~ ~, V/ ~ A~\ /jN r I for Holds on ýY Do symbols nea aviat as 1001 WAYS TO BEAT THE DRAFT by TULI KUPFERBERG and ROBERT BASHLOW OLIVER LAYTON PRESS/New York AVEC A PP ROBATIO N, E T PRIVILEGE D V, RO T. The authors hereby acknowledge the contributions of the following: BB, EB, AD, RD, ee, GE, AG, NC, PG, PH, BK, DK, LK, OK, SK, DL, LM, GPO, PO, ES, HS, JS, TS, TW- KW A copy of this material has not been filed with the Foreign Agents Registration Section, Department of Justice, Washington, D. C., where the registration statement of Oliver Layton Press, as the nonforeign publisher or distributor of this publication, is not available for inspection. The fact of non-registration does not indicate approval of this material by the government of the United States. Copyright @ 1966 by Oliver Layton Press First published 1966 by Oliver Layton Press Box 150, Cooper Station New York, N. Y. 10003 Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 66-28194 Manufactured in the United States of America 1 Grope J. Edgar Hoover in the silent halls of Congress. 2 Get thee to a nunnery. 3 Fly to the moon and refuse to come home. 4 Die. 5 Become Secretary of Defense. 6 Become Secretary of State. 7 Become Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare. 8 Show a li'l tit. 9 Castrate yourself. 10 Invent a time machine and go back to the 19th century. 11 Start to menstruate. (Better red than dead.) 12 Attempt to overthrow the Government of the United States by force and violence. 13 Advocate sexual freedom for children. 14 Shoot up for a day. 15 Refuse to speak to them at all. 16 Enroll at the Jefferson School of Social Science. 17 Replace your feet with wheels. 18 Rent a motel room with a ewe. 19 Rent a motel room with a ram. 20 Say you'Pre crazy. 21 Say they're crazy. 22 Get muscular dystrophy when you're a kid. 23 Marry J. Edgar Hoover. 24 Take up residence in Albania. 25 Stretch yourself on a rack so that you become over 6% feet tall. 3 26 Marry your mother. 27 Marry your father. 28 Blow up the Statue of Liberty. 29 Marry your sister. 30 Marry your brother. 31 Marry your daughter. 32 Join the Abraham Lincoln Brigade. 33 Marry your son. 34 Marry Lassie. 35 Marry President Johnson. 36 Marry Mao Tse-tung. 37 Proclaim that Mao Tse-tung is the Living God. 38 Proclaim that you are the Living God. 39 Stamp your foot in the earth like Rumpelstiltskin and refuse to eat until our boys return from Viet Nam. 40 Get elected Pope. 41 Get elected to the Supreme Soviet. 42 Get lost. 43 Shoot A for one month. 44 Grow seven toes on your head. 45 Commit an unnatural act with Walter Jenkins. 46 Make the world go away. 47 Wear pants made of jello. 48 Say you are a wounded veteran of the lutte des classes. 49 Solder your eyelids shut. 50 Ride naked through the streets on a white horse. 51 Declare war on Germany. 52 Tell the draft board that you will send your mother to fight in Viet Nam in your place. 53 Study Selective Service reports on malingering and military medicine, and/or military psychiatry texts or journal articles on the same subject, and use the clever methods they describe. 54 Organize your own army and advance on Washington. 55 Tell the psychiatrist that if he doesn't let you into the Army you'll kill him. 56 Turn yellow. 57 Infiltrate your local board. 58 Don't agree to anything. 4 National Headquarters SELECTIVE SERVICE SYSTEAI Washington, D. C. November 13, 1940 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Release No. 110 From.the M.exican State of Coahuila which borders on the American State of Texas comes a story of the patriotism of an American-born citizen of Mexican extraction who registered for Selective Service in the United States, returned to his home where he was fatally wounded and then made the dying request that his picture be taken in his coffin so that no one would believe he was hiding to escape training under the American Selective Service Law. The story was revealed today by the State Department when making public correspondence from G. R. Willson, American Consul, Piedras Negras, Coahuila, Mexico, who wrote concerning the attitude of American-born men of Mexican ancestry who registered in the United States fpr Selective Service and who went back to their Mexican homes until such time as they might be called for training by local boards of the United States. One of these registrants was Tomas Godina who, on October 16, crossed the border to register for service as an American citizen. Just eleven days later he was mortally wounded in a fight in Mexico. On his deathbed he told his mother and sister with whom he lived: "After I am dead have my picture taken in my coffin so that if I am called to service In the United States and do not come you can show the picture and everyone will know I am not hiding somewhere trying to avoid service in the American Army." The correspondence was forwarded from the State Department to C. A. Dykstra, director of Selective Service. (End) 59 Contract Addison's disease. AWOL Soldier Seized 60 Contract Parkinson's disease. WILKES-BARRE, Pa., March 61 Contract Bright's disease. 18 (UPI)-James Richmond, 62 Contract Hodgkin's disease. 20-year-old serviceman who had 63 Contract Cushing's disease. been absent without leave from Frhlich's syndrome. the Army since last June, was 64 Contract Frhlich's syndrome. picked up by the Federal Bu65 Announce that you have become reau of Investigation Friday as the bridegroom of the Virgin Mary. he hid in a tunnel in the cellar 66 Announce that you have become of his mother's home in nearby Hanover Township. the bridegroom of Jesus Christ. 67 Get your friends to crucify you. 68 Counterfeit money and omit the motto In God We Trust. 69 Become a publisher of smut and filth. 70 Become the publisher of the Little Mao Tse-tung Library. 71 Prove that Brezhnev is a Trotskyite wrecker. 72 Burn down the building located at 39 Whitehall Street. 73.. 450 Golden Gate Ave. 74.. 536 South Clark Street FEZ, Morocco, March 3 - King Hassan II announced to75... 55 Tremont Street. day the institution of compul78...916 G Street NW. sory military service in a speech 76 9 GSon the 10th anniversary of 77 Burn down the Pentagon. Moroccan independence and the 78 Burn baby burn. o5th anniversary of his accession 79 Write a best-selling novel which portrays the CIA as incompetent. 80 Catch St. Anthony's fire. 81 Say you'd be happy to serve because it'll be easier to kill the fucken Americans who are interfering with the freedom of Viet Nam. 82 Recite the Pledge of Allegiance 2400 times a day. 83 Cut off your ears. In ancient times no animal was sacrificed unless it was a perfect specimen. 84 Cut off your left ear and send it to the draft board. 85 Grow a tail. 86 Learn to talk with your anus. 87 Become a graduate student in a subject vital to the national security, such as the epistemology of phenomenological methodology. Achieve your degree only after fifteen years of 2-S. 6 88 Crow old fast, or 89 When you reach the age of 17 don't get any older. 90 Drink an elixir that will cause you to shrink to a height of 2 feet, 3 inches. 91 Buy a slave and send him in your place. 92 Take your girlfriend with you when you get called and insist you will not serve unless you can sleep with her at night. 93 Take your boyfriend with you when you get called and insist that you will not serve unless you can sleep with him at night. 94 Take your mother with you when you get called and insist you will not serve unless you can sleep with her at night. 95 Take your chihuahua with you when you get called and insist you will not serve unless you can sleep with it at night. 96 Wet your bed. 97 When the doctor tells you to spread your cheeks, let him see the firecracker you have planted there beforehand. 98 Handcuff yourself to Lenin's tomb. 99 Handcuff yourself to Nicholas Katzenbach and shout: "We shall not be moved!" 100 Travel to Havana. 101 Grow a long straggly black beard with maggots crawling all over it. 102 Travel to Hanoi. 103 Travel to Tirana. 104 Travel to Peking. 105 Travel to Washington and tell them you intend to travel to one or more of the above. 106 Publish a satirical pamphlet purporting to advise young men how to beat the draft. 107 Tell the psychiatrist that you are a closet queen. 108 Tell the security officer that you are a brother of Allen Ginsberg. 109 Tell the security officer that you are a brother of Ralph Ginzburg. 110 Hand out copies of this pamphlet at the induction center. When they tell you you cannot do this ask if it's all right if you sell them. 111 Make sure that by one method or another you get to see the psychiatrist. Do not let them rush you through without your chance. If necessary you should faint, scream, or start crying. 112 Give the psychiatrist your standard three-minute lecture in favor of bisexuality, being sure to mention again and again that animals do it. 113 Tell them that you will leap into your grave laughing. TF- War8: The names of wars are capitalized and spelled out. War of 1812 World War I Crimean War Korean War 114 Run tor the House of Representatives on the platform that Red China should be invited to send its surplus population to colonize New York and Arizona. 115 Commence psychotherapy with Dr. Robert Soblen. 116 Ask Gus Hall to go down to the induction center for you the day you are called. 117 Write a letter to the New York Daily News stating that the Viet Cong are nothing more than peace-loving agrarian reformers. 118 Use an American flag for a breechclout. 119 Contract tertiary syphilis. 120 Steal a laser and fight it out with the CIA. 121 Develop bleeding stigmata. 122 Cop out. 123 Conspire with a known homosexual in the Soviet embassy in Ankara. 124 Conspire with a known heterosexual in the U. S. embassy in Ankara. 125 Become chairman of the Committee to Legalize Marijuana. 126 Develop an otherworldly metaphysical system and live by its precepts. 127 Cut off your head. 128 Cut off the sergeant's head. (NAPA)* 129 Walk into the induction center carrying an octopus. 130 Burn your draft card over CBS Television. 131 Write to Bill Buckley that you want to possess him, body and soul. 132 Set up an illegal television station on a ship outside the three-mile limit, and telecast a demand for the impeachment of Pres. Johnson. Dress up the presentation with movies showing Johnson and foreign woman ambassadors engaged in sexual congress with one another. 133 Tell the psychiatrist that FBI men are looking for secret messages in your feces. 134 Wear a large brassiere around your waist. 135 Offer the psychiatrist $2.00 if he will allow you to perform an unnatural act on his person. 136 Hire an airplane to drop 100,000 of Corliss Lamont's leaflets over DaNang Air Base. 137 Exercise your vereter until it becomes three feet long. * Not a pacifist act. Plate 1. Saluting the Color 1. The colors and their guard. commissioned offcer in command. 122 2. Omcer or soldier in uniform, not under arms, 7. Omcer or soldier in uniform, mounted. covered or uncovered 8. Driver and passenger of military vehicle is 8. Civilian, omcer or soldier In civilian clothes, motion. covered, fair weather. 9-10. Ignorant or indIfferent man and woman. 4. Same as (3), rainy weather. 11. A lady saluting the color correctly (standing). 5. Civilian, omcer or soldier in civilian clothes She may place the right hand over the heart. or athletic costume, uncovered. 12. Soldier in uniform, armed with rifle. 8. Small detachment, armed with ride non- 12. Sentinel on post, armed with rifle. 138 Marry Bettina Aptheker. Marines and U.S. Special 139 Join the Mau Mau. Forces were forced to shoot 140 Kidnap Charles Lindbergh's some CIDG during the two-day evacuation so helicopters could son. get off the ground. One Marine 141 Kidnap Douglas MacArthur's said terrorized CIDG climbed aboard every aircraft that sofl landed, clung to landing gear 142 Kidnap Dwight D. Eisen- and tafl sections and refused to hower's son. be dislodged. 143 Kidnap John Eisenhower's son. 144 Kidnap Lyndon Johnson's son. 145 Tie your foreskin to your nose. 146 Refuse to sign the loyalty oath and when asked why say you don't feel loyal to a government of murderers. 147 Cripple your 79-year-old mother and kill your brothers and sisters and then be the sole support of your crippled 79-year-old mother. 148 Eat hair pie. 149 Bite the psychiatrist. 150 Get put in jail till you're over the draft age. 151 Don't enlist. 152 Tell the psychiatrist to spread his cheeks because you suspect him of hiding marijuana there. 153 Bring a note from Cardinal Spellman saying that you're excused. 154 Shoot up the walls of the room, screaming: "I am the last Stalinist! I am the last Stalinist!" 155 Walk out of the induction center on tippy toes. 156 Don't compromise with the bourgeoisie. 157 Escape. 158 Pray for the end of conscription. 159 Ask the draft board for verification of your birth. 160 Make a run for it. 161 Become indispensable to the coffin industry. 