8 478068 MEDICAL LIBRARY AR'rf-.:1 MTM V.F- R iTA JUB IG In OFA.............. J Nkjýfp-iG-RlSk:Xfkýý;c.QUAER15-PENI N SULAMAMOE '41 CORCUMSPIC., LM FAR Iffl JJLI ULI -A% W M-%! 10 WPJ 7: CR lýTjj-j-j'Fjjjj FflTilil Mri Jit Irlillillml ]III TrAlluirill 1 RIP REPERTORY TO HERING'S CONDENSED MATERIA MEDICA PUBLISHED BY THE HOMCEOPATHIC MEDICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA PHILADELPHIA 1889 CONTENTS. Page. Preface............................. 2 Repertory of Symptoms of the Lower Extremities........... 1-156 (John L. Ferson, M.D.) Repertory of Male Sexual Organs................. 157-164 | (Chandler Weaver, M.D.) Repertory to Appetite, Thirst, Desires, Aversions........ 165-175 (Edward Cranch, M.D.) Repertory of Outer Chest..................... i176-208 (S. F. Shannon, M.D.) Repertory of Stomach Symptoms.................. 209-229 (A. P. Bowie, M.D.) Repertory of Aggravations with Reference to Mental Symptoms only.. 230-285 (Z. T. Miller, M.D.) Repertory of Symptoms of the Tongue................ 286-312 (Eduardo Fornias, M,D.) Repertory of Symptoms Occuring During Pregnancy.......... 313-360 o (Theodore J. Gramm, M.D.) Repertory of Heart Symptoms........-........... 361-432 (E. R. Snader, M;D.) PREFACE. T HE "Repertory to Hering's Condensed Materia Medica," so far as completed, is herewith presented to the Homowopathic Medical Society of Pennsylvania. To insure absolute correctness each paper has been sent to the author, or compiler, for revision. Attempt has been made to preserve a symmetrical arrangement of all the papers, and at the same time to allow each author as much freedom as possible in the repertorial arrangement of the symptoms. J. C. GUERNSEY, M.D., Ch'm., Editorial Committee: CHAS. MOHR, M.D., LE. R. SNADER, M.D. REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. ARRANGED BY JOHN L. FERSON, M.D., PITTSBURG, PA. Abscess of knee, gouty, with pain and loss of sleep: Guaiacum. popliteal, hamstrings contracted after: Lachesis. psoas, causing paralysis of lower limbs: Cuprum met. muscle contracted after: Lachesis. Abdomen, drawing, laming pain from, down left leg: Carbo veg. stitches through from bruised pain in crest of ilium: Kreosotum. Accompanying the pains, weariness, heaviness and inability to move: Colchicum. Acetabulum to knee, shooting pains from, worse moving about: Natrum ars. Ache, in sacro-ischiatic foramen sharply defined, with tenderness on pressure: Podophyllum. Aching anteriorally down legs, until restless, uneasy feeling is produced: Natrum ars. in both knees, hard: Apocynum can. in ball of left great toe, stitching pain: Cannabis ind. in calves on walking or going up stairs, with heaviness and weakness of legs: Kali bich. which are swollen: Pulsatilla. in corns, stinging: Sulphur. in heels, after long standing: Zingiber. in hip, leg becomes elongated: Thuya. in hip-joint, as if dislocated: Causticum. in knees, heavy: Lilium tig. in left foot, drawing and: Colocynthis. in legs: Rumex. towards evening, with insupportable pain, better on moving: Mercurius jod. rub. 2 REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. Aching in limbs as if bones were broken: Eupatorium perf. in muscles and joints on awaking, bruised feeling: Ptelea tri. in nates while sitting; pain extends to small of back, sacrum and hip-joint: Staphisagria. in sacral bones, with sore pain in thighs: Calcarea phos. in shin bones: Lachesis. in sole of left foot; no relief from change of position: Hydrastis. lymphatic swelling on ball of great toe: Baryta carb. of legs and knees, weakness: Hydrastis. cannot keep them still; worse when giving up control of herself, as when trying to go asleep: Lilium tig. of limbs, worse at night: Podophyllum. when sitting, with trembling: Kobaltum. of soles when standing: Crocus. pains from hips to ankles, as though she had walked many miles; felt more in the bones: Mercurius jod. rub. sciatica of right side, pain dull: Rhus tox. tired, and stiffness of knees; almost entire paralysis of lower limbs: Cannabis ind. Acute, crampy, tearing pain in posterior muscles, especially those of the calf; better in morning and when rubbing affected part; worse toward evening and when quiet: Valeriana. Affected limb cooler than rest of body: Ledum. Afternoon and night, rending, shooting, sciatic or crural neuralgia, in attacks, worse in: Coffea. debility and weakness of lower limbs all, with sick feeling and dread of work: Argentum nit. feet cold: Sanguinaria. weakness of knees: Hamamelis. Afternoons, drawing in inner side of left thigh: Colocynthis. Air, open, drawing and tearing pains in thighs, knees, legs and feet; worse in, better in warmth of bed: Causticum. drawing pains, internal heat of limb, surface cool; better in: Mezereum. REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. 3 Air, left hip pains, as it sprained, when walking in: Hepar. tension in right tarsal joint when walking in: Belladonna. Alternate days drawing, tearing in limbs on, or at night; worse at rest: Lycopodium. Anguish, and pain in legs; limbs cold, especially feet, feel as if in cold water: Gelsemium. Ankle, and bones of feet, tearing in; ceases when warm in bed: Ammonium carb. and thigh, right, pains come into, after leaving left limb: Benzoic ac. drawing, pressive pains in: Agaricus. fistulous ulcer on the: Calcarea phos. joint and knee, tension in: Causticum. lame feeling of, when sitting or walking: Natrum mur. rending, shooting and tearing in: Calcarea phos. weariness of: Aloes. joints pain when walking: Lithium carb. knee, and hip-joints, cracking and creaking in: Camphora. pain in, as if sprained, when stepping on left foot: Anacardium. tearing pain in feet, after severe chill; worse from any motion: Chamomilla. pains as if sprained, with laming pain in right hip-joint and thigh; must limp when walking: Drosera. right, and great toe-joint, sharp pain: Sanguinaria. and left heel, stitches in: Kreosotum. feels as if dislocated, can scarcely walk; later the left: Veratrum vir. tearing pain in, as if sprained, only when walking: Drosera. shooting, tearing pains in: Aconitum. sprained or dislocated easily; so weak that it gives way: Natrum carb. stitches from outside of right calf, down to, violent: Guaiacum. swelling around, cannot use foot: Asafcetida. 4 REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. Ankle, swelling of feet around, with difficult breathing: Hepar. swollen after a sprain: Agnus cast. and inflamed; stitches go from to lower leg: Manganum acet. tearing in nates, hip, knee, leg, foot, and: Ambra. to, from knees: Lachnanthes. tension in, on motion: Bryonia. to hips; pain gradually rises, causing constant motion and shifting of feet when sitting, better when walking: Belladonna. weak, foot turns under when walking: Carbo an. Ankles and feet dropsical; gout: Eupatorium perf. cedematous: Apocynum can., Mercurius. pains through; feet puffed; soles burn: Phytolacca. and knees feel sprained: Natrum mur. and knee-joints stiff: Sulphur. drawing pain in knees, feet, toes and: Caulophyllum. feel paralyzed, legs also: Natrum mur. herpes on knees and: Petroleum. itching around, in evening: Selenium. of, intense, also top of feet, worse after scratching, much worse in warmth of bed: Ledum. pain after a sprain or dislocation: Ruta. stiffness of: Chelidonium, Drosera. swelling of feet, worse around, feet sore to touch; violent tearing in soles, after washing: Mercurius jod. rub. swollen, after sitting too long; feet swell in the evening: Rhus tox. evenings: Stannum. tearing in; also in toes, tendo-achillis, tibae, and calves: Colchicum. tiba~ and dorsum of feet, boring in: Aurum mur. to, from hips, aching as though she had walked many miles, felt more in bones: Mercurius jod. rub. weak, cannot walk: Sulphuricum ac. and feeling of a heavy weight in each instep: Arnica. Anxious, restless, asleep; lower limbs; has to move them: Calcarea phos. REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. 5 Apoplexy, paralysis of limbs after: Nux vom. Arthritic inflammation of knees; also with nodosities: Nux vom. lancinations, followed by contractions of limbs: Guaiacum. nodosities about joints, with swelling, redness, and sensation as if sprained: Rhododendron. pain in heel: Mephitis. pains brought on by least cold: Phosphoricum ac. in foot, worse towards evening; fears passers may strike it; big toe red, feels strained: Arnica. in joints: Sepia. swelling of feet, hot: China. Articular pains preceded by numbness and tingling: Nitrum. Ascending, is unable to walk up stairs on account of almost entire paralysis of limbs, with. stiffness and tired aching: Cannabis ind. rheumatic pains, from below upward: Ledum. stairs aggravates pains and weakness in left hip: Podophyllum. aggravates weakness of knees, with pain: Lithium carb. knees give way; hamstrings feel shortened and weak: Ruta. right knee pains, as if wrenched or sprained, when: Nux mosch. especially difficult, felt in knees; going down, less so: Kali carb. steps, knees totter when: Cantharis. or walking caused aching and weakness of calves; heaviness of legs: Kali bich. or walking, toes spasmodically contract, when: Hyoscyamus. weariness of thighs, worse when: Bryonia. Ascends gradually from ankle to hip, pain; necessitates, while sitting, constant motion and shifting of feet; is milder when walking: Belladonna. to thigh from right knee, pain, or descends to leg; worse from contact than from motion: China. (See " Rises.") 6 REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. Asleep, both legs; sensation as if, step, not firm: Ambra. feet, alternately with hands: Cocculus. and lower legs feel as if: Rhododendron. feel as if: Ammonium mur., Psorinum. feel as if; swelling of feet: Sepia. feel dead or: Lycopodium. go, immediately after sitting down: Antimonium tart. go, when crossing legs or sitting: Laurocerasus. pricking as if, with numbness: Colchicum. foot, first left then right goes, disappears on walking: Millefolium. left goes: Colocynthis. leg goes, frequently, when sitting, standing, or lying on it at night: Ammonium carb. left, and arm feel as if they would go asleep: Niccolum. left, goes asleep easily: Fluoricum ac. legs and feet go: Mezereum. feel as if they had gone: Mercurius cor. go, and tingle, while sitting or when crossing them: Crotalus. go, when sitting, in evening: Calcarea carb. go, when sitting quietly: Antimonium crud. limbs feel as if: Ailanthus, Argentum met., Natrum mur., Stramonium, Sulphur. feel restless, anxious; has to move them: Calcarea phos. go: Graphites, Guaiacum. go, and become stiff: Petroleum. go, cannot stand on them: Bovista. go, easily; sore and lame; evenings: Silicea. go, in putting one over the other; when lying: Rheum. go, when awaking, more lying than moving: Aurum. go, when lying: Veratrum alb. go, when lying on them; bruised, numb: Carbo veg. go, when walking: Sepia. nates: feel, stinging on small spots; itching; burning; sore spots; oozing scurfs: Calcarea phos. REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. 7 Asleep, nates go, when sitting: Alumina. soles feel as if, limbs weak, when walking: Oleander. toes go, while walking; hot prickling in toes: Aconitum. lacerating, jerking, rheumatic pains in legs, as soon as he goes: Lachesis. limbs jerk when falling: Kobaltum. Atrophy of left leg; caries of right hip: Capsicum. of muscles; sciatica: Plumbum. Bandaged, knees pain as if firmly, when sitting, with tottering stiffness and paralytic feeling of: Aurum. knees, sensation as if, or made tense, when sitting; with painful uneasiness in: Anacardium. (See " Bound.") Beaten, all the limbs pain as if: Kreosotum. joints pain as if: Conium. knee-joint pains as if: Arsenicum. limbs ieel as if, and are painful: Drosera. pain as if; with heaviness; can scarcely rise from seat: Berberis. parts as if, in rheumatism after being wet; pains when quiet, subsides when moving about: Dulcamara. thighs and knees feel weak as if: Platinum. and legs pain as if: Belladonna. pain as if: Cocculus. (See " Bruised " or " Soreness.") Beating in joint of great toe, swollen, burning: Phosphoricum ac. in hip-joint as though it would burst, accompanied by chilliness with thirst, flushes of heat, especially in face, without thirst; ischias: Ignatia. Bed, bruised pains in thighs and legs, mornings in: Causticum. burning in soles worse in: Sanguinaria. cold feet when going to: Ammonium carb. cramps in calves,.mornings in: Causticum. in calves when lying in: Lachnanthes. drawing and tearing in thighs, knees, legs and feet, better in warmth of: Causticum. in hamstrings, evenings in: Asarum. electric jerks in limbs, worse in, must sit up and let leg hang out: Veratrum alb. intense itching of top of feet and ankles, much worse in: Ledum. 8 REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. Bed, pain in limbs like a bruise, worse in warmth of: Veratrum alb. tearing in ankles and bones of feet; ceases when warm in: Ammonium carb. when lying in, feet pain; when walking, the knees: Magnesia carb. coverings, warmth of, aggravates stinging, drawing, rheumatic pains in pale, swollen, tense and hot joints: Ledum. Black, painful spots on red, swollen legs: Nux vom. spots on swollen feet: Secale. Bleed easily, putrid, bluish, spongy ulcers on legs: Mercurius. Blisters and ulcers on heel-phagedenic: Causticum. on balls of toes; feet swollen and sweaty: Phosphoricum ac. on legs, oozing from small pustules, increasing in size, with tearing pains: Psorinum. on points of toes, as if scalded: Natrum carb. on toes: Selenium. on toes, afterwards ulcers: Petroleum. spreading, and ulcers, on toes: Graphites. Blood, all appears to rush from head into lower limbs; she feels paralyzed, has to sit down: Aurum. Blotches on the legs: Natrum carb.Blow, pain in calf of right leg, as from, with lassitude of legs: Arnica. in calves, as of a: Nux mosch. in left knee, as after a severe: Platinum. in thighs when walking, as from a blow: Arnica. Blue color of surface in erysipelas, impending gangrene: Lachesis. feet and hands, bloated: Sambucus. scarlatina: Muriatic ac. limbs, and cold: Agaricus mus. spot with great burning, above the knee: Ammonium carb. Bluish limbs, cold, emaciated, paralyzed: Nux vom. swelling of joints after sprains: Lachesis. ulcers on legs: Mercurius. Bone, acute stitches in right hip: Fluoricum ac. REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. 9 Bone, pains after mercury or checked gonorrhoea: Sarsaparilla. pain left leg, pressive: Bromium. Bones ache intensely, as if broken: Eupatorium perf. aching pains from hips to ankles, felt mostly in: Mercurius jod. rub. bruised pain in: Crotalus. gnawing and fine shooting along, with tearing in joints: Belladonna. gnawing and stitching pains in, especially at joints; less during motion: Drosera. gnawing pains in when sitting, left hip: Ammonium mur. heaviness of, as if made of heavy wood: Crotalus. metatarsal, pain as if dislocated: Belladonna. stitches between, as from a nail, when standing: Berberis. of feet pain, cannot step heavily thereon: Ruta. tearing in, ceases when warm in bed: Ammonium carb. of hip feel bruised: Ruta. of limbs smart at night: Phosphoricum ac. pain in, particularly the tibia: Calcarea phos. periosteum of long, painful: Mezereum. wandering, periodical pains along, generally without localized inflammatory process: Kali bich. Boring and drawing pains in knee: Ammonium carb. and shooting in lower limbs: eEthusa. burrowing or pressive pains on the tibiae: Cistus can. digging or shooting pains in soles: Belladonna. gnawing or tearing in doughy, spongy, swollen knee: Kali iod. in big toe, after lying down: Nux mosch. in legs and big toe, gnawing, stinging: Ranunculus scel., Sanguinaria. in thighs, tearing: Sabadilla. in tibiae, ankles and dorsum of feet: Aurum. pain in corns, drawing, stinging: Natrum carb. in hip-joints, alternating with numbness and loss of sensation in whole thigh: Kreosotum. in legs, worse at night: Mercurius jod. flay. 10 REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. Boring pain in one or both tibiae: Bromium. in right hip-joint: Lilium tig. screwing, tearing pressure, in bones of feet: Bismuthum. stinging in knee and foot-joints: Helleborus. Bound, limbs feel as if, or powerless: Taraxacum. (See " Bandaged.") Breathing, stitching pains in hip-joints when: Sabina. Brittle or soft nails: Thuya. Broken, left thigh feels as if, at the middle, when sitting, ceases on rising: Illicium. Bruised feeling along left crural nerve, worse from continued motion: Natrum ars. along anterior aspect of thigh: Hepar, Ruta. in bones of hip: Ruta. in calves; pain at night; muscles will not obey the will; heaviness, weight: Gelsemium. in calves, weak: Ferrum. in knee, tired and lame: Berberis. in knees, legs restless as if becoming insensible: Mephitis. in left tibia: Asarum. in limbs, numb, go to sleep when lying on them: Carbo veg. in soles at night, better on rising and walking: Baryta carb. in thigh, alternating with burning and pressure in chest: Sanguinaria. on hard pressure, about hip-joints, with weariness in joints; worse after walking: Argentum met. knee pains as if: Hepar. pains as if, when sitting: Argentum met. muscles of thighs sore as if, sore pain in right femur: Hamamelis. or stinging sensation in soles of feet: Ignatia. pain in all the joints: Muriatic ac. in all the limbs: Kobaltum. in heel, when treading thereon: Belladonna. in hot, swollen instep when stretching out foot: Brvonia. REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. II Bruised pain in joints and bones: Crotalus. in knees: Graphites. in left instep: Kali iod. in limbs; in joints; worse during motion and at night: Nux vom. in limbs, worse during wet, cold weather, or in warmth of bed; better when walking: Veratrum alb. in muscles and joints on awaking; aching: Ptelea. in right thigh and on inner side near and below the patella; drawing: Camphora. in soles: Phosphor. in soles, stinging, or pricking: Arum triph. in soles, when walking: Ledum. on crest of ilium; stitches from, through the abdomen; pain in same and in lumbar vertebra in the morning as if tired: Kreosotum. on outer side of left calf; on moving and turning the foot, also from touch; during rest numb sensation there: Bryonia. when moving and when sleeping, with crampy tearing in hip-joint and knee; coxalgia: Kali carb. pains in right hip, with tearing; dysmenorrhoea: Natrum carb. in thighs: Graphites. in thighs and legs, mornings in bed: Causticum. soreness in joints, no power in hands or feet: Chamomilla. of whole body: Lilium tig. tarsal joints feel, legs hurt after least exertion: Natrum mur. Bubbling as from drops of water, sense of, with synovitis of kneejoint: Belladonna. sensation from bend of knee to heel: Rheum. Bunions: Calcarea carb. excruciating pain in: Hypericum. Burning above knees, in blue spot, great: Ammonium carb. around putrid ulcers on lower limbs: Muriatic ac. beginning in soles and palms, thence over body; worse in bed, constant desire to find a cool place: Lilium tig. 12 REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. Burning in ball of great toe, stitches; crawling, burning; severe pressive pain: Causticum. in corns, they are sensitive, smart: Ranunculus bulb. with pain: Mephitis. in feet: Lachnanthes, Secale. in feet and hands, worse at night: Sanguinaria. in feet at night, or heat: Sepia. in feet, heat: Fluoricum ac. in feet, internal; cramps: Nux mosch. in feet, or great coldness: Natrum mur. in feet, sharp pain, could not keep her shoes on: Eupatorium perf. in feet, smarting, itching, stinging pain, and cold feeling,. as if frozen: Berberis. in feet, stinging, tingling: Zingiber. in feet, tingling: Crocus. inflamed; frost bites: Carbo an. in heels, at night; when they come in contact, though, they feel cold: Ignatia. in heels when walking in open air; when standing or sitting; sore pain: Cyclamen. in joint of big toe, beating, swelling: Phosphoricum ac. in knee, pricking in hot, bright red, inflammatory swelling, aggravated by touch or pressure: Iodium. in knee-joint, stinging; worse at night: Belladonna. right, with pain and stiffness, worse when moving: Chelidonium. in knees, legs, toes: Taraxacum. in leg, from ankle to knee, like fire; itching, purple, swollen, oozing, covered with scales or scabs: Petroleum. in leg, left, and foot, erysipelatous inflammation of, tearing, tension; after violent dancing; burning worse from touch: Borax. in leg, left, and foot, in evening, very violent; limb externally cold; worse until 12 P.M.: Sanguinaria. in left limb, as from a hot iron, worse after sleep; sciatica: Lachesis. REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. 13 Burning in legs, stinging: Kali carb. Sin legs, tensive, hot, swollen legs: Pulsatilla. in legs, to knees, evening and next morning: Natrum sulph. in nates, itching, sore spots, oozing scurfs, stinging spots, and feeling as if asleep: Calcarea phos. in posterior muscles of thigh when standing, better when walking: Phosphoricum ac. in skin of inside of thighs: Eupatorium perf. in soles: Calcarea carb., Cuprum met., Manganum acet. in soles and palms: Lachnanthes, Lilium tig. in soles and palms during menses: Carbo veg. in soles, and dry feeling: Mancinella. in soles at night: Phosphoricum ac. in soles at night; puts feet out of bed: Chamomilla. in soles, evenings: Magnesia mur. in soles; feet puffed; severe pains through ankles and feet: Phytolacca. in soles, hot, swollen: Petroleum. in soles, itching: Kreosotum. in soles, stitches: Fluoricum ac. in soles, wants them uncovered: Sulphur. in soles, when sitting: Anacardium. in soles, with profuse, fetid foot-sweat: Lycopodium. in soles, worse in bed: Sanguinaria. in tibia, inflammation: Sabadilla. in tibia, on spot: Magnesia carb. in thighs, smarting, itching; better from scratching: Alumina. in tips of toes, which are sensitive to pressure: Sarsaparilla. in tips of toes, redness, swelling: Muriatic ac. in toes, and itching, as if frost-bitten: Agaricus. in toes during slight cold, heat and redness, as if frost-bitten: Borax. in toes, red, itching, as if frozen: Nux vom. in toes, stinging pains: Hepar. in toes, with redness; feet cold: Apis. in ulcer on leg at night, skin around mottled, purple: Carbo veg. 14 REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. Burning in ulcer, old, on legs, nightly tearing and itching: Lycopodium. itching pain in small spot on right hip, then on thigh, then on little toe; all on external aspect of limb; also internally on left thigh and knee: Lithium carb. Burrowing, boring or pressive pain on the tibiae: Clematis. Bursitis, especially about knee: Sticta. Buzzing or tingling sensation in lower limbs: Kreosotum. Calf and thigh, muscles of, feel relaxed: Mercurius cor. cramp in, particularly when standing: Euphrasia. violent, at night, when walking after sitting: Nitric ac. cramplike pain at junction of heads of gastrocnemius, extending downward: Natrum ars. pains in, heels, toes, and: Crotalus. pains in, rending, shooting; warm feeling: Calcarea phos. digging and drawing pain in: Cuprum met. drawing pain in, from hollow of knee to tips of toes: Cyclamen. from upper part of, to popliteal space, cannot lie on left side: Ledum. lameness of, from pain as if tendons were stretched: Kali bich. left, bruised pain in outer side of, on moving, turning the foot, and from touch; numb sensation there during rest: Bryonia. cramp in: Colocynthis. pressive pain in: Taraxacum. pain in course of left sciatic nerve from back of great trochanter to calf; better from motion; pressure on nerve causes shooting along whole leg: Kali bich. in, from hip, knee and toes of left limb; goes to knee, and after leaving these parts appears in right thigh and ankle: Benzoicum ac. in, when walking and stepping: Calcarea carb. posterior muscles of, acute, crampy, tearing pains in; better in morning and when rubbing; worse towards evening and when quiet: Valeriana. right, fine cutting stitch in, when sitting, passing off when walking: Drosera. REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. 15 Calf, right, itching of, with swelling of blood-vessels: Cyclamen. jerking pain in, ceases quickly when touched: Taraxacum. pain in, as from a blow, with lassitude of legs: Arnica. pinching, tearing in: Bryonia. stitches from outside of, down to ankle, violent: Guaiacum. sore pain in: Crotalus. swelling of; scrofula: Dulcamara. Callosities on soles, close to toes: Antimonium crud. Callous ulcers on the feet: Graphites. Calves, aching and weakness in, on walking or going up stairs; heaviness of feet: Kali bich. aching in, swollen: Pulsatilla. and hips, drawing in: Baptisia. and legs, cramps in, nearly every night: Ambra. and soles, cramps in: Selenium. cramp in about 3 A.M.; also in hollow of knee when stretching out the leg; in sole (left); in toes: Calcarea carb. in morning; muscles of, feel too short: Bovista. cramplike, intermittent drawing, from heel into: Anacardium. pain in, when walking: Lycopodium. pressure in: Anacardium. cramps in: Aconitum, Arsenicum, Berberis, Camphora, Chamomilla, Cuprum met., Graphites, Hepar, Natrum carb., Plumbum, Secale, Silicea, Veratrum alb. in, at night: Magnesia carb., Magnesia mur., Nux vom., Sulphur. in, dysentery: Mercurius cor. in, when he moves them: Baptisia. in, when lying in bed: Lachnanthes. in, when walking or rising from seat; better lying down: Anacardium. in, worse at rest, especially at night: Ferrum. drawing pain in, with painful sense when stepping, as if spikes entered sole and extended through limb to hip: Cannabis ind. feel as if too short on going down stairs: Argentum met. 16 REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. Calves feel bruised; pain at night; muscles will not obey the * will: Gelsemium. feeling in, as from a blow: Nux mosch. formication in: Zincum. heavy laming pains in, pain in left knee-joint: Mercurius iod. flay. itching of: Ipecacuanha. pains in, torment him at night: Argentum nit. painful tension in, when walking: Carbo an. red spots on: Sarsaparilla. on, turning yellow or green, as from contusion, preventing movement: Conium. rheumatic pains about hip, thighs and: Antimonium tart. tearing, crampy pain from dorsum of feet, extending along the outside of the calves to the thighs: Camphora. pains in, also in tibiae, ankles, toes and tendo-achillis: Colchicum. tension in: Natrum mur. to sacrum, pains: Mercurius jod. rub. weak, as if bruised: Ferrum. weakness of, sensation of: Kalmia. weariness of: Aloes, Argentum nit. Caries of bones of feet: Asafoetida. of hip-joint; suppuration: Silicea. of right hip; leg atrophied and painful: Capsicum. of tibia: Asafcetida, Lachesis. Carious, pains in thighs and legs as if beaten and: Belladonna. Chafed, sore pain in ball of toes, while walking, as if: Arsenicum. Chilblains: Muriatic ac. inflamed, bluish, itching: Pulsatilla. on heels; swollen, red, painful: Petroleum. on soles: Kali carb. on toes: Crocus, Nitric ac. thick and red, with cracks on joints: Sulphur. toes itch and burn; are red and swollen: Agaricus. worse from scratching and friction: Zincum. Children, little, unsteady walking and easy falling of: Causticum. Chill begins in feet, with stinging as from pins: Eupatorium perf. REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. L7 Chilliness constant, with synovitis of knee; effusion: Ledum. Chilly feet, covered with cold sweat: Drosera. Cold, after a, paralysis of lower limbs; cedema of feet: Cocculus. after a slight exposure of the feet: Conium. aggravates rheumatic pains in joints; pale tensive swellings: Nux vom. exposure to, causes pain in joints: Dulcamara relieves pains of rheumatism: Thuya. slight, causes arthritic pains: Phosphoricum ac. weather, with wet, aggravates pain like a bruise, in limbs: Veratrum alb. and hot alternately, limbs; head hot: Veratrum alb. feeling in feet, as if frozen, with itching, smarting, stitches and burning: Berberis. feet: Ambra, Antimonium tart., Benzoicum ac., Capsicum, Cistus can., Cocculus, Ferrum, Hepar, Kali carb., Muriaticum ac., Natrum carb., Podophyllum, Rumex, Sabadilla. are icy: Mercurius cor., Sepia, Veratrum alb. afternoon: Sanguinaria. and ankles: Aconitum. and hands: Hyoscyamus, Ipecacuanha, Stramonium. and hands, icy, numb and insensible: Aconitum. and hot hands: Aconitum. and legs after suppressed foot-sweat: Silicea. and limbs, icy: Phosphorus. at night in bed: Paris. burning and redness of toes: Apis. constantly: Oleander. damp: Calcarea carb. dead cold: Abrotanum. evenings, in bed: Ammonium mur. in morning: Anacardium. sweat on: Benzoicum ac., Calcarea carb., Lycopodium, Mercurius, Squilla. swollen: Kreosotum, Petroleum, Sulphuricum ac. up to knees, clammy; chorea: Laurocerasus. warm. body, hot face: Sambucus. 2 18 REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. Cold feet, when going to bed: Ammonium carb. with nausea and palpitation: Glonoinum. foot, other one hot, or cold, sweaty feet: Lycopodium. hands, warm feet: Phosphoricum ac. heels, when in contact, although sensation of burning in, at night: Ignatia. knees: Agnus cast. as from a cold wind: Climex. left leg is numb and, while sitting: Hypericum. legs, clammy, worse at night; child: Mercurius. powerless; angina pectoris: Oxalicum ac. with hemorrhages: Trillium. limbs: Camphora, Dulcamara, Veratrum alb. and blue: Agaricus m. bluish, emaciated, paralyzed: Nux vom. clammy; more when excited or nervous: Lilium tig. covered with cold sweat: Secale. transient local sweats of feet and armpits: Silicea. soles and toes, sweaty and: Aconitum. sweat on upper part of legs: Capsicum. water, sensation as if drops of trickled down front of thighs: Aconitum. Coldness of extremities: Opium. of extremities, especially of feet, as if in cold water, with anguish and pain in legs: Gelsemium. of extremities, they look purple; small, spasmodic, frequent pulse: Mercurius cor. of feet at night: Zincum. of feet; icy: Cuprum met. of feet, icy, before going to bed: Sarsaparilla. of feet, or burning: Natrum mur. of knees and feet, especially: Arsenicum. of leg and foot, externally, with violent burning pain; limb swollen, worse until 12 P.M.: Sanguinaria. of legs and feet, especially in evening in bed; when the feet get warm the hands get cold: Sepia. of legs and feet, with cedematous swelling: Colchicum. of legs, and numbness: Antimonium tart., Argentum nit. REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. 19 Coldness of legs, heaviness: Nux mosch. of legs, icy: Tabacum. of legs, skin wrinkled on lower leg: Rhododendron. of limbs: Camphora, Dulcamara, Veratrum alb. of limbs, icy: Sepia. of limbs, trembling, with cold sweat: Tabacum. of limbs, with numbness: Antimonium tart., Argentum nit. of thighs, numb, with fever: Spongia. sensation of, in entire right leg: Sabina. of, in legt and foot, with whitish swelling: Calcarea carb. Condyles, pains especially about: Veratrum vir. Constipation, with ulceration on lower limbs: Graphites. Constricting pain below knee as if it had been tied too tightly: Antimonium crud. (See" Bandaged " or "Bound.") Contact or motion fails to effect tearing pressure in middle of inside of leg: Belladonna. or motion, rheumatic pains worse from, in metatarsal bones and phalanges: China. pain in right knee, up to thigh, or down to leg; worse from, than from motion: China. Continuous pain in left knee-joint, impeding walking: Colocynthis. Contracted and swollen, stiff, immovable, drawn up to thigh, right leg: Guaiacum. toes spasmodically, when walking, or going up-stairs: Hyoscyamus. Contracting, drawing, crampy pains in the legs, from thighs into toes; worse on walking or motion: Gelsemium. Contraction in calves when walking; cramps in toes: Lycopodium. in thighs as if muscles were too short; tension, languor when walking; worse from touch; better from sitting: Guaiacum. in hamstrings, after a popliteal abscess: Lachesis. of hamstrings painful: Natrum mur. of muscles: Cuprum met. of psoas muscle after an abscess: Lachesis. of tendo-achillis; painful: Carbo an. 20 REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. Contraction of toes: Nitrum. of toes, with stiffiness: Graphites. sensation of, in right thigh; limb seems to be shortened: Ambra. Contusion, red spots on calves, turning yellow or green, as from, preventing movement: Conium. Convulsive jerking of the lower limbs: Ignatia. twitching of legs: Squilla. twitchings of legs and feet: Ipecacuanha. Cooler than other parts of the body is the affected limb: Ledum. Coolness of surface of limb, with internal heat; drawing pain, better in the open air: Mezereum. Co-ordination, loss of: Belladonna. Corns, aching and stinging pains in: Sulphur. boring, stinging, drawing in: Natrum carb. on soles and toes: Antimonium crud. painful: Iodium. and burning: Mephitis. and sensitive, with stitches: Kali carb. to touch: Carbo an. sensitive to touch; smart and burn: Ranunculus bulb. soreness of all: Fluoricum ac. stinging in: Rumex. stitching pains in: Natrum mur., Sulphuricum ac. Coughing, aggravates sciatic pains; from sacrum into right thigh: Tellurium. shooting, tearing from hip to knee and foot, especially when: Capsicum. Coxagra intermitting, chronic; better in summer, worse in winter; beating as though it would burst the hipjoint, accompanied by chilliness, with thirst; flushes of heat, particularly in the face, without thirst: Ignatia. pain in hip and thigh, intolerable when standing, as if thigh would break: Valeriana. with lancinating stitches, must get out of bed for relief; pains worse from rising, but better from slow walking: Sepia. REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. 21 Cracked skin of the feet: Hepar s. c. on joints; chilblains: Sulphur. Cracking in right knee, when rising in morning: Mezereum. of all joints when walking or turning: Caulophyllum. of hip, knee and ankle-joints and creaking in: Camphora. of hip or knee-joint, when stooping: Crocus. of joints on moving them, stiff, rheumatic: Petroleum. on moving them, stiff, swollen: Natrum mur. weakness, swelling: Sulphur. when limb is stretched:,Thuya. with pain therein, as if bruised: Chamomilla. of knee-joint: Conium, Ranunculus bulb., Sepia. of knee-joint, when moved, feels dry: Nux vom. of knee-joints during motion: Podophyllum. on bending: Selenium. or sense of dryness in: Benzoicum ac. of knee on stepping, impeding walking; also throbbing pain in: Caladium. when moving: Cocculus. when walking: Arsenicum, Causticum. of knees: Ignatia. Cramped, whole leg is: Guaiacum. Cramp pain in calves, rending, shooting, warm feeling: Calcarea phos. Cramps in anterior part of thigh: Hyoscyamus. in calf, left: Colocynthis. violent, at night, and when walking after sitting: Nitri ac. in calves: Aconitum, Arsenicum, Berberis, Camphora, Chamomilla, Cuprum m., Graphites, Hepar, Natruim carb., Plumbum, Secale, Silicea, Veratrum alb. and soles: Selenium, Silicea. at night: Magnesia carb., Magnesia mur., Sulphur. at night, about 3 A.M.; also in hollow of knee when stretching out leg; in left sole; in toes: Calcarea carb. at night, must stretch foot: Nux vom. dysentery: Mercurius cor. 22 REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. Cramps in calves, particularly when standing: Euphorbia. when he moves them: Baptisia. when lying in bed: Lachnanthes. when walking or rising from seat, better lying: Anacardium. worse at rest, especially at night: Ferrum. in entire limbs, with painless watery stools: Podophyllum. in feet: Causticum. and cutting pain: Natrum carb. during night: Lachnanthes. internal burning: Nux mosch. in foot, right, plantar surface: Natrum ars. in leg, left, lower part: Ammonium mur. right, on getting awake in the morning: Arum triph. in legs: Ammonium carb. and calves, nearly every night: Ambra. and feet, must walk about: Rhus tox. legs, fingers and toes: Veratrum vir. limb, tearing: Tabacum. soles: Calcarea carb., Ferrum, Hepar, Natrum ars., Zingiber. at night: Agaricus mus. at night, must stretch foot: Nux vom. at every step: Sulphur. evening after lying down: Carbo veg. in tendo-achillis at night, sudden: Causticum. in thighs at night: Ipecacuanha. in toes: Calcarea carb, Ferrum, Hepar. and hands: Secale. when walking: Lycopodium. Cramplike jerking, digging pain in right hip: Cannabis sat. jerking at junction of heads of gastrocnemius muscle, extending downward: Natrum ars. pains in calf, heels and toes: Crotalus. in calves when walking: Lycopodium. pain in gluteal muscles, with tension on bending the body forward: Belladonna. pain in right knee, near patella, towards the outer side; when sitting: Belladonna. REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. 23 Cramplike pains, numbness in limbs and joints: Platinum. on right thigh, above popliteal space: Cyclamen. waken out of sleep; cold sweat follows: Eupatorium perf. stitching pain in right foot: Natrum mur. tension in muscles of left leg, with violent drawing, tearing pains from left ischium to os calcis and sole of foot: Chamomilla. Crampy, contracting, drawing pains in the legs, from thighs into toes; worse on motion or walking: Gelsemium. drawing pain on dorsum of feet, especially on moving them: Camphora. pain in the affected hip, as though the parts were screwed in a vise; lies on affected side, with knee drawn up: Colocynthis. pains in posterior muscles of limbs, especially calf: Valeriana. pains in thighs: Argentum met. tearing in hip-joint and knee: bruised pain when moving and when sleeping; coxalgia: Kali carb. tearing pain on dorsum of feet, extending to the outer side of calves to thighs: Camphora. Crawling, burning; severe pressive pain; burning stitches; in ball of great toe: Causticum. in both soles, as from something alive: Causticum. in feet: AEthusa. in feet and hands, as if numb: Hypericum. Creaking and cracking in hip, knee and ankle-joints: Camphora. and cracking in joints: Cocculus. Creeping feeling in anterior femoral and posterior tibial regions: Secale. Crossing legs causes them to go asleep and tingle; also while sitting: Crotalus. or sitting, feet go asleep when: Laurocerasus. Crural nerve, left, bruised feeling along, worse from continued motion: Natrum ars. neuralgia, in attacks; rending, shooting; worse from walking; in afternoon and night; relieved by pressure; restless and sleepless at night: Coffea. 24 REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. Crural neuralgia, stinging, stitching pains during movement: Staphis. (See " Genito-crural.") Curved limbs, or stiff, after mercurialization: Lachesis. Cutting, lancinating pains in hip-joint: Ignatia. pain and cramps in feet: Natrum carb. pain in hip: Phytolacca. stitches in the outer muscles of right thigh, just above the knee, only when sitting: Beladonna. Damp and cold feet: Calcarea carb. Dancing caused erysipelatous inflammation of left leg and foot, with tearing, tension and burning; burning worse from touch: Borax. legs pain at night, as after excessive: Baryta carb. Darting in left hip at every step, forcing him to limp; Kali iod. pains, from place to place: Dioscerea. from toes to hip, worse at stool, from motion or lifting, and at night: Nux vom. thighs and toes: Sticta. trochanter to hollow of knee; worse from motion or lifting, and at night: Nux vom. (See " Flying," "Wandering," " Shifting.") Dead, after walking toes feel: Cyclamen. feet feel: Lycopodium. Deadness of legs, numbness: Nux vom. Debility and weakness of lower limbs the whole afternoon, with sick feeling and dread of work: Argentum nit. Descending into legs from abdomen, tearing pains. Chamomilla. pains from right knee to leg, or ascend to thigh; worse from contact than from motion: China. from thigh: Ranunculus bulb. paralytic heaviness of limbs felt most when: Stannum. sensation in joints, particularly knees, as if limbs would give way, when walking more marked when: Belladonna. stairs, difficulty in knees on, and more on going up-stairs: Kali carb. stairs, knees give way; hamstrings feel shortened and weak: Ruta. REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. 25 Diarrhoea, sweat and profuse suppuration with hip disease: China. Digging, boring or shooting pains in soles: Belladonna. cramplike, jerking pain in right hip: Cannabis sat. in calf: Cuprum met. wandering, pressing pains, confined to small spots; lasting but a short time; soon returning: Nux mosch. Discharge, black, ichorous and offensive, in third stage of hipjoint disease; great weakness; Carbo veg. offensive; from ulcers on legs, which burn at night: Carbo veg. Dislocated, aching in hip-joint as if: Causticum. ankle easily, or sprained, from weakness of joint; it gives way: Natrum carb. ankles pain after having been: Ruta. or sprained, pain as if, in hip and knee-joints: Ignatia. or strained, sensation as if left foot was: Hypericum. pain in hip-joints as if, worse when walking: Psorinum. in left hip-joint as if, with sensation as if leg were too long when standing: Kreosotum. in metatarsal bones as if: Belladonna. right ankle feels as if, can scarcely walk; later the left: Veratrum vir. sensation in femur as if, on sitting down: Ipecacuanha. Doughy knee, spongy; skin red in spots, and hot; gnawing, boring or tearing, worse at night, must often change position; white swelling: Kali iod. swelling of knee, with stinging, lancinating pains; fistulous openings with hard edges, and greenish, yellow pus; gonocace: Silicea. Down, agreeable thrilling from knees down: Cannabis ind. calves feel as if too short on going down-stairs: Argentum m. pains go from above: Capsicum, Sulphur. thigh, from hip-bone to knees; tearing pain, first right, later left: Cantharides. (See " Descending.") Dragging pain from hips to knees; heavy, neuralgic; worse on outer part of thighs: Phytolacca. Drawing, aching in left foot: Colocynthis. boring pain in knees: Ammonium carb. 26 REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. Drawing, bruised pain in right thigh, and on the inner side, near, and below the patella: Camphora. contracting, crampy pain in the legs, from thighs into toes; worse on motion or walking: Gelsemium. crampy pain on the dorsum of the feet, especially on moving them: Camphora. dull, twitching, pricking pains in joints, fingers; knees, elbows: Aloes. feels as if a tendon was, from sole of foot through bone of leg, during and after walking: Crotalus. from heel up into calves, cramplike, intermittent: Anacardium. in ankle-joint: Abrotanum. in calf: Cuprum m. in corns, boring, stinging: Natrum carb. in external condyle of right femur: Colocynthis. in hamstrings, evenings when lying in bed: Asarum. in hip, leg drawn up, cannot touch floor, cutting pains: Phytolacca. in hip-joint, right: Lilium tig. in hip-joints, painful: Antimonium crud. in hips and calves: Baptisia. in inner side of left thigh, afternoons: Colocynthis. in knee, right, when walking or sitting on floor: Aurum. in leg from right tarsus to knee: Guaiacum. in legs, heaviness, weariness: Pulsatilla. in limbs, twitching, tearing: Phosphorium ac. in muscles, laming, spasmodic pains: Stramonium. in periosteum, tearing, worse at night; in wet, stormy weather; and at rest; better in motion; mostly in forearms and lower legs: Rhododendron. in tendons as if shortened; rheumatism: Manganum acet. in thighs, extending downward: Ranunculus bulb. in tibia painful: Anacardium. laming pain, severe, from abdomen down left leg: Carbo veg. lancinating from left hip into thigh: /Ethusa. over front of the legs, weakening; shooting pain, as if in the periosteum: Hepar. REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. 27 Drawing pain along tibia: Agaricus mus. down entire left leg: Baryta carb. from upper part of left calf to popliteal space; cannot lie on left side: Ledum. in calves, with pain when stepping, as if spikes penetrated sole and ran through limb to hip; worse right limb: Cannabis ind. in feet: Cannabis sat. in flexors of leg, seeming to start from the hollow of the knee, and draw to tip of toes: Cyclamen. in hips, thighs, legs and feet; more right side: Chelidonium. in knee, tibia, back, etc.: Crotalus. in knees, ankles, feet and toes: Caulophyllum. in knees, lower part of left tibia, and left heel: Antimonium crud. in knees when sitting: Natrum mur. in legs and feet: Magnesia carb. in legs, while resting feet upon floor; while sitting: Arsenicum. in limbs: Graphites. in limbs and joints, spasmodic, jerking: Platinum. in right thigh, down to knee: Colocynthis. in right thigh, extending to knee: Natrum mur. in sciatic nerve down to knee, with difficult walking, and great exhaustion afterwards; tubercular diathesis, with dry, hacking cough: Plumbum. on dorsum of right foot, when standing; better when sitting: Taraxacum. pains or uneasiness causing him to move the parts: Mercurius. piercing, tearing: Millefolium. sense of internal heat of limb, surface being cool; better in open air: Mezereum. pressive pains in arms and knees: Muriatic ac. pains in left hip-joint, thigh being extended; when sitting: Arnica. in legs, especially in ankles: Agaricus. :28 REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. Drawing, stinging, rheumatic pains in swollen, tense, pale, hot joints: Ledum. stitches, and tension in the thigh: Manganum acet. suddenly, from left hip to foot: Crotalus. tearing, from toes to dorsum of foot: Anacardium. in left hip-joint on moving: Aconitum. in limbs at night and on alternate days; worse at rest: Lycopodium. in limbs; especially at night: Sabina. in limbs, paralytic: Magnesia mur. in thighs and legs, knees and feet, worse in open air, better in warmth of bed: Causticum. pains from left ischium to os calcis and the sole of the foot, with cramplike tension of the muscles: Chamomilla. tensive pain in head of left femur: Asarum. through all the limbs; paralytic: Sabadilla. twitching, with dull throbbing in region of left hip, and in right loin: Colocynthis. Drops, sensation as if, of cold water trickled down front of thighs: Aconitum. Dropsy, of ankles and feet; gout: Eupatorium perf. of knee-joints: Sulphur. Dry, knee-joint feels as if, cracking when moving: Nux vom. Dryness, feeling of, in the soles, with burning: Mancinella. sense of, or cracking in knee-joints: Benzoicum ac. Dull, aching pains in right-sided sciatica: Rhus tox. boring pains in legs, worse at night: Mercurius iod. flay. heavy feeling in limbs; also with dizziness: Zingiber. heavy pains from knees to toes, moving suddenly from place to place: Lilium tig. pains in side of knee, when walking or extending leg: Kali carb. pains along tibia: Agaricus. pressure in right hip: Asarum. pricking, twitching drawing pains in joints; fingers, knees, elbows: Aloes. Effusion about knee-joint, constant chilliness; synovitis: Ledum. swelling of knees; rheumatic gout with: Calcarea carb. REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. 2<9 Elongated, leg becomes, hip aches: Thuya. Emaciated limbs, cold, bluish, paralyzed: Nux vom. Emaciation of legs: Selenium. Epidermis exfoliated from below knees; with profuse watery exudation; cedema of limbs: Graphites. Epistaxis, after repeated and severe, great soreness and bruised feeling in the joints: Agaricus. Erysipelas bullosum, large, red, painful spots on legs like: Calcarea carb. of legs or arms, surface bluish, glossy, swelling, impending gangrene: Lachesis. phlegmonous, of limbs: Rhus tox. Erysipelatous inflammation and painfulness of foot: Arnica. and swelling of left leg and foot, after violent dancing, with tearing, tension and burning in it; increase of burning pain when touched; on pressure redness disappears for a moment: Borax. of tendo-achillis, worse from touching heel to ground and from wine: Zincum. of the feet; skin peels off; itching: Dulcamara. Eruption between nates, itchlike: Oleander. on insteps, soon becoming thick, dirty, scaly; suppurating; painful and itching at times, keeping him awake: Psorinum. on legs, oozing, covered with scales or scabs, easily detached: Petroleum. Evening, acute, crampy, tearing pains in posterior muscles, especially of the calf; are worse in: Valeriana. arthritic pains in foot, worse towards, fears passers may strike it; big toe-joint red, feels sprained: Arnica. burning in legs to knees, till next morning: Natrum sulph. in soles in: Magnesia mur. coldness of feet in bed: Ammonium mur. of legs and feet, especially in bed in, when feet get warm the hands get cold: Sepia. cramps in soles in, after lying down: Carbo veg. drawing in hamstrings in, when lying in bed: Asarum. great weariness of lower limbs, staggers when walking, and must sit down: Alumina. 30 REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. Evening, heat in feet and hands: Ledum. insupportable pain and aching in legs towards, better on moving: Mercurius iod. rub. itching around ankle in: Selenium. in soles of right foot: Ammonium mur. of toes after lying down in, violent; sweat between toes: Clematis. legs go asleep in, when sitting: Calcarea carb. swollen and fatigued towards: Agnus cast. pain in feet as if sprained in, tense and swollen: Bryonia. in right knee in, so that he can scarcely walk, must keep leg very quiet; inner side of knee very painful to touch: Bryonia. piercing pain in right great toe in: Cistus can. redness, swelling and pain in great toe in, particularly in bed: Ammonium carb. restless legs in, tremendously so, with numb and torpid feeling when sitting; worse: Platinum. limbs in: Nitric ac. rheumatic pains are aggravated till midnight: Ledum. sore and lame limbs in, go asleep easily: Silicea. stitches in big toe of right foot in: Lycopodium. in knee-joint when sitting in: Ammonium carb. sweating of feet in: Podophyllum. swelling of feet every: Crotalus. of feet in: Phosphorus, Rhus tox. of left leg and foot in, with violent burning pain; limb externally cold; worse until 12 P.M.: Sanguinaria. tearing in knees in: Cistus can. throbbing pain in left knee, when lying, in, as if forced asunder; cracks on, and impedes walking: Caladium. uneasiness of limbs in, intolerable: Causticum. violent pains in hip-joint, worse, till 12 P.M.; can hardly putfoot to ground, but pain lessens while walking: Ferrum. Exanthema, pustular and ichorous, on the feet: Jacea. Excesses, sexual, cause paralysis of lower limbs: Nux vom. Excited or nervous states, aggravated cold, clammy condition of limbs: Lilium tig. REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. 31 Excoriation between the legs: Graphites. Excruciating pain in bunion (externally): Hypericum. pains in left big toe, worse at night and from touch, must change his position: Manganum acet. Exertion causes hurting of legs; and bruised feeling in tarsal joints; even the least: Natrum mur. causes twitching of muscles in legs; even slight: Manganum acet. Exhaustion, great, follows walking; early in sciatica: Plumbum. in the lower limbs: Guaiacum. Exostosis on upper part of right tibia, with bluish-red spots; suppurating lumps: Dulcamara. Extending leg causes dull pains in side of knee: Kali carb. Extends from abdomen to left leg, drawing, laming pains: Carbo veg. above downward, pain: Capsicum. acetabulum to knee, shooting pains: Natrum ars. ankles, aching pain: Mercurius iod. rub. back of trochanter down thigh posteriorly, to knee anteriorly, down tibia to ankle, pain: Arsenicum. below external malleolus of right foot to tendo-achillis; tearing pain: Bismuthum.' head of femur to knee, along anterior surface of right thigh, great pain: Bryonia. heel into calves, cramplike intermittent drawing: Anacardium. hip to feet, tearing pains: Kalmia. hip to knee and foot, tearing shooting pain: Capsicum. hip to knee, drawing pressive pains in sciatic nerve: Plumbum. hip to knee, pressive, drawing pains: Plumbum. hip to knees, heavy, dragging pains: Phytolacca. hip to knees, tearing pain: Cantharides. hip, left, to foot, sudden drawing: Crotalus. hip-joint to knee, jerking pain: Pulsatilla. hip-joint to knee, shooting pains: Natrum ars. hip-joint to knee, twitching pain: Mezereum. hips to feet, rheumatic pains: Mephitis. 32 REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. Extends from knees down, agreeable thrilling: Cannabis ind. knee to heel, bubbling sensation: Rheum. knee to toes, drawing in flexors: Cyclamen. knee to toes, tearing pain: Alumina. left hip to sacrum, tearing pain: Carbo veg. middle of thigh or leg to knee, pain: Guaiacum. right tarsus to knee, drawing, tearing, lancinating pain: Guaiacum. thigh, right, to knee, drawing pain: Colocynthis. toes to dorsum of foot, cramplike, drawing,, tearing pains: Anacardium. toes to hip, darting pains: Nux vom. Exudation from cedematous limbs, profuse, watery, from below knees, where epidermis is exfoliated:: Graphites. Fall, after a, gouty inflammation and abscess at knee, with violent pain and loss of sleep: Guaiacum,. Falling, easy, and unsteady walking, of little children: Causticum. Fatigue, in legs, sensation of, even while sitting: Magnesia mur. in thighs, sensation of: Rheum. pain as from, in region of right hip-joint: Agaricus. in knee, as frbm: Conium. Fatigued, legs, and swollen towards evening: Agnus. cast. Fearful pain in knees, sharp, could hardly touch them: Hypericum. Feels as if her lower limps were severed from the body and belonged to some one else: Opium. Feet ache as if pounded: Lilium tig. and ankles dropsical; gout: Eupatorium perf. cedematous: Apocynum can., Mercurius. pain; feet puffed; soles burn: Phytolacca. hands bloated and blue: Sambucus. burn worse at night: Sanguinaria. cold: Hyoscyamus, Ipecacuanha, Stramonium. cold; paralytic weakness of extremities, especially of right side; sweat wanting: Plumbum. crawling in, as if numb: Hypericum. feel heavy, better by motion: Niccolum. REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. 33 Feet and hands sweat, after fever: Silicea. tremble: Psorinum, Sarsaparilla. and knees pain as if heavy stones were tied to parts, must move about for relief: Veratrum alb. and legs cold after suppressed foot-sweat: Silicea. cold, especially evening in bed, when feet get warm the hands get cold: Sepia. cold, cedematous swelling of: Colchicum. convulsive twitchings of: Ipecacuanha. cramp, must walk about: Rhus tox. drawing pains in: Magnesia carb. go asleep: Mezereum. heaviness of, with tension in, when sitting or walking: Natrum carb. itch intolerably at night; old rash: Rhus tox. rheumatic pains in: Nitri ac. swelling of, morning on rising; better from walking: Aurum. waxy pale, swollen, cedematous: Apis. and limbs swollen, worse when sitting or standing, better when walking: Sepia. and lower legs dropsical: Rhododendron. feel as if asleep: Rhododendron. and thighs, painful weariness of: Calcarea carb. and toes, sensation as if too large; swollen and stiff; also at night on removing boots: Apis. tearing, rending in, worse on walking: Agnus cast. ankles, metatarsus, toes, especially at border of foot and sole, as if gouty: Lithium carb. are tense and swollen in evening; pain in feet, as if sprained: Bryonia. around ankle, swollen, with difficult breathing: Hepar. asleep, feel as if: Ammonium mur. becoming warm, hands get cold: Sepia. blue: Muriatic ac. bones of, pain, cannot step heavily thereon: Ruta. boring in dorsum of, ankles and tibise: Aurum. burning and tingling of: Crocus. 3 34 REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. Feet, burning in: Lachnanthes, Secale. of, at night: Sepia. of, or coldness: Natrum mur. pain in, sharp, could not keep her shoes on: Eupatorium perf. stinging, tingling in: Zingiber. chilly, covered with cold sweat: Drosera. cold: Ambra, Antimonium tart., Benzoicum ac., Capsicum, Cistus can., Cocculus, Ferrum, Hepar, Kali carb., Podophyllum,'Sabadilla, Muriatic ac., Natrum carb., Rumex. afternoon: Sanguinaria. and clammy up to knees: Laurocerasus. and damp: Calcarea carb. as if in cold water; with anguish and pain in the legs: Gelsemium. at night: Zincum. at night in bed: Paris. constantly: Oleander. evenings in bed: Ammonium mur. feeling in, as if frozen, with burning, stitches, itching and smarting: Berberis. icy; Cuprum met., Mercurius corr., Phosphorus, Veratrum alb. icy, before going to bed: Sarsaparilla. icy; body warm, face hot: Sambucus. in morning: Anacardium. numb, stiff: Ferrum. sweaty: Lycopodium, Mercurius. swelling of: Kreosotum. swollen: Sulphur ac. when going to bed: Ammonium carb. with nausea and palpitation: Glonoinum. with red, burning toes: Apis. coldness, especially of knees and: Arsenicum. cracked skin of: Hepar. cramps and cutting pain in: Natrum carb. in: Causticum. REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. 35 Feet, cramps in, during night: Lachnanthes. in, internal burning: Nux mosch. crawling in:.Ethusa. distention of veins of: Natrum mur., Sulphur ac. drag when walking, legs tremble, gait unsteady: Nux vom. dragged along, shuffling gait: Secale. drawing, crampy pain on dorsum of, especially when moving them: Camphora. in knees, ankles, toes and: Caulophyllum. pain in: Cannabis sat. pain in legs, thighs, hips and, more right side: Chelidonium. tearing pains in thighs, knees, legs and, worse in open air, better in warmth of bed: Causticum. emaciated: Natrum mur. erysipelas of, skin peels off; itching: Dulcamara. feel as if dead or asleep: Lycopodium. pithy, as if pricked with needles: Hypericum. sprained: Kalmia. fidgety, with varices: Zincum. from slight exposure of, he catches cold: Conium. give way when walking: Silicea. go asleep: Psorinum. go asleep alternately with the hands: Cocculus. go asleep immediately after sitting down: Antimonium tart. go asleep when crossing legs or sitting: Laurocerasus. gout, worse in, nodosities on joints, fine tearing in toes: Ledum. heat of hands and, evenings: Ledum. of, veins distended: Spongia. heaviness of: Ignatia, Natrum mur., Sabadilla. and swelling of: Opium. heavy and stiff: Kali carb. hot: Millefolium. arthritic swelling of: China. burn much: Fluoricum ac. itching, swelling of: Cocculus. itching intense on dorsa, also ankles; worse after scratching, much worse in warmth of bed: Ledum. 36 REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. Feet, itching of dorsum of: Causticum. of thighs and, intolerable: Arsenicum. lame feeling in: Mercurius iod. flay. laming pain in: Paris. must constantly change position of, or walk about for relief, cannot lie still at night: Arsenicum. numb: Aconitum. clumsy: Phosphorus. insensible; knee-joints suddenly bend when standing: Arnica. tingling: Nitr. tired feeling in, only when sitting: Platinum. numbness in feet, going off by motion, only felt when sitting still: Helonias. of, with pricking as if asleep: Colchicum. cedema, of: Argentum m., Argentum nit., Arsenicum, Lycopodium, Natrum sul. of, extending to legs: Sambucus. cedematous, white, swelling of both: Kreosotum. of, with paralysis of lower limb, after a cold: Cocculus. pain in toes and, worse at night: Caulophyllum. when walking on pavement in soles of: Aloes. paralyzed, from suppression of foot-sweat, by getting wet: Zincum. pricking in, as of needles: Kobaltum. in balls of, as if toes would be drawn down, on putting feet to ground: Staphisagria. puffed: Phytolacca. pustular and ichorous exanthema on: Jacea. raw and sore spots on, from friction: Cepa. rheumatic pains in, at night: Sarsaparilla. rheumatism of both, insteps puffy, sour sweat: Ruta. sensitive: Rumex. sore: Carbo an. as if ulcerated, when stepping: Argentum met. sore from foot-sweat: Calcarea carb. stiffness of, after rising from a seat: Laurocerasus. of knees and, alternating with tearing pains: Arsenicum. REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. 37 Feet, stinging as from pins in, beginning of chill: Eupatorium perf. stitches in: Jacea, Kalmia, Mephitis. subsultus tendinum of: Iodium. sweat, cold: Benzoicum ac. of hands and, long-lasting and warm: Ledum. of of unbearable odor, making toes sore: Sepia. profusely: Sepia. sweats of, local, transient; cold limbs: Silicea. swell: Theridion. are painful on walking, feel every pebble: Sabadilla. in evening: Rhus tox. suddenly: Veratrum alb. swelling and caries of the bones of: Asafcetida. and painfulness of: Digitalis. of: Hyoscyamus. of, every evening: Crotalus. of dorsa: Lycopodium. of, oedematous: Iodium. of, painful: Zingiber. of, to ankles; feet cold: Kali carb. of, worse from walking: Lachesis. swollen: Plumbum. and stiff: Sticta. and sweaty; blisters on balls of toes: Phosphoricum ac. and up to knees: Ledum. cold: Petroleum, Sulphuricum ac. in evening: Phosphorus. inflamed, red: Pulsatilla. sore to touch, worse around ankles; tearing in soles; after washing floor: Mercurius iod. rub. stinging pain in, when walking or stepping: Natrum carb. with black spots: Secale. with sensation as if asleep: Sepia. tearing, boring, screwing pressure in bones of: Bismuth. crampy, pain on dorsum of, extending up outer side of the calves to the thighs: Camphora. 38 REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. Feet, tearing in all parts: Argentum m. in ankles and bones of, ceases when warm in bed: Ammonium carb. in, at night, during pregnancy: Phosphorus. in balls of, painful to step theron: Berberis. pain in, after severe chill; must lie down and keep quiet; pain in ankle, worse from motion: Chamomilla. tender and bathed in foul moisture: Petroleum. tingle, lying in bed: Hypericum. tingling in: Dulcamara. tired or inflamed after a walk: Arnica. to, from hips, rheumatic pains; arthritic pains in heels: Mephitis. trembling of: Ammonium carb. of, constant: Stramonium. tremor and disabling weakness of: Tabacum. of, when standing: Baryta carb. turn inward when walking, steps improperly on soles: Cicuta. turn under easily when walking on stone pavement: Agnus cast. twitching of: Phosphorus. ulcers on, callous: Graphites. on previously inflamed: Kali bich. on soles and toes: Arsenicum. warm, hands cold: Phosphoricum ac. weakness and numbness of: Arsenicum. weakness of, cannot walk: Graphites. weariness of: Antimonium tart. Femoral region, anterior, and posterior tibial, creeping feeling in: Secale. vessels in middle of thigh, sore: Hamamelis. Femur, drawing, tensive pain in head of left: Asarum. external condyle of right, drawing in: Colocynthis. head of, great pain begins in the, and extends along the anterior surface of right thigh to knee: Bryonia. right, sore pain in, muscles of thighs sore as if bruised: Hamamelis. REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. 39 Femur, sensation in, as if dislocated, on sitting down: Ipecacuanha. Festering, heel hurts when standing or walking much, as if: Ammonium carb. pain in muscles of buttocks, leg and soles: Pulsatilla. Fetid, foot-sweat: Baryta carb., Plumbum. profuse foot-sweat: Kali carb. with burning of soles: Lycopodium. sweat on feet, toes sore: Zincum. on toes: Thuya. Fibula, after a sprain, pain as if splinter of bone was sticking in right fibula, just above outer malleolus: Asafoetida. Fidgety feet with varices: Zincum. Fissures between and under toes, horizontal: Sabadilla. Fistulous openings from knee, in gonocace, edges hard, pus greenish yellow: Silicea. ulcers.on the ankle: Calcarea phos. Flexed upon thigh, right leg, swollen, contracted, and stiff, immovable: Guaiacum. Flying pains about rump and limbs after getting wet in the rain: Calcarea phos. in arms and legs, remain only few minutes in any one place: Caulophyllum. in hips: Colchicum. in joints: Veratrum v. Flushes of heat along the legs: Kobaltum. Foot and hip-joints, boring and stinging in: Helleborus. and knee, tearing-shooting from hip to, especially when coughing: Capsicum. and toes, tingling, prickling pain in, with numbness of left leg: Ailanthus. arthritic pains in, worse towards evening; fears passers may strike it, big toe-joint red, inflamed, feels sprained: Arnica. bottom of, as if sprained, more at heel: Cyclamen. dorsum of, tensive pain on, even when sitting: Bryonia. feels as if paralyzed, cannot step properly on it; with pain in hip-joint and middle of thigh when stepping: Asarum. 40 REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. Foot, from toes to dorsum of, cramplike, drawing, tearing pain: Anacardium. hot erysipelatous inflammation and painfulness of: Arnica. in sole of right, evenings: Ammonium mur. itching on inner border of sole of right, not relieved by scratching: Ambra. left, and leg, swollen in evening, with violent burning pain, did not know where to lay the limb; limb externally cold; worse after 12 P.M.: Sanguinaria. drawing, aching in: Colocynthis. drawing suddenly from left hip to: Crotalus. feels as if sprained when stepping on it: Anacardium. first, then right, goes asleep: Millefolium. goes asleep: Colocynthis. leg and, erysipelatous inflammation and swelling of, from violent dancing, with tearing, burning and tension in it; burning worse from touch: Borax. numb, prickling: Baptisia. sensation as if, was strained or dislocated: Hypericum. severe pain in; tension while walking: Ailanthus. shooting pain in joint of toes of, worse in great toe: Cannabis ind. shooting-tearing pain in hip, thigh, groin, and: Arsenicum. spasmodic pain in: Mephitis. tearing in tips of toes of, and under nails, when walking: Camphora. cedematous swelling of, even years after sprain: Bovista. one hot, other cold, or cold sweaty feet: Lycopodium. plantar surface, cramp in: Natrum ars. right, cramplike, stitching pain in: Natrum mur. drawing pain on dorsum of, when standing, better when sitting: Taraxacum. especially, right hip, both knees (worse right) and first joint of great toe, shifting pains in: Iris. feels as if tendon was drawing from sole of, through bone of leg, during and after walking: Crotalus. heaviness of, as from a weight: Agnus cast. ( REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. 41 Foot, right, throbbing in: Eupatorium perf. violent stitches in outer malleolus of, painfulness of the inner: Bovista. sprain of: Spigelia. stitches in dorsum of: Anacardium. -sweat: Benzoicum ac., Magnesia mur. acrid, corrosive: odium. after fever: Silicea. cold: Squilla, Mercurius. evenings: Podophyllum. fetid: Baryta carb., Plumbum. fetid, toes sore: Zincum. foul smelling: Nitri ac., Petroleum, Sepia. makes feet sore: Calcarea carb. mostly between toes, smelling sour or like sole-leather: Kobaltum. offensive, with rawness between toes: Silicea. of unbearable odor, causing soreness of toes: Sepia. profuse: Sepia. profuse, fetid: Kali carb. profuse, fetid; with burning of soles: Lycopodium. suppressed: Cuprum m., Natrum mur., Thuya. suppressed by getting wet, causing paralysis of feet: Zincum. suppressed, cold feet and legs from: Silicea. swollen feet, blisters on balls of toes: Phosphoricum ac. tearing in nates hip, knee, leg, ankle and: Ambra. pain below external malleolus of right, ending at tendoachillis: Bismuthum. toes drawn up towards dorsum of: Secale. top of, cedematous swelling of: Fluoricum ac. swollen: Pulsatilla. turning or moving of the, causes bruised pain on outer side of left calf; numb feeling there during rest: Bryonia. turns under when walking, as from weak ankle: Carbo an. ulcer with black base on: Ipecacuanha. Formication and numbness, with dull, aching pains,; sciatica of right side: Rhus tox. 42 REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. Formication in calves: Zincum. in left leg, from knee to toes: Tabacum. in limbs: Phosphoricum ac., Rhododendron. prickling, tingling, numbness: Secale. lame feeling; must often change position, bed or chair seems so hard; after exertion, long marches: Arnica. \with paralysis of lower limbs, jerks and tension of muscles: Nux vom. (See " Crawling.") Foul-smelling, foot-sweat: Nitri ac., Petroleum, Sepia. Friction, chilblains worse from: Zincum. raw and sore spots on feet from: Cepa. Fright, limbs tremble after: Opium. Frost-bites, inflamed, burning: Carbo an. bitten, toes, burning heat and redness of, during slight cold, as if: Borax. toes itch and burn, red and swollen: Agaricus m. toes red, swollen, stinging as if: Carbo veg. (See " Chilblains.") Frozen, feet feel cold as if, with smarting, burning, itching and stitches: Berberis v. little toes pain as if: Asarum. toes burn and itch as if: Nux vom. Furuncle on buttock, pained severely when sitting: Caladium. Gait shuffling, as if feet were dragged along: Secale. unsteady, when walking; legs tremble: Nux vom. Gangrene impending, in erysipelas; surface bluish, glossy: Lachesis. of toes: Secale. Gangrenous ulcers on the legs and toes: Lachesis. Genito-crural neuralgia: Xanthoxylum. Gluteal muscles, cramplike pain in, with tension on bending body forward: Belladonna. dull pressure, like from a plug in left: Anacardium. rheumatic drawing in left, near spine, while sitting; ceases when standing: Cyclamen. twitching of: Agaricus m. violent pain in left hip, under: Agaricus m. -REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. 43 Gluteus, left, small pimples around, which discharge a watery fluid when scratched open: Lachnanthes. (See " Nates.") Gnawing and fine shooting along bones, with tearing in joints: Belladonna. stitching pains in the bones, especially at the joints; less during motion: Drosera. boring and stinging in legs, especially violent in great toe: Ranunculus scel. or tearing in spongy, doughy, swollen knee: Kali iod. in hip-bones; darting in left hip at every step, forcing him to limp: Kali iod. pain in bone when sitting; left hip: Ammonium mur. Gonitis, chronic: Psorinum. Gonocace. (See " White Swelling.") Gout, commences in right great toe during the night: Benzoicum ac. going from left to right: Benzoicum ac. in big toe; first left, then right: Dulcamara. in toes and fingers: Ranunculus scel. in whole foot: Lithium carb. of knee, swollen, rheumatic, with effusion: Calcarea carb..worse in feet: Ledum. Gouty complaints, with or without swelling: Sulphur. inflammation and abscess at knee, repeated after a fall, with violent pain and loss of sleep: Guaiacum. limb, numbness of: Aconitum. nodosities on joints; fine tearing in toes: Ledum. pain in ball of great toe: Ambra. pains in big toes: Graphites. swelling of left big toe; ankles and feet dropsical: Eupatorium perf. tearing in toes: Graphites. Grasping pain in the knees: Lilium tig. pinching pain in left hamstrings, worse at night, with nightsweat and frequent urination: Ledum. Gressus gallinaceous: Arsenicum, Ignatia. 44 REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. Gressus vaccinus: Cicuta. Groin, shooting, tearing pain in hip, groin, thigh and left foot: Arsenicum. Gurgling sensation in patella: Asarum. Hammering pain in both thighs, tearing; increased by motion: Secale. Hamstrings contracted, after a popliteal abscess: Lachesis. contraction of, painful: Natrum mur. drawing in, evenings when lying in bed: Asarum. feel shortened and weak; knees give way when going up or down-stairs: Ruta. feel shortened; rheumatism of left knee: Phytolacca. sciatica: Ruta. feel too short, knees are flexed; attempting to stretch them causes pain in the thighs: Cimex. painful when walking, as if too short: Ammonium mur. pinching, grasping pain in left, worse at night; with nightsweat and frequent urination: Ledum. tension in, when walking: Antimonium tart. Hard, bed or chair seems too: Arnica. Headache, limbs so weak cannot rise: Glonoinum. thighs weak during, knees give way; left thigh numb: Glonoinum. Heat along legs in flushes: Kobaltum. in soles of feet in morning: Eupatorium perf. in swollen joints: Actaea rac. in feet at night: Sepia. veins distended: Spongia. of hands and feet, evenings: Ledum. of joints, circumscribed redness; inflammatory rheumatism: Sticta. of knees, with coldness of the nose: Ignatia. of limb, internal; surface cool; drawing pain, better in open air: Mezereum. of soles, itching: Psorinum. redness and burning of toes during slight cold, as if frostbitten: Borax. Heaviness and lassitude of legs: Chamomilla. REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. 45 Heaviness and paralytic feeling in hip-joint, worse commencing to walk after sitting; better after walking a little: Phosphoricum ac. as if the bones were made of heavy wood: Crotalus. in legs, coldness: Nux mosch. drawing, weariness: Pulsatilla. left and right ankle, stitches in: Kreosotum. of feet: Ignatia, Kali carb., Natrum mur., Sabadilla. swelling: Opium. of foot, right, as from a weight: Agnus cast. of legs: Agaricus, Ambra, Graphites, Kali bich., Magnesia mur. aching and weakness in calves on walking or going up-stairs: Kali bich. and feet, with tension in them when sitting or walking: Natrum carb. of feet: Natrum mur. of legs, tremulous: Belladonna. of legs, with painfulness of thighs when walking: Sabina. of limbs: Ailanthus, Carbo veg., Cimex. can scarcely drag them, staggers, must sit down; evening: Alumina. lassitude, trembling: Secale. mornings; joints all feel as if beaten: Caladium. pain as if beaten; can scarcely rise from seat: Berberis. when walking: Sulphur. of thigh and knee-joint; must sit down: Stannum. weariness, and inability to move, with the pains: Colchicum. weight; loss of voluntary motion; muscles will not obey the will; calves feel bruised; pain at night: Gelsemium. Heavy and stiff legs, as after long walk: Podophyllum. and tired legs: Secale. dull feeling in limbs, also with dizziness: Zingiber. feeling in hands and feet, better by motion: Niccolum. laming pains in the calves, with pain in left knee-joint: Mercurius iod. flay. limbs feel: Natrum ars. 46 IEPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. Heavy pains from hips to knee, dragging, neuralgic; worse on outer part of thighs: Phytolacca. pain in feet and knees, as if stones were tied to them; must move about for relief: Veratrum alb. stiff feet: Kali carb. Heel, arthritic pain in: Mephitis. bruised pain in, when treading thereon: Belladonna. drawing pain in left, and in lower left tibia and knees: Antimonium crud. from, up into calves, cramplike, intermittent drawing: Anacardium. hurts when standing or walking much, as if festering; sometimes suppuration: Ammonium carb. lancinating from right, into sole: /Ethusa. numbness of, when stepping: Alumina. pains: Ferrum. as if sore from walking: Borax. as if stabbed: Eupatorium perf. phagadenic blisters and ulcers on: Causticum. sciatica localizes in, becoming chronic: Sepia. soreness in, when walking: Kali bich. of, cannot bear weight on, rheumatism: Manganum acet. sprained feeling in bottom of foot, more at: Cyclamen. stitches in, when putting it down: Graphites. under, from without inward: Mancinella. swollen, painful and red; chilblains: Petroleum. to, from bend of knee, bubbling sensation: Rheum. ulcer on: Sepia. ulcerated, arising from spreading blisters: Natrum carb. black pustule on: Natrum carb. ulcerative pain in, with tearing and stitches, relieved by rubbing; occurs also at night: Ammonium mur. violent tearing, drawing pains from left ischium to, and sole, with cramplike tension of the muscles: Chamomilla. ache, after long standing: Zingiber. burning pain in, at night, when they come in contact they feel cold: Ignatia. REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. 47 Heels, burning sore pain in, when walking in open air, standing or sitting: Cyclamen. cramplike pains in calf, toes and: Crotalus. numb, sometimes painful; same in fingers: Stramonium. pain: Carbo an. as if ulcerated to bone, when awaking in morning: Ammonium carb. as if ulcerated when standing: Berberis. piercing pain in: Natrum sulph. pricking in both: Hepar. tearing in: Arsenicum. in, also in toes, more left: Bismuthum. ulcerative pain in: Kali iod. pain in, lower part of: Laurocerasus. Herpes in bend of knees: Natrum mur. in bend of knees, dry: Psorinum. on knees and ankles: Petroleum. on thighs, scaly: Clematis. Herpetic eruption on knee: Dulcamara. Hip aches, leg becomes elongated: Thuya. and thigh pain, intolerable when standing, as if thigh would break; ischias: Valerian. bone, right, acute stitches in: Fluoricum ac. tearing from right,.later left, down to knee: Cantharides. bones feel bruised: Ruta. gnawing in, darting in left hip, at every step, forcing him to limp: Kali iod. crampy pain in affected, as though the parts were screwed in a vise; lies on affected side, with knee drawn up: Colocynthis. disease: Kali carb. black, ichorous, offensive discharge; great weakness: Carbo veg. in syphilitic children, or after abuse of mercury: Phytolacca. involuntary limping; pains felt mostly in knee and worse from overexertion; worse at night: Rhus tox. left side, also for violent pains when abscesses form: Stramonium. 48 REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. Hip disease,.violent jerks of limbs; child awakes cross or with a scream: Lycopodium. with profuse suppuration, sweat, diarrhoea: China. Hip-joint, aching in, as if dislocated: Causticum. aching pain in nates while sitting, extending to, sacrum and small of back: Staphisagria. and knee, crampy tearing in; bruised pain when moving and when sleeping; coxalgia: Kali carb. and knee, tearing in, worse at night, or with pulsating pain: beginning suppuration: Mercurius. beating in, as if it would burst: Ignatia. caries and suppuration of: Silicea. feels as if wrenched, sudden shooting pains causing lameness; extending to popliteal space; worse from moderate, better from violent motion; sciatica: Iris. feels relaxed, when walking, leg feels as if made of wood: Thuya. first right, then left, feels paralytic; walking difficult: Veratrum alb. heaviness and paralytic feeling in, worse commencing to walk after sitting, better after walking a little: Phosphoricum ac. in'back of right, stitching pain; limping walk: Rumex. jerking pain in, extending to knee: Pulsatilla. lancinating, cutting pains in: Ignatia. left, darting in, at every step, forcing him to limp: Kali iod. drawing, pressive pain in, when sitting with thigh extended: Arnica. drawing, tearing, on moving: Aconitum. pain as after lying in bad position; difficult to sit down or get up; awakes him at night; can bear any one position only for a short time: Natrum sulph. pains as if luxated, with sensation as if leg was too long when standing: Kreosotum. pains as if sprained: Laurocerasus. sore pain about, later weakness, unsteadiness, trembling in the joint: Apis. REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. 49 Hip-joint, left, violent pains in when abscesses form: Stramonium. or knee, pains as if sprained or dislocated: Ignatia. pulsating in, as from beginning suppuration: Staphisagria. right, and thigh, laming pain in, with pain in ankle as if sprained; when walking must limp: Drosera. boring; soreness; stitches, or drawing in: Lilium tig. feels sprained on walking: Mezereum. lancinating pain in, worse during motion, better during rest: Agnus cast. pain in region (r, like from fatigue: Agaricus. pain in, worse ýrom stooping, rising from a seat, or moving in oed: Natrum sulph. pressure in; worse from motion: Ledum. severe pain in; worse during motion: Helonias. stitches in: Mercurius cor. severe pain in, and in middle of thigh when stepping; foot feels as if paralyzed, cannot step properly on it: Asarum. tearing first in left, then in right: Ambra. to knee, shooting pains, worse moving about: Natrum ars. twitching pain: Mezereum. violent cracking of, when stooping: Crocus. pain in, when walking: Ammonium carb. pain in, worse evenings till 12 P.M.; must get out of bed and walk about; can hardly put foot to the ground; but pain lessens while walking: Ferrum. joints and knees, rheumatic pains on walking or moving; also with restlessness in diphtheria: Kali bich. boring pain in, alternating with numbness and loss of sensation in whole thigh: Kreosotum. numbness in whole thigh, alternating with boring pain in: Kreosotum. pain as if dislocated; worse when walking: Psorinum. painful drawing in: Anacardium. sensation of soreness in: Bovista. stiff, also knee-joints: Helleborus. lame, pain in: Zingiber. 4 50 REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. Hip-joints, stinging in, in morning and when breathing: Sabina. weariness about, feel bruised on hard pressure after walking: Argentum m. Hip, knee and ankle-joints, cracking and creaking in: Camphora. lancinating, stitching pains, must get out of bed for relief; pains worse from rising, but better from slow walking: Sepia. left, as if tendons were too short; must limp when walking; when sitting, gnawing pain in bone: Ammonium mur. knee and shoulder, rheumatism in; high fever, scanty, red urine: Veratrum alb. lameness in: Fluoricum ac. lancinating, drawing from, into thigh: AEthusa. pain and weakness of, worse on going up-stairs: Podophyllum. pain in left knee, toes and, thence to calf, then knee, and after leaving these parts it appears in right thigh and ankle: Benzoicum ac. pains as if sprained, when walking in the open air: Hepar. piercing pain in, belly and small of back, only during rest: Natrum sulph. pricking in: Helleborus. region of, and in right loin, drawing, twitching, with dull throbbing: Colocynthis. rheumatic pains in, also inside of right thigh: Sanguinaria. rheumatic tension in: Lycopodium. rheumatism in; chronic: Phytolacca. shooting, tearing pain in; thigh, groin and: Arsenicum. stabbing pains in: Natrum sulph. stitch suddenly in, when walking, unbearable; cannot walk: Natrum sulph. stitches in when sitting: Carbo an. tearing near and beneath, extending to sacrum: Carbo veg. to foot, drawing suddenly from: Crotalus. REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. 51 Hip, left, violent pain in, under gluteal muscles: Agaricus. pain in, leg is shortened: Mezereum. pains as if strained, with stitches: Natrum mur. rheumatism about thighs, calves, and: Antimonium tart. right, caries of, left leg atrophied and painful: Capsicum. cramplike jerking, digging pain in: Cannabis sat. cutting pains; drawing, leg drawn up, cannot touch floor; hip disease after mercury, or in syphilitic children: Phytolacca. dull pressure in: Asarum. itching, burning pain in small spot on, then on thigh, then on little toe; all on external aspect of limb; also internally on left thigh and knee: Lithium carb. lameness in, and lower extremity; when walking: Eupatorium perf. lancinating pain in: Veratrum vir. pain in, extending down thigh: Lilium tig. pain from, to knee, while walking; cannot stand or bear one's weight: Hydrastis. pain in, extending to the knees: Kali bich. shifting pain in, also knees, right foot, and first joint of great toe: Iris. to knee; feeling of lameness: Spongia. shocks in: Veratrum alb. sprained feeling in, with limping: Nitri ac. stitches in, when walking: Argentum m. tearing and bruised pain in: Natrum carb. in nates, knee, leg, ankle, foot and: Ambra. to feet, tearing pain from: Kalmia. to, from toes, darting pains, worse from motion or lifting, and at night: Nux vom. to knee and foot, tearing, shooting, especially when coughing: Capsicum. to knee, drawing pressive pains, in sciatic nerve; walking difficult and great exhaustion afterwards: Plumbum. to knee, pain: Natrum sulph. (See "Trochanter.") 52 REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. Hips, drawing in, and calves: Baptisia. pain in thighs, legs, feet and, worse right side: Chelidonium. flying pains in: Colochicum. pain as if sprained: Arnica. as if, were screwed together: Colocynthis. gradually rises from ankles to, causing constant shifting and motion of feet; is milder when walking: Belladonna. pains through, extending down right limb: Sanguinaria. rheumatism of, severe stitching; worse during rest, better from motion: Sabadilla. shooting pains from sacrum, down outside both: Phytolacca. stabbing pain in: Bryonia. stiffness in, in morning: Argentum m. tearing in, and down legs: Niccolum. to ankles, aching pain, as though she had walked many miles, felt more in bones: Mercurius iod rub. to feet, rheumatic pains -from; arthritic pains in heels: Mephitis. to knees, heavy dragging, neuralgic pains, worse on outer parts of thighs: Phytolacca. twitching, tearing in: Magnesia mur. violent pain to, through limb, from sole, when attempting to walk, as if spikes penetrated and ran up, worse right side: Cannabis ind. weakness of: Cepa. Hot and cold alternately, limbs; head hot: Veratrum alb. arthritic swelling of the feet: China. feet: Millefolium. burn much: Fluoricum ac. itching, swelling of the feet: Cocculus. legs, burn to knees, evening and next morning: Natrum sulph. one foot, other cold, or cold sweaty feet: Lycopodium. pricking in toes, they go to sleep when walking: Aconitum. soles feel: Ferrum. REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. 