i6i06i -w-RIMMININFl- - Sf OF] 9 IrUIG If. NAE ISPNISULAAO ff f 4 . 4 ( ) I A 1 1 k N~I-" A GUIIDE TO TIIE PRACTICE OF HOM(EOPATHY; TRANSLATED AND COMPILED, IN ALPHABETIVAL ORDER, FROM THE GERMAN OF ki R/dU-FF, HAAS AND RUCKERT. WITI MANY ADDITIONS. BY EDWARD HAMILTON, M.D. One of the Phylsicians to the Westminster and Lambeth Iomonopathic InstitutIon and, Dispensary, 4c. 1onton: H. BALLIERE, 219, REGENT STREET; J. LPATIH, (SUCCESSOR TO T. HURST,) HOMCEOPATHIC BOOKSELLER, ST. PAUL'S CHURCH YARD. 1844. PRINTED BY GEORGE ODELL, PRINCES STREET, CAVENDISH SQUARE, LONDON. i IS PREFACE. THE high standing which Homoeopathy has now attained in the estimation of the Public, calls for every exertion on the part of its professors to facilitate its practice. A complete knowledge of the Materia medica is the only true means by which we can attain that accurate idea of the effects of medicines on the healthy organism, necessary to a successful treatment of that organism when labouring under disease. But the attainment of this knowledge, so needful and important, presents an almost insuperable difficulty to many, particularly to medical men of the old school, who, though fully persuaded of the superior efficacy of the Homoeopathic remedies over those of Allopathy, are yet prevented, by their occupations and other circumstances, from entering at once upon so large a field of study. It does not, however, follow, that with such a disposition they must be entirely precluded from A iv. PREFACE. adopting a mode of practice consonant to their judgment. In the country in which Homoeopathy took its rise, there are many valuable works which serve as guides to medical practitioners, (especially to those who are students in Homceopathy) in the administration of the Homoeopathic remedies, and to the Materia medica. They exhibit, at one view, the various medicinal agents adapted to different forms of disease; the peculiar symptoms of which are generally detailed, together with the remedies applicable to such groups of symptoms: works of this description, therefore, are not only calculated to facilitate practice, but also are useful as aids in consulting the Materia medica. For example, in treating a case of Angina, Belladonna and Mercurius are among the remedies mentioned; consequently, if on reference to the Materia medica, it should appear that the symptoms indicated under Bellaaonna are analagous to those of the case under treatment, then that medicine should be given; but, on the other hand, should the symptoms accord with those under the head of Mercurius, then preference must be given to the latter, and so on. In this manner the student is directed to the choice of a remedy, always bearing in mind that he is to treat the whole of the symptoms.* The above considerations and the increasing * It must be understood, as absolutely necessary, that the practitioner should have received a medical education, and possess an accurate knowledge of Pathology and Physiology. PREFACE. V. anxiety for practical works on Homoeopathy, have induced me to compile and translate the present volume from those most popular at this time in Germany. I have followed the order of Dr. RUOFF'S Repertorium, to which I have added the observations of HAAs and RUCKERT, and have taken cases from the Hygea, Allgemeine Homoeopath. Zeitung, Homoeopathic Examiner, &c. &c. I have attempted to give a literal translation from the German, only sincerely regretting that the task has not fallen to a more competent hand; yet, with all its deficiencies, I indulge the hope that it may prove serviceable to students commencing the practice of Homoeopathy, and also in some degree aid those who are removed from the immediate assistance of a Homoeopathic physician, and it is my ardent desire that it may in some measure promote the extension of a system which has proved itself so efficacious in alleviating disease in every country into which it has been introduced, tuto, cito etjucunde. E. H. 22, Grafton Street, Bond Street. January, 1844. DIET, &c. MUCH stress has been laid, by those adverse to the doctrine of Homceopathy, upon the diet* necessary to be observed by the patient. It has been asserted, that cures effected by the system, are the result of the change of diet, &c.: it is hardly necessary to refute so absurd an idea. I can only say, that if any physician, of whatever school he may be, neglect to regulate the diet of a person labouring under disease, either acute or chronic, he will seldom be rewarded by seeing his patient restored to health. The diet rules are simple, and easily followed. In acute diseases, most medical men are aware of the necessary restrictions. Patients suffering under fevers, inflammations, &c. seldom desire that which is hurtfu. It has been a rule with some physicians to allow patients suffering under certain diseases, to have anything they longed for, supposing that these longings are only whims which it is not hurtful to gratify; but such a practice is, I think, very questionable. In the increase or acme of fever or inflammation, if it be necessary that the patient should have food, he may partake of a light gruel of barley, groats, rice, sago, arrow-root, farina of potatoes, &c.; when the acute attack diminishes, beef tea, or delicate meats, as venison, fowls, (not too young,) may be given, if the patient desires it. Many fruits may be allowed in every stage of fever; such as stewed apples, pears or prunes, (without spices,) sweet cherries, grapes, apricots, &c., subject to the discrimination of the * These remarks as to Diet are chiefly taken from Hartmann, Rau, and Kritschmar, translated in the New York H. Exam. DIET. vi. nl1. medical attendant: yet these ought not to be given in any quantity, as they will often cause flatulence, uneasiness and pain, and as a general rule aggravate the fever. As regards drinks, in acute diseases; they may consist of cold water, toast and water, barley-water, almond emulsion, (from sweet almonds,) milk and water, &c. Cold water is only injurious in inflammations of internal organs, namely,-of the throat, lungs, stomach, intestines, &c.; but it may be allowed, even in these inflammations, if the patient will hold it in his mouth until the chill has been taken off. In summer it may be given fresh drawn, but in winter it should be allowed to remain in the room for some hours, until no longer quite cold. In some diseases, as cholera, where the patient manifests a desire for ice-cold drinks, they may be given. In fevers, where the patient is unconscious, the dryness of the tongue and lips, and the frequent licking of the lips, are some indications of internal heat, and require that drink be offered. It cannot be determined when and how much the patient should drink, his requisitions and desires will form the best guide; it is a good law, however, not to give too much at one time, but rather to drink frequently, and in small quantities. The water may be made more agreeable to the patient, by adding loaf sugar, or raspberry,(not acidulated raspberry,)cherry, althea or apple juice, until it has obtained a pleasant sweetness: the yolk of an egg may also be added. In acute fevers, when the tongue and lips are parched and cracked, when the teeth have become black, the patient will be much refreshed by a few tea-spoonsful of a mixture of the oil of sweet almonds with the juice of cherries, mulberries, or sweet oranges. Water, acidified with vinegar, lemon or citron juice, may be allowed at times, as in some bilious and putrid fevers; but the physician must judge whether they may be permitted, from the conditions of each individual case: but they A3 *tii DIET. must never be given when Aconite, and other medicines to which acids are antidotes, have been taken just previously. In diseases of long duration, it is advisable to change the drinks frequently, as the patient easily becomes satiated or disgusted. Apples sliced thin and immersed in boilingwater, the juice of sweet oranges and water, almond milk, butter milk, milk and water, &c., alternately, may be given. Cows milk will not be always agreeable to patients in synochial fevers; the same may be said of butter milk, which must be given with caution in gastric and pituitous fevers. Cocoa and chocolate may be given, but the latter is apt to occasion flatulence, and feeling of fulness and constipation. Cleanliness and proper clothing are to be attended to in acute diseases. Great as is the prejudice of some persons, against washing fever patients, the physician should look upon it as an imperative duty, to see that the skin is kept clean. But great caution is requisite; small portions of the body should be washed at one time, and immediately dried and covered. Frequent change of body and bed linen is very important, also a free circulation of air. As regards the rules of diet in chronic diseases: HAHNEMANN'S first dietetic regulations are considered too severe, as requiring too much self-denial to be observed by persons in health, and in consequence they have been but little attended to by the public at large; but our venerable founder, who never practised other than he taught, rigorously observed the rules he had laid down for the guidance of others; the result was, that he attained the age of nearly ninety years. His regulations are, by some, considered too severe to be observed by many patients labouring under chronic diseases. Ile acted upon the principle, that an individual under progress of treatment for the cure of any disease, DIET. 1X. must be put into the most simple state of nature with regard to his mode of living. This was considered as necessary, in order to awaken a proper receptivity for the action of medicines; hence, only the most simple food was allowed, and the use of all substances expressly forbidden, that possessed any other properties than those of mere nutrition, i. e. all those that produced any medicinal effect: thus, celery, parsley, &c., which promote the urinary secretions; onions, which excite perspiration; lettuce, which has narcotic properties; also coffee, teas of all kinds, wine, all spirituous liquors, spices and acid substances, pork, water fowl, even the flesh of very young animals, were among the forbidden articles. It is very true that such a simple regimen increases the receptivity for the action of remedies in a very great degree, but on the other hand it has injurious effects which are not to be disregarded: in the first place, the irritability and sensibility of the patient are at times too much increased; the sense of smell often becomes very acute, rendering the patient really unfortunate and unhappy; inasmuch as the weakest odours of flowers, the vapour of food prepared with spices or aromatic herbs, even the smell of dust upon an old book, are at times utterly insupportable to the patient, who is thus exposed to daily and hourlv inconvenience. Secondly, articles to which the patient has become habituated by long use, often cannot be withdrawn without great injury to the health. The above are some of the objections made to EAHNEMANN' s restrictions in diet. We must also acknowledge, that nature often cures by means which we should unhesitatingly pronounce unsafe, and even injurious. Thus we find instances where food, which seems, to the physician, less suitable and digestible, is nevertheless preferred by the patient, and is digested and assimilated, better than such food as the physician regards as preferable. Hence, one routine of diet should not always be rigor X. DIET. ously insisted upon. In canine appetite, it would be barbarous to restrict the patient in the quantity of his food; the gnawing, craving hunger of this complaint, is dependent upon a diseased state of the stomach, and beyond the controul of the will of the patient: Mur. acid, Sepia, Silicea, or Veratrum, will restore the stomach to its natural state, when a natural appetite will follow. Again, in some forms of chronic disease, the patient has a disinclination for meat; instead of advising, much less forcing the patient to eat this kind of food, the physician should regard it as his duty to correct this morbid state of the system: Calc. carb., Carb. veget., Silicea, &c. will generally effect this object. We also find patients who have an excessive craving for sweet things; moderation in quantity should be advised, but we should by no means strenuously insist upon the immediate relinquishmentof such a mode of living; a few doses of Lycopod., Pot. carb., &c., will often speedily cure this condition. But we must be strict in forbidding such articles of food as have any influence upon the origin and continuance of the disease. Thus, whoever has deranged his stomach by indulgence in rich food, must avoid it; those suffering under chronic eruptions should not eat food which is very salt, or pork, or oily fish, duck, or goose; women who have become hysterical from excess in drinking tea, novel reading, late hours at night, and late rising in the morning, cannot be cured but by avoiding these irregularities. We should refuse the patient such articles as in any manner interfere with the action of the remedy administered; e. g. acids are antidotes to Aconite, Kali natrum, and Ammonium; vinegar aggravates the action of Belladonna; milk is an antidote to Sepia, according to DUFRESNE; potatoes are rendered indigestible, and cause griping in the bowels by Alumina. These restrictions are generally not annoying to the patient, and the less so DIET. xi. as the instincts of the appetite often harmonize most aptly with the requisitions of the medical treatment; thus, an inclination to sweet things is indicative of Ammonia, and in many of those diseases in which Belladonna is most indicated, there is an aversion to acids. In diseases of any particular organ, all articles of food which affect that organ should be strictly forbidden; thus, in affections of the kidneys, celery, parsley, asparagus, must be avoided, &c. Idiosyncrasies of the patient should be known; thus, veal broth occasions diarrhoea in some persons; pea soup. violent colic and vomitings in others; mutton, constipation in others, &c. The horse-hair brush, used with moderation, is often of service in dyspepsia and hypochondriasis. With regard to drinks, in chronic diseases; although the stomach may be injured by overloading it with water, far greater injury is caused by drinking too little; several glasses of water per day should be advised to every one, particularly such as suffer from constipation. It is very difficult, for some persons, to give up coffee, especially those habituated to its use; in many cases we may allow it to the patient for a time, only insisting upon its being as weak as possible, and abstaining wholly from it as soon as it can be done without serious detriment to the health: it often relieves constipation, and may be allowed sometimes in this case, if there be no other particular contra-indication; but nervous headache, hemicrania in particular, cannot be cured unless coffee be rigidly abstained from. In cases where tea and coffee must be forbidden, beef tea broth will often prove very agreeable; or cocoa, or dietetic chocolate,* where it does not cause distention or flatulence, may be recommended. * Mr. W. HEADL&ND, Homoeopathic Chemist, 15, Princes Street, Hanover Square, has prepared a dietetic chocolate, which has been found a very agreeable beverage by many of my patients. xii. * f X1511. DIET. Almost every one can give up spices, hence they should be entirely forbidden, as they are generally detrimental to those suffering from dyspepsia, &c., as well as injurious to the action of the medicine. The same may apply to the use of perfumeries and medicated tooth powders. The use of tobacco, although the patient may become habituated to it, so as apparently not to experience any ill effects from it, is far more injurious than the combined action of coffee, tea, wine, spices, &c.; it should therefore be forbidden as far as possible. A cure with specific remedies should in no case be aided by the starving process of the old schools. The main dietetic rule of the Homceopathist is the avoiding of food and drinks which possess any medicinal properties-articles which create symptoms or sufferings, in addition to those of the disease, or which, acting as antidotes, may destroy the action of the remedies. The Homoeopathist depends solely on the medicines for the removal of chronic maladies; asking no aid from diet, other than the negative assistance of not interfering with the specific operation of his remedies. It is true, that the starving process of the old system will occasionally palliate, and even silence, for a time, the symptoms of a chronic malady; but it does not cure, since with returning strength, which liberal diet will produce, the disease shews itself again, and all the old symptoms recur, often with increased violence. THE DOSE. THE proper dose and attenuation is still in some measure an unsettled question. Some Homceopathic physicians maintain that the highest dilutions are the most serviceable; whilst others, amongst whom are many very eminent Homceopathists in Germany, assert that THE DOSE. xiii. they have found more benefit from the lower attenuations. The importance of this difference will diminish, when we take into consideration the class of diseases treated: I have no doubt it would be found, that those whose opinions are in favour of the high dilutions, have been in the habit of treating principally chronic diseases, and the reason of this is obvious; they being the first propagators of Homoeopathy, received as patients, for the most part, those who had tried in vain all the remedies of the old school, until despair had driven them to find some other method to alleviate their sufferings. To this class of patients, there is not the slightest doubt that the higher dilutions are of much benefit; but on the other hand, since the doctrine of Homceopathy has been more promulgated, and the public more convinced of the efficacy of the system,-its professors have been consulted in all stages of acute diseases,-and it is then found, that when a morbid action is exerting its greatest influence on the human organism,-when symptoms arise rapidly,-and when a fatal result may occur in a few hours, that the low dilutions are unquestionably more speedy in their action. But we must always bear in mind, the susceptibility of the patient, the age, constitution, &c.; as it has been often found that the higher act more beneficially on some patients, whatever be the nature of disease, than the lower, and vice versa. The aggravation of the medicine is not in proportion to the lowness of the dilution; on the contrary, it has frequently been found that the higher attenuation causes greater suffering (or aggravation) without proportionate benefit; and it will be seen, that in acute diseases, medicines, of whatever dilution they may be, seldom produce aggravation. My own experience suggests the following rules:that in chronic cases, the higher attenuations, from the 18th to the 30th, are to be preferred; 2 to 4 globules, Xiv. THE DOSE. given either at intervals of 3, 6,.9, 12 days; or 2 to 6 globules, dissolved in 2-3 ounces of distilled water, and a tablespoonful given either every night, or night and morning. In acute diseases, I usually give the low dilutions, from the 3rd to the 12th, (generally the 6th), either 2-4-6 globs. or 1 drop dissolved in 2-3 ounces of water, and a tea or dessert spoonful given every 2, 4, 8, 12, 24, 36 or 70 hours, according to the symptoms; always bearing in mind the susceptibility of the patient. In children, the dose must be proportionally smaller, from 1-3 globs., or 1 drop dissolved in twice the quantity of water. My reasons for thus treating disease, are based not only on my own experience, but also on the practice of some of the most eminent Homaeopathic physicians in Germany; whose treatment of both acute and chronic diseases, I had the opportunity of witnessing, during a residence of some months. But the important point to be impressed on the mind of the student is, theproper selection of the remedy; and if that is rightly chosen, success will generally be the result, whatever be the attenuation used. As it is most essential that the remedies should be given pure, I can confidently recommend Mr. HEADLAND, Homeeopathic Chemist, Princes Street, Hanover Square, who has devoted himself, for a number of years, solely to the preparation of Homoeopathic medicines. All the remedies given in this work are the result of experience; and when a medicine is named without being followed by a summary of symptoms, reference must be made to the Materia medica. When two or more medicines follow each other in the same line, it notifies that those remedies have been given successively in the disease under which they are placed, according to the symptoms, A GUIDE TO THE PRACTICE OF HOM(EOPATHY. A. ABORTUS MOLIMINA. (Abortion, disposition to.) Should there be a disposition to abortion at the commencement of the pregnancy, a healthy change in the constitution must be brought about. Sabina dil. 6.-12.-18, is one of the best medicines to effect this purpose. The treatment to be followed up by Sepia, Sulphur tinct. and Silicea; if, however, there should be a varicose condition of the genital organs present, Nux vomica 18, may be given; also Carbo veget. and Lycopod. are good remedies, when this condition is present. Chamomilla dil. 6.-12. When there is a disposition to abortion in the fourth month, with fever and rigors; and the dose to be repeated after two days, or oftener, if required. Chamomilla. When there is much uneasiness, withl convulsive movements in the limbs, violent smarting pains in the sacrum and small of the back, and slight bloody discharge from the vagina. B 2 Ferrum prevented this disposition in a woman who had already had three abortions. Ipecacuanha, with aid of Sabina. In a woman who had had three abortions in four months. Rigors, followed by heat, bearing down pains, and discharge of blood, being the most marked symptoms. Secale cornutum. Discharge of blood, with bearing down pains; in another case where there was continual discharge of blood, and colic; also, this medicine has been found very useful in preventing a disposition in those who have already suffered from easy abortions. Sabina, in repeated doses, in a woman who had had an abortion in the third month of every pregnancy; also, in repeated doses, in all women who have abortions easily, followed by Sepia and Zincum. ABORTION, (the consequences of) as faintness, paleness, heat in the head and body, violent palpitations, thirst, pressure in the head, groaning, oppression of the chest, with anxiety, Belladonna glb. 2/30; and again, with confusion in the head and constipation, Bryonia 3/30; when there is great debility, China. ABSCESS. Silicea. (Vide also Fistula.) Abscess Pectoral, accompanied with severe cough, greenish purulent expectoration, hectic fever, mucous rale, Stannumi 2/6-against a constant recurring dry cough, Ammon. carb. Abscess Pectoral, in the middle of the sternum 3 towards the shoulder, with cough, and night perspirations, Silicea 30. | Abscess in the epigastric region, Lycopod. and Calcar. Abscess lymphatic, labiorum pudendorum, Merc. Belladonna. AMBLYOPIA AMAUROTICA. (Dimness of vision from amaurosis.) Amblyop. with nebulous vision, diplopia, dilated pupil and hemeralopia, Bellad. 15, and Pulsat. 12.-Amblyop. from topical coldness of the eyes, Bellad.-Amblyop. with nebulous vision and gastralgia, Bell. 30.-Amplyop. with sense of pressure of the eyes and photophobia. Mercurius Solub. with the assistance of Euphrasia, in the following symptoms: nebulous sight, with muscle volitantes; intolerance of light, watery eyes, blennorhoea. Phosphorus. Pulsatilla, with the help of Euphrasia, where there is great weakness, much lachrymation, and whitish grey pupil. Ruta. Weakness of sight, with visu nebuloso. Stramonium. AMAUROSIS. (Vide alsoAstheniavisus.) Cannabis. China. With cataract from suppressed scabies; Sulphur in repeated doses, a dose every 8-14 days. Valerian. Amaurosis Incipient. Mere. Solubilis, with the assistance of Euphrasia against much lachrymation. Hartlaub cured B 2 4 it with Calcarea carb. 2/18, Silicea 2/24, Acid. Nitr. 2/24, Phosphorus 2/24, and Causticum. Sulphur. Sensation as if a little piece of feather was below the upper eyelid. China. Dilated pupil, atony, trembling of the hands, impaired digestion. Amaurosis incipient. No sight in the left eye, cloudiness of the vision of the right, red swollen eyelids, a purulent discharge from the right eye. This case was cured by the following medicines: Calcarea carb. 12, followed by Silicea 18, Acid nitric, Phosphorus, Petroleum, Causticum, Silicea, Causticum. AMENORRHEA. Puls. 12. When caused by catching cold, with giddiness, pain in the forehead, pain in the abdomen, fluor albus, burning urine, short breath and palpitation of heart, convulsive motions, odontalgia, spasmodic pain in chest, and universal shivering. Puls. 12, in a widow, and in the case of a young girl of 17 years of age. Calcar. carb. after twelve days a copious menstruation, continuing for five days. The same malady, with extreme weakness, vomiting, constipation, anxiety and anguish. The body emaciated, and the skin grey coloured; the patient having a presentiment of certain death: was completely cured in 5 months by Aconite, Calc. carb., Colocynth, Sepia, and Graphites. With spasms of the chest, as the predominant symptom. Sulphur 1/0, and Sepia 1/30, 5 Sulphur. The menses appeared after fourteen days without any pain. Graphites, Sepia, and Pulsatilla. With fluor albus and shivering. Pulsatilla. Congestion of the head, tooth-ache, convulsive twitchings. Aconite was given some few hours before the Pulsatilla. Pulsatilla. Paleness of the face, spasmodic constriction of the chest, and universal shuddering. Nux moschata, Nux vomica, Opium, Phosphorus, Sepia, Stramonium, Sulphur. ANEURISMUS. Spigelia, Carbo veget., Silicea. -- Of the right crural artery; Lycopodium internally administered, and also applied externally. (5 j, Lycop: sem. et iii; Alcohol.) ANGER. Aconite as a specific. Cham. when arising from irritation. ANGINA. (Inflammation of the throat.) Aconite. Violent angina, tongue coated, the right tonsil and submaxillary gland much inflamed and swollen, so that the patient can hardly speak or swallow; Aconite, followed in 4-6 hours by Belladonna gttj dil. 6. Argentum. Rawness and pain in the throat, with cough, fauces feel as if swollen, the food is swallowed with great difficulty. Baryta carb. and muriat. When there is a disposition to suppuration. Cicuta. In swelling of the throat threatening 6 suffocation, in consequence of a wound of the oesophagus by a bone splinter. Mercurius. Fever, sore throat, redness of the parotids, and fauces, The following medicines are also recommended: Acon., Belladonna, Merc-solub, Hepar-sulph., Rhus., Bryon., Ignat., Pulsat., Cocc. Capsicum, Nux vomica, Arsen., Sulph., Acid. nitric. Rau. has found benefit ensue from Acid. muriat. —From the abuse of mercurywith excoriations, relieved by Argentum. Belladonna. In a young man of 17 years of age, who had much pain in swallowing food, with tearing and cutting pain in the sternum, and dry cough. The uvula swollen, elongated, and infiltrated with dark coloured blood, Belladonna; with Nux vomica when there is cough arising from having caught cold. Ignatia. In a chronic inflammation of the neck, palate, tonsils, uvula sensitive, sore, elongated, with a feeling of rawness, sticking pain in the throat whilst swallowing, frequent efforts to swallow, and sensation as if there were a plug in the throat; after eating, the food feels as if it was left sticking at the larynx, with pressure along the oesophagus, and feeling of fullness in the chest, inclination to cough, accompanied by griping pains, and flatulent colic, constipation, rheum, rheumatic dragging pain in the neck, arthritic pains in the shoulder, disposition to melancholy. Ignatia 2/6, and after 3 days, Pulsat. 2/6 for the sensation after eating. At the end of four weeks the angina returned, ac 7 companied with viscous mucus in the throat, Argentum 2 cured this, and Graphites removed the troublesome constipation and hoemorrhoidal affection. Ignatia. Angina in a very young girl of eleven years of age. The tonsils hard, swollen, and inflamed, and covered with small suppurating ulcers, throat and posterior fauces red, lancinating pain in the throat, corners of the mouth covered with scabs, lancinating pain in the swollen parotid gland: after mid-day, heat, followed immediately by cold in the feet. Ignatia 3/18 removes also the melancholy and the disturbed sleep. Pulsatilla 12. In a woman, fifty-six years old, of a chronic angina; pressure, and feeling of dryness in the throat, tonsils and uvula slightly red, cutting pain and sensation of excoriation in the fauces, no pain on swallowing, evening exacerbations. The malady was arrested, but it returned after some days. It was completely eradicated by Manganes acet. Pulsatilla. Considerable inflammation and ulceration of the throat, with sensation as if it was raw and excoriated. Other remedies are: Dulcamara, Pulsatilla, Bryonia, Cocculus, Nux vomica, Nitric acid. Angina Catarrhalis. Belladonna. -Mercurius solub, followed by Belladonna, alternating with Dulcamara. Mercurius. Very excoriating, mucous discharge with salivation. 8 Angina Faucium. (Inflammation of the fauces.) Chamomilla, Aconite, Belladonna, especially when there is a great redness of the soft palate, root of the tongue, uvula and tonsils without swelling. Lancinating pains in swallowing, or, when combined with swellingin the upper part of the throat and neck. But when there is a dark varicose swelling of the vessels present, and the swallowing of food is easier than an empty deglutition, in the evening, dry heat, and at night, thirst and restlessness, Pulsatilla is indicated. Angina faucium phlegmonodes. Belladonna. Throat swelled, and dark red, with much fever. Angina Laryngea. (Inflammation of the Larynx.) In a chronic affection of anl emaciated, cadaverous looking patient of nineteen years of age, with head-ache, sensation of heat in the head, weak eyes, dizziness, noise in the ears, dry nose, furred and dry tongue, pale lips, palate, tonsils, uvula, palish red, pain in the throat, with feeling of constriction, with spasmodic pressure whilst swallowing, hoarseness, irritation in the throat, with crawling and accumulation of mucus, cough, oppression at the chest, with pains in the sacrum and lumbar region, with dragging tense, sensations in the limbs. Carbo veget. 3, procures an alleviation of these symptoms; but it continually caused an itching of the scalp where the hair is deficient, which disappeared after three weeks; there still remained the mucus at 9 the uvula, head-ache, very severe pains in the limbs: Zincum was given, and the patient in four weeks performed a journey of twenty-five miles (five German miles) on foot. Angina Chronica. The mouth and throat slightly red, and covered over with tenacious mucus, sensation as if these parts were swollen, cutting pain in the passage, as if sore and excoriated. Pulsatilla relieves these symptoms in a very short time; should it return with dull lancinating pains in both sides of the throat, and a continual desire to swallow, Manganes. acet. 3, must be given. Ignatia. In an irritable throat, with a continual desire to swallow, as if there was a plug in the throat. Acid phosp., Sabadilla., Nux voim., have also been found useful. Disposition to Angina, yields to Sepia and Baryta. ANGINA MEMBRANACEA. (Croup.) -Vide also, Tracheitis.-The most certain and characteristic symptom of this disease, is the constant accession of the attack, after awaking from sleep. Aconite, followed in six hours, or less, by Spongia tosta, and then Hepar sulph., in the following symptoms, catarrh, with continual pain in the larynx, great hoarseness, with a barking cough, sibilant respiration, at times spasmodic and contricted, with fever; should there be much throwing of the head backwards and forwards, with B 3 10 continual elevation and depression of the larynx, with expectoration of membranous masses, the prognosis must be unfavourable. During the catarrhal stage, Hyoscyam, Belladonna, Cina, Chamomilla, China, Nux. Pulsat. andDrosera, are particularly indicated. When the cough approaches the croupy tone, Hepar sulp. 2, affords the quickest relief; above all, the local inflammation must be diminished by Aconite, 1/30, or 2/30, or one drop of dil. 6, dissolved in six tea-spoonfuls of water, a tea-spoonful given every hour. The disease by this medicine is often arrested; but in more severe cases, Spongia Tosta 1/30, or gtt.j. dil. 6, in six tea-spoonsful of water, a teaspoonful every hour must be given; if a hollow cough remains, with hoarseness, after 36-48 hours, Hepar sulp. calc. 2, is of benefit. The repetition of the Homoeopathic doses has a salutary effect when the disease increases rapidly. Thus, Gross gave Hepar sulp. for the second time, after a few hours, when the first dose had not had the desired effect, he did not give as before, the 2nd dil. but the 3rd, and purposed to try the 30th afterwards, had the 3rd not had the desired effect. Aconite 2/34. An amelioration took place after four hours, only leaving the customary cough; at evening, Spongia tosta 30, was given, and the next morning the patient had acquired his accustomed health. Aconite and Spongia tosta. Violent, raw, hollow cough, hoarse voice, quick rasping respiration, 11 strong fever. Against the hoarseness, after the other medicines, Hepar sulp. Calc. Aconite 30, alternately with Phosph. 30. Hepar sulp. and Spongia tosta, every half hour. Euphorbia dil. 6, gtt. i. Aconite 2/30, in first stage. Belladonna, especially when the tonsils are swollen. Hepar. sulp. With the remark of Dr. Bethmann, that Spongia tosta is better in Angina Membraacea. Hep. sulp. in two doses, with the help of Spongia tosta. Hep. sulp. In a child sitting up half-asleep, with rattling, hot, whistling, short and anxious cough; he awakes with a dry hot cough, being so violent as to cause vomiting, he gets up in haste, grasps his larynx, and cries out in anxiety, intensely red face, eyes starting from their sockets, and head thrown back, speaks quick, has much heat of body, great thirst, quick and hard pulse, with perspiration, and high coloured dark urine. Sambucus niger. A kind of croup, with shrieking during coughing, in an infant of five months. Spongia tosta and Aconite. In a boy three and a half years old, after the disappearance of a catarrh, there came on from catching cold, a hollow, barking dry cough, with genuine croupy tone, short accessions of sonorous rattling in the trachea, pale hot skin, frequent stretchings and yawnings, distortions of the countenance in coughing, on account of the pain in the trachea below the larynx, disposition to weep, pulse hard 12 and quick: for the hoarseness which often remains after an attack of croup, Mercurius,Drosera and Manganes, are but palliatives; probably, Belladonna would avail better. Against a disposition to Croup, Lycopod. and Phosphorus. -- Spasmodic croup, vide, Asthma Millari. Angina mercurialis. Belladonna, Arsen., Cham., China. Bad taste in the mouth, looseness of the teeth, nasal speech, and difficult deglutition, the drink regurgitates through the nose, violent burning pain in the throat. Angina Palatina. (Inflam. of the palate.) Nuxvom. Swelling of the palate and of thegums causing difficult deglutition, tearing pain in the jaw, with swelling on the left side of the face, otalgia,cephalalgia,burningheat,and constipation. Phosphorus. Soft palate swollen, bluish red color, ulcerated, great dysphagia, without pain, uvula ragged, and hangs deep in the oesophagus. Angina Parotidea. (Mumps.) Sulp. Belladonna, Mercurius, Chamomilla, Kali Carbon.-Carbo.veyet. and Cocculus, against slow fever. Puls. or Nux vom. when from metastasis of the testes. Angina Pectoris. Aconite, Veratrum, Lactuca virosa, Asafaetida, Arsenic, and Digitalis are recommended by Hartmann. Angina Pharyngea. (Inflammation of the pharynx.) Aconite in repeated doses. Bellad., Stram., Hyos. when spasms prevent the swallowing of 13 the food, or Belladonna, Mere., or Cantharidesr, if there is only inflammation; Ignat., Pulsat., Nux, Mere., or Arsen. if there is pain as if from the parts being swollen, or as if there was a smarting, burning body in the throat, which must be swallowed; Nux, particularly if litmus gives acidity of the stomach. Petroleum. Violent sticking and burning pain in the throat, behind and under the larynx, especially on swallowing-eating and drinking causes very great pain. Angina Pituitosa. Arum Maculatum. Angina Scirrhosa. Tonsils swollen, hardened, with foetid slimy discharge from the nose. Belladonna, Sulphur, Sepia and Aurum. Angina Serosa, habitualis. Sulphur, Sepia, Baryta Carb..Angina Synochia. (Angina accompanying synochial fever.) Aconite, and afterwards Belladonna. Belladonna with angina faucium,-pharyngea, and -laryngea, with strong synochial fever. Angina Tonsillaris. (Inflam. of the tonsils.) Belladonna. Pain and swelling of the tonsils, great annoyance from the saliva flowing back, velum palati very red, throat and neck stiff and swollen. Dulcamara against the disposition to angina tonsillaris. Belladonna. Fever, pressing, lancinating pains, which are increased by swallowing and speaking, at the same time congestion of the head. 14 Belladonna. Deglutition almost impossible, the mouth open, the tongue protruded, inability to speak. Belladonna. Much fever, tonsils much swollen, deglutition very difficult and painful, tongue covered with yellow fur, loss of appetite, great heat, thirst, loss of sleep, delirium, vertigo. Aconit. 18 gtt. i; every 2 hours. Baryta carbon 30., Bryonia, Capsicum after Bryonia or Ignatia. Ignatia 18. Both tonsils greatly swollen, much fever, the whole of the fauces red, tongue covered with tenacious white mucus, lancinating pains in the throat whilst swallowing, pains in ears during deglutition, shivering. Mercur. solub. Fever, pressing lancinating pains in the tonsils, accumulation of tenacious fetid mucus in the mouth and throat, very bad taste in the mouth. Lachesis. The tonsils swollen, red, and painful, painful constrictive sensation in the throat, difficult deglutition, fever with burning heat. Spongia also has been found useful. Angina uvularis. (Infl. of uvula.) Belladonna. Great swelling of the uvula, severe pain, with difficulty of deglutition, can swallow no liquid. Nux Vomica. When there are pains in the uvula and in the submaxillary glands in swallowing, or when not swallowing, a sensation as if there was a plug in the throat, with swelling of the uvula, or with pressing feeling in the throat, from sensation as if it was swollen, only when swallowing food. 15 Mercur. Particularly when the inner part is not only inflamed, but greatly swollen, and there is great difficulty in speaking. ANGOR NOCTURNUS. (Anxiety and constriction of prmecordial region at night.) Arsenic. With anxiety of the preecordia as a characteristic symptom. Rheum. In nocturnal cries and agitation of infants. Ignat. Pulsat. Nux. Angust. Stram., are recommended by Hartmann in his Therapie, 241 p. In tumefaction of the breasts in female children soon after birth; if it is from a squeeze or pressure, at the commencement Arnica must be internally and externally applied; if inflammation has already come on, and that appears to be of an erysepelatous kind, combined with much swelling and hardness. Chamomilla 1/12, and Belladonna 1/30, are most serviceable. If the inflammation is not rose-coloured, Acon 1,30, and afterwards, Bryonia 1/18. ANOSMIA. (Loss of sense of smell.) Calcarea. ANTHRAX. (Carbuncle.) Arsenic. -- In the neck, the cellular texture consumed, faintness, fever, Silicea, 30. APETITUS MORBOSUS. Veratrum. APHONIA ACUTA. From catching cold, convulsion of the face, ice-coldness of the body, sudden loss of voice, violent shivering, slow pulse, great anxiety, Belladonna 30. gtt. i. From paralysis of the tongue, Baryta carb. 30. 16 Phosphorus. Whispering speech, congestion of the head, palpitation of the heart, twisting and convulsive movements of the limbs in sleep. Phosphorus. In a girl of twenty-five years of age with vertigo, pains in the right breast, with pustulous eruption on the countenance, sudden loss of voice, can only whisper, burning at the pit of the stomach, congestion of the head, catamenia coming on too soon, excoriating leucorrhea, palpitation of the heart, burning pain in the loins, swelling of the right hand, furfuraceous scabs on the arms, horrid dreams, convulsive movements of the limbs during sleep, and fetid perspiration under the arm-pits. Casticum. In Aphonia of three months duration, following convulsions; after having tried Antim Crudum, and Phosphorus. Also Carbo. veget. and Sulp.-(Vide also, Raucedo.) APTHAE. (Thrush.) In small children, Acid sulphurici gtt. i. with. j. water a tea-spoonful at atime. Acid muriat. Acid sulphur 1/30. But where there is pain in the throat combined, Mere. viv. 1/30. In malignant apthe with abnormal stools, Arsenic 1/30 acts as a specific. Spirit sulphur, with the help of Mere. solub. In a child eight days old, with slimy, green, violently expelled stools, miliary eruption, excoriation between the thighs. Borax 1/30. Belladonna. 17 Helleborus Niger. Mercurius Solub. Nux vom. 30. Sulphur. APNCEA. Loss of breath, great distress with cold sweat over the forehead, fear of death, universal heat, alternating with shivering and paleness, Ipecac. 6. Cuprum. In apncea of children, with spasmodic retraction of the legs backwards. (Vide also, Suffocation, Dyspnoaa.) APOPLEXIA. He lies immoveable and unconscious; the activity of all the senses is interrupted, countenance swollen, reddened, convulsive movements of the face, Ipecac 6.-Coma vigil, senseless, unconcious, Belladonna 30. Vertigo, delusions of sight and hearing, subparalysis of the tongue, Arnica gtt. i., dil. 3, Stramon. 12, Hyoscyam. 15. The heaviness and paralysis of the tongue is relieved by Merc. sol. 2. (Apoplexy,) with the mouth drawn towards the right side, unconsciousness, speech interrupted, and stammering, red livid countenance, palsy of the left hand, the saliva escaping from the mouth involuntary, coated tongue, continued slumber, full pulse, pulsation of the arteries of the head, incontinence of urine, Belladonna 15, gtt. ii, Opium 10, gtt. i, in repeated doses. Cocculus, dil. 2. Stertorous breathing, and right extremity paralyzed. (Apoplexy.) Ipecac. in three doses, one every 18 two hours, with the help of Bellad., Arnica, Stramon., Hyos., and Mercur. solub., for the space of twelve days, in a plethoric patient of sixty years of age, an attack of apoplexy after a previous blood-letting of 3 vi. Ignat. and Bellad. Rolling eyes, pupil distorted upwards, violet coloured and swollen countenance, stertorous respiration, frothy sputa slightly tinged with blood, violent, and convulsive movements of the body. Nux vomica. Loss of conciousness, sopor, stammering speech, full pulse, paralysis of the organs of deglutition and lower extremities, Nux vom. 30 gtt. i, tobe given as a glyster: Arnica 9 relieves the vertigo and pain in the head which remains. The other remedies for apoplexy are Coff., Acon., Opium, Puls., Cham., Veratrum, Bryon., Ignat., Laurocerasus, Acid Hydrocyan, Acid Phos.; against a relapse, Belladonna 30, or Opium when there is too great excitement and much laughing, perverted rambling talking, inability to recognize the surrounding objects, and frequent catching at the head;-also, Acon., Coffea. Pulsatilla. In a girl of twenty-two years of age, with disease of the heart; complete immobility, total loss of consciousness, countenance much swollen and of a bluish red colour, very strong palpitation of the heart, but hardly perceptible arterial pulsation: the weakness of sight, and memory, difficult speech, wandering of, and pressing pain in the head, trembling, weakness of the limbs, 19 which remain after the attack were removed by repeated doses of Anacardium and Baryta. Apoplexy with sopor. Loss of consciousness, and speech, with rattling in the chest, stertorous breathing, 2 doses of Belladonna; against paralysis of extremities, Rhus and Cocculus. (Apoplexy) ina sanguineous subject after a previous blood-letting, Nux. vom. 18, Cocc. 9. Arnica. In cases where there is palsy of left extremity, with stammering speech. Belladonna. Falling down, with unconsciousness, mouth drawn on one side, violet coloured countenance, right arm and right foot paralyzed, loss of feeling, the under jaw close locked, and the under lip hanging. Belladonna. Hemiplegia of the right side, weakness of all the senses, involuntary slobbering of the saliva, impossibility to swallow, pulse full and hard, countenance swollen. Belladonna. Dysphagia, constipation, swollen countenance, congested, protruded eyes. Belladonna. In the case of a subject who fell on his head, with loss of consciousness, aphonia, followed by pain, extending from the base of the tongue to the pit of stomach, stertorous breathing. Apoplexia nervosa. Arnica, Coffea, Hyos., Bellad., Straim, as chief remedies. Apoplexia Sanguinea. Acon., Ipecac., Cqof., Nux vom., Bellad., Merc. Apoplexia Gastrica. Nux vom., Bryon., Ignat., Ipecac. 20 Apoplexia serosa. Arnica, Ipecac., Digit., Merc., with paralysis, which remains for a long time after the symptoms of apoplexy have disappeared, Stannum., Caustic, Zinc. and Baryta Carb. 2/30, especially in old people. ARTHRITIS ACUTA. (Acute inflammation of the joints.) Severe lancinating pressing pains in all the joints, can neither sit, nor lie down, continually changing the position, the right knee and the left foot swollen; at night, the pains are intolerable by movement, or when the limbs are touched; dragging and wrenching pains in all the limbs, Arnica 6. The dragging, wrenching pain in the knee, the ankle, and the toes, which remain after the other symptoms, and which on treading, becomes as if a knife was sticking in them, with feeling of paralysis in all the joints, is relieved by Puls. 6. Against the stiffness of the knee and foot, Nux vom. 18. Arthritis. Arising from cold: inflammatory swelling of the right knee, so that it cannot be bent. The right foot is completely immoveable, as if dead. In the affected joints, from time to time, very severe dragging pains, with continual sensation of numbness-nightly exacerbations. The ankle, elbow, and wrist joints, also become affected, Acon., Pulsat., Bellad., Rhus, in succession. Arthritis Acuta. Acon., Bryon., Nux. Acon, dissolved in distilled water, a dose every one, two, three, four hours; also, Bellad. dil. 3, 21 in water, a dose every four hours, with ice applied to the joints. Antimcrud. Arthritis acuta combined with gastritis. Arsenic. Arthritis of the leg, with intolerable tearing pains from the hip to the ankle. A mitigation of the pains on movement. Arnica, dil. 3 gtt i. Violent gnawing pains, as if a dog had torn the flesh from the bones, impossibility to change the position, frequent desire to pass the urine, evening fever, loss of sleep, loss of appetite, nightly exacerbation. Asarur. Aurum. Bryonia. Acute arthritis, pains in the joints. Bryonia., Pulsat. Sulphur. Tearing, lancinating pains in the limbs, especially in the joints, with slight swelling, stiffness in the joints. Causticum, with the help of Cocculus and Bryon. China. Acute arthritic pain in joints. Cocculus. Hot swelling of the arm and hand, and violent fever. Dulcamara. Ferrum. Guajacunm. Ledum. Gonagra, with tearing pain in the knee. Ledum. Arthritic pains, worse in bed, most severe at midnight. Lycopodium. Impossibility of bending or stretching the elbow joints, and a tense pain in the knee, with red spots upon the Tibia. phosphorus. With paralytic weakness in the thigh, impossibility to bend the knee as usual, 22 Phosphorus. Gout; swelling in the left ankle, pain in treading. Pulsat. Swelling, stiffness of the left hand, knee, and ankle joint, inflammatory redness of the foot, flying pains, first in the throat, then in the knee, Puls. 12. Pulsat. Gouty pains in the feet, so as to prevent walking. Pulsat. From cold in the knee. Pulsat. When the pains are first in one joint and then in another. Pulsat. after Acon., and followed by Silicea. Violent pain in the shoulder joint, with marked swelling and redness. Rhododendron chrys. Arthritis coming on in rough stormy weather, worse during rest. Rhus. Swelling in the finger joints, and stiffness of the feet from sitting, more acute and painful after sitting. Sulphur. Veratrum. Arthritis Chronica. Gouty excrescences in the left elbow joint and wrist, dragging pains in the limbs, especially at night, the foot and ankle somewhat swollen. Zinc. 30, Sep. 30, Silicea 30, Calc. 18, Natr. 12, Petrol 18. Arthritis inveterata. Violent nightly pains in many of the joints, without swelling, Iodine. Arthritis ossaria, with lameness. Spongia, Asarum, Sulph., Thuga., Rhus., Bryon., Silicea, and the Antipsorics. Bryon., Digitalis. Arthritis vaga, a severe tearing pain never resting in one place for long, but flying from one joint to another, and no movement of the body takes it away or relieves it. First one part swells, then another part pains, feet very painful, much fever, great thirst, Arnica, 6. gtt. i., in five days free from pain. Joints very puffed and shining red, no relief to the pain, either on movement or at rest, the pains are erratic, at night particularly violent, and allow no rest, Mangan carbon., and Acet. 30. Gouty complaint at one time in the knee, at another in the foot, tearing pains, swelling of the right hand, Sulph. 30. When the gout attacks different joints, Pulsat., and Arnica, followed by Sulphur. Arthritis vaga, after Acon. Pulsat., in cases where the arthritis especially arises in stormy weather. Magnanes Carbon and Acet. 2/30; when one joint after another becomes attacked, generally on one side; yet often affecting the sacrum, the right foot and left arm, or the left foot and right arm, with puffy, shining joints. The pains come on chiefly at night, with sensation of tension and boring, sudden stitches, and tearing pains, which force him to cry out. ARTHROCACE.-COXARTHROCACE. Colocynth. From a violent blow upon the symphisis pubis. (Vide also, Coxalgia.) ASCARIDES. Aconite, Asarum, Calcarea, Cina, Ferrum, Ignat., I 24 Nux vom., Phosphorus, Spigelia, Sulphur, Teucrium, Valerian. Ignatia. Against the itching and creeping in the anus. Sulphur 2/30. Against intolerable itching in the anus. Cina. 4/6, followed, in forty-eight hours or more, by Spigelia 4'6. ASPHYXIA, or Syncope. Chaam. Arnica. (From a fall.) If it should arise from long continued weakness, combined with much anxiety, Arsenicum. If from debility, following violent, long continued, acute disease, so that the slightest movement causes faintness, Veratrum. If from weakness, arising from great emaciation, China. Should it arise from continual determination of blood, and congestion of the head, Aconite, Bellad., Nux vom., according to circumstances. If it is of an hysterical kind, Chamomilla, Moschus, Nux vom., Ignat. ASTHENIA. (Debility.) China 12. In a woman fifty-four years old, with weak pulse, night perspirations, disturbed sleep, thirst, pain in the head as if the hair were pulled, pressing pain in the epigastrium after eating, yellow hue of the countenance, dragging pains in the limbs, diarrhoea: Nux and Cocculus were given without any result, Cocculus only slightly diminished the weakness. Cocculus. Following continued exertion, faintings, trembling of the body, in a patient of a mild temperament, 25 ASTHENIA VISUS. (Impaired vision.) Belladonna with the assistance of Pulsat., in cases where there is frequent double sight, with black specks before the eyes. China 12, in a drunkard, with incipient cataract. Cicut. viros. Nervous affection of the eyes; double vision, with a rainbow appearance before the eyes; eyelids adhering in the morning: photophobia. Mere. solub. Symptoms of amaurosis, optical illusions, with black spots before the eyes; shunning the light, and smarting pain. The lachrymation was relieved by Euphrasia. Pulsat. with the assistance of Euphrasia, in incipient blindness, (after a previous inflammation of the left eye,) and appearance of fiery circles and balls. Euphrasia cured the cloudy appearance of the left eye and the flow of tears. Ruta. A continual cloud before the eyes, with complete blindness to distant objects. ASTHMA. Violent constrictive and spasmodic attacks in the chest, violent spasmodic agitation of the whole body, a fear of approaching death, with spasms of the throat, red, swollen countenance, protruded, starting eyeballs, Veratrum, album, with the assistance of Ipecac., Nux vom., and Pulsat. Arsenic. Whistling expiration in the evening on lying down, constriction of the chest and throat, obliging the patient to sit up and bend forward, great anxiety, perspiration over the whole body. c 26 This continues many hours, until midnight, Arsen. 30.. Arsenic 30. Humid Asthma. Arsenic 30. Spasmodic asthma, with fear of death, cold sweat. A case of Asthma quite cured by Arsenic alone. Arsenic. Asthma with cough, dyspncea on lying down, yellowish white, tenacious, mucous expectoration, dyspnoea on every movement, weakness and debility, straining feeling in the limbs. Belladonna. Asthma with oppression at the chest, dyspncea, which prevents a recumbent position. Belladonna. Asthma of a complicated nature in a man of seventy years of age.-Belladonna has most effect in similar cases. Bryonia in a chronic asthma, combined with affection of the bowels. Bryonia alternately with Nux vomica; awaking once or twice in the night from want of breath, constriction of the chest, feeling of oppression in the middle of the sternum, frothy expectoration: speaking and movement increase the asthma. Calcarea, Lycopod., Graphit. Cannabis. Anxiety for fresh air, arising from a sense of suffocation. C(uprum. With the help of Mere. solub. Cuprum carb. In the evening, after lying down, spasms of the chest, very short anxious whistling respiration, sits bent in bed, expectoration of white mucus. 