162 Tell them you'll send your money to fight in Viet Nam if they'll let you stay home. 163 Don't give your right name. 164 Lose your draft card. 165 Lose your mind. 10 I'! I j 'FLAG-DRAPED CASKETS' Youth, 20, Arrested After Draft Protest A 20-year-old Big Lake The arrest of the youth apyouth was being held in Hen- parently climaxed a series of nepin County Jail under $10,- difficulties he and his father 000 bond today on a charge have had with the draft that he dumped two buckets board. of human excrement into the files of the Sherburne Coun- The elder Bondhus said he ty draft board at Elk River. has told the board repeatedly that he is opposed to any Held is Barry Bondhus, of his sons serving in the who was arrested by FBI armed forces. agents Thursday night at his home. "If you draft Barry I have He is one of 12 children of nothing to look forward to Thomas Bondhus, 43, who for the next 24 years but operates machine shops at flag-draped caskets," he said.. 0 4 Big Lake, Monticello and 4 Orrock in Sherburne County. Barry is the second oldest Orrok in Sherburne Cou. of 10 Bondhus boys. f. a Sidney Abramson, assistant f s ' U.S. district attorney, said After a board hearing Feb. l, 7 the youth would be given a 15, the youth was classified hearing today before U.S. 1-A and ordered to take a '-,. ' Commissioner Bernard Zimp- pre-induction physical exam-. fer in Minneapolis Federal ination in Minneapolis. 'S Court. - o The FBI said the youth reS fused to co-operate. Fri., Feb.25, POIS Wednesday, the complaint charged, young Bondhus walked into the board's office and dumped the substance into six draft board file cases. His draft board \ status still is pending. ^^^' /,0 ~( Russian pacifists oppose war COLONEL GAGARIN, the Russian astronaut, in a speech which was later broadcast, recently attacked young Russian pacifists who, he said, believed there was no need for an army, and that there would be no war. "These demagogues cannot grasp that fighting is not just a possibility; it is going on now, with weapons in hand. Vietnam is an example", he said. The admission that there is pacifist agitation in Russia, of such a nature as to demand condemnation by so influential a figure as Yuri Gagarin, is most remarkable. 166 Ask to have the question repeated. 167 Laugh in their faces. 168 Act natural. 169 Decline the honor. 170 Chew tobacco with your ass and when the proctologist examines you spit it out. 171 Capitalize on your deficits. 172 Say you don't want to go to an all-boys' school. 173 When you go to the men's room, drop your papers and get a little shit on them by accident. 174 When the psychiatrist asks you if you hear voices say Yeah but you don't hear his. Theoretically, then, it would 175 Stop your artificial pacemaker. be possible for a youth overS Sit in ti. eas to avoid military service 176 Spit in their faces, simply by maintaining residence 177 Have a bad reputation. abroad from his 18th birthday to his 26th, after which, in 178 Do not be moved, normal circumstances, he would 179 Tell them you already have a not be called for induction. job with the Reichssicherheits Hauptamt. 180 Say you have been appointed editor of American Opinion and you have no time to serve in the Army. 181 Tell them you are a wandering Jew and you have to get going. 182 Forget it. 183 Don't hide your dark under a bush. 12 184 Stand back. 185 Don't volunteer. 186 Tell them the Thirteenth Amendment outlawed involuntary servitude and you're not going to violate the Constitution of the United States. 187 Join the Disabled Veterans of America. 188 Refuse to testify against yourself. 189 Be bad. 190 Break a leg. 191 Be a high-born lady. 192 Join the NSU (Non-Specific Urethritis). 193 Order William F. Buckley to serve in your place. 194 Give away copies of the Communist Manifesto to the other inductees. 195 Go to another part of Youth Dies in Plunge at Base the woods. BOSTON, Jan. 4 (UPI)-A 196 Live in sinyoung man entered an unlocked 196 Live in sin. office in the Boston Army Base, 197 Fuck for peace. broke through a window and 198 Never register. plunged to his death today, 198 Never register. shortly before he was to have 199 Cut off your trigger finger undergone a pre-induction Army examination. An -Army spokes200 Cut off your trigger. man identified the dead man as 201 Cut off your pinky. Joseph Christian Diedinger, 22 years old, Qf Glen Mills, Pa., 202 Cut off your third finger. who had been living temporarily 203 Cut off your fourth finger in Somerville, a Boston suburb. 204 Cut off your thumb. 205 Cut off the trigger finger on your left hand. 206 Cut off the pinky on your left hand. 207 Cut off the third finger on your left hand. 208 Cut off the fourth finger on your left hand. 209 Cut off your left arm. 210 Cut off your right arm. 211 Cut off your right leg. 212 Cut off your left leg. 213 Cut off your right penis. 214 Cut off your left penis. NB: Do not cut off your head or you will be immediately accepted. Also, don't cut off your left thumb because you may need it to help a wounded soldier. 215 Scream for help. 13 216 Go to your air raid shelter and remain there for the duration. 217 Eat five pounds of beans before your rectal examination. When the doctor comes around, don't hold back. 218 Become radioactive. 219 Swallow a live hand grenade. 220 Write an expose in the National Enquirer about the morals convictions of J. Edgar Hoover and Cardinal Ottaviani. 221 Hand an anti-war leaflet to a soldier at the Oakland Army Terminal. 222 Write to your Senator asking for special privileges. 223 Have your mother write to your Senator asking for special privileges. 224 Become a mother. 225 Roll up to the draft board in a wheelchair with a broken leg and wave your crutch, screaming: "On to Belgrade! On to Belgrade!" 226 Contract out. 227 Cover up your tracks, or 228... reveal your tracks (left and right arms and legs, buttocks, penis, vagina, bellybutton, etc.). S r 229 Hire a remplagant.Suffering 230 Bribe a draft official. 231 Marry a draft official's daughter. privations of 232 Marry a draft official. 233 Become obese.,children 234 Gather ye rosebuds while ye may. 235 Take the cash and let the credit go. do not ennoble' 236 Nor heed the rumble of a distant drum. 237 Eat shit (this is also a way to live without working, as some of you may remember).* 238 Don't fight. 239 Go to Copenhagen. 240 Take benzedrine. 241 Take dexedrine. 242 Take methedrine. 243 Take LSD (two cubes). 244 Send your brother. * Half of the author is pointing with unpardonable pride to his 1001 Ways to Live Without Working. 14 245 Send in your place a poor spic who can't afford to go to college. 246 Send in your place a poor nigger who can't afford to go to college. 247 Or send a poor WASP even. 248 Lie down in the street and tell the cop that your left front tire blew out. 249 Don't sign any papers. 250 Resign your citizenship. 251 Tell 'em you don't hate nobody. 252 Tear up your contrat social. 253 Quote the Nuremberg Trial on individual responsibility, in the original German, and then shout: "Ich bin nicht Adolf Eichmann!" at the top of your lungs. 254 Set up your own country. 255 Ask forgiveness. 256 Take power. 257 Keep a dead whore in your cave. 258 Break wind as you're sworn in, thereby invalidating the whole procedure ex post farto. 259 Admit you're a spy for a foreign government (England). 260 Tell them you don't do anything just because someone tells you to. 261 Dance. M b Jeers 262 Laugh. 263 Die in a foreign army. M 264 Don't sign your birth certificate. M annes 265 Tell them you're innocent. 266 Ask them who they think they are. 267 Offer to love thine enemy as thyself. 268 Ask for another chance. 269 Ask for volunteers. Could Win in a Flash, U. S. Air Chief Says 15 270 Dance naked in Times Square in support of our boys in Viet Nam. 271 Send a German shepherd instead because you heard that a German shepherd is worth ten soldiers (especially against women). 272 Kill without a uniform (i.e. murder someone in civilian life). 273 Impress a callow youth in your place. 274 Enlist simultaneously in four branches of the. Service plus the Chilean Navy, and sail for the banks of the Swiss. 275 Run for President. Detroit, Michb.: William 276 Become President. Bunge, a geography professor 277 Become a general. letWaynelf State issued the following statement concerning his 278 Become a bear. protest of the war: ".. J1 will 279 Become a snake. not become. a finger man for 280..an aligaor.the Selective Service. I will not 280.. n aligaor.give a grade lower than C to 281... an alligator pear. any young man, even if he sup282.. a persimmon. ports the war. Today's aninouncement that college stu283... peach. dents are about to lose their 284... plum. deferment merely means that I 285.. pit.will escalate my grades in step 285.. pit.with their escalatiop of the 286... seed. drafting of. students to be butch287. rock. ered thousands of miles away. I will not fail any one of my stu., 288... word. tents merely for below' C work. 289... password. it is not a just puniishment. 290... symbol. 0 stands for Death."'_ 291... an irreplaceable part of the civilian economy (i.e. rock-'n'-roll star, draft director, funeral director, etc.). 292... an irreplaceable part of an automobile. 293... an irreplaceable cog in the great wheels of American industry's progress. 294... a Red Chinese. Since Red China doesn't exist, you can'Pt be drafted. 295 Become a cop, or 296 Become a robber. 297 Read the Confessions of Felix Krull and do what he did. 298 Disguise yourself as a coward when all you really want is not to get killed. 299 Stay in your room. 16 300 Punch the psychiatrist in the jaw when he asks you a question, and shout: "Nobody calls me nutsl" 301 Ask forgiveness. 302 Ask that an enemy be brought to New York so you can strangle him to death with your bare hands over NBC-TV. 303 Write a 700-page history of buggery. 304 Demand a recount. 305 Say you're a malingerer and tell the psychiatrist malingerers don't make good soldiers.-Vt Rfa 306 Become a psychiatrist. Vietnam Citic Reracts 307 Burn your draft card. Vow Not to Salute Flag 308 Bur your draft board. He said yesterday fhat he 309 Bum your draft army. would salute the flag to keep y his job, appeal his expulsion 310 Bun yourself up. from the teachers' union and 311 Burn the President up. try to let the fuss die down. 312 Burn up everybody that wants you to bur up anybody. 313 Don't wear a deodorant at the induction center. 314 Do not follow the leader. 315 Take a live chicken to bed with you every night. 316 Take a dead chicken to bed with you every night. 317 Change your sex. 318 Tell them if they feel like fighting they can go right ahead but you'd just like to stay home. 319 Tell them you're not patriotic. 320 Grow another penis. 321 Tell the draft board the draft is involuntary and you don't approve of things that are involuntary. 322 Make a mess. 323 Pass a new Selective Service Act in which only men over 80 are eligible. 324 Wear spiked heels. 325 If you are not for yourself, who will be for you? If you are only for yourself, what are you? If not now, when? 326 Give in to that impulse. 327 Be alive in Argentina. 328 Rent a robot and let him be inducted in your place. 329 Challenge Richard Nixon to a debate on the proposition: "Resolved-that Lolita Haze lost her virginity before her pubic hair appeared." 330 Ask them to prove it. 17 Figure 18,-.Jab to the Midsection. 331 Make sure that your files get lost at the draft board. Use several spelling variants of your name, get your sister to work at the draft board, distract the file clerk by goosing him, etc. 332 Pray that God becomes a pacifist. 333 Run to Venezuela. 334 Demand to see their credentials. 335 Go crazy. 336 Shout: "Ich bin nicht hier gekomen Ordnung zu machenl" and stamp out of the room. 337 Say you've fought already. 338 Say you're scaired. 339 Say: "Men ken dorten geharget verenl" and leave. 340 Ask what's in it for you. 341 Contradict them. 342 Raise your hand and leave the room. 343 Argue. 344 Shit with fright all over the induction center. 18 345 Give up (to the enemy). 346 Shout: "The enemy is at home! The enemy is at home!" (Then go home.) 347 Come to the induction center dressed all in black and when you undress have your body painted black and when asked why say: in mourning for all future murderers and murderees. 348 Have your body painted red, white and blue. 349 Demand to see the Commander-in-Chief and then when you see the Commander-in-Chief ask him: "How's your asshole?" 350 Say you're from Berkeley. 351 Say you're a member of SDS. 352... SPU. 353...WRL. 354... PLM. 355...M2M. 356... FFFF. 357 Ask who's in charge here and when brought before the proper officer look him up and down and say (mincingly): "Oh-are you in charge, dearie?" 358 Sell your passport in Geneva. 359... Paris, France. 360... Rome. 361... Milan. 362... Athens. 363... Moscow. (Do not sell your passport in Madrid as you will not get enough for it.) 364 Smoke dried shit and offer the recruiting sergeant a cigarette, asking him if he has ever smoked "funny cigarettes" (pot) before. 