53 Humid, painless vesicles between the toes: Helleborus. Hunger, sudden weakness of limbs, with canine: Zincum. Hygroma patellae: Arnica. Ichorous and pustular exanthema on the feet: Jacea. Ilium, bruised pain in crest of; stitches from same through the abdomen; pain in same and lumbar vertebrae in morning, as if tired: Kreosotum. weary feeling from, down outer side of thighs to knees, as from too much exertion: Natrum ars. Immovable, stiff, drawn close up to thigh, swollen and contracted, right leg: Guaiacum. Inflamed, burning, frost-bites: Carbo an. feet feel tired or, after walking: Arnica. red, swollen: Pulsatilla. ulcers appear on: Kali bich. lower legs, swollen, red, and covered with ulcers: Natrum carb. toe-nails, thick and crippled: Sabadilla. Inflammation absent, in periodical wandering pains along bones: Kali bich. and painfulness of foot; erysipelatous: Arnica. and swelling of ankle, with stitches extending to lower leg: Manganum acet. and swelling of left leg and foot: Borax. of knee: lodium. of tibia, with burning: Sabadilla. Insensibility, numbness and icy coldness of feet and hands: Aconitum. Insensible and numb, feet: Arnica. and numb limbs, on awaking, more lying than moving: Aurum. Instep, feeling of heavy weight in each, and want of power in ankles: Arnica. hot swelling of, with bruised pain when stretching out the foot: Bryonia. left, pains as if bruised: Kali iod. right, pricking, shooting in: Ferrum. Insteps, eruption on, soon becoming thick, dirty, scaly; suppu 54 REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. rating; painful and itching at times, keeping him awake: Psorinum. Insteps, puffy; rheumatism of both feet, and right wrist: Ruta. Intense pains along larger nerves: Terebinthine. Intermission, rhythmical, of painful, dull pointed pressure in thigh, at times: Anacardium. Involuntary drawing upward of knees, when walking: Ignatia. Ischias. (See Coxagra.) Ischium, violent tearing, drawing from left, to os calcis and sole, with cramplike tension in muscles: Chamomilla. Itching all over, intolerable, with ulcers on lower legs: Psorinum. around ankle, in evening: Selenium. burning in soles: Kreosotum. pain in small spot on right hip, then on thigh, then on little toe, all on external aspect of limb; also internally on left thigh and knee: Lithium carb. in sole of right foot, evenings: Ammonium mur. of buttocks, with red spots after scratching: Magnesium carb. of calves: Ipecacuanha. of feet and thighs: Arsenicum. of feet, as if frozen, stitches, pain and cold feeling, smarting, burning in: Berberis. of feet, hot, swollen: Cocculus. of feet, skin peels off; erysipelas: Dulcamara. of leg, like fire, swollen, burning; eruption oozing, or scales and scabs, easily detached, purplish: Petroleum. of legs and feet at night intolerable; old rash: Rhus tox. of nates; burning; stinging on small spots; feel asleep; sore spots; oozing scurfs: Calcarea phos. of nettle-rash around the knee, violent: lodium. of shins, bleeding when scratched; small scabs form: Nitric ac. of soles: Aurum. of soles, driving to despair: Silicea. of soles, heat: Psorinum. of thighs: Calcarea carb. of thighs, smarting and burning, better from scratching: Alumina. REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. 55 Itching of toes, burning, as if frost-bitten: Agaricus. of toes, red, burning, as if frozen: Nux vom. of toes, redness: Alumina. of toes, violent, evenings after lying down; sweat between toes: Clematis. of top of feet and of ankles, worse after scratching, much worse in warmth of bed: Ledum. on calf, right, with swelling of bloodvessels: Cyclamen. on dorsum of feet: Causticum. on inner border of sole of right foot, not relieved by scratching: Ambra. on insteps, from eruption; painful, keeps him awake: Psorinum. on legs, in ulcers, nightly burning, tearing in: Lycopodium. on nates, nodes: Theridion. on tibia, red spots: Sulphuricum ac. on toes, or between, after undressing: Natrum sulph. tearing, stitching in old foot-sores: Abrotanum. tetters in bend of knees: Arsenicum. Itch-like eruption between nates: Oleander. Jar aggravates pain in pale, tensive, swollen joints: Nux vom. Jerking in hip-joint, painful, extending to knee: Pulsatilla. in legs, and quivering, in attacks: Mancinella. in legs, lacerating, rheumatic pain in, as soon as he falls asleep: Lachesis. in limbs, and joints, painful, spasmodic, drawing: Platinum. in limbs when going asleep: Kobaltum. in limbs; worse in bed, must sit up and let legs hang out; must walk about: Veratrum alb. in right calf, painful; ceases quickly when touched: Taraxacum. in right hip, cramplike digging pain in: Cannabis sat. of legs and arms, when at rest, twitching: Valeriana. of limbs at night, painful: Secale. of limbs, convulsive: Ignatia. of limbs, especially when feet are touched: Kali carb. of limbs, violent; child awakens cross or with a scream; coxalgia: Lycopodium. 56 REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. Jerking of muscles, tension, formication: Nux vom. of tendons: Kali iod. pain through left leg and foot, lacerating: Pulsatilla. Joints all crack when walking or turning: Caulophyllum. all feel as if beaten, limbs heavy in the morning: Caladium. and limbs numb, cramplike pains: Platinum. and limbs, spasmodic, jerking and drawing pains in: Platinum. and limbs, stitches in: Thuya. and muscles rigid and painful, with numbness: Lycopodium. arthritic pains in: Sepia. bends of, soreness in: Squilla. bruised feeling in all: Muriaticum ac. pain in: Crotalus pain in, worse from motion and at night: Nux vom. crack, are sore as if bruised: Chamomilla. when limb is stretched: Thuya. when moving them; stiff, swollen: Natrum mur. cracking and creaking of: Cocculus. cracks on; chilblains, thick and red: Sulphur. erratic pains in, and on left side: Natrum ars. exquisitely sensitive; inflammatory rheumatism: Chininum sul. feel bruised, also muscles, ache on awaking: Ptelea tri. feel stiff: Natrum ars. gnawing and stitching pains in bones, especially the, less from motion: Drosera. gouty nodosities on, fine tearing in toes: Ledum. heat and circumscribed redness of; inflammatory rheumatism: Sticta. lancinating pains in almost all, especially on motion: Hyoscyamus. large, rheumatism of, pale, tensive swellings, numbness or twitching; worse from least jar or from cold: Nux vom. of lower limbs, sensation in, particularly knees, as if they would give way, especially when walking, more marked when going down hill: Belladonna. REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. 57 Joints pain after exposure to cold: Dulcamara. as if beaten: Conium. as if sprained, with swelling and redness; with arthritic nodosities: Rhododendron. painful on motion: Paris. stiffness of: Cocculus. pains in: Veratrum vir. red and swollen, with stinging pains: Pulsatilla. rheumatic pains of: Secale. smaller, rheumatism especially of: Carbo veg. sore, as if bruised and tired out, no power in hands or feet: Chamomilla. soreness and bruised feeling in, after repeated and severe epistaxis: Agaricus. stiff, rheumatic, cracking when moved: Petroleum. stiffness of: Sepia. stitching or stinging in: Spigelia. swollen: Actaea rac. and bluish, after sprain: Lachesis. and shining red; worse from touch or motion, or at night; rheumatism: Manganum acet. pale or slightly red: Mercurius. pale, tense, hot; with stinging, drawing pains; worse from warmth of bed, and bed-covering, motion and in evening before 12 P.M.: Ledum. red and shining; stitches in, when touched: Rhus tox. with spasmodic pains; rheumatism: Sanguinaria. tearing in limbs, muscles and, from above downward: Sulphur. violent nightly pains in; no swelling: Iodium. tearing in, with fine shooting and gnawing in bones: Belladonna. weak: Zingiber. especially knees: Podophyllum, Sepia. or stiff: Rhus tox. weakness, cracking, swelling, of: Sulphur. Knee and ankle-joints, tension in: Causticum. and foot-joints, boring and stinging in: Helleborus. 58 REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. Knee and foot, shooting tearing from hip to, especially when coughing: Capsicum. and hip-joint, crampy tearing in; bruised pain when moving and when sleeping; coxalgia: Kali carb. and hip-joint, tearing in; worse at night; or with pulsating pain; beginning suppuration: Mercurius. and right thigh, tearing in, awakens him at night, worse lying on affected side; sciatica: Kali iod. and thigh, right, pains in, walking or sitting: Cistus can. arthritic inflammation of, also with nodosities: Nux vom. bend of, cramp in, when stretching out leg: Calcarea carb. of, herpes: Natrum mur. of, painful swelling in: Magnesia carb. of, stiff feeling in, as if tendons were too short: Graphites. of, stiffness and tensive pain in, when walking: Causticum. of, stiffness of, with pain on motion: Rheum. of, tension in, tendons feel as if too short: Berberis. of, tension in, muscles are shortened: Natrum carb. of, to, from trochanter, darting pains, worse from motion or lifting, and at night; Nux vom. of, to heel, sensation of bubbling: Rheum. blue spot above, with burning: Ammonium carb. bruised pain in: Hepar. pain in, while sitting: Argentum met. bursitis about: Sticta. cracking of, when moving: Cocculus. of, when walking: Arsenicum, Causticum. difficulty in, on going down stairs, still more on going up: Kali carb. doughy, spongy, no fluctuation; skin red in spots and hot; gnawing, boring or tearing, worse at night, must often change position; white swelling: Kali iod. drawing pain in: Crotalus. pain in right thigh, down to: Colocynthis. drawn up, lies on affected side with; crampy pain in affected hip, as if screwed in a vise: Colocynthis. gouty inflammation and abscess at, with violent pain and loss of sleep: Guaiacum. REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. 59 Knee, great effusion around, rheumatism, urine muddy, looking like settlings of beer: Hypericum. herpetic eruption on: Dulcamara. hip and ankle-joints, cracking and creaking in: Camphora. inflammatory swelling of, with transitory stinging pains: Cocculus. joint and knee, stitches in: Staphisagria. and thigh, weakness and heaviness of: Stannum. burning, stinging in, worse at night: Belladonna. cracking of: Conium, Sepia. cracking of, when stooping, violent: Crocus. cracks on bending it: Selenium. feels dry, cracking when moved: Nux vom. left, continuous pain in, impeding walking: Colocynthis. left, pain in, with heavy laming pain in calves: Mercurius iod. flay. or hip, pains, as if sprained or dislocated: Ignatia. pains as if beaten: Arsenicum. sensation as if it would suddenly give away: Kreosotum. stitches in, evenings, when sitting: Ammonium mur. stitchlike pain in, when standing: Rumex. synovitis of, intense inflammation; sense of bubbling as from drops of water:.Belladonna. weakness of: Mercurius iod. rub., Podophyllum. joints and ankles stiff: Sulphur. and hip-joints stiff: Helleborus. and wrists swell alternately, with sensation of numbness and rigidity of limbs: Kreosotum. crack during motion: Podophyllum. cracking in: Ranunculus bulb. cracking or sense of dryness in: Benzoicum ac. dropsy of: Sulphur. suddenly bending when standing; feet numb, insensible: Arnica. tearing in, with swelling: Colchicum. lameness in: Cepa. left, after being in right: Benzoicum ac. 60 REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. Knee, left, and axilla, tearing in: Psorinum. especially outer side of, violently itching. nettle-rash: lodium. hip and shoulder, rheumatism, with high fever, and scanty, red urine: Veratrum v. hip, toes and, pain in, thence to calf, then knee; and after leaving these parts it appears in right thigh and ankle: Benzoicum ac. outer part of, aches while sitting, worse while walking: Hydrastis. pains as after a severe blow: Platinum. paralytic pain in thigh, near to: Cina. rheumatism of, hamstrings feel shortened: Phytolacca. rheumatism of, worse from motion; better from straightening limbs: Glonoinum. sticking in: Laurocerasus. stitches in: Natrum mur. tearing in, when walking: Lachnanthes. throbbing pain when lying, evenings; as if being forced asunder; cracks on stepping, and impedes walking: Caladium. to toes, formication: Tabacum. violent pain in, more outside and to the front: Apis. pain as from a needle in, when touching: Arnica. beginning back of trochanter, extends down thigh posteriorly, then to knee anteriorly, down tibia to ankle; somewhat relieved by flexing knee: Arsenicum. in, like from fatigue: Conium. just below, as if it had been tied too tightly: Antimonium crud. pains above: Calcarea phos. felt in, mostly, involuntary limping, worse from overexertion and at night; coxalgia: Rhus tox. right, becomes weak from walking: Aurum. cracking in, when rising in morning: Mezereum. cramplike pain in, near patella towards outer side, when sitting: Belladonna. \ REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. 61 Knee, right, drawing in, when walking or setting foot on floor: Aurum. drawing pain from thigh to: Natrum mur. hot swelling of, painful to slight touch: China. inflammatory rheumatism in, swelling and extreme pain: Lobelia infl. pain from hip to, when walking; cannot stand or bear one's weight: Hydrastis. pain in joint: Fluoricum ac. pain in, so that in evening he could scarcely walk, and was obliged to keep the leg very quiet, inner side of knee very painful to touch: Bryonia. pain in; then in left: Benzoicum ac. pain in, up to thigh, or down towards the leg; pains worse from contact than from motion: China. pain in, with burning and stiffness; worse when moving: Chelidonium. pains as if wrenched or sprained, on moving, especially going up-stairs: Nux mos. swelling of, ulcerative pain in whole leg, with pains in kidneys: Benzoicum ac. to hip, feeling of lameness: Spongia. side of, dull pain in, when walking or extending leg: Kali carb. skin of, red in spots and hot, with doughy, spongy swelling; gnawing, boring or tearing pains: Kali iod. stitches externally on: Kalmia. swelling of: Hepar. of, hot, bright red, with inflammation, pricking and burning; aggravated by touch or pressure: odium. swollen, soft painless: Sepia. stiff and sweating; white swelling: Lycopodium. synovitis of, effusion; constant chilliness: Ledum. tensive pain in: Capsicum. tired, bruised and lame feeling in: Berberis. to, from acetabulum, shooting pains, worse moving about: Natrum ars. from head of femur, along front of thigh, great pain: Bryonia. 62 REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. Knee, to, from hip, pain: Natrum sul. from hip, pressive, drawing pain, sciatic; with difficult walking and great exhaustion afterwards: Plumbum. from hip-joint, jerking pain: Pulsatilla. from hip-joint, twitching pain: Mezereum. from middle of thigh or leg, pain extends: Guaiacum. from right tarsus, drawing, tearing, lancinating: Guaiacum. toes, drawing pain in flexus of leg, from: Cyclamen. toes, tearing from: Alumina. white swelling in, with intolerable tearing pains, worse during rest and at night: Rhodendron. white swelling of, pains stinging, lancinating; swelling, doughy; fistulous openings with hard edges; discharge greenish-yellow pus: Silicea. Knees, aching hard in both: Apocynum can. aching in, heavy: Lilium tig. aching, weakness of: Hydrastis can. and ankles feel as if sprained: Natrum mur. and feet pain as if heavy stones were tied to them; must move about for relief: Veratrum alb. and feet, stiffness of, alternating with tearing pains: Arsenicum. and feet, thighs and legs, drawing and tearing pain in, worse in open air, better in warmth of bed: Causticum. and hip-joints, rheumatic pains in, on walking or moving; also with restlessness in diphtheria: Kali bich. and patellae, tearing in: Alumina. and thighs feel weak as if beaten: Platinum. and thighs, weakness in: Sarsaparilla. are involuntarily drawn up when walking: Ignatia. bandaged, pain as if, when sitting: Aurum. bend of, dry herpes in: Psorinum. herpes in: Natrum mur. itching tetters in: Arsenicum. tension in; painful contraction in hamstrings: Natrum mur. REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. 63 Knees, bend of, tetter in: Graphites. boring and drawing pains in: Ammonium carb. both, right hip, right foot especially, and first joint of great toe, shifting pains in: Iris. bruised feeling in, legs restless as if becoming insensible: Mephitis.bruised pain in: Graphites. burning in legs, toes and: Taraxacum. cold: Agnus cast. cold, feel, as from cold wind: Cimex. coldness, especially of feet and: Arsenicum. cracking of: Ignatia. drawing pain in toes, feet, ankles and: Caulophyllum. pain in when sitting: Natrum mur. pains in; in lower part left tibia, in left heel, and tearing pain through right great toe; gout: Antimonium crud. fearful, sharp pains in, could hardly touch them: Hypericum. feel paralyzed, with stiffness and great lassitude, is scarcely able to walk: Anacardium. feel tired: Oxalicum. from, down, agreeable thrilling: Cannabis ind. give way: Crocus, Cuprum m. give way, thighs weak during headache; left thigh numb: Glonoinum. give way; tremble: Camphora. grasping pain in: Lilium tig. hamstrings feel too short, flexed, trying to stretch them causes pain in the thighs: Cimex. heat of, with coldness of the nose: Ignatia. herpes on, also ankles: Petroleum. knock together when walking: Argentum m., Colchicum. lassitude in: Asarum. pain above: Cepa. pain as if sprained, sore when walking: Calcarea phos. painful, in walking; the feet, when lying in bed: Magnesia carb. stiffness of: Antimonium crud. 64 REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. Knees, painful uneasiness about, with sensation of stiffness as if bandaged or made tense; when sitting: Anacardium. pressing pain in: Magnesia mur. pressive drawing in arms and: Muriatic ac. pricking, dull, drawing, twitching pains in: Aloes. rheumatic, tearing, stitches in, during rest and motion: Asarum. rheumatoid pains in, also legs and thighs, wandering to back; slight lameness and unsteady gait: Lycopus. sensation in, as if they would give way, especially when walking, more marked going down hill: Belladonna. shooting, tearing pains in: Aconitum. start up at night, awaking him: Argentum nit. stiff: Sanguinaria. stiffness and stitches in, pain in patella, impeding walking: Nitri ac. and tired aching in, almost entire paralysis of limbs: Cannabis ind. of, painful, as after long march: Lobelia infl. of, rheumatic, pains from knee to feet: Phosphorus. stitching pains in: Bovista. strike together, can hardly walk: Colchicum. swelling and pain in: Arsenicum. of, rheumatic gout and effusion: Calcarea carb. of, soft, white, shining: Pulsatilla. swollen, white or red: Sulphur. tearing in: Manganum acet. in; evenings: Cistus can. in nates, hip, leg, ankle, foot and: Ambra. stinging in, with swelling: Lachesis. to ankle, tearing pain: Lachnanthes. to, from ilium, down outer side of thighs, weary feeling, as from too much exertion: Natrum ars. to, from right hip, pain: Kali bich. to, from hips, heavy dragging, neuralgic pains; worse on outside of thighs: Phytolacca. REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. 65 Knees, to, tearing from first right and later left hip-bone: Cantharides. to toes, dull, heavy pain from, moving suddenly from place to place: Liliuin tig. totter and knock together when walking: Bryoriia. when ascending steps: Cantharides. tottering, stiffness and paralytic feeling of: Aurum. tremble when standing: Oleander. trembling and unsteadiness of: Manganum acet. of abdomen, back, hands and: Lilium tig. tremor of, when sitting or walking: Ledum. violent pains in: Cantharides. weak, after seminal emissions: Dioscorea. especially: Sepia. especially when walking: China. painfully: Staphisagria, Sulphur ac. when walking in open air: Zincum. with pain, worse going up-stairs: Lithium carb. weakness of, ache: Hydrastis can. of, afternoon: Hamamelis. of, excessive: Kobaltum. Lacerating, jerking pains through left leg and foot: Pulsatilla. jerking, rheumatic pains in the legs, as soon as he falls asleep: Lachesis. Lame and sore limbs, go asleep easily; evenings: Silica. feeling; formication; must often change position, bed or chair seems too hard; after exertion, long marches: Arnica. from right knee to right hip: Spongia. in ankle-joint, while sitting or walking: Natrum mur. in feet: Mercurius iod. flay. tired and bruised, in knee: Berberis. from stiffness and painfulness in hip-joints: Zingiber. Lameness caused by pain in tendons of muscles of calf, as if stretched: Kali bich. from rheumatoid pains in legs, thighs and knees: Lycopus. sudden shooting in sciatica; pain and lameness extend5 66 REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. ing to popliteal space; worse from moderate, better from violent motion: Iris. Lameness in knee: Cepa. in left hip: Fluoricum ac. in middle of thighs; from which has to drag legs when going up-stairs: Baryta carb. in right hip and lower extremity when walking: Eupatorium perf. of limbs, with contraction of muscles: Cuprum met. Laming ache in middle of right thigh, while sitting, better moving: Athusa. drawing pain, severe, from abdomen down left leg: Carbo veg. pain in calves, with pain in left knee-joint: Mercurius iod. flay. in feet: Paris. in muscles, drawing, spasmodic: Stramonium. in right hip-joint and thigh, with pain in the ankle, as if sprained; when walking must limp: Drosera. Lancinating and drawing from left hip into thigh: Ethusa. cutting pains in hip-joint: Ignatia. from right heel into sole: AEthusa. pain in joints, followed by contractions of limbs: Guaiacum. pain in joints, almost all, especially on motion: Hyocyamus. pain in knee, swelling doughy; fistulous openings, with hard edges, greenish discharge; gonocace: Silicea. in leg, from right tarsus to knee: Guaiacum. in right hip: Veratrum vir. in right hip-joint, worse from motion, better from rest: Agnus cast. in sole of foot when standing: Spigelia. stitches in hip, must get out of bed for relief; worse from rising, but better from slow walking: Sepia. Languor and weariness of lower limbs; Ammonium carb., Ammonium mur. of legs: Agaricus. when walking, with tension in thighs, as if muscles were too short; worse from touch; better from sitting: Guaiacum. REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. 67 Large, toes and whole feet feel, too, swollen and stiff: Apis. Lassitude and heaviness in legs: Chamomilla. heaviness and trembling of limbs: Secale. in knees: Asarum. of legs, with pain in calf of right leg, as from a blow: Arnica. of lower limbs; with dizziness as from intoxication: Argentum nit. - Laughing aggravates sciatic pains from sacrum into right thigh: Tellurium. Leg and foot, left, jerking, lacerating through, which become numb and cedematous; sensitive to touch; better from change of position: Pulsatilla. and foot, whitish swelling of, with sensation of coldness: Calcarea carb. coldness of whole right, sensation of: Sabina. cramped, entire leg: Guaiacum. drawing from sole of right foot through bone of, as from tendon, during and after walking: Crotalus. drawn up, drawing and cutting pain in hip, cannot touch the floor; hip disease: Phytolacca. elongated, hip aches: Thuya. extending, dull pains in side of knee when: Kali carb. feels as if made of wood, when walking, hip-joint feels relaxed: Thuya. flexors of, drawing pain in, from hollow of knees, to tips of toes: Cyclamen. goes asleep frequently, when sitting, standing or lying on it at night: Ammonium carb. left, and arm, feel as if they would fall asleep: Niccolum. atrophied and painful, with caries of right hip: Capsicum. cramp in lower part of: Ammonium mur. drawing, laming pain from abdomen down: Carbo veg. drawing pain down entire: Baryta carb. feels shorter than right, and so sounds when walking: Lycopus. foot and, erysipelatous inflammation and swelling of, after dancing, with burning, tearing and tension in it; burning worse from touch: Borax. 68 REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. Leg, left, formication in, from knee to toes: Sulphuricum ac. goes asleep easily: Fluoricum ac. lower, feels paralyzed: Carbo veg. numb, cold, while sitting: Hypericum. numbness of, with tingling, pricking pain in foot and toes: Ailanthus. pressive bone pain in: Bromium. swollen, ulcer thereon; skin copper-colored: Cistus can. trembling of: Cicuta. numbness of first one, then the other: Cantharides. pains begin in middle of, and extend to knee: Guaiacum. right, calf of, pain in, as from blow; lassitude of legs: Arnica. cramp in, on getting awake in the morning: Arum triph. must be kept quiet, because of pain in knee, in evening; inner side of knee very painful to touch: Bryonia. pain in knee descends to, or ascends to thigh; worse from contact than from motion: China. pain from point of exit of sciatic nerve, felt only when moving the limb, or when sitting up: Dioscorea. swollen and contracted, stiff, immovable, drawn close up to thigh: Guaiacum. shooting along entire sciatic nerve from pressure upon it: Kali bich. shortened; pain in hip: Mezereum. swollen from knee to ankle, purplish, oozing or covered with scales or scabs, which are easily detached; itching and burning like fire: Petroleum. tearing, drawing lancinations in, from right tarsus to knee: Guaiacum. tearing in nates, hip, knee, ankle, foot and: Ambra. pain down, from hip to feet: Kalmia. pressure in middle of inside of the leg; uninfluenced by motion or contact: Belladonna. to, from swollen and inflamed ankle, stitches: Manganum acet. too long, feels as if, when standing on it, with pain in left hip-joint as if luxated: Kreosotum. ulcerative pain in whole, swelling of right knee; with pains in kidneys: Benzoicum ac. REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. 69 Leg, ulcer on, burns at night; discharge offensive, skin around mottled, purple: Carbo veg. ulcers on lower: Phosphoricum ac. whole leg pains as if from an ulcer: Kreosotum. Legs ache: Rumex. ache anteriorly, until they become restless; an uneasy feeling is produced: Natrum ars. ache; cannot keep them still; worse when giving up control of herself, as when trying to go asleep: Lilium tig. aching and insupportable pain in, toward evening, better on moving: Mercurius, iod. rub. aching, weakness of: Hydrastis. almost powerless; with numbness after sitting: Aconitum. and arms move normally, but jerk and twitch when at rest: Valeriana. and arms twitch: Mercurius. and back weak: /Esculus hip. and feet cold, after suppressed foot-sweat: Silicea. and feet cold and clammy: Laurocerasus. and feet cold, especially evening in bed; when feet get warm, hands get cold: Sepia. and feet, coldness and cedematous swelling of: Colchicum. convulsive twitchings of: Ipecacuanha. cramp, must walk about: Rhus tox. drawing pains in: Magnesia carb. go asleep: Mezereum. heaviness of, with tension in them when sitting or walking: Natrum carb. itch intolerably at night; old rash: Rhus tox. rheumatic pains in: Nitri ac. swelling of in morning on rising, better walking: Aurum. swollen, up to knees: Ledum. waxy, pale, swollen, cedematous: Apis. and great toe, stinging, boring and gnawing in: Ranunculus scel. thighs, bruised pains in, mornings in bed: Causticum. 70 REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. Legs and thighs, knees and feet, drawing and tearing pains in, worse in open air, better in warmth of bed: Causticum. thighs, skin of, marbled: Causticum. anguish and pain in, coldness of extremities, especially as if feet were in cold water: Gelsemium. beaten, pain as if, also thighs: Belladonna. blotches on: Natrum carb. boring, dull pain in, worse at night: Mercurius iod. flay. burning and stinging in: Kali carb. in knees, toes and: Taraxacum. cold and clammy, worse at night; child: Mercurius. from knees down, icy: Tabacum. powerless; angina pectoris: Oxalicum ac. sweat on upper part of: Capsicum. with hemorrhages: Trillium pend. coldness and numbness of: Antimonium tart. covered with small red pimples: Rumex. cramps in: Ammonium carb. and in calves, nearly every night: Ambra. toes, fingers, etc.: Veratrum vir. deep-seated muscular pains in, relieved by motion: Gelsemium. dragged along, when going up-stairs, because of a lameness in middle of thighs: Baryta carb. drawing, crampy pains in, from thighs into toes; worse on motion or walking: Gelsemium. heaviness, weariness in: Pulsatilla. pain in, when resting feet on floor, while sitting: Arsenicum. pains in feet, hips, thighs and, more right side: Chelidonium. drawn up, with every attempt to change position: Helleborus. dropsical, with ulcers discharging serum: Rhus tox. dull tearing in: Belladonna. emaciated: Selenium. erysipelas of, swelling, bluish, glossy; impending gangrene: Lachesis. REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. 71 Legs, excoriation between: Graphites. fatigued and swollen towards evening: Agnus cast. feel as after a long walk: China. if asleep: Mercurius cor. if paralyzed, especially the ankles: Natrum mur. weak, paralytic, after a short walk: Nitrum. weak, with fear of paralysis after typhus: Selenium. festering pain in: Pulsatilla. flying rheumatic pains in arms and, remain only a few minutes in any one place: Caulophyllum. front of, weakening drawings; shooting pain as if in the periosteum: Hypericum. go asleep and tingle, while sitting or when crossing them: Crotalus. in evening when sitting: Calcarea carb. when sitting quietly: Antimonium crud. heat along, in flushes: Kobaltum. heaviness and lassitude in: Chamomilla. of: Agaricus m., Ambra, Graphites, Kali bich., Magnesia mur., Natrum mur. of, aching and weakness of calves on walking or going up-stairs: Kali bich. of, tremulous: Belladonna. heavy and cold: Nux mosch. and tired: Secale. with painfulness of thighs when walking: Sabina. hot, burn to knees, evening and next morning: Natrum sulph. swollen, with tensive, burning pain: Pulsatilla. lacerating, jerking rheumatic pains in, as soon as he falls asleep: Lachesis. hurt after least exertion; tarsal joints feel bruised: Natrum mur. languor of: Agaricus. lassitude of: Arnica. lower, and feet, dropsical swelling of: Rhododendron. skin wrinkled on: Rhododendron. swollen, inflamed, red and covered with ulcers: Natrum carb. 72 REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. Legs, numb: Aconitum, Eupatorium perf. numbness and deadness of: Nux vom. oedema of, skin shining; dents remain a long time: Cactus. cedematous: Helleborus. extending to, from feet: Sambucus. oozing of water from sore places in; ascites: Lycopodium. pain as from weariness, pressing towards groins, diarrhoea; during menses: Niccolum. at night, as after excessive dancing or walking: Baryta carb. especially on tibia and soles, as from overexertion in walking; legs restless, better on rising: Psorinum. painful when lying in bed, the knees when walking: Magnesia carb. pains in, worse standing or sitting, better walking or moving: Agaricus. paroxysmal pains in, from getting wet, especially when warm and sweaty: Rhus tox. powerless, feel as if: Silicea. quivering and jerking in, in attacks: Mancinella. refuse to carry him and he staggers: Cicuta. restless as if becoming insensible; knees feel bruised: Mephitis. must be moved for relief, with tense feeling in thighs: Magnesia mur. tremulous, with numb and torpid feeling when sitting; worse evenings: Platinum. restlessness in, must move them constantly: Natrum mur. of: Ammonium carb., Graphites, Magnesia carb. of, cannot keep them still: Cactus. rheumatic pains mostly in lower part of, are worse when going to sleep: Kalmia. rheumatoid pains in, also knees and thighs, wandering to back, slight lameness and unsteady gait: Lycopus. rush of blood to, at night: Mephitis. sensation as if asleep, in both; step not firm: Ambra. of great fatigue in, even while sitting: Magnesia mur. REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. 73 Legs, sensation of stagnation of blood in: Zincum. shooting tearing pains in: Aconitum. so weak they will scarcely hold him: Bryonia. spots, red, large and painful, on, like erysipelas bullosum: Calcarea carb. stiff and heavy, as after a long walk: Podophyllum. numb and weak: Oxalicum ac. stiffness of: Spongia. stitches in: Kobaltum. in, especially from motion: Sarsaparilla. swollen, bright red, with black, painful spots: Nux vom. tearing down, from hips: Niccolum. pains from abdomen into: Chamomilla. tension and stiffness of: Manganum acet. tingling in: Secale. tired, as after a long journey, must move legs from place to place: Nux mosch. tremble when walking, feet drag, unsteady gait: Nux vom. trembling of: Mancinella. of (especially); aching when sitting: Kobaltum. of, with extreme nervousness: Silicea. twitches and spasmodic movements of: Opium. twitching of, convulsive: Squilla. of muscles of: Asafcetida. of muscles of, from least exertion: Manganum acet. ulcerated, sloughing, spreading: Petroleum. ulcers and nodes on: Phytolacca. of, hard swelling around mercurio-syphilitic: Cistus can. on, atonic: Hydrastis. on, discharging profusely: Rhus tox. on, dropsical, discharging serum: Rhus tox. on, flat, with thin, offensive discharge and bluish areolae: Lachesis. on, gangrenous: Lachesis. on lower, flat: Selenium. on lower, with intolerable itching all over: Psorinum. on, old, nightly burning, tearing, itching: Lycopodium. 74 REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. Legs, ulcers on, which bleed easily and become putrid, spongy and bluish: Mercurius. uneasiness of, must move them or draw them up: China. varices on: Lycopodium, Pulsatilla. with fidgety feet: Zincum. wavelike twitches in, here and there: Anacardium. weak: Ferrum. painfully, especially the knees: Staphisagria. tired: Eupatorium perf. weakness, numbness and paralysis of: Opium. of, ache: Hydrastis. of, knees give way: Cuprum m. weariness of, tingling in: Mercurius iod. flay. "Lies on affected side with leg drawn up; crampy pain in affected hips as though screwed in a vise: Colocynthis. Lifting aggravates darting pains, from toes to hip, or from trochanter to bend of knee: Nux vom. Limb, left, and foot, swelled in evening with violent burning pain, did not know where to lay limb; limb externally cold; worse until 12 P.M.: Sanguinaria. left, pain in as from a red-hot iron; worse after sleep: Lachesis. lower, and right hip, lameness in, when walking: Eupatorium perf. right, pains through hips extending down: Sanguinaria. shooting pain, like lightning, down the whole: Colocynthis. shortened, seems to be, sensation of contraction in right thigh: Ambra. Limbs ache, worse at night: Podophyllum. aching in, as if bones were broken: Eupatorium perf. alternately hot and cold, head hot: Veratrum alb. and feet swollen, worse when sitting or standing; better when walking: Sepia. and joints numb; cramplike pains: Platinum. joints, spasmodic drawing and jerking pains in: Platinum. blood all seems to rush from head into lower, they feel as if paralyzed, she has to sit down: Aurum. REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. 75 Limbs, bruised pain in all: Kobaltum. pain in, worse from motion and at night: Nux vom. cold: Camphora, Dulcamara, Opium, Veratrum alb. and blue: Agaricus. bluish, emaciated: Nux vom. clammy, more when excited or nervous: Lilium tig. covered with cold sweat: Secale. even purple: Mercurius cor. icy: Phosphorus, Sepia. transient, local sweats of feet and arm-pits: Silicea. with oppressed breathing: Gelsemium. coldness and trembling of, with. cold sweat: Tabacum. of, especially the feet, as if in cold water; anguish and, pain in legs: Gelsemium. of, skin of lower leg wrinkled: Rhododendron. contractions of, following arthritic lancinations: Guaiacum. convulsive jerking of: Ignatia. cramp and tearing in: Tabacum. cramps in entire, with painless watery stools: Podophyllum. cramplike pains in, waken out of sleep; followed by cold sweat: Eupatorium perf. darker colored: Muriaticum ac. drawing pain in: Graphites. twitching-tearing in: Phosphoricum ac. dull, heavy feeling in, also with dizziness: Zingiber. exhaustion in: Guaiacum. feel as if bound or powerless: Taraxacum. as if gone to sleep: Stramonium, Sulphur. as if severed from her body, and as if they belonged to someone else: Opium. heavy: Natrum ars. tired during repose: Aconitum. flying pains about rump and, after getting wet in the rain: Calcarea phos. formication; pricking; tingling and numbness in: Secale. go asleep: Ailanthus, Graphites, Guaiacum, Natrum mur., Stramonium, Sulphur. also when lying down: Veratrum alb. 76 REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. Limbs go asleep and become stiff: Petroleum. cannot stand on them: Bovista. easily, sore and lame; evenings: Silicea. feel restless, anxious; has to move them: Calcarea phos. from lying on them: Rheum. numb, insensible, on awaking, more when lying than when moving: Aurum. when walking: Sepia. heaviness in, great, can scarcely drag them, staggers when walking, and must sit down; evening: Alumina. of: Ailanthus, Carbo veg., Cimex. of, mornings, joints all feel as if beaten: Caladium. heavy; paralytic feeling, particularly when descending: Stannum. when walking: Sulphur. immovable as if paralyzed: Sarsaparilla. jerk, especially when feet are touched: Kali carb. painfully at night: Secale. tension of muscles, formication: Nux vom. violently during sleep: child awakes cross, or with a scream; coxalgia: Lycopodium. when falling asleep: Kobaltum. jerks in, electric, worse in bed, must sit up and let leg hang out; must walk about: Veratrum alb. lameness of, with contraction of muscles: Cuprum m. lassitude of, with dizziness as from intoxication: Argentum nit. trembling and heaviness in: Secale. lose power of voluntary motion; muscles will not obey the will; calves feel bruised and pain at night: Gelsemium. numb and cold: Argentum nit. numbness of, first one leg, then the other: Cantharides. cedema of, very large; profuse watery exudation, from skin below the knees; epidermis exfoliated: Graphites. cedematous swelling of, up to abdomen: Fluoricum ac. swelling of, with stitching pains: Viola od. REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. 77 Limbs, cedematous swelling of, with shooting pain: Muriaticum ac. pain as if beaten: Kreosotum. as if beaten; with heaviness; can scarcely rise from seat: Berberis. painful feeling of stiffness in muscles of lower: Cicuta. to touch, and improper position: Taraxacum. pains in, worse at night, and relieved by rubbing: Plumbum. paralysis of: Stramonium. of, from psoas abscess: Cuprum met. of, painless: Laurocerasus. of, with cedema of feet, after a cold: Cocculus. paralytic drawing of, in morning on awaking, or on getting cold: Aurum. feeling in lower: Cocculus, Digitalis. feeling in, painful: Veratrum alb. weakness of: Causticum. paralyzed, from overexertion, getting wet, sexual excesses, or after apoplexy: Nux vom. putrid ulcers on, with burning around them: Muriaticum ac. relaxed, motionless; in sunstroke: Glonoinum. restless in the evening: Nitri ac. restlessness of, insupportable: Stannum. of, like overfatigue from long walk: Cimex. rheumatic pains in lower: Clematis. pains in, rarely in joints; worse during rest after previous exertion; better from movement: Valeriana. rigidity and numbness of, alternating with swelling of kneejoints and wrists: Kreosotum. sensation as if they would break down on going up-stairs: Arsenicum. of running, as of a mouse, in: Sepia. shooting, neuralgic pains in; numbness and weakness: Xanthrox. spasmodic rigidity of: Stramonium. twitching in, when stepping out: Rhus tox. stiff in forenoon and while standing: Veratrum alb. or curved after mercurialization: Lachesis. stinging in, at night: Silicea. 78 REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. Limbs, stinging pains in, worse from least motion: Guaiacum. stitches in joints and: Thuya. stitching pains in: Paris. Stearing and restlessness in: Squilla. drawing in, at night and on alternate days; worse at rest: Lycopodium. drawing in, paralytic: Magnesia mur. erratic pains in: Rhododendron. in: Graphites. in, also muscles and joints; from above downward: Sulphur. in, during rest: Rhus tox. in, during rest, better from motion: Muriaticum ac. in, only, worse during rest; typhus: Taraxacum. stinging in: Laurocerasus. tense as if wrapped tightly: Platinum. tingling in: Ignatia.. or buzzing sensation in: Kreosotum. tremble after fright: Opium. from every exertion: Phosphorus. trembling of: Spongia. of, especially legs; aching when sitting: Kobaltum. twitching of: Coffea. of, day and night: Silicea. of, drawing them backward: Cuprum m. ulcers on, with acrid pus, dry skin and constipation: Graphites. uneasiness in: Lachesis. in, cannot lie still at night, has to change position of feet constantly, or walk about for relief: Arsenicum. of, intolerable in the evening: Causticum. violent pains in: Agaricus. wasting of: Berberis. weak, cannot get out of bed: Caladium. cannot rise; headache, worse when covered: Glonoinum. especially knees, after seminal emissions: Dioscorea. tremble, sweat: Theridion. vascillating when walking: Baptisia. REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. 79 Limbs, weakness and debility of, all afternoon, with sick feeling and dread of work: Argentum nit. of, excessive: Xanthrox. of, sudden, with canine hunger: Zincum. of, with feeling in soles as if asleep, when walking: Oleander. weariness and languor of lower: Ammonium carb., Ammonium mur. Limp, caused by darting pains in left hip-joint at every step: Kali iod. when walking; because of pain in left hip as if tendons were too short: Ammonium mur. from sprained feeling in hip: Nitricum ac. stitching in back of right hip: Rumex. owing to laming pain in right hip-joint and thigh, and pain as if sprained in ankle: Drosera. Liver, shooting from, into thigh: Kobaltum. Local, transient sweats of feet and arm-pits; cold limbs: Silicea. Lying down, boring in big toe, after: Nux mosch. evenings, after, cramps in soles: Carbo veg. evenings, after, violent itching of toes: Clematis. evenings, throbbing pain in left knee as if forced asunder, cracks when stepping and impedes walking: Caladium. in bed, cramps in calves when: Lachnanthes. feet pain; when walking, the knees: Magnesia carb. feet tingle: Hypericum. limbs go asleep when: Veratrum alb. on affected side aggravates sciatic pains, from sacrum into right thigh: Tellurium. on affected side aggravates tearing pain in right thigh and knee; sciatica: Kali iod. on either great trochanter causes pain in it: Veratrum vir. on left side prevented by drawing pain from upper part of left calf to popliteal space: Ledum. on leg at night, frequently causes it to go asleep: Ammonium carb. on limbs, they go asleep when; bruised, numb: Carbo veg. 80 REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. Lying on thigh at night impossible, owing to pressing pain in posterior muscles of thigh: Drosera. relieves cramps in calves, which come on when walking or rising from seat: Anacardium. relieves tension as if tendons were too short: Baryta carb. Malleoli, redness and swelling around: Chamomilla. Malleolus, tearing pain below external, of right foot, terminating in tendo-achillis: Bismuthum. ulcers on right, edges callous; ichor putrid: Calcarea phos. violent stitches in outer, of right foot, painfulness of inner: Bovista. Marbled skin of sole, nets of veins: Thuya. of thighs and legs: Causticum. Menses, during, burning in soles and palms: Carbo veg. Mercurialization, limbs stiff or curved, after: Lachesis. Mercury, pains after abuse of: Guaiacum. bone pains after abuse of: Sarsaparilla. Metatarsal bones and phalanges, rheumatic pains in, worse from motion and contact: China. joints of right great toe, tearing and stitches in: Benzoicum ac. Morning, 3 A.M., about, cramp in calves; also in hollow of knee when stretching out leg; in sole; in toes: Calcarea carb. 3 to 5 A.M., sciatic pain, veins swollen; better during pregnancy: Sepia. acute, crampy, tearing pains in posterior muscles, especially of the calf, better in: Valeriana. calves cramp about 3 A.M.: Calcarea carb. cramp in, muscles feel too short: Bovista. feet and legs swollen in, on arising, better from walking: Aurum. cold in: Anacardium. heels pain as if ulcerated to bone, on awaking in: Ammonium carb. hip-joints, stitching pains in, or on breathing: Sabina. hips stiff in: Argentum m. in bed, bruised pains in thighs and legs: Causticum. REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. 81 Morning in bed, cramp in calf: Causticum. joints all feel as if bruised in; heaviness of limbs: Caladium. limbs stiff in forenoon and while standing: Veratrum alb. paralytic drawing in of limbs in morning, on awaking or becoming cold: Aurum. right knee cracks when rising in: Mezereum. leg cramps on getting awake in: Arum triph. soles of feet, heat in, in: Eupatorium perf. Motion aggravates bruised feeling along left crural nerve: Natrum ars. bruised pain in limbs and joints: Nux vom. darting pains from toes to hip, or from trochanter to hollow of knee: Nux vom. deep twinging or pricking, in rheumatic left knee: Glonoinum. drawing, crampy pains in legs, from thighs to toes: Gelsemium. hammering, tearing pains in both thighs: Secale. lancinating pain in right hip-joint: Agnus cast. pain in ankle, or tearing pain in feet, coming on after a severe chill: Chamomilla. pressure in right hip-joint: Ledum. rheumatoid pains at first, if continued it relieves: Rhus tox. rheumatic pains in metatarsal bones and phalanges: China. severe pain in right hip-joint: Helonias. stinging, drawing and rheumatic pains in pale, swollen, tense and hot joints: Ledum. stinging pains in limbs: Guaiacum. when moderate; violent relieves; sciatica: Iris. causes cracking of joints: Podophyllum. pain in all joints: Paris. pain in bend of knee, stiffness of: Rheum. shooting from back down outside of left thigh, when first moving: Ruta. stitches in legs: Sarsaparilla. tension in ankle: Bryonia. 6 82 REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. Motion, continued, relieves heavy, paralytic feeling in hip-joint, although it at first aggravates: Phosphoricum ac. relieves rheumatoid pains in joints: Rhus tox. first aggravates; continued relieves pain in hip-joint: Phosphoricum ac. impossible, weariness and heaviness, with the pains: Colchicum. lancinating pains in almost all joints, especially on motion: Hyoscyamus. loss of voluntary; heaviness, weight; muscles will not obey the will; calves feel bruised; pain at night: Gelsemium. of calves causes cramps in them: Baptisia. or contact fails to effect tearing pressure in middle of inside of leg: Belladonna. prevented by pain in red spots on the calves, which turn yellow or green as from contusion: Conium. relieves deep-seated muscular pains in legs: Gelsemium. dull, aching, sciatic pains of right side: Rhus tox. gnawing and stitching pains in bones, especially the joints: Drosera. heavy feeling of feet and hands: Niccolum. lacerating, jerking pains in numb, cedematous left leg and foot: Pulsatilla. neuralgia with throbbing; at night; worse from rest: Ferrum. numbness of feet entirely, only felt when sitting still: Helonias. pain in course of left sciatic nerve, from behind great trochanter to calf: Kali bich. rheumatic pain: Valeriana. rheumatic pain; parts as if beaten: Dulcamara. rheumatic pains in hips: Sabadilla. tearing, drawing in periosteum: Rdododendron. tearing pains which come in limbs when sitting: Muriaticum ac. Moving about aggravates shooting pains from acetabulum to knee: Natrum ars. REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. 83 Moving about relieves pain in feet and knees as if heavy stones were tied to them: Veratrum alb. aggravates pain in right hip-joint, in bed: Natrum sulph. pain in right knee, with burning and stiffness: Cheli"donium. pains in hip-joints; rheumatic: Kali bich. rheumatic pains at night: Thuya. ameliorates insupportable pain and aching in legs towards evening: Mercurius iod. rub. laming ache in middle of right thigh; worse when sit"ting: /Ethusa cyn. pains in legs:. Agaricus. drawing up of limb on, or changing position: Helleborus. excites bruised pain in hip-joint and knee; crampy tearing in; coxalgia: Kali carb. I crural neuralgia, pains stinging, stitching: Staphisagria. feet, drawing,.crampy pain on dorsum of, especially when: Camphora. first aggravates, continued it relieves, heavy and paralytic feeling in hip-joint: Phosphoricum ac. foot or turning it, also touch, cause bruised pain on outer side of left calf; numb sensation there during rest: Bryonia. knees crack when, them: Cocculus. limb or sitting up excites pain in right leg from point of exit of sciatic nerve: Dioscorea. parts imperative, because of uneasiness or drawing pains: Mercurius. right knee pains as if wrenched or sprained when: Nux mosch. thighs or arms painful, they are so sore: Mercurius. Mouse running, sensation of, in lower limbs: Sepia. Muscle, psoas, contracted after an abscess: Lachesis. Muscles and joints feel bruised and ache, on awaking: Ptelea trif. and joints rigid, painful, with numbness: Lycopodium. atrophy of; sciatica: Plumbum. bruised pain in, anterior of thighs: Hepar. pain in, of thighs: Hamamelis. 84: REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. Muscles, contraction of: Cuprum m. cramp, feel too short, in morning; calves: Bovista. drawing, laming, spasmodic pains in: Stramonium. feel relaxed, in thigh and calf: Mercurius cor. flag, as if falling off bone, left thigh: Eupatorium perf. heaviness, weight of, will not obey will; calves feel bruised, pain at night: Gelsemium. jerking, tension, formication in limbs: Nux vom. posterior, acute, crampy, tearing pains in, especially of the calf; better morning and rubbing, worse towards evening and when quiet: Valeriana. sore, very; rheumatism: Hamamelis. stiffness of, painful, limbs: Cicuta. tearing in limbs, joints and, from above downward: Sulphur. tearing pains in: Colchicum. twitching of gluteal: Agaricus. of, from least exertion; legs: Manganum ac. of, in legs: Asafcetida. Muscular pains in legs, deep-seated, relieved by motion: Gelsemium. Nails brittle or soft: Thuya. tearing in tips of toes of left foot, and under the, when walking: Camphora. Nates ache, sharply defined, in sacro-sciatic foramen; with tenderness on pressure: Podophyllum. ache when sitting; pain extends to small of back, sacrum and hip-joint: Staphisagria. buttock and posterior thighs painful when sitting: Hepar. festering pain in: Pulsatilla. flying pains about rump and limbs, after getting wet in rain: Calcarea phos. furuncle on, pains greatly when sitting: Caladium. go asleep; stinging on small spots; itching; burning; sore spots; oozing scurfs: Calcarea phos. when sitting: Alumina. itching and nodes on: Theridion. itching of, with red spots after scratching: Manganuni carb. itchlike eruption between: Oleander. REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. 85 Nates, pain across both buttocks: Nitri ac. pricking in, as if sitting on needles: Guaiacum. tearing from above downward in right, periodically increasing and decreasing: Baryta carb. tearing in hip, knee, leg, ankle, foot and: Ambra. to hip-joint, aching pain extends, while sitting: Staphisagria. to sacrum, aching pain extends, when sitting: Staphisagria. Nausea and palpitation, with cold feet: Glonoinum. Needles. (See " Pricking.") Nerves, intense pain along larger: Terebinthin.e. Nettlerash on the thighs: Cepa. particularly around the knee, on outer side of left knee especially; itches violently: lodium. Neuralgia, crural. (See " Crural.") of genito-crural nerves: Xanthrox. throbbing at night; worse rest; better moving: Ferrum. Neuralgic pains from hips to knees, heavy dragging; all worse on outer side of thighs: Phytolacca. Night, aching in limbs worse at: Podophyllum. and afternoon, rending, shooting, crural or sciatic neuralgia, in attacks, worse: Coffea. bone pains from mercury or checked gonorrhoea, worse at: Sarsaparilla. boring, tearing or gnawing, in doughy, spongy, swollen knee, worse at: Kali iod. bruised feeling in soles at, better on rising and walking: Baryta carb. pain in calves at, muscles will not obey the will, heaviness, weight: Gelsemium. pain in limbs and joints, worse at: Nux vom. burning in feet and hands, worse at: Sanguinaria. in heels at, when in contact, however, they feel cold: Ignatia. in palms and soles at: Lachesis. in soles at: Chamomilla, Phosphoricum ac. in ulcer on leg at: Carbo veg. or heat of feet at: Sepia. 86 REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. Night, cold and clammy legs, worse at: Chelidonium, Mercurius. cold feet at: Zincum. feet at: in bed: Paris. cramp in tendo-achillis at, sudden: Causticum. cramps, in calf at, violent, also when walking after sitting: Nitri ac. in calves and legs nearly every: Ambra. in calves at: Magnesia carb., Magnesia mur., Sulphur. in calves, worse at rest, especially at: Ferrum. in feet during: Lachnanthes. in legs at, about 3 A.M., also in hollow of knee, when stretching out leg; in sole, in toes: Calcarea carb. in soles at: Agaricus. in thighs at: Ipecacuanha. darting pains from toes to hip, or from trochanter to bend of knee, worse at: Nux vom. drawing, tearing in limbs at, and on alternate days; worse at rest: Lycopodium. tearing pains in limbs, especially at: Sabina. dull aching sciatic pains of right side, worse at: Rhus tox. boring pains in, worse at: Mercurius iod. flay. enlarged sensation in toes and whole foot, on removing boots at, swollen and stiff: Apis. excruciating pains in left big toe, worse at: Manganum acet. gout during, commences in right great toe: Benzoicum ac. itching of legs and feet intolerable; old rash: Rhus tox. jerking of limbs at, painful: Secale. moving after 12 P.M., aggravates rheumatic pains: Thuya. pains in calves torment him all: Argentum nit. in legs at, as after excessive walking or dancing: Baryta carb. in tibia at: Phosphoricum ac. of coxalgia worse at, and from overexertion; pains felt mostly in knee: Rhus tox. worse after 12 P.M.: Rhus tox. worse at, erratic, jerking, tearing, drawing: Pulsatilla. worse at, relieved by rubbing: Plumbum. REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. 87 Night, periosteum of long bones painful, worse at, and then the least touch is intolerable; worse in damp weather; syphilis: Mezereum. pinching, grasping pain in left hamstrings, worse at; with night-sweat and frequent urination: Ledum. pressive pain in posterior muscles of thigh, could not lie thereon at night: Drosera. restless, cannot lie still at, has to change position of feet constantly; uneasiness in lower limbs: Arsenicum. rheumatic pains in feet at: Sarsaparilla. rush of blood to legs at: Mephitis. smarting in bones of limbs at: Phosphoricum ac. starting up of knees at, awaking him: Argentum nit. stinging in limbs at: Silicea. sweat on thighs only at: Carbo an. tearing and stitching, violent pain, with ulcerative pain in heels at, relieved by rubbing, at times: Ammonium mur. drawing in periosteum; mostly of arms and lower legs: Rhod. or pulsating pain in hip-joint and knee, worse at night; beginning suppuration: Mercurius. pains in knee at, worse at rest; white, swelling Rhododendron. until 12 P.M., rheumatic pains are aggravated: Ledum. 12 P.M., violent burning in left leg and foot, worse, limb externally cold; swollen: Sanguinaria. violent pains in joints at, no swelling: odium. wandering pains, worse at: Sanguinaria. Nightly burning, tearing and itching in old ulcers on legs: Lycopodium. pains in periosteum of tibiae: Phytolacca. rheumatic pains: Kali carb. tearing in feet during pregnancy: Phosphorus. Nodes on joints: Benzoicum ac. on joints, knees: Nux vom. onj joints, swelling, redness and sensation as if sprained: Rhododendron. on legs, ulcers also: Phytolacca. * 88 REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. Nodes, on nates, itching: Theridion. on toes: Spigelia. Numb calf, sensation as if, on outer side of left, when resting Bryonia. feeling with rheumatism: Thuya. feet and hands, crawling in: Hypericum. cold, stiff: Ferrum. only when sitting; tired: Platinum. foot, left, pricking in: Baptisia. leg and foot, left side, cedematous, with lacerating, jerking pain through: Pulsatilla. left, and cold while sitting: Hypericum. legs and feet, with tingling commencing in feet and spreading upward: Aconitum. and torpid, when sitting, worse evenings, with tremulous restlessness of legs: Platinum. on awaking, insensible: Aurum. toes, pain as after a cramp: Crotalus. Numbness in sciatica, alternating with intense pain along course of nerve: Gnaphalium. of feet: Arsenicum. feet and hands, icy cold and insensible: Aconitum. feet and hands, with pricking as if asleep: Colchicum. feet, clumsy: Phosphorus. feet, going off by motion, only felt when sitting still: Helonias. feet, insensible: Arnica. feet, tingling: Nitr. gouty limb: Aconitum. heels and fingers, sometimes painful: Stramonium. heel when stepping: Alumina. leg, left, with tingling, pricking pain in foot and toes: Ailanthus. legs: Eupatorium purp. legs after sitting, almost powerless: Aconitum. legs, coldness: Antimonium tart. legs, deadness: Nux vom. legs, stiff and weak: Oxalicum ac. REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. 89 Numbness of legs, weakness, paralysis: Opium. limbs: Argentum m. limbs and joints; cramplike pains: Platinum. limbs, bruised feeling, go asleep when laid upon: Carbo veg. limbs, coldness: Argentum nit. limbs, first of one leg, then the other: Cantharides. limbs, rigidity, accompanying alternate swelling of knee and wrist-joints: Kreosotum. limbs, tingling, prickling formication: Secale. limbs, weakness; with shooting, neuralgic pains: Xanthrox. muscles and joints, with rigidity: Lycopodium. parts affected, and formication, with sciatica of right side; pains dull and aching: Rhus tox. thigh, left, weak knees and thighs; during headache: Glonoinum. thigh, whole, alternating with boring pain in hip-joints: Kreosotum. thighs: Ferrum, Graphites. thighs, cold, with fever: Spongia. toes, go asleep when walking: Aconitum. with rheumatoid pains, tingling: Rhus tox. CEdematous swelling of feet: Argentum m., Argentum nit., Arsenicum, Iodium, Lycopodium, Natrum sulph. of feet after a cold, with paralysis of limbs: Cocculus. of feet and ankles: Apocynum can., Mercurius. of feet and legs, cold: Colchicum. of feet and legs, waxy pale: Apis. of feet, both; white: Kreosotum. of feet, extending to legs: Sambucus. of foot, right, even years after a sprain: Bovista. of foot, top of: Fluoricum ac. of leg and foot, left, numb, with lacerating jerking pain: Pulsatilla. of legs: Helleborus. of legs, lower, and feet: Rhododendron. of legs, oozing of water from sore places in: Lycopodium. 90 REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. CEdematous swelling of legs, skin shining; dents remain long time: Cactus grandi. of legs, with ulcers on, discharging serum: Rhus tox. of limbs, up to abdomen: Fluoricum ac. limbs, very large, with profuse, watery exudation, from skin below knees; epidermis exfoliated: Graphites. of limbs, with shooting pains: Muriaticum ac. of limbs, with stitching pains: Viola od. with diarrhoea: Aceticum ac. Oozing blisters on legs, from small pustules, increasing in size, with tearing pains: Psorinum. of water from sore places in cedematous legs; ascites: Lycopodium. scurfs, sore spots; stinging in small spots, itching, burning, and feel as if asleep; nates: Calcarea phos. Overexertion aggravates pains of coxalgia; pains felt mostly in knee; worse at night: Rhus tox. causes paralysis of lower limbs: Nux vom. Pain about condyles, especially: Veratrum vir. above knee: Calcarea phos. along larger nerves, intense: Terebinthine. from calves to sacrum: Mercurius iod. rub. from hip to knee: Natrum sulph. in bones, particularly tibia: Calcarea phos. in feet and knees as if heavy stones were tied to the parts; must move about for relief: Veratrum alb. in foot, sole of, on stepping, as if too soft and swollen: Alumina. in hip and thigh, intolerable when standing, as if thigh would break; ischias: Valeriana. in hip-joint and middle of thigh: Asarum. right, worse from stooping, rising from a seat, or moving in bed: Natrum sulph. in legs, worse when standing or sitting, better walking or motion: Agaricus. in limbs, worse at night, and relieved by rubbing: Plumbum. through ankles and feet; feet puffed; soles burn: Phytolacca. REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. 91 Pain through hips, extending down right limb: Sanguinaria. through limbs fearful, as growing pains: Actaea rac. Painfulness of buttocks and posterior thighs, when sitting: Hepar. feet, swelling: Digitalis. Pains, accompanied by weariness, heaviness and inability to move: Colchicum. Pale, joints hot, swollen, tense and, with stinging, drawing pains: Ledum. swelling of knees: Sulphur. waxy, swollen cedematous feet and legs: Apis. Palpitation and nausea with cold feet: Glonoinum. Paralysis of feet from suppressed foot-sweat by getting wet: Zincum. of legs, numbness, weakness: Opium. of limbs, almost entire, so is unable to walk up-stairs, with stiffness and tired aching in knees: Cannabis ind. of limbs: from overexertion, getting wet, sexual excesses, or after apoplexy; limbs cold, bluish, emaciated; jerks, tension of muscles, formication: Nux vom. from psoas abscess: Cuprum m. loss of speech; staring: Stramonium. painless: Laurocerasus. with cedema of feet, after a cold: Cocculus. of lower and upper extremities: Mercurius cor. sensation of, feeling as of a painful stripe down inside of thigh: Nux vom. Paralytic drawing all through limbs: Sabadilla. drawing and tearing in the limbs: Magnesia mur. in of limbs, morning on awaking, or becoming cold: Aurum. feeling and heaviness in hip-joint, worse commencing to walk after sitting; better after walking a little: Phosphoricum ac. in hip-joint, first right, then left, walking difficult: Veratrum alb. in lower limbs: Cocculus, Digitalis. heaviness of limbs, particularly when descending: Stannum. 92 REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. Paralytic pain in left thigh, near the knee: Cina. weakness in extremities, especially on right side; hands: and feet cold; total want of sweat: Plumbum. of legs after a short walk: Nitr. of limbs: Causticum. Paralyzed, feet feel as if, cannot step properly thereon: Asarum.. knees feel, with stiffness and great lassitude, is scarcely able to walk: Anacardium. knees feel, with stiffness and tottering, they feel as if bandaged when sitting: Aurum. leg, left lower, feels: Carbo veg. legs feel as if, especially ankles: Natrum mur. limbs feel, and as if all the blood rushed from head intolower limbs: Aurum. Paroxysmal pains in legs from getting wet, especially when warm and sweaty: Rhus tox. Paroxysms of shooting pains: Gelsemium. tearing in, through upper and lower limbs at same time: Anacardium. Patella, cramplike pain in right knee near, towards outer side,. when sitting: Belladonna. drawing, bruised pain in right thigh, and on inner side near and below the: Camphora. gurgling sensation in: Asarum. pains, impeding walking; stiffness and stitches in knee: Nitri ac. sensation when walking as if partially luxated: Gelsemium. stitches in: Jacea. Patellae and knee, tearing in: Alumina. hygroma: Arnica. tearing pains in: Colchicum. Periosteum feels as if being scraped with a knife; after injuries: Phosphoricum ac. of long bones pain, especially tibiae, worse at night in bed, and then the least touch is intolerable; worse in damp weather; syphilis: Mezereum. of tibia, soreness of: Nitri ac. nightly pains in: Phytolacca. REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. 93 Periosteum, shooting pain as if in; weakening drawing over front of legs: Hypericum. tearing, darting pains in: Kali iod. tearing, drawing in, worse at night: in wet stormy weather, and at rest; better in motion; mostly in arms and lower legs: Rhododendron. Periodically increasing and decreasing tearing pain from above downward, in right buttock: Baryta carb. "Phalanges and metatarsal bones, rheumatic pains in, worse from motion and contact: China. Phagadenic blisters and ulcers on heel: Causticum. Pithy, feet feel as if, pricked with needles: Hypericum. Piercing pain, drawing, tearing: Millefolium. pain in left hip, belly and small of back, only during rest: Natrum sulph. pain in right great toe, evenings: Cistus can. in soles and heels: Natrum sulph. Pimples around left gluteus, discharging a watery fluid when scratched open: Lachnanthes. legs covered with small red: Rumex. Pinched off, great toe pains as if: Mephitis. Pinching grasping pain in the left hamstring; worse at night, with night-sweat and frequent urination: Ledum. tearing in the right calf: Bryonia. Plug, dull pressure as from a, in left glutei muscles: Anacardium. Popliteal space, drawing pain from upper part of calf to, cannot lie on left side: Ledum. painful swelling in bend of knee: Magnesia carb. (See " Knee, bend of.") sudden shooting, causing lameness; pain as if left hipjoint was wrenched; extending to, worse from moderate, better from violent motion; sciatica: Iris. Powerless, legs: Sabadilla. Salmost, with numbness after sitting: Aconitum. cold and; angina pectoris: Oxalicum ac. feel as if: Silicea. limbs, as if paralyzed: Sarsaparilla. ' feel as if bound or: Taraxacum. 94 REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. Pregnancy, feet swollen during; worse during walking: Lachesis. tearing in feet nightly during: Phosphorus. Pressing pain in knees: Magnesia mur. in posterior muscles of thigh, worse from pressure and stooping; could not lie thereon at night, passes off after rising: Drosera. in small spots; wandering, lasting but a short time; soon returning: Nux mosch. Pressive pains in ball of great toe, severe crawling burning; burning stitches: Causticum. in calf, left: Taraxacum. in hip-joint, left, thigh being extended, when sitting: Arnica. in knee and arms, drawing: Muriaticum ac. in leg, bone of left: Bromium. in legs, drawing, especially in ankles: Agaricus. in sciatic nerve, down to knee; walking difficult, with great exhaustion afterwards: Plumbum. in tibia, boring or burrowing: Clematis. Pressure aggravates pressing pain in posterior part of thigh; which prevents lying thereon at night; passes off after rising: Drosera. causes redness to disappear momentarily from erysipelatous inflammation and swelling of left leg and foot; tearing, tension and burning in it; burning worse from touch: Borax. on sciatic nerve causes shooting along its entire length: Kali bich. or touch aggravates pricking and burning in inflamed knee: lodium. relieves, rending, shooting, sciatic or crural neuralgia, coming in attacks: Coffea. in calves, cramplike, externally: Anacardium. in feet, bones of, tearing, screwing and boring: Bis-k muthum. in hip-joint, right, worse from motion: Ledum. in hip-joints, hard, causes bruised feeling; weariness about hip-joints, worse after walking: Argentum met. REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. 95 Pressure in hip, right, dull: Asarum. in leg, middle of inside of, tearing, uninfluenced by motion or contact: Belladonna. in nates, left gluteal muscles, dull as from a plug: Anacardium. in thigh, painful dull pointed, at times in rhythmic intermission: Anacardium. Pricking in balls of feet, as if toes would be drawn down, when putting them to the ground: Staphisagria. feet and hands, numb as if asleep: Colchicum. feet, as of needles: Kobaltum. feet, as of needles, feel pithy: Hypericum. heels, both: Hepar.. hip, left: Helleborus. instep, right; shooting pain: Ferrum. joints, dull, twitching, pricking, drawing pains: Aloes. knee, inflammatory swelling of, with burning; aggravated by touch or pressure: lodium. knee, left, deep twinging pain, worse from motion; better from straightening limb; rheumatism: Glonoinum. nates, as if sitting on needles: Guaiacum. soles, stinging or bruised pain: Arum triph. Prickling, foot numb and, left: Baptisia. in' foot and toes, with numbness of left leg: Ailanthus. in limbs, tingling, numbness, formication: Secale. in soles, like from pins and needles, when walking: Bryonia. in toes, hot; go asleep when walking: Aconitum. Psoitis, if suppuration seems impending: Asafcetida. Puffed feet, soles burn; severe pain through ankles and feet: Phytolacca. Pulsating pain in hip-joint and knee, worse at night; beginning suppuration: Mercurius. in hip-joint, as from beginning suppuration: Staphisagria. Purple color of extremities, from coldness: Mercurius cor. of swollen leg, oozing, or covered with scales or scabs: Petroleum. 96 REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. Pus from ulcers on limbs, acrid, with dry skin and constipation: Graphites. ulcers on limbs, thin, offensive: Lachesis. greenish-yellow, from fistulous opening in knee; gonocace: Silicea. Pustule on heel, black, ulcerated: Natrum carb. Pustules, small, oozing blisters from, increasing in size, with tearing pains: Psorinum. Pustulous and ichorous exanthema on feet: Jacea. Putrid, ulcers on legs become, bleed easily: Mercurius. on limbs, with burning around them: Muriaticum ac. Raw sore spots on the feet from friction: Cepa. Rawness between toes: Manganum acet. toes, from offensive foot-sweat: Silicea. Recur every day, pains: Caulophyllum. Red scar on tibia, painful: Sulphuricum ac. soles, when walking, sore: Squilla. spots on calves: Sarsaparilla. on tibia, itching: Sulphuricum ac. on feet, inflamed: Pulsatilla. swelling ofjoints, bright, shining: Aconitum. of joints, shining: Rhus tox. of joints, shining, worse from touch or motion, or at night; rheumatism: Manganum acet. of knees: Sulphur. of legs, lower, inflamed, covered with ulcers: Natrum carb. of toe, great, painful, particularly in bed, evenings: Ammonium carb. of toes; frost-bitten: Agaricus. of toes, stinging, as if frost-bitten: Carbo veg. of toes: Aurum. Redness about malleoli, swollen: Chamomilla. inside of right thigh, swollen: Stramonium. of joints, circumscribed, heat; inflammatory rheumatism: Sticta. joints, with stinging pains, swollen: Pulsatilla. joints, with swelling and sensation of sprain, arthritic nodosities: Rhododendron. REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. 97 Redness of soles, swollen: Kali carb. toe, great, swelling, stitches; gout: Sabina. toe, great, with tearing and stinging, on walking or standing: Natrum mur. toe, burning and; feet cold: Apis. toes, burning, itching, as if frozen: Nux vom. toes, during slight cold, as if frost-bitten, heat, burning and: Borax. toes, itching and: Alumina. toes, tips of, swelling, burning and: Muriaticum ac. toes, tips of, swollen: Thuya. Relaxed feeling in hip-joint; when walking, leg feels as if made of wood: Thuya. Rending in ankle-joint, tearing and shooting: Calcarea phos. attacks; crural or sciatic neuralgia, shooting, worse afternoon and night, or by walking, relieved by pressure: Coffea. calves, shooting, warm feeling, with crampy pain: Calcarea phos. feet and toes, tearing; worse walking: Agnus cast. Repose, tired feeling in limbs during: Aconitum. Rest, after previous exertion, aggravates rheumatic pains: Valeriana. aggravates, acute, crampy, tearing pain in posterior muscles, especially those of.the calf: Valeriana. cramps in calves, especially at night: Ferrum. drawing tearing in limbs, at night and on alternate days: Lycopodium. neuralgia with throbbing; at night; better moving: Ferrum. pains: Kreosotum. rheumatic, drawing pain in periosteum: Rhododendron. rheumatic pains in hips: Sabadilla. tearing pains in knee, worse at night: Rhododendron. tearing pains in lower limbs only; typhus: Taraxacum. ameliorates lancinating pain in right hip-joint: Agnus cast. during, jerking and twitching in legs and arms: Valeriana. numb sensation on outside of left calf: Bryonia. 7 98 REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. Rest, during, only, piercing pain in left hip, belly and small ot back: Natrum sulph. rheumatic pains; relieved by moving about; parts as if beaten: Dulcamara. tearing pains in limbs: Rhus tox. tearing pains in limbs, better from motion: Muriaticum ac. (See " Repose.") Restlessness of feet, must constantly change position of, or walk about for relief: Arsenicum. feet, with varices: Zincum. legs: Ammonium carb., Graphites, Magnesia carb., Psorinum. legs, as if becoming insensible; knees feel bruised: Mephitis. legs, cannot keep them still: Cactus grand. legs, cannot keep them still, ache: Lilium tig. legs, from aching, anteriorly down thighs: Natrum ars. legs, must move them constantly: Natrum mur. legs, must move them from place to place; tired: Nux mosch. legs, pain in, as from overexertion from walking, especially in soles and tibia; better on rising: Psorinum. legs, tremulous, numb torpid feeling when sitting; worse evenings:.Platinum. limbs, all, insupportable: Stannum. limbs, as from overfatigue, after long walk: Cimex. limbs, in evening: Nitri ac. limbs, tearing in: Squilla. limbs, they go asleep, has to move them: Calcarea phos. thighs, must move legs for relief, tense feeling: Magnesia mur. (See also " Uneasiness.") Rhagades of the toes: Lachesis. Rheumatic drawing in left gluteus maximus near the spine, while sitting; ceases when standing: Cyclamen. pain: Nitr. at night, in feet: Sarsaparilla. REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. 99 Rheumatic pains from hips to feet; arthritic pain in heel: Mephitis. going from below upward, joints pale, swollen, tense, hot; with stinging, drawing pains; worse from warmth of bed and bed-covering, from motion and in evening before 12 P.M.: Ledum. in hip-joints and knees, on walking or moving; also with restlessness; in diphtheria: Kali bich. in joints: Secale. in left hip, also inside of right thigh: Sanguinaria. in left hip, with weakness there, worse on going upstairs: Podophyllum. in legs and feet: Nitri ac. in legs, lacerating jerking, as soon as he falls asleep: Lachesis. mostly in upper arms and lower parts of legs, and are worse when going to sleep: Kalmia. nightly: Kali carb. now here, now there: Mercurius iod. rub. shift suddenly: Kalmia. worse in those places least covered with flesh, but not in joints; on touching the painful parts, pain vanishes and appears on some other part: Sanguinaria. stiffness of joints, with cracking when moved: Petroleum. of knees; pains from knees to feet: Phosphorus. tension in left hip: Lycopodium. tearing stitches in knees, during rest and motion: Asarum. Rheumatism about hip, thighs and calves: Antimonium tart. after acute eruptions: Dulcamara. every cold; during cold season; better in warm: Calcarea phos. exposure to wet; parts as if beaten; pains when remaining in one position, subside only when he moves about: Dulcamara. getting wet, especially the feet; from protracted wet weather: Pulsatilla. alternating with diarrhcea: Dulcamara. I00 REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. Rheumatism bone pains, after mercury or checked gonorrhcea; pains worse at night, in damp weather or after taking cold in the water: Sarsaparilla. especially in left shoulder, hip and knee; high fever, scanty red urine: Veratrum vir. in feet, both, and right wrist; instep puffy, sour sweat: Ruta. cannot bear weight on heel: Manganum acet. in hip, left; chronic: Phytolacca. in hips, severe stitching; worse during rest, better from motion: Sabadilla. in joints, all, with swelling and spasmodic pain: Sanguinaria. circumscribed redness and heat: Sticta. especially smaller: Caulophyllum. pale and swollen, pain from least jar or cold: Nux vom. red, shining and swollen, worse from touch or motion, or at night: Manganum acet. worse evening and night: Aconitum. in knee, left, deep twinging, pricking; worse from motion; better from straightening limb: Glonoinum. left, hamstrings feel shortened: Phytolacca. right, inflammatory swelling and extreme pain: Lobelia. in knees, with great effusion around joint, with muddy urine, looking like settlings of beer: Hypericum. in limbs: Clematis. at night and on alternate days; drawing, tearing, worse at rest; muscles and joints rigid, painful and numb; swelling of dorsa of feet; worse in wet weather, better in warmth: Lycopodium. electric jerks, worse in bed, must sit up and let leg hang out; must walk about: Veratrum alba. rarely in joints, worse during rest after previous exertion; better from movement: Valeriana. in metatarsal bones and phalanges, worse from motion and contact: China. shifts from joint to joint, generally crosswise: Manganum ac. with great soreness of the muscles: Hamamelis. numb feeling; worse in warmth, from moving at night, after 12 P.M.; better from cold and after sweating: Thuya. REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. 101 Rheumatism, with or without swelling: Sulphur. Rheumatoid pains in knees, legs and thighs, wandering to back, slight lameness and unsteady gait: Lycopus. pains in limbs, with numbness and tingling; joints stiff or weak; or red, shining swelling of joints; stitches when touched; worse on beginning to move, better from continued motion; worse after 12 P.M., and in wet, damp places or weather: Rhus tox. Rigidity and numbness of limbs accompanying alternate swelling of knee and wrist-joints: Kreosotum. of joints and muscles, with numbness: Lycopodium. of limbs, spasmodic: Stramonium. (See "Stiffness.") Rise from bed, must, because of lancinating stitches in hip; worse from rising, but relief from slow walking: Sepia. Rising aggravates pain in hip (coxagra), but is necessary from severity of pain; slow walking relieves: Sepia. causes, momentarily, shooting pain from back down outside left thigh: Ruta. difficult, limbs heavy, pain as if beaten: Berberis. sitting down same, from pain in left hip-joint: Natrum sulph. from a seat, aggravates pain in right hip-joint: Natrum sulph. a seat, cramps in calves when walking or, better lying: Anacardium. impossible because of weakness in limbs; headache, worse when covered: Glonoinum. relieves feeling in left thigh as if broken, which comes on while sitting: Illicium. pain in legs as from walking too much: Psorinum. pressive pain in posterior muscles of the thigh: Drosera. Rubbing relieves acute, crampy, tearing pains in posterior muscles, especially of calf: Valeriana. pains of sciatica; dull aching; right side: Rhus tox. pains, worse at night: Plumbum. sometimes relieves violent tearing and stitches, with ulcerative pain in heels; occurs also at night: Ammonium m. ------ -.- - 102 REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. Rump. (See "Nates.") Rush of blood to legs at night: Mephitis. Sacrum, aching pain in nates when sitting, extending to, snfall of back and hip-joint: Staphisagria. from calves to, pains: Mercurius iod. rub. pain in, passing into right thigh down sciatic nerve, worse when pressing at stool, coughing, laughing, also when lying on affected side; sciatica: Tellurium. shooting pains from, down outside both hips: Phytolacca. tearing pains extending to, from left hip: Carbo veg. Scaly herpes on thighs: Clematis. Scar on tibia, blood-red, painful: Sulphur ac. Sciatic neuralgia, in attacks; rending, shooting increased by walking; relieved by' pressure, worse afternoon and night; restless and sleepless at night: Coffea. pains as from a hot iron, left-sided; worse after sleep: Lachesis. caused by working in water: Calcarea carb. ina course of nerve on left side from behind the great trochanter to the calf; better from motion; pressure on nerve causes shooting along whole leg: Kali bich. in nerve down to knee; drawing pressive pains, with difficult walking and great exhaustion afterwards: Plumbum. in nerve intense; occasionally numbness takes its place: Gnaphalium. in right limb, from point of exit of nerve, felt only when moving limb or sitting up: Dioscorea. sudden shooting, causing lameness; feels as if (left) hipjoint was wrenched; pain and lameness extend to popliteal space; worse from moderate, better from violent motion: Iris. tension down to knees when walking: Psorinum. tearing in right thigh and knee, awakens him at night; worse when lying on affected side or back: Kali iod. Sciatica becomes chronic, localizing in heel: Sepia. better during pregnancy; pains 3 to 5 A.M., veins swollen: Sepia. REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. 103 Sciatica in rheumatic patients, urinary symptoms agreeing: Terebinthine. pain in sacrum, passing into right thigh, down sciatic nerve, worse when pressing at stool, coughing, laughing; also when lying on affected side: Tellurium. right side, dull aching pain, worse at night, in cold or damp weather; relieved by rubbing, heat, and when warmed by exercise; numbness and formication: Rhus tox. when there is marked consecutive muscular atrophy; or earlier when walking causes great exhaustion: Plumbum. Scratching aggravates chilblains: Zincum. intense itching of top of feet and ankles: Ledum. does not relieve itching on inner border of sole of right foot: Ambra. relieves burning, smarting and itching of thighs: Alumina. Screwed together, hips pain as if: Colocynthis. Screwing, boring, tearing pressure in bones of feet: Bismuthum. pain as if in a vise, crampy pain in affected hip; lies on affected side, with knee drawn up: Colocynthis. Scrofula; swelling of calves: Dulcamara. Scurfs, oozing sore or stinging spots; burning itching, and feeling as if asleep on nates: Calcarea phos. Sensation, loss of, and numbness in whole thigh, alternating with boring pain in hip-joints: Kreosotum. Sensibility lessened: Aceticum ac.. Sensitive feet: Rumex. joints, exquisitely; inflammatory rheumatism: Chelidonium. soles, stiff tendons; ball of great toe swollen, painful: Ledum. when walking: Antimonium crud., Lilium tig., Ledum. to least contact, bright red, swollen joints: Aconitum. toes, tips of, burning in: Sarsaparilla. veins, and dilated: Hamamelis. Serum discharging from ulcers or dropsical legs: Rhus tox. Sharp, deep stitches in tibia: Sambucus. pains in knees; could hardly touch them: Hypericum. 104 REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. Sharp pains in right ankle and great toe-joint: Sanguinaria. Shifting from joint to joint, generally crosswise: Manganum acet. now here, now there; rheumatic pains: Mercurius iod. rub. of itching-burning pain in small spot, from right hip to thigh, then to little toe; all on external aspect of limb; also internally on left thigh and knee: Lithium carb. pains in right hip, both knees (worse right), and in right foot especially, and first joint of great toe: Iris. jerking, tearing, drawing; rapidly: Pulsatilla. vanishing from painful part on touch, and reappearing on some other part: Sanguinaria. worse in joints and on left side: Natrum ars. rheumatic pains, sudden: Kalmia. suddenly from place to place, dull heavy pains from knee to toes: Lilium tig. Shin-bones, aching in: Lachesis. Shins, itching, of, bleeding when scratched; small scabs form: Nitri ac. Shining bright red, intense swelling of joints (rheumatic), sensitive to least contact: Aconitum. Shocks in right hip: Veratrum alb. Shooting all along sciatic nerve from pressure on nerve: Kali bich. along bones, fine, with gnawing; tearing in the joints: Belladonna. crural or sciatic neuralgia, rending, in attacks, increased by walking and in afternoon and night, relieved by pressure; restless and sleepless at flight: Coffea. down whole limb, pain like lightning: Colocynthis. from acetabulum to knee, worse moving about: Natrum ars. back down outside of left thigh on first moving or rising; hamstrings feel shortened: Ruta. hip to knee and foot, tearing and, especially when coughing: Capsicum. liver into thigh: Kobaltum. sacrum down outside both hips: Phytolacca. REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. 