GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY oft'ne Pangasinan Language by ERNEST A. RAYNER, Ph.D. (New York) GRAMATICA TAN DICCIONARIO na Salitay Pangasinan nisulat nen ERNEST A. RAYNER, Ph.D. (New York) Registered by E. A. RAYNER in the Philippint Islands All rights reserved. 1923 METHODIST PUBLISHING HOUSE MANILA, P. I. CONTENTS' -rg o SAY GRAMMATICA 2~THE GRAMMAR....... Say ALrticulo -The Article...................5 Say Ngarara - The Noun................6 Pantotocoyan na Salita -~Word Relations.........8:Say ~repet "Cs"-The Interrogative "Casi".......11 Saray Sungpa -7- Negatives...............12 -Say Pronombre - The Pronoun'..............13 Formas.Nominativag -Nominative Forms.......13 Declanacion - Declension..............17 SayoPossessivo - The Possessive..........18 -Say- Tepet - The* Interrogative............19 Say bem~xostratiyo - The Demonstrative.........20 A Singa Adjetivo - As Adjective............22 Say Indefinitivo — The Indefinite............23. Say Verbo -The Verb.-................24 Say verbo ".to be"l,s The verb "to b".......24 Say verbo "to have" - The verb "'to have".......26 Say Parti'cipio - The Participle (Gerund).....;.'.......27 Say Presente Indicativo - The Presenit Indicative. 28 Say Fu~turo - Ihdicativo - The Future Indicative 29 Say Apalabas ya Panaon - The Past Tense..........3.1 * Say Mod~o Sujuntivo - The Subjunctive Moacd......32 Say -Modo Condicional -The Conditional Mood.-.. 33 Say Modo. Potencial - The Potential'Mood......34 Say Modo Im perativo - The Imperative Mood 35 Say Voz Pasiva -_ The Passive, Voice.........36 Nandurumta -Miscellaneous........ 36.* 'SayAjtv - The Adjective..............38 Nengnengda - Forms...............38 Panpaparaan - Comparison.............39 Say Adverbio - The Adverb..............40, Say' Panagtekep -- The Conjunction............42' Say Preposicion - The Preposition...........43 Saray.Bilang Numerals......................A Sudatnfa P an aon, etic. - Measu res of Ti me, etc.......47~ - SAY DICCIONARIO - THE DICTIONARY...... English 'Pangrasinan -49-74 Pangasinan - English..............59 PREFACE This Grammar and Dictionary of the Pangasinan language has been written because of the need of a book which contains the principal rules and most common words of the language. Both have been made as brief as possible so that the cost would not be too high. But this book contains the essential things of the Pangasinan language. Thus the Pangasinan people may gain a knowledge of their own. language and of the English language at the same time. With these purposes in mind the book has been arranged in such a way that every idea and word are given in Pangasinan and English, so that they may 'be studied in the two languages. Hence it is the hope of the Author that the book may be a help to the Pangasinan people in learning Pangasinan as well as English, and that Americans may be helped in learning Pangasinan. It will be noticed-that the mental' principle of association has been employed in the vocabularies. Each vocabulary is a group of words associated with some life interest such as fishing, farming, etc. It may blie that this will help the reader to fix the words in memory. The Author owes much gratitude to.many Filipino friends who pitiently taught him their own language in hours of conversation in their homes when he 'lived in the Pangasinan country.' He wishes to especially thank Mr. Cipriano Navarro for his help in completing the work on 'the Grammar and Dictionary. PANGIPAj&ONGTAL Sayan Gramatica tan Diccionario na salitay Pangasinan nisulat lapud pancaoculan na sakey "a libro ya manlugan ed saray. manonan panontonan 'tan maslac iran -alita ed sayan salita. Guinaoa raya ya antikey labat pian say bili alioan ataguey a toloy. Balet sayan libro oalan lugan to so amin va mucana ed- salitay Pangasinan. Canian saray totoon-Paiiga --- 'sinan naaral day dilin salita ra tan say salitay English met. Lapud oala rayan guetma ed canonotan sayan libro inoesoy ta pian balang canonotan tan balang salita niiyan ed Pangasinan tan English ta pian nayari ran aralen ed sarayan duan salita. Canianti ya ilalaoan aa Nansulat ya.sayan librooncana comon-yan tulong esariay- totoon Pangasinan tan say English' met, tan ontan met a sar y Americanos nntulonai ira comon ed panaral day Pangasinan. Naimano met ya say pantotocoyan na caisi n ya balicsanen na saray salita sicatov nicana ed saray vocabularios. Ba ang vocabulario naocsoy irad simpoc (lay salitan nipanead ed oncan ed bilay a singa, panagdalus tan arum ni ra. Nayari ya saya et macatulong ed manbasa ec pangipatlep tod saray salita. Say Nansulat mautang a toloy na maong a linaoa ed saray amayamay ya cacaaron Filipinos ya nananos ya nanbangat ed Sicato ed Sicito na salita ira ed sarany horas ya. inpantotoagtong dad caabungan da nen nanayam ni ed saeop na Pangasinan'. Nagealalo lan misalamat ed si Kg. Cipriano Navarro ed saray tulong to ed inpanumpal' to ed Gramatica tan Diccionario. Manila, P. I. E.A.R. LESSON I THE ARTICLE. SAY ARTICULO. SINGULAR: 1. The definite articleThe definite article is say (the) There is no gender and therefore no declension of the article. The word so is used as if in place of say, when the noun is modifled. Ined so caoalaay abung to? Where is his house? Say articulo definitivoSay articulo deflnitivo, "say."' (the) Angapoy genero, canian angapoy declinacion na say articulo. Say salita "so" icana ed lugar na "say" no oalay arum ya salita ed sakey a ngaran (nombre.) 2. The indefinite articleWhen employed, the indefinite article is sakey (a, an) Sakey a too,-A man Say articulo indefnitivoNo icana, say articulo indefinitivo "sakey." (a, an) PLURAL: 1. The definite article. Say articulo deflnitivo. The plural form of the definite article is saray (the) Saray totoo,-The men. Say plural na sayan articulo definitivo "saray" (the) In the absence of the verb "to be" the plurality of the article is often expressed by ra, which is" then a plural pronominal form. - Duarara (duara),-There are two (of them) No angapoy verbo to be, sapluralidad na sayan articulo ma- - 1iet.. et ya icanan so "ra" (the), a diad satan sakey a forma "pronominal ed plural. The shortened form ray, of saray, is often found as a suffix attached to the preceding part of the sentence, Inaro to ray ugugao,-He loves the children. Say pamatikey "ray," na "saray," mabetbet ya icabit ed onaan na salita. 2. The Indefinite Article. Say articulo indefinitivo. The plural 'of the indefinite is not related to the singular form sakey, but is pigara, (some, a few) except when it is used as an interrogative, in which case it means.. "how much" or "-"how many." Oadiaray pigaray totoo,-There are a few men here. Pigara?-How much (many)?. Oalay pigara?-How many are there? Say articulo indefnitivo. Say plural na articulo indefinitivo angapoy pibiangaAto ed singular "sakey," noag inguen "pigara," (some, a few) licod 5. LESSON I THE ARTICLE. SAY ARTICLO.T. SINGULAR: 1. The definite articleThe definite article is say (the) There is no gender and therefore no declension of the article. The word so is used as if in place of say, when the notin is modifled. Ined so caoalaay abung to? Where is his house? Say articulo definitivoSay articulo defunitivo, "say." (the) Angapoy genero, canian angapoy declinacion na say articulo. Say salita "so" icana ed lugar na "say" no oalay arum ya salita ed sakey a ngaran (nombre.) 2. The indefinite articleWhen employed, the indefinite hrticle is sakey (a, an) Sakey a too,-A man Say articulo indefnitivoNo icana, say articulo indefinitivo "sakey." (a, an) PLURAL: 1. The definite article. Say articulo definitivo. The plural form of the definite article is saray (the) Saray totoo,-The men. Say plural na sayan articulo defnitivo "saray" (the) In the absence of the verb "to be" the plurality of the article is 6ften expressed by ra, which is' then a plural pronominal form. Duarara (duara),-There are two (of them) No angapoy verbo to be, say plurali.Adua sayan articulo ma- 1ietli-if4ya icanauan so "ra" (the), a diad satan sakey a forma pronominal ed plural. The shortened form ray, of saray, is often found as a suffix attached to the preceding part of the sentence Inaro to ray ugngao,-He loves the children. Say pamnatikey "ray," na "saray,." mabetbet ya icabit ed onaan na salita. 2. The Indefinite Article. Say articulo indefinitivo. The plural of the indefinite is not related to the singular form sakey, but is pigara, (some, a few) except when it is used as an interrogative, in which case it means.. "how much" or "how many." Oadiaray pigaray totoo,-There are a few men here. Pigara?-How much (many)? Oalay pigara?-How many are there? Say articulo indeflnitivo. Say plural na articulo indefinitivo angapoy pibianganto ed singular "sakey," noag inguen "pigara," (some, a few) licod 5 no icana a pantepuet, odino, cabiangan na tepuet, a'diad satan caba~icsan toy "pigara." house-abung run-vn. batic, on. road-dalan speak-vn. salita, man. man-too say-vn. baga, i. cuan, (irreg.) woman-bli a-sakey baby uga this —sayaa bdj gao one-sakey (isa) ehildJ) water-danum two-dua word 1 sajita the-say (plu. saray) language) and-tan river-ilog to-ed like I of-na want labay, gabay where-ined wish j what-anto 1. This road' goes to 'the house. 2. What does the man say? 3. The woman is speaking Pangasinan. 4. - What does the child want? 5. Where is the house of the man? 6. The man sees you. Pangasinan. 1. Sayan dalan onponta ed abung. 2. Antoy cuanton may laki? 3. Say bHi mansasalitay Pangasinan. 4. Antoy iabaytopi tay ugao? 5.4ned so abington tay too?.6. Say too nanengneng to ca. Idioms. (Idioms). Can you speak Pangssinan?-Macasalitacayoy Pangasinan? One by one-Sakey-sakey. SLESSON II The NOP6fN.M Say NGARAN (Nombre.) SINGULAR: 1. The derivative form. Many nouns are formed on a root ly pre-fixing ca with an as a suffix. (Root) (Lamot) (Noun) (Ngaran) Short —Tikey Brevity-Ca-tikey-an broad-lapar width-'Ca-lapar-an santd —holj hioliness-Ca-santos-an, etc. Say forma derivativo Dakel a ngaran (nombres) ya nagaoa lapud pangicabit ed onaan na salita na "ca" tan "an" diad onor. 2. The independent form Other nouns are not thus built up house-abung head-olo man-too etc. Say'forma independente. Arum Yga nkaran ag ira nagaoa ed onia. PLURAL: 1. The plural form of nouns is generally formed by repeating the first one or two syllables. man-too men-totoo ugao-child uguhao-children, etc. Say forma plural na saray ngaran mabuetbuet ya.nagaoa a lapud pangolit na say onona sakey odino duaran syllaba. 2. Derivative nouns repeat one or two syllables of the root to form th6 plural. short ones-antitikey least ones-camuelamuelagan, etc. Saray ngaran derivativo oliten da so sakey odino duaran syllaba na salitato plan nagaoa so plural. 3. Many nouns do not take a plural form Saray aso-the dogs saray agueo-the days Dakel ya ngaran ys angapoy plural da. Proper names designated. 1. The title Si is always used before a proper name whether Christian or surpame. Si Santiago Fernando or Si Fernando Say salita "si" laoas ya icana ed onaan na ngaran a propio apellido man o ngaran a biniag. 2. Si has another form kienen (prepositional) which is often used, butr which may be omitted. Ed kielen Santiago-to Santiago (James) or Ed Santiago. Say salita "si" oalay sakey a nengneng na kicanato "kienen" ya mabuetbuet ya icana, balet nayarin itilac. 