365 Cringe and crawl, licking the boots of the nearest officer. 366 Circulate a petition against American policy in Viet Nam at the induction center. 367 Say it's not your war. 368 Become an air raid warden. 369 Become an air raid sign. 370 Become an air raid. 19 371 Bomb Dresden. 372 Get dropped on Dresden. 373 Desecrate Churchill's body in Piccadilly Circus. 374 Write a 9000-page treatise on farts and their relation to character. -l 375 Convert to pacifism. irst 376 Convert to Christianity. 377 Pass 'em by. 378 Challenge the challengers.F. 481. a 379 Go your own way. Fa. 81. - Appareil 380 Say: I gave already. deVerdin pour tade 381 Give a chocolate kiss instead. dotrembement 382 Kiss the army people instead. A big fat kiss on the mouth. 383 Ask for an explanation. 384 Say "No, thank you." 385 Stand outside Army Intelligence headquarters on E. 16th Street and take pictures of every person who enters. When questioned, say that you are gathering material for a series on war criminals. 386 Ask for a presidential pardon. 387 Become a baby. 388 Say: "My mother won't let me." 389 Stay stuck in your girlfriend's vagina. Army too embarrassed to take you out. 390 Ask the judge to go in your place; you stay in his place. 391 Say you don't have shoes and point to your bare feet. 392 Eat your toe jam in front of the psychiatrist without offering him any. 393 Carry your artificial vagina in convenient tuckaway container with you to induction center. Offer to demonstrate it to examining urologist. 394 Take Enovid. 395 Tell them you like Theatre of the Absurd but this is too much. NOTE: Do not use terms such as these when writing about service personnel. GI brass swabbies jarheads flyboys girls boys 20 Corporal King said he agreed with Gen. David M. Shoup, 396 Be a Jewish mother, or former commandant of the Ma397 Be a Jewish mother's son, or rine Corps, who once told a Congressional committee: "Ma398 Be a Jewish schizophrene. rines don't hate. We kill the 399 Lie. people the President orders us to kill." 400 Lie better than them. 401 Demand to see the man responsible for the war. 402 Admit you are Jack the Ripper but refuse appointment except as a captain. 403 Tell them the smell of burning flesh makes you vomit and you'd dirty the sergeant's uniform. 404 Ask: "Exactly what are the advantages of being in the Army?" 405 Admit you really are not a citizen. 406 Ask who's going to pay for repairs to the uniform. 407 Say: "Millions for defense and $500 if you get me out of here." 408 Say you're a lover, not a fighter. 409 Say: "I'd rather be fucked than President." 410 Ask if this can't all be settled by Games Strategy. 411 Say: "Thanks, but I've already had a war." 412 Say you were killed in the last war. 413 Tell them to show movies of the last war and then everyone can stay in their parlors. 414 Drop LSD in the Peking reservoir. 415 Drop LSD in the Hanoi reservoir. 416 Drop LSD in the Potomac. 417 Tell them that two wrongs don't make a right. 418 Say you're not really dependable. 419 Demand a trial by your peers: other inductees; then release each other. 420 Say you're a dreamer. 421 Tell Hershey that he should draft only convicted forgers. 422 Tell Hershey that he should draft only convicted perjurers. 423 Tell Hershey that he should draft only convicted rapists. 424 Tell Hershey that he should draft only convicted sodomites. 425 Tell Hershey to fuck himself. 426 Draw the line. 427 Tell them God is on your side; if they say God is on their side, answer OK, it's a draw, let's go home. 21 428 Demand to see the injured party. 429 Go limp. 430 Tell them your mother was a Viet Cong. 431 Resist bodily. 432 Say no. 433 Say you are already in the army of the unemployed. 434... the ignorant. 435...the dying. 436... the unhappy. Vietnam Affects MDs in Research Demands of the Vietnam war already are having an effect on physicians available to carry out research programs, Philip R. Lee, MD, assistant secretary of the U.S. Dept. of Health, Education and Welfare, told AMA's Congress on Medical Educa- Abb. 534. SCHEDES tion. Aktives Kunstbein. 437 Tell them that you think the war is illegal and that you never break the law. 438 Bomb Hanoi with platinum ingots. 439 Bomb Hanoi with uncircumcised catamites. 440 Bomb Hanoi with puppy-dogs' tails. 441 Bomb Hanoi with snail shells that still smell of garlic. 442 Bomb Hanoi with old copies of The New York Times. 443 Bomb Hanoi with 42nd Street hustlers. 444 Bomb Hanoi with registered nurses. 445 Bomb Hanoi with garlands of peonies. 446 Bomb Hanoi with goose down. 447 Bomb Hanoi with Allen Ginsberg. 448 Bomb Hanoi with O-bombs (orgasm bombs). 449 Bomb Hanoi with parrakeets. 450 Bomb Hanoi with Hallmark greeting cards. 451 Bomb Hanoi with Bibles, R. S. V. 22 452 Bomb Hanoi with Mine. de Gaulle. 453 Bomb Hanoi with the finest quality marijuana. 454 Bomb Hanoi with Christian Science leaflets. 455 Bomb Hanoi with Jewish Science leaflets. 456 Ask for a cup to put your stools in, then ask for a spoon. 457 Back out. 458 Be a (necessarily deferred) civil statistician for the U.S. Armed Forces casualty counters. Be civil, don't upset mothers. (Remember, figures don't lie but liars figure.) 459 Demand to be treated according to the Geneva Convention for prisoners of war. 460 Get a WAG with child. We don't want Welfare supporting our fatherless children. Added benefit: she gets out too. Live happily ever after. 461 Say: I do not choose to fight. 462 Show them your peace button. 463 Explain to them that having your guts bayoneted out makes you sick to your stomach. 464 Tell them that you are a man already. 465 Laugh in their faces. 466 Question their motives. 467 Commit lust. 468 Recite: I strive with none For none are worth my strife. 469 Carry a sign that says FUCK THE DRAFT. 470 Carry a sign that says FUCK FOR PEACE. 471 Go to jail, or 472 Get married. 473 Get married twice, or 474 Go to jail twice. 475 Get married three times then go immediately to a psychiatrist. 476 Dismount and run for it. 477 Ask to be reclassified as a protected species. 478 Disappear. 479 Contemplate the horror of murder. 480 Sleep late with your warmn girlfriend. 23 Ballad of the SS Troon. ' *~ Soldiers fighting in the East. 4C r Fearless men against the Slavic beast, c C. Men who fight for Farben and Krupp, 3 En r The brave men of the SS Troop. z "p I Double S upon their chest.. Ii ~ These are men-the Fuhrer's best. SC 0 r d 4 -JOne hundred men try to join the group, S0 k a But only three make the SS Troop. 4-4 S (U Trained to live for the FGhrer's goals. ^ Z4 Cd Trained in dealing with Jews and Poles. 0. d C Men who fight like JUrgen Stroop - c cd ^ Courage take from the SS Troop. S4-J Double S upon their chest. 0) ) a These are men-the rFhrer's best. SZ " One hundred men try to join the group, Ss b But only three make the SS Troop. 4 W >) ^ IBack at home a Hausfrau waits. c tS o.* ) Her SS-man has met his fate. d! Y C= C" He has died in Deutschland's quest. d Leaving her his last request: 0 g ~ "Put the double S on my son's chest. +) Cd Make him one of the Fiihrer's best. He'll be the man for an Einsatz group. Have him join the SS Troop." 481 Tell them you'll think about it. 482 Go home. 483 Decide once and for all not to go. 484 Nod out. 485 Shout: "I don't take no shit from no one!" 486 Walk up to the colonel and his lady and with a big grin on your face, pinch her double chin and ask her if she and Judy O'Grady are really the same under the skin. 487 Say: "Let a machine do it." 488 Throw a fit. 489 Conquer your fear of being a coward. 490 Ask for your life back. 491 Get a letter of reference from the authors of this pamphlet. 492 Deny you are guilty and ask why you are being sentenced to death. 493 Giggle. 494 Masturbate with one hand. 495 Have MAKE LOVE NOT WAR painted on the front of your underpants. 496 Have an essential civilian job like liar for the U.S. State Department. 497 Shoot a water pistol at the sergeant and say: Bang! you're dead! 24 498 Say you are afraid of crab lice, or 499 Sax' Good! now I can get to eat all the crab lice I want. 500 Keep singing at the top of your lungs even though the colonel orders you to stop. 501 Use legerdemain. 502 Bring the general up on charges. 503 Ask which way they went (then go the other way). 504 Make a citizen's arrest of the President. 505 Tell them you have just begun to fight-the draft board. 506 Practice shooting on the induction line. 507 Prove that you are Christ. 508 Free all prisoners./ 509 Cry: Charity charity! Come out of charity And peace with me in America. 510 Tell them to start all over. 511 Start all over. 512 Let the kids out of the schools. 513 e apagn sckld i a reedoutorn Fj i t r, 1. -Recurrent 513 e apagn sckld ina ceedoutornage o f Stump. 514 Co gay. (Whar ton.) 515 Sneak out. 516 Become an atheist because "tthere are no atheists in foxholes."1.1 517 Demand that all patriotic readers of the New York Daily News be drafted immediately and sent to the front (especially the ones who write the letters to the editor). 518 Write a 3000-page treatise which proves that drinking vaginal secretions from the source prevents cancer. 519 Write to the War Resisters League, 6 Beckman Street, New York, N.Y. 10038. 520 Write to the Central Committee for Conscientious Objectors, 2006 Walnut Street, Philadelphia 3, Pa. 521 Consult your local Students for a Democratic Society chapter (this is an unsolicited and probably unwanted commercial). 522 Consult your local Student Peace Union chapter. 25 523 Go to your synagogue and pray you find a rabbi who will testify in your behalf. 524 Go to your church and pray you find a priest or minister who will testify in your behalf. 525 Go to your mosque and pray you find an imam who will testify in your behalf. 526 Ask to see their papers. 527 Ask to see their papers and when they show you their papers rip them up. 528 Don't tell them anything but your name, your class rank and your IBM number. 529 Yell: "Helpl" 530 Tell them you believe in loving your enemy. 531 Send a telegram to Pres. Johnson suggesting that he volunteer as a private in the infantry to help the war effort. 532 Walk into the induction center with a voodoo doll that looks like Gen. Hershey. Stick pins into it and yell: "That'll fix the bastard for picking on me!" If Hershey dies, say it was all a joke and you're not superstitious anyway. 533 Board a Staten Island ferry and point a real toy gun at the pilot and force him to sail to Havana. If you are caught, explain that you wanted to show the passengers how bad Castro's Cuba is. 534 Lick your latrine clean. 535 Try to smuggle in 100 kilos of pure heroin from Marseilles. If you're caught you'll be exempt from the draft as a convicted felon. If you get away with it you'll be so rich that you can bribe Gen. Hershey, or even Pres. Johnson. 536 Smoke grass, or if that doesn't work, 537 Smoke pot. 538 Smoke Mexican pot. 539 Smoke... more... zz... Mexican pot... zzz... 540.. zzz... some... pot.. more... zzz... 541... pot... some.., more... smoke... zzzzz... 542...zzz...pot...zzz... 543.. zzzzzz... 544 Reveal your secret self. 545 Manufacture sanitary napkins decorated with portraits of Mme. Nhu and Mme. Chiang. 26 546 Hire a cheap Jew to serve in your place. 547 Hire a servile Negro to serve in your place. 548 Hire a duplicitous Communist to serve in your place. 549 Sing "Kill for Peace" LOUD at the induction center. 550 Speak bigly but carry a soft stick. 551 Be a leper-licker. 552 Go to Juarez. 553 Go to D.F. 554 Go to Aguacaliente. 555 Do not go to Acapulco (too many draft dodgers). 556 Sacrifice one of your arms and as they pull you in your arm comes off in their hands and then you run away. 557 Threaten to call the police if they don't stop bothering you. 558 Weep hysterically. 559 Steal Gen. Eisenhower's used underpants and auction them off at Parke-Bernet and donate the proceeds to SNCC. 560 Explain to them the theory that frustration and aggression are the causes of war. 561 Don't run until you see the whites of their eyes. 562 Weep for Adonais for he will die. 563 Accuse them of operating a slaughterhouse without a license. 564 Take over the country and throw a huge block party from San Francisco to the New York islands. 565 Riot. 566 Marry a Viet Cong. NEW YORK MMOR SATURDAY, JU6N 20, Ie - GI SPUD SLICER EYES FREEDOM Skins Out of Potato Peeling Rap WASHINGTON, June 19 "wilfully suffered potatoes of with his demonstration potato, (AP).