entirely tasteless.-. oEverything he eats tastes flat. *Bitter taste of food, particularly of wheat bread. 0-Every kind of beverage has a bitter taste.-*InI. difference to food. *Loss of appetite, with nausea, and ineffcctual desire to vomit. *Excessive aversion to every kind of nourishment, -even when merely thinking of food, attended with dread of labor, drowsiness during the day, and yellowness of the eyes.-~* Yearning for dainties. *Desire for various things, without knowing which. Great desire for wine *or sour things, -particularly sour fruit, cherries, &c.-Excessive hunger. *Canin~e hunger, particularly at night, -or with flat taste in the mouth, nausea, and ineffectual desire to vomit. 0Voracity.- Violent thirst, particularly a desire for cold water, -greater in the morning than afternoon. 0Desire to drink frequently, but only little at'a time. *Durin g' the fever, the thirst sets in after the chilly or after the hot stagre, during the sweating stage. *Shuddering or chilliness, with goose-flesh, after every swallow he takes.-*Great weakness of digestion, with pains even after the slightest meal.-After a meal: *fullness, as if the stomach and cesophagus were filled up to the throat; *distention' of the, ab. doineh; -nausea and anguish in the stomach; after a walk: *oppres. sion of the stomach, also with subsequent accumulation of flatulence, -and afterwards vom-itino; *general malaiise, *weariness and inertia; *great languor and drowsiness, -particularly in the evening; pressing headache, with ill-humor; hypochondriacal humor. GIASTRIC SYMPTOMS.-Eractations, particularly after a meal. *Emnpty eructations. Eructations with inclination to vomit, or loath. ing, and attended with colic. *Eructations taisting of the ingesta. 0Sour eructations. *Bitter eructations, particularly after a meal.'lleartburn, after every meal, with accumulation of water in the mnouth, empty retching, and pressure at the sto'mach.-Loathing, with flushes of heat. Seething of the circulation, and relief after a mneal. *Inclination to vomit, also with vomiting.-~~*VIonziting, -continual.-~~OSour vomiZting of mucus, water,. and food. STOMACH.-Feeling of emiptiness and flatness in the stomach. Cold fee-ling in the stomach. *Fullness in the stomach, particularly after a mneal. Heaviness in the stomach.-*Oppression of the stomach', asl if too full. *Pressure after every mneal. Pre'ssure at the stomach, 8uc-ceeded by bur~ning which rises up to the chest; in the region of the heart, with arrest of breathing.-0DSpasmnodic pains in the stomzach. Contractive crampy sensation in the pit of thc stomach, with difficulty 528 CHINA, OR CINCHONA. of breathing. OChronic spasms of the stomach.-Griping in the sto. mach.-Soreness in the pit of the stomach, with pressure, or succeeded by profuse diarrhoea, without relief. HYPOCHONDRIA.-Pains under the short ribs. Contractive pain, and pain as if bruised under the last rib, only when walking.-*Pain in the region of the liver, when touching it, as from subcutaneous ulceration. *Pressure in the region of the liver, particularly when standing, and going off when bending the body forwards. *Stitches, also during an inspiration only, oor particularly during contact. Inflammation of the liver.? *Swelling of the liver, ~also with hard.. ness. Infarctions of the liver.-*Stitches in the region of the spleen, -particularly when walking slowly. Cutting pressure. OSwelling of the spleen, also with hardness.-Infractions of the spleen. ABDOMEN.-Colic, with nausea. *Colic, with thirst. Colic in the umbilical region, with shuddering. Violent, excruciating colic. Scorbutic colic.--Aching pains in the abdomen. *Aching pains after every meal, also with fullness. Aching pain, particularly below the umbilicus. Aching pains, with slight chills. Pressure, with heaviness in the whole abdomen.-Pinching pressure in the epigastrium after every meal, with intolerable aggravation of the pains by movement, and amelioration by rest. *Pinching in the abdomen, obliging him to bend double, which affords relief. Pinching, with increase of hunger and languor. Pinching, with inclination to vomit and urging to stool, attended with general shaking chills.-Violent colic.-Spasmodic pressure and constriction in the abdomen.-Cutting in the abdomen, in the umbilical region, with cold sweat on the forehead. Dartings around the umbilicus. Pinching stitches, particularly in the epigastrium.-Colic as if diarrhaa would come on, or as from a cathartic, in the evening. Heat in the umbilical region. *Inflammation of the parts in the abdomen. Ulcers in the abdomen. Doughy, dropsical swelling of the abdomen, oalso with asthma and fatiguing cough.-Ascites.-*Distention of the abdomen, as from drinking a good deal of water after having eaten flatulent food. Distention of the abdomen, with colic and diarrhoea, with hardness and pains, with oppressive anxiety. Distention, early in the morning, without flatulence.-~Meteorism.-~Incarceration of flatulence, with impeded emission of flatulence upward and downward. *Accumnula. tion offlatulence, with subsequent emission of flatulence. *Flatulent colic, after supper, with distention of the abdomen and pressure, with pinching in all the intestines.-*Emission of a quantity of flatulence, sometimes very fetid. STOOL AND ANus.- Constipation and accumulation of the fmces CHINA, OR CINCHONA. 523 in the intestines, also with dizziness and heat in the head. *Cos. tiveness, disposition to hard, intermitting, difficult stools. OScanty, slow stool.-*Difficult passage of the faeces, as from inactivity of the bowels.-*Soft evacuations, also with biting burning at the anus. *Loose, diarrhxic, yellow, watery stools. Knotty stools. *Mucous stools. 0lnvoluntary, loose, and yellowish stools. *Undigested stools, Oparticularly at night, or immediately after dinner, with expulsion of the ingesta. *Blackish, *bilious, *white, oalso frequent and papescent stools.-Loose stools, with dark urine.-~Putrid stools. Bloody stools, with stitches in the anus.--xVarious kinds of diarrhcea, oparticularly after a meal, or at night. Painless diarrhcea, with great weakness. ODiarrhoea occasioned by eating fruit. ODiarrhoea after measles, or during small-pox. OLienteria.-Before stool: colic. During stool: acrid feeling in the anus. After stool: tingling in the rectum as from worms. *Tizngling and discharge of ascarides, as also of olumbrici; odischarge of mucus from the rectum. -In the anus: burning and burning itching; tingling, also with creeping and itching extending into the urethra, attended with burning in the glands.-Bleeding piles. URINARY ORGANS.-Frequent, and almost ineffectual turging to urinate, with subsequent pressing in the bladder. Frequent micturition.. Scanty urine, greenish-yellow, or with brick-dust sediment. --*Dark-colored urine, with brick-dust sediment. White turbid urine, with white sediment.-0oWetting the bed.?-O~tematuria.?Stitches in the urethra. MALE GENITAL ORGANS.-Drawing pain in the testicles. OSwelling of the testicles and spermatic cord.-*Excitation of the sexual desire. OLascivious fancies, day and night. *Frequent erections. *Nocturnal emissions, Oalso after onanism, or very debilitating. ~Impotence, with excited lascivious fancy. FEMALE GENITAL ORGANS.-OCongestion of the uterus, with feeling of fullness and painful pressing to the genital organs.--Suppression of the menses. *Profuse menses, metrorrhagia.-During the menses. Oconvulsions, with spasms in the chest and abdomen; Ocongestion of the head, with pulsations of the carotids, bloated face, protruded eyes, lachrymation, convulsive movements or the lids, and loss of consciousness.--*Metrorrhagia, -from abuse of Cham.; *with discharge of clots of black blood; Owith uterine spasms, colic, and desire to urinate; in weakly persons who have lost a good deal of blood; Owith fainting fits and convulsions.-OLeucorrhoea, before the menses, with painful pressing towards the groin and anus. OBloody leucorrhoea, or bloody serous, with occasional discharge of clots of 23 530 CHINA, OR CINCHONA. black blood, or fetid, purulent matter, with troublesome itching and spasmodic contraction in the inner parts, with painless indurations in the neck of the uterus. Inflammation of the ovaries.??-OThreatening miscarriage.? 0Morbid lochial discharge.? ONymphomania of lying-in women.? LARYNX AND TRACHEA.--Stinging and feeling of roughness in the trachea Whistling, whizzing, rattling in the trachea and larynx.OTracheitis.? OCatarrh of the trachea and bronchi. OGrippe.?Nocturnal, suffocative cough, like whooping-cough, with intense pain. Violent cough after every meal. *Cough, excited by laughing, by titillation in the throat, in the evening; troublesome cough, with stitches in the side, during the chilly stage, or after midnight on waking. OViolent, spasmodic, concussive cough, with gagging. OCough which is excited by drinking, or talking, by movement, or deep inspiration.-*Cough with expectoration of blood-streaked mucus. OCough with difficult expectoration of clear, tenacious mucus, with painful concussion in the scapulaa, and with vomiting of bile.--Expectoration of white mucus, with blackish granules. OH!?emoptysis. 0HIemorrhage from the lungs. OCough with purulent expectoration. 0Acute suppuration of the lungs (particularly after hemorrhage).?"*Oppression of the chest and soreness in the larynx when coughing. Pain in the trachea and sternum when coughing. CHEST.-*The breathing is tight, oppressed, and painful. ~Short and hurried breathing. oThe breathing is arrested, except with the trunk raised. Arrest of breathing. *Su/focativefits, as from mucus in the larynx, in the evening in bed, and at night on waking. OSvffocative catarrh and paralysis of the lungs in old people.?-*Asthma, oppression of the chest.-Oppression of the chest, in the evening, with uneasiness in the chest, anxiety, inclination to take a deep breath, with sobbing expirations, and a feeble, scarcely perceptible pulse. Violent oppression in the pit of the stomach.-Oppression of the chest, particularly at night, in a recumbent posture. Drawing pressure across the lower part of the chest, in sitting, with anguish. Burning pressure from without inwards, in the whole chest.--Stitch in the chest, above the region of the heart, particularly during rest and when reading. *Stitches in one side of the chest, either right or left, relieved in a recumbent posture, at night, and felt in the daytime only during movement and contact. Stitches in the side, with great heat, strong and hard pulse, and staring eyes.-Palpitation of the heart, also with rush of blood to the face, and heat and redness of the face, with cold hands. Strong violent beats of the heart, also with anxiety, or with feeble pulse and cold skin.-Tensive pain in CHINA, OR CINCHONA. 531 the muscles of the chest. Bone-pain in the articulation of the ribs, as if bruised during an inspiration. BACK, &c.-Insupportable pain in the small of the back, like a cramp, or as if bruised and beaten to atoms, aggravated by the least movement. ONightly pains in the small of the back, when lying on the back.-Pain as if bruised in the back, when making the least motion. Throbbing and sticking pain in the back. *Sweat breaking out on the least motion.-0Pressure as from a stone between the seapulhe.-The neck is drawn to one side. Tension and drawing in the neck and nape of the neck. ARMs.-Laming lacerating in every part of the arms, aggravated by contact (and movement).-Painful lameness in the upper arm, from the shoulder to the hand.-Pain, as if ecchymozed, in the elbowjoint.-Scraping along the bone, as with a knife. Lacerating in the hands. Icy-coldness of one hand while the other is warm. Tremor of the hands when writing. Swelling of the dorsum of the left hand, with drawing pain during motion.-Jerking in the fingers.-Blue nails. LEGS.-Pain, a sort of stinging and burning, simultaneously in different places of the lower limbs. Weakness and weariness, as after a long journey on foot, in the thighs and legs. Painful drawing along the outer parts qf the long bones of the lower limbs. Cramp-like (stitch-like) drawing in the thigh and leg. Drawing, with pressure, in the hip and knee-joint, disappearing when walking or standing. Pain in the hip-joint, in the knee and foot, as if sprained or cut to pieces. Lacerating, with weakness, excited by contact. Cramp-like laming pain in the right thigh and knee-joint, when rising from a seat after having been sitting for some time, and when walking. The posterior muscles of the thigh feel bruised when sitting.-Hard swelling of the thighs, extending sometimes down to the feet, reddish and painful when touched. Giving way of the knees, especially when going up-stairs, or walking. *Hot swelling of the right knee (arthritic or rheumatic), with drawing, lacerating pains, and pain from contact, waking him at night.-Pain in the knee when.bending it, with nodosities under the skin.-Pain in the tibia, when setting down the foot, as if bruised, worse when touching thb parts. Drawing, with pressure in the tibia, in the evening, when sitting, disappearing when standing and walking. Stitches in the tibia, when walking, and going off during rest. Lacerating in the calf. Hard, dark-red swelling on the calf, terminating in suppuration. Burning tension above the tendo-achillis. Lameness of the feet.-Violent, stinging burning of the dorsum of the foot, close to the tibia (when sit. 632 CHININUM SULPHURICUM. ting). *Swelling of the foot (arthritic, hot, with pain from contact). Pain in the lower half of both legs, as if the periosteum had been bruised and were swollen, only when standing; the parts feel sore and bruised when touched. Stinging tingling, extending from the big toe to the dorsum of the foot, as if the part had been frozen, in the evening when sitting, disappearing when walking or standing. Sticking drawing in the heel. Violent lancination in the soles, when sitting or walking.-Darting lacerating, increased by contact, not by motion, in the metatarsal bones, and the phalanges of the toes, especially the joints.-Soft swelling of the soles. 73.-OHININUM SULPHURICUM. CHIN. SULPH.-Sulphate of Quinine.-See Hartmann and Noack, &c.-Duration of Action: days and many weeks. COMPARE WITH-Amm.-mur.. Ang., Ant.-tart., Aran., Arn., Ars., Bell., Bism., Cast., Cham., Coff., Dig., Ign., Ip., Mere., Mosch., Nux., Nux-v., Op., Phosph., Puls., Sulph., Vin.-Compare especially Chin. ANTIDOTES.-Of large doses: Fer., decoction of Salep., liquids, containing Tannin, new Red Wine, decoction of Cortex-alcornoco. Of small doses: Nux-v., Op., Coff.-Compare Chin. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-The Sulphate of Quinine acts principally upon the reproductive system, after which it affects the nutritive, and then the sensitive sphere. The intestinal canal, the brain, the urinary and genital organs, the extremities, and lastly the skin are principally affected by it. Characteristic sensations are: pressure, lancinations, or cuttings, throbbing, tension, burning, pressing asunder; lacerating, lacerating drawing, and darting lacerating, &c., &c. Cracking in the joints, particularly in the articulations of the jaw and shoulders.-Lacerating, particularly in the legs, darting lacerating in the limbs, drawing lacerating in the hands, feet, and forehead. OAcute rheumatism.? OArthritic pains and complaints. ONeuralgia, particularly periodical and intermittent.? OLiability to take cold.? Scrofulous complaints.? OHlemorrhage.? Distinct aggravation of the symptoms every other day, or every day at the same hour.-Every third day.- drawing pain from the temples to the forehead, with loss of appetite and papescent stools, or pain in the forehead towards evening, or in the afternoon with flushes of heat, thirst, and sweat. Intermittent and periodical diseases, particularly neuralgia and rheumatism.?_Nervous symptoms, such as: constant nervous irritation, with anxiety, languor, and even hysteric symptoms.-Spasms in th, limbs, liability to convulsions of the right half of the body, with bilious vomiting, diarrhoea, congestion of the head, and furious painh CHININUM SULPHTJRICUM. 533 in the head. OPeriodical spasms of the head, face, and arms.? OEclampsia.? OEpilepsy.? *Paralysis, first on one side, then all over.-Languor, with constant desire to yawn.-Languor, with lassitude in the legs. Languor, with dullness and want of disposition to work, sometimes going off during a walk in the open air. Languor, with trembling of the limbs, particularly of the knees, when making the least effort. Weakness of the hands and arms.-Great weakness and prostration.-oWeakness and emaciation of old people.-Emaciation, the skin hanging loose around the bones. General emaciation, with hectic fever, loss of appetite, constipation, distention of the abdomen, pressure in the umbilical region, attacks of nausea, gagging, and mania.-Emaciation and dropsy.-Trembling of the limbs, par. ticularly of the lower limbs, and more especially the feet, with pain in the malleoli and general coldness. Tremulous weakness. SKIN.-Inflammation of the skin. OErysipelas.? Gangrenous erysipelas.? ODropsical affections.?--~Jaundice.?-Suppurations, fetid. 0An ichorous ulcer is changed to one which secretes mucus. -Gangrenous mortifications. Deadness and livid redness of the skin, with formation of a jelly-like pseudo-membrane, or of a thin, superficial scurf. Formation of a thick, livid, humid crust, which becomes black and dry, with red, humid, then yellowish and dilating margins.--Straining a part by a wrong position.-- Cancerous ulcers.? SLEEP.-Drowsiness in the daytime.-Deep and unrefreshing sleep. Restless sleep, with exhausting night-sweats, or with tossing about and strange dreams.-At night, in bed: great heat on waking, with violent thirst, headache, and tingling in the ears; sleeplessness, with profuse sweat, or with dry heat of the whole body, intolerable prickling in the skin, and sweat in the face. FEVER.-Coldness of the limbs, also with trembling.-Feeling of coldness through the whole body, with internal tremor, pale face, pressure on the bladder, with emission of pale urine, in the evening. -Shaking chill, in the afternoon, with paleness of the face, and water-colored urine, which deposits crystals. Evening chill, with accelerated frequent pulse.-Febrile motions, with flushes of heat.Feverish paroxysms, with vertigo.-Pain in the forehead, nausea, colic, diarrhoea.-Shaking chill, followed by heat, after which sweat, for several hours. Violent paroxysm, with shaking chill, profuse sweat, nightly diarrhoea, occasional discharge of blood. Attacks of paleness, chilliness, and shuddering, with blue lips and nails, and a spasmodically contracted pulse, afterwards general heat and redness of the face and lips: large, full pulse and thirst; lastly, slight 534 CHININUM SULPHURICUM. sweat.-During the chilly stage: paleness of the face, headache in the forehead and temples, tingling in the ears, thirst, increased appetite, difficult painful stool, and great despondency.--Quotidian, tertian, and quartan, double and simple disguised intermittent fevers.? oQuotidian fevers, with short apyrexia.? OFevers of children and full-grown people.? OFall fevers, with splenetic stitches.? Intermittent fevers, with inflammatory affections, or with dropsy, affections of the liver, &c.? OMalignant, epidemic, and sporadic intermittent fevers.?-Alternation of chilliness and flushes of heat, particularly after dinner and toward evening.--External heat, woith dryness of the mouth and fauces, obstinate constipation, and frequent falling over in the street.-OExanthematic fevers.? Consumptive, hectic fevers.? ~Yellow fever.? OPlague.? *Typhus, versatilis and torpid? OPetechial typhus, with predominant affection of the brain and nervous system.? OLentescent typhus.? The pulse is slow, particularly after dinner, or in periodical diseases. Full or small, but soft and slow pulse. Accelerated pulse.-Exhausting sweat, with sudden exhaustion after every exertion. ONight-sweats of phthisical patients.? MORAL SYMPTOMs.-Frequent attacks of anxiety. Paroxysms of anguish and apprehension.-Great despondency.-Silent melancholy. -Ill-humor, with yawning, and indisposition to work.-Great inertia and disposition to rest, with languor. SENSORIUM.-Inability to collect one's senses, and to retain an idea.-Emptiness of the head, also with stupid feeling, flushes oj heat and thirst, or with tingling in the ears.-Dullness of the head, with humming, or with intoxication, and passing into heaviness. Stupefaction, with headache in the left frontal eminence. Confused and wild feeling in the head, almost preventing walking, with loss of control of the will over the limbs.-Delirium.--Delirium tremens.? Coma.--Vertigo when stooping. Delirium as from intoxication, with humming in the ears, strong heat over the whole skin, and accelerated pulse. -Delirium, with headache and inability to collect one's senses.-Apoplexy.? HEAD.-Headache in general, particularly in the evening, or when walking in the sun for a long time.-Headache, with languor, debility, yawning, drowsiness in the daytime, ill humor. Dull headache, with debility, or with numbness, anguish, and general sweat, trembling in the limbs, and slow pulse. Violent headache, worse when stooping, with tingling in the ears. Violent headache, particularly on the left side, with throbbing of the temporal arteries, great irritation of the whole body, paleness of face, violent thirst, nausea, weak CHININUM SULPHURICUM. 535 ness in the feet, with deafness when walking, and occasional sweat over the whole body. Headache, with vertigo, and inability to collect one's senses. Evening-headache, first in the forehead, then in the occiput.-Pain in the temples and forehead, at noon, increasing gradually until the temporal arteries throb visibly, attended with heat in the head, tingling in the ears, a good deal of thirst, copious micturition, anxiety, and great debility.-Pressure in the forehead and orbits; worse when turning the head and moving the eyes, with heat in the forehead.-Pressing asunder, particularly in the temporal region, worse during movement, and in the open air, also at night when the pain prevents sleep.-Stinging and digging in the forehead.- Throbbing in the head; throbbing and heat in the head. Rush of blood to the head, sometimes violent, with violent headache, which increases towards evening; throbbing of the arteries, as if the head would burst, heat in the face, vertigo, tingling and roaring in the ears, hardness, of hearing, glare and sparks before the eyes, accelerated, frequent, strong pulse, restless sleep and full of dreams. OSemilateral headache.? Rheumatic, or nervous headache.? Periodical or intermittent headache.?-~Acute hydrocephalus.?? ScALP.-Sensitiveness of the outer head.-Burning of the vertex, increased by contact. EYES.-Sensitiveness of the eyes, with lachrymation.-Involuntary closing of the lids, from debility, with dullness of the head.-Dimsightedness, as if looking through gauze or mist, with dryness of the eyes. Intense light and sparks before the eyes. Black motes, the objects being recognized only when looking at them from one side. Obscuration of sight, blackness before the eyes, particularly when staring at anything. Transitory amaurosis.-OHemeralopia.?? EARS.-Tingling in the ears. Humming in the ears. Hardness of hearing, with violent headache. NosE.-Frequent sneezing, with catarrhal feeling in the nose.Frequent bleeding from the nose. FACE.-Pale, miserable complexion. Suffering expression of countenance, with sunken eyes. Sallow color of the face, with dinginess of the whites of the eyes, and eyes without lustre. Jaundiced complexion.-Redness of the face, with heat around the eyes, and lachrymation when looking into the light. Heat of the face, particularly in the evening, or as after taking Coffee_.-Blueness of the lips and nails. Eruption on the upper lip.-OIntermittent prosopalgia.?? MOUTH.-Dryness of the fauces and mouth, with constant consti. pation, great heat of the skin, diminution of the imaginative faculty, and falling down in the street.-Soreness of the gums and of the 536 CHININUM SULPHURICUM. inner cheek, with violent pain and gangrenous scurfs. oScorbutio affections and haemorrhage of the gums.?-Accumulation of the mucus in the mouth, with nocturnal quinsy. Increased secretion of saliva. Yellowish coating of the tongue, particularly about the root, or with dryness of the tongue. THROAT.-Pain in the throat during deglutition and when moving the neck, violent early in the morning. Burning in the throat.~Sore throat, inflammation of the throat,? particularly when accompanied with difficulty of swallowing, constriction, hydrophobia, &c.?? APPETITE AND TASTE.-Bitter taste, with clean tongue.-Pappy, flat taste. Loamy taste. Taste as if burnt.-Loss of appetite; with increased hunger. Debility, as if from hunger or fasting in the morning, with good or else deficient appetite.-HIunger, even after a copious meal, changing to qualmishness and nausea. Canine hunger, also at night.--~ Weakness of digestion, dyspeptic complaints. ~Ner. vous dyspepsia.? Dyspepsia, with emaciation and consumptive fever.? Dyspepsia, with gagging, vomiting, and colic. GASTRIC SYMPTOMs.-Bitter eructations.-Singultus and gagging. Nausea, with eructations (empty or bitter). Loathing of food, with nausea, vomiting, headache, sleeplessness, nightly canine hunger, diminished appetite, and dry, yellowish-coated tongue. Nausea, with inclination to vomit.- Vomiting, during the paroxysm of intermittent fever. Vomiting, with oppression of the stomach, loathing, heartburn, feeling of constriction in the stomach, and swelling of the abdomen for several days. Vomiting, with flat taste, in the afternoon. STOMACH.-Fullness in the stomach and distention of the abdomen. Pressure at the stomach, with ineffectual desire to vomit, rumbling in the abdomen, and liquid stools. Pressure at the stomach after eating even the lightest kind of food, disturbing the night's rest. Pressure in the pit of the stomach, with diminished appetite. Cardialgia, with inclination to vomit. HYPOCHONDRIA.-Tension in the hypochondria.-Pain in the region of the liver, particularly towards evening.-Feeling as of subcutaneous ulceration in the region of the liver. Swelling in the region of the liver. Aching pain in the region of the spleen.-Swelling and hardness of the region of the spleen and liver, with stitches, particularly when taking a deep breath, sneezing, stooping, &c. ABDOMEN.-Violent colic. Lacerating in the abdomen, with frequent, small, irritable pulse.-Cutting in the abdomen, without stool. Cutting in the epigastrium, with great weariness. Cutting in the bowels, with papescent, fetid diarrhoea, and emission of fetid flatulence, also early in the morning, on rising.-*Flatulent colic. oMe CHININUM SULPHURICUM. 537 teorism.-Chronic inflammation of the mucous membrane of the intestines.-Phthisis-intestinalis, with nausea, gagging, loss of appetite, distention of the abdomen, constant pressure in the umbilical region, constipation, emaciation, hectic fever, and delirium. STooL.-Constipation, obstinate, with great heat of the skin, dryness of the mouth and fauces, weakness of the imaginative faculty, and falling in the street. Occasional constipation, alternating with frequent, white, papescent stools.--Costiveness, hard, intermittent slow stool, sometimes in pieces.-Urging to stool, sometimes ineffectual, or with colic and subsequent stool.-Papescent, diarrhceic stool, with colic, also with emission of fetid flatulence, or (early in the morning after rising) with fetid stool.-Diarrhcea, with drawing and cutting in the lesser intestines.-OInvoluntary stools.??-Feeling of warmth in the region of the anus, extending to the rest of the abdominal viscera.-Increased indications of piles, itching of the anus and tenesmus. Discharge of arterial blood from the anus. Hemor rhage from the rectum. URINE.-Desire to urinate, with copious emission of water-colored urine.-Increased secretion and emission of urine, with saturated urine depositing crystals. Increased flow of flocculent urine. Increased flow of pale, clear urine, with pressure on the bladder. Diminished urine, which is sometimes saturated and deposits crystals. -Turbid urine of a red color, or with strong urinous smell. Urine which soon becomes turbid, with slimy flocks, and a clay-colored, greasy sediment. Urine which is easily decomposed, smells like horse urine, with sediment of yellow sand and crystals.-Foaming urine, with a sediment of fine, yellowish-white sand after cooling. Yellow-whife sediment, having an acrid smell. Loose, yellowish, resin-colored sediment. Clay-colored sediment, from a watery-colored urine. Reddish-yellow sediment, from a profuse quantity of urine. Copious, brick-dust sediment.-Gravel.-Crystals in the urine.-A number of crystals, with loose, yellowish sediment. Crystals, with increased urine and reddish-yellow sediment, or crystals in saturated, diminished urine.-ORetention of urine.?? OInvoluntary micturition.?? oStone.? ~Diabetes.? Contractive biting in the orifice of the urethra, after micturition, in the evening. MALE GENITAL ORGANS.-Suppression or diminution of the sexual instinct. FEMALE GENITAL ORGANS.-Painful pressing towards the groin. --Menses too early. Griping and griping-lacerating in the abdomen during the menses, from the umbilical region to the chest, with pressing towards the groin.-Discharge of blood from the vagina, 23* 538 CHININUM HYDROCYANICUM. with heat and turgescence of the vagina, after leucorrhceal flow in the place of the menses.-~Metrorrhagia.? ~Leucorrhoea.? Miscarriage.? ~Convulsions of pregnant and parturient females.? ~Puer peral fever.? LARYNX.-Irritation in the throat, inducing cough, also with diffi. cult expectoration, day and night. Dry, hacking cough. Loose cough. Cough, with jelly-like expectoration.-o Whooping cough.?? oQuinsy.?? Tracheal phthisis.? ~Cough, with profuse expectoration.? OCough, with purulent discharge, after measles.?? OTabesmucosa.?? oAdynamic pulmonary phthisis, with profuse purulent discharge, loss of strength, evening-fever, and night-sweats.?? CHEST.-Oppression of the chest.-oAsthmatic complaints, without cough.?-Nightly suffocative fit.-Palpitation of the heart. 0Anguish about the heart.?? Intermission and irregularity of the beats of the heart and the beats at the wrist-joint.?? ARMS AND LEGS.-Lacerating and drawing in the hands and lower limbs. Pain in the malleoli, and trembling of the limbs. (Edema. tous swelling of the feet. OCoxagra.?? PATHOLOGICAL ANATOMY. IN MEN.-Swelling of the liver, spleen, aud mesenteric glands.-Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the intestines.-From Maillot's reports of obduction cases we take the following post-mortem appearances of a female who had been treated with enormous doses of Quinine for fever and ague, and which seem to have been occasioned by the medicine: Congestion of blood in the brain and spinal marrow, red and white softening of the medullary substance, serous effusion; hypertrophy or softening of the left ventricle, increased accumulation of serum in the pericardium; red points in the abdominal cavity, softening of -the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines; the spleen is voluminous, softened, dissolved into a wine-colored pap; the liver is congested with blood. 74.-CHININUM HYDROCYANICUM. CHIN. HYDROC.-Hydrocyanate of Quinine.-Noack and Trinks. SYMPTOMS.-Reeling and tottering.-Great heat of the whole body.-Hard and full pulse.-Profuse sweat on the chest.-Anguish. -Redness of the conjunctiva.-Dilatation of the pupils.-Lachrymation.-Convulsions of the facial muscles on the left side.-Ptyalism -Stuttering.-Involuntary emission of urine and semen.-Tightness of breathing.-Pain in the region of the second cervical vertebra.-W Convulsions of the upper and lower extremities. CHININUM MURIATICUM.-CICUTA VIIOSA. 539 (These symptoms were occasioned by a dose of fifty grains in a man of twenty-seven years, who had been suffering for a long time with irregular paroxysms of fever and ague.) 75.-CHININUM MURIATICUM. CHIN. MUR.-Muriate or Hydrochlorate of Quinine. SYMPTOMS.--Great languor.-Light night-sleep.-Redness of the face in the evening.-Slight giddiness on rising.-Excessive desire for an embrace, with erection and loss of semen (accompanied with redness of the face).-Oppression of the chest, with pressure under the sternum.-Pain in all the limbs, early in the morning. (These symptoms were observed by Noack, upon a man of sixty-nine years affected with hemiplegia; he had taken a dose of six grains.) 76.-CICUTA VIROSA. CIC.-Water Hemlock.-See Hahnemann's "Materia Medica," II.-Duration of Action: from five to six weeks. COMPARE WITH-Arn., Con., Lach., Lye., Mere., Op., Puls., Thuj., Veratr.-- Cic. is sometimes indicated after Lach. ANTIDOTES-Of large doses: Tobacco; of small doses: Arn.-It antidotes Op. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-Trembling in the upper and lower limbs. Crampy stiffness of the whole body, with coldness of the same. When lying in bed, he feels as if the whole body were swollen, accompanied (while awake) with frequent startings, as if he would fall out of bed. *Catalepsy: the limbs were hanging down relaxed, as they do in a dead person. *.The most violent tonic spasms, so that neither the curved limbs could be straightened, nor the straight limbs curved. The limbs are tossed to and fro.-Epileptic convul. sions. Spasmodic contortions of the limbs, jerking him to the dis. tance of two feet. General convulsions. *Epilepsy. Horrible epilepsy, returning first at short, afterwards at longer intervals; the limbs, head, and upper part of the body are moved in a strange manner; accompanied by lock-jaw. Epileptic fit, with wonderful contortions of the limbs, the upper part of the body, and head, with a bluish face, and the breathing being interrupted for a few moments, with foam at the mouth; after the convulsions, when the breathing had become free, he had lost his senses, Ie lay like one dead, remain. ing insensible even when called, pinched, &c,, ~with cries, palenes 540 CICUTA VIROSA. or yellowness of the face, and lock-jaw.--Spasms, particularly of the female sex or of children.-*Spasms of pregnant or parturient females. -~Hysteric spasms.?-Eclampsia.? OTremulous movements. She lies like one dead, with lock-jaw. Immobility. They were all lying in a state of weakness and insensibility, like dead persons. CHARACTERISTIC PECULIARITIES.-Cicuta acts particularly upon the nervous system, producing mental derangements, paralysis, par. ticularly of the organs of sense, convulsions, vertigo, stupefaction, delirium, inflammation of the stomach and intestinal canal, &c. SKIN.-Itching of the whole body. Intense burning of the skin."*Suppurating eruptions (in the face), with yellow scurfs and burning pain.-*Lentil-sized, dark-red pimples in the face and on the hands, with burning pain when first coming out, flowing into one another afterwards.--Swelling of the neck, arising from wounding the oesophagus with a splinter or some similar sharp body. SLEEP.-Drowsiness, his eyes closed.--Confused dreams, full of uneasiness. Sleeplessness, the whole night. ~Half sleep, with tossing. FEVER.-Coldness over the lower limbs, afterwards in the arms. Excessive heat of the body. MORAL SYMPTOMS.-Suspicious. Excited, and apprehensive about the future. Moaning and howling. Great tendency to start.Mania: after an unusual sleep her body felt hot; she jumped out of bed, danced, laughed, did all sorts of foolish things, drank much wine, jumped about, clapped her hands, and looked very red in her face. Want of confidence, and dread of men. SENSORIUM.-Loss of sense. Absence of thought. Complete loss of consciousness.-Dullness of the head in the morning, on waking -Stupefaction, with heaviness.-Intoxication, staggering.-* Vertigo, reeling.-She imagines she is vacillating from side to side, *or that things around her are moving from side to side. He is constantly on the point of falling down.--Affection of the brain from concussion of tlhe brain. HEAD.--Semilateral headache, like pressure, rather externally, oor as from congestion of the head, going off when sitting erect.Heaviness in the head, also with stupefaction, or particularly in sitting.-Stupefying pressure in the forehead (externally), worse during rest. Violent aching in the occiput, attended with coryza.Compression from both sides of the head.-Hammering pain in the forehead, from noon till evening.-Feeling of looseness of the brain. -~OHeadache above the orbits, with weakness of sight. ScaLP.-Extensive (suppurating) eruptions on the hairy scalp.OJerking of the head, and motion of the head backwards. CICUTA VIROSA. 541 EYES.-Heat and burning around the eyes.--Nightly agglutina, tion. OOccasional burning in the eyes. Contraction of the pupils, followed by considerable dilatation.-0Photophobia.-O When walking the sight vanishes, with vertigo, and vacillation of the objects which are before one's eyes. Eyes protruding.-Staring look. She is unable to distinguish an object correctly; things look blurred. *At times she saw things double, and they looked black, at times she became hard of hearing. EARS.-Sore pain behind the ear, as after a shock or blow. Considerable eruption on the ears.-Roaring before both ears, worse in the room than in the open air. Loud tingling in the left ear.-Hcemorrhage from the ears. NOSE.-Stoppage of the nose, attended with profuse secretion of mucus.-Yellow discharge from the nose.-~Scurfs in the nostrils. FACE.-Deadly paleness of the face, also with coldness of the face, and cold hands. Red face. Swelling of the face and neck.-*Dark-. red, lentil-sized pustules in the face.(on the forehead and hands), which afterwards flow into one another, with burning pain in the pustules when they are coming out.-Burning-itching vesicles on the upper lip, near the vermilion border.-OThick, honey-colored scurf on the chin, upper lip, and the lower portion of the cheek, with burning, soreness, and oozing of the skin, accompanied with swelling of the submaxillary glands, scurfs in the nose, and insatiable appetite. oCrusta-lactea.?-Motion of the facial muscles.-Grinding of the teeth.-Lock-jaw with the teeth pressing firmly against one another. MOUTH AND THROAT.-Foam in and at the mouth. Feeling of dryness in the mouth.-Whitish sores and ulcers on the border of the tongue, with burning pain when touching them. Aching pain in the nerves of the lower row of teeth.-Dumbness. Inability to swallow. The throat appears to be closed, and feels bruised externally when touching it. APPETITE AND GASTRIC SYMPTOMS.-oSatiety, and pressure at the stomach, even after the first mouthful. Continual hunger and appe. tite, even shortly after a meal. Great thirst (during the spasms). *He had a great desire for coal, and swallowed it (during the spasms) Hiccough. Water-brash, he felt qualmish, and hot all over. Nau. sea. In the morning, nausea, with lancinating headache.-* Vomit. ing.-Vomiting,. alternating with tonic spasms in the pectoral muscles and distortion of the eyes. STOMAH.-Hmomatemesis.-Burning and scraping sensation, from the throat to the region of the stomach. Burning pressure at the 542 CIMEX LECTULARIUS. stomach. Throbbing in the pit of the stomach, which had become raised to the size of a fist. ABDOMEN.-Heat in the abdomen (and chest).-Accumulation of flatulence, with anguish and ill-humor.-Horrid colic. Colic from worms, with convulsions in children. Distention and painfulness of the abdomen. STOOL.-Constipation. Diarrhoea. Sensation in the right groin as if an ulcer would burst (when sitting.)-Itching in the rectum, with burning pain after friction. URINE.-Retention of urine. Difficult emission of urine, in the night. Involuntary emission of urine. Frequent desire to urinate. Copious micturition. GENITAL ORGANs.-Pollution, without any lascivious dreams. The menses are delayed. OSpasms ofparturient women.? OSterility.?? CHEST.-Tightness in the chest, she is scarcely able to breathe the whole day. Hoarseness. Cough, with profuse expectoration. Heat in the chest and abdomen or all over. BACK.-Opisthotonos. Painful sensation on the inner surface of the scapulce.-Red vesicle on the right scapula, painful to the touch. -Cramp in the cervical muscles, with inability to move the head.Tonic spasms of the cervical muscles. Swelling of the neck. ARMs.-The arms are cold and stiff. Her arm appears heavy when raising it.-Want of strength of the arms and fingers.-Frequent involuntary jerking and twitching in the arms and fingers, the lower limbs, and the head. Pustules, of the size of lentils, on both hands, causing a burning pain when first coming out, and afterwards running together into one dark-red pustule.-Deadness of the fingers. LEGS.-Frequent involuntary jerking of the lower limbs.-Painful feeling of stiffness and rigidity in the muscles of the lower limbs, which made walking impossible for three hours. When walking the thighs experience a lacerating pain and heaviness. Lacerating pain in the thighs, immediately after rising from a seat, with soreness in the knees as if bruised; when walking the pain in the thighs increases to a deep-seated stiffness. 77.-CIMEX LECTULARIUS. CIM. LECT.-Common Bed-bug. This proving is by W. Whale, M. D., of Rome, Italy, one of the earliest disciples of Hahnemann. The second and third trituration has been used in his provings. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-The whole right side is principally affected. *Every movement or extension of a limb caused a feeling CIMEX LECTULAP.IUS. 543 of painful rigidity in the tendons of the extensor muscles.-Pains in the recti-femorum muscles, with oppression of the chest, shortness of breathing, and frequent deep inspirations, with sensation as if he would like to hide within himself.-Intermitting pulse in a few hours, with slight chills. SLEEP.-Great weariness in the limbs, with drowsiness. FEVER.-Frequent yawning, with a feeling of coldness on the skin, and a sensation as if the wind were blowing on her knees. Restless sleep.-Occasional chilliness, succeeded by dry heat.-*At the setting in of the chilly stage her hands become clenched, she becomes vehement, would like to tear everything to pieces, and is scarcely able to restrain her rage. *Evening-chilliness without thirst, her feet become cold first, after this she experiences a cold shuddering, as if she had cold water poured over her, with painful prickings in the centre of the vertex, for two hours. *During the chilliness all his joints are painful, as if the tendons were too short, particularly the knee-joints, which are entirely contracted; he is unable to extend them. *During the chilly stage, oppression of the chest. *Chilliness with pains in the muscles of the thighs and knee-joints, the limbs are contracted. *At the termination of the chilly stage, uneasiness in the lower limbs, as if tired by walking.-A good deal of thirst before the chilly stage. *After the chilliness he feels thirsty, and when he drinks is attacked with violent headache. Tertian fever: stretching, yawning, and great drowsiness during the chilly stage, hands and feet feel dead. Febrile motion, with nausea and inclination to vomit. *Constipation for six days during the fever and ague. Oppression of the chest during the heat. *Dry, short heat, but a long-continuing sweat with hunger. *If he drinks during the fever, he is obliged to urinate soon after, the urine being very hot, brown, and depositing a sediment. Sweat in the nights, when free from fever with amelioration of the symptoms. HEAD.-Dullness of the head, as if headache would set in. Draw. ing darting pain. NOSE.-Fluent coryza, with pressure in the frontal sinuses. TEETHI.-Itching of the gums. MOUTH.-The tongue is lined with a dingy-white coating, and feels swollen, as if it had been burnt; a feeling as if burnt is experienced in the region of the palate and the upper and anterior gums. The saliva gathers in the middle of the tongue and occasions a taste as of iron. THRoAT.-Dryness of the throat, obliging her to drink, the whole day. 544 CINA. GASTRIC SYMPTOMS.-Sour eructations, sometimes attended with a frothy mucus proceeding from the stomach.-Throwing up of acid saliva or food with gagging. ABDOMEN.-Pain in the liver, as if it had been strained by bending the right side inwards; the spot is painful when coughing, or when touching it. Colic, then liquid stool, and ineffectual urging at night. Colic, terminating in emission of flatulence. STOOL.-Urging to stool, with inability. *Stool, with hcemorrhoida<, sufferings. GENITAL ORGANS.-#Frequent erections in the morning. Hot feeling on the inner side of the labia. CHEST.-Scraping sensation under the upper portion of the sternum, with a continual irritation inducing a short barking cough.-Dry cough, with painful tightness on the left side of the trachea and cesophagus. Dry, frequently-recurring cough, with racking pains in the middle of the lower portion of the breast, extending as far as the liver. Paroxysms of scraping cough, occasioning a gagging, with pains in the middle of the chest; the sternum is painful to the touch. BACK.-Pains in the small of the back, -extending over the abdomen, with distention of the abdomen. Drawing and pain about the scapula. ARMs.-Painful sensation in the right shoulder and the anterior muscles of the chest, extending through the whole arm down to the nails, and occasions a sensation as if the fingers had gone to sleep. LEGS.-Great weariness in the loins, for a while. 78.-CINA. CIN.-Semen Santonici. Mugwort of Judea.-Hahnemann's "Mater_-? Medica Pura," II. COMPARE WITH--Am., Arn., Ars., Bell., Bry., Cale., Caps., Chamin., Chin., Fer., Hep.-s., Ign., Ipec., Nitr.-ac., Oleand., Phosph., Sabad., Sil. ANTIDOTES.-Bry., Chin., Hyos., Ipec. CLINICAL REMARKS. DR. GRAY.-" It deserves attention in the bronchial catarrhs which remain after measles, especially such as have a kind of hectic fever with them." GENERAL SYMPTOMS. Painful stitches here and there, in the outer parts of the trunk, but especially in the outer parts of the abdomen, when sitting. Dull stitches, sometimes with a crampy sensation, sometimes pressing, sometimes conveying the sensation of a shock or jerk, sometimes itching, in dijfeient parts of the body, in the limbs, arms, feet, toes, in the side, or in the back, nasal bone, especially in the posteriorportion of the crest of the ilium, and always in the oulte CINA. 545 parts of those organs; whenpressing on the part it feels bruised or sore. When sitting, he experiences cramp-like, contractive stitches alternately in the muscles of the right and left thigh, now in the muscles of the left, then.in those of the right upper arm, and sometimes along the small of the back from below upwards, resembling pain in the back, disappearing when walking in the open air. Cramp-like lacerating when sitting, at times in the muscles of the left, at times in those of the right leg, or now in the muscles of the left, then in those of the right fore-arm, disappearing when walking in the open air. Lacerating, sometimes cutting pains in the limbs, the head and jaws, frequently only for a moment. Stretching-lacerating pains in the scapule, upper arms, head, and nape of the neck, increased by contact, after a meal; the symptoms are most violent in the first days. -Convulsions and contortions of the limbs. Paralytic twitchings of different parts of the body, especially the limbs. Epileptic convulsions, with consciousness (eclampsia). Paralytic pain in the arms and legs (for several days). The child is languid and sick. Moaning and groaning (in the afternoon). Painful sensitiveness in every limb of the body, when moving or touching it. CHARACTERIST'IC PECULIARITIES.-In the morning and evening the symptoms are most violent.-Most of the symptoms appear at night, or when sitting. Pressure and contact aggravate or excite several symptoms. SKIN.-Violent itching in the night. Red, itching pimples, in the evening, disappearing speedily. SLEEP.-Great drowsiness when sitting. Drowsy the whole day. "*Nightly restlessness, frequent change of position, in order to be more comfortable. The child tosses from side to side, even while awake. Sleepless. Tossing about when asleep, lamenting and complaining of colic. Wakes moaning, lamenting, sobbing, with restlessness. Sleep, with dreams full of trouble. FEVER.--Tremor of the body while yawning, with sensation of shuddering. Feverish shivering over the whole body. Pale, cold countenance; cold cheeks. *Fever: vomiting of the ingesta, afterwards chilliness over the whole body, followed by heat, with great thirst. Quotidian fever, at the same hour; chilliness, followed by heat, without thirst. *Quotidian fever, at the same hour, with very short breathing. Violent fever and heat. Feverish shuddering over the whole body, with hot cheeks, without thirst. Violent fever, with vomiting and diarrhoea. Heat in the evening and during the night. *Heat in fever, mostly about the head, -with yellow complexion and blue mar. gins around the eyes. Burning heat over the whole face, with red. 546 CliNA. ness of the cheeks and thirst after cold drink. Trembling motion of the heart. MORAL SYMPTOMS.-Anguish about the heart when walking in the air. *The child is extremely disposed to weep and complain. Indifferent. Uneasiness. SENSORIUM.-Delirium, oduring the fever heat.-Obscuration of sight, when rising from bed in the morning j dizziness, faintishness, staggering, relieved when lying down. HEAD.-Violent headache. Dull headache, early in the morning,. with soreness of the eyes.-Pain in the outer parts of the forehead, pressing from above downwards. Aching pain in the head, the whole day. When walking in the open air he feels a stupefying headache, especially in the fore part of the head, afterwards in the occsput. When sitting, stupefying, aching pain in the forehead and temples. Pressure on the frontal bone, with undulating sensation internally.Headache, as if the whole head were screwed in, with dullness of the head. The headache increases by reading and by reflection, and is diminished by stooping. Cramp-like drawing in the temples, increased by pressing upon the parts.-Paralytic lacerating in the frontal eminence, with stupefaction of the head.-Dull stitches in the brain, especially the left half of the vertex. As the headache disappears an oppressive pain in the abdomen sets in.--Acute hydrocephalus of children.? EYES.-Weariness and soreness of the eyes early in the morning, with dull headache.-*Dilatation of the pupils.-Contraction of the pupils. When reading a book, his eyes are dim. Dim and weak eyes. -Burning pain in the outer canthus, with itching, also in the margin of the upper eye-lid. (Burning in the eye-lids, especially in the inner canthus, in the evening, by candle-light.) Dryness of the eye-lids, in the evening, by candle-light, and a feeling of pressure in the eyes, as if sand had got in.-Feeling of dryness in the inner eye, and an aching, with drawing in the eyes, when exerting them ever so little by reading.-Titillating itching in the canthi.-- Specks on the cornea.--Chronic weakness of sight (from onanism), with photophobia and pressure in the eyes, as from sand. EARS.-Cramp-like jerking in the external ear, like otalgia. Dull stitches under the mastoid process, a sort of crampy pressure; when pressing on the parts the ain is as from a bruise or contusion. White and bluish color around the mouth. Bloated, bluish countenance. NosE.--Disposition to bore in the nose.- Violent sneezing.-Fluent coryza.-*Stoppage of the nose, -in the evening, after fluent coryza at noon.-Purulent discharge from the nose. CINA. 547 FAcE.--Paleness of the face, and sickly appearance around the eyes. Pain as if the malar bones were seized with pincers and compressed; the pain increases by external pressure.-Cramp-like jerking in the malar bone.-Ulcer on the cheek, with hardness around. MOUTH, JAWS, AND TEETH.-Aching pain in the submaxillary glands. Toothache, as if the teeth were sore.-The inspired air and cold drink affect the tooth painfully. (Grinding of the teeth.) THROAT, TASTE, AND APPETITE.-Inability to swallow..- 0Voraciousness.-- Canine hunger. OVomiting and diarrhoea after drinking. Thirst. GASTRIC SYMPTOMS.-Gulping-up of a bitter-sour fluid, shortly after a meal. o Vomiting of lumbrici and ascarides. Inclination to vomit, with emptiness of the head. Frequent hiccough. Constant pressure in the stomach, in the night.--~Vomiting, with clean tongue. OBilious vomiting. ABDOMEN.-Cramp-like pressure after a meal, across the epigastrium, in the precordial region. Digging-up pain in the epigastric (prrecordial) region, with sensation as of numberless little worms crawling about there, and as if the parts were bruised.-Continual pinching in the abdomen. Cutting pinching in the abdomen. Violent pain in the umbilicus, and the umbilical region, as if the umbilicus were forcibly pressed into the abdomen. Painful twisting around the umbilicus.-Cutting pain in the small intestines, in the morning. STOOL AND ANUs.-ODiarrhcea. OPapescent stools. OFaecal and bilious diarrhoea.-o White, invroluntary diarrhceic stools. OComplaints arising from ascarides and lumbrici.-(Voluptuous itching of the front part of the anus.) URINE.-Frequent desire to urinate, with copious emission, the whole day. *Turbid urine (immediately). ONocturnal enuresis.oInvoluntary emission of urine. GENITAL ORGANS.-Haemorrhage from the uterus.-Labor-like,frequently occurring pains in the abdomen, as if the menses would appear.-~Menses too early and profuse. LARYNX.-Deep breathing excites a disposition to cough. Titillation low down in the trachea, inducing cough, with expectoration of whitish mucus. 'Previous to coughing the child raises herself sud. denly; the whole body looks rigid; she is without consciousness, as if she would have an epileptic fit; these appearances are followed by cough. The child moans after coughing. Violent coughing fits from time to time. Hoarse cough, with vomiturition. *Violent hunger, -shortly after a meal. OBitter taste of the bread.-Hoarse cough, with vomiturition, in the morning. Hollow cough, in the morning 548 CINCHONINUM SULPHURIC UM. after rising. Violent cough in the morning. ~Dry, spasmodic cough. with want of breath, and jactitation of the limbs.--~Whooping cough, preceded by rigidity of the body and great paleness of face (particu. larly when the children are scrofulous, affected with worms, or nocturnal enuresis).? CHEST.-Heavy, loud breathing. Short breathing, sometimes interrupted. Loud wheezing in the trachea, during an inspiration. Asthma while standing. A kind of oppression of the chest. Soreness under the sternum.-Sudden oppressive pain in the left side of the chest. Pinching pains in the left side of the chest, increased by every inspiration. Single stitches in the chest, from time to time.-Darting pains in the breast. BACK.-Pain, as from, bruises, in the small of the back, not increased by motion. Paralytic drawing in the loins. Painful weariness in the loins. Pain in the loins and dorsal spine, when lying on the side or back. In the evening, when lying on one side, the spine aches as if broken. When lying on the back in bed, the spine is painful. Drawing lacerating pain along the whole spinal column. Aching in the scapule, when moving them.-Feeling of lameness in the nape of the neck. Ants.-Paralytic pain in the arm, he is obliged to let it hang down. Stretching-lacerating pain in the arm, with paralytic feeling; when touching it, it feels bruised, as after a violent muscular effort. -Paralytic drawing through the upper arm. Pain, as from a bruise or contusion, in the upper arm, above the elbow-joint.-Paralytic pain in the bend of the elbow, towards the outer side, a sort of jerking, intermittent. Cramp-like lacerating or drawing pain in the arms. -Drawing pains in the joints of the hands. The wrist-joint feels sprained. Cramp-like jerking in the fingers. Drawing in the fingers LEGS.-Shuddering over the thighs. Cramp-like or drawing pain in the muscles ofthe thigh. A sudden suffusion of heat over the knee, as from a hot coal. Laming jerking in the front part of the leg. Cramp-like pain when walking in the open air. Cutting-lancinating pain in the foot. 79.-CINCHONINUM SULPHURICUM. CINCH. SULPH.-Sulphate of Cinchonine. See " Hygea," XVI. COMPARE WITH-Chin. and Quinine. ANTIDOTES.-See Chin. and Quinine. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-The whole body is painful, at night. -The whole body feels as if bruised.-Weariness and languor after CTNCHONINUM SULPHURICUM. 549 uninterrupted sleep.-Emaciation.-Morbid contractions of the mus. cular fibres.-Rushes of blood to the head. CHARACTERISTIC PECULIARITIES.-The symptoms intermit on the second day, existing only on the first and third days. The secretion and emission of urine increase and diminish every other day. SKIN.-Sensitiveness and tightness of the scalp, soreness of the roots of the hairs, as from subcutaneous ulceration of the scalp. SLEEP.-Drowsiness, weariness, tremulousness.-Quiet, deep, unrefreshing sleep, without dreams.-Restless sleep.-Sleep full of dreams, and starting, as in affright, from sleep.-Nightmare, soon after lascivious dreams and painful erections.-Torturing dreams, full of anguish. FEVER.-Great languor, with yawning and stretching of the limbs. -Violent dry heat over the whole body, sometimes uninterrupted, with turgescence of the veins.-Slight diaphoresis.-Fever: chilliness early in the morning, in bed, with colic, borborygmi, pulsations in the region of the stomach; or, chilliness the whole day, chattering of the teeth, great languor, heat in the forehead in the evening, and extending over the whole body, thirst at night, painfulness of the whole body; or, humming in the ears, thirst, eructations, great languor, trembling of the limbs, chilliness in the evening, dry heat. -Chilliness for half an hour between the paroxysms, with thirst, loss of appetite, shortness of breath, great weariness in the lower limbs, swelling of the feet, sad, melancholy thoughts.-Feeble, small, soft, slow, easily compressible, unequal pulse. Large, strong, almost undulating, frequent, quick and rather hard, accelerated pulse.Attacks of anxiety. HEAD.-Vertigo, headache.-Dullness of the head, with vertigo and sensation as if the volume of the brain were enlarged.-Heaviness of the head.-Periodically-recurring beating pain in the right half of the forehead.-Throbbing headache, in the left side of the head, with trembling of the limbs and muscular debility.-Rushes of blood to the head.-Heat in the head, in the region of the eyes, frequently accompanied with coldness of the extremities, and burning heat and dryness of the skin.-Falling off of the hair.-The headache frequently commences in the morning, and continues the whole day until bedtime, or it makes its appearance in the afternoon and disappears in the evening, or it comes on at night, and continues the whole of next day; it is generally aggravated by stooping and motion, or' in the evening. EYEs.-Swelling about the eyes.-Pressure in the eyes.-Black. ness before the eyes when exerting them; turns of darkness before the eyes. 550 C1NCHONINUM SULPHURICUM. EARS.-Roaring in the ears, singing and tingling in the ears, frequently going and coming. NOSE.-Bleeding at the nose, the blood being thin and bright-red. FACE.-Pale, wretched appearance, the eyes are sunken and surrounded with blue margins. MOUTH.-Thick, yellow coating of the root of the tongue, with moisture on the borders.-Dry tongue, with yellowish tongue and thirst.-Dryness of the mouth and fauces.-Heat of the mouth and throat as if burnt.-Increased secretion of saliva. THROAT.-Great dryness in the throat and roughness early in the morning.-Violent burning and intense heat in the throat. APPETITE.-Bitter or pappy taste.-Loss of appetite.-Hunger without appetite.-Burning thirst the whole day.-Before dinner: nausea with desire to vomit, passing off soon.-After dinner: constant yawning and stretching, nausea, distention of the abdomen, painful feeling of repletion and pressure in the stomach. STOMACH.-Frequent, empty, putrid eructations, with distention of the abdomen, borborygmi, thirst, heartburn, with good appetite.Nausea and frequent sour or empty eructations, with accumulation of water in the mouth, vomiturition, flatulence upwards or downwards, colicky pains, constipation.-Vomiting.-Cardialgia.-Tight. ness in the region of the stomach, with acute pain.-Great heat in the stomach, extending thence to the abdomen, chest, and head.-Burning in the stomach and in the lower part of the oesophagus. ABDOMEN.-Distention of the abdomen and violent colic.-Acute aching pain in the pit of the stomach.-Beating in the hypogastrium. Warmth in the epigastrium.-Cutting in the epigastric region, in the right side, and continuing the whole day; rumbling in the abdomen, and constipation.-Cutting colic, feeling of fullness in the abdomen, pain in the pit of the stomach, which is increased by pressure and continues the whole day, oppression in the chest, and hurried breathing.-Constant griping and griping-lacerating pain in the left side of the abdomen.-Warmth in the abdomen, great thirst, frequent urging to stool, with discharge of a small quantity of fcces, and acute burning at the anus. STooL.-Urging to stool, with copious, soft, papescent, diarrhoeic evacuations, with tenesmus.-Diarrhoea.- Copious, dark, brown-green, thick, or else hard, bloody stool in large balls, with cutting pains in the anus.-Several hard evacuations with tenesmus.-Sluggish stool. -Constipation.-Frequent intolerable itching at the anus, going off by scratching. URINE.-Increased secretion and emission of urine every other CINNABARIS. 551 day, with burning sensation in the urethra.-Diminished secretion and emission of urine.-Turbid, saturated urine, containing a quantity of phosphoric acid. Pale urine, with slimy, brown-green sediment. The urine which is emitted in the daytime deposits a brickdust sediment. GENITAL ORGANS.-Great excitement of the sexual instinct, with erections, in the afternoon.-The menses appear a week before the time, and are much weaker than usual. TRUNK.-Hoarseness, sensation as if the throat had been burnt by a liquid, or as if something were lodged in the larynx.-Roughness and scraping in the larynx.-Loose cough, fatiguing, racking the head, and attended with an aching pain under the sternum. CHEsT.-Painful tightness across the chest.-Loss of breath when walking fast.-Wheezing breathing, oppression of the chest, hollow feeling in the chest, with fine stinging pains in the throat. BACK.-Painful stiffness of the nape bf the neck.-Lacerating in the back, extending to the right shoulder, with painful tightness in the nape of the neck, felt during motion.-Darting pains in the whole back, violent and constant between the shoulders.-Pain as if bruised in the small of the back, in the evening. ARMS AND LEGS.-Pains and drawing in the limbs, particularly in the bones of the extremities.-Weariness and sensation as if bruised in every limb.-Tremor of the limbs and languor.-The limbs go to sleep in any position, when sitting.-Pain as if bruised in the region where the deltoid muscle is inserted, the pressure of the coat even occasions an excruciating pain.-Lassitude in the thighs, in the evening. Languor in the feet.-(Edema about the malleoli. 80.-CINNABARIS. CINNAB.-Red Sulphuret of Mercury.-See Hahnemann's "Mat. Med. Pura." COMPARE WITH-Mere., Sulph., Acid.-nitr., Thuj. ANTIDOTES.-Sulph., Chin., Op., Acid.-nitr. CLINICAL REMARKS.-" Dr. Green states that he has cured gonorrhoea with Cinnabaris, and Dr. Lingen has cured sycotic excres. cences with Cinnab., in conjunction with Selenium." GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-Sensation as if puffed up, in the whole body, after dinner, with oppression across the chest and stomach.-Coldness in the joints, with shivering and drawing in the extremities.-Lameness in the limbs, with inertia and drowsiness.Nightly sleeplessness, without feeling worn out in the morning. Sud. 552. CINNAMOM UM. den waking, after midnight, as from a dream, with want of breath, like nightmare. The edge of the ulcers becomes painful and rigid. HEAD AND EYES.-Horrid headache, relieved by external pressure. Roaring in the head, with dizziness.-The scalp, and even the hair are painful to the touch. Dartings through the sides of the head.Inflammation of the right eye, with itching, pressure, and stinging in the inner canthus and in the lower lid, with profuse fluent coryza and constant lachrymation when looking at anything. MOUTH, THROAT, &c.-Dryness and heat in the mouth and throat, at night, with frequent desire to drink, and sti.nging under the tongue.-Ptyalism.-Contractive burning in the palate.-Oppressive contractive sensation in the throat, during empty deglutition. APPETITE, ABDOMEN, &c.-Aversion to every kind of food. Nausea, with disposition to vomit. Heat in the stomach, at night, ascending to the throat and head. Nightly painless diarrhoea. URINE AND GENITAL ORGANS.-Soreness in the urethra, during micturition.-Swelling of the penis. Jerkings in the penis.-Lancinations in the glans. Burning-stinging itching of the glans, in the evening. Small red points or spots on the glans. Painful itching behind the corona-glandis, with exudation of fetid pus. Balanorrhoea, -Redness, swelling, and soreness of the prepuce, with itching pain. (Warts on the prepuce, which bleed when touched.)- Sycotic excres cences. Violent erections in the evening. FEMALE PARTS.-Leucorrhoea, causing a pressing in the vagina during the flow. RESPIRATORY ORGANS.-Coryza. BACK AND LIMBs.-Lacerating and pain as if bruised in the side of the back, particularly at night, in bed, when making the least motion, also in the arm when writing, diminished by warmth.Stinging-itching of the neck and chest, with swelling of the cervical glands, and red points and spots on those parts, changinig to hard little blotches. Pain in the cervical vertebrae as if sprained.Stitches in the arms.--Fetid, excoriating sweat between the thighs, when walking. 81.-CINNAMOMUM. CINNAM.-Cinnamon. Is recommended by homoeopathic physicians for uterine haemor rhage, after parturition; also for excessive excitement of the sexual instinct. CISTUS CANADENSIS. " 553 82.-CISTUS CANADENSIS. CIST.-Rock Rose.-See North American Journal. COMPARE WITH-Bell., Carb.-v., Phosph.-These three remedies may be used alternately with Cistus-canadensis. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-Evening pains in the knees, right hand, and left shoulder.-Drawing in the muscles of the hands and lower limbs, with pains in the joints of the hands, fingers, and knees. Drawing and lacerating in every joint, particularly in the knees and fingers. Pain as if bruised and weary in every limb.-Itching of the skin, without eruption.--Chilliness. *Cold feet. Violent chilliness, with shaking, afterwards heat, with red, swollen ears, and swelling of the cervical glands. Heat, with thirst, during which he drinks a good deal. CHARACTERISTIC PECULIARITIES.-Aggravation of the symptoms towards morning, and by every mental agitation. HEAD AND EYES.-Aching pain in the head, with pressure above the eyes and in the forehead. Feeling of heaviness above the eyes. -Sensation in the eye as if something were turning about in it, with stitches. EARS.-Swelling in the internal ear. Swelling, from the ear to the cheek.-Stoppage of the ears, from the swelling, with discharge. -~Discharge of fetid pus and oozing from the ears. NosE.-Inflammation and painful swelling of the nose.-Sneezing without coryza. PAcE.-Sensation as if the facial muscles were drawn to one side. -Flushes of heat in the face. Heat and burning in the bones of the face. Vesicular erysipelas in the face.-O Caries of the lower jaw. MOUTH, THROAT, &c.-The gums are swollen, standing off from the teeth, readily bleeding, and of a disgusting appearance.-The tongue looks as if it were sore. ODryness of the tongue and palate.-Oocasional itching of the throat.-OTitillation and soreness in the throat, particularly early in the morning. *Constant feeling of dryness -and heat.-oSensation as if sand were in the throat. OThe throat symptoms abate after a meal. OPain in the throat when inspiring the open air.O Feeling of qualmishness in the oesophagus.-Dartings, inducing a cough, at every mental agitation. *Difficult expectoration of tenacious mucus. SToMACHm.- Frequent nausea.-Pain in the stomach after a meal. CHEST.--Pains in the larynx. OCough, which is occasioned by darting in the throat. Expectoration of bitter mucus.-- Fetid breath, 24 554 CITRI SUCCUS.-CLEMATIS ERECTA. Difficult breathing and anguish, in the evening, in bed, with itching of the whole body, the breathing is relieved in the open air.-Feeling of fullness in the chest. OPressure in the chest. BACK.-Red spot below the scapula, with pain by contact, and subsequent erysipelas, with burning pain, which is aggravated by contact. Violent evening pains about the shoulder and breast.--. OSwelling and suppuration of the cervical glands. ARMS AND LEGS.-Pains in the shoulder. Pain as if sprained in the wrist-joint, with drawing and lacerating. Violent pains in the hand, in the afternoon, hindering the use of his limbs. Pains in the fingers when writing.-Lacerating in the thigh when walking. Pains in the knee and thigh, when sittihg and walking. 83.-CITRI SUCCUS. CITR.-Lemon Juice.-Is used as an antidote to Euphorbium and Stramonium. It is also employed as a remedy for scurvy. 84.-CLEMATIS ERECTA. CLEM.-See Hahnemann's "Chronic Diseases," III.-Duration of Action: six weeks. COMPARE WITHi-Ars., Bell., Bry., Canth., Caps., Caust., Con., Mere., Rhus, Sil., Sulph. ANTIDOTEs.-Bry. for the toothache caused by Clematis; Camph. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-Jactitation of the muscles in almost all the fleshy parts of the body. Distinctly perceptible pulsations through the whole body, especially about the heart. Great inclination to *be in the open air. Sensation in the body, early in the morning, as if a pollution had taken place or had been suppressed. A sort of dull vibratory sensation through the whole body, after lying down, especially on the right side, on which he was resting. Lassitude in all the limbs, the knees give way after a walk. SKIN.-Burning pain or sensation of heat in-the body, without redness. Itch-like pustules over the whole body. Tingling and throbbing in the ulcers. Throbbing pain in the ulcer, early in the morning. Burning pain in the ulcers. OInveterate eruptions.OScabies-sarcoptica.?-OVesicular eruptions on the body.-~Herpetic eruptions.-~Scaly herpes, with yellowish, corrosive ichor.OChronic, red, humid herpes, with intolerable itching in the warmth of the bed and after washing.-~The herpes is red and humid with CLEMATIS ERECTA. 555 the increasing, but pale and dry with the decreasing moon.-Oltohing, humid eruption, with corrosive ichor, heat, redness. and swelling of the skin.--Scirrhous indurations and cancerous ulcers.? OFungous excrescences.? OTophi.? SLEEP.-Lassitude and drowsiness after a meal, accompanied by violent beating of the arteries.-Constant drowsiness, with want of disposition to labor. Uneasy sleep, at night, with tossing. In the morning, when waking, he does not feel refreshed. Uneasy dreams at night. Voluptuous dreams. FEVER.-Shuddering over the whole body when slightly uncovered. Profuse night-sweat.-OQuartan fever, with subsequent sweat. MORAL SYMPTOMrS.-Peevish and dissatisfied without any cause. Indifferent, silent, almost thoughtless. Staring look.--~Melancholy.? HEAD.-Dullness and gloominess of the head, in the region of the forehead, with inclination to vertigo. Tight aching of the head, in the fore part of the brain, more violent when walking than when sitting, with heaviness of the head. Tight aching in the whole of the right side of the head, rather in the bones than in the brain. Drawing or boring pain. Hammering sensation in the head, in the evening when lying down.-Painful pimples on the forehead.-~Humid vesicles on the occiput and nape of the neck.-Eruption on the hairy scalp. EYEs.-Pain in the eyes. Stitches in the inner canthus of the eye. Smarting pain in the eyes, especially in the margins of the lids.A kind of sore smarting in the eyes, with lachrymation and injected state of the veins; worse when closed.-Burning pain in the upper lids of the right eye. Burning pain in the inner canthus of the eye. Inflammation of the eyes, with lachrymation. Inflammation of the inner canthi, and faint, weak sight.-- Inflammation of the margins of the lids, with ulceration. OIritis.? OChronic ophthalmia, particularly in scrofulous persons. FAcE.-Morbid paleness of the face. Burning pain in the skin of the left cheek. OWhite blisters on the forehead and face, as if burnt by the sun. Burning cutting pain in the lips, with vesicles. Painful pimples in the upper lip.-~Cancer of the lips.? TEETH AND JAWS.-Swelling of the submaxillary glands, with hard little tubercles, throbbing, tight, as if they would ulcerate, painful when touched, and exciting a toothache.-Toothache, so violent that it would drive one to despair; the toothache spreads over the whole of the temporal region, as high up as the vertex.Dull pain in a hollow tooth, alleviated for a short while by applying cold water.-Jerking, shooting, and drawing toothache in the left 556 CLEMATIS ERECTA. upper jaw, at times in one, at times in, another tooth; the pain afects all the teeth, without one being able to point out the tooth afected.-The hollow tooth feels elongated, and is painful to the slightest touch. MOuTH.-Sputa mixed with blood. GASTRIC SYMPTOMS.-Eructation. ABDOMEN.-Pain, as from bruises, in the region of the liver, when touching it, or when stooping. A contractive cutting pain in the splenic region. Darting pain in one of the inguinal glands. *Swelling of an inguinal gland; bubo.--~Indurated gland. STooL.-Frequent stool, becoming more and more loose, without any colic. URINE.-*Long-lasting contraction and constriction of the urethra; the urine can only be emitted drop by drop, as is the case in spasmodic stricture of the urethra.-Frequent micturition, but little at a time. Diabetes.-Emission of puriform matter.-At the commencement of urination the burning sensation is greatest.-Painful drawing in the spermatic cord when urinating. The urethra is painful to the touch. GENITAL ORGANS.-When touching the testes they feel painful as if bruised. Drawing pain in the testes and the spermatic cord, from below upwards. *Swelling and oinduration of both testes. *Swelling of the scrotum. Painful sensitiveness of the testes. *Swelling of the right half of the scrotum. The sexual desire became excited Loathing of sexual intercourse during the day. FEMALE GENITAL ORGANS.-The menses appear eight days before the time, and are more profuse than formerly.- -Glandular induration before the nipple, painful when touched.--Cancer of the breast.? CHEST.-Violent, fluent coryza.-Aching in the whole cavity of the ches,t. Dull stitches in the chest, more violent when breathing. Sharp stitches in the region of the heart, from within outwards. ARMs.-Aching in the upper arm. Aching in the bend of the elbow, when stretching the arm.-~Spreading blisters on the swollen hands and fingers, aggravated by cold water.--Arthritic nodosities in the finger-joints. LEGS.-Pain in the hips. Large pustules around the loitis, very painful to the touch. OScaly herpes with crusts on the lower limbs. Drawing lacerating in the thigh.-Shooting lacerating in the knee. Drawing in the knee and thigh after a walk. Heaviness and weariness of the legs. COCCIONELLA SEPTEMPUNCTATA.-COCCULUS. 557 85.-COCCIONELLA SEPTEMPUNCTATA. COCCION.-Chrysomela Septempunctata. Cochineal.-See "Archiv," XIII. HEAD--Dull headache, from the occiput to either temple, as if the brain were expanding or dilating.-Semilateral headache, lacerating stinging. FACE.-Flushes of heat, redness, and heat of the cheeks. TEETH.-Swelling of the gums.-Dull drawing in the molar teeth. -Violent drawing in all the teeth at regular intervals.-Jerking (frequently pulsative) and lacerating in the teeth, particularly the molar teeth, with dartings towards the occiput.-Fine digging and pain in the molar teeth, as if they were hollow and air were entering. -Throbbing pain in the molares.-Feeling of coldness in all the teeth.-The toothache is aggravated by eating. 86.-COCCULUS. COCC.-Menispermum Cocculus. Indian Cockel.-Hahnemann's " Mat. Med. Pura," II.-Duration of Action: from eight to fourteen days. COMPARE WITH-Ant., Ars., Carb.-v., Cham., Coff., Colch., Cupr., Ign., Ipec., lod., Laur., Mere., Mosch., Natr.-mur., Nitr., Nux-vomn., Oleand., Puls., Rhus, Sabin., Sass., Spong., Stram., Tarax., Tart.-em., Valer., Veratr.-Cocd. is sometimes indicated after Ipec. ANTIDOTEs.-Camph., Nux-v.-It antidotes: Cham., Cupr., Ign., Nux-v. G`ENýERAL SYMPTOOMS.-Intolerance of both cold and warm air.-Pain in the muscles when touched.-The limbs are painful when moved, as if they would be broken or crushed by bending. Subsultus of muscular parts, especially the lower limbs, as after a long journey on foot. Intensely-painful paralytic drawing in various parts of the limbs, apparently in the bones. Digging-up bonepain, in the interior of the limbs. Pain in the interior of the limba, increased by contact and external pressure. Drawing pain in the 'limbs of the left side. Drawing pain in the limbs and abdominal muscles, as after a cold. Cracking in the joints. Painful stiffness of the joints. Alternate going to sleep of the feet and hands, in transitory.paroxysms. OSpasms and convulsions of the limbs and of the whole body, in general, and when brought on by the contact' of wounds and ulcers which makes them painful, or by moving injured parts. Disposition to tremble. Trembling of all the limbs. Want of vital energy. The limbs feel paralyzed. Paralytic immobility of the limbs, with drawing pains, apparently in the bones. Attacks of 558 COCCULUS. paralytic weakness, with pain in the small of the back. Apoplexy of the left side. *A sort of epilepsy: -he enters the room with a cheerful countenance and sits down, feeling intoxicated, as it were; afterwards he becomes quite still, and stares for a long time at one spot without answering any questions; he then falls down without consciousness, writhing and muttering unintelligible words; involuntary emission of urine; spasmodic, paroxysmal concussions of the limbs and the whole body, convulsive clenching of the fingers, the hand being stretched out; paroxysmal choking in the throat, the mouth being half open, as if he would vomit, with foam at the mouth, in the shape of bubbles; the hands are cold, the face is covered with cold sweat and spasmodically distorted, the eyes look glassy and protruded; after 'his fit he rises, without, however, answering any questions, clenches his teeth, looking at those who interrogate him, with his teeth clenched, does not suffer himself to be touched, tries to push away those who surround him, to wrestle with them; his face has an expression of wild rage; finally he groans and moans; after fifteen minutes he gradually recovers from his fit, and recovers his senses, feeling; however, an aversion to every kind of food or drink, even those that he was generally very fond of. ~ORed, bloated hot face after the convulsions. He feels weak after the least motion, every trifle affects him.-Painful paralytic weakness in arms and legs; she is scarcely able to rise; with want of appetite. Languor in the body, especially when sitting. Great weakness of the body, he found it difficult to stand firmly. ~Nervous weakness. Fainting fit. Fainting fit, with spasmodic distortion of the facial muscles, when moving the body.-*Hemiplegia.-~Paralysis of the lower limbs, from the small of the back, owith nervous irritation.OEmaciation.-Haemorrhage. CHARACTERISTIC PECULIARITIES.-All the symptoms and pains, especially in the head, are aggravated by drinking, eating, sleeping, or talking, by smoking, and coffee. The symptoms, especially the headache, are extremely aggravated by cold air. SKIN.-Burning, dull stitches. Itching and burning of the skin, especially the inner side of the thighs, as of nettles; that part is also covered with pimples, with a stinging pain when touched. Red, miliary pimples in the face, on the back, and chest, itching in warmth, but not when undressing. A sort of hard blotches, containing no fluid, surrounded with a red border, burning and itching the whole day, on the limbs, the wrist, and tho back of the fingers. Cocculus excites lacerating paixs in hard glandular swellings. Excites sticking pains and heat in cold glandular swellings, at least when touched, COCCULUS. 559 SLEEP.-Violent yawning. Sopor. Coma-vigil. Frequent waking with a start.-Sleepless night, restlessness of the whole body; stinging and biting in various parts.-Vivid and painful dreams.Sleep is interrupted by frequent startings. Frightful anguish, which seems like a dream, hindering sleep. Drowsiness during the day, with a feeling of indolence in the morning. FEVER.-Shivering in the back, in the evening, chilliness in the back, as if touched with ice. Shuddering of the whole body. General coldness, without shuddering, with bluish hands. Chilliness, even near the stove, with violent colic. OChilliness, although the skin feels hot.-Fever: alternation of heat and chilliness of the body. Fever: frequent shuddering during the day, followed by heat, with faintness. Fever: in the evening hot hands, with sensation of dry heat over the whole body, with sleeplessness. Burning heat in the cheeks, with cold feet.-The pulse is not more frequent, but very small and hard. Heat in the forehead. Increased feeling of heat, quick pulse. Quick alternation of heat and chilliness.-Frequent and violent flush of heat over the whole body. Heat and redness in the face, with thirst. MORAL SYMPTOMs.-Discouragement.-Absorbed in reveries and sad thoughts. Weeping. Restless eagerness to do something. *Anxiety. *Anxiety, as if he had committed a great crime. *Anguish about the heart, anguish of death. Palpitation of the heart.Sudden, violent anguish. Despairing mood. Hypochondria, especially in the afternoon. Excessive sensitiveness. *A slight noise caused all his limbs to start.-Excessive disposition to feel vexed and to be offended.-Cheerful, contented. SENSORIUM.-OVertigo, with nausea and falling down without consciousness.-- Apoplexy, after excessive depletions.-Vertigo as from intoxication. Disposition to vertigo. Headache, with inclination to vomit. Stupid feeling in the head. HEAD.-Thinking fatigues the head. Cloudiness of the head, mostly increased by eating or drinking. Heaviness in the head. Headache, as if the brain were constricted.-(Painful concussion in the brain when walking, when moving the head, or when talking).-Headache, constrictive, burning, lacerating, digging-up, and boring. Violent pressure through the whole head, mostly in the forehead (forenoon), increasing to loss of sense by reading or meditating). *Aching pain in the forehead. Aching pain in the vertex. Aching as if the brain were compressed. Lacerating throbbing headache in the forehead, in the evening.-*Headache as if the eyes would be torn out, oparticularly during every motion, with vertigo. OPain in the head, as 560 COCCULUS. if the head were empty and hollow. Headache, as if the eyes would be forcibly closed.-Convulsive trembling of the head. EYEs.--Spasmodic rolling of the eyes under the closed lids, during apoplexy. Pressure on both eyes, as if dust had.got in.-Aching pain in the eyes, with inability to open the eye-lids, in the night. Dryness of the eye-lids.--Dim-sightedness.-Flies and black spots before the eyes. Contraction oor else great dilatation of the pupils. Blue margins around the eyes. EARs.-Noise as of rushing water, with hard hearing.-The right ear feels closed. Swelling of the parotid gland. NosE.-Sneezing.-Pain of the nostril when touching it. Ulcerative pain in the left nostril.-Profuse coryza.-(Discharge of bloody mucus from the nose.) FACE.-Stitches in the external parts of the neck. *Redness of the cheeks and heat in the face, without thirst, in a room entirely cold. JAWS AND TEETH.-Swelling and hardness in the submaxillary glands, and nodosities in the fore-arm, painful when moving the hand along them. Painless swelling of the submaxillary glands. Lacerating digging-up pain in the lower jaw. Anterior teeth feel elongated; Lhe gums are swollen. The hollow tooth is painful only when eating soft food, as if quite loose. MOuTH.-- Dryness of the mouth, -in the night, without thirst. Feeling of dryness in the mouth, with frothy saliva and violent thirst..-Sensation as if the root of the tongue were swollen, with pain during deglutition. THROAT.-Sensitiveness in the throat.-Dryness of the csophagus. Dryness of the throat, with a feeling of heat in the cesophagus and stomach. Aching pain in the tonsils, worse when swallowing saliva than food. A sort of paralysis of the oesophagus, preventing deglutition.--~Burning in the cesophagus, extending to the fauces, with taste of sulphur in the mouth.--(Esophagitis.? TASTE AND APPETITE.-Sour, coppery, or metallic taste, with loss of appetite. *Excessive repugnance to food, accompanied by hunger. Feeling of hunger in the pit of the stomach, little diminished by aating. Intense thirst.-Aversion to food and drink. GASTRIC SYMPTOMS.-Bitter, acrid, scraping eructations, especially in the evening. Putrid eructations.-Inclination to vomit, when eating.-~Paroxysms of nausea, with tendency to faint. Excessive nausea and inclination to vomit, *when riding in a carriage, owith vomiting. When becoming cold, or when taking cold, an inclination to vomit comes on, exciting a copious accumulation of saliva.--nclination to vomit, accompanied by headache, and a pain in the intes i COCCULUS. 561 tines as if bruised. (Vomiting towards midnight, with suffocative fits, he vomits food and mucus, with bitter and sour taste in the throat.) STOMACH.-Pain below the stomach, immediately after dinner. Sensation as if a worm were moving about in the stomach.-Pecking and gnawing sensation below the prmcordial region. Pressure in the stomach after a meal.-Aching pain in the stomach, praecordial region, and hypochondria, a few hours after a meal, or in the night when in bed. Pressure in the pit of the stomach, arresting the breathing. Crampy sensation and tension in thire pit of the stomach when walking. * Violent spasm of the stomach, griping lacerating sensation in the stomach. Constrictive pain in the stomach, hindering sleep. OSpasm of the stomach after a meal, or from weakness. ABDOMEN.-Pain in the hypochondria as if bruised.-oStitches in the region of the liver.-Inflammation of the liver and diaphragm.?? Compressive pinching in the epigastrium, arresting the breathing.Aching pain under the last rib. Pressure in the epigastrium. Empty and hollow sensation in the abdomen. Crampy sensation in the abdo. men. Drawing pain in the intestines. Violent colic after dinner, when walking, with sensation of chilliness and vertigo. Lacerating in the intestines. Burning in the abdomen.--Considerable *distention of the abdomen. *Flatulent colic, -about midnight.-Constrictive pain in the hypogastrium, with pressing towards the genital organs, and qualmishness in the pit of the stomach, with inclination to water-brash. -Painful disposition to inguinal hernia, especially after rising from a seat.-Pain as from hernia, only when sitting, and going off when rising.-Pressing pain in the groins, as if -the menses would make their appearance. STOOL.-Constipation. After stool, violent tenesmus of the rectum, even unto fainting. Soft stool, diarrhoea. Frequent small evacua. tions.-Desire for stool, followed by fetid diarrhoea. *Soft, loose stool, sometimes yellow, and burning at the anus. Desire for stool and emission of flatulence, with sudden expulsion of diarrhoeic stool, in small portions and at short intervals. Tingling and itching in the rectum, as from ascarides. Burning itching in the anus. URINE.-Frequent desire to urinate, with scanty emission. Pain in the urethra, with desire to urinate.-Tensive, aching pain in the orifice of the urethra, between the acts of micturition. Stinging pain in the urethra.-ODesire to urinate of pregnant females. MALE GENITAL ORGANS.-Itching burning of the scrotum. Violent ains in both testicles, as if bruised, especially when touched. rawing pains in the testicles. Increased excitability of the genital parts. Nightly emission of semen. 24* 562 COCCULUS. FEMALE GENITAL ORGANS.-O -~The menses, which had been sup. pressed a whole year, reappear. OSuppression of the menses, with oppressive abdominal spasms, flatulence, lameness, anguish, oppression of breathing, spasms in the chest, attacks of nausea unto fainting, and jactitation of the limbs.-OScanty, irregular period, with leucorrhoea between the periods. oPainful menstruation, with copious discharge of coagulated blood and subsequent hamorrhoids.-ODischarge of bloody mucus from the uterus, during pregnancy.-(Metrorrhagia.)-~Uterine spasms, particularly with suppressed or irregular menses.-*Leucorrhcea, oresembling serum, mixed with a purulent, ichorous liquid.--Shivering over the mammae.-o Chlorosis. LARYNX.-Irritation in the upper part of the larynx, inducing cough.-Contractive sensation in the trachea, as if irritated by smoke, inducing almost constant cough. The throat feels constricted. Constant irritation, with cough. CHEST.-Asthma and difficult breathing. Tightness and constriction of the right side of the chest, oppressing the breathing. *Oppression of the chest, oas from a stone, -especially in the region of the upper part of the sternum, arresting the breathing. Sibilant, snoring breathing, with suffocative oppression, especially during an inspiration.,-(Rawness and sore feeling in the chest.) OSpasms in the chest, with sighing and moaning. OHysteric spasms in the chest. Aching in the middle of the sternum. Drawing in the right side. Stinging pain in the sternum when walking. Stitches in the sides. Stinging in both nipples. ORushes of blood to the chest, with anxiety. -*Palpitation of the heart, nervous. Piercing pain in the articulations of the chest and all the dorsal vertebrae, as if they were sprained or spasmodically contracted, especially during motion. BACK.-Paralytic pain in the small of the back.-Paralytic, aching pain in the lumbar region. The bones in the small of the back feel bruised.--Tremor in the back.-Drawing pain in the side, towards the back, when talking, walking, or stooping.-Aching pain in the back, especially the left side of it (when sitting). Drawing, lacerating, or boring pain in the back.-Pain in the spine as if it would break. Drawing pain about the scapula. Intermittent, aching, paralytic pain during rest, under the left scapula.-When moving the shoulders, the parts behind feel stiff and painful. Sticking pain in the nape of the neck, when bending the head either forwards or backwards. Pressure in the scapulse in the nape of the neck. Painful cracking of the cervical vertebras, when moving the head. Painful stiffness of the cervical muscles, when moving the neck or when COCCULUS. 5G3 yawning. Weakness of the muscles of the neck, with heaviness in A the head. ARMs.-Pain in the shoulder on lifting the arm, on touching they feel bruised.-Single stitches in the shoulder-joint and the muscles of the upper arm, when at rest. A breaking, lacerating, or sticking pain in the shoulder and elbow-joint, and in the humerus, the pain being intolerable during rest, he is afraid of moving his arm, although the pain decreases by motion. Convulsions of the arms, with clenching of the thumb. ~Lancinations emanating from a sore finger. Pain in the arm as if gone to sleep, and lame during and after a meal. The arm goes to sleep, with tingling sensation. *Lameness of the arm, while writing. Intense paralytic pain, as if the bones were broken in two, during a violent motion of the arm. Pain in the upper arms when lifting them, as if broken. The humerus, immediately above the elbow, feels bruised and lame during motion. The arm on which he rests feels painful, as if bruised. Digging-up pain, with sensation as of wave-like drawing, and as if bruised. Drawing in the upper part of the humerus, with pain as if bruised. Intermittent, intense, almost lacerating paralytic pressure in the anterior muscles of the lower arm, especially during rest. Pain in the glenoid cavity of the fore-arm, as if dislocated, during motion and contact.-The fore-arm goes to sleep, with sensation in the hand as if swollen, and a constrictive. pain in the muscles. Both hands, first one, then the other, are alternately hot or cold, or insensible. ~Arthritic hot swelling of the hands. Cramp-like contraction of the finger. Painful, paralytic drawing through the fingers. Lacerating, boring, drawing pain in the fingers. LEGs.-When sitting, violent pulsative stitches in the outer side of the left thigh, occasioning involuntary motions. *Paralytic immobility of the lower limbs.-0 Paralysis of the lower limbs, from the small of the back downwards. Rigid feeling from the thigh down to the knees. Paralytic drawing in the thighs, with weakness in the knees, as if they would give way. The thighs feel paralyzed and bruised. Pain in the thighs, as if broken, when raising them. When raising the limbs while sitting, the thighs are intensely painful as if bruised.-Tremor in the thighs when kneeling.-Cracking of the knee during motion (immediately). 0Inflammatory swelling of the knee, with darting pains. Intolerable drawing pain in the knee, after sitting, when rising. Stitches in the knee.--Drawing, lacerating pain in the patella. Cramp in the calves, in the night, when bending the knees. Tensive pain in the calves during motion.-- Great weariness in the knees as after a violent journey.--Dull, un 564 COC1ILEARIA ARMORACIA.-COFFEA CRUDA. dulating, paralytic pain in the external side of the left leg.-Both feet go to sleep when sitting. Swelling of the foot in the evening.-Cold sweat of the feet.-Heat and swelling of the feet, with continual corrosive itching. Itching of the tarsal joint, violent pain in the tarsal joint, as if sprained, during motion. Pain as if bruised in the dorsum of the feet, when bending or touching the foot.-Corrosive pain in the toes. Pain in a heel, apparently in the os-calcis, as if bruised. 87.-COCHLEARIA ARMORACIA. COCH.-Common Horse Radish.-'"Archiv," XVII. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-Pain in every joint, during rest, going off during motion. HEAD.-Great irresoluteness, stupid feeling, and inability to collect one's thoughts; difficulty of thinking, in the evening.-Oppressive boring pain in the head, as if the forehead would burst. Headache, now in one, then in another part of the head, with pressure deep in the brain, aggravated by opening the eyes widely. EYEs.-Swelling of the eyes, momentary obscuration of sight. TEETH.-Pain as if the teeth were too soft, and loose during mas. tication. STOMACH.-Nausea, with inclination to vomit and scraping in the throat. Gulping-up and vomiting of bilious matter. 88.-COFFEA CRUDA. COFF.-Crude Coffee.-Stapf's "Additions."-Duration of Action: ten days. COMPARE WITH-Acon., Agar., Am.-mur., August., Ant., Ars., Asa-f., Bell., Bry., Canth.; Carb.-v., Caust., Cham., Cocc., Col., Con., Dig., Ign., lod, Kali, Lanroc., Mang., Merc., Nux-v., Op., Phosph., Puls., Ithus, Sep., Sulph., Valer., Veratr. ANTIDOTEs.-A.- on-Chronic affections resulting from the abuse of Coffee are met by Cham., Ign., Mere., Nux-v., Sulph.-Coff. antidotes Psorin. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-All the joints feel bruised, especially those which are bent, early in the morning when in bed; the pain disappears on rising. Darting through one or the other limb. After every walk her lower limbs feel so-painful that she has to lie down. Great debility when going up-stairs. Pain in the whole body. Great mobility of the muscles.-!o Convulsions, with grinding of the teeth and cold limbs. 'COFFEA ORUDA. 565 CHARACTERISTIC PECULIARITIES.-*'Morbid excitation of the organs of sense and of the nervous system, with sensitiveness to pain.-Aggravation of the pains in the open air.-Sad weeping mood in the open air, with indisposition to work.-Great nervousness, with lach. rymation and weariness during a walk in the open air.-Weariness of the limbs, up to the thighs, after a walk in the open air. SKIN.-Eruption and itching of the whole body. Coffee transforms an itching eruption into a burning one. SLEEP.-Little sleep. Great wakefulness in the evening. *Sleeplessness, owing to an excessive agitation of body and mind. Overwhelmed with sleep. Sleeplessness after midnight. Restless sleep the whole night. Great drowsiness, with weariness. Waking with starting. Talks in the sleep. Long, vivid dreams at night. FEVER.-Frequent deep yawning. Aversion to open air.-Constant wearinees of the feet. Great sensitiveness to cold. Violent thirst, without heat or dryness of the tongue. Feeling of warmth, with redness of the face, without thirst. Paroxysms of chilliness, increased by motion.-Cold feet in the afternoon, after four o'clook, with headache and congestion of the head, going off by a walk in the air. Cold hands, afterwards cold feet. Repeated chills and shuddering in the back, the body having the natural warmth. Feeling 'of coldness over the whole body. Chilliness in the back, mingled with heat.-Feeling of general heat in the evening after lying down. -Chilliness and heat in either cheek.-Tremulous motion in the back and between the shoulders, accompanied with warmth. From eight to nine in the evening a nausea is felt, as if in the stomach, a sort of fainting and vertigo. MORAL SYMPTOMS.--Great anguish, she is unable to compose herself.--Anguish of heart and conscience.--Excessive relaxation of body and mind. Want of memory and attention. A little out of humor.-Ecstasy. SENSORIUM.-Giddiness and dullness of the head. Vertigo and blackness before the eyes, when stooping. Gloominess in the head. Inability to think acutely. lHEAD.-Contractive headache in the forehead. Hcmicrania, as if a nail had been driven into the parietal bone.-Slight rheumatio drawing in the left half of the occiput. The headache is renewed and aggravated after a meal; it disappears in the open air, and comes on again for a short time in the room. Aching pain in the temples, moving towards the occiput, when walking in the cold air; decreasing in the room. Headache, as if the brain were torn o? would be dashed to pieces, coming on during a walk in the open air. 566 COFFEA CRUDA. and subsiding in the room. Headache, after reading, in the frontal protuberance and behind the parietal bone, as if the brain were bruised, torn, or smashed. Headache, as if the brain were too full and dashed to pieces, especially in the occiput after waking from the siesta. Aching pain on the top of the head. Pulsative snapping iD the brain, in the region of the ear, as of electric sparks. Heaviness in the head and heat in the face. Heat in the face, with red cheeks, after a meal. Rushes of blood to the h'ead, anxious heat, and redness in the face. Rush of blood to the head, especially when talking. Headache, early in the morning, when waking, like a tightness of the brain all over; when stooping forward he feels as if the brain were falling forward. Itching of the hairy scalp. EYEs.--Boring in the right eye, with diminution of sight. EARs.--Hardness of hearing, with humming in the ears. NoSE.-Sudden, copious watery discharges from the nose. Bleedingfrom the nose.-Fluent coryza, with sneezing. Dry coryza, with very little discharge. TEETH AND JAWS.-Toothache, a darting in the nerve of the root. Simple pain in one of the molar teeth, only when biting upon it. Painfulness of the fore-teeth when touching them, or when chewing, as if they were loose.--~Darting in the teeth, also lacerating darting. -OToothache, with restlessness, anguish, weeping mood, and renewal of the pain after a meal or at night. MOUTH AND THROAT.-Rising of heat in the throat. Feeling of dryness and a slight burning in the fore and upper part of the tongue, without thirst.--Sore throat, with great painfulness of the affected parts and swelling of the uvula. TASTE AND APPETITE.-Bitterness in the mouth, early in the morning, and the whole day, the food had no bitter taste. Dimin-.ished appetite, at supper. Continual loss of appetite and aversion to food, drink, tobacco, with nausea and disposition to vomit, and a salt taste in the mouth; the food has no bad taste.-Great hunger before a meal; greedy, hurried eating.-Violent thirst, without heat or dryness of the mouth; nightly thirst. Aversion to coffee. GASTRIC SYMPTOMS.-Constant inclination to vomit, in the upper part of the throat. Morning nausea.-~ Vomiting during small-pox. OBilious vomiting. STOMACH AND ABDOMEN.-Stitches in the pit of the stomach, ac companied with pressure. Tension across the stomach and the hypochondria. Pinching pressure in the abdomen, as if hernia would protrude. Fullness in the abdomen, after walking in the open air. Fermentation in the abdomen, followed by vomiting. Sticking in COFFEA CRUDA. 567 the abdominal ring, from within outward, as in inguinal hernia. Dartings in the side of the abdomen, during every expiration. Colic, as if the abdomen would burst. (Frightful crampy pain in the abdo. men and chest, as of violent labor-pain; she complains as if all her bowels would be cut up, with convulsions; her body bent double, her feet drawn up to her head, with horrible cries and grinding of teeth; she became cold and stiff, emitted painful sounds; the breath ing became suppressed.) STOOL.-*Diarrhoea, with warmth and a slight sensation of roughness at the anus.-ODiarrhoea of, infants.-~Diarrhoea during dentition. URINE.-Burning lacerating or smarting in the fore part of the urethra. The urine comes off in small quantities, but only drop by drop. Pressure on the bladder. GENITAL ORGArs.-Strangulating smarting pain in one of the testicles. Want of sexual excitement. Great disposition for an embrace. Indisposition to have an embrace, with impotence, the sexual organs cannot be excited, and the imagination is dull.1 Nocturnal emission. CHEST.-Oppression of the chest, she is obliged to take short inspirations. Turns of short'cough in quick succession, frequent attacks of slwrt, single, abrupt scraping. Cough in the evening when in bed, and going to sleep.-Violent irritation with cough, about midnight. Sudden attacks of a dry and hacking cough, as if occasioned by a spasmodic constriction of the larynx. When coughing, the side of the chest aches. Sudden coryza and sneezing. BACK.-Pain in the small of the back when walking. 'Aching pain in the small of the back. Paralytic pain in the small of the back when sitting or standing. ARMs.-Great weakness in the arms and weariness in the whole body. Sense of lightness in the limbs. Rheumatic pain, as if bruised, in the region of the left upper arm.-Trembling of the hands. Sensation of numbness in the fingers. LEGS.-Pain as if bruised,,when sitting or walking, in the femur. Bruised sensation of the tibia. Trembling of the feet. Trembling sensation in the knee. Drawing pain below the right knee. Crampy sensation in the calf when drawing the knee up. Crampy sensation in the sole of the foot. ' The excitation of the sexual desire is a primary effect, the weakening of the same a secondary effect of Coffee. 568 COLCHICUM. 89.-COLCHICUM. COLCH.-Meadow Saffron.-" Archiv," VI.-Duration of Action: days, and even weeks. COMPARE WITH-Acon., Ars., Chin., Cocc., Mere., Natr.-mur., Nuz-v., Op., Puls., Sep. ANTIDOTEs.-Of large doses: Vinegar and honey, from six to eight drops of Caustic Ammonia to one pint of water with sugar.-Of small doses: Coco., Nux-v., Puls. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-Lacerating jerks, generally in the left side, sometimes darting through one entire half of the body. Lancinating jerks, now in the skin, then in the soft parts of the head, with sleeplessness the whole night. Sticking-drawing jerks through the periosteum, with lameness and actual paralysis of the affected part. Sticking-drawing, and drawing with pressure, particularly early in the morning, now in the shoulder, then in the right hip. Drawing, jerking, and lacerating in various muscles, particularly in the face, also in the eye-lids and incisores. o When the weather is warm he experiences a lacerating in the limbs, and when it is cold a darting, great languor, and excessive sensitiveness of the body, so th1at he is not able to stir without moaning. Languor as after excrtions. The limbs feel weak as if they would fall off. Sudden sinkzng of strength, he is scarcely able to talk or walk.-Lameness of every muscle, particularly those of the lower limbs. Painful lameness, particularly in the knee-joints, especially on raising the lower limbs, he falls on the floor.-- Frequent starting as if in affright. CHARACTERISTIC PECULIARITIES.-Aggravation of the mental symptoms by mental exertions. The pains are worst from evening till morning, in the evening they are frequently so excessive that they would almost drive one mad. SKIN.-Itching of several parts, or of the whole body, as from nettles,-Stinging in the skin, particularly the joints.-Lacerating tension in various parts. o(Edematous swellings and anasarca. SLEEP.-Drowsiness in the daytime, also with indisposition to work and dullness of the head.-Restless night's sleep. Frequent waking as if in affright. OSleeplessness from nervous irritation.? FEVER.-Chill through every limb. Frequent shiverings along the back. Dry heat of the skin. *Nightly heat of the body, oalso with much thirst.-Pulse irritated. Pulse large, full, and hard. Pulse 90 to 100. Pulse quick and small.- Violent palpitation of the heart. Sweat. Suppression of perspiration. MORAL SYMPTOMS.-Out of humor, discouraged. -Peevish.-- Weakness of memory.-Great absence of mind and forgetfulness. COLCHICUM. 569 HEAD.-Pressure in the head, excited by mental labor.-Oppres. sive weight in the occiput, during movement and when bending the body forward.-Crampy sensation, particularly close above the eyes. -Painful lacerating-drawing in the left half of the head, from the eye-ball to the occiput.-Lacerating in the scalp.-Great falling ofq of the hair. EYES.-Soreness of the eyes.-Suppuration of a meibomian gland, with swelling of the lid and great nervous irritation. EARS.-Dragging pain, with darting in the ears.-O Discharge from the ears, with lacerating in the ears (after the measles).--Roaring and stoppage of the ears. NosE.-Feelinrg of oppressive weight in the nasal bones. Pain as from soreness in the septum.-Bleeding of the nose, in the evening. -Morbid excitation of the sense of smell.-Chronic coryza, with thin, tenacious discharge from the nose. FACE.-oYellow spots in the face.-Prosopalgia, beating or jerking drawing in the facial bones, sometimes with sensation as if the bones were pressed asunder.-Itching and eruption in the face. Tingling in the face as after being frozen.-(Edematous swelling of the face. TEETH AND JAWS.-The teeth are very sensitive in biting. Draw. ing pain in the teeth, as from drinking cold water, immediately after having put anything warm in his mouth. Pain as from soreness of the teeth. Lacerating in the roots of the lower teeth. Lacerating in the gums. Mourn.-Accumulation ofwater, with nausea, repletion, and malaisf in the abdomen.. Profuse ptyalism. Nausea, with inclination 'to vomit, when swallowing the saliva.-The tongue is heavy, stiff, arid insensible. Burning and stinging in the throat. THROAT.-Biting tingling in the throat and fauces.--Inflammation of the fauces. APPETITE 'AND TASTE.-LOSS Ocf' appetite. Aversion to food, and loathing, with shaking when merely looking at the food, and still more when smelling it.-Great thirst, also burning, unquenchable thirst. GASTRIC SYMPTOMs.-Constant singultus.--Nausea, 'with inci. nation to vomit, with constant flow of saliva, 'dryness of -the throat, uneasy turning from side to side, great absende of mind, and 'sinking of strength.--Bilious vomiting, with violenit colic, succeeded by bitterness in the mouth arid throat. Violent vomiting, with tremb ling and 'spasms,'throwing up the ingesta.-Every motion excites or renews the vomiting. The vomiting is preceded by painful contrac. tion of:the abdomen. The pains abate somewhat after the vomiting. STOMAcH. -Sensitiveness in tho region of the stomach, it does not 570 COLCHICUM. bear contact.--Tingling in the stomach, as if he would vomit (when raising the trunk). Pain as from soreness in the stomach. Burning in the stomach, also with heaviness, or pain. The stomach feels icycold.-Oppressive sensation in the pit of the stomach. OStitches in the pit of the stomach. ABDoMEN.-Pain in the abdomen, with chilly feeling and weakness in the abdomen and stomach. Pains in the whole abdomen, with malaise. Colicky pains in the abdomen.-Burning or feeling of coldness in the abdomen.-Pain in the abdomen, as from incarceration of flatulence, particularly in the right hypochondrium.-Great distention of the abdomen, also when the abdomen is empty, aggravated by eating.-Swelling of the abdomen. OPeritoneal dropsy, with a fold above the pubic arch. STOOL AND ANus.-Frequent urging to stool, with scanty, hard stool, and pain in the anus. Scanty stool, with great straining. Extremely painful stool.-Disposition to diarrhaea, with shifting of flatulence. Loose stools, preceded by colic. Frequent evacuations of transparent, jelly-like mucus, relieving the colic. Bloody stools, mingled with a skinny substance.--OFall dysentery, with discharges of white mucus and violent tenesmus.-Lacerating or lancinatinglacerating in the anus. Tingling and jerking in the anus. Burning at the anus. Prolapsus-ani. URINE.-~OConstant desire to urinate, with diminished discharge of urine. Ischuria.-~Scanty emission of dark-red urine, with burning and tenesmus in the urethra.-Increased secretion of urine, with urging. Emission of a quantity of pale urine, preceded by burning in the urinary passages. The urine is like fire, and goes off constantly. Brown, black urine.-~Whitish sediment in the urine. Tingling burning in the urethra, after micturition, early in bed, with renewed urging, discharge of some drops of urine, burning in the urethra'and anus.-Constant burning in the urinary passages, with diminished secretion of urine. GENITAL ORGANs.-The menses are too early. Suppression of the menses, which had just made their appearance. TRACHEA.-Tingling in the trachea and chest, with cough. Hoarseness in the morning, with roughness in the throat.-Frequent, short, dry, hacking cough, from titillation in the larynx. ONightly cough, with involuntary ejaculation of a few drops of urine. CHEST.-Difficulty of breathing. Asthma. Oppression of the chest, with anxiety, or else alternate paroxysms of anxiety and oppression. Freqruent tightness across the chest, or else crampy pressure.--Darting when breathing and coughing, particularly in the left breast. COLOCYNTHIS. 571 Lacerating in the right breast, not far from the axilla, with pain as from soreness when touching or moving the parts.--Spasms in the chest. o~lydrothorax.-Violent palpitation of the heart. Lacerating in the region of the heart.-Burning stinging in the outer breast. Burning through the sternum. BAcK.-Stinging in the small of the back. Drawing in the small of the back, worse during movement. Pain in- the lumbar region.Lacerating and lancinations in the back. Stitches below, between, and over the shoulder-blades. Sticking tension between the scapulae, mostly during movement.-Pressure in the neck, with pain from contact. Painful tightness in the muscles of the right side, during deglutition and when touching them. ARMs.-Painful lameness in the arms, which makes it impossible to hold even the lightest things.-Crampy pain on top of the right shoulder.-Bubbling sensation in the left upper arm.-Burning pressure in the left upper arm.-Lacerating in the lower arm, also in both elbows in the direction of the upper arm.-Lacerating in the hand, also lancinating lacerating. Troublesome itching of the hands. -Lacerating, also lancinating-lacerating, in the fingers and joints of the fingers. Drawing, with pressure, or rheumatic drawing in the thumbs. LEGS.-Lacerating in the hips, calves, legs, and feet, worse at night. Cramp in the left thigh, with sensation as if the thigh had gone to sleep.-(Edematous swelling of the legs and feet.-Drawing pressure in the toes. Tingling in various toes as after getting frozen. 90.-COLOCYNTHIS. COLOC.-Cucumis Colocynthis. Wild Cucumber.-Hahnemann's "Chronic Diseases," III.-Duration of Action: from thirty to forty days. CoMPIAR wITH-Ar., Bell, Canth., Caust., Cham., Coff., Dig., Staph., Verat. ANTIDOTEs.-Camph., Caust., Cham., Coff., Staph.-It antidotes: Caust. Large doses are counteracted by tepid milk, infusion of Galls, Camph., Op. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-Contraction of the limbs and muscles. Fainting fits, with coldness of the external parts. Deadly swoon.Lassitude in all the limbs, when walking in the open air, as after a long journey, with great heaviness of the legs, and trembling. CHARACTERISTIC PECULIARITIES.-- According to Jahr, Colocynth removes complaints arising from indignation or from internal gnawing grief about unworthy treatment, such as: cramp in the calves and bowels, spasmodic colic, bilious colic, bilious fever, sleeplessness, &c. 572 COLOCYNTHIS. SKIN.-Itching of the whole body, as after violent sweat. Smart. ing itching in various places. Itch-like eruption. SLEEP.-Drowsiness and want of disposition to intellectual labor. Uneasy sleep. Sleeplessness the whole night. A kind of flatulent colic about midnight. Night-sleep interrupted by many dreams. FEVER.-Coldness of the whole body. Icy-cold hands in the evening, with warm feet. Violent chilliness. *Feverish heat. Nightsweat. Slow, full pulse. Quick and full pulse. Palpitation of the heart. When lying still, he feels the beating of the heart and the arteries in the whole body. MORAL SYMPTOMS.-Apathy with lassitude.-Dejection of spirits. Peevish. Out of humor. Great anguish.--Want of religious feelings.--Delirium with open eyes, and desire to escape (in puerperal fever). SENsoRIUM.-Dullness of the head, especially the forehead. Dull. ness of the head and vertigo, at the commencement of the colic. Giddiness, with slight delirium and deafness. HEAD.-Violent headache, as if brought on by a draft of air, disappearing gradually when walking in the open air.-Pressing headache in the fore part of the head, most violent when stooping, or when lying on the back. Drawing, semi-lateral headache.-Painful and lacerating digging through the whole brain, becoming intolerable when moving the eye-lids.-Pressure in the left side of the head, with burning in the temple.-Head and eyes sensitive to the least movement. Head feels hot. Burning pain in the integuments of the forehead, above the eye-brows. Smarting burning in the hairy scalp, on the left side. The roots of the hairs are painful. EYEs.--Burning cutting in the eye, also in the lower lid of the right eye when at rest. *Cuttings as with knives, in the right eyeball, extending to the r'oot of the nose, ~and in the forehead, from without inwards. Pain in the eye-lids as from excoriation. Burning pain in the whole of the right eye-ball. ODischarge of an acrid fluid from the eyes.--OOphthalmia, in arthritic individuals.?? Obscuration of sight. Sparkling before the eyes. EARS.-Rushing in the ears. Rushing and beating in the ears Ringing in one or both ears. Dullness of hearing, with'giddiness and slight delirium. Painful, long-continued drawing behind the left ear. NosE.-Digging, pulsative pain from the left side of the nose to its root.-Fluent coryza, early in the morning. FACE.-'Lacerating and tension, or oburning and stinging in one side of the face, -particularly the left, *extending to the ear and head COLOCYNTHIS. 578 Faoa pale and relaxed; eyes look dull.-oDark redness of the face in puerperal fever.-oSwelling of the face, with redness and heat of one cheek, and violent pains. Furunculi on the face. OHerpes faciei. Eruption of pimples, with burning pain when touched. Searching, burning pain, more when at rest than when in motion. Cramp-like sensation in the left malar bone, extending into the left eye. Feeling of pressure in the orbits near the root of the nose, with confusion of the head and chilliness. Swelling of the upper. lip. Burning of the lower lip. JAWS AND TEETH.-Dartings in the upper jaw.-~Throbbing toothache, on the left side.-Stinging-beating in the right lower molares, as if one beat upon them with a wire. MOUTH.--~Tongue coated yellow (in puerperal fever). Tongue feels scalded. Burning at the tip of the tongue. Tongue red. Edges of the tongue sore while eating. Burning in the mouth as if from pepper. THROAT.--Sore throat. Scraping and burning in the throat. Scraping in the throat with nausea. Redness in the throat, with difficult deglutition. Dryness of throat, with ardent thirst. Feeling of constriction in the throat. Rawness in the throat, with hoarseness and constriction of the chest. Rawness in the throat, with burning. GASTRIa SYMPToMs.-Eructations, with burning in the throat. Bitter eructations.-Empty eructations, occasioning palpitation of the heart, and spasm in the cesophagus, with constant disposition to gag and vomit. Nausea. *Vomiting of food, without nausea. Frequent vomiting. -~Greenish vomiting. oVomiting with diarrhoea. STOMACH.--*Pain in the stomach, after eating. Fullness in the epigastrium, as from repletion. Burning in the stomach, even while eating, generally with burning of the tongue. Pressure at the stomach, also as from a stone. Cramp-like feeling in the stomach, extending up by the oesophagus to the throat. Spasmodic pain in tho stomach, spreading up to the throat. Squeezing pain in the stomach, depriving him of sleep. Pressure in the stomach, especially after eating, with feeling of hunger.-oPainfulness of the pit of the stomach when touching it (in puerperal fever). With pain in stomach were always associated pain in teeth and in head. APPETITE AND TASTE.-Canine hunger. Canine hunger, with great general weakness. Appetite diminished. Putrid and nauseous taste, more in the throat than mouth. *Bitter taste in the mouth.Unusual degree of thirst. Much thirst, with dry throat. After eating, nausea and uncomfortableness. *Colic and diarriha after taking the least nourishment. 574 COLOCYNTHIS. ABDOMEN.-Pressure and flying pains in the hepatic region. Pres. sure in the viscera increases rather than diminishes on eating. Pressure in the lower belly, as if from fullness. Constant pain in the abdomen, made up of contusive pain and pressure. Pressure in the pit of the stomach. *Feeling about the umbilicus as if from catching cold. Itching of the umbilicus. Constrictive feeling in the upper part of the abdomen, returning at short intervals, and passing into sharp griping. Dartings in the abdomen. G-riping in the abdomen, especially about the umbilicus, like a cutting or squeezing; worst on moving; relieved by bending forward, or on evacuating the bowels. Griping, worst after every meal, and in the evening; or from fruit; or with painful stitches in the bladder. Lacerating in the abdomen. pain only felt on walking. Distensive pain in the bowels, which feel gathered into a ball.-Stitching pain below the umbilicus, worst when walking on level ground, better on standing still or going down-stairs. "*Bruisedfeeling in the bowels, -worst on walking, or sitting bent.Colic, with rumbling as if from bursting of large bubbles. Tenderness of the abdomen, as if its contents were raw. *Rumbling, with emission of much flatulence. Warmth in the hypogastrium, preceding the gripings.-Enteritis. Heat in the bowels. Tenderness of the umbilical region, with swelling. *Feeling in the whole abdomen as if the intestines were being squeezed between stones, and threatened to burst out. Drawing-searching (digging) pain in the belly, increased on expiring and laughing. *A cup of coffee removed the colic caused by Coloc., -but it was necessary to evacuate the bowels immediately afterwards. *Riumbling and constant commotion in the hypogastrium.-Pain in the belly like a colic, wit1k some distention and emission of flatus.-Colic.-* Cutting pains in the belly, with chilliness and lacerating in the lower limbs. Continued cuttings in the abplomen, so violent that he was forced to walk, bent double, with general lassitude.-Violent pain in the belly.-Intense pain at a small point in the belly below the umbilicus, which, after a night-sweat, spread over the whole lower belly. *At each access of pain in the belly, agitation all over the body, -during which the cheeks are overspread with a chill, ascending gradually from the hypogastrium, and disappearing simultaneously with the subsidence of the violence of the pain. *Commotion in the bowels as if he were fasting (after din ner). *Emptiness in the lower belly; or as after a violent diarrhoea *Pain. in the lower belly, as if from taking cold, -or as if he had eaten ill-prepared food. Dull, tensive pain, ceasing on pressure.* Gradually-increasing constriction in the intestines every ten of twenty minutes, -ceasing from forcible pressure.-Stabbing pain COLOCYNTHIS. 575 near the pubis. Cutting pain in the hypogastrium. Bowels feel empty and sore. STOOL AND ANus-Diarrhea with tenesmus. lDysentery. Fre. quent stools. Diarrhcea day and night, with nausea, but inability to vomit. Urgent desire to go to stool; on the occurrence of the stool, the pain in the bowels almost disappeared, but soon returned. -Pap-like stools, preceded by griping, with burning at the anus. Doughy stools. Viscid scanty stools. Thin mucous stools, without pain. Bile is passed with the stools. Liquid frothy stool, of a saffron-yellow, of a musty odor, like brown paper burning. *Bloody stools. Faeces consisting of undigested food. After an evacuation, burning and darting at the anus. Itching and rawness at the anus, with oozing of mucus, after an evacuation. Tenesmus. Itching at the anus. Burning in the anus and rectum. Pressure alternately on the anus and bladder. Blind hemorrhoids. Bleeding of hbemorrhoids, leaving a burning in the anus and sacrum. Discharge of blood from the anus.--~Contraction of the rectum during stool. OParalysis of the sphincter. URINE ANR GENITAL ORGANS.-Retention of urine, with retraction of the testicles, and priapism. Desire to make water, with scanty urine. Alternate stitches in the bladder and rectum. Itching at the orifice of the urethra, with desire to micturate. Burning in the urethra when the bowels are evacuated. Urine, when passed, of an insupportable odor, in the night it became viscid like the white of an egg. Urine becomes turbid, with copious deposit, often like gravel. Urine like that in dropsy after scarlatina. MALE GENITAL ORGANS.-Increased sexual desire. Frequent erections. Emission of semen during sleep. Complete inability to perform the sexual act. FEMALE GENITAL ORGANS.-Catamenia return sooner than usual. Swelling of the labia, with dragging pain and heat in the vagina.0Suppression of the lochia, and puerperal fever after vexation.--oPainful nodosities in the mamme.? LARYNX AND CHEST.-Dryness of the air passages. Frequent zrritation in the larynx, tickling which excites a dry cough. Voice harsh and hoarse. Spasmodic cough. Cramp of the intercostal muscles. Stitches in the intercostal spaces. Pressure in the middle of the sternum, as if from something in the lungs. Oppression of the chest infront, also pressure on the sides of the chest, on stooping, when sitting, and in the evening. Pressure with dull shooting in the pit of the stomach. Flying stitches in the chest, going from before backwards. Constriction of the chest, with rawness in the 576 CONIUM MACULATUM. throat, and hoarseness. In the night, fit of asthma, slow respiration, and cough. Palpitation of the heart, with pulsations all over the body. BACK AND LoINs.-Itching and heat in the nape of the neck.Drawing in the neck. Stiffness in the neck, making it difficult te turn the head. Painful drawing in the neck on moving it. Rawness in the right shoulder-blade, during repose. Severe contusive pain, as if the nerves were compressed. Aching in the back and legs, as after a forced march. Drawing in the muscles of the back. Between the shoulders, drawing shooting pain. Flysng pains in the dorsal region.-Pulsation in the loins. ARns.-Flying pains in the shoulders. Suppuration of the azillary glands. Arms feel swollen.-Subsultus of muscles.-Drawing in the arm, going off on walking. Paralytic pain, as from a bruise in the arms, from time to time.-Striking (beating) up through the axilla to the teeth and side of head. Drawing and tension in the arms and hands.-Tension in rightfore-arm. Hands feel stiff. LEGS.-Aching of the legs and back, as after a forced march. Lower limbs feel heavy. Drawing and pressure in the legs and thighs, going off on walking. Trembling of the lower limbs, as after a severe fright, with shuddering. Lacerating pain in the thighs. Pulsation in the legs and thighs. Cramp-like drawing in the internal femoral region, throughout its whole extent. Drawing in the kneejoint. Inflammation of the knee-joint, with redness, swelling, and ~pulsation. Stifness of the knees. Pain as from weakness in the knee while walking. Tensive pressure in the legs, even while sitting. Varicose veins in the calf of the leg become painful. Pain like a spasm in the ankle while walking. Drawing pain with pressure in the ankle-joint while sitting. Darting pain in the ankles. Feeling as if the feet were going to sleep. Pressure in the bones of the feet. Feet feel heavy even in bed.-Swelling of the feet. Trembling of the feet, as after a violent fright, with shuddering and chilliness. 91.-CONIUM MACULATUM. CON. M.-Hemlock.-See Hahnemann's " Chron. Diseases," Vol. III.-Duration of Action: from thirty to fifty days. COMPARE WITH-Arn., Asa., Bell., Cale, Coff., Dig., Dulc., Fer., Graph., lod., Lye., Magn.-mur., Mang., Mere., Mosch., Nitr.-ac., Nux-mos., Nux-v., Op., Phosph., Phos.-ac. Plumb., Puls., Rhus, Ruta, Sabad., Sassap., Sep., Staph., Sulph., Sulph -ac., Tarax., Teucr, Valer., Zinc. ANTIDOTES.-Coff., Nitr.-spir.-It antidotes: Nitr.-ac. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.--Sensation in the bones of the upper CONIUM MACULATUTM. 577 and lower limbs as if surrounded by tight bands, causing a languid feeling. Crampy and spasmodic pains in various parts, chest, jaws, &c.-Pulsative jerking in the almen and small of the back.-A kind of stiffness of the body, the imovement of the limbs, the nape of the neck, &c., excites a disagreeable sensation.-Lacerating in all the limbs, as if sprained.-Burning sensation on the tongue and in the hands. Sensation in all the joints as if bruised, when at rest. *Vio., lent pain, as from bruises, in all the limbs. The limbs go to sleep. Numbness and coldness of the fingers and toes. * Walking in the open air is fatiguing.-Continued want of animal heat, and constant chilliness. Great liability to take cold.-Seething of the blood. Continued and violent seething, intermixed with jerkings in the region of the heart. Trembling motions and tremor of the whole body, especially in the anus. Tremor of all the limbs. Subsultus-tendinum. Convulsions. *Sick and faint, early in the morning, in bed, -with low spirits, drowsiness, and pain in the stomach.-N.ervous attacks. -*Great exhaustion, also of the whole body,'evening and morning. Faintishness early in the morning after waking, as after a fever, going off after rising. Languor of both mind and body.-General feeling as if bruised by blows.-Weakness of the whole body. Nervous weakness.-*Exhausted, faint, and as if paralyzed, after a short walk, with peevish and hypochondriac mood. Sudden lassitude in walking.-*Fainting fits. Consumption. Dropsy. Apoplexy. Apoplexy with dropsical symptoms. Paralysis. CHARACTERISTIC PECULIARITIES.-The pains occur mostly during rest, rarely during motion. The worst pains come on at night, and rouse him from sleep. SKIN.-*Erratic and evanescent itching of all the parts of the body. Corrosive itching. *Stinging sensation, as of flea-bites, closely succeeding each other in different places of the whole body, but single bites, never two at the same time. *Slow, itchingsmarting, burning stitches in different parts of the body. Inflammation of the skin all over the body, it is painful and burning. OThe skin is painful all over.-ONettle-rash from violent exercise.*Chronic herpes, humid, or crusty and burning.-o Chronic brown, or frequently-recurring red itching spots on the body.-oChlorotic conditions.?-Increased intolerable pains in the affected parts. Bleeding of the ulcers. The edges of the ulcer become black, with effusion of a fetid ichor. Gangrene of one portion of the ulcer. Petechise. Blueness of the whole body. Concealed cancer of the bones, in the middle of the long bones.- The glands painful in the evening.25 578 CONIUM MNACULATUM. OSwelling and induration of the glands, particularly from contusion -OScirrhous indurations.?-~Cancerous ulcers. SLEEP.-*Drowsiness in the dctime, without being-able to sleep. Somnolence. Somnolence the wffble day, with great weakness, even unto falling. Torpor, in the afternoon. *Great drowsiness in the evening, and indisposition to do anything, oor with sensation as if the eye-lids were forcibly closed.-*One falls asleep late, after midnight. Sleeplessness. Sleep, which is bordering upon stupor, after which the headache, which had been scarcely perceptible before, becomes more violent. Interrupted sleep. Nightly symptoms: pulsation in the right side of the head, in the evening; headache with nausea; spasm of the stomach, resembling a griping and drawing together; scraping in the throat, with cough; bleeding from the nose, with vertigo, on rising.-Violent weeping at night, when asleep. He mutters during sleep.-Nightmare.-Anxious, frightful dreams. *A number of intimidating dreams. OSleep full- of ravings. OUnrefreshing night-sle'ep. FEVER.-Shuddering. Shuddering, with heat and thirst, or coldness followed by heat and dullness of the head. Chilliness in the morning, with headache and nausea. Chilliness, with tremor of all the limbs. Chilliness, with cold hands and a coldface, accompanied by nausea.-Feeling of heat in the whole body. Heat. Feeling of internal and external heat, after sleep. Constant heat.-Violent feverish heat, with profuse sweat and great thirst, with want of appetite, diarrhoea, and vomiting. *Catarrhalfever, with sore throat and cough.-Quotidian fever. Severe attacks of fever.-Slow fever, with complete loss of appetite. Sweat all over, especially on the forehead, with redness of the face and body, without any particular heat.-Night-sweat. Inclination to sweat, even of the cold limbs, on and after waking. Local, fetid, smarting sweat.-Pulsations are perceptible throughout.the whole body.-Quick pulse. Unequal pulse as regards strength and rapidity. Large, slow pulse; it is interrupted by a few smaller pulsations, coming on without regu larity. Slow, weak pulse. Collapse of pulse. MORAL SYMPTOMS.-Sad.--*Hypochondria, depression of spinits and indifference, when walking in the open air. *Hysteric fit, with chilliness and a kind of spasmodic movements.-*Anxiousness. Su perstitious thoughts. Fearful, whining, and desponding. Fear of thieves. *Inclination to start, as with fright. Frequent thoughts of death. Peevish. *One easily feels vexed and angry. Indifference. *Indisposition to work. SENsORIUM.-Want of memory. Excessive difficulty to recollect CONItM -MACULATUM. '5799 thingDs. Dullness of m ind. Dullness of all the senses. Insensi. bility and indolence. Hurriedness. Confused thoughts. Delirium. Dementia. Dullness' of the head. Dullness and heaviness of the head, on waking from a sound sleep. -Dizziness and whirling sensation in the head. Intoxication. Continued stupefaction of the head, with constant inclination to slumber. Vertigo. 0Vertigo on.looking round, as if he would fall to one side.-0ApopLoexy, with paralysis, particularly in old people. HEAn.-Heada~che, with nausea and vomiting of mucus. Violent headache, with vertigo. Stupefying headache in the outer part of the forehead. Headache in the morning on -waking, as in ejddemi~c fevers.-Semilateral, gradually-increasing headache, as if the head were bruised, and as if a load were pressing downwards in the head. -*Dulln~ess and heaviness of the head. Headache, as if the head were too full and would burst, in the viorning, on waking.-.-Pressure in both temples. Aching above the eyes, extending from within outwards.-Drawing pain in the brain, behind the middle of the forehead. *Lacerating headache in the occiput and nape of the n~eck,.especially in the orbits, constantly accompanied by nausea; *she had -to go to bed. Lacerating headache in the region of the temples, with pressure in the forehead. Painful laneination, darting. through the forehead, from within outwvards, at noon. Chronic lanlcinating headache Oin the sinciput.. Stitches in the parietal bones and in the forehead, with vertigo. Pain in the occiput, at every pulsation, as if that part of the head were pierc'ed with a knife. Throbbing in the forche'ad.....eat in the head.------Dropsy of the brain.??-Sense of ntumbness and coldness on one side, of the head. Aching, in the outer parts of the forehead. Drawing pain in the temporal bones. Drawing Pain in the forehead, over the eye-brow's. Itching in the hairy scalp. *[-"a4llg off of the hair. EYEs.-Pressure in the eyes, especially when reading. OFeeling of coldness in the eyes, during a walk in the open air. Painful pressure in the eyes, while closing themn in the evening.-._Drawing pain and redness of the eyes. Itching of the margin of the eye-lids. Heat in the eyes. Burning in the, eyes.-Redne-ss of the eyes. In-.flamed eye-lids, *with incipient styes at some places, and frequent Winking. Yellow-ish color of the eyes. Tremulous look, as if the eye were trembling. Protruded eyes.-Dilatation of the pupils. Weakness of sight Oand of the eyes.-0The eyes are dazzled by the light of day.-.ophotophobia, particularly in scrofulous subjects, with pale redness of the eye-ball, or partial congestion of the conjunctiva. Obstruction of sight. Obscuration of sight, when walking in the 580 CONIUM MACULATUM. open air. *More short-sighted than formerly; he was only able to recognise near objects. He saw things double. Thread, clouds, and light spots seem to float before the eyes. Things look red. Fiery sparks before his eyes, in the open air. ODark points and colored streaks in the room. Increased irritability of the eye. EARS.-Pain in the ear, as if the internal ear were forced asunder. -Sudden sharp pressure in the ear, a sort of acute dragging pain. *Stitches in both ears, ~also during a walk in the open air, oin and about the ears. ODrawing stitches in the ear, from within outward. Throbbing in the ears. Accumulation of ear-wax, mixed with puru. lent mucus. Blood-red cerumen. Painful sensitiveness of the sense of hearing. 0Hardness of hearing, ceasing when the wax is removed and returning with the wax.--Shrill tingling in the ear. *Roa.. ing as of wind in the ear, with hard hearing, increased during a meal. *Roaring and humming in both ears.'--Parotitis and indura. tion of the parotid gland. NosE.-Frequent itching about the nose. Burning of the nostrils. -Hcvmorrhage from the nose. Frequent bleeding from the nose. OInflammation of the nose after abuse of Mercury.-~Purulent dis. charge from the nose.-OTrouiblesome feeling of dryness in the nose.OStoppage of the nose, chronic, of both nostrils.-Frequent sneezing. FACE.--Heat in the face, with congestion of blood to the head and a sensation in the nose as if one had a cold. Bluish, swollen face. Swelling of the molar region and upper gums, with a tight pain. *Prosopalgia at night. OFlashing lacerating in the right half of the face. Aching in the bones above the eye, near the nose, and in the malar bone.-Lancinating pain in the face. *Itching and gnawing in the forehead. Soreness, as from excoriation, in the skin of the face. *Eruption of a pimple on the forehead, with a tight and drawing pain. OHerpes and spreading ulcers in the face. Tremor of the lip. Ulcers on the lips, after a fever.--~Cancer of the lips.-- ODry and scaly lips. JAWS AND TEETH.-Spasm of the jaws. Gnashing of teeth. Toothache- (lacerating?) towards the ear, eye, and malar hone, only during a meal. Drawing in a holloz tooth, when eating anything cold, not when taking a cold drink. *Drawing pain, extending from the lower teeth of the right side to the malar bone. Dartings in the teeth.-Jerkings and gnawing in the teeth.-Pain in the teeth, during mastication, as if they were loose. Looseness of the molar teeth, as if they would fall out. The gums are affected with a burning pain. Swollen, blue-red gums, as if ecchymosed. Bleeding of the gums in the region of the molar teeth. The gums'bleed readily. CONIUM MACULATUM. 581 MOUTH.-Stiff, swollen, painful tongue. Heavy speech. Loss of speech. ore throat, a sore pain when swallowing. Difficult deglutition. OInvoluntary deglutition. Dryness of the mouth. Dry tongue. Violent ptyalism. *Frequent hawking of mucus.-~ craping in the throat. Pressure in the oesophagus from the pit of the stomach, as if a round body would ascend. TASTE AND APPETITE.--Acidity of the stomach, with a flat and somewhat putrid taste in the mouth. Bitter and sour taste, after breakfast. Bitterness of the mouth and throat. Decreasing appetite. Loss of appetite. ODoes not relish bread. Thirst.-~Canine hunger. GASTRIC SYMPTOMS.-*After a meal, distention of the epigastrium, with pressure in the stomach, and subsequent arrest of breathing; stomach-ache, with great fullness of the stomach and chest the whole day; nausea with oppressive headache; pain in the umbilical region, as if all the bowels were bruised by blows; drawing pain in the umbilical region; drawing pain in the abdomen, when sitting; chilliness, oppressed breathing, and hard pressure on the sternum; great weakness and depression of strength; sour eructations; gulping up of sour substances from the stomach. *Suppressed eructations after breakfast. *Unsuccessful eructations, with subsequent pain in the stomach, Oalso with fullness in the throat-pit.-#Frequent and empty eructations, especially early in the morning, Oor the whole day. *Sour eructations, with burning in the stomach. *Eructations tasting of the ingesta. *Heartburn, in the evening, Oor after eating. -Acrid heartburn.-Hiccough.-Frequent nausea, and complete loss of appetite. Nausea and disposition to vomit, after every meal. Violent vomiting. ONausea and vomiting of pregnant females. ~0ppression of the stomach during a meal. SToMACH.-Pressure in the pit of the stomach.-Drawing pain from the pit of the stomach to the fauces, with short and difficult breathing. *Contractive pain in the stomach, with a feeling of cold ness in the stomach and back. *Spasmodic pains in the stomach. *Spasm of the stomach. Pinching in the stomach, which afterwards affects the intestines in a similar but dull manner. Sore and raw feeling in the stomach. Oppression (tightness) of the pit of the stomach, when leaning backwards, with arrest of breathing and suppression of speech. HYPOCHONDRIA.-Aching in the liver, when walking. Aching in the right side of the abdomen and chest, increased by breathing. *Sharp drawing in the anterior lobe of the liver. Painful lacerating in the region of the liver Painful stitches in the region of the liver. 582 CONIUM MACULATUM. in paroxysms, arresting the breathing. *Searching (grinding) land. nations in the left side of the abdomen. ABDOMEN.-Pain above the hips when walking. Violent pains in the abdomen, with chilliness. Excessive colic. Continued pressure in the abdomen, as from a load. Hardiess and violent inflation of the abdomen. Inflation of the abdomen, like flatulent colic, in the evening, with coldness of one foot.-Swelling of the abdomen. Swell ing of the mesenteric glands. Oppression of the abdomen. Con tractive pain in the abdomen, resembling after-pains; this pain causes tenesmus.- Griping and pressure in the abdomen.-Spasm in the abdomen. OOppressive contraction of the abdomen. oWrithing and digging in the abdomen. Most violent colic. Pinching colic, but neither immediately preceding, nor succeeding stool. Violent pinching in the abdomen, as if diarrhoea would set in. Cutting colic, early in the morning, after a chilliness of two hours, with headache and. nausea. Cutting colic with diarrhoea. * Violent lancinations in the abdomen, every day, especially in the right side. *Lancinations in the abdomen, as if knives were plunged into it. Shooting pains in the abdomen, oparticularly during emission of flatulence. Drawing colic, when walking. Drawing pain in the intestines, as if bruised. OPain as from soreness in the abdomen, when walking on stone pavement. Sore kind of lacerating, in paroxysms, extending from the region of the stomach to the side of the abdomen, as if everything would, be torn out. Pain in the right groin, as if swollen, with a sensation of subcutaneous ulceration when touching the parts.-Pains as if the hernial sac would protrude. Rumbling and grumbling in the abdomen. Violent emission of flatulence. *Cutting pain in the abdomen, prevwtus to and during the emission offlatulence. STOOL.-* Constiptiion. *Frequent urging without stool. Scanty stool. Frequent urging every day, a small quantity being expelled at a time. Constant tenesmus, with thin evacuations. Violent urging, diarrhoeic stools. Papescent stools, every day, with burning at the rectum. *Diarrhea. Exhausting diarrhoeai Frequent diarrhoea, like water, mixed with undigested substances, with pinching in the stomach, which extends through the abdomen. Undigested stool. Passage of faeces during sleep, without waking. *Discharge of blood with stool, early in the morning. Every evacuation is preceded by a short cutting pain in the abdomen. Burning at the rectum, during stool. Chilliness during every stool; Palpitation of the heart after stool. Tremulous weakness after every stool, passing off in the open air. Pressing in the' direction of the anus 'and the small of the back, in frequent paroxysms. Frequent stitches in the CONIUM MACULATUM. 583 anus, between the stools. Itching of the rectum. Burning and heat at the rectum and anus. URINE.-Ischury. Strangury. ~The flow of urine suddenly stops, and continues after a short interruption. Urgent desire to urinate, every half-hour. *Frequent micturition, *the urine cannot be retained. Diabetes. Diabetes, accompanied by great pain. Wetting the bed, at night. Red urine. Hnematuria. Frequent hoematuria with asthma. OThe urine is thick, white, and turbid, Oor clear as water, with frequent urging. *Cutting in the urethra, while emitting the urine. Pressure upon the uterus, and cutting in the urethra, while urinating. Burning when urinating. Pressing as of the urine, with a smarting sensation, after micturition.-Sharp pressure in the bladder. Burning in the urethra. Discharge of mucus from the male urethra, also after micturition. MALE GENITAL ORGANS.--Discharge of pus from the urethra, after previous itching. Itching of the penis.-Inflammation of the prepuce.-Cutting pain in the glans. Pain in the testes. Swelling of the testicles, particularly after contusion. Absence of sexual desire. Excessive sexual desire. Lasciviousness. oInsufficient erections during an embrace. OFeeble embrace. OLanguor after an embrace.-OExcessive pollutions. FEMALE GENITAL" ORGANS.-- Violent itching of the pudendum, also of the vagina, immediately after the menses; succeeded by a pressing downwards of the uterus. *Severe stitches of the pudendum. oStitches in the vagina and pressing from above downwards.-~ Uterine spasms, with digging above the pudendum, distention of the abdomen, and lancinations extending into the left side of the chest. OPinching and griping in the uterus. *Suppression of the menses. ~Feeble menses. *Appearance of the menses on the seventeenth day. Brownish blood appears instead of the menses. OPain in the mammme before the menses. Dry heat in the whole body, previous to the appearance of the menses, without thirst.-~Pressure from above downwards and drawing in the legs during the menses. OPainful abdominal spasms during the menses. *Leucorrhea, osmarting, excoriating. Violent leucorrhoea, succeeded by hoarseness, cough, and expectoration. Discharge of a white, acrid mucus from the vagina, causing a burning sensation. Thickish, milk-colored leucorrhoea. with contractive, labor-like colic from both sides of the abdomen.Bloody mucus, instead of the leucorrhoea.-Leucorrhcea, ten days after the menses, preceded by colic. Leucorrhoea with weakness and lameness in the small of the back previous to the discharge, with subsequent lassitude. Pinching in the abdomen previaus to the 584 CONIUM MACULATUM. leucorrhcal discharge. In pregnant females: Ocough; ovomiting and nausea.-~Sterility, particularly during suppression of the menses.-~Profuse lochia.?-Pain in the mammae. Itching of the mammne and nipples, with red, scaly skin and burning after rubbing. OScirrhous induration of the mammm. Inflammation of the scirrhous mammae. Dwindling of the mammm. OCancer of the nmammce.? LARYNX AND TRACHEA.-Violent.catarrhal fever, with inflammation of the throat and loss of appetite.-Hoarseness. Sensation offullness in the chest; inability to raise anything by coughing.-Rattling in the chest. A dry little spot in the larynx, where one experiences a titillation inducing a dry and almost constant cough.-Itching in the throat, with titillation causing a short hacking cough. Scraping and tingling in the chest, in the direction of the larynx, inducing a dry, almost continual cough. ~Dry, tickling cough, with oppression of tie chest and evening fever.-Cough increasing when lying down. *Nightly cough. Short, convulsive cough, excited by a deep inspiration. Violent cough. * Whooping cough and asthma, oparticularly after measles.-*Nightly whooping cough. Whooping cough, with discharge of a bloody mucus from the chest. OSuffocative cough with flushed face. oDry, spasmodic cough, with shortness of breath. OCough with bloody expectoration. OCough in pregnant females. OCough in scrofulous persons.-Dry cough with hoarseness. Dry, s-ort, and hacking cough. Loose cough, without ability to throw off.-Discharge of pus from the chest-Stitches in the head when coughing. Pain in both sides of the abdomen when coughing. CHEST.--Difficult breathing and violent pain in the chest. Short panting breath. OShortness of breath, Oparticularly when walking, or when taking the least exercise, sometimes with paroxysms of spasmodic cough. *Asthma, particularly in the morning on waking.*Frequent oppression in the upper and right half of the chest, as if caused by accumulation of flatulence, oin the evening in bed, with pain in the chest. Violent pain in the chest, with violent cough.- Tightness across the chest, with pressure in it when taking an inspiration.Aching in the sternum, with shortness of breath. Cutting pressure in both sides of the chest, increasing by inspiration.-Pleuritic stitches.--oStitches in the sternum.-Drawing and lacerating through the whole chest, in the evening when in bed, lying on one side with oppressed breathing. Lacerating in-the chest.-~Jerks in the chest.-Pain as from bruises in front of the chest, and in the back. Burning in the region of the sternum.- Violent palpitation of the heart, after drinking. Palpitation of the heart, when rising from bed.-Frequent shocks in the region of the heart.-Stinging itching CONIUM MACULATUM 585 over the whole chest.-Pimples on the chest, painful to the touch.-- Caries of the sternum. BAcK.-Violent pain in the back after a short walk, afterwards nausea and exhaustion.-Stitches in the small of the back, with draw ing through the umnbar vertebre when standing.--Tight pain in the back. Painful tightness of the muscles below the scapulae, when at rest, augmented by raising the arms.-Drawing in the lumbar vertebrae, when standing.-Dull stitches between the scapulae.-Pain, as from a sprain, in the left side of the back. Hot feeling along the back, in the morning on waking.-Tensive pain in the nape of the neck, when at rest, with a feeling of dryness in the fauces. OPain as from soreness in the lowermost cervical vertebra. Apparent enlargement of the neck. Increase of the goitre. ARMs.-Drawing pain in the arm, upwards and downwards, mostly when moving it. OThe shoulders feel as if pressed sore.-Paralytio and drawing pain in the upper arm, when at rest. Lacerating in the upper arm and bend of the elbow. Heaviness in the elbow-joints, with fine stitches.-Dull drawing in the fore-arms, more violent when at rest than in motion. OHumid, crusty, burning herpes on the fore-arm.-Paralytic drawing pain in the wrist-joint, when at rest. Numbness of the fingers. Itching in the dorsa of the fingers. Panaris, with inflammation, and a throbbing, burning pain as from subcutaneous ulceration. LEGS.-- Drawing pain in the hips.--oUneasiness and languor in the lower limbs.-Swelling of the thighs.-Drawing, lacerating, and pricking in the thighs.-Dull pain in the knee, when stepping. Arthritic pain around the knee-joint. Pain as from a bruise in the left knee, lacerating when walking or standing in the open air. Pain in the knee as if sprained. Paralytic pain in the bend of the knee. *Pain as iffrom fatigue in the knee. o Tension and lacerating in the knees, worst at the commencement of a walk.-Tight and painful stiffness in the calves. Pain in the tibia, as if it had been bruised by blows. Lacerating in the lower legs and feet. OCramp in the calves. OPainful reddish spots on the calves, becoming afterwards green or yellow, as after contusion, and impeding the movement of the foot.-Dull pain in the tarsus. Burning and throbbing stitches in the bend of the foot.-Tingling pain in the soles of the feet when stepping.--Numbness and insensibility of the feet. Coldness of the feet, and liability to take cold.-Swelling of the whole foot, affected with a burning pain. Painful swelling of the feet. Pustule on the feet.-The tips of the toes are painful, as from subcutaneous ulcera tion. 25* 586 CONVOLVULUS ARVENSIS.-COPATVAE BALSAMUM. 92.-CONVOLVULUS ARVENSIS. CONVOLV.-Bind-weed. CLINICAL REMARK.-This remedy is recommended for cde. matous swellings. 93.-COPAIVME BALSAMUM. COPAIV.-Balsam of Copaiva.-See Iahnemann's "Fragmenta de.Viribus Medicamentorum," &c., I.-Noack and Trinks. COMPARE WITH-Cubeb., Mere., Tereb ANTIDOTES.-Mere.? Merc.-corr.? GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-Burning pain.-Itching (skin, urethra).-Stinging. Pressure. Feeling of heaviness (stomach, perinaeum).-Lacerating and drawing (abdomen, thighs).-Increased secretion of mucus from the mucous membranes, particularly those of the urinary, genital, and respiratory organs.-Acute rheumatism; gonorrhoeal rheumatism (thickening and induration of the synovial membranes of the knee, swelling of the dorsum of the foot and torturingpain in the foot, which impedes the use of that part).-Violent jaundice during the whole of its course.-Hemiplegia (after the dis6 appearance of a measle-shaped exanthem which was breaking out all over the body).-Apoplexy.-He-m-norrhage.--Inflammatory affections of the intestinal canal, of the urinary and genital organs.-Discharge of several yards of taenia. SKIN.---Stinging and itching of the skin.-Dark-colored, or bright. red, elevated, intolerable itching, lentil-sized, measle-shaped exanthem, clustering in various places, and flowing into one another like grapes, in the face, on the chest, abdomen, hands, feet, sometimes with, sometimes without fever.-Scarlet-red, or else dark rose-colored eruption, of an irregular, broad shape, like the spots on a tiger, with troublesome itching, and raised either entirely or only in the centre.-Nettlerash, consisting of isolated blotches over the whole body, commencing on the face.-Roseola.-Rash.-- Eczema, consisting of vesicles which are smaller and flatter than the mercurial eczema. FEVER.-Quotidian fever: chilliness and coldness in the forenoon, in the afternoon heat and thirst.-Violent febrile motions in the inflammatory stage of gonorrhoea.-Quick pulse. HEAD.-Headache, as if from congestion, with heat in the face.-- Tremulous sensation in the head, delirium. MOUTH.-Slight, painful swelling of the lips and buccal cavity. COPAIVXE BALSAMUM. 587' Inflammation of the tongue, with swelling of the submaxillary glands. Increased flow of saliva. APPETITE.-Loss of appetite.-(Increased appetite and digestion.) STOMACH.-Gastric symptoms.-Frequent, troublesome eructations. -Great loathing, nausea, constant inclination to vomit in the throat, strangulation and vomiting, with loss of appetite, painful colic, and diarrhoea.-Pressure and burning in the region of the-stomach and umbilicus. ABDOMEN-.Pressure and burning in the abdomen.-Colic, pains in the bowels, with inclination to vomit, and diarrhoea.-Colic and watery diarrhiea.-Rumbling and writhing in the bowels, as if colic would come on.-Painful swelling of the inguinal glands. STOOL AND ANUS.-Constipation.-Copious stools, with loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, colic, and tenesmus. Exhausting diarrhoea, -White diarrhceic stools, generally in the morning, with chilliness and drawing-lacerating colic.-Involuntary stools.-Bloody stools.Tenesmus.-Intolerable burning in the region of the sphincter-ani. Sense of heaviness in the perineum. URINE.--Excessive irritation of the bladder. Inflammation of the urinary organs. Iuflammation, swelling, and dilatation of the orifice of the urethia, with pulsative pains throughout the penis.-Pain as from. soreness in the orifice of the urethra.-Itching, biting, and burning in the urethra, before and after micturition.-Contraction of the urethra.--Constant ineffectual urging to urinate.-Increased emission of urine, a sort of diabetes.-Retention ofurine.-The urine is emitted in drops.-Haematuria.-Foaming urine.-The urine is greenish-turbid, with a peculiar pungent (balsamic) smell; or like violets; or tastes bitter. GENITAL ORGANS.-The sexual organs are irritated. Constant weakness of the sexual organs, and loss of sexual desire.-Burning or sensation of dryness in the region of'the prostate gland and in the urethra.-Induration of the prostate gland, with great pain on urinating.-Swelling and induration of the testicles.- Yellow purulent gonorrhca.-Metrorrhagia.-Discharge of bloody and thick, purulent tmucus from the womb, with pressing towards the vagina. LARYNX AND TRACHEA.-Constant irritation in the larynx, with de% sire to cough.-Dry, painful cough with feeling of dryness in the larynx.-Profuse expectoration of a greenish-gray, purulent mucus. CHEST.-Spitting of blood.-Oppression of the chest and difficult breathing, as if the air-passages were clogged with mucus.-Pressure and anxiety in the chest, with flushes ot heat in the face and burq 588 CORALLIUM RUBRUM. ing in the palms of the hands and soles of the feet.-Burning sensa.z tion in the chest.-Palpitation of the heart. LEGS.-Pain and swelling of the knees and malleoli. 94.-CORALLIUM RUBRUM. CORAL. RUB.-Red Coral.-'Archiv," XI., 8. GENERAL SYMPTOMSS.-Extreme weakness and lassitude in the upper and lower limbs, in the evening, after a short walk.-Smooth spots on the palms of the hands and fingers, first of a coral color, then dark-red, and lastly copper-colored. Feverish chilliness, with violent, unquenchable thirst and pain in the forehead. Dry heat all over, internally and externally, without thirst, and sometimes with a full, rather hard pulse. Irresistible drowsiness. Sleeplessness until midnight, with great restlessness and tossing about. Restless nightsleep, full of dreams, tossing about, throwing off the cover of the bed. Starting from anxious dreams, when on the point of falling asleep. Ill-humored. HEAD.-Dullness of the head, as after intoxication. Sense of emptiness and hollowness in the head. Violent pressure in the head, the body being burning hot. Pressure in the frontal cavities, "with increased secretion of nasal mucus and relief in the open air.Congestion of blood to the head and face, on stooping.--Violent pain, as if the parietal bones would be pressed asunder, worse on stooping.-Sensation as if the head were three times larger than before. EYES AND EARS.-Pressure as from sand in the reddened eyes, in the evening. Pain as if the eye would be pressed into the orbit.Feeling of heat in the eye, also painful as from dryness.-Pain as from soreness in the eyes, on moving the eye-ball or even the lids only.-Diminution of hearing. NosE.-Hot, throbbing swelling of the right side of the nose Nightly bleeding at the nose.-Dry coryza, succeeded by violent fluent coryza. FACE.-Heat in the face, increased by bending the head forward. -Pain as if bruised in the region of the left malar bone, worse on touching the part.-Pain as if sprained in the articulation of the jaw, when yawning or opening the mouth wide--Painful swelling of the left submaxillary gland.-The lips are chapped, painful. TEETH.-Pain in the teeth as from subcutaneous ulceration, on making pressure against thefossa-canina.---Sensation as if the teeth CROCUS SATIVUS. 589 were too close to one another, or as if a tenacious body were lodged between every two adjoining teeth. MOUTH, PHARYNX, &c.-Great dryness of the fauces.-Dry and sore pain in the throat during deglutition. Pain of the temporal muscles during deglutition. GASTRIC SYMPTOMS.-Loss of appetite.-Desire for acids.-Violent thirst.-After dinner: hot cheeks and burning heat of the forehead, with cold feet. Reeling sensation as if intoxicated.-Nausea, with dryness of the tongue, violent headache. STOMACH, ABDOMEN, &c.-Constipation, followed by copious pa. pescent stool.-Burning urine. MALE GENITAL ORGANs.-Swelling of the prepuce, with sore pain of the margin when touching it. Red, flat ulcers on the glands and inner surface of the prepuce, with a quantity of yellowish ichor. TRACHEA AND COUGH.---Painful cough, with sensation as if a stone were pressing downwards in the pleural cavities. Cough with expectoration of yellow, purulent mucus. BACK AND LIMBs.-Pain as if bruised in the small of the back, or pressure as from a plug. Pressure in the scapulve, worse on coughing. Stiffness in the nape of the neck.-Painful weariness in the wrists. Painful weariness, as after a long walk, in the knee, tibia, and tarsal joint. 95.-CROCUS SATIVUS. CROC.-Saffron.-See Stapf's " Additions."-Duration of Action: upwards of eight days. COMPARE WITH-Acon., Bell., Caust., Ign., Lach., Magn., Mosch., Magnet.-pol.arct., Op., Plat., Stan., Tart. ANTIDOTES.-Acon., Bell., Op. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-Bounding in various parts of the body, as of something living.-The joints feel loose and give way. Painful cracking of the joints during motion.-The limbs on which one rests at night go to sleep.-Seething of the blood, through the whole body.--Hemorrhagefrom various parts, the blood being black and viscid.-Spasms every evening, with alternation of excessive tenderness and rage (see " Mind and Disposition").-Extreme lassitude, with sensation as if sweat would break out all over; he is scarcely able to stand, would like to sit or lie down all the time, although he feels his lassitude even then. Lassitude, inertia, and drowsiness. Excessive weariness in the morning, relieved by going into the open air, she felt worse in the room.-Frequent fainting turns. Feeling 590 CROCUS SATIVUS. of lassitude and inertia in the whole body, she feels as if she would faint. Debility in single limbs, even small movements cause a bruised feeling, especially in the hip-joint, as if struck by apoplexy (from the smell).-Tremor through the whole body. SKIN.-Tingling in the whole body.-Scarlet redness of the whole body.-oChilblains. SLEEP.-Great desire to sleep, after dinner, with chilly creepings. Great drowsiness, with faint, glassy eyes.-He sings in his sleep. Excessively drowsy, with yawning in the daytime.-Restless sleep, frequent waking, he tosses about, but falls asleep again immediately, with vivid dreams.-A number of confused, even frightful dreams. He is waked in the night by a desire to urinate, and a pain as if bruised. FEVER.-Cold thrill along the back, over the shoulders, and down the arms. Feeling of coldness in the back.-Chilliness with some thirst.- Yawning and chilliness after supper, with burning of the eye-lids and desire for cold drinks.-Great heat with tingling in the skin. Distended veins, with feeling of heat and moderately-increased temperature of the skin. Seething of the blood, as if the body were filled with moving things, without any perceptible heat.-Violent heat over the whole body, but especially about the head, with redness of the face and violent thirst, towards evening.-Sudden suffusion of warmth. MORAL SYMPTOMS.-Uncommon mirth and cheerfulness.-Excessive, almost frantic joy, with paleness, headache, obscuration of sight.-Every evening, alternations of spasms, and frantic fits of tenderness, wildness, and rage, with disposition to bite.-Great debility and dilatation of the pupils, with great inclination to jest and laugh.-Immoderate laughter.-Frequent alternation of cheerful and sad humor.-Fickle: angry one hour and cheerful the next.A slight cause excites his anger, which he is sorry for the next moment.--Uneasy, anxious, sad mood.-Indifferent to everything. Joyless and sad, alternating with mirth.-~Religious melancholy. SENSORIUM.-Staggering and giddiness when raising the head after lying down, at night.-Vertigo and heat of the whole body. Vertigo and great dullness of the head. Tightness of the forehead, and afterwards of the whole head, as if intoxicated. Stupid feeling in the head, with painful dullness in the occiput. Great forgetfulness. -Absence of mind and forgetfulness.-His mind errs; he is nmstaken about the time and the objects around him. Gloomy sensation in the head, dull pain in the eyes, and momentary vertigo. HEAD.-Sticking headache, with dry coryza. Violent headache CROCUS SATIVUS. 591' Pressure in'the vertex and heaviness of the whole head, in the morn. ing after waking.-Pain over the eyes, with burning and pressure.Pressure in the forehead. Sudden acute pain below the left' frontal eminence. Painful drawing in the forehead, with nausea.-Pulsations at regular intervals in the whole of the left half of the head and face. -Drawing pressure in the right half of the occiput.-Acute lacerating in the head and right eye, likewise in a left hollow tooth, with' dimness of the'right eye and a sensation as if a current of cold air were rushing through it.-Sensation when moving the head as if the brain were loose. EYES.-Violent burning of the eye-lids. Dilatation of the pupils --Contraction of the pupils, after several hours. Her eyes see through' a mist. Frequent blackness before her eyes. Obscuration of sight, after which a sensation as if bright stars were dancing before her eyes. Dimness around the eyes and darkness in front.-~Nightly. agglutination. Feeling of heaviness in the upper eye-lid. Sensation as if'the eyes were becoming smaller. Sudden flashes before the eyes, like electric sparks, in the daytime. Aching pain in the eye. balls, with profuse running of water, worse on reading. Her eye-lids close, with lachrymation. Sensation in the eyes as if smarting from smoke.-Sensation in both eyes as if she had been weeping. Burning in the eyes. Dry eyes.- Twitching and itching of the upper eye-lid. Sore feeling in the eye-lids, at candle-light. Burning in the eye-lids, worse when closing the eyes. ONightly spasm of the lids. FACE.-Circugnscribed burning red spots in the face.--OAlternate redness and paleness of the face. OLivid complexion. NOSE.-Dry coryza, with cold hands and feet, and heat in the face. -Violent sneezing. *Discharge from the nose of a tenacious, thick, dark-black blood, with cold sweat on the forehead, in large drops. EARs---Drawing in the ears. Humming and roaring in -the ears; ~also with hard hearing, worst on stooping. MoUTH.---Smarting of the lips. Dryness and scraping, in the mouth. Dryness in the mouth, and violent burning of one-half of the tip of the tongue: as if vesicles would form on it White-coated, humid tongue. Unusual warmth in the mouth. THRoAT.-Scraping in the throat. Sharp scraping sensation in the posterior parts of the throat, obliging him to hawk.-Sensation of heartburn along the cesophagus. Sudden drawing in the left side of the neck, externally arid internally, and extending into the ear. Sensation as if the uvula had become elongated during and after deglutition. TASTE AND GASTRIC SYMPTOIS.-Repulsive, sourish-sweetish taste 592 CROCUS SATIVUS. in the mouth, in the morning. Bitter taste in the throat.-Eructa. tions. Empty feeling in the abdomen, with complete want of appetite. Canine hunger.-Qualmish, disposed to vomit.-Feeling of nausea in the chest and throat, as if she would vomit. STOMACH.-Contraction, rumbling, and fermenting drawing sensation, or single violent stitches in the pit of the stomach. Burning in the stomach. ABDOMEN.-Distention of the stomach and abdomen.-Slight grumbling in the epigastrium, with uncomfortable feeling.-Repeated bubbling sensation in the abdomen.-Drawing in the praecordia, in the direction of the stomach, like cutting. The stomach is sensitive as after taking cold.-Colic, as from a cold. Drawing colic, as if the menses would make their appearance.-Painless stroke in the epigastrium, as of something living bounding upwards.-Several dull shocks below the short ribs of the left side, near the pit of the stomach. STOOL AND ANUs.-Some blood was passed with the stools. Movement through the whole abdomen, with a pinching sensation, and with occasional slight indications for stool.-Dull, long stitch near the anus, from time to time, continuous, afecting the whole nervous system painfully. Pain in the small of the back, in the morning and at night in bed, during motion. Creeping in the anus as of ascarides. -Intolerable writhing in the anus. Intensely-painful dull stitches on the right side above the anus. GENITAL ORGANS.-Excitement of the sexual desire.-Bearing down in the groin, as if the menses would appear. Fueling of heaviness in the groin.-Sensation as if the menses would make their appearance, with colic and drag gin g-down in the direction of the pudendum, in a few hours.-Fatal hcemorrhage from the uterus, especially after delivery. Haemorrhage from the uterus, during the least movement. LARYNX AND TRACHEA.-Violent paroxysm of dry cough, relieved by pressing with the hand on the pit of the stomach. Turns of dry cough, as if occasioned by a constant and violent irritation in the trachea. CHEST.-Heaviness in the chest. Warm sensation ascending towards the heart, with anxiety and some oppression of breathing. Tightness of}the chest.-Stitch below the heart, worse dur.'g an inspiration. Sudden aching pain in the lower part of the chest and pit of the stomach, with slight nausea in those parts.-Soreness in the whole chest. Shocks in the left side of the chest, in paroxysms as if the breath were arrested.-Secthing of the blood and palpita. CROTALUS. 593 tion of the heart, with anxiety, and subsequent sensation of languor extending through the abdomen to the feet. Great feeling of emptiness in the pit of the stomach. BACK.-Pains in the small of the back, in the morning and at night in bed, during movement. Painful feeling of stiffness in the neck, during motion. Swelling of the neck. ARMs.-Sensation in both shoulders as if bruised. Occasional pain in the shoulder-joint, when moving the upper arm.-Dull pain with paralytic feeling in the left arm.-Tensive pain in the shoulderjoint and cracking in the same, when turning the upper arms outwards. The arms, especially the fore-arms,feel very heavy and as if bruised.-Arms and hands go to sleep. LEGS.-Feeling of weakness in the thighs, down to the knees, es pecially when sitting. Pain in the posterior surface of the thighs, after having been sitting for a time.-Great weariness in the lower limbs. Lacerating along the knees, down to the malleoli, at night.The knees give way even while standing.-Painful tension in the knees when sitting down. Intermittent painful drawing in tho bent knee. The lower limbs feel bruised. He finds it dificult to stand or walk, his limbs feel likewise weak, when sitting.-Painful weariness in the feet, also when sitting, with a feeling of heaviness. Burning and tingling of the feet. Lameness of the lower limbs, after a walk. Pain of the soles of the feet. 96.-CROTALUS. CROTAL.-Crotalus Horridus, Rattlesnake Poison. Hering, "On the Poison of Serpents."-Duration of Action: several weeks. COMPARE WITH-Lach. and the analogous remedies. ANTIDOTEs.-Phosph.? (See the antidotes of Lach.) GENERAL SYMPTOMS.--OSpring complaints: Irregular stool, with pimples in the face, particularly in warm weather, headache and nausea, painfulness near the pit of the stomach, in the region of the hip and in other parts. OColic after dinner, and early in the morning. Vertigo with headache and nausea.-oSore throat after a cold.-The bones feel bruised in the morning, relieved after rising.-~Old rheumatism.-*Paralysis.--The action of the nervous and muscular systems is increased in patients.-Languor, and sudden decrease of the vital forces, with fever.-Frequent fainting spells, with imperceptible pulse and inclination to vomit.-Appears dead, is motionless, tremulous, speechless, with trembling pulse - 594 CROTALUS. Tremzblin~g of the whole body. Paroxysmal trembling and convulsions. Spasmis and convulsions-, with violent cries' and delirium.-H.m'orrizage fromn every or f/ice of the body, even from the pores of the skin. -The Wvound bleeds readily, with swelling and ecchymosis.-Diso, charge of bloody serum fl-cm the wound.-0Makes the blood redder, in sick people. 0Chlorosis.? CH1XRAc'tERISTIc PEc'ULARITIES.-Yearly recurrencq of blue-yellow spots, with swellings, pains, and fever. The pains, except the h-eadache, came and went off suddenly. The pains succeed one another rapidly, and return frequently. Ml'ost of the symptomts appear on tlhe sght side. The, pains occasioned by Crot. appear to be more particularly seated in the bones of the cx~tremitiesý.-Crot. appears to affect'fat persons more than thin, and white people more than colored. Sk iN.-Black spots'over the whole body. Red spots and blisters'. Yellow, green, bluish spots.-Blue and yellow spots, with s'wlelling and fever. 7The whole body and urine look- yellowv, as' in' jaundice.0Erysipelatous infiammiations (in the face).-The skin is, covered: With little blotches. Blisters and livid spots on the body', with' frequent faintinig 'fits and imp erceptible pulse.-Hot swellingas, with -cold' skin mid sickly appearance.-Swellings of the whole body. General ahiasarca.-Large- abscess on the elbow, with diarrhcea and- shivering. Fluctuating swelling on the wrist-jon otiigsrm-l iatrices break open again.-O-i~ngrene over the whole'body. SLEEP.-Irresistible drowsiness. Drowsiness with cold skin. Sopor.-Feels bruised on waking in the morning. FEviER-Cold skin, with nausea, p Iulse 100. Cold hands and feet, the latter burn. occasionally. Shuddering with diarrhcea.. Delirium in typhus, With muttering. Delirium with open' eyes, horrid headache, red face, in fever and ague.-Pulse 100 to 130,, with cold skin and frequent fainting turns. Pulsefeeble and quick, with fever and languor. Pulse first hard, then quick, then feeble and slow. Treniulrnisý, -i mpercdeptible' pulse', with loss of motion and speech. Interiflitterfit pulsb.-Dry', conisumptive' fever,, with' dry tongue and thirst. Constant' fever, with' thirst, bilious vomiting,. palpit~ition of the he~a-rt, anguish;, quick and feeble' pulse, languior, and' rapid sinking of! thei vital' forces:' 0 Ydlloio fever. 0 Typhus-. 0Tertian', intermittent, -first chilline's~, theni heat W ith pain in the sinall of the bacok, pain of- all the limbs8,- restless tossinig withi oppression' of- the clkstrhotrri'd headache", red; l1oatedi' face, And delirium With copen, eyes.-Fever with- swelling and'paiin--Thirst during-the fe ver.-Bloody' sw'eat. MORAL' SYMP'TOMS.- Lozoness of spirits, indifj/rence to everythin'g'.,&-Out of humor, languor. --Restlessness, also with fainting spells'. CROTALUS. 595 Melancholy, dread of men, with sudden weakness, headache, sickness at the stomach, diarrhoea. ~Melancholy, sadness.-0 Quarrelsome.? SENsoRIUM.-Crazy, 0imbecile. Inertia, dullness of mind, with inability to express his ideas correctly.-Incoherent answers, with cold skin and quick pulse.-Striking weakness of memory.-Rush of blood to the head, when affected with constipation, attended with headache, or during the convulsions. Vertigo with nausea. The eyes swim, with dilation of the pupil, chalk-colored face, and blue margins around the eyes. HEAD.-Pains in the whole head, immediately after the bite.oHeadache from congestion of blood and constipation.-Feeling of tightness in the head, with pressure in the temples.-Pressure in the forehead, with frequent paroxysms of vertigo and nausea.-Dartings in the temples, particularly the left.-Aching in the forehead, with vertigo, nausea, bilious vomiting, constipation, relieved by open air. ScALP.-Tension in the frontal and posterior cervicle muscles.Shiverings over the hairy scalp.-Itching of the hairy scalp.-Swelling of the head, particularly the face. EYEs.-Pressure in and above the orbits, behind the ears, and in the nasal bone.-#B*urning in the eyes.-Redness of the eyes, with lachrymation.-Blood oozes from the eyes, which looked ecchymosed. -Yellow, faint, sunken eyes.-Dilated pupil.-Frequent vanishing of the visual power and lachrymation in damp weather. Vanishin'g of sight in reading. EARS.-Heat and titillation in the ears. Drawing in the ears, with stoppage, painfulness of the whole left side of the head, and lameness of the jaw.-Blood comes out of the ears.-Stoppage, with sensation as if wax would flow into the mouth. NOSE.-Violent sneezing, with stitch in the chest. FAcE.-Chalk-colored face. Yellow face, for a long while. OPale cheeks turn red.-Swelling of the face (and head).--Distended red face, with delirium and fever and ague.--Erysipelas of theface, recurring frequently.-oPimples in spring, with headache, nausea, irregular stool, in girls.-Drawing with pressure in the malar and jaw-bones. Tremor of the lips. Foam at the mouth.-Spasmodic lock. jaw, with swelling of hands and arms: Immobility of the jaws, the tongue protrudes between the teeth. TEETH.-Bruised pain in the right lower jaw and teeth.-Exfolia. tion of the teeth on the inner side.-Looseness of the teeth. Bleeding gums. MouTH.---etid smell from the mouth.-Brown, swollen tongue.-. Aphonia. 596 CROTALUS. THROAT, &c.-Painful roughness and dryness in the throat.-Diffi. cult deglutition of saliva.-Hydrophobia.?? APPETITE, TASTE, &c.-Sour taste.. Unquenchable, burning thirst. -Rancid eructations. Heartburn.-Hiccough.-Nausea shortly after the bite.-Inclination to vomit, with cold skin.- Vomiting, green bilious fever. Violent vomiting every time he eats. STOMACH.-Pain in the stomach and pit of the stoniach, with nau. sea and qualmishness. Pressure in the pit of the stomach. HYPOCHONDRIA.-Cannot bear tight clothes.-Burning in the region of the liver.-~Yellow, fever, jaundice.-Cutting in the region of the spleen, as after running. ABDOMEN.-Pressure in the abdomen, as if too full. OCutting in the abdomen, after a meal.-Burning in the abdomen.-OAscites, arising from blood-letting in enlargement of the heart, is diminished. -Distention of the abdomen. STooL.--~Constipation and headache.-Papescent stool. Involuntary stool.--Hemorrhage from the rectum and from every part of the body. URINE.-Painful retention of urine in a boy of eight years, with loud screams, sensation as if a ball were rolling about in the bladder and were pushing through the urethra, loss of sense, swelling of the face, and sensation as if the swelling were turning round like a ball.Urine highly colored, red-yellow, as in jaundice.--Hamorrhage from the urethra. GENITAL ORGANS.-Increase of sexual instinct, with entire relaxa. tion of the penis.-~Pains in the cancer of the breast.?-The cancerous ulcer exhibits almost black streaks of coagulated blood on its base. LARYNX.-Hoarseness, and weak, rough voice.-Cough, with stitch in the side and bloody expectoration from the lungs. CHEsT.-Sudden breathing, with open mouth and distortion of the eyes outwards.-Snoring or wheezing breathing -~Relieved greatly the excessive oppression of the chest in old people affected with hydrothorax.-Difficulty of breathing, with unquenchable thirst and tightness of the chest as if the lungs would not expand. Asthma, with anguish, thirst, nausea, and diarrhoea.-*Oppression of the chest, Oalso in fever and ague, -particularly when sitting.-Violent pains in the chest, with vomiting.of a green fluid.-Stitches through the sternum, with soreness in the chest.--Pneumonia.-Pain about the heart. Palpitation of the heart during the fever. BACK.-OPain in the small of the back, in fever and ague.Bruised pain in the neck, from the larynx to the chin and lower CROTON TIGLIUM. 597 teeth, in sudden paroxysms. Considerable swelling under the jaw and around the neck. ARMS.-Soft tubercles under the skin, in the region of the shoulder-joint.-Bruised pain in the bones about the shoulder, worse when moving the arms backwards. -Swelling of the arm, with heaviness.-Spasmodic bruised pain in the upper arms.-Trembling of the hands during rest.-Laming bone-pains in the fingers.-Blood oozes from under the nails. LEGS.-Spasmodic pain, as from weariness, toward the abdomen and buttocks.-Arthritic drawing in the patella and leg. Rheumatio drawing in the bend of the knee.-Drawing pain in the marrow, from the knee to the sole.-Swelling of the leg, burning like fire.-Burning and stinging in the sole of the foot, with weight of the foot as of lead. Bruised pain in the malleoli, in walking. Soreness of the sole, as from walking on a sharp body. Swelling qf the feet, with coldness and burning. Painful numbness in the toes, as after a cramp. 97.-CROTON TIGLIUM. CROT.-Croton Oil.-" Pract. Mtitheil.," 1828. "Annals," IV. "Archiv.," XIX. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-Darting, lacerating, drawing pains in different parts of the body. Itching, burning, and tingling in different places.- Violent irritation through the whole body. Weakness and bruised feeling through the whole body, and frequent attacks of light nausea. Weakness and sick feeling.-Trembling over the whole body, with oppression and anguish.-Fainting spells. CHARACTERISTIC PECULIARITIES.-The pains are most felt on the left side.-The pains are relieved after sleep. SKIN.-Scarlet erythema over the whole body. Scarlet redness of the skin, with rash-like vesicles.-Vesicular, eczematous, and erysipelatous redness of the skin, Erysipelas of the face: violent burning erysipelatous swelling of the face, cedomatous indented eye-lid covering the eye, large water blisters on the chin.-Itching, folloved by a painful burning. Redness of the skin and pustular eruption. Pustules and almost general inflammation of the abdominal integuments.-Herpetic eruption of the scrotum.-Escharce, which are at first dry, then black.-Glands: irritation of the salivary glands. -Painful swelling of the submaxillary glands and tonsils. (See "Throat," &c.) 598 CROTON TIGLIUM. SLEEP.- Yawning.-Drowsiness without being able to sleep, with palpitation of the heart.-Restless, heavy sleep, wakes with head.,ache, with languor of the limbs. FEviER.-Sudden coldness and paleness of the hands, with shrI-Volied:fingers. --Pricki ng-burning heat of the body. Warmth of -the hanids, which are usually cold, with swelling of the* veins.-Frequent and feeble, frequent anad full, or contracted and somewhat accelerated' pulse. MORAL SYM'PTOMS.-Sad mood with indisposition to work.-Peevishb, ill-humored.-Melanacholy,.-Forgetfal. HEAD.- Vertigo, with dullness of the head, languor, and debility.Full, gloloomy, reeling head.* Dullness of the head, with pressure from.the vertex. Heaviness oJ the head -Stupefying presr7 no ne the frontal bone, most violent below the eye-brows, with heaviness ini.thea eye-lids.--Pressure in both temples, from withotit inwards.-Ten s-ive pain in the sinciput.-Headache with dullness, early in the morning. -Jerking darting about the head.-Congestion of blood from the abdomien to the head, with warm skin and sweat. EYES.-Heaviness, weakness of the eyes'-Itching of the eye-lids. -Slight cedematous swelling of tbe eye--lids.-Lachrymation.Stinging in the eye-ball.-Burning and violent pain of the eye.-Irritation and inflammatory redness of the conjunctiva.--Violent ophthalmia.: on. the second day, ulceration of the conjunctiva over the cornea and solerotica, irritation of the sclerotica and iris; contraction of the pupil; injected state of the vessels of the conjunctiva, selerotica, and eye-lids, profuse lachrymation, photophobia, violent pains, disfurbing the night's rest.-Vanishing of sight, as in a slight fainting spell, or as if smaoke, a gauze, or mist were before the eyes. EARs.-Cramp-like dragging in the interior of the ear.-Darting below the ear.-Momentary loss of hearing in either eaTr. Diminution of hearing in one ear. Humming in the ear. NosE3-Burningr in the nostril.-Inflammation of the nose.-Coryza, with slight discharge of mucus. FACE.-Swelling of the face.-Paleness and coldness of the face. I-ncreased warmth of the face.-Distracted expres'sion of countenance, with staring, glistening eyes. Burning in the face.-Erysipelatous inflammation of the face.-Drawing in the lower jaw. TEETH.-The gums bleed readily.-Painful swelling of the upper jaw on the inner sides, or of the alveolar margin.-Drawing in the lower cuspidatus. MOUTH.-Dry, parched lips.-Burning of the lips, with slighit swelling of the border of the lips.-Inflammation, swelling, and burn CROTON TIGLIUM. 599 ing of the mouth, lips, and pharynx.-Heat in the.mouth, as if burnt. -Heavy, hollow, and somewhat hoarse speech. THRoAT.-Swelling of the tonsils and painfulness of the same on pressing upon them. Angina-tonsillaris, with suppuration.-Swelling on the palate.-Redness and elongation of the uvula.-Feeling of warmth in the fauces, pharynx, oesophagus down to the pit of the stomach.-Dryness of the throat, difficulty of deglutition, and increased irritability of the pharynx during an inspiration.-Hawking up of sour mucus.-Scraping taste in the fauces. Burning scra2ping in the fauces and pharynx. Long-continued burning and contractive sensation in the fauces.-Constrictive sensation in the throat. APPETITE.-Bitter or sour, acrid taste, ascending from the stomach. Loathing.-Aversion to food and diminished appetite.-Lacerating in the abdomen during a meal.-Colic, lacerating around the umbilicus, vomiting of water, mucus, and a little food, with continual inclination to vomit, tenesmus, and discharge of a small quantity of loose faeces, with a copious admixture of mucus.-Nausea and eructations after drinking. SToMAcH.-Incipient, empty, or else watery or bilious eructations. -Excessive nausea, with vanishing of sight.-Gagging, pain in the stomach, and vomiting.-Singultus.-Vomiting of bile or bitter mucus.-Vomiting of a sour fluid, of a very acrid smell, at night.Anguish, oppression, and pressure in the region of the stomach, with great nausea and accumulation of water in the mouth. Violent burning in the stomach. Violent colic in the stomach and abdomen, relieved after a short nap.-Constriction of the stomach and pressure in the pit of the stomach, with running from the nose and eyes.Fullness in the stomach and oppressed breathing.-Sensitiveness of the region of the stomach to the touch. ABDOMEN.-Full, distended abdomen, with slight colic, urging to stool, tenesmus, and large volumes of fetid flatulence.-Heaviness and unpleasant sensation in the whole abdomen, with retraction of the abdomen. Nausea in the epigastric and hypogastric region.Coldness in the abdomen.-Fullness, pressure, sensation of burning and warmth, feeling of qualmishness in the pit of the stomach.Pressure in the region of the spleen. Splenetic stitches. Pinching, aching, pressing, tensive and spasmodic pains in the epigastrium.Violent, seated, dull, spasmodic pain in the middle of the abdomen, more violent when bending the body. Pressure and dragging above the umbilicus. Colicky pain around the umbilicus, followed by stool. Spasmodic, pinching, wandering pain around the umbilicus.-Pinching, pulling, tightness, and pressure towards the stomach, in the 600 CROTON TIGLIUM. umbilicus, attended with sudden nausea.-Pinching and cutting in the bowels, with emission of flatulence.-Tensive pain in the lumbar region. STooL.-Numerous liquid eructations with tenesmus, without colic, or with nausea and colic.- Violent Furging, with a disagreeable sen. sation through the whole body, and a nauseous taste.-Dark-green liquid discharges. Loose greenish-yellow stools, mixed with a quantity of mucus and bile, and attended with colic and tenesmus.Papescent, brownish evacuation, lined with mucus, accompanied with burning at the anus, tenesmus.-Constipation, sluggishness of the intestinal canal.-Discharge of ascarides, lumbrici, toenia.-After stool: protrusion of the rectum; pain when pressing upon the abdomen; anguish and oppression, sweat on the forehead, nausea with vanishing of hearing and sight.-Itching of the anus.-Pulaations, dartings, soreness, and burning at the anus. URINE.-Violent stitches in the region of the kidneys, arresting the breathing. The urine looks dark and fiery, flocculent, with greasy particles floating on top, turbid sediment.-Burning in the urethra and at the gland when urinating. FEMALE "GENITAL ORGANS.-Scanty catamenia. Retention of the menses. Palpitation of the heart and difficulty of breathing. LARYNX AND TRACHEA.-Hoarseness and hollow voice.-Increased secretion of mucus, with difficulty of breathing and slight wheezing during an inspiration. Soreness in the abdomen when coughing. CHEST.-Burning on the chest.-The chest is painful when touched. Difficulty of breathing, with tightness of the chest, owing to colic. Anguish, oppression, fullness in the chest and region of the stomach. -Aching pain in the middle of the chest. Sensation of hollowness in the chest. Loud and perceptible pulsations and throbbings of the heart, particularly in a recumbent posture.-Sudden throbbing in the region of the aorta. ARMs.-Heaviness and weariness in both arms. Sticking or aching pains in the shoulder-joints.-Lacerating in the arms. Boring pain in the elbow-joint.-Tension and pressure in the fore-arm, with sensation of extreme weakness, extending towards the hand.-Drawing in the fore-arm or above the wrist. LEGS.-Weariness and languor of the lower extremities, particularly a painful pressure in the thighs.-Tensive pain in the region of the hip-joint, in the thighs, or in the knee-joints.-Itching burning in the middle of the thighs.-Nervous weakness in the thighs.Lameness in the thigh.-Excited arthritic tingling in the knee-joints. OUBEBLE.-CUPRUM METALLICUM. 601 98.-CUBEBAE. CUB.-Noack and Trinks. CLINICAL REMARK.-Gonorrhoea. MORAL SYMPTOMS.-Exaltation of temper and of the mental faculties. HEAD.-Vertigo.-Headache.-Dilatation of the pupils. DIGESTIVE APPARATUS.-Heat in the mouth. Coated tongue. Thirst and burning in the fauces. Nausea. Loathing.-Sour eructations. Heartburn.-Disposition to vomit and vomiting.-Gastric derangement, with symptoms of a chronic inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach.-Burning pressure in the region of the stomach, and around the umbilicus.-Gastritis.-Warmth in the pit of the stomach. Burning in the abdomen. Violent colic. Inflammatory symptoms in the abdomen and on the genital organs.-Copious diarrhceic stools. Diarrhoea, with rumbling and cutting in the abdomen and burning in the rectum.-Constipation.-Suppuration of the rectum. Burning and itching of the anus. URINE AND GENITAL ORGANS.-Increased secretion of urine. Foaming urine.-Dark, reddish color of the discharge from the urethra.Aversion to an embrace and weakness of the sexual organs.-Considerable excitation of the sexual powers in the male.-Aggravation of the local inflammatory symptoms on the penis.-Orchitis.-Sensation of pressure and heaviness in the pelvis. BACK.-Pains in the back. LIMBs.-Feeling of heat in the palms of the hands and soles of the feet. 99.-CUPRUM METALLICUM. CUPR.-Copper.-See Hahnemann's "Chronic Diseases," III.-Duration of Action: from eight days to a fortnight. COMPARE WITH-Agn, Ammon., Aur., Bell., Calc., Chin., Coc., Dros., Dule, Hep., Hyos., lod., Ipec., Mere., Nux-v., Puls., Rhus, Ruta, Samb., Spong., Sulph., Verat.-Cupr. is frequently indicated after Veratr.-After Cupr. are frequently indicated Cale., Veratr. ANTIDOTES.-Of large doses: the white of an egg (or, if it should not be had, milk or wheat flour); a solution of sugar (Marcelin Duval, Postel; according to Vogel, a solution of the Acetate of Copper is most perfectly decomposed by Manna, and to a certain extent by sugar of milk and honey); Iron-filings (Navier, Payen, Chevallier, Dumas, Milne Edwards); preparations of Sulphur, Sulphuretted Hydrogen Gas.-Of small doses: Bell., Calc.-carb., Chin, Coe., Dule.? Hep.-sulph., Ipec., Merc.-corr., Nux-v., Rhus, Sulph.-Cupr. antidotes Aur. According to G. Schmid, Cupr.-acet. antidotes the effects of Opium in the brain when fully developed. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-Pains between the scapulae, in the 26 W2 CUPRUM METALLICUM. knee and elbow-joints. Rheumatic pains. Pains, especially on the right side, which shake the whole body, and dart through it. Painful jerks or shocks in different parts of the body. Bone-pains early in the morning, with headache and nausea, or between the paroxysms of rage and convulsions. Uneasiness in the body, with jerking of the limbs. He is very restless, and occasionally utters a loud cry. Tremor. Tremor in all the limbs. *Convulsive movements of the limbs. *Convulsive movements and distortions of the limbs. *Gene. ral convulsions. Convulsions, with continual vomiting and violent colic; the convulsions passed gradually into paralysis. *Convulszve fits during sleep (Oat night), twitchings of the fingers, arms, and hands, backwards and then again inwards towards the body; the same convulsive movements backwards occurring in the feet; she shortly opened her eyes for a short time, and then closed them again spasmodically, distorting at the same time her mouth. He fell down senseless in a sudden convulsive fit.--Epileptic convulsions, he trembled, staggered, and fell down senseless, without a cry. Epileptic fits, recurring at short intervals. Epileptic fits, with foam at the mouth, opisthotonos, with the limbs spread out to the sides, and the mouth open.-Spasms of the limbs.-TThe limbs and trunk became rigid, the jaws were closed. OOr with loss of consciousness, opisthotonos, redness of the eyes, ptyalism and frequent micturition.-~St. Vitus' dance.-Faintishness of the limbs. Relaxation of the whole body. Great weakness in the body, especially in the knee-joints, which feel as if they would break down; he can scarcely stand or walk, as if he had made a long journey on foot. Great lassitude after a walk, all the limbs appear to tremble. Excessive weakness in the whole body. Repeated fainting fits. Consumption. Apoplexy. Paralysis.-ONervous affection, with excessively sensitive and acute senses. CHARACTERISTIC PECULIARITIES.-The poisonous effects of Copper are disposed to appear in alternate groups. SKIN.-- Cutaneous eruptions. Rash on the chest and hands. A kind of dry itch. Eruption, resembling lepra. Herpes with yellow scales. Contraction of the skin of all the limbs. Jaundice.-Caries. -0Old ulcers. SLEEP.-Sleepiness and lassitude. Lethargic sleep after the vomiting. *Deep sleep, with jerking of the limbs. Frequent convulsions at night. *Constant grumbling in the abdomen, during sleep. Sleeplessness. FEVER.-Feverish sensations. Violent fever. Hectic fever. Chilliness, especially of the hands and feet. Chilliness and chattering of CUPRUM METALLICUM. teeth. Shuddering and chills over the whole body. Flushes of heat. Full pulse, but of ordinary quickness. Accelerated pulse. Soft, slow pulse. Slow pulse, 24 beats a minute. Weak and small pulse. Moist hands. Profuse night-sweat. MORAL SYMPTOMS.-Melancholy, loves solitude.-Anguish about the heart. Restless tossing about and constant uneasiness.-Irre. solute and dissatisfied with everything. Out of humor. Absence of thought, weakness of memory. Dullness of the head, with headache. His senses vanish. Exaltation, ecstacy of the mind. Convulsive laughter. Delirium. Incoherent, delirious talk. Derangement of the mind, characterized by fear. Attacks of craziness. Attacks of craziness, with merry singing. Attacks of a peevish and artful craziness. During the attacks of craziness the pulse was full, quick, strong, the eyes red and inflamed, looks wild, and speech incoherent, every attack terminating with sweat. Frequent attacks of rage; they tried to bite the bystanders. Attacks of vertigo. HEAD.-MOSt violent headache. OHeadache, after an epileptic fit. --~Painful hollow sensation in the head. Aching of the parietal bone, especially when grasping it, even unto screaming. Pain in the brain as if bruised, the same pain is felt in the orbits when turn. ing the eyes. Aching, first in the right, then in the left side of the head. Hard pressure in the temples, frontal eminences, occiput, and at the same time in the brain, accompanied by vertigo; increased by movement and contact.-Pain in the fore part of the head, as if the brain were pressing outwards, especially when stooping, with dullness of the head. Drawing pain in different parts of the head, with vertigo, as if things were turning round, relieved by lying down; accompanied by indescribable qualms of sickness. Phrenitis. SCALP.-Burning lacerating in the scalp. Swelling of the head, with a very red face. Pain in the parietal bone, unto screaming, particularly when touched. EYES.-Pain in the orbits, as if bruised by blows, when turning the eyes. *Aching in both eyes. Violent itching in the eyes, towards evening. Burning aching in the eyes. Red, inflamed eyes, with wild looks. Dim eyes, they feel so weak that they close. The eyes are rolling to and fro. Wandering eyes. Staring and sunken eyes. Protruded glistening eyes. Greater immobility of the pupils. Dilatation of the pupils.-Obscuration of sight. EARs.-Boring pain in and behind the ear. Frequent itching in the ear.-Deafness. NOSE.-Sensation of violent congestion of blood to the nose. ~Stop. 604 CUPRUM METALLICUM. page of the nose.-Frequent sneezing.-Coryza, fluent and dry, with frequent yawning. Catarrhal feeling in all the limbs. FAcE.-Paleness of the face. Pale, cachectic complexion. Bluish face, with bluish lips. Sunken, deep eyes, with blue borders. Changed features, full of anguish. Sad, dejected expression of the countenance. Spasmodic distortion of the features. Pain in the left side of the face, as if it had been bruised by a blow. Pressing pain in the face, in front of the ear. Hot face, without feeling so to the prover. TEETH AND JAWS.-Drawing under the chin, more violent when touching the parts. Spasmodic contraction of the jaws. MOUTH.-~Lacerating, extending from the teeth to the temples. Inability to talk, owing to spasms in the throat.-Accumulation of water in the mouth. Foam at the mouth. THROAT.-Stinging pain in the throat. Inflammation of the throat, with impeded deglutition. *When drinking, the beverage descends in the gullet with a gurgling noise. TASTE AND APPETITE.-Excessive thirst. Bitterness in the mouth. Sourish taste in the mouth. Coppery taste in the mouth, with trouble. some burning.-0 Water-brash after eating milk. GASTRIC SYMPTOMS.-Constant eructations. Generally heartburn in the afternoon, with bitter slime in the throat. Frequent hiccough. Violent nausea. Nausea, with inclination to vomit. Inclination to vomit, with sensation of intoxication.-Inclination to water-brash in the abdomen.-Inclination to vomit, accompanied by spasmodic colic. *Vomiting. *Violent vomiting, from time to time. *Violent vomiting, with nausea and diarrhea. *Continued vomiting, attended with the most horrid colic. *Excessive vomiting, accompanied by continuld pain in the stomach and tenesmus. *Excessive vomiting, accompanied by colic and diarrhcea. Frequent vomiting, accompanied by colic and diarrhoea; resembling cholera. Badly-smelling vomiting, tasting of Copper, constantly preceded by hiccough. Vomiting of water, after slight nausea and inclination to vomit, accompanied by profuse lachrymation.' Vomiting of mucus.. Vomiting of green and bitter mucus, preceded by nausea in the upper part of the throat, and accompanied by aching in the stomach. Frequent vomiting of mere bile. Haematemesis without cough, with deep stitches in the left side of the chest. Vomiting is prevented by drinking cold water. STOMACH.-VWeakness of the stomach. Excessive horrid pains in the stomach and in the region of the stomach.-Spasm of the stomach, and colic without stool. *Pressure in the pit of the stomach. Gnawing pain in the stomach. ABDOMEN.-Pain in the hypochondria, particularly when touched, CUPRUM METALL1CUM. 605 as if bruised. Pain in the abdomen, with excessive anguish. Pressure from above downwards in the abdomen, as from a stone Pain. ful pressure in the abdomen, as from something hard; morr; violent by contact. Drawing pressure in the hypogastrium, as from something hard, increased by motion. Inflation of the abdomen Hardness of the abdomen, with great painfulness to the touch. Drawing in of the abdomen. Spasmodic movements of the abdominal muscles. Violent, spasmodic movements in the intestines and stomach.- Violent spasms in the abdomen and in the upper and lower limbs, with piercing, torturing screams. Colicky pinching in the abdomen. Cutting and lacerating in the bowels. Corrosive stitches and ulcers in the intestines. STOOL AND ANUs.-Constipation, with great heat of the body. Constipation, several days. Obstruction of the intestinal canal, or else violent evacuations. Violent diarrhea. Bloody diarrhoea. Tingling in the rectum, as of ascarides. Haemorrhage from the hoemorrhoidal vein. - URINE.-Enuresis. Dark-red, turbid urine, with yellowish sediment. A burning lancinating pain in the orifice of the urethra, during and between the acts of micturition. ONocturnal micturition. Inflammation of the glans, swelling of the penis. LARYNX AND TRACHEA.-Continual hoarseness, which does not allow him to speak a word. Spasm in the throat, which hinders speech. Uninterrupted, dry cough. Fatiguing cough, with expulsion of blood from the nose when blowing it. Short and dry cough, olike whooping cough, arresting the breathing. *Cough, with uninterrupted, almost suppressed breathing. Nightly, very violent cough, succeeded by violent hoarseness, with chilliness from morning till evening. Hamoptbe. ~Cough, with expectoration of white mucus, attended with paroxysms of spasmodic asthma. CHEST.-Quick respiration, with moaning. Rattling in the chest, with discharge of bloody mucus from nose and mouth. oDifficult short breathing, with spasmodic cough and rattling in the chest. OCough, with wheezing breathing, on attempting a deep inspiration. *Asthma. OThe asthma increases at night, when coughing, laughing, or bending the body backwards.-OSpasms in the chest, arresting speech and breath. Fits of spasmodic asthma; the chest feels contracted, the breathing is difficult even to suffocation; when the spasms abate they are succeeded by a convulsive vomiting. Suffocative arrest of breathing.-Stitches in the side, interrupting sleep. Bar ing pain in the region of the heart. Sensation as of too great an accumulation of blood in the chest, without palpitation of the heart. 606 CUPRUM ACETICUM. Violent palpitation of the heart.--oPalpitation of the heart and head. ache before the menses. BACK.-Lancination across the small of the back. Violent aching in the back, under the right scapulae; when breathing, the pain is felt as a stitch. Sharp, incisive drawing in the left side of the back. Tight pain in the nape of the neck.-Lancinating, lacerating in the cervical muscles. Swelling of the right cervical glands, painful to the touch. Pain in the thyroid cartilage.-H-eaviness of the axillary glands. AnMs.-Drawing pain in the shoulder. The arms, especially the right, are painful during rest.-Pain in the upper arm, as if broken or contused. Aching in the upper arm.-Herpes in the bend of the elbow, forming yellow scales, and itching violently.-Twitchings in the hands. Cold hands. Weakness and lameness of the hand. Inflammation of a lymphatic vessel, from the hand to the shoulder, with violent swelling of the hand. Numbness and shrivelling of the fingers. LEGS.-Great pain in the lower limbs. Excessive weakness of the lower limbs. Dull pain in the anterior muscles of the thighs. Pain in the thigh, close above the knee, as if broken or bruised.Pain in the knee-joint as if broken. Languor in the knee-joints, with painful drawing when walking or standing, the knees incline to give way. Cramp in the calves. Pain in the calves, especially during rest.-Painful weight in the tarsal-joint. Violent itching in the soles of the foot. Aching of the toes. OBurning of the soles. oSweat of the feet. OSuppression of sweat of the feet. 100.-CUPRUM ACETICUM. CUPR. ACET.-Acetate of Copper, Verdigris.-Noack and Trinks ANTIDOTES.-See Cupr.-met. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-Rheumatic pains.-Bruised and lame feeling in the small of the back and lower limbs, accompanied with lacerating pains.-General muscular weakness and great languor.-Great restlessness. Fainting turns.-Slight convulsions. Spasms and convulsions. Convulsions accompanying the constant vomiting and the violent colic, gradually passing into paralysis.-Rigidity of the limbs and trunk.-Insensibility and lying in a corner as if in a state of imbecility.-Increased secretion of bile.-Jaundice.-Consumption. SKIN.-Leprous eruption, without itching, over the whole body, at first dark-red and lastly brown. SLEEP.--Starting during sleep.-Dreams occasioning anxiety. Raving of the fancy while dreaming. CUPRUM ACETICUM. 607 FEVER.-Icy coldness of the body, particularly of the hands and feet.-Feverish heat. Heat, hard pulse, headache, and difficult deglutition.-Cold sweat. Pulse frequent, small, hard, contracted, at times regular, at others irregular. MORAL SYMPTO.MS.-Delirium.-Great absence of mind.-Tendency to start.-Great anguish. IEAD.-Giddiness on raising the head.-Violent congestion of the head.-Feeling of heaviness in the head.-Hammering pains in the whole head. Painful throbbing of the temporal arteries.-Violent headache, with extreme weakness, particularly of the lower extremities, or with thirst and violent colic. EYEs.-The eyes are sunken, staring, as if retracted into the sockets.-The whites of the eyes are slightly red.-Contraction of the pupils.-Photophobia. EARS.-Singing and buzzing in the ears.-Slight deafness. NosE.-Feeling of obstruction in the nose. FACE.-Expression of sadness, despondency, excessive anguish, and intense pain in the face (without sinking of the features).-Cool face.-Puffed, red, hot face.-Spasmodic distortion of the face.Tetanic closing of the jaws. MOUTH.-Grayish tongue.-Dryness, roughness, and parched condition of the tongue, dryness of the mouth. THROAT.-Aching pain in the throat.-Feeling of constriction in the throat. Singultus and spasms of the oesophagus.-Difficult deglutition. APPETITE.-Sweetish taste, or also acrid, pungent, astringent, coppery taste.-Burning, very troublesome thirst, with dryness of the tongue.-Loss of appetite.-Loathing. STOMACH.-Eructations tasting of Copper.-Frequent, bitter or sour eructations like heartburn, sensation of pressure in the throat from below upwards with spasmodic constriction of the throat impeding deglutition, followed by hiccough, and generally attended with rising of a sour-bitter water.-Constant nausea.-Great inclination to vomit; inclination to vomit, with violent gagging and pressure in the stomach. -Violent gagging and ineffectual effort to vomit. Frequent, violent vomiting, attended with nausea, frightful colic, diarrhoea, and convulsions. Frequent alternation of vomiting and diarrhoea. Vomiting with aggravation of the pains in the stomach and intestines.-Distention of the region of the stomach, which is exceedingly painful to the touch. Occasional contraction of the stomach. Lacerating and frequently very violent pain in the stomach. Horrid pains in the stomach and bowels. Crampy pressure in the stomach, at times extending to the oesophagus, at times to the bowels.-Inflammation ofthe stomach. 608 CUPRUM ACETICUM. ABDOMEN.-Distended, not very hard abdomen, painful to the touch, or violent spasmodic pains in the abdomen.-Retraction of the abdomen, which is not very sensitive to pressure.-Feeling of emptiness in the abdomon.-Anxiety in the pit of the stomach.-Intense lacerating pain in the epigastric region. Pains in the abdomen, causing anguish.--Violent colic in the abdomen, with frequent tenesmus, or frequent diarrhoeic stools and violent gagging.-Sensation as if all the bowels were contracted. Pressure makes the pains in the abdomen intolerable. Corrosive stitches (and ulcers) in the bowels. -Enteritis. STOOL.- Constipation.--Diarrhoa. Copious, painful, blackish evacuations, sometimes mixed with blood, attended with tenesmus and weakness.-Scanty grayish or green evacuations, jelly-like and slimy, first brownish, then greenish, streaked with blood. Discharge of greenish, jelly-like, slimy substances with tenesmus, at every evacuation, preceded by violent pinching in the bowels, which is somewhat relieved after the evacuation, but does not disappear entirely. URINE.-Scanty urine.-Frequent emission of a small quantity of urine, attended with soreness in the urethra.-Turbid, dark-red urine with yellow sediment. LARYNX AND TRACHEA.-Violent, dry, nightly cough, with lacerating pains in the head, and stitches in the chest, followed by palpitation of the heart for a few minutes. Convulsive cough and constant inclination to vomit. CITEST.-Hurried breathing. Difficulty of breathing and spasmodic contraction of the chest. Suffocative arrest of breathing.Oppression of the heart; anxiety about the heart. LIMBs.-Trembling of the limbs.-Lame feeling in the arms and lower limbs.-Spasmodic, painful contraction of the fingers and toes. Painful jerking in the hands and feet, extending into the upper arms and passing into a cramp of the calves when reaching the legs. Coldness of the limbs.-Cool hands.-Weakness of the lower limbs. Pains in the thighs.-The knees give away. PATHOLOGICAL ANATOMY. IN MEN.-Rigidity of the body. -Tightly-closed mouth.-Yellow color of the skin.-Blue nails.The diaphragm in the region of the oesophagus is somewhat inflamed. -The stomach (particularly the pylorus) is green and highly inflamed, gangrenous in some parts; one part near the orifice, of the size of a dollar, is contracted into a cartilaginous consistence; inflammation of the stomach, thickening of its substance, particularly toward the pylorus, to such an extent that the orifice is almost suppressed.-The upper edge of the liver is slightly inflamed.-The omentum is soft CTJPUM CARBONICTJM. 609 ened and somewhat inflamed.-The bowels are green, distended with air, inflamed, gangrenous as far as the rectum; the lesser intestines are inflamed throughout, gangrenous, and even perforated in some parts.-The large intestines are distended in some parts, in other parts they are contracted.-The rectum is ulcerated, perforated in several places.-The lungs are inflamed superiorly and posteriorly, filled with blood.-The heart and vessels are turgid with blood, which is not fluid. 101.-CUPRUM CARBONICUM. CUPR. CARB.-Carbonate of Copper.-See Noack and Trinks. ANTIDOTES.-See Cupr. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-Sudden convulsions and falling down without consciousness.-General convulsions.-Epileptic fits, returning at short intervals.-Bone-pains, with headache and nausea, early in the morning, dr during the intervals which are free from rage and convulsions.-Weakness.-Fainting.-Consumption. SLEEP.- Lethargic stupefaction.-Frequent startings at night, during sleep. FEvER.-Fever.-Small, contracted, unequal, sometimes somewhat convulsive pulse. MORAL SYMPTOMS.-Attacks of a peevish cunning mania.-Craziness, he screams like a child.-Full, quick, strong pulse during the attacks of craziness, with red and inflamed eyes, wild looks, and incoherent speech.-Sweat after the paroxysm of craziness.-Frequently returning paroxysms of rage, during which he attempts to bite those around him.-Oppressive anxiety. HEAD.-Dullness of the head.-Violent headache. EYES.-Red, inflamed eyes, with wild looks (during the paroxysm of craziness).-Staring eyes. FACE.-Pale face.-Spasmodic distortion of the face. DIGESTIVE APPARATUS.-Loathing.-Frequent vomiting. Vomiting and tenesmus. Violent pain in the stomach. Slight pain in the stomach and bowels.-Colic, violent, with subsequent trembling of the limbs and profuse sweat. Lacerating and cutting in the abdomen.-Constant diarrhoea.-Bloody discharge from the bowels. RESPIRATORY ORGANS.-Dry cough.-Asthma. EXTREMITIES.-Convulsive movements and distortions of the limbs. -Excessive lameness of the upper and lower limbs. 26* 610 CUPRUM OXYD. ARSENICOSUM.-CUPRUM SULPH. 102.-CUIPRUM OXYDATUM ARSENICOSUM. CUPR. ARS -Arsenite of Copper, or Scheele's Green.-Noack and Trinks ANTIUOTES.-See Cupr. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.- Staggering gait.-Spasms.-Great exhaustion.-Fainting. SLEEP.-Sleeplessness. FEVER.-Increased temperature' of the skin.-Small, quick, irri. tated, or else spasmodically-contracted pulse. MORAL SYMPTOMs.-Partial confusion of the senses. Intense anguish. HEAD.-Vertigo.-Headache.-Dullness of the head.-Intoxication.-Hot forehead. EYES.-Dimness of the eyes and profuse lachrymation. Sensi. tiveness of the eyes. Sparks before the eyes. FACE.-Pale face.-Wild expression of countenance. DIGESTIVE APPARATUS.-Thin coating of white mucus on the tongue.-Intense thirst.-Loathing.-Nausea.-Violent vomiting and purging. Vomiting of mucus tinged with bile.-Great distention of the abdomen.-Hard abdomen.-Great sensitiveness of the epigastric region to the least touch. Violent pains in the abdomen. Colic, which increases after eating or drinking. Diarrhoeic, slimy stool. 103.-CUPRUM SULPHURICUM. CUPR. SULPH.-Sulphate of Copper.-See Noack and Trinks. ANTIDOTES.-See Cupr. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-Fainting.-Brown, hard, thick scurfs. -Restless sleep. Flushes of heat. Cold sweat for several hours.Anguish. HEAD.-Vertigo. DIGESTIVE APPARATUS.-Loathing.-Constant nausea and inclination to vomit.-Excessive vomiting, with great exertions and extremely oppressive anxiety.-Violent pain in the stomach. Violent oppression of the stomach.-Colic.-Obstinate constipation. Frequent evacuations. Diarrhoea. GENITAL ORGANS.-Nocturnal emissions (in women more than in men). LiMBs.- Heaviness in the axillary glands.-Inflammation of a lymphatic vessel, from the hand to the shoulder, with violent swelling of the hand. PREPARATIONS OF COPPER.-CYCLAMEN EUROPIEUM. 611 VARIOUS PREPARATIONS OF COPPER. (From Noack and Trinks.) 1. CTTPRUM AMMONIACALE-The ammoniacal Sulphate of Copper. Exaltation of the mind, ecstasy.-Vertigo.-Swelling of the head, "h redness of countenance. Obscuration of sight. Frequent vomiting of pure bile. Inclination to vomit, with spasmodic symptoms.EDuresis. Frequent discharge of a fetid, viscous urine with sediment. 2. ORTCHALCUM-Brass (Copper alloyed with Zinc). Green color of the skin, sweat, eyes, tongue, hair, faeces, expectoration (even of the clothes).-Consumption.-Screams resembling the croaking of frogs.-Shy mania and desire to escape.-Protruded glistening eyes.-Excessive horrid pains in the stomach and region of the stomach.-Violent spasms in the abdomen and in the upper and lower limbs, with piercing cries.--Asthma (in brass-founders). -Pains between the scapule, in the elbow-joints, and knees. 3. AEs CAMPANARIUM-Bell-metal (Copper alloyed with Zinc and Lead. Vertigo.-Excessive lancinating headache.-Phrenitis.-Violent vomiting.-Corrosive stinging pain in the stomach, as if pierced with pins (on the return of consciousness).-Excessive lancinating pains in the stomach.-Violent diarrhoea. 4. IEs-Bronze (100 parts of Copper alloyed with 11 parts of zinc). Stinging about the carpus and genital organs.-Green color of the hair and skin. 5. COPPER alloyed with Sulphur, Mercury, and Paeonia (in epileptic patients). A kind of dry itch.-Loss of the senses and thoughts.-Bitterness of the mouth.-Loas of appetite. Constipation, with great heat of the body. Constipation for several days Diarrhcea. Haemorrhago from the haemorrhoidal vein. 104.-CYCLAMEN EUROPEUM. CYCL.-Sow-Bread.-See Hahnemann's "Materia Medi.-a Pura," Vol. II.Duration of Action: from two to three weeks. COMPARE WITH-Arn., Asa-f., Chin., Magn.-mur., Nux-v., Puls., Rhus, Sil. ANTIDOTE.-Puls. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.- Sometimes he is exceedingly ill. humored and indolent, with weakness of body, which disappeaTr 612 CYCLAMEN EUROPEUM. when beginning to move.-Great, weakness of the body, especially of the knees, the mind being strong and lively. His limbs feel heavy, as if they could not move easily.-Relaxation in the whole body, he dreaded to stir. Excessive weariness in the evening, he has to lie down and slumber; when rising again his limbs feel bruised, and stiff, with drawing aching pains in the thighs and knees. SKIN.-Itching, leaving a numb sensation behind.-Itching gnaw. ing in many parts of the body.-Stinging itching when in bed. SLEEP.-Drowsiness when sitting. Nightmare as soon as he had gone to sleep. Restless sleep. Interrupted sleep, with many dreams. Irresistible desire to sleep in the evening, with constant chilliness. FEVER.-Continual chilliness. Sudden shuddering in the even. ing, with feeling of chilliness. Chilliness without thirst. Sensitive. ness to cold. MORAL SYMPTOMS.- Taciturn.-Indisposition to work, in pa. roxysms. Alternately cheerful and out of humor. Internal grief and anxiety of conscience. SENSORIUM.-The memory is at times weak, at others quick.-His mind is constantly in a state of stupor. Dullness of mind, neither disposed nor able to perform any sort of labor. Vertigo.--Dizziness. HEAD.-Dull ache in the occiput. Slight pressure in the vertex, as if the brain were enveloped with a cloth, and as if this deprived him of his senses. Aching pain in the middle of the vertex, sometimes causing dizziness.-Stitches in the fore part of the brain when stooping.-Headache with yawning, without drowsiness. Lacerating pain, with pressure, in the outer parts of the head. EYES.-Dilatation of the pupils. Oppressive stupefaction of the whole head, with obscuration of sight, sensation as of a fog before his eyes. *Obscuration of sight. Swelling of the upper eye-lids, without dilatation of the pupils. Dryness and pressure in the eye-lids, as if swollen, with violent itching stinging in the lids and eye-balls.-Fino stinging, piercing, itching in the eyes and eye-lids. EARS.-Drawing pain in the meatus auditorious internus, di. minishing the hearing. FACE.-Itching stitch in the cheek, increasing in violence, leaving a burning behind. NOSE.-Diminution of smell.-,Fluent coryza, with frequent sneezing. TEETH.-~A dull drawing toothache. OArthritic sticking and boring in the teeth. MoUTH.-Drawing pain deep in the cervical muscles, as if bruised, extending down to the oesophagus, and causing a rigid feeling in that CYCLAMEN EUE OPJEUM. 613 organ. Aching drawing pain in the submaxillary gland, when bending the neck forward. SGASTRIC SYMPTOMS.-Nausea, with accumulation of water in the mouth, like water-brash, or with eructations tasting of the ingesta. Frequent eructations, sometimos sour. Nausea and fullness in the chest, in the morning, with an unusual hunger. Qualmishness and inclination to vomit after eating. Drowsiness after a meal. Hiccough after a meal. TASTE AND APPETITE.-Little hunger and appetite. Complete want of appetite. Repletion in the stomach.-Bad, putrid taste in the mouth. Food has aflat, or no taste. STOMACH AND ABDOMEN.-Oppression and fullness in the pit of the stomach. Lacerating piercing stitches in the epigastrium, below the stomach, during motion. Grumbling in the abdomen, after a meal. Uncomfortable sensation in the abdomen, with some nausea in that part. Colic. Pinching pain in the abdomen. Pinching cutting pain in the abdomen, coming on suddenly. Dull sticking pain in the bowels, below the region of the liver. Paralytic, oppressive sensation in the epigastrium. Crampy pain in the abdomen.-Pinching in the epigastrium, as if diarrhoea would come on. The abdomen is painful when touched ever so slightly. STooL.-Papescent stool. Frequent expulsion of hard stool. Drawing-aching pain in and about the anus and perinleum, as from sub. cutaneous ulceration, when walking or sitting. URINE.-Frequent desire to urinate, with scanty emission. CHEST.-Oppression of the chest, with oppression of breathing. Suffocation. Oppressive pain in the left half of the chest, especially about the heart. Paralytic pressure in the chest, upper arm, and tibia, when sitting still. BACK.-Piercing, pinching, dull stitches in the region of the kidney, more violent during an inspiration. Stitch-like pains in the back, when sitting. Drawing along the spinal column, from above downwards.--Paralytic aching pain in the nape of the neck, disappearing when bending the head backwards. Drawing-rheumatic pain in the left side of the neck. ARMs.-A kind of paralytic hard pressure on the arm, apparently in the periosteum. Pain above the elbow-joint, on the outside, as if contused or bruised, increasing when moving the arm. LEGS.-Cramp-like pain in the posterior surface of the thigh. Bright red spots, like burns, on both thighs.-Pain as if bruised, with pressure in the knee, disappearing when moving the part. Violent itching in the calf. Lacerating, paralytic pain with pressure, in 614 DAPHNE INDICA. the region of the tibiae, with want of power and inactivity in the knees.-Drawing pressure in the dorsum of the foot when sitting, going off when rising.--Pain in the foot as if sprained. Itchingabove the ankles and in the toes. After walking, the toes feel dead. 105.-DAPHNE INDICA. D APH.-See-Nordamer. Jour. fiir Horn. Heilk. ANTDOTES.-Bry., Dig., Rhus, Sil., Sep., Zinc. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-*Rheumatic and arthritic pains -in the muscles and long bones.-*Darting pains, like shocks, in various parts, frequently and suddenly wandering from one part to another, aggravated by cold air.-Great languor and bruised feeling in all the limbs.-*Entire sleeplessness. Unrefreshing night-sleep. Frequent starting on falling asleep, with chilliness and viscid sweat.Fever resembling typhus, with excessive chilliness, subsequent constant heat, viscid sweat over the whole body, and complete loss of appetite.-Fever with gastric and nervous symptoms. Viscid sweat having sometimes a putrid smell.-*Desponding, fearful. Irritable and trembling while he feels the pains, Vexed, irresolute, EAD.---Headache from every mental exertion.-*Feeling offull. ness in the head, as if the skull would burst. Sensation as if the outer parts of the brain were inflamed and were striking against the skull. *Heat in the head, particularly in the vertex, -also with sensation as if the head were compressed. Painful beating in the temples and gums, with soreness when touched. EYES AND EARs.-Painful feeling in the eyes, as if pressed into the head. Violent pains in the eye-balls, in the evening, with great nervous irritation. Contraction of the pupils. The eyes are inflamed, weak, without lustre, and filled with tears.-Roaring in the ears. FACE AND TEETH.-Heat and burning of the cheeks, around the ears, and on the vertex, with constant disposition to yawn.-Sensation of swelling, rigidity, and tension in the articulation of the jaw, with burning soreness as from excoriation on the skin.--Toothache, with and without ptyalism. Pulsations in the teeth or gums. Lacerating in all-the teeth. Toothache, with attacks of chilliness or with disposition to sweat. MOUTH, ABDOMEN.-Ptyalism, hot saliva. Vomiting and nausea,after breakfast.-Oppression of the stomach after drinking.-Pains *and stitches in the region of the spleen.-Colic, with chilliness. DAPHNE MEZEREUTM. 615 Arthritic pains, which suddenly wander from the extremities to the abdomen. STOOL, GENITAL ORGANSo.-*Costiveness and constipation.-Fre. quent and copious micturition. The urine is turbid, thick, yellowish, like rotten eggs. Red-yellow urine. Fetid smell of the urine. Red sediment of the urine, which adheres to the sides of the vessel. LARYNX, TRACHEA, CHEST.-Feeble voice. *Cough, with vomiting. Cough, with copious watery expectoration.-Bloody expectoration. Arrest of breathing, at night, with sensation as if the cervical glands were swollen and the veins turgid with blood. Fetid breath.- Lacerating in the region of the heart, the patient trembles and is beside himself. ARis AND LxEGS.-Pain in the nape of the neck, with headache. Burning itching in the back. Drawing pain along the spinal column, worse when stooping.-Itching vesicle on the arms and hands. Boring bone-pains and sharp pricking in the fingers.--Itching rash on the lower limbs.-Rheumatic pains in the thighs and knees. Coldness of the knees and feet. Contusive pain of the toes. 106.-DAPHNE MEZEREUM. MEZ.-Mezereon.-Hahnemann's "Chronic Diseases," IV.-Duration of Action: from forty to fifty days. COMPARE WITH-Ambr., Canth., Caps., Cham., Euph., Hell., Hyos., Ign., Mere., Nitr.-ac., PuTs., Sulph., Veratr., Zinc. ANTIDoTsR.-Vinegar, Camph., Mere.-It antidotes Mere., Nitr.-ac.-According to Hahnemann, the effects of Mez. are not counteracted by Coffee. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-All the joints are painful, as if bruised or weary. Unsteadiness of the joints, as if they would break down. Drawing and excessive weariness in the joints, especially those of the knees, feet, and carpal joints. Paralytic drawing pains in ivarious parts of the hands and lower limbs. Short drawing or darting, now here, then there, after which a constant soreness remains.lot dartings in various parts of the body. He feels worst in the evening. OThe pains are felt on one side only. OThe paroxysms of pain are accompanied by chilliness and shuddering. Weariness and uneasiness in the lower limbs. Drawing pain through the whole left side of the body, with sensation as if the part had gone to sleep, especially painful in the hand and foot. Heaviness and bruised feeling of all the limbs, as if felt after the violent suppression of a "cold. Heaviness in the limbs, he dreads-motion and is unable to decide upon anything. Weariness and inertia of the lower limbs. 616 DAPHNE MEZEREUM. The body feels very light. Weakness, exhaustion. Great weakness in the limbs. Excessive failing of strength. Uncomfortable feeling in the whole body, with yawning and stretching, soreness of the abdomen, and eructation. SKIN.-*Obstinate itching over the whole body. Itching and burning, in the evening. The skin of the whole body peels off. Red itching rash on the arms, head, and the whole body. Ulcerated eruption, like pimples, on the finger-joints Violent corrosive sensa tion and throbbing in a contused wound SLEEP.-Lazy. Violent yawning and stretching. Drowsiness in the daytime. Restless, unrefreshing sleep, disturbed by confused dreams. Nightmare.-Violent concussions of the body while asleep Frequent startings while asleep. Excessive ill-humor after sleeping Frightful dreams. Vivid and voluptuous dreams. FEVER.-Sensitive to cold air. Chilly in a warm room, with drow siness. Chilliness over the abdomen and arms, with dilatation of the pupils. Chilliness and coldness of the upper and lower limbs. Chilliness, as if cold water were being repeatedly thrown over her. Violent chilliness in the whole body. Shaking chills. Chilliness and coldness of the whole body, with asthmatic contraction and oppression of the chest. Feverish chills, with desire for cold water. Internal chilliness. Cold hands and feet, like those of a dead person. Fullhard, tense, intermittent pulse. Increase of warmth over the whole body. * Violent acute fever. MORAL SYMPTOMS.-Sadness.-Hypochondriac and melancholy.Anxiety in the evening, with trembling of the limbs and whole body. Great anguish, with violent palpitation of the heart, before dinner. - Taciturn. He looks ill-humored, pale, wretched, fallen away.Irresolute. SENSORIUM.-Unable to recollect, his mind is easily confused. IHis head feels dull, giddy, dizzy. Mental feeling, like that from intoxication. Confusion and pressure in the whole head, especially over the eyes. Reeling sensation, with contracted pupils. Giddiness and dullness of the head, with difficult reflection. Vertigo. Vertigo, with twinkling of light before the eyes. Fainting sort of vertigo. HEAD.-Headache after motion and much talk. Headache from the root of the' nose to the forehead, the temples feel painful when touched, with violent heat and sweat about the head, with chilliness and coldness of the rest of the body, early in the morning. Headache, relieved by stooping. Headache, increased in the open air. Stupefying ache throughout the right hemisphere. Intense aching in the head, as if the contents would issue from the forehead Head DAPHNE MEZEREUM. 617 ache, with frequent chills. Aching pain in the occiput and nape of the neck, when moving the head. Violent pressing asunder in the fore part of the head, gradually going and coming. Feeling ofheaviness in the whole occiput. Sore aching in the occiput. Grinding (digging) and aching pain in the middle of the forehead, externally. Throbbing, with pressure, in the forehead.-Beating and pressure behind the right ear, which increases to an excessive pain in the head, forehead, nose, and teeth, aggravated by the slightest movement of the head. SCALP.-Bone-pain in the bones of the skull, aggravated by contact. -*Sensation as if the upper part of the head were pithy. Itching on the head and whole body, as if caused by vermin. Dry scabs on the hairy scalp. OThe scales on the scalp are whiter, simpler, and drier than formerly. OHumid, itching eruption. EYES.-In the evening the eyes are painful when reading, he does not see clearly.-Pressure in the eye-balls and heat in the eyes.-Aching pain around the left eye. Pressure in the eyes, as if the balls were too large. Pressure and lacerating in the eyes, especially in the orbits. -Itching of the margin of the lower eye-lid. Smarting sensation in the canthi, especially in the inner. Burning pricklings in the margin of the lower eye-lids. Contraction of the pupil. Dilatation of the pupil. Scintillations before the eyes.--0Ophthalmia. EARs.-Otalgia, painful drawing in the ear. Itching in the ear. Hard hearing. Tingling of the ears, with great drowsiness. OBiting itching eruption behind the left ear. NOSE.-Frequent sneezing and fluent coryza. Sneezing with soreness of the chest. Dry coryza. Coryza, with bloody, tenacious mucus from the nose. ~Discharge of yellow, thin, sometimes bloody fluid from the nose, which is made sore, and feels a burning pain. FACE.-Pale face, wretched look. Violent, frequent, troublesome jactitation of the muscles. *Dull cramp-pain and lacerating in the region of the right malar bone. Boils on the face.-Pricking pain in the submaxillary glands. TEETH AND JAws.-*Seated pain in hollow teeth. Toothache, *drawing, burning, and stinging -in one of the upper molares.-- Sharp stitches in the roots of the lower incisores of both sides. Painful dartings in the upper incisores.-*Boring and stitches in the tooth; the right side of the head is affected to such an extent that even the hairs, are painful when touched, with restlessness; excessive ill-humor, and aversion to everything. *The teeth feel dull and elongated.-- OThe toothache is aggravated by contact or movement, and during the evening.- Congestion of blood to the head. Chilliness and con. stipation during the toothache. 618 DA-PHNE MEZERIUM. MOUTH.-Burningo on the tongue, and in the mouth, extending into the stomnach. Peppery taste on the tongue. Vesicles on the tongue and gumis, with burning pain. THROAT.-Sore throat, with pressure. Aching pa Iin in the throat, when swallowing, as if the bony palate would split. Aching pinin the pharynx, after swallowing, and a sudden shuddering, as if fronm the pit of the stomach, with nausea.- Constr~iction of the pharynx.Scraping sensation in the fauces, with burning in the pharynx. Soreness and roughness of the fauces and palate. Continued burning of the pharynx and cesophagus. Iiofamrnation of the pharynxk. TASTE AND Ar'eETIru.-Burning taste in the mouth, as from fire, after every meal. Flat, soztrish taste in the miouth. Bitter tastc in the mouth, with nausea. Want of appetite. No'good appetite, but a continual desire to eat, to relieve the pain in the stomach. GASTRIC SYMPToMS.--Fre'u~ent eructations, empty and tasteless. Rising of air and acrid fluid. Rising of air, with burning and sweat as from anguish.-Nausea, with pain in the stomach. Nausea, with inclination to vomit. Violent inclination to vomit, when walking, with burning heat of the forehead. Vomiting of a green, bitter muicus, with confused feeling of the head. Fatal vomiting of blood. SToTAcH.-Pain in the stomach, 'with sensation as of the arteries beating against the ab~dominal muscles, extending to the region of the heart. Pressure at the stomach, after a meal, as of undigested food.-Burning and pressure in the pit of the stomach, when pressing on the part. Burning in the stomach. Inflammation of the stomach. A-BDoMEN.-Chronic pain in the abdomen. Aching pain* in the abdomen., "with anxiety.. General pressure in the epigastrium and abdomen. Heaviness in the abdomen, with anxiousness. Compressive sensation in the abdomen, and as if there were a. load in it.Sticking-aching, crampy colic, increasing and decreasing like a spasm. Colic, as if the bowels were drawn together. Lacerating colic. Cutting colic, below the umbilical region. Cutting in the abdo men, with pressure, towards evening. Burning and hot feeling in the abdomen. In~fiammation of the intestines. Painful mlovements in the abdomen, as if diarrhoea would set in.-Rumbling in the abdomen.Drawing pain in the inguinal glands. STOO-L.-C.ojPiGus papescent stools, in short, rapid intervals, followed by tenesmus of the anus. Hard, slow stool, in the evening, with hard pressing. Continual dia~rrhmea, with intolerable colic. Exces sive diarrhcea Stool preceded by a painful writhing in the abdomen, afterwards diarrhoea and pressure in the anus. Chills be. fore and after stool, weakness unto falling, and great sensitivcness to DAPHNE MEZEREUM. 619 open cold air--Smarting soreness in the anus, when walking, and a burning in the reotum.-Intensely painful tenesmus, lacerating and drawing in the anus and perinaeum. URINE.-Dark urine, becoming turbid after an hour.-Hot urine, with a reddish sediment. After micturition a few drops of blood, Haematuria. Crampy sensation in the bladder. Soreness of the urethra when touching it. Discharge of mucus from the urethra. GENITAL ORGANS.-Fine prickling stitches in the glans.-Balanorrhcea, with dark-red inflammation of the internal surface of the prepuce, without swelling, with violent itching and soreness in the evening, lacerating and drawing in the glans. Painless swelling of the left scrotum. Leucorrhe a -resembling albumen, omalignant, chronic. Discharge of mucus from the vagina. OSuppression of the menses.-Burning pain in the mammae. LARYNx.-Hoarseness, extending down to the pit of the throat. Burning in the throat, with irritation in the larynx, exciting a short and hacking cough, as if the larynx were too dry, with anxious oppressed breathing and discharge of a small quantity of mucus when coughing.-Cough, deep in the chest, which does not abate until vomiting and a discharge of watery mucus ensue. Dry cough with retching. Nightly cough, especially after midnight. Bloody discharge, afternoon and night, with moderate cough and restless sleep, with heavy, frightful dreams. ~Violent cough in a recumbent posture (from the abuse of Nitric-acid). CHEST.-Oppressed breathing, the chest feeling contracted from both sides. Slow, difficult breathing, with anxiety. While talking, he looses his breath. Asthma, suddenly coming and going, as if the chest were oppressed with something heavy. Pain in the side of the chest, during a deep inspiration, as if the lungs were adhering.-The breath from the lungs smells like rotten cheese.-Pressure on the chest, with palpitation of the heart.-Oppressive aching pain iL the posterior part of the chest, in an el ect posture, increased by deep breathing and afterwards extending through the whole lower chest; it becomes a sort of rheumatic pain when moving the arms.-Tensize pressure in different parts of the chest.-Cramp-like contractive pain above the lower muscles of the chest, the lower portion of the back, and the upper arms, when walking in the open air.