3. The English terms Mr., Mrs., Miss, etc., are used. Also the Spanish Sr., Sra., Srta., etc.; but all of these always require the Si. Saray salita Ingles ya Mr., Mrs., tan Miss icacanara. Ontan muet saray salita Castilla Sr., Sra., Srta., etc., Ingen amindaranya nacaoculanda so salita a '"si.1' head-olo price bili hand-lima worth eye-mata go-la, vn. on. fpot-sali see-nengneng, va, on. body-cabalgan write-sulat, va, man hair-buec smnall-muelag Sfinger-gamet three-talo ear-layag four-apat nose-eleng five-lifna toe-gamet na sali you-yo (Less. VII) arm-taclay hi -to " leg-sali when 7-capigan? Sthigh-olpo --- - - -how IV — -many 1 — piga --- - letter-sulat how much?) name-fngaran liow 9?-panon 1. Where are you going? 2. How many fingers are there on this hand? 3. Write to him. 4. When will you see the child? 5. There are four letters in the house. 6. The toes of the baby are small. 1. Ined so laen yo? 2. Pigaray gamet ed sayan lima? 3. Mansulatcad sicato. 4. Capigan so panengnengmod sarnay ugoa? 5. Oalay apatiran sulat dimad abung. 6. Saray gamet na sali na ugao a muelag ankelag ira. How much is it 7-Pigay bilito? What is your name?-Siopay ngaranro? How do you say this?-Panoy panangibaga ed saysa LESSON III Word Relations-Pantotokoyan na Salita. Order of the Sentence-Ocsoy na sancatagan Salita. The order of the PangAsinan sqntence is truly idiomatic. There are certain general rules, but they admit many exceptions. Say ocsoy na sancatagan salita ed Pangasinan tuan pueteg ya nidumaduma. Oalay pigaian ocsoy panontonan inaalac, ingen sarays dakel so acoen da ya oncasipa ed ocsoy. 1. The article precedes the noun. Say aso onbabatic-The dog is running. Say articulo manayam ed onaan na ngaran. 2. When a noun is subject, it precedes the verb as in No. 1. No say ngaran et sicatoy pacatongtongan (sujeto)r manayam ed onaan na verbo,-a sings onong na No. 1. 3. When a pronoun is subject it follows the verb. Manaacar irar —They walk. No say pronombre et sicatoy pacatongtongan, ontomboc ed verbo. 4. The third person singular, to, is often omitted, being understood. No ompadil-When (he) returns. Say comatlon persona singular "to" mabuetbuet ya itilac, lapud sicatoy amtala. 5. When the verb has a pronoun for a subject and a pronoun for an object; the objective pronoun follows the subject pronoun. Aroen to ra-He loves them. No say-verbo et catekepto so pronombre a pinagca saujetoto tan say objetoto et pronombre muet, sayan pronombre ya objeto tombocan na pronombre subjeto. 6. But if both pronouns afe third person singular, the objective pronoun may precede the verb Sicatoy pinateyto-He killed him Ingen no sarayan dna ya pronombres et oala ed coaton persona S It —. Ssijl-ilairac~, sayb o o ojetivo onaan to o ver o. Or'the objective pronoun may take the preposition ed and follow the pronominal subject in -any instance. Nanabot to ed sicato-He overtook him Odino say pronombre objetivo nayarin alaento so pasen na preposicion "ed" tan tombocanto so suJeto ya prononbre ed angananton pangicana. 7. The noun. may occur after the verb for emphasis * Milay Dios comon ed sicayo-May God be with you, * Say ngaran nayarin ipasen a ontomboc ed verbo pian pamabiakegi na salita. 8. The negative ag governs the position of pronouns,-these immediately following ag: Nenguengen yoac-You see me. Ag yoac nengnengen-You do not see me. Say negatlvo, "ag" oleyanto ipasen na saray sujeto pronominaLsaraya tampol a tonbocan da so "ag.".9. The adverb also governs the pronoun. Insan to guinaoa ya- 'Then he did this. Say adverbo oleyanto muet so prononbre. door-7pinto sit down-vn. yorong, on window-dorongaoayan (bintana) come up-vri. segep, on roof-atop build-va. gaoasu, ipaalaguey floor-datal close (shut up)-va. caput, i ladder-tacayan return-vn. paoil, on nipa-nipa near-asingued wall- dingding froin-manlapud corner-50Y0oc, socang until-anga(e)d kitchen —cocina why 7-akin post-lusec six-anem climb-va. c alscia, on seven-pito look out-vn. dongao, 1. Please shut the door. 2. When will he build his new house? 3. A woman came through the door. 4. This old house needs a new roof. 5. The child sat down in the corner of the kitchen. 6. A man is climbing the, cocoa-nut tree. 7. The post goes from the floor to the roo.' Why does he not return to the window? 1. Ipangaslyon icaput so pinto; 2. Capigan so pangipaalagueytoy abungton balo? S. Oalay bMn linmloob ditad pinto. 4. Sayan daan ya abung" nacaoculantoy balon atop. 5. Say. ugao innirong ed socang na cocina. 6. Say too oncacalab ed niug. 7. Say lusec manlapud datal.ya angad atep. 8.' Akin et ag ompaoil ed dorongaoayan? What has become of this 7-Antoy agaoa ed saya.?_ Where did that child go to 1-Imeid so iflatonmay ugao? I don't know.-Auey, Agco ainta. Mayhe, perhaps-Lagni. I guess, I think so-Amo. LESSON I V Word Relations-Pantotokoyan na Salita. Particles (Enclitics)-P~nto Material.____________ There are several particles which are very important in speaking Pangasinan. In general, they indicate word relationship within the sentence.Oalaray pigaran' puntos materiales ya =a eacacanan toloy ed -pansalitay — Pangaainan. Maslac ya ipanengnengcia so pantotokoyan na salita ed loob na sancatagan salita. These areSlcaraya-so, n, y, a, ya. -- 3, a, or ya -are used as connectives of a noun and its modifiers.. Say, "a, itA,".19' odino, "ya"* icanara ya panekep Aia ugaran tan saray catecoyto. 1.n is used when the- noun or a-djective ends in a vowel Espirutun sinrutac —Evil spirit. Pitoran copa-Seven cups. "Sy"n" ic~na no say ugaran odino say adjetivo mansaxnpotira ed.,vocal (at, e, 1, o odino u) 2.' ya or a are used interchangeably in -other cases as connectives-o-f —a noun EA~id its modifiers. ~ake~y a baleg ya'. agueo-A great dny - Say bilay ya andiangaan-Everlasting —ife. Say. ' ya" odino "a" nayarin icanara ya mansalatan no arum a _singa panekep na ngaran tan saray katecoyto. 3. So is dif ficult, —one must learn -when to use it mned so nanlapuan yo?-Where did you come from?7 Stay "TO" marP so kicana,-nacaiocujan ya cabatan no capigan soicana. 4. Y isue(a) When the 'suffix an precedes a word beginining with a vowel Thed so caoalaay abung to?-Where is his house? No say sampot ya "an" oalad. onaan na salita Ya ongapo 'ed vocal. (b) As a suffix for 'verbal forms. - OalaY PaCyadkto-He has power (is p~owerful), Icana ya singa sampot na salita ya verbo. th~irsty-napgaan.heal-va. tambalan bungry-naerasan, rcst-vn. painaoa man tired-nacsaoan injure-va. pasakitan 10 asleep-naoguip hathe-vn. ainues, man Wd1-macacaog1p - find&-va. anapuen well-mmaong, macsil found-nalmo lame-piley doctor —managtambal injured-asakitan boy-ugao ya laki wounded-sugatan girl-ugao ya bil bloody-madala, cadaladala yesterday-caruman dirty-marutas eight-oalo clean-malinis nine-siam pain-sakit, otot ten-samplo 1. Can the doctor heal this sick man9 2. How was.he injured? 3. The girl is sleepy. 4. I would like a drink, for I am thirsty. 5. The boy is dirty. 6. The man wishes to rest for he is tired. 7. The child became sick yesterday afternoon. 8. The doctor found the man wounded and bloody. 9. The lame man was healed by this doctor. 10. Why are you hungry? 1. Nayarian na managtambal ya tambalan yan toon agmacayari? 2. Panon so incasakitanto?, 3. Say ugao ya bii macacaoguip. 4. Gabaycon oninum ta napgaanacl. 5. Say agao ya laki marutac. 6. Say laki gabayto manpainaoa ta nacsaoan. 7. Say agao nanmacayari carumay ngarem. 8. Say managtambal nalmotoyan laki asugatan tan cadaladala. 9. Say piley a laki tinambaltonyan managtambal. 10. Akin et naeresan ca? LESSON V The INTERROGATIVE CABI. Say TEPET "OASI." 1. In Pangarinan the interrogative does not require an alteration in the order of the sentence as in English, the rising inflection being sufficient in many cases. Oalay kimeyto? Has he work? Diad Pangasinan say tepet agto nacaoculan so pangoman ed ocsoy na sancatagan salita a singa say Ingles, say itaguey na punto masaragla ed caraclan. 2. The sign of the interrogative, when used, is the term casi. S- _Piagaran sira casi? —How many fish are there? or Pigara casin aira?-I wonder how many fish there are? Say pamidbiran na tepet, no icana, say salitap "casi." 3. Other uses of casi. Arumiran cana na "casi.. Casi is always used when the question implies a desire for information. Antoya casi? ---WhAt is this (I would like to know) Say "cami laoas ya icana no say tepet gabayton kereoen so palioaoa. When one is in doubt as to -the proper answer. *Aganta casi.-I am not sure No say sakey et manduaru -ed nepueg ya ebat. 11 1-ote:-For further -discussiQn of the interrogative see Tntprrnzative Pronounns ain Interrogative_. Adverbs. INota:-Arum. a palioaoa nlpaac'ar ad tepdt nenguengen yo so Pronombres ya leana ed tepot tan Adverbios ya icax~a ed tepet_ - "Kather-ama play-vn. galab, man (of children) inother-M~a love-cva. aro, man (g) son-anac -ya laki help-va, vn, tolong, man laughter-anac'ya bii tske care of-va.' asicaso, man; cornaumt-panginaen poni,, man uncle —pangamaen, acquainted with-vn.' cabat,. mi nephew-caanacan _a lazki beside- ab~ay, diking niece-caanacan a bit in front of-arapan grandfather-lakl who-sopa& grandmather-bai eleven-labin sakey. parents-ratateng twelve-labin dua. 1. Who is your niece? 2. Who will take care of your mother? 3. Does the son love his father? 4. Are you acquainted with- his nephew? -5. What is the name of your grandfather? 6. Why does, not your father help yo ur uncle? 7. Who is taking care of his parents? 8. Who is that sitting beside your grandmother? 9. His parents, found him in front of the house. 1. Swopa'y casnacan mon bli? 2. Biopsy mancomponi.d kienen amam? 3. Inaro na snac ya amnato? 4. -aabatwmo so chanacanton bii?.6. Antoy ugaran non Ilaklm?. 6. Akin et amam agto tolongsau 51 pangama-tnmo? 1. Slopay mancocomponi ed saray atatengto? 8. Blopatoy scayorong ed dikingan nonbalm?.9.-Saray atatengto-nalmora-etsa u bug LESSON V1 __NEGATIVES. SARAY..SUNIGPA. (Negativos) 1. Ag. To render a-yerb n~egative the term ag is "placed before it. Agca manduarua,-Do. not doubt. Say "ag." Plan psgmaleoen so verb ya sunmgps, say ballca's ya "ag" icana ed onaanto. - 2. Aiigapo. This form does not require a, verb. -Angapoy tinapay-There is no bread or SyAngapo ni-There -is no 'ne. yet. "Saysngapo'." Sayan salita agto, nacaoculan so verbo. 3.Andi. This is the form that is used wvhen giving a negative -res'pons e "4No"~ to a question 9 Onlacad Dagupan?-Are you going to Dagupan? Andi-No. 12 Sxy "andi." Sayan nengnsag ya, icana eci ebat yastfgpa 11 'andilP 4. Alioan. This form corresponds to the English adverb "not."y.Alioan tua,-It is not true. Sayan nengueng miolibay ed adveibia ed Salitay Ingles not..ground, earth-dalin sun-agueo rain.-vn. uran, on moon-bulan fall-vn. puelag, on -star-biteuenshine-vn. agueo, on world-muido, stop (cease)-vn. tonda, on. s ea-41yat blow-vn. siboc, Onl lightning-kirmat. beautiful-marikep thunder-caol bright-nialioaoa rainbow-cabunlalakao wet-unibasa rain-.uTn cold-ambuetel ~storns-baguio - wind-daguem 1. For five days the sun did not shine.,. h rinflstaly3.T t star is bright. 4. There are many falling stars to-night. 5. There is no more` lightning.. 6. The rain has stopped. 7. The ground is wet after,the. storm. 8. The moon was -beautiful, last night. -9. Why does the wind not blow to-day. 1.0. The rainbow is very p.retty.. 1. Ag inauoed loob na Ilmay agueo. 2. Inmanran ya audi Ionda. 3. Satan ya biteuenlmamng 4. Dakel ya napuepuelag-ji tUl biteuen natad.swan 0Lb. 5. Angapolay *kIrmat. 6. Tnmnondalay uran. 7. Say, dalift ambasa, vayari bagulo. S. dalablan say bolsa masnag. 