-Pfc. Andrew God Jr. some value, the military prop- there wasn't much left. now stands cleared by a court. erty of the United States, to be martial of a charge thathe de- destroyed by improper peel- But the defense counsel, Lt. troyed government operty. Bruce Segal, proved to the It seems his captain and his,st oGod told the oobrt-mar peirt's satisfaction that the mess sergeant felt he was peel- tialt peelings sliced off by the Ing potatoes too thick. God, "Yorean't job a potato With than God's. who is an Arlington, Va., ar- a knife and Al ato It, If the chitect when he's not a draftee, knife slips, you've got it la Counsel was able to show convinced the court-martial at your hand." this because Capt. Thomas C. Fort Myer, Va., that his potato- The meat sergeant, Holger Woods, God's commanding ofpeeling methods were as good, M. Johnson, gave the court a fleer, had been saving some of If not better, than any. demonstration of how he said the God-sliced peelings for a THE PROSECUTION sought God was whacking away. month. He had a whole pan of to show that Pfc. God had When Johnson got through them. 27 567 Since practicing psychotherapists in most states do not have to have academic degrees, band together with your friends and set up another friend as one. (This is quite simple-just rent a cheap office and order a ream of stationery. If you have ten friends the whole caper will cost less than $10 each.) Your newly-created mind expert will give each of you a letter which says that you are insane and must not be drafted. 568 Feel love toward everyone and kiss everyone you meet. The Army will think you insane and throw you out faster than you can say Fuck for Peace. 569 Accept a foreign title. 570 Vote in a foreign election. 571 Pull the rope off your neck, shouting: "I only regret that I have but one lifel" 572 Bite. 573 Freeze yourself. 574 Eat ape shit with a shovel. 575 Become a flower. 576 Go down on God. 577 Ask the advice of your minister, priest, rabbi, imam, guru or shaman. 578 When you report for induction, answer all questions with a single nonsense word, such as grobble. When they send you to the psychiatrist, vary the rhythm with: Grobble grobble Grobble grobble Grobble grobble grobble. 579 Deliterate yourself. 580 Commit an original sin. 581 Take a crap in your urine bottle. When they give you another one spit in it. If they give you a third jerk off in it. 582 Have a peashooter concealed in your shoes and shoot peas at the various doctors. 583 Love yourself above abstractions. 584 Start early. When you're 12 years old, enlist simultaneously in the Army and the Navy. (They'll let you out immediately when they find out you're under age.) The next year 28 enlist again. Keep this up and you will impress the officials that you are unstable and should not be allowed in no matter how old you are. 585 Take good care of yourself. You belong to yourself. 586 Walk into the induction center carrying a big portrait of Mao Tse-tung. When asked why, say: "Because I take my orders from him and I don't care what you jerks tell me." 587 Bring a box of dead rats with you. Offer to sell one to the psychiatrist cheap. 588 Defect to a country that has no UMT. 589 Report to the induction center in drag, 'With obviously false eyelashes and an overabundance of facial cosmetics. Wiggle your hips seductively at the sergeant and say: "Baby, I can't wait to get in! All those bea-yoo-tiful boys... I 590 Become a priest. 591 Become a nun. 592 Become a nun's priest. 593 Resign from the Cook-of-the-Month Club. 594 Refuse to kill. 595 Do not do in even such little ones as these. 596 Knock up your mother. 597 Knock up your grandmother. 598 Knock up your dog's great-grandfather. 599 Walk up your own ass and disappear. 600 Masturbate while staring at the other handsome naked young men on the line and (variant) eat your come and (subvariant) offer some to the psychiatrist. 601 Be carried in impaled on a crucifix. 602 Fart the Pledge of Allegiance. 603 Eat ten grams of radium. (Radium is very expensive but it can be recovered after you are cremated.) 604 Hide behind a typewriter. 605 Offer your wife to' the induction officer. 606 Fuck Comnmunism 1 607 Tattoo the word FUCK on your penis. 608 Tattoo FUCK COMMUNISM on your forehead. 609 Ask them if you can bring your mother to camp with you. 29 610 Pull out your dick and ask if it's the right size to fit the girls in the country you're going to. 611 Make a bet with your induction officer that your cock is bigger than his. 612 Tell them you're a vegetarian and you will not violate your diet (no milk or eggs either). 613 Be draft-exempt. 614 Ask them if you can bugger the VC before you kill 'em. 615 Sue ten canning companies on account of "impurities" and foreign objects (feces?) found in cans of food you have bought. Tell Army officials you can't leave court cases now. Ask if Army food is pure anyway and what kind of inspection is done. Question them incessantly and be thrown out on your paranoid ass. 616 Ask if this (induction) is a good way to defect to North Viet Nam. 617 Wipe out your recruiting officer. (NAPA) 618 Show up at the induction center with a friend. Stand in line with your arms around his waist. Kiss and grope him ostentatiously. When asked why you are doing this, explain that you are expressing joy at being allowed to fight and die for your country. 619 Send Dean Rusk a bar of soap and order him to wash his mouth out every time he tells a lie. 620 Hide under the bed. 621 Go to school. 622 Go to draft-dodging school. 623 Go to grade school. 624 Go to kindergarten. 625 Suck your mommy's tittie. 626 Faint. 627 Bring your guitar and sing "Universal Soldier" without stopping. 628 Bring Buffy Sainte Marie with you and that beautiful girl while singing "Universal Soldier." 629 Go to Times Square, find a few dozen bugger mates and get a prolapsed rectum. 630 Crawl in backwards while sucking off Allen Ginsberg. 631 Walk behind (while buggering) Allen Ginsberg chanting peace mantras. 30 13. Main de pretre (Type XIII, fig. 199 et 200). - 11 y a quelque temps, un prktre, amput' du bras droit au niveau du tiers inferieur, vint me prier de lui faire construire une main lui A permettant de dire la A messe. L'etude des mouvements et des attitudes de la main 0 FIG. 199, 200. - Type XIII: Main de pritre (face et profil). A, A, Reasorts mainteLant les objets saisis; D, Pouce mobile articul6 sur un axe en B avec traction sur le point C; F, commande relide au levier du coude. gauche, pendant I'office, m'a demontr6 qu'elle devait remplir la fonction de prehension et de maintien d'objets dans le sens vertical, tels que le calice, et d'objets dans un plan horizontal, tels que la bourse, la pattne, etc., et que, en outre, elle devait, parallelement avec l'autre main, presenter l'attitude de la priere. 632 Walk in dressed as a rubber fetishist. 633 Walk in wearing a big diaper and say: "Well, I still have some problems." 634 Take a crap in your pants and let the shit roll down to the floor. 635 Walk in with a blazing acetylene torch mumbling "Gooks gooks." If the sarge tries to take it away from you, make like to burn him. 636 Walk in softly with a crucifix held aloft, intoning "Pax pax pax. 637 Have your mother call up and say you're sick. 638 Bring your dog with you. 639 Bring your dog with you, having trained him to shit on the floor. 31 640 Bring your shitting dog with you, dress him in a heavy coat and old-fashioned cap and two pairs of pants, and mumble to anyone who will or will not listen: "So who', going to take care of Poopsie?" 641 Sell double-indemnity-for-accidental-death insurance policies to draftees while on line. 642 Throw cherry bombs at doctors while on the examination line, hollering: "The gooksl The gooks are comingl Take coverl" 643 Tell them that if they don't leave you alone you'll reveal who really killed Kennedy. 644 Do a book like this and during the research find other ways. 645 Study the Handbook fol Conscientious Objectors published by the Central Committee for Conscientious Objectors. 646 Read Selective Service reports on draft evasion and study the methods described there. 647 Violate the Logan Act by attempting to make a deal with Gov. Wallace of Alabama. 648 Tell them you hate Mom, apple pie and the Flag but you love to fart. 649 Tell them you will gladly serve if they permit you to donate your pay to the Viet Cong. 650 Use all the methods suggested in this book. 651 Commit yourself to a mental institution. 652 Send Peter Orlovsky in your place. Tell him to act natural. 653 Stage an elaborate demonstration outside 39 Whitehall Street, including the following: Six pallbearers carrying a coffin on which is painted the words GOVERNMENT ISSUE. A portable tape recorder playing Chopin's Funeral March. Four professional mourners. Ten beautiful girls wailing: "Oh where is my soldier boy now?" A huge lunkhead dressed as a sergeant, plunging his bayonet into a side of beef, yelling: "Kill! Kill!" A vial of artificial scent which gives off the odor of rotting corpses and Vietnamese fish oil. 32 654 Tell them you are a member of the John Birch Society and you have to stay in the United States to fight subversives. 655 Demand to be taken first at every station on the induction line and shove everyone else out of his place. Fight back! 656 Develop the falling sickness. 657 Forget how to talk. 658 Tell them they shouldn't pass the Lord and praise the ammunition. 659 Have a little flag reading I AIN'T MARCHING ANY MORE up your ass and when the doctor asks you to spread your cheeks start singing it. 660 Send in a replica of yourself. 661 Bring a Holy Bible and read "Blessed are the peacemakers...", etc., over and over; start to sing: I'm gonna lay down my sword and shield Down by the riverside Down by the riverside. I'm gonna lay down my sword and shield Down by the riverside, Ain't gonna study war no more. For added effect make sure you have a tambourine. 662 Say you're a Pink Moslem and saluting an officer is contrary to your religious beliefs. (If you're Negro, say you're a Blue Moslem.) 663 Tell them there is some shit you will not eat. 664 Ask when you get your vacation and pension and if the job is covered by unemployment insurance. 665 Ask: "What if I don't like the job?" 666 Ask: "Can I get job training to be a general?" 667 Don't wear a belt, and hold up your pants with your hand, therefore being unable to fill out forms. 668 Tattoo MAKE LOVE NOT WAR on your dick. 669 Tattoo HAVE A LICK? on your dick. 670 Run into a Catholic church and demand sanctuary. 671 Tell them to go fuck themselves. 672 Tell them to go fuck themselves with a limber dick. 33 673 Eat shit in a dixie cup and wash it down with urine in a pop bottle. Offer your buddy (or the psychiatrist) some. 674 Stare into their eyes longer than they can stare into yours. 675 Ask them why they got those funny clothes the color of shit on. 676 Say the only corps you want to join is the SS. 677 Tell them you have a date tonight. 678 Tell them you can't serve because you have to suck milk from your mother's breast every morning or she'll be in terrible pain. 679 Tell them you can't serve because you have to suck milk from your father's breast every morning or he'll be jealous of your mother. 680 Tell them you can't serve because you have to suck milk from your dolphin's breast every evening or they'll cancel your U.S.P.H.S. grant. 681 Dance the twist continuously. 682 Dance the ballet continuously. 683 Corner the market in a commodity that is essential to the war effort. Threaten to sell to Russia unless you are declared 4-F. 684 Drink blood from a quart milk bottle while standing on line. Offer some to the next guy (or the nearest sergeant). 685 While sitting at the psychiatrist's desk blow your nose with a handkerchief which you take out of your pocket or (if nude) carry on your person, a handkerchief grey with filth: snot, dirt, urine, shit, egg yellow and anything else you happen to have around. If you don't have a handkerchief blow your nose in a kleenex and then eat it. 686 Wear a sweatshirt with a big 69 on it and the inscription THE BEST MIDNIGHT SNACK. 687 Deposit ten million dollars in your local bank. Then threaten to withdraw it unless the draft board rejects you. (Since the bank president is probably on the draft board the latter can be easily arranged.) 688 When the medic sticks a needle into your arm for the blood test, whip out your own needle and jab it into his arm. Tell him it's no fair unless you get some too. Offer to trade piss with him also. 34 Many Draftees Decline To Fight the Strike Free Flas Since the city's transit strike began, about one-third F ui Sirze of the 175 men ordered to report daily for induction into Washington, June 8 NEWs the Armed Services have apBureau)-The House Vyteran parently decided they were Affairs Committee to d a y not essential and have stayed moved to reverse the Veterans home. Administration's 1963 redue Col. Paul Akst, director of tion in the size of American the city's Selective Service flags provided free for fun- System, said last night that erals of deceased servicemen, of the 500 to 600 men exThe committee voted in favor pected each day for preof full-size 5-by 9%-foot flags, induction physical examinawhich cost 40 cents more in- tions, only about one-third stead of the 4%-by-7-foot hags had reported. The induction dates for the tardy men, he said, would be 689 D e te..set forward and they would 689 Decline the nomination, not be penalized. 690 Tell them you like girls, not men. 691 Tell them: No, thanks. 