-Violent stitches in the chest. Dull stitch under the heart, during a deep inspiration. Violent intermittent stitches in the right side of the chest, preventing breathing. Soreness, with burning on the sternum. Red spots on the chest, resembling flea-bites, with violent burning. BACK.-Pain in the small of the back, spreading over every part of 620 DAPHNE MEZEREUM the body. Pain in the small of the back, more when walking than when at rest. Violent drawing aching pain, on the left side near the small of the back.-Cutting lacerating in both sides in the small of the back. -Dull, pulsative pain in the back, near the middle of the spine.-Ten. sive, contractive pain in the back, down to the small of the back. Aching pain near the lumbar vertebrae, increased by motion.-Vio. lently itching rash on the nape of the neck.-Rheumatic pain in the nape of the neck, neck, and occiput. Painful stijfness in the nape of the neck and the external cervical muscles. ARMs.-Pain in the shoulder-joint, as if it would tear, with tihrob. bing, digging, and lacerating in the evening, increased by motion.--. Dull pain and darting in the shoulder, as if he had been carrying a heavy burden.-Tension in the shoulder. Aching pain in the border of the shoulder-joints.-Painful weariness of the arms, especially in the shoulder-joint. Bruised fecling of the arms. Weakness, lassi. tude of the arms when writing. Pain in the upper arm as if beaten, with heaviness, and drawing from above downwards in the long bones. Bruised pain of'both upper arms and shoulders.-Tensive lameness of the elbow-joint on raising the arm. Drawing in the elbow, with pressure extending into the fingers.-Contractive pain in the muscles of the fore-arm, during and after a walk in the open air.-Paralytic pain as from a sprain in the muscles of the wrist-joint.- Tremor of the hands. Great heat and warmth of the whole hand and arm, per. ceptible to the touch.-Swelling of the hand, with tingling, as if it had gone to sleep.-Painful darting and grumbling in the phalangeal bones, in paroxysms. LEGS.-Darting pain in the hip-joint, down to the knee. Bonepain of the thighs and legs. Long-continued, bruised pain in the inner side of the thighs, when walking fast. Paralytic lacerating in the thigh, when standing. Undulating drawing pain, along the whole thigh, leaving a painful,weakness behind, hindering walking. A sudden, intense pain in the knee, as after a blow or contusion. Rheumatic tension and drawing above the knees and in the legs.-Dull pain in the leg, as if the tibia would break, at every step. Violent pain in the tibia, after midnight, as if bruised, with chilliness and continued, violent thirst. Aching in the region of the right tibia, frequently reui ring. Darting drawing in tlhe calf. Violent itching of the calf. Hard swelling of the calf, when walking in the open air, with burning pain.-Lacerating or spraining sensation in the feet and ankles. Tingling in the foot. Hot, or burning pains, as of red-hot coal, in the foot. Cold, damp feet, when sitting in a warm room. DIADEMA ARANEA.-DICTAMNUS. 621 107.-DIADEMA ARANEA. DIAD., or ARAN.-Papal Cross Spider.-See Allg. Horn. Zeit., L GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-Dull, digging bone-pains in every part of the body. Cutaneous eruptions. Tubercles here and there. Languor and lassitude with thirst.-Restless night-sleep, with fre. quent waking, and constant sensation as if the fore-arms and hands were excessively enlarged and heavy. Fever, two evenings in succession, with fullness and heaviness in the hypogastrium as from a stone, qualmishness in the pit of the stomach, rumbling in the abdomen, dullness of the thighs, heaviness of the thighs, so that she is scarcely able to drag her limbs along. Thirst during the fever, and almost constantly attending the other symptoms. HEAD, EYES, &c.-Dullness of the head, sometimes with tightness. Drawing in the head, extending to the lower jaw.-Disagreeable trembling sensation in the eyes, when reading or writing, aggravating the headache, and accompanied by heat in the forehead and eyes.Coryza with thirst.-Painful feeling of coldness in the lower incisors, particularly when drawing in air. INTESTINAL CANAL.-Stitches in the palate and larynx.-Bitte? taste, with coated tongue, relieved by smoking tobacco.-Liquid stool, with colic, which is relieved by rubbing the part with the hand, difficult, interrupted passage of stool, and subsequent fermentation in the abdomen. ARMs.-Dull boring in the bones of the arms, early in the morning, in bed. 108.-DICTAMNUS. DICT.-White Dittany.-Noack and Trinka. Hahnemann recommends this substance for leucorrhoea. 0Aggravation of the epileptic fit (disappearing afterwards, curative effect). Profuse sweat.-Fetid emission of large volumes of fetid flatulence.-Increased stool.. Costiveness.-Increased secretion of urine.--Profuse metrorrhagia, for nine days.-Itching of the anus, and discharge of tenacious mucus from the uterus, at first brown, then white, lastly streaked with blood.--~ncreased leucorrhea, with fre, quent discharge of urine, troublesome tenesmus, and painful erosion of the pudendum. 622 DIGITALIS PTJItPtUREA. 109.-DIGITALIS PURPUREA. DIG.-Fox-Glove. Hahnemann's "Chronic Diseases," III.-Duration of Action; from forty to fifty days. COMPARE WITH-Ars., Bell., Chin., Coff., Col., Con., Hell., Hyos., Mere., Nux-v., Op., Petr., Puls., Spig., Sulph.-ac. ANTIDOTES.-Of large doses: sweet milk with Fcenum-grseum (Fene-greek); vegetable acids, Vinegar; infusion of Galls; Ether; Camphor.-Of small doses: Nux-v., Op.-According to Hahnemann, Chin. increases the anxiety caused by Dig. to deadly anguish. Dig. antidotes Wine. Dr. GRAY.-" I have found the Dig. very efficacious in several very severe cases of VERTIGO. It is especially indicated when, with the vertigo, the pulse is very slow." GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-The trunk and limbs, especially the thighs, are painfully stiff. General painfulness of the whole body. Piercing pain in the joints. Drawing in the back, the thighs, legs, and fingers, as after a cold. Violent convulsions. Spasms. Epileptic fits. Nervous affections of every kind, and great weakness. Emaciation of the body proportional to an increase of intellectual activity. Feeling of great lightness of the body. Heaviness and laziness of the limbs.-Lazy and faint, in the morning on rising from bed. Physical and mental languor. Great lassitude of the upper and lower limbs. Considerable lassitude, with vertigo and intermittent pulse. 'Sinking of the vital powers. General weakness. Great weakness. Sudden failing of strength, with general sweat and cough a few hours after. OSerous apoplexy of old people.? Faintingfits, with inclination to vomit. Fatal apoplectic fit. CHARACTERISTIC PECULIARITIES.-The symptoms appear to be aggravated in a warm room. SKIN.-Corrosive itching.-Darting, burning, and somewhat itching pricking. Peeling off of the skin of the whole body. Elastic white swelling of the whole body, with great painfulness to the touch, passing off by the swelling becoming soft and anasarca setting in. Elastic painful swelling in the legs, afterwards of the hands and forearms.-General paleness of the skin.-Jaundice. SLEEP.-Frequent yawning and stretching, with chilliness. Drowsiness with weariness, slumber. Lethargy. Lethargy, interrupted by violent, convulsive fits of vomiting. Has difficulty in falling asleep. Uneasy, unrefreshing sleep. Violent pain at night, in the left shoulder and elbow-joint. Confused, vivid dreams. Frequent waking at night, starting up from a dream as with fright. FEVER.-Coldness of the limbs. Internal coldness in the whole body.-Shuddering over the back.-Excessive sensitiveness to cold. DIGITALIS PURPUTtEA. 623 Feverish shivering, followed by heat, after which profuse perspiration. Chilliness over the whole body, with heat and redness of the face.-Gastric and other fevers. Feverish feelings. Small, quick, hard pulse. Small, soft pulse. Irritated pulse. Accelerated pulse. Irregular, small pulse. Irregular, weak pulse. Irregular and slow pulse. Extremely slow pulse, afterwards so much more rapid and subdued. Slower, but stronger pulse. The pulse descends from one hundred to forty beats. Slow pulse of forty beats. The pulse becomes slower by one-half. The pulse, which had become slower, is accelerated again by the slightest movement of the body. MORA'L SYMPTOMS.--Desponding and fearful. Sadness. Anxious. ness, with great apprehension of the future. Internal anguish. Discouragement. Fear of death. Great irritability. Great inclination to solitude. Gloomy and out of humor. SENsoRIUM.-Delirium, and restlessness, at night. Concealed dementia, characterized by tractability and obstinacy. Weakness of memory. The head feels fatigued. Gloomy state of the mind, with indifference. Gloominess in the head, as if hypochondriac. Dizziness of the head, with inability to recollect. Dullness of the head, with very limited power of thinking. Vertigo. * Vertigo and trembling. HEAD.-HIeadache, in the forehead. Headlache, pressure, and weight, as if caused by a congestion of blood to the head. Aching in the head, with slight stupefaction. Intense aching in the head. Pressure as from a hard load, in the middle and upper part of the forehead, while exerting his mind. Sharp aching pain in the forehead, at a small spot above the eye. Pressure and tension in the sides of the head. Pressure, occurring in paroxysms, at times in the temples, at times in the whole head.-Drauzing in the sides of the head, which makes one feel giddy.--Violent, lancinating headache, especially in the occiput and vertex. Throbbing ache in the fore. head, or in the bottom of the orbits.-Sensation as if the brain were beating like water against the skull. Sudden cracking in the head. -Semilateral headache.-Heat in and about the whole head. Swell. ing of the head. EYES.-Excessive pain in the eye-ball, when touching it. Aching in the eye-balls.-Throbbing pain in the orbits.--Stinging in the eyes. Burning pain in the right eye-brow, with dim-sightedness as through gauze. Burning in the outer canthi, as if excoriated. Redness of the eyes, with pain, especially in the evening. *Inflamma. tion of the meibomian glands. Violent inflammation of the eyes. 0lnflammatory redness of the conjunctiva and lids, with swelling of 624 DIGITALIS PURPUREA. the eyes, and pain as from sand.--Ophthalmia, particularly in scrofulous and arthritic individuals. *Swelling of the lower lid, incommoding one when looking down. *Lachrymation. Watery running from' the eyes, more violent in the room than in the open air; the eyes are dim, hot, full of red little veins, with aching pain, and gum in the canthi.--The lachrymation is aggravated by bright light and cold air. *Agglutination of the eyes, in the morning, with subsequent weakness. Smarting tears.-Considerable contraction of the pupils. Dilatation and insensibility of the pupils. Diminished irritability of the pupil. Obscuration of sight. Dull, indistinct sight. Dim-sightedness. Blindness, amaurosis. OObscuration of the lens. Diplopia. Visions before the eyes. Dark bodies like flies, or shining bodies before the eyes. Various colors before the eyes. *Things appear either green or yellow. Twinkling before the eyes. EARs.-Pain in the ears, as if constricted within, with pulsations in the ears. Twitchings in the ear. Drawing pain in the muscles under the mastoid process. Single stitches behind the ear. Painful swelling of the parotid glands and behind the ear. The hearing is suddenly obstructed, with tingling in the ear. *Hissing before the ears like boiling water. NosE.-Pain above the root of the nose. Bleeding from both nostrils, the blood being light-colored.-Sneezing.-Fluent coryza, with sneezing and subsequent stoppage of the nose. FACE.-Pale face.-~Blue lips and eye-lids.-Convulsions on the left side of the face.-Swelling of the cheek.-Gnawing and itching of the cheek and chin. Black pores in the skin of the face, which suppurate and become ulcerated. Swelling of the lips. OThe lips are dry, parched. MOUTH AND JAWS.-Stitches in the lower jaw. Fetid odor from the mouth. Swelling of the tongue. *Coated tongue. White-coated tongue, early in the morning. Accumulation af saliva. Ptyalism, ofrom abuse of Mercury. Violent, fetid ptyalism. Ptyalism, with soreness of the mouth, tongue, and gums.--Ulcer on the tongue. SOBlue tongue. THRoAT.-Dryness of the throat. Scraping and burning of the fauces and oesophagus. Sensation in the fauces as if the walls of the pharynx were swollen.-Stinging sore throat, between the acts of deglutition. Sore throat, when swallowing. Soreness of the mouth, fauces, and oesophagus. TASTE AND APPETITE.-*Flat, slimy taste. *Sweetish taste, with constant ptyalism. OBitterness in the mouth. Want of appetite, with clean tongue. Total loss of appetite, morning and evening. Thirst. DIGITALIS PURPUREA. 625 GASTRIC SYMPTOMS.-Great drowsiness after dinner. Gulping up of a sourish fluid. Gulping up of tasteless fluid. Heartburn, after. noon.and evening. A sort of acrid burning, extending from the stomach to the oesophagus. Hiccough. Loathing. *Nausea. Nausea after a meal. *Paroxysms of nausea, with inclination to vomit, excessive, with great despondency and fits of anguish. ONausea, on waking in the morning. ONausea, which continues after the vomiting.-Inclination to vomit. Retching. *Convulsive efforts to vomit. SVomiting. Vomiting in the morning. Nightly vomiting. Excessive vomiting, with excessive inclination to vomit, coldness of the limbs. Retching and vomiting, with violent nausea, great anguish in the pit of the stomach, external heat with occasional chills, and subsequent sweat with chilliness. *Vomiting of the ingesta, with nausea while eating.-* Vomiting of the ingesta, oafter every spitting, surrounded with a white, tasteless mucus, with increase of nausea, and diminution of colic. Vomiting of green bile, with excessive nausea. Bilious vomiting.-~ Vomiting of mucus. STOMACH.-Pains in the stomach. *Weakness of the digestive faculty of the stomach, for a long time. * Weakness of the stomach, Oparticularly after eating. Weight in the stomach. *Frequent pressure in the stomach -and epigastrium. ORepletion and pressure in the pit of the stomach, with nausea and vomiting.-Feeling of constriction across the region of the stomach, towards the liver. *Spasms of the stomach, owith nausea and vomiting, relieved by eruc-. tations. Spasmodic pains in the stomach. Cutting pains in the stomach. OLancinations from the pit of the stomach to the sides and back. Great heat in the stomach, with pain *Burning in the stomach, extending up to the oesophagus. ABDOMEN.-Anxious tightness and constriction about the hypochondria.-~Sensitiveness and pressure in the region of the liver. Most violent colic, continually. Colicky pain in the abdomen, with grumbling and rumbling.-Pinching in the abdomen, as from a purgative. Cutting in the abdomen, with tenesmus. Sticking pain in the region of the kidneys. Shooting prickings in the whole abdomen. Sharp stitches in the umbilicus. Lacerating colic around the umbilicus, early in the morning. Lacerating in the abdomen, early in the' morning, in bed, with diarrhoea, followed by tenesmus. oDistention of the abdomen. OAscites. Diring motion the abdomen becomes painful, as if it were ulcerated, not when touched. STOOL.-Costiveness. Soft, liquid, frequent stool. Violent diar. rhaa. Diarrhoea, with subsequent urging in the rectum. Diarrhoea with colic, during and previous to stool. ~Watery diarrhoea. Diar. 27 I 626 DIGITALIS PURPUREA. rhoea, faeces, and mucus, with previous colic or ache, at times a cut. ting pain, passing off with the stool. *Ash-colored diarrhoea, as in persons with jaundice.-Dysentery which is almost incurable.-Invo. luntary evacuation. Chilliness previous to stool. URINE.-Retention of urine. Pressure on the bladder. Violent unsuccessful desire to urinate. *Continual desire to urinate, only a few drops being emitted each time; the urine is dark, brown, hot, and burning on passing. oAlternation of diminished secretion of urine and copious emission of watery urine.-Enuresis. Increased emission of urine. ~He retains the urine more easily in a recumbent posture. Involuntary emission of urine. Acrid urine. Contractive pain in the bladder during micturition. Pressing and burning in the centre of the urethra, during micturition. Small, quick pulse during the enuresis and the diarrhoea, with cold hands and feet. Enuresis is succeeded by retention of urine, afterwards nausea, vomiting, and diarrhoea. *Inflammation of the neck of the bladder. --~Cutting before and after micturition. GENITAL ORGANS.-Itching irritation in the glans. ~Ilydrocele, the scrotum looks like a bladder filled with water.-Excited sexual desire.-Pollutions. LARYNX AND TRACHEA.-Roughness in the larynx.-f--Hoarseness early in the morning. Frequent, painless hoarseness.-Cough and coryza, he can scarcely talk.-Titillation of the larynx, bringing on a short and dry cough -Dry spasmodic cough, after much talking. Dry cough with asthma, in the morning, after rising.-~Cough, with expectoration looking like boiled starch. OSoreness as from excoriation in the chest. Expectoration from the chest streaked with blood. CHEST.-Difficult, slow, and deep breathing. Short, deficient respiration. *Painful asthma, for many days, particularly in walking.-Spasmodic constriction of the throat. Suffocating painful constriction of the chest. Oppressive drawing in the chest, when coughing. Raw feeling in the chest, with stitches. Throbbing, as of a large artery, in the right side of the chest. The beatings of the heart become stronger, with anguish and contractive pains under the sternum. The beats of the heart are scarcely felt. OIncreased activity of the heart, with slow pulse. Great heat on the outer chest. BACK AND NECK.-Pain in the small of the back, when stooping. Pain in the small of the back, as if bruised. Lacerating and sharp stitches in the small of the back, during motion. Drawing, with pressure, in the nape of the neck.-Cutting pain, with a feeling of numbness in the nape of the neck. Painful stiffness and tightness in the neck and nape of the neck, especially during motion. DRACONTIUM F(ETIDUS..-DROSERA ROTUNDIFOLIA. a27 ARMs.-Tight aching of the muscles of the arms and shoulders, when moving the arms. Paralytic weakness in the arms. Painful itching throbbing in the flesh of the upper arm.-Dull sensation in the elbow-joint. Paralytic pain in the middle of the ulna. Paralytic lacerating in the carpal bones and metacarpal bones.-Swelling of the right hand and fingers, at night. Frequent and sudden stiffness of the fingers. LEGs.---Pain in the thighs and legs, as if bruised. Great stiffness in the joints of the lower limbs.- Weakness and lassitude of the lower extremities. Cramp-like drawing in the muscles of the thigh above the bend of the knee.-Feeling in the knees as of great fatigue, when going up-stairs.-Tightness in the bends of the knees.- The legs feel weary.--S welling of the feet in the daytime, going off again at night. 110.-DRACONTIUM F(ETIDUS. DRACONT. F(ET.-Skunk Cabbage. 'No proving has yet been made of this drug, as far as I am informed. Its properties are said to be stimulant, anti-spasmodic, and narcotic, and was first introduced into notice as an anti-spasmodic in asthma; and it is said to have been subsequently employed with apparent advantage in chronic catarrh, chronic rheumatism, and hysteria. It has also been reccommended for dropsy." 111.-DROSERA ROTUNDIFOLIA. DROS.-Sun-dew. See Hahnemann'e "Mat. Med. Pura.," II.-Duratio of Action: from two to three weeks. COMPARE WITH-Acon., Alum., Amm., Bry., Cin., Cupr., Hep., Hyos., Ipc., Nitr., Nux-v., Puls., Rhus, Sep., Sil., Spong., Squill, Verat. ANTIDOTES.-Camph. GENERAL SYMPTOMS. -Gnawing stinging in the long bones, particularly in the joints (where the stitches are violent), more during rest than motion. Crampy pressure, also pressure with sticking, now in the upper, then in the lower limbs. Jerking or sensation of jerk. ing in the limbs. Weakness in the whole body, with sunken eyes and cheeks. Painful bruised and lame feeling of the limbs. Pain in every limb on which he is resting, as if from lying on a hard couch. *Epileptic paroxysms, with convulsions of the limbs, and subsequent sleep and discharge of blood.-o~Rapid emaciation (in laryngeal phthisis). 628 DROSERA ROTUNDiYULIA. CHARACTBRISTIC PECULIARITIES.-MOSt of the symptoms make their appearance in the night and early in the morning, in warmth and during rest. SKIN.--OViolent itching. Corrosion of the skin. SLEEP.-Frequent yawning and stretching.-~Drowsiness at noon, and at sunset.-Sleepless.-Frequent starting during sleep. Frequent waking. Anxious dreams.-Weariness on waking. FEVER.-- He feels too cold, particularly during rest, even in bed, with constant shuddering.-Shuddering, only during rest. Frequent shuddering over the whole body, with cold hands, hot cheeks, and warm forehead. OChilliness, with coldness and paleness of the hands, feet, and face.-Febrile paroxysms every morning, chilliness with blue nails, icy-cold hands, subsequently thirst, followed (at noon) by heat in the face, with heaviness in the head, beating in the occipital region, and subsequent inclination to vomit. Chilliness in the daytime, with heat at night. Chilly shuddering over the whole body, with icy-cold hands, feeling of heat in the face, and qualmishness with nausea. Vomiting during the chilliness until bile makes its appearance. OFever and ague, with desire to vomit and other gastric.symptoms, or with sore throat.-~Heat, with headache and spasmodic cough. Heat in the head or face, with redness.-Sweat. Night-sweats. MORAL SYMPTOMS.-Sad and low-spirited.-Anxiety, with suffusion of heat. 0Dread of ghosts.-O111-humor and disposition to feel offended. He becomes furious when excited ever so little.-Obstinacy. SENSORIUM.-Vertigo when walking in the open air. Dullness and heaviness of the head. Painful dullness of the forehead, during walking and after strong exercise. HEAD.-Headache above the orbit when stooping, disappearing in walking. The brain is painfully affected by stepping. Headache, with pressure through the right temple. Painful pressure through the forehead and the malar bones from within. Aching pain above the right temple. Boring pain in the forehead. OBeating and hammering in the forehead, from within outwards. Dull drawing pain in the brain. Lacerating-tensive pain in the forehead. Lacerating pain in tlhe brain, towards the forehead, more violent when moving the eyes.-Smarting-burning pain in the hairy scalp.-Feeling of soreness in the temple.-Gnawing headache. EYEs.-Lacerating cutting and burning pain in the left eye. Itch ing and agglutination of the lids.-Contraction of the pupils.*Presbyopia -and weakness of the eyes, with sudden and repeated vibrations before the eyes. *Gauzze before the eyes, ~with blurred DROSERA ROTUNDIFOLIA. 629 and pale appearance of the letters in reading.-OThe eyes are dazzled by the light of candles or by the light of day. EAR.-*Otalgia, with sticking pain in the inner ear.-Pain in the inner right ear, as if the parts were compressed.-Lacerating in and around the ear. Roaring, humming, and drumming in the ears, during rest and motion. Hardness of hearing, with increased buzzing. FACE.-*Pain in the face, oincreased by pressure and contact.Prickling-burning pain in the cheek. Drawing pressure in the upper parts of the malar bones. Severe pain in the right articulation of the jaw.-~Black pores on the chin.-Dry lips. NosE.-In the morning, he blows blood out of his nose. Increased sensitiveness to sour smell. JAWS AND TEETH.-Lancinations in the left lower jaw, apparently in the periosteum.-Stinging toothache after warm drinks, in the morning. MOUTH AND THROAT.-Fine pecking stitches in the dorsum of the tongue. Whitish ulcer on the tip of the tongue. Small, round, painless swelling in the middle of the tongue.-OHaemorrhage from the mouth. Rough scraping feeling of dryness in the soft palate and fauces, occasioning a short and hacking cough.--Stinging in the throat during deglutition. OScraping after eating salt food. OUlceration of the velum.-ODifficulty of swallowing solid food, as if the oesophagus were contracted.-OHawking up of green or yellow mucus. APPETITE AND TASTE.-Little taste and constant dryness of the lips. *Bitter mouth, owhen eating, oor from morning till dinner.Thirst, Oparticularly early in the morning. OThirst, only in the hot stage of fever.-(Frequent attacks of canine hunger, without appetite.) -Nausea, with inclination to'vomit after eating. GASTRIc SYMPTOMS.-Frequent singultus.--Gulping up of bitter or sour substances.-Nausea (even from merely thinking of a nauseating object). ONausea after eating fat. Nausea, with stupefying pressure in the forehead. Nausea, with inclination to vomit after a meal.-- Water-brash.-Vomiting, particularly at night, or before dinner. * Vomiting of bile or mere water, early in the morning. *Vomiting of mucus and food, when coughing. Vomiting of blood. STOMACH AND ABDOMEN.-Clawing sensation; sticking and throbbing; crampy tension in the pit of the stomach, as if drawn in, particularly during a deep inspiration.-*#The hypochondria are painful to the touch.-OColic after eating sour things.-Tensive pain in the epigastrium, before and after stool, becoming very violent when sitting or stooping. Short, cutting pinching in the abdomen. Cutting shocks in the muscles of the abdomen and chest, more violent when 630 DROSERA ROTUNDIFOLIA. sitting than during motion. Cutting pain in the abdomen, without stool. STooL.-Loose stool. Papescent stool. Scanty, hard stool, with bearing down. Bloody mucus with stool, followed by pain in the abdomen and small of the back. URINE.-Frequent desire to urinate, with scanty urine, frequently only afew drops. Enuresis.-- Frequent urination at night.-oUrine brown, with strong smell. Watery, inodorous urine (with fetid stools of white mucus). FEMALE ORGANS.--Suppression of the menses. OMenses delayed. OLeucorrhoea, with labor-like pains in the abdomen. CATARRH, LARYNX, CHEST.-* Titillation in the larynx, inducing a short and hacking cough, with sensation as if 0a feather had lodged in it, zoith fine stitches in the larynx. *RougJh, scraping feeling of dryness in the fauces and in the region of the soft palate, inducing a short and hacking cough, with expectoration of yellow mucus, and hoarse voice having a deep base sound;, ~sensation of oppression in the chest, as if the air were retained when coughing or talking, and as if the breath could not be expelled. Burning, rough sensation deep in the throat, immediately after dinner. Painful sneezing and coughing. *Pain in the hypochondria, when coughing, as if forcibly constricted.-*-Contractive pain in the hypochondria, arresting the breathing; is unable to cough, owing to the pain, unless he presses with the hand on the pit of the stomach.-Cough deep from the chest.-Cough, the fits being so rapid that he is scarcely able to breathe.-Cough in the evening after lying down.-*Nightly oough. -During an expiration, in the evening when lying in bed, sudden contraction of the abdomen, occasioning a heaving as if he would vomit, and bringing on cough. The cough caused a griping in the abdomen and a heaving as if vomiting would come on whenever the expectoration was incomplete and difficult.-* When coughing, he throws up water, mucus, and food.-Morning-cough, with expectoration.-Stitches in the chest when coughing.-*Hcemoptysis.-Stitches in the muscles of the chest when coughing and breathing.-~Hoarse. ness after measles, with cough and catarrh.-~Mucus in the trachea, at times hard, at other times soft (gray, green, and yellow).-oChronie catarrh. OLaryngitis, tracheitis, with pain when walking. OLaryngeal and tracheal phthisis, also galloping, with rapid wasting away of the tissues.--Barking cough.--Dry spasmodic cough, with gagging. oWhooping cough, with haemorrhage from mouth and nose, anguish. blue face, wheezing breathing, suffocation.-~The cough is excited by singing, laughing, weeping, emotions, smoking, drinking.-Deep DROSERA ROTUNDIFOLIA. 631 breathing. Difficulty of breathing. *Asthma, particularly when talking, ~and more especially when sitting, -with contraction of the throat at every word that is uttered. Oppressive sensation in the chest, as if expirations were prevented by coughing or talking.Stitches in the chest or pectoral muscles when taking an inspiration and when coughing. Burning sensation in the middle of the chest. Violent sticking pain, with pressure across the chest. OThe sternum is painful, as from subcutaneous ulceration, when pressing on the part. -Tensive pain in the pectoral muscles, during expirations and inspirations.-~Black pores on the chest and shoulder. BACK.-The back is painful, as if bruised, particularly early in the morning. Drawing pain in the back and shoulders. Stitches in the dorsal muscles. Rheumatic pain between the shoulders, as far as the small of the back, during motion.-The nape of the neck is stiff and painful to the touch. ARMs.-Pain as if bruised in the shoulder-joint, when touching the parts, or when raising the arms. Pain in the joint, as if the arm would go to sleep, or as from weakness and lassitude. Pressure through the axilla, during rest. Twitching on the top of the shoulder, during rest. Pain in the arm, during motion, as if the flesh had become detached. Pain as if contused, first in the elbow, then in the shoulder-joint.-~Nightly lacerating in the humeri, going off in the daytime during motion.-The fore-arms and hands feel bruised and contused.-Pain in the wrist-joint when feeling it, or when bending or moving the hand.-Inclination of the finger to contract spasmrdically, with rigidity when grasping anything. LOWER LIMBs.-Painful lameness in the lower limb, particularly in the hip-joint, thigh, and tarsal-joint, as if dislocated, with limping on account of the pain.-Nightly pressure in the thigh. Pain as if the thighs and bends of the knees were broken, only in walking.The knees tremble in walking. Painful stiffness of the bends of the knees, scarcely allowing the knees to be bent.-Great pain in the leg in extending it, obliging one to limp. Weakness of the legs, with staggering gait when commencing to walk. Rigid and stiffeeling in the tarsal-joints. OThe feet feel constantly chilly, and are covered with cold sweat. 632 DULCAMARA. 112.-DULCAMARA. DULC.-Solanum Duleamara, Bitter-Sweet.-See Hahnemann's "Chronic Dis. eases," III. COMPARE WITH-Acon., Ars., Bell., Bry., Con.-m., Cupr., Ipec., Lach., Mere., Nux-v., Phosph., Rhus, Sulph. ANTIDOTES.-Camph., Ipec., Merc.-It antidotes Cupr. GENERAL SYMPTOMSS.-Slight convulsive twitchings of the hands and feet. Convulsions of the muscles of the face, afterwards of the whole body. Cramp-pain in different parts of the limbs, especially the fingers. Pain in the joints. *Pains in many parts of the body, as if brought on by a cold. Considerable tremor of the limbs. Sudden swelling of the body, and bloatedness of the extremities, sometimes painful, or accompanied with a sensation as if they would go to sleep. *Emaciation. Inclination to remain in a state of rest. Lassitude. Feeling in all the limbs as if bruised. Weight in the thighs and arms. Great, continual heaviness.-Attacks of sudden weakness, like a swoon. CHARACTERISTIC PECULIARITIES.-The symptoms appear especially at night.-The symptoms are ameliorated by motion. SKIN.-Violent itching of the whole body. Burning itching. *Eruption of white blotches with red areolm, stinging, itching, and burning when rubbed, on the arms and thighs. *Small, slight itching pimples on the chest and abdomen. *Herpctic crusts over the whole body. Red spots on the body. *Dryness, heat, and burning of the skin. Dryness and burning of the skin, constipation, and painful strangury, with a soft, full, slow, and bounding pulse. SLEEP.-Great sleepiness, laziness, and yawning. Sleeplessness, restlessness, convulsive twitchings. Sleeplessness. Seething of the blood, stinging and itching of the skin. * Uneasy sleep, with frequent sweat, and interrupted by confused dreams. Terrifying dreams. *Uneasy sleep, tossing about. Fatigue in the morning. FEvER.-Shaking, as if owing to chilliness and nausea, with a feeling of coldness and actual coldness over the whole body. Double tertian fever. Chilliness and uneasiness in all the limbs. Frequent chilliness, heariness of the head, and general exhaustion. Hot, dry skin, with seething of the blood. Burning of the skin of the back. Heat and restlessness. *Violent fever, with great heat, dryness of the skin-and delirium every day Heat of the body, burning in the face, and constipation. Badly-smelling sweat. MORAL SYMPTOMS.-Out of humor. Quarrelsome mood. Restlessness. Delirium, at night, with increase of pain. DUJLCAMARA. SENSORIUM.-Stupid feeling in the head, as after intoxication, going off again in the open air. Dullness and painful stupefaction of the head. OSensation as of a board pressing against his forehead. Giddiness, with warmth mounting to the face. Momentary vertigo. Vertigo when walking, with darkness before his eyes. HEAD.-Headache in bed, worse when rising. Headache, with inertia, icy coldness of the whole body, and inclination to vomit. Stupefying pain in the head, above the left ear. *Stupefying ache in the occiput, ascending from the nape of the neck. Stupefying headache.-*Heaviness of the head. Weight in the forehead. Weight in the occiput. Heaviness of the whole head, during the day.Pressure in the temples. Pressing pain in the head from within outwards. A pressing together in the upper part of the head, with sensation as of lacerating.-Drawing in the head. Slow drawing pain through the whole brain, especially in the evening. Pressure and lacerating in the temples, in paroxysms.-Stitches in the head. Violent stitches in the fore part of the head, deep in the brain, with nausea. Grinding (digging) headache, deep in the fore part of the head, with gloominess and a bloated feeling in the brain, early in the morning, in bed, worse after rising. *Boring pain in the temple. Heat in the head. OCongestion of the head, with humming in the ears and hardness of hearing. OThe headache is aggravated by exercise and conversation. EYEs.-Contractive pain in the margin of the orbits.-Pressure in the eyes, made worse by reading. *Ophthalmia. Twitching of the eye-lids, in cold air. Incipient amaurosis and dim-sightedness. Sparks before the eyes. EARS.-Pain in the car, the whole night, preventing sleep.-Drag. ging pain in the ear, with nausea.-Drawing lacerating in the ears.Stitches in the meatus-auditorius and parotid gland.-Prickling in the ears. Tingling in the ears. NosE.-Bleeding of the nose.-Sneezing.-*Dry coryza, with dull. ness of the head and sneezing, oaggravated in cold air. FACE.-~OPale face, with circumscribed redness of the cheeks. ~Redness of the face.-Drawing and lacerating in the cheek.IHumid eruption on the cheeks.-~ Warts and eruptions in the face. ~Thick herpetic crusts, brown or yellow, on the face, forehead, temple, and chin. o Crusta-lactea.?-Distortion of the mouth. Twitching movements of the. lips, when the air is cold. Pimples and little ulcers around the mouth, with lacerating pains when moving the parts. TEETH AND JAWS.--The gums are loose and spongy.-oSwelling of the submaxillary glands.-Lameness of the jaw on becoming cold. 274 634 DULCAMARA. MOUTH, PHARYNX, &c.-~Stomacacc from cold.?-*Dry tongue. Dry, rough tongue. *Paralysis of the tongue. *Paralysis of the tongue, hindering speech (in damp and cold weather), ~or when becoming cold.-OSwelling of the tongue, whiich impeded speech and breathing. Sore throat after a cold. Pressure in the throat, as if the uvula were too long. Ptyalism, the gums being loose and spongy. TASTE AND APPETITE.-Hunger, with aversion to every kind of nourishment. oBitter taste.--* Violent desire for cold drinks, Owith dryness of the tongue and increased saliva. GASTRIC SYMPTOMS.--Inflation of the abdomen, after eating. Repeated eructations during a meal. Eructations and hiccough. *Nausea. Nausea and loathing. Loathing with shuddering, as if he would vomit. Great inclination to vomit, with chilliness. Retching. Water-brash. Vomiting. * Vomiting of mucus, early in the morn. ing, after previous warm risings in the fauces. STOMACH.-Constant pinching in the region of the stomach, in the evening. *Pressure in the stomach, extending into the chest. Intense aching in the pit of the stomach. Sensation of inflation in the pit of the stomach, with a disagreeable feeling of emptiness in the abdo. men. Crampy pain in the stomach, arresting the breathing. ORetrac. tion of the pit of the stomach, with burning pain. ABDOMEN.-Inflation of the abdomen. Pinching pain around the umbilicus; dull pinching in the abdomen, as if diarrhoea would come on. Quickly-passing pinching and cutting, in the abdomen and chest. Turning digging and pinching around the umbilical region. Gnawing throbbing, above the umbilicus. Stinging pain in the umbilical region.-Feeling of emptiness in the abdomen.-Colic, as if from cold. Colic, as is usually caused by wet and cold weather. Colic, as if diarrhoea would come on. Colic, as after taking a purgative, with flatulence when stooping; or pain in the small of the back. Aching of the inguinal glands. *Swelling of the inguinal glands. Grumbling in the abdomen, pain in the left groin, and cold feeling in the back. Grumbling in the abdomen, with desire for stool. STooL.-Desire for stool, in the evening, with pinching in the abdomen, followed by copious humid, and finally loose and sour-smelling stool. *Slimy diarrhea with faintness. *White mucous diarrhaea. Looseness of the bowels, with flatulence. ODiarrhoea with colic, after a cold, particularly in the summer, with nocturnal watery evacuations, or falling of the rectum. OChronic bloody diarrhoea, with biting at the anus, or with vomiting, eructations, and thirst. Regular stool, but with some tenesmus. Hurried desire for stool, and only hard fteces passed, Unsuccessful desire for stool, with nausea. DULCAMARA. 635 Desire for stool with colic. Oppressive colic with rumbling, preceding and succeeding stool. URINE.-Urine turbid and white. Reddish, burning urine. *Sediment in the urine, at times red, at times white. *Strangury, painful micturition.--Paralysis of the bladder, with involuntary discharge of urine. OThickening of the bladder.? Contraction of the urethra.? Discharge of mucus from the urethra.? Catarrh of the bladder. GENITAL ORxGANS.-Increased flow of menses. Diminished flow. -*Retarded flow, even twenty-five days, with watery blood. OSuppression of the menses from a cold. ORash before the menses. OSuppression of milk from a cold. oHerpes on the mammre of nursing females. LARYNX.-Short hacking cough, which can be excited by deep breathing. Cough with expectoration of tenacious mucus, with stitches in the sides of the chest. IHamoptysis. CHEST.-*Oppression of the chest. Violent after a cold. Great oppressive pain in the chest, especially when breathing. Tightness in the chest, during a deep inspiration.-Pinching pazn in the whole chest, increased by inspiration. Stitches in the chest.-Deep cutting pain in the left side of the chest. Digging pain in the chest, as from a strain. Palpitation of the heart, especially at night, violent.OHydrothorax. BAcK.-~Lameness of the small of the back, after a cold. ODrawing from the small of the back through the thighs, during rest. Pain in the small of the back, as after long stooping.-Painful stitches in the middle of the dorsal spine when breathing.-Painful stitches in the muscles of the nape of the neck.-Stiffness of the posterior cervical muscles.-Constrictive pain in the cervical muscles. ARMs.-Dull, violent pain in the arm, as from a blow, with sense of weight, as of lead, immobility, stiffness of the muscles, and coldness of the whole arm, as if paralyzed.-Twitching in the upper arm.Paralytic contusive pain in the left arm, during rest. ~Herpes on the arm. Lame feeling in the upper arm, going off by violent motion. Corrosive gnawing in the outer side of the elbow. Drawing pain in the fore-arm. Want of power of the fore-arm, with a paralytic sensation.--Tremor of the hands. Herpetic eruption, especially on the hands. LEGS.-The lower limbs feel weak. Twitchings of the lower limbs. Pain in the thighs. Lancinating laceration in the whole thigh. Drawing in the muscles of the thigh, with sensitiveness to the touch. Burning itching in the outer parts of the thighs.-Weariness of the knees. Bloatedness and swelling of the lg1. Painful weariness in 636 ELATERIUM.-EUGENIA IAMBOS. the tibia.-Numb feeling of the calf.-Burning in the feet.-Sting, ing burning of the toes.-OErysipelatous peeling off and itching of the feet. OFormication in the feet. 113.-ELATERIUM. ELAT.-Memordica, Elaterium, Wild or Squirting Cucumber.-See "Transactions, of the American Institute of Homoeopathy." GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-Incessant gaping. Sharp, fugitive, or dull aching pains. Pains mostly affecting the left side, but also the right. Chilliness with continued gaping, as if an attack of intermittent fever were approaching. HEAD.-Depression of spirits. Pains in the temples. EYES.-Sticking as of a splinter, in the inner canthus of the eye. INTESTINAL CANAL.-Bitter taste in the mouth. Dull pains in the bowels. Watery discharges from the bowels, of a frothy character. Discharges of dark masses of bilious mucus. Dull olive-green discharges. Costiveness. Dull pain in the epigastrium. Feeling of stricture or oppression at the epigastrium. Cutting pains in the bowels, like the griping of medicine.-Constant nausea and disposition to vomit. Eructations of flatus. Bleeding of hemorrhoidal tumors. EXTREMITIES.-Pains under the shoulder-blade.-Pains extending from the shoulder to the ends of the fingers. ELECTRICITY (See IMPONDERABILIA.) 114,-EUGENIA IAMBOS. EUG.-Malabar Plum Tree.-See "Archiv," XII. COMPARE WITH-Op. ANTIDOTE.-Coffee. CLINICAL REMARKS.-Dr. Hering has derived great use from the tincture of Eug. in an epidemic disease, characterized by cough, coryza, ophthalmia, and pain in the ears, which was very troublesome to children. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-Laming and crampy pains, particularly in the tibile and heels.-Constant slight yawning in the open air. Headache, burning in the eyes, a good deal of thirst, and copious micturition at night.-Heat before midnight, with little thirst, sweat, pain in the small of the back, and disposition to sit alone. Sweat in walking. Sweat and thirst in the morning, Violent thirst at night,-Out of humor. EUPATORIUM PERFOLIATUM. 637 SENSORIUM AND HEAD.-Dullness of the head.-Vertigo, with con. gestion of blood to the head.-Rolling and burning in the head and in the eyes, with lachrymation, afterwards nausea and vomiting. EYEs.-Violent itching in the eyes. Violent burning in the eyes. Inflammation with stitches in the inner canthus.-Lachrymation, evening and night, with sensation as if fire were pouring out of the eyes.-Sleepy appearance and unsteadiness of the eyes.-Obscuration of sight, with diploplia. FACE, NOSE, AND TEETH.-Ptyalism.-The gums of the decayed teeth become painful. MOUTH, PHARYNX, &c.-Yellowish, bloody mucus in the mouth after dinner. Dryness of the throat, with thirst. APPETITE AND GASTRIO SYMPTOMS.-Heartburn at night.-Evening nausea, with vertigo, headache, vomiting, subsequently bitterness of mouth, desire for cold water, and then sweat. STOMACH AND ABDOMEN.-Crampy sensation in the stomach, with spasmodic feeling, and afterwards nausea. Stitches in the pit of the stomach.-Burning in the abdomen as from brandy. Drawing around the umbilicus as from a carthartic. Distention of the epigastrium, with coldness internally. STooL.-Scanty stool. Scanty, hard stool, after much pressing. Several stools a day, with burning in the abdomen. Diarrhceic stools,.followed by vomiting.-Cramp-pain in the rectum. URINE.-Dark urine. OSuppression of the usual nightly urina tion.-Burning when urinating. MALE GENITAL ORGANS.-Imnpotence. LARYNX AND TRACHEA.-Constant hawking up of yellow and bloody mucus.--Moist cough, evening and night, without expectoration.-Dryness of the throat from coughing. BACK, ARMS, AND LEGS.-Stinging-burning itching on the back. Painful stiffness of the nape of the neck.-Heat of the hands.Nightly cramp in the soles of the feet. Rhagades between the toes. 115.-EUPATORIUM PERFOLIATUM. EUP. PERF.-Bone Set; Thorough Wort; Thorough Stem; Cross Wort; Thorough Wax; Vegetable Antimony; Indian Sage; Ague Weed; Joe-pye. -See " Transaction of the American Institute of Homoeopathy." COMPARE WITH-Arn, Cham., Merc., Natr.-mur., Rhus-tox., Tart-em.-It alter. nates well with Natr-mur. in intermittent fevers. DR. GRAY.-" I have for many years applied the Eupat. in cases of intermittent when there was little or no sweat at any time during 638 EUPATORIUM PERFOLIATUM. the disease: and, consequently, in those forms closely verging upon the remittent type." FEVER.--Intermittent fever, quotidian, tertian, and quartan. The paroxysm generally commences in the morning. Thirst several hours before the chill, which continues during the chill and heat Chilliness through the night, and in the morning, with nausea, from the least motion.-Aching pain and soreness, as if from having been beaten, in the calves of the legs, small of the back, and in the arms, above and below the elbows. *Flushed face and dry hot skin, during the fever. *Chill at seven o'clock in the morning, preceded by thirst, and attended with moisture of the hands. *Vomiting at the conclusion of the chill. *Fever, with sleep and moaning, and fol-. lowed by slight perspiration.--Nausea and sickness of the stomach, at the commencement of the heat, with violent, throbbing headache. *Chill in the morning, heat during the rest of the day, and slight perspiration in the evening. *Intermittent fever with a heavy chill, early in the morning of one day, and a light chill about noon the next day, and so on successively. *Headache and trembling during the,heat. *Chill, preceded by pain above the right ilium, with thirst and disposition to yawn. *Pain in the bones, early in the morning, before the paroxysm.,-The chill is induced or hastened by taking a drink of water.-Headache, backache, and thirst during the chill. Nausea as the chill goes off. *Increased headache, but diminished thirst, during the heat. Aching in the bones of the extremities, with soreness of the flesh. *Coldness, with a great deal of trembling, attended with nausea. Chilliness, with excessive trembling and nausea. *Internal trembling, with external heat. Chilliness in the morning, heat throughout the rest of the day, but no perspiration. *Coldness and stinging or pricking, as from pins, in both feet at the commencement of the chill. *Aching in the bones of the extremities, in the latter part of the chill, and in the beginning of the heat. *The thirst frequently commences in the night previous to the chill, in tertian ague. *Chill begins at nine o'clock in the morning. *Stiffness of the fingers during the chill.-Soreness in the bones. *Aching pain, with moaning, throughout the cold stage.Retching and vomiting of bile. * Vomiting at the conclusion of the chill. *Distressing pain in the scrobiculus-cordis, throughout the chill and heat. *Throbbing headache during the chill and heat. *Violent pain in the head and back, before the chill. 1Inconsiderable perspiration, or none at all, after the hot stage.-*Fever in the forenoon, preceded by thirst early in the morning, but no chill; attended by fatiguing cough, and not followed by perspiration.- *Loose cough EUPATORIUM PERFOLIATUM. J9 fn the intermission. *Cough in the night previous to the paroxysm. *Great weakness and prostration during the fever, with faintness from motion. *The heat goes off by moderate perspiration, during sleep in the evening. *Thirst throughout the night, before the paroxysm, in tertian ague. Thirst several hours before the chill. *The thirst continues during the chill and -heat, with vomiting after each draught of water. *Vomiting of bile at the close of the hot stage. *Inconsiderable perspiration after the fever. *Coldness during nocturnal perspiration. Chilliness from motion. Pungent heat attending the perspiration at night. Alternate chilliness and flashes of heat.--*Fever, with despondency of mind, morbid sensitiveness of the skin, and sleeplessness. HEAD.-Headache, with sensation of soreness internally.-*Throbbing headache. *Headache and sick stomach, every other morning when first awaking. *Pain in the occiput after lying, with sensation of a great weight in the part.-Darting pains through the temples, with sensation of blood rushing across the head.-*Distress on the top and in the back part of the head.--Shooting pains from the left to the right side of the head.--Painful soreness in the right parietal protuberance.-Heat on the top of the head, with pain, which is relieved by pressure.-*Thumping in the side of the head, above the right ear. *Soreness and beating in the back part of the head. EYES.-*Soreness of the eye-balls. *Intolerance of light. itedness of the margins of the lids, with glutinous secretion from the meibomian glands. Increased lachrymation. NosE.-Flowing ooryza. *Sneezing. FACE.-*Sickly, sallow countenance. Flushed face. Redness of the cheeks, with dry skin. MOUTH.-Paleness of the mucous membrane of the mouth. *Tongue coated, yellow or white. *Sores in the corners -f the mouth. THRoAT.-Dryness of the throat. *Soreness of the fauces, with catarrh. APPETITE.-*Tastelessness of food. *Want of appetite. Loss of appetite. Thirst for cold water. SToMACH.-General shuddering, proceeding from the stomach. Sensation of fullness in the stomach. Heat in the stomach. Nausea and vomiting of food. *Vomiting immediately after drinking. Vomiting preceded by thirst. *Vomiting of bile, with tremblizg, attended by pain in the epigastrium, with nausea and extreme pros. tration, almost syncope. Distressing disposition to vomit. ABDOMEN.-*Soreness around the waist. Soreness and fullness in the region of the liver. 640 EUPATORIUM PERFOLIATUM. STooL.-*Constipation. *Costiveness attending catarrh. Purging stools, with smarting and heat in the anus. Tenesmus, with a small discharge of loose stool. Morning diarrhoea. Four or five watery stools in the day. URINE.-*Dark-brown scanty urine, depositing a whitish, clay-like sediment. *Itching of the mons-veneris. LARYNx.-*Hoarseness, with roughness of the voice.-Hacking cough in the evening. Cough, with soreness and heat in the bronchia. Cough, aggravated in the evening. *Hectic crugh from suppressed intermittent fever. *Nocturnal loose cough. *Hoarse rough cough, with scraping in the bronchia. *Violent cough, with soreness in the chest. *Cough, with flushed face and tearful eyes. *Cough preceding measles. *Cough, following measles. *Disposition to cough, with dyspnoea. CHEST.--Dyspnoea very great, obliging the patient to lie with his head and shoulders very high. *Difficulty of breathing, attended with perspiration and anxious countenance; with sleepiness. *Painful irritation of the pulmonary organs, with heat in the chest. Inability to lie on the left side. Soreness in the chest, from taking a full inspiration. *Deep-seated pain in the left side and in the right shoulder. Grating sensation in the chest, at every deep inspiration BACK.-Weakness in the small of the back. Deep-seated pain in the loins, with soreness from motion. Pain in the back, as from a bruise. Beating pain in the nape. *Pai.n in the back and lower extremities. ARMs.-Soreness and aching in the arms and fore-arms. Stiffness of the arms. Painful soreness in both wrists, as if broken or dislocated. Stiffness of the fingers, with obtuseness of the sense of touch. *Heat in the palms of the hands, sometimes with moisture. LEGS.- *Pain in a spot over the left hip, with soreness. *Flagging of the muscles of the thigh, as if they were falling off the bone. "*Gouty inflammation of the left knee and the right elbow. The pains are worse from ten o'clock, A. M., until four o'clock, p. M. Stiffness and general soreness of the lower extremities, when rising to walk. *Soreness andswelling of both feet when standing on them. *Lameness in the right hip and lower extremity, when walking. Soreness and aching of the lower limbs. *Throbbing in the right foot. *Rheumatic pain on the inside of the knee. *Dropsical swelling of both feet and ankles. EUPHORBIUM OFFICINARTUM. 641 116.-EUPHORBIUM OFFICINARUM. EUPHOR.-Spurge.--See Hahnemann's "Chronic Diseases," III.-Duration o0 Action: about seven weeks. COMPARE WITH-Bell., Mere., Mez., Nitr.-ac.-Euph. is frequently indicated after: Bell., Mere., Nitr.-ac. ANTIDOTEs.-Camph., Citri-suc. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-Rheumatic pains in the bones. Infaammation of external parts. General swelling, inflammation, cold g.ngrene.-~Chronic eruptions. ~01d, torpid ulcers.-oWarts.?? Lassitude and want of tone of the whole body. Burning pains in internal organs. Stitches and tightness in the muscles.-Lacerating lancinating pains during rest, relieved by motion. CHARACTERISTIC PECULIARITIES.-The primary effects of the drug are slow in making their appearance. The symptoms are aggravate4 by rest (sitting) and by contact. SLEEP.-Frequent yawning. Great drowsiness after dinner. Sort of stupor in the afternoon. Sleeplessness and tremulous tossing about in bed.-Anxious, confused dream. FEVER.-Chilliness of the whole body. Constant chilliness with sweat, shuddering. Shuddering over the upper parts of the body. Great heat the whole day. Fever. MORAL SYMPTOMS.-Temporary craziness. Melancholia. Anxious and apprehensive mood. Serious and taciturn. HEAD.-Vertigo.-Headache, as if caused by a deranged stomach. Dull, stupefying, oppressive pain in the forehead. Aching in the forehead. Aching in the occiput.-Headache, as if the head would be pressed asunder.-Tensive pressure about the head, especially the forehead and the posterior cervical muscles.-Sticking with pres sure in the temples. EYES.-Pressure in the eye, as from sand. *Smarting of the eyes, with lachrymation. *Inflammation of the eyes, oalso chronic, with itching and dryness of the lids and.canthi.-*Pc"e red inflammation of the eye-lids, with nightly agglutination.-Swelling of the eye-lids, (with lacerating above the eye-brow when opening the eyes.-Diplo. pia.-~Obscuration of the cornea.? EARS.-Pain in the ears, in the open air.-Tingling in the ear, also when sneezing.-Roaring in the ears, at night. NosE.-Suffocative smarting in the nose, extending to the brain, with profuse discharge of mucus.-Frequent sneezing. FACE.--Paleness of the face, qallow complexion.-Tight pain in the cheek, as if swollen. Violent burning in the face. Erysipdatous 642 EUPHORIIUM OFFIC1NARUM. inflammation of the face and external head. Red, inflammatory swelling of the cheek, with boring, gnawing, and digging from the gums to the ears. Red, excessive swelling of the cheeks, covered with yellowish vesicles. Erysipelatous inflammatory swelling of the cheeks, with vesicles of the size of peas, full of yellowish humor. White, cedema-like swelling of the cheeks. JAWS AND TEETH.-Toothache, increasing when touched or when masticating.-Toothache, in the beginning of a meal, with chilliness; gnawing lacerating, accompanied with headache.-Breaking of of the teeth. MOUTH AND THRoAT.-Ptyalism, preceded by shiverings or with inclination to vomit and shuddering.-Burning of the palate, as from hot coal. Rawness atnd roughness of the throat. Burning in the throat and stomach. Burning in the throat, down to the stomach, with trembling anxiousness, and heat on the whole upper part of the body, with inclination to vomit and ptyalism. Inflammation of the cosophagus. TASTE AND APPETITE.-Bitter, astringent taste. Thirst for cold drinks. Great hunger. GASTRIC SYMPTOMS AND STOMACH.-Violent, empty eructations. Nausea with shaking. Morning-nausea. Vomiting with diarrhoea. The stomach is painful to the touch. Spasmodic pain in the stomach. Burning feeling in the pit of the stomach. Inflammation of the stomach. ABDOMEN.-Excessive colic and inflation. Anxious and sore feeling in the abdomen. Heaviness and heat in the abdomen. Empty feeling in the abdomen, as after an emetic, early in the morning. Writhing (twisting) through the whole of the intestinal canal; afterwards loose stool, with burning itching around the rectum.-Aching in the lumbar region. STooL.---Constipation. Papescent, yellowish stool. Copious diarrhoea, with previous itching around the rectum, the desire for stool being very urgent.-Diarrhoea, with burning at the rectum, inflation of the abdomen, and pain in the abdomen as if it were sore.-Fatal dysentery.-Burning sore pain around the rectum. URINE.-Pregsure on the bladder. Strangury. Frequent desire to urinate, with slight discharge of urine. A quantity of white sediment in the urine. (Haemorrhage from the urethra.?) GENITAL ORGANS.-Lacerating pain in the scrotum. Nightly and continual erections. WINDPIPE.-Short and hacking cough, excited by a slight titillation in the throat. Violent irritation in the upper part of the larynx, EUPIIRASIA OFFICINALIS. 643 with short and hacking cough. Cough occasioned by a burning titillation in the upper part of the larynx. Cough, day and night, as if caused by asthma and shortness of breath. -Dry, hollow cough, eausod by a tickling in the middle of the chest, during rest. Almost uninterrupted dry cough. CHEST.-Asthma.--Sensation as if the left lobe of the lungs were adhering. Spasmodic pressing asunder in the lower parts of the chest. BACK.-Pain in the small of the back, or sort of pressure during rest. Pains in the small of-the back, resembling jerking stitches. ARMs.-Pinching pain in the scapula.-Paralytic tightness in the shoulder-joint, early in the morning after rising, aggravated by motion. Internal intensely-painful drawing in the arm, with a feeling of weakness.-Pain, asfrom a sprain, in the upper arm, near the elbow-joint. -Intensely-painful drawing in the ulna.-Paralytic pain in the wrist-joint, when moving the hand. LEGs.-Paralytic pain in the hip-joint, when stepping. Pain, as from a sprain, in both hip-joints. Aching in the muscles around the hip.-Burning pain, at night, in the bones of the hip-joint and in thefemur. The lower limbs frequently go to sleep.-Corrosive itching of the thighs.-Lacerating in the knee. Violent lancinating lacerating in the muscles of the legs. Great weakness of the legs.Cramp-pain in the foot. Sore pain of the heel, as from a subcutaneous ulceration. 117--EUPHRASIA OFFICINALIS. EUPHR.-Eye-Bright.-Hahnemann's "Mat. Med. Pur.," II.-Duration of Action: from three to four weeks. COMPARE WITH-Arn., Mere., Nux-v., Puls., Sen., Spig. ANTIDOTE.--Camph., Puls. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-Shooting, itching stitches here and there, the whole night; he tosses about in his bed, and cannot get warm. Great weakness in the whole body, especially the lower limbs. "~Consequences of bruises, blows, or contusions.-Cramp-pains through the whole body.-O Crawling as of a fly in one or the other limb, from below upwards, with numbness of the part. SLEEP AND FEVER.-Drowsiness, without being able to sleep, with much yawning. Frequent waking in the night, as from fright. Frightful dreams. Internal chilliness in the forenoon, followed by violent chilliness and coldness of both arms in the afternoon. 644 EUPHRASIA OFFICINALIS. Feverish chilliness over the whole body. Redness and heat of the cheeks. Sudden heat and redness of the face, with cold hands. MORAL SYMPTOXMS.-Taciturn.-Inertia, hypochondria, listlessness. IIEAD.-Dullness of the head with pressure on the vertex. Violent headache, as if bruised, or a sort of painful bewilderment in the head. Aching pain in the outer part of the head, especially in the forehead. Headache, as if the skull would burst, with dazzling of the eyes from the light of the sun. OBeating in the head, perceptible on the outer side. EYEs.--Dimness of the eyes. Injection of the vessels of the selerotica, by looking at the fire.-oSmarting in the eyes as from sand. ~Stinging in the eyes, from bright light. *9nflammation and ulceration of the margins of the eye-lids, with headache.OCorneitis. ~Blueness and obscuration of, and pellicle over the cornea.-~Sweliing of the eye-lids, particularly the lower. OFine eruption around the eyes. *Burning and smarting lachrymation, oparticularly in the wind. *Photophobia, and pain from looking at the light. Sensation in the evening as if both eyes, especially the upper eye-lids, were drawn towards one another, obliging one to wink frequently. Fine stitches in the eye-ball. *Gum in the canthi, opurulent, with nightly agglutination. Rheumatic inflammation of the eyes, almost blinding him. EARS.--Violent boring pain in the ear. NOSE.-OSorcness and painfulness of the inner nose. OEpistaxis. -*Profuse fluent coryza, ~with smarting lachrymation and photophobia, -or with sneezing and discharge of mucus. FACE.-Rash in the face, itching in warmth, and becoming burning and red when moistened. OStiffness of the upper lip, as if made of wood. JAWS AND TEETH.-Beating in the teeth, after a meal. Violent bleeding of the gums. OLameness and stiffness of the tongue and cheeks. TASTE AND APPETITE.-Hunger without an appetite at noon. Hic cough. STOMACH AND ABDOMEN.-Painless grumbling in the abdomen. A sort of oppression in the abdomen, a sort of burning pressing pain in a transverse direction, during rest or motion. Pinching in the abdomen, in short paroxysms. OColic, alternating with the pains in the eyes. URINE.-Frequent micturition GENITAL ORGANS.--OFigiwarts.-OThe menses appear at the regular period, but last only one hour. EVONYMUS EUROPfEUS. 645 LARYNX.-*Cough only in the daytime, *with mucus in the chest which cannot be detached, oand difficulty.of breathing. Copious fluent coryza in the morning, and violent eough with expectoration. Difficult breathing, even in a room. BACK.-Cramp-like pain in the back. Continual aching of the back. ARMs.-Sensation in the arms as if they had gone to sleep. Dull lacerating in the elbow and wrist-joints. Cramp-pain in the wristjoints. Pain in the knuckles and joints of the fingers. OPainless swelling of the wrist-joint during motion. ONumbness of the fingers. LEGs.-oCramp in the lower limbs, when standing. Jerks in the thigh, succeeded by lameness and numbness. Weariness in the knees *Cramp in the calf, particularly when standing. 118.-EVONYMUS EUROP-EUS. EVON.-Spindle-Tree.-See "Pract. Mittheil.," 1827. GENERAL SYTMIPTOM S.-Drawing-sticking pains.-Gnawing and itching in the skin. Small dry pustules on the skin.-Feverish shuddering, or violent chilliness over the whole body.-Anguish about the heart, a sort of internal oppression. Moaning and frequent deep inspirations, on account of a tightness and fullness in the chest. Vexed, peevish, out of humor, not disposed to work.-Vanishing of thought in reading, this puts him out of humor. CHARACTERISTIC PECULIARITIES.-The pains oblige one to lie down. The pains in the chest head and abdomen are particularly aggravated after dinner. HEAD.-Violent vertigo Vertigo in the fore part of the head, worse in sitting.-Headache with great chilliness.-Pain in the vertex, as if a nail were pressed into the part.-Stupefying pressure above the right orbit. EYES.-Pressure in the eye, aggravated by external pressure. Obscuration of sight. Dark spots before the eyes. Dim-sightedness. Mistiness with vertigo. EARS, FACE, TEETH.-Roaring in the ears.-Lacerating in the lower teeth. STOMACH, &c.-Sticking in and near the pit of the stomach.-Lancinating or constrictive pain in the abdomen.-Cutting and constriction in the abdomen. Cutting in the urethra, extending into the bladder. CHEST.-Violent pain in the chest, aggravated by inspirations. 646 4ERRUM METALLICUA AND ACETIUUI. Diminished by expirations. The chest feels sore and bruised. -Drawing, stupefying crainpy pressure and stitches in the region of the nipples.-Digging in the chest.-Tension in the sternum. BACK AND LiMBs.-Formication in the back. Small dry pustules on the back.-Violcnt lacerating in the left shoulder. Laming pains in the fingers.-Paralytic pain iin the region of the hip, around the pelvis, or tingling, gnawing, and itching in those parts. Paralytic pain in the knees, after sitting, excited by walking and aggravated by standing. 119.-FERRUM METALLICJJM. FER.-Metallic Iron.-See Noack and Trinks. SYMPTOMS.-a. From the internal use: Taste as of rotten eggs. -Putrid cructations. Intense, oppressive pain in the stomach. Violent oppression and excessive tightness of the stomach.-Distention of the stomach and abdomien.-Asthma.- Pulmonary consumption. b. From contact: Tonic spasm of the thigh and leg (after touch. ing the sole of the foot).-Feeiing of violent coldness and rigidity, and spasmodic contraction of the fingers.- Violent convulsions (on touching the schneiderian membrane of an individual affected with chorea). 120.-FERRUM ACETICUM. FER. AGET.-Acetate of Iron.-See Hahnemann's "1Mat. Med. Pura," IT.-- Noack and Trinks. COMPARE WITH-Am., Ars., Bell., Calc., Garb. -v., Chin., Chain., Gina, Con-rn., Graph., Hep.-s., Ipec., Led., Mere., Mur.-nag., Natr.-mur., Nux-v., PNat., Plumb., Puls., Sep., Thuij., Verat., Verb. ANTIDOTES.-Amn., Ars., Bell., Ghin., Il~ep.-s., Iper.., Merc., Puls., Verat.-Iron is used a8 an antidote in poisoninrg by Copper (Gyanite of Iron and Sulphate of Iron), by Mercury (Carbon. and Suiph. of Iron), by Prusswc-aeid (Sulphate of Iron.), and by Arsenic (Sesquioxide of Iron). GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-Frequent attacks of tremor, also anxious tremor, alternating with weakness as if weary. Constant trembling of the 'Whole body. Great languor, also with drowisiness or emaciation. General weakness, even from talking. Great weakness, as if weary.-Heaviness of the limbs, want of firmness, and languor. Great, even irresistible disposition to lie down. A walk, particularly in the open air, is very fatiguing.-Fainting spells, with subsequent weakness. Faint feeling in walking, with blackness before the eyes, roaring in the ears, anld heat at every step, and sen FERRUJM ACETICUM. sation as if threatened with apoplexy.-*Emaciation, also with great languor. CHARACTERISTIC PECULIARITIES.-Many of the symptoms appea at night, are aggravated by sitting, relieved by slight motion. SKIN.--Burning, painful soreness of some parts of the skin.-Inflammation and suppuration of dark hepatic spots. SLEEP.-Constant weariness and drowsiness in the daytime.-Light sleep.-Falls asleep from weariness, nevertheless his sleep is restless.-Falls asleep late.-Heavy sleep in the morning.-Frequent waking and mere slumbering.-Restless sleep at night. Anxious tossing about in the bed after midnight. Flatulent colic, at night.Vivid dreams. FEER.--General coldness in the evening, in bed. OFrequent short shudderings. OWant of animal heat.-~Chilliness with great thirst, preceded and succeeded by headache.-Seething of the blood in the daytime, with heat in the hands.-Nightly sweat with languor. Morning sweat. oViscid, exhausting sweats.-Pulse scarcely perceptible, oor hard and full.--~Intermittent fevers. MORAL SYMPTOMs.-Vehement, quarrelsome, disputative.-Anziety. HEAD.-Staggering in walking, as if intoxicated. Reeling sensation and vertigo on seeing flowing water.-Vertigo with sickness at the stomach in walking.-Momentary shock with giddiness in the brain. -Dullness of the head and want of disposition to think.-Headache every evening above the root of the nose. The head feels dizzy, confused, and dull. Gloomy feeling in the head, early in the morning. -The head feels heavy and confused.-(Aching pains in the forehead as if it would burst.)-#Hammering and throbbing headache. Lancinations in the forehead.-Drawing headache, drawing from the nape of the neck into the head, with stinging, hammering, and roaring in the head-.Undulating pain in the head.-Headache as if the brain were rent asunder. Rush of blood to the head, with swelling of the veins of the head and slight flushes of heat.-*Pain about the head, as from subcutaneous ulceration, and pain fulness of the hair when touching it. EYES.-Redness and swelling of the lids, suppurating stye on the upper lid, and nightly agglutination.-Pressure in the eye and nightly agglutination.-Itching of the eyes in the evening and pressure as if from a grain of sand. Burning and stinging in the eyes.-Burning and pain in the eyes as if from excessive drowsiness.-Red eyes with burning pain.-Darkness before the eyes, in the evening, aching pain above the eyes, and discharge of a few d-rops of blood from the nose. EARs.-Ulcerative pain of the outer car. 648 FERRUM ACETICUM. FACE.-*Livid, -jaundiced complexion, sometimes *blue spots in the face.-*Pale face and lips. OFiery redness of the face. oYellow spots in the face. OPuffiness of the face around the eyes. MoUTH.-Pale lips.-(Swelling of the gums and cheek.) THROAT.-Long-lasting swelling of the cervical glands. (Rough sore throat, with hoarseness.) Aching pain in the throat during deglutition, with heat in the fauces. The cervical muscles feel stiff and are painful when moved.-(Pressure and feeling of soreness in the pharynx, during deglutition.)-Constrictive sensation in the throat. APPETITE.-Everything he eats tastes bitter.-Putrid taste.Complete absence of thirst.-Loss of appetite.-Nausea when eating, as if he would vomit.-After a meal: heat and anxiety (drowsiness and gloominess, with slight headache above the root of the nose, preventing mental exertions), dullness of the head, thirst, heartburn, constant eructations and gulping up of food, without nausea or inclination to vomit, *vomiting of the ingesta (after every meal), repletion and violent pressure in the stomach and abdomen, immediately below the stomach, -weariness of the feet. GAsTRIC SYMPToMs.-Constant nausea and loathing. Attack of paleness, rumbling in the bowels, contractive crampy sensation in the chest, dullness of the head, spasmodic, violent eructations, afterwards heat in the face, pain in the head, and lancinating pain in the vertex.-Inclination to vomit.-Vomiting before midnight most violent when lying, particularly when lying on one side. *V omiting of the ingesta, immediately after midnight. Vomiting of mucus and water every morning and after eating.--Everything she vomits tastes sour and acrid. STOMACH.- Pressure at the stomach after taking the least food or drink.-Cr.amp-pains in the stomach. Cardialgia.-(Burning in the stomach.) Sensitiveness of the pit of the stomach to contact. ABDOMEN.-On touching the abdomen, or when coughing, the bowels feel sore, as if bruised or weakened by cathartics.-Painful weight of the abdominal viscera in walking.-Stitches in the abdomen Stinging pain in the abdomen.-Flatulent colic at night. STOOL AND ANUs.-Frequent urging to stool, with burning at the anus, and paifi in the back during motion.-Constipation and varices of the rectum; with painful pressure during stool.-Frequent diarrhaic stools. OWatery diarrhoea, corroding the anus.-Discharge of mucus and blood at every evacuation.-Itching and gnawing in the rectum and discharge of ascarides with the slimy stool.-Lacerating in the rectum.-Contractive spasm in the rectum.-Protrusion of large varices at the anus. FERRUM ACETICUM. 649 URiNE.-Involuntary micturition, particularly in the daytime.Burning pain in the urethra during micturition, as if the urine were hot. GENITAL ORGANS.-Erection day and night.-Nocturnal emissions. -Discharge of mucus from the urethra.-Labor-likd pains in the abdomen, as previous to the appearance of the menses.-The menses delay a few days, with scanty discharge of watery blood, attended with violent colic.-The menses remain suppressed for eight weeks -Previous to the menses: stinging headache and singing in the ears, discharge of long pieces of mucus from the uterus, with shifting of flatulence in the abdomen.-Sterility.-*Miscarriage.-Painfulness of the vagina during an embrace. Prolapsus of the vagina (during pregnancy).-Leucorrhoea resembling watery milk, smarting and corroding when first appearing. LARYNX AND TRACHEA.-Contractive spasms in the chest and cough from exercise and walking.-Painful contraction in the pit of the stomach, followed by a kind of *spasmodic cough with expectoration of mucus, owhich is transparent and tenacious.-Spasmodic cough, with vomiting of the ingesta after dinner.-Catarrh and cough, with aching pain in the upper part of the sternum.-*Bloody cough at night, succeeded by increased asthma. Bloody cough on rising. Cough and bloody expectoration during lactation. The cough is mote frequent during motion than rest.-*Hawking up of bloody pMhegm.-Slight cough, with white, copious, purulent expectoration. Copious expectoration of pus, having a putrid or sickly taste (early in the mbr-ning). CHEST.-Pain in the outer parts of the chest and stinging and tension between the scapulae, preventing motion.-Bruised pain in the outer parts of the chest.-Difficulty of breathing and oppression of the chcst.-Fullness and tightness of the chest.-*Asthma, -after midnight, obliging one to sit up. Asthma, with weariness of the limbs, generally worse in the forenoon, frequently relieved, and sometimes aggravated by walking. Asthma, difficult slow breathing, relieved by walking and talking. Tightness of the chest, as if constricted, with difficult, anxious breathing, aggravated by walking. Contractive spasm in the chest.-Fatal pneumorrhagia.1 BACK.-Pain as if bruised in the small of the back.-Pains in the dnmall of the back on rising from a seat. ARMs.-Drawing in the arm, occasioning a heaviness and lameness. "-Sti:king and lacerating in the shoulder-joint (painful as if bruised From the tinctura ferri acetici vetherea Klapprothii. 28 650 FERflUM CARBONICUM, IODATUM, AND MAGNETIOUM. Un touching it).-Trenior of the hands.-Cramip in the fingers, numbness and insensibility of the fingers. --Painful con'traction of the fingers and toes. Swelling of the hands and feet up to the knees. LEGs.-Varices on the feet.-Numbness of the thigh. Feeling in the thighs as if they had gone to sleep.-Lacerating an d lancination in the hip-joint (painful as if bruised on touching it).-Painful lameness in the thigh.-Weakness of the knees.-Contractive pain in the knee and tarsal joints. --Swelling of the knee and tarsal joints, with pain.-*Pai~nful drawving in the legs, Oalso with stiffness and heaviness.-Pain as if bruised in the legs, early in the morning in bed, going off soon after rising. Tremor and pain as if bruised in the leg in w alki ng.-Painful cramp) in the calves. -Frequent painful cramps in the toes and soles of the feet.-*Swelling of the fepet, -extending up to the ankles, or even knees (accompanied with swelling of the hands), Oattended with drawing pains when commencing to walk.-. O(Edematous swelling of the fect.-Cold feet. 121.-FERRUM CARBONICUM. FERR. GARB.-Carbonate of Iron.-See Noack and Trinks. SYMPTOMS. -Watery diarrhcea, with cutting colic. -Dysentery. --Violent cholera (in a person suffering with prosopalgia, and who passed a worm rolled up in a ball, with much mucus, after the proso. palgia, had subsided). 122.-FERRUM JODATUMT. FER. IOD.-Iodide of Iron.-Noack and Trinks. SYMPTOMS.-Slight perspiration and increased temperature of the skin'-Increased appetite.-Increase of the digestive powers (curative?).-Disagreeable feeling in the epigastrium, with sickness at the stomach and slight headache.-Copious black stools, with less smell than usual. 123.-FERRUM MAGNETICUM. FER. MAGNý.-Lapis Mlagneticus, Loadetone.-See "1Biblioth. de Geneive,' I GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-Thirst, sweat, languor, and paleness after a walk.-Prickling in various parts.-Lameness, excessive languor.-Tremblingr of the extremities.-Weakness after a walk, as if proceeding from the abdomen. FERRUM MAGNETICUM. 651 SKIN.-Itching of the skin.-Red spots, like fire, or blue-red.Small warts on the hands. SLEEP.-Yawning, with ptyalism.-Drowsiness in the daytime. Unrefreshing sleep, with languor, dullness of the head. Confused dreams. FEVER.-Heat after a walk in the open air, with weakness proceeding from the stomach, vertigo, paleness, feeling as if catarrh would set in.-Internal heat, after washing, with slow pulse. Sweat on the least motion.-Sour sweat. MIND AND DISPOSITION.-Irresolute, slow.-Important, self-contented look.-Vehement. HEAD.-Headache on stooping, moving the arms, or going up-stairs. Sudden headache, affecting the eyes and nose, as if he would cry and sneeze.-Beating headache. Itching of the hairy scalp. Painful pimples on the hairy scalp. Falling off of the hair. EYEs.-Stinging itching in the canthi.-Swelling of the lower lid. Lachrymation and sensitiveness of the lachrymal glands. EARS ND NOSE.-Drawing in the ears and fauces on swallowing. -Stinging in the ears.-Sneezing and coryza. FACE AND TEETH.-Sunken face, with heat and subsequent redness.-The teeth are easily set on edge, and sensitive when chewing. MOUTH AND THROAT.-Itching of the palate. Sensation as if mucus were accumulating round the uvula. GASTREC SYMPTOMS.-Bitter taste.-Flatulence during a meal.-- After a meal: taciturn, languid, flatulent, pains in the stomach, with anguish, urging to stool, diarrhcea.-Nausea. ABDOMEN.-Pains in the left side of the abdomen.-Noises from flatulence, with urging to stool and pressure on the bladder, and drawing in the lower limbs down to the toes.-Excessive flatulence. STOOL AND ANus.-Urging, with flatulence.-Diarrhcea, with languor and pale face.-Itching and stinging of the anus. URINE AND GENITAL ORGANS.-Copious, red urine, becoming tur bid.-Excessive or deficient sexual instinct. LARYNX, &c.-Hawking. Dry cough after a meal, as if dust had got into the larynx.-Empty feeling in the chest.-Palpitation of the heart, on moving the shoulders. ARMs.-Laming drawing in the arm.-Herpetic spots on the hands and fingers.-Dryness and tension in the hands. LEGS.-Tension and pressure in the hip-joint.-Lancinations in the knee. Prickling in the heel. Jerking in the sole. Wen on the foot 652 FERRUM MURIATIOTJM AND SULrHunRcuM.-IFILIx MAS. 124.-FERRUM MURI ATICUM. MEt * MTT1..-Miiriate of Ironi.-Sele Bcsnningha'Usen's "'VerWandtSoAft der Arzneien." SYMPTOM S.-Frequent sudden cramps in the limbs, in the day. time. Contraction of the limbs. Laming lacerating from the shoulder. joint to the upper arm and clavicle, with inability to raise the arm,,and going off by slight motion.-Cramp in the calves during rest, particularly at night.-iDry heat, with disposition to uncover one's self. Stronlg-smelling night.-sweat. Muscular~ spasms, attendedl with cold sweat as from anguish.-Pain in the occiput, when coughing.Coagulated blood in the -nose, constantly.-Pale face, with red spots on the pale cheek. Solid food tastes dry.-Aversion to sour food and to meat.-Excessive thirst, or absetrie of thirst.-Sour eructa. tions. Vomiting after eating eggs.-6.olie, spasms in the muscles, as if the abdomen were contracted, particularly on stooping.-Deposition of* a number of bright-red crystails in the urine.-Pain as from soreness ini the vagina, during an embrace.-Loud breathing, as in sleep, while sitting still.-Spasmodic cough, with expectoration of a transparent, tenaciouis mucus, ceasing, after eating. Pain as if bruised in the chest -when coughing, or stitches in the chest. 125.-FERRU-M SULPIIURICUM. FER. SULPH.-Sulphate of Iron.-Noaek and Trinks& SYMPTOMS.-Sudden convulsions.-Violent burning and pain of the head, with thirst.-Nausea.- Vumiting.- Cardi algia.-Inflammatory affection of the membranes of the stomach.-.Violent colic.ýColic and diarrhcea. Constipation. 126.-FILIX MAS. FIL. M.-Noack and Trinks. CLINICAL REMAIRKS.-This- remedy is recommended against twenia, worm fever, and sterility.-Dr. Bieking uses a saturated decoction, of which he gives his patients half an ounce every day, directly aftcr dinner. This treatment causes the expulsion of the wormi After some time the worm reappears, but much reduced, when the same process is resorted to, and continued until every vestige of the worm has effectually and permauently disappearcd. Dr. B. assures FILIX MAS.-FLUORIC ACID. us that this treatment has proved successful in every case.-Dr. Lobethal employs the tincture of Filix-mas, a few drops a day, and, in obstinate cases, the tincture of Granatum. 127.-FLUORIC ACID. FLUOR. AC.-See "Transactions of the American Institute of Homoopathy." CLINICAL REMARKS.-This acid plays an important part in the animal economy. Brugnatelli believed that he had discovered the existence of this acid in the gastric juice of birds, and Treviranus also believed that, when the contents of the intestinal canal of fowls were digested in porcelain vessels, the glazing was attacked, on account of the presence of hydro-fluoric acid. Again, the fluoride of calicum is so integral a part of the enamel of the teeth that we must ascribe to its presence (at least in part) the polish and extraordinary hardness of that substance. The presence of fluoride of calcium has also been determined with certainty in the bones of almost all animals. Berzelius found 2.1 of fluoride of calcium in the dentine, and 3.2 in the enamel of a man's teeth. The presence of fluorine in blood and milk has been clearly demonstrated by Dr. George Wilson. In regard to the origin of the fluoride of calcium, Lehmann says, we cannot doubt that it is easily conveyed into the animal system with the food; we need only remember that many mineral waters contain traces of fluorides, and that plants take up a little fluoride of calcium from micaceous soils. Fluoric acid is a solvent for some elementary principles which resist the action even of nitro-hydrochloric acid; thus, it solves silica in particular, also silica and silicic acid. It is especially useful as a solvent of silex in the animal economy, for small quantities of silica are found in the blood, in the white of eggs, in bile, in urine, and in the solid excrements, and occasionally in certain morbid concretions; it has also been shown, by numerous experiments, that silica forms an integral constituent of hair and feathers, and hence it is evident that a perfect solvent for it is required, in order that it may be readily conveyed through the most minute capillaries to its appropriate destination. Fluoric acid is an admirable solvent; its vapor is more pungent than chlorine or any of the irritating gases. Of all substances, it is the most destructive to animal matter-it produces the strongest caustic effects: when applied to the skin it causes violent pain, the parts around become white and painful, forming a dense pustule filled with matter; even a very small and hardly visible 654 FLUORIC ACID. quantity will produce the same effects, though only after the lapse of several hours. The smallest quantity, applied to the hand, excites violent itching, and pustules filled with matter are soon formed, ac. cording to Liebig; in fact, the acid unites itself to the skin to such a degree that it cannot be washed off, even by means of carbonate of soda, although the pain may be mitigated. The solution of one fortyeighth of a grain, and even that of one-sixteenth, does not produce either pain or redness; one-eighth of a grain, however, produces some pain, redness, and heat, the epidermis falling off in scales after the lapse of a few days. In consequence of its solvent action upon flint, fluoric acid acts energetically upon glass; the transparency of the glass is instantly destroyed, and heat is evolved. As fluoric acid is sometimes developed in excess in the stomach, we may hazard the Sconjecture that it sometimes gives rise to intense suffering, and may even be the cause of the well-known perforating ulcer of the stomach. An excess of the acid will also cause rapid caries of the teeth, and may even cause felons, &c., &c. In order to give a better idea of its action in its concentrated state, we append the following case, from Frank's Magazine: Franz Pschick, assistant in the Chemical Institute of Dr. Jacquin, made some experiments with it publicly, December 23d, on which occasion he accidentally exposed his hand to the fumes of fluoric acid for about one minute. An hour after the occurrence, while engaged in cleaning some instruments in warm water, he experienced a very troublesome prickling in the extremities of the fingers, and, shortly after, such violent pain as obliged him to stop short from his work; soon after this he felt a chilly sensation in his left arm, gradually extending all through his body; in the evening, when he was seized with a violent fever and chill, he mistrusted the real cause of his suffering. The pain now became intolerable, and the integument of the hand very much swollen. On the morning of December 24th all the fingers of the left hand, but especially the thumb, were very much inflamed and discolored, with very great stiffness of the first and second phalanges, and severe pain extending to the axilla. He then put his hand in albumen, drank water with some Nitrate of Potash, and applied a poultice of raw potatoes to his hand, all of which eased his condition somewhat. Towards evening, however, the pain and swelling increased again; he reapplied poultices, but could not sleep during the night. On the twenty-fifth the extremities of the fingers had all become white, and the thumb covered with large blisters, attended with severe pulsating pain in the same; on opening one blister after another, a thick, brown, and very offensive FIL OR;, ACID. 655 smelling liquid exuded from the same, having an acid reaction. In the course of four weeks' the patient gradually recovered. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.--Sensation as if the shoulder and hipjoints were about to be pulled out of place. Jerking pains in different parts of the body. Violent jerking burning pains, confined to a small space. Pressure and sensation of lameness. In the evening, pressing pain in different parts, of short duration. Different aching pains in the bones of the fore-arms and legs.-Increased ability to exercise his muscles without fatigue. Excessively languid. SKIN.-Burning pains on small spots of the skin. Severe itching. Itching of the skin habitual in the month of March. Itching in cicatrices.-Small, light, carmine-red, round, elevated blood-vesicles, resembling flesh-warts. *Numerous varicose veins. SLEEP.-Sleeplessness. Drowsiness, constant sleepiness. Periodical attacks of sleepiness in the afternoon. Sudden sleepiness in the evening. Profound sleep until late in the morning. Soon after falling asleep, anxious, frightful dreams, with waking up at midnight. Frightful or vivid dreams.-Dreams towards morning.-Snoring in his sleep and exclamations in the dream.-Thirst in the night. FEVEA.-Sensation of great warmth. General heat after little exercise. General feeling of heat, heaviness, and lameness of the whole body. Profuse, sour, offensive perspiration. Profuse and glutinous perspiration, with itching. MORAL SYMPTOMs.-Disposition to anxious ideas. Ill-humored, fault-finding. Sensation as if dangers menaced him. SENSORIUM.-Forgetful. Great difficulty in fixing the attention. HEAD.- Vertigo, with sickness at the stomach. Painful determination of blood to the forehead, like a quick jerk. A kind of determination of blood to the head and loss of consciousness. Dullness of the head. Dullness and painful tension in the head. A stunning sensation in the head, mostly in front. A sensation somewhat resembling numbness or burning. Heaviness of the head. A dull, heavy pain in the upper part of the forehead. Heaviness above the eyes, with nausea. Headache from the nape of the neck upwards, a dull pressure. Pressing pains in the forehead, as if it were in the bone.-Headache in the forehead and temples.-Sharp, shooting, undulating pain.-*Baldness. EYES.-Elevated red blotches over the eye-brows. Scaly eruption, with pricking sensation in the eye-brows. Violent itching in the canthi. Painful itching in the left eye, as if from a grain of sand.Burning in the eyes.-Increased lachrymation.-In the evening, on 656 FLUORIC ACID. closing the eyes, red sparklings cross each other in all possible di. rections. *A dark spot, whilst reading, floats before his eyes. EARs.-Itching in the ears. NOSE.--*A chronic inflammation of the nose, with pain; redness, some swelling, and heat. *Pimples, with inflamed base. Sudden attacks of coryza. FACE AND JAws.-Heat in the face. Compression of both zygomata, drawing downwards towards the larynx. Deep in the bones, superior and posterior to the left eye, a soreness occasionally. Painful sensibility of the upper jaw. TEETH.-Teeth feel warm. Toothache. *Fistula, with great sensitiveness on touching the upper jaw. IMOUTII AND TASTE.-Sour eructations; sensation of heat and a disagreeable flat taste in the mouth.-Acid taste, and greasy feeling in the mouth. Frequent acid eructations, with pyrosis and passage of flatulency. Eructations with choking. Frequent nauseating eructations, with inclination to vomit. Pyrosis with nausea. Continual sickness of stomach, with vertigo and headache. THROAT.-A feeling of tenderness and irritability in the larynx. *Painful ulcer in the lower part of the mouth. Sensation of heat in the fauces.-Violent burning in the fauces, and a sensation of constriction; rumbling in the bowels, pressure in the stomach, and burning eructations. Sore throat, with difficult deglutition. APPETITE.-Thirst at night. Excessive hunger. STOMACH.-Constriction in the throat; pressure and sensation of fullness in the region of the stomach. Pressure in the stomach, and burning.-Sensitiveness of the region of the stomach to pressure. ABDOMEN.-Pinching in the region of the spleen. In the evening, a pressing pain in the abdomen.-Pinching in the region of the navel, excitement to diarrhoea, and a copious watery evacuation. Rumbling in the bowels, with erratic pain. Shooting pain in the bowels, as if from wind, sometimes very acute. In the night, a sensation of warmth in the abdomen, with a pressure towards the bladder. Throbbing like a pulsation on feeling the breast and abdomen STOOL AND ANus.-In the evening, ineffectual desire for a passage. After eating, rumbling in the stomach, and urging as in diarrhoea. After midnight, burning pinching pain in the stomach and abdomen, followed by an evacuation.-Pappy evacuations. Frequent evacuzations of flatus and eructations.-Constriction of the anus. *Protrusion of the anus during evacuation. Within and around the anus violent itching. GROINs, BLADDER, AND URINE.-Continual dull pain in the in FRAGARIA VESCA. 657 guinal region, deeply situated.-Dull pains in the region of the bladder.-Pressure on the bladder, with a sensation of warmth in the abdomen.-Before and after urination, a pain in the lower part of the bladder. Pungent and strong odor of the urine. GENITAL ORGANS.-Increase of sexual desire. Monthly period too soon; the discharge thick and coagulated. CHEsT.-Increased irritability of the larynx.-Pain in the larynx as if it were in the cartilage. Soreness in the chest. Oppression with pain in the chest. Oppression in the upper part of the chest. *Incurable hydrothorax.-Uneasiness about the heart. Aching in the region of the heart. Painful jerking in the heart. Continual soreness in the heart. BAcK.-Strong heat, extending from the centre of the dorsal region to the loins. Pain in the back, sometimes high up near the shoulderblades, sometimes deeply seated, as if it were in the region of the kidneys. Violent itching, and small pimples. *Bruised pain in the os-sacrum and lumbar region.-Aching pain in the os-sacrum. ARMs.-Violent itching.-Rheumatic pains in the bones of the left arm.-Aching in the elbow-joint.-A burning, pricking, and jerking pain in the whole left arm.-Pressure and lameness, with pain in the fore-arm.-On waking, the upper arm and shoulder feel bruised and benumbed.-Paralytic sensation in the arm. Weakness * and numbness of the head and hands.-*A perspiration in the palms of the hands. LEGS.-Pain in the right hip. Lameness -in the left hip. A violent, slightly-burning, quick, nervous pain proceeds from the region of the bladder down to the right thigh.-Burning shooting pain, as if it were in the nerve, from the right hip downwards.-Burning itching pain in the back part of the thigh.-Soreness in the muscles of the thigh.-Bruise-like pain of the thigh, particularly in the posterior and inner portions.-Pain in the knee and ankle-joints.-Pressing pain in the foot.-Burning feeling in the sole of the foot.---Violent burning in all the toes. 128.-FRA GARIA VESCA. FRAG.-Common Strawberry.-"Archiv," XIII., 1. It is recommended for taenia, and is said to bring on nettle-rash. GALVANISM (See IMPONDERABILI.) 28* 658 GENTIANA CRUCIATA. 129.-GENTIANA CRUCIATA. GENT. CRUC.-Cross-Wort Gentian.-See " Oesterr. Zeitschrift," III. CLINICAL REMARKS.-Dr. Watzke recommends Gentiana. cruciata for the following affections: 1.. Gastric derangement with. out fever: a. Pressure, feeling of repletion (flat, burning sensation?) in the stomach, empty eructations, with dullness of the head, pressure in the forehead, transitory attacks of vertigo, with either slight or undisturbed appetite; b. Tightness, repletion, distention of the abdomen, sensation of pressure in the pit of the stomach from without inwards, with great uneasiness, oppression, heavy and accelerated breathing; c. Sour eructations, gulping up of a sour fluid, loathing, nausea, inclination to vomit, watery sour vomiting, slimy painless diarrhoeic stool preceded by derangement of the stomach; d. Sensitiveness, pinching, feeling of repletion in the umbilical region, searching flatulence in the bowels, like colic, after a meal, worse when standing and walking, relieved by sitting and lying, obliging one to bend forward. 2. Congestive chronic afections of the mucous membrane of the throat.-Scraping and roughness of the throat, obliging one to hawk up mucus which is tenacious and adhering, attended with uniform redness of the velum-palati, uvula, pharynx, tonsils, shootings in the tonsils, constriction of the throat, difficult deglutition, increased ptya. lism, hoarseness, loss of voice. 3. Cephalalgia.-Constrictive sensation in the head, sensitiveness of the brain and outer parts of the head, tension, jerking, pressure in the vertex (increased by thinking, motion, and exertions of the arms), with pressure and stitches in the temples, gauze before the eyes, drawing in the nape of the neck and mastoid process, pulsations of the carotids, and ill-humor. 4. Menstrual irregularities.-Premature menses, with sensation of distention and contraction in the abdomen, tightness in the region of the liver, depression of spirits, whining mood, distensive pain in the head, preventing sleep and aggravated by movement. Schwarz's fejnoral protrusion is too isolated a phenomenon to allow us to consider it as an indication of the curative virtues of Gent. in femoral hernia. If the remedy be truly homoeopathic to the disease, a few drops of the tincture may be the appropriate dose in some cases, in others a few pellets of the first, third, ninth, twelfth (and probably of a much higher potency) may be found sufficient. GENTIANA LUTETIA. 659 130.-GENTIANA LUTETIA. GENT. LUT.-Gentiana Lutea.-See " Hygea." GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-General weariness and languor.Drowsiness, without being able to sleep.-Shuddering like electric shocks. Accelerated pulse. Ill-humor. HEAD.-Dullness and heaviness of the head when writing, with tension and pressure in the forehead. Confusion and heat of the head and cheeks. Cloudiness as after taking spirituous drinks. Feeling of giddiness in the head. Empty and confused feeling in the head, with dull pressure in the forehead.-Pressure in the occiput. EYEs.-Frequent pressure in the eyes. Pain and sensitiveness of the eyes, followed by stinging in the upper lid.-Redness of the conjunctiva.-Obscuration of sight. MOUTH AND GASTRIC SYMPTOMS.-Mouth and throat are dry. Roughness of the throat.-Sour eructations, with hiccough.--Nausea. almost unto vomiting. Inclination to vomit, with malaise, yawning, and vertigo, or with lachrymation. STOMACH.-Pressure at the stomach, with anxiety, or tension, or with nausea and inclination to vomit.-Heaviness and pressure in the stomach, with anguish and full; heavy breathing.-Constrictive sensation in the stomach. ABDOMEN.-Colic, with pressure in the region of the stomach and urging to stool. Painfulness of the whole abdomen, with tension in the hypogastrium. Sensitiveness of the umbilical region to contact, with aching pain. Pressure in the umbilical region, with tension.Cutting in the abdomen, with heat and hurried breathing.-Seated drawing pain in the umbilical region, with heaviness and fullness of the head.--Distention of the abdomen, with heaviness and fullness, or with sensitiveness to contact. STOOL, &c.-Pressure at the anus during the urging.-Bilious diarrhoea. LARYNX AND CHEST.-Roughness of the voice.-Crampy feeling in the chest. Fullness in the chest, with pressure and difficulty of breathing. ARMS AND LEGS.-Arthritic drawing and tension in the hand, with inflammatory redness of the finger-joints, pressure and heaviness in the small of the back.-Tingling in the knees. 660 66INSENG. 131.-GINSENG. GINS.-See "BibliothBque de Geneve" (PremiBre Serie). ANTIDOTE.-Camph.? GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-Painful languor of the upper and lower extremities. Coldness, trembling, and numbness of the hands, with deadness of the fingers.-Drowsiness.-Difficult waking, or waking with a start as in affright.-Febrile motion, malaise with drowsiness, internal chilliness with external heat, tingling in the fingers, yawning and stretching, chilliness with shaking, thirst, dry mouth, drawing in the region of the stomach, weakness of the thighs and legs as after a severo illness. Great sensitiveness to cold and disposition to pains as if bruised. HEAD.-Vertigo. Cloudiness. Difficulty of thinking. Forgetfulness.-Sensitiveness of the scalp. Darting from the right side of the forehead to the orbit, with heaviness of the eye-lid, unconquerable drowsiness, heat in the head, pressure in the temples. EYEs.-Falling of the upper lids, which are heavy and painful.Diplopia on looking at objects sharply. FAcE.-Alternate redness and paleness.-Burning erythematous redness. GASTRIC SYMPTOMS.-The tongue is red and burning, then white in the middle.-Nausea and inclination to vomit, with eructations affording relief. SToMACH.-Pressure and distention of the stomach, with feeling of distention in the abdomen.-Painful drawing in the region of the stomach, as if from hunger, preceded by chilliness, with painful stitches in the region of the heart, violent wandering pains in the abdomen, distention of the stomach, with beating, anguish, inclination to vomit, and pains in the region of the heart.-Contractive pain in the stomach, with anguish, oppression of breathing, drawing in the stomach, and stitches in the right side which arrest the breathing. ABDOMEN.--Pain in the right lower side of the abdomen, extending into the groin.--Pains in the hypogastrium, with violent pressure in the groin.--Colic, extending into the stomach, with pressure and pain when pressing on the parts.-Pains in the abdomen as if compressed. Distended, painful abdomen, with bruised feeling in the small of tho back. STOOL AND URINE.-Hard stool, with subsequent burning at the anus, tenesmus, and stitches of the rectum. Liquid stools in the evening, precedel by oolic.-Frequent desire to urinate, with smart GRANATTM. 661 ing burning and itching in the urethra.-Yellow urine, with brickdust sediment. CHEST.-Oppression of the chest, with stitches in the pit of the stomach and in the region of the kidneys, languor. BACK.-Lancinations between the scapulae. Heaviness in the nape of the neck and pain as if bruised along the back. LEGS.-Heaviness of the lower limbs, with pain. 132.--GRANATUM. GRAN.-Punica Granatum. Bark from the Root of the Pomegranate Tree.-See "Hygea," X. DR. GRAY.--" The Granatum has, in my hands, proved very serviceable in a few cases of cramp-like pains, high up in the abdomen, coming in paroxysms a few minutes apart, and attended by morbid hunger, prostration of strength, and abortive tendency to stool. The cases were all of children; one of them a retrocession of the mumps, affecting the digestive organs as above." GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-OPoisoning by Arsenic.?? OFainting spells.?? OSuppuration of the internal organs, particularly the liver.??Extreme languor and prostration, with burning heat of the hands. Tiembling of the limbs. Flabbiness of the muscles, especially those of the lower limbs. Emaciation.--Externalinflammatory swellings.?? 0 Ulcers.?? oChilblains.??-Spasmodic yawning. Restless sleep.-Feverish shiverings of single parts, with semilateral headache. Dry, burning heat over the whole body, with disposition to uncover himself. The heat generally sets in in the evening; the chilliness and shuddering in the morning. OTertian fever.?? OGastric fevers.?? OBilious fevers.? OTyphus fever.??-Sensitive. Irritable and arrogant. Quarrelsome. Hypochondria. Melancholy, want of cheerfulness, lowness of spirits, discouragement. HEAD.-Vertigo, with obscuration of sight, nausea, and pain at the stomach.-Empty feeling in the head. Stupefying pain and painful heaviness in the foreh6ad. Lacerating in the right side of the head. EYES.-Sunken eyes. Itching and burning smarting in the canthi. Inflammation of the eyes as in catarrh. OSpecks on the cornea.?? OBlear-eyedness.?? Dilatation of the pupils. Weakness of sight. EARS AND NOSE.-Dragging lacerating and stinging in the ears. "Ulceration of the ears.?? Tingling itching in the nose. Burning heat and dryness in the nostrils, or else accumulation of tenacious mucus. Alternation of fluent and dry coryza. ONose bleeds.?? 662 GRANATUM. FACE.-Yellow, livid complexion. Corrosive itching of the cheeks. Swelling of the cheek, with livid color, burning heat, tightness, and tingling as in frozen parts. Crampy feeling and lacerating in the malar bones and in the region of the root of the nose.-Dry and burning lips. TEETH AND JAWS.-Lacerating, tension, and crampy sensation in the articulation of the jaws, with cracking while chewing.-Stinging in the teeth, even at night while in bed. Sensation as if the teeth were elongated.-~The gums stand off from the teeth and bleed readily.cLoose teeth.?? MOUTH AND THROAT.-Ptyalism. OUlcers in the mouth.?? OStomacace.??-Contractive sensation in different parts of the throat. OSerous and catarrhal sore throat.?? ~Inflammation and suppuration of the tonsils.?? GAsmTIc SYMPTOMS.-Frequent eructations and nausea, with languor, pain in the stomach and abdomen, frequent ineffectual urging, chilliness, wretched look, and ill-humor. Vomiting, sometimes attended with languor, trembling, sweat, and vertigo. STOMACH AND ABDOMEN.-Cramps in the stomach, before breakfast. Pressure, fullness, burning, and anguish in the pit of the stomach.Frequent colic, sometimes constant, or with nausea, ptyalism, chilliness, vertigo. Colic after every meal, or before breakfast.-Pinching, sticking, and turning around the umbilicus, and in the stomach. OTrenia.??-Anxiety in the abdomen. Painful distention in the abdomen, with canine hunger. Flatulence.-Swelling resembling um bilical hernia.-Painful pressure in the groin, and swelling as if inguinul hernia would set in. STOOL AND ANus.-Copious, dark-colored stools.-Tenesmus.Frequent diarrheic stools. oDysenteric diarrhoea.??? OCholera.?? The diarrhoeic stools are preceded by nausea and fermentation. The stools are accompanied with burning heat in the face and pressure on the-'rectum.-Itching and intolerable tingling in the rectum. Prolapsus of the rectum during stool. URINE AND GENITAL ORGANS.-Cutting, stinging, and gnawing in the urethra. Inflammation and swelling of the urethra. Mucous discharge like4gonorrhoea, with burning drawing in the penis, extending to the glans.-Increased sexual desire.-The menses are too short and too profuse, with c&rll' and pressing from the small of the back to the groin. Yellowishm eucorrhwoa. OProlapsus of the vagina.?? OProlapsus of the uterus.?? CHEST.-OCatarrh.?? ~Hoarseness.?? Cough with coryza.?? Heemoptysis.??-Feeling of anguish, with sighing, in the chest. GR APHITES. 663 Rheumatic drawing and sticking in the diaphragm. Tension and crampy feeling in the sides. Stitches in the chest, particularly during motion.-~Pleuritis.??-Palpitation of the heart, on the slightest motion. Pains and spasmodic contraction of the muscles on the outer parts of the chest. BACK, ARMS, AND LEGS.-Pains in the small of the back and shoulders, as if bruised and weary.-Lameness, tingling, drawing. and rheumatic pains in the arms, with difficulty of raising the parts. Painful lame stiffness of the fingers. Pain in the knee and ankle joints. 133.-GRAPHITES. GRAPH.-Black Lead.-See Hahnemann's "Chronic Diseases," III.-Duration of Action: about fifty days. COMPARE WITH-Acon., Agar., Ambr., Ammon, Ars., Asar., Bell., Bry., Calad., Calc., Carb.-v., Cham., Chin., Con.-m., Guai., Hep., Ilyosc., Kali, Lyc.,Magn., Magn.-mur., Mere., Nitr.-ac., Nux-v., Phosph., Puls., Rhus., Sabin., Selen., Sep., Sil., Sulph.-Graph. is frequently suitable after Lye. ANTIDOTES.-Ars., Nux-v., Vinum.-Graph. antidotes Ars. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-OArthritic pains, with nodosities.OScrofulous affections.-Occasional momentary pain in various places which are then sore to the touch.-0 Cramp-like sensations, afterwards these parts swell for a couple of days, become red, hard, and are sen. sitive when touched. OStiffness of the joints of the arms and of the knees, with liability to become strained.-Stiffness of the limbs. *Rigidity, here and there, as from muscular contraction. *Cramp and contraotion of single parts. *Painful drawing tension of the whole body, both when at rest and in motion, especially about the arms and trunk. *Drawing in the whole body, as in intermittent fevers, early in the morning after rising. Pain in the periosteum of all the bones, it is an aching rather than a drawing pain, and is momentary, at times in one, at times in another place, when at rest, especially when falling asleep. Violent twitchings in all the limbs, at times in one, at times in another, also in the shoulder and scrotum. -Pain, as from bruises, in the limbs. VWeary pain of the joints, when sleeping and sitting down.--*The arms and lower limbs go tp sleep, -particularly when sitting, with tingling in those limbs when walking, in the evening. ONightly pains, with are felt even during sleep. When walking in the open air the eyes begin to run and close, as from drowsiness. Weariness, even unto falling, during and after a walk in the open air, with retching and nausea. *Dread of the open air, early in the morning. Sensitiveness to every draught 664 GRAPHITES. of air, with hoarseness, chilliness, dryness of the nose, and anxious. ness in the evening. 0Pains when the weather changes. *Liability to takce cold, he has to avoid a draft of air. Liability to take cold, and consequent headache. Violent pulsations in the whole body, especially about the heart, increased by every motion.-Tremulous sensation through the whole body. Tremor and slight twitchings about the head, neck, and right arm.-Shocks through the whole body, occasionally, as if caused by fright, or by some electric shock, when at rest.and in motion.- Twitchings of the limbs, in the evening, or inclination to twitch, almost every day. Frequent startings of hands and feet.-Weight in all the limbs, with sad mood. Weary and uncomfortable, but the head is light.-Weakness of all the limbs.Depression of strength in the whole body, as if owing to a cold.Great weakness, especially of the limbs, which he is scarcely able to drag along. Sudden failing of strength. *Emaciation (oparticularly after using Lycop. first). Sensation as of fainting. Paralytic sensa. tion in all the joints. CHARACTERISTIC PECULIARITIES.-The symptoms pass off when walking in the open air. The pains appear again in the beginning of a walk. SKIN.-O Chronic dryness of the skin.-Itching of the back and arms. Itching pimples full of acrid water. Small, red, itching pimples.-Spots, likeflea-bites.-Smarting pain in the limbs covered with herpes.-* Unhealthy skin, every little injury produces suppuration. A number of small boils on the neck, back, and arms. Unhealthy ulcer. Proud flesh in the ulcers. SLEEP.-Excessively tired and drowsy. *Sleeplessness. Uneasy nights, with heat in the whole body. *Frequent waking, at night. -*Frequent startings when asleep. Sleep disturbed by dreams * Vivid, anxious dreams.-*Anxious dreams which arrest her breath *Frightful dreams.--*Fanciful ravings at night. *Anxiousness at night. Restlessness at night, with anxious warmth and anxious dreams.-Bleeding from the nose at night.-Toothache at night.Inclination to vomit at night, with weakness bordering on fainting. Water-brash at night. t FEVER.-Chilliness and drawing pain in the limbs, at night. Chilliness, early when in bed. Slight chills, for several days, previous to dinner. Sudden chilliness over the whole body. Cold hands and feet. Violent fever; he was unable to get warm, even when lying in a warmed bed. Violent thirst the whole evening and night, headache in the evening during the chilliness, accompanied by lacerating in all the limbs, and a coated tongue. Feverish shuddering, in the GRAPHITES. 665 evening, with painful stitches in the temples.-Violent feverish chills, morning and evening, followed by heat and sweat.-Intermittent fever, every day, shaking chills in the evening, in an hour after, heat in the face and cold feet, without subsequent sweat.-*'Night-sweat. Fetid exhalation from the body. Sour smelling sweat. MORAL SYMPTOMS.-Dejection of spirits, sad mood. Grief about the smallest things, even unto despair. Sadness, with thoughts of death. Oppression of the mind, oin the morning. Oppression of the mind and anguish, with malaise about the stomach. Anguish, with headache, vertigo, and loss of cheerfulness. OAnxiety during a sedentary occupation. Extreme scrupulousness. Great tendency to start. Irritable, vehement. Irritable and restless. *Out of humor. *Very much vexed and wrathful. Want of disposition to work. SENSORIUM.-Absence of mind. Continued forgctfulness.-Violent painful dullness of the head, early in the morning, with nausea and sour vomiting. Gloominess of the forehead, with a contractive sensation. Feeling of intoxication in the head. ~Wildness and confusion of the head. Staggering and disposition to vertigo, with loss of consciousness, shuddering, and chilliness. HEAD.--- Headache, early in the morning on waking. Scmilateral headache, early in the morning, in bed, with inclination to vomit. Violent headache, early in the morning, on waking, with vomiting, diarrhoea and icy-cold sweat even unto fainting.-Headache when moving the head. Headache during and after a meal.-Pain in the head, as if the head were numb and pithy. Pain, as from bruises in the head, with a general sick feeling in the evening. Pain in the fore part of the head, as if rent asunder, from morning until noon.Oppressive headache. Dull pressure in the forehead, worse after motion. Oppressive headache in the top of the head. Aching in the occiput.-Violent, tight headache, on waking from sleep, over the whole surface of the brain.-Drawing pain in the forehead, with pain in the nape of the neck, as if stiff.-Seething of the blood and feeling of heat in the head. Seething in the head, with compressive pain in the vertex, in the afternoon.-Throbbing in the forehead. Feeling of looseness of the whole brain. Disagreeable warmth in the whole of the head. *Burning on the top of the head. Roaring in the head. OHumming in the head. Weakness of the head, as far as the neck. -Coldness and spasmodic contraction of the scalp. *Lacerating about the head, of a rheumatic nature, oparticularly on one side, extending to the teeth and cervical glands.--Sweat about the head during a walk in the open air.-*Itching of the hairy scalp. A number tf scabs on the head. *Humid eruption on the top of the head, it is 6G6 GRAPHITES. painful to the touch. Scurfy spots on the head. Single hairs turn gray. *Falling off of the hair of the head, oeven on the sides of the head. EYEs.-Pain in the eyes, when opening them. OPressure in the lids as from sand. *Pressure in the right eye-brow, extending through the whole eye. Heaviness of the eye-lids. Paralytic pain of the eye-lids. Violent stitch through the right eye. Smarting tn the eyes, with heat in them.-Coldness over the eyes. Violent burning of the eyes. Burning and running of the eyes in the open air. *edness of the whites of the eyes, with lachrymation and photophobia, Oalso with swelling and profuse secretion of gum. Redness and painful iflamnmation of the lower eye-lid and internal canthus. Redness and inflammation of the eyes, with aching and a drawing pain. Inflamed margins of the eye-lids. Swelling of the eye-lids and the lachrymal gland. Suppuration of the eyes, with pressure in them and a drawing pain extending up into' the head. Weakness and reddish appearance of the eyes. *Frequent lachrymation of the eyes, and pressure in them with stinging. Agglutination of the eyes, early in the morning. Short-sightedness. *Intolerance of light. *The light dazzles his eyes. EARS.-Painful pressure in the internal ear, like a painful drag. ging. Feeling of tightness about the ear. Stitches in the ears. Ulcerative pain in the left ear. Pulsative throbbing in the ears. Feeling in the ear as if it were filled with water. ODryness of the inner ear. Red, hot ears. Swelling of the interior of the left ear. Swelling of the right parotid gland.-Itching behind the ears. OHerpes behind the ears. Hard tubercle behind the right ear. OThe herpetic formations behind the ears scale off. Moisture and sore places behind both ears. Bloody discharge from the ear. ODischarge of pus from the ears. OBad smell from the ears. ~Hardness of hearing. *Tingling, afterwards humming in the ears. *Roaring in the head, afterwards detonation in the ears, followed by an improvement of hearing. Nightly violent roaring in the ears, with occasional obstruction. *Pealing as of thunder. *Hissing in the ear. *Detonation and report as of a gun, in the ear, when swallowing. NosE.-The inside of the nose is painful. Tight feeling in the nose. Sore feeling in the nose, when blowing it. Black sweaty pores on the nose Painful scabs in the nose. OSwelling of the nose. ODry scurfs in the nose. OSore, cracked, ulcerated nostrils.-Expulsion of bloody mucus from the nose. Bleeding at the nose, with palpitation of the heart. OSmell, at night, as of burnt hair mixed with the vapor of sulphur. *Smell in the nose, early in the morning, GRAPHITES. 667 as of burning soot.-Sneezing *Obstruction of the nose. *Coryza, with sneezing and dullness in the head. *Dry coryza, with dullness of the head, oppression of the chest, heat in the fore part of the head and face. Violent dry coryza, with great nausea and headache without vomzting. Coryza, with headache and alternation of chilliness and heat. Fluent coryza, with catarrh and frequent sneezing, with an aching in the submaxillary gland. FAcE.-Paleness of the face. Yellowness of the face, with weak eyes. OFlushes of heat in the face.-*Erysipelas on both sides of the face, burning and stinging *Incipient paralysis of the left side of the face, after toothache.-Muscles of the face distorted.-Continual feeling as of cobweb in the face. Pain in all the bones of the face. Lacerating in the malar bones. Lipomatous swelling on the cheek. OFreckles. OEruption in the face, as if the skin were raw.-- Falling off of the whiskers. OUlcers on the inner surface of the lips.-Eruptions on the lip.-* Ulcerated corner of the mouth. *The chin is covered with eruptions, Oalso scurfy, around the mouth and on the cheek. JAWS AND TEETH.-Aching in the submaxillary glands. Swelling of the subinaxillary glands, with pain to the touch and stiffness of the throat. Swelling of the parotid gland, with a tight pain. Toothache, *especially at night, with heat in the face, or in the evening, accompanied by a sore pain in the palate and swelling of the cheeks. Painful dartings in the teeth. Sore pain of the teeth during a meal, increasing after it. Aching of the teeth, aggravated by contact.Drawing toothache.-Lacerating pain in all the teeth, made worse by warmth.-*'Stinging toothache. -Gnawing in the sockets.-Burning toothache, as if owing to looseness of the teeth, aggravated by masticating.-Pain in the lower teeth, as if they were loose, when masticating.-Sore pain of the gums.-Ulcerated pain of the gums.-Itching corrosion in the gums. *Swelling of the gums and dryness in the mouth. MOUTH.-Bad smell from the mouth.-White tongue.-Burning vesicles on the lower surface and on the tip of the tongue. Painful tubercles and vesicles on the back part of the tongue. THROAT.-OSore throat during deglutition.-Sore throat, as if from swelling of the glands. *Sensation in the throat, when swallowing, as if a plug had lodged in it. Spasm in the throat, with nausea. Intolerable scraping and rawness of the throat. Roughness and raw soreness of the throat.-Stitches in the throat, between the acts of deglutition.-Swelling of the tonsils, with pain when swallowing.Spitting of blood, with great sensitiveness of the palate and tongue. 668 GRAPHITES. TASTE AND APPETITE.-Bitter taste in the mouth, the tongue being much coated. Acidity in the stomach, with canine hunger. oCanine hunger, after eating, nausea and vertigo. ~Little appetite for warm food. Loathing of food. Unusual thirst. GAsTRIC SYMPTOMS.-Headache during and after a meal. Empty and confused condition of the head after a meal. Rancid heartburn after a meal. Sudden and violent gripings after a meal. Shortly after a meal, burning in the stomach.-Somnolence after dinner.Continual eructations, with nausea. Sour regurgitation of food.Heartburn. Rancid heartburn. Hiccough. Great qualmishness and nausea *Nausea for several hours. Violent nausea, with inclination to vomit and tolerable appetite. Water-brash. Vomiting with nausea and colic, the whole day, without diarrhoea. * Vomiting of all the ingesta, with nausea, oalso chronic. OSour vomiting. STOMACH.-Pain in the stomach, like canine hunger.-Pain in the stomach, with oppression of the chest and anguish.-*Pressure in the stomach.-Griping in the stomach, with nausea. OContractive pain in the stomach. Cold feeling and feeling of great emptiness in the stomach. Burning in the stomach, afterwards heat in the whole body, and then sweat. HYPOCHONDRPIA.-Tightness as from a firm band in the hypochondria, with oppression of the chest.-Stitches in both hypochondria. Intensely painful stitches in the region of the liver. Aching in the region of the spleen. ABDOMEN.-Pain in the right side of the abdomen. Violent colic, early in the morning, a few seconds, afterwards diarrhoea. Weight in the abdomen, with bearing down. Fullness and heaviness of the abdomen. *Fdulness and hardness of the abdomen, with a feeling as of incarcerated flatulence, especially in the evening and night. Inflation of the abdomen, with congestion of blood to the head, heaviness in the head, vertigo, and drowsy dizziness. *Distended abdomen, with diarrhoea.-Jerking gripings in the abdomen.-Spasmodic colic at night.-Cramp-pain in the intestines. Pinching in the abdomen, especially in the region of the coecum.-Spasmodic stitches in the abdomen. Drawing colic, at night, with urgent desire for stool, but without diarrhoea.-Twitchings in the abdomen. Grinding (digging) pain in the abdomen.-Qualmishness in the abdomen. Burning and cutting in the abdomen.-**Violent pains in the right groin, -a burning and bearing down. Swelling of the inguinal glands. Flatulence with gripings in the stomach. Inflation, uneasiness, and pinching in the abdomen, after stool.-~Erysipelatous inflammation, with large vesicles near the umbilicus. GRAPHITES. 669 STo6L.-.*Stool frequently intermitting. Inaction of the rectum. Hard stool, with much tenesmas and stitches in the rectum. Hard, knotty stool. Knotty stool, the lumps being united by mucous threads. Stool of the size of a lumbricus. *Constipation. ODiarrhoea. Diarrhcea, almost without any colic. Diarrhoea, with burning at the rectum., Mucous diarrhoea. *A quantity of white mucus is expelled with the stool. Reddish mucus is expelled with the stool. Sour smelling stool, with burning at the rectum.-Blood is discharged with the soft stool.-Lumbrici are expelled with the stool. Discharge of ascarides, with itching of the rectum.-Tencsmus during stool. Burning at the rectum during stool. Violent bearing down in the rectum, as in haemorrhoids. Bearing down and burning in the rectum and anus. Sticking pain in the rectum, as if it had become indurated.-Itching of the anus. Smarting sore feeling of the anus, when wiping it. Swelling of the anus. *Varices of the rectum, causing a burning sensation. ~The varices feel sore after an evacuation. Painful burning cracks (rhagades) between the varices. -Discharge of blood from the rectum. Prolapsus-recti. URINE.-Anxious pressure on the bladder, at night, with cutting in the abdomen. Sudden desire to urinate, but scanty emission. Frequent micturition. *Nightly desire to urinate. Wetting the bed at night. Acrid, sourish smell of the urine. The urine becomes very turbid, with a reddish sediment. Micturition is preceded by a cutting pressing from both kidneys. GENITAL ORGANS.-Tension and disagreeable feeling about the genital organs. Cramp-pain in the penis. Eruptions on the penis. Draw. zng pain in the glans. Swelling of the prepuce. Drawing sensation in both testes.-Swelling in the scrotum. Voluptuous irritation of the genital organs.-*Increase or decrease of the sexual instinct.Violent erection. Pollution almost every night. oAlmost involuntary nimission of semen, during an embrace. FEMALE GENITAL ORGANS.-Painful bearing down towards the genital organs. Smarting in the vagina. Pimples on the labia, tomewhat itching. *Soreness of the pudendum. The left ovarium:wells and is painful. *The menses delay. *Suppressin,. of the menses, with weight in the arms and lower limbs. The menses appear too soon. OThe menses are too scanty and pale. Violent itching in the genital organs. Aching in the abdomen, with feeling of heat in this part, a few days previous to, and during the menses. Cough, previous to, and during the menses, fatiguing the chest. Violent headache during the menses, with eructations and nausea. Morning sickness during the menses, with weakness and trembling in the day 670 GRAPHITES. time. Pain in the abdomen and back during the menses, bearing down and pressing, resembling labor-pains. *Soreness between the limbs, near the pudendum, during the menses. Hoarseness, violent coryza, and catarrhal fever during the menses. Swelling of the feet, and painless swelling of the cheeks. *Leucorrhoea. *Profuse leucor-rhea. Profuse discharge of white mucus from the vagina. Profuse leucorrhoea, with weakness in the back and small of the back, when walking or sitting. Thin leucorrhoea, with distended abdomen. LARYNX.-Catarrhal roughness and hoarseness of the chest and trachea. Catarrh and coryza, accompanied with a feeling of exhaustion and headache, and a tickling roughness exciting a cough. Raw. ness of the chest. *Scraping of the trachea. *Rough throat. Frequent tickling in the throat, causing a short cough. CHEsT.-Cough fatiguing the chest, with pains deep in the chest. Dry and hacking cough wakes him at night. Oppressed breathing, owing to an oppressed condition of the chest. *Asthma in the evening when lying in bed, cough is excited by a deep inspiration. Sudden asthma, with difficult, short breathing. Violent asthma, as if she would suffocate, when walking in the open air. *Oppression of the chest. Pressure in the region of the heart when breathing. Pressure in the chest.-Pleuritic stitches at every trifling motion. Stitches in the region of the heart. Violent throbbing about the heart and in the rest of the body, at every little motion. Violent pulsations of the heart, causing the arm and hand to move. Violent palpitation of the heart, resembling an electric shock, from the heart to the neck. Burning and tight feeling in the outer and middle part of the chest during an inspiration. BACK.--Violent pains in the small of the back. *Pain, as from bruises, in the small of the back, especially when touching the part. -Pressure in the small of the back. Violent griping and turning in the small of the back, succeeded by pains in the arms and feet. Violent drawing in the back. *Contractive pain between the shoulders. Rheumatic pain in the scapula. Formication in the back.-- Violent pains and stifness in the nape of the neck. A number of tumors about the neck. Swelling of the glands on one side of the neck. ARMs.-Pain of the axillse. Rheumatic pain in the left shoulder. Lacerating in the shoulder-joint, when moving the arm.-Stitches in the elbow and shoulder-joints.-Burning in the shoulder-joints.Drawing in the arm.-Sore feeling in the upper arm.-Pain in the bend of the elbow. Paralytic pressure in the elbow-joint.-Gnawing pain in the bones of the fore-arm. OCramp in the hands.-- Lacerating in the hands, like rheumatism. Pain, as from a sprain, GRATIOLA OFFICINALIS. 671 in the wrist-joint.-Emaciation of the hand.-Erysipelas of the hands. OBunnions in the hands.-~Pain as if sprained in the joint of the thumb.-Arthritic nodosities on the fingers.-Miliary eruptions on the fingers. ~Herpetic soreness between the fingers. LEGS.-*Soreness between the thighs, -during and after a walk. Painful soreness between the thighs, near the pudendum.-Arthritic lacerating in the hips. Rheumatic pain in the lower limbs. *Great uneasiness in one of the lower limbs. Heaviness of the lower limbs. Deadness of the lower limbs.-Drawing paip in the thighs, apparently in the bone. ONumbness and stiffness of the thighs, also of the toes. -Pain, as from bruises, in the thighs. Numb and hot feeling in the thigh. Stinging itching of the thighs.-Tension in the bends of the knee. Painful stiffness of the knees, when bending them. Drawing pain in the knees. Pain, as from bruises, in the knee, at night. 01igidity of the knees.-~Herpes in the bend of the knce.-When walking, the legs feel tense, with pain as from bruises. Drawing, lacerating, or cramp-pain in the legs.-Swelling of the leg. Great weight of the legs. ~Herpes on the tibia. O Ulcers on the leg.-The malleoli are painful to the touch.-Arthritic lacerating in the feet and toes. *Violent stitches in the heels, owhen stepping. Pain in the heel, as from subcutaneous ulceration. Ulcerative pain in the soles of thefeet. *Burning of the feet. *Swelling of the sore foot.-*Cold feet. Lacerating in the toes, also arthritic lacerating. *Swelling of the toes. *Soreness between the toes, with violent itching.--Spreading blister on the toes. o Ulcer on the fourth toe. *Ulceration on the borders of the big toes. ~Horny skin on the toes. OThe nails are thick and crippled. 134.-GRATIOLA OFFICINALIS. GRAT.-Hedge Hyssop.-Hartlaub and Trink's "Annals," II., "Archiv," XVIL COMPARE WITH-Bell., Dig., Euph., Nux-v. ANTIDOTE.-.Grat. antidotes lod. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-Prickling in various parts of the body, particularly the lower limbs.--Tetanic condition, without loss of consciousness, while lying down after a meal, with subsequent deep sleep with emission of semen, and bruised feeling of the body, back, and left arm, on waking.-Excitation, with sleeplessness, sweat, and desire to urinate.-Great languor and prostration. Physical and mental depression.-Bruised feeling, with confusion of the head, after rising in the morning.-Weariness in the arms and lower limbs, during emotion.-0IIysteric and hypochondriac complaints. 672 GRATIOLA OFFICINALIS. CHIARACTERISTIO PECULIARITIES.-The majority of the pains come on at night and in a sitting posture, or on rising from a scat; they are relieved by contact.-The symptoms are worse after a meal and in the afternoon. SKIN.-Itching, with burning after scratching. Itch-like pustules or herpes. Small boils. ~llumid eruptions.? SLEEP.-Irresistible drowsiness, with involuntary closing of the eyes.-Deep night-sleep, like stupor, with dizziness and dullness on waking.-Sleep full of dreams. FEvER.-ChiUiness, even in a warm room. Shuddering, with shaking and loathing during dinner. Mounting of heat to the face, with redness of the face and increase of external warmth.-Pulso small, intermittent. MORAL SYIPTOMs.-Sadness.-Anxiety and heat throughout the whole body, with languor, going off in the open air.-Great ill-humor. -Serious, taciturn, absorbed in revery.-Irresolute, want of perseverance. SENSORIUM.-Dullness of the head, with bewilderment.-Intoxicated feeling of the head during and after a meal.-Vertigo.-Violent congestion of blood to the head, with beating in the forehead, which soon increases to vertigo, with obscuration of sight. HEAD.-Violent headache, with loathing and inclination to voinit. Headache when sitting, with vibrations in the head depriving her of hearing and sight.-Pressure in the forehead, with vertigo. Pressure in the head, the whole day, with heat in the face and languid feeling in the arms and legs.-Feeling offullness in the head. Sensation as if the brain contracted.-Severe lacerating pain in the head. Beating in the forehead, particularly in the afternoon.-Seething of the blood and a sort of cloudiness of the whole brain.-Violent heat in the head, with languor of the whole body.-Heat in the head, with redness of the face, and going off in the open air.-The head is iery sensitive to cold.-Itching of the hairy scalp.-Burning stinging on the vertex. EYES.-Pressure in the eyes, with inflammation of the conjunctiva. Lacerating in the eyes, with secretion of pus of the lids and canthi. -Itching of the eye-lashes.-Dryness of the eyes, with sensation as of sand in the eyes.-Lachrymation when reading, with feeling of weakness of the eyes.--Mist before the eyes.-Obscuration of sight when reading or looking at bright things.-Short-sightedness, with burning heat in the face. EARs.-Lacerating or sticking in the left ear. Itching of the ears. GRATIOLA OFFICINALIS. 673 NosE.-Pressure at the upper part of the nose.-Sneezing after a meal, with dartings in the hypochondrium. FACE.-Burning heat in the face, it feels cold to the hand. *Burning of the face likefire, -after a meal, with redness and warmth, perceptible to the hand. Tingling burning in the malar bones, or cheeks, with feeling as if the parts were swollen. Tight feeling in the face as if swollen. TEETH.-Drawing in the upper incisores. Lacerating in the molares, going off by pressure. MoUTH.-Ptyalism.-Dryness, roughness, and burning of the palate.-Fetid breath on waking. THROAT.-Pain in the throat as if it would become sore.-Stinging in the throat, during and between the acts of deglutition. Scraping in the throat, or in the oesophagus, with acidity. Feeling of rough. ness, with hoarseness and hacking cough. APPETITE AND TASTE.-Bitter taste, with inclination to vomit Aversion to food, with good taste. Violent thirst. GASTRIC SYMPTOMS.-Hiccough.-Frequent eructations, also tast. ng of the ingesta. Violent rancid eructations after breakfast. Bitter eructations. Regurgitation of food.-Aversion to food, with shuddering and nausea.-Nausea, with inclination to vomit.-Vomiting of bitter water, or of a yellowish substance. STOMACH.-Pain in the stomach, with nausea and general malaise Sensitiveness of the stomach to the touch. *Pressure in the stom.ach after every meal, with nausea, disappearing after an eructation.Feeling of heaviness in the stomach.-Contractive pain, as if proceeding from the abdomen.-Empty or cold feeling, in the stomach, with previous warmth.-Gnawing, as from hunger, after eating.-Cutting in the epigastrium. HYPOCHoNDRIA.-Beating, burning pain in the left hypochondrium ABDOMEN.-Pain in the abdomen, with nausea. Violent pinching in the abdomen after a meal. Violent cutting in the abdomen. Gnawing in the umbilical region as of worms. Tingling in the hypogastrium and around the umbilicus.-Coldfeeling in the abdomen -Colic, as after diarrhoea, with rumbling.-Rumbling, with nausea, eructations, and vertigo. STOOL AND ANus.-Frequent urging to stool, with dullness of the head, pinching, drawing, and rumbling in the abdomen.-Costiveneqs. -Hard stool, followed by tenesmus of the anus:-Diarrhaic stools watery, preceded by nausea, rumbling in the abdomen, and cutting around the umbilicus, or with pain as from soreness at the anus. Yellow diarrhooic stools succeeded by coldness.-Yellow-green bilious 29 674 74GUATACUMOFFICINALE. stools., succeeded. by burning at the anus.-Frequent stools, with burnling and protrusion of large stinging-burning tumors.-Passage of faeces without being conscious of it.-Discharge of a number. of ascarides. In the rectum. soreness, burning, during and after stool. -In the anuis: stinging'; itching; smarting; beating pain.-0Disappearance of a painful varix. URLINE.-Scanty urine, reddish, and becoming turbid while. stand. ing. MALE GENITAL ORGANs.-Drawing pain in the glans.-Involun. tary emission, -succeeded by a painful erection. FEMALE GENITAL ORGANS.-Nymphomania.-Lac erating in the milky breast, with stitches in the region of the right ribs. LARYNX AND TRAcHEA.-Dry cough, with a raw feeling in the entire trachea.-Cough towards midnight, with oppression of the chest and coldness. CHEST.-Oppression of the chest, with increased palpitation of the heart.-Spasmodic sensation, as if the whole chest were constricted. -Heat in the chest, then in the head, with redness of the face and hands.-Strong and quick palpitation of the heart. Violent palpitation of the heart, which shakes the whole body, and seems to proceed from the pit of the stomach, particularly violent immediately after Istool. BACKc.-Sticking in the lower vertebrae.-Drawing and lacerating in the right side of the neck, or burning and tension. A-RMS-Itching in the axilla. Rheumatic drawing in the. shoul. ders and arms, particularly in the elbow and wrist-joint.-Lacerating in the upper arm.-Lacerating in the elbow-joints.-Lacerating in the lower arm, as if in the bone.-Languor in the hands. Lacerating in the wrist-joints, with beating. LEGs.-Languor and heaviness of the lower limb s.-Bruised pain in the thighs.-Tension at a small spot of the knee. -Lancinating lacerating in the tibia when sitting.-The feet feel weary, as if they would give way. 135.-GUAIACUM OFFICINALE. GUAIAC.-Resin of Guaiacum.-See Hahnemann's "1Chronic Diseases," ]III.Duration of Action: five weeks. COosn&ALE WITH-Graph., Mere., Nux-v. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-Bwrning itching of the skin, in. creased by s~cratching.-General uincomfortableness of the wh~ole body. GUAIACU'IM OFFICINALE. 675 Exhaustion, as after great exertions, especially in the, thighs and arms.-Consumption and hectic fever, in men of a dry constitution. -Laziness and dread of exercise. CHARACTERISTIC PECULIARITIES.-The majority of the symptoms occur when sitting, most of them immediately after rising in the morning, or in the evening before going to bed; some from nine to twelve o'clock in the forenoon. SLEEP.--Great drowsiness in the afternoon. Sleep full of dreams. Nightmare when lying on the back, waking with screams. Frequent waking from sleep, as if by fright. FEVER.-Shuddering and feverish chills in the back. Internal chilliness through the whole body, followed by heat, especially in the face, without thirst, towards evening. MORAL SYMPTOMS.-Peevish. Contemptuous mood. Refractory. Disinclination to labor. Weakness of memory. IIEAD.-Headache, at night, like a pressure in the brain from below upwards. Headache across the forehead. Lacerating in the whole left side of the head. Drawing lacerating in the occiput and forehead. Violent lancinations in the brain, from below upwards. Sensation as if the brain were detached and loose. External headache. Pulsative throbbing in the outer parts of the head. EYEs.-OSwelling of the eyes.-Sensation of swelling and protrusion of the eyes.-Dilated pupils.-Amaurosis a few days. EARs.--*Painful dragging and lacerating in the left ear. FACE.-The face is red and painfully swollen. TEETH AND JAWS.-Dull ache in the left jaw. Toothache. APPETITE AND TASTE.-Want of appetite, *and aversion to everything. OAversion to milk-Violent hunger, afternoon and evening. GASTRIC SYMPTOMS.-Emnpty eructations. Nausea, occasioned by a sensation as if mucus were in the throat.-Violent vomiting of watery mucus, in the morning; with great exertion. STOMACH AND ABDOMEN.-Frequently-returning pressure in the pit of the stomach, with difficulty of breathing, oppression of the chest, and anguish. Constrictive sensation in the region of the stomach, with anguish and difficult breathing. Pinching cutting through the abdomen, when taking an inspiration. STOOL.-*Constipation. Soft stool, *inpieces.-Thin, slimy stool after previous pinching in the abdomen. URINE.-Frequent and urging desire to urinate, even directly after an emission of urine. He is obliged to urinate every half-hour; considerable quantity of urine at a time, owhich has sometimes a fetid smell. Stitches in the neck of the bladder after micturition. 676 GUMMI GUTTI. GENITAL ORGANb. -NoctuInal emission, without lascivious dreams. -Increase of leucorrhoea. LARYNX AND CHEST.-Suddenly attacked with a sensation of ob struction in the chest, in the region of the heart, as if the breathing would be arrested. *Dry cough, returning until some expectoration sets in. OCough, with expectoration of fetid pus.-*Stitches in the left side. BAcK.-Contractive pain between the scapulm. Rheumatic stiff. ness in the whole left side of the back. Drawing and lacerating along the right side of the spinal column. Lancinating laceration in the borders of scapulae. Corrosive itching of the back by day.Aching in the nape of the neck, on the right and left sides of the vertebre. ARMs.-Painful, drawing laceration in the arm.-Feeling of exhaustion of the upper arms, as after heavy work. LEGS.-Exhaustion of the lower limbs. Tension in the thighs. Severe lacerating and drawing pain in the legs.-Pain as from bruiesin the thigh.-Drawing pain in the knee, terminating in a stitch. 136.-GUMMI GUTTI. GULTT.-Gamboge -The following symptoms are taken from an unprinted monograph of the surgeon, Dr. Cajetan Nenning. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-Itching and formication in various parts.-Burning. Stinging. Pricking. Burning stinging. Lacerating, particularly in the bones and tendons. Lancinating in the side of the neck.-Drawing.-Tension in the groins.-Compressive pains in the head.-Constrictive or contractive pains. (stomach, umbilicus, foot). Gnawing (stomach, subcostal region, umbilical region, os-coccygis).-Pain as from soreness (gums, neck, stomach, chest). -Pain as if bruised (head, small of the back).-Beating or throbbing (ear, teeth, stomach).-Congestions of the head, chest, uterus.Hamorrhage from the nose, mouth, throat.-Spasmodic conditions of the lower limbs. CHARACTERISTIC PECULIARITIES.-The symptoms of the right side predominate.--The majority of the symptoms come on while sitting, and go of during motion in the open air. The symptoms are parti, cularly apt to occur in the evening or night. SKIN.-Intolerable itching. SLEEP.-Drowsiness the whole day.-Sleep disturbed with anxious dreams. GUMMI GUTTI. 677 FEVER.-Chilliness.-Internal and external coldness in the even ing.- Violent chills proceeding from the back, with coldness of the whole body.-Increased warmth, with anxiety and sweat.- Violent thirst in the evening.-The fever is remittent or intermittent, quotidian or tertian. MORAL SYMPTOMS. - Cheerful, talkative. - Ill-humored, vexed, anxious. HEAD.- Vertigo. Heaviness in the whole head, with inertia, drowsiness, and pain in the small of the back.-Pain in the whole head and beating in the forehead, towards the nose, in the forenoon.-Oppressive headache, with heaviness in the forehead (in the afternoon, relieved in the open air), or with heat in the head and whole body. Compressive pain in the head, from both sides, in the forenoon.--- Headache in the vertex, as if bruised, in the forenoon, relieved in the open air. EYES.-Itching of the inner canthi (and in the forehead), with discharge of acrid, corrosive tears.-Nightly agglutination, burning in the morning, photophobia through the day, and frequent stinging pain in the eyes.-Violent itching of the eyes, in the evening.-Violent burning of the eyes, and photophobia, in the evening or afternoon, relieved by walking in the open air. EARS.-Violent lacerating deep in the ears.-Excessive lancination in both ears.-Throbbing pain in the left ear, as from an abscess.Frequent buzzing in the ear. NOSE.-Lacerating in the nasal bones.-Ulceration of the right nostril, with burning pain.-Sneezing. Violent chronic sneezing. FACE.-Lacerating in the right malar bone, and in the right lower jaw. TEETH.-Sensation of chilliness and elongation of all the anterior teeth, in the morning.-Laceration in the right molares, also in the gums, with sensation as if the gums were sore and swollen. MOUTH.-Dry mouth.-Burning of the tip and anterior half of the tongue.-Sensation of soreness in the palate, relieved by cold. THROAT.-Roughness and burning in the throat. Sore pain in the throat, which is felt even when touching the outer side of the neck. Burning soreness low down in the fauces, between the acts of deglutition.-Choking sensation in the throat, ascending from the chest, arresting the breathing.-Feeling of swelling in the throat. APPETITE.-Bittcr taste in the mouth.-Violent hunger.-Aver. sion to food.-Nausea, inclination t- vomit, ptyalism, roughness of the throat.-Pinching in the abdomen, after eating. STOMAcH.-Nausea.-Gulping up of sour water, and movementa 678 GUMMI GUTTI. in the stomach.-Inclination to vomit, followed by painful twitching in the umbilical region, and diarrhceic stools.-Horrid vomiting and purging,with fainting.-Emptyfeeling in the abdomen and stomach. Weakness of the stomach, as after long fasting, with accumulation of water in the mouth.-Gnawing in the stomach. Contractive and sore feeling in the stomach, with sensitiveness to the touch.-UIcerative pain of the stomach, going off after eating. Constant pain in the innermost parts of the stomach, as if sore, with sensitiveness of the integuments to the touch.-Dartings in the stomach.-Pressure in the stomach and chest, arresting the breathing, in paroxysms, going off after an eructation. ABDOMEN.-Inflation and tension of the abdomen, with pinching in the umbilical region.-Extremely painful burning in the region of the liver. Frequent violent pinching in the entire abdomen, without urging, or else succeeded by diarrhoea. STOOL AND ANUS.-Constipation.-Frequent urging, with pinch. ing around the umbilicus.-Hard stool, succeeded by burning at the anus.-Hard, insufficient stool, with violent urging, pressing, and protrusion of the rectum.-Repeated diarrhoeic stools, with discharge of green mucus, preceded by pinching in the bowels.-Diarrhaa, with burning pain and tenesmus of the rectum, protrusion of the anus, and constant pinching around the umbilicus, sometimes at. tended with discharge of mucus.-Diarrhoea, preceded by cutting in the bowels, and succeeded by burning at the anus.-Profuse watery *diarrhoea, with colic and tenesmus. URINE.-Scanty or difficult emission of urine. FEMALE GENITAL ORGANs.-The menses appear too soon, and are too profuse.-Leucorrhcea. LARYNX AND TRACHEA.-Scraping in the region of the larynx, inducing a dry cough.-Frequent dry and hacking cough in the day. time.-Nightly cough, with soreness of the chest. CHEST.-Oppression and heaviness in the chest, with stitches in the back.-Weight on the chest, at night, occasioning sleeplessness. -Pain in the chest, as if every part of it were sore.-Pressure in the middle of the, chest. BACK.-Lacerating in the nape of the neck, and in the right shoulder.-Pain as if bruised in the small of the back, as if sprained. ARMs.-Violent burning stitch. Lacerating in the shoulders and in different parts of the body. LEGS.-Lacerating, cramp-like, or ulcerative pains in the legs and feet. Heaviness and languor of the feet. HEMATOXYLUM CAMPECHIANUM 679 137.-HlEMATOXYLUM CAMPECHIANUM. HEMATOX.-Logwood.-Noack and Trinks. COMPARE WITH-Mere. ANTIDOTE.-Camph. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-Pressure. Compressive pain in the head.-Contraction (throat, chest).-Pain as if bruised (head, region of the heart). CHARACTERISTIC PECULIARITIES.-Some of the pains are aggravated by contact and pressure, some are relieved in the open air. SLEEP.-Irresistible drowsiness. FEVER.-Chill and goose-flesh.-General chilliness, more internal than external. MORAL SYMPTOMS.-Ill-bumor, sadness.-Weakness of mind, vertigo unto falling. HEAD.-Dullness of the frontal region, feeling of heaviness ii the head, difficulty of generating or expressing ideas.-Compressive pain in the forehead and occiput, on the left side, extending to the ear, with burning heat in the head.--Pain in the forehead, with disposition to vomit on stooping.-Pinching and violent aching pain over the eye, and extending to the temporal region. EYES.-Redness of the eyes, with blue margins.-Feeling as of sand in the eyes.-Sensation of heaviness in the eyes, and as if covered with a gauze.-Contraction of the pupils, and dimness of sight. EARs.-Intense pain of the right ear, down the throat, with contraction of the throat, burning and pain during deglutition, and frequent spitting. FACE.-Pale, disfigured face, with sad, desponding look.-Pain in the left part of the forehead, spreading over the entire left side of the face, and over the teeth.-Pain of the lower jaw, with stinging in the teeth and cheek of the same side. THROAT, &c.-Contraction of the throat, with desire to swallow. SToMAcH.-Loathing inclination to vomit.-Pain in the stomach, increased by pressure.-General sick feeling, with anguish proceeding from the stomach, and colic.- Distention of the stomach and abdomen, anguish, inclination to vomit, sour eructations tasting of the ingesta, headache as from derangement of the stomach, at night. ABDOMEN.-Tympanitic distention of the abdomen, sensitiveness of the pit of the stomach to the touch, and aggravation of the pain from pressure.-Colic, pain in the loins, and loathing. Colic, inclination to vomit, pninful digging about in the abdomen.-Paroxysms of pain 680 HELLEBORTUS NIGER. in the stomach and abdomen, as if the parts would be torn.-Violent colic in the hypogastrium, as if diarrhoea would ensue, with tympa nitic distention, and great sensitiveness of the abdomen to the touch. -Violent palpitation of the heart, general sick feeling, anguish, and, lastly, shuddering and chilliness over the whole body. Cutting colic, with distention, relieved after soft stool.-General chilliness, with burning heat in the palms of the hands after the colic ceases. URINARY AND GENITAL ORGANS.-Slight quantity of red, burning urine.1--Painful pressure on the genital organs.-Malaise and pain in the hypogastrium, as previous to the menses, attended with slimy, whitish leucorrhcea. CHEsT.-Oppression.-Constriction of the chest down to the pit of the stomach, with a feeling of heat and burning. Pain in the region of the heart, with sensation as if a bar were extending from the heart to the right side, and violent pain in the left upper region of the chest.-Great painfulness of the region of the heart, oppressive anxiety, increased beating of the heart, small pulse, hot hands, chilliness over the whole body.- Palpitation of the heart. ARMS AND LEGS.-The limbs are painful and languid.-Pain and chilliness between the shoulders.--Pain in the left shoulder as if inflamed.-~OSuppression of the halntual sweat of the feet. 138.-HELLEBORUS NIGER. HELL.-Christmas Rose.-See Hahnemann's "Mat. Med. Pura," II.-Duration of Action: three or four weeks. COMPARE WITH.-Ars., fell., Bry., Cham., Chin., Dig., Ign., Op., Par., Phosph., Sec.-c., Stan., Stram., Verat.-It is frequently indicated after Bell., Bry., Chin. ANTIDOTES.-Camph., Chin. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-Falling off of the hair and of the nails. Peeling off of the epidermis.-Sharp lacerating stitches in several parts of the body at once, in the thighs, legs, chest, back, &c. Paralytic weakness of the limbs and unusual stiffness.-All the muscles of the limbs feel heavy and painful.-Sudden relaxation of the muscles, coldness of the body, and cold sweat on the forehead, sudden falling to the ground, and stammering, but with consciousness; the pulse slow and the pupils contracted.-He feels better in the open air. Sticking-boring pains in the periosteum. Sticking-boring pains in various parts of the body, aggravated by cool air, bodily exertion, and after eating or drinking.-Fainting fits.-Convulsive spasms t Logwood tinges the urine and faeces dark-red or purple. HELLEBORUS NIGER. 681 *Convulsive movements, and a shock in the brain as with an arrow. -Spasmodic rigidity of the limbs, with concussive shaking of the head. SKIN.-~Pale color of the skin.-oRash.?-*Sudden watery swell. ing of the skin of the whole body. *Anasarca, particularly after suppressed eruptions.-Sensation in the swollen p.. ts as if too heavy and as if pressed asunder. SLEEP.-Restless sleep towards morning, full of dreams. Con. fused, anxious dreams.-~Sopor. FEVER.-Strong pulse. Strong pulsations through the whole body, especially in the region of the heart. Palpitation of the heart. Thirst.-General chill zith goose-skin, the head is painful when feeling or moving it, drawing lacerating in the limbs, and frequent stitches in the joints, especially the elbow and shoulder-joints, wthowut thirst. In the evening, and especially after lying down, burning heat over the whole body, internal shuddering and chilliness, without thirst. General sweat.-Pale, sunken countenance, no pulse, icy coldness and cold sweat all over.-Slow, small pulse. Coldness of the body, especially in the morning. Fever: violent heat in the head, cold hands and feet. Fever: continual chilliness over the body, without thirst, heat in the head, and headache in the occiput, as if bruised. MORAL SYMPTOMS.-*Silent melancholy. Home-sickness. Invo. luntary sighing, moaning. Taciturn. Despairs of his life. Great anguish, with nausea, and pain as if he would die. Horrid anguish. which is relieved after v.omiting.-Irresolute.o-~Obstinate silence -~Hypochondriac mood.-*Diffidence. SENSORIUM.-Inability to reflect. Dullness of the internal senses. nImbecility.? ~The mind has no power over the body.-Weakness of memory.-Dullness of the head, with a dull aching in the afternoen. Confusion of the head, as if bruised, with fluent coryza.-Dullness of the head, with heaviness. Dullness of the head, with burning and heat. Cloudiness in the forehead. Dullness with vertigo, as if every. thing were turning in a circle.-Painful stupefaction of the head, as from intoxication. OInflammation of the brain. oAcute and chronic hydrocephalus. HEAD.-Troubles6me headache. Pain in the head, as if the whole brain were compressed at every step, in the open air. Violent head. ache, with great heaviness, especially in the occiput, on waking. Uninterrupted aching pain in the occiput, towards the nape of the neck Compressive pain in both temples. Pulsative throbbing in the left temple. Boring stitches across the forehead Pain as if bruised of 29* 682 HELLEBORUS NIGER. the outer parts of the vertex and occiput. Pulsations in the forehead and temples, with heat of the face.--OIumid scurf on the hairy scalp EYEs.-Pressure in the orbits. Burning smarting in the eyes, especially in the inner canthi. Prickling in the eyes. *Photophobia, owithout much inflammation.-Photophobia during the fever. EARs.-Drawing.in both ears, as if the inner ear would burst Pressure. NOsE.-Constriction of the nose. Spasmodic, ineffectual desire to oneeze, with yawning. FACE.--Yellowish complexion. OPale face during the heat in the nead.-~Pale cedematous swelling of the face.-Dull pain in the right malar bone.--Swelling of the lips, with white vesicles. TEETH.-Lancinating in the molares at night, aggravated by either warinth or cold. MOUTH, THROAT, &c.-Insensible rigidity of the tongue. *Ptyajism, with soreness of the corners of the mouth.-*Vesicles on the tongue. Aphthoe in the mouth.-Swelling of the tongue.- Troublesome dryness of the palate, with cutting and scraping pain when moving the mouth.-Soreness of the throat and pressure during deglutition. TASTE, APPETITE, AND GASTRIC SYMPTOMS.-Dry, slimy taste. Great appetite. Nausea, with a sensation of hunger and loathing of food. Continual inclination to vomit; vomiting.- Vomiting of green. hlackish substances, with colic. STOMACH AND ABDOMEN.-Excessive pain in the pit of the stomach. Cardialgia.-Scraping rough sensation in the stomach.-Intensely painful burning in the stomach, rising to the esophagus.--Pinching in the stomach. Severe pain as if bruised, near and below the pit of the stomach, aggravated by loud talking and contact. Distention of the pit of the stomach, with pain as from subcutaneous ulceration. -Painful pressure on the pit of the stomach at every step.-Weight in the abdomen. Violent pinching, as in dysentery, across the abdomen. OGurgling in the bowels, as if full of water.-0Ascites. STOOL.-Diarrhoea, with nausea and colic. Diarrhoea, preceded by colic, disappearing after the evacuation.-Hard, scanty stool, during and after which violent cutting stitches in the rectum. OFrequent watery stools.-Stools consisting of pure, tenacious, white mucus. Tendency to hoemorrhoids. URINE.-Frequent desire to urinate, emitting but a slight quantity. OFeeble stream. LARYNX AND CHEST.-Difficulty of breathing. Constriction of the throat. Contraction of the chest. Sharp cutting in the region of the lowermost true ribs, across the chest, increased by inspiration HEPAR SULPHURIS CALCAREUM. 683 Scraping, rough sensation in the upper part of the sternum.oHydrothorax.? BAcK.-Stiffess of the cervical muscles. OSwelling of the cervical glands. Pain as if bruised between the scapulas, in the region of the spine. ARMs.-Drawing and lacerating in the bones of the arms and joints of the fingers. Lacerating in the fingers. *Boring sticking pain in the middle joint of the middle and index finger.- Weakness in both hands. LEGS.-Drawing, lancininating, or burning pain in the hip. Stiffness and tension of the muscles of the thighs.-Great weakness of the thighs and legs. Aching pain in the joints and feet. 139--HEPAR SULPHURIS CALCARE IM. HEP. S.-Sulphuret of Lime.-See Hahnemann's "Chronic Diseases," III.Duration of Action: eight weeks. CObMPARE WITH-Am., Ant., Arn., Ars., Bell., Bry, Cham., Chin., Cin., Cupr., Dros., Fer., lod., Lach., Mere., Nitr.-ac., Plumb., Spong., Sil., Zinc.-Hep.-s. is particularly suitable after: Bell., Lach., Sil., Spong., Zinc.-Afterwards are frequently indicated: Bell., Mere., Nitr.-ac., Spong., Sil. ANTIDOTES.-Bell. and Cham. against the colic and diarrhcea.-Vinegar. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-Great nervous irritability, every impression on the body or mind excites the nervous system even to tremulousness.-*Drazoing pain in the limbs, oparticularly on waking, with sense of paralysis, especially in the thighs and legs. Drawing pain in the shoulder-joints, those of the hips, and especially the knees. Drawing pain in the region of the stomach and back. OLacerating in the limbs.-Stitches in the joints, when at xest and in motion.--The pains are greatest, Oor excited, at night. *Increase of pains during his nightly fever, especially the cold stage. Sensitiveness to the open air, with chilliness and frequent nausea When walking in the open air the knees tremble, with anxiousness, heat of the whole body, and burning of the soles of the feet. Emaoia. tion, with chilliness in the back, red cheeks, sleeplessness, affected larynx, hoarse, faint voice, anguish, and excessive irritability, as in con, sumptive fever. She feels in all her limbs as if she had takeni cold, -Weakness of all the limbs, and feeling as if they were bruised by blows. Weakness, early in the morning after rising, she was scarcely able to stand. Weariness, early in the morning when in bed, uneasi, ness in the legs, and obstruction of the nose. Great weakness and palpitation of the heart, early in the morning on waking; inr the veva 684 HEPAR SULPHURIS CALCAREUM. ing, with nervous depression. Weakness when walking in the open air, after a meal, with stretching of the limbs as previous to an attack of the fever and ague. OTremulous languor after smoking. SKIN.-Fine, stinging itching. Burning itching of the body Nettle-rash. *Chapped skin and rhagades of the hands and fct.--- * Unhealthy skin, even slight injuries produce suppuration and ulce. ration. Corrosive pain in the ulcer. Burning and throbbing in the ulcer, at night. Inflammation of the affected part. Sour-smelling pus from the ulcer. The ulcer bleeds, even when slightly wiped. Yellow skin and complexion. Attack ofjaundice, with blood-red urino and yellow color of the white of the eye. SLEEP.-Great drowsiness towards evening, with frequent, violent, almost convulsive yawning. Sleeplessness after midnight. The sleep is too long and dull, followed by a sense of dullness, fullness, and giddiness in the head, with pressure in the temples. Anxious and frightful dreams. Starting from sleep as with fright. Great anxiety and uneasiness in the whole body. Nightly nausea and vomiting. Seething of the blood prevents him from sleeping in the night. Sleep. lessness at night, and feverish chilliness. FEVER.-Chilliness of the upper and lower limbs, early in the morning. Chilliness, with frequent nausea and sensitiveness to the open air. Frequent shudderings, extending to the top of the head, the hair was painful to the touch. Violent chilliness with chattering of the teeth, in the evening.-Nightly feverish chills, without any subsequent heat.-Chilliness in the back, with red cheeks, sleeplessness, affected larynx, hoarse, weak voice, anguish, apprehensiveness, extreme irritability, and emaciation as in consumptive fever.-Fever, alternate chilliness and heat, the latter with photophobia.-*Burning feverish heat, with an almost unquenchable thirst, ored face, torturing headache, and muttering delirium, from four o'clock in the afternoon through the night.-At night, dry heat of the body with sweaty hands,-Fever, with violent, frequent vomiting of a green acrid water and tenacious mucus, and nausea. *Slight sweat at every little motion, *Profuse sweat day and night. Night-sweat. Sweat, immediately after lying down, especially about the head. Sour-smelling, profuse sweat, at night. MORAL SYMPTOMS.--Hypochondriac, Dejected, sad, fearful. Frightful anguish in the evening. Repulsive mood. Irritable mood. Im patient and out of humor. *The slightest cause irritated him. SENSORiuM.-Weak memory when out of humor, Vertigo as in a fainting fit, or vanishing of sight, as if absorbed in a revery.-Vertigo. Short attacks of stupidity, dullness of mind, and want of memory. HEPAR SULPHLURIS CALCAREUM. 685 HEAD.-The fore part of the head feels stupefied and heavy * Headache when shaking the head, with vertigo.-Headache every morning, brought on by the least concussion. Dull headache early in the morning when in bed, abating after rising.-Aching in the forehead, as if bruised. *Aching in the forehead, like a boil. Headache early in the morning, on waking. Aching in the vertex, with palpitation of the heart, in the evening.-Pressure and drawing in the temples by day. Tensive aching pain above the nose..Violent headache, at night, as if the forehead would be torn out, with general heat, without thirst.-Stitches in the head, when stooping, and sensation as if the skull would burst, waking him at night. Early in the morning, after a sound sleep, lancinating headache, disappearing when walking in the open air. Pulsative stitches in the occiput. *Boring pain oin the root of the nose, every morning.-Searching (grinding) headache. Painful throbbing in the right temple.-Hammering sensation in the head.-*Pimples, like blotches, on the hairy scalp, and in the nape of the neck, sore when touched. OHumid scald-head.*Great falling of of the hair, oparticularly after abuse of Mercury, after severe illness, or in consequence of frequent attacks of hysteric headache. EYEs.-Aching in the eye-balls, and as if bruised, when touched. -Pressure in the eyes, especially when moving them, with redness --Violent pain in the eyes, as if pulled into the head.-*Dull stitch in the eye.-Boring pain in the upper bones of the orbit.-Redness, inflammation, and swelling of the upper eye-lid, with aching and stinging. Inflammation and swelling of the eye, with redness of the white. OErysspelatous iflanimatwn of the eyes, with soreness and bruised pain of the lids on touching them.-~Lachrymation.-Nightly agglutination of the eye-lids, the eyes become dim. OSpecks and ulcers on the cornea.--Protruded eyes. Nightly spasm of the lids. Obscuration of sight when reading.-Twinkling before the eyes. *The eyes ache from the bright light of day, when moving them. EARS.-Darting pain in the ear. Itching in the ears. OScurfa on and behind the ears.--~Inflammation of the ears.?-Discharge of pus, *also fetid,from the ear.--Hardness of hearing, with whizzing in the ears, going off after a report in the head following upon blowing the nose. Whizzing and throbbing in the ears, in the evening. NosE.-The bones of the nose are painful to the touch.-Contractive sensation in the nose. Itching in the nose. Burning in the nose. Pain in the tip of the nose as if bruised.-Ulcerative pain in the nostrils ONasitis.?? Scurfy formation. Congestion of blood to the nose Bleeding at the nose. Loss of smell. Frequent sneezing. 686 HEPAR SULPHURIS CALCAREUM. Dry coryza. Coryza and scraping in the throat. Coryza, with chills and fever, ill-humor, and weakness of the limbs Coryza, with inflam matory swelling of the nose, painful like a boil, accompanied by cough. FAcE.-Yellozo complexion, with blue borders around the eyes. *Heat in the face, at night, and early in the morning, on waking. Flushes of heat in the face and head. Erysipelatous swelling of the cheeks early in the morning. OErysipelas of the face, with prickling and tension. oVesicular erysipelas. *Pain of the bones of the face, when touching them. ODrawing lacerating from the cheeks into the ear and temple. Eruption of rash in the face.--Crusty pimples in the faces of young people. Swelling of the lips. Itching around the mouth. Eruption about the mouth and on the lips. Itching pimples on the chin. Vesicles and ulcers on the chin, with a burning sensation. TEETH AND JAws.-Toothache, especially during a meal. Toothache, aggravated by cold or in a warm room, or on pressing them together Jerking toothache, extending into the ear.-Stitches in the teeth. Looseness of the, teeth. The gums bleed readily. Jerkings in the gums. Inflammation and swelling of the anterior and inner portion of the gums. Ulcer on the gums. MovTH.-Burning pain on the tip of the tongue. oUlcer in the mouth.-Ptyalism, also after abuse of Mercury. THROAT.-- In the pharynx, sensation as of a clot of mucus or internal swelling when swallowing. Violent pressure in the throat -Difficult deglutition, without any sore throat.--Smarting rough. ness and rawness of the fauces, most violent when swallowing sulid food. *Roughness and scraping sensation in the throat. *Stinging in the throat, when taking a deep inspiration, -or when coughing. *Stitches in the throat, when swallowing, as if caused by a splinter *Stitches in the throat, extending to the ear, when swallowing -or when turning the head. Expectoration mixed with blood. OSwell ing of the tonsils.-ODry throat. TASTE AND APPETITE.-Bitter, slimy taste. Putrid taste. Me tallic taste. -No appetite. OCanine hunger.-Loathing of all nourishment. Excessive thirst. oWeakness of digestion in persons who have taken much Mere. or Chin. GASTRIC SYMPTOMS.- After a meal: hot regurgitation of the ingesta; fullness in the abdomen; great weakness; hot feeling in the abdomen; violent palpitation of the heart, with oppression of the chest, and desire to take a deep breath. -F-equent eructations, without snell or taste. Eructations, with burning in the throat. *Fre HEPAR SULPHURIS CALCAREUM. 687 quent and momentary attacks of nausea, with coldness and paleness. Nausea, early in the morning.-Qualmishness, with inclination to vomit.- Water-brash. Vomiting of green, acrid water, and tenacious mucus, accompanied by continued nausea. Vomiting of mucus, mixed with coagulated blood. SToMAcH.-The stomach is painful when walking. *Pressure in the stomach, -after moderate eating. Pressure in the pit of the stomach, every morning on waking. 0Swelling of the region of the stomach, with pressure.-Tension across the pit of the stomach.Uneasiness, weight, and acrid sensation in the pit of the stomach during the period of digestion. HYroCHONDRIA.-Stitches in the region of the liver, when walking. Painful congestion of blood to the hypochondria. AEDoMEN.-Bloatedness and painful sensitiveness of the abdomen, more when walking than when sitting. Aching in the abdomen, near and around the hips.-Cramp-like pinching tension in the abdomen. Spasms in the abdomen. *Contractive pain in the abdomen. Griping, lacerating in the umbilical region. Pinching pain in the abdomen, as from cold. Colic, stitches, cuttings, and pinchings in different parts of the abdomen. Cutting pain in the abdomen, without diarrhoea. Sticking pain in the abdomen. Violent stitches in the left side of the abdomen, below the ribs. *Splenetic stitches when walking. Sore pain above the umbilicus.-Drawing pain in the abdomen. The inguinal glands become painful. Suppuration of the inguinal glands, buboes. Rumbling in the abdomen.-~ Incarceration of flatulence. STooL.-Sluggishness of the rectum, the stools are hard and insufficient, the rectum is swollen.-A good deal of tenesmus, the stools are hard, and are passed with difficulty.-Frequent stools, at night, with bearing down, tenesmus, and weakness.-Diarrhaa, with colic, inclination to lie down, hot hands and cheeks, also with qualms of nausea, and rumbling in the abdomen. OSour-smelling, whitish diarrhoea in children. ~Dysenteric diarrhoea. Evacuation of bloody mucus. Clay-colored stool. Greenish stool.-Blood during stool.Haomorrhage from the rectum, with soft stool. Soreness of the rec. tum after stool.-Protrusion of the varices.-Creeping in the rectum, as of ascarides.-Burning at the rectum. URINE.-Weakness of the bladder. Frequent desire to urinate.~Wetting the bed at night. The urine looks flocculent and turbid Dark, yellow urine, burning while passing. Brown-red urine: The 1last drops of urine are mixed wibh blood. Greasy pellicle on the urine. Sharp, burning urine, corroding the internal surface of the 688 HEPAR SULPHURJS CATCAREUM. prepuce and causing ulceration. Burning urine during the emis. sion. Intense soreness in the urethra during the emission of urine. The orifice of the urethra is red and'inflamed.-ODischarge of mucus from the urethra. GENITAL ORGANS.- Ulcers on the prepuce, resembling chancre. Itching of the scrotum.-Weakness of the sexual organs.-Dimi. nished sexual instinct.-Excited condition of the sexual organs. 0Feeble erections.-* Occasional discharge of the prostatic juice with stool, or after stool. Soreness of the pudendum and between the thighs. FEMALE GENITAL ORGANS.-Hevnorrhage from the uterus, preceded by bloatedness of the abdomen. The menses delay ten days, the discharge being diminished. Contractive headache previous to the menses. OCongestion of blood to the womb.-OLeucorrhoea, with smarting of the pudendum.-oScirrhous ulcer on the mamma, with stinging burning of the edges. LARYNx.-Weakness of the organs of speech and of the chest.Titillation in the throat.-~Seated pain in one spot of the larynx, aggravated by pressure, speech, cough, and breathing. Cough, from scraping and rawness of the throat. Subdued cough, from oppression of the chest. Deep, dry cough, from oppression of the chest during an inspiration, with soreness of the chest at every fit of cough.-Vio-. lent fits of cough, from time to time, as if one would suffocate or vomit.-Violent deep cough in the larynx, a few turns only, causing retching.-Violent cough, from irritation in the upper part of the throat.-Short and hacking cough, immediately after a meal.-Fit of cough, as if brought on by a cold, and excessive sensitiveness of the nervous system, coming on when any part of the body gets very cool. -Cough, in the evening and early in the morning.-*Fits of dry cough in the evening. Dry, painless, short cough. Violent cough, at night. Cough, day and night. Cough, with expectoration of mucus, excited by a scraping in the larynx, especially in the throat. Expectoration of sourish mucus, at night, almost without cough.-Tenacious mucus in the chest.-Bloody expectoration from the chest, with illhumor and Wveakness.-IHnemoptysis, preceded by a sensation in the pit of the stomach as if there were a hard body.-The whole head is affected by the cough, with throbbing in the forehead and temples.When coughing, sense as of violent groaning in the head (a vibratory feeling).-When coughing, stitches in the throat and pain in the head, as if the contents of the head would issue from the forehead. Burning in the stomach, when coughing. Sneezing oor crying after the fits of cough. HEPAR SULPHURIS CALCAREUM. 689 CHEST.-Short breath. *Frequent and deep breathing.-~ Hoarse, anxious, Wheezing breathing, with danger of suffocation in a recum. bent posture. 0Suffocative fits. Stitches in the sternum, when breath. ing or walking. Sticking pain in the side of the chest, in the direction of the back. ~Spasmodic constriction of the chest. Stitches in the region of the heart. Violent palpitation of the heart, with fine stitches in the heart and left chest. BACK.-Frequent attacks of pain in the small of the back. Violent pain in the small of the back, as if the parts were being cut through, when at rest, or in motion.-Pain asfromn bruises in the small of the back when walking. Sharp pressure and pain, as from bruises, in the small of the back and the lumbar vertebrae. Tensive pain in the back, at night, worst when turning the body. *Drawing in the whole back and in the small of the back. Stitches in the back, in the region of the kidney. Great weakness in the whole spine.-Pain as from bruises of the cervical muscles. ARMs.- Ulceration and suppuration of the axillary glands. OFetid sweat in the axilla. Pain in the shoulder, as if a weight were resting on it. Pain in the shoulder when raising the arm. Drawing pain in the shoulders. Pain, as from bruises, in the shoulder. *Lacerating in the arm, in the direction of the scirrhous ulcer.-Pain, as from bruises, in both arms. Great weariness of both arms. Pain, as from bruises, in the humeri. OSteatoma at the point of the elbow. The wrist is painful. Feeling of heat in the palm of the hand and the wrist. Frequent burning of the hands. Heat, redness, and swelling of on.e hand, with an insufferable contusive pain extending into the arm, dui'irig motion. Unsteadiness of the hands. Itching of the hands, with a rough, dry, grating skin. ONettle-rash on the hands and fingers. Deadness of the fingers. Swelling of the fingers. Swelling of the finger-joints, with arthritic pains.-OHep.-s. is a spe. cific against panaritia. LEGS.-When walking in the open air the hip-joint is painful as if it were sprained. OCozagra, with throbbing pain and disposition to suppurate.? Soreness of the fold between the scrotum and the thighs. Painful tension in the lower limbs, at night, which hinders sleep. Weight of the lower limbs. Lacerating in the thigh, when sitting, with a numb, tingling sensation, as if gone to sleep. Pain as from bruises in the anterior muscles of the thigh. Cramp in the knee.-Aching in the bend of the knee, during motion. Pain as from bruises in the knee. Pain in the knee as if broken. Swelling of the knee. Cramp-pain in all the muscles of the leg, when walking. Great weariness in the legs, especially when ascending an eminence. 690 HYDROCYANIC ACID. Erysipelas of the sick leg. Cramp in the feet. Pain, as from sub. cutaneous ulceration, in the tarsal joint. Paroxysms of pain in the tarsal joint, when walking, as from a sprain. Drawing and burning pain in the feet. *Swelling of the feet around the ankles, with difficult breathing. Chilblains on the feet. ORhagades of the feet. Tingling in the toes. HERACLEUM SPHONDYLIUM (See BRAocA URsIN). i 140.-HYDROCYANIC ACID. HYDR. AC.-Prussic Acid.-See Hartlaub and Trinks. COMPARE WITH-Lauroc. ANTIDOTES.-Of large doses: Am., Chlorine water, cold dash, Solution of Nitre or Salt in cold water, Coffee. Of small doses: Camph., Ipee., Op., Coff. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-Rapid languor and weakness of the limbs, particularly the thighs. Nervous weakness. Cramp in the back. Cramp in the face and jaws, convulsions.-Paralysis of the lower, then the upper limbs. The limbs become insensible and stiff. Catalepsy. The limbs are excessively flexible and yielding.. The beats of the heart become more. and more slow, small, imperceptible, until apparently extinct. Diminution of the animal heat. SKIN.-Itching of several parts, particularly between the chin and lips.-Itching burning vesicles on the upper limbs and on the neck..-Dryness of the skin.-General paleness with a blue tinge. SLEEP.-Frequent yawning, with shivering and cramps of the skin.-Irresistible or constant drowsiness.-Sleeplessness.-oVivid, incoherent dreams. FEvER.-Chilliness, without shuddering, particularly after midnight and morning.-Feeling of coldness. Alternation of violent chilliness and burning heat. Heat in the head, with coldness of the extremities. General feverish uneasiness, with violent nervous irritation, paroxysms of heat, and quick, irregular, confused motion of the heart Stupefaction of the head and vertigo during the chilliness.-Mist before the eyes during the chill. MORAL SYMPTOMs.-Despondency. Lowness of spirits.-Oppres. sion.-Anguish in the pit of the stomach.-Nervous irritability. Vexed mood. SSENSORIUM.-Pleasant languor.-Dullness of sense. Insensible to pain. Loss of consciousness.-Slowness of thought, with dull feeling in the head. Inability to think. Weakness of memory -Illusions HYDROCYANIC ACID..691 0'*the sene.-Dzdlness and heaviness of the head. Stupefaction and falling down. Dizziness, with feeling of intoxication -Cloudiness of the senses, the objects seem to move, he sees through a gauze, is scarcely able to keep on his feet after raising the head when stooping, on rising from one's seat, worse in the open air.- Vertigo, with redfing. HEAD.-Headache, with giddiness. Stupefying headache.--Dull pain in the forehead proceeding from the templcs.-Oppressfave pain in the forehead. Violent aching pain in the occiput and sinciput, extending from the vertex to the forehead and orbits.-QCpzressive pain in the left side of the head.-Tension in the frontal region. EYEs.-Protruded eyes. Difficult motion of the eye-balls. The pupils are dilated and immovable. The pupils are insensible to the light. Immovable lids. The lids seem paralyzed. Obscutation of sight. Dimness and gauze before the eyes. Amaurotic blindness. EARs.-Pressure in the interior of both ears, with roaring or buzzing.-Hardness of hearing. Nosz.-The wings of the nose are enlarged and loEk bluish.Dryness of the inner nose. FAcE.-The face is bloated. Sunken face. Pale, bluish face. Sallow and gray complexion.-The features look transfigured. Lockjaw. Frightful distortion of the facial muscles. Cynic spasms. MOUTH, THRoAT.-Increased secretion of saliiva.-Tongue coated, white, afterward8 dark and foul. Cold feeling in the tongue. Burning in the tip. Lameness and stiffness of the tongue, which is often protruded. Loss of speech.- Pain in the palate. Inflammation of the palate.-Spasin in the pharynx and cesophagus. Scraping in the throat and pharynx.-Heat in the pharynx and cesophagus. Injiammation of the pharynx and cesophagus. GASTRTc SYMPTOMs.-Fetid taste. Acrid and pungent -taste.Loss of appetite.-'Absence of thirst, with beat in the whole body.Violent thirst.-Disposition to vomit. Vomiting of a blackfluid. STOMACH, &c.-Cold feeling in the stomach, with stitches.-Pressing in the pit of the stomach, with great oppression. Spasmodic contraction of the stomach. Inflammation of the stomach and bowels. Throbbing pain in the praecordia.-Coldncss in the abdomen, alternating with burning. Rumbling in the ahdomen.-Involnntary stool. URINE.-Retention of urine.-Burning in the urethra. LARYNX, &c.-Painful scraping and burning in the larynx. Inftamnmation of the, larynx. Sensation as if the larynx were swollen, Spasmodic constriction of the throat. Tickling, stinging, and drawing in the trachea.-Frequent short and hacking cough, occasioned by a prickling in the larynx and trachea. Haemoptoe. 692 HYOSCYAMUS NIGER CHEST.--Rattling, moaning, slow breathing. Arrest of breathing, occasioned by stitches in the larynx. Frequent and snoring deep breathing. Paralysis of the lungs. Tightness of the chest, asthma, oppressive. Feeling of suffocation, with torturing pains in the chest. -Acute pains in the chest. Pain and pressure in the region of the heart. Irregularity of the motions of the heart. Feeble beating of the heart. 141.-HYOSCYAMUS NIGER. HYOS.-Hen-Bane.-See Hahnemann's "Mat. Mod. Pur.," II.-Duration of Ac. tion: from hours to several weeks. COMPARE WITH-Aeon., Ant., Arn., Bell., Camph., Caust., Carb.-a Carb.-v., Cham., Chin., Cupr., Dig., Dros., Graph., Ign., Lach., Led., Mag.-mur., Nux-v., Op., Phosp., Plat., Plumb., Puls., Rhus., Rat., Sab., Sep., Spig., Sq., Stram., Verat. ANTIDOTES.-Vinegar, Bell., Camph., Chin. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-Rheumatic pains. Pain of the limbs and loins. Sharp, continued stitches in the joints of the arms and feet. Dull drawing pains in the joints, but more in the muscles and neighborhood of the joints. Lancinations in almost all the joints, especially during motion.-Pains in the limbs. Weariness, languor of the whole body.-When walking in the open air he becomes hot and weak. Staggering. Uncommon sinking of strength. Weakness, he is scarcely able to stand on hisjegs, and seems constantly inclined to fall. Chronic weakness of the feet.-General loss of strength, with trembling of the whole body and extreme coldness of the extremities, until fainting was about setting in. Repeated fainting/fits. Death-like fainting. Apoplexy with snoring.-Hemiplegia. Sud den falling. Sudden falling with a cry and convulsions.-*Convulsive movements. Convulsions.-The limbs become spasmodically curved, and the curved body is jerked into the air. Excessive tossing of the body by convulsions. Convulsions, with foam at the mouth. Convulsions, with clenching of the thumbs. *Epilepsy.-Slight epileptic fits, alternating with paroxysms of apoplexy. *Subsultus-tendinum. Spasms, with watery diarrhoea and enuresis. *Spasms,.with diarrhoea and coldness of the whole body.-*St. Vitus' dance. Spasms of a child, resembling St. Vitus's dance, with distortion and tossing about of the limbs, after the attack the child lies quiet with closed eyes. CHARACTERISTIC PECULIARITIES.-The action of Hyos. is most prominent in the evening. SKIN.-*The skin is dry and brittle, or else soft and warm. Itching. HYOSCYAMUS NIGER. 693 Inflammation of the skin, with vermilion redness.-ORash from abuse of Bell. Large pustules on the skin.-Alternate appearance and disappearance of brown spots on the whole body. Herpetic spots on the nape of the neck. Gangrenous spots and vesicles.-Large boils.-Obstinate dropsy. Swelling. SLEEP.-Drowsiness. In the morning, excessive watchfulness, as if from weakness; in the afternoon, drowsiness, relaxation, and irresoluteness. Long, deep sleep. Excessive drowsiness.--Deep slumber. - Coma-vigil. *Sleeplessness, ofrom nervous 'irritation. *Sleeplessness with anxiety.-Nightly sleeplessness, with convulsions and concussions, occasioned as if by fright. Frightful dreams.Moaning.-*Grasping at flocks. Sleep interrupted by grinding of teeth.-Suffocative snoring when taking an inspiration, while asleep. *Startingfrom sleep. FEVER.-Chilliness and shivering over the whole body, with hot face and cold hands, without thirst. Small, weak pulse. Weak, irregular pulse.-Small, scarcely perceptible, wiry pulse.-Hard pulse.-Small, quick, intermittent pulse. Stronger pulse. Quick, full, strong pulse. oAccelerated pulse, with distention of the veins. --The blood burns in the veins.-Tertian and quartan fevers, with epileptic fits, great weakness, flashes before the eyes, and congestion of blood to the head.-Afternoon fever, with coldness and pain in the back.-Burning heat in the whole internal body. *In the evening, great heat over the body, -with much thirst, putrid taste, and much mucus in the mouth.-Exhalation. Sour sweat. Sweat with faintness and dullness of sense. Cold sweat. MORAL SYMPTOMS.-Alternation of ease and rage. Mania. Raging and naked day and night, sleepless and screaming. *Jealousy, reproaches others, and complains of pretended wrongs.-Indomitable rage. Low spirits, sadness, Owants to kill himself. Restlessness. *Horrid anguish. Concussive startings, alternating with trembling and convulsions. *He complains of having been poisoned. OHe imagines he will be sold.-OMisanthropia. oDiffidence. Peevish, sad, despairing. *Chronic fearfulness. Impatient.-O Hydrophobia. SENSORIUM.-*Ddulness of feeling, -unfeeling indolence.-Senseless and heavy. *Complete stupefaction. *Does not know his relatives. "*Complete loss of sense. *He neither sees nor hears anything.Imbecility and constant sopor.--Imbecility, which is manifest by his speeches and action. Amentia. Insanity with diarrhoea. Highest mental derangement. Mutters to himself, exhausted. *He talks more than usual, and more animatedly and hurriedly. ODisposition to laugh at everything. *Mental derangement, with occasional 694 SHYOSCYAMUS NIGER. muttering. Incoherent words,. Grasping at flocks and muttering. #Delirium, as in, acute fever. Mental exaltation.-Excessive anima. tion, restlessness, hurriedness. Excessive activity. O0Mcntal derangemnent of drunkards.-Foolish -actions.-He uncovers his whole body.-In his insanity he roves about naked.-Ludicrously solemn acts, mingled with rage; dressed in an improper garment.-Labored breathing, with constant burning heat and cries, and making violent- motion with the hands.- Vertigo. Vertigo, with obsourttiopn of sight. ' Reeling sensation. Want of memory. Heaviness of the head, with swelling of the eye-lids. Cloudiness of the head, costiveness, and pain' in the loins. 0lnflammation of the brain.-0llydra cephalus.? HEAD.-Stupefying headache, especially in the forehead. Stupefying headache, especiall y in the forehead, increasing to a lacerating with intermissions. Constrictive, stupefying headache in the upper part of the forehead, and general malaise, alternating with absence of all pain.- Undid ating sensation in the brain.- Tinglingo in the head. Headache, with unnatural heat.-Dull pain, with stiffness in the nape of the neck. Sensation in walking as if the, brain were shaken and loose. EvEs.-Obscuration of sight. Contraction or dilatation of the pupils. Dim-sightedness. Dark spots hover to and fro before the ey~e in quick succession. Diminished sight.-*When consciousness returned the eyes were dim, without lustre, and the brain was obscured. Weak sight. Passing amaurosis. Short -si ghtedness. bptical illusions. Illusion of sight. *Staring, distorted eyes. Intoxicated look. * Open eyes, distorted in different directions. *Convulsively moved and protruded eyes. *Red, sparkling eyes. Inflamumation of th~e eyes. Pressure in the eyes, as from sand. Quivering in. the, eye.. Swelling of the eye-lids;tbe whites of - te eyes are slightly reddened. Inability to open the eye.-lids. oSpasmnodic closing of the lids. FACE.-Burning heat of ýthe face. *Bluish face. *Cold pale face. Frequent change of complexion. Red, bloated face. *Brawyn7.red, swollen face'. Pustules resembling small-pox.-0Dry lips. EARSs.-Sharp stitches through the ears, pressure in the temples, dullness of the head.-lH~ard hearing, as if stupefied. oBuzzing in the ears. Nosre.-Crampy pressure in. the root of, the nose and the malar bones. Bleeding from the nose.JAWS AND TEETH.-Dull pain of the upper teeth, with sensationl as if the gums were swollen. *Lacerating toothache, with congest 507) S HYOSCYAMUS NIGER. 695 of blood tp the head, ~and throbbing extending. into the forehead, or to the root of the nose and eye, with burning heat in the face and aggravation of the pain by pressure.--Beating and whizzing in the tooth, generally coming on in the morning, and excited by cold air with. feeling of looseness in the tooth in chewing, lacerating in the gums, congestion of blood to the head: with violent heat, and with spasms and constriction of the throat, with inability to swallow, great mental exhaustion.-*The teeth feel elongated, loose, ocovered with mucus.-#Lacerating in the gums, particularly on the access of cold air. Lock-jaw, with full consciousness. MouTH.-- Clean, parched dry tongue. *Burning and dryness of the tongue and lips, the lips look like scorched leather.-Dumbness.-Impeded speech. OParalysis of the tongue.-*Loss of speech and consciousness. A kind of stomacace. Bloody saliva. *Foam at the mouth. THRoAT.-Burning heat in the throat. Parching dryness-of the fauces. Great dryness in the throat, and thirst.--Scraping, troublesome sensation in the throat and palate.--Constriction of the throat, with impeded deglutition. Inability to swallow. Hydrophobia. APPETITE AND GASTRIC SYMPTOMS.-Loss of appetite.-Bitterness of mouth. Unquenchable thirst. *Dread of drink.-Frequent eructations.-Nausea and vertigo. Inclination to vomit. - Frequent vomiting. Watery vomiting, with vertigo. *Eating produces vomiting.-~Vomiting of bloody mucus with dark-red blood. oVomiting of blood, with convulsions, arrest of breathing, pains in the pit of the stomach, great prostration, and.coldness of the limbs.-~Retching and vomiting like cutting colic, extorting cries.-Frequent hiccough. Hiccough, with spasms and rumbling in the abdomen. Headache after a meal, pressure in the temples, and aching of the whole outer parts of the head. STOMACH AND ABDOMEN.-Tightness about the pit of the stomach. -Weakness and pain in the stomach. Oppression and burning and inflammation of the stomach. Spasm of the stomach in periodical attacks, relieved by vomiting.-oDiaphragmitis.? Pinching in the abdomen. Colic.-OAbdominal spasms, with cutting in the abdomen, vomiting, headache, and screams.-Enteritis.? *Distention in the abdomen, with pain when touched. Rumbling in the abdomen, even during the diarrhoea. OPainful sensitiveness of abdominal integuments. OPain as from soreness, when coughing. STOOL.-Urgent desire for stool, with sensation in the rectum as if diarrhoea would come on.-Frequent stool.-Diarrhoea. *Diarrhea, -day and night. Moderate, or mucous diarrhoa. Exhausting mucous 696 HYOSCYAMUS NIGER. diarrhoea.- Wateiy diarrhoea. oPainless diarrhoea. oDiarrhmoa of lying-in women. oInvoluntary stools. OParalysis of the sphincter ani.-Frequent expulsion of ascarides.-Difficult evacuations. Flow. ing haemorrhoids for eight days. URINE.- Retention of urine with constipation.- OInvoluntary emission of urine.-Paralysis of the bladder. Enuresis. GENITAL ORGANS.-Excited sexual desire.-Male impotence.Profuse menses. Profuse menses with delirium.-Retarded menses. -Violent, almost convulsive trembling of the hands and feet, she is almost raging during the menses. Enuresis during the menses. Hysteric pain previous to the appearance of the menses.-~Metrorrhagia, the blood being bright-red, or with spasmodic pains."~Sterility.??-Suppressed lochia. OPuerperal fever.-Spasms of parturient and pregnant women. LARYNX.- Dryness and stinging in the region of the larynx. Burning heat in the larynx. Constriction of the larynx.-~Bronchial catarrhs.-#Constant cough when lying, going off when rising. *Nocturnal, dry rough. *Dry, spasmodic cough, particularly at night, and more especially when lying down, occasionally attended with redness of the face and vomiting of mucus. Dry, titillating cough, as if from the trachea.--~Concussive, panting cough, during and after measles, with painful soreness of the abdominal muscles during cough. OParoxysms of cough, resembling whooping-cough. Cough with greenish expectoration. OHaemoptysis with convulsions --~Incipient suppuration of the lungs.?? CHEST.-Asthma. Difficulty of breathing, with occasional rattling. Oppression of the chest, as if asthmatic, accompanied with strong palpitation of the heart. OSpasms of the chest, with arrest of breathing, and obliging one to bend- forwards.-Oppression of the chest, with internal stinging, more violent during inspiration. Stitches in the sides of the chest. 0Typhoid pneumonia. OPleurisy with gastric eymptoms.-Affection of the heart.?? BACK.-Pain in the back.-Repeated attacks of pain in the loins. -Stinging in the region of the scapulae.-Stiffness of the cervical muscles, with tension, as if too short, on bending the head.-Herpetic rpots, in the nape of the neck. ARms.--*Trembling of the arms, -particularly in the evening, after exercise. Dull pain in the wrist and elbow-joint. Painful numbness of the hands. Rigor of the hands.-Aching with drawing around the wrist-joints and knuckles. Swelling of the hands. LEGS.-Laming drawing in the lower limbs, particularly in walking.-Sticking drawing in the thighs, worse when at rest. Gan. HYPERICUM PERFOLIATUM. 697 grenous spots and vesicles, especially on the lower limbs. Stiffness and weakness in the knee-joints when walking in the open air.-Pinching in the calves. The limbs go to sleep.-Coldness'of the feet.Swelling of the feet. 142.-HYPERICUM PERFOLIAT-TM. HYPER. PER.-Perforated St. John's-wort.-See "Hygea," V. and VI., Noack and Trinks, &c. COMPARE WITH-Agar., Coce. ANTIDOTE.-Mesmerism. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-Great languor on rising, continuing the whole day, with trembling and violent thirst. Feeling of weakness and trembling of all the limbs.-Sensitiveness to cold. SKIN.-Smarting eruption like nettle-rash on both hands. Chilly feeling through the whole body, rash-like red eruption on the dorsum of the hand and between the fingers, thirst, and paroxysms of oppression of the chest. SLEEP.--Constant drowsiness.-Uneasy sleep, with frightful dreams, starting, and oppressive anxiety. FEVER.-Shuddering over the whole body.-Dry burning heat over the whole body.-Quick, rather hard, accelerated pulse.-Wild staring looks and hot head, throbbing of the carotids, bright-red bloated face, dilated pupils, frequent pulse, moist hair on the head, dry burning heat on the rest of the body, great oppressive anguish; violent headache like the beating of a hammer, particularly on the vertex, lancinations in the head, tingling in the hands and feet, with violent thirst and white coating of the tongue. MORAL SYMPTOMS.-Indisposition to mental or bodily labor.Lowness of spirits, melancholy, disposition to weep.--Weakness of memory.-Oppressive anguish, with heat ascending in the throat.Tendency to start. HEAD.-Violent vertigo with loathing, on waking, with pain of the temples, also in the afternoon.-Great heaviness in the head.-Violent stitches in the vertex, in the evening.-Severe flashing-lacerating in the temporal region, with chilliness over the whole body.Tension in the temples.-Sensation as if the brain were compressed. -Beating in the vertex, in the afternoon, or feeling of heat in the head.-Curling sensation on the vertex.-Confused sensation in the head, particularly on the vertex, accompanied by buzzing, dull humming.-Sensation as if the head became suddendy elongated.-Great faling off of the hair. 30 698 8IYP1ER '%'.iCUiPI&tFOLIAATULW. EYES.-Painful sensation in the eyes.-Tension in both eyes... Dilatation of the pupails. EARS.-ShootingS through the ear. NosE.-Troublesome dryness of the nose. FACE.-Feeling of heat in the face.-The face feels bloated.--. Drawing pain from the left car to the malar bone, with sensation of swelling in the latter on touching it.-Constant tens-ion in the cheek. T -EI*TH.-Paroxysms of dull pain in the teeth and checks.-Tension in the teeth, with heaviness in the head, sensation as if the brain were compressed, loathing, and continual lacera~ting in the arms.Nightly pain~ in all the teeth of the lower jaw. MOUTHR-Feeling of heat in the lips.-Dry burning heat in the mouth.-0 TWhite tongue. Foul yellow coating of the tongue. THUtoAT.-Lfoarscncess.-ýSensation in the throat as of a writhing worm.-Distention of the throat. APPETITE.-Loss of appetite.- Violent thirst. Thirst and feeling of heat in the mouth.-Loathing, with inclination to vomit, and great languor. STOM ACH.-Nausea.-Eructation on drinking water.-Pressure at the stomach after eating but little. A-BDOMEN.-Tympanitic distention of the abdomen, going off after an evacuation.-Cutting in the umbilical region, as if something were boiling in it. Cutting and pinching in the abdomen. -Violent pinch. ing pains in the abdomen. STooL.-Soft stool.-IHard stool. Stool wuith violent tenesmus, attended with nausea. Stool at night, without success. Violent tenesmus. UEZINE.-Nightly urging to urinate, with vertigo almost a mounting to syncope. GENITAL ORGANs.-Yiolent lacerating in the genital organs, with desire to urinate.-Tension in the region of the uterus, as from a tight bandage.-The menses delay a fortnight.-Leucorrhaoa. LARYNX.-Dry, short, and hacking cough. CHEST.-,Stitchcs below the breasts.-Short breathing.-Movements in the chest.-Pressure and burning, in the chest.-Violent stitcbe's througyh tho breast.-Sensation as if the heart would fall down.-Pal' pitation of the heart. BAcK.-Stitches in the sea pula.-Achingr or lamingr-aching pain in!lzue small of the back.-Stitches in the small of the back. AR~Ms.-Languor of the arms.-Trembliing and spasmn in the airm and fingers.-Stitches in the top of the shoulder at every inspiration.Severe lacerating in the arms.-Tension, in both -arms and in the hands IGNATIA AMARA. 699 LEGS.-Transitory spasm in the knee.-The feet feel pithy, as if pricked with needles.-The heels and toes are somewhat swollen, with biting in those parts. J.4S.-IGNATIA AMARA. IGN.-St. Ignatius' Bean.-See Hahnemann's "Mat. Med. Pura," II.-Duratton of Action: from two hours to nine days. COMPARE WITH-Alum., Arn., Ars., Bell., Calad., Cale., Caps., Caust., Chain., Chin., Coc., Cof., Croc., Hell., Hyos., Ipec., Magn., Magnet.-p.-arc., Magnet.. p.-aust., Mez., Mosch., Natr.-mur., Nux-mos., Nux-v., Par., Phosph., Phosph.. ac., Puls., Ranunc., Rhus, Ruta, Sabad., Sec.-c., Sep., Sil., Spong., Stan., Staph., Sulph., Tartar, Teucr., Val., Verat., Zinc. ANTIDOTES.-In case it should have been administered in too large a dose, and should have produced an excess of sensibility, susceptibility, or hurriedness, &c., Coffee is the antidote; but, in cases where it has been exhibited without being homoeopathic to the disease, its effects may be antidoted by Puls., Cham., and sometimes by Coc., Arn., Camph., or Vinegar. CLINICAL REMARKS.--" The St. Ignatius' Bean contains four times the amount of Strychnia that the Strychnos Nux-vomiea does; but its effects are not purely those which would result from a more concentrated or prolonged administration of Nux-vomica. It also possesses properties peculiar to itself, and which cause an actual difference in the action of the two drugs. Besides the strong specific effect upon the medulla-oblongata and spinal cord, which Strychnia exerts, the Ignatia seems to affect the whole encephalon." GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-Simple pains, which are apt to become excessive by contact. Creeping through the whole body, apparently in the bones.- Tingling in the limbs, as if they had gone to sleep. Weariness of the feet and arms. Feeling of weakness and exhaustion in the arms and feet. In several parts of the periosteum, in the middle of the long bones (not at the joints), a sudden pressure is felt, as from a hard body, painful as if the parts were bruised, in the daytime, but espe. cially in the evening when lying in bed, on one or the other side, and going off when turning on the back. Nightly pain as if bruised in one or the other side on which one is lying, in the joints of the neck, back, and shoulder, not going off till one turns on the back. Pain as if sprained or dislocated in the joints of the shoulder, femur, and knees. Continual sticking pain around the joints or a little above. Deep-sticking, burning pain in different parts, without itching. Sting. ing-burning pain, accompanied with itching, in the outer elevated portion of the joints. *In the evening, when going to sleep, jerks through the whole body. *Single startings of the limbs when going tO slee. Great general lassitude from slight motion. Averse to 700 IGNATIA AMARA. motion, dTeads labor. Exhaustion, relaxation of the body, in the evening. Giving way of the knees from weakness.-Languor, as if arising from a weakness in the pit of the stomach, he feels qualmish and has to lie down.-Staggers when walking, inclines to fall. Tonic spasm of the limbs, like rigidity.-Syncope, with vertigo, violent anguish about the pit of the stomach, and cold sweat. CHARACTERISTIC PECULIARITIES.-Simple violent pain in various parts of the body, in the region of the ribs, &c.; the pain is felt only when touching the part. The symptoms of Ign. are increased by taking coffee or by smoking tobacco, by noise or brandy. The pains are- renewed immediately after dinner, in the evening after lying down, and in the morning immediately after waking. Leaves a disposition to swelling of the cervical glands, toothache, and looseness of teeth, also to pressure at the stomach. SKIN.-Itching in various parts of the body. The skin and pe. riosteum are painful. Sensitiveness of the skin to a draft of air. ONettle-rash with violent itching. OChilblains. Burning in the ulcer. SLEEP.-Drowsiness. Deep, unrefreshing sleep. Deep sleep or sleeplessness. Light sleep.-*Restless sleep, with nightmare.-Convulsive movement of the muscles of the mouth during sleep. Moaning and groaning while, asleep. Snoring inspirations during sleep. Sudden starting during sleep, moaning, piteous expression of countenance, stamping and kicking with the feet, hands and face being pale and cold.-Concussive startings when about to go to sleep. In the evening, in the moment of waking, congestion, stagnation, and seething of the blood through the whole body, with melancholy.Frightful or sad dreams. General heat with anxiety during the night, with cold thighs, palpitation of the heart, short breathing, and lascivious dreams.-Dreams towards morning, fatiguing the mind. Excessive, convulsive yawning. FEVER.-Coldness and chilliness. Chilliness of the back and over the arms. OChill, with desire for cold water, or with nausea and vomiting. Chills in the face and on the arms, with chattering of teeth and goose-skin. Constant shuddering between the paroxysms of fever.-Heat of the hands, with shuddering over the body and an anxiety increasing unto tears. Shaking shuddering, with redness of the face in the evening.-Fever in the afternoon: shuddering, with colic; afterwards weakness and sleep, with burning heat of the body. oChill, followed by external heat, then sweat.-oQuo' tidian, Otertian, and oquartan fevers, owith anticipating type.--- Chill' with thirst and external coldness (frequently proceeding from the ab. domen),followed by heat without thirst, with cold feet, with or with IGNATIA AMARA. 701 out sweat.- - Gastric and bilious fevers.? Sudden attacks offlushes of heat over the whole body.-External heat and chilliness without internal heat.-General sweat. OSweat during a meal. OSweat only in the face;-During the fever: headache, opain in the pit of the stomach, ogreat languor, opaleness, or alternate redness and paleness of the face, olips dry and chapped, ~white tongue, deep sleep with snoring, onettle-rash.-During the chilliness: nausea, vomiting of food or bile and mucus, osallow complexion, Opain in the back, ~lame. ness of the lower limbs.-During the heat: *redness of the cheeks, absence of thirst, Ointernal shuddering, Ocold feet, ostinging in the limbs, Opain in the back, odelirium, overtigo, Obeating headache, lacerating in the bones, Osleep.-During the sweat: ostinging and roaring in the ears. MORAL SYMPTOMS.-Excessive anguish, hindering speech. Excessive and anxious desire to do things in haste. Dullness of sense, with inclination to be in a hurry. Fearfulness, timidity. Great tendency to start. Boldness.-The slightest contradiction irritates him. *Quick but transitory ill-humor and anger. Inconstancy, impatience, irresoluteness, quarrelsomeness. Intolerance of noise, the pupils dilating more easily. Subdued, low voice, is unable to talk aloud. OSeeks to be alone.-*Great indifference and apathy, oalso *with whining mood and indisposition to work.-*Avoids talking; zaciturn.-Still, serious melancholy.-*Brooding to himself, full of internal chagrin. Fixed idea. Sensitiveness offeeling. *Sadness. Weak fallacious memory. SENSORIUM AND HEAD.-Heat in the head. Sensation of hollowness and emptiness in the head. Vertigo. Heaviness of the head. Sensation as if the head were full of blood.-Headache, increased by stooping. Violent headache in the morning, going off by rising.*Lacerating headache -in the forehead, relieved by lying on the back, increasing by raising the head, with heat and redness of the cheeks and heat of the hands.-OBoring sticking pain in the fore. head and deep in the brain, relieved by lying down. Aching in the forehead over the root of the nose. *Cramp-like headache -over the root of the nose. OCrampy pressure in the forehead and occiput, with redness of the face, obscuration of sight, and lachrymation.*Sensation as if a nail were pressed into the brain (clavus). Headache, as if something hard were pressed on the surface of the brazn, recurring in paroxysms. Pressure in the temples, sometimes accompanied by a deep sleep. Headache, as if the temples would be pressed out.-Beating headache. Headache at every pulsation. Pain in the outer parts of the head. Headache as if bruised. Head 702 IGNATIA AMARA. ache in the morning, aggravated by mental action. OTendency of the head to incline backwards. *Falling off of the hair. EYES.-Agglutination of the eye-lids in the morning; pressure in the eye, as *from a grain of sand. *Cannot bear the glare of the light. OInflammation of the eyes, oor of the eye-ball, as far as it is covered by the lids. OScrofulous ophthalmia.? ORedness of the eyes.-*Dim-sightedness.-O Convulsive movements of the eyes and lids.-~Staring with dilated pupils. Contraction of the pupils. EARS.-Beating in the interior of the ear.-Tingling in the ears. -Pain in the interior of the ear.-~Hard hearing, except for speech. NOSE.--Pain in the nose, as if sore and ulcerated, oalso with swelling of the nose. Ulcerated nostrils.-Bleeding of the nose.*Coryza, with dull pain in the forehead and hysteric nervousness. Fluent coryza. Dry coryza with catarrh. FAcE.-Complexion Opale, *red, or oblue. *Redness and burning heat of one cheek -and ear. OClay-colored, sunken face, with blue margins around the eyes. Alternation of redness and paleness. OSweat, only in the face.--Convulsive twitching and distortion of the facial muscles. OTwitching of the corners of the mouth. OSpasmodic closing of the jaws.--Eruption in the face.-The lips bleed and crack. *Ulceration of one of the corners of the mouth. JAWS AND TEETH.-Pain of the inner side of the gums, as if numb, or as if burnt. In the morning the teeth are painful as if loose. Sore pain in the molares.--Difficult dentition, with convulsions. MouTH.-Soreness of the inner mouth. ORedness and inflammation of the inner mouth. The anterior half of the tongue feels numb when talking; it feels burnt and sore when eating. THROAT.-xIncreased secretion of saliva., *Foam at the mouth. *Constant mucus in the mouth, -also on waking.. *Stinging in the throat between the acts of deglutition, sensation when swallowing as if one swallowed over a lump, causing a cracking noise. Stinging during deglutition, deep in the pharynx, going off by continued swallowing. Stinging sore throat, except when swallowing.--Strangulating (contractive) sensation in the middle of the fauces (in the evening), as if a large lump had lodged in the throat, *which is more distinct between than during the acts of swallowing. Pressure in the throat. Pain of the inner throat, as if sore and raw. Creeping in the pharynx. OStitchesfromz the throat to the ear.0-Inflamed, hard-swollen tonsils, with small ulcers.-~Constriction of the fauces, with eructation like singultus. *Difficulty of swallowing solid or liquid food. Pain in the throat when touching it, as if the glands were swollen.-Aching pain of the submazillary glands. IGNATIA AMARA. 703 TASTE AND APPETITE.-Taste in the mouth as of a deranged sto. mach.-#Flat taste, taste like calk.--*Food has no taste. Sour taste of saliva.--*Aversion to milk.--~Desire for things which he does not relish when offered.-'*Aversion to warm food and meat, -desires butter, cheese, and bread, and some fruit. *Want of appetite. 0 Good appetite, with a feeling of repletion after swallowing the first mouthful. -Great appetite. 0Feeling of hunger in the evening, preventing sleep. Gnawing canine hunger, with attacks of qualmishness and nausea. GASTRIC SYMPTOMs.-Gulping up of a bitter fluid.-Empty, unsuccessful inclination to vomit.-Distention of the abdomen after a meal. Anxiety and painfulness in the abdomen after supper. Scraping in the upper part of the region of the larynx, as if caused by heartburn. Sour eructations Hiccough after eating or drinking Burning on the tongue. *Nausea, with uneasiness and anguish. STOMACH.-Pain extending from the stomach to the spleen and back. OPeriodical pains in the stomach, disturbing the night's rest, aggravated by pressure. Cold stomach. Burning in the stomach. *Sensation In the stomach as if one had been fasting long. Alternate paroxysms of a feeling of emptiness in the stomach with canine hunger, and feeling of repletion. Qualmishness of the stomach. *Peculiar feeling of weakness in the epigastrium and pit of the stomach.-Pressure in the pit of the stomach. *Fine stinging in the region of the stomach.--Spasmodic pazns in the stomach.-Burning pressure and drawing in the region of the stomach.-Sensitiveness of the region of the stomach to contact.--Gastritis.? ABDOMEN.-Severe, afterwards *fine stinging in the pit of the stomach. Pain in the epigastrium, as if strained. Colicky pain in the epigastrium, as if the intestines would burst. Colic: contractive pain from both sides, below the ribs. Constrictive sensation in the hypochondria, as in constipation, with hemi(rania. OPeriodical abdominal spasms, particularly in sensitive or hysteric individuals.Colic: continual pain in the bowels as if bruised, in the morning when in bed. Sensation in the umbilical region as of something alive there. Nightly flatulent colic. *Grumbling in the abdomen. Rumbling in the bowels. Throbbing in the abdomen. Oppression and cuitting in the abdomen. Pinching with pressure in the abdomen, from eating fruit. Colic, first pinching, afterwards sticking, in one side of the abdomen.-Pinching in the abdbmen.-Drawing and pinching in the abdomen, changing to a pressing sensation in the rectum, with qualmishness and weakness in the pit of the stomach and paleness of countenance. STooL.-*Mucous stool, ~with colic. ~Diarrhe6ic stools, of bloody mucus, with rumbling in the abdomen. Acrid stool. Frequent, 704 IGNATIA AMARA. almost unsuccessfil desire for stool, with colic, tenesmus, and tendency to protrusion of the rectum.-Anxious desire for stool, with in. activity of the rectum.-*Costiveness from taking cold, or riding in a carriage.-Spasmodic tension in the rectum.-Sharp painful pressure in the rectum after stool. Painless contraction of the anus.Violent itching in the rectum.--*Creeping in the rectum as of ascarides.-Hsemorrhoidal sufferings during soft stools.-Sore pain in the anus between stools. Swelling of the margin of the anus, as if the veins were distended. Blind hemorrhoids with pain. Hamorrhage from the anus, with itching of the perinaeum.-Itching of the anus. URINE.--~Urging, irresistible desire to urinate.-Painful pressure, with a sensation of scraping, in the region of the neck of the bladder, especially when walking and after a meal.-Frequent emission of watery urine. Turbid urine.-Scraping and scraping-lacerating pain in the middle of the urethra. MALE GENITAL ORGANS.-Burning itching in the region of the neck of the bladder.-Soreness and ulcerative pain with itching in the margin of the prepuce. Cramp-pain in the glans. Itching stinging of the scrotum.-Swelling of the scrotum in the evening. Sexual desire with impotence.-Complete absence of sexual desire. FEMALE GENITAL ORGANS.-Violent, crampy pressing in the region of the uterus, resembling labor-pains, followed by a purulent, corrosive leucorrhoea. The menses come away in lumps of coagulated blood. The menses are scanty, but the blood is black and has a putrid odor. The menses delay. During the menses: ospasms in the abdomen. OHeadache, with heaviness and heat in the head, photophobia, contractive colic, anguish, palpitation of the heart, languor unto fainting. -~Metrorrhagia.? ~Uterine spasms with lancinations, ~with labor pains. OUtcrine spasms with crampy pressing, relieved by pressure and in a recumbent posture. LARYNX AND CHEST.-Holl0w, dry cough on waking in the morning. Constrictive sensation in the pit of the throat, exciting a cough, as from the vapor of Sulphur. *Chronic night-cough. ODry cough, continuingrday and night, with fluent coryza. OConcussive spasmodio cough. *Rough, dry cough after measles. OHollow cough on wak. ing, excited by a titillation above the pit of the stomach. Difficult expectoration.- Yellow expectoration. CHEST.-Stitches in the region of the heart when expiring air. Stitches in the left side. *Oppression of the chest and breathing. Oppression of the chest after midnight. Tensive pain across the chest when standing erect. OSpasmodic constriction of the chest.Pressing and pushing in the chest.-Want of breath when walking, IGNATIA AMARA. 705 with qualmishness in the pit of the stomach, cough when standing still, and languor of the whole body.-Fullness in the chest.-In. spirations are impeded as by a load oppressing the chest. OArrest of breathing when running.-Pain in the sternum as if bruised, felt even when touching it. Throbbing in the right half of the chest.*Palpitation of the heart, *at night, with stitches in the region of the heart. Palpitation of the heart during deep meditation. Palpitation of the heart duiring dinner. Palpitation of the heart, early in the morning, in bed, with heat. NECK AND BACK.-Beating in the small of the back.-~Lancinations from the small of the back through the loins. Aching pain as if bruised in the small of the back. Lancinating pain in the nape of the neck. Stiffness of the nape of the neck. Sticking pain with pressure in the spine, when walking in the open air.-Aching pain in the neck. Aching pain in the glands.--Painless glandular swellings on the neck. ARMs.-Pain in the shoulder-joint, when moving the arms, as if dislocated. Pain as if bruised or as after bodily exertion, in the shoulder joint, when bending the arm backwards.-Griping, griping-lacerating pulling, and partly drawing pain, when at rest (the pain becomes sting ing during motion). Rheumatic pain in the shoulder-joints, or as if bruised, when walking in the open air. Pain as if bruised in the muscles of the arm. Intolerable pains in the bones andjoints of the arm. Drawing pain in the arms. Pulsative drawing, extending from the upper arm to the wrist and fingers. ~Numb. feeling and creeping as of something alive in the arm, at night. OConvulsive twitchings in the arm. OConvulsive twitchings of the fingers. LEGS.-Stitches in the hip-joint. Almost paralytic immobility of the lower limbs. In the morning when rising, stiffness of the knece and tarsal-joints, thighs, and small of the back. 0Convulsive jerkings of the lower limbs.-Pains as if bruised in the posterior muscles of the thighs, when sitting. Stiffness in the knees and loins, causing pain during motion. Stiffness in the feet in the morning.-Tension, with heaviness of the legs.-Cramp in the legs and feet.-Contuisive pain in the ball of the heel. Aching pain in the tibia when walking. -Undulating, griping, lacerating, and pulling pain with pressure, in the anterior tibial muscles, especially during motion. Lacerating pain in the dorsum of the foot.-Itching burning (as of chilblains) in the heel and in other parts of the foot. OStinging in the soles.-. Heaviness and weakness of the feet. Coldness of the feet and legs, extending above the knees. Painful sensitiveness of the soles when Walking. oUleerative pain of the soles.--The feet are burning hot. 30* 306 ILLICIUM ANISATUM.-IMPONDERABILIA. 144.-ILLICIUM ANISATUM. ANIS.-Semen Anisi Stellati. The Seed Badian.-Noack and Trinks SYMPTOMS.-Painful dull stitches in the skin of the fore-arm.--. Warm smarting sensation in the nose, succeeded by sneezing.-Food, except bread, tastes salt, bitter, although he has a good appetite.Nausea, with inclination to vomit, in the stomach and chest.-Sensation in the stomach as if it contained an ulcer. 145.-IMPONDERABILIA. a. ELECTRICITY.1 ELEC.-See Caspari, "Horn. Bibliotheque," II. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.--Pains in the limbs. Drawing through all the limbs, extending to the tips of the fingers and toes. Shock through the whole body, proceeding from the malar bone. Relaxation of the nerves and muscles.-Fainting.-Stifness of the limbs.-Paralysis of single limbs, particularly the lower.-Trembling of the limbs.-Subsultus-tendinum.-~St. Vitus' dance.-Aggravation of the epileptic fits. SKIN.-Itching or tingling over the whole body.-Itch-like eruption in the joints.-The skin becomes blackish (A).-Ecchymoses. SLEEP.-Yawning, with shuddering over the whole body.-Sleeplessness (A). FEVER.-Shuddering over the body, with yawning.-Chilliness, then dry, short heat. Frequent alternation of chilliness and heat, with sore throat. Chilliness with profuse sweat, with painful spasms in the head and along the back.-Heat through the whole body, with chilliness on motion.-Pulse intermittent.-Pulse quick and strong (A).-Accelerated circulation. MORAL SYMPTOMS.-Weeping, sighing, crying out.-Paroxysms of oppressive anxiety. Violent uneasiness (A). Dread at the approach of a thunder-storm (A). Involuntary laughter (also A). Rage. SENSORIUM.-Loss of consciousness. Loss of sensibility (A). Looking around with staring eyes.-Loss of memory. Dullness of the head. Stupefaction (A). Giddiness. HEAD.-Simple headache (A). Pressure in the forehead, from above I The symptoms which are marked (A) belong to the atmospheric, those which are not marked to the artificially-excited electric fluid IMPONDERABILIA-ELECTRICITY. 707 downwards, as from a stone.-Painful spasms in the head. Disagree. able shocks, generally behind. Roaring in the whole sinciput.Prickings in the scalp (A). Undulating sensation under the scalp. Feeling of coldness on the vertex.-Stinging itching of the head and thighs.-~The growth of the hair is promoted. EYEs.-Inflammation of the eyes.-Profuse lachrymation (also A). -Wild rolling of the eye-balls. Contraction of the morbidly enlarged pupils.-Dim-sightedness. OBlindness (A).-Black point before the right eye. Everything looks yellow. EARS.-Drawing from the jaws into the ears.-Redness and warmth of the car. Swelling of the inner ear. Suppuration and small ulcers in the meatus-auditorius.-Blister behind the ears full of an acrid fluid.-Whizzing in the ears, or sensation as if obstructed by a plug. NoSE.-Loss of smell. FAcE.-Expression of terror in the countenance (A). Swelling of the face.-Scurf in the face, on the arms and body. Large blisters on the cheeks.-Chapped lips. Eruption around the mouth and chin. TEETH.-Lacerating in the upper teeth, proceeding from the head. Pain as from subcutaneous ulceration in old sockets of the molar teeth. MOUTH AND THROAT.-Soreness of the inner cheek. Increased secretion of saliva (A). Foam at the mouth (A).- The tongue is very sensitive, particularly at the tip.-Swelling of the tongue (A). Blisters on the tongue.-Loss of speech, inability to articulate (A).-Constant titillation in the throat. Inflammation of the pharynx. APPETITE.-Increased appetite.-Heartburn. Ptyalism.-Nausea. Desire to vomit. Vomiting, with sore throat.--Hamatemesis. STOMACH AND ABDOMEN.-Sense of repletion in the stomach, after a slight meal.-Spasmodic contraction of the stomach.-Cutting in the abdomen. STOOL.-Black-yellow, liquid stools, having a fetid smell.-Violent pressing in the anus (during the menses). Burning at the anus. Flowing haemorrhoids. URINE.-Sensation as if the bladder would burst. Frequent mic. turition. oIncontinence of urine.-Discharge of blood with the urine. FEMALE GENITAL ORGANS.-Black and thick menstrual blood.Profuse menses, with pressing in the rectum.-Leucorrhoea, first thin, then thick, with coagula of the size of a hazel-nut. LARYNX.-Cough, with violent titillation in the throat and pressing in the forehead from within outward. CHEST.-Panting breathing. Asthma all one's life, with palpita. tion of the heart and disposition to faint (A).-Chilli.ess ip the lef 708 IMPONDER ABILIA--GALVANISM. side of the chest.-Palpitation of the heart, with fever, or with head. ache, or with oppressive anxiety and bright-red face. Painful quick movement from t\e region of the heart through the chest. BACK.-Creeping in the spine.-Boius in the back and nape of the neck. ARMs.-Frightful pains in the arms and lower limbs.-Jerking or lacerating in the joints of the arms and hands.-Paralysis of the arms. Swelling of one arm. Crusty ulcers on the arms and lower limbs.-Violent jerking in the upper arm.-Trembling of the hands. Swelling of the hand, also red, or sudden.-Feeling of numbness in the tips of the fingers. LEGS.-Sensation in the thigh as if the flesh had become detached from the bone.-Tottering of the knees. Red spots on the skin.Burning of the feet, up to the knees, particularly at night. Trembling and feeling of weariness in the feet. Sense of numbness and distention in the feet, and as if they had gone to sleep. Tingling in the soles of the feet. b. GALVANISM.1 GALV.-Caspari, "Bibliot.," HI. GENERAL SYMPTOMS. -Painful tightness throughout the whole body (c). Slight shakings as in fever and ague (s).-Tetanic spasms. Reappearance of former epileptic spasms.-Fainting. Asphyxia. SKIN.-Scarlet redness on the extremities, chest, and neck, with rash (c). Inflammation and swelling. Scarlet rash over the whole body, except theface. SLEEP.-Drowsiness.-Sleeplessness. FEVER.-Alternation of heat and chilliness, with giddiness, headache, burning in the throat, and difficult breathing (c).-Increased warmth along the back of the nerve in the paralyzed limb. Burning flushes of heat over the whole body (c).-Pulse full and strong (z). Pulse quick, small, contracted (c).-Sour exhalation from the body. MORAL SyYMPTOMs.-Sighing and malaise.-Oppressive anxiety.Ill humor and obstinacy. SENSORIUM.-Dullness of the mind.-Involuntary activity of the mind, with almost entire suppression of the power of the voluntary muscles.-Stupefaction.-Vertigo with flashes before the eyes. Vertigo with deafness. Vertigo with alternation of heat and chilliness. SThe symptoms marked (c) belong to the copper pole; (s) signifies the filver, and (z) the zinc pole. 1MPONDERABILIA-GALVANISM. 70b HEAD.-Catarrhal feeling in the head and nose.-Roaring in the head.-Chronic hydrocephalus. EYES.-Inflammation of the eyes.-Swelling of the eyes.-Styes.Amaurosis. Things appear crooked, larger.-Things appear tremulous, brighter, blackish, or dark-b'ue (z).-Flashes before the eyes. Ball of light before the eyes. EARS.-Inflammation and suppuration of the outer ear.-ODeficiency of ear-wax. Discharge from the hard-hearing ear, first watery, then purulent (z). Ulcers in the ears. Haemorrhage from the ears. -#Deafness. Whizzing and singing in the ears.-Sounds as during hiccough (z).-Sounds as of wind-instruments Roaring, rumbling in the ears. NosE.-Strong pressure in the nose (z). Violent cutting and stinging.-Soreness of the mucous membrane.-Bleeding of the nose.Putrid smell in the nose (s). FACE AND TEETH.-Redness of the face, as from erysipelas. Swelling of the face.-Convulsions of the lips and facial muscles. MOUTH AND THROAT.-Increased secretion of saliva.-Convulsive contraction of the tongue. Heaviness of the tongue, with impeded deglutition. GASTRIC SYMPTOMS.-Sourish taste in the mouth (z).-Metallic taste.--Vomiting of a grass-green liquid (c). ABDOMEN.-Dull colic. Pinching and cutting in the abdomen, as from flatulence, with eructations, emission of flatulence, and diarrhoea. STOOL AND ANUS.- Urging to stool.-Diarrhea with violent vomiting.-Beating and working in the rectum (z). Contraction in the anus.-Increased hspmorrhoidal flux. URINE AND GENITAL ORGANS.-Violent burning in the bladder (z). Violent pains in the region of the bladder.-Increased gonorrhceal discharge.-The menses, which were suppressed, appear. LARYNX AND CHEST.-In tuberculous subjects the tubercles soon became soft and the troublesome cough disappeared.-Asthma (c). Deep, slow, rattling breathing. Great oppression of the chest, with violent anguish, palpitation of the heart, hurried, intermittent pulse, nausea, ptyalism, tightness in the pit of the stomach, and copious secretion of a red, fiery urine. Violent pains in the chest. ARMs.-Rheumatic stiffness of the neck and nape of the neck.Stiffness of the shoulder. Burning and beating of the shoulder, with drawing extending to the fingers.-Drawing pain and tightness in the arm (c). Warmth in the arm (z). Coldness in the arm (0). Tetanic stiffness and languor of the arm.-Burning in the hand. 710 IMPONDERABILIA-MAGNETISMUS. Continued numbness of the fingers. Sensation as if the finger were constricted, as if swollen and inflamed. c. MAGNETISMUS. 1. MAGNES. ARTIFICIALIS.1 MAGNES ART.-See Hahnemann's " Mat. Med. Pura," III.-Duration of Action: from ten days to a fortnight. COMPiAE WITH-Bell., Croc., Elec., Fer.-mag., Galv., Ign., Lye., Magn.-p.-arct., MAagn.-p.-austr., Nux-v., Petrol., Puls., Stram., Sab.,.Teucr., Zinc. ANTIDOTES.-Electr., Ign., Zinc. (imposition of a Zinc plate). GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-Bruised pain in the joints in the morning. Bruised pain of all the joints, or rheumatic pain of the ligaments of the arms and of all the joints of the chest, back, and nape of the neck, during motion and during an expiration. Paralytic pain in all the joints, worse during motion and when standing, accompanied with a drawing and lacerating sensation.-The joints are painful when moving the limbs.-Burning emanations through every part of the body in every direction.-Burning and pricking pains.Heaviness in all the limbs, and palpitation of the heart.-Dull, numb pain.-Drawing and pricking pain, mingled with itching. Shuddering movement through the whole body. The joints are painful when touched.-Paralysis.-Loss of consciousness, with staring eyes, open mouth, almost imperceptible inspiration.-Languor in all the limbs.-Fits of fainting, palpitation of the heart, and suffocation.Insensibility and deadly sopor. SKIN.--Boils.-Corrosive ains in various parts.-Burning stinging pain.-Small pimples on the chest. Extremely itching eruption.Red eruption, red spots. SLEEP.--Sleep disturbed by dreams full of oppression and anxiety, resembling nightmare; headache in the occiput after waking, with asthma, and bruised pain in all the joints, going off after rising and during motion.-Wakeful drowsiness in the night, toward morning, after sunrise the drowsiness increases to a stupor.-Tossing about in the bed during sleep. In the evening, symptoms of a catarrhal fever; the long bones are painful as if bruised; with dull headache causing a cloudiness. FEvER.-Shuddering over the whole body, partly cold, partly burning, and causing an intense pain. Hot and creeping sensation * General symptoms of the Magnet, produced by touching either pole indie~ criminately while handling the Magnet, or by laying the whole of the magnetio surface flat upon the body. IMPONDERADILIA- MAGNETISMUS. 711 in the affected part. Profuse sweat with shuddering.-Fever after midnight.-Disagreeable, troublesome warmth in the whole body, with sweat in the face, without thirst. MORAL SYMPTOMS.-Talks to himself while attending to his business. Excessive exhaustion of the body, with feeling of heat and cold sweat in the face. Hurried zeal. Hurried heedlessness and forgetfulness. Wavering irresoluteness, hurriedness.--Angry and vehement. SENSORIUM.-Vertigo in the evening after lying down. The objects of sight seem to be wavering. HEAD.-Whizzing in the whole head. The head feels confused as when one takes Opium.-Transitory headache. Headache, in the morning, after opening the eyes, as if bruised, going off after rising. Headache, as if felt after catching cold. Headache occasioned by the least chagrin. FACE AND EYES.-Cold hands, with heat in the face, and smarting sensation in the skin of the face. Intolerable burning prickings in the muscles of the face. Burning, lacerating, and sparkling in the eye. Burning, drawing, and constant sparks in the affected eye.-Fiery sparks before the eyes, like shooting stars. Smarting in the eyes in the evening after lying down, as from acrid tears. Itching of the eye-lids and eye-balls. Inflammation of the eye-lids. EARS AND NOSE.-Loud, strong whizzing in one of the ears, accompanied with headache of the same side. Noise as of seething water in the ear. Electric shocks in the ear. Pain in the check and in the ear.-Illusion of smell. TEETH AND JAws.-Painful sensitiveness around the margin of the lips.-Lacerating pain in the periosteum of the upper jaw, coming with a jerk, and extending as far as the orbit.-Darting lacerating pain in the facial bones.-Looseness of the teeth.-Violent grumbling in the teeth, even without any apparent cause. Aching pains of the hollow, carious teeth.-Uniform pain in the roots of the lower incisorcs, as if the teeth were bruised, sore, or corroded. MOUTH AND THROAT.-Shocks in the jaws.-Shock in the teeth with burning. Pain in the submaxillary gland as if swollen. Tensive pain in the submaxillary gland. Ptyalism every evening, with swollen lips.-Swelling of the throat, redness of the face, and increased palpitation of the heart. TASTE AND APPETITE.-Hunger.-Want of appetite. GASTRIC SYMPT.rMS.-Eructations. ABDOMEN.-Pressure in the epigastrium, as from a stone.-Tensive aching and anxious repletion in the epigastrium.-Qualmish sensation 712 IMPONDERABILIA-MAGNETISMU S. and painfulness in the intestines, as if one had taken a resinous carthartzc or.Rhubarb, with painful emission of hot, putrid flatulence Pressure as from hernia. Tensive and burning pain in the epigas. trium and hypogastrium. STOMACL.-Pain as from a bandage over the stomach.-Pressure in the stomach, with cramps in the direction of the upper parts; paleness of the face, and coldness of the body, the pulse being very small, tight, unequal. STooL.-Frequent, but almost unsuccessful urging to diarrhoea in the morning. Diarrhoea without colic. Constipation with headache -Constipation, as if the rectum were constricted. o Violent hamor. rhoidal pain in the anus after stool.-Burning at the anus when sit. ting, as in haemorrhoids. Itching hamorrhoids. Blind haemorrhoids after soft stool.-Prolapsus-recti when going to stool. URINE AND GENITAL ORGANS.-Burning in the bladder, especially in the region of the neck, a few minutes after urinating. Nightly emission of semen.- Want of sexual desire, aversion to an embrace. -Increased metrorrhagia. LARYNx.-Violent, but short-lasting attack of dry cough. Convul. sive cough. Violent fit of cough, with profuse expectoration of blood. CHEST.-Asthma, after midnight. Intolerable burning stitches in the muscles of the side of the chest, toward the back.-Spasmodic cough, with shocks in the chest and anxious breathing, and visible oppression of the chest.-Pricking in the chest, and a cold shuddering burning through the whole body. Violent oppression of the chest, lacerating in the stomach and bowels, and beating in the shoulders. BACK.-Painful stiffness of the cervical vertebrae in the morning, during motion.-Pain in the back when standing or sitting quiet.Burning in the dorsal spine.-Twitching of the muscles of the back. -Burning emanation from the stomach through the abdomen and back. ARMs.-Beating in the top of the shoulder, with sensation as if torn.-Drawing pain in either shoulder, and down the nape of the neck, with b'eating in either arm.-Pulling in the joints and muscles of the arm.-Burning and cutting in the arms and chest, with cold shuddering.-Beating and throbbing in all the joints of the arms and fingers.-Deep-scated pain in the arm, extending as far as the elbow, the arm going to sleep and trembling spasmodically.-Burning in the elbow-joint.-Drawingfrom the head down to the tip. ofthe fngers.Pain in the wrist-joint. LEGS.-Pain as if bruised in the fleshy part of the leg.-Draw.ag IMPONDERABILIA-MAGNETISMUS. 713 from the hips to the feet, leaving a burning along that tract.-Fiery burning in the upper and lower limbs. Painful going to sleep of the thighs and legs when sitting. Pricking from the knee to the feet. Stitches in the leg. 2. MAGNETIS POLUS ARCTICUS. MAGNET. P. ARCT.-North Pole of the Magnet.-See Hahnemann's "Mat Mcd. Pur.," III.-Duration of Action: upwards of ten days. COMPARE WITH-Magnes-art. ANTIDOTES.-See Magnes-art. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-Tensive sensation.-Bruised pain. *Tremulousness through the whole body, especially in the feet. "ONervousness, with trembling, uneasiness in the limbs, great distention of the abdomen, anxiety, solicitude, and great nervous weakness. Sensation of coldness. Drawing in the periosteum of all the bones.Heaviness in single limbs.-Sensation of dryness and tightness in the body, with want of strength.-The faintness, the bruised and painful sensation in the limbs, were worse in the open air. In the morning a general faintness, with a sweat of anguish; want of appetite at dinner; afterwards diarrhoea. SKIN.-Crawling over the skin.-Burning pain in the existing herpes. SLEEP.-Excessive spasmodic yawning, with pain in the articulation of the jaw. Sopor.-Constant drowsiness in the daytime. Deep sleep towards morning, with lascivious and frightful dreams.-Restless sleep.-Frequent waking as if in affright. FEVER.-Chilliness, with yawning, early in the morning. Sensasation of coldness or coolness over the whole body. Shuddering. Cold sweat.-Heat in the face..--In the evening the blood rushes to the head. Heat in one of the cheeks, accompanied with a feeling of internal heat, irritable disposition, and talkativeness. Fiery redness of the face, oppression, stronger pulse.-Fever: frequent flushes of heat in the afternoon, only in the head, with a red, hot face.-Flush of humid warmth over the whole body. MORAL SYMPTOMS.-Out of humor and weary. Sadness.-Indoleqt fancy.--Indolent mind.--Anxious, desponding, inconsolable, self. reproaching mood.-Despondency. HEAD.-Headache, consisting of a sore and bruised pain in the surface of the brain. The head feels bruised and as if dashed to pieces. -Sensation as if the head were pressed dozon by a load.-Disagreeable, compressive sensation in the head. Headache, especially when raising or moving the eyes.-Tensive sensation in the brain behind 714 IMPONDERABILIA-MAGNETISMUS. the forehead. Headache, as if the temples were pressed asunder, Violent headache the whole afternoon, as if the brain were pressed asunder. Rush of blood to the head, and suffusion of heat in the cheeks. Tubercles on the hairy scalp, painful when touched. EYEs.-The eyes protrude. Staring look. Jerking and drawing in the eye-lids. Drawing in the eye-lids with lachrymation. Sensa tion as of sand in the eye.-Burning in the weak eye; it becomes red and filled with water. Coldness of the eye. Pricking sensation in the eye.- Uneasy motion of the eye.-Sensation as of a cobweb in front of the eyes. EARS.-- W7iizzing and a drawing sensation in the ear.-Tight ness of the tympanum. NosE.-Illusion of smell.-Violent bleeding at the nose.-Sore pain in the nostrils. Redness and heat of the tip of the nose, followed by hot, red, circumscribed spots on the cheeks. FACE.-Intensely-painful tightness in the face, extending as far as the tonsils. Suffusion of heat in the cheeks, with rush of blood to the head. JAWS AND TEETH.-Crushing-aching, or pinching pain in the submaxillary glands. Lacerating pain in the cervical muscles, as if too weary.-Painful drawing in the articulation of the lower jaw when moving it.--#Toothache, as if the tooth would be torn out, worse after a meal, and when sitting or lying down, improving when walking.-- *Toothache in the direction of the eye, with swollen inflamed gums and a red and burning cheek.- Throbbing in the hollow teeth (immediately), -followed by a pressure in the tooth, with drawing in the temples.