27 Ipecac. Nocturnal spasmodic asthma, every evening a dose of Ipecac., dil. i. gtt. i.. Lycopod., Calcarea, Graphites, in an asthma coming on after suppressed scabies, in a man thirty-six years of age. Nux vomica, dyspnoea, constriction of the chest on movement, sensation of suffocation in bed, a recumbent position is impossible: towards midnight this increases, and causes him to contract the chest violently in an oblique direction, dry shaking cough, flatulence, heartburn, clear limpid urine, irritable disposition, easily put out of humour. Phosphorus, in asthmatic cases, with hoarse clinking cough, frequently expectorating bloody mucus. Phosphorus, dyspncea, short dry cough, cutting pains in the cavity of the chest, shivering with faintness and loss of power, phthisical habit, Phosp. 30, with the assistance of Nux vom. Phosphorus, dry asthma. Pulsat. Oppression at the chest worse in the evening, cannot lie down in bed, spasmodic constriction of the throat, cries out in anguish during sleep, cough with much expectoration, menstruation too scanty, and coming on with spasms, no thirst. Sulphur, with otorrhoea and deafness. Spigelia. Spongia with Calcarea. Dry cough, contracted breathing, inspiration and expiration very difficult, rattling, panting, respiration, every movement increases the dyspncea, Struma. c 2 28 Spongia 12. In a patient afflicted with goitre, great difficulty of respiration. ASTHMA MILLARI. LARYNGISMUS STRIDULUS. (Spasmodic Croup.) Samb. nigr. Arsenic, Asafcetid., Moschus, Nwux, Ignat., Puls. Sambucus, especially when the patient half opens his eyes and mouth, when he awakes, he cannot take breath, is obliged to sit down; respiration accompanied with a whistling sound in the chest; face and hands much swollen, and of a bluish colour; heat without thirst; disposition to weep; all these symptoms manifest themselves principally in the middle of the night, without cough. ASTHMA, MILLARI SIMILATUM. (Or Wigandi). Ipecac. 3/3. In a girl of eighteen years of age; on the following morning, so as to prevent a return, Arsen. 3/30 was given. Ipecac. is especially indicated when there is spasm in the lung, and if it is not quickly relieved, Opium will, perhaps, be found useful. Ignat., Nux vom., Opium. Sambucus in a child, awaking from sleep, with loss of breath; he remains breathless for a minute. ASTHMA, SPASMODIC-FLATULENT. Cuprum. Ipecac. as a palliative when the Antipsorics are about to be employed. Mercur. Against the asthma produced by the vapour of arsenic and copper. Cuprum and 29 Arsen. are also powerful remedies in this affection. ASTHMA, THYMICUM KOPPII. Aconit. Hep. sulp. Spongia. Ipecac. Senega. against the cough. Veratrum Bellad. alternately with Hepar sulp. or Merc. and Conium, Zinc, Phosp., Amman. carb., Lachesis. ASTHMA HUMIDUM. As chief remedies, Ammon. carb., Ignat., Merc., Pulsat., Senega, Squilla. ATONIA VENTRICULI. With flatulent cutting pains in the abdomen. Ignat. ATROPHIA INFANTUM. (Atrophy of children.) Arsenic. Wasting to a skeleton, parchmentlike skin, restless nights, sleep disturbed by shrieking out, convulsive movements, vomiting of food. Belladonna together with Arsenic, in Atrophia mesent. infant., great emaciation, dry heat, swollen glands in throat and neck, knotted, hard abdomen, loose, chopped, green stools, continued catarrh, violent dry cough at night, somnolency, vomiting of food, much thirst, cold hands. China. Voracious appetite, doughy swelling of the abdomen. China. With the assistance of Nux vom. and Arsenic. Atrophy, with great costiveness and much crying. 30 Cham. must be given at the commencement Hepar sulph. when there is great desire for acids and pungent odours, with loose, white, and extremely fetid stools. Cina. diI. 9, glob. ij, when there are ascarides, with a pale skin, and voracious appetite. China. 1/24 when there is great weakness, with white pulpy stools. The principal medicines in use for this affection are the Antipsoric. Tinc. Sulph. 30, Magnes. carbo., Petrol., lodium. Nux vomica. Pale, bloated appearance of the face, emaciation, disinclination to move, continual vomiting of food, thirst, puffed abdomen, at one time diarrhoea, at another constipation. Rhus with the assistance of Calcarea. Bleached countenance, hard swelled belly, great appetite, much thirst, emaciation, violent, mucous, bloody diarrhoea. Sulphur in many cases. Nux, Bellad., Sulp., Calcarea. Puffed and hard belly, complete emaciation of the extremities, very flabby muscles, with continued diarrhoea, swelling of the glands of the neck. ATROPHIA MANUS SINISTRzE. With weakness, and numbness of the fingers; 3 doses of Silicea effected a cure. B. BALANITIS (Inflammation of the glans penis.) Mercurius, Acon., Arnica, Rhus. 31 BALANNORRHCEA (Discharge from the glans penis.) Merc. Cinnabar, with the assistance of Nux vom. BALBUTIES (Stammering). Platina, Mercurius. BLENNORHCEA NASALIS. Thick purulent mucus, or a more lymphatic yellowish red discharge, which excoriates the lips, and generates red pimples, Calcarea Carbo. BLENNORH(EA VENTRICULI. Ipecac. As a specific. Tartar emetic, when a frequent tendency to mucous stools accompanies the vomiting. Rheum 9; sluggishness of the bowels, flatulence, insipid taste in the mouth, continual loose brown stools mixed with mucus. Nux vom. is the principal remedy when spasmodic affections of the stomach, waterbrash, bitter taste in the mouth, vomiting of acid mucus, and sluggishness of the peristaltic movement of the intestinal canal, are the predominant symptoms. Veratrum 12, especially when there is vomiting of bitter green mucus. Pulsat. In weak irritable, flabby constitutions, with constant shiverings. Cina, Spigel., Ferrum. In the last stage. Gratiola. When the pituitous state becomes chronic, before the Antipsorics are necessary. 32 BLENNORH.EA INTESTINORUM. Gratiola, Ferrum, China, Antim. crud., Stannum. BLENNORHCEA. intestinirecti. (Mucous Hoemorrhoids.) Mercury is the chief remedy. Spigel., Hellebor. niger, Colchicum. BLEPHAROPTHALMIA. (Inflammation of the eye-lid.) Acon., Arsen., Calcarea, Caustic, Cocculus, Rhus, Sepia, Spigel, Sulphur, Thuja. Arsenic. Inflammation of the under surface of the eyelid. Ulceration of the eye-lid,with swelling and redness of the inner surface, Merc., and Pulsat. Bellad. in a man of thirty years of age. Spigelia in ulceration of the margins of the eyelids. -- Erysepeletosa. Aconite at the first commencement; and, as soon as the inflammation is slightly subsided, Tinct. Sulph.; or, where there is pressing burning pain, Hepar sulph. Glandulosa. Staphysagria, when the borders of the eye-lids are glued together during the night. - Euphrasia Tinct., when there is much aversion to the light with head-ache, or when there are ulcers, with the assistance of Clematis 12; where there is still much inflammation, then, also, Spigelia 30, is indicated; also, Digitalis 15, in repeated doses, with the intervention of Nux, Euphras., Spigel., Clemat. If the inflamma 33 tion does not subside, give Mercur., and afterwards Hepar sulph., and Sulphur 30. If there is spasmodic shutting of the eye-lids, Hyos. 9, and Chamomilla, relieves; and, should the upper lid be drawn down as by a weight, these must be repeated. BLEPHROPLEGIA. (Paralysis of the eye-lid.) Plumbum, Sepia. Veratrum, Zincum. The affected eye is entirely closed. Eye-ball red, and shunning the light. Three doses of Verat 30, two doses of Spigel. 18, two doses of Sepia, one dose of Verat 30, one dose of Zinc 30, entirely cured the complaint. BLEPHAROSPASMUS. (Spasm of the eye-lid.) Cham., Crocus, Hepar sulph., Hyocyam., Ruta. Crocus, in repeated doses, in a woman at the change of life; painful spasm of the eye-lid, of a very obstinate character. BLEPHAROPTOSIS. (Ptosis.) Cham., Verat., Stramon., Causticum. BRONCHITIS. Extreme anxiety, restlessness, pain in the forehead, costiveness, a constant irritating, oppressive, constrictive pain at the upper part of the sternum, painful, contracting, oppressive feeling, extending all over the chest, quick anxious, interrupted, laborious respiration, accompanied with very great oppression, almost amounting to suffocation, and rattling bubbling sound in the chest, hoarse voice, orthopnoea, Aconit., dil. 6-30, in repeated doses; and afterwards, a dose of Spongia. c 5 34 In the last stage, Arsenic. In the inflammation of the bronchi, Acon., is necessary to suppress the fever; afterwards, if the respiration is anxious and quick, Ipecac., or Sambucus; if it is whistling and groaning, Spongia, China, Cham.; in the case of constriction of the chest, as if bound, Nux, Verat., Bellad.; in the general weakness and straining of the muscles of the chest, Arsenic. lodium will relieve the frequent inflammation of the bronchi, after the amelioration of the acute attack. Acon. and Bryonia, in repeated cases. Carbo. Veget., in a chronic case, with asthma. BUBO. Acid Nitric, Iodium, Merc., Thlja. C CACHEXIA. Cachexia, ex nimio usu, Hydrargyri. Hepar sulph. Carbo. veget. Acid Nitr. Aurum. Cachexia, Mercurialis et Syphilitica; Aloe of the nose ulcerated, Tophus, (soft swelling) of the forehead, syphilitic ulcers in the mouth. Caries of the palate bone. Aurum, Silicea, Mere., Spigelia, bad taste in the mouth, pain in the gums, ulceration of the mouth, and swelling of the salivary glands. Cachexia ex nimio usu Chince. (From abuse of Quinine.) 35 Arnica, Ferrum, Ipecac., Merc. solub. Cachexia. Arsenic with the help of Bellad., in a child of ten months old, with much emaciation. Baryta Acet., debility of body and mind in old people. Nux vomn., with the assistance of China, Nux, with the help of Bryon., which relieves the constipation, and too frequent menstruation. Opium in morbid affections of old age. Pulsat., in two doses, after a miscarriage, with the assistance of three doses of China, against the attendant Leucorrhoea continuing too long. Pulsat., with the help of Belladonna, against muscoe volitantes. CAMOMILE. Symptoms produced by the abuse of. Pulsat., in a lying-in woman, after having had lavements of Camomile. CANCER. Arsenic, Bellad., Carbo. animalis, Carbo. veget. China, Merc. solub., Nitric Acid. CANCER LABIAE INFERIORIS. From pressure of the tobacco pipe, Con. Macul., dil. 1, gtt. i. CANCER NASI. Sulphur, Sepia, Calcar., Aur.fol. CANCER UTERI. Great weakness and atony, violent burning in the genitals,very fetid discharge of a blackish brown colour, sometimes like bloody water. The mouth of the uterus is placed 36 obliquelylin the pelvis. The whole vaginal portion and posterior surface of the uterus, hardened and covered with warts. Chin. 12, Thuja 18, Arsen., 30. Hep. sulp., 2. Belladonna. Platina 6. Arnica, Pulsat., Thuja, China 6. Staphysagria 24. Scirrhus of the Neck of the Uterus. Cadaverous aspect, great emaciation. The eyes sunk in the orbit, dilated pupil, great debility, depression of spirits, irritation, impaired digestion, flatulent colic, lancinating pains in the lumbar and ischiadic regions, tensive pains in the inguinal region, pricking pains in the uterus, leucorrhcea with reddish acrid discharge, and fetid smell, linen stained with brown spots, frequent discharge of congealed blood, menstruation having ceased some time; the neck of the uterus, hard, tumid, and insensible; ulceration of the upper lip of the uterus, which bleeds when touched, Bellad., Arsen., Plat., Cham. Arsenic, with the help of Bellad. Belladonna, given with other appropriate remedies, not only causes the pains to cease, but also arrests in a great measure the disorganization. Belladonna is particularly indicated when there are as characteristic symptoms, much bearing down towards the base, with burning pain in the uterus, and discharge of a greasy, ichorous, and fetid bloody fluid. CANCER VENTRICULI. Lycopodium. Arsenic, Baryt. carb., Nux vom., Phosph., Verat., Conium., Sulph. 37 CARBUNCLE. Arsenic,left arm swollen, sinking of the powers. (Vide also, ANTHRAX.) CARDIALGIA, GASTRALGIA, GASTRODYNIA. Costiveness, bitter taste in the mouth, heartburn, aggravated by taking coffee. Pressing, pinching contraction of the stomach. The feeling of constriction extends to the chest, neck and sacrum, ending in flatulence and palpitation of the heart. Nux vom., Coffea, Cocculus, Sulph. Cardialgia of some years duration, with head-ache and pains in the lower parts of the abdomen. Nux, Bellad., Gratiola, Euphorbia. Cardialgia, with constipation, vomiting of food, and copious risings of watery limpid fluid. (water brash.) Nux and Calcar. Cardialgia, with griping, sticking, cutting pains, in the scrobiculus cordis, as if it was seized hold of by a hand, and held fast by the nails. This pain extends from the scrobiculus to the umbilicus, and is somewhat relieved by a bent position and pressure. Belladonna and Sepia. Cardialgia, cutting, burning sensation, and oppression at the epigastrium, with almost constant constipation. Nux vom., Stannum, Sulphur, and Lycopod. Cardialgia, Pulsat., Nux, Cocculus, and Bryonia. Acid Nitric, in Gastralgia of twenty years duration. Dull pain in stomach, with feeling of cold; pale yellow countenance, pain in the head on going to bed, aching pain in the sacrum and back, and great uneasiness. Arsenic, with the help of Bryon. Cardialgia, with burning and choking, vomiting of food, straining as from worms. Baryta acet., with the assistance of Nux vom., Conium, and'Sulphur, when an eruption, which was before suppressed, re-appears. Belladonna. Cardialgia in a pregnant woman, violent spasmodic pains atthe scrobiculus cordis, and left hypochondrium, with much retching and vomiting, pressing feeling in the pelvis; red bloated countenance, and partly loss of consciousness. Belladonna and Nux vomica. Cardialgia with nausea and vomiting, with cutting pains in the chest; and, at the same time, violent constriction of the chest. Belladonna and Pulsat. Cardialgia in a girl of fair complexion; very violent before menstruation, so that a bent position is necessary, with sour vomiting, and yellow watery diarrhoea. Bismuthum. Cardialgia with sensation of oppression, weight, heaviness and indescribable uneasiness. Bismuthum, in hysterical Gastralgia. Bryonia. Burning in the stomach on every movement, at the same time, metrorrhagia. Bryonia. Cardialgia with symptoms of splenitis. Calcarea Carbon. Nausea, sour eructations, vomit ing, blind hoermorrhoids. 39 Carb. animal. Oppression, burning at the epigastrium, acrid straining as if from worms, costiveness. Carbo. veget. Very violent cardialgia, with flatulent swelling of the abdomen. Carbo. veget. Cardialgia, especially after eating; violent griping pains, and oppression at the epigastrium, which is swelled and painful. Carbo. veget. 30, with Graphites 30. Carbo. veget. Intolerable burning and constrictive pain in the stomach with oppression; great desire for ice cold water, which is vomited up again; hoarseness; with the help of Sulphur. Chamomilla. Oppression at the epigastrium after eating, as if from a stone. China. Gastralgia remaining after accouchement, with heart-burn, nausea, and scanty evacuations by stool. Cocculus, Bryonia, Pulsatilla. After every slight cold, spasmodic contractions, oppression, griping and pinching pains at the epigastrium, the abdomen swollen, perspiration of a sour smell. Guajacum. Very violent cardialgia, frequently with vomiting of blood. Ignatia. Burning pain in the stomach, sticking pains in the epigastrium, with sensation of weight and emptiness. Ignatia. With the assistance of Nux vom. and Cham. Acute cardialgia, spasmodic pressing pains in the cardia, which extend down the spine, the breathing oppressed, finds relief in 40 no position, Rigors, with chattering of the teeth and much thirst, great exhaustion on the slightest movement. Ipecac. Lachesis. Dreadful spasms and pains in the stomach, with violent eructation, choking sensation and vomiting. Lycopodium. Periodical pain, cured in eightfourteen days, coming on in bed in the evening and disappearing again in the morning, sensation as if the stomach was pressed tight together on both sides. Menstruation too violent. Nitrum. Constricted oppressed feeling at the epigastrium. Nux vomica. After every meal, a dragging pain in the sacrum, which extends from thence to between the shoulders, where it remains constant, cutting constricting pain in the epigastrium, with swelling, retching and vomiting of food, constipation, Nux vom. 18. Nux vomica. Swelling of the epigastric region, with pain and uneasiness, very violent griping pains in the stomach, which extend towards the left hip; these are worse at night and morning, and return when taking nourishment. Nux vomica. Cardialgia with Hoemorrhoids, with violent constricting pains in the region of the stomach and liver, swelling of the epigastrium, can bear no pressure in the cardiac region, puffiness of the hypogastric region, pains in the sacrum, and swelling of the hemorrhoidal veins. Nux vom. After eating, violent oppression of the 41 stomach, relieved by sitting and bending forwards, followed immediately by empty eructations. Nux vom. After eating, Cardialgia with vomiting of mucus and retching. Nux vom. Daily violent Cardialgia, much swelling of the abdomen after taking food, with contracting, pressing and squeezing pain in the epigastric region, acid eructations with vomiting. Nux vom. and Arsenic. Spasmodic pain and feeling of heaviness in the epigastric region, vomiting of food and drink immediately after having taken it. Nux vom., Cocculus and Carbo. vegetabilis. Violent constrictive pains in the chest with pyrosis. Petroleum. Cardialgia with Hoemorrhoids, with Graphites. Phosphorus. Drawing, cutting pain in the scrobiculus, vomiting of a sour liquid with acid eructations. Phosphorus. Pain in stomach, with Cardialgia, with marasmus and vomiting. Phosphorus. Constrictive pressure in the epigastrium, with continual acidity and diarrhoea. Pulsatilla. With vomiting, shivering, heat of the head, emaciation. Pulsat. Severe pain in the stomach, long concontinued cephalalgia, emaciation, impaired digestion, wearing feeling of oppression at the stomach, lowness of spirits and anxiety. Sepia. I 42 Silicea, Cardialgia, with gnawing and digging pain, with occasional burning, heat and chills alternately over the back and neck, much nausea in the morning. Stannum. Sensation of obstruction at the scrobiculus, spasmodic gripings in the stomach, and around the umbilicus with nausea, flatulence, and frequent fruitless tenesmus. Stannum. Obstinate cardialgia. Veratrum. Painful constriction of the stomach, extending to the proecordia, with diarrhoea. CARDIOGMUS. ANGINA PECTORIS. (Nervous affection of the heart.) Aconite in a chronic affection of the heart, in two doses, with two doses of Aurum. Continued oppression in the left side' of the chest, and dyspnoea on much exertion, lancinating pain in the region of the heart, congestion and oppression of the head, with frequent weak pulse. Aurum. Violent palpitation of the heart, accompanied with anxiety and constriction of the chest. Pulsat. In repeated doses, in a chronic affection of the heart, in a girl of twenty years of age, with oppressive head-ache, and burning in the left side of the chest, palpitations at night; with the help of several doses of Acon. Pulsat., with Acon. Violent palpitations, wandering of the senses, anxiety and terror. Phosphorus. Pricking pain, oppression, anxiety, sensation as if the heart was swelling; 43 distressing, violent palpitation, with throbbing in the neck and head. Rhus. In a woman fifty-two years of age, with lancinating pain in the left breast, on walking, standing upright, or moving quickly, painful paralysis of the left arm, especially in a state of rest, with formication in it, and tension of the pectoral muscles, mitigated by movement, quivering sensation in the heart. Spigelia. Strong palpitation, with sensation as if the heart was pressed together, beats of the heart irregular, constrictive sensation, spasm of the chest, feeling of suffocation on movement. Spigelia. Auscultation gives a bellows sound (like the purring of a cat); on straining, and at night in a warm room fainting, anxiety, dyspnoea and great headache. CARDIOPALMUS (Palpitation of heart). With paralytic pain in the left arm. Rhus 24. Vide also, PULSATIO CORDIS. CARDITIS. Acon. with Pulsat. Against violent palpitations and anxiety, or Cannabis 2/6, when there is constriction in the middle of the sternum, with difficult respiration, throbbing palpitations in both sides of the chest, with flatulence and fulness. Spigelia also is of use. Cocculus 12-18 for those symptoms which Aconite has not relievedWhen there is continual anxiety, distressed countenance, weakness, and loss of power, with 44 a very trifling degree of inflammation remaining, and the disease is principally in the nerves of the heart. Arsenic 30, is the best remedy. CARIES. Angustura. Caries of the right fore-arm and right leg, with much swelling ichorous discharge, and slow fever, China, Asafotida, Phosphorus, Sulphur, Silicea, Acid. Nitric., Carb. anim., China. Caries of the fore-arm after a fall. Arnica 24, Silicea 30, Calcarea 30, Sulphur 30, Colocynth. Caries of the leg. Sulphur, Silicea. Caries of the elbow joints, with fistulous ulcers of the bone. Calcarea, Silicea, Lycopod. and Sulp. Caries of the thigh in a scrofulous boy. Sepia 30, and Acid Nitric. Caries, Fungous of the hand. Rhus and Arsenic. Caries of the lower jaw, with fistula of the Parotid gland. Silicea. Caries of the bones and face. Calcarea carb. and Silicea. - Caries of the Phalanges of the third middle finger. Silicea 30. Caries of the foot, with hectic fever. Arnica, Lycopod., Silicea. Caries of the Radius, with bluish red swelling of of the fore-arm, with hectic fever. Pulsat., Mezereum, Sabina, Silicea, Calcarea and Lycopod. Caries; Syphilitic of the palate and nasal bones. Aurum. 45 Caries. Syphilitic of the alveolar processes, with Ozcena. Aurumn Muriaticum. Caries Tibiae, with swelling of the whole foot. the slightest touch cannot be borne, fetid ichorous discharge. Silicea, Asafcetida 18, Calcar. carb. 30, Mezereum 18, Silicea 30, Sulphur 30, Acid Nitric. Caries. Recent, of the Tibiae. Silicea 30. Caries Tibie., in the inner side of the left leg, a very painful, bluish ulcer, with hard edge, a fetid, dark-coloured pus exuding, at the inner side of the left ankle a cold tumour. Asafctida 18, gtt. i. Caries of the Tibia and left fore-arm, with many fistulous ulcers, sinking of the powers, and debilitating diarrhoea. Sulphur, Asafoetida, Acid Nitric, and Acid Phosp. Asafoetid. In a caries of the leg with exfoliation of a piece of dead bone. Aurum. Caries of the palate and nasal bones from the abuse of mercury. Nitric Acid. Preceded by a dose of Sepia, in an osseous swelling above the knee on the external part of the thigh: or after the opening of the swelling, discharge of portions of dead bone. Nitric Acid. With the assistance of Silicea, Asafwetid., Calcar., Mezereum, and Sulphur. In Caries of the tibiae with great pain in the bone, with bad coloured fetid ichor discharged from the ulcers, in a boy of eight years of age. Silicea. Caries at the end of the middle finger, 46 in a woman of sixty-two years of age, who had for a whole year covered the part affected with all kinds of ointments, and from which a necrosis had come away. Silicea relieved the pain in eight days, and brought away a dead portion of bone, after which the place healed. CATALEPSIA. Belladonna. Stramonium. The attack commences with lancinating pains in the head, vertigo and heaviness of the head, loss of power, staring eyes, open mouth, loss of consciousness, every limb can with facility be moved by the will, and retained in a given position. Aconite. Stramonium. One to two attacks daily, shooting pain in the head, lancinating pains in the forehead, with vertigo, the eyes half open and fixed, every limb keeps the position given to it, mouth wide open. The attack lasts for half an hour; the patient is ignorant of anything that has passed, but has a difficulty of swallowing. Pulsatilla for the weakness that remains, want of appetite, sleeplessness, troubled dreams. China had been given without success. CATARACT. Pulsat. At the commencement when accompanied with opthalmia, with the help of Cannabis and Opium. The Chrystalline lens was, after six months, of a clear grey, and large objects were only distinguished at four paces distant. The conjunctiva a little red, pressing pain in 47 eyes when closing the eye-lids during the night, flow of salt tears, which excoriate the eye-lid and cheek. -- In a Scrofulous boy, Sulphur 30, with two doses of Pulsatilla. -- In a woman sixty years of age, cured by Sulphur and Causticum in six weeks. -- Incipient from suppressed scabies, Pulsatilla three doses, and two doses of Cannabis. - Traumatic, Cannabis. Simple lenticular, with watery eyes, redness of conjunctiva, painful smarting as if sand were in the eye, Puls. 8. Cannab. and Opium. -- capsular lenticular. Magnes. carb. 30, and Cannabis. Euphrasia. CATARRHUS. Chamomilla, Cina, Nux, Ignat., Bellad., arc the chief medicines when there is a dry cough. Nux, especially if the cough is excited by grating or scratching sensation at the epiglottis, continuing all day, and becoming more violent at evening, then remits and is not so violent at night, but returns with greater vehemence in the morning, and when by exertion a little mucus is thrown up, or where there is pressive pain at the umbilicus with great pain on movement; if at night the cough is more violent, Chamomilla is indicated, and if it is only a night cough, iyoscyamus; if the cough is equally violent day and night, Ignatia; if it comes on with coryza, Euphrasia and Ignatia are indicated; where the 48 cough is violent and increases in the evening, Capsicum or Rhus, giving Acon. first: spasmodic cough, Nux, Ipecac. 6, Puls. 18, Bellad., Mercur.; Drosera and Bryonia, when nausea is present, or on the other hand, if the cough is dry and spasmodic, Hyos. 9, Cina 9, Lactuca virosa 2, Conium 30. Belladonna 30, has often cured a dry spasmodic cough, with insupportable tickling in the trachoea without mucus, awaking the patient generally about eleven o'clock at night. In humid cough, Pulsat., Dulcam., Cham., Bryon., Arnica, Stannum, are generally employed. For hoarseness, Pulsat., Drosera, Dulcam., Manganes, Acet 30, Merc., Sulphur 30, Hep. sulp. are indicated, and Carbo. veget., especially in hoarseness coming on in the evening. China. Suspension of a chronic affection of the Bronchi, cough with stertorous breathing and excoriation of the trachoea, with impeded breathing, spasmodic cough exciting vomiting, white expectoration mixed with black masses. Pulsat. Chronic catarrh, with discharge of a whiteish, greenish, purulent matter from the nose. Stannum. Chronic catarrh, with expectoration of mucus, hoarseness of voice, feeling of oppression at the chest, and dyspncea on walking. Verbascum. Bronchial catarrh with hollow, deeptoned cough. Vide also, CORYZA, TUSSIS, RAUCEDO. CATARRHUS SUFFOCATUS. Ipecac., Coffea, Sambucus, Chamom., Pulsat., when the affection is sudden Arsenic., when there is stertorous 49 breathing, mucous Rahle on inspiring, with anxiety, hollow cough, sensation of paralysis in the shoulders, Tartar emet. afterwards, Baryta Carbo. 1/18. Arsenic, dil. 6/30, Ipecac., followed by Bryonia 18. CEPHALAGRA. Belladonna 30, and Zincum 30. Rhus. Tearing cutting pains with determination to the head. Vide Hemicrania. CEPHALALGIA. Arising from catching cold; in different parts of the head, tearing, and afterwards piercing and pressing pain; the eyes are as if worn out with pain, every movement of the head causes violent pain, noise is distressing, great dulness of memory, singing in the ears, emaciation, cadaverous countenance, with coldness and oppression of the stomach, and spasms of the oesophagus, Nux vom. 30, Pulsat. 12, Ignatia amara 8, Bellad. and Bryonia. Aconite. Very violent pain in the head, with very irritable disposition, arising from catching cold, bursts easily into loud complaints and reproaches, Aconite every four hours. Aconite. Pain in a spot on the left vertex with every movement and with every draught of air. Arnica. Ceph., chronica, with vomiting. Arnica. In cases of contusions of the head. Arsenic. Horrible pain fixed in the gums, over half the upper incisors, so violent that it is impossible to sleep. D 50 Aurum. Roaring and humming noise in the head. Belladonna. In cases of cold and falling off of the hair. Belladonna. Very violent pain in the head whilst walking, reading in a bright light, increased by every movement. Belladonna. Cephalalgia nervosa.-Nervous headache, coming on in the morning, and lasting till evening, bitter vomiting, violent pressing pain at the vertex and temple, vertigo whilst raising or moving the head, very bad on stooping, congestion of the head, delirium and loss of sleep. Belladonna. Periodic chronic head-ache, especially at the time of menstruation. Belladonna. Periodic head-ache, after mid-day, at four o'clock, lasting till three the next morning, screwing, piercing, tearing pains, and buzzing in the right ear, occiput and right temple. Belladonna. Chronic head-ache, tearing, pressing, and cutting pains over the whole head, especially in the forehead increased by movement and draught of air. Bryonia. Splitting head-ache, as if the brain were pressing out, arising from congestion; occupying the vertex, the forehead, and the temples. Increased by stooping, and movement of the head, cough, or sneezing. Bryonia. In hysterical head-ache, coming on in the morning, with piercing and aching pain in the forehead, afterwards becomes lancinating; burning, tearing pains over the whole head, it is dissipated after some hours by vomiting; after 51 Nux vom. the attack was alleviated. Bryonia quite eradicated it. Bryonia. Chronic headache, violent thrusting, pressing, tearing pains in the morning, with the assistance of Rhus. Bryonia. Violent head-ache, coming on early in the morning in bed; goes away until towards the evening, when it returns with insupportable violence, as if the head were pressed together; patient can bear no noise or fatigue; palpitation of the heart, dyspnoea, nausea, anxiety and irritability. Calcarea carb. Chronic head-ache, tense pain, beginning in the temples, and then drawing towards the vertex, becoming more violent and pulsating, increased by any exertion of the mind, or drinking spirits; burning in the eyes, otorrhea, dysecoia, nose stopped up with fetid pus; at the same time, difficulty of breathing; Atony. With the help of Aconit. and Nux vom. Calcarea carb. Chronic head-ache in a scrofulous subject; piercing pain in the forehead, as if the head would burst asunder when in the open air; hammering pain in the head, which compels the patient to keep a recumbent position; at the same time humming noise in the head, cutting pains in the hypogastric region, during menstruation. Calcarea carb. and Phosphorus. Head-ache, with tearing pain, commencing in the forehead, as of violent pulsations, extending from thence to D 2 52 the right temple and occiput. The head feels heavy, so that the patient is forced to lie down, when the pain is alleviated. Calcarea. carb. Violent, tearing, boring pain in the head, during and after menstruation, from change of weather and from excitement of the mind, affecting, for the most part, the right side, spreading itself in a radiating form; violent menstruation. China. After the catamenia has ceased,violent pain in the head, distress, nausea, coldness over the body, cold feet, great weakness. China. In the crown of the head, pressing, piercing pain, sensation as if the head were bruised; fixed study or attention greatly increases the tearing pain in the head; the greatest exhaustion whilst remaining quiet, sunken countenance, anorexia, violent thirst. China. Soreness of the skin, irritability of the hairy scalp. China. Painful beatings and fluctuations of the of the brain against the skull, aggravated by movement. (hina. Periodic pain in the supra orbital region. Colocynth. Violent intermittent head-ache. Colocynth. Tearing head-ache. Dulcamara. Violent, piercing, burning pain in the forehead and vertex, with digging pain in brain, from without inwards, as if a board were pressed against the forehead, thirst, with dryness of the tongue, hard and full pulse. Helleborus niger. Chronic head-ache of an oppres 53 sive kind, confusion of ideas; in cases of over exertion of the mind in study. Ignatia. Clavus hystericus, pain as if a nail was driven into the head. Ipecacuanha. Oppressive pain, with nausea and frequent vomiting, diminished appetite for food, great thirst, catamenia too frequent, combined with frontal head-ache. Magnes. carbon., Lycopod. Shooting pains in the temple, tearing pains in the forehead, scanty catamenia, accompanied by vomiting. Mercurius. Tearing, burning pain in the head, especially in the temple. Mercurius, with the help of Bryonia. Tearing pains in the head and teeth, excited by heat and cold. Nux vomica. Catarrhal head-ache, pressing, pulsating pain in the forehead, over the eyes, in the temple and vertex, as if the head would burst, increased by stooping and coughing; continues after the catarrh and cough have disappeared. Nux vomica. Hysterical head-ache, an attack coming on every ten to fourteen days; it begins with a dull, pressing pain, vertigo, confusion in the head, great feeling of oppression over the eyes, sensibility to the light, gastric symptoms, asthmatic constrictions of the chest, disturbed sleep from the violently increased pain in the head. (The attacks were, previously, caused by mental emotion.) Nux vomica. Periodic head-ache, beginning every morning on getting up, and constantly disap 54 pearing at mid-day. Tearing and pressing pain in the head. Gastric symptoms. Nux vomica. Periodic head-ache from youth. Periodic head-ache, repeated doses of Nux, and one dose of Sepia. Nux vomica. Periodic head-ache, every morning at seven o'clock, until mid-day. Nzux vomica. Sanguineous head-ache, congestion, vertigo whilst walking, and especially on stooping; wandering of ideas, heaviness of the head, pressing, tense pain in the forehead, vomiting. Nux vomica. At the same time, with pulsating sensation in the brain, wandering, pressing, thrusting pain, in the morning, increased by wine or coffee, constipation. Nux vomnica. Daily after the mid-day meal, till three o'clock, pain in the head, with heat over the body, and redness of the countenance. NV.t vomica. Head-ache, dull pressing in tile forehead and about the temples, with feeling of excoriation and tenderness; constipation. With the help of Belladonna. Nax vomica. Rheumatic head-ache, very violent pain of the right side of the head every night, from eleven o'clock till morning. Nux vomica. Violent head-ache, and fiery redness of countenance, sparkling eyes, disturbed sleep. Belladonna relieved it only for a moment. Nux vomica. Pain in the head, which, after half an hour, is changed into tearing, dragging pains superficially over the head, or penetrating pulsating, contracting pains in the temples, 55 often alternating in different parts; great heat in the head, festered mouth; very irritable, inclined to anger. Two doses of Nux vore., cured an affection of this kind, of twenty years standing. Nux vomica and Sepia. Chronic lancinating headache coming on weekly, sometimes occupying the whole head, and remaining for twenty-four hours; violent, mucous and bilious vomitings; anorexia& Nux vomica. Constricting and pressing pain in the stomach, extending to the back, at the same time vomiting of an acid liquid, constipation, flatulency; coming on in the morning. Nux vonica, with Belladonna. Head-ache coming on at night, with very violent lancinating pain, accompanied with vomiting; vertigo and universallassitude, eructations, constipation. Petroleum, with Phosphorus, and Calcarea. Chronic head-ache following a fall. Phosphorus. Violent periodic head-ache with stupefaction and congestion of the head, at the same time, lividness of the countenance, sour eructations, constant secretion of mucus in the throat. Platina. Oppressive pain in the forehead, over the root of the nose, with heat and redness of the countenance, too early and too copious menstruation. Pulsatilla. Pain increasing in the evening, appearing as if coming from the neck, and 56 remaining on both sides of the head (occupit); absolute necessity of lying down, singing in the ears, vertigo, dimness of sight, as if a black veil were beforetheeyes; daily, towards evening, shivering with shooting pain in the limbs, also heat without thirst. Pulsatilla. Acute head-ache every twenty-four hours, with sudden intermissions. Violent head-ache with shooting pains in the vertex, and burning in the eyes, sickness; the countenance becomes bright red, must lie down, cannot remain quiet; every movement increases the feeling, as if the brain would fall forwardpressure relieves the pain. Pulsatilla. Tearing pain in the forehead, increasing in the evening, at night so violent, that it causes shrieking, paracusis illusoria, photophobia; bruised feelings in the limbs. Phus. Violent attack of head-ache, in an hysterical woman, coming on at the back part of the head, is obliged to lie down for twenty-four hours without speaking, the slighest anxiety, also, the smallest movement in the fresh air, increases it. Rhus. Dragging pain in the left temple in the evening and at night, with humming and roaring in the head. Sepia. Cephalalgia of five years standing. Pressing pain in the left orbital region, lancinating pain over the whole head, an attack every week, aggravated during the time of menstruation, 57 and by mental emotion; nausea, vertigo, feeling of faintness, heat in the head, oppression on the chest, Fluor albus. Sepia. Cephalalgia hysterica. Very violent lancinating pains in the left side of the forehead, so that it distorts the countenance, returns every twenty-five minutes; pain in the vertex. Silicea. Chronic periodic head-ache, shooting tearing pains, commence in the temple, extending towards the upper and lower jaw-bone, and in the teeth, where it is generally the most severe; it is increased by a draught of air; Belladonna does not relieve the symptoms. Sulphur. Chronic head-ache, with pressing pain in the forehead and over the whole fore-part of the head, immediately on awaking in the morning, and increases during the whole day, easily fatigued by walking. Sulphur. Every eight days, pressing, tiaring pains, stupefaction, nausea. Taraxacum. Cephalalgia of two years' duration, very violent whilst moving and standing. Valerian. Zincum. (Vide Hemicrania.) CHLOROSIS. Ferrum, Pulsatilla, Nux vomica, China, Cocculus, Sulphur, Sepia, Phosphorus, Natrum muriaticum, Lycopodium, Acid. nitricum, Graphit. Phosphorus, Zincum, followed by Ferrum. Sulphur, Carbo. veget., and Hepar sulphuris. D 5 58 Amennorhoea, emaciation and cough; after scabies. Calcarea Carbon. Chlorosis, with symptoms of Ascites. China, Pulsat., Cocculus, Nux vom. CHOLERA MITIS. (Bilious diarrhoea, Vomiting.) Antimonium crudum. Infantile cholera, frequent vomiting of food, drink and mucus, at the same time diarrhoea and great desire for cold water. Arsenic. Cholera, sporadic infantile; violent diarrhoea and vomiting of a watery mass, with great weakness, sunken cadaverous countenance, cold sweat on the forehead, eyes dim and deep sunk in their sockets, with blue circle round them, tumid abdomen, coldness of the body, with great emaciation, constant moaning. Arsenic. Burning hot skin, great thirst, disturbed nights, jactitation of the limbs, constant starting and restlessness. Arsenic. Cholera, with great anxiety at the praecordia. Arsenic. Watery vomitings and diarrhoea, with periodic burning. Belladonna. Vomiting, and mucous diarrhoea with dry hot skin. Calcarea acetica. Acid vomiting and diarrhoea, in children. Chamomilla. Moderate diarrhoea without pain, with repeated vomitings of a sour smelling mucus. 59 China. Cholera, coming on generally at night. Colocynth. Continued, constant recurring diarrhoea, lancinating, cutting pain in the abdomen, with violent cramps in the calves of the legs. Ipecacuanha. Helleborus niger. Anorexia, painful colic, nausea, vomiting of food, cutting pain in the abdomen, constant desire to go to stool, diarrhoea, inclination to sleep. Secale Cornutum. In diarrhoea analogous to cholera. Veratrnum. Cholera sporadica, with watery diarrhoea, loss of appetite, restlessness, great thirst, acid vomiting of a mucous watery fluid, 'with great lassitude, bluish glazed countenance, lower part of the abdomen hot and swelled: in combination with Chamomilla 12, or Rheum. Veratrum. Cholera sporadica, with severe cuttings in the abdomen, green, bitter vomitings, constant purging. The greenish yellow diarrhoea, returned again with much thirst; cured by Rhus. Veratrum. Alternate vomiting and diarrhoea, oppression at the scrobiculus cordis. Thirst, exhaustion, cold extremities, cold clammy sweat, hippocratic face. Veratrum. Coldness of the body, extreme weakness, cramp of the calves of the legs, retention of urine, cold sweat. CHOLERA ASIATICA. (Cholera Morbus.) Cholera Acuta. Spasms of the muscles, vomiting, diarrhoea, swoonings, complete state of collapse, 60 coma, hippocratic face; Veratrum Album, Arsenic, Cicuta Virosa. Cholera Dysenterica. Beginning with simple diarrhoea, with red and watery evacuations, which become later of a consistence of barley water or curded milk, adynamia. Camphor, Phosphorus, Acid. Phosphoricum. An Ice Glyster, in obstinate colic. Cholera Vomitoria. Continued vomiting without diarrhoea, diminished secretion of urine. Ipecacuanha. (JVeratrum Album, Chamomilla, Nux vom.) Cholera Spasmodica. Vomiting and diarrhoea inconsiderable. Cup. metal., Veratr. album, Camphor. Cholera Asphyxia, vel sicca. Sudden depression of the powers, icy coldness, loss of consciousr.ess, coma; Camphor, Veratrum Album.-With complete asphyxia, Carbo. veget., or Acid Hydrocyanicum. Cholera inflammatoria. Long continued vomiting, slight diarrhoea, with white evacuations. Veratrum, Ipecac., Cuprum; when the vomiting has ceased, Aconite. Camphor, is good only in the first stage, with the following symptoms: previous exhaustion, with death-like countenance, sunken eyes, bluish colour, with coldness of the face, hands, and feet, despondency, anxiety, with feeling of suffocation, confusion of head, hoarse voice, burning in the stomach and oesophagus, cramp in the calf and muscles of the leg. Painful feeling 61 in the scorbiculis, without thirst, without vomiting, or diarrhoea; (but according to Dr. Reutel, only in the last case, so long as there are no convulsions combined.) Camphora is indicated where all the powers of life are sunk, pulse hardly perceptible, warmth of skin almost gone. But it is not applicable where profuse evacuations are present. Camphora, after Hahnemann's preparation, a teaspoonful every four or five minutes. Treatment of Cholera, according to Dr. Bakodys. First Stage. Ipecacuanha every half an hour, afterwards Chamomilla, with tongue covered with yellow fur. Oppression at the epigastrium, colic and anxiety. Should these not have the desired effect, Veratrum must be given, particularly if there are the following symptoms present: diarrhoea, with watery whitish green evacuations, pinching, burning around the stomach, great desire and thirst after cold water. Vomiting of what has been previously eaten. Second Stage, with the following symptoms: Tonic and clonic spasm (cramp), especially in the fingers, toes, and calves of the legs, also spasms of the chest (at times, absence of all spasms); sunken countenance, blue lips, diminished temperature of the skin, sunken eyes, with Ipecac., and Veratrum; at times Cicuta Viros., acts very beneficially, particularly where there is vehement tonic cramp in the pectoral muscles, contortion of the eyes, alter 62 nating with the vomiting, and when the evacuations are scanty and seldom. Third Stage. The highest degree of exhaustion, general apathy, icy coldness and clammy perspiration all over the body, lividity of the body, hippocratic face; TVeratrum, Cuprum, Arsenic and Prunus, Laurocerasus. Cuprum, when there is a pressive pain at the scrobiculus, increased by touch, audible gurgling when drinking, vomiting, coupled with severe pressure of the epigastrium, anxious, difficult respiration, preceded by a constricting sensation in the chest, and likewise clonic cramp in the fingers and toes. Arsenic. After vomiting, pain in the epigastrium remaining in one place, with tonic cramp in the fingers and toes, with a sudden remarkable sinking of the powers of life, with anxious movements of the body here and there in the bed, and unspeakable anxiety of approaching death, painful oppression of the chest, burning thirst, burning evacuations, with violent colicy pains. Laurocerasus. Gives immediate relief when there are tearings in the upper and lower extemities, dullness of hearing, stupefaction, as of drunkenness; spasmodic contraction of the muscles of the face, and constricting sensation in the throat when trying to drink, with small slow pulse, vertigo, stupefaction; convulsions of the face. Rummell gave, in the same kind of cholera, Vera 63 trumi as the chief remedy. Clprum where there was much cramp of tie muscles, bowels, &c. Camnphor, Arsenic, Secale cornutum. When there was vomiting the greater part of the time, when the stools were colourless, which showed that there was no bile in the intestinal canal. Carbo. vegetabilis. When the cholera symptoms had yielded, and the congestion of the head and chest remain, if the oppression still exists, with slight coma, and the flushed cheeks are covered with a clammy perspiration. (Cicta virosa. Where the patient lies comatose with eyes distorted upwards, the breath oppressed to the utmost degree, violent spasms of the chest, vomiting, slight diarrhoea; with the aid( of Acid HIydrocyanic. IJecac. and Acomi., when the vomiting is excessive. AMercuritus, in dysenteric cholera. Against the acute diarrhoea of the cholera form, Secale cornutum is of especial service. Of the chronic kind, Mercur., China, Dulcamara, Acid nitric, Tartar emetic, Digitalis. Against cholera conjestion, Camphor, Nux vomn., Acon., Secale cornut., Lycopod., Cuprum. and Ipecac. Belladonna. Where the countenance is red; glassy eyes, cephalalgia, congestion of the head. Nux romr. when the diarrhea is not yet copious, especially when there is violent tenesmus, with scanty evacuations. Car/,o. vegetabilis, has stopped with great rapidity the progress of the disorder. 64 Phosphorus. Violent borborygmi, with copious diarrhoea of a serous fluid, without pain, without vomiting. If Typhus Fever should remain as a sequel, Bryonia, Rhus., Acid Phosphor., also Stramoniun, Hyoscyam., Belladonna, Carbo. veget., Opium. If symptoms of a chronic kind remain, Tinctura Sulphuratis benefits. Veratrum. Vomiting of a greyish fluid, stools every half hour, of a half yellow half grey consistency; the bowels painfully pressed against the spine, with sensation of heat, the rest of the body ice cold, hippocratic face, aphonia, painful cramps of the toes and calves of the legs, pulse hardly perceptible. As preservatives, or prophylactics, Camphor, Cuprum, Veratrum, also Ipecacuanha and Arsenic. CHOLERINA. Acid Phosphoricum. Borborygmi, copious, watery, and greenish diarrhoea, accompanied with great lassitude, clammy, viscous tongue, thirst, bad colour of the countenance, vertigo, and suppression of the urine. Phosphorus. Rumblings, borborygmi in the abdomen, with watery, slimy, greenish diarrhoea, with hot skin. Ferrum Metallicum and Calcarea carbon., Helleborus niger, Arsenic, Secale cornutum, and Chamomilla. CHOREA ST. VITI. (St. Vitus's dance.) Chorea, with vertigo, borborygmi in the bowels, various movements and convulsive twitchings in different part of the body. Belladonna, 30. 65 Nux vom., 30. Calc. carb. 24. Lycopod, 30. Silicea, 30. Phosphorus, 30. Caustic, 30. Sulph. 30. Chorea, from fright. The head is drawn backward, gnashing of teeth, violent twitches of the whole body, he dances, and makes great springs with closed eyes and convulsive movements of all the limbs. Stramonium, Ignatia, Nux vom., Hlyos., Belladonna, Aconit., Pulsatilla, Sulphur, Phosph., Sepia, Carbo. veget., Calc. carb. Chorea, Iynatia, Belladonna, Asafoetida. Asafatida with Ignatia, Pulsatilla, Cuprum, and Aurum. Calcarea and Sulphur. Chorea coming on from grief, with very stuttering speech, constant movement of the whole muscular system, crossing of the feet whilst walking, emaciation. Calcarea carbon. Calcarea and Bellad. Causticurn. After an expelled eruption, different movements of the mouth, eyes, head, hands, and feet arise with loss of sleep and restlessness, when caused from a relapse in the diet, was cured always by Ignatia and Causticum. China. Twitches of all the muscles, thirst, with fever, followed by perspiration, in a boy of six years of age; with the help of Ignatia and Cuprum aceticunm. Cocculus and Belladonna, in chorea of one side of the body. Crocus in spasms, as of chorea, with cessation of menstruation. 66 Cuprum. All parts of the body are put into extravagant movements when awake, none of the limbs can remain quiet; the tongue itself has an involuntary motion. Cuprum aceticumn. Convulsions, with distortions of the eyes, face, and body, jactitation of the left arm and leg, anxiety, and vehement weeping: with the assistance of Ignatia. Ignatia. Chorea from fright. Ignatia. Chorea in a young girl of eleven years of age. Stramonium. Staggering, hesitating gait, trembling of the extremities. The voluntary muscles have involuntary motions, inactivity of the organs of sense, loss of memory, stammering, convulsions of the muscles of the face. China 12, against the trembling, and gastric disturbance, with great thirst, which remain. Stramonium, cured a chorea with difficult speech, preceded by Belladonna. Stramonium, and Sulphur. Stramonium, and Nux vomt. Zincurn with Stramonium. Almost constant pressing head-ache; no thirst; pressing pain at the'pit of the stomach, involuntary tears, irregular convulsive movements of the limbs, tottering gait. Stramnonium, relieved the great apathy, unwillingness to mental exertion, and convulsive movements which remained. CLAUDICATIO SPONTANEA. (Spontaneous lameness.) Calcarea, Rhus. 67 CLAVI PEDIS, Petroleit, Phosphorus. C(ELIALGIA SPASMODICA. (Coeliac [abdominal] spasm.) C. Spasm. Hysterica. Pulsatilla. Pulsat., with Ferrum. Strong pressing pain at the rectum, coming on every four weeks, at the time of menstruation, at the same time inclination to vomit, alleviated by lying down. After eating, pain in the epigastrium, with eructations. Pulsatilla. Spasm in the hypogastric region, from suppressed menstruation, with asthmatic sufferings. Belladonna. Very violent pain in the right side, and lower part of the abdomen, back and anus, obliged to lie down, and causing great uneasiness. Sulphur. Cutting pain, sensation as if a fist was thrust into, and turned round in the abdomen. This pain alternates with another in the scrobiculus cordis, as if two stones were rubbed against one another; sitting in a bent position relieves it. Also, Cocculus, Cuprum, Hyoscyamus, Ignat., Ipecac., Magnes. muriat, Moschus, Nux vom., Rhus., Sepia, Stannum, Stramon., Valerian and Veratrum. COLICA. Arsenic. Violent griping pain, rigor, thirst, great anxiety, restlessness, vomiting of liquids which had been recently swallowed, fainting, exhaustion, icy coldness of the body, suppressed urine, tenesnlus. 68 Belladonna. Violent colic, with borborygmi and tumidity of the bowels. Chamomilla. Dreadful tearing constricting pains in the stomach, and small of the back. The whole body trembles. The abdomen is very painful to the touch, as if it were ulcerated. Diarrhcea, with bilious derangement during menstruation. Colocynth. Violent cutting pain in the abdomen, as of a knife. No movement of the body gives relief. Despondency, afterwardsviolent pricking pain in the region of the ovarium, with rigors during the pain. Colocynth 12; the pressure at the scorbiculus cordis and bowels, which remained, was removed by Pulsatilla, as also the eructations. Colocynth. Violent pains in the bowels from catching cold, so that the patient bends to his knees, and cries out with agony; nausea; diarrhoea. Colocynth. Violent cutting pains in the bowels in paroxysms. Colocynth. Violent sticking and burning pain in the abdomen, in the left lumbar region, ceasing and returning. Colocynth. Very violent pain in the bowels, as if the intestines were being cut: the countenance is distorted from pain, perspiration over the whole body, no appetite, or desire to drink, constipation; the abdomen is very tender to the touch during the pain. Colocynth. Violent colicy pains day and night; he bends and rolls about in the bed. 69 Colocynth. Violent pain in the abdomen, in a boy of thirteen years of age, of a cutting kind; he cries out aloud: it lasts several moments, and then ceases. Mercur. and Sulphur. Violent colic on left side of the bowels, with constipation. Nux vom. Periodic pain in the abdomen in the morning after eating. Pulsatilla. In a pregnant woman, with aching pain. Veratrum. Periodic colic every evening after dinner. COLICA, FLATULENTA. Arsenic. Chamomilla. In an infant with green evacuations. Colocynth. Very violent colic, as if the bowels were pressed between two stones, at the same time, considerable tympanitis. Belladonna. With fainting fits and congestion. Cocculus. Deep seated. Phosphorus. Pain in the lower part of the abdomen. COLICA HICEMORRHOIDALIS. Sulphur. After eating, colicy pains in the epigastrium, with pressing pain about the liver, pains in the sacrum and loins, and varicose hoemorrhoids; with the assistance of Aconita. COLICA, HEPATICA 01. Terebluth. Colica Hepatica With Icterus, (jaundice), Nux vom. and Puls COLICA, MENSTRUALIS. Before each menstruation, painful stickings in 70 the left flank, and cutting pain in the region of the uterus, so that the patient is obliged to cry out. The menstruation continues eight days; a bent position relieves the pain; Pulsatilla. Secale cornutum. Menstrual colic, with paleness of the face, coldness of the extremities, cold perspiration, small weak pulse, alternating cutting, and tearing pains in the intestines. COLICA NEPHRITICA. Belladonna. Nux vomica. COLICA SATURNINA. (Lead colic.) Opium relieves the constricting pains, constipation, and great uneasiness, it acts in most cases as a specific. Platina 6. Alumina 30, in the consecutive treatment, COLICA IIERNIALIS. Nux vom., Op1ium. Belladonna. CONGESTIO LYMPHATICA AD CAPUT. Belladonna with the assistance of Pulsat. -- SANGUINIS. Aconite as specific. Aconite in a woman who had already been bled seven times in the year. Aconit, Bellad., Nux, Cham., Arnica, Pulsat., China, Mercur. Carbo. veyet. CONGESTIO SANGUINIS AD PECTUS (Sanguineous congestion at the chest,.) Nux vomica, Bellad., Bryon., Ipecac. Rhus. 71 under certain circumstances Squilla, Digitalis, with violent beatings, Aurum., China. CONGESTIO AD UTERUM (Congestion of the uterus.) Bellad., Calcarea, Sulph., Platina, Mercurius, Nux, Bryon., China., Ipecac., Crocus, Sabina. -- AD VISCERA ABDOM. (Physconia Sanguinea.) Nux vom. when there is tension, swelling, oppression, heat and burning in the lower part of the abdomen and sacrum, pressing pain and contractions in the rectum and bladder. CONTUSIONES (Bruises, &c.) Arnica given internally, and applied outwardly, acts as a specific, internally, globules 2, or gtt. i. externally, one part of Arnica to 20 of water. Acid Sulphuricum. In considerable contusions, where the soft parts are in a state analogous to gangrene,with much echymoses,gangrenous spots and dull aching pains; at intervals of some days, Acid Sulphur. concent. gtt. vj., Aq. frigid. v., ft. lotio,well skaken together, and applied externally. Seidel has employed this with great success where Arnica has entirely failed. Conium. When the glandular parts have been bruised, after having previously given Arnica. It is only when the contusions bring forth a psoric habit that it is necessary to have recourse to Merc., Bellad., Bryon., Spongia, Carbo. annim. and veget., Kali carb., Phosphorus, Iodine, and Petroleum. 