9. Akin et ag onsiboc so daguem nataifi? 10. Say cbnlalakao mmareakep natan. -Idioms.No matter-Audi Vale. Don't mention it-Angapoy osla. LESSON VII The PRONOUN. Say P3ONO MER. Nominative Forms. Frmas" Nominativas. The -various forms of the pronouns,'with their_ elisions and, colloquial usageis, present many difficulties. -They are very important, for the reason that the limitations -of the verb throw much responsibility back -upon the pronoun. Saray na.nduruman nengneng na pronombres tan saray ipatikoy Ya nengnengda tan saray naugalian ya canara, -mangieira na dakel ya cairapan. Macanara toloy a lapud saray caculangan na've~rbo panoan na saray prononibres. The forms will first be given and -their uses will follow. 13 Saray nanduruman nengneng niited onona, insan itomboc so naugalian ya canara. SINGULAR: 1st Pers. (I) 1. siac, 2. ac, 3. co, 4. ta 2nd Pers. (thou, you) 5. sica, 6. ca, 7. mo, 8. cayo, (yo) 3rd Pers. (he, shlie, it) 9. sicato, 10. to, 11. ra PLURAL: 1st Pers. (we) 12. sicatayo, 13. sicami, 14. tayo, 15. cami, 16. itayo, 17. mi, 18. iti 2nd Pers. (yo]u) 19. sicayo, 20. cayo, 21. yo, 22. ki 3rd Pers. (they) 23. sicara, 24. ira, 25. ra (da) Discussion. Salaysay. SINGULAR: 1st Pers. 1. 8iac, as a subject, is placed before the noun and is an emphatic form. Siac so dalan-I am the way Say "siac", no sicatoy pacatongtongan (sujeto), ipasen ed onaan na ngaran et sicatoy mabiskeg a nengneng a balicas. 2. Ac, is the form used with an intransitive verb Manbabasac-I am reading (an a is elided) Say "ac"-icana yan nengneng a catekeptoy verbo intrasitivo 3. Co, is used with a transitive verb Babasaenco yan libro-I am reading this book Say "co"-icana yan nengneng ya catekeptoy verbo transitivo 4. Ta is the form for the pronominal subject when there 'is a pronominal objecti Aroen ta ea —I love you (thee) Say "ata"-sicatoy nengneng na (pacatongtoypan) sajeto pronominal no oalay objdto pronominal. 2nd Pers. 5. Sica is used for emphasis or as an independent form. Sica may too-You are the man Say "sica-icans a pamabiskeg odino icana ya manbocbocod. 6. Ca is used with an intransitive verb. Manbasa ca-You read. Say "ca."-icana ya catekeptoy verbo intransitivo. 7. Mo is used with a transitive verb Basaenmo yan lecci6n-(you) read this lesson Say "mo" icana ya catekeptoy verbo transitiv&. B. Cayo is a respectful form of address which may also be used as a plural form Loob cayo-come in. (To a single visitor, or to any number. Sakey man o dakelira.) Say "cayo"-sicatoy mapagalang ya nengneng na pananguibano tan icana met ya pliural 3rd Pers. 9. Sicato is sometimes placed before the subject for eminphasis Sicato agto labay ya-He does not like this 14 Say "sicato"'-no arum ipasen ed onaan na pacatongtongan piasi pamabiskeg. 10. To is the usual form of the subject of a verb (not sicato) Inalato ed abung-He took it away from the house Say "to"-sicatoy..maslao ya nengneng na pacatongtongan na verbo. 11. Ra is used as a singular as a term of respect, especially in the presence of thile third party. Antoy inbagara?-What did he say (The speaker being present. Say mansasalita acarongo) Say "ra"-icans a singa singular a nengneng -a pamagalang, nagcalalo ed arapan na arum. PLURAL: - 1st Pers. 12. Sicatayo is used to include all persons present Sicatayon dili so oadia-It is we ourselves who are (present) here. Say "sicatayo icana plan isalambit ya aminiray totoon acarongo. 13. Sicami. is used to exclude those (of the company) who are not addresed Sicami angapay guetmamin maugues-WIe have no bad intentions. Say "sicami''"-icana pian ag pisalambit so toon catongtong. 14. Tayo is the shoi-ter form of sicatayo. Gaoaentayo comon so maong-Let us do what is good. Say "tayo"-sicatoy apatikey a nengneng na "sicatayo.'' 15. Cami is the shorter form of sicami. Onlacami ed San Carlos-We are going to San Carlos Say "cami" sicatoy ipatikay a nengneng na sicami." 16. Itayo seems to he a euphonious usage. Manpainaoa-itayo- na-daiset —We will rest a little Say "itayo" icana pian pamarakep na pacadngel. 17. Mi is an elision of sicami and cami which is frequently used. Guinaoami so maong.-We did well - Say "mi" sicatoy apatikey na nengneng na "Sicami" tan "cami" et mabetbet ya icana. 18. Iti is an idiomatic form used occasionully. Iti la-We are going (Let us go) Say "iti," -no arum icana onong ed naugalian.. 2nd Pers. 19. Sicayo is occasionally used as a nominative Sicayon amin onlecsabcayo-All of you come down Say '"sicayo'l'-no arum icana a pinagca nominativo. 20. Cayo or 21. Yo the elided form are generally used formally Basaenyo ya-Read this Say "cayo" odino Sa.y "yo" a sicatoy apatikey a nengneng na "cayo' maparanaya ya icanara ed saray ag cailuaman 15 22. R1 is a familiar term of respect Samar ki ni-Come in for a little visit (Idiom used when urging someone to stop in for a chat. Naugafliai ya pamailit ed sipama a onsamar a 'n-i-dniuo tna Aalaut) Say "ki"'-sicatoy nonugeng na painagalang 3rd Pers. 23. Sicara. Iis frequently used Sicaranamln so linma dia-They all came' here Say "9sicara" mabotbet ya icana, 24. Ira is used much like itayo, No. 16. Naaoairsad4 arap na, 1ios-They shall be brought before God. Say, "ira"f-mabotbet ya fouisa ya sings say "Itayo" No. 16 25. Ra (da) is 'he (plural) for m generally used Antoy gabayia,-What, do they want Onlara ed flog, They are going to the river say "dratt (da)-sicatoy mabotbot ya nengueng ya icana. coat-saco put on (clothes)-va.. solon, L. skirt —sapey- take off-va. ecalen,shirt-.camesa wash (clothes)-va. 'puesac, L. trousers —carso~n match-vn. inangayan, pa shoes-patos, black-andeket stocking-meodlas blue-axul kerchief-pono,, siget red —ambalangaumbrella-payong of ted-mabetbet hat-tacoco, twenty-duamplo cane-baston thirty-talomplo'. ring~-slngsing ~ fortyptao clothes-ctaoes 1. When* will he wear' your shirt?1 2. The skirt of your mother was blue with red flowers..3. How did his brother put that- coat on?1 4. The trousers ' that he is wearing are red. 5. The kerchief of the Filipino young ladies is very pretty. 6. When did you lose his- umbrella? 7. Her stocking mach er kir. 8 Hegoe walking often- with a cane. -9.* Tell the boy to wash the clothes in the river. -1. Qapiganto isolong So Canmjs dentro? 2. Say sapey na. aina azul a matakan na ainbaiangan: bulaklak. S. Panon so inpanguisolong non aguito.4 satan ya saco. 4. Sa~y Carson ya -insoongto asusanga.- 5..Say Bigot na saray inalangwer.ya biun Filipinos marakeakep. A. Capigan so inp&a. cabalangmto ed payon~gto? 7. Say mediasto inangay na sapoyto. 8. Ma. betbet ya. manac'ar ya oala'y bastonto. 9. Ibagami ed aripuen ya ipuesacto so caoes ed ilog. LESSON VIII The PRONOUN. Say PRONOM3DR. ecension. Dclaon-".7 ------ The pronoun. in Pangasinan is not declined., Say pronoabre ed -Pangasinan sngappy 4delenacionto. The nominative forms have already been given. (Less. VII.) Saray nongiseng a nominativos ayari laran ulited. (Less. VI.) -As indirect object, dative or accusative, the preposition is generally ed, the pronoun taking the prefix si,-slac, sica sicato, etc. Itedno ed siac, Give (it) to me. A pinagca objetivo indirecto,. dativo odino accusativo, say preposicion a mabetbet ya "ecl" say pronombre catekepto ed onaan so "4-," "siac," "44sica," "sicato," etc. The sign of the accusative may be ad or na. Inaraoida ed sicatb-They left him. Nalmotoy pigaran tanaman —IFe found a few plants. Say pamidbiran na accusativo -nayari ya "ed" odino "na." market-tindaan market-stall —keteg shp —garita. goods-tasll~co. yard-stick-vara change-salat price-bill cloth-abuel high (pricefl mabli' pay-va. bayar (an) expensive -borrow-va. bayes, on low (price) mamora buy-va. saieo (en) c e-a-p Jell-va. laco (en) money-pilac lend-Va.- bayes, ipa haif-peso-salapi carry-va. aolt - (en) basket-bocsot, baliag How mueh?-pigsa What kind-t-Antoy nengneng 1. What kind of goods do you sell? 2. I want to. pEy you for the fish. 3. Give me a basket to carry my purchases to my hbxouse. 4. The price of the sugar is too high. 5..Lend me a half-peso, please. 6. I want to borrow some money to go to market. 7. They have many. kinds of goods in that. stall. 8. His yard-stick is short. 9.. How much is this cloth (price.).10. What kind of eggs are these? 1. Anton n6 ngneng na tagtagilaco so lacom. '2. Gabaytacan bayaran ed samay sira. 3. ftdanmoac na bocsot ya pangaoitanco ed sliiasalieo co edi abung. 4. Bay bill na massimit mabi a toloy. 5. Ipangasim ya pabayesanac na saapl. 6. Gabaycoy miutang na pilac a yacadcod tindan. 7. Dakel ya nengneng a tagtagilaco ed satan a keteg. 8. Antikey so varato. 9..Piga yan abuel? 10. Anton nengneng na icnol iraya? LESSON IX The PRONOUN. Say PRONOMBRE. The Possessive. Say Possessivo. The following are the forms of the possessive pronoun. Saray onsaguinonor sicaray nengneng na pronombre possessiyo. The pronoun need not agree with its noun as will be noted in the following declension. Say pronombre ag nacaoculan ya mitotcoyan ed ngaran a onong na. nanengneng ed saray onsaguinonor. SINGULAR: 1st Pers. Co my 2nd Pers. Mo thy 3rd Pers. to his PLURAL: 1st Pers. mi our (Sometimes tin. No arum "tin.") 2nd Pers. yo your 2nd Pers. yo your 3rd Pers. da their SThe pronoun need not agree with its noun as will he noted in the following declension. Say pionombre ag nacaoculan ya mitotcoyan ed ngaran a onong na nanengneng ed saray onsaguinonor,SINGULAR: Say abung co-my house say abung mo-thy house say abung to-his -house say abung mi-n-our house say abung yo-your house say abung da-tlieir house PLURI AL: saiay abuabung co-my houses saray abuabung mo-thy houses saray abuabung to-his houses saray abuabung mi-our houses saray abuabung yo-iour houses saray abuabung da-their houses Notes. N.otas. 1. Kien is used as a sign of the possessive when there is no noun. Say "kien" icana a pimidbiran na possessivo no angapoy ngaran. Kien co-It belongs to me. 2. Kien gives the root for words signifying ownership Say "kien" sicatoy panlapuan na lamot na salita ya pamatnagan na pancayarian Sicato so macankien na sayan abung. —He is the owner of this house 3. Example of the use of tin in the 1st Pers. Plural. Sakey a alimbaoa na kicana na "tin" na Prim. Pers. PluraL Say Cataoan -tin Jesu Cristo-Our Ioird Jesus Christ. 18 rice-buelas rice (cooked)-'niloto sneat-asalian, came. *ater-danuun bread-tinapay pork-babuy beef-vaca; piece (of bread)-pisag na soup-sabao,, (digo) dessert-masamit salt-asam cook-va. lotoen boil (in water)-va. lambungen boil (water oaly)-vn.- paloag, L. burn-va. poolan taste-vn. aliam, Man, roast-va. calot, i. tinapay) tender-anlemet tough-anaoet., macolnet so ur-allapseng salty-niaasii 1. This bread tastes sweet. 2. Do you like (cooked) rice? 3. This soup is very salty. 4. Did -you salt the rice.? 5. The meat must be boiled 'well or it will be tough. 6. The pork that you sent is. tender and tastes good. 7. How do/i-Au like this dessert. 8. Give the. children' n piece of,bread- each. -9. The meat burned when she was roasting -it. 10. 1 want to take 7some boiled water with me tomorrow. 1. Sayan-tinapay masimit'so taoayto. 2. Gabaymoy niloto? 3. Sayan sabao maasin. 4. Inasinanmoy niloto? 5. Say asalian lambongen ya maong 21o audi anaoet. 6. Samay babuy ya inpaitolodmo anlemet et, maong SD taoayto. 7. Antoy pacataoaymo ed sayan masamit? 8.. Itdanmo ra tay uguao na pisag. nif tinapay so balang sakey. 9. Atectec. imay asalian nen icacaoto. 