-*Throbbing in the tooth, with burning in the gums, and swollen, red, hot cheeks, with burning pain and beating in the cheeks, in the afternoon.-*The toothache ceases when walking in the open air, and returns in the room.-*Aching in the hollow teeth, with swelling of one side of the face.-~Toothache with jerks through the periosteum of the jaw, the pain being a darting-aching digging-lacerating, or burning-stinging pain. OThe toothache is worse after eating and in a warm room.-*Swelling of the gums of a hollow tooth, painful wheu touched. MoUTH.-OPain of the incisbres on inspiring air. Toothache when eating, the teeth feel loose. APPETITE AND GASTRIC SYMPTOMS.-Long-continued rancid heartburn.-Sourish taste in the morning.-Frequent eructations of mere air.-Acidity of the stomach.-Tongue coated and covered with mucus.-Stomach feels as if deranged; food weighs heavily in his stomach. IMPONDERABIL1A-iMAGNETISMUS. 715 STOMACH AND ABDOMEN.-Pressure in the abdomen asfrom a stone. Sudden griping in the pit of the stomach. Drawing in the pit of the stomach.-Drawing pain in the abdomen.-Warmth in the umbilical region.-Coldness in the abdomen.-Spasmodic contractive sensation in the hypogastrium.-Flatulent colic.-Continuous aching-pinching pain in the whole hypogastric region.-Violent colic at night.-Gurgling in the abdomen.-Relazed condition of the abdominal ring, when walking.-olnguinal hernia. SToov.-Drawing, almost dysenteric pain in the hypogastrium. Stool with blood. Sharp pressure in the rectum. Stingzng pinching in the rectum. Aching pressing pain in the rectum. URINE AND GENITAL ORGANS.-Dark urine.-Nightly and involuntary emission. Sharp drawing and cutting in the testicles. RESPIRATORY ORGANS AND CHEsT.-Racking and spasmodic cough while falling asleep, hindering sleep.-Suffocative spasmodic cough about midnight.-Unceasing (not titillating) irritation, inducing cough. Momentary violent turns of cough.-Sudden oppression of the chest, with anxiety.-Burning stitches in the region of the heart.-Pressure in the region of the heart. Crampy contractive pain through the chest. Anxiety and qualmishness about the chest. BACK AND ARMs.-Pain as if bruised in the middle of the spine.Gurgling and creeping sensation between the scapula.-Pain as if bruised in the left shoulderjoint. Trembling of the arm.-Cramplike sensation in the arm.-Sensation of stiffness in the elbow-joint. Heaviness in the upper limbs.--Violent coldness in the arm.-Prickling pain in the arms as far as the shoulder.- Trembling of the hand. -Pain in the finger-joints. The fingers go to sleep. LEGS.--Bruised pain in the hip-joints, aggravated by contact.Burning pulsative stitches in the calf.-Great languor of the lower limbs. Weariness and numbness of the lower limbs. Excessive weakness of the lower limbs, when walking.-Sore pain in the heel. 3. MAGNETIS POLUS AUSTRALIS. MAGNET. P. AUST.-South Pole of the Magnet.-See Hahnemann's "Mat. Med. Pur.," III. COMPARE WITH-Magnet.-p.-arct. ANTIDOTEs.-See Magnet.-p.-arct. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-A sort of anxiety in the limbs (immediately). Pinching in the flesh. Pinching and squeezing in various parts of the body. Pain in the limbs, as is felt when growing too rapidly. Darting pains here and there.-Jerking sensation in every part of the body. Stinging-burning pains. Bruised pain 716 IMPONDERABITLIA-MAGNETISMUS. in all the limbs. Bruised pain in all the joints, early in the morning. -Stiffness of the joints.-Cracking of the joints during motion.Lightness of the whole body. Laziness and heaviness of the whole body, a feeling of anxiety, as if threatened with paralysis. Great rush of blood to the brain. SKIN.-Corrosive itching. Itching stinging, lacerating, in the evening, when in bed. SLEEP.-Frequent yawning. Sleepless and wakeful. Restless sleep with loud talking and dreams. Unusual beating in the region of the heart. FEVER.-Sensation like those preceding fever and ague. Shaking chilliness.-Feeling of coldness all over, &c., without being actually cold.-Internal coldness in the affected part.-(Wakes in the morning with a violent headache, heat, and alternate chilliness.)Increase of internal warmth, without thirst.-General sweat in the night.-Great aversion to the open air.-Small, scarcely-perceptible pulse. Uncomfortable, unusual warmth, accompanied with a peevish mood. Flush of heat from one part of the body to the other.-Sensation as if the blood were jumping in the veins. MORAL SYMPTOMS.-Want of cheerfulness. Despondency. Great discouragement. Taciturn. Violent anger.-Wild, vehement, rude. Great quickness of fancy. SENSORIUM.-Unsteadiness of the mind.- Vertigo as if intoxicated. HEAD.-Rush of blood to the head. Heaviness of the head.-Fine crawling in the brain.-Shocks in either temple. Lacerating in the face. Pressure in the occiput.-Headache, pressure on the top of the head, or in either temple. Sharp, pointed, aching pain in the side of the head, with pressure from within outward. Simple and tensive pain over the whole brain.-Jerkings in the head. Spasmodic contractive headache in the region between the eye-brows. FACE AND EYES.-Sensation as if cold air were blowing upon the body. Watery eyes. Erosive pain.-Painful smarting dryness of the eye-lids.-Swelling of the meibomian glands. Smarting in the inner canthls.-The skin around the eyes is sore. Beating and itching in the eye.-IDeficient sight. Faintish sort of cloudiness. EARS.-Roaring in the ears. Sensation as of the whizzing of the wind in the ears.--(Inflammation of the outer ear.) Occasional stitches and ringing in the ear. JAWS AND TEETH.-Pain of the submaxillary gland, as if swollen. -Toothache, aggravated by warm drink. MOUTH AND THROAT.--Sensation of swelling in the tongue, and IMPONDERABLIA.-MAGNETISMUS. 717 heat in the organs of speech.-Sore feeling in the throat during, and between the acts of deglutition. Burning in the pLharynx. TASTE AND GASTRIC SYMPTOMS.-Indifference to food.-Metallio taste, partly sweetish, partly sourish.- Canine hunger.-Inclination to vomit. Fits of nausea when stooping forward. Eructations of mere air. STOMACH AND ABDOMEN.-Pain in the stomach, as when one presses upon a bruised spot. Violent aching pain in the pit of the stomach. -Loud rumbling in the abdomen. Flatulent colic at night.-Draw. ing pain in the right side of the abdomen, scarcely permitting him to walk.-Lacerating colic occasioned by walking, and appeased by sitting. Distended abdomen. Feeling of repletion in the abdomen. STooL.-(Frequent desire for stool, causing nausea.)-Cutting in the abdomen, with chilliness, followed by diarrhoea. Involuntary discharge of thin stool. Itching of a haemorrhoidal tumor at the anus. GENITAL AND URINARY ORGANS.-Incontinence of urine.-Smartingpainin the fore part of the urethra. Drawing in the spermatic cord. -Jerking in the spermatic cord. Lacerating in the spermatic cord. -Lacerating, strangulating jerks in the testicles.-The glans is red and inflamed, with itching and tension. Nocturnal emission. Violent excitement of the sexual desire. Impotence. Derangement of the menses, appearing early or late. RESPIRATORY ORGANS AND CHEST.-Coryza, and cough with expectoration of green mucus, and short breath. Deep inspiration, resembling a kind of sobbing, and accompanied with involuntary deglutition. Shortness of breathing in the pit of the stomach.Oppression of the chest, as if the breathing were tremulous. Pain in both sides of the sternum, consisting in pressure and drawing, with an anguish.-Palpitation of the heart. Sharp stitch in the right chest, arresting the breathing.-Aching pain in the chest, afternoon and evening. BACK AND ARMs.-Pinching in the muscles of the back. Gnawing and smarting in the back.-Aching, and at the same time burning pain in the small of the back, during rest and motion.-Dull stitches in the small of the back.-Intolerable pain, as if bruised.Quick, painful jerking, in the arms, from above downward.-Sense of fullness in the arm.-Painful stiffness in the elbow-joint. Drawing paralytic pain. Pain in the arms, as if the blood had been "arrested.-Stiffness of the elbow-joints. Sensation in the arm as if it had been asleep.-Painful drawing in the fingers, and finger-joints. LEGS.-Paralytic and bruised pain in the hip-joints. Drawing, 718 INDIGO. tith pressure, in the muscles of the thighs.-Stinging itching in the thigh. Beating and jerking, the limbs being convulsively contracted. -Lacerating with pressure in the patella. The knees give way in walking. Compound pain in the knee, aching and lacerating. Cramp-pain.-Beating in the muscles of the legs. Cramp-like draw. ing pain in the calves. Pain as if sprained in the tarsal-joint.-Sen. sation in the feet as if they had been frozen. 146.-INDIGO. IND.-Common Indigo.-See Noack and Trinks. COMPARE WITH-Nux-v., Lye., Tongo, Ign. ANTIDOTES.-Op.?? GENERAL SYMPTOMS.--Darting and lacerating in the whole body, afternoon and evening.-Stinging of various kinds. Darting. Stitches, going and coming like the pulse. Burning stitches. Drawing stitches.-Lacerating. Gnawing lacerating. Boring-gnawing lacerating. Darting lacerating.-Lacerating with pressure (teeth). Drawing, simple or jerking, or else terminating with a jerk. Drawing sensation from below upwards. Contractive sensation.--Pulsations. Gurgling.-Boring.-Gnawing.-Cutting. Lancinations. -Tension.--Pressure.-Bruised pain. Pain as from a shock. Prickling, tingling, tickling, and itching. Excessive itching of various parts of the body, preceded by a dull headache in the evening. -Burning.-Bone-pains.-Pains in the joints.-Jerking and twitch. ing. Slight convulsions.-Subsultus-tendinum of every extremity, also of the hypogastric region and of the inner side of the thighs.Violent disturbances of the sensus-communis. Illusory sensations. -Excessive nervous irritation.-Great languor and weariness, indolence, and prostrate feeling, particularly in the lower limbs, in the daytime, evening, and even after going to bed. Languor of the hands and feet, as if paralyzed by blows. Weak feeling in the limbs. --Unusually slight weariness after dinner.-Hlemorrhage. CHARACTERISTIC PECULIARITIES.-The pains are characterized by great intensity, are worst during rest and when sitting, and can frequently either be entirely suppressed by rubbing and pressure or by motion, or alleviated so as to reappear with less intensity.--The majority of the vains come on or are aggravated in the afternoon and evening. SKIN.-Itching of the skin, particularly in the face, with small INDIGO. 719 blisters, particularly on the left side of the face, from the forehead to the neck.-The face and body are covered with pimples. SLEEP.-Frequent yawning and great drowsiness.-Restless sleep. - Wakes very early, with a feeling of malaise and oppression in the epigastrium, great irritability of the senses, headache, and languor.Waking in the night with a start, as in affright.-Muttering during sleep.-Dreams occasioning anxiety and causing one to start. FEVER.-Coldness after rising in the morning, or before going to bed.-Chilliness over the whole body, with violent headache.Chilliness, constant desire to urinate, turbid urine, great weariness, and feeling of malaise.- -Slight febrile shiverings.-Oppression, anguish, rapid circulation, and short-lasting congestion to the head. -Great heat, particularly in the face, great anguish, increased secretion of urine, itching in all the limbs, nightly restlessness, quiet but not sound or refreshing sleep in the morning.-Blue sweat.-Spasmodic pulse of 76 beats. MORAL SYMPTOMS.-Excited mood and desire to be busy.-Cheerful.-Depressed, sad, taciturn.-Melancholy. 1 Slight mental derangement and convulsions. HEAD.-Excessive giddiness with headache.-Sensation of dullness and heaviness in the head during motion, in the forenoon.-Heaviness in the head, as from a heavy load on the vertex, when stooping. *Constant pain in the sinciput, attended with an aching pain in the right hypochondrium.-Feeling of pressure in the head.-Compressive pain.-Headache with redness and heat of the face.-Undulating sensation through the whole head. Beiating in the whole head. Beating at times in the bones of the skull. Violent darting pain in the head.-Beating with painful stinging in the occiput. -Stinging in the upper part of the head, deep in the brain. Severe lacerating pain in the head. Lacerating in the fore part of the forehead, with drowsiness and languor, in the evening.-Painful drawing in the upper and outer parts of the head. EYES.-Violent jerking and twzitching above and in the lids.Weakness of the eyes, as if they would close involuntarily.-Inflam mation of the meibomian glands of the lower lid, attended with slight headache, toothache, roaring in the ears, and humming in the forehead.-Pressure in the eye. EARS.-Violent painful lacerating before and behind the ears.Painful stinging about the ear, extending towards the temple and the 'According to Rush and Esquirol, the dyers in Indigo become melancholy, those in scarlet vehement 720 INDIGO. lower jaw.-Violent boring pain deep in the ear.-Pressure and roar. ing in the ear.-Spasm in the parotid gland. NosE.-Lacerating cuttings in the bones and cartilages of the nose. Great irritation in the root of the nose. Stoppage of the nose.Bleeding of the nose, with failing of sight, in the afternoon.-Ex. cessive continued sneezing, succeeded by a violent bleeding. FACE.-Frequent determination of blood to the face, with burning of the cheeks.-Pain in the malar bone around the orbits.-Boring, lacerating, and stinging pain in the bones of the face. Boring-jerking pains from the temple to the lower maxillary bone.-Laceratings in the chin. TEETH.-Aching, lacerating pain in the upper teeth, particularly the molares.--Gnawing pain in the malar bones and in the lower jaw, shifting to the teeth, going off by pressing the teeth together.Stinging in the roots of the upper teeth.-Violent lacerating in the submaxillary gland, extending to the teeth. MoUTH.-Vesicles, and burning on the tip of the tongue.-Numbness of the whole inner mouth.-Accumulation of water, and copious secretion of saliva.-Spitting of bloody saliva. THRoAT.-Swelling of the tonsils.-Contractive sensation in the anterior and outer parts of the neck.-Scraping in the fauces. APPETITE.-Diminished appetite, without aversion to food.-Loss of appetite, with eructations.-Sensation as of fasting in the stomach. -Great appetite. Nausea and hiccough after a meal. STOMACH.-Nausea, with flatulence. Nausea, eructations, repeated inclination to vomit, and rumbling in the stomach.-Constant inclination to cructate and disagreeable feeling in the stomach.-Frequent eructations, empty, sour, bitter, tasting like ink.-Hiccough.- Vomiting of mucus, with violent nausea, of glue-like mucus. Retching and vomiting of watery fluid.-Sensation in the cesophagus resembling heartburn.-Fasting sensation in the stomach.-Motions to and fro in the stomach, with burning.-Violent cutting in the stomach, accompanied with violent flatulency. Sudden cutting and pressure in the stomach.-Feeling of slight pressure in the stomach.--Violent pains in the stomach. ABDOMEN.--Tingling pain in the pit of the stomach.-Pain in the epigastrium, with nausea and anxiety.-Painful tension across the epigastrium, succeeded by pinching, hard, and then liquid stool.-- Frequent colic, violent and painful spasms of the muscular fibres of the intestines, and convulsive motions of the stomach.-Violent cutting pains in the umbilical region.-Violent colic, with flatulence and urging to stool. Painful pinching in the whole abdomen, urging to INDIGO. 721 stool, and copious discharge of a half-liquid stool.-Darting lancination and pinching in the groin. STOOL.--Urging to stool, liqutd stool, flatulence, chilly creeping over the skin, and coldness of the hands.-Soft and afterwards liquid stool, with violent pressing.-Repeated evacuations succeeded by tenesmus.-Diarrhea, accompanied with slight colic and pinching in the abdomen, passing off after an evacuation. Diarrhaa frequently accompanied by colic, the stools watery black-blue.-Blue, clay-like stools. URINE.-Colica-renalis.- Stinging in. the urethra.-Violent and frequent desire to urinate, day and night, with burning in the fundus of the bladder, pressure in the abdomen, and painful emission of a slight quantity of turbid urine, during every micturition.-Increased emission of turbid very slimy urine, without thirst, attended with violent contraction of the urethra and pain in the region of the bladdcr.-Burning emission of urine. MALE GENITAL ORGANs.-Depressed sexual instinct FEMALE GENITAL ORGANS.-The menses appear too early.-Boring in the mammae. LARYNx.-Profuse expectoration of mucus, from the bronchi and trachea.-Clawing pain in the trachea, gradually descending into the finest bronchial ramifications, inducing cough with expectoration of small balls of tenacious mucus.-Violent cough inducing vomiting, or suffocative cough, before and after going to bed, also at night, or early in the morning after rising. CHEST.-Pain in the sternum as from a shock.-Drawing and cutting in the chest.-Oppression of breathing, resembling a spasm of the chest, and pressure at the stomach.-Gurgling and grumbling in the chest, during every inspiration.-Tensive pain in the region of the heart.-Palpitation of the heart and undulating sensation in the head, with heat, during a rapid walk. BACK.-Stitch between the scapulm.-Drawing-lancinating pains. ARMs.-Languor of the arms.-Lacerating and stinging in the arms and shoulders.-Violent throbbing in the elbow-joint.-Gnawing pain in the elbow-joint.-Painful jerking drawing.-Rheumatic pain in the fore-arm.-Lacerating pain in the dorsum of the hand.-- Shootings in the dorsum of the hand and in the posterior joints of the fingers. Stinging in the wrist-joint on moving it.-Swelling of the veins of the hands. LEGs.-Great languor of the lower limbs, in the evening.Bruised pain in the middle of the thighs, in the evening.-Drawing bone-pain in the knee-joint.-Lacerating in the knee.-Boring pain 31 722 IPECACUANHA. in the knee-joint when sitting.-Continual weariness in the knee.-. Heaviness in the leg, in the region of the ankles, with contractive sensation in the leg from below upwards.-Sudden excessive pains in the sole of the foot. 147.-IPECACUANHA. IPEC.-Sec Hahnemann's "Mat. Med. Pur.," III.-Duration of Action: from two hours to several days. COMPARE WITH-Acon., Alum., Ambr., Am., Ars., Bell., Cale., Canth., Carb-v., Caust., Cham., Chin., Cina, Cocc., Croc., Cupr., Dros., Dulc., Fer., Ign., Lauroc., Lye., Nux-v, Op., Phosph., Puls., Sab.. Sep., Sulph., Tab., Tart., Verat. -Ipee. is frequently suitable after: Aeon., Ars., Ara., Verat.-After Ipec. are frequently suitable: Arm., Ars., Chin., Cocce., Ign., Nux-v. ANTIDOTES.-Of large doses: the tincture of Galls.-Of small doses: Arn., Ars., Chin., Nux-v.--Ipcc. antidotes Op. (30, 40, to.60 drops of the strong tincture of Ipec.), Alum, Ant.-tart., Ars., Cham., Chin., Cupr., Dulc., Fer., Laurbe., Tab. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-Drawing pain in the humerus and femur in the evening after lying down. Cracking in the joints. Bruised pain in all the bones. Pain in the joints as when the limbs go to sleep.-Emprosthotonos and opisthotonos. The body of the child is stretched stiff.-Rigid stretching of the whole body, followed by a spasmodic jerking of the arms towards one another. SKIN.-Pricking pains in different parts of the body, excited by motion, and terminating in burning pains. ORash of lying-in females. -~Suppressed rash. SLEEP.-Drowsiness.-Sleep full of restlessness and moaning. Starting during sleep.-Sleep interrupted by frequent waking and frightful dreams. Anxiety in the blood in the morning on waking. -Moaning fearfulness when asleep. FEVER.-Shuddering with yawning. Chilliness, he is unable to bear the least warmth.-Excessive sensitiveness to cold and warmth. -Hands and feet are icy cold and dripping with cold sweat. External coldness and internal heat. *Towards four o'clock in the afternoon sudden attack of heat. Feeling of heat in the afternoon and evening, almost like a burning in the head and cheeks, without thirst. Aight-sweat. MORAL SYMPToMs.-Taciturn ill-humor.-Peevish humor. OAnguish and dread of death.-Extreme impatience.-The least noise irritates him. SENsoRIuM.-Vertigo, with momentary vanishing of thought. HEAD.-Short paroxysms of fine and violently-stinging pains in the head, increasing to an aching. Stinging headache and heaviness of IPECACUANHA. 723 the head, alsc with drowsiness.-Lacerating pain in the forehead, excited and aggravated by feeling the heart, or by stooping.-Lacerating headache, from morning till noon.-Headache as if the brain and skull were bruised, penetrating through all the bones down to the root of the tongue, with nausea. *Achingpain in the head.-(Constriotive headache in the temple, and over the orbit of the eye.) Tensive headache, in the occiput and nape of the neck, extending-as far as the shoulders.-Du/l drawing in the head, to and fro. Pain of the occiput and nape of the neck, excited by moving the head. EYES.-Dry lids, with drowsiness.-Red inflamed eyes. EARs.-Aching pain. OColdness and chilliness of the ears, during the febrile heat. NOSE.-Bleeding of the nose.-Loss of smell.-Frequent sneezing. --Coryza, Owith stoppage of the nose, -or with drawing in all the limbs. FACE.--Pale, bloated, Oor livid, yellowish face. Pale face, with blue margins around the eyes, and great weakness, as after a long and severe illness.-0 Convulsive movements of the facial muscles. The lips are covered with aphthae and eruption.-ORed skin around the mouth. *Rash in the face. TEETH.-Pain in the teeth as if they would be torn out, in paroxysms. MOUTH AND THROAT.-The mouth feels intensely painfil.--Smarting sensation in the edge of the tongue.-Copious secretion of saliva. oYellowish or white coating of the tongue.-Pain when swallowing, as if the pharynx were swollen. Difficult deglutition. Pain in the fauces as if too dry, rough, and sore. Spasmodic contractive sensation in the throat and in the chest. APPETITE AND GASTRIC SYMPTOMS.-OSweet taste as of blood. ~Bitter taste in the morning. oAversion to food. oDesire for dainties.-Inclination to vomit and vomiting. Qualmishness. Nausca and effort to vomit. Qualmishness in the abdomen, with incipient colic. *Nausea, as if proceeding from the stomach, with empty eructations and accumulation of a quantity of saliva. Nausea with heaviness in the abdomen.-- Empty retching, particularly after a cold drink, and after smoking.-T Vomiting of the ingesta, -when stooping, without any previous eructations. Vomiting of yellow mucus. * Vomit. ing of large quantities of mucus. Vomiting of green, jelly-like mucus. -~oVomiting of black, pitch-like substances. STOMACH.-Sensation of emptiness and relaxation of the stomach. Excessive sick feeling in the region of the stomach. Horrid pains in the stomach. Dull sticking pain in the pit of the stomach. pi 2 4 IPECAC U.:''T~yITA. ABDomEN.-Uneasiness in the abdomen. Contractive sensation below the short ribs. OColic of children, with uneasiness, screams, a-nd tossing about. Sensation of excessive distention of the abdomen -.*FlatulenLt colic, 0owith frequent diarrhoeic stools. *&r *png, pinch. ing in the abdomen, as ýf one were grasping with the hands, alleviated by rest, but excited by motion.-Cutting pain around the um-. bilicus, with shuddering.-Cutting colic around the umbilicus, as if the catamenia would appear, with chilliness and coldness of the body, accompanied with rising of internal heat to the head. Lacerating colic above the umbilicus.-Priceking colic, with burning and sting, ing in the rectum, and desire for stool.-OPain as from soreness in the abdomen.-0Enteritis. 7. STOOL.-*Stool green as grass.-Lemon-colored stool. *Diarrhmic stools having the appearance of being fermented. Fetid stools. Stool covered with red, bloody mucus. Frequent liquid diarrhcea, with qualmishness in the abdomen. *Diarrhoea. *Bloody stool.-Sting. ing, cutting, burning pain in the mi~rgin of the anus, as in inveterate hoemorrhoids.-Creeping in the anuis as of ascarides. URINE.-~.*Bloody urine. 0Also after suppression of itch, with cutting in the abdomen and urethra. Frequent desire to urinate, with scanty emission. Turbid urine with brick-dust sediment. GENITAL OR1GANs.-Writhing drawing pain in the testicles. Press. ing towards the uterus and anus, Suppression of the menstrual discharge towards the end. Metrorrhagria. LARYNx.-*Rattling noise in the bronchia'l tubes, when drawving breath. *Suffocative cough. *Dry cough produced by a titillation in the upper part of the larynx. * Cougah occasioned by a contractive titillating sensation in the throat, extending from the upper part of the larynx to the lowest part of the bronchial tubes. nAlso when lying on the left side. Cough, continuing without an interruption after walking in the cold air and when lying down, morning and evening, excited by a deep inspiration; accompanied with a colic. *llce. moptysis,, 0occasioned by the least cifort. Cough towards eve-ning, continuing for one houir, suffocating, fatiguing, exhausting. Pain in the abdomen when coughing, like pressure on the bladder.-Cough occasions an inclination to vomit without nausea. Beating pain in the head and pit of the stomach after coughing. CuIESr.-*Asthma.-Evening asthma.-~*Spasmodic asthma, with violent contraction in the throat and chest. -*Contraction of the c/hest with& short and panting breathing. 00ppression of the chest in the forenoon, and short breathing, as if inhaling dust.-0Spasms of the chest from the vapor of copper and arsenic.-Soreuess in the chest JALAPA.--JATROPHA CURCAS. 792o Palpitation of the heart, without anxiety. ORed itching spots on the chest, burning after scratching. ARMS, LEGS, AND BACK.-Opisthotonos and emprosthotonos.Cramp-pain during motion between the scapulce.-OSwelling and suppuration in the throat-pit. OSensation as if the femur would be dislocated, on sitting down. Pain in the knee as if the tendons and ligaments had been wearied by fatigue.-Weariness of the lower limbs. OConvulsive twitching of the lower limbs and feet. ONightly cramp in the thighs.-Ulcers on the foot, with a black base. 148.-JALAPA. JAL.-See Noack and Trinks. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-Weakness.-Fainting fits.-Excessive uneasiness and tossing about of the limbs.-The temperature of the body decreases.-The number of pulsations diminishes.-Febrile attacks.-Violent headache.-Humming in the ears. DIGESTIVE APPARATUS.-Stinging on the tongue and in the fauces. -Loathing and vomiting.-Colic; violent seated pains in the lesser intestines, as if the abdomen would be cut to pieces.-Inflammation of the bowels.-Violent excessive evacuations.-Bloody stools.Soreness of the anus. ARMS AND LEGS.-Pain in the thighs. 149.-JATROPHA CURCAS. - 'R.-Semina Ricini Majoris, Ficus Infernalis, Nux Barbadensis. -The Angular-leaved Physic Nut. Barbadoes Nut. COMPARE WITH-Croton-oil. ANTIDOTES.-Croton-oil, Camph. MORAL SYMPTOMS.-Taciturn. HEAD.-Heat in the head and some coryza. DIGESTIVE APPARATUS.-Rheumatic drawing in decayed teeth.Acrid sensation in the pharynx, gradually spreading to the stomach with greater intensity, and finally occasioning vomiting.-Metallic bloody taste in the mouth, with frequent spitting.-Loathing, nausea, disagreeable burning sensation in the stomach and oesophagus, violent vomiting and purging, with rush of blood to the head.-Anxiety, with burning at the stomach, easy vomiting of a large quantity of watery substances resembling the white of an egg, attended with diarrhoea accompanied by anguish, coldr.ess of the body, viscid sweat, violent 726 JODIUM. cramp-pains in the lower limbs. - Violent excessive evaczations, upwuards and downzoards, attended with complete prostration.-In. creased evacuations.-Violent urging early in the morning, as if a diarrhoeic stool would come on, followed by violent burning at the rectum.-Violent burning of the ascarides in the rectum, in the even. ing.-Violent itching of the orifice of the anus, at night, LEGS.-Rheumatic drawing in the foot. 150.-JODIUM. IOD.--Iodine.-See Hahnemann's " Chronic Diseases," IV.-Duration of Action: six weeks. COMPARE WITH-Ars., Caust., Chin., Cocc., Coff., Con., Cupr., Dig., Hep.-s., Mere., Phosph., Rhus, Sab., Spong., Squil., Sulph., Verat. ANTIDOTES.-Of large doses: Starch boiled to a thin glue by means of a large quantity of water, and given to the patient in large quantity; or, in case of necessity, sugar-water, milk, especially asses' milk; tepid baths; Sulphur baths; Mere. and Ars., frequent walks in the open air; Op., Hyos. (in case of endogastritis, brought on by abuse of Iodine): Grat.-Altschul says he has cured an Iodine cachexia with Iod., 30, two pellets.-Antidotes of small doses: Ant., Ars., Camph., Chin., Chin.-sulph., Coff., Hcp.-s., Op., Phosph., Spong.lod. is especially useful after, or in alternation with Mere. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-Erratic pains in the joints. *Lacerat. ing in the limbs, particularly the joints.-Rheumatic pains in the trunk, neck, and arms. Numb feeling in the thighs and legs. Numb feeling and trembling in the limbs.-Paralysis of the limbs.-Liability to take cold, bringing on ophthalmia. Pulsations in all the arteries, at every muscular effort. Seething of the arterial system, with dullness of the head and subsequent headache. The circulation is easily excited and accelerated. Erethism of the vascular system, especially the veins. Inclination to hremorrhage. Hemorrhage from different organs.-Great irritation of the nervous system. Increased sensibility of the whole body. Uneasiness in all the limbs. Uneasiness and nervousness, with trembling extending from the region of the stomach to every part of the periphery, as if he would tremble, or sweat all over, with an increase of warmth all over, as if coming from tho stomach; afterwards pressure in the region of the heart, heaviness on the chest, with difficult breathing, and acceleration of the pulse by 7 or 9 beats.-Trembling of the limbs, especially the hands.Spasms. Convulsions of the limbs and face, with anguish, oppressive fear, palpitation of the heart, vomiting, violent headache, spasmodio fits with foam at the mouth.-Subsudtus-tendinum in the arms, fingers, and feet.-Catching at flocks.-A kind of Asiatic cholera. Difficult, vacillating gait, from trembling of the limbs. Heaviness of the limbs, JODIUM. 72T7 early in the morning. Complete prostration of strength. Inclination to fainting fits and spasms. General emaciation. Excessive emaciation. Chronic emaciation, pale face, and muscular weakness. Nervous consumption. Emaciation with hectic fever.--~Curvature of the bones. CHARACTERISTIC. PECULIARITIES.-The pains are aggravated in the morning and night, particularly by movement (walking,-riding in a carriage), by contact and pressure, also in the warm open air and by warmth generally. SKIN.-Stinging itching in different parts of the body. Sensation as of violent flea-bites over the whole body, day and night. Small, red, dry pimples on the arms, chest, and back. Dirty-yellow color of the skin. *Rough, dry skin. *Glandular indurations. ODisappearance of single glandular swellings in. the nape of the neck, axilla, and groin. oDisappearance of a fungus-articularis consequent on measles.-*Herpes.?-(Edematous, dropsical swelling.-Anasarca. Thickening of the epidermis, which becomes brown-red, with a pain which is at times light, drawing, or burning.'-Profuse papulous eruption.-Eruption like scarlet-rash.-Furunculous cutaneous eruption.-Redness on the neck and chest, as if ecchymozed. SLEEP.-No desire for sleep.-Restless sleep, with anxious dreams. Sleeplessness.-Sleep full of dreams. FEVER.-Cold feet at night. Cold skin.-Increased warmth of the skin.-Fever; chills alternating with flushes of heat. Feverish sensations. Fever with delirium, and subsultus-tendinum. Fever with dryness and coldness of the skin, soft, quick pulse, delirium, subsultus-tendinum, and picking at flocks. Quartanfever.-Pulse strong, large, and full. Quick, hard pulse. Accelerated, increased pulse. Increased, full, hard pulse. Small, wiry, accelerated pulse. Small, hard pulse, and so quick that it was scarcely possible to count the beats. Small, very frequent, compressed pulse.-*Night-sweat.Fever, with dry, cold skin, soft, quick pulse, delirium, subsultustendinum, picking at flocks.-Violent fever with all the symptoms of typhus-intestinalis.-Violent cholera. MORAL SYMPTOMS.-Despondency.-Sad, melancholy mood. Hypochondriac mood. Continued disposition to weep. Anguish.-Anxiety. Impatient. Aversion to work. Increased sensitiveness and irritability. Excessive nervous irritation. Illusory feeling.-Delirium. Fixed, immovable thoughts. HEAD.-Dullness of the head, with great disinclination to serious 1From the external application. 728 JODIUM. labor. Dullness of the head, becoming an oppressive pain.--Head ache, so violent that it makes him almost crazy.-Pain in the forehead and top of the head, increasing at every noise or conversation. Headache as if a band were tied round the head.-Headache in the forehead; the brain feels bruised and is extremely sensitive; the whole body, and especially the arms, are weak and feel paralyzed.Aching above the eyes, towards evening. Violent aching at the base of the occiput in the afternoon.-Aching and sometimes lancinating headache.-*Throbbing in the head at every motion. Congestion of blood to the head.-Pain in-the forehead, as from subcutaneous ulceration. Falling off of the hair. EYES.-Pain in the orbits. Pressure in the eyes as from sand.Redness and swelling of the eye-lids, with nightly agglutination. ~Soreness of the eyes. Inflamed eyes. Watery white swelling of the eye-lids.-Lachrymnation.-Twitchings of the eyes. Pale-red furuncle of the size of a hazel-nut on the right eye-brow.-Dilatation of the pupils with constant motion of the eye-balls. Obscuration of sight. Weak sight. Occasional twinkling before the eyes. Sparks before the eyes. Fiery curved rays are shooting downwards. EARs.-Dragging pain in the left ear. Sensitiveness to noise. *Hardness cf hearing. Frequent din in the right ear as of a mill. oBuzzing in the ears. Movable painful lymphatic swelling in front of the right ear. NosE.-Red, burning spot on the nose, under the eye. Profutse bleeding of the nose.-Dry coryza, becoming fluent in the open air. FACE.-Pale face. Yellow complexion. O The yellow complexion becomes more pale.-The features become di.sigured, altered.-Sunken eyes.-Convulsive twitchings of the facial muscles.-Suppurating ulcer on the cheek with swelling of the surrounding glands. TEETH AND JAWS.-Painless swelling of the submaxillary glands. Toothache in alternate places, in the molar teeth, on both sides.Cutting drawing and so're feeling in the roots or the gums of the lower incisores.-Pain, as from looseness, in the teeth and gums, when eating.-The gums are painful to the touch. Inflammatzon and swelling of the gums. Bleeding of the gums. OThe gums are puffed up. MOUTH. - Aphthev in the mouth, with ptyalism. OMercurial ptyalism. Smarting and sensatzon as of pulling in the tonsils.Putrid smell from the mouth.-Troublesome dryness of the tongue *Tongue thickly coated. Swelling and elongation of the uvula. Ulceration in the mouth, redness, interstitial distention of the gums, standing off of the gums, with slight bleeding, small, ash-colored painful ulcers, with profuse fetid ptyalism. JODIUM. 729 THROAT.-Constrictive sensation in the fauces. Tormenting con. striction of the throat.-Feeling of fullness in the throat. Pain in the aesophagus, increased by pressing on the larynx. Lacerating in the throat, above the larynx.-Disagreeable scraping in the fauces, with copious secretion of saliva. Burning in the fauces. Inflammation and ulcers of the oesophagus. TASTE AND APPETITE.-Abominable taste in the mouth. Bittei taste. Sourish offensive taste. OTaste as of soap.-Thirst, day and night. Decrease of appetite. Increase of appetite. Gnawing hunger. Voracity. *Canine hunger.-Alternate canine hunger and want of appetite. Very weak digestion. Weak feeling of sickness all over the body after dinner. GASTRIC SYMPTOMS.-Continued empty eructations. OSourish eructations with burning.-Heartburn, particularly after heavy food.Hiccough.-*Nausea. Nausea immediately after rising, with spasmodic pain at the stomach. Inclination to vomit, in paroxysms, with heartburn. Vomiting. Continual vomiting, with diarrhoea.. Yellowish saltish vomiting. Vomiting of bile. Increased secretion of bile.Gastric derangement with constipation. STOMACH.-Pains in and over the stomach. Excessive pain in the stomach and bowels. Pains in the stomach, with copious bilious evacuations. Fullness and distention of the stomach, with trembling and increased warmth in the.abdominal cavity. Spasmodic pain in the stomach. Spasms of the stomach, frequently recurring.-Gnawing, corroding pains in the stomach.-Pulsations in the pit of the stomach. Burning in the stomach. Inflammation of the stomach in the region of the orifice. HYPOCHONDRIA.-ODecrease of pain in the region of the liver and pit of the stomach.-Pressure in the region of the liver, painful to the touch. ABDOMEN.-Pain in the epigastrium. Great painfulness of the whole abdomen, as if from inflammation of the omentum. Frequent paroxysms of pressure in the abdomen, mostly when sitting. Painful tension of the abdomen, with unusual pressing. *Colic. *Pinching and aching colic. OLabor-like abdominal spasms.-Cutting in the umbilical regiop, with papescent stools. Drawing and pressure in the region of the kidney.-Pulsations in the abdomen.-The-abdominal symptoms recur after eating.--OAscites. ~Disappearance of the swelling of the inguinal glands.-*Incarceration of flatulence. Press. ing movements in the abdomen. STOOL.-Desire for stool, without any evacuation. Difficult stool, *Constipation. Hard, knotty, dark-colored stools. Irregular stool. 31* 739 JODITM. alternate constipation and diarrhea.-Long -nd exhausting diarrhoea Violent diarrhoea, with colic. Copious discharge of a watery,foamish, whitish mucus, with pinching around the umbilicus. Discharges of thick mucus, or purulent, part of the faeces being retained, like dysentery.-Discharges of bloody mucus, fetid.-Pressure in the rectum, in the evening, when in bed. Violent itching of the rectum, as from ascarides. Itching and burning of the anus. URINE.-Obstinate retention of urine.-~ Nocturnal urination.Increased secretion of thick urine, with dark sediment. Involuntary emission of urine. Dark, turbid, sometimes milky urine. Ammo. niacal odor of urine. Smarting, corroding urine, while emitting it. MALE GENITAL ORGANS.--OA painless swelling of the right testis. OInduration of the prostate gland.-Erethism of the genital organs. Increase of the sexual instinct. FEMALE GENITAL ORGANS.-Labor-like spasms in the hypogastrium. OSpeedy suppression of dropsy of the ovaries. Induration of the uterus is speedily transmuted into cancer. ODiminished induration of the uterus. ODiminution of the cancerous degenerations in the neck of the uterus. Hysterics of girls at the age of puberty.Cessation of the flowing menses. Menses delay eight days, with vertigo and palpitation of the heart. Menstrual irregularity.-Increase of the menstrual flow. Menses unusually premature, copious, and violent. Violent uterine haemorrhage.-The menses are preceded by rising of heat to the head, with palpitation of the heart and tension of the neck, which became thicker. Great weakness during the menses.-Palpitation of the heart after the menses. OComplete cessation of the leucorrhoeal discharge. OThe corroding leucorrhcea becomes more mild and scanty.-Dwindling and falling away of the mammae.-Acute pain in the mammae, as if sore and ulcerated. Bluered furunculous nodosities in the skin of both mammae, with black, dessicated points it the tips. LARYNX.-Pain of the larynx. Swelling of the bronchial glands, pressing upon the bronchial tubes even unto suffocation. Contraction and heat in the larynx. Soreness of the throat and chest, when in bed, with wheezing in the throat and drawing pains in the lungs, corresponding with the beat of the heart. *Inflammation of the trachea. *Hoarseness in the morning.-Intolerab'e tingling and tickling in the larynx.-Irritation and cough, brought on by a violent tickling in the throat. Cough, with pressure on the chest and difficulty of breathing. OMorning cough of long standing. Dry, short, and hacking cough. Dry cough, with dyspnoea, pressure and burning of the chest. Deep and dry cough, with stitches in the chest. 731 JODIUM. *Cougl accompanied by expectoration of mucus. *Discharge of mucus streaked with blood. CHEsT.-Pulmonary consumption. * Violent difficulty of breathing Oppressed breathing. Oppression of the chest. *Asthma, with pain during a deep inspiration, more violent and rapid beating of the heart, and smaller and more frequent pulse. Dificulty of expanding the chest when taking an inspiration.-*Want of breath, loss of breath, Oparticularly in going up-stairs. Suffocating catarrh. OStitches in the side when breathing. Feeling of weakness in the chest, and in the region of the heart.-Sore pain in the chest, continuing in both sides during respiration and contact.-Congestion of blood to the chest, with inclination to inflammation. Violent pulsations in the chest, and palpitation of the heart, increased by every muscular exertion. *Palpitation of the heart. Spasmodic palpitation of the heart. -Sensation as -of the heart being squeezed together.-Burning and stinging tension in the integuments of the chest. OOrganic affections, hypertrophy of the heart. BACK.-Stitches in the small of the back.-Rheumatic crampy sensation in the lower part of the neck. Rheumatic tension in the right side. of the neck. Constriction of the neck.-Enlargement and painful induration of the goitre. Pains and pulsations in the goitre. ODecrease of the goitre. OPermanent disappearance of the glandular swellings of the neck and nape of the neck. ODisappearance oJ old, hard, or soft swellings of the thyroid gland, and likewise of large goitres. Yellow spots on the neck. Painful, hot, dark-red lymphatic swelling in the axilla. ARMs.-Induration of the axillary glands. Disappearance of the glandular swellings in the axilla. Drawing lacerating pains in the shoulder, which is abnormally elevated. Violent stitches in the shoulder-joint, even when at rest. Rheumatic pains in the arms. Lacerating pain in both arms. Paralytic *weakness in the arms, early in the morning, on waking. Subsultus-tendinum in the arms. -OConstant coldness of the hands.-Round, burning-itching spot on the hand.-Tensive pain in the joints of the fingers, when bending them.--The fingers go to sleep. LEGS.-Cramp-like sensation in the thighs and legs, only when sitting. Rheumatic drawing in the whole of the left lower limb. Heaviness of the lower limbs. Swelling of the lower limbs. (Edema. tous swelling of the lower limbs. Trembling of the lower limbs. Paralysis of the lower limbs.-Pain of the thigh, especially at night, when in bed. Twitchings of the muscles of the thigh. ODisappearance of a white swelling of the knee.-OInflammatory swelling,9., 732 JUNCUS EFFUSUS. of the knee, with violent pains and suppuration. ODropsical swelling of the knee.-Pain of the leg, along the tibia, as if from subcutaneous ulceration. Lacerating in both sides of the leg, close above the ankles. Violent spasm, with twitchings, in the ankle-joint, at night. Spasms in the feet. Aching cramp-pain in the foot. Swelling of the feet, followed by rapid emaciation. (Edematous swelling'of the feet. Subsultus-tendinum in the feet.-Acrid sweat of the feet, corroding the skin. 151.-JUNCUS EFFUSUS. JUNC.-Flowering Rush, Water Gladiole.-See "Archiv.," XIX., p. 188. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-Jerking in the muscles of. the extremities, in the knee, in the articulations of the jaws on either side, and in the clavicles.-The limbs go to sleep.-Painless cracking of the joints. CHARACTERISTIC PECULIARITIES.-The pains of the left side pre dominate.-The pains appear to become aggravated at night; they came on again in the morning and evening, particularly the pains in the chest and neck. FEVER.-Chilliness through the whole body on rising from bed.Anxiety and frequent beating of the heart, going off on raising the trunk. HEAD.-Vertigo. Vertigo with nausea when walking.-Distcnsive pain in the forehead when stooping.-Digging pain in the forehead and occiput, as from subcutaneous ulceration, on raising the head early in the morning in bed. EARs.-Cramp-pain in the outer ear.-Sensation as if the meatus auditorius internus were swollen. NosE.-Catarrhal sensation in the nose.-Dry coryza TEETH.-Dull sticking toothache. MOUTH.-Whitish-yellow coating of the tongue, with slimy taste in the mouth, after dinner. THRoAT.-Painful laming-drawing, stretching, and pulling in the cervical muscles.-Pain and scraping in the throat.-Pressure in the throat during deglutition, as if the tonsils were swollen. ABDoMEN.-Swelling of the pit of the stomach. Tightness in the pit of the stomach, as from fullness and swelling.-Spasmodic pulling pain in the pit and region of the stomach, increased by external pressure.-Pain in the right side of the abdomen, as from subcutaneous KALI BICHROMICUM. 733 ulceration.-Pinching colic, as if diarrhoea would set in, or as if one had taken cold. STOOL AND ANus.-Itching at the rectum. URINE.-The urine looks like loam-water, depositing a red sedi. ment in a few hours.-Tension in the urethra, with sensation as if something living were creeping along in it.-Slight itching burning in the urethra. GENITAL ORGANS.-Itching of the glands and scrotum. LARYNX.-Hawking up of a quantity of yellow mucus, without cough, for several days, accompanied with an excessive pain in the middle of the chest, as if the pulmonary pleura adhered and had become inflamed. CHEST.-Violent pressure in the lower portion of the chest, worst during expiration, and aggravated by turning the trunk to one side. -Pulling tensive pain in the lower part of the chest, during inspiration.-Dull sticking pain, as from subcutaneous ulceration, in the upper part of the chest, only during inspiration.-Pain in the chest, as if the chest were crushed. The whole inner chest is painful, as from subcutaneous ulceration, particularly when bending the body to one side. BACK.-Drawing with pressure in the cervical vertebrae, as if the head would be drawn to the right side.-Drawing and pulling in the dorsal vertebra.-Bruised pain in the scapula.-Tensive pain between the scapulae.-Aching pain in the small of the back, occasion. ing an anguish, or attended with asthma. ARMs.-Lacerating and drawing in the bones of the arm and hand. LEGS.-Bruised pain in the thighs.-Dull sticking pain in the patella.-Itching and jerking in the knee.-Heaviness in the calves and thighs. 152.-KALI BICHROMICUM. KAL. BICHR.-Bichromate of Potash.-See British Journal of Hom., Yol. IL COMPALE WITH-? ANTIDOTES.-? GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-Weakness in the limbs. Debility. Weakness and great trembling. Excessive weakness, small pulse. Debility and cachectic appearance. Excessive prostration of strength. Anaemic appearance. Complexion pale and yellowish. Emaciation. -Transient flying pains in all the limbs, without any definite cha. racter. Shooting and pricking pains in all the limbs, worse in the 734 KALI BICHROMIOUM. morning.-Pains all over, on rising in the morning. Slight rheu matic pains in the flesh of the legs, arms, and fingers.-Rheumatio pains in nearly all the joints.-Feeling of swelling all over the body, -Pricking and stinging pains in the skin, in several parts of the I body. The gastric pains were relieved after eating, and the rheu..~'t matic pains reappeared. When the gastric symptoms reach to any,.- height the rheumatic symptoms subside. CHARACTERISTIC PECULIARITIES.-Fat and light-haired persons were most easily affected by the Kal.-bichr. Many symptoms were aggravated or produced by hot weather. The symptoms come on quickly and surside soon. Most of the symptoms appear or are ag. gravated in the morning. Pains which fly rapidly from one part to another. SKIN.-Skin hot, dry, and red. " Solid eruption, like measles, over the body."-Eruption on the face, like small-pox. Eruption of small pustules, like small-pox, over the whole body, which die away without bursting. Eruption over the whole body of pustules, the size of peas, with a small black slough in the centre, resting on an inflamed base.-Violent itching of the skin all over the body; then eruption of small pustules, forming scabs, most on the arms and legs; the scabs are then painful, smarting, and burning. Itching in the legs, followed next day by breaking out of a red eruption, which ran together and formed scabs, discharging thin matter; with aching, smarting pains. Heat and itching of the skin at night, in the warmth of the bed, followed by eruption on the thighs and legs of reddish hard knots. Rash, commencing in hot weather.-Inflammation of the feet, and, in twenty-four hours, breaking out of numerous ulcers of the characteristic form.-Itching of the fore-arms and hands, then intolerable pain and formation of numerous ulcers.-The ulcers vary in size, from that of a pea to that of a half-dollar; they are generally dry, of an oval form, with overhanging edges, inflamed bright-red areola, hardened base, movable on the subjacent tissues, with a blackish spot in the centre.-The ulcers were painful in cold weather. SLEEP.-Snoring. Restless night. During sleep frequent start. Ings, tossing about of the arms, incoherent talking. Sleep disturbed and with vivid dreams.-Woke early with nausea and headache. Waking with general heat and perspiration, quick pulse, palpitation of the heart, and dyspnoea. Frequent yawnings. FEvER.-Yawning and short cough, with weakness and uneasiness in the limbs when walking. Fever: coldness and shuddering, with vertigo and nausea, then heat with feelings of cold and shivering, and transient shooting pains in the temples, no thirst.-Feverishness KALI BICHROMICUM. 735 in the first part of the night. Feverishness night and morning. Ire ritable humor. SENSORIUM.-Sudden, transient attacks of vertigo. Lightness in the head across the forehead. Stupid giddy sensation in the head. Heaviness across the forehead, and in the evening becomes blind on walking. Maziness and dizziness, with inclination to sleep. Listlessness, languor, and disinclination for mental or bodily labor. HEAD.-Headache in the temples.-Throbbing headache at the angles of the forehead, with dimness of sight.-Frontal headache, generally over one eye. Soon after dinner, dull, heavy, throbbing pain in the forehead, feeling as if it would burst. Frontal and occipital headache. Flying pains about the head. Great weight in the head. EYES.-Redness of the conjunctiva, with aching in the eyes. Redness of the conjunctiva, with sensation of heat and uneasiness.-Heaviness and soreness of the eyes.-Eyes inflamed. Eye-lids inflamed and much swollen, an eruption broke out on them and adjacent parts of the face. Eyes tender, conjunctiva injected, eye-lids slightly granular. Pustules on the left cornea, with surrounding indolent inflammation, attended with pricking pain: Leucoma on the right cornea. Violent ophthalmia, with photophobia and loss of vision. Sight confused and dim.-Conjunctiva yellow. FACE.-Shooting pain in the left upper maxillary bone, towards the ear. Slight pain under the left eye, and uneasy sensation in the gums. NosE.-Watery discharge, with soreness of the nose.-Discharge, with swelling, and pains of the nose and sneezing.-Soreness and swelling of the r. ala-nasi. Stuffing of the nose, with pain across the bridge.-Septum-narium destroyed by ulceration. Nose ulcerated internally. Elastic plugs form in the nose, which cause pain and soreness in removing.-Loss of smell. MOUTH AND TONGUE.-Lower lips swelled and chapped. Ulcerations, with indurated edges and smarting pain on the mucous surface of both lips. Dryness of the mouth and throat.-Stinging and pricking pains in the tongue. Painful ulcer on the tongue. Tongue thickly coated with yellowish fur at the root. Tongue thickly coated, with a brown patch on the surface; papillie long. Tongue smooth, red, and cracked; with dysentery. TASTE.-Sour taste in the mouth. Bitter taste in the morning.-* Coppery taste. THROAT.-Sensation of scraping in the throat. Sore throat,-, Uvula and tonsils became red and swelled, and painful, and finally ulcerated. 736 KALI BICHROMICUM. APPETITE.-Loss of appetite. Capricious appetite. Food tasteless -Great thirst.-Stomach disordered by any but the mildest food. After meals, swelling of the stomach, and cough.-Sour risings, and burning in the stomach.-Heartburn.-Hiccough. GASTRIC SYMPTOMS.-Nausea. Nausea, like sea-sickness. In the afternoon, nausea, with languor, drowsiness, foul taste, and slight faintness.-Nausea, relieved by eating. Nausea on moving about, relieved by lying down.-Sickness in the morning, and yellow bitter vomiting. Nausea, and vomiting of mucus. After breakfast squeamishness. Nausea and diminished appetite. Great heat in the throat and stomach, then violent vomiting of blood and mucus. SToMACH.-Uneasiness in the stomach. Sensation of contraction in the stomach.-Pain at the epigastrium. In the morning, gnawing pain in the epigastrium, with sensation of emptiness and faintness. Sensation of coldness in the stomach. ABDOMEN.-Aching and shooting in the hypochondrium. Belly generally tumid.-Occasional griping pains in the abdomen. STooL.-Disposition to constipation. Periodic constipation, occurring every three months. Constipation with pains across the loins. Shooting pains through the bowels. Pains flying in the belly, with frequent attacks of bowel complaint. Severe pain in the abdomen, followed by blackish watery stool. Habitual constipation. Constipation, griping in the bowels, and flatulent eructation. Dysenteric attacks, with pain at the navel and bloody evacuations.-Smarting and rawness at the anus. Costive, with languor, foul tongue, headache, and.coldness of the extremities. URINE AND GENITAL ORGANs.-Urine red, with pain across the back.-Complete suppression of urine.-Smarting and rawness in the vulva. Swelling of the genitals. Pains across the back and thighs, as if before the catamenia. Menstruation too soon, with vertigo, nausea, feverishness, and headache.-Yellow, stiff leucorrhoea, with pain and weakness across the small of the back, and dull heavy pains in the hypogastrium. RESPIRATORY ORGANs.-Sneezing and soreness of the nose. Pain, stuffing, and ulceration of nostrils and sneezing.-Slight dyspnoea, as if the mucous membrane of the bronchi were thickened, on rising in the morning. Sensation of dryness in the bronchi on awaking in the morning. Throat dry and painful on swallowing; tonsils reddened; tongue coated, with a brownish spot; larynx painful. Pain in the sides and nape of the neck. Cough, with transparent dirty slate. colored sputa; easily detached. Occasional attacks of catarrh.Pain as of ulceration of the larynx.-Tickling in the top of the larynx KALI BICHROMICUM. 737 on lying down at night, causing considerable coughing. Insupport able tickling of the larynx, causing cough at almost every inspiration -Violent cough, proceeding as if from a small spot in the epigas trium, painful to the touch. Hard cough, with weight and soreness in the chest and copious expectoration.-Loud wheezing cough, with retching and expectoration of tough mucus. Stuffing cough, with pain at the chest and expectoration of yellowish heavy tough matter. -Eating brings on the cough.-Cough in the morning, with tough expectoration. Chronic cough loud. Immediately on waking, violent wheezing and panting, then violent cough. During sleep, wheezing and rattling in the chest, heard at a distance. On lying down at night and in sleep the cough is absent. Pain in the back, striking through to the sternum, with cough and expectoration of tough black mucus.-Expectoration of thick yellow mucus.-Traces of blood in sputa.-Before the cough, swelling and heaving at the stomach.Cough, accompanied by pains in the loins and sides. Cough causes pain in the'middle of the sternum darting through to between the shoulders. Oppression at the pit of the stomach, with smarting burning pain, followed by expectoration of tough light-colored sputa. -Dyspnoea, especially in the morning, with cough and expectoration of white mucus " as tough as pitch." Dyspncea, and much cough with expectoration of black tough mucus difficult to detach.-Oppression at the chest. Shortness of breath. Dyspncea with slight pains in the chest. Dyspncea in sleep.- Slight pains in the region of the heart.-Darting pain in the prsecordium.-Dull cold heavy pain in the region of the heart, and tightness in the chest with dyspnoea.Constant pain in the chest under the left axilla. Fixed burning pain in the middle of the sternum. BACK.-Dull aching pains in different parts of the back, going off in the evening.-Pains in the loins and sacrum. Darting pains in the renal region. Dull pain in the lumbar region, aggravated by motion. Pain across the loins.-Shooting pains in the back and renal regions, with suppression of urine.-Rheumatic pain in the back. ARMs.-Stiffness in the shoulder-joint.-Rheumatic pains in both shoulders, worse at night. Pains in the shoulder, down the arm, and in the hips, knees, and finger-joints.-Cold and shivering in the arms and shoulders.-Pains in the elbow-joint.-Rheumatic pains in the fingers. Soreness of the bones of the hands, as if bruised when pressed. Continued rheumatic pains in all the limbs, and swelling of the fingerjoints. LEGS.-Rheumatic pains in the hips. Sensation of swelling and enlargement of the lower extremities in bed. Rheumatic pains in 738 KALI BROMATUM. the hip. Sharp pains in the knee and hip-joints. Acute rheumatio pains and stiffness in the knees, without swelling. Aching pains in the legs, accompanied with tremblings.-Pains, heat. and throbbing in the toes. 153.-KALI BROMATUM. KAL. BROM.-Hydro-bromate of Potash.-Noack and Trinks HIEAD.-Vertigo, with dullness of the head.-Confusion of the head.-Violent aching, particularly in the occiput, at night, about eleven o'clock. EYES.-Dilatation of the pupils. MOUTH AND THROAT.-Irritation of the mucous membranes of the mouth and fauces, painfulness of the tongue, prominent pupils, rough and burning sensation in the whole buccal cavity, as if burnt with caustic. Increased secretion of saliva and mucus in the mouth.Short-lasting titillation in the fauces. APPETITE.-Smarting-saltish taste.-Increased appetite.-Thirst in the afternoon. STOMACH.-Repeated repulsive eructations.-Violent nausea and effort to vomit, with vomiting of a small quantity of mucus, with salt taste in the mouth.-Peculiar pressure in the region of the stomach, succeeded by violent colic.-Troublesome pressure at the stomach after dinner.-Weakness of the stomach for some time. ABDOMEN.-Sensation of warmth in the abdomen.-Colic; sudden colic disturbing the night's rest.-Frequent rumbling. STOOL.-Flatulence.-Frequent soft stools, preceded by colic.Repeated papescent stools at night, becoming watery.-Constipation. -Colic before stool. Discharge of a considerable quantity of a tarlike substance (decomposed blood), having a fetid smell, accompanied with tenesmus. UItNE.-Pain in the region of the kidneys, spreading in the direction of the colon-ascendens, afterwards copious secretion of urine. -Increased secretion of urine.-Diminished secretion of urine.-Pale, thin urine, having a peculiar fetid smell. LARYNX.-Painful, extremely disagreeable hoarseness.--Slight hacking cough towards evening. Violent congestion of blood to the respiratory organs, occasioning spitting of blood. CHEST.-Oppression of the chest. Slight tightness of breathing KALI CARJ30NICUrA. 739 154.-KALI CARBONICUM. IKAL. CARB.-Carbonate of Potash.-See Hahuemaun's "Chronic Diseases," IV.-Duration of Action: from five to six weeks. COMPARE wITH-Amm. Amm.-mur., Ars., Bovist., Bry., Caust., Cale., Camph., Carb.-v., Chain., Chin., Coff., Graph., Lauroc., Lye., Magn., Mangan., Nair.mar., iNitr.-ac., Nitr-spir., Nux.-v., Paris, Phosph., Pu/s?., Rhus, Sabad., Staph., Sil., Suiph., Tarax., Viol. -od.-Kali-earb., is particularly suitable after: Lyc., Natr.-mur., Nitr.-ac.-Afterwards are frequently suitable: Garb--v., Phospli., and the remedies which are analogous to the latter. ANTIDOTES.-Camph., Coff., Nitr.-spir. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-The linibs are painf-ul in those parts on which one is resting. Her whole body felt very sensitive. Ac/s. ing in the joints and drawing pain in the tibiae. A sort of tension in the interior of the body, extending as far as the head and eyes. Pinching and feeling of contraction in the anus, in the region of the stomach and towards the pharynx. -Drawing pain in the nape of the neck, shoulder-blades, hands, and knees. *Drawing pain in all the limbs, with great paleness of the face and emaciation. Violent drawing in the abdomen, arms, and lower limbs, with pain as from bruises in the upper arms, worst when at rest.-Stitches in the joints and tendons. Ulcerative pain when pressing on any part of the body. Pain as from bruises of all the muscles of the body. 0Dispositiou to strain parts by lifting.-The pains appear at. two or three o'clock in the morning. Chilliness immediately after the cessation of the pains. The symptoms become more intense in the open air, especially the fever.-Drowsiness with yawning, when walking in the open air. Violent headache, for some hours, from walking in the open air.Great dread of the open air. *Liab]ility to take cold when walking in the open air, -with sweat and restlessness at night, and weight in the nape of the neck as from a load. Every breath of air causes catarrbal ailments. Seething of the blood, and heat in the head. Seething of the blood, in the evening, before going to bed, with op,. pressed breathing. IHe feels the pulsations of all the arteries down, to the tips of the toes. Heaviness of the body. Laziness,-Frequent weariness and depression of strength. Lassitude, weakness, and nausea, after the siesta. Great lassitude in the evening. Great weariness early in the morning, on waking, abating after rising, but returning in the afternoon increased.-Relaxation and weakness in the limb s..Titillating weakness in the limbs. Fit of weakncss in the whole body. Sudden attack of weakness in the evening, when lying down, with sick feeling, nausea., warmth, and faintishness in the pit of the stomach, vertigro, -nd vanishing of thought.-Attack of nausea, 740 KALI CARBONICUM. early in the morning, with violent yawning, eructations, writhing in the region of the stomach, violent heat, and anguish. Attack of nausea and vomiting, with pain in the abdomen as from bruises, worse when pressing on the part; weakness unto falling, dullness of the head, drowsiness, and a few watery stools with subsequent costiveness.-Sudden tremulousness. Violent trembling. *Tremulous weariness when walking. CHARACTERISTIC PECULIARITIES.-Stitches are the most characteristic symptoms of Kali-carb. SKIN.-The skin is painful, as if from subcutaneous ulceration, when pressing on it. ODryness of the skin. ODeficient perspiration. -Itching of the whole body. Stitches and gnawing in the skin of the whole body. Burning itching of the whole body.-~Itching burning red spots on the body.- Yellow, scaly, violently itching spots over the whole abdomen and around the pimples.-*-Herpes (on the thigh). OOld warts. Spreading blisters. OAscitcs and anasarca. SLEEr.-*Great drowsiness in the daytime. *Early drowsiness in the evening, -and sulky silence. Sleeplessness at night. Restless night.-Half-waking night-sleep, mere slumbering at night.--At night, in bed, delirious, in a waking state, with heat in the brain and over the whole body, afterwards sweat, coldness of the limbs, and shuddering, with great tendency to start.-*Sleep full of fanciful ravings, with talking.--Anxious, voluptuous, or frightful dreams. --Rcstless sleep, full of dreams. Dreams about serpents, illness, and dead persons.--Starting when asleep.--Congestion of blood to the head, at night, when lying in bed. Gnashing of the teeth, at night, while asleep. Acidity in the mouth, at night. Pressure and burning in the stomach, at night, sometimes with spasm and vomiting. Pinching in the abdomen, at night, in paroxysms, with nausea and constant eructations. Colic and diarrhoea, at night. Burning at the anus, at night, which prevents sleep. Nightmare. Stitches in the chest and asthma. Stiffness of the nape of the neck. Burning lacerating in the lower limbs at night. Excessive pain in the whole body at night, like strokes of a hammer. FEVER.-Frequent shuddering. Chilliness, in the forenoon, hot hands in the evening. Chilliness with shuddering, in the evening, before going to bed. Continual internal chilliness. Violent chilliness with fever, towards evening; afterwards nausea and vomiting, and spasmodic pain in the chest, the whole night, with short breathing, internal anxiety, and a good deal of sweat about the head. Continual chilliness, with violent thirst and internal heat, hot hands, and aversion to eating. Feverish heat in the afternoon, and burning KALI CARBONICUM. I 741 sensation of the eyes, followed by chilliness in the open air. Dry heat of the cheeks and hands, with short breathing. Increased warmth, at night, with violent pains in the zygoma. *Night-sweat. MORAL SYMPTOMs.-Great despondency. Want of energy. Sad, weeping mood. Anguish and great sadness.-Precipitate resolution and action. Irresoluteness.-#Great tendency to start.-Very lowspirited, evening and morning.-- Vexed and irritated mood. Vexed and peevish mood.-Angry and wrathfud. Vehement.-Indiferent towards everything.-Dread of labor. Fitful mood. SENSORIUM.-Absence of mind.-Delirium, day and night.-Inability to collect one's senses. Loss of consciousness.--oWeak memory. -Confused and stupid feeling in the head, in the evening.-~Frequent dullness of the head, as after intoxication, and as if the ears were stopped up, with nausea almost unto vomiting.-Gloominess in the head.-Vertigo when walking. oVertigo, as if proceeding from the stomach. HEAD.-Headache, relieved by sitting in bed, aggravated by lying down. ~Headache when riding in a carriage, when sneezing or coughing. Horrid headache through the eyes.-*Attacks ofmegrim, on both sides, with faintishness almost to nausea.-Violent pain in the whole head, with throbbing and stitches in the knees, going off by motion.-*Aching in the head. Aching in the forehead, in the afternoon, when walking, with ill-humor. Pressure in the forehead, with photophobia. Violent pressure over the whole skull, down the nape of the neck, throbbing in the head and the whole body, aggravated by the slightest contact, and increasing in paroxysms, with violent nausea and vomiting of bile. Pressing aching in'the forehead, with vomiting of mucus and acidity. Pressing and aching in the temples. Pressure over the eyes, with violent pain in the whole forehead.-*Aching in the occiput, towards the nape of the neck, going off in the open air.-Violent aching in the whole head, with chills over the whole body, especially in the forenoon. Violent pressure in the occiput, with seething of the blood in the head, and a feeling of heaviness when standing. Pressure and burning deep in the occiput, with heaviness of the head. Pressing headache, from the temples to the centre. Feeling offullness in the head, as if the brain were pressing against the skull.-Heaviness in the occiput, as if it were full of lead. Heaviness and painfulness of the fore part of the head. Drawing and lacerating on the top of the head. Severe lacerating in the head. Darting-lacerating pain in the head.Stitches in the temples, causing one to start and scream.-Throbbing and beating in the forehead, and especially in the sides of the head, 742 2KALITCARBONICM. frequently intermitting.- Ulcerative pain in. -the head, after dinner, rtelieved by lying down.-* Con-gestion of*blood to the head, with in-. toxication arising from it. Warm22 rising( of blood to the head, with seething of the'blood in the body.-Concussive headache.-GCreeping pain above the forehead. Sharp aching 'in the outer side of the ternple.-Cht/liness about the head. *Li~ability of the head to take cold, with headache and toothache. Itching -of the hairy scalp.Pimples on the hairy scalp.-OScurf on the head.-*Dryness of the hair. *Fallin,,g off of the hair. EYES.-The eyes are painful to the touch. Pressure in the eyes and orbits, with drowsiness. Pain as if the eyes would be pressed in. -Boring pain in the eyes.-Smarting pain in the eye.-Biting and shootling pains?in the eyes.-Burninga?in the eyes. Rednessfand heat of theeyes. Inýflammnation of the lids of the right eye:' Swelling of the right eye. Soreness of the outer canthus, with burning pain. --The corners of the eyes ulcerate. *Aggolutinaeion of the eyes, early in the morning,*-Lachrymation of the eyes, especially the right, with a biting sensation in the canthus.-Dryness and burning, of the eyes. Dry feeling, as from, sand, and great drowsiness in the eyes.-VTanishing of sight, when writing. Black points and curls before her eyes when reading. *Spots, ga'uz4.,e, and points before her eyes, when reading or looking in the open air. A little black ball is hovering before the eyes. When looking at snow there is a sensation as of white drops falling before the eyes. Various colors before the eyes. Bright sparks before the cyes.-Photophobia: painful sensitiveness of the eyes to the light of day. EARS.-Pain in the ears.-Drawing pain in the ear. Alternate lacerating in both ears. Violent lacerating in and behind the ear. -*Stitches in both ears, in the evening, when in bed. *Frequent fine stitches in the left ear, firom, within outwards.-Boring and aching in the ears.- Violent itching in the ears. Tickling in, the ears.-Redness, heat, and violent itching of the outer ears. InfiamnDiation' and swelling of the internal ear, with pain round about, Soreness and suppuration behind the ears. Pimples on the ears.Discharge of a yellow, liquid cerumen or pus from the ear, with pre. vious lacerating. Secretion of fetid humor in the internal ear. Opening of an ulcer in the ear. OParotitis.-*Hard swelling of the parotid gland, with pain to the touch.-Sensation of obstruction of the ears.-Dullnessr of hearing, in the evening. *Dimninu'tln of hearing in both ears, slowly increasing and decreasing.-Tingling in both ears.. Singing, whizzing- in the ears. Cracking in the ear. - ~OSE.-MUcerative vain in the nasal fossa.-Great burning in the KALI CAIlBONICT1M. 743 nose. Swelling of the tip of the nose.--Pimples on the nose. *Sore, scurfy nostrils, for a long time. *Ulcerated nostrils.-Bloody, red nostril, every morning. Frequent bleeding of the nose.-Sensitive smnell.-oDull smell.-Dry coryza, with itching in the nose, and difficulty of breathing through the nose, for several days.-Obstruction of the nose.-Coryza, with bloody nasal mucus. FACE.-Pale facee'nd weakness. Pale face, with faint, lifeless eyes.-*Heat and redness in the face, -early in the morning, in bed. -~Bloated face.-Burn ng itching in the face. Swollen red cheek, with small pimples, also on the nose.-Pimples in the face, going and coming, also continually.-~Old warts.-Lacerating in the lower jaw and in front of the right ear.-Spasmodic sensation in the lips.Burning of the lips.-Itching around the margins of the lips.Swelling and rhagades of the upper lip. Thick, ulcerated lip. Vesicles on the lips.-Chapped lips, peeling off. TEETH AND JAWS.-Insufferable spasm in the jaws.-Swelling of the lower jaw and the submaxillary glands, with looseness of the teeth.-The teeth are sensitive to pain.-Toothache with pain in the face.-Pain of the teeth, every day, in the morning on waking.oToothache only when eating, a throbbing in all the teeth.-The teeth are painful when touched by either cold or warm substances. -Toothache.-Darting and drawing in the tooth, as if corroded.Lacerating toothache during or shortly after a meal.-Corrosive itching, violent pain in different teeth and the gums.-Burning, lancinating toothache, especially at night. Stinging in the teeth and gums, afterwards swelling of the cheeks, with stinging pain. *Violent stitches in the teeth. Looseness of all the teeth.-Bad smell from the teeth.-Painful inflammation of the anterior gums. Swelling and soreness of the gums. MOUTH.-Corrosion of the inner mouth, and tooth, as if by some, thing acrid. Soreness of the mouth.-Numbness of the mouth, as if burnt.-Violent burning in the mouth.-Painful vesicles all over the inner mouth, with burning pain.-Swelling of the tongue. Painful vesicles on the tongue and gums. THROAT.-Sore throat, with difficult deglutition and opening of the mouth. Sensitiveness of the oesophagus, warm food causes a burning sensation in it. Pressure and lacerating in the pharynx. Sensation as of a lump in the throat.-Elongation of the uvula, with stiffness of the nape of the neck.-Sore pain in the throat, in the upper part of the palate, when swallowing food. Scraping sensation in the throat. *Hawking of mucus. TASTE AND APPETITE.-Bad taste in the mouth. Bitter taste in 744 KALI CARBONICUM. the mouth, with nausea. *Sour taste in the mouth, every day. Putrid taste in the mouth.-Little appetite.-Great hunger. --Great desire for sweet things, -also for sour.-Violent thirst, in the fore. noon, evening, and at night. GASTRIC SYMPTOMS.-Paleness of the face, nausea, vertigo, eructations, weakness of the lower limbs, and coldness of the hands and feet, before and after dinner.-Desire for sleep during a meal. Great drowsiness, with chilliness and yawning, after a meal.-~Sense of orcpletion in the stomach. General fee' ng of uneasiness after eating. Heartburn.-#Sour eructations, after a meal. *Frequent eructations, -especially early in the morning. Great acidity of the stomach.--*Nausea, -as if he would faint, subsiding when lying,own, in the forenoon. Violent nausea, in the stomach, with trembling of the hands and feet. *Nausea, as from a deranged or empty stomach.-Continued loathing, as if he would vomit. Inclination to vomit at every internal emotion, vexation, or joy. Vomiting, with a swoon-like failing of strength. Vomiting of food and sour substances, with nausea. STOMACH.-Pressure in the stomach, with rumbling, feeling of emptiness, and eructations. Pressure in the stomach, extending into the chest, with want of breath even unto suffocation, accompanied by nausea and great depression of strength, trembling of the hands and feet, and throwing up of bitter water.- Weight in the stomach.-Sensation of swelling in the whole region of the stomach.-Spasmodic pains in the stomach. Violent contractive pains in the stomach, extending into the chest. Constrictive pain in the stomach and towards the pharynx.-Cutting pains in the stomach. Sensation in the stomach as if cut to pieces, with great sensitiveness of the external region.Sore pain in the pit of the stomach, during inspiration and expiration.-Throbbing in the region of the stomach, which is painful to the touch.-Throbbing in the pit of the stomach, like a violent palpitation of the heart. Sour burning proceeding from the stomach, with slight spasmodic constriction. HYPOCHONDRIA.-Simnple pain in the hypochondria, with grumbling.-Pain in the liver, as if made sore by pressure.--Pressure in the direction of the liver, -as if coming from the right half of the chest, with throbbing in the region of the stomach, which is painful to the touch.-Drawing pain in the liver.-Stitches in the region of the liver, resembling splenetic stitches. Burning pain in the -egion of the liver. ABDOMEN.-Violent colic, sometimes extending to the hip, until late at night. Colic, with eructations, and spitting.-Pressure in the KALI CARBONICUM. 745 abdomen.-Distention of the abdomen, with aching pain. Hard, distended abdomen, with painfulness of the umbilical region to the touch. Contractwe pain in the abdomen.-Cutting and drawing in the abdomen, Oresernbling false labor-pains.-Sore paintin the abdomen, with bearing-down towards the genital organs, as if the menses would make their appearance, and pain in the small of the back.-Long-co 'ntinued, contusive pain in the region of both kidneys, in the afternoon, when sitting.-Throbbing i n the abdomen. Burning and drawing in the abdomen. Burning around the umbilicus. 0lnactivity and coldness in the Abdomen. 0Uneasiness and weight in the abdomen. 0Ascites. *Incar.ceration of Jiatulence, with colic. -*Excessive emission of fiatu lence.-The abdominal muscles are painful to' the touch.-Pressure in the groins, as if Ihernia would come on.-Painful bloatedness in both groins. STOOL.-Insufficient, soft stool.-0 Costiveness every other day. Costiveness, with painful drawing in the abdomen. 0lnactivity of the rectum. 0Difficult, too large stool.-Soft stools, preceded by colic.-Soft stool, followed by burning at the anus. llalf liquid (Scanty) stools, with colic and sub'sequent tenesmus.-Diarrhoea, at night, with insufferable colic, continuing even the next day. Profuse diarrhoea, with great weariness. Diarrhoea, preceded by pinching in the abdomen, and followed by burning at the rectum. -Stools streaked with blood, followed by anxiety and difficulty of breathing. -* White mucus before and during stool. -D ischarge of a lumbricus with the stool. Pinching colic, with the regular stool, followed by a constant desire for stool.-Tenesmus of the rectum, after the usual s tool.-Continual burning at the anus, after stool. Tenesmus of the rectum.-Severe lancinatling-laceratingr and cutting in the anus.*Itch-ing of the anus.-Burning and pinching of the anus.- Ulceratedpile at the anus, with stinging. *La~rge painful varices. Considerable protrusion of the var'ices during micturition, emitting blood at first, afterwards a white mucus. Considerable discharge of blood, from the rectum; afterwards seething of blood and pulsations in the whole body. Inflammation of the varices. URINE.-*Great desire to urinate.-Turbid urine. Pale, greenish urine, with burning during and after micturition.-Cuttling in the region of the bladder. Lacerating pain in the urethra. Burning in the urethra during and after mnicturition. GENITAL ORGANs.-Lacerating in the glans.-Stinging itching of the glans. -*S~welling of the testes, -and the spermatic cord, with heat which can be felt externally. The scrotum is painful, as if bruised. Excited sexua~l instinct. *D-ficicnt sexual instinct. Pain 746 KALI CARBONICUM. ful erections, with spasmodic contraction of the spermatic cords.*No erections for eighteen days. Copious pollutions, with subsequent weakness. OSuppression of the usual pollutions for forty-two days. FEMALE GENITAL ORGANS.-*Soreness, gnawing, -burning, and itching in the pudendum. Mlenses too early. *Reappearance of the suppressed menses.1 - Suppression of the menses, with anasarca and ascites.-The menstrual blood is very acrid, has a bad, pungent smell.-Great soreness around the pudendum before, during, and after the menses. Chilliness previous to the menses, tremor of the limbs, spasmodic sensation in the abdomen. Pain in the abdomen during the menses, putrid taste in the mouth, rumbling in the abdomen, great weakness and drowsiness. During the menses, violent pressing in the small of the back and in the abdomen. Costiveness during the menses. On the second day of the menses, coryza, colic, toothache, pain in the small of the back, stitches in the ears, and restless sleep. Violent itching of the whole body, during the menses. -*Leucorrhea. Mucous leucorrhoea. Yellowish leucorrhoea, with itching and burning in the pudendum. LARYNX.--Rough throat, with cou gh.-*Complete hoarseness and aphony. Titillation in the larynx, inducing cough, with violent hoarseness.-*OCough, -brought on by titillation in the throat.Night-cough. Short and hacking cough, with some expectoration, mostly at night and early in the morning. A few violent paroxysms of spasmodic cough, with irritation in the throat. Violent cough, almost causing vomiting, early in the morning. Dry cough, coming and going rapidly. Stinging in the throat, with fluent coryza; occasional stitches in the left chest; lacerating scraping in the chest; nausea; pain in the varices; concussive pain in the abdomen; ~wheezing in the chest. CHEST.-Shortness of breath, early in the morning. OOppressed breathing. OAsthma during fast walking. 0Asthma early in the morning. OSpasmodic asthma. OSpasm of the chest.-Oppression of the chest, with aggravated, painful breathing. Great pain in the chest, especially when talking.-Pressive pain in the chest. Sharp aching behind the sternum, when breathing.-Spasmodic pain in the chest.-Pinching in the muscles of the chest.-Cutting sensation in the lower part of the chest. Cutting pain in the chest. Stitches in the manimce. Stitches in the region of the heart. Drawing pain across the chest.---Lacerating in the sides of the chest.-Sore pain in 1 NOTE BY HAHNEMANN.-Kali has brought back the menses when Natr.mur. did not accomplish this result. KALI CARBONICUM. 747 the upper part of the chest.-Pain in the chest, as if from bruises.-- Painful throbbing in the clavicle, shoulders, and side of the abdomen; &c.-Frequent and violent palpitation of the heart, in the forenoon, with dullness of the head and nausea.-Frequent intermission of the beats of the heart. Crampy pain in or about the heart, as if it were hanging by bands firmly drawn round, the pain is most felt when taking a strong inspiration, or when coughing, not during exercise. -Burning in the region of the heart. BAcK.-Violent pains in the small of the back, with labor-like colic and leucorrhoea. *Drawing pain in the small of the back, Osometimes extending to the back.-Throbbing in the small of the back.Violent pain, as from blows and bruises.-Violent pain in the back. Presszre in the region of both kidneys. Burning pressure in the back, worse when walking in the open air. *Stiffness and paralytic feeling in the back.--Lacerating in the region of the right kidney. Stitches in the region of both kidneys. Lancinating pain between the scapule, with oppression and anguish of the chest. Pain in the loins, when walking, and especially when touching the parts, as if the flesh had started off the bone.-Pain in the back, as if the part had been strained by lifting.-Itching of the back.--Stifness of the nape of the neck.-Drawing pain in the nape of the neck.-Congestion of blood to the neck.-Pain of the cervical glands, as if from a cold. Swelling in the cervical glands.-Hard swelling of the submaxillary gland.-OGoitre-like swelling of the neck. ARMs.-Swelling, and pain as from subcutaneous ulceration of the axillary glands.-Burning and itching of the axilla. Tension and pressure with drawing in the shoulder, with paralytic sensation in the arm. Lacerating in the shoulder.-Pimples on the shoulder, with violent itching and burning after scratching. Lacerating in the arm, from the shoulder to the wrist-joint. *Both arms go to sleep, even after violent exercise. OLanguid feeling in both arms. Pulsative pain in the upper arm, at intervals.-Pain as from bruises and blows in the upper arm. OStiffness of the joint.-Lacerating in the bends of both elbows.-Tensive pain in the lower arm.-Lacerating in the wrist-joints.-oPainful lameness in the joint.-Cold hands. "*Trembling of the hands when writing. Itching of the wrists and hands. Rough, chapped skin of the hands.-Lacerating under the "nails. Lacerating in the fingers. Stitches, ulcerating or burning pain in the hand.--Contractive twitching of the fingers. LEGS.- Ulcerative pain in the glutei muscles and thighs, when sitting., Soreness between the lower limbs.-Crampy lacerating in the hzip-joint. Lacerating in the hips and knees, even when sitting 748 4CALI (JLORICUM. Pain in the hip-joint as- from bruises, with pain during motion and when sneezing.-~*Pressure, also with lacerating in the lower ez. tremities, -apparently in the bones.-Burning pain in both lower limbs. Uneasiness in the lower extremities, in the evening. Hieavi. ness of the lower limbs. The lower limbs freq~ently go to sleep. Weakness, stiffness, Oburning pain in the lower limbs and feet.fTactitation of the muscles of the thigh. Paralytic drawing in the whole thigh.-TIWeary sensation in the thigh s.-Nodosity above the knee, aching and lacerating., Dull pain in the side of the' knee, when walking, and especially when extending thc limb. Stiffness, tension, and weakness in the knee. Drawing, lacerating, throbbing, and beat. ing pain in the knee. Paralytic sensation in the knee, when sitting. Eruption in the bend of the knee.-Paralytic drawing in the legs. Drawing and lacerating in the tibic?. 0Creeping shivering on the tibiae. 0Swelling of the legs.-Spasmodic lacerating in the region of the ankle, with pulsations along the tibia up to the knee. Frequent lacerating in the tarsal joi nts. Stitches in the fret. Heaviness and stiFfness of the feet. * Cold feet, in bed. *Profuse sweat in the feet. * Considerable swelling of the fret. Lacerating in the toes.--Inflamed red chiblains on the toes, aching. 155.-KALI CIILORICUM. )KAL. CHL.-Chlorate of Potash.-See "Archiv,"' XVI.-Duration of Action: several weeks. COMPARE WIrH--Am., Amn., Bell., Cale., Coce., Kali, Kali-hyd., Natr.-mur., Nitr. ANTIDOTES.-Of small doses: Pula., Bell., GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-1iheumatic pains in various parts.-. Great wearincss.-Great weakness with diarrhoea.-Twitching about the hcad and the rest of the body.-Convulsions succeeded by delirium. SKIN.-Violent itching of the whole body. Rash, with single pain. ful. pimples.-Eruption as of venereal patients. S LEEP.-S omnol en ce. -Restless sleep, with anxious dream towards morning, snoring, and oppression of breathing. FEvE.R-Great chilliness, even unto shivering. Shivering over the whole body. Febrile condition, with violent beating of the pulse and heart.-Pulse accelerated by 10, 15, 20 beats. MORAL SYINPToMs.-Sad, apathetic mood, with chilliness in the evening. HEAD.-Dallncss and co2 fasion of the head..Hcadache with vor, KALT CIILORICUM. 7 749 tigo. Headache extending into both jaws. Aching in the temples. Cutting pain in the head extending to the malar bone. EYES.-Rush of blood to the eyes, they feel irritated.-Redness in the eyes, in the evening, with some pain.-Luminous appearances before the eyes, when coughing or sneezing. NosE.-Drawing in the root of the nose.-Bleeding of the nose. Violent coryza, with sneezing and profuse secretion of mucus. FACE.-Flushes of heat in the face. Pressure and tension in the face. Cramp-like drawing in the cheeks. Stinging in the face. Twitching in the nerves of the lower jaw. Swelling of the lips Pimples on the lips. TEETH -Toothache in the upper jaw. Dullness of the teeth.The gums bleed readily when cleaning them. The gums are brightred. MotiTH AND THROAT.-Increased secretion of saliva, the saliva being sometimes acid. Stinging burning on the tongue. Coated tongue after diarrhoea. Roughness and dryness of the fauces and chest. APPETITE AND TASTE.-Bitterish taste in the mouth, with a feeling of coldness on the tongue. Stinging-burning sourish taste.-Want of appetite.-Violent hunger.-Increase of thirst. GASTRIO SYMPTOMS.-Empty, sourish, violent eructations, sometimes alternating with pains in the chest and abdomen. Loathing, with shivering. Nausea, with eructations. SToMACH.-Pressure in the region of the stomach. Cutting and warmth in the stomach. ABDOMEN.-Tensive pressure in the region of the liver and spleen. -Colic, with diarrhea, in the region of the pelvis.--oObstructions in the liver and portal system, with hmmorrhoidal complaints. STOOL.-Sluggish stool. Painful diarrhoea, passing at last nothing but mucus. Constant pains in the rectum. URINE AND GENITAL ORGANS.-Turbid urine. Voluptuous dreams with violent emissions.-Diminished sexual desire, with chilliness and apathy. LARYNX AND CHEST.-Hoarseness. Dryness of the throat and chest, with violent cough. Irritation in the larynx, with desire to cough. Oppression of the chest, with beating of the heart. Violent but uniform beating of the heart. ARMS AND LEGS.-Drawing and lacerating in the wrist-joints Cramp in the leg. Cold feet, with palpitation of the heart. "750 KALI HYDRIODICUM. 156.-KALI HYDRIODICUM. KAL. ht-7.-Ilydriodate of Potash.-See Noack and Trinks. COMPARE WATH-lod. According to Wallace, lod. is most analogous to Ars. ANTIDOTES -Of large doses: Compare lod. According to Wallace, a good deal of exercise in the open air is the best means to remove the influence of Iod. upon the system.-Of small doses: Valer., Chin, Am.-mur., Sulph., Mere., Ars., Rhus. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.--Pinching-griping over the whole body, particularly about the head and abdomen, most violent in tha evening.-Spasmodic contraction of the muscles.-Subsultus-tendinum.-Exhaustion.-Paralysis. Hlemiplegia. -Apoplexy. - Hemorrhage from the nose, lungs, and bowels.-Increase of the bodily volume.-Irresistible desire to go into the open air. CHARACTERISTIC PECULIARITIES.-The majority of the symptoms appear during rest and go off during motion. SKIN.-Profuse papulous eruption in the face, on the shoulders, and over the whole body, occasionally with dryness of the throat. Itching herpes in the face. Pustulous eruption. Purpura-hcemorrhagica. SLEEP.-Frequent yawning without drowsiness.-Sleeplessness. Restless confused sleep. FEVER.-Creeping over the back, succeeded by coldness in the whole body. Chilliness with drowsiness. Disposition to feel chilly, and chilliness with shaking at night, with frequent waking.-Dryness of the mouth and thirst, during the chilliness, in the evening. Flashing heat, with dullness of the head and malaise in the body.-At times the body is drenched with sweat, at times it is dry and feels chilly.-Violent fever. Catarrhal fever. Accelerated, frequent pulse. MORAL SYMPTOMS.-Torturing feeling of anguish, preventing sleep. HEAD.-Excitation, as if intoxicated by spirituous drinks. Great heat,in the head, with burning and redness of the face. Beating pain in the forehead. Painful beating in the temporal region.Dullness and heaviness in the head. Violent headache with indigestion.-Violent pain in the frontal region. Pain as if the upper part of the head would be dashed to pieces. Tensive, stinging, darting, lacerating pain in the head. Ulcerative pain of the scalp when scratching it.-Falling off of the hair. EYES.-Burning in the eyes, with secretion of purulent mucus. Burning in the eyes and redness of the lids, with lachrymation.Convulsions of the muscles of the eyes, with dilatation of the pupils. KALI HYDRIODICUM. 751 (Edema of the eye-lids. Inflammation of the conjunctiva, with disagreeable itching of the eye-lids. Faint expression of the eyes. Dimness of the eyes. Amaurosis. EARs.-Painful gnawing in the interior and behind the ear.-Viotent boring or darting in the ears, sometimes extending into the head. Lacerating in the ears. Singing in the ears. NOSE.-Redness and swelling of the nose. Violent bleeding of the no.3e.-Loss of smell.-Catarrhal sensation in the nose.-Frequent discharge of burning, corroding water from the nose. Profuse serous discharge from the nose.--Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nose and eye-lids.-Catarrhal inflammation of the schneiderian membrane in the frontal sinuses. FACE.-Great paleness of the face.-Red face. Swelling of the face and tongue.-Fine, painful laceratings under the eye, or in front of the ears, extending to the temporal region, and affecting the whole side.-Violent lacerating in the jaw and teeth. TEETH.-Enlar gement and suppuration of the submaxillary gland. -Ulcerative pain and swelling of the gums. Sensation as if the teeth were elongated, with painfulness of the teeth, in the evening. Grumbling lacerating or shooting in the teeth. MOUTH.-Dry, chapped lips. Sensitiveness of the mouth and fauces.-Heat in the mouth and dyspeptic symptoms.-UlZceration of the tongue and mouth without ptyalism.-Ptyalism, great swelling of the tongue, and excessive ulceration of the mucous membrane of the mouth.-Bloody saliva, with sweetish taste in the mouth. THROAT.-Dryness and bitterness in the pharynx, throat, and mouth. Pains and dryness in the throat and stomach. Burning, scraping, and roughness of the throat, like heartburn. Sore throat, as after taking cold. Dull stinging and.ulcerative pain in the throat, only during deglutition. The goitre is sensitive to contact. APPETITE.-Disagreeable, horrid taste in the mouth.-Great bitterness in the mouth, and still more in the throat, going off after breakfast.- Violent, continual, even excessive thirst.--Increased appetite. STOMACH.-Frequent, empty, sobbing eructations.-Hiccough in the evening.-Nausea.-Vomiting.-Malaise in the stomach.-Pain and sense of dryness in the stomach. Troublesome burning in the btomach and oesophagus. Heartburn, with indigestion and flatulence. "-Inflammation of the stomach.-Phlegmasia of the stomach (and intestinal canal). ABDOMEN.-Increased secretion of bile..-Sudden painful bloating KALI HYDRIODICUM. up of the whole abdomen.-Horrible burning in the pit of the stomach, externally.-Griping and burning around the umbilicus.-Violent tearing from both sides of the abdomen towards the umbilicus.-Ach. ing and pressing pain in the hypogastrium, as if in the uterus STOOL.-Costiveness. Diarrhoea. URINE.-Painful urging to urinate.-Urine which is red as blood -Discharge of mucus from the urethra in both sexes. GENITAL ORGANS.-Diminution of the sexual desire.-Atrophy of the testicles.-Reappearance of the menses, with profuse flow, colic and diarrhoea. During the catamenia: continual shuddering, icy. cold creepings over the hands, with pressure and gripings in the hypogastrium; aching pain and as if bruised in both groins and in the small of the back.-Thin, watery, or acrid corrosive leucorrhca, with biting in the pudendum. Discharge of mucus from the uterus and vagina. -Atrophy of the mammce. LARYNX.-Catarrhal tone of voice.-Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the lungs. Simple, sub-acute bronchitis; hoarseness, pain in the chest, cough, and slight oppression of breathing, pain in both eyes. Congestive redness of the conjunctiva, sub-mucous infiltration and contraction of the pupil. Influenza, with sneezing, increased secretion from the eyes and nose, headache, and drowsiness. Constant irritation in the throat, inducing a dry cough.-Dry and hacking cough, afterwards accompanied by a copious greenish expectoration.-Disagreeable dryness and irritation in the throat, nightly waking, with great oppression of breathing and loss of voice, and all the symptoms which generally characterize a violent spasmodic croup. -Haemoptoe. CHEST.-Fine, flashing, or extremely violent stitches deep in the chest, during walking.-Pain in the chest as if cut to pieces.-Pleuritis.-Violent stitches in the middle of the sternum, extending to the shoulder. BACK.-Violent pain in the small of the back, constantly. ARMs.-Pain on the shoulder as if lame, only during motion.-- Violent lacerating in the shoulder.-Lacerating in the elbows.-Lacerating in the arm and hand. LEGS.-Gnawing in the hip-bones. Severe lacerating pain in the thighs and legs. Nightly lacerating in both knees. Ulcerative pain in the heels and toes. KALI NITRICUM. 753 157.-KALI NITRICUM. KAL. NITR.-Nitrum, Saltpetre, Nitrate of Potash.-See " Hahnemann's Chronie Disasases, V. COMPARE WI-H-Am., Am., Calc., Cocc., Kali, Natr.-mur., Nitr.-ac., Nitr-spir. ANTIDOTES.-Nitr.-spir.-Camph. increases the pains. GENERAL SYMPTOMS AND FITS.-Painless jerking in the whole body. Formication in the hands and feet, afterwards in the tongue.-Convulsions.-Sudden swelling of the body, neck, and thighs. Fainting fits, with vertigo, in the morning when standing, relieved when sitting down, afterwards obscuration of sight, with great weakness and drowsiness, pain in the small of the back, and constriction in the abdomen, for a quarter of an hour; when the fits cease, the pain goes down the lower limbs into the ankles, where it remains seated the whole day. Paralysis of the spinal marrow, with tetanus.-Paralysis of the extremities.-Paralysis of the organs of sense.--Chronic cachexia.-Fatal inflammation and gangrene. Great weariness, as after great exertion, with heaviness in the head. Weakness of the whole body. She felt at once so faint, worn out, and drowsy that she had to lie down, without being able to open her eyes. CHARACTERISTIC PECULIARITIES.-The majority of the symptoms occur in the afternoon and evening. The symptoms which occur during the day generally disappear in the evening after lying down. She feels relieved when lying down. The pains grow worse when in bed. She feels less weak when walking than when sitting. The symptoms, especially the headache, are immediately relieved by smell. ing of spiritus Nitri-dulcis. The symptoms grow worse by smelling of Camphor. SKIN.-Itching, here and there. Burning vesicles, full of a thin yellowish fluid. Small pustules in the face and on other parts of the skin. SLEEP.-Yawning. Drowsiness in the daytime, also when walking. -Restless nights.-Comatose sleep generally, with ravings.-Sleep full of.fancies.-Nightmare.-Oppression of the chest from coughing, in the night. Anxious, wild dreams. FEvER.-Violent chilliness, with trembling of the whole body. Chil. liness in the evening, with a cold thrill over the back, going off when lying down. Shuddering, in the evening, followed by flushes of heat and sweat. Slight heat over the whole body. Excessive sweat.-Ex. hausting sweats.-The pulse is full, hard, and quick, with an inflam. matory condition, especially of the abdominal organs. The pulse is quick and small, the hands being warm. 32* 754 KALI NITRICUM. MORAL SYMPTOMs.-Ennui, weeping mood, melancholy appearance. Uneasy, out of humor, sensitive, timid. SENSORIUM.-Drowsy, dullness of the head. Stupefaction and heaviness of the head, in the morning. Vertigo. Staggering gait, without vertigo. HEAD.-Continual heaviness and pain over the whole head. Dullness and throbbing in the forehead. The vertex feels bruised and sensitive. Headache on waking, with fullness in the abdomen, diarrhoea, and chilliness. Violent aching pain deep in the head, behind the eye. Pressure on the top of the head and in the occiput, as from a stone. Contractive pain in the forehead and eyes. Drawing and lacerating in the head, extending to the neck and shoulders. Feeling of looseness and stitches in the brain. Rush of blood to the head. Great sensitiveness of the scalp, it is painful to the touch.-Great falling of of the hair.-Small scurfy places on the hairy scalp, with itching. EYES.-Painful pressure in the eyes, as if sand or dust had got in. Burning smarting. Violent burning of the eyes, with redness of the canthi. Continual lacerating in the inner canthi. Transitory blindness. EARS.--Tensive pain in the. ears. Tingling in the ears.-Con. tinual deafness. NosE.-Sore pain of the nostril.-Bleeding of the nose.-Griping and burning around the wings of the nose. Violent coryza, with obstruction of the nose, loss of smell, and husky voice. FAcE.-Tensive pain in the cheeks, with redness, increased throbbing in the head, apparently in the middle of the brain. Lacerating in the facial bones.-Frequent violent itching of the face. TEETH.-Toothache, drawing and sticking. Lacerating toothache, with lacerating in the head from morning till noon. Boring toothache, with pressure in the head, and alternate heat and coldness. Ulcerative pain. Darting pains in the teeth. MoUTH.-Small burning pimples on the tip of the tongue.Aphony.-Coldness from the mouth to the stomach, with nausea and inclination to vomit. Swelling of the salivary and submaxillary glands, with hardness and pain and increased secretion of saliva. THROAT.-Sore throat, day and night. Aching pain in the throat, as when inflammation commences. Stinging in the throat and fauces during deglutition. Titillation in the throat. Roughness and scraping sensation in the throat. TASTE AND APPETITE.-*WanZt of appetite, -with increased hun* ger.-Canine heunger.-* Thirst, without much appetite. KALI NITRICUM. 75b GASTRIC SYMPTOMS.-Frequent eructations and nausea.--Hearttirn. Nausea, with inclination to vomit. Trembling of the whole body, headache, as if bruised, choking sensation in the throat, burning eyes, faintness, lacerating and sticking in the vertex and occiput, cuttng in the intestines, and, finally, discharge of soft faeces, followed by macus. Bloody vomiting. STOMACH.-Violent pain in the stomach and whole body. "Pressure in the stomach and colic. Spasm of the stomach. Slight pressure and burning in the region of the stomach.-Sharp sticking pain in the stomach and whole body. Coldness and pain in the stomach. Burning in the stomach. I??fammation of the stomach.-Aching pain in the pit of the stomach.-Pressure and gnawing in the pit of the stomach, painful to the touch. ABDoMEN.--Violent colic. Dull painful feeling in the region of the kidneys. Dull burning pressure. Violent aching pains in the lumbar region. Feeling of fullness in the abdomen, without pain. Violent contrac.ive pain in the left groin when walking, arresting the breathing. Drawing pain in the lesser intestines, towards evening. Pinching, in the abdomen. Occasional cutting in the umbilical region. Painful choking sensation around the umbilicus, with nausea. Presstng toward the umbilical ring. Violent rumbling in the abdomen. STooL.-Unsuccessful desire for stool. Frequent pressing on the rectum, with stool in the evening. Tenesmus of the rectum, with the usual stool. Sluggish stool. Hard stool, like sheep's dung. Hard stool, with burning and protrusion of the rectum. Soft, or diarrhcaic stool, with rumbling.-Diarrhoeic stools, without colic. Diarrhoea, with violent colic. Bloody stool. Enlargement and stinging pain of the varices. URINE.-Diminished secretion of urine.-Increased urine, with mucous sediment.-Painful stitches in the region of the prostatic gland, when urinating.-Burning in the urethra, during micturition. GENITAL ORGANS.-Increased sexual desire. Suppression of the menses. Weakness and pain in the lower limbs during the menses. Thin white leucorrhcea, with pain in the small of the back as if bruised. LARYNX.-Painful tightness in the larynx, during respiration.Cough, day and night, with soreness in the chest.-OCough in the open air and when going up-stairs, Dry cough, with roughness of the throat and weight on the chest. Dry, short, and hacking cough, the whole day, with audible palpitation of the heart. Violent burn. iig in the chest, up the throat, Bloody expectoration, when cough 756 IXALMIA LATIFOLIA. ing but little.--oHcemoptysis. -at full moon. Expectoration of coagu. lated blood, after hawking up mucus. CHEST.-Oppressed breathing when going up-stairs, sticking in the chest and cough, with expectoratior of light blood. Spasmodic contraction of the chest, with dread of suffocation and anguish.-Asthma, in the region of the throat-pit. Aching pain in the chest, of short duration. Tensive pain across the chest 0Stitches in the chest during a deep inspiration.-Violent stitch in the region of the heart. BJrning and stinging in the chest. Congestion of blood to the chest. Momentary paipitation of the heart, at intervals. Violent palpitation of the heart, when lying on the back, in the night, or when lying on the right side. Palpitation of the heart when rising or moving about quickly, with heat of the face and oppression of the chest. ACK.--Pain in the small of the back. Crampy pressure in the small of the back the whole day.-Pressure and burning in tho back, relieved by motion. Violent cutting between the shoulders, shortening the breathing.-Stif'ness in the nape of the neck. Painfid throbbing in one of the cervical vertebrae. ARnis.-Lacerating in both shouldei.s. Pain in the shoulder as if bruised, in the morning. Drawing pain in the arms. Drawing lacerating in the arm. Paralysis of the arm. Drawing crampy pain in the upper arm. Lacerating in the wrist-joint. Sense as of breaking and lacerating in the hand. The hand feels heavy as lead Weakness of the hands and fingers. Pain in the fingers, as if sprained. Occasional stiffness oC the fingers. LEGS.-Lacerating in the hip-joznt. Frequent stinging and burn ing in the hip. Dull aching pain in the bones of the lower limb. Intense contusive pain in the thigh. Weakness and painfulness of the lower limbs in thi evening. Excessive weakness of the lower limbs, with yawning. Weakness of the lower limbs, with drawing pain from time to time. Feeling of great weariness, and paralytic weakness in the legs.--Frequent griping, ulcerative pain in the sole. Burning in the heel and balls of either foot, in the night in bed. Great weakness of the feet, especially when standing or walking. 158.-KALMIA LATIFOLIA. KALM. LAT.--.bauiel; Mountain Laurel; Broad-leaved Laurel; Lamblill; Ivy-bush; Spoon-wood; Calico-busb.-See "Transactions of the American Inst. of Horn.," Vol. I. "D)r. Gray has cured violent facial neuralgia with it."--ED. SKIN AND GENERAL SYMPTOMS.--.Rod inflamed spots in KALMIA LATIFOLIA. different places on the body, which appear like the beginning of blood-boils, and continue for several weeks.-Pressing pains in the whol% body. The pains are most severe while moving, and disappear while lying. Severe neuralgic pains. SLEEP.-ROestlessness, frequent turning Talking in sleep. Un. pleasant, fantastic dreams. FEVER.-Cold and shivering. HEAD.-Vertigo and headache. Nausea in the evening, followed by some dullness and aching in the head. Dullness in the head. Pain in the top of the head, as if bound closely with a cord. Strong pain in the temples and forehead.-Pressing pain in the forehead. Slight aching in the forehead, which sometimes shoots downwards to the eye-teeth. Severe pressing in the temples. Rending in the head and neck.-Pulsating pain in the forehead. EYEs.--Glimmering before the eyes, exactly in the point of vision; it seems as if small points were continually moving before the eyes. -Cloudiness before the eyes.-Sensation of stiffness in the muscles around the eyes and of the eye-lids. Pressing in the eyes, attended by pains in the arms and hands. Itching in the eyes. EARS.--Severe stitches in the ear. Excessive tingling in the ears. NosE.--Tickling in the nose.-Fluent coryza, with frequent sneezing. FAcE.-Pressing pain in the right side of the face. Stinging in the bones of the jaws. OProsopalgia. TEETH.-Pain in the upper teeth.-Severe pressing in the molar teeth.-Dull pain in the incisor and eye-teeth. MOUTH.-Stitches in the tongue. Tongue white and dry.-Lips swollen, dry, and stiff, in the morning.-Tingling in the salivary glands. Inflammation of the sublingual glands. Acrid bitter taste in the mouth. THROAT.-Difficult deglutition. Scraping in the throat. Pressing in the throat and nausea, with stitches in the eyes. Sensation of rawness and scraping in the throat, which is painful while swallowing. STOMACH.-Nausea, with headache. ABDOMEN.-Occasional pain across the abdomen. Pain in the right side, in the region of the liver. BoWELS.-Scanty stool. Momentary nausea. URINE.-Strong desire to urinate. GENITAL ORGANS.-The menses appear too early or late. Painful menstruation. Suppression of the menses.-Pain in the loins, back, 758 XREASOTUTM. and anterior part of the thighs during menstruation.-Yellnowish leucorrhaa in the morning, eight days after the appearance of the menses. CHEST.-Oppression of the chest, difficulty of breathing, dullness of the head, and nausea. Sensation in the chest as if strained by lifting. Palpitation of the heart. BACK.-A sensation as if the spinal column would break. Sharp pain in the three superior dorsal vertebrae, extending through the shoulder-blades. Constant pain in the spine, sometimes worse in the lumbar region, with great heat and burning. Pain in the shoulder. blades. Aching pain across the loins, worse in the evening. Paralytic pain in the small of the back. ARMs.-Rending in the shoulder-joint. Frequent strong cracking in the joints of the elbows. Pain in the joints and arms. A sensation like paralysis in the hand. LEGS.-Great weariness in the evening, particularly in the extremities." Numbness of the limbs, as if asleep. Violent pain in the leý foot. Aching in the tarsal bones of the right foot. Sticking in thb soles of the feet. Stinging in the toes. Frequent pains in the muscles of the extremities, and also in the head, with dullness, ver. tiga. and some nausea. Sprain-like pain at times in the feet and hands. 159.-KREASOTUM. KREAS.-See "Archiv," XVI. COMPARE WITH-Phosph., Mur. and Sulph.-ac., Nitr.-ac., Ars., Cale.-earb, Chin., Chinin.-sulph., Cocc., Ipec.. lod., Kali-hydr., Merc., Nux-v., Petr., Phosph., Puls., Rhus, Sec.-corn., Sil., Sulph. ANTIDOTES.-Of small doses: Chin.? Ars.? Ipec.? Cocc.?-Nux-v. has been found available against the violent pulsations in every part of the organism, Aconite against the vascular irritation.-WAHLE. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-Jerking and pinching in every joint. Pinching, here and there. Pains as if sore and ulcerated. Laming pains. Drawing and lacerating. Sticking in the joints. *Nightly pains. * Pains as if bruised and contused.-Great irritation throughout the whole body. * Uneasiness of the whole body, during rest, -also as if every part of the body were in motion. Painful shocks through the body, at night during sleep.-*Pains as if bruised in every part (limb) of the body, -as after running a good deal. Weariness in all the limbs, as previous to violent catarrh, with drowsiness and weariness. All her limbs are affected as -previous to a violent catarrh.-Fainting spell, early in the morning when getting up half an hour before her usual time KRBEASOTUM. 7590 CHARACTERISTIC PEcuLIAnaTESs.-The pains appear to be aggra. vated by rest. SKIN.-Itching, violent towards evening. It 'ching, with burning and heat over the whole body, at night, not allowing one to sleep - Blotches like nettle-rash. Blisters like bug-b-ites, over the whole Sbody. Large greasy-looking, pock-shaped pustules over the whole body. Pustules resembling scabies-sarcoptica, over the whole body, with swelling and stiffness of the feet.-Ollerpes, furfuraceous and pustulous, dry and humid. SLEEP.-Frequent yawning, with pressure-in the forehead, and. weariness.-~*Great drowsiness, with, frequent yawning, -accompanied with putrid taste in the mouth and little appetite,-0A good deal of sIe e p.-Sleeplessness. 0Restless sleep, with m0any dreams. Starting during sleep. Symptoms at night, in bed:~ uneasiness through the whole body after lying down. Feeling of fatigue in the morning. FE~VERn-Slight chilliness. Shivering all over the skin.-0Predeo minant chilliness.-Partial chilliness.-Shak-ing chilliness. -Fever: shaking chills for-five hours, the,,, heat in the face, with heat of the hands and coldness of the feet, mingled with chills; alternation of chilliness and heat, with thirst, languor in every part of the body, constant, painful, fatiguing cough.-Pulse small and subdued; pulse natural, but perceptible in every part of the body as soon as she remains quiet; strong pulse through the whole body, with sensation as if the body were vacillating, but only during rest. MORAL SYMPTOMS.-Sad mood, with constant disposition to weep,. *Ill-hum~ar. Constanatly excited, vexed, and obstinate. SENsORIUM.-Frequent failuLre of thought, the head feeling confused and dull. * Weakness of memory. Dullness of the head, with beating and throbbing on the vertex. Vertigo, with danger of falling on turning round quickly. JIBAD.-HLeadache with drowsiness. Heaviness of the head. Ten'sive pain in the head, aggravated by stoopingr.-Painful pressing in the head. Drawing headache, with closing of the eyes as if by force. Lacerating headache, with drawing extending to the eyes. Lacerating pain in the whole head. *Beating, throbbing, =Slight, in the vertex; on the top of the head, with dullness. *Lacer~ating in the siaciput.-Throbbing -and bubbling in the left temporal bone, as from an ulcer, extending, to the vertex and the lower jaw, with twitching and contraction of the eye-lids. O~hizzljng in the head. Ulcerative pain in the right side of th e sincipui. The skin of the vertex and Binaciput is painful, as from subcutaneous ulceration, on touching or 760 KREASOTUM. combing the head. *Falling off of the hair, -particularly on combing the head. EYEs.-*Itching and biting in the eyes, -of the lids.-Warmth or *heat in the eyes, with lachrymation. Burning and heat, as from fire in the eyes. Redness of the lids, with some swelling. OSwelling Sof the margins of the lids.-~Chronic swelling of the margins of the lids. OSuppuration of the eyes. *Lachrymation -on looking at bright light.-Discharge of hot, acrid, smarting tears, like salt water. -Twitching of the lids.--Dim-sightedness as through gauze, owith dim, faint eyes. Sensation as if little particles of a feather were floating before her eyes. EARS.-Stitches in the ears. Itching in the ears. OHumid herpes on the ears, with swelling of the cervical glands, and livid, gray complexion. Heat and burning of the ears, with coldness of the feet. Inflammation of the outer ear, with glowing heat, bright redness, considerable swelling, and tensive burning pains. Hardness of hearing, with buzzing in the ears. NOSE.-Bad smell before the nose, with loss of appetite.-Bleeding of the nose. *Frequent sneezing, -particularly early in the morning. *Dry coryza. FAcE.--Livid complexion, with swelling of a cervical gland and herpes on the ears. Eruption: *pimples on the forehead. ~Acnerosacea. OScaly herpes on the eye-lids, cheeks, and around the mouth. TEETH.-*Drawing pains in the teeth, *extending to the temples, Oand affecting the interior of the ear. Drawing pains in the upper and lower front teeth. MOUTI, THROAT.-Scraping in the throat, with roughness. Painful choking in the oesophagus. TASTE AND APPETITE.-Bitter taste in the mouth. The appetite is gone. GASTRIC SYMPTOMS.-Sour eructations. *Nausea oof pregnant females, -with spitting, and chilliness through the whole body, as if he would vomit, with burning in the mouth.- Vomiting, before breakfast, of sweetish water. Gagging up of water and mucus on rising in the morning. SToMACH.-Tightness across the stomach and pit of the stomach. /. Drawing lacerating in the pit of the stomach.-Movement and throbbing in every artery. Frequent stitches in the region of the heart. oScirrhus or cancer of the stomach. HYPOCHONDRIA.-Continuous stinging in the region of the liver. Pain as if bruised in the superior and anterior lobe of the liver, with feeling of f.llness. Pressure in the region of the spleen, AREASOTUM. 761 ABDOMEN.- Contractive sensation in the abdomen, as if a hard twisted ball were lying in the umbilical region. Griping lacerating around the umbilicus, with ulcerative pain of the whole abdomen. Digging and griping in the umbilical region, extending to the throat and occasioning nausea and inclination to vomit. Labor-like colic. Spasmodic pains in the abdomen.-Cutting around the umbilicus, as if diarrhoea would set in.-Drawing pain in the abdomen during the menses. Ulcerative pain in the whole abdomen. Painful feeling of coldness in the abdomen, with scanty secretion of urine. Pain as from a cold in the region of the umbilicus, as if diarrhoea would set in. Tensive pain in the inguinal regions, when walking. STOOL AND ANus.-Intermittent stool, every three or four days, hard, dry, with a good deal of pressing. OConstipation, with cancer of the uterus. Drawing, lacerating, and darting in the rectum, with frequent ineffectual urging to stool, hard stool after a good deal of pressing, and remission of the pains. Spasmodic pains in the rectum extending into the groin. UrINE.-Diminished secretion of urine. *Frequent desire to urinate, with copious emissions. *Frequent micturition, also at night, -sometimes with pressing on the bladder. The urine is hot and smoking, with acrid smell and reddish sediment. Mild leucorrhoea, tinging the linen yellow, previous to every micturition, with frequent desire to urinate. MALE GENITAL ORGANS.-Burning in the parts, and impotence during an embrace, with swelling of the penis the next day. FEMALE GENITAL ORGANS.-Itching, inducing rubbing in the vagina. Corrosive itching between the labia and the vagina, succeeded by burning and swelling of the labia. Hard tubercle in the neck of the uterus, with ulcerative pain during an embrace. Prolapsus of the uterus. *Menses too early, with discharge (-of dark blood), *continuing even eight days, oalso with pains in the small of the back. Menses every three weeks, profuse, succeeded by the discharge of an acrid-smelling, bloody ichor, with corrosive itching and biting of the parts. Profuse menses, sometimes coming away in pieces. The menses intermit for forty-eight hours, then return for twenty-four, with violent pains in the abdomen and discharge of thin bright-red blood.-The menses are preceded by.: hardness of hearing; rising of an insipid white froth, or vomiting of mucus; considerable distention of the abdomen; clawing and digging around the umbilicus, succeeded by discharge of white leucorrhoea; great nervousness and uneasiness.-The menses are accompanied with: *buzzing and humming in the head (Osometimes felt also before and after tho 762 KREASOTUM. menses), -or with pressing in the head from within outwards, worse on stooping; *hardness of hearing; -emission of flatulence, smelling like rotten eggs.-After the menses: violent abdominal spasms, particularly in the groin. 0Frequent and acute pains remaining after too frequent and too copious mlenstruation.-~Metrorrhagia.-Leucorrhcea: white, painless, preceded by pains in the small of the back, with flushes of heat in the face, and flowing like the menses; acrid, leaving yellowish-white spots on the linen; yellowish, tinging the linen yellow, with great weakness of the lower extremities. Discharge of mucus and blood by the vagina, in the morning on rising. *Mild as well as corrosive leucorrhcea. *Leucor'rhcea with great debility. In pregnant females. ~nausea; oappearance of the menses in the third month of pregnancy, with black blood, which flows like a stream. ~Disposition to miscarriage. OStitches in the mamma. LARYNX AND TRACHEA.-*Scraping and roughness in the throat, -also with rough, hoarse tone of voice. OGrippe.--Chronic catarrh, particularly in old people.--*Cough: in the evening in bed. Cough excited by a crawling below the larynx. Dry cough, with scraping in the throat and pain in the chest. OCough with asthma. *Cough, with emissions of urine, ~and concussion of the abdomen. Constant cough, with a good deal of drowsiness. Whooping-cough. *Wheezing, dry cough.-Dry and spasmodic cough early in the morning, unto retching, occasioned by constant crawling and tickling in the throat. *Cough, with retching, -only saliva being thrown off.Cough, with expectoration.--~Scraping cough, with copious expectoration of thick, yellowish, or whitish mucus. CHEST.-*-Difficult and sometimes anxious breathing, -or as if the chest were compressed.-Frequent desire to take deep breath. Shortness of breath, with pain as if bruised in the chest on taking an inspiration.- Oppression of the chest, coming on suddenly, with stitcheq in the left side of the chest.-*Heaviness in the chest, oalso with anxiety. Pain as if the chest or the sternum would be crushcd in -Painful feeling of rawness in the lower part of the chest. Burning from the middle of the chest to the throat. Stitches in the chest. OFrequent lancinations in the right side of the chest.--Stitches in the heart. BACK.-Digging in the small of the back, as if something would come out. Pains as if the small of the back would break, extending to between the shoulders. Labor-like pains in the small of the back, with ineffectual urging to stool and distention of the abdomen. Ulcerative pains in the lumbar vertebra, o7 as if the flesh were beaten off the bones.--Frequent pains in the small of the back and lumbar LACHESIS. "T vertebre, resembling acute labor-pains, owith strong urging to urinate, --*Pains in the back, at night, -worse during rest.-Drawing ten. sion between the scapulee.--oSwelling of the cervical glands, with humid herpes on the ears, and gray, livid complexion. ARis.-Pains in the shoulders as if they had been bare.-Stitches in the arm, from the shoulder-joint through the fingers.-Frequent pain of the elbow-joints.-Drawing pains in the fingers. Deadness ofthe fingers, which grow pale and insensible. LEGS.-Hurneing and buzzing sensation in the lower limbs. Languor and weariness in the lower limbs. Drawing pain, with stitches from the thighs to the soles of the feetL-Darting pain above the knee. Weakness of the joints, during motion, as if they woulld give way. Red scaly skin, like herpes, in the bends of the knees.-Throbbing as from a boil in the legs, from the knees through the toes, worse in the soles of the feet. Tensive pain from the knees to the tarsal joints. Pain of the soles, as from subcutaneous suppuration. ZEdemataus white swelling of both feet. Coldness of the feet. Burning itching of the soles. 160.-LACIIESIS. LACH.-Trigonocephalus Lachesis.-See H-Tering " On the Poison of Serpents." -Duration of Action: from four to live weeks. COMPARE WITH-Alumn, Ars., Bell., Bry., Caps., Carb.--., Czau&t., Chamn., Chin., Coce., Con, Dulc., Hep., Hyos., Lye., Merc., Natr.-mur., Nitr.e-., Nux-mos., Nux-v., Phosph.-ac., Puls., Rhus, Samb., Selen., Sulph.,. Verat.-Is frequently suitable after: Ars., Con., Hcp, Lye., Mere., Nitr.-ae., fux-v.-Afterwards are frequently suitable: Alum., Ars, Bell., Carb.-v., Caust,. Con., DuTe Mere., Nux-v., Phosph.-ac. ANTIDOTEs.-Alum., Ars., Bell, Cham., Caps., Chin., Coce., Hep., Mere., Natr.mur.,. Nux-mos., Nux-v., Phosph.-ac., Rhus., Samb., Veratr.-For the bite of the Serpent: Ars., Bell, Caps., Natr.-mur., Samb. CHARACTERISTIc PECULIARITIES.-Lachesis appears to act pinei pally on the left side, particularly in oapoplectic paralysis, -sore throat, eruptions, and pains in the limbs. *Aggravation of the symptoms in damp weather. OExhaustion and weariness from excessively cold or warm weather. *Aggravation of the symptoms during rest, amelioration during motion, -except the intense inflam. matory rheumrnatic pains. Evening exacerbation. *Excacerbation after every sleep, in the day or night. oThe curative action is disturbed by acids, wine, or beer, particularly, however, by emotions, fright, mor. tification, listening to tales of murder, &c. *TypIqcal recurrence of the aggravations. A number of the pains tcrmina. c in cata'rh. 764 LACHESIS. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-Gnawing heaviness, lameness of the limbs, or as if bruised. Aching wandering pains. *Lacerating in the li7mbs, also with contraction and stiffness of the affected joints, with aggravation of the pains early in the morning.-*Paralysis. 0H,iplegia, particularly of one arm, or of the whole left side (also in alternation with Rhus)--0Emaciation during sickness. ~Emaciation and exhaustion after abuse of Quinine in intermittent fever. -*Weariness, with bodily languor and mental excitement. *Great weariness in walkipng, owith languor.-*Dread of motion, and laziness, Oalso with languor and stiffness. ~Great weakness, with other complaints, particularly with pains in the stomach. Frequent fainting jits, particularly during breakfast, with nausea, vertigo, failure of sight, and frequent recurrence of the fainting turns in the daytime. ~Frequent attacks of fainting every day, with nausea, difficult breathing, palpitation of the heart, and moist skin with cold sweat.Trembling of the whole body, with feeling of ennui. Sensation of internal trembling, as from anguish. Trembling of the limbs in the evening, followed by internal trembling, with fever and sensation of fainting. Sudden ttacks of vertigo, every part of the body appearing trembling and palpitating, preceded by palpitation of the heart, with heat, anguisk, and shuddering, and trembling of the lower limbs.-Convulsions, particularly of the hands and lower limbs. Sudden convulsive starting of the whole body, proceeding from the lower extremities, when sitting. oViolent convulsions of the limbs and face, with rigid stretching of the body. OConvulsions and other spasms, with violent shriek, particularly about midnight, waking the patient. Rigid stretching of the limbs, with bending the head backwards and distortion of the eyes. OThreatening lock-jaw. SKIN.- Itching of the whole body, as from ants. Pustules. Rash over the whole body, small smooth spots of the size of the point of a needle. OSmall reddish spots on the face, neck, and arms. Warts (on the hands). o Warts of horses.-Gangrenous blisters.-*Erysipelas, particularly in the face. Scarlet-like eruptions. Scarlet fever, with swelling of the cervical glands, black lips and tongue,.and constipation.-Swelling over the whole body. Small ulcers are scattered about. Pain in old cicatrices.-OAneurismns..SLEEP.--*Drowsitess, wit& lassitude in all the limbs, -particularly morning and forenoon. Constant sopor, after cessation of the pains. -_ Dificulty of falling asleep, -for weeks, *also with great drawsiness in the evening. *No sleep before midnight. Constant exhausting sleeplessness.-ODisturbed by every little noise. Symptons during sleep: tossing about, -particularly in children, with moan LACHESIS. 765 ing OStarting when on the point of falling asleep.-Symptoms at.zaght, in bed: OSwelling of the face, -or itching and erysipelas. Pains in the nasal bone. OConstant coryza. Stinging in the throat or sensation as if closed. OAmelioration of the sore throat. oBitterness of the mouth. Nausea. OWeakness in the pit of the stomach. Diarrhoea. Urging to urinate. Emissions. Erections. Cough. Huskiness of the chest. Difficulty of breathing. Pains in the chest, particularly also burning. 0 Aggravation of the rheumatic and mercurial pains in the limbs. OHeat in the head, arms, &c. *Constant dreams the whole night, with frequent waking. Symptoms on waking in the morning: dullness of the head. *Headache. Horrid toothache. oInclination to vomit, -cramp in the knees, &c. General illness, with vertigo, heaviness in the occiput, sensation as if sprained in all the joints, pressure in the small of the back, and fullness in the abdomen. Roaring in the ear. Pressure on the eyes. Feeling as if bruised and scarcely able to rise. Languor, particularly in the arms and feet. Sexual excitement, with pain in the loins and bruised feeling. Erections. ODisappearance of the existing eatarrh.-Symptoms after sleeping generally: *increase of the number and intensity of the pains. Stif and as if bruised. FEVER.-~Icy coldness of the hand, with burning sensation. General coldness, with desire to be near the warm stove.-Chilliness, with laziness, lowness of spirits, and amelioration when lying near the fire. Severe chilliness, with chattering of teeth and a kind of lockjaw, in the evening. OChilliness every other day.-Continual fever, with dry skin and mouth, dry, coated tongue, constant thirst, small, quick pulse, and faint eyes. OFever of a child, with heat of the head, cold feet, moaning. Frequent paroxysms every day, particularly morning and evening, first a good deal of thirst, then shuddering, afterwards slow heat, without thirst and dread of being uncovered. OShuddering at ten o'clock in the evening, afterwards alternation of heat and coldness, accompanied with lacerating in the temple and burning in the pit of the stomach. oAt times chilliness, at times icy coldness, at times heat. OFrequent chills along the back, mingled with heat, blackness before the eyes, and failure of thought. *Heat with shiverings, oalso as if arising from a cold, with dread of every little current of air. OChilliness and heat, afterwards chilliness, with unquenchable thirst, head and toothache.--~Attack of inveterate fever and ague, every evening, first chills with drawing in the back and lower limbs, afterwards dry heat at night, with loss of appetite and exhaustion. OFever every morning on rising, com. mencing with restlessness, hurriedness, and anxious motions as if 766 LACHIESIS. from fear, afterwards headache, deep breathing, moaning, and hot sweat all over, towards evening vomiting and hiccough. *Tertian fevers. 0lnveterate quartan fever.-0Typhus Oon the tenth and tleventh days, with vertigo on sitting up in bed, paralysis of the eyelids with difficulty of opening themn, bitterness of mouth, loss of -appetite, subdued pain in the chest and dry cough, lacerating in the left thigh and in the back. 0Typhus on the seventeenth, nineteenth day, with sopor, pulse 70, soft, of irregular volume, some sweat, with coolness of the legs a~nd feet, red, yellowish, smooth, dry tongue (parched in front only), with difficulty of protruding it.-Sort of cat arrhal fever, with heat, fullness of the hcad, drawing in the teeth and facial boncs. *Burning in the palms of the hands and soles Oparticularly at night. *Initolerable heat at night, with sweat and thirst.-Small, weak, and irregular pulse:* Small and quick pulse, with hot skin. *Small, soft pulse, of unequal volume. Olntermittent -and small pulse, during an apoplectic fit. Full and hard pulse.*Disposed to sweat.-0Pr-ofuse sweat accompanying other complaints. MORAL SYMPTOMS.-* espon dency, -also with shortness of bre-8th, or with indolence and chilliness, Oor with discouragement, in gastric affections. OýMelancholy of pregnant females. 0Taciturn and indolent, also in children. 0Great disposition to feel sad. 0-Discouragemzent,and loathing of ljfe.-*iRestlessness. *Anguish, also with trembling OAttaeks of nightly fear.-*JkMistrust and suspicion. *Doubts everything. Ennui, with tremblingp. -0lndolent, taciturn, brooding, and melancholy, he considers himself too feeble to do anything, w~ith aggravatilon of the sym ptomis every other day. Indolence of the mind, with bodily weakness and laniguor. -OPeevishi,fault~finding. Ollf-alice. h1urriedness and u neasiness.-Great nervous irritability. OExcessive moaning* and complainingo of one's pain. Great tendency to start, particularly in the evening. 0M1orbid talkativeness. SENSOIUujm.-MIental languor preceded by excitement.-0Absence of thoughlt, with weakness of memory. 0 Vanishing of thought, with blackness before the eyes, in paroxysms. Complete loss of sense, with cold feet. -Obnability to think intently. 0Mental exertions affect himn unpleasantly.-Gr-eat weakness ofvmemnory.--Delirium at night....*BlIental derangemnent: after vexation; 0after excessive study; Oin, drunkards.? 0Religious cralzine~ss *Dzdlness of the head: -with heat and violent congestions. Frequent momentary vertigo,' Particularly on closing the eyes. OGiddiness in the sinciput, with dullness of vision, as if a mist were before the eyes. *Giddiness wvith headlache, Oparticularly before the men ses.-0 Apoplectic fits:. with diptortion, of the head, facial muscles, and mouth to the. left side, dark LACHESIS. 767 redness of the face and violent convulsions of the muscles, violent jactitation of the upper and lower limbs. OApoplectic fit in hydrothorax, with paralysis of one arm and of the tongue, imperfect consciousness, and unintelligible muttering. OApoplectic fit, with paralysis of the left side, coldness of the hand as if dead, moaning, complaining about pain and debility, dread of death, delirium, lacerating in the head with heat and redness of the face, weakness and tightness of the chest. OCerebral affections of children.? 0Acute dropsy of the brain (?) accompanying chronic helminthiasis.? HEAD.-- eadache generally: Pain in both temples. OPain in the occiptit, every morning. OGeneral, very troublesome pain, every afternoon. OPain every day, with a languid feeling in all the limbs as if proceeding from the chest, disposition to sleep, and loss of appetite. OHeadache from the heat of the sun. OStroke of the sun.? --Dull aching: -in the sinciput; in the head, with nausea, in the afternoon; in the vertex, in drunkards.-*Heaviness of the head. oearly in the morning, with subsequent pain above the right eye; Owith weakness and dullness of the head, worse in the occiput and when walking. *Headache after a cold, first a pressure in the forehead, which increases to a violent beating in the evening, with nausea and inclination to vomit.--Aching pains in the head. *Headache with nausea and drowsiness. *Aching in the forehead, oalso with stitches. Aching under the skull all over.-Pressing headache, early in the morning, violent, with congestions of the head, particularly on stooping.-OPressing in the forehead from without inwards, on stooping. OSevere pain, as if the head would burst, particularly in the temples.--Tensive pain in the whole head, relieved in the open air. -*Lacerating in the head. *Dartings in the head. Deep stinging throughout the whole head.-*Beating headache. o Violent beating in the whole head. ~Beating above the eyes. Hammering on every motion, occasioning nausea and inclination to vomit, with painful boring in the vertex. o Undulating pulsative beating, most violent above the eyes. *Congestion of the head, oattending other complaints with dullness of the head and giddiness.-*Heat in the head. * Whizz. ing in the head. * Violent headache with twinkling before the eyes, *as if coryza would make its appearance, Oor with inclination to vomit. *Headache with nausea, oalso violent, particularly in the forehead, with chilliness and palpitation of the heart. Headache with toothache.-Painful sensitiveness of the whole left side of the head.-. Itching of the hairy scalp. Peeling off of the skin of the head and face. Swelling of the head and face, with closing of the eyes from swelling. --Falling off of the hair. 768 LACHESIS. EYES.-Pains near or above the eyes. Pain in the eyes as if from dust. *Pain in the eyes from reading.-Pressure in the eyes, as if the orbits were too narrow, worse during movement. OPressure in the eyes, as if the eyes would start from their sockets.-Stinging in the eyes, which are sometimes hot and burning. oBiting and burning in the eyes, particularly in the upper lids, with constipation.-o~Redncss. *Inflammation of the eyes. Inflammation of the lids, with pain in the eyes. ~Inflammation characterized by a large bundle of injected vessels, proceeding from the inner canthus towards the cornea. o Ulcers of the cornea.-Faintness and dimness of the eyes, attending some other complaints, or *distortion of the eyes.-Dimness of the eyes. The eyes become weak. Mistiness before the eyes. Flickering before the eyes, with twitching, attended with congestion of the head. Sensations as if threads or sunbeams were moving before the eyes in confusion. Black flickering before the eyes. Bright blue ring around the light, or fiery ring, with fiery rays. EARS.-Throbbing in the bones. Darting under the ears, as in erysipelas.-oSoreness and scurfs on the ears. Coldness of the ear and of the whole side of the head (during toothache). ~Indescribably disagreeable sensation from the ear to the throat.-~Dryness of the ears. *White cerumen. The ears feel obstructed.-*Diminution, hardness of hearing, -also with dryness. * Very sensitive to noise. Crackling in the ears. Roaring in the ear. Drumming-roaring with congestion of blood to the head. NOSE.-Pains in the nose proceeding from the head. Drawing in the bone. O~Redness of the nose in drunkards and in syphilitic patients who have been poisoned with Mere. Vesicular eruption in the nostril. OScurfs in the nose. *Discharge qf pus and blood from the nose, oalso with violent headache. 0Ozosna.-Dryness of the nose, sometimes commencing in the throat. Yellow mucus from the nose and throat, preceded by dry coryza and hoarseness of long standifig. -OFrequent imperfect catarrh. Interminable coryza. Coryza with soreness of the nose. OComplaints from retrocession of catarrh.-*Fluent coryza oevery day. OFluent coryza with profuse secretion of mucus, running of the eyes, and cough. FACE.-0Expression of pain. *Distortion of the face, ~also during an apoplectic fit. Sunken face with expression of suffering. *Pale face. *Livid, gray complexion, attending the abdominal complaints, or fever and ague after abuse of Chin. 0 Yellow complexion with vermilion redness of the cheeks, in chronic affections. Blue rings around the eyes, early in the morning.-*Heat in the face. ORedness of the face with headache, lacerating pains in the limbs, or pains LACHESIS. 769 in the stomach and chest.-Prosopalgia: lacerating above the orbit, with vomiting of the ingesta (in girls at the period of pubescence). Drawing in the malar and jaw-bones. Burning pains in the face.*Swelling ofthe face with heat and redness. OSwelling of the left side of the face and of the lower jaw, with sensitiveness to contact.Erysipelas of the face, particularly under the left eye. OArrest of erysipelas when on the point of breaking out. OSudden nightly swelling of the face with violent itching.-Itching of the face. (OPrickling in the face and around the eyes.) Eruption about the eye. Rash over the whole face, going and coming. OReddish herpes in the face. 0Old herpes with thick scurf in the region of the whiskers. OReappearance in large quantity of suppressed herpes in the face. -*Swelling of the lips. ODistortion of the mouth to the left side during an apoplectic fit. TEETH AND JAws.-- Stiffness of the articulations of the jaws. *Lock-jaw -with chilliness. OLock-jawin a patient affected with chronic catalepsy. OConstant rising and falling of the lower jaw during an apoplectic fit. Lacerating in the jaw. *Toothache, -with swelling of the cheeks, headache, chilliness, heat, thirst, and heaviness of the feet.--*Lacerating in the teeth, -also with furious darting and stinging in the roots of the lower teeth.--Throbbing stinging, followed by discharge of blood, with frequent, readily-excited bleeding of the gums, sometimes with pain in the forehead and beating over the eyes.-Exfoliation of the inner side of the teeth.-OThe gums are raw and sore. Readily-bleeding gums.-Swelling of the gums, with blue redness and great sensitiveness.--Scurvy.? MOUTH.--Violent burning in the mouth, also with throbbing, or with swelling of the lips and gums. Rawness of the mouth and throat. *Soreness. Gangrenous spots in the mouth, preceded by burning pain and rawness. OStomacace.?-*Dryness of the mouth 0with sore feeling. - Accumulation of water in the mouth.*Ptyalism, oalso when other complaints, such as mercurial-syphilitic ulcers in the throat, are present. Spitting of blood.-*Burning as if from pepper. OBurning with yellowish redness, smoothness, white edges, and cracked lip (in typhus). OThick yellowish coating of the tongue. oWhite tongue, with aversion to food, during fever. OBlack tongue. OTongue as if stiff, with difficulty of moving it when swallowing. OParalysis of the tongue after apoplexy. ODisposition to bite the tongue, during an epileptic fit. OSwelling of the tongue, from the bite of a viper. ORed sore parts, rhagades, and large round papillhe of the tongue. ~Gangrene of the tongue.-Difficulty of speech, Oalso in typhus, as if the tongue were too heavy. OUi33 770 LACHESIS. intelligible muttering after an apoplectic fit. OHurried talking, with headache and redness of the face, or with mental derangement and constrictive sensation in the throat.-Soreness. 0~Inflanmmation of the tongue, with titillation inducing cough. 0o~flammatory swelling of the velum pendulum palati. THROAT.-~Tingling, -particularly early in the morning, with nausea and subsequent prickling, stinging, and vomiting, or at night, accompanied with continual dry cough, oor on the left side of the throat with stinging.-*Sore throat, othe soreness being felt at small spots in the throat; *extending to the ears; *with danger of suffocation.--*Pressure in the throat. *Pressing in the throat, with frequent discharge of saliva.--Sensation of swelling in the throat -during deglutition.-Sensation as of a plug, lump, tubercle, &c., in the throat. *Sensation after eating as if something had remained adhering to the esophagus. *Burning in the throat, -also with hoarseness. *Soreness in the throat, -as after a cold. OChronic sore pain in the oesophagus during deglutition. Sensation as if the whole throat were raw.--*Inflammation of the throat. OInflammation of the tonsils, with swelling, redness, and disposition to suppurate (giving first Bell.) OPhlegmonous inflammation of the throat with violent fever.? OSyphilitic-mercurial ulcers in the throat, on the palate, and in the fauces, with tingling in the ulcers, desire to cough, and violent pain on swallowing food, particularly hard, sweet, and sour food. oSmall ulcerated places in the throat.-*Entire inability to swallow. *Constant urging to swallowing. *Drinks return by the nose.0 Hydrophobia.?-*Dryness of the pharynx and cesophagus, -preventing deglutition. ODryness of small spots in the throat. ODryness of the right side of the throat.--Hawking up of mucus, -particularly in the evening, as if an ulcer had burst. APPETITE AND TASTE.-Ofensive, bad taste in the mouth. OBad taste in the mouth, remaining after eating, with vomiting in the morning and pressure in the pit of the throat. *Salt taste, oalso about the lips only, -or when hawking up mucus. OMetallic taste with dryness of the mouth. *Bitter taste. *Loss of appetite. ~Extreme aversion to food. *Strong appetite, oalso with derangement of the stomach, -or with urging to lie down after a meal. *Hunger. oGreat desiro for acids. OVomiting of food by coughing. ~Malaise, with rising of air, nausea, anxiety, inability to think intensely, and apprehensive feeling until eructations take place, after every meal. *Pressure in the stomach, -also with weakness of the knees. OHeaviness in the stomach. OGnawing and pressure in the stomach, a few hours after a meal. OPressure around the umbilicus. *Repletion. OShortness LACHESIS. 771 of breathing. o Vertigo. *Sore throat, ~also early in the morning, -or in the evening. *Drowsiness, -after breakfast or supper, *w after dinner, owith repletion, -or languor. *Indolence and Oheavi. ness; Odesire to lie down. OHeaviness, after every copious meal.*Weakness of digestion of the stomach, dyspepsia. OChronic complaints. GASTRIC SYMPTOMS.-~Empty eructations at night, with aggrava. tion of the pains. *Eructations which aford relief, particularly when tormented by flatulence odistending the stomach, -or pressing against the chest as if incarcerated in the chest, or *when accompanying a number of other afections.-*Regurgitation of the ingesta after eat. zng. *Gulping up of sour water -after a meal, Oor particularly early in the morning.-Sensation as if heartburn would come on. A kind of loathing with nausea almost unto vomiting.--Nausea, -in pa. roxysms. *Nausea and inclination to vomit, accompanying other complaints. *Vomiting, ~with nausea after the bite of a viper. oVomiting of the ingesta. Spasmodic vomiting, with bile or nightly diarrhoea. *Bilious vomiting, Oalso early in the morning, with mucus. oGreen vomiting. Vomiting of mucus. * Vomiting with diarrhoea. OSudden inclination to vomit and urging to diarrhoea, but ineffectual. * Vomiting of pregnant females.- Affections of drunkards. STOMACH. oViolent pains in the stomach. A good deal of pain in the pit of the stomach, with constant inclination to vomit, nausea, and diarrhoea. 0Pain as from soreness in the pit of the stomach. Gnawing in the stomach. Pressure in the stomach. oGnawing pressure, relieved after eating. Painful pressure in the stomach, preceded by a griping lacerating at the anus.-OBurning in the stomach and the region of the liver, with hard distention of the stomach and abdomen. HYPOCHONDRIA.-Pain when coughing, sometimes as f ulcerated. OCutting on taking a deep inspiration. Gnawing on both sides, deep in the abdomen, or laceratings from the sides towards the middle. OTension as if the tendons were too short.-Pains in the region of the liver. OBurning, also around the umbilicus, preceded by lacerating in the body. OHepatitis? particularly in drunkards.? Ramolissement of the liver.? Abscesses of the liver.?-Violent pain in the region of the spleen. ABDOMEN.- *Pain across the abdomen, oafter walking, -or across the umbilical region, early in the morning. OColic with con. stipation. Intolerable pains in the abdomen, with burning and bloatedness. OPains in the lumbar region., particularly on the left side, with constipation. Pain as if diarrhea would set in particu. 772 LACHESIS. larly in the umbilical region. oHeaviness in the abdomen, at night. --OPressure, which arrests the breathing, above the umbilicus. OLabor-like pressing downwards proceeding from the loins during the menses. Violent spasmodic colic, with diarrhoea. Spasms in the abdomen, during the menses. Contractive sensation in the abdomen. -Cutting in the abdomen, particularly before the menses, or with burning and urging to urinate. OFrequent attacks of lacerating lancinations, with pains in the rectum.-*Lacerating in the abdomen, oduring the menses. OSensation as of something alive in the abdomen.-Beating in the abdomen and chest.--Burning in the abdomen, omounting towards the chest and descending to the thighs. Burning with colic, bloatedness, and cutting. OBurning around the umbilicus.-OEnteritis.?--Ascites.??--Distention of the abdomen, Oaccompanying other affections.-Hard distention of the abdomen. *Incarceration of flatulence.-On the abdominal integuments: Red spots like the bites of bed-bugs. oGreat sensitiveness of the hernial protrusion. o Violent pains of long standing in the groin. OPainful swelling and induration in the right side of the abdomen. STOOL AND ANUS.--*Constipation. *Chronic constipation owithout any other ailments. OCostiveness of years' standing. OHard stool, resembling sheep-dung, with difficult, scanty discharge, or with tenesmus.-- Unsuccessful urging to stool. -0 Thin stools, sometimes mixed with slippery balls.--Alternate looseness and constipation of the bowels.-~Tenacious, pitch-like stool. Burning stool, preceded by colic, and urging.--Diarrhoea. OChronic diarrhoea, exhausting, generally evening and night. Diarrhoea, with violent spasmodic colic. ODiarrhoeic stools, which look as if hashed, with soreness of the anus, coldness, and headache. ODiarrhoea after eating. ODisposition to diarrhoea in warm weather. ODischarge of blood and pus from the anus. Constriction of the anus. Lacerating griping in the anus, alternating with oppression of the chest. Pressure in the anus. Dracwing in the anus. Pains in the rectum before stool. Burnzing in the anus during or after stool. Discharge of blood from the anus. Protrusion of the rectum after stool.-*Icemorrhoidal sufferings o Varices of the anus and rectum, with pain and urging to stool. o Himor.rhoidal tumors attending the scantiness of the menstrual flow at the critic:al age. URINE.-Stitches in the region of the kidneys.--Dull pain in the bladder, during constipation. *Pressure, as from haomorrhoids of the bladder.-*Difficulty of urinating.- Urging to urinate.--Frequent micturition, with copious emission offoaming urine, -of a dark or also light color. * Yellow urine, olike sulphur, -or saffron. ODark LACHESIS. 773 and turbid urine, with sediment, in persons affected with rheumatism. OCopious brown-red urine, as in typhus. OTurbid and dark urine, with a sediment of brown sand, and a severe cutting during micturition. Urine with red or brick-dust sediment. *Burning during micturition, oor with violent urging to urinate, with copious discharge. MALE GENITAL ORGANS.-*Red spots on the glans, osometimes accompanied with syphilitic mercurial bone-pains. Reappearance of a milky (gonorrhoeal?) discharge after urinating.-~Contusive pain in the testes, worse when sitting. Increased sexual instinct. Violent erections. Nocturnal emissions. FEMALE GENITAL ORGANS.-Pain in the parts as if swollen. 0 Scanty, delaying, intermittent menses, also accompanied with toothache, or with discharge of mucus, blood, and pus by the anus, with tenesmus, costiveness, attended with burning and pressure over the abdomen up to the throat. OScanty menses, with increased leucorrhoea. OReappearance of the suppressed menses, with diminution of the pains, at the critical age. OLach. is frequently indispensable at the critical age, even when the menses are too profuse, or with metrorrhagia.-Before the menses.: vertigo with headache; Oattack of cardialgia, with oppression of the chest and eructation; leucorrhcea. -During the menses: ~lacerating in the abdomen; Obeating in the head; Oviolent labor-like pressing from the loins downward; violent spasms in the abdomen.-OLeucorrhoea before the menses, copious, smarting, slimy.-o Thin blue milk, rejected by the infant.-OPains attendant on cancer of the breast. LARYNX AND COUGH.-~Suffocative throbbing between the larynx and chest. Swelling of the larynx, with rawness, scraping, and urging to swallow. OPain as from soreness in the larynx, early in the morning. Pressure in the larynx. ONoisy, troublesome, croupy breathing in laryngeal phthisis. oAggravation of the laryngeal and tracheal phthisis, when the symptoms are worse at night and particularly after midnight, and when they are less at noon and in the afternoon (or during rest), accompanied with disposition to diarrhoea, fine white skin, red lips and cheeks.-*Hoarseness, Owith feeble voice and constriction of the throat. oHoarseness in the evening.*Cough, occasioned by ulcers in the throat. OShort and hacking cough, occasioned by talking constantly. *Cough excited by pressure on the laryux. *Titillating cough, violent in the evening, in bed, with hoarseness, headache from time to time, pain in the limbs, or in other parts of the body, here and there. *Cough occasioned by titil. lation in the larynx. ~Short, titillating cough, accompanying a num. ber of nervous affections.-*Short and hacking cough, *occaszoned by 774 LACHESIS. a tingling in the throat. OSuffocative cough the whole night.-- Hard and fatiguing cough, even unto vomiting, with difficult expec. toration, pain in the pit of the stomach. Violent concussive cough, with congestion of blood to the head and face, violent irritation in the throat.--Dry cough. Difficult, yellow expectoration, with rough, hollow voice, pain as from soreness in the chest and sternum, with cough as if proceeding from the pit of the stomach. *Bloody expectoration, with frothy mucus. Purulent pulmonary phthisis.-Symp. ton.s accompanying the cough: discharge of water from the mouth; pain in the pit of the stomach, with sensitiveness in the trachea, burning deep in the left breast, and pain over the ribs as if ulce. rated; pain in the abdomen; *vomiting; -darting in the groin; pain in the anus.-Noise in the trachea, after the cough.-OLight cough, which affords relief, with intermittent pulse. CHEST.-Whizzing breathing, with nightly asthma.--Frequent urging to take deep breath, particularly when sitting. *Shortness of breath, Oaccompanying other affections. OShortness of breath after every exertion, particularly manual, with great weariness. ODifficulty of breathing, with cough.--Tightness of breathing, asthma; with anguish in the chest and great inclination to vomit; in the evening on lying down, unto suffocation.--Oppression. of the chest, -sudden; ~accompanied with cough and a feeling of soreness; *with violent pains in the back and side, violent palpitation of the heart, inability to move or talk, with swelling of the feet.-*Sufocativefits, with other affections. OContraction of the chest, waking after midnight, with slow, heavy, wheezing breathing.-'Frequent pains in the chest, with languor, palpitation of the heart, and headache, after gastric fever. OPain in the chest in typhus. ODull, oppressive heaviness on the chest.--Stitch in the chest: with dificzdt breathing, or worse when coughing or taking an inspiration.-*Pain as from soreness, in the chest, -as in violent catarrh. --Pneumonia? particfilarly neglected.?--Inexpressible anguish about the heart, with heaviness on the chest, in rheumatism. Constrictive sensation in the region of the heart. OIrregularity of the beats of the heart.*Palpitation of the heart, -with anxiety. oChronic palpitation of the heart; a number of other affections.-OThreatening rheumatism of the heart.-~Aneurism of the right carotid.-Cyanosis, particularly cyanosis-cardiaca.? Sensation on the chest as if swollen. BACK, &c.--Pain in the small of the back, owith great uneasiness. OViolent pains as if bruised, at times in the small of the back, at times in the abdomen or hips, during the menses. *Rheumatic pains, afterwards extending to the limbs. OLacerating. OStitches, ~some LACHESIS. times extending to the liver or kidneys. *Pains in the back, ~with constipation, or palpitation of the heart and oppression of the chest. ORheimatic pains. OLacerating, during typhus fever. OSinking sensation in the back, with weakness in the knees. OStitches during every deep inspiration, in asthmatic complaints. Soreness, proceeding from the chest. *Great painfulness of the neck, and sensitiveness to contact and pressure, even of the linen, &c. Burning in the throatpit, or pain as from a blow. OSeveral tubercles in the neck. ORed, s-uppurating blotches under the jaw. OSwelling of the cervical glands. 0 Ulcers on the neck. Drawing, lacerating, and tension of the shoulder. ARMs.--*Pains apparently in the bones of the arms, -also in paroxysms. Creeping and pulling in the muscles. *Lacerating, oalso proceeding from the jaw and ear. oJerking and lacerating with head-ache.-oBurning-beating, as if the flesh would be torn off the bones, with eruption on the hand. Weakness of the arms. oScrofulous ulcer on the arm, malignant ulcer after vaccination.-0Lacerating in the elbow, with pain on contact. OItch, with swelling.Swelling of the muscles, painful when touched, going off in the night. Pain of the wrist-joints as if sprained. Rheumatic pain, particularly in the left hand, or in both joints. OTrembling of the hands, in drunkards. OFrequent swelling of the hands, also rheumatic swelling of the joints. OSudden swelling, with itching and tingling. Vesicles,. with itching and burning, on the hands and fingers. OChapped skin of the hands. *Stinging in the tips of the fingers, ~also with burning. Tingling in the fingers. Small itch-vesicles. oGangrenous ulcer on the finger. OGlanders. OMalignant carbuncle. *Panaritia. ODis. appearance of the proud flesh in the panaritia. LEGS.-*.Lacerating in the hip. OBruised feeling during the cata. menia. ONumb pain with stitches, proceeding from the knee. ORheumatic pain in the right hip, extending to the back, small of the back, and knee, only at night. *Lacerating -in the lower limbs. *Drdwing in the lower limbs. Weakness or weariness in the lower limbs. Itching in the lower limbs.-Lacerating in the bones, down to the knees. Rheumatic pains in the posterior surface.--Stinging in the knees. ORheumatic pains in the knees. *Lacerating in the knees. *Pain and tension, as if too short. Weakness in the knees, with pressure at the stomach, -particularly after a meal. OStiffness and weakness of the knees, particularly on rising from a seat. Swell. ing of the knees. *Swelling of the legs, Oduring the day and even iug. OBlue-red large swelling of the leg and foot, with short-lasting white spot on pressing with the finger, deep ulcers on the enlarged 776 LACTUCA VIROSA. tibia. OElephantiasis in leprous patients.? Itching of the legs. o Ulc.rs on the legs, also black, gangrenous, in many cases. oBoth legs are covered with impure ichorous ulcers. ODeep holes in the enlarged tibia, with impure whitish edges. OLacerating in the feet *Coldness of the feet, *particularly when accompanying other complaints, -or succeeded by heat. *Swelling of the feet, -particularly of the right foot. OSwelling of the feet accompanying other corn plaints, oalso in pregnant women. Small, hard, white, deep vesicles preceded by violent itching. Ulcers on the feet. *Cracked skin between and on the toes, Oalso deep rhagades, or like cuts across the toes. Inflammation and suppuration of an old chilblain, after which tertian fever sets in. 161.-LACTUCA VIROSA. LACT.-Poisonous Lettuce.-See "Journal fur Arzneimittellehre." ANTIDOTES.-Vegetable acids and Coffee. N. B.-The symptoms marked (s) have been obtained from the Lactucarium prem pared out of the Lactuca-sativa (the common garden Lettuce). GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-Drawing in the limbs and back. Painful buzzing sensation in the limbs. Cramp-pains. Bruised feeling in all the limbs.- Unsteady gait (s). Dangerous convulsions in a female (s). Great weariness.-~oHysteric, nervous, spasmodic affections.?? oAffections with predominance of heat.? CHARACTERISTIC PECULIARITIES.-Lactuca-virosa seems to affect principally the respiratory organs. SKIN.-Inflammation and eruption.-~oEdematous swelling of the whole body, with asthmatic complaints, dullness of the head, difficulty of lying on the back, chills, deficiency of breath, short cough, and small low pulse. SLEEP.-Yawning and stretching.-Great drowsiness in the day. time. Sopor, also with loathing. Lethargic sleep, at night. Rest. less, unrefreshing night-sleep.-~Is unable to lie on his back, owing to difficulty of breathing, with tension in the pit of the stomach.Symptoms at night in bed: great tightness of the chest. Difficulty of breathing, with griping, oppressive pain in the chest, allowing but little sleep. oWant of breath, with throbbing in the head and region of the heart. Headache, spasmodic cough, and febrile heat. FEVER.-Frequent coldness over the back and head, also with heat in the face.-Fever with violent headache, pain of the scalp when touched, lacerating in the joints, great heaviness in the head, dry LACTUCA VIROSA. S77 and troublesome heat of the head and upper part of the body, with icy-coldness of the feet, burning and running of the eyes, paroxysms of dry suffocative and spasmodic cough, racking the chest and head, and spasmodic painful contraction of the abdominal muscles and the hypochondriac region.-Slow and tight pulse. MIND AND DISPOSITION.-Sad mood and out of humor.-Anguish and internal uneasiness. SENSORIUM.-Unable to perform any intellectual labor. Dullness of the head as from fullness. Cloudiness and giddiness of the head. - Vertigo. HEAD.-Pain in the region of the vertex. Dull pain in the whole head.-Aching pain in the forehead, also with sensation as if the brain were loose. Pressing in theforehead.-Painful compression in the occiput.-Trembling and pulsating in the head during rest. EYES.-Griping pain above the eye-brows. Burning of the eyes. Redness of the conjunctiva, with increased secretion of mucus.-Dim. sightedness, with burning in the eyes. Sight as through mist or gauze, disappearing on looking steadily at a thing. EARs.-Drawing in the ears.-Humming in the ears. Buzzing in the ears, in the evening in bed. NosE.-Frequent sneezing, with aggravation of the pains in the chest, or with painfulness of the chest. FAcE.-Deranged, pale face. Heat of the face, with trembling of the lips and sensation as if they were swollen. Swelling of the lymphatic glands. MoUTH.-Tensive feeling in the back part of the mouth and palate, with constant spitting. Increased flow of saliva, sometimes acrid. Dry mouth, without thirst.- WVhite-coated tongue. THROAT, &c.-Slight burning in the throat.-Dificulty of swallow. ing, with sensation of rawness and burning about the uvula. APPETITE AND TASTE.-OBitter taste in the throat as of bile.Loss of appetite. GASTRIC SYMPTOMS.-*Empty eructations. Acrid, or sour eruetas tions.-Loathing.-Vomiting and nausea. SToMACH.-Pain in the stomach, with retraction of the pit of the stomach. Tightness in the pit of the stomach, with anguish in the prcecordial region. Qualmish feeling in the stomach. Feeling of coldness in the stomach. HYPOCHONDRIA.-Bruised feeling in the region of the liver. Swell. ing of the liver. ABDOMEN.-Qualmish feeling in the abdomen.-Pinching in the abdomen, with urging to stool. Cutting in the wholo abdomen, with 33* 778 LAVCTUCA VI"OSA. painful rumbling and( subsequent. slimy evacuation from- the. bowels. -~0Diseases, of the portal system.?-0Ascites, with excessive swelling Qf the abdomen., feet, and, face, 0Ascitesý. with, indutration of the liver, and asthma. STooL.-ConStipatwon,.-Stool preceded by. pressing and, pinching. Stool pr~eceded by urging and pressing' hard, with contusive pain in the anus. Hard, knotty stool, with burning at the anus, after a constipation, of two- day s.-Diarrhxa.-G-en eral languor, weariness- with drowsiness, yawning, and ptyalism during stool. Ilcemorrkoidaltumors around the anus, with tenesmus of the rectum,,and discharge- of thin s Itool. after -every hard: evacuation,. URINE-.-Urging. to urinate, withý frequent, drawing, in the glans., Br~own, hot urine, burning in the u~rethra.-Dr-agging pressing in the region of the bladder.-0Gonorrhcea.? LARYNX AND TRACHEA,-Roughness. in, the throat. 0Constant feeling-of fullness iný the trach ea-.-Cough from tickling in the throat, with- feeling of burning dryness in the. throat; Dry cough. Spas-. inodic, hollow, and, dry cough, or racking cough.-Increased, pain in the. chest wh~en- coughing, or hacking.-0 I'Vhooping. cough.? Dry and suffocative cough. CHEsT.-Shortness: of breathý. Constant desire for air.-Asthma, dyspna~a, with oppression of the chest. Oppression of the heart in th~e- afternoon. Great oppression. of the chest at night.-Feeling' of fu~llwss. iný the chest, with anxiety.-Heavinessý on the chest, with tightness of breathing.-Spasmodic asthma, also with organic defects of the heart. OSuffocative, paroxysms in dropsy o f the chest. 0Hydroth-orax,, with general swelling, anxiety.-Aching pain in the middle of the chest. Pleuritic stitches. -Rush,. of blood, in the chest, with pressing..-*Qualmish feeling in the, chest,, from afternoon till evening. Feeling of coldness in the, chest. BRwK.-Cramp-pain,. moving through the back in various- direo. tions.-Bruised feeling in the lumbar region.-Drawing and tension. A.Rms-;-Pains in, the shoulders.-Drawing. iný the~arms.-Drawing and feeling of weakness in the. upper arm.-Painful twitching in the hand-s. Trembling of the hands. LEr~s.-Great weariness. Trembling and languor of the limbs.Bruised feeling in the thighs.-Sensation in the legs as if the circu' (aion had stopped. Cold feet. LAMIUM ALBUM. 779 162.-LAMIUM ALBUM. LAM. ALB.-See "Archiv," XII GENERAL SYMPTOMS.--Drawing lacerating in the upper and lower extremities. General languor. SLEEP.-Sleeplessness in the evening. Vivid, anxious dreams. FEVER.-Chilliness over the whole body. Chilliness, with general weakness, mostly of the hands, or anxiety. Burning heat of the cheeks,: also with: cold hands. MORAL SYMPTOMS.-Sadness. Great restlessness and anguish. HEA:D.-D-ullbess of the head, with difficulty of collecting her senses. Indescribable headache, deep in the brain. Headache, early in the morning, in bed.-Aching pain.-'Lacerating in the head. Stitches in the head, followed by beating, accompanied by violent chills, in the evening. EYES AND' EARS.-Dim-sightedness, particularly in the evening, with pressure in the eye-ball. Hardness of hearing. NosE.-Bruised pain in the soft parts of the nose.-Violent coryza. THROAT.-Scraping sensation in the throat.-Hawking of a thick, sour-tiasting mucus from the throat.-Burning- in the oesophagus, after every swallow of liquid or solid food. GASTRIc SYMPTOMS.-Empty, sour eructations.- Water-brash.Vomiting of the ingesta, with nausea, great heat, languor, and prostrated feeling,, and blackness before the eyes. STOMACH AND ABDOMEN.-Creeping in the 0tomach, with desire to vomit. Stitches in the pit of the stomach, or perceptible pulsations in that region.--Painful uneasiness in the region of the liver. STOOL AND URxnE.-Scanty hard stool, with discharge of blood.Frequent desire to urinate, with scanty emission,-Burning in the urethra. FEMALE GiNiTAL O.RGANS.---Menses too early.--Leucorrhcaa, smart. ing, or else without sensation. LARYNX, TRACHEA, CHEST, BACK.-Feeble and trembling voice. -Want of breath in speaking; from weakness of the chest.--Bruised pain in the small of the back. ARMS.-Prickling, gnawing itching of the arms, hands, and neck..Diawing lacerating in the ingers, also in the joints. LEGS.-Feelihg of swelling, gnawing pressure, and feeling of heat in the tibia and tarsal.joint.-- Blister on the heel, 780 LAUROCERASUS. 163.-LAUROCERASUS. LAUROC.-Prunus Laurocerasus, Cherry Laurel.-See Hartlaub and Trinks, I "Archiv," XII. COMPARE WITH-Amm., Canth., Chin., Cocc., Coff., Hydr.-ac., Ipec., Kali, Lach., Merc., Nux-v., Op., Rhus, Sec.-c., Spig., Verat. ANTIDOTES.-Of large doses: alkalies, particularly Amm.-Soap-water.-Strong Coffee (Moench, Orfila).-Milk.-Mucilaginous substances.-Oil of Turpentine. -Solution of Tartar-emetic (Bergonzi. according to whose observations Lauroa. ncutralizs the excessive action of Tartar-emetic).-Chlorine, internally and externally.-Cold affusions.-Antidotes of small doses: Camph., Coff., Ipec., Op. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-Pinching burning. Laming pains in the heads of bones, here and there. Sensation as if the joints were put loosely together.-Great depression of sensibility of the irritable organs. ODeficient vital energy and reaction against remedial agents.-Great languor of the whole body, particularly of the lower extremities. The feet feel faint, as if paralyzed or bruised. Excessive weakness and prostration. Great prostration, also (particularly towards evening) with irresistible drowsiness, lassitude, and feeling of weakness, sometimes accompanied with ill-humor and dread of work. Nervous weakness.-Fainting fit, falls down suddenly.-Catalepsy. Paroxysm as if dead, paralyzed, with scarcely perceptible pulse (30) -Convulsions, with subsequent paralysis of the muscles. Convul sions, with twitchings about the head, and in the dorsal and cervica. muscles, which soon became paralyzed. Convulsions, with staring eyes, lock-jaw,foam at the mouth. Slight convulsions. Spasms of the back. Tetanic spasms, also general. Sudden falling down, with spasms and foam at the mouth. OEpileptic spasms, with foam at the mouth.-Trembling of the limbs, with inability to use them. Lame. ness of the limbs, with loss of sensation. Paralysis. Apoplexy. Falls, down stupefied. CHARACTERISTIC PECULIARITIES.-The pains seem to be less in the open air, except the roughness of the throat, which is worse. OEvening exacerbation, OAmelioration at night. SKIN.-Itching stitches in different parts.--Rough, scaly skin between the fingers, with burning of the part when touched by water, -Dry skin. SLEEP.-Frequent yawning without drowsiness. Yawning, with drowsiness; chilliness; shuddering.-Irresistible drowsiness, like sopor, with excessive languor. Sopor. Deep, snoring sleep. Sopo* rous condition between sleeping and waking.-Sleeplessness. Sad. confused, or frightful dreams. LAUROCERASUS. 781 FEVER.-Coldness of the extremities. Internal coldness through the whole body. Coldness, with flushes of heat in the face. ODefi. ciency of natural heat. Chilliness, with coldness of the skin to the touch. Chilliness of the whole body, with pains in the back.-Fever, first a shuddering, afterwards burning heat with stupor, vertigo, and subsequent languor of the limbs. Alternation of violent chilliness and burning heat, with stupor and vertigo. Fever, lasting twelve hours.-Flushes of heat in the head, in the afternoon. Beat with thirst, also flushes of heat, or in the evening, going off in bed or on falling asleep.-Violent thirst, with dryness of the mouth, evening or afternoon.- Pulse small and slow, also contracted. Pulse of unequal strength. Pulse quick and feeble. Pulse slow, full, hard. Pulse feeble and slow. MORAL SYMPTOMS.-Sadness with ill-humor. Melancholy oppression of spirits.-Laziness.-Nervous irritability, with indisposition to do any mental work. Vexed mood. SENSORIUM.-Dullness of the senses. Insensibility and complete loss of sensation. Loss of consciousness, with loss of speech and motion. Dullness of the head. Sensation in the head as if the brain were cloudy. Dullness of the head, with dimness and mistiness before the eyes. Dizziness. Stupefaction, also with vertigo.-Vertigo. HEAD.-Violent aching over the whole head. Headache with vertigo.-Stupefying pain in the whole head, with sensation on stooping as if the brain were striking against the skull.-Heaviness of the head, with dullness.-Fullness in the forehead. Oppressive pain on the top of the head, as from a weight. Aching pain above the orbits. Frequent periodical paroxysms of aching pain under the frontal bone. Tension in the forehead and left side of the face. Dragging pain, always accompanied w'-th drowsiness. The brain feels contracted and painful.-Lacerating headache, in the evening, in bed.-Boring headache, particularly above the eye-lids.-Beating in the head, worse on stooping. Rush of blood and stupefaction of the head. Violent tingling and stinging in the brain. SCALP.-Frequent short attacks of pain on the vertex.-Itching of the hairy scalp. EYEs.-Sensation as of a band around the eye-balls, mingled with stitches. Pressure in the eyes. oDiminution of the pains in cancer of the eyes. Itching in the eye. Smarting in the eyes, as from salt. -Burning of the eyes, with weakness and dim-sightedness. Burning in the lids.-The congested vessels spread, like the branches of a tree, from the inner canthus towards the pupils.-Dryness of the 782 LAUIOCERASUS. eyes, also with sensation of warmth, or with burning. Distorted eyes. Eyes open and staring. Pupils contracted or immovable.-Optical illusion, every object looks larger until touched. Darkness before the eyes, the objects look dim. Amaurosis. EARs.-Dragging pressure, burning, boring, itching in the ear. Hardness of hearing. NosE.-Distensive pressing in the nasal bones. Itching in both nostrils.-Frequent sneezing. Feeling of fullness in the nose.Catarrhal sensation in the nose. FACE.-Sunken countenance. Livid, gray-yellow complexion. Yellow spots on the face.. Bloated, swollen face. OConvulsions of the facial muscles.--Prosopalgia. Bruised pain in the whole lower jaw, in the evening. Sensation as if the jaw would become dislocated. Titillation in the face. OEruption around' the mouth. Lock-jaw. TEETH.-Darting toothache. Sensation as if the teeth would be raised, with stinging and choking sensation in the cesophagus. MouTH -Dry mouth.-Increased flow of saliva. Accumulation of acidulated saliva.- Coated tongue.-The tongue feels burnt and numb. Soreness of the border of the tongue.-#Loss of speech, oalso after apoplexy. Tr~ToAT.-Dull pain in the pharynx (also in the chest, region of the heart, and stomach, and in the region of the right scapula). Frequent paroxysms of painful feeling in the throat. Burning in the throat, also with roughness. Spasm, heat, and pain in the pharynx; oesophagus, and stomach. APPETITE AND TASTE.-Acrid, pungent taste. Fetid taste on the tongue. Diminished appetite and digestion. Aversion to food.Great hunger.-Violent thirst with dry mouth.-After dinner: pain in the stomach with nausea. GASTRIC SYMPTOMS.-Hiccough. Ineffectual eructations. Bitter eructations. Attacks of nausea, particularly early in the morning. Desire to' vomit, with a feeling of hunger in the stomach.-Vomiting and' loathing. STOMAcH.-Pain in the stomach with nausea, particularly after dinner. Feeling of weakness in the stomach. Violent pain in the stomach, with rapid loss of speech.-Pressure in the stomach, also violent, or with nausea. Contractive feeling in the region of the stomach. Burning in the stomach and abdomen.-Oppressive anxiety or anguish in the pit of the stomach, alternating with beating pains. HYPOCrrONDRIA.-Pinching, extending from the hypochondria to the umbilicus.-Sticking pains in the liver, with pressure. Beating LAUR OGERASUS. 793 and: throbbing i. the liver as from an abscess. Lame, bruised pain from the liver.to! the shoulder,, at every inspiration. Distention of the region of the liver, with pain as from subcutaneous ulceration, or as if an abscess would burst. oInflammation with induration of the liver. ABDOMEN.-Malaise as if proceeding from the epigastrium. Colicky pains in th.e abdomen, with subsequent diarrhoeic stools.-Pinching in the abdomen. Cutting in the whole abdomen.-Contractive pain from, both sid-es of the abdomen, with pinching.-Burning in the abdomen. Hard tympanitic distention of the abdomen.-Stinging in the groin, particularly on stooping or bending forward. Contractive painv in the, groin..OInguinal and femoral hernia.? STOOL AND ANus.-*Hard, firm, delayed stool, sometimes succeeded, by burning at the anus.-Costiveness and constipation.Stool first hard, then soft, with colic as from a cold and ineffectual tenesmus.-*Diarrhaic stools, *with tenesmus. Diarrhoeic stools, succeeded' by burning, at the anus.. Discharge of green, liquid mucus, in the. afternoon.-Discharge of feces without being conscious of it.Complete paralysis of the sphincter-ani.-Stinging lacerating or creep. ing in the recbtum. Constriction of the rectum. URINE.-Retention of urine.-Diminished secretion of urine.Emission, of a. quantity of watery urine, with burning during the emission. Urine yellow, scanty, pale. Pale-yellow urine; acrid, depositing a thick, reddish sediment, when standing.-Pain about tho region of the stomach when urinating. Burning in the urethra and pressing after urinating. MALE GENITAL ORGANS. - Gangrene of the penis.-Increased sexual desire.-Erections evening and night. FEMALE GENITAL ORGANs.--Menses too early, also with profuse, painful discharge of liquid blood for eight days, and nightly lacerat. ing,'on the vertex.-Stinging and burning in and below the mammae; LARYiNX AND TRACHEA,-Darting in the larynx, from without inwards, arresting the' breathing. Pain in the trachea when coughing. Spasmodic constriction of the larynx, also with hawking.T2itillation: in the throat, inducing cough, or in the trachea, with roughness. Scraping! in- tte larynx, also with increased secretion of "mucus; hoarseness, and desire to cough.-Frequent turns of cough, with roughness and hoarse voice,.- Cough, with copious, jelly-like expectoration, mixed with bloody points. oBloody cough.-oAcute suppuration of the lungs.? CHEST--Panting breathing. Slow, feeble, almost imperceptible breathing. Slow, moaning, and rattling breathing.-Dyspnea., with 784 AMYGDALJE AMARA. pain in the region of the heart, urging to take deep breath, and slow inspirations. Tightness of the chest, with pressure in the region of the heart. ODiminution of the asthma in walking.-Sudden paralysis of the lungs.-Constriction of the chest. Anxiety in the chest.-. Pressure and tightness on the chest, with ill-humor.-Burning in the chest on taking an inspiration.-Stitches in the region of the heart, during an inspiration. Palpitation of the heart, with soft, full pulse. Irregular beating of the heart, with slow, subdued pulse.-Bruised pain of the ribs when lying on one side. Pain in every part of the external thorax on moving it. BACK.-Frequent pain asfromn weariness in the small of the back. Painful stifness in the small of the back and back.-Tension in the back, extending between the shoulders and into the neck. Sticking in the back. Painful stifness in the left side of the neck and nape of the neck. ARMs.-Lacerating in the shoulders. Laming pain in the shoulder, or violent lancinations in that part. Lacerating in the wrist-joints. Burning of the hands, internally.-Distention of the veins on the hands. Trembling of the hands. LEGS.-Pain as if sprained in the hip-joint, during motion.-Pain as if bruised in the thighs.-Lacerating in the knees and tibie.Heaviness in the legs.-Pain as if sprained in the tarsal-joints, dur. ing rest and motion. Ulcerative pain in the lower part of the heels, on rising from bed, removed by walking. 164.-AMYGDALE AMARAE. AMYGDAL. AMAR.-Bitter Almonds.-See Noack and Trinks. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-Feeling of languor, as if he had no control over his muscles.-Falls down without consciousness.-Violent convulsions for three-quarters of an hour, recurring, but less violently in fifteen minutes.-General tetanic convulsion. SLEEP.-Deep, snoring sleep. FEVER.-Slow, full, and hard pulse.-Scarcely perceptible pulse at the wrist-joint, neck, and in the region of the heart. MIND AND DISPOSITION.-Intense emotion, weeping.-Excessive nervous prostration.-Loss of consciousness, speech, and power of motion. HEAD.-Feeling of intoxication in the brain, affecting the whole body.-Vertigo as from intoxication.-Loss of consciousness.-Violent pains over the whole head.-Aching pain in the frontal region, LEDUM PALUSTRE. 785 above the orbits.-Feeling of heaviness in the frontal region.-Dull. ness of the left half of the head.-Contracted or immovable pupils.Spasmodic distortion of the features. Foam at the mouth.-Smell and taste as of Bitter Almonds, constantly. DIGESTIVE APPARATUS.-Impeded deglutition.-Inability to swallow.-Eructations tasting of Bitter Almonds.-Nausea and vomiting of the ingesta.-Colic, distending the abdomen, accompanied by con vulsive motion of the jaw, loss of consciousness, foam at the mouth. GENITAL ORGANS.-Gangrene of the penis. RESPIRATORY ORGANS.-Scraping in the larynx and hoarseness, followed in the evening, or during the whole of the following day, by increased secretion of mucus in the trachea, particularly the larynx. -Difficulty of breathing, the chest being raised spasmodically, and the motions of the chest being hurried.-The inspirations are snoring, slow, and becoming more and more rare. Several shootings and occasional paroxysms of seated pains under the left nipple in the thoracic cavity, rendering the expirations and inspirations somewhat difficult. 165.-LEDUM PALUSTRE. LED. P.-See Hahnemann's "Mat. Med.," III.-Duration of Action: several weeks. COMPARE WITH-Ars., Bell., Bry., Canth., Cham., Chin., Fer., Jod., Kal.-hydr., Lye., Mere., Nux-v., Phosph.-ac., Puls., Rhod.. Rhus, Sep., Sulph., Thuj.-. Led.-p. is frequently indicated after Lye.-After Led.-p. are frequently suitable: Chin. and Sep. ANTIDOTE.-Camph. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.- Heat of the hands and feet in the even. ing.-Long-continuing warm sweat on the hands and feet. Drawing along the long bones during motion. (Lacerating pain in the back and knees.) Lancinating pain in the joints. Beating pain in the affected joints, hindering motion.-Painful hard tubercles and tophi in the region of the joints. Paralytic pain of all the joints at night when in bed, when moving the body. Shooting, lacerating, rheumatic pains, especially during motion. The limbs and the whole body are painful, as if bruised and contused. OAching or aching-lacerating pains in the joints, worse in the evening, in bed. Feeling of numb. ness and heaviness in the limbs, with bone-pains. Troublesome languor and weariness when sitting, standing or walking. Inclina. tion to stretch the upper limbs.-Fainting.-Nervous attack. CHARACTERISTIC PECULIARITIES.-Only the pains in the joints be. 786 LEDUM PALUSTRE. come more violent during motion, not the pains in other parts of the body. SKIN.-Dry, extremely-itching herpes, with anxiety. Itching of the whole body, as if an eruption would break out. Bluish spots on the body like petechiae. Small, round, red, insensible spots on the inner side of the arms, on the abdomen, and feet. Eruption. *Dry, itching herpes, -with anxiety.--Boils.-0 Hot, tensive, hard swellings, with lacerating pains. OPainful arthritic nodosities.? (Edematous swelling, also of the skin of the whole body. SLEEP.-Sleepiness in the daytime like sopor. Deep, but restless sleep. Restless sleep, and extremely confused dreams.-Sleeplessness, with restlessness and tossing about. Restless dreams. FEVER.-*General coldness and chilliness. Shaking chills, with trembling, towards evening, without thirst and without any subsequent heat. Chill over the whole back, with hot cheeks and forehead, without redness of the face and thirst, with cold hands. OEvening fever, with pain in the head and eyes. OFeeling of heat alternating with sweat. MORAL SYMPTOMS.-Anxiety. Tendency to start. Feverish mood, with much restlessness and inconstancy. Out of humor. Vehemence. SENSORIUM AND HEAD.-Vertigo. Stupefaction of the whole head, as in vertigo. Excessive feeling of intoxication. Loss of sense.Violent headache. Dull headache in the morning during sleep.Raging headache.-*Stupefying headache.-Pressure in the forehead. Aching pain in the upper part of the forehead, with dullness of the head, especially when covered. Painful pressure over the whole brain.-Lacerating pain in the head and eye; the sclerotica and conjunctiva are swollen and inflamed. Sensitiveness of the head, with painful shaking of the brain on making a wrong step.-~ Violent beating pain in the head. Stunning aching pain on the forehead. *Tuberdeso on the forehead, as in drunkards. *Pimples and boils on the forehead.-~ The least covering is intolerable to the head. Liability of the integuments of the head to take cold. EYES.-Pain in the eyes, without inflammation, a pressure behind the eye-ball. Burning pressure in the eyes. Lachrymation. Violent itching of the inner canthi.-Ophthalmia with tensive pain. Contracted pupils.? Considerable dilation of the pupils. Weakness of sight. EARs.-Short hardness of hearing, ~from taking cold in the head,.or as if something had lodged in front of both tympanae. Violent, but interrupted whizzing in the ears. Roaring in the ears, as of thE wind. Ringing or whizzing in the ears. LEDUM PALUSTRE. NosEg-Burning pain in the- interior of the nose, the nos-e feeling sore when pressing on it. FACE.-Paleness of the face, but without chilliness. 0Bloated face,, at times red, at others pale. Intolerable lacerating in the face, extending to. the head, and neck. *Eruption in the face. *R~ed tu. bercies, also on the forehead (as in drunkards),, with stinging when. touch-ed. OS~ca~ly dry herpes in the face, burning in the open air. *Pimples and boils on the forehead.-Swelling of a submaxillary gland, wvith. aching pain when touched-. MOUTH AND THRoAT.-Ollremorrhage from the mouth,.?-Sore throat, with fine stinging pain. APPETITE' AND GASTRIC SYMPTrOMS.-Bittcr taste in the mouth.7Tant of appetite.-A sort of sick and qualmish feeling in the istomach. Great desire for cold drink, especially water. Constant absence of thirst.-Frequent attacks of hiccough.-Sudden flow of water from the rnoztth, resembling. saliva,. with colic, water-brash.Colic: digg-ing-up sensation under the umbilicus, with discharge of water from the mouth, like water-brash,. STOMACH AND ABDOMEN.-Drawing pain in the abdomen. Colic, as in dysentery. Colic, as if the bowels were contused and weakened. Colic, every evening. Colic (cutting?), with hoomorrhage from the anus. 0Ascites.? STooL.-Constipation for several. days. The stool is mixed with blood. -Diarrhceic, fbaces, with mucus. UILINE.-Enuresis. Reddish urine. Burning in the urethra after urinaithig. Griping, deep in the abdomen, as if the bladder were seized. G-ENITAL ORG~ANS.-Swelling of the penis. Violent and continual erections. Nightly emissions.' Increased menstruation. 0Metrorrhagia.?. LAILYNx.-Tingling in the trachea., followed by hurried, oppressed breathing;. Laryngeal asthm-a. Hoarseness, with, scraping, in th-e chest. Cough without expectoration. Suffocative arrest of breath, previous to. coughing. 0Whooping cough.? Cough, withI purutlent expectoration, nigpht and morning. 0Greenish, fetid, expectoration. *Bloody cough, -with profuse expectoration. Violent cough, with, ex-pectoration. of bright red, blood. 0Pulmonary hoemorrhage.? CREST.-Fetid. breath. Spasmodic double inspirations and sob. b-ing. Violent tension in the hypochondriac region during an in. Spiratiou\ and- retention of breath. Oppressed painful breathing. *-AsthMuztic constriction of the chest,, -agg ravated by motion andwalking. Pressure in, the, chest, when walking. Drawing in the outer parts of the chest, especially during an inspiration, accomi~anied 788 LEDUM PALUSTRE. with single stitches. OSoreness under the sternum.-Palpitation of the heart.--Small, red, constantly-itching pimples on the chest, with biting itching. BACK.-Pain in the small of the back, on rising from a seat. Drawing in the small of the back and stiffness in the back. Painful stiffness of the back and loins after sitting. Spasmodic, cramp-like pain under the short ribs and directly above the hips, towards evening. Pain in the loins after sitting. Painful stifness in the seapulse during motion. Bruised pain below the scapula. Painful stcking in the shoulder when lifting the arm. ARMs.-Lacerating in the shoulder-joint. Painful sticking in the shoulder-joint on lifting the arm. Pressure in both shoulder-joints, more violent during motion. Languor of the upper limbs, a sort of paralysis. Lacerating in the arms. Pressure in the elbow-joint, more violent during motion. Painful jerking in the upper part of the fore-arm. Violent trembling of the hands, as if from old age. The periosteum of the finger-joints is painful when pressing upon it. Painless tubercle on the middle joint of the index-finger. LEGS.-Pain in either hip-joint and in the small of the back when rising from the seat. OLaming, rheumatic pain in the hip-joints. Pressure in the region of the hip-joint, more violent during motion. Lacerating, with pressure, from the hip-joint to the ankles, more violent during motion.-Sensation as if the posterior muscles of the thighs were paralyzed. Pain of the periosteum as if bruised or sore. Burning itching of the thighs in the night.-Tremor of the knees when sitting or wcdking. Weakness in the knee-joints, and lacerating, withpressure in those joints when walking. Pain in the knees, as if bruised or sore. Stiffness in the knees, only when walking. Tensive pain of the knee and heel, after sitting, when walking. Pain in the front part of either patella, as if bruised, when walking. *Swelling and tensive and pricking pain in the knee, -when walking, oor also with tension, stinging hardness even of the whole leg, and nightly lacerating and pressure. Itching eruption in the bend of the knee.OHot swelling of the legs, with stinging-drawing pain. Weakness and heaviness in the legs. Swelling of the leg, extending to beyond the calves, with tensive pain, especially in the evening. Swelling around the ankles, and intolerable pain in the tarsal-joint when stepping. In the morning his feet feel rigid. Stiff feet, with chilliness and confused feeling in the head. *Obstinate swelling of the foot. oInflammatory or cedematous swelling of the feet and legs. Pain j the soles of the feet when walking, as if ecchymozed. Bruised pain in the heel when walking. Oodagra.? LOBELIA. CARDINALIS.-LOBELIA INFLATA. 789 166.-LOBELIA CARDINALIS. LOB. CAR.-The Scarlet Lobelia, or Cardinal Flower.-See "1Transactions of American Institute of Homceopathy," Vol. I. 167.-LOBELIA INFLATA. LOB. INF.-Emetic Herb, Indian Tobacco.-See "1Transactions of American Institute of llomceopathy," Vol. I. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-Shivering through the whole body..-Feeling of weariness. Unusual weariness. SLEEP.-Restless sleep, with many dreams. FEvER,,-H~eat and inclination to perspiration, particularly in the face.-Chills down the back, with heat in the stomach.-*Jntermit.. tent fever. Pulse more frequent and weaker than usual.-Prostration of streng-th. MORAL S YMPTOMS. -Desponding and exhausting. HEAD.- Vertigo, with nausea. Pain in the head and trembling Agitation of the whole body. Pain in the head.-Headache, with slight giddiness. Dull, heavy pain, passing around the forehead from one temple to another. Pains through the heed in sudden shocks.-Heaviness in the head, and uneasiness in the back. EvES.-Pressing pain in* the eye-balls. FACE.-Heat of the face. TEETH.-Dull pressing pain in the molar teeth and temple. MOUTH.-Pungent taste in the mouth. -Soreness- of the throat. ]Dryness of the mouth. THROAT.-Burnling in the throat. Dryness of the throat. Burn. ing prickling in the throat, increased secretion of a viscid saliva, nausea, and eructations.-*Sensation as of a luinp in the pit of the throat, impeding deglutition. 0Sensation in the cesophagus as if some. thing were rising in it. APPETITE AND GASTRIC SYMPTOMS. - *LOSS of appetite. -Acrid, burning taste in the mouth. 0Bitter taste, with coated tongue and thirst.-Hiccough. 0Frequent gulping up of a burning, sour fluid. 'Acidity in the stomach, with contractive feeling in the pit'of the sto. mach. *Incessant violent nausea, -with shivering and shaking of the lipper part of the body.- An indescribable feeling about the stomach, Comnpounded of nausea, pain, heat, oppression, and excessive uneasiiless accompanying, the affection of the respiratory organs. Nausea, nn eating warm food -ODyslpepsia, OHicartlburn Of long duration. 790 LUPULUS. S.OMACH.-- Feeling of weakness of the stomach, oor in the pit of the stomach, extending through the whole chest. *Sensation of ex. cessive weakness at the prmecordium, extending upwards into the chest, and downwards as far as the umbilicus. Feeling of weight in the stomach. Burning pain in the stomach towards the back."OPressure in the pit of the stomach, with bilious vomiting, oppression and anguish of the chest, and pain in the small of the back.-OSpasm of the stomach, during the catamenia,? in arthritic patients,? in drunkards,? or with bilious complaints. Burning in the stomach. ABDOMEN.-Distention of the abdomen, with shortness of breath. Pain in the abdomen, always worse after eating. STooL.-Discharge of black blood, after stool. Copious haemor. rhage from the hmemorrhoidal vessels. URINE.--*Urine of a deep red color, depositing a copious red sediment. Pain in the loins. GENITAL ORGANS.-Uterine heemorrhage.? *Violent pain in the sacrum, with fever, &c., supervening suppression of the menses during their flow. Aching pain in the urethra. Troublesome feeling of weight in the genitals. LARYNX AND COUGH.-Titillation in the larynx, with frequent, short, dry cough.--Sensation as of a foreign body in the throat, impeding the breathing and swallowing. CHEST.-A general tightness of the chest, with short and somewhat laborious breathing. Oppression of the chest. *Chronic dyspnoea, with the sensation of a lump in the pit of the throat, immediately above the sternum, impeding respiration and deglutition. *Paroxysmal asthma.-Pains in the chest, increased by deep inspiration.-Slight deep-seated pain in the region of the heart. BACK.-OBurning and cutting in the lower part of the spine.Rheumatic pains between the scapulae. AlMms.-Slight rheumatic feeling in the shoulder-joint. Severe rheumatic pain in the elbow-joint. LEGS.--Inflammatory rheumatism of the right knee, with swelling and extreme pain.-Weariness in the limbs.-Prickling sensation through the whole body. 168.-LUPULUS. LUP.-Common Hop.-See All. Hom. Zeit., X. ANTIDOTE.-Coffee.? GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-Drawing and twitching in almoi LYCOVODL! POLLEN. every musde, fmostly between the shouldcrs and in tbcezmuscles of -the arms and hands, in short paroxysins, as in rheumatism. SK 114.-Swollen face, Which is covered with an eruption, and Sw'ling of the eyes.-Vesicles on the face and hlands, increasing in siize, and bursting. S LEEr.- Great drowsiness.-Sopor. II.EAD.-Vertigo.-Stupefaetion.-I-Ieat in the head and face, with stupid and confused feeling in the head.-Dizzy dull headache.Increascd determination of blood to the head and eyes. Dull pressure in the forehead, as after intoxication.-Drawing pain in the head. Eyss.-Illtision of sight. DIGESTIVE ArrARATUS.-Eructations, increasing to nausea, accompanied with a dizzy and confused feeling in the head, aftcr which a colic is expcrienced.-Weakness of digestion.-Dull pinching in the abdomen, with nausea. URINE.-Determination of blood to the uterus.-Burning in the urethra on urinating. 169.-LYCOPODJI POLLEN. LYC.-Lycopodium Clavatum.-See H1ahnenian's -Chronic Diseases," MV. Duration of Action: from f1orty to fifty days. COMPARE XVITH-Ambr., Am., Akn.-mur..,IArs., Bar., Bry.. Ga/c., Cant'h., Caps., Garb.-v., Caust., Chain., Chin., Cic., Con.-r.. Graph.. Ipec., Let/-p., Maig., Magnet.-p.-arct., Malos-otui., Mang., Mere., Alur--ac., Natr.. Natr.-nmur., A"~.' u1c., Nux-'v., P'ct/rd., Pint.. Phosph., Plosj'h.-ac., Pu/s., Rlod.. Ritts, Scq., Sid., Spig., Staph., So/ph.. Thuj.. Verat.-Lyc. is frequently su3itable after Cale,, Sl.; after Lye. are fr-equently suitable: Graph., Led.-p., Il'hosph., Pius., Sil. ANTI DOTES.- Ca(u/,/. generally moderates the violent effects of L~ye. Pu/s. subdues tile violenit feveri-sh feelings fronm Lye.;tile ill-Ilullor, readiness to fi~nd fault, difi-lencetendency to reprolicbl. &-c.. are siulduIed 1)y Caust. A cup 6f coffee prevents and compljletely neutralizes the "actionl of Lye. GENERAL SYMPTOM3S.-All- the limbs and all the soft par-ts.)f the body are painful when touched or pressed. intermnitting., cramp-like drawing in the fore-arms, hands, and fingers. -Lacerating in the arms and lower limbs or in the feet and fingers. Drawing, with pressetre, in all the joints, especially the knees. OiDrawing and lacerating in the limbs in windy, rainy weather, -relieved by external warmth. Pinchingo pains in different parts of the body. Violent stitches in the thoracie c-avity and the umbilical regrion, arrestinag the breath.-Sti/fness of all the joints. Stiffness of the limibs and the small of the back. Stiffness of the arms and lower 792 LYCOPODH POLLEN. limbs, with insensibility and numbness. 0Paralysis.-Desire to go into thz open air. Feverish sensativeness to cold air.-~Deficiency of animal heat. OWeariness of the feet and burning of the soles after walking in the open air. *Disposed to take cold. Appears to favor the ramollissement and curvature of the bones, *The whole body feels bruised, especially in the evening. *Drawing and stretching in all his iimbs. Uncomfortableness in the whole body. -Great agitation of the blood, in the evening, increasing until it becomes a sensation of trembling. Seething of the blood, agitation in the whole circulatory apparatus.-~Sensation as if the circulation of the blood were arrested. OContraction of the fingers and toes. oCramp in the fingers and calves. Jerking and twitching of single limbs, or of the whole body, sleeping or waking. Epileptic fit, screaming, foam at the mouth, loss of conciousness. Epileptic fit, visibie twitching of the muscles of the lower limb; the pit of the stomach became affected, he began to scream, without conciousness, threw his arms and legs about, had foam at the mouth. OThe limbs (arms. hands, lower limbs) go to sleep, day and night. ~Insensibility of the arm and foot. Fainting fits when lying down, with vanishing of the senses and obscuration of sight, without any desire to move. Total relaxation of the nervous system. Sudden failing of strength..-Tremor of the limbs. *Great thinness. *Great emaciation, oalso of children. * Weariness. Extreme weakness. OInternal weakness, SKIN.-*The skin of the whole body is hot and dry, hot hands, OTendency of the skin to crack. *Itching, as if caused by fleas, ~Itching of the skin, when heated. Smarting and burning itching over the whole body. OCorrosive itching of the arms and lower limbs.-oPainful eruption on the neck and chest. Itching hepatic spots. *Violent itching of a herpetic eruption on the tibia. *Freckles OInsensible, yellow-brown, shrivelled herpes. OHumid, suppurating herpes, full of deep rhagades, and covered with thgick crusts. OBoils, returning periodically. OFistulous ulcers, with hard, shining red everted edges, and inflamatory swelling of the affected part. ~Mer curial ulcers. OCarious ulcers. OChafing of children. Warts.OChilblains.-Varices of pregnant females.-*Glandular swellings. OArthritic nodes- *Dropsical swellings. Chlorosis. Aneurisms.? SLEEP.- *Drowsiness in the daytime. *Drowsiness in the afternoon *Early drowsiness in the evening, *Restless sleep full of dreams, Light sleep, at night. *Sleep full of fancies' JUnable to lie on the left side, owing to palpitation of the heart and stitches. Loud talking while asleep.-*Anxious, frightful, or lascivious dreams.-Starting when failing asleep. *Startings and jerkings of the limbs, with ..YCOPODII POLLEN. 793 restless sleep. Weeping at night, while asleep. Palpitation of the heart, almost every evening, when in bed. Seething of the blood, early in the morning, when waking. Troublesome pressure in the stomach. Cutting in the region of the stomach, at night. Cough and pain in the chest, at night. OUneasiness and twitching of the feet during sleep. Seething of the blood, early in the morning, when waking. Unrefreshing sleep. FEVER.-Spasmodic shaking from chilliness, as if caused by a mental commotion, with throbbing in the fore part of the head, in the evening. Internal chilliness, early in the morning. Violent chilliness in the evening, hindering sleep, with nausea.--Fever every afternoon -Fever at seven o'clock in the evening, chills, and great coldness, even when in bed.-Coldness of the body, in the evening, with heat in the forehead. Chilliness every day.-Evening-fever, every day, chilliness followed by heat. In the evening, alternate chilliness and heat, with aching of the whole head, and coryza. Fever, with great weakness, heat predominant, afterwards chilliness.-Fever, every evening, burning heat. 0Tertian fever, with sour vomiting after the chilliness, and bloated face and hands.-~Hectic fever, with clammy night-sweats. Typhoid fever, with constipation, waking with a peevish mood, scolding, screaming, nervous irritation. OFeverish day-sweats. *Flushes of heat. Burning heat, with short breath, pale face, and starting while asleep. MORAL SYMPTOMS.-Desponding, grieving mood. *Melancholy, in the evening. Weeping mood, with chilliness. Great oppressive anxiety in the pit of the stomach, from vexation. *She is afraid of being alone. Despairing and disconsolate. OInternal uneasiness. ONervousness.-*Extremely sensitive. Great tendency to start. *Headstrong, vehement, angry. SENSORIUVM.-- Weakness of memory.--~Complaints arising from mental labor. Dullness of the head. Stupefaction towards evening, with heat of the temples and ears. Vertigo like dullness of the head. Vertigo when rising from a seat. ~Incipient paralysis of the brain. HEAD.-Simple headache, more violent when at rest, less when walking in the open air. Violent headache, at night, as if caused by a wrong position. *Headache from chagrin. OHeadache with faintishness and great uneasiness. Headache over the eyes, immediately after breakfast. Pain in both temples, at every step. Dull pain in the forehead, as if the head were being compressed. ORheumatic headache. Paralytic aching in the temple. Aching, with contractive sensation in the head. OTensive-aching pain in the head. 34 794 I.YCOFODII POLLEN. The headache increases when lying down.-Headache, as if the bones of the skull were being driven asunder, and as if the brain were va. cillating. Heaviness in the head.--Lacerating in the occiput. Lacerating in the head. OLacerating in the forehead, every afternoon. Aching, with lacerating close over the eyes and into them, early in the morning. Darting headache, apparently in the bones of the skull. -Throbbing pain near the orbits, from within outwards. Violent beating in the head. Continual throbbing headache. Beating in the brain, with heat about the head.--*Rush of blood to the head, early in the morning, on waking, ~also on raising the head in bed, with subsequent headache.-Excessive sensitiveness of the head externally.- Quickly-passing lacerating in the integuments of the head.-ONightly lacerating, boring, and scraping about the head.Contractive sensation in the hairy scalp.-The bones of the head are painful.--Excessive falling of of the hair. OBaldness.-Itching of the hairy scalp. *Eruption on the head, with swelling of the cervical glands. *Eruptions on the head, suppurating profusely, oalso fetid. EYEs.-*Painful pressure in the eyes, as if dust had got in.-Pain in the eyes as if they had been bruised.-Tensive pain in the left eye. -Lacerating around the eyes, extending into the forehead and the cheeks. *Stitches in the eyes, -without any redness. Itching in the canthi.-~Smarting of the eyes.-*Burning mn the eyes, oalso smarting. Red, inflamed eyes, with sticking pain, in the evening. Inflammation of the white of the eye. *Inflammation of the eye-lids, with aching, and nightly agglutination in the outer canthi. *Inflammation of the eyes, -with redness and dimness of the white, redness and swelling of the lids, burning; *profuse lachrymation and nightly agglutination. Inflammation of the eyes, with itching in both canthi, redness and swelling of the lids. Styes on the eye-lids. Ulceration and re"dness of the eye-lids. *Agglutination of the eyes, especially at night. A quantity ofpurulent gum in the eyes, with smarting pain. Mucus in the eyes. *Dryness of the eyes in the evening. *Dim, hot eyes.-Spasmodic twitching of the lower eye-lid.- Weakness of sight. Uncertain sight and frequent twinkling before the eyes.-Dim-sightedness. -Shor't-sightedness.-Black spots hover before his eyes at a short distance. *Twinkling before the eyes, when going to bed. Sensation of vibrations before the eyes. Sparks before the eyes, in the dark.--Blackness before the eyes. EARS.-Otalgia in the open air. Sensation as of pressing towards the ears. Lacerating about the ear.-Darting in the internal ear. Continuous lacerating pinching stitches in the ear. Throbbing and LYCOPODIl POLLEN. 795 tension iti the ears.-Rush of blood to the ears. Itching in the ear. oHumid scurf on and behind the ears. Ulceration and running of the ears. *Seensitiveness to noise in walking. OMusic and sounds affect the hearing painful.y.-*Diminution of hearing. *Roaring, humming and whizzing in the ears. NOSE.-Corrosive pain in the nostril. Itching of the nostrils.Swelling of the tip of the nose, with pain to the touch.-Heat in the nose, and burning of the eyes.--Scurf in the nose. ONightly closing of the nostril by pus. OUlcerated nostrils.-The smell is excessively sensitive.-Discharge of a bloody mucus or of coagulated blood from the nose.-Sneezing without coryza.-Obstruction of the nose, high up.-Dry coryza, he cannot breathe at night. Dry coryza, with burning in the forehead and dullness of the head.-Violent coryza, with swelling of the nose; catarrhal headache; acrid discharge. "*Fluent coryza. FACE.-:*Pale, wretched complexion. *Blue margins around the eyes, owith livid face, deep wrinkles, and blue lips. * Yellow face.*Frequent flushes of heat. ~Circumscribed redness of the face. Burning in the face. Red, bloated face, full of dark-red spots covered with pustules. *Swelling of the cheeks. *Eruption on the face. *Itching, scaly herpes in the face and the corners of the mouth, with bleeding. Lacerating in the cheek, in the malar bone. Spasmodic twitchings in the muscles of the cheeks. Ulcerative pain of the corners of the mouth. Eruption around the mouth. ItchJing pimples around the chin. JAWs AND TEETH.-Lacerating in the upper jaw. Swelling of the submaxillary glands. *Drawing in the jaws. Jerking lacerating, at times in the right, at times in the left lower jaw. Boring pain in the swollen submaxillary glands. Involuntary clashing and grindlzg of the teeth. Dull ache of the upper and lower teeth, with swelling of the gums.-Toothache, with swelling of the cheeks. The teeth are excessively painful when touching them, or when chewing, as if from subcutaneous ulceration. Toothache only at night. Spasmodic pain in the teeth. *Drawing pain in the right lower molares. Throbbing toothache. Beating in a tooth, with swelling of the gums. -All the teeth ache, as if they were too dull.-Great looseness of the teeth.-The teeth become yellow.-Heat and pain in the gwus. Swelling of the gums over the front teeth, with swelling of the upper lip.--Gum-boil. MOUTH.-Small tumors in the mouth, in various places. Coated tongue. Scraping sensation in the mouth. Fetid smell from the mouth. Numbness of the inner mouth and tongue. The tongue is "796 LYCOPODI POLLEN. painful and swollen. Tubercles on the tongue. Ulcer under the tongue. Dryness in the mouth and throat, early in the morning, owith tension, difficulty of moving the tongue, and -indistinct speech, Feeling of dryness in the throat and mouth, without thirst. Dry and bitter or sourish mouth. THROAT.-Swelling and elongation of the uvula. Sore throat, when swallowing or coughing. *The pharynx feels contracted. Glandular swellings inside and outside of the throat, with stinging pains in the glands when swallowing and in the ear.-~Chronic sore throat.Lacerating pains in the pharynx from below upwards. Stinging and dryness in the throat. Continual stinging or prickling in the throat. Inflamnmation of the throat, with hoarseness and stitches. Suppuratiou of the tonsils, with stinging pain when swallowing. *Ulcers oj the tonsils, resembling chancre.-Ulceration of the tonsils. OBurning in the fauces, with thirst at night. TA.TE AND APPETITE.-Bitter taste in the mouth, particularly early in the morning, oalso with nausea. Sour, slimy or mouldy taste. Loss of taste.-Absence of thirst. Great thirst, sometimes with difficulty of swallowing. *Excessive hunger. *Canine hunger. *Extreme desire for sweet things.-* Want of appetite. *Aversion to solid food. *Bread is repulsive. GASTRIc SYMPTOMs.-At dinner, excessive nausea unto fainting. Nausea in the pharynx and stomach after a meal, unto vomiting, with accumulation of water in the mouth. Frequent eructations after a meal. Immediately after a meal, the abdomen is full, bloated, distended. Fullness and heaviness after a meal. Colic; pressure in the stomach;,pinching in the abdomen after a meal. Tremor and throbbing through the whole body, after a meal. OPalpitation of the heart during digestion.-~Diarrhcea from milk. ~Heavy food is not digested. OViolent eructations in the afternoon. *Sour eructations, with colic. Burning eructations, like a sort of heartburn.-*IH-eartburn from the stomach, acidity rising into the mouth.-Hiccough. Nausea, every morning, before breakfast. OConstant nausea. ONausea when riding in a carriage. *Nausea in the afternoon, with sour eructations.Loathing at the sight of food.-* Water-brash every other day, griping in the pit of the stomach, nausea. OQualmishness, in the stomach, early in the morning. Inclination to vomit, with hawking up of phlegm. Nightly vomiting of food and bile, preceded by nausea and anguish about the heart. Vomiting of coagulated blood, and acrid acidity. STOMACH.-Pain in the stomach, increased by stooping.-*Intense pain of the pit of the stomach, when pressing on it, oalso with swell LYCOPODII POLTIEN. 797 ing.-Violent pain in the stomach after a meal, and after taking a slight cold, with chilliness and deadn'ess of the hands. OFullness in the stomach and abdomen. *Violent pressure in the stomach and abdomen, with pain to the touch and when breathing. Contusive pain in the stomach. Contraction and spasm of the stomach, as far as the chest-Lacerating and drawing pain in the stomach, with nausea and colic. Gnawing and griping sensation in the region of the stomach.--Cancer of the stomach.? HYPbcHoNDRIA.-- Tension around the hypochondria as from a hoop. Pain of the liver to the touch. OPain in the liver after eating a good meal.-Pressure in the region of the liver. Sore aching in the right hypochondrium. Tension in the lower part of the region of the liver, with pressure, Grasping, as if with the hand, in the region of the liver. Violent cramp-pain in the region of the liver. oChronic hepatitis. ABDOMEN.-Colic; early in the morning, after rising. OPain above the umbilicus, when touching the part. *Aching in the epigastrium, as if caused by flatulence. Pressure in the abdomen, with drawing pain. *Pressure and cutting in the abdomen, before dinner. Weight in the abdomen, as from a load. *Full, distended abdomen, and cold feet.--Tension in the hypogastrium. Spasmodic contraction in the abdomen. Griping and pinching around the umbilicus. OGriping lacerating in the hypogastrium, with arrest of breath. OSticking pinching from the bladder to the urethra, in the evening, in bed. *Cutting colic, previous to stool. Cutting in the abdomen, about midnight, with vomiting and diarrhoea. *Cutting in the epigastrium, -every forenoon. OLacerating in both sides of the abdomen and in the groins, extending into the thighs.--Drawing pamn n the abdomen, also with pressure. Drawing colic. ~Indurations in the abdomen. Burning in the abdomen.-*Lacerating stitches in the hernial region. Red swelling in the groin, painful during motion, and when touching it, as from subcutaneous ulceration. oInguinal hernia. Small glandular swellings in the groins. *Grumbling.and gurgling in the abdomen. STooL.-- Sluggish stool. *Ineffectual urging, Owith hard stool. *Desire for stool only in the evening, with distended abdomen. *Little stool, with sensation as if much remained behind, followed by excessive and painful accumulation of flatulence. Inaction of the rectum at stool. *Difficulty in passing stool. Tenesmus in the morning; diarrhoea in the afternoon. Diarrhoea, with colic, generally early in the morning. Pale fetid stool.-Blood with stool. Ilcemor. 'zagefrom the rectum, even with soft stool. Burning at the rectum 798 LYCOPODII POLLEN. during stool. Violent contractive pain zn the perinceum for many hours, after scanty, hard stool. Stool is followed by abdominal and uterine spasms across the abdomen. After stool, heat and pressing sensation in the head, and lassitude of the thighs.-Distention and protrusion of the varices. Aching, with pressure on the rectum, with cramp-pain in the abdomen. OCutting in the rectum and bladder. Stitches in the rectum. OTension in the anus.-*Itching eruption of the anus, painful to the touch. 0Ascarides. URINE.--Urging to urinate.-Frequent, foamy urine.-Urine with yellow or red sediment like sand. Dark urine, with burning.Haemorrhage from the urethra, without pain, also with. lameness of the lower limbs and constipation. Burning in the female urethra during micturition. ~Itching in the urethra during and after micturition.-Violent, but short drawing pain in the fore part of the urethra. Stitches in the bladder. OCutting in the bladder and rectum. MALE GENITAL ORGANS.-Dropsical swelling of the genital organs. -Drawing and cutting in the glans. OChronic orchitis. Soreness between' the scrotum and thigh.-Great weakness in the genital organs and the neighboring parts, with pain in the perinaeum when sitting. *Diminution of the sexual instinct. OMale impotence for several years. *The penis is s2nmal, cold, and remains relaxed. OFeeble erections, or *entire absence of erections.-*Excessive sexual desire.-Exhausting pollution. FEMALE GENITAL ORGANs.-Lacerating stitches in the organs of generation. Violent burning in the vagina, during and after an embrace. Drawing in the groin, as if the menses would come on, in - an aged female. OChronic dryness of the vagina. OItching, burning, and gnawing of the vagina. OPressing through the vagina on stooping. ODarting pain in the labia on lying down. ODischarge of wind from the vagina. Menses too early and too scanty. 01~lcnses too long and too profuse. O Chronic suppression of the menses, also by fright. -Previous to the menses: bloatedness of the abdomen; great heavi, ness of the lower limbs; cold feet; violent chilliness. During the menses: headache, nausea, swelling of the feet.-*Profuse leucorrhcea, at intervals. Milky leucorrhcea. Discharge of blood-red leucorrhoca. OCutting in the hypogastrium, previous to the leucorrhoea. -ODisposition to miscarriage, with varices on the pudendum.??OVarices, diarrhoea, or constipation of pregnant females.??-Hard, burning nodosity in the mammae. OSoreness of the nipples, or spread' ing scurf on them.-~Stinging in the nipples.--Chafing or constipa, tion of new-born infants. LYCOPODII POLLEN. 799 LARYNX.-Frequent aching in the larynx, when swallowing. A violent, titillating scraping in the trachea, below the larynx. Dry feeling in the larynx. Hoarseness. OThe voice is feeble and husky. The chest feels oppressed. *Rattling in the chest._-~Chronic catarrh. oGrippe.?--Short and hacking cough, from titillation in the throat. *Irritation with cough, caused by deep breathing. Short and hacking cough, with sore pain along the larynx.-Night-cough and hoarseness, with sore pain in the chest. Nightly cough, almost without any intermission.-*Dry cough, with wheezing. oDry cough, day and night. tExpectoration of salt mucus. *Cough, with gray salt expectoration. ~Cough with expectoration and great weakness of the stomach. *Morning-cough, with green expectoration, -after violent pain in the chest. *Thick, white, yellowish expectoration, with violent cough.-*Expectoration of yellowish pus, with raw and sore feeling in the chest, after long dry cough. OUlcerous phthisis.-*Cough, with bloody expectoration. Haemorrhage, in a female affected with pulmonary phthisis. CHEST.-Tightness of the chest, especially during motion, with aching in the pit of the stomach. *Oppression of the chest, Owith shortness of breath when doing anything.-Asthma.-Tension of the chest.-Pressure in the chest.-Slight anguish in the chest.-Cutting pain in the right side of the chest. *Stitches in the left side of the chest, also during an inspiration. Pain, as from a sprain, in the left side, in paroxysms. Pain of the chest as if bruised.-Burning rising in the chest, like heartburn.-Violent palpitation of the heart. *Sudden violent palpitation of the heart, after having become wearied, with yawning. Tremulous palpitation of the heart. Anxious palpitation of the heart.-Itching on the chest. Painful eruption on the chest. Hepatic spots. BACK.-Pain in the small of the back, with pressure of the stomach and constriction of the abdomen. *Stiffness or aching in the small of the back. *Drazoing pain in the small of the back. Pain in the small of the back, as if flesh were loose. Chilliness in the small of the back. Large swvelling in the psoas-muscle, very painful when moving the body, Pain in the back, extending to the shoulders and the small of the back. Pressure in the region of the kidneys. Rheu, matic tension in the back, and the right side of the chest, more vio. lent during an inspiration. Pinching in the back.-*Drawing pain in the back.-Continual beating in the back.-Burning as of red-hot coal between the scapuloe. Burning in the back.-Itching of the back.-*Large pimples between the scapulke and on the nape of th, neck, with a burning sensation. Painful stiffness of the neck.-A 800 LYCOPODII POLLEN. sort of paralysis of the cervical muscles. Swelling of the external and internal cervical muscles.-*Swelling of the cervical glands.Gottre.-Painful eruption on the neck. ARMs.-Swelling of the axillary glands. *Lacerating in the shoulder and elbow-joints, when at rest, not during motion. Paralytic pain in the shoulder-joint. Pain as iffrom bruises in the shoulder joint, scapula, and upper arm.--Nightly bone-pain in the arm. *Spasmodic starting of the arms. The arms feel paralyzed. Itching of the upper arms.-Nightly bone-pain in the elbow. Arthritic stiffness.-Large inflamed swelling, like erysipelas, on the fore-arm below the elbow, passing into suppuration like a boil. Lacerating in the arms and hands. Arthritic stiffness of the wrist-joint. Continually cold hands. ONumbness of the hands. *Great dryness of the skin of the hands. Itching pimples on the hands. Involuntary toitching of the fingers, while' asleep. Arthritic lacerating in the joints with redness and swelling. OThe fingers become rigid during work. Stiffness of the fingers, from arthritic nodosities. *Redness, inflammation, and swelling of all the joints of the fingers. Itching of the fingers. LEGS.-Pressure on the hips, proceeding from the small of the back. Rheumatic tension in the hip. Paralytic pain in the hip-joint. Pain "as from a sprain, in the hip, towards the small of the back, when rising.-Drawing in the limbs from top to bottom, when at rest. ONightly lacerating in the lower limbs. Cold and heavy limbs. OPhlegmasia-alba-dolens.?-Drawing and burning in the thigh. Pain as from a bruise, in the thigh, just above the knee-joint, increased by contact and motion. *Stifness of the knee-joint. Tension around the knees. *Lacerating in the knees and ankles, with pain, even when touching them. Unusual lassitude in the knees. Sore pain in the knees and other parts of the limbs. Pain, asfrorm a sprain, in the knee-joint. Swelling of the knees. *Itching in the bend of the knee, oalso burning and biting. *Cramp in the calf. OContractive pain in the calves when walking. Sensation as if the legs were swollen and heavy. OBurning on the legs. Swelling of the legs extending beyond the knees, with large, red, hot patches, painful and burning, especially on the knee and ankle. 01d ulcers on the egs, with nightly lacerating itching and burning.-The ankles are painful at night.--Cramp in the feet. Pain as from subcutaneous ulceration, in the soles of the feet. Burning in the feet. OPain of the soles when walking. Great weight of the feet. Swelling around the ankles, oand of the ankles. OSwelling of the soles. The swelling of the feet increases to ascites, with swelling of the genital organs, MAGNESIA CAREONICA. 801 op pressed breathing, and scanty micturition with pressing.-*Cold faet constantly. *Cold, sweaty feet. *Profuse sweat on the feet, until they become sore. OCramp in the toes. 170.-MAGNESIA CARBONIOA.' MAG. CAR.-Carbonate of Maignesia.-See Hahnetnann's "1Chronic Diseases." Vol. IV.-Duration of Action: forty to fifty days. COMPARE WITH-Aeon., Ars-., Bar., Bell., Bry., Calc., Carb.-a., Carb.-v., Caust., Chain., Con.,. Croc., Cyci., Per., Graph., Hyos., Jod., Kali., Lye., Mag.-mur., Nitr -ac., Nux-v., Nux-mos., Petrol., Phosph., Plat., Plumb., Rhus, Sil., Spig., Spong., Squil., Staph., Suiph., Suiph.-ac., Verat. ANTIDoTEs.-Chan.? Puls.? Merc.-sol., Nux-v. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-Pains over the whole body. Stiffness of the whole body, early in the morning, when rising. Dartings in the nates, the thighs, the shoulders, and frequently the face. Parts become 'easily strained and sprained. Relaxed condition of the body. Sudden depression of strength when walking in the open air. Weak fedling, early in the morning, when in be 'd. Great weakness of the lower limbs. Languid and, weary in the whole. body, especially the feet. Hands and feet feel as if they had been broken and crushed. Great weakness of the whole body, with wretched appearance and inclination to vomit. A kind of paralysis of the left lower limb, with pain in the hip and knee-joint.-* Frequent s-udden falling, with consciousness, when standing or walking. 0Epilcptic attacks. 0Emacia. tion of children. SKIN.-Great sensitiveness, especially to cold. Violent itching of the whole body. Burning- prickingas in different parts of the body. Vesicles and ptniples, sometimes itching violently. -Large nodosities, with stinging pain under the skin, in the axilla, and above the elbowrjoint. Small, red, little elevated, snooth herpes, scaling- off afterwards'. Small boils on th~e forehead, neck, and chest, andb especially the thighs. SLEEP.-Frequent yawning, with' sneezing. *Sleeplesmess the whole night. OSleeplessness from oppression of the abdomen. Rest. less sleep, tv'th frequent waking. Anxiety at night, with sleepless. ness. and heaviness in the whole body. Great internal heat. at night Toothache, at night, the tooth feels elongated, the pain being- more lacerating than throbbing., Throbbing and drawing toothache., the whole night. Wetting the bed at night. *An.xioits dreanzs at nighftd. Anxious dream, with shrieks, weeping, and sobbing. FEVER.-Coldness in the evening, and chills, With shaking. Chlii 34* 802 MAGNESIA CARBONICA. lines from morning till evening. Feverish shuddering down the back, with some nausea, without any subsequent heat. Thirst after dinner, afterwards chilliness, in the evening burning heat in the face, with cold feet and violent mental excitation. Profuse night-sweat. Fetid night-sweat. MORAL SYMPTOMS.-Trembling, anguish, and fear. Internal uneasiness, with trembling of the hands and absence of mind. Vexed. ll-humor. Sad mood. SENsoRIUM.-Dulless of the head from mental exertions. Reeling sensation in the head Vertigo. Fainting vertigo. HEAD.-Headache, as if brought on by stiffness of the neck, Violent headache, early in the morning; in the afternoon, worse towards evening. Heaviness and dizziness of the head. Heaviness of the head, with yawning and nausea. Great pressure in the fore part of the head, with pain in the eyes. Drawing pain in the head. Violent darting headache. Lacerating and throbbing, deep in the fore. head. Lacerating in the forehead, with stupefaction and heaviness in the brain. Deep dull stitch through the brain. Pulsative sensation in the region of the forehead. Congestion of blood to the head. Itching of the hairy scalp. Increased falling of of the hair. EYEs.-Pressure around the eyes, towards evening. Lacerating in the eyes, followed by lachrymation. Burning and stinging in the eyes, which look injected. Inflammation and swelling of the lower eye-lid. Swelling of the eye-ball, as if dropsy of the eye would set in. Dryness and burning of the eyes. *Agglutination of the eye-lids, early in the morning. Gum in the eyes, early in the morning on waking, with burning and dim-sightedness. OObscuration of the cornea. OObscuration of the crystalline lens. Mist before the eyes, especially the right. Photophobia, with burning in the eyes. --OBlack motes before the eyes. EARS.-Lacerating of the ears. Great sensitiveness to noise. Tingling of the ears. Whizzing and ringing in the ear, *with diminution of hearing. Roaring in the ears. NosE.-Redness of the nose and swelling. Scurfy formation in the iose. Bleeding from the nose and mouth. Violent tickling in the nose, followed by sneezing. *Dry coryza, -and obstruction of the nose, waking her at night. *Obstruction of the nose, -frequently alternating with fluent coryza. FAcE.-Wretched, pale, earthy complexion. Nightly lacerating, digging, and boring in the malar bone. Throbbing pain in the antrum. Redness and burning of the face.-Heat in the face and hands, with redness, burning, and thirst, at noon. Hard noosity on - MAGNESIA CARDONICA. 803 the right temple, painful when touched.--Diminution of the nodous tumors in leprous patients. Burning and tension of the lip. Fine, painful laceratings in the lip. Fine eruption about the mouth. THard, little nodosities in both corners of the mouth. JAWS AND TEETH.-Toothache, with swelling of the cheeks. Toothache every day, especially at night. ~Nightly toothache, with ulcerative pain in the teeth when touched. *Toothache, with drawing (lacerating) in the direction of the temples, Oand in the whole side of the face, which is swollen, with stiffness of the nape of the neck. Drawing in all the teeth, with swelling and redness of the giwns.Darting toothache. OThrobbing toothache, with single stitches.Burning toothache, in the evening when in bed, with pain as if the teeth were loose.-The teeth feel elongated and very sensitive. Looseness of the teeth, with swelling of the gums. MOUTH.-A number of miliary eruptions in the mouth, on the tongue and cheeks, bleeding when touched, and burning when eating anything sour. Numbness of the whole inner mouth. Burning sensation of the palate, as if the skin were off. Burning saliva. THROAT.-Sore throat, with burning and retching. Pain in the throat when swallowing. Burning and roughness in the throat. Roughness in the throat, with desire to vomit. Frequent rising of mucus in the throat,, with roughness and dryness of the fauces. Soft fetid tubercles, of the color of green peas. Discharge of tenacious mucus, streaked with blood. TASTE AND APPETITE.-Bitter taste in the mouth. Sour taste in the mouth. Little or no appetite or hunger. Desire for fruit and acid things. Thirst. Violent thirst. GASTRIC SYMPTOMS.-After a meal, weakness, pale face, nausea, and dark-colored vomiting of the ingesta. Colic and distention of the abdomen, after a meal.-Unsuccessful eructations. Eructations tasting of the ingesta. Frequent eructations, with pain in the stomach. Sour eructations.-Frequent hiccough. Loathing, without any desire to vomit. Loathing and inclination to vomit, in the evening. Loathing, with pain and coldness of the stomach. Nausea and desire to vomit, with constipation. Inclination to vomit, and accumulation of water in the mouth. Vomiting of bitter water. STOMACH.-Pain in the stomach, with nausea, heaviness of the head, and ill-humor, without aversion to food. Pain in the stomach in the forenoon, resembling a feeling of emptiness and qualmishness Pressure in the stomach. *Contractive pain in the stomach. UTce. rative pain in the stomach, with great sensitiveness to pressure. Vig lent stitch in the pit of the stomach, 804 MAGNESIA CARBONICA. HYPOCHONDRiA.-Pinching and contractive sensation, extending from both hypochondria towards the umbilicus.-Dull stitches in the right hypochondrium. Sensation as of something hard in the region of the liver, with frequent pinching in the abdomen. ABDOMEN.-Colic, followed by watery leucorrhcea, occasionally. Violent colic, early in the morning, especially around the umbilicus. Great heaviness in the abdomen.-Feeling of repletion in the abdomen. Great bloatedness of the abdomen. Spasmodic contractive pain in the abdomen, afterwards diarrhoea. Constriction and pTnching in the right iliac region, very painful. Griping and digging in the abdomen, as if the menses would set in, with emission of a quantity of fetid flatulence. Painful griping in the abdomen, below the umbilicus, frequently intermitting, and afterwards reaching to the stomach.Colicky pains in the whole abdomen,, with pressing towards the geni. tal organs, accompanied by discharge of blood from the vagina. Colicky pains in the abdomen, more violent in the evening. Violent pinching around, the umbilicus. Pinching and rumbling in the abdomen, followed by green diarrhoea. Painful cutting and pressing in the abdomen and both groins. Violent colic, extending from the small of the back towards the pubic bones.-OInguinal hernia. STOOL.-*Inclines to be constipated. *Retention of stool.-Stool hard as a stone, with pain in the anus. Hard stool in the afternoon, followed by burning at the anus. Soft stool, preceded by pinching in the abdomen. Diarrhea. Diarrhaea, with violent cutting in the abdomen and pressing. Liquid stool, followed by burning at the anus. Discharge of a liver-colored fluid, followed by tenesmus and burning. Diarrhoea, with great weakness. Green diarrhaeic stools. A quantity of ascarides with stool. Discharge of ascarides between the stools. Cutting and pinching in the abdomen, previous to stool. Faintness after stool.-Desire for stool, with violent prickings in the rectum. Pressure in the rectum, between the stools. Sore pain in the anus, or as if ulcerated, when sitting or walking.-Painful varices of the rectum. URINE. Inability to retain the urine. Pale or green urine. White sediment in the urine.-The urine burns while being emitted. MALE GENITAL ORGANS.-Diminution of the sexual instinct. Frequent pollutions. FEMALE GENITAL ORGANS.-Frequent itching of the pudendum. -Menses delaying; preceeded by sore throat. Reappearance of the menses on the third day, with colic, they continue for several days. The menses are more profuse than usual.-The flow is most profuse when walking or standing.-The menstrual blood is dark and acrido I MAGNESIA CARBONICA. 805 dark, viscid, almost like pitch; thick and black, and appears before the time. The menses appear too soon. Previous to the menses, bearing down, cutting, and pain in the small of the back, as if it were contracted and bruised. Coryza, with obstruction of the nose. During the menses: liquid stool, followed by tremor of the limbs. Headache, with feeling of heaviness and heat. Dim, dry, burning eyes. Pale complexion. Violent colic; cutting around the umbilicus; violent bearing down in the abdomen, at night, and.early in the morning; frequent sneezing, early in the morning; frequent, but intermittent headache; drawing pain in the small of the back; faintness; exhaustion; the knees are painful when walking, as if they were bruised. Violent pain in the small of the back, as if it were bruised. Leucorrhcsa after the menses. Thin, scanty leucorrhoea, with pinching around the navel. Leucorrhooa, like water. Smarting leucorrhoea.-Discharge of white mucus, preceded by abdominal spasms. OToothache of pregnant females. LARYNX AND TRACHEA.-Contractive sensation in the trachea, with aching in the pit of the throat. Tickling in the throat, followed by a short cough. Hollow, dull cough. Fits of spasmodic cough, the whole night. During the cough, pain in the chest. CHEST.-Short breathing when walking. Tightness of the chest, in the afternoon. Contractive sensation around the chest, the shoulder feeling bruised. Great oppression of the chest, with occasional deep breathing. Sudden aching in the chest, arresting the breathing.Intensely painful cutting and stitches in the chest.-Palpitation of the heart.-Sudden, violent, sore pain in the heart, with distinctly audible cracking, accompanied by a tormenting nausea.-Pain as from bruises, in the muscles of the chest, during motion and when touching them. BACK.-Violent pain, as from bruises, in the small of the back. Violent pain in'the back, at night, in bed, as if the parts had been crushed, worst during motion, but also when at rest. Violent lacerating and darting in the nape of the neck.-Stiffness of the nape of the neck. ARMs.-*Pain, as from a sprain, in the right shoulder, when moving the arm, also when in bed. Pressure on the shoulder. Para. lytic pain, as from bruises, in the left shoulder. Violent contractive pain in both shoulders, and lacerating down the back. ONightly attacks of lacerating, with tingling down to the fingers, and inability to move the arm from pain.-Drawing, darting, weariness of the arms.-The elbow-joint is painful when bending the arm. Drawing pain in the hands. Burning in the palms of the hands. OThe skin 806 MAGNESIA MURIATICA. of the hands becomes chapped.-Cramp feeling in the finger-joints. Spreading blisters on the fingers. LEGS.-Pain in both hips, generally when moving the limbs.The lower limbs, especially the knees, are very painful. Heaviness and pain in the knees when walking. Weary pain in the knees when walking. Hard swelling in the bend of the knee, so painful that he is unable to extend the limb. Stitches in the knee-joint.Painful drawing in the legs. Cutting pain in the tibia. oBoils on the legs.-Violent pain of the feet, as if they were too heavy and weary. Drawing pain in tb sRoles of the feet. 171.-MAGNESIA MURIATICA. MAG. MUR.-Muriate of Magnesia.-See Hainemann's "Chronic Diseases," Vol. IV.-Duration of Action: seven weeks. COMPARE WITH-Acon., Ars., Bar., Bell., Bry., Calc., Carb.-a., Carb.-v., Caust., Cham., Con.-m., Cycl., Fer., Graph., Hyos., Kali, Lyc., Magn., Magn.-sulph., Nitr.-ac., Nux-v., Nux-mos., Petrol., Plat., Plumb., Puls., Rhus, Sil., Spig,, Staph., Squill., Sulph., Sulph.-ac., Verat. ANTIDOTES.-Ars.? Cham GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-Burning tension in different parts of the body. OLaming drawing and lacerating in the limbs. Spasmodic nervous pain here and there, at times boring, at times 'contractive, accompanied by violent nervous headache, commencing in the fore part of the head, with drawing in the ears; sometimes lancinatiing laceratings in the head. OLiability to take cold. Great weariness in the limbs when walking in the open air. Great weakness, oas if proceeding from the stomach. Weak feeling, with vertigo, early in the morning. The whole body feels painful, as if it were bruised. Heaviness and weariness of the lower limbs. Tremor of the hands and feet. Staggering gait.-Great sensitiveness.-Faintingfit at dinner, with anxiousness, nausea, and paleness of the face.-~Hysteric conmplaints and spasmodic turns. CHARACTERISTIC PECULIARITIES.-The generality of the symptoms occur when sitting, and are generally relieved by motion. SKIN.-Violent itching of the whole body. Formication of the whole body at night, when in bed, with shuddering over the face, arms, and shoulders. Itching pimples. Glandular swellings. SLEEP.-Frequent yawning, with a feeling of exhaustion in the body, and a want of disposition to intellectual labor. Drowsy, indolent, and averse to labor. Uneasiness in the whole body, as soon as she closes aer eyes in the evening.-Shaking of the upper part of MAGNESIA MURIATICA. 807 the body, in the evening, when in bed, almost without chilliness or heat. Restless sleep, interrupted by frequent waking. Great restlessness at night. Restless, sleepless nights, owing to violent pains in the small of the back. Talking and snoring when asleep. Anxious, vivid, and fearful dreams. FEVER.-Chilliness, with shaking. Shaking chills in the evening, going off when in bed. Frequent chills, alternating with heat. Shudderings through the whole body, early in the morning, with icycold feet. Thrills of heat, with vertigo.-General increase of warmth, with thirst, in the afternoon.-Internal heat, with thirst, at night. MORAL SYMPTOMS,-Anxious and fearful, with ennui.-Peevish and out of humor. SENSORIUM.-Illusions of the fancy.-Reeling sensation in the head. Stupefaction and dullness of the head. Giddy and reeling sensation, going off after motion. HEAD.