105 Shooting in ankle-joint, rending and tearing: Calcarea phos. in ankle, pain: Aconitum. in calves, rending, warm feeling and cramp-pain: Calcarea phos. in hip, thigh, groin and left foot, tearing pain and: Arsenicum. in instep, right, pricking: Ferrum. in joints of toes of left foot, worse in great toe: Cannabis ind. in knees, pain: Aconitum. in legs, pain: Aconitum. in limbs, boring and: ZEthusa. in limbs, neuralgic pains; numbness and weakness: Xanthroxylum. in soles, digging or boring and: Belladonna. in toes, pain: Aconitum. pain as if in periosteum, with weakening drawing over front of legs: Hypericum. through whole body, down into tips of fingers and toes: Lobelia infl. with cedematous swelling of lower limbs: Muriaticum ac. pains in paroxysms: Gelsemium. sudden, causing lameness; pain and lameness extend to popliteal space; worse from moderate, better from violent motion: Iris. Short, muscles of calves feel too, cramp in morning: Bovista. Shortened, calves feel as if, on going down-stairs: Argentum m. feel as if, and weak, knees give way when going up or down-stairs: Ruta. hamstrings feel; rheumatism of left knee: Phytolacca. feel; sciatica: Ruta. pain when walking as if: Ammonium mur. leg is; pain in hip: Mezereum. limb seems to be, sensation of contraction in right thigh: Ambra. muscles are, tension in bend of knee: Natrum carb. Shuffling gait as if the feet were dragged along: Secale. 106 REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. Sitting aggravates pains in legs, standing or, walking or motion relieves: Agaricus. ankle-joint feels lame when walking or: Natrum mur. bone has gnawing pain in when, when walking must limp because of pain in left hip as if tendons were too short: Ammonium mur. buttock and posterior thigh painful, when: Hepar. calf, right, fine cutting stitches in, when, passing off when walking: Drosera. down, femur feels as if it were dislocated on: Ipecacuanha. or rising difficult from pain in left hip-joint, pain awakes him at night; can bear any one position only for a short time: Natrum sul. drawing pain in dorsum of right foot, when standing, better when: Taraxacum. feet and limbs swollen, worse when, better when walking: Sepia. feet go asleep immediately after: Antimonium tart. go asleep when, or crossing legs: Laurocerasus. in constant motion, shifting of, while, from pain in limbs which gradually ascends from ankles to hips; milder when walking: Belladonna. numb, tired feeling in, only while: Platinum. foot, tensive pain on dorsum of, even when: Bryonia. gluteus maximus, left, rheumatic drawing in, when; ceases when standing: Cyclamen. heels, burning sore pain in, when standing or, or when walking in the open air: Cyclamen. hip-joint, left, drawing, pressive pains in when, with thigh extended: Arnica. hip, left, stitches in, when: Carbo an. knee, left, outer part of, aches while; worse when walking: Hydrastis. pains as if bruised, while: Argentum m. right, cramplike pain in, near patella, outer side, when: Belladonna. knees, drawing pain in, when: Natrum mur. pain as if firmly bandaged, when: Aurum. REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. IO7 Sitting, knees, painful uneasiness about, when, with sensation as if stiff, bandaged, or made tense: Anacardium. tremble when walking or: Ledum. leg goes asleep frequently when standing, lying on it at night, or: Ammonium carb. left, cold and numb while: Hypericum. legs and feet, tension in, when: Natrum carb. drawing pain in, when resting feet on floor, while: Arsenicum. feel greatly fatigued, even while: Magnesia mur. go asleep and tingle while, or when crossing them: Crotalus. go asleep in evening when: Calcarea carb. go asleep when: Antimonium crud. numb after, almost powerless: Aconitum. tremulously restless, with numb torpid feeling when, worse evenings: Platinum. limbs ache when, with trembling: Kobaltum. nates ache while, pains extend to small of back, sacrum and hip-joint: Staphisagria. go asleep when: Alumina. relieves tension in thigh, especially the right, as if muscles were too short: Guaiacum. soles burn when: Anacardium. still, feet numb, only felt when; passes off by motion: Helonias. thigh, left, feels as if broken in middle when, ceases on rising: Illicium. middle of right, laming ache in, when:,Ethusa. or knee, pains in, when, or walking: Cistus can. right, cutting stitches in outer muscles of, just above knee, only when: Belladonna. thighs, anterior portion of, sore, awhile after: Baptisia. tearing in when: Ammonium mur. too long causes ankles to swell; feet swell evenings: Rhus tox. up, or motion of limb causes pain from point of exit of sciatic nerve: Dioscorea. 108 REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. Skin around ulcer on leg mottled, purple; burning in ulcer at night, discharge offensive: Carbo veg. dry, constipation, with ulcers on limbs, having acrid pus: Graphites. of extremities dry and rough: Kreosotum. of feet cracked: Hepar. of inside of thighs burns: Eupatorium perf. of left leg, copper-colored, swollen; ulcer thereon: Cistus can. of lower leg wrinkled; sensation of coldness of lower leg: Rhododendron. of sole, hard, painful when walking: Baryta carb. of thighs and legs marbled: Causticum. peels off, erysipelas of feet; itching: Dulcamara. shining, of cedematous legs: Cactus. Sleep, awakened from, by tearing in right big toe: Lachnanthes. from, by tearing pain in right thigh and knee; worse lying on affected side or back; sciatica: Kali iod. burning pain as from hot iron in left limb, worse after; sciatica: Lachesis. during, limbs jerk violently; child awakens from, cross or with a scream; coxalgia: Lycopodium. or on moving, bruised pain; crampy tearing in hipjoint and knee; coxalgia: Kali carb. legs ache, cannot keep them still, worse when trying to: Lilium tig. loss of, from violent pain, with gouty inflammation and abscess of knee: Guaiacum. prevented by itching and painfulness of eruption on instep: Psorinum. prevented by swelling, tearing and soreness in great toes: Natrum carb. rheumatic pains in lower part of legs, worse when going to sleep: Kalmia. Sloughing ulceration of legs, spreading: Petroleum. Slowly, stitches in toes, come and go: Ammonium mur. Smarting and soreness between the toes: Natrum carb. at night in bones of limbs: Phosphoricum ac. REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. 109 Smarting, itching and burning of thighs, better from scratching: Alumina. itching and burning stitches, pain and cold feeling in feet as if frozen: Berberis. of corns, sensitive, itching: Ranunculus bulb. Soft and swollen, pain in sole on. stepping as if too: Alumina. or brittle nails: Thuya. Sole aches, of left foot, no relief from change of position: Hydrastis. drawing tearing pain from left ischium to os calcis and, with cramplike tension of muscles: Chamomilla. itching in, of right foot, evenings: Ammonium mur. itching on inner border of right foot, not relieved by scratching: Ambra. lancinating from right heel into: /Ethusa. pain in, when standing: Spigelia. pain in, on stepping, as if too soft and swollen: Alumina. painful when walking, from hard skin on it: Baryta carb. sore pain in: Crotalus. sprained feeling in, more at heel: Cyclamen. stitching pains in right, fine: Taraxacum. stitches in: Asarum, Borax. ulcers on, and toes: Arsenicum. Soles, aching of, when standing: Crocus. asleep, with weakness of limbs, when walking: Oleander. boring, shooting, or digging pains in: Belladonna. bruised or stinging sensation in: Ignatia. bruised pain in: Phosphorus. pain in, when walking: Antimonium crud., Ledum, Lilium tig. burn; feet puffed, severe pains through ankles and feet: Phytolacca. burning and dry feeling in: Mancinella. beginning in palms and, thence spreading over body; worse in bed, constant desire to find cool place: Lilium tig. in: Calcarea carb., Cuprum m., Manganum acet., Petroleum. S110 REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. Soles, burning in at night: Chamomilla, Phosphoricum ac. in, evenings: Magnesia mur. in palms and: Lachnanthes, Lilium tig. in palms and, at night: Lachesis. in palms and, during menses: Carbo veg. in, wants them uncovered: Sulphur. in, when sitting: Anacardium. in, with profuse, fetid foot-sweat: Lycopodium. in, worse at night: Sanguinaria. itching in: Kreosotum. stitches in: Fluoricum ac. cold and sweating: Sulphur. corns on, and toes: Antimonium crud. cramp at every step: Sulphur. cramps in: Ferrum, Hepar, Zingiber. in, at night: Agaricus, Calcarea carb. in, at night; must stretch foot: Nux vom. in calves and: Selenium, Silicea. in evening after lying down: Carbo veg. crawling in both, as from something alive: Causticum. desquamation of, at end of fever: Mancinella. feel bruised, at night, keeping one awake, better after rising and walking: Baryta carb. festering pain in: Pulsatilla. heat in, in morning: Eupatorium perf. horny places on, close to toes: Antimonium crud. hot feeling in: Ferrum. itching of: Aurum. of, driving to despair: Silicea. large vesicles, especially on: Mancinella. pain as if tired from too much walking, also tibia; legs restless; better on rising: Psorinum. when walking on pavement: Aloes. piercing in: Natrum sulph. prickling sensation in, as from pins and needles, preventing walking: Bryonia. red and sore when walking: Squilla. sensitive, tendons stiff, and ball of great toe painful and swollen: Ledum. REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. II I Soles, sensitive when walking: Antimonium crud. stinging, pricking or bruised pain in: Arum triph. stitches in: Kalmia. swelling and redness of: Kali carb. swollen, hot, burning: Petroleum. swollen, inflamed, red: Pulsatilla. pain when walking: Lycopodium. stinging in, when walking or stepping: Natrum carb. ulcerative pain in: Kreosotum. pain in, could not step: Cantharides. veins netted on, as if marbled: Thuya. violent pain as if spikes penetrated, and ran up limb to hip when attempting to walk, worse right limb: Cannabis ind. tearing in; feet swollen, sore to touch, worse around ankles; after washing the floor: Mercurius iod. rub. Sore calf, pain in: Crotalus. feet: Carbo an. feel as if ulcerated, when stepping-: Argentum m. from foot-sweat: Calcarea carb. raw and, in spots from friction: Cepa. to touch, feet swollen, worse around the ankles; violent tearing in soles; after washing the floor: Mercurius iod. rub. femur, right, muscles of thigh, as if bruised: Hamamelis. foot, sole of: Crotalus. heel, as from walking: Borax. heels, burning in, when walking in open air; when standing or sitting: Cyclamen. hip-joint, left; later weakness, unsteadiness, trembling in the joint: Apis. joints, as if bruised, no power in hands or feet: Chamomilla. knees, when walking; pain as if sprained: Calcarea phos. limbs, lame and, go asleep easily; evenings: Silicea. soles, red and, when walking: Squilla. 112 REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. Sore spots; burning; itching; stinging in small spots; oozing scurfs; feeling as if asleep; of nates: Calcarea phos. thigh, muscles of, as if bruised: Hamamelis. thighs and arms, to touch, can hardly move them: Mercurius. thighs painful, with aching in the sacral bones: Calcarea phos. toes, ball of, while walking, as if chafed: Arsenicum. Soreness about toes, from fetid foot-sweat: Zincum. along periosteum of tibia: Nitri ac. between thighs, high up: Causticum. toes: Fluoricum ac. toes, smarting: Natrum carb. in anterior portion of thighs, worse after sitting awhile: Baptisia. in bends of joints: Squilla. in femoral vessels in middle of thigh: Hamamelis. in heels when walking: Kali bich. in hip-joints, sensation of: Bovista. in right hip-joint: Lilium tig. in soles, when walking: Antimonium crud., Ledum, Lilium tig. of all corns: Fluoricum ac. of great toes, tearing and swelling in, preventing sleep: Natrum carb. of limbs; painful to touch or improper position: Taraxacum. of muscles, great; rheumatism: Hamamelis. of toes, effects of foot-sweat, profuse and of unendurable odor: Sepia. Sores, old foot-sores: Abrotanum. Spasmodic drawing backward or forward of thighs: Spigelia. movements of legs, twitches: Opium. pain in left foot: Mephitis. pains in all joints, with swelling; rheumatism: Sanguinaria. in limbs and joints, jerking and drawing: Platinum. in muscles, drawing, laming: Stramonium. rigidity of lower limbs: Stramonium. REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. 113 Spasmodic twitching in limbs when stepping out: Rhus tox. Spikes, violent pain when attempting to walk as if spikes penetrated soles and ran up through limbs to hip; worse in right limb: Cannabis ind. Splinter, sensation as if a, of bone was sticking in right fibula, just above outer malleolus; after a sprain: Asafbetida. Spongoid state of the tibia: Guaiacum. Spongy ulcers on legs, bluish, putrid, bleed easily: Mercurius. Spot, blue, above knee, with great burning: Ammonium carb. burning-itching in small, on right hip, then thigh, then on little toe; all on external aspect of limb; also internally on left thigh and knee: Lithium carb. on tibia: Magnesia carb. Spots black and painful, on bright red swollen legs: Nux vom. black on swollen feet: Secale. bluish-red; exostosis on upper part of right tibia: Dulcamara. large, red and painful on the legs, like erysipelas bullosum: Calcarea carb. pain confined to small, lasting but a short time; soon returning; wandering: Nux mosch. raw and sore, on feet from friction: Cepa. red, itching, on tibia: Sulphuricum ac. on buttocks after scratching; itching: Magnesia carb. on calves: Sarsaparilla. on calves, turning yellow or green, as from contusion, preventing movement: Conium. stinging in small spots on nates, which feel asleep; also itching; burning; sore spots; oozing scurfs: Calcarea phos. Sprain, after, pain as if splinter of bone was sticking in right fibula, above outer malleolus: Asafoetida. ankle swollen, after: Agnus cast. ankles, pain after: Ruta. joints blue and swollen after a: Lachesis. stiff and swollen from: Rhus tox. of foot: Spigelia. 8 114 REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. Sprain, right foot cedematously swollen even years after a: Bovista. Sprained, ankle easily, or dislocated, so weak that it gives way: Natrum carb. ankle feels as if, when stepping on left foot: Anacardium. pains as if, with laming pain in right hip-joint and thigh; when walking must limp: Drosera. pains as if, with tearing pain, only when walking: Drosera. big toe-joint red, feels; arthritic pains in foot, worse towards evening: Arnica. feet feel: Kalmia. pain as if, are tense and swollen, in the evening: Bryonia. great toe feels as if: Aloe. hip and knee-joints pain as if, or dislocated: Ignatia. hip feels as if, with limping: Nitri ac. hip-joint, left, pains as if: Laurocerasu's. right, feels, on walking: Mezereum. hip, left, pains as if, when walking in open air: Hepar. pains as if, with stitches: Natrum mur. hips pain as if: Arnica. joints pain as if, with swelling and redness; arthritic nodosities: Rhododendron. knee, right, pains as if, when moving; especially going upstairs: Nux mosch. knees and ankles feel as if: Natrum mur. pain as if; sore when walking: Calcarea phos. sole of foot pains as if, more at heel: Cyclamen. tarsal joint pains as if: Arnica. Spreading ulceration on leg; sloughing: Petroleum. Stabbing pain in heel: Eupatorium perf. pain in hips: Bryonia. in left hip: Natrum mur. Staggers when walking, from weariness of limbs, can scarcely drag them, must sit down; evenings: Alumina. when walking, legs are weak and refuse to carry him: Cicuta. Stairs. (See " Ascending " or " Descending.") Stand, or bear one's weight, cannot, pain from right hip to knee, while walking: Hydrastis. REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. 115 Stand, unable to, limbs go to sleep: Bovista. Standing aggravates pains in legs, also sitting; better from walking or motion: Agaricus. aggravates tension as if tendons were too short: Baryta carb. calf, cramps in, particularly when: Euph. feet and limbs swollen, worse when, better when walking: Sepia. tremble while: Baryta carb. festering pain in heel when walking much or: Ammonium carb. foot, dorsum of right, drawing pain on when, better when sitting: Taraxacum. heels ache after long: Zingiber. pain as if ulcerated when: Berberis. sore, burning pain in, when sitting, walking or, in open air: Cyclamen. hip and thigh pain intolerably when, as if thigh would break; ischias: Valeriana. knee-joints, stitchlike pain in, when: Rumex. suddenly bend, when; feet numb, insensible: Arnica. knees tremble when: Oleander. leg goes asleep when, or sitting, or lying on it: Ammonium carb. left, feels too long when, with pain in hip-joint as if luxated: Kreosotum. limbs stiff while, in forenoon: Veratrum alb. muscles of posterior thigh burn when, better when walking: Phosphoricum ac. relieves rheumatic drawing in left gluteus maximus, near spine, returns when sitting: Cyclamen. sole, lancinating pain in when: Spigelia. soles ache when: Crocus. stitches between metatarsal bones, as from a nail, when: Berberis. toe, great, tearing and stinging in, with redness, when: Natrum mur. Start up, knees, at night, awaking him: Argentum nit. Step, could not, because soles pain as from an ulcer: Cantharides. I16 REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. Step, not firm; both legs feel as if asleep: Ambra. stitches in heel when putting it down: Graphites. Stepping heavily on feet aggravates pain in bones of feet: Ruta. on heel aggravates pain in tendo-achillis; erysipelas: Zincum. when, calves pain, also when walking: Calcarea carb. feet and soles sting; swollen: Natrum carb. feet, balls of, tearing pain in: Berberis. feet feel sore as if ulcerated: Argentum met. heel numb: Alumina. knee, left, cracks, impeding walking; throbbing pain in knee when lying, evenings: Caladium. painful sensation, as of spikes penetrating soles and running up through limb to hip, worse right side: Cannabis ind. sole pains, as if too soft and swollen: Alumina. Steps improperly, when walking, and feet tilt inward: Cicuta. (See "Ascending or Descending.") Sticking and stitching in corns on left little toe: Caladium. in left knee: Laurocerasus. sensation on the ball of the great toe when putting foot to ground: Asafoetida. Stiff all over: Kali bich. feet, cold, numb: Ferrum. heavy: Kali carb. hip and knee-joints: Helleborus. joints: Natrum ars. knees: Sanguinaria. knee, bend of, feels as if tendons were too short: Graphites. leg, right, immovable, drawn close up to thigh, swollen and contracted: Guaiacum. legs, and heavy, as after long walk: Podophyllum. numb and weak: Oxalicum ac. limbs become, and go asleep: Petroleum. or curved, after mercurialization: Lachesis. sensation in toes and whole feet as if too large, swollen and stiff: Apis. tendons, soles sensitive; ball of great toe swollen and painful: Ledum. REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. I17 Stiffness of ankles: Chel., Drosera. of feet, after rising from a seat: Laurocerasus. of feet, swollen: Sticta. of hip-joints, lame, painful: Zingiber. of hips in morning: Argentum met. of joints: Sepia. of joints, crack when moving them, swollen: Natrum mur. of joints, painful: Cocculus. of joints, rheumatic, with cracking when moved: Petroleum. of joints, swelling; from sprains: Rhus tox. ofjoints, weak: Rhus tox. of knee and ankle-joints: Sulphur. of knee, bend of, with pain on motion: Rheum. of knee, hollow of, tensive pain, when walking: Causticum. of knee, painful: Antimonium crud. of knee, rheumatic pains from knee to feet: Phosphorus. of knee, right, with burning and pain, worse when moving: Chel. of knee, stitches; pain in patella, impeding walking: Nitri ac. of knee, swollen, sweating, white swelling: Lycopodium. of knee, tired, aching, limbs almost paralyzed: Cannabis ind. of knees, also paralytic feeling and tottering in; they feel as if bandaged when sitting: Aurum. of knees and feet, alternating with tearing pains: Arsenicum. of knees, great lassitude, is scarcely able to walk: Anacardium. of knees, painful, as after long walk: Lobelia infl. of legs: Spongia. of legs, with tension: Manganum acet. of limbs in forenoon and while standing: Veratrum alb. of muscles of lower, limbs, painful feeling of: Cicuta. of toes, with contraction: Graphites. sensation of, about knees, with painful uneasiness, and as if bandaged or made tense, when sitting: Anacardium. Stinging in corns: Rumex, Sulphur. I18 REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. Stinging in corns, boring and drawing: Natrum carb. in crural neuralgia, and stitching pains when moving: Staphisagria. in feet, as from pins; beginning of chill: Eupatorium perf. in feet, burning, tingling: Zingiber. in feet, swollen: Phosphorus. in hip-joints, in morning and when breathing: Sabina. in joints, drawing rheumatic pains; joints pale, swollen, tense and hot: Ledum. in joints, red, swollen: Pulsatilla. in joints, stitching: Spigelia. in knee and foot-joints, boring: Helleborus. in knee, transitory; red, swollen: Cocculus. in knee-joint, burning, worse at night: Belladonna. in knees, with tearing; swollen: Lachesis. in legs and big toe, boring, gnawing: Ranunculus scel. in legs, burning: Kali carb. in limbs at night: Silicea. in limbs, tearing: Guaiacum, Laurocerasus. in limbs, worse from least motion: Guaiacum. in nates, on small spots; they go asleep; itch and burn; sore spots; oozing scurfs: Calcarea phos. in soles and feet, when walking or stepping; swollen: Natrum carb. in soles, bruised sensation or: Ignatia. in soles, pricking or bruised pain: Arum triph. in toe, great, with redness and tearing; on walking or standing: Natrum mur. in toes, burning: Hepar. in toes, red, swollen, as if frosted: Carbo veg. Stitches between metatarsal bones, as from a nail, when standing: Berberis. from bruised pain in crest of ilium through abdomen: Kreosotum. outside of right calf down to ankle: Guaiacum. swollen and inflamed ankle, to lower leg: Manganum acet. in ankle, right, and left heel: Kreosotum. REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. I 19 Stitches in corns, painful and sensitive: Kali carb. in feet: Mephitis. in feet, itching, smarting, burning pain and cold feeling, as if frozen: Berberis. in foot, dorsum of: Anacardium. in heel, from without inward: Mancinella. in heel, when putting it down: Graphites. in heels, with ulcerative pain and tearing, relieved by rubbing: Ammonium mur. in hip-bone, right, acute: Fluoricum ac. in hip-joint, right: Lilium tig., Mercurius cor. in hip, lancinating, must rise from bed for relief; worse from rising, but better from slow motion: Sepia. in hip, left, when sitting: Carbo an. in hip, pains as if sprained: Natrum mur. in hip, when walking: Argentum m. in joints when touched; red, swollen and shining joints: Rhus tox. in knee and knee-joint: Staphisagria. in knee, externally; in feet, soles, toes, left big toe: Kalmia. in knee-joint, evening, when sitting: Ammonium mur. in knee, left: Natrum mur. in knee, stiffness; pain in patella, impeding walking: Nitri ac. in knees, rheumatic tearing, during rest and motion: Asarum. in legs: Kobaltum. in legs, especially from motion: Sarsaparilla. in limbs and joints: Thuya. in metatarsal joints of right great toe, with tearing: Benzoicum ac. in patella, tibia and feet: Jacea. in sole of foot: Asarum, Borax. in soles, burning: Fluoricum ac. in thigh, and tension: Manganum acet. in thigh, middle of left, anteriorly, occasional single: Drosera. in thigh, outer muscles of right, cutting, just above knee, only when sitting: Belladonna. 120 REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. Stitches in thighs, muscles of: Sabadilla. in tibia, sharp, deep: Sambucus. in toe, ball of great: Berberis. in toe, ball of great, burning, crawling burning; severe pressive pain: Causticum. in toe, great, of right foot, evening: Lycopodium. in toe, great, redness, swelling: Sabina. in toes, joints of: Berberis. in toes of right foot: Mezereum. Stitch, fine, cutting, in right calf, coming on when sitting, passing off when walking: Drosera. in knee-joint, when standing: Rumex. in left hip, suddenly comes when walking, unendurable: Natrum sulph. like'from a needle, when touching the knee: Arnica. Stitching in bones and joints, gnawing and, less when walking: Drosera. in corns: Natrum mur., Sulphuricum ac. in corns on left little toe, sticking and: Caladium. in crural neuralgia, and stinging pains when moving: Staphisagria. in foot, right, cramplike pain and: Natrum mur. in gonocace, doughy swelling, fistulous openings: Silicea. in hip, back of right, limping walk: Rumex. in hips, with rheumatism of, worse from rest, better from motion: Sabadilla. in joints, stinging: Spigelia. in knees: Bovista. in limbs: Paris. in limbs; cedematous: Viola od. in old foot-sores, itching, tearing: Abrotanum. in outer malleolus of right foot, painfulness of inner: Bovista. in sole, right, fine: Taraxacum. in thigh, left: Taraxacum. in thighs, severe: Baryta carb. in toe, ball of left great, aching and: Cannabis ind. in toes, coming slowly and going slowly: Ammonium mur. REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. 121 Stool, at, darting pains from toes to hip, or from trochanter to bend of knee, are worse at: Nux vom. pressing at, aggravates sciatic pains, from sacrum into right thigh: Tellurium. Stooping aggravates pain in right hip-joint: Natrum sulph. aggravates pressing pain in posterior muscles of thigh: Drosera. violent cracking of hip or knee-joint when: Crocus. Straightening limb relieves pain in left knee (rheumatism), which motion aggravates: Glonoinum. Strained, or dislocated, sensation as if left foot was: Hypericum. Stretched, sensation in tendons of muscles of calf, causing lameness; as if: Kali bich. Stripe down inside of thigh, painful, feeling as of; sensation of paralysis: Nux vom. Subsultus tendinum of feet and hands: lodum. Suddenly come and as suddenly go, pains: Eupatorium perf. developing, unendurable stitch in left hip, when walking, then cannot walk: Natrum sulph. shifting pains: Lilium tig. Summer, ischias, better in, worse in winter: Ignatia. Sunstroke, limbs relaxed and motionless in: Glonoinum. Suppressed foot-sweat: Cuprum m., Natrum mur., Thuya. by getting wet, causes paralysis of feet: Zincum. Suppurating, heel hurts when standing or walking much, as if festering; sometimes: Ammonium carb. lumps, from exostosis of upper part of right tibia; bluish red spots: Dulcamara. Suppuration beginning in hip-joint and knee, with pulsating pain, worse at night: Mercurius. of hip-joint; caries: Silicea. of hip-joint, left, violent pains: Stramonium. of hip-joint, pulsating pain in, as from: Staphisagria. profuse in hip-joint disease: China. seems impending, in psoitis: Asafcetida. Synovitis of knee-joint, effusion; constant chilliness: Ledum. of knee-joint, intense inflammation; sense of bubbling, as from drops of water: Belladonna. 122 REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. Sweat, absence of, with paralytic weakness of extremities, especially on right side; hands and feet cold: Plumbum. between toes, with violent itching of toes; evenings after lying down: Clematis. cold, follows severe cramplike pains: Eupatorium perf. diarrhcea, and profuse suppuration with hip disease: China. night, with grasping, pinching pain in left hamstring: Ledum. of feet: Magnesia mur. of feet, acrid, corrosive: lodium. of feet and hands, after fever: Silicea. of feet and hands, long-lasting and warm: Ledum. of feet, cold: Benzoicum ac., Mercurius, Squilla. of feet, cold, chilly: Drosera. of feet, evening: Podophyllum. of feet, fetid: Baryta carb., Plumbum. of feet, fetid, toes sore: Zincum. of feet, foul smelling: Nitri ac., Petroleum. of feet, makes them sore: Calcarea carb. of feet, mostly between toes, smelling sour, or like sole leather: Kobaltum. of feet of unbearable odor, causing soreness of toes: Sepia. of feet, offensive, with rawness between toes: Silicea. of feet, profuse: Sepia. of feet, profuse, fetid: Kali carb. of feet, profuse, fetid; with burning of soles: Lycopodium. of feet, sour; rheumatism of feet and right wrist: Ruta. of feet, suppressed: Cuprum m., Natrum mur., Thuya. of feet, suppressed by getting wet, causing paralysis of feet: Zincum. of feet, suppressed, cold legs and feet from: Silicea. of feet, swollen feet; blisters on balls of toes: Phosphoricum ac. of legs, upper part of; cold: Capsicum. of limbs, cold: Secale. of limbs, cold, trembling of limbs: Tabacum. of limbs, weak, tremble: Theridion. of soles, cold: Sulphur. REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. 123 Sweat of thighs only, at night: Carbo an. of toes, fetid: Thuya. of toes only: Squilla. Sweating, after, pains of rheumatism are relieved: Thuya. Sweats, local, transient, of feet and arm-pits; cold limbs: Silicea. Sweaty, soles and toes cold and: Aconitum. Swelling about ankles after sitting too long; feet swell evening: Rhus tox. around ankle; cannot use foot: Asafoetida. malleoli, redness: Chamomilla. intense, bright red, shining, sensitive to least contact; rheumatism: Aconitum. cedematous, with diarrhoea: Aceticum ac. ankles after sprain: Agnus cast. ankles, evenings: Stannum. of ankle, inflammatory, with stitches to lower leg: Manganum acet. of bones of feet; caries: Asafoetida. of calf; scrofula: Dulcamara. of calves, aching in: Pulsatilla. of feet: Hyoscyamus, Plumbum, Theridion. of feet and legs, oedematous, waxy, pale: Apis. of feet and limbs, worse when sitting or standing, better when walking: Sepia. of feet and up to knees: Ledum. of feet and soles, with stinging in, when walking or stepping: Natrum carb. of feet around the ankles, with difficult breathing: Hepar. of feet, cold: Kreosotum, Petroleum, Sulphuricum ac. of feet, dorsa of: Lycopodium, Pulsatilla. of feet, evenings: Phosphorus. of feet, evenings, tense, pain in feet as if sprained: Bryonia. of feet every evening: Crotalus. of feet, feel as if asleep: Sepia. of feet, heaviness: Opium. of feet, hot, arthritic: China. of feet, hot, itching: Cocculus. of feet, cedematous: Arsenicum, Iodium. 124 REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. Swelling of feet, cedematous; white: Kreosotum. of feet, cedematous, with stitching pains: Viola od. of feet, painful: Digitalis, Zingiber. of feet, painful on walking, feel every pebble: Sabadilla. of feet, red, inflamed: Pulsatilla. of feet, sore to touch, worse around the ankles; violent tearing in soles; after washing floor: Mercurius iod. rub. of feet; stiffness: Sticta. of feet, sudden: Veratrum alb. of feet, sweaty, blisters on balls of toes: Phosphoricum ac. of feet, to ankles: Kali carb. of feet, with black spots: Secale. of feet, worse after walking: Lachesis. of foot, right, cedematous, even years after a sprain: Bovista. of heel, red, painful; chilblains: Petroleum. of instep, hot, with bruised pain on stretching out foot: Bryonia. of joints, cracking, weakness: Sulphur. of joints, heat in them: Actaea rac. of joints, pale or slightly red: Mercurius. of joints, red and shining, stitches when touched: Rhus tox. of joints, red, shining, worse from touch or motion, or at night; rheumatism: Manganum acet. of joints, redness and, with stinging pains: Pulsatilla. of joints, stiffness, from sprains: Rhus tox. of joints, tense, hot and pale, with stinging, drawing pain: Ledum. of joints, with pain as if sprained, and redness; arthritic nodes: Rhododendron. of joints, with spasmodic pains; rheumatism: Sanguinaria. of knee: Hepar. of knee, bend of, painful: Magnesia carb. of knee, doughy, pains stinging, lancinating; fistulous openings, with hard edges; gonocace: Silicea. of knee doughy, spongy; skin red in spots and hot; gnawing, boring or tearing, worse at night, must often change position; white swelling: Kali iod. REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. 125 Swelling of knee, hot, bright red, with inflammation, pricking and burning; aggravated by touch or pressure: lodium. of knee, inflammatory, with transitory stinging pains: Cocculus. of knee-joints and wrists alternately, with sensation of numbness and rigidity of limbs: Kreosotum. of knee-joints with tearing pain: Colchicum. of knee, right, hot, painful to slight touch: China. of knee, right, ulcerative pain in whole leg; with pain in kidneys: Benzoicum ac. of knee, right, with extreme pain; inflammatory rheumatism: Lobelia infl. of knee, soft, painless: Sepia. of knee, with stinging-tearing pains: Lachesis. of knees, pain: Arsenicum. of knees; rheumatic gout with effusion: Calcarea carb. of knees, soft, white, shining: Pulsatilla. of knees, stiff, sweating; white swelling: Lycopodium. of knees, white or red: Sulphur. of leg and foot, left, with erysipelatous inflammation; from violent dancing; burning, tearing and tension in it; burning worse from touch: Borax. of leg and foot, with sensation of coldness; whitish: Calcarea carb. of leg, left, and foot, in evening, with violent burning pain, did not know where to lay the limb; limb externally cold; worse after 12 P.M.: Sanguinaria. of leg, left, ulcer thereon; skin copper-colored: Cistus can. of leg, purplish, oozing, or covered with scales or scabs, easily detached; itching and burning like fire: Petroleum. of leg, right, contracted, stiff, immovable, drawn close up to thigh: Guaiacum. of legs and feet in morning on rising, better after walking: Aurum. of legs, bright red, with black, painful spots: Nux vom. of legs, fatigued, towards evening: Agnus cast. of legs, hot, with tensive burning pains: Pulsatilla. 126 REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. Swelling of legs, lower, are inflamed, red, and covered with ulcers: Natrum carb. of soles; they pain when walking: Lycopodium. of soles, with burning, hot: Petroleum. of soles, with redness: Kali carb. of tendo-achillis, tension in: Sepia. of thigh, inside, right, redness of: Stramonium. of tibia: Phosphorus. of toe, great, ball of, aching, lymphatic: Baryta carb. of toe, great, ball of, painful; soles very sensitive, tendons stiff: Ledum. of toe, great, joint of, beating, burning: Phosphoricum ac. of toe, great, left, gouty; ankle and feet dropsical: Eupatorium perf. of toe, great, red and painful, particularly evenings in bed: Ammonium carb. of toe, great, redness, stitches; gout: Sabina. of toe, great, tearing, soreness and, preventing sleep: Natrum carb. of toes, stinging red, as if frosted: Carbo veg. of toes, tips of, redness: Thuya. of toes, tips of, redness and burning: Muriaticum ac. of toes, with redness, itching and burning, as if frost-bitten: Agaricus. Swollen, pain in sole on stepping, as if too soft and: Alumina. sensation in toes and whole feet as if too large, stiff and: Apis. Tarsal joints feel bruised, legs hurt, after least exertion: Natrum mur. pain as if sprained: Arnica. right, tension in, while walking in open air: Belladonna. Tarsus, right, tearing, drawing, lancinations, from right, to knee: Guaiacum. Tearing below external malleolus of right foot, terminating at tendo-achillis: Bismuthum. first in left, then in right hip-joint: Ambra. from abdomen down into legs: Chamomilla. REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. 127 Tearing from above downward in right buttock, periodically increasing and decreasing: Baryta carb. from dorsum of feet, up outer side of calves to thighs, crampy pain and: Camphora. from hip down leg to feet: Kalmia. from hip to knee and foot, especially when coughing; shooting and: Capsicum. from knee to toes: Alumina. from knees to ankles: Lachnanthes. from left ischium to os calcis and sole of foot, with cramplike tension of muscles, drawing and: Chamomilla. from right, later left, hip-bone, down to knees: Cantharides. from toes to dorsum of foot, drawing, cramplike pains and: Anacardium. in ankle and bones of feet; ceases when warm in bed: Ammonium carb. in ankle-joint, rending, shooting and: Calcarea phos. in ankle, right, as if sprained, only when walking: Drosera. in ankles: Aconitum. in bones of feet, screwing, boring, pressure and: Bismuthum. in calf, right, pinching: Bryonia. in feet after severe chill, must lie down and keep quiet; pain in ankle, worse from any motion: Chamomilla. in feet and toes, worse on walking, rending and: Agnus cast. in feet, at night, during pregnancy: Phosphorus. in feet, at times in soles, dorsa, heels or toes, in bones: Argentum m. in feet, balls of, painful to step thereon: Berberis. in heels: Arsenicum. in heels, relieved by rubbing, stitches and, with ulcerative pain: Ammonium mur. in hip-joint and knee, crampy pain and; bruised pain when moving and sleeping; coxalgia: Kali carb. in hip-joint and knee, worse at night; or with pulsating pain; beginning suppuration: Mercurius. in hip-joint, left, on moving, drawing and: Aconitum. in hip, right, bruised pain and: Natrum carb. in hip, thigh, groin and left foot, shooting pain and: Arsenicum. 128 REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. Tearing in hips and down the legs: Niccolum. in hips, twitching and: Magnesia mur. in joints with gnawing and fine shooting in bones: Belladonna. in knee, doughy, spongy, swollen; boring; gnawing or: Kali iod. in knee, intolerable, worse during rest and at night; white swelling: Rhododendron. in knee-joints with swelling: Colchicum. in knee, left, and axilla: Psorinum. in knee, left, when walking: Lachnanthes. in knees: Aconitum, Aluminum, Manganum acet. in knees and feet, alternating with stiffness: Arsenicum. in knees during rest and motion, stitches and: Asarum. in knees, evening: Cistus can. in knees, with swelling, stinging and: Lachesis. in leg and foot, left, erysipelatous inflammation with tension, burning and; from violent dancing; increased by touch: Borax. in leg, from right tarsus to knee: Guaiacum. in leg, middle of inside of, uninfluenced by motion or contact, pressure and: Belladonna. in legs: Aconitum. in legs, dull: Belladonna. in limbs: Graphites. in limbs at night, and alternate days, worse at rest, drawing and: Lycopodium. in limbs during rest: Rhus tox. in limbs, during rest, better from motion: Muriaticum ac. in limbs, entire: Colchicum. in limbs, erratic pains: Rhododendron. in limbs, especially at night, drawing and: Sabina. in limbs, muscles and joints, from above downward: Sulphur. in limbs only, worse during rest; typhus: Taraxacum. in limbs, restlessness: Squilla. in limbs, stinging and: Guaiacum, Laurocerasus. in limbs, with cramp: Tabacum. REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. 129 Tearing in muscles: Colchicum. in nates, hip, knee, leg, ankle and foot: Ambra. in old foot sores, stitching, itching and: Abrotanum. in paroxysms, through upper and lower limbs at same time: Anacardium. in patella: Colchicum. in patelle: Alumina. in periosteum, drawing, worse at night; in wet, stormy weather; and at rest; better in motion; mostly in forearms and lower legs: Rhododendron. in posterior muscles, especially of calf, acute crampy pains and, better in morning and when rubbing, worse towards evening and when quiet: Valeriana. soles, violent; feet swollen, sore to touch, worse around ankles; after washing the floor: Mercurius iod. rub. in thigh and knee, right, awakes him at night, worse lying on affected side or back; sciatica: Kali iod. in thighs: Colchicum, Graphites. in thighs, boring and: Sabadilla. in thighs, both, hammering increased by motion: Secale. in thighs, legs, knees and feet, worse in open air, better in warmth of bed, drawing and: Causticum. in thighs, when sitting: Ammonium mur. in tibia: Berberis. in tibia, right: Lachnanthes. in tibiae, calves, ankles, toes and tendo-achillis: Colchicum. in toe, right great: Antimonium crud. in toe, right great, awakening from sleep: Lachnanthes. in toe, right great, metatarsal joints of, stitches and: Benzoicum ac. in toes: Aconitum. in toes, fine; gouty nodosities on joints: Ledum. in toes; gouty: Graphites. in toes, great, red, stinging, on walking or standing: Natrum mur. in toes, great, swelling and soreness, preventing sleep: Natrum carb. in toes, in heels, more left: Bismuthum. 9 130 REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. Tearing in toes of left foot, tips, and under nails when walking: Camphora. in ulcers on legs, nightly, burning, itching and: Lycopodium. near and beneath left hip, extending to sacrum: Carbo veg. pains, piercing, drawing: Millefolium. Tender feet, bathed in a foul moisture: Petroleum. Tendo-achillis, erysipelas of, worse from touching heel to ground, and from wine: Zincum. pain in right, later in left: Benzoicum ac. painful contraction of: Carbo an. right, pain as after a blow or sprain: Millefoleum. sudden cramp in, at night: Causticum. tearing in, also in tibise, calves, ankles and toes: Colchicum. pain ending at, coming from below external malleolus of right foot: Bismuthum. tension in, or swelling of: Sepia. Tendons, drawing in, as if shortened: Manganum acet. feel as if too short, stiffness in hollow of knee: Graphites. feel as if too short, tension in bend of knee: Berberis. in left hip pain as if too short, must limp when walking; when sitting, gnawing pain in bone: Ammonium mur. jerking of: Kali iod. of muscles of calf, as if stretched, causing lameness: Kali bich. stiff, soles very sensitive, and ball of great toe painful and swollen: Ledum. tension as if they were too short; less lying, worse standing: Baryta carb. Tense and swollen feet in evening; pain in feet, as if sprained: Bryonia. feeling and restlessness in thighs, must move legs for relief: Manganum mur. joints pale, swollen, hot and, with stinging drawing pains: Ledum. sensation as if knees were stiff, bandaged or made, with painful uneasiness in, when sitting: Anacardium. REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. 131 Tension as if tendons were too short, less lying, worse standing: Baryta carb. from hip to knee while walking, sciatic pains: Psorinum. in ankles, on motion: Bryonia. in calves: Natrum mur. in calves when walking, painful: Carbo an. in feet and legs when sitting or walking; heaviness of: Natrum carb. in foot, left, while walking; severe pain: Ailanthus. in hamstrings on walking: Antimonium tart. in knee and ankle-joints: Causticum. in knee, bend of, as if tendons were too short: Berberis. in knee, bend of, muscles are shortened: Natrum carb. in knee, bend of, painful contraction of hamstrings: Natrum mur. in leg and foot, left, tearing, burning and, with erysipelatous inflammation and swelling, after violent dancing; burning worse when touched: Borax. in leg, left, cramplike, with violent drawing, tearing pains from left ischium to os calcis and sole of foot: Chamomilla. in legs, stiffness and: Manganum acet. in limbs as if wrapped tightly: Platinum. in tarsal joint, right, while walking in open air: Belladonna. in tendo-achillis, swelling: Sepia. in thigh, drawing stitches and: Manganum acet. in thighs, especially right, as if muscles were too short, with languor when walking; worse from touch; better when sitting: Guaiacum. on bending body forward; with cramplike pain in gluteal muscles: Belladonna. Tensive, burning pains, in hot, swollen legs: Pulsatilla. drawing pains in head of left femur: Asarum. and stiffness in the hollow of knee when walking: Causticum. pain in knee: Capsicum. on dorsum of feet, even when sitting: Bryonia. Tetters in bend of knees, itching: Arsenicum. 132 REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. Tetters in hollow of knee: Graphites. Thick and crippled toe-nails: Graphites. crippled toe-nails, inflamed: Sabadilla. Thigh, bruised feeling in, alternating with burning and pressure in chest: Sanguinaria. burning in posterior muscles of, when standing, better when walking: Phosphoricum ac. cramps in anterior part of: Hyoscyamus. feeling as of painful stripe down inside of, sensation of paralysis: Nux vom. intolerable pain in hip and, when standing, as if thigh would break: Valeriana. laming ache in middle of: zEthusa. pain in right hip-joint and, with pain in ankle as if sprained; when walking, must limp: Drosera. lancinating and drawing from left hip into: eEthusa. left, drawing in inner side of, afternoons: Colocynthis. feels as if broken in the middle, when sitting, ceases on rising: Illicium an. muscles of thigh, flag, as if falling off bone: Eupatorium perf. numb, thighs weak during headache; knees give way: Glonoinum. occasional single stitches in middle of, anteriorly: Drosera. paralytic pain in, near knee: Cina. shooting pain from back down outside of, on first moving or rising; sciatica: Ruta. stitching pain in: Taraxacum. numbness and loss of sensation in whole, alternating with boring pain in hip-joints: Kreosotum. pain extending down, posteriorly, from back of great trochanter to knee, anteriorly, down tibia to ankle; relieved somewhat by flexion of knee: Arsenicum. painful, dull-pointed pressure in, at times in rhythmical intermission: Anacardium. pains begin in middle of, and extend to knee: Guaiacum. pressing pain in posterior muscles of, worse from pressure REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. 133 and stooping; could not lie thereon at night, passes off after rising: Drosera. Thigh, relaxed feeling of muscles of calf and: Mercurius cor. right, and ankle, pain comes into after leaving left limb: Benzoicum ac. cramplike pain on, above popliteal space: Cyclamen. cutting stitches in outer muscles of, just above knee, only when sitting: Belladonna. drawing bruised pain in, and on inner side near and below patella: Camphora. drawing, pain in, down to knee: Colocynthis. drawing pain in, extending to knee: Natrum mur. great painfulness of; pain comes from head of femur, extends along anterior surface of thigh to knee: Bryonia. pain extends down, from hip: Ledum. pain extends to, from knee, or descends to leg; worse from contact than motion: China. pain in knee and, walking or sitting: Cistus can. pain of sciatica, from sacrum, passing into, down sciatic nerve; worse from pressing at stool, coughing, laughing, or lying on affected side: Tellurium. pain in, only when walking, as if psoas magnus were too short: Colocynthis. pain in, with itching in anus: Muriaticum ac. red, swollen, inside of: Stramonium. rheumatic pains inside of, also in left hip: Sanguinaria. sensation of weakness in, even to trembling, while walking: Conium. tearing in knee and, awakes him at night, worse lying on affected side, or on back; sciatica: Kali iod. sensation as if drops of cold water trickled down front of: Aconitum. of contraction of right, limb seems to be shortened: Ambra. severe pain in middle of, and in hip-joint, when stepping; foot feels as if paralyzed, cannot step properly on it: Asarum. 134 REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. Thigh, shooting into, from liver: Kobaltun. shooting-tearing pain in hip, thigh, groin and left foot: Arsenicum. smarting-itching and burning of, better from scratching: Alumina. soreness in femoral vessels in middle of: Hamamelis. tension, drawing stitches in: Manganum acet. in, while walking; sciatic pains: Psorinum. twitching of muscles: Natrum mur. ulcers on outer part of: Natrum sulph. varices from groin down: Berberis. varicose veins inside of, first right and then left: Ferrum. weakness and heaviness of knee-joint and, must sit down: Stannum. Thighs, boring, tearing in: Sabadilla. bruised feeling on anterior aspect, painful to touch: Ruta. pain in: Graphites. pain in anterior muscles of: Hepar. pain in legs and, morning in bed: Causticum. soreness in muscles of: Hamamelis. burning in skin on inside of: Eupatorium perf. cramps in, at night: Ipecacuanha. crampy pains in: Argentum m. darting pains in joints, toes and: Sticta. drawing and tearing in feet, legs, knees and; worse in open air, better in warmth of bed: Causticum. crampy pains from, to toes; worse from motion or walking: Gelsemium. pain in, extending downward: Ranunculus bulb. pain in feet, legs, hips and, worse right side: Chelidonium. drawn spasmodically forward or backward: Spongia. fatigue, sensation of, in: Rheum. hammering, tearing in both, increased by motion: Secale. heavy, dragging, neuralgic pains worse on outer side of, extend from hips to knees: Phytolacca. itching of: Calcarea carb. of feet and; intolerable: Arsenicum. REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. 135 Thighs, lameness in middle of, has to drag legs when going upstairs: Baryta carb. marbled skin of legs and: Causticum. nettle-rash on: Cepa. numb, cold, with fever: Spongia. numbness of: Ferrum, Graphites. pain as if beaten: Cocculus. as if beaten, legs and: Belladonna. in buttocks and posterior, when sitting: Hepar. in, when walking, as from a blow: Arnica. in, worse from changes of weather, mostly before heavy winds: Berberis. on attempting to extend leg; hamstrings feel too short; knees flexed: Cimex. when walking, with heaviness of legs: Sabina. painful weariness of feet and: Calcarea carb. restlessness and tense feeling in; must move legs for relief: Magnesia mur. rheumatic pains about hip, calves and: Antimonium tart. rheumatoid pains in, also knees and legs, wandering to back; slight lameness and unsteady gait: Lycopus. scaly herpes on: Clematis. sore pain in, with aching in sacrum: Calcarea phos. to touch, also arms, can harly move them: Mercurius. soreness high up, between: Causticum. in anterior portion of, worse after sitting awhile: Baptisia. stitches in muscles of: Sabadilla. stitching on, severe: Baryta carb. sweat on, at night only: Carbo an. tearing, crampy pain, extending from dorsum of feet, along outer side of calves to: Camphora. in: Colchicum, Graphites. in, when sitting: Ammonium mur. tension in, right especially, as if muscles were too short, with languor when walking; worse from touch; better when sitting: Guaiacum. twitching of muscles of: Rheum. 136 REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. Thighs weak during headache; left thigh numb, knees weak: Glonoinum. feeling as if beaten in knees and: Platinum. weakness in knees and: Sarsaparilla. of, wavering gait: Muriaticum ac. weariness in, great, worse going up steps: Bryonia. weary feeling from ilium down outer side of, to knees, as from too much exertion: Natrum ars. Thrilling, agreeable, from the knees down: Cannabis ind. Throbbing at night in neuralgia; worse rest; better moving: Ferrum. dull, with drawing and twitching in region of left hip, and in right loin: Colocynthis. in right foot: Eupatorium perf. pain in left knee when lying, evenings; as if being forced asunder; cracks when stepping and impedes walking: Caladium. Tibia, bruised feeling in left: Asarum. burning and inflammation of: Ruta. spot on: Magnesia carb. caries of: Asafoetida, Lachesis. drawing in: Anacardium, Crotalus. in lower part of left, with same in knees, left heel, and tearing through right great toe: Antimonium crud. or dull pain along: Agaricus. exostosis on upper part of right, with bluish-red spots; suppurating lumps: Dulcamara. pain in: Calcarea phos. pains as from overexertion, soles and; legs restless: Psorinum. at night: Phosphoricum ac. scar on, blood-red, painful: Sulphuricum ac. sharp, deep stitches in: Sambucus. soreness along periosteum of: Nitri ac. spongoid state of: Guaiacum. spots on, red, itching: Sulphuricum ac. stitches in: Jacea. swelling of: Phosphorus. REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. 137 Tibia, tearing in right: Lachnanthes. pain in: Berberis. ulcers on, with lardaceous base: Sabina. Tibihe, aching pains in shin-bones: Lachesis. boring, burrowing or pressive pains on: Clematis. in ankles, dorsum of feet and: Aurum. pains in one or both: Bromium. periosteum of, nightly pains in: Phytolacca. of, painful, worse at night in bed, and then the least touch is intolerable; worse in damp weather; syphilis: Mezereum. tearing in, also calves, ankle, toes and tendo-achillis: Colchicum. Tibial region, posterior, and anterior femoral region, creeping feeling in: Secale. Tied too tightly, pain just below knee as if it had been: Antimonium crud. Tingling and numbness with rheumatoid pains: Rhus tox. commencing in feet and spreading upward, with numb feet and legs: Aconitum. in feet: Dulcamara. in feet, burning and: Crocus. in feet, burning and stinging: Zingiber. in feet, numbness: Nitrum. in feet, when lying in bed: Hypericum. in legs: Secale. in legs, go asleep when sitting or crossing them: Crotalus. in legs, weariness: Mercurius iod. rub. in limbs: Ignatia. in limbs, or buzzing sensation: Kreosotum. in toes: Colchicum, Hepar, Lachesis, Secale. in toes, tips of Natrum mur. pain in foot and toes, with numbness of left leg: Ailanthus. Tired feeling in feet after walking; inflamed: Arnica. in feet, numb, only while sitting: Platinum. in knee, bruised and lame: Berberis. in knees: Oxalicum ac. in legs as after a long journey, must move them from place to place: Nux mosc. 138 REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. Tired feeling in legs as after a long walk: China. in legs, heavy: Secale. in legs, pain as if he had walked too far, especially on tibia and soles; legs restless: Psorinum. in limbs during repose: Aconitum. (See " Fatigue " or " Weariness.") Toe, great, aching and stitching pain in ball of left: Cannabis ind. aching lymphatic swelling on ball of: Baryta carb. ball of, painful: Ammonium carb. beating, swelling and burning in: Phosphoricum ac. becomes red, swollen and painful; particularly in bed, evenings: Ammonium carb. boring in, after lying down: Nux mosch. crawling burning, severe pressive pain in ball of, burning stitches:,Causticum. feels as if sprained: Aloes. first joint, right foot, especially; both knees, worse right, and right hip; shifting pains in: Iris. gout in, first left, then right: Dulcamara. gouty pain in ball of: Ambra. gouty pains in: Gnaphalium. joint, and ankle, of right side, sharp pain in: Sanguinaria. joint red, feels sprained; arthritic pains in foot, worse towards evening: Arnica. left, excruciating pains in, worse at night and from touch, must change position: Manganum acet. left, gouty swelling of; ankles and feet dropsical: Eupatorium perf. left, stitches in: Kalmia. painful, swollen ball of; soles very sensitive; tendons stiff: Ledum. pains as if pinched off: Mephitis. red, with tearing and stinging, on walking or standing: Natrum mur. right, during night gout commences in: Benzoicum ac. right, ingrowing nail in, with ulceration; better moving: Marum ver. REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. 139 Toe, great right, metatarsal joints of, tearing and stitches in: Benzoicum ac. right, piercing pain in, evenings: Cistus can. right, stitches in, evenings: Lycopodium. right, tearing in, awakening from sleep: Lachnanthes. right, tearing through; drawing pains in knees, lower part of left tibia and left heel: Antimonium crud. shooting pains in joints of, also other toes, left foot: Cannabis ind. sticking sensation on ball of, when putting foot to ground: Asafoetida. stinging, boring and gnawing in, and leg: Ranunculus scel. stitches in ball of: Berberis. swelling, redness and stitches in: Sabina. little, stitching and sticking in corns on left: Caladium. Toe-nails, ingrowing, offensive discharge: Silicea. ingrowing, with ulceration; better moving: Marum ver. thick and crippled: Graphites. crippled and inflamed: Sabadilla. Toes and whole foot, sensation as if too large, swollen and stiff, also at night on removing boots: Apis. balls of, blisters on, feet swollen and sweaty: Phosphoricum ac. of, sore pain in, when walking, as if chafed: Arsenicum. between, or on, itching, after undressing: Natrum sulph. or under, horizontal fissures: Sabadilla. rawness: Manganum acet. rawness, from offensive foot-sweat: Silicea. smarting and soreness: Natrum carb. soreness: Fluoricum ac. sweat, smelling sour or like sole-leather: Kobaltum. sweat, with violent itching of: Clematis. vesicles, humid, painless: Hellebore. blisters on: Selenium. burn and itch as if frozen, red: Nux vom. burning, heat and redness of, during slight cold, as if frostbitten: Borax. 140 REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. Toes, burning in knees, legs and: Taraxacum. in, with redness; feet cold: Apis. stinging pains in: Hep. chilblains on: Crocus, Nitri ac. contracted: Ferrum, Nitrum. corns on: Antimonium crud. cramps in: Calcarea carb., Ferrum, Hepar. in legs, fingers and: Veratrum vir. cramplike drawing and tearing pains from, to dorsum of foot: Anacardium. pains in calf, heels and: Crotalus. cramps in, contracting pain in calves, when walking: Lycopodium. of hands and: Secale. darting pains in thighs and: Sticta. drawing, crampy pain in legs, from thighs into, worse on motion or walking: Gelsemium. in knees, ankles, feet and: Caulophyllum. drawn downward: Arsenicum. up towards dorsum of foot: Secale. dull, heavy pains from knee to, moving suddenly from place to place: Lilium tig. ends enlarged, knob-like: Laurocerasus. feel as if they would be drawn down, from pricking in balls of feet, on putting foot to ground: Staphisagria. feel dead, after walking: Cyclamen. formication from knee to, left side: Tabacum. gangrene of: Secale. gangrenous ulcers on: Lachesis. go asleep, when walking: Aconitum. gout in: Ranunculus scel. gouty tearing in: Graphites. great, gouty pains in: Gnaphalium. pain in: Cepa. hot pricking in: Aconitum. itch and burn as if frost-bitten: Agaricus. itching of, violent, evenings after lying down; sweat between toes: Clematis. REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. 141 Toes, knee and hip, left, pain in, thence in calf, then knee, after leaving these parts it appears in right thigh and ankle: Benzoicum ac. little, pain as if frozen: Asarum. nodes on: Spigelia. numb pain as if from cramp in: Crotalus. of right foot, stitches in: Mezereum. pain in feet and, worse at night: Caulophyllum. red: Aurum. swollen, stinging, as if frosted: Carbo veg. redness and itching of: Alumina. rhagades of: Lachesis. shooting pains in joints of, of left foot; worse in great toe: Cannabis ind. tearing pains in: Aconitum. sore, from fetid foot-sweat: Zincum. from foot-sweat, profuse and of unendurable odor: Sepia. spasmodically contracted in walking, or going up-stairs: Hyoscyamus. spreading blisters on: Graphites. stiffness and contraction of: Graphites. stinging, burning pains in: Hepar. stitches in: Kalmia. in joints of: Berberis. in, of right foot: Mezereum. stitching in, coming and going slowly: Ammonium mur. sweat: Squilla. between, with violent itching of: Clematis. on, fetid: Thuya. tearing in, also in heels, more left: Bismuthum. in, also in tendo-achillis, ankles, tibise and calves: Colchicum. in, fine; gouty nodosities on joints: Ledum. from knee to: Alumina. rending in feet and, worse on walking: Agnus cast. tingling in: Colchicum, Hepar, Lachesis, Secale. tips of, blisters on, as if scalded: Natrum carb. 142 REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. Toes, tips of, burning in, sensitive to pressure: Sarsaparilla. of, red and swollen: Thuya. of, swelling, redness and burning in: Muriaticum ac. of, tearing in, of left foot; and under nails, when walking: Camphora. of, tingling in: Natrum mur. of, ulcerated: Carbo veg. to hip, darting pains, worse from motion or lifting, and at night: Nux vom. ulcerative pains in: Kali iod. ulcers on: Graphites, Platinum. on, originating in blisters: Petroleum. on soles of feet and: Arsenicum. Torpid, numb feeling, tremulous restlessness, of legs, when sitting; worse evenings: Platinum. Tottering of knees, knock together when walking: Bryonia. of knees, stiffness, paralytic feeling, they pain as if firmly bandaged, when sitting: Aurum. of knees when ascending steps: Cantharides. Touch aggravates burning in erysipelatous inflammation of. left leg and foot; with tearing, tension and burning: Borax. pricking and burning in inflammation of knee, pressure or: lodium. soreness of feet, which are swollen; worse around ankles: Mercurius iod. rub. tension in thighs, especially the right, as if muscles were too short: Guaiacum. causes bruised pain on outer side of left calf, as does turning or moving of foot; numb feeling there when resting: Bryonia. stitches in red-shining swelling of joints: Rhus tox. excruciating pains in left big toe, worse from: Manganum acet. inner side of right knee very painful to, knee painful, can scarcely walk; leg must be kept quiet, evenings: Bryonia. intolerable, periosteum of long bones, especially tibiae, is so REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. 143 painful; worse night in bed, and in damp weather; syphilis: Mezereum. Touch, left leg and foot numb and oedematous, with lacerating jerking pains, worse from: Pulsatilla. limbs painful to, and improper position: Taraxacum. of feet, causes jerks of the limbs: Kali carb. pain, like from a needle, when touching knee: Arnica. scarcely tolerated about knees, fearful sharp pains in: Hypericum. slight, hot swelling of right knee, painful to: China. Touching heel to ground aggravates pain in erysipelatous tendoachillis; worse from wine: Zincum. painful part causes pain to vanish; jerking pain in right calf: Taraxacum. part causes pain to vanish, it then appears on some other part: Sanguinaria. Transient local sweats on feet and arm-pits; limbs cold: Silicea. Transitory stinging pains in inflammatory swelling of knee: Cocculus. Treading thereon causes pain in heel, as if bruised: Belladonna. Tremble, knees give way and: Camphora. Trembling of feet: Ammonium carb., Apis. of feet and hands: Psorinum, Sarsaparilla. of feet, constant: Stramonium. of hip-joint, left, weakness, unsteadiness, after sore pain there: Apis. of knees, abdomen, back and hands: Lilium tig. of knees, unsteadiness and: Manganum acet. of knees, when standing: Oleander. of leg, left: Cicuta. of legs: Mancinella. of legs, when walking: Nux vom. of legs, with extreme nervousness: Silicea. of limbs: Spongia. of limbs after fright: Opium. of limbs, especially legs, aching when sitting: Kobaltum. of limbs from every exertion: Phosphorus. of limbs, lassitude, heaviness: Secale. 144 REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. Trembling of limbs, they are sweaty and weak: Theridion. thigh, right, while walking, from weakness: Conium. Tremor of feet, and disabling weakness: Tabacum. of feet while standing, must hold on to something to steady himself: Baryta carb. of knees when sitting or walking: Ledum. Tremulous heaviness of legs: Belladonna. restlessness in legs, with numb and torpid feeling when sitting; worse evenings: Platinum. Trickling sensation as of drops of cold water, 'down front of thighs: Aconitum. Trochanter, great, from behind, to calf, pain in course of left sciatic nerve; better from motion; pressure on nerve causes shooting pain along whole leg: Kali bich. pain back of great, extending down thigh, posteriorly, then towards knee, anteriorly, embracing patella, down tibia to the ankle; pain relieved somewhat by flexion of knee: Arsenicum. pain in either great, when lying on it: Veratrum vir. to hollow of knee, darting pains, worse from motion and lifting, and at night: Nux vom. Turning or moving foot causes bruised pain on outer side of left calf; numb sensation there during rest: Bryonia. or walking causes cracking in all joints: Caulophyllum. under easily of feet when walking on stone pavement: Agnus cast. Twinging, pricking in rheumatic left knee; worse from motion; better from straightening limb: Glonoinum. Twitches, wave-like, here and there in legs: Anacardium. Twitching as from something alive: Berberis. in hip, left, region of, and in right loin, drawing with dull throbbing and: Colocynthis. in hips, tearing and: Magnesia mur. in joints, dull, drawing pricking pains: Aloes, Kreosotum. in limbs, tearing, drawing and: Phosphoricum ac. in feet: Phosphorus. of gluteal muscles: Agaricus. REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. 145 Twitching of legs and arms: Mercurius. of legs and arms,, when at rest, jerking: Valeriana. of legs and feet, convulsive: Ipecacuanha. of legs, convulsive: Squilla. of legs, muscles of, from least exertion: Manganum acet. of legs, spasmodic movements: Opium. of limbs: Coffea. of limbs, day and night: Silicea. of limbs, drawing them backward: Cuprum met. of limbs, when stepping out, spasmodic: Rhus tox. of muscles of arms and legs: Asafoetida. of muscles of thigh: Natrum mur., Rheum. pain from hip-joint to knee: Mezereum. Ulcer on foot; with black base: Ipecacuanha. on heel: Sepia. on heel, arising from spreading blisters: Natrum carb. on leg burns at night; discharge offensive; skin mottled around, purple: Carbo veg. on leg, left, it is swollen and skin is copper-colored: Cistus can. pain as if from an, in whole leg: Kreosotum. Ulcerated feet feel sore as if, when stepping: Argentum m, heels pain as if, when standing: Berberis. pustule on heel, black: Natrum carb. soles pain as if, could not step: Cantharides. tips of toes: Carbo veg. to bone, pain in heels in morning on awaking, as if: Ammonium carb. Ulcerative pain in heels and toes: Kali iod. in heels, lower part of: Laurocerasus. in heels, with tearing and stitches, relieved by rubbing at times: Ammonium mur. in soles: Kreosotum. in whole leg, swelling of right knee, with pains in kidneys: Benzoicum ac. Ulcers on feet, callous: Graphites. on feet, previously inflamed: Kali bich. on heel, blisters and; phagadenic: Causticum. IO0 146 REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. Ulcers on legs and toes, gangrenous: Lachesis. on legs, atonic: Hydrastis. on legs discharging profusely: Rhus tox. on legs, dropsical, discharging serum: Rhus tox. on legs, flat, with thin offensive discharges, and bluish areolae: Lachesis. on legs, hard swelling around, mercurio-syphilitic: Cistus can. on legs, lower: Phosphoricum ac. on legs, lower, covered, swollen, red and inflamed: Natrum carb. on legs, lower, flat: Selenium. on legs, lower, with intolerable itching over whole body: Psorinum. on legs, nodes and: Phytolacca. on legs, old, nightly burning, tearing, itching: Lycopodium. on legs, sloughing, spreading: Petroleum. on legs which bleed easily and become putrid, spongy and bluish: Mercurius. on limbs, putrid burning around them: Muriaticum acid. on limbs, with acrid pus, dryness of skin with constipation: Graphites. on malleolus, right; edges callous; ichor putrid: Calcarea phos. on soles of feet and toes: Arsenicum. on thigh, outer part of: Natrum sulph. on tibia with lardaceous base: Sabina. on toes: Graphites, Platinum. on toes originating in blisters: Petroleum. Uneasiness in legs, develops because of aching anteriorly down legs: Natrum ars. in legs, must move them, or draw them up: China. in limbs, in evening, intolerable: Causticum. in lower limbs: Lachesis. in lower limbs, cannot lie still at night, has to change position of feet constantly, or walk about for relief: Arsenicum. in lower limbs, or drawing pains, cause him to move parts: Mercurius. (See "Restlessness.") REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. 147 Unsteadiness and trembling of knees: Manganum acet. weakness and trembling in left hip-joint, after sore pain there: Apis. Urine muddy, looking like settlings of beer; articular rheumatism: Hypericum. Vacillating weakness of limbs when walking: Baptisia. Varices, forcible feeling in, veins sensitive, dilated: Hamamelis. from groin down thighs: Berberis. on legs: Pulsatilla. on legs, with fidgety feet: Zincum. Varicose veins inside of right, then of left thigh: Ferrum. Veins netted, as if marbled, on soles: Thuya. of feet distended: Natrum mur., Sulphuricum ac. of feet distended, with heat in feet: Spongia. sensitive, dilated: Hamamelis. swollen with sciatica, 3 to 5 A.M., better during pregnancy: Sepia. (See " Femoral Vessels.") Vertigo as if drunken, with lassitude of lower limbs: Argentum nit. Vesicles between toes, humid, painless: Helleborus. on soles especially, large: Mancinella. Violent pain and loss of sleep, with gouty inflammation and abscesses of knee: Guaiacum. in hip-joint when walking: Ammonium carb. Vise, crampy, screwing pain in affected hip, as if it were in a; lies on affected side, with knee drawn up: Colocynthis. Voluntary motion, loss of; weight, heaviness, muscles will not obey the will; calves feel bruised; pain at night: Gelsemium. Walk, can scarcely, because knees feel paralyzed and stiff, with lassitude: Anacardium. cannot, weakness of ankles: Sulphuricum ac. weakness of feet: Graphites. compelled to, from electric jerks in limbs, worse in bed: Veratrum alb. feet feel tired or inflamed after a: Arnica. knees strike together, can hardly: Colchicum. 148 REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. Walk, legs feel as after a long: China. on attempting to, violent pain as of spikes penetrating soles running up through limbs to hips, worse in right limb, with drawing pain in calves: Cannabis ind. up-stairs, unable to, on account of almost entire paralysis of limbs, with stiffness and tired aching: Cannabis ind, Walking aggravates drawing, crampy pains in legs, from thighs into toes: Gelsemium. pain in hip-joints as if dislocated: Psorinum. rending, shooting sciatic or crural neuralgia: Coffea. tearing rending pain in feet and toes: Agnus cast. weariness about hip-joints: Argentum met. ankle-joint feels lame when sitting or: Natrum mur. ankle-joints pain when: Lithium carb. ankle, right, tearing pain in, as if sprained, only when: Drosera. at first aggravates, and continued relieves heavy, paralytic feeling in hip-joint: Phosphoricum ac. at first left, then right foot goes asleep, disappears when: Millefolium. calf pains when stepping and: Calcarea carb. violent cramp in, when, after sitting, at night: Nitri ac. calves ache and are weak when going up-stairs or; heaviness of legs: Kali bich. contracting pain in, cramps in toes when: Lycopodium. cramp when, or rising from seat, better lying: Anacardium. painful tension in, when: Carbo an. causes great exhaustion early in sciatica: Plumbum. difficult, first right, then left hip-joint feels paralytic: Veratrum alb. from pressive, drawing pains in sciatic nerve, down to knee, and great exhaustion afterwards: Plumbum. does not step properly on soles when, and they tilt inward: Cicuta. feet swollen, worse after walking: Lachesis. feet and soles, swollen and stinging when: Natrum carb. easily turn under when, on stone pavement: Agnus cast. REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. 149 Walking, soles give way when: Silicea. painful, swollen, feel every pepple when: Sabadilla. foot, left, tension and severe pain in while: Ailanthus. turns under when, as from weak ankle: Carbo an. hamstrings painful when, as if too short: Ammonium mur. tension in, when: Antimonium tart. heel feels as if festering when standing or, much: Ammonium carb. sore pain in as if from: Borax. heels, sore pain in, when sitting, standing or when, in open air, burning: Cyclamen. sore when: Kali bich. hip and limb, right, lameness in, when: Eupatorium perf. hip-joint and thigh, right, laming pain in, limps when; also pain as if sprained in ankle: Drosera. feels relaxed when, leg feels as if made of wood: Thuya. right, feels sprained when: Mezereum. violent pain in, when: Ammonium carb. hip-joints and knees, rheumatic pains in, when moving or; also with restlessness in diphtheria: Kali bich. hip, lancinating stitches in, relieved by slow: Sepia. left, pains as if sprained when, in open air: Hepar. left, pains as if tendons were too short when, must limp when: Ammonium mur. left, sudden stitch in, when, cannot walk: Natrum sulph. stitches in, when: Argentum m. to knee, right, pains when, cannot stand or bear one's weight: Hydrastis. joints all crack when turning or: Caulophyllum. particularly knees, feel as if they would give way, worse going down hill: Belladonna. knee, bend of, stiffness and tension in, when: Causticum. dull pains in side of, when: Kali carb. joint, continuous pain in left, impeding: Colocynthis. left, cracks, impeding knee; throbs and pains when lying, evenings: Caladium. left, outer part of, aches while sitting; worse when: Hydrastis. 150 REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. Walking, knee, left, tearing in, when: Lachnanthes. pain in, makes it very difficult, obliged to keep leg very quiet; inner side of knee painful to touch: Bryonia. right, becomes weak from: Aurum. tension down to, while; sciatic pains: Psorinum. knees crack when: Arsenicum, Causticum. involuntarily drawn upward when: Ignatia. knock together and totter when: Bryonia. knock together when: Argentum m. painful when; legs, when lying in bed: Magnesia carb. sore when; pain as if sprained: Calcarea phos. tremor of when sitting or: Ledum. very weak when, in open air: Zincum. weak, especially when: China. leg, left, feels shorter than right, and so sounds when: Lycopus. legs and feet, tension in, when: Natrum carb. pain at night as after excessive: Baryta carb. tremble; unsteady gait; drags feet when: Nux vom. limbs go asleep when: Sepia. heavy when: Sulphur. weak, vacillating when: Baptisia. missteps when, from weakness: Phosphorus. on pavement causes pain in soles of feet: Aloes. patella feels as if partially luxated when: Gelsemium. pain in, impedes, stiffness and stitches in knee: Nitri ac. relieves bruised feeling in soles, at night: Baryta carb. burning in posterior muscles of thigh: Phosphoricum acid. constant motion and shifting of feet, due to pain rising from ankles to hips, worse when sitting: Belladonna. cramps in legs and feet: Rhus tox. fine cutting stitch which comes in right calf when sitting: Drosera. lancinating stitches in hip, if slow; although rising from bed aggravates: Sepia. pains in legs: Agaricus. REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. 151 Walking relieves pain in limbs like a bruise, worse in wet, cold weather: Verartrum alb. swelling of feet and legs, which was present in morning on arising: Aurum. swelling of feet and limbs; worse from sitting or standing: Sepia. violent pain in hip-joint, although foot can hardly be put to ground, worse evening, until midnight: Ferrum. slowly relieves lancinating stitches in hip, although rising from bed aggravates: Sepia. sole, skin of, hard, painful when: Baryta carb. soles feel as if asleep, and limbs weak when: Oleander. pain as if bruised when: Antimonium crud., Ledum, Lilium tig. pain when, swollen: Lycopodium. prickling sensation as of pins and needles in, when, which hinders or prevents: Bryonia. red and sore when: Squilla. sensitive when: Antimonium crud. staggers when; from great weariness of limbs, can scarcely drag them, must sit down, evenings: Alumina. tarsal joint, tension in right, when, in open air: Belladonna. tendon feels as if drawing from sole of right foot through bone of leg, during and after: Crotalus. tension down to knee while; sciatic pains: Psorinum. thigh and knee, right, pain when sitting or: Cistus can. muscles tense, especially the right, as if too short, better when sitting, worse from touch, languor when: Guaiacum. right, feels weak, even to trembling, when: Conium. right, pains only when, as if psoas magnus were too short: Colocynthis. thighs pain when, as from a blow: Arnica. pain while, with heaviness of legs: Sabina. toes, ball of, sore pain in when, as if chafed: Arsenicum. cramp, and contracting pain in calves when: Lycopodium. 152 REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. Walking, toes feel dead after: Cyclamen. go to sleep when: Aconitum. great, tearing, stinging and redness of, when: Natrum mur. spasmodically contracted when, or going up-stairs: Hyoscyamus. tips of, of left foot, tearing in, and under nails, when: Camphora. unsteady; easy falling of little children: Causticum. Wandering, digging, pressing pains, confined to small spots; lasting but a short time; soon returning: Nuxmosch. pains: Veratrum vir. periodical, also along bones, generally without localized inflammatory processes: Kali bich. worse at night: Sanguinaria. tearing pains in limbs: Rhododendron. Warm feeling, shooting, rending, cramp-pain in calves: Calcarea phos. in bed, when, relief of tearing in ankles and bones of feet: Ammonium carb. Warmth aggravates pains: Pulsatilla. rheumatic pains: Thuya. ameliorates dull, aching, sciatic pains, of right side: Rhus tox. rheumatism: Lycopodium. of bed aggravates intense itching of top of feet and ankles: Ledum. of bed aggravates pain in limbs resembling a bruise: Veratrum alb. of bed aggravates stinging, drawing, rheumatic pains in pale, swollen, tense and hot joints: Ledum. of bed ameliorates drawing and tearing pain in thighs, knees, legs and feet; worse in open air: Causticum. Washing floor, after, violent tearing pains in soles; swollen feet, sore to touch, worse around ankles: Mercurius iod. rub. Wasting of the lower limbs: Berberis. REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. 153 Water, sciatic pains caused by working in water: Calcarea carb. sensation as if cold trickled down front of thighs: Aconitum. Waxy, pale, swollen, cedematous feet and legs: Apis. Weak and weary: Aceticum ac. calves, as if bruised: Ferrum. hamstrings feel, and shortened; knees give way when going up or down-stairs: Ruta. joints and stiff: Rhus tox. knee, right, becomes, from walking: Aurum. knees, after seminal emissions: Dioscorea. especially when walking: China. they give way, thighs weak during headache; left thigh numb: Glonoinum. with pain, worse going up-stairs: Lithium carb. legs: Ferrum. legs and back, can hardly walk: AEsculus hipp. limbs, cannot get out of bed: Caladium. vacillating and, when walking: Baptisia. Weakness of ankles and feeling of heavy weight in each instep: Arnica. of ankles, cannot walk: Sulphuricum ac. of calves, aching and, when walking or going up-stairs; heaviness of legs: Kali bich. of calves, sensation of: Kalmia. of feet and hands; joints sore and bruised, as if tired out: Chamomilla. of feet, cannot walk: Graphites. of feet, disabling, tremor: Tabacum. of feet, weariness, numbness: Arsenicum. of hip-joint, left, unsteadiness, trembling, after sore pain there: Apis. of hip, left, pain, worse going up-stairs: Podophyllum. of hips: Cepa. of joints: Zingiber. of joints, cracking, swelling: Sulphur. of joints, especially knees: Podophyllum, Sepia. of knee-joints: Mercurius iod. rub. 154 REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. Weakness of knee-joints, sensation as if they would give away: Kreosotum. of knees, ache: Hydrastis. of knees, afternoon: Hamamelis. of knees and thighs: Sarsaparilla. of knees, excessive: Kobaltum. of knees, painful: Staphisagria, Sulphuricum ac. of knees, when walking in open air: Zincum. of knees, with stiffness and great lassitude, is scarcely able to walk: Anacardium. of legs, ache: Hydrastis. of legs, knees give way: Cuprum. of legs, numbness and paralysis: Opium. of legs, numb and stiff: Oxalicum ac. of legs, painful: Staphisagria. of legs, paralytic, after a short walk: Nitrum. of legs, they refuse to carry him, he staggers: Cicuta. of legs, they will scarcely hold him: Bryonia. of legs, with fear of paralysis; after typhus: Secale. of limbs, debility and, whole afternoon, with sick feeling and dread of work: Argentum nit. of limbs, excessive: Xanthroxylum. of limbs, great, languor and: Ammonium carb., Ammonium mur. of limbs, missteps when walking: Phosphorus. of limbs, paralytic: Causticum. of limbs prevents rising; headache, worse when covered: Glonoinum. of limbs, sensation as if they would break down, on going up-stairs: Arsenicum. of limbs, sudden, with canine hunger: Zincum. of limbs, trembling, sweating of: Theridion. of limbs, with displacement of uterus: Magnesia mur. of limbs, with feeling in soles as if asleep, when walking: Oleander. of thigh and knee-joint, must sit down: Stannum. of thigh, right, when walking; even to trembling: Conium. of thighs and knees: Sarsaparilla. REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. 155 Weakness of thighs and knees as if beaten: Platinum. of thighs, wavering gait: Muriaticum ac. Weakening drawing over front of legs; shooting pain, as if in the periosteum: Hypericum. Weariness about hip-joints, worse walking; feel bruised on hard pressure after rising: Argentum met. heaviness and inability to move, with the pains: Colchicum. of ankle-joint: Aloes. of calves: Aloes. of feet, weakness, numbness and: Arsenicum. of legs, drawing, heaviness: Pulsatilla. of legs, pains as from, pressing towards the groins; diarrhoea; during menses: Niccolum. of legs, tingling: Mercurius iod. flav. of limbs, especially thighs and feet, painful: Calcarea carb. of limbs, great, with boring and shooting in: AEthusa. of thighs, great, worse going up steps: Bryonia. Weary calves: Argentum nit. feeling from ilium down outer side of thighs to knees, as from too much exertion: Natrum ars. Weather, damp or cold, aggravates dull, aching, sciatic pains of right side: Rhus tox. damp, in, bone-pains after mercury, or checked gonorrhcea: Sarsaparilla. damp, pains in periosteum of long bones during: Mezereum. pain in thighs, worse from change of, mostly before heavy winds: Berberis. wet, stormy, aggravates tearing, drawing pains in periosteum; mostly in arms and lower legs: Rhododendron. Weight, heaviness; loss of voluntary motion; muscles will not obey will; calves feel bruised; pain at night: Gelsemium. in instep, feeling as of heavy, and want of power in ankles: Arnica. Wet, exposure to, causes rheumatic pains; parts as if beaten; pains when quiet, subsides when moving: Dulcamara. 156 KIEPRTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. Wet, getting, causes paralysis of limbs: Nux vom. causes paroxysmal pains in legs, especially when warm and sweaty: Rhus tox. especially feet, causes rheumatism: Pulsatilla. suppressed foot-sweat, and caused paralysis of feet: Zincum. stormy weather, tearing, drawing in periosteum; mostly of arms and lower legs, worse in: Rhododendron. weather aggravates rheumatism: Lycopodium. and cold, aggravate pain in limbs resembling a bruise: Veratrum alb. White swelling of both feet, cedematous: Kreosotum. of knee: Kali iod. of knee, pains stinging, lancinating; swelling, doughy; fistulous openings, with hard edges, discharging greenish-yellow pus: Silicea. of knee, with intolerable tearing pains, worse during rest and at night: Rhododendron. of knees: Lycopodium. Wind, pain in thighs, worse from changes of weather, mostly before heavy: Berberis. Wine aggravates erysipelas of tendo-achillis: Zincum. Winter, ischias worse in, better in summer: Ignatia. Work, dread of, and sick feeling; with debility and weakness of lower limbs all afternoon: Argentum nit. Wrapped tightly, tension of limbs as if: Platinum. Wrenched, left hip-joint feels as if; sciatica: Iris. right knee pains as if, on moving, especially on going upstairs: Nux mosch. REPERTORY OF MALE SEXUAL ORGANS.-FROM HERING'S CONDENSED MATERIA MEDICA. BY CHANDLER WEAVER, M.D., FOX CHASE POST OFFICE, PHILA. Chancre-like sore on prepuce: Ailanthus, Kali bich., Nitri ac., Thuya. Chordee: Camphora. Coition: burning in back after: Magnesia mur. great debility after: Agaricus, Clematais, Natrum mur., Phosphoricum ac., Sepia, Silicea. indifference to: Borax, Graphites, Psorinum, Rhododendron. painful: Argentum nit., Kali carb. pain in bladder and prostate after: Cepa. penis becomes relaxed during: Nux vom., Phosphoricum ac. pollutions after: Natrum mur. profuse night-sweats after: Agaricus. too weak and too short: Berberis, Carbo veg., Graphites, Selenium, Zincum met. too early emission of semen: Calcarea ost., Sepia. want of ejaculation in: Millefolium, Psorinum, Zincum met. weak, especially in the eyes after: Kali carb. weakness and confusion of head after: Bovista, Lycopodium, Silicea. Condylomata or excrescences: Nitri ac., Phosphoricum ac., Sabina, Staphisagria, Thuya. Cystitis, children reach hands to genitals during: Aconitum. Embrace, great desire for, penis being relaxed: Agaricus, Nux vom. Emissions, after onanism: Argentum nit., China, Nux vom., Phosphorus, Phosphoricum ac., Pulsatilla, Sepia, Staphisagria, Ustilago. 158 REPERTORY OF MALE SEXUAL ORGANS. Emissions, even during a loose stool: Arsenicum alb., Gelsemium, Phosphoricum ac. from onanism during sleep: Carbo veg. least excitement of parts causes: Sarsaparilla. nightly and weakening: Aceticum ac., Ammonium carb., Antimonium crud., Argentum met., Bovista, Bromium, Calcarea ost., Carbo an., Cicuta, China, Cocculus, Digitalis, Ferrum, Graphites, Kobaltum, Ledum, Mercurius bin., Nux mosch., Nux vom., Phosphorus, Phosphoricum ac., Sabadilla, Sanguinaria, Staphisagria, Sulphur, Tabacum, Ustilago. with relaxed organs: Belladonna. with strong desire after: Aloes, Alumina. with dreams: Antimonium crud., Bismuthum, Iris vers., Jacea, Kobaltum. without dreams: Anacardium, Antimonium crud., Gelsemium, Graphites, Guaiacum. without weakness after: -Aurum. Epididymis, sensitive: Aloes, China, Rhododendron, Taraxacum. Erections, after urinating at night: Lilium tig., Rhus tox. during stool: Ignatia. frequent: Ammonium mur., Cannabis ind., Cannabis sat., Chelidonium, Graphites, Helonias, Magnesia mur., Phosphorus, Thuya. feeble: Agnus, Hepar, Lycopodium, Selenium. frequent and long-lasting: Apis, Cannabis ind., Cantharides, Oxalicum ac., Silicea, Zincum. involuntary during the day: Anacardium, Cannabis ind., Chelidonium, Clematis, Magnesia mur., Natrum mur. strong: Chamomilla, Helonias, Mercurius corr., Mezereum, Zincum. with pain: Cantharis, Capsicum, Mercurius viv., Nitri ac., Nux vom., Sabadilla. with pain along urethra: Cantharis, Capsicum. without sexual desire: Ammonium carb., Caladium, Calcarea phos., Phosphoricum ac., Spigelia. with strong desire for embrace: Hamamelis. REPERTORY OF MALE SEXUAL ORGANS. 