10. Gabaycoy manaoit na impaloag ya danun. niabuas. LESSON X The PRONOUN. -Say PRONO30RE. The Interrogative. $ay. Tepet. -The, following are 'the interrogative pronouns anid'their uses:' * Saray onguendan a sicaray pronombres a pantepet tan say canara: Opa, or-*siopa-who-are used'intdrchnngenbly - ioa garanto-Who is hie'? (Wh~at is his name)..' Opay'macankien'ed saya —Whod is. the owner of this? -Say "opa" odino "siopa" napansalatanira ed cana. Dinan-Wh~ich Dinay dalan onla ed. Dagupan? ----Wlich road goes to Darupan? Ante-Wha11t. Antoy, acasengeig e~d~ —aya?-Wliat- is *the re'ason for. this? Pigs-How (many or mu fch) Pigay bilito-Ilow.much (price) is it? Pigara cayo?-How many are (there of) you? 7 Vaonungan 'How much C aonungaXL kera la?-How much is lef t over? Panon-Ho w- 19. N Panon so pangecalco e4 sica?-How shall' I get rid of you? Note'. Nota. Siopa, is used like "whose" in English, xvith-. sign of the possessiva Slopay macankien na, sayau uma?-Whose land (field) is this? Say "sliopa"l icana a singa "whose".4 salltay Ingles catekeptoyr pamatnagan na possessivo. animal-ayep pup-oken dog-aso, goat-canding horse-cabayo eat-pusa, kitten-cuting chicken-inanoc bird-manoc ya atap rat —otot,deer-pulsa pig-babuy bat-cagging earabao-dueg capture-va. erelen catch-va. sampaten drive-va. dagdagen root (up)-va. aliboc play with-va. galao, mi. ride-vai. cabayo, on grow- (plants)-vai. tobo, on grow (a~nimals)-va. baleg, on wild-atap taine-amo f ast-mabatic (fuick-Inasiglat slow-matantan noisy-maongol 1. Children like to play with dogs. 27 '.How did you catchi (capture) the rat?1 3. There are two horses in front of the ho-use. 4. This deer is wild., 6. Your kitten is growing fast. 6. How many bats live in this church tower. 7. Which -horse do you want to ride today'? 8. Who is the owner of "the pig that rooted the road up? 9. How did you tame this bird so quickly? 10. The carabao walks very slowly. 11. The pups are noisy. 1.Saray ugugao labayday, mlgalao.4 saray ~aso.- -. Panoy inpangerel mo -e4 -sayau oto? -3. Omlay duaran cabajo ed arap na abung. 4. Say=n usa maatap. 5. Sayay cutlngmo inasiglat so ibabalegto,. 6. Plgaray cag-.glug so 1nmanaym.4 sayan torre. 7. Dinan ya, cabayo so labaynwn cab&-,Yaoan natan. 8. Slopay acancayarian, na, samny babuy ya nanaliboc. na, dal an. 97i~inpanga-nom. od sayan manoc, ya agangano? 10. Say dueg matantan ya, manacar..1.1. Sara-y oken maongollra. LESSON X1 The -PRONOUN. Say PRONOMBRZ. The DEMONSTRATIVE. Say DEMONSTRPATIVO. SINGULAR: Full Entero Sayan satan Apocopated _Apatikey ya. this tan, that (near-asinguer) Mlan that (distant-araoi odino ag naaiengneng) -20 PLURAL: saraya rays these saraman raman those (near-asinguer) saratan ratan those (distant-araoi odino ag nanengneng) The chief difficulty in the use of these pronouns is in the proper employment of the full and apocopated forms. Say mauona cairapan ed cana na sarayan pronombres say nailoaman ya canara ya entero odino apatikey. Anto ya?-What is this? Satan a too telec-That man is deaf. Antoy agaoa rantay totoo?-What is the matter with those ment Idioms. Nailoam ya cana. No arum-Sometimes Diad saman ya panaon-at that time. Angan co-I guess (so.) I think (so.) Laoari-almost ngalingali-perhaps, maybe, possibly Ta generally meaning "hecause" is sometimes used for emphasis. When thus used it is not translated into English. Baleg ta? Is it large (indeed?) Say "ta" ya maslac ya catalosanto so "becanse" no arum icana a pamabiskeg. No onia so kicanato ag nipatalos ed Ingles. tree-kieo rind-okis bamboo-caoasyan peeling-obac banana-ponti pare-va. okisan obacan pomelo-luckbrm. squeeze-va. espues, i cocoa-niut-ning knock down-va. puelag, i mango-manga pick-*a. docdoc, man lemon-dayap bitter-ampait orange-dalandan ripe-aloto seed-bokel unripe-maeta 1. What kind of trees are thbse that I see very far yonder. 2. The taste of those seeds is very hitter. 3. These oranges are green (unripe). 4. It is not yet the season for mangoes. 5. Those lknzones are ripe..6. Please pare some of these chicos for us. 7. The rind of calamanses is bitter. 8. Tell this boy to.limb that cocoa-nut tree and knock down some of the nuts so that we may have a drink. 9. He squeezed out the juice of some lemons and made us lemonade to drink. 10. Please pick up a few oranges for them. 1. Antoran nengneng na kieo iratay ya nanengnengco. 2. Say taoay ma saratan ya bokel masiadon ampait. 3. Sarayan dalandan maetara. 4. Alioanin panson na manga. 5.. Saratan ya lanzones alotora. 6. Ipangasfm 'a obacanmocami xk sarayan chico..7. Say okis na calamanses amapait. 21 8. Thagam, ed sayan ugao ya oncalab ed satan ya niug tan ipuelagtoy pigaran niug ta pian macainom, itayo. 9. Inespuesto s0 tabol na dalayap tan ingaoaanto itayo 'na Jimonada ya inumen tayo. 10. Ipangasim. ya idoedocanmnora na pigaran dalandan. LESSON X1I The PRONOUN. Say PRONOMBR!. As ADJECTIVE. A Singa ADJETIVO. amin-all (number) Amin lra,. All of them san-all (time) Sanagueoo-AlI day long -all (quantity) Sanbocsot, —Basketful balang —each-Balang ugao,-Each baby sanca-(suffix an) Entire, whole,-Sancamundoan,-The whole world dakel-many,- much Dakeifray totoo oadzuan,-Nlany people were -there pigara-few Oalay pigaran sira labat,-There are only a few fish dalset-littre Itedmod siac ma, daiset,-Oive me a little sarag-enough Xasaragla, —(It is) enough. bocor -or bocbocor-alone Bocbocor 'co,-I (am) alone aruam-other Angapoy arwn,-.(There is) no other (none other).arum-arumn, some-some (others) Say arum. guinaoa~ra ya, arum, guinaoara tan Some did this, -some (o 'thers) did that sakey-a certain (one) -Sakay a too,-A certain man sananey-another Satan sananey a buengatla,-Tbat is anothber thing say arum-the rest Saray arum onsabira,- The rest (arbm) comning -ma —the adje~ctive prefix, is often used with a root as a noun Say masikeni,-Th~e old man Say mayaman,-The rich man say "ima" ya yan ed onaan na adjetivo, ma-betbet ya icana a catekep na lamot na ngaranIdiom. - Balang sinansakey ed sicatayo-Each one of us Spanish terms. Enter'o-entire (whole) Enteron mundo for Sancamundoan Xasiado,-too much, too many or very many Maziadoy culikik,-Very many ducks sea-dayat sail-vn. sacay, man, on wave-daloyon swin-vn. langoy,, man, on weather-panaon dive-vn. legep, man, on sail-layag deep —aralem' boat-banca,. balota row-va, buegsay, man boat- (large)-parao, birey sha~llow-atapueo net-iket.pond (lnke)-libsong wind-daguem. lake-lago wind. (favorable) -bolon shark-pating wind (contrary) sungpa, oar-buegsay fish-va. keme1~ man out-rigger-casig 22 1. Small fish are caught in shallow water. 2. The men cannot fiash today because the waves are high. 3. We- sailed quickly to the fishing place because of a favorable wind. 4. Sharks swim only in deep water. 5. Each boat brought many kinds of fish. 6. It was necessary for each, man to row with an oar because the wind was contrary. 7. The out-rigger of the boat broke when a great wave went over the boat. 8. The net broke because of the great number of fish. 9. We knew there was a boat there because we could see the sail. 10. Another man will now dive into the lake. 11. The weather is bad for sailing. T AI eleg a sira so naalan ed tapueo a daiinum. 2. Sarayan totoo ag macapankemel natan ta ancabaleg so daloyon. 3. Aganocamin nansacay ya angad kemelan lapud bolon. 4. Saray pating manlangoy ira lambuengat ed aralem a danam. 5. Balang baloto anguitaroc na nanduruman sira. 6. Nacaoculan a balang sakey a too manbuegsay lapud say daguem sungpa. 7. Say casig na baloto apoter nen sinmipuac so baleg a daloyon. 8. Say iket apilat lapud carakel na sira. 9. Antami ya oalay parao diman lapud nanengnengmi so layag. 10. Say sananey a too. so onlegep natan ed lago. 11. Alioan maong a panaon na pansacay. LESSON XIIt The PRONOUN. Say PRONOMBRM. The INDEFINITE. Say INDEFINITIVO. Siopaman-some (of persons) Siopaman ya too,-Somebody (anybody) Siopaman ya too onsabi naani,-Somebody will come (soon) Antocaman-some (of things) Antocaman ya buengatla,-Something Oalay autocaman ya buengatla a nagaoan tampol Something is going to happen immediately Angapo-none (no) Angapoy too,-Nobody Angapoy bnengatla,-Nothing Compound relative pronouns. Saray pronombres relativos compuestos. Angan-ever Angan siopa,-Whoever Angan dinan, —AWhichever Angan ined,-Wherever, etc., etc. Idioms. Cono-When something that someone has said is repeated immediately, even if a translation into Pangasinan, Jthe expression cono is used. Labayoy mangan. cono,-(He says that) you want to eat No oalay buengatla ya sinalita no siopaman ya oliten a tampol, angaman sicatoy impatalos ed Pangasinan, say panangibaga ya icana say "cono." Cuan-If a previous conversation or story is being repeated, the expressions cuanco and cuanto are used, corresponding respectively to "says I" and "says he" in colloquial English. No say apalabas ya tongtongan odino tongtong et -olite'j, say pangibaga ya "cuan co" tan "cuan to" sicaray icana onong a icunan ed Ingles "says I". tan "says he." 23 2. The enclitic so often stands where we would expect "is" in English Ined 'so abangto?-Where is his house. Say balicas "so" mabetbet ya icana ed pasen na "is" ed Ingles. 3. The future "shall" and the past "wns" are expressed by adverbs of time. Oadia nensaman,-He was here Oadia naani,-He will he here Say futuro "shall" tan say pasado "was" nibalicasira ed Jricana na salitaran nipaacar ed panaon. 4. The PangVasinan verb oala ''to have"' is frequently used idiomatically for "'is.' Oalay ponti,-There is a banana. Oalay sakito,-He is sick. Say verbo ya "oala" (to -have) mabetbet ya icana ed nailoam ed pasen na "is" ed Ingles. 5. Naturally, since there is no verb- "to be," there is no auxiliary for making compound tense forms in Pangasinnn, and these are lacking. Lapud no angapo so verbo "to- be" ed salitay Pangasinan, angapoy nitekep ed sananey a salita ta pian nagaoan nantekep a salita ya pamatnagan na panaon na incagaoa, lapud sarays angapora. field-uma iarrow —va. pasagaran plough-locoy plant-va. tanem, i (seeds and plants) harrow-pasagar plant-va. suakit, i (seeds) "k seed time-panasigtanem thresh-va. iliken (by treading) harvest-panagani tresh-va. taltagen (by pounding) rice (in stalk)-paguey harvest-va. ani, man sower-managtanem, tumatanem reap-va. anien reaper-manani straight ---maptec ripe (grain)-aanien crooked —pikeoet plough-va. bacaen 1. T'he- dykes should he fixed soon for the rainy season is near. 2. Plough your furrows straight. 3. Both men and women nre planting rice. 4. The fields are white already for- the harvest. 5. 1 saw some men day before yesterday threshing rice in the field. 6. There is plenty of rain this season for the growing rice. 7. When will you begin planting rice. 8. He is going out into the water with his carabao to harrow his field. 9. The reapers work all day long in the hot sun. 10. The dyke along the road is very crooked. 1. Saray pilapil apigerenlaran.tempol ta asinguerlay mamauran. 2. Petecmoy panbacam. 3. Saray bibii tan lalaki mantatanemiray pagney. 4. Saray capagubyan aanienlarsa. 5. Anengnengcoy pigaran lalaki nen agueo a sakey ad caumaagya manilik. 6..Oalay masarag ya uran ed aayan pa. naon ya oncana ed saray ontotobon paguey. 7. Capiganmo igapoy% iianta25 2. The enclitic so often stands where we would expect "is" in English Ined 'so abungto?-Where is his house. Say balicas "so"n mabetbet ya icana ed pasen na "is" ed Ingles. 