--~Headache every day.-Headache early in the morning. Dull pain in the head, with sensitiveness of the scalp when touching it, and sore burning pain in the eyes, after dinner. Heaviness and dullness of the head.-Pain, as if the brain were pressing.against the forehead. Pressure in the occiput. Compressive sensation in the head, from both sides. Violent lacerating and stitches in the forehead and temples.--Throbbing and beating in the head, with hot feeling and heaviness in the forehead. Griping and tumult (roaring) in the temples, in the evening after lying down, as if vertigo and loss of consciousness would come on. Increase of warmth in the whole head. ScALP.-Numbness of the forehead. Great painfulness of the outer parts of the head, when touching them, or when stooping. EYES.-Aching in the eyes and the canthi. Pressure in the eyes. as if from dust, with dimness of sight. Pain as from bruises in the lower border of the orbit. Itching of the eyes. Burning in the eyes. Inflammation of the eyes, with pressure, biting, burning, especially when looking at the light; the lids were swollen and red, with nightly agglutination.-Dim-sightedness, with burning of the eyes. Dim-sightedness, with vanishing of sight when looking at anything near. EAas.-Darting lacerating in the ear. Stitches in the ears. Sticking boring in the ears. Boring and *pulsative throbbing in the right ear. Violent roaring in the ears. Sensation in the ears as if something were stretched across, with diminution of hearinzg, and burning and humming in the head. Almost complete deafness of both ears. 808 MAGNESIA MURIATICA. NosE.-Violent lacerating in the upper part of the nasal cavities. *Burning of both nasal cavities as if sore. ORedness and swelling of the lower portion of the nose. *Sore pain of the inner nose. *Scurf in both nostrils, intensely painful when touched, with loss of smell. *Ulcerated nostrils. oTroublesome dryness of the nose.--Tickling in the nose. Oppressive sensation of obstruction in the nose. Severe coryza, at times dry, at times fluent, with dullness of the head, and complete loss of smell and taste. Discharge of fetid, purulent, yellow nasal mucus. ODischarge of acrid, corrosive water from the nose. FAcE.-Pale, bilious complexion. Severe cramp-pain in the bones of the face. Tensive feeling in the face. Pimples and blotches on the face. Inflammatory swelling of the submaxillary gland. TEETH.-Drawing toothache. Frequent laceratings in the upper front teeth. The upper cuspidati feel elongated, and are very sensitive to pain.-The upper gums are swollen and painful, especially when eating, with throbbing in the gums. Painful swelling of the lower gums and cheek.-Bleeding of the gums. MoUTH.-The inner mouth feels burnt and numb early in the morning. Violent pricking in the tongue, frequently, followed by burning, during a cold.-Rhagades in the tongue, with violent burning pain.-Tongue coated white, early in the morning. Great dryness of the mouth. PHARYNX.-Sore throat, feeling raw at the entrance of the pharynx, with stitches when coughing. Stinging sore throat. Sore throat, worse when soallowing. Dryness and roughness of the throat, with hoarse voice. TASTE AND APPETITE.-Bitter taste. Sour or slimy taste, with coated tongue, early in the morning.-Increased appetite. Canine hunger and violent feeling of hunger in the stomach, followed by great nausea. GASTRIC SYMPTOMS.-Acidity in the stomach, after dinner. Sour regurgitation of the ingesta. Bitter-sour eructations. Violent hic cough. Frequent nausea.--Nausea early in the morning, after rising. Frequent or constant nausea, with livid complexion, violent nervousness, and great inclination to weep. SToMAca.-Pain and tremor in the region of the stomach, Frequent pressing in the stomach, extending to the throat and back. Violent pressure in the stomach, with nausea.- Tension in the region of the stomach, with ulcerative pain, especially when touching the parts. Pain, as from bruises, in the stomach, with painful sensitiveness when touching it. Throbbing in the pit of the stomach, with dullness in the head. MAGNESIA MURIA11CA HYPOCHONDRIA.-Sharp drawing in the region of the liver. OAch. ing of the liver. OChronic hepatitis. ABDOMEN.-Violent colic, early in the morning, with desire for stool.-Feeling of pressure in the abdomen.-Drawing pain in the abdomen.-Contractive pain in the umbilical region.--Spasms in the abdomen, -with violent pressing upon the rectum and the genital organs.-*Distended abdomen.--*Hard abdomen, particularly in the right side, -or painful when touched, with disagreeable pressure on the rectum. Pinching and cutting below the umbilicus, with shuddering over the back, afterwards heat in the head and desire for stool. Cutting and pinching in the epigastrium, with sensation as if something hard were lying over the stomach. Cutting in the whole abdomen. Digging sensation in the abdomen, as if diarrhoea would come on. Weak feeling in the abdomen. Fermentation in the abdomen. Hot feeling in the abdominal integuments, with burning at the anus, and sensitiveness of the rectum after stool. STOOL.--Constipation. Frequent desire for stool. Frequent and severe pressure on the rectum, with colic. *Hard, difficult stool."*Hard, knotty stool, with pain in the rectum when passing it. Hard stool, surrounded with streaks of blood. Soft stool, followed by burning at the anus and tenesmus. Greenish papescent stools. Severe attacks of diarrhoea, with discharge of mucus and blood, and tenesmus of the rectum. OChronic disposition to diarrhoea. ODischarge of toenia. Pinching in the abdomen previous to stool.-Burning at the anus, and pain, as from excoriation, during and after stool. Violent pain in the abdomen, at every motion, after stool. Renewed desire for stool after an evacuation. Prolapsus-recti, during stool. URINE.-Pressure on the bladder, with scanty emission and burning in the urethra. Urine pale-yellow, followed by burning in the urethra. The urine looks as if it had been mixed with yeast, and deposits a cloudy sediment. MALE GENITAL ORGaNs.-Excessive itching around the genital organs, and on the scrotum. Erection, early in the morning, in bed, with burning in the penis. Dull distressing pain the whole day, in the spermatic cord, the small of the. back, and the testicles. Relaxed scrotum. Frequent pollutions. FEMALE GENITAL ORGANS.-*Uterine spasms, Oalso extending to the thighs and occasioning leucorrhoea. OScirrhous indurations of the uterus.-Some discharge of blood previous to the menses. Discharge of black clots of menstrual blood, more when sitting than when walking.-*Leucorrluea, -early in the morning after urinating. Profuse leucorrhcea, continuing almost without intermission. Leucorrhoea 810 0MAGNESIA MURIATICA. immediately after stool. *Ahdomina-l spasms, followed by leucorhoea. Watery leucorrhicea. Thick leucorrhcea, followed immediately after by discharge of blood, fourteen days previous to, the regular period of the menses. LARYNx.-lloarseness, with a sore feeling in the throat and chest. Sudden violent hoarseness, with dry cough and pressure on the chest during rough weather. Cough, with tingling in the larynx, w"ithl discharge of mucus.-Dry cough, mostly only evening and night. Short fits of coughb, followed by dull aching pain in the chest. 0Nightly spasmodic cough, from titillation in the throat. Ulcerative sore pain in the chest when coughingr, evening and night. Violent burning in the chest when coughing. CHEST.-Want of breath, when going up-hill. Contractioni of the chest, 'With oppressed breathing and. dull stitches.-Tensive pain in the chest, most acute during a deep inspiration,-Congestion of blood to the chest.-Violent achingo pain in the chest.-Gonstrictive pain? in the chest and scapulae.-Considerable burning and throbbing in the chest.-Stitchies in the heart, arresting her breath. Paipitatianz of the heart, going off during motion. Violent palpitation of the heart, w ith pulsation in all the arteries. Opeso ftehat BACK.-Pain in the small of the bac k. Pain, as from. bruises, above and in the small of the back and both hips, with sensitiveness of the parts. Contractive cramp-pain in the small of the back.. Gnawing pain in the punall of the back and the whole back, in' the evening, after lying down.-Paralytic sensation in the small of the back, in the evenling.-Severe pain, as fron, bruises-, in tihe back. Pain as from bruises, and burningr, between the shoulders. Severe burning, pain and constant itching of the back.-Tension between the shoulders and down the back. Lacerati-ng between the shoulders. ARms.-Pain in the shoulder-joint, as ý/. broken. Drawing and facerating in the shoulder-joint, most painful during motion. Lacerating in the shoulder. Throbbing pain in the shoulder. Burning from the shoulders to the fiu~gprs and scapulae. Lacerating in the upper arms, appa~rently in the marrow. Burning pain and continual itching of the lower arms. Lacerating in the hand. LEGS.-Lacerating in the hip-joint. Lacerating and pain, as from bruises, jn the hip, aggravated by walking. Throbbing in~ the hip. The bones of the lower limbs are very painful when walking. T'ensive, la-ceratings above the bend of the knee. Sudden and painful stitcheo in the thigh. Unea sine~ss and rigid sensation in the thighs. Lacer ating in the 4-nees. Cramvp in the calves. Paralytic pain, as from bruises, in both calves. Sweaty feet. Cutting in the heels. Burn. MAGNESIA SULPHURICA. 811 ing of the soles of the feet, in the evening. Tingling in the soles of the feet, when sitting. 172.-MAGNESIA SULPHURICA. MAG. SULPH.-Sulphate of Magnesia.-See Hartlaub and Trinks, "Annals," IV. -Duration of Action: days, and even weeks. COMPARE WITH-CaIl.-carb., Chin., Mag -mur., Nux-v., Puls., Sulph. ANTIDOTE.-Camph. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-Lacerating pains in the limbs, particularly at night.-Bruised feeling in the whole body, as if he would fall sick, or on waking in the morning, particularly in the back and arms, which feel sore the whole day.-Great languor with staggering gait.-Languid weakness of the feet, with trembling of the whole body. CHARACTERISTIC PECULIARITIES.-Feels better in the open air.The symptoms appear slowly, but strongly, then disappear for a time, and reappear with renewed force. SKIN.-Itching blotches, either hard, or as from nettles, with burn ing after scratching. SLEEP.-Irresistible drowsiness towards evening. Restless, scanty sleep. Frequent starting at night.-Violent colic at night, in bed, not allowing any rest, with moaning. Violent headache at night, in bed, preventing sleep, with colic, weak and exhausted sensation in the feet, and lacerating in the small of the back. Bruised feeling, which prevents sleep.-Confused, anxious, voluptuous, or frightful dreams. FEVER.-Shuddering, with lachrymation, catarrh, and heaviness of the eyes. Chilliness with thirst. Shaking chills, particularly during the violent headache.-Fever, first chilliness in the evening until he lies down, afterwards sweat, with thirst, early in the morning. Alternation of chilliness and heat, at night. Alternation of heat and shuddering, with alternate redness and paleness of the face. MORAL SYMPTOMS.--Sad and weeping mood, with foreboding anxiety. Lazy, languid, drowsy. SENSORIUM.-Stupid feeling in the head.-Gloominess of the head, with heaviness, early in the morning, going off after rising.-Vertigo with dullness of the head. HEAD.-Bruised pain in the forehead, in the forenoon.-Pain in the forehead, as if full.-Pressure in the head.-Comprcssing sensation.-Lacerating, parti:ularly in the forehead. Frequent painful lacerating in the vertex.-Stitches in the head. Stabbings in tha 812 MAGNESIA SULPHURICA. whole head. Hammering beating, first in the forehead, then, in the whole head.-Violent rush of blood to the forehead, with sensation as if something heavy were pushing forward. Heat in theforehead, with burning.-Shaking of the brain. EYEs.-Violent pain, particularly in the right eye, as if it would start out of its socket, on looking either right or left. Stinging in both eyes. Lacerating in the eyes, early in the morning, with dimness of sight. Burning of the eyes.-Lachrymnation, with photophobia, also in the daytime.-Dimness of the eyes, with frequent drowsiness.Dim-sightedness early in the. morning, also with lacerating in the eyes. EARs.-Ringing in the left ear, so violent that the ear becomes sensitive. NOSE.- Ulcerative pain in the right side of the nose. Burning in the left nostril, as from incipient catarrh, with discharge of a quantity of yellow mucus.-Bleeding of the nose.-Catarrhal sound of the voice, hollow, deep bass voice. Profuse coryza, with obstruction of the nostril. FACE.-Lacerating in the facial bones and malar bone.-Burning of the lips, in the evening, with dryness. TEETH.-Toothache on entering the room from the open air, and in the evening, in bed, aggravated by cold or warm things, or by the contact of food. MOUTH AND THROAT.-Mouth and throat are very dry, as if numb, early in the morning, with bitter-sweet taste.-Pain, with dryness in the throat.-Stinging in the fauces. APPETITE AND TASTE.-Bitter taste in the mouth.-Loss of appetite.-Thirst. GASTRIC SYMPTOMS.-Frequent eructations. Bitter eructations. Rising of water from the stomach, also with loathing and nausea.Nausea, with inclination to vomit, and loathing, at night, with restless tossing in bed. STOMAcH.-Sensation in the stomach as if it had been deranged by unhealthy food. Trembling of the stomach, with subsequent gulping up of water.-Pressure in the pit of the stomach, with sensitiveness of the outer parts.-Burning stitches in the region of the stomach. ABDOnMEN.-Colic with pain in the pit of the stomach and chest. Indescribable pains in the whole abdomen, a kind of darting pains.Violent darting around the umbilicus, aggravated by motion. Burning below the umbilicus. STOOL AND ANvs.-Alternation of hard and soft stools. Soft stools with burning at the anus, or with subsequent tenesmus. Liquid stools, with tenesmus, or morning and evening.-Diarrhoea, preceded MANGANUM. by rumbling in the abdomen, sometimes accompanied with bloated. ness and emission of fetid flatulence. Discharge of ascarides at every evacuation. URINE.-Nocturnal micturition.-Diminished secretion of urine. FEMALE GENITAL ORGANS.-Menses too late. Menses too short. M.enses too early. Menses reappear in a fortnight, more profuse than usual, with thick, black blood. Discharge of blood from the vagina, between the menses.-During the menses: more heat than chilliness; great heaviness in the head; bruised pain in the small of the back, with pain in the groins when sitting or standing.-Burning leucorrhcea, particularly during motion. Thick leucorrhoea, profuse, like the menses, with bruised pain in the small of the back and thighs. SLARYNX.-Dry cough with burning from the larynx beyond the pit of the stomach. Fatiguing dry cough in the morning, after waking Cough without expectoration, with pain in the chest and fluent coryza. -Loose cough, with soreness in the mouth and throat. Painful burning in the chest when coughing. CHEST.-Oppression of the chest, with burning. Pressure on the chest at night. Pressure as from a load on the lower part of the chest, with shortness of breath.-Burning on the chest. BACK.-Pains in the small of the back, with subsequent pain in the thighs; nightly. Creeping itching, as from vermin.-Lacerating between the shoulders. Bruised pain between the shoulders, or ulce. rative pain.--Tension in the nape of the neck and between the shoulders, also with stitches. ARMs.-Frequent twitching in the arms. Lacerating in the upper arm.-Violent lacerating in the elbow.-Violent trembling of the hands. Tingling in the fingers, going off by rubbing. LEGS.-Lacerating in the hip. Heaviness, at times in the hip, at times in the small of the back. Nightly pains in the lower limbs, with pains in the small of the back.-Tension in the bends of the knees. Languid feeling in the legs. 173.--MANGANUM. MANG.-Manganese.-See Hahnemann's " Chronic Diseases," IV. COMPARE WITH-Am., Am.-mur., Cale., Coff., Con -m., Kali, Lye., Plat., Puls., Sabad., Sassap., Thuj., Verat. ANTIDOTESS.-COff., Merc.-sol., GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-Pinching pricking in several parts of 814 MANGANUM. the body, especially in the interior of the thighs. Drawing, darting, lacerating stitches, in various parts. Tensive or cramp-like drawing, and lacerating in various parts. Nightly digging bone-pains. All the parts are painful, when touched ever so little, as from subcuta. neous ulceration; chest and cheeks experience a feverish warmth. Head, hands, and feet feel swollen and enlarged, after walking in the open air. The whole body, especially the stomach, feels uncomfortable, accompanied with ill-humor.-Languor, in every joint; the joints feel extended, with tremor of the limbs, and tremulous sensation of the knee and arm-joints; with a feeling of anxiety, as if he would die. CHARACTERISTIC PECULIARITIES.-Most of the symptoms occur in the night. Most of the symptoms become worse when stooping. The symptoms which have come on in the room improve in the open air. Many of the symptoms come on in the open air, and improve in the room. SKIN.-Violent itching, with burning and small vesicles, or deep seated little blotches.-Violent burning over the whole skin, in the evening.-Itching herpes.-Unhealthy skin.-Soreness and rhagades in the bends of the joints.--~Chronic inflammatory swelling and suppuration of the little finger. SLEEP.-Waking at four o'clock in the morning, with pinching in the abdomen, followed by soft stool. Confused, anxious, vivid dreams the whole night. FEVER.-Shuddering over the back, with stitches in the head. Chilliness the whole day. Chilliness every evening.-Shaking chills, early in the morning, with cold hands and feet. Violent heat in the head, with some chilliness over the rest of the body. Suddenflushes of heat and redness of countenance and face, especially when standing, without thirst. Irregular pulse, scarcely perceptible, now quick, then slow.-Anxiousness, with shortness of breath and profuse sweat all over. Night-sweat over the whole body, when waking. MORAL SYMPTOMS.-Discouragement.-Continued restlessness. SENSORIUM.-ODiminution of the power of the senses. Weak memory. Absence of mind. Gloominess and dullness of the head, with general feeling of exhaustion, when sitting.-Vertigo, when sitting or standing. HEAD.-Megrim. Dull headache in a room.-Heaviness and painful dullness of the head, with heat, relieved in the open air.-Stupefying, aching pains in the forehead. Dull aching of the occiput. Painful pressure over the whole brain. Contractive pain in the upper and back part of the head.-Drawing pain in the temples, ap XAWGA N0a4. gl5 parefitly in the bones. Contractive sticking pain in the whoble fote part of the head.-Throbbing ulcerative pain in the right side of the occiput. Throbbing pain in the whole head.-Painful concussion of the brain, from shaking the head.-Congestion of blood to the head, when sitting, standing, walking, or lying, with hot feeling in the face, without redness or external heat.-Pricking stitches, lancinations in the scalp. EYES.-The eye-lids are painful when moved.--Pressure in the eyes, while reading.-Bloated eye-lids.-*Iot feeling and dryness of the eyes.-Dilatation of the pupils. Contraction of the pupils.ODim-sightedness, with burning of the eyes in the daytime. Great short-sightedness. Her sight vanishes after looking at an object for a long time. Fiery sparks, resembling wheels, when closing the eyes, looking black as soon as he looks at a light. EAR.--Otalgia in the left ear. The ear feels painful when touched. Dull sticking pain in the ear, whenever he talks. Scraping stinging in the region of the tympanum.-Pressive, contractive feeling in the parotid glands. *Deafness, as if the ears were closed with the hand. -~Whizzing and rushing in the ear. OReport on blowing the nose and swallowing. NosE.-Painful crampy lacera:ting between the root of the nose and eye-brow.-Coryza. Violent dry coryza. Dry coryza, with red, inflamed, sore nose and upper lip, in the evening. FACE.-Face wretched, pale, and sunken. Pain in the region of the inalar bone. Cramp-pain in both upper and lower jaws after eating.--Sore pain, as from excoriation, in the lower jaw. Dry parched lips, with shrivelled skin. TEEtH.-Violent toothache. The tooth is painfully sensitive, as if ulcerated, when touched ever so slightly.---Drawing-lacerating toothache. MOUTH.-Burning vesicles on the left side of the tongue.-Dryne.s of the palate and lips.-Accumulation of bitter water in the mouth, with inclination to vomit. Ptyalisrm. THROAT.-Dry scraping sensation in the throat.-Great tughness of the throat, in the evening. Cutting soreness in the throat, between the acts of deglutitioh.-~oChronic sore throat. APPETITE AND TASTE.-Oily taste in the mouth. Bitter taste. Sour taste.-.Feeling of hunger in the throat, with a sensation of pressure. GASTRic SY'MPwoms.-Eructations tasting of the ingesta. Souw burning, like heartburn, with inclination to vomit. STOMAcH.-Burning in the stomach, extending into tne chest. 816 MANGANUM. Pressure in the pit of the stomach and on the chest, aggravated by contact.-Oppressive and contractive pain in the stomach.-Drawing and nausea in the region of the stomach. ABDOMEN.-Aching sore pain in the last ribs, increased by contact or motion.-Indescribable sick feeling in the abdomen.- Ulcerative pain of the whole abdomen.-Dzstention and bloatedness of the abdomen.-Aching, or rather tensive pain around and above the umbilicus. Cutting zn tlze umbilical region, when taking a deep inspiration. STooL.-Intermittent stool. Constipation. *Rare, dry, dificult, Dalso knotty stool. Pale-yellow, scanty stool, preceded by pinching in the abdomen.-Contractive pain in the rectum, when sitting. URINE.-Frequent desire to urinate.-The urine becomes turbid, and deposits an earthy sediment.-Cutting in the region of the blad. der, while sitting, increased when rising or moving about. GENITAL ORGANS.-Voluptuous itching of the corona-glandis.Itching of the interior of the scrotum.-Menstrual discharge between the periods. Leucorrhcsa. LARYNX AND TRACHEA.-*ROugh throat, early in the morning, when rising from the bed, with a hoarse, hollow voice.-*Roughness of speech. In the morning chest and breathing feel oppressed. Itch. ing dryness in the throat, bringing on a short and hacking cough, early in the morting. OChronic roughness and hoarseness. Disposi. twn to cough early in the morning. Deep cough, without expectoration. CHEST.-Bloody expectoration from the chest. Dull pain in the chest, when coughing. Bruised pain in the chest.-Contractive or sticking pain in the chest.-Warmth, with nausea in the chest, accompanied by coryza.-Throbbing in the right half of the chest, resembling the palpitation of the heart, in the evening, when in bed. Palpitation of the heart.-Small tubercles on the mamme. BACK.-Pain in the small of the back, when bending the body backwards.-Lacerating along the whole spinal column.-Stiffness of the nape of the neck. Drawing tensive stiffness of the nape of the neck, alternating with toothache.-The neck feels swollen and stif, with pain in the muscles, proceeding from the teeth. ARMs.-Pain as from a sprain, in the shoulder, and elbow-joint, with much yawning. Gurgling in the shoulder and elbow-joint, with pain when touched.-Excessive paralytic pain, darting suddenly into the arm, proceeding from the teeth. Weak arm. Tensive pain in the arm, and carpal joints. Pain in the arm-joints, in paroxysms. Morbid, distressing sensation in the arm.-Sudden weak feeling in the upper arm. Sense as of digging in the humerus, in paroxysms, at night. Tension of the skin of the hands, as if they were swollen, MENYANTHES TRIFOLIATA. 817 LEGS.-Tensive, painful tubercles on the buttock, feeling sore when pressed, as if ulcerated.-Jactitation of all the muscles of the lower extremities, during the least exercise. Languor of the thighs and legs, with drowsiness. Darting pain above the knee. Bruised pain across the thighs.-The knees are unsteady and tremble. Smarting sensation in the tibia, as if bruised. Languid, weak feeling in the leg, from the knee to the tarsal-joint. Itching of the tibia.Thefeet are heavy. 174.-MENYANTHES TRIFOLIATA. MENYAN.-Trifolium Fibrinum, Buck-Bean, Marsh-Trefoil.-See Hahnemann's ""Mat. Med Pur." COMPARE WITH-Acon.. Chin., Nux-v., Verat. ANTIDOTE.-Camphor.? GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-O Chronic complaints from abuse of Cinchona. OArthritic affections.-Jerking motions, in various parts at the same time, visible, but not very painful, more violent when at rest than when walking. Jactitation of small portions of muscles, here and there, at different periods. *Spasmodic tossing of the lower extremities.-- Stinging-pinching, here and there.-Languor in all the limbs during rest and motion.-Great weakness of the whole body, with aching pain over the os-sacrum, when standing, increased by sitting. Weakness of the body when walking, accompanied with chilliness all over.-Excessive activity of the vital functions, hurried motions. CHARACTERISTIC PECULIARITIES.-The majority of the pains appear to be worse during rest and towards evening, they are relieved by motion and pressure with the hand. SLEEP.-Lascivious, vivid dreams. Restless sleep.-Redness and heat of the face during sleep. FEvER.-Coldness in the spine, with shaking. Icy-cold hands and feet, the rest of the body being warm. Coldness of the feet up to the knees.-Shuddering over the whole of the upper part of the body.0lntermittent fever, with coldness in the abdomen. Thirst and heat, especially in the face; shortly after, general chilliness, both without thirst.-Heat without thirst.-Pulse 52.-Sweat, in the evening, in bed. MORAL SYMPToMs.-Weeping, sad mood. Anxiety about the heart SENSORIUM.-Dullness of the head in a room.-Vertigo on stooping and raising the head, HEAD.-Dull headache when leaning the head on one side. Con. 35 818 MENYANTHES TRIFOLIATA. tinued heaviness of the head. Heaviness, with pressure in the whole head. Pressure in the forehead, from within outward.-Aching pain in the head, more violent in the open air.-Headache in the temples, as if pressed together from either side.-Stupefying headache, especially in the forehead, during rest and motion. Drawing pain the forehead.--Gnawing pain in the vertex. Tensive pain around the sinciput. FACE AND TEETH.-Redness and heat of the face during sleep. Heat of the face, with coldness of the extremities.-Visible twitching of the muscles.-Tension in the jaws. OPain and cracking in the articulation of the jaw, when chewing.-Lips parched and chapped. Grumbling in the upper teeth. EYES.-Pressure in the eye, with sensation of vertigo or of vanishing of sight.-Dull stitches in the balls of the eyes. Sensation in the eyes as if the eye-lids were swollen.-Burning over the left eye-brow.--Dimness of the eyes, only in the open air. Frequent obscuration of sight, while reflecting when reading. Flickering before the eyes, as if everything were jumping.-Contraction of the pupils, then dilatation. NOSE.-Tension in the root of the nose.-Discharge of blood from the nose on blowing it.-Profuse fluent coryza the whole day. EARS.-Dragging pain in the ears.-Feeling of coldness in the internal ear.--Discharge from the ears, particularly after measles, scarlet-fever, &c.-Slight humming before the ears, as of crickets.OCracking in the ear, when chewing. MOUTH AND THROAT.-Increased secretion of saliva.-Accumulation of saliva in the mouth, with nausea, Dryness and roughness of the fauces. TASTE AND GASTRIC SYMPTOMS.-Bitter-sweet taste in the mouth. -Sudden canine hunger. Drawing pain in the region of the heart after a meal. Frequent hiccough.-Great inclination to vomit, accompanied with painful choking and contraction of the stomach. STOMACH AND ABDOMEN.-Sudden attack of heat in the stomach, afterwards violent hunger. Contractive sensation in the stomach. Pinching, with a sort of pressure in the region of the stomach. Cutting, with pressure, in the hypochondriac region.-Tension and pressure in the abdomen. Pinching in the hypogastriu~s, also with urging to stool in the rectum. A cutting pain suddenly darts from the spine through the abdomen.-Pressure, apparently in the spermatic cord, which is painful when touched. Pressure in the glands surrounding the abdominal ring, when bending the body forward.-Sore pain in the integuments of the abdomen when touching them. MEMYA1THES 'TRIFOLrATA.8),'- 1 STOOL.-Pinching in the abdomen, followed by a somewhat loose stool.-Pinching liln theAbdomen, followed by hard stool.-Jntenselypainful itching in the interior of the rectum. Itching of the anus.-- OFlowing piles. URINE AND GENITAL OR1GAN s-Frequent desire to urinate, withi scanty dischargre. Violcnt scxual desire.-Tbe spermatie cord is painfull to the touich, with pre'ssure -in the gtoin. LAxRY~.-Ff eqtient titillation in the larynx. Hoarseness. Rough voice.-Spasmodic contraction of the larynx. Ac-celerated breathin~g, with increased pulse and heat and redness of the face. Dyspnomc. Compression off'he 'chest, a disagreeable anxious 'sensadtion. CHEST.-Violent stitches in the ch-est, only during motion.Violent cointintious stitch in the region of the 'heart*, th'e stitch-es tihul.. tiplied when arresting the breathing.-Pressure on the sterizwn,02'atcompantied 'with shar~p stitches.-Compressive sensation in both 'sides of* the -chet, iwith sharp stitches.-Bruised pain in the chest, wheli sitting benht. BAcK.-Bruised pain in the 'small1 of the back, generally whaýn sitting quiet. Drawi, ng-achinýg pain in -the small of the back, when stooping. Aching pain over the ýos-sacrom, When 'stooping. Contractive pain in the small of 'the back, suc'ce'eded'by pre'sttrre.Extremely painiful lacerating betw~eqz th'e scapidce.-Feeling of heaviness in the 'muscles of the neck. 'Pr~s~uire with lacerating iii the 'nape of the neck. AaMS.-Fi'ne stitches dart through the axilla on moving th'e arm. Burning, scrapingseato in the upper part o6f 'the shoulder.Jactitation of the m2u scles of the uppeir arm.-Cra?'np-like pain in the muscles of the lower armn. Paralytic lacerating in the Wvrist-joints, -especially w~h-en 'moving th-em. LEGS.-Stitching, contractive pain in the region of -the hinpjoint. When sitting, *the 'thigh 'and le~g are spasmodically jerked upwvard. -Drawing and bruised' pain in the outer side of the thigh, 'small o'f the back, and loin.. Cramzp-like draw-ing in ''the -anterior portion oif the thigh, when sitting. Numib,'tensive 'aching, bruiscd pain in the ouiter parts of the thighs, when Walking or sitting.-Pain a-s if sprained in the knee-joint.-Oramp-like pain 'in -the muscles of the kg.ý-Pain as if sprained, when walking.-Pa'in as if sprained in the rlpgion of the anides. 820 MEPHITIS PUTORIUS. 175.-MEPHITIS PUTORIUS. MEPHIT.--Viverra Putorius, North American Skunk. -See Nordamerii Journal.-Duration of Action: short. ANTIDOTE.-Camphor relieves the pains for a short time. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-Rheumatic pains of various kinds. Erratic pains, with desire to urinate. Paralytic feeling, particularly during the pains.-Uneasiness in the whole body, with excessively disagreeable feelings. Fine, nervous vibrations, reaching to the interior of the bones, and causing a good deal of anxiety.-Greatest languor and weariness, with pain of the muscles when touched or moved. Inclination to stretch one's self, with indisposition to do anything. CHARACTERISTIC PECULIARITIES.-During the first days the symptoms frequently alternate with their opposites, or with entirely different symptoms, after which they become more permanent, until they disappear entirely in a few weeks. SKIN.-Itching of the hairy scalp, face, and chin.-Pimples on the thighs, forehead, lower jaw, back, and nates. SLEEP.-Frequent yazoning, with lachrymation.-Drowsiness in the daytime.-Wakes in the night, with congestion of blood to the legs. Nightmare.-Vivid dreams.-Overwhelmed with sleep. FEVER.-Coldness in the evening, with desire to urinate and colic. Warmth of the head, genital organs, and legs, at night. MORAL SYMPTOMS.-Nervous excitement, with warmth of the head. SENSORIUM AND HEAD.-Dullness, with sensation as if the head became larger, accompanied with ill-humor and nausea.-Vertigo.Violent headache, like a fullness pressing upwards. Pain above the eyes. Heaviness and dull pressure. EYEs.-Pain of the eyes on turning them. Pain as if something had lodged in the eyes. Pain of the eyes, as from over-exertion.Prickings in the eyes. Heat, burning,.and burning pressure in the eyes, particularly morning and evening.-*Redness of the conjunctwva, as if suffused with blood. OInability to read fine print. The weakness of sight is generally accompanied with pain in the head and eyes. EARS AND NOSE.-Lacerating in the ear, jaw, and teeth.-Erysipelas of the ear, with itching, heat, redness, and blisters.-Dry nose. Bleeding from the nose. TEETH.-Sudden jerks in the roots of the teeth. Lacerating and drawing in the teeth. APPETITE AND GASTRIC SYMPTOMS.-Coppery taste in the mouth 831 MERCURIALIS PERENNIS. -No appetite in the morning.-After a meal: bruised feeling and drowsiness. -Eructations.-Nausea, with scraping of the palate. Nausea, with emptiness of the stomach, and sensation as if the head were distended. STOMACH AND ABDOMEN.-Pressure in the stomach and colic.Pain in the region of the liver.-R-heumatic pain in the region of the liver.-Pressure and writhing sensation in the abdomen, as from a cold, with pressure on the bladder, feeling of coldness and shaking, relieved near the warm stove. STOOL AND URINE.-Stool rare, but thin.-Turbid urine, in the morning, after the evening fever. GENITAL ORGANS.-Warmth of the sexual organs. Itching of the scrotum.-Soreness of the female parts, and swelling of the labia. LARYNX.--Cough, -with fluent coryza and soreness in the chest, when reading loud. CHEST.-Pain in the chest, in the region of the last true ribs, when touching or pressing the parts, particularly when coughing or sneezing.-Soreness in the region of the last ribs, and in the chest, from below and upwards, on taking a deep inspiration and moving the back. BAcK.-Weariness in the small of the back, early in the morning. -Pain in the back and the limbs, with lameness. Stitches in the spinal column, during motion. ARMs.-Laming, drawing, rheumatic pains in the arms, relieved by motion. Lacerating and bruised feeling in the bones. LEGS.-Drawing, rheumatic pains in the lower limbs, from the hip to the foot.-The knees feel bruised. Stitches in the foot. Arthritic pain in the heel. 176.-MERCURIALIS PERENNIS. MERCURIAL.-Dog's Mercury.-See "Neues Archiv," II., translated by Dr. Becker. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-Strong feeling of weariness. Very tired and as if bruised all over. Lassitude. Remarkable drowsiness. A feeling of emptiness and weariness in the whole body. Great exhaustion and sleepiness, with dizziness and inability to work. Drowsy and dizzy. SKIN.-Burning and itching of the skin or actual burning pain, shifting from one place to another, at times prickling. SLEEP.-- Uneasy sleep, full of dreams. 822 MERCURIALIS PERENJNIS,. FEVER.-Cold over the. whole body, with hot flush in the face; pressure upon the chest and heavy breathing.-- ever,; in the evening on going to bed. Shivering in the evening. feeli4ng of cold in the stomach.-Great heat in the head and on the hands; the veins in the hands are swollen, the face is red. Great burning or buzzing heat in the head and over the whole body. MORAL SYMPTOMS.-Excited. The head feels confused, as if!ost in thought. Giddiness, as if from intoxication. Merry and cheerful. Sullen, quarrelsome, and peevish. SENSORIUMV.-Dizziness in the forehead. -Vertigo succeeding headache. Dizziness, with heat in the head. Disposition to giddines4 when sitting. Turning in the head, pressing ache in the forehead, part of the occiput feels numb. HEAD.-Violent pressing pain in the forehead, in. the morning. Pressing pain in the temples.-Constant pressure and tension in th, head and forehead. Pressure in both temples. Aching pain in the forehead and eyes. Pressing headache, commencing in the right temple.-Painful tension in the forehead and eyes, subsequently extending to the temples and vertex. Tension and heaviness of tlh. head, with a feeling of heat. Feeling of heaviness in the head..-Thq scalp feels tense, numb. Lacerating and stitches in the head. Feeling of fullness and tension in the head.-Head as if iiflated, conflwsed-- Aching lacerating pains in the temple.-Burning sensation, in the region of the vertex. Burning and digging in the parietes of the head. Heat in the head, with darkly-flushed cheeks. EYEs.-The eye-lids feel somewhat heavy and dry.-Feeling of weight, tension, and dryness in the eye-lids. Heaviness of the eye. lids, with aching and burning in the eyes. The eye-lids are dificuzt of motion. Burning of the eye-lids, with dryness, watery secretion of the eyes. Burning heat in the eyes, with pressure. A slight suppuration of the eye-lids at the edges.-Vacant look. Staring of the eyes. Fixedness and aching in the eyes. Opaque appearancu of the eyes. Dull eyes, as after sleep. Languid lookl, as if intoxicated. Smarting in the eyes. Watery dull eyes.-Difficulty of moving the, eyes.-Pressure in the eyes and forehead. Pressure deep in the eyes.-Tension in the eyes and temples. Lacerating or aching pain in the borders of the orbits.-Painfulness of the eyes.Weakness of the eyes. Mistiness of sight. Dilated pupils, with great sensitiveness of the eyes to the light. EARS.-Aching pain in the left ear.-Pain in the ears. NoSE.-Constant dryness in the nose. Moist, catarrhal nospe I MERCURIALIS PERENNIS. 1--l Violent catarrh. Burning pain inside of the nose. Burning in the nose, sometimies with pricking. FAcE.-.Feeling of coldness in the fa-ce.-Sensation of tension and pumbncss in the skin of the face. Pressure and lacerating above and in the region of the eye-brows. Great redness and heat of the face.-Great redness of the cheeks. Numbness in the left side of the face, with slight lacerating pains.-Very exhausted look, with blue rings around the eyes. MOUTH.-Dryness in the mnouth,- with heat, without thirst.Burning in the mouth.-Heartburn in the back of the throat. Tongue dry, swollen.- Tongue white, coated. Constant burning and smarting on the, tougue.-Pricking pain in the tongue. TASTE AND APPETITE.-SOur taste, like- vinegar.-Disngreeable bitter taste, with heartburn and sickness. TEETH.-Lacerating in the under jaw and in the edges of the roots of the teeth.-The gums are somewhat reddened. TiutOAT.-Scraping in the throat.-Rioughness in the throat, and speaking as if there were catarrh. Great burning, astringent pain in the throat. GAsT~IEc SYMPTOMS.-Violent nausea after previous heartburn. Violent tasteless eructations. STOMACH.-Feeling of emptiness in the stomach. Feeling of discomfort, sickness, and distention in the stomach.-Pressing in the' stomach, with feeling as if it were swollen. ABDOMEN.-Jerking, though not violent, grip)ing in the belly. Griping pain in the region of the navel, which extends to the bladder. -Tension in the abdomen. Corroding sensation in the region of the spleen. Aching pain in the region of the spleen. Aching pain in the liver. STOOL.-Griping in the bowels, and liquid stool s.-Diarrhcw., with constant pain in the bowels. Stool somewhat inclined to diarrhcea.Costiveness. Urgent pressing senisation in the rectum, with pressure and tension in the sacrum. Itching, burning in the anus, URINE.--Burning in the urethra. GENITAL QRGANs.-Menstruation, which usually lasts three days, now lasts only one dii) followed by cramps in the belly and headache. CHEST.-Premure and painfulness of the chest. Aching in front of the chest, with pressure on the stomach and oppressed breathing. -Sticking pain in the left side of the ohest.-Throbbing in the right side of the chest, in the evening, when going to sleep.-Ilot, alm~ost burning breath.-Confused, undulating sensation in the region qf the heart. Oppressive contraction in the region of the heart. Peculiarly 824 MERCURIUS. undulating and throbbing motion in the region of the heart, the precordia, and the upper part of the abdomen; or a remarkable rolling and throbbing, with trembling and undulating, in all the bloodvessels, without heat. Repeated palpitation of the heart, with oppression. BAcK.-Dragging pressure in the sacrum, constantly. Pressing and bearing-down pain in the sacrum. ARMs.-Lacerating in almost every limb, at times momentary, at others constant and shifting. On motion, constant pain in the muscles. Dragging pain in the arms. LEGS.-Aching lacerating pains in the thigh, legs, and feet. Darting burning pain in the middle of the thigh. Aching lacerating pains in the shins. Burning in the sole. 177.-MERCURIUS. MERC.-Duration of Action: In regard to this subject Noack and Trinks offer the following remarks:-The effects of this metal, when given in large and frequently-repeated doses, develop themselves more or less slowly, sometimes reappear after long intervals, and frequently last days, weeks, months, years, and even through life. The intensity of its action upon the animal organism may be inferred from the fact that this agent, no matter in what form it is administered, is discovered in the solids and fluids of the organism in the original form of Mercury, provided its use is continued long and frequently. It has been found in the blood (Shubarth), in the urine (Cantu), in the bile (of those animals to which Quicksilver was given, Autenrieth), in the sweat (Brinkmann, Cruikshank), &c., &c., &c. Small doses of this drug and its oxydes (except the Sublimate) act slowly; it is therefore necessary, even according to Hahnemann's own opinion, that the doses should be frequently repeated in urgent cases, such as syphilis, combined with scrofulosis and tuberculosis. COMPARE WITH-Acon., Am., Am.-mur., Ant., Arg., Am., Ars., Asa-f., Arum, Bar., Bell., Bov., Bry., Cale., Calad., Carb.-a., Carb.-v., Caust., Cham.. Chin., Cicut, Clem., Cocc., Coff., Colch., Con, Cupr., Dig., Dulc., Euphor., Euphr., Fer., Graph., Guaj., Hep., Jod., Lach., Lauroc., Led., Lyc., Mez., Magn., Natr., ~Nitr.-ac., Nux-v., Op., Phosph., Phosph.-ac., Puls., Rhus, Sassap., Sep., Sil., Staphys., Spong., Stram., Stron., Sulph., Sab., Selen., Thuj., Valer., Verat., Viol.-tr.-Mere. is frequently suitable after: Bell., Hcp.-s., Lach.-After Mere. are frequently indicated: Bell., Chin., Dulc., Hep, Lach., Nitr.-ac., Sep., Sulph. ANTIDOTES OF ALL THE MERCURIAL PREPARATIONS.--A.-nitr., against violent pains of the bones, ulcers of the mucous membrano, hydrargyrosis combined with congestive symptoms and inveterate syphilis. Stomacace-mercurialis; scorbutic haemorrhage, ulcers in the mucous membrane of the mouth and fauces; affections of the periosteum and bones.-Ac.-phosph. for periostitis.-Am.carb. has been recommended as an antidote by Hahnemann, without indicating the special symptoms.-Arn. against pulmonary hemorrhage occasioned by the abuse of Mercury.-Ars.?-Art. for hydrargyrosis combined with rheumatism and gout.-Asa-f., for caries-mercurialis,? oz-ona-mcrcurialis.?-Aur., this antidote was known already to Dios-oridcs and Paracelsus.-Aur.-mur, for hydrargyrosis with cachectic sym)ptoms and scrofulosis; hypochondria METhCRIUS,. F823P and ozena-mercurialis; mercurial induration and swelling of theesicles.? Bell., against the congestions to the head brought on by Mercury; per'iostitis and ostitis; phiegmonous inflammation of the glands.,-Camph. has been recommended and employed as an anatidote by'I-ahnemann, without indicating the special formIs.-Carb.-veg., in acute poisoning with the Corrosive Sublimate, and when gangrene is to be apprehended; ulcers in the mucous membrane of the intestines; stoma cace-me rcurialis; gangrene resulting froma mercurial ptyalism; mercurial ulcers having a scorbutica and gangrenous character, with burning nightly pains, &c.-Chin., against excessive weakness consequent upon the loss of strength, and humors occasioned hy -Mercury; excessive irritation of the nervous system, lentescent fever, excessive swveats, excessive sensitiveness of the skin to changes of temperature, great liability to taking cold, affections to the periosteum and bones, mercurial caries, &c.Con. for cold glandular swellings, from abuse of Mercury.-Cupr. for mercurial ulcers.?-Dulc., for mercurial rheumatism, great liability to cold, mercurial hierpes and impetigo.-Elec., for mercurial trembling of the limbs, mercurial neuralgia and paralysis; hydrargyrosis combined with rheumnatic and arthritio affections; affections of the bones; hydrargyrosis with syp-hilis.-Ferr-um et aquoe martiales, for mercurial cachexia, mercurial ulcers, iperiostitis (Ferrurrphosphoricum); hydrargyrosis combined with torpid scrofula (Ferrum-joda.tum); mercurial trembling of the limbs and mercurial neuralgia; mercuria ulcers.-Guaj., for mercurial rheumatism and gout; hydrargyrosis combined with rheumatism and gout.-Jod. and Kal.-hydr.: these are the chlief antidotes of Mercury, 'especially when the lower tissues arc thc seat of the mercurial affection, assuming the form of secondary or tertiary syphilis, and consisting in affections of the inner mucous membranes, the outer skin, of the periosteum and. bones, hypertrophy, and abnormal growths of the aforesaid tissues. Jodium ought therefore to be chiefly employed in indurations and hypertrophy of glandular organs of the testicles, liver, glands, mesenteric glands, parotid, cervical, axillary, and inguinal glands, ptyalismi, gangrene froma mercurial ptyalism,; cutaneous diseases; cutaneous tabereles; cutaneous ulcers; inflammation of the periosteum. and bones; caries, tophi, gummata; wheii the organism has been saturated with mercurial preparations in the treatment of secondary or tertiary syphilis, and has lost its susceptibility to mer'curial action; in such a case Jodium neutralizes the effects of the Mercuiry, and restores the 'Susceptibility of the organism to the action of that drug.-Krea~s-, for scorbutic symptoms; mercurial stoniacace; mercurial ulcers of the mucous membrane of the mouth and fauces. cutaneous ulcers; mercurial ptyalism.Lach. for mercurial ulcers of the fauc'es.? Cangrene from mercurial pt~yalism. -Lactucarinin, for nervous and vascular irritation, especially in persons with a rigid fibre and cholerico-sanguine temperament.-'Lye., for mercurial ulcers in the throat and fauces; affections of the bones.?-Mang.-acet, for mercurial periostitis and ostitis; mercurial acute rheumatism of the joints, and gout.? -Mez., for mercurial periostitis and ostitis; chronjic inflammation and idnduration of the tonsils and testicles; mercurial impetigo and herpes.?-Natr.-clilor. for ptyalism.-Natr.-mur. for mercurial scorbutic diathesis.-.Nux-v., for mer, curial trembling of the limbs; paralysis of the optic nerve and limbs.-Op1., for excessive nervous irritability; neuralgia;? painful ptyalism; hydrargyrosis combined with rheumatism; qdyuamic fever with con ecstion to the brain; mercurisal ulcers, characterized by great pain; mercuia morbid sensibility and hydrargyrosis, with decomtposition of the blood, softenling and pu~ffiness of the solids and solid tissues, and colliquative plienomeua.-Phiosph., for mercurial amaurosis; neuralgia;? mercurial periostitis and ostitis; para.. lysis.?-Plumib.-acet. for abdominal ptyalism.-Sas., mercurial cultanecous ernptions.-Sil. mercurial caries -,? Imercurial ulcers.?-Stapbi.. mercurial hypochondria;? mercurial periostitis and ostitis.?--Sulpb., and esp~ecially tile JIep.-sulph. of hot springs, in the lower forms of hydrargyrosis, but no longer applicable in a perfectly-developed seo-rbutie mercurial' cachexia; usefull in mercurial iritis, mercurial cutaneous eruptions and ulcers; the steam of 35* 826 MERCURIUS. Sulphur has been recommended against affections of the bones and mercurial asthma.-Sulphate of Zinc, for mercurial neuralgia in plethoric individi-als suffering with congestions, and sensitive individuals disposed to spasms.-Mercurial ptyalism, internal and external, has sometimes been cured by the administration of another mercurial preparation.-The poisonous effects of large doses of Corrosive Sublimate are antidoted by the white of an egg. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-(Cracking in all the joints.) Rigidity of all the limbs, making it impossible for him to move them in the least.--Violent pain, as if bruised, in the whole body, especially the thighs. All the limbs are painful, as if dislocated, more when sitting. *Arthritic pain in the joints with swelling of the same. *Rhezmatic or arthritic pains in the joints and limbs, particularly at night, or with copious sweats'which do not aford any relief. Lacerating in the hands, back, and chest, with headache. *Drawing and lacerating in the limbs, particularly at night. Darting pain in the affected parts. -*All his bones ache, when sitting, lying, walking, and standing.Constant uneasiness in all the limbs in the evening. Restlessness towards evening. Almost uninterrupted pain in the joints, as if oprained, compressed, and broken, at the same time. Heaviness of the limbs, with paleness, coldness, laziness, and drowsiness.-*Languor, especially when sitting, as if his limbs would drop off. Paroxysms of internal mental and bodily sinking. *Weakness, -less when walking than when standing. Excessive weakness and sudden giving way of the knees. Qualmishness in the morning with heaviness of the lower limbs, languor, and drowsiness. Languor with melancholy. *Sinking with an indescribable malaise of body and soul, obliging him to lie down.-Paroxysms of spasmodic contraction of the upper and lower limbs. Local or general catalepsy. General cataleptic immobility. Rigidity and immobility of all the limbs, although they can be easily moved by others. Stijfness and stretching of the upper and lower limbs with clenched thumbs, preceded by yawning and pain in the small of the back, and succeeded by languor. OEpileptic attack at night, with a shriek, stiffness of the body, distention of the abdomen, itching of the nose, and thirst.Paralysis. -Apoplexy.-Excessive emaciation, also with complete exhaustion of strength.-Desiccation of the whole body. CHARACTERISTIC PECULIARITIES.-The symptoms generally become worse in the evening and at night. The pains become intolerable in bed (at night). The evening air is unpleasant to him. Chilliness when walking in the open air. Palpitation of the heart when walking. Sweat at every motion. The ailments appear more frequently on the left side of the body (as in syphilis?). He feels better when walking than when lying or sitting. MERCURIUS. SKIN.-*Itehing. uNightly itching aggravated by the warmth of the bed.-oltching eruptions, with burning after scratching. Small itching pimples, afterwards changing to ulcers. Red, raised little spots, with stinging itching. Nettle-rash, afterwards changing to red spots. 0~Herpetic spots and suppurating pustules, which either run into one another, forming at times dry and scaly spots, at times discharging an acrid humor.--Itch-like eruptions -on the abdomen and thighs, with itching. *Eruption resembling greasy itch, -on the lower limbs, sexual organs, bends of the knees, neck, and abdomen, considerably raised, red as if sore, humid, and itching. ODry, rashlike, readily-bleeding itch.-Measle-shaped rash, with burning and itching.--Malignant scarlatina, particularly with violent inflammation of the throat.- ~Mercury is a specific remedy in the suppurative stage of small-pox.-*Herpes, *with burning when touched. ~Impetiginous herpes on the abdomen, thighs, and knees. o Visibly-spread, ing herpes after several ulcers, discharging a corrosive ichor.--. *Erysipelatous inflammations.-- Syphilitic ulcers of every kind, particularly primary. *Spreading ulcers. Spongy, blush, readilybleeding ulcers. Ulcers which are extremely painful to the least touch, discharge an acrid, corrosive ichor, with unequal elevations and depressi.-*Carious ulcers.-*Caries, -and abscesses in the joints.-Thickening of the periosteum. Swelling of bones. OSyphilitic exostosis.-~ Inflammatory catarrhal, rheumatic, arthritic, or erysipelatous swellings. OHealthy and malignant suppurations. *Glandular swellings, particularly when not inflamed, or with intense, shining redness and beating and stinging. OSuppuration of glands. OSyphilitic buboes.-Peeling off of the epidermis, particularly on the hands and feet.-.fJaundice, -also with biting itching on the abdomen. The linen receives a s-ffron tinge from the imperceptible exhalation. SLEEP.-First drowsiness, afterwards sleeplessness. Drowsiness, interrupted by starting, palpitation of the heart, and frightful fan cies. *Great inclination to sleep, in the daytime. Sleeplessness with excessive restlessness, anxiety, and unpleasant feeling. * Wakef2u until three o'clock in the morning. *Falls asleep late in the nig/ht. Frequent waking as if -by fright. *Excessive restlessness, anxiety, and malaise, with sleeplessness. *A good deal of anxiety and seething of the blood, at night, with pricking in the blood-vessels. Restless nights, full of hat. Anxious dreams, with palpitation of the heart. FEVER.-Yawning. Violent thirst. Continual coldness of the hands and feet. Chilly shuddering over the whole body. ChiI,-. 828 MER CUR IUS. ness over the whole body, morning and evening. Chilliness until midnight, in the evening, in bed, followed by heat with violent thirst. Violent shaking chills in the evening. Trembling of all the limbs after the chilliness. --Paroxysms of fever, *especially at night. Shuddering, frequently mingled with flushes of heat. Fever: first heat and redness in the face, and a feeling of heat in the whole body, afterwards internal chilliness. Frequent febrile paroxyms, consisting in general flushes of heat and frequently-recurring chills and shuddering. Alternate sensations of heat and chilliness, not perceptible to the touch. Paroxysms of heat, with great anguish, as if the chest were compressed, without thirst, alternating with a feeling of coldness over the whole body, and great failing of strength. Heat, redness, and pressure in both eyes. Constant mingling of chilliness and heat.- *A good deal of thirst, particularly during the hot stage. Thirst, day and night. *Violent thirst. Sweat with nausea and languor. Profuse night-sweat. Prqfuse morningsweat. OProfuse sweat in rheumatism, which does not afford any relief. *Accelerated pulse. Quick and violent beating of the pulse *Feeble, slow, and trembling pulse. MORAL SYMPTOMS.--Great restlessness.-*Anguish, with a feeling of oppressive anxiety in the blood. Anguish h lowness of spirits and restlessness. Constant anxiety and appr'ehensiveness.Great tendency to start in the evening.- Excessive indifference to everything.-Peevish, taciturn, suspicious, distrustful, with great irritability and quarrelsomeness. SENSORIUM.-Momentary vanishing of thought. Loss of consciousness and speech, with collapse of pulse and cadaverous appearance.Absence of mind.-Craziness, absurd talking or manners.-Great weakness of memory.- Weakness of intellect with dizziness.-Dullness of the head with heaviness. Dizziness with fullness in the brain or with drowsiness.-Vertigo. Vertigo with feverish shuddering, cold hands, and subsequent dullness of the head.--~Concussion of the brain.? OniJfammation of the brain.? Acute and chronic hydrocephalus.? ~Serous apoplexy.? HEAD.-Heat and pain in the whole of the head.-Constrictive pain.-- Headache in the evening as if the brain were encircled with a band. * Tight and heavy feeling under the skull.-Feeling of fullness in the brain, as if the head would burst. Headache, with pressure through the forehead, also with bone-pgns above the eye-brows.Lacerating in the skull, especially the frontal bones.-*Stitches through the whole head.-~ Stitches in one side, extending to the ears, teeth, and throat. Headache when stooping, a sort of digging ME*,, cur" ITTS. 829 up and, heaviness in the forehead.-Undulations and throbbing in the sineiput. *Heat and burning in the head.- Aching pain in the right side of the forehead. 0Nightly headach~e. 0Megrim.?? "Catarrhal and rheumatic headache.- The whole of the outer head is painful to the touch, as if from subcutaneous ulceration. 'OPain or the skull-bones, particularly of the occipital bone. - Laccrating pain in the outer parts of the forehead. *Lacerating pain in the outer parts of the head, particularly the bones.-Burning and itching of the hairy scalp. Itching *eruption of the head. *Small elevated scabs between the hairs of the head. *I-umnid eruption on the hairy scalp--*Falling off of the hair without headache.-0 Swelling of the head.-0Exostoses on the hairy scalp. EYES.-~*Pressure in the eyes as from sand --* Stitches in the eyes..*Cutting under the lid as from a sharp body.-*Itching in the eyes. *IHeat in the eyes., -also with lachrymation.-*Burning- in the eyes. *Inflammation of both, eyes.-*A number of red vessels become visible in the whites of the eyes.-0l-njected statc of the outer canthus. *iRedness of the eyes, solerotica, and conjunctiva. 0Rhculmatic, Ocatarrhal, Oarthritic, Oscrofulous ophthalmia. 0Syphilitic: ophthalmia., Heat in the eyes, with lachrymation. *Lachrymation of both eyes '1A: the morning.-*Considerable swelling-, redness, -and oonstrictive closing of the eye-lids.-*Nightly agglutination. *Pus-. tules on the conjunctiva. 0Ulcers on the cornea. *Sc-urfs arouna the eyes.-*Blue-red margins around, especially below the eyes. *The eyes are dim and without lustre.-Inflam-mator'y swelling in the region of the lachrymal bones. Dilatation of the pupil.-,*Black points before the eyes.-* Comnplete vanishing of sight for five minutes.-Fiery points before the eyes. Scirtillations before the eyes.-~*1Vlistiness before one or both eyes.-Amaurotic dimness before the left eye. *Din-sightedness..Illusions of sight.-Twitching of the lids. Es-?agng pain in the ear. Violent pain, as if something were pressing through the ear. *Lacerating, in'the ears. *Stiek-ing in the ears. Stinging and burning in the ear. The ear feels inflamed externally and internal ly.-*Soreness and excoriation of the, internal ear. 0Ulceration of the concha. OF ungous excrescences in the ear.-Dischargpe of blood and feti&t pus from the ear, with lacerating pain. *Discharge of pus from both ears.-*I1ardness of hearing, Oor with stoppage of the ears.-Pulsative roaring in the ears.*Buzzing in the ear, -as from wasps.- *Swelling of* the parotlid glands, Oalso inflammatory, or with paiM'ul closing of the jaws, or wvith burning pressure. AQ 830 MERCURIUS. NosE.-Swelling of the whole nose. Swelling, redness, inflammr tion, itching of the tip of the nose.--Swelling of the nasal bones. OBlackish nose.--Bleeding from the nose. Profuse bleeding from the nose.-ODryness of the nose. Frequent sneezing.-*Coryza with much sneezing. OViolent dry coryza, with stoppage of the nose. OProjfuse fluent coryza. FACE. - White, *clay-colored face, with attenuated, sunken features, and dim, gloomy eyes. o Yellow complexion. Blue-red margins around the eyes. *Feverish heat and redness of the cheeks.-*Lacerating in the face. Pressure in the malar bones from within outwards. OSwelling of the cheeks, with toothlache.-Red spots in the face. o Yellow scurf in the face, with discharge of fetid moisture, constant itching day and night, and bleeding. OCrustalactea.? OSyphilitic spots and pustules in the face and on the forehead.-Burning pain of the lips, as if burnt by nettles. *Dry lips. -Soft red swelling of the upper lip. * Ulcerated corner of the mouth, with sore pain. *Cracks and rhagades in the corners of the mouth. JAWS AND TEETH.-*Almost complete immobility of the jaw, oor with inflammatory swelling of the lower jaw.-Pain under the lower jaw.-Caries of the jaw.--~Swelling of the submaxillary glands, also inflammatory, with stinging and throbbing, or cold, painless. Terrible lacerating in the teeth, especially increased by eating. Pain in the teeth, especially after eating, as if corroded. The teeth become black-gray, black. Sensation when moving the mouth as if the teeth were loose. Looseness of the teeth, they were painful when touched by the tongue. Weakness in the teeth. *Painz in the front teeth.-Toothache aggravated by cold.-*Toothache as if the teeth were on edge.-*Violent toothache in the night. OToothache in the evening. OThe toothache becomes intolerable by the warmth of the bed. *Lacerating in the roots of the teeth. L*acerating toothache after midnight, and especially early in the morning. OLacerating in decayed teeth, with painful swelling of the cheek, or of the submaxillary glands, accompanied by chilliness and saliva.Drawing toothache, also in the front teeth, early in the morning.* Violent stitches in the teeth. The gums are painful when touched or when chewing. * The gums recede from the teeth;,they are sore and swollen. *Ulcerated gums. Painful, swollen gums. Burning pain in the gums, in the night. Burning-beating pain in the gums, increasing after noon, abating on lying down, and disappearing in the night.--Bleeding of the gums when touching them. ~Scorbutie affections. MovTI.-*Fetid smell from the mouth. Nightly burning in the MERCURIUS. 831 mouth. Soreness and constant dryness of the mouth. OInflammatory swelling in the mouth. *Aphthcl. *Ulcers and sores, -with burning and smarting, particularly in the evening. OStomacace.-Constant spitting. Ptyalism. Pain and swelling of the salivary glands, OAccumulation of tenacious saliva in the mouth.-*The tongue is coated as with fur, -particularly early in the morning, sometimes accompanied with whitish swelling and ready bleeding of the gums."~Brown or blackish tongue. Painful tongue as if chapped, with burning. Dry, hard, and cracked tongue. *Swelling of the tongue. Olnflammatory, hard swelling of the tongue, -or with ulcerated edges. Hollow, ulcerated tongue, with swelling. OThe tongue feels aa if burnt. ORanula.-Quick and stuttering speech. *Complete loss of speech and voice. THROAT.- Sore throat; sensation as if something had lodged in the throat.-*Difficult deglutition. OConstant desire to swallow. Spasmodic difficulty of swallowing, with danger of suffocation.-*Pain in the throat when swallowing, and -hoarseness. *fleat ascends in her throat. *Pain in the throat as if too dry. *C9nstant dryness of the throat; it felt sore, as if it were narrower behind than in front. Stinging sore throat. *Stitches in the back of the throat when swallowing. *Stitching pain in the tonsils when swallowing. *Elongation and swelling of the uvula. Continuous aching pain in the cosophagus, in the region of the larynx, more violent when eating. -*Ulceration of the tonsils, with sharp stinging pains in the fauces when swallowing. Inflammatory swelling of the tonsils. OCatarrhal sore throat. ORheumatic sore throat.? OPhlegmonous sore throat.? OSyphilitic ulcers in the throat. oThe soreness frequently extends to the ears, or the parotid, submaxillary, and cervical glands.' Aggravation during empty deglutztion, at night, in the cool air, and when talking. OPtyalism attending the sore throat. TASTE AND APPETITE,-Metallic taste in the mouth, causing almost vomiting. *Bitter taste in the mouth, especially between meals. 4Putrid taste in the mouth, especially in the morning. *Saltish taste in the mouth. *Swoeet taste in the mouth. *Slimy or sourish taste in the mouth. Excessive appetite and hunger, -but is unable to eat from want of relish. Ravenous canine hunger. *No appetite for dry food, likes liquid food. *Complete loss of appetite.--A good deal of thirst. ~Violent burning thirst, day and night. GASTRIC SYMPTOMS.-OViolent eructations. *Constant risings of air. Rising of bitter water.-Bilious eructations. Regurgitation of the ingesta.-Heartburn.-Violent hiccough.-Ie feels a naus.e in the chest, with cutting pressure.-Continued inclination to vomit, 832 MERCURIUS. with pressure and cutting in the chest, and here and there dull stitches in the direction of the sides of the chest, cutting in the abdomen, and cutting, with. pressure in the pit of the stomach. Nausea and shuddering the whole day. Headache at every attack of nausea. OEmpty retching.-*Violent vomiting of bitter mucus Bilious vomiting. STOMACH.-Colstrictive lacerating in the pit of the stomach, afterwards this pain is felt in the chest.-Burning pain in the pit of the stomach. Ulcerative pain in the stomach and abdomen. Great painfulness of the pit and region of the stomach, particularly to the touch. Intensely painful aching in the stomach, especially during a deep inspiration and when touching the parts.- When sitting the food weighs like a stone in the pit of the stomach. *Pressure in the pit of the stomach after a meal, accompanied with nausea. HYPOCHONDRIA.-~The region of the liver is painfully sensitive to contact. *Stitch in the region of the liver, preventing inspirations and eructations. oBurnihg in the region of the liver. OSwelling and hardness of the liver. oAcute hepatitis. *Complete jaundice. ABDOMEN.-*Colic, as from a cold, particularly when walking in the open air. *Colic occasioned by the cool evening air, with diarrhoea. Inexpressible colic, which only passes off in a lying posture. "Violent pressure in the right side of the abdomen, as if the bowels were twisted out of the body. Pressure in the abdomen as from a stone. Tensive pain over the umbilicus, deep seated, relieved by eating.-Painful contraction in the abdomen.-*Pinching in the abdomen about midnight. Pinching in the abdomen. Redness and heat in the cheeks, followed by burning-pinching pains in the epigastrium. *During the pinching in the abdomen he is attacked with chilliness and shuddering.-Cutting, with writhing pain and qualmish feeling.-*Stabbings in the abdomen.-Chilliness in the abdomen. Burning in the abdomen, particularly in the umbilical region.-~oDuring the pain the abdomen is painful to contact or pressure. OEnteritis.? OPeritonitis.? Ascites.? ~Scrofulous enlargement of the abdomen, from swelling of the mesenteric glands.? -*Distention of the abdomen. Distended hard abdomen, Oalso with painfulness to contact. Small buboes in the left groin, and burning during micturition. Pain as if the inguinal glands were swollen. Swelling of an inguinal gland. OUlceration and suppuration of the inguinal glands. OSyphilitic and scrofulous buboes. STOOL.-*Desire for stool every moment, with tenesmus, without being able to accomplish anything. Constant desire for stool, passing but little every time, with pinching in the abdomen.--*Constipation MERCURIUS. 833.for several days, with catarrhal fever.-Anxious desire for stool, accompanied and preceded by great nausea and pressing in the temples. A good deal of pressing during stool, and little discharge. Violent urging, sometimes compelling him to go to stool suddenly.Tenacious stool. #Hard stool, -large, and passed after much pressing and pains at the anus.--Every stool is preceded by chilliness or shuddering. *The diarrhoeic stool is preceded by chilliness and urging, and the chilliness is mingled with flushes of heat. *Chilliness between the diarrhcsic stools. *He feels nauseated during a diarrhceic stool.--Discharges of bloody mucus, accompanied with colic and tenesmus. ODysenteric stools.-OFall dysentery.- *Loose fceces lined with mucus and blood. *Papescent stool, with mucus. *Stool of the color of sulphur. * Yellowish diarrhaic stool, without sensation. * White-gray stool. *Mucous discharge from the rectum, with scanty discharge of feces. *Stool only at night. *Diarrhaxa in the evening and at night. *Diarrhceic stool streaked with blood. *Bloody stools, with painful acrid sensation at the anus. *Discharges of dark-green mucus, -preceded by pressure in the abdomen as of a ball. *Dark-green, bilious, frothy stools. *Green, slimy, acrid stools, corroding the anus. *Discharge of green mucus, with burning at the anus, and protrusion of the anus. OChopped-like stool. *Sour-smelling stools. OUndigested stools. OBlack, Otenacious, opitch-like stools. Diarrhoea, with cutting and pressing in the rectum. Burning diarrhoea. Bloody diarrhoea for several days, followed by hard stool with blood. *Green diarrhcea, with violent pinching and cutting.-*Burning pain at the anus with the loose stools. Burning at the anus after every stool. ODischarge of blood before, during, or after the evacuation of fceces, even when hard. Itching of the anus, as from ascarides. Soreness of the anus. *Ascarides creep out of the rectum. *Discharge of several large lumbrici. OFalling of the rectum, which is black and discharges blood. URINE.-Constant desire to urinate, but no urine is passed.Dark, red, and brown urine. Urine with whitish flocks. *The urine ts extremely turbid, even while leaving the urethra, and deposits a sediment. OTurbid and fetid urine. Acrid urine. *VWhole pieces of white filaments and flocks are emitted after the urine, without pain. *The urine smells sour. *Scanty, fiery-red urine. *Darkred urine, as if mixed with blood. OThe urine looks as if mixed with pus or mucus, and deposits a thick sediment.-Inability to retain the urine.-Nauseous qualmishness during micturition.-*Burning in the urethra between the acts of micturition.-*Discharge of blood from the urethra.--Cutting and ocontraction in the region of the 834 MERCURIU9. kidneys at night.-oCutting in the urethra. *Greenish gonorrhea, particularly at night, 31ALE GENITAL ORGANS.-Soreness between the organs and the thighs.-The glans is cold and shivelled. Swelling of the anterior part of the urethra, with suppuration between the glans and prepuce; the prepuce feels red and hot, and is very painful when walking or touching it. *IVInnlmmation of the prepuce, -with burning pain. *Considerable swelling of the prepuce, -as if distended into a blister by water or air. *Swelling of the prepuce, and inflammnatory redness of its internal suiface, with great sensitiveness to pain.-*Balanor-?'hwa.-A number of small red vesicles at the termination of the glans behind the prepuce, changing to ulcers, which burst and dis charge a yellowish-white, staining, strong-smelling matter. ~Chancre. *Drawing with pressure in the testicles, and drawing predominating, *Drawing pain in the testicles and in the groin. *Drawing in the spermatic cord, at intervals. Spasmodic lacerating pain, commencing between the testicles extending into the penis.-~Hard swelling of the testicles, with shining redness of the scrotum.-Painful erections. Nightly emission of semen, mixed with blood. FEMALE GENITAL ORGANs.-Pimples or tubercles' on the labia. Inflammatory swelling of the internal surface of the vagina, as if red and swollen. *Prolapsus of the vagina.--*Suppression of the menses. The menses are too profuse and attended with colic.Before the menses, odry heat, with rush of blood and congestion of the head.-During the menses, anxiety, ored tongue, with dark spots and burning, salt taste in the mouth, sickly color of the gums, and the teeth are set on edge. Metrorrhagia. Leucorrhoea causing an acrid sensation. Purulent leucorrhcea. Corrosive leucorrhoea. Mild leucorrhoea. Leucorrhoea, especially in the evening, greenish, causing a smarting in the fore part of the genital organs.-Pain in the mammae, also periodically, as if ulceration would take place. Swelling of the mammue, particularly of the nipples, oHard swelling of the mnamman, with sore pain, or with suppuration and ulceration. OSoreness of the nipples. LARYNX. *Catarrh, with chilliness. oA specific remedy in catarrh with cough, coryza (sore throat), chilliness, dread of the open air.* Constant hoarseness and aphonia. ~Nasal sound of voice. OBurning and tickling in the larynx.-~Specific in grippe. -*Dry cough.-*Cough, with expectoration-*Fatiguing, short, dry cough.--Cough which sounds as if the whole inside of the chest were dry, with pain in the chest and small of the back. Violent racking sough every -other *evening. OSpasmodic cough, with retching. 91ERCVTRIV. Short and hacking cough.-Haemoptysis. Bloody ezpectoratim when walking in the open air, or when at work.-Inclination to vormi during cough. ~Stitches in the occiput during cough. CHEST.--Shortness of breath, as if one had inspired smoke. *Shortness of breath when going up-stairs; *when walking.-Oppression in the region of the sternum. Pain in the chest as if oppressed. Anxiety about the chest; a sort of asthma. Dyspnoua after a meal.-Aching pain in the side of the sternum, extending through to the back.-Pressure in the left chest, hindering deep breathing.-Burning sensation in the chest, extending to the throat. Sore pain in the chest. Stitches in the side.-Stabbing pain in the left side, under the short ribs, during every inspiration.-Violent bruised pain across the chest, not relieved by changing his position --Palpitation of the heart. BAcK.-Griping pain in the small of the back, especially when standing. Bruised pain in the small of the back, especially when sitting. Sharp prickings in the dorsal spine between the scapulse. Smarting pain in the back, especially when sitting. Burning-hot sensation in the whole back. Bruised pain in the back. Burning between the shoulders and down the back. Violent pain between the shoulders, at the commencement of the neck, when turning the head. Painless beating in the scapula, terminating in a trembling. Little blotches and ulcers on the scapule and abdomen.-Stiffness of the nape of the neck, and stitches in the part, during motion. Swollen and stiff neck, with difficulty of turning it, accompanied with a feeling of heaviness in the neck.-Stinging pains in the cervical glands. Suwelling of the cervical glands, also with painful closing of the jaws, Oor inflammatory swelling with stinging and pressure. ARMs.-The shoulders and upper part of the arm feel as if gone to sleep. Cracking in the shoulder and elbow-joints. Jerking and beating sensation in the shoulder-joint. *Lacerating in the shoulderjoint, the humeri, and wrist-joint, Oparticularly at night and when moving the parts. Pain in the shoulders as if pressed down. Burning in the outer parts of both arms. Crushing pain in the humeri.-Red, violent, hot swelling of the elbow, extending as far as the hands, burning and lacerating with f9rmication. Burning in the elbowjoints.-Painful weariness in the bones of the fore-arm. Itching rash on the fore-arm. *H-erpes on the fore-arm, round, the skin peeling off, with voluptuous itching. Large, red, round, scaly spots, with burning pain, in the fore-arm and wrist.-*Itch-like eruption on the hands, -with violent nightly itching and raging pain in the forehead. Painful stiffness of the wrist-joint. Cracking, sticking, and want of 836 MERCURIUS JODATUS' strength in the wrist-joint.. Tension in the whole hand.-Drawing pain in the hands, with coldness of the fingers. *Contraction of the fingers of both hands, -especially the thumb, which is clenched, as in epilepsy. Painful cramp of the fingers and hands.-Deadness of the fingers. Deep rhagades in the fingers, the base of which looks sore and bleeding. Small sores on the finger-joints which are somewhat ulcerated. Exfoliation of the finger-nails. LEGs.-Burning of the nates. *Lacerating in the hip-joint, in the knee, and in the femora (in the right shoulder and wrist-joint, and in the humerus), oparticularly at night and during motion. Drawing and heaviness in the lower limbs. Trembling when walking, worst about the knees and in the inguinal region. Drawing pain in the thighs and legs. Painful pressure in the thighs behind the muscles. *Herpes dn the posterior surface of the thigh. Gnawing, itching ulcer's on the outer side of the thigh. The knee-joints are painful, as if broken, when lying. Lacerating in the knee-joint.Weariness and restlessness in the legs, in the evening. Swelling of both legs. Dropsical swelling of the legs and feet. Itching of the legs.-Boring, drawing pain in the tibioe. Aching pain in the periosteum of the tibia, almost like cramp.-Swelling of the dorsa of the feet. OPainful swelling of the metatarsal bones. Cramp-like contraction of the toes. Swelling of all the toes. 178.-MERCURIUS JODATUS (HYDRAGYRUM JODATUM). MERC. JOD.-Protiodide of Mercury.-Geo. W. Cook, M. D., of New-York. CINICAL REMARKS, &c.-The combination of M1ercury and Iodine, in equal atoms, I first prepared according to Hahnemann's directions, and introduced into homoeopathic practice in 1840. A favorable opinion of the value of a combination of these two medicines was the result of practical observation, first from an alcoholic solution, and then by trituration. The latter is decidedly the best, and the only one that should be used. The first trituration has generally been used by me, and I am not aware of any very satisfactory results from higher attenuations. If the medicine is discontinued too soon, or higher potencies substituted, the patient will often relapse. It is most happily indicated (other conditions coinciding) in all enlargement or disease of the glands, acute or chronic, "conglobate or conglomerate" swelling of the parotids and tonsils during scarlatina, enlargement, engorgement, or torpor of the liver or spleen during IMERCUR1US JODATUS. 837 fevers, particularly those fevers of a typhoid type, enlargement of tho inguinal glands and testicles during "gonorrhcea" or lues, a feeling of soreness of the scalp on combing or brushing the hair. Inflammation of the meibomian glands, with ulceration and adhesions of the lids in the morning, from an accumulation of matter on the edges of the lids. Inflammation and ulceration of the conjunctiva and sclerotica, with elevated, granulated, and swollen surface. (Scrofulous ophthalmia), chronic inflammation of the lachrymal sac and duct. Catarrhal inflammation of the posterior nares. The whole mucous membrane of the nose inflamed, and the wings of the nostrils excoriated, from the profuse discharge of corrosive mucus, particularly in children. Nasal bones sore to the touch, and black spots on the skin. MOUTH.-Sordes about the teeth and lips. Dry lips, tongue dry, and deeply chapped in the centre, deeply coated, whitish, ash-colored, velvety, deep yellow, or brown. Ulcers are scattered along the margin of the tongue, with red edges and an ashy-gray centre, the edge of the tongue shows the prints of the teeth where it rests against them. The gums easily bleed and look spongy, or have small ulcers of the same character as those on the tongue. The buccal and submaxillary glands are enlarged, inflamed, painful, throbbing, or hard, painless and hypertrophied; parotids and tonsils are in a similar condition, and there is an abundant flow of tough saliva, with cough and expectoration of yellow mucus, or transparent frothy mucus, with an occasional heavy flake in the centre. The teeth are sore and feel as if elongated, with sharp shooting pains proceeding from them up the side of the face to the temples and head. THROAT.-The uvula, tonsils and isthmus-faucium are inflamed. The mucous membrane of the posterior nares, pharynx, &c., is changed from its normal pale red hue to a deep scarlet, or even purple, as the inflammation advances in severity. As it passes to a chronic form the inflammation appears more in patches, of an irregular circumscribed form, growing paler towards their circumference, until it is blended in the color of the surrounding membrane into which it merges. From the surface of these patches a quantity of tough, white, or yellowish mucus is discharged, which keeps the patient constantly coughing, or hawking, to clear the air passages. In some cases, where the passage of the disease is rapid, and the inflammation is intense, the membrane is smooth, shining, tense, glossy, and dry; the capillary vessels, which in the healthy condition of the parts are not seen, now become distinctly visible from their enlargement. In some instances the mucous follicles are so much impaired in their 438 8IEACtrJtItUS JdDATU'S. function as to cease to throw out any healthy mucus, and the entire entrance to the air-passages, and cesophagus, and palatine arch, is deep red, and dry, except spherical drops of water which stand on the surface like sweat, presenting the appearance of an erythematous inflammation, with exudation very analogous to that which appears on the skin. The epiglottis, particularly at its root, is more abundantly supplied with mucous follicles, and hence is most affected by this condition. The inflammation extends from the lingual surface of the epiglottis to the laryngeal surface, and by continuity to the entire surface of the larynx, trachea, and bronchial ramifications. The voice is changed, or entire aphonia may take place as the inflammation extends to the larynx and involves the chordme-vocales in ulceration. At this stage, in addition to the character of the expectoration, we have the following signs of this extension of disease: external pressure upon the larynx produces pain and sometimes cough, which latter is of a peculiar cracking character, with a rattling in the throat. In the second stage of some forms of this disease of the throat, particularly when the first stage has passed off slowly, the surface is raw, the epithelium, which in the healthy condition of the mucous membrane covers its surface, being entirely destroyed, the mucous glandule will gradually swell and project, showing small pea-like granulations studding the entire surface, in a state of hypertrophy, the transparent and bland mucous secretion of the healthy state by this transformation to diseased action becomes opaque, vicid, and tough, causing a constant disposition to cough or hawk, which brings off a large quantity of this diseased mucus. A feeling of soreness attends upon pressing the larynx, upper end of the sternum, and under the clavicles, with weariness and oppression. and a rattling " rale muqueux," which the patient notices, in the larynx and trachea, and auscultation discovers this rattling to extend more or less throughout the chest. The respiration is hurried, and the pulse over 100, small and wiry, slight chills and fever, followed by perspiration twice in twenty-four hours. Percussion exhibits a dull sound throughout the clavicular region and upper lobes of the lungs, and tuberculation, more or less extensively developed, or hepatization, which often follows inflammation of the lungs. Emaciation, hectic fever, night and morning cough, with mucous or mucopurulent expectoration, leaves but little hope, even from this agent, after all other means have proved abortive. I have been more minute in the details of this portion of the diseases of the mucous and glandular tissues, because this is by far the most important sphere of the action of the Protiodide of Mere. MERCURlfiS VIVti The Protiodide will also be found effectual in removing tend;ertmet, fullness, hardness, and aching of the hypochondria and epigastrium, bloating and tyinpanitic or hard and doughy feel of the abdomen, particularly of infants (tabes-mesenterica), with cloudy urine. Diarrhoea of a dysenteric charactet, green alvine discharges, and sanguineomucous discharges, with tenesmus, particularly in scrofulous children or when these symptoms follow a severe catarrh. 179.-MERCURIUS VIVUS. MERC. VIV.-Mercurius Regulinus, Argentuim Vivumn, Liquidiird, QuiClsilver. -Noack and Trinks. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-Pain in the limbs on lifting of grasping anything.-Debility.-Languor.-Emaciation.--WiMEiR. SKIN.--Exanthenata, spreading from the pit of the stoiach over the abdomen and chest; on the second day the red places became covered with small vesicles of the size of a millet-seed, filled with purulent lymph; the exanthema disappeared within from five to seven days, scaling off.-Light-red, flat, small blotches, with violent itching in the region of the sexual organs. EYES.-Staring eyes.-Rolling about of the eyes. EARS.-Hard hearing. FAcE.-Hippocratic face with cold sweat in the face.-Lead-colored bloated face.-Dry, hot, cracked lips.-The teeth are set on edge, loose, fall out, and frequently become yellow and carious.-Swollen gums.-Inflammation of the tongue, palate, fauces, gums, lips, and the whole buccal cavity.-Ptyalism. Ptyalism, with ulcers in the mouth and paralysis of the extremities. Inflammation of the mouth, afterwards gangrene of the gums, tongue, and cheeks.-Ptyalism, exhaustion, delirium, convulsions.-Denudation and caries of the jaws.-Fetid breath.-Aphthous ulcers in the mouth which frequently become gangrenous.-Violent ptyalism, occasioning gangrene of the gums, cheeks, tongue, and every part of the mouth; the teeth fell out, parts of the tongue and gums became detached-Ptyalism which became so virulent that the gums, cheeks, nose, and that portion of the face below the eyes were eaten away.-Ptyalism of bloody saliva, with looseness of the teeth, interstitial distention, separation, and bleeding of the gums, painful swelling of the tongue, the curtain and soft palate are covered with ulcers, from which blood oozes as from a sponge; muttering delirium, convulsions.-Loss of appetite.-Gag. SThe following symptoms are the effects of large doses of the metal. 840 MERCURIUS ACETICUS.-MFRC. PRIECIP. RUBER, ging and vomiting.-Bad digestion.-Violent pains in the abdomen, with writhing and twisting in bed, and anxious moaning. 180.-MERCURIUS ACETICUS. MERC. ACET.-See Hahnemann's "Materia Medica," III. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-Drawing pain in the limbs in the forenoon, with shuddering, not succeeded by heat. SKIN.-The edges of the ulcer become very painful. Itching, bursting pimples, burning like fire when scratched. SLEEP.-Heavy dreams after midnight. EYEs.-(Inflammation of the canthi, with burning-itching pain, morning and evening.) THRoAT.-Dryness of the throat, hindering speech, and accompanied with a cough which seizes the throat. URINE AND GENITAL ORGANS.-Burning in the urethra, during and between the acts of micturition.-Swelling and inflammation of the fore part of the urethra; the pains are increased by cold, and diminished by tepid water.-Contractive pain in the testicle. CHEST.-Pain in the chest as from subcutaneous ulceration, or as if raw and sore.-Pressure and tightness of breathing in the outer region of the sternum. 181.-MERCURIUS PR2ECIPITATUS RUBER. MERC. PR&ECIP. RUB.-Red Oxyde of Mercury.-Noack and Trinks. Pains, trembling convulsions. Ptyalism. Nausea, vomiting, oppression of the chest, pains in the stomach and whole abdomen; afterwards violent vomiting of blood, with subsequent fainting; after this copious diarrhoea and intolerable pains in the abdomen, with burning in the mouth and throat, and unquench' able thirst. On the third day, trembling of the whole body, excessive redness.of the whole face and eyes, staring and wild looks, and ptyalism, with a specific and intolerable smell. Vomits a quantity of blackish blood; the gums were swollen and inflamed, the tongue was so big that it filled the whole cavity of the mouth and seemed perforated in several places. The larynx was as much swollen as the mouth, and was even inflamed externally; the pulse was quick, small, and rather hard. The abdomen was swollen unto bursting, and sen MEXCURIUS SUBLIMATUS CORROSIVUS. 841 sitive. Stomacace of the highest degree of intensity. The teeth were scarcely visible, on account of the swelling of the gums and the sordes Horrid colic, viol6at vomiting, excessive diarrhoea, oppressive anxiety, spasms of the inner parts.-Vomiting, violent colic, trembling, cold sweats.-Violent vomiting and diarrhoea.-Inflammation of the stomach and intestines. 182.-MERCURIUS SUBLIMATUS CORROSIYVUS. ANTIDOTE.-Of large doses, white of an egg.-Noack and Trinks. GEINERAL SYMPTOMS.-Rheumatic pains in the muscles, tend1ons, and joints.-General debility. -Fain ting fits.-iDisagreeable feeling in the periosteum. of all the bones.-Tossing to and fro.Trembling of the limbs.-Spasms in all the limbs.-Spasms and convulsions which pass into paralysis.-Tetanic spasms.-Convulsions. -Partial paralysis; weakness of sight and hearing.-G-eneral insensibility.-E maciation. -Paralysis. SKIN.-Rash.-Purple spots on the skin.-Spots over the whole body, looking like scorbutic spots, mingled with an itch-like eruption, herpes, and boils. SLEEP.-Violent starting when on the point of falling asleep, with violent concussion of the whole body. FEVER.-Chilliness about the head.-Chilliness and cutting colic, even during the least motion.-Chilliness, cutting colic, and stool.Burning-hot skin, particularly on the forehead.-Irregular, small, contracted pulse.-Frequent, small, quick, feeble, tremulous pulse.Irregular febrile motions. Lentescent, nervous fevers with excessive sweats and great weakness.-H~ectic fever. MORAL SYMPTOMS.-Mania.-Weakness of intellect.-Oppressive.anxiety.-Anguish about the heart.-Hypochondria. HEAD.-Disposition to stupor. -Transitory soporous conditions.Condition bordering on intoxication.-Vertigo.- Swelling of the head and face.-Headache.-Violent rush of blood to the head, and violent headache. E-YES.-Dim, eyes, surrounded by blue margin s-S taring look.Inflammation of the eyes, they seem to start from their sockets.Slight redness of the conjunctiva.-Swollen and glabssy eyes.-Contraction of the pupils. -EARs.-Pulsative buzzing in the ears. FACE.-Bluish paleness of the face.-Distortion of the face.-.-- Swelling of the face, which has a dark-red, bluish look.-Pufflness of 86 842 MERCURIUS SUBLIMATUS CORROSIVUS. the face.-Distortion of the face, staring look.-Lacerating in the upper jaws, ii the direction of the eyes, succeeded by swelling. TEETH.-Burning pains of the gums and mouth.-Looseness of the teeth. MoUTH.-Inflammation of the buccal cavity and the salivary glands; the tongue filled the whole buccal cavity; the anterior portion of the cheeks, the glands, gums, and lips were inflamed, swollen, and protruded.-Swelling of the lips, tongue, throat.-Ptyalism.Ptyalism with headache and swelling of the tongue.-Ulcers in the mouth.-Putrefaction of the mouth. THROAT.-Roughness of the throat, rendering speech dificult, but not deglutition.-Violent constriction of the fauces.-Burning in the fauces. SToMACH.--Loathing.-Nausea.-Vomiting.-Continued vomiting. -Vomiting of pus.-Vomiting of a bloody fluid after violent retching.-Continued vomiting of blood.-Excessive sensitiveness of the epigastrium to contact.-Disagreeable sensation in the region of the stomach.-Heat in the stomach reaching up to the fauces.-Pains in the stomach.-Violent pains in the epigastrium, increasing very rapidly and becoming intolerable.--Darting.-Gnawing pains in the stomach.-Gnawing and burning pains in the stomach, spreading over the whole abdomen.-Violent lacerating in the bowels.-Excessively burning pains iir the stomach and abdomen.-Inflammation of the stomach and intestines, with gangrene.-Phthisis-intestinalis, with ulceration of the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines. ABDOMEN.-Violent pain in the bowel and oesophagus and abdomen. -Bloated abdomen, very painful to the touch.--Lacerating pains in the stomach and intestinal canal, with anguish.-Colic around the umbilicus.-Continued colic.-Griping pain in the abdomen.Burning in the abdomen.-Cutting in the abdomen.-Chronic weakness and sensitiveness of the intestinal canal.-Ulcerations in the intestinal canal and phthisis-intestinalis. STooL.-Diarrhoea.-Evacuation of feces, mixed with mucus and dark coagulated blood.-Frequent discharge of a small quantity of bloody mucus, day and night, accompanied with almost constant cutting colic, and intolerable painful, ineffectual urging and tenesmus.-Diarrhoea, accompanied with violent pains in the 'abdomen and tenesmus.-Frequent attacks of bloody diarrhoea.-Frequent bilious stools.-Liquid stools with tenesmus.-Frequent diarrhoeio stools with tenesmus and bloody evacuations.-Bloody evacuations, -Lacerating in the rectum.-Tenesmus. MERCURIUS DULCIS. 843 URINE.-Dysuria.-Suppression of the secretion of the urine.Hsematuria. MALE GENITAL ORGANS.-Gonorrhoea, first thin, then thick, lastly with biting pain on urinating, and stitches through the urethra.Excitation of the sexual desire. FEMALE GENITAL ORGANS.-Leucorrhoea, pale yellow, of a disgustingly-sweetish smell.-Painful glandular swelling round the nipples. LARYNX.-Constrictive sensaoion and burning heat in the larynx. -Hoarseness.-Aphonia.-HIollov, fatiguing, dry cough.-Dry cough with pains in the chest.-Cough with bloody expectoration. CHEST.-Fetid breath.-Haemoptysis, followed by pulmonary phthisis, attended with hectic fever.-Pulmonary tubercles.-Pulmonary phthisis.-Difficult breathing.-Shortness of breath.-Oppression on the chest.-Excessive dyspnea.-Nightly darting pain through the whole chest. LEGS.-Sticking pain in the hip-joint during motion and rest.Weakness of the lower limbs, inarticulate speech, followed by paralysis of the whole left side, distortion of the facial muscles, and speechlessness.-Pains in the loins and knees and afterwards in the other limbs, at first fleeting and afterwards became seated and penetrating. 183.-MERCURIUS DULCIS. MERC. DULC.-Calomel.--See Hahnemann's "Mat. Med.," III., Hartmann, and a number of allopathic authorities GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-Derangement of the whole nervous system.-Trembling of the hands and feet.-Trembling of the limbs. -Hypochondriac and hysteric spasms. SKIN.-Erythema in the region of the genital organs, spreading over the whole body within twenty-four hours. The skin bright-red, as in scarlet-fever, somewhat swollen, but not painful, without any increase of warmth and without fever.-Eczema-mercuriale.-IHy drosis-mercurialis. FEvER.-Continual fever and heat, with night-sweats, sinking of strength, lacerating pains in the limbs, and trembling, frequent, round, deep, and spreading ulcers in the mouth and fauces, in the face, on the genital organs, and the rest of the body, with white base and inflamed, excessively-painful edges. MORAL SYMPToMS.-Oppressive anxiety.-Uneasiness in the whole body. 844 4DIVERS MERCURIAL PREPARATIONS IIEAD.-Swelling of the head. FAcE.-Inflammation of the lips anad tongue. TEETH.-Breaking oil, exfoliation, blackness, looseness, and falling out of the teeth.-Interstitial distention and chronic decay of the gums.-Nomna. rapidly spreading, gangrenous destruction of the soft and hard parts of the face, lips, cheeks, gums, teeth, upper jaw, generally in children. MOUTH.-Profuse ptyalism.-The salivary glands and tongue were very much swollen; adventitious growth and bleeding of the gums; deep, bleeding ulcers. Complete loss of appetite; the patient was unable to swallow even the softest kind of food, owing to violent pains in the throat.-U~lcers in the mouth. GASTRIC SYMPTOMS. - Vomiting. -Chronic vomiting., Chronic weakness of the stomach. STOMACH AND ABDOMEN.-Violent pains in the stomach.-Inflam. mation. of the liver.-Enlargement and induration of the liver.Enteritis.-Excessive pains in the abdomen, with vomiting and diarrhcea.-Violent colic.-As cites.-Adenophyma meseraicum mer-.ruriale. Alternate constipation and diarrhcea. The diarrhceic stool sets in with colicky pains in the abdomen. STOOL.-Abdominal ptyalism,. in the shape of a watery, copious diarrhoea. -Chronic disposition to diarrhoea, with cutting colic.--* ' Greenish and blackish evacuations.-Grass-green evacuations. CHEsT.-Fetid breath.-Asthma. 184.-DIVERS MERCURIAL PREPARATIONS. GENERAL SYMPTOMS. -Ilydrargyrosis of a less degree: greater or less affection of the mucous membranes. IIYDRARGYR0515 OF A HIGHER DEGREE, MERCURIAL cACIIExIA: languor and exhaustion, derangement of the digestive organs, alternate constipation and diarrhcea, sour eructations, emaciation, apathy.-Inflamnmatory affections of the glands, swelling of the parotid, axillary,i. gui-na l, and cervical glands.-Striking deficiency and corruption of the blood. -Hcemorrhage from every orifice of the body, from the gums, mouth, nostrils, -lungs; putrid, rapidly-spreading ulcers of the mucous membranes and skin; profuse, even bloody sweat; all the symptoms offully-developed scurvy.-Local and general dropsy.The pulse becomes irritated, frequent, small, tight.-Lentescent, exhausting fevers, with unquenchable thirst and rapid emaciation.Feidiarrhceic stool s-D rawing, lacerating, and boring pains inl DIVERS MERCURIAL PREPARATIONS. 8- I the muscles, sheaths of muscles, articulations, and bones.-Acu and chronic eruptions.-Affections of the periosteum and bones.- - Swelling of bones, softening of bones. RHEUMATISMUS MERCURIA LIS, affecting the knee and shoulder-joints, rarely the hip, arm, and wrist-joints, sometimes the rheumatism is acute, and, if left to itself, results in dropsy and suppuration of the joints.-Lacerating in the joints, with heaviness.-Dull pain in the joints.-Excessive pains in the muscles, tendons, and joints, resembling rheumatic and arthritic pains.-Pains in the loins and knees, and afterwards in the rest of the body, which are at first wandering, then seated, penetrating. -Darting and pricking pains in various parts of the body. NEURALGIA MERCURIALIS: along the track of a motor nerve the patient experiences a drawing-lacerating pain. The pain may be seated, but more frequently it wanders here and there along different parts of the affected nerve.-Violent lacerating pains in the tibia and face, proceeding from the teeth, and extending to the parietal bone and the frontal region, and depriving the patient of sleep.- Trembling of the limbs.-Epilepsy.-Predisposition to apoplexy.-Apoplexy.Softening of the brain, with consequent apoplexy.-General paralysis.-Paralysis of the extremities.-A variety of severe nervous affections.-Excessive sensitiveness to external impressions, changes of temperature, &c.-Excessive emaciation.-Seriostitis.-Necrosi. ossium.-Caries ossium.-Exostosis.-Osteomalacia.-Osteosarcoma. -Liability of the bones to break. SKIN.-Desquamation of the epidermis, particularly the hands and feet.-The skin, particularly on the chest, thighs, lower part of the back, is covered with a burning and itching rash.-Miliaria mercurialis: after the usual precursory symptoms, with marked irritation of the nervous system, and a slow, almost torpid febrile paroxysm, the exanthem makes its appearance on the chest, after which the anxiety and the restlessness of the patient abate. On the day following, the rash appears on the back and loins, preceded by the same precursory symptoms. In this way the rash breaks out in patches, until the eruption is complete, after the lapse of four or five days. The vesicles are close together and white. After the breaking out of the rash, the fever continues to make its appearance every evening Nervous symptoms, sleeplessness, slight delirium, even convulsions supervene. -Eczema mercuriale symptomaticum: gradually the skin becomes rose-colored. The reddened cutaneous surface im-. parts a sensation of burning heat to the finger. The redness dis. appears when pressing on it, but returns immediately after the pressure ceases.-ECZEMA MERCURIALE CRITICUM: the first stage is 846 DIVERS MERCURIAL PREPARATIONS. characterized by the presence of mercurial fever, which is generally slight, although the catarrhal symptoms are sometimes violent. To. wards the end of this stage, which lasts from three to four days, anitching tingling in the skin is felt in different parts of the body. At the beginning of the second stage, the parts become rough and scarlet red, and covered with vesicles, at first filled with a transparent fluid, but which soon becomes milky and turbid. The epidermis peels oft in large patches. The pain is severe on changing position, and is felt the more at night.-Erysipelas. erysipelatous eruptions (Loewenhardt).-Intense inflammation of the skin, spreading over the larger portion of the body, and terminating in the formation of an immense number of vesicles and blisters filled with pus.-Herpesprceputialis mercurialis (Dietterich).-Psydracia mercurialis (mercurial itch): in single parts of the limbs the patient experiences a violent itching, on the second day a slight elevation of a dark rosy redness is perceived, which increases in size on the day following, becomes pustulous on the fourth, and is fully developed on the fifth. These elevations vary in size from that of a millet-seed to the size of a pea. They are surrounded with a very narrow areola, their color remains of a dark rosy red. On the fifth day their tips are filled with a fine yellow pus; they are never seen in groups, but are scattered, as it were, over the extremities. On the sixth day their tips commence to fall in, they become paler and the areola narrower. In three days the pustule changes to a light-brown scurf, which is absorbed in two days, and then scales off.-IMPETIGO MERCURIALIS: dark-red spots of various sizes are first perceived in the region of the genital organs and then on the chest. At first the vesicles are seen only on the sternum, after which they spread over the whole chest, arms, calves, and inner surface of the thighs. The vesicles break out repeatedly; sometimes some of them burst, leaving small, indented ulcers, which run into one another, and secretd a brownish-yellow, tenacious, and viscid pus. The gums are livid, receding from the teeth, the teeth have a dirty-black appearance, the smell from the mouth is bad, the mucous membrane of the fauces is bluish, interstitially distended, and traversed by injected vessels, with lacerating pains in the limbs, &c.-Spreading, spongy, bluish, readily-bleeding ulcers.-Completely cicatrized ulcers burst again without any apparent cause, and become gangrenous.-Ulcers which are extremely painful when touched ever so little, discharging an acrid, corrosive ichor, spreading rapidly, and forming unequal elevations and depressions as if corroded by insects, with unequal and quick pulse, sleeplessness, restlessness, profuse night-sweat, great nervousness and impatience from the slightest DIVERS MERCURIAL PREPARATIONS, 847 eauses.--Ulcus mercuriale simplex.- Ulcus mercuriale mixtum is a mercurial ulcer which has arisen from an already existing syphilitic one. SLEEP.-Sleeplessness. FEVER.--Fever and general irritation of the nervous system.Fever, with painful local inflammation terminating in gangrene.Acute, putrid fevers.-Febris erethica. In the evening slight chills. proceeding from the abdomen, increasing gradually, and penetrating to the very bones. After this, sleep becomes restless and is dis turbed with heavy, fanciful dreams. The urine is fiery-red, the pulse irritated, full, and quick. The dryness in the mouth increases to a burning sensation, the gums become dark-red, and recede somewhat from the teeth, the tongue commences to swell, the tensive aching pain in the occiput extends to the nape of the neck, and even to the region between the scapulae, inducing stiffness of the neck. The patients smell unpleasantly, and complain of a metallic taste in the mouth. They moan continually, and suffer with great oppression and anguish. The chills alternate with flushes of heat. The eyes become red, and assume a watery and glassy appearance, Aching pain in the forehead towards the root of the nose, the nose is dry and obstructed, the cheeks are hot, deglutition is impeded by a tensive, burning, and stinging pain, the submaxillary and parotid glands are swollen, drawing and lacerating in the ears, the teeth become very sensitive, the root of the tongue is coated with a whitish mucus, breathing becomes more and more anxious, the oppression increases, the pulse becomes quick, undulating, the patients complain of excessive oppression and tightness. These phenomena characterize the acme of the fever, and disappear by violent critical discharges, ptyalism, lienteria, urorrhoea, hydrosis (excessive sweats), or by an exanthem (Dietterich).-Febris adynamica: livid look, with blue margins around their dim and glassy eyes. The head feels giddy, nose, face, and extremities are cold. Towards evening the patients experience slight chills and flushes of heat. At the same time the patients feel oppressed, moan a good deal, complain of anguish and a pressure in the praecordia. Their sleep is heavy and restless, their pulse quick and small, the urine is clear, yellowish, with slight retention of stool. This condition lasts a few days, increasing in violence; the patients are in a state of perfect apathy, they lie in their beds listless and weak, their faces are pale as death, the whole body feels cool, and the pulse becomes somewhat fuller. At this stage the condition of things changes suddenly, the patients -ro seized with an inclination to vomit, the oppression of the chest in 848 DIVERS MERCURIAL PREPARATIONS. creases, the breathing becomes manifestly more difficult, the eyes wander, and the pulse is frequently intermittent. At night a bland delirium sets in, and even in the daytime the patients are slightly delirious. The skin and tongue are dry, the latter being without a coating. Lentescent fevers with perceptible emaciation.-Hectio fever.-Exhausting sweats.-Hydrosis mercurialis. MORAL SYMPTOMS.-Paroxysms of oppressive anxiety.-Craziness. -Mania: great anguish and uneasiness of mind, general confusion of ideas.-Self-illusion.-Weakness of mind.--Imbecility. -Great want of memory. HEAD.-Violent vertigo.-Heaviness and dullness of the head.Headache in the temples.-Paroxysms of raging headache, relieved by pressing the head together.-Considerable swelling of the head, cervical glands, and gums.-FALLING OFF OF THE HAIR. Imbecility, stupefaction, dumbness, and deafness, with involuntary stools. Loss of sense and indolence. EYEs.-Conjunctivitis mercurialis: distinguished by a peculiar lilac appearance.-Ophthalmia: the conjunctiva of the globe of the eye and of the lids are inflamed, the eye-lids are swollen, red, the canthi are round, excoriated, with smarting pain in them. The margins of the lids are burning and itching; they are agglutinated in the morning, after the night's sleep, and secrete a quantity of thick purulent gum. Pressure and rubbing in the eye. Sensitiveness to light, lachrymation. The schneiderian membrane is affected as in catarrh, with soreness of the nostrils and upper lip.-Iritis mercurialis.-Retinitis mercurialis: burning aching pain in the bottom of the eye, great photophobia, constant lachrymation, a variety of bright colors, sparks, fiery rings before the eyes, &c.-Amaurosis mercurialis.-Dimness of sight.-Protruded eyes. EARS.-Excessive sensitiveness of the organ of hearing. Starting on hearing the least noise.-Humming in the ears. NOSE.-Violent bleeding at the nose. FACE.-Lead-colored complexion.- Cadaverous paleness of the face.-Swelling of the face, neck, and inner mouth.-Paleness and caries of the jaws.-Neuralgia of the facial nerve.-Partial paralysis of one side of the face. TEETH.-Swelling and bleeding of the gums from the least contact. -Scurvy of the gums.-Violent tooth and face-ache at night, and ptyalism.-The teeth become elongated, black, loose, and finally fall out.-Violent burning pain in the nerves of the teeth. MoUTH.-Cadaverous smell from the mouth -Stammering.-The tongue is swollen, extremely sensitive, protruded from the mouth. DIVERS MERCURIAL PREPARATIONS. 849 The tongue is coated whitish, big, almost immovable, and ulcerated at the edges.-Aphtha on the tongue, in the mouth and fauces.-Fetid ulcers in the mouth, constantly discharging a foul ichor.-A number of painful spreading ulcers in the mouth.-Bleeding of ulcers in the mouth, particularly at night.-Caries of the jaw and palate-bones.Mercurial ptyalism. Violent burning pains are experienced in the affected parts in the mucous membrane. The teeth are covered with a thick putrid-smelling sordes, corroding the enamel.-The patient generally complains of dullness and heaviness of the head, the nose is stopped, and languor is excessive.-Ptyalism, ulcers of the mouth and tongue, accompanied by partial paralysis and derangement of the digestive organs. The gums and fauces are swollen, dry, painful. The cheeks, parotid, and salivary glands are likewise swollen and painful. THROAT.-Burning pain in the fauces, as from red hot coal.-In. flammation of the fauces, rendering deglutition very difficult.-The eustachian tube is frequently compressed by swelling, which induces deafness. -Trembling of the pharynx and cesophagus.- Chronic mercurial angina faucium. APPETITE.-Loss of appetite. SToMACH.-Inclination to vomit.-Vomiting, with convulsive motions. ABDOMEN.-Anxiety in the preecordial regions.-Infarctions and induration of the liver.-Jaundice.-Colicky pains.-Great distention of the abdomen.-Excessive pinching in the abdomen.-Mercurial ptyalism of the pancreas. In the region of the pancreas, the patients complain of a dull burning pain. Aching pains are experienced in that region, on making pressure with the finger. The face becomes livid, the eyes recede into their sockets, and are surrounded with blue rings, the skin is cold and flaccid, the secretion of urine is almost entirely suppressed, the patients feel wretched, remain in bed exhausted, and desire to drink continually. The pancreatic ptyalism is apt to occur in individuals with an atrabilious constitution, in hysteric and hypochondriac persons. It may likewise take place by metastasis, in consequence of suppressed ptyalism. STooL.-Bilious diarrhoea.-Discharge of a yellow-green sub. stance, with coagulated blood.-Painful stools mixed with blood and mucus.-Painful dysentery continuing eleven days.-Dangerous diar. rhoea.-Evacuations, with burning and biting at the anus.-Green stools.-Constant tenesmus, with frequent discharge of blood by stool. URINE.- Urorrhca mercurialis.-Excessive diabetes, with extreme emaciation.-Burning acridity in urinating. 36* 850 MILLEFOLIUM. MALE GENITAL ORGANS.-Inflammation of the orifice of the urethra, -Gonorrhoea.-The urine is discharged drop by drop, with burning. FEMALE GENITAL ORGANs.-Miscarriage. LARYNX.-Constant hoarseness.-Complete paralysis of the organs of voice.-Loss of speech.-Consumption.-Cough.-Violent haemoptysis.-Hcemoptysis, followed by pulmonary consumption. CHEST.-Violent oppression on the chest and about the heart.Paroxysms of violent asthma, with danger of suffocation in walking or stooping.-Asthma. BACK.-Atrophy of the spinal marrow. ARns.-Trembling and weakness of the hands, with convulsions of the hands. LEGS.-Neuralgia of the sciatic nerves.-Intense inflammation and superficial suppuration of the whole leg and of the feet, with complete desquamation of the epidermis of those Darts, and even of the soles of the feet.-(Edema-pedum. * 185.-MILLEFOLIUM. MILLE -Milfoil.-Hartlaub and Trinks' "Ana.," IV., "Archiv," XV., 8, &e. Noack and Trinks. SLEEP.-Yawning and stretching, with drowsiness, from time to time. HEAD.-Stupefaction.- Intoxication. -Vertigo.- Lacerating and darting in the whole right side of the head.-Painful roaring and confusion in the head.-Sensation as if the whole mass of blood would rush to the head.-Rushing of the blood when stooping, relieved by raising the head. EYEs.-Jerking, with tension in the upper eye-lid.-Mistiness before the eyes, only at a distance. FAcE.-Frequent lacerating in the left side of the face.-Painful, fine jerking in the lower jaw. MoUTH.-Fine stinging in the upper lip.-Contractive sensation in the fore part of the tongue, with burning.-Fine stinging in the palate, with sensation as if cut to pieces. THRoAT.-Long-continued roughness in the throat. APPETITE.-Increased feeling of hunger. STOMACH.-Empty eructations, after eating soup.--Hiccough.Painful gnawing and digging in the stomach, as from hunger.-Burn. ing in the stomach and abdomen, up to the chest.-Long-continued feeling of fullness in the stomach.-Spasms of the stomach. MDSCHUS. 851 ABDOMEN.---Bloatedness of the abdomen.-Violent dull stitch in the abdomen, when eating, causing one to start. STOOL.-Rumbling and cutting in the abdomen, followed by diar. rhoeic stools, succeeded by tenesmus.-Soft stool, followed by smart. ing, as from excoriation. URINE.-Constant desire to urinate. FEMALE GENITAL ORGANS.-Leucorrhoea. CHEST.--Painful rough stitch in the left chest, under the arm, independent of breathing. BACK.-Frequent, but not very painful drawing in the back.Itching, and itching pimples on the back. ARMs.-Stinging and burning of the anterior part of the shoulder. LEGS.-Lacerating in the knee. 186.-MOSCHUS. MOSC.-Musk.-See Hahnemann's " Mat. Med.," III. COMPARE WITH-Asa-f., Bell., Camph., Chin., Coce., Coff., Con., Croc., Hyos., Ign., Lauroc., Nux-mos., Nux-v., Op., Phosph., Plat., Puls., Stram. ANTIDOTEs.-Camnph., Coff. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-~Nervous affections and paroxysms. *Hysteric paroxysms, -even in males. *Hypocwhondriac affections.Prickling in all the muscles. Painful numbness in the artictlations of the lower limbs, with extreme absence of mind. Feeling of pain in the whole body, with a sort of shuddering.-Darting pain in every part of the body, particularly at night. Pain as if bruised in all the joints. Great weariness. OWeakness unto fainting, with nightly coldness of the skin all over. ~Hysteric paroxysms of weakness.*Fainting turns, -also succeeded by headache, oor particularly at night, or in the evening, or in the open air.-Convulsions of the most violent kind, in men and women. OEclampsia.? Tetanic spasms. Stifness of the hands and feet. Spasmodic tossing about of the hands and feet, with severe pain afterwards. Catalepsy.-Attacks which cease in the open air: 1. Determination of blood to the heaa with staring eyes and spasm in the mouth, followed by quick, con fused speech, afterwards deadly paleness, face and hairy scalp being drenched with sweat; 2. The eye stares, with paleness of face, heaviness of the head, pressure in the nape of the neck, coldness of the body, nausea, afterwards obscuration of sight, contraction of the pupils, loss of equilibrium, stiffness and stretching of the right hand and fingers; 3. The eyes are staring andprotruded. the mvzscle4 852 MOSCHUS. of the face are distorted, the mouth is half open, afterwards delirium with low whispering (psh! psh!), lastly, deep moaning, and playing with the buttons of his waistcoat.-Hcemorrhages. CHARACTERISTIC PECULIARITIES.-Aggravation of the pains when the body becomes cold.-Great sensitiveness to the open air. SKIN.-Itching.-Pimnples, with violent griping in various parts. SLEEP.- Great drowsiness. Sopor.-Coma.-~ Sleeplessness, ofrom nervous irritation. Sleeplessness, the whole night, with momentary complete loss of consciousness and great exhaustion on waking. Restless sleep. Continued dreams. FEvER.-Feeling of coldness, particularly in the spine, with drawing pain. External coldness, with internal burning of the affected parts. - Alternate shuddering and heat, with languor. Shuddering with mounting of heat.-Increase of warmth of the whole body, with copious exhalation and increased animation. Burning heat over the whole body.-Excessive orgasm of the circulation. Seething. Slight sweat every morning. MORAL SYMIPTOMS.-Great anxiety, with palpitation of the heart. Anxiety with starting, as in affright, and trembling. Great anguish as if he had to die. Ill-humor. SENSORIUM.-Paroxysms of absence of mind. Sudden failing of the senses. Absorbed in twought, talks loudly to himself.-Dullness of sense, with diminution of memory. Sudden loss of memory, with pressure on the vertex.-Dullness of the head, as if from intoxication. Dullness of the head, with considerable pressure in the brain.-Vertigo, with dimness of sight. Vertigo with stupefaction. Vertigo, with violent rush of blood to the head, relieved in the open air. Ver tigo, with nausea. HEAD.-Pain in the head, deep in the brain. Dull pain in the whole head, particularly in the evening. Headache, with nausea and vomiting.-Stupefying headache. General stupefying oppression of the brain, as if compressed.-Feeling of heaviness in the head.-Aching pain in the head, with coldness. Pressure as from a heavy load on the top of the head, worse during motion. Tensive pressure, with sensation as if something were moving in the brain.-Drawing pain in the head.-Rush of blood to the head, also with heaviness in the head. Painfulness of the wwole head, as if sore, worse when touched. Ach. ing pain in the forehead, the parts being marked with a red spot.-- Itching of the hairy scalp. EYEs.-Pressure in the eyes, as from sand. Itching in the eyes. Smarting in the eyes as if from smoke.-Swelling of the upper lids, MOSCHUS. 8Fj with pressure.-Staring, glistening eyes, accompanied with loss of sense. Dimness of sight. Black points before her eyes. EARS.-Detonation in both ears.-Hardness of hearing.0 NosE.-Bleeding of the nose.-Sneezing with pressure in the nasal bones.-0 Obstruction of the nose with dry coryza is suddenly removed. FACE.-Earthy complexion. Pale face, with sweat. Red face.Small pimples in the face, with burning.-The lips peel off. Swelling of the upper lip, with dry mouth and thirst. MOUTH AND PHARYNX.-G-reat dryness of the mouth. Burning in the fauces as from a hot coal. APPETITE AND TAST.E.-Bitter taste in the mouth. Putrid taste of food.-Avers-ion to food. GASTRIC SYMPTOMS. - Repeated, violent, audible eructation S. Eructations with nausea. -lnclination to vomit, early in the morning and evening, or the whole day, or after every meal, with inability to vomit. Vomiting with tensive pain across the chest. STOMAcH.-Oppe*~o of the stomach. Soreness in and above the pit of the stomach, especially during an inspiration, accompanied with anxicty in the chest. Tensive pressure in the stomach, with some painfulness of the abdomen. IIypoOHONDRIA.-Swelling, tightness, and jerking in both hypochondria. Sticking in the region of the liver, aggravated by an inspiration. ABDOMEN.-Pain about the umbilicus.-Tensive pain in the abdomien, as if it would burst.-Pressure in the umbilicus, with burning in the chest.-Grasping above the umbilicus, at intervals, arresting the breathing.-Pinching in the abdomen. STOOL AND ANis.-Retention of stool. Violent though ineffectual urging- to stool in the albdomen.-Diarrhcea with violent cutting in the abdomen. Nightly diarrhce~a, the evacuations passing off even during sleep, or with violent urging and pressing in the anus. Profuse diarrhcea, with drawing-in of the stomach. URINE.-Scanty and thick urine, like yeast.-A good deal of burninig in the urethra. MALE GENITAL OaGANS. -Violent sexual excitement. Violent sexual desire, also with nausea and vomiting after the embrace.-Involuntary emissions, also painful, without er ýc tion.-O Impotence, occasioned by a cold. FEMALE GENITAL ORGAN~s-Violent sexual desire.-Drawing ana pressing toward the sexual organs, as if the menses would appear.The menses are too early.- Violent drawing pains at the appeara nce Of the menses. 854 MUREX PURPUREA. CHEST.-Constriction of the throat, arresting the breathing. Tight ness of breathing, with desire to take deep breath. Shortness of breath, owing to stitches in the chest. Sujfocative constriction of the chest. Spasms of the lungs, commencing with desire to cough, increasing gradually. OCertain kinds of asthma-millari.?-The chest is violently affected, with pain, attended with a violent dry cough.-Pressure in the chest, with arrest of breathing. BACK.-Drawing pain in the back, particularly in the spine, down to the thighs.-Pain in the nape of the neck, which does not allow of the neck being turned. ARMs.-Pressure in the upper arm, from the shoulder-joint to the elbow.-Cutting in the fore-arm, succeeded by burning. Laming drawing in the fore-arm.-Swelling and stinging of the hands. Spasmodic throwing about of the hands andfeet, followed by severe pains in those parts. LEGS.-Languor and uneasiness of the lower limbs, when sitting. Painful spots on the lower limbs, here and there, as if he had been beaten.-Pressure about the thigh, also with feeling of weakness.Pain in both thighs as if sprained. Compressive sensation in the bends of the knees, as if the tendons were too short.-Paralytic pain in the leg, like rigidity.-Pain in the tarsal-joints as if sprained. 187.-MUREX PURPUREA. MUR. PUR.-Purple Shell-fish.-See Petroz's Proving in " Revue Critique et Retrospective de la Matiere Medicale Specifique."-" Hygea," XVI. HEAD, &c.-Diminished memory, with difficulty of connecting words.-Dullness of the head with inability to work, also with drowsiness and heaviness of the head.-Acute pain in the occiput. Aching pain in the forehead. Roaring in the ears, with increased heaviness of the head. STOMACH, &c.-Tensive pain in the right hypochondrium. Colic, particularly in the evening.-Difficult stool.-Constipation.-Pressure on the anus, like painful stitches. URINE.-Frequent desire to urinate, day and night, with colorless urine.-Discharge of some blood in urinating. FEMALE GENITAL ORGANS.-Violent excitement in the sexual organs and excessive desire for an embrace, excited by the least contact of the parts.-Feeling of dryness and constriction in the uterus. Beating in the uterus. Sore pain, as if wounded with a cutting instrument, in the uterus. Violent pain in the right side of the uterus, .MUIJAT-IC ACID. 85fi through the abdomnen to the chest.-Feeling of heaviness and enlargeA ment in the labia-nzajora.-- Watery leucorrhcea, also greenish, thick, bloody. 'Return of bloody le~ucorrhcea during stool.-Violent paina in the mammae, aoute stitches. LARYNX, &c.-Altered voice. Hoarseness.-Wheezing in the chest when hreathing, in the evening.-Pain in the chest, as if bruised.--- Stiniging and burning under the left short ribs, towards the spine.Palpitation of the heart, and throbbing of the carotidt;. BACK, ARMs, AND LEGS.-Pain in the lo6ins, burning and as if sore. Pain in the hip and loins when lying in bed.-Pain in the fare-armt, below the elbow. Heat in the hands.-Great weakness and weariness, giving way of the lower limbs, and irresistible desire to sit.Great pain as if weary and contused in the thighs. Intense heat and violent pain in the anterior portion of the. thighs,, on rising, not bearing contact. Beating sensation anteriorly. 188.-MURIATIC ACID.. MUR. AC.-Acidum Hydrochioricum.-See llahnemnann's "Chronic Diseases," VI.-Duration of Action: five weeks and upwards. COMPARE wITH,-Ars., Aur., Bell., Bry., Calc., Chin., Lyc., Natr.-mur., Nitr.-.aed., Nux-v., Phos.-ac., Rhus, Squilla, Viol.-od. ANTIDOTES.- Of large doses: Magnesia- calcinata, Sap o-medicus. Of small doses: Bry.? Campli. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-Drawi-ng, lacerating, and cutting in the limbs, during rest, relieved by moti on.-Tw itching in all the limbs.-Pain as if bruised in every joint.-Pain of the periosteum, of every bone, as in fever and ague.- Vacillatin~g gait, owing to weakness of the thig*&. Great w~akness of the legs. -Lassitude, early in in the morning(,, especially of the lower limbs. Great weariness in the evening, after a walk. Great w6'ariness and drowsiness, with dim-sightedness.-Restlessness.-Secrofulous affections. SKIN.-.-Stinging-itching..-P~ainful ulcers on the skin.-Fetid odor of the ulcers, although they are covered with scurf. 0Black pocks.-. 0B~oils, with stinging pain when touched. SLEEP.-Drousy, in the afternoon.- Sleeplessness. Restless nights. Empty eructations and colic at night. He slips down in his bed, and moans and groans in his sleep.-Feeling of weakness at night, when in bed, and difficulty Of uniting One idea with another. Starting after falling asleep, owing to restlessncss in the body, and especially the lower limbs. Frequent wakingo at night. Frequent waking, with tossing about. - Restless, frequently-disturbed sleep, with vivid, 856 MIURIATIC ACID. anxious dreams, and profuse sweat all over while asleep, except tho head. FEVER.-Coldness to the touch. Chilliness with thirst, also without subsequent heat. Chilliness with goose-flesh, without shaking or thirst. Chilliness, in the evening, with icy-coldness in the back. Chilliness in the evening, with burning face and dry mouth.-Feverish shuddering over the whole body, with shaking chills, yawning, and stretching of the limbs, but without thirst or subsequent heat.0Typhoid fevers, with torpid character.--~Putrid fevers.?-Every third pulsation is missing.-Violent sweat about the head and back. Sweat before midnight, with dry cough. Night-sweat. MORAL SYMPTO.MS.-Sad, taciturn. Anxious apprehensiveness. Out of humor. Irritable. SENSORIUM.-Dullness in the forehead.--Vertigo in the open air, and unsteady gait. Vertigo in the head, especially in the room, with dim-sightedness. HEAD.-Headache in the forehead and occiput. Headache in the whole head, as if the brain were torn and dashed to pieces, as is the case in putrid fevers.-Heaviness in the forehead, pressing downwards towards the eyes, with obtusion of the head. Oppressive heaviness in the head. Aching in the fore part of the brain, increased by moving the eyes.-Tensive aching from the occipital bone through the brain into the forehead.-Boring pain in the vertex. Burning feeling in the head, especially in the forehead. Whizzing in the head.-Ulcerative pain, externally, in both temples and on the forehead. Violent itching on the hairy scalp. Pustules on the forehead and temples. EYES.-Fine laceratings in the margin of the orbits.-Itching in the eyes. Burning of the eyes, with pressure.-Slight inflammation of the eyes. Swelling and redness of the upper and lower eye-lid, without pain. *Twinkling before the eyes and half-sightedness. EARS.-Otalgia of the right ear. Lacerating in the left ear, like otalgia. OThrobbing in the ear. Dull cutting, with pressure, in the region of,the mastoid process, with pain, when touching the part, as from subcutaneous ulceration.-~Insensibility in the meatus-auditorius.--Hard hearing and deafness. Very sensitive to noise.Frequent tingling, humming, and whizzing in the ear. NOSE.-Continued bleeding from the nose.-Stinging pain in the nostrils, as if they would ulcerate.-Coryza-feeling with troublesome dryness of the nose; with acrid, corrosive discharge. *Obstruction of the nose, -like dry coryza. FACE.-Lacerating in the left upper jaw, apparently in the bone, MURIATIC ACID. 857 close below the orbit.-~Pimples in the face.--~Freckles.-Vesicles on the lips with burning tensive pain. JAWS AND TEETH.-Toothache, with pain in the malar bones, ears, and temples, relieved by warmth. Frequent dartings in the teeth, with burning in the gums. Throbbing toothache, made worse by cold drink.-Slight inflammation of the gums. Swelling of the gums. 0Scorbutic gums. MOUTH.--Dryness of the mouth. Copious saliva in the mouth. The tongue becomes sore and bluish. Red burning vesicle on the tip of the tongue. Painful burning blister on the tongue. Deep ulcer on the tongue, with black base and inverted edges. Wasting away of the tongue.-Sore burning of the palate. THROAT.-*Rawbness and smarting of the fauces, -night and morning. Acrid scraping in the fauces. Dry throat, with burning in the chest. Roughness and burning of the throat, as in heartburn, with coughing. TASTE, APPETITE, AND GASTRIC SYMPTOMS.-Acrid and putrid taste in the mouth, like rotten eggs, with ptyalism.-Aversion to all food. -Bulimy.-Craving for drink.-Continual eructations.-Nausea and qualmishness in the region of the stomach. Inclination to vomit. Vomiting of the ingesta. STOMACH.-Contractive pain in the stomach. Empty feeling in the region of the stomach, especially the cesophagus.-Heat and burning in the stomach. HYPOCHONDRIA.-Burning and bruised pain in the right hypochondrium. Crampy tension under the short ribs. ABDOMEN.-Colic, early in the morning when in bed.-Contractive sensation in the intestines, with dull pain.-Colicky pinching in the abdomen.- Violent cutting, with pinching, in the abdomen, when standing or walking, going off when sitting, walking, or standing. Violent cutting in the abdomen, when sitting, walking, or standing. -0Abdominal spasms.-Distended abdomen. *Feeling of repletion in the abdomen, after a moderate meal.-Rumbling and grumbling in the abdomen. Continual fermentation in the abdomen. STOOL.-Inactivity of the rectum. Violent desire for stool, early in the morning, nevertheless difficulty of passing the faeces. Soft stool.-Diarrhoea, with violent burning along the anus. Diarrhoea, with smarting as from excoriation in the rectum. Diarrhoeic stools, with tenesmus, rumbling and grumbling in the abdomen. Foecal diarrhoea. Itching of the anus, with sore pain and tingling stinging. -Violent itching of the rectum, as from ascarides. Burning stitches in the anus.-*Swelling of the varices of the rectum, with burning 858 MURJIATIC, ACID. sore pain. Swollen blue varices of the rectum, with pain when pressing on them. Profuse hamorrhage from the rectum, with stool. URINE.-Frequent desire to urinate, with emission of but a small quantity of urine, and tenesmus of the bladder afterwards. Diminished urine, with burning.-- Diabetes.?-Weakness of the bladder Frequent involuntary, discharge of urine. MALE. GENITAL ORGANS.-Slight inflammation of the prepuce.Itching of the scrotum.-Feeling of weakness in the genital organs. FEMALE GENITAL ORGANs.-The menses appear too soon.- Leucorrhoea. LARYNX.-Roughness and hoarseness of the throat, with sore feel. ing in the chest. Tickling in the throat or chest, exciting a short, dry, hacking cough, with burning in the throat. Dry cough, day and night, fatiguing.-Haemoptoe. CHEST.-Deep breathing, with moaning. Asthmatic pressure on the chest, in paroxysms.-Aching and bruised pain in the chest.Sticking pain in the chest, during violent motion, and during an inspiration. Stitches in the region of the heart, with arrest of breathing, going off by friction.-Tensive boring in the chest, continuing during an inspiration and expiration. Soreness and cutting in the chest, with desire to cough.-The beats of the heart, during the nightly fever, are violent. BACK.-Drawing burning along the back. Aching pain in the small of the back, when standing or sitting. Small boils on the back, with sticking pain during motion.-Stitches in the scapulce.-Swelling of the cervical glands, with tensive pain when turning the head. ARMS.-Pressure on the shoulder. Lacerating in the shoulder, with pain when touching the part. Throbbing in the shoulder, with paralytic pain in the part.-Cramp in the upper arm. *Drawing in the upper arm. Lacerating in both upper arms and calves.-Drawing tension in the elbow-joint.-Cramp-like, heavy feeling in the fore-arm, close to the wrist-joint, Blotches on the fore-arms and elbows, with violent itching and burning.-Tingling of the fingers of the hand, as if they had gone to sleep. Swelling and redness of the tips of the fingers, with burning pain. LEGS.-Pain of the muscles of the thighs. Weakness of the thighs and wavering gait.-Lacerating in the bend of the knee and calf, more at night and when sitting. Pain, as if bruised, in the right knee, only when walking. Burning itching of the knees. Swelling of the knees.-o-Coldness of the feet. Swelling and redness of tho tips of the toes, with burning pain. NATRUM CARBONICUM. 189.-NATRUM CARBONICUM. NATR. CARB.-Carbonate of Soda.-Hahnemann's "Chronic Diseases," IV. -Duration of Action: thirty or forty days. COMPARE WITH-Alum., Am., Ars., Carb.-a., Carb.-v., Caust., Chin., Ign., Kali, Lye., Merc., Natr.-mur., Nux-v., Plumb., Puls., Rhus, Sep., Sil., Spig., Staph., Sulph. ANTIDOTES.-Ars.,? Camph., Nitr.-spir.?-Is an antidote to Chin. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.- ~Rheumatic complaints, also with contraction of tendons. OScrofulous complaints. Weakness from loss of animal fluids. OTabes-dorsalis.? OHypochondria.-Every movement of the body hurts her. Cramp-like lacerating, especially in the upper and lower limbs. Lacerating in the lower limbs, up and down, mostly in the joints of the knees and feet. Lacerating in the shoulder, elbow, and wrist-joints. Lacerating stitches in the joints of the upper and lower limbs, mostly in the evening, on lying down, and frequently waking from sleep at night.---Tingling stinging in the muscles. Lacerating and bruised feeling in the limbs. Drawing in the joints, and paralytic feeling of the same on waking from sleep. Drawing and stretching in the lower limbs and jaws, and drawing in the teeth, at night. Jerking in the limbs. Jerking sensation in all the joints. Jerking and grumbling in the. whole body, with sensitive mood. Jactitation of the muscles, and twitch. ings in this or that part of the body, scapule, calves, eye-lids, and arms. *Dread of the open air. *Liability to take cold, occasioning coryza, colic, and diarrhoea. Headache and coryza during a walk in the open air.-ORelaxation of the whole body. Unsteady gait, stumbling, slipping.-Emaciation, pale complexion, dilatation of the pupils, and dark-colored urine. Bloatedness of the whole abdomen, early in the morning, better in the afternoon.-Painful tension of all the nerves, especially in the head, with nausea. IRestlessness in the evening, in the upper and lower limbs, with stretching. Sick feeling in the whole body. oGreat nervousness.-Paroxysms in the evening; obscuration of sight, with paralytic pressure and lacerating in the heac, eyes, jaws; weak consciousness and confused incoherent ideas, for an hour and a half; afterwards tingling pain in the lips, the right arm, and especially the right hand and tips of the fingers, particularly in the thumb, with tendency to start.-Heaviness and weariness of the whole body. Dread of exercise. *Great weakness -of the lower limbs and heaviness of the arms. OWeakness after a short walk, unto falling. Paralytic feeling in the limbs, early in the morning, on waking. 860 NATRUM CARBONICUM. CHARACTERISTIC PECULIARITIES.-The majority of the symptoms come on when sitting, and pass off during motion, or by pressure or rubbing. *Anguish, tremor, and sweat during the pains. 0Aggravation of the pains during a thunder-storm. SKIN.-The skin of the whole body becomes dry, rough, and chapped. Troublesome dryness of the skin, at night, especially after midnight. Itching as from fleas, over the whole body. Itching of the upper and lower limbs.-oHerpes. Purulent fluid oozes out of the herpes. oYellow rings, occasioned by herpetic spots. OBlotchlike spots and rosy blotches in leprous patients. Incipient warts. SLEEP.-Yawning, lachrymation, and drowsiness. *Drowzsiness in the daytime, with yawning. Irresistible sleep, in the afternoon.*He falls asleep late in the evening, and with difficulty. Heavy, deep sleep, a sort of stupor. Sleeplessness, the whole night. Restless night. Flashes before the eyes, in the evening when falling asleep. Toothache at night. Anxious feeling, at night, previous to falling asleep. Coughs much at night; complains of a scraping sensation in the throat. Nightly attack of vertigo, with slow, strong beats of the heart, humming of the ears, heat, anguish, as if he would die; in. creased erethism of the vascular system, by talking or making the least motion; the fit terminates with chilliness and trembling. Seething of the circulatory apparatus, at night. Palpitation of the heart. She can only rest on her right side, lying on the left is painful. Nightly uneasiness in the lower limbs.-Starting as in affright during sleep. Restless night-sleep, with extension and jerking of the limbs. Violent starting, in the evening, when falling asleep.Illusion of the fancy.-Sleep full of dreams, at night.-*Full of fancies in the night. Confused, lewd, anxious, vivid, or frightful dreams. FEVER.-*Cold hands and feet. Cold hands and feet, with warm head. Shuddering over the whole body, the whole day, with cold hands and warm cheeks; icy-cold hands in the evening, red, glowing cheeks, and hot forehead, without thirst.-Paroxysm of fever, with aching, in the temples; dullness of the head and pressure in the eyes, afterwards inclination to vomit, with chilliness of the whole body, especially of the chest and arms. Chill in the evening, with heat and thirst after lying down.-*He sweats excessively during motion, even when the weather is cool. Burning sweat, especially on the forehead. *Night-sweat, alternating with dryness of the skin. Morning-sweat, with thirst. MORAL SYMPTOMIS.-*Sad, desponding. Ennui. ~Hypochondriac mood. *#Dread of men, -and shyness.-Anguish, with tremor through NATRUM CARBONICUM. 861 the whole body. Anxious and restless. Bestlessness.-Passive, phlegmatic mood. Indiferent. Great tendency to start. ~Discouraged, -dissatisfied, and almost inconsolable. Irritable.-Inclines to be angry. SENsoRIUM.-Entire want of attention.--Weak mind. Dull mind. -Dullness of the head, heaviness, giddiness, when working in the sun. OThe head is fatigued by mental labor.-Stupefaction, early in the morning, when waking, going off gradually.- Vertigo, after intellectual labor, with a dull pressing in the temples. Frequent vertigo through the day. Continual headache, a sense as of reeling in the head, and a painful, gloomy feeling, with subsequent heat in the head; relieved by exercise in the open air; worse during rest and when sitting. HEAD.-Dull headache after dinner, with burning in the eyes. Dull headache, a sort of stupefying pressure in the forehead, in any position of the body. OHeadache in the sun. Heaviness of the head, at night, on waking, with dull, painful pressure and insipid taste in the mouth. Feeling of painful emptiness in the occiput. Pressure and feeling of heat in the vertex and forehead. Contractive pain-in the head.-Pain as if the forehead would burst, especially after exercise, with feeling of obstruction in the head.-Lacerating in the whole head. Violent spasmodic lacerating in the forehead, extending into the eyes and tip of the nose.--Stitches in various parts of the head, -at different times, sometimes accompanied with burning. OStitches through the eyes.-Throbbing headache in the upper part of the head. Throbbing in the vertex, very painful when pressed upon, after dinner.-Violent congestion of blood to the head, when stooping, with throbbing in the head.-Roaring of the blood in the head.-Heat in the head, with feeling of heaviness, and redness of the face, worse after noon.-Pain as if bruised, inside and outside of the head. OLacerating about the head, every day, at certain hours. --Great falling off of the hair. EYES.-Pain in the eyes, early in the morning. Pain in the bones of the orbit. The globes are sensitive to the touch, with sensation as if they were distended. Heaviness of the upper eye-lids.-Burning in the eyes.-Itching of the eyes and lids.-Inflammation of the eyes, with sticking pain. Violent inflammation of the inner canthus, and purulent swelling of the lachrymal sac. OInflammation of the lids, with photophobia. Small ulcers around the cornea, with lan. cinating pains in the eyes.-Lachrymation.-OFistula-lachrymalis. -Dryness, feeling of heat, and contractive sensation in the eyes.Frequent closing of the lids, a sort of involuntary winking, with a 832 NATRUM CARBONICOM. burning sensation in the eyes, especially in the afternoon.-Con. traction of the pupils. Dim eyes.-Black points hover before his eyes, when writing. Sensation before the eyes as, if rain were falling, OSensation as of feathers before the eyes. Scintillations before the leyes. Dazzling flashes before the eyes, when walking. EARs.-Otalgia, with drawing pain in the articulation of the jaw, extending into the mouth.-Pressure and lacerating in the ear.Pricking pain in the parotid gland, which is painful to the touch.Roaring in the ears. OSensitiveness to noise. OHard hearing. NOSE.-Peeling off of the dorsum and the tip of the nose, painful when touched. Ulcerated nostrils, inside, high up.-Bleeding at the nose.-Violent sneezing, with rush of blood to the head.-- Ob. struction of the nose, -when talking; hard fetid clots coming out of one nostril. *Coryza, -frequently intermitting, with burning of the eyes, from morning till evening. OCoryza every other day. OConstant coryza, with cough; with chilliness over the whole body, cold hands and cheeks, hoarseness, no thirst. FAcE.-'*Burning heat -and redness of the face. Alternate red. ness and paleness of the face. Pale complexion Blue margins around the eyes, swollen eye-lids. Bloated face.-Swelling of both cheeks, with glowing redness. Aching of the facial bones, increased by walking in the open air. Lacerating in the malar bones.OFreckles.-~ Yellow spots on the forehead and upper lip--Pimples in the face, near the ear, with pricking pain when touching them, like boils. Eruption near the nose and mbuth. Burning vesicle on the chin.-Pimples on the lips. OSwelling of the upper lid.-Small, red, itching vesicles, full of water, on the chin. JAWS AND TEETH.-Rheumatic pain in the jaws. Ulcerative pain, with throbbing, in the articulation of the jaw.-Swelling of the submaxillary glands. Toothache, with swelling of the gums, and violent fever.-Extreme sensitiveness of the lower teeth.--Toothache, particularly when eating. Dull drawing aching pains in a hollow tooth, after taking cold. Lacerating toothache, only at night. Toothache, day and night, relieved by warmth, with bleeding of the gums, coldness*of the body the whole day, and thirst.-Looseness of the teeth. Ulcerative pain of the lower gums of the left side. Loose gums. Bleeding gums. MourH.-Abscess near the frsenum.-Dry mouth and tongue.Burning about the tip of the tongue, as if it were cracked.--leavy speech, from want of mobility of the tongue. THROAT.-Pressing sore throat, after stooping; difficult deglutition owing to soreness. Pressure in the oesophagus.-Rough, dry, scrap 'NATRILUM CAR130NICVYXM. igand acrid sensation in the throat, at different periods.-Inffamntation of the throat, with swelling of the'right tonsil, and stitches anid choking on the left side of the throat, as if -from a swellitg, day a~nd -night. TASTE AND AP'PET'tE.-*Pood has a bitter, scraping taste.-Sour taste in the mouth, and tongue very much coated.-A good deal oJ thirst.-Neither hunger nor appetite, morning and evening.-Speedy repletion.-Great appetite. Constant hunger.-0Rabid hunger, from a qualmish feeling of emptiness. GASTRIC SYMPTOMS.- Diarrhcea after drinking milk.-0S tic'king in the left hypochondriumi. Disagreeable sensa-tiona in the stomach after eating. Chilliness with internal heat after a meal.-0'Great 'weakness of digestion, with bad, hypochondriac humor. Frequent eructations. Sour eructations. Bitter eructations. Gulping-up of sweetish water. 'Violent, painful hiccough, sometim-es 'with bitter eructations.-Water-brash.-*Nausea at the stomach, morning or forenoon, going off after dinner. 00&'nstant qualmishness. Nausea in the morning, 'with creeping Iin the stomach, water in the mouth, adeructation. Violent nausea, with inclincation to vomit, heat in, the face, retching, hawking up of -mucus, and finally vomiting o*'f frothy tasteless mucus. Vomiting 'of a -fetid, sour fluid, res-embling loam-water (when coughing).-After vomitingr,-dull headache, n-o appetite, tongue coated white, and nauseous, insipid taste. STOMuACH.-OThe region of the stomach -is painful to the touch.Sensation as if the stomach wuere fasting. Pressure in the stomzach, as from a stone. Pressure an~d griping in the stomach, with tremulousness, when walking. -The stomach feels swollen and sensitive.*Painful contraction around the s'tomiach.-Drawing and cutting!o in the stomaeh, Oalso with pressure, internally and externally. Burning near the pit of the stomach. ABDOMEN.-Colic, relieved by vomiting.-Aching in the hypogastriumn, and sides of the abdomen, with pain to the touch, and when walking. Heaviness in the abdo'men.-Tensive colic, at night, with cutting in the abdomen and diarrhcca. Pinching around the umbilicus and in the hypogastrium, sometimes With Cutting and urging to stool. Pinching colic, early in the morning, with inclination to vomit, as if diarr'hcea would come on.-Pain -of the intestines as if bruised. 0Stitches with digging in -the abdomen. Biting sensation in the hypogastrium, as from'worms.-*Distention of the abdomen, particularly after a mreal. *Incarceration of flatulence. *Shifting of flatulence, also painful.-The abdomen is painful to the touch. Swelling of the inguinal glands. 864 NATRUM CARBONICUM. STooL.-Constant desire for stool, with writhing cutting in the abdomen. Violent desire, with discharge of a few pieces of stool, resembling sheep's dung, with burning.-Stool first hard, then soft, with burning in the anus, and sometimes with bloody mucus. Intermittent, oinsufficient stool.-Stool with tenesmus, afterwards pain in the rectum.-Violent hurried desire, afterwards liquid stool pro. pelled with force. Tenesmus, liquid stool, with burning at the anus.-Stool tinged with blood.-Expulsion of taenia, with stool.Pinching in the abdomen and clawing in the anus, with chilliness before stool. Colic previous to the soft stool. Cutting in the anus and rectum, during stool.-Burning at the rectum, after stool.-Pressure and itching in the rectum, as if varices would form. Smarting-burning itching of the anus. Tenesmus, with pressure, around the anus. URINE.-Tenesmus of the bladder and rectum, with colic. Frequent and copious micturition, with yellow leucorrhoea.-The urine becomes turbid and deposits yellow mucus.-Sour-smelling, brightyellow urine. Fetid urine.--Burning and stitches in the urethra, before and after micturition. Lacerating and smarting in the urethra, during micturition.-Violent pressing in the lumbar region, and region of the bladder. MALE GENITAL ORGANS.-Soreness between the scrotum and thighs. -Itching of the glans. Inflammation of the glans and prepuce. Swelling of the glans. Inflammation of the prepuce.-Itching of the scrotum. Stinging throbbing in the scrotum. Contusive pain of the testicle. Painful stretching in the testicles and abdomen. Heaviness, and drawing with pressure in the testicle and spermatic cord, more in the morning than evening. Feeling of numbness in the testicles.-Frequent pollutions in an old man. Pollution without erection. FEMALE GENITAL ORGANS.-Motion, as from a foetus, in the uterus. OThe os-uteri is out of shape.--*Pressing in the hypogastrium, towards the genital organs, as if everything would issue from the abdomen, and as if the menses would appear. Soreness of the pudendum, between the thighs.-The menses are preceded by headache and drawing in the nape of the neck; cutting in the hypogastrium, at short intervals; during the menses, painful lacerating and beating in the head; painful distention of the abdomen; violent pain in the small of the back.-Leucorrhoea, oalso putrid. Profuse leucorrhoea, after frequent attacks of colic and writhing about the umbilicus. Yellowish leucorrhoea, going off with the copious urine. OMetrorrhagia.-OAppears to facilitate conception. ~Discharge of mucus from the vagina, after an embrace. NATRUM CARBONICUM. 865 LAXYNx.-Soreness of the throat and wind-pipe. Dryness of the larynx. Stinging and roughness of the throat, with dry cough. Roughness and rawness in the chest, the whole day, most violent in the evening with pressure under the sternum, oppression and palpitation. *Cough and *coryza, day and night. Scraping cough, with soreness in the whole chest and alternate hoarseness, heat, and burning of hands and soles, bruised feeling of the limbs, want of appetite, nausea, heat, and profuse sweat at night, no thirst, constipation.Dry and hacking cough, with rattling in the chest. Cough, generally in the morning, with either *salt, fetid, or purulent discharge. Bloody expectoration when coughing in the evening. CHEST.--Difficulty of breathing. OShortness of breath.-Tightness of the chest during a deep inspiration.-Asthma, with hoarse, deep tone of voice, and scraping in the pharynx and larynx: afterwards with cough and purulent, bloody expectoration.-Pressure in the region of the heart, as from a hard body lying between the heart and the pit of the stomach. Cutting, and pain, as if bruised, in the sternum.-Stitches in the side of the chest and abdomen. OConstant chilliness in the left side.-Painful cracking in the region of the heart.-Palpitation of the heart, when going up-stairs. When lying on the left side, at night, palpitation of the heart. Palpitation of the heart, without anguish, easily excited. Anxious palpitation of the heart, when writing, with dull pressure in the forehead and confused feeling in the head.-Stitches and burning in the outer parts of the chest. BAcK.-Momentary pain in the small of the back. Pain, as if bruised, in the small of the back, equally violent during rest and motion. *Sore pain in the small of the back, even when at rest, without touching it. Pustules on the small of the back, very painful to the touch.-Violent pain in the back, worse at night. Creeping and itching formication over the whole back.-Tension and drawing between the. scapulce. Gnawing pain between the shoulders.-Stifness of the nape of the neck, -as from a cold. Stiff and paralytic nape of the neck. Spasmodic drawing in the nape of the neck, with difficulty of moving the head. Continuous paralytic pain in the nape of the neck and between the shoulders, early in the morning. Glandular swellings of the neck. Increase of the goitre. ARMs.-Violent pain in the shoulder-joint. *Feeling of pressure on the left shoulder. Lacerating in the shoulders. Pain, as from bruises, in the shoulder-joints.-The arm feels stiff. Lacerating in the upper arm. Pain, as from bruises, in the muscles of the upper arm.-Drawing pain in the elbow. Lacerating in the lower arms, 37 866 NATRUM MURIATICUM. dlown to the fingers.-Swelling of the hands, in the afternoon. Tr)e?no' of the hands, most violent in the morning. Sweauty hand1.(s. Tesi qf the hands 'is dry and parched. Dry, coid hands. Cihapped hands Bloat%,--d fingers. LEGS.-Yl the right hip, drawing a~nd pressure. *Lacerating in the hip, in the evening, after lying down. Pain as from bruises, in the left hip, when rising from a seat, going off when walking. Great heaviness of the lower limb.s. Rigid sensation in the lower limbs, when walking or sitting. Pain as from bruises in the lower limbs. The limbs suddenly gave way. Feeling of coldness of the limubs, even in the daytime. 0Blotch-like spots on the lower limbs, in leprous patients. Jerking in the muscles of the thighs, suddenly. Violent cuttingr througrh the thigh, when walkincr Painful weariness in both thighs.-Pain in the-bcnd of the knee when moving it. Pain as fromn bruises in the knee -joints.-Drawing in the leg.-Burning dr~awing on the tibia, apparently in the skin. Cramp in the calves. Redness, infla-mnatbmn; and swelling- of the left leg, with violent itchi'ng and g-nawing, and with many itching and painfully -stinging ulcers.- The feet feel heavy.-0Pressure in the tarsal-joints. *Prick. ing in the sole of the foot, Oparticularly on pressing the foot to the ground.-Throbbing and creeping in the heels, as if from an ulcer, in the evening, when in bed. *The tarsal-joint is liable to be sprained. Uneasiness in the feet. Prickling in the soles. Burning of the feet, especially the soles, when walking.-~*Swelling- of the feet, or of the soles. *Cold feet. Icy-cold feet, painful. Black ulcerated putstule on the heel. 0Chronic ulc-ers on the heel, arising from spreading blisters. Smarting as from excoriation and sorenes's between the toes. 190.-NATRUM MURIATICUM. NATR. MUR.-Common Table-Salt.-See Hahnemann's "Chronic Diseases," IV. COMPARE WITH-Aga., Amn., Ars., Bell., Calc., Caps., Carb.-a., Carb.-v, Cauist., Chain., Chin., Ign., Kali, Lyc., Merc., MVur.-ac., Nair., Nitr., Nux-v., Par., Plumb., Puls., Sabad., Sep., Spig., Squil., Staph., Suiph., Viol. -tric.-Natr. mur. is frequently suitable after Lach., Mere. ANTIDOTES.-Ars., Camph., Nitr.-spir.-Camph. is a very weak antidote against the excessive action of Natrum; frequent smelling of Spir.-nit.-dulc. relieves the effects of Nat. much better. OGENERAL SYMPTOMS.-Rheumatic affections with shorten. ing of tendons. OParalytic affections. 0Scrofulous affections. OBad effects from loss of animal fluids, also by onanismn. OBad effects NATRUM MOURIATICUM. 867 from chagrin and anger. OHysteric affections, weakness, and faint. ing fits.-oDrawing with pressure in the limbs. *Excessive liability to take cold, -producing cough and hoarseness. Dread of the open air.-Uneasiness in the body, with chilliness. All the muscles, especially those of the thighs and upper arms, are painful during motion, as if the flesh had been detached by blows.-Cramp-like sensation in the limbs, especially in the hands, as if the parts had gone to sleep. The violent nightly pains (for instance, a boil on the back) cause a suffocative arrest of breathing, and a kind of paralysis of one side, which deprives him of the use of his limbs on that side. Paroxysms of gnawing pressure, at times in the pit of the stomach, at times around the umbilicus, at times in the chest, in the evening. Violent constriction of the stomach and chest. Stitches in various places. Pain of all the limbs, as if bruised.-Violent stiffness of all the joints of the body. Jerking of the limbs. OLiability to strain or sprain joints.--Congestion of blood to the chest, stomach, and head, with coldness of the limbs. The circulation is excited by every motion of the body. Full and unddulating pulse in the whole body, even during rest, pulse intermits a few beats. The beats of the heart intermit during the siesta.-Depressed condition of the mind and body, with great appetite. After making a bodily effort, he is unable to-think, and feels indifferent. OExhaustion and pains from talking.-Nervous paroxysms. o~Heaviness. OIndolence after rising in the morning. ODread of exercise. Great bodily weakness; *feeling of weakness, -when sitting. Weakness of the wiwle body, heaviness of the feet. oHysteric languor. oAlternate languor and lightness of the limbs.-*Emaciation. CHARACTERISTIC PECULIARITIES.-The symptoms come on or are renewed or increased in a recumbent position, even in the daytime; at night she is obliged to set up in bed, in order to find relief. SKIN.-Itching over the whole body. Red spots, of the size of a pin's head, over the whole body, preceded by a feeling of heat.Rash over the whole body, with stinging sensation in the skin. Miliary eruption over the whole body.-Large and red blotches, itching violently, over the whole body and on the neck. Nettle-rash, after violent exercise. A number of boils on the body. Warts in the palm of the hand. oVariees.. SLEEP.-Yawning and stretching. *Great inclination to sleep in the daytime, -and great weariness. Total sleeplessness at night.Restless sleep.-At night: pain in the outer parts of the head. Heat in the head. Anxious feeling in the head. Stitching, aching pain in the fore part of the head. Violent pulsations in the head, 868 NATRUM MURIATICJM. with heat of the body. Bleeding at the nose. Colic every night, without diarrhoea. *1licturition -every night, also every hour. Burning at the rectum. Attack of asthma and palpitation of the heart, but without anxiousness. Drawing *pain in the back. Stitches in the nape of the neck. OTremor of the nerves. Nightmare. Erethism of the blood or violent throbbing of the arteries, without sensation of heat. Great restlessness at night, with much heat and thirst. Anxiety and heat. Talking while asleep, and restless night. Startings when asleep. *Sleep full of fanciful raving. Lewd dreams. Night-sleep disturbed by voluptuous dreams, pollutions, and long erections. Vexing and *anxious dreams, -also with weeping. Frightful dreams of murder,fire. FEVER.-*-Chilly, the whole day. OCold hands and feet. *Constant chilliness, ~and want of animal heat. OFrequent internal chilliness. Chills in the evening, when in bed.-Shuddering, with feeling of goose-flesh. Shuddering and chilliness in the back, without thirst. Chills and shuddering, with great inclination to sleep, even in the daytime. Fever shortly before dinner. Fever with headache. Violent chilliness, in the evening, followed by profuse sweat over the whole body. Fever in the afternoon, chilliness, and coldness, with much thirst, without subsequent heat.-~Fever and ague, particularly with bone-pains, pains in the back, yellow, livid complexion, headache, great debility, bitterness in the mouth, ulceration of the corners of the mouth, loss of appetite, pressure in the pit of the stomach, with painful sensitiveness to contact, quotidian or tertian type, the feve generally setting in towards morning, with chilliness, followed by heat and thirst. OIntermittent fevers, from abuse of Cinchona.0Before the fever: (chilliness) languor or headache. ODuring the chilliness. shortness of breath, yawning and drowsiness, thirst or thirstlessness. *During the heat: thirst, and a good deal of violent headache.-~ Typhoid fevers, particularly with debility, dryness of the tongue, and great thirst. Heat after the siesta, followed by shuddering until evening. Heat in the evening, with thrills of coldness and shuddering over the back, without thirst. Flashes of heat and slight sweat. *Much sweat in the daytime, ~when walking. *Profuse sweat breaks out easily, during motion, -although he is very chilly. Profuse night-sweat. Profuse *sweat, for several mornings, also having a sourish smell. MORAL SYMPTOMS.-Sad, desponding (after nettle-rash). Melancholy. *Defection of spirits. Desire to weep, with anxiety. Hypo. chondriac, tired of life. *Apprehensive for the future.-Sudden anxiety and palpitation of the heart. Joyless. Lazy, no disposition NATIRUM MURIATICUM. 869 to work. Hurriedness. Great excitation, followed by going to sleep and deadness of the limbs.-*GGreat tendency to start. *Very much out of humor, peevish, and taciturn. *Passionate vehemence. SENSORIUM,-Imbecility and absence of thought, with drowsiness. *Dificulty of thinking. Absence of mind. Awkward. *Weak memory. Loss of memory.--*Dullness of the head.-Emptiness of the head, with anguish. Weakness of the head. OWeariness of the head from mental labor.-Reeling sensation, producing obscuration of sight, when stooping. *Everything before her turned in a circle when walking. HEAD.-Headache when turning the body. Headache from sneezing and coughing. Headache, when making a violent bodily exertion. OHeadache, early in the morning when in bed, -going off after walking.--Heaviness of the head, in the morning after walking, with giddiness and dullness. Great heaviness of the head, especially when talking or reflecting. Heaviness and aching in the forehead, above both eyes.-Dull stupefying headache, early in the morning after walking, until noon. Dull headache, almost constantly, Oalso with dizziness. Dull pressing in the forehead, with gloominess.Headache with nausea.- Oppressive headache. *Pressure above the eye and in the temple, with dullness of the head. Pressure in the occiput. Aching in the forehead, and on the vertex. Hard pressure in the forehead and the temporal bones, when walking in the open air.-Pressure, and pushing headache, in the forehead. Pushing pain, as if the head would burst.-Compression of the brain on both sides, with heaviness of the head.-Contractive pain in the whole brain.Fullness in the head, pressing the eyes out. *Fine drawing and beating in the forehead, to and fro, early in the morning, when rising. --Stitches in the head. Stabbings in the occiput, as with knives. "~Stitching pain above the eyes. *Fine painful stitches in the "parietal bone and forehead. *Dull stitching pain in the parietal bone, -evening. OLacerating stitches in the whole, head.-Boring pain in the side of the head and occiput.-Throbbing pain in the forehead. Violent throbbing headache, with heat in the head and face, nausea, and vomiting.-OHammcring and beating in the head, particularly when moving.-Congestion of blood to the head, with sweat of the forehead.-Soreness of the head when touching it, as if the hair were sore.-Sensation as if a cord were tied round the head. -Itching of the hairy scalp and nape of the neck. Itching eruption on the hairy border of the nape of the neck, and the temples. *Scurf on the head. ~Pimples on the forehead. *Falling of of the hair. OFalling off of the hair of lying-in women. 870 NATRUM MURIAflCUM. E yEs. -t-Sensation as if sand were in, the eyes. Tension in the eyes, Painful pressure in the eye-lids.-$titches in the canthi.-Boring pain in the eyc.-~*Pain as fromn excoriat-ion in the eyes.-, Violent burningL of the eyes in the e veningo. *Redness and inflm aino the white of the eye, with sensation as if the eye-balls were too large and pressed. Continued ulcera'tiion and great redness of the lower eye-lids. *Lacthymation -in the open atir. *IAcrid tears in the eyes, -early in the m~ornin9g, rendering the canthi red und sore.. cOVis eons matters in the outer canthus. *Agglutination of the eye in the morning --Dry feeling in the eyes, as after long weep~iig.-Yiolent sense as of twitching- of the eyres. *Spasvnodic closling of the eye-lids. -Dim-sightedness in the morning- ýDiminess and obscurati Onf sight. *Gjau1,-e before the eyes. *Letters an'd setvng stitches become blurred when lookin g at themi. *Objeets are seen us through feathers, -particularly white objects.- Vanishingo of sight.-Only one-half of the objects is visible, the other dark. Short-sightedness. 0Diplopia. Sensation as of rain before her ey es. *Long-sighted..-k 0lneipient amaurosis.-0 Black points before her eyes, Oand streaks of ligh t. A smnall fiery point before her eye, which remzainswvh erever she looks.-She sees a fiery zig-zag appearanc~e around all things. A number of light and dark points before her eyeý. EARS.-Otalgia, behind and in the ear. *Stitches iii the ears. Drawvingr st'itches in the ear. oBeatina and throbbing in the ears.Swelling of the mentus-auditorius and discharge fro m the ear. OPurulent discharge froma the ear.-Itching, rash-like eruption behind the ear.-Deafness. *Hard hearing. *Singing or tingling ini the ears. 0iRinging. Buzzing in the ears, early, when walking. *H1ugmiing in the ears, 0also, with roaring, -early in bed,, and when sitting. Sudden rushing through the ears. Noss.-Insensibility and deadness of the inner half of the nose. *Boring pain in the nasal bones. Burning in the nose. rnternal soreness of the nose. Itching in the nostril. White pimples around the nose. Bleed-ing of the nose. QiTeicient smell. *Frequent unsuccessful, sneezing. Catarrha~l feeling, every raorning. *_Dry coryza, wwith obstruction of both nostrils. 0lDryness of the.,nose. OObstriwtion of the nose. *Fluent coryza, Owt sneezing. *Ex.. cessive fluent corylza, with loss of smiell and taste. FACE.-Livid face. Yellowish complexion, with much pain in the abdomen. Aching in the malar bones and near the ear. *Bone pain in the faice. oPain in the malar bones as from subcutaneous ulceration, when chewing. Bruised pain in the mnalar bone, especially when touching it.-Visible twitching of the zr~us~cles of the face. NATRUM MURIATICUM. 871 Swelling of the left side of the face and lips. *Pimples in the face -*Swelling of the Olip and tip of the tongue, with violent burning Eruption on the vermilion border of the lips, smarting as if exco riated. Ulcerated corner of the mouth. OBloody blisters on the inner side of Ihe upper lip, painful when touched. Dry, chapped lips. Itching, miliary eruption on the chin. JAWS AND TEETH.-The lower jaw is painful to the touch. Com. pressive pain in the articulation of the jaw. Drawing pain in the lower jaw. Lacerating in the lower jaw. Pain of the submaxillary glands, as if squeezed, contused, or swollen. OFrequent swelling of the submaxillary glands. Toothache, with swelling of the chedks. Intense toothache when drawing in air. Pain of the teeth when touching them.-Drawing toothache after a meal and at night, followed by swelling oft he cheeks.-Throbbing toothache. Throbbing and boring in the teeth.-Sore pain in the teeth. Loose teeth.Increase of the decay of the teeth.-Extreme sensitiveness of the gums to cold and warm things. Inflammation and swelling of the gums, with swelling of the cheeks. Painful swelling of the gums, readily bleeding. OScorbutic putrid inflammation of the gums.Bleeding of the gums.-Ulcer on the gums, painful day and night. oFistula-dentalis. MouTH.-Vesicles and soreness in the mouth, very painful. OPtyalism. Bloody saliva. *Vesicles on the tongue, -burning and smarting when eating. Swelling under the tongue with a stinging pain. oChronic sensation as of a hair on the tongue. Heavy tongue. THROAT.-Sore throat, as if the submaxillary glands were swollen. Sore throat, worse morning and evening. *Sore throat, as if a plug had lodged in the throat.-Spasm in the pharynx. Stinging, sometimes pinching pains in the throat. Stitches and burning in the throat, as if it were inflamed, with elongation of the uvula and impeded deglutition.- Ulcerated places in the oesophagus, with sore throat, putrid inflammation, and dark-red swelling of the gums.-#Hawking of mucus in the morning, -with expectoration of dark-green mucus. TASTE AND APPETITE.-Loss of taste. *Bitterness of the mouth. *Putrid taste -and smell in the mouth. *Sour taste. OTaste in the mouth as if fasting. Want of appetite and aversion to food. ODesire for bitter food and drink.-Freque7n feeling of hunger. *Excessive appetite. oCanine hunger, with feeling of repletion after eating but little. OConstant thirst. GAsTRIc SYMPToMs.-Before eating: great drowsiness.-After eat. ing: 0heartburn. Nausea and spasm in the chest, after eating Acidity in the mouth and dryness in the throat, after every meal. 872 NATRUM MURIATICUM. Compressive griping in the pit of the stomach after a meal. Sensa tion of pressure, with soreness in the stomach, after a meal. Pinching cutting in the abdomen after eating or drinking. Dullness of the head, aching in the forehead after a meal. Quick pulse, and palpi. tation of the heart. Anguish and oppressed breathing after a meal. Unsuccessful eructations. *Sour regurgitation of food. Heart burn, the whole day, worse in the evening.-Hiccough, for several days.-Nausea and qualmishness in the pit of the stomach *Nausea, immediately after a meal, -with heaviness of the head, and frequent bitter eructations. Nausea, with inclination to vomit accompanied with writhing and turning in the stomach. Retching with nausea and apparent exhaustion of the vital powers. ~Water. brash, with writhing about the stomach.-~Yomiting and nausea of pregnant females. OBad effects from eating sour things or bread. STOMACH.-Weigh and tightness across the parts below the pit of the stomach. Sensation as of a hard swelling in the pit of the sto. macn. OPain in the region of the stomach on pressure. OSwelling of the region of the stomach,' with pain as from subcutaneous ulceration.--Pressure in the region of the stomach, as if he had taken cold. Pressure in the stomach, extending into the chest. OPressure in the stomach with nausea and sudden sinking of strength. Aching pain below the pit of the stomach, above the umbilicus, relieved by pressure.--oCramp in the stomach, towards evening, through the night. Contractive cramp in the stomach. Colicky pain in the stomach, with nausea, early in the morning. OGriping jerks in the pit of the stomach.- Throbbing in the pit of the stomach, resembling palpitation.-Burning in the pit of the stomach, in paroxysms. HYPOCHONDRIA.--Violent aching in the region of the liver. Painful tension in the right side of the abdomen. Drawing pain in the region of the liver. *Stitches in the region of the liver, -when sitting. *Stitches in the hypochondrium, -when taking an inspiration. ABDOMEN.- Tension around the abdomen, as if from flatulence. Continual uncomfortableness and dull pain in the abdomen, as if from indigestion, characterized by periodical paroxysms of short *pressure or pinching.--Pressure in the epigastrium.-Colic, early in the morning, on waking, causing a tensive, aching pain. Contractive, labor-like pains in the abdomen, with weakness. Labor-like colic, when riding in a carriage. Labor-like drawing in -the lower part of the abdomen, extending into the thighs.-Drawing pain in the umbilical region.-Pinching in the abdomen, as if caused by worms. SCutting pain in the abdomen every day, early in the morning. Pain in the abdomen, as if every part in it would tear.--Sw-elling NATRUM MURIATICUM. 873 of the abdomen.-*Frequent distention of the abdomen, -with feeling of fullness after drinking and sense of fluctuation.-*Incarceration of flatulence. Flatulent colic, especially during motion. Fermentation in the abdomen. Rumbling. *Gurgling in the abdomen, -as in diarrhcea. Pain as from a sprain in the left groin. Protrusion of inguinal hernia. STOOL.-Unsuccessful urging to stool. *Retention of stool. Hard stool. Irregular, insufficient stool.-Frequent small stools. OChronic looseness. *Diarrhaea, like water, Oalso with colic.-Stool mixed with blood. Coagulated blood with the stool.-Cutting pain in the abdomen previous to stool.--~Burning in the rectum during and after stool.-After stool, violent unsuccessful urging.-Tenesmus of the rectum, without stool. Pressing pain in the rectum. Spasmodic constriction of the anus. OSmarting and beating in the rectum.Stitches and itching at the anus. Continuous ~burning at the anus, Herpes about the anus. *Varices of the anus, opainful, -or with stinging pain and humid. URINE. -Desire to urinate, without emission. *Frequent micturition at night, also unsuccessful desire to urinate.- Violent desire to urinate, and inability to retain the urine. *Involuntary emission of urine while walking. The urine speedily deposits a sediment looking like brick-dlust. Red sediment in the loam-colored urine. Red sand in the urine. Soreness in the urethra on touching it. Discharge of yellow pus from the urethra, with tension in the inguinal glands which are not visibly swollen. oDischarge of mucus from the ure thra. Gleet.? MALE GENITAL ORGANS.-Itching and tingling of the glans. Drawing-aching in the testicles. Itching, circumscribed, humid herpes on the scrotum.-Feeling. of weakness in the genital parts. The sexual instinct is dormant or feeble. *Excessive sexual desire. - Violent erections.-Pollution with smarting of the glans. Oimpotence. FEMALE GENITAL ORGANS.-Itching of the pudendum. Falling off of the hair.-#*The menses delay four days, ~and are scanty.ORetention of the otherwise regular menses. oDelay of the first appearance of the catamenia in young women. Primary effect, shortening of the menses; secondary, extension. * The menses appear seven days too soon. oMelancholy, vexed, and aching pains in the head before the menses.-Very *sad during the menses; anxious and fainting during the menses, with cold cheeks and much internal heat. Lacerating toothache; heaviness in the abdomen; *spasmodic pain in the hypochondrium during the menses.-Dullness and heavi. 37* 874 NATRUM MURIATICUM. ness of the head after the menses, as if from congestion of blood to the head.--7-Leucorrhca, -at night. Leucorrhea after colic, early in the morning. *Profuse leucorrhoa, also with transparent, white, thick mucus. Leucorrhoea, causing an itching in the pudendum. Greenish leucorrhcoa, especially when walking. *Acrid pain during leucorrhoea, also with yellowness of the face. LARYNX.-Scraping sensation in the larynx, rough voice. ~Huski. pess of the chest with cough. OHawking. *Cough Jrom titillation in the throat-pit, oparticularly when walking and taking deep breath. Rough, hoarse, dry, and hacking cough. *Morning-cough. *Cough after going to bed. The cough is worse at night than in the daytime. OChrQnic hacking cough. Cough, with vomiting of the ingesta. OSpasmodic suffocative cough, in the evening in bed.-Cough with retch. ing and vomiting, and expectoration of bloody saliva. Cough with expectoration, day and night. Bloody cough.-Pain in the throat and chest when coughing. *The foreheadfeels as if it would burst. CHEST.-- ~Rattling breathing. OWheezing in the evening, in bed. Hoarse, deep breathing, with pain in the abdomen. Wheezing sound in the trachea during an expiration. Asthma. Oppression when breathing, with pain in the chest. Oppression of the chest, as if constricted, with burning in the hands. Dyspncoa while performing manual labor.-Oppressive anguish in the chest, with pressure in the pit of the stomach. Aching pain in the region of the heart. Tension in the chest.--Tensive pain in the muscles of the right side of the chest. OStitches in the chest during a deep inspiration or when coughing. Frequent pleuritic stitches.-Soreness in the chest. Pain, as from bruises, of the outer parts of the chest.-Continuous pains in the heart, especially at night. Violent stitches in the heart. Darting pain in the region of the heart. Contusive pain in the region of the heart, early in the morning, in bed. Violent pressure below the heart.-*Frequent palpitation of the heart. *Palpitation of the heart from the slightest motion. *Palpitation of the heart with anguish. Fluttering motion of the heart, 0Irregularity of the beats of the heart. "*Intermitting beating of the heart. Cold feeling about the heart, "when exerting the mind.-Pain as if bruised in the outer chest, sternum, or in the left chest on stooping forward or breathing. BA.CK.-Pain in the small of the back, as if broken. *Paralytic pain in the small of the back, -most violent when raising one's self again. Weakness in the small of the back, like lumbago.--oCutting in the small of the back. OSharp drawing-down from the small of the back through the hip. Violent pulsations in the small of the back. Painful throbbing in the small of the back.--*Tension in the back NATRUM NITRICUM. 875 Tension and heat in the region of the kidneys. Bruised pain in the region of the hips and scapulca. ~Nightly pain. Drawing pain in the back from below upwards, oalso with pressure. oWeariness in the back. OTabes-dorsalis.?-oPressure in the nape of the neck. Tension in the nape of the neck, with swelling of the cervical glands. Stiffness and rigidity in the nape of the neck and across the upper part of the back. Pain in the nape of the neck, as if strained, contused, or fatigued.-~Gottre. Boils on the neck. ARMs.-~Scurfs in the axilla. Swelling of the axillary glands.Pain in. the shoulder-joint. Tension and drawing in the shoulderjoint, early in the morning, with rheumatic pain when uncovering the parts. Pain, as if bruised, sprained, or painful weariness in the shoulder-joint. *Languor, heaviness, and sinking of the arms. Bonepain as if broken. Small, red, itching vesicles on the arms. Pain, as from bruises, in the upper arm. ODigging in the upper arm. -Painful weariness of the fore-arms. OStitches in the wrist-joint. Pain, as if bruised, in the wrist-joint. Trembling of the hands. Stitches in the fingers. 0 The fingers go to sleep, with tingling. LEGs.-Tensive pain of the hip-joint, and pain to the touch. Painful cramp in the hip. Rheumatism of the hip. *Pain, as if sprained, in the hips. Paralytic feeling in the hips. *Drawing pain along the wwhole lower limb. Uneasiness in the lower limbs. Violent twitchings in the lower limbs. Heaviness of the lower limbs. Paralytic condition of the lower limbs. O~Painful contraction of the hamstrings. Compressive pain, as from weariness, in the knees and tarsal-joints. Drawing pain in the knees, when sitting. Lacerating drawing in the bends of the knees, most violent when walking. * Weakness of the knees, as if they would give way. *Red hcrpes in the bend of the knee.-Great heaviness of the legs.-The feet are painful when walking. * Ulcerative pain in the region of the malleolus. *Disagreeable burning of the feet, -when walking. Very cold feet. Pain as from a sprain in the tarsal-joint. Paralytic condition of the tarsal-joint. *Great heaviness of the feet.-~S welling of the feet. ~Herpes on the dorsuin of the foot. 191.-NATRUM NITRICUM. NATR. NIT.-Nitrate of Soda.-See "Archiv," XIII. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-Pressure and bruised feeling in the joints of the feet, toes, shoulders, and fingers. FEVER.- -Feverish shuddering over the whole body. 876 NATRUM SULPHURICUM. HEAD.-Dullness of the head, as after mental exertions. EARs.-Otalgia, apparently in the tympanum, in the evening, accompanied by warmth in the ear. FACE.-Pressure in the region of the malar bone, from without inwards. TASTE.-- Sourish taste, accompanied with sourish eructations, almost like heartburn. Coppery taste on the lips and tongue, in the forenoon. GASTRIC SYMPTOMS.-Sourish eructations. ABDoMEN.-Distended abdomen, with afeeling of heaviness. STooL.-Stool large, slow, coming out with difficulty. 192.-NATRUM SULPHURICUM. NATR. SULPH.-Sulphate of Soda.-See Hartlaub and Trinks' "Annals," III. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-Jerking in the limbs. Prickings here and there, with burning.-Great languor and exhaustion, particularly in the afternoon. Languor, weariness, and prostration, as if a severe illness would set in.-Trembling in the whole body, with spasmodic movements of the muscles, particularly on the left side of the chest. CHARACTERISTIC PECULIARITIES.-The majority of the symptoms set in during rest and disappear during motion. Amelioration in the open air. Cessation of many of the morning symptoms after dinner. SLEEP.-Drozosiness. Symptoms at night, in bed: violent headache. Starting, as if in affright, soon after falling asleep. Sleep full of dreams. FEVER.- nternal coldness, with yawning and stretching. Cold chilliness, like a shuddering, with thirst. Chilliness, particularly in the evening, also as if fever would set in. Chilliness after rising, with external coldness. MORAL SYMPToMS.-Weeping mood, indulging in sad thoughts. Low-spirited and tired of life. SENSORIUM.--Vertigo with dullness of the head. IIEAD.-Headache while reading. Heaviness of the head, with bleeding at the nose. 'Periodical attacks of pressure in the right side of the forehead.-Lacerating in the right temple, also extending to the bones of the face or to the vertex.-Boring in the occiput. Boring in the forehead.-Griping pain in the forehead. Pain in the forehead as if it would burst, immediately after a meal, fullowed by NATRUM SULPHURICUM. 877 great drowsiness. Beating pain in the head. Painful beating in the temples, in walking, with violent pain in the vertex as if ulcerated -Feeling of looseness of the brain. Sensitiveness of the scalp. EYES.-Bursting pain around the eye.-Pressure in the eyes. Burning and dryness of the eyes, with redness. The eye-balls feel hot.-Nightly agglutination, with sensitiveness to light.-Photophobia, with burning of the eyes.-Dimness of sight, from weakness of the eyes. Mistiness and moisture of the eyes, early in the morning.-Small, yellow, sparkling stars before the eyes, after blowing the nose. EARs.-Pressure in the ears from within outwards.-Ringing in the ears. NOSE.-Bleeding of the nose during the menses, particularly in the afternoon.-Coryza, with obstruction of the nose. FACE.-Pale face on waking, as after nightly revelry, with ill-humor. -Lacerating in the right side of the face, succeeded by beating on the neck. Lacerating in the malar-bone.-Frequent itching of the face. JAWS AND TEETH.-Great pain and stifness of the joint, with difficulty of opening the mouth.-Beating toothache.- The gums burn like fire. Blister on the gums, suppurating and then drying up. MOUTH.-Feeling of numbness and roughness in the mouth. Burning in the mouth as from spice. Dryness, with redness of the gums and thirst. Slimy coating of the tongue, with slimy taste in the mouth. Burning blisters at the tip of the tongue.-Burning of the palate, as if sore and raw, during the menses. Blisters on the palate, with painful sensitiveness, relieved by cold. THRoAT.-Inflammation and swelling of the tonsils and uvula, with dificulty of swallowing.-Dryness of the throat, extending to the oesophagus. APPETITE AND TASTE.-Want of appetite, with frequent yawning and thirst. Great thirst.-Absence of thirst. GASTRIC SYMPTOMs.-Constant gulping up of sour water.-Exhaust. ing hiccough. Vomiting of sour mucus, in the evening, preceded by giddiness. Great languor and burning pain in the head after the vomiting. SToMACH.-Feeling of repletion in the stomach, extending to the chest. Qualmishness, before eating. Trembling and pressure in the pit of the stomach, with want of breath.-Beating in the stomach, with nausea. HYPOCHONDRIA.-Great sensitiveness of the region of the liver, in walking, with painfulness to the touch. 878 N1CCOLUI. ABDOMEN.-Colic, as previous. to diarrhoea. Griping in the ab. domen, before breakfast. Contractive pain in the abdomen, extend. ing to the chest, with tightness of breath and subsequent diarrhoea. Pain as if bruised in the abdomen and small of the back. Pinching in the abdomen, with sensation as if the bowels were distended. Pinching, extending to the groin, succeeded by diarrhoea. STOOL AND ANUs.-Hard stool with pressure, sometimes streaked with blood. Looseness of the bowels. Half-liquid stools with tenesmus of the anus.-Diarrhaoa, preceded by pain in the groins and hypogastrium.-Constant urging to stool.-Burning at the anus.-- Itching of the anus. URINE.-Copious micturition with brick-dust sediment.-Urine with yellow-reddish sediment. MALE GENITAL ORGANS.-Itching of the scrotum.-Excited sexual instinct. FEMALE GENITAL ORGANS.-Scanty, retarded menses, with colic and costiveness. Profuse menses. Acrid corrosive menses.-Leucorrhoea. LARYNX AND TRACHEA.-Dry cough, particularly at night, with soreness of the chest and roughness of the throat. Frequent loose cough with expectoration. CHEST.-Shortness of breath when walking. Pressure on the chest, from a heavy load.-Stitches on the left side of the chest. BACK.-Pain in the small of the back, the whole night, as if ulcerated. Pain as if bruised in the small of the back.-Lacerating in the back, along the bones.-Violent pain in the nape of the neck. ARMs.-Lacerating in the upper arm.-Burning at the elbow. Trembling qf the hands.-Burning and redness on the dorsum of the hand. LEGS.-Violent pain in the hips. Burning and sore feeling in the bends of the hips.-The thighs and legs feel weary and exhausted.Great languor of the feet at night, with uneasiness. Lancinations and laceratings in the heels. 193.-NICCOLUM. NICOOL.-Niccolum Carbonicum. Carbonate of Nickcl.-See Hartlaub and Trinks' "Annals," III. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-Lacerating in various parts. Lan. guid and weary, particularly in the lower limbs. Feverish feeling of illness, as if a severe illness would set in.-Trembling of the hands and feet. NICCOLUM. 879 CHARACTERISTIC PECULIARITIES.-In the open air the symptoms appear less than in the room. SKIN.-Itching of the whole body.-Burning stinging, as from bees, here and there. SLEEP.-Yearning with drowsiness. Restless sleep at night and frequent waking.-Pains in the head and throat, with restless sleep. Constant dreams, while half awake, confused and fanciful.-On waking in the morning: heaviness of the head. FEVER.-Shuddering the whole day, commencing with yawning.Creeping chilliness, after yawning with drowsiness. Chilliness with shuddering, in the whole body.-Feverish and sick, as if a severe illness were approaching. Heat mingled with chills, accompanied with thirst and sore throat. Heat with sweat and thirst, followed by chilliness.-Anxious heat, day and night, with violent thirst. MORAL SYMPTOMS.-Oppressive anxiety with whining mood.Tremulous and timorous, with disposition to seek solitude.-ll-humor, with want of disposition to talk. Impatient, vehement. SENSORIUM.-Gloominess in the head, early in the morning, with dullness and as if intoxicated.-Vertigo with a whirling sensation in the forehead, as if nausea would come on. HEAD.-Headache after rising, increasing until noon, with pressure in the vertex and dullness. Pain as if bruised in the whole head. Pain as if the head would burst, on either side.-Heaviness of the head, early in the morning. Heaviness in the forehead, with sense of reeling. Heaviness of the head with sense of fullness, with stupefaction of the head, and pain on stooping. Lacerating in the head, becoming intolerable. Feeling of heat in the forehead, with heaviness. EYES.-Violent itching of the eyes, with redness of the lids as if ecchymozed, or inflamed.-Burning of the eyes, as from sand. BurAing of the eyes after rising from bed in the morning, with lachrymation. Burning of the margins of the lids, with sensation of swelling in the evening, and lachrymation.- Weakness of the eyes, particularly in the evening, with failure of sight and burning on exerting them in the least. Dim-sightedness, with red, sensitive eyes. EARs.-Lacerating in the ear, with toothache, or lacerating and darting, or stitches in the ear from within outwards.-Sudden deafness in the evening, with humming and whizzing in the ear. NosE.--Lacerating or bruised feeling in the root of the nose.Eruption on the nose and lip. Redness and swelling of the tip of the nose, with burning and lacerating.-Dryness of the nose.-Stoppage of the nose. FAcE.-Feeling of swelling and heaviness of the face, with lachry 880 NICCOLUM. mation. Swelling of the cheeks, with pain.-Itching of the face. Dry heipes on the cheeks. Eruption on the lips. Burning pimples on the inner side of the lower lip. JAWS AND TEETH.-Lacerating in the jaws, evening and night, succeeded by swelling oof the gums. Swelling of the gums, with febrile symptoms. MouTH.-Constant dryness of the mouth. The anterior part of the palate is painful.-Fetid smell from the mouth. THR OAT.-Sore throat from evening till morning. The whole throat is painful as if ulcerated. Stinging in the morning with violent pain during deglutition.-Constrictive sensation in the throat. Inflamma. tion of the throat, with intense pain, threatening suppuration, degluti. tion almost impeded, violent thirst, and vomiturition. APPETITE, TASTE, AND GASTRIC SYMPTOMS.-Bitter taste, also with bitter eructations.-No appetite.-Painful feeling of hunger, without appetite.-Violent thirst day and night.-Bitter and sour eructations. Violent hiccough. Sickness of the stomach, also with gulping up of sour water. STOMACH.- Feeling of emptiness in the stomach, with pain as from fasting.-Pressure as from a stone. Constriction in the stomach. ABDOMEN.-Constant colic, also with diarrhoea.-Pinching as if diarrhoea would ensue. Pinching in the whole abdomen, succeeded by diarrhoea. Pinching around the umbilicus, with urging to stool Cutting in the abdomen, succeeded by soft stool, with occasional burning at the anus. Fetid flatulence and diarrhoea. STOOL.-Constant ineffectual urging. Constipation. Diarrhoea with stinging, burning, and tenesmus.-During stool: stinging in the rectum. Violent urging.-After stool: itching of the anus Renewed but unsuccessful urging. FEMALE GENITAL ORGANS.-Menses too feeble and short. Menses too early.-Profuse leucorrhcea. Watery leucorrhoea, particularly after micturition. LARYNX AND TRACHEA.-Hoarseness in the evening or morning -Cough from tickling in the throat, in the evening. Nightly cough. CHEST.-Great shortness of breathing.-Painfulness of the inne7 chest, in the afternoon. Soreness in the chest, particularly in the afternoon, or as if cut to pieces.-Pressure on the chest, with sore pain.-Stitch in the chest, particularly on raising the trunk. BACK.-Pains in the small of the back, night and morning. Gnawing in the small of the back.-Nape of the neck: stinging and tension during motion. Pain as if sprained on raising the head. ARMs.-Itching on the shoulders. Lacerating in the arms. Heavi NITRIC AOID. 881 ness of the hands and feet, as if weary, relieved by motion.-I-acerat. ing in the fingers. LEGS.-Lacerating in the hips, extending to the toes. Itching herpes on the hips. Violent pain as from weariness in both lower limbs, with pressing towards the groins, and diarrhoea, during the menses.-Lacerating in the knee. Lacerating in the legs. 194.-NITRIC ACID. NITR. AC.-See Hahnemann's "Chronic Disseases," IV.-Duration of Action: several weeks. COMPARE WITH-ACOn.. Arn., Aur., Bell., Bry., Cal., Con., Hep.-s., Jod., Kali-carb., Kali-nitr., Lyc., Merc., Mez., Mur.-ac.,Natr.-carb., Natr.-mur., Op., Petrol., Phosph., Phosph.-ac., Puls., Rhus, Sep., Sulph., Sulph.-ac., Thuja.-Nitric-ac. is frequently suitable after: Bell., Cale., Hep.-s., Kali, Natr.-carb. and mur., Pule., Sulph., Thuja.-After Nitric-ac. are frequently suitable: Cale., Petrol., Puls., Sulph. ANTIDOTES.-Of large doses: alkalis, a saturated solution of Soap; pure Magnesia stirred in water;-of small doses: Calc.-carb., Camph., Con., Hep.-s., Mere., Mez., Petrol., Phosph., Phosph.-ac., Sulph. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-Pain in all the limbs, apparently in the bones. Cramp-like stiffness of the back and whole body. Tension in the head and whole body. General tension of the nerves, with much thirst.-Drawing pain in the periosteum of all the bones, as is felt previous to fever and ague. Drawing and tearing in the whole body. *Drawing and burning in the limbs. *Frequent drawing pains in almost every part of the body. Aching and drawing pain around the knee-joints. *Lacerating in the upper and lower limbs. -Twitchings in every part of the body.-Burning of the joints. OAfter walking the joints are painful, as if luxated. Great sensitiveness in the joints. Stitches in all the parts of the body.-Seething of the blood and languor in all the limbs. A slight motion causes palpitation of the heart and sweat. *He takes cold easily. The whole body is sensitive to the open air. Pain in the back from taking cold. OPinching and cutting in the abdomen from taking cold.-Short, but violent headache. Violent pressure above the stomach and pit of the stomach. Pain in the left scapula and the region of the kidneys.oPains when the weather changes.- *Excessive thinness. *Emacia. tion of the whole body, especially of the upper arms and thighs.Sick feeling in the whole body, with weakness of the joints and heat in the head. Feeling of great faintness the whole day. Frequent subdued trembling through the whole body. Trembling all over. Great weariness and indolence, as if exhausted and bruised.--Heavi1 882 NITRIC ACID. ness. The joints feel weak and bruised, as after long fatigue.-The limbs feel paralyzed. Want of energy of both mind and body.-. Epileptic fit. CHARACTERISTIC PECULIARITIES.-The symptoms increase towards evening, especially the drawing pain, which is felt here and there. Pains, even slight ones, affect him violently. SKIN.-Dryness of the skin.-Itching over the whole body.Pimples.-Dark freckles. Swelling of the hands and feet. SLEEP.-Drowsiness in the daytime. *Frequent waking in the night. Sleeplessness and restlessness. Un9refreshing, restless sleep. Waking in a state of restlessness, with anguish.-Violent eructations and spasm of the stomach. Violent pressure at the stomach. Restlessness and anguish in the abdomen, with heat, in the head and hands. Sleep interrupted by oppressed breathing. Wakes with a palpitation of the heart, and pulsations below the clavicle, without anguish. Stitches in the region of the heart, heat, and thirst. Lacerating in the lower limbs. Weariness of the feet. Congestion of blood to the chest and heart. Anguish, resembling palpitation of the heart, with nausea, without inclination to vomit. The head feels heavy and pressed. Oppressive anxiety, a sort of nightmare. Starting and jerking of the limbs. Anxious sleep, with moaning. Anxious dreams, with screams during sleep. *Lascivious dreams, -also strange dreams with nightmare and sweat. *Dificult anxious waking from a heavy, unrefreshing sleep. Great drowsiness after rising. FEVER.-Cold skin over the whole body, at night. Chilliness, especially in the evening. Shudderings, even in a warm room.Violent fever with chilliness, especially in the back. Quotidian fever. OAfternoon-fever, heat, and chilliness,-Feverish heat with quick pulse. Great heat in the face, in the evening, with icy-cold hands without thirst. Internal, dry heat, with thirst and feverish weakness. Great heat and no sleep, in the night. Heat, with thirst and dryness of the throat, in the night.-Unequal pulse.-Nightaweat, every other night, profuse. Night-sweat, every night, *.Fetid sweat. MORAL SYMKPTos.-*Sadness, and as if oppressed with grief. Weeping mood. Excessive melancholy and anguish.-Affright.*Anzieties, the whole day. Fits of anguish, with palpitation of the heart, arresting the breathing. Anguish, with stitches above the heart, and a sort of raving as if delirious, with coldness of the body and inclination to fall. OExcessive nervousness. Timid, with ten dency to start.---Hiopelessness, despair. Tired of life. Tndifferent, NITRIC ACID. 883 joyless. Taciturn.-.Irritable disposition.--Indisposition to work. -Changeable mood. SENSORIUM.-Great weakness of memory.-Diminished power of thinking. Dullness of the head, which is sometimes like loss of consciousness. Cloudiness and dizziness of the head. Vertigo. OVertigo, when walking and sitting. Vertigo with nausea, early in the morning; with pulsation in the head, and pressure in the middle of the brain, in the evening. HEAD.--Headache, with nausea. Headache, early in the morning when waking.-Heaviness and dullness of the head, with nausea. Heaviness in the temples, with frequent chilliness.-Feeling of fullness in the head.-Headache, with tension in the eyes, when moving them. Painful tension in the interior of the head and in the eyelids. Headache, as if the head were surrounded with a tight bandage.-Pain, as from bruises, in the occiput.-Pressure in the upper part of the head. Pressure in the head and heaviness of the limbs. Compressive pain in the forehead.-Drawing headache. Drawing pain in the right temple. Dull. OLacerating in the forehead, vertex, and sinciput.-Cutting headache.-Stitches in almost every part of the head. Stitches in the temples, particularly the right.-Shocks in the head, when stooping or lying down. Jerks in the head, in the evening.-Throbbing headache in the left side of the head. Throbbing pain in the temples. Beating headache, with nausea. Intolerably painful hammering in the head.--*Congestion of blood to the head. Pain in the head, as from congestion of blood. -Heat in the head. Constant groaning sensation in the head.Pain, as from subcutaneous ulceration, of the outer parts of the head, on touching them. Tension of the scalp. Drawing and stinging in the scalp. Numbness of the head.-Sensation about the head as of burning points or sparks. oItching of the scalp. Sourfy, humid, itching eruption. *Falling of of the hair.--Ulcerated spots on the head, humid and burning. YEs.---The eyes are weak and sore.--Pressure in the eyes, as if pressing on an ulcer. Pressure and smarting sensation in the eye.Pinching pain in the eyes.-Drawing pain in the eyes.-Stitches in the eyes.-Itching and pressure of the eyes. Smarting sensation in the eyes. Burning in the eyes and left temple.-Inflammation of the conjunctiva, Oor of the eyes, from abuse of Mere. or from syphilis. Swelling of the eye-lids. OSuppuration of the eyes.-Dark spots on the cornea.-Sensation as if the eyes were full of tears.-Frequent lachrymation. Lachrymation and itching of the eyes.-Acrid humor in the eyes. oParalysis of the upper lid. Dilatation of the pupils. 884 NITRIC ACID. ODifficulty of contracting the pupils. Photophobia.-Obscuration of the eyes, when reading. Thep sight becomes dim; objects appear dark In the open air he suddenly became as if blind and deranged. Mistiness before the eyes, when looking at a thing.-*Short-sighted, objects at a moderate distance appeared indistinct.-Gray spots before the eyes. OMuscce-volitantes. Sparks before the eyes; obscuration of sight. EARS.-Pain in.the ears, as if something would burst. Dragging pain in the ears.--Stitches in the right ear, -with pressure in the forehead.-Itching heat of the ears. Feeling of dryness in the cars, they are swollen. Redness, suppuration, and violent itching behind the ear. OSteatoma at the lobule.-- Caries of the mastoid process. -Glandular swelling behind and below the ear. *Difficulty of hearing ~from enlargement of the tonsils, particularly after abuse of Mere. Dull hearing.-Sound in the ear as if water were in it. Humming in the ears and hardness of hearing. Roaring, othrobbing, Ocracking in the ears. NOSE.- Violent itching in the nose. Smarting pain in the nose.Burning in the nose. Soreness and bleeding of the inside of the nose, with violent coryza. *Soreness and scurf in the nose. Ulce rated nostril. Itching herpes on the wings of the nose. Redness of the tip of the nose, and scurfy blisters on it. OFig-like excrescence in the nose.-~ Violent bleeding of the nose.-Disagreeable smell in the nose, oon inspiring air. OFetid smell from the nose-*Obstruction of the nose.-~Dryness of the nose.-Violent dry coryza, in the night. Yellow fetid discharge from the nose. Coryza with sore feeling of the nostrils. Coryza with dry cough and headache. Coryza with water-brash. -Violent coryza with swelling of the nose. Violentfluent coryza, with lacerating in all the limbs. FACE.-opale face. Yellowness, particularly around the eyes, with red cheeks. Feeling of great internal heat in the face, especially the eyes.-The bones of the face arc painful. Lacerating in the malar bones. Violent pain in the malar bones, as if they would be torn to pieces. Prickings in the face. Erysipelatous inflammation and swelling of the cheek, stinging., painful, with nausea and chilliness. *Black pores of the face. *Small pimples in the face, especially on the forehead. *Pimples on the hairy border of the temple:-oPustules with red broad borders and becoming scurfy. OBoth lips are chapped. Ulcerated scurfy corners of the mouth.-Pain in the jaws as if from Mere. Continuous stitch in the region of the articulation of the jaw. -Pain of the submazillary glands. Swelling of the sub. maxillary glands. NITRIC ACID. 885 TEETH.-Drawing pain in the teeth, extending to the larynx Drawing and grumbling in the teeth and jaws, at night. Lacerating in the teeth. Stitching toothache, with swelling of the cheeks *Throbbing toothache, worst in the evening when in bed.--Loose. ness of the teeth, -with pain when chewing. Sensation as if the teeth were soft and spongy. The teeth feel elongated.-Itching of the gums. White, swollen gums. Swelling of the gums. OBleeding of the gums. MoUTH.-The inner parts of the mouth feel stiff and swollen. Contractive sensation in the mouth. Ulcers in the mouth and fauces.Dry mouth, no thirst, swollen, hot lips.-Ptyalism without affection of the gums. Ptyalism and ulcers of the fauces. Bloody saliva in the morning.-Putrid smell from the mouth.--Vesicles on the tongue and its edge, with burning pain when touched. Coated tongue. THROAT.-Pressure in the throat, as from a tumor, with sore pain. -Sore throat, when swallowing, as if the throat were swollen, raw, and ulcerated.-Stinging-burning sore throat. Soreness of the pharynx. Swelling of the tonsils. o Ulcers in the throat, particularly from abuse of Mercury. Heat and dryness of the throat. Scraping sensation in the throat, as if speech were impeded. TASTE AND APPETITE.-Sour taste in the mouth. *Bitter taste in the mouth, oparticularly after eating. *Sweetish taste in the mouth. -*Great thirst continually.-OThirst attending suppuration of the lungs.-Want of appetite, especially in the morning. Aversion to everything. OInclination to eat earth, chalk, lime, &c.-Violcnt hunger. Canine hunger.-Nausea, particularly in the throat. Qualmishness in the abdomen. Vomiting, and headache above the eyes and in the parietal bones, as if the head would burst. Eructations, with hitter and sour vomiting. Heartburn with eructations.--ORepletion of the stomach. Feeling of coldness and pressure in the stomach. *Excessive languor, -especially in the knees and elbows. Much yawning. Chilliness, paleness, and coated tongue. Anxiousness. GASTRIC SYMPTOMs.-Eructations tasting of the ingesta. *Sour eructations. Bilious eructations, during a meal.-Eructations, accompanied by heartburn. Burning in the oesophagus, down to the pit of the stomach.-*Nausea, -as from excessive heat. Nausea, with anxiety and trembliug.-*Constant nausea and inclination to vomit, with heat from the pit of the stomach to the pit of the throat. -Bitter and sour vomiting. STOMACH.-Pressure in the stomach, increased by pressing on the part with the hand. Pressure in the pit of the stomach, and sudden burning, as if he would vomit blood.-Cramp-like contractive pain in the stomach.-*Stitch below the pit of the stomach. Gnawing in 886 'NITRICACD the region of the stomach. Pulsations ifl the pit of the stomach, Burningo sensation in the stomach. Coldness in the stomach. IIYPOCIRONDRIA.-Pressure and tension in the region of the liver. Stitches in the region of the liver. Jaundice, yellowness of the skin, with costiveness.-Pressure, Oalso with tension in the left hypochon, drium9. Sensation as if the spleen were swollen. Stitches in the region of the spleen, at every movement. ABDOMEN.-Aching pain in the abdomen. Contractive pain in the umbilical region. Cramp-like contraction of the abdomnen.- Drawaing pain in the abdomen, with shuddering. Drawing and griping in the umbilical region, especially when moving or bending the body.--.. *Frequent pinching in the abdomen, -without diarrhoea.,*Cutting pain in the abdomen, in the morning when in bed, -and after rising. Cutting colic, with diarrheea.-~*Stitchi-ng colic, -esp-ecially when pressing On the abdomnen.-Colic as from eold.-0Ulcerative pain in the hypogastrium.-*Etcessive~ftatuilence. Uneasiness and *rurnbling in the abdortin, -with diftrrhcea. Violent flatulent colic, early in the morning, after rising.-Excessive sensitiveness of the abdomen. -0Liability of the abdomen to take cold..--0lnguinal hernia of children.-Swelting- of the inguinal glands. *Suppurating swvelling of the ingulinal glands, -painful walking; the whole limb feels paralyzed. STOOL.-*Painless constipation. *Costiven ess, the abdomen be. came distended. Hard, scanty stool.* *Dry stool. OiDifficult, irregular stool. *Long pressing, when going to stool. Constant unsuccessful desire for stool.-0 Too frequent stool. Papescent stool. -Sensation as if diarrhoea -would come on. Diarrhoea, with nausea after dinner. Diarrhopa every other day.-Mucous diarrhoea, sometimes with colic and violent desire. Smuarting acrid stool. Bloody, dysenteric stool, with tenesmus, fever, and h ea~dache.-OColic, sonzetimes drawing, previous to stool.-Stitches,, cutting, and pressing in the rectum and anus, during stool. Profuse discharge of blood during stool. Stitches in the anus and cramp-like contraction.Unsuccessful desire, after stool. Complete exhaustion, after stool. Excessive irritation, anxiety, and general uneasiness after stool.The rectum is inactive. Pressure in the rectumn. Itching in the rect~um as from ascarides. Burning and pinching in the rectum. Varices and prickling at the anus. Swelling and burning of the var-ices of the anus. Bleeding of the varices of the anus, during stool. *Itchingr of the anuis. Soreness, smarting of the anus. URINE.,-Painl~ess su~ppression of utrinze. Pailnful urinatio-n. 0Pres. pure on the bladder.-Nightly desire to urinate, with cutting pain in NITi'MC ACIID-. 887' the abdomen. - Scanty, turbid, badly-smaelling Urine.'Enureafs. OInability to retain the urine, -also in childton.-Red sedimient in the urine. Whitish sedimient and aminiobnitcal odor of the urine. *Fetid, =sourish urine, like the urin~e of "hirses.-Bu~rnin-gr in the urethra, during mnicturition. Smarting pain in the urethrix, when urinating. Sore pain in the tip of the glans or i,n the whole urethra,, when uri nati ng.-Violent bui-ning after mic1'turýit-ion.-Cr-amp-l~ike, contractive p~ain from' the kidneys towards the bladder. Pregsure in the region of the kidneys.-The orifice of the urethra is dark-red, swollen, like a pad. Ulcer lin the urethra.-Yellowish matter 6omes out of the urethra. Discharge of blo~ody mucus from the -urethi'a 'MALE GENITAL. &RGANS.-F~requent Jich-ing of the gwd..*t& spots in the glands, becoming cove-red with scabs. 0Sycotic cond~ylo-. mata on the glans and prepuce. Deep ulcer on the, gla-A-, With elevated, lead-colored, e xtremely 'Sensitive edges. Bnttanorrhc&:, Throbbing and pressure about tho glans.-Intf7tammation and siýellhrg of the prepuce, with burning pain. Gonsiderdble swvelli'ng adnd phyrnosis -of the prepuce, without mtuch redness:; on it's ilrtrn-al sutrface and border, and in the orifice of the Vroth. ra, chancte-like, s'uppurating ulcers, with fiat edges, without inflammntation, but with. violent lancinations, inc'reasing towards evenibg n. S mall itching *Ieslle s on the prepuce.- Violent itching of the scrotvqn.-Dýý*wIrrg 'pahin- in the testicle. Swelling' of the testicle, 'painful Wh-en touch-ed., l~langing down of the scrotum. Ljace'rating in the spermatic cords, h testes being painful to the touch --*Deficient sexual desire-. Ermotions, with burning and stitches 'in the urethrA. Viole~nt e~reetions and pollut~ions. 0Too frequent noctu'rnal emissions.0 FEMALE GENITAL ORGANS.-Irritation 'wad inflammation, of 'the labia-majora and vagina. Itching of the pudetcdumn, when walkjing, with soreness. Dry burning of the genital organs. Uler in 'th-e vagina, looking as if covered with yellow pus, with burning litchibig pain.-The menses delay. Menses too early. JI-fenses troop'ofuse. 'Suppression of the menses.-During th- ge mnses: toothache. Swelling of the gums. Violent pressing in the region of the liver. Pressure in the abdomen, and pains in the small of the back. Violent pains, first labor-like; afterwards more like a pressing in the hypogastrium ex-tend'ing into the vagina. LEuOORRHCEA, co'tsisting of m iucus, fl-eshcolored. Leu 'corrhoea, of greenish 'mucus, immediately, after the maenses. Fetid leU'COrrheea. Cherry-brown, and fetid leucorrhoeA.~-i Hard knots in the mammee. 0Vanishiag of the mammoe. LARYNX AND TRAOHEA.-Stinging pDain in the larynx. Sharp Icratching sensatio'n in the larynx. 0Roughness of the chest. 888 NITRIC ACID. Hoarseness. oTracheal phthisis.?-Much cough. Titillation, with cough, and soreness in the throat. OCough only in the daytime.-. *Dry cough, -as after a cold.. *Barking cough, particularly in the evening.--~Cough with vomiting.-Mucous discharge, with cough. *-YeUlow, -bitterish expectoration. OPurulent expectoration.-- Ulcerative phthisis (using first Kali).-Cough, with bloody expectoration. Expectoration of black, coagulated blood, with cough, with discharge of similar blood from the nose.-Soreness in the chest, as if it were ulcerated. CHEST.-Feeble and slow breathing, with wheezing and rattling, or soreness in the chest.--Want of breath, palpitation of the heart, and anguish, when going up-stairs. Sudden want of breath and palpitation of the heart, when walking slowly. *Shortness of breath. *Panting, Oduring work.-Asthma, as from congestion of blood to the chest.-Pain in the chest, as if sore, at every inspiration. Oppression on the chest.-Congestion of blood to the upper part of the chest. Congestion of blood to the heart, with anguish. Seething of the blood in the heart. Palpitation of the heart, in paroxysms, with anxiety and subsequent oppression of breathing. Momentary violent palpitation of the heart, with diarrhoea. Palpitation of the heart, from some slight emotion.-Tremor of the heart, in paroxysms. BACK.-In the small of the back: pain, as if stiff. Aching pain. Pulsations.-Stiffness of the spinal column. Violent burning pain in the back. Painful tension of the muscles. oGlandular swelling -of the right side of the neck. ARMs.-Glandular nodosity in the axilla. *Painful swelling and inflammation of the axillary glands. *Pressure on the right shoulder. Aching pain on the shoulder.-Violent tension and contraction in the shoulders and arms. Drawing pain in both arms. Paralytic feeling in the arm. Languor of the arms, as after fever. Jerking and drawing in the arms and fingers.-The upper arm is painful, as if bruised. Paralytic, drawing pain in the fore-arm. Lacerating around the wrist-joint. Trembling of the hand. ORough skin. ORhagades. OCopper-colored spots in syphilitico-mercurial patients.? Itching of the hands, also with chilblains and swelling of the hands. Swelling of the fingers. OHerpes between the fingers. LEGS.-Drawing pain around the hips. Soreness between the upper parts of the lower limbs, when walking. Drawing with pressure, in both lower limbs. Pain as from bruises in the limbs. Heaviness of the lower limbs. OUneasiness of the lower limbs, in the evening. Feeling of heat, with lassitude, in the joints of the limbs. *Coldness in the right limb.-~Pain of the thighs on rising from a seat. Draw NITIOUS ACID.-NITRI SPIRITUS DULCTS. 889 ing in the thighs, and itching of the skin. Throbbing and beatings in the thighs, as if ulcerated within. Pain in both thighs, as if broken. Painful stifness of the bend of the knee. Painful contractive sensation in the knee. Pain in the knees, as if sprained. Giving way of the knees, when walking. Feeling as if the bends of the knees were swollen. OWeakness of the knees. Cold knees.-- Cramp in the calf, -towards morning: Paralytic drawing along the bones of the legs. OJerking in the calves. Paralytic pain in the leg, with excessive heaviness and lassitude during rest.-The feet are painful. oStitches in the heel on stepping. Considerable swelling of the feet. OFetid sweat of the feet.-Painful sensitiveness of the toes, soles, and corns, as if inflamed. Redness, inflammation, and swelling of one toe. Chilblains. Spreading vesicles. 195.-NITROUS ACID. [From Noack and Trinks.] SYMPTOMS.-Spasmodic motions. Delirium. Bluish face. Weakness. Dry, sharp heat in the fauces, with irritation in the stomach and chest, with sensation of constriction in the pit of the stomach. Hiccough. Yellow stools after drinking milk. Violent cough; considerable oppression of the chest, he had to sit down, the face was pale; a slight rattling was constantly heard in the chest; accompanied with frequent, not dry cough, after which an orange-colored, frothy substance was frequently expectorated.-Hard pulse, with increasing danger of sufocation; inability to talk. 196.-NITRI SPIRITUS DULCIS. [From Noack and Trinks.] During the hospital typhus of 1813, Hahnemann recommended this agent for the following symptoms: Indolence of the internal sensus communis, a sort of semi-paralysis of the mind; the patient lies quiet without sleeping or talking; he scarcely answers any question, even when urged; he appears to hear without understanding, the few words he utters are uttered with a low tone of voice, and are rational; he does not seem to feel anything, and is motionless, without being paralyzed.-Hahnemann suggests that the Spirits of Nitre, should be old enough not to redden the cork. He mixed one drop of the Spirits 38 800 NUX JUGLANS, with one ounce of water, and gave this solution within twenty-four hours, in tea-spoonful doses. (See Hahnemann's "Lesser Writings.") The Spirit of Nitre has cured the following symptoms, resulting from an abuse of common table-salt: Pale face with sunken eyes; languor; emaciation; extreme ill-humor, discouragement, disposition to quarrel and to be vehement; want of disposition to talk or work; heat in the mouth; heartburn; sour taste; loss of appetite; constant nausea and accumulation of water in the mouth; contractive sensation in the throat, and as if a plug were in the throat; sour and slimy vomiting, generally two hours after eating, followed by headache; repletion and pressure in the stomach, after eating, with contractive sensation; chilliness over the whole body, after vomiting; a good deal of chilliness in the back; lacerating in the back from above downwards; aggravation in the afternoon; irregular and scanty menses; hands covered with warts. 197.-NUX JUGLANS. NUX. JUGL.--Juglans Regia, European Walnut.-See "Hygea," XXII., Nos. 1 and 2. ANTIDOTES.4 GENERAL SYMPTOMS.--General lassitude of the body. Feeling of relaxation of the muscles. Debility. Aggravation of several of the symptoms towards evening and night. Aggravation of symptoms after meals, but rarely an alleviation of them. Improvement of symptoms by evacuation of the bowels. SKIN.-In the evening in bed, burning and itching sensation on the skin. Little pimples (acne-pustulosa) in the face, chiefly about the mouth. Small blisters in the axille, appearing suddenly with burning and itching. Red spots on the arm, with a little pimple in the middle. Large boils on the shoulder. Hard, reddish, very painful swelling on the left cheek. SLEEP.-Frequent yawning and stretching. In the evening, uneasy sleep. Many and uneasy dreams. FEvEr.-During the day, alternation of cold and heat in the body, of short duration. In the evening, cold extremities and burning face. Sudden flashes of heat. Frequent pulse with burning hands in the evening. MORAL SYMPTOMS.-Indolence of the mind. Disinclination and incapacity for work. HEAD.-Vertigo. Confusion and heaviness in the head Dull NUX JUGLANS. 891 headache until dinner-time. Pain in the forehead, particularly on jarring the head and moving the eyes.-Pain over the eyes in the forehead like a degree of vertigo. Pain and confusion in the head with burning in the eyes. EYES.-Burning in the eyes. Sensation in the eyes as if a catarrh were coming on. TEETH.-Dull, lacerating pains in hollow teeth, in the evening, aggravated by the warmth of the bed. MouTH.-White-coated tongue, in the morning on waking. APPETITE.-Mucous, bitter, disagreeable taste in the morning on waking. Very bitter taste. Great thirst. STOMACH.-Great fullness and heaviness in the stomach, relieved by eructations. Nausea, with a sensation of burning in the stomach immediately. Nausea with accumulation of saliva in the mouth. Disposition to vomit. Pressure in the stomach. ABDOMEN.--Great fullness, inflation, tension, and weight in the abdomen. Hard, tympanitic abdomen. Violent aching pains in the whole abdomen, alleviated by eructations and discharge of wind. Pressing pain in the whole left side of the abdomen, with shifting gripes in the intestines. Drawing in the intestines. STOOLS.-Constipation. Hard stools, requiring great exertion. Liquid feces. ANUS.-Burning pain and pressure in the anus. URINE.- Very frequent urination. Diminished secretion of urine. FEMALE GENITAL ORGANS.-Menstruation too soon, preceded by violently-pressing and drawing pains in the womb; the loss of blood very abundant, in blackish, and often large lumps, continuing a week. RESPIRATORY ORGANS.-In the nose, eyes, and head a sensation as if a catarrh were beginning. Increased mucous secretion in the throat, thrown up by hawking. Oppression on the chest. TRUNK.-Eruption on the back, on the shoulders, and the neck, of little red pimples. Small vesicles in the axillae, appearing suddenly with burning and itching, slightly exuding, with soreness. Great boils on the shoulder and region of the liver, suppurating violently, and painful. ARMs.-Itching on the arms in the evening in bed. Swelling and eruption with pain and itching. LEGS.-Rheumatic pain inside the knee-joint. Drawing and sen, sation of numbness in the lower part of the thigh and knee. 892a NUX MOSCHATA. 198.--N.UX MOSGHATA.NUX MOSCH.-Nutmeg.-Helbig, "1Heraclid," I.-Dusration of Action fronm eight days to three weeks. CbMPAR-E wirrs-CObn., Ign., Moseh., Nu~t-v., Op'., Puls., Sep., Sgulvbli ANTIDoTF~s.-Camph.,? Carraway. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-0Rheumatic7 pains in the limbs,, par ticularly when- occasioned by cold. 0Arthritic affections, also arthritic nodosities.? 0Seorbutic affection 's.? 0Bloody and serous discharges.? 01s said to strengthen the stomach,- particularly after sanguineous- depletions.-0) Spasmodic complaints.? 0Eclampsia; of infants..? 0S~pasmodic paroxysms and attacks of'weakness of hysteric females.?, 0 Scrofula- and atrophy..? 0Rachitis.? 0Tabes-dorsalis.? -Aching pains at small spots,. wandering, also with- digging sensa6 tion, apparently of the bones. Drawing in theý muscles of the extremities;, as. after taking. cold, more during rest. Pains in the parts, on which he is-lying.ý Diseases arising from wet and cold,.Oin complaints which. are relieved-by the application of warmth and increased by the cold open air; 0 in affections accompanied by drowsiness. and' disposition, to-faint. 0Nutmeg appears to be particularly suitable to persons with a cool, dry skin, not disposed to perspire. 0Nutmeg, is mor-e suitable to children. and. females- than to- other persons~.- General uneasiness -in.. the. muscles', with dizziness..-Pain in the- nape of the neck, bones,, and. every part of -the body, as from taking cold while- in profuse perspiration. The lower limbs. and small of the ba-ck feel. bruised and- languid.-,-Great- languor, with, partic-ular weakness, of, the knees, with drowsiness. Convulsions. SKIN.-w-Bluish. spots -on, the skin.-O Scorbutic affections.?-OChilblains.?-0Wounds.?-0Boils.?-0old ulcers. on the legs,.?OPlague.?I SLEEP.-Great drowsiness, with great inclination -to laugh. Drowsy and. dizzy, as if intoxicated. Irresistible drowsiness, particularlyafter eating. Deep sopor.-Dreaminessý, with,- drowsiness and-closing, of the eyes. Vivid dreams.-Restless-sleep at night. FEVER.-Chilliness and sensitiveness to cool air. Slight- chills- in. the evening,, with colic, pain in the small of th-e back, s-light appetite, white-coated ton gue.-0 Intermittent fevers: Oquartan,? 0tertia'n,; Ocompound tertian, with drowsiness, white tongue, rattling, bloody expectoration, slight1 thirst, even during the heat.-Increase-d circu1ation.-o Malignant fevers.? 0Typhoid fevers with putrid or colli, quative diarrhcoa.?-.0Putrid fever.? NU-X MOSCHATA. 893 MORAL SYMPrTOMS.-Whining mood, with lachrymation and burning of the eyes. Indifference.-Hypochondriac mood.-Fitful mood. SENSORIUM.-- Weakness of memory.-Absence of mind.- Grad ual vanishing of thought, in reading, with disposition to sleep. Dullness of sense, and dizzy vanishing of thoughts.-Slowness of ideas. oImbecility.?-Delirium and imbecility. Delirium with violent vertigo. --Dullness of the forehead, -as if from vapor. ~Gloominess of the head.-Reeling, with great anguish.- Vertigo: with heaviness of the head and loss of memory.-Apoplexy, reeling, and delirium.--OIs useful in all non-inflammatory affections of the brain, paralysis, and other nervous affections.?? HEAD.-Pain in the forehead.-Heaviness of the head, with oppressive dullness and feeling of swelling in the left half of the head and face, with prickling in those parts as from an electric current. Violent sensation in the forehead as if it would be pushed out.-Pressure in the head. Hot pressure in both sides of the head.-Compression of the head from behind and before.-Sensation in the head, on shaking it, as if the brain were striking against the skull, with heat in the head and pain. EYEs.-Feeling of fullness in the eyes, with sensation as if the pupils were contracted. Burning of the eyes and profuse lachrymation.-Feeling of dryness in the eyes, with dullness of the head and forehead.-Dryness of the lids with tension.- - Weakness of sight.? ~Amaurosis.?-Illusion of sight. EARS.-Pain in the ear as if a dull instrument were pushed to and fro.-Dragging pain in the ear, also sticking dragging. Stitches in the ears. NosE.-Frequent sneezing.-Stoppage, particularly of the left nostril, with tingling, sneezing. FAcE.-Blue margins around the eyes. OPale face.? Heat of the cheeks with slight redness.-Violent pain in the right malar bone.~Freckles.?-Painfulness of the skin under the chin, as if pimples would form. Pustules on the chin, with a broad red border. JAWS AND TEETH.-Drawing pain in the flesh of the right jaw. Spasmodic contraction with pressure, from both articulations forwards -Painfulness of the teeth, in the evening. Grumbling in the teeth, as if toothache would set in.-Pressure, as if the teeth were grasped to be pulled out, oor arising from damp, cold evening air, also with pain in the nape of the ntck, feeling of looseness of the teeth, and relief of the pain by warm water.- Lacerating in the teeth, oat night, with inability to close the jaws, which feel paralyzed. OSticking and lacerating in the teeth of pregnant females, with lacerating .894 NUX MOSCHATA. in the ears and temples.-Increased disposition of the gums to bleed. MOUTH.-Great feeling of dryness in the mouth, particularly at night, with slimy feeling, thirst, dryness of the nose, and mealy sensation about the palate. OAphthce.?-~Paralysis of the tongue.? THROAT.-- Kind of quinsy in children, with violent fever.?;OParalysis of the organs of deglutition.?-Scraping in the throat, particularly on swallowing, or with feeling of dryness and scraping. APPETITE AND TASTE.--Canine hunger.?-After a meal: feeling of languor. OMalaise which disappears after exercise.--*Weakness of stomach and digestive functions. The headache is apt to set in after eating, and particularly after breakfast. GASTRIC SYMPTOMS.-Eructations as from the oil of Turpentine. Scraping eructations, after every meal.- Heartburn.?? ~Hiccough.??-Nausea in the forenoon, alternating with increase of appetite. ONausea and vomiting of pregnant females.? ORetching and vomiting.? OVomiting and loathing.?? Sea-sickness.?? Asiatic cholera.?? SToMACH.--Repletion of the stomach, with tightness of breathing. ODistention of the stomach.-- Pressure at the stomach, -also with burning rising. OPressure in the pit of the stomach, as from incarcerated flatulence.--Spasm of the stomach with great weakness of that organ.??-Warmth in the stomach.-Bloatedness of the stomach, bowels, and uterus. HYPoCHONDRIA.-oStrengthens the liver and spleen.?? OObstruction of the liver or spleen.? ORelieves swelling of the liver,.with appearance of bloody stools. OFeeling of heaviness in the region of the liver.-Pressure in the liver, with diarrhoeic stools. oBiliary calculi.??-Swelling of the spleen.?? ABDOMEN.-Colic around the umbilicus, relieved by pressure.Pressure in the abdomen.-Contractive sensation in the epigastric region.-Pinching in the abdomen below the stomach, as if colic would set in.-Cutting in the epigastrium, with distention. Cutting in the middle of the abdomen.-*Distention of the abdomen, as if from Sflatulence, odepriving one of sleep at night.-~Flatulence after parturition, with labor-pains.? STOOL AND ANus.-Slow difficult stool.-Urging to stool, as if diarrhaea would set in. Empty urging, with sensation in the anus as if swollen.-Diarrhaea, early in the morning, after taking milk. Slimy diarrhoea, as from worms. Chronic diarrhoea in the case of a pregnant female. OStools look like stirred eggs, with great loss of appetite. ODiarrhoea with loss of appetite and great drowsiness. ODiar NUX MOSCIHATA. 895 rhcea from debility and taking cold.? OColliquative, putrid diarrhoea particularly in typhoid fever.? ~Various kinds of diarrhoeain young and old people.?? OLienteria and dysentery.??-Bloody stools.-- Wormaffections of children, with drowsiness and cutting in the abdomen. URINE.-Urging with scanty emission, at night. Painful dysuria -Urine diminished, saturated.-~Burning and cutting of the urine.? OStone.?? OColica-renalis.?? MALE GENITAL ORGANS.-~Spermatorrhcea.?? Deficiency of semen and weakness of the sexual powers. FEMALE GENITAL ORGANS.-Menses too late, preceded by pain in the small of the back. Menses too early, with pressing in the abdomen and drawing in the limbs.-~Various non-inflammatory uterine affections.?? OSterility.??-OThreatening miscarriage.? ~Oalse, deficient, or spasmodic labor-pains.?? OPainful bloatedness of the uterus after parturition.??? Difficult labor.?? LARYNx.--Hoarse voice.--Sudden hoarseness, on walking against the wind. Catarrh and roughness of the trachea from taking cold. -Creeping and titillation in the upper part of the chest, inducing cough, also with soreness in the trachea.-- Cough of pregnant females.? O Dry cough with interruption of breathing. OCough coming on in bed or when getting heated by working, with creeping from the chest to the throat.-Discharge of blood. ~Cough, asthma, spitting of blood, and consumption.-Painful rawness in the chest when coughing. CHEST.-ODifficulty of breathing. oWant of breath after eating. Sudden pain around the chest, in the region of the diaphragm, on drawing breath.--*Oppression of the chest, proceeding from the pit of the stomach; with difficulty of breathing, or with rush of blood to the heart.--Tightness of the chest, with constrictive pain in the muscles. -Painful feeling of weight on the chest, impeding the breatling.-- OSpasms in the chest.?-Painfulness of the fore part of the chest, in the evening, impeding the breathing.-Spasmodic stitches in the region of the heart, early in bed, with colic. OTremor of the heart.? Palpitation of the heart. OPalpitation of the heart with fainting.? BAcK.-Bruised pain in the small of the back and calves, with languor of the lower limbs. Pain near the lumbar vertebrea, as fromn blows.-o Tabes-dorsalis.?? ARMs.-Paroxysms of drawing in the arms, with frequent boring through the elbows. LEGS.-The lower limbs are painful and languid, as after a long journey.-Pain in the thighs. Drawing pain in the thighs.-Pain in the right knee, as if sprained. 896 NUX VOMICA. 199.-NUX VOMICA. NUX. V.-Strychnos Nux Vom. Vomica Nut.-See Hahnemann's "Mat. Med Pura," III. Duration of Action: from fifteen to twenty-one days. COMPARE WITH-Acon., Alum., Ambr., Am., Am.-mur., Ant.-crud., Am., Ars., Arg., Bism., Bor., Calc., Camph., Caps., Carb.-a., Carb.-v., Caust., Cham., Chin., Cocc., Coff., Colch., Con., Cupr., Cycl., Dig., Dros., Dulc., Ferr., Graph., Guaj., Hyos., Ign., Ipec., Lach., Lauroc., Lye., Magn.-p.-aret., Magn.-p.-aust, Magn.-mur., M1lerc., Mur.-ac., Natr., Natr.-mur., Nux-mos., Op., Petrol., Phosph., Plumb., Puls., Paris, Ranune., Rhod., Rheum, Rhus., Ruta, Sabad., Samb., Sep., Spig., Squil., Strain., Sulph., Tabac., Tartar, Tarax., Thuj., Valer., Viol.od.-Is frequently suitable after: Ars., Ipec., Lach., Petrol., Phosph., Sulph.After Nux are frequently suitable: Bry., Puls., Sulph. ANTIDOTES.-Of large doses: Wine, Coffee, Camphor, Opium.-Of small doses Alcohol, Bell., Camph., Cham., Coce., Coff., Op., Puls., Stram.-N-mx-v. anti dotes: Ambra., Ars., Cale., Chainm., Chin., Coce., Coff., Colch., Cupr., Dig Graph., Lach., Lye., Mere., Mosch., Opium, Petrol., Phosph., Plumb., Pul]., Stramn., Sulph., Tabae., and the poison of Orchis-morio (Mioril). GENERAL SYTMPTOMS.-Chronic ailments from the abuse of coffee, wine, or other spirituous or narcotic substances. OComplaints arising from a cold, chagrin, anger, mental exertions, from a sedentary life generally, or from watching.-~Is principally suitable to lively, sanguine, or choleric temperaments, also to individuals of a malicious, artful character, with pale, livid color, or bright-red, highlycolored face; oalso to venous constitutions disposed to hmemorrhoids, hypochondria, melancholy, and hysteria. ONux seems to be more suitable to the male than the female sex, and seems to be more usefu. to females when the menses are too early and too profuse. -~Perio dical and intermittent ailments. ORheumatic affections, particularly of the large muscles of the back, loins, chest, and small of the back OPrecursory symptoms of arthritis, and arthritic metastases. OScrofulous and lymphatic affections.,OScrofulous atrophy of infants. OCongestion of blood, particularly to the head, chest, and abdomen. OMuscular debility of infants, with difficulty of learning to walk. -*Stitches here and there, also with sore pain, or darting stitches striking through the whole body. oSticking and lacerating in the joints, worse when the weather changes, or during changeable weather. ODrawing and lacerating in the limbs, particularly at night, or with feeling of numbness of the affected parts. Lacerating and heaviness in all the limbs, with stiffness in the muscles and joints, convulsive trembling.-*Pains in all the joints, also as if bruised, and particularly during motion, also after midnight. 4Sick feeling in al! the limbs. *Bruised pain of the limbs.-Violent pain in the muscles, at every moment. Painful contractive sensation through the whole body, also NTTX OMCA 9#"r with weariness of th e lower limbs, scarcely allowing him to drag themn along.-Alm-ost every part of the body is insensible and goes to sleep. *Paralysis, particularly of the lower limbs. * Trembling of the lower limbs, =also with fluttering of the heart. Tremulousness through the whole body. OTrertbling of drunkards.-~*Stiffhess of, thc limbs, =also with jactitation, or with tension, particularly. around the knees. Diminished mobility of thie jo~ints.-*Gonvuis~ions and spasmns. 0-Epileptic spasms., with cries, bending the head backwards,vomiting, profuse sweat, thirst, and rattling, the paroxysms set in again after the least emotion. Frequent attacks of opisthotonos.. QSt. Vitus' dance, par.. ticularly of boy,%, less of girls, frequently accompanied. with sensation of numbness. Violent convulsions, with distortion of the features and general del.-ity. E xtrem ely painful muscular contractions, continuing from three or four minutes, after the lapse of which, period, they are interrupted by a violent spas*m.-Tiglitness in. th~e temples and, nape of-the neck, soon spreading over all the muscles of the trunk and limbs. Violent convulsions, du~ring which the whole body bec-ame, rigid. Painful tetanic convulsions, leaving the limbs stiff. Continual tetanic convulsions in the paralyzed, limbs, alternatinDg with violent concussions. Tetanic spasms, affecting even the. muscles of the chest and occasioning a gradually-increasing dyspn-cea. Tetanus, alternating with as-phyxia and. paralytic rela~xation of the parts.- Frightful spasm of the whole body e~very three or six minutes,. a real tetanic spasin, with bending- of the body backwards, drawing in of the muscles, of the chest, loss of consciousness, stiffness of the limbs, hardness of the muscles, as- if made, of: wood, distortion of the eyes, cherry-rednuess of the face. Sud'den, falling without loss of consciou-sness, with pale complexion, indifferent. expression of countenance, anguish, rapid alternation ofý laughing andi crying, wid-ely-opened. eyes, contraction of the pupils, unequal, superficial1 breathing, irregular., small puls~e, cool sk~in, with the fore-arms half bent, whilst the hand~s and, fingrers were convulsively moved,, with immobility and stiffness of the. lower limbs, and continued hardness, and: tetanic contraction of the- muscles of those limbs. Violent convulsions, with, subsequent stiffness and stupefaction of nll the senses. Tetanus. Alternate ophisthotonos and trismus. Asphyctic, condition. Tre mbling of the whole, hody, alternating with sudden starting up and staggering for a short time about, the, room.-0 Fainting fits after making the least exertion *Fainting after a walk in the open air.-0 Faintingy from, congestion of the head. and, chest.---r-*Grcat weariness, even after the-least motion. *Languor in all the, limnbs, -particularly after going up-stairs 0 Laziness,, and dread, of motion. 0lleavnness in, thze up~per. and i owci 38* 898 NUX VOMICA. limbs.- Sudden failing of strength.-~ Great nervous weakness, wzth excessive irritation of all the organs of sense, particularly hearing and sight.-*Excessive sensitiveness to the open air. *Great liability to take cold, even a slight current of air occasions a disagreeable sensation in the skin, colic, &c.--Emaciation. 0Atrophy and emaciation of children, particularly scrofulous children. CHARACTERISTIC PECULIARITIES.-*Many of the symptoms are aggravated or excited by coffee, wine, smoking, watching, and mental exertions, also by windy weather. * Many of the symptoms appear early in the morning (in bed or after rising),.also after dinner. In the evening (8 or 9 o'clock) the pains are increased to an intolerable degree. ONux is particularly suitable if the symptoms are worst early in the morning, particularly if the patient wake at three o'clock in the morning, and then, overwhelmed with ideas, fall again into a heavy sleep full of dreams, from which the patient wakes more weary than he was on lying down. * The pains which come on by keeping one's self confined in a room are relieved by a walk in the open air, and vice versa. Some of the pains are relieved by lying down. SKIN.-Burning itching over the whole body. Burning stinging in various parts of the body.-ORash. OBlue spots on the body, as if ecchymozed.--OBoils.-*OChilblains, with burning itching, oor also with bleeding rhagades, and pale-red swelling.-~ Ulcers with raised, pale-red edges.--OChlorosis.? *Jaundice, -with aversion to food and fainting fits.--Miliaria-alba, catarrhal cough, &c., after measles. SLEEP.-Constant disposition to sleep and yawn.--*Excessive drowsiness in the daytime, -as if the head felt stupefied. *Irresistible drowsiness after a meal. Sleeplessness until midnight, with a feeling of heat without thirst.-Symptoms at night in bed: uneasiness, particularly in the arms. OLight sleep at night, with frequent waking.-During sleep: *starting at night as in the daytime when waking. *Violent starting on going to sleep. 0Anxious, moaning babbling, early in the morning during sleep. Snuffling, whistling expirations through the nose. Anxious delirious fancies. OSoporose condition, with heavy deep sleep (in apoplexy).-*Delirious, fright-,ful visions at night. Horrid dreams.-Anxious dreams and weeping during sleep. OLewd dreams. Early in the morning in bed: Seething of the blood, with discouragement. Anxious mood. Difficult waking. Feels more weary than the evening previous. After rising: diarrhoeic stool, followed by languor, yawning, drowsiness, chilliness, dullness of the head, and, lastly, refreshing sleep. FYvER.