159 Erysipelas of scrotum: Arnica, Croton tig., Rhus. Excoriations between scrotum and thighs: Baryta carb., Lycopodium, Mercurius viv., Natrum mur., Petroleum, Rhododendron, Rhus. Excrescences or condylomata: Nitri ac., Phosphoricum ac., Psorinum, Sabina, Staphisagria, Thuya. Glands, inguinal, suppurate: Aurum. Glans penis, increase of smegma about: Causticum, Natrum mur., Nux vom. light red lentil-sized spots on: Cannabis sat. sharp, stinging, stitching pain in: Caulophyllum, Ranunculus scel. sore and painful: Chelidonium, Cyclamen, Mercurius viv., Natrum carb., Rhus, Thuya. Genitals, bruised and swollen: Arnica. children reach hand to, in cystitis and spasms: Aconitum, Stramonium. cold and relaxed: Gelsemium, Helleborus, Iris vers., Psorinum, Sulphur. drawn in: Euphrasia. hair falling out from: Nitri ac., Phosphoricum ac., Zincum. herpes on: Dulcamara, Graphites, Petroleum, Phosphoricum ac., Sarsaparilla, Tellurium. increased sensitiveness of: Cocculus. increased sensitiveness to excitement: Coffea. painful: Berberis, Hydrastis. inflamed, swelling of: Arsenicum alb., Plumbum. sweating of: Belladonna, Caladium, Fluoricum ac., Mercurius viv., Sulphur. Gleet: Agnus, Benzoicum ac., Ferrum, Fluoricum ac., Hydrastis, Kali bich., Millefolium, Natrum mur., Phytolacca, Sanguinaria. Gonorrhoea, changeable discharge: Lilium tig., Sulphur, Thuya. suppressed: Benzoicum ac., Gelsemium, Jacea, Sarsaparilla, Spongia, Thuya. with constant sticking together of the meatus: Camphora, Cuprum mur. yellow green discharge: Argentum nit., Hydrastis, Meze i60 REPERTORY OF MALE SEXUAL ORGANS. reum, Natrum sulph., Nitri ac., Nux vom., Petroleum, Phytolacca, Pulsatilla, Terebinthinae, Thuya. Hair falling out from genitals: Nitri ac., Phosphoricum ac., Zincum. Hernia, inguinal and scrotal: Magnesia carb. Hydrocele: Apis, Arnica, Digitalis, Fluoricum ac., Graphites, Phosphorus, Pulsatilla, Rhododendron, Silicea. Inguinal glands suppurate: Aurum. Impotence: Agnus, Argentum nit., Caladium, Camphora, Capsicum, Dulcamara, Ferrum, Graphites, Helonias, Hyoscyamus, Kobaltum, Kreosotum, Lycopodium, Muriaticum ac., Opium, Phosphorus, Plumbum, Psorinum, Selenium, Sulphur, Thuya. with gleet: Agnus. with lascivious fancies: China. Itching of scrotum: Antimonium crud., Apis, Aurum, Calcarea phos., Causticum, Chelidonium, Cistus, Cocculus, Croton tig., Jacea, Lachnanthes, Magnesia mur., Manganum, Mephitis, Petroleum, Rhododendron, Rhus tox., Selenium, Staphisagria, Urtica urens. of scrotum, not relieved by scratching: Muriaticum ac. exciting sexual desire: Anacardium, Cocculus, Staphisagria. of genitals, voluptuous: Agaricus, Agnus, Ammonium carb., Anacardium, Eupatorium perf., Ignatia, Magnesia mur., Natrum mur., Natrum sulph., Petroleum, Sepia, Silicea. of glans penis: Chelidonium, Croton tig., Drosera, Kali bich. of prepuce: Aloes, Conium, Ignatia, Lycopodium, Pulsatilla. of penis: Antimonium crud., Cannabis ind., Causticum, Hepar, Ignatia, Lachnanthes. out pimples over genitals: Umbra, Kali bich., Silicea. Onanism, causing epilepsy: Lachesis, Stramonium. during sleep: Carbo veg. Orchitis: Aurum, Baptisia, Hamamelis, Mercurius viv., Nux vom., Phosphorus, Phytolacca, Pulsatilla, Spongia, Sulphuricum ac., Zincum met. Pains, cutting along penis: Anacardium, Cicuta. REPERTORY OF MALE SEXUAL ORGANS. I6i Pains in left groin through urethra to glans, smarting remains a long time after: Asarum, Mezereum. in testicles and seminal cord: Ammonium carb., Chelidonium. shooting through perineum into penis: Calcarea phos. Penis, cutting along: Anacardium, Cicuta. gangrene of: Laurocerasus. glans, blue, red, swollen and cracked: Arsenicum alb., Rhus tox. increase of smegma about: Causticum, Natrum mur., Nux vom. light red lentil-sized spots on: Cannabis sat. sharp stinging pain in: Caulophyllum, Ranunculus scel. sore and painful: Chelidonium, Cyclamen, Mercurius viv., Natrum carb., Rhus tox., Thuya. painful when walking: Cannabis sat. relaxed: Agaricus, Agnus, Cannabis ind., Lycopodium, Muriaticum ac., Sabadilla, Sulphur. with discharge of prostatic fluid: Aurum. small: Aloes, Argentum met., Ignatia, Lycopodium. swollen, without marked erections: Cannabis sat., Fluoricum ac., Ledum, Mezereum, Millefolium, Sabina, Silicea. uneasiness and burning in: Cannabis ind. Phimosis: Arnica, Cannabis sat., Cyclamen, Digitalis, Mercurius viv., Nitri ac., Sabina, Sulphur. Prepuce, cold and numb: Berberis. dropsy of: Digitalis. induration of, after chancres: Lachesis. inflammation of and smarting: Calcarea ost., Cannabis sat., Lobelia, Mercurius viv., Muriaticum ac., Naturm carb., Rhus tox. swollen and painful or itching: Caladium, Cannabis sat., Capsicum, Graphites, Jacea, Rhus tox., Sabina, Sulphur, Thuya. ulcers on: Argentum nit., Hepar s. c., Sulphur. Prostate, discharge of its fluid on every emotion: Conium, Hepar, Selenium, Zincum. II 162 REPERTORY OF MALE SEXUAL ORGANS. Prostate, discharge of its fluid during stool: Aurum mur., Carbo veg., Hepar. enlarged: Pulsatilla, Thuya, Clematis, Conium. Scrotum, bruised: Arnica, Kali carb. erysipelas of: Arnica, Croton tig., Rhus tox. cedematous: Argentum met., Caladium, Graphites, Rhus tox. relaxed: Aloes, Ammonium carb., Capsicum, Clematis, Coffea, Magnesia mur., Natrum mur. shrunken, cold: Berberis. sweating of: Baryta carb., Calcarea phos., Gelsemium, Hamamelis, Lachnanthes, Rhododendron, Sepia, Silicea, Sulphur, Thuya. swelling of: Chelidonium, Clematis, Mezereum, Phosphoricum ac., Pulsatilla. sore, oozing a fluid: Calcarea phos., Sulphur. ulcers on: Aurum. Sexual ability diminished: Baryta carb., Belladonna, Berberis, China, Ignatia, Manganum acet., Muriaticum ac., Natrum mur., Phosphorus, Sepia, Sulphur. absence of desire: Kali bich., Nitri ac. functions excited easily: Hypericum, Lachesis, Mercurius viv., Natrum mur., Nux vom., Opium, Phosphorus, Platina, Stannum, Staphisagria, Zincum. desire decreased: Aconitum, Agnus, Argentum nit., Belladonna, Clematis, Kali iod., Magnesia carb., Marum ver., Petroleum, Rhododendron, Silicea, Theridion. desire increased: Aconitum, Agaricus, Aloes, Alumina, Ambra, Anacardium, Antimonium crud, Bromium, Bryonia, Calcarea ost., Cannabis ind., Cannabis sat., Cantharides, Cepa, China, Crocus, Ferrum, Fluoricum ac., Graphites, Helonias, Hepar s. c., Hyoscyamus, Ledum, Lilium tig., Mancinella, Mezereum, Natrum mur., Natrum sulph., Nitrum, Sepia, Silicea, Tellurium. increased with heat and sweat: Aconitum. especially on going to sleep: Mercurius bin. strong with erections: Colocynthis, Helonias, Kali REPERTORY OF MALE SEXUAL ORGANS. 163 carb., Nitri ac., Opium, Platina, Plumbum, Pulsatilla, Sabina, Stramonium. Sexual desire strong without erections: Ammonium carb., Caladium, Conium, Magnesia carb., Nux mosch. with uneasiness of whole body, which prevents him from sitting long: Antimonium crud. suppressed: Conium, Helleborus. excess, complaints from: Bovista, China, Conium, Natrum mur., Nux vom., Pulsatilla, Secale. Shooting pain through perineum into penis: Calcarea phos. Spermatic cords sensitive: Kali carb., Manganum, Oxalicum ac., Phosphoricum ac., Pulsatilla, Sarsaparilla, Staphisagria. right side: Clematis, lodium, Mercurius bin. left side: China, Colchicum, Iodium. Stitches and beating in left spermatic cord: Ammonium mur. in the penis: Asafcetida, Kali bich. in testicles, which are drawn up: Belladonna. in right testicles and spermatic cord: Bryonia. Syphilis, buboes: Carbo an. chancres: Mercurius prot., Mercurius subl. corr., Nitri ac., Phytolacca. secondary: Hepar, Nitri ac. Testicles, atrophied: Kali iod., Staphisagria, Zincum met. bruised pains in: Aconitum, Argentum met., Argentum nit., Cocculus, Kali carb., Natrum mur., Oxalicum ac., Phosphoricum ac., Pulsatilla, Silicea. cold relaxed: Agnus, Aloes, Bromium, Camphora, Gelsemium. drawn up: Berberis, Cantharides, Cicuta, Nux vom., Plumbum, Psorinum, Rhododendron, Secale. dwindling of: Capsicum, Kali iod. feel swollen and hard: Aconitum, Agnus, lodium, Mercurius viv., Spigelia, Sulphuricum ac. induration of: Clematis, Iodium, Jacea, Rhododendron. left, hard, painful and dragging: Alumina, Aurum, Bromium, China, Kali carb., Mercurius subl. corr., Rhododendron, Thuya. 164 REPERTORY OF MALE SEXUAL ORGANS. Testicles painful after emissions: Capsicum. right, swollen and hard: Apis, Argentum nit., Aurum. drawn up with pain: /Ethusa, Clematis, Kobaltum, Lachnanthes, Mercurius bin., Staphisagria. pains: Arum triph., Baptisia, Bryonia, Marum ver., Sulphuricum ac. swelling of: Calcarea phos., Digitalis, Iodium, Kali carb., Mezereum, Millefolium, Phosphoricum ac., Spigelia. swelling of, from mumps: Carbo veg., Mercurius viv., Pulsatilla. sore, painful: Causticum, Chelidonium, Clematis, Hamamelis, Lithium, Natrum mur., Nitrum, Nux vom., Oxalicum ac., Phosphoricum ac., Psorinum, Pulsatilla, Rhododendron, Staphisagria. Tickling on genitals: Alumina. Ulcers, grayish, shaggy borders: Argentum met., Jacea, Kali bich., Mercurius viv., Nitri ac. on prepuce: Argentum nit., Hepar, Sulphur. on scrotum: Aurum. Urethra, burning in: Cantharides, Lithium, Capsicum, Belladonna. contractive pains in: China. cream-like discharge from: Capsicum, Mezereum. discharge yellow: Agnus, Argentum met., Fluoricum ac., Hydrastis, Psorinum, Silicea, Zincum. of prostatic fluid during stool: Aurum met., Carbo veg., Hepar, Kali bich., Magnesia carb., Natrum mur., Psorinum, Selenium, Zincum. of prostatic fluid on every emotion: Conium, Hepar, Selenium, Zincum. smarting in, with tenesmus: Terebinthinae. stitching pain in: Cyclamen, Mezereum, Nitri ac., Thuya. Varicocele: Carbo veg., Hamamelis, Pulsatilla. REPERTORY TO APPETITE, THIRST, DESIRES, AVERSIONS. These four subjects are included in the " Condensed Materia Medica" under Desires and Aversions, but really deserve the more expanded heading above, as given in the " Guiding Symptoms." COMPILED BY EDWARD CRANCH, ERIE, PENNA. Appetite, craving: Abies can., Abrotanum, Aconitum, Actaea rac., Ammonium carb., Argentum, Arsenicum, Aurum, Bryonia, Cannabis ind., Capsicum, Carbo an., Caulophyllum, Cepa, Cimex, Cinchona off, Coffea, Colocynthis, Crotalus, Eupatorium perf., Fluoricum ac., Graphites, lodium, Kreosotum, Lycopodium, Mercurius, Muriaticum ac., Myrica cerif., Natrum ars., Natrum mur., Nux mosch., Nux vom., Oxalicum ac., Petroleum, Phosphorus, Phosphoricum ac., Platinum, Plumbum, Podophyllum, Ptelea, Psorinum, Sabadilla, Secale corn., Sepia, Silicea, Spigelia, Spongia, Squilla, Stannum, Staphisagria, Sulphur, Tabacum, Ustilago, Valeriana, Veratrum, Zincum. in children: Sulphur. in infants: Calcarea phos. small amount suffices: Ammonium carb., Bryonia. with emaciation progressing: Abrotanum, Cinchona off., lodium. morning: Calcarea ostr., Hepar s.c., Hypericum, Natrum carb. noon: Abies nigr., Carbo veg., Mezereum. afternoon: Guaiacum (4 p.m., Calcarea phos.). evening: Abies nigr., Benzoicum ac., Guaiacum, Hypericum, Ignatia, Mezereum, Natrum mur., Nitrum. (165) 166 REPERTORY TO APPETITE, -THIRST, DESIRES, AVERSIONS. Appetite, craving, night: Cinchona off., Psorinum, Selenium. diminished: Aconitum, Agnus cast., Ailanthus, Antimonium tart., Arnica, Colocynthis, Cyclamen, Erigeron, Ferrum, Gelsemium, Helonias, Kali iod., Kobaltum, Mezereum, Oxalicum ac., Ptelea, Sulphur, Veratrum. diminished, but eats as usual: Ailanthus. lost: Aconitum, Ammonium mur., Antimonium crud., Apis, Argentum, Argentum nitr., Arnica, Arsenicum, Arum triph., Asafcetida, Asarum eur., Baptisia, Bryonia, Caladium, Calcarea ostr., Camphora, Cantharides, Carbo an., Carbo veg., Cepa, Chamomilla, Chelidonium, Cinchona off., Colchicum, Conium, Cuprum, Digitalis, Eupatorium perf., Eupatorium purp., Glonoinum, Guaiacum, Helonias, Ipecacuanha, Kali bich., Kali carb., Kreosotum, Lachesis, Laurocerasus, Lilium tig., Lobelia infl., Magnesia mur., Manganum acet., Mercurius, Mercurius corr., Natrum mur., Natrum sulph., Nitri ac., Nitrum, Petroleum, Phosphorus, Phosphoricum ac., Phytolacca dec., Platinum, Psorinum, Rhus tox., Sarsaparilla, Sepia, Silicea,.Spigelia, Tabacum, Urtica ur., Ustilago, Xanthoxylum. but relish comes with eating: Calcarea ostr., Sabadilla. morning: Abies nigr., Agaricus, Benzoicum ac., Bovista, Cyclamen, Hamamelis. noon: Actaea rac., Lobelia infl. evening: Cantharides, Cyclamen, Kobaltum, Stannum. from depressed mood: Platinum, Selenium, Zincum. variable: Actaea rac., Ailanthus, Anacardium, Berberis, Capsicum, Cepa, Cina, Cinchona off., Ferrum, Graphites, lodium, Mercurius iod. flav., Phosphorus, Podophyllum, Sabadilla, Stannum, Stramonium, Thuya, Ustilago. without hunger: Caladium, Causticum, Clematis, Rheum. Eats hurriedly: Coffea, Platinum, Pulsatilla, Zincum. Eats slowly: Aconitum. Hunger during chill: Phosphorus. REPERTORY TO APPETITE, THIRST, DESIRES, AVERSIONS. 167 Hunger after the heat: Cimex, Dulcamara. in evening, prevents sleep: Ignatia. immediately on the cessation of pain: Cantharides. after stool: Petroleum. after vomiting: Veratrum. causing suffering, anxious and worried if not eating every few hours: lodium. causing headache if not relieved: Lycopodium. not relieved by eating: Antimonium crud., Argentum, Bovista, Cina, Mercurius, Paris, Phytolacca, Staphisagria. on walking: Antimonium crud. twenty-four hours or so before a spell of dyspepsia: Nux vom. but food is suddenly expelled from pharynx, by reason of nausea, caused by a lump of mucus in throat: Myrica cerif. without appetite: Agaricus, Antimonium crud., Baryta, Cocculus, Dulcamara, Helleborus, Ignatia, Magnesia mur., Myrica cerif., Nitrum, Oleander, Opium, Pulsatilla, Rhus tox., Sanguinaria, Theridion. Satiety, feeling of: Cinchona off., Clematis, Illicium an., Lycopodium, Manganum acet., Myrica cerif, Podophyllum, Rhododendron. Thirst: Absinthum, Aceticum ac., Aconitum,.Ethusa, Agaricus, Ailanthus, Aloes, Alumina, Ammonium carb., Ammonium mur., Anacardium, Antimonium cr., Antimonium tart., Apis, Apocynum cannab., Argentum nitr., Arnica, Arsenicum, Aurum, Baptisia, Baryta c., Belladonna, Benzoicum ac., Berberis, Bismuthum, Borax, Bovista, Bryonia, Caladium, Calcarea ost., Calcarea phos., Camphora, Cannabis ind., Cannabis sat., Chininum sulph., Cicuta, Cimex, Cina, Cistus, Cocculus, Coffea, Colchicum, Conium, Crocus, Crotalus, Cuprum, Cyclamen, Dulcamara, Eupatorium perf., Eupatorium purp., Ferrum, Fluoricum ac., Gambogia, Glonoinum, Graphites, Guaiacum, Hamamelis, Helleborus, Hepar, 168 REPERTORY TO APPETITE, THIRST, DESIRES, AVERSIONS. Hyoscyamus, Hypericum, lodium, Ipecacuanha, Kali bi., Kali brom., Kali carb., Kali iod., Kreosotum, Lachesis, Lachnanthes, Laurocerasus, Ledum, Lilium tig., Lobelia, Lycopodium, Magnesia carb., Magnesia mur., Mancinella, Manganum acet., Mercurius, Mercurius iod. flay., Mezereum, Millefolium, Muriaticum ac., Myrica cer., Natrum ars., Natrum carb., Natrum mur., Natrum sul., Niccolum, Nitri ac., Nitrum, Oleander, Opium, Oxalicum ac., Petroleum, Phosphorus, Phosphoricum ac., Phytolacca, Platinum, Plumbum, Podophyllum, Psorinum, Ptelea, Ranunculus scel., Rhus, Ruta, Sabadilla, Sambucus, Secale, Sepia, Silicea, Spigelia, Spongia, Squilla, Stannum, Stramonium, Sulphur, Tabacum, Taraxacum, Terebinthinae, Theridion, Thuya, Valeriana, Veratrum, Zincum, Zingiber. Thirst, morning: Arnica, Magnesia mur. (3 A.M.), Mercurius, Nitri ac., Sepia. noon: Ammonium carb., Antimonium crud., Belladonna. afternoon: Bovista, Calcarea phos., Gambogia, Hamamelis, Kali iod., Natrum carb., Ruta, Silicea. evening: Ammonium mur., Belladonna, Benzoicum ac., Bismuthum, Gambogia, Hamamelis, Kali carb., Magnesia carb., Magnesia mur., Natrum mur., Natrum sulph., Niccolum, Silicea. night: Aloes, Coffea, Lycopodium, Magnesia carb., Magnesia mur., Ranunculus scel., Rhus, Silicea, Thuya. wakening one up: Aloes, Coffea. before chill: Cimex, Cinchona, Eupatorium perf., Eupatorium purp., Lobelia. during chill or coldness: Alumina, Apis, Bovista, Bryonia, Cannabis sat., Eupatorium perf., Eupatorium purp., Ferrum, Kali carb., Kali iod., Ledum, Mezereum, Muriaticum ac., Natrum mur., Natrum sulph., Plumbum, Psorinum, Ruta, Sepia, Stannum, Sulphur. after chill: Cimex, Cinchona, H-epar, Kreosotum. before coma: Caladium. REPERTORY TO APPETITE, THIRST, DESIRES, AVERSIONS. 169 Thirst while sleepy: Benzoicum ac. before severe symptoms: Lilium tig. while sweating: Chininum sul., Cinchona, Coffea, Magnesia carb., Magnesia mur., Mercurius, Phosphoricum ac., Taraxacum. only while sweating: Phosphoricum ac., Taraxacum. with heat in palms: Zincum. without fever: Arnica. desire to drink: Arsenicum, Helleborus, Lachesis, Lycopodium, Veratrum. relief from drink: Baryta carb., Camphora, Myrica cer., Natrum ars., Sambucus. with dread of water: Cannabis ind., Hyoscyamus. aversion to drink: Cocculus. inability to swallow: Belladonna, Cicuta. inability to swallow hot drinks: Phytolacca. inability or fear to move, to get a drink: Cimex. frequent stops while drinking, from loss of breath: Anacardium, Nitrum, Squilla. frequent stops while drinking, choking sensation rising from stomach: Mancinella. nausea, Aurum, Veratrum. distress from cold water: Arsenicum, Natrum ars. in dropsy: Apocynum cann. with dry mouth: Aloes, Arsenicum, Baryta carb., Berberis, Calcarea phos., Crotalus, Cyclamen, Glonoinum, Hamamelis, Kali brom., Laurocerasus, Millefolium, Myrica cer., Petroleum, Rhus, Zingiber. dinner: Ammonium carb. Drinks much at a time: Arnica, Arsenicum, Bryonia, Cactus, Camphora, Lilium tig., Podophyllum. and often: Arsenicum, Lilium tig. and seldom: Bryonia. little at a time: Actzea, Anacardium, Antimonium tart, Apis, Arsenicum, Arum triph., Cinchona, Hamamelis, Hyoscyamus, Lycopodium, Mercurius iod. rubr., Natrum ars., Pulsatilla, Rhus. and often: Antimonium tart., Apis, Arsenicum, Cin 170 REPERTORY TO APPETITE, THIRST, DESIRES, AVERSIONS. chona, Lycopodium, Natrum ars., Pulsatilla, Rhus. tox., Veratrum, Drinks slowly: Anacardium. rapidly: Kreosotum, Veratrum. Thirstlessness: Aceticum ac., Actaea, Agnus, Ambra, Antimonium tart., Apis, Argentum met., Argentum nit., Asafoetida,. Aurum, Berberis, Bromium, Bryonia, Caladium, Camphora, Cimex, Cinchona, Cocculus, Colocynthis, Cyclamen, Ferrum, Gelsemium, Ignatia, Ipecacuanha, Kali carb.,I Lycopodium, Manganum acet., Muriatic ac., Nitri ac.,. Nux mosch., Nux vom., Opium, Paris, Phosphoricum ac., Platinum, Ptelea, Pulsatilla, Rheum, Rhododendron, Rhus tox., Ruta, Sabadilla, Sabina, Sambucus, Sarsaparilla, Sepia, Staphisagria, Stramonium. morning: Pulsatilla. forenoon: Argentum met. night: Antimonium crud. with dry mouth: Apis, Bryonia, Cocculus, Lycopodium, Nux mosch., Nux vom., Opium, Pulsatilla, Sabina, Sambucus. with fever: Aceticum ac., Apis, Argentum, Asafoetida, Cinchona, Cyclamen, Dulcamara, Hyoscyamus, Ignatia, Kali carb., Muriaticum ac., Nitri ac., Nux mosch., Nux vom., Phosphoricum ac., Rheum, Rhus tox., Ruta, Sambucus. with sweat: Apis. in dropsy: Apis. with desire to drink: Cimex, Colocynthis. Desires alcoholic drinks: Aconitum, Arnica, Arsenicum, Asarum, Cinchona, Lachesis, Muriaticum ac., Nux vom., Oleander, Opium, Pulsatilla, Selenium, Spigelia, Staphisagria, Sulphur, Sulphuricum ac., Theridion. apples: Aloes, Antimonium tart., Guaiacum. acids: Antimonium tart. (See "Sour Things.") beer: Aconitum, Antimonium crud., Causticum, Cocculus, Colocynthis, Kali bich., Mercurius, Nux vom., Petroleum, Phosphoricum ac., Pulsatilla, Rhus tox., Sulphur. REPERTORY TO APPETITE, THIRST, DISIRES, AVERSIONS. 171 Desires bitter drinks: Aconitum, Natrum mur. brandy: Aconitum, Arnica, Arsenicum, Cinchona, Nux vom., Oleander, Opium, Staphisagria, Sulphur, Sulphuricum ac., Theridion. bread: Ammonium carb., Bovista, Cina, Colocynthis, Ferrum, Ignatia, Magnesia carb., Sabadilla, Staphisagria. rye: Ignatia. boiled in milk: Abrotanum, Staphisagria. chalk: Alumina, Nitri ac., Nux vom. charcoal: Alumina, Cicuta. cheese (strong): Argentum nit. cloves: Alumina. coarse food: Abies can. coffee: Arsenicum, Aurum, Bryonia, Capsicum, Carbo veg., Conium, Lachesis, Mezereum. coffee-grounds: Alumina. roasted: Cinchona, Sabina. cold drinks (see also "Thirst"): Aconitum, Actaea rac., Ailanthus, Antimonium crud., Arnica, Belladonna, Bismuthum, Bovista, Bryonia, Cannabis ind., Causticum, Chamomilla, Cinchona, Cocculus, Crocus, Cuprum, Dulcamara, Eupatorium perf., Eupatorium, Fluoricum ac., Glonoinum, Graphites, Helleborus, Mancinella, Mercurius, Natrum carb., Natrum sulph., Oleander, Phosphorus, Podophyllum, Rhus tox., Ruta, Silicea, Squilla, Theridion, Thuya, Veratrum. food: Ammonium carb., Bovista, Phosphorus, Silicea, Thuya, Veratrum. earth: Nitri ac. eggs: Calcarea ost. fish: Natrum mur., Nitri ac., Pulsatilla. food, fatty: Arsenicum, Mezereum, Nitri ac., Nux vom. coarse: Abies can. liquid: Staphisagria. Sjuicy: Aloes, Cinchona, Mercurius, Phosphorus, Veratrum. warm: Phosphoricum ac. 172 REPERTORY TO APPETITE, THIRST, DESIRES, AVERSIONS. Desires food cold: Ammonium carb., Bovista, Phosphorus, Silicea, Thuya, Veratrum. unusual: Alumina, Chelidonium, Cina, Ignatia. highly seasoned: Cinchona, Hepar, Rhus tox., Sanguinaria. salty: Calcarea ost., Carbo veg., Conium, Mephitis, Mercurius iod. rub., Natrum carb., Nitri ac., Pulsatilla, Veratrum. vegetables: Alumina. fruit: Aloes, Alumina, Antimonium tart., Cistus can.,Guaiacum, Sulphuricum ac., Veratrum. ham-fat: Mezereum. herring: Nitri ac., Pulsatilla. ice: Natrum sulph. ice-cream: Eupatorium perf., Phosphorus. indigestible articles: Alumina, Nitri ac. juicy food: Aloes, Cinchona, Mercurius, Phosphoricum ac., Veratrum. lard: Arsenicum. lemonade: Belladonna, Borax, Chamomilla, Cinchona, Eupatorium purp., Secale. lemons: Belladonna. lime: Nitri ac. meat: Abies can., Kreosotum, Lilium tig., Magnesia carb. smoked: Kreosotum, Nitri ac., Pulsatilla. milk: Apis, Arsenicum, Aurum, Bryonia, Chelidonium, Mercurius, Natrum mur., Phosphoricum ac. pickles: Abies can., Antimonium crud., Cistus can., Hepar, Hypericum, Sepia. rags, clean, white: Alumina. rice, dry: Alumina. smoked meat and fish: Kreosotum, Nitri ac., Pulsatilla. soup: Staphisagria. sour things: Abies can., Antimonium crud., Alumina, Antimonium tart., Apis, Arnica, Arsenicum, Borax, Bromium, Carbo veg., Chamomilla, Chelidonium, Cinchona, Cistus can., Conium, Hepar, Ignatia, Kali bich., Kali carb., Magnesia carb., Mercurius iod. REPERTORY TO APPETITE, THIRST, DESIRES, AVERSIONS. 173 flav., Ptelea, Pulsatilla, Sabina, Secale, Sepia, Squilla, Theridion. Desires starch: Alumina. sweet things: Ammonium carb., Argentum nit., Bryonia, Calcarea ost., Carbo veg., Cinchona, Ipecacuanha, Kali carb., Lycopodium, Magnesia mur., Mercurius, Rhus tox., Sabadilla, Silicea, Sulphur. sugar: Argentum nit. tea-grounds: Alumina. tobacco-smoke: Glonoinum, Staphisagria. vegetables: Alumina. warm drinks: Caladium, Hypericum, Sabadilla. food: Phosphoricum ac. wine: Aconitum, Ethusa, Argentum met., Arnica, Asafcetida, Aurum, Bryonia, Calcarea ost., Chelidonium, Fluoricum ac., Hepar. water, cold. (See "Cold Drinks.") Aversion to acids: Belladonna, Cocculus, Ferrum, Sabadilla. alcoholic drinks: Ignatia, Mercurius, Phosphoricum ac., Rhus tox. beer: Alumina, Asafcetida (tastes slimy), Belladonna, Chamomilla, Cinchona, Clematis, Cocculus, Ferrum, Phosphoricum ac., Stannum. bread: Cinchona, Lilium tig., Natrum mur., Natrum sulph., Nitri ac., Nux vom., Pulsatilla. rye: Kali carb., Lycopodium. with butter: Cyclamen. broth: Arnica. butter: Arsenicum, Cinchona, Cyclamen, Ptelea. cold water: Bromium, Caladium, Hamamelis, Hyoscyamus, Nux vom. camphor: Belladonna. coffee: Belladonna, Chamomilla, Coffea, Fluoricum ac., Lilium tig., Lycopodium, Mercurius, Natrum mur., Nux vom., Phosphoricum ac., Sabadilla. cheese: Chelidonium. drinks of all kinds: Belladonna,. Berberis, Cannabis ind., Cantharides, Causticum, Cocculus, Helleborus, Lachesis, Laurocerasus, Lycopodium, Sabadilla. 174 REPERTORY TO APPETITE, THIRST, DESIRES, AVERSIONS. Aversion to drinks, alcoholic: Ignatia, Mercurius, Phosphoricum ac., Rhus tox. warm: Chamomilla. fish: Graphites, Zincum. food, all: Aconitum, Antimonium crud., Argentum met., Arnica, Arsenicum, Asafcetida, Asarum, Benzoicum ac., Cantharides, Capsicum, Cinchona, Colchicum, Colocynthis, Cyclamen, Eupatorium perf., Guaiacum, Helleborus, Ipecacuanha, Kali carb., Manganum acet., Natrum ars., Opium, Sabina, Sarsaparilla, Secale, Sepia, Tabacum. salted: Graphites, Selenium. sight of: Colchicum, Mercurius iod. flay. smell of: Colchicum. rich: Ptelea. fatty: Carbo an., Carbo veg., Cinchona, Cyclamen, Drosera, Hepar, Mercurius, Petroleum, Psorinum, Ptelea, Pulsatilla, Secale. sweet: Causticum, Phosphorus, Sanguinaria, Zincum. warm: Cinchona, Ferrum, Graphites, Ignatia, Lycopodium, Petroleum, Silicea, Veratrum, Zincum. acid: Belladonna, Cocculus, Ferrum, Sabadilla. formerly enjoyed: Natrum mur., Ptelea. meat: Aloes, Alumina, Arnica, Aurum, Calcarea ost., Carbo veg., Chelidonium, Cinchona, Ferrum, Graphites, Ignatia, Kali bich., Kreosotum, Lachnanthes, Lycopodium, Mercurius, Muriaticum ac., Niccolum, Nitri ac., Petroleum, Phosphorus, Ptelea, Pulsatilla,.Rhus tox., Sabadilla, Secale, Sepia, Silicea, Sulphur, Zincum. milk: Arnica, Bryonia, Carbo veg., Guaiacum, Natrum carb., Pulsatilla. pork: Drosera, Psorinum, Pulsatilla. puddings, rich: Ptelea. salt: Graphites, Selenium. sour things: Belladonna, Cocculus, Ferrum, Sabadilla. sweets: Causticum, Phosphorus, Sanguinaria, Zincum. tobacco-smoke: Antimonium tart., Argentum met, Arnica, REPERTORY TO APPETITE, THIRST, DESIRES, AVERSIONS. 175 Borax, Bromium, Calcarea ost., Ignatia, Lycopodium, Nux vom., Zingiber. Aversion to warm drinks: Chamomilla. food: Cinchona, Ferrum, Graphites, Ignatia, Lycopodium, Petroleum, Silicea, Veratrum, Zincum. wine: Mercurius, Phosphoricum ac., Sabadilla. Child refuses mother's milk: Stannum. REPERTORY OF OUTER CHEST. S. F. SHANNON, SEWICKLEY, PA. Abscess of mamm: Aceticum ac. (threatened), Arnica, Phytolacca, Silicea. Aching pains: Angustuira, Arnica, Arum triph., Asterias, Borax, Calcarea phos., Calendula, Carbo veg., Chininum ars., Clematis, Eupatorium perf., Hamamelis, Helonias, Phytolacca, Rumex. Acne on chest: Drosera. Aggravation, after weaning, soreness of breasts: Allium sat., Calcarea ost., Dulcamara, Pulsatilla. bending over, stooping: Carduus mar., Cornus, Gratiola, Manganum. cold weather: Clematis. coughing: Allium sat., Alumina, Arnica, Arsenicum hydr., Borax, Bryonia, Eupatorium perf., Ferrum mur., Mephitis, Nitri ac. expiration: Carduus mar., Castoreum. increasing moon: Clematis. jar or jolt: Belladonna. locality, axillae: Argentum met., Astacus, Asterias, Aurum met., Belladonna, Borax, Bovista, Cadmium sulph., Calendula, Carbo an., Carbo veg., Carbolic ac., Clematis, Coccus cact., Condurango, Conium, Digitalis, Dulcamara, Rhododendron, Rumex, Sabadilla, Selenium, Silicea, Squilla. clavicles: Alumen, Ammonium brom., Bromium, Calcarea phos., Carbolicum ac., Coccus, Ferrum met., Pulsatilla, Spigelia, Thuya. intercostals: Amanita, Arnica, Arsenicum hydr., Asafcetida, Asclepias, Brachyglottis, Cainca, Carduus mar., Chelidonium, Chininum sulph., Gymnocladus, (176) REPERTORY OF OUTER CHEST. 177 Hekla lava, Jacea, Phytolacca, Ranunculus scel., Rhus tox. Aggravation, locality, niammae: Aconitum, Alumina, Ambra gris., Arnica, Arsenicum alb., Asafcetida, Baryta carb., Belladonna, Borax, Bryonia, Calcarea ostr., Camphora, Cannabis, Carbo an., Carbo veg., Causticum, Chamomilla, Clematis, Cocculus, Colocynthis, Conium, Creosote, Crocus, Cuprum, Digitalis, Dulcamara, Ferrum, Graphites, Guaiacum, Hepar, Jodium, Kali bich., Kali carb., Laurocerasus, Lycopodium, Manganum, Mercurius, Mezereum, Natrum mur., Nitri ac., Nux mosch., Nux vom., Opium, Petroleum, Phosphorus, Phosphoricum ac., Plumbum, Pulsatilla, Ranunculus scel., Rheum, Rhus tox., Ruta, Sabina, Sambucus, Sepia, Silicea, Sulphur, Thuya, Veratrum alb., Zincum. nipples: Aconitum, Agaricus, Arnica, Baptisia, Belladonna, Berberis, Bismuthum, Borax, Bryonia, Calendula, Calcarea ostr., Camphora, Carbo an., Causticum, Chamomilla, Cicuta, Cocculus, Conium, Crocus, Graphites, Hepar, Ignatia, Lycopodium, Manganum, Mercurius, Mezereum, Muriaticum ac., Nitri ac., Nux vom., Paris, Petroleum, Phosphorus, Phytolacca, Plumbum, Psorinum, Pulsatilla, Ranunculus scel., Rheum, Rhus tox., Sabadilla, Sabina, Sarsaparilla, Sepia, Silicea, Sulphur, Thuya, Zincum. muscles of chest: Allium sat., Apis, Argentum nit., Arsenicum met., Berberis, Bryonia, Cactus, Calcarea ostr., Coccus cact., Colchicum, Drosera, Eupatorium perf., Ferrum met., Gelsemium, Graphites, Hamamelis, Hyoscyamus, Laurocerasus, Mezereum, Nitri ac., Phosphorus, Phosphoricum ac., Pulsatilla, Ranunculus bulb., Ranunculus scel., Rhus tox., Ruta, Sabina, Scilla, Sepia, Spigelia, Staphisagria, Strontian, Sulphur, Valeriana, Veratrum, Viola od., Zincum. pectoral gland: Berberis. pectoral muscles: Allium sat., Angustura, Arsenicum 12 178 REPERTORY OF OUTER CHEST. met., Borax, Brachyglottis, Carduus mar., Chelidonium, Colchicum, Daphne, Ferrum phosph., Helleborus, Hypericum, Ledum, Mezereum, Plumbum, Physostigma, Rhododendron, Staphisagria, Strychninum, Tarantula. Aggravation, locality, precordial region: Bryonia. ribs: Aloes, Alumen, Apis, Ambra, Argentum met., Arsenicum hydr., Asclepias, Borax, Caladium, Carbolicum ac., Carduus, Chelidonium, Chininum sulph., Comocladia, Gambogia, Guaiacum, Hypericum, Illicium, Jacea, Lobelia, Natrum sulph., Phytolacca. scapuke: Berberis, Croton tig., Lilium tig., Lobelia. sternum: /Esculus hipp., Agnus cast., Amanita, Ammonium carb., Arsenicum, Arsenicum hydr., Asclepias, Asimina, Astacus, Baptisia, Borax, Bryonia, Cactus, Calcarea phos., Calcarea sulph., Cantharides, Capsicum, Carbo an., Carbo veg., Castoreum, Causticum, Circuta vir., Cimex, Cinchona, Conium, Corallia, Cyclamen, Drosera, Eupatorum perf., Gambogia, Jacea, Kreosotum, Ledum, Lobelia, Mancinella, Nitri ac., Oleander, Phytolacca, Rhododendron, Ruta, Sambucus, Sanguinaria, Sarsaparilla, Sulphuricum ac., Sulphur. throat-pit: Argentum nit., Calcarea phos., Cascarilla. xiphoid cartilage: Agnus cast., Asafcetida. motion: Agnus cast., Alumina, Amanita, Angustura, Armoracea, Arnica, Asafcetida, Asterias, Bryonia, Cactus, Calcarea ost., Capsicum, Castor equo., Carduus mar., Cinchona, Conium, Codeinum, Cornus flor., Drosera, Eupatorium perf., Graphites, Gratiola, Hamamelis, Hepar, Kali bich., Laurocerasus, Lilium tig., Manganum, Mephitis, Nitri ac., Ranunculus bulb., Secale, Spongia. at menstrual period: Mercurius. pressure, touch: Ailanthus, Angustura, Armoracea, Arsenicum hydr., Arsenicum iod., Asclepias, Asimina, Baryta carb., Benzoicum ac., Brachyglottis, Bryonia, REPERTORY OF OUTER CHEST. 179 Cactus, Calcarea ost., Calcarea phos., Carbo an., Castor equ., Causticum, Chamomilla, Chininum sulph., Cimex, Cinchona, Cistus, Colchicum, Conium, Croton tig., Cuprum met., Dioscorea, Elaps, Euphorbia, Graphites, Helonias, Mephitis, Phytolacca, Ranunculus bulb., Ranunculus scel., Rhododendron, Sanguinaria, Sepia, Silicea, Sulphur, Zincum. Aggravation at menstrual period, rubbing: Conium. time of day, 5 to 6 A.M.: Bovista. after breakfast: Hypericum. morning: Cocculus, Graphites, Nitrum. noon: Amanita. afternoon: Hamamelis. 4 P.M.: Asclepias. 4 to 7 P.M: Chininum sulph. evening: Hamamelis. night: Amanita, Bromium, Calcarea ost., Clematis, Conium, Hamamelis, Sepia. time of year, Spring: Natrum sulph. urinating, while: Clematis. walking out after thawing weather: Mercurius biniod. walking up or down-stairs: Hepar. walking up-stairs: Castor equ. walking down-stairs: Alumina. weaning, after: Allium sat., Calcarea ost., Dulcamara, Pulsatilla. Air, chest sensitive to cold air: Cactus, Cistus, Helonias. sensation as of air streaming from nipples: Cyclamen. Amelioration, by inspiration: Kreosotum. by motion: Arsenicum, Cactus (gentle), Comocladia. by perspiring: Arsenicum hydr. by pressure: Arnica, Arsenicum hydr., Borax, Bryonia, Cimicifuga, Drosera, Eupatorium perf., Kreosotum, Mercurius, Natrum mur., Natrum sulph., Phosphorus, Ranunculus bulb., Sepia. by rubbing: Castor equ. by scratching: Castor equ. 18o REPERTORY OF OUTER CHEST. Amelioration by supporting chest with hands: Actea rac., Arnica, Borax, Bryonia, Drosera, Eupatorium perf., Kreosotum, Mercurius, Natrum mur., Natrum sulph., Phosphorus, Ranunculus bulb., Sepia. by throwing head back: Asterias. washing chest with cold water: Borax. Aphthous nipples: Borax. Atrophy of mammae: Arsenicum iod., Chelidonium, Conium, Kali hydr., Kreosotum, Nitri ac. Attacks, cause of, cold or dampness: Colchicum, Phytolacca, Rhus tox. excessive secretion of milk: Arundo. Axilla, glands indurated: Asterias, Aurum met., Carbo an., Carbo veg., Clematis. glands of, suppurate: Cadmium sulph. glands of, swollen: Belladonna, Calendula, Clematis, Conium, Condurango. itching and soreness in: Asterias, Carbo veg. pressure and tension in: Astacus. pain in left axilla: Coccus, Rumex. in and below right axilla: Digitalis. sweat in: Bovista, Carbolicum ac., Dulcamara, Rhododendron, Sabadilla, Selenium, Silicea, Squilla. ulcer in left axilla: Borax. Black pores on chest: Drosera. Bleeding of nipples, male: Graphites. of nipples, female: Alumen, Arsenicum, Bufo, Calcarea ost., Carbo an., Clematis, Graphites, Hepar, Hydrastis, Phytolacca. Blisters on chest: Arsenicum met. Blue skin on chest: Cuprum met. on clavicles: Thuya. Boils on chest: Ammonium, Argentum met., Cinchona, Hepar. Boring pain: Bismuthum. Breathing deeply, worse from: Agnus cast., Amanita, Angustura, Armoracea, Arnica, Asafoetida, Asterias, Bryonia, Cactus, Calcarea ost., Capsicum, Cinchona, Codeinum, Conium, Cornus, Drosera, Eupatorium REPERTORY OF OUTER CHEST. perf., Graphites, Hamamelis, Kali bich., Laurocerasus, Lilium tig., Mephitis, Nitri ac., Ranunculus bulb., Secale, Spongia. Bruised, beaten, pain as if: Aloes, Alumen, Alumina, Apis, Arnica, Arsenicum hydr., Arum triph., Baptisia, Bryonia, Calcarea ost., Cannabis sat., Causticum, Chamomilla, Coccus, Daphne, Doryphora, Elaps, Ferrum met., Ferrum mur., Gambogia, Magnesia carb., Manganum, Mercurius, Nitri ac., Pulsatilla, Ranunculus bulb., Ranunculus scel., Sarsaparilla, Sepia, Sulphuricum ac. Burning pains: Angustura, Arsenicum, Asarum, Baptisia, Bismuthum, Bovista, Bryonia, Calcarea phos., Carbo an., Carbo veg., Castor equ., Chininum ars., Cina, Cinchona, Coccus, Comocladia, Conium, Cuprum, Dioscorea, Dolichos, Drosera, Hypericum, Laurocerasus, Phosphoricum ac., Sanguinaria, Silicea, Sulphur. on chest: Ambra gris., Ammonium carb., Ammonium mur. (left), Angustura, Bryonia, Cantharides, Castor equo., Cina, Drosera, Laurocerasus, Rumex. in mammae: Actaea rac., Aconite, Apis, Arsenicum, Bryonia, Calcarea phos., Laurocerasus, Lycopodium, Silicea, Sulphur. in nipples: Agaricus, Amanita, Arundo, Benzoicum ac., Comocladia, Psorinum, Silicea, Sulphur. in sternum: Carbo veg., Cactus, Coccus, Sanguinaria. Cancer of mammae: Alumen, Arsenicum, Bufo, Calcarea ost., Carbo an., Clematis, Graphites, Hepar, Hlydrastis, Phytolacca. Carcinoma of mamme: Aurum mur. nat., Badiaga, Carbo an., Condurango. Caries of sternum: Conium. Cartilages of ribs, affections of: Argentum met., Comocladia. Chapping of nipples: Sulphur. Character of pains, aching: Angustura, Arnica, Arum triph., Asterias, Borax, Calcarea phos., Calendula, Carbo veg., Chininum ars., Clematis, Eupatorium perf., Hamamelis, Helonias, Phytolacca, Rumex. 182 REPERTORY OF OUTER CHEST. Character of pains, beaten, bruised as if: Aloes, Alumen, Alumina, Apis, Arsenicum, Arsenicum hydr., Arum tri., Baptisia, Bryonia, Calcarea ost., Cannabis sat., Causticum, Chamomilla, Coccus, Daphne, Doryphora, Elaps, Ferrum met., Ferrum mur., Gambogia, Magnesia carb., Manganum, Mercurius, Nitri ac., Pulsatilla, Ranunculus bulb., Ranunculus scel., Sarsaparilla, Sepia, Sulphuricum ac. boring: Bismuthum. burning: Angustura, Arsenicum, Asarum, Baptisia, Bismuthum, Bovista, Bryonia, Calcarea phos., Carbo an., Carbo veg., Castor equ., Chininum ars., Cina, Cinchona, Coccus, Comocladia, Conium, Cuprum, Dioscorea, Dolichos, Drosera, Hypericum, Laurocerasus, Phosphoricum ac., Sanguinaria, Silicea, Sulphur. constrictive: Amanita, Arsenicum hydr., Borax, Cactus, Capsicum, Carbolicum ac., Causticum, Glonoinum, Lilium tig., Phytolacca. contracted as if: Amanita, Cyclamen, Mezereum. corroding: Belladonna, Berberis. cramplike: Castoreum, Cocculus, Comocladia, Lilium tig., Mezereum, Nitri ac., Phosphoricum ac., Sanguinaria, Secale. cutting: Angustura, Dioscorea, Gambogia, Hydrastis, Lilium tig. darting: Carbo an., Colchicum, Gratiola, Silicea. digging: Cannabis sat. draggingcr: Cornus. drawing: Abrotanum, Asterias, Bromium, Cactus, Cadmium sulph., Calendula, Carbo an., Carbo veg., Carduus mar., Chamomilla, Comocladia, Ferrum met. drawn, as if drawn backward by a string: Crocus. dull: Asterias, Carbolicum ac., Conium, Kali bich., Oleander. flying: Brachyglottis. gnawing: Belladonna. grasping: Armoracea. REPERTORY OF OUTER CHEST. 183 Character of pains, griping: Borax, Cornus. itching: Agaricus, Alumina, Amanita, Ammonium mur., Anacardium, Antimonium crud., Arsenicum, Asterias, Cactus, Calcarea ost., Castor equ., Causticum, Coccus, Conium, Cornus, Dolichos, Fluoricum ac., Formica, Petroleum, Sepia, Silicea. jerking: Crocus. lacerating: Chamomilla. lancinating: Asterias, Bromium, Chelidonium, Ferrum iod., Lachesis, Phosphorus. piercing: Conium. pressing: Amanita, Argentum met., Berberis, Brachyglottis, Bromium, Bryonia, Cainca, Calcarea ars., Calcarea phos., Calendula, Camphora, Coccus, Comocladia, Hypericum, Kreosotum, Lobelia, Phosphoricum ac., Sabina, Sambucus. pricking: Arundo, Borax, Calcarea ost, Phosphoricum ac. pulsating: Belladonna, Berberis, Comocladia, Sticta. rheumatic: Arsenicum hydr., Bryonia, Cadmium sulph., Pulsatilla. scraping: Cimex. shooting: Amanita, Brachyglottis, Calcarea phos., Colchicum, Cornus. soreness: Alumen, Amanita, Asclepias, Asimina, Baryta carb., Bryonia, Calcarea ost., Calcarea phos., Carbo veg., Causticum, Chelidonium, Cicuta, Cimex, Coccus, Daphne, Drosera, Eupatorium perf., Ferrum met., Kreosotum, Magnesia carb., Mercurius, Nitri ac., Ranunculus bulb., Ranunculus scel., Rhododendron, Rumex, Ruta, Sanguinaria, Stannum, Sulphuricum ac. sticking: Amanita, Apis, Causticum, Ferrum met., Mercurius biniod. sprained, as if: Kalmia. stinging: AEthusa, Amanita, Augustura, Apis, Belladonna, Borax, Camphora, Carbo an., Chininum sulph., Colchicum, Graphites, Hepar, Hypericum. stitch: Allium sat., Amanita, Angustura, Apis, Arnica, 184 REPERTORY OF OUTER CHEST. Arsenicum met., Baptisia, Bromium, Camphora, Cantharis, Cannabis ind., Carduus mar., Chelidonium, Cina, Cinchona, Conium, Crocus, Cyclamen, Digitalis, Euphorbia, Ferrum met., Gambogia, Guaiacum, Gymnocladus, Hypericum, Jacea, Kreosotum, Lycopodium, Mancinella, Oleander, Ranunculus scel., Rumex, Sanguinaria, Spigelia. Character of pains, suppurating, as if: Calcarea ost. tearing: AEsculus hipp., Amanita, Bromium, Bryonia, Bufo, Calcarea phos., Camphora, Carbo an., Carbo veg., Chamomilla, Chininum sulph., Cinchona, Colchicum. tensive: Berberis, Bryonia, Rhus tox. throbbing: Amanita, Belladonna, Brachyglottis, Silicea. tingling: Carbolicum ac., Rhus tox. ulcerating, as if: Asterias, Calcarea ost., Mercurius. Chest, blisters on: Arsenicum met. boils on: Ammonium carb., Argentum met., Cinchona, Hepar. bruised, pain as if: Aloes, Alumina, Apis, Argentum met., Bryonia, Chamomilla, Doryphora, Ferrum met., Manganum, Ranunculus bulb., Ranunculusscel., Stannum. burning on: Ambra, Ammonium carb., Ammonium mur., Angustura, Asarum, Bryonia, Cantharis, Castor equo., Cina, Drosera, Laurocerasus, Rumex. chilliness of: Abrotanum, Alumina, Amanita, Arsenicum, Arsenicum met., Bryonia, Guaiacum, Natrum carb. chill spreads from: Cicuta, Conium, Spigelia. cramps in: Cocculus, Mezereum, Phosphoricum ac., Sanguinaria, Secale. deformity of (rachitic): Calcarea ost. dropsy of: Helleborus. eruptions on, miliary, brown: Mezereum, Sepia. red: Chelidonium. white: Apis, Valeriana. yellow: Arsenicum, Carbo veg., Lycopodium, Phosphorus. pimples: Amanita, Anacardium, Baryta carb., Berberis, REPERTORY OF OUTER CHEST. 185 Cistus, Condurango, Dulcamara, Graphites, Ledum, Mercurius prot. Chest, eruptions, pustules: Baryta carb. rash: Amanita, Ammonium carb. (red), Anacardium, Anagallis, Asterias, Caladium, Camphora, Causticum, Cornus, Dolichos, Hyoscyamus, Ledum, Mercurius prot., Sabadilla, Silicea, Stramonium (typhoid). roseola: Hyoscyamus, Mercurius prot. scaly: Fluoricum ac. scurfy: Mezereum, Petroleum. front of, pains worse in: Borax, Carduus mar., Comocladia, Helonias. fulness in: Cactus. left side of, pains worse in: Actaea rac., Aloes, Alumen, Arnica, Arsenicum, Arsenicum hydr., Arsenicum met., Arum, Bromium, Bryonia, Cactus, Carbolicum ac., Carduus mar., Causticum, Conium, Crocus, Digitalis, Ferrum met., Graphites, Hamamelis, Hypericum, Lilium tig., Lobelia, Mercurius bin., Natrum sulph. lower, pains worse in: Asimina, Carduus mar., Chelidonium, Cicuta, Lobelia, Nitri ac. middle, pains worse in: Arnica, Bismuthum, Drosera. muscles of, pains in: Allium sat., Apis, Arsenicum met., Berberis, Bryonia, Cactus, Calcarea ost., Cicuta, Coccus, Colchicum, Drosera, Eupatorium perf., Ferrum met., Ferrum phos., Gelsemium, Graphites, Hamamelis, Hyoscyamus, Laurocerasus, Ledum, Plumbum, Physostigma, Rhododendron, Staphisa"gria, Strychriia, Tarentula. rigidity of: Aconite. nodules on: Nitri ac..oppression of: Cetraria, Chelidonium, Clematis, Colchicum, Nitrum, Nux mosch., Nux vom., Sepia. pimples on: Amanita: Anacardium, Baryta carb., Berberis, Cistus, Condurango, Dulcamara, Graphites, Ledum, Mercurius prot. I86 REPERTORY OF OUTER CHEST. Chest, pores, black, on: Drosera. rash on: Amanita, Ammonium carb., Anacardium, Anagallis, Asterias, Caladium, Camphora, Causticum, Cornus, Dolichos, Hyoscyamus, Ledum, Mercurius prot., Sabadilla, Silicea, Stramonium (typhoid). raw feeling of: Arsenicum alb. right, pains worse in side of: Actaea rac., Allium sat., Amanita, Angustura, Arnica, Borax, Bromium, Calcarea ost., Chelidonium, Cina, Colchicum, Comocladia, Conium, Ferrum iod., Hypericum, Kali bich. roseola on,: Hyoscyamus, Mercurius prot. sensation of tightness across: Cactus, Causticum, Phosphorus, Silicea. of weight on: Armoracea, Cainca, Castoreum, Euphorbia, Gambogia, Nux mosch., Nux vom., Phosphoricum ac. sensitive to cold air: Cactus, Cistus, Helonias. to pressure, touch: Ailanthus, Angustura, Armoracea, Arsenicum hyd., Asclepias, Baryta carb., Benzoicum ac., Brachyglottis, Bromium, Bryonia, Cactus, Calcarea phos., Carbo an., Causticum, Chininum sulph., Cinchona, Cistus, Conium, Croton tig., Cuprum met., Dioscorea, Drosera, Elaps, Euphorbia, Mephitis, Ranunculus bulb., Ranunculus scel., Rhododendron, Sanguinaria, Sepia. skin on chest blue: Cuprum met. soreness of muscles of, Alumen, Amanita, Asclepias, Asimina, Baryta carb., Bryonia, Calcarea ost., Calcarea phos., Carbo veg., Causticum, Chelidonium, Cicuta, Cimex, Coccus, Daphne, Drosera, Eupatorium perf., Ferrum met., Kreosottm, Magnesia carb., Mercurius, Nitri ac., Ranunculus bulb., Ranunculus scel., Rhododendron, Rumex, Ruta, Sanguinaria, Stannum, Sulphuricum ac. spots on, brownish: Cadmium sulph., Sepia. red: Ammonium carb., Cinnabar, Coccus, Stramonium. yellow: Arsenicum, Carbo veg., Lycopodium, Phosphorus. stitches in: Allium sat., Amanita, Angustura, Apis, Arnica, REPERTORY OF OUTER CHEST. 187 Arsenicum met., Baptisia, Bromium, Camphora, Cannabis ind., Cantharis, Chelidonium, Cina, Cinchona, Conium, Crocus, Cyclamen, Digitalis, Drosera, Dulcamara, Ferrum met., Gymnocladus, Hypericum, Jacea, Kreosotum, Lycopodium, Mancinella, Oleander, Ranunculus scel., Rumex, Sanguinaria, Spigelia. Chest, sweat on: Amanita, Argentum met., Arnica (red), Bovista, Calcarea ost., Camphora (cold), Capsicum, Carbo an., Carbolicum ac. (cold), Chelidonium (warm), Cimex, Cocculus, Glonoinum, Graphites, Nitri ac., Nitrum, Secale, Sepia. tingling in: Carbolicum ac., Rhus tox. warts on: Aurum met. Chests of children, eruption on, like itch: Arundo. Chill, begins on chest: Cicuta, Conium, Spigelia. Chilliness left side of thorax: Bryonia, Natrum carb. Cicatrices in mamma: Causticum, Graphites. Clavicles: below left clavicle, pain: Alumen, Bromium, Calcarea phos., Ferrum met. below clavicles: Calcarea phos. pains in region of: Alumen, Ammonium brom., Bromium, Calcarea phos., Carbolicum ac., Coccus, Ferrum met., Pulsatilla, Spigelia, Thuya. pressure below left: Bromium. shooting pain under left: Spigelia. skin on, blue: Thuya. sore feeling below: Coccus, Ferrum met., Pulsatilla. tearing in: Bromium. ulcer over: Calcarea phos. Cold air, chest sensitive to: Cactus, Cistus, Helonias. Cold feeling in chest: Abrotanum, Amanita, Arsenicum alb., Bryonia. Cold weather, worse in: Clematis. Cold water, washing in, improves: Borax. Constrictive sensation: Amanita, Arsenicum hydr., Borax, Cactus, Capsicum, Carbolicum ac., Causticum, Glonoinum, Lilium tig., Phytolacca. 188 REPERTORY OF OUTER CHEST. Contraction, sensation of: Amanita, Cyclamen, Mezereum. Corroding pains: Belladonna, Berberis. Costal cartilages, affections of: Argentum met., Comocladia. Coughing, worse when: Allium sat., Alumina, Arnica, Arsenicum hydr., Borax, Bryonia, Eupatorium perf., Ferrum met., Mephitis, Nitri ac. Cramplike pains: Castoreum, Comocladia, Lilium tig., Mezereum, Nitri ac., Secale. Cramps in chest: Cocculus, Mezereum, Phosphoricum ac., Sanguinaria, Secale. Crawling sensation: Antimonium tart., Arsenicum hydr. Cutting pains: Angustura, Dioscorea, Gambogia, Hydrastis, Lilium tig. Darting pains: Carbo an., Colchicum, Gratiola, Silicea. Descending stairs, worse when: Alumina. Digging pains: Cannabis sat. Direction of pain, left axilla to nipple: Dioscorea. chest to fingers: Comocladia. chest, centre of, to abdomen: Cornus. chest, right, to axilla: China. heart to right chest: Apis. mammxe to axille: Bromium, Carbo an. mammae, left, to right, and down right arm: Elaps. nipple, left, downward: Asclepias. nipple over whole body: Phytolacca. nipple to spine: Croton. nipple to scapula: Croton, Lilium tig., Lobelia. rib, second, right side to sternum: Bryonia. rib, third, up: Guaiacum. side to side of chest: Actxea rac., Calcarea sulph., Carduus mar., side, left, to axilla: Bromium, Carduus mar., Causticum, Lilium tig. sides to sternum: Causticum. spine to sternum: Chininum sulph. Doubling up, worse from: Carduus mar., Cornus, Gratiola, Manganum. Drawing pains: Abrotanum, Asterias, Bromium, Cactus, Cad REPERTORY OF OUTER CHEST. I89 mium sulph., Calendula, Carbo an., Carbo veg., Carduus mar., Chamomilla, Comocladia, Ferrum met., Gambogia, Manganum, Mezereum, Platina, Phosphorus, Pulsatilla, Sepia, Stannum, Valeriana. Drawn, as if, backward by a string: Crocus. Dropsy of chest: Helleborus. Dull pains: Asterias, Carbolicum ac., Conium, Kali bich., Oleander. Emptiness, sensation of, in mamma: Borax. Eruption on chest: blisters: Arsenicum met. brown miliary: Mezereum, Sepia. brown spots: Cadmium sulph., Sepia. itch-like: Arundo. pimples: Amanita, Anacardium, Baryta carb., Berberis, Cistus, Condurango, Dulcamara, Graphites, Ledum, Mercurius prot. pustular: Baryta carb. rash: Amanita, Ammonium carb. (red), Anacardium, Anagallis, Asterias, Caladium, Camphora, Causticum, Cornus, Dolichos, Hyoscyamus, Ledum, Mercurius prot., Sabadilla, Silicea, Stramonium. red miliary: Chelidonium. red spots: Ammonium carb., Cinnabar, Cocculus, Stramonium. roseole: Hyoscyamus, Mercurius prot. scaly: Fluoricum ac. scurfy: Lycopodium, Mezereum, Petroleum. white miliary: Apis, Valeriana. yellow miliary: Arsenicum, Carbo veg., Lycopodium, Phosphorus. yellow spots: Arsenicum, Carbo veg., Lycopodium, Phosphorus. Erysipelas of mamme: Belladonna, Cadmium sulph., Castor equo., Chamomilla, Rhus. Erysipelatous swelling of mamma: Anantherum, Apis, Cadmium sulph., Carbo veg. Excoriated nipples: Anantherum, Calendula, Graphites, Phytolacca. 190o REPERTORY OF OUTER CHEST. Expiration, worse on: Carduus mar., Castoreum. relief during: Falling off, fear of nipples: Castor equo. Fear of nipples falling off: Castor equo. Fistulae of mammae: Causticum. Fluttering sensation: Caladium. Fulness in chest: Cactus. sensation of, in mamme: Calcarea phos., Carbo an. Glands, axillary, indurated: Asterias, Aurum met., Carbo an., Carbo veg., Clematis. suppuration of: Cadmium sulph. swelling of: Belladonna, Calendula, Clematis, Conium, Condurango. Gnawing pains: Belladonna. Grasping pains: Armoracea. Griping pains: Borax, Cornus. Hardness of mammae: Anantherum, Apis, Belladonna, Bryonia, Calcarea ost., Carbo an., Chamomilla, Conium, Croton, Cuprum met., Dulcamara, Ferrum iod., Graphites, Kreosotum, Lycopodium, Mercurius, Nitri ac., Phytolacca, Pulsatilla, Silicea. of nipples: Calcarea ost. Heat, sensation of, about chest: Arsenicum hydr., Belladonna. Herpes on nipples: Causticum, Petroleum. Hypertrophy of mammae: Calcarea ost., Conium. Induration of mammae: Anantherum, Asterias, Belladonna, Bryonia, Carbo an., Chamomilla, Cistus, Clematis, Conium, Cuprum met., Dulcamara, Lycopodium, Nitri ac., Phytolacca. Induration of axillary glands: Asterias, Aurum met., Carbo an., Carbo veg., Clematis. Infants' breasts and nipples tender: Inflammation of mammae: Apis, Arnica, Belladonna, Bryonia, Bufo, Cactus g., Calcarea ost., Calcarea sulph., Carduus, Castor equo., Cistus, Clematis, Conium, Mercurius, Phytolacca, Psorinum, Pulsatilla, Zincum. of nipples: Agaricus, Amanita, Arundo, Cadmium sulph., REPERTORY OF OUTER CHEST. 191 Chamomilla, Colchicum, Condurango, Fluoricum ac., Mercurius, Psorinum, Sepia. Inframammaiy pains: Actaea rac., Bryonia, Carbo an., Carduus mar., Cistus, Phosphoricum ac. Inframaxillary glands swollen: Calcarea ost. Inspiration relieves: Carduus mar., Kreosotum. Intercostal muscles, pain in: Amanita, Arnica, Arsenicum hydr., Asafcetida, Asclepias, Brachyglottis, Cainca, Carduus mar., Chelidonium, Chininum sulph., Gymnocladus, Hekla lava, Jacea, Phytolacca, Ranunculus scel., Rhus tox. muscles, rheumatism of lower: Phytolacca. neuralgia: Chelidonium, Hekla lava. Inversion of nipples: Apis. Itching in axillae: Asterias, Carbo veg. on chest: Ammonium mur., Anacardium, Antimonium crud., Arsenicum, Asterias, Calcarea ost., Castor equo., Causticum, Coccus, Conium, Cornus, Fluoricum ac., Kali brom., Lycopodium, Mezereum, Phosphorus, Phytolacca, Rhus tox., Sepia, Sulphur, Urtica. without eruption: Cactus, Causticum, Dolichos. of mammae: Arsenicum met., Causticum, Conium, Plumbum, Rhus tox. pains: Angustura, Arsenicum, Arsenicum met., Asterias, Cactus, Causticum, Cocculus, Elaps, Graphites. Jar or jolt, worse from a: Belladonna. Jerking pains: Crocus. Lacerating pains: Chamomilla. Lancinating pains: Asterias, Chelidonium, Ferrum iod., Lachesis, Phosphorus. Left axilla, pains about and in: Coccus, Rumex. clavicle, pains about: Alumen, Ammonium brom., Bromium, Calcarea phos., Carbolicum ac., Ferrum met., Spigelia. mamma, pains about and in: Arsenicum met., Arundo, Asterias, Borax, Carbo an., Causticum, Cistus, Clematis, Condurango, Conium, Lilium tig. 192 REPERTORY OF OUTER CHEST. Left nipple, pains in: Baptisia, Berberis, Crocus. side of chest, pains worse in: Actaea rac., Aloes, Arnica, Arsenicum hydr., Bromium, Bryonia, Cactus, Carbolic ac., Carduus, Clematis, Conium, Crocus, Graphites, Hamamelis, Lilium tig., Lobelia, Mercurius bin., Natrum sulph., Phosphoricum ac. Locality of pains: axilla, left: Coccus, Rumex. axilla, right: Argentum met., Digitalis. clavicles, below: Ammonium brom., Bromium, Calcarea phos., Carbolic ac., Coccus, Ferrum met., Pulsatilla, Spigelia. clavicles, left: Bromium, Calcarea phos., Ferrum met., Spigelia. right: China, Coccus, Pulsatilla. front of chest: Borax, Carduus mar., Comocladia, Helonias. intercostals: Amanita, Arnica, Arsenicum bydr., Asafcetida, Asclepias, Brachyglottis, Cainca, Carduus mar., Chelidonium, Chininum sulph., Gymnocladus, Hekla, Jacea, Phytolacca, Ranunculus scel., Rhus tox. left chest, above nipple: Arsenicum hydr., Calcarea ost., Comocladia, Lobelia. left chest, below nipple: Aurum, Asclepias, Carbo an., Causticum, Conium, Eupatorium perf. nmammae: Aceticum ac., Actaea rac., Allium sat., Ammonium carb.,Apis, Argentum nit., Armoracea, Arnica, Arsenicum, Arum, Asafoetida, Asarum, Asterias, Belladonna, Borax, Bromium, Bryonia, Calcarea ost., Calcarea phos., Carbo an., Castor equo., Causticum, Chamomilla, Chelidonium, Chininum ars., Cistus, Clematis, Colchicum, Conium, Croton, Cuprum, Cyclamen, Dulcamara, Hepar, Kreosotum, Lachesis, Laurocerasus, Lilium tig., Lycopodium, Mercurius, Nitri ac., Phosphoricum ac., Phytolacca, Psorinum, Pulsatilla, Rhus tox., Sambucus, Sanguinaria, Silicea. mammae, left: Arsenicum met., Arundo, Asterias, REPERTORY OF OUTER CHEST. 193 Borax, Carbo an., Causticum, Cistus, Clematis, Comocladia, Conium, Lilium tig..Locality of pains, mamme, right: Allium sat., Amanita, Arsenicum met., Bromium, Chelidonium, Conium. mammae, above: Carduus mar., Conium. mammae, below: Amanita, Hypericum, Laurocerasus, Spigelia. mammae, between: Carduus mar., Phosphoricum ac. middle of chest: Arnica, Bismuthum, Drosera. muscles of chest: Allium sat., Apis, Argentum nit., Arsenicum met., Berberis, Bryonia, Cactus, Calcarea ost., Coccus, Colchicum, Drosera, Eupatorium perf., Ferrum met., Gelsemium, Graphites, Hamamelis, Hyoscyamus, Laurocerasus, Mezereum, Nitri ac., Phosphorus, Phosphoricum ac., Pulsatilla, Ranunculus bulb., Ranunculus scel., Rhus tox., Ruta, Sepia, Spigelia, Staphisagria, Sulphur. nipples: Aconite, Agaricus, Arnica, Baptisia, Belladonna, Berberis, Bismuthum, Borax, Bryonia, Calendula, Calcarea ost., Camphora, Carbo an., Causticum, Chamomilla, Cicuta, Cocculus, Conium, Crocus, Graphites, Hepar, Ignatia, Lycopodium, Manganum, Mercurius, Mezereum, Muriaticum ac., Nitri ac., Nux vom., Paris, Petroleum, Phosphorus, Phytolacca, Plumbum, Psorinum, Pulsatilla, Ranunculus scel., Rheum, Rhus tox., Sabadilla, Sabina, Sarsaparilla, Sepia, Silicea, Sulphur, Thuya, Zincum. left nipple: Baptisia, Berberis, Crocus. right: Amanita, Eupatorium perf., Fluoricum ac., Sanguinaria. pectoral gland: Berberis. pectoral muscles: Allium sat., Angustura, Arsenicum met., Asimina, Brachyglottis, Bryonia, Calcarea ost., Carduus mar., Colchicum, Euphorbia, Ferrum phos., Gelsemium, Hypericum. right chest: Amanita, Asarum, Bryonia, Chelidonium, 13 194 REPERTORY OF OUTER CHEST. China, Conium, Comocladia, Ferrum iod., Gambogia, Sticta. Locality of pains, right chest, above nipple: Carduus mar., Conium. right chest, below nipple: Sanguinaria. scapulae: Berberis, Croton tig., Lilium tig., Lobelia. sternum: /Esculus, Agnus, Amanita, Ammonium carb., Arsenicum, Arsenicum hydr., Asclepias, Asimina, Astacus, Baptisia, Borax, Bryonia, Cactus, Calcarea phos., Cantharis, Capsicum, Carbo an., Carbo veg., Castoreum, Causticum, Cicuta, Cimex, Cinchona, Conium, Corallium, Cyclamen, Drosera, Eupatorium perf., Gambogia, Jacea, Kreosotum, Ledum, Lobelia, Mancinella, Nitri ac., Oleander, Phytolacca, Rhododendron, Ruta, Sambucus, Sanguinaria, Sarsaparilla, Sulphuricum ac., Sulphur. throat-pit: Argentum nit., Calcarea phos., Cascarilla. xiphoid cartilage, Agnus, Asafcetida. Lumps in mamma, left: Arum triph, Calcarea phos., Carbo an., Clematis, Conium, Kreosotum. right: Bromium, Carbo an., Conium, Kreosotum, Nitri ac., Silicea. Lying on affected side, worse from: Argentum nit., Borax. Mamrfae, atrophy of: Arsenicum iod., Chamomilla, Chelidonium, Conium, lodium, Kali hydr., Kreosotum, Nitri ac. burning in: Actaea rac., Aconite, Arsenicum, Calcarea phos., Laurocerasus, Lycopodium, Silicea, Sulphur. crawling as of insects above left mamma: Antimonium tart. crawls, chilly, over mammas: Guaiacum. emptiness in mammae, sensation of: Borax. feel swollen: Calcarea phos., Carbo an. fistule of: Causticum, Phosphorus, Silicea. hardness of: Anantherum, Apis, Belladonna, Bryonia, Calcarea ost., Carbo an., Chamomilla, Conium, Croton, Cuprum met., Dulcamara, Ferrum iod., Graphites, Kreosotum, Lycopodium, Mercurius, Nitri ac., Phytolacca, Pulsatilla, Silicea. herpes on: Causticum, Dulcamara, Petroleum. REPERTORY OF OUTER CHEST. 195 Mammae, hypertrophy of: Calcarea ost., Conium. induration of: Anantherum, Asterias, Belladonna, Bryonia, Carbo an., Chamomilla, Cistus, Clematis, Conium, Cuprum met., Dulcamara, Lycopodium, Nitri ac., Phytolacca. inflammation of: Apis, Arnica, Belladonna, Bryonia, Bufo, Cactus, Calcarea ost., Calcarea sulph., Carduus mar., Castor equo., Clematis, Conium, Mercurius, Phytolacca, Psorinum, Pulsatilla, Zincum. lumps in: Arsenicum iod., Belladonna, Bryonia, Calcarea, fluor., Calcarea phos., Carbo an., Carbo veg., Causticum, Conium, Iodium, Nitri ac., Silicea. mastitis, from bruises: Arnica. open cancer of: Apis. overdistension of: Allium sat., Asterias, Calcarea ost., Carbo an., Castor equo., Cyclamen, Hepar, Mercurius, Pulsatilla, Zincum. painful spots in: Belladonna, Bryonia, Carbo an., Conium, Hepar, Kreosotum, Mercurius, Nitri ac., Phytolacca, Silicea. pains in: Aceticum ac., Actaea, Allium sat., Ammonium carb., Apis, Argentum nit., Armoracea, Arnica, Arsenicum, Arum triph., Asafcetida, Asarum, Asterias, Belladonna, Borax, Bromium, Bryonia, Calcarea ost., Calcarea phos., Carbo an., Castor equo., Causticum, Chamomilla, Chelidonium, Chininum ars., Cistus, Clematis, Colchicum, Conium, Croton, Cuprum, Cyclamen, Dulcamara, Eupatorium perf., Hepar, Kreosotum, Lachesis, Laurocerasus, Lycopodium, Mercurius, Nitri ac., Phosphoricum ac., Phytolacca, Psorinum, Pulsatilla, Rhus tox., Sambucus, Sanguinaria, Silicea, Sulphur, Zincum. scirrhus of: Alumen, Apis, Argentum nit., Asterias, Bromium, Calcarea ost., Carbo an., Chamomilla, Chimaphilla, Clematis, Colocynthis, Conium, Ferrum iod., Hepar, Psorinum, Silicea. shivering over: Cocculus. shrivelling of: Conium. 196 REPERTORY OF OUTER CHEST. Mammae, smallness of: Nux mosch. soreness of: Allium sat., Ammonium carb., Asafoetida, Bryonia, Calcarea ost., Calcarea phos., Cantharis,. Mercurius, Pulsatilla, Sanguinaria, Zincum. stinging in: /Ethusa, Apis, Belladonna, Borax, Camphora, Laurocerasus, Secale. stony heaviness of: Bryonia. suppuration of: Apis, Calcarea ost., Camphora, Cistus, Mercurius, Phytolacca, Silicea, Sulphur. swelling of: Allium sat., Anantherum, Apis, Arnica, Asterias, Belladonna, Benzoicum ac., Bryonia, Calcarea ost., Carbo an., Cistus, Clematis, Croton, Cuprum, Cyclamen, Helonias, Mercurius, Phytolacca, Psorinum, Pulsatilla, Rhus, Sambucus, Silicea, Zincum. tenderness of: Bryonia, Clematis, Conium, Cyclamen, Gratiola, Natrum mur., Phytolacca, Psorinum, Sanguinaria, Silicea, Zincum. tumors of: Anantherum, Asterias, Calcarea phos., Carbo an., Chimaphilla, Conium. ulcers of: Calcarea ost., Castor equo., Comocladia, Phytolacca. under, pain: Amanita, Hypericum, Laurocerasus, Spigelia. Mastitis from bruises: Arnica. Menstrual period, worse at: Mercurius. Middle of chest, pains worse in: Arnica, Bismuthum, Drosera. Miliary eruption on chest, brown: Mezereum, Sepia. red: Chelidonium. white: Apis, Valeriana. yellow: Arsenicum, Carbo veg., Lycopodium, Phosphorus. Milk fever: Aconite, Arnica, Belladonna, Bryonia, Coffea, Rhus tox. Milk, scanty or wanting: Agnus, Bryonia, Calcarea ost., Causticum, Rhus tox. Motion, better by: Arsenicum, Cactus, Comocladia. worse from: Agnus, Alumina, Amanita, Angustura, Armoracea, Arnica, Asafcetida, Asterias, Bryonia, Cactus, Calcarea ost., Capsicum, Castor equo., Carduus REPERTORY OF OUTER CHEST. 197 mar., Cinchona, Conium, Cornus, Drosera, Eupatorium perf, Graphites, Gratiola, Hamamelis, Hepar, Kali bich., Laurocerasus, Lilium tig., Manganum, Mephitis, Nitri ac., Ranunculus bulb., Secale, Spongia. SMuscles of chest, pains in: Allium sat., Apis, Argentum nit, Arsenicum met., Berberis, Bryonia, Cactus, Calcarea ost., Coccus, Colchicum, Drosera, Eupatorium perf., Ferrum met., Gelsemium, Graphites, Hamamelis, Hyoscyamus, Laurocerasus, Mezereum, Nitri ac., Phosphorus, Phosphoricum ac., Pulsatilla, Ranunculus bulb, Ranunculus scel., Rhus tox., Ruta, Sabina, Scilla, Sepia, Spigelia, Staphisagria, Strontium, Sulphur, Valeriana, Veratrum, Viola, Zincum. Myalgia. (See above). Night, worse at: Amanita, Bromium, Calcarea ost., Clematis, Conium, Hamamelis, Sepia. Nipples, aching pains in: Alumen, Calcarea ost., Calcarea phos., Castor equo., Causticum, Fluoricum ac., Hamamelis, Psorinum, Sepia, Zincum. aphthous: Borax. bleed easily: Lycopodium, Phytolacca, Sepia. burning pains in: Agaricus, Amanita, Arundo, Benzoicum ac., Comocladia, Psorinum, Silicea, Sulphur. chapping of: Sulphur. cracked: Calendula, Castor equo., Causticum, Fluoricum ac., Graphites, Lycopodium, Phytolacca, Sepia. drawn backward by a sting, sensation as if: Crocus. excoriated: Anantherum, Calendula. fall off, sensation as if they would: Castor equo. hardness of: Bryonia, Calcarea ostr. herpes around: Causticum, Petroleum. inflamed: Agaricus, Amanita, Arundo, Cadmium sulph., Chamomilla, Colchicum, Condurango, Fluoricum ac., Mercurius, Psorinum, Sepia, Silicea, Sulphur. inverted: Apis. itching of: Agaricus, Amanita, Anacardium, Conium, Formica, Fluoricum ac., Petroleum, Sepia, Silicea. I98 REPERTORY OF OUTER CHEST. Nipples, left, pain in: Baptisia, Berberis, Crocus. male, aching, soreness and bleeding of: Graphites. pains in: Agaricus, Amanita, Argentum nit., Arnica, Arsenicum iod., Asterias, Baptisia, Berberis, Calcarea ost., Calcarea phos., Camphora, Castor equo., Causticum, Chamomilla, Colchicum, Crocus, Croton, Dioscorea, Graphites, Lycopodium, Phytolacca, Psorinum, Silicea. retracted: Arsenicum iod., Chimaphilla, Silicea. right, pain in: Amanita, Eupatorium perf, Fluoricum ac., Sanguinaria. scurfy eruption on: Lycopodium, Petroleum. sensitiveness of: Arsenicum iod., Calcarea ost., Calcarea phos., Castor equo., Chamomilla, Colchicum, Croton, Graphites, Helonias, Phytolacca, Silicea, Sulphur, Zincum. soreness of: Alumen, Arnica, Calcarea ost., Calcarea phos., Castor equo., Causticum, Graphites, Helonias, Millefolium, Phytolacca, Psorinum, Silicea, Sulphur. of, from nursing: Argentum nit., Castor equo., Causticum, Phytolacca. stinging in: Apis, Camphora. stitches in: Camphora, Cannabis ind., Causticum. swollen: Arsenicum iod., Calcarea ost., Chamomilla, Colchicum, Croton, Dioscorea, Fluoricum ac., Phytolacca, Sepia, Sulphur, Zincum. ulcers on: Asterias, Calcarea ost., Castor equo., Condurango, Silicea. under, pain: Amanita, Arum, Asclepias, Carbo an., Causticum, Comocladia, Conium, Eupatorium perf., Sanguinaria. Nodules on chest: Carbo an. Noon, pains worse at: Amanita. Open cancer of mammae: Apis. Osseous growth on sixth rib: Calcarea fluor. Oppression of chest: Cetraria, Chelidonium, Clematis, Colchicum, Ferrum met., Lycopodium, Nitri ac., Nitrum, REPERTORY OF OUTER CHEST. 199 Nux mosch., Nux vom., Phosphorus, Rhus tox., Sepia, Spigelia, Stannum. Pains, aching: Augustura, Arnica, Arum, Asterias, Borax, Calcarea phos., Calendula, Carbo veg., Chininum sulph., Clematis, Eupatorium perf., Hamamelis, Helonias, Phytolacca, Rumex. beaten, bruised, as if: Aloes, Alumen, Alumina, Apis, Arsenicum, Arsenicum hydr., Arum, Baptisia, Bryonia, Calcarea ostL, Cannabis sat., Causticum, Chamomilla, Coccus, Daphne, Doryphora, Elaps, Ferrum met., Ferrum mur., Gambogia, Lachesis, Magnesia carb., Manganum, Mercurius, Nitri ac., Pulsatilla, Ranunculus bulb., Ranunculus scel., Sarsaparilla, Sepia, Sulphuricum ac. boring: Bismuthum. burning: Augustura, Arsenicum, Asarum, Baptisia, Bismuthum, Bovista, Bryonia, Calcarea phos., Carbo an., Carbo veg., Castor equo., Chininum ars., Cina, Cinchona, Coccus, Comocladia, Conium, Cuprum, Dioscorea, Drosera, Hypericum, Laurocerasus, Phosphoricum ac., Sanguinaria, Silicea, Sulphur. constrictive: Amanita, Arsenicum hydr., Borajx, Cactus, Capsicum, Carbolicum ac., Causticum, Glonoinum, Lilium tig., Phytolacca. contracted, as if: Amanita, Cyclamen, Mezereum. corroding: Belladonna, Berberis. cramplike: Castor, Cocculus, Comocladia, Lilium tig., Mezereum, Nitri ac., Phosphoricum ac., Sanguinaria, Secale. cutting: Augustura, Dioscorea, Gambogia, Hydrastis, Lilium tig. darting: Carbo an., Colchicum, Gratiola, Silicea. digging: Cannabis sat. dragging: Cornus. drawing: Abrotanum, Asterias, Bromium, Cactus, Cadmium sulph., Calendula, Carbo an., Carbo veg., Carduus mar., Chamomilla, Comocladia, Ferrum met. drawn, as if, backward by a string: Crocus. 200 REPERTORY OF OUTER CHEST. Pains, dull: Asterias, Carbolicum ac., Conium, Kali bich., Oleander. flying: Brachyglottis. gnawing: Belladonna. grasping: Armoracea. griping: Borax, Cornus. itching: Agaricus, Alumina, Amanita, Ammonium mur., Anacardium, Antimonium crud., Arsenicum, Asterias, Cactus, Calcarea ost., Castor equo., Causticum, Coccus, Conium, Cornus, Dolichos, Fluoricum ac., Formica, Petroleum, Sepia, Silicea. jerking: Crocus. lacerating: Chamomilla. lancinating: Asterias, Bromium, Chelidonium, Ferrum iod., Lachesis, Phosphorus. piercing: Conium. pressing: Amanita, Argentum met., Berberis, Brachyglottis, Bromium, Bryonia, Cainca, Calcarea ars., Calcarea phos., Calendula, Camphora, Coccus, Comocladia, Hypericum, Kreosotum, Lobelia, Phosphoricum ac., Sabina, Sambucus. pricking: Arundo, Borax, Calcarea ost., Phosphoricum ac. pulsating: Belladonna, Berberis, Comocladia, Sticta. rheumatic: Arsenicum hydr., Bryonia, Cadmium sulph., Pulsatilla. scraping: Cimex. shooting: Amanita, Brachyglottis, Calcarea phos., Colchicum, Cornus. soreness: Alumen, Amanita, Asclepias, Asimina, Baryta carb., Bryonia, Calcarea ost., Calcarea phos., Carbo veg., Causticum, Chelidonium, Cicuta, Cimex, Coccus, Daphne, Dioscorea, Eupatorium perf., Ferrum met., Kreosotum, Magnesia carb., Mercurius, Nitri ac., Ranunculus bulb., Ranunculus scel., Rhododendron, Rumex, Ruta, Sanguinaria, Stannum, Sulphuricum ac. sticking: Amanita, Apis, Causticum, Ferrum met., Mercurius bin. REPERTORY OF OUTER CHEST. 201 Pains, sprained, as if: Kalmia. stinging: /Ethusa, Amanita, Angustura, Apis, Belladonna, Borax, Camphora, Carbo an., Chininum sulph., Colchicum, Graphites, Hepar, Hypericum. stitch: Allium sat., Amanita, Angustura, Apis, Arnica, Arsenicum met., Baptisia, Bromium, Camphora, Cantharis, Cannabis ind., Carduus mar., Chelidonium, Cina, Cinchona, Conium, Crocus, Cyclamen, Digitalis, Euphorbia, Ferrum met., Gambogia, Guaiacum, Gymnocladus, Hypericum, Jacea, Kreosotum, Lycopodium, Mancinella, Oleander, Ranunculus scel., Rumex, Sanguinaria, Spigelia. suppurating, as if: Calcarea ost. tearing: AEsculus, Amanita, Bromium, Bryonia, Bufo, Calcarea phos., Camphora, Carbo an., Carbo veg., Chamomilla, Chininum sulph., Cinchona, Colchicum. tensive: Berberis, Bryonia, Rhus tox. throbbing: Amanita: Belladonna: Brachyglottis: Silicea. tingling: Carbolicum ac., Rhus tox. ulcerating, as if: Asterias, Calcarea ost., Mercurius. in mammae: Aconitum, Alumina, Ambra, Arnica, Arsenicum, Asafoetida, Baryta carb., Belladonna, Borax, Bryonia, Calcarea ost., Camphora, Cannabis, Carbo an., Carbo veg., Causticum, Chamomilla, Clematis, Cocculus, Colocynthis, Conium, Crocus, Cuprum, Digitalis, Dulcamara, Ferrum, Graphites, Guaiacum, Hepar, Iodium, Kali bich., Kali carb., Kreosotum, Laurocerasus, Lycopodium, Manganum, Mercurius, Mezereum, Natrum mur., Nitri ac., Nux mosch., Nux vom., Opium, Petroleum, Phosphorus, Phosphoricum ac., Plumbum, Pulsatilla, Ranunculus scel., Rheum, Rhus tox., Ruta, Sabina, Sambucus, Sepia, Silicea, Sulphur, Thuya, Veratrum alb., Zincum. Painful spots in mammae: Belladonna, Bryonia, Carbo an., Psorinum. Paralysis, muscles of chest: left side: Chininum ars. right side: Ferrum iod. 202 REPERTORY OF OUTER CHEST. Pectoral gland, pain in: Berberis. muscles, pains in: Allium sat., Angustura, Arsenicum met., Borax, Brachyglottis, Carduus mar., Chelidonium, Colchicum, Daphne, Ferrum phos., Helleborus, Hypericum, Ledum, Mezereum, Plumbum, Physostigma, Rhododendron, Staphisagria, Strychnia, Tarentula. Perspiration relieves pains: Arsenicum hydr. Pimples on chest: Amanita, Anacardium, Baryta carb., Berberis, Cistus, Condurango, Dulcamara, Graphites, Ledum, Mercurius prot. on scapulae: Berberis. on sternum: Ammonium carb. Pleuritis, falsa: Kalmia. Pleurodynia: Actaea rac., Colchicum. Praecordial region, pain in: Bryonia. Pressure in axillae: Astacus. below left clavicle: Bromium. relieves: Arnica, Arsenicum hydr., Borax, Bryonia, Cimicifuga, Drosera, Eupatorium perf., Kreosotum, Mercurius, Natrum mur., Natrum sulph., Phosphorus, Ranunculus bulb., Sepia. sensitiveness to: Ailanthus, Angustura, Armoracea, Arsenicum hydr., Arsenicum iod., Asclepias, Asimina, Baryta carb., Benzoicum ac., Brachyglottis, Bryonia, Cactus, Calcarea ost., Calcarea phos., Carbo an., Castor equo., Causticum, Chamomilla, Chininum sulph., Cimex, Cinchona, Cistus, Colchicum, Conium, Croton, Cuprum, Dioscorea, Elaps, Euphorbia, Graphites, Helonias, Mephitis, Phytolacca, Ranunculus bulb., Ranunculus scel., Rhododendron, Sanguinaria, Sepia, Silicea, Sulphur, Zincum. in region of sternum: Agnus, Arsenicum hydr., Astacus, Castor, Cyclamen, Lobelia, Sambucus. Pustular eruption: Baryta carb. Quivering in chest-muscles: Lobelia. Rachitic deformity of chest: Calcarea ost. Raw feeling in chest: Arsenicum alb. REPERTORY OF OUTER CHEST. 203 Red miliary eruption on chest: Chelidonium. Red spots on chest: Ammonium carb., Cinnabaris, Cocculus, Stramonium. Retracted nipples: Arsenicum iod., Chimaphilla, Silicea. Rheumatic pains in mamme: Cadmium sulph., Pulsatilla. Rheumatism of lower intercostals: Phytolacca. of pectorals: Colchicum, Ferrum phos. Ribs, affections of cartilages of: Argentum met., Comocladia. pains on: Aloes, Alumen, Apis, Ambra, Argentum met., Arsenicum hydr., Asclepias, Borax, Caladium, Carbolicum ac., Carduus mar., Chelidonium, Chininum sulph., Comocladia, Gambogia, Guaiacum, Hypericum, Illicium, Jacea, Lobelia, Natrum sulph., Phytolacca. swollen: Natrum sulph. Rigidity of chest-muscles: Aconitum. Right chest, pains worse: Actaea rac., Allium sat., Amanita, Angustura, Arnica, Borax, Bromium, Calcarea ost., Chelidonium, Cina, Colchicum, Comocladia, Conium, Ferrum iod., Hypericum, Kali bich. Right mamma, lumps in: Bromium, Carbo an., Conium, Kreosotum. pains in: Allium sat., Amanita, Arsenicum met., Bromium, Chelidonium, Conium. scapula, bruised pain in: Aloes. Roseole on chest: Hyoscyamus, Mercurius prot. Rubbing, better by: Castor equo. worse from: Conium. Scaly eruption on chest: Fluoricum ac. Scapula, pimples on: Berberis. Scapula, right, pain about: Aloes, Arsenicum met. Scirrhus of mammae: Alumen, Apis, Argentum nit., Asterias, Bromium, Calcarea ost., Carbo an., Chamomilla, Chimaphilla, Clematis, Colocynthis, Ferrum iod., Hepar, Psorinum, Silicea. Scraping pain: Cimex. Scratching, aggravates: Conium. ameliorates: Castor equo. 204 REPERTORY OF OUTER CHEST. Scurfy eruption on chest: Mezereum, Petroleum. on nipples: Lycopodium, Petroleum. Secretion of milk, excessive (causing pain): Arundo. scanty: Agnus, Bryonia, Calcarea ost., Causticum, Rhus tox. Sensations, air, as of air streaming from nipples: Cyclamen. clothing, as if clothing was too tight: Causticum. compression, as of: Amanita, Armoracea, Carbolicum ac., Causticum, Cistus, Helonias, Sambucus, Sepia. constriction, as if constricted: Amanita, Cactus, Carbolicum ac., Glonoinum, Lilium tig. contractive: Amanita, Cyclamen, Mezereum. cracking: Caladium. crawling, as of insects: Antimonium tart., Arsenicum hydr. drawn backward, as if nipple were: Crocus. emptiness of mammse: Borax. fall off, as if nipples would: Castor equo. fluttering: Caladium. heat about chest: Arsenicum hydr., Belladonna. numbness: Ferrum met. swelling of mamms: Calcarea phos., Carbo an. tightness across chest: Cactus, Phosphorus, Silicea. weight on chest: Armoracea, Cainca, Castor, Euphorbia, Gambogia, Nux mosch., Nux vom., Phosphoricum ac. Sensitive to cold air, chest: Cactus, Cistus, Helonias. pressure, chest: Ailanthus, Angustura, Armoracea, Asclepias, Benzoicum ac., Bromium, Bryonia, Cactus, Calcarea ost., Cinchona, Cistus, Conium, Cuprum, Dioscorea, Drosera, Elaps, Euphorbia, Graphites, Helonias, Mephitis, Phytolacca, Ranunculus, Rhododendron, Sanguinaria, Sepia, Silicea, Sulphur, Zincum. touch: Ailanthus, Angustura, Armoracea, Arsenicum hydr., Asclepias, Asimina, Baryta carb., Benzoicum ac., Calcarea ost., Calcarea phos., Chamomilla, Cimex, Cinchona, Colchicum, Conium, Cuprum met., Dioscorea, Elaps, Euphorbia, Mephitis, Ranunculus scel., Rhododendron, Sanguinaria. REPERTORY OF OUTER CHEST. 205 Sensitiveness of nipples: Alumen, Arsenicum iod., Calcarea ost., Calcarea phos., Chamomilla, Colchicum, Croton, Dioscorea, Graphites, Helonias, Phytolacca, Psorinum, Silicea, Sulphur, Zincum. Shivering over mamme: Cocculus. Shrivelling of mammae: Conium. Skin on chest, blue: Cuprum met. yellow: Chelidonium. Smallness of mamme: Nux mosch. Smallpox, eruption of, worse on chest: Ammonium mur. Soreness of chest: Alumen, Amanita, Asclepias, Asimina, Baryta carb., Bryonia, Calcarea ost, Calcarea phos., Carbo veg., Causticum, Chelidonium, Cicuta, Cimex, Coccus, Daphne, Drosera, Eupatorium perf., Ferrum met., Kreosotum, Magnesia carb., Mercurius, Nitri ac., Ranunculus bulb., Ranunculus scel., Rhododendron, Rumex, Ruta, Sanguinaria, Stannum, Sulphuricum ac. of nipples: Alumen, Arnica, Calcarea ost., Calcarea phos., Castor equo., Causticum, Graphites, Helonias, Millefolium, Phytolacca, Psorinum, Silicea, Sulphur. Sore pains: Alumina, Amanita, Asclepias, Asimina, Baryta carb., Bryonia, Calcarea ost., Calcarea phos., Carbo veg., Causticum, Chelidorium, Cicuta, Coccus, Daphne, Drosera, Eupatorium perf., Ferrum met., Kreosotum, Magnesia carb., Mercurius, Nitri ac., Ranunculus bulb., Ranunculus scel., Rumex, Ruta, Sanguinaria, Stannum, Sulphuricum ac. Soreness lower end of sternum: Asimina, Cicuta, Nitri ac. Spasmodic motion of chest-muscles: Amanita, Angustura, Cicuta, Coca, Cocculus, Colchicum, Natrum sulph. Spots on chest, brown: Cadmium sulph., Sepia. red: Ammonium carb., Cinnabaris, Cocculus, Stramonium. yellow: Arsenicum, Carbo veg., Lycopodium, Phosphorus. Sternum, burning in: Carbo veg., Coccus, Sanguinaria. 20o6 REPERTORY OF OUTER CHEST. Sternum, caries of: Conium. constrictive sensation: Amanita, Cactus, Phytolacca. heat under: Castoreum, Causticum, Coccus. lower end of, soreness of: Asimina, Cicuta, Nitri ac. pains in: Amanita, Asclepias, Baptisia, Borax, Calcarea phos., Capsicum, Carbo an., Carbo veg., Cyclamen, Corallium rub., Jacea, Kreosotum, Ledum, Lobelia, Mancinella, Phytolacca, Sarsaparilla. pain under: Castoreum, Causticum, Coccus. pimples on: Ammonium carb. pressure in region of: Agnus, Arsenicum hydr., Astacus, Castoreum, Cyclamen, Lobelia, Sambucus. sensitive to touch: Benzoicum ac. sore pain on: Asimina, Calcarea phos., Cicuta, Cimex, Drosera, Eupatorium perf., Kreosotum, Rhododendron, Ruta, Sulphuricum ac. stitches in: Arsenicum, Bryonia, Cantharis, Causticum, Conium, Gambogia, Jacea, Mancinella, Oleander. tearing, pressing, shooting in: /Esculus, Arsenicum, Calcarea phos., Cinchona, Sulphur. ulcer over: Calcarea phos. Sticking pains: Amanita, Apis, Causticum, Ferrum met., Mercurius bin. Stinging pains in mammae: AEthusa, Apis, Belladonna, Borax, Camphora, Latlrocerasus, Secale. pains in nipples: Apis, Camphora. pains: LEthusa, Amanita, Angustura, Apis, Belladonna, Borax, Camphora, Carbo an., Chininum sulph., Colchicum, Graphites, Hepar, Hypericum. Stitches, chest, in middle of: Arnica, Alumina, Baptisia. chest, in muscles of: Allium sat., Berberis, Bismuthum, Borax, Bryonia, Conium, Drosera, Hypericum, Ranunculus scel. in pectoral gland: Berberis. in nipples: Camphora, Cannabis ind., Causticum. Stitch pain: Allium sat., Amanita, Angustura, Apis, Arnica, Arsenicum met., Baptisia, Bromium, Camphora, Cantharis, Cannabis ind., Carduus mar., Cheli REPERTORY OF OUTER CHEST. 207 donium, Cina, Cinchona, Conium, Crocus, Cyclamen, Digitalis, Euphorbia, Ferrum met., Gambogia, Guaiacum, Gymnocladus, Hypericum, Jacea, Kreosotum, Lycopodium, Mancinella, Oleander, Ranunculus scel., Rumex, Sanguinaria, Spigelia. Stony heaviness of mamma: Bryonia. Stooping, worse from: Carduus mar., Cornus, Gratiola, Manganum. Suppuration of mamme, to prevent: Graphites. of mamme: Apis, Calcarea ost., Camphora, Cistus, Mercurius, Phytolacca, Silicea, Sulphur. Sweat in axillke: Bovista, Carbolicum ac., Dulcamara, Rhododendron, Sabadilla, Selenium, Silicea, Squilla. Sweat on chest: Amanita, Argentum met, Arnica, Bovista, Calcarea ost., Camphora, Capsicum, Carbo an., Carbolicum ac., Chelidonium, Cimex, Cocculus, Glonoinum, Nitrum, Secale, Sepia. Sweat on chest when walking: Capsicum. Swelling of axillary glands: Belladonna, Calendula, Clematis, Conium, Condurango. inframaxillary glands: Calcarea ost. mammw: Allium sat., Anantherum, Apis, Arnica, Asterias, Belladonna, Benzoicum ac., Bryonia, Calcarea ost., Carbo an., Cistus, Clemniatis, Croton, Cuprum, Cyclamen, Helonias, Mercurius, Phytolacca, Psorinum, Pulsatilla, Rhus tox., Sambucus, Silicea, Zincum. nipples: Arsenicum iod., Calcarea ost., Castor equo., Chamomilla, Colchicum, Croton, Dioscorea, Fluoricum ac., Phytolacca, Sepia, Sulphur, Zincum. ribs: Natrum sulph. Sycotic exanthema: Natrum suiph. Tearing pains: AEsculus, Amanita, Bromium, Bryonia, Bufo, Calcarea phos., Camphora, Carbo an., Carbo veg., Chamomilla, Chininum sulph., Cinchona, Colchicum. Tenderness of mamme: Bryonia, Conium, Cyclamen, Gratiola, Phytolacca, Psorinum, Sanguinaria, Silicea, Zincum. right mamma: Gratiola, Sanguinaria. 208 REPERTORY OF OUTER CHEST. Tensive pains: Berberis, Bryonia, Rhus tox. Throat-pit, burning in: Calcarea phos., Cascarilla. soreness in: Argentum nit. Throwing head back, relief from pain by: Asterias. Time of day, aggravation according to, 5 to 6 A.M: Bovista. after breakfast: Hypericum. morning: Cocculus, Graphites, Nitrum. noon: Amanita. afternoon: Hamamelis. 4 P.M.: Asclepias. 4 to 7 P.M.: Chininum sulph. evening: Hamamelis. night: Amanita, Bromium, Calcarea ost., Clematis, Conium, Hamamelis, Sepia. Tingling in chest: Carbolicum ac., Rhus tox. Tumors of mammae: Anantherum, Asterias, Calcarea phos., Carbo an., Chimaphilla, Clematis, Conium. Ulcerative pain: Asterias, Calcarea ost., Mercurius. Ulcer in left axilla: Borax. Ulcers of mamme: Calcarea ost., Castor equo., Comocladia, Graphites, Phytolacca. Ulcers on nipples: Asterias, Calcarea ost., Castor equo., Condurango, Silicea. Ulcer on false ribs: Condurango. Ulcer over sternum or clavicle: Calcarea phos. Up-stairs, worse when walking: Castor equo. Urinating, worse when: Clematis. Walking down-stairs, worse when: Alumina. up-stairs, worse when; Castor equo. up or down-stairs, worse when: Hepar. Warts on chest: Aurum met. Xiphoid cartilage, pressure in: Agnus, Asafcetida. Yellow spots on chest: Arsenicum, Carbo veg., Lycopodium, Phosphorus. REPERTORY OF STOMACH SYMPTOMS. BY A.,P. BOWIE, M.D., UNIONTOWN, PA. Aching: Capsicum, Carbo veg., Leptandrin, Rumex, Viburnum op. better stretching body and throwing body forward: Viburnum op. Acidity: Abrotanum, Apis, Carbo veg., Illicium. PECULIAR SENSATIONS OR CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMS. Accumulation of mucus and acid in: Capsicum. Anguish in pit of: Chelidonium. in pit, attack of melancholy: Silicea. Anxiety about the epigastric region: Arsenicum. Anxious feeling in praecordia: Ignatia. oppression,: Marum ver. As if something alive were jumping about in: Crocus. a hard-boiled undigested egg in: Abies nig. a round ball going to and fro with different sounds,worse from fluids: Cuprum met. dying weakness at: Digitalis. As of flames rising from: Mancinella. As if lump in, beating as of two hammers: Graphites. hanging or swimming in water: Abrotanum. balanced up and down: Phosphoricum ac. overloaded: Antimonium tart. hanging down, relaxed: Staphisagria., thinks from: Aconitum. Bloatedness: Mancinella, Pulsatilla (hard). and pressing, with loss of appetite: Sabadilla. Bruised feeling: Lobelia, Natrum mur., Phytolacca. Craving meat, pickles or other coarse food: Abies. 14 (209) 210 REPERTORY OF STOMACH SYMPTOMS. Constriction in pit of, and abdomen: Platinum. Constrictive feeling at scrobiculus ardis, extending to hypochondria, impeding breathing: Cactus. Contractive tension at pit of, as if everything would be drawn inward, especially during deep inhalation: Drosera. Colic after flatulent food, better when bending double: Colchicum. Constriction in, sudden attack as if suffocating: Sanguinaria. Contents of, feel as if in a ferment: Aceticum ac. Continued distressing sensation about, as if everything was knotted up, worse when debilitated: Abies nig. Distress in, and small intestines, with immediate desire for stool: Leptandrin. Deranged, with fever: Capsicum. Drawing as if growing together in pit of, as far as throat, when it seems to -press windpipe so that she can hardly breathe: Spongia. in back part of: Stramonium. Fermentation in: Anacardium, Crocus. Fluttering, as from a bird in, with nausea: Caladium. faintness: /Esculus. Flatulency: Pulsatilla. Faint feeling in epigastrum: Abies nig. Faintness: Glonoinum. Faint feeling with some rising: Ptelea. Gnawing in: AEsculus, Lithium carb., Gambogia. as from hunger: Cina. as if worms were in: Ammonium mur. distress when empty: Pulsatilla. Griping in epigastrium after each meal, with flatulency: Graphites. worse towards evening: Colocynthis. Gastric symptoms increased, especially when ascending: Benzoicum ac. Gone feeling: Asafcetida, Acetea rac., Baptisia, Hydrastis, Phosphorus, Stannum. with sick headache: Sanguinaria. Hardness in pyloric region: Sepia. REPERTORY OF STOMACH SYMPTOMS. 211 Hollow empty sensation in epigastrium: Podophyllum. sensation in, and bowels: Lilium tig. Heavy sensation in: Agaricus, Carbo veg., Mercurius. Heaviness in: Arnica, Opium, Paris. Hungry feeling: Ammonium carb. at epigastrium: Abies. Hunger, canine, noon and evening: Mezereum. Heat in: Camphora, Caulophyllum, Cicuta, Phytolacca. spreading through bowels: Ammonium carb. Irritable, can retain nothing: Crotalus. Inactivity of digestive organs: Opium. Indescribable uneasiness: Calearea phos. - feeling of distress in epigastric region: Myrica cer. Jerking in, as though something were alive: Sanguinaria. Jactitation of muscles in region of: Platina. Oppression at epigastrium, as if stomach were too full; worse on pressure: Lobelia infl. Periodical tightness in scrobiculum, with labored breathing: tEsculus. Qualmishness: Ignatia, Kobaltum. Rooting and rolling in, in morning, passes off after breakfast: Ammonium mur. Rumbling: Anacardium, Cuprum, Marum ver. Red spots on pit of: Natrum mur. Sunken, pit of: Helleborus, Hydrastis. Sensation as from fasting: Ammonium mur. as from fasting in pit of: Anacardium. as though something bitter in: Cuprum. as though clothing lay too hard on: Cuprum. as of twisting, crawling and emptiness in pit of, with yawning: Lycopodium. as if stomach was drawn together in a lump and suddenly opened again: Mancinella. as of warm creeping up from pit of, into throat, causing coughing: Xanthoxylum. Sinking in pit of, through to back: Tabacum. suddenly, wants brandy, which relieves: Oleander. at: Apocynum, Actea, Baptisia, Hydrastis (with palpitation of heart). 212 REPERTORY OF STOMACH SYMPTOMS. Sinking in epigastrium, with dull feeling, supraorbital and frontal region: Natrum ars. in, with sensation of weakness: Croton tig. in epigastrium: Calcarea phos. Squeamishness before meals: Natrum sulph. Stomach and head feel as if he had been in hot sun: Glonoinum. burns, is swollen: Mercurius. feels as if it contained undigested food: Kobaltum. replete and constricted: Mercurius. expanded: Calcarea phos. flaccid, as if standing open: Spongia. as if screwed together: Cantharides. symptoms aggravated by taking even small quantity of food: Calcarea phos. Spasm of, with short breath and dry cough: Sabadilla. Sudden shocks deep in pit of, cause episthotonos: Cicuta. Twisting in and rising in throat, tongue becomes stiff, speechless; afterwards the body may become rigid: Sepia. The fluid he drinks falls audibly into: Thuya. Trembling in: Ammonium carb., Argentum nit. Tight feeling in: Rumex. Tension over stomach and scrobiculum, tight clothing intolerable: Kreosotum. Tension from stomach to chest: Pulsatilla. Writhing in pit of: Tabacum. Weight on,tremulous weakness as from impending evil: Crotalus. mornings on waking: Carbo an. as from lump of undigested food: Lobelia. and fulness, even after a moderate meal: Ptelea. as from a stone; better from eating: Pulsatilla. Warmth and feeling of repletion in: Secale. -BEATING AND THROBBING. Beating in pit of, as from a pulse, as if a hammer was beating on an ulcerated spot: Lachnanthes. Throbbing in pit of: Caladium, Glonoinum, Iodium, Ipecacuanha, Magnesia, Rheum, Silicea. REPERTORY OF STOMACH SYMPTOMS. 