3. The future ''shall" and the past "was" are expressed by adverbs of t ime. Oadia nensaman,-He was here Oadia naani,-He will be here Say futuro "shall" tan say pasado "was" nibalicasira ed jricana na salitaran nipaacar ed panaon. 4. The Pangasinan verb oala ''to have"' is frequently used idiomatically for "is.'' Oalay ponti,-There is a banana. Oalay sakito,-He is sick. Say verbo ya ''oala" (to -have) mabetbet ya icana ed nailoam ed pasen na "is" ed Ingles. 5. Naturally, since there is no verb-"to be," there is no auxiliary for making compound tense forms in Pangasinan,' and these are lacking. Lapud no angapo so verbo "to be" ect salitay Pangasinan, angapoy nitekep ed sananey a salita ta pian nagaoan nantekep a salita ya pamatnagan na panaon na incagaoa, lapud saraya angapora. field-uma narrow-va. pasagaran plough-locoy plant-va. tanem, i (seeds and plants) harrow-pasagar plant-va. sukit, i (seeds) W seed time-panagtanem iihresh-va. iliken (by treading) harvest-panagani tresh-va. taltagen (by pounding) rice (in stalk)-paguey harvest-va. ani, man sower-managtaneni tumatanem reap-va. anien reaper-manani straight-maptec ripe (grain)-aanien erooked-pikeoet plough-va. bacaen 1. The- dvkes should be fixed 'soon for the rainy season' is near. 2. Plough your furrows straight. 3. Both men and women ure planting rice. 4. The fields are white, already for the harvest. 5. 1 saw some men day before yesterday threshing rice in the field. 6. There is plenty of rain this season for the growing rice. 7. When will youn begin planting rice. 8. He is going out into the water with his carabao to harrow his -field. 9. The reapers work all day long in the hot sun. 10. The dyke along the road is very crooked.., 1. Saray pilapil apigerenlaran t'mpol ta asinguerlay mamnauran. 2. Peteemoy panbacam. 3. Saray bibii tan lalaki mantatanemiray paguey 4. Saray capagulyan aanienlara. 5. Anengnengcoy pigaran lalaki n agueo a sakey ed caumaa~yamaniflik. 6..0alay masarag ya uran -ed saylanpa-' naon ya oncana ed saray ontotobon paguey. 7. Capiganmo igapoy — Itiants25 nem (na paguey?) 8. Oonla ya taroctoy duegto a pasagarantoy umaton aparanuman. 9. Saray umaani mananiran sanagueo ed captangay agueo. 10. Say pilapil ya bandad dalan masiadon pikeoet. Idioms. The meal is fine-]MioiiiT-tilliir The food is goodj We enjoyed the food,-Maong so inpangan mi. LESSON XV The VERB. Say VERBO. The VERB "to have." Say VERBO "osla." 1. The verb "to have" is generally expressed by the Pangasinan word oala. Oalay anacto-She has a child. Say verbo "to have" maslac' ya ibalicas ed salitay Pangasinan ya "dsoaia." 2. The verb nagamoran, expressing possession is sometimes used like the English verb "to have." Piano nagamoraday bilay ya andi agaan. In order that they may have eyerlasting life. Say verbo ''nagam6ran" a pangibaga na pacagueguemtan ed arapen, sicatoy icana ed pasen na verbo Ingles "to have." 3. Since there are no compound tenses in Pangasinan neither of the verbs mentioned above are used as auxiliaries, as the verb "to have" is used:n English. Lapud no angapo so salitan atekep a pangibalicas na panaon ed salitay Pangasinan, ag nicana so angandinan ed saray asalitan verbos ya panekep a singa say verbo "to have" ed salitay Ingles. Note. Oala is not conjugated for the reason that the subject of oala always goes with the 'indirect object of the verb. When there is no indirect object, the subject of oala is understood. Therefore we never hear oala to, "lie has" but only oala. But with an indirect object we hear it as follows*Oalay anaco-I have a child Oalay anacmo-You have a child S j Oalay anacto-iHe (she) has a child, etc. Nota. Say "oala" ag naomanoman a lapud say pacatongtongan laoas ya mila ed objeto indirecto na verbo. No angapoy objeto indirecto say pacatongtongan cabatla. Canianti ya agtayo narengel ya icanara so "oala to" no ag ingen "oala" lambuengpt. Ingen no ibatoy objeto indirecto, narengeltayo ya nicana a singa onguendanOalay anaco —I have a child,-etc. justice-catonbngan cheat-va. sicot, man; saol; man truth-catuaan owe-va. utang, mi lie-tila avenge-va. bales, om 26 liar-matila temperance-pangadia purity-calinisan impurity-carutacan revenge-bales law-gangan friend-agui, enemy-cabusol punish-va. dusaen kill (minurder)-va. pateyen good —maona honest-maptec just-matonong pure-malinis guilty-macasalanan bad-mauges 1. A good man deals justly with all men. 2. The law sometimes permints that which is unjust. 3. The liar is a dishonest man. 4. He murdered that man because they were enemies. 5. A man cannot be put in prison because he owes another man a debt. 6. Both of these men are guilty and should be punished to the full extent of the law. 7. Your brother cheated my father in the purchase of rice..8. Whenever one of them is murdered the rest seek revenge. 9. He is a criminal because he killed his enemy. 10. It is always best to be honest. 1. Say maong a too maptec so pibibilayto ed saray totoo. 2. Say gangan no aminsan aboloyanto so alioan catonongan. 3. Say matila alioan maptec ya too. 4. Pinateyto tan ya too lpapud manbubusolanira. 5. Ag nipangao so sakey a too lapud acantang ed sananey. 6. Saray duan catao macasalananira, tan nepuegda so nadusa onong na sasalitay catonongan. 7. Samay aguim sinaoltoy amac ed salioan na pagney. 8. No oalay slopaman ya napatey ed sicara, saray kera yanapday ombales. 9. Sicato macasalanan laputd pinateytoy cabusolto. 10. Maong laoas casin tomboken so captecan. LESSuN XVI The VERB. Say VERBO. The PARTICIPLE. Say PARTICIPIO. (Gerund) — - _- ____ __ The participle of all verb forms is-made by repeating the first syllable of the verb stein. Say participio na amin ya nengneng na verbos nagaoara lapud pangolit na onanan sylaba na sampot na asalitan verbo. Stem Infinitive Participle (gerund) Sampot Infinitivo Participio basa malbasa-to read manbabasa-reading la onla-to go. onlala-going Sicatoy manbabasa-He is reading Onlala natan-He is going now. God-Dios spirit-agnengneng mercy-paanfgasi love-aro love-va. aroen forgive-va. palabasan, perdonaen sin-vn. casalaLan,.man believe-va. sia, man 21 eternal andi angaan trust-va. piaen everlastingJ redeein-va. dondonen all-powerful *l obey-va. toloken omnnipotent-4-macapanyari holy% -masanto omniscie*nt) inereciful-mapangas i all-wise Jr ancacabatan Christ jan-Cristiano sin-casalanan Cl riistinnitv.-Incacristiano soni-camarerua Lord-Cataoan 1. A true Christian ob)eys the laws of God. 2. God has redeemed nill nien fromn sin through Jesus Christ. 3. The Lord iii niercifutl and slow to ongyeme. 4. Men seek God by living a religions life. 5. Jestns tanght tha. t wL should love our enemies and forgive~ those who (1o ns evil-) 6. Whatsoever. you wonild that men should do to you, do youi even so to thenin. 7. God is the creator of the world and all things in it. 8. We love God because He:first loved fis. 9. We have salvation when God forgives our sins. 1. Say matuan Cristiano tolokentoray- gangay Dios. 2. Say Dios dinondontoy amin a too ed casalanan ed panamegley nen Jean Cristo. 3. Say Cataoan mapangasi tan ag malgagano *ed sanoc. 4. Saray totoo aanapenday Dios lapud bilaydan mareliglon. 5. Si Jesus inbangato ya aroentayo ray cabusoltayo tan palabasentayo ray mancascelanan ed sicatayo..6. Say antocaman ya labayoy gaoaenday totoo ed sicayo, ga aenyo met ya onong ed sicara. 7. Say Dios so amalsa ed mundo tan a a luganto. 8. Inarotayoy Dios- lapud inaroto itayon inmona. 9. Oalay kilalabantayc no say Dios palabasanto ray casalanantayo. The VERB. Say V"ERBO. The PRESENT INDICATIVE. Say PRESENTE INDICATIVO. All verb forms in Pangasinan are made by attaching prefixes or suffixes to the root of the verb. Amin ya nengneng na verbos ed Pangasinan nagaoara lapid pangisoldong ed-onaan-odino-diad-sampot- na-verbo.There are two conjugations of the verb with the prefixes man and on in the infinitive. Oalay duaran conjugaciones na verbo ya tarokcn so "man tan "on'. ya casoldong na- infinlitivo. Present Tease. Intransitive Form Mfempo Presente. Nengneng na Intransitivo. SINGULAR: 1st Pers. manbasa acZ:I read onla ac-I go 2nd Pers. manbasa ca-you read onla ca-youl go 3rd Pers. manbasa '(to)-he reads cnla itayo-we go PLURAL: ti Pe s. manbasa tayo-we read onla (to)-hie goes 2nd Pers. mnanbasa (ca) yo-you reanl onla (ca) yo-yon go 3rd' Pers. manbasa ra —they rend cula ra-they go Tfransitive Forms-Nengneng na Transitivo. 28 SINGULAR: 1st Pers. bassen co-I read 2nd Pers. basaceh mo-you read 3rd Pers. bassaen to-he reads PLURAL: 1st Pers. bassen tayo-we read 2nd Pers. bassen yo-you read 3rd Pers. basaen da-they read The transitive form of the verb is made by attaching the suffix en to the root of the verb Say nengneng na transitivo na verbo nagaoa lapud I)angisoldong diad sampot na lamot na verbo so "en." It will be noted that the intransitive verb form takes the ac and ca forms of the pronoun, while the transitive verb form takes co and mo. Nanengneng ya say forma na verbo intransitivo itarocto so saray "ac" tan "ca" ya nengneng na pronombres, balet say forms usna verbo transitivo itarocto so "co" tan "mo." 1. What are the girls reading?1 2. Do the men talk fast or slow? 3. The boys are writing letters. 4. The coachman is smoking a large cigar. 5. We rlways drink coffee without milk. 6. The boys do not learn because they' do not study. 7. What are you looking for9 8. The ponies do not eat when they are not hungry. 9. My friend who writes stories lives id the city of Manila. 10. In what country does your son reside? 11. He resides in the United States. 12. Why does the monkey drink so much water? 13. S What. do vo) t the Hig S? 4 h l nts m h7er father.o 15. There is a piano in her mother's house. 1. Antoy babassendaran tay bibli? 2. Masiglat odino matsntau so psanagsalitaray lalaki? S. Saray ugugao manstuslatira. 4. Say cochero mantatabacoy baleg ya dinabl. 5. Laoas ya 9ailumcami na cafe ya anga_ po gtasto. 6. Sary lalaki agira macasral lapud agda mansral. 7. Antoy anapuenmo? 8. Saray cabayo agira mangan no agirsa narasan. 9. Samay caaroc ys mansusulat na tongtong manaayam ed ciudad na Manila (Ibali.) 10. Ined ya.dalin so panaasyam na anacmo? 11. Xansayam ed Estados Unidos. 12. Akin-et say bakes dakel so inumento? 13. Antoy ibabaugatmo ed High School? 14. Say agao ya bli gabsytoy macaaoat na salat a manlapud amato. 15. Oalay piano ed abung nen inato. LESSON XVIII The VERB. Say VEiBO. The FUTURE INDICATIVE. Say FUTURO iDICATIVO. There is no form to represent the future tense of any verb in Pangasinan. Angapoy neugneng ya mangipatnag na panson ya arapen naus dinman ysa verbo ed Pangasinan. 29 Therefore the context must denote future time. This is usually done by adverbs of time. No ontan sirin saray caoloptoran salita nacaoculan ya ipatnag so panaon ya arapen. — Say maslac ya panaon na adverbios na tiempo, a singa say Naani-Soon, after awhile Tampol-immediately nagogonoyan-bye and bye Mansulatac naani-I (will) write soon Onpaoilac a tampol-I am coming immediately, etc. The expression of completed action in the future (future perfect) is also accomplished by adverbs of time. Say panangibaga na asungpalan gaoa diad nengneng na futuro (futuro perfecto) nagneguemtan ed panamegley na adverbios de tiempo.,.Asungpaltilay kimey ed satan nabuas.-We shall have finished the work to-morrow. Asungpalmoian insulat casi itay sulat diad horas na las diez?-Will you have written the letter by ten o'clock? 1. We shall go to Lingayen to-morrow if it does not rain. 2. Day after to-morrow we will gather the cocoa-niuts that have fallen from the trees; 3. The sun will shine upon our backs. 