-Convulsive stretching. Long paroxysm of incessant NUX VOMICA. 899) yawning. Headache early in the morning. The stretching and yawning are followed by spasmodic pains in the limbs, with chilliness and internal trembling. *Coldness -at night, not even yielding to the warmth of the bed. Great coldness, not even yielding to the warmth of the stove or of the bed. *Coldness of the whole body, with blue skin, particularly on the hands, and blue nails.-*Chilliness -in the evening in bed, and at night on waking, as if she could not get warm. *Chilliness, with dread of the open air, and great liability to take cold. *Shuddering and chilliness after drinking. *Shuddering and chilliness when touched by the least fresh air. Violent chilliness, with chattering of teeth. *Desire for beer during the chilliness. OChilliness when uncovering one's self, even during the hot stage. *Chilliness, with heat of the head and redness of the cheeks, oor with redness of only one cheek. OChilliness, with rush of blood to the head. OChilliness with headache. Nightly chilliness, preceded by violent drawing through the thighs and legs. OChilliness, with sticking in the side and abdomen, pains in the back and small of the back, drawing in the limbs, stretching, spasmodic yawning, and urging to lio down.-Afternoon or evening fever. External or internal heat, accompanied with chilliness and great weariness. Hot cheeks, with internal chilliness. Anxiety at night. Violent thirst.-Internal heat with a full pulse; the heat increases from hour to hour, without thirst; afterwards sleeplessness. Sensation of burning, internal heat through the whole body.-*Full pulse, during the hot stage. OPulse hard, full, and frequent. Pulse small and quick, or intermittent. Collapse of pulse, with fall consciousness. Very fetid sweats. Cold sweat.-Night-sweat. Sweat after midnight. Sour night-sweat.-Morning-sweat. MORAL S'YMPTOMS.-*Sadness. oMelancholy. Inward grief and chagrin. Taciturn. Ill-humor, with lowness of spirits.--*Anxiety. Anxiety, followed by hurried breathing, accompanied by nausea. *Hypochondriac mood. OSolicitous about one's health. * Apprehends death.--Excessive sensitiveness to external impressions. *Noise, talk, strong odors, and bright light are intolerable. *Violent palpitation of the heart after midnight, with extreme anguish. He is apprehensive, and inclines to start, the head feeling dizzy and intoxicated. *Disposed to quarrel and to feel vexed. *No desire to do any kind of work. Hysteric mood. SENSORIUM.--He is incapable of thinking correctly. *LTe fre. quently makes mistakes in speakingo.-*Insanity. oDelirium and foolish actions. ODisposition to escape from home, ORluns about in the open air, like an insane man. Giv-es wrong absurd answora 900 NUX OIA 0Mental derangemnent, occasioned by mortification, Oby excessive study, 0by su.ppression of the hoemorrhoidal flux., Oin the case of drunkards (delirium tremnens).-0M ttt~ering delirium. 0lllusions of the fancy and frightful visions.-0Loss of co 'nsciousness, stupefaction. -0 Weariness of the head from mental exertions. -0 Dullness of the head, with congestion of blood during motion, and indolence of the body. *Oog?fusion of the head, asfromn nightly revelling. *Stupefaction of the head. *Intoxication and cloudiness. 0Ailmzentsfrorn in1 -toxication and nightly revelling.-0 Chronic vertigo. * Vertigo, with obscuration of sigght 0 and whizzing of the ears. * Vertigo, witht loss of consciousness, -also with sensation as if the br-ain were turning in a circle.* Vertig-o, with balancing sensation in the brain.* Vertigo, wtscggering in walkinga, as if one would fall. *Fainting, sort of vertigo. poplexy, with loss of consciousness, soporous condition, and paralysis of the limbs, organs of deglutition, and lower jaw. HEEAD.-0lleadache. every day. ileadache early in the morning, as if he had no't slept enough. 11e adache, excited or aggravated by stormy weather; Ofrorn taking- wine or coffee; *whien coughing o, stooping; excited or aggravated by reflection; 0fromn excessive mnentak exertions; Ofroin piles;- from leading a sedentary life. 0Catarrhal and rheumatic headache. *Congestive headache. *Heinicrania, -particularly in the afternoon and evening,. with languor and weariness, 0Ot. as if from pressing a nail into the brain, Oand particularly from abuse of coffee, or in hypochondriac patients. *'Ilieadache,swith onausea and vomiting, Oalso vomiting of sour and bitter substances. Olleadache, with heat and redness of the face.-Stupefying headache, early, in bed, going off after rising. OStupefying pain, particularly in the fore part of the head.-*fleaviness in the head, early in the morning. 0Tensive aching, pain in the forehead, particularly above the eyes. *Pressure and sticking, -also particularly above the eyes, Oor aggravated in the open air, and by raising the head. *Dis. tractive sensation in the head, Owith pressure through the forehead and cyes.-Tensive headache, particularly at night or in the fore head. Crampy headache. Drawing in the head.-*Laceratzng m, the forehead. OLacerating in the head, also particularly towardo evening.-lleadache, as if the brain were cleft. Lacerating pain in the head, extending to the- root of the nose, and the upper jaw, aggra-6 -vated by walking.-0 Congestion of blood to the he-ad. 0 Congestion of blood, with heat and redness of the face; Oalso with violent paine in the forehead; 0with vertigo; Pwith fainting.-Groaning and, swashing sensation in the brain when walking and running.-Draw.ing-jerking headache, early in the morning,.ffeadache in the outer NUX VOMICA. 901l parts cf the head. *The scalp on the top of the head feels bruised when touched. Red painful pimples or blotches on the hairy scalp and in the face. Painful small tumors on the forehead. Creeping in the forehead and vertex. EYEs.-- Nightly lacerating in the eye. *Pressure on the upper eye-lids, especially early in the morning. OPressure in the eyes, on opening them and looking at the light.-~Burning and twitching of the lids. The margin of the eye-lids is painful. *Suppurating canthi. ONightly agglutination of the eyes. *Burning in the eyes, without any inflammation. *Painless sugillations in the sclerotica. *Exudation of bloodfrom the eye. Glistening staring eyes. Swelling of the eyes, the sclerotica being marked with red bands, and an aching tensive pain being experienced in the eye.-Ophthalmia of various kinds. Photophobia, Oalso of scrofulous persons. *Intolerance of the light of day, early in the morning, with obscuration of sight. Complete obscuration of sight, for a few hours, like amaurosis. Luminous vibrations out of the visual ray. Black and gray motes before the eyes, with stupefaction of the head. Presbyopia. EARS.-OPains in the ears, worse on entering the room or at night in bed. OLacerating in or behind the ear, extending to the face. Tingling hissing in the ears. *Ringing in the ears. *Roaring in the ears, -early in the morning when rising.--OOtitis.?--onflammatory swelling of the parotid glands. NosE.-Intolerable itching of the nose. Pain of the borders of the nostrils, as if sore and ulcerated. Ulceration of the anterior corners of the nostrils. ~Increased smell.-Sanguineous nasal mucus. Continued bleeding at the nose.-Discharge of an acrid humor from the nose.--Stoppage of the nose, also of one nostril only.-*Fluent coryza in the daytime, and dry coryza at night. Continued heat in the nose and frequent incipient symptoms of catarrh.-Frequent sneezing. *Dry coryza, owith inflammatory condition of the frontal cavities and headache. ODry coryza of infants.-Almost a specific for the ordinary catarrh in the inflammatory period which precedes the usual catarrh, particularly when there is a violent dullness of the head. FACE.-Earthy, yellowish complexion. o Yellowish appearance around the nose and mouth. *Pale, wretched. look, Oalso with blue margins around the eyes and with pointed nose. OSunken cheeks. ODistorted gloomy features. *Red, bloated face. ODark redness of the face. oAlternate redness and paleness. *Redness and heat ot the cheeks, Oor of one cheek only, with paleness of the other - ~Swelling on the cheek, particularly pale swelling. *Swellin.g and 902 NUX VOMICA. redness of theface.-~Lacerating in the malar bones, on one side of the face, with swelling.-Itching and creeping in the face. Formica. tion. ODryness of the lips. Ulcerated corners of the lips. Painful peeling off of the lips. JAWS AND TEETH.-Lock-jaw, with perfect consciousness. Draw. ing-lacerating pain in the jaws.-Toothache early in the morning, as if the gums were sore. *Continuous painful soreness in the teeth, aggravated by fatiguing the head, and by reflection. Constant toothache, *when walking in the open air.-Darting pain in the teeth, with sensation as if the gums were swollen. Darting pain in the teeth, pulsative, and accompanied with swelling of the gums.-Toothache after dinner.-Drawing toothache.--*Lacerating toothache; *brought on again by cold water.-Boring-gnawing toothache. *Stitching toothache, -in several teeth of either jaw.---Sticking in a hollow tooth, with drawing boring.-Looseness of the teeth. *Swelling of the gums. Swelling of the gums, with pain, with a throbbing sensation in the swelling, as if an ulcer would burst. Swelling of the gums, with drawing pain. OPutrid, bleeding swelling of the gums.-Swelling of the gums, with toothache, commencing with pressure. MOUTH.-OInflammation of the buccal cavity. oInflammatory swelling, particularly of the velum pendulum palati, and of the gums, with difficulty of swallowing and opening the mouth. oAphthce. OFetid ulcers in the mouth and fauces. 0Stomacace.-OPutrid, cadaverous smell from the mouth.-Dryness of the mouth.-Accumulation of saliva in the mouth. Bloody saliva. Spitting of blackish, coagulated blood. Slimy mouth, the gums, tongue, and palate feeling raw and sore. OTongue black and cracked, with bright red edges. ODry tongue. * White tongue. oBrownish tongue. OTongue coated with yellow or white mucus. Painful vesicles on the tongue.*Difficult speech, oalso with heaviness of the tongue. Swelling of the velum pendulum palati, Oalso with pressure and biting. Painful feeling. Sore throat, as from a swelling in the region of the palate, not perceptible while drinking. THROAT.-*Sore throat, with sensation of swelling in the pharynx. --*Sore rawness of the fauces, -only when inspiring cold air and 1uring deglutition. Sore throat during deglutition, as if the throat were raw. Burning of the fauces, as if occasioned by heartburn. Burning in the throat at night. Burning in the cesophagus up to the mouth. Scraping sensation in the throat, and in the region of the orifice of the larynx, as fromn rancid heartburn. ~Sore throat, particularly after taking cold. oCatarrhal sore throat. *Swelling of the uvula, ~also inflammatory, with stinging and pressure during and NUX VOMICA. 903 bfswezi the acts of deglutition. oSwelling of the tonsils.--Choking and constrictive sensation of the pharynx. TASTE AND APPETITE.-Sour taste in the mouth, -especially early in the morning. *Milk seems to sour upon his stomach.-Disagreeable taste and smell in the mouth and nose, almost like sulphur.-*Putrid taste low down in the pharynx.--Putrid or bitter taste early in the morning. *Food has either little or no taste to him.-Constant want of appeite, oalso with constant thirst. *Aversion to the ordinary food and drink. *Hunger, nevertheless aversion tofood. oGreat appetite, with vomiting of the ingesta.-During a meal: *heat in the head. OSweat on the forehead and hairy scalp. A kind of fainting, with nausea and flush of heat, going off when lying.-After a meal: sick feeling, *and as if he had overloaded his stomach. Pressure at the stomach, -with return of the herb-like and metallic taste. Dissatisfied and sad. *Hypochondriac; the least cause affected him. Chilliness and coldness. Heat and redness of the cheeks, *with dullness of the head. *Drowsiness. *Sudden qualmishness; afterwards attack of vertigo and fainting turns; lastly, eructations without taste or smell. *Voomiting, owith pressure in the pit of the stomach and burning in the throat.-~Ailments from tobacco.Nausea, and inclination to vomit, after drinking, in the evening. GASTRIC SYMPTOMs.-*Frequent hiccough. ORegurgitation of food while eating, with hiccough.--Frequent eructations. Bitter eructations before breakfast. *Sour eructations. OPutrid eructations.-Gulping up of a bitter-sour fluid at night.- Water-brash of drunkards.-Heartburn. *Nausea early in the morning. *Nausea. after a meal. Qualmishness after a meal, as if one would vomit. OChronic morning-sickness, with vomiting.-Palpitation of the heart, followed by inclination to vomit. Inclination to vomit immediately after a meal.-OEmpty retching, also of drunkards. Violent vomiting. *Vomiting of sour-smelling and sour-tasting mucus, towards evening, with headache around the lower portion of the skull. OTasteless vomiting. oNightly vomiting of bile. oMorning-vomiting. OVomiting after a meal, periodical. OVomiting, with cramp of the calves and feet, lock-jaw, cold feet, anguish, and trembling. OVomiting of blood, oalso of black blood, or coagulated, with colic, pressure in the forehead, and undulating motion in the chest. Gulping up of blood from the stomach. oVomiting of pregnant females. SToMAcH.-Constant pressure in the region of the heart. *The region of the stomach is very sensitive to pressure. Sick feeling in the pit of the stomach, towards evening, as if nauseated. Constant pain in the stomach. *Pressure in the stomad0 as from a stone. Aching 904 NUX VOMICA. pain in the region of the stomach, directly after a meal.--0Oppres, sion in the pit of the stomach, with excessive anguish at night. Press. ing in the epigastric region early in the morning, followed by cutting in the abdomen with continued nausea. OFeeling of fullness in the stomach and pit of the stomach, particularly after a meal. *Tension in and across the stomach, -followed by pain in the abdomen. *Cramplike pains in the stomach: *with pressure. *Contractive-cranmping pains in the stomach. *Griping-lacerating pains, particularly after a meal, or before breakfast. oCardialgia from abuse of coffee or Chamomile.--~Painful feeling of contraction in the region of the pylorus, with difficulty of swallowing the food, which appears to rise again in the oesophagus. OScirrhus and cancer of the stomach.?OChoking and gnawing in the stomach..Lacerating in the stomach. Lancinations in the pit of the stomach, also in the evening, even in bed. ORaw and sore pain in the pit of the. stomach. *Throbbing in the region of the stomach, also particularly after supper.-'*Burning in the region of the pylorus. *Burning in the pit of the stomach.OCardalgia with intense anguish.- Gastris.? HYPOuHONDrIA.- The clothes around the hypochondria and eymngas trium feel tight. *Pressure as from incarcerated flatulence under the short ribs. Contractive pain in the hypochondria.-Cramp-pai in. the left side, with qualmishness in the pit o-f the. stomach.-- The region of the liver is sensitive to contact, and does not admit of lying on it. *Throbbing in the region of the liver, -also as if there were an abscess. Tensive pressure in the region of the liver. *Stitches in that region, oalso aggravated by contact and motion. OHepatitis also chronic. oSwelling and induration of the liver, also after abuse of China. *Jaundice, -also with aversion to food and fainting turns. ABDnoME.-- Colic of pregnant females. OColic after, bathing. 0Colic from suppression of the hamorrhoidal flux. OPeriodical colic, setting in before breakfast or after a meal. *Colic as from. a cold, ".also with sensation as if diarrhoea would set in. Tensive pressure in the hypogastrium, on drawing breath, talking, or touching the part.--Cramp-like pains -in the left side of the abdomen, with qualmishness, particularly in the pit of the stomach, #Contractive colic, -particularly in the hypogastrium, or with griping and digging in the region of the uterus, attended with increased discharge, of coagulated pieces of blood. Griping and clutching in the epigastrium, going and coming. Griping and digging-up in the abdomen. Griping and pinching around the umbilicus, after cutting. OHysteric abdominal spasms.-Burning, in the region of the orifice of the stomach Burning sensation in the pit of the stomach, coming from below NUX VOMICA..905 OBurning in the abdomen.-*Distention of the abdomen, after a meal and after drinking. Excitement (seething) in the abdomen from below upward, without any heat being perceptible. *Pinching in the abdomen: ~with pressure after a meal, -as if from worms. Cutting pinching with nausea.-*Cutting in the abdomen, with desire to vomit and eructations. OCutting in the umbilical region. Cutting in the abdomen, early in the morning, preceded by pressing in the pit of the stomach, and attended with constant nausea. Cutting every morning in the hypogastrium, with inclination to vomit, disagreeable sweetish taste in the mouth, languor, and great drowsiness. Burning cutting in the epigastrium, particularly during motion.-Stitch in the side during motion. ORetarded circulation in the abdomen, also with heat, burning, and pulsations in the abdomen. Heaviness in the abdomen, as from a load.-*Bruised pain of the bowels, -also in the loins, early in bed, with nausea.-*Pain in the abdomen, as if sore and raw, also at every step. OEnteritis. OEnlargement of the abdomen of children, with glandular swellings and consumption. *Rising of flatulcnce in the abdomen. Flatulent colic after stool. The abdominal muscles feel bruised when moving or touching the parts. The abdomen is painful when touched. oPeritonitis.?Pressing towards the genital organs in the abdomen. Sensation and indications of inguinal hernia. OFrequent protrusion of inguinal hernia.-~Frequent protrusion of inguinal hernia. 01ncarcerated hernia. OFemoral hernia. 0 Umbilical hernia of infants, particularly from much crying. STooL.-*Constipation, *with rush of blood to the head. OConsti. pation, with obstructed circulation in the abdomen and affection of the porLal system. Constipation, as if from inactivity of the bowels; ofrom s-edentary habits; *as if from contraction and constriction of the bowels; ~of infants and from abuse of coffee., Constipation of pregnant fen.ales. -*Ineffectual urging to stool, also frequent ana anxiouis. *Frequent urging, with tenesmus and pressure in the anus, and cutting around the umbilicus.-OCostiveness. *Large hard feces. *Difficult stool, -also with burning. Hard and soft faeces. Diarrhoea, especially early in the morning and after dinner, dark-colored. The stool is enveloped with white mucus. Fetid diarrhoea. Discharges of thin green mucus. Colic, succeeded by discharge of dark-colored mucus, causing a smarting burning in the anal region.-*Frequent small diarrhaeic stools, corroding the anus. --*Small stools, mostly consisting of mucus, and accompanied with urging and tenesmus. OPutrid diarrhoea. OWatery diarrhoea, after a cold, also with cutting and drawing from the abdomen and small of 906 NUX VOMICA. the back to the thighs. ODysenteric diarrhoea, with discharge of bloody mucus and fbeces, cutting in the umbilical region, and tenesmus of the rectum.-Alternate -constipation and diarrhoea.--Pitch-like, bloody, shaggy stools. Stools lined with blood and mucus. oUndi. gested stools.--Previous to stool: pressing in the rectum. Griping in the epigastrium when she goes to stool.-At stools: hefeels as if something remained behind. Stool every day, but with a colicky feeling in the abdomen. *Discharge of blood, with sensation as if the rectum were contracted or constricted.-After stool: burning smarting as from piles. *Ineffectual urging. Discharge of blood from the anus. Burning and pricking at the rectum, *with hcemorrhoidal tumors at the anus. Violent aching pain in the rectum, arresting the breathing, about midnight. Painful spasmodic stricture of the anus. *Contraction and narrowing of the rectum, hindering the expulsion of stool. Creeping and titillation in the rectum and anus, as if caused by ascarides. Discharge of ascarides from the rectum. Itching of the margins of the anus, changing to a smarting and sore pain, as if caused by haemorrhoids. URINE. - Retention of urine. *Painful inefectual desire to urinate. OPainful desire to urinate, with disch'arge of the urine drop by drop, attended with burning and lacerating. OStrangury. *Nightly urging to urinate, terminating in discharge of blood and burning.-*Frequent inclination and urging, also in the afternoon. Painful emission of thick urine. Discharge of pale urine, followed by discharge of a thick, whitish, purulent matter, with violently-burning pain. OReddish urine, with brick-dust sediment.--Haemorrhage from the urethra. During micturition: *burning and lacerating pain in the neck of the bladder.-*Burning in the urethra. Itching in the urethra. OSpasmodic stricture of the urethra, with retention or difficult emission of urine. Discharge of mucus from the urethra. oGonorrhoea.? MALE GENITAL ORGANS.-Smarting itching of the glans. Itching of the scrotum. Heat in the testicles.-~ Constrictive pain in the testicles. oInflammation and swelling of both testicles, with hardxness and drawing up of the testicles, attended with sticking and spasmodic choking sensation rising into the spermatic cord. OHydrocele.?-Itehing burning in the region of the neck of the bladder. Nocturnal emission, with sexual dreams. *Emissions.without erection; afterwards languor of the lower limbs.--Continued erections, which are painful. FEMALE GENITAL ORGANS.-*Contractive uterine spasms, a griping and digging, with discharge of clots of. coagulated blood. OCongestion NUXY VOMICA. 907 of bbiod to the uterus. Metritris, with burning heat, heaviness, stick. ing, and pressure. 0Prolapsus of the uterus from straining by lift. ing, with hardness and swelling of the os-tineae. internal swelling of thte vagina, resembling a prolapsus, with a burning pain, making contact intolerable. Burning in the pudendum, with desire for an embrace. Olnifiammation of the labia. 0Varices on the labia.?? Corrosive itching eruption on the pudendum.-x*The menses appear too early, also with abdominal spasms. During the menses: nausea early in the morning, with chilliness and fainting turns. Debility in the afternoon, with headache. *Leucorrhoa, *aisofetid, tincging the linen yellow.-JIn p?ýegnanztfemnales: nausea and vomniting. 0Desire to urinate.? 0ketention of stool. 0Colic and abdominal spasms. OToothache. 0Headache.- Too violent labor-pains or after-pains. 0Filse, spasmodic labor-pains, particularly when accompanied with ineffectual. urging to stool. *Precursory symptoms of miscarriage, or disposition to miscarriage. 0.Metrorrhagia after parturition. 0Phlegmasia alba dolens of lying-in females.? 0Suppression of the lochia. 0P'uerperalfever. The nipples are painful to the touch. Pain in both nipples, as if inilk would he secreted in the breasts. 0Soreness of the nipples in lying-in females.?ý-In infants: Oophtbalmia-neonatorum. 0Dry coryza. "Hernia. OConstipation. OConvulsions. LARYNX AND TRAOHEA.-Catarrh with headache, heat in the face, chilliness, and a good deal of mucus in the throat. Dry, painful catarrlh in the larynx, -in the evening before going to bed. Catarrhal affection of the chest early in the morning. Tightness of the chest. Dry, painful catarrh, early in the morning. Scraping sensation in the chest, inducing- hawking. OGrippe.-ONux-v. is almost a specific remedy in the first stage of the ordinary bronchial catarrhs, with dry coryza and dry cough.-oConstrictive spasm of the larynx.-OBron. qhitis.-Roughness and scraping in the larynx, inducing cough. "Cough when moving the body. *Cough coming on while reading and reflecting. Cough, returning every other day with violence. *Coutgh after a meal. *Titillating cough, Oa light hacking in the daytime, worse in the evening, seldom at night, and most Violent in the morning. 0Cough with roughness, during and after measles and. rubeola. 0Short hacking, with soreness of the ehest..*-Dry cougcr from midnight until daybreak. Dry, fatiguing, continuous cough, Oalso with vomiturition and vomiting of mucus about midnight. 'Spasmodie cough with retching. 0Whooping cough.-Cough, be. coming loose in the open air. *Acrid sensation in the throat, only while coughing, and causing a pain in the pit of the stomach. Sore stitching when coughing. 0Sore and raw feeling in the throat-pit, 908 90 UX VOMICA. during cough.. *Oough, occasioning- a headache as if the skull wotuj burst. *Oough, occasioning a pain as if bruised in the epigastri 'urn. 0Cough inducing, vomiting. 0,Cough with danger of suffocation. 0Cough with discharge of blood from the nose and mouth. Ollattling of m~ucus in the chest.,CHEST.-Ffetid breath. Sour,-smelling breath.-Oppression 'of breathing, occasioning a hacking. Shortness of breath. Asthmatic, constrictive sensation througah the chest, wh~en walking or going up. stairs.-Dyspnioa morning and evening.-0 Aknxious oppression of the ch es t.-0&ýfocative fits after midnight. 0Dry spasmOodic asthmia of full-grown people. 0Asthma-ýmillari.? 9Congestive dyspnoea.-L.. 0Spasms of the chest.-Painful pressure across the chest, arrjesting the breathing. -Drawing below the left chest, with anxiety,; a sort of oppression -in the region of the heart, r~endering breathing diffcult. Drawing pain in the ribs. Burning in the chest, 'with anxiety. 0Congestion of blood to the chest.-Painful pulsative shocks in the direction of the heart. *Palpitation of the heart,..when lying down after dinner. Seething of the blood, with palpitation of the heart early in the morning. Frequent small paroxysms of palpitation of the heart. 0Palpitation of the heart, with nausea, inclination to vomit,. and heaviness in the chest.-The whole sternum feels bruised when touched. 0Rheumatic sticking in the muscles, even in the interco~stal muscle~s. 0 Rheumatism of the. muscles of the chest. Tension and pressure in the outer parts of the chest, as if oppressed by a load and as if the side were lame. Chilliness over the chest, with tensive pain. BAcK.-BPating pain in the small of -the back, with eructatious and chills. Contractive pain, in the small of the back, afterwards extending to the side. The small of thie back feels bruised, -worse durinig motion than rest. Contusive and bruised pain. in the small of the b~ack and knees.--Lacerating in the loin s.-Drawing pain, -commencing in the loins, and ascending the hack, accompanied with a paralytic stiffness. 0Drawing, extending to the shoulders. o-Rheu. matic or hoemorrhoidal pains in the loins, small of the o~k, and back.-Drawing, lacerating pain in the back. *Lacerating in the back, calso particularly in the evening. Burning lacerafting in the back. Stiffness of the back. Jlcemorrhoidal stiffness in the back. Aching pain in the dorsal vertebrae. *(Bruised pain in the back, increasing by contact or pressure, -as if ecchymozed.-Pain in the scapulae as ýf sprained.-Drawing and bruised pain between the seapulm, especially when stooping. Constrictive pain between the sea. pulae.-Pain in the articulations of the cervical vertebrae. *Draw NUX VOMICA. 909 mng pain in the nape of the neck, and as if oppressed by a load. Paroxysms of lacerating pain in the nape of the neck. AnMs.-Bruised pain in the shoulder-joint'and scapula.-Paralytic pain in the shoulder-joint, the whole arm feeling tired and heavy. Drawing pain in the head of the humerus. Rheumatic pain in the shoulder.-Itching rash on the arms. Sensation as if the arm had gone to sleep. Pain in the arm, hindering motion.-Sudden sensation of loss of strength in the arms, early in the morning. OParalysis of the arm, with tumult and shocks in the arm, as if the blood would start out of the vessels. ODrawing pain in the arm, from below upwards, with paralytic stiffness, particularly at night.-ORheumatic laming pain in the upper arm, increased by motion.-Contractive aching pain in the elbow.-Weariness of the fore-arms. Paralytic weakness of the fore-arms and hands.-Drawing pain in the hand, and afterwards in the elbow-joint. Deadness of the hands. Cold hands. Pale swelling of the hands and fingers. Itching of the finger-joints. *In a mild season of the year the fingers are red and swollen in various places, and affected with a burning-itching. Pain of the finger-joints; as after violent labor. LEGS.-*Frequent dartings from the feet to the hips. Vacillation and unsteadiness of the lower limbs. Heaviness and weariness of the lower limbs, and aching when walking. ONumbness and paralysis of the lower limbs. Coldness of the lower limbs. Frequent jerking and twitching in the flesh of the thigh, Drawing pain in the abdomen through the thighs. Paralytic drawing in the muscles of the thigh and calf, painful when walking. Painful tension in the thigh, as if too short. Pain as after great fatigue, in the flesh of the thigh, with bruised pain when touched. Boils on the thigh, causing a violent sting. ing pain. OSticking and drawing from the knee to the groin, aggra. vated by contact and motion.-Burning-itching rash on both thighs, during the menses. Tottering and giving way of the knecs. Excessive weakness of the knees. Sensation in the bends of the knees as if they were too short. Stifness and tension in the bend of the knee. Pain in the knees, as if bruised, during rest and motion. Painful swellings above the knee. *Arthritic inflammation and swelling of the knee, also with formation of nodosities. Burning-itching rash on the knee. -Spasmodic drawing in the legs.-~Bright-red swelling of the leg, with black, painful spots.-Cramp-pain in the calves. Tensive pain in the calves: Lacerating in the ankle. The feet go to sleep. Painful cramp-like contraction of the soles, when bending the legs. Burning pain in the soles. Stitches in the' soles of the feet.-*Itch ing burning of the toes as if frozen. 1 910 OLEANDER. 200.-OLEANDER. OLEAND.-Nerium Oleander, Laurel Rose.-Hahnemann's "Mat. Med.," III. COMPARE WITH-Agn., Chin., Cin., Cocc., Ign., Nux-v., Puls., Sabad., Sulph. ANTIDOTEs.-Camph., Cocc.,? Nux-v. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-Violent pressure in several parts of the body, gradually increasing and decreasing, from without inwards Cramp-pain in several parts of the limbs, for instance, in the ball of the thumb, feet, &c. Crampy pressure in several parts of the body and limbs, in the fingers and toes, as if the bones in those parts would be crushed. SKIN.-The skin of the body is very sensitive; it becomes sore, raw, and painful merely by the friction of the clothes. Swelling. Gnawing. itching over the whole body, while undressing. ~Itch-like eruptions. OHerpes. OScurfy pimples. OTension through the whole body. OPainless paralysis. ONumbness and insensibility of the whole body. -Sick feeling and weakness in the abdomen and chest. Weak, lazy, indisposed te work. Faint-hearted and sinking. Sensation of weak. ness, as if he would breathe his last every moment. All his limbs feel weak and weary; the knees are very weak. t*Fainting fits, Ogoing off after sweating. SLEEP.-Frequent yawning.-Sleeplessness.- Voluptuous dreams..Restless dreams. FEvER.-Feverish shuddering all over, without thirst or heat,.during rest and motion.-Chill all over, with cold hands and warm cheeks. Feeling of heat and chilliness of the whole body, without thirst.-The pulse varies; it is alternately frequent, rare, full, soft, small, and faint. MORAL SYMPTOMS.-Dullness of sense, out of humor. SENSORIUM.-Vertigo in the forehead, and staggering of the lower limbs, as if too weak.-Loss of consciousness.-The whole head feels obtuse. *Dullness of the mind, he is unable to think. HEAID.-Heaviness of the head. Sensation of tightness round the head, which occasions a feeling of stupefaction rather than pain.Achingpain in the brain.-Achingpain in the forehead, with pressure from within outward. Pressure in the upper bones of the skull, with sensation as if they were sore. Pain in the forehead as if would split.-Slow painful beating in the forehead, like the beating of the pulse.-Boring pain in the whole brain.-Gnawing itching over the whole hairy scalp. OScurfy eruption on the hairy pcalp. OLEANDER. 911 -caly or humid scald-head, with nightly itching and burning safter,ratching.-*-The epidermis of the hairy scalp peels of. EYES.-Dull pressure in the upper margin of the orbit, alternately icreasing and decreasing. Dilatation of the pupils, followed by ontraction.-Burning tension in both lids, even during motion.smarting in the eye.-Pressure in the eyes as from a hard body.lied swelling below the eyes, as if an eruption would break out. EARs.-Cramp-like drawing in the outer ear and underneath, as f pulled out.-Sharp aching pain in the interior of the ear. Pain )elow the ear and over the mastoid process.-Shrill, stupefying -inging in the ear. 0Hlumid, fetid spots behind the ears, with red, rough, herpatic spots in front. NOSE.-Numb feeling on the dorsum of the nose.-Stupefying dull pressure between the root of the nose and the left orbit. FACE.-Wild looks; he looks pale, the eyes are surrounded with blue margins, and the cheeks are sunken. Burning itching of the forehead.-Stupefying compression in both malar bones, as if they were seized with pincers. Pressure on the malar bone, stupefying rather than painful, extending deep into the head and the root of the nose; a tensive, stupefying, troublesome sensation. Violent aching pain in the temples. TEETH.- Constant toothache at night.- Cutting-aching pain during mastication. The molar teeth are sensitive during mastication, as if decayed.-Strange feeling in the mouth, as if all the teeth were loose, the gums of both jaws being bluish white. MoUTH.-White-coated tongue, with a feeling of dryness in the mouth, and with dry lips.-The power of speech is almost entirely lost.-A sort of burning in the oesophagus, down to the stomach. APPETITE.-Everything tastes fjat.-Great hunger and appetite. No appetite, but canine hunger.-Great thirst for cold water. GASTRIC SYMPTOMS.-Frequent, violent, and empty eructations. Aversion to everything, as if it would make him vomit, or give him a diarrhoea.-Disposition to vomit from the stomach, and accumulation of water in the mouth. The inclination to vomit is succeeded by great hunger.-Nausea, also in the mouth, as if he would vomit. -Excessive vomiting, followed by thirst. Vomiting of a yellowishgreen water of bitter taste. General sick feeling, with inclination to vomit. STOMACH.-Sensation of emptiness in the region of the pit of the stomach, with a feeling of fullness in the abdomen. *Sensation in the pit of the stomach as if he felt every beat of the heart through the whole chest. 912 OtEA'tDER. AnDonMrs.-Pricking pain below the umbilicus. Intermittent pricking in the abdomen, sometimes accompanied with indications of diarrhoea.-Pinching in the bowels.-Bowels feel as if weakened by purgatives, and as if he would be attacked with diarrhoea.-Gnaw. ing, internally, below and above the umbilicus. Painful seIisitive. ness around the umbilicus. STooL.-Ineffectual urging to stool.-Hard and difficult stool. The first portion of the faeces is diarrhoeic, the latter solid.-Scanty, thin, watery stool.-Burning at the anus between the stools. URINE.-*Frequent emission of copious urine, Oparticularly after drinking coffee.--Brownish, burning urine, with whitish sediment. LARYNx.-Titillation in the larynx, occasioned by the inspiration of air, and causing a short cough, which concusses the whole body. CHEST.-*Oppression of the chest when lying. Sensation as if the chest were oppressed by something heavy, when walking, standing, or lying, occasioning a deep and anxious inspiration. Violent palpitation of the heart. Anxiety about the heart, with trembling of the whole body. Palpitation of the heart, with anxiety. Dull drawing pain above the heart, more violent when stooping, and continuing during an inspiration.-Stitches in the chest. Tensive stitch in the middle of the chest.-The outer parts of the chest ache. BACK.-Pain as if sprained in the right side of the back.-Ten. sive pricking in the dorsal spine, when walking or standing. Violent and full, although slow pulsations of the carotids.-Dull lacerating pain in the left side of the nape of the neck and in the left scapula. ARMs.-When raising the arms very high the shoulder-joint feels painful as if sprained.-Jerking in the muscles of the arm. Itching sensation above the bend of the elbow.-Dull pressure on the fore-arm, as if occasioned by a hard blow.-Pulsative pain in the inner side of the fore-arm, near the wrist-joint. The veins of the hand are swollen, without the hand feeling hot. Intermittent, dull pressure in the palm of the hand. The hand trembles when writing. -Cramp-pain in the fingers. LEGS.-Itching vesicles on the glutei muscles. Contractive pain, when walking, as if sprained, in the glutei muscles of one limb.Weakness in the thighs and legs.-Cramp-like drawing in the knee, when bending it.-Feeling of painful weakness in the legs. Undulating drawing in the bones of the legs. Pulsative pain in the bend of the knee.-0OBuzzing sensation in the legs and feet, particularly the soles. OConstant coldness of the feet. OParalysis of the feet and legs. OLEUM ANIMALE. 913 201.-OLEUM ANIMALE. OL. AN.-Oleum Animale XEthereum; Oleum Animale Dippelii-See Hartlaub and Trinks' "Mat. Med." II. COMPARE WITH-Anac., Arn, Cocc., Ign, Nux-v., Op., Phosph., Rhus, Zinc ANTIDOTEs.-Camph., Nux-v., Op. GENERAL SYMPTOMS. -- Cramp-like drawing in different parts.-Feeling of stifness, particularly in the lower limbs, when walking. Lameness of the left arm and lower limb. Unsteadiness of the body and shuffling gait.- Weariness, with heaviness in the whole body. Weariness of the lower limbs, with burning of the soles, worse in the afternoon when sitting than when walking.Languor, with indolence and constant inclination to sit, after dinner. Languor, with pulsations in the extremities. Great feeling of sickness in the whole body, with sadness and drowsiness. General malaise and prostration after a meal. Great languor and weariness, with trembling of the arms.- Weakness of the whole body, with tremulousness and lachrymation in the forenoon. Weakness of the lower limbs, with trembling of the knees when standing. Weakness of the knees, with stitches in the knees and unsteadiness when standing.-Fainting turn. SKIN.-Itching of the whole body. Itching pimple in the bend of the elbow. Vesicles on the cheek with itching sensation. SLEEP.-Frequent yawning without drowsiness. Yawning and stretching with drowsiness. Restless sleep with erections. Dreams. FEVER.-During the whole forenoon he feels rather cold, without being chilly.-Chilliness over the whole body, early after rising. Shuddering over the hairy scalp.-Frequent chills.-Thirst before the chilliness.-Alternation of chills, with chattering of the teeth, and heat, in the evening, without thirst and sweat.-Dry, prickling heat, particularly in the face. MORAL SYMPTOMs.-Sadness. Taciturn and thoughtful, as if overwhelmed with grief. Ill-humor and peevishness. SENSORIUM.-Frequent vanishing of thought. Absorbed in thought. Great absence of mind. Frequent attacks of loss of sense, with vanishing of hearing and sight.-Dullness of the head, as after a cold, with dullness of the ears and rheumatic drawing in the cheeks. Stupefying dullness of the head. Painful dizziness, early in the morning, in bed. Painful sensation as of reeling. Giddiness and reeling sensation. 39 914 OLEUM ANIMALE. HEAD.-Pressure in the forehead. Lacerating in the temples.G-nawing in the occiput.-Slow pulsative beating in the right side of the head.-Sensation, upon entering a room, as if the blood were rushing to the occiput.-- eat in the head.-Tension about the occiput. Lacerating in different parts of the hairy scalp, followed by tension with sore pain as if the skin had been cut. EYES.-.*Pressure in the eyes, -with cutting and lachrymatior OPressure as from a grain of sand, particularly in the wind, with photophobia.-Drawing through the eye-balls. Stinging smarting, as from electric sparks.-Burning in the eye, with lachrymation or dim-sightedness.-- nflammation of the inner surface of the lids.Lachrymation and dimness of the eyes, with burning of the canthi and smarting of the lids.-Quivering of the lids, also spasmodic.Dim-sightedness, also with drowsiness. Mistiness of sight, with shining points before the eyes. EARS.-Sticking in the ears. Boring in the ears, with dryness of the throat. Lacerating in the ears.-Itching in the ears.-Humming in the ears, increased by loud noise. NosE.-Tickling in the nose. Itching in the nostrils. Pimples on the septum, with burning and oozing.-Dryness in the nose.Coryza with sneezing. Dry coryza. FACE. -Pale earthy complexion.-Drawing in the face, particularly in the mastoid process, in the evening, or in the malar bones, as if they would be raised by force. Cramp-pain in the cheek. Tingling in the face. Burning in the face.-Itching pimples and vesicles on the cheeks.-Chapped lips. JAWS AND TEETH.-Creeping and quivering in the lower jaw. Cramp in the lower jaw. Swelling of the right lower jaw, with tension.-Lacerating in the teeth, proceeding from the ear. MOUTH.-Dryness in the mouth and throat. Greasy feeling in the mouth and palate.-Itching burning of the tip of the tongue. THROAT.-Choking and constriction of the throat, particularly morning and evening. Inflammation of the throat.--Burning in the throat, also coming up from the wsophagus.-Parched feeling of the throat. Dryness with sour taste in the moth.--Roughness in the throat, also with scraping and dryness. APPETITE AND TASTE.-Sour taste in the mouth.-Diminished appetite.- Thirst. GASTRIC SYMPTOMS.-Frequent empty eructations. Nauseating eructations. Burning eructations.-G'dpi'ng up of tasteless water. -Loathing with inclination to vomit.-N, usea with sensitiveness of the stomach. Nausea with contractive pain of the bowels.-Con OLEUM ANIMALE. 915 stant inclination to vomit, with paleness of face. Sudden urging to vomit. STOMACH. - Painfulness of the stomach when pressing on it. Bruised pain about the stomach, with pain or pressure.-Sensation in the stomach as when fasting.-Pressure in the pit of the stomach. -Contractive and constrictive sensation in the stomach. Sensation as if something were turning about in the stomach, with urging to vomit. Feeling of coldness in the stomach. Burning and heat, from the stomach to the chest, or attended with general malaise. HYPOCHONDRIA.-Dull stitches in the region of the liver, during a walk in the open air. Pressure with sticking in the region of the liver and spleen. ABDoMEN.-Pinching in the abdomen, with grumbling. Cutting colic a few minutes before stool. Cutting motion from the abdomen to the chest. Cutting pains in the whole abdomen. Distention, with painfulness of the bowels, as in obstinate costiveness, during every motion of the trunk. Great fullness of the abdomen, in the evening, with feeling as if bloated. Gurgling, as if diarrhoea would set in, after dinner.-Drawing from the groin into the testicles. STooL.-Difficult stool, after long urging.-Papescent stools, even preceded by anxious pressing. - Diarrhaic stools, in the evening.After stool: burning at the anus, or pressing. Early in the morning the bowels feel bruised.-In the anus: burning. Stinging. Tingling. URINE.-A good deal of urging to urinate, with discharge of only a few drops.-~Thin stream.-Greenish urine. Dense, flocculent sediment in the urine, which is less pale after dinner.-Itching in the urethra. Burning during micturition. MALE GENITAL ORGANS.-Itching of the penis. Lancinating pain in the penis.-Swelling, at times of one, at times of another testicle, with pain on contact. Both testicles are drawn up and painful.Pressing in the prostrate gland.-Nocturnal erections and emissions. FEMALE GENITAL ORGANS.-Menses too early, preceded and accompanied by colic.-Scanty menses, black blood, and languor of the hands and feet.-Leucorrhlea, consisting of thin white mucus.Sticking and lacerating in the mamme. LARYNx.-Hoarseness, with inability to talk loud. Roughness in the throat inducing a hacking. Cough with irritation. Frequent dry hacking. CHEST.-Painful contraction in the middle of the chest.-Pressure on the chest, penetrating through the chest to the shoulders.-The whole chest feels painful as if bruised.-Violent darting in the chest. 916 OLEUM JECORIS MORRHUX. Cutting through the chest, in the evening.-Rushes of blood to the chest, with dry heat of the face. Anxiety in the chest, with shud. dering.-Pressure or crushing sensation about the heart. BACK.-Pain in the small of the back, worse when sitting, Pressure in the small of the back. Pain as if sprained, particularly on stooping. Beating and pressure in the sacrum. Rheumatic pains, also in the scapule and axillce. AnMs.-Rheumatic pain in the shoulder.-Lacerating in the upper arm.-Dull pain in the elbow, particularly during motion.-Violent lacerating along the arm to the wrist-joint and fingers.-Intensely. painful drawing in the hands.--Lacerating in all the fingers, in the direction of the dorsum of the hand. Drawing and digging in the thumb, as if it would ulcerate. LEGS.-Drawing pain in the thigh, increased by motion. Bruised pain in the thighs, arms, and back. Lacerating in the thighs, above the knee. Tension in the bend of the knee, as if the muscles were too short. Painful stiffness in the knees, in walking. Lacerating in the knee, with ulcerative pain. Lacerating-drawing pain in the knees, shoulder, upper-arm, and side of the chest. Sticking in the knee.-Sticking in the sole of the foot. Cramp in the toes. 202.-OLETJM JECORIS MORRHUZE. OL. JEC.-Oleum Jecinoris or Jecoris Aselli, Cod-liver Oil. The following symptoms are taken from Dr. Bennett's work, published in 1841: "(Nausea. Vomiting. Loss of appetite. Loaded tongue. Incontinence of urine; urine with bricky sediment. Increase of the menstrual evacuation. Increased diaphoresis. Perspiration preceded by heat. Coldness of the body. Eruption of small red spots with itching. Chronic.gout and rheumatism of elderly persons, with rigidity of the muscles and tendons, and the joints nearly inflexible. Rheumatism characterized by atrophy. Loss of sleep. Loss of vital power" Contraction of the muscles. Erratic pain in the joints with cedcma. Rachitis. Scrofulous diseases of the joints. Caries. Tabes-mesenterica. Malacasteon. Phthisis. Hectic fever, with noc' turnal aggravations. Rheumatic pains in the sacrum and shoulder. Haemoptysis. frritating cough."-ED. This drug has not yet been proved; the following pathogenetic effects have been sent to us by Dr. Neidhard, of Philadelphia. SuN.-Redness of the skin over the whole body, at night, in bed, ONISCUS ASELLUS.,-orrnIOTOXICON7 917 with much itching, disappearing in the morning. The ulcers (soro. fulous) begin to discharge a large quantity of mucus. SLEEP.-Very vivid dreams. EyEs.-The sight improves every day. 0She sees clearer and better. Nosu@.-,--Profuse discharge from the nose URINE.-,-Very brown and thick, with a strong smell of the oil. GENITAL ORGANs.-The testicles become small and the scrotum hangs down loosely. Diminution of irritability of the genital system. STOOLS.-Several loose evacuations daily. Every morning, during the evacuation of the bowels, an abund-an-t secretion of mucus from the urethra, with burning pain. ARMS AND LEGS.-Pains in the bones of the left arm.-Rheumatic Pains in the knees and arms. Pain in the knee, particularly around the patella, increased on pressure., and sensation of heat on touching. 203.-ONISCUS ASELLUS. ONIS. AS.-Wood Louse, Milliped.-"1Archiv," IV., 1. The symptoms marked (w) arc from three of those Lice, taken ia a glass of brandy previous to a paroxysm.~ of fever. Dull heaviness of the head. Painful pressure above the eye-brows near the edge of the nose.-Borincr pain behind the right ear, in the region of the mastoid process, with stronger beating of the arteries. -.-Pale, sunken, troubled countenance (w).-Spasm. in the back -part of the palate, as if it would close.-Thirst.-Nausea, followed by constant pressure at *the cardiac orifice. Incessant vomiting.-Vio. lent colic with distention of the abdomen (w). Sudden urging to stool, with thin stool (w). Painful urging to stool and urine, with retention of both (w).-Burning cutting in the urethra, with- unceasing tossing about (w).-Burning pain at the anus.-Erections and indisposition to. work.-Hawking, up of mucus streaked with blood. 204.-OPHIOTOXICON. a OPHIOTOX.-Poison of Serpents.-See.IHering's I'Treatise on the Poison of Serpents. "-The following symptoins include those from the Naja-lripudiqan, marked (N.), and from Brazil Snakes, marked (B.) GENERAL SYMPTOMS. Par-alysis of the Ziinrs. Chronic 918 OPHITOXLCON. paralysis, also particularly of the lower limbs. Apoplexy. oThe flesh of serpents is a popular remedy for paralysis in Brazil.-Cachece tic condition.-Languor and difficulty of motion. QChronic debility. Irresistible weariness (B.) Physical and mental prostration.Fainting turns (also N.), preceded by nausea and accompanied by vomiting, vertigo, obscuration of sight, loss of sensibility, difficulty of swallowing, and loss of all the senses. Fainting, with spasms of the back (N.) Loss of sensibility, as if dead, also with lock-jaw (N.), Loss of sight and hearing, with inability to swallow (N.) Insensibility and prostration, with vomiting. Rigidity of the body, like that of a corpse, with loss of muscular power and vanishing of the senses and pulse.-Trembling of the whole body.-OThe bile of serpents is a popular remedy for epilepsy. Distortion of the limbs and subsultus-tendinum. Complete rigidity, with entire consciousness.-The poison of serpents generally occasions.: local swelling, with discharge, first of blood, then of an oily substance, and lastly of pus and slaver. Frightful pains, moving to and fro. Difficulty of breathing, with-great heat, fever, and burning, colored urine. Headstrongness and imbecility. Vertigo and bleeding at the nose. Cold sweats, entire prostration of strength, and apoplexy. SKIN, &c.---Itch-like eruptions.- Yellow color of the skin. Jaundice. Erysipelas. Small vesicles, or spreading blisters, round the wound. Blisters, also black blisters, on the skin. Blisters as from heat, with burning of the skin.-Pale, hard swelling. Swelling of the glands and lymphatic vessels, in the neighborhood of the wound. Swelling of the whole body, particularly the abdomen. Swelling with lethargy. OThe bezoary of the snake is a popular remedy for dropsy. Large tumors and swellings on the body, particularly in the joints.- Ulcers. -Gangrene of the bitten spot, with an ulcer of large circumference. Purple-redness, with blueness and blackness of the bitten arm, accompanied with violent vomiting, and excited, hard pulse.-In the wound: stinging, also in the whole limb, or violent sticking, with bleeding.- The blood rushes out of the wound like a jet. The blood is at first red, then black and badly-colored. Venous blood is discharged from the closed wound. Discharge of purulent blood and lymphatic fluid. A bloody froth presses out of every orifice of the body. Symptoms of decomposition of the blood. SLEEP.-Great inclination t@ sleep. Lethargy with loss of consciousness. Lethargy, with swelling and gangrene of the part, vomiting, convulsions, and pain about the heart.-Moaning and thirst during sleep. FEVER.-Coldness of the skin, with feeble pulse, or with loss of OPHITOXICON 919 sensibility. Coldness of the limbs.-Pulse small and irregular. Pulse quick and scarcely perceptible Pulse collapsing, with consciousness. Pulse quick and feverish. Pulse animated and hard, with insensibility and swelling of thd arm.- Violent fever and great heat, with malaise, headache, nausea, and inflammation of the wound. Violent acute fever, with delirium, attended with swelling.-Cold sweats, also very copious, local, or general. Sweats that afford relief MORAL SYMPTOMS. -Intolerable, oppressive anxiety. Anguish, with dread of death, or with thirst. -Restlessness. Nervous irritation, with crying on hearing the least noise. The pains are intolerable. SENSORIUM.- Imbecility.-- Sudden stupefaction. Stupefaction, with loss of sense, irregular motions of the limbs, cold, clammy sweat, and small, slow, almost imperceptible pulse. Stupefaction with loss of sight; with foam at the mouth. Loss of consciousness.-Intoxication. HEAD.-Aching pains in the frontal cavities and eyes.-Heaviness and fullness of the head.-Congestion of blood to the head, with violent acute fever.-Swelling of the head. Falling off of the hair. EYES.-Redness of the conjunctiva, with excessive drowsiness, heavy, languid appearance around the eyes. Protruded eyes. Dim eyes, without lustre.-~The fat of serpents is said to be good for pellicles on the eye.-Obscuration of sight and loss of sensibility. Failure of sight. Blindness. EARS.-Insensibility of hearing and sight. Hoemorrhage from the ears. NOSE.-Bleeding fron the nose, and from every orifice of the body. Bleeding from the nose, with vertigo. FACE.-Cadaverous features. Expression of anxiety in the face, with stupefaction. Distortion and twitchings of the facial muscles. Paleness of the face. Bloatedness of the face, with prostration and heavy breathing. Feeling of tension around the eyes, mouth, and nose, with bloatedness and formication of those parts. The face is red and swollen.-Swelling of the lips.-Lock-jaw, with loss of consciousness and intermittent breathing (N.) MOUTr.-Inflammation of the inner mouth. Haemorrhage from the mouth. Foam at the mouth (N.) Constant urging to discharge a frothy mucus from the mouth, with stupefaction, insensibility, and diffieult breathing. Violent ptyalism. Accumulation of mucus in the mouth as soon as he introduces anything into his mouth, attended with suffocative fits.-Thick white coating of the tongue. Tongue coated yellow, black, or trembling. Spasmodic stretching of the 920 OPIUM. tongue, with difficulty of drawing it back (N.)-The voice is becom. ing extinct. THROAT.-Paralysis of the oesophagus, in animals (N.) Difficulty of swallowing, also with spasms of the back (N.) Violent spasm of the oesophagus, preventing dcglutition.-Hydrophobia (B.) APPETITE AND GASTRIC SYMPTOMS.--Raging thirst.-Hiccough.Nausea, also with fainting (N.) Nausea and bilious vomiting. Nausea and diarrhoea. Nausea with coldness of the whole body. Vomiting. Spasmodic bilious vomiting, also with great bitterness. Vomiting, with paralysis; with insensibility and stupefaction; with swelling. STOMACH AND ABDOMEN.-Pains in the stomach, with anguish and vomiting; with haemorrhage, diarrhoea, difficulty of breathing, and paralysis.-Excessive colic in the umbilical region. STOOL AND URINE.-Bilious diarrhoea. Colic, with hasmorrhage from the anus, bladders, ears, mouth, and nose.-Difficulty of urinating. Paralysis of the bladder. Burning, colored urine. Urine with brick-dust sediment. LARYNX AND CHEST.-Offensive breath. Dificulty of breathing, with vomiting and diarrhcea. Sufficating fits in a child, whenever anything was put into his mouth, attended with accumulation of mucus (N.) Constant gasping for breath, with languor (N.) Difficult, slow breathing, with slow circulation (N.) Spasmodic breathing, with dim eyes, and other unfavorable symptoms; afterwards profuse sweat. Painful breathing (N.), also with stupefaction and anguish. Oppression of the chest.-Pain in the chest.-Beats of the heart small and trembling. OAffections of the heart.? Dropsy of the pericardium.? 0 Enlargement of the heart.? BAcK.-Spasms of the dorsal muscles.-Paralysis of the lower limbs. OBandaging the leg with the skin of a serpent is said to remove cramp of the calf. Hard blue-red swelling from the tip of the toe to the knee, with pain about the malleolus. Swelling of the legs, with holes. Icy-cold feet. 205.-OPIUM OP.-Papaver Somniferum.-Hahnemann's "Mat. Med. Pura," IV.-Duration of Action: from a few hours to months. COMPARE WITH--Acon., Bell., Bry., Camph., Cann., Chin., Chan., Cic., Coff., Colch., Con.-m., Croc., Dig., Hep.-s., Hyos., Ipec., Lach., Lact., Menyan., Mere., Mosch., Nitr.-ac., Nux-v., Phosph, Phosph.-ac., Plumb., Puls., Ruta, Stram., Tart., Verat. ANTIDOTES.-Of large doses: very strong Coffee, also by injection (Hahuemann). -Coffee with Lemon-juice or Vinegar (Carminati, Murrav).-Vegetable acids, OPIUM. 921 according to Qrfila, increase the effects of Opium-as long as it has not been removed from the stomach.-Camphor, Ether, Ammonium, Natrum (Ackerley).-Cold effusions of the body (Kopeland, Johnes).-Emetics (Sprague).Ipecacuanha.-Asa-fcetida (Monro).-Warm baths.-Of small doses: Bell., Camph., Coff., Hyos., Ipec., Mere., Nux-v., Strychnine, Plumb., Stram., Vinum.-Opium antidotes: Lach., Mere., Nux-v., Strychnine, Plumb., Stram. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-O Opium seems to be useful only in recent cases. OAfections from abuse of liquor. OAilments of old people. OBad efects from fright and fear, or also from sudden joy. oApparent death.?-*Diminished sensibility, -succeeded by diminution of irritability..Nimbness and insensibility of the limbs, with coldness of the limbs. oGeneral insensibility of the nervous system, and deficiency of reaction after taking certain medicines. QPainlessness during the complaints. Frightful pains, penetrating to the very marrow of the bones. Uneasiness in the limbs. Buzzing sensation through the whole body.-Trembling of the limbs: convulsive, spasmodic. Trembling of the limbs, with distortion of every muscle.*Convulsions and spasmodic motions, with foam at the mouth. *Convulsions with cries. OConvulsions, with sleep after the paroxysm. OConvulsions in the evening or towards midnight, with' drowsiness, clenched fists, and involuntary motions of the hands and head.*Tetanic spasm, with rigidity of the back or the whole body. Rigidity of the whole body.-Epileptic convulsions with tetanus, and violent delirium. OEpileptic convulsions, particularly at night or towards morning, with sufocative paroxysms, loss of mobility and sensation, with violent movements of the limbs.-~Sleep after every epileptic fit.-Great indolence, also with relaxation.-Excessive debility.--Fainting turns, with vertigo. Relaxation of the muscles and limbs. Slow gait. Tottering gait. *The limbs remain immovable in whatever position they are placed.-Nausea, and incipient paralysis of the lower limbs. *Apoplexy.-Emaciation of the body. --Decomposition of the blood, derangement of the digestive organs, deep sleep.-Dropsical condition of the body. CHARACTERISTIC PECULIARITIES.-ORenewal and aggravation of the pains when becoming heated.-Opium is said to act more powerfully when administered by the rectum, in the form of an injection, than by the mouth. SKIN.-Pale bluish color of the skin. Blue spots on the body, here and there.-Burning pain, and sometimes itching of the skin. Sting. ing itching in he skin, here and there. Redness and itching of the skin. Cutaneous eruptions, and sometimes itching. Small, red, itching spots on the skin, here and there. Itching and creeping in all the limbs. 39* 922 OPIUM. SLEEP.-Yawning, with pain in the articulations of the jaws. *Drowsiness. Great inclination to sleep. Coma-vigil. Unintelligible talk during the sopor. Drowsiness, sopor, stupor. Continu. os sopor in the night, with increase of thirst, clean tongue with dark-red edges, and dry, parched lips. *Sound sleep, with 'rattling breathing, as after an Apoplectic fit. Almost constant slumbering, the eye-lids being half closed, accompanied with constant grasping at flocks, and moving of the hands over the bed-cover. Stupor, without conciousness, and rattling in the chest. *He hears everything that is said, but is unable to rouse himself. Sopor and insensibility, with natural warmth, and a natural pulse and respiration. Restless, sleepless nights. *He is very drowsy; nevertheless he is unable to fall asleep: the pulse being slow. Sleepless nights with delirium. Sleeplessness, full of imperfect images, and full of fancies. Restless nights, sopor alternating with waking, delirium, hot skin, stupor. Inclination to vomit on waking.-He starts in his sleep.-During sleep: frightful jerks in the limbs. Starting. *Redness of face. *Snoring, -during an expiration. Moaning while asleep. Lament. ing cries during sleep. Restless sleep, full of moaning and groaning. Anxious sleep, full of dreams. FEvER.-General coldness with stupe'faction. Inclination to shudder.-Chilliness in the back, with suppressed, scarcely perceptible pulse. OIntermittent fever, with soporous condition, snoring, convulsive movements of the limbs, constipation and suppression of urine, and warm sweat. Fever: first chilliness, afterwards flushes of heat in the face. Alternation of moderate warmth and coldness. Great redness of the face, with burning heat of the body; afterwards convulsive beating with the arm and foot, with' loud cries, heavy breathing, and coldness of the face and hands. Heat with thirst. Heat of,the body, with great anxiety. Restlessness, oppression, confusion of ideas, and scintillations, during which a burning, disagreeable heat ascends to the head. Acute fever, with delirium after a short sleep. Diminishes the beats of the pulse and the inspirations. Slowz pulse, the respiration being slow, heavy, and snoring. Slow pulse, with moaning, slow breathing, red, puffed face, and profuse sweat, with convulsions. Faint, suppressed, slow, small pulse. Strong, quick pulse, which finally becomes weak and intermittent. Quick and unusually weak pulse, with quick, oppressed, anxious respiration. Quick pulse, with headache. Quick, violent, rather hard pulse, with a dark red face. Congestion of blood to the brain. Violent, quick, hard pulse, with heavy, impeded respiration. Sweat and red rash, with itching. General sweat over the hot body, with great OPIUM. 923 thirst, full, strong pulse, vivid eyes, and bright mind.-~Febris-he lodes. MORAL SYMPTOMS.-Sadness, generally preceded by ecstasy, Lowness of spirits. Melancholy. Sullen mood. Lamentations and howling.-Anxiety. Excessive anguish. Anguish about the heart and restlessness.--#Fearfulness and tendency to start.- Taciturnity. -Great cheerfulness. Daring boldness. Cruelty. Rage and frenzy with distortion of the mouth. SENSORIUM.-Loss of mind. *Stupefaction of the senses, -also with faint looks and excessive debility. *Complete loss of consciousness and sensation.-Imbecility, dullness of the mental faculties and senses. Stupid indifference to pain and pleasure. Slow consciousness. Constantly stupid, as if drowsy and intoxicated. Weakness of memory. Complete loss of memory. -*Deliriurn. * Visions. *Frightful fancies. Delirious talk. Confused talk, with anxious heat, and feeling as if intoxicated, at times starting as if in affright, at times angrily and furiously grasping the hands of those around her. Furious delirium.- Confusion of intellect.-*Mania. Furious mania, with distortion of the mouth. OMania, with strange fancies. Violent mania, with red face, glistening eyes, and increased lightness of the body. Mania, with swelling of the head and face, protruded, inflamed eyes, and red-blue, thick lips. ODelirium tremens.-Dullness of the head. Cloudiness of the head, also with weakness of the intellect and illusion of the senses.-*.Violent intoxication, with stupefaction. Vertigo, with stupefaction. o Vertigo after fright. Vertigo, as if everything were turning round with one. Vertigo,. with anxiety and delirium.-~Apoplexy, with vertigo, buzzing in the ears, loss of consciousness, red, bloated, hot face, red, half-closed eyes, dilated, insensible pupils, foam at the mouth, convulsive movements of the limbs, and slow, snoring breathing; the paroxysm is preceded by sleeplessness, or sleep with anxious dreams, rush of blood, and heat in the whole body; after the paroxysm a nervous irritation, with laughing and delirium. HEAD.-Painful headache, oincreased by moving the eye-balls,.also particularly in the occiput. Headache on one side of the fore. head, with pressure from within outward, increased by external pressure.-Lacerating and beating in the forehead, with sour eructations, sour vomiting. Pressure in the forehead, as far as the eyes and nose.-Sensation of tightness in the head.-Pain in the head, as if all the contents were torn.-Heaviness of the head. *Congestion oy olood to the head. *Throbbing of the arteries of the head, Twitch ings in the temporal muscles, 924 orPIU EYEs.-- Staring and glistenzng eyes. Glassy, protruded, im. movable eyes, which do not see anything. *The pupils are insen sible to the light. Dilated pupils.-Contracted pupils. *The eye is only half-closed, and the pupils are dilated without possessing any ir. ritability.-Open eyes, with the pupils turned upward.-Scintillations before the eyes. Dim-sightedness, as if he were looking through a gauze. His eyes see black, he is giddy. Complains that his eyes are obscure, and that he is getting blind. EARs.--*Humming in the ears, oalso previous to apoplexy. Ringing in the ears. NosE.-Dryness of the nose, owing to suppression of the secretion of mucus. FAcE.-Sunken, pale face. Pale face and nausea, with sensation of drowsiness and diminution of all the secretions, frequently even of the exhalations from the skin. Pale face and forehead, and glassy eyes. Clay-colored, pale face and dim eyes filled with tears; he slumbers with his eyes half open, does not heed anything, gives vague answers, passes stool involuntarily, settles towards the feet, and has a short anxious respiration. *Bluish, clay-colored face.--All the muscles of his face are relaxed. *Bloated face, -also with hot and dry skin, white tongue, hoarseness, oppressed breathing, spitting of blood. *Dark-red face. *Red, bloated, swollen face. *The face is cherry-brown. *The veins of the face are distended. *The face is entirely red, and the eyes look wild, red, and protrudefrom their sockets. *Spasmodic movements of the facial muscles. Convulsive trembling of the facial muscles, lips, and tongue. *Distortion of the mouth. JAWS AND TEETH.--Lock-jaw. Violent pains in the lower jaw. -Pain of the upper jaw. *Hanging down of the lower jaw. Looseness of the teeth. Fine corrosive pain in the nerves of the tooth. MOUTH.--Ulcers in the mouth, on the palate and tongue. White tongue. Black tongue. Profuse ptyalism. Ptyalism as if occasioned by Merc.-Suppresses the secretions from the salivary glands, the schneiderian membrane, and glands of the larynx. Dryness in the mouth, without desire for drink, with chilliness over the abdomen.Distention and strangulation in the throat, with difficulty of swallow. ing, and blue-red face, in daily paroxysms.-Inability to swallow. Paralysis of the tongue. PHARYNX.-Bitter mouth. Flat, almost no taste. Sour taste. APPETIWE.-Loss of appetite.-Aversion to all things.-Increase of appetite.-Canine hunger in frequent paroxysms. Excessive hunger, with great debility. GASTRIC SYMrTOMIs.-Eructations, Nausea.-Inclination to vomit OPIUM. 925 Frequent nausea and vomiting.-Violent retching. Vomiting. Hamma. temesis. Pain in the stomach and convulsive motions, during which she vomits. Continual vomiting. Green vomiting. Slow digestion. oSour vomiting, with stupor. STOMACH.-Repletion of the stomach. Oppression of the stomach. Weakness of the stomach. Painful distention of the stomach.-Violent pain in the stomach.-Constrictive pain in the stomach, intolerable, and causing a deadly anguish. Painful distention of the pit of the stomach. ABDOMEN.-The hypochondria feel tight, and are very painful when touched.-Pain in the abdomen, as if one had taken a carthartic. Colic, as from a cold. Oppression of the abdomen, and a pressing puffiness as if it would burst.-Beating in the abdomen.-Aching and tensive pain in the abdomen.-Colic, before and after stool. Oppression and heaviness in the abdomen, as from a stone.-Drawing colic.-Pain in the abdomen, as if the intestines were cut to pieces. The abdomen is distended and painful. o Tympanitis._-lncarcerated hernia, with vomiting of faeces and urine. STOOL.-Paralysis of the intestines. *Costiveness. Retention of stool and urine.-oConstipation, from torpor of the intestinal canal, after chronic diarrhcoa, abuse of cathartics, long confinement in bed, want of exercise. OFrequent constipation of strong plethoric persons, pregnant females, and infants. *Hard stool, -preceded by pinching pain in the abdomen, and flatulence. *Costiveness for weeks, with loss of appetite, nothing but small hard balls being passed. Papescent stool. Watery diarrhoea. Discharge of a black substance by the rectum. Liquid, frothy stools, with itching, burning in the region of the anus, and violent tenesmus. Fetid diarrhoea. OInvoluntary stools.-Excessive pain in the rectum, with distensive pressure. URINE.-*Suppression of urine. Retention of urine, with dry mouth and increased thirst. *Weakens the contractile power of the urinary bladder. Lemon-colored urine, with a good deal of sediment..Dark-colored urine. Dark urine and dry tongue. The urine is dark.red and deposits a sediment.-HRematuria.-The urine, has a brickdust sediment. MALE GENITAL ORGANS.-Erections during sleep, and impotence after walking. Excitation of the sexual instinct, erection, emission, and lascivious dreams.-Slow sexual desire-Impotence. FEMALE GENITAL ORGANS.-Increased menstrual discharge.-Ex. cessive labor-pains in the uterus, with anxious, ineffectual urging to stool. Violent movements of the foetus.-Suppression of the labor. pains.--~False spasmodic labor-pains. 926 OPIUM--MORPHIUM ACETICUM. LARYNx.-Hoarseness, with dry mouth and white tongue.-Faini voice.-Paroxysms of a violent dry cough.-Cough during deglutition. Spitting of blood. Expectoration of a thick sanguineous mucus. CHEST.-Quick, oppressed, anxious respiration. Accelerated, dif. ficult respiration. Short, *snoring breathing. Short attacks of anxiety, with short, oppressed breathing, and trembling of the arms and-hands.-Anxiety, with contraction and tightness of the chest. Constriction of the chest, as if it were rigid, with difficult respiration. -Asthma, as if he would be attacked with pleurisy. Spasmodic asthma.-Oppressed and dificult respiration, and anxiety about the heart. Panting, loud breathing. Loud, painful, rattling respiration. Moaning, slow respiration. Irregular, suffocative breathing.-Drawing lacerating pain in the side of the chest. Burning in the heart. Tension in the infracostal region. Tensive pain below the short ribs, along the attachment of the diaphragm, during an inspiration. BACK AND ARMs.-Drawing-lacerating in the back.--Convulsive movements to and fro in the arm. Paroxysmal trembling in the arm. Paralysis of the arm. Trembling of the hands. Itching of the arms and shoulders.-~Distended veins of the hands. LEGS.-The lower limb is almost insensible. Violent itching of the lower limbs. Weakness of the lower limbs.-Numbness of the foot. Swelling of the foot. a. MORPHIUM ACETICUM. MORPH. ACET.-Acetate of Morphia.-Translated by A. 0. Becker, M. D., from the "New Archiv," III. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-Fainting fits, with dilated pupils, pale tongue, mouth sticky and bitter.-Loss of consciousness, very difficult breathing, livid countenance, head drawn backwards, the upper parts of the body covered with viscous mucus, the lower extremities cold, pulse small, intermitting, violent convulsive shocks. CHARACTERISTIC PECULIARITIES.-Motion and an erect position aggravate many of the symptoms, and cause nausea and headache. All the symptoms disappeared after taking exercise.-Lying down eases the symptoms. SKIN.-Violent itching over the whole body.-Eruption over the whole body. SLEEP.-Uneasy starting sleep, from which he woke with a feeling of general weakness, headache, and sunken eyes.-Uneasy sleep, with frequent starting, after sleep stiffness, pain in the arms, and here and there eruption of red blotches. Night uneasy, skin dry OPIUM-MORPHIUM ACETICUM 927 and itching.-After waking, pain in the forehead, precordia, and bladder, faintness, and pains in the joints. SENSORIUM.-Vertigo with disposition to sleep.-Confusion and dull headache.-Weight in the region of the forehead.-Coma.Dullness of the mental faculties.-Great excitement, without sleepi. ness (the Translator). HEAD.-Uneasiness, headache, and pains in the region of the navel.-Violent pulsation of the carotids, with heat in the head, which spreads over the whole body, excepting the extremities, which remained cold.-Violent headache, with red face, red and injected conjunctiva, strong violent pulse, even temperature of the skin, with disagreeable itching.-Intolerable pain in the right side of the head. -Throbbing headache, with red turgid face. Headache, increased by reading and thinking.-Pain in the back of the head, and pressure over the eyes. FACE AND EYEs.-Face red, bloated, the skin of the eye-lids swollen, lips blue, throbbing headache in the fore part of the head.Increase of warmth in the face, with distensive headache. Countenance animated, lips livid, great thirst, and nausea.-Contraction of the pupil. Dilatation of the pupil. Conjunctiva of the eye red, as if injected, the eyes sparkling, dull pain in the forehead, especially on the right side.-A feeling of fullness in the orbits.-Aching pain above the eyes.-Impaired vision.-Wild expression of countenance. -Noise in the ears. MOUTH AND THROAT.--Gums scarlet, somewhat painful, tongue red at the edges, violet in the middle.-Heavy, pale tongue.Tongue dry.-Irritation of the fauces, with burning thirst and colicky pain in the stomnach. TASTE AND APPETITE.-Taste bitter, acrid.-Impaired appetite, with weight in the head and constipation.-Burning thirst. GASTRIC SYMPTOMS.-Great nausea, with red tongue and dryness in the throat.-Nausea, difficult breathing, heavy, pale tongue.Constant nausea and pain in the region of the navel.-Repeated nausea and attempts to vomit.-Nausea, with aching pain in the head and disposition to sleep.-Vomiting of green matter. STOMACH AND ABDOMEN.-Violent pain in the epigastrium. Colicky pains in the stomach, with burning thirst, irritation of the fauces, headache, and dilated pupil.-Violent burning in the prsecordia, whence emanates an itching sensation like the creeping of ants.Pain in the proecordia, inclination to sleep, and somewhat difficult breathing.-Swelling of the abdomen, with heat over the whole body, cold extremities, burning thirst, dry tongue. 928 9PIUM-MORPHIUM PURUM. STOOL.-Constipation, with heaviness in the head.-Diarrhoea, with pain in the stomach, navel, and bladder. URINE.-Pain in the bladder.-Urine retained.-Urine muddy and slimy. CHEST.-Anxious breathing, with smarting pain in the chest, strong full pulse.-Inspiration accompanied by sharp pain in the abdomen and along the spine.-Accelerated pulse. Pulse slow, full, intermitting. ARMS AND LEGs.-An itching sensation in the upper extremities, very much like the creeping of.ants.-Subsultus of the tendons.Violent shaking of the whole body.-Weakness in the limbs. Heat over the whole body, with cold extremities, violent pulsation in the carotids, coma.-Profuse general sweat b. MORPHIUM PURUM. The following pathogenetic effects of this substance are derived from: Pfister's " Schweizer Zeitschrift," II., No. 2; Wibmer's "Medicines and Poisons;" Ronander, in Hecker's " Til. Ann.," 1834; Sentarner, in Buchner's "Tox.," p. 202; Hegmanus, in Cooper's "Med. Gaz.," 1837, No. 27; Charvet. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-Convulsive twitchings.-Violent spasmodic concussions. Subsultus-tendinum. Restlessness and sleeplessness.--Diminished sensibility.-Illusion of the senses.-Muscular debility.-Excessive exhaustion. SKIN.-Warm skin.-Itching of the skin, and cutaneous eruptions. SLEEP.-Disposition to sleep.-Sopor.-Restless sleep, which is frequently disturbed with frightful dreams.-Headache after waking, margins around the eyes, general feeling of weakness and exhaustion. FEVER.-Profuse sweat, with retention of urine.-Cold sweat over the whole body.-Small irregular pulse.-Pulse small, intermitting. -Pulse slow, large, intermitting.-Imperceptible pulse.-Fever, with intermittent, small, and contracted pulse. MORAL SYMPTOMs.-Violent restlessness.-Violent nervous irritation.-Loss of consciousness.-Stupor.-Weakness of memory.-In. describable anguish.-Apoplexy, loss of sense and consciousness, loss of mobility, with laborious snoring, rattling breathing, and bluish, puffed face. HEAD.- Vertigo.-Dullness of the head.-Heaviness in the head. --Congestion of blood to the head.-Irritation of the brain.-Tightness in the head.-Transitory headache. EYES.-Fullness in the orbits.-Contraction or dilation of the pupils.-Obscuration of sight. EARS.-Ringing, drumming, violent roaring in the ears. OPIUM-MMORPHIUM MURIATICUM, &C. 929 FACE.-Bluish, cadaverous face. MOUTH.-Ptyalism. APPETITE.-Disagreeable taste.-Bitterness in the mouth. Loss of appetite. STOMACH.-Turns of nausea and disposition to vomit.-Constant retching.-Continual vomiting. ABDOMEN.-Pain in the epigastric region and in the intestinal canal, with constipation, which is frequently followed by sudden diarrhoea.-Colicky pains.-Suppression of stool and urine. STooL.---Constipation.-Violent diarrhoea. URINE.-Ineffectual urging to urinate.-Diminished and concentrated urine.--The breathing is not much affected (o).-Short breathing (H).-Difficult breathing.-The inspirations are rare and rattling. -Violent beating of the heart and carotids. c. MORPHIUM MURIATICUM. See Hufeland's "Journal," Nov., 1840, p. 77, communication by William Gregory.-Trousseau's "Materia Medica." Violent, long-lasing excitement, as if intoxicated.-Unpleasant languor, with loathing and vomiting.-Somnolence. Vertigo.-Headache.-Rushing of the blood in the head, afterwards in the whole body.-Accelerated pulse.-Itching of the skin.-Eruptions of various kinds.-Thirst.-Loathing.-Vomiting.-Constipation. d. MORPHIUM SULPHURICUM. Forgate, in "American Journal of Medical Science," and in Froriep's "Notices," 1842, No. 447. Languor.-Apathy.-Rheumatic and arthritic complaints. Prick. ling sensation in the skin.-Violent loathing, with effort to vomit. e. CODE1N. See Gregory, in "Dublin Journal of Med. and Chem.," May, 1834.-Kunkel. Disagreeable lowness of spirits, with nausea, followed by a disposition to sleep.-Itching over the whole body.-Convulsions of the limbs and of the cervical muscles.-Accelerated pulse.-Heat of the head and face.-Loathing and vomiting. f. NARCOTIN. See Wibmer's " Medicines and Poisons."-Barbier's " Materia Medica," Slight disposition to sleep.-Sleep, followed by violent headache, languor, discoloration of the skin and lips, coldness of the whole 930 OXALIC ACID. body, sopor, vertigo, illusion of the senses, heaviness of the head, and contraction of the pupils.-Dullness of the head.-Slight pain in the forehead. Irregularity of the pulse. g. NARCOT1NUM ACETICUM. Extreme excitement and violent headache.-Convulsions. Intermittent fever with' variable type. h. NARCOTINUM MURIATICUM. Sudden starting on hearing the least noise.-Vertigo.-Glistening eyes.-Obscuration of sight.-Excitation of the sexual organs.-Frequent erections. 206.-OXALIC ACID. AC. OX.-See " Transactions of the American Institute of Homoeopathy," I. ANTIDOTES.-(When taken in large doses.) As the vomiting in such cases is speedy and continual, emetics are unnecessary, and will often fail of their effect; besides, during the time lost before their operation, the acid would, in general, have acted long enougt to prove fatal. Vomiting may be promoted by tickling the throat. Chalk is one of the most valuable antidotes, given in large quantities. Magnesia may also be given with advantage; Ammonia and Ether are worthy of trial. The stomach pump may be used, but, on account of the rapidity with which this poison acts, it is not advisable to lose time by its application until after the antidote has been administered. GENERAL SYMPTOMS. - Extreme lassitude of the body. Pain, but chiefly great lassitude and weakness of the limbs. Tremor of the lim:.--A peculiar general numbness, approaching to palsy. Loss of consciousness. Nervous symptoms. Convulsions. CHARACTERISTIC PECULIARITIES.-All the pains from Oxalic-acid seem to occupy only a small spot, half an inch to an inch in length, viz.: in the eustachian tube, right wrist, right hypochondrium, region of navel, knee, &c. They seem to be excited and aggravated by movement, as the pains in the bowels, testicles, kidney, back, &c. From time to time he has those peculiar jerking pains, like short stitches, confined to a small spot, and lasting only a few seconds. Oxalic-acid has a decided action on the joints, ankle, knees, hips, wrist, shoulders. The symptoms from Oxalic-acid occasionally in, termit for some hours, or a day, and then return in a diminished degree. SKIN.-Itching and smarting soreness about the neck. An eruption or mottled appearance of the skin, in circular patches. SLEEP.-Continual and vivid dreams, always of a frightful nature, OXALIC ACID. 931 Sleep very restless, but without dreams. Great sleepiness in the morning. FEVER.-Creeping of cold, particularly from the lower part of the spine upwards. In the evening, sneezing, with chilliness. An internal sensation of heat. General sensation of heat. Exhausting fever, with dyspepsia and singultus. Flushes of heat and perspiration all over the body. Clammy perspiration, hands, feet, and face cold, and covered with a cold perspiration. Pulse more frequent and harder than usual. Pulse small, tremulous, intermittent. General excitement in the evening. MORAL SYMPTOMS.-Sensation of fullness in the face, and excitement, with disinclination to conversation. Seems in its primary action to diminish the power of concentrating ideas, and afterwards to increase it.-Nervous and vascular excitement. HEAD. - Giddiness. On lying down vertigo, like a swimming, towards the left side. Emptiness in the head, sensation of faintness, as if all the blood had left the brain, with anxiety.-Slight compression in the head.-Continual dull pain in the forehead and vertex.-Sharp pains in the forehead and vertex, with a feeling of lightness. Dull headache. Fullness in the forehead, above the eyes. "0Removes immediately a dullness in the forehead, to which he was frequently subject in the morning. EYES.-Pain in both orbits. NOSE.-Pain in the nose. Sneezing, with chilliness. FACE, JAWS.-An internal sensation of heat, particularly in the face. Drawing pain, with rigidity, near the angle of the lower jaw. TEETH.-Dull aching pains of the molar teeth of the jaws, worse in the right. MOUTH.-Inflammation of the tongue and mouth. PHARYNx.-Soreness of the fauces on swallowing. OChronic sore throat. Expectoration of thick yellowish mucus from the throat. STOMACH, APPETITE.-Eructations after every meal. Hiccough. Vomiting. Qualmishness of the stomach, with sickness. Burning pain in the stomach, and generally also in the throat.-Pressure in the stomach. Severe pain in the stomach. The slightest touch of the stomach caused the most violent pains. Excessive sensibility of the stomach, with disposition to costiveness. Every evening pyrosis.-Violent thirst. ABDOMEN.-Distressed feeling around the navel, and through the whole abdomen, with a sensation of great weakness in the latter. Dull aching pain in the abdomen, worse round the umbilicus. Coliclike pains in and around the navel. Sensation of soreness in the 932 PXONIA. abdomen. Distressed feeling and great weakness in the whole abdo. men, with flatulent colic. STOOL.-Violent symptoms of irritation in the alimentary canal. Severe pain in the bowels, and frequent inclination to stool. O: rising, a violent tenesmus in the upper part of the rectum, a prolonged, very painful urging. Constant involuntary discharge of fluid fmces, occasionally mixed with blood.-Constipation. URINE, GENITALS.-Urging to pass water, with copious discharge. Great increase of sexual desire. Sensation of contusion in both testicles. LARYNX AND CrHEST.-Expectoration of thick yellow mucus from the throat. Slight cough, from tickling in the larynx and trachea; also sensation of soreness in the larynx. Difficulty of breathing, with constrictive pain in the larynx, and wheezing; oppression of the whole chest towards the right side. Sharp shooting pain in the left lung and heart. Sharp lancinating pain in the left lung; the pain in the heart is very violent, like electric flashes, coming from within. Immediately after lying down in bed at night, palpitation of the heart. LOINS AND BACK.- Acute pain in the back, gradually extending down to the thighs. Numbness and weakness in the back and limbs. ARMs AND LEGS.-Sharp shooting pain in the shoulder-joint, coming on suddenly. The wrist painful, as if it were strained or dislocated. Sensation as if the hands were dead. Lividity of the nails and fingers. Uneasiness in the limbs and feet. Slight lameness and stiffness in the lower extremities. Lividity, coldness, and almost complete loss of the power of motion in the legs 207.-PAE ONIA. PIEON.-Peony.--See " Pract. Commun. for Horn. Phys.," 1827, p. 61, and " Horn. Gaz.," XXVIII., No. 12.,GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-Languor and heaviness of the limbs. Nausea, hissing in the head, vanishing of the senses. SKIN.-Burning smarting on the head, chest, and limbs, accompanied with itching of the skin.- Prickling, itching, and stinging in the open air. SLEEP.-Restless sleep, with fancies and dreams. SENSORIUM AND HEAD.-Vertigo, gloominess, and heaviness of the head. Reeling sensation in the head, with staggering of the limbs, Dullness, heaviness, vertigo, and feeling of heat in the head.-Gnaw PARIS QUADRIFOLIA. 933 ing headache.-Continuous aching pains in the oceiput and nape of the neck.-Rushes of blood to the head, and feeling of sweat. EARs.-Intensely-painful darting through the right ear.-Painful jerking in the cartilage of the ear. EYEs.-Burning of the eye-lids and eyes. Burning, itching, and feeling of dryness in the eyes. FACE.--Burning heat in the face. NosE.-Stoppage and dryness of the nose. JAWS AND TEEFH.-Violent pressure from the articulation of the jaw through the inner ear. THRoAT.-Burning sensation in the pharynx and oesophagus. STOMACH AND ABDOMEN.-Pressure in the pit of the stomach, as from great anxiety. STooL.-Papescent diarrhoea, with feeling of qualmishness in the abdomen, burning in the anus after stool, afterwards internal chilliness and increased feeling of illness.-Painful ulcer at the anus, with exudation of a fetid moisture. CHEST.-Throbbing through the right chest. Cutting pressure in the left side of the chest. Dull stitches in the chest, as if through the heart. BACK AND EXTREMITIES.-Pinching, at times in the back, at others in the abdominal muscles. Sharp stitches in the axillae. Tension in the muscles on bending the arms, as from pressure. Severe cramp in the wrist-joint. Transitory creeping in the fingers and sides.Burning itching of the toes, which are bloated. 208.-PARIS QUADRIFOLIA. PAR.-Truelove.-See "Archiv," VIII. and XIII., Hartlaub and Trinks, II. COMPARE WITH-Hell., Ign., Kali, Natr.-mur., Nux-v., Puls., Sabad. ANTIDOTEs.-Camph.,? Coff. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-Stitches in all the.limbs, particularly in the evening. Cramp-like dragging in the joints. Sensation, dur. ing every motion, as if the joints were broken.-Sensation, on turning the joints, as if swollen and sprained. Painfulness of single tendons, on touching them.-Malaise. Heaviness in all the limbs, also particularly in the evening, with internal coldness.-Languor of the feet, and tremulousness in walking. SKIN.-Soreness of the skin, when touching it.-Panaritia SLEEP.- Yawning, with drowsiness.-Restless sleep at night. 934 PARIS QUADRIFOLIA. FEVER.-Coldness of the right half of the body. Internal cold ne.s, as if all the parts were contracted by cold, and were trembling. Cold feet at night. - Chilliness of the chest, abdomen, and lower limbs, with goose-flesh and yawning, and icy-cold feet.-Violent chilliness in the evening ard forenoon, with sensation of internal trembling/ Creeping shiverings.-Increased warmth of the body. MORAL SYMPTOMS.-Foolish manners. Indisposition to mental labor. SENSORIUM.-Dullness of the head. Sense of intoxication. HEAD.-Headache, aggravated by thinking. Headache, worse in the evening and attended with dullness of the whole sinciput, and a sensation as if the skin of the forehead were contracted and the bone scraped sore, with heat in the eye-lids, surrounded with red margins. Heaviness of the head. Contractive pressure in the forehead. Pressure in the whole head. Feeling of distention, as if the head would swell up, and the temples and eyes were pressed out. Tightness, as if the cerebral membranes and the brain were put upon the stretch. Bubbling in the head, at night on waking, with internal restlessness. Throbbing, undulating sensation in the head. Tension in the skin of the forehead and occiput. Pain of the hairy scalp, when touching it. Itching of the hairy scalp. Small scabs on the hairy scalp. Pimples on the forehead, with aching pain on touching them.-Falling out of the hair, with painfulness of the hair on the vertex. EYES.-Sensation as if the eye-balls were too large, or swollen, and the orbits too narrow, with unsteadiness of sight, as if the objects were in motion. Pressure in the upper margin of the orbit, apparen-tly in the bone. Darting through the eye, with mistiness of sight. Burning of the eyes, also with lachrymation, or smarting.-Quivering of the upper lid.-Dilatation of the pupils.-Unsteadiness of sight. The eyes swim. EARS.-Sudden pain in the meatus-auditorius, as if distended by a wedge. Tearing in the ears. Hardness of hearing. NosE.-Feeling of fullness in the upper part of the nose.-Violent epistaxis.-Frequent sneezing.-Alternation of dry and fluent coryza. FACE.-Pale face. Feeling of heat in the face.-Scraping pressure under the malar bones.-Red, itching spots on the cheeks and lower jaws.-The lips are covered with eruption. JAWS AND TEETH.-Violent itching, gnawing, and burning on the lower jaw, in the evening. Beating and drawing in the teeth. Titillating pain, worse in the afternoon, worst at night, aggravated by warm and cold things. Pain as if all the teeth were perforated. Sen. sation in the gums as if loose. PARIS QUADRIFOLIA. 935 MOUTH.- Dryness of the mouth, on waking. Frequent discharge of watery saliva.-Dry tongue. The tongue is rough and coated white, as if covered with millet-seed.-Pain about the palate as if excoriated. Dryness and titillating burning about the palate. THROAT.-Pressure in the throat, as from a ball. Scraping in the throat, also with stinging. Scraping with burning. APPETITE, TASTE, AND GASTRIC SYMPTOMS.-Flat, slimy taste in the mouth. Bitter taste, with dryness and roughness of the tongue. -Gulpings. Nauseating eructations.-Hiccough after every meal. -Qualmishness in the stomach. Nausea rising from the abdomen to the chest, after breakfast, with burning, resembling heartburn. STOMAcH.-Pinching in the stomach, relieved by eructations. Burning from the stomach to the abdomen. ABDOMEN.-Cutting in the abdomen, with rumbling.-Cramp-like tearing in the muscles up to the pit of the stomach. STOOL AND ANus-Hard, difficult stool.-Slimy, diarrhceic stools. Fetid diarrhaea. URINE.-Frequent urging to urinate, with burning while emitting it.-The urine becomes turbid and opalescent. Acrid, burning urine. -Tenesmus after micturition. GENITAL ORGANS.-Increased sexual desire, with violent erection. LARYNX.-Burning in the larynx. Roughness in the trachea, with a deep bass voice.-Hoarseness on waking in the morning, with dryness of the trachea, as if parched. Paroxysms of hoarseness. Constant hawking, with expectoration of tenacious, white, insipid mucus. CHEST.-Dull, painful pressure in the right side. Stitches through the lungs.-Pinching in the lungs and heart, with sensation, when stooping, as if a stone were lying on the back.-Palpitation of the heart, in the evening, also during rest.-Corrosive gnawing on the sternum. BACK-Pulsative stitches in the os-coccygis.-Stitches through the back, on either side of the back, and nape of the neck. Sensation as if the neck were stiff and swollen, on turning it. ARMs.-Tearing in the shoulders, extending to the fingers. Heaviness in the arms, particularly in the right, even during rest.-Drawing in the upper arm.-Violent tearing in the fore-arms. Drawing in the mhetacarpal bones. Lameness of the finger-joints, afterwards affecting the arm and other joints. Alternate heat and coldness of the fingers, with paleness and as if dead. Sensation in the tips as if ecchymozed or subcutaneously ulcerated. LEGs.-Tearing in the hip-joints. Stitch in the hip.-Drawing in the thigh. Tearing in the calves.-Paralytic pain in the tarsal. joint. Tearing in the sole. Formication in the heel. 936 9 ETROLEUX. 209.-PETROLEUM. eETROL.--Oleum Petrwe, Naphtha Petrm.-See Hahnemann's "Chronic Diseases","Yol. V. D~OMPARE WITH-Aeon., Cale., (Jann*., Chain., Dig., Ign., Lyc., Magn'.-p.-austr., Nitr.-ac., Nuz-v., PhospA., Puls., Sep., Spig., Sil., Suiph., Ver'at.-is frel. quently suitable after Nitr.-ac., and Phosph. &NTIDOTIES.-Acofl., Nux-v. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-0 Scrofulous and rachitic affections. Agitation of the blood, brought on by slight motion. Violent seething of the blood in the evening, and bitter taste.-Pain as if sprained in the arms, chest, and back, in the forenoon. Stiff arms and legs, in the morning after rising.-Trembling tension through the whole Otody, with apprehensiveness and dis couragement.-* Cracking of 9h4 *oints, 10also with stiffness. Weakness in the joints. Pain of the limbs, as if bruised, in the evening.-Artihritic pain in the hip, knee, and tarsal-joints, in the night.-Paralytic drawting, with pressure, in the left tibia and lower arm. Drawing, with pressure on the bornes. Cramp-like drawing and pressure in the limbs.-* The arm's and legs" get to sleep easily. Heaviness in thefeet and the whole body.-Visible emaociation, with good appetite. Excessive weariness i* the mcarning when in bed, the limbs feel bruised. Uneasiness in the limbs; restlessness.-Painful weariness in the shoulders, the spine, And loins. Weakness of the body and heaviness in the lower limbs. Great weakness, without any apparent cause. 0 Great weakness after every exertion, with failure of sight, trembling of the body, buzzinig in the- ears, and nausea. oFainting turns, with rush of blood, _heat, pressure in the pit of the stomach, and palpitation of the heart. Liability to take cold. A cold brings on headache, lachrymation, in. flammna' ion of the throat, cough, and coryza. *Dread4 qf the open cair. SKIN.-Painful sensitiveness of the skin of the whole body.-Itching of the skin, with chills. Unhealthy skin, even s~rntall wounds ulcerate and spread. SLEEP.-Drowsiness, and weariness of the limbs. Constant somnolence. Heaviness of the lower limbs, and weariness of the back at night.- *Nightly slumber, full of fancies.-Sleep full of dreams. Restless sleep and anxious dreams. Starts when asleep, palpitation of the heart, trembling, vomiting, and violent diarrhoea. FEVER,.-0 Frequent ýlight chills through the whole body, followed by violent itching of the. skin. Chilliness in the evening, followed by flushes of heat in the face. Excessive chilliness from morning till noon, with dull headache and drawing towards the forehead. PETROLEUM. 937 Chilliness through the whole body.-Fever and chilliness, with excessive languor and a painful feeling in the whole body. Fever, with full pulse and burning skin, but without lain., oChilliness every evening, followed by heat in the face and cold feet. Internal heat, with heat and dryness of the trachea, with uncomfortableness, irrita, tion, exhaustion. Heat and chilliness at the same time. MORAL SYMPTOMS.-*Sadness and despondency, -accompanied with a sick feeling as of weakness about the heart. oDisposition to weep. *Desponding in the morning, taciturn, accompanied with dim-sightedness. *Anxiousness. Restlessness. 0Anxious for the future.-- Nervous. * Violent starting. -*Excessive irresoluteness.-No desire to work.-Hypochondriac mood. Irritable.-*Out of humor and angry. *His thinking power is weakened. *Weakness of memory. Dullness of the head, with pain. Gloominess in the head and uncomfortableness.-Frequent vertigo. *Vertigo and nausea, from stooping. HEAD.-Indications of headache, every morning. ~Headache from chagrin. OHeadache in the forehead, increased to stupefaction by mental exertions. Dull headache. *Heaviness of the head, in the morning, -with sensation of fullness and heat in that part.-Pressing sensation about the head, with a sort of qualmishness.-Tension in the head. Contractive, constrictive headache. Cramp-like, transitory drawing in the temples.-Pinching headache.-*Stitches in the head, -accompanied with pressure in the head, and nausea. Excessive dartings in the head.-* Throbbing in the head. Strong, pulsative undulations, especially in the forehead, as if the head would burst.Boring in the head.-Trembling, balancing, and roaring in the head. The outer parts of the head feel numb. Ulcerative pain on both sides of the head. Pain of the integuments of the head, as if bruised.Soft tumors on the hairy scalp, excessively painful when touched. Itching of the hairy scalp.-*Pimples on the head Oand in the nape of the neck. OScurf on the hairy scalp.-Falling out of the hair.Profuse sweat about the head. EYES.-Great pressure in the eyes, as from a grain of sand. Cutting in the eyes, when exerting them in reading. Stitching and beating in the eye-brows. Stitches in the eyes, and lachrymation. Itching and stinging of the eyes, also with burning. Smarting and heat in the eyes. Burning in the eyes, with pressure.-Inflammatory swelling in the inner canthus. Pimples on the eye-lids.Weak eyes. Tremor and twitchings of the eye-lids. Great dimness of sight. Great dilatation of the pupils.-Painful sensitiveness of the eyes to the light of day.--*Long-sightedness, Ounable to read fine print without spectacles.-Double-sight. Frequent obscuration of 40 938 PETROLEUM. sight, with diplopia.-Black spots before the eyes. Something occa. sionally hovers and vibrates before her eyes, when looking at things steadily they appear bright and distinct. Objects appear to move before the eyes. Vibrations and black figures before the eyes. Scintillations before the eyes. EARS.-Pressure in the ears with heat. Titillation and stitching in the ear, followed by stiffness in the articulation of the jaw.-Itching in the ear, and discharge of sanguineous pus. The meatus is closed from swelling. Redness, rawness, soreness, and humor behind the ears.-~Dryness and troublesome feeling of dryness in the inner car.-Diminished hearing. 0lHard hearing. OParalytic deafness.Singing in the ears. *Roaring and pain in the ears. Whizzing before the ears, diminishing hearing. NOSE.-Tensive pain in the root of the nose, with ulcerative pain when touching the part.--Swelling of the nose, with purulent discharge and pain over the root.-Ulcerated nostrils. Discharge of bloody mucus from the nose.-Bleeding of the nose.-Sneezing, with drowsiness in the evening. Catarrhal sensation in the throat, with titillation, inducing one to cough.-~Dryness and troublesome feeling of dryness in the nose.--Catarrh, with hoarseness. Dry coryza and ulcerated nostrils. FACE.-O Yellow face. Heat in the face and head.-Itching in the face. Pimples in the face. Chapped lips. JAWS AND TEETH.- Swelling of the submaxillary glands.-Toothache, with swelling of the cheeks. Cutting and contractive pain in the teeth. Pain in the teeth, as if ulcerated, with throbbing pressure in the right jaw.-Boring toothache.-Numb feeling of the teeth, and pain when pressing them together. Swelling of the gums, with stitching pain when touched. Vesicle on the gums. MOUTH.-Ulcers on the inner side of the cheek. The -ongue is dotted with yellowish spots. *White-coated tongue. Rawness of the tongue and palate. Fetid odor from the mouth. THROAT.-The throat feels swollen.-Stinging pain in the throat wheui swallowing. Rawness in the throat when swallowing. Sore pain in the throat, with dryness of the mouth. TASTE AND APPETITE.-Slimy taste in the mouth, with white tongue. Bitter-sour taste.-*Flat taste in the mouth, as from deranged stomach. *Putrid taste in the mouth. Canine hunger causing nausea. GASTRIc SYMPTOMs.-His stomach is deranged by little food. Congestion of blood to the head after a meal. *Repletion after a moderate dinner, with pressure in the pit of the stomach. Painful cramp-like spasm in the chest, arresting the breathing. Sour eructations, with PETROLEUM. 939 dim sight. Repeated hot, acid risings and gulpings.--Heartburn, towards morning, and eruotations.--Water-brash. Nausea with eructations. Nauseated and qualmish the whole day. Nausea in the morning, with accumulation of water in the mouth. Momentary attacks of nausea, morning or evening, with inclination to vomit. OSickness at the stomach when riding in a carriage. OSea-sickness. oVomiting of pregnant females. OGreen, bitter vomiting. STOMrACH.-Quatlmish feeling in the stomach. Empty feeling in the stomach, with dullness of the head. Pressure in the stomach, with diarrhoea, in the afternoon, preceded by colic. OFeeling of fullness in the pit of the stomach.-Stomach and abdomen are frequently painful.-Crampy sensation in the pit of the stomach. Sudden gripings in the stomach.-Violent pain in the pit of the stomach. Cutting around the stomach, with inclination to stool. OThe pit of the stomach is swollen and painful when touched. HYPOCHONDRIA.-Pressure in the region of the liver. Stitches in the right side of the abdomen, with nausea. AbDOMEN.-Colic, a sort of painful pressure. OColic towards morning, with diarrhoea.-Painful tension over the whole abdomen. Tension and spasms in the abdomen.-Gripings in both sides of the abdomen, from below upwards, with heaviness of the lower limbs and great drowsiness. Pinching in the abdomen, and diarrhoea the whole day. -Cutting in the epigastrium, with nausea and diarrhoea. Cutting in the abdomen, as if occasioned by a'cold; afterwards diarrhoea with bearing down. Cutting in the abdomen, followed by discharge of faeces, and then bloody stools. Violent cutting in the abdomen, with griping. Cutting colic in the morning, followed by diarrhoea having a very fetid, Camphor-like smell; the diarrhoea is succeeded by ineffectual urging. OFeeling of coldness in the abdomen.-Disagreeable itching in the abdomen. ORumbling, with feeling of emptiness in the. abdomen. STooL.-Difficult stools, with sore pain in, the anus. O~Hard, knotty stools.-Frequent desire for stool, with slight diarrhoea, followed by much pressing. Diarrhoea with colic. Diarrhoea, after deranging the stomach, especially in stormy weather. oYellowish watery stools. Diarrhoea, followed by excessive weakness. Profuse mucous diarrhoea. *Diarrhcea, consisting of bloody mucus.-Soft stool, with tenesmus. ODiarrhoea of pregnant females.-Ascarides are passed with the stool. -~Taneia. Weak and dizzy after stool, vanishing of sight.-Pressure about the anus. Burning pain in the region of the anus. Fistula. recti. URINE -Frequent micturitwn. Involuntary micturition. OCono 940 PETROLEUM. stant dripping of the urine. ONocturnal enuresis.-Urine with white sediment. Dark-yellow urine, with a quantity of red sediment. Urine turbid, and red as blood.-Burning urine. Burning in the neck of the bladder when urinating. Violent contraction in the region of the bladder.-*Burning pain in the urethra. Mucous dis. charge from the urethra. OContraction of the urethra. MALE GENITAL ORGANS.-Tearing in the glans. Reddish eruption on the glans, with itching.-*1ltching and moisture of the scrotum. OHerpes between the scrotum and thigh. oDischarge of prostatio fluid. FEMALE GENITAL ORGANS.-Burning in the genital organs, with some discharge of blood. Premature and scanty menses. Menses delay. The menstrual blood causes an itching of the genital organs. Languor and bruised feeling in the body.-Leucorrhlea, like albumen. Profuse leucorrhoea every day, for several days, Oalso with lascivious dreams.-Itching and mealy covering of the nipples. LARYNx.-*Hoarseness.-Cough from dryness in the throat. ODry cough, with stinging under the sternum. OCough in the evening, immediately after lying down in bed. Night-cough. Inclination to vomit when coughing. CHEST.-The breathing is labored. Wheezing in the trachea, during an inspiration.-Asthma and suffocative huskiness, as if from constriction of the trachea, with titillation, inducing dry cough.-- Oppression of the chest in the night, and restless sleep.-Pressure and tightness of the chest, in the afternoon. *Stitching in the side 1f the chest, just below the arm. *Stitching in the chest, -and contractive pain in the head when coughing. Violent pleuritic stitches. -Violent stitch as far as the heart, arresting the breathing. Feeling of coldness in the chest in the region of the heart. Occasional momentary palpitation of the heart. ~Herpes on the chest. BACK.-Violent, but short pain in the small of the back, opreventing one from standing. Pain as from a sprain in the small of the back. Great uneasiness and stiffness in the small of the back. Pressure, heaviness, and weariness in the back. Cramp in the back, extending as far as the ribs. Rigidity of the back. Aching pain in the nape of the neck, increased by the slightest motion. ~Herpes on the nape of the neck. oGlandular swellings and eryption. ARMs.-Tumor in the axilla, threatening suppuration. Pain of the shoulder-joint, when raising the arm. Tension and drawing in the shoulder. Twitchings in the muscles of the arms. Great weak. ness in the arms. Erysipelatous inflammation of the arms, with burning pain.-Lameness around the elbow-joint, for two days. Itch PETRoSELINUM.-PIIELLANDRIUM AQUATICUM. 4 941 ing in the bend of the elbow.-Pain of the wrist-joint, as if sprained. 0Tearing in the hands. Burning of the palms of the hands. 0Brown spots on. the wrist-joints. *Chapped hands, covered with rhagcrdes, 0particularly in the winter. 0Arthritic stiffness of the joints. Itching of the jo-ints of the fingers. *Rough, chapped tips of the fingers, -with stitching and cutting pain. 0Chulblains. LEGs.-Pain in the hip, near the os-sacrum, as if sprained, during motion. -Redness and humid' soreness of the upper and inner surface of the lower limb.-Heaviness of the lower limbs. Pain and stiffness in the lower limbs.-S8tiffnes s and heaviness of the thig-hs, when walking. Cramp-pain in the knee-joint. Rigidity and burning in the bends of the knees. Stiffness of the knees, legs, and tars al-joints Pulling pain, with itching of -the knee-joints. *Stitches in the knees. Pain in the knee and tibiae, as if bruised. Contusive pain in the region of the patella. Painful weakness in the knees, in the morn. ing when rising. 0llerpes on the knee. The tibiae are painful when wailking. Aching pain in the foot. Tension in the foot when walking. Violent drawing and twitching in the feet. Throbbing in the soles of the feet, worst during rest. *Swvelling of the foot. 0 Cold feet. Blisters on the heel. 0Herpes on the malleolus. Eruption between the toes. 0Ulcers on the toes. 210.-PETROSELINUM. eETRO0SE L.-Parsley. -See Stapf's "Archiv," XVIII., 3, &o. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-Burning- at the anus.-Clayish, wbWt. ish stool.-Chronic diarrhcea.-Secretion of a milky moisture in the urethra.-Agglutination of the orifice of the urethra by mucus (albuminous yellow discharge from the urethra).- Slight burning when urinating.-Tingling in the urethra, followed by pressure, in the region of Cowper's glands.-(Priapism, without the penis becoming curved.)-Profuse emission towards morning.-0 Gonorrhcea. 211.-PHELLANDRIUM AQUATICUM. PHEL.-Five-leaved Water Hemlock.-See Hartlaub and Trinks' "tMat. Med.,"1 Ii. COMPARE WITII-Bry., Puls., Sep., Strain., Sniph. ANTIDOTES.? GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-Phellandrium is said to irritate the mucous membranes and to increase the action of the sý-in end iiiinary 042 PHELLANDRIUM AQUATICTJM. organs. ---Indolence, with languor, and no interest in anything. Weariness. Feeling of weakness, particularly 'in the knees, during rest and motion, after dinner.-Sensation in the 'Whole body as if all the vessels were trembling, when sitting or s tandling. CHAntAcTERIsrIc PECULIARITIES.-The majority of the symptoms seem to come on when sitting, standing, and even lying, and to abate and disappear in the open air. SLEEP.-.-Exeessive drowsiness during work.- Waking after mid night, with anxiety, nausea, loathing, which rises from the abdomen to the sto nach.-IDreams. FEVER.-iDiminished temperature of the body. - Coldness and chilliness, with frequent shaking. Shuddering', as if cold water were poured over him. Agreeable warmth in the whole body. MORAL SYaProM~s.-Insolence. Vexed mood. Sad and apprehensive mood. Oppressive anxiety a-Ad ill-humor, with tightness about the chest. HEAD.- Vert-igo and heaviness of the head. Vertigo, aggravated by walking. Cloudiness and intoxication of the head, in the op em air.-The head feels largejfall, and heavy. Violent, painful, longcontinued heaviness on the vertex.-Cons'trictive pain in both sides of the head, with dull headache.-Dull hea-dache, particularly in thle anterior part of the head. Increased warmth in the head, with stupid feeling.-The headache seemns to abate in the open air. EYES.-Intermittent pressure around both eyes. -The eye-lids close with heaviness and drowsiness. Lachrymation in the room and open air. EARs.-Frequent painful tearings deep in the ear. NosE.-Red, burning nostrils, swollen, attended With coryza and hoarsen ess.-Com plete loss of smiell. Fluent doryza and hoarseness. FAcE.-Burning on the cheeks, with redness of the face. JAWS AND TnErwA-Redness and swelling of the gums of the lower cuspidati, with ulcerative, pain on pressing upon them. MOUrH.-G-reat dryness in the mouth and throat, 'rendering de glutition difficult, at night. THaOAr.-Roughness in the throat, with hoarseness and shortnes-s of breath, continuing a long time.-Burning sensation down the cesophagus.-Sore throat. APPErIrE.-Slimly tcaste.- Want Of hUtnger, sensation as if the stomach were full all the time, loathing of food. SToMAcH.-Sensation as if an acrid, -rough vapor were ascending from the stomach.-Sensation of cjualmishness an-d emiptiness in tile, stomach. -Nausea, loathi'ng, and inclination to voymit in the stomach. PHOSPHORUS. 943 Pinching and cutting in the region of the stomach.-Long-continued burning in the stomach.-Indescribable disagreeable feeling in the stomach. ABDOMEN.-The abdomen feels bloated.-Dull sticking above the pit of the stomach, independent of breathing. Sudden painful pinching and contraction, particularly around the umbilicus. Pinching and cutting in the abdomen, as previous to diarrhoea.-Burning from the abdomen to the stomach, followed by eructations tasting of the ingesta.-Qualmish feeling in the abdomen. STooL.-Liquid stool, with subsequent tenesmus and soreness at the anus.-Stool, with flatulence and pinching in the abdomen, and succeeded by tenesmus of the anus. URINE.-Urging to urinate, with scanty emission and violent burning after micturition. Pale and watery, almost greenish urine. GENITAL ORGANS.-Itching of the prepuce.-Cessation of the menses-Premature menses. Appearance of the menses with: languor, yawning, violent pain as as if bruised on the inner surface of both thighs, very painful when sitting, standing, walking, and lying. LARYNx.-Hoarseness. Cough, with mucus and hawking at night. Dry sufocative cough and short breathing. CHEsT.-Oppression of the chest in walking. Pointed stitches in the region of the heart, with drawing. BACK.-Bruised pain in the small of the back when sitting, relieved by walking. Twitching between the shoulders on the cervical vertebroe. ARMs.-Lacerating in the shoulders and arms. LEGS.-Sensation in the knees as if blood would accumulate there, almost like burning. 212.-PHOSPHORUS. PHOSPH.-See Hahnemann's "Chronic Diseases," V. COMPARE WITH-Acon., Agar., Alum., Ambr., Am.-caib. and mur., Ars., Bell., Bry., Calc.-carb., Carb.-v., Chin., Coff., Graph., lod., Ipec., Kali, Kreos., Lye., Magn., Mere., Nux-v., Op., Petrol, Plumb., Puls., Rhus-tox., Sep., Sil., Sulph., Verat.-Is frequently suitable after: Calc.-carb., Chin., Kali, Kreos., Lye., Nuxv., Rhus-tox., Sil, Sulph.-Afterwards are frequently suitable: Petrol., 1Rhs, Sulph. ANTIDOTES.-Of large doses: Emetics, and, if the Phosphorus had been very much divided, Magnesia with water (Orfila). Of small doses: Camphor, Nux-v., Coff., Vinum. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-- Scrofulous and rachitic affections 01s suitable to persons with phthisical constitution. Is suitable to 944 PHOSPHORUS. persons with blonde hair, or red hair, also to lean slender persons. OCatarrhal affections. OAilments from chagrin. ORheumatism and attacks of gout of years' standing. o Weakness from loss of animal fluids, semen. OBad effects from onanism. OHysteric and hypo chondriac affections. Burning in various parts.--Lymphatic ab scesses, full of fistulous ulcers, with callous edges, fetid, badly-colored pus, and hectic fever.--Affections of bones.-Exostoses, with nightly pains.-Bad effects from suppression of scarlatina and measles.OChlorosis.?-~Dropsical affections.?-Chilblains. Drawing in arms and legs, with weeping mood. Lacerating and sticking after every cold. *Sensitiveness to cool weather. Pain increases when the weather changes. *Liability to take cold in the open air, bringing on colic, pain in the nape of the neck, stiffness of the arms, toothache, lachrymation, hiccough, cutting and stitching in and above the pit of the stomach, dullness of the head, or at last cold and damp-cold feet and hands, with hot cheeks, &c. Catarrhal feeling through the whole body, with chilliness and drowsiness. A slight wetting or cold of the feet brings on weariness in all the limbs, burning of the hands, headache.--*Agitation of the blood. Seething of the blood, with chilliness and trembling, and anxiety in the intestines. Haemorrhage from various parts of the body, haemoptysis, bleeding of the gums, varices, &c. OPulsations in the whole body. Deadness of the hands and feet. A sort of insensibility in the whole body. Pain in all the limbs. *T'he limbs feel bruised. All the joints are painful, especially during motion. Languid feeling, as of being bruised. Heaviness of the hands and feet. *Heaviness of the mind and body. OLiability to strain a part. Sprained feeling in every limb during quick motions. -Languor and weakness in the joints. *General sudden excessive weakness. *Hysteric weakness. *Languor, with great nervous weakness. Sick and paralytic feeling in the body. The whole right side feels paralyzed, with nausea. As if paralyzed, mentally and bodily. Tremor of the hands.--Enmaciation, especially of the hands. *Hectio fever and emaciation.--Convulsions. CHARACTERISTIC PECULIARITIES.-The majority of the symptomo appear early in the morning, and in the evening in bed, other symptoms commencing at dinner, and disappearing after dinner, in the forenoon. Most of the symptoms cease after dinner, in the forenoon. Feels better in the open air. Many symptoms are most violent from afternoon till next morning. Constant yawning and watery urine during the paroxysms of pain. SKIN.-Formication and itching in the paralyzed parts. General itching of the body. Burning itching of the whole body.-Round PHOSPHORUS. 945 herpetic spots over the whole body. OFurfuraceous dry herpes. Blotches and blotch-like spots, brownish and bluish-red, as in leprous patients. oYellow or brown spots on the body. OSanguineous spots.-Painful hard blisters, in various parts. *Small boils -on the nape of the neck, chest, and thighs. Sore excoriated spots on the skin, with redness, or smarting and stinging pain.--Affections of glands after contusion. Tensive drawing in the glands. SLEEP.-Frequent yawning, with chilliness in the evening.-Drowsiness after dinner. ~Morning-drowsiness. OStupefying slumber in the daytime.-Sleeplessness and restlessness. Light sleep. Restless sleep, with dreams, and anxiety while awake. Wakes in the evening with violent vertigo and nausea.-Symptoms at night, in bed: Grea-t thirst. Pressure at the stomach and nausea. Pain in the lower limbs as if bruised. Violent stitches through the ear and teeth. Violent palpitations of the heart. Pressure in the abdomen. Spasm of the chest. Inclination to vomit and continual eructation tasting of the ingesta. Drowsy, a sort of giddiness, without being able to sleep. Frequent waking in the night, with chilliness.-Frequent waking in the night, from feeling too hot. Tossing about and moaning, with anxious dreams. Sleep full of dreams. *Restless at night and dreaming constantly. *Frightful dreams.-Feels as if he had not slept enough in the morning. As if paralyzed and bruised in the morning after rising. Great languor of the limbs, particularly the thighs. FEVER.-Coldness: in the whole body, as if deficient in animal heat. Coldness of the limbs. Icy-coldness of the hands and feet. Shuddering, with yawning. Shuddering with headache and pain in the stomach. *Chilly feeling in the evening, -with anxiety, or in bed. Subdued chilly tremulousness in the whole body.-Fever: violent chills at night, with diarrhoea. Fever in the afternoon, commencing with violent chilliness. Febrile heat and sweat at night, with in-satiable canine hunger, followed by chilliness with chattering of teeth and external coldness. Alternation of heat and chilliness at night, with violent pains in the head, abdomen, and lower limbs. Afternoonfever for many days. Warmth through the whole body, with dullness of the head. Flushes of heat, especially in the evening, with slight feverish restlessness and burning heat in the palms of the hands. Anguish and heat.-Fever with small, hard, quick pulse. Fever with thickly-coated tongue. Hectic fever, with dry heat towards even. ing.-Accelerated circulation of the blood. Throbbing of the carotids, *Increase of pulse. *Pulse quick and full. *Pulse quick and faint Exhausting sweats every morning. *Night-sweats. MORAL SYMPTOMS.-- *Great lowness of spirits. Gloomy, taciturn, 40* 94G PHOSrnonus. reflecting, lazy, out of humor.-Anguish. Anxiety with oppression. 0Anxious for the future. Internal uneasiness. *Anxious and irri. table when alone. Loathing of life. *Inclines to start.-Discontentea and irresolute. Peevish. Great irritability. Hypochondriac. Obstinate.- Spasmodic laughing and weeping.-Absence of shame. Great indifference to everything. *Indisposed to work. SENSORIUM.-Forgetful and dizzy. Slowness of thought. Fanciful delirium. OSomnambulism. Clairvoyance. Violent dullness of the head, and vertigo.-Painful dizziness. Dizziness, with violent headache, chills, and shuddering.--Stupid feeling. Gloomy, uncomfortable feeling, in the morning after rising. Painful stupefaction of the head, in the morning when waking, going off after rising.Weakness in the head. Slight stupefaction and pain between the eyes, in the forehead. Vertigo, followed by nausea and an oppressive pain in the centre of the brain, with stupefaction. Violent vertigo. Vertigo with headache and excessive secretion of saliva. ~Vertigo with vanishing of ideas. OChronic vertigo. oVarious kinds of vertigo. HEAD.-Headache when lying, with nausea. Violent headache from stooping. Headache when feeling the slightest vexation. Headache ini the forehead over the eyes, every morning. Violent dull headache, with nausea, eructations, and water-brash.--Dull, stupefying headache. Violent feeling of numbness and dizziness, with oppressive pain in the head, inability and disinclination to work, especially to perform intellectual labor, with drowsiness. Headache, with a confused feeling, as is felt at the approach of a catarrh.-Fullness of the head.-Pain as if the brain were bruised or dashed to pieces. Oppressive and pinching headache. Oppressive headache, in the forehead over the eyes; here and there, on the surface of the brain. Pain as if the head would burst.-Constrictive headache every other day. Lacerating in the forehead, in both temples. Stitohes in the head, occasionally burning, sometimes with a sensation as if pulled by the hair, or as if the head would burst. Pulsations in the head, in the morning when waking. Throbbing in the head, when lying. Pulsative pain in the right side of the head, deep in the brain, in the evening.--*Congestion of blood to the head.Humming and roaring in the head. Burning pain in the region of the forehead, sometimes with nausea. Burning pain about the head. -- Stinging on the side of the head. OExostosis on the hairy scalp. Violent itching of the hairy scalp. *A number of scales on the hairy scalp. Itching blotches on the hairy scalp, painful like boils whpe touched. ODry scales,-Great falling'out of the hair. PHOSPHORUS 94 7 EYES.-Pressure in the eyes, with dimness. Dull aching in the orbit. Pressure in the eyes, as from sand. Pressure and burning in the eyes.-Tension in the eyes.-*Determination oIf blood to the eyes.-kInJtammation of the eyes, Owith heat and pressure as from a grain of sand; -with burning and itching in the eyes. *Inflamma. tion and redness of the eye, -with itching and painful pressure; discharge of burning and smarting fluid. OScrofulous ophthalmia.0Arthritic ophthalmia.?-Swelling of the eye-lid, with itching and pressure. Tumor on the border of the orbit. Violent lachrymation. Watery and dim eyes when reading. *Agglutination of the eye-lids in the morning when waking,; with secretion of gum during the day. ODifficulty of opening the lids. OPhotophobia of scrofulous persons. The eyes are dazzled by the light of day. Weak, languid, drowsy eyes. Vanishing of sight when reading. Short-sightedness He sees everything through a gauze. OBlackness before his eyes. oDarkness at candle-light. Frequent attacks of sudden blindness in the daytime, and sensation as if a gray cover were hanging over the eyes. ~Cataract. ~Glaucoma. oAmaurosis. *Black passing spots before the eyes. Luminous vibrations before the eyes, and whizzing in the head. Sparks before the eyes, in the dark. EARS.-Dragging pain in the ears. Violent itching of the ear. Throbbing in the ear. Heat and redness of the ear. Pimples in the ear, with stitching. Occasional burning in the parotid gland.*Loud whizzing before the ears.-Humming in the ears, as if a gauze were stretched across. OConstant buzzing in the ears, *Hard hearing, with sensation as of a foreign body being in the ears. OCongestive deafness. 0Affections of the hearing after typhoid and inflammatory diseases. NoSE.-Feeling of pressure in the nose, as in catarrh. Inflammation of the interior of the nose Swelling of the nose during catarrh. OScrofulous swelling of the nose. Ulcerated nostrils. OPolypus of the nose. Blood with nasal mucus. *Frequent discharge of blood from the nose, -particularly early in the morning. oLoss of smell. OFetid smell from the nose. Sneezing, with violent pain in the throat. *Obstruction of the nose, every morning.-*Discharge of mucus from the nose, without coryza. *Green-yellow discharge from the nose. Feeling of obstruction in the nose, with dullness of the head, as if a cold were approaching. Dry coryza. Coryza with heat in the head. Coryza with inflammation of the throat and great dullness of the head. FACE.-*Pale face. *Pale, sickly complexion. Sunken, livid countenance, with deep, hollow eyes acd blue margins arowd. * Flip. pocraticw coynteanc. O~Circunmscribed redness of the face ~B03urr 948 PHOsrHORUS. ing and redness of the cheeks. *Pufiness and swelling around the eyes. Painless swelling of the cheek and gums. Violent itching of the face. *Tension of the skin of the face. *Increasing lacerating in the facial bones and temples, as if every part would be torn out. *Lacerating in the jaws, in the evening, when lying, -ceasing when eating and moving the jaws. OSticking in the malar bones. OThe pains in the face come on again after the least cold, when talking, eating, or by contact.--Dry lips. Ulcerated corner of the mouth. JAWS AND TEETH.-Pressure, drawing, and lacerating in the lower jaw. Glandular swellings in the region of the articulation of the lower jaw.-*Toothache, -with swelling of the cheeks. Violent toothache. Toothache, only at night when in bed, going off by rising. OToothache from the least cold, with ptyalism. Lacerating in the teeth. OSticking in the teeth.-Sore pain in the teeth. Pain as from subcutaneous ulceration, when pressing the teeth together.Soreness of the gums.-Painful sore swelling of the gums. Inflammation of the gums. Ulcer on the gums, with swelling of the upper lip. Bleeding of the gums at the slightest touch. MoUTH.-Painful sensitiveness of the mouth, gums, and palate. OSoreness of the inner mouth. Swelling of the root of the tongue *Dry tongue. * White mucus on the tongue, with slimy mouth. Furred tongue. A number of small, red, bleeding tips on the anterior surface of the tongue. Blisters on the palate, bursting and suppurating. THRoAT.-Rawness and soreness in the back part of the throat, with dark redness.-Sore throat, as if the uvula were swollen. Burning in the pharynx, oalso with scraping or smarting as if excoriated. Sensation of tightness about the throat.-Swelling of the tonsils.Dryness in the pharynx and fauces, Oday and night. *Hawking up of mucus, in the morning. TASTE AND APPETITE.-Taste. OSlimy taste. Saltish-sweet, sourish taste. Acrid bitterness in the fauces, with roughness. Increase of acidity after every meal, and pulsative headache in the forehead. OLoss of taste. OHunger after a meal. *Canine hunger. GASTRIC SYMPTOMS.-~Water-brash after acid things. ONausea and palpitation of the heart from smoking. Qualmishness in the region of the stomach, after dinner. Drowsiness while eating, or after a meal. *Irresistible sleep after dinner. OIndolence. Pressure in the stomach after a meal. oQualmishness in the abdomen, after break fast. Violent pulsations below the pit of the stomach, shortly after a meal. Oppression of the chest and shortness of breathing, after a meal. Tension and pressure in the region of the stomach, after a meal, with distention of the abdoipcu "Oppressive anxiety and heat PIIOSPHORUS. 949 Anguish and agitation of the blood, after a slight meal. OBurning in the hands. Great weakness in the whole body after a meal, and especially in the affected part. Violent pressing on the rectum after a meal.-Great weakness of digestion.-*Frequent eructations. *DIring an eructation, pain in the upper orifice of the stomach,.as if something would tear off. Empty eructations. Eructations with burning. Bitter eructations. Violent eructations, causing a pain in the chest. OSpasmodic eructations. *Sour eructations after every meal. Gulping up of bitter, rancid water. *Sour regurgitation of food. Gulping up of bile, when stooping.-Heartburn, morning and afternoon. Nausea in the stomach, with vertigo, oppression in the pit of the stomach. Constant nausea. Nausea and inclination to vomit. eNausea with hunger, early in the morning. * Water-brash oafter acid's. Water-brash after, a meal, with eructations, nausea, and flow ef water from the mouth.- Vomiting. Empty vomiting. Violent vomiting. Vomiting, accompanied with excessive weakness, small, quick pulse, and pains in the abdomen. * Vomiting of the ingesta, -in the evening. *Vomiting of bile. Sour, bilious vomiting. *Sour vomiting. Green, blackish vomiting. O~Hamatemesis. OVoomiting with diarrhoea. OAsiatic cholera. STOMACH.-Pains in the stomach, with nausea and desire to vomit. Qualmishness in the pit of the stomach, and soon after shuddering. ---The region of the stomach is painful to the touch. *Painfulness of the stomach when walking. OPainfulness of the pit of the stomach to the touch.-Deranged, weak stomach. Violent pain in the stomach, gradually extending over the whole abdomen, with vomiting, first of greenish, then of blackish substances. Continual pressure in the pit of the stomach. *Pressure in the stomach after a meal. *Repletion in the stomach. Feeling of heaviness in the stomach. *C2ramp in the stomach. Tensive contraction of the stomach, with sourish eructations. Contraction and gnawing in the stomach. *Griping in the region of the stomach, in paroxysms, Oalso with arrest of breathing, and at night, with writhing pain. Drawing pain in the pit of the stomach, extending into the chest. Cutting in the region of the stomach. *Burning in the stomach, also extending to the throat and bowels. Burning and cutting, or burning and oppressive weight in the region of the stomach.--Burning in the pit of the stomach.-*Inflammation of the stomach. Inflammation and gangrene of the stomach and intestinal canal, with violent burning aud cutting.-OThe pains in the stomach come on again after eating, in the evening and at night.-- Contraction of the pit of the stomach, with regurgitation of the food almost as soon as swallowed. 950 PHOSPHORUS. HYPOCHONDRIA.-Violent pain in the left hypochondrium. Sen. sitiveness of the region of the liver. Stitches in the region of the liver. ABDOMEN.-Drawing aching pain in the epigastrium. *Colic in the morning. Violent pain in the whole abdomen. Spasmodic pressure, deep in the abdomen, near the genital organs. Occasional contractive pain in the intestines. Burning contractive pain iri the abdomen.-Spasmodic griping and contraction, apparently in the uterus. -Violent cutting in the abdomen, followed by discharge of liquid stool. Stitching colic, with pale c6mplexion, chilliness, and headache, at noon. OTearing in the abdomen, with uirging to stool. Sore or infamnmatory pain in the addomen, extending to the genital organs.-Cramp-colic. Colic, as if diarrhoea wouild come on. Colic, followed by sour smelling diarrhoeic stool, leaving soind tenesmus and burning.--Feeling of coldness in the abdoireh. "*Burning -and pressure in the abdomen. *Relaxed feeling in the abdomen. Bloated, extremely-sensitive abdomen, Oppressive jiul ness of the abdomen. *Incarceration of flatulence, -with coldness of the body and heat in the face.--Pressing in the abdomen, sometimes towards the small of the back, ~or in the sides. *Rumbling, -as if diarrhoea would set in, or painful, after eating. -Rumbling, -with emission of flatulence.-- Large yellow spots on the abdomen, on the side of the umbilicus. Great pain in the region of the inguinal hernia. Swelling of the inguinal glands. Tumor in the groin, with burning pain. STooL.-Constipation.-*Dificult expulsion of fceces.-Stool, with violent pressing. Scanty stool, followed by discharge of blood fromn the anus. Hard stool, with cutting in the anus. OParalysis of thd intestinal canal.-Scanty stool, followed by discharge of blood front the anus.-*Soft stool, -with pressing and cutting in the larger intestines. *Papescent stool. Diarrhoea, with tenesmus of the.rectum. Half-liquid stool. 0Chronic diarrhcea. Diarrhoea, with Sexpulsion of ascarides. OSlimy, obloody, owatery, oexhausting diarrhoea of phthisicky persons. OTyphoid diarrhoea. 0Alternite diarrhoea and constipation of old people. Green and black stools. OUndigested stool. ~Involuntary stool. oViolent urging beford stool. *Blood with the stool. Sharp scraping and burning at thi anus, frequently after stool, with burning desire to urinate. Tenesmui after stool. Violent burning at the anus and rectum. Lacerating in the rectum. Burning at the rectum. Violent pain at the anus, as if the abdomen would be torn asunder. Cutting in the anus and rectum, especially in the evening. Gnawing and itching of thi mEEsmortus.S 951 anus. Iflrmorrhage from the anus or rectum. 0Mucous discharge -from the anus.-0 Tcenia. 0Ascarides with stool. UR JNE.-Involuntarýy emnission of urine. Acrid, offensively-sm eliingr urine., Brown urine, with sediment of red sand. Urine, with a sediment ofwhiteflocculi. * The urinze deposits abrický-dust sedimnent. Cutting micturition, with dischargre of blood. Smarting and burniing Burning in the urethra. 0Jerking in the urethra. OStretchingr. Tension over the bladder. MALE GENITAL ORGANS.-Ulcer on the prepuce. Violent dra~wing in the testicle. Drawing stretching pains in the spermatic cords. *Ir~resistilble desire for an embrace. Impotence. Nocturnal emissions without dreams. FEMALE GENITAL 0aGANS.-*Stitches through the pelvis, -from the vagina to the uterus. Dull, lacerating pain in the pudendum, as if ulcerated. Menses too late. *Menzses too early and scanty. 0Menses too early, too profuse, and too long, also with pains in the small of the back and abdomen. Discharge of blood from the ute-rus between the menstrual periods. 0Discharge of blood in pregnant females. 0Leucorrhoea, urging to urinate, and weeping. Before nnd after the menses: swelling of the gums and swollcn chceks.-During the menses: toothache. Colic. Chilliness, with cold hands and fect. *Violent pain in the back, -as if bruised. 0Cutting in the abdomen, with pain in the back and vomiting. Fever, two days in succession. Violent nausea, when sitting up in bed, sour vomiting, oppre-ssion of the chest, cold sweat on the forehead, and vertigo when walking. Cramp. like contraction of the lower limbs. 0Ferinentation in the abdomen. 0Bloody expectoration. 0Bruised feeling of the limibs. OPalpitation of the heart.-After the menses: great weakness, with blue margins around the eyes, and anxiety.-Milky leucorrhcea. Slimy leucorrboea. Acrid, excoriating leueorrhcea. oSinarting leucorrhcea, drawing blisters. Reddish leucorrhcea. Viscid leucorrhcea, in place of the menses. Profuse leucorrhoea.-S titches in the mammee. 0lliard, painriful nodosities. *Erysipelas, with swelling, accompanied with burning, stinging, and suppuration. 0Abscesses also, with fistulous ulcers. LARYNX AND TRACHEA.-Irritation low down in the trachea, with oppression high up in the chest. 0Painfulness of the larynx, impeding speech. O8ensitiveness of the larynx, -with burning.-- *_Roiig/uicss of the larynx and trachea, with hacking. *Iloarsenes~s -in the morningr. 0Chronic hoarseness. 0Aphonia. Violent -ata~rrh, withi hoarseness. *Catarrh, wi -cuh. fever, an rad of death. Mucous expectorationi from the laryn-K.-0Croup., with dis. 952 PIIOSPORUS. position to relapses.--Cough from titillation in the throat, Owaking him at night. OCough from tickling in the chest. OCough from laughing. OCozugh, with rawness and hoarseness in the chest. ONight cough, with stitches in the throat. Sourish vomiting during the cough. Pain in the stomach when coughing. Violent dry cough, when sitting or lying, not at all during motion. OCough, with chilliiess all over.-Dry and hacking cough the whole day, and preventing sleep.-Violent dry cough, with oppressive headache. OCough for several hours a day, with pain in the stomach and abdomen. OInveterate cough, as if from tubercles, or from chronic inflammation of the lungs.- Hollow cough, mostly in the morning, and also at night.-Loose cough, without expectoration, with pain and sore feeling in the chest. Panting cough, with slight oppression of the chest, and some expectoration. Fatiguing cough, with expectoration of tenacious mucus.-Continual cough, with discharge of mucus and tensive pain in the chest. Muco-sanguineous expectoration, when coughing, or with fatiguing hacking, before and during the menses. OGreenish expectoration. OCough, with saltish, purulent expectoration, particularly morning and evening. OSuppuration of the lungs. OMucous phthisis. CHEST.-0Loud and panting breathing. *Difficulty of breathing, in the evening when in bed, or from tightness in the pit of the stomach. Panting breathing when ascending a hill. Loud, rattling breathing.-Anguish in the chest in the evening.-Frequent oppression in the chest, with nausea. Sensation as if the chest were oppressed by a load. Oppression early in the morning, with palpitation of the heart, and nausea. Oppression, with chilliness and violent headache. Tension and tightness in the chest, with dryness. Contraction of the lungs. Contraction of the chest, with pressure or crampy feeling in the epigastrium. Pain in the chest, especially during an inspiration. Severe stitches in both sides of the chest, during motion and rest. *Stitches in the side, under the ribs, Oalso with stinging when touched. OChronic stitches in the side. Rush of blood to the chest. Rush of blood to the heart, and palpitation, very violent after dinner.-*-Palpitation of the heart, -with anxiety, morning and evening. OPalpitation in the daytime, when sitting. OSore burning in the chest. Itching in the chest. Weakness of the chest. Bruised pain in the upper part of the chest, when stooping, moving, or when touching the part. Burning pinching below the right outer chest, with mounting of heat to the head. OYellow spots on the chest. BACK.-Pain of the os-coccygis, as if ulcerated. Pain in the PHOSPHORUS. 953 small of the back when rising after stooping. Paralytic weakness of the small of the back. OPain as if the back were broken. Heaviness and weariness of the back, when lying. Periodically-returning intolerable pains in the back, hindering walking. Stitches in the lumbar vertebrae. Lacerating in the scapulae. *Stijffnes of the nape of the neck. Jerkings in the cervical muscles. OSwelling of the posterior cervical and the cervical glands. ARMS.-*&Selling of the axillary glands, -with burning pain in the skin of the arms. Pressure and drawing in the shoulders. The shoulder is painful when touched or moved. Rheumatic pain in the right shoulder. OPain of the arm on lifting it. Heaviness in the shoulders and arms. Drawing rigidity in the muscles of the arm. OLacerating sticking in both arms and scapulke. Weakness of the joints of the arms, with distention of the veins of the hands. Paralytic, sore pain in the arm. ~Itching of the arm. OScaly herpes on the arms. Lacerating in the upper arm. Pain of the elbow-joint as if broken. Lacerating and boring from the elbow to the shoulder. Lacerating in the wrist-joint, with paralytic weakness, in the evening. Pain as if sprained in the wrist-joint.-Intensely-painful stitches in the wrist-joint, during rest. Cold hands. *Tremor of the hands. Itching of the hands. Sudden swelling of the hand and fingers. Pain, as if sprained, in the finger-joints. O The tips of the fingers feel numb and insensible. Periodical contraction of the fingers, like cramp. Paralysis of the fingers. LEGS.--Pain of the nates, as from subcutaneous ulceration.-Pain in the left hip-joint. Pain in the hips, as if sprained. Great weakness in the lower. limbs. Cramp-like contractive sensation in both limbs and feet, in paroxysms. Great restlessness in the limbs, with icy-cold hands, especially in the evening. Drawing pain in the thighs, relieved by walking. Burning of the thigh, increased by contact. Pain as from bruises in the middle of the thigh. Trembling in the knees. *Drawing pain from the knees to the feet Arthritic tension in the knees, as if sprained. Nightly stitching in the knees, in paroxysms. 0Arthritic stiffness in the knees, with paralytic weakness of the legs. Cramp in the calf. ~Twitching in the calves. Pain, as if bruised, in the periosteum of the tibice, painful when touched. A number of small blue-red spots on the logs, like petechire. Paralytic feeling in the feet. OTwitching of the feet, in the daytime. *Icy-cold feet. *Swelling of the feet, in the evening. oUlcerative pain in the soles. Chilblains in March. Pain of the toe as if frozen. 954 PHO'SPHORni ACID. 213.-PHOSPHORIC ACID. PHOSPH. AC.-See Hahnemann's " Chronic Diseases," V. COMPARE WITH-Asa-f., Bell., Chin., Con., Fer., Ign., Lach. Led., Lye., Mere., Nitr.-ac., Op, Phosph., Rhus., Sec., Sep., Staph., Sulph., TIhj., Verat.Phosph.-acid is frequently most serviceable after: Lach. and Rhus -After Phosph.-ac. are frequently suitable: Chin., Fer., Rhus., Verat. ANTIDOTES.-Camph., Coff. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.--OArthritic afections, particularly when inveterate. OPcedarthrocace (spina-ventosa.? Swelling of joints in children?). ODebility, from loss of animal fluids (blood, semen), also with pain and only with burning. ~Bad effects of onanism. OBad consequence of too rapid a growth. OBad efects of grief, chagrin, care, anxiety, unhappy love. 0Bad consequences of suppressed scarlatina or other exanthems. ~llypochondriac sufferings. OScro. fula and rachitis. ODiseases of bones, also particularly pedarthrocace, inflammation, and caries. 0Bone-pains, and other sufferings from abuse of Mercury.-~Drawing and jerking lacerating in the limbs. -Intense pain in the periosteum o' all the bones, as if scraped with a knife.--B3urning through the whole lower half of the body, although the limbs feel cold to the hand.-The upper and lower limbs go to sleep in the night; he is obliged to have them moved by others. The thighs and legs feel weak, with tingling as if gone to sleep. All the jointsfeel bruised in the morning, in the arms, lower limbs, and nape of the neck. Hands and feet feel bruised and paralyzed. Bruised, contractive sensation in the limbs. *Bruised sensation in the hips, armis, thighs, and nape of the neck, as if caused by too rapid growth, -with single lancinations in all these parts at the same time, especially when going up-stairs, and when beginning to walk.-Jactitation of the muscles, especially in the lower limbs.-Tumultuous movements in the blood. Great agitation of the blood.--Sensitive to cool air.-Emaciation, with wretched appearance and sunken eyes.Languor of the body, inactivity of the mind, mental oppression. OExcessive weariness i,'*er walking.-* Weakness all over, also nervous weakness, -with great disposition to sweat in the daytime. Epilepsy. CHARACTERISTIC PECULIARITIES.-PainS caused by Phosphoric. acid remain unchanged by external pressure. The nightly pains can be relieved by pressure. He changes his place constantly; the pains are less during motion than the rest. SKIN.-Formication of the whole body. Violent burning prick PHOSPHORIC ACID. 955 ling in several parts, increased by scratching.-Soreness of the skin. The skin is insensible.-Red spots on the upper and lower limbs. OScarlet-like exanthems. OErysipelas.-Rash over the whole body, more burning than itching.--Clusters of red, fine rash.-Itch-like pustules on the nates, balls of the toes, and toes. OMoist or dry herpes.-OBoils. OUlcers, itching, inveterate, or flat, with dirty pus or indented base. Burning pain of the ulcers. *Smarting pain in the wounds, even in those of bones. SLEEP.-Great drowsiness in the daytime; sleeplessness at night. Falling asleep late in the evening. Anxious waking. During sleep: moaning.-Restless sleep, with dry heat. Anxious and vivid dreams. -Early in the morning: out of humor, weak, and drowsy. In the morning, pressure in the head and bitter taste in the mouth. FEVER.-Feeling of coldness. Frequent cold creeping, with chilly feeling and palpitation of the heart.-Attacks of shuddering, in the evening, followed by exhausting sweat.-Shivering over the abdomen, with cold tips of the fingers.-Chilliness of the whole body, with drawing in the limbs.-Chilliness the whole forenoon, in paroxysms. Alternation of shiverings and heat in the evening. Chills over the whole body, with icy-cold fingers, no thirst. Heat and sweat all over, day and night, with violent desire for water. Pulse irregular, frequently intermittent. Pulse more full, the temporal and radial arteries being distended.-Profuse sweat.-Morning-sweat, with heavy dreams of dead persons. Profuse morning-sweat. Sweat the whole night, with hot feet and hot forehead. MORAL SYMPToMs.-Lowness of spirits. Sadness. Anxiety and uneasiness in the whole body. Great irritation of the nerves, the mind feels oppressed, the body faint.-Out of humor, *not disposed to talk.-Taciturn, *indifferent, 0apathetic, indisposed to work. SENsORIUM.-Want of ideas and weakness of mind. Illusion of the senses. Dullness of the head. Inability to think. Vertigo. Frequent vertigo from heat in the head, even when sitting. HEAD.-Violent headache, with stiffness of the nape of the neck. Violent pain over the eyes. Dull headache in the forehead and temples. Dull headache, with buzzing in the head. Dull painful pressure over the orbits. Hard pressure in the forehead or temples, almost as if bruised. Headache, as if the brain were pressed upwards, with painful pulsative throbbing in the brain. Aching and stitching pain in every part of the head, at intervals. Compressive pain in the whole brain.-Lacerating in the vertex and occiput.Pain of the scalp, when touching it, as if sore, or as if the hairs were pulled. Itching of the scalp.-Feeling of coldness on the hairy 956 PHOSPHORIC ACID. scalp.--*Great falling of of the hair, oparticularly after grief, SFlaxen, withering, gray hair. EYES.-Constant pressure in the eyes.-Pain as if the eye-balls were compressed.-Itching in the eye.-Burning in the eyes, with burning tears. Burning and pressure in the eyes.-*mIflammation of the eyes and stye on the upper eye-lid. oInflammation with con. gested vessels towards the inner canthus. OInflammation of the eyelids. Faint, glassy, staring look. Sunken eyes.-Dilatation of the pupils. OPhotophobia in the daytime. *The eyes are dazzled by looking at bright things.-Increased short-sightedness. Dimness of sight, with quick and short luminous vibrations before the eyes.Black streak before the eyes. EARs.-Lacerating in the outer and inner car.-Stitches in the ears, with drawing pain in the jaws and teeth.-Ringing before the ears. Whizzing in the ears. Roaring in the ears. oIntolerance of noise and conversatibn. NoSE.-Creeping and burning of the nose. Swelling of the dorsum of the nose. *Scurfs on the nose.-Purulent discharge from the nose.-Sensitive smell.-~Fetid smell from the nose. Catarrhal fever, with pain in all the limbs and loss of appetite. FACE.-Blue margins around the eyes. Sunken eyes. Formication in the face and in other parts. *Burning pain in the skin of the cheek.-Itching of the whole face.-Large pinrples in the face.OMoist scurfs, herpes on the cheeks, lips, and in the corners of the mouth. ODry lips. Ulcerated, deep sores in the vermilion border of both lips, with tensive smarting, even when not touched. JAWS AND TEETH.-Pain of the lower jaw, as if it were torn out of its joint. Lacerating in the teeth, extending into the head. Boringstitching toothache, ending with swelling of the cheek. Burning pain in the fore-teeth, at night. OThe teeth become yellow. Soreness of the gums when touched, bleeding when rubbing them. OThe gums stand off from the teeth. OPainful tubercle on the gum. 'MoUTH.-Sore and raw pain in the mouth, between the acts of deglutition. The mouth is slimy, oily, and thirsty in the morning. OTenacious, viscid mucus in the mouth.-~Smarting on the tongue when chewing solid food. Feeling of dryness on the tongue and in the palate, without thirst. Swelling of the tongue, with pain when talking.-O0Nasal speech.-~Sore ulcerated velum. THROAT.-Rawness of the throat, with pain from talking or swallowing. Sore throat when swallowing. Soreness of the left side of the throat, ulcerative, beating, tensive, and dry. Inflammation of the throat, with a smarting vesicle. PHOSPHORIC ACID. 957 TASTE AND APPETITE. -Putrid, flat taste.-* Violent thirst. Loss of appetite.-o~Acids occasion eructations and other ailments. GASTRIC SYMPTOMS.-After a meal: dullness of the head. Pressure in the stomach as from a load, with drowsiness. Oppression of the stomach, with drowsiness. Load in the stomach like lead. Repletion and anxiety. OSensation as if the stomach were balanced up and down. Sour eructations. *Nausea, as if in the palate. OConstant nausea, as if in the throat. Nausea unto vomiting in the region of the stomach. Vomiting of the ingesta. STOMACH.-Painful oppression of the stomach when touching the pit.-Stitching, with pressure, in the pit of the stomach. Coldness in the stomach. Burning in the pit of the stomach, then moving to the left side. HYPoCHONDRIA.-Pressing and pushing in the hypochondria, with great anguish. Periodical crampy sensation, with pressure under the short ribs.-Feeling of heaviness in the liver. Stitching in the region of the liver and spleen. Burning pain at one spot of the region of the liver. ABDOMEN.-Pressure in the epigastrium. Painful pinching in the abdomen, like flatulent colic.-Crampy pain in the abdomen. Excessive pinching contraction of the intestines. Griping and pinching in the umbilical region, when sitting. Cutting pinching in the abdomen, as if diarrhoea would come on.-Cutting pain across the abdomen, in paroxysms. Tensive stitching pain in the whole right side of the abdomen and chest, almost arresting the breathing. Cutting colic, with drawing in the pelvis.-~Burning in the abdomen.-Distention of the abdomen, with nausea. Tensive pain in the epigastrium, almost arresting the breath.-Rumbling in the epigastrium and abdomen. *Emission of a quantity of flatulence, oparticularly after taking anything acid.-Swelling of the inguinal glands. STOOL.-Frequent desire for stool. *Diarrhoea. * White-gray diarrhoea. ~Slimy diarrhoea. 0Watery diarrhoea. OLienteria. Tenesmus after stool. URINE.-*Desire to urinate, -with sc- nty emission. Urging, with burning during micturition. OUrging, with pale face, heat, and thirst. ~Irresistible desire to urinate. Enuresis, with cutting burning in the urethra, and cramp-pain in the small of the back. *Frequent micturition. Milky urine, with bloody jelly-like lumps, or as if stirred with flour.-Fetid urine.-Burning during micturition, followed by gonorrhoeal discharge. oCutting in the urethra. Burning during, and cutting previous to micturition. 0Anguish and uneasiness before micturition. Frequent feeling of rawness in the urethra. Painful 958 PHOSPHORIC ACID. spasnodic constriction of the bladder. Swelling of the orifice of the urethra. MALE GENITAL ORGANS.-Itching stinging of the glans. Burning cutting of the glans, with painful pressure in the. groins.-Drawing soreness in the testicles, as if excoriated.--Pain of the testicles when touched. oGnawing in the testicles. Itching of the scrotumn. Formication of the scrotum. Inflammation of the scrotum. Swelling of the spermatic chord, with dullness of the head.-Swelling of the penis. Violent erection. *Frequent emissions, ~also after onanism. FEIMALE GENITAL ORGANS. -~Meteoristic distention of the uterus --OPain in the liver during the menses.-Leucorrhcea after the mcnses. Profuse yellowish leucorrhcoa with itching, after the menses. LARYNX.--Roughness of the throat, hindering speech. Violent hoarseness. Continual cough with irritation. Cough, occasioned by burning in the chest. Cough, inducing a desire to vomit. Violent cough with expectoration, causing a pain in the abdomen. Cough with yellow expectoration. CHEST.-Breathing heavy and oppressed, with stitches between the short ribs, mostly. OShortness of breath, with inability to talk for any length of\time. Oppressive anxiety in the chest. Oppression and contraction of the chest, with stitches. Constrictive pain of the chest. Painful spasm in the chest and diaphragm. Pressure behind the sternum, impeding respiration. Sharp stitch in the upper part of the chest. Pinching stitch in the whole chest.-Burning in the outer parts of the chest. Palpitation of the heart when starting from sleep. BACK.-Intense pain in the small of the back, a sort of drawing and pressing, sometimes lacerating. Intermittent, quickly drawing, aching pain in the small of the back, mostly when standing. Painful drawing in the dorsal vertebrie, as if bruised. Stitches in the region of the kidneys. Red pimples on the back, chest, and neck. Painful stiffness of the cervical muscles. ARMS.-- Boils in the axilla. Drawing and beating in the shoulderjoint. Boils on the shoulder.-Weakness in the arm, in the forenoon, with trembling. OPimples on the arms. Drawing in both arms, from the shoulder.-Painful jerking lacerating in the arms, fingers, and limbs generally. Paralytic crampy pressure in the upper arms, increased by contact. Drawing from the elbow to the shoulder.Burning sensation in the elbow-joints. Pain of the elbow-joint when feeling it. Drawing cutting in the elbow, wrist, and posterior fingerjoints.-The fore-arms are painful, as if bruised. Feeling of stiffness and crampy feeling in the wrist-joint, increased by motion Rough rH-VTOLACCA DECANDRA. 9Wi9 shrivelled, dry skin of the han ds.-Infiamm~ation and, suppuration. behind the fingrer-nail. LEGs.-*Boil or the nates.-Vain of the hip-joint, as if brolken, when walking- or when touching it. Painful stretching and pain as if bruiscd, in the hip-joint, worse during motion. Heaviness and paralytic sensation in the hip-joint.-Pa~in, of th~e thigh and, legs when walking, as if bruised.-Heaviness, which soon 'becomes painful, in all the joints of the lower limbs. Rheumatic paralytic feeling of thea whole left lower limb.. Pain a~s if bruised, in the muscles of the thigh. Painful swelling of the glands of the thighs. 0Jtching, ulcer-s an the leg. Languor of the legs, when walking. Nightly burniing lacerating. in the tibia. -Dull paraly.tic pain in the tar-sal-Joint. Crampy pressure in the soles. Butrningr heat of the soles, and soreness between the toes. 0Swelling of the feet. 0Sweaty feet. Ulcerative pain of, all the toes. OChilblains on the toes. 214.-PHIYTOLACCA DECANDRA. PHYTOL. DEC.-Poke.-" Tran~s. Amer. Inst. Ibm..," Vol. IL. COMNPA RE WITH-? ANTIDoTEs.-Of large doscs: Coffee seems to diminish the action, but does not stop it entlirely; Opium is said to be the best antidote.-Of small doses: Ign.? GENE 'RAL SYMPTOMS.-Dryness of the fauces, most in the morning.-The pains in the head are chiefly in the forehead, and worse after dinner.-Dullness, giddiness, and vertigo. -The promininent feeling in the eyes is that of smarting. -Sensation of a lump in the throat. -The symptoms of the stomach, throat,, and mouth are worse in the morning.- Griping pains, without diarrhicea.-The symptoms of the lower extremities are worse in the afternoon. The pains are *onietimes followed by itching and burning. -Transitory pains.-Neuralgia in the perinoeum. in the mi.ddle of the nigrht. The coug0h, is worse towards morning. Sudden. translation of internal pains to the extremities,. CHARACTERISTIC PECIILIARITIES.-The pains all partake of the nature of neuralgia; they are pressing and shooting, sometimines sore, drawing, and ach-ing. The pains are all made worseb oto n by pressure.-The pains in the extremities are always in the outer portions of the limbs.-The secretion of tears, saliva, bile, urine, and the menses is inereased..-Yomiting, attended with but little distress in the stomach. SKIN.-Suppuration. of painless tumors.-Drawin g in the cicatrices. 960 PHYTOLACCA DECANDRA. -Eruption of spots on the chest of the size of lentils, elevated, with great itching. SLEEP.-Yawning.-Drowsiness.-Sleepiness.-Restless sleep at night. MORAL SYMPTOMS.-Sense of entire indifference to life. SENsoRIUM.-Sensation of soreness in the interior of the head, deep in the brain.-Dullness of the head. Transient giddiness.-Vertigo, with dimness of vision. HEAD.-Pains throughout the head; aching; dull feeling in the head; dull pain in the forehead; dull, steady, aching pain, principally on the forehead. Headache: with sickness of the stomach.-The pain is increased by looking down and by stooping.-Headache; slight fullness of forehead with constant gaping; heaviness in the head and especially in the temples.-Cold in the head.-Pressure: in the temples and over the eyes.-Sore pain: over the head, worse on the right side and in damp weather.-Slight constriction across the forehead.-Moving, transitory pains in various parts of the head. Heat in the head. EYES.-Pressure in the eyes.-Pressure over the eyes.-Sandy feeling in the eyes.-Soreness on closing the eye-lids. Reddish-blue swelling of the eye-lids.-Photophobia in the morning.-Dimness of sight.-Long-sightedness. EARS.-Pain in both ears, worse in the right one.--Irritation in one of the eustachian tubes.-Increased sense of hearing, with pain in the forehead. NOSE.-Drawing sensation above the root of the nose.-Feeling in the nose and eyes as if a cold would come on.-Cold in the head. FAE.--Paleness of the face.-Heat, with redness of the face and a sensation of fullness about the head, and coldness of the feet. TEETH.-Irresistible inclination to bite the teeth together. MOUTH.-Tenderness and heat in the roof of the mouth and on the tongue.-Swelling of the soft palate. PHARYNX AND THROAT.-Pressing pain in the right side of the throat:-Sore throat and swelling of the soft palate in the morning, with a thick white and yellow mucus about the fauces.-The throat feels very dry and sore.-Roughness in the pharynx.-Great dryness of the throat. APPETITE AND TASTE.-Raging appetite.-Diminished appetite. The usual appetite remains, notwithstanding the nausea of the stomach GASTRIC SYMPTOMS.-Eructations.- Constrictive feeling at the praecordia, with pressure in the temples. Sickly feeling in the stomach.-Sickness of the stomach accompanying the headache. PHYTOLACCA DECANDRA. 961 SToMAcH.-Cutting in the pit of the stomach and in the abdomen. -Tenderness to the touch of the pit of the stomach. HYPOCHONDRIA.-Digging pain in the right hypochondrium, in the upper and outer portion of the liver, preventing motion.-Pain in the region of the pylorus.-Violent dull pressing pain in the left hypochondrium, in the evening.-*Soreness and pain in the right hypochondrium during pregnancy. ABDOMEN.-Neuralgic pain in the left groin. Cutting in the ab domen.-Griping pain as before a diarrhoea.-Sensation in the bowels as if a diarrhoea would follow. STOO'L AND ANus.-*Constipation of long standing.-Continual inclination to go to stool.-Mushy stool.-Diarrhoea attended with a sickly feeling in the bowels.-Copious discharges of bile from the bowels. URINE.-- Urgent desire to pass water.-Weakness, dull pain, and soreness in the region of the kidneys, most on the right side, and connected with heat; uneasiness down the ureters; a chalk-like sediment in the urine.-*Pain in the region of the bladder, before and during urination.-*Dark-red urine. FEMALE GENITAL ORGANS.- letrorrhagia.-Mienstruation too copious and too frequent.-*Painful menstruation.-*Violent pains in the abdomen during menstruation.-*Leucorrhoea.-*Inflammation and swelling, and suppuration of the mammae. WINDPIPE AND COUGH.-Dry bronchial cough, with a sensation of roughness and slight increase of heat in the trachea and bronchia. -Hacking cough. CHEST AND RESPIRATION.-Shortness of breath.-Aching pain in the right side of the breast.-Tenderness of the muscles of the chest, as if they were bruised.-Occasional shocks of pain in the region of the heart. BACK, SMALL OF THE BACK.-Sensation of weight and pressure on both shoulder-blades. A very peculiar pressure and tension in the parotids. ARMs.-Pain throughout the muscles of the shoulder.-Slight drawing pains in the upper arm.-Rheumatic drawing in the forearm.-Rhoumatic pains in the hands and feet, sometimes in the arms and legs.-Neuralgic pains in the palm of the hand. LEGS.-Sciatica.-Neuralgic pain in the thigh.-Neuralgic pain in the left groin.-Heaviness in the knee-joints.--Heaviness in the lower extremities, as if they were asleep.-Rheumatic pains below the knees and in the arms.-Coldness of the feet, with increase of the capillary circulation about the face and head. 41 962 PINUS SILVESTRIS.-PIMPINELLA. 215.-PINUS SILVESTRIS. PIN. SILY.-Common Fir. It has been employed with success for difficulty of walking of scrofulous children. 216.-PIMPINELLA. PIMPIN.-Pimpinella Saxifraga, L.-Pimpernel, Pimpinel. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-Constant pain, contractive pressure in various parts.-Languor and general feeling of exhaustion.Painful weariness of the limbs during rest. SKIN.-Itching on the vertex. SLEEP.-Irresistible drowsiness. (Restless sleep, disturbed with dreams.) FEVER.-Great sensitiveness to cool air.-Unusual chillineBs through the whole body. HEAD.-Violent vertigo.-Giddiness and dullness of the head.-- Heaviness in the head when reading, and disposition to sleep.Dullness of the head, as if senseless and stupefied. Constant dull aching in the occiput.-Buzzing in the whole head, with pressure, which increases by the buzzing.-Heat, rushing of the blood, and cloudiness of the head. EYES.-Sore pain of the eye-lids.-Burning of the eyes.-Disagreeable coolness in the eyes.-Dimness of the eyes and indistinct sight. Mistiness before the eyes. EARs.-Fine stitches in the ear, accompanied with buzzing. Sensation in the ear as from distant noise. NOSE.-Dry, stopped nose. General catarrhal fever, with languor and painful weariness. FACE.-Pains as of an ulcer in the cheek. MOUTH.-Burning aromatic feeling on the tongue, palate, and in the throat.-Acrid, burning, somewhat bitter, earthy taste in the mouth and fauces. STOMACH.-Insipid eructations, with pressure at the stomach. Sourish eructations.-Sensation of heaviness in the praecordial region and the abdomen. CHEST.-Oppressive anxiety in the chest. BACK.-Contractive pain in the small of the back, particularly when stooping.-Burning pain in the small of the back and loins. Tensive pain, particularly in the small of the back. Pain as if broken around the hips and pelvis. PLATINA. 963 217.-PLATINA. PLAT.-See Hahnemann's "Chronic Diseases," V. COMPARE WITH-Agn., Angust., Asa-f.. Aur., Bell., Canth., Carb.-a., Croc., Fer., Hvos., Lyc.. Magn., Mahg., Natr.. Natr.-mur.. Nitr.-ac., Plumb.. Puls.. Rhustox.. Sabad.. Stron., Verb., Valer., Viol.-od.-Is frequently suitable after Bell. ANTIDOTES.-Spir.-nitr.-duli., Puls.-Plat. antidotes Plumb. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-Platina is particularly suitable to females of an irritable disposition, with copious menstruation and sexual excitement. OChronic ailments from abuse of Lead. OAilments from chagrin, anger, mortification. ONeuralgia and neurosis. ~Spasmodic affections, particularly of females and hysteric individuals -Pressing pains from without inwards, pushing pains, constrictive pains, crampy pains with pressure. Cramp-like drawing or jerking in the limbs and joints. Tension in the limbs, as if bandaged too tightly. Pains as if from blows and contusions, particularly when pressing on the affected part. Paralytic feeling of numbness and rigidity here and there, also with trembling and palpitation of the heart. OSpasmodic afections.-Paroxysms. Burning in the limbs, here and there. Drawing in various parts of the body. Dartings through the whole body. Painful tremulousness of the whole body, with throbbing in the arteries. Excessive languor and drowsiness immediately after a meal. CHARACTERISTIC PECULIARITIES.-Many symptoms are worse during rest, and relieved by motion. Many symptoms are worse in the evening. The symptoms which abate in the open air are worse in the room. SKIN.-Itching, gnawing, stinging prickling and burning tickling in various parts.-Ulcers on the fingers and toes. SLEEP.-Great inclination to violent, almost spasmodic yawning. Uneasiness in the abdomen, as from cold. Incoherent dreams. Anxious- dreams, generally of a painful character. Wakes in the morning with a peevish and anxious mood. FEVER.-Chilly creeping over the back.-Constant' shuddering through the body, particularly the limbs. Chilly feeling, with shud. dering of the lower limbs from above downwards. MORAL SYMPTOMS.-Low-spirited, taciturn. Anxiety with palpitation of the heart. *Anguish as of death, with trembling of all the limbs, oppression of breathing, and palpitation of the heart. *Excessive anguish about the heart, with excessive fear of death. OFear, with trembling of the hands and feet, and illusion of the 964 PLATINA. fancy. OLoud cries for help --~Hysteric mood, with great lowness of spirits, nervous weakness, and vascular excitement.-Great uneasiness of the mind. Sensitive. Taciturn, drowsy, sad, peevish, weeps when addressed. *Proudfeelings, with over-estimation of one's self. Vacillating mood. SENSORiUM.-Great absence of mind. OLoss of consciousness. ODelirium. OMental derangement after fright and chagrin.-Dullness of the forehead. Violent vertigo, generally attended with palpitation of the heart. HEAD.-Headache. Cramp-like drawing constriction in the head from time to time, especially around the forehead. *Crcimp-like pressing in the temples from without inwards, oalso with heat and redness of the face, vexed mood, and weeping. Violent pressing in the forehead. ORoaring in the head. Numb pain on the vertex. Burning on top of the head. Painful drawing in different parts of the head. EYEs.-Sore and gnawing sensation in the upper border of the orbit, as if excoriated. Tensive pain in the upper borders of the orbits, and in the eye-balls, which feel compressed.-Burning sensation in the eyes, with drowsiness. ~Distortion of the eyes.-Twitching of the eye-lids. EARs.-Otalgia, a sort of cramp-pain in both ears. Burning heat of the ears, perceptible to the touch, with redness. Tingling of the ears. Whizzing in the ears, with stitches in the head. *Dull roaring and rolling in the ear.,NosE.-Gnawing in the outer parts of the nose, as from something acrid. *Dry coryza, only in one nostril. FACE.-Face pale and sunken. Burning heat in the face, with glowing redness, accompanied with great dryness of the mouth, violent thirst, headache, a'nd vibrations before the eyes causing giddiness, with lachrymation. Feeling of coldness, creeping, and *numbness in the whole right side of the face. Tensive feeling of numbness in the malar bones and mastoid processes. 6Pulsative digging in the jaws. Vesicles on the border of the lips, smarting. Great dryness and roughness of the lips. Tensive feeling of numbness in the chin. JAWS AND TEETH.-~Lock-jaw.-Cramp-pain in the lower jaw.OThrobbing digging in the teeth. MOUTH AND PHARYNX.-Viscid and slimy mouth. Creeping on the tongue Scraping sensation in the throat, as if raw.-Painful feeling of rawness in the throat. Scraping in the throat, as in incipient catarrh. Painful swelling of the tonsil. APPETITE AND TASTE.--No appetite.--Thirst.-Continual hunger. rLATINA. 965 -Pinching in the umbilical region after a meal, as if diarrhoea would come on. GASTRIC SYMPTOMS.--Empty eructations, in the morning. OPressure at the stomach, after eating. Sudden gulping up of a bittersour fluid, inducing cough and a scraping sensation in the throat. Qualmishness in the region of the stomach, in the morning.-Continual nausea, with great languor, anxiousness, and a trembling sensation through the whole body, in the forenoon. Desire to vomit, without vomiting, coming and going with increasing violence, accompanied with great qualmishness, and uneasiness in the limbs. STOMACH.-Pressure in the pit of the stomach, also when touching it. Drawing pain, with pressure, under the pit of the stomach, as if occasioned by a strain.-Contractive pain around the pit of the stomach. Fermenting sensation in the region of the stomach. Dull shocks in the pit of the stomach.-Gnawing and writhing sensation in the stomach, early in the morning. ABDOMEN. -~Constrictive sensation in the abdomen. - OColicaplumbea. Drawing through the abdomen, from the chest towards both groins, terminating in the genital organs. A writhing sensation around the umbilicus, with oppressed breathing, and a tremulous sensation through the whole body.-Dull stitches in the middle of the umbilicus. Anxiety in the whole abdomen, succeeded by a pain, as after fright; accompanied with urging to diarrhoea.-Slight burning around the umbilicus. STOOL.-*Constipation, oalso from poisoning by Lead or when traveling.-Difticult stool, with cutting, burning, and protrusion of the varices.-Papescent stool in the morning, half digested, and somewhat bloody.-Papescent stool in the evening, with discharge of ascarides. Stool rather thin, with slight tenesmus in the anus. Blood with stool.-Creeping tenesmus in the anus, as if diarrhoea would set in. URINE.-RPed urine, with white clouds. MALE GENITAL ORGANS.- Corrosion near the genital organs, as if sore and excoriated. OExcessive sexual desire.-ODischarge of prostatic fluid. FEMALE GENITAL ORGANS.-Cutting in the hypogastrium, as if the menses would appear, with drawing headache. Painful pressing towards the genital organs. OCongestion of blood to the uterus. oInduration of the womb.-*Amenorrhoea.-*llMenses too early, with diarrhoea or *profuse menses, *or too long, -also with drawing in the abdt men. OBefore the menses: cutting and labor-like pains in the abdomen. oAt the appearance of the menscs: cramps. ~Great sen. sitiveness of the parts, with pressing from above downwards. Press 966 PLATINA CHLORICA. ing in the hypogastrium, with ill-humor and menorrhagia. ~Head. ache, restlessness, and weeping.-OAfter the menses: debility.OMetrorrhagia.-Leucorrhax, like albumen, only in the daytime. LARYNX.-OLoss of voice. OShort, dry cough. CHEST.-~Short, difficult, anxious breathing. Impeded respiration, from weakness of the chest. Dyspnoea, with heavy slow breathing. -Aching in the chest, as if strained. OTension, pressure, and sticking in the sides. BACK.-Pain in the small of the back, as if broken. Weakness of the nape ofthe neck.-Tensive numb feeling in the nape of the neck. ARMs.-Cramp-pain near the shoulder and chest, as if constricted. Great weakness in the shoulder. Sharp stitches in the shoulder, causing the arm to start. Relaxed feeling in both arms. Pain in the arms, as if beaten to pieces. Sudden lameness, as after an apoplectic fit. Paralytic feeling in the left arm.-Dull pain in the upper arm as from a blow, most violent when moving or stretching it.-Burning in the elbow. Undulating pain above the elbow-joint, as if bruised or contused. Undulating beating pain in some parts of the bones of the fore-arms and legs. Cramp-pain of the hands and fingers, especially the joints. LEGS.-Crampy tensive pain in the hips, close above the joint. Feeling of weakness, with tremulous uneasiness in the thighs. Pain of the thighs, as if bruised. Drawing in the knee, afterwards burning and pain as if sprained, when stepping. Tremulous feeling of numbness in the knees. Feeling of great weakness in and around the knee-joints. Painful weariness below the knee, when stepping or sitting. Cramp-like sensation in the legs, in paroxysms, from above downwards, accompanied with a feeling of rigidity. *Languor of the legs, with oppressed breathing. Weariness of thefeet, with a feeling of swelling around the ankles. Pain in the tarsal-joint, as if sprained. Tensive pain in the bend of the foot. Corrosion and smarting around the ankles, as if excoriated. OCold feet. 218.-PLATINA CHLORICA. SYMPTOMS.-Slight shiverings.-Violent headache, particularly i, the occiput.-Turns of nausea.-Disposition to vomit.-Acidity of the stomach, accompanied with violent headache.-Violent constriction of the throat,,so that the voice and swallowing were perceptibly impeded. PLTJMBUMA. rv% rub 219.-PLUMBUM. PLUM.-Lead.-See Noack and Trinks' " Handbuch." COMPARE WITH-Alum., Bell., Chin., Con., Hyos., Mere., Natr.-mur., Nux-t,., Op., Phosph, Flat., Puls., Sabad., Sec.-c, Strain., Sulph., Verat, Zinc'. ANTIDOTrES.-Alum., Ac -sulph. in the shape of a lemonade, Bell., Hyos., Merc. Nux-v., Op., Flat., Puls., Sabad., Sec.-c., Strain., Strychnine. -Plumbu m anti dotes the bad effects occasioned by long abuse of Vinegar. GENERAL SYMPTOMS. ARTHRALGIA SATuRrNNA.-Intense pains in the limbs and trunk, relieved by pressure, aggravated by motion. The pain, which is the characteristic symptom of the affection, is cgenerally felt at night. Exhaustion and weariness, weakness. -Great failing of strength..Excessive languor (Br.) ANAUITHESIA SATURNINA. -Deep-seated ancethesia of the limbs and trunk. Skin, cellular tissue, and muscles are insensible to the action of external stimuli. Superficial or cutaneous ancethesia. It attains its highest degree of violence within a day or a few hours. PARALYSIS SATURNINA.-Consisting in debility or in suppression of the voluntary motion, particularly tha ' of the extensor muscles. If the paralysis continue, the affected parts become greatly emaciated. General paralysis of the upper limbs, always accompanied with aphony and doffculty of speech. Paralysis of the arm, wrist-joint, and hand. General paral~ysis of the lower extremities. Atrophy frequently sets in after the lapse of one month. Paralysis of the thigh. Paralysis of the trunk, foot, muscles of the -organs of speech. HIEMIPLEGIA.-Convulsions, of an epipleptic nature, following each other in -rapid succession. Attacks of EPILEPSY, with foam at the mouth, succeeding each other rapidly, and sometimes terminatingin apoplexy, catalepsy, combination of epilepsy, delirium, and coma. CAcILEXIA SA'ruRNINA.-Emaciation of the paralyzed parts. Eimaciation anad consumption. -Dullness of the senses. -Apo~plexy.-. fTaundice.-EEdema of the face and feet. Anasarca. SKIN.-Excessive sensitiveness of the skin.-Serious infiltration of the skin.-Jaundiced appearance and cedematous condition of the skin.-Skin rough, dry, scaly, yellowish. SLEEP.-Restless sleep. - Sleeplessness. - Somnolence. - Sopor. COM~A, sometimes with partial delirium. FEVwER. -Chilliness. Intolerable bea~t. - Cold sweat on the fo-e. h-ead and over the whole body. - Gýreat thirst. Slow pulse. Pu 180 small., sluggrish, spasmodic, intermittent, particularly during tha spasmu. Pulsus-dierotus. Undulating pulse. 968 PLUMBUM. PATHOGENETIC EFFECTS OF DIVERS PREPARATIONS OF LEAD.-- *Mind and disposition.-Lowness of spirits and indifference. Restiess, hopeless. Indifference and somnolence.-Mental derangement and difficulty of motion.-Loss of memory.-Loss of all the senses, the convulsions returning with increased violence. Idiocy.-Melancholia. Fright.-Delirium, after violent and frequent attacks of colic. Delirium, furious, constant, or intermitting, nightly, alternating with sopor (Br.), calm and furious loquacity, frequently alternating with rage (B'r.)-ENCEPHALOPATHIA SATURNINA (generally consisting of delirium, coma, and convulsions, without fever, from four to seventeen days); precursory symptoms: violent headache, of different degrees of intensity; general or partial pains in the head, most frequently in the region of the forehead, frequently with vertigo and tremulousness; sleeplessness, or else sleep disturbed by dreams or hallucinations; ringing in the ears, weakness of sight, amaurosis, diplopia, contraction and dilatation of the pupils; squinting. Stupor. Dysphagia. Paralysis. Colic. Encephalopathia, with delirium. Furious delirium: the eyes are widely open, threatening, wild; the features are spasmodically contracted. Every opposition of force brings on an attack of rage. Confused delirium, with abrupt stuttering words and loud voice. Sometimes the delirium progresses in paroxysms, with lucid intervals. The bland and furious delirium frequently alternate. Some patients are attacked with bland delirium in the daytime and furious delirium at night. Between the paroxysms of alternate delirium the patients are soporous. HEAD.'- Vertigo. Epileptic vertigo.-Headache. Violent pains in the integuments of the skullfrom occiput to the forehead. Headache, with vomiting, and violent pains in the umbilical region (Br.) EYES.-Contraction in the eyes and particularly in the eye-lids. Complete paralysis and insensibility of the eye-lids.-Profuse discharge of acrid tears and diminution of sight.-Faint, sad look.Protruded eyes, with staring look.-Sunken eyes. Bluish, leadcolored sclerotica. Contraction of the pupils. Mistiness of sight. Blindness.-Amaurosis saturnina: several paroxysms of colic, pain, convulsions or paralysis of the hands are succeeded by sudden obscuration of sight, increasing in a few hours to perfect blindness, and generally disappearing as suddenly. Diagnostic characteristics of,the Lead amaurosis are: the characteristic mode in which it develops itself; the considerable dilatation of the pupil, which is of unequal extent and changes with the excessive rapidity; the black, non-trans. parent bottom of the eye; and, lastly, the fact that one eye never gets blind alone. PLUMBUM 969 EA ms.-Buzzing in the ears.-Diminution of hearing and sight. NosE.-Bleeding of the nose.-Loss of smell. FACE.-Clay-colored face. Death-like, lead-colored face. Swelling of the face; eye-lids, abdomen, and feet.. Sunken features.-Emaciation. TEETH.- The gums are interstitially distended.-Turgescence of the gums. That portion of the gums which is nearest the teeth exhibits a violet-colored border, changing to a bluish ash-color, which sometimes extends over the mouth. The teeth turn black.-Looseness and falling out of the teeth. MouTH.-Dryness of the mouth.-Aphthae.-Dry tongue, which is frequently covered with a brown crust. The tongue and lips are painful, with salivation and fetid smell from the mouth, attended with languor; loss of appetite, burning sensation in the stomach, nausea, and vomiting. - Salivation. - Dragging, scarcely-audible speech.-Aphonia. THROAT.-Constriction of the throat. APPETITE.-Astringent taste in the mouth.-Loss of appetite.Apepsia and dyspepsia.-Violent hunger.-Excessive thirst. STOMACH.- Hiccough. -Troublesome eructations.-Sour, sweet, bitter eructations.-Loathing.-Inclination to vomit and loathing.Retching, with discharge of a sour fluid (Richt). Vomiting.Vomiting of a black substance.-Vomiting of bilious and foul substances.-Heaviness in the stomach.-Oppression of the pit of the stomach.-Violent pains in the region of the stomach and umbilicus. Great sensitiveness of the epigastrium. Violent burning pains in the region of the stomach, and tumultuous vomiting. Constrictive pain in the praocordia.-Paroxysms of cardialgia. ABDOMEN.-Affections of the spleen.-Continual pressure in the epigastric region.--Excessive pains in the abdomen, with oppression in the prcecordia, trembling and weakness of the limbs. Violent pains in the region of the umbilicus, with obstinate constipation. Pinching in the abdomen.-Meteorism.-Sunken abdomen.-Retraction of the abdomen, not bearing to be touched.-Constant pressure, with anguish in the prgecordia, dry cough, lacerating colicky pains.- Tormina-intestinorum.-Inflammation of the bowels, mesentery, peritoneum, terminating in ulceration and gangrene. Colic and paralysis of the lower extremities. - Colic; the face is bloated, reddened, the eyes glistening and protruded from the sockets, the tongue dry as well as the mouth, and reddened, with tormenting thirst, and desire for cold water, distention of the abdomen and sensitiveness to contact; the pains are relieved by strong and deep pressure. 41* 970 PLUMBUM. COLIA SATURNINA (Lead Colic).-Intolerable pains in the abdomen, frightful anguish, uneasiness day and night. Violent, alternately-burning and lacerating pains in the umbilical region, extending through the whole abdomen. Accompanied with a violent anguish and oppression, ineffectual tenesmus, vomiting of a viscid, and frequently mour-smelling mucus, which is rarely mixed with bile; burning in the oesophogus and spasmodic constriction of the throat. An evacuation of the bowels was accompanied with the most violent pains and tenesmus. Sleep uneasy, anxious, disturbed with frightful dreams.-Colica-umbilicalis: pain in the region of the umbilicus; retraction and even deep depression of the umbilical region, with hardness of the corresponding abdominal walls, constipation, nausea, vomiting, very rarely, however, and at long intervals, with scanty discharge.-Colica-epigastrica: pain, retraction, and hardness of the epigastric region, nausea, and frequently copious vomiting.Beating of the arteries in the epigastric region. Dyspnoea, jaundice. -Colica-hypogastrica: with difficulty of micturition, tenesmus of the bladder, pains and spasmodic movements in the region of the genital organs.-Colica-renalis: pain in the region of the kidneys. STooL.--Dysentery, attended with excessive colic.-Sluggish stool. -Scanty, hard, black-brown faeces, resembling sheep's dung. Alternation of diarrhoea and constipation.-Ineffectual tenesmus.-Disposition to constipation. ANus.-Constriction of the sphincter-ani.-Ineffectual, exhausting urging, inducing the formation of haemorrhoidal tumors. URINE.-Suppression of urine. Tenesmus of the neck of the bladder, with a burning sensation in the urethra.-Ischuria.-The urine looks saturated, brown, mixed with blood.-Copious red or yellow urine, without albumen. GEN1TAL ORGANS.-Pulling, lacerating, and contractive pains in the testicles, spermatic chords, penis, uterus, vagina, breast.- Weakness of the sexual powers.-Impotence and sterility.-Swelling of the testicles. Nocturnal emissions.- Spermatorrhoea (gonorrhoea).-- Mucous discharge from the vagina.-Labor-like pains in the uterus and vagina. LARYNX.-Fetid breath. Rough and afterwards stuttering speech. Short, dry, fatiguing cough. Dry cough, with frequent vomiting. Cough, with discharge of blood. CHEST.-Oppression of the chest.-The breathing is interrupted by moaning. Excessive dyspnoea, only 35 to 40 inspirations a minute. -Anguish and sufocative oppression, unable to breathe except when sitting. Sort of angina-pectoris.-Suppuration of the lungs -Pain PLUMBUM ACETICUM. 971 in the region of the heart and violent spasmodic palpitation of the heart.-Violent palpitation of the heart.-Violent pulsations of the sorta in the epigastrium, as far as the umbilicus.-Itching and darting pains in both breasts.-Pressure on the chest. NECK.-Stiff neck.-Paralysis of the cervical muscles. ARMS AND LEGS.-Excessive pains in the limbs, increased by contact.-Drawing pains in the limbs, accompanied with spasmodic movements.-Exhaustion and languor of the extremities.-Coldness of the limbs.-Trembling of the limbs. Convulsions of the limbs.Pains in the joints of the arm and head, with convulsive movements. -Paralysis of the arms. Great languor and weariness of the lower limbs.-Paralysis of the lower limbs. 220.-PLUMBUM ACETICUM. PLUMB. ACET.-Acetate of Lead GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-Indolence, exhaustion, and weariness. Geheral debility and malaise. Gradual emaciation and increasing debility.-Paleness, emaciation, languor, and anguish about the heart. Oppression about the chest. Restlessness, anguish. Loss of voice and senses.--Rigidity, numbness, immobility. Fainting turns. Apoplexy. Nervous apoplexy. Paralysis, partial and incomplete. Painful paralysis. Paralysis of the right side. General paralysis. Transitory paralysis. Convulsions of single limbs. Slight convulsions. Violent convulsions. Spasmodic movements.-General convulsions. Convulsions, with frightful shrieks, alternating with pain in the bowels.-Epilepsy. Opisthotonos. Frightful neuralgia. Excessive emaciation. Consumption. Atrophy. Hectic fever. Gangrene. Leucophlegmasia. Dropsy. Swelling of the body. Jaundice.-Frightful jaundice, with excessive indurations in the bowels. Aggravation of the pains at night, convulsions,, delirium, and diarrhoea. SKIN.-Sensitiveness of the skin to the air. Dryness of the skin and mouth' Itching of the whole body. Lead-color of the whole body. Yellooish color of the skin and white of the eye. Bluish-color of the body and of the extremities. Disgusting eruptions on the skin. OSuppuration. A swelling of the sublingual and submaxillary glands. SLEEP.-Yawning. Somnolence.-Sleeplessness at night. Dreams, agreeable, terrifying. FEvER.-Chillincss and coldness. Chilliness, which is worse 972 PLUMBUM,CETICUM. towards evening, vertigo, thirst, redness in the face, soft frequent pulse, with coated tongue on the morning following, dullness, pale face. Fever, with excessive thirst.-Viscid sweat. Pulse rare, slow, slow and hard, feeble, small and frequent. MORAL SYMPTOMS.-Melancholy, with stupefaction, complete dullness of the senses, and somnolence.-Lowness of spirits.-Restlessness.-Ennui, indolence, taciturnity. Absence of mind, delirium; nightly delirium, with swollen eyes. Furious delirium, rage.Mania. HEAD.-Vertigo.-Heaviness and stupid feeling in the head. Pressure under the skull, as from congestion of blood. EYES.-Lacerating in the eye-lids, with drowsiness, early in the morning.-Frequent discharge of corrosive tears.-Aching pain above the eyes. Sensation as if something had lodged under the eye-lids, and as if the eye-ball were too large, with exquisitely painful pressure.-Redness of the eye-lids. Inflammation of the eyes.-Varicose distention of the vessels of the cornea.-Frightful distortion of the eyes. Obscuration of sight. Constant mistiness of sight. Blindness.-Amaurosis. EARS.-Lacerating in the ear. Hardness of hearing, deafness. NOSE. -Erysipelatous inflammation of the nose. Horrid smell from the nose: Obstruction of the nose. Fluent coryza. Dzscharge of watery mucus. FACE,-IBloated face.-Pale or yellowish complexion,-Cadaverous complexion. Veesiles on the forehead and nose. Boring in the jaw and teeth. Lock-jaw. TEETH.-Brown or blue color of the upper border of the gums. Swelling of the gums about the roots of the teeth; painful, hard tubercles on the gums.-Pale gums. MOUTH.-Heat and burning in the mouth and tongue.-Impeded speech and heavy tongue. Swelling of the gums and ptyalism. Aphthaa in the mouth and pharynx. Ulcers in the mouth, particularly on the sides, with fetid smell. Inflammation of the tongue.Dry, brown, cracked tongue. THROAT.-Stiff neck. Burning and stinging pain in the fauces. Sensation of swelling in the throat, when swallowing. Sensation as if a foreign body had lodged in the throat.-G-lobus-hystericus. Con~strictions and pullings in the throat and fauces. APPETITE.-Metallic taste in the mouth. Sweetish taste. Bitter taste. Want of appetite and sleep. Feeling of hunger and nausea in the evening. Excessive thirst. SToMACH.-.Eructations. - Hiccough. Loathing. Nausea. In PLUMBUM ACETICUM. 973 clination to vomit. Retching. Sour gulpings. Vomiting. Sour, bilious vomiting. Vomiting of a yellowish, fetid substance, with colic. Bloody vomiting. Vomiting of fbeces, with violent colic and constipation. Malaise at the stomach, without inclination to vomit. Heaviness of the stomach. Pains in the stomach. Dull anxious pressure in the pit of the stomach. Contraction in the stomach. Constrictive burning pains in the stomach, and afterwards in the umbilical region. Burning, stinging pains in the stomach and oesophagus. Intermitting pains at the stomach. Cardialgia, with vomiting. Suppuration of the stomach. ABDOMEN.-Dull pains in the liver. Continuous darting pain in the region of the liver. Sticking pressure in the region of the liver. Pains in the praecordia. Dull and numb feeling in the abdomen. Intolerable pains in the abdomen, with uneasiness, mental derangement, and fainting turns.-Wandering pains in the abdomen. Pains in the abdomen increased by contact. Pains in the umbilical region. Pains in the abdomen with emaciation. Abdominal pains with sensation of constriction. Pressure in the abdomen. Pressure, with violent colic, contraction of the abdomen, and constipation. Gnawing colic. Violent burning and stinging pain in the umbilical region, with violent thirst, eructations, vomiting, cold extremities, and slow pulse. Constrictive pains. Pinching lacerating. Pinching. Deep pricking below the umbilicus. Heat and burning around the umbilicus, internally.-Pains in the loins. Bruised pains in the abdominal muscles. Colic, returning periodically. Colic with frightful pains, particularly around the umbilicus. Spasmodic contraction of the bowels. Enteritis, with lentescent fever and turbid, thick, reddish urine, with anguish, burning in the bowels, and general convulsions Ulcers in the bowels. STooL.-Burning or fetid flatulence.-Ineffectual urging to stool. Constipation, with violent colic. Irregular stool.-Hard, slow stoo&. Lead-colored stool with vomiting of feeces. Liquid stool, afterwardn small balls of the most pungent smell.-Diarrhoea ýwith rumbling, without pain. Dysentery, bloody, with horrible cutting, violent eru.tations, fever.-Darting and burning pains in the rectum, perinaeum, and neck of the bladder. Tenesmus. Constriction and drawing up of the anus. Prolapsus of the anus. URINE.-Strangury. Retention of urine. Dysuria.-Ischuria, with inflammatory fever. Tenesmus of the bladder. Involuntary emission of urine. Turbid and frequently bloody urine. MALE GENITAL ORGANS.-Violent inflammatory swelling of the penis and scrotum, with fever, dysuria, costiveness, delirium, gangrene. 974 PODOPHYLLUM PELTATUM. Tension about the testicles. Swelling of the testes. Painful swelf ing of the testes. Emission of semen during sleep. Extinction of the sexual instinct.-Impotence. FEMALE GENITAL ORGANS. - Miscarriage. Derangement of the menses. Suppression of the menses. LARYNx.-Roughness of the throat and voice. Dry convulsive cough.-laemopto6. CHEST.-Dificulty of breathing. Short, anxious, panting, oppressed breathing. Weariness of the chest. Dyspnea. Impeded respiration, as from paralysis of the muscles of the larynx. Constriction of the throat. Suffocative catarrh. (Asthma.) Dull pressure on the left chest, aggravated by breathing and laughing. Suppuration of the lungs. Twitching in the region of the heart. Anguis4 about the heart, with cold sweat.-Palpitation of the heart. BACK.--Drawing in the nape of the neck. Sticking in the scapuae. ARMS AND LEGS.-Pains in the limbs, intermitting, most violent at night, drawing; rheumatic; lacerating; creeping on the bones, at intervals.-Languor and great debility.-Paralysis and rigidity of the extremities. Slight insensibility in the extremities. Torpor of the hands and feet.-Insensibility and immobility of the extremities. Complete and partial paralysis of the limbs. Spasmodic contraction of the limbs. Violent spasms. Contractions of the joints. Exostosis. Weariness and languor. Boring in the anterior portion of the upper arm, ioith lacerating in the teeth. Itching of the wrist-joint, with burning. Paleness, weakness, trembling, paralysis of the hand. Painful paralysis of the arms. Trembling of the hands.-Debility of the arm, with atrophy, after loss of sensation.-Swollen, red spots on the fingers.-Seated pain in the knee, in the soles of the feet, and between the limbs, even in the foot. Spasmodic jerking of the thighs. Spasmodic contraction of the thighs. Weariness and languor of the knees when walking. The extremities become cold. Stiffness of the legs. Laming pain, or painful feeling of lameness in the thigh, knee, and tarsal-joint, when going up-stairs. Complete paralysis of the nloer extremities. Stiýfness of the knees.-Swelling of the feet. 221.-PODOPHYLLUM PELTATUM. PODOPH. PELT.-Hog Apple, Duck's Foot.-See "Transactions of American Institute of Homceopathy." I. COMPARE WITH-Ars., Bry., Nux-v., Puls., Sep., Sulph. ANTIDOTES.-NUX-V. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.--Sudden shocks of jerking pain. PODOPHYLLUM PELTATUM. 975 CHARACTERISTIC PECULIARITIES.-The symptoms generally, but especially the abdominal symptoms, are aggravated in the morning and better in the evening. SKIN.-#Softness of the flesh, with debility in children.--Moistness of the skin, with preternatural warmth. *Sallowness of the skin in children. SLEEP.-Restlessness in the fore part of the night. Sleepiness early in the evening. *Restless sleep of children, with whimpering at night. Moaning in sleep, with eye-lids half closed. *A feeling of fatigue on waking in the morning. FEVER.-*Chilliness while moving about during fever, and in the act of lying down. *Chilliness when first lying down in the evening, followed by fever and sleep. *Fever attended with constipation.*Fever with incoherent talking. Intermittent fever, quotidian, tertian, and quartan. *Back-ache before the chill. *The shaking and a sensation of coldness continues for some time after the heat commences. *Some thirst during the chill, but more through the heat. *Delirium and loquacity during the hot stage, with forgetfulness afterwards of all that passed. *Violent pain in the head, with excessive thirst during the fever. *Sleep during the perspiration. *Loss of appetite in the apyrexia. HEAD.-Giddiness and dizziness, with the sensation of fullness over the eyes. Morning headache, with heat in the vertex. *Delirium - and loquacity during fever, with excessive thirst. *Rolling of the head, during difficult dentition in children. *Perspiration of the head during sleep, with coldness of the flesh while teething. Sudden pain in the forehead with soreness of the throat, in the evening. Vertigo, with inclination to fall forwards. Headache alternating with diarrhoea. Heavy dull pain in the forehead, with soreness over the seat of the pain. *Morning headache with flushed face. EYES.-Smarting of the eyes. Drawing sensation in the eyes, accompanying pain in the head.-Heaviness of the eyes, with occasional pains on the top of the head. Pain in the eye-balls, and in the temples, with heat, and throbbing of the temporal arteries. TEETH.--Grinding of the teeth at night, especially with children during dentition. MOUTH.-Copious salivation. *Offcnsive odor from the mouth. *Offensiveness of the breath at night, perceptible to the patient. Sourness of the mouth. *White fur on the tongue with foul taste. THROAT.-Dryness of the throat. *Rattling of mucus in the throat *Gootre. *Sore throat, commencing on the right side and then going to the left. 976 7PODOPHYLLUMPELTATUM. AP P13T IT E.-*Voracious appetite. *Satiety from a small quantity of food, fol -lowed by nausea and vomiting.' *Regurgitation of food, Loss of appetit 'e. *Putrid taste in the mouth. *Diarrhoea immediately after eating or drinking. STOMvAcH.-*Sourness of the stomach. *Acid cructations. *Nausev, and vomiting with fullness in the head. *Regurgitation of food. Vomiting of hot frothy mucus. *Vomniting of food with putrid taste and odor. *lleartburn. *Water-brash. Heat in the stomach. *Belching'of hot flatus, which is very sour. Throbbing in the epigastrium, followed by diarrhoea. *Stitches in the' epigastrium from coughing *Food turns sour soon after eating. *Gastric, affection, attended by depression of spirits. ABDOMEN.-*Colic, with retraction of the abdomnincl muscles. Sensation of heat in the bowels, accompanying the. inclination to go to stool. *Chronic hepatitis, with costiveness.-5K~ullness, with pain and soreness in the right hypochondrium. *Cramp.]ike pain in th e bowels, with retraction of the abdominal muscles. *Sharp pain above the right groin, preventing motion, in. the latter months of pregnancy. BOWELS.-~*Constipation, with flatulence and headache.-~*Constipation, accompanying remittent fever. *The fteeces are hard and dry, and voided with difficulty. *Chronic diarrhoea, worse in the morning. *Extreme weakness and cutting pain in the intestines, after stool. Diarrhoea immediately after eating or drinking. *F00ces yellow or dark -green. -~*White slimy stools. *Cholera-infantum. *Evacuations, consistingr of darkish-yellow mucus, which smells like carrion. *Frequent chalk-like stools, which are very offensive, with gagging and excessive thirst in children. Painful diarrhcea, with screaming and grinding of the teeth, in children during dentition. *llTot watery evacuations. *Frothy mucous stools. *Food passes the bowels in an undigested state. Chronic diarrhoea, with prolapsusani at every stool, in children. - *Prolapsus-ani, with diarrhcsa. *Prolapsus-ani of long standing. *The prolapsus occurs most frequently in. the morning. *Conistant pain in the lumbar region. URINE. -*Enuresi's. *Involuntary discharge of urine during sleep. *Diminished secretion of urine. *Suppression of urine. *Frequent nocturnal urination, during pregnancy. G-ErNTALS.-*Relaxed menstruation. *Suppression of the menses in young females. *Leucorrhcea; discharge' of thick transparent MUCUS. *Leucorrhcea, attended with constipation, and bearing down in the genital organs. *Prolapsus-uteri. *Symptoms of prolapsus-uteri, continuing for several weeks after parturition. Pain in the regrion POTHOS FCETIDUS. of the ovaria, especially the right. *Numb aching pain in the region of the left ovarium, with heat running through the left thigh in the third month of pregnancy. *Ability to lie comfortably only on the stomach, in the earlier months of pregnancy. *Swelling of the labia during pregnancy. *After-pains, attended with heats and flatulency. LARYNx.-*Cough accompanying intermittent fever. *Dry cough. --Loose hacking cough. Whooping cough, attended with costiveness and loss of appetite. CHEST.-Pains in the chest, increased by taking a deep inspiration. Inclination to breathe deeply; sighing. Shortness of breath. Sensation of suffocation, when first lying down at night.-Palpitation of the heart, from exertion or mental emotion. *Palpitation of the heart. Sticking pain in the region of the heart. *Palpitation of the heart, from physical exertion. TRUNK.-Pain in the lumbar region, with the sensation of coldness, worse at night, and from motion. Pain between the shoulders, with soreness. Stiffness of the nape, with soreness of the muscles of the neck and shoulders. ARMs.-*Rheumatism in the left fore-arm ana fingers.-Weakness of the wrists, with soreness to the touch. LEGS.-Pains in the thighs, legs, and knees, worse from standing. Weakness of the joints, especially the knees. *Slight paralytic weakness of the whole left side, of one year's duration. Aching in the limbs, worse at night. Coldness of the feet. 222.-POTHOS F(ETIDUS. POTH. F(ET.-Ictodes Feotidum. HEAD.-Headache, here and there, of short duration. FACE, MOUTH, AND PHARYNX.-Violent sneezing, inducing a pain in the fauces, palate, pharynx, down to the stomach, and long-lasting after-pains in the region of the orifice of the stomach.-Swelling of the cervical and submaxillary glands.-Burning from the fauces down through the chest. APPETITE, STOMACH, &c.-Sensation in walking as if the bowels were shaking. STOOL, URINE, &c.-Soft stool. CHEST.-Pain in the chest, with pain under the shoulders, which seems to be in connection with burning in the pharynx. Aching pain on the sternum. Sudden feeling of anguish, with oppression of breathing and sweat. 978 PRUNUS SPINOSA. 223.-PRUNUS SPIN OSA. PRUN. SP. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-Trembling through the whole body Constant uneasiness, particularly in the lower limbs. SLEEP.-Drowsiness after dinner.-Dreams and fancies. FEVER.-Chilliness, with disposition to stretch.-Dry heat over the whole body, with painfulness of the glans and redness of the prepuce. MORAL SYMPTOMs.-Restlessness, with shortness of breath and oppression of the chest. Peevish mood. HEAD.-Dizziness, with heaviness of the head.-Nervous pain in the occiput. Compressive pain, as if the brain were compressed from all sides.-Pressure under the skull, as if pressed outwards with a plug FACE AND TEETH.-Itching stinging on the malar bone. Indescribable pains in various teeth.-Nervous pain.-Pain as if sprained in the molar teeth. Pain as if the teeth were raised out of their sockets. MOUTn.-Burning in the tongue, only between meals. APPETITE AND TASTE.-Slimy taste in the mouth. STOMACH AND HYPOCHONDRIA.-Fullness in the pit of the stomach, with shortness of breath. Painful pressure in the region of the liver. ABDOMEN.-Colic, as after a cold. Contractive pain in the abdomen. Cramps in the abdomen. Cutting across the abdomen, as if diarrhoea would set in. Dropsical swelling of the abdomen, with loss of appetite, scanty urine, and hard, knotty, difficult stool. STOOL AND ANUS.-IHard stool.--*Diarrhea, -with discharge of a quantity of faeces, preceded by cutting colic.-Slimy diarrhoea, succeeded by violent burning in the anus, as from a wound. ODiarFhcea, with nausea and constant loathing of food,-Discharge of blood from the anus after hard stool. URINE.-Tenesmus of the bladder. Strangury. Troublesome urg. ing to urinate, for hours, with burning biting in the bladder and urethra. Burning in the urethra at every attempt to urinate. Scanty rnission of brown urine. *Has to press a long time before the urine makes its appearance, oalso with scanty emission and feeble stream. -Spasms of the bladder, not allowing any rest at night. Ulcerative pain in the urethra when touching it. FEMALE GENITAL ORGANS.-Painless throbbing in the parts. Menses every fortnight, attended with pains in the back.-MetrerrrhaS gia, the blood Ibing watery and t hin.-Discharge of blood from /he PUJLSATILLA.A 9-41 va.gincz every day. Leascorr/uxa, making the parts sore, and tinging F'he linen yellow.-Sticking in the juamma.. LARYNX.-*Roughness of speeoh. Hoarseness apd weakness of the organs of speech. Wheezing cough. (JHES'r.-Anxious and short breathing. Oppressed and difficult breathing, with anxiety about the heart. Panz'ting b-reathing. StickingZ:. with pressure on drawing breath, impeding inspirations. BAcK.-Pain in the smnall of the back, when sitting. Stiffness of the back and small of the back, as from a strain.-Aching ulcerative pain in the left axillary glands. ARMs.-Laming pain in the left should er-jo int, extending across the breast.-Rigid sensation in the fore-arm, impeding the movement rof the arm. Cramp-like contractive pain in the hand, extending to the tips of the fingers. Painful rigidity in the thumb. Pain as if spraine-d in the thumb. LEGS.-Pains in the hip, most violent in the forenoon.-Feeling of weariness in the joints.. Burning on the lower limbs. Tension of the skin on the calves and thighs. Lacerating in the middle of the thigh. Languor in both joints, when standing. Pain as from subcutaneous ulceration in the sole. 224.-PULSATILLA. PULS.-Pulsatilla Nigricans;' Anemone Pratensis, Pasque Flower.-See Hahniemann's "Mat. Med. Pura," IV. COMPARE WITH-Aeon.. Agar., Arnbr., Am., Am.-miar., Ant., Angust., Amn., Are., Asa-f., Aur., Bell., Boy., Bry., Cale., Cai-npli., Cann., Cantli., Caps., Carb.--v., Chain.. Chin., Cic., Coca., Coff., Co/cA., Con., Cupr., Cyci., Dig., Dros., Eupr., Fer., Graph., Hyos., Iga-., Ipec., Ka/i, Lack., Led., Lyc., Mag.-p.-arct., Magra.mur-, Menyan., Mcrc., Mezer, Moseh., Natr., Natr.-mu~r., Nitr.-ac., NVux-v., Oleand., Op., Par., Petrol., Phosph., P/at., Pluinb, Ranunc., Ranune.-seeler.. Rheum, Ricus-tox., Ruta, Sabad., Sabin., Sass., Seilla.;, Sep., Selen., Sil., S-pig., Spong., Stana., Staph., Strain., Ste/ph., Sic/ph.-ac., Tartar., Thieja, Va/cr., Verat., Ziac.-Puls. is frequently particularly suitable after: Asa-f., Antim., Aurum, Chin., Lach., Lye., Nitr.-ac., Rhus-tox., Sep., Suiph., Tartar., Thuja. -After Puls. are frequently suitable: Asa-f., Bry., Nitr.-ac., Sep., Thuja. ANTIDoTEs.-Chain., Coff., Ign., Nux-v, Vinegar.-Puls. antidotes Agar., Ainbr., Arg., Bell., Chain., Chin., Colch., Farr., Ign., Lye., Mere., Plat., Ranune., Sabad., Staun., Suiph., Sulph.-ae., Tartar. 1 GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-0Pulsatilla is especially adapted to ailments of the femnale sex, or to individuals millh a gentle, g-ood-naturedly-miischievouis disp~osition, who easily laugh or weep, with phlegmatic temper and incli-nation to melancholy, lymphiatic constitutioii,i ale face, blue eyes, and blonde hair, freckles, disposition to 980 PULSATILLA. catarrh, leucorrhoea, or other kinds of blenorrhooa.- OChronic ailments arising from the abuse of Sulphur water, Quinine, Chamomile, Mercury. oAilments from the use of pork, fat pastry, or other fat. OBad effects from the abuse of wine. ~Bad effects arising from fright or mortification. OAilments arising from taking cold by exposure to wet, or by placing the feet in water, &c.--Consequences of bruises and contusions.-~ Ulceration of internal parts.--Rheumatic and arthritic afections, oalso with swelling. 0Articular rheumatism. OErratic gout. OScrofulous affections and rickets, also with atrophy. OCurvature of bones. *Passive congestion, with distention of the veins. *Blenorrhcea.-*Pains of the extremities (lacerating, drawing, or jerking) in the muscles, with aggravation of the pains at night or in the evening in bed, amelioration in the open air, oattended with numbness and paralytic weakness, or with swelling of the affected parts.--Drawing lacerating in one or the other limb, -also with chilliness and coldness, or in frequent, repeated attacks. Stinging drawing in the limbs, particularly the joints, which feel painful as if bruised when touched. Darting pain in the left side. ORigidity in single limbs, as if the tendons were contracted. *Erratic pains, rapidly shifting from one part to another, also with swelling and redness in the joints. *Pain as if bruised or from subcutaneous ulceration on touching the part. *Pains and ailments of one side of the body. *Attacks of pain and other ailments, with chilliness, asthma, paleness of face, or also With trembling of the lower limbs. Desire for the open air, although, while in it, colic and indisposition to vomit increase.-Excessive debility and bruised feeling of the limbs. Painful feeling of lameness in the ligaments. Rigid immobility in the body. Heaviness of the whole body, also excessive, with chilliness in the arms and lower limbs. Troublesome beating of the arteries through the whole body, mostly perceptible when touching the parts. Tremulous weakness. *Anxious feeling qf trembling, -with drawings in the limbs and the whole body, or with aggravation of the pains when sitting or lying, and with amelioration by motion. OFainting turns, with cadaverous paleness of the face.-~ Epileptic convulsions, with violent tossing of the limbs, followed by relaxation of the limbs, disposition to vomit, and eructa. tions.-~Emaciation. CHARACTERISTIC PECULIARITIES.--The pains are aggravated or excited when sitting, after long exercise; *on rising, after having been seated for a long time; during rest, particularly when lying on one side, -or on the back; the pains which come on when lyzng an the back are sometimes relieved by turning to the one or the other side PULSATILLA. 981 or by lying on the affected side; the pains which are excited or ag. gravated by lying on the side are relieved by lying on the back; a number of pains are relieved by motion, walking, pressure, external warmth, and open air, whereas other pains are aggravated under those circumstances; the pains are generally worst in the evening, at night, or before midnight; some of the pains are aggravated or come on early in the morning, or after dinner. *The symptoms appear with particular violence every other evening. SKIN.--Biti.ng itching here and there, oalso like formication. Red hot spots on the body, like nettle-rash, with biting pain. Zona.? OMeasles and their secondary ailments, or bad consequences from suppression of measles. OEruption, resembling varicella, after eating pork and fat things.-~Erysipelas, also with swelling, hardness, burning heat, and stinging when touching or moving the part.-OCracking of the skin on wetting it. Boils here and there.~Flatputrid ulcers. OCarious ulcers. OSuppurating wound.-OSwelling of the limbs, with stinging limbs, or with a feeling of numbness. 0Dropsical swellings. - OJaundice.? - Chlorosis.? - oVarices.?OChilblains, with blue-red swelling, heat and burning, or throbbing. SLEEP. - Yazuning.-- *Drowsiness in the daytime. Constant drowsiness, with a number of dreams. OFeverish somnolence, with uneasiness and anxious fancies day and night. Sleeplessness, also with excessive restlessness. *Sleep prevented by ideas crowding upon one. *Frequent waking at night. Light sleep. *Restless sleep, with tossing about. Intolerable dry or burning heat, with restlessness. OGreat restlessness and tossing about. Anguish on waking. Snoring inspirations. *Liability to start. Screaming and starting, as if in affright. Jerking of the limbs or the whole body. *Spasmodic distortion of the mouth. 0Crying out. ONightmare. *Sleepfullof dreams. Confused, vivid dreams. OAnxious dreams. *Frightful dreams. FEVER.-*Coldness, -with paleness and sweat over the whole body. *Shuddering, -in frequent paroxysms. Chilliness and a chilly feeling internally. Chilliness in the evening, all over. Feeling of chilliness, with trembling. Fever. Chilliness, with occasional flushes of warmth.1 Chilliness without thirst; thirst during the hot stage. Chilliness in the evening, followed by heat. Great chilliness and external coldness in the evening, without shuddering or thirst. Violent chilliness, followed by a mixed sensation of internal heat and shuddering; afterwards a general burning heat, with very quick 'The Pulsat. fever and ague is generally characterized by the thirst occurring only during the hot stage, rarely after the hot stage, or before the chilly stage. 982 PULSATILLA. pulse and hurried breathing, as if suffering mortal anguish. Shaking and chilliness, followed by general heat and sweat, with drawingjerking pains in the bones of the extremities. oIntermittent fevers: oquotidian, tertian, quartan. OIntermittent fever, generally consisting of chilliness without thirst, followed by heat with thirst, accompanied or succeeded by sweat. OThe fever generally sets in or exacerbates in the evening or afternoon, remits towards morning. *The chilliness is generally accompanied with paleness of face, vertigo, stupefaction, painfulness and heaviness of the head, anxiety and oppression of the chest, dr ovomiting of mucus. ODuring the heat.: *pa roxysms of anguish, *headache with red, bloated face, *sweat in the face, *chilliness when taking offthe cover of the bed, -lamenting and moaning, ~deep or restless sleep, ohurried and anxious breathing, odisposition to vomit, Odiarrhoeic stools. o Thefever generally, or theapyrexia, is characterized by headache, painful oppression of the chest, moist cough, somnolence, bitterness of mouth, diarrhcea, or constipation. OIntermittent fever after the abuse of Quinine or China. Violent thirst after the disappearance of the heat, especially for beer, with white tongue. *1Heat at night, and chilliness when turning in bed. Heat, followed by shuddering. *Dry heat of the whole body at night and early in the morning. Hands and feet are hot. Flushes of heat. *Heat of the wholefacein the evening. 0Acute fevers. ~Mucous fevers. oGastric symptoms. OBilious fevers. OTyphoid fevers, also with loss of consciousness, delirium, weeping, and wringing of hands, somnolence. Hectic fever.?-*Pulse quick and small. Feeble and slow pulse. The pulse is feeble and almost collapsed. Disposition to sweat in the daytime. Copious *morning sweat. MORAL SYMrTOMS.-*Gloomy and melancholy. oMelancholy, with weeping, sadness, and apprehension of dying. *Silent mood, Oalso as if deranged, with cold, sombre, strange look, sitting silently with folded hands. ODisposed to weep or laugh. *Solicitude about his health. Anxiety. Anguish. *Anguish in the region of the heart, even to a desire for suicide, -with a sensation in the pit of the stomach, as if he would vomit. *Anziety, as if he would have an apoplectic fit. Tremulous anguish, as if death were near. OAnthropophobia. OSuspicion and distrust. OTimid, whining mood. oMild and yield. ing. Excessive irresoluteness. *Peevishness. Sullen mood. Gloomy, ill-humored, chilly. *Hypochondriac peevishness. ODisposed to feel sad and aggrieved internally. *He is disgusted with everything. SENSORIUM.-OInsensibility. oDelirium, also violent, with loss of consciousness. OFrightful visions. -Hurriedness. OImbecility. *Intellectual labor fatigues him. Gloominess of the head, with ver PULSATILLA. 993 tigo, and excited by motion. Stupid feeling, with soreness of the eyes, or bruised pain in the forehead. -*Co-nfusion of the head, *with pain as after intoxication or watching,. 0Emptiness of the head, with great indifference. Giddy stagge ring when walking * Vertigo as ýf intoxicated. 0 Vertigo in the evening. 0Verti~go after dinner. Q~ertigo with obscuration. of sight. 0Vertigo with roaring in the ears. *Aggravation of the vertigo by talking and meditating. * Vertigo, especially when sitting. * When stooping, his head feels heavy. 0Apoplecticjit, with loss of consciousness, blue-redness and bloatedness of the face, loss of motion, violdnt-beating of the heart, collapse of the pulse, and rattling breathing. HEAD.-Ileaviness of the head. *Headache when moving the eyes deep in the. orbits. *Hemicrania, as if he brain would burst. The head feels stupid and heavy. Creeping pain in the forehead. Headache, resembling pulsations in the brain. *Beating headache, about midnight. 0Stinging heating, with rush of blood to the head. -Aching pain in the head when stooping. 0Laceratng in one side of the head, also in the ear and teeth. *fTerking lacerating, or drawing-darting lacerating.-Cutting headache. 0Drawing pain, extending into the ear and teeth. Drawing pain, with heaviness and creeping in the brain, attended with failure of sight and hearing, and succeeded by chilliness. *Hleadachec the brain feels tight, with a boring pain in the vertex. Constrictive pain in the temples. Boring sticking, with obscuration of sight, humming in the ears, and vertigo. Humming in the head. Pulsative sensation in the brain, -when walk-.ing, like the snapping of an electric spark. Headache, extending to the eyes, with pain of the eyes. *Headache, as if fromn intoxicationt and watching. -*NHenicranlia, -also with nausea and vomitingp. *Stickling hemicrania. Headache in the eveningp, as if from dry cor~yza., succeeded by dry heat in bed, with excessive drowsiness, delirious fancies, and almost waking dreams. *Headache, a~s jffrom overloading the stomach, or from eating fat meat. 0lleadache from a cold. 0lleadache from abuse of Merc.-0lleadache in the evening, or early in the morning in bed, or at night. 0Aggravation of the headache, mostly in the evening, and continuance of the headache througrh the night. 0Amel-ioration of the headache by meditation or by compressing the head. Small tumors on the hairy scalp, with ulcerative pain. Pimples on the forehead.-*Sweat on the hairy scalp and face. EYES.-Violent lacerating, boring, and cutting in the eye.-~*Pres. sure in the eyes. *Pressure, as if fromn sand, -particularly when readi-ng.-*Sticking in the eyes when shaking the head. 0Pressure when looking in the light. Stinging itching. *Inflammiation of the 984 PULSATILLA. eyes.. *Infla~mmation of the margins of the lids, also with swelling "0lnftarnmation of the meiborrian glands. *Redness and swelling of the lids. *Stye, -also with inflammation of the white. 0 Trichiasis on the upper lid,.-OObscuration of the cornea.? OCataract.-*Dr-yneiss of the eyes, -with pressure as from a foreign body, early in the morning. *Lachrymation in the open air, -also with dimuness -of sight. *Lachrymation in cold air,. -in the wind. Blear-eyedness. 0Sharp, biting, corrosive tears.-Abscess in the canthus, as if a flstula-lachrymalis would form. *Dimness of sight, as if through mist. 0Dimness of sight on getting warm by exercise. Obscuration of sight on rising in the morning. Pale-nes*s of sight.-Obscuration of sight, with inclination to vomit, and paleness of the face. Frequent paroxysms of obscuration of sight. 0lncipient amaurosis. 0llemeralopia. Diploplia. Luminous vibrations before the eyes. *Fiery circle 'S before the eyes, -increasing in size towards noon, going off in the evening. 'EARs.-Pain in the ear as if something would press out. 0Otalgia, also inflammatory. *Darting through the ears, -also lacerating darting. Darting in the outer ear, succeeded by heat. *Stinging in the ears. *Hardness of hearing, as if the ears were stopped up. Heat, redness, and swelling of the ear.-*Pus flows out of the ears, also after measl9 'es and other exanthematous diseases.-Itching dccp in the ear. Painful glandular swelling between the antihelix and- the articulation of the lower jaw. Stinging in the parotid gland.-Cracking in the ear when moving the head or body. Rush of blood to the organs of hearing. Pulsative murmuring in the ear. Frequent buzzing in. the ear. *Noise in the ear 'as if caused by the wind or by the rustling of water. NosE.-Pressure in the root of the -nose. Ulceration of the external wing of the nose.-Darting pain in the nose. Illusion of smell.*Hcsrnorrhage fromt the nose, -wvith dry coryza. Dry coryza, with ulcerated nostrils.-*Grcen, fetid discharge from the nose. Sneezing. FAcE.-~*Pale face. 0Yellowish complexion.. 0Alternate redness and paleness. 0Red, bloated face dur'ing, the febrile heat. 0Puffed, 'blue-red face, during a fit -of apoplcxy. *lleat in the face. *Sweat in the face and on the hairy scalp. 0Erysipelas in the face, with stinging and subsequent peeling off of the skin. JAWS AND TEETHI-Contractive pain in- the jaws, as if occasioned by an acid, accompanied with- shuddering and a cold sweat in- the face. Pain of the submaxillary glands, on deglutition.. OIRbc- umatic tooth ach e.-0 Toothache of pregnant females. 0Toothache fromn cold, particularly in the spring, and generally attended with Otalgia, hemiicrania, chilliness, and pale face. *The toothache conics PULSATILLA. 985 on again every time he eats. * Toothache comes on as soon as he taJces anything warm, into his mouth. Drawing-jerking toothache, aggravated by drinking anything cold. *Drawing toothache, as if the nerves were put upon a stretch and let loose again suddenly, oalso with fine stitches in the gums.-OGnawing drawing in the teeth.Lacerating toothache, Oalso sticking lacerating.-~Digging or beating in decayed teeth, with drawing extending to the eye.-Pain in the teeth as if they would be pushed forward.-The tooth is painful when chewing or biting. *The teeth are loose early in the morning.-The gums are painful as if sore. MOUTH.-Bad smell from the mouth. Dryness of the mouth. Ptyalism, also with inclination to vomit. *The tongue is lined with a tenacious mucus as with a kind of fur. White tongue, with bad taste in the mouth, early in the morning. Sensation in the middle of the tongue as if it were burnt and insensible. The tongue is parched and coated grey. Stinging sore throat. OPressure and tension in the throat on swallowing. Sore throat: cutting pain in the throat. Sore throat: *sensation, on swallowing, as if the back part of the throat were narrower than usual or closed by swelling; pain, when swallowing, as if the submaxillary glands were protruding into the throat. The back part of the throat is painful as if it were raw. oBurning and cutting during deglutition. Scraping and raw sensation in the throat, as after violent vomiting. OPharyngitis.-Difficulty of swallowing, as if from paralysis of the muscles of deglutition. TASTE AND APPETITE.--Slimy taste in the mouth, and inclination to vomit, early in the morning. * Taste as of putrid meat in the mouth, with inclination to vomit. *Nauseating taste from smoking tobacco. He has a constantly bitter, *bilious taste in the mouth, especially after a meal. *Every kind of nourishment tastes bitter to him. *Loss of appetite. Gnawing sensation in the stomach like canine hunger. *Desires food, but does not relish it. OThirst, with putrid eructations. Nausea with inclination to vomit. Intolerable nausea with inclination to vomit, without vomiting. Inclination to vomit with chilliness. Sensation of nausea and inclination to vonmit in the epigastric region, especially after a meal. Vomiting of the food which had been taken a long time ago. Vomiting of food in the evening; afterwards bitter taste in the mouth and dullness of teeth. *Short vomiting of bile. ONausea and inclination to vomit, evening or night, or with tingling in the pit of the stomach.-*Water-brash. -*Salt or sour vomiting, in the evening, after a walk in the open air, and with nausea. oBitter-sour vomiting. oBitter vomiting early in the morning. *Vomiting of mucus, -al3o particularly in bed after 42 -986 PULSATILLA. supper, discharging with great exertions green, watery, and sour substances, causing a burning in the oesophagus. OVomiting after every meal, -or long after the meal. ofHcematemesss.-Before the vomiting: ochilliness. 2Stitches in the ear. OPale face.-After the vomiting: burning in the oesophagus. Bitterness of the mouth. Loss of appetite.. GAsTRIc SYMPTOMs.-After a meal: "eructations tasting of tze ingesta, also with subsequent inclination to vomit. OPressure in the pit of the stomach. Pain in the stomach. OHeaviness of the head. "~Stiffness of the neck. OShortness of breath. *Nausea, with disposition to vomit. *Vomniting. *Frequent eructations, particularly after a meal. *Frequent eructations tasting of the ingesta. *Sour eructations. *Bitter, bilious eructations. Gulping up of a bitter fluid. *Hiccough, -with suffocative paroxysms. *Nausea, -as if arising from great heat of the body. *Nausea while eating, the food becoming repulsive. STOMACH.-*Pain in the pik of the stomach during an inspiration. OPain on pressure. Pain after eating. Gnawing in the stomach, as if hungry. Aching, afterwards darting pain in the pit of the stomach. Aching-drawing pain in the pit of the stomach, early in the morning. Tension from the pit of the stomach to the chest.-oCardialgia. Griping-lacerating in the stomach, early on rising. Griping in the pit of the stomach.-OTingling in the pit of the stomach. Beating in the region of the stomach. *Perceptible pulsation in the pit of the stomach.-OGastritis.? Increase of pain in the hypochondria and pit of the stomach, during pregnancy. Drawing-tensive pain in the hypochondria.-OHepatitis.? OSticking in the region of the liver, also particularly when walking.-ODiaphragmitis.?? ABDOMEN.-0Colic, relieved by rest, aggravated by motion. Colic only when walking. Colic, as if diarrhoea would come on, with natural stool.-Pressing in the abdomen. OAbdominal spasms, particularly in pregnant females.-Lacerating in the abdomen. Griping. Pinching in the whole abdomen. Pinching, with griping, rumbling, and diarrhoea. Cutting colic above the umbilicus, as if diarrhoea would set in. OEnteritis.?-Abdominal congestion.? Distention of the abdomen, after every meal. OFlatulent colic of hysteric females. Loud rumbling in the abdomen, with frequent purging, griping, and pinching., *Painful sensitiveness of the abdominal walls, -after a loose stool, accompanied with violent thirst. Swelling of the abdominal walls, with tensive pain. STooL.-*Obstinate constipation. oAlternate costiveness and diarrhoea. Difficult evacuation, with painful pressing and pain in PfjLSATILLA.. 9,87 the back. Frequent urging to stool, as if diarrhea would set in. *Frequent loose stool -mixed with mucus. *Frequent passages of mere mucus, every evacuation being preceded by colic. *Evacuations consisting of nothing but loose mucus mixed with blood. *Diarrhoea, one or two stools at night, green as bile; every discharge being preceded by rumbling.' Diarrhoea, first green, then slimy. Stool like stirred eggs, preceded and succeeded by cutting. *Watery diarrhea at night. *Diarrhoea, with cutting in the abdomen. *Loose acria stool in the morning. *Slimy diarrhcea. ODiarrhoea after measles. ODysenterie diarrhoea.-During stool: 0shaking chill, with gooseflesh. *Burning in the rectum. OPainful soreness of the rectum. After stool: *pain in the abdomen, also colicky pain, as from flatulence. *Soreness of the anus. Pressure in the rectum. S0tinging in the rectum. Blind hlemorrhoids, with itching. Discharge of blood. Painful protruding blind haemorrhoids. URINE.--ORetention of urine. Constrictive pain in the abdomen, extending as far as the bladder, with pressure as from a stone. Tenesmuu of the bladder. OCatarrh of the bladder. Frequent, almost ineffectual urging to urinate, with cutting pain during micturition. ODifficult emission of urine, drop by drop.-OIncontinence of urine. 0Copious flow of urine. *Frequent desire to urinate, owith drawing in the abdomen, particularly in pregnant females. Enuresis-nocturna.. Colorless watery urine. (*Jelly-like sediment.) Urine with brick-colored sediment. - oHematuria, with purulent sediment and pains in the kidneys. After micturition: ospasmodic pain in the neck of the bladder, extending to the pelvis and thighs. *Gonorrhoeal discharge from the urethra, -almost like semen, with burning immediately after micturition. Discharge of drops of blood in gonorrhoea. oBad effects from suppression of gonorrhoea. GENITAL ORGANS.-Itching-smarting pain in the outer and inner prepuce. Swelling of the scrotum. *Lacerating pain in the testes. *Drawing and drawing-tensive pains from the abdomen through the spermatic cord into the testicles. Swelling of the testicles after bruises and contusions. OBurning of the testicles, without swelling. 0Hydrocele. OInflammation of the prostate gland.--Excessive sexual desire. *Erections day and night. *Frequent erections, with discharge of prostatic fluid. OEmission after onanism. FEMALE GENITAL ORGANS.-Drawing-pressing pain towards tho uterus, with inclination to vomit every morning. Drawing-tensive pain in the abdomen, resembling labor-pains. o Uterine spasms, 7eSThese kinds of nightly diarrhoea are characteristic of Pulsatilla, and there is scarcely a drug which occasions them as often. 988 PULSATILLA. sembling labor-pains. ~Inflammation of the uterus.? Burning sting ing in the vagina and labiae.-*Suppression of the menses. *Sup pression of the menses, with nausea and disposition to vomit. Sup pression of the menses, with coldness of the body, chilliness, and trembling of the feet. *Too early menses: ~Menses too long or too short. Profuse menses. OPuls. is suitable in cases of delaying menses.-Before the menses: chilliness, stretching, and yawning. Heaviness in the abdomen, as of a stone. OPressing on the rectum, like urging to stool. OHepatic colic. 0Abdominal spasms. OColic, with vomiting. oWater-brash. ~Vertigo and eructations. oPressure in the bladder and rectum. oCardialgia. Pleuritic stitches during and before the menses.-During the menses: sticking in the chest during an inspiration. Pain in the stomach, oppression in the pit of the stomach, cardialgia. Pressure in the abdomen and small of the back, as from a stone. Spasmodic, almost burning pains in the abdomen. Nocturnal nausea, with discharge of water from the mouth. oChilliness and paleness of face. Hemicrania. Mental derangement. Obscuration of sight and aggravation of the symptoms in a warm room. *The blood is thick and black, -flowing by fits and starts. The blood flows only in the daytime when walking, not at night. The blood is viscid, clotty, thick, dark, or else pale and watery. -~ OMetrorrhagia.-*Leucorrhcea, -burning. *Thin acrid leucorrhoea. *Milky leucorrhea, -also painless, or with swelling of the pudendum, or particularly after the menses. *Discharge of thick white mucus, -particularly when lying, oor before and during the menses, with cutting in the abdomen. In lying-in females: suppression of the lochia, with burning feeling of fullness in the parts. OPuerperal fever.? Deficiency of milk.? 0Ailments from weaning.-*Swelling of the breasts, -also pressing tension in the breasts, as if milk would appear in them, oor with painful sticking and discharge of thin acrid milk. In new-born infants ~ophthalmia.? O Chafing of the skin of infants. LARYNX AND TRACHEA.-*Catarrhal huskiness of the chest, early in the morning after rising, with cough and expectoration oof tenacious white mucus, or of yellow, thick lumps. Hoaiseness. *Scrap-, ing and dryness in the throat. 0Cough excited by an accumulation of mucus and a tickling in the trachea. OCough excited by yawning. *Dry night-cough, going off when sitting up in bed. *Continuous cough in the evening after lying down. Cough, with pain in the chest. *Violent cough, with difficult, expectoration, owith painful sticking in the chest and sides. *Cough, with expectovation of yellow mucus. *Cough with a bitter expectoration. oGreenish ex. PULSATILLA 989 pectoration. OExpectoration having a putrid taste.--*HIemoptoe. *Cough, with expectoration of pieces of dark, coagulated blood ~Haemopto6 at night, or until evening. *Cough with purulent expectoration, hectic fever, and corroded, ulcerated lungs.-During the cough.: *sensation as if the stomach would turn, unto vomiting. *Pain in the chest. *Stitches in the side. Stitches in the shoulder. Stitches in the back. ~Headache. OShocks in the abdomen. oPain in the small of the back. OPalpitation of the heart. CHEST.--Rattling breathing. Quick, short breathing. *Dyspnoea and vertigo, accompainied by weakness in the head, when lying on the back. ODyspnoea at night in bed, as if the throat were constricted. ODyspnoea, excited and aggravated by cold air. Asthma, aggravated by exercise and by ascending an eminence. OSpasmodic asthma. OEvening asthma, particularly after a meal. 00ppression of the chest on walking fast. OSuffocative fit with hiccough. OSuffocative fit, as from a spasm in the throat and chest. OAttacks of asthmamillari.?-~Spasms of the chest, with short cough and suffocative paroxysms. *Constriction across the chest. Spasmodic sensation through the chest. Spasmodic pain across the chest. OPain in the side, with cough, not allowing one to lie on the side. *Sticking in the side, only when lying, particularly at night. OSticking in the chest, aggravated by drawing deep breath. Cutting pain in the chest, here and there.-~Typhoid pneumonia.?-OParoxysms of burning in the chest.-Dull stitches in the region of the heart, with continual pressure, anxiety impeding respiration, relieved by walking. OHeaviness, pressure, and burning in the region of the heart. Congestion of blood to the chest and heart, at night, with anxious dreams. *Pain of the chest as from bruises. NECK AND BAcK.-Aching pain in the small of the back, as if weary. Stiffness and pain when lying, as if from subcutaneous ulceration. Pain as if dislocated, during motion. Sticking pain in the small of the back and the abdomen, with cutting pains in the abdomen which arrest the breathing. The back is painful, and stiff as i board. Lacerating pain in the back. Sticking pain in the back and across the chest. OInterstitial distention and curvature of the dorsal vertebre nearest the neck. Drawing-tensive pain in the loins. Sticking pain betweeii the scapulae during motion, arresting the breathing. Sticking pain in the nape of the neck. Drawingtensive pain in the nape of the neck. Rheumatic pain in the nape of the neck, with weariness of the feet. Swelling on the nape of the neck. ARMs.-Pain in the shoulder when attempting to raise the arm. 990 PULSATILLA, Continuous lacerating pain in the shoulder-joint, Sticking rhewu matic pain in the shoulder-joint, in the morning, when moving the arm, or when bending the head to one side. Darting pain in the shoulder-joint. Sensation of excessive weight in the shoulder-joint, and as if paralyzed when one attempts to raise the arm. Pain in the shoulder-joint, resembling a cramp-pain and heaviness.-Pain as if sprained in the shoulder-joint. *Drawing pains, coming on in shortlasting paroxysms, extending from the shoulder to the wrist-joint. Burning through the arm at night, beginning in the shoulder. The upper arm feels painful to the touch. Drawing pain in the arm, even in rest. Pain as if bruised in the elbow-joint. Pain of the elbowjoint, when moving it. Small, not inflamed tumors above the elbowjoint, under the skin, painful when touching them. Heaviness of tho arms, with lacerating pain in the elbow-joint when attempting to bend it. Tensive pain of the tendons of the elbow-joint when moving the arm. Drawing-lacerating pain in the bones of the lower arm, in repeated paroxysms. Lacerating drawing pain in the arm, especially in the fingers, at night. Painful stifness in the wrist-joint, when moving it, and as if the hand were sprained or strained. oItching chilblains on the fingers.? LEG.--Pain in the hip-joint, as if dislocated. OCoxalgia, also chronic.-OJerking lacerating of the lower limbs. *Trembling of the lower limbs. Drawing and tension in the lower limbs in the evening. Inability to move the affected lower limbs, at night, on account of a bruised pain. Violent pain in the muscles of the thigh' and upper arm. Drawing pain, at night, in the muscles of the thighs. Sudden, transitory, paralytic weakness in the thigh, when walking. Pain in the thighs, as if bruised in the bones. Bruised pain in the muscles and bones of the thighs. Paralytic pain in the knees and heel. Excessive weariness of the legs, with trembling of the knees. *Lacerating pains in the knees, like jerks. Lacerating and drawing pain in the knee. Lacerating pain in the knee, with swelling. Painless *swelling of the knee. oInflammatory hot swelling of the knee, with stinging. Unsteadiness and weakness of the knees. Paralytic pain of the legs on rising from a seat. Simple pain of the legs. Acute drawing in the legs, as far as the knees. Heaviness and. drawing pain in the legs, lessi in the arms. Heaviness of the legs in the daytime. Weariness of the legs. ORed, hot swelling of the legs- and feet, after suppression of fever and ague. The tibia is painful when touched. Pain as if bruised on the tibia, especially when raising the leg. The flesh on the legs is painful, ast if from subcutaneous ulceration. Pain in the bones of the leg. RANUNCULUS BULBOSUS. 991 oDrawing in the bones. Drawing-tensive pain in the calves. *Swelling of the dorsum of the foot. OErysipelatous burning swelling of the dorsum of the foot, with stinging when touching or moving the part. *Swelling of one foot in the evening. *Szwelling of the feet. Hot feet. -Hot swelling of the feet, extending as far as the calves. *Red, hot swelling of the feet, with a tensive burning pain, increasing to a stitching pain when standing. o(Edematous swelling of the feet, extending above the malleoli. The soles of the feet are painful, as if bruised. Lacerating pain in the soles of the feet above the knee, and in the back. Buirning pain in the soles. Itching tingling in the toes, as in frozen limbs, in the evening. 225.