72 CONSTIPATION. Vide OBSTRUCTIO ALVI. CONVULSIONES. Arsenic. In painful snatching of the limbs whilst sleeping. Belladonna. Very violent convulsions of the whole body, the patient casts himself upwards, he draws up his legs towards the abdomen. Belladonna. Loss of consciousness, red, bloated countenance, the whole body is convulsively moved, especially the eyes and arms, froth from the mouth, delirium. Belladonna. Epileptic convulsions, violent convulsive movements in the arms, the fore-arms violently moved, vertigo, loss of consciousness; the eyes and mouth are convulsed, reddish froth from the mouth, the upper part of the body and head are drawn back; the whole body stiff, the thumbs drawn inwards. Belladonna. Convulsions of the arms, contraction of the left arm, with circular swinging movements. Belladonna. Convulsive catching of the head. Belladonna. Convulsions in children; attack of a quarter of an hour's duration; stretches out its limbs, turns itself upon its back, weeps, cries out as if in a passion, casts the legs in all directions, shrieks out and draws himself together, incurvates the fingers (not the thumbs. Stramonium. Arnica had been given previously out benefit. Bryonia. Convulsions of the arms in a pregnant woman, without pain. Chamomilla. Convulsions of the arms and face, with distortions of the eyes, in a boy of four years of age, from no apparent cause; much febrile heat, hot head; burning thirst, pain in abdomen. Chamomilla. Convulsive twitchings of the eyelids and fingers, the thumbs drawn inwards, gnashing of teeth, pale countenance; he is inclined to sleep during the whole period of the attack. Chamomilla. Convulsions of children, with Diarrhoea. Chamomilla. Epileptic convulsion of children: the child extends and stretches itself out quite stiff, and bends itself back, draws the thumbs inwards, with quick respiration, red, swelled face, and twitchings of the limbs. Cocculus. Arms and thighs violently agitated, at the same time sensation as if an electric shock had passed through the body; deficiency of recollection, red, swelled countenance, anxious respiration, violent pain in the forefinger and arm up to the axilla and chest. Conium maculatum. Convulsive twitching of the limbs. Hyoscyamus. In a pregnant woman, violent pain in the head, swelled, flushed countenance, frequent twitching in the muscles of the back. Pain in the scrobiculus cordis and intestines. Convulsive twitchings of the upper and lower extremities, twitchings in the face, with loss of consciousness. Ignatia. Convulsions which make the patient strike B 74 and throw himself about, with oppression at the chest, violent throbbings in the thorax, red, hot face. Ignatia. Twitchings, distortion of the limbs with crying out, the colour of the countenance changes from red to white, much saliva flows from the mouth, loss of consciousness, oppressed respiration. Ignatia. Convulsions of children, with inflammatory disease of the brain. Ipecacuanla. The patient is unconscious of the convulsive shocks, the countenance pale, and swelled, all the muscles of the face distorted, as also the limbs; at the same time that he raises the extremities, he raises the upper part of the body perpendicularly, much exhaustion after the attack. Moschus. Convulsions of the countenance, breast, abdomen, extremities, with loss of consciousness and feeling, and cessation of the menses. Pulsatilla. Convulsive movements in the right arm and leg. Pulsatilla and Chamnomilla. Violent gnashing of the teeth in a boy of six years of age, wide opened, protruded, turnedup eyes, he lies staring and unconscious, cold over the whole body, with pale countenance and protruded tongue; respiration quick and painful, bowels and epigastric region very much swelled. Stannum. Spasmodic contractions of the face, eyes, and muscles of the neck, when the attack is most yiolent, throws himself about 75 in the bed; vertigo, head-ache, dysphagia, burning heat over the whole surface of the body; urine and stool involuntary, after every convulsive spasm. CONVULSIONS IN YOUNG CHILDREN. ARISING FROM DENTITION. Belladonna. In plethoric and corpulent children and of a sanguineous temperament, starting while sleeping, pupils much enlarged. Chamomilla. In children of nervous, sanguineous temperaments, extreme sensitiveness, peevish, fretful disposition, one cheek red and the other pale, convulsions of the arms and legs with clenched thumbs. Belladonna and Chamomilla in alternation. Ignatia. Melancholic temperament, alternation of vivacity and sadness, light slumber with flushes of burning heat, tremor of the entire body, violent crying, when paroxysms occur every day at a stated hour, or every other day at variable hours. Cina. Melancholic temperament in scrofulous children, attended with picking at the nose and itching at the anus, attack of spasms of the breast and limbs, with rigid stiffness of the entire body. Arsenic with Stramonium, previously given and followed by Belladonna; irritability, great thirst, diarrhoea, restless sleep, attacks with opisthotonos and emprosthotenos, clenched fingers and extended thumbs. Stannum. When spasms occur at the appearance E 2 76 of each tooth, with burning heat of skin, violent bounding pulse, spasmodic twitchings, of the face and eyes, fcecal and urinary evacuations in the midst of the convulsions. - FROM REPELLED ERUPTIONS. Belladonna. From suppressed scarlet fever, alternating with Opium and Stramonium. Bryonia. Dependant on suppressed measles. Stramonium. Arising from suppression of acute or chronic eruptions, sometimes an extreme aversion or dread of water. Tartar emetic. Arising from repelled eruptions of the head, when symptoms resemble those of Hydrocephalus. Sulphur. Arising from repelled chronic eruptions. If the symptoms indicate any of the previous medicines, let it be given at once, but if immediate impression is not obtained, give the Sulphur speedily, and continue the alternation until successful. -ARISING FROM IRRITATION OF THE STOMACH. Nux vomica. Convulsions, in lively, sanguineous, and nervous temperaments, arising from derangements of the digestive organs, gripings and distention of the abdomen, constipation, violent spasms with shrieks, bending the body backwards, especially the head, fixed eyes and trembling of the limbs, much thirst and excessive perspiration during the intervals of the paroxysms. Pulsatilla. In dull phlegmatic, or mild merry temperaments, and in female infants, convulsions caused by an overloaded stomach. 77 Coffea. Convulsions arising from the abuse of laudanum, paregoric, etc.; if not prompt in its action, give 1-2 gtts. of spirits of camphor every ten minutes. Ignatia. In convulsions from the abuse of Camomile tea. Ipecacuanha. Convulsions preceded and attended by pale bloated face, frightful distortion of the muscles of the face; aversion to every thing but water; nausea, vomitings, and diarrhoea, -- ARISING FROM WORMS. Mercurius. Indicated when the attacks come on in the evening, and the skin is disposed to perspiration; child is seized with painful eructations, water rises up and ejected from the mouth, abdomen distended and hard. Ciwi. Alternating with Hyoscyair s. Hyoscyamus. Attacks coming on periodically, and immediately after eating, nausea after a meal, sometimes vomiting, or suddenly shrieking and becoming insensible, foaming at the mouth, grinding the teeth. Cicuta. While during the undoubted existence of worms, the child is suddenly taken with violent abdominal gripings, and colic, which persist until they merge into convulsions, tremor of the limbs, jerks like electric shocks. -— ARISING FROM MECHANICAL INJURIES. Arnica. From convulsions arising from contusions when a surgeon is not absolutely required. --— ARISING FROM FRIGHT. OPium. 78 Ignatia. Stramonium. When the child is suddenly convulsed and senseless from fright. Secale. When Stramonium fails, and also in alternation with it. — ARISING FROM UNKNOWN CAUSES. All the preceding remedies according to the indications: Aurumn has been used by Rau, in convulsions attended with laughing and weeping. Aconite by Hartmann, in those attended with high fever. Cocculus, Cuprum, Cicuta. "When medicines are not at hand, the child should be placed up to the knees in hot, not scalding water, until the convulsions have ceased, and then taken out and wrapped in a warm dry blanket; and should the convulsions again come on, the immersion to be repeated, with the addition of a small stream of cold water poured on the head, until animation becomes apparent, and then to be taken out and put into a warm dry wrapper. "Injections are also of much value in convulsions, when arising from any irritating substances in the intestines: the injection should precede the bath, or in the intervals of the bathing; simple warm water, or milk, or equal parts of sweet oil and warm milk, or a composition of warm water, salt, and molasses."-New York Hom. Exam. v. 1. Vide also, SPASMI. CORYZA. (Cold in the head and nose.) Arsenic. Coryza with excoriating discharge, 79 which alternates with rheum and burning in the nose.-Very violent head-ache, with excoriating discharge. Digitalis. In a chronic coryza. Nux vomica. Pulsatilla. In a catarrh where there is much discharge. Chronic coryza, with a greenish yellow discharge of a fetid kind, with swollen and much excoriated nose, from cold. Corvza in a warm room, and in the evening, unimportant in the cold air. Ignatia. Coryza in hysterical persons. (Coryza habitual.) Silicea, Sulphur, Calcarea. -- Checked by cold, and from which arises gastric symptoms, Nux vomica 18, Antim. crutd., Puls., Ipecac. - Repulsa. China, Ambra. COXALGIA. (Disease of the hip joint.) Pain with uneasiness of the hip joint behind the trochanter and inside of the knee, slight lengthening of the affected extremity, with inability to tread upon it; shivering, alternating with heat. Belladonna, Arnica, Rhus., Hepar sulph. Bryonia, and Merc. solub. Calcarea carbonica. In an infant three months old. Calcarea carbon. Involuntary lameness in a scrofulous child of three years of age, drags the left foot in walking, the joint of the foot is turned outwards. The diseased foot is longer. Hepar sulpAuris. The right foot two or three inches longer than the left. The nates flat. The foot is dragged crossways, violent tearing 80 burning pain in the hip and knee joint, swollen glands of the neck and a large goitre. Mercurius followed by Arnica. The diseased right leg is longer, violent lancinating pain in the right hip joint, increased on movement; coming on after a fever. COXARTHROCACE. In a scrofulous child of six years of age, ischiadic abscess, suppuration, darting pain in the right hip, thigh and knee, spontaneous luxation from within outwards, the knee cannot be made straight, slow fever. Arnica 6, Bryon. 12, Lycop. 30, Acid nitr., Sulphur, Calc. carb. 30, Silicea, Petrol 30, Bryonia 8, Phosphorus 30. Coxarthrocace with an abscess from which much ichor exudes, Merc. solub. 3, Spong. 2 dil. Hep. sulp. 1, Arsenic 30, China. Sulphur. In a boy fourteen years of age, arising from catching cold. Colocynth. In a complicated case. CRUSTA LACTEA. (Scald-head, Porrigo.) Arsenic, Bryonia, Baryta acet., Dulcamara, Lycopod. 30, Sarsaparilla, Sepia 30, Sulphur. Mezereum and Rhus. CRUSTA SERPIGINOSA. Arsenic, Rhus., Hepar sulp. Sulphur. In a child six weeks old with diarrhoea and convulsions; also, Arsenic, Calcarea, Clematis, Dulcam., Graphit. and Mere. (Vide Herpes.) CYANOSIS. Digitalis, Blue colour of the lips, eye-lids, 81 and tongue; cold extremities; anxiety; dyspnoea; cough with expectoration of blood. CYPHOSIS. Merc., Mesmerismus, Pulsatilla, 18, in a boy with rachitis. Sulphur. In a scrofulous child ten years old, from a blow in the back, at the same time tonic and clonic cramp with strangury; with the help of Cicuta virosa and Staphysagria. CYSTITIS. (Inflam. of bladder.) Cantharides. With pain in the region of the bladder, which is also painful on movement; burning pain, especially before and after making water; suppression of urine. Aconite as a palliative. Nux vom., when caused from the abuse of spirituous drink. D. DELIQUIUM ANIMI. (Fainting.) Chamomilla. Falls down unconscious; cold over the body; hemorrhage from the nose, lungs, and stomach in the night. Hyoscyamus. Fainting fit with swelled livid countenance; contracted pupils; difficult impeded interrupted respiration, trembling of the body. Stramonium. Obscured vision, wandering of the senses, throws out his legs in different directions, talks incoherently, knows no one; retention of urine; he falls into a soporific state with loud stertorous breathing; with the help of Cocculus, for the incipient parableps illusoria. E 5 82 Aconite, Arsenic, Crocus, Nux vom., Oleander, Plumbum, Sulph., Veratrum. DELIRIUM TREMENS. Belladonna, with very remarkable trembling. Belladonna and Nux vomica. Loss of memory; imaginary visions; loss of sleep; stammering; undetermined speech; sore throat; convulsions of the limbs, and terror on awaking, trembling; iNux vomica removes the trembling, the loss of power, and the violent startings. Calcarea. Delirium tremens; his ideas wander upon fire, death, rats, mice; cured in three days. Nux vomica. Trembling, loss of power in the limbs, cannot keep his limbs quiet; stammering speech; vomiting. Nux vomica. Delirium tremens, with great anxiety, gastric uneasiness, constipation, trembling of the limbs, congestion of the head, disturbed sleep. Opium, dil. 6. The extremities and muscles of the face in continual trembling and convulsive movements; perverted phantasms; perspiration over the whole body; complete constipation: against the great weakness and exhaustion, China Opium and Coffea. Stramon. and Hyos. DENTITIO DIFFICILIS (Difficult teething.) Calcarea carbon. Murias. Magnes. Tardiness in cutting the teeth, with swelling of the bowels, and constipation. i 83 Diarrhoea, caused by teething; Chamomilla, together with Aconite, if any fever is present; or Coffea, where there is great agitation of the nervous system. (Vide also, Teething with convulsions, under the article, " Convulsions.") DEPILATIO. (Falling off of the hair.) Calcarea carbon., Graphit., Natrum., Staphysgria, Phosphor., Sulphur. DESQUAMATIO EPIDERMITIS. (Desquamation of the skin.) Aurum. In a furfuraceous desquamation of the epidermis, after an attack of erysipelas of the face. Dr. CEgidi recommends cold lotions, applied every day. Sulphur, Calcarea, and Sepia, cured a desquamation of the skin of the face, of some years' standing. Rhus. with the aid also of Aurum. DIABETES. Belladonna, also Argentum, Carbo. veget., and Ledum, Acid Phosphoricumn, S(quilla, and Taraxacum. Acid Phosphor. DIAPHRAGMATITIS. (Inflammation of the Diaphragm.) Aconite at the commencement, with Chamomilla, in inflammation of the diaphragm, especially when the pit of the stomach and the region of the false ribs are swelled; pressure increases the pulsating burning pain, which 84 extends towards the spine, with short interrupted respiration, dry, fatiguing cough; vomiting and convulsions; much agitation, and continual moaning. Nux vomica. When there is great tightness, as if from a cord around the lower part of the chest, with dry, short cough, anxiety and constipation. Also, Bryonia, Pulsat., Cocculus, when there is much inflammation; and Veratrum album and Stramonium where a nervous condition predominates. DIARRHCEA. Acid nitric. Diarrh. occurring at night, cutting and griping pains in the bowels; rigors; appetite impaired; evacuations of undigested food. Acidum phosphoricum. Diarrh., psorica. Acid sulphuricum. Violent diarrh. without tenesmus, with angina. Arsenic. In a boy of two years old, with exhaustion, hippocratic face, cold, clammy perspiration of the head, cold extremities, especially at night, at the same time great thirst, and violent choking vomiting. Arsenic. Scanty, slimy, frequent evacuations; violent cutting and tearing pains in the whole epigastric region; pain, especially on movement; excessive thirst; great anxiety and whimpering; coldness of the extremities and face, with cold sweat over the latter. Arsenic. Very obstinate diarrh. in a scrofulous 85 boy, brownish, pappy, slimy evacuations, preceded by cutting pains; great emaciation; agitation of the mind; after different medicines had been tried without any effect, Arsenic in many repeated doses procured the desired relief. Arsenic. Aqueous diarrh. accompanied sometimes with tormina, muco-flaccid tongue; great thirst. Arsenic. In a child six weeks old, with very violent colic and tenesmus, with greenish, slimy, very debilitating evacuations. Arsenic. Autumnal diarrh. with violent burning pain in the umbilical region during and after a very violent evacuation; nausea; great thirst for cold water, shivering, with much perspiration over the whole body; great anxiety; constant jactitation; complete relaxation of spirits; diarrh. coming on after midnight. Arsenic. Diarrh. from teething in children, daily, five or six evacuations of brownish water, with great emaciation; yellow colour of the skin; loss of appetite; moaning the whole day; tumid abdomen. Arsenic. Diarrh. with sinking of the powers; copious evacuations of watery, white stools; fear of death, accompanied with violent pain. Arsenic. Long continued dysenteric diarrh. of children, accompanied with violent tearing pains; great thirst; emaciation; hectic fever. Arsenic. Violent diarrh. with great exhaustion; alternate shiverings and heat; cutting pains in the bowels before the evacuations; the 86 watery stools are emitted with great force; much borborygmi in the abdomen; nausea and exceeding thirst. Belladonna. Dysenteric diarrhoea, with tearing, cutting, constricting pains in the abdomen, with evacuation of a very little whitish mucus, afterwards tenesmus, and burning in the anus, shivering, especially during the stools. Thirst. Bryonia. Immediately after eating and drinking, cutting pain in the abdomen and diarrhoea. Calcarea Acetica. Chronic diarrhoea, in scrofulous children. Calcar. carbon. Chronic diarrhoea. Chamomilla. Especially at the period of teething, but also in adults when the evacuations are watery and thin at first, afterwards yellow, green, whitish, and slimy, no smell; tearing, cutting, pains in the epigastric, and hypogastic regions, accompanied with flatulence, tearing, burning, and smarting pain at the anus. Eating aggravates the fulness and tumidity of the abdomen. Camphor Spirit. In diarrhoea accompanied by colic, especially in hot weather, and from drinking beer. Chamomilla. Diarrhoea from cold, or anxiety, with thirst and weakness. Chamomilla. Violent diarrhoea with fetid smell. China. Diarrhoea when sequel of the cholera, with milk white foeces, which create horrible burning pains, with borborygmi and colic, with diminished secretion of urine; exhaustion and fainting. 87 China. Slimy, watery, painless, diarrhoea, appear. ing mostly at night, with copious evacuations of undigested food. Violent vomiting of mucous liquid mixed with food; a violent pressing pain in the region of the stomach from eating; dyspnoea; anxiety; the greatest exhaustion, and hippocratic face. China. Frothy white stools, with cutting pains in the anus. Borborymi. Cuprum metal. Colic and diarrhcea, from the food having been cooked in coppery vessels. Dulcamara. Diarrhoea cruenta. Violent cutting pain in the abdomen, especially in the umbilical region, worse at night; immediately after these pains, a bloody evacuation ensues, with very vehement thirst, strong tenesmus, constant smarting at the rectum. Dulcamara. Violent diarrhoea from cold, violent cutting pains; nausea; violent cold sweats; liquid evacuations with vomiting; insatiable thirst; distressing smarting at the anus and rectum. Dulcamara. Yellow, watery, mucous diarrhoea, from a cold chill; cutting and pinching pain in the abdomen after the evacuations. Ferrum. Colliquative diarrhoea, in phthisis. Ferrum. A watery evacuation, chiefly of undigested food, comes on shortly after eating and drinking, without pain or straining. Ferrum. Diarrhoea with white evacuations, borborygmi, in children and adults. Hyoscyamus. Forcing, watery diarrhoea. Jalappa. Painful diarrhoea of infants, with violent 88 griping in the abdomen; great uneasiness; continual moaning. Ipecacuanha. Serous diarrhoea, joined with vomiting of a white or green mucus, with tearing and cutting pain in the bowels; great uneasiness; continual jactitation and shrieking. Ipecacuanha. Colliquative diarrhoea, in a child of four months old. Ignatia. Yellowish-white evacuation in an hysterical woman. Fullness of the epigastrium after eating. Pressure from flatulence under the short ribs. Water-brash. Kreosot. Chronic diarrhoea, many times a day, a watery, or thin stool of consistence of pap, of a dark brown colour: very offensive evacuations of undigested food; flatulence; with the abdomen tense yet painless, after Sulphur, Calcarea, Arsenic, China, and Phosphorus, had only brought temporary relief, Kreosote 30 quite cured the obstinate diarrhoea. Lachesis. Exhausting diarrhoea, coming on at evening and night. Magnes carb. Diarrhoea in children, copious green watery stools, with flatulence and much crying out. Mercurius solubilis. Diarrhoea, with tenesmus; violentcuttings and tearings in the bowels; vomiting. Mercurius. Green diarrhoea of infants, accompanied with shrieking; cutting pain and tumidity of the abdomen; emaciation; also, in apthous diarrhoea. 89 Mercurius. Bilious diarrhoea. Mezereum. Diarrhoea, with violent tenesmus and protrusion of the rectum, which pains as if wounded and burnt, feeling of heat in the lower part of the abdomen, violent cutting and griping pains. Boborygmi; universal feeling of cold before and after going to stool, at the same time great desire for cool drink; with the assistance of China against the persisting cold feeling and exhaustion. Nux vomica. Violent diarrhoea, with cutting and dragging pain in the upper part of the thigh. Petroleum. Continual diarrhoea, with disgust for meat and fat, pain before going to stool; evacuation of yellow, watery consistence; burning pain in the rectum. Petroleum. Mucous diarrhoea with great weakness, evening fever, soreness in the region of the umbilicus. Phosphorus. Diarrhoea, with abdominal pain. Chronic diarrhoea of infants. Chronic diarrhoea with incontinence of urine and foeces; pains in the stomach and abdomen, impetiginous scabs on the head. Pulsatilla. Mucous diarrhoea with universal pituitous condition. Pulsatilla. Diarrhoea, with bloody and slimy, evacuation at night; soreness of the rectum, and twisting pains around the umbilicus, bad taste in the mouth; nausea; pain in the sacrum; shivering. Pulsatilla. Diarrhoea with nausea, sickness, ful 90 ness at the epigastrium; a valuable remedy in diarrhoea from indigestion. Rheum. Copious diarrhoea, tenesmus, and adynamia. Rheum. Diarrhoea, very violent, with very violent abdominal pain and tenesmus; thirst, great weakness, uneasiness, anxiety of death. Rhus. In a diarrhoea existing for two years, in a a very emaciated man. Diarrhoea from cold, violent colic, pain in all the limbs, very violent head-ache. Secale cornutum. Aqueous diarrhoea, vomiting, dry heat, thirst, distorted countenance, dark ring round the eyes. Secale cornutum. Painless diarrhoea, with great weakness, at the same time, evacuation of crude food, or altogether watery, expelled with force, and with much flatulence, with painful cutting pain in the bowels. Secale cornutum. Diarrhoea with violent cutting pains over the whole abdomen. Senna. Aqueous diarrhoea in a child at the breast, with uneasiness, and violent screaming. Sepia. Green diarrhoea of infants. Sulphur. Diarrhoea complicated with ophthalmia; violent colic, and horrible dragging pain at night, impaired appetite, with feverish symptoms. Chronic aqueous green diarrhoea, with a bad smell; colic, thirst. Veratrum. Painless brown-coloured diarrhoea of six weeks duration, with much thirst, and loss of appetite. Diarrhoea mucosa. Pulsat., Arsenic, Cham., Merc., Petrol., China. 91 Diarrhoea serosa. Sulphur) Arsen., Secale cornut.) Senna, Cham., Dulcam., Ferrum., Merc., Arnic., Olean., Veratrum. DOLORES ABDOMINIS GRAVIDAE. In the right side of the bowels, in the region of the fundus uteri, a very violent burning pain, alleviated by strong pressure. Bryonia. Pulsatilla. Dolor. gravideea under the short ribs, and the scrobiculus cordis, increased by sitting. DOLORES CAPITIS ET NUCH(E. Rhus, Severe pains in the whole head, neck, and shoulders; very great general debility; unconscious to surrounding objects, loss of sleep. DOLORES RHEUMATICI ARTUUM. Arsenic. Tearing pain in the shoulders, arms, and fingers, also in the upper part of the thigh, to the toes. These parts become as if dead. Tearing pains in the back and sacrum, aggravated at night, great restlessness and exhaustion. Belladonna. Aching, tearings, in the shoulders and neck, increased by motion. Bryonia. Tearing, gnawing pain in the back and right leg, with great uneasiness, and icy coldness. Bryonia. Tearing pains in the limbs; especially, in the head and ears, increased by movement. Bryonia. Very pinching, shooting, dragging pains, (which do not allow the patient to remain in bed,) in the left elbow, fore-arm, and shoulder; with dyspncea, loss of sleep, after 92 the administration of Bryonia, Arnica relieved the remaining sensation as if the limbs had been bruised. Dulcamara. Tearing pains in all the limbs, restless sleep) great weariness; with the assistance of China. Dulcamara, Shooting and aching pain in the arms and back, increased at night, and lessened on movement; from taking cold. Rhus. Tearing, dragging pain in the shoulder, sacrum and extremities, all day long. Crawling, and formication under the skin. Limbs weary, stiff and weak, better during movement, and in bed; lassitude. Pain, and pressure in the abdomen; oppression at the epigastrium. Thuja. Tearing, beating pain in the right shoulder, and humerus, extending to the fingers, which feels as if excoriated; numbness in the fore-arm, as if it were dead, alleviated by movement, more violent when in bed. (Vide Rheumatismus.) DOLORES RHEUMATICI FACIEI. Belladonna. Rheumatic pains in the face. Belladonna. Lateral face-ache; tearing and beating pains, beginning at the forehead. Chamomilla, Pulsatilla, Sepia. Pains in the gums and temples. Mezereum. Spasmodic numbed aching in the left cheek bone, and extending from thence, above and below, on the same side. Phosphorus. Dull tearing pain in the whole of the left cheek, and in the ear. Painful aching 93 on opening the mouth, and over the whole left side of the face. Rhus. Tearing pain from a tooth; in the jaw-bone, ear, and head. Sulphur, Rhus, Sepia, and Graphites. Tartar. emeticus. The pain in the face, commences on the right half of the forehead, most violent at night, loss of sleep. DOLORES FUNICULI SPERMATICI. Nux vomica. Constricting cramp-like pains, with hard swelling of the testes. Pulsatilla. Tearing, tugging pain in the testes, especially at evening and in the night. DOLORES PEDUM. Very violent pain in the feet, so that the phalanges cannot be moved, burning heat, loss of sleep; Pulsatilla. Against the swelling of the feet, Bryonia. DOLORES ANTE PARTUM. When the pains have completely disappeared without any complaint of the woman, Tinct. Cinnamon, gtt. i.-vi. is indicated; it soon creates powerful contractions of the uterus, if the head is already presented. Secale cornutum 3/30. In a first labour, where the waters have come away too soon, and labour cannot be completed on account of the insufficiency of the pains which, notwithstanding, cause much suffering; Secale causes the contractions to be less piercing but more efficacious, and the labour was completed a short time after its administration. 94 DOLORES AD PARTUM. Coffea. General painful aches in a sensitive, pregnant female. Opium. In sudden cessations of previous severe pains with trembling, stupified sleep, open mouthed and snoring. Pulsatilla. Unfrequent, general, weakening pains in pregnant women, with violent pain in the sacral region. Pulsatilla. In weak and painful labours. Vide also, Contractiones Uteri. DOLORES POST PARTUM. Nux vom. General violent pains in the night, with sensation as if the patient wished to go to stool. Cham., Pulsat., Bellad., Coffea, Antim. crud. Arnica. General painful aching. DYSECCEA. (Deafness.) Belladonna. Difficulty of hearing, in consequence of too often cutting off the hair, with the help of Ledum. and Pulsat. Calcarea carbon. Deafness, with loss of memory, from suppressed intermittent fever. Calcarea and Petroleum. In a scrofulous boy with periodic swelling of the submaxillary and cervical glands. Calcarea carbon. Deafness, with buzzing in the ears, irritability of the outer auditory passage, with a very painful polypous-like excrescence. Graphites. Ledum. Deafness, with excessive buzzing, as if the left side of the head were stunned. 95 Petroleum and Silicea. Deafness of one year's standing, with continual roaring; crackling and noise in the ears whilst in repose; much thick wax; pain in the back. Petroleum. Sensation as if water were in the ear. Pulsatilla. In cases from cold during the measles, with otorrhcea and inflammatory swelling behind the ears. Pulsatilla. Deafness from cold, with Tinnitus aurum. Silicea. With roaring in the ears, and buzzing during repose; thick wax; head-ache, tooth-ache and swelling of the cheeks, suppurating pustules on the chest; pain in the back; Belladonna previously given, brought no relief. Spigelia. DYSCINESIA HUMERI. (Impaired motion of the shoulder joint.) Chlamomilla. With nightly pain. DYSENTERIA. Aloe, violent evacuation, with painful tenesmus, feeling of faintness whilst at stool. Aconite. With synochial fever appearing at the same time. Arsenic. Dysenteric diarrhoea, with burning in the anus, anxiety, thirst, great weakness. Baryta muriat. Frequent evacuation of mucus mixed with blood, and without exciting pain; emaciation; ringworm appearing previously. Hepar sulph. Violent tenesmus. Chamomilla. Burning sensation of the anus. China. When arising from bad air. 96 Colocynth. Violent tearing pain in the abdomen, so that the patient is obliged to bend double; with much pent up flatulence; copious stools, streaked with blood. Dulcamara. Tenesmus before the stool, which is passed very violently, with incipient paralysis of the sphincter ani. Mercurius solubilis. Mucous, bloody dysentery, especially with green evacuations. Mercur. solub. Dys., with horrible pain, as if the bowels were cut in pieces; especially violent when going to stool; by lying down, they are somewhat ameliorated; insatiable thirst, evacuations of mucus mixed with blood, which e — coriates the anus. Exacerbation at night;. As of sleep, exhaustion: two days after giving the Mercurius, China 8 was administered. Mercurius solub. Fever, with very violent cutting, dragging pains in the bowels. Burning tenesmus, with evacuation of small pieces of mucus mixed with blood, coated dry tongue, loss of appetite, and tearing pains in the limbs. Mercurius sublimatus corrosivus. In dysentery (bloody flux), when mucus is evacuated, and combined with fever. -- Dysentery, with shivering, heat, thirst, anxiety, bloody evacuations, tenesmus, cutting pains in the bowels. Mercurius vivus. Violent, constricting, abdominal pains. Nux vomica. Dys., with painful tenesmus, as the predominating symptom. 97 Pulsatilla. With very slimy stools, as well as great dyspncea. Rhus. If the watery stool is passed involuntary in the night. Sulphur. With cold sweat, dry and red tongue, with hard contracted abdomen; if the pains in the region of the umbilicus are insupportable. Sulphur. Dysentery. The preparations of Sulphur, are chiefly employed when other medicines have only brought amelioration in a degree. Tartar. emetic. Dry skin, lancinating, abdominal, pains; thirst, tenesmus, burning in the rectum, bilious aspect. P4uli gives the following directions in his book: i Observations and Experience on the Treatment of Dysentery and Scarlet Fever." Ipecacuanha, when gastritis is present; at the same time, also, Nux vom., Pulsat., Chamomilla, when there is more mucus than blood in the evacuations; Colchicum, when Merc. corros. only has brought temporal relief. Sulphur in violent evacuations at night.-In dysentery, complicated with vomiting; Arsenic and Veratrum.Predomination of pain in the bowels, with scanty stools; Colocynth. With strangury; Cantharides. DYSPEPSIA. Nux vomica.-Nux vom. and Sulphur. Sulphur, with puffing of the epigastric region; dyspncea, eructations, pressure at the scrobiculus cordis, constipation. Nux vomica, Calcarea, Phosphorus. Dyspepsia F 98 with mucous risings in the morning; pyrosis, and chronic diarrhoea. Ignatia. Dyspepsia, with flatulent colic, especially about the time of menstruation. (Vide also, Cardialgia.) DYSPHAGIA SPASMODICA. (Spasmod., affect., of the Organs of deglution.) Belladonna, Calcarea, Conium., Laurocerasus, Mezereum, Platina, Stramonium, Veratrum, Zincum, Cantharides. DYSURIA. (Strangury.) Cannabis, Cantharides, Uva arsi., Digitalis. E. ECLAMPSIA INFANTUM. Chamomilla, Aconite, Bellad., Cina, Coffea, Ignatia, Nux moschata, Platina. ECHYMOSES (of the eye-ball, in new-born children.) Nux vomica. ECTROPIUM. (Eversion of the eye-lids.) Digitalis, Hep. sulp., Merc. solubulis. ENCEPHALITIS. Belladonna. Encephalitis from measles; delirium ferox, unbearable heaviness of the head, fixed, burning, and pressing, at the same time shooting pain in the head, wild rolling eyes, photophobia, contracted pupils, quick hard pulse, great thirst, anxious respiration. Belladonna. Encephalitis with pleuritic affection. dry cough, shooting pain in the chest, head-ache, vomiting, diarrhoea, violent delirium, automatic 99 grasping'of the head, stupefaction, red, swelled, burning hot countenance, subsultus tendinum, convulsions of muscles of the face, dry heat: with the aid of Aconite and Bryonia. Belladonna. Inflammation of the brain with sopor. He lies groaning with closed eyes, hears nothing, speechless, indifferent to surrounding objects, quick, irritable pulse, involuntary passing of the foeces, and urine, short very quick respiration, alternating with long gasps. Hyoscyamus. Encephalitis nervosa. Total unconsciousness, shut eyes, delirium, singing, laughing, automatic movements of the hand, dilated pupil, flushed countenance, quick, anxious, respiration. Encephalitis, from suppressed otorrhoea. Belladonna, Ryoscyamus, Arnica, and Sulphur. ENTERITIS. (Inflam. of the intestines.) Aconite and Belladonna. Violent cuttingpain in the umbilical region, swelled painful abdomen, hard wiry pulse, hot dry skin, thirst, short respiration. Aconite and Bryonia. Enteritis with constipation. Aconite 24. In repeated doses. Aconite. In repeated'doses, with interposition of Antimonium crudum, against the vomiting. Enteritis with vomiting. Antimon. tartar, and Colocynth. EPILEPSY. With burning pain in the sacrum, and much yawning, aura epileptica ascending from the abdomen, followed by convulsive movements F 2 100 of the limbs. After the attack, roaring in the ears, exhaustion; Silicea, Sepia, Sulphur and Graphites. The attack comes on with vertigo, dizziness and nausea; the convulsions appear daily, both in the day-time and at night, more frequent and violent at the time of menstruation, which is scanty and irregular, fluor albus; Pulsatilla, Platina, and Stramonium effected a cure. Epilepsy. (Nocturnal from suppressed scabies.) Vertigo, loss of recollection, snoring during sleep, involuntary jactitation of the extremities during sound sleep; after the attack, swelling of the glands of the neck, scanty menstruation of a black colour, fluor albus, convulsive movement of the limbs, and trembling when falling to sleep; Silicea, Calcarea, and Lycopodium. Graphites against the derangement of the menstruation. Arnica. Epilepsy, arising from a fall. Arsenic. Epilepsy, from suppressed scabies with aura epileptica in the back: loss of consciousness, burning pain in the stomach, and very violent pain in the sacrum. Artemesia. Epilepsy in a boy, arising from fright. Aurum. Epilepsy during menstruation, with alternate use of Pulsatilla and Stramonium. Belladonna. Imperfect epilepsy, pressing pain in the bowels, aura epileptica, no complete loss of senses, the thumbs drawn inwards, the neck swells up so that he cannot speak from the oppression. 101 Calcarea carbon. The paroxysm is preceded by hunger and giddiness of the head, sudden loss of the senses, convulsions, contracted thumbs, froth at the mouth; with the help of Hyoscyamus and Lycopodium. Camphora. Convulsions arising from anxiety. Causticum, Chamomilla. Epileptic state, preceded by painful colic in the bowels. Chamomilla. Epileptic spasms, imperfect epilepsy in a child ten years of age, with aura epileptica; the middle finger of the right hand is stretched out stiff; the convulsions affect the hands, and afterwards both legs, the muscles of the face are distorted, violent eructations, loss of sense and speech in paroxysms; with the assistance of Ignatia. Cuprum. The attack is preceded by aura epileptica; the left arm is first involuntarily moved from the body, followed immediately by a severe attack of epilepsy. Cuprum and Ignatia. Cuprum and Arnica. Epilepsy, from a fall, and arising from fright, an attack coming on one or two days after the menstruation has appeared, many paroxysms in the night, with groaning and rattling in the throat, froth at the mouth, with violent contraction of the thumbs. Hyoscyamus. Arising from sudden fright; falls suddenly, with shrieking, on the floor; contracts spasmodically the hands and feet, clenches the fists, draws inwards the thumbs, froth at the mouth, stertorous breathing. This attack ends with deep snoring sleep. 102 Hyoscyamus.- A similar case. Hyoscyamus. Epileptic spasms of some years' duration, in a girl. Ignatia. Epilepsy, arising from disease and anxiety, -- In a boy two years of age, with flushed countenance, staring eyes, convulsions of the extremities. - After anxiety, in a young man eighteen years of age. -- Epileptic convulsion, from terror, with yawnings, eyeballs distorted upwards, froth from the mouth, falling upon the foor, violent convulsions of all the limbs. * Lycopodium. Nux vomica. Convulsions, arising from anxiety, froth from the mouth, spasms of all the limbs. Opium. Epilepsy, continuing the whole night with violent jactitation of the limbs, and painful, quick, suffocating respiration. Petroleum. Solanum nigrum. Epilepsy, arising from having swallowed some of the spikes of the Secale cornutum. Stannum. Epilepsy in a child during teething; paleness, gnashing of the teeth, spasmodic clenching of the thumbs, contractions of the hands, opisthtonous distortion of eyes, loss of senses. Stramonium. Sulphur. Epileptic convulsions, drowsiness, stiffness of the limbs, spasmodic closing of the eyelids, gnashing of the teeth, clenching of the fingers, rolling about on the floor, 103 Other remedies: Cina, Cicuta virosa., Carbo. veget., Valerian. EPIPHORA. (Involuntary flow of tears.) Euphrasia, Paris Quadrifolia and Spigelia. EPISTAXIS. Aconite. Constant bleeding, with a good deal of fever, pulsation of the carotids. Pulse 120. Belladonna. Very violent epistaxis, with great exhaustion, and fainting. Veratrum cured the constipation and weakness remaining after the attack. Bryonia. Epistaxis from cessation of menses. Causticum. Crocus. Pallid face, great debility.. — In a periodic hermorrhage from the nose, with flow of black viscous blood, so as to cause faintness. Nux vomica. In congestions of the head. Cina 9 in frequent emissions of worms, with itching and bleeding at the nose. As a preventive Sulphur, Sepia, Lycopod., Carbo veget. Rhus. Flow of clear red blood in a stream, especially at night. (Vide also, Rhinorrhagia.) EPULIS. (Excrescence on the gums.) Staphysagria. Belladonna. Against a relapse. Pulsatilla 12, In a girl of twenty-four years of age, darting and burning pain in the gum with swelling and pain in the ear, and sensitiveness of the roots of the hair, coming on, generally, in the afternoon, and lasting till the next morning. Carbo vegetabilis. Gums excoriated, (after the 104 abuses of mercury) bleeding, detached from the teeth, bad smell of the breath. Staphysagria in two doses. Excrescence on the gum and interior of the cheek, of the size of a nut, in an old man, the left part of the superior maxilla swollen, pressing pain in speaking and eating. ERYSIPELAS FACIEI. Aconite. To moderate the fever before employment of Belladonna. Belladonna. Much diarrhoea, swelling of the face with bulloe, also, swelling of the hairy scalp, mouth and throat, with difficulty of swallowing and of breathing, and gastric derangement. Belladonna and Hepar. sulph. Active fever, disturbed sleep, inflammation of the nose, bilious diarrhoea. Belladonna. Erysipelas of the face; swelling of the face, so that the patient cannot open the eyes, dryness and dark colour of the lips, at the same time, tearing and dragging pains in the head, shooting pains and noise in the ears. Burning in the throat, and pain on swallowing, dry tongue covered with brown fur, swelled epigastrium, difficult respiration, shooting pain in the breast, which excites cough; dry, hot skin, with cold feet, scanty, red, cloudy urine. Belladonna. In an erysipelas of the face in a woman suckling, with loss of consciousness and diminution of milk, photophobia, thirst, shiverings, and trembling gait. Belladonna. Accompanied with delirium, with shooting pain in the head, wild looks, tongue and lips dry. 105 Chamomilla. Erysipelas of the face, arising from odontalgia, with bilious symptoms; the right cheek is hard and blue, gnawing pain in the bones of the face. Graphites. A glazy redness of the countenance, with fever, which increases in intensity. Graphites. Redness of the head, from the forehead to the neck, with bulloe, which burst and dry up quickly. Lachesis. Pulsatilla. In Erysipelas of the foot, the dorsal part and the sole are swelled and burning, painful to the touch, on the dorsum is a spot of reddish blue colour, hard and burning. Rhus, after Puls. and Bellad., especially when the roots of the hair and scalp are painful to the touch. ERYSIPELAS BULLOSUM. (Erysip. with bullce or blisters.) Erysip., bullce, Faciei. Strong red, and swollen face, with complete closure of one eye; upon the swelled part are many small and large bulloe filled with yellowish water, and causing strong burning and tearing pains, the fingers become swollen and covered with blisters, universal heat over the body, ending in rigors. -- With synochial fever, Aconite and Rhus. Rhus and Graphites. Swollen face; many confluent yellow bulloe on the right cheek, with burning in the swelled parts, swollen lips. Graphites with the help of Aconite, Hep. sulph., and Rhus. F 5 106 Erysipelas, bullosum, Brachii. From gangrene of a wound of phlebotomy, Rhus and Arsenic. Erysipelas pedum. Bryon., Puls., Belladonna. Belladonna. Shining red diffuse erysipelas of the upper and lower part of the leg, with burning, tearing, shooting pains, fever, head-ache, gastric symptoms. Erysipelas neonatorum of new born infants. Belladonna, Rhus. Erysipelas scroti. Arsenic. In the Erys. of the scrotum, as is found in chimney sweepers. ERITHISMUS. (Of the eyes.) Pulsatilla. EXULCERATIO, PAPILL(E MAMILLARIS (Ulceration of the nipple.) Arnica. In a lying-in woman. Sulphur. Excoriated nipples with deep cracks, Grap. removed little watery blisters which remained. Sulphur. Nipples and areola cracked, covered with a scab, from which exudes a thick ichor. The left nipple was covered with watery scabs, one dose of Lycopodium cured this affection. Nux vomica. Excoriation with dragging pains, one drachm of Arnica montana, in six ounces of water, used as a lotion, is of great benefit. EXANTHEMATA.* (Eruptions on the skin.) * HAAS, here, has not followed the Classification of Dr. WILLAW, and does not include, under this head, The Eruptive Diseases attended with fever, as Small-pox, Scarlatina, Measles, &c., which will be found each under their respective headings. 107 A. ON THE HEAD. Arsenic with the help of Rhus. Every three weeks, hard, red, itching pimples around the beard, in which little suppurating pustules develop themselves. Hepar sulphur. Scald-head, with ulcers in the transparent cornea, in a boy of two years of age, falling off the hair, red spots on the neck, face, and head, redness of the eyes, in the left there is an ulcer, costiveness, acid eructations, fretful disposition. Oleander. Scald-head on the occiput, at one time squamous, at another watery, burning and itching after being scratched. Rhus. Scald-head, in a four years old scrofulous boy, thick scabs with greenish pus, destroying the hair. Staphysagria. Moist achor, in a boy of a year and a-half old, discharging foetid pus, tumified cervical glands. B. ON THE FACE. Arsenic. Crusta lactea. (Porrigo larvalis.) Arsenic. Chronic furfuraceous desquamation of the epidermis of the nose in two cases. Bryonia. Furfuraceous scales on the eye-lids, with much itching, photophobia and pressure in the eyes in the evening,with the help of Sulphur. Hepar sulph. Eruption, pustulous, tuberculous or scabby, Cicuta virosa. In a strong dose repeated twice; dark red pimples, the size of a lentil on the forehead, of a chronic nature, causing a burning sensation; after becoming confluent, they form scabs. 108 Cicuta virosa. In dose three times repeated, a chronic eruption of pimples, appearing every autumn at the corners of the mouth, filled with yellowish ichor, which excoriates the parts it touches, and afterwards forms a thick crust. Graphites 30. In a boy of ten years of age, with scaly ulcerated nose, and slight itching of the lips, quite cured in five or six weeks. Ledum. A dose repeated twice, dry scabs on the face in a young man of nineteen, which desquamate and smart in the open air. -- Little pustules and furuncles on the forehead, or red pimples on the face, smarting, itching on the chest. Sassaparilla. Dose twice repeated, in an eruption analogous to porrigo larvalis. C. ON THE TRUNK AND LIMBS. Alumina. Furfuraceous eruption, with fluor albus, in a girl of fifteen, with help of Calcarea carb. Arsenic. A kind of malignant pustule in a woman of fifty, the left arm was swelled and covered with pustules, giving out a putrid odour, and discharging a dark green mucus; many parts were converted into a glutinous mass of a whiteish grey colour. Arsenic. Eruption between the scapuloe, with burning pain the whole night; after giving Sulphur there appeared an analogous place; both disappeared by the use of Arsenic. Arsenic. Ichorous smarting ulcers on the face, neck, chest, fore-arms and hands, beginning with little red pustules, with yellow heads; tongue 109 covered with yellow fur, bilious diarrhoea, frequent rigors. Belladonna. Malignant pustule in a girl of twentyone, on the right leg, with shooting pains and swelling of the foot, followed by pain in the region of the stomach; nausea, vomiting, and delirium. Bovista, in a man of thirty: little, transparent, red pustules, running into each other from the back of the head, which burn and itch, and fill rapidly with clear liquid, which exudes and leaves dark red spots; with the help of Silicea. Bryonia, in two doses. Chronic, cutaneous eruption, commencing with porrigo; the inflamed skin is elevated into pustules, which crack, desquamate, causing itching and burning; in about two months there appeared some pustules in the neck, which were cured by two doses of Baryta acet. Clematis. In an eruption on the thigh, forming a squamous crust, with yellow liquid; swelling of the glands in the groin. Coniume. In strong doses, often repeated in an eruption of the fore-arm; the skin has a porous aspect, and of a livid red colour, it is swollen and has sore places upon it, from which exude a viscous lymph, sometimes mixed with blood; white crust forms without ceasing, and causing itching during the whole night. Dulcaczara. Vesicular eruption; vesicles the size of a pea, yellow, full of water, with a red base and forming ulcers which secrete a red ichor, and leave spots of a dark red colour, the erup 110 tion spreads over the whole body, except the face; mucous, loose stools, with burning skin, turbid urine, emaciation. Graphites. Eruption, with greenish white crust, itching spots on the face and limbs, pain in the teeth and ears during the night, and swelling of the cervical glands. Lycopodium. Furfuraceous eruptions on the thighs, in a woman of fifty; after suppressed scabies, with varices and numbness of the hands. Merc. solub. Eruption over the whole body, in an infant of four months; a yellow crust on the face, with fetid ichor, and itching,tearfuleyes,verysensitive to light, little pustules on the conjunctiva. Mercur solub. Cutaneous eruption, with opthalmia, in a child infected by a syphilitic nurse, with the help of Mezereum. Rhus. Against vesicular eruptions forming a crust over the whole body. Rhus. In repeated doses, against a kind of pustular erysipelas, appearing every new moon, at one time on the knee, or on the nates, or on uncovered parts of the body, with dryness of the skin of the hands,which desquamate; Tinct. mat., Rhus, gtt. vj. Aq. Pur. 3 vj., ft. lotio. Rhus. Internally, and also applied externally, after Clematis, in furfuraceous eruptions. Rhus. In repeated doses, in a cutaneous, chronic eruption; a thick, humid crust, covering the head and right side of the face, exuding a fetid sanguinolent matter; skin of the hands and feet rough and squamous, in many places, which itch much. 111 Sepia with Ammon. carb., and Graphites. In a chronic eruption in a woman of twenty, with little suppurating pustules on the arms; fluor albus. Sepia. After suppressions of scabies, in a dry eruption over the whole body, cured in four weeks. Antim. tart. Pimples the size of a pea, full of pus, like those of vaccine, and forming a crust. (Sulphur administered before with no effect.) Sulphur, Sepia, Calcarea, Silicea, and Graphites, have cured Lepra. F. FEBRIS. Aconit. When there is a diminution of the rigidity of fibre. Aconit. Rigors, with heat 'of body, with lancinating pains in the region of the liver, which is painful to the touch. Aconit. In three days Bryonia, against the constipation, and pain in the bowels, with thirst, and heat of skin in the evening. Aconit. In a lying-in woman, two days after delivery; foil. sympt:-Fiery-red face, shooting pain in the forehead, short respiration, constipation; pain in the hypogastric region, with shivering; cutting pain in the thigh; pulse hard, small and frequent; with the aid of Bryonia against the constipation. Aconit. 1/24. In a child three months old; burning heat over the body, with eruption, dry skin; a dose of Nux vom., given the next morning. 112 Aconite. Caused by grief in a woman; heat, with vertigo, and frontal head-ache; sensation of heat in the stomach. Aconit. Inflammatory fever in a new-born child. Aconit. Two strong doses; in an inflammatory fever, with predominant affection of the head. Aconit. and Belladonna. In a lying-in woman after a fright; fever of an inflammatory nature, inclination to weep, with dimness of sight on raising the eyes; no secretion of milk in the mammoe; diarrhoea; heat with perspiration; exhaustion; frequent pulse; Bryonia was given after three days, for the pain in the region of the ovaries. Belladonna. Infl., fever, with sore throat, and dry cough. Belladonna. Delirium, photophobia, shooting pains in the limbs. Chamomilla. In a child of a year old, with diarrhoea, pain on micturition, restlessness, constant moaning. Chamomilla. Rigors, heat, sour perspiration, nausea, tearing pains in the abdomen, sensibility of the body against fresh air. Ipecacuanha. In fever, accompanied with a sighing respiration, prognosticating Purpura. Bryonia, also, is useful in these cases, if other symptoms indicate its employment. Nux vom. In a child cutting its teeth, the access of fever in the morning. Pulsatilla. Fever, with affection of the head, at the time of menstruation, which is more mucous 113 than sanguinolent; lancinating pains in the vertex, burning pain in the eyes; dryness of the skin. Pulsatilla is indicated, particularly, when the fever is accompanied with shiverings without heat, and seldom with thirst. Pulsatilla. After a chill, in a lying-in woman, combined with white evacuations; dyspnoea; exhaustion; mucus in the mouth; dryness of the trachea; with a dose of Nux vom., after five or six days, for the irregularity of the stools. Squilla after Aconite. Gastric fever, and dimness of sight; cracked lips; dry throat; a viscous phlegm in the mouth; diarrhoea; high-coloured urine; fluor albus; dry skin, and cough, with expectoration. Stramonium. With convulsions of the limbs, and wandering of the mind when awake; fixed look; opisthotonos, with frightful shrieks, clinging to those surrounding him, as if followed by hideous monsters; redness of the face, and moist skin. Veratrum album. In gastric fever, in a boy twelve years old, with previous scrofulous swellings of the glands; pulse hard, but small, tongue dry and yellow; thirst; constipation; bitter eructations, flatulence, tension at the umbilicus. FEBRIS ARTHRITICA. Aconite, Bryon. (Vide Rheumatismus.) FEBRIS BILIOSA. (Bilious fever.) Aconite and Pulsatilla. Vertigo, bitter taste 114 in the mouth; vomiting of bile and mucus; brown, slimy evacuation; rigors, and colic, before each attack of vomiting. Belladonna and Nua vom. Pain in forehead; vertigo; yellow colour of conjunctiva; brown yellow tongue, frequent bitter eructations; dislike to food; much thirst; pressure in the region of liver and stomach; yellow evacuation. Cocculus. After anxiety and too great use of chamomile; fullness of the epigastric region; lancinating pains in the liver; yellow evacuations, with much burning in the anus; anxiety; fear of death. Against the pressing pain in the epigastrium; eructations; constipation, and lassitude, China is of essential service. Bryonia with Chamomilla. Red countenance, violent thirst, wild eyes, foul tongue, bitter taste in the mouth; vomiting of bile, blood, and of bitter fetid liquid; constipation. Chamomnilla and Pulsatilla. Inflammatory bilious fever, red chapped tongue; heat in the cavity of the mouth, bitter taste; much nausea, and vomiting; tearing pain in bowels; great uneasiness; lassitude; cough, with tenacious, bitter expectoration; loss of sleep. -.