3. We will pour the juice of the nipa into a large jar and at the end of the week it will be fermented. 5. The river is flooded after the heavy rains, and the roads are so muddy that we will not be able to go to the town by carromata. 6. Where shall I find the principl o g will find him at his house near the beach. 8. If he will bring his school children, I will show them these moving pictures to-night. 9. If you will rent the house, I will have it painted. 10. If there are any eggs in the house, I will make some dessert. 11. Hov.much sugar does it take to make this much-cocoanut candy? 12. i will light the lamps in the church at eight o'clock. 13. We will wait until the train arrives. --. 1. Onla itayo ed Lingayen nabuas no ag onuran. 2. Dia ed comaduan agueo docdocentayo ray niug ya naplag. 3. Say agueo onsinag ed beneg tayo. 4. Icalbotayo so sinamit na nipa diad baleg a buyog- et diad calabas na sakey simba anapsengla. 5. Say ilog binmaleg ed calabas na maples ya uran, et saray dalan masiadon mapitecira et ag itayo macaacar ed baley a mancarromata. 6. Ined so pacaromoganco ed principal na High School. 7. Isipen con naromogmod abungto ed abay na dayat. 8. No itarocyoray manaaral ya ngugao ipanengnengcod sicaray cinec natad sayan labi. 9. No abangan mo yay abung papintaanco. 10. No oalay icnol diad abung mangaoaac na masimit. 11. Caonungay nacaoculan ya masimit ed sayan carakel na gaoaen ya bukayo. 12. Selqelancoray sileoan ed Simbaan diad las ocho. 13. Analagitayo ya angad isabi na tren. Idioms. Antoy ninengnengenaPno?-Wlat are you looking at 9 - 30 LESSON XIX The VERB. Say VERBO; The Past Tense. Say Apalabas ya Panaon. Each conjugation has a distinct method of forming the past tense. The man conjugation forms the past tense by changing the prefix man to nan. The on conjugation forms the past tense by interposing inn or-inbetween the first and second letters of the root. Balang pangomanoman oalay nidumaduman panangibaya na panaon ya apalabas. Say pangoman ed "man" a "nan" pagmalioento ya balicas ( na apalabas ya panaon'. Say pangoman ed verbo ya ongapod. "on" lapud pangipasen ed nanleetan na onona tan comaduan letras na lamot na satan a salita na saray "inm" odino "in," pagmalioento ya balicas na apalabas ya panaon. Intransitive. Intransitivo. SINGULAR: - man conjugation on conjugation 1st Pers. nanbasaac,-I read sinmabic,-I came 2nd Pers. nanbasaca,-you read sinmabica, ---you came 3rd Pers. nanbasato,-he reads sinmabito,-he came PLURAL: 1st Pers. nanbasatayo,-we read sinmabitayo,-we came.2nd Pers. nanbasaya,-you read sinmabiyo,-you came 3rd. Pers. nanbasara,-they read sinmabira,-they came Transitive. Transitivo. It will be.noted that the transitive form follows the on conjugation in the past tense. Nanengneng ya say nengneng na pangomanoman na transitivo miolibay ed pangomanoman ed verbo ya ongapo ed "on" diad pananbIiaga na apalabas ya panaon. Root.. Lamot. basa SINGULAR: 1st Pers. binasac,-I read 2nd Pers. binasam, —you read 3rd Pers. binasato,-he read, etc. Exceptions. Saray NIDUMA. When the root begins with n, the past is formed by the prefix ni. No say lamot ongapo ed "n" say panangibaga na apalabas ya panaon nagaoa lapud pangitekep ed onan na "ni." Verb. Verbo Root. Lamot Past. Apalabas nengniengen,-to see nengneng m ninengneng nonnoten,-to think nonnot ninonot The distinctions of perfect, pluperfect, etc., are,not made in Pangasinan. Saray nandurumaan na perfecto, pluscuamperfecto, etc., ag ira naromog ed Pangasinan. Perfecto. Perfect 31 Angad natan agtoni inebatan so kereotayo,-Thus far he has not answered our request. Pluscuamperfecto. Pluperfect. Anga ed satan a panaon agtoni inebatan so kereo tayo,-'Up to that time he had not answered our request. i. While I was eating dinner the clock struck one. 2. I wrote to my ife to-day. 3. The wind was blowing with great violence but it was no longer raining. 4. As I opened the door the chair tipped over. 5. The sky. was full of stars for the moonihdn- t-e risen7 i. Weo'ieoti boat all night long. 7. George Washington was a great man. 8. Your father came, but as he was in a great hurry, he did not wait for you. 9. Yes indeed, I have read and studied in the libraiy many times. 10. Instead of studying, he spent his evenings playing billiards or talking politics. 11. The boy at the door told me that the governor was busy and did not wish to be interrupted. 12. "You lie," the man shouted and walked quickly into the middle of the room. 1. Logan con mangoobto say reloj tiamogtog na la uns. 2. Nansulatac ed asaoac natan. 3. Say dagueozi- mabiskeg ni, balet tinmondalay -uran. 4. Nen lulcasancoy pinto atombay irongan. 5. Say taoen mabitenen lapud agni binmutay so bulan. 6. Insacaymi so baloto ed legay sanlabi. 7. Si Jorge Washington sakey a toon baleg. 8. Linma diay amam balet lapud maganat agtocala maalagar. 9. On pueteg, ya nanbasaac tan amanaralac ed biblioteca aminpigapiga. 10. In vez ya manaral, incanatoy nilabilabi ya panbilar tan pitotongtong nipaacar ed politica. 11. Bay ugao ya oalad pinto induantod siac ya say gobernador dakel ya kimeyto et agto labay so. nacbala. 12. "Matitila cas" cuanton may laki ya iniakis. insan tinmainan a tampol ya linmad pegley na cuarto. Idioms. Nanonengnengcoran mamapaarap dia,-I see them coming. LESSON XX The VERB. Say VERBO. The Subjunctive Mood. Say Modo Snjuntivo. ---' — Properly speaking there is no subjunctive mood in Pangasinan, but it is expressed in idiomatic forms. The following are examples of expressing the various tensesDiad catuanto angapoy modo sujuntivo ed Pangasinan, balet nayarin ibalicas ed panamegley na nailoaman ya panangibaga. Saray onguendan sicaray nengneng na panangibaga ed saray nanduraman panaonPresent Tense Tiempo Presente Salieoenco yan abung no apigeren na acancayarian,I will buy this house in case the owner repairs it Perfect Tense. Tiempo Perfecto Ipabayescod sica yan libro no abasac la,I will lend you this book when I have read it 32 Pluperfect Tense Tiempo Plusconperfecto Agla nacabatan no linmabas dia may too They could not learn if the man had passed this way Future Tense Tiempo Yuturo Ipaoilcon, amin ya ited dad siac., I shall return all that they may give me _ _9_ _ Future Perfect Tiempo Futuro Perfecto Ontainancami no nasungpaldala ran yay totoo so kimeyda ed casang4 potay bulan,We shall leave if the men shall have completed their work by the end of the month. 1. However much we may hurry, it will be impossible for us to reach the city before the stores close. 2. What are we to do to pass the time? 3. If you have no objection, we will go to the brook to-look for a place that is shady and cool. 4. We will rest here until it is time to return to the sail-boat. 5. When I get to be rich, I am going to visit my relatives in Spain. 6. You will not receive an answer, however, many letters you may write. 7. It is not probable that that will happen soon again. 8. Your mother wants you to study your lesson now because she is going to ask your father to take us to the beach this evening. 9. The students are all glad that vacation is coming. 10. Did you believe that your brother had been sick? 11. My father consented to an operation because it was necessary that I should have one. 1. Anganpanoy panganat'ayo agtayo nayarian so onsabi ed ciudad diad agni mancaput iray tindaan. 2. Antoy gaoaentayo ya pamalabas na panaon. 3. No agea onsungay onlaitayo ed colos may mananap na ambuetel tan masirom a pasen. 4. Manpainaoaitayo dia angad ag nasabi panaon ya ipaoil ed parao. 5. No onyamanacla dalaoencoray cadanayon ed Espania. 6. Agca macaaoat na ebat anganpanon carakel so sulatiio. 7. Araoi ya nagaoa lamet. 8. Si inam labayton aralenmolay leccionmo natan.ta kereoentod kienen amam ya yacadto camid guilig na dayat ed sayan labi. 9. Malike— tiran-ami-manaral ya asinguerlay vacacion- 10;. Sinisiam ya nanmacayari si aguim? 11. Si amac inmabobon ya naoperaanac lapud nacaoculan. LESSON XXI The VERB. Say VERBO. The Conditional Mood. Say Modo Condicional. The term which expresses the conditional mood is no,-"if " Say salita ya icana ya pangibalicas na modo condicional sicatoy "66no to' if y.If I read my eyes will. hurt,-No manbasaac onsakit so matac Purpose or desire is expressed by comon Say guetma odino pilalec nibalicas ira lapud kicana na "comon" I would like a drink,-Oninumac comon. 33 That which happened in the past contrary to expectation is expressed by laoari Say agaoa ed panaon ya apalabas ya sungpa ed ilalo nibalicas lapud, kicana na "laoari" Linmaac dia laoari,-I would have come here, etc. - - — They-promise — ha -they will keep quiet. 2. We were all afraid that he would fall into the river. 3. His mother was then probably fifty years old. 4. If you will recommend him, he will probably get the position. 5. If I had time I would go to the town tonight. 6. If you had given him money he would have bought liquor. 7. I would like to say a few words to you. 8. If I had money I would buy it. 9. If he had said such a thing to me I would have struck him. 10. We would rather have some rain than so much dust. 11. I wish they would.come. 12. I wish you had gone with me. 13. It was probably eleven o'clock in the morning when we reached our destination. 14. Here is a hat that I would like to buy if it were not so expiensive. 15. I wish that if you have time you would show me the pictures that you took in Manila. 1. Insipandan mandeenira. 2. Apagaancami ta ompan napuelag ed ilog. 3. Si inato ngalngalin limamploy taonto ed saman. 4. No tolonganmo ngalngalin naalatoy incabtang. 5. No oala comoy panaonco onlaac ed baley naani no labi. 6. No inicdanm comoy caarta analio comon na alac. 7. Oalay pigaran salitan labaycon ibagad sica. 8. No oala comoy cuartac salieoenco. 9. No inbaga to comon ed siac itan, kinabilco. 10. Gabgabayenmi ya oalay uran nen say onia lan daboc. 11. Onsabira comon. 12. Akilaca comon ed stac. 13. Ngalngalln las once lad, caagueoan nen ondatengeamid laenmi. 14. Niay balangot ya labaycon salioen noag comon masiadon mabli. 15. Gabayco ya no oalay,panaonmo ipanengnengmod siac iramay retratos ya gainsoam ed Manila. LESSON XXII The VERB. Say VERBQ. The Potential Mood. Say Modo Potencial. There are two ways of expressing ability (or possibility). Oalay duaran nengneng na panangibalicas na pacayari (odino nayari). 1. By the prefix maca. Lapad kitekep ed onaan na "maca". This is used when the ability comes from acquired skill Macabasaac-I can read (have learned how) Macaloobac-I can enter (know how to get in) ITans ya no s-ay pacayari manlapa ed incapasal. 2. By the term nayarian-to be able, to have power Lapnd salita ya "nayarian" This term is used when the ability (or possibility) is due to native strength or natural ability. Nayariancon gaoaen-I can do- (it.) 34 Nayariancoy manbasa —I can read (because of good eyesight). Sayan salita icana no say pacayari manlapu ed biskeg, nisipor talonggaring. 1. The child can walk now. 2. I can prove that it is true. 3. You may go outside if you want to. 4. Can it be possible that he has found the horse? 5. I cannot do anything with that child. 6. I cannot be in two places at once. 7. We have looked for the child everywhere but we cannot find it.:8. The men had done all they could to put out the fire. 9. From the top of that bill we shall be able to see Alaminos. 10. If the wind were not blowing toward the land I am sure we could never reach the shore. 