692 Play a musical instrument after 6:00 PM on Monday in Washington Square Park, get arrested and have a criminal record. Do this again and again... harder. 693 Ask the sergeant if he has any papers, because you want to roll a joint. 694 Ask the shrink if he got any pills cause you fresh out. 695 Demand to make your one phone call and to see a lawyer. 696 Have your mother come with you and sing "I Didn't Raise My Boy to Be a Soldier" and offer herself instead. (She should rehearse crying at home.) 697 Set up a private espionage organization and offer to sell your services to the highest bidder. Solicit bids from all the Communist countries. If the FBI bothers you, respond with a ten-minute harangue on the superiority of the capitalist system, where all goods and services are sold for the highest price. Accuse the FBI agent of being a fuzzy-minded pinko. 698 Be buried in Lenin's tomb. 699 Be buried in Stalin's tomb. 700 Develop the power to cloud men's minds. Then cloud the minds of the draft board. 701 Admit you screw niggers. 35 702 Find out who's on your draft board and call up their mothers: "Why is your son bothering me?" Or better still have your mother call up their mothers. 703 Say you are an orthodox Jew and will not fight on Saturday. 704 Tell them they may be hanging Danny Deever but they're not going to hang you. 705 Become a male prostitute and work up an arrest record. Do it nowl 706 Become an outriding Mormon: marry five girls and have five dependents, ergo no draft. Or 707 Have kids by five women without getting married. Do it nowl 708 Show up at the induction center wearing a white smock. Tell them you are a proctologist and you have been sent by Washington to inspect the assholes of all the supervisory personnel. Explain that there is a dangerous Communist spy loose and you have to find out who he is getting into. If you are discovered, admit that you are an impostor but ask them whether they will let you look anyway, as a personal favor. 709 If you are asked to fill out papers, break every pencil or pen you are given. 710 When they give you the list of subversive organizations and ask you to check the ones you belong to, write at the bottom (or across the list if that's the only space) that since you're an anarchist you don't believe in organizations. 711 Or, check off thirteen Communist organizations even though you're not a member of any of them. (If your membership is not later confirmed say that you used aliases when joining and you've forgotten the names you used.) 712 If, however, you have been a member of one or two organizations, check off as many more as you need to make thirteen and write FUCK CAPITALISM in big letters across the sheet. 713 Alternatively, check off six fascist organizations and seven Communist organizations and write FUCK CAPITALISM 36 AND FUCK COMMUNISM across the sheet in large letters. When asked about the contradiction reply in outrage: "Fuck you this is a free country ain't it? I'll join any fucken organization I want!" 714 Or, check off thirteen different Communist nationality organizations such as Ukrainian Workers Society, Hungarian Peasants Club, North Yugoslav Peoples Association, Chinese-American Bund, etc. When questioned about this, hint strongly that you are one of the nationalities experts for a government agency such as the FBI or CIA and they wouldn't really appreciate your being drafted and so the Selective Service officials should check with Washington before making asses of themselves. 715 Write out a letter saying that you are unfit for military service by reason of insanity, and forge the signature of a distant member of the American Psychiatric Association. (Use their directory.) Making up a letterhead is easy and exciting. 716 Knock at least one thing off every desk you pass. 717 Walk in on your hands, letting your shirt fall over your head and displaying your Frederick's panties which have no crotch. 718 Dye your head hair white, your eyebrows and underarms blue, and your pubic hair flaming red. 719 Take a mild overdose (be careful) of laxative the right time before and shit your pants while on line (if nude, do it on the floor). Explain that you always get diarrhea when you're nervous. 720 Carry a pepper shaker with you. On the examination line bite your nails "furtively" and then slap the offending hand loudly and pour pepper on the finger you just suck-bit. 721 Sing Army songs very very loudly and continuously from the moment you arrive. If asked to stop, start singing Navy songs, Marine songs, or the Internationale. 722 Or, sing radical songs very very loudly from the moment you arrive. Bring a Wobbly songbook and try to teach the songs to your fellow pre-inductees. When asked to stop, belt out "God Bless America" at the top of your lungs. Don't let them stop you until they put plaster tape 37 over your mouth (or shoot you with a tranquilizer)--and then sue them for assault. 723 When you are tested with the eye chart, read fast (but in a broken rhythm) F-U-C-K Y-O-U S-I-R. If asked to cut the comedy and do it correctly, read F-U-C-K Y-O-U A-G-A-I-N S-I-R. 724 Bring a gun and a target and at an appropriate moment (say the eye exam) lean the target against a wall and start shooting at it, screaming: "Kill the Commiesl Kill the fucken Commies!" 725 Carry around a handkerchief in your hand. When asked to offer your hand for fingerprints, refuse, saying that you don't want to get syphilis germs on it. When they tell you there are, no syphilis germs on the ink pad, reply: "I know better," and wipe your hands with the handkerchief again. Blow on your fingers and shake out the handkerchief (as you would shake out a rug), then wipe your hands with the handkerchief again and stare off sideways into space. 726 When asked to give a urine specimen refuse to do it "in front of all these men." If given a private stall, say: "I still can't do it because of all these men on this floorall around me." FIG. 118.-Blanket-bag and Equipment Used In the United States Army. 38 727 Adapt all these suggestions to the particular situation you find yourself in. Improvisel Bruno Bettelheim said he survived the Nazi concentration camps in this way: he had no sterotyped idea of "a Nazi" and thus was businesslike or emotional, appealed to compulsiveness or gentleness or what have you, depending on the official and the situation. Do not assume the official before you knows what's going on in your mind. He may or may not; many times he doesn't. But in any case, do not betray your hand or telegraph your moves by "guilt" feelings. 728 Say you won't serve except as a general and ask to see where in the draft law it says that you can't be inducted as a general. If they show you the law say it's fucking undemocratic and you don't want to serve in an undemocratic army and then start singing: Kuma echa sov-va-sov Ain pa necha shov-va-shov Ain ken rosh v'ain ken sov* La la la la and dance the horah at the same time. 729 Come dressed in a Red Army uniform. 730 Come dressed in an SS uniform. 731 Come dressed in a Chinese peasant's blue denim uniform and wear a button reading I SUPPORT THE NATIONAL LIBERATION FRONT. 732 As you look for something in your wallet in front of the psychiatrist (i. e. a note from your mother which says you are nuts) let a small cloth (homemade is excellent) swastika fall out of your wallet onto the floor. Pick it up fast and jam it back into the wallet. When the psychiatrist asks you What was that? say in a low but determined voice: "I'd rather not talk about it." 733 Carry a submachine gun in your traveling bag. When asked to leave the bag behind, zip it open and shoot out all the lights, laughing hysterically: "Fuck them Commie rats! Fuck them Commie ratsl" * No one is first, No one is last. 39 6 Civilians Killed, At Times, orl Red, Zablocki Declares WASHINGTON, March 16 (AP)-Six civilians died for every Vietcong killed in some recent search-and-destroy missions in South Viet Nam, Representative Clement J. Zablocki, Democrat of Wisconsin, said today. Mr. Zablocki, who visited Viet Nam last month, said an overall ratio of two civilians for one Vietcong apparently is the result of the war so far. He called the rate "excessive" and FIG. 183.-Horizontal Section of Smith Camp Crematory above the Excreta Plates. 734 Bring copies of the Declaration of Conscience, which says (paraphrased): "I refuse to join the Armed Forces and/or to fight in Viet Nam," and circulate them among your fellow draftees and try to get them to sign the statement. 735 Bring a defused hand grenade with you and toss it on the floor in front of the highest ranking soldier you can find. Run like hell the other way, shouting: "Die, imperialist dogl" When captured, have on you a live hand grenade and let them know this one is live. 736 Distribute free copies of Challenge (Progressive Labor Movement party newspaper) to your fellow pre-inductees. If anyone complains, say: "It's a democracy, isn't it?" 737 Alternatively, try to sell it to them for 100 and when refused, reply: "Oh, you're too cheap to spend a dime to find out the truthl" 738 Bring a water pistol with you and spray all the Army personnel you meet as soon as they turn their backs. When they take the pistol away from you (after a lecture) listen intently and abashedly and say you're sorry. As soon as the lecturer (or officer) leaves you, pull out another water pistol from your pocket and shoot him in the back, laughing hysterically. 739 Start your own Selective Service and induct them into SNCC. 40 GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION Vr'5$s ~ Utilization and Disposal Service i Real Property Division S O Building 41, Denver Federal Center Denver, Colorado 30225 February 15, 1936 Re: Invitation for Bid No. D-Ariz-4CC NORMAN SOLOMON P.O. OOX 190 VILLAGE STATION NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10014 The following described property will be offered for sale by competitive sealed bids to be opened on March 17, 1966. If you wish to receive a copy of the Invitation for Bids, containing bidding forms and full instructions for submitting a bid, please return this announcement to this office. Yuma Air Force Station (Z-162) located twelve miles south of Yuma, Arizona, consisting of 20.02 acres of land improved with sir buildings, water and sewex systems, and perimeter 6' chain link fence. The property is being offered for sale as one unit on cash or credit terms. HAROLD E. ZIDIER // Chief, Real Prope y Division Utilization and Disposal Service 41 740 Make a speech at the induction center denouncing war, the Army and the killing in Viet Nam. When asked to stop, yell that you thought this was a free country and scream (as you are being carried away): "I'm not going to die for any fucking fascist dictatorship!" 741 Look very meek. Bring along a black rosary and cast yourbeads in a corner. When asked if anything is the matter, burst out crying and sob: "I'm not going to die, am I? I'm not going to get killed, am I? I'm not, am I? I'm not, am I? Oh oh oh oh!" 742 Fast for three weeks before induction and tell the doctor: "I just don't feel like eating." (Anorexia nervosa.) 743 As you take your wallet out, looking for some paper with necessary information on it (such as the card from the psychiatric clinic you have luckily registered with), bring out and let fall from your pocket a loosely-stoppered vial of barbiturates (or amphetamines, or amphetamines and barbiturates, or codeine, or any available morphine-like compounds, or any combination of the above), making sure that they spill and scatter widely (better remove the stopper while your hand is still in your pocket). Gather them up fast and nervously (in an obviously guilty manner), bumping your head on the desk if possible, and mumble: "These are my medicine." 744 If it's cold out, wear only the thinnest summer shirt and shorts and Japanese rubber sandals (pray for snow). If it's hot out, wear two pairs of socks and underwear, two shirts, two pairs of pants and a heavy (torn) winter overcoat. Undress but refuse to check your clothes, saying you don't trust the Army, and insist that you want to carry your clothes around with you and that you really don't mind doing it. If they try to gently take your clothes away, resist violently. When they bring you to the psychiatrist, hold all the clothes on your lap and up to your jaw. Suck on your blue woolen shirt while answering the psychiatrist's questions. 745 When they ask you to enumerate your children, put down the names of ten (if you're under 21) or seventeen (if you're over 21). Also put down four different mothers (none of whom you are married to) in four different 42 cities. When questioned, be proud and radiate warmth and triumph. Become angry at the slightest suggestion that you are putting something over. Shout: "Do you think I'm a liar?" If you are asked for specific addresses so that the information can be checked, become indignant and say that you don't want your women and children to be embarrassed by a bunch of jealous Army pricks. 