213 Beating and throbbing, particularly in pit of, in abdomen, with great concern about the future: Antimonium tart. Painless beating and throbbing at pit of: Belladonna. Beating in left side of gastric region towards the back: Sabina. Violent throbbing: Hamamelis. Pulsation in pit of, I I A.M., causes faint feeling: Asafcetida. in stomach: Cinchona, Cactus, Rhus tox. in pit of, as if the beats of the heart were felt through the thorax: Oleander. perceptible: Pulsatilla. Palpitation in, and through cesophagus, as if a nerve was quivering, with occasional suffocating feeling, as if a valve rose in the throat: Ferrum. Burning: Abrotanum, Apis, Aconitum, Agaricus, Antimonium crud., Ambra, Argentum nit., Arsenicum, Aurum met., Baptisia, Belladonna, Benzoicum ac., Berberis, Bismuthum, Cactus, Caladium, Camphora, Cantharides, Capsicum, Carbo veg., Cicuta, Colocynthis, Conium, Cuprum met., Digitalis, Dulcamara, Ferrum, Guaiacum, Helonias, Hepar s. c., Hyoscyamus, Iris, Kali iod., Laurocerasus, Leptandrin, Lobelia infl., Manganum, Mercurius, Mezereum, Natrum sulph, Niccolum, Nitri ac., Nitrum, Nux mosch, Nux vom., Oxalicum ac., Phosphorus, Platina, Ptelea, Ruta, Sabadilla, Sabina, Sanguinaria, Secale, Sepia, Silicea, Stramonium, Tabacum, Trillium, Ustilago, Zincum. as from acidity: Abrotanum, Apis. ascending to chest: Argentum" met. at the pylorus: Nux vom. extending to cesophagus: Digitalis, Camphora, Zincum. extending to chest: Manganum acet. to abdomen: Platina. from stomach through cesophagus to mouth: Aconitum. frequent in pit of, with drawing, twisting and gurgling in bowels, bearing down towards sexual organs: Sabina. in epigastric region, sore to touch: Cuprum met. 214 REPERTORY OF STOMACH SYMPTOMS. Burning in cesophagus and stomach, vomiturition, cutting in abdomen, loose stools, nervous debility, twitching: Sabadilla. in sternum and stomach, with fine neuralgic pains: Ustilago. in pit of, when pressing thereon, in evening, before also breakfast: Zincum. inflammation and burning: Hyoscyamus. in oesophagus: Camphora. not relieved by drink: Caladium. rising to cesophagus: Trillium. with headache: Sanguinaria. with momentary cramplike pain in splenic region: Ferrum. with hot risings: Aurum met. PATHOLOGICAL CONDITIONS. Angina pectoris: Kalmia. Carcinoma, with emaciation, goneness: Hydrastis. Chronic catarrh of, with frequent eructations: Graphites. gastric catarrh: Hydrastis. gastritis, with thirst; especially after abuse of alcoholic drinks: Graphites. Climaxis: Ustilago. Dropsy: Apocynum. Gastralgia and cardialgia: Abrotanum, Argentum nit., Calcarea ost., Cinchona, Coccus, Graphites, Ignatia, Kalmia, Nux vom., Petroleum, Phosphorus, Stannum, Stramonium, Tabacam, Veratrum alb. Gastric catarrh; white tongue, nausea and vomiting, cough, bowels loose or stools in lumps; caused by overeating, sour wine, hot weather, bathing, during measles, metastasis of gout or rheumatism: Antimonium crud. after long spree; tip of tongue red: Argentum nit from indigestible food or ice-cold things: Ipecacuanha. great weakness, cold, sudden sinking: Veratrum alb. Gastritis, with heartburn, ending in an unconquerable scratching in throat: Phosphorus. REPERTORY OF STOMACH SYMPTOMS. 215 Gastritis, with burning, vomiting, headache: Sanguinaria. Induration of pylorus: Silicea. Indurations in: Thuya. Inflammation of, with burning: Hyoscyamus. Irritable stomach, with general dropsy: Helonias. Irritation of, from overtaxed mental powers: Nux mosch. Marasmus: Hydrastis. Phlegmasia of, and intestines: Kali iod. Scarlatina, stage of desquamation in: Aconitum. DYSPEPSIA OR INDIGESTION. Dyspepsia flatulent: Argentum nit. with spasmodic symptom: Caulophyllum. every day or every other day at same hour: Ipecacuanha. worse, as soon as he eats; costive, weak digestion, especially aftei mercury: Lachesis. after abuse of calomel, tongue shows print of teeth, conjunctiva yellow, aching behind eyes, clayey stools: Podophyllum. from abuse of drugs, business anxiety, sedentary habits, long watching or debauchery, after too high living: Nux voni. from lifting heavy weights, with eructations and headache, cannot eat meat, it causes eructations and pruritis: Ruta. Hmmatamesis: Arnica, Belladonna, Hamamelis, Ipecacuanha, Secale, Stannum, Trillium, Veratrum alb., Zincum. worse when lying, better from pressure on, slight touch causes a feeling of subcutaneous ulceration: Stannum. with sinking: Trillium. with slow pulse, redness, fainting fits, cold sweats, nausea when moving or on rising: Veratrum alb., Zincum. blood black, with trembling in, or fulness and gurgling in abdomen; feverish by spells, weak, cold, quick pulse, profuse sweat: Hamamelis. patient lies still, great weakness, but no pain, abdomen soft: Secale. 216 REPERTORY OF STOMACH SYMPTOMS. Haematamesis, from injuries: Arnica. ringing in ears, red cheeks, feeling of fulness and warmth in: Belladonna. Coldness: Aconitum, Absinthium, Bovista, Berberis, Carbo an., Cistus can., Conium, Capsicum, Cinchona, Colchicum, Croton, Kali bich., Laurocerasus, Sabadilla, Sulphuricum ac. after vomiting: Berberis. as of lump of ice lying in stomach: Bovista. before and after eating: Cistus can. better laying hand on stomach: Carbo an. Cold and colic: Colchicum. and oppressed: Absinthium. and relaxed: Sulphuricum ac. feeling after slight meals in stomach and bowels: Kali bich. chilliness in region of stomach, ceasing after vomiting: Berberis. icy cold stomach: Capsicum. Cramps: Antimonium tart., Arum triph., Baptisia, Belladonna, Cannabis sat,, Carbo an., Carbo veg., Causticum, Cocculus, Colocynthis, Gelsemium, Guaiacum, Hamamelis, Hoscyamus, Ignatia, Millefolium, Natrum mur., Nux mosch., Phosphorus, Psorinum, Sepia, Tabacum. at night: Carbo veg., Colycynthis, Ignatia, Baptisia. after eating: Hamamelis. extending to chest; abdomen distended; must bend double; worse lying down; pain paroxysmal: takes breath away: Carbo veg. periodical, from touch, worse from a change of position: Ignatia. with loud shrieks, vomiting (better), convulsions: Hyoscyamus. with flatulency and much saliva: Cocculus. with a sensation of a liquid moving from stomach to intestines towards anus: Millefolium. relieved by belching: Colocynthis. radiating to liver: Phosphorus. better from tightening clothes: Natrum mur. REPERTORY OF STOMACH SYMPTOMS. 217 FULNESS AND DISTENSION. Abdomen full and distended: Anacardium. (whole) distended: Bryonia. Epigastrium distended: Aloes. distended and hard: Arsenicum. In pit of stomach, cannot endure slightest pressure of clothes: Lithium carb., Mercurius corr. increased'by external pressure: Ranunculus bulb. In stomach: Aloes, Ammonium carb., Ammonium mur. (worse after breakfast), Argentum nit., Arnica (with oppression of chest; with nausea and satiety), Asafoetida, Berberis, Bryonia (with vomiting after eating), Carbo an., Carbo veg., Caulophyllum, Cinchona, Cocculus (painful), Colocynthis, Conium, Crocus, Gelsemium (worse from press of clothing), Helleborus, Hepar s. c. (has to loosen clothes), Ignatia, Illicium, Kali bich. (evenings, has to loosen clothes), Lachnanthes, Lilium tig. (after eating), Millefolium, Myrica cer., Natrum ars., Nux mosch. (impedes breathing), Petroleum, Rheum (as from eating too much), Rhus tox. (as from a stone, after eating), Rumex, Xanthoxylum. SORE FEELING. Coughing, when: Bryonia, Podophyllum. Hiccough, from: Kobaltum. Perspiring deeply when: Kobaltum. In stomach: Baryta, Carbo an. (in pit of), Cinchona, Crotalus, Digitalis, Lobelia infl. (bruised soreness from pit of, through to back, after cramp), Mercurius corr. (pit of), Natrum ars., Natrum mur. (feels bruised when pressed, with swelling), Phytolacca, Ranunculus bulb., Manganum acet. (pressing soreSness of epigastrium). STJTCHES. In epigastrium, from coughing: Podophyllum. In pit of: Alumina (extending to chest), Anacardium (during 218 REPERTORY OF STOMACH SYMPTOMS. inspiration), Caladium (fine, jerking stitches, pit of, drawn inward with each stitch, worse sitting, cause weakness and nausea), Nitri ac., Phosphorus, Sabina (extending to back). In stomach: Argentum nit. (with short breathing), Cyclamen, Gambogia (acute), Iodium, Kali carb. SENSITIVENESS TO TOUCH. Cannot bear clothes around stomach and below hypochondrium: Crotalus. Epigastrium, sensitive to touch: Colchicum. cannot endure the clothes: Bryonia. tender just below ensiform: Natrum ars. Region of stomach: Aconitum, Antimonium crud., Apis (pit of), Arsenicum, Bryonia, Camphora, Chelidonium, Cinchona, Colchicum, Colocynthis, Hyoscyamus, Kali carb. (scrobiculum), Kalmia, Natrum carb. (when talking), Kali carb. (pit of, swollen and sensitive), Mercurius, Nux vom. (to pressure), Petroleum, Sepia, Silicea, Spigelia, Sulphur. Sensitiveness and aching in, and duodenum, after colic: Capsicum. Empty feeling: AEsculus, Ailanthus, Ammonium carb., Ammonium mur., Belladonna, Bryonia, Calcarea phos., Cepa, Colocynthis, Croton tig., Gambogia, Gilsemium, Lilium tig. (in stomach and bowels), Lycopodium (in pit of), Marum ver., Mercurius iod. flay., Muriaticum ac. (extending through whole abdomen, but no hunger), Niccolum (empty, fasting feeling, but no hunger), Oleander (in pit of stomach, even after eating; from nursing), Oxalicum ac. (with hunger), Petroleum (with weakness), Ptelea, Sabadilla. DIGESTION-SLOW OR WEAK. Slow digestion: Cinchona (food remains long in stomach, espeif eaten late in the day), Opium (inactivity of digestive organs), Paris. REPERTORY OF STOMACH SYMPTOMS. 219 Stomach frequently and easily disordered: Hepar s. c. Weak digestion: Anacardium, Antimonium crud., Benzoicum ac., Lachesis, Mercurius (with continuous hunger), Nux mosch. (especially in the aged), Paris, Zingiber. WEAKNESS. Emptiness, weakness in stomach: Petroleum. Faint-like weakness in scrobiculum: Nitrum. Feeling of weakness in stomach or pit of, extending through whole chest and lower down to umbilicus: Lobelia infl. Great weakness by spells: Natrum mur. Marked weakness about II A.M.; empty, gone or faint feeling: Sulphur. Sensation of weakness, with qualmishness and flat taste or sighing: Ignatia. Weak feeling like faintness, after congestion of blood in head and nape: Tellurium. empty feeling at stomach: Mercurius iod. flav. sensation at pit of: Leptandra. Weakness at pit of: Argentum nit. of stomach: Antimonium crud. (with easily disturbed digestion), Cepa, Gelsemium, Muriaticum ac. (from to A.M. till evening), Psorinum. Pain: Abies nig., Abrotanum, Aceticum ac., Aconitum, Actaea rac., AEthusa, Agaricus, Agnus cast., Ailanthus, Aloes, Alumina, Ambra, Ammonium carb., Ammonium mur., Anacardium, Antimonium crud., Antimonium tart., Argentum nit., Arnica, Arsenicum alb., Asafoetida, Baptisia, Belladonna, Bismuthum, Borax, Bovista, Bromium, Bryonia, Caladium, Calcarea ost., Calcarea phos., Camphora, Cannabis ind., Cannabis sat., Cantharides, Carbo veg., Causticum, Cepa, Chamomilla, Chelidonium, Cinchona, Cocculus, Colocynthis, Conium, Crotalus, Cuprum, Cyclamen, Dioscorea, Eupatorium perf., Eupatorium 220 REPERTORY OF STOMACH SYMPTOMS. purp., Ferrum met., Gambogia, Gelsemium, Glonoinum, Graphites, Guaiacum, Hamamelis, Helleborus, Helonias, Hydrastis, Hyoscyamus, Hypericum, Ipecacuanha, Ignatia, lodium, Iris, Kali bich., Kali carb.,' Kalmia, Kobaltum, Kreosotum, Lachesis, Laurocerasus, Magnesia carb., Magnesia mur., Mancinella, Mercurius corr., Mercurius iod. flay., Millefolium, Nitri ac., Nitrum, Nux vom., Oxalicum ac., Petroleum, Phosphorus, Phytolacca, Psorinum, Ptelea, Pulsatilla, Ranunculus scel., Rhus tox., Rumex, Sabadilla, Sabina, Secale, Senega, Sepia, Silicea, Spongia, Stannum, Stramonium, Tabacum, Terebinthinae, Ustilago, Veratrum alb., Veratrum vir. CHARACTER OF PAIN. Acute: Actaea rac., Cantharides, Hydrastis. Agonizing: Crotalus, Veratrum alb. Binding: Graphites. Boring: Arsenicum, Magnesia carb. Bruised: Mercurius iod. Burning: Antimonium crud., Abrotanum, Aceticum ac., Cantharides, Colocynthis, Conium, Mercurius, Mercurius iod., Oxalicum ac. Clawing: Nux vom. Clutching: Ipecacuanha. Colicky: Baptisia, Iris. Constant, sore: Gainbogia. Constrictive: Graphites, Magnesia carb. Contractive: AEthusa, Carbo veg., Cocculus, Calcarea ost. Corroding: Sabadilla. Cramplike: Antimonium crud., Bismuthum, Calcarea phos., Eupatorium purp., Ferrum met., Guaiacum, Helonias, Kalmia, Nux vom. Cutting: Abrotanum, Arnica, Asafcetida, Belladonna, Bryonia (as with knives), Caladium (as with glass), Calcarea ost., Calcarea phos., Cepa, Chamomilla, Colocynthis, Helonias, Hydrastis, Mercurius iod. flay., Ignatia, Ustilago. REPERTORY OF STOMACH SYMPTOMS. 221 Darting: Actaea rac., Mercurius corr. Digging: Millefolium, Senega. Distressing: Eupatorium perf., Hydrastis. Drawing: Alumina, Belladonna. Dull: Gelsemium, Terebinthinme. Eroding: Magnesia mur. Excruciating: Aconitum, Oxalicum ac., Veratrum vir. Fine: Ustilago. Flying: Veratrum vir. Gnawing: Abrotanum, Belladonna, Chelidonium, Ignatia, Mercurius corr., Millefolium, Phosphorus. Grinding: Chelidonium. Griping: Arnica. Hard: Dioscorea. Increase and decrease gradually: Argentum nit., Stannum. In spells, not regular: Asafoetida. Intense: Veratrum vir. Neuralgic: Ustilago. Oppressive: Alumina. Paroxysmal: Carbo veg. Periodical: Ignatia. Pinching: Arnica, Calcarea ost., Graphites. Pressing: Asafoetida, Belladonna, Calcarea ost., Chamomilla, Conium, Kali carb., Oxalicum ac. Rending: /Ethusa. Rooting: Graphites. Severe: Baptisia, Borax. Sharp: Calcarea phos., Dioscorea, Nitrum, Ustilago. Shocks of: Iris. Shooting: Belladonna, Rumex. Sore: Glonoinum. Spasmodic: Antimonium crud., Arnica, Bismuthum, Calcarea ost., Ignatia, lodium. Stinging: Argentum nitr., Chatnomilla. Stitching: Asafoetida, Bryonia, Caladium (fine jerking), Cannabis sat., Nitrum. Sudden: Aconitum. Tearing: AEthusa cyn., Arsenicum, Colocynthis. 222 REPERTORY OF STOMACH SYMPTOMS. Tensive: Belladonna, Kali carb. Twisting: Veratrum vir. Ulcerative: Argentum nit., Gambogia, Magnesia carb. Violent: Antimonium tart., Aceticum ac., Arsenicum, Cantharides, Conium, Colocynthis, Laurocerasus, Petroleum, Oxalicum ac. Wrenching: Belladonna. LOCALITY OF PAIN. Bladder, region of: Cantharides. Bowels: Ustilago. Cardiac orifice: Cannabis ind. Chest: Graphites, Rumex. Dorsal region: Veratrum vir. Epigastrium: Antimonium tart., Arnica, Calcarea ost., Chamomilla, Cocculus, Colocynthis, Gelsemium, Iris, Ptelea, Senega, Terebinthinae, Ustilago, Veratrum alb., Veratrum vir. Epigastric region: Bryonia. Ensiform cartilage (behind): Cuprum. Flank (left): Caladium. Gastric region: Graphites. Great cul de sac: Kali carb. Hypogastric region: Baptisia. Intestines: Arsenicum alb. Liver, region of: Ustilago. Pyloric region: Cantharides, Cepa, Phytolacca. Ribs, beneath short: Chamomilla. Scrobiculum: Agnus cast., Aloes, Eupatorium perf. under: Ambra. Splenic region: Ferrum. Sternum, each side of: Rumex. Stomach, back of: Hamamelis. left side of: Argentum nit., Kreosotum. lower part of: Veratrum vir. pit of: iEthusa, Alumina, Anacardium, Antimonium crud., Argentum nit., Arsenicum, Caladium, Camphora, REPERTORY OF STOMACH SYMPTOMS. 223 Causticum, Chamomilla, Colocynthis, Conium, Dioscorea, Graphites, Kali carb., Nitri ac., Petroleum, Phytolacca, Psorinum, Pulsatilla, Rumex, Sabina, Secale, Silicea. Umbilical region: Baptisia, Iris, Veratrum vir. CONCOMITANTS OF PAIN. Abdomen, distension of: Antimonium crud., Belladonna, Carbo veg. fulness of: Camphora. Anguish, great: Calcarea ost. Anxiety: Chamomilla. Belching: Dioscorea, Iris. Breathing arrests: Arsehicum, Carbo veg., Cocculus. impedes: Chamomilla, Nitrum. short:' Argentum nit. Chill: Hypericum. Coldness of skin: Aceticum ac. with weak pulse: Crotalus. Convulsions caused by pressure: Cantharides. Cramps in abdomen and coolness: Phytolacca. Deathly feeling: Cuprum. Diarrhoea: Hypericum. Distress, must unfasten clothing: Dioscorea. Drawing pains in fingers and ankles: Ptelea. Driving to despair, resolves to drown himself: Antimonium crud. Dysenteric stools: Arnica. Emaciation: Stramonium. Epigastrium distended: Belladonna. painful constriction of: Kali. Eructations: Kalmia, Stramonium. Faint feeling: Ustilago. Fainting fits: Ranunculus scel. Flatulence: Senega. Flatus, discharge of: Dioscorea. Gagging: Aconitum. Gasping: Aconitum. 224 REPERTORY OF STOMACH SYMPTOMS. Headache: Calcarea phos. Hiccough: Dioscorea. Ill humor: Senega. Loss of speech: Laurocerasus. Nausea: Agaricus, Arnica, Caladium, Hypericum, Iris, Mercurius iod. flay., Petroleum. Nervous fever: Mancinella. Pain (dull) in forehead: Rumex. in throat: Oxalicum ac. Palpitation: Kalmia. Pit of stomach drawn in with each stitch: Caladium. Pressure and tension between scapulae: Nux vom. Pulmonary and cardiac constriction: Arnica. Retching: Aconitum, Arnica. Restlessness: Crotalus. Rumbling: Gelsemium. Sensation of fixed weight: Calcarea ost. Shakes with cold: Veratrum alb. Sleep after midnight prevented: Caladium. Sickly expression: Stannum. Straining: Iris. Sweat: Petroleum. (cold) on forehead: Aceticum ac., Aconitum. Tosses about as if in despair: Cantharides, Chamomilla. Uneasiness, must move about: Kobaltum. Vomit, inclination to: Mercurius iod. flay. Vomiting, prevents: /Ethusa. of bilious fluid: Argentum nit. of blood: Aconitum. of food: Calcarea ost., Graphites. of slimy fluid: Argentum nit. on swallowing food: Nitri ac., Stramonium. (severe) every five minutes: Veratrum vir. Waterbrash, tendency to: Ammonium carb. Weakness: Caladium. AGGRAVATIONS OF PAIN. After breakfast: Pulsatilla. depletion: Cinchona. REPERTORY OF STOMACH SYMPTOMS. 225.Nfter drinking: Belladonna. coffee: Chamomilla. eating: Iodium, Hypericum, Kobaltum. food (simplest kind of): Sepia. heavy lifting: Borax. meals: Calcarea ost., Pulsatilla. "a meal, lasting three hours: Agaricus. "a hearty meal: Abies nig. "a moderate supper: Calcarea ost. waking: Millefolium. At end of digestion: Magnesia mur. night: Abrotanum, Carbo veg., Conium, Graphites, Ignatia, Oxalicum ac. 2 o'clock A.M.: Kali carb. Before breakfast: Nux vom. During chill and heat: Eupatorium perf. inspiration: Anacardium, Argentum nit., Pulsatilla. From change of position: Ignatia. coughing: Helleborus. eating oysters and chicken salad in the evening: Bryonia. food: Nux vom. meat (boiled), and cold drinks: Graphites. motion: Bryonia, Belladonna, Calcarea ost., Phosphorus. movement (quick): Causticum. nursing or other loss of fluids: Carbo veg. stooping: Glonoinum. touch: Ignatia, Oxalicum ac. In the morning: Dioscorea, Nux vom. On making false step: Aloes, Bryonia, Pulsatilla. Towards midnight: Argentum nit. Two or three hours after eating: Conium. When lying down: Carbo veg. on back: Aceticum ac. sitting: Caladium. bent over: Agnus cast. walking: Helleborus, Pulsatilla, Sabadilla. AMELIORATIONS OF PAIN. After belching: Dioscorea. 15 226 REPERTORY OF STOMACH SYMPTOMS. After eating: Gambogia, Graphites, Petroleum. vomiting: Hyoscyamus. From bending backward: Belladonna, Bismuthum. double: Carbo veg., Colocynthis. flatus (passage of): Gelsemium. hot drinks: Nux vom. milk (sweet): Arsenicum. (warm): Graphites. moving about: Kobaltum. pressure: Cannabis ind., Colocynthis, Stannum. In knee, elbow position: Conium. morning: Borax. When eating: Chelidonium, Ignatia. lying down: Causticum. on back: Calcarea ost. walking: Stannum. PAIN EXTENDS. From chest and abdomen and concentrates in pit of: Colcynthis. To abdomen: Kobaltum, Sepia. anus, with urging to stool: Nux vom. axilla (right) and upper arm: Ammonium mur. back: Borax, Conium, Kali carb, Sabina. (stitches): Sabina. chest: Aceticum ac., Alumina, Carbo veg., Kali carb., Nux vom., Petroleum, Rumex (left chest). extremities: Kali carb. left of stomach: Kreosotum. liver and bowels: Ustilago. navel: Stannum. cesophagus: AEthusa. shoulder: Conium. sides (both), reaching to back between lowest points of scapule: Veratrum alb. throat: Alumina. PRESSURE. Aconitum, /Esculus, Agaricus, Ambra, Ammonium carb., Anacardium, Antimonium tart., Argentum met., Ar REPERTORY OF STOMACH SYMPTOMS. 227 nica, Arsenicum alb., Asarum, Aurum, Baryta, Belladonna, Benzoicum ac., Berberis, Bismuthum, Bovista, Bromium, Bryonia, Calcarea phos., Causticum, Chamomilla, Chelidonium, Cicuta, Cina, Cinchona, Conium, Cuprum, Cyclamen, Ferrum, Fluoricum ac., Graphites, Hepar s. c., Ignatia, Kali bich., Kalmia, Lachesis, Lilium tig., Lycopodium, Mephitis, Mercurius, Myrica cer., Natrum carb., Niccolum, Nitrum, Nux vom., Opium, Phosphorus, Phosphoricum ac., Platina, Plumbum, Ptelea trif., Pulsatilla, Ranunculus bulb., Rhododendron, Rhus tox., Rumex, Sanguinaria, Secale, Senega, Sepia, Silicea, Spigelia, Squilla, Sulphur, Tabacum, TerebinthinmE, Xanthoxylum. CHARACTER OF PRESSURE. As from eating too much: Cyclamen, Silicea. a foreign body: Agaricus. a hard lump: Spigelia. a load: Bismuthum, Phosphoricum ac. a marble: Kalmia. a stone: zEsculus, Arsenicum, Baryta carb., Bromiuni, Bryonia, Nux vom., Ptelea, Sepia, Squilla. a weight: Aconitum, Secale. if stomach would burst: Berberis. if he had swollowed a bullet: Terebinthinae. if stomach were swollen: Rhus tox. were drawn together: Rhus tox. Burning: Cicuta. Constant: Cina. Dull: Agaricus. Gnawing: Lachesis. Hard: Belladonna. Heavy: Cinchona: Painful: Belladonna, Chamomilla. Severe: Chamomilla, Phosphorus. Spasmodic: Tabacum. 228 REPERTORY OF STOMACH SYMPTOMS. Upward: Lilium tig. Violent: Plumbum, Secale. LOCALITY OF PRESSURE. Below pit of stomach: Senega. Between scapulae: Nux vom. In abdomen: Asarum, Cicuta. back: Plumbum. epigastrium: C hamomilla,Fluoricum ac., Ignatia, Nuxvom., Sanguinaria. pit of stomach: Aconitum, iEsculus, Anacardium, Antimonium tart., Belladonna, Bovista, Causticum, Conium, Cuprum, Cyclamen, Ferrum, Graphites, Ignatia, Kalmia, Ptelea, Pulsatilla, Ranunculus bulb., Rhus tox., Rumex, Secale, Terebinthinae. scrobiculum: Asarum eur., Lycopodium, Nitrum. spine: Bismuthum. pyloric region: Tabacum. On pracordia: Arnica. To left of scrobiculum, below cartilage of upper false ribs: Aurum. Under scrobiculum: Ambra, Asarum eur. CONCOMITANTS OF PRESSURE. Alternating with burning: Bismuthum. Colic: Mephitis. Fretfulness: Bryonia. Fulness: Kali bich. Hypochondria: Ambra. Lesion (between scapulae): Nux vom. Nausea: Agaricus, Cuprurn. Pain in back: Plumbum. Raw, sore feeling: Conium. Restlessness: Cina. Sensation as if something would be pressed off below pit of stomach: Kalmia. Sensitiveness (great) to touch: Secale. REPERTORY OF STOMACH SYMPTOMS. 229 Stinging and burning: Berberis. Stomach, distension of: Chelidonium. hangs down heavily, even after light, easily digested food: Mercurius. swelling of: Kali bich. Tosses about in despair: Chamomilla. Vomiting of food: Phosphorus, Pulsatilla. AGGRAVATION OF PRESSURE. After cold drinks: Rhododendron. eating; Ammonium carb., Baryta, Belladonna, Bryonia, Lycopodium, Nux vom., Phosphorus, Platina, Ptelea, Pulsatilla, Sanguinaria, Sepia, Sulphur. moderate eating: Hepar s. c. sensation of fasting: Anacardium. small quantity of food: Cinchona. At night: Cina. noon: Aurum. During expiration: Aurum. In evening: Kali bich. morning: Nux. Night and morning: Graphites. When sitting in stooping position: Kali bich. stomach is empty: Lachesis. walking: Belladonna. AMELIORATIONS OF PRESSURE. After eating: Lachesis, Natrum carb. During rest: Calcarea phos. From belching: Ambra. bending backward: Bismuthum. bending, sometimes backward, sometimes forward: Plumbum. eructations: Baryta, Niccolum. hard pressure: Plumbum. soup: Niccolum. When sitting erect: Kali bich. REPERTORY OF AGGRAVATIONS WITH REFERENCE TO MENTAL SYMPTOMS ONLY. BY G. T. MILLER, M.D., PITTSBURG, PA. AGGRAVATION from excitement: Spongia. when alone: Arsenicum, Veratrum alb. in the room: Bryonia, Pulsatilla. from sad stories: Cicuta. eating warm food: Magnesia carb. (See Phosphorus.) evenings: Drosera, Hepar s. c., Kalmia, Mercurius, Natrum carb., Ruta. morning, waking: Lachesis, Kalmia, Mercurius bin., Natrum sulph., Valeriana. (See Alumina.) evening and night: Mercurius. afternoon until evening: Nitrum. during thunderstorm: Phosphorus, Natrum carb. washing in cold water: Antimonium carb., Sulphur. anger: Aconitum, Arnica, Bryonia, Colocynthis, Ipecacuanha, Opium, Petroleum. fright: Aconitum, Arnica, Hyoscyamus, Hypericum, Lycopodium, Opium, Petroleum, Platina, Sabadilla. mental excitement increases suffering: Cistus can., Stramonium. mental emotions: Actaea rac., Colchicum, Kreosotum, Psorinum, Pulsatilla. from mental application: Agaricus, Aloes, Anacardium, Caladium, China, Gelsemium, Magnesia mur., Oleander, Psorinum, Sabadilla, Selenium. nocturnal emissions: Aloes, Carbo an. morning, on waking (mental symptoms): Alumina. hearing others talk: Ammonium carb. thinking intently: Argentum nit., Stannum. (230) ERRATA. On page 230, third line from top, read Z. T. Miller for G. T. Miller. it "9 ccsixteenth line from top, read crud. for carb..... 231, top line, read Aggravationfrom grief. S......eighth line from bottom, read "taken from B6nninghausen." 237, " " " " " "to do anything." 261, sixth " " top " sorry for sorrow. 284, fourteenth line from bottom, read mental for physical. The top line on page 284 should be the top line on page 283. REPERTORY OF MENTAL SYMPTOMS. 231 AGGRAVATION, grief: Aurum, Calcarea phos., Graphites, Ignatia, Opium, Phosphoricum ac., Platina. from contradiction: Aurum. from thinking of one's complaints: Baryta carb., Calcarea phos., Causticum, Oxalicum ac. (See Camphora and Helleborus.) while sweating: Benzoicum ac., Lachnanthes. by motion: Cantharides. from pleasant surprises or news:. Coffea, Opium. (See Gelsemium.) from unpleasant news: Ignatia. loss of sleep: Cuprum. overexertion of mind: Cuprum, Nux mosch., Nux vom., Sepia. from consolation: Helleborus, Natrum mur. suppressed mental suffering: Ignatia. after dinner: Marum ver. playing the piano: Natrum carb. shame: Opium. homesickness: Capsicum, Phosphoricum ac. thinking of the food he has eaten: Sarsaparilla. reading, writing or thinking: Silicea. giving directions in domestic affairs: Stannum. music: Sabina, Thuya. business failures: Actea rac., Arsenicum. AMELIORATION, when the mind is engaged: Helonias. washed in warm water: Antimonium crud. The following, taken from the B6nninghausen (Lee's little work), is incorporated here: AGGRAVATION, from mental emotions in general: Aconitum, Aurum, Belladonna, Bryonia, Causticum, Chamomilla, Coffea, Colocynthis, Hyoscyamus, Ignatia, Lycopodium, Natrum mur., Nux vom., Opium, Phosphorus, Phosphoricum ac., Platina, Pulsatilla, Staphisagria, Veratrum. 232 REPERTORY OF MENTAL SYMPTOMS. AGcGAVATION, from anger (vexation or chagrin): Aconitum, Arsenicum, Belladonna, Bryonia, Chamomilla, Coffea, Colocynthis, Ignatia, Lycopodium, Nux vom.. Opium, Phosphorus, Platina, Pulsatilla, Staphisagria. with anxiety: Aconitum, Arsenicum, Belladonna, Chamomilla, Cuprum, Ignatia, Nux vom., Platina, Pulsatilla. fright: Aconitum, Belladonna, Ignatia, Nux vom., Opium, Phosphorus, Platina, Pulsatilla. silent grief and sorrow: Cocculus, Colocynthis, Ignatia, Lycopodium. indignation: Colocynthis, Ipecacuanha, Nux vom., Platina, Staphisagria. Contradiction, after: Aurum, Ignatia, Nux vom., Oleander. Talking about unpleasant topics: Calcarea, Marum ver., Cicuta, Ignatia. Complaints aggravated from thinking of them: Alumen, Helleborus, Baryta, Oxalicum ac., Nitric ac., Ranunculus bulb., Calcarea, Sabadilla, Spigelia, Spongia, Staphisagria. ameliorated when thinking of them: Camphora, Helleborus, Cicuta, Magnesia carb., Prunus. Occupying one's self, attention, amelioration from: Natrum carb., Scpia, Agaricus, China, Crocus, Ferrum, Helonias, Stramonium, Thuya. Touched or looked at, does not want to be: Antimonium crud., Antimonium tart., Arsenicum, Chamomilla, Cina. Ill humor, worse from kind words, friendly persuasion: Calcarea phos., Natrum mur., Sepia, Silicea, Belladonna, Calcarea, China, Ignatia, Kali, Mercurius, Nux vom., Platina. Worse on being, or dislikes to be, spoken to: Arsenicum, Chamomilla, Gelsemium, Natrum mur., Natrum sulph., Nux vom., Rhus tox. After fright: Aconitum, Belladonna, Causticum, Coffea, Cuprum, Hyoscyamus, Ignatia, Nux vom., Opium, Platina, Pulsatilla, Arnica, Arsenicum, Bryonia, Chamo REPERTORY OF MENTAL SYMPTOMS. 233 milla, Gelsemium, Lachesis, Lycopodium, Natrum mur., Phosphorus, Sambucus, Secale, Stramonium, Veratrum, Zincum. From grief and sorrow, care: Colocynthis, Hyoscyamus, Ignatia, Phosphoricum, ac., Pulsatilla, Staphisagria, Veratrum, Arsenicum, Cocculus, Cyclamen, Graphites, Lycopodium, Nux vom. affronts or offenses, from others: Chamomilla, Colocynthis, Ignatia, Natrum mur, Phosphoricum ac., Senega, Staphisagria, Aurum, Belladonna, Bryonia, Lycopodium, Mercurius, Nux vom., Platina, Pulsatilla, Sulphur. jealousy: Apis, Hyoscyamus, Ignatia, Lachesis, Phosphoricum ac. excessive joy: Coffea, Pulsatilla, Opium. unhappy love: Coffea, Hyoscyamus, Ignatia, Phosphoricum ac., Staphisagria. reproaches, wounded self-love: Ignatia, Opium, Staphisagria, Colocynthis, Phosphoricum ac. wrath, anger: Aurum, Bryonia, Chamomilla, Colocynthis, Nux vom., Aconitum, Belladonna, Coffea, Ferrum, Hyoscyamus, Lycopodium, Natrum mur., Oleander, Phosphorus, Platina, Veratrum. Always better when doing something, when the mind is engaged: Helonias. Abuses those about him: Hyoscyamus. Alone, cannot bear to be left: Veratrum alb. Anxious, not the least, in midst of physical suffering from threatened suffocation: Zingiber. Angry, irritable, morose: Sanguinaria. Approached, insane women will not be, or touched: Thuya. Avarice: Natrum carb. Averse to occupy oneself: Nux vom. to men: Stannum. Answers no questions: Hyoscyamus. Apathetic: Silicea. 234 REPERTORY OF MENTAL SYMPTOMS. ANXIETY-ANXIOUS; grieves about his sickness and about his children: Aceticum ac. (See Ammonium carb., Nitri ac., Silicea.) inconsolable, piteous wailing; reproaches others for mere trifles, peevish, impatient, pusillanimous, restless agonized tossing about: Aconitum. restlessness, afterwards headache and colic: /Ethusa. fear and weakness: Agnus. great, with restlessness: Ailanthus. concern about one's sickness, with inclination to weep: Ammonium carb. feeling of impending misfortune: Anacardium, Calcarea carb., Clematis. reflection in relation to his present and future: Antimonium carb. depressed, fears permanent loss of health; intense, with restlessness, worse 3 A. M.: Arsenicum. sadness: Asafoetida. and timorous and confused, fears she is about to die: Belladonna. while sweating: Benzoicum ac. and fearful: Berberis. worse in room, better in open air: Bryonia (Magnesia mur). great, with palpitation of the heart: Calcarea carb. in pit of stomach of children: Calcarea phos. praecordial; restless tossing about; palpitation of heart: Camphora. apprehensive feeling at pit of stomach, with oppression of breath and palpitation: Cannabis sat. restlessness: Cantharides. apprehensive after an emission: Carbo an. as if oppressed with heat of the face: Carbo veg. great: Causticum, Graphites, Cocculus, Hepar s. c., Hypericum. allowing no rest at any employment, as if he had committed a crime: Chelidonium. (See Digitalis.) excessively affected by sad stories. anxious thoughts of the future, feels sad: Cicuta. REPERTORY OF MENTAL SYMPTOMS. 235 ANXIETY-ANXIOUS; feeling as though some personal misfortune would befall him: Croton tig. internal, like from troubled conscience, with great fear of the future, worse 6 P.M.: Digitalis. with flushes of heat, when alone, especially in the evening, also when awaking at night, especially in the evening, as if it would impel him to commit suicide by drowning: Drosera. (See Rhus tox.) great in the evening: Hepar s. c., Secale, Drosera, Rhus tox. anxious apprehensions: Hyoscyamus, Kreosotum. great, also in meningitis: Hypericum. with fear: Kali carb. with the palpitation: Kalmia. with pain in heart: Millefolium. anxious, apprehensive: Kreosotum, Hyoscyamus. hopeless all night: Lithium carb. anxious and warm through the whole body, especially in the head, while eating warm food: Magnesia carb. in the room, relieved in the open air: Magnesia mur., Bryonia. and restless, change of place (Rhus, Tabacum); ebullitions; sweat; apprehensive; imaginary fears; fears he will lose his mind; worse evening (Hepar, Drosera, Rhus) and night; wants to go abroad; tries to flee from the house: Mercurius. low-spirited, retards action of remedy: Mercurius prot. preventing sleep: Mercurius corr. trembling and sweat during the pains: Natrum carb., Sarsaparilla. about his disease (see Aceticum ac., Ammonium carb.), with fear of death; fear of cholera: Nitri ac. with sweat; afternoon, also till evening: Nitrum. with inclination to commit suicide (see Drosera), but is afraid to die: Nux vom. restless at twilight (Rhus tox); when alone; about the future (Cicuta); during a thunderstorm; with palpitation: Phosphorus. 236 REPERTORY OF MENTAL SYMPTOMS. ANXIETY-ANXIOUS; with restlessness and yawning: Plumbum. full of fears, of evil forebodings: Psorinum. timidity; worse at twilight (Phosphoricum); restless change of place (Mercurius and Tabacum); wants to go from bed to bed: Rhus tox. anxious, low-spirited, with mental dejections: Ruta. anxious sensation, with qualmishness: Sabadilla. with vomiting and sweat: Sambucus. and feeling of dread, precedes vomiting and delirium: Sanguinaria. with the pains: Sarsaparilla (Natrum carb.). sadness and melancholy: Secale. with fear flushes of heat over the face, about real or imaginary evils: Sepia. overanxious about himself (Aceticum ac., Ammonium carb., Nitric ac.); low-spirited, weeps every evening: Silicea. paroxysm of: Spongia. of mind, great, with fear of death: Squilla. sudden, with angina pectoris, also with oppression of the cliest, driving from place to place: Tabacum. (See Mercurius, Rhus tox.) anxious restlessness, easily frightened, whining, weeping, apathetic, delirium, blue face, typhoid: Veratrum alb. APPREHENSIVE of losing his reason: Alumina. declares she will go crazy: Actaea rac. fears becoming crazy: Ambra. and gloomy, like from internal grief: Ammonium mur. and restless: Antimonium tart. of dying: Asafcetida. full of fear, a mere noise at door makes him anxious: Aurum met. very careful about his health: Caladium. fears she will lose her reason (Cuprum), or that people will observe her confusion of mind: Calcarea carb. mood, as if some misfortune were about to happen: Calcarea carb., Clematis, Anacardium. REPERTORY OF MENTAL SYMPTOMS. 237 APPREHENSIVE, fears she will become distracted, from pain in the suppuration on finger: Cepa. fears becoming crazy: Chelidonium, Mancinella. low-spirited and fear of approaching misfortune: Clematis, Calcarea carb., Cuprum. unconquerable sadness, constant restlessness, as if some misfortune were approaching (Clematis, Anacardium); fears she will lose her reason: Cuprum (Calcarea carb.). as from impending disease or calamity (Calcarea carb., Clematis, Cuprum); fears she has heart disease; fears she is incurable: Lilium tig. of death and difficulty of breathing: Lobelia infl. felt at the pit of stomach as when expecting unpleasant news: Mezereum. (See Cannabis sat.) APPREHENSIVENESS: Fluoricum ac. after an emission: Carbo an. in the pit of the stomach, with oppression of breathing and palpitation: Cannabis sat., Mezereum. anxious: Hyoscyamus, Kreosotum, Mercurius. AVERSION to meeting acquaintances, because he imagines having formerly offended them, though he knows not how: Arsenicum. to medicine, required a desperate effort to overcome it: Caladium. to man, yet averse to being alone: Conium. to his own family: Fluoricum ac. to man and society: Natrum carb. to anything, indolence: Oleander. to one's occupation: Sepia. (See Phytolacca.) to mental or bodily labor: Squilla. to work, great, especially to his usual vocation: Theridion. AWKWARDNESS (Camphora); every motion extremely awkward and sluggish: Anacardium. 'lets everything fall from his hands: Apis. which makes him drop things from his hands: Bovista. 238 REPERTORY OF MENTAL SYMPTOMS. BEHAVIOR impudent in childbed: Veratrum alb. like one mad, does foolish things: Hyoscyamus. Clairvoyance; perception of distant things: Aconitum. Contempt; inclined to treat others with rudeness and: Paris. Careful, zealous persons, inclined to get excited and angry, or of a spiteful, malicious disposition: Nux vom. Cried and laughed alternately; gesticulates lively: Hyoscyamus. Cataleptic immobility with dilated pupils, closed eyes; conscious: Gelsemium. Cries out suddenly; Hyoscyamus. Compunctions of conscience about trifles: Silicea. Complaints, makes none, has no wants: Hyoscyamus. Conscience, compunctions of, about trifles: Silicea. Confounding ideas: Kreosotum. Crazy feeling on top of head; wild feeling in head, with confusion of ideas: Lilium tig. Cruel: Platina. Covetous: Pulsatilla. Company, great excitability in, restless, fidgety: Sepia. Coma, spasms, unconscious, jaw hangs, hands and feet twitch, eyes roll; pupils dilated; automatic grasping of hands towards nose, ears, etc.; difficult to swallow liquids: Stramonium. Convulsions after trying to swallow: Hyoscyamus. Conscience, pangs of; thinks he is not honest: Stramonium. Chilliness alternating with heat; vomiting of bile and thirst: Nux vom. Contradict, inclined to quarrel and: Ruta. CARPHOLOGIA. Picks the bedclothes: Arnica. as if looking for something, with confused muttering: Belladonna. muttering: Hyoscyamus. CHILDREN: SYMPTOMS REFERRING TO THEM. Child lies unconscious, dilated pupils, staring eyes: AEthusa. delirious, drowsy, with nausea, hot and red face; pulse irregular; feverish heat; cries when washed in REPERTORY OF MENTAL SYMPTOMS. 239 cold water; better washed in warm water; fretful and peevish, does not wish to be touched or looked at: Antimonium crud. Child will not allow himself to be touched without whining or crying: Antimonium tart. self-willed and tearful, captious, wants to be carried: Arsenicum. does not want to play, but sits in the corner doing nothing: Baryta carb. cross, wants to be nursed in the arms: Benzoicum ac. peevish and fretful: Calcarea phos. full of timorous fancies, evenings, fears to go to bed alone: Causticum. cries, quiet only when carried; whining restlessness; wants this, then that, which, when offered, is refused or pushed away; cannot endure being spoken to, or interrupted when speaking, especially after rising from sleep: Chamomilla. does not want to be touched; cannot bear you to come near it; desires many things, which are refused when offered; not pleased nor satisfied with anything; uneasy and distressed all the time: Cina. cries and laughs easily; while crying it suddenly laughs quite heartily, and finally cries again: Coffea. impudent, teasing, laughs at reprimands: Graphites. asks for different things, impetuously and with crying; dislikes even its favorite things; screaming, with urging and sour stool: Rheum. becomes obstinate and headstrong; cries when kindly spoken to: Silicea. throws or pushes things away indignantly: Staphisagria. awakens terrified, knows no one; screams with fright and clings to those near: Stramonium. cross towards evening; brain affected: Zincum. Children become clumsy, awkward; especially with headache; awaken with fright, scream and remain full of fear: Capsicum. stubborn, disobedient, longing for dainties; face pale or at times red; restless all night: China. 240 REPERTORY OF MENTAL SYMPTOMS. Children cross and irritable, changeable mood; or indifferent and dull in brain affections: Cuprum. ask for one or other thing, rejected when proffered: Dulcamara. peevish; changeable; pale; chilly: Pulsatilla. COMPREHENSION, DULNESS, ETC. Comprehension slow, has to read everything three or four times, and then does not understand it: Ambra. slowness of understanding and: Bovista. diminished power of: Chamomilla. slowness of: Cocculus. can read, but cannot understand even a short sentence: Colchicum. quick, mental excitability, with almost prophetic perceptions; ectasy: Lachesis. (See Valeriana.) of what he reads, difficult: Oleander. difficult: Selenium, Spongia. easy, intellect predominates over the mind: Valeriana. (See Lachesis.) Dulness, of the senses: Chamomilla, Laurocerasus. difficult to understand what he reads: Conium. of mental faculties: Iris, Spongia. of the intellect: Viola. of the senses; also before a rash: Stramonium. difficult, thinking; misplaces or cannot find the proper word when writing or talking: Sulphur. Difficulty in grasping and connecting thoughts, when reading or listening: Natrum carb. Slow action, of senses; of will: Nux mosch. Slowness of perception: Oleander. Obtuseness of the senses: Ranunculus bulb. Mind sluggish, with torpid digestion: Mercurius corr. Very much exhilarated; quicker thought and action: Oxalicum ac. Great exhilaration of spirits, vivacity and rapid flow of thoughts: Kobaltum. REPERTORY OF MENTAL SYMPTOMS. 241 CONCENTRATION. Unable to fix the attention: AEsculus hipp. Inability to concentrate mental effort; must read a subject several times, or add a column of figures over and over before correct: Ailanthus. Is not able to reflect upon anything properly, feels stupid: Ambra. Dulness of the head, cannot bring his thoughts to bear on anything: Apis. Cannot confine his mind, a sort of wild, wandering feeling: Baptisia. Mental restlessness; when reading cannot dwell long on one subject, must change always to something else: Drosera. confusion, cannot concentrate his thoughts: Dulcamara. Cannot fix his mind on his studies: Iris. Inability to collect one's ideas: Laurocerasus. Cannot read or calculate, for she loses the connection of ideas; thinks she will lose her reason: Nux vom. Diminished power to concentrate ideas: Oxalicum ac. CONFUSION: Cepa, Hypericum. of the head: Ambra, Arsenicum, Benzoicum ac., Colchicum, Cyclamen, Euphrasia. heaviness, as after intoxication: Agaricus, Kali carb. with dulness: Ammonium carb., Cyclamen. with dulness, as after intoxication: Kali carb. with feeling as if he ought to sleep: Tartaricus emet. changing to pressive right-sided headache: Arnica. aggravated by movement: Belladonna. with drawing in the occiput extending to the neck before going to sleep: Bryonia. and aching, as after a night's dissipation (Agaricus, Kali carb.); does not wish to rise on waking: Bryonia. especially the forehead: Bryonia. and pulsation in the forehead, in the morning: Cantharides. 16 242 REPERTORY OF MENTAL SYMPTOMS. Confusion of the head; thinking difficult; morning on waking he had to make exertion as if to arouse himself from a dream: Carbo veg. with transient, painful pressure on the eyes in afternoon: Chamomilla. left side; with pressing burning pain in left orbit, temple and nose, dorsum nasi and in the upper teeth: Colocynthis. muddled, with cold and stiff fingers: Ferrum. Dulness of the head, mental confusion; dizziness, tendency to fall sidewise: Argentum nit. like from inebriation, with increased mental activity: Digitalis. during coryza; better walking in the open air: Mercurius bin. heaviness: Bismuthum. Confusion, distracted mind; inability to concentrate thought: Cantharides, Silicea, Sticta. Confused; did not know whether he had been asleep or awake; morning: Carbo an. (See Carbo veg.) easily, unable to recollect, thinking difficult: Mezereum. relieved by eructations: Sanguinaria. Confusion of mind, difficulty of fixing the attention: Silicea. of ideas, inability to concentrate them: Sticta. mental, loss of memory; vertigo; cerebral hyperaemia: Veratrum vir. well-known streets seem strange; way home too long; forgets on which side she lives: Glonoinum. surroundings seem changed; fanciful dreamy images; does not recognize the known streets: Nux mosch. did not know where she was in the street: Petroleum. as if drunk; confusion of ideas: Baptisia. Stupid feeling in the head, has no desire to do anything: Asarum. in head, with vacant stare, neither seeing nor hearing: Kreosotum. CONSCIOUSNESS AND UNCONSCIOUSNESS. Consciousness of his personal identity confused: Alumina. REPERTORY OF MENTAL SYMPTOMS. 243 Consciousness during chill, but cannot talk; forgets the words he wishes to say: Podophyllum. loss of: Apis, Argentum nit., Cantharides, Laurocerasus. faint feeling: Argentum nit. sudden, face red, teething: Cantharides. with loss of speech and motion, insensible, complete loss of sensation, dulness -of the senses: Laurocerasus. (See Lachesis.) Unconsciousness; when spoken to answers correctly, but unconsciousness and delirium at once return: Arnica. or coma: Caladium. (See Opium.) total: Helleborus, Lycopodium. stupor; does not reply to questions; does not recognize any one; answers properly, but immediately stupor returns: Hyoscyamus. sudden attacks of: Kali carb. complete: Lachesis. (See Laurocerasus.) moaning: Muriaticum ac. after mental excitement, especially just before the menses; thoughts vanish, with fainting: Nux mosch. eyes glassy, half closed; face pale; deep coma: Opium. (See Caladium.) no complaints, even pinching is not noticed: Phosphoricum ac. signs of effusion in the brain; feet constantly moving; often from undeveloped eruptions: Zincum. Mind clear, then unconscious, followed by inability to concentrate his mind: Terebinthinme Gradual vanishing of thoughts, like when falling asleep: Asarum. Insensible, bed-sores, yet he complains of no pain: Antimonium crud. Head feels very heavy, loses consciousness and falls; every few minutes would lose himself, and then again wake up, as it were, to those around: Cannabis ind. DEATH, thinks of it calmly: Zincum. Desponding without known cause: Sarsaparilla. Dissatisfied with himself and others: Ruta. 244 REPERTORY OF MENTAL SYMPTOMS. Diseases, originating in cerebral irritation, followed by marked gastric'symptoms: Tabacum. Domestic affairs, palpitation of the heart and anxiety, from giving directions in: Pulsatilla, Stannum. sadness about, and one's health: Sepia. Depressed in early morning, full of cares about domestic affairs: Pulsatilla, Stannum. Drunkenness with stupor, eyes burning and dry: Opium. Distrustful: Mercurius. Debility: Sarsaparilla. Dull, says nothing: Helleborus. languid, relieved by free micturition: Terebinthinae. Desire, insane, when alone with her husband to kill him: Nux vom. Disposition, spiteful, malicious: Nux vom. Disheartened: Sulphuricum ac. Depression and uncomfortableness: Secale. caused by the pains: Sarsaparilla. DELIRIUM. Delirium violent, with distension of the belly and obstinate constipation, alternating with stupor: Aceticum ac. tries to get out of bed, with great exertion of power: Agaricus. muttering unconscious: Apis. constant: Ailanthus. boring in the nose; picking at one spot or at the dry lips: Arum. especially at night, or constant: Baptisia. afraid of imaginary things; sees monsters; violent, broke into fits of laughter, then gnashed his teeth; disposed to bite and strike those around: Belladonna. unintelligible muttering: Caladium. somnolent, with slow fever at night: Camphora. after depletion; on closing the eyes sees figures of persons: China. furious: Cantharides. afraid of every one who approaches, shrinking away from them; tries to escape: Cuprum. REPERTORY OF MENTAL SYMPTOMS. 245 Delirium, at night, with the pain: Dulcamara. in sleep; half waking, with incoherent talk: Gelsemium. continued while awake; talks of business; complains of imaginary wrongs: Hyoscyamus. fears she will be damned; at night (Baptisia, Dulcamara), muttering, drowsy, red face; or slow difficult speech and dropped jaw; great loquacity, constantly jumping from subject to subject; from overwatching, overfatigue, loss of fluids, excessive study: Lachesis. loquacious, brilliant eyes; circumscribed red cheeks: Lachnanthes. with increased fever; ulcers on fauces and tonsils: Mercurius bin. and other mental derangements of drunkards: Mercurius viv. violent vertigo, strange gestures, loud improper talk, sleepless: Nux mosch. talking, eyes wide open, face red, puffed up: Opium. thinks another person lies alongside of him, or tlat one limb is double: Petroleum. quiet, with great stupefaction and dulness of the head; unintelligible muttering: Phosphoricum ac. fear of men, often changing with overestimation of oneself: Platina. wild, with distorted countenance: Plumbum. loquacity during the heat; afterwards forgetful of what has passed: Podophyllum. low, mild, thinks he is roaming over fields or hard at work: Rhus tox. during intermittents: Sabadilla. without fever: Sambucus. quiet wandering: Secale. shy, hides himself; tries to escape; conscious of her condition; full of fears; talks incessantly, absurdly, laughs, claps hands over her head, wide open eyes; great sexual excitement during the night: Stramonium. 246 REPERTORY OF MENTAL SYMPTOMS. Delirium, mild, with great excitement and trembling: Valeriana. heavy soporous sleep: restless, thirsty, cramps in the legs, cold sweat, tingling; irregular pulse; cerebrospinal meningitis: Veratrum alb. constant muttering to himself: Taraxacum. DELIRIUM TREMENS. Worse after sleep; cannot bear pressure of the neckcloth; loquacious: Lachesis. With oversensitiveness, nervous excitability and malicious vehemence: Nux vom. Slowness of the senses, imagining fancies, awakens and knows not where he is, laughter, with stupid expression: Nux m6sch. With dulness of the senses, and at intervals sopor, with snoring; in old emaciated persons; sees animals; affrighted expression of face: Opium. delirious talk about fire, rats, mice and murder: Calcarea carb. Unsteady running about; imagines he is not at home, with trembling hands; small, frequent pulse: Coffea. With clonic spasms; averse to light and company; visions as if persecuted: Hyoscyamus. DESIRES. To be alone (Ignatia); she is sad, reflective; avoids conversation, taciturn: Carbo an. To be let alone, irritable, sensitive: Gelsemium. conversation is unpleasant: Helonias. For solitude (Ledum), to wander from place to place: Actaea rac. To escape or hide herself: Belladonna. Full of, but knows not for what: Ipecacuanha. Solitude (Ledum, Actaea rac.), disinclined to talk: Magnesia mur. Irresistible, to sing: Marum ver. (Crocus). To talk about one's condition with anxious reflections about it: Nux vom. DESPAIRS of recovery; thinks he will die, especially after typhus, better after nosebleed: Psorinum. REPERTORY OF MENTAL SYMPTOMS. 247 Despairs about his position in society; feels very unlucky; of her salvation; with suppressed catamenia: Veratrum alb. DISGUST at his own sweat: Cimex. for the business of the day on waking early in the morning: Phytolacca. up to nausea about any effluvia arising from his own body: Sulphur. at everything, silent mood: Pulsatilla. Disgusting actions: Mercurius sol. DISLIKES PEOPLE. Hates people, repels every one: Aloes. Involuntary aversion to certain persons: Ammonium mur. Unsociable: Anacardium. Mistrust and shunning of man; despises others: Cicuta. Inclined to reproach and vex others: China. Dissatisfied, hates his fellow-men: Ledum. DOMESTIC AFFAIRS. From giving directions in her domestic affairs, great palpitation of the heart and anxiety: Stannum. In early morning depressed and full of cares about domestic affairs: Pulsatilla. Sadness about one's health and her domestic affairs: Sepia. ECSTASY, full of ideas; quick to act, no sleep on this account Coffea. Energy, loss of: Nux vom. Excitable: Phosphorus. after abuse of Mercurius: Nitri ac. Excited, inclined to be, and angry: Nux vom. Enraged, he becomes, when comforted: Natrum mur. Eclampsia, a noise or shock shortens the attack: Helleborus. Expression, silly: Hyoscyamus. Envy: Pulsatilla. Early morning, full of cares about her domestic affairs: Pulsatilla. Epileptic idiocy: Tabacum. Events, past, trouble her: Platina. 248 REPERTORY OF MENTAL SYMPTOMS. Exist, feels as if she could not, any longer: Thuya. Exaltation and melancholy, alternate: Stramonium. Evening, indisposed to everything in the: Sulphur. Epilepsy, after fright: Stramonium. from disappointed love: Hyoscyamus. FANCIES so vivid they unfit for mental labor: Mephitis. Faults of others, disposed to talk about: Veratrum alb. Fidgety: Sepia. Forgetful: Zingiber. Fiery, excited temperament: Nux vom. Foreign tongue, speaks in a; typhus: Stramonium. Feels at night as if he was going crazy: Eupatorium perf. FEAR, FRIGHT, ANGER, EMOTIONS-EFFECTS OF. Fear, fright, after, afraid in dark; with vexation or anger, heat, congestions, threatened abortion: Aconitum. (See Actma rac.) after, threatened abortion: Actea rac. (See Aconitum.) ailments from, or anger: Arnica. (See Aconitum). followed by convulsions: Hyoscyamus. after, epilepsy: Stramonium. consequences of: Hypericum, Pulsatilla. after, liver complaints: Lycopodium. after, the fear of the fright still remaining: Opium. mental disturbances after: Platina. after, St. Vitus' dance, epilepsy, mania, melancholy: Stramonium. hysteric paroxysms: Sabadilla. followed by suffocative attacks, with bluish, bloated face; easily frightened, trembling anxiety and restlessness: Sambucus. anxiety, coldness, fainting, involuntary diarrhoea: Veratrum alb. (See Gelsemium, Aconitum, Opium, also Colocynthis.) Anger, ailments from; child has spells of rage: Aconitum. suffering following: Alumina. from it, cough and stitches in the chest, easily angered: Argentum nit. REPERTORY OF MENTAL SYMPTOMS. 249 Anger, ailments from, also fright: Arnica. bad effects of violence and: Bryonia. bad effects of vexation: Cistus. with indignation, bad effects therefrom, particularly vomiting and diarrhcea: Colocynthis. followed by quiet grief or sorrow: Ignatia. ailments from, mortification, or vexation, with indignation: Ipecacuanha. ailments from, or shame: Opium. ailments from, with fright: Petroleum. mental disturbances from; after, alternate laughing and weeping, with great anguish and fear of death: Platina. Emotions, aggravation from mental; mind affected by business failures: Actzea rac. after, fever with red cheeks: Capsicum. pains worse by mental exertion or by: Colchicum..ailments from: Kreosotum. (See Psorinum.) after slight, difficult breathing: Pulsatilla. Grief, ailments fror~: Aurum met., Calcarea phos., Graphites, Ignatia, Phosphoricum ac., Platina. ailments from, mortification, bad news or suppressed mental suffering: Ignatia. Disappointed love, ailments from: Act-ea rac., Aurum met., Calcarea phos., Ignatia, Phosphoricum ac. followed by epilepsy: Hyoscyamus. ailments from, particularly with drowsiness, night-sweats towards morning, emaciation: Phosphoricum ac. Unfortunate love, with rage and incoherent speech: Hyoscyamus. Homesickness, ailments from: Capsicum, Phosphoricum ac. Excessive joy, ailments from: Coffea. Bad or exciting news, ailments from: Gelsemium. Bad news: Ignatia. Mortification, ill effects of: Ignatia, Ipecacuanha, Pulsatilla. Injured pride or honor, consequences of: Veratrum alb. Vexation, bad effects of: Ipecacuanha, Petroleum. FEAR AND DREAD. Fear of ghosts (Carbo veg.); loss of reason (Cannabis ind., Cal 250 REPERTORY OF MENTAL SYMPTOMS. carea carb.); apprehension of the future, of approaching death; predicts the day; afraid of a crowd or of crossing busy streets: Aconitum. Fear of death, thinks she is going to die: Actaea rac. of approaching death; low-spirited: Agnus cast. of apoplexy, particularly with palpitation of the heart: Argentum met. disease may result seriously (Cactus); easily frightened, weeping mood: Argentum nit. even the possibility of being touched: Arnica. to be left alone, lest he do himself bodily harm: Arsenicum. of death, believes the disease incurable: Cactus. (See Argentum nit.) to be alone, especially at night: Camphora. in the dark: Carbo an. of ghosts, nightly: Carbo veg. (Aconitum.) long spell of sickness, before dying, in old men: Cicuta. being alone, but disinclined to meet otherwise agreeable company: Clematis. of death: Coffea. (See Aconitum, Actgea rac., Agnus cast., Alumina, Apis, Arsenicum, Cactus, Gelsemium, Glonoinum, Kali carb., Lachesis, Ledum, Phytolacca, Secale.) full of, paroxysms of anxiety: Cuprum. of death: Gelsemium. throat feels swollen; chest as if screwed together; apprehensive of approaching death; she may have been poisoned: Glonoinum. full of, in the morning: Graphites. being left alone; being poisoned (Glonoinum) or bitten; being poisoned or sold: Hyoscyamus. of evil, with overcarefulness; shunning when any one comes near, particularly the physician (this is not in gout): Iodium. of approaching illness: Iris. being alone, fears she will die: Kali carb. and anxiety about imaginary evils: Laurocerasus. to go to sleep lest she die; after nightmare: Ledum. REPERTORY OF MENTAL SYMPTOMS. 251 Fears of insanity: Lilium tig. as if something were creeping out of every corner: Phosphorus. great, is sure she will die: Phytolacca. she will be poisoned: Rhus tox., Glonoinum, Hyoscyamus. of death: Secale. of pointed things, as pins; easily irritated or offended: Spigelia. of future; tired of life: Spongia. especially in the evening in the dark, palpitation, trembling: Valeriana. Fearfulness; starts; with running about and shouting: Veratrum alb. Easily frightened: Sabadilla. DREAD of death, with thoughts of suicide: Alumina. of being alone, lest she should be nervous: Antimonium tart. of death: Apis. when alone, or going to bed: Arsenicum. of men, of strangers; imagines she is being laughed at or criticised, hence so fearful she will not look up: Baryta carb. of downward motion: Borax. and shuddering as evening draws near: Calcarea carb. of dogs and other animals at night: China. of death, fears to go to bed: Lachesis. (See Arsenicum.) of men (Baryta carb.); wants to be alone; or dread of solitude, with irritability and melancholy: Lycopodium. of men: Pulsatilla, Baryta carb., Lycopodium. being alone: Sepia, Tartaricum emet., Arsenicum, Camphora, Clematis, Hyoscyamus, Kali carb., Lycopodium. GLOOMY: Sarsaparilla. feels as if she would die: Silicea. Gesticulates lively: Hyoscyamus. Greedy: Sepia. Grasping of hand towards nose, ears, etc.: Stramonium. Gastric symptoms from cerebral irritation: Tabacum. 252 REPERTORY OF MENTAL SYMPTOMS. HALLUCINATIONS. Distorted images, grimaces, diabolical faces crowd upon his fancy: Ambra. Imagines he hears the voices of mother and sister, who are far away: Anacardium. (See Chamomilla.) he is hovering in the air like a spirit, when walking in the open air: Asarum. he sees ghosts, hideous faces (Ambra) and various insects: Belladonna. In evening when alone, felt as if she would see somebody if she turned around; as if some one were back of her; expects to see something jump around the floor: Bromium. Body feels scattered about, tosses about to get the pieces together; cannot sleep because she cannot get the pieces together: Baptisia. Hallucinations and imaginations innumerable; constant fear of going crazy (Aconitum, Calcarea carb.); clairvoyance, imagines he hearsmusic, numerous bells; sudden transition from one fantasia, when completed, to another; the general character may remain unchanged; after visions of great sublimity usually follow visions of quiet, relaxing and recreating nature: Cannabis ind. Feels as if he were in a strange place: Cicuta. Imagines hears voices of absent persons at night: Chamomilla. (See Anacardium.) As if frightened, jumps out of bed, sees imaginary objects, screams, trembles, talks hurried, anxious; evening and before midnight: Cina. Stupid, or illusions of the imagination and senses; sees persons who are not and have not been present. Thinks he is in the wrong place: Hyoscyamus. Sees spectres, spirits, delirium: Hypericum. Thinks she is dead, and that preparations are being made for her funeral; or thinks himself pursued by enemies, or fears the medicine is poison: Lachesis. While dozing through the day, sees images: Lachnanthes. REPERTORY OF MENTAL SYMPTOMS. 253 Vivid imagination, exaltation of mind; imagines parts of the body very large; thinks she is not at home: Opium. Everything seems strange and horrible to her; she thinks all persons are demons; illusions; everything around her is very small and everybody inferior to her in mind and body: Platina. Fancies a naked man is wrapped in her bedclothes; dreams of men: Pulsatilla. Imagines himself sick, parts are shrunken: Sabadilla. Sees images when shutting the eyes: Sambucus. Hallucinations which terrify the patient; sees ghosts, hears voices back of his ear; sees strangers or imagines animals are jumping sidewise out of the ground, or running at him; strange, absurd ideas, thinks herself tall; double or lying crosswise; one half of body cut off, etc.; says he converses with spirits; prays fervently; sermonizes: Stramonium. Foolish happiness and pride, thinks himself in possession of beautiful things; even rags seem beautiful (also when recovering from spasms): Sulphur. Fixed ideas; as if a stranger were at his side; as if soul and body were separated; as if made of glass; as if a living animal were in the abdomen: Thuya. Erroneous ideas; thinks she is some one else; moves to edge of bed to make room; imagines animals are lying near her, which she fears she may hurt; during typhoid fever: Valeriana. Thinks himself distinguished; squanders his money: Veratrum alb. Honest, thinks he is not: Stramonium. HYDROPHOBIA; water, a mirror or anything bright excites convulsions, screams, bites; mouth dry, pupils large, unconscious: Stramonium. Haughtiness: Platina. Head, crazy feeling on top of: Lilium tig. wild feeling in, with confusion of ideas: Lilium tig. 254 REPERTORY OF MENTAL SYMPTOMS. Heat, any lively impression followed by, as if immersed in hot water: Phosphorus. alternating with chilliness: Nux vom. Hydrocephalus, frequent screams in: Helleborus. Hateful: Natrum mur. Howls: Ipecacuanha. Hypochondriacal, with gastric symptoms, pressure in the spine and fear of death: Zincum. Health, sadness about one's and domestic affairs: Sepia. Homesickness: Eupatorium purp., Helleborus, Mercurius. with red cheeks and sleeplessness; with hot feeling in the fauces: Capsicum'. ailments from, or contrition of spirits: Clematis. with inclination to weep: Phosphoricum ac. Hurry, impulsive, must walk fast; frequent attacks of anxiety: Argentum nit. must do everything in a: Sulphuricum ac. Hurried manner; desire to do something, and yet feels no ambition: Lilium tig. with ill humor; talks hastily: Thuya. Hurriedness, with anxiety: Natrum mur. Hypochondriacal: Cactus, Hepar s. c., Sabina. ill-humored, worse in cloudy weather: Aloes. mood in afternoon, dejected and desponding, with foolish clumsy actions: Anacardium. anxiety: Arnica. depression and indifference when walking in open air: Conium. inert mood, takes no interest in surrounding objects: Euphrasia. with low spirits and weeping: Mezereum. tired of life: Natrum mur. persons of sedentary habits, also those who dissipate at night, with abdominal sufferings and constipation: Nux vom. apathetic, with weak memory, caused by unmerited insults, sexual excesses, or by persistently dwelling on sexual subjects: Staphisagria. REPERTORY OF MENTAL SYMPTOMS. 255 Hypochondriacal through the day, merry evenings: Sulphur. anxiety or trembling excitability: Valeriana. with gastric symptoms; pressure in the spine and fear of death: Zincum. Absorbed in deep thought, seeks solitude, thinks about his future: Cyclamen. HYSTERIA. Hysterical restlessness and anxiety: Asafoetida. alternation of laughing and weeping: Phosphorus. inclined to weep without knowing why: Viola od. Hysteria in women of dark complexion during change of life: Phosphoricum ac. overexcitable, changeable disposition and ideas: Valeriana. Proneness to laugh immoderately, with a choking sensation in throat, as if swollen inside, nervous hysterical feeling: Ferrum. Singing followed by weeping and loud screaming, with gasping for breath: Hypericum. Changeable disposition, jesting and laughing, changing to sadness with shedding of tears, taciturn: Ignatia. INTELLECT beclouded, although he gives correct answers: Colchicum. intellectual power increased: Hypericum. weakness of: Mercurius corr. Injure, tries to, those about him: Hyoscyamus. Imbecility; does foolish, mischievous, disgusting actions: Mercurius. (See Hyoscyamus.) of will, as though annihilated: Opium. Immersed in hot water, feeling as if, after lively impressions: Phosphorus. Idiotic: Tabacum. Insane women will not be touched or approached: Thuya. Inert, listless, don't want to sit still: Lilium tig. Impudent behaviour in childbed: Veratrum alb. Indisposed to everything, work, talking or motion, evenings: Sulphur. Inclined to dwell on unpleasant things: Benzoicum ac. 256 REPERTORY OF MENTAL SYMPTOMS. Likes to dwell on past unpleasant occurrences: Natrum mur. Ideas, flow slow: Carbo veg. slow train of, and projects crowd on his mind, especially in the evening; fixed that he is unhappy; persecuted by enemies: China. full of erroneous, one follows the other quickly: Cuprum. not clear, become more so if he exerts his will; makes mistakes in speaking or writing, cannot apply the mind steadily: Lilium tig. heavy flow of; inability for mental activity: Sepia. cannot get rid of an idea once fixed in her mind: Stannum. lascivious: Caladium. erotic: Hypericum. confusion of: Lilium tig. cannot fix: Helleborus. confounding: Kreosotum. Indifferent: Silicea. Identity, confused consciousness of his: Alumina. Irritability: Sanguinaria,.Opium. Indifference, taciturn, takes no interest in household matters, suspicious: Act@ea rac. (See Sepia.) though naturally very solicitous: Agaricus. and insensible to pleasant or unpleasant circumstances: Anacardium. to occupation, loses all inclination for work; melancholy, believes he is despised by his own family, believes all his undertakings will fail: Argentum nit. (See Rhododendron.) hopelessness: Arnica. and pensiveness, with disinclination to speak: Berberis. heard everything without feeling pleasantly or unpleasantly, and without thinking of it: Carbo veg. apathy: China, Secale. complete: Conium, Helleborus, Viola, Platina. feeling of, towards those he loves best; becomes interested and converses pleasantly with strangers: Fluoricum ac. or low-spirited after the least annoyance: Kali bich. REPERTORY OF MENTAL SYMPTOMS. 257 Indifference, taciturn: Lycopodium. to everything and everybody: Mezereum. joyless, taciturn: Natrum mur. great, answers no questions or replies wrongly; even towards his own children: Phosphorus. and unwillingness to speak: Phosphoricum ac. to life, to exposure of person (Hyoscyamus); complete shamelessness: Phytolacca. great, with aversion to all occupation: Rhododendron (Argentum nit.). to his surroundings, with complete insensibility and great dulness: Selenium. to one's own family (Phosphorus) to those they love best: Sepia. low-spirited, dulness of mind; after onanism: Staphisagria. Indignation about things done by others or by himself; grieves about the consequences: Staphisagria. ailments from, with vexation or reserved displeasure: Staphisagria. IRRESOLUTE, PUSILLANIMOUS. Feels as though he had two wills, one commanding what to do, the other forbids: Anacardium. Unsteady and fickle, cannot persevere in anything; wants now one thing, then another, walks hither and thither: Asafcetida. Has no confidence in herself, thinks others have none, this makes her unhappy: Aurum met. Irresolute, constant changing of mind; loss of self-confidence, desponding, pusillanimous: Baryta carb. Unstable-minded; begins now this thing, then that; holds but a short time to any one thing: Bismuthum. Idleness through the afternoon, does not really get to work; changes from one work to another, from one room to another, without keeping at any subject: Borax. Vacillating, cannot accomplish anything at her work, or finish anything; contracted pupils: Cocculus. 17 258 REPERTORY OF MENTAL SYMPTOMS. Indisposed to exertion of any kind: Colchicum. Hesitates at trifles, timidity: Graphites. Everything becomes irksome: Mancinella. Ir esolute: Mezereum, Nux mosch., Baryta carb. Cannot muster sufficient courage to do anything: Stannum. Want of self-confidence, hysteria: Theridion. IRRITABILITY, PEEVISH, ETC. Irritability: Graphites, Hamamelis, Kreosotum, Phytolacca. of temper, extreme, with abdominal complaints: Aceticum ac. peevish, malicious, or sad, desponding: Aconitum. least thing that goes wrong makes her angry: Actaea rac. especially in the forenoon and open air: AEthusa. or bad humor, mostly mornings: Ammonium mur. extreme, passionate and contradictory: Anacardium. lassitude, low spirits: Arum. ill humor: Asafoetida. wishes to be alone; inclined to fright, fear and vexation obstinate, passionate: Bryonia. without cause: Calcarea carb. excitable and inclined to anger: Carbo veg. mood: Causticum. impatient: Chamomilla. ill-humored: Chelidonium. taciturn, does not want to go out: Clematis. ill-humored, surly, not satisfied with anything: Colchicum. extreme, nothing seems right to him; extremely impatient; every word provokes him: Colocynthis. ill-humored, 5 to 6 P.M.: Conium. morose: Cyclamen. a trifle will disturb: Drosera, Graphites, Hamamelis, Kreosotum, Phytolacca. worse from consolation, does not want to be disturbed: Helleborus. cannot bear the least contradiction or receive any suggestions in relation to any subject: Helonias. disposed to be spiteful: Hydrastis. inclined to speak sharply; slept badly, languid on waking: Hypericum. REPERTORY OF MENTAL SYMPTOMS. 259 Irritability and sensitiveness: Iodium. noise is disagreeable; easily startled especially if touched: Kali carb. ill-humored, vexed over trifles: Manganum acet. at and after dinner, with pressure in forehead: Marum ver. quarrelsome, taciturn or indifferent: Mercurius. disposed to anger and chagrin: Muriaticum ac. excitable: Natrum carb. worse mornings: Natrum sulph. out of humor: Nitrum. Smorose, sullen, apt to be quarrelsome if disturbed: Nux vom. excited, with inclination to be angry and scold; anxious and irresolute: Petroleum. of mind and body; prostrated from the least unpleasant impression: Phosphofus. peevish, passionate, noisy; nervous, easily startled; restless, hands tremble: Psorinum. disinclined to mental exertion: Rumex. of temper, great; hysteria: Sabina. impatient or changeable: Sarsaparilla. great, changing with indifference: Sepia. quick-tempered, easily irritated, but quickly penitent: Sulphur. restless, mental excitability, ill humor, fretful: Sulphuricum ac. great depression of spirits: Ustilago. chilly, also during the menses: Zingiber. Peevish: Aconitum, Alumina, Calcarea carb., Carbo veg., Causticum, Chamomilla, Cyclamen, Capsicum, Kali carb., Kreosotum, Lachesis, Manganum ac., Muriaticum ac., Psorinum, Staphisagria, Sulphur. irritable, malicious, or sad, desponding: Aconitum. whining, with heat of the earlobes: Alumina. and obstinate: Calcarea carb. wrathful: Carbo veg. irritable mood: Causticum. angry, easily offended: Capsicum. 260 REPERTORY OF MENTAL SYMPTOMS. Peevish, irritable, noise is disagreeable, easily startled, especially if touched: Kali carb. or morose: Cyclamen. nothing pleases: Chamomilla. ill temper: Kreosotum. disposed to be morose or to quarrel: Lachesis. silent, reserved: Manganum acet. disposed to anger and chagrin: Muriaticum ac. passionate, noisy; nervous, easily startled; restless, hands tremble: Psorinum. fretful, with excessive ill humor: Staphisagria. irritable, quick-tempered: Sulphur. Obstinate: Spongia. and passionate: Bryonia. and peevishness: Calcarea carb., Kreosotum. great, dislikes to have any one near: Sulphur. Anger, with habitual malicious spiteful disposition; after anger, chilliness, alternating with heat, vomiting of bile and thirst. Great laziness and aversion to occupy oneself: Nux vom. gets angered at trifles; hateful, vindictive; becomes angered when trying to comfort him: Natrum mur. easily angered, excitable and vehement, from which he. afterwards suffers: Phosphorus. when crossed has to restrain himself to keep from doing violence: Silicea. cannot bear contradiction, becomes enraged: Oleander. quarrelsome: Ranunculus bulb. from the least thing that goes wrong: Actaea rac. "bad humor, mostly mornings: Ammonium mur. inclined to: Carbo veg. easily vexed: Graphites. vexed over trifles: Manganum acet. at trifles, overexcited, dissatisfied, quarrelsome: Thuya. disposed to, and chagrin: Muriaticum ac. inclined to be, and scold: Petroleum. easily offended: Capsicum, Helonias, Iris. least contradiction angers, excitable, pettish: Ferrum. REPERTORY OF MENTAL SYMPTOMS. 261 Anger, in suddenly appearing spells, irascible, restless: Ipecacuanha. inclined to be, and out of humor; vehement: Ledum. vehement, headstrong: Lycopodium. about trifles and imaginary things: Mephitis. at trifles, soon sorrow: Mezereum. Fretful: Graphites, Staphisagria, Belladonna, Borax, Cantharis. peevishness, with excessive ill humor: Staphisagria. nothing seemed right, vexed with himself: Belladonna. ill humor before the easy stool, in afternoon after it lively, content and looking cheerfully into the future: Borax. whining and complaining, anxious restlessness, worse motion, better quiet: Cantharides. Ill humor: Ammonium mur., Asafoetida, Bovista, Chelidonium, Colchicum, Conium, Graphites, Kreosotum, Manganum acet., Mercurius bin., Nitrum, Staphisagria, Borax, Ipecacuanha. vexed over trifles: Manganum acet. despises everything: Ipecacuanha. Surly, dissatisfied with his condition, complains: Bismuthum. ill-humored, not satisfied with anything: Colchicum. Distrust: Drosera. JEALOUSY: Apis, Hyoscyamus, Lachesis, Ignatia. Jaw hangs down, hands and feet twitch, eyes roll, spasms: Stramonium. Kisses everybody before the menses: Veratrum alb. LAZINESS, averse to occupying oneself: Nux vom. tiredness, with deep-seated inward trouble: Sabina. Lamenting: Helleborus. Listless, inert, yet does not want to sit still: Lilium tig. Lascivious ideas: Caladium. fancies day and night: Digitalis. mania, uncovers body, especially sexual parts, sings amorous songs: Hyoscyamus. (See Phytolacca.) erotic ideas; brain excited, as after tea: Hypericum. amativeness: Phosphorus. 262 REPERTORY OF MENTAL SYMPTOMS. Loquacity, great, convulsive motions of facial and cervical muscles, mostly right side, drawing head down to the shoulders; merry, incoherent talk; followed by malaise: Agaricus. she is excited; talking fatigues her; was unable to sleep at night: Ambra. brilliant eyes, shooting through the temples and nasal sinuses: fever: Gelsemium. bright, great flow of ideas: Glonoinum. indistinct muttering: Hyoscyamus. talkative, disposed to jest: Kali hydr. with mocking jealousy, frightful images, satirical; talks, sings, whistles, makes odd motions: Lachesis. afterwards stupid and irritable: Lachnanthes. with great mental excitement: Marum ver. talkative, as if drunk; excited, with heat in the head: Mephitis. mania, silly conduct: Paris. great talkativeness when excited: Selenium. talks all the time, sings, makes verses: Stramonium. inclined to talk, laugh and be merry: Taraxacum. talkative, inclined to mental exertion; hilarity: Theridion. talks rapidly: Veratrum alb. Lose themselves, well-known streets seem strange, way home too long; forgets on which side she lives: Glonoine. surroundings seem changed; fanciful dreamy images; does not recognize the known streets: Nux mosch. did not know where she was in the street: Petroleum. MANIA, following disappearance of neuralgia: Actaea rac. at one time merry, again would spit at and bite (Cuprum) at those around; instead of eating, bit the wooden spoon in two, gnawed the plate and growled and barked like a dog: Belladonna (Cantharides). with biting and beating, tearing things to pieces (Veratrum, Cimex), with anxiety: Cuprum. paroxysms of rage, with crying, barking and beating; renewed by the sight of dazzling, bright objects REPERTORY OF MENTAL SYMPTOMS. 263 (see Stramonium); when touching the larynx when trying to drink water: Cantharides..Mania, aberration of mind, singing, performing the most grotesque dancing steps, shouting, likes childish toys, jumps from bed in a happy, childish state: Cicuta. with great pride; fault-finding; unchaste talk, trembling and clonic spasms; caused by fright and anger:.Platina. from suppressed menses: Pulsatilla. rage, quieted only when washing the head in cold water: Sabadilla. with inclination to bite (Belladonna, Cuprum); with inclination to drown one's self: Secale. for light and company (opp. Cantharides); cannot bear to be alone, runs about; rage; or proud, haughty (Platinum), or merry exaltation: Stramonium. with desire to cut and tear (Cuprum, Cimex), especially the clothes, with lewdness and lascivious talk: Veratrum alb. religious, prays all the time: Aurum met. sees the devil coming to take her; the world on fire during the night; fear, rage (Stramonium) in spells or weeping; forgetful during lucid moments: Pulsatilla. puerperal; silent, suspicious; will not see her physician, seems to terrify her; fears being poisoned (Hyoscyamus), sleepless, can hardly be kept in her bedroom: Veratrum vir. very much vexed, would like to tear everything to pieces: Cimex (Cuprum, Veratrum alb.). after fright: Stramonium. Music causes weeping and trembling of the feet: Thuya. is intolerable to her: Sabina. Affected by playing on piano for short time, with painful anxiety in the chest, trembling of the body, and weariness, must lie down: Natrum carb. Muscles do not act properly if the will is not strongly fixed upon their action; as when spoken to, the attention being diverted, lets things drop: Helleborus. 264 REPERTORY OF MENTAL SYMPTOMS. Moanings: Helleborus. Meningitis, frequent screams in: Helleborus. Morose: Nux vom. with inclination to work: Sarsaparilla. with nausea, cannot bear a person to walk in room: Sanguinaria. Mirth, excessive, with irresistible desire to sing: Spongia (Crocus). Mercury, nervous, excitable after abuse of: Nitri ac. Menses: kisses everybody before the: Veratrum alb. Mirror or anything bright excites convulsions: Stramonium. Miserly: Sepia. Mind, disturbed state of, also with religious taciturnity; haughty; voluptuous, cruel: Platina. overactive: Phosphorus. Mental symptoms appear after physical symptoms disappear, and vice versa: Platina. Maliciousness: Natrum carb., Nux vom. Mischievous, does foolish, disgusting actions: Mercurius. Mind power over body diminished: Helleborus. Mental excitement: Tartaricus emet., Camphora. symptoms worse in morning when awaking: Alumina. restlessness, but too lifeless to move: Baptisia. and bodily weakness, great; childishness, old people: Baryta. torpor, dull and stupid: Cicuta. MEMORY. Memory, weakness of: Aconitum, Ailanthus, Ambra, Anacardium, Apis, Argentum nit., Arsenicum, Aurum met., Baryta carb., Belladonna, Berberis, Camphora, Colchicum, Causticum, Conium, Euphrasia, Helleborus, Hepar s. c., Kreosotum, Lachesis, Laurocerasus, Lycopodium, Mercurius, Nitri ac.,Nux mosch., Nux vom., Oleander, Phosphoricum ac., Psorinum, Rhus, Sepia, Spigelia, Staphisagria, Stramonium, Sulphur, Viola od., Zincum. weakness of, cannot remember dates: Aconitum. (See Lithium carb., Fluoricum ac.) REPERTORY OF MENTAL SYMPTOMS. 265 Memory, weakness of, particularly for single names, mornings: Anacardium, Sulphur, Lithium carb. frequently cannot find the right word; hence falters in speech; lies with closed eyes, shunning light and conversation: Argentum nit. child cannot be taught, it cannot remember, is inattentive: Baryta carb. (See Oleander.) forgets in a moment what he was about to do: Belladonna. (See Chelidonium, Rhus tox.) with irritability: Hepar s. c. makes mistakes in orthography: Lachesis. difficult to remember names: Lithium carb., Aconitum. confused thoughts, mixes up letters and syllables or omits parts of words in writing: Lycopodium. vanishing thought: Mancinella. mind obtuse, drowsy; Mercurius. averse to mental exertion: Nitri ac. (See Spigelia.) manner shy and awkward: Nux vom. does not even know his room: Psorinum. disinclined to mental work: Spigelia. (See Nitri ac.) heavy weight between the eyes: Staphisagria. loses thoughts before she can give them utterance; weeps about her weak mind; also after sunstroke: Stramonium. particularly for names: Sulphur. (See Anacardium, Guaiacum.) or increased mental activity, easy comprehension; the intellect predominates over the emotions: Viola od. with stinging pains in the head: Zincum. Absence of mind: Aconitum, Agnus, Ammonium carb., Arnica, Arum, Belladonna, Bovista, Cannabis ind., Chelidonium, Causticum, Ignatia, Kali carb., Lycopodium, Oleander, Rhus tox., Stannum. memory weak; can't remember dates: Aconitum. reduced power of insight: Agnus. makes mistakes in writing and speaking: Ammonium carb. 266 REPERTORY OF MENTAL SYMPTOMS. Absence of mind; thoughts wander from their object and dwell on images and fancies: Arnica. giddy: Arum triph. forgetful: Belladonna. difficult to fix the attention: Bovista. horror of darkness, fears death: Cannabis ind. great, forgets what he wants to do or has done: Chelidonium. thinks he is in two places at the same time: Lycopodium. want of attention: Oleander. (See Baryta carb.) forgetful, difficult comprehension, cannot remember the most recent events: Rhus tox. (See Chelidonium, Belladonna, Calcarea phos.) Forgetful: Ammonium carb., Arnica, Arum, Baryta carb., Belladonna, Caladium, Calcarea phos., Cantharides, Fluoricum ac., Graphites, Guaiacum, Hamamelis, Hydrastis, Kreosotum, Rhus tox., Selenium, Stannum, Tabacum, Zingiber. makes mistakes in writing and speaking: Ammonium carb. what he reads quickly escapes his memory, even the words he is about speaking: Arnica. (See Hydrastis.) in the middle of speech the most familiar words fail him: Baryta carb. of what he has done a short time ago: Calcarea phos. (See Belladonna, Chelidonium, Rhus tox., Graphites.) in his daily employment, of dates: Fluoricum ac. (See Aconitum.) dim recollection of recent events, Graphites. (See Belladonna, Chelidonium, Calcarea phos., Rhus tox.) especially of names: Guaiacum. (See Anacardium, Sulphur, Lithium carb.) cannot remember what he is reading or talking about: Hydrastis. (See Arnica.) feels constantly as if she had forgotten something: lodium. difficult comprehension, cannot remember the most recent events: Rhus tox. (See Belladonna, Calcarea phos., Chelidonium, Graphites.) REPERTORY OF MENTAL SYMPTOMS. 267 Forgetful, especially in business, during slumber, however, he remembers all he had forgotten: Selenium. slow perception: Tabacum. Recollection difficult: Anacardium. defective: Berberis. inability to recall any thought or event on account of different thoughts crowding on his brain: Cannabis ind. on attempting to write something down, cannot on account of loss of recollection: Crocus. of events dim: Graphites. MOOD. Low-spirited: Aceticum ac., /Esculus hipp., Ailanthus, Alumina, Bromium, Cantharides, Carbo an., China, Ferrum, Gelsemium, lodium, Iris, Viola, Kali bich., Lilium tig., Manganum acet., Mercurius bin., Platina, Plumbum, Podophyllum, Rhus tox., Rumex, Veratrum vir., Sulphur. and dull: Aceticum ac. and out of humor: Bromium. says must die: Cantharides. gloomy, no desire to live: China. after the menses: Ferrum. anxiety following a somewhat cheerful, careless mood: Gelsemium. about domestic affairs: Viola. can hardly keep from crying: Lilium tig. disposed to cry: Mercurius bin. inclined to shed tears, worse in the evening; weeps with the pains: Platina. especially with the colic: Plumbum. in gastric affections: Podophyllum. with prostration; inclination to weep, especially in the evening: Rhus tox. with serious expression of the face, with suicidal mood: Rumex. at noon, lively in the evening or vice versa: Sulphur. trifling things seem insurmountable: Alumina. 