- Yellow colour of the conjunctiva, and skin around the eyes, and also of the nose; red face; head-ache; anorexia; dry and yellow tongue; bitter eructations; intense thirst; heartburn; bilious urine and fbeces, Chamomilla. Head-ache, hard frequent pulse, abnormal heat, pains in the epigastric region, 115 bitter taste in mouth, constipation, bilious aspect of face and eyes, with thirst and lassitude. FEBRIS CATARRHALIS. Nux vom. Scraping, raw feeling in the throat, with hoarse speech and cough; rigors, alternating with flushes, after midnight. Vide Catarrh. FEBRIS FLAVA. Cantharides, Arnica. FEBRIS GASTRICA. Arsenic. When there is much vomiting, with diarrhoea and great feebleness. Bryonia. Violent shooting pain, vertigo when standing upright, foul coated tongue, violent thirst, vomiting of bile, constipation, palpitation of the heart. Bryonia. Fever, much thirst, shooting pain in scrobioulus, bitter taste in the mouth, pressure at the epigastrium, disgust for food, fetid breath, vomiting, costiveness. Chamomilla. Pain in the head, sore throat, bitter taste, and fetid breath; nausea, flatulent colic, with tumid, painful abdomen, green stools, startings in sleep. Ipecacuanha. Tremulous motion of the lips, thickly furred tongue, eructations, nausea, vomiting of food, bitter taste, loss of appetite. Mercurius vivus. When there is sanguinolent diarrhoea, much trembling, pain in abdomen, vertigo, and yellow countenance. NUx vqm, Coldness over the whole body, rod 116 ness of countenance, yellow coated tongue, bitter taste in the mouth, frequent slimy stools in little quantity, with excoriating pain in the rectum, confusion of head; fainting, with great exhaustion. Nux vom. Frequent rigors; afterwards heat over the whole body, impaired appetite, white tongue, continual nausea, vomiting of food, scanty, watery stools, vertigo, confusion in the head, loss of sleep, universal feeling as if bruised. Nux vom. Rigors; thirst, with disgust of drinking and eating, yellow tongue, bitter taste in mouth, nausea, rising of the food which has been eaten, yellow evacuations by stool, cadaverous countenance. Pulsatilla. In cases from over-eating of pork and fat meat, vomiting, eructation, borborygmi, fever. Veratrum album. Great debility, dry tongue, coated with yellow fur, much thirst, hard flatulent bowels, bitter eructations, constipation. In gastric and bilious fevers the following remedies were used with great success, according to their indications: Pulsatilla, Chamomilla, Antim., crudum., Nux vom., Bryonia, Ignatia, Rhus, Cocculus, Taraxacum and Trifolium. FEBRIS HECTICA. Arnica and Lycopodium. In case of a psoric patient, arising from a contusion, with fistulous abscesses of the bones; ulcers, and considerable exudation'of pus, with phthisical symptoms; one 117 dose of Arnica 12, one of Lycopod. 28, and one of Silicea 30, effected a cure. thina and Silicea. Violent cough, with copious expectoration of green purulent masses, daily fever, with mid-day exacerbation and nightly remission; at the same time, debility and weakness. Ferrum, Arnica, and Ipecacuanha. Hectic fever and cachexy, from the abuse of Cinchona; the greatest degree of exhaustion; anorexia; perspiration easily induced, which exhausts the patient greatly; loose stools, with evacuation of crude matter; the slightest noise or disturbance causes much distress and anxiety; the memory is impaired; hippocratic face. Ipecacuanha. Fever, with evening exacerbations, with great distress and uneasiness, parchment skin, cadaverous countenance, anorexia; every slight movement brings on dyspnoea. Stannum and Ammon. carbon. Slow fever, with abscess of the lungs. FEBRIS INFLAMMATORIA. Aconite. Belladonna. Synocha, with dysphagia and violent dry cough. Synocha, with delirium, photophobia, and great redness of the countenance. FEB RIS INTERMITTENS. Aconite. Quotidian; universal heat, violent head-ache and thirst, followed by perspiration and thirst. Aconite. In regular attack of fever; almost imperceptible shivering, followed by heat over the 118 whole body, head-ache and anorexia. Quartan, shivering coming on in the evening, followed by heat of ten hours' duration. Antim. crudum. Fever, with gastric derangement, pain in the chest, distension, and pain in the scrobiculus. -- with vomiting and swelling of the proecordia. Tertian in the apyrexia, disgust, nausea, increasing to vomiting, coated tongue, loss of appetite, pressure in the epigastrium. Antim. crudum. Slight thirst, many gastric symptoms. Arnica. Tertian; yellow, bloated countenance; the breath very oppressed, abdomen hard and tumid, foul taste in the mouth, short dry cough, tearing pain in the ankle joint. The patient had previously taken much Quinine. Arnica gtt. j., dil. 1, Arnica gtt. i., dil. 2. Arnica. Ague, before the cold stage much thirst; also thirst during the hot stage. Arnica. Quotidian; in the morning strong shivering fit, violent heat, with much perspiration, some thirst during the cold stage, much more during the hot; pain in the epigastrium; loss of appetite, disgust for meat. Arnica 6, two doses relieved the fever. Arnica. Fever, with dragging pains in the limbs, shiverings, followed by dry heat in the evening, congestion of the head, and much thirst. Arsenic. Quodidian; mid-day fever, shivering, alternating with heat and perspiration, dry 119 short cough, and dyspnea before, and with the shivering; thirst in all the stages. Arsenic. Tertian; pain in the sacrum, afterwards shivering, with cold livid hands and feet; dry short cough, and feeling of distension at the scrobiculus cordis; then heat, with lancinating pain in the head, and thirst, followed by perspiration; painful sensation of the hairy scalp on being touched. Arsenic. Tertian; much shivering, lasting many hours, interrupted by burning heat; great weakness; prostration; heaviness of the limbs; depression of spirits, violent head-ache, with pain, as if the brain were pressed outwards, with lancinating pains around the left temple; nausea; foul taste, and disgust for all food during the attack; constipation, and swollen lips, covered with sordes. Arsenic, three doses in succession. Arsenic. Tertian; strong mid-day shivering, great heat, with much thirst, great anxiety, jactitations of the limbs; much pain in the head; phantasies, quick oppressed respiration; want of appetite; red dry tongue; greatest exhaustion; trembling of the limbs; dragging pain in every part of the body; perspiration, and relief of the other symptoms in the evening; two doses of Arsenic, with the help of Acon. Arsenic. Quotidian; afternoon attack, in which the shivering fit is many times repeated, and alternates with burning heat; at the same time, violent hacking cough, which excites vomiting; bit ilI 120 ter taste in the mouth, much thirst during the hot stage, great pain in the back; and after the attack, universal sensation of being bruised; head-ache; a dose of Arsenic every evening. Arsenic. Quartan; had lasted three months: evening attack, with stretching and distension of the body. The greatest debility and sensation, as if the body had been dragged through cold water; violent burning heat, coming on in about twohours, especiallyin the head, with unquenchable thirst, without much perspiration following. Cadaverous countenance: cracked dry lips; three doses of Arsenic removed these symptoms. Arsenic. Quartan; which had been suppressed by taking Sulphate of Quinine, came on again with great prostration of strength; exhausting shivering, constant burning heat, with thirst and pain in the head; three doses of Arsenic removed these symptoms. Arsenic. Quartan; strong tearing head-ache, universal prostration, yawning, stretching of the body, violent shivering fit, followed quickly by heat, and afterwards, perspiration; cadaverous sunken countenance. Blue rings round the eyes, foul smell in the mouth; Edematous swelling of the feet. Arsenic 18,gtt.j., with Ipecac., against the fever induced by the abuse of Cinchona. Arsenic. Tertian; vertigo, shivering without thirst, vomiting of bile, mixed with blood; dry heat; combined afterwards with per 121 spiration and thirst, with great prostration. Arsenic 30. Arsenic. Shivering pains in the head and limbs; pressing pain in the sacrum and scrobiculus, with dyspncea, at the same time; nausea, followed by vomiting and burning heat, both externally and internally; dryness of the tongue, with thirst, followed by sweat. Arsenic. Shivering fit, accompanied with much dyspncea, and pain in the limbs, soon followed by heat and head-ache, and later, sweat; burning thirst, which is easily satisfied, in all the three stages. Arsenic. Quartan; much yawning, stretching of the limbs, shivering, head-ache, dyspncea, loss of thirst; afterwards, strong burning heat towards evening, with red skin; towards midnight, the patient awakes with sensation of great anxiety, and in a strong perspiration, followed by exhaustion, and restlessness. Arsenic. Quartan; violent shivering, moderate heat, long continued perspiration, with great debility of the limbs, and universal relaxation of the body. In the apyrexia, confusion of the head; vertigo on standing upright; loss of appetite; increased thirst; cold clammy perspiration, sunken countenance, and anxiety on account of the disease. Arsenic. Intermittent fever; when there is no thirst during the cold or hot stage; but after the attack, a violent aching pain in the forehead remains. G 122 Arsenic. Tertian; with great uneasiness, and oedema of the feet. Arsenic. Quotidian; with violent desire to go to stool, and micturate; great uneasiness, much thirst for cold water; Arsen. 30. Arsenic. Quartan; slight shivering, and then burning heat, and violent pain in the head, accompanied with insupportable thirst; after the heat, much perspiration, with painful burning in the epigastric region. Arsen. 30. Arsenic. Quartan; slight shivering, then strong heat, with delirium, and violent head-ache, and followed by slight perspiration,with thirst before, and during the cold stage; at the same time, pain in the epigastrium; empty eructations before the cold stage. Ars. 30., two doses. Arsenic. Tertian; vertigo, pulsating pain in the forehead; shivering, remaining three or four hours, which does not lessen the external temperature of the skin, without thirst, but with vomiting of bile and blood; afterwards, burning dry heat, with thirst, ending with perspiration. Arsenic. Short dry heat, violent pain in the forehead, as if it were pressed out, with thirst nausea; foul taste; pain in scrobiculus; puffec swelled abdomen. Arsenic. Tertian; cold stage, with chattering o the teeth, and thirst; afterwards, violent heat with raving, and loss of consciousness; tearin! pain in the head, with thirst; sour smellini perspiration; loss of appetite; disgust; nausea 123 bitter taste, very white furred tongue, and scabby eruption about the mouth. Arsenic. Tertian; commencing with giddiness; great heat, which increases and becomes more violent, ending in perspiration, which continues for some time. Arsenic. Quotidian; after mid-day attack, yawning, then shuddering, followed by heat, and much thirst, and tearing, thrusting pain in the forehead, dry cough, dyspnoea, short breath, hot stage, followed by great perspiration. Arsenic. Irregular intermittent fever; at mid-day, commencing with strong shivering,without thirst, with burning pain in the chest, accompanied by a cold shivering in the back, and extending to the shoulders; flatulent eructations, with evening recurrence. In the apyrexia, much weakness. From the use of arsenic the following symptoms often arise; feeling of weakness in the morning, uneasiness and nausea; which are relieved by Pulsatilla. Arsenic. Quartan; mid-day shiverings, afterwards much heat, intermingled with rigors, at the same time much thirst, no perspiration; towards the end of the cold stage, shooting pressing and dragging pain in the forehead, over the eyes, increased by movement; disturbed sleep; cedema of the feet. Arsenic. Tertian; the attack begins with stretching and yawning; short tearing pains, before and during the cold stage; hot stage, intermingled with shiverings, afterwards perspiration, G2 124 no thirst, at the same time spasms of the chest, and great anxiety. Arsenic. Quotidian; shivering, vomiting, unwonted sinking of the powers; after the cold stage, inordinate thirst, followed by much heat and perspiration, Belladonna, Heat, with violent congestion of the head, delirium: when it arises from Typhus or Encephalitis, this medicine brings great benefit, Belladonna. Tertian with great thirst, and chattering of the teeth. Belladonna. The fever comes on with unusual thirst and head-ache; the cold stage sets in with much shivering, the patient can hardly remain still in bed, much thirst, heat, attended with slight delirium, followed by sweat. Belladonna. Tertian; after mid-day, coldness from the feet to the knees, then heat, with dry mouth, without much thirst, and little sweat. Belladonna. Quotidian; shivering, followed by heat; no sweating stage, thirst only during the cold stage. Bryonia. With gastric derangement. Increased by movement. Bryonia. Quotidian; after mid-day, strong shiver. ing fit, lasting some hours, with unbearable head-ache, as if the brain were pressing out, especially in the forehead, which the slightest movement aggravates, with much thirst after the cold stage, great exhaustion and debility, with no ensuing hpt or sweating stage; sleep 125 very disturbed, and unrefreshing; one dose of Bryonia relieved the fever. Byronia. Tertian; violent shivering, lasting half an hour. The temperature of the skin is raised, frequent pulse, great thirst, violent perspiration. In the apyrexia, dyspnoea, with dry cough, dimness of sight. Bryonia 24, relieved the fever. Bryonia. Tertian; vertigo, with head-ache, lancinating pain in the side and chest, with dyspnoea, much rigors, followed by great heat, delirium, urgent thirst, with dry cough and sweat. Two doses Aconit. 24, before the attack, followed by Bryonia 18, which effected a cure. Bryonia. Pain in forehead, with gastric derangement; rheumatic pains, increased on movement; constipation. Cantharides. Tertian; with catarrh of the bladder and urethra. Calcarea. Quartan; short cold fit, followed by violent heat, with thirst, loss of sleep; in the morning nausea, and eructations. Capsicum. Strong shivering, without much heat following. Carbo. veget. Thirst in the cold stage, no thirst during the hot stage. Carbo. veget. Tertian; evening shivering, with thirst, followed by heat, with much thirst, and head-ache; costiveness. Carbo. veget. Quartan; at night very severe shivering, followed by heat, with violent headache, then sweat; thirst in the cold stage, 126 drinking little, but often. Two doses of Carbo. veget. 15. Chamomilla. Tertian; after the paroxysm oppression at the scrobiculus cordis, with hot perspiration on the forehead, and unusual jactitation of the limbs. Chamomilla. Quotidian; shivering, without thirst; heat, with little thirst, followed by abundant perspiration, great weakness, loss of appetite, disturbed by unpleasant dreams at night, great restlessness. Chamomilla. Burning heat over the body, face and forehead, with cold hands and very cold feet, disgust for food, constipation, pain on moving the limbs, great thirst, especially before the attack comes on, vomiting, expectoration of mucus, with cough. A previous dose of China only allayed the fever. China. Quotidian; in the cold fit, vertigo, pale countenance, coldness and paleness of the hands and feet, accumulation of mucus in the throat, followed by heat, violent head-ache, lasting for some time, with great redness of the countenance full accelerated pulse, dry, spasmodic choking cough, with pain in both the hypochondriac regions, and likewise in the scrobiculus, sleepiness, sweat in the night, much thirst during the cold and hot stage In the apyrexia, dry spasmodic cough. China. Quartan; cold and shivering, heat and thirst, and sweat. During the attack and in the apyrexia. the taste, eructations &c. are bitter; brownish, 127 yellow coated tongue, oppression at the scrobiculus, pressing, shooting pain, and swelling around the spleen; pale, yellow countenance. China. Quartan; mild, short, cold stage; afterwards, violent, pressing pain in the forepart of the head; eruption of pimples on the head and face, leaving pain in the right temple and eye, the latter is red, hot, burning and painful, and very sensible to the light. Lachrymation, universal heat over the body, which, however, is not very intense; great thirst; paroxysm comes on before mid-day, and lasts till evening, followed by strong perspiration towards night; anxiety, and dejection, the day before the attack. China. Quotidian; strong shivering fit, with much thirst, oppression at the chest, great exhaustion; afterwards, heat, with anxiety and thirst, followed by universal sweat during the night. In the apyrexia, pain in the head, tooth-ache, little appetite, light coloured, scanty, hard stool; continual changing of the colour of the countenance; great emaciation, debility, nightly pains in the limbs, melancholy disposition; China 3 gtt.j., every three hours, for some days. China. Great internal and external cold, with shivering, at the same time, redness and heat of the head, the hot and cold stage intermingled at the termination of the paroxysm; thirst during the whole attack, afterwards, some slight perspiration; two doses of China 12 completely removed the disease. China. Quotidian; cadaverous, dark, yellowish, 128 countenance, the external scalp very painful; much weakness; drowsiness and fullness after eating, great pain during inspiration, thirst during the cold stage, followed by heat and clammy perspiration. China 12 gtti.-ij. China. Quartan; cold fit of an hour's duration, the hot stage accompanied with head-ache and delirium, followed by the sweating stage; thirst only before the cold stage, nausea before the cold stage, with continual eructations; sensation of hunger after the fever. In the apyrexia little appetite, with pain and tension in the epigastric region; two doses of China 9. China. Vomiting after the paroxysms. China. Tertian; fever coming on without the cold stage, spasmodic cough, with painful shaking without expectoration. China. Quotidian. In the apyrexia; ice-coldness of the body, with cold perspiration, inordinate hunger, great exhaustion, pale countenance, disturbed sleep, with crying out; China, dil. 9. China. Violent shivering fit, with vomiting of bile, pallor of the face during the hot stage. China. Intermittent, with much thirst in the cold stage and pain in the head. China. Nausea, bitter taste in the mouth before the cold fit comes on, and often combined with mucous vomiting, after the cold stage; perspiration, canine appetite. Chin. sulph. Tertian; attack coming on at an indefinite time; coldness with tearing pains in the back, pain in the epigastrium, afterwards, heat 129 with head-ache and thirst, followed by fetid, cold perspiration. In the apyrexia, pain in the epigastric region, disgust for cooked meat, constipation; nightly cough with expectoration; Chin. Sulph. 3. gr. 2. Cocculus. Only in intermittents when the paroxysms, commence with shivering in the evening. Vertigo, dull heavy head-ache, despondency, universal feeling of debility accompany the attack and also existing in the apyrexia. Drosera. Intermittent fever, with vomiting. Drosera. If at the same time, a spasmodic cough prevails as an epidemic; strong shivering fit, with cold countenance, icy coldness of the hands and feet, at the same time bilious vomiting; the hot stage is accompanied with a violent, pressing pulsating head-ache, and spasmodic shaking cough. In the apyrexia, gastric symptoms arise; repeated doses of Drosera. Ferrum acet. Head-ache, violent pressing pain in the forehead; after three quarters of an hour, violent, shivering fit, with increased head-ache and much thirst, which is followed by much heat and perspiration, bitter taste in the mouth, loss of appetite; constipation, yellow colour of the countenance, great exhaustion after the attack. In the apyrexia, much head-ache. Helleborus. Intermittent, with oedema of the feet; indurated liver and abdominal pains. Hyoscyamus. Chronic Quartan; with dry, nightly cough, which disturbs the sleep. 05 130 Hyoscyamus. Intermittent Quotidian, of an epileptic character, arising from anxiety. Ignatia. When there is much thirst in the cold stage. Ignatia. Quotidian; violent thirst coming on at the commencement of the cold stage. Ignatia. Quotidian; violent, shivering fit, at the same time, pains in the limbs, and head-ache, with much thirst; then heat with head-ache, followed by sweat; two doses of Iynatia 9 cured the fever. Ignatia. Tertian; the attack commences by yawning, stretching and extending the limbs, violent shivering fit, coldness, especially in the back and arms, with thirst for cold water, followed by external heat of body, with sensation of cold internally; then sweat, followed by universal debility, loss of thirst during the hot and sweating stage; taciturn and desponding, loss of memory, easily frightened. Ignat. 9 gtt. i. Iqnatia. Thirst only during the cold stage, or just before it. Ignatia. Much thirst in the incipient cold stage, which becomes lessened in the hot. In an epidemic intermittent, with vomiting of bile, mucus or food, especially during the cold stage. Ignatia. Quotidian; evening cold fit, then heat with thirst, afterwards, sweat with thirst; singing and noise in the ears, constipation; Ignatia 30. Ignatia. Quartan; cold stage, followed by some heat, with slight sweat; thirst before and during 131 the cold stage; loss of appetite; two doses Ignatia. Ignatia. Quotidian; cold feeling in the feet and small of the back, followed by heat with headache, afterwards, universal sweat; thirst only before and during the cold stage; anorexia, disgust for bread, pain in the epigastric region; after two doses, the fever was cured. Ipecacuanha. Intermittent fever, without much shivering: gastric symptoms and spasmodic contractions of the chest. Ipecacuanha. Intermittent, commencing with shivering and cutis anserina, followed by fugitive heat over the body, diminished appetite, white tongue, no thirst, hard, scanty stool, choking sensation in the throat; every morning a dose of Ipecac. gtt. j, or 4/6. Ipecacuanha. Intermittent, with violent vomiting, particularly in the cold stage. Ipecacuanha. Quartan; cold stage; hot stage, with head-ache, followed by sweat, with much thirst during the two latter. Ipecacuanha. Every evening, fever, beginning with intense cold and thirst, which is followed by heat and moderate thirst; this lasts the whole evening, and at night is combined with headache and ending with sour perspiration; Nux vom. 30 relieved a slight relapse. Ipecacuanha. and Nux vom. in Quotidians and Tertians, given alternately every three hours, gtt. j, dil. 5, entirely stopped the attack in many cases. 132 Lachesis. Intermittent; cold, with burning heat in the face, long continued shivering over the the whole frame; towards evening violent pain in the head, with much heat; in the morning much perspiration. Lachesis. Tertian; violent pain in the limbs, with restless jactitations, dyspncea, head-ache and furious raving, with open eyes. Lachesis. Chronic, inveterate intermittent fever, with emaciation and cadaverous, greyish yellow colour of the countenance. Mezereum. Quartan; violent shivering, and cold over the whole body, lasting many hours; icy coldness of the hands and feet, with thirst in the remission of the shiverings, sleep, with much perspiration. In apyrexia, great pallor of the countenance, dull pressing head-ache, loss of appetite, swelling and hardness of the spleen, pressive pain in the swollen spleen, uneasiness in cold air, general weakness. Natr. muriat. Coldness over the body, after which, great heat, perspiration, head-ache, anorexia, yellow colour of the countenance, exhaustion. Natr. muriat. Tertian; in the morning, commencing with tearing pain in the knees, and thirst, afterwards great heat over the whole body, with violent tearing pains in the head, and insatiable thirst, yellow colour of the countenance, loss of appetite, loss of sleep, and exhaustion. Natr. muriat. Quotidian; great cold over the 133 whole body, then thirst, with general heat and boring pain in the head, weariness, impaired appetite. Natr. muriat. Intermittent, in the case where a long continued cold fit preceded a too long remaining hot stage, which is renewed by every change of air in the bed. Natr. muriat. Tertian; beginning with a shock as of electricity, much heat, with thirst, pain in the head, and stiffness in the left lumbar region. In the apyrexia, weariness, loss of appetite, and head-ache. Natr. muriat. Quartan; violent shivering, with tearing pains in the hands, feet, and sacrum; afterwards violent heat, with head-ache and cough, and tearing pains as in the cold stage. In the apyrexia, pressing pain over the epigastric region, with empty eructations: two doses Natr. muriat. Natr. muriat. Quotidian; at mid-day very strong shivering fit, with shooting pain under the left rib, then great heat, with head-ache, and cough, followed by slight sweating, only in the head: thirst, during and after the hot stage. The tearing pain in the head which remains after the cessation of the fever, is removed by Camphor. Natr. muriat. Quotidian; shivering fit of an hour and a-half duration, without thirst, night sweat without thirst, loss of taste for food. Nux vomica. Tertian; painful, pressive head-ache in the forehead, most violent in the morning, and 134 when bending forward; dislike to all nourishment; thirst, vomiting of food mixed with yellow mucus; pressing pain at the scrobiculus cordis after eating; afterwards, eructation of wind, great weakness, great desire to go to stool, anxiety; Nux vom 24, two doses, gtt i. or glob. ii. 4. Nux vomica. Intermittent, when the cold and hot stage is combined with much thirst, or when the heat and cold alternate. Nux vomica. Quotidian; vehement shivering, with shuddering and chattering of the teeth, combined with thirst, drinking increases the shivering, which is followed by heat and sweat; loss of appetite, sour eructations, constipation. Nux vomica. Violent cold, then heat with thirst, with white furred tongue. Nux vomica. Ague; cold stage: hot stage with complete sinking of the powers of life, violent pain in the forehead, bitter taste in the mouth, eructations, anorexia, constipation; much thirst during and after the hot stage; yellow countenance, white furred tongue. Nux vomica. Before the paroxysm, anorexia, nausea, furred tongue, sensation of choking; Nux 12. Nux vomica. Obstinate Quartan; with predominating shivering over the whole body, removed by two doses of Nux. Nux vomica. Quartan; cold in the knees, afterwards, violent heat with head-ache, followed by copious sweat; thirst only during the hot stage, at the same time, nausea; smarting pain in the 135 epigastric region and violent tearing pain in the extremities. Nux vomica. Quartan; general cold, afterwards much heat, with confusion in head, great thirst, followed by sweat. In the apyrexia, great appetite; one dose of Nux vom. Nux vomica. Quartan; great cold, then heat followed by some sweat, thirst during the cold, and somewhat in the hot stage, hard swelled abdomen, impaired appetite, white furred tongue; two doses of Nux vom. Nux vomica. Quartan; short, cold stage, with violent head-ache, afterwards hot stage, with diminished pain in the head, followed by slight perspiration; but little thirst during the hot stage; impaired appetite, bitter taste in mouth; two doses of Nux vom. Nux vomica. Tertiana typo posponente; general coldness, with pain in the epigastric and hypochondriac regions; hot stage with head-ache; sweat, much thirst before the cold fit and during the hot; dry mouth only in the cold stage. In the apyrexia, anorexia, desire for cold food. Nux vomica. Tertian; with slight shivering, violent heat with severe head-ache, not followed by sweat; thirst during the hot, and vomiting during the cold stage; bitter taste in mouth and want of appetite. Nux vom. Tertian; afternoon cold fit, not lasting violent more than three hours, afterwards, vomiting, followed by much general internal heat, with head-ache; in the sweating stage the 136 head-ache is more violent. Thirst during the hot, but greater during the sweating stage. In the apyrexia, bitter taste in mouth, white furred tongue, little appetite, smarting pain in hypogastric region, yellow colour of the sclerotic, hard stool, and urine of the colour of coffee grounds. Nux vomica. Quotidian; slight cold stage, much heat and violent sweating; thirst in the cold, head-ache in the hot stage with vomiting, at the same time, loss of appetite and oppression at chest. (Dyspnoea.) One dose of Nux. Nux vomica. Pricking pain in chest, back, and upper part of the thigh, short breath, much thirst in cold stage, and violent pain in the forehead; the thirst disappears with the hot stage; no sweating stage. Nux vom. Quartan; with periodic shivering over the whole body, and inactivity of the senses. Opium. Ague, with affection of the brain, and sopor during the hot stage. Opium. Quotidian; with vehement shuddering, followed by much sleep, with heat and sweat; after awaking, head-ache and restlessness. Pulsatilla. Quotidian; violent cold fit, coming on in the evening about six, followed by great heat, with head-ache, much sweating during the remaing part of the night. In the apyrexia; headache, pain in the chest, violent cough with expectoration and bitter taste in the mouth, Pulsalilla 12 removed all future attacks. ---- Tertian; the apyrexia is accompanied 137 with excessive weakness over the whole body, shivering, and sleep during the day, great weariness, especially in the evening, very disturbed sleep at night, and watery stools; Puls. 12. - ertian; violent shivering, with sensation as if the whole body were bruised; eructations before the cold fit, great heat with head-ache, which is more violent during the sweating stage, which follows, without thirst; violent tearing pains in the limbs during the cold stage. -- Tertian; cold stage with head-ache, hot stage of short duration; shortness of breath during the sweating stage, with thirst, disgust for all food, especially for butter; peevish disposition. ---- Quotidian; cold fit one hour duration; hot stage with head-ache and some thirst, followed by sweating stage; stools rather loose; two doses of Pulsat. Rhus. Tertiana duplex; shivering fit with thirst and smarting pain in the limbs; afterwards, universal warmth with inclination to shivering, much sour sweat, at the same time singing in the ears, deafness, loss of sleep, coryza. Rhus. Tertian; with urticaria. Rhus. Quotidian; nightly attack. In the day, cramps, feeling of oppression and pain, as if an ulcer existed internally in the region of the scrobiculus cordis; the lightest pressure cannot be endured; fear of death; one dose of Rhus. 30 removed all these symptoms. Sabadilla. In the cold stage, dry spasmodic cough; 138 hot and cold stage alternating; gastric derangement. -- Cold shivering, accompanied by uneasiness, and anorexia; of an intermittent type. - Afternoon attack, beginning with cold stage, remaining for two hours, especially in the back and hands; some heat; very slight sweat; no thirst; sensation of weariness over the whole body; cadaverous face, and yellow eyes; loose stools; brought on from the use of Cinchona; after Nux vomica had relieved the attack, Sabadilla completely cured it. Sambucus. In the apyrexia, profuse debilitating sweat. Sepia. During the apyrexia, paleness of countenance; tearing pains in the head, elbow, and knee joint; cough; the hot stage is most marked; in the cold stage, thirst, with tearing pains. Staphysagria. Tertian; with scorbutic affection; evening shivering, without heat following. Sulphur. Quotidian; thirst, before the cold stage, and in the hot; vertigo; much head-ache; bitter taste in mouth; weariness, night sweat; eruption with much itching; the patient had been affected with scabies. Arnica, Pulsatilla, Natr. muriat., only relieved these symptoms, in previous attacks. Taraxacum, Quotidan; commencing in the evening, with cold hands and nose, followed by much perspiration. In the apyrexia, weariness and giddiness. 139 Thuja. Shuddering with external and internal sensation of cold, followed by general perspiration. Valerian. Ague, where there is no cold stage, but only violent heat with thirst, and much head-ache. Veratrum. Quotidian; violent cold stage, with much thirst, alternating with heat, giddiness, nausea; afterwards, violent long continued heat, accompanied with extreme thirst, delirium, endeavours to throw off the bed-clothes, flushed countenance; fetid sweat comes on towards morning without thirst, but with pale face. -- Tertian; cold stage, followed first by warm, afterwards by cold perspiration. Verat. alb. 12. -- Quotidian; cold stage, then some heat without perspiration, and without thirst; one dose of Verat..- Tertian; shivering with thirst, then some heat without sweat. FEBRIS MILIARIS. (Miliary fever.) Ipecac. Eruptive fever, with sighing, constriction of the chest, diminished temperature of the skin. FEBRIS INFANTILIS. (Complicated with difficult dentition.) Cham., Acon., Belladonna. Burning heat, shrieking out, great restlessness, convulsive movements, extreme thirst, dilated pupil, staring eyes. Nux vom. Burning hot skin, restlessness, frequent 140 ardor urine; crying out in sleep, slight convulsions, exacerbation in the morning. (Vide also, Dentitio difficilis.) FEBRIS NERVOSA. (Typhus Fever.) Typhus in an enfeebled patient; cold, heat, giddiness, congestion of the head, bruised feelings in the limbs, Acon. and Bryon. Frightful dreams at night, with shrieking out; noise in the ears, much thirst, burning heat in the skin, dry tongue, covered with brown fur in the centre; Belladonna. Inclination to constipation, with yellow faeces, and bruised feeling in the limbs; Nux vom. During the whole night much delirium, starting up in bed; jactitation, and clenching of the hands, borborygmi; Ignatia. Anxiety, and restlessness in evening, burning heat, dry tongue; Belladonna. Confusion of the senses, pressive head-ache, watery eyes, great debility, pain in the epigastrium; Acid. Phosph., and Arsenic. Coldness of the head, great restlessness in the evening, starting up in bed, crying out, groaning, delirium, hot head, flushed countenance, Hyos. 12. All the limbs are useless, stupefaction, eyes half-closed, risus sardonicus, hard tumid abdomen, snoring sleep, from which he can scarce be roused, Opium, Carbo. veget. Distortion of the eyes and face, spasms of the extremities, no liquid can be swallowed, Hyos., and afterwards Stramonium. Comatose state, meteorismus; after four doses of Opium, considerable improve 141 ment. Great exhaustion; yellow evacuations cured by Verat. Acid muriat. Playing with the hands, groaning, subsultus tendinum, dry heat, alternating with superficial sweat. Acid phosph. Feb. nervos., stupida. Stupified condition, violent delirium, dulness of hearing, black lips, trembling tongue, complete loss of consciousness, pale, sunken countenance, involuntary passing of feeces and urine, complete sinking of all the powers. --- Pressive cephalalgia, suffused dim eyes, pale countenance, white furred tongue, borborygmi, swelled abdomen, great loss of power, jactitation of the hands, Acid phosph., and China. Unusual sleepiness, imaginary visions before the eyes; roaring in the ears, considerable loss of hearing, Acid sulph. Feb. nervosa stupida. Aconite, Nux, and Rhus. Cephalalgia, dry tongue, dry black lips, complete anorexia, abdominal pains, dry hot skin, prostration of the physical powers, constant moaning, diarrhoea. Arsenic, In typhus fever, with predominance of abdominal sypmptoms. (Typhus abdominalis.) Arsenic. Typhus fever, with gangrene, and convulsions, followed by violent fever, pulse small, and quick, delirium, fetid diarrhoea, exhaustion, indistinct speech, tongue and throat swelled, left side of the tongue and cheek black and gangrenous,'breath, of a cadaverous odour, indop 142 lent swelling in the left side of the throat and lower jaw, and itching in the diseased part of the mouth, Belladonna, relieved the pain and the itching. Arsenic. In epidemical typhus abdominalis. Arsenic. Typhus abdominalis. Belladonna. Typhus fever, with dry skin, great thirst, dry tongue, quick and hard pulse, and loss of sleep. -- Giddiness, singing in the ears, dry tongue, slight thirst, constipation, loss of sleep, frightful dreams, restlessness at night. -- Loss of sleep, delirium, if he is awoke in his sleep he cannot speak, quick breath, dry lips, brown sordes over teeth and lips; with Nux vom. -- With inflammation of the brain, menostasia, bloated countenance, restless look, constant movement of the hands, wishes to throw off the bed clothes, recognises no one, unconscious murmuring, burning heat over the whole body. -Wild restless eyes, violent delirium, quick soft pulse, rough skin, trembling of the hands, difficult deglutition. -- Incipient typhus fever, giddiness, headache, avoiding the light, singing in the ears, convulsions of the hands, sleep with dreams and fancies, broken by continued startings. Bryonia. Febris nervos. vers.; continued delirium day and night, burning dry heat over the whole body, especially the head, tongue and 143 lips dry, brown and cracked, great thirst, with sensation of excoriation at the scrobiculus cordis; painful micturition. Bryonia. Continued fever, pressive pain in the head, delirium, trembling, with startings up, disgust for food, furred tongue, lancinating pain in the breast, great weariness. Bryonia. Febris gastrica nervosa. Carbo. veyetabilis. In the last stage of typhus, stertorous breathing, coma, facies hippocratica, incontinence of urine and feeces. Carbo. vegetabilis. Small pulse, cannot be counted, stertorous breathing, sordes on the lips and teeth, dry tongue, hectic flush on the cheeks, high coloured, strong smelling urine; against the returning dryness of the tongue and lips, with dry, cold skin; Spirit. camphor. Chamomilla. Typhus, with dry skin, great thirst, dry tongue, loss of sleep. China. Furred black tongue, yellow, watery involuntary stools; with the help of Chamomilla and Pulsatilla. China with Cantharides. Coffea. Loss of sleep, from watchfulness, great excitability of the nerves, cannot bear the slightest noise. Hyoscyamus. Active violent delirium, entire loss of sleep, restlessness, convulsions, desire to jump out from the bed. Hyoscyamus. Quite unconscious of surrounding objects, dilated pupil, strabismus, vessels of 144 the sclerotic inflamed, dry brown lips, covered with sordes, dry hot skin, delirium. IHyoscyamus. Lies quiet, and in a comatose state, with half open eyes, broken by startings up and delirium, great exhaustion, dulness of understanding, deafness. Htyoscyamus. Feb. nervos. stupida; lies speechless, unconscious of those around him; dulness, staring eyes, dilated pupil.,Hyoscyamus. Feb. nervos. versat.; glazed rol. ling eyes, with wild look; deafness, singing and roaring in the ears, dilated nostrils; tongue, lips and teeth covered with black sordes, fetid effluvia from the mouth, continued delirium; sometimes quiet, at others very violent, knows no one; endeavours to spring from the bed, picks the bed clothes. MIercurius. Vertigo, dizziness, violent pressive head-ache, great uneasiness and pain in the scrobiculus cordis and umbilical region, foul, bitter taste, burning heat of the skin to the touch; at one time constipation, at another yellow diarrhoea, or accompanied with insupportable pain in the epigastrium, especially at night, with restlessness, anxiety, jactitations in bed, and entire loss of sleep. Mercurius and Rhus. Inflammatory typhus, with intermittent pulse and great exhaustion of the vital powers. Xux vomica. He appears as if drunk,knows no one around him, casts the head about, great debility of the body, red, hot cheeks, constipation, anxiety. 145 Vux and Aconite. Severe pains in the head, pulsation of the carotids, dry red tongue, burning heat, prostration of strength, want of appetite, sleeplessness and restlessness, dry sordes upon the lips, subsultus tendinum. Opium. Long continued slumber, with stertorous breathing, eyes half open, difficult to arouse, uncomplaining. Pulsatilla. Typhus, with painful blisters (apthoe) on the lips, mouth, and gums, dysphagia, difficult speech, very tenacious mucus in the throat, with suffocating cough, and great restlessness at night. Rhus. Great exhaustion, with dryness of the tongue and nose. Rhus and Sulphur. Restless jactitation, continual raising of the left arm, religious delirium, involuntary evacuation of very fetid faeces, continual twitching of the muscles, constant cough; after the Sulphur, the consciousness returned, and the twitchings ceased. Spirit. Nitr. dulcis. The greatest depression, little sleep, answering questions onlywhen pressed, lies without the slightest movement, still conscious. Spirit. Nitr. dulcis. Febris nervosa stupida. Staring distorted eyes, hears and understands nothing, dry brown lips, greatest weakness, murmurs and phantasies in his sleep, roused with difficulty. Sulphur. Constant heat and stupefaction, sleeplessness, raving with open eyes, catching at those around the bed, trismus from time to time. H1 146 Veratrum. Complicated with a kind of religious melancholy, weak thready pulse, sinking of the vital powers, involuntary evacuation of feeces, complete loss of sleep. In an epidemic typhus fever, the following remedies appeared to give the most relief:-Aconit., Arsenic, Stramonium, Plumbum, Coffea, Cocculus, Ignatia, Arnica, Pulsatilla. (Vide also, Pneumonia Nervosa.) FEBRIS NERVOSA STUPIDA. Pulsatilla, Rhus, Cocculus, Hyoscyamus, Acid phosph., Bellad., Opium, Acid muriat, and Acid Sulphuric. FEBRIS NERVOSA VERSATILIS. Bryonia, Hyoscyamus, Cham., Bellad., Nux vom., Stramonium. FEBRIS PUERPERALIS. (Puerperal Fever.) Aconite and Bryonia. Violent fever, dry hot skin, abdomen much distended, great pain on pressure. Aconit. and Bryonia. Metritis puerperalis. Acon., Belladonna, and Cocculus. Puerperal peritonitis. Puerperal Fever. Chamomilla 12, (when there has not been an abuse of it,) in restlessness; excitability of the nervous system, pressive pulsating head-ache, especially in the forehead, oppression at the chest; flaccidity of the breasts, and suppression of the milk, aqueous, greenish, diarrhoea, with colic, and should there be metrorrhagia with discharge of dark clots at intervals, or severe pain in the uterus, like labour 147 pains, with thirst, and pain in the limbs. Rhus is indicated in that state of nervous irritability, which increases on any trifling anxiety; the lochial discharge which had already become white, puts on the aspect of clotted blood. Pulsat. 18, in a mild disposition, and over excitement of the nervous system, distressed look, sudden suppression of the lochia, with sensation of burning, and fulness in the genitals, with distressing access of heat, with nightly anxiety, palpitations of the heart, thirst, inclination (only) to go to stool. It is also an antidote against the abuse of Chamomilla, when also Nux vomica is of service. Nux vom. is indicated, when erethismus predominates. Bryonia 18, in flaccidity of the breasts, abundant urine, lochia lasts too long, with no pain in the rectum on going to stool. Belladonna 30, is a specific against spasm of the rectum -it is also of much service when the puerperal fever is of a typhoid kind. Arnica 6, if any extravasations or ruptures have taken place during the labour, and which produce a state analogous to febrile action. Hyoscyamus, in atony of the uterus, indicated by frequent discharge of clotted blood, with spasmodic actions over the whole body, or in one part. Platina 6, when there is copious discharge of thick blood, painful bearing down pressure in the genitals and sacrum, with long continued internal, cold shivering, violent pain in the head, increased on the slightest movement, anxiety, H 2 148 burning heat in the face, great thirst, fear of death. Belladonna. Puerperal peritonitis, violent rigors, heat, and redness of countenance, violent boring pains over the whole, somewhat tumid abdomen, aching pain in the forehead, with rolling about of, and turning the eyes upwards, the confusion and despondency is increased, loud talking, great anxiety, and restlessness. Belladonna. Violent delirium, hasty unconnected speech, sleeplessness, suppression of the milk, and lochia; against the dry heat, violent thirst, anorexia, burning pain in the uterus, Bryonia; against the remaining symptoms, Rhus, Arnica, and Pulsatilla. Belladonna. Violent head-ache, as if the brain would be pressed out, dilated pupil, violent abdominal pain, greatly increased by external pressure, loss of sleep, and much thirst. Belladonna and Bryonia. Flushed face, white furred tongue, flabby, milkless breast, pain around the ovaries, diarrhoea, frequent pulse. Belladonna. Puerperal peritonitis, tumid painful abdomen, great redness of countenance, dry mouth, without thirst. Belladonna, Metritis puerperalis. Great redness of countenance, great anxiety, dry skin, full pulse (120,) dyspncea, groaning: (cured in six days.) Belladonna and Nux vomica. Metritis puerperalis; continual pain in the uterus and rectum; lochia diminished and fetid, continual nausea, 149 with tumid abdomen; the abdomen is more painful on pressure, delirium. Bryonia and Aconite. Puerperal peritonitis, bright red countenance, short, very frequent respiration, lancinating pain in the forehead, continual sharp pain in the hypogastric region, aggravated by the slightest touch, constipation, tumid abdomen, cessation of the lochia; at the same time, severe cutting pain in the upper part of the thigh. Aconite at first, followed by Bryonia. Chamomilla and Rhus. Incipient puerperal fever. Nux vomica. Incipient peritonitis puerperalis, with burning pain over the whole of the abdomen, alvine discharge, and lochia suppressed, dry parchment-like skin, great anxiety and restlessness. Nux vom. Puerperal fever in the first stage, with the following symptoms: great weakness, headache, eructations, constipation, weak, thin, slimy lochia, sudden suppression of purpura, little milk in the breasts, much heat, delirium, thirst. Belladonna against the hard milk knots forming in the mammae. Nux vomica. Puerperal metritis, active fever approaching to typhus, hot, red countenance, paroxysms of fainting, buzzing in the ears, much thirst, hard, painful, inflammatory uterus, abdomen tumid and painful, lochial discharge much and bloody, constipation; complete recovery in four days. Pulsqtilla. After catching cold, confusion in the -ad, singing in the ears, fainting, hoarse voice, 150 scraping sensation in the throat and chest, earthy taste in the mouth with mucus. FEBRIS PUTRIDA. With gangrene of the left side of the tongue, and the left masseter muscle, convulsions, and typhoid symptoms; Arsenic. Arsenic. Burning pain in stomach and bowels with black tongue, petechice. FEBRIS RHEUMATICA. Aconite. Bryonia. Violent head-ache, tearing pain along the back, loins and extremities, at times numbness of the fingers and toes; restlessness, heat of the body; movement increases the pain. Bryonia. Gastric rheumatic fever; tearing pain over the whole body, especially violent in the wrist, elbow, and ankle joint; ankles swollen, red, and hot. Dulcamara. When arising from cold; severe head-ache, red countenance, violent thirst, dry, hot, burning skin, violent sticking, rheumatic pains in the sacrum, twitching of the arms. (Vide also, Rheumatismus acutus.) FEBRIS SUDITORIA. (Sweating fever.) Heat alternating with shivering, unusual thirst, pressure at the epigastrium, eructations followed by great sweat; China and Sambucus. FEBRIS VERMINOSA. (Worm fever.) Aconite. Cina. Cicuta virosa. In children, with pain in the abdomen and convulsions. 151 Nux vomica. With the assistance of Pulsatilla, in a woman with tumid and painful abdomen, heat and nausea. Silicea. In scrofulous subjects, at intervals of some days. Spigelia. Especially when the fever is most violent about the middle of the day; pale face, picking the nose, empty eructations, with a sensation as if something rose up from the stomach into the throat, cutting pain in the bowels, with coldness, and diarrhcea, canine appetite and thirst. Sulph. Tinct. In continual insupportable itching, with sensation of rawness and excoriation in the rectum, produced by ascarides. FISTULA. Silicea. NitricAcid. Fistula complicated with syphilis; a fistulous opening in the chest, which penetrates to the sternum, the lower portion over the sternum is swollen; cessation of menstruation, with slow fever; Silicea 30, effected a cure in about three weeks. Fistulous ulcer in the inguinal region, remaining after suppurating buboes; Acid Nitr. and Silicea. Fistule in the right side of the neck, and under the axilla, with lancinating pains in the sternum, and cough with expectoration of thick mucus, cured by Silicea30. Calc. carb. 30, Nux. 30, Sulph. 30, Carb. veget. 12, and Conium 30. Calc. carbon. Fistulous ulcers in the inner part of the thigh, cured by six doses of Calc. carb. 30. FISTULA LACHRYMALIS. Silicea, Lachesis, Calcarea, carb., Petroleum. 152 FISTULA SALIVALIS. Acid Nitr. - URINARIA. Sulphur, in repeated doses. FLATULENTIA. Carbo. veget. Flatulence with constipation. Lycopodium. After a slight meal, oppression at the epigastrium, fulness, tension around the epigastric region, painful and pricking pain at the scrobiculus cordis, scanty hard stool. Zincum. With much borborygmi in the abdomen. (Vide also, Colica flatulenta.) FUNGUS HAEMATODES. Phosphorus. Fung. haem, in the thigh, somewhat painful; continual discharge of venous blood. A small Fung. haematodes on the finger, disappeared after one dose of Phosphorus. Fungus hamatodes of the cornea, with chronic opthalmia, complicatedwith ulcers of the cornea, great photophobia, burning, lancinating, and boring pain in the eye; the sight fast decaying; Calcarea, as the chief remedy, with Lycop. 12, Sep. 30, and Silicea 12. FUNGUS MEDULLARIS, RETINAE. Belladonna. With violent pains in the eye, a red spot spreads itself over the deep seated parts of the retina; induration externally, dilated pupil, powers of vision completely lost. FUROR UTERINUS. Platina, and Veratrum album. FURUNCULUS. (Boils.) Arnica,Belladonna, Nux vom., Lycop, Sulphur. 153 Arsenic. When the boils become gangrenous. Belladonna. Chronic furuncles which appear in the spring. Lycopod. Periodic boils. Nux vom. with Arnica. Aconite and Hepar sulph. Furuncles the size of pigeons eggs, very red and shining, with white heads, much fever and restlessness. G. GALACTIRRHCEA. (Too great a secretion of milk.) Pulsatilla, Acon., Rhus, Bellad., Calc. carb. GANGRENA BRACHII. A pricking, burning inflammatory appearance in the middle of the right arm when touched, but the under surface is cold, the arm is immoveable and senseless, partly covered by a cheesy, ash grey mass, partly by a blackish blue blister, extending from the shoulder blade to the fingers, at the same time incontinence of urine and faces, and very violent thirst with great anxiety; Arsen. 3, Opium, China; against the remaining ulcer, Silicea. Gangrene of the Scrotum. China in repeated doses. GASTRALGIA. Vide Cardialgia. GASTRITIS. Violent burning pain in the scrobiculis cordis, vomiting of food, small, quick pulse, restlessness in bed; Arsenic 30, after twelve hours, Colocynth. Aconite and Belladonna. Chronic gastritis, very H 5 164 violent pressing pain at the epigastrium after eating, oppression at the chest; the food is eructated again up into the throat; constipation. GASTROATAXICE. (Gastric derangements.) Bryonia. White furred tongue, foul taste in the mouth, with nausea, tumid abdomen, pain at the scrobiculus cordis, giddiness, constipation. Bryonia. Pressure at the epigastrium, the food returns again with eructations. Bryonia and Calcarea. Drawing pains from the right hypochondrium to the epigastrium, followed by vomiting. Cocculus. Violent frontal head-ache, followed by bilious vomitings, weight in the stomach as of a stone; pain in the right hypochondrium, scanty, hard evacuations, menses lasting eight or ten days with much pain. Chamomilla. Against gastric derangements, tearing pains in the limbs and abdomen, restlessness at night. Digitalis. Nausea, great feeling of weakness and gastric derangement. Digitalis. Nausea, vomiting, bitter taste in mouth, loss of appetite, thirst, diarrhoea, vertigo, frontal head-ache. Ipecacuanha. Frontal head-ache, disgust, nausea, bitter taste in mouth, entire loss of appetite. Nux vom. Violent painful pressure in the hea, derangement of stomach and bowels, furred tongue, anorexia, constipation. 