-RANUNCULUS. I.-RANUNCULUS BULBOSUS. RAN. BULB.-See Stapf's "Additions to the Materia Medica." COMPARE WITH-Ars., Bry., Mere.-sol., Nux-v., Puls., Ran.-scel., Rhis-tox., Sibad., Sep., Staphys., Sulph. ANTIDOTES.-Bry., Camph., Puls., Rhus. Arrack and Wine do not interrupt the action of Ranunc.; on the contrary, the pains, particularly those of the head, are aggravated. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-Uneasiness proceeding out of the body.-Anxiety, headache, fainting.-The whole body feels bruised. Weak and debilitated during an afternoon walk, trembling of the limbs. Lassitude, ill-humor with pain in the back, and pain as if bruised in the region of the short rib. Trembling of the limbs. Violent epilepsy. CHARACTERISTIC PECULIARITIES.-The pains are excited or aggra. vated by contact, motion, stretching, changing the position of the body. Many pains arise from a change of the external temperature, from cold to warm, or vice versa, or morning and evening, or after dinner. SKIN.-~Hllorny and other excrescences. 0 Herpes over the whole body. SLEEP.-Irresistible desire for sleep. Disturbed sleep at night. Very restless sleep, with increase of pain in the chest and heat. Anxious dreams. FEVER.-Chilliness after dinner, with cold hands and hot face.Heat in the face, in the evening, especially on the right side, with cold hands, quick pulse, and eructations. Pulse full and strong, Small hard pulse. 992 RANUNCULUS BULBOSUS. MORAL SYMPTOMS.-ll-humored, and disposed to quarrel and scold. Fearfulness. SENSORIUM.- Vanishing of thought. Sudden attack of vertigo. Dizziness in the head. HEAD.-Headache, with anxiety and weakness when eating. Heavi. ness of the head. The head feels distended. Pain in'the vertex as if the parts would be pressed asunder. Drawing sticking pain in the occiput.-Pain in the temples, drawing and pressure in the evening while walking, with feverish restlessness and difficulty of breathing Congestion of blood to the head. Pressing pain in the forehead from within outward. NosE.-Pressure in the region of the root of the nose. FACE AND TEETH.-Heat in the face in the evening, and redness with internal chilliness. Spasmodic paralytic sensation. EYEs.-Smarting in the eyes, nose, and fauces; the eyes run and are very painful. Sensation of burning soreness in the lower eye-lid. Pressure in the eyes. Violent pressing pains in the eye-balls. Immobility of the pupils. Mist before the eyes. EARS.-Cramp-feeling in the ear. Stitches through the ear. Obstruction of the nose, in the evening, with sore pain. Sore nose, also red and swollen, with tension in the nose. MOUTH AND THROAT.-White-coated tongue. Scraping-burning sensation in the throat. Roughness and tenacious mucus in the throat. Spasmodic feeling in the pharynx and oesophagus. TASTE.-Flat taste in the mouth. Bitterish, pungent taste in the mouth. Bitter-sour taste in the mouth. GASTRIC SYMPTOMS.-Frequent eructations. Hiccough.- Spasmodic hiccough. Nausea in the afternoon, sometimes with headache. Nausea, drowsiness. Quickly-passing nausea. STOMACH.-Violent burning in the region of the cardiac orifice of the stomach, with great anxiety about the heart.-Burning sore pressure in the pit of the stomach. Painful soreness in the pit of the stomach when touched. Pressure in the pit of the stomach. ABDOMEN.-Pain in both hypochondria, accompanied with pain fulness of that region when touched. Pain in the morning as if bruised. Pain as if bruised in the region of the short ribs, with pain in the back, lassitude, ill-humor. Periodical pulsations in the left hypochondrium. Pressure deep in the region of the liver. Sticking pressure in the region of the liver, arresting the breathing. Jerking in the abdomen and arm. The subdued pinching colic sometimes alternating with pain in the chest. Sensitiveness of the intestines when walking, and dull pain. Violent colic, drawing, and RANUNCULUS BtVLBOSUS. 993 pinching below and around the umbilicus. Violent pinching in the umbilical region. Pain deep in the hypogastrium. STooL.-Colic, followed by an evacuation. Stools delay and are hard. Stitches in the anus. (Profusely-flowing htemorrhoids.) GENITAL ORGANS.-Frequent erections towards morning, and dizziness in the head.-Increase of leucorrhoea; having been mild at first, it now became acrid and corrosive. CHEST.-Pressure in the chest and shortness of breath.-Heavy, short breathing in the evening, with burning and fine stitches in the left chest. Oppressive sensation in the ohest, as after deep chagrin. Restless sleep, with violent aching of the chest and oppression. Pain in the chest and restless nights. Pain in the wwole chest, early in the morning on rising rheumatic pzain and from subcutaneous ulceration. Violent pressure and pain as if bruised over the whole left chest, immediately after rising in the morning; every movement of the chest causes a pain. Pain in the chest in the evening, pressure on the upper and left side of the chest, complicated with stitches, the breathing is painful, even contact is painful. Constant pain in the chest the whole afternoon, mostly on the left side, and partly as if in the pectoralis-major. Violent fine stitches in the middle of the chest, in front, during an inspiration. Violent sticking pains in the whole of the right chest. Painfulness of the left chest, the whole day.-Violent aching pain in the middle of the chest. Nausea in the evening, pressure on the sternum, and labored breathing. Pressing pain in the outer parts of the chest. Pressing-dragging pain in the chest. BACK.-Pain in the back, lassitude, and pain as if bruised in the region of the short ribs, with ill-humor. Pain as if bruised in the back and in the hypochondriac region. Rheumatic pain between the scapulae early in the morning on waking. Aching pain in the nape of the neck. Rheumatic pain in the nape of the neck. ARMs.-Jerking of the arms. Violent inflammation about the arm, with fever and delirium, followed by gangrene of the arm. Rheumatic pain in both elbow and shoulder-joints. Dull itching in the palm of the hand. Tingling in the skin of the fingers. Inflammation of the arm, from the finger to the shoulder. Ulcers on the fingers. LEGS.-Lacerating in the internal of both knees, when walking. Weakness in the bends of the knees. Pulsative stitches in the heel, Acute pain of the heels. 42* 994 RANUNCULUS SOELEIATUS. If.-RANUNCULUS SCELERAT1TS. COMPARE WITH-Clem.,? Mere.,? Puls., Ran.-bulb., Rhus; ANTIDOTEE.-Puls.-Wine and Coffee antidote the action of Ran. only partially. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.- Itching, boring:, biting, tingling, gnawing, in various parts of the body. Sleeplessness, accompanied with anxiety, uncommon debility, gloomy, thoughtless brooding of thie mind; limbs feel bruised. SKIN.-Itching, pain, burning, redness of the skin. Vesicles upon the skin, emitting a thin, acrid, yellowish ichor. Obstinate ulcers. SLEEP.-Half slumber after midnight, frightful, anxious dreams. Restless sleep. FEVER.--Fever: he wakes after midnight, with heat over the whole body and violent thirst; the pulse isfull, soft, accelerated. Dry skin and dry mouth, with thirst, at night.- Chilliness while eating. MORAL SYMPTOMS.-Laziness, want of disposition to perform any mental labor.-Sad moods grief. IEAD.-Vertigo, when sitting. Vanishing of thought, giddiness. Heaviness and sensation of fullness in the whole head. Long-continuing, dull, aching-gnawing pain in the left vertex. Pressing in the temples from within outwards. FACE AND EYEs.-Feeling of coldness in the face.-L-achrymation at night. Slight smarting in the corners of te eyes. Burning of the margins of the eyes. Injected state of the conjuctiva. Pain. ful pressure in the eye-balls. EARS.-Otalgia, with aching pain in the head and drawing in all the teeth. NosE.-Frequent sneezing. TEETH AND JAws.-Painful drawing in, the molar teeth. Sting. ing gnawing in the fore-teeth. Stinging drawing in all the teeth,. Drawing and jerking in all the teeth., Pain, swelling, redness, and bleeding of the gums. MouTH.-Smarting at the tip of the tongue. Obstinate pains, burning; redness, inflammation of the tongue;-Ptyalism. TASTE, A'PPETITE, AND GASTRIc SYMPTOMS.-Want, of appetite. P requent empty eructations. Rancid, sour eructations. Hiccough. -Nausea, especially after midnight. Desire to vomit, returning periodically in the morning.-Heartburn. THROA.-Smarting in the region of the palate and fauces; Burn. ing in the pharynx. Swelling of the tonsils, with shooting stitches in the same. STOM4c AND AABDOMEN.-Tension in the pit of the stomach. recs tANUNCJLISý ACRIS8 AND LVAMMUJLA. sure and sensation of fullness in the pit of the stomach. Stitches ink the pit of the stomnach, causing an acute pain. Troublesomo. sensation of fullness in the stomach.- Constriction of the 'sfomauh. Stitches in the hepatic region. The abdominal walls are painful. Aching pain in the groins." STooL.-Delaying stool. Frequent urging and loose stools. Frequent sensation as if diarrhcea wouldl set in. Titillating burning in the region of the anus. GENITAL O"RGANs.-Drawing pain's in the penis,. Smarting about the scrotum. RESPIRATORY OGRGANs.-Dry and hacking cough. Tight and- deep, breathing'. Sensation of great weakness in the chest. 0ppressioli of the ch" 't. The whole chest feels weak and bruised. Painfu sicking in the right chest, not imcreased by inspirations. Conatinuý.di dull sticking in the left chest and below the false, ribs.-St-itches in' the r`egiown of the h-eart.-Sticking contracting pinching in the regioni of the heart, causing tightness of br~eath, at night. G-reat sensitive-; Yz~ess of the integumnents of the- chest. External painfulnessý of the steinunt. BAcic.-Pain in the small of the back, as if bruised. Par-alyti& painsý in the small of~ the back. Aching pain between. the scapulae. AiRxs -St'inginag itching' in some parts of the upper arms. Para.. lytic drawing in the fore-arm. Stitches in the fore-arm. Boring iii the metacarpal bones of the thumbs.-S welling. of the fingers. LEGs.--Drawing-'gn'awin'g pressure' in the lower iimb.-Bitinglin the' bends, Of the knees. Itching and furious- smarting of the sole of either foot. 111.-RANUNCULUS ACRIS. SYMPTGMS'.-Head, intolerable heat and fainting; soreness of the joints,, obstinate ulcers. Feet,, as far as the knees, look burnt,' red, hot, covered with blisters here and* there,' attended with fever aind in~tolerable pains, gaýngrene, with trembling and fainting; rest lessness, small, quick pulse, and very red face.-Burning pains andspasms- in the ce~sophagus, griping in the abdomen. Violent. irritation of the salivary glands, excoriation and parched condition of the tongue, pain of the teeth, and sensitiveness and bleeding of the gums. IV.-RANUNCULUS FLAMMULA. SYMPTOMS.--Inflammation and gangrene. of the arm. Disten tion of the abdomen. Inflammation an~d gang~retue of the abdominal organs. 996 RAPHANUS SATIVUS. 226.-RAPHANUS SATIVUS. RAPH.-Radish.-See " Revue Crit. et Retrospect de la Mat. Med. Spec.," 1840. ANTIDOTES.-To drink a quantity of water.-Milk and water increase the pains in the abdomen. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.--Great weakness and languor, -also with bruised feeling in the limbs. Visible emaciation.-Fleeting burning, here and there.-Somnolence the whole day, with scolding during sleep. Restless slumber, with frequent waking, headache, nausea, and pinching around the umbilicus. Profuse sweat during sleep, or low muttering. Feverish shuddering over the back. Frequent febrile shudderings, with heat in the head and warmth all over the skin. lnternal heat after the shuddering, -or alternation of shuddering and heat. Pulse small, bounding, and rather hard.-Fuls of anguish, -with dread of death. HEAD, &c.-Dullness of the head, early on waking, with dull pain in the forehead. Vertigo, with dimness of sight. Pressure above the eyes, with difficulty of sight, going off after vomiting. Pressure above the root of the nose.-Dilatation of the pupils. I0Hardness of hearing,?.-Stoppage of the nose.-Red face and gloomy countenance. Pale face, with expression of anguish and great suffering, Hardness and swelling of the submaxillary glands. MOUTH, &c.-* Thick white coating of the tongue. Pale and bluered tongue, with a deep furrow and pale-red points in the middle,Heat and burning in the throat. Swelling, redness, and soreness of the tonsils. *Flat taste. *Bitter taste.-No appetite.-* Violent thirst.-Constant paroxysms of nausea.--Constant desire to vomit, -with vanishing of sight and hearing. Frequent vomiting offood and white mucus, with oppression of the chest, heaving of the stomach, and coldness. oVomiting of bile and mucus. Every vomiting is preceded by shuddering over the back amd.arms.-~lMorbus-niger.? Miserere.? STOMACH, &c.--Pain in the stomach.-Sticking in the region of the liver, also with pressure and soreness.-Pinching around the umbilicus. Violent cutting and sticking around the umbilicus. Feeling of heat in the abdomen, particularly around the umbilicus. Burning over the umbilicus. OAscites. *Frequent, liquid, copious stools, passing out with great force, yellow-brown, or brown and frothy. OChronic diarrhoea, green, liquid, with mucus and blood,---Undigested diarrhobio stools.--Copious micturition. OTurbid urine. OStone,! RATANHIA. 997 Burning in the urethra during micturition. Drawing and lacerating in the testicles. LARYNX, CHEST, AND EXTREMITIES.--Spasmodic asthma.?-Pain in the chest, particularly when eating and coughing. Violent quick beating of the heart.-Itching burning in the back. Lacerating in the loins when stooping. Trembling of the limbs.-Coldness of the knees and feet, with drowsiness, dullness of the head, dull pain in the forehead, and vomiturition. 227.-RATANHIA. RAT.-See Hartlaub and Trinks' " Mat. Med.," Vol. IV. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-Sore pain.-Languor and prostration, with uneasiness in the whole body. Haemorrhages. SKIN.-Itching, with small glandular swellings on the occiput. Itching, with small red spots in the region of the stomach. SLEEP.---Restless sleep, with frequent waking. Unpleasant dreams. FEVER.-Coldness and chilly shaking early in the morning. Chilly shuddering over the whole body, in the evening, continuing in bed. MORAL SYMPTOMS.-Quarrelsome and ill-humored; vexed mood. SENSORIUM AND HEAD.-Fleeting lacerating in the forehead. Headache, as if the head were in a vice. Pain as if the head would burst. Bruised pain at small spots, here and there, in the head.-- Digging-up in the brain.-Heat in the whole head, with heaviness. EYES.-Inflammation of the whites. Agglutination of the lids Burning and contractive sensation in the lids. Dim-sightedness Sensation as of a white speck before the eyes, impeding sight. EARS.-Lacerating in the ear. Sensation as if an insect were creeping in the ear. Ringing in the ear. NOSE AND FAcE.-Feeling of swelling in the nostril. Violent itching in the nose. Burning in the nostrils. Violent sneezing. Dryness of the nose. Fullness and stoppage of the nose. TEETH.-Digging, shooting pain in the molares. Beating pain in the upper incisor, and frequent bleeding of the teeth. The molares feel elongated. MouTH.-The tongue feels tight, as if swollen. Burning as from fire at the top of the tongue. Accumulation of tasteless water in the mouth. THROAT.-Sore throat. Painful spasmodic contraction in the throat. APPETITE AND STOMACH.-No appetite. Violent hiccough. Vomit. ing of water, preceded by loathing. Pinching pain about the sto. 998 RTILEUM-.ý maich. Constrictive pain in the stomach and cutting in the'abd~i. men. Ulcerativ-e pain in the region of the stomach`. Heatý and burning in the stomach. ABDOMEN-.-Violent stitch in the- region of the ribs;. Drawing in the u~mbilical region, with aý feeling of coldness in, that region. Burn'ing and twitching- in the abdomeA.. Pinching' iný the, sides of the abd-omenl. Conti-active -pain, at a, small. spot in -the groin. STOOL.-Hard stool, with straining. Ineffectual urging, to. stool'. Yellow diarrhceic stool, with burning at the anus as from fire. Scanty diarrhcei-c stool-, preced'ed' by ciUtting'and rumbling 'in t-he abdomen. Pain in the abdomen during the stool,. URINE.-Frequent urging to urinate, only a few drops being passed each time. Scanty urvine6, soon- depositing a *sedi ment, and becoming turbid. FEMALE GENITAL ORGANS.-Too, early menses. Pain in1 the small1 of the backý during.the menses. LIeucorrhcea. LARYNX.-Fo~tid breath.- Frequbn~t titillation in the larynx,ý in-. ducing12 cougrh. iDr-y cough, with difficult expectoration of hard. mucus. CHEST.-Congestion- of blood to,. and heat in theL chest, with- difficult respiratio-n. Ulcerative pain in the chest during and. after the cough.. Violent pressure on: the chest. Painful constrictive senisation from both sides of the chest. Fleeting cutting pain at the. upper par-t of the sternum. Pointed stickingi in the itegion, of the heart. BACkt.-Pain as if bruised in the whole spine, going off after rising. Draw'ing and tensive painý alonig-the whole spine. ARMs.-Lacerating in the shoulders; Laceirating in both- upper arms', from the' shoulders to the elbows.LEOS.-Tensive burning, in the thigh and leg. Lacerating: in. thV hips.-. Lacerating' from the hip'to the, knee. Lacerating pain inl the tendons -of the foot. Drawing in- the legs.& Great hea-viness and Wearines iný the inner side of* the thighs.. 2281-RHEUM. RHEUM.-Rhabarbnrum, Rhuba~rb.-See Hahnemann's ",Mat. Med." IVM. COMPARE WITHi-Ar8, Chain., Coff., Ipec., Merc.-sol., Puls. AiTIDOTES.-C amph., Chain., Coff. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-Heaviness in the whtole body, as' whens one. wakc~s from saý deep sleeýp. Debility' of the' whole body. T he whole body feels. heavy' as if one had not slept, enough SLEEP.-,_Drowsiness'. Snoringr inspirations during sleep. *Th-e RHEUM. 999 child is pale; she grumbles in her sleep. Vivid, sad-, and anxious dreams. Delirious evening sleep. After sleeping: he feels a heaviness,in his whole body. Pressure in the pit of the stomach. FEVER.-Alternation of chilliness and heat. Hot and restless.Cool sweat in the face, especially around the nwuth and nose. MORAL SYMPTOMS.-Taciturn and indolent. Moaning, anxious. 0Anguish, as if threatened with death. SENSORIUM.-Delirium. Gloominess of the head, with bloated eyes. Vertigo. HEAD.-Dull, tight, dizzy sort of headache, extending over the.-hole brain. Stupefying headache. Heaviness in the head, with an oppressive heat ascending to the head. Sensation of heaviness in the head and intermittent lacerating. Pulsative, crampy headache; Beating headache. Hammering sensation in the head. EYES.-The eyes feel weak; they become painful when looking at a thing for a long time; with a pressure in the eyes as if weary. Lachrymation in the open air.-Beating pain in the eyes. Drawing in the eye-lids. NOSE AND EAjRS.-Roaring in the ear. Snapping as of electric sparks and clucking in the ear and in the muscles of the side of the neck. Drawing, a sort of stupefying pain along the root of the nose. FACE, JAWS, AND, TEETH.-Tension in. the skin of the face. *Convulsive twitching, of the facial muscles. Itching rash on the forehead and arms. APPETITE AND GASTRIC SYMPTOMS.-Sour taste in the mouth. Want of appetite.-Hunger, but no appetite. Urging to stool after a meal. Nausea in the region of the stomach. Feeling as if one would vomit. Qualmishness. Nausea, colic. Sensation of nausea in the abdomen. THROAT, MOUTH, STOMACH, AND ABDOMEN.-Astringent sensation in the pharynx. Repletion in the stomach as if he had eaten too much. Contractive sensation in the stomach, accompanied with nausea. Distention of the abdomen. Colic before and during stool, abating after stool. Dull, strangulating cutting across the abdomen. Pressing in the umbilical region, as if the intestines would be pressed out. Cutting in the umbilical region. Colic, bloatedness of the abdomen. Violent cutting in the region of the lumbar vertebra. STOOL.-Ineffectual urging to stool, with pinching in the abdomen, and inaction of the rectum. *Tenesmus. Stool, first loose, then hard;, preceded and accompanied by violent cutting. *Diarrhcic stools, consisting offceces and mucus. Discharges of grayish mucus by the rectum. ODiarrhoea of lying-in females. *Frequent diarrhoea, with vomiting and great debility.-Papescent, sour-smelling stool. 1000 RHODODENDRON. Frequent urging to stool, which results zn a loose, papescent, fcstid evacuation, with colic and tenesmus. Increased urging to stool when moving about. A sort of tenesmus of the rectum. URINE AND GENITAL ORGANS.-Weakness of the bladder. Pressure on the bladder. Burning in the kidneys and bladder.Red-yellow urine, as in jaundice and acute fevers. Burning urine. Yellow, bitter milk in nursing females. - ODiarrhoea of infants. oDifficult dentition. RESPIRATORY ORGANS.-Dull, quick stitches under the last rib, during an expiration and inspiration. Single stitches in the chest. -Oppression of the chest.-Compression of the chest. Dyspncea. BACK, ARMS, AND LEGS.-Stiffness of the small of the back and hips. Lacerating in the upper arms and the finger-joints. Lacerating in the fore-arms. Distended veins of the hands. Lancinating pain in the thumb. Weariness of the thighs, as after an excessive efort. Tensive aching pain in the bend of the knee, extending down to the heel. Stiffness of the knee, which is painful during motion. 229.-RHODJODENDRON. RHODOD.-Rhododendron Chrysanthum.-Yellow Rose of Siberia.-See Stapf's "Additions to the Mat. Med." COMPARE WITH-Ac-phosph., Clemat., Chin., Dulc., Led., Mere., Nux-v., Puls., Rhos-tox., Seneg., Sulph., Thuja., Zinc. ANTIDOTES.-Camph., Clem., Rhus. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.- Creeping sensation in the limbs. *Erratic lacerating pains in the limbs. Insensibility of the affected parts. Insensibility and paralysis of the limbs.-Increase of the pains in the limbs. Painful sensitiveness in windy and cold weather. Disagreeable general feeling of weakness. Great weariness and bruised feeling of the whole body. Convulsions. CHARACTERISTIC PECULIARITIES.-The pains in the limbs are especially felt in the fore-arm and leg down to the fingers and toes; they soon pass of, and resemble a cramp-like drawing. *Almost all the pains reappear at the approach of rough weather, oor of a thunderstorm. The pains in the limbs appear to be seated in the bones or skin, they affect only small spots, and reappear when the weather changes. Many symptoms appear in the morning. SKIN.-Itching and gnawing in different parts of the body. Drop. sical swellings.-*The joints affected by gout become red, swollen, and painful. SLEEP.-Great drowsiness in the daytime. Great drowsiness, with RHODODENDRON. burning in the eyes. Restless sleep. Tremulousness of the limbs at night. Restless sleep, disturbed with dreams. Sleep full of dreams. FEVER.-Cold feet. Paroxysm of fever at six o'clock in the evening Great heat about the head, with cold feet and absence of thirst, intolerable headache, with pressure from within outward, burning in the eyes, dryness in the nose, and a burning hot sensation in the nose. Febrile heat, with violent thirst.-Alternation of chilliness and heat, headache, drawing in the limbs. Paroxysmal burning heat in the face, evening. Slow pulse. MORAL SYMPTOMS.-Frightful visions.-Fits of anxiety. Mental derangement. A sort of delirium. Gloomy mood, indifferent. SENSORIUM.-Vertigo. Vertigo and sleep. Stupefaction. Obscuration of the senses. Giddiness. Intoxication. Makes the head feel wild and confused. Reeling sensation in the brain. Forgetfulness and sudden disappearance of all thoughts. Dullness of the head. The head feels dull, wild, and confused, as after intoxication. Dizziness and dullness in the forehead. HEAD.-Headache early in the morning, in bed. Excessive head ache, as if the whole brain were oppressed. Headache, as if a catarrh were about to set in. Dull headache, in the evening.-Burning stitch through the head. Sticking headache, particularly in the part near the forehead.-Beating headache. Violent drawing lacerating pain in the forehead. Aching pain in the forehead. Beating pain in the forehead, with pressure, going off, during rest. Aching pain in the left half of the forehead. Aching on the vertex. Dullness of the head. Painful pressure in the temple, from without inward. Aching pains in the temple. Lacerating boring pain in the left temporal region. Pressure in the temporal bones. Dull pressure, deep in the occiput, in the evening.-Tension in the left portion of the frontal bone. Tension, with pressure in the front part of the forehead.-Aching sore pain in the brain. Racking sensation in the head when walking. The scalp is painful to the touch. Painfulness of the vertex, as if from subcutaneous ulceration.--Violent itching of the hairy scalp. EYES.-Swollen' eye-lids, which easily become red.-Suppuration of the eye-lids, at night. Dampness of the eyes, and agglutination of the lids.--Lachrymation, also in the open, raw air.-Painful pressure in the internal canthus, as from a grain of sand.-Burning and pressure in the inner canthi. Slight burning and pressure in the eyes. Dry burning in the eyes. Burning and feeling of dryness in the eyes, especially in the evening. Periodical burning in the eyes, 1002 RHODODENDRON. Itching of the eyes.-Contraction of the pupil. Sensation as of a gauze before the eyes, second day. EARs.-Humming and ringing before the ears. Constant buzzing. in the ears. Beating sensation in the ear.-Shooting stitches in the ear. Violent otalgia in the ear. Periodical boring or drawing pain in and around the ears. NosE.-Itching and creeping in the nose. Increased secretion of mucus in the nose, as if a catarrh would set in. Violent fluent coryza, with headache and roughness of the throat. FACE.-Prickling biting in the cheek. Dry and burning lips. JAWS AND TEETn,.-Occasional grumbling and lacerating in the owlar teeth. Lacerating sharp aching pain in the upper molar teeth, increased by warm food. Toothache. Aching pain, as if swollen and sore. MOUTH AND THROAT.-Prickling sensation on the tongue. Increase of saliva, which has a sourish taste. Burning in the fauces, with constrictive feeling. Burning, and a feeling of heat in the posterior part of the mouth, as if catarrh would set in. Scraping and scratching sensation in the fauces. TASTE.-Flat, bitter taste. Sourish taste in the mouth. Troublesome thirst. GASTRIC SYMPTOMS AND APPETITE.-Gulping up of a rancid fluid, occasioning a scraping sensation in the throat. Loss of appetite. Uncomfortable feeling after a meal.-Nausea. Nausea, accumulation of water in the mouth, and inclination to vomit. Nausea while walking; experiences a feeling of qualmishness at the stomach. Vomit- - ing of a green, bitter substance. STOMACH.-Troublesome pressure in the pit of the stomach. Aching pain in the pit of the stomach when stooping. Continual aching, pain in the pit of the stomach. Contractive pressure in the pit of the stomach, with tightness of breathing. Aching, crampy pain in the pit of the stomach, sometimes spreading to both hypochondria and impeding respiration. Pinching in the pit of the stomach. ABnDOMEN.-Hypochondria. Periodical crampy pain under the short ribs. Violent stitches in the region of the spleen, arresting the breathing. Pressing. and drawing pain under the short ribs, early in the morning. Cutting, afterwards aching pain in the epigastrium, after a meal. Paroxysmal drawingaching pain in the epigastrium, with nausea. Pinching colic. Painful distention of the abdomen. The abdominal integuments are painful. STooL - Costiveness. Ineffectual urging to stool.-- Occasional' diarrhoea. Diarrhoea, directly after a meal. Food and drink cause RHODODENDRON. 1003 diarrhoea without colic. Fruit occasions diarrhoea and a feeling of weakness in the stomach. Feeling of qualmishness, as if diarrhoea would set in. Loose stool, but sluggish. Desire for stool, as if diarrhoea would set in. Tenesmus, with papescent stool. Stool is succeeded by a feeling of emptiness, followed by pinching in the abdomen.-Beating pain in the anus. Crawling in the anus, as if from ascarides. MALE GENITAL ORGANS.-Burning sore pain between the genital organs and thighs. Itching and increase of sweat about the scrotum. The testes are somewhat drawn up, swollen, and painful. Contusive pain in the testes, with alternate drawing. The testes, especially the epidydimis, are intensely painful to the touch. Violent painful draw ing in the hard, somewhat swollen testes. OSwelling of the testes, with drawing-pressing. OHydrocele. Profuse emission, with amorous dreams, five nights. URINE.-Frequent desire to urinate. Burning in the urethra before and during micturition. Pain in the urethra as from subcutaneous ulceration. FEMALE GENITAL ORGANS.-The menses appear too early or late. LARYNX AND TRACHEA.-Scraping sensation in the throat. Titillation in the throat, exciting cough. Fatiguing, dry cough, morning and night. Dry cough, with increased tightness of the chest and roughness in the throat. CHEST.-Aching pain in the chest, with tight breathing. Pain in the middle of the chest, resembling cuttings. Crampy pain through the chest. Oppressive burning pain in the chest, below the ribs. Contractive pain in the chest. Constriction of the chest. Suppressed breathing, suffocative sensation.-Oppression of the chest during sleep, a sort of nightmare. Violent congestions of the chest. Rushing of the blood in the chest and region of the heart. Pain in the muscles of the chest, increased by contact. The whole thorax feels sprained and bruised. SMALL OF THE BACK.-Aching pain in the small of the back, and back. Aching pain, with anxiety, going off by motion. Pain, as if sprained. Pain, becoming intolerable by stooping. Pain, resembling a fine drawing lacerating, as if close to the bone. Pain in the small, of the back, as if bruised, increased during rest, especially violent in rainy weather. Rheumatic drawing pain in the scapulm.-Rheumatic pain between the scapuloe, hindering motion. Pain in the back, shoulders, and arms, early in the morning when in bed, digging-up, drawing, disturbing sleep, accompanied with a bruised pain of the whole body. Tensive rheumatic pain in the outer side of the neck, 1004 RHUS RADICANS. with drawing, extending as far as behind the ear. Rheumatic pain with stiffness, in the nape of the neck. ARMs.-Lacerating pain in the shoulder. Violent beating and drawing pain in the shoulder-joint. Paralytic rheumatic pain in the shoulder. LEGS.-Pain in the hip, as if sprained. Quickly-passing pains in the lower limbs. Occasional contusive pain in some of the muscles of the lower limbs. OLacerating in the lower limbs, also particularly in the hip-joints, worse during rest and in stormy weather, also at night. OLacerating from the thigh to the foot, worse during rest. Heaviness in the thighs. Feeling of a burning soreness between the thighs and the perineum. Fine lacerating, deep in the kneejoints. Drawing in the bend of the knees, when walking. OCold swelling of the right knee, with raging pain extending to the leg, in bed and during rest. o White swelling of the knee. Boring, beating pain in the tibia. OConstant sensation as if gone to sleep, also in the feet, with sticking in the knees and tarsal-joints, tension in the limbs when walking, and aggravation of the pains when sitting still. (Edematous swelling of the legs and feet. Sharp crampy pains in the tarsal-joints. Drawing, digging-up pain in the joints of the upper limbs, especially the left, when at rest, Heaviness, and tremulous, paralytic weakness of the arm, when at rest, diminished by motion. 0 Weakness in both arms, with tingling as if gone to sleep.-Pain in the muscles of the upper arm, as after an excessive exertion. Pulsation in the upper arm. Violent aching pain, as if seated in the periosteum. Drawing in the elbow-joints. Pain in the wrist-joints, as if sprained, with increase of warmth. Digging-up, a drawing pain in the wrist-joints. OSwelling, with drawing lacerating, first in the joint, afterwards in the dorsum of the hand. Tremor of the hands, during rest and motion. Sensation of loss of strength, and heaviness in the hands. 230.-RHUS RADICANS. RHUS RAD.-Poison Ivy, Poison Vine.1 Duration of Action: from five to seven weeks, in some cases. 1This fiedicine has been proved, and the symptoms arranged by Dr. B. F. Joslin, with the cooperation of Drs. S. B. Barlow, E. Bayard, R. M. Bolles, B. F. Bowers, R. A. Snow, J. Taylor, W. Williamson, and C. Wright A few symptoms are from Drs. Bute and Horsfield. In the following article, the long dash is employed to separate symptoms observed at different times or by different provers. None but concomitant symptoms are connected by the words "and" or "with," or placed in the same RHUS RADICANS. 1005 COMPARE WITr-Rhus-tox., and most of the remedies which are analogous to the latter. Rhus-rad., has acted well after: Ant.-crud., Arn., Bell., Bry., Lach., Nux-v., Op., and Sulph. ANTIDOTES.-Bry., Camph., Coff., Mere., Puls, Sulph.-Inf 2sion of Coffee, taken as a drink, interrupts its curative action. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.--*RHEUMATIC PAINS.-*SEMILATERAL RHEUMATIC PAIN, with rigidity, sensibility, oand contraction of the affected muscles, the pain increased at night, and by moving the part.-*WANDERING PAINS, SOMETIMES ON ONE SIDE, SOMETIMES ON THE OTHER.-Stinging, lacerating, sharp pains.-Aching in the joints.-Sensation of crepitation at a joint on moving it.-Aching pain and lameness, especially of the extremities.-Sensation of trembling.-Jerking, trembling, or shaking, and the paralytic weakness of the extremities, especially at night.-~Coldness of the extremities. Fatigue from walking. *Excessive debility. *General debility in the morning.-*General languor, with inclination to lie down.-Disinclination to physical or mental labor.-Bodily torpor.Dread of bodily and mental exertion.-Physical apathy. Restless nights.-Day-sleepiness, with frequent yawnings and chilliness.Numbness of the limbs, especially at night. CHARACTERISTIC SPHERE AND CONDITIONS.-This remedy appears to act especially upon the brain, the muscles, tendons, skin, and mucous membranes. - PAINS OFTEN SEMILATERAL. -PAINS IN VARIOUS, an.( often in remote PARTS IN SUCCESSION. Pains where tendons are connected with the muscles or bones, especially during the action of the muscles.-Stijfness of the joints.-The symptoms often occur successively in parts either transversely or diagonally opposite.-PAINS IN MUSCLES DURING THE EARLY PART OF THE TIME IN WHICH THEY ARE EXERTED, DISAPPEARING AFTER LONG-CONTINUED ACTION. *The pain and soreness are worse in the morning when beginning to move. -Pains when lying on the opposite side.-The sufferings are sometimes mitigated by movement and walking, sometimes by rest and when lying down.-Many of the pains are relieved while walking in the open air, and when the mind is fully occupied; worse when beginning to move, from the agitation of laughing, and in the house.-Many sufferings after drinking cold water. Languor on rising in the morngroup between consecutive dashes, unless some intimation of their disconnection is given by the expressions employed. The distinctions of type refer to the number of provers by whom the symptoms have been verified. No symptom is italicised unless experienced by two or three provers. The SMALL CAPITALS denote twice as many concurrent provers, and the larger CAPITALS three times as many as were required for italics. The distinctions of type and the grouping of concomitants increase the value of the symptoms, though at some sacrifice of superficial regularity. 1006 RHUS AIAS ing at seven o'clock. 'Many su-ff-erings occur between four and seven in. the afternoon, especially about six o'clock. Exacerbations or new sgymptoms often occur in the eveningr or morning. Somle symp~toms are increased in the evening and at night. Sulferings aggravated by changre of weather. Many symptoms occur on a sudden depression of atmospheric temp erature.-Drow sin ess, pains, and other sympvtoms on the approach of a storm. Pains durinig rainy weather. SKIN.-Gencral feeling of heat in the skin.-ITCIIING OF" THE SKIN IN VARIOUS PARTs.-It~ching, tickling, and pricking, of the skin.-CUTANEOUS ERUPTIONS, WITH iTCHING, burning, and pricking. -*Hard, red, and itChing eruptions. c0I1ard, red, and itching blotches on the extremities, face, eye-lids, and neck, with a raised and swollen appearance of the surrounding parts. -Red, inflamed, tuberculoid elevations of the skin.-*VESIcuLAR ERUPrTIoNs.-0Erup tion of watery pimples, in children, itching, bleeding, and scabbing. Vesicular eruption with inaumerable small points.-Itching eruption in warm weather.-The eruption is attended with pricking, biting, and burning. *E~rysipelats.Erysipelas during hot weather.-Heat and redness of the ski n.-0lInflammation extending from a gun-shot wound.-Burning sensation in a part of a mucous membrane. Swelling of the lymphatic glands. -0lInflammation along the route of lymphatic vessels. SLEEP. -Frequent yawning. - *Sleepiness in the daytime.*SLEEP IMPEiRFECT.-*Sleepless at night.-Dreamy, unrefreshing s5leep.-*S~cep disturbed, frequent waking.-.Restless sleep.-*Seminal emissions during, sleep at nigrht.-Dreams amorous and voluptuous. - Dreams of dangers. - Frightful dreams. Anxious, uneatsy sleep, with frightful dreams. FEVERL.-*CHILLS, -general or partial, especially in the back Chilliness in the back, with weakness of the legs, desire to lie down, and shootings in the abdomen. General chill s.----*6oldness of the extremities.-Coldness, with aching of the limbs.-*Chills and fever, with thirst, slight.-Coldness of the extremities, with heat and bloatedness of the face and head.,-*FEVE R.-OInflamxmatory fever.-01NTERMITTENT FEVIER.-0 Quotidian intermittent fever, chills between nine and ten in the forenoion, followed by1 heat, with frequent pulse.oQuoti~ian intermittent,, chills commencing every day at one o'clock in. the afternoon, increased by movement, and attended with pain 'in the bones.-ODonble tertian, chills predominant. 0.Fever, with patine in the, le-gs. Olutermittent fever, quartan, commencing in the evening with heat, followed- by heat with perspiration, yellow coat anad reddish tip of the tongue.-*Remittent fever.-0 Fever with debility. RHUS RADICANS. 1007 --ONervous fever.-- Typhoid fever.-~Typhoid fever, frequent pulse, pains in the limbs, vertigo on rising, thick brown coat on'the tongue, and redness at the tip.---Typhoid fever, saliva, consisting of a white, dense, and extremely viscid froth, urine depositing a pinkcolored sediment; trembling and jerking of the hands.-~Typhoid fever, with rheumatism of the neck. Typhusfever in an early stage. -OFever in consequence of a burn, frequent pulse, hot and dry skin, headache increased by movement and stooping, disagreeable taste in the mouth.--Fever, small and frequent, and feeble pulse, angina, pains in the head, neck, and back.--Fever, with slough-like appearance on the tonsil, throbbings in the head, cough, and burning of the.-yes and cheeks.-~ Universal heat, with dryness of the skin.'*PULSE FREQUENT.--Pulse slow, especially when lying down.OPulse feeble, frequent, and small.--Pulse frequent and small, with rigidity of the neck.-Easy perspiration.-Constant perspiration, with a sticky feeling.-Perspiration from the least exercise.-Easy perspiration, with dryness of the mouth, yet without thirst..AFFECTIVE FACULTIES AND DISPOSITION.-Melancholy.-*Mental depression.-Mental apathy.- Unusual irritability of disposition.Depression of spirits. Peevish humor.-Discouragement, anxiety, and apprehension about the future.-Extreme peevishness and impatience.-*Great DISCOURAGEMENT.-Mental indolence. SENSORIUM AND INTELLECT.-Weakness of memory.-Mental dullness and indisposition to conversation.-Cerebral congestion.-*VERTIGo.--'Vertigo on walking.-~Vertigo on rising and after stooping. -Confusion of head.-Momentary loss of consciousness.-The head feels too large. HEAD.-*Heaviness of the head.--FULLNESS IN THE HEAD. SEMILATERAL PAIN IN THE TEMPLE.-PAIN ABOVE THE EYES.Shootings in the head.-Dull pain in the occiput.-Pressure in the head.-Remittent pain in the head. Darting pain through the temple. *Dull and continued PAIN IN THE FOREHEAD.Violent and *unceasing pain across the forehead, and on the top of the head. Headache, followed by griping pains in the bowels.Headache with nausea.-Quotidian periodical headache.-Dull aching in the whole head, on waking in the morning.-Dull headache in the forenoon.-Headache in the forenoon, with sleepiness.-Dull pain in the forehead, temples, and occiput, in the morning.-Dull pain in the whole head, commencing in the anterior part.--Pain in the top of the head, in the morning.-Transient, but severe semilateral headache, from intellectual labor.-*-Shooting pains through the head.-*The headache is worse and the pains are sharper when 1008 RHTTS RADICANS. lying down.-Darting pains in the head.-*PAIN IN THE HEAD AND NAPE OF THE NECK.-Pain in the occiput and neck.-Severe headache, with nausea, vomiting, and pain in the stomach.-Headache increased by movement and stooping. *Throbbing in the head. Heat of the head. Heat, pain, and throbbing of the head. Itching of the scalp. Eruptions on the scalp. EYEs.-Pain in the eyes on opening them. Heaviness and pain over the eyes. Smarting of the eye-lids.-Itching of the eye-lids."*Itching in the eye-lid.-*Burning in the eye-balls. *Heat and itching of the eyes. *Sensation of heat in the eye-lid. Congestive inflammation of the conjunctiva. *Redness and swelling of the eyelids, with itching and burning. (Edematous swelling of the eyelids, with smarting.-LACHRYMATION. Photophobia on waking in the morning. Confusion of sight. Obscurity of vision. EARs.-Pain in one ear. Heat and swelling of the ear, resembling erysipelas. Sensation as if the beating of the heart or arteries were heard in the ear.-~Parotitis after scarlatina, with codematous swelling of the hands. NOSE.-Itching in the nostrils.-Pricking in the nose.-Eruption in the nostril.-*Epjistaxis.-*Bleeding from the nose in the morning.-Dryness of the nostrils. *SNEEZING.-*Fluent coryza.Fluent and burning coryza, with copious discharge of serum or mucus, and attended with headache. FACE.--OComplexion pale and yellow.-~Pain at the left maxillary joint on moving the jaw.-Itching in the face.-Furunculi, pustules, pimples, or vesicles on the face.-*Burning in the face, with redness and itching.-*ERYsIPELAS OF THE FACE.-Itching, swelling, and redness of the face.-Erysipelatous redness, burning, and smarting of the left side of the face. ODryness of the lips.-Pimples upon the face andforehead.-Excoriated, smarting, and burning spot below the nose. Eruption of small granules across the forehead. Pricking eruption of the face, extending to the ears. TEETH.-Darting pain in the carious teeth.-Dull pain in the sockets of all the teeth.-Transient throbbing in the tooth.-Pain in carious roots in the upper jaw. Toothache, attended with flow of saliva. Toothache in the evening. The gums bleed readily. Inflammation of the gums.-Gum-boil.--Tenderness and swelling near the roots of the painful teeth. MOUTH.-OBreath foetid.-- Dryness of the mouth.-INCREASE OP SALIVA.--Saliva, a white dense and viscid froth. MUCH SALIVATION. Sore feeling of the palate.--~Ulcers inside of the mouth, below the check, and inside of the lips. Burning and smarting of the tongue, RHTISRADICANS. 1U009 withi increaso of saliva..-* Yellow COAT ON THE TONG1JE.-PRICK. ING IN THE TONGUE. BURNING IN THE TONGUE.-*REDNESS OF THE TIP OF TH1E TONGUE.-*TONGUE FEELS SORE AT THlE TIP.-0Excoriation with vesicles at the tip of the tongue. THftOAT.-Prickinga in the throat.-Constriction and irritation in the throat.-Rougrhness in the throat.-Burning in the throat.Pain and burning in the cesophagus.-Sensation of swelling, of fullness, and of rawness in the throat. Jiledness of the fauces.-Infiammation of the throat.-Soreness at the root of the tongue. -0 The tonsils, especially the right one, swollen, red, and partly covered with slough-like rnembra,,oe. *PAINFUL DEGLUTITION. 0Sensation as if from a fo~reign body in the throat.-*Dryness of the throat. APPETITE AND TASTE.-*Disagreeable taste in the mouth. Bitter taste.~-*Appetite deficient.-0 Thirst at night. GASTRIC SYMPTOMS.-*Ernpty eructations. -Burning in the stomach, sometimes preceded by burning in the throat.-NAUSEA.Nausea with faintness, followed by general chilliness with perspiration. Nausea, soon accompanied by headache. STOMACH.-*PAIN IN THE STOMACH.-Severe pain in the stomach, with dizziness in the head.-Griping pain in the stomach. OPain in the stomach after meals.. Weakness and oppression in the stomach.-Sinking feeling at the stomach, with salivation.-Sensation of fullness in the stomach.-*Pressure and fullness in the epigastrium, relieved by eructations.-Cramping pain in the stomach. - *Severe pains in the stomach, at intervals, extendingy to the chest. -0Periodical attacks of sharp lacerating pains in the stomach... Shootings in the stomach.-Sensiblility of the stomach to pressure. HYPOCHONDRIA.-0 Constriction of the hypoch~ondrkia.-Pain in the region of the liver.-*Pain in the left hypochondriumn. ABDOMEN.-0Pain bearing or pressing down towards the hypogas. trio region.-Constipation, with sense of dragging and falling in the abdomen.-Severe griping pains in the upper part of the abdomuen, at intervals.-Twisting colic-pains.-Sharp pains in the abdomen.Sharp gripin g pains, with looseness.-Col-ic.-pain in the lowe~r j)a?'. of the abdomen.-Colic, followed by loose stool or frequent evacuations. -Shootings in the abdomen after drinking cold water.-Paioll in the umbilical region, with soreness on bending. Twisting colickiy pain, succeeded by a loose stool.-O Flatulence, Owith borborygmus. Shootings in the groin. STOOL AND ANU s.-*Constipation.- Urgency to stool.-Browna stools.-Slimty stools.-Loose, pappy, slimy, sour-smellingv stools.Blood with the diarrhceic stools.-S tools slighbtly streaked with blood. 4~3 1010 RHUS RADICANS. Blood from the anus after the stool.-*DIARRH(EA, the evacuation sometimes preceded by lassitude. Dysenteric diarrhoea, preceded by lassitude. *Diarrhoea, with frothy, slimy, and yellow stools.-Painful burning in the anus. Evacuation preceded by a pain in the abdomen. Diarrhcea, with burning in the anus after evacuation.-- Evacuation painless, but urgent.-Procidentia-recti. Pressing down at the anus, with a dull aching pain in the rectum.-Intolerable itching and burning at the anus. URINE.-_*FREQUENT URINATION. --*Frequent and small discharges of urine. OPressure on the bladder, with difficult urination, frequent and painful desire to urinate.-* Urine red and discharged in small quantities.--Deep red urine.-~Pink-colored sediment.*Pressure on the vesica. GENITAL ORGANS.-Dull aching pain in the penis.-M-iliary eruption on the back of the penis, with stinging and itching.-The penis is bloated, swelled up, a sort of false erection as in syphilis. *Inflammation of the scrotum.-oScrotum inflamed and irritated by walking. Vesicles on the scrotum.-Diminished sexual desire. ONocturnal seminal emissions.-Catamenia profuse. LARYNX AND TRACHEA.- Influenza.-OWeakness of the voice.OIs fatigued by speaking.-Feeling of soreness of the larynx.-Bronchial catarrh, with sore scraping in the throat. Inflammation of the l1rynx descending from the fauces, with heat, soreness, and sense of suffocation. Acute bronchitis.-Soreness, extending from the throat downward through the chest, and weight, cough with expectoration of frothy mucus of a saltish taste. *Dry cough, often short.-*Dry cough in the morning, with soreness of the throat. *Cough from irritation in the chest. *Pain in the chest when coughing.--IIacking cough, excited by tickling in the chest. 0Cough on movement. CHEST.-Aching heavy or pressive PAINS IN THE REGION OF THE HEART. *Pain in the chest at night.-*Pain in the chest, more when at rest. OChronic rheumatic pain in the chest.-Feeling of lameness in the muscles of the chest.-Sensation of excoriation in the chest behind the sternum.-Drawing, crampy pains of the chest.-*Pain in the chest, commencing in the stomach.--Stinging lacerating pain in the sidcs of the chest, commencing in the stomach.--Pain in the chest when walking.-Pain in the chest, worse on movement.-Pain in the chest, increased by deep inspiration.-PAIN IN THE CHEST, WORSE ON INSPIRATION.-Shock of pain in the chest.-Sensation of heat in the chest. Burning in the chest and throat, as if in the cesophagus.Aching pains about the heart, and occasionally sudden shootings.Palpitation of the heart in the evening.-*Palpitation of the heart, RHUS RADICANS. 1011 with a sensation of fullness in the head. Severe palpitation at mid. night, in bed, with pulse hard, small, and very frequent, with dyspncea, pain in the chest. 0Palpitation of the heart, increased by sitting still. * *Sensibility of the chest to p9ressure. SPINAL REGIoNS.-OSpinal weakness..-*PAIN IN THE LOINS, also on moving the part, especially at first.-*Aching in the loins when lying in bed at night. 0Aching in the lumbar spinal region and ilia, when lying down at night. Rheumatic, burning, and semi-acute pain in the' sideý. Pain and rigidity in the posterior lumbar region. *Acliing pain through the back in the region of the kidneys, -attended with a sense of weariness and languor with stiffness.-*Pain in the dorsal spinal region, worse in bed.-0Drawing in the' dorsal spine on stooping.-0Back-ache, worse in the morning, and in bed.-Pain between the shoulders.- Chills in the back.-Weakness of the back, with lameness. Pains in the scapwlce *Side of the neck sensitive topressure..*Rigridity of the neck, with a frequent and small pulse. -0Rigidity o 'f the neck, with pain in it, increased at night. *lliisscles of the neck pained by movement and sensitive to pressure. ARMs.-&vere pain in the righ-t shoulder in the evening.-Rheumatic pain in the shoulder and arm. Pain in the deltoidnmuscle. Erratic pains in the upper extremities, between the joints. Drawing, aching, and shooting in the arms, wrists, hands, and fingcrs. Pain in the shoulders, then immediately in the upper arm.-0Numbncss and feeling of deadness in the arms and ha-nds at night. Numbness of the arms, with pi-icking in the fingers. *Rheumatic pain in the upper arm, Oincreased by movement. Pain in the elbow. Sudden attack. of sore rheumatic pain about the elbow-joint. Pain in the left fore-'arm. Deep-seated aching of the fore-arm. Numbness of the fore-arm, hands, and fingers. ACHING OF THE WRIST. Vesicles on the wrists.-Aching in the wrist. Pressing fullness of the hands. *Numbness of the hands -and fingers.-Stingings in the hands and fingers.-0 Coldness of the hands. Swelling of the hands.-*ITnfiam_ mat ion of the hand, with heat,,redness, and swelling.-Heat, throbbing, redness, and shining of the hands, with swelling and stiffness.-Oln. flammation of the hand, from external injury.-0lnfiammation of the hand extending from a burn on the fingers. Vesicles on the hands. Pain at the finger-joints.-Sharp pain in the flnger.-Tingling in the fingers.-*Prlicking in the fingers. Itching unsuppurating eruption on the fingers.. *Sujferiings from wounding, afinger. 0Aftcr a wound on the finger, inflammation extends up the arm. LEGS.-*Pain in the hiip.-Rheumatic pains from the hips ard nates to the lcgs.-~OPain in thc hip and logs. -*Aching pain, with 1012 RHUS TOXICODENDRON. soreness along the crest of the ilium. Inflammation and excoriation of the inside of the nates.-Feeling of weakness, heaviness, and instability of the lower limbs, when walking.-In the evening, weakness and rigidity of the inferior extremities.-Shootings in the long muscles. Eruption on the thigh.- WVeakness of the knees and legs.-- Lameness at the knee. *Pain in the knees.-Aching in the knees and ankles. Rheumatic pain in the inner and lower edge of the patella, extending into the knee-joint, aggravated by motion. *THE LEGS FEEL WEAK. Weakness and heaviness of the legs when walking.-Aching of the legs. Dull aching and sensation of weakness in the legs and ankles. -Tiresome aching of the legs.-~Pain, as if in the bones, like rheumatism. *PAIN IN THE CALF OF THE LEG, often when walking. Restlessness of the legs.-Drawing pains of the legs. Cramp in the leg. Shooting pains of the Olgs.-*Numbness and sense of torpor of the legs.-~Numbness and paralytic weakness of the legs at night, with sense of deadness and want of feeling in the limbs. ITCHING OF THE LEGS. Red eruption encircling the lower part of the legs. PAINS AT THE ANKLES, sometimes severe.-_Pain in the ankles in the evening. -Aching in the knees and ankles.-- Pain in the right ankle. Rheumatic pains in the legs, and especially in the ankles, worse toward evening. Weakness in the ankles.-*Swelling with pain of the right ankle. OLameness, weakness, and aching of the feet and ankle-joints, after walking. Drawing pains in the feet.-*Coldness of the feet.-Heat of thefeet. ORedness of the top of the foot, with internal soreness, pain on stepping or moving the part.-Pain between the joints of the toes. 231.-RHUS TOXICODENDRON. RHUS TOX.-Poison Oak.-Hahnemaun's "Materia Medica," IV. COMPARE WITH -Am.-carb., Am., Ars, Bell., Bry., Calc., Caust., Chin., Clem., Cocc., Colf., Con.. Dulc., Lach., Led., Lyc., Nitr.-ac., Nux-v., Phosph., Phosph.ac., Plat., Puls., Ranunc., Rhod., Samb., Sep, Sil., Sulph., Verat., Zinc.Rhus-tox. is particularly suitable after: Am., Bry., Calc.-c., Con., Phosph., Phosph.-ac., Puls., Sulph. ANTIDOTEs.-Bry., Camph., Coff., Sulph.-Rhus-tox. antidotes: Bry., Ranune., Rl4dod., Tart.-stib. CLINICAL REMARKS. DR. NEIDHARD.-- "The disease in which I have most frequently made use of Rhus, is rheumatism characterized by the following symptoms-it is a form of rheumatism which is most common in our climate: rigidity, paralytic weakness in the joints with stinging pain along the tendons and muscles RHUS TOXICODENDRON. 1013 Swelling and redness on or near the joints. Rheumatism of the hip-joint and wrist seems to be most effectually controlled by its action. THE GREATEST RIGIDITY AND PAIN IS EXPERIENCED ON FIRS' MOVING THE JOINTS AFTER REST, AND ON WAKING UP IN THE MORNING. After the joints are moved for a while the pain is lessened. This symptom is mentioned by Jahr. Its paramount importance has been evidenced to me by numerous cures. Jahr lays, however, more stress on. the symptoms aggravated by rest. More than sixty cases might be detailed in this place, where rheumatic affections, characterized by the above symptoms, were removed in the shortest time by Rhus-tox., 3 to 30. In several of these cases other homoeopathic remedies had been prescribed in vain." GENERAL SYMPTOMS.--~Affections of the ligaments, tendons, and synovial membranes. ODcficient plasticity of the blood, with disposition of the organic activity to become. extinct, even to paralysis. ORheumatic or arthritic afections, also with swelling. OScrofulous and and rachitic affections. oGlandular swellings and indurations. ~Ailnents arising from cold bathing, particularly convulsions. OParalysis. 0Ailments arising from suppressions of the menses. ONervous inflammations of internal organs. ORheumatic tension, drawing, and lacerating in the limbs, most violent during rest, or in the cold season, or at night in bed, frequently attended with numbness and insensibility of the affected part after moving it. *Lacerating drawing, in the evening, while sitting, -going off when walking. Cramp and rigidity, as from contraetion of the tendons, in various parts. *Sticking in the joints, during rest. OTensive sticking, with stiffness, worse on rising from a seat and in the open air. *Tingling pains, particularly in the affected parts, -or more especially in the face, spine, and sternum. Anxious pains in affected parts, with moaning, when sitting. Drawing in all the limbs, when lying. *Bruised pains in single parts, or sensation as if the flesh had been detached from the bones by blows. Pressure with drawing in the periosteum, as if the bone were scraped. OSensation in internal organs as if something were being torn of. *Pains as if sprained. OBad consequences from straining or spraining parts. *Semilateral complaints. The parts on which one is lying go to sleep, -particularly the arm. ONunmbness of single parts, with tingling and insensibility.-*Stifness of the limbs -on first moving the limb after rest. Stiffness on rising from a seat. *Lameness in all the joints, worst on rising from a seat after having been seated for some time. Lameness in all the limbs, during and after a walk in *.he open air. *Complete paralysis. Hemiplegia. *Paralysis of 1014 RHUS TOXICODENDRON. the lower limbs, with dragging, slow, difficult walk. Tingling in the paralyzed parts.--Tremulous sensation in the upper and lower limbs also during rest. *Twitchings of the limbs and muscles. OConvul. sions arising from bathing in cold water. ~Tetanus, opisthotonos. OChorea.?-W IVeariness of the lower limbs. *Great languor of the whole body. *Languor, with constant disposition to be sitting or lying. Languor, with sensation as if the bones were aching. *Is unable to remain out of bed. Feels nauseated while sitting up.*Great debility. Sudden paroxysms of fainting. Great sensitiveness to the open air; ~even when warm. CHARACTERISTIC PECULIARITIES.-*The pains come on or are worse during rest, or at night, or on entering a room from the open air, Oor in cold weather. The pains in the joints are worse in the open air. Early, in bed, only those limbs and joints on which he is not lying feel painful and as if bruised. SKIN.-Itching of the whole body, particularly of the hairy parts, hairy scalp, and genital organs. Burning itching here and there. OErysipelatous inflammation (also zona).-OPetechial spots, also with great debility, even to complete loss of strength. Nettle-rash. *Snzall burning vesicles, with redness of skin on the whole body, except on the hairy scalp, the palms of the hands, and soles of the feet. *Burning itching eruptions, -particularly on the scrotum, prepuce, eye-lids, and eyes (arms and loins), with swelling of the parts, and small yellowish vesicles which ran into each other and became moist. Confluent vesicles, most of them containing.a milky or watery fluid. Black pustules, with inflammation and itching, rapidly spreading over the whole body.--Oflerpetic eruptions, alternating with pains in the chest and dysenteric stools. Scurfs over the body.-~Rhagades. o IVarts, disfiguring the whole skin, or particularly on the hands and fingers. OPanaritia. ~Hang-nails.-Ulcers as if gangrenous, from small vesicles, attended with violent fever.-In the ulcers.: tingling. Smarting, as if from salt. Burning biting, with weeping and moaning. Pain as if bruised. Burning of the affected part. The wound becomes inflamed, and is covered with little vesicles. Swelling of the hands and feet. ORed shining swelling, with stinging sore pain when touched. oGlandular swellings (also indurated?). OSwelling of bones. OCaries of bones.? ~Jaundice. SLEEP.- Violent and spasmodic yawning. Drowsiness in the daytime. - Restlessness during the siesta. Somnolence, full of laborious, interrupted dreams. OSomnolence, with snoring, muttering, and grasping at flocks. -Sleeplessness before midnight.-*Restless sleep, -with tossing about. Restless slumber before midnight, full of RHUS TOX1CODENDRON. -1015 anxious, disagreeable notions and fancies. Symptoms at night in bed: osad thoughts, preventing sleep. Feels nauseated in the evening, when lying down. Violent pressure at the stomach, preventing sleep. Starting, when on the point of falling asleep. Short breath. Great anxiety, he cannot remain in bed. Violent colic in the night. Nausea in the chest and stomach in the evening, going off after going to sleep Loud weeping. *Frightful dreams. FEVER.-Feeling of coldness in the limbs. OFeeling of coldness at every motion. Extreme coldness of the hands and feet, the whole day. He is very sensitive to the cold, open air. Shuddering in the back. Chilliness towards evening. OThe chilliness, with the paroxysms of pain and other concomitant symptoms, generally sets in in the evening. Hot internally, the whole day, and chilly externally. Chilliness and heat in the evening. *'Evening fever, with diarrhoea; -chilliness at eight o'clock in the evening, followed by dry heat and thirst, and cuttings in the abdomen and diarrhoea; afterwards sleep; diarrhoea again in the morning. Fever: drowsiness, weariness, and yawning; when walking, he felt inclined to sleep, with anxiety; afterwards an evacuation, with cutting, followed by excessive heat in the whole body; or sensation as if his blood were coursing hot through the vessels, and too violently through the head. Fever: towards noon he is attacked with a febrile coldness in all his limbs, with violent headache and vertigo. *Quotidian fevers. 0Tertian fevers. *Compound tertian fevers, -also with jaundice. ~Generally the chilliness and coldness set in first, with secondary symptoms, afterwards heat, with thirst (and with sweat), or first chilliness with thirst, then general warmth with chilliness at every motion, then sweat. 0Alternation of coldness and paleness, and heat and redness of the face. ODuring or after the fever: twitchings, tingling in the ears, hardness of hearing, dry coryza, sleeplessness, with uneasiness and tossing about, nettle-rash, gastric derangement, thirst at night. Dur~ng the chilliness: ~pains in the limbs, headache, vertigo, inclination to vomit. Inclines to vomit, -with heat of the head and hands, and chilliness of the rest of the body; afterwards chilliness all over during the inclination to vomit. Extreme heat in the hands, with dull headache, in the evening. Violent burning in the skin, with twitching tremulousness of the skin, and a general sweat at night. 0Flushes of heat, with sweat, proceeding from the umbilical region, and suddenly alternating with chilliness.-O~Feverish thirst, -even early in the morning. Violent feverish thirst. *Great desire for water or beer.-Pulse: quick. Slow and irregular pulse.-Fevers of various kinds.-~Sweat during the pains. OSweat when sitting, 1016 RHUS TOXICODENDRON. frequently with violent trembling. *General sweat, also in theface. *Night-sweat, -particularly around the neck. MORAL SYMPTOMS.-Out of humor. *Sadness. Restless mood, anxiety, and apprehensiveness, accompanied with constant paroxysms of sudden and painful uneasiness about the heart, and heavy breathing. Ill-humored, desponding. ODread of the future and want of confidence in himself. Inexpressible anguish, with pressure at the heart and lacerating in the small of the back. SENsoRIUM.-Absence of mind, as if absorbed in thought. *Mental derangement. OIllusions of the fancy and visions. ODelirium, also chattering delirium.-*Languor of the mind, is unable to hold an idea, feels almost stupid. Weakness of the head. The head is gloomy and stupid. Confusion of the head. Painful dullness of the head, as if stupefied, with humming in the head. *Dizzy when rising from bed. HEAD.-Aching through the forehead. OHeadache immediately after a meal. OHeadache, obliging him to lie down, coming on again after the least chagrin and the least exercise in the open air. Reeling, with headache affecting the whole head. Constant heaviness in the head. Headache as if the brain were compressed. Lacerating in the head, to and fro, worse when stooping. Occasional shaking sensation in the brain. Wavering sensation in the brain, when walking. Stitches in the head, from within outwards. OStitchcs day and night, extending to the ears, the root of the nose, and the malar bones, with painfulness of the teeth. Burning in the head and a fine beating or pecking headache. Burning-creeping sensation in the forehead. Painful creeping in the head. Creeping in the scalp. The head is painful to the touch, like a boil.-Corrosive itching of the hairy scalp of the forehead, face, and around the mouth; rash-like pimples make their appearance. Swelling of the head, attended with swelling of the face, neck, and even chest.-oTinea-capitis. OPeriodical tineacapitis, every year. OTinea-capitis, every year. OTinea-capitis, eating away the hair, with nightly itching and pus, sometimes of a greenish color, or with crusts. OSmall soft tubercles on the hairy scalp. EYES.-*The eye-ball feels sore when turning the eye or when pressing upon it. Bruised pain in the orbital bone.-Pressure in the eye, as if from dust. Pressure in the eye, when exerting the sight. Aching and contractive pain in the eyes, evening. Burning pressure in the eye. Twitching and contractive sensation in the lids, Cutting in the eyes, with difficulty of opening the lids, in the morning. OBurning of the eyes. Ophthalmia, ~arthritic, 0scrofulous, RHUS TOXICODENDRON. 1017 -with swelling, closing the eyes. -*Inflammation of the lids. *Agglutination of the eyes, in the morning they are red. *Swelling of the lids. Red, hard swelling, like a stye. *Lachrymation, with burning pain in the evening. OLachrymation, with cedematous swelling around the eyes. Blear-eyedness.-oPhotophobia, in scrofulous persons.-The objects look pale. Sensation of a gauze before the eyes. oIncipient amaurosis. EARS.-Otalgia. Painful beating in the internal ear at night. Sudden drawing pain in the ear. Swelling of the ears and lobules. ODischarge of bloody pus, with hardness of hearing. *Parotitis, oalso after scarlatina. NOSE.-Sore feeling at the nostrils. Herpetic eruption around the mouth and nose. The tip of the nose is red and painful to the touch, as if it would ulcerate. *Bleeding of the nose, at night. ODryness of the nose. *Stoppage of the nose. FAcE.-- Paleface. Sickly appearance, with sunken cheeks, blue margins around the eyes, and pointed nose. *Redface; oalso with burning heat, -or sweat. OCold sweat on the face.--Swelling of the face, particularly of the eye-lids and lobules of the ears. Swelling - of the face and hands. Pale swelling, with burning, closing of the lids, and lachrymation, followed by an eruption of vesicles filled with a yellowish liquid. *Erysipelatous inflammation of the face. *Erysipelatous inflammation of the face, with swelling, also on the neck. * Vesicular erysipelas. OErysipelatous inflammation of the face, with tensive aching, sticking, and burning tingling.-Drawing and lacerating in the eye-brows and malar bones. OChronic eruptions in the face, suppurating. *Herpetic eruptions. Burning vesicles around the mouth and nostril. OAcne-rosacea around the mouth and chin. OCrusta-lactea, with thick crusts and secretion of a fcetid. bloody ichor.-*The lips are dry and parched, covered with a reddish, brown crusts ~Black lips. JAWS AND TEETH.-Pain in the region of the articulation of the jaw. Pain in the articulation of the jaw, as if bruised. Swelling of the submaxillary glands. Darting in the nerves of the roots of the hollow teeth. Cutting toothache, as when a wound is inflicted. Intolerable burning sore pain in the gums. OLacerating toothache, at night, in all the teeth. OLacerating toothache, aggravated in the open air. ORheumatic arthritic toothache, relieved by warmth. The teeth feel loose, with painful tingling. The teeth are painful when chewing. The fore-teeth are loose, and feel painful when touched by warm or cold drink. MouTH.-- Foetid smell from decayed teeth. #Feeling of dryness, 43* 1018 RHUS TOXICODENDRON. Accumulation of water in the mouth. ONightly discharge of yellow or bloody saliva from the mouth. *The tongue is not coated, but very dry. OParched, red, or brown tongue. THRoAT.-Feeling of swelling in the throat, accompanied with a bruised pain. APPETITE AND TASTE.-Putrid, slimy taste in the mouth. *His mouth feels bitter the whole day. *Complete loss of appetite. *Complete loss of appetite for any kind of food. ODifficulty of swallowing solid food, as if the pharynx and oesophagus were contracted. *Dryness of the throat, with thirst. Canine hunger, with emptiness in the stomach and loss of appetite. GASTRIC SYMPTOMS.-Creeping in the stomach and horrid eructations. Burning eructations. Shuddering, especially after a meal. Pressure at the stomach after a meal. Shuddering and nausea over the whole body. Nausea after eating and drinking. Nausea, as if in the throat. Nausea in the chest, with canine hunger, Nausea in the stomach and qualmishness in the chest. ~Water-brash.-oSudden vomiting when eating. STOMACH.-*Pressure in the pit of the stomach, as if swollen, impeding respiration. *Oppression in the stomach towards evening. *Violent throbbing below the pit of the stomach. Sticking pain, with pressure, in the region of the stomach. Sticking pain in the pit of the stomach. oUlcerative pain in the pit of the stomach. Cold feeling in the stomach. ABDOMEN. - Violent colic, particularly at night, aggravated by eating and drinking, also with bloody stools. Pressing in the abdomen, as if the intestines were raised towards the heart. Colic, composed of cutting, lacerating, and pinching, affecting the whole of the intestines. Burning in the abdomen and thirst.-Cramp-like draw. ing in the umbilical region. Excessive pinching in the abdomen. Distention of the abdomen in the umbilical region, with violent pinching. Sticking above the umbilicus.-Contusive pain below the umbilicus. Contraction and pain in the abdomen. *Painful distention, with colic, after a meal. OScarlet redness of the abdomen. Contraction in the groin. STOOL.--oAlternate constipation and diarrhoea. *Constant tenesmus, with nausea and lacerating in the intestines. *Stools mixed with blood. *Red and yellow stool, mixed with mucus, jelly-like and fluid. Diarrhoea. Diarrhoea; every evacuation being preceded by pinching. *Stirred-up stool. *Stirred diarrhoeic stool. ONightly diarrhoea, with colic, disappearing after stool, or with headache and pains in all the limbs,--Involuntary stool, oalso at night. Sore RHUS TOXICODENDRON. 1019 blind haemorrhoids, protruding after every stool. Drawing in the back, from above downward, with tension and pressing in the rectum. Creeping in the rectum, as of ascarides. Itching pain in the anus, as if occasioned by hoemorrhoids. URINE.I-~Retention of urine. ODysuria, with discharge of drops of bloody urine, attended with tenesmus. OIncontinence of urine. Hot urine. Dark urine. White, turbid urine. M ALE GENITAL ORGANS.-Rigidity and swelling of the parts. Tympanitic swelling of the scrotum, with much itching. Horrid eruption on the genital organs, closing of the urethra by swelling. Humid eruption on the scrotum, and swelling of the prepuce and glans. Humid vesicle on the glans. FEMALE GENITAL ORGANS.-Violent labor-pains, as if the menses would suddenly make their appearance. Pain in the vagina, as if sore. ~Metrorrhagia, with coagula of blood and labor-like pains.OThe lochia again became bloody.? Puerperal fever.? Phlegmasia alba dolens.? Ailments from suppression of the milk or from weaning.? Vanishing of the milk, Oalso with burning heat over the whole body. oVitiated and diminished discharge of lochia, with shootings upwards in the vagina, with a bursting feeling in the head. ODischarge of offensive black water from the vagina, two weeks after delivery. ORepeated attacks of milk-leg. ~Heavy numb pain along the bones of the leg. OSoreness and swelling of the mamme, from cold or external lactation. LARYNX AND TRACHEA.-Hoarseness deep in the trachea. Scraping, rough feeling in the larynx, causing hoarseness. Roughness in the throat and trachea, as if the chest were raw and sore. OGrippe. Roughness of the throat, inducing a short and hacking cough. Cough and coryza, with expectoration. Short, anxious, painful cough. Cough, with a disagreeable tension across the chest. Panting cough, with concussion in the head. OCough, with expectoration of brightred blood and qualmish feeling in the chest. oChronic haemoptoe. CHEST.-*Tightness of breath,.from nausea, under the short ribs, Oor also from pressure and painfultiess in the pit of the stomach.*Oppression of the chest. *Anxious oppression, as if she were unable to draw breath. ~Oppression, as if the breath stopped in the pit of the stomach. Constriction of the chest, he feels qualmish. Contractice sensation in the sternum. OStitch in the chest whenl sneezing and drawing breath. Violent pulsative stitches over the heart. Violent palpitation of the heart, when sitting still. Weakness of the heart, like tremor. ~Sticking in the region of the heart, with painful lameness and numbness of the left arm. 1020 RHUS VERNIX. BACK.--Pain in the small of the back, as if bruwsed; oit is re. lieved by lying on a hard couch. Stiffness of the small of the back, painful during motion. Painful bony swelling in the small of the back. OPain as if sprained in the back and shoulders. OCreeping coldness in the back. OCurvature of the dorsal vertebrae. Pain in the nape of the neck, as from a heavy load. OPain as if sprained in the nape of the neck and shoulders. Rheumatic stiffness in the nape of the neck. ARMs.-Swelling of the axillary glands, painful even when not touched. OLacerating and burning in the shoulder, with lameness of the arm, particularly during cold weather, rest, and in bed. Violent lacerating pain in the arm, most violent during rest. OParalysis of the arm, with coldness and insensibility. Pain and swelling of the arm. *Erysipelatous swelling of the arm. Burning and itch. ing pustules on the arms and hands. OBony swelling on the arm, with burning and ichorous ulcers. Lacerating in both upper arms. Drawing and lacerating from the elbow to the wrist-joint. Debility and stiffness of the fore-arm and fingers when moving them. Coldn'ess of the fore-arms. *The dorsum of the hands smarts and is hot; the skin is hard, rough, and stiff. Lacerating in the joints of all the fingers. OWarts on the hands and fingers. LEGS.-Aching pain in both hip-joints at every step. OCoxalgia. Heaviness and weariness of the lower limbs. OParalysis of the lower limbs. Stiffness of the lower limbs, particularly of the knees and feet. OPain as if sprained in the joints. Bruised and drawing pain in the thigh. Drawing and lacerating from the knee to the tarsaljoint. Drawing pain in the knee. Tension in the knee, as if too short. Paralytic drawing in the leg when sitting. Heaviness and tension in the legs. Painful weariness in the legs when sitting, going off by walking. Weariness of the legs. Beating in the dorsum of the foot. *Swelling of the feet, painless when touched, in the evening. Olnflammatory swelling of the feet, erysipelatous, sometimes with pustules and rash on the dorsum of the foot. Tension and pressing in the sole of the foot. 232.-RHUS VERNIX. RIIUS VERI.-Varnish Tree, Poison Ash, Poison Oak. SKIN.-Violent corrosive itching in various parts. Elevated red blotches, particularly on the face, neck, and chest. RUTA GRAVEOLENS. 1021 HEAD.-Intolerable heaviness of the head. Excessive swelling of the forehead. EYES.-Redness of the eyes. Dimness of sight when reading. Sensitiveness to the light, early on waking. EARS.-Groups of vesicles behind the ear. FACE.-Redness of the face, here and there. Swelling of theface. Sense of heaviness in the swelling on the face. Pain as if burnt on the lips, or sensation as of sand. CHEST.-Sudden violent stitches through the lungs. EXTREMITIES.-Rheumatic pains in the shoulder and elbow-joint, worse during motion. Violent itching in the palms of the hands. Hard elevated blotches on the hands, with watery vesicles on them, with violent itching. Groups of watery vesicles on the fingers. 233.-RUTA GRAVEOLENS. RUTA.-See Hahnemann's " Mat. Med. Pura," IV. COMPARE WITH-Acon., Asa-f., Bell., Bry., Ign., Led., Mere., Nux-v., Puls., Rhus, See.-e., Sil., Staph., Sulph., Thuj., Verat. ANTIDOTE.-Camph. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-0 Ailments from mechanical injuries. *Bone-pains, burning and gnawing, in the periosteum. *Pains, as after a fall, bruise, or contusion, in the limbs, joints, or bones. Cramplike tearing, with pressure, now in the upper, now in the lower limbs, during rest and motion.-Great debility. Lassitude and heaviness in the whole body. CHARACTERISTIC PECULIARITIES.-0 The pains in the limbs are aggravated during rest, particularly when sitting, relieved by motion. OThe pains are worse in damp and cold weather. SKIN.-Itching over the whole body.- OInflamed ulcers.-oWarts. -~Anasarea.-~ Contusions and injuries of the bones and periosteum. SLEEP.- Yawning.-Excessive drowsiness after a meal.-Restlessness at night: wakes frequently, experiencing a nausea, and a painful turning in the umbilical region. Restless sleep, with vexatious dreams. FEVER.-Shuddering of the whole body. Chilliness and coldness of the whole body. Coldness descending along the vertebral column. Internal chilliness. OFrequent flushes of heat. Heat over the whole body in the afternoon, with febrile uneasiness and anxiety, arresting his breathing. Great restlessness, with headache and febrile heat. 1022 RUTA GRAVEOLENS. MORAL SYMPTOMS.-Indifference. Peevish and out of humor, Irresolute. SENSORIUM.-Frequent absence of thought.-Dullness of the head. Violent vertigo. HEAD.-Heaviness in the head, mostly in the forehead, as if a weight were lying in the forehead.-Painful pressure on the whole brain, in the morning after rising. Stupefying headache, with nausea. -Drawing headache in the right side of the forehead. Stitchingdrawing pain, extending from the frontal to the temporal bone.-Heat in the head, with feverish uneasiness of the whole body, in the evening.--Dullness of the brain in the forehead, with a beating pain in the forehead, in itching and soreness of the hairy scalp. Corrosive itching of the whole hairy scalp. Gnawing pain with pressure, on the forehead.-Dull lacerating in the temporal bones.-Burning compressive pain on the head, externally, causing stupefaction. Humid scurfs on the scalp.-Erysipelas on the forehead. EYEs.-OPains of the eyes from exerting them too much.-Feeling of heat and sensation as of fire in the eyes, with soreness when reading at candle-light.-Pressure on the upper wall of the orbits, with lacerating in the ball.-~Specks on the cornea.-Muscse-volitantes. --Weakness of the eyes, as from too much reading.-~ORed halo around the candle-light.-*Incipient amaurosis, oparticularly from exerting the eyes too much by reading or fine work, with mistiness of sight, and complete darkness at a distance. EARS AND NOSE.-Pain about the ears, as if violent pressure were made upon them.-Contusive pain in the cartilages of the ears.Sharp pressure in the root of the nose.-*Bleeding of the nose, -also with pressure in the root of the nose. FACE AND TEETH.-Gnawing arthritic pain in both cheeks. Cramplike lacerating in the malar bone, with stupefying pressure in the forehead.-Erysipelas in the forehead.--Acne-rosacea.-Digging pain in the lower teeth. MOUTH, THROAT, &c.-Sore throat, as from a lump on swallowing. -Spasm of the tongue, with difficulty of speech. TASTE, APPETITE, AND GASTRIC SYMPTOMS. - Empty risings. Eructations tasting of the ingesta, after a meal.-Frequent hiccough, witlh some nausea.-Inclination to vomit when stooping. OSudden nausea while eating, with vomiting of the ingesta. STOMACH AND ABDOMEN.-Lancination in the pit of the stomach. Gnawing oppression in the pit of the stomach, night and morning.Oppression in the region of the liver, near the pit of the stomach, exciting an uneasiness.-Burning gnawing in the stomach.-Aching 1023 RUTA GRAVEOLENS. gnawing in the region of the liver. OPainful swelling of the spleen..-Corrosive burning in the left region of the abdomen.-Severe stitches in the abdominal muscles. Scraping and gnawing in the umbilical region, mixed with nausea. OColic, as from worms, in children.-Pinching and aching pain in the abdomen, with a feeling of uneasiness as after a cold. Tensive pressure in the whole abdomen, from the umbilicus to the hypogastrium, at night, as if the menses would make their appearance.-Heat in the abdomen and chest.Bruised pain in the loins. Foetid flatulence. Tearing in the rectum and in the urethra, between the acts of micturition. STooL.-Scanty, hard stool, almost like sheep's dung.-Difficult expulsion of stool. OMucous diarrhoea, alternating with constipatiorn -*Frequent urging to stool, with protrusion of the rectum, ~also during stool, soft or hard. URINE.-Pressure in the region of the neck of the bladder, as if the neck closed, with pain, shortly after micturition. ~Involuntary emission of urine at night, in bed, and in the daytime during motion. OFrequent urging, with discharge of green urine. Frequent noc. turnal enuresis.-OOGravel. GENITAL ORGANS.-Increased sexual desire.-OMenses too early and profuse, oirregular, ofeeble and only two days, followed by mild leucorrhoea.-Metrorrhagia.? Miscarriage.? OSterility.?-OCorrosive leucorrhoea, after suppression of the menses. LARYNX AND CHEST.-Paiinin the region of the larynx, as from a bruise or contusion. OExpectoration of thick yellow mucus, attended with a feeling of weakness in the chest. OUlceration of the lungs, after mechanical injuries.-Dyspnoea, from oppressive fullness in the chest.--Gnawing in the chest. Stitches in the chest and arrest of breathing.--~Anxious palpitation of the heart.--A spot on the sternum is painful when touched. BACK.-~Stitches in the small of the back, only when walking or stooping.-Pain in the lumbar vertebra, as if bruised.-Painful darting in the dorsal spine opposite the pit of the stomach. The dorsal spine is painful, as if bruised, when sitting or walking; this pain arrests the breathing. Pain as if bruised in the dorsal spine, and paralytic weakness in the small of the back.-Drawing in the nape of the neck. ARMs.-Intense pain, as if sprained, in the shoulder-joints. Dull lacerating in the long bones.-The ulna feels bruised. Weakness of the hands and feet. Erysipelas of the hands. Pain in the bones of the wrist-joints, and of the dorsa of the hands, as if bruised, during rest and motion. OPainfulness of the wrists on lifting anything 1024 SABADILLA. OPain as if sprained and stitches in the wrist-joints --Numbness and tingling in the hands, after exerting them. Pains in the fingers, during rest, as if bruised or contused. Contraction of the fingers. LEGS.-Pain in the bones around the hips, asfrom a bruise or fall. -Uneasiness and heaviness of the lower limbs. OWeariness and weakness after walking.-Burning pain in the upper and inner side of the thigh.-Paralytic heaviness in the knees. Tremulousness in the knees, with lassitude of the legs. Tremulous heaviness of the legs. Burning and corrosive pains in the bones of the feet, during rest. Painful drawing in the toes. 234.-SABADILLA. SABAD.-Semen Sabadillse, Veratrum Sabadilla, Alder Buokthorn, Berry-bear ing Alder. See Stapf's "Additions." COMPARE WITH-Bell., Hyos., Ign., Lye., Mere., Natr.-mur., Nux-v., Phosph., Puls., Rhus-tox., Sep., Staph., Sulph., Verat ANTIDOTES.-Camph., Puls. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-Painful drawing in all the limbs and heaviness in the feet. Drawing through all the limbs and sensation as if paralyzed. Pain in the limbs, especially the lower.Intense but transitory pain, as of bruises, in various parts of the body. -Sensitiveness to cold. Intense pain in all the bones, especially the joints.-Tremulous sensation and trembling in the upper and lower limbs.-Weakness of the whole body. Weariness in the limbs. Great weariness and heaviness in all the limbs, especially the joints. Weariness and heaviness in all the limbs. SKIN.-Burning creeping sensation about the body. SLEEP.-Frequent yawning, with lachrymation. Excessive drowsiness. *Restless sleep. * Unrefreshing sleep.-Pulsation all over, in the evening, before falling asleep.-Excessive itching all over, at night in bed. Sleep disturbed by frightful restless dreams. FEVER.-Small spasmodic pulse and coldness of the limbs. Febrile shivering through the whole body. Shivering over the back; he feels chilly through the whole body.-Burning heat in the face, with chilliness over the body, especially in the extremities. Febrile condition; there is seething of the blood; irresistible desire to sleep, with yawning; icy-cold shuddering without shaking; constant nausea.-0oIntermittent fever. oChilliness or external coldness with shaking of the limbs, with little or no thirst, followed by heat with little thirst, and accompanied or followed by sweat. OQuotidian, ter. tian, or quartan fevers, occurring at a regular hour, attended with SABADILLA. 1025 loss of appetite, oppressive bloatedness of the stomach, pain in the chest, cough, debility, and thirst between the chilly and hot stages. "ODuring the chilliness: pain of the upper ribs, dry, spasmodic cough, and lacerating in all the limbs and bones. ODuring the hot stage.- delirium, yawning, and stretching. OSleep during the sweat. OAfter the fever the limbs feel bruised without any other complaint. MORAL SYMPTOMS.-Cheerful disposition. *Anxious restlessness. oGreat anguish. Rage. SENsoRIJM.-Vertigo, as if everything were turning. Vertigo, as if he would faint, with obscuration of sight.-Gloominess of the head. His head feels dull and heavy. HEAD.-Aching in the vertex. Pressure in the head, with heaviness. Tensive pain in the forehead, with pressure. Stupefying, op^ pressive sensation in the forehead. Headache, as if the head were violently squeezed from all sides.-Painful pressure in the head, as if the whole head would be pressed asunder. Itching, with pressure in the head, most violent in the forehead. Constant headache, or sort of tension. Dull sensation in the forehead. Slight jerking headache. Headache, especially after every walk. Headache, occasioned by continued attention.-Pulsative headache in the right side of the forehead.-Sticking headache, especially in the forehead.-Confused headache, with burning and itching of the scalp. Tension of the scalp, particularly during the fever. Stinging in the scalp, particularly on the forehead and temples. Burning pain on the hairy scalp.-Itching of the hairy scalp. FACE.-Heat and stinging itching in the face.-Burning of the lips, as if scalded.-Pain of the lower jaw on touching it, as from swelling of the glands. EYES.-Pressure in the eye-balls.-Blue rings around the eyes.Redness of the margins of the eye-lids, and sensation in the eyes as if an inflammation would take place.--Dim-sightedness, with vertigo. -*Lachrymation. Blackness before the eyes. EARS.-Otalgia and snapping as of electric sparks in the ears.Humming and buzzing about the ears. NosE.-Contractive, biting sensation in the nose. Itching tingling in the nose. Bleeding from the nose. Occasional sneezing, accompanied with sticking contractive headache over the eyes, and red margins of the eye-lids.-OFluent coryza, with disfigured countenance and dullness of the head. JAWS AND TEETH.-The lower jaws, when touched, are painful like swollen glands. Drawing in the jaws and teeth. Subdued beating and drawing in the teeth. 1026 SABADILLA. MoUTH.-Burning at the tip of the tongue. *The tongue feels sore, and as if full of blisters.-*The tongue is coated, mostly yellowish. The tongue is coated white, the tip is bluish.-~Dryness of the mouth, without thirst.-Burning of the tip of the tongue, with great soreness of the throat. THROAT.-Sore throat when swallowing. The throat feels swollen. Scraping sensation in the fauces, with dryness and difficult deglutition. Swelling of the uvula.-Burning and pressure in the throat, during and between the acts of deglutition. Scraping and painful sensation in the throat. Tensive crampy sensation in the parotid gland.-Burning-crawling, stinging sensation in the palate. Constrictive sensation deep in the throat.-~(Esophagitis.? TASTE AND APPETITE.-Flat, bitter taste in the mouth. Loss of taste andtappetite. Aversion to food.-Thirst. GASTRIC SYMPTOMs.-Frequent painful eructations. Empty eructations, with a feeling of shuddering over the body. A kind of heartburn, heat being felt in the abdomen, extending through the stomach and as far as the mouth, accompanied with considerable ptyalism.Nausea while eating. Nausea, water-brash, and vomiting. Feeling of nausea and pain, with weakness. He feels qualmish and nauseated..Nausea and desire to vomit. Constant desire to vomit. Nausea and gulping up of bitter mucus. Nausea, with bitter taste on the tongue. Nausea, with retching.-~Vomiting of ascarides. SToMAcH.-Feeling of emptiness in the stomach. Horrid burning in the stomach, immediately after walking. Slight pressure in the stomach, with sensation as if bloated. Burnng in the stomach and along the csophagus. Corrosive burning pain in the stomach. Sudden oppression of breathing, in the pit of the stomach, with anxiety.SGastritis.? ABDOMEN.-Digging up in the liver. Burning pains in the abdo. men. Sticking in the right side, especially in the region of the liver. Pain in the stomach and abdomen, as from a stone. Cutting in the abdomen, as with knives. Shuddering in the abdomen. Colic, with violent urging to stool, with imperceptible discharge. Burning in the abdomen and rectum, coming on after every stool. Abdomen, hands, and chest are covered with red spots. STtOL.-Violent urging to stool. Slippery and liquid stool, mixed with blood and mucus.-Diarrhoea; the stool looks fermented and brown. A sort of pinching sensation around the umbilicus, followed by a copious evacuation.-Dull pains in the anus and abdomen. Violent titillation in the rectum, as from ascarides. OTenia. URINARY ORGANS.-Increase of urine, mixed with blood.-Burn. SABINA. 1027 ing in the urethra, between the acts of micturition, with urging to urinate. The urine becomes thick and turbid, like loam-water. Scalding in the urethra, when urinating. MALE GENITAL ORGANS.-Painful erection, with some chordee in the morning. Lascivious dreams in the morning, with scanty emission of semen. FEMALE GENITAL ORGANS.-Decrease or increase of the menses. LARYNX AND CHEST. - Hoarseness. Nightly. dry cough, which* leaves him no rest. Short dry cough, produced by a scraping in the throat. OCough as soon as he lies down. ODeep.dull cotih, with bloody expectoration. OVomiting when coughing, with sticking in the vertex, and pains in the stomach.--Grippe. Tightness in the pit of the stomach and chest, especially during an inspiration. Short difficult breathing, especially in the afternoon. Great oppression of the chest. Shortness of breath, dry and hacking cough, cardialgia. Strong, painful pressure in the middle of the chest. Stitches in the side of the chest. Palpitation of the heart, and sensation as if all the arteries in the body were beating. BACK.-Violent pain in the small of the back. Pain in the small of the back, with chilliness. Simple pain in the whole back, as from weariness. Bruising pains in the spine, when sitting. Pain in the nape of the neck, when moving. ARMs.-Convulsions of the arms. Aching in the muscles of the upper arm. Spasmodic jerking in the elbow. Small burning-itching pimples on both fore-arms. Raging pain in the fingers and toes. Trembling of the arms and hands. LEGS.-Aching pain in the hip. Stinging sensation in both thighs. Violent pains in both thighs, as if they had been compressed. Burning of the knees. The knees feel weary. Violent lacerating-tensive pain in the calves. Weariness in.the legs.-Erysipelatous inflammation on the right tibia, with violent burning pain. Heaviness in thefeet. Swelling of the feet. Tension in the feet. 235.-SABINA. SABIN.-Juniperus Sabina, Savin.-See Stapfs "Additions." COMPARE WITH- Aon., Agn.-cast., Bell., Chin., Fer., Ign., Ipee., Mere., PhosplL Plat., Puls, Rut., Sep., Staph., Sulph., Thuj., Zino. ANTIDOTES.-Camph., Puls. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-Lancinations in all the joints, with sensation as if they were swollen, accompanied with drawing stitches 1028 SABINA. through the long bones. Aching burning pain in the swollen perios. teum. Paralytic pain in the joints, especially after an exertion. Rheumatic pains. Heaviness and laziness in the body. General sick feeling. Excessive weariness. CHARACTERISTIC PECULIARITIES.-All the symptoms cease in the open air. SLEEP.-Restlessness and anxiety. Restless sleep, with confused lreams. Restless sleep, with seething of the blood, heat, and profuse sweat. FEVER.-Frequent shudderings. Chilliness the whole day. Intolerable burning heat in the whole body, with great restlessness. MORAL SYMPTOMS.-Nervous irritability. Ill-humor. SENSORIUM.--Vertigo, with stupefaction. Continual vertigo, with mist before the eyes. Dizziness, with rushing of the blood and heat in the head.-Weakness of memory. HEAD.-Pressure and dullness in the head, especially the forehead. Oppression and painful heaviness in the whole head. Sticking pain through the brain, with pressure. Headache early in the morning. Pressing pain in the whole head. Digging-up, boring headache. Smarting stabbing pain. - Beating headache, with heaviness and stupefaction. The forehead is painful when moved. The vertex is sensitive to the touch. EYES.-Blue margins around the eyes. Tensive pain in the eyes. Feeling of heat in the eyes. Pain in the eyes, and discharge of smarting water. EARS.-Hardness of hearing.-Pinching deep in the ear. FACE.-Paralytic pain in the region of the malar bone. Aching in the region of the malar bone, increased by contact. JAWS AND TEETH.-Aching-drawing pain in the angle of the lower jaw in the muscles of mastication. Lacerating pain in the region of the roots of the molares, near the gums. Dullness of the foreteeth. Drawing pain in all the teeth. Neuralgic pain in the face. OAlso with beating. MOUTH AND THROAT.---Increased secretion of saliva.-Contractive and pricking pain in the throat. Dryness of the throat, with drawingpain. Sensation of swelling in the throat. TASTE, APPETITE, AND GASTRIC SYMPTOMS. - Sanguineous and greasy taste. Putrid smell from the mouth. Bitter taste in the mouth. Loss of appetite. Acidity in the stomach after every meal. Eructations, accompanied with nausea. Heartburn.-Nausea, feel. ing of fullness. Nausea, with cough. Nausea and desire to vomit. Vomiting of bile. Continual vomiting. SABINA. 1029 STOMACH.-Oppressive feeling in the pit of the stomach. The region of the stomach is bloated and distended. Severe stitches from the pit of the stomach through the back.-Aching pain in the region of the stomach and liver. Feeling of warmth and burning in the stomach. ABDOMEN.--Writhing and pinching in the abdomen, in the umbilical region. Colic, as if he had taken cold, and as if diarrhoea would come on. Contractive pain in the region of the uterus. Inflammation of the bowels. Cutting in the bowels, with rumbling in the side of the abdomen. Pain as if the bowels became constricted. -Bruised pain of the abdominal muscles. STOOL. - Diarrhoea, with emission of much flatulence.-Liquid, slimy, and frequent stools. Discharge of bloody mucus from the anus. Stitches in the anus and in the front part of the thighs when walking. Htemorrhoidal tumors, especially painful in the morning. URINE.-Retention of urine, with burning, and emission drop by drop. Intermittent, almost painful desire to urinate. Fleeting burning pains in the vesical region. The urine is turbid when coming out. Smarting in the urethra, during micturition. Violent desire to urinate, but little urine being passed. The whole urethra is painful and inflamed, with purulent gonorrhoea. GENITAL ORGANS.-Burning sore pain of the fig-warts and glans. The franulum is swollen and too rigid. Painfulness of the foreskin. Dark redness of the glans. Contusive pain in the testicles. Increased sexual desire. FEMALE GENITAL ORGANS. -Irresistible desire for an embrace. Painful feeling of oppressive heaviness in the abdomen, more violent when pressing upon it. Severe stitches in the vagina. Violent menstuation, the blood was partly fluid, partly lumpy. Haemorrhage from the uterus, at the period of the menses.-- OHemorrhage after parturition. O~IHemorrhage after miscarriage. *Miscarriage, metrorrhagia.-Swelling of the breasts. Tingling in the nipples. Leacorrhoea, with itching of the pudendum. Milky leucorrhoea, occasioning an itching. OLeucorrhoea after suppression of the menses. OPermanent disappearance of leucorrhoea of a starch-like consistence, yellowish, ichorous, foetid, and of painful discharges of blood. LARYNX.-Crawling and tickling in the larynx, exciting a cough, with slimy expectoration. Fullness in the chest, with cough. Dry and hacking cough, and titillation in the larynx, expectoration streaked with blood. Iaemoptysis. CHEsT.-Asthma, increasing to arrest of breathing.-Slight op. pression of the chest, with desire to take a deep inspiration. Shoot. ing stitches in the chest. Burning stitches in the chest. Cutting 1030 SAMBUCUS. in the chest, above the pit of the stomach. Tensive pain, with pres sure, in the middle of the sternum. Aching pain in the whole extent of the sternum. The sternum is painful to the touch. The beating of the heart is increased, more violent, alternating with pulsations throughout the abdomen. Intermittent stitches in the clavicle. Creeping over the back. Paralytic pain in the small of the back. Drawing pains in the small of the back, extending into the pubic region. Constant pain in the small of the back. Sharp stitches in the region of the dorsal vertebra, increased during an inspiration. Stitching pain in the dorsal vertebre. Rheumatic drawing in the cervical muscles.-Drawing in the neck. Bruised pain, also in the vertebrae. ARMs.-Pressure in the shoulder-joints. Rheumatic pain in the shoulder-joint. Aching pain in the muscles of the upper arm. Paralytic lacerating along the upper arm, as far as the hand. Stinging in both upper arms. Painful pressure in both upper arms, near the elbow-joint. Lacerating in the joints of the fingers of either hand. LEGs.-Aching pain in the region of the hip. Pushing and drawing in the thighs and knees. Intermittent stitches in the internal surface of the thigh. Rheumatic pains in the thigh. Paralytic pain in the thigh, above the knee. Painful pressure in the middle of the thighs. Lancination below the knee, in the tibia. Lacerating pain, with pressure in the metacarpus of both feet. Painful drawing in the joints of the toes, becoming more violent during a walk. Intermittent aching pain below the heel. 236.-SAMBUCUS. SAMB. N.-Elder.-See Hahnemann's "Materia Medica," IV. COMPARE WITH-Aeon., Bell., Chin., Ipec., Hep.-s., Lye., Pula., Rhus-tox., Scill., Spong., Stram., Sulph. ANTIDOTES.-Ars., Camph. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-General rushing of the blood in the evening. Most of the pains come on during rest, and go off during motion. Dropsical swelling. OEmaciation. ODropsical swelling of the yhole body. SLEEP.-Restless sleep. OSlumbering with the eyes and mouth half open. Frequent waking. *Starting from sleep, with anxiety, trembling, and shortness of breath. Vivid dreams. FEVER.-Repeated attacks of slight shuddering. Chill over the whole body, with stinging crawling. *Intolerable dry heat all over the body, with dread of uncovering. Intermittent fever. 8ANGUINARIA CANADENSIS. 1031 MoR., SYMPTOMS.-Great tendency to start. SENSOR1UM AND HEAD.-Periodical delirium. Dizziness; cloudiness of the head. Lacerating and aching pain in the upper part of the forehead. Aching and lacerating pain in the head when stooping. Aching, stupefying pain in the head. EARS, EYES, AND NOSE.-O-Stoppage of the nose, with accumulation of thick, tenacious mucus. FACE AND TEETH.--Bluish and bloated face. 0Pale livid face Circumscribed redness of the cheeks. ORed spots, here and there, with burning. MOUTH AND THROAT.-Gastric symptoms. Great dryness of the palate, without thirst.-Thirst, without relishing the drink. Vomiting of mucus and bile. Sensation of incipient nausea. Pinching in the abdomen. Pain in the abdomen, as if the bowels were bruised Pressure in the abdomen. Spasmodic lacerating in the abdominal muscles. Cutting in the outer parts of the hypochondria. URINARY AND GENITAL ORGANS.-O~Suelling of the scrotum. Involuntary emission of semen. *Profuse menses, olike metrorrhagia. LARYNX AND CHEST.--OTracheitis.? OAngina-membranacea.? Cough. *Violent dyspnea. *Suffocative paroxysm, like asthmamillari, after midnight. 0Angina-pectoris. BACK.-Drawing pressure in the small of the back. Aching pain in the middle of the spine.-Oppressive heaviness in the nape of the neck, with painful motion of the head. ARMs.-Paralytic heaviness in the elbow-joints. Drawing pain in the carpal bones. Cutting stitches in both wrist-joints. LEGS.-Lacerating pain above the hip-joint.-Sensation of weariness in the legs.-(Edema of the feet. 237.-SANGUINARIA CANADENSIS. SANG. CAN.-Indian Puccoon, Blood Root, Red Root.-See "Transactions of American Institute of Homeoopathy," I. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.--Rheumatic pains in the limbs. *Acute inflammatory and arthritic rheumatism.-(*Acute swelling of the joints of the extremities.) Stiffness of the limbs and rheumatic pains, with headache. Great weakness. Debility, with vertigo and pain in the hypochondria. Weakness and palpitation of the heart. *Is tonic in diseases of the lungs.-*Paralysis of the right side.-Convulsive rigidity of the limbs. 1032 SANGUINARIA CANADENSIS. SKIN.-Hleat and dryness of the skin.-*Itching and nettle-rash -.before the nausea..-*Warts.--*Old indolent ulcers; ill-conditioned Vulcers, with callous borders and ichorous discharge.-4Nasal polypi; fungous excrescences, &c.-~*Jaundice. SLEEP.-Sleeplessness at night.-Dreams of a frightful and disagreeable character. FEvER.-Chill with the headache. Chill and- nausea. *Sensation as if hot water were poured from the breast into the abdomen. Fever and delirium. Pulsation through the whole body.-Quickened qirculation, with vomiting.-~*Pulse full, soft, and easily compressed, in pneumonia.-Suppression of the pulse, with fainting. MORAL SYMPTOMS.-Extreme moroseness. SENSORIUM.-Vertigo with nausea, long-continuing with debility, with headache. *Vertigo on turning the head quickly. HEAD.-Confused and dull feeling in the head. -Determination of blood to the head, with whizzing in the ears and a transitory feeling of heat.-Heaviness in the head.-Pressing drawing in the forehead. Headache, as if the forehead would split, with chill and with burning in the stomach. Pain in all the upper part of the head.-Boringr pain above in the fore part of the head.-Nausea, disposition to vomit, without being able to do so; then headache, with rheumatic pains and stiffness in the limbs and neck.-Beating headache and bitter vomiting.-lleadache, with nausea and chill.-llead ache., with vertigo and pain in the ear.-The headache occurs paroxysmally.-. *Pains in the head, in spots, soreness, especially in the temples.ffi *Pains in the head, in rays drawing upward from the neck.-*Severe pains in the head, with nausea and vomiting.-*Distention of __:>the veins in the temples, perceptible on touching. FACE.-Severe burning, heat, and redness of the face.-*A red cheek, with burning in the ears.-*Redness of the cheeks, with cough.-*Cheeks and hands livid, in typhoid pneumonia. d EYES.-Feeling as if the eyes were affected by acid vapor.-Very great glimmering before the eyes.-Diminished power of vision. EARs.-Beating under the ears.-*Burning of the ears, with redness of the cheeks.-Pains in the ears, with headache.-B eating humming in the ear. _~~NOSE.-Heat in the nose.-~*Nasal polypus.-*Loss of smell.-.. Fluid coryza, with frequent sneezing.-*Jnfluenza. *Coryza, rawness in the throat, pain in the breast, cough, and finally diarrhoea. JAWS.-Stiffness in the jaws.-Pain in the upper teeth.-Salivation and looseness of the teeth. THRtOAT, &c.-Heat in the throat, alleviated by the inspiration of SANGUINARIA CANADENSIS. 1033 cool air.-Buriiing in the cosophagus.-*Angina.-*Ulcerated' sore throat. l.OUTH.-Feeling of dryness of the lips.-Tongue as if burned.*Tongue sore, pains like a boil.-White-coated tongue, with loss of appetite.-*Increases the appetite. STOMACH.-Pressing in the stomach.-Soreness in the epigastrium, aggravated by eating. Feeling of warmth and heat in the stomach. Burning in the stomach, with headache. *Inflammation of the stomach. GASTRIC SYMrPTors.-Severe nausea. Nausea as if vomiting would succeed. Nausea after eating. Loss of appetite and periodic nausea. -Long-continued nausea, with chill.-Heartburn and nausea.-Regurgitation and disposition to vomit.-Vomiting.-Bitter vomiting, with headache. Vomiting worms.-Vomiting and diarrhoea. ABDOMEN.-Severe and continual pain in the hypochondria; vertigo aind debility.-*Pain in the left hypochondrium.-Disease of the liver. Torpor and atony of the liver. Inflammation of the abdominal viscera.-Beating in the abdomen. Cramp in the abdomen.*Flatulent distention of the abdomen.-*Indurations in the abdomen. '--Paroxysmal pain in the abdomen.-Slight cutting drawings in the abdomen.-*Colic, with torpor of the liver. STOOL.-Ineffectual pressure to stool, then vomiting. Diarrhceic stools, with great flatulence.-*With the diarrhoea, termination of the coryza and catarrh. *Diarrhoea terminated the attacks of pains in the chest. *Dysentery.-*Haemorrhoids. URINE.-*Frequent and copious nocturnal urination.- *Gonorrhoea<_' FEMALE GENITAL ORGANS.-Abdominal pains, as if the menses would appear. --Abortion.-Uterine hoemorrhage.-*Amenorrhcea.*Escape of flatus from the vagina, with dilatation of the os-uteri.*Climacteric disorders. LARYNx.-*Chronic dryness in the throat, and sensation of swelling in the larynx, and expectoration of thick mucus.-Aphonia, with swelling in the throat.- Continual severe cough, without expectoration, with pain in the breast, and circumscribed redness of the cheeks. *Tormenting cough, with expectoration*.-*Pulmonary consumption.-#Cough with coryza, then diarrhoea.-Croup. Whooping cough. CHEST.- *Hydrothorax. - *Asthma. *Pneumonia. *Typhoid pneumonia, with very difficult respiration, cheeks and hands livid, pulse full, soft, and vibrating, and easily compressed. *Diseases of the lungs.-*Pain in the breast, with periodic cough.-*Pain in, the breast, with cough and expectoration. *Pain in the breast, with 44 1034 SASSAPARILLA. dry cough.-*Burnimg and pressing in the breast, then heat through the abdomcon and diarrlicna. Acute stitch in the breast. Prcssing pain in the region of the heart.-Pressing pain in the chest and back. -Palpitation of the heart. BACK.-Pain in the nape of the neck.-Stiiffness in the nape of the neck.-Pain in thc back.-Pain in the sacrum and bowels. Rheumatic pains in the nape of the neck, shoulders, and arms. ARms.-Pain under the shoulder-hiade, with chill.-Rhcumatic pain in the shoulder.-Sudden rheumatic pains in the shoulder-joint. -*Rheumatic pain in the right arm and shoulder, worse at night in bed. Rheumatic pains in the arms and hands.-*Burning of the palms. Redness of the hands and severe burni-ng.-~*Lividity of the hands in pneumonia. *Ulceration at the roots of the nails. LEGS.-Rheumatic pain in the hip.-*A bruise-like pain in the thigh, alternating with burning and pressure in the breast. Stiffness (.of the knees.-Burningr in the soles of the feet and in the palms of the ýhands.-*Burnhig of the hands and feet, at night. 238.-SASSAPARJLLA. SASS.-See Halinemann's "Chronic Diseases," V. COMPARE WITH-Am., Chain., Clem., Coec., Mlere., Puls., Ran., Sep., S11., Sulpla. ANTIDOTE.-Camph. GIENERAL SYMPTO0MS.-c0Arthritic and rheumatic complaints, with diminished secretion of urine.-Lacerating in almost all the joints and limbs. Sudden drawing pains in various parts of the body and about the head. -0Languid feeling in the hands and feet. -Trembling of the hands and feet, lacerating in the forehead, and pinching in the abdomen.-Emaciation. SKIN.-Itching in- various parts of the body. Burning itching over the whole body, with chills. Blotches as from, nettles. Herpes on cvcry part of the body.-0Shrivelled skin.-OUlcers from abuse of Mercury.-Big and hot swellings. SLEEP.-Frequcnt yawning.-Drowsiness.-Restless sleep, with diveams.-Las ci vious dreams. FEvER.-Frequent chilliness. Internal chilliness and drowsiness. -Constant feverishness of the whole body. MORAL SY.MPTOMSs.-Desponding.---D read of labor, awk-ward. SENSO~ilum.-Absence of mind. Inability to perform mental labor. -Dullness and stupid feeling of the head. Weakness of the head, as after a fever.-Vertigro. SASSAPARILLA. 1035 HEAD.-Pressure in the forehead and occiput. Pressure and heaviness around the whole forehead.-Cramp-like headache on one side, commencing with obscuration of sight and luminous vibrations before the eyes. Lacerating in the whole frontal region, sometimes deep in the brain.-Beating headache, in the evening; worse at night, with violent nausea and sour vomiting.-Pressure and cuttings in the outer parts of the head. Lacerating in the head, with pressure, increased by motion and walking. Pulsative stitches in the forehead. Itching of the scalp. EYES.-Continual burning in the eye-lids, sometimes a'ternating with aching pain.-Inflamed dry eye-lids. Lachrymation; agglutination in the morning.-Dilatation of the pupils.-Dim-sightedness, as if seeing through a fog, or as if the eyes were covered with a gauze. EARS.-Violent pressure in the ear, extending into the temple.Tingling in the ear.-Inflammation and swelling of a gland below the ear, passing into suppuration. NosE.-Itching eruption under the nose. Bleeding of the nose. Dry coryza. FACE.-Stiffness and tension in the muscles of mastication and the articulations of the jaws.-Contusive pain in the face, in the lower borders of both orbits.-Pale-red, a little elevated, rough spots on the forehead. JAWS AND TEETH.-Pain of the jaws, as if broken.-Toothache of the right side, with creeping in the roots of the teeth.-Swelling and soreness of the gums. MOUTH AND THROAT.-Stitches in the tongue.-Aphthme on the tongue and in the palate.-Tenacious mucus in the mouth and throat. Dryness in the throat and stinging during deglutition. Constrictive sensation in the throat and chest, with difficult respiration. APPETITE AND TASTE.-Bitter taste. Metallic taste. Flat, sweetish taste. GASTRIC SYMPTOMS.-Bitter-sour eructations. Gulping up of a bitter-sour liquid.- Constant nausea. Nausea and faintness after dinner. STOMACH.-Aching pain in the pit of the stomach.-Frequent cramp-like sensation in the pit of the stomach. Constriction in the stomach, with nausea, going off at night.-Heat in the stomach. ABDOMEN.-Pain in the left hypochondrium, as if bruised, with beating. Contractive pain of the intestines. Frequent crampy feelings in the abdomen.-Heat or coldness in the abdomen.-Fcetid fla. tulence. STooL.-OObstinate constipation, with violent urging to urinate. 1036 SASSAPARILLA Great desire, with contraction of the intestines and excessive pres sure from above downwards.-Violent and constant.urging.-Soft stool, with tenesmus in the rectum.-ODischarge of blood at stool.Ulcer at the anus, covered with a black blister. URINE.-Frequent desire to urinate, with scanty emission.--Tenes. mus of the bladder, with cutting pain during micturition. Pressure on the bladder the whole day, but scanty emission. Severe tenesmus, as in gravel, with emission of white, acrid, turbid matter, with mucus.-Gravel.?-Stone.?-Burning during micturition, with emission of oblong flocks. Burning in the whole urethra, at every micturition. --Painful constriction of the bladder, without tenesmus.-Discharge of yellow pus from the urethra, with redness and inflammation of the glans and fever in the evening, with shivering. MALE GENITAL ORGANS.-Intolerable stench about the genital organs.-Herpes on the foreskin. FEMALE GENITAL ORGANS.-Delaying menses. Scanty and acrid menses, with burning of the inner sides of the thighs. Frequent pinching in the abdomen during the menses.-Mucous leucorrhea when walking.-Itching around the nipples. LARYNx.-Coryza and cough. Dry cough, with burning in the nose. CHEST.-Fcetid breath. Oppression of breathing. Painful constriction in the chest. Pressure in the region of the sternum, worse when touching it.-Stitching in either side of the chest.-Tensive pain in the outer parts of the chest. Almost continual palpitation of the heart, with some anxiety. BACK.-Pain in the small of the back, extending towards the genital organs.-Small violent stitches in the back, between the scapulas. Pain in the back, increasing to violent pressure when stooping. ARMs.-Lacerating in either arm, from the shoulder to the hands. Paralytic pain in the shoulder-joint. Paralytic weariness in the elbow-joints.-Paralytic lacerating in the fore-arm.-The hand is painful, although not swollen. Pain as if sprained in the wrist-joint. Cold hands. Pain as from subcutaneous ulceration in the tips of the fingers. The fingers go to sleep. Herpes on the hands. Rhagades ia the thumb. LEGS.-Paralytic, weary, and bruised feeling in the hip-joints. Swelling and stiffness in the knee, with stitching pain. Lacerating in the knees and legs. Cramp along the tibia, down to the toes. Red herpetic spots on the calves, itching violently.-Intense pain of the soles. Swelling of the feet. Cold feet. BOROPHULARIA NODOSA.--SECALE CORNUTUM. 1087 239.-SCROPHULARIA NODOSA. SCROPH. N.-Common Brown-Wort.-See "Archiv," XVII. Painfulness of the eye-ball. Tingling in the ears. Colic above the umbilicus. Dragging and stitching in the urethra. Constriction through the chest. Buzzing sensation in the arms and hands. 240.-SECALE CORNUTUM SEC. C.-Ergot.-See Noack and Trinks' " Handbuch," &o. COMPARE WITH-Arn., Ars., Camph., Ig., Lauroc., Plumb., Rhus-to., SL-nig. Verat. ANTIDOTES.-Camph., Sol.-nig. GENERAL SYMPTOMS. - ERGOTISMUS, RAPHANIA, MORBUS CEREALTS appears in two different forms: ergotismus-gangreenosus characterized by degeneration of the blood, and ergotismus-convulsivus, where the nervous system is principally affected. f SKIN.-The skin is dry and brittle. The skin looks lead-colored, the parts becoming shrivelled and insensible. Peeling of of the skin. -Burning of the skin. Formication. Drawing and creeping, increasing to spasms. ORash on the chest and back. Boils. Petechics Large ecchymoses. Bloody blisters on the extremities, becoming gangrenous. Black suppurating blisters. Tumors on the neck, discharging a yellow pus, with burning. Emphysematous swellings. SLEEP.-Painful stretching.-Drowsiness, like sopor.-Stupor, for days.--Somnolence, with delirium and starting. OSleeplessness, restlessness, and dry heat.-Restless night-sleep, with heavy dreams. FEVER.-Sudden chilly creeping. Violent chilliness, also with shaking.-Fever. first, violent chilliness; afterwards, burning heat with unquenchable thirst.--Dry heat, with quick pulse, restlessness, and loss of sleep. OSmall and suppressed pulse. Slow, small, and intermittent pulse. *Cold sweat, -also viscid. MORAL SYMPTOMs.-Lowness of spirits.-*Melancholy.-Excessive sadness.--*Anguish. Great and oppressive anxiety. ODread of death -Obstinacy. SENSORIUM. -Difficulty of thinking or talking.-Indifference to everything-Stupor, with dilatation of the pupils. Chronic stupor. Forgetfulness, imbecility. Loss of consciousness and sensibility.Craziness.-Mania, with violence.-Rage.-Illusion of the senses. -Mental derangement and delirium, bordering on mania.--Vertigo. 1038 SECAL:E CORNUTTJM. Vertigo and stupefaction. Stupefaction and insensibility. Congess Lion of blood to the head. Intoxication. Reeling and, inability to stand erect. Dullness of the head, with cloudiness of hearing and sight. HEAD.:.-lleadache. Dull pain in the occiput. il1emicrania, on the left side. EYES.-Swelling of the eye-lids. Pressure in the ball'of the eye. Spasmodic contortion of' the eyes. Frightful contortion of the eyes, the pupil being contracted and sometimes entirely closed. Wild, confused eyes. The eyes stare, he grows blind. -Diplopia. Squint. 'ing.-Luminous vibrations before the eyes. Gauze before the eyes Great obscuration of sight.. Mistiness and spots before the eyes. Scintillations. EARSs.-Hardness of hearing. Humming and roaring in the ears'. FACE.-Wretched complexion. The face is sunken and pale. Sallow complexion; the eyes are sunken. Pale cheeks. Facieshippocratica. Redness of the face, thirst, and slight delirium.Swelling of the face and abdomen.-Trismus. MOUTH.-The mouth is spasmodically distorted or closed. The tongue is frequently torn by the most violent convulsions. Painful tingling in the tongue, stifling, the voice. Yellowish-white, dry, th~ick, viscid coating of the tongue.-Foam at the mouth, which looks like light blood. Ptyalism. A frothy or bloody saliva.-Grin ding with the teeth.-A sort of paralysis of the tongue. Difficult stut. tering speech. NOSE. -Bleedingo of the nose.-Irritation of the schneiderian membrane. THROAT.-Intolerable tingling in the throat. Violent burning iin th e fau e s. APPETITE.-Bitter spoiled taste. Aversion to food. Canine hunger. Bulimy. Canine hunger and weakness of mind, for a long time. GASTRIC SYMPTOMS AND STOMACH. -Eructations. Violent sour eructation s.-Feeling of emptiness in the ýstomach. Heartburn.-.-.. Nausea. - Vomiting. Vomiting, of mucus, lumbrici, or ascarides.,Vomiting of sour substances, or of a tenacious mucus. Vomiting of black bile. Constant retching, with vomiting of a crude bilious substance. Constant retching and pressure in the pit of the stomach. Cardialgia. Slight cardialgia, with heartburn. Constriction in the epigastrium. Heat and burning in the pit of the stomach. Gan. grene of the stomach, hkings, and liver, preceded by inflammation. ABDOMEN.-Hepatitis, terminating in gangrene.-*V iol ent colic, SECALE CORNUTUM, 1039 -alzo convulsive, oor with pain in the small of the back and thighs, eructations, and vomiting. OCutting and lacerating in the abdomen. -Great feeling of coldness in the back and abdomen.-*Burning in the abdomen, oparticularly in the region of the spleen and loins, a seated pain. Distention of the abdomen, with hardness, tension, and pain on touching the parts.-Rumbling in the abdomen. STOOL.-Constipation, with frequent ineffectual urging.--*Painful diarrhoea, with great prostration. Putrid and foetid, colliquative diarrhoea. 0 Watery, mucous diarrhoea. OBrown, badly-colored diarrhoea. OInvoluntary diarrhoea. ODiarrhoea after the cholera, particularly in children. Discharge of ascarides, in children.Cholera-like paroxysm.-Sudden, striking change of features, with deep-sunken eye-balls, surrounded with blue margins, constant nau sea and vomiting after taking the least food, frequent diarrhoea with watery, slimy evacuations, hoarse hollow voice, suppression of urine, cramp in the calves, paralysis of the upper extremities, scarcely-per ceptible pulse, unquenchable thirst. URINE.-OSuppression of urine.-Difficult urination, with constant urging in the bladder -Burning in the urethra during micturition. -The urine flowed seldom, came out in drops, without relief.Hamorrhage from the urethra. MALE GENITAL ORGANS.-Violent drawing in the spermatic cord. FEMALE GENITAL ORGANS.- Suppression of the menses.-* The menses are too profuse, oand too long, also with violent spasms. All the symptoms are worse previous to the menses. *Congestion of blood to the uterus. *Metrorrhagia.-OMoles.? ~Polypus in the uterus.? ~Swelling and wens on the os-tincae, which is half opened. oMetritis. OCancer and gangrene of the uterus.? Affections oJ pregnant and parturient females.-Strictures of the uterus and hydrocephalus of the foetus. Excessive uterine contractions, so that the uterus seemed to burst.-Suppression of the lochia. CHEST.-Occasional expectoration of blood.-Dyspnoea.-Oppression of the chest. Asthma. Anxious and difficult respiration. Moaning. - Spasms of the pleura, accompanied with suffocative catarrh, speechlessness, and subsultus-tendinum.-Violent palpitation of the heart, with contracted and frequently intermittent pulse. Spasmodic throbbing of the heart. BACK.-Stiffness of the nape of the neck. ARMS AND LEGS.-Weariness and numbness of the extremities. Weakness of the extremities.-Violent pains in the limbs. Spas. modic pains in the limbs. Drawing or lacerating pains in the limbs or joints. Burning in the hands and feet. Spasms and convulsions 1040 SELENIUM. of the extremities. Trembling of the limbs, with pains. Formication in the hands and feet. Numbness, insensibility, and coldness of the limbs. Rigidity of the limbs. Paralysis of the limbs. Gangrene of the limbs. Gangrenous deadness and falling of of the limbs. Swelling of the hands and feet, with black, suppurating blisters, as if burnt. ARMs.-Tingling and insensibility. Violent pains in the tips of the fingers and partial swellings on the arms.-Violent contraction of the fingers.-Numbness of the fingers. LEGS.-Languor and pains in the lower extremities. Difficult staggering gait. Pains in the hips.-Contraction of the lower limbs. Tetanic spasm of the toes.-Formication of the lower limbs.-Swell ing of the feet. Dropsical swelling of the feet.-Gangrene of the feet, up to the knees. Gangrene of the lower limb and spontaneous dropping off of the same. 241.-SELENIUM. SELEN.-See "Archiv," XII.,. 3. COMPARE WITH-Agnus-c., Ambr., Bry., Carb.-a., Graph., Ign., Lach., Mere., Nitr.-ae., Puls., 1Rhus.-t., Ruta. ANTIDOTES.-Ign., Puls.-Chin. aggravates the pains. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-Stiffness and cramp in all the limbs. Pains in all the limbs, as from a cold. CHARACTERISTIC PECULIARITIES.--All his pains are worse after sleep. SKIN.-Biting in the skin, particularly in the palms of the hands. Itching in the margin of the alae of the nose, and of the inner side of the wrist. Small pimples below the ear. Itching pimples on the back of the hands.-Sore and painful hang-nails. SLEEP.-Drowsy in the morning. Starting of the whole body, in the evening, on -going to sleep.-Sleep disturbed with a number of dreams, which he is unable to recollect. He wakes in the morning and afternoon with great dryness of the mouth, fauces, and pharynx. FEER.--Ill-humored, drowsy, and indolent.-Drowsy, with yawn. ing, languor, disposition to vomit. *MORAL SYMPTOMs.-Complete inability to perform any kind of labor. Paroxysms of vertigo, with fainting. Attacks of sickness, with pale, disturbed face, followed by vomiting of the ingesta, then of insipid, and lastly sourish water. HEAD.-Dullness of the head, particularly in the evening. Pressure in the forehead, with vertigo on rising or moving.-Great heavi. SENEGA. 1041 ness in the occiput, with undulating sensation in the brain.-Pain. fulness of the scalp. EYES.-Pains deep in the orbits.-Stinging, twitching, pressure in the eye-balls, during the headache.-Increased short-sightedness NosE.-Itching in the nose. Sudden, short-lasting, fluent coryza. -Stoppage of the nose, with dryness of the throat, oppression of breathing, and fever. FAcE.-Twitching of the facial muscles. MOUTH.-Burning sensation on the tip of the tongue.-Pains in the region of the root of the tongue.-Hawking up of mucus, which is mixed with blood.-Violent disagreeable feeling of dryness in the throat. APPETITE AND GASTRIC SYMPTOMS.-Increased appetite, hunger -Cardialgia.-Pressure as if cardialgia would set in. ABDOMEN.-Red itching rash in the region of the liver. STooL.-Papescent stool, with tenesmus. URINE.-Red, sandy, coarse-grained sediment. Brick-dust sediment. GENITAL ORGANS.-Itching of the scrotum.-Erections, with much itching in the urethra.-Diminution of the sexual desire. Impotence, with sexual desire. LARYNX AND TRACHEA.-Huskiness of the voice.-Slight cough in the morning. Cough deep out of the chest.-Feeling of fullness in the chest and region of the heart. Oppressed breathing, with stoppage of the nose, dryness of the throat, thirst, cough, sleeplessness, and constant alternation of heat and cold. BACK.-Stiffness of the nape of the neck and cervical muscles.Painful gland on the left side of the neck. ARMS AND LEGs.-Lacerating in the hands, with cracking in the wrist-joint at night.-Emaciation of the hands.-Cramp in the soles. 242.-SENEGA. SEN.-See Stapf's "Additions." COMPARE WITH--Am., Ars., Bell., Bry., Canth., Euphr., Lach., Puls., Seil., Stan., Sulph. ANTIDOTES.-Arn., Bell., Bry., Camph. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-General feeling of debility, especially of the lower limbs. Lassitude and slight trembling of the lower extremities. Feeling of debility, even unto nausea. Great debility, with stretching of the limbs, confusion, heaviness, and beating in 44* 1042 SENEGA. the head. Bodily and mental debility. Languor, when walking in the open air. SLEEP.-Weariness and frequent yawning.-Great drowsiness in the evening. Sound stupefying sleep. Sound sleep, full of dreams, with confusion in the head on waking.-Restless sleep, with frequent starting. Restless tossing about in sleep. FEVER.-Chilliness, with weakness in the feet.-Febrile motions; shuddering over the back, heat in the face, weak, burning eyes, beating headache, difficult breathing, stitches in the chest, general bruised feeling of the body, and frequent pulse.-Diaphoresis. The pulse is rather hard and accelerated. Hard, frequent pulse. Unequal soft pulse. MORAL SYMPTOMS.-Feeling of anxiety, with accelerated breathing. Anxiety, with vertigo. Melancholy mood. Hypochondriao mood and irritable. SENSORIUM AND HEAD.-Vertigo. Vertigo, with roaring in the ears. Reeling sensation in the head. Confused feeling in the head. Dullness of the head. Violent beating headache, with pressure in the eyes, diminished appetite, bruised feeling, and general feeling of malaise. Aching, stupefying pain in the occiput. Sensation of pressure in the forehead. Violent aching, beating pain in the forehead. Lacerating and drawing pains in the temples, extending down the face.-Violent rush of blood to the head, when stooping.-Itching of the hairy scalp. EYES:-Bloated eye-lids. Swelling, burning, and pressure of the eye-lids. Swelling of the eye-lids. Burning pain in the margins of the eye-lids. Jerking in the eye-lids. *Early in the morning the eye-lashes are full of hard mucus. Drawing in the eyes. Slight lachrymation, and sensation as if filaments were hanging before the eyes. Painful pressure in and over the orbits. Pressing in the eyes.-Drawing in the eye-balls, with diminution of sight. Burning and pressure in the eyes.-Burning in the eyes when reading or writing. Considerable dryness and smarting pain.-Tensive sensation in the eyes, with too great sensitiveness to the light. Illusions of sight. Shadows before the eyes. Impeded vision, as if dazzled by a glaring light. Dullness of the eyes, with slight burning and lachrymation. Extreme sensitiveness of the eyes to the light.-Dimness of sight and luminous vibrations before the eyes when reading. EARS.-Dull pain in the ear. Feeling of warmth in the right ear. Painful sensitiveness of the sense of hearing. NOSE.-Itching in the nose.-Troublesome dryness of the schnei. SENEGA. 1043 derian membrane. Great dryness of the nasal fossae, with a dis* charge of a few drops of blood. FACE, JAWS, AND TEETH.-Simple pain in single teeth and in the jaws.-The lower fore-teeth are extremely sensitive to cold and damp air. MoUTH.-Smarting, burning sensation in the region of the palate. Dryness of the mouth. Slight prickling and stinging in the mouth, with accumulation of saliva. Ptyalism. - Putrid smell from the mouth.-White-coated tongue. Slight burning sensation in the tip of the tongue. THROAT.-Sensation of a constrictive irritation in the fauces. Expectoration of white mucus.-Dryness in the fauces, with shootings, especially in the uvula. Increased secretion of mucus in the throat, inducing a short and hacking cough. Inflammatory swelling of the fauces, especially the uvula.-Burning sensation in the fauces. Burning, scraping sensation in the throat. TASTE AND APPETITE.-Bad taste, and a peculiar grumbling in the stomach. Metallic taste. Diminished taste.-Increased thirst. Thirst with dryness of the palate. Loss of.appetite. GASTRIC SYMPTOMS.-Inclination to eructations. Deranged diges. tion and vomiting. Nausea in the stomach. Great nausea with retching. Retching and vomiting, with discharge of a quantity of watery mucus. Vomiting and purging. Vomiting and anxiety. SToMAcH.-Painful and repulsive sensations in the stomach.Feeling of emptiness in the stomach. Qualmish feeling in the stomach, with accumulation of water in the mouth.-Aching, almost spasmodic pain in the stomach. Disagreeable oppressive sensation in the stomach.-Burning in the stomach, lastly retching and vomiting. Considerable burning in the stomach and bowels. Considerable burning in the stomach, passing into a fatiguing retching and vomit. ing of a quantity of watery mucus. ABDOMEN.-Sensation of gnawing hunger below the pit of the stomach. Feeling of pressure in the pit of the stomach. Pressure in the pit of the stomach and umbilical region. Warmth and oppression in the epigastrium, during an inspiration. Shifting boring pain in the umbilical region. Colicky pains in the abdomen, with inclination to stool. Violent cutting from the abdomen to the pit of the stomach. Colic during dinner. STooL.-Rare, scanty, hard stools. Papescent stool, with grumbling in the abdomen. Increasing papescent and loose stools, at irregular periods. Increased, even watery stools. URINE.-Frequent emission of a urine with a greenish tinge, depon 1044 SEN EGA. siting a cloudy sediment. *At first the urine is mixed with i ucou filaments; after it had cooled it became entirely thick and cloudy. The urine becomes turbid and cloudy immediately after emitting it. ~Burning in the urethra before and after micturition. Burning early in the morning, in urinating. MALE GENITAL ORGANS.-Paroxysmal cramp-pain in the region of the glans.-Painful erections. LARYNX, TRACHEA.-Scraping and dry sensation in the throat. Roughness and dryness in the throat, with dry cough. Great drynces in the throat, impeding speech. Dry cough, with oppression of the chest and roughness in the throat. Disagreeable long-continuing cough. *Increased short and hacking cough in the open air. CHEST.-Frequent and deep inspirations. Oppression of the chest at different times, Oalso with stitches under the left short ribs. Short breathing and oppression of the chest when going up-stairs. Oppression of the chest, with slight shooting pains through. Tightness and dull pressure in the chest. oPain under the right scapula, when coughing or drawing deep breath. Tensive sensation in the lower half of the chest, during an inspiration.-Aching pain in the chest, at indefinite periods. Violent aching pain in the chest, at night when waking. Violent aching pain across the whole chest. Pain in the chest as if forcibly compressed.- Violent pressing pain in the chest, from within outward. Violent pressing aching pain in the middle of the chest. Pinching and hard pressing aching in the chest. Shift-' ing, sometimes burning pain in the chest. Crawling in the chest. *Dull stitches in the left chest, especially when sitting or lying. OStitches through the chest, to the back. Dzull stitches under the short ribs of the left side. Burning in the chest. *Violent burning pain in the left chest, when sitting, evening. Burning sensation under the sternum. *When sneezing, an extremely violent sore pain in the chest. Strong pulsations and sore pain in the chest. Congestion of blood to the chest, perceptible by strong pulsations in the chest. Seething of the blood in the chest, with dull stitches.-Seething of the blood and creeping in the chest. Seething of the blood and oppression in the chest, with flushes of'heat in the face, and frequent opulse, in the afternoon. Slight boring aching pain in the region of the heart. Violent boring pain in the region of the heart. Aching pain in the region of the heart during a deep inspiration. Violent beating of the heart, shaking the whole chcst.-General sensitiveness, or simple pain of the walls of the thorax, BACK.-Violent burning and itching under the skin of the back Pressing pain between the scapulm, SENNA.-SEPIA. 1045 ARMs.--Paralytic pain and drawing from the elbow to the finger Titillation and prickling in the palms of the hands. Pain, as if sprained, in the wrist-joint. LEGS.-Painful sensation in the hip, knee, and tarsal-joints, as after a long journey on foot. Bruised pain in the glutei muscles and thighs. Tensive pain in the joints, especially the knee and tarsal-joints.-- Violent itching of the legs. Weariness of the lower limbs. 243.-SENNA. SENN.-See Hahnemann's "Organon" and "Lexicon for Pharmaceutists." GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-Rushes of blood, particularly at night, disturbing sleep.-Sleeplessness, with cries and restless turning (particularly in the case of infants). HEAD.-Headache on stooping.-Pain in the nape of the neck on raising the head.-The corners of the mouth are covered with burning vesicles. STOMACH, ABDOMEN, AND STOOL.-Loss of appetite.-Thirst.Empty or watery eructations, having a bad taste.-Loathing and nausea, as if one would vomit.-Colicky pains.-Feeling of coldness in the abdomen, with emptiness and sickness of the stomach.-Rumbling and fermentation in the abdomen, with emission of fcetid flatulence.-Diarrhceic stools, followed by tenesmus and burning at the anus.-Heat, pinching in the abdomen, spasmodic incarceration of flatulence, painful colic from incarceration of flatulence.-Feeling of warmth in the stomach, pinching in the bowels, flatulence, and yellow stools, no constipation after the diarrhoea. 244.-SEPIA. SEP.-Juice of the Cuttle-Fish.-See Hahnemann's " Chronic Diseases," V. COMPARE WITH-Acon., Ars, Bar., Bell., Calc.-c. and Phosph., Carb.-v., Chin., Led., Lye., Mere., Nitr.-ac., Nux-v., Phosph., Puls., Rhod., Rhus.-t., Sass., Sil., Sulph., Tart.-stib., Verat.-Sep. is frequently serviceable after: Caust., Led., Merc., Puls., Sil., Sulph., Sulph.-ac.-Afterwards are frequently suitable: Carb.-v., Caust., Puls. ANTIDOTES.-Acon., Spir.-nitr.-dulc., Tart.-stib., Acet.-vini.-Sepia antidotes: Cale., Phosph., Chin., Mere., Sassap., Sulph. CLINICAL NOTE BY DR. NEIDHARD, OF PHILADELPHIA.-" Sepia is a most efficacious remedy in disturbances of the circulation in the female sex, characterized by the following symptoms: flushes of heat, redness, swelling of the face, general determination of blood to the 1046 SEPIA. head and right temple; general swelling of the upper part of the body, more in the morning; swelling of the chest, stomach, and abdomen; hands and feet cold; throbbing in the sacral region; palpitation of the heart, with occasional intermittent pulse, scanty urine, costiveness. In diseases of the skin, with the follou-ing symptoms: small, red pimples, producing a roughness and cracking of the skin, and from which a watery humor sometimes oozes; at other times they are dry; they principally affect the inside of the joints of the arms and legs, particularly the knee and elbow-joints, but are also, chiefly in children, to be seen on the face.-In young girls, when the menses have not appeared, or only slightly, Sepia generally brings them on more fully. In diseases of the womb: with heat in the womb, bearing down after exercise, with slight pain there as well as in the back." GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-Affections of the female sex, particularly of feeble delicate individuals, with fine, sensitive, delicate skin. 0Affections of the capillary system. ONervous affections. OBad consequences of chagrin. ~Bad effects from onanism. OScrofulous (and rickety affections). ORheumatic afections, particularly of slender persons, or with great disposition to sweat, and alternation of chilliness and heat.-~Pains as if sprained, particularly when exerting the affected parts, likewise at night in the warmth of the bed. Drawing in all the limbs. Arthritic drawing in the knees and finger-joints. Lacerating in the knees and elbow-joints.-Jerking and stitching in various parts of the body. OJactitation of the muscles. Pain in all her limbs, especially the hips. *The limbs go to sleep easily. OStiff. ness and immobility of the joints. Uneasiness in the whole body. Anxiety in the limbs. Frequent trembling in the whole body. *Seething of the blood in the body. Seething of the blood, with congestion to the head and chest. Profuse sweat when walking. Sensitiveness to cold air. *Tendency to take cold, oparticularly in the wind.-Unusual catarrhal symptoms after becoming wet. Liability to cold. Slight attacks of vertigo and palpitation of the heart when walking in the open air. Pressure in the region of the heart when walking, generally. Paroxysms. Very weak in the morning, with uneasiness in the body.-Fit of vertigo with fainting. The lower limbs felt bruised and weak. Great weakness of the lower limbs. Indolence of both body and mind, with difficult breathing. Heaviness in all the limbs. Weakness of the knees. Weakness of all the limbs, with chilliness. OParoxysms of hysteric weakness. Obscuration of sight during the menses. CHARACTERISTIC PECULARITIES.--The pains are not felt during SEPIA. 1047 violent exercise, as walking in the open air. Shuddering attends the pains. The pains are relieved by the application of warmth. SKIiN.-Swelling of the whole body, with great shortness of breath. ing, with fever every two or three days, being an alternation of chilliness and heat at irregular hours. In the evening, swelling iii the wrist-joint, in the bond of the elbow, and around the tarsal-joints. OGlandular and lymphatic swellings. OScirrhous indurations. The skin of the whole body is painful as if sore. Itching of the face, arms, hands, back, hips, feet, abdomen, and genital organs. The itching becomes a sort of burning. Itching, and itching pimples in the joints. oDry itch, and itch-like eruptions. OPemphigus. Claretcolored spots on the neck and under the chin. oBrown, red, herpetic spots on the skin.-~Scurfy, humid herpes, with itching and burning. *Ring-worm.-Soreness of the skin, in the joints, oalso in children. SLEEP.-Excessive yawning and stretching. -Drowsiness in the daytime. *Wide awake at night. Sleepless night, without pain. Restless sleep, mingled with dreams, and tossing from side to side. Great uneasiness in the limbs, at night. *Frequent waking at night. Sleep disturbed by many disagreeable dreams. Loud talking during sleep. Moaning and groaning at night while asleep. Restless sleep with vexatious dreams. Attacks of anxiety at night. Oppressive seething of the blood when going to sleep. Seething of the blood, at night. Heat and consequent uneasiness at night. Febrile heat at night, with anxious fancies and dreams. Nightly sleeplessness, and" fanciful ravings while asleep. Violent lacerating from the hip-joint to the foot, at night, hindering sleep. *Jerking of the limbs, at night. Drawing and pressure in the pit of the stomach, at night. Painful pressure in the abdomen, and pain as if bruised, at night, waking her. Violent throbbing headache, at night. Pressure in the eyes at night. Vertigo at night. Violent palpitation of the heart, in the evening when in bed, and beating of all the arteries. Disturbed night's rest, with pain in the small of the back. Dry titillating cough, with a sort of spasm in the chest, at night. Sleep is disturbed by frequent cough. ing, and aching in the feet. Unceasing cough the whole night. Great pain as if bruised, at night, while asleep, and sense of exhaustion in the thighs and upper arms; the pain disappeared immediately on waking. He wakes with a shriek and start. *Long unrefreshing sleep. FEVER.-Waking in the morning with much chilliness and internal aneasiness. Feverish, faint; hot urine.-Shivering, without chilliness. Constant chilliness, day and night, with pinching in the abd. 1048 SEPIA. men. Feverish shiverings, with alternation of heat, until night Alternation of the heat in the head and chilliness in the lower limbs. Febrile heat mingled with feverish shuddering, accompanied with dullness and heaviness in the forehead, preceded by luminous vibrations before the eyes, with much nausea, great oppression of the chest. -Almost uninterrupted heat of the whole body, with redness of -the face and sweat about the head and body, and violent headache; with palpitation of the heart and trembling over the whole body. oIntermittent fever, with thirst during the chilliness. Fever and ague, at frequent, but indefinite periods of the day. Violent chills for one hour, followed by violent heat and inability to collect one's senses; after which, violent sweat in the evening. Fever, with pressing in the temples, at intervals of some minutes, and with shortness of breath during the night. Continual dry febrile heat, with redness of the face, great thirst, paiuful deglutition. *Flushes of heat. *Attack of heat every afternoon. Profuse general night-sweat. Cold night-sweat on the chest, back, and thighs. Morning-sweat over the whole body. Sourish night-sweat. *Sweat when walking, -particularly in the open air, also with exhaustion. *Sweat from the least motion. OSweat when sitting. MORAL SYMPTOMs.-Desponding, sad. *Great sadness, weeps frequently. Trembling with fearfulness, cold sweat on the forehead.Paroxysms of oppressive anxiety. Great anguish in the blood. Great internal restlessness, for many days, accompanied with hurriedness. *Complete discouragement. Extreme loathing of life.-*Inclines to start and is very fearful. oMelancholy. and peevish. The nerves are very sensitive to every noise. Inclines to be out of humor. Laziness of mind and despondency. *Great indifference, oeven to his own family. Apathy. SENSORIUM.-Weak memory. Absence of mind. Gloominess, *and inability to think. Sensation of stupidity in the head, in paroxysms, with shuddering and momentary arrest of breathing.*Dullness of the head, as in catarrh, with a reeling sensation. Dullness of the head, with pressure in the eyes. The whole head feels dull and vacillating. Painful gloominess in the head, especially the fordhead. Dimness and dullness of the head, with whirling sensation Dizziness and stupid feeling in the head. Stupefaction of the head, with tightness of the chest and weakness of the whole body. Vertigo. * Vertigo only when walking in the open air. HEAD.-Intense headache in the morning, on waking. *Headache every morning, with nausea. Headache in the forehead and vertex; afterwards anxiety in the pit of tho stomach, with trembling. OHead. jSEPA. 1040.ehe, with great desire for an embrace. ~Headache, with photophobia and inability to open the eyes, on account of the pain. Paralytic feeling in the forehead. Headache, most violent towards evening. OParoxysms of hemicrania, with nausea, vomiting, and boring sticking, extorting cries. Rush of blood to the head. *Heat in the head, with a burning sensation through the ears. Painful heat in the head. Violent headache, with intolerance of external warmth. *Beating headache, in the evening. Violent beating headache in the temples. *Painful beating in the occiput. Beating headache at every motion. Violent painful jerking in the forehead. ~Aching over the eyes. Violent pressure in the head, the whole day, with vertigo, weeping mood, and profuse coryza. Deep-seated headache, with aching pain in the molares. Pressure and tension in the forehead and eyes, with burning. Oppressive weight of the head, in the temples and over the forehead, as if the head were congested with blood. Heaviness of the head. Compressive sensation in the upper part of the head, the whole day, with great dyspnoea. *Headache, as if the eyes would fall out. * Violent headache, as if the head would burst.-Contractive headache in the forehead. Headache in the forenoon, as if the brain were crushed. Stitching headache. Stitches in the forehead, with inclination to vomit. Frequent drawing pain. Lacerating in the head. Lacerating over. the eyes. Pain of the scalp when touching it. *Great falling off f the hair. oInvoluntary shaking of the head. *A good deal of itching in the hairy scalp. Corrosive itching of the scalp. OColdness on the head.-Humid scalp. A number of scabs on the scalp. Swelling above the temple. Swelling on the forehead. Small red pimples on the forehead, rough forehead. EYES.-Pain in the eyes, with headache and heat in the eyes.Congestion of blood to the eyes. Pressure, heat, and twinkling in the eyes. *Pain in the eye-lids, when waking, as if too heavy. Pressure, with lacerating, in the orbits. Itching of the eye-lids.--Prickling pain in both eyes, in the evening. Smarting pain in both eyes. -Burning of the eyes, in the morning. *Inflammation of the eyes, *woith redness of the whites and stinging and pressure. Inflammation of the eyes, not bearing cold water. Inflammation of the eye-lid, with a stye on it. Violent red swelling of the lower eye-lid, with aching and burning pain. *Swelling of the eye, with headache of tho same side. OSwelling of both eyes, in the evening. OPustules on the cornea. ~Fungus-hsematodes.-Glassy appearance of the eyes. Lachrymation. Aggluinatination of the lids. Jerking and twitch. ing of the eye-lids. oInability to open the lids, at night. oparalysis of the lids. *Dimness of sigh\ when writing, when reading 1050 SEPIA. Vanishing of sight. OIncipient amaurosis, with contraction of the pupils.-Sight is impeded by a fiery zig-zag before the eyes. *A number of black spots before the eyes. White luminous vibrations before the eyes. Sparks of fire before the eyes. ~Gauze. VStreaks of light. EARS.-Drawing-stitching pain in the internal ear. Dragging pain in both ears. Pain in the ears, in the evening, resembling otalgia. Sore pain in the ear. Stitching in the parotid gland. A thin pus is discharged from the ear, with itching.-O~Herpes. OHerpes on the lobule. OHerpes behind the ear and on the nape of the neck. Suppurating eruption on the ear.--Sensitive to noise, ~to music. Frequent tingling in the ear. o Whizzing and beating in the ear. *Loud sounds and humming in the ears. * Whizzing and roaring in the ears. Roaring in the ear. OHardness of hearing. Sudden short deafness of the ears. NOSE.-Painful pressure in the root of the nose. *Swollen, inflamed nose, with sore and ulcerated nostrils. Painful inflamed swelling of the nose. Scurfy nostril. ~Plugs in the nose.-Pai;fuleruption on the tip of the nose. *Bleeding of the nose and discharge of blood Jfron the nose when blowiing it. Violent bleeding of the nose. OLoss of smell. OFotid smell. Feeling of dryness in the nose and fauces. *Obstruction of the nose.' Dry coryza. Violent dry coryza, with roaring in the head and ears. Catarrhal fever, with weakness of the lower limbs and drawing in the arms. Coryza, with diarrhoeic stool. Frequent sneezing. Fluent coryza, with sneezing. FACE.-Paleness of face, Oalso with blue margins around the eyes. *Yellow face and eyes. *Yellow spots in the face. OSunken face, *Redness and flushes of heat in the face. Puffy face. Considerable swelling of the face, without redness.-Tension and contraction of the skin in the face. Aching pain in the malar and nasal bone. Cramp-pain in the facial bones. Drawing pain in the face, with swelling of the cheeks. Lacerating in the upper jaws. Itching of the whle face. OHerpes and scurf. OWarts in the face. OCrustalactea.?-A number of black pores in the face.-Hot lips. ODry and scaly lips. Yellowness around the mouth. Herpetic eruption on the lips. Herpetic blotches around the mouth. JAWS AND TEETH.-Swelling of the submaxillary gland. Pain in the submaxillary glands, as if crushed, also painful when touched. The teeth are very painful when touched, or when talking. OToothache of pregnant females. Dull pain in old roots. All the teeth aro painful. Painful heaviness in the upper incisores. Grumbling in the fore-teeth. Nightly toothache, hindering sleep. *Drawing SrPIA. 1051 toothache, -when hot or cold things get into the mouth. *Drawing in the holowu tooth, extending into the ear, aggravated by cold water. ODrawing pain in the teeth, extending into the arms and fingers. Drawing-cutting toothache.-Lacerating in the lower jaw, below the incisores. Lacerating toothache through the left ear, during and after a meal.-Rheumatic pressure through the teeth and forehead. Dull aching pain in the molar teeth, with pain in the submaxillary glands. *Stitching toothache. Stitching beating in various roots of the teeth, with burning in the gums. *Beating toothache. The teeth soon decay. All the teeth become loose and painful, and the gums bleed readily. Drawing in the gums. Stitching in the gums. Bloated dark-red gums, with painful beating, as in incipient suppuration. *Painful swelling of the gums. Swelling of the gums, with painful soreness. Sore, ulcerated gums. MoUTH.-Foetid smell from the mouth. Swelling of the inner mouth and gums, with burning in the mouth, extending into the throat.-Sore pain of the tongue. *White tongue. Coated tongue. Pain of the tongue as if burnt. Vesicles on the tongue, and pain as if burnt. Ptyaiism in the evening. Dryness and roughness of the tongue and palate. THROAT.-Constaut dryness and tensive sensation in the throat Sore throat, smarting and scraping. Sore throat, with swelling of the submaxillary glands.-Aching pain in the upper and right side of the throat. Constrictive pain in the throat, with pressure. Painful contraction and pressure in the throat. OStarting sensation in the throat. *Stinging sore throat -during deglutition. Feeling of heat in the throat. Inflammation of the throat. Inflammation and swelling in the upper part of the throat. TASTE AND APPmTITE-Sour-bitter taste in the mouth. *Much thirst. *Absence of thirst. No appetite, but thirst. *Aversion to all food. Diminished appetite; *everything tastes too salt. 0Aversion to milk. *Ravenous hunger. Emptiness in the stomach, with nausea. *Painfulfeeling of hunger in the stomach.-~ Canine hunger. GASTRIC SYMPTOMS.-Great bitterness of the mouth during a meal. Pulsations in the pit of the stomach during a meal. Anguish and heat during a meal. Heat and palpitation of the heart while digesting food. The pains increase during and particularly after a meal.--~Acidity in the mouth after a meal. OGreat weakness of digestion. *Eructations, with desire to vomit. *Bitter eructations. *Sour eructations -after supper. Painful eructations.-Burning at the stomach after an eructation.-Eructations alternating with hiccough. ~Acidity in the stomach, with loathing of life. Heartburn. *Sort of water-brash -in 1052.EPIA. the afternoon, going off by eating. 0Water-brash after drinking, 0o! preceded by turning in the stomach.-Nausea the whole day. Nausea after eating, also with vomiting. ONausea of pregnant females. Nausea before breakfast. Morning nausea. Nausea and weakness. Nausea, with bitterness in the throat, without vomiting. Inclining to vomit, anxious, giddy.-* Vomiting -after the morning-nausea and eating a little, afterwards retching. The vomiting (during pregnancy) is frequently so fatiguing that blood is expelled with it. Violent vomiting, with violent headache. Bilious vomiting. *Vomiting during pregnancy. Vomiting of a milky water (during pregnancy). STOMACH.-*Pains in the stomach, after eating, also after supper, OPain in the pit of the stomach, when walking. The least pressure on the region of the stomach causes great pain. *Pressure at the stomach after a meal and when touching it. *Pressure on the stomach, as from a stone. Heaviness in the stomach, with dull pain in the whole abdomen. -*Cramp in the stomach and abdomen. OCramp in the stomach and chest. Contraction in the region of the stomach. -*Burning in the stomach and pit. *Stitching pain in the stomach, and in the distended abdomen. Fine prickings in the pit of the stomach. OBeating in the pit of the stomach A HYPOCHONDRIA.-Stitching tensive pain in the hypochondria, during motion, while stooping. Frequent dartings below the hypochondria and through the abdomen. Drawing pain in both sides of the abdomen. Beating in the region of the liver. Violent stitches in the region of the liver; the region is afterwards painful to the touch, with costiveness. Dull stitch in the region of the liver. Sore pain in the region of the liver. Feeling of fullness in the region of he liver. Aching pain in the region of the liver. ABDOMEN.-Pain from the umbilicus to the genital organs, especially when touching the parts.-Stitches through the abdomen, directly above the hips. Alternate stitching and pinching in the intestines, in paroxysms. Stitches in the groin. Painful pressure in the hernial region. Drawing tensive pressure in the abdomen. Weight in the abdomen. Distention of the abdomen. Frequent hard distention of the abdomen, with cutting in the intestines. Distention df the abdomen, with diarrhoea and pinching. Violent colic, extending as far as the chest, with shifting of flatulence. Catting in the abdomen, at night, with desire to urinate. Violent colic in the morn. ing. OCutting colic, after exercise. Cutting in the hypogastrium, in the afternoon, continuous, and also in single paroxysms. Colic, with frequent nausea. Frequent attacks of colic.-Pinching cutting in the intestines, with moaning anxiety. as if stool would be discharged in. SEPIA. 1053 voluntarily. Pinching in the abdomen almost' every morning, with nausea, qualmishness, and accumulation of saliva in the mouth. Griping in the intestines.-Spasms in the abdomen. Frequent attacks of contractive pain in the right side of the abdomen. *Dig. ging-up in the abdomen, -with nausea.-*Burning in the abdomen. Pain in the abdomen, as if the bowels had been dashed to pieces. Pain in the abdomen, in the afternoon, as if the bowels would be torn out.-Beating here and there in the abdomen. OFeeling of coldness in the abdomen. OHardness in the abdomen and sensation of adhesion-~Pot-belliedness of mothers.-~Ascites.-The abdominal muscles are painful during motion, only at ni ht. oBrownish spots on the abdomen. *Fecling of emptiness in the abdomen.-Uneasiness in the abdomen. Violent fermentation in the abdomen. STooL.-Hard, difficult stool, sometimes mingled with mucus. Hard stool, with cutting in the rectum. Diarrhoea, after drinking milk. *Exhausting diarrhuea. ~Green or sour-smelling diarrhoea of children. Stool having a putrid, sourish, foetid smell. OThe stools are too soft. A number of jelly-like stools, with colic. Stool of a whitish color. Slimy diarrhoea, with distended abdomen. Constant desire for stool, only a little being passed. Unsuccessful urging to stool towards evening. OScanty stool, with straining and tenesmus. Nausea previous to every liquid stool. *Much blood with stool, after cutting in the abdomen. Discharge of sanguineous mucus after stool. Emptiness and relaxation in the abdomen after stool. Headache after a papescent stool. Expulsion of ascarides. *Contractive pain in the rectum, and thence in the perinmum and vagina. Frequent and painful contraction in the anus. Tensive pain in the anus. Tenesmus in the anus, with feeling of soreness, sometimes occurring at intervals. Pain in the rectum during stool. Violent cutting in the anus and rectum, at night. Cutting in the rectum during stool, with discharge of blood. Stitches in the anus. Stitching and burning at the anus. *Burning in the rectum, day. Heat and swelling of the margin of the anus. Soreness of the anus. Sore pain of the rectum, mostly between stool, accompanied with varices of the rectum, painful when touched.-*Itching and stinging in the rectum. Violent itching of the anus and creeping in the rectum. Smarting in the rectum, after stool. 0Oozing of moisture from the rectum. ODischarge of mucus from the rectum, with sting. ing and lacerating.-Protrusion of the rectum. Prolapsus-recti. *Protrusion and itching of the varices of the rectum. The varices become painful. Bleeding of the varices when walking. OFlowing haemorrhoids. 1054 SEPIA URINE.-Continual. desire to urinate, with painful bearing down in the pelvis, in the morning. Sensation as if drops came out of the bladder. Pressing on the bladder and frequent micturition, with tension in the abdomen. Pressure on the bladder, in the evening, with burning after micturition. OWets the bed before midnight. *The urine becomes turbid and feetid, when standing, with white sediment. *Turbid urine, with brick-dust sediment. *.Blood-red urine. The urine deposits blood in the vessel. Discharge of a milky fluid from the urethra after micturition, at noon. Discharge of prostatic juice after micturition.-Pinching pains in the bladder., Spasm of the bladder. Violent burning in the bladder, without desire to urinate.-Burning in the urethra. *Smarting in the urethra during micturition. OSecondary gonorrhoea. MALE GENITAL ORGANS.-Copious sweat of the genital organs. oItching about the parts. OWeakness of the parts. Itching inflammation of the penis. Hot glans, with a pale-red, sometimes itching eruption. Red tips on the glans. Continual suppuration and itch ing of the prepuce. Heat in the testicle. Cutting in the testicle. Pinching lacerating in the testicles. Rheumatic drawing in the testicles, sometimes also in the thigh. OSwelling of the scrotum. OPains in the testicles.-Great increase of the sexual desire. Nightly emission, with dream. OEmissions after onanism. FEMALE GENITAL- ORGANs.-Painful stiffness, apparently in the uterus. Pressing in the uterus, oppressing the breathing, accompanied with colic. OProlapsus of the vagina and uterus. OInrduration of the neck of the uterus. Cancer and scirrhus of the uterus. OSwelling and humid itching eruption on the inner labia. *Soreness and redness of the labia, in the perinaeum, and posteriorly between the thighs, Oalso before the menses. OContractive pain in the vagina. *Violent stitches in the pudendum, almost extending as far as the umbilicus. *Itching of the pudendum. Discharge of blood from the vagina after an embrace. Pain in the abdomen, as if the menses would appear. *Menses too early. Discharge of blood from the vagina, only when walking. OThe menses are too scanty. OSepia is frequently indispensable at the critical age. Before the menses: violent colic, with faintishness. Shuddering all over the body. Burning in the region of the pudendum. Acrid leucorrhoea, with soreness of the pudendum. Sensation as if the pudendum were enlarged. Pressure in the abdomen.-During the menses: exhaustion in the morning. Toothache and throbbing in the gums. Obscuration of sight, and great weakness, going off while lying. *Pains in the limbs, also as if bruised. oAbdoininal spasms, with pressing SEPIA. 1055 downwards. She is unable to sleep, owing to lacerating in the back, chilliness and heat, thirst, and painful contraction of the chest. Leucorrhwea, with stitches in the uterus. *Leucor'rhea, with itching in the vagina, oor of the pudendum. Sanguineo-mucous discharge from the vagina. * Yellowish leucorrhca. Watery leucorrhoea. Mucous leucorrhoea. The leucorrhoea increases when she is attacked with frequent eructations and retching. Discharge of a green-red fluid from the vagina, during pregnancy. Leucorrhoea, especially profuse after micturition. Leucorrhoea having the appearance of pus. Leucorrhoea like milk, only in the daytime, with burning pain and producing soreness between the thighs. OCorrosive leucorrhoea. Pro. fuse mucous diarrhoea, having a foetid smell, with drawing pain in the abdomen. ODisposition to miscarriage. 0Affections of pregnant females: o Toothache. *Nausea and vomiting. OColic. OCostiveness. OCough.--Stinging in the breasts, -worst when becoming cold in walking or riding in a carriage. OSoreness of the nipples.-OChafing of infants. LARYNX.-Frequent pressure in the larynx. *Sudden hoarseness. Hoarseness and fluent coryza. *Hoarseness, with dry cough, from titillation in the throat. OCough of pregnant females. The cough is worst after lying down in the evening. Dry, short evening cough. Dry cough, with vomiting of a bitter liquid. Cough, fatiguing the chest and stomach. Spasmodic cough. Dry cough, as if proceeding from the stomach and abdomen, or as if occasioned by constipation. Scraping cough. Cough, which is frequently dry, short, and hacking, with pain in the pit of the stomach, and scraping, raw, sore pain in the region of the larynx. Cough at night, waking one from sleep. Cough, day and night. OCough, with difficult expectoration. *Expectoration from the chest, tasting very salt, oalso with cough, particularly in the morning and evening. *Cough, with blood-streaked expectoration. Hacking cough, in the evening, after lying down, with profuse expectoration of pure, coagulated blood. *A good deal of purulent expectoration, with violent cough, great oppression of the chest, and rattling. OSuppuration of the lungs. *Short breathing when walking. CHEST.-- Dyspnca, with tenacious mucus zn the chest. Oppression of the chest, morning and evening. Asthmatic, especially when palpitation of the heart occurs. Difficult rather than short breathing. Oppression of the chest, with stitches, during a deep inspiration. cDyspnoea, with oppression and shortness of breath. *Pain in the chest, -from motion. OP.ain in the side when breathing and coughing.-Very violent pressure in the chest, without touching it. 1056 SEPIA. Severe pressure in the chest, in the evening, when in bed. *Pressure on the upper part of the sternum, as from a weight.-Feeling of heaviness in the chest. Constrictive sensation in the chest. Attacks of tightness in the chest. Aching of the whole chest. *Stitch in the right side of the chest and scapula, during an inspiration and cough. Stitches deep in the chest. Violent stitching in the chest, at every inspiration. OSticking in the chest during mental labor. Stitching in the heart, in the afternoon.-*Rawness in the chest, as of raw flesh.-Violent burning in the sternum. Violent lacerating in the lower ribs.--Seething of the blood, and congestion to the chest, -as if haemoptysis were about to set in. Gurgling or bubbling sensation in the left chest. Beating in the pit of the stomach, in the morning, followed by seething of blood in the left chest, resembling palpitation of the heart. Palpitation of the heart, with stitches in the left side of the chest. Palpitation of the heart, with great anxiety, and trembling of the fingers and lower limbs. Intermission of the beats of the heart, with anxiety. Itching of the surface of the chest. ~Brown spots on the chest. BACK.-*Pain in the small of the back. Painful weariness in the small of the back. o Weakness of the small of the back in walking. Pain as if sprained in the small of the back. Burning pressure in the small of the back. Reddish herpetic spots above the hips. OBeating in the small of the back. OPressing pain. Pain in the back, only when sitting. Pain in the back, only when walking. OCutting digging-up and pressure on the back. OCrampy-lacerating. *Stiffness in the back, diminishing when walking. OChilliness on the back. OBrownish spots on the back. GItching eruption on the back. Drawing between the scapulae and in the upper part of the chest. Burning constrictive pain around the shoulders, chest, and neck, in the evening. *Stifness of the nape of the neck. OTetters in the nape of the neck and behind the ears. Tensive pain of one side of the neck, as if swollen. Red, itching, herpetic spots on both sides of the neck. ARMs.-Swelling and suppuration of one of the axillary glands. Itching of the axills. OHumid herpes in the axillae. Crampy dfawing in the right shoulder, and in the whole side. Dull, drawing-lacerating pain, as if sprained, in the shoulder-joint. Violent pain in the shoulder-joint, as if it would tear off. Pulling and drawing on the shoulder, when at rest. Great pain in both shoulders. Aching sore pain on the shoulders, as if excoriated..Feeling of stiffness and coldness in the arm. Paralytic sensation in the arm, afterwards throbbing in the same. *Diawing in the arms from 8EPIA. 1057 above downward, extending into the fingers. ORigidity of the joints of the arms, the elbow and finger-joints, as if too short. oWarts on the arms. Pain in the upper arm, going off when at rest. Pain as if bruised in the upper arm. OInflammatory swelling in the middle of an upper arm, bright-red, hard, dotted with red spots. Itching in the bends of the elbows. Tension in the elbows, as if the joints were too short. Stitches in the elbow-joints. OStiffness of the elbows. Itching scurf on the posterior part of each elbow.-Drawing lacerating in the lower part of the fore-arm. Red swelling on the fore-arm, with pain as if pressing on. a fluctuating tumor.-~Stitches in the wrist-joint on moving the hand.-~Stiffness of the wrist-joints. Lacerating in the hand.-Weakness of the muscles of the hand. *Heat in the hands. OCold sweat. OSuppurating blisters on the dorsum of the hand and tips of the fingers. OPemphigus, with swelling of the hand. oItch and scurfs on the hands. Tensive pain in the metacarpal joints of the fingers, especially when bending them. Arthritic drawing in the finger-joints. *Panaritium on the finger, *with violent beating and stitching. oPainless ulcers on the tips of the fingers. 0 Malformation of the nails. LEGS.-OCoxagra, with lancinating pains. Soreness with burning pain between the nates. Cramp-pain in the hip-joint. Sudden lacerating cramp-pain in the region of the hip.-Pain as if bruised, and weakness in the hip-joint. *The lower limbs go to sleep when sitting. Stiffness of the lower limbs, extending to the hip-joint. Numbness and sudden paralytic feeling in one lower limb, when standing. *Icy coldness of the lower limbs. *.Lameness of both lower limbs. Trembling of the thighs and knees. Drawing in the thighs. Lancinating aching pain in the groin. Cramp in the thighs when walking. Pain in the the thighs as if bruised. Lancinations in the thigh when walking. Boils on the thigh.-Drawing pain in the knees. Arthritic drawing in the knees. Tension around the knee.-Stitching and cutting in the bend of the knee. ~Stiffness in the knees. Great weakness in the knees. Painful swelling of the knee, with tension. Soft painless swelling on the patella. Heaviness of the legs as far as the knees. 'Pain of the knees and tibiae, as if bruised. Pain as if bruised and weariness of the legs. *Drawing pain in the leg. Burning in the lower half of the legs, at night when in bed. Tensive pain in the calf. OCramping in the legs. Swelling of the legs, rising as far as the knee, when sitting and standing. Tension in the oalves. * Violent cramp in the calves, at night when in bed. Violent itching of the tibia. Pain in the tendons of the tarsal-joints when walking, as if too short.-*Swelling of the feet. Heaviness in 45 1058 SILICEA. the feet, extending up to the knees. *Creeping in the feet4 when standing, oThe soles go to sleep, with tingling. OPrickling and burning in the feet. OTwitching of the feet during sleep. *Profuse sweat of the feet. oSuppression of the sweat of the feet.-OUlcers on the dorsum of the foot. Burning of the feet at night, Icy cold feet. Fcetid smell of the feet. OUlcers on the heel, from, spreading blisters.--*Pain in the upper part of the toes, sore and corrosive. Itching of the toes.-~Corns. 245.-SILICEA. SIL.-Silica.-See Hahnemann's " Chronic Diseases," V. COMPARE WITH-Alum., Ambr., Am., Bell., Bov., Calc., Carb.-a., Caust., Cycl., Cic., Ci., Dros., Graph., Ign., Hep., Kali., Lach, Lye., Magn., Merc., Natr., Petr., Phosph., Puls., Rhod.. Rhus-tox., Ranun.-scel., Sab., Sass., Sep., Spig., Sulph., Verat.-Sil. is sometimes particularly suitable after: Cale., Hep., Lye., Sulph.-After Sil. are frequently suitable: Hep., Lach., Lye., Sep. ANTIDOTES.-Camph., Hep.-Sil. antidotes: Mere., Sulph. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.- Chronic ailments from abuse of Mercury. ~Hysteric affections. OMuscular weakness of children, and difficulty of learning to walk. OChronic rheumatism and arthritis. OPhlegmonous inflammation. OScrofula and rhachitis, also with enlarged head and slowly-closing fontanelles. Severe bone-pain, now here, now there, particularly early on rising, before moving about. *Drawing in the limbs, oalso with lacerating.and sticking, or cramp-like drawing, or particularly in the ears, jaws, hands, and, tibiae.--Nightly sticking in all the joints.-All the muscles are painful during motion. Painfulness of the wwole body, *Bruised pain in the limbs. Ulcerative pain in the whole side of the body on which he is resting, with constant chilliness when uncovering himself ever so little, insufferable thirst, and frequent flushes of heat in the head. CHARACTERISTIC PECULIARITIES.-MOSt of the symptoms of. Sil. seem to make their appearance about new moon.-The pains are increased by motion. SKIN.-Great irritability and painful sensitiveness of the skin when touching it.-*Itching of the back, scapulae, and thighs. *Itching and biting of the whwle body. Eruption over the whole body, resembling varicella, accompanied, preceded, and followed by violent itching. Rose-colored blotches in leprous patients. Pain in the ulcer, as if subcutaneous. *Aching pain in the ulcer on the leg. Paralytic pain. Paroxysms. OSpasms of the arms and lower limbs. SILIOBA. 105r9 Lacerating in the joints and soles, with jerks in the feet like St. Vitus' dance. Shocks through the whole body. oJerking of the limbs day and night.-Epileptic fit, at night.-Trembling of all the limbs in the morning, especially of the arms, which feel paralyzed.-Great stiff. ness of the limbs.-Stiffness of the back, and small of the back, after sitting.-Deadness of the hands and feet.--Pinching in the abdomen. Heaviness of the lower limbs. *Great liability to cold,-Heaviness of the upper and, lower limbs, as if filled with lead. Weakness of the back, and paralytic feeling in the lower limbs. SLEEP.-*Much] yawning. *Great drowsiness. Uneasy sleep, with. out pain.-Frequent waking, with chilliness.-*Congestion of blood to the head at night. Seething of the blood at night; throbbing in all the arteries. ~Heat in the head, also with sleepiness, or with vertigo during sleep. He wakes after midnight, with burning in the stomach and inclination to vomit. Dry night-cough, occasioning, even, vomiting, and a sweat as from anguish. Pain in the small of the back, as if bruised, at night. Oppressive headache at night. Vertigo with nausea, at night, when dreaming. Exhausting nightly diar~rhea, Great weakness at night, unto fainting. Nightly pain in the small of the back and in the shoulder. He wakes with anguish and a stupefying vertigo. He- wakes with a quicker pulse, palpitation of the heart, feeling of heat, eructations, and pressure in the pit of the stomach; afterwards retching, with discharge of bitter mucus. Uneasy sleep and frequent waking with chilliness. OFrightfulfancies before her eyes at night. Restless sleep, with frequent waking and many dreams. *Frequent dreams and exclamations during sleep. Bad dreams with violent weeping. FEVER.-Violent chilliness in the evening. Chilliness at every motion. Dry heat and thirst. Feverish heat, the whole night, with violent thirst and panting breathing. Violent heat and redness of the face, with cold hands and feet.-OHectic fever, particularly during a long suppuration,-oWorm-fever of scrofulous individuals. OFever of dentition. OSweat during moderate walking. Morning-sweat. Night-sweat, especially on the trunk. *Profuse general night-sweat, OExhausting sweat. MORAL SYMPTOMS.-Desponding and melaacholy. ODiscourage. ment. Want of cheerfulness.- Weeping mood.--Anxiousness and ill-humor. *Great tendency to start.-Obstinate. Dissatisfied.OYielding.--Not disposed to work.-OIndifferent and apathetic. SENSORIUM.-Forgetfulness, want of memory. Great absence of mind. *Difficulty ofthinking. OFixed ideas.-Dullness of the head, and bruised feeling of the body.--Feels as if intoxicated.-Painless 1060 SILICEA. dullness of the head, as if it contained too much blood. Vertigo with retching. Constant violent vertigo. Stupefying vertigo in the morning, or vertigo with inclination to vomit. Violent vertigo in the morning with nausea.-Gloominess and vertigo in the head, HEAD.-Headache at night. Headache from hunger.o~Headache every morning. ~Headache from being heated.-*Headache from the nape of the neck to the vertez. Violent headache, with loss of sense. Weariness of the head,-OHeaviness of the head.-Painful heaviness in the head.-Heat in the head with anxiety.--Groaning shaking of the brain.-Headache, with heaviness and uncomfortableness in all the limbs.-Sensation as of a heavy load pressing in the forehead, above the eyes. Aching pain in the forehead and eyes, as if a catarrh were approaching.-In the morning, violent aching pain extending down to the eyes; accompanied with violent chilliness, and nausea, and faintness in the afternoon.--Compressive sensation in the brain.-Tension in the eyes and forehead, with faintness of the body.-Headache, as if the brain and eyes would be pushed forward. -Violent headache, as if the skull were pierced by violent stitches. -Disagreeable feeling, as if the head were teeming with living things. Lacerating pain, as if the head would burst. Lacerating-beating headache, with eructations.-Stitches in the temples.-Congestion of blood to the head.-Rush of blood to the head, beating in the sinciput and forehead, with heaviness in the head. Obscuration of the sight after the headache.-Painful sensitiveness of the head, as after violent headache. Pain of the scalp when touching it. Bruised sort of a pain in the top.of the head.-~Sweat in the hair in the evening. Itching in the hairy scalp. Itching pimples on the hairy scalp. OItching humid porrigo.-~Tumor-like elevations. Itching blotches on the head and nape of the head. *Great falling of of the hair when combing the head. EYES.-Pain in th- eyes, in the morning, as if too dry and full of sand. Pressure and smarting in the orbits. Pressure in the eye-lids. -Lacerating and burning in the eyes when closing them and pressing on the lids.-B-urning itching of the eye-lids. *Smarting or heat in the eyes.-Redness of the whites, with aching pain. ORedness of "*the eyes with biting in the canthi. Lachrymati.on and a sort of darkness of the eyes. *Agglutination at night, with smarting of the lids. -OFungus-hesmatodes.? OUlcers on the cornea. OSpots and cicatrices.-Twitching of the eye-lids. Flying motes.-"Sparks or black spots before the eyes. *The eyes are dazzled by the light.Attacks of photophobia, alternating with inflammation of the whites and lachrymation. Gauze before the eyes. *7"hings look blurred, SMLICEA 1061 letters, 4c. OObscuration of sight, as if looking through a gray coat. OParoxysms of sudden blindness. OFar-sightedness. OPaleness of sight in reading. oCataract and amaurosis. EAR.-Drawing pain, a sort of otalgia, in the meatus-auditorius. *Beating in the ear, -also with concussion of the eyes. OBoring in the ears. OShooting through the ears. Lacerating in the inner and outer parts of the ear. Scurf behind the cars. Inflamed humid margins of the ears.-Quantity of moist wax in the ear.-Feeling as if the ear were obstructed, osometimes going off with a report. The hearing is very sensitive. Exceedingly sensitive to noise, even unto starting.-Dimninution of hearing, from whizzing in the head. Thund'ring, roaring, and grumbling in the ear. *Swelling of the parotid gland, with stitching pain. NosE.-- Gnawing in the upper part of the nose, with heaviness on stooping and great sensitiveness to pressure.--Itching of the nose, with red tip. *Itching and small vesicles around the nasal wings. *Smarting painful scurf deep in the right side of the nose. OUlcers in the nose.-~Loss of smell. *Frequent sneezing. Chronic obstruction. OPlugs of mucus in the nose. OTroublesome dryness of the nose. Fluent coryza. Violent catarrh. Coryza and cough, with swelling of the submaxillary glands, pain in the throat during deglutition, great chilliness. FACE.-Paleface. Swelling of the face, and the glands of the lips and glands of the neck, with chilliness and icy-cold feet.-Drawing pain in the malar bone and behind the ear. Eruption in the face. OChapped skin. OScirrhous induration in the face and on the upper lip. Eruption on the lips. OUlcer on the vermilion border of the lower lip.--Cancer of the lip. Sponge-like ulcer on the inner side of the lower lip. Burning itching around the mouth, without eruption. Swelling of the upper lip and the gums, very painful to the touch. JAWS AND TEETH.-Pain of the submazillary glands when touched, without swelling. Stitches in the submaxillary glands, which are swollen. Swelling of the submaxillary glands, painful when touched, with drawing pain in the glands, and sore throat when swallowing, as if swollen internally. 0~Iard swelling of the submaxillary glands. ONightly drawing and sticking in the lower jaw.-~Caries and swell. ing of the lower jaw.-*Toothache, especially when eating warmfbod; and when cold air gets into the mouth. Toothache after a meal. Toothache, with swelling of the bone and periosteum of the lower jaw. -Violent toothache, the whole jaw aches. Tensive toothache. Draw. ing in a hollow tooth, in paroxysms. OLacerating nain, also with 1062 -SILICEA. drawing and jerking, most violent at night. ODigging and boring in the teeth. The teeth are loose and sensitive to pain when chewing. -Inflammation of one of the lower molares, with swelling and soreness of the gums.-Painful sensitiveness of the gums to cold water Painful inflammatory swelling of the gums. Sore gums. OThe gums bleed readily. MOUT.--Constant dryness of the mouth. OConstant mucus in the mouth.-Coated tongue, oalso with brown mucus.-Numb tongue. Ulcer on the palate, extending as far as the gums. Elongation of the uvula, with dryness of the throat. Swelling of the uvula. THROAT.-Sore throat, with much mucus in the throat.-Sore throat during deglutition. Soreness of the throat, as if from singing. *Stinging sore throat, only when swallowing, the neck being painful when touched. Difficult deglutition. TASTE AND APPETITE.--Bitter taste in the morning.--Loss of taste. *Aversion to meat-soup. ~Aversion to meat. Canine hunger. *Great thirst with loss of appetite. Thirst with dryness of the throat. *Acidity in the mouth. Continual hunger, and repletion of the stomach. Weakness in the stomach. Colic, a sort of writhing in the intestines. Pressure at the stomach, oalso followed by water-brash and vomiting. *Eructations and acidity. Pressure at the stomach. Cutting in the epigastrium. Chilliness. Palpitation of the heart with anxiety. *Drowsiness and faintness. Nausea, going off after lying down. OHeartburn. GASTRIC SYMPTOMS.-Frequent, empty, loud, or *sowr eructations, also with burning in the throat. Sour and bitter eructations in the morning, as if from a deranged stomach. Heartburn from the stomach. Nausea, as after tasting an emetic. ONausea after every heating exercise. OConstant nausea, also with vomiting, even at night. ONausea every morning, also with headache and pain in the eyes on turning them. ~Water-brash, also with shuddering.-oVomiting after every drink. OVomiting of the ingesta at night. STOMACH.-Violent pain in the pit of the stomach, going off by hard pressure on the part. OPainfulness of the pit to pressure.-Load in the stomach like lead. Aching pain, followed by cramp-pain in the stomach. Griping, pinching, and crampy sensation over the stomach and the hypochondria, in frequent paroxysms. Griping and sudden grasping in the stomach.--*Burning in the pit of the stomach. HYPOCHONDRIA.-Drawing dull pain in both hypochondria. OHardness and distention of the region of the liver. OThrobbing ulcerative pain, increased by contact and walking. ABDOMEN.-Violent colic. *Colic with constipation. Lacerating 8ILICEA. 1 063 in the abdomen. Writhing pain in the abdomen. OPinching in the hypogastrium, without diarrhoea. Cutting colic, in paroxysms. *Cut. ting in the hypogastrium, without diarrhea.--Burning in the bowels.-Aching pain in the abdomen. *Distention of the abdomen, as far as the stomach. *Hot, distended abdomen, oalso in children. OPot-belliedness. Violent rumbling in the abdomen. Fatidflatulence. Lacerating in the groins in the evening. OPain of the inguinal hernia. *Inflammation of the inguinal glands, -of the size of peas, painful to the touch. STooL.-Constipation the first days, afterwards very hard stool. *Costiveness. Constipation for three days, afterwards stool composed of hard lumps. OSeveral papescent stools a day. Papescent stool with fragments of mucous membrane, followed by smarting burning at the anus. Frequent desire for stool, passing only mucus, with chilliness of the body and qualmishness in the throat. Stool mixed with bloody mucus. Ascarides with the stool. Jerking, almost dull sticking pain in the rectum. Cutting in the rectum.-Tension in the anus. Burning at the anus. Stinging pain in the varices. URINE.-Desire to urinate, with scanty emission, -or also with copious emission.-IMllicturition almost every night.--Desire to urinate, with smarting in the urethra. Yellow sediment in the urine, looking like gravel. Reddish sandy sediment in the urine. Pressure on the bladder when urinating, with subsequent burning. MALE GENITAL ORGANS.-Itching and red spots on the glands. *Redness of the prepuce, near the corona, as if excoriated, with frequent itching. *Itching and humid spots on the scrotum. OHydrocele. *The sexual desire is very much excited. *WVeak and almost extinguished sexual desire. Increasing sexual desire. Discharge of prostatic juice at every stool. FEMALE GENITAL ORGANS.-Labor-like feeling in the vagina. Itching of the pudendum.-*Menses too early.--Menses too early and too feeble. Retarded menses.-Diminished menses. *Increased menses. ODiarrhoea before the menses. Great costiveness immediately before and during the menses. During the menses, melancholy anguish in the pit of the stomach. Violent burning and soreness of the pudendum, also an eruption on the inner side of the thighs. oColic.-Immediately after the period, a bloody mucus flows from the nose.-Painful smarting leucorrhcea, especially after taking sour things. Discharge of a quantity of white water from the womb, with violent itching of the pudendum.-OLeucorrhoea during micturition; oMilky leucorrhoea, in paroxysms, preceded by cutting around thd umbilicus. Violent motions of the foetus in a pregnant female. ~Mis 1064 SILICEA. carriage. OInflammation and suppuration of the mammae and nipples. ~Induration of the mammie.-oCancer of the mamma. OThe infant refuses the breast and vomits after nursing. LARYNX AND TRACHEA.--ROugh throat, sometimes with dry and hacking cough. Sore feeling in the larynx. Cough with hoarseness. Cough from titillation in the throat.-Soreness of the chest from the dry and hacking cough. OSuffocative night-cough. OFatiguing cough, day and night, aggravated by motion, with scanty expectoration of mucus.-Cough with vomiting when expectorating. *Excessive continual cough, with discharge of a quantity of translucent mucus. *Vomiting of quantities of purulent matter, when coughing. OUlceration of the lungs. Cough with bloody mucus, also in the morning. Discharge of clear, pure blood towards noon, with deep hollow cough.-When coughing the chest is painful as if bruised. CHEST.-Frequent deep and sobbing breathing.-- Arrest of breathing: ~when lying on the back; owhen stooping; Owhen running; Owhen coughing.-OShortness of breath; owhen doing some manual labor; owhen walking fast.-~Panting when walking fast.-Oppression of the chest. Frequent oppression of the chest and head, with anxiety.- Weakness in the chest. OPressure in the chest when coughing and sneezing. Aching pain in the sternum, towards the pit of the stomach. OStitch through the back. Stitches in the side. Stitches in the chest, especially during a deep inspiration. Congestion of blood to the chest. Heat in the chest, with chilliness and coldness of the whole body. Burning pain in the chest. Palpitation of the heart when sitting still. Oppressive heaviness in the region of the heart. BACK.-Violent pain in the small of the back. Lameness in the small of the back. Pressure and tension in the small of the back. OPain in the small of the back, on touching it. OSpasmodic drawing in the small of the back. *Stif back, after sitting. Violent lacerating or beating pressure in the back, with chilliness, afterwards dull oppressive headache, with heat in the head. OLacerating and sticking in the back. OSticking in the loin when sitting and lying. OInflamed abscess on the psoas muscle. OSwelling and curvature of the tertebrce.-Pain between the soapule, as if the parts would be torn asunder. OBruised pain in the scapule. Stitches between the scapule. Tension in the nape of the neck.-Stiffness of the nape of the neck, with headache. *Glandular swellings in the nape of the neck, Oalso hard. Itching pimples on the nape of the neck, like nettlerash. OAbscess on the nape of the neck. *Swelling of the cervical glands.-Swelling of the th.yroid body. SILICEA. 1065 ARMS.-Drawing aching pain in the axillary glands. *Violent swelling of the axillary glands, oalso with suppuration. Pain in the shoulder, a sort of pressure, extending into the hand. Lacerating in the shoulder during motion. OLanguor of the arms, with trembling, during slight work. *Lacerating in both arms. Uneasiness and trembling in the arm. Congestion of blood to the arms. Lacerating in the ujpper arm. Drawing pain in the elbows, apparently in the marrow. Olncipient lameness of the lower arm. ~Induration of the cellular tissue of the fore-arm. Lacerating in the wrist-joint, painful when touched, and when moving it. Pain in the wrist-joint, as if sprained. OStitches from the wrist-joints through the arm, at night. -Cramp-pain and paralytic weakness of the hand. Drawing pain in the hands. Prickling and numbness of the hands. oUlcer on the hand.-Paralytic drawing in the fingers. OCreeping in the fingers. Lacerating in the fingers. oWeakness and stiffness of all the fingers. OThe joints are painful when pressing on them.-Sensation as if the tips of the fingers were ulcerated.-Blisters on the fingers, as from heat, with tingling itching.-Frequent panaritia, Oalso with proud flesh, or even when caries has already set in. LEGS.-Itching of the nates. Drawing-jerking pain in the hip. joint. Paralytic weakness of the limbs when rising from a seat, going off when walking. Uneasiness and paralytic weakness in the joints of the upper and lower limbs, when sitting or walking. Heaviness of the limbs. ODrawing and rigidity in the left limb. Pain of the femora as if bruised. Drawing in the thighs, extending to the feet. OPressure, lacerating, and sticking in the thighs. OItching ulcers, also about the malleolus. OSoftening and caries of the bones. -Painful feeling of stiffness in the knees when walking or standing. Lacerating in the knees when sitting, going off by motion. Weakness of the knees. OSwelling of the knee, also inflammatory, with blue redness, nightly pains, and excessive sensitiveness to contact.Itching of the legs. OSwelling of the legs. OUlcers, also with sickly complexion.-*Boils on the calves. OCramp in the calves, also particularly in the evening after working. ONumbness of the calves.-~ Caries of the tibia. Pain as if sprained in the tarsal-joints. OSticking in the malleolus, particularly on pressing the foot to the floor. Burning feet. *Swelling of the feet. Swelling of the feet, with redness. *Fcetid sweat of the feet.-- Cadaverous smell of the feet. Lacerating in the heel.-Soreness of the soles, especially near the toes. ~Painful hard butions.-Itching suppurating scurf on the frozen toes. OUlcerative pain of the big toe, also with stinging pain. 45* 1066 80LANUM.-SPIGELIA. 246.-SOLANUM. a. LYCOPERSICON. SOL. LYCO.-Tomato.-See "Archiv," XVII. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-Frequent waking and tossing about at night, the limbs on which he is lying feel paralyzed. HEAD.-Stupid feeling in the head. Heaviness and dullness of the head. Pressure in the malar bone. Dry coryza. 3. MAMMOSUM, SOL. MAM.-1Night-Shade.--See "Archiv," XIII. SYMPTOMS.-Inability to think coherently.-Hawks up bloodstreaked mucus from the larynx.-Uneasiness.-Great weariness and disposition to sleep. c. NIGRUM. SOL. NIGR.-See "Journal de Chimie Med."-Hirtz, of Strassburg, 1843. SYMPTOMS.-Complete cessation of the mental functions.-Vertigo.-Horrible headache. The face is congested with blood. Red, bloated face. Confused and anxious expression of countenance.Open, humid, glistening eyes.-Extreme dilatation of both pupils.Alternate contraction and dilatation of the pupils.-Mistiness before the eyes.-Loathing, vomiting of the ingesta. Frequent vomiting, first of mucus, afterwards of a bluish or gray-blackish fluid. Tenesmus of the anus.-Difficulty of breathing.-Hot skin, though covered with sweat. Frequent sweats over the whole body. Excessive thirst. Small, frequent pulse. Quick, irregular pulse.-Red, scarlet spots on the whole skin.-Convulsions and spasms. Tetanic rigidity of the whole body. Trismus. Coma, alternating with convulsions and moaning. Great restlessness.-General violent convulsive restless. ness. Tremor. Violent subsultus-tendinum. Moaning, as in hydrocephalus. 247.-SPIGELIA. SPIG.-Spigelia Anthelmia.-See Hahnemann's "Materia Medica Pura," V. OOMPARE WITH-Acan., Aur., Bar., Bovy., Chin., Dig., Euphr., Hyos., Lach., Lauroc., Lye., Magn.-mur., Merc., Mose., Natr.-mur., Nux-v., Petrol., Phospbh Puls., Sabad., Sabin., Sil., Spong., Stram., Tarax., Verat. ANTIDOTES.-Aur., Camph.-Spig. antidotes Mere. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-Bruised all over. Pain as if sprained SPIGELIA 10U or bruied in the shoulder-joint. Trembling of the lowei, anid then of the upper limbs.-The whole body is very sensitive to the touch. -All his limbs are afected, especially when walking; his spine feeli bruised. OArthritic lancinating laceration.-Great heaviness in the upper and lower limbs.-He is very sensitive to cool air. Great lassitude of body and mind, especially after standing.-Convulsions. CHARACTERISTIC PECULIARITIES.-All the symptoms are worse in the afternoon. SLEEP.-Yawning, without drowsiness. Constant restlessness in all his limbs at night. Restless sleep, frequently disturbed, frill of anxious, frightful dreams. Stupefied sleep.-Conlfused dreams. FEVER.-Violent chilliness over the arms and shoulders. Violent chilliness through all the limbs. Chilliness in the afternoon, followed by heat and thirst. Fever: chilliness in the evening, with cold hands and distended abdomen, without thirst. Alternate chilliness and heat the whole day, with redness of face. Chills every morning after rising. Chilliness of the whole body, without thirst. Slight chilliness in the back, towards the abdomen, as far as the mnbilical region. Thrill of cold shuddering over the whole body. Cold hands, hot face, no thirst. Alternation of heat and chilliness.-Pulse feeble and irregular, at times quick, at others slow. MORAL SYMPTOMS.-Sadness. attended with great anxiety. Sadness, with ill-humor and redness of the face. Taciturn. Vexed and sensitive. Cheerfulness, alternating with pialpitation of the heart and anxious oppression of the chest. SENsoRIuum.-Weakness of memory, forgetfulness, also with indolence of the mind.-Painful dullness of the head. Dullness of the head, with pressure through the forehead. Wild and confused feeling in the head. Painful gloominess in the forehead and temples. Constant stupid feeling of the head, rendering any kind of mental labor difficult. Vertigo to falling. HEAD.-Headache from shaking the head, with vertigo or heaviness. Pain in the forehead. OPeriodical typical headache.? Aggravation of the headache in the open air.-Heaviness of the head, with pain when shaking it.-Pressure in the head; worse on stooping. Pressure in the temples.-Tension in the head.-Violent lacerating in the head, forehead, occiput, and temples.-Boring in the forehead. -Shaking and swashing sensation in the brain when walking.Heat in the head.-Sensitiveness of the scalp to the touch, and particularly when moving it. Ulcerative pain on the vertex. Pain as if bruised at the occiput.-Aching bony smelling at the temple, near the orbit, with painful soreness when touched.-Burning on the temples, 1068 SPIGELIA. EYEs.-Nervous pains in the eyes. *Pains in and above the eyes, Oalso particularly deep in the orbits. *Pain of the eye-balls, during motion, as if too large. OThe pains in the eyes are aggravated by moving the eyes and facial muscles.--~Intolerable pressure in both eyes, warose when turning them. Pressure in both eyes, as if from sand. --Sticking in the right eye, particularly during motion. *Digging sticking, -with depression of the upper lid. OSticking with boring, penetrating to the interior of the head, sometimes attended with a maddening pain.--Tingling in the eyes.-~Arthritic ophthalmia.? ORheumatic ophthalmia.? oCorneitis. *Inflammation of the margins of the lids, with ulceration, -and smarting soreness. *Inflammation of the whites, -also with turgescence of the vessels, or early in the morning, with heaviness of the lids and inability to open them.*The eyes look dim and faint. Distortion of the eyes. *Great inclination to wink.-*The upper lids hang down as if~paralyzed.OGreat sensitiveness of the eyes to the light.-Vanishing of sight when looking at anything. Indistinctness of sight, as if the eyes were full of water. Scintillation. Long-sightedness. OFlashes before the eyes. Transient amaurosis. OCataract.? EARs.-Pain in the ear like otalgia. Darting pain in the ear, extending to the eye and lower jaw. Burning of the ears.-Painful sensitiveness of the hearing to sound.-Stoppage of the ears. OPeriodical deafness.?-Humming before the ears, also with undulating pulsations in the ears. Ringing in both ears, with feeling of obstruction. NosE.--Biting in the nose.-Herpetic eruption, around and in the nostril, with sore feeling to the touch.-Stoppage of the nose. OFluent coryza after the least cold. FACE.--Pale disfigured face, with yellow margins around the eyes. OThe cheeks and lips are at times pale, at others dark-red.-Pzffiness of the facc.-OTypical, nervous prosopalgia. OProsopalgia on one side of the face, with anguish about the heart and great uneasiness. OViolent pains in the face, not allowing the least contact or motion, with shining swelling of the affected side. *Pressure in the malar bones. *Darting lacerating, or lacerating with pressure, -particularly "in the right malar bone. *Burning in the malar bones, -particularly the right. Tension and burning in the lips. JAWS AND TEETH.-Tensive pain in the articulation of the jaw.-- OToothache, with prosopalgia, pale, bloated face, yellow margins around the eyes, palpitation of the heart, chilliness, and restlessness. --Darting pain through all the teeth, most violent in a decayed tooth. *Painful jerks in a decayed tooth, -from the crown to the SPIGELIA. 1069 root, *aggravated by coldwater, -or by the contact of air. Throbbing lacerating. MOUTH.-Stinging dryness in the mouth. Burning vesicles in the mouth. Painfulness of the back part of the tongue, as if swollen, par. ticularly when chewing.-Burning pain of the palate. THROAT.-Pressing stitches in the region of the larynx. APPETITE, TASTE, GASTRIC SYMPTOMS.-Flat, putrid taste.-No appetite. *Caniwn hunger, also with nausea oand thirst.-Sour eructations, reaching the tongue.-Nausea, as after long fasting. ONausea before breakfast. Desire to vomit. SToMACH.-Pressure in the pit of the stomach, as from a lump. Pressure in the stomach.--Great sensitiveness of the pit of the stomach, the least contact or pressure of the clothes excites great anguish, with heat and redness of the face, and sensation in the chest as if something were lacerating loose. ABDOMEN.-Painful pressure in the abdomen. Violent pinching in the abdomen. Pinching stitch in the abdomen. Sharp stitches in the abdominal cavity. Lacerating drawing through the abdomen.Slight burning in the abdomen.-Cutting and sticking in the region of the abdominal ring. STooL.-Long, ineffectual desire for stool in the abdomen. Spas. modic pushing and pressing in the rectum. Frequent desire, without being able to pass anything. Stool, the first portion of which is hard, the second loose. Crawling in the rectum and anus, as from ascarides. Itching of the anus. Dull pressure in the rectum, between the stools. URINE.-Watery urine. Urine with whitish sediment. Burning stitch in the urethra, with desire to urinate. GENITAL ORGANS.-One-half of the glans is swollen. Discharge of prostaticfluid. Twitchings in the scrotum. LARYNX.-Catarrh, a sort of catarrhal fever. Dry, violent, hollow cough, occasioned by an irritation deep in the trachea, especially when stooping. Sort of suffocative cough. CHEST.--Shortness of breath, particularly when talking, with anxiety, redness of the cheeks and lips. ODyspnoea, during motion in bed. ODanger of sufocation, when making the least motion or raising the arms. OSudden suffocative attacks, with anxiety and palpitation of the heart. OSpasms of the lungs, in affections of the heart.-Pain in the chest, at intervals.-Strong painful oppression in the middle of the chest. Pressure and drawing in the chest when standing.-Lace. rating, with constriction of the muscles of the chest, when standing. Cutting constriction of the chest, with anguish.-Lacerating, with constriction of the chest.--~Spasmodic sensation in the chest, as if lU70 SPIGELIA.A; proc&edig from the pit of the *stomach; with arreet of breathin~g.--- Violent pain in the upper part of the left chest, resembling a pain as if spriained. -Sticking in the chest, contracting it. Tensive stitch in the Chest an'd abdomen. Tensive drawing stitch in the regi,on of the true ribs. Continuous tensive stitch in the ch-est, more violent during an, inspiration and expiration'. Stitch in the chbst, from within outwards. Quick painful dartinig in the front part of the chest, as fromi an electric spark. Darting pains in th-e outer -parts oif the upper portions of the chest, below the axilla. Dull stitches in the region where the beats of the heart are felt. Dull, oppressive sticking in the heart. Unusually strong beating of the hveart;, he frequently hears the beating;z the beating could be seen exte~'ally through the clothes. Palpitation of the heart and anxious oppression of the chest-, Palpita. tioil of the heart, early in the moriiing after risifigi when sitting, with anxious oppression of the chest; the heart seems to be ini a tremulous motion. The palpitation of the heart increases by sitting down; and by bending the chest forward. The anguish increases during' a deep inspiration, and when arresting the breathing; he has then palpitation of the heart and oppression; the heart beats more violently; and he feels the pulsations of the heart when laying his hand on the pit of the stomach. The part above the place where this beating is felt feels as if painfully oppressed by a load. BACK-.'Stitches in the small of the back, worse during an expira. tion and inspiration.-Twitchings in the dorsal and intercostal muscles. Stitches in the back, opposite the heart. Painful pricking in the upper dorsal vertebr~e. Bruised sensationz in the spine, even during rest.-Fe~eling of lameness in the nape of the neck, without hindering motioni. Painful sensation in the nape of the* neck, as if gone to sleep.-Red pimples on' the neck, sore to the touch. AKms.---Itching in both axillee, especially the left. Pain as if sprained in the shoulder-joint. Trembling of the upper limbs. Cutting drawing across the deltoid muscle. Pressure, with lacerating in the middle' and the extternal surface of the upper arm, more violent when touched.-Aching above the. wrist Joint, during re~t. Violent 1laneinating pains above the 'Wrist-joint. Draw-ing pain through the metacarpal hories.-Cold hands, with clammy sweat, especially in the palms. Involuntary drawing in the tendons of either hand. Lacc. rating pain in the joints of the thumb. LE*Gs.-Creeping in the calves. Drawing in the legs, from above downward,, with a feeling of warmth. H-Javiness of the lower limbs Great lassitude of the lower limbs, especially the thighs. Bruisting" pain in the groin. Itching in the skin Continual corrosive ir-cbrng SPONGIA TOSTA. 1071 of both thighs. Lacerating, with pressure, in the outer parts of the thigh. Lacerating pain, as if sprained, in the knee-joint, only when walking. Compressive pain in the knees, mingled with drawing and striking. The knee is painful when touching it, as if bruised. Bruising pain in the interior of the knee-joint, when bending the knee.-Short-lasting feeling of heaviness in the leg, when sitting.Creeping in the calves. Sticking in the calf, accompanied with jerking and pulsations in the patellce, when the knees are stretched. Smarting drawing in the tarsal-joint, with a feeling of soreness.Darting lacerating in the dorsum of the foot. 248.-SPONGIA TOSTA. SPONG.-See Hahnemann's " Materia Medica Pura," IV. COMPARE WITH-Acon., Dros., Hep.-s., Jod., Phosph.- After Spong. is frequently suitable: Hep.-s. ANTIDOTE.-Camphor. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-The lower half of the body feels numb. -Weariness in the whole body, especially the arms.-Extreme relaxation of the body and mind.--Bruised feeling in the upper and outer parts of the body. SKIN.-An itching eruption, together with red, itching spots. Itching over the whole body, as when sweat breaks out. Painful stitches in several parts of the body. SLEEP.-Great weariness and disposition to sleep. Sleepiness, with yawning.-Sleep disturbed with dreams. Sleeplessness.-Sad dreams. Fatiguing dreams. FEVER.-Cold hands. Cold feeling in the lower limbs.-Coldness, paleness, and sweat in the face, with heat of the whole body. Stretching of the upper and lower limbs. Shuddering and chilliness over the whole body. Fever, early in the morning he has pain in the head and abdomen, followed by violent chills, with cold bluish hands and some thirst: afterwards, when lying down, a dry, burning heat, with some thirst and a good deal of uneasy slumber; during the night, when waking and moving about, a nausea and vertigo.-Increased temperature of the whole body, with thirst. Flushes of heat in the face and blood, with irritation of the nerves.-Pulse full and quick. MORAL SYvPTOMs.-Paroxysms of anxiety, with heat, pain in the pit of the stomach, weeping. Headache, loss of appetite, drowsiness, lassitude all over, ill-humor.-Taciturn and dissatisfied, or indolent. 1072 SPONGIA TOSTA. SENSORIUM AND HEAD.-Weakness of the head, and a dullness which unfits him for any kind of mental labor, accompanied with a feeling of weariness through the whole body. The head feels dull and stupid. Vertigo in the head. Heaviness and fullness of the head, increased by stooping.-Dartings in the forehead, increased when walking.-Increased rush of blood to the head, with heat on the forehead and throbbing of the carotids.-Gnawing pain on the top of the head, externally. EYES.-Pressure below the eye-lids.-The eyes are sunk deep.The eyes look dull and the eye-lids are swollen.-Itching of the lids. -Redness of the whites of the eyes. Suppuration of the eyes. Considerable lachrymation. EARs.-Pressure and pushing in the ears. Otalgia, a contractive pain.-Ringing in the ears. Hardness of hearing. NOSE.-Lacerating in the nose.-Eruption on the tip of the. nose, and on the lips.-Violent, bleeding.-Tensive contraction over the root.-Dry coryza. Fluent coryza. FACE.-Pale face. Eyes sunk. OBlueness or redness, with puffiness of the face, also with expression of anxiety.-Swelling of the cheek.-Eruptions on the lips. Pain of the chin, on touching it, as from subcutaneous ulceration. JAWS AND TEETH. -Painfulness of the lower jaw to the touch. Glandular swellings, also tensive and painful to the touch, impeding the motion of the neck.-Itching in all the teeth.-The gums are swollen and painful when chewing. MOUTH AND THROAT.- Vesicles on the border of the tongue.Faint speech.-Stinging in the throat.-Burning in the larynx, then in the ears. APPETITE AND GASTRIC SYMPTOMS.-*Bitter taste. Violent hunger.-Empty eructations. OEructations, with cutting and lacerating in the stomach.-Sour regurgitations. Repeated hiccough. Bitter eructations. Disposition to vomit, without vomiting. STOMACH.-Aching pain in the region of the stomach. Sensation of internal coldness in the pit of the stomach, with fullness in that region ABDOMEN.-Stitches in the region of the liver.-Spasms in the abdomen. Colic, pinching in the whole abdomen.-Cutting in the epigastrium, after a meal. Violent colic after breakfast.-Tensive pain in the epigastrium.-Digging-up sticking in the abdomen.Strangulating sensation deep in the abdomen. Pain in the inguinal ring, as in inguinal hernia. Glandular swelling in the groin, with tensive pain when walking. Qualmish feeling in the abdomen, accompanied with frequent liquid stools. SPONGIA TOSTA. 1078 STooL.-*Hard stool.-White diarrhoea.-Bruising pain in the re gion of the anus, almost like soreness. Tenesmus in the anus, during stool, as if diarrhoea would set in.-Tensive pain from the middle of the abdomen to the anus.-Ascarides. U2INE.-Frequent micturition.-Inability to retain the urine.Thin stream. The urine deposits a thick, grayish-white sediment. MALE GENITAL ORGANS.:-Itching burning of the scrotum.Squeezing, strangulating pain in the testes.-Aching *swelling of the testes. 0Orchitis. Swollen painful spermatic cord. FEMALE GENITAL ORGANS.-Pain in the back, afterwards palpitation of the heart, previous to the menses.-Drawing in the upper and lower limbs during the menses. LARYNX.-1'Hoarseness, cough, and coryza, very violent. Scraping, burning, and constriction of the larynx. Dryness in the region of the larynx, increased by hawking. Difficult respiration, as if the throat were closed with a plug, and as if the air could not pass. Hollow *cough, with expectoration, day and night. Painful pressure belQw the short ribs when coughing. Hawking of mucus. Pain in the chest and trachea when coughing, with roughness in the throat. *Constant cough from a deep spot in the chest, where he feels a pain as if that part of the chest had become sore and bleeding from the cough. Dry cough. *Dry cough, day and night, soith a burning in the chest, as if some hot substance were in the chest; the cough diminishes after eating and drinking. CHEST.-Violent asthma. Slow, deep breathing. Hurried, panting breathing. Weak after every exertion. Boring stitch in the intercostal muscles. Fleet, painful stitches in the side of the chest. Pressure in the chest, sometimes accompanied with stitches in motion and rest. Sudden pain in the muscles of the chest and back. BACK.-Violent stitch in the small of the back. ODrawing lacerating and sticking in the small of the back.-Aching in the small of the back, only when walking. Fine lacerating in the region of the os-sacrum. Pressing sensation in the spinal marrow. 'Pain as if the cervical glands near the larynx and trachea were swelling. Several glandular swellings below the lower jaw, impeding the motion of the neck. Stiffness of the neck, when turning it and when stooping. Aching pain in the region of the larynx while singing. Painful cramp in the cervical muscles. ARMs.-Jactitation of the muscles around the shoulder-joint.Sticking drawing through the upper arm. Stitches in the elbowjoint, when moving it. Drawing pain in the lower arms. Heaviness 10-T4 SQUILLA (SCILLA) MARITIMA. in the fore-arms. Trembling of the fore-arms and hands. Violent 'drawing in the wrist-joint. Swelling of the hands. LEGS.-Pain in the internal part of the thigh, aching posteriorly. Sticking pain, with pressure, over the knee. Heaviness in the kneejoints, perceptible when walking. Weariness in the knees when walking. Lacerating in the tibia. Great uneasiness in both legs. Lacerating in the malleoli. 249.-SQUILLA (SCILLA) MARITIMA. 'SQUILL.-See Hahnemann's " Mat. Med. Pura," V. COMPARE WITt--Bry., Dros., Hyos., lod., Mur.-ac., Natr.-mur., Nux.-v., Puls.. Rhubarb., Rhus-tox., Scneg., Spong. ANTIDOTE.-Cam.phor. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-Soreness between the limbs. Continued, dull, rheumatic pains in the whole body, abating during rest and increasing during motion.-Weariness.-Feeling of heaviness in the whole body, as if weary.-The whole body becomes languid, especially when taking a long walk.-Uneasiness in the upper and lower limbs.-Violent pains in the limbs.-Spasmodic movements. Convulsions. SKIN.-Burning and itching of the skin. Small red spots on the hands, feet, chest, and the whole of the body, assuming the appearance of itch-like pimples. Cold gangrene.-Irritates the scirrhous tumors. Scirrhous tumors, accompanied by fever and inflammation, are apt to become cancerous by using Squills. SLEEP.-Frequent yawning, without drowsiness. Stretching of the upper limbs, with yawning. Languor and drowsiness after dinner. Restless sleep. Debility early in the morning, after waking and rising, especially in the region of the hips. Confused feeling and heaviness in the head. Sleep full of dreams. FEVER.-Heat and redness in the face. Heat in the head, with' cold feet. Small hard pulse. Icy-cold hands and feet, the rest of the body being warm. Chilliness and, shortly after, heat over the,whole body. Feeling of heat in the whole body, without thirst or sweat. MOrAL SYMPTOMS.-Not disposed to think, desponding. Whining mood. SENSORIUM AND HEAD.-The head feels cloudy and. dizzy. Vertigo, with nausea. Cramny pain in the si'des of the head. Contractive pain in both temples.-Dull, humming headache, early in the morn. ing after rising.-Extreme heaviness in the whole head. Aching SQUILLA (SCILLA) MARITIMA. 1-07 drawing pain in the forehead. Lacerating headache.-Digging-up pain in the forehead. Painful sensitiveness of the top of the head and internal stupefaction, early in the morning. EYES.-Contraction of the pupils. Dilatation of the pupils.-Fine burning in the outer canthi. Violent lacerating in both eyes. Turning sensation before the eyes, with obscuration of sight. EARS AND NOSE.-Sore feeling about the margins of the nostrils. -Acrid nasal mucus.-Frequent sneezing. Coryza, with ulceration of the nostrils. Profuse coryza, with dim, faint, watery eyes. FACE, JAWS, AND TEETH.-Distorted, rigid features, large eyes, and staring look, with redness of the cheeks, no thirst. ODark redness during the heat, followed by paleness.-Corrosive itching of the forehead and chin. OCracked lips, with brown crusts.-~Black lips.. OBlack teeth.-Pain in the submaxillary glands. MoUTH.-Mouth feels viscid and slimy. OMouth open and dry.Vesicles on the tongue.-Burning in the palate and throat. Scraping burning in the palate, resembling heartburn. APPETITE AND GASTRIC SYMPTOMS. -Complete loss of appetite. Canine hunger. Empty risings.-Short eructations. Sour eructations. Nausea and eructations. Desire to vomit in the region of the stomach. OConstant nausea during the morning cough. Constant alternation of a desire to vomit in the pi-t of the stomach and indication of diarrhoea in the abdomen. Excessive efforts to vomit.Violent nausea.-Vomiting. STOMACH AND ABDOMEN.-Weakness of the stomach.-Deranges tho digestive power of the stomach. Painful crampy sensation in the pit of the stomach. Cardialgia.-Pressure at the stomach, as from a stone. Excessive pain in the stomach. Inflammation of the bowels. Drawing pain in the abdomen. Lacerating through the abdomen, below the umbilicus. Acute pain between the umbilicus and the pubic region. Cutting-pinching in the abdomen. ~Ascites. ST60o-L.-Hard, scanty faces. Papescent stool, without colic. Discharge of a quantity of browns, loose, slimy, foetid faeces. 0Black diarrhoea. Bloody stools. Itching of the anus. URINE.-Tenosmus of the bladder after micturition.-Great desire to urinate, with scanty emission. Constant, but ineffectual desire to emit urine. Great desire to urinate.-*Reddish urine, with red sediment, 0also hot and dark urine. Sanguinolent urine.-*Urinacte at night. ODiabetes. GENITAL ORGANS.-Anxious dull stitches in the glans.-Compres. sive pain in the testicles.-Hiemorrhage from the uterus. LARYNX.-Slight irritation in the pit of the throat, inducing cough. 1076 STANNUM. Cough in the morning, with profuse mucous expectoration. *Violent cough early in the morning, with stitches in the side at every turn of cough, with expectoration. OCough from drinking cold water. OCough at every inspiration, evening and night. *Cough, with expectoration. Constant expectoration of mucus. OCough, with bloody expectoration. Dry, violent cough, occasioning a racking pain in the abdomen, and dryness in the throat. Cough, even to retching. Coughing, talking, or performing the least exercise excites an intolerable feeling of heat, without any heat being perceptible externally. Headache and stoppage of breathing during cough. OPressure on the bladder during cough, and spurting out of the urine. CHEST.-Heavy, slow expirations and inspirations. Dyspnoea, with frequent quick breathing and anxiety as long as the asthma lasted. Dyspncea and sticking in the chest. Oppression across the chest, as if it were too tight. *A kind of pleurisy. *Stitches in the left side. Repeated stitches in the sides.-Drawing pain in the chest. -~The pains in the chest are worse towards morning.-o Congestion of blood to the chest.-~Pneumonia and pleurisy. BACK.-Red pimples on the back. Stinging itching about the throat and jaws. Drawing and squeezing about the cervical muscles. Stiffness in the nape of the neck. ARMs.-Convulsive jerking of the arm. Painless jerkings and jactitations in the muscles of the upper arm. Darting pain in the wrist-joints. Stitch-like drawing pain from the wrist-joint into the fingers. LEGS.-Convulsive jerking of the upper and lower limbs, when sitting. The thighs feel bruised. Weariness of the thighs.-Prickings in both thighs. Drawing pain in the muscles of both thighs.Drawing pain in the leg.-Sweat of the toes. 250.-STANNUM. STANN.-Tin.-See Hahnemann's "Mat. Med. Pur.," V. COMPARE WITH-Am.-carb. and mur., Arg.-met. and nitr., Cale.-e., Cann., Caust., Chin., Dulc., Fer., Ign., Puls., Seneg., Sil., Zinc. ANTIDOTE.-Pu1s. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-Stitching pinching, alternately, in various parts of the body.-Heaviness in all the limbs, languid feeling in the chest, and more or less violent fits of anxiety. Bruised pain in the limbs, and especially above the small of the back. Extreme STANNUM. 1077 relaxation of body and mind.-Loss of strength, as if his lower limbs had been crushed.-Excessive heaviness.-Great weariness, with constant inclination to sit. Trembling and unsteady in the whole body and limbs.-Faint and drowsy. OExhausted from talking.OSweats easily when walking during the languor. ONervousness.oIntolerable uneasiness in the whole body.-~Hysteric spasms.oEclampsia of children during dentition. OEpilepsy, with clenching of thumbs, pale face, loss of consciousness.-~Emaciation.Consumption. CHARACTERISTIC PECULIARITIES.-Many pains, especially the drawing pains with pressure, commence lightly, increase gradually and to a very high degree, and decrease again as slowly. The symptoms seem to disappear when walking, they return immediately when at rest; the lassitude is greatest when walking. SKIN.-Itching burning pricking over the whole body.-Itching eruption over the whole body. SLEEP.- Stretching of the arms and legs. A good deal of yawning, when walking in the open air.-Drowsiness. Uneasiness in the whole body. Anxious dreams. Confused, vivid dreams. Drowsy and dizzy in the morning. FEvER.-Shuddering. Slight feeling of coldness and moderate shuddering, with goose-flesh on the arms and continued chattering of the teeth.-Chilliness over the whole body. oChilliness over the back, in the evening, or only about the head, with thirst. Quicklypassing chilliness along the back.-Great heat in the head, with hot forehead, sometimes with redness of the face, accompanied with a general, but slight heat of the whole body. Violent heat over the whole body, especially the chest and back. OBurning heat in the limbs and particularly on the hands.--Profuse sweat, for two nights, exhausting.--Hectic fever.?-~Worm fever.?--Pulse quick and small. MORAL SYMPTOMS.-Sad, hypochondriac mood.-Indescribable anguish and melancholy. * Want of disposition to talk. *Discouragement.-Restlessness. Dullness of mind, paleness and dimness of sight. Dissatisfaction. Ill-humor. SENSORIUM.-Dizziness of the whole head.-Dullness of the head, as if catarrh would set in, with sneezing. Heaviness and dullness of the head, worse in the evening.-Stupefying vertigo. HEAD.-Headache, almost every morning, with want of appetite, nausea, and ill-humor.-Pressure in the forehead, temple, and vertex, diminishing by external pressure. Pressure in the forehead. Stupefying aching pain in the brain -over the eye-brows. Dizzy pres 10788 STrANNNUM. 8ure, through. the, whole head. Pain., the whole day, as if the temple's zeoubl4 be crushed. Pain as. if the forehead would be crushed. Boring in the occipital bones, with intensely painful heaviness. -Drawin~g through the forehead. and vertex, with a sensation of pressure. Pressure, with lacerating in the forehead.-Pulsative stitching- in the temple, with heat in the, head, chilliness in the. body, with slumber and loss of sense.-Beating pain in the temples.-Painful sensation, when shaking. the head, as. if the brain were loose.-Hlumming. in the head.-Sense as of faintness in the head, and sleepiness.--Pain, as front subcutaneous ulceration, in the outer parts of -the head. EYES.-Pressure in the eyes. - Sudden, intensely painful, dull shocks on the outcr side of the upper border of the orbit.-Burning in the eyes.-Nightly agglutination of the eye-lids, and weakness of the eyes in the day time.-Contraction of the eye-lids, with. redncss. of the whites, and burning sensation.-Jerkings in the eyes.. Faint, dim, sunken eyes. EARS.--Dragging pain in the outer. ear.-Pressure in the. outer part of the mastoid process.-Boring pain in the right ear, with cold feet.-Sensation in the ear as if blood were rushing th~rough it. NoSE.-Violent bleeding of the nose. Left nostril is closed, swollen, red, painful to the touch. FAcE.-*Pace pale and sunken, Oalso with sunken. eyes.-Flushes of heat in the face -Stu~pefying pain in the face, especially in the for ehe ad.-Contractive pain in the bones of the face and teeth of the right sid-e.-Burning-itching stinging in the malar bones. Pain and swelling of the upper jaw.-IItching pimiples in the face..'JAWS AND TEETH.-Painful Swelling of the submaxillary, glands. *-The teeth feel elongated. Jerking pain in all the teeth.-*Loosenes-s ofthe teeth. MOUTH.-Yellowish mucus on the tongue. Fcetid, odor from the mouth and throat.-0Red tongue. TRRoAT.-Sore throat, as if swollen, with feeling of dryness and a drawing tensive pain.-Cutting in the pharynx, as with knives, when swallowing.-Feeling of dryness and stinging in the throat. Sc~ap.. ing below the pit. of the throat, internally. Scraping in the throat. ' TASTE AND APPETITE.-Bitter-sour' taste.-Sweetish rising in the throat.-Great appetite and hunger.-Increased thirst. GASTR.IC SYierTOMS.-OG~reat weakness of digestion.- Frequent hiccough.-Frequent empty eructations. Sour eructations, 2idtla subsequent roughness of the throat.-Nausea and bitterness in the mouth. Nausea after a meal.-Retching in the evening, followed by soor, and afterwards bitter taste in the mouth. Retching, with sen. STA{NTJNI. sation as of deranged stomach.-Bitter. bilious, vomiting after eating soup. Sour vomiting. Vomiting of undigested food, after violent retching. *Hcematemesis. STOMACH.-Pressure and crowded sensation in the, pit of the stomach. Tensive pressure in the pit. Dull hard pressure under the last cartilages of the ribs.-Cutting around the stomach.--Spasmodio griping in the stomach and around the umbilicus, with, constant nausea, and with anxious rising to the pit of the stomach.--0Chronio cardialgia, with bitter eructations, feeling of hunger, and diarrhe.a. OCardialgia, with nausea and sickly complexion. ABDOMEN.-Quickly-passing burning below the diaphragm, OIHysteric and hypochondriac spasms in the region of the diaphragm, and abdomen.--Stinging in the region of the spleen. Simple pain in the hypochondria, followed by dull shocks.-Sudden painful jerking in both sides below the true ribs.-~Stinging in the region of the liver. Pressure in the region of the liver.-Pain in the abdomen, extending into the stomach and in both sides below the ribs. Drawing pressure, in various parts of the abdomen.-Tensive pain in the abdomen, towards the small of the back, most violent when stooping.-Painful distention of the abdomen, with painful sensitiveness of the abdominal integuments to the touch. Bloatedness of the dbdomen. Pinching cutting in the umbilical region, almost the, whole day. Pinching in the umbilical region, as from a cold. Painful, digging-up in the umbilical region.-Sore feeling in the whole abdomen, worse when touched. Smarting pain in the abdomen. Pain of the abdomen, when touched, as from subcutaneous ulceration, with arrest of breathing.-Dull stitches in the region of the kidneys, from without inward. Stinging pain in the hypogastrium.-Burning pain in the. abdomen.-Feeling of emptiness in the abdomen, without hunger.-Pressure in the inguinal glands, with swelling in that region. STooL.-Retention of stool.-Frequent desire for stool--Unsuccessful desire for stool.-Dry stool, in. lumps. Dry stool, of large size, with violent cutting pains. Frequent and continuous desire, as if diar. rhoea would set in. Greenish, scanty stool.--Burning pain in, the, region of the liver after stool. Dull pressure in the rectumn after, stool. 'Discharge of mucus after stool.-Aching pain in the recturo. Soreness and, smarting at-the anus, with fine stinging. URINE.--Retention of urine. *Frequent desire to urinate, with copious emission. After micturition, intensely-painful pressure in. the neck of the bladder and along the urethra.-Burning in kbe fore part of the urethra, especially when urinating. 1080 STANNUM. MALE GENITAL ORGANS.-Burning in the interior of the genital organs.-Burning pain in the glans, and shortly after desire to urinate. -Pricking sensation in the glans. FEMALE GENITAL ORGANS.-Prolapsus-vagince.-The menses are more profuse than usual.-Pain in the region of the malar bone previous to the menses, when touching it.-*Discharge of transparent mucus from the vagina. OCessation of the leucorrhoeal discharge. oYellowish leucorrhoea. Leucorrhoca with great loss of strength. LARYNX AND TRACHEA.--Rough throat. *Hoarseness; weakness and emptiness in the chest. OChronic catarrh, with roughness, weakness of the chest, dyspncea, and cough, with expectoration. oMucus in the trachea, in the forenoon. Accumulation of mucus in the chest, with rattling breathing.-Titillating creeping in the throat.-Irritation in the trachea, during an inspiration.-Short cough from time to time, as if from weakness of the chest, with hoarse, weak sound.Exhausting fits of cough, which occasioned a bruised sort of pain in the pit of the stomach. *Dry concussing cough. OCough excited by reading, talking, or singing. oCough from lying on the right side. ~Cough from titillation in the chest.-Oppression of the chest when coughing.-Scraping in the throat, *with greenish expectoration of a disagreeable sweetish taste, hoarse speech; *after every cough, sore feeling in the chest and trachea. Violent cough, with expectoration and spitting of blood. *Yellow expectoration from the trachea, having a putrid taste. ~Expectoration having a putrid taste. OMucous phthisis. OConsumptive cough. CHEST.-Fit of asthma, short breathing, and anguish.-~Asthma at night, when lying on the back, and from exercise in the daytime. Asthma and want of breathing, when going up-stairs or performing the least motion. OAsthma, as if the clothes were too tight.-Wheezing and rattling in the chest.-*Oppressive weight in the upper part of the chest. Oppression of the chest, as if something were rising into the throat arresting the breathing. Short troublesome breathing, from weakness of the respiratory organs, with great emptiness of the chest.-Pressure deep in the chest, as from a load.-*Constric. tion of the chest, in the evening, with anguish. OTension across the chest. Stitches in the chest and shoulder-joint when taking breath. Sharp, piercing prickings on the clavicle. Frequent cuttings through the chest, from the elbow upward. Aching in the whole ches-t, especially above the pit of the stomach, worse during an inspiratian. -Bruised pain in the chest, when at rest and in motion. *Sore pain in the whole chest, commencing in the throat. OFeeling of weakness in the chest, as if deprived of its contents, particularly after expecto STAfqNUM. 1081 rating or talking.-Digging-up pain in the chest, and thence descending into the abdomen, exciting a desire for stool. BACK.-Violent creeping in the small of the back. Burning pressure in the small of the back. Stitching pinching in the back, in the region of the false ribs. Violent lacerating in the lumbar vertebrce. Fine pricking through the back, from within outward.-Drawing pressure in the spine, below and between the scapuice, more violent during motion, especially when turning the body. Slow, intermittent, dull stitches between the scapulae, more violent during motion, especially when turning the body. Slow, intermittent, dull stitches between the scapulae. NEcK.-Itching prickings in the nape of the neck. Drawing in the nape of the neck. Pain in the nape of the neck when bending the head forward. Weakness of the muscles of the nape of the neck. ARMs.-Compressive sensation in the shoulder. Paralytic lacerat ing in and below the shoulder-joint, more violent during motion Paralytic pain, as if sprained, close below the shoulder-joint, only wheri at rest. Weariness in the arms and legs.-Pain in the arm-joints as if sprained.---Arms and fingers are almost entirely immovable. Paralytic weakness and oppressive heaviness of the arms, aggravated by every motion, and sometimes -with want of breath.-Transitory drawing from the elbow towards the upper arm. Lacerating, with pressure in both upper arms, in paroxysms. Tension and sore feeling in the tip of the elbow. Pain, as if sprained, in the wrist-joint. Jerking lacerating in the hand, proceeding from the fingers. Lacerating with pressure, at intervals, in the metacarpal and carpal bones. Weakness and trembling of the hands. *Swelling of;the hands, in the evening. Burning itching in the dorsum of the hand. Small, red, painless spots on the dorsa of both hands. Chilblains on the hand.-Lacerating, with pressure in the posterior joints of the fingers. Cramp in the fingers. Pricking in the tips of all the fingers.-Pain ful hang-nails. LwiOs.-Violent pain in the muscles around the hip-joint, when rais ing the thigh. Drawing in the hip. Pain as if sprained close below the hip-joint, in the thigh, only when walking. Uneasiness in the limbs.--Paralytic heaviness and weakness in the limbs, especially in the thighs and knee-joints. Painful weariness of the lower limbs when standing. Bruised pain of the lower limbs.-Itching pricking in the upper and inner side of the thigh. Pulsative dull pressure in the middle of the inner side of the thigh. Pain, as if sprained, in the thigh, below the hip-joint, when walking. Sudden stiffness of the knee. Drawing lacerating in the bone, from the knee to the middle 46 1082 STAPHYSAGRIA. of the thigh. Languor in the knee-joint, with drowsiness. Bruised pain in the bends of the knees and in the calves. Cold knees and feet.-Drawing lacerating in the log. Violent cramp in the calf, almost the whole night. Pulsative pressure in the tibia. Small swelling on the tibia, with a red point on it. Disagreeable heat in the feet, which can scarcely be felt by the hand. Violent burning in the feet and hands. Reddish swelling of the feet, especially around the ankles. ~Sudden swelling around the ankles, in the evening. Creeping in the feet, as after a long walk. 251.-STAPHYSAGRIA. STAPH.-Delphinium Staphis Agria, L.-See Hahnemann's " Materia Medios Puira," Vol. IV. COMPARE wITH--Ambr., Am., Con., Ign., Lye., Mere., Nux-v., Phosph.-ao., Phosph., Puls., Ruta, Thuj., Verat. ANTIDOTEs.-Camph.-It is used as an antidote against Mere. and Thuj, GQENERAL SYMPTOMS.--0Scorbutic affections.-oScrofulous and rickety affections. OArthritic nodosities of joints.? o00hronio mercurial ailments..Ailments from chagrin, with indignation, also from care and grief. lHysteric and hypochondriac ailments. 0Onanism.? OH-emiplegia, after chagrin. Drawing lacerating pain here and there in the muscles of the whole body, when sitting. Pain in the jpints when moving. Paralytic drawing in different parts of the body, especially the joints. All his limbs ache. Pain in all the bones. The whole body feels painful, as if bruised, with feeling of lassitude, worse during motion. Debilitated all over, especially in the joints, when walking. SKIN.-Itching, sharp stitches in diferent parts of the body. Prick. ings, resembling flea-bites, in the lower limbs. Stinging burning here and there in the skin. OChronic rash, or with nocturnal con. vulsions. Itch-like eruptions. OHerpetic eruptions. ODry crusty herpes. oCut wounds. - *Frequent boils. - Mercurial ulcers.? o0Carious and scorbutic ulcers.? OIndurated glandular swellings. oAffection of bones. OSwellings. OInflammations. OCaries.? SLEEP.-Violent yawning. Great drowsiness. Wakefulness early in the morning, followed by drowsiness and a chilly shuddering over the back. Tossing about during sleep. Vivid, disagreeable dreams. Restless dreams. Amorous dreams and emissions of semen. FEVER.-Coldness in the evening. Shuddering the whole night, without thirst and without subsequent heat. Internal shuddering, $TA MY SA.G r "A, 10~^ with, violent thirst. Shuddering, with drowsiness and dryness ofthe mouth. Chill, shaking the whol body, with warm forehead, hot cheeks, and! cold hands, without subsequent heat and thirst. OEvening-fever, consisting of the cold stage merely. OTertian, with sporbutic symptoms. QInability to sweat, even when taking the most violent exercise, with pale face and headache. OCold sweat on the forehead, hands, and feet.-Profuse night-sweat. *Putrid-smpelling night-sweats. MiORAL SYMPTOMS.-Sadness, with ill-humor. 4*Great desire to woeep, *Great indifference. Indifference, with phlegmatic mood and mental, relaxation. Great anxiety, with fearfulness. Ill-humor. ~Great sensivenqss. Quarrelsome. SFNsORLuM.-TDllness of the mind. Vanishing of the ideas. Great weakness of memory. Dullness of the head, alternating with great clearness. Constant dullness of the head, with oppression of the mind. Vertigo, only in the room, as if stupefied. Vertigo on stooping.and turning the head rapidly. HlEAD.-Heaviness of the head. Alternation of stupefying and boring headache. Lacerating in the outer parts of the head and in the teeth. Itching of the hairy scalp. Itching, crusty eruption of the hWiry scalp. * Itching pimples in the nape of the neck. Pain in the vertex, a sort of contraction and compression from all sides. Oppressive, stupefying headach4. Pain in the head when stooping. Headache, as if the, brain were compressed. Hard pressure in the, head, in. the region of the temporal bone, and of the vertex. Aching pain in the left temple. Drawing: pressure in the forehead. Dull, painful, sometimes sticking, pressure from within outward. Sharp pressure on the top of the head. Lacerating in the forehead. Sticking headache, the whole day. Dull pinching headache in the forehead, with stitches in the region of the temples. Pulsative. Headache during motion. Drawing-cutting lacerating in the side of the forehead. Corrosive itching of the whole of the occiput. Itching gnawing of the hairy scalp. Fine burning pricking of the scalp. Itheumatic drawing, with pressure. Painfid drawing in severa4 outer parts of the head, more violent swhen, touched. ~A number of itching scabs on the hairy scalp,-*Sqabs on the hairy scalp, itching "violently. *Humid scabs, also with bad smell. EYES.-Pressure in the eye. Contractive sensation in the upper eye-lid. Aching pain in the upper part. of the eye-ball. Dim-sightedness, as if the eyes were full of water, with itching and stinging in the inner canthus. Smarting pain in the inner canthi. Dry gum in the inner canthus, constantly.-Sensation in the eyes as if sleepy. 1084 STAPHYSAGRIA. Itching of the margins of the eye-lids. Inflammation of the white of the eye, with pain.-Pimples around the inflamed eye. OInflamma. tion of the lids. OSpasmodic closing of the lids.-Contraction of the pupils. Dilatation of the pupils. Dull stitches in the eyes, when exerting them. Sticking shocks in the eye-ball, as if it would burst. Deep., hollow eyes, with blue elevated margins. Illusion of sight. EARS.-Dull, but deep stitches in the interior ear. Tensive stitch in the left ear. OHard hearing, from swelling of the tonsils. NOSE.- Smarting and soreness in the nostril, as if ulcerated. Soreness of the inner nose, with scurf in the lower part.-Frequent sneezing, with or without catarrh.-*Stoppage of the nose. *Obstruction of the posterior nares, with nasal twang.-Coryza with cough. OCoryza, with ulcerated nostrils. Fluent coryza, with alternate discharge of watery fluid and thick mucus, with titillation in the nose. Sudden coryza, with catarrhal speech. FAcE.-Hollow eyes, with weary-looking, pointed countenance. Blue margins around the deeply-sunken eyes, as after excesses. 'The face becomes brown and blue, from indignation and chagrin.-ONervous prosopalgia. *Pressure and beating, extending from the teeth to the eyes. Ulcerative pain of the left cheek, when yawning. Drawing in the malar bones. Lacerating and pulling through the cheek, from the head to the teeth. OInflammatory pains of the malar bones.?Itching of the cheeks. Burning prickings in the face and the rest of the body. Pimples on the cheeks, forehead, and in the corners of the mouth. Tensive pain of the facial eruption.