268 REPERTORY OF MENTAL SYMPTOMS. Melancholy: Asarum, Aurum, Calcarea carb., Capsicum, Carbo an., Causticum, Cepa, Cyclamen, Helleborus, Hypericum, Iodium, Millefolium, Nitrum, Phosphorus, Phytolacca, Plumbum, Psorinum, Ruta, Sabadilla, Stramonium, Sulphur, Sabina, Silicea, Tabacum. irritability: Asarum. disposed to weep; imagines he is unfit for this world, that he never can succeed: Aurum met. with depression and tearfulness: Calcarea carb. and hypochondriasis: Capsicum. alternating with cheerfulness: Carbo an. hopeless: Causticum. inclined to cry: Cyclamen. silent, during puberty, with anguish: Helleborus. sadness: Millefolium. anxiety, better from weeping: Tabacum. ennui, weeping mood: Nitrum. sheds tears, or with attacks of involuntary laughter: Phosphorus. desponding, tired of life: Silicea. quiet mood: Plumbum. (See Muriaticum ac.) religious: Psorinum. towards evening: Ruta. from deep-seated abdominal irritation: Sabadilla. fear of death, weeps all the time: Stramonium. dwelling on religious or philosophical speculations; anxiety about his soul's salvation; indifference about lot of others: Sulphur. after fright: Stramonium. Taciturn: Nitri ac., Ipecacuanha. unwilling to speak a word or to answer: Cactus. gloomy: Phosphorus. indolent: Rheum. introverted and quiet: Muriaticum ac. distant: Causticum. wrapped in thought: Ipecacuanha. Depression: Bromium, Bryonia, Calcarea carb., Caladium, Dul REPERTORY OF MENTAL SYMPTOMS. 269 camara, Ferrum, Fluoricum ac., Gelsemium, Hamamelis, Lilium tig., Podophyllum, Veratrum vir., Natrum sulph. Depression of spirits, great: Bromium. great, and very morose mood without cause: Bryonia. melancholy, tearful: Calcarea carb. before the menses: Ferrum. of mind, great: Fluoricum ac. of spirits, anxiety following a somewhat cheerful, careless mood: Gelsemium. joyless, disinclined to talk or see friends: Colocynthis. of mind, also after emissions, with regretful mind: Hamamelis. dulness of intellect and thirst always precede the severe symptoms: Lilium tig. of spirits great, especially with colic: Plumbum. imagines he is going to die or be very ill: Podophyllum. of spirits: Veratrum vir., Natrum carb. Sitting quiet, sad and silent, with anxious care about the future: Muriaticum ac. Not inclined to talk much: Rheum. Involuntary sighing: Ailanthus, Calcarea phos. Morose: Belladonna, Rheum. Sadness: Agnus, Ambra, Anacardium, Argentum nit., Ethusa, Baryta carb., Bovista, Cactus, Colchicum, Cyclamen, Graphites, Guaiacum, Hepar s. c., Ignatia, Lachesis, Lycopodium, Magnesia carb., Natrum carb., Natrum mur., Nitri ac., Petroleum, Phosphoricum ac. when alone: /Ethusa. despairing: Agnus, Ambra. looks on anxious side of everything: Anatardium. great, woeful mood: Antimonium crud. dejection of spirits, grief over trifles: Baryta carb. depressed and desponding when alone: Bovista. inyincible: Cactus. great, as if he had committed a bad action or not done his duty: Cyclamen. 270 REPERTORY OF MENTAL SYMPTOMS. Sadness, with thoughts of death: Graphites. and depressed: Guaiacum. and anxiety, worse in morning on waking: Lachesis. with indisposition to talk: Magnesia carb. weeping, consolation aggravates, with palpitation and intermittent pulse: Natrum mur. music causes: Natrum sulph. despondency, inclines to weep: Petroleum, Phosphoricum ac. about health and domestic affairs: Sepia. with aversion to men, disinclined to talk: Stannum. Cheerfulness: Coffea. laughs when he should be earnest: Anacardium. wild gayety towards evening: Tartaricum emet. fits of great joy, with occasional bursts of laughter: Asafcetida. full of fun and mischief, laughs immoderately; great exaltation of mind, at times with enthusiastic language: Cannabis ind. in the evening; after pleasant things happened; merry, though head is worse: Mercurius bin. lively, talkative, good-natured: Mercurius prot. merry, loquacious: Tabacum. happy mood after stool: Natrum sulph. laughter, everything seems ludicrous, talked loudly to herself: Nux mosch. takes pleasure in his work: Psorinum. lively in the evening: Ferrum. uncommon buoyancy of mind; fears nothing, and is well satisfied with herself: Fluoricum ac. good-humored: Zingiber. Alternating states, now full of mirth, now disposed to tears: Aconitum. at one time confident, at another timid: Alumina. great merriness, alternating with occasional momentary quiet or gloominess: Asarum. peevishness or cheerfulness: Aurum met. despondency in forenoon, lively in afternoon: Cannahis sat. REPERTORY OF MENTAL SYMPTOMS. 271 Alternating states: cheerful or sad, rarely irritable: Colchicum. ill humor and lively mood, depression and hilarity: Crocus. from 9 to 10 P.M. first extreme excitement of fancy and projective ideas; later, by degrees, becomes dull and does not think at all: Anacardium. joyous feeling, with irritability: Cyclamen. sad, depressed or cheerful and merry: Lycopodium. now laughing, again crying: Nux mosch. despondent and buoyant: Nux vom. cheerful or depressed: Platina. exaltation and melancholy: Stramonium. Despondent: Chelidonium. in forenoon, lively afternoon: Cantharides. in the open air: Kali carb. drowsy, with hepatic derangements: Leptandrin. sobbing like a child: Lobelia infl. and buoyant alternately: Nux vom. with fever: Eupatorium perf. without known cause, debilitated: Sarsaparilla. melancholy, tired of life: Silicea. Very much out of humor: Agaricus. Gloomy, depressed, with feeling of impending trouble, with sensation of coldness: Ammonium carb. Sentimental mood in the moonlight, particularly ecstatic love: Antimonium crud. Apathy, hardness of hearing; happy expression: Apis. Mood irritable, hard to please; nervous; violent, amounting to frenzy: Apis. Ill humor, with disinclination to talk; out of humor in the forenoon; in afternoon copious nosebleed: Argentum met. Reserved, sad, taciturn, with dulness of the head and beating in the whole body: Argentum nit. Sad, tearful, anxious: Arsenicum. Weary of life; especially in the evening longing for death: Aurum met. Very excitable, easily brought to tears, morose and serious: Belladonna. 272 REPERTORY OF MENTAL SYMPTOMS. Insolent and contradictory mood in the afternoon: Cantharides. Morose, everything about him impresses him unpleasantly: Conium. dissatisfied: Croton tig. Changeable, sad, weeping, forlorn, depressed, dejected; much inclined to grief: Graphites. Woeful despairing: Helleborus. Sorrowful, inclined to weep, or longing for death; music and similar emotional causes impel him to weep: Kreosotum. Destructive mood: Mercurius prot. Weeping, gloomy; fears to go to sleep: Nux mosch. Sentimental: Psorinum. Dulness with every headache; worse from bodily exertions; better from cold washing; from mental occupation: Calcarea phos. gloomy, inactive: Helonias. Excited: Iodium, Kreosotum. becomes so, over trifles: Lachnanthes. with pains in pit of stomach: Millefolium. Ill humor: China, Fluoricum ac. sulky, does not want to speak to any one: Antimonium crud. quarrelsome, during exuberant mirth: Belladonna. inclination to indignation and anger: Calcarea phos. easily affronted; every, trifle makes him angry: Cocculus. inclination to scold without being angry: Dulcamara. bad, morose, with disinclination to talk: Viola. angry about trifles: Squilla, Natrum mur., Phosphorus. sudden ebullitions of anger, coupled with cowardice: Baryta carb. Ectasy (Valeriana); fancies; delirium, especially at night: Aconitum. fancies excited; makes verses: Agaricus. (See Stramonium.) Earnestness, great: Ammonium mur. Inattentive and distracted: Causticum. Affectionate disposition, with clear consciousness: Ignatia. REPERTORY OF MENTAL SYMPTOMS. 273 Imperious manner, scolds, commands: Lycopodium. Sighing, depressed, sleepy: Eupatorium purp. Morose: Phytolacca. with inclination to work: Sarsaparilla. nausea, cannot bear a person to walk in the room: Sanguinaria. when alone, longs for company: Mezereum. frequently changes position: Muriaticum ac. with attacks of anxiety, especially during a thunderstorm: Natrum carb. (See Phosphorus, Petroleum.) of the body, evening, unless he exerts himself mentally: Natrum carb. with weeping: Rheum. and anxiety, solicitude about the future: Spigelia. and anxiety, continued: Stannum. talking much, in measles: Viola od. NOISE or shock shortens attack, eclampsia: Helleborus. Nervous, excitable, especially after abuse of mercury: Nitri ac. and irritable: Opium. OVERESTIMATION of oneself: Platinum. Overactive mind: Phosphorus. Offered, does not know whether to take what is, or not: Hyoscyamus. Offended easily; inclined to be vehement: Sepia. Occurrences, likes to dwell on past unpleasant: Natrum mur. PAINS cause mental depression: Sarsaparilla. Picking his lips and clothes constantly: Helleborus. nose: Cina. eyes, nose, lips, until bleed: Arum triph. Plays with his fingers, not picking bedclothes: Hyoscyamus. 'Pride, overestimation of oneself; looking down with haughtiness on others: Platinum. Palpitation and anxiety after giving directions in her domestic affairs: Stannum. Pupils dilated in coma and spasm: Stramonium, Gelsemium. immediately on being reprimanded, in child: Belladonna, Stramonium. 274 REPERTORY OF MENTAL SYMPTOMS. Physical suffering, not the least anxious in midst, in threatened suffocation: Zingiber. symptoms disappear, and mental symptoms appear: Platinum. Pangs of conscience: Stramonium. Praying: Veratrum alb., Pulsatilla. QUARREL, inclination to: Ruta. Quiet: Thuya. RELIGIOUS things, talks much about: Veratrum alb. disturbed state of mind: Platinum. Reading and writing fatigue; cannot bear to think: Silicea. Reprimanded, on being, pupils dilate immediately: Stramonium. Restless: Sepia. but don't want to walk: Lilium tig. Rudeness and contempt, inclined to treat others with: Paris. Raves: Hyoscyamus. Restlessness, with anxiety, agonized tossing about: Aconitum. ebullitions of blood: Aloes. busy, changing kind of work: Apis. anxiety, drives from place to place: Argentum met. cannot find rest any place, changes place continually, wants to go from one bed to another: Arsenicum. wakeful, screaming; delirium part of the time: Arum. cannot control himself after smoking: Caladium. with gloominess and anxiety: Calcarea carb. wishes to be at home, and, when at home, to go out, goes from place to place: Calcarea phos. anxious; 4 to 6 P.M.: Carbo veg. sorrowful mood: Crocus. tossing about: Cuprum. quarrelsome: Dulcamara. fidgety while sitting at work: Graphites. wants to be continually moving about: Helonias. to go from one bed to another, jumps out of bed, tries to run away: Hyoscyamus. must keep in motion day and night, brain felt as if it were stirred up, felt as if going crazy: lodium. while perspiring: Lachnanthes. REPERTORY OF MENTAL SYMPTOMS. 275 SPINE, pressure in, and fear of death: Zincum. Shock, removes effect of: Hypericum. or noise, shortens attack of eclampsia: Helleborus. Stubborn, inclined to find fault and scold: Nux vom. Spiteful, scolding: Nux vom., Hyoscyamus, Veratrum alb. Sighing, involuntary: Helleborus, Ignatia, Lachesis. Screams in meningitis and hydrocephalus: Helleborus. howls violently: Ipecacuanha. bites: Stramonium. Silly, smiling, laughs at everything: Hyoscyamus. Salvation, tormented about her, with uterine complaints: Lilium tig. doubts about one's: Lycopodium. despairs of, with suppressed menses: Veratrum alb. anxiety about his soul's: Sulphur. Suspicious: Mercurius. Sing, irresistible desire to: Spongia. Sings involuntarily on hearing a single note sung, laughs at herself, but sings again: Crocus. Symptoms, mental, appear, as physical symptoms disappear: Platinum. Stupid, unconscious: Stramonium. Spasms, coma, later snoring, unconscious: Stramonium. Snoring: Stramonium, Opium. Shunning everybody, quiet: Thuya. Swallowing difficult of liquids: Stramonium. Suffocation, not in the least anxious in the midst of suffering from: Zingiber. Scrupulous about least thing: Thuya. Silent, but if irritated scolds, calls names: Veratrum alb. Sullen, answers unwillingly and shortly: Stannum. Stares as if frightened on waking, rolls from side to side: Zincum. unintelligently: Helleborus. at persons who talk to him, does not understand them: Mercurius corr. SENSITIVENESS. Oversensitiveness; cannot bear light or noise; buzzing in 276 REPERTORY OF MENTAL SYMPTOMS. the ears; will not be touched or uncovered: Aconitum. Oversensitiveness, peevish, quarrelsome: Arnica. in whooping cough: Cuprum. and irritability, with quick hasty speech: Hepar s. c. to external impressions; noise, smell, light and music (Sabina); the most trifling ailments are unbearable and affect him much; every harmless word offends, every little noise frightens, anxious and beside themselves, cannot bear the least, even suitable medicine: Nux vom. Sensitive, great excitability, takes everything amiss: Bovista. with delicate conscientiousness: Ignatia. great, with excitability: Marum ver. timid: Nitrum. very, to the least impression, the least word that seems wrong hurts her: Staphisagria. very, and inclined to scold: Viola. to others' talking: Zincum. pain seems insupportable, driving to despair: Coffea. (See Chamomilla, Eupatorium.) mind very, during digestion felt like crying: Iodium. moaning, with the aching pains: Eupatorium perf. external impressions, such as bright light, strong odors, contact, misdeeds of others, make him quite beside himself: Colchicum. Senses less acute in cholera: Cuprum. Solitude unbearable; desire for company: Bismuthum, Stramonium. Solicitude about the present: Gelsemium. concerning spiritual welfare: Graphites. (See Salvation.) Spiritual welfare, solicitude concerning: Graphites. SPEECH. Speech hurried: Mercurius. cannot find the proper word; worse after exertion; sleepless nights: Agaricus. mistakes in speaking; uses words not intended: Alumina. REPERTORY OF MENTAL SYMPTOMS. 277 Speech, a kind of stammering; he uses the syllables of words in wrong connection, therefore pronounces some words incorrectly: Selenium. at a loss to know how to say what she wishes; puerperal mania: Kali carb. uses wrong words for correct ideas: Lycopodium. feels she must talk whether listened to or not: Sticta. MANNER OF SPEAKING, ETC. Answers questions hurriedly and evasively; would not answer; at other times very loquacious: Actaea rac. Sings, talks, does not answer questions; disinclined to answer questions: Agaricus. Hearing others talk, or talking himself, affects him: Ammonium carb. Disinclined to speak: Ammonium mur. She does not speak a word; declines answering questions; dislikes sympathy: Arnica. Talkative, then mute: Belladonna. Answers short: Cicuta. Reluctant answering: Mancinella. Gives answers wholly irrelevant to questions put to him: Nux mosch. Answers either reluctantly and slowly, or short and incorrectly: Phosphoricum ac. Incoherent talk; answers hastily or reluctantly, thought seems difficult; answers correctly but slowly: Rhus tox. No response to questions, loss of conscience, then he jumps up and runs recklessly through the room: Sabadilla. Unwilling to answer; says yes or no with difficulty; pulse very small and frequent: Sulphuricum ac. Disinclined to talk, worse on waking in the morning: Thuya. Passes quickly from one subject to another: Lachesis. Intellect confused, replies incoherently: Valeriana. Dislikes to talk, except in delirium: Veratrum alb. Repeats all questions before answering: Zincum. Swearing: disposed to strike, to think of obscene things; as these mental states came, uterine irritation abated: Lilium tig. 278 REPERTORY OF MENTAL SYMPTOMS. Vindictive; attacks of rage, with curses and maledictions; Nitri ac. Curses all night and complains of stupid feeling, with headache and ptyalism: Veratrum alb. Omits words, writing or speaking: while writing: Benzoicum ac., Rhododendron. while writing or speaking: Chamomilla. Misapplies words in speaking or writing: Bovista. Misplaces words, tendency to express himself wrongly: Calcarea carb. Writes wrong words or same word twice: Calcarea phos. Makes mistakes in writing: Cannabis sat. Says one thing for another when speaking: Cannabis sat. Chooses wrong expressions or misplaces them: China. Says words not intended, forerunner of apoplexy: Cuprum. Cannot find the right word: Dulcamara. Makes irrelevant answers: Hyoscyamus. mistakes in writing; omits letters; forgets what she wants to say: Hypericum. in speaking or writing: Lilium tig. STARTLED, FRIGHT. After a nocturnal emission, fright at slight noise: Aloes. Frightened at every trifle: Tartaricum emet. unexpected trifles make him start: Arnica. starts, at the approach of others: Belladonna. Startled very easily: Cocculus. at every noise: Kali hyd. at the least noise, restless, fidgety: Silicea. easily, by unusual sounds: Borax. especially if touched: Kali carb. Frightened by every little noise: Nux vom. STUPOR, torpor: Ailanthus. falls asleep while being spoken to or answering: Baptisia. collapse: Carbo veg. and insensibility; unconquerable; sleep: Nux mosch. delirium, grasping at flocks: Phosphorus. interrupted by piercing shrieks: Apis. REPERTORY OF MENTAL SYMPTOMS. 279 Stupid feeling in the head: Cocculus, Asarum, Kreosotum. as if, in left half of head, morning; dull, foggy, as after a debauch on waking in the night; dizziness, he falls down: Psorinum. half-sleepy state: Secale. feels, with indifference to everybody and everything: Stramonium. from excess in alcoholic drinks: Veratrum alb. dull: Eupatorium purp. Stupefaction, loss of sight and hearing; after concussion of the brain: Arnica. with tingling in the head and pains in the limbs, better in motion: Rhus tox. deep sleep; urPemia, fainting: Terebinthinm. congestion: Veratrum vir. Stupid feeling in the head, has no desire to do anything: Asarum. in the head, with vacant stare, neither seeing nor hearing: Kreosotum. SUICIDE. Mental depression with suicidal tendency: Actsea rac. Seeing blood on a knife, she has horrid ideas of killing herself, though she abhors the idea: Alumina. Inclined to suicide by shooting himself: Antimonium crud., Natrum sulph. Thinks about killing himself: Argentum nit. Suicidal mood: Aurum met. Weary of life, with desire to drown himself: Belladonna. Fretful humor, with weariness of life: Berberis, Lachesis. Haunted by a disposition to suicide: Capsicum. Inconsolable anxiety, even to suicide; compelled to jump out of bed; wants to destroy himself, but lacks courage: China. Tries to escape, to throw herself into the river: Helleborus. Low-spirited, even to thoughts of suicide: Hepar s. c. Suicidal mood (Aurum); tired of life: Lachesis (Berberis). Satiety of life, particularly in morning in bed: Lycopodium. Satiety of life (Lycop.), must use all self-control to prevent shooting himself: Natrum sulf., Antimonium carb. 280 REPERTORY OF MENTAL SYMPTOMS. Satiety of life (Aurum, Lycopodium), with taciturnity and fear of death: Platinum. Disgust for life, headache: Podophyllum. Sad, depressed; even suicidal thoughts: Psorinum. Anguish about the heart, even to suicide: Pulsatilla. Satiety of life (Aurum, Lycopodium, Platinum), with fear of death; thoughts of suicide; wants to drown himself: Rhus tox. (See Belladonna, Helleborus, Silicea.) Wishes to drown himself: Silicea, Rhus tox., Belladonna, Helleborus. Gloomy, suicidal mood: Spigelia. TOUCHED, insane women will not be, or approached: Thuya. Talks in a foreign tongue: Stramonium. Tiredness and lazy, with feeling of deep-seated inward trouble: Sabina. Tired of life: Silicea. Taciturn: Platinum, Nitri ac. wrapt in thought: Ipecacuanha. Thinks himself well: Kreosotum. Talked to, cannot bear to be: Hyoscyamus. Trifles make him angry: Natrum mur. Tears or laughter, easily moved to: Pulsatilla. Tearful, mild, gentle, timid, yielding: Pulsatilla. Truth, never speaks the; does not know herself what she is saying: Veratrum alb. THINKING, THOUGHTS, ETC. incapacity of mind for, confused: -Ethusa. increases the headache and causes dimness of vision: Argentum nit. indisposed to, after a walk in the open air: Arnica. to, want of power, mind seems weak: Baptisia. of one's complaints makes them worse: Baryta carb., Calcarea phos. about an existing complaint causes it to disappear: Camphora, Helleborus. seem to stand still: Cannabis sat. is difficult: Calcarea carb., Clematis, Rhus tox. REPERTORY OF MENTAL SYMPTOMS. 281 Thinking about complaints makes them worse: Calcarea phos., Baryta carb. of complaints aggravates them, especially the hemorrhoids: Causticum. (See Baryta carb., Calcarea phos., Oxalicum ac.) fixed upon one unpleasant subject; she is absorbed within herself and observes nothing around her: Cocculus. weakness in the head, can scarcely think; thoughts slow; thoughts of many things at night prevent sleep: Graphites. thoughtless staring during the morning: Guaiacum. about the symptoms lessens them: Helleborus, Camphora. inability to; thoughts cannot be controlled: Hyoscyamus. fixed, immovable: Iodium. frequent vanishing of, frequent failure of: Kreosotum. herself under superhuman control: Lachesis. inability to, or to perform any mental labor; head feels stupid if she tries to exert herself: Natrum carb. difficulty of; absence of mind; memory and will weak: Natrum mur. inability to: Natrum sulph. (See Natrum mur., Hyoscyamus.) difficulty of, in the morning, with warm face; forehead hot: Nitrum. (See Phosphoricum ac.) gradual vanishing of, when reading inclined to fall asleep: Nux mosch. about pains causes them to return: Oxalicum ac. (See Causticum, Baryta carb., Calcarea phos.) headache and dyspnoea, while, or feeling of apprehension at pit of stomach sets in: Phosphorus. incapacity for, in morning: Phosphoricum ac., Nitrum. Thoughts which he cannot get rid of; they constantly reappear in his dreams; thoughts vanish after overlifting: Psorinum. Thinking produces headache: Sabadilla. 282 REPERTORY OF MENTAL SYMPTOMS. Thinking about the food he has been eating makes him sick: Sarsaparilla. vanishing of, on reflection: Ranunculus bulb. impaired power of: Secale. makes her feel wretched: Stannum. cannot think; talks slowly, as if hunting for words; uses wrong words: Thuya. Time passes too slow: Alumina, Argentum nit., Chamomilla, Nux vom. too quickly: Cocculus, Theridion. Short time seems too long to her: Nux mosch. Exaggeration of duration of time and extent of space; a few seconds seem ages, a few rods an immense distance: Cannabis ind. UCOMFORTABLENESS: Secale. Unconscious: Stramonium. VISIONS by day of fancied things: Stannum. Voluptuousness: Platinum. Vindictive: Natrum mur. Vehement, after which he suffers: Phosphorus. inclined to be: Sepia. WRITING fatigues: Silicea. Whines, but knows not why: Hyoscyamus. Wild feeling in head: Lilium tig. Weeping mood, dejection, anxiety: Actaa rac. crying against his will: Alumina. desires to cry, and at times crying: Ammonia mur. great tearfulness, cannot help crying: Apis. shed tears and makes explanations after rage: Arnica. tearful sadness and anxiety: Asarum. crying and lamentations, with hoarse voice: Bromium. knows not why; consolation aggravates: Cactus. sadness: Chelidonium. moaning and howling: Cicuta. pitiful when awake: Cina. sobbing, moaning and groaning: Cocculus. REPERTORY OF MENTAL SYMPTOMS. 283 Weeping, excessive, and lamentations over trifles; cries and trembles; does not know what to do: Coffea. tearfulness, low-spirited: Digitalis. disposed to, about his lonely condition: Lithium carb. all day, cannot calm himself: Lycopodium. and shuddering between attacks of pain: Glonoinum. constant whining, moaning and groaning: Manganum acet. inclined to; fearful: Magnesia mur. fits of involuntary weeping and laughter: Sepia. disposition to: Spongia, Sulphuricum ac. feels like crying all the time, but crying makes her worse: Stannum. screaming violently: Silicea. WORK, MENTAL AND PHYSICAL. Mental, protracted, application or exciting debates bring on vertigo: Agaricus. fatigues him, disinclined to; general languor: Aloes. exertion brings on tearing, pressing headache in the forehead, temples and occiput: Anacardium. labor fatigues: Aurum met. (Aloes, Pulsatilla, Selenium.) requiring close thinking, very difficult; the least interruption breaks the chain of thought: Berberis. desire for, preceded by aversion to his own profession: Bromium. operations, difficulty of performing: Calcarea phos. dislike for, or physical exertion: China. and bodily exhaustion from overexertion of mind or loss of sleep: Cuprum. not inclined to study; nervous, restless: Ferrum. exertion, fainting after: Caladium. or emotion aggravates the pains: Colchicum. (Kobaltum.) causes a sense of helplessness from brain weakness; inability to attend to anything requiring thought: Gelsemium. Physical labor, indisposed to perform: Agaricus, Croton tig., Kobaltum. aversion to, not disposed for anything: Ammonium carb. 284 REPERTORY OF MENTAL SYMPTOMS. Weeping, often: Cuprum, Kali carb. Physical labor, aversion to: Anacardium. hurried desire for; also mental, cannot do things fast enough: Aurum met. disinclined to all kinds of work: Calcarea carb. to: Causticum, Guaiacum. for business: Conium. to: Croton tig. labor, dread of, hates work; scientific labor fatigues him: Graphites. no desire for, or study: Hamamelis. (Desire for study: Kobaltum.) work, insane passion for: Hyoscyamus. dread of: Kali carb., Graphites. aversion to: Mancinella. indolence: Marum ver. disinclined to, with great lassitude in morning: Nux vom. to, dull all forenoon: Psorinum. total unfitness for any kind of: Selenium. labor, undecided, shunning it, but after beginning works well: Taraxacum. or bodily labor, disinclination for; listless languor: Kali bich. excitement increases the suffering: Kobaltum. (Colchicum.) or physical labor, indisposed to; low-spirited, thinks too little of himself: Kobaltum. exertion, much worse from, or talking: Magnesia carb. much worse from: Magnesia mur. overtaxing the mind; sleepy, gastric ailments, hysteria following: Nux mosch. labor, ailments from; exertion, worse from; cannot bear reading or conversation, desires to be alone: Nux vom. exertion, flushes of heat after: Oleander. indisposed to: Phytolacca. labor causes; fulness in the head; intense headache; throbbing in brain; pain left temple: Psorinum. fatigues; head affected: Pulsatilla. REPERTORY OF MENTAL SYMPTOMS. 285 Physical labor, aversion to, in the morning, with indolence; lowspirited, depressed in the evening: Ranunculus scel. exertion aggravates headache and produces sleep: Sabadilla. fatigues him much: Selenium. overexertion of mind, as in bookkeepers: Sepia. YIELDING: Pulsatilla, Silicea. REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE TONGUE. ARRANGED BY EDUARDO FORNIAS, M.D., PHILADELPHIA. Adhering to the palate, as if: Causticum. Anterior part of. (See Forepart.) Aphthous: zEthusa, Borax, Illicium, Mercurius, Nux vom., Phosphorus, Plumbum, Sulphuricum ac. (in spots). Ash-colored: Mercurius iod. flay. Back part of, black: Veratrum alb. burnt feeling: Phytolacca. furred thickly: Kali bich. (yellow), Nux vom., Phytolacca. hair, sensation of a: Kali bich. (Silicea forepart). painful, as if swollen: Spigelia. swollen: Arsenicum, Phosphorus. tubercles and vesicles, painful: Graphites. yellow bright (tip and edges red): Mercurius iod. flay. Base of; blisters, full of, in part, and in part excoriated: Cantharides. painful, when protruded: Cocculus. swollen: Phosphorus. yellow, thick: Mercurius iod. flav. Bites it: Absinthium, Dioscorea, Ignatia (when talking or chewing), Phosphoricum ac. (the side involuntarily; also at night), Thuya (frequently). Biting: Aconitum, Arnica (sense of). Bitten, as if: Plumbum. Black: Argentum nit. (like the teeth), Carbo veg., China, Lachesis (and stiff), Leptandra (down the centre), Lycopodium (and cracked), Mercurius sol., Nux vom. (and cracked, with bright red edges), Opium, Veratrum alb. (back part). (286) REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE TONGUE. 287 Blackish: Secale. Blisters: Ammonium carb., Carbo veg., Graphites, Helleborus, Natrum mur., Spigelia, Thuya, Zincum (See Vesicles). burning on edges: Carbo an. full of, in part, and in part excoriated: Cantharides. stinging, on edges: Apis, Capsicum. Blue: Carbo veg. (sticky and moist), Digitalis. Bluish: Arsenicum, Muriaticum ac. (and sore), Sabadilla (tip, rest white). Broad: Kali bich., Viburnum (and white, centre brown). feels too: Plumbum, Pulsatilla, Zincum. Brown: Ailanthus (in the middle), Arnica (dry and a streak down the middle), Arsenicum, Baptisia (down centre and dry), Belladonna (mucus), Cuprum, Dioscorea (and sore on tip), Eupatorium purp. (along the centre), Gelsemium (thick), Hyoscyamus (dry and cracked, hard), lodium (and dry), Lachesis (centre, tip red), Plumbum (dry and cracked), Rhus tox. (mucus), Secale, Silicea (mucus), Spongia (dry), Sulphur (dry). dark: Bryonia (rough, cracked). light: Actaea rac. (more in the middle). Brownish: Nux vom. Brownish-yellow: Cina, Ptelea (dry), Rumex. Bruised feeling: Arnica, Secale. Burned, as if: China (raw), Mercurius sol. (in the middle, even when moist), Rumex (dry). Burning: Aconitum, Arsenicum (violent), Arum, Castoreum (upper surface), Chamomilla, Causticum, Lachesis, Oxalicum ac., Phosphoricum ac., Spigelia (with blisters), Sulphur (pain). (See Tip and Edges.) Burnt feeling: Ignatia (and sore, when eating), Magnesia mur., Mercurius sol. Cancer: Arsenicum, Hydrastis, Kali cyan., Silicea, Thuya. ' (Taraatula?) Canker spots near tip: Hamamelis. Catches behind the teeth: Lachesis. 288 REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE TONGUE. Centre of, black down the: Leptandra. brown: Baptisia, Eupatorium purp., Lachesis (red tip). chapped deeply: Mercurius iod. flav. (rest dry). dry: Antimonium tart. (red), Apis (white), Stramonium (yellow). fissured: Mezereum. hard: Baryta carb. red: Antimonium tart. (dry), Chamomilla (sides white). white: Apis (dirty, dry), Belladonna (with red edges, or two white stripes), Gelsemium (red margin), Petroleum (and a dark streak along edges), Stramonium. yellow: Collinsonia (also base), Fluoricum ac. (tip and edges red), Leptandra (down), Stramonium (dry). yellowish-brown: Baptisia (late). Chapped, in centre: Mercurius iod. flay. (deeply). painful feeling: Mercurius sol. surfaces: Benzoicum ac. (deeply, fungoid). Clammy fur: Belladonna (white, which can be pulled off in strings). mucus on: Phosphoricum ac. (also tough). Clean: Actaea rac. (pointed and trembling), Digitalis, Ipecacuanha, Hyoscyamus, Nux vom. (anterior half), Veratrum alb. (with vomiting). tip: Magnesia mur. (large and flabby) (?) edges: Magnesia mur. (large and flabby) (?) Cleans off in patches, leaving dark red, tender sensitive spots: Taraxacum. Coated: Antimonium tart., Arnica, Belladonna, Bryonia, Chamomilla, China, Ignatia, Ipecacuanha, Mercurius sol., Nux vom., Phosphorus, Pulsatilla, Rhus tox., Sepia, Silicea, Sulphur. thick: Ailanthus (whitish), Antimonium crud. (white), Antimonium tart. (white), Arsenicum (red edges), Cantharides (red edges), Chelidonium (yellow, with red margin), China (dirty), Chininum sulph. (yellow), Gelsemium (brown), lodium, Kali bichr. (yellow, with deep red edges), Mercurius (dirty REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE TONGUE. 289 yellow), Mercurius iod. flay. (yellow, at base), Mezereum (white, with large red papilla), Myrica (yellowish, or dark crust), Nux vom. (white or yellow), Oxalicum ac. (white), Phosphorus (black crust), Phytolacca (at base), Psorinum (whitish yellow slime), Sabadilla (yellow), Secale (tenacious). (See Ash-colored, Black, Brown, Brownish, Green, Gray, Milky-white, White, Whitish, Yellow, Yellowish, etc.; also, Back Part, Centre, Middle.) Cold:.Aconitum, Belladonna, Camphora, Laurocerasus, Veratrum alb. Coldness, feeling of: Aconitum (cold air), Belladonna (forepart, together with dryness), Cistus can. (when air is inhaled), Hydrocyanicum ac. Contracted: Agaricus, Hyoscyamus (at root), Mercurius corr. (whitish), Nux vom. Convulsion of: Lycopodium, Secale. (See Spasms.) Corrugated: Natrum ars. (deep red). Covered with fur: Belladonna (white and clammy, which can be pulled off in strings), Phosphorus (black crusts). with mucus: Belladonna (brown), Carbo veg. (yellowbrown), Kali bich. (ropy), Mercurius sol., Nitri ac. (tough, ropy, with ulcers), Phosphoricum ac. (clammy, tough), Pulsatilla (tenacious), Psorinum (whitish yellow), Rhus tox. (brown), Silicea (brownish). ulcers: Capsicum (flat, sensitive, spreading), Kali bich. (small, painful), Natrum mur. (also vesicles). (See Ulcers.) vesicles: Arsenicum (painful, burning), Apis (stinging), Cantharides (at base), Helleborus, Natrum mur. (smarting and burning when touched by food), Spongia, Zincum. (See Vesicles.) Cracked: Ailanthus, Apis, Arum, Baptisia, Belladonna, Bryonia, Chamomilla, China, Hyoscyamus, Kali bichr., Nux vom., Phosphorus, Plumbum, Pulsatilla, Rhus tox., Spigelia, Sulphur, Veratrum alb. 19 290 REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE TONGUE. Cracked edges: Nux vom. (rest black or dark red). middle, across the: Kobaltum. tip: Lachesis. Cramp: Borax, Lycopodium. Creeping: Platina. Crusty: Myrica (dry and dark, rendering it almost immovable), Phosphorus (black). Cutting: Bovista (as with a knife). Darted out: Lycopodium (and oscillating to and fro). Darting: Aranea dia. (like electric shocks). Denuded: Cuprum ars. (in spots), Ranunculus scel. (on both sides, like islands, the rest thickly coated). tip: Oxalicum ac., Sulphuricum ac. Difficult to move: Antimonium tart., Apis, Argentum nit. (from spasms), Baptisia (thick), Carbo veg. (heavy), Colchicum, Conium (paralysis), Crotalus (feels tied up), Cyclamen (from blisters), Dulcamara (paralysis), Gelsemium, Hyoscyamus (paralysis), Kali brom. (from disordered action), Lachesis (heavy and trembling), Laurocerasus (swollen and stiff on left side), Lycopodium (stiff and dry A.M.), Muriaticum ac. (heavy), Myrica (from crusty deposits), Niccolum (stiff), Nux mosch. (paralysis), Nux vom. (heavy), Phosphorus (crusts), Secale (from spasms), Sulphuricum ac. (dry and inelastic), Veratrum alb. (heavy), Zincum (swollen on left side). to protrude: Apis, Colchicum, Gelsemium, Hyoscyamus, Lachesis, Mercurius. Dirty: Bryonia, China, Lycopodium, Oleander, Sulphur. yellow: Mercurius sol., Opium. Discolored: Secale. Disordered action of: Kali brom. Distended: Lycopodium (giving patient a silly expression). Distorted: Causticum (when talking). Iorsum, sore: Calcarea ostr. Dotted: Petroleum (with yellow spots), Stramonium (with fine red points, on white coat). Doughy: Arsenicum (and pale). REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE TONGUE. 291 Drawing in: Castoreum (towards throat, also jerking). Drawn: Arsenicum (together), Plumbum (to the left), Tarantula (backward). Dry: Aconitum, Agaricus, Ailanthus, Aloes, Alum (on waking), Apis, Argentum nit., Arnica, Arsenicum, Baptisia (early), Belladonna, Borax (P.M.), Bryonia, Calcarea ostr. (at night, and mornings on awaking), Carbo an., Carbo veg., Chamomilla (with thirst), Chininum sulph., Coffea, Cuprum (and rough), Dioscorea, Dulcamara, Fluoricum ac. (whitish), Helleborus (red), Hyoscyamus, Iodium, Ipecacuanha, Kali bich., Kali brom. (and red, or brown and dry late), Lachesis (black and stiff), Mercurius (red), Mercurius iod. flay. (deeply chapped centre), Myrica (crusty), Natrum mur., Nitri ac. (A.M., also fissured), Nux mosch. (at night or on awaking), Nux vom., Oleander (white), Paris (no thirst), Phosphorus, Phytolacca (yellow), Plumbum (brown), Podophyllum (on awaking), Psorinum, Ptelea (brown-yellow), Rhus tox. (not coated, or red and cracked), Rumex (as if burned), Secale (yellowishwhite), Sepia (rough), Spongia, Stramonium, Sulphur (A.M., brown), Sulphuricum ac., Viburnum, Zincum (coated at the root). tip: Psorinum (feels scalded). Dryness, feeling of: Aconitum (in the middle), Apis, Belladonna (in forepart, also coldness), Natrum mur. (but is not dry), Phosphoricum ac. without thirst: Nux mosch., Paris, Pulsatilla. Edges, blisters on: Apis, Capsicum (stinging), Carbo an. (burning), clean: Magnesia mur. (also tip), Nux vom. (rest black, or dark red). flabby: Magnesia mur. (large and yellow). folded like little bags: Illicium. livid: Ailanthus (also tip). pain: Causticum (burning). red: Antimonium crud. (sore), Antimonium tart., Arsenicum, Baptisia (shining), Belladonna (light), Cantharides 292 REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE TONGUE. (rest furred), Chelidonium (rest thick yellow), Fluoricum ac. (also tip, centre yellow), Gelsemium (centre white), Kali bich. (and full of small painful ulcers, rest thick yellow), Nux vom. (bright, rest black and cracked), Sulphur (also tip, rest white), Veratrum alb. (also tip, rest white). Edges scalded, as if: Pulsatilla. scalloped: Kali bich. show print of teeth: Mercurius iod. flay. sore: Antimonium crud., Pulsatilla (as if scalded). ulcerated: Cicuta (white, painful burning ulcers), Mercurius, Nitri ac. (deep, irregular ulcers), Silicea (right side ulcer, eating into it and discharging pus). yellow: Magnesia mur. (large and flabby). Enlarged: Kali bich. (dry and red). feels: AEthusa, Paris, Petroleum, Pulsatilla. Excoriated: Arsenicum, Cantharides (and full of blisters), Oxalicum ac., Nitri ac., Sulphuricum ac. Exfoliated: Ranunculus scel. (in spots, which are raw). Feels as if adhering to palate: Causticum. bitten: Plumbum. broad, too: Plumbum, Pulsatilla, Zincum. burnt: Alumina (sore), China (as if, and raw), Glonoinum (numb), Ignatia (and sore, when eating), Laurocerasus (numb), Magnesia mur., Mercurius sol., Phytolacca (back part), Pulsatilla (middle, even when moist), Rumex (dry). chapped: Mercurius sol. (painful). cold: Aconitum, Belladonna (forepart, also dry), Cistus (when air is inhaled), Hydrocyanicum ac. dry: Aconitum (middle), Apis, Argentum nit. (but is moist), Belladonna (forepart, also cold), Natrum mur. (but is not), Phosphoricum ac. hair, a: Kali bich. (on back part), Natrum mur., Silicea (on forepart). heavy, too: Veratrum alb. hot, as if in contact with something: Sanguinaria. large, too: /Ethusa, Paris, Pulsatilla. REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE TONGUE. 293 Feels leather covered: Nux mosch. long, too: AEthusa. numb: Glonoinum (as if burnt), Laurocerasus (as if burnt). (See Numb.) paralyzed: Absinthium, Cocculus. raw: Glonoinum (and swollen), Kali carb. (tip), Lycopodium (tip). (See Raw.) rigid: Fluoricum ac. (with restricted mobility). rough: Aconitum (middle, also dry), Alumina, Ptelea, Thuya. scalded: /Esculus, Colocynthis, Hamamelis, Lycopodium (tip), Mercurius iod. flay., Platina, Pulsatilla (on edges), Psorinum (tip), Sanguinaria (tip), Sepia, Veratrum vir. sleep, as if gone to: Nux mosch. smarting: Ipecacuanha (on edge). sore: Alumina (as if burnt), Arnica, Pulsatilla (on edges), Sabadilla, (as if full of blisters, Sepia (as if), Zincum (as if). (See Sore.) swollen: Aconitum (as if), Baptisia (and thick), Glonoinum (and raw), Spigelia (back part, especially when chewing). thick: Baptisia (embarrassing speech). tied up: Crotalus (cannot speak). Firm, on pressure: Oxalicum ac. Fissured: Baryta carb. (on left border), Carbo veg., Fluoricum ac. (deeply), Mezereum (centre), Natrum ars. (also anterior part only), Nitri ac. (and dry). (See Cracked.) Flabby: Chininum sulph., Kreosotum, Magnesia mur. (tip and edges), Mercurius sol., Natrum ars. Folded: Illicium (edges, like little bags), Plumbum (to the left). Forepart, biting: Ignatia (from tobacco-smoke). burning: Coffea, Colchicum, Mezereum (like pepper), Phosphorus, Psorinum. clean: Nux vom. (deeply furred posteriorly). coldness and dryness: Belladonna (feeling of). coated white: Ferrum, Mercurius corr. 294 REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE TONGUE. Forepart denuded: Mezereum. dryness: Belladonna (sense of), Capsicum (A.M.), Comocladia (forenoon), Coffea, Rumex. fissured: Natrum ars. hair, feeling of a: Silicea (Kali bich., back part). hard: Mercurius. heat: Mezereum, Rumex. numb: Ignatia (when talking), Magnesia carb. (A.M. On waking). papillae, elevated: Mezereum. red and shining: Nux vom. (deeply furred posteriorly). smarting, acrid: Sepia. sore: Staphisagria. stiff: Berberis. stitches, fine in: Ledum. thick, feels: Berberis, Lachesis. Formication: Aconituri (also extending to lips and lower part of palate), Mercurius sol., Natrum mur., Platina, Pulsatilla (evening), Secale, Veratrum alb. Foul: Arsenicum, Cannabis ind. (A.M.), Cuprum, Hypericum (on rising), Hydrocyanicum ac. (dark), Kali bich., Mercurius sol., Petroleum, Plumbum. Froth, covered with: Plumbum. Fungoid surfaces: Benzoicum ac. (deeply chapped). Furred: Arsenicum (thickly), Belladonna (and dry or white clammy), Cantharides (thickly, but red edges), Chininum sulph. (thick yellow), Digitalis, Eupatorium perf. (white), Eupatorium purp., Kali bich. (thick yellow, towards base), Natrum ars., Nux vom. (deeply on posterior half; anterior half clean, sometimes red and shining), Phosphorus, Podophyllum (white), Ptelea (white), Sulphur (A.M., but wears off during the day). sides: Arsenicum (red down the middle). Gangrene: Arsenicum, Kali carb., Mercurius corr., Mercurius dulc., Secale. Glazed: Secale. Glossy: Apis, Nux vom. (anterior half), Phosphorus, Terebin REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE TONGUE. 295 thine (and smooth, as if deprived of papilla. In typhoid). Gone to sleep, as if: Nux mosch. Greasy: Iris (A.M.), Opium (unctuous). Green: Nitri ac. (with ptyalism), Plumbum. Gray: Arsenicum, Belladonna, Chelidonium, Mercurius iod. flay. (grayish), Pulsatilla (and parched). whitish: Hypericum, Phosphoricum ac. yellowish: Argentum nit., Ferrum. Grows pale: Ipecacuanha. Hair, sensation of a: Kali bich. (on back part), Natrum mur., Silicea (on forepart). Hanging out of mouth: Strarionium (swollen). Hard: Argentum nit. (as a chip), Aurum met. (as leather), Baryta carb. (centre), Hyoscyamus (looks like burnt leather), Kali iod., Mercurius sol. (dry and black), Muriaticum ac. (as leather). Heat: Aconitum, Ammonium carb., Apis, Arsenicum, Cocculus (A.M. on waking), Croton tig., Lycopodium (during breakfast), Oxalicum ac. (evening). (See Warmth.) Heavy: Anacardium, Belladonna, Carbo veg. (embarrassing speech), Colchicum, Hyoscyamus, Lachesis (cannot open mouth wide), Lycopodium, Muriaticum ac. (as lead), Natrum mur. (in children), Nux vom. when talking), Plumbum (paralyzed), Secale, Stramonium, Veratrum alb. Hot, as if in contact with something: Sanguinaria (red). Hurts, as if bitten: Plumbum. Inability to speak: Actea rac. (cannot utter a word, though she makes the effort), AEsculus (uncontrollable tongue, cannot form words rightly), Agaricus (due to tremulous propulsion), Argentum nit. (from spasm), Conium (paralysis), Crotalus (feels tied up), Dulcamara (paralysis), Hyoscyamus (paralysis), Kali brom. (from disordered action), Lachesis (from trembling), Nux mosch. (paralysis), Secale (from spasm). Indented by teeth: Arsenicum, Chelidonium, Hydrastis, Mer 296 REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE TONGUE. curius, Mercurius iod. flav. (on edges), Rhododendron, Rhus tox., Viburnum. Indurated: Carbo an. (knotty), Carbo veg., Mercurius. (See Hard.) Inelastic: Sulphuricum ac. (and dry, embarrassing speech). Inflamed: Aloes (sore spots), Belladonna, Bryonia, Cantharides, Crotalus, Gelsemium (middle), Mercurius (with pricking), Mercurius corr., Mezereum, Nux vom., Oxalicum ac., Plumbum, Ranunculus scel. Immovable: Aurum met., Carbo an., Myrica (almost so, from crusty deposits), Phosphoricum (covered with black crust). Insensible: Helleborus, Rheum. Itching: Alumina (must scratch), Castoreum (5 P.M.), Cedron (5 P.M.), Mezereum, Phosphoricum ac., Rhus ven. (8 P.M). Jerking: Castoreum (towards throat, also drawing). Knotty: Carbo an. Lame: Dulcamara, Euphrasia (and stiff), Hydrocyanicum ac. (and stiff). Large, seems too: Aconitum, Arsenicum, Colchicum, Croton tig., Glonoinum, Hydrastis, Kali bich., Mercurius corr., Natrum ars. (moist, fissured and flabby), Oxalicum ac., Paris, Phosphorus, Plumbum, Pulsatilla, Sepia. Lead color: Arsenicum, Carbo veg., Secale (middle). Leather, like burnt: Hyoscyamus. Leathery: Aconitum, Hyoscyamus, Nux mosch. (as if leather covered). Lifeless, feels: Belladonna. Lisping: Natrum carb., Nitri ac., Nux vom., Veratrum alb. Livid: Ailanthus (tip and edges), Oxalicum ac. Long, feels too: /Ethusa. Mapped: Lachesis, Natrum mur., Taraxacum. Middle, biting: China (as if burnt and sore). black: Phosphorus. brown: Ailanthus, Arnica (streak down), Colchicum, Hyoscyamus, Phosphorus, Plumbum. REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE TONGUE. 297 Middle, burned, as if: Pulsatilla (even when moist). coated: Arsenicum, China, Phosphorus, Rhus tox. (A.M. on rising). brownish: Arsenicum, Secale (lead color). reddish-brown: Rhus tox. (A.M. on rising). white: Arsenicum, Cantharides, Natrum ars., Petroleum, Stramonium. yellow: Baptisia, Leptandra, Veratrum vir. cracked, across: Kobaltum. dry: Aconitum, Antimonium tart., Colchicum, Croton tig., Hyoscyamus, Phosphorus, Sulphuricum ac. erosion, painful: Ammonium carb. fissured: Mezereum, Rhus ven. inflamed: Gelsemium. raw, feels: Aconitum. red: Antimonium tart., Arsenicum (furred down sides), Causticum, Chamomilla (white on sides). streak down: Argentum nit., Phosphoricum ac., Veratrum vir. (rest yellow). Milky: Antimonium crud. (as if white-washed), Arnica, Arsenicum (as if painted white), Bryonia, Glonoinum (no coating), Nux vom., Sepia. Moist: Ailanthus (white), Carbo veg, (blue and sticky), Mercurius sol. (violent thirst), Natrum ars. (and flabby), Nitri ac., Phosphorus, Podophyllum (white), Sabadilla (in fevers), Stramonium, Tarantula, Zincum. Motion, constant: Aconitum, Opium, Stramonium (pale red). difficult. (See Difficult To Move.) oscillating: Helleborus, Lycopodium (to and fro). painful: Antimonium tart., Berberis, China. quivering: Plumbum. (See Trembling.) side to side out of mouth: Aconitum. tremulous: Opium. (See Trembling.) Mottled: Conium, Plumbum. Mucus. (See Covered With.) Nodosities: Aurum met. (stony hard), Manganum acet. Numb: Aconitum, Agaricus (1. s.), Ambra (on waking), Calcarea phos., Coca, Colchicum, Crotalus, Eupatorium pur., 298 REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE TONGUE. Gelsemium, Glonoinum (as if burnt), Helleborus, Ignatia (ant. half, when talking), Laurocerasus (as if burnt), Lycopodium, Natrum mur. (and stiff; whole organ, or only one side), Nux mosch. (night), Rheum, Sepia (evenings), Silicea. CEdema: Apis. Oily, feels: Physostigma. (See Greasy.) Oscillating: Helleborus (and slightly protruded), Lycopodium (to and fro). (See Thrust Backward.) Painful: Ammonium carb. (erosion in middle), Antimonium tart. (to move), Apis, Argentum nitr., Arsenicum, Bovista (cutting), Carbo an., Cicuta (edges ulcerated), Conium, Fluoricum ac. (when talking), Gelsemium, Kali bich., Lycopodium (swollen in places), Mercurius sol. (as if chapped), Muriaticum ac., Nitri ac. (edges ulcerated), Oxalicum ac., Phosphorus, Phosphoricum ac. (when talking), Plumb'um (cracked), Sabadilla (all the way down the throat, making deglutition difficult), Sanguinaria (like a boil), Sepia (as if sore or scalded), Spigelia (when chewing), Sulphur (burning), Zincum (as if sore). at tip: Argentum nit., Calcarea ost. (burning), Causticum (burning), Zincum (shooting). (See Sides.) Painted white, as if: Arsenicum. Pale: Arsenicum (and doughy), Belladonna, Cantharides, Digitalis, Hamamelis, Mercurius, Nitri ac., Oxalicum ac., Phosphorus, Phosphoricum ac. (typhus), Plumbum, Secale (deathly), Sulphuricum ac. grows: Ipecacuanha. red: Stramonium. Papillae, elevated: Agaricus, Argentum nit., Arsenicum, Belladonna, Bryonia (filiform), Causticum, Hamamelis, Lycopodium, Mercurius corr., Mezereum (white base), Oleander (rough, dirty, white base). enlarged: Cuprum, Lachesis. erect: Argentum nit. filiform: Bryonia. inflamed: Belladonna. REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE TONGUE. 299 Papillae prominent: Arum triph., Ptelea (red). reddened: Antimonium' tart., Baptisia (scattered), Belladonna (deep), Nux mosch. (white, or yellow base), Ptelea (prominent), Mezereum. scattered: Baptisia. at back part: Agaricus, Kali bich., Natrum ars. at forepart: Mezereum. at the left side: Argentum nit. at tip: Arsenicum. at root: Hamamelis. Paralysis: Aranea (partial), Belladonna, Baryta carb., Causticum, Conium, Dulcamara (from cold), Hyoscyamus, Opium, Plumbum, Secale, Stramonium. Paralytic weakness: Belladonna. Paralyzed: Aconitum (especially at tip), Dulcamara, Gelsemium (partially), Nux mosch., Plumbum, Stramonium. *seems: Absinthium, Cocculus. Parched: Ailanthus, Carbo veg., Hyoscyamus, Phosphorus, Pulsatilla (dry, no thirst), Rhus tox., Stramonium (dry), Sulphur (brown, rough). Pasty: Antimonium tart. (white), Bufo, Nux mosch. Patchy: Arsenicum. Peeling: Ranunculus scel. Piercing: Aconitum. Pimples: Apis (stinging), Capsicum (stinging), Belladonna (burning), Lycopodium, Nux vom. (painful), Plumbum (worse talking). (See Vesicles.) (See Sides.) Pointed: Actaea rac. (trembling), Plumbum, Secale (tip). Posterior part. (See Back Part.) Pressure, tearing: Lachesis. Prickling: Apis, Eupatorium purp., Glonoinum, Helleborus (by rinsing mouth with water), Lachesis, Magnesia mur. (violent), Mercurius sol. (pain), Rhododendron, Sanguinaria, Secale, Ustilago. Print of teeth, shows. (See Indented.) Propulsion, tremulous: Agaricus (embarrassing speech). Protrusion: Absinthium (can scarcely talk), Aconitum, Belladonna, Cina, Cocculus (in trismus), Colchicum 300 REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE TONGUE. (difficult), Crotalus (swollen), Gelsemium (very difficult), Helleborus (slight, oscillating), Hydrocyanicum ac. (often), Hyoscyamus (difficult, can hardly draw it in), Lachesis (trembling), Lycopodium, Mercurius corr., Nux vom., Opium, Phytolacca, Plumbum, Stramonium. Protrusion difficult: Colchicum, Gelsemium, Hyoscyamus, Lachesis. inability for: Apis, Dulcamara, Lycopodium, Mercurius, Nux vom., Sabadilla (with sore throat). Purple: Hydrastis, Opium. Pustules: Ammonium carb. (burning and stinging), Antimonium tart., Hepar s. c., Sepia. Quivering: Plumbum. Ranula: Mercurius sol. (with ptyalism and sore gums), Staphisagria, Thuya (bluish, surrounded by varicose veins; jelly-like, or gray). Rattles, like a piece of leather: Muriaticum ac. Raw: Ammonium carb., Ammonium, Causticum, Arsenicum, Baryta carb. (on waking), Carbo veg., China (as if burned), Cinnabaris (after rinsing with cold water), Colocynthis (after smoking), Cuprum, Gelsemium, Glonoinum (and swollen), Kali carb., Lycopodium (A.M., or after smoking), Mercurius sol., Naja, Petroleum, Phosphorus, Ranunculus scel. (in spots), Sulphuricum ac., Taraxacum, Thuya. (See Sides.) Red: Aloes (dry), Antimonium tart. (in streaks), Arsenicum (morbidly), Apis, Belladonna, Bismuthum, Causticum (middle, sides white), Chamomilla (centre, sides white), Colchicum (bright), Colocynthis, Crotalus (sore and smooth), Cuprum, Gelsemium, Helleborus (dry), Hyoscyamus, Kali bich. (dry, smooth), Kali brom. (dry or tender), Lachesis (dry, cracked at tip), Lycopodium (dry), Mercurius sol. (dry, or with dark spots and burning), Mezereum, Natrum ars. (deep), Natrum mur., Nux vom. (dark, with cracked edges, or red and shining on anterior half), Oxalicum ac. (dry and swollen), Phosphorus, Rhus tox. (dry, cracked), Rhus ven., Sanguinaria, REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE TONGUE. 301 Stramonium (dry), Sulphur, Sulphuricum ac., Veratrum alb., Zincum. (See Sides.) Red, bluish: Cantharides, Sulphuricum ac. bright: Colchicum. centre: Antimonium tart. (dry), Chamomilla (sides white). dark: Nux vom. (edges cracked). deep: Natrum ars. (corrugated, anterior part fissured). edges: Antimonium crud. (sore), Antimonium tart., Arsenicum, Baptisia (shining). margin: Gelsemium (centre white). middle: Arsenicum (down), Causticum (sides white). pale: Stramonium (in constant motion). in spots: Oxalicum ac., Taraxacum. in streaks: Antimonium tart. streak down the middle: Argentum nit., Phosphoricum ac., Veratrum vir. (rest yellow). (See Strawberry Tongue.) Relaxed: Apis, Camphora, Carbo an., Chininum sulph. (A.M.). Cuprum acet., Hamamelis (evening), Plumbum, Stramonium. Retracted: Belladonna. Rhagades: Magnesia mur. (with violent burning). Rigid, feels: Fluoricum ac. (with retracted mobility). Rolled around in mouth: Nux mosch., Stramonium. Root aching: Sulphur (worse towards evening). brown: Paris (A.M., after rising). burning: Ammonium, Causticum, Arum triph. coating: Arsenicum (yellow), Calcarea phos. (A.M.), Chininum sulph. (yellow), Colchicum, Collinsonia (yellow), Ferrum phos. (yellow), Mercurius corr. (white, or yellowish-white), Mercurius cyan. (A.M., metallic looking), Ptelea, Rhus tox. (yellowish-white). constriction: Gelsemium. cramp: Aconitum, Belladonna. drawn together, feels: Hydrocyanicum ac. dryness: Hydrastis. eruption: Croton tig. lead color: Secale. 302 REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE TONGUE. Root pain: Cocculus (from swelling), Colchicum (acute on moving), Phytolacca, Ptelea. pressure: Hamamelis. prickling: Mezereum. rawness: Arum triph., Benzoicum ac. scraping: Ammonium, Causticum. sensation, as if something had lodged there: Phytolacca. soreness: Benzoicum ac., Lycopodium. stitches: Arsenicum (as from a fish-bone, on swallowing and on turning head), Clematis (dull, boring), Nitri ac. (when not swallowing). swollen: Arsenicum, Cocculus, Mercurius corr., Phosphorus. yellow: Chininum sulph. Rough: Alumina, Anacardium (as a grater), Angustura, Argentum nit., Bryonia, Collinsonia, Colocynthis, Cuprum (dry), Dulcamara, Laurocerasus (dry), Lycopodium (after smoking), Mercurius sol., Natrum ars., Oleander (dirty white, with elevated papilla), Opium, Oxalicum ac., Paris (white, as if covered with millet-seed), Phytolacca (tip), Sepia (dry), Stramonium, Sulphur (brown, parched). feels: Aconitum (middle), Alumina, Ptelea, Thuya. Scabs: Oxalicum ac. (white), Plumbum, Secale (hard), Slilphuricum ac. (grayish). Scalded, feels: /Esculus, Allium cepa, Arsenicum, Baptisia, Colocynthis, Graphites (after eating), Hamamelis, Hydrastis (worse by smoking), Hyoscyamus, Iris (A.M.), Mercurius iod. rub., Platina, Ptelea, Physostigma, Pulsatilla, Rhus ven. (during dinner), Sepia. edges: Pulsatilla, Sepia. tip: Lycopodium, Psorinum, Sanguinaria. (See Sides.) Scalloped, edges: Kali bich. Sensation of adhering to palate: Causticum. of coldness: Aconitum (cold air), Belladonna (forepart), Cistus can.(when air is inhaled), Hydrocyanicum ac. of dryness: Aconitum (in middle), Apis, Belladonna (forepart), Natrum mur. (but is not dry), Argentum nit. (but is moist). REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE TONGUE. 303 Sensation of a hair on: Kali bich. (on back part), Natrum mur., Silicea (on forepart). of heat: Aconitum, Apis, Arsenicum, Croton tig., Lycopodium, Mercurius corr., Oxalicum ac. (evenings), Phytolacca, Pulsatilla, Sulphur, Taraxacum. of rawness: Glonoinum. (See Raw.) of roughness: Aconitum (in the middle), Alumina, Ptelea, Thuya (on surface). of smarting: Ipecacuanha (in edge). (See Smarting.) of scraping: Causticum, Hydrocyanicum ac., Mezereum, Thuya (on the surface). of a skin on: Rhus tox. of soreness: Ignatia (when eating), Sabadilla (as if full of blisters). (See Sore.) as if tied up: Crotalus. Sensibility, loss of: Arsenicum, Colchicum, Helleborus, Mercurius sol., Sulphuricum ac. Sensitive: Carbo veg., Graphites, Mercurius corr., Nitri ac., Oxalicum ac., Petroleum, Phytolacca, Taraxacum (spots). Shining: Baptisia (edges, centre yellow-brown), Lachesis, Natrum "mur., Nux vom. (anterior half); posterior covered with deep fur), Phosphorus, Sulphuricum ac. (See Glossy.) Shows print of teeth. (See Indented.) Sides aching: China (when talking). biting: Drosera (right side), Ipecacuanha. bitten: Ignatia (when talking, or chewing). bleached: Cantharides. blue line: Plumbum. burning: Aconitum, Agaricus (right side), Angustura (left side), Apis, Berberis (stinging), Camphora, Carbo an. (as if sore), Colchicum (prickling), Cyclamen (left side), Glonoinum (left side, in a spot), Natrum sulph. (left side), Platina (right side). coldness: Aloes (left side). cutting: Kalmia (right side, < biting), Magnesia sulph. (left side). 304 REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE TONGUE. Sides dark: Opium. denuded: Ranunculus scel. (like islands).. dryness: Cocculus, Dioscorea (A.M.), Sanguinaria (extending over whole organ, A.M., after waking). furred: Arsenicum (red down the middle). gray patches: Mercurius. indented: Arsenicum, Chelidonium, Mercurius, Plumbum. inflamed: Ptelea (right side). lacerated: Nux mosch. numb and stiff: Natrum mur. (one side). painful: Aranea, Arum triph., Baryta carb. (as from vesicles), Calcarea ost. (on motion), Causticum (especially left side), Colocynthis (pulsating), Rhododendron (in a spot). pallor: China, Sulphur. pimples: Apis, Argentum nit. (left side), Nitri ac., Sulphur (left side). pressure: Nux mosch. rawness: Apis, Muriaticum ac. red: Antimonium crud., Apis (left side, in spots), Arsenicum, Baptisia, Cantharides, Chelidonium, Colchicum, Cuprum, Cuprum acet., Lactic ac., Mercurius, Mercurius corr., Mercurius cyan., Mercurius iod. flav., Muriaticum ac., Nitri ac., Opium, Oxalicum ac., Phosphorus, Plumbum, Secale, Stramonium, Sulphuricum ac., Veratrum vir. scalding: Apis. soreness: Agaricus (right side, in spots), Antimonium crud. (right side), Carbo veg. (right side), Colocynthis (while eating), Lachesis (left side). stiff: Laurocerasus (and swollen, left side), Natrum mur. (and numb, one side), Secale. (See Stiff.) stitches: Apis, Carbo veg. (right side), China (left side, when swallowing), Cyclamen (left side), Glonoinum (left side in a spot), Mercurius (burning), Natrum carb. (left side), Phosphoricum ac. (right side), Sanguinaria (left side), Sepia (left side), Spigelia (right side, fine). REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE TONGUE. 305 Sides swollen: Calcarea ost., Laurocerasus (and stiff, left side), Phosphorus,.Secale, Silicea (one side), Thuya (< right side), Zincum (left side). ulcers: Arsenicum, Cuprum acet. (with yellow base), Bovista (left side, depressed, sore on touch), Mercurius, Mercurius cyan. (right side), Thuya (indurated, painful). vesicles: Ammonium carb., Antimonium tart. (left side), Apis (left side, painful), Carbo an., Causticum, Hamamelis (right side), Manganum acet. (left side, burning), Mercurius, Mercurius cyan. (left side), Phytolacca, Sepia (left side), Sulphur (smarting). white: Rhus tox. (often on one side). (See Edges.) Slimy: Chelidonium, Psorinum (thick, whitish-yellow slime). Smarting: Baptisia, Calcarea ost. (on rubbing against mouth), Nitri ac. (by least touch of food), Phosphoricum ac. (only at night), Physostigma, Ptelea, Rhus tox. tip: Agaricus, Phytolacca, Ranunculus scel. Smooth: Crotalus (and red), Croton tig., Kali bich. (and red), Terebinthine (and glossy, as if deprived of papille). Soft: Apis, Mercurius corr. Sore: Alumina (as if burnt), Apis, Arnica, Arum, Baptisia, Calcarea ost. (dorsum), Causticum, (Crotalus and red), Digitalis, Fluoricum ac., Lachesis, Lycopodium, Mercurius corr., Muriaticum ac., Natrum mur., Nitri ac., Nux vom., Oxalicum ac., Phosphorus, Pulsatilla (on edges), Sabadilla (as if full of blisters), Sanguinaria (pain, like a boil), Sepia, Silicea, Thuya, Zincum. feels: Ignatia (when eating), Sabadilla. tip: /Esculus (as if ulcerated), Agaricus, Calcarea ost., Calcarea phos., Dioscorea (and brown < A.M.), Thuya (to touch). (See Sides, Soreness.) Spasm: Borax (like stiffness), Chamomilla, Secale (projecting from mouth and forcing it between the teeth). of its muscles: Argentum nit. Speech embarrassed: Actea rac. (inability to utter a word, though 20 S9I 306 REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE TONGUE. she makes the effort), /Esculus (uncontrollable tongue, cannot form. words rightly), Agaricus (tremulous propulsion), Anacardium (from heaviness; speech firmer in the afternoon), Apis (cannot protrude the tongue), Argentum nit. (cannot talk, from spasm), Baptisia (from thickness), Carbo veg. (from heaviness), Conium (from paralysis), Crotalus (feels tied up), Cyclamen (from burning blisters on tip), Dulcamara (from paralysis), Gelsemium (from partial paralysis), Hyoscyamus (from paralysis), Kali brom. (from disordered action), Lachesis (from heaviness or trembling), Laurocerasus (from swelling and stiffness of left side), Lycopodium (from stiffness and dryness A.M.), Muriaticum ac. (from heaviness), Niccolum (from stiffness), Nux mosch. (from paralysis; child, though old enough cannot talk, as if it were difficult to move the tongue), Nux vom. (from heaviness), Secale (from spasm, or a sort of paralysis), Sulphuricum ac. (from dryness and inelasticity), Veratrum alb. (from heaviness; lisping), Zincum (from left side swelling). Speech embarrassed, hurried: Arsenicum, Belladonna, Hepar, Lachesis, Mercurius. lisping: Veratrum alb. stammering: Aconitum (temporary), Belladonna, Causticum, Mercurius, Opium, Stramonium, Veratrum alb. Spongy: Stramonium..Spots: Arsenicum (burning like fire), Cuprum ars. (denuded), Mercurius sol. (dark), Nitri ac. (sore), Petroleum (yellowish), Ranunculus scel. (raw), Sulphuricum ac. (aphthous), Taraxacum (white, or dark red, tender, sensitive), Plumbum (on tip, purple, inflamed). Stammering. (See Speech.) Streaked, down the middle: Argentum nit. (red), Arnica (brown), Phosphoricum ac. (red), Veratrum alb. (red). Sticky: Berberis, Carbo veg. (and moist), Mercurius iod. flay., Nux mosch., Sepia, Sulphuricum ac. (like glue). REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE TONGUE. 307 Stiff: Aloes, Borax, Calcarea phos., Colchicum, Conium, Crotalus, Euphrasia (and lame), Fluoricum ac. (with restricted mobility), Hydrocyanicum ac. (and lame), Lachesis (and black), Laurocerasus (and swollen, left side), Lycopodium (and dry, A.M.), Mercurius corr. (white and swollen), Natrum mur. (and numb, only on one side), Secale (sides). Stinging: Aconitum, Apis, Eupatorium purp., Glonoinum, Nitri ac., Phosphorus (tip), Spongia (in vesicles). Stitches: Aloes (fine, from behind forward, in under part, when moving it), Baptisia, Calcarea ost., Carbo veg., Chamomilla, China, Cyclamen (fine), Fluoricum ac., Glonoinum, Helleborus, Kalmia, Kali bich., Lachesis, Laurocerasus, Ledum, Magnesia mur., Mezereum, Oleander, Ptelea, Pulsatilla, Veratrum alb. (See Sides, Stitches.) burning: Apis, Mercurius sol. (sides), Oleander, Rhus tox. Strawberry: Belladonna, Mercurius corr. Sunken: Bryonia, Mercurius corr. Suppurating: Cantharides, Mercurius sol. (with pinching). Surfaces: Benzoicum ac. (deeply chapped fungoid). anterior: Phosphorus (small, red, bleeding tips). upper: Arsenicum (white), Cuprum ars. (denuded in spots), Mercurius (dirty-yellow coat). under: Aloes (stitches extending forward, on motion), Calcarea ost. (pain on motion), Graphites (painful ulcers), Rhus ven. (vesicles), Thuya (cutting), Zincum (biting). Swollen: Aconitum, Actaea rac., Apis, Belladonna, Calcarea phos., Cantharides, Castoreum, Cicuta, Conium, Crotalus, Digitalis, Dulcamara, Helleborus, Hydrastis, Kali carb., Lachesis, Lycopodium, Mercurius sol., Mercurius corr. (white and stiff), Oxalicum ac. (red, dry), Phosphoricum ac. (with pain when talking), Plumbum, Ptelea, Stramonium (hanging out of mouth), Thuya (worse right side), Veratrum alb. (dry, cracked and too red). at root: Arsenicum, Phosphorus. 308 REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE TONGUE. Swollen at sides: Calcarea ost., Laurocerasus (and stiff, left side), Phosphorus, Secale, Silicea (one side), Thuya (worse right side), Zincum (left side). Tearing: Lachesis, Pulsatilla. Tender: Apis, Fluoricum ac., Kali brom. (red), Mercurius, Phytolacca (tip), Taraxacum (spots). Tensive: Oxalicum ac., Pulsatilla. Thick: Absinthium (and protruded), Baptisia, Phytolacca (and protruded). Thickly coated. (See Coated.) Thrust backward: Opium (See Oscillating). between teeth: Mercurius corr., Opium, Stramonium. Tied up, as if: Crotalus. Tingling: Aconitum, Alumina, Secale (painful), Zincum. Tip, blotches, purple on: Plumbum. brown: Dioscorea (and sore, worse A.M.). burning*: Agaricus, Baryta carb. (sense of excoriation), Calcarea ost. (painful), Calcarea phos., Causticum (painful), China (followed by ptyalism), Colocynthis, Hydrocyanicum ac., Kali carb. (as if raw), Natrum mur., Sabadilla, Sanguinaria (as if scalded). burnt sensation: Calcarea phos., Ignatia (A.M., in bed), Mezereum, Phosphorus. canker spots: Hamamelis. clean: Magnesia mur. (also edges). cold: Bryonia, Camphora, Phytolacca. cracked: Lachesis (rest dry and red). curled up: Stramonium. cutting: Thuya. denuded: Oxalicum ac., Sulphuricum ac. dry: Arnica, Bryonia, Carbo veg. (and raw), Hyoscyamus, Nux vom., Oxalicum ac., Psorinum (feels scalded), Rhus tox., Secale. flabby: Magnesia mur. (yellow). hot: Argentum nit., Carbo veg., Mezereum, Phytolacca. large: Magnesia mur. (flabby and yellow). livid: Ailanthus (also edges), Sabadilla (rest white). moist: Bryonia (rest dry). REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE TONGUE. 309 Tip, numb: Aconitum, Lachesis, Phosphorus. painful: Argentum nit., Calcarea ost. (burning), Causticum (burning), Silicea (in spots), Zincum (shooting, with pytalism and metallic taste). papille raised: Arsenicum. pimples: Capsicum (stinging), Helleborus, Natrum carb., Sepia. pointed: Secale. raw: Carbo veg. (feels raw), Lycopodium, Kali bich., Phosphorus. red: Apis, Argentum nit., Arsenicum, Belladonna (light), Cyclamen (with burning blisters), Fluoricum ac. (and edges), Lachesis (brown centre), Nitri ac., Phytolacca (fiery), Rhus tox (triangular), Sulphur (also borders, rest white), Veratrum alb. (and edges, rest white). redder than usual: Stramonium. rough: Phytolacca. scalded, feels: Lycopodium, Psorinum, Sanguinaria. shooting: Ranunculus scel., Sulphur, Zincum (painful). smarting: Agaricus, Baryta carb., Physostigma, Phytolacca, Ranunculus scel. sore: /Esculus (as if ulcerated), Agaricus, Calcarea ost., Calcarea phos., Dioscorea (and brown, A.M.), Oxalicum ac., Physostigma (4 P.M.), Rhus tox., Sabadilla, Thuya (to touch). stinging: Phosphorus (dry and white). stitches: Aconitum (fine), /Esculus, Bryonia, Cantharides, China (fine), 'Conium, Eupatorium purp., Glonoinum, Helleborus (on touch), Ignatia (fine), Mercurius sol., Phosphorus (fine), Phosphoricum ac. Sabadilla (pulsating), Veratrum alb., Zincum. tender: Phytolacca. tingling: Aconitum. ulcers on: Cuprum acet. (yellow base), Drosera (whitish), Lycopodium (flat, oval), Mercurius (pale), Plumbum (dirty-looking). vesicles: Apis (stinging), Baryta carb. (burning), Bryonia, 3Io REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE TONGUE. Carbo an. (burning), Causticum (painful), Graphites (burning), Lycopodium (feeling scalded and raw), Muriaticum ac. (burning, also red), Rhus Ven. (white). Tip, white: Argentum nit. (A.M.), Cantharides, Phosphorus, Veratrum vir. (A.M.). yellow: Magnesia mur. (large, flabby). Tough mucus on: Phosphoricum ac. Trembling: Absinthium, Actaea rac., Aconitum, Agaricus, Aloes, Belladonna, Camphora, Cantharides, Cuprum ars., Gelsemium (can hardly put tongue out), Helleborus, Hyoscyamus, Lachesis (when protruded), Lycopodium, Mercurius (when protruded), Opium, Plumbum, Secale, Stramonium, Taraxacum. Tremor: Belladonna. Tubercles: Lycopodium. Twitching: Absinthium, Glonoinum, Secale, Sulphur. Ulcerated: Apis, Aurum mur., Baptisia, Benzoicum ac., Mercurius sol., Nitri ac. (with tough, ropy mucus). Ulcers: Aloes (yellow), Capsicum (flat, sensitive, spreading, with lardaceous centre), China (burning), Graphites (painful in under surface), Kali bich. (syphilitic, deep and stinging), Lycopodium (on and under), Mercurius (shallow), Mercurius iod. flay. (scattered on margin; with red edges and ashy-gray centre), Muriaticum ac. (deep, with black bases), Natrum mur. (smarting and burning), Nitri ac. (on edges), Opium, Phytolacca (small, mercurial), Plumbum (dirty-looking on tip),'Psorinum (deep), Silicea (on right border, eating into it, and discharging much pus). (See Covered With Ulcers.) Uncontrollable: tEsculus (cannot form words rightly). Unctuous: Opium. (See Greasy.) Velvety: Colchicum, Mercurius iod. flay., Nux mosch. Vermilion: Sulphur (and cracked). Vesicles: Aconitum (burning), Ammonium carb., Apis (covered with), Arsenicum (burning or painful), Baryta carb. (under), Cantharides (at base), Carbo an. (burning), REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE TONGUE. 311 Castoreum, Chamomilla, Graphites (burning, on lower surface and tip), Hamamelis (sides), Helleborus (full of), Kali carb. (covered with), Lachesis, Lycopodium (burning), Manganum acet. (left side, burning), Mezereum (burning), Muriaticum ac. (also ulcers), Natrum mur. (smarting and burning when touched by food), Nitri ac., Rhus tox., Rhus ven. (white, and in under surface), Sabadilla, Sepia, Spigelia (burning), Spongia (with burning and stinging pains), Thuya (white, or burning), Zincum (covered with). (See Covered With and Tip and Sides, Vesicles.) Vesicles, warmth: Secale (slight, but unpleasant during the day). wasting away: Muriaticum ac. Weakness, paralytic: Belladonna. White: Aconitum, Asculus, Agaricus (A.M.), Ailanthus (thick), Aluminum (with normal taste), Antimonium crud. (thick), Antimonium tart. (thick or thin), Apis, Argentum nit., Arnica, Arsenicum (as if painted white), Baptisia (early), Bismuthum (P.M.), Bryonia, Calcarea ost., Calcarea phos. (A.M.), Carbo veg., Causticum (on both sides), Cantharides, Chamomilla (at the sides, red centre, or white with islands), Chelidonium, China, Colocynthis, Cuprum, Digitalis (A.M.), Dioscorea, Dulcamara, Ferrum, Graphites, Hamamelis, Helleborus (on rising), Hydrastis, Hyoscyamus, Hypericum, Hydrocyanicum ac. (then dark and foul), Ipecacuanha, Kali bich., Kali brom., Kali carb., Kobaltum, Lachesis, Laurocerasus (and dry), Lycopodium, Magnesia mur. (A.M.), Mercurius corr. (swollen, and stiff, or contracted), Mezereum (thick, -with red papille), Natrum mur., Nitri ac. (dry, A.M.), Nux mosch., Nux vom. (thick), Oleander (dirty, or rough, with raised papillae), Opium, Oxalicum ac. (nausea, thirst and loss of taste), Paris (rough), Petroleum, Phosphorus (dry, with stinging tip), Podophyllum (moist), Psorinum, Ptelea, Pulsatilla (A.M.), Rhus 312 REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OF THE TONGUE. tox. (often on one side), Rumex, Sabadilla (tip bluish), Sanguinaria, Secale, Sepia, Stramonium, Sulphur (also with red tip and borders, or during diarrhoea), Taraxacum (cleans off in patches leaving dark red, tender, very sensitive spots), Thuya (without thirst), Veratrum alb. (red tip and edges), Veratrum vir. (See Centre, Tip, etc.) W\hitc, milky: Antimonium crud., Arnica, Arsenicum, Bryonia, Glonoinum (no coating), Nux vom., Sepia. washed, as if: Antimonium crud., Arsenicum. Whitish: Cina, Fluoricum ac., Mercurius iod. flay., Stramonium (with fine red dots). yellow: Aconitum, Aloes, Arsenicum, Cyclamen, Kali bich. Withered: Veratrum alb. Woody: Rhus tox. Wrinkled: Calcarea phos. (A.M.), Phosphorus, Sulphuricum ac. Yellow: Aconiturn, iEsculus, Agaricus, Aloes, Antimonium crud., Antimonium tart. (A.Mt.), Arnica (dry), Baptisia, Belladonna, Chelidonium (thick), Chininum sulph. (at root), China, Colocynthis, Crotalus, Eupatoriumrn perf., Gelsemium, Hydrastis (a stripe), Hyoscyamus, Hypericum (foul), Ipecacuanha, Kali bich. (thick; edges red; ulcerated), Lycopodium, Mercurius sol. (dirty), Mercurius iod. flay. (at back part; tip and edges red), Natrum ars., Nitri ac., Nux vom. (thick), Opium (dirty), Phytolacca (dry), Plumbum, Podophyllum (dry), Psorinum, Ptelea, Pulsatilla, Sabadilla (thick, sore), Stannum, Spigelia, Sulphur, Thuya, Veratrum vir. (with red streak down the middle). (See Base, Centre, Edges, Root, Tip.) Yellowish: Chliamomilla, Cuprum, Nux mosch., Phosphorus, Rhus tox. brown: Baptisia (centre; late), Cina, Phosphorus, Ptelea (dry), Rumex. greenish: Calcarea ost. white: Aconitum, Aloes, Arsenicum, Cyclamen, Dioscorea, Gelsemium, Kali bich., Secale (dry, thick, tenacious coating). REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS OCCURRING DURING PREGNANCY. ARRANGED BY THEODORE J. GRAMM, M.D., PHILADELPHIA, PA. ABDOMEN. Aching, numb, in left ovary, heat down thigh; third month of pregnancy: Podophyllum. Bearing down, constant, strong; retained placenta: Secale. spasmodic in threatened abortion: Caulophyllum. Burning in uterine region, alternating with pains in the limbs, fingers spasmodically flexed; after parturition: Rhododendron. Colic in frequent attacks, which draw patient nearly double: Colocynthis. violent; lochia suppressed: Colocynthis. with watery, offensive diarrhoea in first days after confinement; tenesmus, prostration, restlessness, fear of death: Rheum. Constant strong bearing down in abdomen; retained placenta: Secale. Cramps in abdomen during pregnancy: Gelsemium. Cramplike affections during pregnancy: Millefolium. Cutting pains through abdomen; labor pains distressing and ineffectual:. Phosphorus. Distended: Aconitum, China. in childbed fever: Aconitum. not relieved by belching; in abortion: China. Disturbances, abdominal: Alumina. Dragging pains; delayed post-partum recovery: Lilium tig. Feeling as if there was not room enough in abdomen, at night in bed, must stretch violently: Plumbum. (313) 314 REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS DURING PREGNANCY. Foetal movements too violent: Opium, Psorinum, Sepia, Thuya. too sensitive: Sepia. so violent they awaken her and cause cutting in bladder with urging to urinate; pains in left sacroiliac articulation, running into groin: Thuya. Forcing pains, frequent, prolonged, particularly in thin, ill-conditioned women: Secale. Inflated. (See Distended.) Lies comfortably only on stomach; early months of pregnancy: Podophyllum. Motions of foetus. (See Foetal Movements.) Numb aching in region of left ovary; heat down thighs; third month of pregnancy: Podophyllum. Pains, aching, numb: Podophyllum. bearing down, constant, strong: Secale. spasmodic: Caulophyllum. burning in uterine region: Rhododendron. colic in frequent attacks: Colocynthis. violent: Colocynthis. with watery, offensive diarrhoea in first days after confinement: Rheum. constant, strong bearing down: Secale. cramplike affections during pregnancy: Millefolium. dragging; delayed post-partum recovery: Lilium tig. feeling as if there was not room enough in abdomen, at night in bed, must stretch violently: Plumbum. foetal movements violent and painful: Psorinum, Sepia, Thuya. forcing pains, frequent and prolonged: Secale. numb aching in region of left ovary: Podophyllum. sensitive during pregnancy: Nux mosch. in childbed fever: Aconitum. with after-pains: Sabina. sharp across abdomen: Actaea rac. in right groin preventing motion; later months: Podophyllum. soreness of abdomen of pregnant women: Aconitum, Nux mosch., Sabina, Secale, Sepia. REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS DURING PREGNANCY. 315 Pains, spasmodic bearing down: Caulophyllum. throbbing in abdomen: Selenium. violent abdominal pains in puerperal fever: Coffea. colicky: Colocynthis. from sacrum to pubes, during abortion, third month, bright red, partly clotted blood, worse from any motion: Sabina. through hypogastric and iliac region and down thighs from loins, with nausea; threatened abortion: Sanguinaria. frequent prolonged forcing, particularly in thin ill-conditioned women: Secale. running into groin from left sacro-iliac articulation, with cutting in bladder and urging to urinate; awakens from sleep from violent fcetal movements: Thuya. Peritonitis, pelvic, menorrhagia accompanying: Apis. puerperal, excessive heat, anxiety, tendency to syncope, red face, especially of one cheek; formation of pus: Chamomilla. Pressure and weights into pelvis, sense of, causing lameness: Aloes. Sensitive. (See Soreness.) Sharp pain in right groin, preventing motion, later months of pregnancy: Podophyllum. Soreness of abdomen of pregnant women: Aconitum, Nux mosch., Sabina, Secale, Sepia. in childbed fever: Aconitum. with after-pains: Sabina. Spasmodic bearing down; in threatened abortion: Caulophyllum. Swollen, tympanitic, diarrhcea; lochia suppressed: Colocynthis. puerperal fever: Lachesis. lochia fetid, urine suppressed; face purple; unconscious: Lachesis. Throbbing in abdomen during pregnancy: Selenium. Tightness across pit of stomach: Kreosotum. Tympanitic: Colocynthis, Psorinum. swelling, diarrhoea, lochia suppressed: Colocynthis. Violent abdominal pains in puerperal fever: Coffea. 316 REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS DURING PREGNANCY. Weight and pressure into the pelvis, sense of, causing lameness: Aloes. ABORTION. Disposition to: Apis, Argentum nit., Caulophyllum, Helonias, Kreosotum, Lycopodium, Sabina, Secale, Thuya, Zincum. Habitual: Caulophyllum, Helonias, Kreosotum, Sabina, Secale, Thuya. from uterine debility: Caulophyllum. third month: Kreosotum, Sabina, Secale, Thuya. early months: Apis. after fifth month: Sepia. Threatened: Aconitum, Actmea rac., Apis, Arnica, Asarum europ., Baptisia, Calcarea carb., Cannabis sat., Caulophyllum, Chamomilla, China, Coffea, Ferrum, Helonias, Kali carb., Kreosotum, Nux mosch., Opium, Plumbum, Pulsatilla, Rhus tox., Sabina, Sanguinaria, Silicea, Stramonium, Trillium, Veratrum alb. by the use of, during pregnancy: Ustilago. from debility, uterine: Caulophyllum. overexertion: Rhus tox. falls: Arnica. fright: Aconitum, Actaea rac., Opium. gonorrhcea: Cannabis sat. lead-poisoning: Plumbum. overexertion: Rhus tox. poisoning by lead: Plumbum. shocks: Arnica. sensibility of nerves, excessive: Asarum europ. straining: Rhus tox. in hysterical females, disposed to fainting; fears she will abort: Nux mosch. with abdominal distension, not relieved by belching: China. back, severe pain in, but uterine contractions feeble: Caulophyllum. bearing down, spasmodic: Caulophyllum, Viburnum op. blood, dark, discharge of: Chamomilla. REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS DURING PREGNANCY. 317 Threatened with breathing rapid: Aconitum. bruised feeling: Arnica. circulation excited: Aconitum. contractions feeble, but severe pain in back and loins: Caulophyllum. cramps in uterus intense: Viburnum op. discharge of dark blood: Chamomilla. distended abdomen, not relieved by belching: China. excitement, vascular: Caulophyllum. flow slight: Caulophyllum. flow ceases and returns frequently: Pulsatilla. hemorrhage as a forerunner of: Ruta. (Compare also Hemorrhage.) hemorrhage of black blood, third month: Kreosotum. hemorrhage ceasing and flowing again, frequently: Pulsatilla. hemorrhage profuse: Trillium. unceasing imploring: Stramonium. metrorrhagia as a forerunner: Ruta. nausea: Sanguinaria, Veratrum alb. pain excessively severe: Coffea. pain severe in back and loins, but uterine contractions feeble: Caulophyllum. pain in loins, extending through hypogastric and iliac region and down thighs: Sanguinaria. pain from back into buttocks and thighs: Kali carb. pain around from back, ending in excruciating cramps in lower abdomen i Viburnum op. pain from sacrum to pubes: Sabina. pain in legs: Sabina. pain with cold sweat: Veratrum alb. pain in uterus, intense cramps in: Viburnum op. spasmodic bearing down: Caulophyllum. unceasing singing: Stramonium. tremulous weakness: Caulophyllum. unceasing talking: Stramonium. vascular excitement: Caulophyllum. vexation: Aconitum. 318 REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS DURING PREGNANCY. Threatened with vomiting: Veratrum alb. weakness, tremulous: Caulophyllum. during third month: Kreosotum, Sabina, Secale, Thuya. fifth month: Sepia. early months: Apis. gonorrhoea: Cannabis sat. typhoid fever: Baptisia. After abortion, back weak: Kali carb. cough, dry: Kali carb. hemorrhage: Caulophyllum, Erigeron, Hyoscyamus, Kali carb., Nitri ac., Secale, Silicea. hemorrhage, passive: Caulophyllum. hemorrhage prolonged: Kali carb. hemorrhage, thin, black, foul-smelling discharge: Secale. hemorrhage with diarrhoea and dysuria: Erigeron. hemorrhage with spasms, twitching of single muscles: Hyoscyamus. urinary complaints: Erigeron, Rheum. difficult contraction of uterus: Secale. BACK. Languor in back and knees; hysterical women disposed to faint: Nux mosch. Pain while nursing: Silicea. like gnawing stiffness, indescribable, in sacrum and hip-bone, down over whole thigh, worse standing; last months of pregnancy: Ledum. labor, worse in back: Nux vom. cutting across lumbar region hindering labor: Kali carb. severe in back and loins, but uterine contractions feeble; in threatened abortion: Caulophyllum. in small of back, during hour-glass contraction of uterus: Cocculus. sharp across lumbar region hindering labor: Kali carb. like stiffness, gnawing indescribable in sacrum and hip-bone, down over whole thigh, worse standing; last months of pregnancy: Ledum. extending to buttocks and thighs, in threatened abortion: Kali carb. REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS DURING PREGNANCY. 319 Pain extending down buttocks, thus hindering labor: Kali carb. to knees and ankles, then up to sacrum; jerks here and there; after confinement: Phytolacca. from left sacro-iliac articulation into groin, with urging to urinate and cutting in bladder; awakened from sleep by violent foetal movements: Thuya. from loins through hypogastric and iliac region and down thighs; with nausea; in threatened abortion: Sanguinaria. from sacrum to pubes, during abortion; third month; bright red clotted, worse any motion: Sabina. around from back, ending in excruciating cramps in lower abdomen: Viburnum op. Stiffness of pelvic articulations, on beginning to move; during pregnancy: Rhus tox. Weak after abortion or labor: Kali carb. and knees; hysterical women disposed to faint: Nux mosch. sacro-iliac symphysis gives out while walking, must sit down, better lying: /Esculus hipp. Body cool, head hot, during hemorrhage: Arnica. BREASTS. Abscess: Arnica, Mercurius, Phosphorus, Phytolacca. (Compare also Suppuration.) from bruise: Arnica. threatened: Aceticum ac., Apis. milk scanty or spoiled; child refuses it: Mercurius. Aching when empty, must compress with hand: Borax. Atrophy: Conium, Kreosotum, Nitri ac., Nux mosch. with small, hard painful lumps in them: Kreosotum, Nitri ac. with increased sexual desire: Conium. Bleeding easily; cancer mamme, with sharp, lancinating pains: Phosphorus. Bluish, with blackish streaks: Lachesis. red: Kreosotum. Burning: Actaa rac., Apis, Arsenicum alb., Calcarea phos., Carbo an., Hepar s. c., Lycopodium, Phosphorus, Psorinum, Silicea. 320 REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS DURING PREGNANCY. Burning, better motion: Arsenicum alb. prevents rest at night: Silicea. in cancer: Hepar s. c. in tumor: Carbo an. around nipples: Psorinum. limbs go to sleep; induration of breasts: Silicea. hard nodosities in breasts, with stitching: Lycopodium. and stinging in fistulous openings, with watery offensive discharge: Phosphorus. Cancer: Graphites, Hepar s. c., Lachesis, Phosphorus, Psorinum. fungus haematodes, frequently bleeding: Lachesis. from old cicatrices which have remained after repeated abscesses: Graphites. stinging and burning in edges; smells like old cheese: Hepar. with sharp, lancinating pains; or easily bleeding: Phosphorus. Chilly crawls over mammae: Cocculus, Guaiacum.Cicatrices, hard, remaining after mammary abscess: Graphites. Constrictive pain in left breast when child nurses the right: Borax. Cramplike pain in left breast, shoulder and arm: Lilium tig. Cutting in left, through to scapula; sighing, short breath: Lilium tig. Debility from nursing: Carbo veg. Discharge of clots of milk and pus: Rhus tox. Distended painfully with milk: Actaea rac. with milk, when not pregnant: Asafcetida. with milk, scanty: Calcarea carb. Drawing rheumatic pains, worse open air and night; breasts hard and tender to touch: Chamomilla. Dwindling away: Conium, Kreosotum, Nitri ac., Nux mosch. with small, hard, painful lumps: Kreosotum. with increased sexual desire: Conium. Empty, lax, in childbed fever: Aconitum. When empty, aching so that she must compress it with the hand: Borax. Eruption. (See Herpes, Pimples.) REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS DURING PREGNANCY. 