1Yux vom. Chronic, empty eructations and vomitings. 155 Pulsatilla. White furred tongue, bad taste in mouth, nausea, fetid breath, pressing pain at the epigastrium, and tearing pain in the head after eating, mucus in the throat. With the help of Bryonia. Sepia. Foul taste with belching, little appetite, at the same time, nausea and vomiting, pressure and heaviness in the abdomen, and feeling of distension. Sulphur. Pressure at the pit of the stomach, heartburn, diarrhoea, borborygmi, emaciation. Vide also, Cardialgia. GASTROMALACIA. (Malacia.) Veratrum, Arsenic, (Kreosot?) Calc. acet. In an acute dangerous diarrhoea, with earthy smell, burning in the hands and soles of the feet, fever, much thirst, loss of appetite, and much emaciation of the whole body, unusual restlessness with crying and shrieking, together with vomiting. GLOSSITIS. (Inflam. of the tongue.) Mere. solub. Swelling of the tongue, salivation, violent fever and thirst. Also Belladonna. GLOSSOPLEGIA. (Paralysis of the tongue.) Baryta carbon. GONAGRA ACUTA. (Acute gout in the knee.) Belladonna. Intolerable pain in the knee, as great during rest as on movement. China. Swelling of the knees and feet. With the assistance of Aconite and Arnica. Vide, also Arthritis. 156 GONITIS. (Inflam. of the knee joint.) Rhus. When arising from a chill, passing into ulceration and complete atrophy. Aconite and Belladonna. Erysepelatous gonitis, very painful, accompanied with much fever. Silicea. Considerable bluish, red swelling of the knees, with violent tearing, shooting pain. GONOCELE. Calcarea. Inflammatory swelling of the knees, accompanied with violent pain. GONORRHCEA INSONS. (Painless Gonorrhea.) Nux vom. Gonorrhea, arising from suppresof piles. GONORRHCEA VIRULENTA. Cannabis. Burning pain on micturition, lancinating pain during and after passing water, frequent but scanty urine, violent, painful erections, brownish discharge from the urethra; slight inflam. of glans penis. -- Thick yellow discharge, with lancinating and burning pains when urinating. --- Slight white discharge, without pain, orifice of urethra red, continual ardor urince. (Cantharides. Gonorrhoea, with Chorde.) Cannabis. Gonorrhoea, in inflammatory stage, with discharge, and pain on micturition; Cann. Tinct. Matr., gtt. ij. given night and morning, followed by Sulphur, when the pain and inflammation disappears. Mercurius solubilis. Violent burning and smarting in the urethra, with a copious, thick, yellow 157 discharge, painful erections, with nightly emissio seminis, with the assistance of Cannabis and Pulsatilla, which only diminished the pain during micturition. Mercurius perfected the the cure. Mere. solub. and Petroselinum. Petroselinum. Discharge, more brown, and whitish grey, pain in the urethra unimportant, worse at night; against the discharge which sometimes comes on at night, Mercurius. -- Gonorrhoea. After eight days, with violent and tearing pain during micturition, very slight discharge. GONORRHCEA SECUNDARIA. Nitric Acid and Sepia cured a Gon. sec. of a year's duration. Capsicum, with the assistance of Thuja. Copious discharge, more yellow than white, micturition natural, with a tickling sensation in the penis, when passing the water, at the same time a cutting pain in the pubis. Cubeba. Discharge of a thick, green, purulent matter, without pain, redness or swelling. Lycopodium. Petroselinum. Gonorrhoea of six years' standing, very copious discharge, at one time yellow, at another purulent, repeated violent priapisnmus, yet without curvature of the penis, micturition without pain, and itching only in the morning when first passing urine. Petroselinum, Cannabis and Mercurius. Sulphur. 158 Thuja and Sulph. Gon. second.; also Lycopod., Sepia, Silicea, Calcarea, and Natrum muriat. GONORRHCEA INVETERATA. Having lasted twenty years, cured by Cantharides, Dulcamara, Acid nitr., Petroleum and Lycopod. Gonorrhoea prostatica, Belladonna. Gonorrhoea metastases, Pulsatilla. GUTTA ROSACEA. Arsenic. Ruta and Rhus. H. HIAMATEMESIS ACUTA. (Vomiting of blood.) Aconite and Nux vom. Singing in the ears, pressure on the epigastrium, anorexia, great weariness and debility, cold sweat over the body, hard, full, bounding pulse, vomiting of black red blood, pitchy black feeces. Arsenic. Violent heematemesis, with pale cold body, pulse scarcely perceptible. Aconite and Arnica. Heematemesis, with great debility. The constant recurring inclination to vomit, thirst, head and tooth-ache, great restlessness, were relieved byAconite andBelladonna. Hyoscyamus. In a woman of seventy-four years of age. Haematemesis, cum heemoptysi, Ipecac. and Drosera. Haematemesis, with great weakness, Ipecac. and China. Stannum. 159 HAEMATEMESIS CHRONICA. Vide Morbus niger Hippocratis. HAEMATURIA. Cantharides. Bloody urine, at one time with a violent, cutting, burning pain, and at another with continued ardor urinae. The blood is discharged by drops. Ipecac. gtt. 6, j., Lycopodium. Pulsatilla. With pain round the umbilicus, and drawing pain in the sacrum; with the help of Merc. solub. HAEMOPTYSIS. Dry cough, repeated expectoration of blood, lancinating, burning pain in the right side of the chest during inspiration, with cough, anxious feeling in the chest, feverishness and emaciation; Sulphur and Phosph., Bryon., Nux. Aconit. and Pulsatilla. Continual spitting of blood, very red countenance, protruded eyeballs, cough, violent lancinating pain in the chest, fever. Aconita. Haemoptysis. With suffused countenance, cough, with expectoration, but without pain, anxiety and restlessness at night, relieved when in a horizontal position, moaning and fearfulness. Arnica. Vomiting of black blood, great oppression at the chest; the cough is not violent, but the blood is brought up with the expectoration. Arnica. Haemoptysis, from external force. Arnica. Beating and burning in the scrobiculus; 160 the blood is expectorated in large black clots without cough, scrobiculus painful, the patient much weakened. Arising from bodily ill-usage; Nux vom. and China. Arnica. Clear frothy blood, intermixed with mucus, and in clots, which is brought up in considerable quantities by slight vomitings; heat, congestion at the chest, palpitations at the heart, from time to time paroxysms of fainting. Arnica. Very violent haemoptysis. With the help of Stannum and Sulphur. Bismuth and Sulphur. Haemoptysis, with oppression. Bryonia, Arnica, China, Nux vom., Aconit. Cough, with bloody expectoration, oppression at the chest, shooting pain on taking a deep inspiration, thirst. Crocus. Digitalis and Sepia. In a child from over-heating itself. Lachesis. Ledum. In a woman who had suffered from pulmonary consumption for nine years, cured of the haemoptysis, after two doses. Ledum with Aconite. Cough, with expectoration, of blood, caused by violent anger at the time of menstruation. Lycopodium. Millefolium. Every evening expectoration of blood from the chest. Blood rises up into the mouth, cough, with expectoration of bright red blood. Give China against the consequent exhaustion. 161 Millefolium. Hemoptysis, with violent expectoration of blood, continued sense of suffocation at the chest, with violent palpitation of the heart. Pulsatilla. In the morning, cough with greenish expectoration mixed with blood, and oppressed breathing; with the assistance of Stannum. Pulsat. and Sepia, alternating with Aconite. Rhus and Ledum. As soon as the cough comes on, a sensation of warmth in the chest, followed by expectoration of bright red blood, with painful feeling in the lower portion of the chest, above the scrobiculus cordis, of anxiety and suffocation: a dose of China for the exhaustion and consequent debility. Silicea with the assistance of Sulphur and Calcarea. Weak broken voice, lancinating pain in the left side, feeling of fulness, and burning in the chest, periodical spitting of blood, the expectorated blood is black, mixed with pus; fetid purulent thick expectoration, of a whitish green, or ash-coloured hue. HJEMORRHAGIA UTERI. (Vide Metrorrhagia.) HAMORRHAGIA OCULORUM. Belladonna, with swelling of the eyelids in children. Chamomilla. Nux vomica. Eyes pushed outwards, swollen eyelids, flatulent colic, constipation, desire for coffee. 162 H.EMORRHOIDES. (Piles.) Acid. nitric. Bloody piles, and swelling of the haemorrhoidal veins. Acid. muriat. Swelled and inflamed heemorrhoidal veins. Ammon. carbon. Bleeding hemorrhoids. Ammonium muriaticum, brings the coagulated blood away. Calc. carbon. Suppressed haemorrhoids, and their sequelce. Carbo. vegetabilis. Painful lancinating heemorrhoids, large, bluish swelling of the tumours, with pains in the loins and back, constipation, evacuation of blood; also, if there is a secretion of much burning mucus from the rectum. Chamomilla. Itching, and ardor in the perinteum, and genitals, lancinating pains in the rectum, frequent tenesmus, small tumours in the margin of the anus, of a livid red colour, very painful; evacuations accompanied with much pain. Graphites and Nux vomica. Heemorrhoids, accompanied by vertigo, weakness of the eyes, heart-burn, oppression. at the epigastric region, and flatulence. Nux vomica. Haemorrhoids, especially in sedentary persons. Sulphur. Against continual attacks of haemorrhoids, followed by Calcarea carb. Other remedies are, Nux, Ignatia, and Sepia. Mucilago seminum Cydoniorum. Externally applied. Continual burning in the heemorrhoidal tumors. 163 HEMERALOPIA. (Night blindness.) Belladonna. The light appears to have all the colours of the rainbow, in a circle. Belladonna and Hyoscyamus. Belladonna and Mercurius. Bellad., Merc., Digitalis, Hyoscyam., and Stramonium. Bellad., Hyos., and Stramonium. Hyoscyamus. Veratrum. HEMICRANIA. (H ead-ache, lateral.) Belladonna. Resembling Prosopalgia, appearing every Friday. Causticun. China. With considerable excitement of mind, and great pain in the affected part on pressure. Cocculus. A dreadful oppressive head-ache, as if a screw had been driven into the head, after eating or movement, accompanied either with vomiting, or with feeling of uneasiness and anxiety. Colocynth. Chronic, periodic head-ache, appearing daily, about five o'clock in the afternoon. Asarum, when administered, gave no marked improvement. Nux vomica. Violent head-ache, shortly after awaking in the morning, immediately under the left eye, with aching pain in the occiput, increased by pressure, towards mid-day it increases with great violence. Nux vomica. Violent hemicrania from the nostril 164 towards the right temple, so severe in the morning, that it causes a partial loss of consciousness, with violent jactitation, pale countenance, covered with cold sweat. Nux vomica. Violent head-ache in the left side of the forehead, as if from an ulcer, or, as if an instrument were pressed in, daily from seven to one o'clock; better in dry weather. Pulsatilla. Beating, and shooting pain in the left side of the forehead, in the morning after getting up, and at evening when lying down; it is diminished by outward pressure, but in the open air it increases, until it becomes almost insupportable, alternating with violent pain in the epigastrium, and colic. Pulsat. 12, Nux vom. 24. and Sepia 30, cured an hemicrania, in four weeks. Pulsatilla. Shooting pain in the forehead, temple, and ear, on the right side, also in the teeth on the same side, pulsations all over the head; becoming especially violent in the evening, and at night in bed; shivering. Sepia. Chronic hemicrania; very violent pain on one side side of the head, very excessive tearing and piercing, mingled with shooting pain; when at its highest, the patient is obliged to remain in a perfectly quiet position; the eyes are shut, and the hands compressed. Sep. 30, in repeated doses. Sepia. In many cases where the pain is seated under the eye; beginning early in the morning, sometimes with, at other times without, nausea; 165 as soon as actual vomiting comes on the patient cannot bear the light, or any noise; copious menstruation and leucorrhoea. Sepia. Hemicrania from youth; comes on in the morning, in the forehead, eyes, and root of the nose; lasts till bed-time, and ends with stupefaction and vomiting; at other times confusion of the head, with feeling of oppression over the eyes. Veratrum. HEMIPLEGIA. Causticum and Nux vom. Hemip. from suppressed scabies; he drags the right foot, can only walk upright with crutches, loss of feeling and power in the hands, faeces and urine passed with difficulty, very violent cramp in the right foot. Cocculus and Rhus. With depressed spirits, constipation, incontinence of urine; Ascites. Cocculus. Can only move the right foot, and with difficulty; at the same time numbness of these limbs. Cocculus. After apoplexy: against the immediate distorted and spasmodic action of the parts, Nux vom. had better be given. Cocculus, with Nux vomica. Cocculus with Rhus, Nux vom. and Pulsatilla. Hyoscyamus, Cocculus and Rhus. The left extremities paralysed, impaired speech, dull of comprehension, trembling of the tongue, he appears dumb, stares at one spot, head-ache. Nux vom., Bellad. and Cocculus, Hemiplegia from violent anger, 166 Stannum, with Belladonna and Stramonium. HEMIPLEGIA FACIALIS. Causticum, Graphites and Rhus. HEPATITIS. Aconite; and afterwards Mercurius solub. Violent shooting, burning pain over the whole convex surface of the liver, with great thirst, vomiting of bile, the liver is much swollen. Bryonia and Nux vomica. Bryonia with Merc. solub. Hepat. acut. Bryonia. Chamomilla. Mercurius with Bryonia. In acute Hepatitis. Nux vomica. Sympt. Violent lancinating pain in the region of the liver; pinching pain in this region on breathing, vomiting, constipation, heat, quick, full, hard pulse. Nux vom. Rheumatic Hepatitis. Nux vom. Unusual swelling in the region of the liver, with tensive and violent lancinating pains, increased by every inspiration and cough, no pressure relieves it; pulse quick and full, somewhat hard: with Mercur. solubilis. Psoricum. Chronic Hepatitis; with bitter taste in the mouth, loss of appetite, borborygmi, constipation, pain in the sacrum; pain in the liver, and an anxious, easily excited disposition. Sulphur and Silicea. Head-ache, pressure at the epigastrium; tenderness under the false ribs, on the right side; shivering, morning sweat, sense of weariness, small, hard pulse. 167 HERNIA. Hernia, in a woman of fifty-three years of age, cured by two doses of Nux vomica, one dose of Cocculus, and one dose of Aurum. fol. China. Hernia Inguinalis. Aurum, Carbo animalis. Cocculus. Hernia inguinalis, caused by a spasmodic widening of the inguinal ring. Lycopodium. Nux vomica. H. inguin., caused by violent crying, in infants. Prosicum. H. inguin. of infants. Zincum. Hernia inguinalis congenita. Nux., Sulph. and Chamomilla. Cured a hern. inguin in a child five weeks old. Hernia femoralis incarcerata. Diarrhoea and flatulent colic for three previous days; fever, fetid eructations, vomiting, two doses of Nux vom. He rnia inguinalis incarcerata. Aconite. Violent burning pain in the bowels, bitter, bilious vomitings, great anxiety, small wiry pulse. Belladonna. Nux vom. Opium. HERPES. Acid phosphoricum. Ichorous, watery eruption, upon the red part of the upper and under lip, and on the cheek near the left corner of the mouth. 168 Aconite and Anthracia. Herpes, forming crusts, with fever. Arsenic. Tetters over the greatest part of the body, with hectic fever, delirium, &c. Aurum. with the help of Sulphur. Herpetic eruption, occupying the bridge of the nose, with excessive itching, Bovista. Furfuraceous eruption on the back, ankles, and thighs, in a scrofulous boy; at the same time, a thick, scurfy, moist eruption, on the ears. Carbo. vegetabilis. Watery, itching eruption on both arms, chronic nettle-rash on the forehead. Conium. Watery eruption on the fore-arm. Conium. Violent, burning, itching, ichorous eruption onthehand andfore-arm. (In repeated doses.) Conium. Insupportable itching, herpetic eruption over the whole of the inner part of the forearms, especially in the evening; great weariness, constriction in the chest; its duration was diminished first, by the antipsoric treatment, especially Alumina. Dulcamara, with Graphites and Sulphur. Red, and reddish blue spots, especially on the under part of the thigh, with violent itching, and slight scaly appearance. Graphites. Herpes in the palm of the hand, small, fiery red spots, becoming confluent, and covering half of the palm, which burn and itch violently, and from which a clear fluid exudes. Bovista at first diminished it, with the assistance of Calcarea, Sepia, and Silicea. * l 169 Graphites. Herpes of the right and left arm, in the hands, face, and calf of the leg. Lachesis. A chronic herpetic eruption with thick crusts about the whiskers. Ledium. Dry scabs on the face, with painful burning on going into the air. Lycopodium. Herpetic eruption over the under part of the thigh, with varicose veins. Lycopodium. Small scabs around the mouth, with itching, combined with constipation. Lycopodium. Herpetic eruption on the face, neck, and calves, circumscribed by a yellowish base; isolated spots, elevated and red, and of a scaly description; Sulphur against the remaining redness. Lycopodium. Herpetic eruption on the elbow, forming isolated ichorous scabs, with burning, lancinating pain; the skin covered with freckles. Lycopodium. Ichorous, watery eruption. Mercurius solubilis. Moist tetters, forming large scales, spreading over the whole right forearm. Phosph. and Graphites. Herpes of the upper lip, with violent itching and exudation of much yellow ichor, forming crusts in places; pustulous elevated eruption over the whole body. Phosphorus. A light brown eruption, like liver spots, feeling rough and itching. Psoricum and Lycopodium. Herpes over the whole body, in a child. Psoricum. Tetters on the palm of the hand. Rhus. Dry scabs on the head. Rhus. Herpes on the thighs, arms, breast and I I 170 abdomen, with smarting itching; cough with much expectoration and flatulent stools: with Pulsatilla and Dulcamara. Rhus. A large scab in the upper part of the thigh, from which exudes a yellowish fetid ichor, with insupportable itching, especially when warm; Staphysayria and Clematis having been given before, Sepia. Liver coloured spots. Sepia, Petroleum and Calcarea. Herpes on the face and palm of the hands, violent itching; base and circumference reddened. Sulphur, Rhus and Dulcamara. Herpes with burning and itching. Sulphur. Watery, very itching herpetic eruption over the whole face, the eye-lids red, swollen, and distended. Sulphur. IHerp. squamos. on the forehead. Sulph. and Graphites. Humid, herpetic eruption. Sulphur. Dry scabs spreading over the whole body, with porrigo. Sulphur. Herpetic eruption on the knee joint, very itching, and forming crusts. Ierpes Crustaceus. Coniurm, with large scabs, the size of the hand. Graphites. Over the whole inner side of the right arm, a thick horny crust, with much irritation; the thickened part is completely immoveable and stiff: some small herpetic spots, returned on the palms of the hands a month after the arm had been cured; these quickly disappeared under the use of Zincunm. 171 Lycopodium. Thick straw-coloured scabs, with violent burning pain at night. Sulphur. Thick, yellowish, green porrigo. Herpes Circinatus. (Ring-worm.) Sepia, Calc., Caustic, Sulphur. Herpes exedens. Sulphur, China, and Graphites. Herpes furfuraceus faciei. Sulphur and Lycopodium. Herpes lichenoides. Over the whole body. Rhus and Clematis erecta. Herpes Palpebrarum, furfuraceus. With vomiting, itching, and photophobia. Bryonia and Sulphur. Herpes phagadenicus. With much itching, and smarting in bed. Emaciation, and nightly pain. Sulphur and warm Baths. Herpes phlyctaenodes. Sulphur. Herpes scroti. Arsenic. album. Many clear vesicles occupying the scrotum, and posterior surface of the glans penis, smarting and disturbing the sleep. Petroselinum. Herpes scroti, and perinaei, Herpes squamosus. In a scrofulous boy. Sulphur and Calcarea. HORDEOLUM. (Stye.) Pulsatilla and Sulphur. 172 HYDROCELE. Pulsatilla. Swelling of the scrotum and cord on the left side; with the help of Digitalis. Hydrocele, diminished after the external use of Arnica; internal use of Conium, Sulphur, Nux vom., Pulsatilla and Graphites. Graphites and Sulphur. Rhododendron, Hydoc. infantis. HYDROCEPHALUS ACUTUS. Aconitum. Belladonna. Hydro. acut., from repulsed measles. Distortion of the eyes, casting the head about on the pillow; convulsions, whereby the head becomes drawn backwards, stupefaction, very dilated pupils. Belladonna. The head thrown about on the pillow, contracted pupils; stupefaction; startings; thirst. Belladonna, with the assistance of Sulphur. Burning heat, photophobia; contracted pupil; burying the head on the pillow, burning heat, and dry skin, shrieking out, thirst, startings. Arnica, in third stage. Acid. phosph. Bryonia, in third stage, with the following symptoms:-Very suffused countenance, rolling eyes, dry, yellowish brown, furred tongue, swelling and distension of abdomen, quick, stertorous, anxious respiration, frequent deglutitions when drinking. Helleborus niger. Stupefaction, inability to raise the head, trembling hands, with frequent invo 173 luntary movements, photophobia, pupils greatly dilated, hasty deglutition of liquids, without any desire for them, tossing of the arms, restless sleep, starts up, and shrieks out, small intermittent pulse. Sulphur, in third stage. HYDROCEPHALUS CHRONICUS. Helleborus niger, Sulphur and Arsenic. HYDROPHOBIA. Cantharides, Belladonna, Stramonium and Hyoscyamus. Belladonna. Hyoscyamus. HYDROPS. (Dropsy.) Arsenic. Bryonia. Camphor. Universal dropsy. China. From too great loss of blood. Dulcamara. From intermittent fever, sunken countenance, swelled limbs and abdomen, restlessness at night, scanty, bad smelling urine. Helleborus niger. After scarlatina. Natr. carbonicum. In the dropsical condition of old people. Lactuca viros. Dropsy, with intermittent fever, and constipation, much swelling of the feet and abdomen. Ledum palustre, Bryonia, and Arsenic. After previous dyspnoea and debility, swelling of the whole body, with increasing pain in all the limbs, and dry skin. Lycopodium, alternating with Bryonia. 174 Lycopodium. In a complicated dropsy, with the assistance of Sepia, Sulphur, Calc. carb., Silicea, and again Lycopodium. Mercurius solub. Dropsy after Scarlatina. Mercurius solub. Universal dropsy, from affection of the liver. Sambucus. Universal dropsy. HYDROPS ACUTUS. Helleborus niger. Fever, pain in all the limbs, constriction at the chest, suffused eyes, white tongue, evacuation of greenish mucus, with tenesmus. The whole body is unusually swollen, ardor urinae. Also, Bryonia and China. HYDROPS ANASARCA. Antimonium crudium, Kali carbonicum, and Arsenic. After a severe intermittent fever. Arsenic, with Helleborus niger. Arsenic. Anasarca, from suppressed intermittent fever. Belladonna, with the help of Helleborus niger. Anasarca after purpura miliaria. Helleborus. After Scarlatina, drowsiness, loss of appetite, very trifling secretion of urine, pale countenance. Helleborus, with the assistance of Arsenic. Anasarca, and ascites, long continued shivering, diarrhoea, with copious evacuations, great thirst, and very short respiration. Pulsatilla, Bryonia, Sulphur, Lycopodium, Sepia, Calcarea, Silicea. (Edema of the chest and feet, cessation of the menses, great difficulty of breathing. 175 Sepia. Solanum nigrum, cured a dropsy, after the use of Arsenic and Helleborus niger, which produced but little benefit. HYROPS ASCITES. China. Arsenic. Ascites, with oedema of the feet, pains in all the limbs, great debility, breathes laboriously; with Ledum and Bryonia. Cinchona and Digitalis. Digitalis. Hydr. ascites, and anasarca. Hydrops, post feb. intermittens. Colchicum, Ferrum, Arnica and China. HYDROPS OVARII. Belladonna. HYDROPS PECTORIS. (Hydrothorax.) Arsenic. (Edema of the feet, great anxiety at night, short breath. Arsenic and Carbo. vegetabilis. Arsenic, Helleborus and Digitalis. Colchicum. Orthopnoea; periodical, violent suffocation, short, dry, shaking cough, swelled abdomen, continual eructations, desire to go to stool, cloudy urine, depositing a white sediment; cedema, great debility: with the assistance of Opium. Bryonia, China and Helleborus. Digitalis. Hydr. c. febr. Lachesis. Pulsatilla and Kali carbon. HYPOCHONDRIASIS. Aurum. Distension and fulness of the abdomen, discharge of mucus, flatulence, consti 176 pation, fear of futurity, weeping; with the assistance of Nux vom., Veratrum, Belladonna, and Pulsatilla. Baryta acetica and Rhus. Anorexia, dyspepsia, sleep disturbed by dreams, a strong feeling of oppression at the abdomen, dejectedness, anxiety for the future. Nux vomica. Congestion of the head, vertigo, singing and roaring in the ears, nausea, and oppression at the sternum in the morning, with great anxiety, evacuations, accompanied with much flatulence, anxious, short, oppressed respiration. Nux vomica. Giddiness, confused head, acid, bad taste in the mouth, anorexia, with perverted taste' of all food, swelled epigastrium, painful to the touch, constipation; with the assistance of Conium, Sulph., Natrum muriat., and Lycopodium. Nux vomica, with Aconite, Arsenic, Colocynth, Carbo. animalis and vegetabilis. Hypochond, with hemorrhoids, torpid liver, constipation, swelled abdomen, and spasms of the chest. Phosphorus. Violent head-ache,with confusion and congestion; together with dimness of sight, violent singing in the ears; rheum. acid eructations, flatulence, the greatest irritability and peevishness. Mercurius solubilis. From suppressed scabies; congestion of the head and chest, vertigo, constriction of the chest, anxiety, (fearfulness,) swelling of the abdomen, feeling of oppression in the left hypochondria. 177 Stannum. Hypochondriac and hysterical affection, with abdominal spasms. Sulphur. Great debility, continual vertigo, stupidity, great exhaustion after any slight exertion, desire to commit suicide, constriction of the chest, with lancinating pains, and various gastric affections. Sulphur and Sepia. Hypoch. psorica; obstruction at the chest from phlegm, stupidity, derangement of the digestive functions. HYSTERALGIA SPASMODICA IN PARTU. (Spasm of the womb in lying-in women.) Ignatia. Piercing pain, at one time darting inwards, at another, outwards, in the pubic region; the respiration is impeded by it; low spirits. Pulsatilla. HYSTERIA. Aurum. Singing in the ears, heavy head-ache, pressing pain in the eyes, abdomen much swelled, frequent palpitation of the heart, despondency from great debility, very low spirits, fear of death. Aurum. Hysterical spasms, with alternate laughing and crying, with previous existing prolapsus uteri and exostosis of the opening of the pelvis. Belladonna. With pains in the stomach and other parts of the abdominal cavity. Bryonia. Hysterical spasms in the head and abdomen, with gastric derangement, and constipation. '5 178 Cicuta. Tetanus hysterica. Chamomilla. Idem. Ignatia. Pressing, pinching pain in the forehead and occiput, with red countenance, and failing of the powers of sight, spasmodic constriction of the throat, constriction of the chest, difficult respiration, trembling of the body, and convulsions of the extremities, with confused recollection. Ipecacmandha. IHysterical spasms, with the head thrown backwards, muscles of the countenance distorted, gasping breath. Nux vomica. Hysterical affection, palpitation of the heart, nausea, and inclination to vomit, constriction of the throat, as if a ball would rise up; choking sensation, especially before midday, oppression at the scrobiculus cordis. Nux vomw., Pulsatilla, Veratrum, Graphites. In hysterical affections. Pulsatilla. A very violent pain in the head in the morning early, on awaking, with vertigo, very great debility, alternations of the colour of the face, great anxiety, restlessness, feeling of constriction across the chest, and frequent shuddering. Pulsatilla, Bryonia, Nux vormica, Opium, and Sulphur. Sharp, cutting pains, around the umbilicus; extending all over the abdomen; spasmodic constriction in the region of the glottis; frequent flushings of the countenance; the spasmodic affection, generally commences with great anxiety, feeling of lassitude, disturbed 179 sleep, irritable temper, violent tearing pains in the shoulders and arms, fulness, and uneasiness of the scrobiculus cordis, after eating. Silicea. Menstrual derangements; lancinating pain in the throat, with dysphagia; vertigo on turning round; head-ache, constipation, restlessness, anxiety, disinclination to study, or employ the mind. These symptoms are aggravated at the wane of the moon. Silicea and Sepia. Hysteria, with the sensation of a ball in the throat, oppressing the breathing; pressing pain at the scrobiculus cordis; borborygmi, catamenia, every fourteen days; pulsating beating in the head; loss of appetite; vomiting, debility, and exhaustion. In general, Acon., in frequent distressing palpitations of the heart. China, in pressing pain at the stomach; too great excitability and weakness. Pulsat., in disposition to weep, particularly in women of fair complexions. Veratrumn in shivering, and constipation. Valerian, is an excellent remedy in hysterical affections. Ipecac., Hyos., Strain., Coccul., Arsen., Bellad., Moschus, in spasmodic affections of hysteria, chiefly in the hypogastrium, chest, and limbs. Amongst the antipsorics,-Tinct. sullh., Sepia, Acid nitr., Caustic, Cham., and Silicea, are particularly recommended. I. ICTERUS. (Jaundice.) Belladonna, alternating with Nux. Disturbed 180 sleep, startings, bitter taste in the mouth, cramp in the jaws; dyspeptic symptoms after eating, cutting pain round the umbilicus at night, constipation. Aurum. Chamomilla, Mercur. and Sulphur. China. Abdomen tumid, and painful, loss of appetite, scanty, colourless evacuations. (Aconite had been previously given.) China, Mercur. and Sulphur. In jaundice of newborn children. Digitalis. With vomiting of mucus, nausea, lassitude, loss of appetite, and thirst. Digitalis. (Icterus spasmod.) Yellow skin, nausea, inclination to vomit, frequent empty vomitings, loss of appetite, irritability, pressing pain jin the scrobiculus and around the liver, grey clay coloured evacuations, sluggish stool, shivering alternating with heat. Mercur. Nux vom. Loathing, nausea, pain in the epigastric region, and constipation. Nux vomica and Pulsatilla. General lassitude, and feeling of exhaustion, great weakness, continual pressing pain in the hypochondria, shooting pain around the liver, extending to the right arm and shoulder. Jaundice from disorganization of the liver; Arsenic. ILEUS. Bryonia. Obstruction of the bowels, without vomiting of the feeces, with yellow countenance, 181 dulness of the eyes, muscles of the abdomen rigid. Bryonia, with the assistance of Opium and Plumbum. Inflammatory Ileus. Fever, distended, tumid abdomen, with pain in the colon, at one time cutting as with a knife, at another violently contracting, (spasmodic;) suffused countenance, bitter taste in the mouth, violent thirst, pulse frequent and indistinct, great restlessness, anxiety, fear of death, no action of the bowels for six days,vomiting of an offensive yellow fluid. Belladonna, Ipecacuanha. Opium. Ileus, with vomiting of the faeces and urine in an hysterical girl. Opium. No motion for five days, violent pain around the umbilicus, tumid, painful abdomen, thirst, continual anxiety of mind. IMPETIGINES. IMPETIGINOUS ERUPTIONS. Arsenic. Eruption about the beard (chin,) of red pimples, which have ichorous, watery heads, giving to the face a fiery red appearance, occasioning itching; on the head, pustulous pimples, with falling off of the hair. Arsenic. Large, reddish, burning, somewhat elevated pustules with inflamed edges, on the back of the hand; the whole of the right hand becomes swollen, so as to be useless. Ammonium and Sepia. Impetigo; on the elbow joint, little pustulous points, which itch, and when scratched, burn violently, leaving scabs, 182 under which, pus is formed; fluor albus (leucorrhoea) of a milk-white appearance; sometime after being cured some small pimples appeared again, which were removed by Graphites. Causticum, Sutlphur, Mercur. and Veratrum album. An eruption of some years standing, in a boy of seven years of age; the meibomian glands swollen, with burning pain in the eye-lids; behind both ears a pustulous eruption with smarting pain; an irritable, itching eruption on the abdomen, back, upper part of the thigh, and knee joint, with much itching in the evening, and at night in bed. Chamomilla. Dense, red pimples becoming confluent, and forming a red spot on the skin; itching, especially at night. Cicuta virosa. Impetigo of the face; a raised eruption, the size of lentils, existing for sixteen years, which began with a burning pain, and then became confluent, of a deep red colour. Cicuta virosa. (Tinea of the face.) Every year an impetigo of the face, on the left side of the mouth a little scab appears, which spreads, and from which exudes a yellowish fluid, and causes pain, as if from an excoriation in the affected part, which on drying, forms a yellowish, (honey coloured) scab, with burning, rarely combined with gnawing pain. The submaxillary glands are swollen; yellowish brown crusts on the nostrils. Graphites. Tinea faciei; irritable, ichorous erup 183 tion on the nose, upper and under lip, itching and shooting in these parts. ITelleborus. A sinilar eruption of small scabs, with inflammation of the eye-lids; loss of sleep from the irritation of the bowels; emaciation, constant diarrhoea. Ledumn. Pimples or small ulcers on the forehead, or red pimply eruption on the countenance, smarting itching on the chest. Mercefritts aceticits. Irritable, bursting eruption of pimples, which after scratching, burns as if fire were applied to the whole body. Mercurius solubilis. Impetigo upon the lower part of the abdomen, the upper part of the thill, the genitals, the right ear and left nostril, with dysuria and swollen scrotum. (At the same time a bran poultice applied.) Mercurius s ublimatus corros. Impetigo syphilitica; eruption on the right groin, and upon the hand, with a coppery, red base, and ichorous pustules, which burn and smart. Mercuiritts solu.bilis. Eruption like herpes, which burns on being touched. Mercurius solubilis. Eruption of the skin, over the whole body; over the face, a dark yellow crust, discharging a fetid ichor, much itching, lachrymation, small pustules upon the conjunctiva. Oleander. Very irritable eruption on the head, and hairy scalp; burning after being scratched, especially at night, at one time scaly, at another ichorous. 184 Oleander. Eruption on the ears. Psoricum. Impetigo between the fingers, eruption on the hand and elbow joint, at times both fore-arms are covered. Psoricum. (Tinea faciei.) The whole countenance is covered with scabs, in a child a year and a half old, with swelling of the lips and eyelids. Psoricum. (Tinea faciei.) An ichorous, very fetid pustulous, pimply eruption spreading over the whole face. Rhus. (Tinea faciei.) The whole fore part of the head, the forehead, and the right side of the face, are covered with a thick crust, under which, is an ichorous matter, often mixed with blood, of an insupportable odour; and which, from time to time exudes. The skin under the scab is raw, sore, uneven, and of different colours; uncontrollable gnawing itching; swollen eye-lids; rough, scaly spots, with thick scabs over the whole body, especially the extremities, in some places a copious discharge, in others it is dry. Sepia. A dry eruption over the whole body, after suppressed scabies. Antim. tartar. An eruption over the whole body as large as peas, which feel as if they were full of pus. Sepia and Sulphur. (Tinea faciei.) The face covered with an entire crust; with pustules, at different times, breaking out, and disappearing, impaired vision, the cornea cloudy. Sulphur. An eruption of pustulous pimples, ex 185 isting for fourteen years on the loins, with itching, which is much increased in the evening. Vinca minor. (Tinea of the face.) A chronic, ichorous, fetid, eruption, extending over the head, and face, and behind the ears. IMPOTENTIA. Pollutiones nocturnae, cum effusione copiosa seminis, erectiones non perseverant, dolores vagi. Ignatia 3, Nux vom. 30, Capsicum 6, Anacardium, Capsicum, and Cannabis. Acid muriat. Erectiones sine libidine; with Camphor, and China. Acidumphosphoricum. Lycopodium, with Conium, Sepia, and Sulphur. Moschus. Impotentia ex refrigeratione. Impotentia, cum induratione utriusque testiculi. Hep. sulph., Lycopod., Graphites, and Sulphur. INCONTINENTIA ALVI. Arnica. With passing of brownish watery urine, without any odour. Hyoscyamus. Incontinence, from paralysis of the sphincter ani. INCONTINENTIA URINAE. Cicuta virosa. Loss of power, dulness of hearing, itching burning pain in the abdomen, faculties impaired, anxiety of mind. Magnesia carbonica, and Natrum muriaticum. Rhus. The urine cannot be long retained, when when there is a desire to pass it; and, when 186 not passed immediately, it comes away involuntarily. INDURATIO. INDURATIO. (Of the left knee.) Silicea. INDURATIO SCIRRHOSA. (Of the right inguinal gland.) Iodine. Externally applied, and also given internally. INDURATIO. (Of the mesenteric glands.) Tinct. sulph. INDURATIO. (Of the under lip.) Arsenic. With a livid ulcer. The lip everted, a hard, firm, tumour on the red part of the lip, the outer rim of the lip covered with a blackish brown scab; on the inner surface of the lip, two pustulous blisters, and an open ulcer; a tearing pain in the tumour and ulcer, extending to the cheek and ear; externally on the face and lips, a painless eruption of pimples. Rhus. The lips pain when touched, and smart as if excoriated. The swelling nearly disappeared. Sepia 30, (Aconite and Bryonia 30, for the supervening fever, and pleurisy.) Upon the appearance of an irritable, itching, pimply, eruption, all the other affections are ameliorated. Petroleum, Phosphorus, and Sulphur, entirely cured the lips. INDURATIO SCIRRHOSA. (Of the mammoe.) An immoveable hardening from a blow, at the same time, itching in the part. Conium maculatum, 187 given internally, and applied externally; with the help of Chamonzilla. INDURATIO TESTICULORUM. Spongia, followed by Aurumn 6. Indurat. testic. dolorif. Cocculus, Aurum, Rhododendron, Spigelea, Nitric acid, Nux vomica. INDURATIO, UTERI, SCIRRHOSA. China. A bloody serous discharge, also clots of black blood, alternating with a bloody purulent, very fetid matter, sensation of heaviness, and fulness in the genitals, with great debility and emaciation. (Vide Cancer Uteri.) INDURATIO VAG1NCE. Sepia. INFLAMMATIO ERYSIPELATOSA. (Of tile breasts.) Bryonia and Phosphorus. INFLAMMATIO ERYSIPELATOSA. (Of the leg.) Arnica. From violent motion. Arnica. Erysipelatous inflammation, from a shock, caused by taking a false step. INFLAMMATIO ERYSlPELATOSA. (Of the face and eyes); deep red countenance, covered with many pustulous pimples; closed eyes, great thirst; Hepar. sulph. andEuphorbia, ameliorated; Sepia completed the cure. INFLAMMATIO ERYSIPELATOSA. (Of the feet.) From contusion, a shining, hot, swelling of the great, and second toes, and of the whole forefoot; Arnica, given internally, and applied externally. 188 INFLAMMATIO RHEUMATICA. (Of the arm.) Antim. crud. The insertion of the biceps muscles in the elbowjoint of the right arm, swollen and painful; sometimes the whole fore-arm participates in the inflammation, and cannot be bent. Aconite, and Bryonia. INFLAMMATION OF THE MUCUS COAT OF THE INTESTINES. Antimonium tartar., and Colocynth. INFLUENZA. (Grippe.) Arnica. Lancinating stitches inthe chest, pain in the sacrum, tearing pains in the limbs, bleeding from the nose and mouth. Belladonna. In a highly nervous state, with delirium, shuddering, and a sort of subsultus tendinum. Camphor. With diarrhoea, or white stools, with coldness of the external skin. Carbo. veyetabilis. A long continued cough, with very little expectoration. Conium. Irritable night cough. Iynatia amara. General convulsions, with frothing at the mouth. lodium. Cough, with expectoration of blood, pain in the chest, and the highest stage of fever. Ipecacuanha. Violent choking efforts to vomit, until mucus is brought up. Mercurius vivus. In an affection of the head, throat, and chest, with a shaking, dry, slowly relaxing cough, which impedes the speech. 189 Mercurius solubilis. Nux vomica, is one of the chief remedies in influenza. Phosphorus. Catarrhal fever, with dry heat, much sneezing, and cough; excoriating dischage from the nose, and subsequent bronchitis, in the highest degree. The cough prevents easy respiration, and causes difficulty of speaking, from pain in the bronchial tubes. Phosphorus. In an inflammatory affection of the bronchi, so as to prevent speaking from pain. Pulsatilla. Against violent cough, with much expectoration and pain in the chest. Sabadilla. Great drowsiness, shivering, dysphagia (inability to swallow), bitter taste in the mouth; loss of thirst; cough with vomiting; pain round the stomach, and in the head, from the cough; very painful, aching sensation in the limbs; aggravation of the symptoms in the middle of the day, and in the evening, also by cold. Face burning, with coldness, and shivering in the extremities. Senega. With tickling and burning in the larynx and throat. Stannum. Loose cough, with much expectoration. Taraxacum. Cough, commencing with much tickling in the throat, and bronchi. Other medicines are, Aconite, Causticum, Arsenic, Bryonia, and Hyoscyamus. 190 INTERTRIGO. Sepia. Intertrigo in conjunction with spasmodic cough at night. INTUMESCENTIA INFLAMMATORIA. (Inflammatory swelling of the inguinal glands.) Dulcamara. Arising from cold; especially painful on attempting to walk, dragging, tense pain over the arch of the pubis; at the same time vomiting, diarrhoea; and light fever. INTUMESCENTIA GLANDULARUM, SUB MAXILL. (Swelling of the submaxillary glands.) Conium maculatum. In a woman thirty-seven years of age. Mercurius solub. Lancinating pain. INTUMESCENTIA NARIS SCROPIIULOSA PERIODICA. (Periodic, scrofulous swelling of the nose.) Calcarea. With blood red colour, and obstruction of the nostrils. INTUMESCENTIA TESTICULI, ET FUNICULI SPERMATICI. Pulsatilla. With dry gonorrhea, with pains of the abdomen, thirst, anorexia, and diarrhcea. INTUMESCENTIA UTERI EX PARTU. Belladonna. With continued pressing, dragging pains in the sacrum. INTUMESCENTIA VAGINA. Nux vomica. IRITIS ARTHRITICA. (Arthritic inflam., of the iris.) Cocculus. The scrotica, cornea, and iris inflamed; 191 photophobia, contracted pupil, lancinating pains in the eye-ball. Cocculus, and Staphysagria. Violent lancinating pain in the orbits; also, only in the left eyeball; with the assistance of Nux vomica, Bryonia, Calcarea, Conium, and Lycopodium. (Iritis, arising from the abuse of mercury.) Hepar. sulph. ISCHIAS NERVOSA. (Sciatica.) Acidum nitricum. Lameness of the hip, the pain diminished by movement; the pain in the affected limb is increased by taking wine, and by flatulent affections; with the help of Carbo. vegetabilis. Chamomilla. Nightly pain in the upper part of the right thigh, associated with weakness of the whole thigh bone, causing a sliding gait; complete lameness, coming on suddenly, with violent pain, most violent at night. Colocynth. Ischias, with inability to walk or stand. Colocynth. Complete impossibility to tread upon the foot of the affected side. Nux vomica, and Carbo. vegetabilis. Ischias nervosa antica; violent tearing pain, increased by movement, with Sulphur. Pulsatilla. Violent sticking, and tearing pain, causing lameness; the pain draws the knee at one time outwards, at another inwards and downwards, with the assistance of Sulphur. Rhus. 192 ISCHURIA. (Retention of urine.) With attacks of spasms in the bowels, groaning, shrieking, contortion of the eyes, the mouth drawn down, the abdomen is red and hot in the region of the bladder; Pulsatilla. Arnica. With feeling of fulness of the bladder, and impossibility of passing the urine; ardor urinee. Cannabis. Ischuria with constipation; also, Camphor, and Uva ursi. L. LASSIO CAPITIS. (Injury of the head.) Mercurius solubilis. In a man who was drunk, and fell into a cellar on his head. Arnica, Belladonna,; Aconite, were applied in succession. Arnica, ext. app. L2ESIO OESOPHAGI. (Injury of the cesophagus.) Cicuta. In a woman, froma bone splinter; the neck thick, and swollen, anxiety, loss of speech, danger of suffocation. LARYNGITIS ACUTA. Aconite, and Spongia. Hepar. sulph., Arsen., Lachesis, Mere. (Vide Angina Laryngea.) LARYNGITIS CHRONICA. Hepar. sulph., and Spongia. Spongia tosta. Heat, roughness, burning pain in 193 the larynx, dry cough; at the same time, expectoration of tenacious sputa. LARYNGISMUS STRIDULUS. (Vide Asthma Millari.) LEPRA. Alumina, Ammon. carbon., Arsenic, Baryta, Causticum, Carbo. anim., and veget, Causticum, Colocynth, Conium, Graphites, Iodium, Kali carb., Lycopod., Magnesia carbon., Muriat. magnes., Natrum carb., Natrum muriat., Nitric acid., Petroleum, Phosphor., Sepia, Silicea, Sulphur, Zinc. LETHARGUS. (Lethargy.) Belladonna, with the loss of understanding, sleep of many hours duration. LEUCOMA. (Albugo.) Calcarea carbonica 30. (Vide also, Maculae corneae.) LEUCOPHLEGMASIA. Rhus. Helleborus niger. LEUCORRHCEA. Aconite. Alumina. Acrid corroding discharge, particularly before the catamenia. Arnica and then Calcarea. Fluor albus, with tumour of the knee. Bovista. Corrosive fluor albus. Calcarea carbonica. A copious discharge of white mucus, with violent itching in the genitals, but no excoriation; accompanied with burning, shooting pains, universal lassitude, and fatigue K 194 more especially, weakness of the knees, and lower part of the thighs, emaciation, paleface, dry, spasmodic, wearing cough. Calcarea carbonica. Leuc., for three or four years, coming on after menstruation; soreness, with occasional lancinating pains in the region of the liver, frequent sacral pains, impaired appetite. Cocculus. Fluor albus, with purulent, ichorous discharge, (resembling water, with pieces of flesh in it); flatulent colic, swelling of the abdomen, pain, as of an internal ulcer, on every movement. Leucorrhin. Fluor albus, with menstrual derangement and spasms. Lycopodium with Pulsatilla. Acrid leucorrhoea causing excoriation, increased before and after menstruation, worse in the morning; pain in the side. Mercurius solubilis. Acrid, fluor albus, with burning, smarting pain. Natrum muriaticum. Leucorrhcea in a scrofulous girl, having been previously affected with herpes -very white appearance of the face; day and night, a discharge of a very white, thick, diaphonous, benign mucus, without pain;:comhined with other affections of the bowels and genitals; pressing pain in the forehead, with great disposition to mucous diarrhoea. Nitric acid. Metorrhagia maligna, with pains in the head, and tearings in the limbs, from previous abuse of Mercury. 195 Nux vomica. Irregular menstruation; very copious bloody discharge with violent abdominalpains; a yellow, fetid, painless, slimy discharge; colic, sinking feeling at the scrobiculus, with much nausea; constipation. Pulsatilla. Leucorrhoea in pregnant women. Sepia. Copious discharge of a thick, yellow, not acrid mucus, only during the day, combined with fulness, heaviness and distension of the abdomen; strong, painful, downward pressure in the sides, as if from a weight; menstruation regular. Stannum. Chronic fluor albus, with great debility. LIENTERIA. (Diarrhoea lienteria.) China. Especially at night. China. Immediately after eating, pain in the abdomen, around the spleen, followed by an evacuation of undigested food. Phosphorus. LITHIASIS. (Gravel.) Discharge of grit and sand, with pressing pain whilst making water, and spasmodic contraction of the bladder. Sarsaparilla, Petroleum, Calcarea, Phosphorus and Lycopodium, gave relief. Cannabis. Urinary calculi in the bladder, with difficulty of making water; discharge of blood, from the bladder, with violent pain. Lycopodium. Renal calculi; the disease is suspended during a copious monthly hemorrhoidal discharge. K 2 196 LOCHIORRHCEA. (Excessive discharge of the Lochia.) Crocus, Bryonia and Calcarea. Nux vomica and China. Lochia after miscarriage, short dry cough, violent pain in the stomach, constipation, great flow of milk, great weakness. LOCHIA SUPPRESSA. Pulsatilla. Colycynth, Hyoscyamus, Nux vom., Platina, Secale, Veratrum, Zinc. LUMBAGO. Stannum. Rhus. Lumbar pains, coming on especially at night. Bryonia, Nux vom., Pulsatilla, Rhus, Sulphur. LUMBRICI. Aconite. Cicuta, Cina, Nux vomica, Sabadilla, Spigelia. LUPIA. Baryta carbonica, Causticum, Calcarea, and Graphites. LUPUS VORAX. On the thumb a fistulous ulcer in a lepropsoric habit. Staphysagria and Alumina. LUXATIO SPONTANEA FEMORIS. Vide Coxalgia. M MACULAE CORNEE. (Albugo.) Belladonna, Aurum, Conium, Cannabis, Hepar sulphuris, Arsenic, Nitric acid, Sulphur. 197 Vide also, Obscuratio corneae. MANIA. Vide Morbi Animi. MARASMUS. China. In a boy, with frequent evacuations, constant perspiration, anorexia, loss of thirst, emaciation, paleness, debility; with the help of Ferrum. MARASMUS SENILIS. Coniurm, Baryta acetica, and Opium. MASTITIS, (Phlegmonous Inflam. of the Mammae.) Aconite. Bryonia. After an access of rigors, distension, violent lancinating burning pains, hardness of the mammae, red skin, and considerable elevation of the temperature of the body. Chamomilla. Where anxiety of mind or fright, are the exciting causes of mastitis. Mercurius. Hardness, inflammation, and swelling of the mammae; with tearing pain in the sides of the face. Phosphorus. In the second stage, where pus is already formed in the mamma; it accelerates the bursting of the abscess. Hepar sulph. and Lachesis are also of benefit in this stage. Phosphorus. Many fistulous openings with callous edges in the breasts; dry cough, but at the same time, attended by expectoration of blood, and hectic fever. Phosphorus. In chronic abscesses of the breast, with constant inflammation. 198 Phosphorus and Silicea. Abscesses with copious discharge of pus. Silicea. Mastitis, with fistulous openings. Silicea. Mastitis in the second stage, with induration, it is also of benefit in suppuration of the mammee. Sulphur. Ulcer of the mammae, covered with proud flesh, with discharge of brownish, bloody pus. MASCHALOPANUS. (Glandular tumour of the arm pit.) Carbo animalis. MELCENA. Vide, Morbus niger. MELANCHOLIA. Vide, Morbi animi. MELONCUS. Much swelling of the cheeks; two doses of Lycopodium, Calcarea carbon., and Sulphur. MELONCUS DENTARIUS. Chamomilla, Magnetis polus arcticus, Sepia, Euphorbium, Belladonna, Mercurius solubilis, Rhus, Pulsatilla, Nux vomica and Bryonia. MENINGITIS ACUTA INFANTUM. Belladonna, Chamomilla, Phosphorus. Vide, Hydrocephalus acutus. MENINGITIS PUERPERALIS. Aconite, Belladonna, Stramoniun, Veratrum, Hyoscyamus, and Platina. MENOSTASIA. (Suppression or Retention of the Catamenia.) Kali carbon. Opium. I 199 Pulsatilla. Paleness of the face, spasmodic distension of the chest, and continued shuddering. Sepia, Stramonium. Sulphur. With fever, congestion of the head, chest, spleen, dorsal and lumbar vessels, with haemorrhoidal affection; also Veratrurm. MENSTRUALATAXIEN. (Irregularities of the Catamenia.) 4cidumphosph. The menses come too strong and too frequent, preceded by fluor albus, headache, dragging down of the eye-lids, palpitation of the heart; clotty, black menstruation. Atrum. From interruption of the menstruation, violent pressing pain in the abdomen, congesion of the head, insupportable, pressing, tearig pain, especially in the fore part of the head,,rtigo, dizziness and swimming in the head, worse before and after menstruation, melanclolic disposition, disinclination to talk. Eovista. Profuse menstruation, coming on every fourteen days, preceded by leucorrhoea. 6(lcarea carbonica. Rapid flow of the menstrual fluid, with violent pain in the abdomen, frequent head-ache, dizziness and swimming in the head, Mspecially before and after menstruation, constriction at the chest; great lassitude. CAna. Profuse menstruation, vertigo, pressive lead-ache, scintillations before the eyes, singing i the ears, dry mouth, thirst, pain in the abdoaen, (lower part,) scanty, hard stool, restlessnss, great lassitude. Coculus. Spasms, with irregular menstruation. 