746 Write your Congressman that a member of your local draft board is a faggot and tried to seduce you and when you refused to go along he classified you 1-A. Include carbon copies of indignant letters you have sent to The New York Times, the New York Daily News, the FBI, and Selective Service headquarters in Washington, none of which have even bothered to reply. Tell the Congressman that you feel he is your last resort, and if he doesn't answer your letter immediately you are going to picket his home. 747 Send a letter to a member of your draft board offering to suck him off if he will classify you 4-F. 748 When you get your 1-A classification, if there is a Jew on the draft board mail him a registered letter accusing him of sending all the gentiles to get killed in Viet Nam while he lets the fat jewboys lap it up in college learning how to get on the draft board. Inform him also that you are sending a copy of this letter to the President and that Hitler was right after all and it's too bad he didn't have time to finish the job. 749 If you're Jewish and there is a gentile on your draft board, send him a registered letter (preferably on synagogue stationery) accusing him of being an antisemite and giving the names of five gentiles in your neighborhood who are not in the Army. Tell him that your forefathers came over here from Russia to avoid prejudice and that he's no better than a Communist. Say that you're not going to offer him a bribe because in spite of what he thinks not all Jews are made of money, and you simply 46. F0urgeow' prtyS w o wL1ti 43 don't have the kind of dough you heard he usually asks for. Tell him he should read Mike Gold's Jews Without Money and find out for himself what it is really like to be a Jew in America. Declare that you are reporting him to the FBI, the CIA, and the FEPC, and also sending a copy of this letter to the President. End your remarks with an unkind Yiddish expression, such as "Zeit mir moichel-ver geharget," * scrawled in large letters at the bottom. 750 Bring a shopping bag full of food with you to the induction center and carry it around and eat continually even when naked. If an attempt is made to take the food away, start muttering: "What if I get hungry?... What if I get hungry?" If they persist, clutch the bag tightly to your body. If the bag should fortunately break while you are struggling, immediately gather up as much of the food as you can and try to stuff it into your pockets (or, if you are naked, clutch it to you). When you are taken to the psychiatrist, disregard his first question, smile, and say (holding it in your outstretched hand with melting chocolate on your fingers): "Would you like a piece of halvah?" 751 Bring a lunchbox with you and try to take it with you on the examination line. When told to leave it with your clothing, agree. The lunch should consist of two slices of bread and a huge slab of rotting fish. For dessert, include a dixie cup with something in it that looks like ice cream but is actually shit and water. Make sure that some of the shit is smeared on the outside of the lunchbox. When they ask you about it, become very upset and yell: "Gimme back my lunch! Gimme back my lunchl" If they give it back to you, be prepared to eat a smidgen or two of shit, belch a few times, close the lunchbox and look contented. When they take you to the psychiatrist, tell him: "Oh well, you can't argue about taste." (Or you can say: "This is a free country and it's none of your damn business what I eat.") 752 Notify your draft board every day (or even every hour) of your changed physical condition, which you are re* Do me a favor--drop dead. 44 FIG. 193. - Type IX: Main de mkcanicien. quired to do according to the statement on the back of your draft card. When appealing your classification, demand to see all the notifications you have sent. 753 Fart continually, like those who are truly great. (Some carminatives are listed under "Flatulence" in the Physician's Desk Reference, which is available from Medical Economics, Oradell, N.J., and may be consulted free of charge at the New York Academy of Medicine Library.) If you think farting is vulgar, belch continually, like those who have truly ate. 754 If you ever had a disease, make sure you have it again on induction day. 755 Search in the Merck Manual (which may be purchased from Merck & Co., Rahway, N. J.) for a disease that appeals to you, then get a genuine simulated disease. Do not be too ambitious or exotic (don't try for the rarest diseases)-but on the other hand, do not assume that doctors know everything. They often know nothing about the cause of your disease, but will hardly ever admit that to you. Headaches, backaches, and so forth, can have an infinity of possible causes. Purchase a copy of French's Index of Diagnosis (published by Williams & Wilkins). (All these medical reference works may also be obtained from George Eliot, 1305 Second Ave., New York City.) NB: Medical books are not so difficult to read, in spite of what doctors may tell you. Physicians delight in an obscurantist jargon, mostly for the same reasons any trade does; therefore you will need a good medical dictionary, such as Dorland's Unabridged. You will find that pyrexia means "fever," epistaxis means "nosebleed," tachycardia means "fast heartbeat," and catamenia means "menstrual 45 period,"' etc. Study hard in order to arrive at the (confusing?) complex of symptoms you most desire, or the syndrome most suitable to your condition in life. 756 Be rare like Alexis St. Martin, who had a hole in his stomach, and be too valuable to the medical profession to be destroyed. Suggestions: 1. Ford sedan up your ass. 2. Five balls. 3. Perfect hermaphrodite. 4. No head. 5. Etc. 757 Tell the psychiatrist in a gloomy tone that you are, impotent and were considering committing yourself to a mental hospital or castrating yourself or ending your life, but now you are glad that the Army will do it for you. When he asks: "Do what?" say with a cackle: "Kill me!" and burst into hysterical laughter. Don't forget to express disappointment when you are told to leave the induction center. Make a fast recovery at the free clinic (if you are sent there) and then write an article for Peace News entitled: "I Was an Impotent for the CNVA." 758 Develop a stutter as you answer the psychiatrist's questions. If he asks you when you started to talk this way, reply: "Oh, I always do it when I'm under stress, but it's n... o...t... h... i... n...g (take five minutes to say "49nothing"). If he asks you how it is that you have no past record of stuttering, say that you were ashamed of it and that in the rare instances where it did occur you convinced the school and job officials not to put it on your record. Tell him: "They were very n... i... c... e (take five minutes to say "nice") Try practicing your stutter from the first day you register for the draft. Imagine the tense situation and then you won't even be lying. 759 Carry a large red and black flag into the induction center, along with a portable tape recorder which is playing the Anarchist version of the Internationale. Be accompanied by a group of comrades who are shouting: "Fuck the Army!" Then start to sing: 46 Onward Christian soldiers, Onward as to war. Kill your Christian brothers As you've done before. and various raucous anti-war songs, including "Kill for Peace." When the flag is taken away from you, peel off your red and black underwear and reveal a similar flag tattooed on your chest. Have small red and black pencils concealed in your beard, which is dyed red on one side and black on the other. Fill in the even-numbered words on the questionnaire with the red pencil and the oddnumbered ones with the black pencil. 760 When asked: "Do you want to join the Army?" reply softly: "I've been waiting for a long time for a chance to shoot a motherfucken general." When sent home, mumble: "I knew you was yellow bastids all duh time anyway." 761 Learn Russian and speak only Russian. When aui interpreter is called, give him only your name, rank, and serial number. 762 Learn Albanian and do likewise. 763 Learn Vietnamese and do likewise. 764 When you are in the induction center offer $50 to any inductee who Will refuse to sign the loyalty oath. Speak in a loud voice and wave a $50 bill around for emphasis. 765 Offer $100 in Chinese coins to any sergeant who will spit on the, Flag and say: "'Fuck the imperialist United States" three times. If the sergeant takes you up on it, wait until he is finished and then say that you can't pay him after all because that would be corrupting him. 766 If you are ever photographed, expose your cock. If you have t o be photographed again, promise to behave and then turn around and expose your ass. 767 Refuse to have your photograph taken. When asked why, say: "I don't want you to steal my soul." 768 Refuse to be fingerprinted; when asked why, say: "I don't want to get syphilis from all those dirty guys-who knows where they had their hands?" When you are taken to the psychiatrist, wipe the chair very carefully with a dirty snot-encrusted handkerchief, then sit down very gingerly. 47 Stick your hands in your pockets, which have large holes, and start playing fairly obviously with your balls. When the psychiatrist asks you what you're doing, say firmly: "I'm covering my balls to protect thern from that X-ray machine," and nod at any object on the psychiatrist's desk which is not larger than 4 square inches. If reasoned with, say you know the Army has all kinds of new secret weapons. Snicker, and look around nervously. Never take your hands off your balls while in that room. If sent to a clinic or hospital, lose your symptoms immediately. When questioned, reply: "Only the Army has those secret machines-I've never found them anywhere else. The syphilis germs on men's fingers? When I screw my girl I've got no time to think about men," and laugh heartily. 769 Offer to sell the first official you meet your share of the country. 770 Keep muttering (interspersed with your other routine answers) "Fuck Johnson, Fuck Johnson, Fuck Johnson." When asked what you are saying, shout it as loud as you can. If moved on to next processor, repeat the phrase over and over. If moved still closer to the swearing-in point, convince your fellow inductees-to-be to repeat in unison with you, louder and louder and louder: FUCK JOHNSON, FUCK JOHNSON, FUCK JOHNSONI 771 As above, but substitute JOHNSON LOVES NIGGERS. 772 As above, but substitute FUCK GOD UP THE ASSHOLE. 773 As above, but substitute I WANT TO GET LAID. 774 As above, but substitute GOD REST YE MERRY GENTLEMEN (not the song, just the title). You may substitute "fuck" for "rest" at your discretion. 775 Keep singing: I didn't raise my boy to be a soldier, I raised him up to be my pride and joy. Who dares to put a musket on his shoulder To kill another mother's darling boy? louder and louder. Laugh first and then start crying. Refuse to shut up. 48 776 As above, but bring your mother and have her sing it as close to you as possible. 777 As above, but both of you sing it as a duet. 778 Put on a white sailor's cap and sing "Anchors Aweigh" at the top of your voice; beam it only at Army personnel. Intersperse the song with: "Hey bohunk-the Army stinks." Do another stanza, then: "The Army was OK but it's got too many niggers and Polacks in it now," etc. Try to direct each racial slur to the Army personnel it will most offend. 779 Sing the following version of the Marines' Hymn: From the balls of Montezuma To the whores of Tripoli We fight for cunt in battles In the air, on land, and sea. First to fight for boobs and pussy And we keep our penes clean. We are proud to claim the title Of Whore-Fucking States Marines. Figure 12,-Smash-Delivery. 49 780 Tell them very seriously that you will start in only at a colonel's rank and salary. They will answer: "You must be joking!" but repeat yourself quite calmly, saying that this is what you're worth and you won't be associating with shits at any chickenshit salary. Reply to their arguments in a very cool and logical manner. When they begin to get angry, react at exactly their level of emotion. But if they are sarcastic, you remain serious. Keep the tension going and repeat the entire argument logically to everyone you meet, letting your emotions rise with theirs. Create disturbance wherever you go. 781 Bring toy soldiers with you and play with them (by yourself). Talk very very slowly and softly to everyone and look away while speaking. When the psychiatrist suggests that maybe you should go home, burst into tears, throw your toy soldiers down, and run out weeping. 782 Be so ugly you fail even Army standards. 783 Be a German rocket expert. 784 Be a Russian rocket etpert. 785 Tell them you will not turn your back on Alger Hiss. 786 Sing this song: Asshole, asshole, a soldier I will be Fuck you, fuck you, for curiosity, With piss, with piss, with pistols on my knee To fight for cunt, to fight for cunt, to fight for cunterie. 