-Sensation in the lip as from fine cuts, as if it had become cracked. JAWS AND TEETH.-The submaxillary glands are painful, as if swollen and contused. Swellings of the tonsils and submaxillary glands. The toothache is excited by drawing air into the mouth. Painful traction in the teeth, from time to time, followed by beating in the gums. Drawing toothache, with pressure in the anterior teeth. Violent drawing toothache, with swelling of the cheeks. Violent lacerating in the roots of the teeth. Painful drawing in the gums of the molar teeth and in their roots. When eating he feels a lacerating in the gums and in the roots of the lower molar teeth. Toothache when irting. Lacerating toothache, *immediately after eating and chewing, and after taking a cold drink. When drinking anything cold her teeth become painfully affected, like hollow teeth. The teeth begin to grumblo, even when chewing. Burning swelling of the gums, with heat in the cheek. The gums are painful to the touch. The gums become pale and white. The teeth blacken rapidly. The gums become corroded. STAPHYSAGRIA. 1085 MOUTH AND PHARYNX.-Vesicles in the mouth. Ulcers. OPainful adventitious growths on the inner cheek. Ptyalism. Bloody saliva. Mouth constantly filled with water. Tongue coated white. Sticking pain in the border of the tongue. Dry feeling on the tongue, accumulation of sourish water in the mouth. Rough throat, as if sore. Dry feeling of the throat, especially in the evening. Swelling of the sublingual gland. Burning scraping in the palate, between and during deglutition, OSwelling of the tonsils from abuse of Mercury. TASTE, APPETITE, AND GASTRIC SYMPTOMS.-Flat, qualmish taste in the mouth. Nasty, bitter taste in the mouth. *Extreme canine hunger, even when the stomach was full of food. OCanine hunger, with water-brash. ODesires only liquid things. OGreat desire for wine; Ofor tobacco. Scraping eructations, affecting the larynx. Hiccough after every meal. Nausea, with desire to vomit, every morning. Desire to vomit. Sensation as if the stomach were hang. ing down relaxed. Sensation as if one would vomit, in the morning. Tasteless eructations. Frequent hiccough accompanied with nausea and stupefaction of the head. S.rTMACH.-- yressure in the stomach, early in the morning. OPres. sure in the stomach, with tension, excited and aggravated by eating. Pressure in the pit of the stomach, with fullness and sticking. Digging-up pain in the stomach. ABDOMEN.-Tension across the epigastrium and in the hypochondria. Crampy pressure below the sternum. Fleeting painful pressure under the last ribs. Contraction in the hypochondriac region, oppressing the chest and breathing. The abdomen feels compressed, which oppresses the breathing. Drawing pain through the abdomen. Rumbling and cutting in the abdomen. Continued sticking pain in the abdomen. Cutting in the bowels, especially after a meal, with nausea. Spasmodic cutting in the abdomen, with trembling of the knees. Cutting in the abdomen, before stool. Hard painful pressure below the umbilicus. Continuous dull stitch in the region around the navel. Bruising pain above the hips, in the loins, extending below the umbilicus. Bruised pain in the abdomen. Itching prickings in the umbilical region. Rumbling in the abdomen, and draw. ing in the intestinal canal. Violent screwing-pinching pain in the whole of the abdomen. Tremulous sensation in the abdomen, and in. dication for diarrhoea. ~Pot-belliedness of children.-*Swelling of the inguinal glands. OInguinal hernia from mechanical causes. STOOL.-Cutting colic and nausea, early in the morning, followed by diarrhoea. Colic, with diarrihoic stool, the last portion of which 1086 STAPHYSAGRIA, is mere mucus. Diarrhoea and flatulence.-Dysenteric stools, with tenesmus and cutting. Costiveness. Hard, scanty stool, with a burn. ing-cutting pain in the anus. Loose, but difficult stool, owing to a constriction of the anus, as in hemorrhoids. Frequent desire for stool, without colic. Cutting in the abdomen, with violent desire for stool. Continuous aching pain in the rectum, when sitting. URINE.-Copious red urine. *Frequent emission of a watery urine aF first. *Frequent desire to urinate, passing a small quantity of dark-colored urine. OPainful micturition. Smarting and burning tingling at the orifice of the urethra. Burning deep in the urethra. GENITAL GRGANS.-Nocturnal emissions, accompanied with lascivious dreams. Drawing (lacerating) with pressure in the testicle. FEMALE GENITAL ORGANS.-Spasmodic pains in the pudendum and the vagina. Stinging itching of the pudendum. OOvaritis.? Cancer of the womb.? LARYNX AND TRACHEA.-OPressure and contraction in the pit of the throat. ORoughness of the larynx, after much talking. Tenacious mucus in the chest. *Cough, with titillation. Cough, with expectoration mixed with drops of blood, preceded by a scraping sensation in the chest.-*Cough, with yellow expectoration like pus. Ulcerative pain behind the sternum, when coughing. Dry and hollow cough. Sharp irritation in the larynx, with desire to cough. CHEST.-*Contractive oppression of the chest, causing slow and difficult inspirations. Pressure above the pit of the stomach, like soreness, with nausea in that region.-Oppression of the chest and feeling of uneasiness. OSpasm of the diaphragm after chagrin. Dull stitches in the intercostal muscles. Soreness behind the sternum. Palpitation of the heart. Tremulous palpitation of the heart during slight exercise. Violent palpitation of the heart. Constant pain in the middle of the sternum, as if ulcerated. Bruising pain in the muscles of the chest. Pain of the outer parts of the chest to the touch. Rash on the chest. Herpetic eruption in the region of the lower ribs. BACK.-Stitches and pain as if sprained in the small of the back, oduring rest. Drawing-down pain in the small of the back, more when stooping than when standing erect. Pressing in the small of the back the whole night, as if bruised. Violent burning in the lower and outer parts of the os-sacrum. Drawing pressure in the first dorsal vertebrae, accompanied with a smarting sensation. 0Abscess in the psoas muscle. OCurvature of the spine.? Pressure and tension in the muscles of the nape of the neck and shoulder. Early in the morning, rheumatic pain in the nape of the neck. OGlandular swell STRAM~ONIUM. 1087 ings.? Heaviness of the head and weakness of the cervical muscles. Tensive pressure in the side of the neck. Drawin'g-aching rheumatic pain in the side of the neck. Aimis.-Dull aching pain in the axilla. Slight pressure on the shoulder, painful to the touch. Dull sticking pain in the region of the shoulder-joint, more violent when touching' or maying the joint. Violent aching pain in-the shoulder-joint. Drawing, with pressure, in the shoulder-joints Lacerating pain in the upper arm. Paralytic pain in the outer parts of the upper arm, more violent during mq~otion and contact. Drawing, with pressure, here and there, in the upper limbs, more violent when touched. Pain in the region of the bones otharonly d uring motion. Drawing-lacerating pain in the fore. arm. Paralytic weakness around the elbow-joint. Drawing, with pressure, in the muscles of the fore-arm and on the dorsum of the hand. Drawing pressure in the wrist, especially during motion. Drawing pain through the metacarpal bones in the dorsum of *the hand, especially during motion. Paralytic drawing-pain in the. phaiangealjoints, more violent during motion. 0Arthritic nodosities of the finger-joints.? Cramp in the fingers and in several parts of the limbs. LEGs.-Stinging itching- of the glutei muscles and several parts of the body. Aching pain around the hip-joint when walking and sit. ting. OCoxa-gra with threatening suppuration.?? Sore pain in the upper and internal surface of the thigh. Herpes on the thighs and legs. Paralytic pain, like drawing, in the middle of the thigh. Itchinga stin ging in the internal sides of the thighs. Weakness of the thighs and legs. Pain in the thigahs when walking. Dull stitches in the region of the knee-joint, near the patella. Burning itching pimples on the leg. Boring stitch in the right tibia, during rest. Drawing, with pressure, in the outer part of the' tibia, when sitting. Painless swelling of the dorsa of both feet. Burning painful itching in the toes, as if frozen. 252.-STRAMONIUM. STRAM.-Datnra Stramonium, Thorn Apple, Stink-Weed--See Hahnemann'u "Materia Medica Pura,"7 IV. COMPARE WITH-Aeon., Bell., Bry., Campli., Canth., Chain., Coco., Hell., Hyos., TOn., Mere., Nux-v., Op., Plumb., Tabac., Verat., Zinc. A.N-rwOTzs.-Vegetable acids and Lemon-juice, Vinegar, Nux-v., Op., Tabso.-." Strain. antidotcs Merc. and Plumb. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-Su ppress ion of all the s'ecretions--4 1088 STRAMONIUM. Extreme irritability. Fainting, with great dryness in the mouth. Heaviness of the limbs. Immobility.--*Loss of voluntary.motion, and loss of the senses. *Stiffness of the whole body. *Paralyzea limbs ~after apoplexy.? Paralysis of several parts of the body. OEpileptic convulsions, also with weeping. OSpasms after fright.OSpasms from mercurial vapors.? OSpasms of children. OChorea St. Viti.-OTonic spasms of children. Continual cramp in the hands and feet. *Violent motion of the limbs. 'Convulsions. Frightfui convulsions at the sight of a candle, mirror, or of water. The convul sions and the delirium were especially excited by contact; they were followed by weakness. *Spasmodic movements. SKIN.-Eruption. Blisters on'the skin. Itching eruption. Chest and back are covered with a red rash, pale in the morning, redder and more frequent in the afternoon. Tingling in all thWe limbs. oMeasles with delirium. ~Anasarca after scarlatina, with typhoid fever.? OCopper color of the skin of the knee.-Redness of old cicatrices. SLEEP.-Drowsy and staggering. *Deep sound sleep. Slumber, with stertorous breathing, and a bloody froth at the mouth. Restless sleep, violent headache, and profuse diuresis. Restless sleep, full of dreams, with tossing about in bed. Restless sleep, followed by violent headache, vertigo, lachrymation, and ptyalism. Sleep interrupted' by screams. Great restlessness with moaning, or with itching of the skin. Sleepless. FEvER.-Tremulous, weak, unequal, sometimes intermittent pulse. Small quick pulse. Frequent, quick, small, irregular pulse. Small, quick, and at last scarcely perceptible pulse. Extinct pulse. Strong full pulse of 90 beats.-Chill through the whole body. The limbs and the Irunk are cold. Chilliness and shuddering of the limbs at night. Violent chill. ~Heat of the head, then general coldness, then heat with thirst. *Fever in the afternoon, two days in succession. Fever every day after noon. Great heat, with quick and small pulse and bright-red vermilion-colored countenance. Heat of the whole body. OGastric fevers, with jerking of the arms and fingers. OWorm fevers. OTyphus-stupidus. OTyphus after scarlet and purple rash. OTyphoid fever of the remittent character, with pain in the ear and terminating in the left side of the chest, dry cough aggravating the pain. Copious sweat. Frequent sweat, with good appetite, diar. rhoea, distention of the abdomen, and colic. Profuse sweat with colic. MORAL SYMPTOMS.-OMelancholy. *The symptoms are worst after the fall equinox. OIs at times indifferent to his business. Furious delirium. Indomitable rage. Great desire to bite. Alternation of STRAMONIUM. 1089 convulsions and rage. OHydrophobia.? Phlegmatic, with weariness of mind and sadness of heart. Out of humor and restless. Exceedingly fretful. OLoud laughing, alternating with vexed mood and moaning. SENSORIUM.-Vertigo, with pain in the abdomen, and a gauze before his eyes. Vertigo, with diarrhoea. Vertigo, headache, dim-sightedness, violent thirst. Intoxication, with thirst, and a profuse flow of a burning urine. Rush of blood to the head. Apoplexy. Weakness of the head. Heaviness in the head. Stupefaction of the head, with dim-sightedness. Stupidity. Dullness of the head. Extreme insensibility of all the senses. Intoxication. Stupid feeling in the head. Intoxication, and heaviness in the boly. Vertigo. Disagreeable light-headedness, with a feeling of weakness in the head. Diminished memory. Uneasiness, delirium. *He does not notice the objects around him. OStupefaction of the senses and insensibility to external impressions. Absence of mind; bland delirium. Im. becility. Insanity. *Strange fancies. *Loquacious delirium. ~Delirium with strange ideas. *Insane, he dances, gesticulates, breaks into a laughter, sings. oKneels in bed, starts up at the least contact with cries and wild gestures. OReligious mania, with pious looks. Confusion of intellect, he laughs, moans. OTalks with ghosts. Senseless quarrelling. ODelirium throughout the evening. OTimid mania, in childbirth. OMania, with pride and affectation. *Frightful fancies, his features show fright and terror; he imagines he is quite alone in a wilderness, abandoned; he is afraid. Inclines to start. Alternate consciousness and rage. OAlternation of ludicrous manners and sad looks. HEAD.-Headache. Dull or violent headache. ~Headache, with obscuration of sight and hardness of hearing. Pain in the head and pelvis. Headache with anorexia. OBeating headache, particularly in the vertex, and with fainting fits. Giddy headache with fainting and thirst. Headache and pain in the eyes. Violent headache and toothache, with profuse lachrymation. -*Convulsions of the heaa -and arms, with hiccough. Spasmodic drawing, only in the head and eyes, with grinding of the teeth. FAcE.--Swollen face, turgid with blood. Swelling of the face, eyes, and tongue. *Swelling and redness of the eyes and face. OTurgid face, also with friendly expression. OCircumscribed redness of the cheeks.-Trembling of the lips, hands, and feet. Pale face. EYEs.-Contracted pupils. *Dilatation of the pupils. The pupils are dilated and immovable. Dim, sad look. *Sparkling eyes. *Glistening eyes. *Staring, somnolent eyes. Burning of the eyes. 46* 1090 STRAMONIMM with dim-sightedness and p-rofuse "Sweat. Pressure and te'nsiion in both eyes. Pressui-e in the eye-lids, as if sw~ollen. Ulcerated eyei. lids. Agglutination of the eye-lids, at night. Swelling of the eyes. S~welling and inflammation of the eye-lids. Redness of the whiftes of thc' eyes mad the margins of the eye-lids. Extreme sensitiveness of the eyes to the light. Lacbrymation of both eyes, wVith obseuratiofi of sight. Dim-sighitedness. Dimn-si ghtedness with thirst and sweat. Vertigo and headache after dim-81ightedness. Presbyopia. Indistinct confused sight. Diplopia. The objects are multiplied and of various colors. Disappcarianee of sight and hearing. Dull'ness of 'Vision. Almost complete blindness. EARS AND NOSE. - Complete deafness. Illusions of hearing. Spasmodic sneezing. 0Pain in the left ear. TIEETH- Grindling of teeth, with shudderhfig over the Whole body; with gloominess in the head.-Grinding of teeth, contortion of the hands, and. shuddering lock-jaw, with closed lips.-Beating toothache. MOUTH- The inner mouth feels raw and sore.-Inability to swallow, on account of dryniess of the throat. The palate feels parched. Dryness of m-outh, thirst; dim-sightedness, sparkling eyes, sweat, and diarrhoam. Constant m uttering. Stuttering. *A kinid of paralysis of the organs of speech. _Dumb. hlis tongue is paralyzed. Swelling of the tongue. Bloody froth at the molu*th. Hydrophobia: restiessness, violetit convulsions; delirious, without memory or con. scio.usness; irresistible aversion to water, with constriction and con. V'ulsions of the cesophagus, froth at the mouth, and frequent spittinig. Frequent ptyalism. Ptyalism, with hoarseness. Tenacious ptyalism. THROAT.-Difficult deglutition, with stinging pain in the fauces.-." Difficult deglutition, withi aching pain in the submaxillary glands. Constriction' and spasm of the cesophagus. Thirst, violent, or with headache. Violent thirst, with copious secretion of burning urine. TASTE AND GA5TRIC SY'MP-romms.-Constant bitterness in the mouth. Diminishedl appetite. Undiminished appetite, with colic, diarrhoea, and vomniting. Increased appetite. - Spasmodic hiccough; *sour' eructation~s-Inclination to vomit. Inclination to vomit, with profuse pty~alism, in the evening. Nausea. Vomiting of green- bile at ni'ght. Vomiting of a sour-smelling mucus. Bilious vomiting after the least motion, even after sitting up in bed. STOMACH.-Biting pain in the stomach. Aching pain in the sto. mach. Anxiety about the pit of the stomzach.-Inflammation of the stomach. ABDOMEN.-Bloated abdomen, especially in tbe pit of the stomach' Colic, as if the abdomen were puffed up. Rumbling in the abdomeqn; STRONTIANA CARBONICA. 1091 with diarrhoea. Iumtnbling of the abdomen, with obscuration of sight Colic, rumbling, and diarrhoea. Colic, watery vomiting, and diarrhoea. Lacerating pain in the abdomen.-Tumor in the groin. STooL.-A writhing pain in the bowels, previous to every evacua. tion; a blackish diarrhoeic stool every hour. Diarrhoea, six days in succession. Diarrhoea, with increase of appetite. Diarrhoea, with paleness of face.-Discharge of coagulated blood from the anus. Haeriorrhoids for several days. URINE.---Suppression of urine.-Diuresis, with shuddering and rumbling in the abdomen. Profuse involuntary emission of urine. Priofuse diuresis, without thirst. GENITAL ORGANS.-Lasciviousness. Impotence. Watery menses. Discharge of black blood from the uterus. Metrorrhagia. Excessive mienstrual flow, with drawing pains in the abdomen, thighs, and Jther limbs. Hiccough and moaning after the menses. LARYNX AND CHEST.-*-Voice hoarse and rough; *higher and Ocroaking; without modulation.-Haemoptysis.- Spasmodic dry cough, worse in the evening and morning, with darkness around the eyes.-Frequent sighs.-Violent stricture across the chest.-Oppressed breathing.-Oppressive and unusual pains.-Difficulty of breathing, with anxiety about the pit of the stomach.--Spasms of the chest, particularly in hysteric females.-Drawing (rheumatic) pain, extending froni the side of the neck into the limbs. BACK AND ARMS AND LEGS.-Drawing pains in the small of the back.-Bruising pain in the back and abdomen, excited by motion. Bruising pain in the back and shoulder. Drawing lacerating pains in the back and epigastrium. Trembling of the arms when eating.Spasmodic rigidity of the whole lower limbs. Drawing pain in the thighs.-Severe pain in the loins.-Boils on the feet. 253.-STRONTIANA CARBONICA. STRON. CARB.-See Hartlaub and Trink's "Mat. Med. Pura," Vol. III. COMPARE WITH-Asa.-f., Calc.-c., Graph., Kali-c., Lye., Mere., Natr.-mar., Phosph., Plat., Stann., Sil., Sulph. ANTIDOTE.-Camph. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-Lacerating in the limbs, particularly in the joints, worst in the evening.-Bruised feeling in the trunk. Languor of the whole body, particularly the lower limbs.-Great weariness in the evening.-Debility in the whole body, with tremulousness.--Feeling of weakness, with lameness and starting of the 1092 STRONTIANA CARBONICA. limbs.-Heaviness in all the limbs.--Tremor of all the limbs.-- Emaciation. CHARACTERISTIC PECULIARITIES.-The right side is particularly affected by Stron. The pains seem to be principally seated in the long bones and their marrow. Many pains hover from place to place, so that their locality can scarcely be pointed out. The pains are least felt in the open air, in warm sunshine, and warmth generally. SLEEP.-Frequent yawning.-Restless sleep.-Mortifying dreams. Dream full of joy. FEVER.-Shuddering over the hairy scalp. Chilliness, with shuddering.-Profuse sweat at night, with pain in the foot on uncovering it.-Violent throbbing of the arteries and heart. MORAL SYMPTOMS.-Oppressive. anxiety. Ill-humored. Vehement. -Forgetful.-Vertigo, with nausea. Vertigo, with weariness.Reeling sensation.-Heaviness of the head, with- malaise all over. Aching in the forehead, spreading thence over the whole head. Tensive headache, in the evening, followed by erratic aching pain. Tensive pain about the head. Headache, as if the whole head were distended from within. Frequently-recurring spasmodic drawing from the head through the eye-balls.-Sticking pain in the temples. Sticking and lacerating, ulcerative pain, and heaviness in the whole head, early after rising.-Burning in the forehead. EYEs.--Painful itching sensation in both inner canthi.-Violent burning in the eyes, when exerting them, with profuse lachrymation and redness of the whites.-Luminous vibrations before the eyes.Great weakness of sight. EARS.-Painful boring and lacerating in the ear NOSE.-Discharge of bloody crusts from the nose on blowing it.Frequent sneezing.-Bleeding of the nose. FACE.-Violent heat and burning of the face, with redness.-Frequent attacks of burning heat in the face.-Frequent lacerating in both cheeks. TEETH.-Burning in the gums, with sensation as if swollen.Darting and lacerating in various teeth.-Sticking toothache. * MOUTH.-Pain in the tip of the tongue as if corroded.-Dry earthy taste, with coated tongue. Bitterness of the mouth. THROAT.-The fauces are inflamed, and painful during deglutition. APPETITE.-Lossof appetite. STOMACH.-Violent hiccough, making the chest painful.-Nausea, with feeling of burning heat in the face. Qualmish and sick feeling in the stomach, with languor and ill-humor. Constant nausea, with diminished appetite. Vomiturition.-Contraction in the stomach STRONTIANA CARBONICA. 1093 followed by rising of clear water.-Dragging sensation in the sto. mach.-Cutting in the region of the stomach. ABDoMEN.-Tensive pain in the hypogastrium, and bruised feeling in the small of the back. Aching bruised pain in both hypochondria. -Colic and rumbling about the umbilicus.-Crampy pain across the epigastrium. Cramp-pain in the umbilical region, with some nausea. -Pinching in the abdomen.-Pinching in the abdomen, at night, followed by diarrhoea and dragging and burning in the anus. Violent cutting in the abdomen, with half liquid stool. Cutting colic, with chilliness.-Violent tension, burning, and beating in the right groin. STOOL.-Intermittent stool. Hard stool, with burning at the anus. Hard stool, with pain in the small of the back.-Diarrhoeic stool, fiyst yellow, then white.-Tenesmus of the anus after the diarrhceic stool. -HIemorrhoidal pain in the inner anus. URINE.-Diminished secretion of urine. GENITAL ORGANS.-The menses are too early, but of short duration, with pressing pains in the abdomen.-Leucorrhoea while walking. LARYNX. - Hoarseness. Hacking cough, from irritation in the larynx. Short cough, now and then, with aching pain in the chest. CHEST.-Contraction of the chest. Dyspnoea while walking, with uneasiness and burning in the face, during the headache. Aching pain in the chest, particularly during motion. Dull pressure in the region of the heart.-Spasmodic griping and drawing in the chest.Sticking in the chest, when coughing and drawing breath. BACK.-Pain in the small of the back and in the back, as if bruised. -Drawing pain in the small of the back..Drawing pains in the pelvis and lumbar region.. Slight drawing pain along the vertebral column. Lacerating pain in the small of the back. ARMs.-Painful feeling of lameness in the shoulder and elbowjoint, at night. Violent trembling or rather shaking of the fingers. Violent lacerating pain in the joints of the upper extremity, in the evening, becoming more violent in bed. Excessively-painful lacerating in both shoulders, in the evening.-Dull drawing in the elbow-joints. Lacerating jerking in the finger-joints. LEGS.-Languor in the thighs, increasing in bed. Sudden weariness in the lower extremities, worse during rest.- Dull pain in the knee and tarsal-joints. Lacerating pain in both hips and knee-joints. Dull lacerating pain in both knees and tarsal-joints, increasing dur. ing a walk. Violent lacerating pain in all the joints of the left extremity. Painful drawing in the whole limb, during rest, going off by motion. Starting in the limbs and of the whole body, on falling 1094 SULPHUR. 'sleep.---Iiadt, oppressive aching pain in the joints of the lower limbs, in the evening, on going to bed.-Burning around the knee and in the distended tibia.-Violent pain in the foot.--Heat and burning of the feet, after lying down, in the evening. 254.-SULPHUR. SULPH.-See Hahnemann's " Chronic Diseases," Vol. V. COMPARE WITH-Aeon., Amm.-mur., Antimon., Ars., Bar., Bell., Bry., Calc.-c., Canth., Caps., Caust., Cham., Chin., Coff., Con., Cupr., Dulc., Graph., Ign., Ipec., lod., Lach., Lye., Magn, Magn.-mur., Mere., Natr.-c. et mur., Nitr.ac., Nux.-v., Petrol., Phosph., Phosph.-ac., Puls., Rhus.-t., Sarsap., Seneg., Sep., Sil., Sulph.-ac., Verat.-Sulph. is frequently suitable after: Acon., Ars., Cupr., Mere., Nitr -ac., Nux.-v., Puls., Rhus.-t.-After Sulph. are frequently suitable: Aeon., Bell., Calc., Cupr., Mere., Nitr.-ac., Nux.-v;, Puls., Rhus.-t., Sep., Sil. ANTIDOTES.-Acon., Camph., Cham., Chin., Mere., Nux.-v., Puls., Sep.-Sulph. Antidotes: China, Iod., Mere., Nitr.-ac., Rhus.-t., Sep. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.--Sulphur is principally adapted to lymphatic temperaments, venous constitutions with disposition to heemorrhoids, also to leuco-phlegmatic constitutions, with liability to cold, slight sweats, disposition to catarrh, and other forms of blenorrhoea, &c. oScrofulous and rachitic complaints, curvature of bones, affection of glands, eruptions, and herpes. OChronic ailments from excessive drinking of wine or coffee. oAilments from abuse of metals, particularly Mercury. OAilments from taking cold. ~Ailments-from straining a part.--~Arthritic and rheumatic complaints, with or without swelling. OAcute articular rheumatism. OErratic gout.-oPains in the limbs, owith weakness and numbness of the parts. OSticking pains in the joints, with stiffness, or particularly at night. S When lying the limbs immediately go to sleep. *Drawing pain in the limbs, -in the evening. Momentary drawing in the knee, arm, and shoulder. Drawing pain in the abdomen and in all the limbs. SViolent drawing and lacerating through the knees and tibiae, especially in the evening. *Cracking in the joints, particularly the kneeg fnd elbows. Tensive soreness in all the limbs and in the tendons of the feet. *Single jerks of a hand and foot, in the daytime. *Frequent, spasmodic jerking in the whole body. OEpileptic fit, with pressing the teeth against each other, and rigidity of the limbs. OHysteric spasms. OSpasms during dentition. Attack of obscuration of sight, when walking in the open air, with violent pressure and beating in the head, nausea, and faintness. *Talkingfatigues and excites the pains.-Jerking in all the limbs.-*Tremulous sensa SULPHUR. 1095 tibn in the arms and lower limbs. *Considerable seething of the blood, and great burning in the hands. Agitation in the blood, with distention of the veins on the hands. Violent palpitation of the heart after walking in the open air. Internal heat, with thirst. Frequent and suddenly-passing flushes of great heat. * Unsteady gait, and tremor of the hands. OTremor of drunkards. *Tremor of the limbs, especially the hands. ODifficulty of infants to learn to walk.-Chilliness. *Inclines to catch cold. Nausea and debility after a walk, with trembling of the limbs. Dry short cough when walking in the open air. Heaviness and languor of the limbs from morning till evening.-Lassitude the whole day.-*Fainting, sort of vanishing of strength in the upper and lower limbs. Trembling of the limbs from weakness, during every movement. Fainting and vertigo in the afternoon, with vomiting and sweat. OWeakness in the limbs, with tingling. ONervous weakness, particularly after the loss of animal fluids, after onanism, or after great exertions.-~Paralysis.-OEmaciation. OScrofulous emaciation. CHARACTERISTIC PECULIARITIES.-*The drawing (lacerating) pains in the limbs become intolerable when the limbs are covered by feather covers. The pains are relieved by external warmth, increased by coldness. Most pains come on during rest and go off during motion. She feels worst when standing. His right side is more helpless than his left. He is worse every eight days. The symptoms are better at rest, and worst from motion. All the symptoms are without pain. *The pains appear more aggravated at night. OPains when the weather changes. The pains, especially those felt in the head and stomach, come on in the open air when walking. SKJN.-Formication of the skin of the whole body. Burning in the hands and feet, with weakness and exhaustion of the whole body. Itching burning in different parts. *Eruption on the skin. OFieryscarlet eruption over the whole body. ~Scurfy eruption, consisting of small vesicles, with red areola and itching. OCrusta-lactea. oMeasles. oSmall-pox, particularly during the suppurative stage. OErysipelatous inflammation, with beating and stinging. Itching, stinging rash over the whole body. *Nettle-rash, with fever. *Buriing-itching eruption. *Hepatic spots on the chest and back, itching in the evening. OYellow and brown spots. oMoles. ODry, scaly eruption. OEruption, consisting of thick, yellow-grayish scurfs, with burning itching. ORed-spotted herpes, with vesicles. OWarts, also horny. oUnhealthy skin. OSuppuration. ~Ecchymosis. OAbscesses, OSore skin of infants.-*Boils. OChilblains, also with redness, swell. ing and suppurating, or itching in warmth.-Ulcers in the intestines 1096 SULPHUR. oReadily-bleeding ulcers. oUlcers with raised swollen edges. OU1 cers surrounded with pimples. OFistula. OStinging and lacerat ing in the ulcers. OProud flesh in the ulcers. Violent bleeding of the old ulcers. OInflammation, *swelling, *suppuration, induration of glands. ~Glandular indurations over the whole body, particularly the chest. OInflammation, swelling, curvature of bones. OCaries. -OJaundice. ~Chlorosis. ~Dropsy. ~Arthritis. ~Rheumatism. SLEEP.-Frequent yawning and cold hands.- Unconquerable drowsiness in the daytime. Heat in the face and nausea, in the morning on waking. *Difficulty of falling asleep. Wakeful the whole night. Sleeplessness, as if from nervous irritation. Great wakefulness in the evening.--Light and unrefreshing sleep. *Talks loudly while asleep. Restless night; he wakes with a start, as if he had had a fea9ful dream. Sleep full of dreams. Frequent startings when asleep. *Violent headache at night, disturbing her rest.-Waking in the morning, with giddiness and dullness of the head. He is frequently roused at night *by a throbbing in the head, afterwards in the chest.-Violent palpitation of the heart at night. Burning in the mouth at night, with thirst. Compressive pain in the stomach, at night after waking. At night, pressure at the pit of the stomach. After midnight, pressure at the stomach and throbbing headache. Vertigo on waking at night. Vertigo and nausea at night. Pain in the fore-teeth at night. Frequent nausea at night. *Nightly flatulent colic, with retching, anguish, and dullness of the head. At night, cramp-like pressure in the abdomen. Asthmatic in the evening when in bed. Attacks of arrest of breathing, at night. Quick beating of the heart, in the evening. Violent pain in the back for several nights, with bruised feeling in the small of the back, and with great seething of the blood. Aching pain in the thigh the whole night. Snoring. Palpitation of the heart at night. Muttering. Exclamations while asleep. ONightmare. Anxious dreams. Frightful dreams. * Vivid dreams. FEvER.-Chilliness, followed by heat, in the evening before falling asleep.-Creeping shuddering over the skin, without chilliness. * OCold nose, hand, and feet. Frequent internal chilliness, without thirst. Chilliness, every evening. Chilliness, with diarrhoea. Shak. ing chills in the evening and great paleness of face. Chilliness and coldness of the whole body, afternoon and evening. Chilliness, with headache, in the evening; going off after lying down. Violent chilliness, in the evening when in bed, followed by ravings of the fancy heat, and violent sweat. Flushes of heat in the face, with feverish shuddering in the outer parts of the abdompn. Heat in the afternoon, SULPHUR. 1097 mingled with chilliness and continued palpitation of the heart. OThirst, even before the chilliness. Fever every forenoon, internal chilliness increasing every day, with vertigo. *Dry heat in the morning when in bed. *Frequent flushes of hett. OHeat, with sweat about the head. OHeat, with burning of the hands and feet. *Evening-heat. OHeat in the afternoon, with red spots on the cheeks.-OTyphoid fever.? ~Hectic fever.? OGastric fever.? *Profuse sweat during slight exercise. *Copious morning-sweat, setting in after waking. Night-sweat, when waking. Anxiousness, feverish delirium, with great asthma, burning at the stomach, vomiting, convulsions of the whole body. MORAL SYMPTOMS.-*Despondency. Moaning and lamentations, day and night, with much thirst and slight appetite. Hypochondriac sadness. Great disposition to weep. Exceedingly sensitive. Anxiety, with heat in the head and cold feet. Inclines to start. Uneasiness and hurriedness. Great absence of mind. Slow, irresolute. Lowspirited, out of humor, inclining to weep. Out of humor, gloomy in the head, as when a catarrh is setting in. *Irritated -and taciturn. Impetuous and peevish. SENSORIUM.- *Great inclination to philosophical and religious speculations. Mania. Extremelyforgetful. Dullness of sense. oDifficulty of thinking. Dullness of the head, in the morning, and oppression of the forehead. Dullness of the head, as if from congestion of blood. Dizziness and swimming of the head. Reeling sensation in the head. Weakness of the head, like a sort of stupefaction. OInability to collect one's self and'heaviness of the head. Violent vertigo. * Vertigo when walking in the open air. Vertigo in the evening, when standing, with rush of blood to the heart. Vertigo, with inclination to vomit. HEAD.-Headache, with nausea, oalso with heat and humming in the head Headache, worse in the open air than in a room. Violent pain in the centre of the head, from coughing and sneezing. OHeadache from working in pewter and lead. ONightly headache. A good deal of headache, especially when stooping. Pain in the vertex, as if pressure were made on the brain. Pressure in the head, in the morning, immediately after rising. Aching in the head; every step affects his forehead painfully. Headache, generally on top of the head, as if the eyes would be pressed down. Aching pain in the forehead, more violent during motion or in the forenoon. *Violent pressure in t'he forehead. *Pressure in the temples and tightness in the brain, when reflecting or doing some other mental labor. Nightly headache, and intolerable pressure in the lower part of the occiput 1098 SULPHUR. and in the vertex. OHeadache every day, as if the head would burst. OPeriodical aching pain every eight days, with lacerating and stupefaction. Feelifig of fullness and heaviness of the head. Feeling of heaviness and dullness of the 'head, as if the brain would fall forwards, relieved by walking. Tensive pain in the head. Drawzing through the forehead and temple, intensely painful. Lacerating in the head, through the ear. Lacerating in the forehead. Nightly heiadache, as if the skull would be torn off. ~Drawing and lacerating through the head. Stitching pain in the temples. Stitches in the head and through the eyes. Boring pain under the vertex, the place is painful to the touch.-Painful tingling and creeping in the temples. "*Beating:in the head. Painful hammering in the head. *Rush of blood to the head. Seething of the blood in the head, and frequent flushes of heat. Rush of blood to the head, resembling a slight presSure. OChronic encephalitis. OChronic hydrocephalus. Tingling roaring through the head and ears.-Pain, when nodding, as if the brain icere beating agaihst the skull. Sensitiveness of the scalp to the touch, in the vertex. *Feeling of coldness about the head. Itching on the top of the head, with uneasiness. Violent itching of the forehead. OTinea-capitis, dry, or fcetid and humid, with thick pus, yellow crust, and itching. Falling of of the hair, oalso of lying-in females. EYEs.-- eaviness of the eyes. Pressure in both orbits. oViolent pressure on moving the eyes. Pressure and itching on moving the eyes. Pressure and itching in the eyes, and vertigo when stooping. -PaiA of 'the eyes when moving them. Drawing pain in the bones of the orbits.-OPain of the eyes from foreign bodies.-Itching of the eye-lids, as if they would become inflamed. Itching and smarting in the canthi. Stinging and burning in the outer canthi, with dim-,~ sightedhess, in the evening. Bruised paiin of the eye. Painful dryiiess of the eye-balls. Smarting in the eyes. Feeling of heat in the eyes.-Senisation in the eyes as if full of blood.-Burning in the *jes. BuAning in the interior of the eye-lids, they are inflamed and red. Burning and pressure in the eyes. Swelling and pain of the eye-lids, vith lachrymation. Swelling and redness of the eyes, with pimples on the lids. OSwelling of the conjunctiva, with inflammation. oSwelling of the lids, with interstitial distention. OTubercles in the lid. *A white little vesicle in the white of the eye, close to the cornea. O'Ulceration of the margins. Dimness of the corhea, as if ov'ered with dust. 0bscuration of the cornea. OSpecks on the cor liea. oUlcers on the cornea. OObscuration of the crystalline lens "*Dr/ness of the eyes. Purulent mucus in the eyes. Trembling of SULPHUR. 1099 the eyes. Obscuration of sight when reading. Occasional dimness of vision. Sense as of gauze before the eyes, and dim-sightedness. Optical illusion, as if her skin were yellow. Black motes before the eyes. Luminous vibrations before the eyes. *Intolerance of the light ofthesun. ~Weakness of sight. OIncipient amaurosis. ~Is unable to recognise anything distinctly. EARS.-Otalia.--Violent pressure in the ears, when swallowing or sneezing. *Drawing in the left ear. Lacerating in the ear, extending into the head. Stitching pain in the ear, as far as the fauees. -Violent stitching of the outer ears. Large boil on the helix. Excessive sensitiveness of the hearing. OObstruction of the ears when eating. *Humming in the ears, with hardness of hearing. Hum. ming and pulsations in the ears. * Whizzing of the ears. Roaring before the ears, in the evening when in bed, with rush of blood to the head. NOSE.-Redness and burning of the nostrils, as if sore. *Inflam. mation of the nose. *Swelling of the nose. Pain in the nose, which is swollen and ulcerated internally. Inflamed swollen wings of the nose. Black pores on the nose, upper lip, and chin. ODry ulcers on the nose. OCancer of the nose. OFreckles on the nose.-Bleeding of the nose. Loss of smell. Concussive sneezing. Sneezing, preceded by nausea. Painful feeling of dryness in the nose. Violent coryza. Burning fluent coryza. Obstruction of both nostrils, with frequent sneezing. Coryza, with chilliness, catarrh, and cough. OObstruction of one nostril. OChronic obstruction of the nose. FAcE.-*Paleness offace. OPale, bloated face. *Deep eyes, surrounded with blue margins. *Redness and heat of the face, with burning, especially around the mouth. OCircumscribed redness of the cheeks. Creeping sensation in the face. Pressure and burning in the cheeks and malar bones. Lacerating in the right half of the face. Lacerating in the malar bone, at other times in the lower jaw. Swelling of the cheeks, with pricking pain, and pain when touched. 0Swelling and redness of- the face. OErysipelas of the f:ace, also with swelling. Violent itching of the face, with small painless pimples. Burning lips. Dry lips. Chapped lips. Swelling ofthe lip. Tremor or twitching of the lips. Painful eruption around the chin. Painful swelling on the jaw. Glandular swelling on the lower jaw.-Prickings in the submaxillary glands. TEETH.-T Toothache in the open air. OEvening toothache. Nightly toothache. Toothache from the least draft of air. Toothache, terminating in swelling of the cheeks. Toothache, in paroxysms of two hours. Drawing toothache. ODrawing toothache, aggravated by 1100 SULPHUR. warmth. Lacerating-drawing toothache. Grumbling and drawing in the teeth.-*Jerks through single teeth. Pricking pain in all the teeth. Stitching, burning, and beating in the teeth.-Beating, drawing toothache. Feeling of looseness in the teeth, in the evening. *When biting, the teeth feel loose, and when eating, as if paralyzed. Looseness of the teeth, and bleeding of the gums. The teeth feel elongated. -Dullness of the teeth and pain, only when biting. Bleeding of the teeth. *Swelling of the gums, with throbbing pain. ~Hard swelling, discharging blood and pus. oFistula-lachrymalis.? MOUTH.-Contractive sensation in the mouth. Vesicles in the mouth, with a burning plain. oAphtham. Burning in the mouth, with eruption around the mouth. A good deal of heat in the mouth, and much thirst, at night. OPtyalism from abuse of Mercury. OStomacace. Sour smell.-Burning pain on the surface of the tongue. *Dry tongue in the morning. ~Brown, parched, and rough tongue. ~Cracked and vermilion tongue. THnOAT.-Dryness of the throat, as if parched. Mucous expectoration, without cough.--Vesicles on the palate, hindering eating and talking.-Sore throat., with swelling of the cervical glands. *Pressure in the throat, as from a lump, during and between the acts of deglutition. Ulcerative pain in the ear when swallowing.-Choking and sore feeling in the. throat when swallowing. Sensation as if the throat were swollen, with prickings when eating. Elongation of the uvula.-Redness and swelling of the tonsils.-Burning in the pharynx, in the evening, with heat on the tongue. TASTE AND APPETITE.-Flat taste; *putrid taste in the morning. Sweetish putrid taste.-Copper taste.-*Sourish taste. Bitter taste. *Complete loss of appetite. Empty feeling in the stomach. *Excessive hunger and appetite. Great thirst, without heat. No appetite, but constant thirst. GASTRIC SYMPToMS.-Aversion to meat. Milk produces bitterish, scraping eructations. Vcegetables are indigestible. OSweet things increase the colic and the pain in the stomach. Headache after a meal, with pressure in the eyes. Headache over the eyes and nausea after a meal: followed by heaviness of the head. Pain in almost all the teeth at dinner. Violent colic, immediately after a meal. Laziness in all the limbs. Troublesome dry coryza, producing dullness of the head, especially after a meal. Shuddering and feeling of coldness after a meal. OThe food rises into the throat. Frequent empty eructations. Hiccough, with pain behind the palate. *Sour eructations and much troublesome acidity in the stomach. Bitter scraping eructations tasting of the food. oBurning sour eructations..OEruc SULPHUR 1101 tations having a foetid smell. OSour regurgitation,' also of drinks.Heartburn.-Nausea every morning.--Nausea while riding in a carriage. Nausea to fainting. Nausea with eructations.-Nausea with desire to vomit. Water-brash before a meal. Vomiting, with violent sweat. *Sour vomiting. OSour vomiting at night, with nausea and cold sweat in the face. Vomiting of the ingesta, in the morning, with tremor of the hands and feet. Vomiting of blood and of a blackish, tasteless fluid, accompanied with faintness, at the appearance of the menses. STOMACH.-* The region of the stomach becomes very painful when pressing upon it. Pressure at the stomach, with nausea. Painful pressure at the stomach, with anxiety. OPressure with burning. OPressure towards the chest and back. OPressure towards the abdomen and hypochondria. OPressure, as from a lump. Pressure below the pit of the stomach. Intolerable pressure in the pit of the stomach and the epigastrium, in paroxysms, generally in the morning. OCompression in the stomach, with vomiting.-Weight in the stomach. *Swelling of the pit of the stomach. Contractive pain in the stomach -Acrid and scraping sensation in the stomach, up to throat. Cramplike contraction in the pit of the stomach.-Violent spasm of the stomach. OSpasm of the stomach immediately after a meal.--ODiggingup in the pit of the stomach.--Biting pain in the stomach.-Cutting in the stomach.-Pricking in the stomach. Feeling of coldness in the region of-the stomach. Burning in the stomach and abdomen. Burning in the pit of the stomach. Burning in the stomach, like violent heartburn. OBurning and stinging in the stomach. OBurning with lacerating in the stomach. Burning, cutting, and writhing sensation in the stomach. HYPOCHONDRIA.-In the region of the liver pain when touching it. Violent pressure and contraction. Tensive and burning pain. Drawing pain which arrested her breathing. The liver feels swollen, hindering breathing. Frequent stitches in the region of the liver and in the groin. Beating and frequent and short tremulous movements in the region of the liver.-- Chronic hepatitis. OSwelling and hard ness of the liver, also after abuse of Quinine. OJaundice.-Cutting and burning in the region of the lower ribs. ~Heaviness, as from a lump.--Pressure, with cructations. OSwelling and hardness of the spleen, with pain when running. *Pressure under the left ribs. ABDOMEN.-Colic after every meal. OColic after drinking. OPerio. dical colic. OCo]ic, relieved by sitting bent. Colic at night. *Painful sensitiveness in the abdomen, as if all the parts in it iere raw and sore. *Movement in the abdomen, ~as of the fist of a child. 11,02 SULPHUR.. *Pain as if, something would be torn out. Colic, obliging one to bend doable., Pressure in. the hypogastriu~m. 0Prcssure, with heavin~es~s as from a, lumip, relieved by sitting. bent. 0Digging-up pressure. 0Chronic pressure, only in the epigastrium, or in the left side. -Repletion and heaviness in the abdomen, after a meal, as if overloaded. Tensio-n of, the abdomen. *Spasmodically contractive Colic, -,extending, into thc chest, the groin, and thc genital organs. Crampy contractive pain around the umbilicus. 0Cramup-colic from piles.; Ofrom flatulence, Orelieved by sitting bcnt; Oaggravated by eating sweet things; Owith cutting and sticking; Owitb diarrhcea,.-Vioient Pinching and tension in the abdomen. Pinching around the umbilicus. Cutting in the epigastrium, with sensation as if felt in the.chest. Violent cutting in the abdomen. Violent cutting in the abdomen,. with great nausea. Cutting in the abdomen and small of the back, followed by diarrhopa and tenesmus. Sudden and transitory stitches. in th~e, abdom~en. Anguish in the abdomen. 0~neto.of blood in the abdomen.-0As cites. *Distention and hardness, of the abdomen. in the evening. 0Distention of the epigastrium, with.oppression of breathing, before breakfast and after a meal. *Rum-. huing in the hypogastrium,, as if empty. Flatulence smelling like rotten eggs.-.* The abdominal muscles are painful when. touched, as ff bruised. -'kPainfulncss of the abdwinen, when touching it, -or when walking, with dull pain in the abdomen. *Painful swelling of the -inguinal glands, Oalso with, suppuration. Pressing in the abdomlinal.ring., as if hernia would form. 0Painful inguinal hernia. 0lnflammation of in~carcerated hernia. STrOOL.-Occasional costiveness. 0Chronic constipation. *0Constipation of infants. 0Constipation with piles. 0I~ard and difficult.stool. *Lumpy stool, mixed with mucus. Lumpy stool, with burning pain. in the anus and rectum. Hard stool, followed by pain in thbe anus. *Knotty, but not hard stool. *Insufwi~ent stool. *Froquent, unsuccessful desir'efor stool. Te~nesmus before and after stool. *Pe5igon the rectum, as -if it would protrude, with pressing on the bladder. Constant de~sire for stool, at night. Soft, thin-shaped stool. Frequent papes~cent stool, with cutting in the abdo 'me 'n, Soft stool, -with tenesinus and burning of the anus, followed by emission of hbot fietid flatulence and pinching in the region of the small of the back. -Scalding-hot stools. 0Diarrhcea after cold; 0~of pregnant females;.ewith chilliness; Owith difficulty of breathing; Owith colic and distention; Oof children., sometimes with bloody, brown, or green mucus.,.attendetl with moaning and crying. Watery diarrhoea every. half hour, preceded by g-rumbling in the abdomen, without pain. Fro SpT.4y. 1103 quent frothy diarrhea, with tenesmus, even at night. Diarrhoea, with tenesmus and cutting in the abdomen. OBrown diarrhoea, with pinching in the abdomen. ~Foetid diarrhoea. Pale stool. Soursmelling stool. *Passage of undigestedfood with stool. White slimy stool. ONightly dysenteric stool, with colic and tenesmus. Discharges of reddish mucus, with fever, want of appetite, lying, down, and colic. Mucous stools, streaked with blood. Blood with stool, in the evening. *Ascarides with stool. *Passage of lumbrici with hard stool, and after violent colic. Discharge of tmnia with hard, stool. Soreness in the abdomen before stool. Palpitation of the heart during stool. Burning in the rectum during stool. *Prolapsus-recti during stool, oparticularly when hard. Bruised pain in the intestines after stool. Violent stitches in the rectum, -especially in the evening. OCreeping and biting in the rectum, as from ascarides. URINE.-~Retention of urine.- Violent desire to urinate, with burning in the urethra. OPainful desire to urinate, with discharge of drops of bloody urine, requiring great efforts. *Frequent micturition. *Copious micturition after midnight. OWetting the bed. Violent desire to urinate at night. OThe urine is at times clear, at times saturated with thick sediment. *Fbtid urine, ORose-colored urine. Blood is passed with the urine. *Burning in the fore part of the urethra during micturition. Lacerating in the urethra. Redness and inflammation of the orifice of the urethra. OSecondary gonorrhoea.? MALE GENITAL ORGANS.-OFoetid sweat, of the parts.--Soreness between the thighs, particularly when walking.-Stitches in thepenis. Itching of the glans. Burning and redness of the prepuce. Redness and swelling of- the prepuce. Phymosis, with secretion of fcetid pus from under the prepuce. ODecp ulcer on the glans and prepuce, with pad-shaped border. OBurning of the scrotum. 08oreness and, dampness of the scrotum. OHydrocele. *Male impotence. Increased sexual desire. Involuntary emission of watery semen. FEMALE GENITAL ORGANS.-Weak feeling in the genital organs OPressing on the parts. OCongestion of blood to the uterus. *,Troublesome itching, of the pudendum, with pimples all around. *Burning in the vagina. Inflammation of one of the labia, with burning pain. The menstrual blood is thick, black, and so acrid that it makes the thighs sore. Discharge of blood from the uterus almost every day, for several weeks, oafter reappearance of the long suppressed menses. Menses too early. Menses too late. OPalc menses. Burning in the throat, like heartburn, immediately before the menses. During the 1104 SULPHUR. menses, in the morning, violent colic and pain in the small of the back, with bloatedness. Pinching in the abdomen during the menses, accompanied with pain in the small of the back and chilliness of the whole body. Violent pain in the abdomen during the menses, with great heat, chilliness, and a sort of epilepsy. Violent lcucorrhea. Thin, or yellow leucorrhoea, preceded by pinching in the hypoga&trium. Mucous leucorrhoea, a fortnight after the menses. Leucorrhoea, smartirig like salt. *Burning and painful leucorrhcea, making the pudendum sore. Leucorrhoea preceded by colic. OSterility,? with too early and profuse menses.? ~Disposition to miscarriage.? Diarrhoea of pregnant females.?-Itching of the mamma.. Erysipelatous inflammation of the mamma, with heat, hardness, stinging, and redness radiating from the nipple. ~Itching of the nipples. ~Smarting burning and bleeding of the nipples. ~Induration and inflammation of the mammae. LARYNX AND TRACHEA.-*Rough throat. Drawing and dryness in the larynx. OSensation as if something had lodged in the larynx. Hoarseness in the morning. ODeep, rough voice in damp weather. *Aphonia. The larynx feels swollen. *Creeping in the larynx; talking excites cough. oCatarrh, with fluent coryza, chilliness, raw. ness of the chest, and cough.-Violent desire to cough, after a meal; the chest becomes spasmodically constricted, *with retching almost to vomiting. Cough at every inspiration. Dry, short cough only when walking in the open air. Dry cough at night. *Dry cough, with hoarseness, dryness in the throat, and coryza of clear water. Short and hacking cough, with burning and soreness in the pharynx, worse in the open air and going off after lying down. *Loose cough, with soreness and pressure in the chest, and expectoration of thick mucus; oalso with rattling in the trachea and hoarseness. OChronic whooping-cough.?-Dry, short, violent cough, with pain in the sternum, or with stitches in the chest. *Coughing up greenish lumps, having a sweetish taste. OUlcerative phthisis.?--*Headache, when coughing, -as if bruised or torn. Violent ulcerative pain in the occiput, when coughing. Pain in the head and abdomen from coughing. *Vomiting when coughing. CHEST.-Arrest of breathing, in paroxysms. *Spasmodic asthma of full-grown persons- OMucous asthma. Asthmatic after a walk. Asthmatic during a walk in the open air. Asthmatic from long talking. *Rattling in the chest, -relieved by expectoration. Frequent attacks of suffocative arrest of breathing, in the daytime. *Nightly "sufocative fit, -without pain. Tightness and oppression over the whole body, more in the chest. Oppressed breathing when stooping. SULPHUR. 1105 * Weakness in the chest when talking. Anxiety in the chest. Tight.. ness of the whole chest. Pressure in the chest, with anxiety.*Heavy feeling in the chest.-Contractive pain around the chest. Violent spasms in the chest. OThe chest feels tired from singing. OPain in the chest from straining. OChronic pain from neglected pneumonia. OPain as if the chest would fly to pieces, when coughing or sneezing. OPeriodical spasms of the chest, constricting it, with blue face and short breath. *Stitches in the chest extending to the back. Stitches in the region of the heart, at night. *Stitches in the sternum. Stitching contractive pain in the muscles of the chest, painful when touching them. Cutting in the chest down to the pit of the stomach.-Beating deep in the chest. OBurning in the chest arising to the face. Sudden and violent palpitation of the heart, in the evening during an inspiration. Palpitation of the heart, at every hour of the day, without anxiety. Palpitation of the heart, without any apparent cause, without anguish. Anxious beating of the heart. Pressure in the region of the heart towards evenigg. Hollow sensation in the region of the heart. Rush of blood to the heart. Violent seething of the blood in the chest, a sort of boiling, with qualmishness to fainting, and tremor in the right arm. Pain in the upper part of the chest, as if bruised, when touching it. BACK.-In the small of the back:. pains, she was not able to stand erect. Violent pain, only when stooping; tensive, as if the parts were too short. Stitches, also across the small of the back. Pulsative stitches in the region of the loins and kidneys. Burning pain in the small of the back, near the anus. Pain above the small of the bick. Painful stiffness in the small of the back. *Pain in the small of the back, when rising from a seat. Drawing pain in the small of the back. *Cracking in the small of the back, down to the anus. OSensation as if the vertebra were gliding one over the other, during motion in bed. Pain in the back and small of the back, as if bruised. *Stifness in the back and sides, as after a cold. Burning and biting in the back. Lacerating in the back. ODrawing and tension in the back and nape of the neck, with stiffness. OCurvature of the vertebrae. Tensive aching between the scapula, when lying or moving. Stifness of the nape of the neck and paralytic pain in the nape of the neck as if sprained. Infiammaticr and swelling of a posterior cervical gland. Stiffness of the neck. ARMs.-Swelling of the axillary glands. Purulent swelling of the axillary glands. Rheumatic pain in the shoulder. *Drawing pain in the shoulder-joint and in the arm. *Lacerating in the shoulders or in the shoulder-joints, especially at night, -with gnaw47 1106 SULPHUr. ing or violent bruised pain and pricking, at first aggravated, afterwards relieved by the motion of the arm. Laccrating in the shoulder-joints when at rest, going off during motion. Pain of the shoulder-joint, as if dislocated, especially at night when lying. oJorking of the shoulders.- The arms are painful as if bruised. *Drawing and lacerating in the arms and hands. oCreeping in both arms, -also in the tips of the fingers. OWeakness of the arms and hands, particularly early in the morning. OSwelling of the arms. Swelling of the bone of the arm. oWarts on the arms. -Burning pain under the bend of the elbow. Lacerating, commencing in the elbowjoint and extending upward and downward in the arm.-Slow, painful drawing in the fore-arms, as if in the nerves. Lacerating in the bones of the fore-arm, sometimes relieved by motion. OSwelling of the fore-arm, with burning and rigid sensation.-Lacerating pain in the wrist-joints. Pain in the wrist-joint, as if sprained. Stiffness of the wrist-joints. Burning in the hands. Distended veins of the hands. Frequent swelling of the hands. Formication in the hands. *Trem. bling of the hand when writing. OTrembling of the hands in doing fine work. OCold hands. Sweaty hands. ORed stigmata on the dorsum of the hands. Redness and swelling of the hands and fingers, as if frozen, with itching in the evening, and with tension during motion. *Fissures and rhagades in the skin of the hands, especially in the joints, sore and painful. Involuntary jerking of the fingers. Laceratinog in the fingers. Creeping and prickling in the tips of the fingers, very painful. *Deadness of the fingers, in the morning. Coldness of the fingers. Thick, stiff, red finger-joints, as if frozen. * Thick red chilblains on the fingers. oWarts on the fingers. *Panaritium, -twice in succession. LEGS.-Tensive pain in the hip-joint when walking. Pain in the hip, only during motion. *Pain in the ossa-ischii. Cramp-like, sudden, very painful jerks around the hip-joint. Drawing pain in the left hip. Nettle-rash below the hip. OCoxarthrocace.? OSpontaneous limping.?-Drawing pain in the lower limbs, in the morning, and in the evening when in bed. Violent lacerating in the lower * limb. Pain in the lower limbs, as if bruised, after walking in the open air. *Uneasiness in the lower limbs. Dry heat in the lower limbs. *Heaviness of the lower limbs, and tension in the knees and thighs. *Painful heaviness of the lower limbs. *Excessive heaviness of the lower limbs when walking, almost as if paralyzed. * Weakness in the lower limbs, -she was scarcely able to walk. PRed spots on the lower limbs. OTransparent swelling of the lower limbs. Jerking in both thighs, apparently in the bone. Dry heat of the SULPHURIC ACID. 1107 thighs and of the small of the back, with coldness of the back. Draw. ing pain in the thigh. ~Red humid places on the inner side of tho thigh, with sore pains.-Pain in the knee as if stif, when rising from a seat. Stiffness of the bends of the knees. Rigidity of the knees. HRigidity in the bends of the knees when stepping. Sticking in tho knee and tibia. Paralytic weakness in the knee, when going downstairs, as if sprained. Languid feeling in the knees, as if sprained. Painful weariness in the knee-joints. OSwelling of the knees, also inflammatory, thick, shining, with curvature and stiffness. *Dropsy of the knee-joints. OFungus of the knee. White swelling. Gonarthrocace.?-Tremor and weariness, stitching and lacerating in both legs. Bruised pain in the internal part of the legs near the tibie, when touching them. OErysipelas of the leg. Painful weariness in the calves at night. Tension, rigid stiffness, and contractive pain in the calves. Swelling of the calves. Subdued pain in the soles. Contractive sensation in the soles, as if too short. Cramp in the sole of the foot at every step. Drawing in the feet, extending to the hip. Burning and itching in the soles. *Swelling of thefeet, -in the warmth of the bed. Swelling in the region of the ankle, with pain as if sprained, during motion. Great heaviness in the feet, especially in the tarsaljoints. Ulcerated vesicles on the soles. 0Coldness and stiffness of the toes. OTingling of the tips. OThick shining swelling of the toes. OPainful podagra. OChilblains. Spreading blisters and ulcerated blisters on the toes. Swelling of the toes. White, painful pimples between the toes. Painful inflammation of the corns. 255.-SULPHURIC ACID. SULPH. AC.-See Hahnemann's "Chronic Diseases," V. COMPARE WITH-Arn., Con., Dig., Mur. and Nitr.-ac., Puls., Ruta, Sulph. ANTIDOTE.-Puls. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-Lacerating in all the limbs, especially in the evening. Rheumatic drawing and lacerating in the whole body.-Subsultus-tendinum.-Chilliness the whole day. Weakness in the lower limbs and small of the back, so violent that he is scarcely able to stand without support. Languor in the whole body.-Tremulous sensation in the whole body, without trembling. SKIN.-- Itching over the body, here and there.-~Red itching spot on the skin. OSmall bluish spots, as if eechymozed. OSore, also with suppuration, looking like mortification.--Consequences of mechanical injuries, contusions, &c.-Corrosive sensation in the ulcer. Jaundice. 1108 SULPHURIC ACID. SLEEP.-Frequent yawning.-Rattling in the chest, in the evening, when in bed, and quick pulse. Asthma at night, with cough -Vexa. tious dreams. FEvER.-Chilliness.-Momentary shaking, as from chilliness, with goose-flesh.-Small quick pulse. Copious morning-sweat. MORAL SYMPTOMS.-Desponding, peevish mood. Sad, gloomy, irritable. Weeping mood. Uneasy. SENSORIUM.- Great absence of mind.-Stupefaction.-Weakness of the head.-Oppressive dullness of the head.-Feeling of heaviness and fullness in the head. HEAD.-Pain as if the head would burst.-Aching and burning pain in the head, frequently in the forehead and eyes.-Constriction of the forehead.-Drawing and tension in the head.-Lacerating in the whole head, day and night.-Grumbling in the temporal bones. Dull stitch deep into the brain. Dull stitches in the fore part of the head.-Sensation in the region of the forehead as if the brain were loose.-Burning pain in the temple, as if caused by a bruise or contusion, in paroxysms. Pain of the outer parts of the head, as iffrom subcutaneous ulceration, the parts are painful to the touch.-Violent itching of the hairy scalp.-Eruption on the head, face, and nape of the neck. EYEs.-OTension in the lids, in the morning.-Smarting burning and running of the eye.-Red eyes, with photophobia and constant running.-Lachrymation.-Dim-sightedness in the morning. OShortsightedness. EARS.-Laccrating and sticking in the ear.-Diminution of hearing, as from a leaf being stretched before the ear. NosE.-Bleeding of the nose.-Coryza and loss of smell. Violent coryza, with sore eyes. Obstinate dry coryza.-Fluent coryza. FACE.-Face pale, with movements in the stomach.-Redness and feeling of heat in the cheek.-Jerks in the face, around the ear.Bruised pain in the malar bone. JAWS AND TEETH.-Lacerating in the lower jaw.-Pain of the submaxillary glands, the pain affecting even the tongue. Swelling and inflammation of the submaxillary glands.-Gnawing pain in a molar tooth. Ulcer on the gums. MouTH.-Disagreeable feeling of dryness in the mouth. Ptyalism, with accelerated pulse. Profuse flow of tasteless saliva.-Vesicles on the inner side of the cheek. Aphthme.-Dry tongue. THROAT.-Rough throat.-Scraping in the throat.-Contractive sensation in the throat, especially on the right side. Sensation as if the throat were swollen. SULPHURIC ACID. 1109 TASTE AND APPETITE.-Putrid, flat, pappy taste.-Hunger, but no appetite. GASTRIC SYMPTOMs.-Colic after a meal. Extreme faintness after a meal.-Frequent, long-lasting, empty eructations. *Sour eructa. tions. *Acidity in the throat. Gulping up of sourish-bitter things. Bitter eructations. Nausea, with chilliness. Nausea, with desire to vomit. Violent gulping up from the stomach, with nausea. STOMACH.-Sensitiveness of the region of the stomach to the touch. Pressure at the stomach. Pressure at the stomach, as if from a stone. Pressure at the stomach, with constant nausea and yawning.-Feeling of fullness and distention in the stomach.-Violent contractive pain in the stomach and abdomen. Cuttings around the stomach and painful movements.-Pricking in the stomach. Burning in the stomach, with a stupid feeling in the head. HYPOCHONDRIA.-Stitch in the region of the liver, near the stomach. Slowly pulsative, gurgling pain under the left ribs.-Burning in both hypochondria. ABDOMEN.-Pinching in the abdomen, towards the lumbar region. Pinching and cutting in the abdomen, with violent pressing on the rectum. Violent pinching, cutting, and writhing in the abdomen, accompanied with labor-like pains.-Burning and pressure below the umbilicus, as if in the uterus.-Sharp, rather superficial jerking, extending over the abdomen, almost in paroxysms.-Rumbling in the abdomen. Grumbling around the umbilicus. STooL.-Intermittent stool. Hard knotty stool, difficult, painful, or like sheep's dung. Diarrhoea, mere frothy mucus, with burning in the rectum, flatulence, and rumbling. Watery, green diarrhoea "OChronic diarrhoea.-Fetid stool, half hard, half liquid, mixed with liquid mucus, and streaked with blood.-Pinching in the upper sides of the abdomen during stool. Pain, during stool, as if the rectum would be torn.-Congestion of blood to the rectum. Varices in the rectum, with pricking and burning. URINE.-Retention of urine and stool.-Constant desire to urinate. Brown-red urine. The urine deposits a blood-colored sediment and is covered with pellicle.-Violent pressure on the neck of the blad. der, as if it would be pressed out. MALE GENITAL ORGANS.-Warmth in the genital organs and testicles. FEMALE GENITAL ORGANS.-Sensation in the abdomen as it the menses would appear.-Menses too late, with pain in the abdomen and small of the back. *Jllenses too early, oand too profuse. Dur "ing the menses, stitches in the abdomen and vagina. Thirst and 1110 SYMPHYTUM OFFICINALE. dry tongue during the menses. Acrid, burning leucorrhoea. Trans parent or milky leucorrhoea, without sensation. Discharge of san guineous mucus from the vagina, as if the menses would make theii appearance.-~Mctrorrhagia. LARYNX AND TRACIHEA.-*Hoarseness, dryness, and roughness in the larynx. Pain in the larynx, talking is difficult. Stitching pain in the larynx.-Cough and coryza, with violent hunger. Short and hacking cough. Turns of dry, short, panting cough.--Chrbnic hvemoptoe. CHEST.-Haemoptysis, when walking slowly.-Occasional and momentary dyspnea. Frequent oppression of breathing and strangulation, at night. Oppression of the chest, in the morning, with nausea.-Fullness in the chest.-Pressure in the left chest, and pit of the stomach.-Stitching pressure in the chest and throat, arresting the breathing. Many violent stitches through the heart, day and night, with sore pain soon after. BAcK.-Pain in the small of the back, as if bruised, when standing or sitting. Sore pain or spasmodic drawing in the small of the back during motion. Burning pain in the small of the back. Drawing pain in the back, during motion and when stepping. Boils on the back.-Cutting between the shoulders, with burning, as if the parts would be cut through. ARMs.-Painful sensitiveness of the axillary glands. Ulcerative pain in the axilla. Sticking in the shoulder-joint, when raising the arm. Heaviness of the arm. Tensive pain in both elbow-joints -Bluish spots on the fore-arm, as if ecchymozcd.-Drawing and weariness in the wrist-joint.-Dark-red, small elevations on the dorsum of the hand.-Eruption on the hands and between the fingers, the eruption is itching, especially. LEGS.-Stretching of the lower limbs. Heaviness of the lower limbs. Cutting pain in the thigh. Contraction in the lower and outer parts of the thigh. Burning cutting creeping in the thighs.Painful weakness of the knees when standing, with intensely painful jerks in the knees. Burning pain in the bend of the knee.-Cramp in,the calves when walking.-Stiffness of the ankles, when walking. 256.-SYMPHYTUM OFFICINALE. This remedy has been used in fractures of bones, to facilitate their reunion; it is said to have been employed with success in several cases. TABACUM.U nuU 257.-TABACUM. TAB AC.-Tobacco.-See Noack and Trinks' "1Manual.' COMPARE WITH-Acon., Ars., Bell., Chain., Cic., Cocc., Con.; Hell., Hyos., Ipec., Kreas., Nux-v., Op.. Strain., Verat., Zinc. ANTDOoTEs.-Cainph., Ipec., Nux-v., Vinuin (Ettinuller arrested with strong Wine the convulsions and cold sweats occasioned by Tobacco GENERAL SY;MPTOMS.-Great weariness, languor, and debility of the extremities, and trembling of the hands and feet.--Trenzbling of the head and hands. Trembling of the whole body, after the nausea. General debility and coldness, great anguish and swoons. Apoplexy. Vacillation, trembling, general weariness of the muscles, spasmodic contraction of the muscles, spasms, general insensibility, relaxation. Fainting fits, trembling, loss of consciousness. Convulsive mo'yements, with paleness and distortion of the face, staring look, stupefied expression of countenance, slow and small pulse.Spasms and convulsions.- Epilepsy.-Jaundice.-Arthritis.-Consumption.-Einaciation, particularly on the back and cheeks.-Complete insensibility, with loss of memory and consciousness. Sensation as if his vitality had left him. Death-like paleness. CHARACTERISTIC PECULIARITTES.-The pains on the left side predominate, he is better in the open air. SKIN.-Itching of the body. Red itching eruption on the whole back. Pustulous eruption on the nape of the -neck and upper limbs. Increased tutgesccnce of the skin, with itching and slight sweat Unusual dryness and brigof the skin. SLEEP.-Drowsiness. Stupefying sleep at night. Deep sleep,,succeeded by profuse sweat. Sopor. Sleep, stupefaction, and. profuse sweat. Restless night-sleep, with coldness and tossing about in. bed.-St~arting during a slumaber -innumierable dreams. FEvER.-Icy coldness of the legs, from the knees to the toes. Coldness of the cxtremities. Ooldlness and shuddering in the whole body, in the evening, with flushes of heat. Chill the whoic day, with aching pain between the shoulders. Internal coldness, with feeling of heat. Warmth of the body, with icy-cold hands. Hot skin with great thirst. Heat and restlessness. Profuse sweat, with coldness of the extremities. Dry, hot skin,ý with thirst and quick pulse. Cold sweat. Night-sweat. Hard, quick pulse. MORAL Svrvwvo M5 -M~ania.-Hypochondriac -Peevish.-Muttering deliruim. Stupid, is unable to collect his thoughts, with heaviness and dullness of the head, going off after vomiting.-Lowness of spirits, despondency, accompanied with a dyingC sickness of the stomach, 1112 TABACUM going off after vomiting. Anguish, with general sick feeling. Great restlessness, anguish, melancholy, oppression of the chest.--Vertigo. Vertigo, with qualmishness of the stomach. Vertigo, increasing to loss of consciousness. Intoxication, with violent headache. HEAD.-Weariness of the head, headache, stupefaction, intoxication. Dullness of the head, with dull pressure from within outwards in the region of the root of the nose. Weariness of the head, she is scarcely able to keep it erect. Violent heaviness and pains in the nape of the neck. Feeling of heaviness in the head, after dinner.Violent headache, particularly a drawing in the left half of the forehead. Dull, aching pains deep in the frontal region, with pressure in the eyes. Dull aching pain in the forehead and root of the nose. Violent aching pain in the vertex. Wakes with a headache, and pressure in the vertex and temples. Aching pain in the parietal bones. Compressive pain in the whole- head. Compressive-contractive sensation in the temples.-Pain in both sides of the head as if dashed to pieces.-Heat in the head. Congestion of blood to the head, with flushes of heat.-Violent itching of the hairy scalp. Burning on the head, with formication, loss of appetite, violent sticking in the ears, succeeded by coldness and chills. EYES.-Pain of the eyes, and scintillations, on looking at a thing. The eyes are painful, as after long weeping. Pressure in the eyeballs. Violent digging, drawing pains in the eye-balls and temporal regions, increased by motion, with distention of the blood-vessels and increased beating in the same.-Feeling of pressure deep in the orbits, with weakness of the eyes and vertigo. Heat of the eye-balls. Heat with lachrymation. Heat in the orbits. The cornea is somewhat reddened, with photophobia.-Contraction of the eye-lids, with smarting pain in the eyes.-The eyes are closed, with photophobia.Dimness of the eyes, as from mucus. Vanishing of sight on looking at white objects. Obscuration of sight, with dilatation of the pupils. Scintillations.-Great contractions of the pupils.-Dilatation of the pupils. Staring look. EARs.-Painful lacerations in the car. Sticking in the ears. Titillation in the ears. The ears are burning hot and red.-Sensa. "tion as if the ears were closed. NosE.-Creeping in the nostril. Acute smell. FACE.-The face looks bluish and contracted. Death-like paleness during the sickness of the stomach. Red spots in the face. Violent lacerating in the facial bones and teeth, towards evening. Chapped, painful lips.-Tensive pain in the submaxillary glands, as if swollen. TEETH.-Sudden appearance of violent toothache, with heat in tha TARACUM 1113 face and reeling in the head. Drawing in the gums. Drawing pain in the upper teeth, abating on pressing upon the cheeks. Violent drawing-lacerating pain in the upper teeth, extending towards the forehead. MOUTH.-Stinging in the tongue. Swelling of a sublingual gland, painful when touched.-Dryness of the whole mouth, with violent thirst. Bitter taste in the mouth. Sour taste. THROAT.-Burning in the throat and mouth. Constrictive pain and burning in the larynx. Scraping and burning in the pharynz. Slight catarrhal affection of the tonsils. Spasm of the pharynx. APPETITE.-Voracious appetite. Constant hunger. GASTRIC SYMPToms.-Frequent empty eructations. Sour, hot eructations in the morning. Frequent- eructation, sickness at the stomach, vomituriticoa.-Hiccough. Spasmodic hiccough. Heartburn, from the stomach to the throat. Qualmishness of the stomach.Nausea. Nausea and accumulation of water.-Loathing.-Nausea, almost unto fainting, going off in the open air. Violent eructations, retching, nausea. Excessive nausea, on making the least motion.Disposition to vomit on hawking up mucus.-V omiting.-Spasmodic vomiting, singultus. Vomiting, with sweat, or with diarrhoea and pinching in the abdomen. Hamatemesis and spasms. Violent vomiting, diarrhoea, anguish, debility, stupefaction, and sweat. SToMAcH.-Feeling of pressure in the stomach. Spasmodic pressure in the region of the pylorus. Cardialgia. Colic, followed by violent cardialgia, great nausea, and ptyalism. Violent lacerating in the stomach after a meal. Pain and inflammation of the stomach, and of portions of the intestinal canal. Burning in the stomach. Feeling of coldness in the stomach, with nausea and disposition to vomit. AnDoMEN.-Violent contractions of the abdominal muscles. Sinking in of the abdomen. Pain in the region of the liver on pressing upon it, extending to the pit of the stomach. Sticking in the region of the liver. Sticking in the hypochondria.-Pressure in the hypochondria. Aching pains in the umbilical region, with cramp-like retraction of the umbilicus. Violent aching pains in the hypogastrium, with nausea and disposition to vomit; or with chilliness of the whole body. Horrible pains in the abdomen, sensation of violent burning. Heat in the intestinal canal. Violent colic, with vertigo, headache, nausea, contraction of the abdomen, small pulse, cold and damp skin, dilatation of the pupils. Colic towards evening, as if diarrhoea would set in. Pinching in the abdomen, 'ollowed by lacerating pain in the stomach.-Cutting around the umbilicus. Spasm of the bowels, with diarrhoea. 47* 1114 TANACETUM. STOOL - Frequent urging, with little stool, soreness in the abdo. men before and after stool. Urging to stool, with frequent tenesmus of the rectum. Violent tenesmus, with straining. Diarrhea. Diar. rhalic stools, with emission of flatulence, colic, and soreness of the anus.-Tenesmus and violent pains in the small of the back during soft stool. Tenesmus and violent burning in the anus, during stool. Burning pain at the anus, after stool. URINE.-Enuresis. Frequent pressure on the bladder. MALE GENITAL ORGANS.-Discharge of prostatic fluid. Tingling on the glans. Nocturnal emissions. FEMALE GENITAL ORGANS.-Discharge of a serous liquid from the vagina, a fortnight after the menses. LAR.YNX.-Tickling and scraping in the throat. Dry cough, with sticking in the pit of the stomach. CHEST.-Great difficulty of breathing, paroxysms of suffocation. Dyspnoea, anxiety, hurried, labored breathing. Hurried, anxious, irregular inspirations. Oppression of the chest, relieved by a deep inspiration. Violent constriction of the chest. Pressure and stitches in the chest. Sore pain in the chest, during rest.-Violent palpitation of the heart when lying on the left side, going off by turning to the right side. Irregular, generally slow beating of the heart. Violent beating of the heart and carotids. BACK.-Burning under the scapulae.-Contractive pain in the small of the back, particularly violent after stool. Pain in the small of the back and loins, particularly when sitting. Intolerable pain in the small of the back, rendering it difficult to sit or lie. Throbbing pain in the region of the sacrum, in the evening. ARMS AND LEGs.-Coldness and trembling of the limbs. Spasms of the limbs. Tremor of the limbs. Lame feeling in the arm, with cramp. Complete exhaustion and painfulness of the arm. The hands feel lame, with coldness, afterwards burning. Weakness of the hands. Cramps in the hands and arms. Spasmodic contractions in the hands and arms.-Dull aching pain in the hip and knee-joints. Drawing in the thighs. Frightful burning in the knee.-Spasm in the knee. 258.-TANACETUM. TANAC.-Tansey.-See "Archiv," XIII., p. 170. SYMPTOMS.-Great mobility, extraordinary motions, and strange gesticulations, stretching, and drawing up the feet, and then extend, ing them again suddenly. TARAXACUM. 1115 259.-TARAXACUM. TARAX.-Leontodon Taraxacum, Dandelion.-See " Hahnemann's "Materia Medica Pura," V. COMPAPE WITH-Con., Kali., Nux-v., Puls., Spig., Valer. ANTIDOTE.-Camphor. SLEEP.--Drowsiness in the daytime. Frequent waking from sleep, and tossing about in bed. Anxious, vivid dreams. Voluptuous dreams. FEvER.-Chilliness for some hours, with continuous, oppressive headache. Face, hands, and rest of the body are hot, without thirst. -Fever and ague. MORAL SYMPTOMS.-Gloomy mood, when unoccupied SENSORIUM.-Vertigo, with unsteady gait. HEAD.--~Violent headache, felt only when walking or standing.Heaviness of the head, with heat and redness of the face. Oppressive stupefying pain in the forehead, as after an intoxication. Aching pain in the right temple. Painful pressure in the head from within outward. Drawing aching pain in the temple. Sensation in the head as if the brain were constricted from all sides by a soft pressure. EYES.-Contraction, then dilatation of the pupils.-Burning in the eye-ball. EARS.-Hardness of hearing. Lacerating in the outer meatusauditorius. Drawing pain in the outer parts of the ear. FAcE.-Feeling of heat and redness in the face. MouTH.-Frequent accumulation of sourish water in the mouth. Accumulation of saliva in the 9swuth, and sensation as if the larynx were closed by pressure. Tongue coated white. Dry brown-coated tongue, early in the morning, when waking. THROAT.-Difficult deglutition. Dryness and stinging in tle throat. TASTE AND GASTRIC SYMPTOMS.-Bitterish taste in the mouth, before a meal. Bitter eructations and hiccough. Nausea, accompanied with anxiety, when sitting, going off when standing. Nausea, as if the stomach were overloaded with fat things. Qualmishness and nausea in the pharynx.-Great chilliness after eating, and especially after drinking. STOMACH AND ABDOMEN.-Tension in the pit of the stomach. Aching pain in the left side of the abdomen.- Continuous stitches, with pressure, in the left side of the abdomen. Itching-stinging pain in the right abdominal muscles. UIRINE AND GENITAL ORGANS.-Continuous boring pain in the glan, 1116 TARTARIUS STIIATJS. RESPTILATOKY ORGANs.-.Burning pressure in the sternum, more violent during an expiration than inspiration. Tensive pain in the region of the diaphragmi, during a doeep inspiration. BAcK.-Pressure in the small of the back. Painless creeping in the small of the back.-Tensive stickingo in the hback-, towards the right side. Sticking pain, with pressure, in the whole spine, towards the right side, when lying, wit~h difficult breathing, especially violent in the small of the back. Sticking with pressure, in the nape of the neck. Ar~ms.-T witching in the upper arm. Paroxysmal throbbing on the inner side of the upper arm. Aching pain in the muscles of the u1pper arm. fTerking- in the muscles of the fore-arm. Frequently returning drawing pains in the fore-arm. The ti~ps of the fingers are cold as ice. LEGS.-Sticking pain in the knee-joint. Drawing pains in the legs, when sitting~and walking. Weakness of the legs. Aching pain i.n the calf. Burning-aching pain in the sole of the foot. Continuous drawing along the tihia. Paroxysms of hurning in the toes. 260.-TARTARUS STIBIATUS. TART. STIB.-Tartarus Emeticus.-See Noack and Trinks. COMPARE WITH-Aeon., Ant.-cr.., Asa-f., Bar.-c., Chain., Coce., Iga., Ipec., Kali-. nitr., Nitr.-ac., Nux-v., Puls., Sep., Verat.-After Tart.-stib. are particularly suitable: Bar.-c., Ipec., Pals., Sep., Salph.-Tart.-stib. is particularly efficacious after: Puls. and Bar-c. ANTIDOTES.-Of las-ge maassive doses: China (particularly the yellow bark), Ipec. -Of small dose's: Asa-f., Chin., Cocc., Ipec., Op., Pals.-The principal remedy for the pastules which Tart.-stib. causes on the genital osgans, is Coninin.Tart.-stib. antidotes Sepia. PATHOLOGY.-Its action on animals would appear, from the experiments of Magendie, to be somewhat peculiar. He found that dogs, like man, may take' a large dose with impunity-for instance, half an ounce, if they are allowed to vomit; but that, if the gullet is tied, from four to eight grains will kill the~m in a few hours. His subsequent experiments go to prove that death is owing to the poison ezes~ing iiy'ammation of the lungs. Six or eight grains dissolved, in water were injected into a vein; the animal was attacked with vomiting and purging, and died within an hour.. Post-mortem, appea~rcrnces.- redness of the whole villous coat of the stomach and intestines, and also the lungs wvere of an orang-e-red or violet colotr thrughutd~tjt4e f ce]itat on, gorged wvetA blood, dense like the TARTARUS STIBIATUS. 1117 spleen, and here and there even hepatized. A larger quantity caused death more rapidly, without affecting the alimentary canal; a smaller quantity caused intense inflammation there, and death in twenty-four hours, but the lungs were always more or less affected. It is a fact, too, worthy of notice, that in whatever way this poison enters the body, its effects are unearly the same, This is shown, not only by researohes of Magendie, just mentioned, but likewise by the experiments of Schlcepfer, who found that.a scruple dissolved in twelve parts of water, and injected into the windpipe, caused violent vomiting, difficult breathing, and death in three days; and in the dead body both the lungs and stomach were much inflamed, particularly the former. It further appears, from an experiment related by Dr. Campbell, that, when applied to a wound, it acts with almost equal energy as when injected into a vein. Five grains killed a cat in this way in three hours, causing inflammation of the wound, and vivid redness of the stomach. He did not find the lungs inflamed. Magendie infers, from his own researches, that Tartar-emetic occasions death when swallowed, not by inflaming the stomach, but through means of a GENERAL LNFLAMMATORY state of the whole system, subsequent to its absorption,-of which disorder the affection of the stomach, and even that of the lungs are merely parts or symptoms. The later experiments of Rayer tend in some measure to confirm these views, by showing that death, may occur without inflammation of any kind being excited anywhere. Orfila has proved by analysis the important fact that Tartar-emetio is absorbed in the course of its action, and may be detected in the animal tissues and secretions. He found that, when it is applied to the cellular tissue of small dogs, two grains disappear before death; that Antimony may be detected by his process throughout the soft textures generally, but especially in the liver and kidneys; but that it is quickly discharged from these quarters by the urine. Hence, in an animal that died in four hours, he found it abundantly in the liver, and still more in the urine. Dr. Nevins experimented on ten rabbits, the doses varied from one-half to two grains; it required from twelve to seventy-three grains, in diyided doses, to cause death. For the first days no striking symptoms were present; then the animals lost spirit in a great degree, and gradually became emaciated, but continued to take food almost to the hour of death. All who lived beyond the tenth day had diarrhcea-rabbits are incapable of vomiting. Cramps were not present in a single instance, but several died in violent convul. sions for one-quarter of an hour before death. The mouth was very 1118 TARTARUS STIBIATUS. severely ulcerated in several. One pregnant rabbit continued to increase in size and weight for two weeks, when all motion in the belly ceased, she lost weight and flesh, and died while giving birth to a litter of seven dead immature foetuses. Emaciation often extreme, so that not a trace of fat remained in the body. Mouth ulcerated. Stomach frequently inflamed in patches, but not throughout; sometimes, but rarely, ulcerated-always more than half full of blood. Pylorus frequently so thickened and indurated as to resemble cartilage under the knife. Small bowels frequently inflamed in patches, but rarely ulcerated. Intestinal glands sometimes excessively enlarged. Large bowels generally healthy. Liver generally congested in parts, occasionally inflamed, hard, or brittle. Kidneys generally more or less congested, sometimes one only, at others the upper portion of one and the lower of the other. Bladder generally distended with urine and more vascular than usual. Brain generally healthy. Lungs and trachea frequently congested, sometimes highly inflamed; the two lungs seldom alike. In several cases there was extensive extravasation of blood upon the surface of the lungs, and of the liver and stomach, and beneath the mucous surface of the ceccum. Heart healthy and generally full of black coagulated blood. It was always present in the liver after five grains were given; appeared in this organ before it was clearly proved present in any other organ except the stomach. It appeared next in the kidneys, and after the fifteenth day was present in the bones. Its presence was also lastly proved in the blood, lungs, urine, faces, both hard and soft. In the brain it never was clearly present, and its evidence in the muscles was very slight. It was constantly passing off by the urine and feces, and was discovered in both these excretions, abundantly in some rabbits which survived twenty-one days after the last dose was given; and in the feaces was slightly present eighty days after the last dose. It disappeared from the liver about the fifteenth day, and from the kidneys somewhat later; whilst it was found abundantly in the bones thirty-one days after the last dose. In the litter of seven it was found abundantly in the placenta and livers, examined separately; in the remaining contents of the abdomen, in the contents of the chest, in the flesh and bones. CLINICAL REMARKS.-The homoeopathicity of this medicine in variola is strongly marked; and it is now recognized by the phy. sicians of our school as one of the most important remedies. Dr. Lichtenstein, of Brunswick, says of the Tartar-emetic pustule, "The clear lymph of the pustules which arise from the external ap. plication of Tartrate of Antimony produced inoculation pustules which TARTARUS STIBIATUS. 1119 are quite undistinguishable from those produced by vaccination. They seem to confer the same protection from cow-pox and small-pox; they excite fresh pustules by inoculation, and, in general, in other respectb, would appear to be analagous to cow-pox." The first experiment he made with them was in the summer of 1836; but, as he never heard of any similar ones, he was then diffident about them; up to this time he has made thirty-one vaccinations and revaccinations with lymph of Tartar-emetic pustules, and has found them, in all their relations, analagous to cow-pox lymph. Bethmann reports the case of a patient whose body was covered with numerous and large pustules filled with pus, and whom he treated unsuccessfully with Sulphur. He administered one grain of the fourth trituration of this remedy, and, in a short time, the skin became clear, and the eruption disappeared without leaving cicatrices. Dr. Liedbeck, of Stockholm, states that he has never seen a case of small-pox terminate fatally when treated by Tartar-emetic in doses smaller than those ordinarily given. He states that all his cases yielded to Tart.-ant., in small doses, without leaving a vestige of any after-effect. He states that the identity of the Tartar-emetic pustule with the small-pox pustule first suggested to him the remedy, and its property also, according to Hahnemann, of producing miliary fever, scabs, &c. All the symptoms are vastly mitigated by the use of Tart.-stib., in doses of one-half to one grain, dissolved in a pint of water, administered in tablespoonful doses every fourth hour. Often after the first dose he has found the tongue clearer, the fever subsiding, and even the difficulty of swallowing was much less when the remedy had been administered in time. Dr. Berg regards it as the one remedy to be relied upon when there is irritation of the respiratory mucous membranes. He states that, in the Stockholm epidemic of 1838-39, this complication seems without exception, to have been the cause of the fatal terminations when such occurred; and while, where the, disease was uncomplicated, he left it to itself, if bronchial irritation declared itself, he ordered the repeated use of Tart.-ant. in small doses. Dr. L. says that, after nine years' further experience, he would refer to the administration of Tart.-stib. as a substitute for cow-pox inoculation. In Froriep's "Notizen" it is stated that tartarized Antimony, in large doses, has produced dryness, heat, and redness in the throat, as also internal eruption; in the mouth, throat, larynx, and trachea even were found large pustules with depressions in their centres. He avers that, in confluent small-pox, there is no doubt that it is a febrifuge remedy, and allays the irritation of the skin better than any other remedy. I became acquainted with Lichtenstcin's cxperiments 1120 TARTARUS STIBIATUS fully twelve years ago, and believe I was the first in this country strongly to recommend Tart.-emet. in small-pox, variola, and many pustular and suppurative affections. It is the homceopathic remedy, par excellence, against purulent and suppurative affections.-PETERS. In bilious erysipelas, or in that originating with strongly-marked gastric disorder, Desault advises Tartar-emetic, largely diluted. He states that he has seen the symptoms entirely subside under its use, although the medicine produces no other sensible alteration in the animal economy than an increase of perspiration and of urine. More recently, Dr. Welsh expressed his opinion that this salt acts specifically on erysipelatous inflammation. He says, that there is no form of the disease which should not in the first instance be attacked with Tartar-emetic, whether there be high inflammatory fever, low fever, vomiting, or purging; under all and every circumstance we shall find, he adds, that the disease will yield to this remedy. A tonic course is sometimes necessary to complete a cure. I?/lammations.-In inflammatory, continued, and remittent fevers, Tartarus-emeticus is a most valuable remedy, fulfilling two important indications -viz., subduing the morbidly increased action of the heart and arterial system, and determining freely to the skin. Unless contra-indicated by great gastric irritability or cerebral complications, a strong antimonial solution, at the outset of the attack, may be given with manifest benefit, although it does not, as formerly supposed, cut short the fever. In the more advanced stages of fever, Ant.-tart., every one or two hours, in alternation with Opium, exercises a most beneficial influence. In those cases where it is inadvisable or impossible to administer Antimony 'by mouth, it is recom*nended to exhibit it by means of an enema; for this purpose it should be thrown high up into the bowels by means of a long flexible tube. In this way you can secure all the good effects of Antimony in overcoming congestion of the brain and in procuring sleep. In the cerebral complications of fever, Dr. Graves speaks in the highest terms of the efficacy of Opium and Tartar-emetic; in the third and last stage he has also employed it with great benefit, conjoining it with a slight tonic or stimulant treatment. In intermittent fevers, an antimonial preparation, unless contraindicated, given at the outset of the attack, is attended with evident benefit. In mild cases, a complete cure is often effected by its continued use, every two hours, strict attention being paid at the same time to the condition of the bowels. Dr. Moore's treatment was to administer a brisk purgative, provided the fever was not complicated with any local affection of important viscera or organs, and then to TARTARUS STIBIATUS. 1121 proceed with the Antimony. He uses quite a weak preparation, viz., one grain of the pure salt to a hundred ounces of water, sometimes, however, using ten grains to a hundred ounces. Should complications exist, they are to be met by the use of the appropriate remedies, but they need not interfere with the continued use of the Antimony. In acute inflammation of the heart or its membranes, in that of the lungs, pleura, peritoneum, the brain and its membranes, and also in acute bronchitis, Tartar-emetic is a powerful therapeutic agent. It controls the action of the heart and arterial system, lowers the force and frequency of the pulse, depresses the action of the vascular system, increases the urinary secretion, and produces a certain amount of diaphoresis. There are few inflammations which will not yield to it if taken at an early stage, but the patient requires to be carefully watched, and any signs of returning inflammation to be met by a repetition of the same remedy. There are some inflammations, however, in which Antimony must be administered with great caution; thus, in acute meningitis it should never be given in such doses as to produce vomiting; should this symptom supervene, its use should be suspended, or at least the dose diminished. In pleuritis, also, it is necessary to guard against its emetic effect; and in neplhritis it is seldom admissible, in consequence of the great tendency to vomiting which generally accompanies this inflammation. Dr. Watson considers Antimony most useful in inflammations of mucous membranes, and not nearly so valuable a remedy as Mercurius when serous membranes are the seat of disease. When, however, these remedies are alternated, they appear almost equally useful, whether the seat of inflammation be the mucous or serous surfaces. Pneumonia.-According to Magendie, it acts specifically in inflaming the lungs and the mucous membrane which lines the intestines from the cardia to the anus. Lepelletier also remarks, " Its effects on the respiratory organs are, to produce dyspnoea in dogs which were in perfect health before its administration: the lungs were found hepatized, had lost their color, and scarcely crepitated at all. One would imagine that, admitting its action in man to be similar, far from being useful, its administration would be particularly pernicious in pneumonia, but it is not so, for, far from favoring engorgement of the lung, it induced its resolution." The indications for this remedy in croup are (besides its physiological effects) based on the predominating symptoms of a partial paralysis of the pneumo-gastric nerve. The short, hoarse, nearly suffocative breathing is accompanied by a whistling noise, heard even at a distance, whilst the thorax expands only with the greatest 1122 TARTARUS STIBIATUS. muscular effort, and.the greatest anxiety and uneasiness, together with great prostration are manifested. The head is thrown backwards; face livid and cold; the forehead, and sometimes the whole body are covered with a cold sweat; pulse small and very much accelerated, or depressed and slow; drinking causes great difficulty, both owing to spasm and incomplete contraction of the muscles of the throat. The remedy should be administered in strong doses, repeated every hour or half hour. The effect is a remarkably rapid diminution of all the symptoms, without producing diarrhoea, vomiting, or a profuse sweat. The children fall into a gentle sleep in two or three hours, breathe freely, cough easily and loosely, expectorate a thick, lumpy, greenish mucus, their skin becomes moderately warm, and the pulse becomes small, weak, and mostly remarkably slow.-Quarterly Hom. Journal. CLINICAL NOTE BY Dn. GRAY.-" 1. I have given the Tartar-emetic with success in a case of apoplexy, accompanied by fruitless efforts to vomit. The patient, a woman of sixty years, after lying quite unconscious for nearly twenty-four hours, had partially recovered her senses for forty-eight hours before I saw her, but had taken neither food nor driink. Her efforts to vomit were repeated about every half-hour, Between these turns she appeared to be in an uneasy coma. The remedy was given in a watery solution, one-sixtieth of a grain, and this one dose was completely successful; no more efforts at vomiting occurred, the coma disappeared rapidly, and a hemiplegia, which remained after the full restoration of her consciousness, faded away in a very few days. No other remedy was exhibited. " 2. I have for many years been in the habit of treating the coma which occurs in the height of febrile paroxysms, especially the violent ephemeral attacks to which young children are liable, by the Tartar. emetic in doses of the one-hundredth of a grain, repeated every hour till the heat and coma abate. The presence of vomiting strengthens the indication for the drug so much as to make it advisable to give a smaller quantity, and at intervals of from a half to a full hour longer. The very hot paroxysms of fever, occurring in the course of dentition, and especially such as are excited by errors of diet, and tend to the development of severe convulsions, have been much more satisfactorily treated by this drug than by the Aconite, Belladonna, or Chamomilla, which I have often applied singly and seriatim, as is the general practice in our school. The first sign of abatement in the fever, or coma, is, with me, the signal for stopping the remedy. "3. In the first stage of influenza (generally of itself a fugitive state), I think it by very much the most strictly indicated, and, on TARTARUS STIBIATUS. 1123 that account, as well as from my own observations in many hundreds of cases, by very far the most efficacious means we can apply. The state against which I give it is: lassitude with great sensitiveness to cold, with chilly feelings, headache, pasty tongue, inflammation of the throat (tonsils, arches of the palate or pharynx), short turns of nausea, achings in the bones, especially of the lower extremities, yellowness of the skin, slight hoarseness, more or less fever-heat and sweats. "The Antimony often acts as a perfect remedy in the stage of incubation, especially in those cases which would of themselves close this stage by profuse watery diarrhoea with some vomiting and cramps.1 "The second or bronchial stage of the true influenza having been successfully managed by Phosphorus or Bryonia with the aid of Aconite or Hyoscyamus, I complete the cure by a return to the Antimony; that is to say, when the air-passages are loaded with mucus, the cough being frequent and the expectoration copious. "4. I have preferred this preparation to the crude Antimony in the treatment of acute inflammatory rheumatisms, in cases embarrassed by gastric symptoms, which, according to our authorities, call for that preparation. My reason for this choice is, that the Tartar-emetic has produced the desired result more promptly in my hands than the crude Antimony. " 5. In the treatment of gastric and bilious fevers, I have, for the same reason, done the same thing; and that for many years past, and with equally satisfactory results. " 6. Respecting the malarious fevers, I suggest, with unfeigned diffidence, the application of the tartarized Antimony, in doses of the one-sixtieth of a grain, repeated every two to four hours throughout the whole period or stage of incubation, and further still (unless very strong indications for other drugs are developed), even till the fever assumes a distinctly intermittent character, admitting of its then denoted specific, as, for example, China, Arsenic, or Ipecacuanha. " If, however, the dose above indicated produce any sensible effects, especially if it provoke nausea, or clearly aggravate it when previously present, I would immediately stop its use for twelve hours, giving in the interval a dose or two of Pulsatilla, and then resume it, in a S This stage, of which the angina-faucium, the chills, and the bone-pains are the prominent sufferings, subsides of itself in twenty-four to forty-eight hours, and the physician is very apt to be deceived as to the efficacy of his treatment. The allopathist praises his atrocious lancet and heroic purgatives, and the homceopathist his Mercuries, or Belladonna or Nux, and the patient in either case thinks a wonder has been done for him; but the disease, if it be a real influenza, is not removed; it has only advanced a step beyond the process of incubation, towards the stadium of bronchitis, with its concomitant cough, dyspncea, feversweats, and prostration. 1124 TARTARUS STIBIATUS smaller quantity, say the first or second trituration. The success of our school in the treatment of severe forms of malarious fevers has not been such as, in my judgment, to render this suggestion respecting the Antimony wholly superfluous. It is my conviction that this drug covers more of the symptoms of the bilious fevers of our climate, in the first seven to fourteen days of their existence, than any other as yet known; and I am accordingly persuaded that the riper experience of later times will give it, in our school, the rank which George Fordyce in vain sought to give it a hundred years ago in the ordinary practice.-(See his "Essay on Fevers.") Dr. Fordyce says that, given below the nauseating point, throughout the continued fevers (of England), it produced better results, especially when solely relied on, than any other treatment then known. " 7. In croup, the Tartar-emetic, in watery solution, applied in all states prior to the deposition of plastic lymph (diphtherite), is in my opinion, a safer practice than the Acon., Spong., and Hepar., hitherto so much, and as, I think, unjustly lauded in our books. " 8. The Tartar-emetic is certainly a simillimum to variola and varioloid. In the incubation of these diseases I give it in doses of the I-- of a grain; later, in the second and third trituration. Since treating them in this way (now fifteen years), I have not had an instance of retrocession of the eruption. 1 Should I be called to such a case, I should rely on the same remedy, but in a high attenuation. "9. I desire again to call the attention of the heroic men of our school, who are really engaged in testing the physiological powers of the drugs on their own persons, to the facts that Antimony, Arsenic, and Phosphorus produce very analogozus results in the healthy, and that these great drugs have isomorphous relations with each other. "It is certainly worthy of sturdy inquiry whether isomorphous drugs can be used as substitutes for each other in any or all cases; for, if the curative power be that unknown force which determines their atomic relations and their crystalline form, then not only will a test be presented whereby the errors and falsities of pathogenetics (a canker-worm in homceopathy) may be corrected promptly and soundly; but, by the simple consideration of these known elements, the atomic relations and crystalline dimensions, we may be enabled to determine the therapeutic value of very many, as yet untried agents of the future art of healing." GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-Weariness in every part of the body. 1 I have been informed by a physician, of this city, that he has produced the Tartar-emetic pustules on the skin, by its internal administration, in two instances of phthisis-pulmonalis. TARTARUS STIBIATUS. 1125 -Drawing-lacerating, aching, tensive, also beating and stinging pains.-Pains as if sprained and bruised feeling in the limbs.Cracking of the joints.-Great sensitiveness of the whole body, even when touching it.-Disposition to morbid sensitiveness.-Tremor during every motion of the body, particularly of the head and hands. Peculiar interinal trembling.-Spasmodic movements and convulsive twitchings about the arms and hands. Violent clonic spasms, with loss of conciousness, look-jaw.-Death-like rigidity and convulsive distortion of the body.-Paralysis.-Fainting fits.-Great laziness and weariness in the limbs, relaxation of the whole body, great prostra-.tion and languor, exhaustion, collapse of pulse, loss of speech, marblecoldness of the body.-Caries of the skull-bones. Gastric dyscrasia and gastric affections, with general sinking of the irritability.-Diffi. cult digestion.-Cholera morbus.-Emaciation. CHARACTERISTIC PECULIARITIES.-The symptoms come on or are aggravated by sitting, frequently last only a short time, and recur in paroxysms. SKIN.-Pale skin.-Insensibility of the skin.-Disposition to swellings, erysipelas, and ulcers.-Small red spots on the hands, resembling flea-bites.-Violent, itching, suppurating rash, particularly on the occiput, chest, and arms. Itch-like eruption, particularly on the wrist-joint and upper arm.-Pustulous eruption on the whole body, particularly on the genital organs.-Round, large, full, burning, painful pustules, with red areolhe.-Furunculous-pustulous eruption, occasioning a violent painful itching.-Pustulous eruption, the pustules filling with pus, drying up in a few days, and sometimes leaving deeply-penetrating, malignant ulcers.-Pale, livid, blackish, depressed pustules, containing a bloody or blackish fluid. Pustules filled with blood or bloody serum, collapsing when bursting, turning blackish, and frequently changing to malignant, broad deep ulcers.-Gan. grenous ulcers with violent wound-fever. SLEEP.-Constant yawning and stretching.-Laziness and great drowsiness, with vertigo.-Deep sleep.-Lethargy.-Sleeplessness. -Restless sleep, frequent waking after anxious dreams. FEVER.-Anxiety and restlessness.-Great malaise all over, arising from the abdomen.-General uneasiness, alternating with nausea. -Yawning and stretching.-Chilliness about the whole body, with tremor.--Chilliness during motion, alternating with heat. Chilliness with flushes of heat.-Great heat and thirst.-Restlessness, violent febrile motions, great heat, thirst, headache. General profuse sweat. Profuse night-sweat. Throbbing in every artery of the body, per. ceptible even externally.-Quick, feeble, tremulous pulse. Irritated 1126 TARTARUS STIBIATUS. pulse. Slow pulse. Small, contracted, accelerated pulse. Suppressed, irregular, imperceptible pulse. Collapse of pulse. Gastric fever. MORAL SYMPTOMS.-LoSS of sense.--Dullness and dizziness.Stupefaction and suppression of all the sensual functions.-Delirium; muttering.-Tendency to start. HEAD.-Vertigo, with scintillations.-Heat in the head, increased by motion. Violent headache, with vertigo and palpitation of the heart.-Dullness of the head, with pressure in the temporal region. -Dullness and stupefaction of the head, with tensive sensation and drowsy and weary feeling.-Intoxication, with difficulty of moving the tongue.-Pain in the anterior portion of the head.-Headache, with pressure from without inwards.-Tensive, stupefying headache, with pressure from without inwards, in the forehead and over the root of the nose, particularly proceeding from the temples, with drawing and digging to the root of the nose.-Painful drawing from the temporal region to the malar bone and upper jaw.-Intermittent tearing in one side of the head.-Heaviness of the head. Trembling of the head during every motion of the body. EYEs.-The eyes feel so weary that they close.-The eye-ball feels bruised, particularly on touching it.-Tearing in the eyes.-Burning in the eyes in the evening.-The eyes are turgid with blood.-Passing and frequently-recurring scintillations, mistiness, and vertigo. EARs.-Humming. NosE.-Ulcerated nostrils.-Bleeding.-Sneezing and fluent coryza, with chilliness, deficient smell and taste. FAcE.-Blue margins around the eyes, blue lips, pointed nose, wretched look, and great paleness.-Great heat in the face.-Intensely-painful drawing, and lastly dull pressure in the malar bone.Spasmodic closing of the jaws.- The lips are parched, scaly, cracked, excoriated, red. TEETH.-Violent toothache, early in the morning.-Red gums. MouTH.-Dryness of the wouth. Burning in the mouth.-Inflammation of the mouth and mucous membrane of the tongue, with small pustules.-Swelling and excoriations in the mouth.-Aphthae.-Red tongue, covered with raised papillae. THRoAT.-Sudden swelling of the cervical glands and tonsils.Spasm of the cervical muscles.-Burning heat in the throat.-Violent sore throat.-Painful dry heat and redness in the throat. Inflam. mation of the pharynx, with small pustules. Difficulty of swallowing. Dysphagia, with difficult breathing. APPETITE.-Metallic, astringent taste.-Constant loathing. Qualm ishness, prostrate feeling. TARTARUS STIBIATUS. 1127 GASTRIC SYMPTOMs.-Frequent nausea, with anxiety, alternating with general uneasiness, or else continuing, accompanied with great dullness of the head. Nausea, with disposition to vomit, in repeated paroxysms.-Constant nausca, vomiting, and diarrheea.-Nausea, cutting in the abdomen, retching with urging to diarrhoea, vomiting of food having a sour taste, with great exertions, trembling of the body. -Empty or putrid eructations. STOMACH.-Sensation as if the stomach were overloaded, with putrid eructations, disposition to vomit, pinching in the region of the stomach, and stinging pain in the anterior and superior portion of the head.-Ineffectual retching. Violent vomiting, with headache, trembling of the hands, and general racking of the body. Spasmodic vomiting of tenacious substances. Excessive vomiting of bile.Hiematemesis.-Cholera morbus, with vomiting. The vomiting is preceded by an exceedingly troublesome feeling of nausea, anguish, yawning, profuse lachrymation, violent pressure at the stomach.The vomiting is followed by great languor, drowsy and weary feeling, loathing, desire for cooling things, pale, sunken face, and dim swimming eyes.-Violent oppression of the stomach, momentarily relieved by nausea.-Violent beating in the region of the stomach.-Unpleasant sensation of warmth and burning in the region of the stomach.Congestion of blood to the stomach.-Excessive pains in the stomach. -Violent cardialgia, bordering on inflammation. Inflammation of the stomach. ABDOMEN.- Burning in the left hypochondrium, in the pit of the stomach and abdomen.-Cutting and sticking in the pit of the stomach, particularly when drawing in the abdomen.-The abdomen is sensitive to contact.-Swelling of the epigastrium.-Painful tension all round below the short ribs.-Violent cutting and writhing in the abdomen.-Lacerating, violent cutting, and pinching in the abdomen. -Aching, tensive pains in the region of the pubic bones.-Pulsative sensation in the abdomen.-Sensation of great fullness in the abdomen.-Meteorism. STOOL.-Colliquative diarrhoea, with meteorism. Involuntary diarrhceic stool.-Diarrhoea and vomiting.-Palpitation of the heart during the diarrhoea.-Tenesmus.-Bloody stools.-Heat and burning pains in the anus. URINE.-Violent tension with pressure in the region of the bladder. -Violent pressure on the bladder, with violent tension in the peri. noeum.-Violent pressure on the bladder, with burning in the urethra. -Inflammatory red urine, depositing bloody, red filaments when standing.-Dark brown turbid urine, having an acrid s.mell. 1128 TARTARI ACIDUM. MALE GENITAL ORGANS.-Pustules.-Tearing in the testicles. FEMALE GENITAL ORGANS.-Pustules. Discharge of watery blood from the vagina. LARYNx.-Feeble voice. Dumbness.-Cough and sneezing.Loose cough at night.-Rattling of mucus.-Cough of children, occasioned by anger.-Gasping for air at the commencement of every paroxysm of cough. CHEST.-Short difficult breathing. Want of air, obliging one to sit erect, relieved by coughing and expectoration.-Nocturnal paroxysm of orthopnaea.--Unusual oppression of the chest. Difficult breathing accompanying the dysphagia.- Velvetty feeling in the chest.-Paroxysms of sore pain in the chest, with desponding mood.-Feeling of warmth about the heart, and sudden attack of great languor. Warmth and anxiety about the heart, with violent palpitation reechoing in the head.-Tingling and pushing in the pit of the stomach, with violent sudden beating of the heart.-Palpitation of the heart with. out vexed mood, with lowness of spirits. Palpitation during the diarrhoeic stool.-The heart almost ceases to beat.-Dilatation of the heart. BAcK.-Burning in the back.-Rheumatic pain in the back. Pain. ful sensation in the back, as if from weariness. ARMs.-Pain in the shoulder, as if sprained.-Cracking in the shoulder-joints and tearing extending to the hands.-Violent lacerating jerking and intermittent drawing in the arm.-Rheumatic pain in the elbows.-Rheumatic drawing in the hand.-Trembling of the hand.-Deadness, dryness, hardness, and insensibility of the tips of the fingers. LEGS.-Heaviness in the loins.-Violent rheumatic drawing and uneasiness in the lower limbs, particularly in the region of the knee. -Lancinating tearing pain in the hip, in the thighs and legs.Extremely painful cramps in the thighs and calves.-Sticking in the hip and knee.-Intensely painful burning, slow jerking in the knee-joint. 261.-TARTARI ACIDUM. * TART. AC.-See "Pract. Com.," 1827. SYMPTOMS.-The whole body, particularly the lower limbs, feels bruised. The symptoms seem to be less in the open air.-Frequent yawning. and stretching.-Feeling of coldness, in the evening, in bed. -The lips are dry and burning, also with black or brown margins.Dullness of the teeth.-The mouth is slimy, with flat taste.-Loath. ing.-Feoling of coldness in the abdomen. TAXUS BACCATA. 1129 262.-TAXUS BACCATA. TAX. B.-Common Yew Tree.-See "Bibliot. Hom. de Geneve." COMPARE WITH-? ANTIDOTES.-? GENERAL SYMPTOMS.- General malaise. Restlessness.Convulsions.-Complete sleeplessness. Yawning, without drowsiness. Feeling of drowsiness.-Excessively taciturn.-Jaundice.?Gangrenous decomposition of the fluids.?-Violent narcotic affection of the nervous system. SKIN.-Cutaneous eruptions. Petechiae without fever. FEvER.-Unpleasant dryness and great heat in the palms of the hands.-Profuse night-sweat.-Fetid sweat. HEAD.-Vertigo. Stupefactions. Pain in the forehead, extending to the face, with drawing in the eyes and profuse lachrymation. Burning headache. Dragging pain from both sides of the head, over the eye-brow, accompanied with luminous circles which are in constant motion. EYES AND MOUTH.-Itching pain of the eyes. Dilatation of the pnpils-Bluish lips. 'Tenacious, burning, saltish saliva. Ptyalism, APPETITE AND STOMAc-.-Loathing, sometimes followed by vomiting of mucus or saburra, rarely mixed with bile. Nausea, with profuse secretion of hot saliva. Painless vomiting.-Pain in the pit of the stomach, sensitive to the least pressure. Pinching and burning pressure in the region of the stomach. ABDoMEN.-Dragging and tension across the abdomen. Slight dull pain in the region of the umbilicus. STOOL.-Small evacuation, with tenesmus. Slight diarrhooic stool, with tenesmus. Diarrhoea, with tenesmus and intolerable pain at the anus during and after every evacuation or urging. URINE AND GENITAL ORGANS.-Tenesmus of the bladder, with some burning pain in the urethra. Isohuria. Strangury and reddish urine. Appearance of the catamenia.-Discharge of mucus from the vagina. LARYNX AND CHEST.-Violent fatiguing cough. Oppression in the daytime. Sticking in the left side. BACK.-Cutting pain in the sacral region. Cutting pain under the loins. ARMS AND LEGs.-Rigidity of the extremities. Numbness and paralysis of the limbs. Acute pains in the knees, elbows, and various parts of the vertebral column. Acute flying pains in the limbs after sweating. Excessively violent cutting pains in both knees. Podagra. 48 1130 TEREBINTHINA.,263.-TEREBINTHINA. TEREB.-Oleum Terebinthine.-See Hartlaub and Trinks' "Annals." COMPARE WITiH-Acon., Bell., Camph., Canth., Nux-v., Puls. ANTIDOTES.-Camph.,? Canth.? GENERAL SYMPTOMS.- General languor. Loss of strength. Fainting. Dropsy. SKIN.-Inflammation, redness, and painfulness of the skin. Sud. denly appearing and disappearing erythematous, papulous, and even vesicular eruptions. SLEEP.-Frequent waking and tossing about at night. Nightmare. Sopor. FEVER.-Chilliness.-Increased sweat. Feverish heat through the whole body, pulse hard and frequent, headache, red face, thirst and sensation of dryness of the mucous membranes. Fever, with violent thirst. MIND AND DISPOSITION.-Mania. HEAD AND SENSORIUM.-Vertigo.-Intoxication.-Dull headache, with colic. Aching pains in the whole head, with vomiturition. Slight lacerating headache. Lacerating from the forehead to the right ear. Cutting in the forehead. EYE.--Black motes, momentarily, with quickly-passing sensation of vertigo. FAcE.-Drawing in the bones of the right half of the face and forehead, in the evening.-The face is pale and sunken.-Herpes on the tibia. NosE.-Violent bleeding at the nose. TEETH AND MOUTH.-Drawing in the teeth. OBurning soreness and interstitial distention of the gums. THROAT.-Warmth and scraping in the pharynx and stomach. APPETITE.-Want of appetite. Rancid eructations.-Slight nausea. -Vomiting of yellow mucus. STOMACH.-Pressure in the pit of the stomach, as if from without.,Pinching below the pit of the stomach, with nausea and eructations. Feeling of warmth and pain in the region of the stomach. Burning in the stomach, with nausea and vertigo. ABDOMEN.-Meteorism, frequent colic and movements in the bowels. Sensation of coldness in the abdomen, as if uncovered. Violent burning pressure in the hypochondria. Cutting in the hypogastrium. Constant cutting in the whole abdomen, thence extending into the thighs, both during rest and motion. Sensation as if the bowels TEUCRIVM. 1131 towards the spinal marrow were constricted, with anguish, hunger, and thirst. Sensation of heaviness and pain in the region of the kid neys. Violent burning, drawing pains in the region of the kidneys. Fleeting lacerating pain in the symphysis-pubis. Slight and painful swelling of the inguinal glands. STooL.-Ineffectual urging. --Costive, with distention of the abdomen. Diarrhoeic stool, with diminution of the nausea. Thin yellow stools, with discharge of tania and ascarides. Violent burning in the rectum. URINE.-Inflammatory symptoms about the bladder. Violent dragging and cutting in the bladder. Burning in the bladder. Strangury. Dysury, sometimes real urethritis, with painful erections, as in chordee. Complete suppression of urine. Enuresis. Urine scanty and red, even bloody. The urine deposits a thick, muddy, white-yellow sediment. Hoematuria. MALE GENITAL OrGANS.-Violent, crampy drawing in the left testicle, and along the left spermatic chord. Seminal emission at night. FEMALE GENITAL ORGANS.-Drawing in the thighs, with colic. Increased menses. CHEST.-Dryncss of the mucous membrane of the air-passages. Aching pains behind the sternum, sensation of troublesome prickling in the trachea, as at the commencement of bronchitis, sometimes attended with blood-streaked expectoration. Difficulty of breathing, the lungs seem congested. Dyspnoea. BAcK.-Drawing pains in the small of the back. Aching pain in the back. ARMS AND LEGS.-Stiffness of the limbs. Heaviness in the limbs. Pain as if sprained in the muscles of the upper arm. Drawing and lacerating pain in the hip-joint. Drawing in the groins and thighs. Pains in the feet. 264.-TEUCRIUM. TEUCR.--Teucrium Marum Verum.-See Stapf's "Additions." COMPARE WITH-Con.-m., gn., Magn.-p.-arct. ANTIDOTEs.-Camph.? Ign. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-*Irritated, tremulous sensation in the whole body. SLEEP.-Disturbed sleep; vivid and anxious dreams, with start. ings, until after midnight. 1132 TEUCRIUM. FEVER.-Chilliness over the whole body, with icy-cold hands, aco companied with frequent yawning. MORAL SYMPTOMS.-Ill-humored. Indolent, physically and mentally. HEAD.-Confusion of the head. Painful pressure in the whole sinciput. Dull, crampy headache, frequently. Lacerating in the head, commencing in the temples. Aching sensation in the whole occiput. Pressure in the forehead, over the eyes. FAcE.-Pale, wretched complexion, with hollow eyes. The face is red and puffed. EYES.-The eyes are red and inflamed, with coryza. Smarting in the inner canthi of both eyes, with increased redness of the conjunctiva. EARs.-Otalgia in both ears. NOSE.-Fluent coryza in the open air. Stoppage of both nostrils. JAWS AND TEETH.-Violent lacerating in the roots and gums of the lower incisores. Buzzing pain in the incisores. MOUTH AND THROAT.-Smarting and scraping sensation in the posterior fauces. Occasional slight drawing and lacerating in the fauces. Stinging pain in the throat, impeding deglutition. TASTE AND APPETITE.-Feeling of hunger, which prevents sleep. Violent hiccough when eating, with violent shocks in the pit of the stomach.-Qualmish feeling in the pit of the stomach, without eruc. tation or nausea. STOMACH AND ABDOMEN.-Pressure in the pit of the stomach. Sensation of emptiness and grumbling in the region of the stomach. Rumbling in the abdomen, with crampy pain. Dull painful pressure through the abdomen, in the region of the umbilicus, with rumbling. Crampy sensation in the abdomen, extending into the testes. Feeling of swelling, itching, and creeping in the region of the anus, as from ascarides, restlessness at night, tossing about. URINE.-Increased discharge of watery urine. RESPIRATORY ORGANS.-Disagreeable sensation of huskiness and dryness in the trachea. Pressure in thi right chest. Oppressive sensation, with stricture in the anterior parts of the chest. Crampy pressive sensation in the lower part of the chest and in the pit of the stomach. BACK.-Rheumatic drawing and tension in the back. Lacerating with pressure in the region of the short ribs. ARMs.-Tensive pain in the shoulder-joints. Intense paralytic aching in the upper part of the upper arm. Dull drawing-lacerating pain in both humeri. Suddenly-appearing, dull, cutting pain through THEA CHINENSIS.-THERIDION. 1133 the muscles of th~efore-arm. Feeling of heaviness iin the whole left arm. Rheumatic tension in the region of the elbow. LIEGs.-Jactitation in the muscles of the arms and lower limbs, especially in the region of the hip. Aching and lacerating sensation, with heaviness, in the whole leg. 265.-THEA CHINENSIS. THEA.-See Noack and Trinks. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-Oppression, slight nausca, general tremor, palpitation and oppression of the heart, feeling of debility. FEVER.-The pulse bccame quiPker, then slower, irregular, and in. termnittent. Feeling of anxious oppression about the heart. MORAL SYMaPTOMSs.-Temporal exaltation of mind. Excessively ill. humored. Taciturn and peevish.* HEAD.-Gloomy, heavy, and dizzy in. the forehead. Excessively disagreeable heada~che, with throbbing of the carotids. MOUTH AND APPETITE.-Intolerable smell in the mouth, early after waking. Complete aversion to food. STOMACH AND ABDOMaEN.-iDisagreeable sensation of excessive relaxation of the stomach, with qualmishness and nausea, and discharge of water from the mouth. Slight anxiety in the proecordial region. Sligrht pressure in the region of the stomach. Relaxation of the bow els. 266.-THERIDION. THERID.-See "Arehiv," Vol. XIIV.-Is frequently suitable: after Calc. and Lye. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-0l-lysteric complaints. OComplaints at the age of pubescence or at a change of life.-Feels sick and trcm. bling. eWeak, all his l-imbs tremble. SLEEP.-iDrowsiness in the morning. FEVER.-Internal chilliness. MORAL SYMPTots.-Despondency. Tendency to start. Dread 'of labor. HEAD AND SENSORIuAI.-Dullness of the head, with great heaviness, Fullness and dullness behind the ears. Vertigo, on stooping. Vertigo, with nausea. Hleadache on moving. 0Violent headache, in the forehead, with throbbing extending to the occiput. Headache at 1134 THUJA OCCIDENTALIS. the root of the nose and over the ears, as if from a pressing band. Compression in the temples.-Itching of the head. EYES AND EARs.-~Frequent paroxysms of luminous vibrations before the eyes.-oViolent itching behind the ears. Excessive sensitiveness of hearing. ONoise as of a water-fall. NOSE AND TEETH.-Itching in the nose. Discharge of water from the nose.-The teeth are sensitive from cold water or sound. APPETITE, ABDIMEN.-Slimy taste. ~Saltish taste.-Nausea at night, on closing the eyes, with vertigo. Vomiting of slimy water, with vertigo. The vomiting is preceded by cold sweat all over the body. Vomiting of bile, early in the morning. After vomiting the throat feels scalded, with pain in the small of the back, hurried pulse, and headache.-~Sea-sickness.?-Sensitiveness of the pit of the stomach.-*Pain in the inguinal region, 0during motion, or with sensation on drawing up the limb as if hard blows were received on it. STOOL, &c.--Intermittent stool. The latter part of the stool is more difficult to pass than the former. Scanty papescent stool every day, with much straining.-Protrusion of the anus. BACK, LIMBS.-Itching of the back.-Pain between the shoulders. -Stitch from the elbow to the shoulder. 267.-THUJA OCCIDENTALIS. THUJ.-See Hahnemann's "Materia Medica Pura," IV. COMPARE WITH-Asa.-f., Bry., Cann., Canth., Chin., Cop., Fer., Led., Lye., Merc., Nitr.-ac., Phosph.-ac., Petrol.. Plat., Pv1s., Sabin., Sep., Staph., Sulph.-Thuj. is frequently suitable after: Nitr.. ac. (in sycosis or mercurial syphilis).-After Thuj. are frequently suitable: Nitr.-ac., Puls., Staph.? ANTIDOTES.-Cham. for the nightly toothache, Cocc. for the fever, and Mere. for the nightly ailments.-Is used as an antidote against: Mere., Thea.? GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-oRheumatic and arthritic pains.Painful drawing from the legs through the thighs into the head. Pressure in different parts, as if on the bones, accompanied with a scraping, prickling sensation. Weariness and bruised feeling in the shoulders and thighs. Weakness of the body, not of the mind.-Stiff"ness and heaviness in all the limbs. CHARACTERISTIC PECULIARITIES.-The symptoms are most violent after three o'clock in the afternoon and night, preventing one from falling asleep. SKIN.-The skin of the whole body is painful to the touch. Itch, ing of the body, back, and upper and lower limbs, like flea-biteg. THUJA OCCIDENTALIS. 1135 SLEEP.-Excessive drowsiness. Restless sleep. Restlessness at night and anxiety. Sleepless nights. Sleep full of dreams and startings. Disposed to vomit. the whole night. Violent headache in the morning on waking, with nausea and vomiting. Frightful dreams. FEVER.-Chilliness without thirst. Shaking chill. Shuddering when uncovering the body ever so little. Shaking chill, with much yawning. Nausea and vomiting, the vomiting being followed by several chills, with heaviness in the upper and lower limbs and a lacerating in the occiput.-Violent seething of the blood every evening; throbbing in all the arteries at every motion. Heat in the face and burning and redness of the cheeks. Sudden heat in the face, and redness. Swelling of the veins of the temples and hands. The tips of the fingers are icy-cold, as if dead. Rush of blood to the head, with sweat in the face and desire for cold drink. Slight heat, followed by a creeping chill, with icy-cold hands in the evening. Heat, with thirst, without chilliness. MORAL SYMPTOMS.-Low-spirited and desponding.-Tired of life. -Dissatisfied. SENSORIUM.-Frequent vertigo. Cloudiness in the forehead. Stupid feeling in the head, with nausea. Slow thinking and talking. Weakness in the head; his brain feels dead and numb. H-EAD.-Headache early in the morning. Boring pressure in the head.-Drawing headache.-Sticking headache. Drawing in the temporal muscles, a sort of external headache, worse during deglutition. Dull pain in the head, as if stupefied. Dull aching in the occiput. Painful pressure across the forehead. Furious pressing in both temples from without inward. Violent painful pressure in the head. Drawing lacerating headache from the vertex to the middle of the brain.-Heaviness in the head. Heaviness of the head, with ill-humor. Prickings, especially along the forehead. Headache, as if the head were compressed, with pulsative throbbings and stitches in the region of the temples. Violent burning aching behind the car. Corrosive gnawing in the skin.of the occiput. Prickling pain in the temples. EYES.-Short-sightedness. Sensation as of a gauze before the eyes. and a pressure in the same, as if the eyes would be pressed out of the head, or as if the eyes were swollen. The eyes are dim in the open air. The sight of the inflamed eye is obscured. Weak eyes; pressure in the eyes as from fine sand. Pressure in the eyes. Dry feeling in the eyes.-Great dilatation of the pupils. Black points befcre the eyes, even when closing them. Tile whites of the eyes are blood 1136 THUJA OCCIDENTALIS. red. The whites of the eyes are inflamed and red, with smarting and a pressure as from sand. Swelling of the upper eye-lids. EARS.-Pain in the ear. Aching pain in the meatus-auditorius. Tingling in the ears. Boring pain in the region of the malar bone, diminished by contact. Pimples in the whole face. Creeping and twitching toward the malar bones. Stiffness of the muscles of mastication, on the left side, painful when opening the jaw. Glandular swelling. Burning heat in the face and cheeks. Scurfy, itching eruption on the cheek. Red pustules above the lip, emitting blood when scratched. Dryness of the lips, without thirst. NosE.--~ Ulceration half an inch up in the nose. Corrosive creeping on the dorsum of the nose.-Nasal mucus mixed with coagulated blood.-Bleeding at the nose. Swelling and hardness of the left nasal wing, with a tensive pain. Drawing pain between the mouth and nose, afterwards the pain is felt across the nasal bones.-Sudden and fluent coryza.-Dry c iyza, with headache. JAWS AND TEETH.-Stitches in the lower jaw through the eat. Sharp drawing toothache. Swollen and sore gums. Considerable swelling of the gums and tongue. *Continued gnawing pain in the teeth. Darting through the gums of the posterior molar teeth. Sore feeling in the gums. Toothache, a sort of hacking, or sharp beating in the gums. MOUTH, PHARYNX, AND (ESOPHAGUS.-The tip of the tongue is sore to the touch. Rough, scraping feeling on the surface of the tongue. The inner mouth feels as if full of blisters, as if he had burnt it.ORanula, transparent, jelly-like, blue-red, gray. Swelling of the salivary glands.-Swelling of the tonsils and throat.-Sore throat, a sort of swelling, as if brought on by a cold.-Stinging in the throat. -White coated tongue, without thirst.-He hawks up a blood-red mucus.-OChancrous ulcers in the throat and mouth, from excessive doses of Mercury for syphilis. APPETITE AND GASTRIC SYMPTOMS.-Flat, sweetish taste in the mouth. After eating, the abdomen bloats. Hiccough soon after eat. ing. Putrid eructations, late in the evening. Nausea and qualmishness in the region of the stomach.-*Desirefor cold drink. Frequent pinching in the region of the stomach, during dinner.-OBad effects from eating greasy things and onions. STOMACH AND ABDOMEN.-Cramp-paih in the pit of the stomach. Cramp in the stomach, increasing very much in the evening. Con tractive cramp in the epigastrium. Tension in the abdomen. Bloatedness of the abdomen, with contractive pains, like cramps. Bloated abdomen. Pressure in the pit of the stomach, immediately after a THUJA OCIDENTALIS. 1137 meal.-Anguish in the pit of the stomach, rising into the head and returning again to the stomach; accompanied with qualmishness. Pressure in the the lower part of the liver, as from a stone, when walking. Cutting in the side, above the liver, during an inspiration, ---ondurations in the abdomen.-Feeling of burning heat in the lumbar region. Pain in the abdominal muscles, as if sprained, when bending backwards, Burning pressing-together across the abdomen. Cutting pains in the hypogastrium. Painless swelling in the groin. Drawing pain, extending from the inguinal glands through the thighs as far as the knee. OPainful swelling of the inguinal glands. STooL.-*Constipation. Urging to stool, but ineffectual. Diminished stool. Loose stools. Discharge of hard, large, brown faeces, in balls, streaked with blood. *lHard, difficult stool, especially in the afternoon. Violent pain in the rectum during stool. Painful contraction of the rectum and anus, followed by lacerating, as if in the bowels, in paroxysms. Burning in the anus. URINE.-OBloody urine. Red urine, depositing a thick brick-dust sediment when standing. *Burning in the urethra, between the acts of micturition. Cutting during micturition. Burning pain in the urethra, when urinating, as if excoriated. Pain in the pudendum, as if sore and smarting, especially when urinating. Drawing-cutting pain in the urethra, when walking. Violent stitches in the glans, near the urethra, constantly accompanied with a desire to urinate. OSycotic gonorrhoea. MALE GENITAL ORGANS.-Stinging and itching of the glans. Drawing sensation in the testes. Crawling and itching in the scrotum. Profuse sweat of the organs of generation. Considerable swelling of the prepuce. *Roound, flat, unclean ulcer on the corona-glandis, painful and burning, surrounded with redness. *A few red, smooth, excrescences behind the glans. Red excrescence on the inner surface of the prepuce, resembling a fig-wart. OFig-warts.-Balanorrhcca, oparticularly after abuse of Mercury. OChancrous ulcers in mercurial syphilis. Burning and painful stinging in the fig-warts. Burning pain of the fig-warts when touched. Bleeding of the fig-warts.Olnflammation of the prostate. Jerking pain in the penis, as if a nerve were suddenly and painfully put upon the stretch. Aching pain in the testes, as if contused. FEMALE GENITAL ORGANS.-Swelling of both labia, painful and burning. Burning and smarting in the vagina, when walking and sitting. Mucous discharge from the female urethra. oWart-shaped excrescences at the orifice of the uterus, with stinging and burning when urinating.--~Cancer of the womb.? 48* 1138 THUJA OCCIDENTALIS. RESPIRATORY ORGANS AND CHEST.-Hoarseness, as if occasioned by a contraction of the pharynx. Violent coryza with nightly cough. Hoarseness and fluent coryza. Pressure as from a heavy body in the middle of the chest. Prickling in the chest. Uneasiness in the cervical muscles, in the nape of the neck, and in the chest. Oppression of the chest, as if something had grown fast in it. Asthmatic. Difficult, oppressed breathing, with great desire for water and much anxiety.-Pain in the region of the heart. Pain in the chest, resembling a pressure, most violent after a meal. Paroxysms of pressure in the outer parts of the chest, around the axilla. *Considerable seething of the blood when going up-stairs; her heart beats violently. Visible palpitation of the heart, without anxiety. BACK.-Aching pain in the back, here and there, when sitting. Sore feeling in the outer parts of the back. Drawing pain in the back, when sitting. Tensive pain in the small of the back. Drawing in the small of the back. Aching pain in the small of the back, when stooping. Violent stitch-like pains in the back when walking. Stitches with pressure in the back. Burning-stinging pains in the back, between the scapulve, when sitting. Sensation as of the beating of a large artery in the dorsal spine. Sensation of stiffness in the spine, as after standing for a long time bent. Beating and throbbing in the shoulder-joint.-Feeling of stifness in the nape of the neck and in the left side of the neck. Pain in the swollen glands of the neck. The veins of the neck are bloated and blue. ARMs.-Profuse sweat in the axilla. Paralytic feeling in the arms. Bruising pain in the upper arms, as if beaten black and blue. Involuntary jerking of the arm in the daytime. Violent drawing, apparently in the bones of the arms. Digging-up drawing pain in the whole arm, in the periosteum, as far as the fingers, pressure as from within outwards. OLacerating beating ulcerative pain from the shoulder to the fingers. Painful difficulty of moving either arm, as if the joints had no synovial fluid. Throbbing in the elbowjoint, like pulsations. Heaviness in the fore-arms. Pain in the elbow and wrist-joints, as if dashed to pieces and crumbling. Lacerating in the wrist-joint. Feeling of dryness in the outer parts of the hands. " LEGS.-Cracking in the elbow, knee, and tarsal-joints, when stretching the limbs. The thighs and legs go to sleep when sitting. Weariness of the internal muscles of both thighs, in paroxysms. Abrupt burning-biting stitches near the inner ham-string. Dull beating pain in the outer side of the knee. Painful pressure on the inner side of the knee. Tension through the leg, as from weariness. Intermittent TONGO. 1139 pinching in the calves. The dorsum of the foot and the toes are swollen, inflamed, and red. Drawing in all the toes, extending into the leg. All the toes are inflamed, shining-red, and swollen. 268.-TONGO. TONG.-Baryosma Tongo, Conmarouma Odorata, Tongo Bean.-See Nenning, in Hartlaub and Trinks' "Annals." GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-Lacerating in the limbs, relieved by motion and pressure. Epileptic paroxysms.-Yawning, with stretching and dread of labor, in. the afternoon. Drowsiness and great indolence after dinner.-Chill in the open air, afternoon.-Sad and apprehensive. Ill-humored. CHARACTERISTIC PECULIARITIES.-Most of the symptoms come on while sitting, and during rest generally. HEAD AND SENSORIUM.-Compressive sensation in the occiput, with external sensitiveness. Pressure on the vertex, with throbbing.Drawing pain, particularly in the right frontal eminence. Painful drawing deep in the brain, when lying.-Lacerating in the head, with pressure and sticking, great ill-hunor, painful sensitiveness of the scalp. Sticking in the vertex, also with contractive cutting in the occiput.-Beating headache early after rising, with heaviness of the head. Ulcerative pain in the right occiput, with sensitiveness of the skin to the touch.-Heat in the head.-Sensitiveness of the scalp to contact. EYES AND NosE.-Drawing and tension in the lower lid. Itching of the inner canthus. Burning and dryness of the eyes. Lacerating in the ears. Deeply-penetrating lacerating in the ears. Coryza, with stoppage of the nose. FACE AED TEETH.-Pale complexion, with red cheeks. Lacerating in the gums or roots of the teeth. Lacerating in the upper molares. Lacerating in all the lower teeth.-Bleeding of the gums. MOUTH, &c.-Frequent thirst. STOMACH AND ABDOMEN.-Cutting around the stomach.-Burning and cutting in the right hypochondrium.-The bowels are very sensitive.-Burning tension in the right hypogastrium, and along the chest.-Pinching in both sides of the abdomen. Pinching in the epigastrium, with turning in the stomach as of a ball. Burning in the abdomen. STOOL, &c.-Violent ineffectual urging. Hard stool, with much straining. Pinching and rumbling in the abdomen, followed by diar 11.10 TRIOSTEUM PERFOLIATUM. rhceic stool with mucus, and succeeded by tenesmus. Wine-colored urine, depositing a sediment of viscous mucus. The menses are too early. Discharge of thick mucus from the vagina, when straining at stool. CHEST, &c.-Burning in the larynx, with hoarseness.-Stitches deep in the chest.-Stinging in the region of the ribs, succeeded by burning and stinging on a large surface.-Pain in the small of the back, with sensitiveness to pressure. Violent pain as if bruised, when sitting, going off during motion. LEGS.-Lacerating in the arm. Lacerating from the knee to the middle of the tibia. Lacerating, at times in the thigh, at others in the knee, relieved by pressure and walking. 269.-TRIOSTEUM PERFOLIATUM. TRIOST. PERF.-Dr. Tinker's Weed, Wild Coffee, Gentian, Horse Gentian, White Gentian, Horse Ginseng, Fever Root, Fever Wort, Wild Ipecac., Bastard Ipecacuanha, Sweet Bitter, Cinque, &c.-See "Transactions of American Institute," Vol. I. SKIN.-Violent itching eruption of the skin, generally with elevation of the skin. SLEEP.-Dullness and drowsiness, with disinclination to engage actively in business. FEVER.-General perspiration.-Aching in all the bones. HEAD.-Headache.-Pain in the back part of the head, with sensation of weight.-Headache, worse when sitting up.-Boring pain in the temples. -Pain in the right side of the head and in the back. -Pain in the nape and occiput, with coldness and stiffness of the feet. NOSE.-Sneezing. THROAT.-Soreness, as if from swelling of the pharynx, and pain in the oesophagus on swallowing. APPETITE.-Increased appetite through the day.-Loathing of all food.-Thirst, but not a very urgent desire for drink. STOMACH.-Pain in the epigastrium, increased by drinking water, or by turning in bed.-Oppression in the epigastrium through the "night.-Soreness in the epigastric region. GASTRIC SYMPTOMS.-Slight nausea.-Nausea on rising, immediately followed by copious vomiting of very sour ingesta, attended with cramp in the stomach.-Vomiturition, attended with severe pain in the epigastrium, and drawing in the calves, almost amounting to a cramp. VALERIANA OFFICINALIS, &C. 1141 SToOL.-StOOl in the morning, followed by numbness of the lower extremiti es.-S tools watery or frothy, voided without pain, and foblowed by exhaustion.-Evacuation in the morning, preceded by pain in the abdomen.-*Diarrhcea, attended with colic -p ains.-Irritation in the anus, with exudation of muc~us. GENITALS.-Discharge of semen during sleep, without erection. CHEMT-Audible beating of the heart, and slight pain under the loft breast. BACK.-Pain in the nape and back.-Rheumatic pain in the back from stooping.-Pain and stiffness in the loins. ARMS AN-P LEGS.-Stij'ness of all the joints of the upper as well as of the lower extremities.-Remarkable stiffness of the lower extremities, with slight coldness, and a tingling sensation.-Stiffness in the knees when attempting to rise.-Numb-ness in the calves.-Stiffness of the joints of the toes, ankles, and knees, when lying.-Coldness and stiffness in the feet. 270.-TUSSILAGO PETASITES. This remedy has been recommended by some physicians for gonorrhcea. The particular symptoms are not stated.. 271.-URTICA URENS. URT. Recommended for burns, dysenteric diarrhoea, and nettle-rash. 272.-UTTA URSI. UYA.-Arbutus Uva Ursi.-See Hahuemann's 11Organon." Relieves ascites in affections of the heart and liver.-Painful mic. turition, with burning. Slimy, purulent urine. illmaturia. 273.-YALEIRIA-NA OFFICINALIS. VALER.-See Stapf's "Additions." COMPARE WITHi-Bell., Camph., Canth., Cocc., Coff., Con., Iga., Mere., Nux-v., Plat., Puts., Stann., Tarax., Spong. ANTIDoTEs.-Camph., Coff. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-0lHypochondriac and hysteric corn 1142 VALERIANA OFFICINALIS. plaints. *Rheumatic pains in the limbs, -generally between the joints, oparticularly when excited by Mercury. Slow painful drawing and lacerating-darting, as if in the bone. Paralytic numbness tn the limbs. Excessive debility in the bends of the knees and tarsal-joints, with a bruised pain across the thighs and in the small of the back.' Bruised pain in the limbs. Morbid irritation of the nerves. SKIN.-Eruption, first red and confluent, afterwards small, white, hard, elevated pimples, in numbers, on the arm and chest. SLEEP.-Yawning and stretching of the limbs. Great debility and drowsiness. Sleeplessness. Tossing about during sleep. FEvER.-Increased pulse. Chillihess. Paroxysms of shuddering, from the nape of the neck downward. Synochus. Increased warmth. Agreeable increase of internal and external warmth. Increased warmth of the body. Frequent sweat. MORAL SYMPTOMS.-Tremulousness. Palpitation of the heart, Fearfulness. Anxious hypochondriac feeling. SENSORIUM AND HEAD.-Cloudiness. Feeling in the head as after intoxication. Sudden stupefaction in the head. Stupid feeling in the head when stooping. Feeling of intoxication and vertigo when stooping; sensation as if everything were turning around her. Stick. ing headache. Piercing drawing, with pressure, from the nape of the neck to the occiput.-Dull pressure in the right temple. Constrictive drawing across the forehead. Violent pressure in the forehead. Headache, the aching being especially violent over the orbits. Painful drawing around the orbits. S EYES.-Smarting in the eyes, as if occasioned by smoke.-Burning smarting in the eyes. Stitches in the inner canthus. Pain and swelling of the eye-lids. Swelling of the lids, with smarting and stinging. Pressure in the eyes; the margins of the eye-lids seem swollen and sore. Dimness of sight early in the morning, and pain in the eyes. The eyes shine. Scintillations before the eyes. ~Black motes before the eyes. FACE.-Crampy, quickly-passing, repeated jerkings in the region of the malar bone. JAWS AND TEETH.-Toothache. Shooting pains in the teeth. MOUTH AND PHARYNx.-- Feeling of dryness in the tip of the tongue. Scraping sensation in the throat. GASTRIC SYMPTOMS.-Frequent empty eructations. Gulping up of a rancid fluid. Disposition to vomit. Quickly-passing nausea, as if one would vomit. Nausea, with desire to vomit. Vomiting Nightly vomiting. VERATRUM ALBUM. 1143 STOMACH AND ABDoMEN.-Weakness of the. abdomen.-The epigastrium and the region of the liver are painful to the touch. Shoot. ing cutting from the pit of the stomach to the umbilical region. OAbdominal spasms, particularly after dinner, or in the evening in bed. OBloatedness of the abdomen. Hard abdomen. Pain in the abdomen when drawing it in, like a pinching and cutting. Digging-up pain in the abdomen. Aching pain in the abdomen. Drawing pressure in the inguinal glands. STooL.-Diarrhwa.-Boring in the rectum. Violent lacerating in the anus when moving. URINE.-Frequent emission of uOrine. Passing cramp-pain in the region of the bladder. CHEST.-Passing oppression of the chest. Difficulty of breathing and anxiety in the chest after the usual breakfast. Frequent stitches in the chest.-Darting-lacerating pain in the chest. Sudden stitches in the region of the heart when sitting erect or standing. BACK.-Intense2 pain in the lumbar region, above the hip. Stitches in the region of the kidneys, when sitting. Drawing pain in the back. Rheumatic pains in the scapulae. ARMs.-irampy darting-lacerating in the humerus. Pain as if bruised in the bends of the elbows, when writing. Lacerating in the inner side of the fore-arm, from below upward. Tremor of the hands, heat and redness of the cheeks, with warmth of the rest of the body. LEGS.-Crampy pain in the front part of the thigh, extending as far as the groin. Drawing in the outer side of the thighs. Pain in the patella. Lacerating in the bends of the knees when sitting or standing. Excessive heaviness and lassitude of the legs. Heaviness in the calves. Lassitude and tension in the calves when standing. Drawing in the tarsal-joints when sitting. Constant pain in the heels. Stinging and pain in the heels when sitting. The tips of the toes feel painful. 274.-VERATRUM ALBUM. VERAT.-White Hellebore.-Hahnemann's "' Materia Medica Pura," IV. COMPARE WITH-Acon., Ambr., Am., Ars., Bell., Bov., Bry., Camph., Caps., Caust.. Chin., Cic., Coff., Coloc., Ctpr., Dros., Ferr., Hell., Hyos., gn., Ipec., Jod., Lauroc., Lye., Mangan., Magn.-mur., Mere, Mez., Op., Petrol., Phosph., Phosph.-ac., Puls., Ran-scel., Rhus-t., Ruta, Sab., Sec., Sep., Sil., Spig., Staph., Stram., Sulph., Tartar-em., Zinc.-Verat. is frequently suitable after: Ars., Chin., Cupr., Phosph.-ac.-After Verat. are frequently indicated: Ars., Am., Chin., Cupr., Ipec. 1144 VERATRUM ALBUM. ANTIDOTES.-Aeon., Camph., Coff.-Verat. is used as an antidote against: Are., Chin., Ferr. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-0oChronic ailments from abuse of China. OBad effects from fear or fright, anger or chagrin.-OScrofulous complaints.-o Attacks of pain, occasioning for a short time delirium and rage. *Paralytic pain in the limbs, as after excessive fatigue.-~Pains in the limbs which do not bear the warmth of the bed, cease entirely on walking about, and generally appear early in the morning. Pain in the muscular parts of the body, composed of pressure and a bruised feeling. Sensation in the bones as if bruised. Shootings in the body, here and there. Drawing pain in the limbs. The limbs go to sleep. Stretching of the limbs. Convulsions in the limbs and profuse sweat; afterwards headache, vertigo, and a good deal of drinking. Chronic weakness. Fainting fit. *Excessive weakness. OAlso after abuse of China. OHe faints at the least motion. Paralytic failing of strength. Debility in all the limbs. OTonic spasms, with contraction of the palms of the hands and soles of the feet. OCataleptic fit, with lock-jaw, loss of sensation and motion, convulsive twitching of the eyes. Epileptic convulsions. Trembling in all the limbs, horrid anguish about the heart, and disposition to faint. Debility of the whole body, especially of the arms and hands. CHARACTERISTIC PECULIARITIES.-0The pains in the limbs are worse in the fall and spring, also in bad, damp, and chilly weather OThe pains are aggravated by the talking of other people. SKIN:-Corrosive itching of the skin. OBlue skin during cholera *Cutaneous eruptions, resembling itch; ~dry, with nightly itching. Scaling off of the epidermis. Clusters of painful pimples, here and there. Itching of the arms and feet, as if an eruption would break out, but without redness. Burning sensation. Itching in the bones. SLEEP.-Repeated yawning and stretching, with weakness and a bruised feeling in all the limbs. General debility, as if he had not slept enough. Long, uninterrupted sleep. Quiet sleep, with thirst and diuresis. His sleep is disturbed with anguish and emotion. Coma-vigil. Drowsiness, with starting as in affright, preventing sleep; afterwards febrile paroxysms. Moaning during sleep. Vivid and anxious dreams. Indistinct dreams. Frightful dreams, followed by vomiting of tenacious green mucus. FEVER.- Yawning.-Febrile motions. Shuddering, cold chilliness in the skin. Coldness of the whole body. Quotidian fever, before midnight. Redness and heat of the face, with slight chills.*The whole body feels cold, oalso with cold, clammy sweats. Chilliness over the whole body. Constant chills over the back and arms. VERATRUM ALBUM. 1145 Chilliness in the limbs, and a drawing pain. Chill early in the morning after rising, while dressing. Occasional alternation of chilliness and heat, accompanied with vertigo, constant anxiety, and disposition to vomit. Sudden alternation of complete paleness and heat and redness of the face. OIntermittent fevers: oquotidian, otertian, oquartan; osetting in early in the morning, or in the forenoon; owith external coldness only; with internal heat only, and dark urine; ofirst, violent chill (afterwards heat with thirst), then sweat, which soon changes to coldness; ochilliness with much thirst, followed by alternate chilliness and heat, afterwards continual heat with thirst; Oduring the chilliness: vertigo, nausea, pains in the small of the back and back; oduring the heat: constant slumber or delirium, with red face.--Typhoid fever, also lentescent.? *As soon as he rises from his seat a cold sweat breaks out on his forehead. *Cold sweat all over. Sour sweat. Sweat with burning skin. Sweat, with excessive thirst. *The pulse collapses, almost. *Imperceptible pulse. MORAL SYMPTOMS.-Taciturnity.-Excessive sensitiveness; increase of the mental powers. Loquacity.-Fear.-Despair.-Melancholia. Sadness, despondency. *Anxiety. Anxiety and vertigo. Excessive anguish in the evening and after dinner. Great anguish, the whole night.-Slight delirium.-*He does not know his relatives. SENSORIUM. - Insanity. Alternation of laughing and moaning. Frequent paroxysms. Uneasiness of mind, oppression, and anxiety. Anxiety, screaming, and running about. Fearfulness, terminating in frequent eructations. Tendency to start and fearfulness. OFurious delirium Bland delirium; coldness of the body. Reeling and intoxication. Dizzy, as if nothing in his head were firm. Excessive dizziness.-Vanishing of the senses.-Stupid feeling in the head, with nausea. Painful dullness of the head, with contracted pupils. HEAD.-Headache, with vomiting of green mucus. OHeadache, with nausea, vomiting, and pale face. Headache and pain in the back, with colic and desire to vomit. Painful dullness of the head, with tensive pressure, now in the temples, now in the vertex. Violent headache, with diuresis. Dull headache, extending from the temples to the forehead, increased by stooping. Intermittent beating headache. Aching pain in one side of the head, accompanied with pain in the stomach.-Headache as if the brain were broken.-- Paroxysms of pain in various parts of the brain, partly as if bruised, partly pressure.-Constrictive headache, with constrictive pain in the fauces. When stooping the blood rushes to the head. OBurn, ing in the brain. When walking the headache increases to reeling, 1146 VERATRUXM ALBUM. Drawing pain in the head and small of the back.-Excessive head. ache, disappearing at the appearance of the menses. Chilly on the top of the head. Itching of the forehead. *Cold sweat on the forehead. OSensation.as of a piece of ice on the head. EYEs.-Pain in the eyes. Painful pressure in the eye, with want of appetite. Stinging itching in the inner sides of the eye-lids. Profuse lachrymation and cutting pains, accompanied with a feeling of 'dryness and heat. Long-continuing, strong feeling of heat in the eyes. Heat in the eyes and face, with redness of the cheeks. Painful ophthalmia, with excessive headache, preventing the nightly sleep. Ophthalmia, with lacerating pain. Weak feeling in the eyes. The eyes look faint, surrounded with blue rings.-Feeling of dryness about the eye-lids. Heat in the eyes, with headache. Inflammation of the right eye.-Scintillations before the eyes.-Vanishing of sight. -Diplopia. OHemeralopia, commencing at twilight. FACE.---*Cold, disfigured face, as of a dead person, oalso with pointed nose and sunken cheeks. oBluish face. OYellowish face. *Pale face. *Dark-red, hot face. *Extreme redness and heat of the face. ~One cheek is red, the other pale. *Redness of the face when lying, paleness on rising. 0Alternate redness and paleness of the face. Burning on the face and about the head. Thick rash on the cheek, with pain in the face. Copper-red eruption in the face, around the mouth and the chin. Drawing and tensive pain over the whole right side of the face and over the right ear. *Sweat in the face and in the axillae, when walking. ODry, black, and parched lips. Red eruption around the mouth and on the chin. EARS.-Tingling in the ear.-Roaring in the ears, as of wind. Aching pain in the meatus-auditorius. NOSE.-Red spots on the nose. Sensation as if the nose were too dry inside. Bleeding of the nose. Sensation as if the nose were ulcerated inside. Sensation as if the nasal bone were compressed and pressed in. JAWS AND TEETH.-Lock-jaw. Sticking pain in the articulation of the jaw when opening the mouth. When eating, all the muscles of the lower jaw are painful as if bruised.-Swelling of the left submaxillary glands, accompanied with sore throat. Pain in the sub..'maxillary glands as if pinched.-Grinding of the teeth.-Swplling of the gums and jaws.-Violent toothache and headache. *Great weak. ness, with the toothache and the inflammation of the tonsils. OBeat. ing toothache. OToothache, with nausea and vomiting, bruised feeling and coldness of the limbs, cold sweat on the forehead, internal heat, and unquenchable thirst.-Looseness of the teeth. VERATRUM ALBUM. 1147 MOUTH AND THRoAT.-Spasmodic constriction and strangulation of the oesophagus. Burning in the throat. Scraping in the throat. Roughness in the throat. Numb sensation in the palate. Drawing pain in the throat, thirst, and colic. MoUTH.-Stammering.-Speechlessness. Burning on the tongue and in the pharynx. I/lammnnation of the buccal cavity. OThe tongue is dry, blackish, and cracked. oYellow-coated tongue. Ptyalism. TASTE, APPETITE, AND GASTRIC SYMPTOMS.- *Desire for fruit. *Desire for acid things. ODesire for cooling things. Diminished taste; pappy taste. Constant sourish taste, with accumulation of a quantity of watery saliva. Putrid taste. oBitter taste, as of bile. Voracity, without thirst. OCanine hunger.-*Unquenchable thirst, -particularly for cold drinks.-Hunger and great thirst. Empty eructations. *Bitter eructations. Constant eructations, with disposition to vomit, and accompanied with excessive cough. Constant.floz of saliva fron the mouth, like wvater-brash. Nausea, with hunger and pressure in the iegion of the stomach, while eating, disappearing after eating. Disposition to vomit after breakfast, going off after dinner. Great nausea before breakfast. Inclination to vomit, with a bilious taste in the mouth. Hiccough. Cardialgia. Frequent disposition to nausea. Drinking is followed by shuddering or gooseskin. Diuresis, accompanying hunger and thirst. Qualmishness in the pit of the stomach. Nausea. Constant nausea and ptyalism, the appetite and thirst being natural. Great nausea and disposition to vomit, with great thirst. Great nausea, with red, sweaty face. Disposition to vomit, with hoarseness; a good deal of cough. Disposition to vomit, foam coming out of his mouth. Disposition to vomit and ptyalism, with lock-jaw. Excessive desire to vomit, even to fainting. *Bitter vomiting. o Vomiting of the ingesta.--Vomiting of the ingesta, with green mucus. Nightly vomiting. Vomiting of dark-green mucus, with diarrhoea. Vomiting of a good deal of mucus, with excessive weakness. Vomiting of black-green mucus. "*Black vomit. *Vomiting of bile and mucus, then of black bile, and lastly of blood.-Cholera. Violent, excessive vomiting. Every vomiting was preceded by shuddering over the whole body. Cold hands previous to the vomiting; after the vomiting the hands became hot, with seething of the blood. Vomiting, with heat of the body. OPainful retraction of the abdomen during the vomiting. OThe vomiting was renewed by the least motion, or by swallowing the least quantity of liquid. OVomiting, with diarrhoea and pressure in the pit of the stomach. 0Asiatic cholera. STOMACH AND ABDOMEN.-Crampy pain in the pit of the stomach, 1148 VERATRUM ALBUM. especially when walking. Pain in the stomach, as from canine hun. ger. Feeling of weakness in the stomach, with internal coldness and a slight pressure. OPainful sensitiveness of the pit of the sto. mach. ~Anguish in the pit of the stomach. Burning in the pit of the stomach. OInflammation of the stomach.? * Violent pressure in thepit of the stomach. Tensive pain in the hypochondria, as from flatulence. Painful pressure and drawing around the pit of the stomach. *Pain in the abdomen, here and there, as if cut with knives. Drawing lacerating pain deep in the abdomen, most violent above the pubic bone. OColic after a cold, or oafter abuse of Chin. Cutting colic. Cutting colic, with diarrhoea, early in the morning. Flatulent colic, affecting the bowels and the whole abdomen. Writhing sensation in the abdomen and back, previous to stool, with great weakness.-Anxiety during an evacuation, with apprehension of Sapoplexy. Distension of the abdomen, with ptyalism. Swelling of the abdomen, with colic and emission of flatulence. Colic, with loud rumbling. Grumbling and pinching in the,abdomen, as from flatulence, accompanied with scanty emission of flatulence. Pains in the stomach and intestines. Pinching in the abdomen, at times below, at times above the umbilicus. Colic, thirst, and diuresis. Nightly colic, with sleeplessness. Colic in the umbilical region. Lancinating pain in the abdomen, soon after a meal. Cutting colic in the umbilical region, with diuresis and thirst. Pinching in the abdomen, as in diarrhoea, but without desire for stool. Drawing-aching pain in the evening, during a walk. Colic from the back towards the umbilicus. Frequent sensation in the abdomen as if diarrhoea would set in, but without urging. Sudden (pinching?) colic, early in the morning, in bed, followed immediately by urging. STooL.-Costiveness with diuresis. OChronic constipation of infants. Heat and pain in the head with the costiveness. *Chronic constipation. Unperceived discharge of loose faeces, with flatulence. Costiveness, owing to the hardness and size of the fCeces. Urging in the epigastrium. Suppression of all the secretions.-Diarrhoea with pain, the pain existing during and after stool. ODiarrhoea with cutting, before and after stool. OGreenish, watery, flocculent diarrhoea. OBrownish, Oblackish diarrhoea. ONocturnal diarrhoea. Frequent and painful diarrhoea. *Frequent and violent diarrhoea. Chilliness and shuddering with the frequent stools.-'Extreme weakness during stool. Violent bloody diarrhoea. Burning at the anus during stool. Pressing towards the anus, with blind piles. URINE.-Burning urine. The scanty urine is yellow and turbid, even while emitting it. Acrid urine. ~Greenish urine. OFrequent VERATRUM ALBUM. 1149 but ficanty emission of dark-red urine. Pinching pain in the urethra, between the acts of micturition. Painful pressure on the bladder, and burning during micturition. Diuresis, with loud rumbling in the abdomen. Diuresis, with profuse coryza. GENITAL ORGANS.-Soreness of the prepuce. Drawing pain in the testes.-Erections. Increased sensitiveness of the genital organs. Headache (lacerating?), especially in the morning, accompanied with a disposition to vomit, during the menstrual flow; the headache abates in the evening. Profuse menses. The appearance of the menses is preceded by bleeding at the nose. The menses are preceded by vertigo, are accompanied by buzzing in the ears, pain in all the limbs, and great thirst. Grinding of the teeth, and bluish face, toward the end of the menses.-oPuerperal fever. OSuppression of the lochia, with delirium.? ONymphomania of lying-in females. LARYNX, TRACHEA.-Paroxysmrn of constriction of the larynx, sufocative fits, with protruded eyes. Catarrh on the chest, without any real cough. Scraping in the throat, as in catarrh. Tickling in the lower parts of the bronchial tubes, inducing cough, with slight expectoration. Dry and hacking cough, excited by a titillation in the lowest region of the sternum. Oppression of the chest, when coughing. OViolent cough, with constant eructations as if he would vomit. OCough resembling whooping-cough, with vomiting. OCough, with yellow expectoration, on entering the room, with bruised pain in the chest, after coughing. Pain in the chest, with dry cough. Pain in the side, and headache, with almost dry cough. Long turns of hollow cough, with cutting pain in the abdomen. Titillation in the -hest, as if cout h would set in, in the middle of the sternum. Severe cough in the evening, with ptyalism. Hoarse, dry cough at night. Cough, with profuse expectoration, blue face, and involuntary emission of urine. CHEST.-Painful constriction of the chest. Aching pain in the region of the sternum, after eating or drinking. Cutting pain in the chest. Pain under the ribs, especially during an expiration. Excessive anguish, arresting the breathing. Dyspncea and difficult breathing, even when sitting, accompanied with headache. Painful and difficult breathing. Suffocative oppression of breathing. Pain in the side, with pains in the region of the stomach. Pain in the region of all the ribs. Frequent pain in the chest. Violent beating of the heart, raising the ribs. Palpitation of the heart, with anxiety, and hurried, audible breathing. Paroxysms of anguish about the heart which beats very strongly. 1150 VERATRINUM. BACK.-Pain in the small of the back. Stitch in the small of the back when stooping. Aching pain in the small of the back when standing. Pain in the loins. Pain in the loins and arthritic lacerating pains in the lower limbs. Pain from the scapulae along the whole of the back, with diuresis, thirst, and costiveness. Colic in the umbilical region, after pain in the small of the back. A painful drawing pressure and a bruising pain is experienced in the spine wheni walking. Violent pressure in the region of the scapula, as if crushed and bruised. Heaviness of the nape of the neck. The muscles of the nape of the neck feel paralyzed. Rheumatic stiffness of the nape of the neck, occasioning vertigo, especially during motion. ARMs.-*Painful paralytic weakness in the upper and lower limbs. Twitchings in either arm. *Paralytic and bruising pain in the arms. Feeling in the arm as if it were too full and swollen. Trembling in the arm when grasping anything with the hand. Drawing pain in the bend of the elbows. OIcy coldness of the hands. Tingling in the hand, as if it had gone to sleep. The metacarpal bones are painful to the touch. 6Drawing and cramp in the fingers. LEGS.-Difficult walking; first the right, then the left hip-joint feels paralytic. Weakness in the thighs and knees.-Staggering gait. Rheumatic drawing pain in the muscles of the thigh, when standing. Pain in the thighs, when sitting, as if broken. Pains in the feet and knees. Painful heaviness of the legs, as if too weary. Painful heaviness of the legs, as if threatened with paralysis. Lacerating pain in the tibia, from above downward. *Cramp in the calves, very violent. oIcy coldness of the feet. Painful drawing through the tarsal-joints. 275.-VERATRINUM. SYMPTOMS.--Burning in the stomach, ptyalism, loathing, nausea, colic, diarrhoea, increased urging to urinate, sweat, spasmodic symptoms, increased menstruation, dull pains, shooting sensations in the back, in various portions of muscles, and in the joints, resembling electric sensations.. Dull, afterwards burning pain in the lower part of the small of the back; afterwards increased stool, accompanied with painful sensation in the abdomen, and sometimes with painful twitching in the lower extremities; stools of a watery mucous consistence; dryness of the mouth, burning, unquenchable thirst; nausea, vomiting, slimy, bloody stool; burning in the praecordia; scanty emission of thick and red urine; coldness in the' extremities, with trembling and insensibility; VERBASCUM. 1151 great unsteadiness during motion; vertigo, delirium; paralysis of single limbs. ANTIDOTES.-Black Coffee with'Lemon-juice. Constant sickness at the stomach; oppressions of the chest, elec. tric shocks through the chest and epigastrium; painful twitching in the limbs. Miscarriage in the third month. Strangury and ischuria renalis. Transitory photophobia and spasm of the eye-brows. Vomiturition, diarrhoea, increased secretion of bile, slow circulation, impeded respiration, diminished animal heat, disturbance of the sensus-communis, alteration of the quality of the blood. Larger doses affect the voluntary muscles, producing weakness, convulsions and tetanus.-Intense feeling of pain, extending over all the peri. pheral nerves of the abdomen; drawing along the spinal marrow, convulsions, great anguish, orthopnoie; nausea' and vomiting, and indescribable sensation of malaise. Nausea, disposition to vomit, anguish, vertigo, and complete loss of appetite.-Ptyalism; intolerable acridity in the mouth and pharynx. 276.-VERBASCUM. VERB. - Verbascum Thapsus, Great Mullein, Cow's Lung-wort.-See Hahnemann's " Mat. Med. Pura," VI. ANTIDOTE.-Camphor.? SLEEP.-Frequent stretching and' yawning. Restless sleep, with dreams about wars and dead bodies. FEVER.-Slight passing coldness in the whole body.-Shuddering on one side of the body.-Unquenchable thirst. MORAL SYMPTOMS. -Indifference. Despondency. Vexed and peevish. HEAD.-Sudden vertigo, as from pressure on the whole head Dullness and confusion in the forehead.-Dull and painful heaviness of the head.-Violent aching pain in the whole right hemisphere of the brain, from within outwards. Violent painful pressure in the forehead, from within outwards, disappearing by stooping. Aching in the vertex. Aching, stupefying pain in both sides of the forehead. Sensation as if both temples were pinched with pincers.-Pressing pain in the occiput. EYES.-Heat in the eyes, and sensation as if the orbits were contracted. Gauzy and watery dim-sightedness.-Dilatation of the pupils. EARs.-Painful lacerating and drawing in the ear. Sensation as if the ears were obstructed. 1152 VINCA MINOR. FAcE.-Violent pressure on the malar bone. The whole cheek is affected by the dull pressure in the articulation of the jaw, it increases to a stupefying tension. JAWS AND TEETH.-Crampy sensation, with pressure, in the lower jaw. Violent tension in the integuments of the chin, the masseter muscles, and the neck. MOUTH, &c.-Brown-yellow tongue, coated with tenacious mucus. -Hunger, without appetite. Unquenchable thirst.-Empty eructations. Bitter eructations, with disposition to vomit. Frequent hiccough. STOMACH AND ABDOMEN.-Pressure in the stomach. Pain as if the bowels adhered to the peritoneum in the umbilical region. Frequent constriction of the abdomen in the umbilical region.-Pressure on the umbilicus, as from a stone, aggravated by bending forward. Cutting-pinching in the whole abdomen, with frequent eructations. STOOL, &c.-Nocturnal emissions. LARYNX, &c.-Obstruction of the larynx and nose. *Hoarseness, on reading loud.-Tension across the chest, after going to bed, with sticking in the region of the heart. ARMs.-Itching on the fore-arm. Cramp-like pressure in the metacarpus, on moving the arms. Sticking, particularly in the palm of the hand. Laming pain in the fingers. Deadness and insensibility about the thumb. LEGS.-Great heaviness in the lower limbs. Staggering gait in the open air. Drawing pressure as far as the knee. Cramp-pain in the thigh. Trembling knees. Lacerating in the leg, from above downwards. 277.-VINCA MINOR. VIN. MIN.-Wintergreen.-See "Archiv," XVII. CLINICAL OBSERVATIONS.- This plant is said to be a remedy for plica-polonica (see "Archiv," XI., 3, p. 138). Dr. Schuler has curred with it a badly-smelling eruption on the head, in the face, and behind the ears. " GENERAL SYMPTOMS.--Excessive debility. Arthritic lacerating in the bones. Hemorrhages.-Sensitiveness of the skin, with redness and soreness from the least friction.-Sleeplessness and uneasiness at night.-Sudden shuddering. Heat of the cheeks, without redness. Pulse full and hard. Sensation of tremor in every blood-vessel.-Sadness, with fear of death. VIOLA ODORATA. 1 1153 HEAD, &c.-Vertigo, with gauze and flickering before the eyes. Lacerating in the head, as if the skull would split, with hammering from within outwards. Corrosive itching on the hairy scalp. The hairs are entangled, as in plica-polonica.-Humid eruptions on the head, with much vermin and nightly itching, with burning after vcratching. Burning and itching of the eye-lids, with redness. Dimsightedness on reading.-Tingling in the ears. FACE, &c.-Pale face. Bloated face, with pimples. The lips are dry. Swelling of the upper lip and of the corner of the mouth.Aphthbe in the mouth. Ulcers in the throat. APPETITE, &c.-Flat taste. Alternate loss of appetite and insatiable hunger.-Rising of air. Vomiting of a yellow bitter fluid.Tenesmus of the rectum. Exhausting stools, with burning at the anus.-Excessively profuse menses, flowing like a stream of water, with great debility. LARYNX, &c.-Hoarseness. Spasmodic cough, with tickling in the larynx, and tenacious mucus in the trachea. Oppression of the chest, with sticking.-Painful tension in the nape of the neck, with stiffness and heaviness as from a load. Spasmodic drawing in the feet and toes. 278.-VIOLA ODORATA. "VIOL. ODOR.-Violet.-Stapf's "Additions." COMPARE WITH-Kali, Mur.-ac., Nux-v., Phosph., Plat. ANTIDOTE.-Camph. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-General relaxation of all the muscles. Drawing pain in the limbs. Bruising pain in all the joints, on waking. Trembling of the limbs. Fleeting burning in different parts. -Feverish shuddering, night-sweat.-Gloomy melancholy. *Hysteric mood, with constant weeping, without knowing why. Weakness of memory. Constant wandering of ideas. HEAD.-Dullness and painful confusion of the heed.-Headache, with spasm of the eyes and a fiery semicircle before the eyes. Rush of blood to the head. EYES, EARS, AND NOSE.-The eye-lids close, as if from drowsiness and heaviness. Sensation of compression in the eye-ball. Heat and burning in the eyes. Fiery appearance before the eyes.-Stinging in the ears. Rushing and singing in the ears. FACE, &c.-Drawing pressure in the malar bones. Tension in the skin of the face, particularly under the eyes. Lacerating from the 49 1154 1 4VIOLA TRICOLOR. lower jaw to the ear.-Lacerating in the lower teeth.-Constipation, with ineffectual urging.-Nocturnal emissions, followed by headache. CHEST, &c.-The breathing is heavy and scarcely perceptible, with difficult expirations, great anxiety, and palpitation of the heart. Violent dyspncea, with pressure on the chest, as from a stone.-Tension in the cervical muscles.--Drawing pain in the elbow-joint and dorsum of the hand. Aching pain in the wrist. 279.-VIOLA TRICOLOR. VIOL. TRIC.-Jacea, Heart's-Ease, Pansy.-"'Archiv," VII. COMPARE WITH-Baryt., Caps., Mere., Natr.-mur., Nitr.-ac., Sulph., Viol.-od. ANTIDOTE.-Camph. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-General relaxation of the body. Stick ing pains in the limbs.-Rash over the whole body, with corrosivestinging sensation.-Restless sleep, with frequent waking. Vivid and amorous dreams. Weeping, peevish mood. Great quarrelsomeness and sensitiveness of temper. Disobedience. Indisposition to work and talk. HEAD.-Fullness and dullness of the head. Vertigo and reeling. -H-eadache, from the root of the nose into the brain, going off in the open air. Aching pain in the forehead and temples. Shaking sensation in the brain, when walking.-Itching-cutting, stinging in the eye. The lids close, with drowsiness. FACE, &c.-Thick, hard skin of the face. Tension in the integuments of the face and forehead. APPETITE, &c.-Loss of appetite. General heat after eating, particularly in the face, with oppression of the chest and great anguish. Nausea and retching.-Cutting pains in the bowels, with urging to stool, flatulence, and discharge of large pieces of mucus. Sticking, with pressure, in the diaphragm. STOOL, &c.-Stitches in the urethra. Sticking or pressure through the glans. Burning in the glans. Itching and swelling of the prepuce.-Leucorrhoea. SCHEST.-Anxiety about the heart, with palpitation, when lying.Cramp-pain and pinching contraction between the scapulae, with cut. ting and tingling in the skin.-Stitches in the shoulder-joints, elbows, fore-arms, and fingers. The thighs feel bruised, early on waking. VIPMftA ftEDI. 1155 280.-VIPERA REDI. VIPER. R.-Italian Viper.-See Hering's " Treatise on the Poison of Serpents." COMPARE WITH-Lachesis. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-Paralysis of the single limbs, or of one-half of the body, frequently during life. Fainting, with vertigo, nausea, and pain about the heart. Fainting, with stinging about the heart.-Rigidity and coldness of the body, with clammy sweat. Convulsions and spasms, with shrieks. OConvulsions in hydrophobia. OThe spirits of Viper are recommended for epilepsy. SKIN.-Large gangrenous blisters around the wound.-Yellow spots on the red and swollen limb. Reddish, black, lentil-sized spots all over, even in the face.-Incipient erysipelas, or boils. SLEEP.-Great drowsiness, with languor. Sopor, with languor, loss of sight, difficult breathing, retching, vomiting, spasms, violent pain in the umbilical region, tension of the abdomen, and small frequent pulse. Ill feeling at night, with delirium and vomiting, fol.lowed by profuse sweat. FEVER.-Coldness, with clammy sweats.-Shuddering, mingled with flashes of heat. Shuddering, after violent heat. Feverish motions, with quick, small, contracted, unequal, intermittent pulse.Burning heat through the whole body, with swelling of both hands. -Pulse small and contracted, or feeble and irregular, or frequent, or quick. Pulse scarcely perceptible, also with fainting, or frequent, small, and contracted, Pulse intermittent and small. Pulse slow, hard, and full, with stiffness, coldness, and sweat.-Cold sweat, during the violent paroxysms. Profuse or warm sweat. MORAL SYMPTOMS.-Restlessness. SENSORIUM AND HEAD.-Delirium, during the vomiting or pains.Frequent vertigo, to fainting, particularly during the nausea and vomiting.-Violent headache, with disposition to sleep, restlessness increasing to despair, glistening eyes, yellow complexion with red cheeks, violent thirst (with moist, white tongue with red borders), feeble, small pulse, constant disposition to faint, pains in the loins, warm, dry skin, constipation, and copious secretion of clear urine. EYES, &c.-Heat in the eyes and profuse lachrymation. Protruded eyes. Dark-yellow eyes. Weakness of one eye. Obscuration of sight.-Swelling of the face, or particularly of the lips and eye-lids. MovTr, &c.-Burning on the tongue. Moist tongue, with white borders, and red in the centre. Swelling of the tongue, which turns black-brown, and protrudes. Dficulty of speech, with swelling of 1156 VIPERA TORVA. the tongue, or lock-jaw.-Burning in the fauces and chest. Difculty of swallowing. APPETITE, &c.-Burning thirst, with violent heat.-Nausea ana fainting.-Bilious vomiting. Convulsive vomiting, with eructations. Vomiting and diarrhoea. Vomiting and colic. STOMACH, &c.-Violent pain in the umbilical region, during the vomiting. Enteritis. STOOL AND URINE.-Diarrhoea and vomiting, with profuse emission of urine. CHEST.-Difficulty of breathing, with cold sweat.-Oppression of the chest, with anguish, or with chills and vertigo.-Burning in the larynx and chest, excessively painful.-Pain about the heart, with fainting. Stinging pain about the heart, with great weakness, difficult breathing, and copious sweats. BACK, &c.-Pain in the back and abdomen, with bloatedness or profuse emission of urine. Large swelling on the neck.-Violent lacerating in the arms, wrist, elbow, particularly in the axilla, shoulders, and chest, with restlessnes, vomiting, and sleeplessness. 281.-VIPERA TORVA. VIPER. TORY.-German Viper.-See Hering's "Treatise on the Poison of Serpents." COMPARE WITH-Lachesis. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-Alternate pains in the limbs and abdomen. Excessive weakness. Fainting fits, with discharge of saliva, or preceded by violent pains, or attended with violent congestion to the heart. Frequent fainting fits, at night, alternating with vomiting and diarrhoea.-General spasms during the violent pains in the abdomen and head. Epilepsy every year. SKIN.-Black blisters, with suppuration and subsequent recovery. Blisters, with red areolae, near the axilla.-Large ulcers on the tibia, penetrating to the bone, and leaving considerable cicatrices. Deeplypenetrating suppuration after shining swelling, with blue blisters. Black crust on the wound. SLEEP AND FEVER.-Icy-coldness of the body. Shuddering, with febrile motions and quick, small, contracted, sometimes unequal, intermittent pulse. Cold shiverings, with nausea, vomiting, and great thirst. Chilliness, with paleness of face and thirst. Chilliness and pains in the chest.-Violent acute fever at night, with delirium. Fever with erysipelas.-Feeble and irregular pulse. VIPERA TORVA. 1157 MORAL SYMPTOMS.-Restlessness, with headache.-Anguish, with vomiting. SENSORIUM AND HEAD.-Loss of consciousness, with swelling.Stupefaction, with cutting in the abdomen.-Cerebral afection. The eyes look as if he were raving mad, with staggering and stumbling forward. Heaviness of the head, with reeling and red face. Headache, with vomiting and convulsions. Raging pains in the head, with general spasms. EYES, &c.-Redness of the eyes, with profuse lachrymation. Pro truded eyes, with swelling of the face. Frequent loss of sight.Chronic deafness. FAcE.-Distortion of features when pressing on the distended abdomen. Tight swelling of the face, which soon turns black, with closing of the throat. The lips are blue, the mouth swollen. Raging pains in-the jaws.-Sordes on the teeth. MOUTH, &c.-Discharge of white saliva, with death-like fainting.Pr'otruded and pale swollen tongue. APPETITE, &c.-Unquenchable thirst.-Nausea, with vomiting and thirst. Vomiting, with mucus, blood, worms. Vomiting, with stupefaction, or convulsions, or diarrhcea. Vomiting, with erysipelas. Vomiting, with headache, or with shuddering and violent thirst. STOMACH, &c.-Violent pains in the abdomen and shoulders. Pains in the abdomen, with violent thirst, and vomiting. Pains in the abdomen, alternating with pains in the limbs. Swelling of the abdomen, with great distention of the veins on the chest and abdomen. STOOL, &c.-Diarrhoea, affording relief. Several evacutions, with urging, shuddering, and thirst.-Constipation.-Excessive swelling of the scrotum and penis, the parts turned black, with excessive pains and vomiting. CHEST, &c.-Violent pain in the chest, then chilliness.-Violent congestion to the heart.-Swelling up of the chest, with difficulty of breathing. BACK, ARMS, AND LEGS.-Pains in the back and abdomen. Excessive swelling of the hand and arm, painful when touched. Ery. sipelatous eruption along the inner surface of the upper arm and on one side of the body. 1158 ZINCIJ MITALLICUM. 282.-ZINCUM METALLICUM. ZINC. MET-See Hahnemann's " Chronic Diseases," V. COMPARE wITH-Anac., Am., Ars., Bell., Bry., Cale., Canth., Carb.-veg., Hep.-s., Ignat., Hyos., Kali.-c., Lye., Natr. -mur., Nux.-v., Phosph., Plat., Plumb.,Puls., Rhus-t., Sep., Sil., Stann., Staph., Stront., Sulph., Thuj. ANTIDOTES.-Chain., Hep.-s., Ignat.-Is used as an antidote for Baryt.-Chanm. and Nux-v. aggravate the effects of Zinc. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-Jactitation in various parts of the body. Twitchings in various muscles. Violent trembling of all the limbs. Cramp-pain in the muscles, here and there. A sort of subdued nausea, with a tremulous feeling in the chest, aching in the forehead.-General exhaustion the whole day, drowsiness, aversion to noise.-Violent beating in the whole body.-Pressure on the chest and back. Cutting stitching pain in the whole right side. Very violent drawing lacerating in the middle of almost all the long bones, the pain being so great that they seem unable to hold together. Piercing stitching in the joints. Stitching and lacerating in all the limbs. -Great heaviness in the limbs. Great weakness in the bends of the knees and small of the back, when walking. Sudden weakness of all the limbs, at noon, with tremor and sensation of canine hunger. Paralytic weakness and heaviness in the lower limbs. Great weakness in all the limbs. CHARACTERISTIC PECULIARITIES.-The pains caused by Zinc.-met. seem to exist sometimes between the skin and flesh. Wine increases the sufering. Most of the symptoms appear after dinner and towards evening. The symptoms are generally felt during rest and when sitting, less during motion. SKIN.-Itching all over, sometimes with burning or redness. Itching in the bends of the joints.-Itching rash in the bends of the knees and elbows. Red pimples on the chest and face. ~Herpes and herpetic ulcers.-- Ganglia.-Great sensitiveness to the cold. SLEEP.-Constant stretching of the limbs, the face looking pale and wretched.-Constant yawning. Drowsiness, with spasmodic lightness of the head. Frequent waking in the night. Restless. Great drowsiness, Frequent waking from frightful dreams. Restless sleep, with vivid dreams. Deep, fatiguing sleep. *Sleep full of fancies. Restless night. Jerks through the whole body. Uneasiness in the lower limbs at night. Anxious feeling of soreness, especially at night. Violent pain in the small of the back and colic at night, with stitching in the left side, and drawing pain in the lower limbs. Drawing pain in the knee at night. ZINCUM METALLICUM. 1159 FEVER.-Shuddering in the evening. Frequent feverish shudder. ing over the back.-Chilliness in the open air, or after dinner. Constant chilliness, with increased internal warmth. Chilliness, with shaking, from afternoon till evening.-Several attacks of a fever a day; chilliness and shuddering, flushes of heat over the whole body, violent trembling of all the limbs,, extreme malaise to fainting, qualmish taste, violent throbbing through the whole body, short and hot breath, dry mouth, hot and dry hands.-Heat and thirst, with cool skin.-Pulsa quicker in the evening.-Sour-smelling sweat. Profuse night-sweat. MORAL SYMPTOMS.-Desponding and sad. Excessively sullen and peevish. Low-spirited. Hypochondriac mood. Indifference. *Aversion to labor.-He moans from chagrin. SENSORIUM.-Illusion of the fancy. Incoherent ideas. Absence of thought, the mind being in a sort of stupor.--Forgetful.-Dizziness, drowsiness, and heaviness of the head. Feeling of weakness in the head, especially in the eyes. Dullness and painful heaviness of the occiput. Stupefied and dizzy, at noon. Vertiginous stupefaction, in short paroxysms, wit'h obscuration of sight and general weakness. Violent vertigo. HEAD.-Violent pain in the head, eyes, and abdomen. Pain in the occiput, as if bruised.-Stupefying headache.-Pressure in the head, "with a stupid feeling.-Pressure in the forehead, with dullness of the head. Aching pain in the forehead, with general dullness of the head. Frequent aching in the forehead. Pressure in the sinciput, with dullness of the head, extending as far as the eyes. Frequent pain in both sides of the head. Drawing and beating in the forehead. Lacerating in the temples after dinner. Drawing-lacerating, with pressure, in the top of the head, and still more in the forehead, in frequent transitory paroxysms. Violent beating and lacerating in the whole head, especially in the right frontal region, from morning till evening. Feeling of heat in the head, with redness of the face.- Ulcerative pain in the vertex when touching it. Feeling of soreness in the scalp, even when not touched.-Great falling off of the hair. EYES.-Pain in the eyes, as if they would be pressed into the head. Tensive pressure in the eye, rheumatic.-Lancinations in the eyes and head. Itching of the eyes. Feeling of soreness in the inner canthi. Continual burning of the eyes. Inflammation and redness of the conjunctiva of the eye, with suppuration of the internal canthus. "Violent inflammation of the eyes, without photophobia. OThe upper lids are lame and droop. Constant weariness of the eyes. Vanishing of sight, with absence of ideas. Obscuration of sight. Dimness and haziness of the eyes, in the morning. Whirling motions before the 1160 ZINCUM METALLICUM. eyes. Yellow, blue, and green wheels before the eyes, with drowsiness and a wretched look.-Fiery halls hover before the eyes in large semicircles. EARS.-Otalgia.-Lacerating in the ears. Sticking and itching in the ear. Frequent and continued intensely-painful lancinations deep in the ear. Purulent discharge from the left ear. Hardness of hearing.-Whizzing in the ears. NosE.-Intolerable pressure at the root of the nose. Crampy feeling at the root of the nose, with dullness of the forehead. *Swelling and painfulness of the left nasal wing. Sneezing, preceded by a cutting creeping in the nose. Obstruction of both nostrils. Violent dry coryza the whole day, with pain in the back. Alternate dry and fluent coryza. FAcE.-Pale face. Livid face.-Bruised pain below and in front of the right ear, apparently in the bone, with dullness of the forehead. Aching pain in the upper jaw. Lacerating in the bones in front of the left ear. Bruised pain of the facial and orbital bones.-Pimples in the face.-Pain in the lips.-Swelling of the upper lip.-Thick viscid humor on the lips. Dry chapped lips. Sore, ulcerated corners of the mouth. Soreness of the upper lip, ulcerated in the middle. Tensive painful rhagadcs in the lower lip. JAWS AND TEETH.-Cramp-like lacerating in the lower jaw, especially in the chin.-Swelling of the submaxillary glands.-Frequent drawing toothache in the roots of the incisores. Intensely painful drawing in the upper front teeth, with sore feeling in the gums. *Sensitiveness and painful soreness of the upper molares. *Sore pain of the inner surface of the gums, -as if they were detached from the teeth. Gnawing and itching of the inner gums. White gums. Swelling of the gums. The gums bleed at the slightest touch. *Violent bleeding of the gums. Bleeding from the teeth and gums. MOUTH.-Accumulation of saliva in the mouth, with inclination to vomit. Increased secretion of saliva, with metallic taste in the mouth and shootings in the tip of the tongue.-The tongue is painful, as if sore.-Dry tongue.- Vesicles on the tongue.-Weakness of the organs of speech, when reading loud.-Stinging smarting in the palate. SPainfulness of the palate and gums. THROAT.-Dryness of the throat.-Scraping rawness in the pharynx. Aching pain in both tonsils, when swallowing.-Spasmodic and crampy sensation in the pit of the throat.-Pain in the throat, as from an internal swelling.-Lacerating drawing-pain, in both sides of the posterior fauces. llerpes in the throat, after neglected gonor rhaea, bluish. Sort of heartburn in the throat, also when swallowing ZINCUM METALLICUM. 1161 TASTE AND APPETITE.-Bitter taste in the mouth. Burning thirst. --Little appetite, and almost no taste.-Canine hunger. GAsTRIc SYMPTOMS.-Difficult digestion. Sour eructations after eating. Great fullness and distention of the abdomen. Feeling of emptiness in the abdomen and stomach, with hunger. Dizziness after dinner. Frequent and empty eructations. Sourish empty eructations, after drinking. Nausea at the stomach, with tremor, exhaustion, and debility in the whole body. Nausea, with retching, and vomiting of a bitter slimy fluid. STOMACH.-Pain in the stomach, as if empty, and with nausea. Qualmishness in the stomach, in bed, and sometimes after breakfast or dinner.-Sharp pains in the stomach and pit of.the stomach. Pain in the pit of the stomach when taking an inspiration. Pain in the pit of the stomach, where a burning pain is experienced when pressing upon it, in the evening. Pressure in the pit of the stomach. Contraction from both sides of the stomach, with anxiousness and increased warmth in the head and whole body. Frequent cramp-feeling in the pit of the stomach.-Pinching deep in the region of the heart, increased during a deep inspiration.-Drawing in and below the pit of the stomach. HYPOCHONDRIA.-Spasmodic pains in the hypochondria, alternating with oppression of the chest and difficult breathing.-Crampy pressure in the region of the liver. Intermittent lacerating in the region of the liver.-Stitching in the hepatic region and the right hip. Sharp jerking stitches in the hepatic region, sometimes in paroxysms. Stitching, with pressure, deep in the region of the spleen, increased by pressing on the part. Dull stitching in the region of the spleen. Pulsative feeling. Pressure in the region of the kidney, sometimes with violent cramp-feeling. Stitching in the region of the kidneys, sometimes reaching into the chest. Stitching pressure in the region of both kidneys. ABDOMEN.-Colic, as if diarrhoea would come on. Attacks of vio. lent colic, with nausea and flow of water from the mouth.-Pressure in the whole abdomen. Hard pressure in the sides of the abdomen, hypochondria, and back. *Tension in both sides of the abdomen. Tensive sensation above the umbilicus, with a feeling of qualmishness in the pit of the stomach.-Weight in the abdomen.-Colicky dull pain in the abdomen.-Constrictive colic, arresting the breathing. Stitching pinching in the umbilical region.-Cutting through the abdomen, below the umbilicus. Cutting in the epigastrium, also during a meal. Burning prickings in the abdomen. Lancinations in the umbilical region. Biting sensation in the whole epigastrium.-- 1162 16ZCU~ M MJTALoICUM. Pressing and pushing in thes pubi-. region. Protrusion of inguhial hernia. Sensation in the inguinal gland as if~ swollen. Frequent gurgling in the epigastrium- and hypogastrium. S'rooL.-Constzjpat-ion, but some slight indication for stool. Frequent ineffectual urging to stool. Dry insufficient stool. Tough scanty stool, followed by pressing, and heat and burning at the anus. Hard, small, dry stool, withi much straining and rumbling.-Several loose papescent stools, enveloped in bright-red foamy blood, and preceded by colic. Diarrluei-c stool, with flatulence, Papesccnt diarrhoia for many days, painless, but some tenesmus after stool.-Colic at every stool and emission of flatulence. Burning at the anus, during and after stool. Drawing pain in the rectum, as far as the abdomen, Cutting and smarting sensation in the rectum.-Lacerating at the anus. Creeping, with pressure, in the anus. Creeping at the anus, as of wor-ns.-Itching at the rectum.-Soreness and tingling in the anus. Soreness of the rectum. Burning at the anus.-Protrusion of the varices, smarting and painful. Discharge of blood from the anus. URLINE.-0Retention of urine, when commencing to urinate. Dimninished secretion of urine. Reddish urine. The urine looks turbid and loam-colore'd. Very yellow urine, depositing whitish flocks. Flow of blood from the urethra, after painful micturition. Pressure on the bladder, buit no desire to urinate.-Colic, followed by spasms in the bladlder.-Intensely painful drawing in the urethra and the fore part of the penis. Lacerating burning in the urethra. MALE GENITAL ORGANs.-Painful jerking in the root of the penis. Lacerating in the tip of the glans. Shrivelling of the scrotum. Violent itching of the scrotum, almost causing a feeling of soreness. Frequent drawing, commencingc in the testicles, and following the course of the spermatic cord. *Eit her the right or tihe left testicle is drawn, up, with some pain and swelling. *The sexual organs are easily excited. *Violent and long-lasting erections. Copious discharge of prostatic fluid, without any cause. FEMALE GENITAL ORGANs.-Pressing in the pudendum and rectum. Varices of the pudendum.-Suppression of the lochia and decrease,9,f the quantity of milk in the mammae. Discharge of lumps of coagulated blood during the menses, mostly when walking. During the menses, heaviness in the linbs, -with violent drawing around the knees. Inflammation of the eyes; sudden tightness and oppression of the region of the stomach; weakness in the hands and feet; chilli. nes~s: -Wveeping mood and out of humor, during th emenses; anxiety;.0titehing, biting, and itching of the pudendum; discharge of bloody ZINCUM METALLICUM. 1163 mucus after the menses, causing an itching of the pudendum.-- Recurrence of leucorrhoa.-Cutting-colic, succeeded by leucorrhoea. ~Sore nipples. ODeficiency of milk. LARYNX AND TRACHEA.-Roughness and dryness of the throat and fauces. Roughness and rawness in the chest, with nightly heat and sweat.-Hawking up of a quantity of black coagulated blood.-Hoarseness of the chest, as if full of mucus. Hoarseness, with burning in the trachea. Suffocative cough. Dry cough, with violent stitches in the chest. Cough, with stitches in the head. Discharge of sanguineous mucus when coughing, preceded by stitches in the side. Discharge of blood during dry cough, with burning, and sore pain in the chest, morning and evening. Thick purulent expectoration when coughing, day and night. CHEsT.-The breathing is more oppressed than usual. OChest and breathing are unusually free and easy. Constrictive sensation around the chest, with pain in the chest, as if cut to pieces. Oppression of the chest, when walking in the open air. Anxiety in the chest, going off in the evening, with headache. OSpasmodic dyspnoea. Aching pain in the chest. Pressure in the chest, as if from rheumatism. Intermittent pressure from without inward, and drawing *tension here and there in the left chest. Tensive pains in the chest. Tension and stitching in the region of the heart -Cramp-pain in the chest, intermittent, with qualmishness, in the morning. Dull lacerating pain in the chest, above the pit of the stomach. Stitching pain in the sternum. Stitches under the heart, like pleuritic stitches. Stitches over the heart, in the evening. Sharp stitching in the region of the heart, increased by violent expirations. Sensation of weakness and burning in the sternum.-Burning in the chest. Frequent palpitation of the heart, without anxiety. Painful palpitation of the heart, and a stitch at every beat.-Pain in the chest, as if bruised, when riding. BACK.-Pain in the smnall of the back, when walking or sitting. Pain in the region of the os-coccygis, sometimes pushing, aching, sometimes pinching. Paralytic aching pain in the small of the back. Tension and feeling of weakness in the small of the back, when sitting, with tension in the head. Drawing in the small of the back and spine, a sort of painful weakness, when sitting or stooping. Violent cutting in the small of the back, at the least motion, extending into the calves and feet.-Pain in the back, when sitting. * Violent tensive pains, like rheumatic pains, in the lumbar region and on the shoulders.-Tensive pain between the shoulders during rest and motion. Violent pain in the back, as if bruised, when walking in the open air with wealness.-The nape qf the neck and the back are 1164 ZINCUM METALLICUM. painful, as if bruised and worn out by too great fatigue. Crampy sensation in both sides of the neck. Cramp-like drawing along the cervical muscles. ARMS.-Feeling of soreness in the axille, at a small spot, as if bruised. Rheumatic tension in the head of the humerus. Tension and lacerating in both shoulder-joints. The shoulder-joints feel as if gone to sleep. Pain, as if bruised, in the arm. Rheumatic pain in the deltoid muscles of the upper arm.-Rheumatic pressure in the elbows. Lacerating in the bend of the elbows. Rash in the bend of the elbow.-Spasmodic drawing, occasionally, in the lower arms or fingers. Pain, as if bruised, in the lower arms. Rheumatic tension above the left wrist. Rheumatic drawing in the wrist-joint. Lacerating in the exterior of the wrist. Lacerating, with pressure, in the wrist-joint. Weakness and tremor of the hands when writing. Rigidity of the hands, especially the right hand. Paralytic condition of the right hand. Cool hands. ORough, itching, herpetic spots on the hands. Sweaty hands. *The epidermis of the hands becomes chapped and painful. Chilblains on the hands, itching and swelling violently.-Lancinations in the fingers. Lacerating in the lower joints and phalanges of the fingers. Nodosity under the skin. LEGS.-Lacerating with pressure, in the hip. Pain as if bruised, with cramp-feeling, heat, and burning in the region of the hip. Pain, as if bruised, in the hip-joint, as if the flesh had become detached from the bones.-Rheumatic drawing in the right limb. Heaviness in the limbs, with lacerating. Weakness and pain in the limbs. Violent itching of the whole lower limb.-Rheumatic drawing in the thighs. Drawing pain in the thighs, from time to time, in the evening. Lacerating in the thighs, especially the fleshy parts, sometimes violent and continuous. Lancinations in the thigh, when lying and walking. Heaviness and paralytic pain in the femur, over the knee. Itching of the thighs anal bend of the knee; very violent, in the evening. Dull pain in the knee, gradually increasing and decreasing. Dull digging-up pain in the knees. Tensive pain in the right kneejoint, when walking. Painful tension in the bend of the knee, when walking in the open air. Lacerating, and pain as if bruised, in the "*bends of both knees, worse when walking. Lacerating in the knees. Stitches in the knee. Painful boring in the knees. Violent itching in the knee-joint. Drawing pain in the legs in the evening. Lacerating in the calves. Piercing stitching in the tibim. Rigidity and stiffness of the muscles of the calf when walking. Rigidity and drawing in the calf. Burning pain in the region of the tibia. Erysipelas and painful swelling of the tendo-achillis. ODisappearance of the ZINCUM OXYDATUM. 1165 varices of the leg.--heumatic tension in the tarsal-joints, when at rest. Aching pain below the outer ankle. Lacerating in the bends of the tarsal-joints. Lacerating in the soles. Lac-rating and tension in the borders of the foot. Stitches in the heel. Burning under the right heel, most violent when stepping. Burning of the soles. Burning and ulcerative pain of the soles. Pain as if sprained in the tarsal-joint. Violent inflammatory swelling of the foot. Swelling around the ankles. Cold feet, even in bed. Pain as if sprained in the bends of the posterior-joints of the toes. Lancinations in all the toes. 283.-ZINCUM OXYDATUM. ZINC. OXYD.-Oxyde of Zinc.-See "Hygea," XIV. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-Tension in the muscles and painfulness during motion. Drawing in the limbs, with pains in the small of the back. Tingling in all the limbs.-Undulating movements in single muscles. Trembling of the limbs, also with jactitation of the muscles of the lower limbs. Remarkable sinking of strength, also with internal sick feeling. SLEEP.-Restlcss sleep, with dreams about falling, fire, counterfeit money. FEvER.-Feeling of coldness, followed by febrile motions through the whole body.-Shuddering over the whole abdomen.-Pulse small and hard. Spasmodic pulse. Tight, quick, irregular, hard, and dull pulse.-Sweat, particularly towards morning. MORAL SYMPTOMs.-Spasmodic laughter. HEAD AND SENSORIUM.-Dullness and heaviness of the occiput.Vertigo, with flushes of heat.-Tightness in the forehead, also with pressure. EARS AND NOSE.-Pulsations and buzzing in the ears, with increase of liquid wax and difficulty of hearing. Fluent coryza, worse after eating. FACE AND TEETH.-Spasmodic twitching of the facial muscles, with constant disposition to laugh. MOUTH.-Accumulation of bitter-sour water in the mouth. APPETITE.-Loss of appetite. Loathing.- Violent thirst.-EructCa tions.-Gulping up of yellow, bitter, bilious water.-Nausea, with sourish taste in the mouth. Nausea, followed by vertigo, and attended with flushes of heat, spasmodic pulse, and great languor.-Sickness and nausea.-Sudden vomiting of children. Vomiting of slimy 1166 ZINCUM SULPHIURICUM.--ZINGIBER..water, after which the headache disappeared. Bilious vomiting. Vomiting and diarrhoea. SToMAcIe.-Crampy pressure in the pit of the stomach, with tight, ness and sensitiveness.-Burning in the region of the stomach, with loathing.-Fullness in the stomach. ABDOMEN.-Lacerating below the umbilicus. Spasmodic drawing in the middle of the abdomen, with dull pains in the whole abdomen. -Distention of the abdomen. Rumbling.--Liquid stools, with tenesmus and pinching in the abdomen. Bilious stools, followed by great relief of all the symptoms. LARYNx.-Accumulation of mucus in the larynx, with dryness of the throat, and constant hawking of tenacious slimy saliva.-Difficult breathing, particularly with the left lung. Constriction of the chest. Spasmodic sensation in the lungs and heart. Spasmodic pressure in the chest and pit of the stomach.-Palpitation of the heart, with anguish, also particularly in the evening, and with spasmodic pulse. Sensation of pressure, heaviness, and spasmodic tension in the heart. -All the ribs are sensitive to the touch. ARMS AND LEGS.-Pain in the small of the back, at night. Feeling of lameness, extending to the hips.-Sticking and lacerating between the shoulders, or pain extending to the small of the back and sacrum.-The arms feel bruised.-Constant weakness of the lower limbs. Bruising pain of the lower limbs. Trembling of the feet. 284.-ZINCUM SULPHURICUM. ZINC. SULPH.-Sulphate of Zinc. This remedy has been recommended for certain kinds of chorea. 285.-ZINGIBER. ZINGIB.-Ginger.-See "Archiv," XVI. SYMPTOMS.-Pressure and drawing in the sinciput.-Pressure in the eyes, as from sand.-Tingling itching in the nostrils. Obstruction of the nose.-Pressure and drawing in the roots of the teeth.Cough, excited by a smarting and burning in the larynx, or with thick expectoration.-Rheumatic drawing in the backs of the hands. Heat in the palms of the hands and face.-Burning-stinging tingling in the feet. CLINICAL INDEX. ABDOMEN, affections of. Berb.J, carb.v., grat., lye., nux-v., phos. -- congestion, venous, of. Aeon., ars., nux-v., puls. Sdistentiop of. Ars., mur.-ac., nux, phos., sep. -- nerves, torpidity of. Arum. epilepsia of. Arum. - hardness of. Asa-f. Sobstruction of. Asa-f., nux-v. podophyl. - congestion of. Bell., nux-v., sec.c., stib. -- chronic affections of, with constipation. Bry., calc., euph., nux-v., sep., sulph. - spasms of. Agar., calc., ign., mag.-mur., mur.-ac., nux-v., puls. Sinduration of. Chin. -- and urinary affections of old men. Cim. - grumbling, griping, and cutting pain in the. Coloc., merc.dule., sep. - violent, with sensitiveness to contact, chills, &c. Coloc., sep. - inflammation of. Coloc. Schronic affections, with colic, violent burning, distensive pains. Euph., sep. --- cutting and pinching in. Mur.ac. --- burning in the. Phos.-ac. - plethora venosa. Puls. -- hemorrhoidal congestion of. Sulph. ABSCESs, lymphatic, Carb.-v., cham., mere., lach. -- psoas muscle, of the. Cham., chin., mere., lach. ABORTUS. Cann., morph. -- from congestion to the uterus. Aeon., bell., ealc. ACNE. Bell., berb., calc., canth. carb.-v., ledum, arnica. - rosacea. Ars., canth., caus., cim., rhus-t. ALOPECIA. Bar. AMAUROSIS. Am., arg.-nitr., asar., bell., calc., caps., dig., lact., laur., lye., mang., mere., mose., natr.-carb., nitr.-ac., phos., rhus-t., ruta, sec.-c., sulph. - amblyopia. Anac., bell., cale., caps., caus., chin., cim., coc., dulc., fer., mang., mosc., phos., puls., ruta, sec.-c., stram., sulph., stib. -- with cerebral affections. Cim. - torpid. Ant. - rheumatic. Ant. - mercurial. Ant. - incipient. Arn. - erethic, with intermittent type. Ars. - apoplectic. Aur., aeon. - consequent on suppressed anger. Aur. AMBLYOPIA. Asar., lact., led., natr.c., nitr.-ac., puls. AMENORRH(EA. Am.-m., calc.-caus., chin., coc., croc., iod., natr.-m., phos., puls., op., sep., stram., sulph., macrobys. Swhen occasioned by dampness and prostration. Chin., ars. - in weak and hysteric females. Art. -- when owing to scrofulous conditions. Bar. - spasms from. Coc. - acidity. Acet.-acid. - with violent colic, weak and dry cough. Iod. - with leucorrhcea, vertigo, throb. bing headache, pain in the stomach and uterus. Puls. 116i 1.168 CLINICAL INDEX. ANOSMIA. Bell., calC. ANEURISM. Carb.-v., lyc., sil., potas.carb. Sof the aorta. Carb.-v., lact. ANOREXIA. Acon., bell., calc. ANGINA. Alum., dulc., puls., rhusr., sang., sep. - gangrenosa. Am.-c., ars., carb.v., kreas., merc.-s., merc.-cor. - parotidea. Are., am.-c., kal.-c., merc.-s. - pectoris. Arg.-n., dig., hydr., lact., laur., mose., nux-v., samb., stram., morph. - - with organic distase of the heart and large vessels. Ars., morph. - maligna. Ars., phos. - membranacea. Samb. in putrid and intermittent fevers, measles, scarlatina, and dysentery. Ars., mere.-s. - from abuse of Mercury. Bellad., aurum, dulc. - from cold. Bar., rhus. - tonsillaris, even with suppuration. Bar., bell., cham., crot., merc.-s., sulph., stib. - catarrhal. Bell., bor., dulc., merc.-s., nux-v., puls. - catarrhal of the tonsils and fauces. Merc.-s., puls. - pharyngea maligna. Caps., nitr.-ac., sano., - morbillosa. Carb.-v. - scarlatinosa. Carb.-v., phos. - - with parotitis. Carb.v. - apthosa. Carb.-v. - tonsillaris and pharyngea.Cham., dule., nitr.-ac., nux-v. - putrida. Kreas., merc.-s., mere.d. - putrida in scarlet fever. Mere.s., phos., puls. - gastric rheumatic. Spong. ANASARCA. Samb., squil., sulph. - with affections of the chest. Samb., apocynum-cann. - after scarlatina. Sulph. APOPLEXY. Ambr., am.-c., amrn., bar.mn., chin.-s., laur., sec.-c., verat. - pulmonum. Am.-c. - renalis. Ars.-hyd. - of old people and drunkards. Bar., op., agar. APOPLEY r, sanguinaria. Bell., bruc., coff., op., nuxv., rhus-t. - nervous. Coff., con., ip., op., laur., nux-v., rhus-t. - serous. Con., ip. - cerebral. Laur., op., nux-v. - - paralysis from. Laur., nux-v. - spinal. Nux-v. - with sopor and paralysis. Nuxv. - nervous, withhemiplegia. Anac., coc. - with cerebral congestion. Coe. - nervous. Cupr. acet., phos., rhus-t. - serous. Dig. APHONIA. Arum., bell., caus., laur., phos., ammon. - catarrhalis. Bell., laur - with previous spasms of the chest. Caus. APHTHYE. Ars., bor., carb.-ac., hell., merc.-v., merc.-cor., sulph. - malignant. Are. - with ptyalism, diarrhoea, and fever. Merc.-s. - of the mouth and fauces. Nitr. ac. - neonatorum. Sulph.-ac. ARTHRITIC AFFECTIONS. Acon., aur., bell., benz.-ac., berb., bry.,calc., caus., chamn., chin., coc., colch., coloc., dig., graph., hep., "kreas., laur., led., lyc., meny., natr.-carb., nitr.-ac., ol.-jec., nux-v., petrol., puls., rhus-t., phos.. phos.-ac., staph. - nodosities. Aur., berb., bry., cale., carb.-a., clem., dig., graph., led., staph. - symptoms consequent on sexual and mercurial abuses. Aur. - swelling of the joints. Bell., bry., hep., led., mang., puls. - swelling of the parts. Bry. - anomala and vaga. Calb., sulph. - stiffness of the joints. Carb.-a., led. - with nightly pains in the lower limbs and anasarca. Puls. - metastasis. Staph. - rheumatic. Agn., bry., calb, daph., puls. - from suppressed gonorrhoes. Daph. - vaga. Puls. CLINICAL INDEX. 1169 ASTHMA. Acon., am.-c., anac., ant., ATONY, mucous membrane of. Arum., arg.-nitr., asa-f., benz.-ac., canth. bry., caps., sulph., carb.-v., - glandular organs. Arum. chin., colch., dulc., fer., graph., BALANORRHMA. Canth., mez. ip., rat., nit.-kreas., lact., laur., BLENORRH(EA. Am., am.-m., ant, led., lob.-inf., lyc., merc.-s., arg -nitr., bry., natrum. mose., nux-v., podoph., puls., - from the lungs. Chin.-s. sec.-c., stram., stib., zinc. - palpebrarum. Lact. - from nervousness or from retro- - chronic schneiderian membrane. cession of catarrh. Ars., bell. Lye., mag.-mur. - spirituous drinks, from abuse of. BLETHAROPHTHALMITIS gonorrhoeica. Ars. Acon.. ant., caus., calc., nux-v. - pituitosum. Arum., stan. - glandulosa. Alum., am.-i., - senile. Bar., con. sulph. - humidum. Bell., tabac. BLADDER, suppuration of. Acon. - thymicum. Bell., mose., spong., - paralysis of. Ars., cim., fer., verat. hell., hyos., laur., mur.-ac., - from suppressed cutaneous erup- nux-v. tions. Cale. - hmorrhoids of. Ars., colch., - flatulent. Carb.-v, dule., fer., sulph. - suffocating. Carb.-v., nux-v. - spasm of. Asa-f., hyos., laur. - spasmodic. Cupr., graph., ip., - tenesmus of. Stram., caps., dig., laur. fyos. - after suppressed herpes. Graph. b- hmorrhage from. Hamamelis, - spasmodic,especially at night. 1p. chin., nux-v. - of the aged. Lact. - erethism of. Coff. - from organic defects of the heart. - chronic inflammation of. Con. Lact., laur., sec.-c. catarrh. of. Con., dule., mere.- hysteric. Mosc. s., nux-v., sulph., tereb. - inillari. Acon., ars., bell., ip., - inflammation of the neck of. samb., stib. Strain., cann., dig. - periodical. Cann., ign. - distention of. Hell. - hysteric. Con. - spasms of, with tenesmus after - siccum periodicum, with an- a cold or scarlet fever. Hyoa. asarca and paralysis of the - polypus of. Lye. extremities. Ars. - affections of. Plum. AScITES. Cannll., con., dig., led., lyc., - spasms of, in pregnancy. Puls. squil., stib. stone. Sass. - and anasarea. Apocyn.-cann., BILIoUS AFFECTIONS. Acon., arn., dig., lam., tereb. ant., ars., chin., podophyl. - -with organic affec- - and gastric. Asa-f., asar., chin. tions of the heart. Dig. - with or without fever, severe - with affections of the liver. nightly headache, yellow skin, Merc.-s. oppression of the chest and with amenorrhoea and leucor- stomach, loss of appetite, unrerhcea. Puls. freshing sleep, and languor. ASPHYXIA. Am.-mi., chin.-a., lauroo., Chin. stib. BILIARY CALCULI. Elat. ATROPHY. Am.-m., bar.-m., chin., BOILS. Hyos., lye., mur.-ac., nux-v., merc.-s. lach., mere. - infantum. Mag.-car., lyc., mere.- BONES, affections of. Mez., mag.-minur., s.. merc.-cor. staph. - infantum, with constipation, - affections of, chronic. Euph, diarrhcea, and fever. Merc.-s. nitr.-ac. ATONY of the urinary organs. Am.- - pains in the, at night. Aur, c., canth. 1170 CLINICAL INDEX. BONES, inflammation and caries of, especially from abuse of Mercury. Aur., mez., staph. - caries of. Aur., calc.-mez., lye., merc.-s., nitr.-ac., phos.ac., sil., staph., sulph. - pains in the. Cupr., staph. -- syphilitic softening of. Mez., merc.-s. -- ulcers of. Mez., lye., merc.-s. - inflammation of the periosteum, worse at night, with redness and swelling of the soft parts. Merc.-s., nitr.-ac. - curvature and softening. Merc.s., phos.-ac., sulph. BRAIN, concussion of. Am.-m., arn., cim., zinc. -- cerebral affections of. Arn., ars., bell., bry., cim., cin., rhus-r., stram., zinc. - concussion of, from the effect of cholera. Bry. - concussion of, from violent exhaustion of as after spasm, epileptic and hysteric paroxysms. Ars. - tubercles of. Bar. - metastasis of acute exanthemata to the membranes of. Bell. - inflammation of. Bell., cim., con., coral., hyos. -- dropsy of. Bell. - pressure in the. Carb.-a. - congestion of, with vertigo. Con. -- inflammation of; from cold, with delirium, dilatation of pupils. Hyos. -- paralytic affections of. Mose., zinc. BRONCHIA, blenorrhoea of. Arn. -- inflammation of. Am.-m., ant. - bronchitis. Ars., bov., bry., canth., caps., chin., eupa., hep., kal.-bichr., lact., laur., merc.e., spong. - bronchitis, with hoarseness. Hep., lact. - affections in typhus, especially the last stage. Bell. -- disposition to inflanumation of Hep. -- ronic, bronchitis. Kal.-bichr., lact. BUBO, scrofulous. Graph., mero.-s. - venereal. Merc.-s., nitr.-ac. BURNs, with fever. Aeon., ars., carb.v., sulph.-ac., urt., rhus. - old. Caus. CACHEXIA, dropsical. Sulph., chin. Smercurial. Ant., arg. from abuse of China. Bell. CANCEROUS AFFECTIONS. Con., ars., bell., clem., natr.-m. -- nose, of the. Ars., aur. - cheeks, of the. Ars. Slips, of the. Ars., cim., clem., lye. - womb, of the. Ars., puls. - tongue, of the. Ars. - stomach, of the. Art. -- cardia et pylori. Bar. - manmma. Bell., clem. - indurations. Carb.-v. - face. of the. Kreas. CARDIALGIA. Arg.-nitr., arg., am., bell., cal., chin., euph., graph., grat., ign., ip., laur., lact., lob.inf., mag.-carb., natr -carb., nux-v., petrol., phos., sec.-c., staph., stront.-c., sulph., stib., verat. -- with black or sour vomiting. Arg.-nitr., mag.-car., nux-v. - threatening to pass into cancer of the stomach. Arg.-nitr., nux-v. - in pregnant women. Bell., nux v. -- nervous. Bism., nux-v. - chronic. Bry., nux-v., sulph. - with nervous headache. Ign., nux-v. - with aching and burning pains. Lact. - from overloading of and organic defects of the stomach. Nux-v. - of drunkards. Nux-v. - with constrictive burning pains in the stomach, vomiting, and diarrhoea. Phos. -- from suppressed itch. Sulph. CARBUNCLE. Ars., chin., kreas., rhus-t. - malignant. Bell., ars. - spontaneous. Chin. CATARRHAL AFFECTIONS. Aeon., am.-m., bell., bov., cal., camp., carb.-v., caus., cam., chin., kreas., laur., nux-v., phos., hep.-merc., sol., puls., rhus. t., samb., squil., sulph., verat. CLINTICAL INDEX. 1171 OATA4RHAL AFFECTIONS, from a draft of air. Acon., carb.-v. chroiiic, of the air passages, Am. -c, am.-m., arum., bry., caus., dros., laur.,* lye., nuxV., squil., suiph. acute. Arn.-ni., hep. intestines, of the, with burning in the anus. Ais., mer c-s. -chronic and purulent coryza. Aur., hep.,nmor.c.-s. -trachea, of the. Bar., iod., nuxV., PUNs. -in-flamimation of the air passages. Bell., mere.-s., nux-v. -_-of the eyes and lids. Bor. -of the air passages, brought on by cold and in measles. Bry., chini., rnerc.-s, spong. -Scrofulous. Bry. -with nightly exacerbations, burning in the throat, oppression of the chest, and great ainguish. Mez. -with soreness of the larynx and decrease of voice. Dros., mere.5., nux-v. --with crampy pains in the chest. Cupr. -inveterate. ilep. chronic, in persons who incline to phthisis pulmonalis or laryngeal. Jod., nux-v. - chronic, in old persons and drunkards. Kreas. -of the lung-s. Puls. CATARACT. Cans., con., dig-., mag.cafr., lye., pKos., puls., sulph. -incipient. (aus., puls. CEPHALALOiA. Acon., ars., COff, con., dube., guaj.-, hyper., ign., laur., led., suier c-s., niux-v., petrol., pills., rhus-r., rhus-t., spug., selen., Sep., tarax., verat. from congestion to the head. Aeon., am.-- c, bell., earb. -v., coff., fer., nux-v. epcal 4z it cc Cc ep ial when occasioned by catarrh. Bell., chin., nux-v. congestive. Alum., bry., chin., croc., rhns-r., sep. w- nervous. Alumn., ch-ain., con., for., kal. -bichr., kreas., lact., laur., lye., niag.-inur., snerc S., mose., natr. -i., flux-v., phos., selen., verat. CEPHALALGIA. hysteric. Alum., aur., Cale., caps., chain., coc., nux-v. -- with nausea and. vomitincr. Coc. -particularly in the fore part of the head. Ars., bry., nux-v. -rheumatic. Bell., bry., caCus., chin., lyc., lliere.-s.,7 nu;-v,, rhus-r. -venous congestion to the head with. cnars.,7 Sep. dyspeptic. Kal.-bichr. -chronic and prosopalgia. Ar~t) calc., lye., nux-v. -weakness of the stomach frora. Arum., nux-v. periodical. Asar.,' cabc., Cole., eon., fer., nux-v. mental exertion from. Aur.., bry., lyc., nux-v. -derangement of digestive functions, and accompanied with rheumatic and arthritic affections. Berb., naux-v., podoph. -cold from. Bry., cale., camp.,. nux-v., dulc. -affection of the heart from. Bry. - with lacerating of the h ead of females. Bry., cans., Sep. violent in the fore part of the head, with oppression and shooting pains. Caus., bry., nux-v. -affecting- the whole head, with palpitation of the heart, nausea, oppression of the chest. Bry., cans., natr.-m., nux-v., verat. -chronic. C alc., kr eas.,7 laur., lye., nux-v. morning, in the. Phos., phos.-ao. -excess in drinking, from. Carb.v, nux-v. -nausea with. Carb.-v., nux-v., verat. vertigo with. Cans., flux-V., Sep. ilsmtm ra -with catarrhaI yposfo suppression of cutaneous perspiracltion. Chain., nux-v. -of persons leading a sedentavy life. ICo., nux-v. -persons who have indulged iu masturbation. Coc., mix-v. 1172 CLINICAL INDEX. CEPHALALGIA, periodical semi-lateral. tions, with pleuritic stitches. Coloc., kal.-bichr., nux-v., sep. Camp., phos. - violent lacerating, with suffoca- CHEST, chronic affections of. Carb.-v., tive fits and constriction of the phos. chest. Coloc., led., nux-v. -- dropsy of. Carb.-v., lact. h-- eat in the face, with throbbing - spasms of. Cin., colch., cupr.in the teeth. Coloc. acet., merc.-s., phos., stram. - gastric, with vertigo. Con., nux- -- stitches in the. Acon., guai., v., selen., merc.-s., phos. - beating and throbbing, particu- -- venous congestion to. Merc.-s. larly at the critical age. Croc., -- aching and drawing in. Mur.kreas.. led. ac., phos. --- with boring in the root of the - pain in the, from gastric irritanose. Hep., nux-v. tion. Rhus-r. -- chronic over the eyes, with - inflammatory affections of, with vomiting. Kal.-carb., nux-v. fever and typhoid symptoms. - stupefying, tearing, beating Rhus-t. headache. Led., merc.-s., nux- - affections of. Acon. v., phos. CHOREA. Art., asa-f., coo., sec.-o., -- catarrhal. Merc.-s.. nux-v. sulph. - nightly. Merc.-s., nux-v., caus. CHLOROSIs. Am.-c., am.-m., arum., -- aggravated by mental exertion, aur., chin., con., fer., lyc., spirituous drinks, or want of natr.-m, phos., sulph. exercise. Nux-v. -- with bloody discharge from the - nervous, with cardialgia and con- nose and lungs. Chin., plum., stipation. Nux-v. puls. -- aching, throbbing, increased by CORYZA. Acon.. ign., kal.-bichr., motion, with pains in the teeth. merc.-s., nux-v., mur.-ac., Nux-v., petrol, petrol., rhus-r., samb. -- from chagrin. Petrol. -- chronic. Ars., alum., arum., -- derangement of the stomach nux-v., kreas. from. Puls., selen. -- dry. Carb.-a., caus., nux-v., -- vertigo with. Rhus-r. phos. -- throbbing. Rhus-r. -- fluent. Carb.-v., kreas., nux-v. -- from derangement in the portal CHILBLAINS. Ant., berb., carb.-a., system Sep. carb.-v., chain., kreas., lye., CHANCRE. With hydrargyrosis. nux-v, petrol., phos., puls., Nitr.-ac. rhus-t. -- with warty excrescences. Thuj. -- inflamed, with burning pains. CHAGRIN. Affections from. Ign., Cham., nux-v. staph., nux. CHILDREN. Affections of. Chain., CHEST. Rush of blood to the. Aur., eug., ign., mag.-car., podoph., nux-v. samb., sec.-c. - " " and congestive - spasms of. Cham., ign., ip., asthma. Aur. nux-v., stram. --- constrictive oppression of. Aur., - when teething. Cham., podoph. cupr., merc.-s., phos. -- catarrh of. Cham., ip., nux-v., -- congestion to. Bell., merc.-s., samb. nux-v. phos., tart.-stib. -- fever, brought on by teething - rheumatism of. Bell., bry., Cham. rhus-r. - fever, somnolence of. Cham. -- catarrhal affection of. Bor., -- cholera in. Cham., phos.-ac. nux-v., phos. - inflammation of the eyes in in - neuralgia of. Bry. fants. Charn., nux-v. *- spasms of, from violent emo- -- difficult dentition, with diar rhoea, fever, convulsions, CLINICAL INDEX. 1173 Cham., cupr.-acet., ign., nuxv., sec.-c. CRILDREN, congestive toothache of. Cham., nux-v. -- acidity ofstomach and diarrhoea. Cham., mag.-car.,merc.-s.,rheum. - cough from teething. Cham. -- chronic vomiting of Cin., ip. meteorism of, congestion of the head and abdomen. Cin. - restlessness of. Colch. --- epidemic diseases characterized by cough, coryza, pain in the ears. Eug. humid eruptions on the head of. Hep. -tracheitis of, with headache, short anxious breathing, hoarse voice, hollow sounding cough. Hep. - chronic. Hep. -- eclampsia of, from abuse of Chamomile. Ign. - convulsions of, with foam at the mouth, from influenza. Ign., nux-v. -suffocative catarrh of, with green diarrhoea, constant coughing and crowing. Hep., ip., merc.-s., samb. - consumption of the mesentery in, with ulceration of the mucous membrane. Kreas. - diarrhoea of. Kreas., merc.-s., rheum., sec.-c., sep. -- nightly enuresis of. Kreas., puls., cauth. -- debility of. Nux-v. - pneumonia of. Puls. - rheumatic inflammatory and cerebral affections of. Rhus-t. -- constipation of Sulph. OHOLERA ASIATICA. Ars., ars.-hyd., bell., camp., carb.-v., chin, colch., cupr., hydr., ip., sec.-c., tabac., verat. - - when the liver is affected or there is a congestion to the head. Bry., carb -v., laur. - - cold stage with viscid sweat. Camph. -- - especially during convalescence, or when there is burning pain in the abdomen, or burning urine emitted drop by drop. Canth. CHOLERA ASIATICA, with loss of strength, bloody stools, and collapse. Carb.-v. - - congestion to the head and chest in. Carb.-v'., laur. - - preoursory symptoms of. Cham., ip. - - stage, in the. Ip. - - with spasms, vomiting, and diarrhoea. Cim., verat. - -symptoms of congestion to the brain. Cim. - - especially with convulsive movements, great restlessness, painful spasms, vomiting, preceded by contractive sensation in the chest. Cupr. -- third stage. Cupr.-acet. --- with sudden failing of the strength, apoplectic condition. Hydr. -- last stage of, with pressure in the chest, cessation of diarrhoea, cramps. Hydr. - when vomiting is the prominent symptom. Ip. -- with rice water evacuations, coldness, cramps, debility, retching, and vomiting. Verat. -- of the lighter kind. Ip. CHOLERINA. Ars., ip., phos., sec.-c. -- with nausea, vomiting, violent thirst, frequent diarrhoea. Ip. CHOLERA INFANTUnI. Alum., ars., ip., mag.-car., podoph., verat. CHOLERA SPORADIC. Ars., art., asp., coloc., cupr., dulc., merc.-s., sec.-c., verat. - after cold drinks. Dule. -- in children. Cham. CHOLERA SICCA. Ars. - diarrhoea. Ind. CHOLERA MORBUS. Elat., ip., tabao. stib. -- from cold. Elat. - with fluid stools, cutting pain in the abdomen, nausea, and vomiting. Elat. -- with vomiting. Ip., stib. CHOREA. Actea-rac., agar. CoLIc. Am.-c., cann., carb.-v., chin., coloc., nux-v., petrol., phos., plat., podoph., rhus-r., sec.-c. - from a cold. Acon., coloc., mere.s., nux-v. --plumbea. Alum.,sec.-c., nux-v, 1174 CLINICAL INDEX. COLIC, mensi8trual. Am-c., carb.-v., cast., cham, coc., byes., nux-v., puls., sabin., sec.-c. - spasmodic. Ars., bell., coo., COff., coloc., cupr., nux-v. nervosa. Ars. - inflammatory, of children. Art., bry. --- flatulent. Ass-f., aur., bell., caps., carb.-v., chaim., Coc., elat., graph., byes., lain, nuxV. - and vomiting. Asar., nux-v. - renal. Asp., berb., canth., lye. - nightly, with flatulence. Aur., coloc. - nephritic. Bell., mere.-s., nux-v. - inflammatory. Bry., coloc. --pregnancy. Bry., nux-v. - hinemorrhoidal. Carb.-v., nux-v., sulph. CONSUMPTION. Adeps. CONvuLsIONs. Aeon., con., agar., amll.-c., bell., canth., cans., cim., coc., cupr., lach., lam., lye., merc.-s., mose., op., nux-v., sec.-c., stram. - of children. Acon., art., bell., cim., ign. " in dentition. Art. -- hysteric. Acon., bry., cann., cans., chami., cim., coo., ip., ign., mose., stram. - chronic. Acon., ign. - catalepsy. Acon., art., bell., cham., cim., laur., moso., nuxv., strani. - tetanus. Aeon., arn., bell., brue., bry., cam., canth., cim., coc., lach., laur., mose., op., nux-v., phos., sec.-c., stib. - trismus. Acon., am., bell., brue., canth., cim., coc., hyos., ign., laur., merc.-s., nux-v., phos. - preceding eruption of acute exanthema. Ant. -- with loss of consciousness. Op. - of the limbs. Arn., ign. S with vomiting. Ign. - traumatic. Arnm. - of one side of the face, with violent headache, delirium, loss of consciousness. Caus. - hysterics, and painful enlargement of the liver. Caus. CONVULSiONS, preceded by headache in the forehead, pain in the pit of the stomach. Nux-v. - tonic. Nux-v., phos. - menstrual. Phos. CORNEA, obscuration of. Sulph. Sulceration of. Sulph. - inflammation of. Sulph. COXALGIA. Ars., bell., canu., canth., kreas., mang., mere.-s. - scrofulous. iRhus-t. - with cutting burning pains. Cham. - and constipation. Cinch.-a., nux-v., sulph. - bilions. Ccc.. ip., nux-v. - cramp. Coloe. - violent, brought on by vexation. Coloc. - with diarrhcea, after taking food. Coloc. from biliary calculi, with spasmodic pains, vomiting, and jaundice. Nux-v. CONDYLOMATA. Cale., lye., nitr.-ac. CONSTIPATION. Alum., bry., am.-c., calc., con., cann., cinch.-s., coff., daph., guai., graph., fer., grat., hep., kal.-bichr., kreas., lact., lye., mez., laur., mag.-car., op., nux-v., natr.-m., op., plat., plum., rhus-r., verb., verat., sulph. - from atony of the intestinal canal, or accompanied by strangulated hernia. Aur., nux-v. - of infants. Bry., alum., lyc., nux-v., sulph. - with retention of urine, phymosis. Cann. - chronic. Alum., cans., kal.hichr., op., nux-v. - especially with venous conges tion to the portal system. Graph. -- Jrought on by gastrodynia and enterodynia. Hell. -- with congestion to the head and chest. Nux-v. -- of drunkards. Nux-v. -- hremorrhoidal. Bell., carb.-v., nux-v. - from mental emotions. Stan. -- of pregnant females. Alum., nux-v. CLINICAL INDEX. 1175 CONSTI-PATION, obstinate. Ars., bry., o)p., nux-v. CONTUSIONS. Aeon., am.i-c., ftm.-m., an., con. COMA. Ae'on.,amc -somilolentumn. Aeon. ber. - " with. eiiprgeniient of the brain, as in -violent hinflammatoryr, exanthernatic, typhoid, and putrid fevers, metastasic affections of -the brain, organic affections, with pressure on the brain. Avs. accompanying suppuration of the braini, aseites, arthritic p aroxysms, puerperal fever, phithisi's pulmionalis, typhus, dysentery, intermittent foyer, scurvy, old age, &c. Ars. COUGH. Ars., boll., Conl., cupr., grat., ip., iod., kal. -carb., laur., lact., lyc., merc. -s., nux-v., podoph., rhus-t., rhus-r., Sep., spono., stib., samb., sang, se verat. -With palpitation of the heart and nightly anguish. Ars. nervous aud convulsive. Bell., cupr.-acet. with congestion to the chest and plethoric habit. Bell. nightlyv attacks of. Bell., con., eupa., hyos., mag.-mur., nux-v., petrol., phos., rhus-t., Sen., sep. chronic, excited by the least irritation of the lungs fand by spitting of blood. Bry., carb.v., sen. -convulsive, with 'Violent stitches of the chest. Bry., lact. -periodical spasmodic. Bry., ip., iod., kreas., lact., mierc.-s. -in measles. Cale. -chronic. Cale., chain., lyc.,spong. -suffocative. Chain., con., cnpr., lach., lact., mere.-s., petrol., phos. -whooping, in scrofulous children having worms. Cin, iod.' -in the convulsive stage, endingZ in vomiting. Cmn. dry spasmodic, nightly, -with oppression of the chest, and evening fever. Con., b1yes., ip., iod.,kreas., laur., mere.-s., inur.-ac., rhus-t. -with influenza. Con., iod., nux-v. COUGH, with vomiting. Daph., lip., nuZt. V., phos., stan. -with yellow", frothy, or bloodstreaked expcctorations.Daph., ka~l.-carb., laur., lye., mcrc.-6., sen., Sep. -with coryza. Dig., nux-v., phlos. -of young'consumptive persons, with sanguineous purulent expectorations.. Dros., iod., kal.carb. -nightly, especially. after the.eruptive stage of measles Eupa., verat. -from tickling in the larynx.. Euph., hyos., ip., nux-v. accompanying measles. Rep., hyos. -accompanying croup. Rep. -mucous expectorations. Sta~n. purulont expectorations. Stan. -catarrhbal, worse at night. Hyos., ip., pubs., sarub., sep., sulph. -spasmodic, with vomiting. Ip., kreas., pubs., sulph. -with spitting of blood. led., lye., rhus-t., sen., sep. first pctiodical; afterwards con. tinuous. 'Lod. -suspicious, with emaciation, hysteric convulsions, leucorrhcea. Iod. -with difficult expecto-rationi Kali-carb. -With yellowish expectorations, shortnesa. of breath, morning sweat, and diarrhcoa. Kalicarb., sulph. -%with night-sweat and hectic fever. Kali-carb., sulph. -hacking, with symptoms of iin* cipient phthisis. Kali-carb., phos. -suspicious, with expecto-rations streaked with blood, painful. ness of the chest a~nd liimbs, Kali-]byd., sen. -with purulent, fetid expectora. tions. Led., lye., merc.-s. -chronic laryngeal. Manjg. -concussive, with dry cough. Mere.-s., op., phos., samb. -with hoarseness and rawness in the thr at and chest. Phos. -bloody, with tuberculous lungs. Phos. 1176 CLINICAL INDEX. CouGH, catarrhal. Puls., sulph. "- " with hoarseness, soreness. of the throat, dyspncea, emaciation, fever. Puls., samb. -- dry, short, frequent cough, sometimes with oppression of the chest, palpitation of the heart. Puls., samb. -- dry tickling. Rhus-r., sulph. - after measles. Sulph. -- whooping. Acon., am.-m., ant., am., ars., bell., carb.-v., cupr., ip., lact., nux-v., sep., stib., verat. -- whooping, towards the end of the convulsive stage. Con., lact., nux-v. - whooping, with vomiting. Cham., ip., nux-v. - whooping, with tickling in the whole chest. Iod., nux-v. -- whooping, with bloody diarrhoea. Dros. ---whooping, with haemorrhage from the nose and mouth. Dros. -- whooping, suffocative symptoms, hbemorrhage, vomiting. Dros. - whooping, especially when it becomes moist. Dnlc. - whooping, in the secretory stage. Hep. - whooping, second stage. Led. - whooping, in the first stage of. Nux-v. - whooping, with vomiting of the ingesta. Lact. CROUP. Am.-m., ars., brom., calc., cupr., euph., hep., iod., kal.bichr., lye., sulph., phos., samb., spong., stib. - with sopor and stertorous breathing. Sabin. -- torpid. Spong. - chronic, with spasmodic cough. Dros., stib. - membranous. Am.-caust. -- with typhoid symptoms. Carb.-v. CRUSTA LACTEA. Ars., dulc., hep., kreas., lye., merc.-s., rhus-t., sass., sulph. Sserpiginosa, with emaciation and febrile symptoms. Ars., hep., lye., merc.-s., rhus-t., sulph. when combined with scrofula. Rep CUTANEOUS DISEASES. Camp., oarb. v., caus., con., euph. -- with great fever, internal an. guish and oppression. Camp. CYSTITIS. Acon., cann., canth., dig. rhus-r., stib. DEMENTIA. Hep. - from cold or itch. Rep. DELIRIUM. Acet.-acid., stram., hyos., op. - towards the termination of chronic disease. Cupr.-a. DECUBITUS. Caus., ars., calc., graph., kreas. DIPLOPIA. Bell., daph., dig. DIABETES. Am., am.-c., aur., ant., arg.-n., ars., art., aur., bar.-m., bell., chin., dig., fer., kreas, led., mur.-a., nitr.-ac.,phos.-ac. - from disorganization of the abdominal organs. Asa-f. DIAPHORESIS. Acon. DIARRHEA, after Cholera. Sec.-c. - watery. Phos.-ac., puls., rheum., rhus-t., sec.-c., stib., am.