11. If we were on the balcony we could see the procession better. 12. The boys could have killed some of the birds easily, but they would not. 13. The boat was tied firmly so that the tide could not carry it away. 14. The wind was against us and we could not return. 15. A few nights ago the woman was talking to me about the ghost that she had seen in the trees, but I told her that -othing could make me believe in ghosts. 1. Say ugao macaacarla. 2. Nayariancon isalaysay ya tua. 3. No la"baymo nayarianinmo onpaoay. 4. Nayari casi ya aromogtoy cabayo? 5. Angapoy naytriancon gaoaen ed satan ya ugao. 6. Ag nayari ya oalaac ed duaran uIngar ed sakey a panaoni. 7. Inanapmilay agao ed amin a pasen et acmi naromog. 8. Saray lalaki guinaoaray angaay nayarianda ya manedepp Xa apuy. 9. Dimad toctoc ton tay palandey naosdongantayoy Alaminos. 10. No say daguem ag mamaspaarap ed sacbit ag tayo macasaid gWilig. 11. Wo oalaitayo ed balcon, nmagmaong so pacanengnengtayo'd libot. 12. Saray ugagao maininomay da comon so amatey ed saray manoc, balet agda guiuply. 13. Malet so inkipagor na baloto ta pian ag itaroc na cati. 14. Alloan bolon mi at ageami acapaoil. 15. Pigaran labin apalabas la say bi sinalits tod siac so nipaacar ed anengnengton aniani ed saray cakieoan, balet incuancod sicato ya angaBpoy macapasisia'd siac ed saray aniani. LESSON XXIII The VERB. Say VERBO. The Imperative Mood. Say Modo Imperativo. The imperative is expressed by the verb root and the appropriate pronoun. ILoob ca,-Come in Ecal mo,-Throw (it) away Say gangan nibalicas lapud panamegley na lamot na verbo tan say nipcoy ya pronombre. 1. Give this lady a chair. 2. Boy, come here. 3. Pay me what you owe me. 4. Take what you want. 5. Take good care of yourself. 6. Have supper ready by the time, we return. 7. Have breakfast ready for me at daylight. 8. Open the door, please. 9. Tell me what you just said to him. 35 1.- Itdanmoyan bii na yorongan. 2. Ugao, gala dia. 3. Bayaranmoy utang mod slac. 4. Alam so labaymo. 5. Aloaranmoy incasicam dili. 6. Iparaanmoy pandeman diad ipaoilmi. 7. Iparaanmo na almosal diad capanlioaoa. 8. Ipangasim ya lucasan so pinto. 9. Ibagam ed siac so ibagam ed sicato natan. LESSON XXIV The VERB. Say VERBO. The Passive Voice. Say.Voz Pasiva. The Passive is formed by -a prefix to the verb root Say nengneng na pasiva nagaoa lapud itekep ed onaan na lamot na verbo. There are two forms of the passive na and a a refers to completed action past or present na refers to. future possibility. Oalay duaran nengneng na pasivo "na" tan "a" Say "a" icana nipaacar ed ayarilan agaoa, nalan odino diad apalabas Say "na" icana nipaacar ed ilaloan ya nagaoa ed arapen. Pres. Ind. Pres., Past Pass. Fut. Xanbalang,-to lose abalangac,-I was lost nabalangac,-I will be lost 1. I am tired. 2. We are being watched by the children. 3. The teacher is liked by her pupils. 4. The news about the earthquake is not believed. 5. The contents of the box are being examined. 6. I did not notice that the shirt was torn. 7. The field is ploughed but it is not yet planted. 8. The mountains are covered with clouds. 9. We are amused at the actions of the monkey. 10. Are the stores open to-day ' 11. The horses are saddled and it is time to start. 12. We were very busy yesterday and did not have time to go to the program. 13. What are youir spoons made of 1 14. They are made of silver. 15. He cannot read the letters because they are written in Spanish. 16. The program is postponed on account of rainy weather. 1. Nacsaoanac. 2. Iimatonandaitayo na saray ugugao. 3. Say managbangat kinaliktan na saray managaral. 4. Say dengel nipaacar ed yegyeg ag siisisa. 5. Say lugan na- cajon nasusucayan. 6. Agco naimano ya say camisa-dentro apilat. 7. Say uma abacala balet agni ataneman. 8. Saray capalandeyan acobotanira na lurem. 9. Apalec cami lapud saray guinaoatontay bakes. 10. Acalncasiray tindaan natan? 11. Asillaanlaray cabayo et panaonlan ipical. 12. Dakel so kimeymi caruman et angapoy panaon ya onlad programa. 13. Anton nengneng na cuchara so oalad sica? 14. Pilac ya cuchara. 15. Agto nabasairay letras lapud -nisulatira ed Castila. 16. Say programa nicontang lapud mamauran so panaon. LESSON XXV The VERB. Say VERBO. Miscellaneous. Nanduruma. Verbal prefixes. Saray catekep verbos. Different shades of meaning are given to the verb by the use of prefixes. -. Some of these have already been given. 36 man, on, i,-forms of the infinitive,-nengneng na infinitivo maca, paca, aca,-refer to potentiality,-nipaacar ed pacayari mi-joint action,-bansag ya gaoa. Miculto,-hold meeting with pan-refers to the action of the verb,-Ziipaacar iedgaoa na verbo Inpan-past time of pan,-panaon ya apalabas na "pan." manag-refers to the agent of action like "er" in teacher. teacher,-managbangat sower,-managtanem nipaacar ed agente na gaoa, singa "er" ed "teacher" ed Inglia. panag-indicates place, time pr manner.of action ipatuagto so pasen, panaon tan nopanon na gaoa panagsalioan,-buying place panagtanem,-planting season panagloto,-manner of cooking macapan-Tcombination of maca and pan,-catipunan na "maca" tan "pan" macapansalita,-speaking ability aki-to join in an action,-piolop ed gaoa akimoyong,-to join ipa-request to join in an action,-picasi ya mitolong ed gaoa ipasacbat,-request to help one shoulder a load ini-indicates action unexpected and undesired ipatnagtoy gaoa ya agilaloan tan aglabay inkicaronias,-fall down hard (because slippery) in-sometimes implies coersion,-no arum ipatnagtoy capasoot inerel,-arrested (by police) capa-(had) just Sapangerel,-just caught ounal verbs. Verbos ya manlapud saray ngaran This is a construction formed by the prefix si and the repetition of the first syllable of the root of the word. Sicatoya so catipunan ha "si" tan say pangolit na ononan syllaba na lamot na salita -Siicaca-oaes,-clothed (one) having cloth-ieih,eing.hoithd) -0 Sisisisia,-faithful (one) (having faith, being faithful) Though this idiom is a noun in form, it is really a verbal construction Angaman sicatoyay na iloaman nengneng na ngaran siansia ya sicatoy catipunan a mangipatnag na gaoa. 1. The house appeared deserted; the windows were closed and the yard was covered with weeds. 2. It looks as if it were going to rain.. I just heard it thunder in the distance. 4. It happened that her husband had been absent a few days on a trip to Dagupan. - 5. It was still dark when I awoke. 6. The thief could not be found. 7. There will be many lanzones this year. 8. How far is it from here to Agno 9. What ain I to do? 10. I am sure I have seen him somewhere. 11. The water is not yet hot. 12. If that woman keeps on like that she will go crazy. 13. It is three kilometers to the town by the road, but- we will take a short cut across the fields. 14. It has been more than forty years since there has been a hard earthquake here, 37 but there have beeti several typhoons each year. 15. The days are getting shorter and cooler. 16. Soon after Christmas will come the harvest time. Pangasinan. "1. ay aibung nongnuengtoy ataynan; saray dorongaoan acacaputira taft say solar marica. 2. Nengnengtoy sings onuran. 3.Q Qagoagagelco ni na carol diad araol. 4. Nibana ya say asaoayto manviaje na pigaran agueo ma Dagapan. 5. Ambilunget ni non abangonac. 6. Say matakeo ag naromog. 7. Sayan taon dakel so lansones. 8. Panon caaraoi manlapud dia ya angad Agno? 9. Antoy gaoaen co? 10. Ageo panduarusan oalay acanenguenaganeco ed slcato. 11. Say danam ni ampaetang. 12. No satan ya bi ontantolan ontan naambaguel. 13. Taloran kilometros no tontonen so dalan, balat ammetecitayo ed caumaan. 14. Masoloclan apataploy taon ya angapoy mabiskeg ya yegyeg dia, balet tinaou oalay pigaran bagulo. 15. Say agaeo mntitikey lan ontitikey tan onbuebuetel. 16. Oayari flestay Inkianac panaganila. LESSON XXVI The ADJECTIVE. Say ADJETIVO. Its Forms. Nengnengda. The adjective is regularly formed upon the noun by use of the prefix ma. Say adjetivo maslac ya nagaos lapud kitekep na "ma" ed onaan a. ngaran. pitec-mud mapitec-muddy culi-industry m-aculi-industrious Many adjectives have the prefix am Dakel ya adjetivos ya oalaaan na catekep ed onaan ya "am" ampnetang-hot ambuelat-heavy ambuetel-cold ampoti-white Other adjectives have the prefix na or a Arum ya adjetivos ya oalaanira na catekep ed onaan ya "na" odino "a.'" naerasan-hungry apakil-tired Other adjectives are irregular in formation Arm ya adjetivos agapoy ocsoy ed pacagaoara. Idioms. Ag-the negative form is sometimes used in a positive sense say nengneng na negativo no arum nicana a sings positivo Tinopakda ya angad ag inatey,-They stoned him until he (was dead) died: Onong ed-is sometimes shortened to ed no aram napatikey ed "ed" Siopaac ed saray totoo,-Whom do men say I am 1. The brother of our mayor lives on the island of Anda and it is said he owns a large and beautiful house. 2. Your store has many kinds of fruit for sale. 3. The little child is afraid of that black dog. 4. My sister is having a. new red and white dress made. 5. The, rich man of this 38 town lives in a small, dirty house. 6. My son wants to go to America but we have not enough money now. 7. What kind of books do you have in your school library. 8. The lazy students smoke and sing but have no inclination to study their lessons. 9. The sick child is much better to-day. 10. I will do so with pleasure. 11. Every time he comes he brings a book. 12. The only thing that he can do is to sell his farm and pay his debts. 13. That boy doesn't think of anything else but eating. 14. We saw only some farmers who were returning from the fields. 15. He himself came out to meet me. 1. Say agui na Presidente tayo manasyam ed polo nu Anda (Caburruyan) tan asalitara ya oalay baleg tan marakep ya abungto...2. Say tindaanmo dakel so luganton bungabunga ya nanbabangil a tagullaco. 3. Say mnlag ya ugao antacot.4 satan ya andeket ya aso. 4. Si agui ya bli uiamaparait na balong ~mbalanga tan ampotin caoes. 5. Say mayaman.ed sayan baloy manaayam ed jnartac ya, melag ya abung. 6. Say anacon laki labay toy oulad America balet andian cami masazug ya ciaarta natan. 7. Anto ran nengneng na libros iray oalad bibliotecayod escuelaan. 8. Saray mangiras ya manaar mantabaco tan mancantara -balet angapoy alacdan manaral na leccionda. 9. Say agmacayerin ugao gijinmangana natan. 10. Gaoaenco ya sililiket. 11. Gapag no onladia manaoit na libro. 12. Say nagaroaauto lambusngat say nangilaco na dalinto tan bayaran toray ututangto. 13. Satan ya. ugao andilay ar.m a nononotento say mangan. 14. Say anen e lambuengat, saray pigaran lumaralus ya ompapaoillaran nanlapud ca a. 15. Sicaton diOi pinmaoay ya angabet ed siac. LESSON XXVII The ADJECTIVE. Say ADJETIVO. Comparison. Panpaparaan. In general the comparative degree is indicated by the duplication of the first syllable of -the stem. Maslac ya say pangipara nipanengneng lapiid pangolit na ononan syllaba na lamot na salita The superlative degree is indicated by the prefix ca and the suffix an, or by lalon Say andicapara nipanengneng lapud kitekep ed onaan na "ca" tan diad sangpot na "an" odino say "lalon." The word laot means "especially." Say salita ya "laot" labayton salitaen "nagealalola.' Adjective Comparative Superlative maong,-good magmaong,-better camaoangan,-best dakel,-many dakdakel,-more. carakdaklan, —most baleg,-large balbaleg,-larger cabalbalgan,-Jargest maugues,-bad maugugues,-worse caugueuguesan,-worst Idioms. The following are idiomatic usages of the verb Saray onguendan sicaray naifoaman ya icana na verbo onlugan,-to.get into (Idiom, to go by means of) 39 Onluganac ed carromata ya onlad Dagupan,-I am going to Dagupan by carromata S oncurang,-to step (along) (Idiom, to make progress, to get along) Oncurangac ed paiaralan co,-I am making progress in my studies nanlapud,-prcposition "from" (Idiom, to come from) Nanlapuac ed Alaminos,-I came from Alaminos Smancabayo,-to ride a horse Mancabaypac naani,-I will go horse-back riding Manvaca,-from the Spanish word "vaca" for cattle. (Idiom, to plough) Manvavaca ed umabo,-He is ploughing in his field. 