787 Refuse to cooperate in any way. If they tell you to stand, sit down. If they tell you to shut up, keep on yelling. If they vow they'll make a man out of you, kiss the sergeant. 788 Almost invariably the psychiatrists who are to examine you will also be engaged in private practice. Get their names from the induction center and call them twentyfive times a day. Explain how desperate you are and promise to stop annoying them if they will promise to declare you 4-F. If they fail to keep their part of the bargain, complain to the American Psychiatric Association that they have violated professional ethics. This will put a blot on their records and make them think twice before breaking another promise. 50 789 Tell them that you have made a pact with the Devil: in return for eternal youth you have promised to sacrifice a chicken every night at the United Hebrew Cemetery in Staten Island. You were a fool, but you agreed that if you should fail to observe this ritual for just one night the universe would be extinguished. Obviously, if you are drafted and sent to Viet Nam you will not be able to perform the sacrifices at the proper location. Appeal to their sense of guIlt and ask whether they would like to be responsible for extinguishing the universe. 790 Tell them the above, but ask to be provided with free legal counsel to investigate whether there is any chance of abrogating your contract without jeopardizing the safety of the universe. Propose that in case you should have to give back your eternal youth the Government should compensate, you with fifty million dollars. 791 Be born again. 792 Offer the psychiatrist a stick of DMT disguised as a cigarette. 793 Talk turkey. In other words, say gobble gobble gobble gobble gobble gobble gobble. 794 Get your name on all kinds of left-wing mailing lists. 795 join many subversive organizations. Be sure to use your right name. 796 join the American Nazi Party. Use your right name. 797 Sign many anti-war petitions. 798 Write a threatening letter to General Westmoreland or any other general of your choice. (This may have complications. At any rate, we are advocating the letter only and are opposed to any actual violence.) 799 Get a stroke. 800 Become Postmaster-General and deliver everyone else's draft notices. 801 Become a (censored). 802 Send your Congressman a copy of this pamphlet. Ask him how the Army can possibly be puffing out such trash. If he replies that the pamphlet is obviously not an Army publication tell him that McCarthy tried to investigate 51 Communist subversion in the Army but was murdered by the Invisible Government and we lost the Korean War and we're losing the Viet Nam War because the Army is run by the commies and fairies. 803 Never go out of the house. 804 Demand the right to counsel at all stages. 805 You have the right to refuse lie detector examination. However, you may wish to learn to beat the machine instead. It does not measure lies, but only your guilt responses and anxiety, which are correlated with breathing, sweating, and pulse rates. Think truthl Brainwash the machine. Practice lying on your own machine and then demand that the Army test you. This can and has been done. Vive moder technologyl 806 In certain types of investigations (i.e., where you are a suspected "subversive" or malingerer), you may be asked to submit to a lie detector test. You are under no obligation to do so, but perhaps you should, due to your native curiosity about the process, and also out of a desire to FTA. The polygraph (that means "lie detector") operator usually spends quite a bit of time-perhaps thirty or forty minutes-familiarizing you with the machine and informing you in advance of the questions he will be asking. He does this because he wants to make sure that any unusual "jump" in pulse rate, breathing rate or amount of sweating will indicate that you are lying, rather than be caused by your uneasiness at being in the testing situation. Cooperate with the operator up to this point. Just as the examination is about to start, however, complain that he has taken far too much of your time and you do not intend to submit any longer. (NB: There is a good reason for quitting at this point. It hurts to go through the test because they tie a sphygmomanometer around your arm which cuts off the circulation.) The next day, telephone the Army Intelligence agent (or whoever is handling your case) and say you're sorry you were rude, and you'll be glad to be retested. If they fall for this ruse, screw them up in the same way: go through the preliminary rigamarole and then find some 52 excuse for leaving just before the real test begins. Don't be afraid. They can't force you to go through with it (even if they legally could, the results would be meaningless) and they can't stop you from walking out the door. Out of all this you can gain perhaps the small but precious satisfaction of knowing that the services of a trained, relatively high-paid operator have been wasted, and that you have incurred the wrath of two or three Army minions. 807 Invoke the 29th Amendment to the Constitution. If they say there isn't any 29th Amendment, retort: "I'm talking about the Soviet Constitution, you schmucks!" 808 Tell the other pre-inductees that you will infect them with leprosy for $22.50 each-but only if they promise not to infect any others themselves, since that would diminish your potential market. 809 If at any stage you think your answers may tend to incriminate you or to jeopardize your position, say nothing. 810 Be a wife. 811 Be a good wife, for her worth is more precious than rubies. 812 Pick a fist fight with the guy next in line to you (your friend?), and then pick a fight with the guy who tries to separate you, and then pick a fight with-well, just go on picking fights, dig? 813 Be yourself. 814 Be scared. Necessity is the mother of invention. 815 Find out who is the most influential member of your draft board, and what company he works for or owns. Start a propaganda campaign against that company (direct mail, handbills, picketing, etc.), then telephone the man and promise to stop the harassment if he will get you declared 4-F. 816 Travel around the college campuses soliciting funds for Radio Hanoi. 817 Start a movement which advocates that New York City secede from the U.S. and merge with Puerto Rico. 818 Be a wandering minstrel and wander over the border. 819 Use your Army papers to blow your nose. 53 820 Tear off the ends (a good hunk) of your papers and chew them constantly while on the examination line. 821 If at all possible, do duty in the ladies' john. 822 Ask the doe if he wants a swig (you a little drunk) and hand him an open (after you've had a shot) bottle of your piss. Have a little dripping around for obvious effect. Make sure piss is at least one day old. 823 Go on the road. 824 Bring a sketch pad and draw each examining doctor, but draw him naked. As you leave to move on to the next doctor, "accidentally" drop the sketch on the floor. Exaggerate the size of the sexual organs or make them female. 825 Send a telegram to the draft board on the day of your scheduled appearance saying you would love to talk to them, but you're on a peace demonstration today and could they please give you another appointment, which you hope to keep unless there's another demonstration that day. 826 Bring a "Tillie the Toiler" book with you and jerk off in the corner. 827 Pray to Lee Harvey Oswald to intercede on your behalf. Carry one of his relics on your person (for example, a few hairs or nail clippings housed in a silver casket). 828 Bring a portable tape recorder and play "Universal Soldier" wherever you go. If they take it away from you put up a fight and start singing it yourself and refuse to stop. Keep singing, keep singing, keep singing. 829 If you can't join 'em, beat 'em. 830 If you can't join 'em, lick 'em. 831 When you are called down for induction, repeat over and over again: "John F. Kennedy is the Living God. John F. Kennedy is the Living God." Then recite some of the awful verses of similar sentiment made up by poetasters and by hucksters who sell wall placards. Be sure to mention "John-John" with a nauseating simper in your voice. After a few minutes you will probably be so obnoxious that they will classify you anything you want just to get rid of you. 832 Enroll at the School for Marxist Studies. 54 833 Enroll at Moscow University. 8,34 just keep on doing what you're doing. 835 As soon as you walk in, read a general anti-war statement of your own composition at the top of your own voice. 836 Refuse to be drafted. 837 Declare peace. 8,38 Fail the IQ test (lie about your schooling). 839 Tell the truth about all the army people you meet, i.e., call them murderers, hypocrites, stoolies, finks, idiots, jailers, moral lepers, etc. 840 Tell the truth about the wars of the U.S., i.e., make a speech explaining the true character of America's involvement in Viet Nam. 841 Burn LBJ in effigy. 842 Offer the psychiatrist a pinch of snuff, which you keep in an aspirin tin. When he refuses, take a pinch yourselfthe snuff being shit, of course. 843 Fill out your draft questionnaire with ink made out of shit. 844 Fill out your draft questionnaire in manic, absolutely illegible handwriting. If it is returned with a request to write more legibly, fill it out the same way but write larger. 845 Secede from the U.S. Set up your own country and demand to be treated as a prisoner of war under the Geneva agreements. pyiinadd o 846 Be born at home unattended by a pyiinadd o go to school or apply for social security or pay income tax. You thereby do not exist. 847 Keep asking each official how much you get paid if you kill a gook. Say you like the job but you want to be paid by the piece because it encourages individual initiative and it's the American way. 848 Smear chocolate ice cream (or shit) all over your body. When asked why you did it, answer: 'That my business." 849 Bring your dog with you on a leash and insist you won'Pt go without him. Keep hollering: ""Well who's gonna take care of him? Will you take care of him? You want me to kill him-just on account of your fucken war?" 55 850... I (This one is too awful to mention.) 851 Admit you're a coward. 852 Drink yourself to death. 853 Tell them that Hitler is alive at U.S. Army headquarters in Saigon. 854 Ask them: "It's a free country, ain't it?" When they say well, yes, answer: "OK, I'm getting out of here and don't try to stop me." 855 Bring an expertly-crafted rubber phallus. As you are standing on line, make a great show of unwrapping it and thrusting it deep into your mouth. Move it in and out with great slurping noises. If you are naked, insert it intercrurally with a grand flourish (if you have been pedicated before, use your rectum). When questioned, reply: "If I can't get screwed by a soldier boy I have to use my pacifier." 856 Tattoo FUCK COMMUNISM on your chest in letters 1 foot high. 857 Tattoo FUCK CAPITALISM (in Russian) in letters 1 foot high. 858 Tattoo FUCK THE ARMY, NAVY AND MARINE CORPS on your chest in letters 1 foot high. Or if you have a small chest, 859 Tattoo FUCK THE ARMED FORCES on your chest in letters 6 inches high. 860 Tattoo an American general and a WAC doing 69 on your chest (1 foot high). 861 Tattoo an American general and a Chinese People's Republic woman lieutenant doing 69 on your chest (as close to life-size as possible.) 862 Tattoo FUK FOR PEACE 1 foot high on your chest (see how many people notice the spelling mistake!). 863 Tattoo WELCOME MEMBERS OF ALLIED FORCES in a circle around your asshole. 864 Come in eating a pig's head. 865 Come in eating a dog's head. 866 Come in eating a human's head 867 Come in eating a godhead. 56 868 Take $10 worth of small change and insert it in your rectum. When the asshole-inspection comes around, expel the money and whisper to the doctor: "There's this and more in it for you if you get me out of here." 869 A year before you are scheduled to be called down, go to Bellevue and tell them you're afraid you're going to kill yourself. Spend a few weeks in the nuthouse and then say you feel fine. You'll probably get discharged. (If you're afraid they'll hold you there against your will, make sure beforehand that you know the sign-out psychiatrists personally.) At pre-induction, claim that you have suicidal tendencies, mentioning your nuthouse sojourn as evidence. 870 Tell them you'll go only if you can stick to a strict macrobiotic diet. 871 Keep hollering: "I want my mama!" 872 Keep hollering: "I want my girlfriend!" and weep. 873 Keep hollering: "I want my boyfriend!" and moan. 874 Come in on a dolly, your legs folded under you, cap in hand. Push yourself around and beg with this sign around your neck: WOUNDED FOR MY COUNTRY. 875 When you present your papers make sure they are covered with half-dried menstrual fluid. 876 Try to enlist in the WACS. 877 Try to enlist in the WAVES. 