200 Crocus. Menstruation too copious. Graphites. Very scanty menstruation, with dragging pains in the lower part of the abdomen, and in all the limbs. Graphites. Menstruation too scanty, and too seldom; the irregularity commenced with discharge of thick black blood; continued pressing head-ache, intumescence of the lower part of the abdomen, and of the upper and lower ex, tremities; heaviness, lassitude, and sluggishnes,. Ignatia. Menstruation too early, and too abumdant; before and during which, oppression aid heat in the head, violent pressing pain in tie forehead, sensibility of the eyes to light, silging in the ears, anorexia, feeling of emptiress in the stomach, palpitation of the heart, fanting exhaustion. Nux vomica. Menstrual spasm; oppression in the forehead and vertex; pressing painful sensibility from the uterus, upwards, to the navd; at the same time also, around the epigastriun; together with fainting fits. Opium. Menstrual spasms. Phosphorus. Menstruation continues eight das, leaving behind a feeling of great weakness. Platina. Menstruation too violent, and too lag continued, with downward pressure from;he groin to the genitalia, spasmodic aching pail of the lower part of the abdomen. Platina. The menstruation very violent, eery fourteen days; continuing two days; some lays before, especially at night, an insuppornble 201 cutting in the lower part of the abdomen; great bearing down in the genitalia, and very violent aching pain; after the menstruation, great exhaustion. Pulsatilla. Menstruation coming on too early; before and after which, fluor albus, with cutting pain, shortness of breath, and loss of sleep. (Vide also, Amennorrhoea.) METRITIS. Aconite, Pulsatlla, Nux. Belladonna, Pulsatilla. METRITIS PUERPERALIS. (Vide Febris puerperalis.) METRORRHAGIA. (Hemorrhage from the uterus.) Belladonna. When bearing down pains in the lower part of the abdomen, in the uterus, and violent sacral pains, are predominant. Bryonia, when a dark red discharge of liquid blood, combined with violent sacral pains, and a very distressing pressing pain over the whole head are present. Chamomilla, dark discharge of blood, mixed with clots. Crocus, in nervous erythism, head-ache; confusion; vertigo; singing in the ears; alternate red and pale countenance, with colicy pains in the abdomen; dark, black, clotty, viscous discharge. Ferrum, in strong erythism of the arterial system; fiery red countenance; hard, full pulse. Hyoscyamus; continued bright red discharge, with universal spasms, interrupted by draggings, or convulsions K5 202 of the limbs. Pulsatilla, especially where the discharge alternates with emission of clotted blood. Secale cornutunm is a very valuable remedy in this affection. Arnica. Metrorrhagia from external violence. Belladonna. The blood flows uninterruptedly, of a bright red colour; pulse full, hard, and frequent; violent pains in the lower part of the abdomen, which allow no rest to the patient. Belladonna. Very copious menstruation, bright red blood, violent pain in the hypogastrium. Belladonna. During the time of menstruation, violent pains, in the hypogastrium with continual bright red discharge. Bryonia. Chamomilla. During the time of menstruation, very copious, fetid, painless, bloody discharge, intermixed with large black clots; great general weakness, singing in the ears, and dimness of sight. Chamomilla. Violent metrorrhagia, after a short labour; pale countenance; nearly senseless; pulse scarcely perceptible. Chamomilla. Metrorrhagia during menstruation; the blood flows unceasingly, becomes very fetid; with great weakness, and noise in the ears. China. Continued discharge of blood, at intervals, having continued for four weeks; pressive headache, aching pain in the hypogastrium; ardor urinve, scanty, hard motion, great debility, loss of sleep, restlessness, wandering of the mind; the discharge mixed with black clots. 203 Crocus with the help of Ipecacuanha and Nux vomica. Violent metrorrhagia, from fright; a discharge of large clots of black blood, without any pain. Tormina around the navel, a beating pain on the left side of the head, in the forehead, and over the left eye, great weakness of sight, vertigo, fainting, loss of appetite, nausea and lassitude, slight swelling of the feet. Crocus, with the help of Bryonia. Dark-clotted blood comes away without pain, not during the time of menstruation. Crocus. Metrorrhagia, with the greatest debility, so that the patient could scarcely speak. Cocculus. In a pregnant woman, with much bloody mucous discharge from the uterus. Ferrum. In a lying-in woman, from excitement of mind, with bearing down pains. Ferrum metallicum and China. Hyoscyatnus. Continual discharge of bright red blood; with cramps of the whole body, interrupted by starts or shocks, or by convulsive movements in one of the limbs. Ipecacuanha. Violent metrorrhagia with miscarriage, abdominal pains, pale face, vertigo, nausea, much thirst; followed by China. Mesmerismus. Met., with fainting, cold countenance and hands, convulsions. Platina. Continual discharge of clots of blood, part bright red, and part black; anorexia; feeling as of a ball moving about in the abdomen, lancinating pains in the region of the sacrum and 204 groin, scanty, difficult motion, causing pain, disturbed sleep, melancholy. Pulsatilla. Very violent metrorrhagia in a pregnant woman, with fear of abortion, and false labour pains. Pulsatilla. Very violent metrorrhagia after parturition; the patient is pale, and covered with cold sweat; lies motionless; noise in the head, loss of sight, complete want of contraction in the uterus, retention of the placenta, doughy feeling of the uterus. Sabina. Metrorrhagia, violent dragging pain in the uterus, with aching pain in the sacrum, and great desire to micturate. Sabina. Haemorrhage, with painless discharge of a dark red, half fluid, half clotted blood. Sabina. Discharge of bright red blood. Sabina. Profuse menstruation, with spasms in the hypogastrium. Sabina. A painless discharge from the uterus, continuing four weeks, the blood appears for the most part, in dark black clots, between which it comes away liquid and thin; increased discharge at night, bearing down pains; general debility, emaciation. Secale cornutum, alternating with Calcarea carbonica. Very violent flooding, causing fainting. Secale. Especially after confinement, in weak cachetic persons. Sepia. Continual abundant discharge of blood, day and night, with spasmodic, contracting 205 pain in the hypogastrium; painful bearing down in the genital organs, together with wandering shooting pains in them. MONOMANIA M(ESTA. Belladonna. He believes some one has injured him, appears in the greatest distress when he sees any one coming down the street. Ignatia. Arising from long continued grief, seeks solitude. MORBILLI. Rubeola. (Measles.) Aconite. As a chief remedy. Aconite. Ophthalmia; great heat all over the body, burning, hot, red countenance, rough, hollow, irritable, dry cough, restlessness at night. Aconite. Measles, with violent pain in the abdomen and ardor urine. Aconite and Pulsatilla. Alternately, in an epidemic of measles. Aconite. Heat and cold alternating, much cough, head-ache, coryza. Belladonna. Slight eruption, with dry heat, thirst, delirium; great constriction at the chest, dyspncea, hoarse voice, pain in the abdomen. Belladonna. Violent head-ache, convulsions of the extremities, hoarseness, complete aphonia. Bryonia. Pricking pain in the chest, and trachea, short, dry cough; tearing pain in the extremities. Bryonia. For the promotion of the eruption. Cina. Very violent pain in the abdomen, with insupportable thirst, vomiting of ascarides. 206 China. With predominant affection of the bowels, (without increase of the evacuations,)emaciation, paleness of face, loss of fever. Magnesia carbo. In malignant cases. Nux vomica. To hasten the eruption. Pulsatilla. The eruption is in its fullest state very violent heat with perspiration, incessant, dry, short cough, respiration can only be effected with much pain; during the cough pricking pain in the chest. Sulphur. Violent pain in the ears; deafness, otorrhoea; short, quick respiration, rawness of the voice. Sulphur. From catching cold, followed by a typhous condition; lips and tongue covered with a sordid, thick, blackish brown, tenacious coating, with dry heat, no thirst; no complaint of pain; takes no notice of those around the bed, incessant cough, with copious, tenacious, purulent expectoration. In predominant affection of the brain, with considerable fever; Belladonna and Mercurius. With great irritability and excitement of the nervous and muscular system, with slight bodily affection; Coffea, Ignatia, Belladonna, and Hyoscyamus. With great constriction at the chest, with quick, jerking, irritable breathing, great restlessness and croupy cough; Aconite and Ipecacuanha. With violent night cough; Pulsatilla, Chamomilla and Hyoscyamus. Pilsatilla. Measles, with disposition of the eruption to recede. 207 Pulsatilla, Mercur. and China, cured a mucous diarrhoea, the sequel of an attack of measles: Cham. Ignat. or Nux, a raw dry cough: Belladonna, Cina, Hyos., and Conium. a spasmodic cough, like hooping cough. MORBI ANIMI. MELANCHOLIA. MANIA. Aconite. Fear of death in a lying-in woman, dejected, taciturn; anxiousness, loss of consciousness. Arnica. The greatest degree of petulancy and fickleness; quarrelsome; stubbornness; incoherent talking. Arsenic. Great anxiety, restlessness, loss of sleep, heat in the head, frequent crying, believes that some one has injured him. Arsenic. Periodic melancholy, anxiety at the scrobiculus cordis. This anxiety troubles her most at night, in bed. Sensation of constriction, of flatus, and of gnawing at the scrobiculus, with heart-burn and pyrosis. Arsenic. Melancholy from miliaria retrogada; great anxiety of mind; believes he cannot be happy in his own home, inclination to suicide, loss of sleep. Aurum. Religious melancholy, arising from remorse of conscience. Aurum, with Nux vom., Verat., and Pulsat. In the morning, weight in the head, loss of consciousness for a moment, false ideas, anxiety, shunning his family, fear of futurity, despair, great dispositon to weep, continued restlessness, seeking solitude. Belladonna. Mania, raving, with wild staring look. 208 Belladonna. Strikes his chest on the approach of any one, with sadness and fear of death. Belladonna. Anxiety, with shrieking out,fancies he sees spectres, fear of death, knows no one, bites and strikes at those around him, great restlessness. Opium is necessary for the supervening comatose state, with stertorous respiration. Belladonna and Stramonium. Mania, bluish red face, glazed eyes, very dilated pupil, cries out incessantly, drinks much water, sees forms, and beats and bites at those around him. After the Belladonna, Stramonium is necessary for the supervening increasing movement of the hands, with tumid abdomen (as distinguishing symptoms); and Helleborus niger for the disposition to weep. Belladonna, Veratrum, Nux and Sulphur. Melancholia. Belladonna, Sulphur, Cocculus, Lycopodium, and Acid nitric. Melancholia, after a short labour, remains quiet, taciturn; indifference to her family, deficient secretion of milk. Belladonna. Loss of sleep, anxiety, does all sorts of foolish things, quarrels, beats about, very dilated pupils, suffused, yellow countenance. Belladonna. Disturbance of the mind, with status atrabilaris, great anxiety and fearfulness, continual abdominal and sacral pains. Belladonna. Fixed ideas of some offence, paracusis illusoria, congestion of the head. Belladonna with Veratrum. Mania puerperalis. Belladonna and Nux vomica. In a boy of thirteen 209 years of age, becoming on a sudden, melancholy, peevish, with disposition to weep. Conium. Mental debility in a man thirty-two years of age, calm melancholy, alternating with a very raging, violent, imperious condition; with the help of Belladonna. Conium. Indolent condition, with aversion to speaking. Helleborus niger. Melancholia; continual reading in the bible, speaking of death, dejectedness, disposition to commit suicide, looks before and behind him, and speaks little; with Veratrum album. Helleborus niger. Melancholia taciturna. Hyoscyamus. Mania, coming on after taking out a hollow tooth; tearing and pulsating pains in the teeth, which extend to the forehead, with loss of consciousness, moaning, shrieking, springing out of the bed, and commencing to strike and beat about; with the help of Nux vomica. Hyoscyamus. Melancholia, with amennorrhoea; mistrust, seeking to leave the house in the night, anxiety, heat and redness of the face, with shrieking; with Pulsatilla and Veratrum. Hyoscyamus. Mania, in a woman; very impetuous, and is frantic when deterred from her intention, strikes and beats about, much incoherent talking, wandering ideas, anxiousness, with trembling of the limbs. Ignatia. Melancholia, from fright, feeling of weakness in the lower part of the abdomen, menstruation every fourteen days; constipation 210 moaning, seeking solitude, great feeling of lassitude over the whole body; with the help of Platina for the irregular menstruation. Ignatia. Intermittent quotidian melancholia; with the assistance of Natrum muriaticurm. Lachesis. Mania, great loquacity, raised voice, proud bearing, mistrust. Nux vom. Melancholia incipiens, gloomy distorted countenance, sensation of weakness in the left hypogastric region, with nausea, debility, and confusion in the head, inability to employ the mind, speaks vehemently and incoherently. Nux vomica. Incoherent speech, heaviness of the head, anorexia, debility, redness, and paleness of the face. Nux vomica. Erroneous ideas, cessation of the menses. Opium. The patient will not believe that she is in her own home, has always very painful constipation of many days duration, glowing countenance, retention of urine. Platina. Melancholia, with great fear and terror, fancies she sees the devil among the bystanders, trembling of the hands and feet, palpitation of heart, anxiety, small weak pulse. Platina. From excessive employment of the mind, and anxiety; bleached countenance, confused head, disposition to anger and quarrelling, seeks solitude, great feeling of alarm, with desire to fly from those he imagines will hurt him; with the help of Nux vom., Veratrum album., and Ferrum acet. 211 Pulsati'la. Puerperal melancholy, with suppression of milk, in an hysterical woman. Pulsatilla. Melancholy in pregnant women; sits still, clasps the hands, parablepsis, talks incoherently, with desire to run away, and loss of sleep. Pulsatilla. Anxiety of mind, with loss of sleep, feeling of restlessness in the head, head-ache, oppression at the scrobiculus cordis, irregular menstruation. Stramonium. Melancholia from fright; scruples of conscience, restlessness, melancholy, with thoughts of death, and moaning, imperfect speech and stammering, with fever. Stramonium. Mania, from drinking spirituous liquors. Stramnoniurn. Mania; evening delirium, converses with phantoms, believes that he is struggling with the devil; sleeps a little towards morning, red countenance, glazed eyes, constipation, frequent pulse. Stramonium. In a girl, eleven years old; keeps a kneeling position in bed, when touched jumps up erect, with shrieking and wild movements, at the same time wrings the hands, calls out loud, knows no one around her, makes the strangest movements, laughs out loud, exhaustion. Sulphur. Pale face, violent head-ache, oppression at the scrobiculus cordis, very anxious disposition, believes she is dying of starvation; fears that her household affairs are in complete ruin, frequent great anxiety, amennorrhoea. 212 Veratrum. The patient will not leave the bed, anxiety; melancholy; laments and cries out without reason; does not drink, or sleep; glowing red countenance. Veratrum. Melancholia; anxiety; restlessness, bordering upon desperation; violent delirium, singing and laughing. Veratrum. Vertigo, costiveness; at one time anxiety of death, groaning, desperation; at another, violent delirium, wandering of the senses, and loss of consciousness. Veratrum album. Violent rage towards his relations; great anxiety, with palpitation of the heart; terror; he wishes to run away; singing, whistling, laughing, mistrust, great desire for self destruction, loquacity. Veratrum. Mania in a boy, twelve years old. In paroxysms, dark red face, distorted glazed eyes; beats himself; flow of saliva from the mouth; after Veratrum, for the loud laughing, and springing up, Stramonium is necessary. Veratrum. Vesania c sermonibus lascivis et salacitate. Vanilla. Melancholia taciturna. MORBUS CCERULEUS. (Cyanosis.) Digitalis. Blue colour of the lips, eye-lids, tongue, cold extremities, constriction of the chest, Heemoptysis. Vide Cyanosis. MORBUS NIGER HIPPOCRATIS. (MELiENA.) Arsenic, with affection of the liver, and appearance of jaundice. 213 Arsenic, with the help of Arnica. Belladonna. Violent digging, pressing, cutting, gnawing, pain in the epigastric region. Ipecacuanha. With pressing pain in the chest, and violent eructations, evacuations mixed with blood, nausea; vomiting; fainting; with the help of Pulsatilla. Ipecacuanha. Vomiting; evacuation of black, pitchy feeces, pale, sunken countenance, lies half unconscious, coldness of the extremities; at the same time, cold sweat, quick, small pulse; with Belladonna and China. Nux vomica, Belladonna, Stannum. Nux vomica. Melaena. Nux vomica, Sulphur, Petroleum. Veratrum. N. NECROSIS. Necrosis articulationis genu. Belladonna, Mercurius, Sulphur, Calcarea, Lycopodium and Capsicum. Vide also, Ossium Morbi. NEPHRALGIA. Nux vomica. Very violent pain in the right lumbar region; diminished secretion of urine, cannot lie on the right side. NEPHRITIS. Aconite and Cantharides. Aconite, Cannabis, and Cantharides. Nephritis, with cystitis, and ischuria. Nux vomica. When the disease arises from a suppressed haemorrhage, or upon the suppres 214 sion of haemorrhoids. Pulsat. 18, from suppressed menstruation, in a woman of slender body and irritable disposition. Bellad., or Hepar sulph., when there are shooting and burning pains in the region of the lumbar vertebrae, with spasm of the stomach, fiery red urine, anxiety, and constipation. Cantharid. 30.; especially, when the shooting, tearing, burning pains are very severe, and it is also impossible to pass the urine, or when the patient only passes it by drops, and mixed with blood. Cannab., Coccul., Mercur., Plumb., Thuja., Colocynth, are of service, in affections of the kidneys. NEURALGIA. Magnetis polus arcticus. Neuralgia temporo-facialis. Sulphur, Calcarea, Carb., and Kali. Vide Prosopalgia. NICTITATIO. (Morbid winking of the eye-lids.) Spigelia, with the help of Ferrum aceticum. NOCTAMBULATIO. (Sleep walking.) Bryonia. NOTALGIA. Arsenic. Not. periodica complicata. Commencing with a slight uneasy sensation in the back, under the shoulder blade, with pressure in the epigastrium, later, the pain draws more behind, and changes to a burning pain; the least movement increases it. Bad sleep, frequent brown and yellow evacuations; sensa 215 tion of excoriation in the rectum; debility. Bryonia. Stiffness in the sacrum. Rhus and Colocynth. Violent pain along the back, in the loins and hip, and posterior part of the thigh, day and night. NYMPHOMANIA. It occurs sometimes in lying-in women, but is easily cured by Platina 1/30. Bellad, or China., especially when an ichorous and fetid discharge has taken the place of the lochia. Veratrum, 1/12. With total suppression of the lochia, with delirium. Zinc 2/18, in the suppression of the lochia, with simultaneous diminution of the milk, and painful sensibility in the genital organs. 0. OBSTRUCTIO ALVI. CONSTIPATIO. Argilla. Obst. alvi., in children. Bryonia, with Nux vonzica. Very hard motion, occurring every eight days. Carbo. vegetabilis. Obst. hmemorrhoidalis. Lycopodium. Obstruction with very violent colic. Nux vomica. Nux vomica. Obstruction for six days; vertigo; confusion; giddy heaviness of the head; congestion of the head, with gastric derangement. 216 Opium. Opium. Obstruction in pregnant woman. Plumbum aceticum. In a constipation of nineteen days. Psoricum. In a child, obstructio alvi from birth. Sulphur, Alum, and Opium, brought only partial amelioration. Stannum. With fulness, swelling, uneasiness, and heat in the head. Sulphur. Obstinate constipation. Veratrum album. Obstructio alvi in children. Glysters, especially of milk and honey; or changing the regimen. Nux vom., Opium, Veratrum; and when the evil is more obstinate, Sulp. tinct. 1/30. Lycopod. 1/30. OBSCURATIO CORNELE. Cannabis. Externaland internal use; a whitish grey film over the whole cornea, with Belladonna against the ophthalmia. Euphrasia, alternating with Cannabis. The cornea, is covered by a film over the greater part. Euphrasia. Cloudiness of the whole cornea. Magnesia 24, and Acid nitric. Leucomatose obscuration, from traumatic arthritic ophthalmia, with vertigo; itching and burning in the eyes and eye-lids; cessation of the menses; dilated pupil, photophobia; Calcarea, 12, Phosphor. 30, and Silicea 30. ODONTALGIA. (Tooth-ache.) Acidnitric. Odontalgia, arising from the abuse of Mercury, worse at night, with shooting pain. I 217 Aconite. Violent, constantly recurring tooth-ache, ebullition in the head; hot and flushed cheeks. The tooth-ache is like a crawling sensation in the teeth; always worse at night; most severe at midnight. Aconite. Strong pulsating tooth-ache, with congestion of the head. Agaricus muscarius. Tearing pain in the teeth, arising from cold. Alumina. Tooth-ache during mastication. Belladonna. Tearing pain at the roots of the teeth of the upper jaw, without any of them being decayed; sensation as if the teeth were too long; gums swollen, red, and burning; the pain increased by movement. More violent mornings and evenings, and excited on going into the cold air; the whole of the face is at the same time, red and hot. Belladonna. Odontalgia with trismus. Bryonia and Rhus. Insupportable tooth-ache, as if all the teeth had been forcibly wrenched out; the heat of the bed, warm and cold air, increase the pain. Causticum. Tooth-ache with painful gums, which bleed easily, with tearing pains in the muscles of the face, in the eye and ear. Calcarea. Tearing pains in the decayed and sound teeth, coming on both day and night, from cold; increased principallyby cold draughts of air; during the attack, great sensibility of the teeth to cold air. Chamomilla. Tooth-ache from taking cold; L 218 coming on after eating and drinking, arising at first after having taken coffee and hot drinks. Chamomilla. Very violent tooth-ache, with restlessness, moaning, swelling of the left cheek; a molar tooth in the left jaw-decayed, the gums, at the same time, swollen and burning; loss of sleep, gnawing pain in the hollow teeth. Chamomilla. Periodical violent tooth-ache in a back molar tooth of the left under jaw; the tooth hollow; dragging and gnawing pains, most violent after eating. Chamomilla. Violent tooth-ache, coming on with a shooting pain in the left jaw, with crawling and tickling sensation in the teeth, most violent at night; swelling of the gums. China. Odontalgia, especially violent after eating and drinking, and at night. The tooth-ache is only relieved, by forcibly gnashing the teeth together; during the slightest movement, the pain increases violently. Coffea. From over excitement of the nervous system. Euphorbia. Thrusting, pulsating pain, as if the teeth were screwed together. An irritable swelling, painful when touched, under the eye, as if an abscess were forming; erysipelas of the cheek. Graphites. Odontalgia in all the teeth of the left side, with an attack of lateral head-ache; much increased during the night. Hyoscyamus. Odontalgia in the upper front 219 and back teeth of the right side, in both sound and carious teeth, extending over the upper jaw-bone, right nostril, (even to the upper part of the nose), and eye of the affected side, and slightly in the lower jaw. The pain is of a tearing, and beating nature, with swelling of the gums; the pain is much increased by pressure, sensation as if the teeth were too long. Lachesis. In the roots of the teeth of the under jaw, a very violent, tearing, dragging pain, as if a screw were driven in, extending into the ear; comes on after awaking from sleep, or after eating, or from taking cold or warm drinks. Magnesia carbonica. Odontalgia, at first, only in one, afterwards in many teeth of the right side of the under jaw; violent boring, with tearing pains on the right side of the face, around the temple, with stiffness of the neck and throat. The pain is slight during the day, but very violent at evening and night. The patient is compelled to move about. Mercurius vivus. Odontalgia, of pregnant women. The gums are swollen, livid, and very red at the edges, painful and very irritable, as if cankered, also the tongue is very painful, with bad taste in the mouth, tearing pain in the sound teeth, as if they were decayed; increased at night, by cold air, or cold drinks. Mercurius solubilis. Violent tearing pain in the teeth, and under jaw-bone, so that the patient cannot remain in bed, with irritation in the gums, which have a pale appearance, are swollen L 2 220 and separated from the teeth. By rubbing the the teeth, the pain is immediately relieved, diminished by warm, violently increased by cool, air. Mercurius solubilis. Violent irritation, causing grating of the teeth; all the gums of the left upper jaw are swollen and red; an ulcer is formed over the carious back teeth; swelling of the left cheek without pain; a tearing pain in the hollow back teeth, on going into the cold air. The pain is increased in the evening; diminished by warmth. Mezereum. Odontalgia from cold. Drawing pain in the left under and upper jaw, alternating with a boring pain in the teeth, and shooting pain in the cheek bone of the same side. The teeth on the left side, are blunt and brittle, and feel as if too long, with dragging pains in many parts of the head; contact and movement increase the pain in the head and teeth; cold shivering in the evening; fretful disposition. Mezereum. Tugging, shooting pains in the upper molar teeth, continuing dayand night; increasing in the evening, with a numbed feeling in them, and, as if the teeth had been dragged out. Nux vomica. Drawing, tearing tooth-ache, without swelling of the cheek, especially at night; increased by hot and cold things, especially by cold air; great sensibility of the teeth to cold air. 221 Nux vomica. Violent soreness over the whole upper jaw-bone; with digging pain in the carious teeth on the right side, alternating with shooting pain, extending to the bones of the face, especially on going into the cold air, on eating, and early in the morning. Nux vomica. Violent digging tooth-ache, in an upper back tooth of the left jaw, with lancinating pain over the whole side of the face; diminished by warmth. Nux vomica. Pulsating, and digging pain in the upper teeth. Platina. Pulsating, digging pain in the right jaw bone, worse in the evening and on movement, involuntary moaning; menses too early and too profuse, at the same time a feeling of numbness in the affected side of the face. Psoricum. Pulsatilla. Odontalgia of pregnant women; the attack comes on principally in the evening, with a sensation of coldness, and remarkable paleness of the face; cold air diminishes these symptoms. Pulsatilla. Piercing tooth-ache in the left upper jaw, with drawing pains, extending to the eye, most violent at night in bed, increased in a warm chamber, and by warm food and drinks; diminished in fresh air. Pulsatilla. Shooting pain in a hollow back tooth, extending into the ear, and over the left half of the face; at the same time shivering and twitchings over the whole body. 222 Pulsatilla. Drawing, gnawing, tearing pain in the upper and under back teeth of the left side, the lower jaw is painful on movement. Rhus. Tearing pains in the teeth and head, morning and evening; the pain unbearable on lying down. Rhus. Arising from cold, diminished by heat. Sabina. Tooth-ache, particularly violent when warm in bed; after eating, a sensation as if the teeth had grown too long; too copious menstruation. Sepia. Tooth-ache of pregnant women; beating, pulsating pain, combined with palpitations of the superficial pulse all over the body; loud moaning; the pain diminished by cold water. Sepia. Pulsating, shooting pain in the teeth, spreading to the ear and arm; dypsncea. Silicea. Where the bone or the skin of the under jaw is swollen; pulsating tooth-ache. Spigelia. Beating tooth-ache, with pain in the face. Staphysagria. Violent, irritable, gnawing, dragging pain, at one time in the front teeth, at another in the face, extending to the eye; most violent early in the morning, after eating and masticating; increased in cold air and by cold drinks, diminished by warmth; the gums easily bleed. Sulphur. Pulsating tooth-ache, with swelled gums. Veratrum. Pulsating tooth-ache, with swelling of the face, cold perspiration on the forehead, and universal debility. Odontalgia gastrica. 223 Nux vomica, Pulsatilla. Odontalgia Rheumatica. Nux vomica, Pulsatilla, Merc. sol., Chamomilla, Bryonia, Aconite, (especially in irritable and excitable patients.) Mezereum, Agaricus muse. Calcarea carb. Odontalgia nervosa. Coffea, Spigelia and Belladonna. Odontalgia sanguinea. Aconite, Pulsatilla, Hyos., Sulphur, Belladonna, Sabina, Magnetis polus arcticus, Euphorbia, Sepia. CEDEMATIA. (CEdematous swellings.) CEdema of the thighs, with cessation of the menses; Pulsatilla. Aconite. (Edema phlegmonodes. Bryonia. China. CEdema of the extremities, after the vital powers have been exhausted by previous disease. Ferrum muriat. Ledum. CEdematous swelling, with heat, over the patella. Rhus. (Edematous swelling, with heat, around each malleolus; with a dose of Sulphur in eight days. CEdema of the lungs. Hepar sulph., Calc. carb. CEdema testis. From a contusion. Arnica internally and externally. Pulsat. Swelling of the testicle, and spermatic 224 chord, arising from suppressed gonorrhoea, cutting and pressing down pain in the hypogastric region; rigors, thirst, sense of weariness, nausea and diarrhoea. CEdema ossium. Dulcamara. With dark red spots on the skin, and burning pain, with the assistance of Rhus. Rhus, in two doses. With an ichorous ulcer on the skin of the arm, with burning pain, following suppressed psora: with the help of Dulcamara Staphysagria and Sulphur. Silicea with Calcarea, Lycop., Pulsat., Mezer. and Sabina. Swelling of the bones, with ulcers; the radius swelled under the elbow joint, with a suppurating ulcer; Pulsat. given for the promotion of the suppuration. Sulphur, followed after some time by Calc. carb., also Silicea with Sulphur as an intermediate. Asafcetida, in thickening of the periosteum especially if caused by the abuse of mercury. CESOPHAGITIS. In inflam. of the oesophagus, the following remedies have been recommended. Arnica, Rhus, Coccul., Sabad., Bellad., Arsen., Mercur., Carbo veget. OPHTHALMIA. Aconite and Belladonna. The eye is suffused with blood, great photophobia, violent head-ache: with Sulphur. Arsenic. Obstinate ophthalmia, with small ulcers on the cornea, and very violent photophobia. Arsenic. The conjunctiva suffused with blood, 225 violent burning in the eye, fever, pain in and over the eye, heat in the eye, photophobia; early in the evening the eyes are glued together, heat over the whole body, pulse quick. Belladonna with Sulphur. Photophobia, continual lachrymation, burning in the eye. Euphrasia. Both eye-lids swollen and glued together, the eyes inflamed, viscous discharge from the eyes, mixed with blood; coryza. Hepar sulph. Violent pain over the right eye-brow, continual flow of tears from the left eye, photophobia, conjunctiva red in the angles of the eye, violent throbbing pain on movement. Mercurius solubilis. Slight ophthalmia, with burning and smarting pain, most severe in the fresh air, with much lachrymation; the light of a candle or daylight is insupportable; burning in the rectum when going to stool. Calcareacarb. The right eye greatly inflamed, a grey film over the pupil; violent pressive pain the eye, shooting pain and tears when the eye is closed. Lycopodium. The eye-lids thick, tumid, escharotic, the meibomian glands, thick and swelled. Sulphur, Digitalis, Pulsatilla, having been given before, brought but little relief. Rhus. Inflammation of both eyes, the white of the eye is pale red; smarting and burning in the eyes. In the morning, the eyes are glued together and watery, cloudiness of the cornea. L 5 226 Sulphur. The right eye-ball is red, the eye-lid thick and red, discharge of purulent mucus; photophobia, shooting pain over the eye, many tears, little appetite. Sulphur. Violent ophthalmia in a boy of nine years of age, swelling and redness of the eyes, burning pain in the eye-lids, which are red, and inflamed; on movement, and when shut, a burning pain in the eyes; smarting pain in the light of the sun; this attack arose from the boy having fallen into some lime. Sulphur. Ophthalmia arising from cold, violent pressive pain in the left eye, which is inflamed, and as if increased in size; the eye-lids very much swollen, the sclerotic blood red; cloudy ulcerated cornea; photophobia; a severe pressive pain at the margin of the orbit, which by movement of the eye-lid and by the direct light of the sun, is much increased, the pain extends over the whole head, and is worse at night. Ophthalmia arthritica. Aconite and Arsenic. The eye very sensitive to light, great flow of tears immediately on opening the eye, cornea thickened, conjunctiva very red, the iris cloudy, burning heat in the eye, violent pain in the supra-orbital region, around the forehead and temple, most violent in the evening and night, with pulsations and hammering in the head. Aconite, Belladonna and Sulphur. Belladonna, Cocculus and Sulphur. Arthritic pains I 227 around the orbit, with varicose vessels of the conjunctiva. Colocynth. Violent head-ache, burning, cutting pain in the right eye, congestion of the head. Nux vomica. Burning itching pain in the eye-lid, insupportable in the day-light; tearing pain in the eyes at night. Ophthalmia arthritica cum obscuratione leucomotosa. Pressing, tearing pain in the forehead and orbit, pupil much dilated; photophobia, epiphora; Crocus,Belladonna, Nux vomica, Euphrasia, and Spigelia subdued the inflammation; against the cloudiness, Calcarea, Phosphorus, and Silicea, were given with the happiest consequences. Sulphur. Photophobia, conjunctiva slightly reddened, sclerotic rose red and transparent, pain around the eye. Ophthalmia catarrhalis. Belladonna. Redness of the eye-lids, burning sensation, photophobia, dryness, rheum, spasmodic cough. China. Conjunctiva of the left eye, slightly inflamed, movement of the eyes painful, sensation as if sand in the eye. Evening exacerbation with head-ache in the forehead. Digitalis. Inflamed, swollen eye-lids, painful sensibility of the eyes to light; conjunctiva, ball of the eye, and eye-lids, suffused; feeling of sand in the eye, continued flow of tears, copious discharge of a purulent mucus. Digitalis. Conjunctiva greatly reddened, much 228 lachrymation, eye-lids agglutinated and swollen, and both eye-lids covered with mucus, the lower eye-lid very red and swollen, violent coryza; with the help of Mercur. solub. Nux vomica. Ophthalmia, arising from cold, violent pressing pain in the eyes on every effort to open them. The white of both eyes is tinged with blood, eye-lids red, swollen, and glued together with mucus. Ophthalmia chronica. Calcarea carbon. and Silicea. Eye-lids swollen, eye-ball very red; photophobia, suppurating discharge from the eyes during the night; with the help of Rhus. Calcarea and Belladonna. Photophobia, severe pains, perpetual lachrymation, like continual weeping, exanthematous eruption round the eyes, scrofulous face. The spots on the cornea were cured by Arsenicum, Nitric acid. and Calcarea. Sepia with the help of Sulphur. Chronic ophthalmia with violent photophobia, ulcerating specks upon the orbit, and suppurating discharge during the night. Ophthalmia intermittens. Belladonna. Redness of conjunctiva, flow of tears, photophobia. Ophthalmia mercuralis. Acid nitric. Ophth. neonatorum. Chamomilla. Swelling, redness, and mucous dis 229 charge from the eyelids, photophobia. The left eye cannot be opened. Ohpthalmia rheumatica. Belladonna. Tearing, dragging pain in the orbit; pressive, burning, shooting pain in the right eye. Flow of tears; photophobia; dilated pupil, conjunctiva of the ball, very much reddened. Mercurius solub. Sclerotic of the right eye reddened, an ulcer on the cornea. Tearing, boring pain in the eye and orbit, with evening and nightly exacerbation; photophobia; nebulous sight. Spigelia and Euphrasia. The right eye is inflamed, and the suffused vessels take a circular form, of a bluish colour; cornea cloudy; violent pain in the eyes and orbits. Nux vomica, against the remaining ecchymosis of the sclerotic. Ophthalmia scrophulosa. Arsenic. Belladonna. Vessels of the sclerotic, suffused with blood; sensitive pressure on the eye; eyelids agglutinated together in the morning. Belladonna and Sulphur. Twitchings of the eyelids; margin of the eye-lids swollen, and inflamed, glueing together at night; smarting in the eyes, with lachrymation; photophobia; conjunctiva suffused with red vessels. Belladonna, Calcarea carb., Lycopodium, and Sepia. The left eye slightly inflamed; cornea cloudy; the vision weakened; the right eye is in the highest degree inflamed; eye-lids swollen, red and sore; discharge of a smarting, thin, 230 ichorous matter; lachrymation, photophobia, burning, pricking, boring pain in the inner part of the eye; ulcers and maculee corneee; swollen glands of the neck. Belladonna. Photophobia, reddened eye-ball; slight ulcers; if Belladonna does not entirely take away the photophobia, Ignatia must be given. Belladonna, Mercurius, and Hepar. sulph. Belladonna, Calcarea, Acid nitric, and Arsenic. Calcarea carbon. Photophobia, eye-lids reddened, swollen, painful, and closed; acrid lachrymation; sclerotica reddened; pustules on the cornea; scrofulous habit. Calcarea, with the help of Belladonna, Hepar. sulph., and Pulsatilla. Conjunctiva, and eyelids reddened; much photophobia; frequent lachrymation, and agglutination of the eyes; smarting pains. Calcarea carbon. Ophthalmia, with ulcers on the cornea. Graphites. Ophthal., with ulcers, and predominant photophobia. Hyoscyamus. Petroleum. Incipient, scrophulous ophthalmia, with swelling of the nose, and purulent discharge. Rhus. Both eyes somewhat reddened; lachrymation in the day time; nightly suppuration; restlessness; loss of sleep; cedematous swelling around the eyes. Sepia. Sulphur. Margin of the eye-lids thick, puffed, and 231 ulcerated; cornea covered with spots. Vision impaired; visus nebulosus. The affection was cured in six weeks, (repeated doses being given.) 0 phthalmia syphilitica. Mercurius. Ophthalmia traumatica. Aconite and Arnica. In the first stage. Arnica. From the kick of a horse. Eye-lids much swollen, suffused with blood; dilated pupil; sensibility to light; with Euphrasia, against the lachrymation. Arnica and Calcarea carb. Ophthalmia traum., in a scrofulous boy. Vide also, Psorophthalmia. ORCHITIS. (Inflam. of the testes.) Aconite, Arnica and Spongia. Arnica. Orchitis from external violence; the right testicle is very much swollen, with very considerable pain. Mercurius solub. From repressed Gonorrhoea. Nux vomica. The testicles are swollen; can bear no movement; violent pain in them, with irritation in the Glans. Pulsatilla. Orchitis from cold, with rigors, vomiting and diarrhoea. Orchitis erysipelatosa. Belladonna and Rhus. ORTHOPNCEA. Violent Orthopnoea, with sanguinolent sputa; Phosphorus. Vide also, Suffocatio. OSCHEOCELE. (Tumour of the Scrotum.) Nux vom. 232 Magnesia carbonica. Pulsatilla. OSSIUM MORBI. Asafoetida, Mezereum, Silicea and Sulphur. Swelling of the bones of the legs; with dull, drawing, violent pain, worse during rest than movement. Calcarea carb. and Asafetid. Necrosis of the tarsus. Lycopodium, Silicea, Mezereum and Ledum. Scrofulous swelling of the bones. Mercurius solub. Swelling of the bones of the tarsus, with violent pain. Mezereum. Painful swelling of the bones of the foot. Phosphorus. Swelling of the bones. Rhus, with Dulcamara, Staphysagria and Sulphur. Swelling of the bones of the fore-arm, with yellow ulcer of the skin. Silicea. Osteitis, Caries, Necrosis. Vide also Caries. OSTEOCOPI. (Soft swelling of the bones.) Violent pain in the bones of the arm, exacerbation, many times during the day and night; the arm is wasted, powerless, and very pale, the free use of it impeded. Mercurius solub., China, Ferrum, Cocculus, Pulsatilla, Belladonna, and Ledum, Phosphorus. Vide Tophi. OTALGIA. (Ear-ache.) Pulsatilla. Violent ear-ache. Spigelia. Ear-ache. 233 Pulsatilla. Rheumatic tearings in the ear, especially in the evening and at night, with deafness, singing in the ears, shooting, tearing pain in the head. Also, Belladonna, Chamomilla, Nux vomica and Rhus. OTITIS. (Imflam. of the ear.) Aconite, Nux, and Sulphur. Pulsatilla. Violent tearing, aching pain in both ears, with singing and rumbling in them; the pain is often insupportably violent; dyseccea and otorrhoea. Pulsatilla. Otitis, from suppressed measles, with otorrhoea. Pulsatilla, with Bryonia and Belladonna. Internal and external erysipelatous otitis; Pulsatilla. OTORRHCEA. (Discharge from the ear.) Belladonna, alternating with Pulsatilla. With singing and roaring, combined with very severe pain. Calcarea carb. Menyanthes trifoliata. Otorrhcea, after any of the exanthemata. Mercurius solub. Otorrhoea, with ulceration of the muscles of the ear; blear-eyedness, swelled eyelids. Sulphur. Otorrhoea purulenta. Sulphur and Belladonna. Scrofulous, purulent otorrhoea, deafness. OZAENA. Alumina. Constant discharge from the nose, 234 (and also when the nose is blown,) of a thick yellow fetid matter, especially in the morning; at the same time, anorexia, herpes, and obstinate obstruction of the nose. Aurum. A thick, yellow brown, half watery, half dry, discharge blown from the nose; fetid odour from the nose, want of smell. Aurum. Ozeena syphilitica, with discharge of a bloody pus; the nose is stopped up; a yellow ichorous crust over the alse nasi. The nose forehead and upper part of the face, red and swollen, fretful disposition. Muriat. magnesia. Ozaena benigna, soreness in the inner part of the nose, yellow crust on the nose, discharge of a watery, ichorous matter, redness and soreness of the upper lip, swelling of the lower part of the nose. Pulsatilla. In chronic coryza, a discharge of a yellowish green, ichorous matter, with most fetid odour, in considerable quantity from the nose; the nose is somewhat swollen, menstruation retarded and too little in quantity, leuchorrhoea, shivering, loss of thirst, fretful disposition. Sepia, with help of Belladonna. Ozeena scrofulosa, Acid nitr., Phosphorus, in people advanced in age. Aurum. When the bones are affected. P. PALPITATIO CORDIS. Pulsatilla and Spigelia, Aurum. Veratrum. I 235 PANARITIUM. (Whitlow.) Sepia and Rhus. Silicea. Panaritia suppurans, with sarcoma and insupportable pain. Sulphur. Ulceration of the nails on the upper and under margin, with insupportable pain. PARABLEPSIS. Cicuta virosa. Double sight, prismatic colours when looking at a book, or the light of a candle, photophobia, vertigo. PARALYSIS. Arnica. Bryonia. With paralysis of the lower extremities, numbness and lameness. Camphor and Rhus. With lameness of the extremities, following the application of a violent blister. Causticum. Paralysis of the right arm, with aphonia, after a suppressed coryza. Cocculus. Paralysis of the lower extremities. Hyoscyamus. Paralysis sphyncter ani in a boy. Mesmerismus with Plumbum aceticum. Loss of power, feeling of coldness, emaciation, loss of sensation in the lower extremities. Nux vomica. Paralysis of the right foot, vertigo, confusion in the head, frequent flushing of the face; vomiting and burning pain at the pit of of the stomach immediately after eating and drinking, general debility, irritable temper. Nux vomica. Paralysis of the left arm, sensation in the arms as if bruised. Nux vomica, Rhus and Cocculus. Paralysis of the 2S6 right arm, the fingers are bent inwards, the speech is impeded, the right arm is paralysed, the fingers curved, contracted; want of appetite, constipation, difficulty of speech, and salivation. Oleander, with Cocculus, Arnica and China. Paralysis of the extremities, with double sight. Rhus. Paralysis of the left arm, from taking cold, with diarrhoea, tenesmus, and difficult respiration. Rhus. Paralysis of the extremities from a fall backwards. Rhus. Paralysis of the right arm, with burning pain. Silicea. Paralysis of the muscles of the back, cannot turn, or sit up in bed. Sulphur and Calcarea. Painful lameness of the ankle joint, cannot walk, the feet drag behind on the ground, violent pain in treading, in the sacrum and in the heel. Sulphur. Paralysis of the lower extremities. PARESIS. (Imperfect Palsy.) Arnica and Nux vomica. Paresis of the extremities; he cannot put his hand to his head; cannot take hold of anything, he drops everything; the legs have no firmness. Carbo vegetabilis, Sulphur, Graphites and Lycopodium. Painful draggings from the elbow joint to the knee; the wrist joint is stiff and sprained, debility in the knees, as if he were lame, the feet move as if dragged. Ignatia. Paresis rheumatica; violent rheumatic 237 wrenching pain, as if the flesh were separated from the bones, the arm moves with difficulty, continual restlessness. Stibium tartaricum brought only momentary relief when given at first. Nux vomica. Numbness of the legs. Zincum. Paresis of the arms. PAROTIS. Belladonna. Epidemic parotis. Belladonna. Parotis, with nightly fever and scaldhead; with Sepia. Belladonna and Mercurius. Kali carbonicum. Parotis. Rhus. Parotis after Scarlatina, with violent fever. PAROTIS CHRONICA. Mercurius. Parotis, with considerable pain and long continued swelling and hardness. PARULIS. Nux vom. and Sulphur. PEMPHIGUS. Dulcamara. Pemphigus chronicus, as large as peas, containing a yellow watery, transparent fluid, itching violently, having a red base, forming ichorous ulcers, great thirst, mucous stools. Rhus. Pemphigus chronicus; blisters with a red base, containing a serous, pustulous fluid, drying partly with a brown scab, partly in flat ulcerated spots, alternating with excoriation; palsy of the extremities. Pemphigus sanguineus. 238 Arsenic. Blisters filled with blood, over the whole body, with bloody urine, diarrhoea, loss of sleep, and restlessness. PERIPNEUMONIA. (Pneumonia.) Acidum phosphoricum. Perip., in a late stage; violent cough, with purulent expectoration; fever, frequent pulse, much night perspiration, head-ache. Aconite. In forty cases. Aconite. Rigors, dull, pressive pain in both lungs, only permitting the patient to lie on his back, and producing dyspncea, frequent short cough, causing continual irritation; mucous expectoration, mixed with blood; strong dyspnoea, dark, blue, suffused countenance, violent pressive head-ache, strong pulsations of the carotids, small wiry pulse, and dry heat. Aconite. Anxiety, very [short respiration, with every inspiration sticking pain under the ribs, extending to the shoulder blade, with constrictive pain in the chest; cough, with expectoration of blood; burning heat, head-ache, dizziness, with frightful fancies. Aconite. Stickings, and pain in both lungs; dry cough, with bloody expectoration, great constriction of the chest, fever; after the Aconite, Bryonia. Aconite and Belladonna. Peripneumonia, in a child of a year old; countenance pale and sunken; dry, burning heat of the skin, very frequent pulse, violent painful cough, short, quick, somewhat stertorous breathing; Nux I 239 vomica against the cough, combined with constipation. Bryonia. Severe shooting pain on the right side on every inspiration, great anxiety and pressure; dry cough, scanty expectoration mixed with streaks of blood; impaired speech, some rattling noise in the chest, redness, sweat on the face, reddened eyes thirst; full, hard, quick pulse, dry tongue, covered with black sordes, nightly phantoms. Camphor. Pneumonia in a late stage, short, anxious, troubled breathing, with painful sensibility, and shooting pains in the chest, constant violent irritation when coughing; shivering, alternating with heat, dry hot skin, weak, slow pulse, with drowsiness. China. With short, quick inspiration, with dull pricking pain in the chest, great head-ache, continual cough, with expectoration streaked with blood, dry heat, red face, thirst; later, haemoptysis and fainting, with subsultus tendinum. Phosphorus. Pneumonia neglecta, sunken, earthy, yellow face, and dull, deep sunken eyes; short, weak, dry cough, much thirst, heat, and shivering; with Sulphur. Phosphorus. Pneumonia, with tendency to paralysis of the lungs. The quickened respiration becomes attended with a loud rattling in the chest, slight cough, with slight tenacious expectoration. Senega. Dyspncea, with the cough more dry than humid. 240 Sulphur. The affection of the chest becomes more violent. The heat in the chest increases, with constipation, and the bloody expectoration to complete haemoptysis. Veratrum. In an already far advanced pneumonia. PERIPNEUMONIA NERVOSA. Aconite, Belladonna, and Bryonia. Complete loss of consciousness; all the senses suppressed, dull eyes, dry lips covered with black sordes; impeded speech, great thirst, involuntary stools, short inspiration, dry skin, weak, trembling, wiry, remitting pulse. Aconite, Hyoscyamus and Rhus. Perip. nervosa, after scarlatina, short, slow breath, insupportable, shooting pain, with feeling of oppression, dry cough, with expectoration streaked with blood; delirium, moaning, subsultus tendinum, involuntary stools; against the remaining cough with purulent expectoration, and circumscribed redness of the cheeks, Lycopodium. Aconite, Bryonia and Nux vomica. Aconite, Bryonia, Belladonna and Nux vomica. --- Aconite, Bryonia, and Belladonna. Belladonna. Painful pressure under the sternum, dyspnoea, sopor, coma, subsultus tendinum, suffused eyes, unstable look, small, quick pulse, tenesmus and ardor urinee. Bryonia and Rhus. General, burning heat, with violent shooting pain over the whole chest and right side when inspiring; very quick painful, anxious breathing, continual drowsiness, 241 with crying out and slight delirium; moaning, phantasies, subsultus tendinum, trembling of the tongue, which is coated with brownish black fur, extreme debility. Bryonia. Cough, with slight expectoration of a dark, frothy, bloody mucus, great inclination to sleep, lies as if in a trance, delirium; Arnica against the shooting pain on taking a deep inspiration, which remains. China. Pneumonia, subsultus tendinum. Pulsatilla. Very quick, short respiration in a child, with burning skin, violent thirst, subsultus tendinum, convulsions, slight delirium, anxiety and restlessness. Rhus. Brown, rough, dry tongue, constriction of the chest, slight sleep, countenance much distorted, shrieking out, springing up in the bed, small pulse. Sulphur. In many cases; and in the stage of convalescence, particularly in persons of psoric habit. PERITONITIS. Aconite, in repeated doses. Aconite. In repeated doses, alternating with Antimoniunz crudum; and Nux vomica against the previous gastric affection. Peritonitis, in a woman of twenty-six years old, of a weak constitution, with tendency to spasms and haemorrhoids, rigors, heat, nausea, vertigo, pressure at the epigastrium, vomiting of green mucus, followed by cutting pains in the abdomen, with feeling as if the lower part of the k31 242 bowels were pinched; with greenish, yellow evacuations; increasing heat of skin, thirst, bruised feeling, and weariness in all the limbs, cutting pain in the shoulder, and left arm, and severe lancinating pains in the bowels and loins; the abdomen very painful when touched, pressure increases the pain, sensation of weight at the umbilicus as of a stone, very painful ardor urine; weak, quick, pulse; some perspiration at night, Merc. sol. 6, gtt. ii. followed by Lycopod. 18, gtt. ij. in two days. Nux vomica and Lycopod. Opium and Colocynth. With violent colic, and constipation, great tenderness of the abdomen. Bryonia and Colocynth. PERNIO. (Chilblains.) Agaricus. Belladonna and Pulsatilla. With bright, red swelling, and shooting pain in the affected parts. Petroleum, Acidum nitr., Nux, Ignatia, Phosphorus. Rhus. Nux vomica; especially in choleric temperaments. PHIMOSIS. Cannabis. PHLEGMATIA ALBA DOLENS. Aconite and Rhus, with Nux vomica, Arsenic, Belladonna and Pulsatilla. Tearing pain in the inner side of the right thigh, which is swollen, with insupportable pain when touched. Belladonna. In a lying-in woman; the thigh is 243 swollen and painful, especially when touched; cannot lie, or change the position without great pain; fever. Arsenic cured a case in six days, followed by the antipsorics, especially Sulph. tinct., Calc. carb. and Lycopodium. PHOTOPHOBIA SCROFULOSA. Nux moschata with Conium. Hyoscyamus, Ignatia. PHRENITIS. Belladonna. In a child; burying its head in the pillow, hot, red, puffed face, eyes half open and distorted, pupils contracted, stupor, startings, thirst, scanty evacuations. Belladonna. Phrenitis, following retrogaded measles from a chill, with much perspiration; with the aid of Chamomilla. Belladonna, with Bryonia. Against the loss of appetite and furred tongue. Belladonna. With affection of the chest; with the assistance of 3 doses of Acon. and 1 of Bryon. Belladonna often acts as a specific. Bryonia. Camphor. When arising from a coup de soleil, in repeated doses. Hyoscyamus. In an inflammation of a nervous type, caused by violent fatigue in winter. PHTHISIS PITUITOSA. Phosphorus and Lycopodium. Short, impeded respiration, cough, with white and viscous expectoration in the morning, no pain in the M 2 244 chest, emaciation and debility; with Hepar sulph. and Sepia. Phthisis pituit., from suppressed scabies, with opexpression at the chest, cough, with thirst, mucous expectoration, great general weakness; Sulphur and Lycopodium. Sulphur, Arsenic, Calcarea and Sulphur, cured an affection of this kind. Stannum. Continual irritation of the chest from cough, oppression, constriction, with dyspncea on the slightest movement, great debility, vomiting of mucus in the morning. Stannum. Cough, with copious mucous expectoration day and night, great emaciation, frequent small pulse, burning heat in the palms of the hands, perspiration in the morning, diarrhoea. Stannum. Violent shaking cough, sometimes dry, at other times followed by copious expectoration, most violent at night; with coughing, the chest feels as if raw and sore; debility, weariness, night perspiration. Belladonna against the pulsating pressive pain in the left side of the chest, and hoarseness. PHTHISIS PULMONALIS. Pale countenance, with bright rose-coloured cheeks, violent tearing pain in the lower part of the thorax, every six days an expectoration of blood, with yellow, thick, serous, green, purulent matter, loss of sleep, inability to walk about. Dulcamara, Sulphur, Aconite, Nux vom., Sepia, Ignatia, Stannum, Kali carbon., Phosph., Silicea, Sepia, Carbo. veget., Belladonna. I 245 Aconite, Psoricum and Sulphur. Phthisis, great emaciation, great weakness, continual dull pain in the chest, dyspncea. Carbo. vegetabilis. Phthisis, with vomice, exhausting cough day and night, sometimes dry and spasmodic, at others with expectoration in large masses of a thick, greenish yellow, purulent mucous kind, with a dark yellow matter; respiration short, quick, and impeded, a dull pressive pain in the chest, with lancinations; hectic fever. Carbo. vegetabilis. The expectoration comes away in lumps of a greenish, thick, purulent, fetid mucus, very copious in the morning. China, Sepia, Ammon. carbon., and Lycopodium. China. Continual cough, with purulent expectoration. Dulcamara. In many cases arising from cold; constant cough, expectoration mixed with bright red blood, pain in the chest, fever. Ferrum aceticum, and Pulsatilla. Phthisis, coming on after drinking cold liquids, great emaciation, with colliquative, clammy perspiration, diarrhoea, facies hypocratica, pale lips, constriction at the chest, with impeded respiration, green purulent expectoration mixed with blood, with nauseous foul taste in the mouth. In ten or twelve days, a healthy condition was brought about. Hyoscyamus. Incipient phthisis, after an attack of pneumonia; constant cough,with greenish expectoration, general debility, especially of the chest. 