-m., ant., art., berb., caps., cham., chin., colch., coloc., sulph., verat., mez., elat., fer., kal.nit., kreas., led., merc.-s., nuxv., podoph., rhus-r. -- cronic. Acid.-acet., agn, ars., calc., canth., coff., coloc., mag.car., mur.-ac., nitr.-ac., petrol., phos., phos.-ao., rat., sec.-c., verat. -- with colic. Am., am.-c., laur., rhus-t. -- with vomiting, especially with children. Ant., bell., verat. - alternate, with constipation in old people. Ant., bry. - purulent, occasioned by ulcers in the intestines. Merc.-s. -- chronic, threatening intestinal phthisis. Nitr.-ac. - with tenesmus and constipation Nux-v. -- diarrhea-paralytic. Am., camp. - catarrhal, especially with nightly aggravation, violent colic, burning pain, nausea, and de. bility. Ars. - teething, with. Ars., cham., ip. - catarrhal. Cham., dulc. - small-pox, in. Ars., mero.-e., stib. CLINICAL INDEX. I 1L 7 DIARRHEA, black. Ars., i~p. Sometimes with black -vomit. Ip..-bilious. Asp., chin., stib. with vomiting, from cold. Bell., coloc. cold from. Bry., dule., ip., merc.-s. -wi~th prolapsuis-recti. Calc. -of phthisscal patients. Calc., kres.m -Of scrofulous children during dentition. Calc., chain. -acute, of children, with softening of the intestinal canal n stomachi. Calc. -serous. Chain. rheumatic. Chain., dulc., gutt., me 'rc.-cor., stib. -painful, with measles. Chain., stib. -,secondary affection after. Chin. -bilious, of scrofulous children, of a greenish yellow, mixed with blood, of a sour pungent or putrid smell; cries at night, small ulcers about the anus and genitals. Chin. yellowish, witb tremulous chilliness, nightly restlessness and sleeplessness. Chin. -involuntary, with *lassitude. Chin. -particularly at night, with Pinching, writhing pains. Chin., rhus-r. -with pressure in the abdomen, colic, and tenesmus. N ux-v. with softening of the stomach and intestines, and violent colic. Nux-v. dysenterodes. Coloc., dule., sulph., stib. with bloody evacuations and cutting pains, from cold. Dulc., merc.-s., rhus-t.. ---chronic,. from cold. Dulc. MUCOUS. Dulc., merc.-s., nux-v., petrol., puls.ý colliquative, which finally becomes involuntary. Fcr., phos., sec.-c. -nightly. 'p., rhus-t. -of children. Kreas., sec.,c., chain. -with urging, to stool. Phos. DROPsy. Ars., b~r.-mn., bry., cnmph., dole., iod.1 kal. c. lact., lam., merc.-s., po~oph-, chin., coleh., fer., bell., kreas., lye., prun., puls., zinc. DROPSY, scarlet fever, after..Bar.-m., bry., hell. -with fever, from suppression of rash. Bell. -from spasmodic condition of the bladder, with strangury and tenesmus. Canth. -from intermittent fever. Dulc., hell., iod., chin. -from cutaneous eruptions. Chin., sulph. -of the joints. Colch., iod. -of the chest. Dig., hell. -of the pericardium. Dig -after previous rheumat.1k fever. Dulc., bry. -chronic. Hell. -brain. Merc.-s. - of drunkards. Sep. DYSPHAGIA. Art., carb.-v., con., phos., rhus-t., stib. especially nervous. Bell. DYsuRIA. Bell., caun., canth., coff'., junc., lyc., ip-, merc.-s. -in drunkards or intermittent fever, when coma threatens. Ars., bell.* -from inactivity of the bladder. Nux-v. DYSENTERY. Aeon., al., am.-c.,m-. arg.-n., herb., hry, canth., caps., chain., coloc., k al.-hi., lye., merc-v., merc.-cor., natr-m.,. podoph., rhus-t., sulph., staph. -with typhoid character. Amn., bell., phos. -diarrhoea in children. Ars., merc.-cor. inflammatory and putrid. Ars., carb.-v. -with prostration of strength. Ars. -epidemic, gastric fall. Colch., mere.-s., mer.-cor. - first and second stage of epi demic. Coloc., mere. -s.. -with violent griping. Coloo. -with slimy stools. Elat., sep., ip., mere. -troublesome tenesmus with. Ip., merc.-eor., mere.-s. -bilious. Elat., puls., n-ux-v. -with gastric symptoms, nausea, vomiting, and tenesmus. Ip.., mere.-c. 1178 CLINICAL INDEX. DYSENTERY, firSt stage of. Ip. - with violent tenesmus, muco-sanguineous evacuations. Merc.-s., m1ere.-cor. DYSENTERY, mucous or blood. Mere.cor., ip. DYSPEPSIA. Actea-rac., ars., asa-f., bar., bell., bry., calc., carb.-a., coff., con., eupa., graph., ign., nux-m., nux-v., rhus.-r., sulph. - nervous. Am.-c., kal -bichr. - vomiting of the ingesta. Ars., bry., graph., nux-v., DYSMENORRH(EA. Am.-mn., bell., berb., cale., caus., chin., coc., con., graph., sep., sulph., nux-v., puls. - with epilepsy. Sulph. - with violent labor-like pains, colic, and nausea. Ars., puls., sec.-c. - from chagrin, with swelling of the breasts. Chin. - spasms from. Coc., puls. - with loucorrhoea between the periods. Coc. - with discharge of coagulated blood and eruption over the body. Con. EARS, scrofidlons disease of. Bar., bor., chin., kal.-c., mnierc.-s. - pain in the. Bell., puls. catarrhal affections of. Bov., puls. 7Pu119. - chirping, humming, and grumbling in the. Caus., puls., - crusts on the. Mer.-s., lye., lact., sep., cans., sulph. inflammuation of. Mang., merc.-s., puls. - scrofulous caries of. Merc.-s. - nightly pain in the. Puls. ECLAMPSIA. Am.-c., ant., plat., stib. - infantunim. Bell., mose. - puerperarum. Bell., sec.-c. EcrHYNA. Cans., clemin., dule., kal-bi. - cachecticum. Mes. EMIACIATION. Ars., calc., lach., puls. ECZEMA. Ant., cale., cans., crot., kal.-bi. chronic. Ars., cale. mercuriale. Acon., sulph.,bell., con., mez. mercnriale, with palpitation of the heart. Dig. - solare. Arum. ECZEMA of the scalp, face, and joint& Cale., carb.-v. -after a cold. Dulc. - impetignodes. Kal.-bi. ENCEPHALITIS. Acon., bell., bry., canth., cupr., sulph., ein. ENTERITIS. Acon., alum., am.-m., amrn., bell., merc.-s., rhus-t., chin, - gangrene symptoms of. Ars. ENURESIS. Canth. - nightly. Canth., phos.-ao. ENnocARDITIs. Bism., spig. - rheumatica. Spig. ENTERODYNIA. Nux-v. EPILEPSY. Ethus., agar., am.-m., ant., arg.-n., amrn., ars., art., aur., bell., cans., coc., hyos., ind., kreas., laur., lyo., mag.-c., merc.-s., nux-v., nitr.-ac., op., petrol., plat., puls., stan., sec.-c., stram., tabac., stib. - when the attacks occur every day. Ant., cupr. - with frenzy. Bell. - menstrual. Cans. - nervous. Cupr., ign., belL - uterine. Plat. ERYSIPELAS. Adeps. ERYTHEMA intertrigo. Bell., bov., bry., carb.-v., cans., cham. - symptomailtic. Graph. ERGOTISM. Bell. ERuPTIONS. Carb.-v., carb.-a., lye., mez., kal.-bich., kreas., led., lye., 1mang., m ere.-s., phos., phos.-ac., puls., rhus-r., rhus-t., sep., sil., verat., stib., zinc., bry., aur., ars., cans. - with tendency to gangrene. Am.c., kreas., ars. - chronic. Am.-m., ant., cupr., sulph., nitr.-ac., sep., zinc., calc., caus., hep., kreas., mang. - - herpetic. Ang., sep. - acute. Ant., cans., am.-c., as., lye., nitr.-ae., rhus-t. - vesicular. Ant., ars.,bov.,bry., rhus-t. - tuberculous. Ant., ars., kreas ERUPTIONS, squamous. Bov., bry., am.-c. - scrofulous. Calc. - - of children. Calc., rhus-t. - copper-colored, on the face Carh.-a. S- confluent cutaneous, with thick CLINICAL IIDEX. 117i) crust and burning pain. Cin., mur.-ac., rhus-t. ERUPTIONS, from abuse of Sulphur. Dulc. - humid corrosive. Grat., mur.ac., rhus-t., sulph., zinc. --- suspicious, frequently originating in scrofula, psora, and mercurial abuses. Hep. --- suppurating. Mur.-ac., sep. - humid itch-like, with softening of the bones. Nitr.-ac., zinc. - itching. Rhus-r., rhus-t., sep., sulph., zinc. -- burning. Rhus-t., sep. - diseases from suppressed. Sulph., zinc. EYES, inflammation of the lids. Puls., hep., calc. - cornea, specks, ulcers, and obscurations on the. Ars., aur., hep., bell., calc., cann., euphr., sil., merc.-s. -- scrofulous inflammation of, with photophobia, swelling of the lids, ulcers on the cornea. Bell., calc., cann., kreas., mang., merc.-s., nux-v. -- inflammation of a scrofulous, arthritic, catarrhal, rheumatic, or traumatic nature. Bell., calc., nux-v., spig. --haemorrhage from the. Bell., calc., carb.-v., cham., nux-v. - cataract traumatic. Cann., mag.c. - heat and pressure in the. Ars., carb.-v., spig. -- inflammation, with acrid lachrymation, darting into the head, and night aggravations. Caus., spig., phos. -- conjunctivitis palpebralis. Caus., spig., sulph. - twinkling dark tissues before the. Caus., spig. - photophobia, with redness of, and aching pain in the. Chin., cinn., ign, sep., spig. - affections of, from sexual excess. Chin. -- in old people. Chin., coff. -- dimness of the. Coff., euph., phos., spig. - arthritic, inflammation of. Coloc., spig. EYES, scrofulous inflammation of Dulc., merc.-s. -- swelling of the. Guac., spig. S conjunctivitis chronic. Lact., merc.-j., sulph. - catarrhal and herpetic inflammation of the lids. Merc.-s., phos., sil. - inflammation of the sclerotica. Merc.-s., merc.-j. inflammation of the lid. Natr.c., puls., calc., caus., carb.-v., hep., sil., staph., sulph. -- sensitiveness of the optic nerve. I Phos. - lime in the. Acet.-acid. ERYSIPELAS. Ars., bell., bor., bry., camph., graph., hyos., merc.-s., nux-v., phos.-ac., acon., ang., erat., lach., anthrax., ars.,_puls., rhus.-r., rhus-t., sass., sil., sulph., stib. - vesicular. Ars., graph., rhus-t. - of the face, with acute fever. Graph., hep., rhus-t. - particularly about the head, and when symptoms of. gangrene threaten to set in. Ars., rhus-t. - cedematous.. Ars. -- scroti. Ars., rhus-t. -- pseudo. Bell. - phlegmonous, with lustre and throbbing of the affected parts. Bell., rhus-t. - Bell., carb.-v. - face, with feverish irritation and gastric bilious symptoms. Bell., graph., nitr.-a., rhus-t. -- mammae, of the. Bell. -- neonatorum. Bell., merc.-s. -- in typhus. Nux-v. - from stings of insects. BelL - angina faucium. Berb. - joints, of the. Bry., rhus-t., nux-v. FAINTING. Acon., ambr., am.-o., moso., stram., camph. FEVERS, catarrhal. Aeon., anac., ant., bell., calc., cham., con., cupr., merc.-s., sen., stib. -- gastric. Cale., merc.-s. - synochal. Aeon., hell., ip., cham. - with nervous, gastric, rheumatic, or putrid symptoms. Bell., cham. ---nervous. Arn.,bry., dig., hyos., ip., lye, ign., mur.-ac. 1190 1CLINICAL INDEX. Fx~vrun, yellow. Berb., chin. ga-stric. Anthrax., ant., amn., herb., bry., chin., Coc., kal.-bi., merc.-s., nux-v., t-arax., sdib. - with aff-ections of the intestinal mucous membrane. Nux-v. - with tendency to nervous character. Ant. -bilious. Bry., chain., mere.S., nux-v. --when brought on by chagrin. Chain. --venous. Dig. -bilious. Bry., Coo., coloc., incrc.-s., nux-v. -- brought on by chagrin. Chain., coc., coloc. - -with cutting pain in the bowels, nausea, and- vomnitin~g. Elat. -pitutitous. ]3ry., chin., merc.-s. - utrid. Amn, ars. - ectic. Chin., mere., cupr.,ip -Milk. Bry., oak,., amn., bell., chain. -gastric and catarrhal, with bilious and. pitutitious symp. tosins delirium, restlessness, putrid typhoid character, with morning and evening exaceorbations. Ars., bry., dig. "-consumptive. Bar., ars., -lye., inero.-cor. -with violent headache, pressing over the eyes, lacerating in the head, and limbs, uneasiness and heat, particularly at night, with pain on motion. Bry.. -postponing crisis, or threatening nervous state. Camp. -With chronic inflammation of glandular organs. Con. -gastric rheumnatic. Ham., mere.-s. lentescent nervous. Hell., mere.COT. -nervous, with exhausting- nightsweats. Lye., puls. -- when the stomach is irritated. Ip., puls. -muco-gastric. Ip., iere.-s. -remittent. Phos.-ao., podoph., bry., rims, nnIx-v., Cee., puls. - approxinvating the intermittent. Jgn., mix-v. - with sopor, thirst, and headache on wrliking. Op. FEVER, intermittent. Ars., art., arum., asar., cabl., canth., carb.-v. chain., chin., cin, cinch.-s., coffYinez -, diad., dines., clat., eupa., ign., ip., puls., led.,--lob.mE,. merc.-s., mur.-ao., natr.in., nux-j., nux-v., rhus-in., rhus-t., sabad., samb., sep., sulph., staph., tarax. -- protracted, particularly with anticipating type. Ars. -- Cinchona, from abuse of. Ars., bell., cabe., carb.-v., fer., nux-v., pubs.; spong. -- characterized by gastric symptoms. Ars., bry., ip. - -with vomiting and diarrhoea or constipation. Bisin. -- sop orous condition, with long chills. Camp., op. -intermittent, with pastric development, torpidity of the in* testinal canal, erethisin of the vascular system, writhing colic, and constipation. Cinch.-s., naux-v. - -with colic, restlessness, and tossing. Coff. -- with spasmodic convumlsive cough, and gastric symptoms. Dros. -- with bilious vomiting. Ign., ip., pubs. - -with constipation. Lye. - -after measles, with urticaria. Puls. - ~with jaundice. Nuix-v. - -quotidian. Ars., chin., cm, ign., ip., kab.-nit., lob.-inf., Lyc., natr.-m., nux-v., puls., rhus-r., rhus-t., sabad., tarax., thuj. verat. - -compound. Nux-v. --double. Sulph. - --tertian. Ars., carb.-v., chin., cin, elat., eupa., hyos., ign., natr.-in., nux-j., nux-v., verat., puls., sabad. - --with gastric derangement. Pubs., bry. - -in the morning, with veintigo,croughb, and vomiting. Bry. - --double. Ilhus-t. - -quartan. Ars., carb.-v., chin. cmn., chat., eupa., hyos., ignl. CLINICAL INDEX. 1181 natr.-m., nux-j., nux-v., rhus, sabad. FEVER,-- with constipation. Nux-v. -- typhus. Ars., acon., am.-c., bry., phos.-ac., sulph., canth., carb.-v., laur., op., puls., rhusr., rhus-t., verat. - tonicity, with loss of. Ars.. chin. -- - putrid symptoms with. Ars., carb.-v., chin., mur.-ac., phos. -- - petechia milari. Ars. -- - abdominalis. Ars., bell., bry., carb.-a., carb.-v., hyos., laur., mere.-s., nitr.-ac., nux-v., verat., puls., rhus-t., stib. - abdominalis, first stage, with nausea and faintness. Coc. Styphus, abdominalis, second stage, with heat, erethism of the circulation, and debility. Coc., phos.-ac. - - third stage, also with ulceration and putrid symptoms. Kreas., ars. - * - - first stage, with debility, nausea, vomiting, and headache. Merc.-s. setting in with great violence, nightly delirium, and dry tongue. Phos. - - with diarrhoea. Phos. -. - - second and third stage, with congestion of the lungs, pleuritic stitches, blood mucous expectorations. Phos. - - with prostration, thirst, and diarrhoea. Ars. stupidus. Art., chin.-s., cim., coo., phos.-ac. - - - with diarrhoea and debility. Phos.-ac. - -- - with dry skin, thirst, parched tongue, quick pulse, sleeplessness, and delirium. Bell. - versatilis. Cim., hyos., op., nux-v., phos.-ac., rhus-t. - - - approaching the nervous stage. B1ell., bry., chin.-s. - - putrid stage. Phos.-ac. -.- - -with excitement, congestion of the head, dry burning heat, constipation, delirium, screaming, violent headache, wild looks, indistinct speech, violent fever, quick soft pulse. Bry., op. FEVER, versatilis, with delirium. IIyos., op. -- - gastric. Bell., chin., mere. s., nux-v., phos.-ac., rhus-t. - - - with disposition to watery stools. Phos.-ac. - - cerebralis. Bell., oupr.-acet., laur., op. - - - stupidus. Mere.-oor., op., - cerebralis, pleuritic stitches, nausea. Bry. - typhus, with weakness of con. valescence. Bry. - - with diarrhoea, fainting, convulsions, anguish, sleeplessness. Cham. -- - idiopathic or catarrhal. Rhus-t. - - putridus. Phos., stram. - - - with delirium. Cham., coo., op., hyos., hell., stram. - - - from chagrin. Coc. - - - with sopor and rapid prostration. Op., laur., ars. -- - - with bloody evacuations. Merc.-s. -- - - second and third stage, with bloody slimy fetid stools, and tenesmus. Mere.-cor. - - - haemorrhage from the rectum, sensitiveness of the abdomen, acrid diarrhoea and tenesmus, aphthee,loose rattling cough, threatening paralysis of Sthe lungs. Nitr.-ac. - - - soporous condition in. Op., rhus-t. - - bilious. Nux-v., phos.-ao. -- headache and fever, with rheumatic tearing in the limbs. Stram., rhus-t. - after cholera. Stram. - puerperal. Bell., cham., chin.s., coloc., hyos., nux-v., plat., puls., rhus-t. - - with predominant cerebral symptoms. Bell. - - from mental emotion, suppression of the lochia or milk. Bell. - - - with profuse sweat, oppressed breathing, pA:ruhed or sensitive tongue, pain in the ovaries, in. creased by pressure, distension 1182 CLINICAL INDEX. of the abdomen, constipation, cessation of the lochia, and violent heat, Bry. FEVER, puerperal, vanishing of the milk, milky diarrhoea, laborlike pain, headache. Chamn. - -with excessive nervous irritation. IHyos., op., coff. - from vexation, Coloc. - - with dry heat, hard quick pulse, sopor, alternating with delirium, colic, and diarrhoea, sensitiveness of the stomach. Coloc. S lentae. Calc., co., con., dig., ip.. chin., menc.-cor., nitr.-ac., sep. --verminosa. Ars., cim., dig., sabad., sil. FISTULA IN ANO. Al., dulc., calc., merc. - lachrymalis. Phytol., natr.-c. - dentalis. Caus. - recti. Caus. [See Rectum.] GALACTORRH(EA. Bell., phos. GASTRALGIA. Cann., carb.-v., chin., coloc., lob-inf., phos. - of nursing women. Carb.-v. - with pyrosis, from congestion of the portal system. Carb.-v. GASTRIC derangement. Bar., ars., asa-f., bell., bor., bry., calc., con., cin., cim.,.chin., cupr., ip., iyc., merc.-s., nux-v., phos.ac., puls., rheum, verat. - with sopor, staring look, vomiting of watery slime, hot, hard dry skin, hard pulse, groaning, starting. Bell. - vomiting of mucus, and slimy diarrhoea. Bor. -- from loss of animal fluids, or after illness. Chin. - after eating, with nausea, vomiting, fullness of the stomach. Nux-v. -- with diarrhoea. Phos.-ac. -- venous. Puls. " from excess. Carb.-v. - from chagrin. Cham., ign. GASTRITIS. Acon., arg.-nitr., bar., bell., bry., calc., coloc., carb.v., cupr., dig., graph., merc.-s., natr.-carb., stib. - when gangrene and paralysis of the nerves threaten. Ars. - chronic. Asa-f., bry., carb.-v., coc., coff., con., grat., ign., lye., natr.-carb. GASTRITIs, mucosa. Colch., merc.-cor. GASTRODYNIA. Am.-c., arg.-nitr., bism., bry., mag.-car., lyc., natr.-carb. GLANDS, affections of. Iod., merc.iod., phos., sil., thuj. - prostate, schirrous affection of. Am.-m., thuj. --- swellings of. Am.-m., asa-f., bar., bry., calc., con., dig., dulc., graph., sulph., hep., iod., kreas., lyc merc.-s., merc.iod., petrol., sil., spig. -- sub-maxillary, hard swellings of. Ars., con., merc.-s., petrol. - stone-like induration of. Bar.m., merc.-s., sil. -- inflammation of. Bell., cham., con., hep., merc.-s., merc.-iod., puls., sil. - obstruction and suppuration of. Bell., calc., con., graph., hep., sil. - scrofulous condition of. Bell.,. con., graph. - induration of. Bry., cham., chin., cist., clem., dulc., graph., hep., merc.-s., sil. - parotid, cervical, axillary, and mammary, induration of. Carb.-an., caus., con., merc.-s. -- swellings of, brought on by cold. Dulc. - ulceration of. Cist. - inflammation of the prostate.Puls. - meibomian, inflammation of. Dig., hep., merc.-iod. -- swelling of, from cold, with vomiting, diarrhoea, colic, and fever. Dulc. - schirrus swelling of the inguinaL Iod., merc.-s. - inflammation and ulceration of the parotid in scarlatina and typhus abdominalis. Merc.-s. -- swelling and induration of the parotid. Rhus-t. GLAUCOMA. Con. GANGRENE. Carb.-v., chin., cupr.acet., kreas., sec.-o. - senilis of the toes. Carb.-v. Sdecubiti. Cupr.-acet. - tendency to. Cupr.-acet., kreas. GLOSSITIs. Acon., merc.-s. CLINTICAL INDEX. 18 1183 GLOssITIS, with symptoms of incipient gangrene. Ars. GOUT. Ami.-m.,7 asa-f., Cale., mang., memo.-s., nux-v., rhod., sabin., ars., flux-v., sass. -With atrophy of the extremities and anchylosis. Ars., nux-v. -nodosities. Aur. -with violent nightly pain. Jod., rhod. -metastasis of. iRhod. -aggravated by rough weather, and during rest. Rhod. -with gastric derangement. Ant., flux-v. -of the joints. Calc. -acute, particularl 'y in plethoric or corpulent persons. Chin. GONORRHEFA. Am-in., cann., canth., cinnab., Clem., duic., lact., *merc.-s., petrol., puls., rhus-r., selen., sul1ph. secondary. Agn., cnnthi., Clem., Caps.,, con., dulc, fer., kreas., * lyc., merc.-cor., petrol., thuj. -- in scrofulous persons. Bar.M,) Con, dub. -with neglected phymosis and swelling. Ars. -chronic. Petrol., sil. secoudary,4with chordee. Canth., selen. -with spontaneous hiemorrhage. Caps. with sycosis. Thuj. with orchitis. Clem. -arising from. leucorrhcea. Con. GONORRHEIA, from suppressed hoemorrhoids. Nux-v., sulph. yellow purulent. Con. GRAVEL. Lyc., nux-v., sass. GREor violent emotions. Ign. GRIPPE. Acon., aluim., ars., ip., sabad., sen., suiph. with languor, headache, sore throat, pains in the chest, hoarseness,and cough. Merc.-v. -With. inflammatory affections of the organs of the chest. Sabad. especially with delirium as soon as the eyes are closed. Bell. Gums, affections of. Carb.-v., mur.ac. scurfy of. Carb.-v., mur.-ac..,- scorbutic affections of. Cans., cist. ' Gurt~s, bleeding of. Kreas., lye. - swelling of. Mur.-ac. GUTTA: RO5AcEA. Con., graph. H~EMATURIA. Am.-ac., amn., Cale., cann., con., mez., ign., ip., merc. -s., Mill., nux-v., puls., -with burning in the neck of the bladder and urethra, dischargei of blood, with cutting burning pains, constant tenesmius, discharg-e of urine drop by drop, with burning lancinating pains. Canth. -violenit pain in the urhibilical region, pressure on the bladder, nausea, vertigo, and constant desire to urinate. Ip. -with obstinate constipation. Lyc. -with burning pain in the urethra,, and syphilitic ulcers. Nero. -c. H.&MATEMESIS. Acon., am. -c., amn., ars., bell., cans., chain., hyos., ip., seOc.-c. after a cold. Hyos., ip., pubs. JJEMuoPTmE. Amn-c., am.-m., amn., ars., chin., con., Coe., ip., kal.camb., laur., mill., mur.-ac.,. phos...ac., plum., sec.-c., sep., sulph. -fromn suppression of hmmorrhoids. Carb.-v. -in females who have become exhausted from nursing. Chin. I-IAIMOPTYSsI. Acon.,bell.,Calc. con I., cupr., dig., fer., kal.-nit., led., mill., merc.-s. -from disturbance of the men. strual functions. Bell., chain., chin. -with seething, burning, heat and fullness in the chest, palpitation of the heart. Ars., chin. -in phthisical patients, with irritation of the bronchial mucous membrane, and dry irritating cough. Phos. HEAD, chronic congestion of blood to to. Aur., nux-v. -congestion to. Bell., mere.-s., nux-v., phos., odoph., rhus-m. -with sopor and S delirium ia cholerza-morbus when the diarrhcea has stopped. Bell. -beat and fullness in the. Daph., nux-v. 1184 CLINICAL INDEX. HEAD, soft tubercles on the skull. Daph., merc.-s. - hard swelling of the left side. Daph. - exostosis of the skull. Daph. - venous congestion to. Merc.-s., nux-v. - rheumatic pains in the. Mere.-s. - inflammatory affections of. Merc.-s. - convulsions of the. Nux-v. -- eruptions on the. Staph. IAIR, falling of. Am.-m., calc., hep., kreas., lye., petrol., phos. -- whitening of. Ars.-hyd. -- falling of, from sickness. Carb.v., hep. - from scarlatina. Phos. hEARING, hardness of. Ars., bell., bry., calc., caus., cim., coff., con., graph., iod., merc.-s., nux-v., kreas., lam., laur., led., mag.-mur mang., petrol., puls, sec. sil. -- hardness of, a mur.-ac., nux-v., puls. --- - particularly when occasioned by gastric irritation, affection of the liver and spleen, gout, metastasis of febrile diseases, particularly of eruptive diseases, especially when occasioned by great exhaustion; also when accompanied by headache, and in the third stage of phthisis. Ars. --- with sleeplessness. Coff., nux-v. - - - produced by herpes. Graph. - - with affections of the eustachian tube, especially in those who incline to catarrh. Graph., puls. - - from swelling of the tonsils. Iod. - - catarrhal and rheumatic. Merc.-s., puls. -- - after typhus. Phos. -- -- from suppression of measles. Calc. -- venous congestion. Sec.-c. -- - with otorrhoea. Sil. -- - periodical. Spig. -- paralytic. Petrol. HEART, affections of.. Aon., arg., bov., ham., kal.-bichr., kalm, puls., rhus-t., sulph., sep. HEART, palpitation of. Aeon., aur., bell., bov., caus., colch., fer., lact., petrol., plum., puls., rhus.-r., sec.-c., sop., sulph. -- carditis. Acon., dig., spig. - pericarditis. Acon., arg. - hypertrophy of the left. Aeon., fer. - organic affections of the left. Acon., bov., dig., sec.-c. -- chronic affections of. Aur., dig., puls., spig. -- - producing hydrothorax, especially after abuse of Mercury. Aur. -- endocarditis. Dig., puls., spig. - hypertrophy of. Am.-m., ars., dig, spig. - aneurisms. Am.-m. - rheumatism of. Stib. - palpitation of. Ars., asa-f., asp., canth., chin., daph., dig., lact., laur., lye., merc.-s., phos., puls. from suppressed discharge of blood, eruptions, gastric irritatation, affections of the liver stomach, and spleen. Ars. -- chronic affections of. Ars., con, dig., puls. - - after carditis. Spig. -- palpitation, particularly when arising from exertion or sudden suppression of secretions, accompanied with congestion of the lungs, overloading the stomach, disease of the liver and spleen, hysteria, and hypochondria. Asa-f. - tightness of. Asa-f. - dilatation of. Chin.-s. - spasmodic contraction of. Lach., lact., laur., nux-v. -- threatening paralysis of. Phos. - valvular diseases. Rhus-t. - chronic affections of, after carditis, with articular arthritis. Spig. - particularly valvular. Spig. - stitches about the. Caus. - organic defects of. Cans., rhus-t. -- palpitation of, especially in chlorotic and hysteric females. Bar., chin.: coc. CLINICAL INDEX. 11851.MEART-BURNm. Am.-caust., lye., p0 -doph. with sour vomiting.,iDaph. HIELMINTHIASIS. Am.-na., arum., asar., fer., spig. especially with ascarides. Asar., fer. IIIEMATOCELE. Amn. HEMICRAN'IA.- Acet.-acid, ars., puls., rhus-t., suiph., zinc. nervous. Cim. -with inclination to vomit. Nnx-v. -with ophthalmia. Rhns-t. HE.mIPLEZGIA. Coc., lach., flux-v., rhus-t. HEPATALGIA., with constipation. NunV. H~EMORRHAGE, violent. Acon., am.in., arn., asa-f., boy., con., diad., fe r., hyos., kreas., mill., sec.-c. -venous. Chain., fer., kre as., sec.C. -chronic. Hyos. -uterus, from debility. Chin. -internal organs, from. Chin. -with varicose cond~ition of the vessels. Chin. purpura. Chin. -from the ears. Cmn. when the blood is black, dark, and viscid. Croc. from. the' nose. Croc., fer. -and congestion, with great vascular irritation. Ter. -from every orifice in the body. Fer., mill., sec.-c. --from the anus. Nitr.-ac. HAUHORRHOIDs. Acon., am.-c., am.in., ant., ars., bar., bell., berb., bor., Calc., caps., carb.-v., caus., chin., led'., lyc., merc.-s., nux-v., phos.-ac., podoph., sang., sulph., thuj. -bad effects fr-om. suppression of. Cale., sulph. flowing. Acon.,' am. -c., mur.ac., thuj. -blind. Ars., coloc., mur.-ac., sulph., thuj., merc.-s. -from sedentary life and abuse of spirituours drinks. Nux-v. bleeding. Ars., mill., phytol.. thn~j. -bladder, of the. Ars. "--mucous. Colch., merc.-s, 50* HEMORRHOIDS, inflamed tumors. Nun-v. HEPATITIS. Actea-spic., al., acon., ars., berb., bry., chin., merc.-v., pius. -acute. Nun-v. rheumatic. Nux-v. -chronic. Nun-v., sulph, HERNIA, incruinal. Aur., bell., coo., c'oloc., lau r., lye., petrol. -ventosa. Caps. -femoral. Laur. -scrotum, of the. Mag.-car. ___umbilical. Nun-v. ___incarcerated. Nun-v., rhus-t. -crural. Nunx-v. -with typhoid symptoms. Rhus-t. HERPE~S. Ars., bry., caic., acon., ang., alum., ant., canth., cnn., cupr., caus., Clem., dule., graph., lyc., merc.-s., mez., natr.-carb., nun-v., kreas., led., sil., petrol., phos., phos.-ac., rani-bulb., rhus-r,, rhus-t., sass., sep., sulph., zinc. -exedens, with burning pains. Ars., mere. -s., rhus-t., Sep., sulph.ba. -farinacens faciei. Ars.,ba, staph., sulph. esehiomenos. Ars. -prepuce, of the with mercurial symptoms. Xim., sulph. -furfuraceous. Bor., sulph. -under the anilla. Carb.-a., Sep., sulph. -especially in the face. Caus.,, graph., sulph. -spreading. Clem., graph.,.mero.s., sulph. -scurvy and scaly. Clem., con., dule., merc.-s., Sep.,, staph., sulph. -eruptions, burning, smarting. humid, especially on the hands and arms. Con., mere..s., nuxe v", rhus-t., sep., sulph. -tetters on the fore-arms. Sep., cans., staph., sulph. -suppurating. IDulc., lye., mang., mere.-s., rhus-t., sahslh -of the joints. Dule., led., Sep., sulph. -ecthyliia. Lye., sulph.. -corroding and. humid, of the genital organs. Dule., mere. S., rhus-t., Sep. 1186 CLINICAL INDEX. HERPES, dry, itching. Led., merc.-s., IMPETIGO. Ars, bry., cale., dulo., rhus-t., sep., sulph.I graph., kal.-bich., lye. - scrotum, of the. Petrol., sep., - larvalis. Bar. sulph. - erysipelatodes. Bell - squamous. Lye., sulph. INcuBus. Alum. - syphilitic. Nitr.-ac., sulph. INSANITY. Ars., bell. - on the head. Rhus-t., staph., INTERTRIGO. Lye. sulph. - of adults. Lye. HYDRARGYROSIs. Al., asa-f, chin., - of infants. Sulph., lye. dule., euph., rhus-t., sang., INTOXICATION. Am.-c., laur., led., sass., staph., sulph. nux-v. - mercurial arthritis. Chin. - affections from. Ars., bar., nux-v. HYDROCELE. Am.-m., con., dig., - mental derangement from. Ars., graph., merc.-s., puls., sil. nux-v. - in children. Chin. - delirium tremens. Ars., bell., HYDROCEPHALUS. Arn., are., eon., bism., camp., chin.-s., cupr.dig., hell., mer.-s., rhus-t., acet., hyos., laur., op., nux-v., sulph., stib., verat. stram., stib. - acute. Cin., hell., mere.-s., op., INFLUENZA. Amrn., aur., bry., camp., rhus-t., spig., sulph. iod., kreas., lye., mere.-s., - from suppressed eruption. Ant. phos., stram., stib. - second and third stage. Are. - with cough or inflammatory af- chronic. Sulph. fection of the liver. Bry., - first stage. Bell. merc.-s. - from scarlet fever, Hell. - malignant. Kreas. HYDROTHORAX. Am.-c., are., colch., - with debility, hoarseness, pain dig., dule., led., merc.-s. in the head, neck, and chest, - with tonic spasms. Mose. and remittent fever. Mere.-s. S after pleuritis, with oedema of ICTERUs. Aconit., carb.-v., con., dig., the feet, or after helmoptisis. merc.-s., mere.-v. Chin. - chronic. Aur. - chronic, with general swelling. - spasticus, with nausea, inclina.. Dig. tion to vomit. Dig. - after scarlet fever. Sen, - with painfulness of the liver, HYPOCHONDRIA. Am.-c., sur., am.- rheumatic pains in the muscles m., arum., asa-f., con., nux-v., of the chest. Mere.-s. berb., laur., lye., natr.-carb., IscmiAs. Bell., cale., canth., mere.-s., phos., plum., podoph., sulph., merc.-cor., nitr.-ac., nux-v., verat, stib., tereb. HYDROPHOBIA. Bell., canth., hyos., -- nervosa. Chamn. stram. ISCHURIA. Aur., cann., canth., HYSTERIA. Al., ambr., am.-c., am.- mere.-s., mur.-ac., nux-v., sil., m., asa-f., aur., calc., carb.-v., staph. caus., coc., lact., lair., lye., ITCH. Acid.-acet., ars., cupr., kreas., mose., nux-m., nux-v., phos., merc.-s., phos.-ac., sulph., plat., puls., sil., viol.-v. verat., zinc. g- lobus. Asa-f. - malignant. Ars. persons subject to. Aur., bar., RITIS. Bell. cham., con. - arthritic. Mere.-cor. - with amenorrhoea. Puls. JAUNDICE. Aconit., bry., canth., cupr, IMBECILITY. Anac., ars., bar., croc., fer., nitr.-ac., nux-v. nux-m., stram., stib. - preceded by hysterical spasms. IMPOTENCE. Agn., ant., bry., cal., Cast. cann., con., kreas., lye, mose., - with ill-humor. Cham. wiar.-ac., sulph. - particularly after stone in the gall-bladder. Chin. CLINICAL INDEX. 1187 JA7NDIcE, with inclination to *omit. LICHEN. Acon., ant., bry., cilm., coo., Cinch -s., nux-v. dule., lyc. KIiDNE~YS, diseases of. Berb., beaz.-ac., LIVER, affections of. Berb., bor., iod., coich. lact., merc -jod., nux-v., am.-m., inflammation of. Ars., hyd. anac. lancinating, burning in the re- - congestion of. Asa-f., chin. gion of, with pain on contact. - chronic affections of. Asa-f., Coloc. caic., fer., kal.-bichr., lact., congestion of, with suppression iye., natr. -c., merc. -s., mur.-ac., of urine. Sabin., cantli. nitr.-ac., flux-v. e. hiemorrhage -from. Lyc. - swelling of. Bar.-in.,fe. -~suppuration of. Lye. mere.-s., mcirc.-jod., nux-v. pain in the, with bloody, slimy - pain in the region of. Bry., nux-v. urine. Puls.- induration of. Caic., cann., LARYNGITIS. Am.-m., ant., ars., chin., con., laur., mag.-m., canth., lac t., laur., phos. mreoc-s., nux-v., suiph. -ohronic. Arg., ars., caic., canth., - enlargement of. Chin., mag.-m., c-arb. a, as.cast, laur. merc.-jod., art. --with purulent expectorations.- inflammation of. Laur., mag... Carb.-v. in., merc.-jod., merc.-s., miUx-v. -with great hoarseness. Cans.,- engrorgemenut and torpor of. carb.-v. Merc.-jod., nux-v. LARYNGISMUS STRIDTJLUS. Bell. -, abscess of. Sil. LACERATION, Calend. LocHIA, long-lasting, with drawing in LETHARGY. Ant., bell., op. the ovaries, dirty, bloody, especially with injuries of the viscid, fetid discharge. Chin. head, inflammation of the brain, - excessive discharge of. Croc. pleuro-pneumnonia, in pulnie- Lu.NGs, gangrene of. Ars., carb.-v. nary patients at the beginning paralysis and hepatization of. of'diseases, with fevers especi- Aur., laur., phos., Sen., stib. ally typhus, puerperal, inter- - tuberculous inflation of. Bar., mittent, and small-pox. Bell. cale. LEucORRH(EA. Bor., boy., cale., cann., --inflammatory affection of. Bism., carb.-v., cans., con., kid., kreas., carb.-v., laur., suiph. laur., mag.-c., mere.-s., mur.-- - with pleuritic stitches and ac., nitr.-ae., ol.-j., see.-e., cough. Bry. sulph., petrol., phos., rhus.-r., - -with inclination to sleep, de.. Sep. liriumi, dryness of the tongue, corrosive, with burning pain, bloated countenance, opArs., canth., carb.-a. pressed chest, pains excited -serous. Cale,.by cough, loose, mucous, blood-scrofulous. Carb. -a., iod., kal.- streaked, yellow expectoration. carb. Bry. -corroding, Dulc., kreas., sep.- catarrh and chronic blenorrhagris -chronic, wvith pale cachectic and of. Caic.) Sul h. chlorotic conmplexion. - od. - inflammation o?. last stage of. --during pregnancy. Puls, Laur. -with suppi'ession of the menses. -- suppuration. Led., sil., sulph. Sabin. LumsBAGO. Aeon., carb.,v., kal.with cough and night-sweat. bichr., led, rbus.-r.. Suiph. LYMPHATIC AFFECTIONS. Nux-y., calo. LrENT-E.iIA. Ara., ars., asar., caic., MAIMIIE~, affections of. Bry, chin 7 con., kreas., fer., obca., - hardness of. Bry. phos.-ac.- knotty swellings of, in nursing LITrHIASIs. m-. sa. wom~en. Bry., cans., lye., Am.-n., apar.plies. 1188 CLINICAL INDEX. MA AMME, erysipelatous inflammation of, from fright or chagrin. Cham., phos. -- induration and suppuration of. Phos. - inflammation of. Phos. MANIA. Camp., cann., canth., cim., con., cupr., nux-v., dig., ign., op., plat., stram., stib., verat. - a potu. Stram. -- after suppression of erysipelas. Cupr.-acet. - from mental exertion, derangement of the stomach. Nux-v., puls., hyos., op. -- puerperal. Puls., hyos., op., stram., verat. --- monomania. Puls. -- - religiosa. Stram., ars., ign., puls., verat. MARASMUS, premature. Chin.-s. MASTODYNIA NERVOSA. Bell. MASTITIS. Bell., bry., con., merc.-s. MEGRIM. Aeon., asar., agn., am.-c., ars., aur., bar., bell., canth., cast., caus., clem., coc., coff., fer., graph., ign, lye., op., sep. - of females. Hep. - with nausea and vomiting. Bor., coloc. MELMENA. Aeon., m.-c., ant., a nux-v., phos., sec.-c. MILANCHOLY. Agn., ambr., am.-m., anac., arn., aur., bell., cann., cim., clem., croc., con., canth., cupr.. dig., dulc., graph., hell., ign., kreas., merc.-s., mur.-ac., nux-v., petrol., laur., lye., nitr.ac., plat., puls., rhus-r. - with excessive anguish. Ars., nux-v., puls. - with disposition to suicide. Ars., aur., bell., nux-v., puls., verat. -- with amenorrhoea. Hyos., puls. MENINGITIS. Acon., bell., bry., spig.. stib. - scrofulosa infantum. Spig. MENSEs, suppression of. Agn., con., ' fer., graph., kal.-carb., mag.car., puls. -- delaying of. Aloe, con., graph., magn.-m., phos., puls. -- profuse. Acon., bell., calc., ign., nux-v., phos., plat., sec. spasms before the period, with labor-like pains. Bell, op., puls., sabin. MENSES, irregularities of. Bor., fer., graph., hyper., kal.-carb., laur., led., puls., mag.-car., mag.mur., mur.-ac., nitr.-ac., nux-v., phos., phos.-ac., plat., sabin., sep. -- with weakness, palpitation of the heart, and leucorrhoea. Hyper. MENOSTASIA, chlorotic affections, withered breasts, &c. Con. MENTAGRA. Graph., sulph. MERCURIAL diseases. Clem., con., hep., lach., mere., iod., rhod. - cachexia. Mez., hep. MERCURY, excessive nervousness from abuse of. Hep. - salivation from. Hep. - scrofula of the bones from abuse of. Hep. - angina faucium from abuse of. Hep. - caries from. Lye. METRORRHAGIA. Aeon., aloe, arn., ars., bell., bry., con., calc., carb.-v., coo., croc., fer., ip., kreas., mur.-ac., nitr.-ac., nuxv., sabin., laur., led., mag.-car., merc.-s., sec.-c., natr.-carb., phos., phos.-ac., plat., puls. - from hypertrophy of the uterus Am.-m. -- in feeble females affected with rheumatic pains, disorganization of the uterus and ovaries in eruptive fevers. Caus., chin. - after miscarriage, with discharge of watery blood, mixed with black clots. Chmn. - and miscarriage, when accompanied with varicose condition of the uterus, and congestion to the internal sexual organs. Chin. - spasms from. Coc., hyos. -- after miscarriage. Croc., for., nux-v., sabin., sep. - chronic. Croc. - from violent exertion or fright. Croc. - with dark, clotty, viscid blood and lancinating pains in the abdomen. Croc. - with discharge of fluid or clotty CLINICAL INDEX. 1189 blood, with headache, violent cated, and increased the in. labor-like pains, vertigo, and flammation. Bry. constipation. Fer., sabin., sec.-c. MORBILLI, secondary affections of. METRORRHAGIA, after abuse of Cha- Bry., chin., dulo., nux-v. momile. Ign. - tardy stage of. Eupa. - from difficult labor. Phos., sec.-c. - retrScession of, with affections --- of pregnancy. Plat., sabin., sop. of the membranes of the brain -- partiedlarly at the critical age. Hell., puls. Puls. - catarrhal cough after. Nux-v., - arterial. Sabin. puls. -- passive, with venous congestion - metastasis of, especially with and torpor, threatening para- affections of the larynx. Puls. lysis. Sec.-c. Mucous MEMBRANE, affections of. - after parturition. Sec.-c. Grat., iod., kreas., lye. puls. METRITIS. Ars., bell., cham., iod., - - from cold. Ars., coff., con., nux-v. dulc. puerperalis. Sec.-c. - - in the fauces and behind the MILIARIA. Am.-m.,bry., carb.-v., con., palate.. Caus. led. - - secondary affections of, from --- chronic. Con., staph., measles. Dulc. --- alba, with puerperal fever in ---- with cough and febris lenta. typhus. Ars., bell. Dulc. --- chrystallina. Ars. - - chronic affections of. Euph. alba et rubra. Bell. - - especially when depending - herpetica. Bell., acon., carb.-v. on scrofula and leucophleg--- epidemic. Colch. matic disposition. Iod. --- especially in children and lying- - - softening and ulceration of in women. Bry. the intestinal canal. Kreas. MIND, weakness of. Ana., ars., aur., - - catarrhal inflammation of the cann., coff., eye., dig., kreas., frontal cavities, with severe lact., mang., nux-v., petrol., pains in the head. Lye. phos.-ac., sep., stib. - - inflammation of the trachea. ---derangement of. Bell., cim., Spong. cupr., nux-v., stran., stib. MYELITIS. Ars., ars-hyd., chin.-s. --- from abuse of spirituous drinks. - thoracica. Chin.-s. Nux-v. - lumbralis. Chin.-s. MISCARRIAGE. Chin., chin.-s., croc., - cervicalis. Chin.-s. fer., kal.-carb., kreas., lye., MYOPIA. Con., natr.-carb., nitr.-aO. nux-v., sabin., sep., sulph. NAUSEA. Cist., ip., phos. - from constipation. Nux-v. - nightly. Carb.-a. MORBILLI. Adeps, aeon., arn., ars., - of hysteric females. Ip. bell., carb.-v., phos.-ac. puls., - with nervous irritation. Mag strami. mur. -- swelling of the parotid glands, - in the throat. Cist., phos.-ao. with. Arn. NECROSIS. Am.-m., phos.-ac. -- after effects of. Merc.-s., nux- NEPHRALGIA, rheumatica. Kal.-bichr., v.,. puls. nux-v. - particularly when violent vomit- NEPHRITIS. Acon., bell., canth., ing supervenes. Ars., bell. cann. -- nigra. Ars. - calculosa. Berb. - when combined with intolerance NEURALGIA. Aeon., ars., bell., chi_., of light, inflammatory action coloc., elat., fer., hyos., kal.. of the brain, diptheritis. Bell. bichr., phos., ran.-bulb., rhus. ~- especially when the catarrhal r., sec.-c., sulph., kreas., led. affections of the organs of tcl mag.-mur., merc.-s., mero. chest have become compli- cor., op., nux-v., puls. 1190 CLINICAL INDEX. NEURALGIA, characterized by lace- bry., calc., caus., con., cupr., rating, burning pain. Ars. euphor., euphr., kreas., graph, - head, of the. Bell., hybs., hep., ign., lyc., rhus-r., rhus-t., ign., mer.-s., nux-m., nux-v. spig., sulph., stib. puls., thnj. OPHTHALMIA, catarrhal. Acon., bell., - with violent pain on moving or herb., bov., dig., puls., euphr., touching the part. Chin. hep., kal.-bichr., kreas., lyc., - intermittent, of the orbits. Chin. merc.-s. - infra maxillary. Mez., merc.-s. - rheumatic. Acon., ars., berb., - spinal. Kal.-bichr., op., nux-v. caus., euphr., led., lye., mere.- hemicrania. Lyc., op., puls. s., puls., spig., stib., sulph. - intercostal. Puls., ran.-bulb. - arthritic. Aeon., ars., berb., - of the stomach. Rhus-r. cale., caus., coc., dig., graph., - of the optic nerve. Spig. led., lye., merc.-s., phos., spi. NERvOUs weakness. Ambr. - scrofulous. Acon., are., asa-., - affections. Am-c., asa-f., bell., aur., bar,, cale., cann., con., phos.-ac. dig., euphr., rhus-t., petrol., NODOSITIES, arthritic. Agn., cale. staph., fer., graph., hep., kreas., con., lye. nimag.-c., lye., mero.-s., mere.NOSE, inflammation of. Ars., bell., jod., puls., sep., sulph. cale., cans., kal.-bichr., mag.- - syphilitic. Aeon., mere.-s., puls. mur., merc.-jod., phos., mere.- - neonatorum. Acon., lye., rhusmn. t., sulph., arg.-n., bry., calc., - polypus in. Arnm., calc., lye., lye. nitr.-ac., phos. - angularis. Am.-m., cale. - carcinoma. Aur., calc. - influenza from, with photo- chronic obstruction of. Aur., phobia. Ars. bry., cans. - from repelled itch, or chronio - phlegminonous inflammation of. eruption. Caus. Bell. - chronic, with specks on the - bleeding of. Acet.-acid, acon., cornea, roaring tnd throbbing bell., calc.. carb.-v., chin., in the bead, eruption around hyos., ip., mur.-ac., phos.,phos.- the eyes. Cans., mero.-s. ac., sec.-c. - chronic. Euphor., kreas., natr.- scrofulous swelling of. Calc. c., sulph.-ac. - blenorrhoea of. Cale. traumatic. Euphr., rhus-t., sulph. - coryza, chronic, of. Cale. - scrofulous, with ulcers on the - cruption of the. Cans., mur.-ac., cornea and photophobia. phos.-ac. Graph., hep., mniag.-c., mere.-s., - bleeding of, in old people, and natr.-c., sulph. pulsative pain in the head. - gonorrhoeica. Merc.-s., nitr.-ao. Chin. - from abuse of Mercury. Nitr.- inflammation and ulceration of ac., puls. the schneiderian membrane of. - from suppressed syphilis. Nitr.Kal.-bichr., mere.-s. ac. - ulceration of. Mag.-mur.,mere.- - during measles. Puls. s., nur.-ac. -- psoric. Sulph. - swelling of. Phos. CEDEMA. Graph., lact. NOSTALGIA. Carb.-a. - lymphatic, with abscess. Graph. NTMPHOMANIA. Dule, plat. - swelling of the body with asth- with diminution of the lochial matic complaints. Lact discharge. Verat. OToRRumA. Alum., aur., nitr.-ao. ODONTALGIA. Cale. - scrofulosa. Asa-f., aur., cans, - nervosa. Calc., con. kreas., sulph. - in pregnancy. Cale., con. -from abuse of Mercury. Asa-t. OFHTHALMIA. Acon., ars., asar., bell., - with caries of the bones Aur. CLINICAL INDEX. 1191 OTORRHoEA, purulenta scrofulosa. Cale., con., mere.-s., nitr.-ac., sulph. - purulent. Carb.-v., caus., colech., mere.-s., nitr.-ac., puls., sulph. - after exanthemata. Mang., puls. OTITIs. Acon., asar., bell., bry., bor., cale., caus., mere.-s., nux-v. puls. OOPHORITIS.. Acon., ars., coloc. OZCNA. Alum., am.-c., bell., bry., cim., coral., kal.-bichr., lye., nitr.-ae. - scrofulosa. Asa-f., con., lye., mere.-s., nitr.-ac., phos., cale., con., lye., magn.-m. - with thick yellow matter and stench from the nose. Aur. - syphilitic and scrofulous. Aur., kal.-c., kal.-hyd, nitr.-ac. OVARIES tumefaction of Am.-m. con. OTALGIA. GCham., con., dros., laur., mere.-s., nux-v., puls., rhus-t., spig. - rheumatic. Puls. UBSOPHAGITIS. Asa-f., rhus-r., stib. OncHITIs. Aur.,merc.-s., puls., spong. -from contusions. Con. PAROTITIs. Am--m., bar., calc,-carb., chami., nitr.-ac., mere., rhus-r., rhus-t., sulph. -- after scarlet fever. Rhus., mere,. PARALYsis. Acon., am.-c., am.-m., amrn.. arum., bell., brue., carb.v., cau8., Cc., colch., cupr., lye., mere.-cor., sil., olea., nuxv., rhus-t. PARALYSIS, rheumatic. Acon., nux-v. - of the uppar extremities. Agar., dule., nux-v., rhus-r., rhus-t. - of the lower extremities. Agar., coc., dule., nux-v., rhod., rhust. of the limbs. Ambr., bry., nuxv., rhod., rhus-t. - of the face. Caus., nux-v. - organs of deglutition. qaus., Cce., dulo., laur, nux-v., verat. --from loss of animal fluids. Fer. - of the brain after nervous apoplexy. Phos. PANARITIA. Alum., bell., berb., bor., sil. PANCREAS, morbid condition of. Ars. - induration of. Ars., mere.-s. PANCREAS, cancerous inflammation of. Ars., merc.-s. - affections of. Con., mere.-s. PERITONITIS. Ars., arn., bry., byes, acon., bell., laur., lye., mero.. S., rhus-t., stib. - muscularis. Bry. - puerperal. Bry., cham., coff. PERIOSTITIS. Asa-f., lye., mang., aur., mez., mere.-s., nitr.-ac. PEMPHIGUS. J3ell., carb.-v., caus., dulc., ran.-b., rhus-t. - with thirst, burning pain, restlessness, and emaciation, forming corroding ulcers. Dule. PETECHIA. Ars., con. PHLEGMASIA alba dolens.. Arn., bell., bry., chin., lye., nux-v. PHOTOPSIA. Am.-c., nitr.-ac. PHTHISIS. Caus., cale., laur., mere.s., phos., samb., sil., spong., stront., sulph. - tuberculosa. Ars., cale., con., dulc., hep., iod., kal.-carb., kal.-hyd., mere.-s. PHTHISIS, tuberculosa, incipient. Gale., fer., kal.-carb., laur, mere-s., mer.-cor., sep., ol.-jeo. - intestinal, purulent evacuation, sensitiveness of the abdomen, and fetid gweat. Phos. - pituitosa. Am.-m., calc., chin., iod.,kreas., led.,lye., phos.,stan. - laryngeal. Ars., dros., hep, hyos., laur., mere.-s., natr.carb., spong., stan., stib. - tracheal. Ars., hep,, mere.-s, nitr.-carb., stan., stib. - from syphilis. Mere.-s., nitr.ac. - ulcerosa. Arum., kreas., laur., stan. - pulmonalis. Brom., bry., carb.v., dule., guai., hep., iod., kal.. carb., laur., merc.-cor., pho., stan., sulph. - - with slow inflammation of the pleura, or with hydrothorax. Bry. -with an irritated condition of the trachea. Caus. - florida, with stitches in the chest. Chin., con., laur. - pituitosa, second stage, with vomiting, sweat, and emaciation. Chin. 1192 CLINICAL INDEX. PHTHIsIS, sicca and purulenta. Con., kal.-carb. - with dropsy. -Dig. -with paini in the chiest, and purnlent discharge. Dros. pulmonalis from cold, with constant cough and expectoration of bright blood. ]iulc. -mucous, with violent cough, pain and dyspncea. Kal.-cailb., puls. hepatica. Kal.-c'arb. PHLEBITIS. Ars., rhus-t. PLEuRITIs. Acon., am-rn., amn., ars., bell., bor., bry., hep., ip., kal-' carb., merc.-s., stib. with serous effusion. Ars., coich., dig., hell., sulph. 'with nebrvous or gastric symptoms. Bry. muscular and serous. Bry. -rheumatic. Bry., stib. -with chronic bronchitis. Carb.a. -last stage of. Carb.-a. -with typhoid symptoms. Chin. --with tubercles of the lungs. Plios. -chronic, with effusions of coag4 -lable lymiph. Rep. PLEURO-PNEUMONIA. Acon., ant., cann., dulc., sen., stib. PNEUMONIA. Acon., a-m-rn., amn., ars., ant., bell., bry., camph., hyos., kal.-carb., lyc., merc.-s., nitr.ac., phos., puls., rhus-t., sen., squil., stib., snlph. -neglected, carelcssly treated. Bry., carb.-v., led., lyc., pols. -from violcnt excrcise. Canth. With bronchitis. Caps., phos. -neglected, with badly-smclling discharge, threatening gangrene. Carb.-v., chin., hyos. -with incipient hepatization. Ars.. iod., phos. -typhoid. Chin., hyos., laur., Vhos.-ac., phos, puls., rhus-t. -mismanaged by decplction, Chin. with formation of abscess. Chin., ars., nmerc. with dry and fatiguing nightcough, and pre dominiianit typhus symptomis. ilyos, phos. from mcaslcs, catarrb, chilorosis, or suppretssion of the menses. Puls. PNEUMONIA, erysipelatous form of typhoid. Rhus-t. -- with hepatization or tuberculous. Sulph. PORTAL SYSTEM, derangement ofE Asa-f, chel., laur., nux-v. congestion of. Carb.-v., nnx-v. PoRaIGo. Bry., calc., ars., sulph., zinc., caus., nit.-ac. -in children, with inflammation of the eyes and parotitis. Bell. PODAGRA. Alum., ars., asp., lyc., nit.ac. PROSTRATION, exhaustion of the vital powers. Are., chin., nu~x-v., sulph. -ac. -from disease, medicine, or old.age. Chin. - in acute diseases, with rapid sinking of -the vital forces. Ars., mur.-ac., phos.-ac. -from loss of animal fluids, excessive night-sweats, and diarrhoea. Mur.-ac., phos.-ac. PREsPYOPIA in the aged. Con., hyos., natr.-c. PREGNANCY, affections of. Chain., ars., nux-v., calc., puls., sep. -after-pains. Amn., chain., coff., nux-v., puls., Sabin. -morning nausea. Are., bor., nux-v., puls., ip. - -preceded by burning. Ars. -with vomiting. Ars., cast., kreas., nux-v., Sep. --gastrodynia of. Ars., puls. -labor-pains, absence of. Ars., Ipuls., sec.-c. -diseases of; especially when combined with moral symptoms, toothache, gastralgia,. and colic. Bell., nux-v., puls., sep. --colic of Bry., nux-v., puls., --spasmodic labor-like pains. Bry., nux-v., puls., secc.-C. -heartburn in. Caps., cale. --false labor-pa-ins. Chain., mixV., plat., puls., sab., sec.-c. abdominal sufferings of. Chain., nlux-v., puls. -convulsions of. Chin., hyos., ign., op. - metrorrbagia in. Coo., ip., puls., Sabin., sec.-c. -frcquent urinatingr in. Coo., Pula CLINICAL INDEX. 1193 PREGNANCY, diarrhoea of. Hyos., rheum.I - haniorrhage after delivery of the placeiita. Il., sec.-c. - nausea of. Lye., mag.-m., nuxv., ip., sep. - premature labor-pains. Nux-v., puls., sec.-c. PROSOPALGIA. Actea-spic., acon., aur., art., bar., hell., calc., caps., caus., coloc., con., fer., kal.chlor.,kalm., laur., unux-v.,spig., stan., stram., sulph., verb., zinc. - with lacerating and burning pains. Ars., coloc., stib., bell. - inflammatory. Bell., bry., coloc., stib. - with nightly aggravation, chilliness, and scanty menstruation. Caus., coloc. - nervous. Chin., stram., zinc. - fothergillii. Phos., stram., stan., spig. - rheumatic. Chin., stib. - of pregnancy. Nox-v., sep. PsoITris. Acon., bell., bry., nux-v. PsoRIAzsI. Bry., calc., olem., graph., lyc., cans. PTYALISDI. Bell., coich., lye., iur.-ac. - mercurial. Camph., nit.-ac., sulph. PURPURA haemorrhagica. Ars., lye., mag.-car. - senilis, threatening gangrene. Ars. PRURIGo. Alum., am.-c., cim., coc., graph., merc.-s. RACHITIS. CaUS.,fer., nitr.-ac., sulph. RASH. Led., stib. - chronic. Ars., clem. - of children. Cham. - of pregnant women. Cham., con. - nettle. Con., hep., art., acon. -- - feverish. Dule. - scarlet. Rhus-t. RECTUMI, polypus of. Am.-m., nux-v. - stricture of. Am.-m., ars., bar.m., bell. - - hemorrhoidal obstruction of. Am., fer., sep. - fissure of. Bell. - torpidity of, after dysentery. Cinch.-s. blenorrhoea from vagina and. Coff. RECTUM, heTmorrhoidal flux, from. Fer., lye., nux-v., sulph. - prolapsus of. Fer., ign., lye., mur.-ac., podoph., sulph. - paralysis of the sphincter-ani. Ilyos. - hypertrophy of. Hyos. - stenosis of. Mur-ac. - varices of anus and Phios. RESPIRATION, inflammatory affections of the organs of. Bry. RETINIrIs. Bell. RIHAGADES. Merc.-s. - chronic. Hep., lye. S of the joints. Lye. - of theh bands and fingers. Mere.s., petrol. RHEUMATISM. Actea-rac., arn., ant., aur., acon., bell., berb., benz.ac., bov., bruc., bry., cale.. chin., coc., carb -v., caust., chain., co1ch., coloc., cupr., daph., dule., fer., ign., kal.bich., nitr.-ac., kreas., lach., laur., lye., mang, mere.-sol., natr.-carb., ol.-jec., nux-v., phos., puls., rhod., rhus-r., rhus-t., sang., tarax. - characterized by torpor. Am.-c. - excretions and indurations from. Am.-m., bry., mcrce.-s. Swith paralytic conditions. Ang., ant., rhod., rhus-r. - acute. Ant., ars., bry., cham., chin, coloc., ign., lach., rhod, rhus-r., rhus-t. - - with drawing lacerating pain Cham., rhod., rhus-r. - chronic. Ant, ars., chin., ign., lach., rhod., rhus-r. - of the joints. Arg., bry., chin., coe., cupr., dule., mang., mere.s., puls., rhod., rhus-r. - with eysipelatous swelling. Arn, bry., rhus-r. - mercurial. Ars., colch., podoph, rhod. - obstinate. Arum., chin., rhod. - and gout. Asa-f., art., mang, merc.-s., rhod. - gastric fever and. Asa-f., bry - - with increased sensibility Bry., rhus-r. - and arthritic conditions, with inflammatory fever of the part. Bell., mere.-s., rhod. 1194 CLINICAL INDEX. RHEUMATISM, with erratic pains. Bell. - of the neck. Bell., chin., merc.-s. nux-v., puls., rhod., rhus-r. - back and loins. Bell., bry., chin., cinch.-s., merc.-s., nux-v., puls., rhod., rhus-r. -- fever, with catarrhal and gastric complication, lacerating pain in the whole body, hot reddened skin, and increase of pain on movement or touching the part. Bry., merc.-s., nux-v., rhod. --- aggravated by movement, and with a tendency to constipation. Bry., cupr., - in the cheeks. Bry., chin. - chest, of the. Bry., nux-v., rhus-r. -- lumbago. Bry., podoph., rhod., rhus-r. - of the spinal marrow. Calc. ---without fever, painful, aggravated by movement or contact. Chin., rhod. - fever, with tendency to periodical type. Chin. - of the dorsal muscles. Chin., rhod. -- articular. Chin., rhod.. rhus-r. - with constipation. Cinch.-s. - with colic. - of the intestinal canal. Coloc. - of the joints and.sudden attacks of anguish. Cupr., led., puls., rhod. -- fever, with stupefying and burning headache, constipation, sleeplessness, lancinating pain. Dulc. --- with stiffness of the body and swelling of the joints. Dulc., rhus-r. -- and irritation of the intestinal canal. Dulc. - sciatic. Elat. - with vertigo, lancinating in the obrain, paralysis of the arms, heat, hard stool with tenesmus, nausea, and restlessness. Ign. - with arthritic affection of the joints, more violent at night, aggravated by warmth or motion, with aching or stinging pain. Lod., rhod., rhus-r. RHEUMATISM, with sensitiveness to the air. Nux-v. - with atrophy of the limbs. Puls. - of the upper limbs. Rhus-r. - of the lower limbs. Rhus-r. SCARLATINA. Adeps, bell., acon., am.-c, carb.-v., dulc., hyos., iod., kreas., merc.-s., nitr.-ac., phos.-ac., rhus.-t., sang., sulph. - maligna. Ars., kreas. - miliaris. Ars., bar., bell., cham., con., ip., rhus-t. - - with incipient sphacelus in the fauces and vomiting. Ars. -- lavigata et miliaris, especially with subsequent hydrocephalus or with swelling of the parotid glands. Bell. - frightfulness, convulsions, and vomiting, consequent on suppression of eruption. Bell., bry. - secondary affection of. Bry. - miliaris, when parotitis sets in during desquamation, or the rectum is affected, followed by diarrhoea, tenesmus, and strangury. Con. - with scarlet rash. Dulc. S during the eruptive stage, with spasms of the trachea and lungs. Ip. - with inflammation of the mouth and fauces, and suppurations of the tonsils. Merc.-s. - typhoid with stupor, angina and involuntary diarrhoea. Phos.ac., sulph. - with stupor and vomiting. Sulph. SARCOMA. Calc., caus. SALIVATION. Bor. SCABIES. Ran.-b., sep. - vesicular. Calc., carb.-v., clem., stib. - miliaris, sicca or humida. Carb.v. - papulous, pustulous. Caus., stib. SCHIRRHUS affections. Con., kal., carb., kreas., dig., iod. - and carcinoma. Con. - - of the testes. Con. - -of the uterus. Con., nitr.-ao. - - of the mammee, heart, and stomach. Ars., con. SCROFULOUS affections. Asa-f., aur., con., daph., bry., cal., caus., CLINICAL INDEX. 1195 chin., mez., hep., tmerc.-s., rmore.iod., nat.-car., ol.-jec., nux-v., suiph. SCROFULA, cutaneous. Asa-f., caus., carh-v.. hep., nmerc.-s. osseous, characterizead by inlMrnation. swelling, softening, curvature, and caries of the bones. Asa-f., lyc., mere., nit - ac. glands, of the. Bell., clem., con., mez., merc.-s. -rachitis. Bell., lye. when the periosteum and the bones are inflamed. Bell., merc.-s. -ulcers. Bell., merc -s., nit. -ac., suiph. -swellings. Carb.-v., con., mier.-s. -and venereal buboes. Carb.-a., dale., merc. -s. -caries. Chin., phos., sep., iod. SCIATICA. Aeon., kal.-bichr. SCOTorsIA. Bell. SCROPHULO.SIs. Am.-c., 'ars., aur., dale., fer.., petr., mag.-ear., lye., mnag.-mar., merc.-s., inur.ac., nlitr.-ac., phos., pals., snlp~h. -bubo, with. Ars. -atrophy, with. Bar. SCUaVY. Am.-c., ars., arum, chin., krea~s., mere.-s., staph. SEA SICKNESS. Ars., petrol. SENILis. Ars. purpura. Camnp. -echymosis. Con. -gangrena. Ars., kreas. mnarasmaus. Bar. SEXUAL ORGANS. Ars. -- diseases of. Berb., petrol., rhod. - -inflammation and swelling of. Ars., bell., camp-., mere.*S., rhod.A scrotumi and prepuce, cedema of. Ars., hell., mere.-s., - particularly the testicles and spermatic chord, especially when of an erysipelatous character. Bell., rhod. - weakness of. Calc.,* coff., mur.-ac. _- herpes of, without syphilitic taint. 1-lp., Dmere.-s. - eruptions of. Merc.es. SEXUAL ORGANS, itchingherpes on the scrotum. Petrol. -- warts on the. Thuj. SIGHT, diminess, of. Mose., phos. - blindness in the daytime. Phos. SLEEPLESSNESS. Bell., chin., coff, daph., kreas., lac., lam., laur., mur.-ac., op., nux-v., phos.-ac., puls. -as a symptom of internal inflammiation, organic disease* s of the chest and abdomen, or as a precursor of delirium, of local inflamnmation,, or the evolution of a typhoid state. BelL -nightly, with restlessness. Ciii, to-ff. -nervous. Coff.,, moso. -from mental excitement. Nux-v. SINGULTUS. Bry., colcb., laur., nuxIV., puls., strain. -spasticus. Bell. SOMNOLENCE. Croc., laur.,mose., op,, pals. SoiuNAMBbIuSMe. Phos. SPLEEN, affleetions of. ]3ry., laur.,, mag.-mur. -- chronic. Fer. -congestion of. Asa-f., chin. -inflammation of. Berb., lau~r. lye. -Pain ini the reg-ion Of. Bry. -induration of.b Chin., laur. -enlargement of. Chin., fer., laur. SPRAINS. Agn., am.-m., eon., phoo., rhus-r. SPINE, di 'seases of." Agn., chinn-s., lact., sulph. -concussion of. Amn. -spinal system of nerves, inflam-. mation of. Ars., nux-v. -marrow, chronic affections of. Ars., chin.-s., sil., sulph. - -algia and neurosis of. Ars. - -ramollisement of. Ars., mixV., sib. - -with paralysis of the extreminities. Ars. --inflammation of. Bell., bism., [tur., nux-v., sib. -- affections of. Coo., laur., sil,. - sulph. spina ventosa, and caries of the spongy extremnities of the bone.. Jod., lye., sib. 1196 CLINICAL INDEX. Siirz, itritestion of, with paralysis of the extremities. Lact., laur., nix-v., siL irritation of spinal and ganglionic system. Nux-v., plunL, sil. STRaasisus. Alum., belL, verat. STRANGURY. Asp., caun., eanth., coich., con., iod., lye., merc.-s. - hemorrhoidalis. Asp.1 nux-v. STERILITY. Cale., cann., off., eonl, merm.-s. STOMACH, affections of. Berb., ars., bism., bor., kreas., laur., lye., merc.-s., nux-v., puls., sep., suiph, verat. - spasms of. Amni.-caust., ars., bism., caic., caps., oarb.-a., carb.-v., caus., chain., coc., off., con., daph., kal-nitr., lye., luX-V. - derangement jog in intermittent and remittent fever. Ami.-m., ant., nux-v., sep. - cancerous tendency of. Ars., kreas., lye., suiph. - inflammation and gangrene of Ant., cauth., nux-v. - chronic affection of. Arg.-nitr, lye., mag.-m.., nux-v., sep., sulpE oppression of. Ars., mix-v., puls., sep., suiph., verat. and intestinal canal, inflammation of Bism., canth., fux-v. a- cidity of C4le., carb.-v. - Lspasm o with nausea, sour bitter vomiting oppression of the chest, palpitation of the heart, costiveness, blind haanorrhoids. Cale., nux-v., puls. - softening of Caps., fer., sec.-c. - griping in the. Carb.-a., coc., mere.-s., nux-v., phos., puls. - prepuce in the, with headache. Cans., coe., nux-v., phos., 'puls., sep. inflammniation of the mucous membrane of. Phos., kal.-bi., nier.-s., nux-v. aching, cramping, and burning pain in the. Ars., mere.-s., nux-v., phos., sep. - venouscongestion of. Merc.-s., puls., sep. STRUMA. Lye., spong., staph. STUPOR. Laur., mose., op. STuENosis. Am.-m. STOMACACE, seorbutica. Carh-y., chin.7 iod., mer.-s., 7iitr.-no. - gangrenosa. Ars., carb.-v., chin., sil. Sveosis. Gale., clem., kal.-hyd., staph., thnj. excrescences. Thuj. SWELLING, white, of the knee. Are., cim., iod.7 kal.-hyd,, lye. inflammation of synovial membrane. Ars, stib., iod. SWEATS, exhausting. Carb.-v.,merc.S., puls., minr.-ac., stan. - morning. Garb.-a., petrol,. phos., puls., sep., stan. night. Aeet.-aeid, petrol., puls, Stan. SYPHILIS. Ars.,jatr.,iod., ka1-hyd., lach., lye., mere.-S., merc-jod., mere.-viv., merc.-prw.-rub., nitr.-ae., phytol., rhus.-t., thuj:. - secundaria. Ant., ars., aur., hep., lye., merc.-s., inerc.-prse. rub., nit. -Sac. -cutaneous. Ars., kal.-hyd., mier.-s., mere-prne-rub. chancres, with symptoms of gangrene. Ars, id. od mero. pra.-rub. e- ulcers, venereal, Imercurial, of the bones. Asa-f., kal.-hyd. rhagades. Aur., lye., mere.prlecip-rub., thuj. - ulcers of the fauces and tongue. Aur., kal.-hyd., lach., merc.-s., nierc.-pr.-~rub., thuj. - with tendency to hypertrophy. Iod. - cutaneous eruptions, tertiary ana quartenary. Kal.-hyd. - affection of the bones, with hone pains, earious or fistulous ul. cers. Kal.-hyd., merc.-prcip.rub. - general ulcers of. KaL.-hyd merc.-jod., merc.-viv. - of the throat. Lye., mero..prMcip.-rub. - herpes in the mouth and fauneea. Lye., phytol. - ulcers of the sexual organm Merc.-s. --tertiary. Merc.-s. CLINICAL INDEX. 1191 SYPHILIS, chancres. Phytol. -- itching, smarting, and stinging eruptions after taking Mercury. Nitr.-ac., thuj. - with hydrargyrosis. Nitr.-ac. - bubo. Nitr.-ac. TABES, meseraica. Aur., iod., sulph. -- dorsalis. Chin.-s., coc., natr.carb. - mercurialis. Iod. TARANTISMl. Bell. TETTERS. Alum., carb.-a., hep., kal.carb., merc.-s. - humid, on the head. Hep. TESTICLES, atrophy of. Ant. -- swelling of. Arn., aur., chin., clem., mere.-s., merc.-v., nuxv., phytol., puls., spong. -- tabes of. Caps. -- induration of. Clem., graph. - fungus of. Con. --- inflammation of. Nux-v., puls. pain in the. Phos.-ac., puls. TETANUS. Am.-c., ang. TINEA, favosa. Ars., graph. - - with swelling of the neck. Ars. - hereditary. Ars. - humida. Ars., graph. - capitis. Acet.-acid, ars., graph., hell., lye., olea., petrol., rhust., sil., staph. -- furfuracea.. Mez. --- faciei. Dulc. TEETH, pain in the. Aur., canth., mag.-car., bov., bor,, bell., cale., carb.-v., merc.-s., mere.v., laur., lye., mur.-ac., mang., nitr.-ac., nux-v., phos., puls., sabin., sep., spig., staph., sulph., verat. - - passing into suppuration. Canth., carb.-a., mang., sulph. - gangrenous decay of. Ars. - - rush of blood to the head from. Aur., mlez., nux-v. - pain, congestive, of Bell., chin., mez., merc.-s., mer,.-v., nux-v., sep. -- - rheumatic, inflammatory. Bry., caus., merc.-s., nux-v., puls., rhus-t. - chronic looseness of. Carb.-v. pain, nervous, of. Caus., cim., "chin, coff. -- - arthritic -. Caus., rhust., nux-v. TEETH, pain, chronic throbbing, espe. cially after cold. Caus., nux-v, puls. -- - violent, affecting the face and all the teeth. Caus., merc'-a. nuxv.. puls, sabin. - - chronic, from suppressed eruption. Sulph. - - from cold. Chami., graph., hyos., nux-v., puls., rhod., rhus-t. - - rheumatic, of the side, with violent nightly exacerbation, swelling of the gums, cheeks, and glands. Cham., merc.-s., nitr.-ac., nux-v., puls. - - lancinating beginning in carious teeth, and extending to' all. Cham., mez., merc.-s., mere.-v., mur.-ac., puls. - - rheumatic. Chin., mere.-s, nitr.-ac., puls., rhod. - - throbbing, increased by the least contact. Chin., coloc., euph., nux-v., puls., sabin., sep. - - arthritic. Colch., eye., rhod. - caries of. Mez. -- - beating, with inflammation of the face. Euph., mero.-s., nux-v. - - congestive, from suppression of hemorrhoids. Graph., hyos. - - with swelling, salivation and ulceration of the gums. Graph., merc.-s., merc.-v., nux-v. - - from grief or chagrin. Ign. - - of hysteric females. Ign., nux-v. - - throbbing, from abuse of Mercury. Nitr.-ac., rhod. -- - as from subcutaneous ulceration. Phos. -- - with swelling of the periosteum. Sil. TIENIA. Sabad. TONGUE, swelling of. Lye., mere.-s. - rheumatic swelling of. Am.-m. - paralysis of. Anac., hyoe., merc.-s., nux-v. - cancer of. Ars. - schirrus induration of. Aur. - soreness of. Lye., merc.-s. - ulceration of. Merc.-s.. - syphilitic herpes on. Nux.-v. - inflammation of. Petrol., rhus-r. 16198 CLINICAL INDEX. ToNSILrrS. Am.-m., bell., ign., lam., staph., suiph. TONSIILS, rheumiatic. Ami.-in. swelling and ulceration of. Aur., lye., mere.-s., suiph. intlarnmation of. Lye., suiph. induration of. Petrol., suiph. THROAT, predisposition to sore, after every cold, terminating in suppuration. Bar-rn., igti. dryness of, and tongue. Carb.a., p hos. Swelling of, threatening suffocation. Cim., mere.-jod. periodical, produced by cold or dampness. Dule. malignant affections of. Euph., iorn -in -searlatina. Ign., merc.-iod. Ulceration of. Kal.-bichr., mere.jod., nitr.-ae. inflammation of. Led., mang., mere., jod., nitr.-ae., petrol., puts. syphilitic affections of. Nitr.-ac. scraping and. burning in the. Phos. chronic sore'throat. Sabad. TRACHEA, diseases of. led. stib. Tuiuoas. Graph., led. -eneysted. Graph. -hasmorrhoidal. Grat. suppurating. Hep., led., merec.s., sil. -malignant watery. Kreas. -lymphatic, of the labia. Mere.S. sil. -leueo-phlegmatie. Phos., sil. TYMPANITIS. Chin., coloc., laur., phos. UTLCERS. Clem., graph., lach., lye., mere. -s., mere.-v., nitr. -ac., phos.-ac., puls., sep., sil., staph., suiph. gangrenous. Am. -m., arum, ZDchin., con., k-reas., sil. heel, on the. Am-in.fistulous. 'Ant., sil., sulphi. -putrid. Arn ars., earb.-v., graph., mere.-s., sil. -phagedenie. on tho feet, with burning pains. Ars., mere.-s., petrol. Malignant, on the tips of the fingers, with burning pain. Ms., j511. ULCERS, corroding, on the toes. Silt' -on the feet. Ars., mag.-ear., lye-, sil. -cancerous. Arum, elem., eon. c aries of the feet. Asa-f., mere.S.,I sil. -venereal, mercurial, of the bones. Asa-f., eon., mere.-s., nitr.-ae., sil. -tonsils, on the. Aur., lye., mere.s., sil., staph. syp Ihilitic, of the fauce~s and tongue. A ur., lye., mere.-. merc.-v., mere.-pruecip.-rub., -sehneiderian membrane. Aur., mere.-s., mere. -preecip. -rub. -serofulous. Bell., ehi'n., eon., graph., kreas., lach., mere.-e., mercurial. Bell., bor., lye., Bilt -indolent. Bor. -glandular. Bry., con., graph., mere.-s, sil. -caries, fistul ous and scrofulous. Cale., *chin., eon., mere.-s., sil. -fistulous, of the gums. Cale., mere. -s. -long standing and erysipelatous. Ca n th. -fetid, on the thighs. Carb.-v. -bleeding. Carb.-v. - mouth and tongue. Chain., kal.. bichr., mere. -s., mere.-v., nitr.Re. -with stinoring, burning pains, painful redness. Chain., graph., miere.-ac. -herpetie. Con., merc.-s., sib. -malignant, with pain in periosteum, origrinating- in the abuse of Mercury, in syphilis, aggra. vated -at night. Con. -carcinomatous, of the lip. Con. -old. Lupr.,.sulph. -obstinate. Graph., lach., sib. -fetid, on the mouth. Graph., miere.-s. -of the intestines. Mere.-s. -of the mucous membrane of the stoinach and duodenum. Kal.bich., nmere.-s. -malignant. Lach., lye., mere.-s., sil. -phagedenie. Lye., mere.-is., CLINICAL INDEX. 1199 ULCERS, on the penis. Lye. -- spreading. Merc.-s. - scorbutic. Merc.-s. -- phlagedenic, with profuse suppuration. Merc.-cor. -- in the mouth, from abuse of Mercury. Nitr.-ac. -- psoric. Sulph. URINE, retention of. Am., dulc., hell., laur., puls., stib. - - from cold. Dulc. - violent desire to void, in fevers. Bell., hell., laur. - painful emission of. Hell. - retention of, in typhus. Hyos. --- nightly incontinence of. Ip., petrol., rhus-t. - suppression of. Laur. - involuntary emission of. Natr.m., petrol., rhus-t., sec.-c. --- milky, with blood. Phos.-ac. - incontinence of, after parturition, attended with leucorrhoea. Puls. URINARY ORGANS. Affections of. Cann., euph., iod., lye., puls. ---wetting the bed in children. Carb.-v., caus., cann., canth. --- involuntary emission of. Caus., cin. -- from mismanaged gonorrhoea. Clem. --- retention of, in children. Lye., puls. URETHRA, stricture of. Am.-m., clem., con., dig., dule., sil. -- blenorrhoea of Lye. - hemorrhage from. Mere.-s., nux-v. - inflammation of. Merc.-s., nitr.ac. ---cutting and burning pain in. Merc.-s., phos. -- smarting and burning. Phos. URTICARIA. Ars., berb., bry., calc., carb.-v., clem., dulc., petrol., puls., rhus-t. - with violent cough and fever of the glands. Dule ---chronic. Dule., merc.-s. -- feverish, with burning itching, appearing in the warmth, with headache, nausea, restlessness, pain in the limbs, and nightsweats. Dulc. UR.THRITIS. Canth., cann., clem., dig. UTERUS, affections of. Sep. -- prolapsus of. Aur., bell., fer., graph., kreas., lye., merc.-., nux-v., sulph. - induration of. Aur, carb.-a., sep., plat. -- schirrus et carcinoma. Bell., kreas., laur., mag.-mur., plat., thuj. -- hemorrhage from. Acet.-acid, Carb.-a.,chin., cinnam., croc.,ip. - - - after the removal of placenta. Croc. - - with leucorrhoea. Ip. - from antony of, after parturition. Chin. - swelling of. Con. -- spasms of. Con., ign. Scomplaints accompanying hasmorrhage from the. Croo - inversion of. Fer. -- putridity of. Kreas. - congestion to the. Lam., mos., nux-v., sabin. - polypus of. Plat., sec.-o. VAGINA. inflammation of. Mero.-6. - prolapsus of. Merc.-s. VARICES. Puls., ars., calc. carb.-v., -- of the legs. Puis. - with burning pain at night. Are. VARIOCELE Clem. VARICELLA, with tenesmus and strangury. Canth, merc.-s. - Puls. VARIOLOIDES, and variola. Aeon, ars., bell., bry, merc.-s., mur.ac., rhus-t., stib. - putrid, occasioned by irritation of the stomach and intestinal canal, black tongue, hoarseness, inflammation of the throat, diarrhoea. Ars., mur.ac., kreas., stib. -- when the joints and mucous membrane of the trachea are affected. Bell., bry. - malignant. Mur.-ac., ars., kreas, merc.-s., stib. - with sphacelus under the crust. Carb.-v., stib. - cough, during the suppurative stage of. Cham. - when there is irritation ot the mucous membrane -of the st.o mach and vomiting. Ip. - salivation. Hep. 1200 CLINICAL INDEX. VENOUS irritation. Asa-f., puls., sep. congestion of portal system, with venous pulsations. Asa-f. VERMINOUS affections. Calc., chin., oin., jatr., nitr.-ac., nux-v. -- ascarides. Calc., chin., cin.,jatr., nitr.-a., nux-v. --- lumbrici. Calc, - teenia. Calc. - with sleeplessness, tossing, cries, ill-humor, delirium, heaviness in the limbs, paleness or redness of the face, rubbing of the nose, offensive eructations, vomiting, hot distended abdomen, colic, costiveness, itching of the anus. Cin. VERTEBRAE, curvature and softening of, in children. Calc. VERTIGO. Am., ant., arum., calc., cim., lact., led., merc.-s., mosc., mur.-ac., nux-v., petrol., phos., rhus.-r., sang., sil. Swith constipation. Arn. ----in the beginning of fevers, or when there are symptoms of a nervous stage, beginning of variola, in hysteric persons, in parturient women. Bell. -- with palpitation of the heart. Calc. -- in the morning. Carb. -- with vomiting. Coc. -- with feeling of intoxication, with nausea, pressing and beating in the head. Coc., croc. -- with headache, slow pulse. Croc. --- with disorders of the digestive organs. Kal.-bichr. - with loss of thought and rheumatic pains. Lyc. --- chronic. Merc.-s., sulph. - with stupefaction, dizziness, congestion to the head, tetanus, and fainting. Mosc., op. - nervous. Nux-m., nux-v., phos., phos.-ac., rhus-t., straim. ---particularly after fright. Op. VITU's (ST.) DANCE. Chin., croc., merc.-s., nux-v., puls., straim. VITUs' (ST.) DANCE, brought on by fright. Cupr., op. - from sympathy. Cupr. VOMITING. Asar., ars., bry., calo. cann., coc., con., cupr., ip., lye. plum., puls, stib., verat. - of pregnant or hysteric females. Acon., ars., cast., con., ip., kreas., nux-v., stib. - of lumbrici. Acon. - chronic. Art., cann, con., ip, jatr., iod., phos., sulph. - colic, with. Asar., verat. - especially when there are con. gestions to the head, inflammation of internal organs, during and after acute exanthemata, after suppression of cutaneous eruption in arthritic metastasis in lying-in women, spasms, and intestinal hernia. Bell., stib. - of a watery and slimy bitter liquid. Bry., stib., verat. - of drunkards. Bry., nux-v., kreas. - saburralis. Calc., chin., nux-v. - of sourish water. Caus., nuxv. - bilious. Coff., nux-v., stib. -- bitter, preceded by cutting pain in the stomach and abdomen, hard delaying stools. Coloc., nux-v. -- with burning in the mouth, retching pains in the stomach, obstruction of the intestines, uneasiness, sleepiness, exhaustion, constriction of the chest Cupr. - in the morning. Dros., ip. - of the ingesta. Fer., nux-v., verat. - inclination to, after typhoid fevers. Ip. - idiopathic. Ip. - spasmodic. Lam., nux-v., plum. - of coagulated black blood, with colic, vertigo, and fainting. Nux-v. -- with cardialgia. Plum. T fH E NEW REMEDIES: THEIR' DESCRIPTION, PATHOGENETIC EFFECTS, AND THE RAPEUTICAL APPLICATION IIOI'4CEOPATHIC PIRACTICE. BY CHAS. J. HEMPEL, M.D., LATZ PROFESSOR OF RdATERIA MEDICA IN THE I-ObIIEOPATIIIC MEDICAL COLLEGE or PN"ICISYLVA-IA; FPIRST PRESIDENT OF THlE WNSTERN INSTITUTER OF 1IOWEOPATHY ANgD SURGERY; 11ONORAR7 MEMBER OF SEVERAL SIEDI0AL SOCIETIES SN FEUROPEC AND AMERICA, &0o. PUTBLISH{ED BY WILLIAM RADDE, 550 PEAR~L-STREET. PHILADELPHIA: F. E. BOERICKE, 635 ARCH-STREET. 0175 CLAPS', Boston.-H. C. G. Luyms-, St. LOUIS.-KERN & Co., Chicago.-S~MITHA WoitTmnsrTON, Cincinnati.-BECANWiTir & Co., Cieveland.-J. G. BAcKOirN & SoN, Pittabarg.-S. A. LODGEs, Detroit, N~z LONDON: H. TURtNER &c CO. & JAMES EPPS. 1868. PREFACE. Having been requested by Mr. Radde to superintend the publication of a new edition of Jahr's Manual, we have added in an Appendix to the original work a list of the neew rermedies with which our Materiia Mfedica has been enriched by several of our best physician.s during the last three or four years. We have been obliged to exclude all that is purely speculative and hypothetical, of which there is unfortunately a great deal; and we have contented ourselves with presenting a condensed synopsis of all that is truly useful and practical in the numerous contributions alluded to, of which there is likewise an amazing amount. CHARLEs J. HEMPEL, M.D. GRAND RAPIDS, January, 1868. S NEW REMEDIES. ACACIA. (Acacime Gummi, Gum Arabic.) This gum is recommended for its mucilaginous uses in cough and phthisis; in ardor urinie and calculous affections; haemorrhage, diarrhoea, gastritis, colitis; in burns and scalds, and for sore nipples. ACALYPHA INDICA. (Indian Acalypha.) In the first volume of the Homceopathic Review, Vol. I., page 256, we find it stated by Dr. Tonnerre, of Calcutta, that a tincture of the Acalypha-indica, administered in the sixth decimal dilution, is specific in haemorrhage from the lungs. ADANSONIA DIGITATA. (Baobab.) Dr. Duchassaing, of Guadeloupe, has found the leaves and bark of this tree useful in fever and ague. IESCULUS HIPPOCASTANUM. (Horse-chesnut.) COMPARE WITH -Aconitum-napellus, Acidum-nitricum, Aloes, Collinsonia, Ignatia, Mercurius-vivus, Nux-vomica, Sulphur. The grated nut seems to constitute the most efficacious preparation of this drug for medicinal purposes. The outer shell has to be removed. We likewise prepare an alcoholic tincture. We are inclined to believe that the triturations made after the usual decimal or centesimal scale, contain the therapeutic virtues of this drug more fully than the attenuations obtained from the alcoholic tincture. We know of provers who were very sensibly and speedily 51 1201 2 2EW REMEDIES. affected by the trituratiois, upon whom as many as four hundred drops of the mother-tincture had no other effect than the production of a somewhat sweetish taste in the mouth, a little qualmishness at the stomach, and some roughness in the throat, with an inconsiderable flow of saliva. In accordance with the provings that have been instituted with this drug, and which have been collected by Professor Hale, of Chicago, in his " New Remedies," this drug has been used principally in old cases of haemorrhoids and other affections of the rectum and anus. In our own practice we have found it to be useful: 1. In catarrhal irritations of the head and throat, characterised by a dull general headache, and more particularly by a more or less acute pain in the supra-orbital region; lachrymation, disposition to sneeze, a digging, drawing sensation in one or both nostrils, slight soreness of the nose, altered metallic taste in the mouth, roughness of the throat, some irritation in the chest with disposition to cough, chilliness. 2. In dyspepsia, with a burning distress in the epigastric region; occasional sensation of emptiness or goneness in the pit of the stomach, with a sense of fulness or heaviness after eating; constipation. 3. In hcemorrhoidal affections. It is not only in chronic, but likewise in the acute attacks of haemorrhoids that the horse-chesnut has shown remarkable curative powers. Dr. Richard Hughes, of England, makes the following remarks as to the precise form of the disease to which it is specific: "When the piles are only secondary to existing portal or other intra-abdominal congestions, 1Esculus will probably be inferior to Nux and Sulphur. When they are associated with symptoms of varicosis elsewhere, and bleed much, Hamamelis will be a better remedy. But when the only connected symptom or appreciable cause is constipation, and there is much pain but little bleeding, ~Esculus seems pretty likely to effect a cure." Persons afflicted with piles are very often subject to attacks of aching, burning pains in the small of the back; the small of the back sometimes feeling rigid and stiff like a board. We have cured this pain with JEsculus, sometimes using it alone, and, in other cases, alternating with a few doses of Sulphur or Aconite. In the twenty-fourth volume of the -British Journal of liomcepathy, page 165, Dr. H-ughes reports the following case of severe pain in the anus after stool, resembling that of fissure. " Miss W., aged 40, consulted me on September 20th of last year. She had 1202 AGAVE AMERICANA. 3 been suffering for two months with hsmorrhage and pain after stool. The bowels were moved every other morning; the bleeding was considerable and the pain intense; gradually subsiding afterwards, but not leaving her until evening. She felt much weakened and was beginning to suffer from neuralgic pain in the face. Regarding the haemorrhage as the most important symptom, I prescribed Hamamelis 2, a drop three times a day. "Sept. 30. The bowels had been twice moved without any bleeding, but the pain was as severe as ever. AEsculus 2, a drop three times a day. " Oct. 3. The last evacuation was painless as well as bloodless. Continued. "Oct. 21. The patient had her last prescription, and has not been heard from since." AGAVE AMERICANA. (American Aloes.) COMPARE WITH all the anti-scorbutic vegetable acids and with Allium-sativum. We have no provings of this medicine worth mentioning. Dr. Perrin, of the United States Army, while stationed at Fort McIntosh, in Texas, has used it in scurvy with brilliant success. His cases are reported in the N. Y. Journal of edicine, 1850. Dr. Perrin writes: "Eleven cases, all milder in form than the two just related, were continued upon the lime juice; diet the same. On the 21st of April, they exhibited evidences of. improvement, but it was nothing when compared with the cases under the use of the Mfaguez. (The name given to the Agave by the natives.) Seven cases were under treatment during the same time, making use of citric-acid. On the 21st of April no one had improved, and three were growing worse. At this time so convinced was I of the great superiority of the Maguez over either of the other remedies employed, that I determined to place all the patients upon that medicine. The result has proved exceedingly gratifying. Every case has improved rapidly from that date. The countenance, so universally dejected and despairing in the patient affected with scurvy, is brightened up with contentment and hope in two days from the time of its introduction. The most marked evidences of improvement were observable at every successive visit. From observing the effects of the Maguez in the cases which have occurred in this command, I am compelled to place it far above that remedy, which, 1203 4 NEW REMEDIES. till now, has stood above every other, the lime-juice. The manner in which I used it was as follows: The leaves are cut off close to the root. They are placed in hot ashes until thoroughly cooked, when they are removed and the juice expressed. The expressed juice is then strained, and may be used thus, or may be sweetened. It may be given in doses of from two ounces to three ounces three times daily. The use of the leaf in this way, I believe, will ward off most effectually incipient scorbutus." AILANTHUS. COMPARE WITH-Belladonna; "We have a few provings of this poison, but no reliable clinical experience. In the March number of the American.Homoeopathic -Review, 1864, Dr. Wells, of Brooklyn, has published an interesting case of poisoning by Ailanthus, the symptoms of which have led him to suggest the use of this drug as a remedy for -certain forms of malignant scarlatina. ALETRIS FARINOSA. (Star-grass.) COMPARE WITH-Helonias, Hydrastis, Caulophyllum. We prepare a tincture from the root and likewise triturations. We have not yet met with a satisfactory opportunity of prescribing this drug. Professor Hale recommends its use in the following language: " In cases of debility, general or local, arising from protracted illness, loss of fluids, defective nutrition, &c., symptomatic indications are: loss of tone in the muscular system of the whole or any part of the body; loss of appetite, myalgia, or that painful affection of muscles depending on depression, or from physical or mental causes; passive haemorrhagia-particularly uterine; and that condition of the uterus which predisposes to menorrhagia and abortion. Every practical, physician knows, that these conditions do not always present symptoms which call for China, Phosphoric-acid and Ferrum; and that, in many cases, where these remedies seem indicated, they do not prove as promptly curative as desired. It is in these classes of cases that I have found the Aletris so valuable. Such symptoms as constipa1204 ALNUS GLUTINOSA. AMMONIUM PHOSPHORICUM. 5 tion, indigestion, night-sweats, depression of spirits, always disappeared as soon as the system came under the influence of the medicine."-New Remedies, 2d ed., p. 58. The Professor recommends this remedy in alternation with Phosphoric-acid, Hypophosphite of Potash and Zinc, in cases in which debility is apparently caused by a want of the Phosphates; in literary persons, or individuals whose morale has been broken down by depressing emotions. ALNUS GLUTINOSA. (Alder.) In the third volume of the homceopathic Times, Dr. Ramford mentions an anomalous affection of long standing, and sometimes, but not constantly, presenting an appearance of purpura hemorrhagica; generally there is an excited state of the system. Belladonna failed in curing this disorder. It yielded to the alder. ALNUS RUBRA. (Tag-alder.) We prepare a tincture from the bark, and triturations from the resinoid Alnuin. This drug is recommended in impetigo, affections of the urinary organs, chronic diarrhoea. We have no provings of this drug. AMMONITE SPIRITUS AROMATICUS. (Aromatic Spirits of Ammonia.) This preparation is often used as a palliative in sick-headache, with acidity of the stomach, faintness.-Also in hysteric paroxysms, syncope.-It relieves the flatulent colic of children, given in a few drops in milk. AMMONIUM PHOSPHORICUM. This salt has been employed with more or less success in some cases of chronic bronchitis. We have no reliable record of the physiological or therapeutical action of this salt. 1205 NEW REMEDIES. AMYGDALjE DULCES. (Sweet Almond.) The oil of sweet almond, combined with a little bitter almond, relieves the distressing itching in prickly heat. ANAGALLIS ARVENSIS. (Scarlet-pimpernel., This drug has been recommended for mania and epilepsy. We have no clinical experience to offer. ANDROMEDA ARB REA. (Sorrell-tree.) The leaves have a pleasant acid taste; a decoction.of these leaves forms a refrigerant drink in fevers. This beautiful tree grows in the valleys of the Alleghany mountains. ANTHEMIS COTULA. (Wild Chamomile, May-weed.) This plant is prescribed by European physicians in nervous diseases, hysteria. APOCYNUM 'CANNABINUM. (Indian Hemp.) COMPARE WITH-Aconite, Digitalis, Hellebore, Arsenicum, Hydriodate of Potash. This drug is used by physicians of every school, but more particularly by eclectic and homaeopathio physicians. We have a few provings of this drug by Drs. A. Gerald Hull and E. E. Marcy Its chief sphere of action seems to be dropsical effusions. We prepare a tincture from the root, having a dark, reddish-brown color. The fluid extracts prepared by Tilden and others are not reliable. For the treatment of dropsical effusions a watery effusion of the fiesh root, in the proportion of one ounce of the root to a pint of water, is the most reliable preparation. This drug has been used by a number of physicians, including 1206 APOCYNUM CANNABINUM. ourselves, in the following forms of dropsy, cedema, and other affections. 1. Hydrocephalus. We have no personal experience of the successful use of the drug in this disease. Several cases of cure of this disease are reported in our Journals. One is the case of a little child of Professor Renwick, Columbia College, New York; the other is the case of an infant twelve months old, reported by Dr. Waterman, in Professor Hale's New Remedies. Other physicians have tried the same remedy in this disease without any success whatever. 2. Ascites. Its efficiency in this disease has been verified by a number of physicians in a variety of cases. In ascites and other forms of 'dropsy depending upon organic disease of the liver, kidneys, heart, &c., the effect of Apocynum is only palliative; the disorganization does not seem to be influenced by the action of the drug. We have tried it in ovarian dropsy without any apparent result. In ascites depending upon Bright's Disease, the palliative effects of Cochineal have seemed to us at least equal to those of Apocynum. A proper dose in this as well as in other forms of dropsy is a desertspoonful of the above-mentioned infusion every two or three hours. In -cases where Apocynum is indicated, the pulse is either slow and weak, or slightly accelerated and weak. The urine is darkcolored and secreted in small quantity, with, perhaps, frequent urging. The bowels are generally constipated, though a watery diarrhcea may likewise be present. Such differences depend a good deal upon pre-existing constitutional peculiarities. Some of our physicians report Apocynum indicated in dropsy, depending upon that peculiar disorganization of the liver known as nutmeg-liver. If this form of dropsy ever is one of the terminations of cirrhosis, it is curable, provided the disorganization is still within the bounds of curative influence. A man of seventy-two years was suddenly attacked with typhoid symptoms, oedema of the lower extremities, bloating of the bowels, jaundice; in spite of treatment he gradually sank and died in three days. A postmortem examination revealed cirrhosis of the liver. A year after, the eldest son of this patient, about forty-five years old, was attacked with similar symptoms. When we first saw him, the bloat was inconsiderable, but the jaundice, from the crown of the head to the soles of the feet, was perfectly fiightful; the man looked as if he had been daubed all over with a layer of saffron-colored paint. The pulse in this case was very remarkable: slow, irregular and 1207 8 NEW REMEDIES. intermittent. Digitalis being the leading remedy, it was prescribed throughout in varying quantities, from five to ten, and twenty-five drops of the tincture in the course of the day. Small quantities of Fowler's solution were likewise administered at more or less remote intervals. The patient made a perfect recovery in less than three weeks. Reasoning from analogy, we should have diagnosed this case as one of nutmeg-liver. We will add that both these patients were strictly temperate and perfectly regular in all their habits. It is questionable whether cirrhosis of the liver ever does terminate in ascites. If so, such a termination will, as a general rule, terminate fatally. In such cases Apocynum may be resorted to as a palliative, and might be advantageously alternated with Digitalis and Fowler's solution. But none of your high, higher or highest potencies under such circumstances. Last summer, two years after his last illness, the last named patient was attacked in a similar manner as before. The abdomen was puffed up, but there was not the remotest sign of effusion; the pulse was much less irregular and intermittent, nor was the jaundice as intensely developed. The same treatment restored him to perfect health in the space of a little over a fortnight. 3. Hlydcrothorax. In cardiac hydrothorax Apocynum has racted as an excellent palliative, in lessening the volume of water in the chest and consequently relieving the suffocative dyspnoea which torments such patients. In idiopathic hydrothorax, as may be consequent upon rheumatic exposure, Apocynum will likewise prove of great benefit, sometimes alone, and in other cases either alternately with, or preceded by Aconite or Digitalis, as the case may be. 4. Hydcropericardia. Quite recently we treated a case of this disease in a family where the children had had an attack of the measles. The parents had allowed the measles to run their course, without sending for a physician. Tvwo of the children, aged respectively three and five years, had remained drooping for a week 'after the measles had disappeared, when a sudden bad turn in the condition of the children alarmed the parents, and we were sent for. An examination revealed the following condition of things: Pulse feeble and hurried; skin dry, immoderately warm; face puffed, pale; lips bloated, livid; breathing hurried and very anxious; occasional moaning; the children seemed uncomfortable when lying on their backs; the beats of the heart very indistinct, they seemed to be heard at a distance, as if through some intervening 1208 APOCYNUM CANNABINUM. 9 body. The parents were informed that water had begun to collect in the pericardial sac. Apocynum, five or six drops, in a few tablespoonfuls of water, a desertspoonful of which mixture was given every hour, seemed to have a very good effect the first day. It was then deemed advisable to alternate it with Digitalis. In the course of the treatment, which lasted about a week in all, a few doses of Arsenicum 3, were likewise administered. As was stated, both children recovered perfectly in about eight days. 5. In post-scarlatinal cdropsy, Apocynum has likewise proved very serviceable. It is needless to quote testimony bearing upon this point. Because Apocynum affords good service against this sometimes dangerous and distressing sequela of scarlatina, we need not, on that account, discard such tried friends as Hellebore, Arsenic and Digitalis. 6. In general dcropsy or anasarca, Apocynum has proved a powerful adjuvant in the treatment of this formidable disorder. A very fine illustration of the curative virtues of this drug in general dropsy may be found in Professor Hale's New Remedies, where Dr. C. C. Smith, of Stamford, Conn., reports the following case: "I treated a case of general dropsy with this drug, with the following symptoms: Intense thirst, almost constant frontal headache, severe and constant pain in the region of the kidneys, dry and harsh feeling of the skin. Abdomen very much bloated, and the presence of water very easily detected on percussion. Bloatedness of the face, principally after lying down, passing off after sitting up. Handsvery much increased in size so that they could not be shut; lower limbs enormously swollen, as were also the testicles, the latter being frightful to behold, and exceeding any thing of the kind Ihad ever seen. The testicles being swollen so badly the patient could neither stand, sit nor lie with any comfort. Urine discharged pretty regularly, but very scanty and red. Appetite good. Patient about seventy years old. Dropsy produced by suppression of perspiration after a hard day's work in cold weather. "l He had been treated allopathically, but both his physicians deserted the case. I dissolved about five grains of Apocynum in a tumbler of water, and allowed the patient to take a full tablespoonful every two hours, lengthening the time to three and then to four hours, as the case continued to progress favorably. In a few days a change for the better set in, and the improvement continued steadily up to a perfect cure, which was accomplished in about a month." 7. We have seen Apocynum act very beneficially in the case of 51* 1209 10 NEW REMEDIES. females going through the critical period of life, more particularly when the following symptoms constituted the most marked features of the case: Frequent losses of blood, resulting in oedema of the extremities and face; anaemic condition of the patient; fluttering about the heart; vertigo, headache, either a general dull headache, or more particularly in the frontal region. In this particular Apocynum competes with Caulophyllum. ARALIA RACEMOSA. (Spikenard.) We use tincture of the fresh root. This medicine is recommended for dysmenorrhoea, suppression of the lochia, amenorrhoea, induced by exposure to a draught of air, getting the feet chilled or wet. A warm infusion of the root may be administered. ARCTIUM LAPPA. (Burdock.) This drug has long been employed in dropsy. The seeds are used. ARISTOLOCHIA SERPENTARIA. (Virginia Snake-root.) A good proving of this drug may be found in Hempel's Materia Medica. A warm infusion of the root has been used in the obstinate sick headaches of debilitated females. It is employed as a gentle stimulant in low typhoid fevers, or to promote the appearance of an exanthem like measles, scarlatina, &c. ARUM TRYPHILLUM. (Indian Turnip.) COMPARE WITH-Arum-maculatum, with whose effects those of Arum-tryphillum, according to Hale, are almost identical. We make triturations of the grated root; the root has to be used fresh; the dried root loses its volatile principle, but retains some of its medicinal properties. In the 16th volume of the British Journal of HTom-opathy, 12o ASCLEPIAS SYRIACA. 11 page 321, the following case of poisoning by Arum-maculatnm is recorded: " After chewing a young leaf-stalk for a few minutes, a very intense prickling, stinging pain was felt upon the tongue and mucous membrane of the lips and throat, accompanied with a flow of saliva, which seemed to relieve the pain a little; the pains were as if a hundred needles had been run into the tongue and lips. A friend, who followed my example, had, in addition to these symptoms, constriction and burning in the larynx, his tongue was swollen, and its papille injected and raised. The mucous membrane of the throat and lips were inflamed. The pains in the tongue and lips were increased by pressure with the teeth. In two or three cases the leaves have been eaten by children, and have produced distressing effects. In one instance three children partook of them. Their tongues became swollen, so as to render swallowing difficult, and convulsions followed; one died in twelve, and another in sixteen days; the third recovered." In accordance with these symptoms, Arum is recommended for inflammatory swelling of the tongue, stomatitis, salivation, either mercurial or idiopathic, &c. The dried root has been used in the cough of old people, and the loose cough of children. ASCLEPIAS SYRIACA. (Milk-weed.) We prepare a tincture of the fresh root, and triturations of the dried root. In accordance with Professor Hale's suggestions we have used this drug with good effect in rheumatic-bilious conditions of the system, brought on by checked perspiration, exposure to draughts of air, getting the feet wet, exchanging heavy for light clothing, &c. A group of symptoms like the following has guided us in selecting this agent: Slight creeping chills, no marked alteration of the pulse, soreness of- the flesh, pains in the limbs, slight nausea, sharp pains through the forehead, dizziness. DOSE.-Eight to ten drops in half a cupful of warm, sweetened water, the whole of it to be swallowed at one dose an hour or two before bed-time, or in tablespponfull doses every hour. This drug has likewise been recommended and used with good effect in renal and post-scarlatinal dropsy. Some of its analogues are Boneset, Bryonia, Arsenic, and Dulcamara. 1211 12 NEW REMEDIES. ASCLEPIAS TUBEROSA, (Pleurisy-root,) Is used by our country people as a domestic remedy for colds on the chest; cough, with soreness and stitches in the chest, tightness of breathing and similar rheumatic irritations of the thoracic organs. We have two provings of this drug, one by Dr. Thomas Nichol, of Belleville, Canada, and the other by Dr. P. H. Hale, of Hudson, Michigan, the latter selecting the oleo-resin for his proving. Another proving by Dr. A. Savery, Member of the Gallican Society, is utterly worthless. Nichol's proving seems to confirm the specific action of pleurisyroot upon the respiratory organs, more particularly upon the pleura; and seems to justify the use of this drug in rheumatic affections of the pleura, in accordance with the requirements of specific homoeopathy. From Dr. IHale's proving we infer that the drug causes rheumatic irritations in the respiratory mucous membrane, and in the mucous expanse lining the stomach and intestines. The chestaffection is characterised by oppression on the chest, tightness of breathing, acute pain under the right clavicle or in the right lung, when drawing a long breath; accessory symptoms being: slight creeping chills, flushed cheeks, weakness and tremulousness of the lower limbs, soreness of abdominal integuments and epigastric region, heavy and dull pain in the small of the back, pulse rising at night to 90, with great thirst, although the tongue was moist; diminished secretion of urine, which was, moreover, thick and high-colored. ASTERIAS RUBENS. (Star-fish.) is recommended by Petroz for cancer of the left mamma. ATROPINE. (Sulphate of Atropine.) The action of this salt differs from that of Belladonna only in degree. We have some excellent provings of this agent by Kafka of Prague. According to Kafka, this salt should be preferred in those cases in which Belladonna does not act effectually and permanently. He recommends it in inflammations where the symp. 1212 AURANTIA AMARA. 13 toms seem to indicate Belladonna rather than Aconite. With the subsidence of the inflammatory symptoms, the re-absorption of the exudation is very rapid.-In painful affections from spinal irritation.-In hyperTesthesia of some nervous branch, viz: of the ophthalmic, auditory, olfactory, vagus, and plexus solaris. of the uterus and sphincter of the bladder.-In severe forms of meningitis, cerebritis, of tuberculous disease of the cerebral membranes, and hydrocephalus acutus; in some forms of epilepsy and chorea, as well as in typhoid and septic fevers: Klafka recommends -3-0 of a grain at a dose. In a case of severe neuralgia of the peritoneum an ointment, one grain to two drachms of lard, has proved of great service. See British Journal XV. page 238. A beautiful cure of disease of the pancreas with Atropine is reported in British Journal vol. XVI. page 577. AURANTIA AMARA. (Essential Oil of Bitter Orange.) Dr. Imbart Gourbeyer, of France, published some twelve or thirteen years ago an essay on the physiological action of the oil of bitter almonds, giving an interesting account of the morbid phenomena which the emanations from the bitter oranges cause in the women employed to peel them for the manufacturers of the oil. We give the following resume of the symptoms: Headache, partial or general, sometimes in the forehead, and sometimes a general ache. Hemicrania, generally on the right side, often accompanied by nausea and even vomiting. Vertigo as if intoxicated. Facial neuralgia, most frequently on the right side, with lancinating or gnawing pains. Toothache, with caries of the teeth. Weakness of sight, ringing and buzzing in the ears; in one case swelling and redness of the lobes. Suffocative oppression on the chest. Frequent and uncontrollable yawning; uneasiness and weight in the stomach; pyrosis. Uneasy sleep, with starting. Epileptiform convulsicns; drawings in one side of the face and in the legs; cramps, general or partial; contraction and a sensation 1213 14.NEW REMEDIES. of weight in the shoulders; cramplike pain in the wrists; intense muscular excitement; the patients work with desperate rapidity; general trembling, jerkings; the whole muscular system seems to be in a state of agitation. Eruptions; itching all over or only on the upper limbs; swelling and redness of the hands; red patches on various parts of the body; vesicular eruptions all over the arm, chiefly on the hands and betwixt the fingers; erysipelatous swelling of the face. These symptoms plainly show that the aroma of the bitter oranges is possessed of a remarkable faculty of deranging the nervous equilibrium and poisoning to some extent the blood. BADIAGA. This Russian fresh-water sponge is recommended in some forms of simple gonorrhcea and chronic syphilitic ulcers. BALSAMUM PERUVIANUM. (Balsam of Peru.) Dr. Bosch has used this agent as a remedy for the itch. He used the black balsam of Peru both internally and externally; gave two drops of the first dilution night and morning, and, at the same time, caused all the parts affected with the itch to be rubbed with this balsam. A cure was effected in eight to fifteen days. Pereira says that "this balsam, alone or in the form of ointment, is sometimes applied to indolent, ill-conditioned ulcers; it cleanses them, promotes healthy granulation, and assists cicatrization. I have used it in some obstinate ulcerations about the nose. Dr. Ainslie speaks very highly of its powers of arresting the progress of sphacelous and phagedeenic affections so. common and destructive in India. He recommends lint soaked in the balsam, to be applied night and morning." SBAPTISIA TINCTORIA. (Wild Indigo.) COMPARE WITH-Carbonate of Ammonia, Bryonia, Rhus-tox, Chlorate of Potassa, Arsenicum, Gelseminum, Mercurius-iodatus,.and the other mercurial preparations. We prepare a tincture of this plant. This drug has acquired considerable reputation among homoeopa1214 BAPTISIA TINCTORIA. 15 thic physicians for its specific. virtues as a remedy for fevers, of a low, typhoid type. The provings instituted by Drs. Burt, Douglas and others, have established the fact, that this agent is possessed of a remarkable power of deteriorating the animal fluids, and hence must be capable, in accordance with.the homoeopathic law of cure, of exercising a certain influence over pathological conditions characterised by symptoms of decomposition of the vital fluids and the organic tissues. In his Manual of Pharmaco-dynamics, Dr.- Richard Hughes, of England, expresses himself as follows, with reference to the curative sphere of the Wild Indigo: " In a former number of the British Journal of Homoeopathy, (that for July, 1863,) I have endeavored to indicate the special form of fever to which the pathology of Baptisia, aided by clinical experience, points as its sphere of influence. It is the first stage of the ordinary endemic fever of this country, known popularly as gastric, and medically as typhoid enteric fever. In the first stage of this disease the patient has a hot dry skin and a quick full pulse; the tongue is thickly covered with a whitish-brown fur; the head aches, and there is at least nocturnal delirium; the appetite is absent and thirst great,; the urine is high-colored, and the bowels generally constipated. Unless the disease is checked in this stage, the true typhoid symptoms supervene, which I need not here describe. " Now there is nothing improbable in the supposition that, if we could find a remedy perfectly homeopathic to the first stage of this malady, we might cure it there and then before the typhoid symptoms supervened. None of our ordinary remedies seem applicable. Aconite is powerless against such fevers; it never reduces the pulse one beat, or relieves the skin by a drop of moisture. Arsenic is suitable only to the later stage of the disorder. Bryonia is. the remedy generally administered; but, better than nothing it is difficult to see any thing curative in its action. On the other hand, the pathogenesis of Baptisia, brief as it is, exhibits it as properly homceopathic to the condition I have described. And the result of my own experience in its use has been, that in the great majority of cases it cuts short the fever in this its first stage, freeing the patient from all the dangers of the second. I have never yet been disappointed in it; and its curative action is often exceedingly rapid." "Our literature is replete with reports of cases of typhoid fever that have been cured with Baptisia. Eclectics depend upon it as one 1215 16 NEW REMEDIES. of their chief agents in combating the low fevers of a continued typhoid type which so frequently prevail as epidemics in many districts of our country. It is well known to our readers that Dr. Hoyt was the first who brought this remedy to the notice of our profession as a remedy for typhoid fever. In the sixth volume of the NORTH AMERICAN JOURNrAL OF HOMrEOPATHY, he reports several highly interesting cases of typhoid fever, all of which rapidly yielded to Baptisia, after other homceopathic remedies had been tried in vain. One of the patients, a lady, after having been under allopathic treatment for thirty-one days, and evidently near death, was given small quantities of a decoction of Baptisia, prepared by steeping a piece of the root about three inches long and threeeighths of an inch thick, in half a pint of water. The dose was gradually increased from five drops to nearly a teaspoonful. The report reads as follows: " In about one hour and a half, the surface of the patient presented an appearance as though she had been literally scalded, so red was the skin, accompanied with a most intense superficial heat; at the same time noticing large drops of sweat standing on her forehead, the medicine was discontinued In a few minutes a profuse perspiration appeared all over her body, which continued for. nearly twelve hours, or till she was bathed freely with brandy and water. From this time she began to improve, and with the occasional administration of a dose or two of the remedy, got well, without any febrile symptoms. It is worthy of remark, that immediately upon the administration of the remedy she became quiet and fell asleep; she had been restless and delirious for three weeks previous." A profuse perspiration very commonly characterises the favorable reaction superinduced by this agent in continued fever. The symptoms which commonly yield to Baptisia are: sopor, delirium, dry skin, flushed face, pulse accelerated and thin or filiform, tongue thickly furred, urine scanty and high-colored; constipation or diarrhea, the discharges being of a papescent nature and having a foul smell; sometimes the stools are passed involuntarily; great prostration, trembling of the hands. Dr. J. B. Bell, of Augusta, Maine, mentions a characteristic symptom indicating Baptisia in typhoid fever: "She cannot go to sleep because she cannot get herself together. Her head feels as though scattered about, and she tosses about the bed to get the pieces together." _Baptisia is not only indicated in low continued fevers, but likewise in other conditions of the system, characterised by signs of decomposition of the fluids. We have employed it with excellent 1216 BAROSMA ORENATA. 17 success in stomatitis of various kinds, such as: nursing sore mouth, mercurial sore mouth, aphthous stomatitis, &c.; the breath in these affections has a foul odor, the teeth are bleeding and loose, the inside of the cheeks, the roof of the mouth, the edges of the tongue, are studded with diphtheritic ulcerations. Our provings lead us to expect good effects from Baptisia in bilious diarrhoea and dysentery. Some of our physicians report cures of dysentery where the discharges were preceded by severe tormina and accompanied by tenesmus. BAROSMA CRENATA. (Buchu.) In Dr. Reil's article on Renal Remedies in the second volume ot "Homceopathische Vierteljahrs-Schrift," page 434, we find this article alluded to in the following manner: "Buchu has been frequently used, more especially in affections of the urinary and genital organs, in rheumatism, gout and dropsy. Bardili who instituted experiments on man with this plant, found that besides a general increase of vascular action, the urine was discharged in greater quantity, had an aromatic odor, appeared flocky, and deposited a purulent sediment." Pereira contains the following notice of this drug: "In this country Buchu has been principally employed in chronic maladies, of the urino-genital organs. Dr. Reese first drew the attention of practitioners and the public in this country to it in these cases; and, in 1823, Dr. M'Dowell gave a most favorable account of its good effects. It has since been employed by a considerable number of practitioners, and its remedial powers fairly tried. It seems to be principally adapted to chronic cases attended with copious secretion. In chronic inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bladder, attended with a copious discharge of mucus, it frequently checks the secretion, and diminishes the irritable condition of the bladder; but I have several times seen it fail to give the least relief, and, in some cases, it appeared rather to add to the patient's sufferings. In irritable conditions of the urethra, as spasmodic stricture, and in gleet, it has occasionally proved serviceable. In lithiasis, attended with increased secretion of uric acid, it has been given with considerable benefit by Dr. Carler and others, and has appeared to check the formation of this acid. For the most part it should be given in these cases in combination with alkalies (as liquor-potassue) 1217 18 NEW REMEDIES. In prostatic affections, in rheumatism, and even in skin-diseases, it has been employed, and it is said, with good effect. In dyspepsia Dr. Hulton found it serviceable." BELLIS PERENNIS. (Daisy.) Dr. Thomas, of England, professes to have used this flower successfully in sprains, in the place of Arnica or Rhus. BROMIC ACID. This agent has been used with success in a case of croup. CACTUS GRANDIFLORUS. (Night-blooming Cereus.) This drug has been introduced in homoeopathic practice by Dr. Rubini, of Naples, Italy. We are sorry to say that, in spite of the high-sounding flourishes with which this new claimant to public favor has been announced, we are compelled to say that we have very little, if any, confidence in Dr. Rubini's provings. These provings are of a piece with those of Mure, Petroz, Lippe and their compeers, vox et prceterea nihil. According to Dr. Rubini, " Cactus has a specific action on the heart and its bloodvessels, dissipating their congestions and suppressing their irritations without weakening the nervous system like Aconite. Hence it is preferable to the latter in all cases of inflammation, particularly in all cases of lymphatic and nervous temperaments." What can we think of the provings and therapeutic statements of a writer who is so little acquainted with, and seems to have so little experience of the great virtues of Aconite as to declare that Aconite weakens the nervous system in inflammations which yield to its curative influence as their specific remedial agent. It is useless to waste an argument on such fallacies. And what shall we say of the extravagant cures which Cactus is said to have effected! Chronic bronchitis of many years' standing, with rattling of mucus day and night, oppression of breathing on going up-stairs, and impossibility of lying horizontally in bed-rapidly cured. 1218 CACTUS GRANDIFLORUS. 19 A number of pleurisies which are cured in from too to four days. Hepatatition of the lungs resolved in a few days. Very severe peri-pneumonia cured in four clays. Violent pneumorrhagia checked in a few hours. Pneumorrhagia every four, six, seven or eight hours, accompanied each time with convulsive cough, and expectoration of two or three pounds of blood, is at once relieved and ceases entirely in four days. Acute carditis, with slight cyanosis of the face, oppression of breathing, dry cough, pricking pain at the heart, impossibility of lying.on the left side; pulse quick, throbbing, tense and hard-cured in four days! Chronic carditis, with cedematous and cyanotic face, suffocating respiration, continued dull pain at the heart, hydro-pericardia, hydrothorax, ascites, oedema of the hands, legs and feet, impossibility of lying in bed, of speaking, or even of drinking, hands and feet cold, pulse intermitting-cured in fifteen days! Rheumatic carditis, with much dry and convulsive cough, cured in four days! Without meaning any offence to the reporter of these miraculous cures, we are free to confess that we do 'not place the remotest confidence in the correctness of these statements. They seem to us to involve some unaccountable error in diagnosis. If there was peri-pneumonia, carditis and the like, they must have been totally different from what such diseases are in our climate. May not the Doctor have had hold of some luckless wight of a consumptive invalid, or two or three, upon whom he instituted his clinical observations; construing the symptoms at one time into chronic bronchitis, at another into peri-pneumonia, another into carditis, and so forth? Heart-disease has more than once been diagnosed in consumptive patients where not a trace of it was found after death. And what are not enthusiastic physicians prepared to assert when carried away by the worship of an idea? The cases reported by other physicians and said to have been cured with Cactus, are not sufficiently decisive to establish the character of Cactus as a remedy for heart-affections in the same sense as we know Aconite, Digitalis, Arsenicum or Spigelia to be such remedies. Dr. Russell's case is still under advisement. The case reported in the second volume, p. 159, of the Western Homceopathic Observer, by E. P. D., may seem satisfactory at a first reading; but all that the Cactus did in this case was to relieve the fluttering in the stomach; this fluttering in the stomach has been relieved time and again by ourselves and other physicians by means of a few moderate doses of Aconite. Dr. Duhring likewise reports a few cases. His first case, that of 1219 20 NEW REMEDIES. Mrs. C. M., is evidently a case of acute nervous irritation, where the attacks came on every night for seven nights in succession, until they finally ceased, not, as we believe, in consequence of the treatment that was pursued, but in consequence of the disease having run its course and reached its natural termination. The attacks left the patient debilitated, and the affected parts remained numb. The true remedy in this case was the Aconitum-napellus, of which we should have administered the first decimal attenuation of the tincture of the root, in the full expectation of not only seeing the patient relieved, but permanently cured after the first attack, without leaving her weak and numb, as was the case with this lady. Dr. O'Brien's case, in the Monthly Hoomceopathic -Review, May, 1866, is a good case, well told, and doing reasonable justice to the new drug, without disparaging the well-earned reputation of Aconite, Digitalis and kindred agents. The sensation as if the heart was grasped with the hand which arrests the motion of that organ, is one of the most marked effects of large doses of Digitalis upon the heart. Any one who will take the trouble of reading the chapter on Digitalis in Ifempel's JMfateria Mledica and Therapeutics, can satisfy his mind in regard to this fact. This symptom does not call for Cactus, but Digitalis. We refer the reader to Professor Purkinge's beautiful experiments with Digitalis, reported on page 476 of the first volume of Hempel's above-mentioned work. CAHINCA RADIX. (Cainca Root-bark.) We are indebted to Dr. Buchner, of Munich, for a fine pathogenesis of this drug. It has acquired its greatest reputation from its curative virtues in dropsy. CALCAREA OXALICA. (Oxalate of Lime). This salt has been speculatively recommended as a remedy for certain forms of the calculous diathesis. 1220 CANCHALAGUA. CANNABIS INDICA. 21 CANCHALAGUA. (Gentiana de Peru, Chili Gentian.) Dr. Richter, from California, has introduced this drug as a remedy for fever and ague, for which purpose it is used by the natives. CANNABIS INDICA. (Haschisch.) Berthault divides the physiological effects of Haschisch into three periods: " The first is a period of excitement; it is characterized by the predominance of the physical over the intellectual excitement. Symptoms: at first, flushes of heat towards the head; constriction of the temples, ringing in the ears, bursts of laughter, diminution of all the secretions, principally of the salivary; feeling of happiness, of self-satisfaction, closure of the eye-lids; speech and movement are easy; general excitability, errors as to time and place, tendency to materialize and exaggerate all ideas, all sensations; pulse fiequent, rising sometimes to one hundred and upwards. We have had it rise on one occasion to one hundred and eighty-four and one hundred and eighty-eight. "Th6 second period is characterised by a diminution of the physical excitement; a desire is felt to lie down and be at rest; physical repose is sought while the intellectual excitement still exists; it is then especially that there exists a confusion of ideas; the patient closes his eyes; all kinds of hallucinations assail him, he experiences fixed ideas and delirious convictions; the pulse is almost normal. " Finally, the third period is one of reaction. To this physical and intellectual excitement succeeds an urgent desire for repose. The desire to sleep becomes irresistible; and, indeed, a few hours sleep will suffice to dissipate all unpleasant symptoms."-See N. A. Journal, Vol. IV., page. 121. CARDUUS MARIANUS. (St. Mary's Thistle.) An admirable proving of this drug, by Dr. Reil, of Halle, is contained in the third volume of the Honm. Vierteljahrs-Schrift, S 1221 22.NEW REMEDIES. page 453. This drug was popularly used for a stitch in the side. Its re-introduction into use as a remedial agent is due to Rade macher, who ranged it among his "Abdominal Remedies." This drug seems to enjoy a specific curative influence in certain chronic affections of the liver. Kissel, one of Rademacher's disciples, describes the hepatic affection which yields to our lady's thistle, in the following terms: "1Its form," says he, in his Zeitschrift flir Erfahrung, Vol. III., page 88, "was partly acute febrile, and partly chronic, and accompanied by fever; it presented a great variety of forms, the more constant of which, however, may be said to have been fever, stitch in the side, cough, frontal headache, debility and want of appetite; symptoms, nevertheless, not sufficient to diagnose the remedy. The fever and pains were exceedingly various, the stitches sometimes in one side, sometimes in the other, then under the false ribs, and again wandering about the abdomen; strangury was frequently present; cough, mostly dry, short, with scanty expectoration, seldom streaked with blood; debility always very great; inspiration constantly very painful, but percussion and auscultation showing nothing abnormal. The right hypochondrium was soft, but sometimes very painful under pressure, in the region of the gall-bladder; anorexia, moderate thirst; small, sometimes accelerated pulse; stool brown and consistent; urine mostly orange-yellow, frequently deep-yellow, or reddish-yellow; generally clear, always acid. In simple cases the remedy employed was a tincture of Carduus Marime, in doses of a drachm to a drachm and a half a day; in complicated cases, tinctura ferri acetici was simultaneously used. In the fifth volume of Kissel's work, page 12, Brennschedt, describes an epidemic of grippe where Carduus proved the specific remedy. -Digestive organs: Tongue moist, almost always coated, whitish-yellow in the middle, red at the tip and edges; appetite wanting or diminished, taste sticky, bitter; frequent nausea; vomiting exceptional; the bowels were sometimes constipated, no diarrhcea, the faeces looked natural; hepatic region for the most part sensitive, especially in the neighborhood of the epigastric regioni percussion showed nothing unnatural; urine brownish, dark-yellow, reddish. Chest: catarrh of the nasal mucous membrane, and cough, with stitches in the side, but no hemoptysis. Mucous rales; hurried and superficial respiration. Nervous system: very troublesome headache in the frontal and temporal regions was always present, and even in slight attacks of the epidemic; they complained of dizziness and want of clearness of thought; 1222 CARDUUS MARIANUS. 23 sad and depressed expression of the countenance. General: Feverish reaction; increased temperature of the skin, terminating in sweat. The dose was from 15 to 20 drops of the tincture; in inveterate cases, a drachm five times a day. In 1850, a disorder resembling influenza, raged in Halle, as a precursor of cholera. The digestive apparatus was predominantly affected. Dr. Reil and some of his colleagues found the Carduus the most rapidly curative remedy. The symptoms were exceedingly diversified, but might all be reduced, in most of the cases, to disturbance of the hepatic functions. This was evidenced by the peculiar brown, gray, dirty complexion of the -patient, sometimes passing into a true icteric tint, the sensitiveness of the left hepatic lobes to pressure, the blright, pale-yellow, seldom dark-green stool, and the dark-brown urine. This was accompanied by catarrhal irritation of the respiratory passages in varyiung intensity, generally with considerable expectoration, without blood, but with great feeling of oppression over the whole chest, stitches in the side and great debility; even in the slightest cases these latter symptoms were never wanting, and the patients complained of difficulty in speaking. Fever was present, with evening-exacerbations, violent ache in the forehead, and dullness of the head. "When this disorder attacked old, asthmatic, hoemorrhoidal or tuberculous subjects, their chronic ailments were greatly exaggerated, and the Carduus alone restored them to their former condition. Rademacher was very fortunate in his treatment of concomitant affections, dependent upon disorders of the liver and spleen, of various sorts, with Carduus.Marice. He enumerates among them hfemoptysis, uterine hmmorrhagia, epistaxis, jaundice, sciatica, chronic cough, hmmatemesis, hepatic affections consequent upon dysentery. Rademacher prepares his tincture by putting five pounds of the unbruised seeds in a convenient vessel, and pouring on them the most highly rectified alcohol and water, five pounds of each, digesting and frequently agitating for a week, pressing and filtering. Bademacher cautions against administering the seeds in emulsion, as the virtue lies in the hull, not in the kernel. It acts well in powder, a small spoonful of which may be administered four or five times a day; but should the apothecary, in his anxiety to prepare a fine powder, leave the chaff upon the sieve, the result will "be null. An effective powder is not too fine, as the hulls are hard. and difficult to pulverize. 1223 24 NEW REMEDIES. Reil sums up the curative sphere of Carduus in the following short paragraph: " It seems to act especially upon the liver; and, next to that, upon the haemostotic processes effected in the portal system; also upon the thoracic and intestinal mucous membrane; it seems to act curatively in chronic as well as acute catarrhs of those tissues in old hepatic and splenic affections, and disorders of the female genital system." CAULOPHYLLUM THALICTROIDES. (Blue Cohosh.) COMPARE Cimicifuga, Helonias, Pulsatilla, Senecio, Secale-cornutum, Trillium, Collinsonia-canadensis. We prepare a dark-brown tincture of the root. We likewise prepare triturations of the pulverised root, and use the resinoid Caulophyllum and triturations of the same. Although this drug had been extensively used by botanic and eclectic physicians, yet it remained unnoticed at the hands of homceopathic physicians until Professor Hale directed their attention to its admirable curative virtues in the first edition of his N2ew Remedies. This drug has been recommended for rheumatism, more particularly of the smaller joints, and seems to be distinguished by its specific influence upon the uterine functions. Some of our best physicians testify to its virtues as an anti-rheumatic agent. Dr. Burt's provings show that Caulophyllum is specifically homceopathic to sub-acute rheumatism of the carpal, metacarpal and phalangeal, as well as of the tarsal, metatarsal and toe-joints. Dr. Ludlam thinks that in the cases of rheumatism which he has treated with this drug, it has seemed more effectual in the case of female than in the case of male patients. Dr. Hughes suggests, in his Manual of Pharmacodynamics, that " Caulophyllum will probably rank with Pulsatilla and Sabina, as a remedy for that peculiar form of chronic-heumatism described by Dr. Fuller as secondary to uterine disorder." Professor Hale regards this drug as primarily homceopathic to dysmenorrhoea, uterine cramps, congestion, spurious labor-pains, abortion, premature labor, after-pains, when these diseases are caused by exaltation of natural function or hyper-stimulation. Pathological conditions of this kind are distinguished by the char1224 CAULOPHYLLUM THALICTROIDES. 25 acter of spasm, and as a general rule, comparatively small quantities of the drug, such as a few drops of the tincture, or even ot the first or second decimal attenuation, are adequate to their removal. Secondarily, Caulophyllum is homceopathic to uterine conditions resulting from exhaustion or atony of the uterine fibre, such as menorrhagia, metrorrhagia. When prescribed for conditions of this kind, larger quantities of the drug may be required. In clysmenorrhcea, with horrid spasms, icy coldness of the extremities, nausea and vomiting, excessive tenderness of the abdomen, we have prescribed Caulophyllum sometimes, with instantaneous relief. We have likewise administered it as a prophylactic, and have frequently succeeded in regulating the catamenial periods to the perfect satisfaction of the patient. A similar result has been obtained when the catamenial discharge was too profuse and too frequent. We have likewise found it very useful in moderating after-pains when they caused the patient to moan or lasted too long; and we have found Caulophyllum an excellent means of changing the spasmodic character df labor-pains to normal pains, recurring at proper intervals, and gradually increasing to regular expulsive pains. As a preventive of miscarriage we have never yet used Caulophyllum alone, but either in alternation with Aconite or Secalecornutum. After miscarriage the nervous system of the patient sometimes remains considerably shattered. Under these circumstances Caulophyllum, or its resinoid, Caulophyllin, may prove an excellent means of restoring it to its normal condition. In Hale's work on Abortion, we find a case reported by Dr. Ludlam, where, among other ailments, the patient was suffering with an incurable insomnia. This was speedily cured by means of a few doses of Caulophyllin 2. In metrorrhagia we have used it with partial benefit. From what we have seen of the effects of Caulophyllum in an accident of this kind, we are prepared to affirm that it is endowed with remarkable remedial powers in this direction, but we are not by any means of the opinion expressed by some enthusiastic admirers of every thing new, that Caulophyllum supercedes Secale by its superior power to induce uterine contractions. In a case of desperate flooding, which occurred suddenly about three hours after delivery, and where the uterus had contracted perfectly, Caulophyllum seeied utterly powerless to stop the flow of blood, although it was administered in proportionably small as well as 52 ' 1225 26 34NEW REMEDIES. what might very properly be called heroic doses. Secale likewise seemed to have very little effect. Trillium and other remedies were likewise powerless. Nothing saved the patient's life but dashing snow against the abdomen, plugging the vagina with pounded ice, grasping the womb with the hand, applying stimulants to the nose, and supporting the patient with small quantities of broth, port-wine, &c. It was the most desperate case of flooding it has ever been our lot to witness. This patient, a young primipara, passed through a slow course of adynamic fever, with metro-peritoneal inflammation, a sort of puerperal typhus, but made a perfect recovery under the almost exclusive use of Digitalis and.Belladonna and suitable hygienic means. How far CauloLphyllum may be relied upon as a means of arresting the uterine hemorrhages which often occur during the critical period in a woman's life, we have no positive means of affirming. We have tried it faithfully in some very severe cases, and, we believe, have seen good effects from it; but we have not been able, in a single case, to get along without the additional use of such drugs as Secale, Cinnamon-water, with Sulphuric-acid, Aconite, Arsenic, and others. During the session of the Western Institute of Homceopathy, held in Chicago, May, 1864, Dr. Burbank, of Illinois, related a case of paraplegia which he cured with Caulophyllum. The patient was a middle-aged lady. On the ninth day after her confinement she was attacked with what her allopathic physician designated as metritis. Under the usual old-school treatment this affection subsided, but left her almost completely paraplegic. There was almost complete loss of sensation, and the power of motion was almost entirely lost. She was unable to move her limbs in bed, or to stand upon them. The patient was emaciated, anemic, and very much debilitated. When the Doctor first saw the case, two years after the patient was first taken sick, she was getting steadily worse. Nux, Cocculus, the Citrate of Iron, Strychnine, had no effect. An examination showed retroversion, congestion and enlargement of the uterus. Caulophyllin 2, was administered, and its use persisted in for six months, until the patient was entirely restored to health. CEDRON. This is the fruit of the Simaruba-cedron, a tree in South-America. The nut is of a lighter color than the Brazil-nut, about the same 1226 CEPA, ALLIUM CEPA. CHIMAPHILA UMBELLATA. 27 size as the latter, flat, sharp at the edges and somewhat raised in the middle. The Natives use the kernel as an antidote against the bites of venomous serpents and as a remedy for fever and ague. CEPA, ALLIUM CEPA. (Onion.) is recommended by Dr. Hering, of Philadelphia, for coryza, cold in the head, with discharge of water from the eyes, discharge of burning water from the nose, cough starting from the larynx which the patient grasps with his hand. It is likewise recommended for other affections, such as catarrhal toothache, with throbbing, drawing, pressing pains. I am not acquainted with any reliable clinical records of this drug. CHELONE GLABRA. (Balmony.) We have no provings of this drug. Professor Hale recommends it in debility, jaundice and helminthiasis. If we use this agent, we have to do so empirically or in accordance with such suggestions as are offered by writers of the eclectic school. CHIMAPHILA UMBELLATA. (Pipsissewa.) This evergreen ranks with Buchu, Pareira-brava, Uva ursi, &c. as a remedy for urinary affections. It has been used in calculous and dropsical affections, more particularly in ascites. According to eclectic writers it is more particularly in atonic dropsy, accompanied with debility that this drug is particularly indicated. According to Doctor P. H. Hale of Hudson, Michigan, the Chimaphila induces atrophy of the breasts. He applied it to tumors in the breasts which vanished under its influence together with the breast. In a \case of scirrhous tumor he prescribed the drug in 40 drop-doses ofi the tincture three times a day for three months, at the end of wlich period the tumor had disappeared together with two-thirds of each breast. 1227 28 NEW IEMEDIES. CHLORINE. (Chlorine-water.) The vapors from this water have been recommended for laryngis. mus stridulus and other spasmodic affections of the air-passages We have never yet made use of this remedy, having been abun dantly able to get along without it. CIMICIFUGA RACEMOSA. (Black Cohosh.) COMPARE WITH-Aconitum-napellus, Caulophyllum, Secale-cornutum, Agaricus muscarius. This plant is the Actoea-racemosa of Linnaeus; it is also described under the name of Macrotys-racemosa by older writers. We prepare a tincture of the root, and likewise triturations of the dried root. From the root we obtain a resinoid Cimicifugin, of which we likewise prepare triturations. Drs. Marcy, H. M. Paine, and others, have furnished provings of this drug. It has been used by physicians of every school with great success, in a variety of affections, and constitutes an important addition to our Materia Medica. In rheumatism it has been used with good effect, especially in rheumatism of the muscular tissue. If the rheumatism is acute, accompanied by inflammatory fever, we are in the habit of either giving Aconite first, following it up with Cimicifuga; or else we give both remedies in alternation. There are certain muscles'upon whicti Aconite has a predominantly specific influence; one of these is the deltoid muscle. In rheumatism of the deltoid muscle, with or without fever, no medicine can compete with Aconite. In rheumatism of the dorsum of the foot, Pulsatilla is the sovereign remedy. In rheumatic headache, with throbbing in the temples and forehead, soreness of the scalp, dull heavy pain in the forehead, Cimicifuga is said to have good effect. We have no experience of our own to offer in this respect. In pleurodynia, where Aconite, Arnica, Bryonia and the like, were all that we had to depend upon, and where we were so frequently left in the lurch by these agents, we have in Cimicifuga a much more reliable friend than in any of the above-mentioned drugs. 1228 CIMICIFTGA BACEMOSA. 29 In rheumatic lumbago and spinal irritation, Cimicifuga competes with, although it does not supersede Aconite. We prescribe it both internally and externally. Our provings show very satisfactorily that this drug is possessed of a powerful and specific influence over the nervous system, not only the cerebro-spinal, but likewise the ganglionic nerves. Hence we find that it has fine curative effects in a variety of nervous disorders. In chorea we have found Cimicifuga useful, if the disease originated in rheumatic irritation, or seemed to be traceable to some abnormal condition of the female sexual organs. In vol. III. of the Proceedings of the New- York Hom. Mfecd. Society, page 360, Dr. Searle, of Troy, furnishes an interesting article on the successful employment of this drug in cerebro-spinal meningitis. In delirium tremens we may expect excellent effects from our drug. Its action upon the brain has produced a group of symptoms simulating delirium tremens to perfection. In this disease Opium has to be given in such large quantities, that any drug, which, when given in moderate doses, will conquer this abnormal condition of the brain, must be hailed as a God-send by every humane practitioner. The specific curative virtues of Cimicifuga in the sexual sphere of the female have been tested to our perfect satisfaction. It is a powerful preventive of miscarriage, where it may have to be given in teaspoonful doses, if we wish to secure the desired effect. One dose may prove sufficient. It gives great relief to nervous and rheumatic subjects who are afflicted with painful menstruation. Professor Hale informs us that, if given some time previous to the menstrual period, it will prevent the distress and secure an easy and regular advent of the catamenia. We have never seen any striking results from the use of this drug in metrorrhagia or menorrhagia. It facilitates labor-pains, securing normal and regular contractions of the uterine walls, in place of the spasmodic, irregular, ineffectual and exhausting contractions which sometimes render the first period of labor one of great distress to nervous females. In case of uterine atony or exhaustion, we place more reliance upon Secale, either for the purpose of restoring the expulsive action of the uterus, or preventing or arresting haemorrhage, by securing adeauate contraction of this organ after parturition. In the form of epilepsy which Scheanlein denominates uterine 1229 o30 NEW REMEDIES. epilepsy, it has been used by physicians of the eclectic and the regular allopathic school with much success. In puerperal mania, Professor Simpson, of Edinburgh, has used the Actaa with the most brilliant success. In part 43 of.Braithwaitess Retrospect, he reports a case of puerperal hypochondriasis successfully treated with the tincture of Cimicifuga. After trying in vain many plans to raise the patient out of her dark and gloomy state, he finally ordered her fifty drops of the tincture of Actea three times a day. On the third or fourth day, the cloud of misery which had been darkening her existence, suddenly began to dissolve, and in a day or two more she felt perfectly herself again, in gaiety, spirits and energy. This lady afterwards informed the Professor that she had prescribed her own remedy to more than one melancholic subject, with nearly as great success as she had used it in her own case. Cimicifuga affords relief from the ailments incident to irritable uterus and to the period of menopausia, such as pain in the lumbar region, recurring more or less periodically; distress in the upper part of the head, abnormal irritability of temper, flushings, pains in the mammae and other parts sympathetic with the mammae; and, as Dr. Richard Hughes informs us, it likewise dissipates " the infra-mammary pain in unmarried females, which Simpson tells us is to the uterus what pain in the shoulder is to the liver." In functional disturbance of the heart, neuralgia of the heart, angina pectoris, palpitation, &c., superinduced by rheumatic exposure, Cimicifuga renders excellent service. In organic heartdisease we consider it powerless; at least we have never derived any good effects from it in our own practice. In the works of eclectic practitioners especially, we find this drug cracked up in terms of extravagant praise as a sovereign remedy for affections of the heart. We would caution homoeopathic physicians against allowing themselves to be beguiled into similar extravagances. Cimicifuga is an excellent means of cure for a certain range of heart-affections; Cactus-grandiflorus for another range; but to infer from this, as has been done by homceopathic practitioners, that they are superior to such well-tried remedies as Aconite and Digi. talis, shows a strong deficiency of discriminating judgment and well-founded knowledge and experience. 1230 COLLINSONIA CANADENSIS. 31 COLLINSONIA CANADENSIS. (Stone-root.) COMPARE WITH-Aconite, Esculus, Caulophyllum, Alo6s, Hydrastis, Sulphur. We prepare both a tincture and trituration of the root, and likewise obtain and use a resinoid Collinsonia. This drug was first brought prominently to the notice of the homceopathic profession by Drs. Dunham and Fowler, of NewYork. It has been successfully used for hcemorrhoids, constipation and dysmenorrhcea. A number of interesting cases are reported by Dr. Fowler and others in the NORTH AMERICAN JOURNAL OF HOMCEOPATHY, where constipation and dysmenorrhoea, or con. stipation and haemorrhoids, or constipation and a variety of consensual symptoms, such as headache, cough, dyspepsia, &c., yielded to the use of Collinsonia in a reasonably short period of time, and permanently. Dr. Fowler used a decoction of the root, taking a handful of the chopped root in a quart of water, boiled down to a pint. Of this preparation the patient took a wineglassful three times a day. Triturations of the Collinsonin, and the tincture and its attenuations, have been used with equal success by homceopathic practitioners. Dr. Fowler's first acquaintance with the drug was procured in the following manner, (see NORTH AMERICAN JOURNAL OF HOMmEOPATHY, vol. VI., page 50): " Some two years since," writes the Doctor, " I remarked to a friend and patient that I was honored with a number of cases of obstinate haemorrhoids, and that I really wished that.I possessed some means of curing them, without danger of entailing some more serious disorder. My friend replied that he could tell me of a remedy, and remarked that two or three years ago he was an absolute martyr, in fact crippled with heemorrhoids." The remedy was Collinsonia, and the patient was cured by the above-mentioned decoction, in two weeks. In another case varicocele disappeared altogether with the obstinate constipation for which the remedy was taken. Dr. Snelling reports a case, where a distressing pruritus vulvx, dysmenorrhcea and symptoms of prolapsus uteri, in the case of an unmarried lady, aged 35 years, were " quietly and completely removed," in about a fortnight, by the use of Collinsonia, triturated in the proportion of one to four, of which the patient took three doses a day of three grains each. Dr. Burt has furnished a proving of this drug, the reading of 1231 32 NEW REMEDIES. which, at the third annual meeting of the Western Institute of Homceopathy, elicited a discussion, in the course of which Prof. Hale called attention to the use of this drug in diseases of the heart. Dr. P. H. Hale, of Hudson, Mich., related a case of valvular disease consequent upon a severe attack of inflammatory rheumatism, where Collinsonia seemed to afford marked relief. Other physicians have reported equally favorably on the good effects of this drug in diseases of the heart. CORNUS CIRCINATA. (Round-leaved Dogwood.) A pathogenesis of this drug may be found in the third volume of the NoRTH AMERICAN JOURNAL, page 279. The provers were Drs. Crane, Freeman and Fullgraff. It is recommended for dark, bilious stools, with pain in the bowels before, during and after the discharges; dull, heavy sensation in the head, with shooting, aching or throbbing pains in the head; symptoms of gastric derangement, such as loss of appetite, nausea, bitter taste; cholera-infantum, prostrating diarrhoea, unrefreshing sleep; chilliness, followed by flushes of heat. CORYDALIS FORMOSA. (Turkey Corn.) We have no provings of this drug. Hale recommends it in his New.Remedies for scrofula'and scrofulous cachexia, gastric catarrh; cachexia common after intermittents, and in certain obstinate cutaneous diseases. CYPRIPEDIUM PUBESCENS. o (Large Yellow Ladies' Slipper.) We have no provings of this drug, and have to use it empirically, or in accordanee with the recommendations of eclectics. Professor Hale recommends it for morbid irritability of the brain, more especially in the case of children. Dr. Kendall has found an infusion of the root useful as an intercurrent remedy for the jactitation, restlessness and trembling common in typhoid fever. 1232 DIOSCOREA VILLOSA. 33 DIOSCOREA VILLOSA. * (Wild Yam.) COMPARE WITH-Aconite, Chamomilla, Ipecacuanha, Arsenicum, Colocynthis. We use a tincture of the root, and likewise the resinoid Dioscorein and its triturations. This drug had been used by the most eminent eclectic physicians of the West, and by some of our Western homceopaths, as their chief remedy for bilious colic, when it was more prominently introduced to the homceopathic brotherhood in Professor Hale's New Remedies. We- have some excellent provings of this drug by Drs. Burt, Nichol, Summer and Michener, which account most fully and satisfactorily for the curative powers which this drug has evinced in bilious colic, in spasmodic colic, and in cardialgia. We learn from these provings that Dioscorea produces severe burning, spasmodic, griping, aching pains, either in the epigastric region or bowels; hence, being in hommopathic rapport with similar pathological conditions, it will necessarily cure the latter. Of the cases in which we have been able to test its virtues, we will mention the following three, as illustrative of the range of symptoms where its good effects may be relied upon. Case 1.-A young lady from the South, of 22 years, was subject to attacks of hard, choking pain in the pit of the stomach. There was no nausea, but the distress was agonizing, causing her to moan, shiver and tremble; the extremities were cold, the pulse weak and sinking. She had been suffering for a long time from such attacks, and had done a good deal to obtain permanent relief from her distress, but so fir to no purpose. An attack generally lasted a good while and left her very much prostrated. During one of her attacks she happened to be on a visit in our family, She took ten drops of Lodge's tincture of Dioscorea, and had scarcely swallowed the dose when she was completely and permanently relieved of her suffering. In this young lady's case the attacks had originally been brought on by the great mental and physical distress which the war had caused in her section of the country and in her family. Case 2.-A gentleman of 45 years, of rather delicate constitution and a very active mind, had for a year past been subject to attacks of pain in the epigastric region afid the upper half of the abdomen. They had originally been brought on by excessive mental labor, sitting up late at night, eating late suppers, walk52* 1283 84 NEW REMEDIES. ing and standing in very light boots on damp and cold ground, &c. The attacks set in with creeping chills, a slightly accelerated but very feeble pulse, expression of distress and pallor of the countenance, severe crampy pains in the bowels as if the bowels were twisted together in a knot, or drawn together with an iron band; the spirits were depressed, whereas, in his natural mood, the patient had the reputation of being the most jovial man in town; the bowels were constipated, and the general prostration of the system was very great. The family, who had been employing an excellent allopathic physician as their family adviser, had managed to get along with hot fomentations to the bowels, mustard-draughts, opiates and the like; but, getting tired of this treatment, and the attacks getting worse from week to week and month to month, finally he determined to try homoeopathic treatment in the case. Fifteen to twenty drops of the tincture of Dioscorea were mixed in half a goblet of water, of which the patient took a desertspoonful every ten minutes. In about half an hour relief commenced, and progressed so rapidly that the patient was able, on the morning after the attack, to be about his office and attend to his ordinary duties. Owing to his persistent irregularities in diet, and to his recklessness in exposing himself to all kinds of weather, attacks would come on occasionally, but the Dioscorea always proved a match for them. If I am not mistaken, he has not had any attack now for half a year, whereas, formerly, they used to come on as often as once a fortnight and even once a week, and would keep him prostrated for three, four and even more days. Case 3.-The patient was a very stout woman of 40 years, married. For several years past she had been subject to the following paroxysms, which came on once a fortnight, or once every three or four weeks, but sometimes more frequently. She was suddenly taken with a horrid cramp-pain in the pit of the stomach, the lesser curvature felt as if it were violently drawn towards the spine; every few minutes she had to vomit up bile, blood and mucus; the effort to vomit seemed truly heart-rending; the pulse was slightly accelerated and very feeble. Hands and feet very cold. These attacks sometimes lasted several days, and left the patient prostrated for days after. All treatment in her case proved unavailing. All that could be done for her was to palliate Ber sufferings with opiates. Thanks to the New Remedies, we became acquainted with Dioscorea-villosa, which proved the best and only friend tha-t this woman ever had had in her distress. The drug at once arrested the vomiting, the crampy distress; she was able to lie on 1234 DOLICHOS PEIURIENS. ERIGERON CANADENSE. 35 her back or side, and the day following the attack she was able to leave her bed. Whenever an attack threatened to come on at any subsequent period, the Dioscorea very speedily put a stop to it. Over-work, such as washing and mopping the floor, or eating indigestible food, were the main causes that brought an attack on in her case. Some of our physicians have used this drug with great advantage in cholera morbus and dysentery, when attended with severe spasmodic pains in the bowels. DOLICHOS PRURIENS. (Cowhage.) This agent is used as a vermifuge with excellent success. Prof. Stokes, of Dublin, reports several cases in his work on Theory and Practice, where a syrup of Cowhage removed a quantity of worms, and, together with the worms, various constitutional symptoms, cough, chronic bronchitis, dyspnoea, orthopncea, hepatization of the left lower lobe of the lungs, &c. Dr. Jeanes, of Philadelphia, gave it for a sticking pain in the throat as from a splinter. ELAPS CORALLINUS. (Coral Viper.) This poison is recommended for deafness and fever and ague. ERIGERON CANADENSE. (Canada Flea Bane.) COMPARE WITH-Aconite, Arsenicum, Secalc-cornutum, Caulophyllum, Arnica, Ipeoacuanha. This drug was first introduced to the homceopathic profession by Dr. Ring, of Ohio. In the New- York Journal of HIomxopathy, he writes: "Recently I have had two cases of dysuria in teething children, which yielded to no remedy until I made use of drop doses (two or three drops every two or three hours) of a tincture of the Erigeron-canadense. The symptoms in the two cases were more particularly pain so as to cause a great deal of crying on 1235 36 NEW REMEDIES. voiding urine, the calls for which are frequent. The secretion was abnormally increased and had a very strong odor. The parts externally-both were female children-were in both cases very much inflamed, or irritated, with considerable mucus discharged. The children were very fretful at all times." In dysuria of.children we have found this remedy very excellent. The provings furnished by Dr. Burt, of Iowa, seem to show that this drug has some specific relation to the kidneys. He experienced a severe sticking pain in the right kidney, and a persistent, hard, aching pain in the lumbar region. Some of our physicians recommend this drug very strongly for uterine hcemorrhagia. In the cases where we have tried it, we have not derived any benefit from its use. It may be that it is only indicated in a peculiar range of cases which have not yet been correctly defined. Dr. Burt experienced for several days in succession, hard, aching pain in the larger joints, apparently of a rheumatic character. May not the haemorrhages to which Erigeron is homceopathic be of this nature? We have tried the Erigeron in a case of hicmaturia where we felt satisfied this remedy would exert a curative influence. The patient was a little girl, ten years old. She was a feeble, cachectic child, and passed half a small chamberfil of a dark-looking, offensive fluid, a mixture of blood and urine, at one sitting. There was considerable burning distress in the region of the kidneys. She had been sick for some days when we were called. The Erigeron oil did not touch the case. Arsenicum 2 centes., changed the condition of things so completely between evening and morning, that next forenoon the child was discharged cured. Time and again we have promptly arrested hbemorrhage from the nose, lungs, stomach, urethra and womb with Aconite, Squills, Arsenic, Ipecacuanha and Secale-cornutum, yet we can call to mind cases where Erigeron would have been exceedingly acceptable, if we had known of it. ERYNGIUM AQUATICUM. (Button Snake-root.) We have a fair pathogenesis of this drug by some of the members of Cleveland College, Ohio. This drug has been used with good effect in seminal emissions and spermatorrhcea, some cures of which are recorded in Eil( a -d.Hunt's Surgery, Vol. I,, page 400, 1236 EUPATORIUM AROMATICUM. GALLIC ACID. 37 EUPATORIUM AROMATICUM. (White Snake-root.) Dr. B. L. Hill -has recommended this drug in his Epitome of Practice, as a specific remedy for aphthous stomatitis in females and children. EUPATORIUM PURPUREUM. (Queen of the Meadow, Gravel Root.) The influence of this drug over the urinary secretions is very marked. It has been successfully used in strangury, excessive irritability of the bladder, dropsy depending upon renal trouble. The dose has to be tolerably large. EUPHORBIA COROLLATA. (Blooming Spurge.) According to what we know of the action of this drug upon the normal organism, it may be recommended for cholera-morbus, with vomiting and diarrhoea, for an exhausting diarrhoea and dysenteric diarrhoea. It seems to act similarly to Ipecacuanha and Tartaremetic. GALLIC ACID. This acid has been employed with success against various kinds of hlemorrhage, from the lungs, nose, kidneys. It is useful in menorrhagia, and diminishes the profuse expectoration of pus in phthisis. In pyrosis it has had a good effect. GALLIUM. (Cleavers.) COMPARE WITH-Agave-Americana, Erigeron-canadense, Chimaphila, Iodine. Of the various species of Gallium which are found both in this country and in Europe, the Gallium-aperinum is the species generally employed for medicinal preparations. It has been extensively 1237 38 NEW REMEDIES. used by eclectic physicians, and is likewise used by physicians of our own school, in the shape of a cold or warm infusion, which seems to be the most efficient mode of securing the therapeutic virtues of this plant, the root of which is not used. It is recommended and has been used with success in dysuria, ischuria and calculous affections. It is likewise said to be useful as an anti scorbutic agent. The -British Journal of TlomCeopathy, vol. XXIII., page 139, contains the record of a cancerous affection of the tongue cured by Gallium. "The patient was a married woman, 60 years of age, and was admitted into the hospital April 5th, 1864, on account of a hard, firm, somewhat circumscribed tumor, of about the size of a boy's marble flattened, imbedded in the substance of the tongue, on the right side, about an inch from its apex, which had been gradually increasing in size since she first observed it, five weeks before, when it was about as large as a hemp-seed. "The upper surface was nodulated and uneven, and the swelling generally had the appearance and feel of a scirrhous formation in the organ. It had all along been extremely painful, so much so as entirely to prevent her sleeping at night; it was exquisitely tender to the touch when handled, and latterly she had experienced a throbbing, beating pain in it, which had induced her to think it was about to burst. There was no appearance of its having been caused by injury to the tongue through a decayed tooth. She had always been in the habit of living tolerably well, but had been suffering a good deal from general debility and languor for some time before the commencement of the swelling. Her countenance did not indicate any peculiar cachectic condition of the system, and there was no history of any hereditary cancerous taint in the family. The tumor had increased rather rapidly lately, and she was quite unable to masticatp solid food on account of the pain it induced, which had added much to her original weakness. " She was ordered to have strong cold beef tea frequently during the day for diet, with a pint of porter daily, and to take the following medicine: Two ounces of the solid extract of Galliumaperinum to half a pound of water. Of this solution she took one drachm and a half a day, in a wineglassful of wat.er. She was also ordered to use the above mixture as a warm lotion to the mouth several times a day, keeping it in the mouth for some time during each application. "A month after her admission, she had completely recovered from the languor and debility under which she had previously been 1238 GELSEMINUM SEMPERVIRENS. 39 saffering; her face, instead of being pallid and sallow, had, recovered a healthy and somewhat florid appearance, which was natural to her; the pain in the tumor had been gradually diminishing; and the tumor itself had become so much reduced in size as to be scarcelyr discernible to the touch, and as she was now able to take solid food without discomfort and with an appetite, she was, at the end of five weeks, discharged from the hospital. A fortnight afterwards, having continued the remedies prescribed, she presented herself as an out-patient, when it was found that the tumor had entirely disappeared, and the tongue had recovered its natural structure and appearance." In epilepsy, Dr. Ogle has obtained the most successful results by means of this agent. GELSEMINUM SEMPERVIRENS. (Yellow Jessamine.) COMPARE WITH-Aconite, Belladonna, Cannabis-indica, Caulophyllum Opium, Veratrum-viride, Chloroform. We prepare a tincture of the root, and likewise use the resinoid Gelsemin. This drug was first recommended to the homoeopathic profession by Dr. B. L. Hill, in the year 1856, who at that time filled the Chair of Surgery in the Cleveland Homaoopathic College. We have made extensive use of this drug in our own practice, and can recommend it in the following affections, where a number of other homceopathic practitioners have likewise tested and verified its curative virtues, both in high and low attenuations, and large, material doses. Gelseminum exerts a marked influence over the muscles. In one of the few cases of poisoning reported by King, a prominent eclectic writer, we find the following effects recorded of the poison: " Complete loss of muscular power; was unable to move a limb, or even to raise his eyelids, although he could hear and was cognizant of circumstances transpiring around him. His friends, greatly alarmed, collected around him, watching the result with much anxiety, and expecting every minute to see him breathe his last. After some hours he gradually recovered. This case shows that Gelseminum is specifically homneopathic to cataleptic conditions and to attacks of hysteria resembling catalepsy. We have used it with advantage in such attacks. 1239 40 NEW REMEDIES. We are in possession of a number of excellent provings of this drug, all of which shed a good deal of light upon the therapeutic powers of this remarkable agent. Its influence upon the eyes is very great; it causes dimness of sight, amaurosis, paralysis of the upper eyelids. Provers have experienced a variety of pains in the head; sometimes the pain was felt over the whole head, sometimes only in the forehead, or extending from the occiput to the forehead, or in the side of the head. A symptom in Dr. Henry's proving reads: " The pains seem to wind round the right eye." The Gelseminum pains in the head seem to show a tendency to occur periodically, or to shift from one region to another and then to reappear again in the former. Headaches of this character come within the province of Gelseminum. They are nervous, or rheumatic headaches. In nervous hemicrania Gelseminum must prove useful. There is no vomiting, as in sick headache, but great nervous suffering, the irritation being confined to one side of the head, involving.the eye, and causing great nervousness..Rheumatic headaches, with drawing or heavy dull pains, or sharp, shooting pains in the forehead, pains in the top of the head or down the occiput, yield to Gelseminum. In both these classes of headache the eyes are more or less affected. Irritation of the eyes characterized by soreness of the eyeballs, disturbed vision, lachrymation, pricking pain in the eyes, heaviness and drooping of the lids, would be additional indications for Gelseminum. Such headaches are likewise very often accompanied by the dizziness which all our provers of Gelseminum have experienced in a greater or less degree. The influence of Gelseminum over the nervous and muscular systems has already been alluded to. It causes, and therefore will cure catalepsy. It likewise causes pains resembling those of neuralgic rheumatism. They are drawing and crampy pains in the muscles and toes. In Mr. Bigelow's proving these drawing, contracting and crampy pains extended from the thighs to the toes, and seemed to proceed from the bones as well as the muscles. Gelseminum being possessed of such a remarkable power to extinguish muscular activity, we may derive benefit from its use in some attacks of rheumatic paralysis. Consensual abnormal impressions of the general, sensorium, such as Gelseminum is capable of pro. ducing, may furnish additional indications for its use in an attack of this kind. In hysteria, with excessive melancholy, prostration of the muscular power, excessive nervous irritability, spasmodic attacks, Gelseminum has effected fine cures. Its action upon the mind, as 124-0 GELSEMINUM SEMPERVIRENS. 41 elicited by our provings, account for its successful use in hysteric affections. Even hysteric convulsions have yielded promptly and permanently to its influence. So have puerperal convulsions in the hands of Dr. Douglas and our own. Tetanic convulsions are said to have been cured with Gelseminum. We have no experience to offer in this respect. In trismus, more especially in the trismus of hysteria, we have known it to relax the spasm very promptly. In neuralgia, particularly of the face, Gelseminum should not be overlooked. It is not, by any means, the equal of Aconite in this disease; and, in the intermittent neuralgia of districts where fever and ague are endemic, Quinine exceeds it by far in therapeutic power. - Nevertheless, if the attack is attended by dizziness, a sensation as if the brain would float off, blurred vision, soreness and redness of the eyeball; or if the attack is chiefly experienced in the eyeball itself, or in the region above or around the orbit, Gelseminum may be advantageously given in alternation with Quinine, but in moderately large doses. In congestive neuralgia, when the affected part feels swollen, with a good deal of burning and throbbing distress; or in the tic-douloureux of the French, when the pains are lancing, boring, gnawing, sticking, screwing, &c., we never hesitate, in case the external and internal use of Aconite does not afford speedy relief, to administer this remedy in alternation with Gelseminum. We naturally would expect a great deal from Gelseminum in affections of the eyes. It has proved an excellent remedy in asthenopia, or weakness of sight, occasioned by abusing the visual organ, or overstraining it. Gelseminum will prove beneficial to literary persons who have weakened their eyes by reading at night, or to mechanics, who have to strain their eyes by fine work. Ruta has been the stand-by of homceopathic physicians in this trouble, but we have never derived much benefit from it. Gelseminum promises much better in this respect. In amaurosis and amblyopia, with spots floating before the eyes, &c., Gelseminum has effected very brilliant cures. However, it will not supercede either Aconite or Belladonna in this affection. In a case of amaurosis, resulting from rheumatic exposure, attended with intense pain in the region where the internal carotid winds round the optic nerve, a few drops of the tincture of Aconite, in half a tumbler of water, in desertspoonful doses every ten or fifteen minutes, effected a speedy cure. In ptosis, a paralytic drooping of the upper lids, Gelseminum is specifically indicated by our provings, and by the few cases of poisoning reported in King's.Dispensatory. In strabismus, when 1241 42 NEW REMEDIES. resulting from accidental spasmodic irritation of the muscles of the eyes, Gelseminum competes with any of the remedies upon which we are in the habit of relying for curative effects in this disease. Whether Gelseminum will prove of much use in affections of the sense of hearing, we are unable to say. Dr. Allen, of New-York, reports a curious case of sore throat, with deafness and dysmenorrhcea, where all these symptoms disappeared as if by magic under the operation of a dose of Gelseminum 100. Enuresis of children as well as old people, resulting from weakness or paralysis of the sphincter, has been satisfactorily treated with Gelseminum. In spasms of the urethers and bladder, when caused by exposure, or by the passage of calculi through the ureters, Gelseminum competes with Belladonna and Chamomilla. In seminal emissions, with relaxation of the parts, Gelseminum has afforded much relief; likewise in spermatorrhcea. Dr. Thomas Nichol reports a very brilliant cure of this latter disease. The patient was a young man who had brought himself to the brink of the grave by self-abuse. The Doctor placed him upon the first decimal trituration of Gelsemin, one-third of a grain, morning, noon and night; and, in the space of nine months restored him to perfect health. In gonorrhcea, Gelseminum has likewise effected cures. Dr. John Douglas, of Chester District, S. C., states that some thirty years ago, a patient came into his office with gonorrhcea of several months' standing, which had been improperly treated. One of his pupils begged him to allow him to treat the case, saying he could cure the most obstinate case in a few days with the root of Yellow Jessamine. A small handful of the root was put into a common junk-bottle of whiskey, and the patient ordered, in a day or two, to take a tablespoonful of this mixture night and morning. lie took but a few doses when he became much alarmed with the effect upon his eyes, thinking that the medicine had destroyed his vision. Every symptom of gonorrhcea had, however, disappeared, and the cure was permanent. Since that time he has treated many cases with it, and invariably with the same success. In this disease the medicine has to be given in tolerably massive doses, Brilliant cures have been effected by this drug with quantities large enough to cause blindness. In affections of the bowels our personal experience with Gelseminum is very limited. Eclectics profess to have employed it with great success in bilious diarrhoea, dysentery and in spasmodic colic, caused by the presence of worms. There is certainly no reason 1242 GELSEMINUM SEMPERVIRENS. 43 why it should not moderate the tormina and tenesmus in dysentery, or relax the spasm in strangulated hernia, or the spasmodic distress caused by worms. Dr. Hale says, that " he has had unusual success in treating worm affections with Gelsemin 2, decimal trituration, alternated with Podophyllin, 1st or 2d, and Santonin, onetenth, each in grain doses, two hours apart. After two or three days the worms are either expelled in large numbers, or the verminous symptoms all disappear. A weak dilution of the tincture injected into the rectum will often bring away large quantities of ascarides." We have already alluded to the fact, that Gelseminum has evinced fine therapeutic powers in dysmenorrhcea. Dr. Allen, of New-York, relieved a case of dysmenorrhcea of long standing by a small dose of Gelseminum 100. This seems a most extraordinary case, where dysmenorrhcea, chronic sore throat and deafness were cured at one blow. Nevertheless, all these ailments may have resulted from one and the same condition of abnormal innervation, and, for this reason, yielded to a remedial influence that was adequate to remove the first cause of these derangements. Spasmodic labor-pains and distressing and exhausting afterpains, are controlled by Gelseminum. In uterine heemorrhage, from atony of the uterine vessels, Gelseminum has been employed with success. In prolonged menorrhagia it may be depended upon as an efficient agent to arrest the flow of blood. The homceopathicity of this drug will have to be determined by the accompanying symptoms and the general nature of the case. In general, Gelseminum is one of those agents which will prove of vast benefit to an accoucheur. It has power to speedily overcome the rigidity of the os uteri, which is so often an obstacle to labor, and will quiet the nervousness which is so troublesome to parturient females, or during pregnancy, and will afford them a refreshing sleep, if they should be tormented by sleeplessness. Our provings point to Gelseminum as an agent that may do good service in catarrh and influenza. The headache and the peculiar irritation which this agent occasions, the sharp, shooting pains in the forehead, the catarrhal irritation of the Schneiderian membrane, fluid discharges from the nose and throat, soreness and irritation of the air-passages, cough, and the general debility, chilliness and the more or less general myalgia which we find recorded among the pathogenetic symptoms of this drug, justify its use in simple catarrhal affections. Of course, it will not supercede Aconite, 1243 44 NEW REMEDIES. Arsenic, Tartar-emetic and other drugs belonging to the same series. In spasmodic and racking cough, having-a catarrhal origin, with irritation of the lining membrane of the air-passages, we have derived benefit from the use of this drug. We have never depended upon it either in acute bronchitis or acute pneumonia, although in pulmonary congestion, its employment would seem justified upon homceopathic principles. Some of the pathogenetic symptoms of this drug point to acute congestion of pulmonary parenchyma. One of Dr. Henry's symptoms reads: " Short, paroxysmal pain in the superior part of the right lung; on taking a long breath, it sticks from above downwards; this pain in the lungs is one of the most prominent symptoms." In spasm of the glottis, Gelseminum has been used with some benefit by some homoeopathic physicians. We have cured the most threatening cases of this disease with Aconite, but should not hesitate to employ both drugs in alternation, giving a much larger dose of the Gelseminum than the Aconite. In fever Gelseminum commends itself to the attention of homceopathic practitioners. In the common catarrhal, or even rheumatic fever, we have always got along very satisfactorily with Aconite, Chamomilla, Mercurius-vivus, using in the more deep-seated cases a few doses of Belladonna, &c. Gelseminum has proved a most acceptable addition to this group of remedies, especially when the fever-type approximated to the remittent type. In the infantile remittent fever, which Schcenlein describes as acute scrofula, Gelseminum is a very efficient curative agent. It must not be expected, however, that such. a fever can be cured as if by magic. In infantile remittents the fever depends upon an acute irritation of the mesenteric ganglia, on which account, Sch(enlein likewise denominates such a pathological condition " acute ganglionitis." If there is much stupor, dry heat of the skin, especially of the abdomen, flushed face, dilatation of the pupils, Belladonna may be required. Iodine and Aconite are useful agents in this disease. Let us likewise be thankful for the powerful aid of Gelseminum. We would suggest, however, that in some of the fine cures reported as cures of infantile remittent fever, the fever really was an acute attack of irritative fever of the remittent type, but where no ganglionic congestion stood in the way of a comparatively rapid cure. In cerebro-spinal meningitis we commend Gelseminum as a reliably useful curative agent. In the third volume of the Proceedings of the N.-Y. State Homceopathic Medical Society, Dr. S. Searle, 1244 GELSEMINUM SEMPERVIRENS. 45 of Troy, N.-Y., has set forth the homoeopathicity of Gelseminum to this disease in such a strikingly convincing manner, that we take the liberty of quoting some of his remarks: "Gelseminum has direct relation to the incipient or congestive stage of cerebro-spinal meningitis, and also in some degree to the consequent inflammation: "while Cimicifuga-racemosa is, in my judgment, homceopathic to the inflammation of the sero-fibrous tissues involved, and to the irritation of the cerebro-spinal system, which is due to the proximity of the inflammation of its investing membrane, and which manifests itself in spasms. It seems also correlative to that state of the blood which results in the petechiae so common in the severe cases of the disease, and, to use the post hoc ergo propter hoc argument as cumulative and confirmatory; I may say that I have used these remedies, relying upon their homeEopathicity, with complete and uniform success. " Let us now briefly compare the toxicology of these drugs, with the symptoms of the disease under discussion. An attack of cerebro-spinal meningitis is usually sudden, and is ushered in by a severe chill, accompanied by evident congestion of the spine and brain, with its ordinary symptoms, among which, I believe, dilatation of the pupils is always seen. This state is followed, except in those cases which die collapsed, by reactionary fever of corresponding violence. In such a condition of the system no remedy is so hommeopathic as Gelseminum. In cases of poisoning by Gelseminum, the universal symptoms are prostration; complete loss of muscular power, of vision and speech; staggering gait; icy coldness of the hands and feet; pulse very feeble or imperceptible; respiration labored, feeble; nausea and vomiting. All of these symptoms are relieved by cerebral stimulants, showing what portion of the organism feels the depressing power of the drug. One symptom which is so prominent and constant, that it is almost characteristic of Gelseminum, is languor and heaviness of the eyelids; they close in spite of all the efforts of the will. No language could more accurately describe the incipient stage of the malady under consideration. In short, every symptom of intense congestion to the brain and spine, and the partial paralysis which necessarily attends it, may be found described with equal accuracy in the pathogenesis of this drug, and the diagnosis of the disease. "It is stated by Hale 'that the intense hypervemia of the brain caused by Gelseminum stops just short of inflammation.' As we have no record of post-mortem examinations in any case of reported death, there are no means of affirming or disproving this assumption; 1245 46 NEW REMEDIES. but I feel confident he is in error, and that the same law obtains in toxicology as in disease, viz: that long-continued congestion, especially if violent, must end in inflammation. The only conceivable exception is in cases where the congestion to vital organs is so overwhelming as at once to suspend their functions, and thus destroy life. Thus believing, I have continued the use of Gelseminum when its characteristic symptoms were manifest, even in the inflammatory stage of the disease. The indications which should determine its use, after inflammation has become decided, may be found in the pathogenesis of the drug, and are quite as distinctively characteristic of the disease when fully developed, as in its inception." We consider it as one of the remedies to be employed in bilious remittent fever, with frontal or general headache, dizziness, tendency to stupor, jaundiced color of the eyes and face, foul taste in the mouth, nausea and vomiting, bilious discharges from the bowels or constipation, prostration, pains in the muscles and bones, &c.. In intermittent fever its therapeutic powers are highly valued. In our region of country where intermittents are endemic, and where we cannot possibly get along without the use of Quinine we attach a good deal of importance to Gelseminum as an intercurrent remedy, or as a remedy that may be profitably used in alternation with Quinine. In an attack of true congestive chills we certainly should not depend upon Gelseninum alone to ward off the next attack. ABSTRACT OF SYMPTOMS. I-EAD.-Pain of the head, quite constant, dull, stupefying, and pressive; most frequently in the forehead and temples. Bruised pain above and back of the orbits. Tightness of the brain. Often more or less headache, with nausea. Giddiness is pretty constant: an intoxicated feeling, and tendency to stagger, often with dizziness and imperfection of vision, aggravated by smoking. MENTAL SYMPTOMS.-Irritable and impatient mood; incapacity to think or fix the attention; confusion of mind; stupid, intoxicated feeling; dullness of all the mental faculties. In one case great mirthfulness. EYEs.-Great heaviness of the lids; difficulty of opening the eyes or keeping them open; eyes close in spite of him, on looking steadily at an object; fullness and congestion of the lids; diplopia when inclining the head towards the shoulder, but vision single when holding the head erect. Dryness of the eyes; misty or 1246 GELSEMINUM SEMPERVIRENS. 47 glimmering appearance before the eyes; pain in the orbits, sometimes excessive. NOSE.-In a few cases watery discharge from the nose. TASTE AND APPETITE.-Thirst during the sweat. Mawkish taste in the mouth, clammy feverish taste; great hunger. GASTRIC SYMPToMs.-Feeling of emptiness and weakness in the stomach and bowels; eructation; nausea; hiccough. ABDOMEN, &c.- Slight pain in the transverse colon. Gnawing pain in the transverse colon. Slight pain in the left iliac region. After chills, headache, fever and prolonged sweating. Seventeen hours after taking -the drug was awakened by severe gripings in the lower abdomen, soon followed by a very large and natural stool, but followed by no diminution of pain until another large deeply bilious discharge, followed by instant relief of pain. URINE.-Rather increased in quantity, clear and watery; frequent micturition. LARYNX AND TRACHEA.-Paroxysms of hoarseness, with dryness of throat, voice seems weak; stitching sensation in the region of the heart; constrictive pain around the part of the chest. BAcK.-Pain in the back, as in the cold stage of ague (many cases). EXTREMITIES.-Coldness of the extremities, especially the feet, often severe; feet feel as if in cold water. Aguish feeling, with pain in the legs. Pain in popliteal space. FEVER.-Febrile chilliness; cold extremities; heat of head and face, with headache. Pulse uniformly depressed, and rendered less frequent. Pulse soon becomes very feeble in many cases; sometimes scarcely perceptible, with chilliness, cold feet, heat and pain of the head. In a majority of cases perspiration follows the fever. The pathogenesis of no drug represents so completely and so uniformly all the stages of the ordinary fevers of this country. SLEEP.-Disposition to yawn; a sort of stupor; cannot keep the eyes open; is obliged to lie down and sleep. Drowsiness and long sound sleep are very general symptoms. SKIN.-The Gelseminum produces a peculiar and very marked eruption in most of the cases. It appears on the face most frequently, but sometimes also upon the back, between the shoulders. It is papulous, very much the color of measles, which it closely resembles; but the papulhe are more distant and distinct. Though very conspicuous, they are attended with little or no sensationthe patient being unaware of any eruption until he happens to see himself. Persons have frequently been asked what was the matter, 1247 48 NEW REMEDIES. or if they had the measles, when they were not aware of the eruption. It generally appears the second or third day of the proving, and continues one or two weeks. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-Weakness and trembling throughout the whole system; listless and languid; great lassitude; feeling of tightness of the body; fear of falling or stumbling; easily fatigued; general feeling of illness, as in fever. Most of the above symptoms were elicited from the tincture, in doses of one to five drops. A few were made with the third dilution, and in all of those the characteristic eruption was produced. GLONOINE. (Nitro-glycerine.) COMPARE WITH-Aconite, Belladonna, Opium. This drug was first introduced into homoeopathic practice by Dr. Hering of Philadelphia. Dr. Richard Hughes of England sums up the action of this drug very comprehensively in the following terse statement: " The action of Glonoine lies within a very small compass. If you will touch your tongue with a five per cent solution you will find that in a few minutes your pulse will have increased by from 20 to 40 beats until a pretty violent bursting headache develops itself with which there will be some giddiness, and a sense of constriction about the throat. If you are sensitive to the drug, nausea and faintness may supervene, and even complete insensibility ensue. This is the nearly uniform action of Glonoine upon nearly every one who has taken it." These physiological effects of Glonoine upon the medulla oblongata and the pneumogastric nerves coming off from this centre, have led homceopathic physicians to use it in congestive or apoplectic headaches, more particularly if the occipital region of the head is the seat of distress. It has likewise shown excellent efects in sun-stroke, and has checked puerperal convulsions with hypercemia of the cerebral vessels. It ought to prove useful in apoplexy, and in the congestions, throbbing and bursting headache arising from accidental suppression of the menses. In neuralgia it has afforded relief in some cases; whether it will prove useful in bronchial affections, will have to be ascertained by further experiments. 1248 GNAP-HALIUM POLICEPHALUM. HAMAMELIS VIRGINICA. 49 GNAPHALIUM POLYCEPHALUM. (Cud Weed.) Dr. Woodbury, of Manchester, has published a proving of this drug, and recommends it for diarrhoea, cholera-morbus, cholerainfantum, and especially the diarrhoeas of children, occurring during the heat of summer, and characterized by copious, watery and exhausting discharges, with or without griping or nausea, and which frequently proves so intractable during dentition. GOSSIPPIUM HERBACEUM. (Cotton Plant.) The medicinal effects of this plant are highly problematical. The seeds are used in intermittent fever. The drug is supposed to act beneficially in metrorrhagia from atony of the uterus and other uterine derangements. Very doubtful. GUACO, MIKANIA GUACO. This drug has acquired importance from the fact that it has been suggested as a remedy for Asiatic cholera. See NORTH AMERICAN JOURNAL OF HOMEOPATiIY, Vol. II., page 16. One species of Guaco is used as an antidote to snake-poison. HAMAMELIS VIRGINICA. (Witch-Hazel.) COMPARE WITH: Aconite, Esculus, Pulsatilla, Millefolium, Secale-cornutum. We prepare a tincture of the bark and leaves. The resinoid Hamamelin is likewise used. There are likewise several patentpreparations of this medicine sold by druggists, among which Pond's Extract enjoys an extensive reputation. Doctor Burt has communicated a short, but exceedingly instructive proving of'this drug which furnishes confirmatory evidence of its specific relat on to the sexual apparatus. This drug has been used empirically fr a number of years, and, for the last fifteen years or more, has li ewise been employed by homceopathic practitioners for derangem nts of the venous system and of the sexual apparatus 3 1249 50 NEW REMEDIES. In the former range it has been used with marked success for the following affections: Venous hcemorrhage, the blood flowing passively, not with the projectile or per saltum force of arterial hemorrhage. The haemorrhage may take place from any orifice of the body, from the nose (epistaxis); from the stomach (haematemesis); from the lungs (hmmoptysis, hemoptoe); from the urethra (hamaturia); from the bowels, in which latter case the hemorrhage may proceed from the portal system of veins or from the haemorrhoidal vessels. In metrorrhagia this drug has likewise rendered good service, not in arterial active haemorrhage, but in the passive form of this accident, in venous hemorrhage. In bleeding hcemorrhoids, the witch-hazel is advantageously applied externally by means of a compress moistened with the medicine. To hbemorrhoidal tumors the witch-hazel may be applied in the shape of an ointment. In some parts of our country an ointment is made of witch-hazel and powdered alum. Even in purpura the witch-hazel is said to have exhibited curati-v virtues. We have never used it in this affection, and should have very little faith in its curative virtues unless aided by such agents as Phosphorus, Phosphoric-acid, &c. The doctrine laid down in our books that this drug is the remedy for passive or venous hemorrhage, is likewise too broad a generalization. Heemorrhage from the portal system of veins very often yields promptly and permanently to Aconite. Some time ago a gentleman who had engaged passage for Europe, was suddenly attacked with hematuria. He was of spare build, of a nervousbilious temperament, felt low-spirited and feeble; pulse rather thin. The attack had been brought on by over-excitement and physical exertion preparatory to his departure. The discharges of blood were not very copious, but frequent. We should add that there was slight fluttering about the heart, a little headache and dizziness. The blood had a dark-red appearance. The patient was directed to mix one or two drops of the tincture of Aconite in half a tumbler of water, and to take a swallow of this mixture every hour. A few doses proved sufficient to restore him. Time and again we have arrested hcemorrhoidal dcemorrh.ages with a few doses of the first, second and even sixth potency of Aconite. We mention these facts in order to prevent one good remedy from crowding out another equally usefil agent. For varicose veins and varicose ulcers, Hamamelis is the best remedy with which we are acquainted. The drug should be used internally as well as externally. Externally we apply compresses 1250 HAMAMELIS VIRGINICA. 51 saturated with an infusion of witch-hazel to the varicose limb, and hold them in place by means of a tight bandage. We have used Hamamelis with great success in phlebitis, except in cases where the inflammation was occasioned by the absorption of purulent matter; here we have found the use of Aconite and Belladonna in tolerably large doses indispensable. In phlegmasia alba dolens we have likewise derived great benefit from Hamamelis; nevertheless we would guard practitioners against overlooking the good offices which Aconite and Belladonna will render in this distressing malady. The good effects of Hamamelis in diseases of the sexual organs have been verified in a number of cases and a variety of affections. In vicarious menstruation, this drug has proved admirably capable of diverting the hsemorrhagic tendency from its abnormal channel and restoring the regular catamenial discharge. Dr. Burnett, of New-Orleans, reports the following case which he describes as a case of dysmenorrhuea. "A colored woman, aged thirty-five. Two years previous, at a time the menses should have appeared, she experienced severe pains through the lumbar and hypogastric regions, and down the legs; fullness of the bowels and brain, with severe pain through the whole head, resulting in stupor and deep sleep, lasting twelve to thirty-six hours, from which it was impossible to arouse her; after which she gradually returned to her natural state, and so remained till the time for her next menstrual period, when the same suffering was repeated. She was brought to me at the commencement of one of these paroxysms; the pain in the head, pubic region and legs had already commenced.--I gave eight globules of the fifteenth dilution of Hamamelis, to be taken in two doses, four hours apart, which established her menses perfectly without any further medication, and she continued to menstruate regularly afterwards." In vaginal leucorrhsea we have used this agent with partial succes. We direct injections of an infusion into the vagina, and at the same time prescribe it internally. In sub-acute irritations of the ovaries, ovarian tumors, neuralgic 'pains in the ovaries, soreness of the ovaries without swelliug, the witch-hazel has proved very efficient. It should be used internally and externally. In orchitis Doctor Ludlam advises the external application of Hainamelis for the purpose of palliating the inflammation and the pain. Among the symptoms elicited by Dr. Burt in his provings he 1251 52 NEW REMEDIES. describes a severe pain in the testes as a very marked and permanent effect of the drug. The pain continued so persistently and was so severe that he had to discontinue his proving. This symptom would seem to point to Hamamelis as a remedy for acute pain or neuralgia of the testes. It is our impression that this pain arose from venous congestion of the testes. To this sort of venous congestion of the sexual apparatus Hamamelis is specifically adopted. This sort of excruciating pain of the testes may arise from another form of congestion to which Hamamelis is not specifically homceopathic, and for which it would not, therefore, afford any relief; we mean bilious congestion. We will illustrate our teaching by an example. A stout drayman of 45 years was attacked with biliousremittent fever, which was treated throughout with Mercuriusvivus, first and second centes. trituration. The patient was rapidly recovering and on the point of being discharged, when we were sent for, late in the night, with a message that the man " was dying." Arriving at the house we found that the man had exposed himself to a draught of air in consequence of which the perspiration had become checked and he had been attacked with a pain in his testes which had been steadily increasing for the last four hours, and finally had become so agonizing that the poor fellow trembled from pain and was slightly delirious. We diagnosed " congested bile," and prescribed Mere. first centes. trituration every five minutes. In a few minutes relief commenced and in half an hour the patient was perfectly easy and dropped to sleep. RANGE OF AcTIoN.-Haemorrhages from all mucous membranes. Haemorrhages with asthenia or annsmia. Diseases of the veins; varices; inflammations of the veins; huemorrhoids; circocele; varicocele; evil effects from the loss of blood. Carbuncles, boils, abscesses, and injuries resulting from falls. SYMPTOMS. EYES.-Painful inflammations of the eye; excessive congestion of the conjunctiva. NosE.-Bleeding at the nose. Bleeding of the nose, accompanied by a feeling of tightness of the bridge of the nose. Benumbed sensation over the whole forehcad. STOMACH.-Painful bloody vomitings; hamatemesis. ABDOMEN.-Varicose veins. ANus.-Loss of dark blood by stool, in typhoid fever. Bleeding and painful piles. Weakness and weariness of the back. Piles, with profuse hemorrhage. URINE.-Bloody urine. MALE SEXUAL ORGANS.-Circocele and varicocele. 1252 HEDEOMA PULEGIOIDES. 53 FEMALE SEXUAL ORGANS.-Hammorrhage of bright-red blood from the uterus. Milk-leg, with swelling of the left labium, groin, and thigh. Difficulty of moving the leg; painful but benumbed sensation of the limb. The swelling, white and opaque, extending downwards, and in three days, occupying the whole of the left leg. Milk-leg, with swelling, commencing in the ankle, with difficult motion of the limb, from pain and stiffness. Leucorrhoea. Active uterine haemorrhage; passive uterine haemorrhage. Uterine disturbance and tenderness, with retention of urine, tumefaction of the os-uteri, and diffused soreness of the abdomen. LARYNX AND TRACHEA.--Cough and hemoptysis, with taste as of sulphur in the mouth, and dull frontal headache. Tickling cough, with taste of blood. Hamoptysis. LowER EXTREMITIEs.-Varicose ulcers; varicose veins; milkleg; inflammation of femoral vein, with erysipelatous spot near the groin over the vein; swelling of the entire leg and foot, with tension; heat and pale appearance of the limb; scanty urine, stiffening the linen. SKIN.-Purpura-hamorrhagica, with epistaxis and congestion of the conjunctiva. Carbuncles and boils. EXTERNAL APPLICATION. In varicose veins of the leg.-The limb is to be bandaged firmly from the toes to the knee, or to the hip if the varix extend above the knee, and occasionally moistened with a lotion, one teaspoonful of tincture of Hamamelis to four teaspoonfuls of water. llcemorrhoids.-When it becomes necessary to use external treatment, a piece of linen may be saturated with a lotion of Hamamelis, applied to the anus, and kept there by some simple bandage. Circocele and varicocele may be treated in the same manner as denoted in the external treatment for haemorrhoids. HEDEOMA PULEGIOIDES (American Penny-royal.) We have an interesting case of poisoning by this drug, recorded. by Dr. Toothaker, in the second volume of the Philadelphia Journal of Homreopathy, page 655. In domestic practice the oil of penny-royal has been principally used as an emmenogogue, for the purpose of bringing oil the catamenia or even abortion. It has not been used much by homieopathic physicians. It may prove useful in sub-acute ovaritis, metritis, also in dysmenorrhaea, threatening miscarriage. 1253 64 NEW REME DIES. HELOMIAS PIGICA. (False Unicorn.) COMPARE,WITH-Caulophyllunl, Ferrumn, Citrate of Iron and Quinoine, Phosphoric-acid, Ilydras tis, Senecio. We prepare a tincture of the root and likewise use the resinoid Helonin and its triturations. This drug is particularly distinguished for its admirablie virtues in remedying disorders of the urinary apparatus and of the womb. We have not had an opportunity of employing it in diseases of the -urinary organs, but other physicians. both of the eclectic and homceopathic schools have. Among other urinary difficulties it has cured, mild cases of glycosuria, and even -Bright's dlisease is claimed to have yielded to its curative influence. It cures urinary troubles char~acterize d by frequent desire to urinate, discharges of quantities of urine which is either perfectly clear and limpid, or higb-cobored, pain in the small of the back, region of the kidneys and bladder, loss of appetite, debility, emaciation. Hellonias being possessed of an apparently specific power to depress the spirits, the urinary and uterine difficulties to which it is homceopathic are generally attended with a melancholy state of mind. In one case, reported by Dr. Rogers of Coldw~ater, Mlich. the urinary trouble was attended with impotence. This likewise was permanently relieved under the operation of the Helonias. As a uterinie toniic this remedy holds a distinguished rank. It seems to he particularly adapted to aueemic female's of a lax fibre. It has been used with success against prolapsus uteri, men orrhagia and rnetrorrhagia in the case of impoverished, anoemic' females; it has prevented misecarriage and has relieved the distresss experienced by debilitated anvemic females at the commencement of the catameni~a. We have known it to relieve the most agonizing tortures that seemed unbearable and would extort the most piteous moans from the sufferer, in the space of a few miautes. The medicine had to be administered ia pretty large doses. HYDRASTIS CANADENSIS. (Golden Seal.) COMPARE WITH: Collinsonia, Iodine, Mercurius-bijodatus, Phytolacca-decand ra, &c. We use a tincture of the fresh and triturations of the dried root. Two alkaloids, a white and a yellow alkaloid, have, likewise been 1254 HYDRASTIS CANADENSIS. 55 obtained, called respectively hydrastia and hydrastina. The muriate of hydrastia is likewise employed by homoeopathic physicians. This drug seems to exert a disintegrating influence over the mucous surfaces, and likewise affects certain portions of the glandular system more or less specifically. Hence it is used in a variety of affections specifically analogous to the morbid conditions which IIydrastis is capable of developing. The use we have made of this drug, has led us to believe that it has power to counteract the scrofulous diathesis. We have prescribed it with excellent success in Intertrigo infantum, using compresses moistened with a weak infusion of the powdered root or a weak solution of the Muriate of Hydrastin. In nursing sore mouth and in the aphthee of infants a similar but stronger solution of the Muriate of Hydrastin proves curative in most cases. In our part of the country mothers are in the habit of using an infusion of hydrastis and sage, to which they add a little borax. If the children are born of very scrofulous parents, we use the muriate of hydrastin wash, and prescribe small doses of the Iodide'of Mercury internally..Chronic scrofulous ulcers, both of the irritable and indolent type, are greatly benefitted and often cured by the hydrastis ointment or compresses saturated with an infusion of hydrastis. In certain forms of chronic angina faucium a gargle of hydrastis is very beneficial. The throat feels hot, sensitive, and has a reddish, dry appearance. It may either be studded with whitish ulcers or with red little pimples and blood is easily raised by hawking. It is in chronic or sub-acute affections of this kind that the golden seal either exerts a curative or at least a palliative influence. We have seen acute attacks of angina faucium taking this form; in such cases the tincture of Aconite-root or the lower attenuations will be required to effect a speedy cure. By Professor Hale's recommendation we have used a solution of the Muriate of Hydrastin in ozena, using it locally in the shape of an injection, and have seen great benefit derived from this treatment. In the leucorrhoea of scrofulous females who were much troubled with constipation and weak digestion, injections of a solution of this salt, or of a strong infusion of the root, have likewise proved highly beneficial. At the same time the hydrastis is to be given internally in tolerably massive doses of the tincture or of a strong infusion. Following the example of some of our English hommopaths we 1255 56 NEW REMEDIES. have tried to cure cancer with Hydrastis, but, so far, have utterly failed in accomplishing this result. In open cancer we have succeeded in removing all pain by the persistent employment of the Hydrastin-ointment; and we have seen schirrous glandular tumors diminish in size under the influence of Hydrastis used internally and externally, but we have not yet succeeded in a single instance in effecting a thorough cure. In conjunctivitis, especially when caused by frequent exposure to the irritating influence of dust and wind, Hydrastis proves a fine agent to soothe the pain and even to effect a cure. An infusion of the root or a solution of the salt has to be applied externally, and the tincture or its attenuations have to be used internally at the same time. Since Hydrastis has a decided action upon the liver, we may expect to derive benefit from its use in affections resulting from inaction of this organ. We have used it successfully in some forms of jaundice where it competes with Podophyllin; likewise in dyspepsia characterised by a sinking sensation and feeling of warmth in the epigastric region, and attended with habitual constipation. In this latter affection, constipation, the golden seal has shown remarkable curative powers. It seems particularly indicated in cases that have been made worse by the abuse of opening medicines, and are attended with great torpor of the liver; the patients complain of headache, foul taste, a heavy and uncomfortable feeling in the bowels. In cases of constipation it has been successfully used both in the lower attenuations as well as in several drop-doses of the tincture. HYDROCOTYLE ASIATICA. This plant has been used with great success in lepra. Dr. Boileau, residing in the Mauritius, employed this remedy in fifty-seven cases of lepra, in all of which the disease was arrested in a very short time. Experiments have been instituted by several other physicians at the Mauritius and in the Paris hospitals, with very favorable results. It promises to become a very efficacious remedy for skin-diseases, more especially elephantiasis. If administered in doses of four drachms, the drug causes vertigo, disturbed vision, heat in the face, perspiration on the parts affected with lepra. After the perspiration ceases the disease makes no further progress. From large doses patients experience a weight at the stomach and colic. Devergie found the Hydrocotyle of surprising use in five 1256 IRIS VERSICOLOR. 57 cases of the most inveterate eczema; four of which were completely and rapidly cured. IRIS VERSICOLOR. (Blue Flag.) COMPARE WITH-Antimonium-tartaricum, Arsenicum, Ipecacuanha. Mercuriusvivus, Pulsatilla, Podophyllum, Veratrum-album. We prepare a tincture from the fresh root, and likewise use the alkaloid Irisin. Drs. W. A. Burt and J. G. Rowland have furnished some highly instructive provings of this drug. These provings have led to the successful employment of Iris in several interesting and important affections of the scalp and gastro-intestinal range, and have enabled us to account for the great success with which Dr. Kitchen, of Philadelphia, has used the blue flag empirically in a variety of disorders, before any provings had been instituted. It has been used with success in tinea capitis favosa, where, besides using the medicine internally, we likewise apply it externally to the affected part, in the form of an ointment. In crusta lactea it may prove a useful agent, but in dry scald-head we have not yet derived any curative results from it. Dr. Kitchen recommends it highly in sick headache, attended with retching and vomiting; likewise in neuralgia of the head and eyes, when accompanied with vonfiting and retching. In the case which he published in the NORTH AMERICAN JOURNAL OF HOMOaoPATHY, in 1851, the attack was attended with vomiting of sweetish mucus, and with much straining, when the mucus would occasionally contain a trace of bile. According to our provings, Iris acts very powerfully as a sialogogue, loosening the teeth. Dr. Burt says that the root caused an intense burning in his mouth. This sort of salivation is sometimes the result of severe rheumatic exposure, and may, therefore, yield to Iris. This drug may likewise have power to counteract mercurial salivation; whether it will prove as specifically homceopathic to this disorder as Iodine, will have to be verified by further trials with this drug. We have never had a chance to employ Iris in syphilis, for which it is so highly recommended by eclectics; we have no idea that any drug can successfully compete in this terrible plague with the mercurial preparations and the Bichromate of Potash. 53* 1257 58 NEW REMEDIES. It is in the gastro-intestinal range that the effects of Iris are most prominent. It causes severe distress in the epigastrium, I burning distress, which Dr. Burt locates in the pancreas, and a most terrible and persistent watery diarrhoea, which gradually changes to discharges of mucus, with tenesmus, tenderness of the bowels and flying pains through the bowels. The prover likewise complained of great debility, painfulness of the calves when walking, acidity of the stomach. There are few provings that we have perused with more, or even as much pleasure as these provings by Drs. Burt and Rowland. Dr. Rowland's symptom, " pains, tensive and sticking, in right shoulder, during motion, particularly on raising the arm," (which symptom set in soon after commencing the provings, and continued six weeks after discontinuing the medicine,) shows that Iris exerts a powerful and specific action over the functions of the livpr. The other highly important symptom, "tensive, momentary and constantly recurring pains in all the joints, but mostly the smaller, which shift rapidly about, mostly in the evening, from supper to bed-time," constitutes another specific indication of the direction in which the blue flag will manifest its curative effects. Guided by these provings we have prescribed it with satisfactory success in Bilious derangements of the stomach, or gastrodynia, gastralgia; acute, or periodical attacks of chronic dyspepsia, characterized by acute, cutting or crampy pains in the pit of the stomach, burning distress, acidity of the stomach, vomiting of food and mucus; and, as a consensual symptom, severe headache in the temples, sudden shocks of pain. In cholera morbus, with severe vomiting of bile, mucus and water; watery stools, with tenesmus, or running off as if the bowels were paralized; sensitiveness of the abdominal walls to contact; burning in the epigastrium, pains through the bowels, weariness of the calves, prostration. We have cured hundreds of cases of cholera morbus with Aconite, more especially when the patient complained of excruciating, burning and spasmodic pains in the bowels; and we advise practitioners, while using Iris, not to overlook the indefeasible rights of Aconite, and perhaps Arsenicum and Veratrum-album in this affection. We are of opinion that our books speak too enthusiastically and too generally of the great effects of Iris in cholera morbus. We have seen it tried in epidemic cholera, but do not venture to recommend it very urgently as a remedy for this scourge. In sporadic cholera, depending upon a 1258 KOUSSO. LEPTANDRIA VIRGINICA. 59 prevailing bilious and rheumatic type of disease, we should expect to derive great benefit from this agent. In cholera infantum we have given it with adequate success, in cases where th e symptome corresponded with the gastro-intestinal disturbances occasioned by the drug. In all these affections we are free to say that we have never employed the dilution, but have always given the remedy in massive doses, say from five to ten drops of Dr. Lodge's tincture, in half a tumbler of water. In cholera-infantum Iris may prove our chief remedy. It is true we can point to an almost endless number of cases that yielded promptly and permanently to Aconite, Mercurius, Arsenicum, and other drugs; but then again we can point to many cases that succumbed under our treatment, or where the treatment was very much protracted, and where, if we had been better acquainted with the remedial virtues of Iris in this disease, the results might have been far different. KOUSSO. (Brayera Anthelmintica,) This powder is recommended as a remedy for tape-worm. See.British Journal, Vol. II., page 340, NORTH AMERICAN JOURNAL OF HlOMIOPn THiY, Vol. I., pages 116 and 134, and Hempel's.Materia Medica. LACHNANTHES TINCTORIA. (Spirit-weed.) We have a few pretended provings of this drug by Dr. Lippe, which we consider not only unreliable but utterly worthless. It is supposed to have done some good in a case of typhoid pneumonia. LEPTANDRIA VIRGINICA. (Black Root.) COMQPAr WITH-Arsenicum, Baptisia, Iris-versicolor, Mercurius, Podophyllum. We prepare a tincture of the fresh root, triturations of the dry root, and we likewise use the Leptandrin and its triturations. Dr. Burt has furnished some most valuable provings of this drug which have led homeopathic physicians to use it in several disor, ders of the Lepatic and gastro-intestinal systems. 1259 NEW REMEDIES. Considering the symptoms which Dr. Burt has obtained, in their complex, Leptandria seems to act as a great and specific disturber of the functions of the liver. From this fountain-head of morbid action most, and perhaps all, the other symptoms elicited by our provings seem to emanate, as so many dependent or consensual abnormal sensations and fundamental derangements. In liver-complaint, characterized by sharp, cutting pains in the epigastrium, a burning distress in the region of the liver and chilly creepings down the spine, attended with black discharges from the bowels, which are followed by great distress in the liver, the toxical action of Aconite develops an analogous group of symptoms, and competes with Leptandria in this respect. In dyspeptic conditions of the stomach, or in gastralgia, characterized by similar symptoms, sharp, cutting pains, burning distress, jaundiced complexion, constipation, reasonably small doses of Leptandrin have acted very beneficially. In umbilical colic Leptandria competes with Aconite and Dioscorea, except that in the case of the two last-mentioned agents, the pain is spasmodic, whereas, in the case of Leptandria, the pain is described by Dr. Burt as a "constant, dull, aching distress in the umbilical region, with occasional sharp, cutting pains in the same region." In both the acute and chronic forms of bilious diarrhcea Leptandria has rendered great service. The discharges are sometimes preceded and very generally followed by sharp, cutting pains in the bowels, are of a watery or tarry consistence, black, fetid, some. times mixed with mucus, and often so urgent that they cannot be retained. In chronic diarrhcea, or in the camp-diarrhoea of our soldiers, the Leptandria has been given with excellent effect. We have used this drug very satisfactorily to ourselves in attacks of bilious diarrhoea. We have likewise used the fluid extract, prepared of both the root and leaves of Aconite, with remarkable success. Happening to be acquainted with leading officers and quarter-masters in Sherman's army, whom we had treated before the war, we had frequent demands addressed to us of sending medicine for chronic diarrhoea to the army, and we have been informed that the fluid-extract of Aconite proved one of the best agents in arresting the diarrhoea. The toxical effects of this agent and the splendid provings which we possess of it, satisfactorily account for the curative virtues of this drug in acute and chronic bilious diarrhoea. In dysentery, where the best medical treatment will sometimes 1260 LEVISTICUM. MIUSANNA 61 prove unable to prevent a fatal termination, Leptandria has been administered with the best results. In inflammatory dysentery it seems only indicated when the discharges assume a muco-purulent character, and tenesmus and the severe cutting pains still continue. LEVISTICUM. (Ligusticum, Lovage.) Dr. Reil mentions this drug as a renal remedy in post-scarlatinal dropsy. We refer the reader to the second volume of the NonTH AMERICAN JOURNAL, page 186. LYCOPUS VIRGINICA. (Bugle-root.) An account of this plant is to be found in the fourth volume of the NORTH AMERICAN JOURNAL OF HOMCEOPATHY, Vol. IV., page 114, and in Hale's New Remedies. It has been successfully used in haemoptysis and incipient phthisis. We use a tincture of the whole plant, also infusions of the recent plant. MEL. (Honey.) In the sixth volume of the NORTH AMERICAN JOURAL OF HOMFEOPATHY, page 521, we find a recommendation of honey in strictures of the urethra. An inveterate case of stricture was palliated by means of equal parts of honey and sugar, with which the patient sweetened his tea. MUSANNA. The Musanna is the bark of a tree which grows near the Red Sea, in the neighborhood of Musawwa. The dose is about two ounces, carefully pulverized, and administered in honey or gruel, two or three hours before a meal, and the tania is expelled the next day without purging or colic. The cure is sometimes deferred to the second or third day. The celebrated traveler, d'Abbadie, sent several doses of the 1261 NEW REMEDIES. MIusanna to Dr. Pruner-Bey, a practitioner in Cairo, who reports eighteen cases cured by it. A distinguished member of the French diplomatic corps, who had vainly tried Kousso and all the usual remedies for taenia, reports himself radically cured by a single dose. The Musanna has this advantage over Kousso, that the latter is a drastic purgative, creating great nausea, and which requires to be repeated every two months, and then never effects a radical cure. " I have seen its use," says d'Abbadie, " produce dysenteries always obstinate and sometimes mortal."-See Amer. Journal of Homcopathy, Vol. II., page 219. MYRICA CERIFERA. (Bay-berry.) This drug is said to have cured jaundice and to allay false laborpains. As yet its use has been confined to botanic and eclectic physicians.-See North American Journal of Homaeopathy, Vol. VI., page 552, and Hale's New Remedies. NAPHTHA MEDICINALIS. This agent has been highly recommended as a specific remedy for tuberculous consumption. It does not cure consumption, but it relieves the cough and vomiting which so frequently distress consumptive patients in the more advanced stages of the disease. It may be taken into the stomach and likewise by means of an inhaler. NAJA TRIPUDIANS. (Cobra.) COMPARE WITH: Lachesis, Crotalus and the serpent-poisons generally. "We use triturations and an alcoholic solution of the poison. This poison has been introduced as a homoeopathic medicine by Dr. Russell of England. It seems to act primarily upon the nerves; the cobra-bite destroys the process of innervation. In the keeper, killed at Zoological Gardens in London, death ensued from suspended respiration; the air-passages were filled with a frothy mucus. Among the symptoms elicited by the provers of Naja, some of the chief symptoms are: dryness of the mouth and throat, 1262 NUPHAR LYTHEA. ORIGANUM YULGARX. 63 spasmodic catching of the larynx, irritable cough. Five of the provers suffered severely from continuous headache in the temples and forehead, accompanied with great depression of spirits. Dr. Hughes offers the following statement regarding the therapeutic powers of this agent: "My own experience fully concurs with that of Dr. Russell as to the value of Naja as a remedy. I have frequently cured with it the kind of headache above described, especially when associated with spinal pain and palpitation of the heart. Mr. Gillow gives a good case in the British Journal,' Vol. XII., page 214, and suggests it for the gloomy headache which results from disorder of several functions in males. In the same place you will find a case by Dr. Russell, showing how rapidly Naja can act in acute pharyngo-laryngeal inflammations. He has recently pointed out a dark-red color of the fauces as especially indicating this medicine. Dr. Bradshaw commends it highly in the cough of phthisis, and in incipient phthisis laryngea. Dr. Russell speaks well of it in that mysterious disorder called " spinal irritation." But the main sphere of Naja lies in diseases of the heart. To quiet chronic nervous palpitation, to aid in the restoration of a heart recently damaged by inflammation, and to assuage the sufferings of chronic hypertrophy and valvular disease, it was ranked by Dr. Russell as the chief remedy, and I think I can confirm his estimate. I have always used the second dilution, and should feel disposed to go lower rather than higher in the scale." NUPHAR LUTHEA. (Small-flowered Yellow Pond Lily.) Dr. Pitet's proving of this drug may be found translated in the third volume of the NORTH AMERICAN JOURNAoL OF I-IHOEOmPATHY, page 25. It has been successfully used as a remedy for morningdiarrhoea and atonic spermatorrhoea. Its action is analogous to that of Agnus-castus and Rumex-crispus. For its use in spermatorrholea we refer to the British Journal of HTomoeopathy, Vol. XVI., page 329. ORIGANUM VULGARE. (Sweet Marjoram.) This agent has been recommended to the Gallican Society of Paris, by a correspondent at Nice, as a remedy in mental alienation and salacity. 1263 64 NEW REMEDIES. PAREIRA BRAVA. This drug is analogous in its action to Uva-ursi, Chimaphila, Berchu. It has been satisfactorily used in strangury, with constant urging, acute pain in the glans penis; urine contains a quantity of thick, tough mucus. PERMANGANATE OF POTASSA. Professor Allen of the Cleveland Homoeopathic College has enriched our Materia Medica with a splendid proving of this salt, a record of which may be found in the August number of the third volume of the American Homceopathic Observer. This heroic proving has suggested to its author the following deductions and clinical observations: "The Permanganate acts powerfully and at once; and like some other powerfully acting drugs, particularly Camphor, its action is very transient, hence it will bear a frequent repetition. Its sphere of action, or range, differs widely from Arsenic, affecting comparatively but a few organs, but on these it acts promptly, and appears to expend all its force in a short time, unless repeated. In my opinion the Permanganate of Potash is destined to fill a vacancy in our Materia Medica, in the treatment of diphtheria, long felt by the profession. It appears to be best adapted to that malignant type of diphtheria, with extensive swelling of the throat and cervical glands; pseudo-membranous deposit, partially or completely covering the entire fauces; prdfuse salivation; deglutition difficult or altogether obstructed; a thin, sometimes sanious muco-purulent discharge from the nares, excoriating the parts with which it comes in contact; speech thick and obstructed, and breath very offensive. In fact, the more offensive the breath, the more promptly its action appears to be manifested. There is no remedy in our Materia Medica, with which I am acquainted, that will so rapidly and surely remove the offensive odor of the diphtheritic breath as the Permanganate. The Chlorate of Potassa approaches its action in this respect more nearly than any other remedy." The efficacy of this drug in diphtheria has been commended by more than one physician; others, on the contrary, have denied it. We do not consider it a panacea for diphtheria, but we have every reason to regard it as a valuable addition to our stock of remedies against this fearful plague. The anti-septic properties of this agent are well-known. It is extensively used in hospital practice as a deodorizer, as a disinfectant application to badly-smelling 1264 PLANTAGO MAJOR. RICINUS COMMUNIS, 65 sloughing sores, as an injection into the vagina in cases of foulsmelling remnants of placenta, &c. In a case of diphtheria the Professor prescribed a few grains of the salt dissolved in one-half glass of water, of which solution a teaspoonful was given every hour until further directions. PLANTAGO MAJOR. (Wild Plantain.) An infusion of this plant is said to have been used with success in fever and ague. The plantan-salve has admirable healing powers when applied to ulcerating wounds. PULMO VULPIS. (Fox-lung.) This article is recommended and has been successfully used by Grauvogl for asthmatic weakness of the lungs, especially for the asthma humidum of old people. QUASSIA EXCELSIA. (Gall Tree.) We have no reliable provings of this drug. Pereira states that, according to Kurtz, a dog, affected with the mange, had his hind legs completely paralyzed in consequence of the sores being washed with a decoction of Quassia; in seven hours it disappeared. Pereira says that, " some have noticed effects which seem to favor the notion that Quassia possesses a specific influence over the cerebrospinal system." " In females, endowed with extreme susceptibility, I have seen," says Barbier, "involuntary movements of the arms and legs, produced by the aqueous infusion of Quassia." Kraus says, that "the continued use of Quassia brings on amblyopia;" and Kurtz asserts, that "the long-continued use of Quassia has brought on amaurosis." RICINUS COMMUNIS. (Castor-oil.) This oil is obtained from the seeds of the Castor-oil plant. This plant is said to accelerate and increase the flow of milk from the breasts of child-bearing women in cases where that secretion is tardy in appearing, or deficient in quantity when it does appear. 1265 66 NEW REEDIES. It is used for such a purpose by the inhabitants of the Cape de Verd Islands. Since then, experiments with the cultivated plant have shown that it is endowed with similar virtues. In some cases the appearance of the milk is superseded by a catamenial discharge. Castor-oil excites purging by virtue of its specific action upon the bowels. Castor-oil seeds are very acrid. A single seed has caused violent vomiting and purging. Twenty seeds have caused death by exciting gastro-enteritis. Castor-oil is sometimes resorted to as a palliative to move the bowels. Hahnemann himself indulged in this practice occasionally. (See British Journal, Vol. XII., page 349,) where this fact may be found stated RUMEX CRISPUS. (Dry Dock.) We prepare a tincture from the root. We have a proving of Rumex by the late Dr. Joslin. Dr. Richard Hughes, in his Manual of Pharmaco-dynamics, sums up the curative range of this drug in the following concise statement. SRumex has an influence on the skin and alimentary mucous meem brane, causing in the former an itching which is increased by exposure to cool air, and relieved by warmth (herein contrasting with that of Sulphur), and in the latter a sense of weight at the stomach, and a morning diarrhoea. Its main action, however, is exerted upon the respiratory mucous membrane, and especially that of the larynx; where it diminishes secretion while exalting sensibility. Hence changes in voice and a dry titillating cough. The action hardly goes on to inflammation. Rumex has cured some cases of gastric and intestinal derangement characterized as above, especially morning diarrhcea. The chief use of Rumex is in laryngo-tracheal cough. The symptoms are those of catarrh, with excessive irritability of the laryngotracheal mucous membrane, causing a violent, incessant and fatiguing cough, with Rlttle expectoration. Pressure, talking, and especially inspiration of cool air, cause aggravation. There is often a sense of excoriation behind the sternum. I have several times prescribed Rumex in this kind of cough, but quite as often with entire failure though it seemed thoroughly indicated. When it cures it does so with almost magical rapidity. The analogues of Rumex are stated by Dr. Carroll Dunham to be Lachesis, Belladonna, Causticum and Phosphorus. His sketch of the laryngeal symptoms of the five 1266 SARRACENIA PURPUREA. SENECIO AUREUS. 67 medicines respectively is a model of delicate application and discriminative comparison. I would add to his four analogues a fifth, Spongia." Our own experiments with Rumex, and the answers to numerous inquiries which we have made among a number of Western physicians concerning the curative virtues of dry dock in the kind of cough to which it is supposed to be specifically homoeopathic, lead us to believe that these virtues have not only been very much over-rated, but are exceedingly hypothetical, at least in our section of the country. SARRACENIA PURPUREA. (Huntsman's Cap.) We use a tincture and cold infusion of this plant. This drug was recommended some years ago with a great flourish of trumpets as a remedy for small-pox; its claims have not been substantiated by clinical experience. SCUTELLARIA LATERIFOLIA. (Scullcap, Blue Scullcap.) Maltson reports, in his American Vegetable Practice, that this plant cured a merchant in Boston, subject to great nervous excitement and severe tremor, so that he could not hold a pen to write; he made a tea of the plant and drank about a pint every night. It has been found serviceable in many forms of nervous derangement, abnormal nervous excitability-even convulsions. SENECIO AUREUS. (Life-root.) COMPARE wITH-Caulophyllum, Aconite, Digitalis, Helonias, Pulsatilla-nigricans, Sepia. We prepare a tincture from the root, and likewise use the alkaloid Senecin and its triturations. This drug is more particularly known for its influence over the genito-urinary apparatus; it likewise has manifested curative powers in some serious pulmonary affections. In dropsical conditions of the system it has afforded speedy, relief by increasing and facilitating the urinary secretions. In dysuria it often removes the urinary distress very speedily. In retention as well as suppression of the catamenia (menostasia " 1267 NEW REMEDIES. and amenorrhma) Senecio acts very beneficially. In this respect it competes with Aconite, Digitalis and Caulophyllum. It has likewise been employed with good effect in dysmenorrhaae and menorrhagia. The dose varies according as it is given for one or the other of these conditions. Where Seneeio is indicated we generally find that such patients complain more or less of uterine distress, crampy pains and the like. We have not as yet had an opportunity of testing this drug in hAmoptysis or phthisis, for which it is recommended by some physicians. SILPHIUM LACINIATUM Is recommended by Western physicians as a remedy for asthma. STICTA PULMONARIA. (Lung Wort.) COMPARE WITH: Aconite, Cimicifuga, Gelseminum, Squills, Sanguinaria "We prepare a tincture. This drug has been used with benefit in catarrhal affections of the nose and likewise in affections of the lungs. The symptoms for which the drug has been prescribed are: dry or fluent coryza violent and incessant sneezing, pain in the forehead, sensation of fullness in the forehead, dryness of the air-passages, cough with expectoration of mucus and blood. Sticta has likewise cured subacute rheumatism of the joints, tarsal and carpal, metatarsal and metacarpal joints, &c. In milder catarrhal affections, such as headache, ear-ache, bronchial catarrh, its action has proved highly beneficial in some cases. STILLINGIA SYLVATICA. (Queen's Root.) COMPARE WITH: Cubebs, Copaiva, Iodide of Potassium, Mercurius, Sanguinaria, Spongia. We use a tincture prepared from the fresh root. We likewise make a decoction of the root, and obtain from it a resinoid Stillingin. An oil of Stillingia is likewise sold in the shops. We have a short but very suggestive proving of this drug by Dr. A. B. Nichols, from which we learn that this drug exerts a specific action upon the urethra, and likewise causes a very marked irritation of the throat, tickling of the fauces with oppression and darting pains through the chest, cough which was at times very 1268 TAMARACK. 69 severe, and such catarrhal symptoms as frontal headache, soreness of the larynx, colicky pains. These effects of the drug show that if physicians of other schools have employed this drug in gonorrhoea, and have cured this disease with it, the probability is, that these cures were effected by virtue of the homoeopathicity of the drug-action to the natural malady. This drug has likewise been used with apparent advantage in scrofulous affections of the bones. Professor Hale, in his New Remedies, mentions a case of cure of enlargement of the tibia, and enlargements in various other parts of the body resembling nodes, upon the olecranon process, upon the head, and one in particular upon the forehead, of the size of an egg. The patient was a little girl. An infusion of Stillingia root was used, four drachms of the fresh root to one pound of water, simmered till one-third was dissipated. This quantity was drunk in the twenty-four hours in such doses as not to nauseate the stomach in any degree. After having continued the medicine for several months she was so much improved as to be able to move about with the aid of a stick, have the free use of her limbs, and the swellings, particularly those on the forehead, considerably reduced. It seems all but certain that this case was not a case of unmixed scrofula; most likely the scrofulous and syphilitic taints were mixed up together in this case. The Iodide of Mercury and the Hydriodate of Potash ought to have rendered good service in this case. Our provings likewise show that in catarrhal irritation of the eyes, and of the laryngo-tracheal mucous membrane, with soreness, cough, oppression, &c., this drug will act beneficially. TAMARACK. The gum of Tamarack has been found effectual in dropsy, especially that of pregnant females. Dr. Chamberlain hasttreated with it four cases successfully. We give it in teaspoonful doses. He has also found a decoction of the leaves useful. It usually relieves in three or four days by causing profuse urination. THLASPI BURSA PASTORIS. (Shepherd's Purse.) This drug has been used in metrorrhagia, for which see British Journal of Homoeopathy, Vol. III., page 63. It is also recommended for renal affections in the second volume of the NORTH AMERICAN JOURNAL OF HOMcEOPATHY, page 185. 1269 70 NEW REMEDIES. TRILLIUM PENDULUM. (Birth Root.) COMPARE WITH: Caulophyllum, Sabina, Secale-cornutum, Cinnamum, Terebinthina. We use a tincture and infusion of the root; likewise the alkaloid Trillin and its triturations. In our own practice we have made use of this drug in the various forms of uterine hcemorrhage for which this drug has beer recommended empirically, more particularly in menorrhagia, in metrorrhagia after miscarriage or parturition, excessive lochial discharges, &c. We have used both the tincture and an infusion. We believe that fractional doses of the drug have likewise answered the purpose. ULMUS FULVA. (Slippery Elm.) An infusion of the bark is used as a demulcent in cases of strangury, irritable bladder, and likewise diarrhoea. The bark is likewise used as a poultice to promote suppuration or to diminish the 'burning distress of local inflammation. VACCINUM. This agent is said to have been used with benefit in small-pox; Sulphur is given afterwards. VARIOLINUM. This isopathic remedy is said to shorten the course of the disease and moderate all its dangerous and annoying symptoms. VERATRUM VIRIDE. (American Hellebore). In large doses this agent produces very speedily a considerable fall in the pulse, even down to forty and ten beats. It causes vomiting, cold and clammy skin, vertigo, loss of consciousness, convulsions. Its action is very analagous to that of the Aconitum-napellus; its depressing influence over the pulse seems to be more marked than in the case of Aconite, but the subsequent reaction is less violent. 1271 "VERATRUM VIRIDE. 71 We have some splendid provings of this drug by Dr. Burt, of Illinois, for which we refer the reader to.Hale's New _Remedies, page 1033. In its general action upon the organism, this drug is analogous to Aconitum-napellus, Digitalis, Gelseminum, Lobeliainflata, Tartar-emetic. It has been extensively used in eclectic and allopathic practice, and more recently the homoeopathic profession have begun to appreciate the remarkable curative powers of this agent in a variety of diseases, more particularly in: Convulsions and chorea; some of the most dreadful cases of nervous derangements, and of puerperal convulsions, have yielded promptly to tolerably large doses of the tincture of Veratrumviride. In cerebro-spinal meningitis, this drug may be usefully associated with Aconite, Belladonna, Gelseminum and Cimicifuga-racemosa. In the various forms of fever, simple remittent, bilious, infantile remittent, exanthematic and even typhoid and yellow fever, it is highly praised by physicians of every school. On account of its powerfully depressing influence over the pulse, it should be prescribed in moderately small doses, not in the heroic doses which eclectic and allopathic physicians are in the habit of resorting to. Five drops of the tincture in six or eight ordinary tablespoonfuls of water, in desertspoonful doses, more or less frequently repeated, according to circumstances, will be borne even by children. In congestive chills we give this drug with great relief to the patient, during the congestive stage of the fever. In acute rheumatism and erysipelas, the Veratrum-viride has been used with good effect. It depresses the pulse, lowers the temperament and excites a salutary perspiration. A lotion of the drug may be applied externally to the inflamed and swollen parts. In congestive headache and simple hypercemia of the brain, this agent deserves favorable mention by the side of Aconite and Belladonna. Even in the first stages of true meningitis it may be given with great propriety in alternation with Belladonna. The Veratrum may be given in the lower dilutions or even in the form of tincture; Belladonna second or third dilution. The remarkable action of Veratrum-viride upon the stomach justifies its use in cardialgia with vomiting, retching and excessive irritability of the stomach. According to the testimony of physicians, Veratrum-viride has been used with success in various affections of the sexual organs of both males and females. It has reduced the inflammation in orchitis and metritis, has been advantageously employed in the 1271 72 7NEW REM-EDIES. dysmenorrhcea of plethoric individuals, has subdued hysterical and purerperal convulsions and puerperal mania. Professor Simpson recommends this drug in puerperalfever. Keith offers the following sensible remarks on the subject of Veratrum-viride: " It is used in pneumonia, rheumatism, pleurisy, typhoid, bilious and intermittent fevers, and in most cases where there is high febrile and inflammatory action. In the treatment of dysentery it is a superior auxiliary, given every:three or four hours, following it in one or two hours with one or two grains o the Geranin. There are but few remedies by which the heart' action can be so readily and surely controlled as with the Veratrum, which renders it a valuable remedy in palpitation, and where there is high arterial excitement. It may also be used in neuralgia." In palpitation of the heart from anaemia, small doses of Veratrum-viride will prove beneficial. In pleurisy, we think Veratrum-viride is much less efficient than Aconite and Bryonia; but in the first or congestive stage of pneumonia, we fully agree with a number of other practitioners, that this agent is at least the equal of, if not the superior, of Aconite. Under the influence of Veratrum-viride, if administered in suitable doses, the pulse very soon diminishes in frequency, the capillaries are freed from their engorgement and a moderate perspiration breaks out, with great relief to the patient. XANTHOXYLUM FRAXINEUM. (Prickly Ash. We have a good proving of this drug in H.ale's New Remedies, by Dr. Cullis. Among the provers were three women. In one of them the drug caused the appearance of the menses a week before their time; and, in another, "the menses came on profusely, with dreadful distress and pain, baffling description." According to Dr. Hale, this drug is especially suitable to women of pure habit, nervous temperament, and delicate organization. It. has been used with success in dysmenorrhoea and after-pains. m- 1 ZIZIA AUREA. (Golden Alexander, Musk-quash Root.) We have a proving of this drug by Dr. Marcy, in N A. Journal, Vol. IV., page 52. It is recommended by Dr. Gray in epilepsy and puerperal convulsions, for which see Journal, VII., page 116. 1272 .447 WI All %. Two, Aki gu'!,r"4, '4 Alf r,.-,, 11, ý Y-W Si to 1.7:v7' kC, O's BY QW, -ce-, M. 1Z,............ akk -Uw LL OL() LtO~ w (3) - c'r) ý I 1