321 Erysipelas: Apis, Arnica, Carbo an. Excruciating pain running from nipple through to scapula of same side, when child nurses: Croton tig. Fungus haematodes, frequently bleeding: Lachesis. Fistulous openings, with burning, stinging and watery offensive discharge: Phosphorus. Fistulous, gaping and angry ulcers, discharging watery fetid pus: Phytolacca. Full: Colchicum. skin hot, pulse strong (fourth day, lying-in): Colchicum. Gathered breast. (See Abscess, Suppuration.) Griping in left: Borax. Hardness: Apis, Bryonia, Carbo an., Chamomilla, Conium, Croton tig., Kreosotum, Mercurius, Nitri ac., Phosphorus, Phytolacca. great, after weaning: Phytolacca. with painfulness to touch and nightly stitches: Conium. with pain from nipples to scapula: Croton tig. swollen with sore pains, ulcerated nipples: suppuration of breasts: Mercurius. with ulceration: Phosphorus. Hard lumps: Arum triph., Carbo an., Kreosotum, Lycopodium, Nitri ac., Phytolacca, Pulsatilla, Silicea. painful: Carbo an., Kreosotum, Phytolacca. deep in left, with aching pain: Arum triph. burning, with stitching pains: Lycopodium. with induration of axillary glands and burning pains, anxiety, want of breath, whining mood: Carbo veg. small, hard, painful, breasts dwindling away: Kreosotum. in breasts of girls before puberty: Pulsatilla. tubercles, scurfy, covering skin of breast, oozing blood when scurf is removed: Kreosotum. Heavy: Bryonia. Herpes on breasts of nursing women: Dulcamara. Induration: Cistus can., Cuprum met. Inflammation: Apis, Arnica, Cactus grand, Carbo an., Cistus can., Phytolacca, Rhus tox. (Also compare Abscess.) 21 322 REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS DURING PREGNANCY. Inflammation, erysipelatous: Apis, Arnica, Carbo an. with sense of fulness in chest: Cactus grand, Cistus can. with oversensitiveness to cold air: Cactus grand. streaks of, breasts swollen from catching cold: Rhus tox. milk scanty or spoiled, child refuses it: Mercurius. Itching, great, of the swollen mamma; scirrhus: Silicea. pricking between mamma, like flea-bites, obliging her to rise at night: Phosphoricum ac. violent, of pimples about nipples; oozing fluid; second month: Psorinum. Lax, empty, in childbed fever: Aconitum. Lumps. (See Hard Lumps.) Mastitis. (See Abscess, Inflammation.) Milk scanty or spoiled, child refuses it: Mercurius. absent: Millefolium, Urtica urens. puerperal convulsions: Millefolium. lochia suppressed, violent fever, convulsive twitching, great pain: Millefolium. acrid: Calcarea phos. arrests the flow of milk after weaning: Pulsatilla, Urtica urens. bluish: Aceticum ac., Lachesis. she awakens always sad, despairing: Lachesis. continues to be secreted after weaning; breasts swollen, tense and sore: Pulsatilla. copious. (See Galactorrhoea.) lochia scanty; puerperal mania, many hallucinations: Stramonium. curdles soon after being drawn: Borax. deficient. (See Scanty.) in caseine and butter: Aceticum ac. diminished. (See Scanty.) disappears. (See Scanty.) galactorrhcea: Kali iod., Phytolacca, Rhus tox. causing great exhaustion: Phytolacca. lochia scanty, puerperal mania, many hallucinations: Stramonium. impoverished: Actaa rac. REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS DURING PREGNANCY. 323 Milk, insufficient. (See Scanty.) neutral reaction: Calcarea phos. odor, sour: Aceticum ac. refused by child: Calcarea phos., Cina, Mercurius, Rhus tox., Silicea, Stannum. by child, scanty; mastitis: Mercurius. by child, or if it does nurse it vomits: Silicea. scanty: Agnus cast., Asafcetida, Bryonia, Calcarea carb., Causticum, Chelidonium, Ignatia, Mercuriis, Phosphoricum ac., Rhus tox., Sambucus, Secale, Urtica urens. from anxiety: Causticum. from overfatigue: Causticum. from night-watching: Causticum. with debility and great apathy: Phosphoricum ac. with general heat: Rhus tox. with oversensitiveness: Asafcetida. with much stinging in breasts: Secale. spoiled, child refuses it; mastitis: Mercurius. in healthy looking women, whose children die early, with diarrhcea and convulsions or hydrocephalus: Calcarea carb. sour taste: Aceticum ac. smell: Aceticum ac. spoiled, scanty, child refuses it; mastitis: Mercurius. suppressed: Aurum met., Dulcamara, Pulsatilla, Silicea. suddenly; lochia becoming milky, white: Pulsatilla. from taking cold: Dulcamara. tastes acrid: Calcarea phos. badly: Borax. bitter: Rheum. salty: Calcarea phos. sour: Aceticum ac. thick, too: Borax. thin: Calcarea phos., Lachesis. she awakens sad, despairing: Lachesis. transparent: Aceticum ac. watery: Calcarea phos. 324 REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS DURING PREGNANCY. Milk in breasts instead of menses: Mercurius. Milklike fluid, thin, escape of, from breasts of girls before puberty:.Pulsatilla. Nipples aching: Calcarea phos. bleeding: Lycopodium, Sepia, Sulphur. easily: Lycopodium. after nursing: Sulphur. and soreness preceded by itching: Sepia. brownish-red, dark: Colchicum. burning: Agaricus, Lycopodium, Psorinum, Silicea, Sulphur. in left: Silicea. around them: Psorinum. after nursing: Sulphur. chapped after nursing: Sulphur. covering, mealy, of nipples: Petroleum. cracked: Causticum, Fluoricum ac., Lycopodium, Phytolacca, Sepia. across crown: Sepia. surrounded by herpes: Causticum. and sore, intense suffering on putting child to breast; pain starts from nipple and radiates over whole body: Phytolacca. dark: Colchicum. brownish-red: Colchicum. darting in left: Silicea. drawn in, like funnel: Silicea. excruciating pain from nipples to scapula when child nurses: Croton tig. fissured. (See Cracked.) inflamed: Chamomilla. itching: Agaricus, Fluoricum ac., Petroleum. right: Fluoricum ac. preceded by soreness and bleeding: Sepia. violent, of pimples about nipples; oozing fluid; second month: Psorinum. mealy covering of: Petroleum. pain, aching: Calcarea phos. burning: Agaricus, Lycopodium, Psorinum, Silicea, Sulphur. REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS DURING PREGNANCY. 325 Nipples pain, darting, left: Silicea. excruciating from nipples to scapula when child nurses: Croton tig. painful: Colchicum, Graphites, Helonias. painful, unbearably, from slightest touch of child: Colchicum, Helonias. smarting: Sulphur. soreness: Argentum nit., Arnica, Calcarea carb., Causticum, Chamomilla, Croton tig., Fluoricum ac., Hamamelis, Helonias, Lycopodium, Millefolium, Phytolacca, Sanguinaria, Silicea, Zincum. stinging: Camphora. stitches: Lycopodium, Spigelia. pimples itching violently, about nipples; oozing fluid; second month: Psorinum. protruding: Colchicum. red: Agaricus, Colchicum, Fluoricum ac., Psorinum. dark brownish: Colchicum. right: Fluoricum ac.. retracted like funnel: Silicea. scurfy: Kreosotum, Lycopodium. smarting after nursing: Sulphur. sore: Argentum nit., Arnica, Calcarea carb., Causticum, Chamomilla, Conium, Croton tig., Fluoricum ac., Hamamelis, Helonias, Lycopodium, Mercurius, Millefolium, Phytolacca, Sanguinaria, Silicea, Sulphur, Zincum. from nursing: Argentum nit., Colchicum, Helonias, Phytolacca. and fissured with intense suffering on putting child to breast; pain starts from nipple and radiates over whole body: Phytolacca. to touch: Chamomilla, Colchicum, Conium, Croton tig., Helonias, Silicea. to touch, infant's breasts: Chamomilla. from slightest touch of the child: Colchicum, Helonias. under right nipple: Sanguinaria. and bleeding, preceded by itching: Sepia. 326 REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS DURING PREGNANCY. Nipples sore, surrounded by herpes: Causticum. stinging, fine: Cariphora. stitches: Lycopodium, Spigelia. under nipples: Spigelia. swelling of right: Fluoricum ac. tender. (See Sore.) ulcer on: Calcarea carb. ulceration: Mercurius, Silicea. unbearably painful from slightest touch: Colchicum, Helonias. Nodosities. (See under Hardness, Hard Lumps.) Nursing, while, pure blood flows: Silicea. complains every time: Silicea. lochia increased: Silicea. after-pains return: Arnica. pain in back: Silicea. intense suffering on putting child to breast; pain starts from nipple and radiates over whole body: Phytolacca. constrictive pain in left when child nurses right: Borax. while, excruciating pain running from nipple through to scapula of same side: Croton tig. unbearable pain from slightest touch: Colchicum, Helonias. after, must compress breast with hand, because it aches on account of being empty: Borax. bleeding of nipples: Sulphur. burning of nipples: Sulphur. chapped nipples: Sulphur. faint, gone feeling in stomach, not relieved by eating: Carbo an. from, sore: Argentum nit., Colchicum, Phytolacca, Helonias. debility: Carbo veg. health deteriorated: Phosphoricum ac. Pain: Aceticum ac., Actaea rac., Apis, Argentum nit., Arnica, Arsenicum, Arum triph., Asafoetida, Borax, Bromium, Bryonia, Cactus grand., Calcarea carb., Cal REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS DURING PREGNANCY. 327 carea phos., Camphora, Carbo an., Carbo veg., Chamomilla, Cistus can., Clematis, Colchicum, Conium, Croton tig., Helonias, Hepar s. c., Kreosotum, Lachesis, Lilium tig., Lycopodium, Mercurius, Nitri ac., Nux mosch., Phosphorus, Phosphoricum ac., Phytolacca, Psorinum, Pulsatilla, Rhus tox., Sanguinaria, Secale, Silicea, Spigelia, Sulphur, Zincum. Pain, aching: Arum triph., Borax. when empty: Borax. burning: Actaea rac., Apis, Arsenicum, Calcarea phos., Carbo an., Carbo veg., Hepar s. c., Lycopodium, Phosphorus, Psorinum, Silicea. prevents rest at night: Silicea. in cancer: Hepar s. c. in tumor: Carbo an. constrictive in left when child nurses right: Borax. cramplike in left: Lilium tig. cutting: Calcarea carb., Lilium tig. darting: Carbo an. arresting breathing, worse pressure: Carbo an. drawing: Carbo an., Chamomilla. rheumatic pain, worse open air and at night: Chamomilla. towards axilla: Carbo an. with tenderness: Chamomilla. excruciating running from nipple through to scapula of same side when child nurses: Croton tig. griping in left: Borax. inflammatory, worse left: Actaea rac. knifelike: Calcarea carb. lancinating in tumor: Bromium. and pain down arms: Lachesis. sharp in cancer, easily bleeding: Phosphorus. piercing, worse night: Conium. pressure, sharp, in left: Phosphoricum ac. pricking,itching, like flea-bites, between mammae, obliging her to rise at night: Phosphoricum ac. 328 REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS DURING PREGNANCY. Pain, rheumatic: Chamomilla, Pulsatilla. sensitive. (See Sore.) sharp, lancinating in cancer, easily bleeding: Phosphorus. pressive in left: Phosphoricum ac. sore: Calcarea carb., Calcarea phos., Chamomilla, Conium, Mercurius, Pulsatilla, Sanguinaria, Silicea, Zincum. swollen, hard; nipples ulcerated; suppuration of mamma-: Mercurius. to touch: Calcarea carb., Calcarea phos., Chamomilla, Conium, Zincum. to touch, not, but swollen: Hepar s. c. stinging: Apis, Camphora, Clematis, Hepar s. c., Phosphorus, Secale. in edges of ulcer; scirrhus: Clematis. in cancer: Hepar s. c. stitches: Borax, Clematis, Conium, Kreosotum, Lycopodium, Sanguinaria, Spigelia. scirrhus: Clematis. under nipples: Spigelia. tearing: Bryonia. tensive: Bryonia. ulcerate, pain at every menstrual period as if they would: Mercurius. Pale: Bryonia. Pimples or ulcers surrounding scirrhus: Hepar s. c. itch violently about nipples; oozing fluid; second month of pregnancy: Psorinum. Red: Sambucus. blue: Kreosotum. dark: Silicea. Rheumatic drawing pains, worse in open air and at night; breasts hard and tender to touch: Chamomilla. pains to muscles of chest, shoulders, neck, axilla and down arm; changes from place to place; during nursing: Pulsatilla. Scirrhus: Apis, Carbo an., Clematis, Hepar s. c., Silicea. hard as gristle: Silicea. great itching of breast: Silicea. REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS DURING PREGNANCY. 329 Scirrhus, low-spirited: Carbo an. pain, burning, also in open cancer: Apis. burning: Carbo an. drawing towards axilla: Carbo an. stinging in edges of ulcer: Clematis. stitching: Clematis. stitching in shoulder or gland; worse in cold weather, night and increasing moon: Clematis. pimples surrounding: Hepar s. c. spots, dirty blue-red: Carbo an. surface uneven: Silicea. night-sweats: Carbo an. swollen breast: Silicea. ulcers surrounding: Hepar s. c. Sensitive. (See Sore.) Shivering over: Cocculus, Guaiacum. Shriveling. (See Atrophy.) Skin of, covered with little scurfy tubercles, oozing blood when scurf is removed: Kreosotum. Small: Nux mosch. Soreness: Calcarea carb., Calcarea phos., Chamomilla, Conium, Mercurius, Pulsatilla, Sanguinaria, Silicea, Zincum. to touch: Calcarea carb., Calcarea phos., Chamomilla, Conium, Zincum. under right nipple: Sanguinaria. hardness of right, and nightly stitches: Conium. tumors in mamma with piercing pain; worse at night: Conium. rheumatic drawing pains; worse in open air and at night: Chamomilla. swollen: Zincum. with drawing pains: Chamomilla. swollen, hard; nipples ulcerated; suppuration of mamma: Mercurius. stretched, tense; milk continues to be secreted after weaning: Pulsatilla. dark red, burning pains prevent rest at night; suppuration: Silicea. 330 REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS DURING PREGNANCY. Spots, dirty blue-red: Carbo an. red, or streaks: Phosphorus. Stinging: Apis, Camphora, Clematis, Hepar s. c., Phosphorus, Secale. fine in nipples; suppuration of mamme: Camphora. in breasts with lack of milk: Secale. in cancer: Hepar s. c. in edges of ulcer; scirrhus of mammae, with stitching pains: Clematis. and burning in edges of cancer; smells like old cheese: Hepar s. c. and burning in fistulous openings, with watery, offensive discharge: Phosphorus. Stitches: Borax, Camphora, Clematis, Conium, Kreosotum, Lycopodium, Sanguinaria, Spigelia. in left: Borax, Conium. in both: Sanguinaria. under nipple: Spigelia. nightly, hardness and painfulness to touch: Conium. as from needles in left: Conium. and griping in left: Borax. burning; hard nodosities: Lycopodium. scirrhus; stinging in edges: Clematis. Streaks or spots, red: Phosphorus. of inflammation, swollen from catching cold: Rhus tox. Stretched, swollen, sore; milk continues to be secreted after weaning: Pulsatilla. Suppuration: Apis, Arnica, Camphora, Cistus can., Mercurius, Phosphorus, Phytolacca, Silicea, Sulphur. scrofulous: Cistus can. with chilliness in morning, heat in afternoon: Sulphur. fulness in chest: Cactus grand., Cistus can. sensitiveness to cold air: Cistus can. stinging in nipples: Camphora. swollen, hard, with sore pain; ulcerated nipples: Mercurius. with large, fistulous, gaping and angry ulcers, discharging watery, fetid pus: Phytolacca. Swollen: Apis, Calcarea carb., Croton tig., Cuprum met., Helo REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS DURING PREGNANCY. 331 nias, Hepar s. c., Mercurius, Phytolacca, Psorinum, Pulsatilla, Sambucus, Silicea, Zincum. Swollen, with pain from nipple to scapula: Croton tig. with rheumatic pain to muscles of chest, shoulders, neck, axilla, and down arm; changes from place to place; during nursing: Pulsatilla. hard with sore pain; ulcerated nipples; suppuration of mammam: Mercurius. feel stretched, tense, sore; milk continues to be secreted after weaning: Pulsatilla. from catching cold; streaks of inflammation: Rhus tox. not sensitive to touch, but cannot walk up and down-stairs: Hepar s. c. Tenderness. (See Soreness.) Tense, feel stretched, sore; milk continues to be secreted after weaning: Pulsatilla. Tubercles scurfy, oozing blood when scurf is removed: Kreosotum. Tumors. (Compare Hardness, Scirrhus.) hard, uneven, adherent, with lancinating pain; worse at night: Bromium. skin loose, burning pains; dirty blue-red spots; pains drawing towards axilla; night-sweats; scirrhus mamme: Carbo an. scirrhus, left, with stitches in shoulders or glands very painful; worse in cold weather, night, and increasing moon: Clematis. with piercing pains; worse at night; gland abnormally tender: Conium. Ulceration. (See Suppuration.) BREATHING DIFFICULT. Arrested breathing from darting pains in breasts of nursing women; worse from pressure: Carbo an. During convulsions, puerperal: Hyoscyamus. hemorrhage, uterine; wants to be fanned: China. after labor; is cold and pale: Aceticum ac. labor; violent dyspncea with every uterine contraction, which seems to neutralize the labor-pains; rigid os: Lobeiia. 332 REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS DURING PREGNANCY. During labor, suffocation and fainting spells; must have doors and windows open: Pulsatilla. pregnancy: Nux mosch., Nux vom., Viola od. with upward pressure: Nux mosch., Nux vom. Stertorous; convulsions following sluggish or irregular laborpains: Pulsatilla. CHEST. Feeling of fulness in, with suppuration of mamma: Cistus can., Cactus grand. Cutting in left, through to scapula; sighing, short of breath: Lilium tig. Excruciating pain running through to scapula of the same side, when the child nurses: Croton tig. Oppressed, during puerperal convulsions: Hyoscyamus. CHILDREN. Apoplectic symptoms of newborn: Aconitum. Asphyxia of newborn: Aconitum, Antimonium tart., Arnica, China. child pale, breathless; gasping, although the cord still pulsates: Antimonium tart. after great loss of blood by the mother: China. Blood and water ooze from navel of newborn: Abrotanum. Breasts very tender to touch: Chamomilla. Breathlessness of newborn: Aconitum, Opium. Convulsions of newborn: Camphora. tetanic, with bending backward: Camphora..during dentition, right side lame, quivering of left upper eyelid: Arum triph. Dentition difficult, with diarrhoea: Rheum. Die early from marasmus: Argentum nit. in a year or two, after lead-poisoning in mother: Plumbum. Droop, lose flesh and get marasmus: Aceticum ac. Fever of newborn: Aconitum, Camphora. Hiccough: Hyoscyamus. Icterus of newborn: Aconitum. Marasmus of newborn: Aceticum ac., Argentum nit. REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS DURING PREGNANCY. 333 Moles and varicose protuberances on the heads of: Calcarea carb. Muscular weakness of infants: Calcarea carb. Navel. (See Umbilicus.) Ophthalmia of newborn: Aconitum. Pale, newborn: Opium. Pulseless, newborn: Aconitum. Purplish, newborn: Aconitum. Refuse mother's milk: Calcarea phos., Cina, Silicea. mother's milk, or if it does nurse it vomits: Silicea. Skin, hard places on, of abdomen and thighs: Camphora. redness of, spreading over abdomen and thighs: Camphora. Starting of newborn: Camphora. Umbilicus open, urine oozes through: Hyoscyamus. ulceration of, in newborn: Apis. blood and water ooze from: Abrotanum. Urine retained: Benzoicum ac. in newborn: Aconitum. Varicose protuberances or moles on heads of infants: Calcarea carb. Vomits as soon as it nurses after mother has been angry: Valeriana. after nursing; refuses mother's milk: Silicea. Weakness, muscular, of infants: Calcarea carb. CHILL. Frequent crawling, in puerperal fever: Coffea. Chilly crawls over mamma: Cocculus, Guaiacum. Nervous, in first stage of labor: Actaea rac., Gelsemium. CONCEPTION. False; expulsion of moles promoted by: Cantharides, Ferrum, Kali carb., Lycopodium, Mercurius, Natrum carb., Pulsatilla, Sabina, Silicea, Sulphur. prevented: Natrum carb. shooting pains: Silicea. Fecundity promoted, other symptoms agreeing: Cantharides. 0 334 REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS DURING PREGNANCY. Sterility: Agnus cast., Calcarea carb., Millefolium, Sulphuricum ac. menses too profuse: Calcarea carb., Millefolium, Sulphuricum ac. too profuse and too early: Calcarea carb., Sulphuricum ac. Congestion during pregnancy: Glonoinum, Psorinum. CONVULSIONS. Puerperal: Actea rac., Argentum nit., Belladonna, Cantharides, Chamomilla, Cicuta, Cocculus, Cuprum, Gelsemium, Glonoinum, Helleborus, Hyoscyamus, Ignatia, Magnesia mur., Millefolium, Nux mosch., Opium, Pulsatilla, Secale, Stramonium, Veratrum alb., Veratrum vir., Zincum. clonic: Cuprum met. commence in one part, as fingers or limbs, and gradually spread: Cuprum met. commence and terminate with groaning and stretching of limbs; accompanied by vomiting: Ignatia. hysterical, interrupting labor-pains: Magnesia mur. in hysterical women who easily faint and suffer great languor in back and knees; drowsy before and after menses: Nux mosch. convulsive twitchings; lochia suppressed, no milk, violent fever, great pain: Millefolium. during pregnancy: Cuprum met. following sluggish or irregular labor-pains; unconscious; cold, clammy, pale face; stertorous breathing and full pulse: Pulsatilla. and twitching begin, labor-pains ceasing: Secale. preceded by dull feeling in forehead and vertex: Gelsemium. by expansion, general, mostly of face and head, sensation of: Argentum nit. by, face deep red: Gelsemium. by fulness in region of medulla: Gelsemium. v REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS DURING PREGNANCY. 335 Puerperal, preceded by groaning: Ignatia. by, head feels big and heavy: Gelsemium. by, labor-pains ceasing: Secale. by lassitude, great: Gelsemium. by pulse slow and full: Gelsemium. by restlessness: Argentum nit. by sensation of general expansion, mostly of face and head: Argentum nit. by sluggish or irregular labor-pains: Pulsatilla.. by speech, thick: Gelsemium. by stretching of limbs: Ignatia. by stupid look: Gelsemium. from anger: Chamomilla. blood-letting: Veratrum vir. bright light, renewed by: Cantharides. difficult labor: Cocculus. drink, renewed by: Cantharides. eruption suppressed: Zincum. excitement, nervous: Actaea rac. labor difficult: Cocculus. labor protracted: Gelsemium. labor-pains: Belladonna. labor ceasing: Secale. labor irregular: Pulsatilla. labor sluggish: Pulsatilla. light, bright, renewed by: Cantharides. nervous excitement: Actaea rac. pains of labor, renewed by: Belladonna. position of patient, changing; renewed by: Cocculus. rigid os: Gelsemium. sound of falling water: Cantharides. suppressed eruption: Zincum. touching larynx, renewed: Cantharides. touching painful part: Cantharides. S with albuminuria: Gelseminum, Glonoinum. anaemia: Veratrum alb. anguish: Hyoscyamus. arterial excitement: Veratrum vir. 336 REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS DURING PREGNANCY. Puerperal, preceded by arterial congestion, violent: Veratrum alb. breathing oppressed: Hyoscyamus. breathing stertorous: Pulsatilla. choking from feeling of wave from uterus to throat, impeding labor: Gelsemium. cold clammy face: Pulsatilla. collapse: Veratrum alb. coma between the paroxysms: Opium. congestion, violent arterial: Veratrum alb. convulsive movements in limbs and muscles of face: Belladonna. delirium furious: Veratrum vir. drowsiness: Opium. dysuria: Cantharides. excitement, arterial: Veratrum alb., Veratrum vir. face bloated: Veratrum alb. face bluish: Veratrum alb. face bright red: Glonoinum. face clammy: Pulsatilla. face cold: Pulsatilla. face pale: Veratrum alb., Pulsatilla. face puffed: Glonoinum. face'purple: Lachesis. face red, bright: Glonoinum. face red, deep: Gelsemium. face, one cheek red, other pale: Chamomilla. feeling of wave from uterus to throat, causing choking and impeding labor: Gelsemium. fever violent: Millefolium. head jerking forward: Nux mosch. hydrophobic symptoms: Cantharides. labor-pains ceasing: Pulsatilla, Secale. lochia suppressed: Millefolium. milk absent: Millefolium. mouth open: Cuprum met., Opium. opisthotonos: Cuprum met., Opium. oppression of chest: Hyoscyamus. pain great: Millefolium. REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS DURING PREGNANCY. 337 Puerperal, pulse full: Pulsatilla. pulse full and hard: Glonoinum. rigid os: Gelsemium. semi-consciousness: Belladonna. shrieks: Hyoscyamus, Veratrum alb. speechless: Belladonna. spreading out limbs: Cuprum met. stertorous breathing: Pulsatilla. stunned, appears as if: Belladonna. sweat clammy: Pulsatilla, Veratrum vir. sweat cold: Pulsatilla, Veratrum vir. sweat copious: Stramonium. tearing of clothes: Veratrum alb. unconsciousness: Belladonna, Gelsemium, Glonoinum, Hyoscyamus, Opium, Pulsatilla. urine albuminous: Gelsemium, Glonoinum. urine copious: Glonoinum. vomiting violent: Cuprum met., Ignatia. wave, feeling of, from uterus to throat, causing choking and impeding labor: Gelsemium. renewed by bright light: Cantharides. changing position of patient: Cocculus. drink: Cantharides. labor-pains: Belladonna. light bright: Cantharides. every pain: Belladonna. sound of falling water: Cantharides. touching larynx: Cantharides. touching painful part: Cantharides. After convulsions, lies quiet: Argentum nit. COUGH during pregnancy, worse night: Conium. dry, after abortion or labor: Kali carb. Cramplike affections during pregnancy: Millefolium. Ears, ringing in, with uterine hemorrhage: China. Eclampsia. (See Convulsions.) Eyes: glittering in childbed fever: Aconitum. shining in puerperal fever: Coffea. 22 338 REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS DURING PREGNANCY. Eyes, staring in childbed fever: Aconitum. wild in childbed fever: Aconitum. open in childbed fever: Coffea. loss of sight from uterine hemorrhage: China. double vision: Gelsemium. FACE. Aches during pregnancy: Stramonium. Bloated; puerperal fever; convulsions: Veratrum alb. Bluish; puerperal fever; convulsions: Veratrum alb. Bright red; puerperal convulsions: Glonoinum. Clammy; convulsions following sluggish or irregular laborpains: Pulsatilla. Cold; convulsions following sluggish or irregular labor-pains: Pulsatilla. Pale: Pulsatilla, Veratrum alb. convulsions following sluggish or irregular labor-pains: Pulsatilla. puerperal convulsions: Veratrum alb. Puffed in eclampsia: Glonoinum. Purple; puerperal fever: Lachesis. Red: Chamomilla, Gelsemium, Glonoinum. bright; eclampsia: Glonoinum. deep, preceding convulsions: Gelsemium. especially one cheek, puerperal peritonitis: Chamomilla. Stupid look, preceding puerperal convulsions: Gelsemium. Fainting during pregnancy: Nux mosch. during labor: Actea rac., China, Nux mosch., Pulsatilla, Secale, Veratrum alb. labor from hemorrhage: China. disposition to, puerperal peritonitis: Chamomilla. hysterical women: Nux mosch. and suffocating spells, must have doors and windows open; excited by labor-pains: Pulsatilla. from least motion; labor-pains exhausting: Veratrum alb. FEVER. Violent, six weeks after confinement: Natrum sulph. REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS DURING PREGNANCY. 339 Milk; with delirium; mammae hot: Aconitum. breasts full, skin hot, pulse strong: Colchicum. Puerperal: Aconitum, Apis, Baptisia, Coffea, Lachesis, Muriaticum ac. from mental excitement: Coffea. with abdomen swollen: Lachesis. abnormal violent pains in: Coffea. anxiety: Chamomilla. frequent crawling: Coffea. delirious talking: Coffea. feverish warmth: Coffea. fever excessive: Chamomilla. despair: Coffea. eye symptoms. (See Eyes.) face purplish: Lachesis. face red, especially one cheek: Chamomilla. feverish warmth: Coffea. fever excessive: Chamomilla. lochia fetid: Lachesis. menorrhagia: Apis. pains, violent abdominal: Coffea. oversensitiveness: Coffea. syncope, tendency to: Chamomilla. tongue moist: Coffea. no thirst: Coffea. typhoid symptoms: Baptisia. unconsciousness: Lachesis. urine suppressed: Lachesis. Foetus, arrested development of: Secale. Foetal movements too violent: Opium, Psorinum, Sepia, Thuya. too sensitive: Sepia. so violent it wakens her and causes cutting in bladder, with urging to urinate; pains in left sacro-iliac running into groin: Thuya. GASTRIC SYMPTOMS. Gastric symptoms: Aceticum ac., Actaea rac., Alumina, Anacar 340 REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS DURING PREGNANCY. dium, Antimonium crud., Antimonium tart., Argentum nit., Benzoicum ac., Cantharides, Capsicum, Carbo an., Conium, Hepar s. c., Iris vers., Kali carb., Kreosotum, Lilium tig., Lobelia, Mercurius prot., Nux mosch., Nux vom., Petroleum, Psorinum, Sabadilla, Sanguinaria, Sulphuricum ac., Tabacum, Veratrum alb., Veratrum vir. Gastric symptoms, when ascending a height: Benzoicum ac. Appetite: no relish for food until she takes the first morsel, when she makes a full meal: Sabadilla. Belching: Aceticum ac., Antimonium tart. sour: Aceticum ac. Burning at pylorus: Cantharides. Colic during pregnancy: Nux vom. Disgust for food: Antimonium crud. Faint, gone feeling in stomach after nursing, eating does not relieve: Carbo an. Flatulence, as if stomach would burst with wind: Argentum nit. after delivery, with labor-like pains; uterus remains uncontracted: Nux mosch. Jaundice during pregnancy: Nux vom. Nausea: Aceticum ac., Actaea rac., Anacardium, Antimonium crud., Carbo an., Conium, Cyclamen, Hepar s. c., Kreosotum, Lobelia, Nux mosch., Psorinum, Sabadilla, Sanguinaria, Sulphuricum ac. in frequent, momentary attacks: Hepar s. c. worse before and after eating; better while eating: Anacardium. worse night: Carbo an. terrible: Coniurn. with after-pains: Actaea rac. profuse running of water from mouth: Lobelia. threatened abortion: Veratrum alb. pain through hypogastric and iliac region and down thighs from loins; threatened abortion: Sanguinaria. in mouth and throat, with toothache: Cyclamen. Salivation: Aceticum ac., Antimonium tart., Lobelia. REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS DURING PREGNANCY. 341 Vomiting: Aceticum ac., Anacardium, Cantharides, Capsicum, Conium, Iris vers., Kali carb., Kreosotum, Lilium tig.,-Mercurius prot., Nux mosch., Nux vom., Petroleum, Psorinum, Sabadilla, Sulphuricum ac., Tabacum, Veratrum alb., Veratrum vir. bitter: Iris vers. of mucus: Antimonium tart. sour: Iris vers. of sweetish water; breakfast and dinner retained: Kreosotum. terrible: Conium. before breakfast: Kreosotum. after supper: Kreosotum. worse riding; Petroleum. worse before eating: Anacardium. worse after eating: Anacardium. better while eating: Anacardium. with abortion threatened: Sanguinaria, Veratrum alb. after-pains: Actzea rac. colic, severe: Cantharides. convulsions: Ignatia. retching, violent: Cantharides. profuse running of water from mouth: Lobelia. Waterbrash: Aceticum ac. GENITALS. Nymphomania of lying-in: China, Veratrum alb. lochia suppressed: Veratrum alb. Pruritus vulvae: Collinsonia. Relaxed and open, no action: Secale. feeling of, retained placenta: Secale. Sensitiveness of vagina and external parts, interrupting labor: Platina. after labor, so that she cannot bear touch of napkin: Platina. Soreness after labor: Arnica. Swelling of labia during pregnancy: Podophyllum. Tender, dry, undilatable; during labor: Aconitum. 342 REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS DURING PREGNANCY. HEAD. Alopecia of lying-in women: Calcarea carb. Big feeling, before puerperal convulsions: Gelsemium. Burst, sensation as if head would, with suppressed lochia: Bryonia. Congestion, violent arterial, with bluish, bloated face; puerperal convulsions: Veratrum alb. with sore, cracked nipples, itching, redness and swelling: Fluoricum ac. Dull feeling in forehead and vertex, preceding puerperal convulsions: Gelsemium. Expanded feeling: Argentum nit. Fulness in region of medulla, preceding puerperal convulsions: Gelsemium. Headache during pregnancy: Gelsemium. with violent after-pains: Hypericum. Hot, body cool, during hemorrhage: Arnica. Jerks forward in eclampsia; in hysterical women easily fainting and great languor in back and knees; drowsy before and after menses: Nux mosch. Mania. (See Mind, Mania.) Heart: cardiac neuralgia: Actnea rac. palpitation following metrorrhagia after a mole or childbed; after overexertion: Aurum met." HEMORRHAGE. Aceticum ac., Apis, Arnica, Aurum met., Belladonna, Caulophyllum, Chamomilla, China, Cocculus, Crocus, Erigeron, Ferrum, Hyoscyamus, Ipecacuanha, Kali carb., Kreosotum, Nitri ac., Pulsatilla, Rhus tox., Ruta, Sabina, Secale, Silicea, Trillium. During pregnancy: Rhus tox. bloody mucus: Cocculus. discharge of coagula: Kali carb. Passive, after abortion or confinement: Caulophyllum. Prolonged, as consequence of abortion or labor: Kali carb. ceasing and flowing again f;equently: Pulsatilla. REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS DURING PREGNANCY. 343 Secondary post -partum from retained placenta or coagula: Pulsatilla. From abortion, threatened: Chamomilla, Kreosotum, Pulsatilla, Ruta, Sabina, Secale, Trillium. retained placenta: Belladonna, Pulsatilla. After abortion: Caulophyllum, China, Erigeron, Kali carb., Nitri ac., Sabina, Silicea. labor: Aceticum ac., Arnica, Caulophyllum, Hyoscyamus, Kali carb. nursing: Silicea. With breathing heavy, oppressed: Ipecacuanha. coldness: China. desire to be fanned: China. diarrhoea and dysuria, after abortion: Erigeron. face glowing: Ferrum. fainting: China. head hot, body cool: Arnica. jerks: China, Hyoscyamus. labor-like pains: Ferrum. labor-pains ceasing; cannot bear to have hands touched: China. nausea: Ipecacuanha. pain from sacrum to pubes: Sabina. labor-like: Ferrum. false labor: Secale. of labor ceasing: China. palpitation of heart: Aurum met. peritonitis, pelvic: Apis. pulse full, hard: Ferrum. ringing in ears: China. sight, loss of: China. spasms, twitching of single muscles: Hyoscyamus. stitches from navel to uterus: Ipecacuanha. twitches: China, Hyoscyamus. uterine spasms: China. Blood black: Crocus, Kreosotum, Secale. in threatened abortion: Kreosotum, Secale. clots, worse slightest motion: Crocus. 344 REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS.DURING PREGNANCY. Blood clotted: Ipecacuanha. coagulating quickly: Belladonna. clots mixed with: Arnica, Sabina. black: Crocus. dark: China. dark: Chamomilla, Crocus, Kreosotum, Nitri ac. hot: Belladonna. lumps, containing: Ferrum. mucus, bloody, during pregnancy: Cocculus. profuse: Belladonna, Ipecacuanha, Secale, Trillium. red, bright: Arnica, Ipecacuanha, Sabina. bright every time child nurses: Silicea. stringy, worse slightest motion: Crocus. viscid, worse slightest motion: Crocus. watery: Ferrum. Hysterical spasms interrupting labor-pains: Magnesia mur. females disposed to faint; suffer from languor in back and knees; drowsy before and after menses; fears she will abort; threatened abortion: Nux mosch. LABOR. During, bearing down prolonged, and forcing pains in uterus: Secale. convulsions. (See Convulsions.) exhaustion: Carbo veg., Caulophyllum, Stannum, Veratrum alb. exhaustion from protracted labor: Caulophyllum. fainting: Secale, Veratrum alb. from least motion; labor-pains exhausting: Veratrum alb. fear of death, extreme: Coffea. parts dry, tender and undilatable: Aconitum. protracted labor; feverish and thirsty: Caulophyllum. by rigid os: Caulophyllum. progresses slowly, pains feeble, seemingly from sad feelings and forebodings: Natrum mur. causing convulsions: Gelsemium. restlessness; bruised feeling, wants to change position often: Arnica. REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS DURING PREGNANCY. 345 During, pains, back, worse in: Nux vom. ceasing: Arnica, Belladonna, Camphora, Carbo veg., China, Coffea, Gelsemium, Opium, Secale, Thuya. ceasing, atony complete, os dilated, drowsiness, albuminuria: Gelsemium. ceasing, atony; os soft, pliable, dilatable: Ustilago. ceasing, with coma, from fright: Opium. ceasing, convulsions and twitchings begin: Secale. ceasing, debility great: Carbo veg. ceasing, after disease violent: Carbo veg. ceasing, with complaining loquacity: Coffea. ceasing, after and from hemorrhage: China. ceasing, after great loss of fluids: Carbo veg. ceasing from protracted labor, causing exhaustion, fever, thirst: Caulophyllum. ceasing, restless, wants to change position often, from bruised feeling: Arnica. ceasing, restless; will not be covered, skin cold: Camphora. ceasing with retained urine and stool: from fright: Opium. clutching about navel: Ipecacuanha. cutting across from left to right: Ipecacuanha. deficient: Pulsatilla, Ustilago. deficient, with os soft, pliable and dilatable: Ustilago. deficient, with os dilated, drowsiness; albuminuria: Gelsemium. distant: Secale. distressing: Chamomilla, Phosphorus. distressing, but of little use: Phosphorus. distressing, with tearing pains down legs: Chamomilla. exhausting: Carbo veg., Caulophyllum, Stannum, Veratrum alb. exhausting; fainting from least motion: Veratrum alb. false: Actaea rac., Nux mosch., Secale. feeble: Natrum mur., Secale. feeble; labor progresses slowly, seemingly from sad feelings and forebodings: Natrum mur. 346 REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS DURING PREGNANCY. During, pains flagging from protracted labor, causing exhaustion, fever, thirst: Caulophyllum. forcing, pains prolonged: Secale. hurried: Aconitum. ineffectual: Arnica, Phosphorus, Platina. ineffectual, but violent: Arnica. insufficient: Aconitum, Belladonna, Catisticum, Kali carb. insufficient; interrupted by sensitiveness of vagina and external parts: Platina. irregular: /Ethusa, Caulophyllum, Causticum, Cocculus, Nux mosch., Pulsatilla, Secale. irregular, followed by convulsions: Pulsatilla. irregular; drowsy, faint spells, pains weak: Nux mosch. irregular; patient weak and no progress made: Caulophyllum. painful: Platina. prolonged bearing down: Secale. in rapid succession: Aconitum. run upward: Lycopodium. severe. (See Violent.) short; patient very weak and no progress made: Caulophyllum. sluggish: Pulsatilla. sluggish; followed by convulsions: Pulsatilla. sluggish; followed by unconsciousness: Pulsatilla. spasmodic: Actea rac., Caulophyllum, Causticum, Chamomilla, Cocculus, Ferrum, Ipecacuanha, Nux mosch., Nux vom., Platina, Pulsatilla, Stannum. spasmodic; drowsy faint spells, pains being weak: Nux mosch. spasmodic; with tearing pains down legs: Chamomilla. spasmodic; patient very weak: Caulophyllum. tardy: Hypericum. tedious: Actaea rac. tormenting in beginning of labor: Caulophyllum. REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS DURING PREGNANCY. 347 During, pains useless in beginning of labor: Caulophyllum. violent: Aconitum, Arnica, Cactus, Coffea, Nux vom. violent, excessively: Coffea. weak: /Ethusa, Arnica, Camphora, Carbo veg., Caulophyllum, Natrum carb., Nux mosch., Secale,Thuya. weak; anguish, sweat, desire to be rubbed: Natrum carb. weak, with great debility: Carbo veg. weak, after violent disease: Carbo veg. weak, with drowsy faint spells: Nux mosch. weak, after great loss of fluids: Carbo veg. weak, from protracted labor, causing exhaustion, fever, thirst: Caulophyllum. strength of uterus weakened by too early or perverted efforts: Secale. accompanied by anguish, sweat, desire to be rubbed; labor-pains weak: Natrum carb. accompanied by backache, violent; wants back pressed; pains insufficient: Kali carb. accompanied by backache, cutting pains across lumbar region or passing off down buttocks, thus hindering labor; pulse weak: Kali carb. accompanied by bearing down from back into pelvis; pains insufficient: Kali carb. accompanied by breathing difficult: Lobelia, Stannum. accompanied by breathing difficult, violent dyspncea, which seems to neutralize the labor-pains; rigid os: Lobelia. accompanied by bruised feeling, wants to change position frequently: Arnica. accompanied by cold skin: Camphora. accompanied by coma fiom fright: Opium. accompanied by complaining loquacity: Coffea. accompanied by congestion to head and chest: Aurum met. accompanied by convulsions. (See Convulsions.) accompanied by cramps: Actaea rac. accompanied by cutting pain across lumbar region, or 348 REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS DURING PREGNANCY. passing down buttocks, thus hindering labor: Kali carb. During, pains accompanied by desperation and inclination to suicide: Aurum met. accompanied by eructations, frequent and violent: Borax. accompanied by exhaustion: Caulophyllum, Causticum, Stannum. accompanied by fainting: Actaea rac., Nux mosch., Pulsatilla, Secale, Veratrum alb. accompanied by fainting; must have doors and windows open: Pulsatilla. accompanied by fear of death, extreme: Coffea. accompanied by fretful and tired, os dilated; pains insufficient and irregular: Causticum. accompanied by hysterical spasms interrupting labor: Magnesia mur. accompanied by loquacity, complaining: Coffea. accompanied by nausea: Ipecacuanha. accompanied by palpitation: Aurum met. accompanied by restlessness: Arnica, Camphora, Lycopodium. accompanied by restlessness from bruised feeling: Arnica. accompanied by restlessness, will not be covered; skin cool; labor-pains ceasing: Camphora. accompanied by restlessness; must keep in constant motion, with weeping: Lycopodium. accompanied by, rubbed, desire to be; sweat, anguish: Natrum carb. accompanied by, stool retained, from fright: Opium. accompanied by, stool, urging to: Nux vom. accompanied by, suicide, inclination to, with desperation: Aurum met. accompanied by urging to stool: Nux vom. accompanied by urging to urinate: Nux vom. accompanied by, urine retained, from fright: Opium. accompanied by, urinate, urging to: Nux vom. REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS DURING PREGNANCY. 349 During, pains accompanied by, weakness great, no progress made. (See Exhaustion.) After labor, should not be given during lying-in, except in high potencies: lodium. burning in uterine region, alternating with pain in limbs, fingers spasmodically flexed: Rhododendron. convulsions: Cuprum met. (See Convulsions.) diarrhcea in first days, with colic, tenesmus, prostration, restlessness, fear of death; stools watery, offensive: Rheum. fever, violent, six weeks after confinement: Natrum sulph. flatulence with labor-like pains; uterus uncontracted; anteversion: Nux mosch. hemorrhage. (See Hemorrhage.) hallucinations; imagines there is another baby in bed which requires attention: Petroleum. pain in sacrum to knees and ankles, then to sacrum; jerks here and there: Phytolacca. prolapsus ani after confinement: Ruta. rash: Cuprum met. recovery delayed, from subinvolution; lochia lasts too long, is profuse, excoriating; dragging pains; smarting in urethra, after urination; fears an incurable disease: Lilium tig. recovery delayed; back weak, sweat, dry cough, prolonged menorrhagia: Kali carb. sensitiveness of genitals, so that she cannot bear touch of napkin: Platina. spasms. (See Convulsions.) sweat: Kali carb., Sambucus. sweat debilitating: Sambucus. urine, constant dribbling of: Arnica. urine retained: Secale. After-pains: Aconitum, Actaea rac., Arnica, Bryonia, Caulophyllum, Chamomilla, Coffea, Cuprum met., Hypericum, Ignatia, Pulsatilla, Sabina, Secale, Xanthoxylum. 350 REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS DURING PREGNANCY. After-pains, cramping: Cuprum met. distressing: Chamomilla, Cuprum met., Xanthoxylum. in women who have borne many children: Cuprum met. long-lasting: Aconitum, Pulsatilla, Secale. long-lasting, worse in evening: Pulsatilla. painful: Aconitum, Secale, Xanthoxylum. protracted: Nux vom. spasmodic across lower abdomen to groin: Caulophyllum. violent: Arnica, Hypericum, Nux vom., Pulsatilla. in sacrum and hips: Hypericum. worse in evening: Pulsatilla. worse in groins: Actaea rac. to groins, across lower abdomen: Caulophyllum. after exhausting labor: Caulophyllum. instrumental delivery: Hypericum. bearing many children: Cuprum met. excited by least motion: Bryonia. by inspiration: Bryonia. by nursing: Arnica. with cramps in extremities: Cuprum met. fear of death, extreme: Coffea. headache: Hypericum. profuse lochia: Xanthoxylum. nausea: Actaea rac. pain down anterior thighs: Xanthoxylum. sensitiveness of abdomen: Sabina. much sighing: Ignatia. vomiting: Actaea rac. LIMBs, UPPER. Cramplike pain in left mamma, shoulder and fingers: Lilium tig. Fingers spasmodically flexed, pain in limbs, alternating with burning in uterine region; after parturition: Rhododendron. Panaritia on several fingers, with red streaks up arms; pain driving to despair; in childbed: Cepa. Rheumatic pains to muscles of chest, shoulders, neck, axilla and down arms, change from place to place; breasts swollen; during nursing: Pulsatilla. REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS DURING PREGNANCY. 35I Cannot have hands touched, during cessation of labor-pains from hemorrhage: China. Stitches in shoulder; scirrhus of mamme: Clematis. LIMBS, LOWER. Convulsive movements in, and facial muscles: Belladonna. Cramps in, during pregnancy: Gelsemium, Secale. in, with after-pains: Cuprum met. Drawing from hip to foot, worse touch and motion: Bryonia. Fatigue, great, from walking, from feeling of lameness in pelvis: Calcarea carb. Heat down thigh, numb aching in left ovary; third month of pregnancy: Podophyllum. Lameness, which seems to arise from a sense of weight and pressure into pelvis; during pregnancy: Aloes. Lancinating from hip to foot, worse touch and motion: Bryonia. Languor in all limbs: Calcarea phos. in knees and back, in hysterical women disposed to faint: Nux mosch. Numbness of; with lochia long-lasting, thin, offensive, excoriating: Carbo an. limbs go to sleep; mamma indurated; burning pains: Silicea. Pain, cramps: Cuprum met., Gelsemium. drawing: Bryonia. gnawing: Ledum. lancinating: Bryonia. sharp in right groin, preventing motion; later months of pregnancy: Podophyllum. stiffness: Ledum. during abortion: Sabina. down anterior of thigh; with after-pains: Xanthoxylum. down to knees and ankles from sacrum, then up to sacrum; jerks here and there; after confinement: Phytolacca. down thighs from hypogastric and iliac region from loins; with nausea; threatened abortion: Sanguinaria. in limbs; fingers spasmodically flexed; alternating with 352 REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS DURING PREGNANCY. burning in uterine region; after parturition: Rhododendron. Pain indescribable, like gnawing stiffness, in sacrum and hipbone, down over whole thigh, worse when standing; last months of pregnancy: Ledum. Phlegmasia alba dolens: Belladonna, Hamamelis, Ledum, Pulsatilla, Rhus tox. with typhoid symptoms: Rhus tox. Sharp pain in right groin preventing motion; later months of pregnancy: Podophyllum. Sleep, limbs go to; mammae indurated, burning pains: Silicea. Stiffness of pelvic articulations on beginning to move, during pregnancy: Rhus tox. Twitches and jerks; from uterine hemorrhage: China. Varicose veins: Hamamelis. Weariness in all limbs: Calcarea phos. in knees and back in hysterical women disposed to faint: Nux mosch. cannot walk, for muscles will not obey; during pregnancy: Gelsemium. LOCHIA. Acrid: Baptisia. with prostration: Baptisia. Blackish: Kreosotum. Bloody, return after least motion, worse rest: Erigeron. Brown: Carbo veg. Ceasing almost, and starting again: Kreosotum. Cheesy: China. Dark: Crocus, Secale. Excoriating: Kreosotum, Lilium tig., Sepia. Fetid: Baptisia, Belladonna, China, Carbo an., Carbo veg., Kreosotum, Lachesis, Nux vom., Rhus tox., Secale, Sepia. very: Kreosotum. puerperal fever: Lachesis. with prostration: Baptisia. with urine suppressed; face purple; unconscious; abdomen swollen; puerperal fever: Lachesis. REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS DURING PREGNANCY. 353 Feels hot to parts: Belladonna. Increased while nursing: Silicea. Long-lasting. (See Protracted.) Lumpy: Kreosotum. Milky appearance: Calcarea carb., Pulsatilla. scanty; feverish, no thirst: Pulsatilla. white; milk suddenly suppressed: Pulsatilla. Offensive. (See Fetid.) Painless: Secale. or accompanied by prolonged bearing down: Secale. Profuse: Lilium tig., Millefolium, Secale, Trillium, Xanthoxylum. severe pain down anterior of thigh: Xanthoxylum. Protracted: Caulophyllum, Kreosotum, Lilium tig., Rhus tox. from uterine atony: Caulophyllum. returning often: Kreosotum, Rhus tox. Purulent: China. Returning after confinement, ývhen women commence going about: Aconitum. often: Kreosotum, Rhus tox. Scanty: Nux vom., Pulsatilla, Secale, Stramonium. milky; fever, no thirst: Pulsatilla. with puerperal mania: Stramonium. Stringy: Crocus. Suppressed: Aconitum, Actaea rac., Bryonia, Chamomilla, Colocynthis, Dulcamara, Millefolium, Opium, Secale, Stramonium, Veratrum alb. from anger: Colocynthis. cold: Actea rac. cold or damp: Dulcamara. emotion: Actaea rac. fright, with stupor: Opium. indignation: Colocynthis. with abdomen, tympanitic swelling of: Colocynthis. childbed fever: Aconitum. violent colic: Colocynthis. convulsive twitchings: Millefolium. diarrhoea: Colocynthis. fever violent: Millefolium. 354 REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS DURING PREGNANCY. Suppressed, with head, sensation as if, would burst: Bryonia. milk absent: Millefolium. nymphomania: Veratrum alb. pain, great: Millefolium. followed by diarrhcea, colic and toothache: Chamomilla. by uterine inflammation: Secale. Thin: Carbo an. Vitiated: Rhus tox. Watery, mixed with small clots: Actaea rac. White, milky; milk suddenly suppressed: Pulsatilla. Mania. (See Mind, Mania.) MIND. Anger, worse from: Nux mosch. Anguish and sweat; desire to be rubbed; labor-pains weak: Natrum carb. 4 Anxiety; puerperal peritonitis: Chamomilla. Apathy, great, and debility; milk scanty: Phosphoricum ac. Despair; puerperal fever: Coffea. Desperation, with labor-pains: Aurum met. Excited, nervous; feels bruised; threatened abortion: Arnica. Fears she will abort; hysterical females disposed to fainting; threatened abortion: Nux mosch. Fear of death, and predicts the time: Aconitum. during labor and after-pains: Coffea. prostration, restless, offensive, watery diarrhcea, colic, tenesmus, in first days after confinement: Rheum. of an internal incurable disease; delayed post-partum recovery: Lilium tig. After fright: Nux mosch. coma, labor-pains ceasing; retained urine and stool: Opium. lochia suppressed, with stupor: Opium. Forebodings, sad feelings, labor progresses slowly from, and labor-pains feeble: Natrum mur. Hallucinations, many; puerperal mania: Stramonium. after confinement imagines there is another baby in bed which requires attention: Petroleum. REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS DURING PREGNANCY. 355 Haughty: Veratrum alb. Irritable: Chamomilla. Low-spirited; scirrhus mammae: Carbo an. Mania during pregnancy: Stramonium. puerperal, wants to kiss everybody: Veratrum alb. scanty lochia, milk still copious, many hallucinations; talks foolishly: Stramonium. Nervous, excited, feels bruised; during threatened abortion: Arnica. Oversensitiveness: Actaea rac., Coffea. in puerperal fever: Coffea. Restlessness: Aconitum, Arnica, Camphora, Chamomilla, Colchicum, Lycopodium, Rheum. during labor: Arnica, Camphora, Lycopodium. labor, wants to change position from bruised feeling: Arnica. labor will not be covered, skin cool, labor-pains ceasing: Camphora. labor must keep in constant motion, with weeping: Lycopodium. last months of pregnancy, feverish: Colchicum. first days after confinement; prostration, fear of death, colic, tenesmus, watery, offensive diarrhoea: Rheum. Singing, unceasing; with threatened abortion: Stramonium. Stunned, appears as if; before convulsions: Belladonna. Suicide, inclination to, with labor-pains: Aurum met. Taciturn: Veratrum alb. Talking delirious; in puerperal fever: Coffea. foolishly; puerperal mania: Stramonium. and imploring, unceasing; threatened abortion: Stramonium. Unconscious; convulsions: Belladonna. Wander about house, wants to; during pregnancy: Veratrum alb. Mouth, foaming at; in convulsions: Belladonna. open; unconscious and drowsy; spasms during and after labor: Opium. salivation: Aceticum ac., Antimonium tart., Kreosotum. profuse running of water from mouth: Lobelia.,1< 356 REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS DURING PREGNANCY. Mouth, stomatitis materna: Baptisia. of infant; will not nurse until after mouth is moistened: Bryonia. speech thick, preceding puerperal convulsions: Gelsemium. tongue dry, in childbed fever: Aconitum. moist, no thirst, in puerperal fever: Coffea. paralysis of right side of; in convulsions: Belladonna. Nursing. (See Breast, Nursing.) Obesity, tendency to, during pregnancy: Graphites. Ovary, numb aching in region of left; heat down thigh; third month of pregnancy: Podophyllum. Pelvis, great fatigue from walking, from feeling of lameness in: Calcarea carb. lameness which seems to arise from a sense of weight and pressure into; during pregnancy: Aloes. sacro-iliac symphysis gives out while walking, must sit down; better lying: AEsculus hipp. Placenta, expulsion of, or of dead fcetus, promoted: Cantharides. retained: Agnus cast., Belladonna, Cantharides, Pulsatilla, Secale. from want of action or spasmodic contraction: Pulsatilla. causing secondary hemorrhage: Pulsatilla. with constant, strong bearing down in abdomen: Secale. with profuse flow of hot blood, which speedily coagulates: Belladonna. with relaxed feeling of the parts: Secale. with painful urination: Cantharides. PROSTRATION-WEAKNESS. Weariness in all limbs: Calcarea phos. Great fatigue from walking, from feeling of lameness in pelvis: Calcarea carb. Cannot walk, for muscles will not obey; during pregnancy: Gelsemium. Languor in back and knees; hysterical women disposed to faint: Nux mosch. Exhaustion during labor: Carbo veg., Caulophyllum, Stannum, Veratrum alb. REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS DURING PREGNANCY. 357 Exhaustion caused by protracted labor: Caulophyllum. great, labor-pains ceasing: Carbo veg. Lassitude, great, precedes puerperal convulsions: Gelsemium. Restlessness, fear of death, colic, tenesmus, watery, offensive diarrhoea; first days after confinement: Rheum. Weak back after labor or abortion: Kali carb. From nursing: Carbo veg. Debility and apathy, with milk scanty: Phosphoricum ac. Pulse, contracted in childbed fever: Aconitum. frequent in childbed fever: Aconitum. full, preceding puerperal convulsions: Gelsemium. in eclampsia: Glonoinum. convulsions following sluggish or irregufar labor-pains: Pulsatilla. hard, in childbed fever: Aconitum. in eclampsia: Glonoinum. slow during pregnancy: Gelsemium. preceding puerperal convulsions: Gelsemium. small during pregnancy: Gelsemium. Pulsating carotids, during pregnancy: Gelsemium. Skin: cold, during pregnancy: Nux mosch. labor-pains ceasing: Camphora. dry, during pregnancy: Nux mosch. in childbed fever: Aconitum. eruption on mother's skin after weaning: Dulcamara. herpes on mammae of nursing women: Dulcamara. pimples or smooth ulcers surrounding scirrhus mammae: Hepar s. c. pimples itching violently about nipples; oozing fluid; second month of pregnancy: Psorinum. rash of the lying-in: Ipecacuanha. of long standing has recently disappeared, and puerperal convulsions follow: Zincum. hard places on abdomen and thighs of children: Camphora. hot in childbed fever: Aconitum. redness of, spreading over abdomen and thighs of children: Cantharides. 358 REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS DURING PREGNANCY. Skin, sweat debilitating, after childbirth: Sambucus. tubercles, little scurfy, covering skin of breasts, oozing blood when scurf is removed: Kreosotum. Sleep: awakened from, by violent foetal movements: Thuya. drowsiness during pregnancy: Gelsemium, Nux mosch. during labor, os dilated, pains ceasing, complete atony; albuminuria: Gelsemium. before and after spasms; hysterical women disposed to faint: Nux mosch. and unconsciousness, spasms during and after labor: Opium. sleepless: Actaea rac., Coffea. in puerperal fever: Coffea. prevented by burning pain in mammme: Silicea. Sterility. (See Conception, Sterility.) STOOL AND ANUS. Intestinal, gastric and hemorrhoidal affections: Antimonium crud. Stool difficult during pregnancy: Nux mosch. retained, coma, labor-pains ceasing, from fright: Opium. Diarrhcea during pregnancy, worse riding: Petroleum. mucous: Capsicum. in first days after confinement, with colic, tenesmus, prostration, restlessness, fear of death, stools watery and offensive: Rheum. with tympanitic swelling of abdomen; lochia suppressed: Colocynthis. painless, of lying-in women: Hyoscyamus. Anus, burying at: Capsicum. Hemorrhoids: /Esculus hipp., Antimonium crud., Capsicum, Sulphur. in childbed: Sulphur. URINE. Albuminous: Gelsemium, Glonoinum, Helonias. during pregnancy; with great weakness, drowsiness: Helonias. REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS DURING PREGNANCY. 359 Albuminous, in eclampsia: Glonoinum. thirstless, erratic pains: Gelsemium. Burning urination; puerperal metritis: Terebinthinme. Complaints, urinary, after abortion: Erigeron, Rheum. Constant dribbling of, after labor: Arnica. Copious; eclampsia: Glonoinum. Cutting in bladder and urging to urinate; awakened from sleep by violent fcetal movements: Thuya. Dysuria and diarrhoea after abortion: Erigeron. with puerperal convulsions: Cantharides. Frequent nocturnal urination during pregnancy: Podophyllum. Retained after labor: Secale. coma; labor ceasing, from fright: Opium. in children: Benzoicum ac. in children, newborn: Aconitum. Smarting in urethra after urinating; delayed post-partum recovery: Lilium tig. Suppressed; puerperal fever: Lachesis. Uurging to urinate, cutting in bladder and awakened from sleep by violent fcetal movements: Thuya. UTERUS. Arrested development of foetus: Secale. Amniotic fluid prematurely discharged: Belladonna. Atony, passive, oozing from relaxed uterine vessels; prolonged lochia: Caulophyllum. Bearing down, prolonged, and forcing pains; during labor: Secale. Burning and bearing down; burning urination; puerperal metritis: Terebinthinme. Burning in uterine region, alternating with pain in limbs, fingers spasmodically flexed; after parturition: Rhododendron. Contraction of, difficult, after abortion: Secale. Discharge of bloody mucus from; during pregnancy: Cocculus. Hour-glass contraction of: Chamomilla, Cocculus. irritable, thirsty, desire for fresh air, restless: Chamomilla. 360 REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS DURING PREGNANCY. Hour-glass contraction of terrible pain in small of back: Cocculus. Metritis: Rhus tox., Sabina, Secale. with typhoid symptoms: Rhus tox. following suppressed lochia: Secale. Relaxed feeling of parts, retained placenta: Secale. uncontracted, with flatulence and labor-like pains after delivery: Nux mosch. after abortion: Secale. everything loose and open, no action; during labor: Secale. Strength of uterus weakened by too early or perverted efforts: Secale. Sensation as of a wave from uterus to throat, ending with choking feeling which impedes labor; impending spasms: Gelsemium. Os uteri contracted spasmodically: Belladonna, Caulophyllum, Chamomilla. rigid: Caulophyllum, Chamomilla, Conium, Gelsemium, Lobelia. rigid, scarcely able to bear pain: Chamomilla. rigid, causing convulsions: Gelsemium. rigid, with every uterine contraction dyspnoea, which seems to neutralize the labor-pains: Lobelia. rigid, delaying labor; pains go upward and backward: Gelsemium. rigid pain like needles in cervix: Caulophyllum. dilated widely, complete atony; labor-pains gone; drowsy, albuminuria: Gelsemium. dilated, but patient tired and fretful; pains insufficient and irregular: Causticum. dilated, soft and dilatable; labor-pains deficient: Ustilago. Vertigo during pregnancy: Gelsemium. Weakness. (See Prostration.) REPERTORY OF HEART SYMPTOMS. BY E. R. SNADER, M.D. HOW TO USE THE REPERTORY. The heart symptoms are subdivided into sections as follows: "Mental Symptoms," "Symptoms of Cardiac Action and Pulse Characters Not Definitely or Specifically Recorded as Being Characterized by Acceleration or Retardation," "Slow Cardiac Action and Pulse," "Increased Cardiac Action and Pulse-rate," "Ebullitions, Orgasm, Etc.," "Palpitation," "Sensations," "Pains," " Clinical Symptoms." The subheadings are manifest at a glance on consulting the section in which you seek' to find a symptom. If you wish to know more about the symptom than you find under a sub-caption, turn to the completed symptom (under the name of the remedy) at the head of the section, where the names of all the medicines the symptoms of which have been repertorialized are arranged alphabetically. E. R. SNADER, M. D. (~362) I CONTENTS OF REPERTORY OF HEART SYMPTOMS. How to Use the Repertory............................. MENTAL SYMPTOMS. Completed Symptoms Giving the Mental Condition............... Anxiety......................................... about the heart................................... and palpitation.............................. Anguish......................................... Agony...................................... Alarm.......................................... Fear.......................................... Oppression............................................. Special Symptoms................................... Aggravations................................. 0....... Page 362 366 368 368 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 370 CARDIAC ACTION AND ACCOMPANIMENTS. SYMPTOMS OF CARDIAC ACTION AND PULSE CHARACTERS NOT DEFINITELY OR SPECIFICALLY RECORDED AS BEING CHARACTERIZED BY ACCELERATION OR RETARDATION. Completed Symptoms Pulse Characters. Large.. Small. Strong Weak. Feeble.. Full..... Empty. Tense... Contracted Hard Soft. Trembling Tremulous Thready Thread-like. Fluttering Unclassified Symptomr Aggravations Page 371 374 Page..374..374..374 374.374.~374..374..374.,375 375 375. 375.,375. 0375..375..375 Suppressed...... Collapsed........ Almost imperceptible. 375 375 375 Imperceptible Spasmodic Labored Irregular. Regular. Unequal.. Uneven. Intermittent. Variable Changeable Unchanged Unaltered Easily excited 375 375 375 375 376 376 376 376 377 377 377 377 ~~~~~~r ~~~~ ~~~~~ 377.,377.377 SLOW CARDIAC ACTION AND PULSE. Remedies Having Slow Pulse......................... Completed Symptoms..................... Pulse, Characters.................... (363) 377 378 379 364 CONTENTS OF REPERTORY OF HEART SYMPTOMS. Page Large........... 379 Small... Strong... Weak. Hard.. Soft.... Full.. Feeble.. Faint.... General Symptoms Aggravations........ 379..... 379........ 379...... 379........ 379...... 379...... 380....... 380 ~~~~~~~~~~. Irregular.......... Intermittent......... Variable.......... Changeable......... Contracted......... Thread-like......... Almost Imperceptible..... Suppressed......... Unusually slow....... I~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r...r ~ ~ Page 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 INCREASED CARDIAC ACTION AND PULSE-RATE. Remedies Having Rapid Pulse. Completed Symptoms..... Summary of Pulse Characters.. Regular........ Irregular........ Intermittent....... Large......... Small......... Full.......... Weak......... Strong......... Soft........... Hard......... Hurried........ Contracted....... Unclassifiable Symptoms.. With orgasm, etc....... Aggravations......... Amelioration......... Page S384 S384 S384 * 384. 384 * 385 * 385. 385. 385 S385. 385. 385 ~~~~.............. 381........... 381............... 384 Spasmodic........ 385 Thin............ 385 Thready.......... 386 Thread-like......... 386 Double beat......... 386 Unrhythmical....... 386 Heavy............. 386 Almost imperceptible.....386 Tremulous.......... 386 Trembling......... 386 Excited......... 386 Violent........... 386............... 386.............. 386............... 387............... 388 EBULLITIONS, ORGASMS, ETC. Remedies Having Ebullitions, etc............... Completed Symptoms.................. Concomitants..................... Peculiar Symptoms................... Aggravations.................. PALPITATION. Remedies Having Palpitation.............. Completed Symptoms............... General Symptoms................... Mental Symptoms................... Concomitants..................... General Character of Palpitation............. 388 388 389 389 390 390 391 396 397 398 400 CONTENTS OF REPERTORY OF HEART SYMPTOMS. Periodical Paroxysmal.......... In spells........... Audible-...... Visible............ Clinical Indications. Aggravations and Determining Causes Time Motion and Rest........ Position........... Exertion............... Ameliorations............. Motion............ Page 400 400 400 400 400 401 402 402 403 404 Violent. Strong Intermittent. Irregular 365 Page 400 401 401 401 401 401 403 404 404 Sleep....... From rest.... Eating and drinking.*404 Rest.................404 SENSATIONS. Completed Symptoms.......... Peculiar Symptoms............ Mental Symptoms Accompanying Sensations Summarized Sensations.......... Concomitants.............. Pulse Characters Accompanying Sensations. Aggravations and Determining Causes. Page Time...................415 Position.................415 Motion..................416............ I. 404 408 410 410. 414. 415 415.416 416 Exertion......... Sleep.......... Unclassifiable Aggravations Ameliorations........................................... 417 PAINS. Completed Symptoms................ Character of Pain................... Concomitants..................... Special Localizations.................. Direction and Course of Pains from the Precordial Region Aggravations........................ Page Time................424 Pressure Motion................424 Exertion Position.................425 Miscellaneous Sleep..................425 Ameliorations..................... CLINICAL SYMPTOMS. Completed Symptoms.................. Diseases of the Heart and Appendages Murmurs....................... Other Diseases The Pulse in Heart and Other Diseases.......... Causative and Clinical Relationships............. 417. 420. 423. 423. 424. 424. 425. 425. 425. 425 425 429 430 430 43' 432 REPERTORY OF THE HEART SYMPTOMS FOUND IN HERING'S "CONDENSED MATERIA MEDICA." BY EDWARD R. SNADER, M.D. MENTAL SYMPTOMS. Aconitum: Anxiety about the praecordia, heart beats quicker and stronger; fear of death. Agaricus: Anxious sensation of pressure. Ambra: Anxiety at the heart, causing oppression of breathing, with flushes of heat. Ammonium carb: Great anxiety, as if dying, with audible palpitation. Antimonium tart.: Great praecordial anxiety, with vomiting of mucus and bile. Argentum met.: Fear of apoplexy, particularly with palpitation of heart. Argentum nit.: Noticing the beating of the heart increases it. Arnica: Violent attacks of anguish. Arsenicum alb.: Palpitation of the heart, with anguish. Aurum met.: Great anguish, coming from praecordial region, driving him from place to place; palpitation. Frequent attacks of anguish about the heart, with tremulous fearfulness. Palpitation, with great agony. Belladonna: Pressure in cardiac region, which arrests the breathing and causes a sense of anxiety. Calcarea carb.: Palpitation with anxiety. Calcarea phos.: Palpitation with anxiety, followed by trembling weakness, particularly of the calves. Camphora: Praecordial anxiety; restless, tossing about; palpitation of the heart. Praecordial distress when loudly spoken to. (366) REPERTORY OF HEART SYMPTOMS. 367 Cannabis sat.: Anxious and apprehensive feeling at the pit of the stomach, with oppression of breathing and palpitation. Cantharis: Anxiety about the heart. Causticum: Oppression at the heart, with lowness of spirits. Cocculus: Palpitation of the heart from quick motion and mental excitement, with dizziness and faintness. Colchicum: Violent palpitation, with anxiety. Crocus: Anxious palpitation of the heart. Cuprum mnet.: Anxious feeling about the heart. Gelsemium: Fears that unless constantly on the move her heart will cease beating. Glonoinum: Anxiety in the proecordia; weakness. Graphites: Palpitation of the heart, with anxiety; with nosebleed. Jacea (Viola tricolor): Anxiety about the heart when lying, with beating like waves. Kalmia: Anxiety, with palpitation. Kreosotum: Anxiety at the heart. Lachesis: Anxiety about the heart; hasty speech; restless. Lachnanthes: Anxiety about the heart, with stitches. Lilium tig.: Fears he has heart disease. Mercurius: Palpitation, with fear, worse at night. Weakness at the heart, as if life was ebbing away. Awakens with trembling at the heart, as if frightened. Millefolium: Anxious, with pain in the 'heart. Natrum carb.: Violent, anxious palpitation of the heart when ascending and at night when lying on the left side. Nitri ac.: Palpitation and anguish on going upstairs. Nux mosch.: Heart-beats intermit, the intervals so long that they excite fear of death. Nux vom.: Palpitation from mental emotions. Oleander: Anxious palpitation; chest feels expanded. Oxalicum ac.: Heartburn intermits when thinking of it. Podophyllum: Palpitation from mental emotions. Pulsatilla: Violent paroxysms of palpitation, often with anguish and obscuration of sight Sarsaparilla: Palpitation without fear; mostly during the day. 368 REPERTORY OF HEART SYMPTOMS. Sepia: Palpitation of heart after emotions of mind. Interruption of beating of heart most after dinner, alarmed; quivering motion. Palpitation, with anxiety about things that happened years ago. Spigelia: Stitches about the heart; sometimes synchronous with the pulse, with anxiety and oppression. Spongia: Suddenly awakened after midnight, with suffocation, great alarm, anxiety. Stannum: From giving directions in her domestic affairs, great palpitation of heart and anxiety. Sulphuricum ac.: Palpitation with or without fear or anxiety. Tabacum: Sudden anxiety (with angina pectoris). Theridion: Anxiety about heart; sharp pains radiate to arm and left shoulder. Veratrum alb: Violent, visible, anxious palpitation, with fainting. ANXIETY: Aconitum, Agaricus, Ambra, Ammonium carb., Antimonium tart., Belladonna, Calcarea carb., Calcarea phos., Camphora, Cannabis sat., Colchicum, Crocus, Cuprum met., Glonoinum, Graphites, Jacea, Kalmia, Kreosotum, Lachesis, Lachnanthes, Millefolium, Natrum carb., Oleander, Sepia, Spigelia, Spongia, Tabacum, Theridion, Veratrum alb. ABOUT THE HEART: Aconitum, Ambra, Camphora, Cannabis sat., Cantharis, Cuprum, Glonoinum, Jacea, Kreosotum, Lachesis, Lachnanthes, Theridion. heart beats quicker and stronger; fear of death: Aconitum. with sensation of pressure: Agaricus. causing oppression of breathing and flushes of heat: Ambra. with vomiting of mucus and bile: Antimonium tart. with weakness: Glonoinum. when lying, with beating like waves: Jacea. with hasty speech; restless: Lachesis. with stitches: Lachnanthes. sharp pains radiate to arm and left shoulder: Theridion. anxiety and apprehensive feeling at pit of stomach, with oppression of breathing and palpitation: Cannabis sat. REPERTORY OF HEART SYMPTOMS. 369 ANXIETY AND PALPITATION: Ammonium carb., Camphora, Colchicum, Crocus, Graphites, Natrum carb., Oleander, Sepia, Stannum, Veratrum alb. as if dying, with audible palpitation: Ammonium carb. with nosebleed: Graphites. when ascending, and at night when lying on the left side: Natrum carb. chest feels expanded: Oleander. with anxiety about things which happened years ago: Sepia. with or without anxiety: Sulphuricum ac. without anxiety: Sarsaparilla. violent, anxious, visible palpitation, with fainting: Veratrum alb. ANGUISH: Arnica, Aurum, Nitri ac., Pulsatilla. coming from praecordial region, driving him from place to place. Frequent attacks of anguish about the heart, with trembling fearfulness: Aurum met. and palpitation on going up-stairs: Nitri ac. violent paroxysms of palpitation, often with anguish and obscuration of sight: Pulsatilla. AGONY: Aurum met. (with palpitation). ALARM: Sepia, Spongia. FEAR: Aconite, Mercurius, Lilium tig., Nux mosch. with palpitation: Mercurius. of apoplexy, with palpitation: Nux mosch. palpitation without fear, mostly during day: Sarsaparilla. OPPRESSION: Ambra Cannabis sat., Causticum, Spigelia. of breathing and flushes of heat: Ambra. of breathing and palpitation: Cannabis sat., Causticum. with lowness of spirits: Causticum. and stitches about the heart, sometimes synchronous with the pulse: Spigelia. SPECIAL SYMPTOMS. Great anxiety, as if dying, with audible palpitation: Ammonium carb. Fear of apoplexy, particularly with palpitation: Argentum met. 24 370 REPERTORY OF HEART SYMPTOMS. Noticing the beating of the heart increases it: Argentum nit. Pracordial distress when loudly spoken to: Camphora. Fears that unless constantly on the move her heart will cease beating: Gelsemium. Fears he has heart disease: Lilium tig. Weakness at the heart as if life was ebbing away: Mercurius. Awakens with trembling at the heart and agitation as if frightened: Mercurius. Suddenly awakened after midnight with suffocation, great alarm, anxiety: Spongia. Heart-beats intermit, the intervals so long that they excite fear of death: Nux mosch. Heartburn intermits when thinking of it: Oxalicum ac. Stitches about the heart, sometimes synchronous with the pulse, with anxiety and oppression: Spigelia. From giving directions in her domestic affairs great palpitation of heart and anxiety: Stannum. AGGRAVATIONS. AT NIGHT: Mercurius, Natrum carb. with fear: Mercurius. AFTER MIDNIGHT: Spongia (with suffocation). DURING THE DAY: Sarsaparilla. AFTER DINNER: Sepia. WHEN ASCENDING: Natrum carb. ON GOING UP-STAIRS: Nitri ac. WHILE LYING: Jacea. WITH RESTLESSNESS: Aurum, Camphora, Lachesis. driving from place to place: Aurum. TOSSING ABOUT: Camphora. WORSE QUICK MOTION: Cocculus. WORSE MENTAL EXCITEMENT: Cocculus. WORSE MENTAL EMOTIONS: Nux vom., Podophyllum, Sepia. REPERTORY OF HEART SYMPTOMS. 371 CARDIAC ACTION AND ACCOMPANIMENTS. SYMPTOMS OF CARDIAC ACTION AND PULSE CHARACTERS NOT DEFINITELY OR SPECIFICALLY RECORDED AS BEING CHARACTERIZED BY ACCELERATION OR RETARDATION. Abrotanum: Weak and small. Absinthium: Heart thumps; can be heard in the scapular region. Aceticum ac.: Very weak and small. Aconitum: Small, intermittent, irregular; quicker than the beat of the heart; full, hard (and frequent) succeeding chill, during which it was small and weak. During'three beats the apex strikes only once.. Actea rac.: Feeble in the morning, with trembling and weakness. Heart's action ceases suddenly; impending suffocation. Agaricus: Feeble, scarcely perceptible. Agnus cast.: Often imperceptible. Aloes: Suppressed after vomiting. Alumina: Either unchanged or full (and accelerated). Apis: Feeble, scarcely perceptible at the wrist; at times intermittent and imperceptible. Apocynum: Pulse 45 between attacks of vomiting; feeble. Argentum met.: Beat sometimes omits; often unchanged. Argentum nit.: Irregular, intermittent, with an unpleasant sensation of fulness; exertion causes strong beating, worse when noticing it. Arnica: Intermittent, feeble, hurried, irregular, fluttering. Arsenicum: Heart beats more rapidly and stronger when lying on the back. Asafoetida: Unchanged, unequal. Aurum: Violent beating of the heart after exertion. Belladonna: At times small and soft. Benzoicum ac.: Full. Bismuthum: Strong heart-beat; pulse contracted, somewhat spasmodic, and at times intermittent. Borax: Circulation irregular, face bluish, especially around the 372 REPERTORY OF HEART SYMPTOMS. mouth, nose and eyes, with blue look of finger-ends and feet; with attacks during which the child became prostrated and as if suffocating. ~ Cactus grand.: Irregularity of the heart's action (at times frequent; at others slow). Camphora: Full, weak; not perceptible. Cannabis sat.: Very weak, frequently almost imperceptible. Cantharis: Very variable; at times intermittent, feeble, scarcely perceptible. Capsicum: Irregular, often intermitting. Carbo veg.: Thread-like, weak and small; intermittent. Chamomilla: Frequently very unequal, and then for a time weak. Cinchona: Feeble, unequal, intermitting. Clematis: Unchanged. Conium: Unequal in strength and sometimes irregular in rhythm. Cuprum met.: Very changeable, thready, tense. Digitalis: Violent, but not very rapid, beating of the heart. Intermitting the third, fifth or seventh beat. Dulcamara: Collapsed. Gelsemium: A peculiar action of the heart, as though it attempted its beat, which it failed fully to accomplish, the pulse intermitting each time; worse lying, especially on the left side. Glonoinum: Laborious action of the heart; easily excited. Helleborus: Almost imperceptible. Hyoscyamus: Weak and irregular. Hypericum: Hard beating of the heart. Ignatia: Variable. Kali bich.: Irregular, small, contracted, with nosebleed. Kali carb.: Intermits; heart's action irregular; tumultuous or weak. Kalmia: Arms feel weak; pulse scarcely perceptible; limbs cold. The third or fourth beat is harder and is followed by an intermission. Kreosotum: Small and hard. Laurocerasus: Irregular. Often imperceptible. Lycopodium: Unaltered. REPERTORY OF HEART SYMPTOMS. 373 Manganum acet.: Very uneven and irregular (sometimes rapid, - soft; slow); but constantly soft and weak. Mercurius: Imperceptible, with warmth of the body. Mercurius cor.: Small, weak, intermitting; sometimes trembling. Mercurius iod. flav.: Sudden, spasmodic action; labored, weak, irregular. Mezereum: At times intermittent. Natrum mur.: Irregular intermission of beating of the heart and of pulse; worse lying on the left side. Intermits every third beat. Nitri ac.: Irregular. One normal, followed by two small rapid beats; fourth beat intermits. Nux mosch.: Small, weak; intermits, the intervals so long that they excite fear of death. Nux vom.: Intermits every four or five beats. Oleander: Changeable, irregular. Opium: Pulsating arteries and swollen veins on the neck. Pulse varies. Irregular and unequal; imperceptible. Phosphoricum ac.: Irregular, sometimes intermitting one or two beats. Phytolacca: Small, irregular, with great excitement in the chest, especially in the cardiac region; full but soft. Platina: Regular, but sometimes weak, sometimes tremulous. Plumbum: Variable. Psorinum: Weak, feeble. Pulsatilla: Small and weak; often scarcely perceptible. Rheum: Generally unchanged. Rhododendron: Heart's beat stronger. Unchanged. Rhus tox.: Irregular, trembling or imperceptible. Ruta: Unchanged. Sabina: Unequal. Sanguinaria: Irregularity of heart's action and pulse, with coldness, insensibility; irregularity, with great weakness. Secale: Often unchanged, even during violent attacks; at times intermittent or suppressed; small, empty, weak. Sepia: Interruption of the beating of the heart, mostly after dinner; alarmed; quivering motion. Occasional hard " thump." 374 REPERTORY OF HEART SYMPTOMS. Spigelia: Irregular, trembling. Staphisagria: Trembling beating of the heart; often trembling. Stramonium: Full, hard, strong; irregular; small and spasmodic, sometimes double (and very quick), with quiet respiration. Tabacum: Imperceptible, small, intermittent. Thuya: Violent pulsations in the evening. Veratrum vir.: HIeart beats loud, strong (suddenly increases and gradually decreases below normal); irregular, intermittent. Zincum met.: Irregular, spasmodic action of the heart; occasionally one violent " thump." PULSE CHARACTERS. LARGE: Belladonna. SMALL: Abrotanum, Aceticum ac., Aconitum, Agaricus, Belladonna, Carbo veg., Digitalis, Hyoscyamus, Ignatia, Kali bich., Kreosotum, Laurocerasus, Mercurius cor., Nitri ac., Nux mosch., Phytolacca, Plumbum, Pulsatilla, Squilla, Stramonium. STRONG: Bismuthum, Rhododendron, Spigelia, Stramonium. WEAK: Abrotanum, Aceticum ac., Aconitum, Agnus cast., Benzoicum ac., Berberis, Camphora, Cannabis sat., Carbo veg., Chamomilla, Colocynthis, Hyoscyamus, Kalmia, Manganum acet., Mercurius, Mercurius cor., Mercurius iod. flav., Muriaticum ac., Nux mosch., Oleander, Platinum, Psorinum, Pulsatilla, Rhododendron, Secale, Thuya, Veratrum vir. during the day: Mercurius. in the morning: Thuya. FEEBLE: Actaea rac., Agaricus, Apis, Apocynum, Arnica, Cantharis, Cinchona, Colchicum. with trembling and weakness: Actea rac. FULL: Aconitum, Alumina, Belladonna, Camphora, Colchicum, Natrum mur., Opium, Stramonium. pulsating arteries and swollen veins in the neck: Opium. EMPTY: Secale. TENSE: Cuprum met. REPERTORY OF HEART SYMPTOMS. 375 CONTRACTED: Bismuthum, Kali bich., Plumbum. with nosebleed: Kali bich. HARD: Aconitum, Hypericum, Kreosotum, Plumbum. SOFT: Belladonna, Manganum acet., Veratrum alb., Veratrum vir. constantly soft and weak: Manganum acet. TREMBLING: Mercurius cor., Rhus tox., Spigelia, Staphisagria, Stramonium. TREMULOUS: Platina..THREADY: Cuprum. THREAD-LIKE: Aconitum, Carbo veg. FLUTTERING: Arnica. SUPPRESSED: Aloes, Secale. after vomiting: Aloes. COLLAPSED: Dulcamara. ALMOST IMPERCEPTIBLE: Aconitum, Agaricus, Agnus cast., Apis Cannabis sat., Cantharis, Kalmia, Laurocerasus, Pulsatilla. arms weak; limbs cold: Kalmia. IMPERCEPTIBLE: Camphora, Mercurius, Opium, Rhus tox., Stramonium. with warmth of body: Mercurius. SPASMODIC: Bismuthum, Stramonium, Zincum. LABORED: Mercurius iod. flay. IRREGULAR: Aconitum, Agaricus, Argentum met., Borax, Cactus grand., Digitalis, Hyoscyamus, Kali carb., Laurocerasus, Manganum acet., Mercurius iod. flay., Natrum mur., Nitri ac., Opium, Phosphoricum ac., Rhus tox., Sanguinaria, Silicea, Spigelia, Stramonium, Veratrum vir., Zincum. quicker than the beat of the heart: Aconitum. circulation irregular, face bluish, especially around the mouth, nose and eyes, with blue look of the fingerends and feet, with attacks during which the child became prostrated and as if suffocated: Borax. irregularity of the heart's action, at times frequent, at others slow: Cactus grand. sudden, spasmodic action: Mercurius iod. flay. one normal, followed by two small, rapid beats: Nitri ac. 376 REPERTORY OF HEART SYMPTOMS. Irregular and unequal: Opium. irregularity of the heart's action and pulse, with coldness, insensibility, irregularity, with great weakness: Sanguinaria. frequently irregular, and then slow: Silicea. irregular, spasmodic action. Occasionally one violent thump. Zincum met. (Aloes, Aurum, Sepia). REGULAR (but sometimes weak and trembling): Platina. UNEQUAL: Asafoetida, Chamomilla, Cinchona, Clematis, Conium, Opium, Sabina. and then weak: Chamomilla. in strength and sometimes irregular in rhythm: Conium. UNEVEN: Manganum acet. INTERMITTENT: Aconitum, Alumina, Argentum met., Argentum nit., Arnica, Benzoicum ac., Bismuthum, Cantharis, Capsicum, Carbo veg., Cinchona, Digitalis, Gelsemium, Kali carb., Kalmia, Mercurius cor., Mezereum, Muriaticum ac., Natrum mur., Nitri ac., Nux mosch., Phosphoricum ac., Secale, Sepia, Tabacum, Veratrum alb., Veratrum vir. quicker than the beat of the heart. During.three beats the apex strikes only once: Aconitum. beat sometimes omits: Argentum met. with an unpleasant sensation of fulness: Argentum nit. slow: Capsicum. the third, fifth or seventh beat intermits: Digitalis. a peculiar action of the heart, as though it attempted its beat, which it failed fully to accomplish, the pulse intermitting each time, worse lying, especially on left side: Gelsemium. the third or fourth beat is harder, followed by an intermission. Irregular intermission of the beating of the heart and of the pulse; worse lying on the left side; intermits every third beat: Natrum mur. fourth beat intermits: Nitri ac. intermits, the intervals so long that they excite fear of death: Nux mosch. one or two beats: Phosphoricum ac. REPERTORY OF HEART SYMPTOMS. 377 Intermittent or suppressed: Secale. interruption of the beating of the heart, mostly after dinner; alarmed; quivering motion: Sepia. VARIABLE: Cantharis, Ignatia, Rheum, Plumbum. CHANGEABLE: Cuprum met., Oleander. UNCHANGED (often): Alumina, Argentum met., Asafcetida, Rheum, Rhododendron, Ruta, Secale. even during violent attacks: Secale. UNALTERED: Lycopodium. EASILY EXCITED: Glonoinum. UNCLASSIFIED SYMPTOMS. Heart thumps, can be heard in the scapular region: Absinthium. Heart's action ceases suddenly; impending suffocation: Actmea rac. Noticing the beating of the heart increases it: Argentum nit. Exertion causes strong beating, worse noticing it: Argentum nit. Strong heart-beat: Bismuthum. Laborious action of the heart: Glonoinum. Hard beating of the heart: Hypericum. Heart beats stronger: Rhododendron. Trembling beating of the heart: Staphisagria. AGGRAVATIONS. WORSE LYING: Mercurius. WORSE LYING ON LEFT SIDE: Mercurius, Natrum mur. WORSE FROM EXERTION: Argentum nit., Aurum. WORSE AFTER DINNER: Sepia. WORSE NOTICING THE BEATING OF HEART: Argentum nit. SLOW CARDIAC ACTION AND PULSE. Aconitum, Agaricus, Agnus cast., Aloes, Apocynum, Argentum met., Baptisia, Belladonna, Benzoicum ac., Berberis, Cactus grand., Cannabis ind., Cannabis sat., Cantharis, Capsicum, Cepa, Chelidonium, Colchicum, 378 REPERTORY OF HEART SYMPTOMS. Colocynthis, Digitalis, Gelsemium, Graphites, Helleborus, Hyoscyamus, Ignatia, Kalmia, Kreosotum, Leptandra, Lobelia infl., Manganum acet., Mercurius, Mezereum, Nitrum, Oleander, Opium, Paris, Petroleum, Plumbum, Pulsatilla, Ranunculus bulb., Rhododendron, Sambucus, Sarsaparilla, Secale, Spigelia, Squilla, Tabacum, Thuya, Veratrum alb., Veratrum vir., Zincum met. Aconitum: When slow, almost imperceptible, thread-like, with anxiety. Agaricu: Becomes slower, small, irregular. Agnus cast.: Slow and weak. Aloes: Slow in the afternoon. Antimonium crud.: Changing from slow to rapid every few beats. Apocynum: Pulse 45 between attacks of vomiting. Baptisia: At first accelerated, afterwards slow and faint. Belladonna: Large, full and slow. Benzoicum ac.: Slower and weaker, intermittent. Berberis: Slow, weak pulse. Cactus grand.: At times frequent, at others slow. Cannabis ind.: Pulse slow, as low as 46. Cantharis: At times intermittent, slow, feeble, scarcely perceptible. Capsicum: Slow, intermitting. Cepa: Slow and hard. Colchicum: Full and slow; slow and feeble. Colocynthis: Less frequently slow and weak. Digitalis: Small, irregular, slow; extremely slow, particularly when at rest. Gelsemium: Feeble, slow; slow and full. Graphites: Slow during the day and evening. Helleborus: Often slower than the beating of the heart. Hyoscyamus: Slow and small. Ignatia: Small and slow. Kalmia: Slow, weak. Leptandra: Slow and full. Lobelia infl.: Slower than usual. Manganum acet.: Very uneven and irregular, sometimes rapid and sometimes soft and slow, but constantly soft and weak. REPERTORY OF HEART SYMPTOMS. 