246 Kali carbon. and NuZ vomica. Phthisis purulenta. Purulent, yellowish white, transparent expectoration, which is discharged by coughing, much dyspnoea, great exhaustion. Laurocerasus. Incessant cough, with very copious glutinous expectoration, streaked with blood. Ledum palust. After neglected pneumonia, copious fetid, greenish expectoration; straining cough, lancinating pain in the side, emaciation; with Chamomilla. Lycopodium. Phthisis florida, rattling breath, violent expectoration, nightly, clammy, perspiration. Lycopodium. Weak, low voice, great debility; severe cough, dayand night, with profuse expectoration, low fever, and night perspiration. Nitrum. In violent pain in the chest and lungs. Phosphorus, with Lycopodium, Sepia, and Graphites. Low, broken voice, laborious respiration, great oppression, together with haemorrhage, purulent expectoration, mixed with blood; cold, clammy, perspiration, diarrhoea. Phosphorus. Shaking cough, with trembling of the limbs; yellow, purulent, saltish expectoration; principally early in the morning and evening; great night perspiration and debility. Phosphorus. Phthisis with very strong dyspncea, constrictive sensation over the chest; very violent cough, with thick, yellow expectoration, emaciation; with Petroleum and Sepia. I 247 Psoricum. Cured a very advanced stage of phthisis purulenta. Pulsatilla. Sunken, pale face, dulness of hearing, much emaciation, hectic fever, colliquative diarrhoea, expectoration was yellowish green, and purulent, but had ceased for four days, mucous rale; with Phosphorus, Sepia, and China. Sambucus. Continual cough, with much expectoration, debility, emaciation, pain in the chest while coughing, oedematous feet, (cured at last, by Glechoma, ground ivy.) Sambucus. Arising from drinking water, fever with violent cough and expectoration, and later, a sweet taste in the mouth, emaciation, burning heat in the palms of the hands, much perspiration in the evening. Silicea, Sulphur, and Calcarea. Phthisis purulenta. Stannum. Cough, with expectoration of a yellowish, fetid, nauseous matter; emaciation, suffocating sensation and feeling of constriction at the chest whilst walking. Sulphur. Oppression and tension at the chest, with feeling of constriction; purulent expectoration streaked with blood; blind haemorrhoids. Sulphur and Psoricum. Alternating, in many cases. lodium, has been tried with partial success in many cases. Sulphur. Incipient phthisis with amennorrhoea. PHTHISIS BRONCHIALIS. Sulphur and Causticum, also Stannum. PHTHISIS LARYNGEA. Causticum. Rough, hoarse voice, can scarcely 248 speak out loud, feeling of soreness in the larynx; with the help of Drosera and Trifoleum. Spongia. Hoarseness, cannot raise the voice, dysphagia, continued short, dry cough, with occasional expectoration of white mucus, sometimes streaked with blood; with the help of Drosera, Manganesium, Sulphur, and Carbo. vegetabilis. PHTHISIS INTESTINALIS. (From suppressed scabies.) Psoricum. PHTHISIS TUBERCULOSA. SCHMID recommends the alternate use of Hepar sulp. and Mercurius. PHYSCONIA. (Parabysma. of MASON GOOD.) [Enlargement of the abdomen.] Lycopodium, Lachesis. Physconia hepatis. Calcarea carbonica. Sulphur. With extreme tension of the abdomen, and slight shooting pain in the liver. Physconia splenica. Berberis. PLACENTA INCARCERATA. Secale cornutum. PLEURITIS. Aconite. Violent cutting pain over the whole chest, so as to impede breathing; dry cough, dry hot skin; with Bryonia. Aconite. Very violent cutting pain, anxiety of mind, constant cough, hard, frequent pulse, very red face. 249 Aconite. Violent cutting pain in the region of the false ribs of the left side, much increased by taking a deep breath, and by coughing, dry, short broken cough, breathing accelerated, great thirst, tongue furred, urine high coloured, skin dry and hot, pulse hard, and much accelerated. Aconite. Violent stitches in the chest, short painful cough, great redness of the face, short accelerated and painful respiration, expectoration mixed with blood, every change of position causes pain; violent thirst, hard, frequent pulse, convulsions and delirium. Aconite and Belladonna. Very violent cutting pain, increased by deep inspirations and movement, short dry cough, anxiety during the cough, fantasies. Aconite and Bryonia, Arnica, Nux vomica. Bilious pleurisy. Aconite and Cannabis. Bryonia, with Aconite. Bryonia and Nux vomica. Bryonia and China. Bryonia. Red, hot face, hot dry skin, glistening eyes, bruised pain in the back and between the shoulders, much thirst, violent dry cough, accompanied with severe cutting pains, short oppressed breathing, delirium. Squilla. Cutting pain over the whole lower part of the chest, dry short cough on every inspiration, frequent, hard pulse, burning heat of the body, red face, great thirst. 5 250 Sulphur. Particularly when combined with pneumonic symptoms in a psoric habit. PLEUROPNEUMONIA. Aconite. Anxiety, short breath, violent cutting pain in the left side of the chest when taking a deep inspiration, which impedes respiration, this is followed by a short dry cough, with slight bloody sputa, sensation of constriction, dry, hot skin; Aconite, constant shooting pain in the right side, short and very difficult breathing, continual cough, with somewhat bloody expectoration, burning hot skin, full, hard, frequent pulse. Aconite. Difficult anxious breathing, shootings in the right side, short dry cough, fever, very quick, small hard pulse, red cheeks. Aconite with Bryonia and Arnica.-Aconite and Bryonia.-Aconite with Sulphur and Bryonia. Fiery red, sunken countenance, dry, hard skin, vomiting after every ingesta, pain in the abdomen, watery stools, loss of sleep, delirium, oppression of the chest. Arnica. Violent pain in the side, short, impeded breathing; painful, short dry cough, with occasional expectoration of mucus tinged with blood; the countenance puffed and red, great heat, and constipation. Belladonna. Cutting pain in the left side of the chest, constant heat, frequent cough with bloody expectoration, short difficult breathing, delirium, dry tongue, loss of thirst, constipation. 251 Bryonia. Violent darting pain, with cough and considerable constriction at the chest, which feels oppressed as with a weight, loss of sleep, puffed, reddish brown face, quick, anxious, difficult short breathing, small, hard pulse, strong palpitations, hot, dry skin, much thirst. Bryonia. Darting pain in the chest, the inspiration difficult and painful, can only lie on the back; heat and burning in the chest, anxiety, oppression, cough with scarcely any expectoration, very red face, and yellowish brown tongue. Bryonia. Violent darting pain in both sides of the chest, continual irritation from the cough, with expectoration of bloody mucus, very difficult breathing, heat of skin, full, hard, intermittent pulse, tumid, purplish face, coma, with frightful fantasies. Bryonia and Aconite. Cannabis. Very violent, cutting pains in the left side of the chest, shooting pain in the chest, on moving, breathing, and speaking; cough, with much viscous, green, bloody expectoration, debility, drowsiness, with jactitations, palpitation of the heart, with anxiety. PLICA POLONICA. Vinca minor. A case was cured by Ignatia, Sulphur, Conium, and Natrum muriaticum. PODAGRA. Arnica and Sabina, also Ledum. Vide Arthritis. POLLUTIONES NOCTURNE. Sepia, when brought on by onanism. I 252 Magnetis polus arcticus. PRIAPISMUS. Pulsatilla. POLYPUS. Polypus aurium. Calcarea carbonica. Polypus narium. Calcarea carbon. Phosphorus. externus usus. Marum verum. externe adhibitam. Oztenin. Phosphor. Sulphur. Polypus vesicle urinariae. Calcarea carbonica. PRESBYOPIA. Drosera with Hyoscyamus. Cannot see by candle or bright daylight. PROCTALGTA. (Violent pain in the anus.) Sulphur. Burning pain in the anus and scrotum. PROCTORRHCEA. Sulphur. PROLAPSUS IRIDIS TRAUMATICUS. Arnica. PROLAPSUS UTERI. Belladonna, also externally applied. Secale Cornutum. A very successful remedy in three cases, after Bellad. had failed, in doses of two or three drops of the tincture, once a week. Calc. carb. gr. ij. Prolap. uteri, from lifting a heavy weight, cured in two days, with the remark of Dr. Neidhard, that Arnica and Rhus have not a specific action on the uterus,in cases caused by mechanical injury. 253 PROSTATITIS. Pulsatilla and Thuja. PROLAPSUS ANI. Tgnatia. Nux vom., Mere solub. When the rectum appears black, very painful and difficult motions, following severe straining, with discharge of blood. PROSOPALGIA. - NEURALGIA. (Tic Doloreux.) Prosop. The attack comes on very violently, the slightest touch or movement cannot be borne. Spigelia gives relief only as a palliative. The following medicines effected a radical cure, Calcarea, Lycopod., Sepia, Baryta, Phosp., and Graphites. Belladonna, and Nux vom.-Belladonna and Stramoniumn-Belladonna and Zincum. Hepar, Thuga, Arsenic, Sabina and Sulphur. Nux vomica, Belladonna and Bryonia. Prosopalgia with violent trismus. Phosphorus. Stramonium. With erysipelatous swelling of the lips and face. Staphysagria, with Carbo. veget., Calcarea, Nitric acid., Phosphorus and Sepia. PROSOPALGIA RHEUMATICA. Vide Dolores Rheum. faciei. PSEUDOSYPHILIS. Hepar sulph., Sarsaparilla, Acid nitric. PSOITIS. Aconite and Bryonia-Nux, Pulsat., Canthar., Staphysag., Colocynth. With pain in the hypo 254 gastric region, much tension in the abdominal muscles, from the umbilicus to the thigh, dysuria, nightly fever. Digital., Arg. fol., Plumbum, in chronic cases. PSOROPHTHALMIA. Calcarea carb. Chronic inflammation of the eye-lids, which are thick and swollen as if ulcerated, with a thick ichorous discharge. Hepar sulph. Both eye-lids inflamed, sore and running, as if ulcerated, especially the inner eyelid, the internalmarg in very red, with smarting itching; light appears in circles, conjunctiva of the eye-ball greatly reddened. Hepar sulph. The eyelids ulcerated, and secrete much purulent mucus in the night, a small horny ulcer on the cornea, tinea capitis. Sulphur, Graphites, and Nitric acid. Both eyes inflamed, the ball and eye-lids red and tumid, lachrymation, photophobia. Sulphur. Both eyes reddened, somewhat swollen, more especially the meibomian glands, the eyelids are glued together in the morning, sensation of burning in the lids. PURPURA MILIARIS. Vide Scarlatina Miliaris. R. RANULA. Mercurius. Thuja, Acid nitric, Ambra, and Calcarea carbon. 255 RAPHANIA. (Eclampsia typhodes.) Solanum nigrun. Spasmodic contraction of the joints, with convulsive motions. Belladonna against the remaining nervous fever. Cicuta virosa is of benefit, but Solanum seems to be specific, especially when the disease is produced by the Ergot of Rye. RAUCEDO. (Hoarseness.) Bryonia. Raucedo from cold after the measles, with cough; with Belladonna. Calcarea. Chronic hoarseness, with much cough, expectoration, and bad fetid odour from the throat. Carbo. vegetabilis. Pulsatilla, with Bryonia. Violent hoarseness for three weeks, lancinating head-ache, short dry cough, heaviness of the limbs. Drosera, Tinctura acris, and Trifolum. Hoarseness with feeling of soreness in the throat. Mercurius. Spongia and Mercurius. Hoarseness from phthisis. Sulphur. Chronic hoarseness from scabies, with violent dry cough. Vide, also Aphonia. RETENTIO MENSIUM. Vide, Amennorrhoea. RETENTIO URINAE. Cannabis. (Vide, also Dysuria.) RHACHITIS. Rhach. e lordosi. Belladonna. Tumid abdomen, halting gait, easily falls down, no fever. 256 RHAGADES. (Chaps on the hands, etc.) Hepar sulph, Deep redness and chaps in the palm of the left hand. Aurum., Rhus, Pulsat., Petrol. In inveterate cases, Zinc., Sulph. and Argilla. Rhagades, papillae mamillaris. Sulphur, also Arnica, externally applied, and also given internally. Graphites. RHEUMATISMUS ACUTUS. Aconite and Bryonia. Swelling of the joints of the extremities; synochial fever, immobility of the limbs, lancinating pains in the head. Aconite and Bryonia. Dragging, shooting pain in the knees, during movement and at night; the knee joints are hot and swollen; the right arm painful, slightly swollen and immoveable. Aconite. Immobility of the sacral and lumbar region, lies stiff and extended on the back; quick pulse; with Rhus and Nux. Aconite and Bryonia. Acon., Bryon. and Nux. Aconite. Rheumatism of the left knee joint. Antimonium crudum. Swelling at the insertion of the biceps, swelling of upper part of the forearm, with tensive and shooting pains. Arnica. Insupportable, tearing pains in the limbs, lies quite stiff in bed, can just move the hands and feet. Arnica. Incessant, tearing pain in the hands and feet; the feet are slightly, but the hands considerably swollen, shining red, and painful on being touched, cannot move the hands and 257 feet without violent pain; with the help of Antimonium crudum. Belladonna. Rheumatism of the right ankle joint, very violent pain, especially severe at night, with great restlessness, cannot long remain in one position, very painful on the slightest touch. Belladonna. Acute rheumatism, pressing, tearing pain in the shoulders. Bryonia. Universal heat, head-ache, violent tearing pain, alternating in the upper and under extremities, can bear no contact, joints of the wrist and knee swollen and inflamed, more violent at night. Bryonia. Shooting and dragging pain in the forearm, shoulders, and pectoral muscles, so that he cannot lie in bed. Bryonza. Tense shooting and tearing pain in the extremities and neck, which are swollen and shiny red, the pain increased at night by movement; loss of sleep, anxiety, restlessness, much dry heat, thirst; free from pain in two days. Bryonia. Violent tension and tearing in the limbs, increased by movement or contact; knee stiff, limbs red and shining; these parts are very sensitive. Bryonia. Stiffness, shooting pain in the shoulders, increased by movement. Bryonia and Ledum. Violent pain in the knee, with hot swelling of the upper and under half of the patella; cannot stretch, or bend the leg, without violent pain, nightly loss of sleep. (Mercurius only gave temporary relief.) 258 Causticum. Dragging, tearing pains, chiefly in the joints, better in bed, increased on going into the fresh air; a kind of lame weakness, and unsteadiness of the limbs, when out of bed. Chamomilla. Drawing, tearing pains from the nates, and bones of the sacrum, extending to the sole of the foot, very violent at night. Cocculus. Paralytic tearing pain, and immobilty of the right arm. Dulcamara. After getting wet, pricking pain in the bones of the right foot; when he draws it up, the pain extends into the right hypochondria, and right side of the sacrum. Lumbar region very stiff. Dulcamara. Cutting and dragging pain in the arms and back, most violent at night, less during movement. Nwu vomica. A smarting pain, and sensation as if the parts were asleep, in both arms and shoulders, they cannot be moved without pain; also, in the lower extremities, stiffness and pain in the knee and ancle, great sensibility to cold air. Pulsatilla. Gnawing pain, first in one knee, then in the other; at one time in the forearm and shoulders, then in neck and feet; after some time, a swelling appears, and the pain remits, and another part of the body becomes painful; shivering, no thirst. Rhus. He cannot lie quiet in bed, from the tearing and tensive pain, the affected part is red, shining, and painful, as if sore, on being 259 touched; sensation of stiffness, with tensive shootings in the joints,especially on standing or sitting; these pains in the joints are aggravated in the open air; much heat and thirst at night; the pain is most violent during the day. Rhus and Chamomilla. Thuja. Tearing pain in the right scapula and shoulder, to the fingers, as if they were all ulcerated. Veratrum. Very violent pain in both arms, worse during the day at certain times, from the shoulder to the wrist; cannot bear any covering on the affected part. Rheumatism in the back and sacrum. Preference may be given to Arsenic, Bryonia, Nux vom. In the superior extremities. Antim. crud., Bellad., Bryon., Dulcam., Ignat., Phosp., Pulsat., Rhus, Sulphur, Thuja, Veratrum. In the inferior extremities. Arnica, Bryon., Calc. Cham., Merc. solub., Rhus, Silicea. In that affecting different parts at one time. Acon., Arsen., Bryon., Cham., China, Dulc., Nua vom., Pulsat., Rhus, Stannum, Tinctur. acris. RHEUMATISMUS CHRONICUS. Arnica. Chronic rheumatism of the knee, with feeling of dragging and weariness in the upper part of the thigh, increased by movement. Ignatia. Rheumatic pain in the shoulder joint, with violent cutting pain on drawing the arm back, much pain in the shin bone, 260 Lycopodium. Sacral pain with drawing, spasmodic, tearing pain along the whole back-bone, especially on sitting; from catching cold, a kind of rheumatic tension and tearing, with stiffness of the upper and lower extremities, coldness of the feet. Nux vomica. Phosphorus. Rheumatismus chronicus. Phosphorus. Dragging, shooting pain over the right side of the face, dragging pain in all the teeth; tearing pain in the sacrum and limbs, with loss of power il all the joints, the pain is insupportable in fresh air. Phosphorus. Cutting and dragging pain in the cheekbones, sensation of tension, dragging, and tearing in all the limbs, alternating with headache, numbness, and sensation as if the limbs had been beaten. Pulsatilla. Heaviness and pressure, from the shoulder, down the arm, to the fingers, which are numbed; in change of weather, prickings, and feeling of coldness in them; general debility. Rhus. Chronic rheumatism of the left shoulder; violent tearing, and burning pain in the shoulder, increased by rest, and the warmth of the bed; the arm, at the same time, as if paralyzed. RHEUMATISMUS LYMPHATICUS. Nux vomica. RHINITIS. Aurum. Swelling of the nose, and the whole face. 261 Belladonna, Muriat. magnesia. Zincum. RHINITIS ERYSIPELATOSA. Plumbum. RHINORRHAGIA- EPISTAXIS. Aconite. Continual bleeding, with violent fever, pulsation of the carotids. Pulse 120. Belladonna. Very violent bleeding, with exhaustion and fainting; Veratrum cured the remaining constipation, and great weakness. Bryonia, Causticum. Crocus. With discharge of viscous black blood. Crocus. Pale face, great debility. Rhus. Discharge of bright red blood, soon congulating, at night. Bathe the nose and face with a pretty strong solution of Arnica montana, and dip plugs in the solution, and put them up the nostril, also, give Arnica internally. Vide also, Epistaxis. RIGOR. Aconite. Painful rigor of the whole vertebral column and limbs, hard pulse, thirst. RUMINATIO MORBIFICA NOCTURNA. With dysphagia from suppressed scabies. Cantharides and Phosphorus. S. SARCOCELE. Pulsatilla and Nux vomica. In a fleshy sarc ocele. 262 SCABIES. Sulphur as a chief remedy. Carbo. vegetabilis-Sulphur and Causticum-Causticum - 01. Olivarum-Psoricum- Sepia-Sulphur. Mercurius. In a dry, cracking eruption, easily bleeding when scratched. Mercurius aceticus. Irritable eruption. An eruption, which from long allopathic use of Sulphur, had got a yellow hue, was cured by Rhus and Staphysagria. Another case was cure by alternate use of Sulphur, Rhus and Arsenic. Another by Sepia, Carbo. veget., Bryonia and Mercurius. SCARLATINA. Belladonna as a chief remedy; as a prophylactic, as also a curative. Belladonna and Aconit. Belladonna with Acid phosphoricum. In a typhose scarlatina, a violent diarrhoea passed involuntarily, impossibility to swallow, black lips. Aconite and Mercurius. In a violent scarlet rash, with inflammation of the throat. Belladonna. When given as a phophylactic, it should be administered every six or seven days, and in robust persons, every four or five days; wine, coffee, and acids, should be avoided. Belladonna. Scarlatina, scarlet swelling of the arms and hands, violent fever, swelling of the tonsils, with difficulty of swallowing, head-ache, thirst, pains in the limbs. Belladonna. In a child of four years of age, with 263 tonsillitis, intense fever, pulse full, hard, and slow, skin hot and burning. Belladonna. With swelling of the sub-maxillary glands. Belladonna. Scarlatina, appearing the fifth or sixth day after vaccination. The vaccine already developed disappeared during the scarlatina, and reappeared when that was cured. Ipecacuanha. In a case where the fever increases in the evening; sleepiness, disposition to weep and groan. Mercurius is often necessary after Belladonna, on the second day, when the angina is very severe. Opium. With predominance of nervous symptoms, burning heat, comatose sleep and agitation as if in pain, with vomiting and diarrhoea, or constipation and convulsions. Ignatia. With a feeling as of a plug in the throat. In stupor, Opium and Arnica. With tonic spasm, Ipecacuanha. With clonic; Hyoscyamus. Spasms of lungs and trachea; Ipecacuanha. Dropsy after scarlatina; Rhus, Mercurius, Helleborus, Arsenic, Belladonna. Scarlatina Miliaris. Aconite as a chief remedy. Also as a preservative. Aconite with Coffea. Belladonna. Stunning head-ache, loss of con 264 sciousness, violent dysphagia, dry cough and delirium. Bryonia. Status nervosa. Chamomilla and Ipecacuanha. With long continued eruption. SCIRRHUS. Vide Cancer. SCIRRHUS LABII SUPERIORIS. The whole upper lip much swollen, red and blue, and itching irritation over the whole body. Belladonna, Arsenic, Staphysagria. Mezereum, Conium, Nux vomica, Lycopodiurn, Graphites, Silicea and Acid Nitric, have been given at different intervals, according to the condition of the system, and have perfected a cure. Belladonna. Scirrhus, labii superioris. SCHIRRHUS VENTRICULI. Arsenic. SCORBUTUS. Acid muriat. SCHROPHULOSIS (Psora.) In a chronic scrophulous disease, in conjunction with Rhachitis; tumid, enlarged abdomen, etc., Nux vomica, Belladonna, Sulphur and Calcarea, given at intervals, perfected a cure. Belladonna, followed by Mercurius and Sulphur. Swelling of the cervical glands, emaciation, tumid, hard abdomen, restless sleep. Calcarea carbonica. Affection of the glands, with otorrhcea and dysecoea. Calcarea, Silicea, Lycopodium and Sepia. In a 265 scrofulous boy, with incipient affection of the bones. Calcarea. Indurated glands. Conium. Swelling of the glands, and ulcers in the neck. Graphites. Scrofulous swelling of the cervical glands. Iodium. Scrofula, with oedematous swelling of the eyelids. Silicea. Scrofula, with swelling and induration of the cervical and parotid glands. Staphysagria. Scrofula, with marked phthisical symptoms. Cough, with purulent expectoration. Thick upper lip; hard, swollen, painful, submaxillary glands; swollen, cervical, axillary, inguinal glands; tumid abdomen; debility. Sulphur with Calcarea carbon. Scrofula with tumefaction of the cervical and mesenteric glands; dry scald head. Sulphur. Redness of the nose, scabs on the ale nasi, scurfy, gaping lips, goitre, induration of the cervical glands. Sulphur. Scrofula after scarlatina. Pale face, thick nose, swollen lips, much swelling of the cervical glands, constipation. Sulphur. Scrofula with tumid abdomen, rattling breath, chronic coryza, &c, -- Other remedies against induration of the glands, are, Baryta, Carbo. veget., and animalis, Dulcamara, Cocculus and Belladonna. SCROFULA MESENTERICAE. Calcarea carbon., Arsenic, and Belladonna. N 266 SINGULTUS. (Hiccough.) Belladonna. Violent hiccough. Nux vomica. Pulsatilla. Violent hiccough, with spasms in the neck and throat. Bryonia. Belladonna, Ignatia, and Sulphur. SODA. (Heart-burn.) Sulphur. Violent cardialgia, with emaciation. Nux vomica, China, Calcarea, and Sulphuric acid. SOPOR. With convulsions of the extremities, Opium. SPASMI. Abdominal spasms, Cham., Nux vom. China, Nux, Sulp., Veratrum. In a woman affected for twelve months. Aurum. Spasms, with alternate laughing and crying. Belladonna. Universal spasms in children, with laughing, &c. Belladonna. Spasms of the muscles of the face, with closed eyes; shining hot face, and staring glistering eyes. Belladonna. Violent cramp from the swollen right foot, rising up into the chest. Spasms of the throat, and organs of speech, with attacks of loud shrieking; much perspiration. Causticum. Spasms with jactitation of the head, grinding of the jaws, dislike to drinks. China. At one time tonic, at another clronic spasms, with drawing and trembling of all the limbs. 267 Cocculus. Spasms from retarded menstruation, with anxiety, oppression, and spasms of the abdomen. Cocculus. Convulsions from suppressed menstruation, with oppression and spasms of the chest, with sighing, and groaning; cutting pain in the abdomen, and nausea to fainting, with movements of the limbs. Crocus. Attacks of laughing, dancing, springing, whistling, and singing; and spasmodic cough. Cuprum. Loss of senses, trembling closed eye-lids, speechless, tonic spasms, jactitations, with opisthotonos, involuntary flow of saliva, constipation, very little discharge of urine. Cuprum. Spasms of different kinds. Hyoscyamus. Violent cramp of the calf of the leg, deafness, cold sweat, pale face; with Ignatia, against the exhaustion. Hyoscyamus. Violent spasms, loss of consciousness, flow of mucus from the mouth, distortion of the eyes. Hyoscyamnus. Violent spasm, the teeth clenched, dilated pupil, distorted mouth, starting convulsions of the upper and lower extremities. Ignatia. Spasms during the menses, accompanied with loud shrieking. Ignatia. Spasms (convulsions) of children during teething, with distortion of the corners of the mouth, spasmodic movement of the muscles of the cheeks, forehead and eye-lids. Froth from the mouth, convulsions of the extremities. Ipecacuanha. The extremities are like stones, the N 2 268 spasmodic closing of the mouth, glowing fingers and toes are dragged outwards, and inwards, red face, eructations, sweat. Menyanthes trifoliata. Violent spasmodic traction and movements of the thighs, in a woman affected with arthritis. Nux vomica. Violent convulsions in little children, shrieking, stiffness, throwing back of the head, staring eyes, trembling of the limbs; followed by Sulphur. Nux vomica. After taking cold, violent spasmodic affection of the limbs, extending to, and causing stiffness of the back, together with convulsions, and shrieking; very obstructed respiration. Nux vomica. Spasms of stomach and chest. Opium. Spasmodic attacks, from fright. Pulsatilla. Spasms from menostasia, cramp in the abdomen, asthmatic attack, with oppression and constriction of the chest; fear of death. palpitation of heart. Sepia. Tearing, constricting pains in the whol abdomen, and often in the muscles of the chest neck, and right leg. Veratrum. Hysterical spasm, with a cataleptic state. SPASMI GUL4E. Belladonna. Nux vomica. Periodic closing together of th lower jaw, with feeling of constriction, anm habitual head-ache. SPASMI PECTORIS. Arsenic. 269 Bryonia and Pulsatilla-Cocculus. Cuprum aceticum. Constrictive sensation over the whole chest, at the same time, great redness of the face, and hot perspiration, with convulsive movements of the extremities and nates. Lycopodium and Graphites. Spigelia. Vide also, Asthma. SPASMI PULMONUM ET TRACHEzE. Ipecacuanha. SPLENALGIA. China. Stitch in the side. STEATOMA. Baryta carb. A fatty tumour behind the mastoid process. STOMACACE. (Canker of the mouth.) China and Arsenic. Stomacace in a child two years of age. Black spongy gums, looseness of the cutting teeth, flow of saliva over the protruding under lip, fetid breath. Helleborus niger, Mercurius solubilis. Nux vomica. The gums are very much swollen, completely covering the loose and black teeth, and have the appearance of putrid flesh; bad smell in the mouth; sunken, pale countenance, emaciation. STRABISMUS. Veratrum. STRANGURIA. Nux vomica. Magnetis polis australis. From subparalytic adynamia of the urinary bladder. 270 STRICTURA ANI SPASTICA. Nux vomica. STRUMA. Calcarea carbon., Natrum carbonicum. Carbo. animalis, Lycopodium, lodium, Natr. muriaticum. STUPOR ARTUUM. (Insensibility of the limbs.) Pulsatilla. Rhus. Numbness and creeping sensation in the upper extremities. SUDOR NOCTURNUS. China, Acid. phosp., Stannum, Sepia, Sambucus, Pulsatilla. SUFFOCATIO. Phosphor. Attacks of dyspncea, with previous cough and hoarseness. Pulsatilla. Every night about midnight, an attack of dyspnoea, with mucus in the throat. Sambucus niger. Sensation of suffocation in a boy. Trembling of the whole body, with great anxiety, loss of breath, quick respiration, ratling in the chest. SUPPRESSIO HAEMORRHOIDUM. Calc. carb. SURDITAS. Calc. carb., Psoricum. Vide Dysecoea. SYCOSIS. Acid. nitr. and Thuja. Many burning condylomata. (Thuja, also outwardly applied.) Thuja. Gonorrhoea balani, with small ulcers 271 on the prepuce, and condylomata of the anus. Thuja, with Acid. nitri. Upon the glans, many humid condylomata. Thuja. A great excrescence on the inner and outer surface of the labic majores, with burning pain. Thuja. Inwardly and outwardlyused,withNitric acid. Mercurius solubilis. Condylomata with syphilitic ulcers. Merc. sol., alternating with Thuja, (inwardly and outwardly applied.) Condylomata with malignant leucorrhoea. Euphrasia. Inwardly and outwardly applied. Cinnabaris. Psoricum. Condylomata of the prepuce, with nightly incontinence of urine; ulcers at the angles of the mouth with dry herpes on the back part of the knee-joint. Sulphur. After fruitless use of Acid nitric and Thuja. SYPHILIS. Mercurius, as chief remedy. Mercurius vivus, and solubilis. In different potencies. Mere. sol., and corros 30. Squalid red ulcers, on the margins of the glans. Merc. proecip. ruber. In syphilitic affection of the neck. Acid. Nitr. After much use of Mercury in primitive syphilis. Calcarea carb, and Silicea. 272 Mercurius, followed by Thuja, to complete the cure. In a case where the whole body was covered with innumerable ulcers. Sulphur. The ulcers on the head and face were much ameliorated; followed by Mercurius, and, in nineteen days, the chancre and bubo disappeared. Calcarea carb., was given for some fresh ulcers which made their appearance, and followed by Silicea, which perfected the cure, without leaving one cicatrix. SYPHILIS SECUNDARIA. Aurum. Nasal speech, a fetid ichor discharge from the nose, from ulceration of the bones; ulcers in the mouth. The tonsils are ulcerated, fetid discharge from the ears, with violent boring pain. Painful swelling of the bones of the head, fore-arm, and tibia. Irritable swellings on the head. Tearing pain in the bones of the extremities. Aurum. Syph. inveterata. Bones of the nose, fore-head, and upper jaw, swollen and red, with shooting pain in them; a fetid,bloody, ichorous discharge from the nose; eyelids, and inner eye-lash red; head-ache, when going into the open air. Acid nitric. Some tumid chronic scabs on the head; the face completely covered by pustulous pimples which break, and form small scabs, with bright red edges; on the right nostril, a pimply venereal elevation covered with scab, tonsils swollen, an ulcerated spot in the peri 273 nzum, with irritation and humidity of the skin. Hepar. sulp., Rhus. Sepia. Syph. inveterata, with ulcers of the glans penis, and prepuce. Mercur., Acid nitr., and Thuja, had been given before, without any marked amelioration. Thuja, with Graphites and Sepia. Abundant discharge of clear mucus from the urethra, in a patient who had taken much Mercury previously; slight scalding when micturating. The inner part of the bulbus urethrae painful; orifice red, swollen, inner part of perpuce red, pain in the region of the bladder, ulceration at the base of the glans; scrotum painful, sensation of swelling, proclivis coeundi, multze pollutiones nocturnee, head-ache, melancholy, inclination to suicide. SYRIGMUS. (Tinnitis Aurium.) Graphites. Singing in the ears. Petroleum. Singing in the ears, with hoarseness. SWELLINGS. Vide Intumescentie, T. TABES. Vide Febris lenta, and Scrofula mesenterica TA/ENIA. Carbo. animalis. Sabadilla. N 5 274 Fragaria vesca., Filix mas., Cort. rad. granatorum. TELANGIECTASIS. Two red spots on the aloe of the nose, and upon the crown of the head, cured by the alternate use of Sulphur 30, and Phosphorus 30. Sulphur. Carbo. veget. TENESMUS. Sulphur. Especially nightly tenesmus. Vide Diarrhcea, Dysenteria. TETANUS. Aconite. Jaws completely closed, eyes cast upwards, lies as if dead. Arnica. Tetanus with opisthotonos, in a boy six years of age, from having been run over by a cart. Belladonna with Hyoscyamus and Pulsatilla. The latter against the accompanying amenorrhoea, in a woman \vho had already been ill for six years. Tonic spasm, of the epigastrium, and chest, which comes on again in another half paroxysm. The head is thrown back upon the neck, arms dragged up and painful. The spasm in the neck closes the jaw, so that nothing can be taken, menstruation ceased from eight to twelve weeks. Bryonia. Hysterical tetanus. Cicuta virosa. Tetanus with trismus, at the same time convulsions of the extremities in a scrofulous boy; pupils contracted, strangury, and obstructio alvi; with Staphysagria. 275 Causticum and Merc. viv., with the help of Belladonna, Camphor, Ipecacuanha, Veratrum, Sulphur, and Phosphorus, in opisthotonos with trismus of pregnant women. lynatia. In an opisthotonic spasm, in a child, from terror. Tonic spasms of the muscles of the neck, extending to the head and back, when bent, difficult respiration, impeded deglutition. Phosphorus. Tetanus with trismus. Stramonium. The extremities are stiff as wood. The thumbs bent and closed inwards, staring eyes, dilated pupil; laborious, stertorous breathing. Sulphur and Phosphorus. Tetanus with trismus. Sulphur with Opium, Stramonium and Moschus. Opisthotonos with trismus, fixed, distorted eyes, very dilated pupil, unusual wimpering, broken with a ringing cry, followed by sopor. Vide also Trismus. THROMBUS LABIALIS. Arnica. TINEA CAPITIS. (Scald-head.) Baryta acetica. Tinea capitis humida. Calc. carb. Moist and dry tinea capitis. Hepar. sulp. Scabs on the head, face, and neck, painful when touched, itching, and bald spots on the hairy scalp. Graphites. Tinea capitis humida, especially on the vertex. Graphites and Phosphorus. Tinea capitis sicca. Lycopodium. Tinea capitis humida, witl soreness on the upper part of the thigh. 276 Lycopodium and Hepar. Tinea capitis humida, with fetid discharge and dysecoea. Oleander. Tinea capitis humida, violent itching, which smarts after scratching. Psoricum. Tinea capitis et faciei. Staphysagria. A scabby, humid eruption, with discharge of a very fetid pus, and enlarged glands of the neck. Rhus. Scabs covering the whole head, forming a thick crust, through which exudes a greenish pus. Rhus. Bladders, at the commencement, which burst open, and a yellowish crust is formed over the places. Rhus, Sulphur and Calcarea. Sulphur. Dry tinea; also watery and fetid. Sulphur and Graphites. Tinein. TINEA FACIEI. Vide Impetigines. TONSILLITIS. Vide Angina Tonsillaris. TOPHI. Mercurius and Belladonna, Tophus in the bone of the forehead, and ulcers in the mouth. Phosphorus. Many tophi on the bones of the head and clavicle, much sensibility, and pain, with pressure. TRACHEITIS. Hepar Sulph. Much fever, difficult, short respiration, hoarse voice, violent dry cough, pain in a particular spot; also Spongia. 277 Vide also Angina Membranacea. TREMOR. Sulphur. TRISMUS. Angustura, Belladonna. Cicuta virosa. From taking cold, in a boy. Mercurius. Inflammatory trismus, with swelling of the right angle of the lower jaw, and tensions of the muscles in the throat and neck. Vide Tetanus. TUMOR GENU. Feet bent up to the knee joint, and on the head of the knee an ulcer, in a boy of eight years of age, can only walk with crutches. China, Sulphur, Calcar. carb. and Silicea, completely restored the bov to health. Jodium. Inflammatory tumour of the knee, fiery red swelling, with a very red fistulous opening and fever. Silicea, Calcarea and Staphysayria. The knee is swollen, and permanently bent. Sulphur, with Natrum muriaticum. Very violent pain in the left knee, in a boy five years of age; the knee and the upper part of the thigh is swollen, and the bone cannot be straightened. TUMOR LYMPHATICUS. Silicea. TUSSIS. Acid. phosphoricum. Cough, with painful expectoration, and pain in the chest. Acid Sulph. Cough, with bloody expectoration. Aconite. Violent uninterrupted cough, with feeling 278 of constriction, causing an upright position, constriction of the trachea, red face, frequent pulse. Ambra. Dry spasmodic cough. Ammonium carb. Dry chronic cough. Ammonium muriat. Cough with slight expectoration. Arsenic with Stannum. Phthisical cough, with expectoration of a yellow fetid, bad tasting matter. Dyspncea on walking, emaciation, hectic spots on the cheeks. Arsenic. Spasmodic cough, especially at evening and at night when sleeping; most urgent when sitting up. Belladonna. Cough in a child of a year old, with heat, thirst, groaning, red, swelled face. Belladonna. Nightly, spasmodic, dry cough, coming on at midnight. Belladonna. Phthisical cough in a scrofulous child, with night cough, and decay of the vital powers. Belladonna. Dry spasmodic cough, and insupportable head-ache, increased by walking, reading, bright light, and movement. Belladonna. Nocturnal dry cough, lasting an hour. Bryonia. Dry cough, constriction of the chest, and heaviness of the head. Bryonia. Spasmodic cough, increased in the evening, and at night, and after eating. Bryonia. Cough, with bruised pain, under the short ribs. Calcarea carb. Chronic cough, with hoarseness. 279 Carbo. veget. Chronic cough, with slight expectoration of mucus. Chamomilla. Cough, morning and evening, with irritation of the throat. China. The cough begins with rattling under the sternum, as if there was an accumulation of mucus. Conium. Violent, dry, irritable cough, with continual oppression of the chest, and feverish symptoms in the evening. Conium. Dry, harassing cough, with eructations. Drosera. Cough, with hoarseness, after measles. Ferrum acet. Cough coming on after every meal, with vomiting of the food. Hepar sulp. Chronic cough, with much mucous expectoration, with universal weakness and wasting. Hyoscyamus. Spasmodic nocturnal cough, commencing on lying down, and continuing till morning, with mucous expectoration. Hyoscyamus. Nocturnal cough in many fits, only slightly loosened, the child becomes quite red in the face during the cough, the breath is stopped until a white mucus comes away. Hyoscyamnus. Violent dry spasmodic cough, especially while lying down, forcing the patient to rise up, with vomiting, evening fever, and emaciation. Ignatia. Dry chronic cough, with pain in the abdomen; with Spongia, Stannumn, China, and Ipecacuanha. 280 lodium. Cough with expectoration of blood, and pain in the chest. Ipecacuanha.. Dry violent cough, with little or no expectoration, Coryza, with heaviness of the head, nausea and vomiting. Ipecacuanha and Aconite, alternating; constant tickling cough. Ipecacuanha. Short, but loose, violent, convulsive fits of coughing, following one another very quickly, and without ceasing; so that the child cannot recover his breath, generally combined with vomiting. Ipecacuanha. Dry, spasmodic, laborious cough, beginning with continued irritation and tickling in the larynx; cough in the morning, coming on at first, in the open air. Lycopodium. Phthisical cough. Mercurius sol. Dry irritable cough, remaining six months, arising after inflammation of the chest, slight mucous expectoration, dyspnoea. Throat, as if sore and raw; tonsils and palate red; dysphagia. Mercurius solub., with Cina. Spasmodic cough. Nux vomica. Cough with vomiting, great weakness. Heat and perspiration, much thirst, little appetite. Nux vomica. Irritable cough, with irritation under the larynx. Nux vomica. Cough with pituitous expectoration, coming on morning and evening; oppression at the chest, and lassitude. Psoricum. Very violent dry cough, with oppres 281 sion and pain at the chest, as if it were raw and irritable. Pulsatilla. Spasmodic cough, especially evening and night, with irritation in the trachea. Constriction of the chest, and palpitation of the heart. Pulsatilla. Chronic catarrhal cough, with phthisical disposition, with very copious expectoration of mucus; emaciation, and universal weakness. Pulsatilla. Cough, with slight expectoration; vomiting of bitter mucus, chiefly night and morning. Pulsatilla. Violent morning cough, with belchings, water brash, disposition to vomit, and expectoration of a yellowish white mucus. Pulsatilla. Violent cough, with much expectoration and pain in the chest: allows no rest when in a recumbent position, much increased day and night. Rhus. Tussis with bloody expectoration. Sambucus. Phthisical cough, arising from drinking cold water. Sepia. Cough in a child. Spongia with Stannum and China. Chronic cough, with yellow expectoration and drowsiness. Stannum. Phthisical cough, violent cough, day and night with much greenish expectoration of a nauseous taste, feeling of soreness in the chest after the cough; great debility; China against the irritation and remaining weakness. Stibium tartaricum. (Antim Tart.) Alternating 282 with Conium, in a hard, constant, dry, short cough, soreness under the sternum, continual irritation in the painful part, emaciation. Sulphur. Dry cough, remaining after an attack of pneumonia, especially in the morning, with pain and constriction in the chest on coughing, shortness of breath on walking, pain in the limbs, and great weariness. Sulphur. Short cough, hindering sleep at night, without expectoration; pressure, and sensation of tightness across the sternum. Sulphur. Short choking cough in the chest, remaining after an inflammation of the chest, with debilitating night perspiration. Verbascum. Raw, dry, catarrhal cough, especially in the evening and at night, the child is awakened from sleep by a fit of coughing. Veratrum. Cough especially at night, with vomiting, with cold perspiration over the body. TUSSIS FERINA, CONVULSIVA PERTUSSIS. (Hooping Cough.) Aconite, in daily repeated doses. Aconite and Conium. Aconite, Hepar sulph. and China. Arnica. Especially when the cough is replaced by whining. Belladonna. Belladonna, China and Conium. Belladonna. Hooping cough, with constriction and spasms. Belladonna. With restlessness, fever and red face. 283 Bryonia. Hooping cough, coming on especially after eating, together with gasping for breath, and dyspnoea, with vomiting of food. Cuprum metal. Chamomilla, in the first stage. Cina. Hooping cough, with fever, much expectoration, great constriction of the chest. Cina. Not only with stiffness of the body during the cough, but also when there is the regular hoop during coughing, combined with picking the nose, and pain in the abdomen. Cina. When after the administration of Drosera the cough both continues for a long time and increases in violence, with trembling over the whole body. Conium. Where nightly attacks of cough remain after the hooping cough; also in psoric habits, with purulent eruption on the head. Sepia and Sulphur are also of service in this complication. Drosera. In the convulsive stage, alternating with Nux vomica or China. Drosera acts as a specific in many cases; one of the chief remedies in hooping cough. Iodine. Ipecacuanha. Magnesia muriat. With anorexia. Mercurius solub. With light green evacuations. Nux vomica. In a catarrhal stage; especially alternating with Drosera, when the child coughs much in the morning, with constipation and vomiting. 284 Opium. Pulsatilla. In the convalesence of hooping cough, a profuse mucus cough only remaining. Pulsatilla. Where the child suffers more particularly from attacks of dry cough at night, ameliorated by sitting up, vomiting of mucus or food with the cough. Rhus. Sulphur. Hooping cough, with constipation and swelling of the cervical glands; much ameliorated by the previous use of Drosera and China. Tartar emetic every second evening; hooping cough, combined with vomiting and diarrhce c Tabacum. With violent hiccoughing. Veratrum. Hooping cough in the convulsive stage, where there is no vomiting, also when there is violent vomiting it diminishes these symptoms, and Drosera soon restores a healthy action. Veratrum. One, two, or three doses daily, with extraordinary relief, in many cases; it diminished the cough, the feeling of constriction, blueness of the face, and the vomiting. TUSSIS NOCTURNA. Belladonna, Calcarea, Chamomilla. China, Conium, Drosera, Hyoscyamus, Ignatia, Kali, Lycopodium, Pulsatilla, Sulphur and Verbascum. TUSSIS SUFFOCATORIA. Silicea and Kali carb. In evenings on lying down, dyspnoea, with violent cough, so that he is obliged to rise up in bed, with whistling respiration. 285 TYMPANITIS CHRONICA. With periodic colic; Colocynth. TYPHUS. Vide Febris Nervosa. U. ULCERATIO NASI ET LABII INFERIORIS. Aurum. muriat. In a scrofulous child. ULCUS. Arsenic. Irritable ulcers in the throat, chest, over the whole face, fore-arm and hand, with insupportable burning pain, shuddering, loss of sleep, diarrhoea, with yellowish green evacuations, debility. Belladonna. Swelling of the cheeks, with pimples. Carbo veget. Ulcers, with smarting pain. Lycopodium. Ulcers in the throat. Silicea. As a chief remedy in ulcer, alternating with Sulphur. Ulcus carcinodes. Arsenic. Ulcus cornece. Euphrasia. Ulcer after rheumatic ophthalmia. Rhus. After scrofulous ophthalmia. Ulcus cruris. Lachesis. Ulcers on the ankle joint, surrounded by varicose veins. Lachesis. Fetid ulcer, secreting a thin ichor on the under part of both thighs, with dyspeptic derangement; with the help of Silicea. 286 Lachesis. Bad co-oured, very painful ulcer. (External use.) Lachesis. Ulcers on the thigh. Lycopodium. Fetid, bad coloured ulcers, with callous edges, and violent burning pain. Pulsatilla, Belladonna and Baryta acet. In ulcers surrounded by old varicose veins, with much brown ichor discharged, and burning in the edges. Silicea. A circular ulcer on the upper end of the tibia, with dark coloured, bluish red base, copious discharge of a thin fluid, mixed with blood, with lancinating pain in the ulcer. Ulcus fungosum. Sulphur and Silicea. Ulcus genu. With stiffness and bent position of the knees; Silicea, Kali and China. Ulcus labiorum. Arsenic. An ulcer on the under lip, with a white base; ulcer, with induration of the upper lip. Silicea: Nux vomica, with Conium. A painless ulcer in both corners of the mouth. Ulcus linguae. Merc. vivus. Ulcus mercurialis. Sulphur. Ulcus oris. Merc. vivus. Ulcus pedis, Arsenic. Gangrenous ulcer on the great toe. 287 Bryonia, Rhus, China and Sulphur. Graphites and Bryonia. Feet bluish red, swollen and hot as far as the ankles; an ulcer at the back of the foot, secreting an ichorous pus, with callous edges, and fetid odour,with shooting, tearing pain in the ulcer. Graphites and Lycopodium. An ulcer on the left ankle, secreting much ichor,with itching, smarting pain, and constipation. Silicea. Ulcer on the heel, with much proud flesh. Ulcus phagadaenicum. An ichorous ulcer in the forehead, extending to the bones of the nose, with insupportable pains in the bones. The ulcer secretes a very fetid bad coloured ichor. Silicea, Phosp., Sulphur, Arsenic, Sepia and Calcarea, effected a cure. Ulcus psoricum. Sulphur. Ulcus putridum. Ash grey, bluish ulcer, secreting a fetid ichor, and destroying the flesh. Arsenic, and Carbo. veget., externally applied. Ulcer, with secretion of a fetid, blue bad colour ichor, with separation of the dead cellular texture, with pressing pain extending up to the knee, Silicea. Ulcus varicosum. Ulcer with raised edges, red and porous circumference, swelling of the calf, the lower half of the 288 the under part of the thigh is reddish brown. Sulphur and Silicea. URETHRITIS. Petroselinum. URTICARIA FEBRILIS. Aconite and Nux vomica. Constriction of the chest, short breath, hot skin. Dulcamara, as a chief remedy. Urticaia chronica. The antipsorics, especially Arsenic. V. VARICELLA. Aconite, Antim. crud., Mercur. solub., especially Pulsatilla. against the chicken-pox. VARIOLA. Aconite and Belladonna, in the maturating period. Mercurius, when combined with diarrhoea. Vaccinin, also Variolin. Sulphur. Aconite, Nux vomica, Merc. solub. Aconite, Pulsatilla, Merc. solub. In Germany, Variolin and Vaccinin* have been given with great success in small-pox. VERMITIO. Aconite, Carbo. animalis and veget., Cina, Ferrum, Nux vomica, Sabadilla and Spigelia. * These medicines may be procured of Mr. HEADLAND, 15, Princes-street, Hanover-square. 289 Vide also, Ascarides, Lumbrici, and Taenia. VERTIGO. Belladonna, in idiopathic vertigo. Cocculus. Vertigo with stupidity, and feeling of dizziness every fourteen days, alternating with numbness of the hands and feet. Conium with Belladonna and Lycopodium. Vertigo from suppressed scabies, stupidity, loss of the powers of thought, vomiting, impaired vision, and leucorrhcea. Natrum muriat. Vertigo caduca. Nux vomica. Fainting vertigo, with loss of sense, nausea and vomiting every morning, various digestive derangements after eating. Nux vomica. Chronic vertigo, much giddiness, especially in the morning. Opium. Fainting vertigo from fright, trembling of the arms and legs. Petroleum. Vertigo chronica. Pulsatilla. Vertigo chronica, chiefly when bending, at the same time shootings in the ears, and tearing head-ache. Pulsatilla. Vertigo chronica, shootings in the ears. Silicea. Attacks of very violent vertigo, with loss of consciousness, head-ache, great debility, and congestion of blood to the head. Sulphur. Vertigo caduca, bordering on nervous apoplexy. VERRUCA. (Warts.) Calcarea carb. Causticum. Painful inflammatory warts. Dulcamara. Warts on the hand. o 290 Rhus. External use; warts on the hands. Sulphur. Warts on the fingers. Thuja. VOMITUS CHRONICUS. Arsenic. Vomiting of food, water or mucus, with nausea, pressing sensation, feeling of heat at the epigastrium; Pulsatilla relieves the nausea, coming on at the time of menstruation. Bryonia. Vomiting of food, combined with waterbrash. Ferrum. Vomiting of food after every meal. Ipecacuanha. Idiopathic vomiting. Nux vomica. Vomiting of ingesta, every year at a certain time, constipation, with spasmodic movements in the throat. Nux vomica. Vomiting with cardialgia, constipation. Pain the throat when swallowing. Nux vomica and Pulsatilla. Vomiting in periodic attacks; as soon as any thing is eaten, sensation of sickness, followed by violent empty eructations, with shivering, and spasmodic trembling of the whole body. Puisatilla. Vomiting of food immediately after the mid-day meal. Oppression and painful sensation at the scroliculus, oppression at the chest, when walking quick. Pulsatilla. Vomiting and colic, paleness of face, and emaciation. Pulsatilla. Obstinate vomiting, with pressure and shootings in the epigastrium and right hypocondrium, with anorexia, canine appetite; 291 vertigo when bending forwards, different digestive derangements after eating; pain in the lower part of the abdomen, diarrhoea, alternating with constipation; fluor albus; with Calcarea carbon. Pulsatilla. Abdominal pain, increasing in intensity, vomiting of all food, with eructations and bad taste in the mouth; burning along the oesophagus, palpitation at the epigastrium, watery, greyish white stools, with tenesmus; vertigo, loss of sleep, marasmus. Sulphur, Silicea, Graphites, Phosphorus, Lycopodium. Dizziness, singing in ears, eructations, vomiting of food, with exhaustion and fainting. Veratrum album. with Bryonia. Many fits of vomiting daily, also at night; diarrhoea, nausea, passing of ascarides. Veratrum. Vomiting only during the day. Vomitus. (In pregnant women.) Arsenic. Nausea, with vomiting and swooning. Ipecacuanha. Murias magnesia. During the whole day, nausea, with empty vomitings. Natrum muriaticum. Nux vomica. Phosphorus. Sudden vomiting, without previous nausea. Vomitus feecium et urine. Opium. Vomitus atonicus. Nux vomica. Nux vomica, Calcarea and Phosphorus. o 2 292 Vomitus verminosus. Aconite, Cina, Sabadilla. VULNUS. Arnica. Internally and externally. Z. ZONA. Mercurius, Graphites and Pulsatilla. CLINICAL OBSERVATIONS. AcIDUM MURIATICTJM. Febris nervosa.-Impetigo scrophulosa.-Impotentia.-Varices haemorrhoidales. AcIDUM NITRI. Abscessus mammae.-Affectio abdominal. chronica.-Cancer uteri.- Caries.- Cephalalgia.-Diarrhoea.-Dolor cutis cranii.-Dyscrasia merecurialis,Febris hectica. - Gonorrhoea. - Hoemorrhoides "fluentes.~-Herpes.- Herpes syphiliticus. -Impetigo. — Ise4hias.- Melancholia.-Obscuratio corneae.-Odontalgia mercurialis.-Ophthalmia syphilitica.-Osphy.. algia.-Parotitis.-Scarlatina.-Stomacace.- Sycosis. Syphilis.-Tonsillitis.-Ulcera oris.-Yerrucae. AcIDUM PHOSPHIORICUM. Anacarthasis mucosa. - Arthritie. -CholerinaChyluria.- Diabetes.- Diarrhoea. - Epulis. - Ery sipelas.-Febris neirvosa.-Herpes.-Impetigo.-Menstruatio nimia. - Phthisis. - Pneumonia nervosa. - Pollutiones.- Scarlatina.- Stranguria.- Sudor nocturnus-Tumor faciei et gencivae. AcIDUIM SULPILURICUM. A phthae.-C ontusioxies.-Febris xiervosa.-Hm~moptysis. - Intertrigo. - Ophthalmia chronica.Tus sis. ACONITUMr NAPELLUS. Alienatio, mentis.-Angina.-Apoplexia.-Arthritis.-Asthma.- Blepharoptbalmia.-Cardiogmus.Carditis.- Catalepsia.- Cephalalgia.- Congestiones. -Combustiones. —Croup.- Ci usta lactea.- Cystitis. -Diaphragmatitis. - Encephalitis. - Enteritis.Febris arthr-itica.-Febris intermittens.-Febris lactea. - Febris ereseraica. - Febris puerperalis. - Febris rheumatica.-Febris verminosa.-Gastritis.-Gonitis rheumatica. - H aematemesis. - Haemoptysis,.-HI e - morrhagia pulmonum.-H epatitis.-Hydrocephalus.Inearceratio herniae inflammatoria.-1Inflammationes rheumaticae. - Influenza.- Leuch orrhcea.-Menstruatio suppressa.-Miliaria.-Morbilli.-Morbus niger. -Odontalgia. —Ophthalmia.-Orchitis.-Paralysis.Parotitis.-Peritonitis. —Peripneumonia.-Peritonitis-. - Peritonitis puerperalis. - Phiegmatia alba dolens. - Phthisis. - Pletfiora. - Plenrodynia. - Psoitis.Purpura miliaris. - Rheumatismus. - Rubeolhe.Tracheitis. - Tumor pedis. - Tussis.