878 Try to enlist in the lady Marines. 879 Then, when you are inducted, refuse to go in, saying: "I've been turned down by the only branches I wanted," and show them your correspondence. 880 Become a hermit. 881 Conspire to make this world closer to the heart's desire. 882 Hide in a toilet for ten years. 883 Hide in a toilet for twelve years. 884 Hide in a toilet for fifteen years. 885 Hide in a toilet for 173 years. 886 Hide in a toilet for 25 years. (Do not hide in a toilet for more than 25 years as the toilet will get dirty after so long.) 887 Become a civil rights victim in Mississippi. 888 Say you never voted for it. 57 889 Rip up every letter the draft board sends you. 890 Or, stamp the letter from the draft board (rubber stamps are cheap to make) DECEASED and then mail it back to them. 891 Or, stamp the letter MOVED-LEFT NO FORWARDING ADDRESS and mail it back to them. 892 Or, stamp the letter NOT KNOWN AT THIS ADDRESS and mail it back to them. 893 Or, stamp the letter SEX CHANGE and mail it back to them. 894 Consider the birds of the air and the lilies of the field: they do not sow, nor do they reap, and yet they are not drafted. 895 Become a horse. 896 Become a pair of ragged claws scuttling across the floors of silent seas. 897 Be a moron. 898 Be an idiot. 899 Be an imbecile, or 900 Be a Marine reservist. 901 Shut the windows and put up armor plate, leaving room for rifles to project. 902 Go to Soviet Russia as an exchange student. In your private discussions, defend the Bill of Rights and attack the Soviet one-party system. Be so outspoken that a stool pigeon informs to the authorities and you are arrested and tried and sentenced to a labor camp for two years. The case will raise such a furor in the U.S. that your sentence will possibly be commuted after a few months. When you return you will be lionized and the local draft board will feel that you have already suffered enough and will not bother you. Also, you will earn tens of thousands of dollars by selling your memoirs to the Saturday Evening Post. 903 Have six legs. 904 Have an extraordinarily long membrum virile (over 1 foot in length) which, if you were drafted, would make you the envy of the barracks and distract your fellow infantrymen so much that they would be too confused to fight. (Despite the strictures of my [TK] hygiene in 58 structor at Brooklyn College [who used to put a bean in the jar "cevery time my wife and I did it, but then we ran out of beans"] that "the penis is not a muscle and does not need exercise," it would seem unjust and unphilosophical that every organ of the body should develop with use except the penis.) A cock to the wise is sufficient. 905 Don't be processed. 906 Say you'd rather dodge the draft than dodge bullets. 907 Say: "Why? I might get killed!." 908 Walk up to the head of your draft board, look him i the eye, grab him by the lapels, lift him up' a little and whisper hoarsely: "Man, don't bug me!" 909 Get killed in Viet Nam. 910 Be your sister. 911 Be my mother. 912 Be Mahatma Gandhi. 913 Be a chipmunk. 914 Be marooned on a desert island. 915 Be marooned on a desert island with a beautiful woman, or 916... fag even. 917 Make friends with the, Martians. Arrange for their king to intercede with Pres. Johnson. 918 Put on tennis sneakers and a dirty skirt. Stand in Times Square giving out leaflets which assert that Robert McNamara is, a Polish Jew and the leader of the Communist conspiracy. 919 Say: "I ain't marching any more." 920 join the gypsies. 921 Find a million dollars in a toilet bowl (you the only one who dares to fish it out) and then bribe the draft board. 922 join the CCC. 923 join the FBI and investigate draft-dodgers. 924 join the Gestapo. 925 Become a member of the Werewolves. 926 Live in a lake. According to a monitored broadcast, Home Minister Genki assured the public in Japan that American bombing of Japanese cities might yet prove to be "a great blessing," since it would "4allow many crooked streets to be straightened and many parks and lagoons "to take the place of unsightly large buildings." 927 Run guns to the Americans. 928 Sell plans of Pearl Harbor to the Japanese. 929 Sell plans of Pearl Harbor to the Chinese. 930 Fall out the window. 931 Fall in front of a subway train. 932 Surround the induction center with paid mercenaries and take it over. Hire your own orderlies, batmen, medics and psychiatrists. Proceed to draft all those who feel that the Viet Nam war is not hot enough. Send them immediately to the jungles. 933 Be Prime Minister. 934 Eat your heart out. 935 Eat your heart and your liver. 936 Get sick. 937 Go to hell. 938 Sell your neighbor to the draft board. 939 Play dead. 940 When they ask for your name, laugh in their teeth. When they ask for your address, spit in their faces. When they ask for your date of birth, bite off their noses. (NAPA) 941 Chop 'em to bits because you like your hamburgers raw. 942 Use magic. 943 Own a monarchy. 944 Assassinate the Kaiser. 945 Assassinate the President. 946 Assassinate the Mayor. 947 Assassinate the Governor of New York. 948 Assassinate the Governor of New Jersey. 949 Assassinate the Governor of some other state. 950 Marry the Kaiser. 951 Marry the President. 952 Marry an African King. 953 Be a CIA man in darkest Africa. 954 Be a CIA man in darkest England. 955 Be a CIA man in darkest Israel. 956 Be a CIA man in darkest Harlem. 957 Become a bum, or 958 Become a politician. 959 Tell them you're Pius XII's illegitimate son. 960 Tell them you're Pius XII's illegitimate daughter. 60 961 When they ask for your occupation, reply proudly: "I'm a union organizer-and a crackerjack one too. I have great plans for the infantry. They're downtrodden and underpaid and they have no organization to speak up for them. But I'll change that, don't you worry." 962 Rent a room in the Texas Book Depository. 963 Fall down a rabbit hole. 964 Buy up 100 copies of the most obscene book available. Remove the covers and substitute new ones which read: "My Secret Life, by Lyndon B. Johnson." Include Johnson's picture on the dust jackets. Mail books to selected legislators, clergymen and Birchers. 965 As preceding, but instead of using the innards of alreadypublished books, write a spurious one of your own which purports to be Dean Rusk's secret diary. Make it really hot-include many references to incest and coprophagia. Advertise it in the Sunday Times Book Review. 966 Speak up for Jesus. When they start lecturing you about becoming a soldier, say: "Oh Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus!" 967 Convince them that if you point your finger at any person and say zotz, he will drop dead. Tell them that you will be doing a lot of pointing and zotzing very soon unless they declare you 4-F. 968 Recite the Druid's Curse in a melancholy tone: May the bleeding piles assail you From your head down to your feet. May crabs the size of lobsters Crawl on your balls and eat. And when you're old and withered And a syphilitic wreck, May you fall down your own asshole And break your fucking neck. 969 Say that you have a cabbage patch and if they don't let you tend the cabbage patch it will grow weeds. Point out that food production is necessary for the war. 970 Become a recruiter for the Viet Cong. Offer a $25 bonus for signing up. (NAPA) 971 Burn down the Reichstag. 61 972 Burn down the House Office Building. 973 Tell them you're last in war, first in peace, and first to run where all the young girls are. 974 Be invisible. 975 Tell them that God is on the enemy's side and you don't want to get on the wrong side of God. 976 Set fire to the Selective Service records. By the time they are reconstructed you will be over draft age. 977 Get a letter from the papal nuncio that excuses you. 978 Register as a Communist. 979 Sell the other inductees dirty pictures. 980 Say you had a personal vision in which God appeared to you and said: "Do not kill anyone.2 981 Tell them you'll bury them. 982 Tell them to fuck off. 983 Lead a profligate life,: cohabit with a Negro (or Negress), drink, get numerous (small) dope arrests (with plenty of publicity), gamble and also swear. Be therefore "immoral" and unsuitable for association with others in that great moral establishment The Armed Forces of the United States of (North) America. 984 Come in with a can of kerosene and matches. Threaten to immolate yourself if they draft you. 985 When the bell tolls, make sure it doesn't toll for you. 986 Rush into the induction center yelling: "The war's over! The war's over!" Hope they'll be too confused to process your papers. 987 Send David McReynolds in your place. 988 Tell them: "All right, I'll do whatever you want me to, but please don't throw me into the briar patch! Please don't throw me into the briar patch!" When they throw you into the briar patch get up and rnm away. 989 Tell them if they don't declare you 4-F your friends will stage a sitdown strike in the induction center. 990 Promise that if they don't draft you you will be glad to send your mother and three sisters to Viet Nam to take some of the load off the overworked Saigon prostitutes. Explain that increasing the number of whores means that their price will go down, which will increase GI 62 fMY aUb hE B8Y. rJh Qf (N AND OUT OF VOSPITAL WE AL t. -. P LA.-D IloST AM THE BACKED YOU OUGY pLYD Z1O OUTT US JWHEN SEE WOHAT THE. CAtAM ( HAV'NT' WE W ERE (4 ID10 7TO TO THE ENI LOST MY ITH44E TRENCHEI 1! SM ILE.i A3CD THEC.y wO 3Acl< uS Now "l31081 "OM 8Ei68000 " A Smile for the winner. A Tear for the dying. A Dollar for the Needy Read! Laugh! Cry! Be good to the Soldiers! To be sold by Ex-Service Men only as a means of self-support Price 25 Cents 63 savings and help our balance of payments situation. (Emphasize that your mother and three sisters are practically free from disease.) 991 Refuse to buy their program unless green stamps are offered for every enemy killed. 992 Walk into the induction center with an officer's uniform in your traveling bag. After you get your papers, go to the toilet and put the uniform on. Then go up to the desk where the papers are stamped ACCEPTED or REJECTED. Ask the sergeant in charge for the REJECTED stamp (or snitch it while he isn't looking) and stamp your papers. Return to the toilet-,and complete filling out the forms. Then Walk out, dump 'the papers into the REJECTED box and leave. 993 To reduce the chances of being discovered, get your friend to dress as an officer, hand him your papers, and proceed as above. Leave separately. 994 When you go to register, tell the female clerk you want to register in the "Bugger Corps" and laugh hysterically. If she doesn't know what "bugger" means, tell her you want to register in the "Fuck Corps." 995 Be an official deferred by law. 996 Get yourself ordained in the Free Catholic Church, or 997 Become a divinity student in the Free Catholic Church, or 998 Create your own church and ordain yourself its Bishop or Cardinal even (maybe Pope). 999 Demonstrate in favor of the draft at your local board. Since students who demonstrate against the draft are reclassified 1-A, then you will be reclassified 2-S. 1000 Become a card-carrying member of Kerista. 1001 Bring peace to Viet Nam: strike joy into the universe. Defends Reclassification In the face of many sharply worded questions, he stoutly defended the action of a draft board at Ann Arbor, Mich., in reclassifying college youths who held a sit-in In the board's offices from student status to class 1-A. "They didn't refuse the org--* inal deferment," General Hershey said. "'You don't come around for the meal and leave before you wash the dishes." The oath of allegiance: a memorable day in the life of every young soldier ORDER TO REPORT Of INMDUCTION SePtesber 8, 1966 feit w*ave ae was on l* pmode t at tCe* dted states Lyndon Raines Johnson 70~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~........................ (lima mm") I XWOU *am") I tn ae gls oeAh Pedernales River Johnson City, Texas 78636 Having submitted yoarself to a Loeal Board composed of your neighttbs for the parpe of determining Your availability for saevice in the armed forme of the United States. you are here~by ordeed to ~ Johnson Gity, Texas Meort to the ILocal Board named above atJon nCiy Tea 700 a. TEiNTH SEPTEMBER 66 teday of I for forwarding to an Iadaction stationt. This Leme) BAr* will tiralh treaspottti0n to the andEttso ateties ebure pu will be ox"eamiAe and. it aggapt fes wivift, o0* will tht 106 toitle* a btk of the &emod fore. boig xaind v oy e tiew orthw r th~e rwessaft. itin*l to dwthiws M ~d i a p$otis to Prt~t ay mA" hrdaip f yu a e# vertedat th rwdetinsatia IfyftmpoeA -- --r f tis"Oitean o th 0"ftyj~ tat youma not e atlep at UW peltwn MA" Yu 40wa Sto-pa d to replef yf if yeo ae a-ee o et toentinv year owplepment it you at*rei*ted. "M pea SO seesped, Worm transportatioe will be providd. s 10eAt kep thie fe te Ad bWin# it with Yee whe. Yee report @ IthM Leat 1esd Brine with V"s 10edele Idnile M Owe No. tos 4a spow"es 90WOM Off" am* 0** MW