379 Mercurius: Slower by day; when slow it is weak and trembling. Mezereum: Frequent in the morning, slow in the evening. Nitrum: Slow in the morning. Oleander: Slow in the morning. Opium: Full and slow, with snoring. Paris: Full, but slow. Petroleum: Slow during rest. Plumbum: Variable; generally small and slow, contracted; at times hard and slow; sinks even to 40. Pulsatilla: Slower in the morning. Ranunculus bulb.: Slower in the morning. Rhododendron: Slow and weak. Sambucus: Occasional omission of heart-beat; sometimes slow and full; sometimes intermitting. Sarsaparilla: Slow in the morning. Secale: Generally slow and contracted; at times intermittent and suppressed. Spigelia: Strong, but slow. Squilla: Small and slow, slightly hard. Tabacum: Exceedingly slow. Thuya: Slow and weak in the morning. Veratrum alb.: Slow, soft, intermittent; sometimes slower than heart-beat. Veratrum vir.: Slow, soft and weak. Zincum met.: Slow in the morning; increased by wine. PULSE CHARACTERS. LARGE: Belladonna. SMALL: Agaricus, Digitalis, Hyoscyamus, Ignatia, Plumbum, Squilla. STRONG: Spigelia. WEAK: Agnus cast., Benzoicum ac., Berberis, Colocynthis, Kalmia, Rhododendron, Veratrum vir. HARD: Cepa, Plumbum, Squilla. SOFT: Manganum acet., Veratrum alb., Veratrum vir. constantly soft and weak: Manganum acet. FULL: Belladonna, Colchicum, Gelsemium, Opium, Paris quad., Sambucus. with snoring: Opium. 380 REPERTORY OF HEART SYMPTOMS. FEEBLE: Cantharis, Colchicum, Gelsemium. FAINT: Baptisia. IRREGULAR: Agaricus, Digitalis. INTERMITTENT: Benzoicum ac., Cantharis, Capsicum, Sambucus, Secale. occasional omission of heart-beat: Sambucus. VARIABLE: Plumbum. CHANGEABLE: Antimonium crud. CONTRACTED: Plumbum, Secale. THREAD-LIKE: Aconitum. ALMOST IMPERCEPTIBLE: Aconitum, Cantharis. SUPPRESSED: Secale. UNUSUALLY SLOW: Apocynum, Cannabis ind., Digitalis, Plumbum, Tabacum. 45 between attacks of vomiting: Apocynum. as low as 46: Cannabis ind. sinks even to 40: Plumbum. GENERAL SYMPTOMS. With anxiety: Aconitum. At first accelerated: Baptisia. Occasional omission of the heart-beat: Sambucus. At times frequent, at others slow: Cactus grand., Manganum acet. Pulse often slower than the beating of the heart: Helleborus, Veratrum alb. Constantly soft and weak: Manganum acet. Changing from slow to rapid every few beats: Antimonium crud. AGGRAVATIONS. SLOWER IN THE MORNING: Argentum met., Nitrum, Oleander, Pulsatilla, Ranunculus bulb., Sarsaparilla, Thuya. and weak: Thuya. AFTERNOON: Aloes. DAY: Mercurius, Muriaticum ac. when slow, weak and trembling: Mercurius. DAY AND EVENING: Mezereum. frequent in the morning, slower in the evening: Mezereum. AT REST: Digitalis, Petroleum. REPERTORY OF HEART SYMPTOMS. 381 INCREASED CARDIAC ACTION AND PULSE-RATE. Rapid pulse: Aceticum ac., Aconitum, Actama rac., Esculus hip., IEthusa cynap., Agaricus, Ailanthus, Aloes, Alumina, Ambra, Ammonium carb., Ammonium mur., Anacardium, Antimonium crud., Antimonium tart., Apis, Argentum met., Argentum nit., Arnica, Arsenicum alb., Arum triph., Asafoetida, Asarum europ., Aurum met., Baptisia, Belladonna, Benzoicum ac., Borax ven., Bovista, Bromium, Bryonia, Cactus grand., Caladium, Calcarea ost., Cannabis ind., Cannabis sat., Capsicum, Carbo an., Causticum, Cepa, Chelidonium, Cina, Cinchona, Clematis, Cocculus, Coffea, Colchicum, Colocynthis, Crocus, Cuprum met., Cyclamen, Digitalis, Eupatorium purp., Ferrum met., Fluoricum ac., Gelsemium, Glonoinum, Graphites, Guaiacum, Hepar sulph., Hyoscyamus, Hypericum, Ignatia, lodium, Ipecacuanha, Kali bich., Kali carb., Kali iod., Kreosotum, Lachdsis, Lachnanthes, Laurocerasus, Lobelia infl., Lycopodium, Magnesia mur., Mancinella, Manganum acet., Mercurius, Mezereum, Millefolium, Muriaticum ac., Natrum carb., Natrum mur., Nitri ac., Nux mosch., Oleander, Opium, Oxalicum ac., Phosphoricum ac., Platina, Plumbum, Pulsatilla, Ranunculus bulb., Ranunculus scel., Rheum, Rhus tox., Ruta, Sabina, Sambucus, Sanguinaria, Sarsaparilla, Secale, Spongia, Stannum, Staphisagria, Stramonium, Sulphur, Sulphuricum ac., Tabacum, Terebinthina, Valeriana, Veratrum alb., Veratrum vir., Zincum. PULSE CHARACTERS ACCOMPANYING ACCELERATION. Aceticum ac.: 96, full and regular, small, contracted. Aconitum: Hard, strong, contracted. Actaoa rac.: Weak and irregular. Esculus hip.: Full, heavy, soft, weak..AEthusa: Small, sometimes hard, unrhythmical. 382 REPERTORY OF HEART SYMPTOMS. Agaricus: Violent; strongly felt. Ailanthus: Small, weak, sometimes scarcely perceptible; very frequent and irregular. Aloes: Strong beat of the heart occasionally. Alumina: Irregular; large and small beats intermixed. Ammonium carb.: Hard, tense. Antimonium crud.: Extremely irregular; now accelerated, again slow, changing every few beats. Antimonium tart.: Hard; rapid, weak and trembling; small, contracted. Apis: Hard, small; full and strong. Arnica: Full, hard. Arsenicum alb.: Small; weak. Asafoetida: Accelerated, but small. Asarum europ.: Strong. Aurum met.: Small. Baptisia: Acceleration, afterwards slow and faint; compass and frequency of the heart's pulsations seem increased. Belladonna: Full, hard, tense. Benzoicum ac.: Intermittent. Bryonia: Full, hard, rapid and tense; at times intermittent; violent. Cactus grand.: At times frequent. Caladium: Hard, bounding (in intermittents). Calcarea carb.: Full, often tremulous. Cannabis ind.: As high as 160. Cantharis: Hard, full; small. Capsicum: Full, strong. Cepa: Frequent and full. Chamomilla: Small, but tense. Chelidonium: Small and quick; full and hard. Cina: Small, but hard. Cinchona: Small, hard. Cocculus: Small and spasmodic, seldom hard, often imperceptible. Coffea: More frequent, but less vigorous, even small and weak. Colchicum: Hard, thready. Colocynthis: Full, hard. REPERTORY OF HEART SYMPTOMS. 383 Crocus: Feverish. Cuprum met.: Small, hard, moderately frequent. Cyclamen: Very rapid; scarcely perceptible. Digitalis: Violent, but not very rapid; full and hard; becomes full and hard from every motion. Eupatorium purp.: Full. Ferrum met.: Full, hard. Fluoricum ac.: Small. Gelsemium: Excessive action of heart; soft, weak, almost imperceptible. Glonoinum: Rises and falls alternately. Graphites: Full, hard. Guaiacum: Small, soft. Helleborus: Soft. Hepar sulph.: Hard, full; at times intermitting. 'Hyoscyamus: Full, hard, strong. Hypericum: Hard. Ignatia: Generally hard and full. lodium: Large, hard; rapid, but weak and thread-like. Ipecacuanha: Weak; large and soft. Kreosotum: Weak and small; soft and trembling. Lachesis: Small, weak; unequal; intermittent. Lachnanthes: IIo, small, thin, hard (pneumonia). Laurocerasus: While accelerated, seldom full and hard. Lobelia infl.: Small, weak. Mancinella: Weak. Manganum acet.: Sometimes rapid. Mercurius: Full. Mezereum: Full, hard. Millefolium: Contracted. Natrum mur.: Weak and rapid. Nitri ac.: Alternate hard, rapid and small beats. Nux vom.: Hard, full, small. Opium: Hard. Phosphorus: Full 4nd hard; small and weak. Platina: Regular, but small and weak; sometimes tremulous. Plumbum: Small. Pulsatilla: Small and weak. 384 REPERTORY OF HEART SYMPTOMS. Ranunculus bulb.: Full, hard. Ranunculus scel.: Full, but soft. Rheum: Only a little accelerated. Rhus tox.: Weak, faint, soft, trembling or imperceptible. Ruta: Only during heat. Sabina: Generally quick, strong and hard, sometimes unequal. Sambucus: Generally very frequent and strong. Sanguinaria: Hard, small, quick. Secale: During the heat. Silicea: Small, hard. Spongia: Hard, full or feeble. Stannum: Small. Staphisagria: Small, often trembling. Stramonium: Full, strong, hard. Sulphur: Full, hard, at times intermittent. Sulphuricum ac.: Small, feeble. Tabacum: Full, quick. Thuya: In the evening, violent pulsations. Terebinthina: Feeble, rapid. Valeriana: Sometimes tense, or small and weak. Veratrum alb.: Small, hard. Veratrum vir.: Suddenly increases and gradually decreases below normal. Zincum met.: Small. SUMMARY OF PULSE CHARACTERS. REGULAR: Aceticum ac. IRREdULAR: Actaea rac., Alumina. INTERMITTENT: Benzoicum ac., Helleborus, Hepar sulph., Lachesis, Sulphur. with orgasms of blood: Bryonia. in hydrocephaloid: Helleborus. at times: Hepar sulph. LARGE: Alumina, lodium, Ipecacuanha, Tabacum. SMALL: iEthusa, Ailanthus, Alumina, Antimonium tart., Arsenicum, Asafoetida, Aurum met., Cantharis, Chamomilla, Chelidonium, Cinchona, Cocculus ind., Cuprum met., Fluoricum ac., Guaiacum, Ipecacuanha, REPERTORY OF HEART SYMPTOMS. 385 Kreosotum, Lachesis, Lobelia, Nitri ac., Platina, Pulsatilla, Sambucus, Sulphuricum ac., Valeriana, Zincum met. FULL: AceticumI ac., Esculus hip., Apis, Arnica, Baptisia, Belladonna, Bryonia, Calcarea carb., Cantharis, Capsicum, Cepa, Colocynthis, Digitalis, Eupatorium purp., Ferrum met., Graphites, H-epar sulph., Hyoscyamus, Lachesis, Mercurius, Mezereum, Nux vom., Oleander, Phosphorus, Ranunculus scel., Spongia, Stramonium, Sulphur. often tremulous: Calcarea carb. seldom full: Laurocerasus. WEAK: Sculus hip, Actea rac., Ailanthus, Antimonium tart., Arsenicum, Coffea, Gelsemium, Ipecacuanha, Kreosotum, Lachesis, Lobelia infl., Mancinella, Natrum mur., Phosphoricum ac., Rhus tox. in the evening: Lobelia infl. STRONG: Aconitum, Apis, Asarum europ., Baptisia, Benzoicum ac., Capsicum, Phosphoricum ac., Stramonium. SOFT:.Esculus hip., Helleborus, Guaiacum, Ipecacuanha, Manganum acet., Ranunculus scel., Rhus tox. HARD: Aconitum, AEthusa, Ammonium carb., Antimonium tart., Apis, Arnica, Belladonna, Bryonia, Cantharis, Caladium, Chelidonium, Cina, Cinchona, Colchicum, Colocynthis, Cuprum met., Digitalis, Ferrum met., Graphites, Hepar sulph., Hyoscyamus, Ignatia, lodium, Lachnanthes, Mezereum, Nitri ac., Nux vom., Opium, Phosphorus, Ranunculus bulb., Sabina, Sanguinaria, Silicea, Stramonium, Veratrum alb. with anxious breathing: Opium. seldom hard: Cocculus ind. seldom full and hard: Laurozerasus. HURRIED: Arnica. CONTRACTED: Aceticum ac., Aconitum, Antimonium tart., Millefoliurn. SPASMODIc: Cannabis ind. THIN: Lachnanthes. 25 386 REPERTORY OF HEART SYMPTOMS. THREADY: Colchicum. THREAD-LIKE: Iodium, Arsenicum. DOUBLE BEAT: Agaricus, Cyclamen, Phosphorus. UNRHYTHMICAL: /Ethusa. HEAVY: ELsculus hip. ALMOST IMPERCEPTIBLE: Cyclamen, Oxalicum ac., Arsenicum, Gelsemium, Rhus tox. or trembling: Rhus tox. with deadly coldness, clammy sweats; livid nails: Oxalicum ac. TREMULOUS: Calcarea carb., Platina. TREMBLING: Antimonium tart., Kreosotum, Nux mosch., Rhus tox., Staphisagria. EXCITED: Causticum, Clematis. VIOLENT: Bryonia, Nux mosch., Digitalis. UNCLASSIFIABLE SYMPTOMS. Increased in force and frequency: Terebinthina. Alternately full and small: Aconitum, Lachesis. Quicker than beat of the heart: Arnica, Rhus tox. Bounding (in intermittents): Caladium. Rises and falls alternately: Glonoinum. Alternately hard, rapid and small beats: Nitri ac. Large and small beats intermixed: Alumina. Changing from slow to rapid every few beats: Antimonium crud. Suddenly increases and gradually decreases below normal: Veratrum vir. Noticing the beat of the heart increases it: Argentum nit. Constantly soft and weak: Manganum acet. Generally hard and full: Ignatia. WITH ORGASMS, EBULLITIONS, ETC.: /Esculus, Agaricus, Ambra, Anacardium, Baptisia, Benzoicum ac., Bryonia, Carbo an., Causticum, Clematis, Ignatia, Magnesia mur., Mercurius, Natrum carb., Oleander, Pulsatilla, Veratrum vir. Heart beats more strongly and rapidly when lying on the back: Arsenicum. Felt all over the body: AEsculus. REPERTORY OF HEART SYMPTOMS. 387 Strongly felt: Agaricus. Beating in the bloodvessels: Anacardium. Heart's pulsations seem to fill the chest: Baptisia. Internal but no external heat; cannot go to sleep: Benzoicum ac. Strong orgasm of blood: Bryonia. Beating in the bloodvessels: Carbo an., Iodium. Towards evening: Causticum. Throbbing in the veins: Clematis. With beating in the bloodvessels: Ignatia. With distended bloodvessels: Pulsatilla. At night with excited pulse: Natrum carb. While sitting: Magnesia mur. AGGRAVATIONS. MORNING: Graphites, Mezereum, Kali carb. rapid mornings; slow evenings: Mezereum, Kali carb. AFTERNOON: Nitrum. EVENING: Argentum met., Argentum nit., Capsicum, Carbo an., Causticum, Chelidonium, Graphites, Lobelia infl., Lycopodium, Muriaticum ac., Natrum carb., Nitrum, Oleander, Pulsatilla, Ranunculus bulb., Rheum, Sarsaparilla, Thuya, Zincum met. in bed: Argentum met. with hot skin: Oleander. slow mornings, rapid evenings: Sarsaparilla. NIGHT: Arsenicum, Benzoicum ac., Kali bich., Dulcamara, Mercurius, Ranunculus scel. awakens suddenly with a start at 2 A.M.: Kali bich. awakens after midnight with violent pulsations of heart: Benzoicum ac. DURING DAY SLOW: Mercurius, Muriaticum ac. DURING HEAT: Secale, Ruta. only during heat: Ruta. AFTER EATING: Lycopodium. BY MOTION: Digitalis, Glonoinum, Petroleum, Argentum nit. BY EXERTION: Argentum nit., Ferrum met., Iodium. with nausea: Argentum nit. with asthma: Argentum nit. 388 REPERTORY OF HEART SYMPTOMS. BY WALKING: Glonoinum. AFFECTED BY ALCOHOL: Rhus tox., Sulphuricum ac. by wine: Zincum, Nux mosch. by beer: Rhus tox. by coffee: Rhus tox. AMELIORATION. MORE QUIET AFTER MEALS: Cinchona. EBULLITIONS, ORGASMS, ETC. Abrotanum, Aconitum, Anacardium, Baryta carb., Calcarea carb., Colocynthis, Ferrum met., Graphites, Kreosotum, Lachnanthes, Lilium tig., Lycopodium, Mercurius, Millefolium, Natrum mur., Petroleum, Plumbum, Sabina, Sambucus, Sarsaparilla, Veratrum vir., Zincum met. Abrotanum: With general heat and distended veins on the forehead. Aconitum: Burning flushes along the back; oppression about the heart; anxiety; difficulty of breathing; flying heat in the face; sensation of something rushing into the head. Anacardium: Beating in the bloodvessels. Baryta carb.: Orgasm of blood, with anxiety. Calcarea carb.: Much beating in the bloodvessels. Colocynthis: Strong throbbing in all the bloodvessels. Ferrum met.: Throbbing in all the bloodvessels; soft bellows' sound at apex. Graphites: Strong pulsation of the blood in the whole body, but especially about the heart, increased by every motion. Kreosotum: Pulsation in all the arteries when at rest. Lachnanthes: While lying feels the beating of his heart to his head. Lilium tig.: Conscious pulsations over the whole body and outpressing in the hands and arms; as if the blood would burst through the vessels. REPERTORY OF HEART SYMPTOMS. 389 Lycopodium: Sensation as if the circulation stood still, or ebullitions. Mercurius: Orgasm, with trembling from slight exertion. Millefolium: Ebullitions from coughing blood. Natrum mur.: Heart's pulsations shake the body. Petroleum: Fainting, with ebullitions; heat; pressing on the heart and palpitation. Plumbum: Rush of blood to the heart during a rapid walk, with anguish, cold sweat. Sabina: Violent beating in the bloodvessels in whole body. Sambucus: Orgasm in whole body. Sarsaparilla: Ebullitions of blood and protruding veins. Veratrum vir.: Loud, strong, with great arterial excitement. Zincum met.: Violent pulsation in bloodvessels during the heat. CONCOMITANTS. With anxiety: Aconitum, Baryta carb. With anguish: Plumbum. With fainting: Petroleum. With trembling: Mercurius. With palpitation: Petroleum. With difficult breathing: Aconitum. With cold sweat: Plumbum. With great arterial excitement: Veratrum vir. With protruding veins: Abrotanum, Sarsaparilla. and distended veins on forehead and hands: Abrotanum. With heat: Abrotanum, Petroleum. With oppression about the heart: Aconitum, Petroleum, Plumbum. and palpitation: Petroleum. PECULIAR SYMPTOMS. Rush of blood to the heart after a rapid walk, anguish, cold sweat: Plumbum. Beating in the bloodvessels: Anacardium, Calcarea carb. Throbbing in all the bloodvessels: Colocynthis, Ferrum met. Pulsations in the vessels: Graphites, Kreosotum, Lilium tig., Natrum mur., Zincum. 390 REPERTORY OF HEART SYMPTOMS. Pulsations felt especially about the heart, increased by every motion: Graphites. Conscious pulsations over the whole body, and outpressing in hands and arms, as if the blood would burst through the vessels: Lilium tig. Heart's pulsations shake the body: Natrum mur. Pulsations felt over the whole body: Graphites, Lilium tig., Natrum mur., Sabina, Sambucus. Feels the beating of his heart to his head: Aconitum. while lying: Lachnanthes. Sensation of something rushing into his head, with flying heat in the face: Aconitum. Sensation as if the blood would burst through the vessels: Lilium tig. Burning flushes along the back: Aconitum. Sensation as if the circulation stood still, or ebullitions: Lycopodium. While lying, feels the beating of his heart into his head: Lachnanthes. AGGRAVATIONS. FROM MOTION: Graphites. SLIGHT EXERTION: Mercurius. WHEN AT REST: Kreosotum. lying: Lachnanthes. RAPID WALKING: Plumbum. DURING HEAT: Zincum met. FROM COUGHING BLOOD: Millefolium. PALPITATION. Aconitum, Act.ea rac., AEsculus hip., AEthusa, Agaricus, Alumina, Ambra, Ammonium carb., Antimonium crud., Antimonium tart., Argentum met., Argentum nit., Arnica, Arsenicum, Asafoetida, Aurum, Baryta carb., Belladonna, Benzoicum ac., Berberis, Bovista, Bromium, Cactus grand., Calcarea carb., Calcarea phos., Camphora, Cannabis ind., Cantharis, Carbo REPERTORY OF HEART SYMPTOMS. 391 an., Causticum, Chamomilla, Chelidonium, Cicuta, Cinchona, Cocculus ind., Coffea, Colchicum, Conium, Crocus, Cuprum, Cyclamen, Dulcamara, Ferrum met., Graphites, Guaiacum, Hamamelis, Helleborus, Hepar sulph., Hydrastis, Ignatia, IIlicium, Iodium, Kali bich., Kali carb., Kali iod., Kalmia, Lachesis, Laurocerasus, Ledum, Lilium tig., Lycopodium, Magnesia mur., Mancinella, Manganum acet., Mercurius, Mercurius cor., Millefolium, Muriaticum ac., Natrum carb., Natrum mur., Nitri ac., Nitrum, Nux mosch., Nux vom., Oleander, Petroleum, Phosphorus, Phosphoricum ac., Platina, Podophyllum, Pulsatilla, Rhus tox., Ruta, Sabina, Sanguinaria, Secale, Sepia, Silicea, Spigelia, Spongia, Staphisagria, Stramonium, Sulphur, Sulphuricum ac., Tabacum, Tellurium, Thuya, Veratrum alb., Veratrum vir. Aconitum: With a feeling as if boiling water was poured into the chest. Actzea rac.: Unconsciousness..Esculus hip.: Heart's action full, heavy, can feel the pulsations all over the body. Darting in the region of the heart, with fulness and palpitation. AEthusa: With vertigo and headache. Agaricus: Violent, strongly felt, worse evenings; with redness of the face; on sitting down, some irregular, strong beats; anxious oppression. Alumina: Awakens with palpitation; irregular, large and small beats intermixed. Ambra: When walking in the open air, with paleness of the face. Violent, with pressure in chest as if a lump lay there, or as if the chest was stuffed up. Ammonium carb.: Frequent, with contraction of epigastrium and a weak feeling in the pit of the stomach. Audible, with attacks of great anxiety, as if dying; cold sweat; involuntary flow of tears; unable to speak; loud, difficult breathing and trembling of hands. 392 REPERTORY OF HEART SYMPTOMS. Antimonium crud.: Violent. Argentum met.: Increased by sudden muscular exertion. Argentum nit.: With nausea, with asthma; violent, from slightest mental emotion or sudden muscular exertion. Arnica: From almost any exertion; goes off by rest. Arsenicum: After suppressed herpes or foot-sweat, with small, irregular pulse; strong, visible and audible, chiefly at night. With anguish; cannot lie on back; increased by going up-stairs. Asafcetida: Nervous, with small pulse, from overexertion or suppression of discharges (in women). Aurum: With great agony. When riding or walking palpitatation compels him to stop. With irregular intermittent pulse and short breathing. Baryta carb.: When lying on left side, with s6reness in the region of the heart; great anxiety; renewed by thinking about it. Belladonna: A kind of palpitation, with gurgling at the heart, when going up-stairs. Benzoicum ac.: While sitting: worse after drinking; also worse at night; lying; at times tearing, rheumatic pains in the extremities, relieving the heart. Berberis: Frequent. Bovista: With tremor of hands. Visible palpitation after going up-stairs; as if the heart was working in water; after overexertion. Bromium: Violent in the evening, so that she cannot lie on the left side. Cactus: With vertigo, loss of consciousness; dyspncea, worse walking, at night, lying on the left side, at the approach of the menses and from any exertion. Calcarea carb.: With anxiety, also at night, or after meals. Calcarea phos.: With anxiety, followed by trembling, weakness, particularly of the calves. Camphora: Trembling palpitation, with anxiety. With sudden oppression of breathing; with cold face, limbs and body; with pale face and cold body; after eating; after waking, with twitches. REPERTORY OF HEART SYMPTOMS. 393 Cannabis ind.: Awaking from sleep. Cantharis: Violent. Carbo an.: After eating; when singing in church; morning, on on awaking, must lie still with eyes closed. Chamomilla: And faintness. Chelidonium: Very irregular. Violent, with tightness of the chest. Cicuta vir.: Trembling palpitation. Cinchona: With rush of blood to face, heat and redness of face, with cold hands; after loss of fluids. Cocculus: From quick motion and mental excitement, with dizziness and faintness. Coffea&: Violent, irregular, with trembling of limbs. Colchicum: Violent, with anxiety. Conium: Violent, after drinking. Crocus: Anxious. Dulcamara: At night. Ferrum met.: Better walking slowly; also in onanists; after loss of fluids; with blood-spitting. Graphites: with anxiety; with nosebleed. Hepar sulph.: With fine stitches in the heart and left half of the chest. Hydrastis: With faintings. Ignatia: At night and in the mornings, in bed. Illicium: With aphthae and weakness. Iodium: Violent, worse from the least exertion. Kali bich.: Dyspnoea, accelerated pulse, heat, awakens suddenly with a start, 2 A.M. Kali carb.: In spells,-taking his breath. Kali iod.: Worse while walking. Kalmia: Dyspncea, pain in limbs; stitch in lower part of chest; right-sided prosopalgia. Lachesis: Can bear no pressure on throat or chest; must sit up or lie on the right side; numbness of the left arm; fainting; anxiety. Ledum: Pushing or pressing inward at the left edge of the sternum. Lilium tig.: Worse lying on either side. 394 REPERTORY OF HEART SYMPTOMS. Lycopodium: Trembling, pulsating tearing in the region of the heart. Magnesia mur.: While sitting, going off on motion. Mancinella: And weakness. Manganum acet.: Strong, irregular trembling, without abnormal sounds. Mercurius: With fear, worse at night. Mercurius cor.: In sleep. Millefolium: With excessive and bloody sputum. Muriaticum ac.: Felt in the face. Natrum carb.: Violent, anxious palpitation when ascending, and at night when lying on left side. Natrum mur.: With morning headache, anxious, when moving or exerting one's, self; when 'lying on left side. When going to sleep and on awaking. Nitri ac.: With anguish on going up-stairs. Nitrum: On rising, on moving about quickly, with heat of the face and oppression of chest. Nux mosch.: With fainting, followed by sleep; hysteria, with weak, strong pulse and changing irregularity in heart's beat. Nux vom.: Heart feels tired; palpitation on lying down; frequent belching. With orgasm of blood; from mental emotions; from protracted study; after eating, especially after spices or coffee. Oleander: With weakness and empty feeling of chest, and at the same time fulness in pit of stomach. Anxious; chest feels expanded. _ Petroleum: Fainting, with ebullitions; heat; pressing on the heart and palpitation. Phosphorus: From every emotion, with rush of blood to the chest, especially in the rapidly growing youth. Phosphoricum ac.: In children and young persons who grow too fast; after grief; after self-abuse. Platina: With great anxiety. Podophyllum: With a clucking sensation rising up to throat obstructing respiration. From mental emotion or exertion, with trembling in ascending colon, heavy REPERTORY OF HEART SYMPTOMS. 395 sleep, fatigue on awaking in the morning; drowsy all forenoon. Pulsatilla: In violent paroxysms, often with anguish and obscuration of sight; trembling of limbs; from chagrin, fright, or joy; with amenia, chlorosis; strong, with suppressed pulse; after dinner. Rhus tox.: Violent when sitting still. Ruta: Anxious. Sabina: At every motion, especially when ascending. Sanguinaria: Before vomiting, with great weakness. Sarsaparilla: Without fear, mostly during the day. Secale: 'Oftener at night, with contracted and frequently intermitting pulse. Sepia: After emotions of mind; wakes up with violent beating of the heart; with anxiety about things which happened years ago. Silicea: While sitting, so that he has to hold on to something. Violent hammering after every quick or violent motion. Spigelia: Violent; worse bending forward; high fever; stitching pains; when he sits down; after rising in the morning; from deep inspiration or holding the breath; from worms; from the least motion. Spongia: Violent, with pain, gasping respiration; suddenly awakened after midnight, with suffocation; great alarm; anxiety. Staphisagria: From the least motion; from mental exertion; from music; after siesta. Stramonium: Beating of the heart, so increased by motion he cannot speak for hours; twitching as in chorea; murmurs instead of regular sounds; consequent on fright. Sulphur: When going up-stairs or when climbing a hill. Sulphuricum ac.: With or without fear or anxiety. Tabacum: At night, tight across the chest, with angina pectoris. Tellurium: With throbbing through body and full pulse, followed by sweat. Thuya: Periodical, in rest or motion, from ascending; anxious 396 REPERTORY OF HEART SYMPTOMS. when awaking in the morning; audible, with violent congestion to chest. Veratrum alb.: Strong, with chorea. Violent, visible, anxious palpitation. Palpitation in.the anaemic; agony of death, legs cold; difficult breathing, better at rest or lying down. Veratrum vir.: Faintness and blindness; when rising from lying; from sudden motions; better lying quietly. GENERAL SYMPTOMS. With a feeling as if boiling water was being poured into the chest: Aconitum. A feeling as if the heart was working in water: Bovista. Darting in the region of the heart, with fulness: /Esculus hip. With pressure on the chest as if a lump lay there, or as if the chest was stuffed up: Ambra. With contraction of the epigastrium and a weak feeling at the pit of the stomach: Ammonium carb. After suppressed herpes or suppressed foot-sweat: Arsenicum. From suppression of discharges in women: Asafoetida. When riding or walking, palpitation compels him to stop: Aurum. Soreness in the region of the heart: Baryta carb; A kind of palpitation, with gurgling at the heart on going upstairs: Belladonna. With fine stitches in the heart and left half of the chest: Hepar sulph. Can bear no pressure on the throat or chest: Lachesis. Pulsating tearing in the region of the heart: Lycopodium. With hysteria, with weak, strong pulse, and changing irregularity in the heart's beat: Nux mosch. Heart feels tired: Nux vom. With weakness and empty feeling of chest, and at the same time fulness at the pit of the stomach: Oleander. Before vomiting, with great weakness: Sanguinaria. With throbbing through whole body, and full pulse, followed by sweat: Tellurium. REPERTORY OF HEART SYMPTOMS. 397 MENTAL SYMPTOMS. AGONY: Aurum. AGONY OF DEATH: Veratrum alb. (in the anaemic). ANGUISH: Arsenicum, Pulsatilla. chiefly at night: Arsenicum. with obscuration of sight: Pulsatilla. ALARM: Spongia. FEAR: Mercurius, Sulphuricum ac. without fear: Sarsaparilla. at night: Mercurius. with or without fear: Sulphuricum ac. ANXIETY: Agaricus, Ammonium carb., Baryta carb., Calcarea carb., Calcarea phos., Camphora, Colchicum, Crocus, Graphites, Lachesis, Natrum carb., Natrum mur., Oleander, Platina, Ruta, Sepia, Stannum, Spongia, Sulphuricum ac., Thuya, Veratrum alb. audible, as if dying: Ammonium carb. followed by trembling weakness, particularly of the calves: Calcarea phos. with sudden oppression of breathing: Camphora. with nosebleed: Graphites. when ascending: Natrum carb. with morning headache: Natrum mur. chest feels expanded: Oleander. about things which happened years ago: Sepia. from giving directions in her household affairs: Stannum. on waking in the morning: Thuya. with or without anxiety: Sulphuricum ac. AFTER EMOTIONS OF MIND: Sepia. FROM MENTAL EMOTION: Argentum nit., Phosphorus. with rush of blood to chest: Phosphorus. FROM MENTAL EXCITEMENT: CoCCuluS. FROM MENTAL EXERTION: Staphisagria. FROM PROTRACTED STUDY: Nux vom. AFTER GRIEF: Phosphoricum ac., Pulsatilla. FROM FRIGHT: Pulsatilla, Stramonium. FROM CHAGRIN: Pulsatilla. FROM JOY: Pulsatilla. 398 REPERTORY OF HEART SYMPTOMS. FROM MUSIC: Staphisagria. WHEN SINGING IN CHURCH: Carbo an. RENEWED BY THINKING ABOUT IT: Baryta carb. CONCOMITANTS. With headache: iEthusa, Natrum mur. in the morning: Natrum mur. With right-sided prosopalgia: Kalmia. With inability to speak: Ammonium carb., Stramonium. Beating of heart, so increased by motion he cannot speak for hours: Stramonium. With involuntary flow of tears: Ammonium carb. With blindness: Veratrum alb. With obscuration of sight: Pulsatilla. With vertigo: Ethusa, Cactus, Cocculus. and faintness: Cocculus. With faintness: Chamomilla, Cocculus, Veratrum alb. and dizziness: Cocculus. and blindness: Veratrum alb. With faintings: Hydrastis, Lachesis, Nux mosch., Veratrum alb. followed by sleep; hysteria: Nux mosch. violent, visible: Veratrum alb. With unconsciousness: Actea rac., Cactus. With weakness: Illicium, Mancinella, Oleander, Sanguitraria. and aphtha: Illicium. before vomiting: Sanguinaria. With fever: Spigelia. With ebullitions: AEsculus hip., Cinchona, Kali bich., Nux vom., Petroleum, Phosphorus, Tellurium. Heart's action full, heavy, can feel the pulsation all over the body: Esculus hip. With throbbing through whole body, and full pulse, followed by sweat: Tellurium. With rush of blood to the face: Cinchona. With rush of blood to the chest: Phosphorus. With redness of the face: Agaricus, Cinchona. and heat with cold hands: Cinchona. With paleness of the face: Ambra, Camphora. felt in the face: Muriaticum ac. REPERTORY OF HEART SYMPTOMS. 399 With paleness and cold body: Camphora. With stitches: Hepar sulph., Kalmia, Spigelia. With fine stitches in the heart and left half of chest: Hepar sulph. in the lower part of the chest: Kalmia. from deep inspiration or holding the breath: Spigelia. With pressure on chest in region of the heart: Ambra, Ledum, Petroleum. as if a lump lay there; or as if the chest was stuffed up: Ambra. with pushing or pressing inward at the left edge of the sternum: Ledum. With soreness in the region of the heart: Baryta carb. With numbness of the left arm: Actaa rac., Lachesis. With tightness across the chest: Chelidonium, Tabacum. With congestion of the chest: Thuya. With empty feeling in chest: Oleander. With difficult breathing: Ammonium carb., Aurum, Cactus, Camphora, Kali bich., Kali carb., Kalmia, Podophyllum, Spongia, Veratrum alb. and loud: Ammonium carb. in spells: Kali carb. with pain in the limbs: Kalmia. with a clucking sensation rushing up to throat, obstructing respiration: Podophyllum. with gasping respiration: Spongia. with agony of death (in the anaemic); better at rest or lying down: Veratrum alb. With asthma: Argentum nit. With suffocation: Spongia (after midnight). With cold sweat: Ammonium carb., Tellurium. Followed by sweat: Tellurium. With cold face, hands and body: Camphora. With cold hands: Cinchona. With cold legs: Veratrum alb. With trembling: Cicuta, Lycopodium. With trembling of limbs: Coffea. With trembling of hands: Ammonium carb., Bovista. With trembling of calves: Calcarea phos. 400 REPERTORY OF HEART SYMPTOMS. With twitches: Camphora, Stramonium. as in chorea: Stramonium. With chorea: Stramonium, Veratrum alb. With heavy sleep: Podophyllum. With fatigue on awaking: Podophyllum. With frequent belching: Nux vom. With nausea: Argentum nit. With excessive and bloody sputum: Millefolium. With blood-spitting: Ferrum met. With nosebleed: Graphites. With angina pectoris: Tabacum. With dyspnoea at the approach of the menses: Cactus. With amenia, chlorosis: Pulsatilla. With hysteria: Nux mosch. With a kind of gurgling about the heart: Belladonna. With murmurs instead of the regular sounds: Stramonium. With contracted pulse: Secale. With suppressed pulse: Pulsatilla. With small pulse: Arsenicum, Asafoetida. With full pulse: Tellurium. GENERAL CHARACTER OF PALPITATION. PERIODICAL: Thuya. PAROXYSMAL: Pulsatilla. IN SPELLS: Kali carb. AUDIBLE: Ammonium carb., Arsenicum, Thuya. chiefly at night, with anguish: Arsenicum. with violent congestion to chest: Thuya. VISIBLE: Arsenicum, Bovista, Veratrum alb. after going up-stairs, as if the heart was working in water: Bovista. anxious, with fainting: Veratrum alb. VIOLENT: Agaricus, Ambra, Antimonium tart., Argentum nit. Bromium, Cantharis, Coffea, Colchicum, Conium, Iodium, Natrum carb., Rhus tox., Sepia, Silicea, Spigelia, Spongia, Veratrum alb. in the evening, so that she cannot lie on left side: Bromium. REPERTORY OF HEART SYMPTOMS. 401 Violent, with anxiety: Colchicum. after drinking: Conium. from least exertion: odium. when sitting still: Rhus tox. wakes from sleep: Sepia. so that he has to hold on to something: Silicea. worse on bending forward: Spigelia. with pain, gasping respiration: Spongia. visible, anxious: Veratrum alb. STRONG: Agaricus, Arsenicum, Pulsatilla, Veratrum alb. with suppressed pulse: Pulsatilla. with chorea: Veratrum alb. INTERMITTENT: Aurum, Secale. IRREGULAR: Agaricus, Alumina, Arsenicum, Aurum, Coffea. large and small beats intermixed: Alumina. CLINICAL INDICATIONS.-(See also Mental Symptoms.) After loss of fluids: Cinchona, Ferrum. After self-abuse: Phosphoricum ac. In onanists: Ferrum. In the anaemic: Veratrum alb. In rapidly-growing youth: Phosphorus. In children and young persons who grow too fast: Phosphoricum ac. From worms: Spigelia. From suppressed herpes and foot-sweat: Arsenicum. From suppressed discharges (in women): Asafcetida. AGGRAVATIONS AND DETERMINING CAUSES.-(See also Mental Symptoms.) TIME. MORNING: Ignatia, Carbo an., Natrum mur., Spigelia, Thuya. in bed: Ignatia. with headache: Natrum mur. MORNING: Thuya. DAY (during): Sarsaparilla. EVENING: Bromium (so that she cannot lie on left side). 26 402 REPERTORY OF HEART SYMPTOMS. NIGHT: Arsenicum, Benzoicum ac., Cactus, Calcarea carb., Dulcamara, Ignatia, Kali bich., Mercurius cor., Natrum mur., Secale, Spongia, Tabacum. while lying: Benzoicum ac. or in the morning, in bed: Ignatia. in sleep: Mercurius cor. with contracted pulse, intermitting: Secale. with tightness across the chest: Tabacum. AFTER MIDNIGHT: Kali bich., Spongia. awakens suddenly with a start at 2 A.M.: Kali bich. MOTION AND REST. FROM MOTION: Cocculus, Natrum mur., Stramonium, Thuya, Veratrum vir. quick: Cocculus. sudden: Veratrum vir. so increased by motion he cannot speak for hours: Stramonium. EVERY MOTION: Sabina, Silicea. especially when ascending: Sabina. quick or violent: Silicea. LEAST MOTION: Aurum, Spigelia, Staphisagria, Thuya. (compels him to stop: Aurum.) WHEN ASCENDING: Arsenicum, Belladonna, Bovista, Natrum carb., Sabina, Sulphur, Thuya. going up-stairs: Arsenicum, Belladonna, Bovista, Sulphur. climbing a hill: Sulphur. WALKING: Ambra, Aurum, Cactus, Kali iod. in the open air, with paleness of the face: Ambra. or riding; compels him to stop: Aurum. at night: Cactus. RIDING: Aurum. REST: Thuya (or motion). POSITION. WHEN BENDING FORWARD: Spigelia. when he sits down: Spigelia (after rising in the morning). REPERTORY OF HEART SYMPTOMS. 403 ON SITTING DOWN: Agaricus (some irregular strong beats; anxious oppression). WHILE SITTING: Benzoicum ac., Magnesia mur., Rhus tox., Silicea. so that he has to hold on to something: Silicea. WHILE LYING: Benzoicum ac., Lachesis, Lilium tig., Nux vom. on the back: Arsenicum (cannot lie on the back). on the left side: Bromium, Baryta carb., Cactus, Lilium tig., Natrum carb., Natrum mur. with soreness in the region of the heart: Baryta carb. at night: Natrum carb. cannot lie on the left side: Bromium. WHILE LYING ON THE RIGHT SIDE: Lachesis, Lilium tig. on either side: Lilium tig. (cannot lie on either side). WHEN RISING FROM LYING: Veratrum vir. EXERTION. FROM EXERTION: Natrum mur., Podophyllum. with a rumbling sensation in ascending colon, heavy sleep, fatigue on awaking; drowsy all forenoon: Podophyllum. FROM ANY EXERTION: Arnica, Cactus, Iodium. violent: Iodium. FROM SUDDEN MUSCULAR EXERTION: Argentum met., Argentum nit. FROM OVEREXERTION: Asafcetida, Bovista. FROM REST: Thuya (or motion). SLEEP. WHEN GOING TO SLEEP: Natrum mur. AWAKENED BY THE PALPITATION: Alumina, Cannabis ind., Carbo an., Kali bich., Natrum mur., Sepia, Spongia. morning: Carbo an. with the violent beating: Sepia. with suffocation: Spongia. ON WAKING: Natrum mur., Thuya. in the morning: Thuya. IN SLEEP: Mercurius cor. 404 REPERTORY OF HEART SYMPTOMS. AFTER WAKING: Camphora, Spongia. with twitches: Camphora. AFTER SIESTA: Staphisagria. EATING AND DRINKING. AFTER DRINKING: Benzoicum ac., Conium. AFTER DINNER: Pulsatilla. AFTER MEALS: Calcarea carb. AFTER EATING: Camphora, Carbo an., Nux vom. ESPECIALLY AFTER SPICES OR COFFEE: Nux vom. AMELIORATIONS. REST: Arnica, Carbo an., Veratrum alb., Veratrum vir. goes off by rest: Arnica. must lie still, with the eyes closed: Carbo an. GOES OFF LYING ON RIGHT SIDE: Tabacum. BETTER LYING DOWN: Veratrum alb., Veratrum vir. MoTION: Magnesia mur., Ferrum. goes off on motion: Magnesia mur. better walking slowly: Ferrum. BETTER SITTING UP: Lachesis. BETTER LYING DOWN: Carbo an., Veratrum alb., Veratrum vir. LYING ON RIGHT SIDE: Lachesis, Tabacum. must sit up or lie on the right side: Lachesis. BETTER CLOSING THE EYES: Carbo an. PAINS: Benzoicum ac. at times tearing rheumatic pains in the extremities, relieving the heart: Benzoicum ac. SENSATIONS. Absinthium: Tremor of the heart, felt towards the back. Aconitum: Oppression about the praecordia, burning flushes along the back. Palpitation, with a feeling as if boiling water was poured into the chest. Feeling of fulness; pulse hard, strong, contracted. Fainting, with tingling. REPERTORY OF HEART SYMPTOMS. 405 Actua rac.: Left arm numb and as if bound to the side; numbness of the body. IEsculus hip.: Burning in the region of the heart. Agaricus: Anxious sensation of pressure. Constricted feeling of a lump in the epigastrium, with pain under the sternum; drawing in region of diaphragm, sharp pains in left side. Ailanthus: Dull pain and contracted feeling in the region of the base of the heart and centre of left lung. Ambra: Palpitation, with pressure in the chest as if a lump lay there or as if the chest was stuffed up. Argentum met.: Full feeling in the region of the heart; frequent spasmodic though painless twitchings of whole cardiac muscle, especially on lying on back; fears apoplexy. Argentum nit.: Heart's action irregular, intermittent, with an unpleasant sensation of fulness; exertion causes strong beating, worse when noticing it. Arnica: Region of the heart feels as if bruised. Asafcetida: Pressure in the region of the heart as if the heart was. too full and expanded, pulse small. Aurum: Feels as though the heart ceased and then suddenly gave one hard thump. Baptisia: Heart's pulsations seem to fill the chest. Baryta carb.: Feels the heart beat. Belladonna: Pressure in the cardiac region which arrests the breathing and causes anxiety. Gurgling at the heart, a kind of palpitation, when going up-stairs. Benzoicum ac.: Sense of weakness in the pracordia. Borax: Sensation as if the heart was on the right side and was being squeezed. Bovista: Visible palpitation after going up-stairs, as if the heart was working in water; after overexertion. Bryonia: Oppression in the region of the heart. Cactus grand.: Sensation of constriction in heart, as if an iron hand had prevented its normal movements. Calcarea carb.: Tremulous pulsation of heart, worse after eating, at night, with anguish. 4o6 REPERTORY OF HEART SYMPTOMS. Calcarea phos.: Feels the beating of the pulse, not frequent but quick; while sitting feels it in the nape of the neck and left chest. Camphora: Proecordial distress when loudly spoken to; sensation of severe coldness and irresistible sleepiness. Cannabis ind.: Sensation as if drops of water were falling from the heart. Cannabis sat.: Violent beating of the heart on moving the body and on stooping, with a warm sensation about the heart. Cantharis: Stitch, followed by a crawling sensation. Causticum: Oppression of the heart, with lowness of spirits. Cicuta: Feels as if the heart stopped beating: and sometimes faint feeling therewith. Cyclamen: Buzzing in the region of the heart; sensation of something alive running in the heart. Glonoinum: Pressure in heart as if it was being contracted. Fulness in the heart. Purring noise in the region of the heart when lying; pulse intermits; must have head high; worse when lying on left side, better on the right. Graphites:Constriction; pressure; sensation like an electric shock from heart towards the front of neck. Iodium: Sensation as if the heart was being squeezed together. Jacea (Viola tri.): Oppression and stitches in the heart on bending forward while sitting. Anxiety about the heart while lying, with beating like waves. Kali bich.: Cold sensation about the heart; tightness of the chest; dyspncea. Kali carb.: Cramping pains, as if the heart was hanging by bands; burning. Kalmia: Pressure like a marble from epigastrium towards the heart, with a strong, quick heart-beat. Every beat has a strumming, as if it would burst, along the sternum to throat. The third or fourth beat is harder, and is followed by an intermission. Lachesis: Numbness of the left arm. Lachnanthes: Feels hot in the chest and around the heart. REPERTORY OF HEART SYMPTOMS. 407 Boiling and bubbling in the chest and cardiac region. While lying feels the beating of his heart in his head. Laurbcerasus: Beating, fluttering sensation in the region of the heart; gasps for breath; sometimes has slight, dry cough. Ledum: Pushing or pressure inward at left edge of sternum; palpitation.. Lilium tig.: Feels as if squeezed in a vise. Heart feels as if grasped, with pain and heaviness of left mamma to scapula. Heart as if violently grasped, then suddenly released; and so on alternately. Constrictive pain about heart extending through to scapula. Heaviness in region of the heart. Fluttering, general pain and feeling, hurried and forced feeling about the apex; better sitting still. Fluttering awakens her at night, with cold hands and feet covered with cold sweat. Conscious pulsations over whole body, and out-pressing in the hands and arms, as if blood would burst through the vessels. Lithium carb.: Fluttering and trembling, sudden shocks in the cardiac region. Lobelia infl.: Sensation of weakness and pressure in the epigastrium, rising to heart. Short sensation as if the heart would stand still; deep in, above the heart, a pain. Sawing sound about the heart, with violent pains, diarrhcea and vomiting. Lycopodium: Sensation as if the circulation stood still, or ebullitions. Manganum acet.: Sudden shocks at the heart and in the left side of the chest from above downward. Mercurius: Weakness at the heart, as if life was ebbing away; awakens with trembling at the heart, and agitation as if frightened. Natrum mur.: Fluttering of the heart, with weak, faint feeling, worse lying down. Nux mosch.: Feels as if her head would burst and her heart 408 REPERTORY OF HEART SYMPTOMS. squeezed off. Trembling, fluttering of heart, as if from fright. Nux vom.: Heart feels tired. Opium: Burning about the heart. Petroleum: Cold feeling at the heart. Phosphorus: Great pressure on the middle of the sternum, orthopncea, dyspncea, with inability to exert himself; palpitation. Phytolacca: Awakens with lameness near the heart, worse during expiration, cannot get to sleep again. Podophyllum: Clucking sensation rising to throat, preventing respiration; palpitation. Pulsatilla: Beating in the chest interrupts sleep; old maids. Burning in the region of the heart. Heaviness, pressure or sensation of fulness every evening. Rhus tox.: Chest and heart feel weak after a walk; trembling sensation in the heart; numbness and lameness of left arm. Rumex: Heart feels as if it suddenly stopped beating, followed by a heavy throbbing through the chest. Burning in the region of the heart. Sanguinaria: Weak feeling at the heart. Sepia: Interruption of the beating of the heart, most after dinner; alarmed, quivering motion. An occasional hard "thump" of the heart. Spigelia: Purring feeling over the heart, not synchronous with the pulse. Spongia: Attacks of oppression and cardiac pain, worse lying with the head low. Staphisagria:. Trembling beating of the heart. Sulphur: Sensation as if the heart was enlarged. Tabacum: Oppression at heart, pulse feeble, irregular. Veratrum vir.: Burning, prickling. Zincum met.: Feels as if a cap were over the heart; spine affected. PECULIAR SYMPTOMS. A feeling as if boiling water was being poured into the chest: Aconitum. REPERTORY OF HEART SYMPTOMS. 409 As if the heart was working in water: Bovista. Beating like waves: Jacea (Viola tri.). Boiling and bubbling in the chest and cardiac region: Lach"nanthes (gurgling, Belladonna). Feels hot in the chest and around the heart: Lachnanthes. Heart's pulsations seem to fill the chest: Baptisia. As if the heart was too full and expanded: Asafoetida. As if the heart was enlarged: Sulphur. Constant feeling as of a lump in the epigastrium, with pain under the sternum: Agaricus. Sensation as if the circulation stood still: Lycopodium. Feels as though the heart ceased, and then suddenly gave one hard thump: Aurum (Sepia, Zincum). As if an iron hand prevented its normal movements: Cactus. Feels as if squeezed in a vise: Lilium tig. Sensation as if the heart was on the right side and was being squeezed: Borax. Heart as if suddenly grasped, then suddenly released, and so on alternately: Lilium tig. Sensation of something alive running in the heart: Cyclamen. As if the heart was hanging by bands: Kali carb. Every beat has a strumming, as though it would burst, along the sternum: Kalmia. Conscious pulsation over the whole body, and out-pressing in the hands and arms, as if the blood would burst through the vessels: Lilium tig. Weakness at the heart as if life was ebbing away: Mercurius. Sudden shocks in the cardiac region: Lithium carb. shocks at the heart and in the left side of the chest from above downward: Manganum acet. Sensation like an electric shock from heart towards the front of the neck: Graphites. Feels as if her head would burst and her heart be squeezed off: Nux mosch. Sensation as if drops of water were falling from the heart: Cannabis ind. Sensation as if the heart was ascending to the throat: Phytolacca. The heart feels tired: Nux vom. Feels as if a cap were over the heart; spine affected: Zincum. 4Io REPERTORY OF HEART SYMPTOMS. MENTAL SYMPTOMS ACCOMPANYING SENSATIONS. ANGUISH: Calcarea carb. (at night). ALARM: Sepia (interruption of the beating of the heart most after dinner; alarmed, quivering motion). ANXIETY: Agaricus, Belladonna, Jacea. with pressure: Agaricus. and arrest of breathing: Belladonna. while lying, with beating like waves: Jacea. DISTRESS: Camphora (about the heart when loudly spoken to). LOWNESS OF SPIRITS: Causticum (with oppression about the heart). FEARS APOPLEXY: Argentum met. WORSE WHEN NOTICING THE BEATING OF THE HEART: Argentum nit. SUMMARIZED SENSATIONS. DULL: Ailanthus. PUSHING: Ledum. PRESSURE: Agaricus, Ambra, Asafoetida, Belladonna, Glonoinum, Graphites, Kalmia, Ledum, Lobelia infl., Phosphorus, Pulsatilla. with anxiety: Agaricus. in the region of the heart, as if it was too full and expanded: Asafoetida. arrests the breathing and causes anxiety: Belladonna. in the chest, as if a lump lay there, or the chest was stuffed up: Ambra. like a marble from epigastrium towards the heart, with a strong, quick heart-beat: Kalmia. or pushing inward at the left edge of the sternum: Ledum. and weakness in the epigastrium, rising to the heart: Lobelia infl. on the middle of the sternum; orthopnoea; dyspnoea; with inability to exert himself: Phosphorus. or heaviness or fulness, worse in the evening: Pulsatilla. HEAVINESS: Lilium tig., Pulsatilla. and pain in left mamma to left scapula: Lilium tig. or pressure, or fulness, worse evenings: Pulsatilla. REPERTORY OF HEART SYMPTOMS. 411 OPPRESSION: Aconitum, Agaricus, Bryonia, Causticum, Jacea, Spongia, Tabacum. with burning flushes along the back: Aconitum. oi bending forward: Agaricus. "and stitches on bending forward when sitting: Jacea. and cardiac pain, worse lying with the head low: Spongia. with lowness of spirits: Causticum. with weak, irregular pulse: Tabacum. FULNESS: Aconitum, Argentum met., Argentum nit., Glonoinum, Pulsatilla. with hard, strong, contracted pulse: Aconitum. heart's action irregular, intermittent: Argentum nit. worse evenings: Pulsatilla. ENLARGED (as if): Sulphur. TIGHTNESS: Arsenicum. CONTRACTED: Ailanthus, Glonoinum. and dull pain in region of base of heart and the centre of the left lung: Ailanthus. CONSTRICTION: Cactus, Graphites. in heart, as if an iron hand prevented its normal movements: Cactus. SQUEEZED: Arnica, Borax, lodium, Lilium tig., Nux mosch. and as if the heart were on the right side: Borax. as if in a vise, with pain and heaviness in left mamma to scapula: Lilium tig. feels as if her head would burst and her heart be squeezed off: Nux mosch. GRASPED: Lilium tig. (heart feels as if suddenly grasped, then released, and so on alternately). STUFFED UP: Ambra. WEAKNESS: Benzoicum ac., Lobelia infl., Mercurius, Natrum mur., Rhus tox., Sanguinaria. and pressure in the epigastrium, rising to the heart: Lobelia. as though life was ebbing away: Mercurius. TIRED: Nux vom., Rhus tox. after a walk: Rhus tox. PULSATIONS: Baptisia, Calcarea carb., Lilium tig., Lycopodium. seen to fill the chest: Baptisia. 412 REPERTORY OF HEART SYMPTOMS. Pulsations tremulous after eating at night, with anguish: Calcarea carb. conscious over the whole body, with out-pressing in hands and arms, as if the blood would burst through the vessels: Lilium tig. HURRIED: Lilium tig. BEATING: Jacea, Laurocerasus, Pulsatilla. like waves: Jacea. interrupting sleep; old maids: Pulsatilla. BUZZING: Cyclamen. PURRING: Glonoinum, Spigelia. and noise when lying: Glonoinum. not synchronous with the pulse: Spigelia. SAWING (sound): Lobelia. STRUMMING: Kalmia (every beat has a strumming, as if it would burst, along the sternum). QUIVERING: Sepia. TREMOR: Absinthium (felt towards the back). TREMULOUS: Calcarea carb. TREMBLING: Nux mosch., Lithium carb., Rhus tox., Staphisagria. with numbness and lameness of the left arm: Rhus tox. FLUTTERING: Nux mosch., Laurocerasus, Lilium tig., Lithium carb., Natrum mur. with gasping for breath: Laurocerasus. and general faint feeling, hurried and forced feeling about the apex; awakes her at night, with cold hands and feet, covered with cold sweat; with sharp, quick pain in the heart: Lilium tig. with faint feelings, worse lying down: Natrum mur. GURGLING: Belladonna (with a kind of palpitation going upstairs). CLUCKING: Phytolacca (rising to the throat, preventing respiration). DRAWING: Agaricus (in the region of the diaphragm; sharp pains in the left side). CRAWLING: Cantharis (stitch, followed by a crawling sensation). TINGLING: Aconitum (with fainting). NUMBNESS: Act-ea rac., Lachesis, Rhus tox. REPERTORY OF HEART SYMPTOMS. 413 Numbness, the left arm numb and as if bound to the side: Actaea rac. of left arm: Lachesis. and lameness: Rhus tox. PRICKLING: Veratrum vir. TWITCHINGS: Argentum met., Camphora, Stramonium. painless, of the whole cardiac muscle, especially lying on the back; fears apoplexy: Argentum met. CRAMPING: Kali carb. BOILING AND BUBBLING: Lachnanthes (in chest and cardiac region). BURNING: /Esculus, Kali carb., Opium, Pulsatilla, Rumex, Veratrum vir. HEAT: Lachnanthes (in the chest and around the heart). WARMTH: Cannabis sat. (with violent beating of the heart on, moving the body and on stooping). COLDNESS: Camphora, Kali bich., Petroleum. and irresistible sleepiness: Camphora. and tightness of chest: Kali bich. BRUISED: Arnica. LAMENESS: Phytolacca, Rhus tox. LUMP: Agaricus, Ambra. under the sternum, with pain: Ambra. SHOCK: Arnica, Graphites, Lithium carb., Manganum acet. like an electric shock from the heart to front of neck: Graphites. sudden shocks in the heart and in the left side of the chest from above downward: Manganum acet. FEELS THE HEART BEAT: Baryta carb., Calcarea phos., Lachnanthes. Muriaticum ac. of the pulse not frequent, but quick; while sitting feels it in the nape of the neck and left chest: Calcarea phos. felt in the face: Muriaticum ac. in his head while lying: Lachnanthes. As THOUGH THE HEART STOPPED BEATING: Aurum, Cicuta, Lobelia, Lycopodium, Rumex. and then suddenly gave one hard thump: Aurum. sometimes a faint feeling therewith: Cicuta. heart seems as if it suddenly stopped beating, followed by a heavy throbbing through the chest: Rumex. 414 REPERTORY OF HEART SYMPTOMS. Sensation as if the circulation stood still, or ebullitions: Lycopodium. short sensations as if the heart would stand still; deep in above the heart, a pain: Lobelia. CONCOMITANTS. With pain: Agaricus, Ailanthus, Arnica, Cantharis, Jacea, Kali carb., Lilium tig., Lobelia, Phytolacca, Rhus tox. under the sternum: Agaricus, sharp pain in left side, with drawing in the region of the diaphragm: Agaricus. dull pain and contracted feeling in the region of the heart Ailanthus. bruised: Arnica. stitch, followed by a crawling sensation: Cantharis. stitches: Jacea. cramping, as if the heart was hanging by bands: Kali carb. sharp quick pains in left chest, awakened from sleep with a hurried and forced feeling about the apex: Lilium tig. deep in, above the heart, pain violent, with sawing sound about the heart, diarrhcea, vomiting: Lobelia. lameness: Phytolacca, Rhus tox. With palpitation: Aconitum, Ambra, Bovista, Ledum, Phosphorus, Phytolacca. a feeling as if boiling water was being poured into the chest: Aconitum. as if the heart was working in water after going up-stairs: Bovista. as if a lump lay there, or the chest was stuffed up: Ambra. with pushing or pressure at the left edge of the sternum: Ledum. With dyspncea, with inability to exert himself: Phosphorus. With clucking sensation, rising to the throat, preventing respiration: Phytolacca. With fainting: Aconitum (with tingling). With faint feeling: Cicuta, Lilium tig., Natrum mur. feels as if the heart stopped beating: Cicuta. REPERTORY OF HEART SYMPTOMS. 415 With a general, hurried and forced feeling about the apex, better sitting still: Lilium tig. With orthopncea: Phosphorus. With dyspncea: Belladonna, Kali bich., Laurocerasus, Phos"phorus. and anxiety: Belladonna. gasps for breath: Laurocerasus. With stitches: Cantharis, Jacea. With irresistible sleepiness: Camphora. With tightness of the chest: Kali bich., Tabacum. With (sometimes) slight cough: Laurocerasus. With cold hands and feet, covered with sweat: Lilium tig. With diarrhcea: Lobelia. With vomiting: Lobelia. PULSE CHARACTERS ACCOMPANYING SENSATIONS. Violent: Cannabis sat., Sepia. Hard: Aconitum, Kalmia. Strong: Aconitum, Kalmia. Small: Asafoetida. Contracted: Aconitum. Weak: Tabacum. Irregular: Aconitum, Tabacum. Intermittent: Argentum nit., Glonoinum, Kalmia. strong, quick heart-beat. The third or fourth beat is hard, and is followed by an intermission: Kalmia. AGGRAVATIONS AND DETERMINING CAUSES. TIME. EVENING: Pulsatilla. NIGHT: Calcarea carb., Lilium tig., Mercurius. with anguish: Calcarea carb. awakes her: Lilium tig. POSITION. ON BENDING FORWARD: Agaricus (pressure). ON BENDING FORWARD WHEN SITTING: Jacea. ON STOOPING: Cannabis sat. WHEN SITTING: Calcarea phos., Jacea. 416 REPERTORY OF HEART SYMPTOMS. WHEN SITTING: Calcarea phos. (feels the beating of the heart in the nape of the neck and left chest). WHEN LYING: Argentum met., Glonoinum, Jacea, Lachnanthes, Natrum mur. beating like waves: Jacea. then feels the beating of his heart in his head: Lachnanthes. with the head low: Glonoinum, Spongia. on the back: Argentum met. on left side: Glonoinum. MOTION. ON MOVING THE BODY: Cannabis ind. WHEN GOING UP-STAIRS: Belladonna. AFTER GOING UP-STAIRS: Bovista (visible palpitation, as if the heart was working in water). AFTER A WALK: Rhus tox. EXERTION. FROM EXERTION: Argentum nit. causes strong beating, worse when noticing it: Argentum nit. AFTER OVEREXERTION: Bovista. SLEEP. WAKES FROM SLEEP AT NIGHT: Lilium tig., Mercurius Phytolacca, Sepia. with trembling and agitation, as if frightened: Mercurius. with lameness near the heart, worse during expiration: Phytolacca. with violent beating of the heart: Sepia. INTERRUPTING SLEEP: Phytolacca, Pulsatilla. UNCLASSIFIABLE AGGRAVATIONS. AFTER EATING: Calcarea carb. AFTER DINNER: Sepia. WORSE DURING EXPIRATION: Phytolacca. WORSE WHEN LOUDLY SPOKEN TO: Camphora (distress). REPERTORY OF HEART SYMPTOMS. 417 AMELIORATIONS. BETTER WHEN HEAD IS HIGH: Glonoinum. BETTER WHEN LYING ON RIGHT SIDE: Glonoinum. BETTER SITTING STILL: Lilium tig. (hurried and forced feeling about the apex). PAINS. Abrotanum: Across the chest, sharp and severe in the region of the heart. Aconitum: Stitches at the heart; lies on the back, with raised shoulders; constriction of chest. Actaea rac.: From the region of the heart, all over the chest and down the left arm, palpitation; unconsciousness; cerebral congestion; dyspnoea; cold sweat on the hands; numbness of the body; the left arm numb and as if bound to the side..Esculus hip.: Darting in the region of the heart, with fulness and palpitation. Dull, aching, burning in the region of the heart. Agaricus: Burning, shooting pains in the region of the heart, extending to left shoulder-blade; caused by deep inspiration, and much worse from coughing, sneezing, hiccough. Ailanthus: Dull pain and contracted feeling in the region of the base of the heart and through the centre of the left lung. Aloes: Strong beat of the heart occasionally; pain through to left scapula. Ammonium mur.: Tearing in the region of the heart, going from there into left forearm. Anacardium: Stitch in the region of the heart, during inspiration, at night. Stitches piercing through and through at the heart; each time two quickly succeeding each other. Apis: Sudden attack of acute pain just below the heart, soon extending diagonally towards the right chest. 27 418 REPERTORY OF HEART SYMPTOMS. Argentum nit.: Pains about the heart; can hardly breathe; choking. Arnica: Stitches in the cardiac region. Pain from liver through left chest and down left arm; veins on the hand swollen, purplish; pain as if the heart were squeezed, or as if it got a shock. Arsenicum: Sudden tightness about the heart; agonizing praecordial pain; pains into the neck and occiput; anxiety, oppression; breathing difficult, fainting spells; least motion makes him lose his breath; sits bent forward or with the head thrown back; worse at night, especially from I to 5 A.M. Aurum: Pain in the region of the heart, extending down the left arm to the fingers. Benzoicum ac.: Pains change place incessantly, but are constant about the heart. Berberis: Stitches about the heart. Bromium: Cutting pains running upward. Bryonia: Stitching pain in the region of the heart. Cramp in the region of the heart, aggravated by walking, raising one's self or using the slightest exertion, even raising the arm. Cactus: Pricking pain, impeding breathing and the movements of the body; oppression, cannot lie on the left side; blue face, pulse quick, strong, tense and hard. Dull, heavy pain, worse from pressure; suffocating respiration; face blue, cedema, especially of the left hand and of the legs to the knees; feet icy cold; pulse intermittent. Pain in the apex of the heart, shooting down left arm to the ends of the fingers; feeble pulse; dyspncea. Cannabis ind.: Pressing pain in the heart, with dyspncea the whole night. Piercing pain in the heart. Stitches in the heart, accompanied by great oppression, the latter relieved by deep breathing. Cantharis: Drawing pain in the region of the heart. Stitch in the heart followed by a crawling sensation. Causticum: Stitches about the heart. REPERTORY OF HEART SYMPTOMS. 419 Clematis: Sharp stitches in the regidn of the heart from within outward. Colocynthis: Stitches in the cardiac region. Cupriim met.: Stitches below the heart. Boring pain in the region of the heart. Cyclamen: Stitches about the apex. Fluoricum ac.: Sore pain at the heart. Glonoinum: Sharp pains at the heart. Graphites: Stitches. Hamamelis: Pricking pain in the region of the heart and superficial veins of both arms. Hepar sulph,.: Fine stitches in the heart and left half of the chest, with palpitation. Iodium: Constant, heavy, oppressive pain in region of the heart. Jacea (Viola tri.): Oppression and stitches in the heart on bending forward when sitting. Kali bich.: Pricking pain in the region of the heart. Kali carb.: Cramping pains, as if the heart was hanging by bands. Kali iod.: Darting pain in the heart, when walking; after abuse of mercury; after repeated endocarditis. Kalmia: Wandering rheumatic pains in the region of the heart; shooting pains above the heart through to scapula. Severe pain in the cardiac region, with slow, small pulse. Kreosotum: Stitches over the heart; in the heart. Lachnanthes: Stitches in the heart, with anxiety. Laurocerasus: Stitches in the region of the heart. Leptandra: Soreness in the cardiac region. Lilium tig.: Heart feels as if grasped, with pain and heaviness of left mamma to scapula. Constrictive pain about the heart extending through to scapula. Lithium carb.: Violent pain in the heart as she bent over the bed, in the morning after rising. Rheumatic soreness in the cardiac region. Pains in the heart before and at the time of urinating; also before and at the time of the menses. Lobelia: Slight, deep-seated pain in the cardiac region. Short sensation as if the heart would stand still; deep in, above the heart, a pain. 420 REPERTORY OF HEART SYMPTOMS. Lycopodium: Pulsating tearing in the region of the heart. Magnesia mur.: Stitches in the heart arresting the breath. Mercurius cor.: Pain in the praecordial region. Mercurius iod. rub.: Sharp, cutting pain in the chest and sticking pain in the heart. Muriaticum ac.: Stitches in the heart. Natrum carb.: Painful cracking in the region of the heart. Oleander: Dull, drawing pain over the heart, worse when stooping. Oxalicum ac: Pain in the heart; soreness, stitches from behind forward, or from above downward. Sharp, darting pain in the heart and left lung, extending down to epigastrium. Phosphoricum ac.: Stitches through the heart. Phytolacca: Shocks of pain in the cardiac region (angina pectoris); pain goes into right arm. Plumbum: Stitches during inspiration. Pulsatilla: Catching pain in the cardiac region better for a time from the pressure of the hand. Rhododendron: Boring pain in the region of the heart. Rhus tox.: Numbness and lameness of the left arm. Sanguinaria: Painful stitches or pressing pain in region of the heart. Spigelia: Stitches about heart, sometimes synchronous with the pulse; with anxiety and oppression. Spongia: Contracting pain in the chest, heat, suffocation, faintness and anxious sweat. Stinging, pressing pains in the praecordia. Sulphuricum ac.: Shooting through the heart. Tellurium: Dull pain in the region of the heart when lying on left side; better when lying on the back. Theridion: Sharp pains radiate to arm and left shoulder. Ustilago: Burning pain in cardiac region. Valeriana: Stitches in the region of the heart. Veratrum vir.: Prickling; dull aching. Zincum: Severe pain in the cardiac region, some swelling and great tenderness. CHARACTER OF PAIN. AGONIZING: Arsenicum. REPERTORY OF HEART SYMPTOMS. 421 VIOLENT: Lithium carb. (as she bent over in bed in the morning after rising). SHARP: Abrotanum, Glonoinum, Mercurius iod. rub. (cutting), Theridion. ACHING: /Esculus hip. (dull), Veratrum vir. ACUTE: Apis (sudden attacks). SEVERE: Abrotanum, Kalmia, Zincum. with slow, small pulse: Kalmia. with some swelling and.great tenderness: Zincum. PIERCING: Anacardium, Cannabis ind. TEARING: Ammonium mur., Lycopodium (pulsating). PULSATING: Lycopodium (tearing). SHOOTING: Agaricus, Kalmia, Sulphuricum ac. through the heart: Sulphuricum ac. STICKING: Mercurius iod. rub. STITCHES: Aconitum, Anacardium, Arnica, Berberis, Bryonia, Cannabis ind., Cantharis, Causticum, Clematis, Colocynthis, Cuprum, Cylcamen, Graphites, Hepar sulph., Jacea, Kreosotum, Lachnanthes, Laurocerasus, Magnesia mur., Muriaticum ac., Oleander, Phosphoricum ac., Sanguinaria, Spigelia, Valeriana. about the heart: Causticum. about the apex: Cyclamen. below the heart: Cuprum. over the heart: Kreosotum. in the heart: Kreosotum. through the heart: Phosphoricum ac. piercing through and through the heart, each time two quickly succeeding each other: Anacardium. sometimes synchronous with the pulse: Spigelia. sharp, from within outward: Clematis. from behind forward or above downward: Oxalicum ac. lies on his back with raised shoulders: Aconitum. and oppression on bending forward when walking: Jacea. during inspiration: Plumbum. during inspiration at night: Anacardium. arresting his breath: Magnesia mur. accompanied by great oppression, the latter relieved by deep breathing: Cannabis ind. 422 REPERTORY OF HEART SYMPTOMS. Stitches followed by a crawling sensation: Cantharis. fine, and in left half of chest: Hepar sulph. with anxiety: Lachnanthes. or pressing pain: Sanguinaria. CATCHING: Pulsatilla. CUTTING: Bromium, Mercurius iod. rub. (sharp). DARTING: /Esculus hip., Kali iod. with fulness and palpitation: iEsculus hip. when walking: Kali iod. DRAWING: Cantharis, Oleander (dull). OPPRESSIVE: Iodium. PRESSING: Cannabis ind., Glonoinum, Sanguinaria, Spongia. as if contracted: Glonoinum. or stitches: Sanguinaria. CONSTRICTION: Lilium tig. CONTRACTING: Spongia. SQUEEZED: Arnica. BORING: Cuprum, Rhododendron. DEEP-SEATED: Lobelia. DULL: /Esculus, Ailanthus, Cactus, Oleander, Tellurium, Veratrum vir. and contracted feeling: Ailanthus. and drawing when stooping: Oleander. HEAVY: Cactus, lodium, Lilium tig. CONSTANT: Benzoicum ac., Iodium. WANDERING: Benzoicum ac., Kalmia. SHOCK: Arnica, Phytolacca. CRAMPING: Bryonia, Kali carb. (as if the heart was hanging by bands; burning). STINGING: Spongia. PRICKING: Cactus, Hamamelis, Kali bich. impeding breathing and the movements of the body: Cactus. and in superficial veins of both arms: Hamamelis. BURNING; /Esculus hip., Agaricus, Ustilago. TENDERNESS: Zincum. SORENESS: Fluoricum ac., Laurocerasus, Lithium carb., Oxalicum ac. RHEUMATIC: Kalmia, Lithium carb. REPERTORY OF HEART SYMPTOMS. 423 CONCOMITANTS. With anxiety: Arsenicum, Lachnanthes, Spigelia, Theridion. fainting spells: Arsenicum. With oppression: Arsenicum, Cactus, Cannabis ind., Jacea, Spigelia. With dyspncea: Actea rac., Argentum nit., Arsenicum, Cactus, Magnesia mur. least motion makes him lose his breath: Arsenicum. stitches arrest his breathing: Magnesia mur. With numbness: Actaea, Rhus tox., Lachesis. of whole body, the left arm numb, and as if bound to the side: Actsea rac. With heat: Spongia. With anxious sweat: Spongia. With cold sweat on the hands: Actsa rac. With icy cold feet: Cactus. With blue face: Cactus. With choking: Argentum nit. With sudden tightness above the heart: Arsenicum. With constriction of the chest: Aconitum. With cedema (especially of the left arm, and of the legs to the knees): Cactus. With the veins on the arms swollen, purplish: Arnica. With some swelling and great tenderness over the heart: Zincum. SPECIAL LOCALIZATIONS. About the base of the heart: Agaricus. Above the heart: Arsenicum, Kreosotum, Kalmia. tightness: Arsenicum. Deep in: Kreosotum (short sensation, as if the heart would stand still). Below the heart: Apis, Cuprum. Over the heart: Kreosotum. In the heart: Kreosotum, Mercurius iod. rub. (constant). About the heart: Benzoicum ac. (pains change place incessantly, but are most constant about the heart). In the apex: Bromium, Cactus. About the apex: Cyclamen. In left mamma: Lilium tig. 424 REPERTORY OF HEART SYMPTOMS. In left lung: Mercurius iod. rub., Oxalicum ac. In the centre of left lung: Ailanthus. Across the chest: Abrotanum. Over the whole chest: Actea rac. Over left half of the chest: Hepar sulph. DIRECTION AND COURSE OF PAINS FROM THE PRIECORDIAL REGION. Through to left scapula: Agaricus, Aloes, Kalmia, Lilium tig. Down the left arm: Actrea rac., Arnica, Arsenicum, Bromium. Radiate to arm and left shoulder: Theridion. To left forearm: Ammonium mur. To the fingers: Aurum. From the apex to the ends of the fingers: Cactus. Into the right arm: Phytolacca. In the superficial veins of both arms: Hamamelis. Through the heart: Anacardium, Bromium, Phosphoricum ac., Sulphuricum ac. Running upward: Bromium. From within outward: Clematis. From behind forward or above downward: Oxalicum ac. Into the neck and occiput: Arsenicum. From the liver to the left chest and down the left arm: Arnica. Extending diagonally across the right chest: Apis (from just below the heart). In left lung extending down to the epigastrium: Oxalicum ac. Through the centre of left lung: Ailanthus. When the pains suddenly leave the limbs and go to the heart: Kalmia. AGGRAVATIONS. TIME. IN THE MORNING: Lithium carb. (after rising). AT NIGHT: Anacardium, Arsenicum, Cannabis ind. especially from I to 5 A.M.: Arsenicum. the whole night: Cannabis ind. MOTION. FROM LEAST MOTION: Arsenicum (makes him lose his breath). FROM WALKING: Bryonia. REPERTORY OF HEART SYMPTOMS. 425 WHEN WALKING: Kali iod. RAISING ONE'S SELF: Bryonia. RAISING THE ARM: Bryonia. 1 POSITION. WHEN LYING ON LEFT SIDE: Cactus, Tellurium. ON BENDING FORWARD WHEN SITTING: Jacea. WHEN STOOPING: Oleander. SLEEP. AFTER RISING: Lithium carb. (in the morning). PRESSURE. FROM PRESSURE: Cactus. EXERTION. USING THE SLIGHTEST EXERTION: Bryonia. MISCELLANEOUS. CAUSED BY DEEP INSPIRATION: Agaricus. DURING INSPIRATION: Anacardium, Plumbum (at night). FROM COUGHING: Agaricus. FROM SNEEZING: Agaricus. FROM HICCOUGH: Agaricus. BEFORE AND AT THE TIME OF URINATING: Lithium carb. BEFORE AND AT THE TIME OF THE MENSES: Lithium carb. AMELIORATIONS. FROM LYING ON THE BACK: Aconitum, Tellurium. with raised shoulders: Aconitum. FROM RAISING SHOULDERS: Aconitum. FROM SITTING BENT FORWARD: Arsenicum. WITH THE HEAD THROWN BACK: Arsenicum. DEEP BREATHING: Cannabis ind. (oppression). FROM PRESSURE OF THE HAND: Pulsatilla (for a time). CLINICAL SYMPTOMS. Abrotanum: Pain across chest, sharp and severe. Rheumatism. Pulse weak and small. Chlorosis. Ebullitions, 426 REPERTORY OF HEART SYMPTOMS. with general heat, and distended veins on the forehead and hands. Hemorrhoidal colic. Aconitum: Pulse full, hard and strong in fevers, inflammations; small, intermittent, irregular, in asthma, quicker than the beat of the heart; quick, hard, in peritonitis; full, hard and frequent, succeeding chill, during which it was small and weak. Ailanthus: Pulse rapid and small; weak, sometimes scarcely perceptible. Scarlatina Ammonium carb.: Audible palpitation, with attacks of great anxiety, as if dying; cold sweat, involuntary flow of tears; loud difficult breathing and trembling of hands. Angina pectoris. Antimonium tart.: Great prsecordial excitement, with vomiting of mucus. and bile. Apis: Blowing sound with the diastole. Apocynum: Pulse 45 between attacks of vomiting; feeble. Metrorrhagia. Arnica: "Strain " of the heart from violent running. Fatty degeneration of the heart. Arsenicum alb.: Angina pectoris; sudden tightness above the heart; agonizing praecordial pain; pains into the neck and occiput; anxiety, oppression, breathing difficult; fainting spells; least motion makes him lose his breath; sits bent forward or with the head thrown back, worse at night, especially from i to 5 A.M. Hydropericardium, with great irritability, anguish and restlessness. Asafoetida: Nervous palpitation, with small pulse; from overexertion or suppressed discharges (in women). Benzoicum. ac.: Gout affecting the heart. Borax: Circulation irregular, face bluish, especially around the mouth, with blue look of finger-ends and feet; with attacks during which the child became prostrated and as if suffocating. Bromium: Cutting pains running upward. Heart disease. Cactus: Endocardial murmurs; excessive impulse; increased prxecordial dulness; enlarged right ventricle. Palpitation of long standing caused by an unfortunate REPERTORY OF HEART SYMPTOMS. 427 love affair. Irregularity of the heart's action, at times frequent, at others slow; great irritation of the cardiac nerves; enlarged left ventricle. Caladium: Pulse hard and bounding, in intermittents; very frequent, hardly to be felt, in typhus. Carbo veg.: Blood stagnates in capillaries, cyanosis; cold face and limbs; cold sweat; complete torpor; impending paralysis of heart. Colchicum: Heart disease, following acute rheumatism. Hydropericardium. Digitalis: Inflammation of pericardium, with copious serous exudation. Eupatorium purp.: Pulse accelerated and full. Ague. Ferrum: Consecutive heart disease. Chlorosis. Hard strong beating of the heart. Pseudo-plethora. Throbbing in all bloodvessels; soft bellows' sound at apex (?). (Base, if anaemic.-Snader.) Gelsemium Nervous chill, yet skin is warm; wants to be held that she may not shake so. Heart disease. Glonoinum: Low, feeble pulse in sunstroke. Purring noise in the region of the heart when lying; pulse intermittent; must have head high; worse when lying on left side; better on right. Helleborus: Frequent and soft, intermittent pulse in hydrocephalus; small, irregular in hydrothorax. Hydrastis: Pulse slow during the chill. Kali carb.: Systolic murmur; stitch pain; second tick loud from pulmonary stagnation. Endocarditis. Insufficiency of mitral valves. Kali iod.: Darting pains in the heart when walking; after abuse of mercury; after repeated endocarditis. Kalmia: When articular rheumatism has been treated externally and cardiac symptoms ensue. When the pains suddenly leave the limbs and go to the heart. Hypertrophy and valvular insufficiency, or thickening after rheumatism. Severe pain in cardiac region, with slow, small pulse. Hypertrophy, with dilatation and aortic obstruction. Paroxysms of anguish about the heart, dyspncea, febrile excite 428 REPERTORY OF HEART SYMPTOMS. ment; rheumatic endocarditis, with consequent hypertrophy and valvular disease. Angina pectoris. Fatty degeneration. Palpitation (gastralgia). Slow, small pulse. Hypertrophy of heart. Remarkable slowness of the pulse, 48 in the minute (neuralgia). Quickened but weak pulse (rheumatism of the heart). Pulse only slightly accelerated and many times slow (acute rheumatism). Lachesis: Restless, trembling; anxiety about the heart, hasty speech; suffocation on lying down; weight on the chest; heart feels constricted (rheumatism of the heart). Cyanosis neonatorum. Pericarditis, dropsy, diphtheritic patches in the throat after scarlatina. Lachnanthes: Pulse 1 o1, small, thin, hard. Pneumonia. Laurocerasus: Apoplexy. Cyanosis neonatorum. Lithium carb.: Valvular deficiencies, worse from mental agitation, which causes a fluttering and trembling of the heart. Rheumatic soreness in the cardiac region. Lobelia: Sawing sound about the heart, with violent pains, diarrhcea and vomiting. Lycopodium: Hydropericardium. Nux mosch.: Pulse small, weak; nun's murmur in the carotids. Opium: Full and slow, with snoring; imperceptible, face purple. Cyanosis neonatorum. Oxalicum ac.: Sharp, darting pain in heart and left lung, extending down to the epigastrium. Angina pectoris. Heartburn intermits when thinking of it. Phosphorus: Disease of the right heart, with consequent venous stagnation. Dilatation of the heart following endocarditis or fatty degeneration. Phosphoricum ac.: In children and young persons who grow too fast; after self-abuse. Phytolacca: Shocks of pain in the cardiac region. Angina pectoris. Pain goes into right arm. Heart's action weak, with constipation. Platina: Great anxiety and palpitation. Commencing endo- or pericarditis. Plumbum: Rush of blood to the heart during a rapid walk; REPERTORY OF HEART SYMPTOMS. 429 anguish, cold sweat; stitches during inspiration. Hypertrophy. Psorinumm: Pericarditis, psoric origin. Rheumatic pericarditis; effusion, cannot lie down. Pulsatilla: Beating in the chest, interrupting sleep; old maids. Rhus tox.: Uncomplicated hypertrophy from violent exertion. Organic disease of the heart, with sticking pains and soreness; numbness and lameness of left arm. Sanguinaria: Irregularity of the heart's action, with coldness, insensibility, etc. Spongia: Angina pectoris; contracting pain about the heart, suffocation, anxious sweat. Aneurism of the aorta; dry, paroxysmal cough, worse lying down. Palpitation violent, with pain, gasping respiration; suddenly awakened after midnight, with suffocation, great alarm; anxiety. Valvular insufficiency. Rheumatic endocarditis; loud blowing with each heart-beat. Stramonium: Pulse slow in typhus. Beating of heart so increased from motion he cannot speak for hours; trembling; twitches as in chorea; murmurs instead of regular sounds; consequent on fright. Tabacum: Palpitation in attacks at night, tight across the chest, with angina pectoris. Oppression at heart; pulse feeble, irregular. Cholera. Theridion: Anxiety about heart; sharp pains radiate to arm and left shoulder. Veratrum alb.: Tumultuous, irregular contraction of heart, forerunners of paralysis; intermittent action of the heart in feeble persons, with some obstruction to the hepatic circulation. Palpitation in the anaemic; agony of death, legs cold; difficult breathing, better at rest or lying down. Zincum: Feels as if a cap were over the heart; spine affected. DISEASES OF THE HEART AND APPENDAGES. ANGINA PECTORIS: Ammonium carb., Arsenicum, Oxalicum ac., Phytolacca, Spongia, Tabacum. FATTY DEGENERATION: Arnica, Kalmia, Phosphorus. 430 REPERTORY OF HEART SYMPTOMS. ENDOCARDITIS: Kali carb., Kalmia, Platina (commencing), Spigelia. VALVULAR INSUFFICIENCY: Kali carb. (mitral), Kalmia (aortic obstruction), Lithium carb., Spongia. MURMURS: Apis, Cactus, Ferrum, Kali carb., Spigelia, Lobelia, Nux mosch. PROBABLY ORGANIC; blowing sound with the diastole: Apis. systolic: Kali carb. systolic at apex; also hard-blowing sound with each heart-beat: Spigelia. PROBABLY INORGANIC; soft bellows' sound at the apex (?): Ferrum.* nun's murmur in the carotids: Nux mosch. sawing sound: Lobelia. HYPERTROPHY: Kalmia,Plumbum, Rhus tox. (uncomplicated). DILATATION (enlarged ventricles): Cactus (left), Kalmia, Phosphorus (right). CYANOSIS: Borax, Carbo veg. CYANOSIS NEONATORUM: Lachesis, Laurocerasus, Opium. PERICARDITIS: Digitalis, Lachesis, Platina (commencing), Psorinum. HYDROPERICARDIUM: Arsenicum, Colchicum, Lycopodium. " HEART DISEASE " (character not mentioned): Bromium, Colchicum, Gelsemium. " RHEUMATISM OF THE HEART": Kalmia, Lachesis. ORGANIC DISEASES OF THE HEART: Rhus tox. "STRAIN OF THE HEART": Arnica. IMPENDING PARALYSIS OF THE HEART: Carbo veg., Veratrum alb. GREAT IRRITABILITY OF THE CARDIAC NERVES: Cactus. GOUT OF THE HEART: Benzoicum ac. ANEURISM OF THE AORTA: Spongia. OTHER DISEASES. Apoplexy: Laurocerasus. Asthma: Aconitum. Chill: Aconitum, Gelsemium, Hydrastis. Cholera: Tabacum. Chlorosis: Abrotanum. "* If anemic, the murmur should be systolic, and at the base.-Snader. REPERTORY OF HEART SYMPTOMS. 431 Constipation: Phytolacca. Diarrhcea: Lobelia. Fever: Aconitum. Hemorrhages: Secale. Hemorrhoidal colic: Abrotanum. Hepatic obstruction-: Veratrum alb. Hydrocephalus; hydrothorax: Helleborus. Inflammations: Aconitum, Kalmia. Insensibility: Sanguinaria. Metrorrhagia: Apocynum. Neuralgia: Kalmia. Pain: Abrotanum, Kali iod., Kalmia. Pneumonia: Lachnanthes. Peritonitis: Aconitum. Pseudo-plethora: Ferrum. Rheumatism: Abrotanum. Scarlatina: Ailanthus, Lachesis. Spine affected: Zincum. Sunstroke: Glonoinum. Typhus: Caladium, Stramonium. Uraemia: Arsenicum. Vomiting: Antimonium tart., Lobelia. THE PULSE IN HEART AND OTHER DISEASES. Kalmia: Slow small pulse (hypertrophy). Slow and feeble (angina pectoris). Quickened but weak pulse (rheumatism of the heart). Pulse slightly accelerated and many times slow (acute rheumatism). Opium: Full and slow, with snoring; imperceptible, face purplish (cyanosis neonatorum). Abrotanum: Pulse weak and small (chlorosis). Aconitum: Full hard, strong (fevers and inflammation). Small, intermittent, irregular (in asthma). Quick and hard (peritonitis). Small and weak (during chill). Ailanthus: Rapid and small; weak, sometimes scarcely perceptible, very frequent and irregular (scarlatina). Apocynum: Pulse 45 between attacks of vomiting (metrorrhagia). Caladium: Pulse hard and bounding (in intermittents). Very frequent, hardly to be felt (typhus). 432 REPERTORY OF HEART SYMPTOMS. Eupatorium purp: Pulse accelerated and full (ague). Glonoinum: Low, feeble (sunstroke). Helleborus: Frequent, soft, intermittent pulse (in hydrocephalus). Small, irregular (in hydrothorax). Hydrastis: Pulse slow during the chill. Kalmia: Slow, small pulse (with severe pain in the cardiac region). Slow, small pulse, (hypertrophy). Remarkable slowness of the pulse, 48 in the minute (neuralgia). Lachnanthes: Pulse I 0o, small, thin, hard (pneumonia). Opium: Full and slow, with snoring. Phytolacca: Heart's action weak (with constipation). Sanguinaria: Irregularity of the heart's action and pulse (with coldness, insensibility). Secale: Pulse thread-like (in hemorrhages). Stramonium: Pulse slow (in typhus). Tabacum: Oppression about the heart; feeble pulse (cholera). Veratrum alb.: Pulse intermittent, in feeble persons (with some hepatic obstruction). CAUSATIVE AND CLINICAL RELATIONSHIPS. Following rheumatism: Colchicum. Consecutive to chlorosis: Ferrum. After abuse of mercury: Kali iod. After repeated endocarditis: Kali iod. When articular rheumatism has been treated externally: Kalmia. Thickening of the valves after rheumatism: Kalmia. Pericarditis, dropsy, diphtheritic patches in the throat, after scarlatina: Lachesis. Dilatation, following endocarditis or fatty degeneration: Phosphorus. Psoric origin: Psorinum. From violent exertion: Rhus tox. From violent running: Arnica. From overexertion or suppressed discharges (in women): Asafoetida. Consequent on fright: Stramonium. In children and young persons who grow too fast; after selfabuse: Phosphoricum ac. 1+6I-I -- - REPERTORY IJ -~ IF TO,HERI-NG'S C-,ONDENSED -,MATERIA * MEDICA PUBLISHED BY THE::.HOMOPATJIIC MEDICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA PHILADELPHIA 1889 GLOBE PRINTING HOUSE. -~ liiIV VIM~*~~ Xi 1 top - rNM ~~jilt 7'4 Ai A AI FI1-----:77j-22-1" - I -:., --ý - - --- -,,. - -,.--- -7- ---- - I -, _r ý - 7,-*?-,, -ý-tfýý-Z-. - -, - t9,h,-,-,., 4-,ý ý wa;w -Yo.w, -1 MfjjvjltF",--ý.,--%ff -1-;`4,-,F-!?.--c- --,- -'-rj-j4,-"j,- -,ý..Ijjýý,J- ýc - ýý i. 5 - 4-1, -. -.ý17 t, -! ff, _ _, -.1 ý*. -;ý -- -:.. MUVIMM 7ý7ý -, -- -,=.,.-ýý -----;Ylý _, ýV.ý,, - -, ` ý-, ýý ýý ý;', If "t, -, i I - t..;,,11ý11 I'-- "i'l-I.I.. 17 -:," t.-47 ý qj4, W f* '., jfý ý I in. I I I.."i ki ý lf.ý!ýZ iI:ijM Ij-'- '! - f I -, r" - - 1-11 - 1 -,ý!ýT - ý ý - ",ý -- --2. ý!-4 1i, 1114A ZI ý I 41-tli ý a 1 I I I 1 i ý ý ý.,,, 1 '41ý ý; T,- ý " i 4 1,,,,.. -, "! - -,;7 ý ý t.! - ý I, - - r --,m,, I-, ý.. 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