- Tussis convulsiva. - Urticaria febrilis. -Variolae.-Vei'tigo.Vomitus verminosus.-Vulnus.% ACTAME SPICATA. Dolores arthritici articulorum tarsi et digitorum. Henmicrania. 295 AGNUS CASTUS. Impotentia. AGARICUS MUSCARIUS. Perniones.-Epilepsia. ALOE. Dysenteria. ALUMINA. Flu or albus.-Herpes.-Lupus vorax.-Obstructio alvi.-Ozaena. AMBRA GRISEA. Asthma.-Epistaxis. —T ussis spasmodica. AMMONIUM CARBONICU.M. Abscessus.-Asthma.-Herpes.-Phthisis. —Scarlatina.-Varix haemorrhoidalis. AMMONIUM MJRIATICUM. Febris intermittens. - Haemorrhoides. - Tussis chronica. ANACARDIUM ORIENTALE. Apoplexia. -Asthma.- Herpes.-Hypocondria. -Stupor artuum. ANGUSTURA. Caries.-Paralysis.-Trismus. ANTHRACIN. Herpes.-Ulcera. ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM. Arthritis acuta.-Callositates cutis plantarum 296 pedis.-Cholera infantum.-.Clavi pedum.-.Diarrhcea.. Febris intermnittens.-Febris rheumatica.-Fistula.Gastricismus. - Ha-morrhoides. - Inflammationes rhetimaticae. - Paralysis. - Rheumatismus. - Ulcus fistulosum. AQuI LEJA. (Amblyopia.) -(Leucorrhoea.) -(Menstruatio anoniala.) ARANEA DIADEMA. Febris intermittens. ARGENTUM. Angina chronica. ARNICA MONTANA. A ifectiones gr'avidarum.-Alienatio mentis.Apoplexia.-Arthritis. -Cachexia ex chinae abusu. aborta -Cephalalgia ex plaga.-Clavi pedum.-Com. motio cerebri.-Contusiones.-Contusio brachii.Contusio pedis.-Coxalgia.-Delirium treznens.Diarrhcea -Dolor abdominis.-Dolores post partum. Epilepsia. - Epistaxis. - Exulceratio mammam.-Febris intermittens.-Febris nervosa.- Furunculus.Hoematocele. - Hoemoptysis. - Hydrocele. -Inflammatio pedis. - Influenza. - Intertrigo. - Ischuria. - Lapsus.-Leucorrhcea.-Lumbago.-Luxatio.- Morbilli.-Ophthalmia -Orchitis.-Paralysis.-Phlegmatia alba dolens.-Phthisis.-Pleurodynia rheumatica. - Pleuropneumonia. - Podagra. -Rheumatismus.Ruptura perinoei.- Searlatina miliaris.- Spasmi.Tabies.-Tetanus traumaticut;.-Thrombus labialis. -Tussis convulsiva.-Varices.-Vulnus. ARSENICUM ALBUM. Achores.-Alienatio mentis. - Anthrax, - Apo 297 plexia. - Arthritis. - Asthma. - Atrophia.-Cancer lab ii inferioris. - Cancer lab ii superioris.-Cancer uteri.-Carbunculus.-Catarrh us acutus.-Cephalalgia.-Cholera.-C holer-a asiatica.-Colica flatulenta, Crusta lactea. -Crusta serpiginosa. -Diarrhcea.Diarrhcea, dysenterica.-Diarrhoea aquosa.-Epile psia. -Febris intermittens.-Febris typhosa.-Gangraena brachii. —Gangroena linguae.-Gastralgia.-Gastritis. Haematemesis. - Hmemoptysis. - Hoemorrhoides. - LHematuria.-Herpes.-Hydrops.-Hydirops anasarka. Hydrothorax. - Impetigo. - Influenza.-Ischias nervosa. - Morbus mnaculosus Werihofli. -Notalgia. — CIEdema, pedum.-Opbthalmia.-Pempbigus sanguin.. eus.-Photophobia.-Pleuritis rhevmatica.-Phthisis. - Rhevmatismus. - Scarlatina, miliaris. - Scirrhus uteri. - Scirrhus ventriculi. - Scrophulosis. - Spasmus.-S tomacace.-Tabes.-Tinea capitis.-Tfumor oris.-Tumor pedis.-Tussis.- Tussis convulsiva.Ulcus.-Ulcus gangrmenosum.-U rticaria chronica.Vomica, abdominalis.-Vomitus.-Vomitus gravidarum.-Zona. ASA FCETIDA. Caries.-Chorea, St. Viti.-Febris hectica.Rhachitis.-Tophus.-Ulcus pedum. ASARum EuRopAxum. Arthritis.-Hernia inguinalis. ARTE MISIA. Epilepsia. ATRIPLEX OLIDA. Cardialgia. - Cephalalgia. - (Menstruatio anomala. 298 AURUM METALLICUM. Abscessus.-Arthritis ossaria.-Cachexia mercu. rialis. - Cancer nasi. - Caries. -Cephalalgia.-Convulsiones.-Depilatio.-Desquamatio epidermidis. - Foetor oris.-Hernia inguinalis.-Herpes.-Herpes narium.-H ordeolum. - Hypochondrria.-Llysteria.Icturus.-Impetigo.-Induratio testiculi.-Melancholia.-Metastasis lactea.-Morbi nasi.-Ozoena. -Palpitatiocordis.-Prolapsus uteri.-Prosopalgia.-Schrophulosis.-Syphilis.-Tumor nasi.-Ulcera lingue. -Ulcus scrophulosum. AuRUM MURIATICUM. Exulceratio narium etlabii superioria.-Laryngitis venerea. BARYTA ACETICA. Dyspepsia.-Scrophulosis.-Tabes.-Tinea capitis humida. BARYTA CARBONICA. Alienatio mentis. - Angina tonsillaris. - Apoplexia.-Asthma.-Atropia.-Cachexia.-Crusta lactea.-Desorganisatio cardialis.-Gastralgia.-Herpes. -Lupia.-Marasmus senil.-Menstruatio retenta.Odontalgia.- Panus.-Prosopalgia. -Scrophulosis.Steatoma.-Tinea capitis.-Ulcera. BARYTA MURIATICA. Dysenteria. BELLADONNA. Abortus. - Affectio abdominalis inflammatoria puerpera. - Alienatio mnentis. - Amaurosis. - Amblyopia. - Angina.-Antbrax.-Aplionia.-Aphthbe. -Apoplexia.-Arthritis ossaria.-Asthma.-Asthma 299 thy micum.-A trophia. —Balbuties.-Blepharophthalmia. - Blepharospasmus. - Cachexia mercurialis.Cachexia ex abusu opii.-Cachia ex abusu valerianae oborta.-Cancer labiorum.-Cancer titeri.-Cardialgia.-Catalepsis. —Catarrhus acutus.-Cephalalgia.Chorea St. Viti.-Colica.-Colica flatulenta.-Colica hbemorrhoidalis -Congestiones.-Contractiones uteri ad partuim spasmodicme.-Corivulsiones-Convulsiones epilepticse. - Coxalgia. - Croup.-Delirium trenens -Dentitio difficilis.-Diarrhoea dysenterica.-Diarrhcea cum vomitu.-Diplopia.-Doloires abdominis gravidae.-Dysecoia.-Dysenterica.-Dysphagia spasmodica.-Encephalitis.-Epilepsia.-Erysipelas. —Erysipelas habituale.-Ervsep. mammre.-Febris per dentitionein.-Febris gastrica.-Febris inflammatoria. Febris intermittens.-Febris lenta.-Febris nervosa.Febris puerperalis.-Febris rhevmatica.-Fissurme labiorum-Fistula-Fungus medullaris-FurunculusGalactirrhcea.- Gastritis. - H aemoptysis.-fl aemorrhagiaoculorum.- Haemorrhoides fluentes.- Heme. ralopia.-Hepatitis.-Hernia iucarcerata.-Hvdrocephalus acutus.-Hyd rocephalus chronicus -Hydrophobia.-Hydrops post purpuram miliarem.-Hysteria.-Icterus. - linbecillitas. - Impetigo. - impetigo faciei.-Incontinentia urinae.-Iinduratio labii su perioris.-Inflammatio vasorum lymphaticorum.-Irifluenza. - Ischias. - Ischuria. - Lordosis.-Luxatio.spontanea.-M acula- corneae.-Mania. —Mania puerperalis.-Mastitis. - Melancholia.-Melonc us.- Menstruatio anomala, - Mettitis. - Metrorrhagia.-Miliaria.-Morhus maculosus.-Moibilli.-Nasitis.-Nephritis.-Notalgia.-Odontalgia.-(Edema pedum.Ophthalmia.-Panus scrophulosus.-Paralysis. —Parotitis. - Pemphigus. - Perniones. - Plegmatia alba dolens.-Photophobia.-Phthisis laryngea,-Pleurop, 300 neumonia.-Pneumonia.-Pneumonia nervosa. -Pres - byopia. - Prolapsus uteri. - Prosopalgia.-Psoitis.Raphania. - Raucedo.-Rhacbitis.-Rhinorrhagia.Rhevmatismus. - Rubeolae. - Scarlatina. - Scarlatina miliaris. - Scrophulosis. - Singultus. - Spasmi abdominis.-Spasmi infantumn.-Spasmi musculorum, faciei.-Spasmi pharyngis et oesophagi.-Spasmi per actum pariendi.-Syphilis.-Tetanus.-Tinea capitis. Tophus. -Trismus.- Tumor lymphaticus.- Tumor oris.-Tussis ----Tussis ferina. - Tympanitis.-Ulcus. -Ulcus corneae.-Ulcus genu.-Ulcus nasi.-Ulcus pedum.-Ulc us scrophulosum.-Variolae.-Vertigo.Visus rnebulosus.-Vomitus. BERBERIS. Splenalgia. Cardialgia.-Lleemoptysis. B LE PH1ARO BLENO RR 1101N. Blepbaroblenorrhoea. BORAX VENETA. Aphtbae.-Ulcera oris. BoyvISTA. Herpes.-Leuchorrhcea.-Menstruati o profusa.Tumor lab ii. BRYONIA. Abortus.-Affectio abdominalis chronica.-Apoplexia. - Arthritis. - Asthma. - Atroplhia. - Bronchitis.-Cardialgia -Catarrlius acutus.-Cephalalgia Clavi pedum.-Congestiones ad caput et pectus.Colica.-Contractiones ad partum spas-modicae uteri. 301 -Crusta lactea.-Diarrbhea.-Dolores rheumatici.Dolores abdominis gravidae.-Dysecoia.-Dyspepsia. -Encephalitis.-Epistaxis.-Febris biliosa.-Febris gastrica-Febris intermittens-Febris inflammatoria. -Febris lactea.-Febris nervosa.-Febris puerperalis.- Febris rheumatica.- Furunculus.- Galactirrheea. - Gastricismus. - Gastritis - Haiemoptysis.Hemicrania. - Hepatalgia. - Hepatitis - Herpes. Herpes palpebrarum. - Hydrocephalus. - Hydrops anasarka.- Hysteria.- Impetigo.- Inflam. cordis.Inflam. diaphragmatis. - Influenza. - Intumescentia mammae.-Ischias.-Luxatio sipontanea.-Mastitis.Menstruatio anomnala. - Metrorrhagia. - Miliaria. - Morbilli.- Morbus maculosus. - Noctambulismus.Obstructio.-Odontalgia.-CiEdematia pedum-Otitis Ozaena. - Paralysis.-Peripneumonia.-P eripneumonia nervosa. -Pernio. -Phthisis. -Pleurodynia.Pleuritis gastrica.-Prosopalgia.-Psoitis.-Raucedo. -Rhachiorrheuma. -Rheumatismus acutus.-Rheumatismus chronicus.-Scarlatina miliaris.-Scrophulosis. - Singultus. -Spasmi.-Tetanus hystericus,Turnor cysticus. -Tussis.-Tussis convulsiva.-Variolae. - Varix baemorrhoidalis.-Vertigo.-Vomitus. -Vomitus potatorum. CAINCA. H ydrothorax. SALADITJM SEQUINUM. Impotentia. CALCARRMA ACETICA. Diarrhoea.-Diarrhoea cum vomitu. CALCAPLEA CARBONICA. Abortus.-Alienatio mentis.-Alopecia.- AnosP 302 mnia. - Arthritis. -Ascarides.-Asthma.-Atropia.Cachexia. - Cancer nasi,- Cardialgia.-Caries.-Cephalalgia.-Chlorosis:. ---Cholera.-Chorea St. Viti.Convulsionies.-Coxalgia.-Delirium tremens.-Dentitio difficilisa.-Desquamatio epidermidis~-Diarrhcea. Dolor testiculi. - Dysecoia. - Dyspeptidi affectus.Epilepsia.-Exulceratio mammae.-Febris intermittens.-Fungus heematodes.-Fungus corneae.,-Galactirrhoea.-Haemoptysis. - Heemorrhoides suppressae. Hemicrania. - Herpes. - Herpes syphili-ticus. - Hydrops anasarka.-Icterus.-Lepra.-Leucoma cornea-. - Leucorrhcea. - Lithiasis. - Macukae corne,-e. - Menstruatio suppressa.-Odontalgia. —Ophthalmia.Phthisis.-Polypus auriumn.-Polypus narium.-Polypus vesicae urinarike.-Prosopalgia.-Pyrosis.-Raucedo.-Rhachitis.-Rheumatismus. - Scrophulosis.Scrophuim mesentericae. - Spasmi. - Sterilitas. - Struma.-Syphilis,.-Taenia solium.-Tinea capitis.Tophus.-Tumor cysticus.-Tumor genu-Tussis. CAMPIIORA. Abortus.-Apoplexia.-Cholera asiatica.-Epilepsia.-Hydrops.-Impotentia. - Influenza. -Peripneumnonia.-Spasmus. CANNABIS. Amaurosis.- Asthma. -Calculus vesicw urinariae. - Cataracta. - Cystitis. -Gonorrhcea.-Haematuria. - Impotentia. - Ischuria.-Maculaa corneae.Nephritis. - Obstructio. - Ophthalmnia, - Peripneumonia. - Spasrnus tendinis Achillis. - Sterilitas.Tetanus. CANTHARIDES. Cholera asiatica. - C oxalgia, C ystitis.. —Diarr 303 hcea, chronica. - Dysphagia. - Dysuria. -Febris intermittens. -Gonorrhcea. -flaematuria.-Hydrophobia.- Hydrops. - Ischias. - Renitis. -Ruminatio.Scarlatina mniliaris. CAPSICUM ANNUM. Aphthae.-Diarrhcea.-Dysenteria.-Febris intermittens. -G( -riorrheea. - Necrosi~s. -Pyrosis.-Scorbutus.-Stomacace.-T ussis convulsiva. CARBO ANIMALIS. Asthma thymicum Koppii.-Caries.-~Cardialgia. -Febris hectica.-Hernia inguinalis.-Induratio linguae partialis. - Maschalopanus. - Metrorrhagia.Struma.-Taenia.-Tumnor mammae.-Vermes. CARBO VEGETABILIS. Anevrysma. - Angina. - Asthma. - Cachexia mercurialis. - Cardialgia. - Cephalalgia.-Catarrhug pulmonum. - Cholera. - Colica. - Combustiones. - Congestiones. - Dolores abdominis chronici. - Epistaxis. -Epiulis.-Febris intermittens.-Flatulentia.Heemorrhagi ae ulcerum.-Haemorrhagia oculorum.Hoemorrhoides. - Hydrothorax. - Icterus. - Ischias nervosa. - Menstrua~tio, difficilis. - Morbilli. - Peripneumonia nervosa.-Phthisis. -Raucedo.-Scabies.Searlatina iniliaris. - Telangiectasis. -tUlcus.-Ulcus putridum.-Urticaria.-Vermes. CASTOREUM. Vomitus gravidarum. CAUSTICUM. Agalactia.-Aphonia. -Arthritis. —Atheroma. --- Blepharophthalmia. - Cardialgia.-Cataracta.-Cho 304 rea St. Viti.-Diarrhcea. - Epistaxis. - Exulceratio, mammae.-Epilepsia. - Hemicrania. -Hemiplegia.Influenza. - Ischias. - Odontalgia. - Ophthalrnia. - Paralysis.-Prosopalgia. —Scabies.- Spasmus.-Tetailus.-Verrucae. CHAMOMILLA. Abortus. - Angina. - Arthritis. - Asphyxia.Asthma.-Blepharospasmus.-Cachexia.-Cardialgia. -Catalepsis. - Catarrhus infantum. -Cholera.-Colica flatulenta.-Contractiones ad partum nimis dolorificae.-Convulsiones. -Croup.-Dentitio difficilis.Diarrhoea.-Dolores post partum nimii.-Dysenteria. -Encephalitis. - Epilepsia.-Epistaxis.-Erysipelas. -Febris biliosa.-Febris dentitionis.-Febris catarrhalis.-Febris gastrica -Febris interrnittens.-Febris nervosa.-Febris puerperalis.-Febris rheumatica.Heemorrhagia oculorum. - Hepatitis. -Icterus. ----Intertrigo infantumn.-Inflammatio glandularum submaxillarium et colli.-Intumescentia et induratio, maminae. - Ischias nervosa. - Lipothymia.-Menstruatio anomala. - Metrorrhagia. - Odontalgia. - Ophthalmia catarrhalis. - Phthisis. -Rheumatismus.-Scarlatina miliaris. - Spasmi. - Tinnitus aurium,-Tussis ferina.-Tympanitis.-Ulcus oris et linguaw.-Vomitus. CHINA. Amaurosis incipiens. - Arthritis. - Athropia.Cachexia. - Cachexia mercurialis. - Cardialgia. - Catarrhus trachealis. - Cephalalgia. - Cholera. - Chorea St. Viti. - Debilitas. - Delirium tremens.Diarrhoea. - Epistaxis. - Erysipelas pedis. - Febris biliosa. - Febris gastrica. - Febris intermittens. - Febris lenta.-Febris nervosa.-Febris verminosa.Gangraena.-Haemoptysis.-Hernia.-Hydrops abdo.. 305 minis. - Hypochondria. -Icterus. —Impotentia. —InCOTntinentia urinae.-Inflammatio genu.-Leucorrhoea. Lienteria.-Marasmus.-Menstruatio retenta.-Metrorrhagia. - Morbus niger. - Odontalgia. - Panus scrophulosus.-Paralysis.-'Peripneumonia.-Phthisis. -Phthisis laryngea. - Pollutio. - Rhevmatismus. Salacitas.-Spasmus uteri. ---.Splenalgia.-Stomacace. Sudor nocturnus. -Tumor genu. -Tussis. -Ulcus oris et linguae. —Ulcus pedum -Variolee. CICUTA VIROSA. Angina. -Cachexia. -)Cephalalgia. - Cholera asiatica.-Diplopia.-Fdbris verruinosa.-Helminthiasis.- Herpes. - Hysteria.-Impetigo.-Marasmus., — Paralysis cystidis. - Spasmus. - Tetanus. - Tinea faciei.-Trisnius.-Ulcera linguae. CINA. Amblyopia. -Asthma. - Febris intermittens. - Ileminthiasis.- Incontinentia urinae nocturna. - Spasmus. - Tussis convulsiva.-Vomitus chronicus. CINNABARIS. Gonorrhnea.-Sycosis. CLEMATIS ERECTA. Herpes.-Intumescentia et 7induratio testiculi.Ischuria. - Orchitis. - Panus axillaris. _,Uicus scrophulosum.-Urethritia. %JOCCINELLA.. Odontalgia. COCCULUS.. Apoplex~ia.-Arthritis.-Cachexiia. —.Cardialgia... P 3 306 Cephalalgia.-Chorea St. Viti.-Coliea.-Colica menstrualis.-Convulsiones.-Debilitas.-Feb. gastricaFeb. intermittens-Feb. nervosa-Hernia incarcerata. Hernia inguinalis.-Induratio testiculi.-Inflammatio, abdominis. - Leucorrhcea. - Menstruatio, anomala.Ophthalmia arthrica. - Paralysis. - Rhevmatismus chronicus.,-Spasmus.-Sudor.-Vertigo. —Vomitus. COFFEA. Agrypnia.-Apoplexia.-Contractiones uteri ad partum. nimiae.-Dolores post partum.-Dysecoia.Febris intermittens.-Febris puerperalis.-Miliaria.Odontalgia.-Varioloe. COLCHICUM AUTUMNAL-E. Asthma.-Dysenteria gastrica.-Hydrops abdominis.-Hydrothorax.-Paralysis. COLOCYNTHIS. Cephalalgia. - Cholera. - Colica. - Coxalgia et Coxarthrocace. - Dolores abdorninis.-Dysenteria.Febris puerperalis.-Gastritis.-Inflammatio abdorninis partialis.-Ischias. - Ophthalmia. -Peritonitis.Prosopalgia.-Psoitis.-Tympanitis. CONIUJM MACULATUM. Alienatio, mentis.-Cachexia.-Cancer labiorum -Cataracta. -Chlorosis. -Convulsiones.-Dispositio scrophulosa. - Epilepsia. - Hlerpes. -Impotentio. - nd uratio linguae partialis.-Intumescentia mammae. Ischuria.-Marasmus.-Menostasia.-Obstructio alvi. -Panus.-Photophobia scrophulosa.-Phthisis.-Pollutiones.-Tussis spasmodica.-Tussis ferina.-Ulcus. -Ulcus oris et linguae. - Vertigo. - Vomitus gravidae. 307 COPAIVIE BALSAMUM. (Fluor albus syphiliticus.)-Urticaria. CROCUS SATIVUS. Blepharospasinus.-Chorea St.Viti.-Hwemoptysis.. Menstruatio retenta.-Metrorrhagia.-Ophthalmia. — Ritinorrhagia.-Spasmi. CUBEBAM. Gonorrhoea secundaria. CUPRUM METALLICTJM. Asthma. - Asthma spasmodicum. - Cholera. - Cholera asiatica.-Chorea St. Viti.-Epilepsia.-Spasnii.-Tussis ferina. CUPRUM ACETICUM,. Spasmi pectoris. CUPRUM CARBONICUM,. Asthma spasmodicum infantum. CYCLAMEN EUROPE UM. Odontalgia. DACRYOSYRINGIN. Fistula lacrymalis. DIADEMA. Febres intermittentes. DIGITALIS PURPUREA. Arthritis.-Catarrhus. -Cyanosis. -Ectropiunm. Febris gastrica. - Gastroataxiae. - Heemoptysis. - Hemer-alo~pia-Hydrocele.-Hydrops ascites, —Hydro.. 308 thorax post scarlatinam miliarem.-Icterus. ---Ophthalmia. DROSIERA. Cardialgia.-Febris intermittens.-Hammoptysis. - Phthisis laryngea incipiens. - Presbyopia.-Raucedo. —Tussis. —Tussis convulsiva. DULCAMARA. Achlys.-Alienatio mentis.-Angina.-Arthritis. -Asthma pituitosum.-Catarrhus.-Catarrhus vesicae.-Cephalalgia.-Cholera. ---Crusta lactea.-Diarrhoea. - Dolores rhevmatici. -Dysenteria. -- Febris, rhevmatica.-Gonorrhcea secundaria.-LHerpes.-Hydrops anasarka. - Hyperostosis. - Intumescentia inflammatoria glandularum inguinalium.- Miliaria.Morbilli..-CEdema glandis. - -Panus.-Pemphigus. - Phthisis. - Phthisis pituitosa. - Psorophthalmia. - Raucedo. - Rhevmatismus. - Tenesmus aurium.Tussis convulsiva.-Ulcus. --- —Urticaria.-Verrucae. EUGENIA JAMBOS. -.Catarrhus acutus. JEUPHRORBIA OFFICINALIS. -Amblyopia.-Blennorrhcea conjunctival bulbi et:.pailpebrarum.-Cataracta. —Condylomata.-Epiphora. -Keratitis-Lacrymatio. ----Maculae corneae.-Obscuratio corneae. - Ophthalmia. - Sycosis. -Tussis.-,Ulcus corneae. FIERRUM METALLICUM. Abortus. - Arthritis. -Ascarides. -Cachexia,chinae-Chlorosi~s-Diarrhcea-Febris, intermittens. 309 Helminthiasis. - Metrorrhagia. -Paralysis. -Phthisis.-Sterilitas. —Tussis. —Vomitus chronicus.-.Vomitus gravidarum. FERFtJM ACIETICUM. Febris intermittens. - Influenza. - Phthisis. florida.-.Tussis. FERRUM PumMURIATICUM. Tumor pedis. FILIX MAS. Taenia. FLAMMULA JOVIS. (Febris intermittens.) FRAGARIA VESCA. Toenia. GRANATUM (CORTEX RADICIS.) Taenia. GRAPH IT. Alopecca.-Asthma.-Cepbalalgia.-Dysecoia.Erysipelas.-~Erysipelas bullosum.-Erythema symptoniaticum-Exulceratio mammme-Haemorrhoides,Herpes.- Herpes exedens. - Herpes farinaceus.Hydrocele. - Hysteria. - Inflammatio erysipelatosa. -Lepra, orientalis. - Lupi a. - Luxatio spontanea. - Menstruatio anomala. - Odontalgia. - Ophthalmia scrophulosa.- Panus scrophulosus. - Prosopalgia. - Syrigmus. - Taenia.- Tinea capitis. -Tinea facies. -Tumor pedis.- TUlcus herpeticum.- Ulcus pedis.Vomitus chronicus.-Zona. GRLATlOLA. Cardialgia.-Obstructio. 310 GUAJACUM. Arthritis..-Affectio ventriculi morbifica. HEMLLEBORUS NIGER. Aphthw. -Cephalalgia.- Febris intermittens.Hydrocephalus. -Hydrops.-. —Hypochondria.-Melancholia.-.Miliaria.-Stomacace. HEPAR SIJLPHURIS CALCAREUM. Absoessus scrophulosus. - Arthritis acuta.Asthma humidum. -—.Asthma spasticum, infantum.Atrophia. ~-Blepharophthalmia.-Catarrhus inveteratus-Cachexia mercurialis.-Coxalgia.-Croup.-Dysenteria. - Ectropium. -Erysipelas faciei.-Erysipelas habituate. - Hordeolum. - i1mpetigo faciei. -Impetigo aurium.-Induratio glandularum axillarium.Inflammatio, rhevmatica. - Panaritium. - Panus.Phthisi's laryngea. - Plithisis pulmonalis. - Rhagades manuum. - Syphilis. - Tinea capitis humida. - Tracheitis.-Tussis fefina.-Ulcus genuae.-Urticaria. HERRPETIN. Herpes. HyosCYAMUS NGR Agrypnia. - Alienatio mentis. - Apoplexia.Blepharospasmus. -Cardialgia, - Chorea St. Viti.Colica.-Delirium tremens. - Diarrhoea. - Encephalitis. - Epilepsia. - Febris intermittens.-Febris nervosa. - Feb~ris puerperalis. - Haematemesis. - Haemoptysis.-Helminthiasis.-Hvdrophobia.-Hysteria. - Imbecillitas. - Ischuria. - Mdelancholia.-Metrorrhagia.-Odontalgia.-Paralysis.-Phthisis pulmonalis. Presbyopia. - Scarlatina miliaris. - Spasmus.-Spas.. mus surarum. - Spasmus gravidae, - Spasmi per 311 partum. - Strabismus.- Tetanus.-Tussis. ---Vomitio ciborum infantum. JALAPPA. Diarrhcea.-Dolores abdominis c. vehementi cia. more infantum. IGNATIA AMARA. Angina. - Apoplexia.-Arthritis.-Ascarides.Cardialgia. - Catalepsis. - Cephalalgia. -Chorea St. Viti.-Coryza.-Diarrhcea. —Epilepsia.-Febris intermittens. - Flatulentia. - Gastralgia.-Helminthiasis. - Hemicrania. - Hysteria. - Melancholia. - Photophobia. - Prolapsus ani. - Rhevmatismus chronicus. - Spasmus. - Spasmi epileptici infantum.-Tetanus. -Tussis. JOD. Arthritis inveterata.-Arthromeningitis genu.Cachexia mercurialis. - Gonitis. - Intumescentia glandularum inguinalium.-Induratio testiculorum.Leucorrhcea. - Panus scrophulosus. - Strumna. -Tumor albus.-Tussis. ---Tussis ferina. JODURETUM AURI. Induratio testiculi syphilitica. IPECACUANHA. Abortus. - Apoplexia. -Asthma.-Asthma millari simulatum.- Atrophia.- Cardialgia.-Catarrhus acutus. - Cholera. - Cholera asiatica.-Coryza chronica. - Diarrhoea. - Febris intermittens.-Heematemnesis.-Heematuria.-Hepatalgia.-Hypochondria.Hysteria. - Indigestlion. -Influenza.-Metrorrhagia. 312 -Morbus niger.-Phthisis. - Scarlatina miliaris.Spasmnus.-Spasmi pulmonum et tracheae.-Tabes.Tussis.-Tussis convulisiva.-Vomitus idiopathicus.Vomitus gravidarum. KAL[ CARBONICUIM. H oemoptysis.-Hydrops.-Menstruati o suppressa. - Parotis. - Peripneumonia. - Phthisis laryngea.Phthisis pulmonalis.-Tussis. —Vomica pulmonum. KALI NITRICUM. Phthisis laryngea.-Phthisis purulenta. K REOSOTOM. Condylomata. - Diarrhcea chronica. - Exculceratio mamniae.-Metrorrlhagia.-Perinones. LACHESIS. Asthma.-Catarrhus. ---Diarrhcea -Dyspepsia. — Epilepsia.- Erysipelas faciei. - Febris intermittens. -Herpes.- Icterus. -Impetigo. - Mania. - Panaritium. - Paralysis.- Phthisis incipiens. - Spasmi infantum —Syphilis.-Ulcera.-Ulcus varicosum. LACTUCA VIROSA. Hydrops.-Tussis. LATJROCERA STS. r Cholera. - Morbus eceruleus. - Phthisis florida. LEDUM PALTJSTRE. Arthritis. - Dysecoia.- Furunculus. - Hleemoptysis. - Haeemorrhagia pulmonum. - Herpes. - Hlydrothorax. -Impetigo faciei. - Phthisis pulmonalis 313 pur-ulenta.-Syphilis.-Tumor albus.-Tumor pedis. -Tussis convulsiva. LE UCORRIHIN. Fluor albus. LYCOPODI UM. Aliernatio mentis. - Anevrysma. - Arthritis acuta. - Asthma. - Cancer ventriculi. - Cardialgia. -Caries.- Cephalalgia.- Chorea, St. Viti.-Crusta lactea.-Desquamatio.-Dolor testiculi.- Dysecoia.Ephelides.- Epilepsia - Exulceratio papillae mainmae -Febri s nervosa.-Fistula dentalis.-Flatulentia.-Fungus cornew.-F urunculus.-Hoematuria.Haeunoptysis. - Hernia inguinalis. - Hepatitis. - Herpes. - Hydrops. - Hysteria. - Impotentia.- Intertrigo. - Ischuria. - Leuccorrhcea. - Lithiasis. - Melaena.-Meloncus.-Notalgia. - Obstipitas. - Ohstructio.- Ophth. - Osteitis.-Paralysis.-Peripneumonia. - Phthisis laryngea. - Phthisis pituitosa.Phthisis pulmonalis.-Polyptis vesicae urinariae.-Prosopalgia.-Rhevmat. chron-Scirrhus testic uli-Scro. phulosis.-.Strurna.-Tinea capitis. - Tinea faciei. - Tumor mammae.-Tussis plithisica.- Ulcus.-Ulcus phagad aeniclm.-Varix. ---Vertigo.-Vomitus chron, MAGN Es. Cystoplegia.-Hernia inguinalis-Impotentia.Incontinentia urinae.-Ischuria. —Maturatio abscessuum.- Odontalgia.- Panaiitium. - Prolapsus recti. -Varix. MAGNESIA CARBONICA. Cairdialgia.-Cephalalgia.- Cataracta.- Cholera sporadica infantum.-Chorea St. Viti.-Hernia scrotalis.-Menstruatio suppressa. - ObSeCUratio corneae. -Odontalgia.-Ophthalmia.-Pyr-osis. 314 MAGNESIA MURIATICUM.Affectio abdominalis spasmodica.-Dentitio difficilis.- Hepatitis chronica. - Induratio scirrhosa.Induratio hepatis.-Osteitis et Periosteitits. - Ozwena benigna. - Tussis convulsiva.-Vomitus gravidaruma. MANGANUM. Angina chronica. - Arthritis.- Fluor albus.Osteitis and Periosteitis. - Raucedo. - Syphilis.Tumor articulorum.-Tussis chronica. MENYANTHES TRIFOLIATA. Febris intermittens. - Otorrhoea. - Raucedo.S pasnmi. MERCIJRIUS ACETICUS. Impetigo. MERCURITJS SOLTJBILIs HAUNEMANNI. Al~deoitis labialis. - Alienatio mnentis.- Amblyopia.-Angina gangreenosa.-Aphthaex-Arthritis.Asthma.-Balbuties..-Blepharophthalmia glandulosa.. - Cachexia ex abusu cbina-e.-Cachexia ex abusu sulphuris.-Caries.-Cephalalgia. - Cholera sporadica.-Cborea St. Viti.-Commotio cerebri-Congestiones ad caput.-Coxalgia et Coxarthrocace.-C rusta lactea. - Diarrhcea. - Dolores arthritici. - Dolores rhevmatici. - Dysecoia.-Dysenteria.-Ectropium.Febris catarrhalis.-Febris gastrica.-Febris hectica., -Febris intermittens. - Febris nervosa. - Febris, pituitosa.- Glossitis. -Gonorrhcea.- H aematuria.Hemneralopia. - Hepatitis.-Hydrocephalus,-Hydrothorax.-Hyperostosis tarsi.-Icterus. - Impetigo.Influenza. -Ischias. - Lseuchorrhoea. - Lithiasis.Mania.-Mastitis.- Odontalgia.-Osteitis.-Otitis. 315 Otorrhcea.-Panaritium. -Panus scroph. - Parotitis. - Phthisis.-Plethora. -Prolap. ani. - Prolap. recti. -Prolapsus vaginae. - Prosopalgia rhevmatica.-Ranula.-Raucedo.-Rhachitis. ---Rbevmatismnus.-Scarlatina. - Scrophulosis. - Sterilitas. - Stomacace.Sudor.-Sudor pedum.-Sycosis. —Syphilis. - Tenesmus.- Tophus. - Trismus inflammatorius.- Tumor labiorum, pudendorum. -Tumor mammae. - Tumor testiculi. - Tussis chronica. - Tussis convulsiva.Ul cus aurium.-Ulcera linguae. -Variolae. MEuCURIus VIVUS. Xdeoitis labialis. -Aphthee. - Blepbarophthal. mia. variolosa. - Dysenteria,. -eHpatitis. - Hyd rocephalus chronicus.-Icterus. -Influenza. ---Odontalgia. Trismus. - Tumor testiculi. - Ulcus linguae.-Ulcus oris.-Zona. MERCURIUS SUBLIMATUS CORROSIVUS. Aphthae.-Diarrhoea dysenterica.-Dy-senteria.Impetigo syphilitica.-Syphilis. ME ZEREUM. Atrophia universalis. - Caries. - Diarrhcea. - Febris intermittens. - Fluor albus. - Haematuria.Impetigo. - Iseburia. - Odontalgia.-Orchitis.-Panus scropliulosus. - Plethora, - Prosopalgia.-Rhevmatismus.-Syphilis.-Topbus. MILLEFOLIUJM. Febrisiritermittens.-Ilaematuria.-Haemoptysis. - Morbus maculosus haemorrhagicus. - Rhinorrhagia. 316 MILLEPED ES. Febris intermittens. MOIRBILLIN. Morbilli. Mos CII US. Agrypnia. - Asthma spasticum infantum.-Convulsi ones. -Croup. —Epistaxis. -Lipothymia.-Spasmi.-Tetanus. NATRUM CARBONICUM. Arthritis.-Builae digitorum manus et pedis.Dysecoia.-Ephelides.-Graviditas moloe.-Hepatitis chronica.-Herpes.- Lepra.-Ne vralgae.-Prosopalgia.-Scabies.-Struma.-Ulcera calcis pedis.-Verrucwe. NATRUM MURYATICUM. Alopecia.-Chorea St. Viti.-Febris intermittens. Febris nervosa.-Gonorrhcea externa.-Jlemicrania. Menstruatio suppressa.-Obstructio alvi.-Prurigo.Sterilitas.-Tumor genu.-Tussis cum mictione involuntaria. -Ulcera oris. - Vertigo. - Vomitus gravi.. darumn. NERITJM OLEANDER. Alienatio mentis. - Herpes.-Lienteria.-Par-alysi's.-Tinea capitis humida. NIGELLA SATIVA. Cephalalgia. - Enteritis. - Epilepsia. - Febris piierperalis..-Hepatitis. Nux MOSCIIATA, Menstruatio suppressa.-Tussis inveterata. 317 Nux VOMICA. Abortus. - Affectio abdominalis chronica.Amaurosis. - Amblyopia. - Angina. -Apoplexia.. — Ar'thritis.-Asthma.-Asthma spasticum infantum.Atrophia. -Atrophia infantum. - Bronchitis. -Cachexia.-Cancer labiorum. ---Cardialgia. —Catarrhus. C-atalepsis.-Cephalalgia.-Chorea St. Viti.-Clavus pedis.-Colica. —Colica biliosa.-Colica flatulenta.Colica sanguinea. —Congestiones ad caput Pectus et abdomen.-Contractiones uteri ad parturn spasmodicae.-C on tractiones uteri ad partum pr~ecoces.Delirium tremens.-Dentitio difficilis.-Diaphragmatitis. - Diarrhcea. - Dolores post paxtum. - Dolores funiculi spermatici. - Dysenteria. - Dyspepsia.-Dysuria.-Ecch ymoses ociiloriim. —~Encephalitis.-Enteritis. - Epilepsia. - Epilepsia abdominalis.-Erysipelas habituale.-Exulceratio mammae. -Febris catarrhalis.-Febris -gastrica.-Febris- intermittens.-Febris riervosa. (versatilis et stupida.) - Febris pituitosa. - Febris puerperalis.-Febris rhevmatica.-Febris verminosa. - Flatulentia.-Fungus medullaris.-Furunculus. -Gastricismus. - Glossalgia. -Gonorrhcea.Gonorrlwoua balani. - Haenioptysis. - Hoemorrhoid-es. -Hoe morrhagia oculorum. -Helminthiasis.-Hepatitis.-H ernia.-Hernia cru~ralis.-Hernia incarcerata. -Herpes syphiliticus labii superioris et inferioris.Hydrops abdominis.-Hvd~rops pectoris.-Hypochondria. - Hysteria. - Icterus. —Impetigo.-Ischias nervosa. - Ischuria. - Leucorrhoea.- Lypothy mia.-Lithiasis. — Mania. -Menstruatio difficilis.-Menstnuatio retenta. - Menstruatio suppressa. - Metastasis lactea. - Metritis puerperalis. -Metrorrhagia.-Morbilli..-Morbus niger. - Myiodesopia.-Nephralgia,Nevralgia cel-iaca.-.Notalgia. -Obstructio.-Odontalgia,-Oophoritis. -Ophthalmia.-Orchitis.-OtatQ 3 318 gia. - Otitis. - Paralysis. - Paresis cruris sinistri. - Parulis. - Peripneumonia.- Perniones.-Phlegmatia, alba, dolens. - Photophobia. - Phthisis. - Phthisis laryngea. - Plethora. -Plethora gravidarum.-Pleurodynia - Pollutiones. - Presbyopia.-Priapisrnus.Prolapsus ani. - Prolapsus uteri. - Prosopalgia.Psoitis.-Pyrosis. —Rachiorrheuma. -Rhevmatismus. -Singultus. -Spasmus, tonicus.-Spasmus gukae.Spasmus pharyngis. - Stomacace. - Stranguria. - Strictura spastica, ani. - Syrigmus. - Tumor oris.Tfumor testiculi.-Tumor vaginae. - Tussis. -Tussis convulsiva.-Tussi scum vomitu conjuncta. -Ulcus.Ulcus oris et linguwe.-Urticaria-Vertigo.-Vomitus idiopath. - Vomitus gravidarum. -Vomitus potatorum. opium. Apoplexia. - Asthma spasticum infant. - Cachexia - Cancer labiorum - Carus. -Cataracta. - Colica saturnina.-Contractiones uteri ad parturn turn spasmodicae turn suppressue. -Delirium tremens. - Dolor abdominis. - Encephalitis. - Epilepsia. - Febris intermittens. - Febris ne-rvosa. - Gangraena. -Hernia.-Hydrocephalus - Mania. - Menostasia. -Metritis.-Obstructio.- Orthopncea. - Phthisis.Scarlatina milliaris.-Sopor. —Spasmnus. —Tussis convulsiva.-Vertigo. OSMIUM. Tussis spasmodica. PETROLEUM. Affectio abdominal~is chronica. - Arthritis.Cardialgia.-Cephalalgia. -Diarrhlcea. - Dysecoia.Epilepsia. - Gonorrhcea. — Hwamorrhoides.- Herpes. -Herpes 1liae morrhoidalis,-1 mpetigo.-Incontinentia. 3019 urinae nocturna. - Leucorrhcea. - Lithiasis.-Luxatio spostanea.-Melanosis.-Melanchotia.-Menstruatio difficilis. - Ophthalmia. -Perniones. - Phthisis -Raucedo. - Rhagades manuum.-Syrigmrus.-Tinea, capitis.-U-llcera pedum. PETROSELINUtM. Gonorrhcea.- Gonorrhoea, secundaria. -Uretbritis turn acuta, turn chronica. PuHOSPHOR. Abscessus mammaee.-Alopecia..-A maurosis incipiens. - Amenorrhcea. - Aphonia, - Arthritis.Asthma.- Catarrhus. - Cephalalgia. - Chlorosis.Chorea, St. Viti. - Colica flatulenta. - Croup. Dentito difficilis. -Diarrhoea. - Dysecoia. - Exulceratio mammim.-Febris hectica.-Fungus haematodes. - Gastralgia, - Herpes. - Hydrops ascites. - Hypochondria. - Impetigo. -Induratio mammae.Inflammatio erysil-elatosa marnrne -Infilueriza.-Le - pra.-Lienteria. — Lithiasis. - Luxatio spontanea.- Paresis.- Peripneurnonia. - Phthisis. - Polypus narium. - Prosopalgia. - Raucedo. - Rhachitis. - Rbevmatismus. - Scarlatina. - Suffocatio.Syphilis. - Telangiectasis. -Tetanus. - Tinea, capitis. - Tophi. - Tumor leucophiegmaticus.'fumor faciei.-Turnor pedis.-Tussis.-Ulcus nasi. - Varix hoemorrhoidalis. - Visus nebulosus. - Vomitus chronicus.-Vomitus gravidarum. PIIYSALIS ALKEKINGI. Rhaphania. PLATINA. Alienatio mentis. - Balbuties. - Cepbalalgi'a. 320 Eclampsia. - Epilepsia. -Hysteria.-Induratio uteri. -Menstruatio profusa. -Metrorrhagia. - Nymphomania. - Odontalgia. - Polypus uteri. - Scirrhus uteri. PLUMBUM. Obstructio alvi. - Paresis extremitatum inferiorum. PRIJNUS SPINOSA. Fastidium ciborum. PSORICUM. Arthritis. - Blepharophthalmia.-Caries.-Condylomata humida.- Coryza. -Diarrhcea chronica.Dyspeps-ia. —:Fluor albus-Genitis chronica.-Gonorrhoea secundaria. - Hernia inguinalis. - Hepatitis chronica.-Herpes. ---Herpes fossw poplitew.-Herpes totius corporis. - Hydrocele. - Impetigo totius corporis. - Ischias. - Lienteria.-Melancholia religiosa. -Menostasid.- Metrorrhagia. - Obstructio alvi. - Phthisis. - Rhevmatismus chronicus. - Scabies. - Sycosis. - Tinea capitis. - Tinea, capitis et faciei.rfinea faciei.-Tussis.-Ulcera. —Ulcera labiorum. PULSATILLA. Abortus. - Affectiones gravidarum.-Agalactia. -Alienatio mentis.-Amblyopia.-Angina.-Arthritis. - Arthritis acuta. - Arthritis vaga. - Asthma. -Atrophia. - Cachexia.-Cardialgia.-Cardiogmus. Carus. - Cataracta. - Catarrhus. - Catarrhus pul. monum. - Cephalalgia.-Chlorosis.-Colica.-Colica menstrualis.-Contractiones uteri ad partum debilis. -Contract. uteri ad partum. spasmodicew.-Coryza.Diarrhcea. - Dolores post partum. - Dolor funiculi sper-matici. - Dysecoia. - Dysenteria. -Epilepsia. 321 Epistaxis.-Epulis-Erysipelas.-Feb. gastrica-Feb. intermittens.-Feb. nervosa.-Febris puerperalis.Furunculus.-Galactirrhcea gastricismus. - Gonorr. securid.-Gonorr. sup.-Hwnmatemesis.-Hammaturia. - Hoemoptysis. - Heirninthiasis. - Hemneralopia.Hepatitis. - Hordeolum.-Hydrocele.-Hydrops anasarka.-Hydrops ascites.-Hypochondria.-Hysteria. - lIctrus. - Impetigo. - Incontinentia urinme. -Indigestio.-Inflammatio scroti,.-Influenza.-Intertrigo. - Intumnesceritia mammam.- Ischuria.- Leucorrhcea. -Melanchbolia.- Menstruatio anomala.-Menstruatio sup. - Metastasis lactea.-Metastasis gonorrhoica. - Metroirthagia-Morbilli-Morbus niger-Odontalgia. -Ophthalmia..-Orchitis.-Osteitis. —Otitis.-Otorrhcea.-Ozoena.-Paralysis sphincteris vesicae urinanaee.-Perniones. -Pneumonia.-Phthisis.-Placenta adhaerens. - Pollutiones. - Prostatitis.- Raucedo.Rhevmnat-ismus. - Rhevmatismus acutus.-Scarlatina mul. - Singultus. - Sopor. -Spasmi.-Spasmi abdominis. - Stupor artuum. - Sudor nocturnus.-Suffocatio.-Syphilis. - Tumor pedis.-Tumor testiculi.T ussis. - Tussis convulsiva.-Ulcus auris.-Varix.Vertigo.-Vomitus.-Vomitus ciborum.-Zona, RANUNCULUS BULBOSUS. Congestiones. RANUNCULUS SCELERATUS. Cephalalgia. -Epilepsia.-Hepatalgia.-Herpes. -Ulcus nasi. RATANHIA. Diarrhoea chronicus. RHEIJm. Acidum ventriculi.-Diarrhcea. 322 RHODODENDRON. Arthritis..-Cachexia mercurialis.-Hydrocele. RHUS TOXOCODENDRON. Angina. - Arthritis. -Atrophia.-Cardiogmus. -Cephalagia. - Chorea St. Viti.-Coxalgia. —Diarrhoea. - Dolor abdominis. - Dolores arthritici.-Dysenteria. - Epistaxis. -Erysipelas bullosum.-Febris catarrhalis. - Febris gastrico-nervosa.-Febris intermittens. - Febris nervosa. - Febris puerperalis. - Foetor oris. - Furunculus.-Gonitis.-Hawmoptysis. -Hoemorrhagia pulmonum.-Helminthiasis.-Hemicrania.-Ilernia incarcerata.-Herpes exedens.-Hydrocephalus. - Hydrops. - Hyperostosis. - Hypochondria.-Impetigo.-Incontinentia urinwe.-Jnflammatio brachii. - Ischias. -Luxatio spontanea.-Morbus maculosus. -Odontalgia. -Ophtbalmia.-Orchitis.-Paralysis.- Parotitis.-Pemphigus.-Peripneu. monia nervosa. Phiegmatia alba dolens. - Phthisis pulmonalis. - Rhevmatismus. - Spasmus. - Stupor artuum. - Subluxatio pedis. - Syphilis.-Tinea capitis humida. - Tinea faciei.- Tophus.-Tumor pedis. - Tussis. - Ulicus. - Urticaria.. — Verrucae. - Zona. RUTA GRAVEOLENS. Amaurosis. - Amblyopia. - Gutta rosacea. - Paralysis.-Paresis articuilationum, tarsi et carpi. SABADILLA. Angina. - Febris intermittens. - Influenza.Teenia lata. SABINA. Abortus.-Arthritis.- Caries.- Leucorrhcea.-. Metrorrhagia.-Odontalgia. 323 SAMBUCUS NIGILA. Angina.-Asthmna. -Coryza sicca. -Croup. Febris intermittens. - Hy drops. -Phthisis tuberculosa. - Sudores abundantes. - Suffocatio. - Tussis plhthisica. SAPO DOMESTICUS. Combustiones. SARSAPARILLA. Arthritis.-Crusta lactea.-Lithiasis.-Obstruc. tio alvi. SECALE, CORNUTUM. Abortus.-Cholera asiatica.-Cholerina.-Colica menstrualis. - Contractiones ad partum uteri deficientes.-Contractiones ad partum uteri spasmodica-e. Dentitio difficilis.-Diarrhcea. - Epistaxi's- Melaena. Metrorrhagia.- Placenta incarcerata. - Putrescentia uteri. SENNA. Diarrhcea. SEPIA. Affectiones gravidarum. - Alienatio mentis.Arthritis.-Blepharoplegia. - Blepharoptosis.-Cancer nasi. - Cardialgia. - Caries. - Cephalalgia. - Coclialgia spasmodica.-Crusta lactea.-Dentitio difficilis.-Diarrhcea.-Dolores rheumatici. - Epistaxis. - Exulceratio mammae. - Febris intermittens.Gonorrhcea. - Herpes. - Herpes auris. - Hydrops. Uiysteria.-Impetigo.-Imnpotentia.-Induratio uteri. -Influenza.-Intertrigo.- Lepra. - Leucorrhoea. — Mania. - Menstruatio profusa. - Menstruatio suppressa. - Obstructio.- Odontalgiia.-Ophthalmia. 324 Oz aena. - Panaritium. - Phthisis. -Phthisis laryngea.-Pneumonia.-Pollutio. - Prosopalgia.- Pruritus vulvae,. Pyrosis. - Rhevmatismus. - Scabies. -Scirrhus uteri.- Scirrhus labii inferioris. -Schrophulosis.-Scrophulosa dispositio.-Spasmi. -Syphilis.-Tinea capitis humida.-T umor manus.-Tussis. Tussis convulsiva. - Ulcus pedum. - Verrucae. - Vomiac. SILICEA. Abscessus. - Abseessus hepatis. - Abscessus mamniee.-A ffectio abdominis chronica. - Cachexia. Carbunclus.- Caries. - Caries pedum. et brachii.Caries ossium, faciei. - Cephalalgia. - Chorea St. Viti.-Dispositio coryzae.- Dysecoia. - Epilepsia. Febris hectica. -Febris intermittens. - Febris verminosa. -Fungus corne s. -Gangrrena.-Gonitis. Gonorrhoea chronica.-Hoemorrhoides ececaee-Helmintlhiasis.-Herpes.-H erpes gonori hoicus.-Hydrocele.-Hydrops anasarka. -Hysteria.-Ind uratio telse cellulosee infantum., - Induratio glandularum. - Inflamnmatio vasorum. lymphaticorum. - Intumescentio parotidis. - Ichorosis. - Ischias.-Lepra orientalis,Leucorrhoea. - Luxatio spontanea.-Mastitis.-Menstruatio difficilis. - Odontalgia. - Ophthalmia. - Ossium morbi. -Panaritium.-Panus scrophulosus. Paralysis. -Phthisis. - Phthisis laryngea.-Prosopalgia.-Rhachitis.-Rhevmatismus.-Scirrhus genu, Scirrhus, labii superioris. -Scrophulosis.-Stranguria. - Syphilis. -Tinea capitis.-Tumor lymphaticus.Tumor genu.-Ulcus.-U icus corneae.-Ulcus manus, Ulcus oris et linguae.-Ulcus putridum.-Ulcus scrophulosum.-Vomitus chronicus. SOLANTJM MAMMOSUM. Varicellke. 325 SOLANUM NIGRUM. Raphania. PGIELTA. Amblyopia. -Blepharophtbalmia.-Blepharoplegia.-Cardiogmus. - Convulsiones. - Dolor oculi.Dysecoia. - Febris verminosa. -Helminthiasis. —Inflammatio cordis. - Influenza. - tntumescentia testiculi. - Nictitatio. -~ Odontalgia. - Ophthalmia. - Rhevmatica, arthritica. - Prosopalgia.- Spasmi pectoris.-Tenesanus auirium. SPIRITUS NITRI DULCIS. Cardialgia.-Febris nervosa.-Verrucee. SPONGIA TOSTA. Angina tonsillaris. - Asthma. - Asthma thymi cum Koppii. - Bronchitis. -Crouip. -Intumescentia et Induratio testiculi. - Laryngitis chronica. -Phthisis.-Phthisiis lary3ngea.-Syphilis.-Tussis chronica. SQIJILLA MARITIMA. Asthma humidum. - Catarrhus chronicus.Croup. - Diabetes. - Hydrops ascites.-Influenza.Peripneumonia.-Pleuritis gastrica. STANN tM. Abscessus.-Asthma spasticum infantum.-Blenorrhoea pulinonurn. - Cardialgi~a. - Catarrhus chronicus. - Epilepsia.-Fluor albus chronicusq.-Haematemesis.-Hemiplegia. --- H ypochondria.-Flysteria.Leucorrhmea. - Influ'enza. -Melanosis.-Paralysis.Phthisis pituitosa. -Phthisis. -ProsopalIgia.-Rhevmnatismus. - Spasinus. - Sudor. - Txenia. -~ Tussis phthisica. a 326 STA PHYSAGRIA. Alopecia. -Arthritis. - Cachexia mercurialis.Cancer uteri.-Cairdialgia. -Dysuria.-Dysenteria.Epulis. - Febris intermittens.-Herpes. —Hyperostosis. -Hypochondria. - Impetigo.-Indu ratio glanclularum palpebrarum. - Ischuria. - Lithiasis. -Lupus, vorax.-Odontalgia. - Prosopalgia.-Scrophbulosis.Spasmi. - Struinia.- Tiriea capitis. - Tophus.-Tumor gen u.-Tumor oris.-Ulcera oris. STRAMONIU M. Alienatio mentis. - Amblyopia. - Apoplexia.Catalepsis. - Chorea St. Viti. - Colica flatulenta.Delirium tremens. -Encephalitis. -Epilepsia.-Febris nervosa. - Gonorrhcea. -Hemeralopia.-Ilydrophobia.-Influenza.-Lipothymiae Dispositio.-Mania. -Melancholia.-Menstruatio suppressa.-Morbilli.Prosopalgia.-Singultu~s.-Spasmi pectoris.-Tetanus. -Typhus exanthernaticus. STRONTIANA CARBONICA. Sensus pressorius ventricufli. S ULPHUR. Abscessus, alveolaris.-Abscessus nmamm ae-Affectiones abdominales.-Alienatio mentis.-A lopecia. Amaurosis incipiens.-Amenorrhcea. -Angina tonsillaris-Angina uvularis chronica.-Aphonia.-Aptbae. Arthritis.-Asthma.-Atrophia.-Blepharopbtbalmia. -Cachexia me rcurialis.-Cancer nasi.-Cardialgia. Caries. - Catalepsis. - Cataracta. - Cephalalgia. - Chorea St. Viti. - Colica haemorrhoidalis. - Coxarthrocace. - Crusta lactea. -Crusta, serpiginosa.-Cyphosis-Desquamatio epidermidis.-Diarrhcea-Diarrhcea dysenterica.-Dolor pectoris.-Dolor sacralis. 327 Dysgecoia. - Dysenteria. - Dyspepsia.-Dysphagi'a.Encephalitis. - Epilepsia.-Erysipelas faciei.-Erysipe~las habit uale.-Excrescentia funigosa.-Exulceratio mammw. - Febris hectica. - Febris intermittens.Febris nervosa.-Fistula.-Fistula urinae.-Gonitis.Gonorrboea. - Hwmoptce. - Hwemorrhoides.-Hepa - titis. -Herpes. - Herpes crustaceus.-Herpes humidiis, -Herpes miliaris. - Herpes narium. -Hydrops anas-arka-Hydrothorax.-Hypochond ria.-Icteiruis. Impetigo.-lncontinentia urinae. -Indu ratio hepatis. - Induratio testiculi. - Irntertrigo. - Intumescentia, gland ularum.-I ntumescentia, pedis.-Ischias.-Keratoditis scrophulosa.-Lepra. - Leucorrhcea.-Luxatio spontanea. - Melancholia. - Menstruatio difficilis. - Menstruatio suppressa. - Obscuratio corneas. -Obstructio, alvi. - Obstructio, narium. - Odontalg'ia.Oophoritis. - Ophthalmia. -Otitis. - Panaritiun,Panus. - Paralvsis.-Pa rulis.- Perniones.-Phthisis. -Phthisis pituitosa.-Pneumonia. - Polypus vesicae urina riae. - Prosopalcgia.-Psorophthalmia, - Pyrosis. -Raucedo. - Rhachiorrheuma. - Rhachitis.-Rhagades. - Rhevmatismus. - Scabies. - SCdllatiria. - Scrophulosis. - Singultus.-Spasmi tetanici.-Spasrn. per dentitionem. - Sycosis.-Syphilis. ---Tabes. ---Telangiectasis -Tenesmus.-Tinea capitis.-Tremor.Tumor genu.-Tumnor hepatis.-Tumor mammee.Tumor manus. - Tumor pedis. - Tussis.-Tuss is ferina. - Ulcus. -Ulcus fungosum.-Ulcus mammae.Ulcus ped um.-Variolae.-Vertigo.-Veiriucwe.-Vomica.-Vomitus. SYPHILIN. Gonorrhoea secunidaria. TABACUM. Chorea.-Epilepsia.-Tussis convulsiva. 328 TA RAXACUM. Cephalalgia.-Diabetes.-Febris intermittens. TARTARUS EMETICUS. Alienatio mentis. - Amblyopia.-Asphyxia neonatorum.-Asthma.-Carus.- Croup.-Dysenteria.Gastricismus. - Impetigo. - Lithiasis. -Prosopalgi a rhevma tica.-Rhevmatismus.-Suffocatio.-Tussis.Tussis -ferina. —Vomituritio. TEUCRIUM MARUM VERUM. Ascarides. THERIDION CURASSAVICUM. Hysteria.-YVomitus. THUYA OCCIDENTALIS. Cancer uteri.-Febris inter-mittens.-Gonorrhcea. Herpes. - Hysteria.- Ozaena.-Rhevmatismus.-Sycosis.-Verruce,. TINEIN. Tenea. URTICA URENS. Combustiones.-Dysenteria. UVA URSI. Ischuria. —Lithiasis.-Stranguria. YACCININ. Maculae cornewe-Variolae. VALERIANA. Amblyopia.-Cephalalgia.- Epilepsia.-Ereth is 329 mus nervorum. - Febris intermittens. - Hoemorrhoides.-Hysteria. VARIOLIN. Variolae. VERATRUM ALBUM. Affectio abdominalis.-Affectiones gravidarum.Alienatio mentis. -Appetitus morbificus.-Arthritis. -Blepharoplegia.-Blepharoptosis.-Cachexia chinme Cardialgia.-Clholera asiatica. - Cholera sporadica.Colica flatulenta. - Debilitas. - Diarrhcea.- Dysenteria.-Febris gastrica. - Febris intermittens.-Gastroataxia. - l Haematemesis. - Hemeralopia.-Hemicrania.-Llernia inguinalis.-Hypoehondria.-Hysteria.-Impetigo. —4nfluenza. - Lipothymia -Menstruatio anomala - Menstruatio suppressa. -Nymphomania.-Obstructio.-Odontalgia.-Palpitatio cordis.Rhevmatis mus.-Peripneumonia. - Scabies.-Scarlatina.-Spasmi hysterici.-Strabismus.-T ussis convulsiva.-Vomitus. VERBASCUM. Piosopalgia.-Tussis. VINCA MINOR. Plica polonica. -Tinea capitis et faciei. VIOLA ODORATA. Hysteria. ZINCUM METALLICUM. Asthma. - Cardialgia. - Cephalalgia. -Chorea St. Viti.-Dolor testiculi.-Febris nervosa.- FlatuR3 330 lentia.-Hernia inguinalis.-Herpes.-Impetigines.Obstructio alvi.-Paresis.-Prosopalgia.-Raucedo.Rhevmatismus chronicus. - Scabies. - Syphilis. - Tinea capitis.-Tumor nairum. ZINCUM CARBONICUM. Herpes tonsillarum et palati mollis. ZINCUM SULPITURICUM. Chorea St. Viti. 331 INDEX. A. Page Abortion vid. Abortus.. 1 ~~the consequences of 2 Abscess. *.... 2 pectoral... 2 epigastric... 3 Albugo, see MacubaCornea 196 Amblyopia amaurotica 3 Amaurosis........3 Amennorrhoea......4 Anasarca, see Hydrops Anasarca..........174 Aneurismus............5 Anger.........5 Angina... cat arrhalis.. 7 Faucium.. 8 phiegmonodes.. Laryngea *. 8 Chronica.. 9 Membranacea.. 9 mercurialis..12 Palatina..12 - Parotidea *.12 Pectoris 12-42 Pharyngea.. 12 pituitosa..13 Scirrhosa..13 Serosa..13 Synochia..13 Tonsillaris..13 Angor Nocturnus..15 Anosmia........15 Anthrax........15 Apetitus mnorbosus 15 Aphonia.........I Apthe........ 16 Apn~oea....... 17 Apoplexia.........17 Arthritis acuta..20 chronica..22 inveterata.. 22 Page Arthritis ossaria 22 vaga.......23 Arthrocace.......23 Ascarides........23 Ascites,see Hydrops Ascites 175 Asphyxia.........24 Asthenia.........24 Asthenia visus *25 Asthma........25 ___millari..........28 millari similatum. 28 spasmodic.... 29 Thymicum, koppii 29 hurnidum.. 29 Atonia ventriculi... 29 Atrophia infantum.. 29 Atroghy of children, see Atrophia infantum Atrophia manus sinistrue 30 B. Balanitis........30 Balannorrhea..........31 Balbuties........31 Bleeding from the nose, see Epistaxis...........103 BIennorrhoea nasalis.. 31 ventriculi. 31 intestinorum. 32 _____intestini recti 32 Blepharophthalmia 33 Blepharoplegia.......33 Blepharospasmus 33 Blepharoptosis.......33 Boils, see Furunculus..152 Bronchitis.......33 Breasts, inflammation of the, see Mastitis......19 7 Bubo.......... 34 Bruises, se C~otu-tuon-es 71 C. Cachexia........34 332 INDEX. Page Camomile, abuse of... 35 Cancer...... 35 - labie...... -- nasi...... 35 uteri...... 35 ventriculi.. 36 Carbuncle........ 87 Cardialgia..... 37 Cardiogmus...... 42 Cardiopalmus...... 43 Carditis........ 43 Caries........ 44 Catalepsy........ 46 Catamenia, see Menstrualataxien........ 199 Cataract........ 46 Catamenia, retention of, see Menostasia.... 198 Catarrhus........ 47 Cephalalgia.. 49 Cephalalgra, see also Hemicrania......49 Chaps, see Rhagades.. 256 Chlorosis........ 57 Cholera mitis.... 58 asiatica.. 59 Cholerina........ 64 Chorea st. Viti...... 64 Claudicatio spontanea. 66 Clavi pedis...... 67 Cselialgia spasmodica. 67 Colic.......... 67 - flatulent..... 69 Hoemorrhoidalis. 69 Hepatica..... 69 - menstrualis... 69 Nephritica...... 70 Lead........ 70 - hernialis...... 70 Congestion.... 70 Contusiones..... 71 Constipatio, see Obstructio alvi..... 215 Convulsions..... 72 in young children 75 Coryza........ 78 Coxalgia...... 79 Cough, see Catarrhus, also Tussis......* 277 Cold in head, see Coryza Page Coxarthrocace....... 80 Croup, see Angina membranosa........ 9 Croup spasmodic, see Asthma Millari........ 28 Crusta lactea.... 80 - Serpiginosa.... 80 Cyanosis........ 80 See also Morbus coeruleus 212 Cyphosis........ 81 Cystisis........ 81 Chilblains, see Pernio.. 242 D. Deafness, see Dysecoea.. 94 Debility, see Asthenia.. 24 Deliquium Animi... 81 Delirium Tremens.... 82 Dentitio difficilis.... 82 Depilatio........ 83 Desquamatio epidermitis.. 83 Diabetes...... 83 Diaphragmatitis.... 83 Diarrhoea........ 84 Dimness of Vision, see Amblyopia..... 3 Dolores abdominis gravidse 91 Capitis et nuchae.. 91 Rheumatica artuum 91 faciei.. 92 - - funiculi spermatici 93 pedum...... 93 ante Partum 93 ad Partum... 94 post Partum 94 Dropsy, see Hydrops. 173 Dysecoea........ 94 Dyscinesia humeri.. 95 Dysentery....... 95 Dyspepsia........ 97 Dysphagia spasmodica.. 98 Dysuria.........98 E Ear, discharge from the, see Otorrhoea.. 233 Ear-ache, see Otalgia.. 232 Eclampsia infantum.... 98 i INDEX.33 333 Page. Ecehymoses (of the eyeball) 98 Encephalitis........98 Ectropium..........98 Enteritis........99 Epilepsy........99 Epiphora.......103 Epistaxis.......103 Epulis..103 Erysipelas Faciei...104 Bullosum..105 Scroti...106 Erithismus........106 Eruptions impetiginous, see Impetigines........181 Excrescence from the Nose, see Epulis Exulceratio Pappillie mamillaris.......106 Exanthemata...... 106 Eyelids, Morbid winking of see Nictitatio........214 Page. Furor Uterinus......152 Furunculus........152 G. Galactirrhoea......153 Gangrene.......153 Gastralgia, see Cardialgia 37 Gastritis........153 Gastroataxive..........154 Giastrornalacia......155 Gastric Derangements, see Gastroataxise Gonorrhoea.... 156 _____secundaria 157 -____ inveterata 158 Gravel, see Lithiasis.~195 Guita Rosacea........158 Giddiness, see Vertigo..289 Gibbosity, see Cyphosis 81 Glossitis........155 Glossoplegia......155 F. %-XvIIArpa auut..........L Fainting, see Asphyxia 24 Gout, see Arthritis... 20 Deliquium Animi 81 Gonitis........156 Fevers, see Febris.. Ill Gonocele.......156 Febris, e 1 H. Arthritica... 1 Biliosa.........113 ffoemnatemesis......158 Catarrhalis..115 Hvematuria.......159 Flava......115 Haiemoptysis......159 Gastrica...115 Heemorrhagia Uteri.. 161 Hectica... 116 See also Metrorrhagia 201 - Inflammatoria..117 Oculorum 161 I ntermittens... 117 Heemorrhoides.... 162 - Miliaris.... 139 Heartburn, see Cardialgia, Infantilis...139 and Soda'.. 37-266 Nervosa (Typhus) 140 Headache, see Cephalalgia 49 FPierperalis...146 lateral, see Beiei. Putrida... *. 150 crania....... - Rheumatic...150 Hair, falling off of the, see - Verminosa...150 Depilatio..........83 Fistula........151 Hemeralopia..........163 Lachrynmalis *.151 Hemicrania...........163 Salivalis...152 Hemiplegia...........165 Flatulentia....... 152 facialis.. 166 Fluor albus, see Leucorrhoea 193 Hepatitis..166 Fungus Hoematodes.... 152 Hernia....... 167 -- Medullaris Retinue 152 Herpes........167 334 INDEX. Page. Hiccough, see Singultus.. 266 Hordeolum..... 171 Hooping cough, see Tussis ferina...... 2S2 Hydrocele....... 172 Hydrocephalus acutus.. 172 chronicus.. 173 Hydrophobia...173 Hydrops........ 173 -- Acutus....174 Anasarca.. 174 Ascites.... 175 Ovarii.... 175 - Plectoris.... 175 Hydrothorax, see Hydrops Pectoris........ 175 Hypochondriasis.... 175 Hysteralgia spasmodica.177 Hysteria........177 I. Icterus...... 179 Jaundice, see Icterus.. 179 Ileus........ 180 Impaired vision, see Asthenia visus....... 24 Impetigines..... 181 Impotentia.... 1n5 Incontinentia alvi.... 185 U-rinee.... 185 Induratio...... 186 Inflammatio Erysipalous 187 of the breasts.. 187 face.. 187 feet.. 187 leg.. 187 - arm.. 188 Inflammation of the joints see Arthritis...... 20 eyelids see Blepharophthalmia...... 32 --- of the Heart, see Carditis........ 43 Bladder, see Cystitis........ 81 Diagphragm, see Diaphragmatitis.... 83 -- Brain, see Encephalitis...... 78 Page. Inflammation of the Intestines, see Enteritis.... 99 ----- Stomach, see Gastritis......153 ------ Tongue, see Glossitis....... 155 --- Knee-joint, see Gonitis...... 156 ---- Liver, see Hepatitis...... 166 -Uterus, see Metritis........ 201 -of the CEsophagus see CEsophagitis.... 224 Eyes, see Ophthalmia........ 224 Testis, see Orchitis........ 231 -- Ear, see Otitis 233 -- of the Peritoneum, see Peritonitis.... 241 Influenza..... 188 Intertrigo........190 Intumescentia, Inflam..190 Iritis Arthritica.... 190 Ischias nervosa...... 191 Ischuria........ 192 K. Kidneys, affection of the, see Nephritis....... 213 L. Leesio capitis... - iEsophagi.. Laryngitis acuta -- chronic Laryngismus Stridulus, Asthma millari Lepra..... Lethargus.... Leucoma..... Leucophlegmasia. Leucorrhoea Lienteria..... Lithiasis.... Lochiorrhoea Lochia suppressa.. 192.. 192.. 192.. 192 see.. 28.. 193.. 193.. 193.. 193.. 193. 195. 195.. 196.. 196 INDEX.35 335 Page. Lumbago.......196 Lumbrici............196 Lupia.........196 Lupus vorax......196 Luxatio spontanea femoris 196 Loss of sense of smell, see Anosmia...........15 M. Mlacul~e cornen ve. 196 M-ania, see Mlorbi Animi.. Marasmus........197 M astitis........197 Maschalopanus......198 Measles, see Morbilli..198 NIMeliena, see Morbus niger Melancholia, see Morbi animi....... Meloncus........198 Meningitis Acuta Infantmn see Hydrocephalus 172 Puerperalis..198 Menostasia.........198 Menstrualataxien... 199 Menstruation, irregularities of the, see INI enstrualataxien Metritis........201 Metrorrhagia......Q01 Monomania moesta....205 Morbili..............203 Morbi Animi..........207 Morbus Cceruleus.... 212 Morbus Niger Hippocratis 21U2 Mucous Hvemorrhoids. 32 Mumps, see Angina Paro. tidea.........12 N. Necrosis........213 Nephralgia.......213 Nephritis.......213 Neuralgia.......214 Nictitatio.......21 4 Notalgia........215 Nymphomania......215 Nightblindness, see Hemeralopia........163 0. Obstructio alvi Obscuratio cornuea Odontalgia CiEdemative CiEsophagitis Ophthalmia Orchitis... Orthopnoea Oscheocele Ossium morbi Osteocopi. Otalgia Otorrhoea.... Ozoena Page. 215 216 216 223 224 224 231 231t~ 231 232 232 232 233 233 P. Palpitatio cordis...234 Panaritium........235 Paralysis of Tongue, see Glossoplegia........153 Pains, see Dolores.... 91 Parabysma, see Physconia 248 Parablepsis............235 Paralysis........235 Paresis.........236 Palsy imperfect, see Paresis Parotis........237 Parutis... 237 Pemphigus.......23 7 Pneumonia, see Peripneumonia..238 nervosa 240 Peritonitis........241 Pernio........ 2412 Phimosis.......242 Phlegmatia alba dolens. 242 Photophobia scrofulosa..243 Phrenitis.......243 Phthisis........243 pulm~onalis...244 laryngea...247 Physconia.......248 Piles, see Hiemorrhoides 162 Placenta incarcerata. 248 Pleuritis.....248 Pleuropneumonia...250 Plica polonica.... 251 336 33& INDEX. Podagra..... Pollutiones nocturnse Priapismus Polypus Presbyopia Proctalgia..... Proctorrboaa Prolapsus uteri Prostatitis........ Prolapsus ani Prosopalgia Pseudo syphilis Psoitis,.... Psoraphtbalmia... Psora, see Scrophulosis Page 251 251 252 252 252 252 252 252 253 253 253 253 253 254 264 R. Ranula........254 Raphania......25 Retentio mensium, see Amennorrhoea.... 4 Urinve, see Dysuria 98 Ischuria 192 Rhachitis........255 Rhaghades........256 Rheumatismus acutus..256 chronicus. 259 Rhinitis........260 Rhinorrhagia......261 Rigor..........61 Rubeola, see, Morbilli 205 Sarcocele.......261 Scabies........262 Scarlatina.......262 Scirrhus........264 Scrophulosis......264 Scarlet Fever, see Scarlatina Singultus........266 Soda..........266 Spasmi........266 Spasm of eye-lids.. 32 -~ abdominal, see Caelialgia.......67 Splenalgia........269 Stomacace (Canker of the mouth)........269 Pace Stranguria.......'69 Struma........270 Sore Throat, see Augina.. 5 Skin, desquamation of the 83 Spitting of blood, see H vmoptysis. 159 -Stye, see Hordeolum. 171 Swellings, see Intumescentia 190 ~~cedematous.... 223 Sudor nocturnus.... 270 'Sweat, -night, see Sudor Suffocatio.......270 Sycosis........270 Syphilis........271 secundaria. 272 Syrigmus... 273 Singing in the ears, see, Syrigmus. Staymmering, see Balbuties 31 Scald-head,see Tinea capitis 275 Small-pox, see Variola 288 T. Tabes.........273 Toenia........273 Teething, see Dentitio 82 -~ Convulsions of children Telangiectasis..........274 Tenesmus........274 Tetanus..............274 Tinea capitis..........275 Tracheitis, see Angina membranacea 9 Tophi.........276 Trismus........277 Tumor genu......277 Tic doloreux, see Proso. palgia........253 Toothache, see Odontalgia 216 Tussis.........277 -ferina.......282 - nocturna......284 - suffocatoria. 284 Tympanitis chronica..285 U. Ulceratio nasi. Ulcus..285..235 INDEX. 337 Paxe Pare Urethritis...... 288 Vomiting Chronic.... 90 Urine bloody, see Hema- of blood, see turial....... 159 H ematemesis.... 158 Urticaria........ 288 Vulnus........ 292 V. W. Varicella.... 288 Whitlow, see Panaritium.. 235 Variola........ 288 Warts, see Verruca.. 289 Vermitio........ 288 Vertigo...2..... 89 Verruca....... 289 Zona........ 292 FINIS. George Odell, Printer, 18, Princes street, Cavendish-square. ERRAT A. Page 20, line 7, after joints read (Gout),, 17, for was read were. 91, 12, Nuchce read Nuchw. 95, 31, for of read in. 121, 3, after shivering put, 135, 15, for posponente read postponentc. 273, 18, for Tinnitis read Tinnitus. ,,IZ It.4,. "I ', I 11,, I I I 1 A-1. - U- Y I I I i 111 1 1 1 3 9015 01056 8544 A 575840 i.