1. He has more money than knowledge. 2. You walk faster than I. 3. He has paid me less money than he owes me. 4. The hen hl lost more than half of her little chicks. -5. He.eats as much as he wants. 6. It was so dark that it was impossible to read. 7. You are three years older than I. 8. The.more sugar there is in lemonade the better I like it. 9. Gold is more precious than silver because it is not so easy to obtain. 10. My brQther writes faster than I but not so well. 11. Which is the ongest river in the world. 12. He had lost his money just at a time when iw most needed. 13. The best servants are those that talk least. 14. The stideit who studied hardest failed in the examination. 15. London is the largest city in the world and has the crookedest streets. 1. Dakdakel so cuartato non say cacabatanto. 2. Masisiglatcan manacar nen say slac. 3. Binayarantoac na culang non say utangto. 4. Say nganac abalangtoy masloc a capaldua ad saray sio-sioto. 5. Mangacay angaay nayarianto. 6. Mapalaloy bilunget et agnayari manbasa. 7. Pangoloancay taloy taon non say siac. 8. No lalon dakel so masamit yan ed lemonada lalon labayco. 9. Mamabli balitoc nen say pilac ta maidirap ya alaen. 10. Si aguic alaki masisiglat a mansulat non siac balet ag miparad siac ed caabigay sulat. 11. Dinay carnuedukeyan ya ilog ed mnndo? 12. Abalang so cuartato nen panaon ya nacaoculanton toloy. 13. Saray camaomaongan ya aripen caray alioan masel 14. Samay managaral ya nanaral a camaomaongan ag acalabas ed examin. 15. Say Londres sicatoy cabalbagan ya ciudad ed mundo et sicato mnuet so caoalaan na sary capikpikeoetan ya lansangan. LESSON XXVIII The ADVERB. Say ADVERBIO. There is no distinct form for the adverb. The following is a partial list of the more important adverbs. Angapoy nidama ya nengneng ya adverbios. Saray onguendan sicaray pigara ed saray adverbios ya macanna. dia-here muet-also diman-there (farther) natan-now ditan-there (near) asinguer-close to, near to niman-then (time) balot-never ya alioan-without 40 la-already andi la-no more ni-yet andi ni-not yet naynay-always a singa guendatas usual angaman-although lanti I - licor ln even Ecr exicept' inguen even nilicoreept miparal like andibale-except (not inculda singaJ [ing angad-until as far as no arum-sometimes andiduarna-doutbless buetbuet-often angaman ontan-how- pueteg-truly, really indeed ever; nevertheless angano-though, even on pueteg-yes indeed Interrogative Adverbs Saray Adverbios a Panagtepuet ined-where capigan-when panon-how akin-why siopa-who dinan-which anto-what Relative Adverbs Saray Adverbios Relativos no.ined-where (ya also used) no, sano, bangno-when (future time) nen, sanen, bangnen-when (past time) no paon-how no akin-why no siopiv-who no dinan-which no anto-what Conjunctive Adverbs Saray Adverbios ya Panagtekep angan ined-wherever angan antocaman-whatever angan capigan-whenever angan dinan-whichever, etc. See Conjunctions (Lesson XXIX) 1. I do not know how to translate this..sentence. 2. You are not like your brother. 3. I am not going until tomorrow. 4. It is commanded that we love even our enemies. 5. Our new house besides being large is cool and convenient. 6. We are going today as far as Bani. 7. Robert is sitting beside his teacher on a bench in front of the door of the school building. 8. We no longer expect to finish the house before All Souls bay. 9. I almost always see some birds when I travel this road. 10. The water in this well is always perfectly clear. 11. Because of the drought there- is no longer any water in our well. 12. What, then, are you going to do t 13. We send our servant to the artesian well not-far away. 1. Agco amta ya ipatalos ya catagan salita. 2. Agmo caparay. aguinm. 3. Agac ni onla ya angad 'nabuas. 4. 'Oalam nigangan yt aroentayoy pati. cabusoltayo. 5. Say -bilon abungtayo alioan baleg lambuengat no ingen ambetel tan maininaoa. 6. Onlacami natan ya angad Bani. 7. Si Roberto manyodyorong ed.abay nen maestroto ed banco diad arap na pinto na escuelaan. 8. Agmi ilaloan ya sumpalen so abung ed arapuey fiestay inatey. 9. Oapag laoarin idalancod sayan dalan macanengnengac na manoc. 10. Say danum ed sayan bobon laoas ya maliglineo.' 11. Lapud sayay tiagueo naca41 tanlay bobonmi. 12. Anto sirin so gaoaen mo? 13. Ibakimi aripenmi ed gripo ya ag met araoi. LESSON XXIX The CONJUNCTION. Say PANAGTEKEP.. The pure and original conjunctions are: Saray tuan pueteg ya panagtekep sicaraya: tan-and odino (o) —or balet bangbaletj but ingeu n1 but (contrast with preceding negative) (pangidumaan ed onaan ya negativo) piano-(in order) that no-if Example of the use of no ag,-but Pacanengnengan na cana na "no ag" Agda linma, no ag sicato lambuengat,They did not go, but he did. Conjunctive Adverbs-Adverbios ya panagtokep Sometimes it is difficult to say whether a connective is a conjunction or a conjunctive adverb. The following are the more common forms of the conjunctive adverbs,No arutm mairap ya ibaga no say ikana say panagtekep odino adverbio ya panagtekep. Saray onguendan sicaray maslac ya nengneng na saray adverbios ya panagtekep,ed leleg-while, during nidingan-at the same time diad saya-consequently lanti.even diad satan-accordingly salantiJ diad ontani sirin-in that case armn-further (more) canian-therefore no-whether airin-hence, then sicaran dns-both bangta-since angano-atthough, though Some conjunctions consist of pairs of words, a few of which are given,Arum ya panagtekep agaoara lapud catipunan nananpaparis ya silita, et saray onguendan sicaray pigara. ed sicara,sicaran duat-tan,-botb ---and no-odino andi,-whether-or not alio lambuengat-no ag,-not only-but saya-odino,-either-or cayadyari-nen,-scarcely-when etc., etc. 1. We-' had scarcely arrived when the storm began.. 2. Although he is seventy years old, he Works hard every day. 3. During the program the baby cried constantly. 4. There were four thousand men besides women and children. 5. I was anxious to go to tlhe convention and besides that 42 a I was a delegate..6. The book is good even though, it has many f aults. -7. I do not know whether you will like this bread or not. 8. I do not speak Pangasinan any more, -therefore I have already forgotte 'n many of thewords. 9. -Children go to scho6l in ordeie to be successful -when they become adults. 10. -The farmers do not. havo muidh money, hut theay have pleifty of food. 11. He will go or will give -a good reason. for not doing so. 12. it is necessary for' you to inform him about -this law since he is now guilty. Pangasinan. 1. (iaaabisablmi nid abung nen guinmapoy bagulo. 2. Angaman pitomplo. lay taonto slanslan inagueoagueo ya, -, ambuelat. 8. Loagan. na pacaY Say ugao -a molag aglinondlan manakls. 4. -Oalay. spat a libo ya totoo andilbaliray-bibli tan ugugao. 5. Ilanpllpilalo'cancey onlad convencion tan -sakey ni delgadoa'c. 6. Say, libro maong -angaman d akel fray lingoto. 7. Agco' cabat no gabaymoyan thiapay odino, andl. 8. Agac 1A aaata Pangasinan, canlan alingoanancolay dike1. ya salita. 9. Saray ugugac ma — J naralirad escuolaan taplan no ombalegj,. napapalarfra. 10. Saray duma.; rains, angapoy dakel ya cuartara, balet *dakol ya canon -da. 11. Onla adlne anud mangiter na -macag ya baraanto, ad agto -pacacaran. ~12. Xacaoculs*! ya lpaamtam ad. sicato yan gangan bangta, sicato et macasalanaula. - LESSON XXX The PREPOSITION. S ay PWMOSIOION. Prepositions require -ad before thenm and: must -be followed 'by na and& the object of the' preposition. Saray preposlcionos nataoculanda so "ed" diad onasan'tan toinbokonfr na "na, a, aicatoy panokop - a objoto na, preposiclon..The following are a fe~w of'the 'more commonly' used prepositions,Saray onguendan sicaray'pigara 04, saray. maslac ya Ikanan prepouicionest. —. ed-to, bof,. for, on, etc. na-of loob-insside clabem-~-within lecaab-below puetec-opposite silungan-beneath,' under. paoay-outside, beyond tapueo-on, over leleg-dauring arapz.-before (place) pag9pag-7other wing (or end) bueneg-after (place), behibnd4 biec-'other side, across parti-with gpilig-beside The exceptions to the above usage are Saray onsungpa ed asailtan naugalian na preposiciones sicaraya.(1) ed 'and na, ---- "ed" tan "na" (2) those whiich 'involve the time element such 'as the followiingsaray nipaacad ed panaon a singa saray onguendan ag ni-before (time). cayari-aftqr.(time). If the preposition refers to. present or future time it requires no lbefore itNo say preposicion. et nipaacar ed panaou natan odino diad arapen nacaoculan so "'no" ed onaanto. 43. - If the preposition refers to past time it requires nen No say preposicion nipsacar ed panaon ya apalabas nacaocu* lanton itaroc so "nen" Onlac no cayari iesta,-I will go after the fiesta Agcayo ontataynan no ag ni ayari pangdem,r — Do not depart before supper is over Linma non cayari fiesta,-He went after the fiesta Linma nen agni palbangon,-He went before daylight 1. They crossed the river on a raft and thut got outside the city limits. 2. The children hide under the table whenever a stranger comes in. 3. He has put all those papers in the trunk, so that we cannot get them until he returns. 4. Their mother permits the children to play opposite the church. 5. I wrote him to be here at eight o'clock, but he is already an hour late. 0. The girl should have put two pillows upon the bed besides two sheets. 7. When will it be necessary for you to go to the market1 8. I spoke with a loud voice so that the people across the street could hear what I said. 9. The general walked behind the hearse at the funeral of the soldier. 10. I will place the light over the door so that the men will see it when approaching the house in the darkness. 1. Binasilday ilog ed balsa et pinmaoayirad sacop na ciudad. 2. Saray ugugao onamotirad silong na lamesaan no oalay sancaili ya onloob. 3. Inyatolton amin iratan ya papel ed caban tapian agtayo naala ya angad ipsaoilto. 4. Si inara aboloyantoray ugugao ya mangalao ed capuetecan na simbaan. 5. Sinulatco ya oadiala ed las ocho balet sakey horas lay naonoranto natan. 6. Samay bii angian comon- met na duatan danganan ed cama ya alioan duaran ules labat. 7. Capigan so yacadmon capilitan ed tindaan? 8. Nansalitaac na macsil pian saray totoo ed basil na lansangan et narengeldaac. 9. Say general manomtomboc ed carro nen iponpon imay soldado. 10. Ipasencoy sileo ed tagney na pinto plan saray totoo nanengnengda no mamaarapirad diad abung a manlapud bilunget. LESSON XXXI NUMERALS. Saray BILANG. Cardinal numerals. Say Panagbilang 1. Isa, Sakey One 2. Dna Two 3. Talo Three 4. Apat Four 5. Lima Five 6. Anem -Six7. Pito Seven 8. Oalo Eight 9. Siam Nine 10. Samplo Ten Ordinal numerals. Say Ocsoy na Bilang. 1st. Onona First 2nd. Comadna Second 3rd. Comatlo Third 4th. Comapat Fourth 5th. Comalima Fifth 6th. Comanem 7th. Comapito 8th. Comaoalo 9th' Comasiam 10th. Comaplo Tenth etc. 44 11. Labinsakey Eleven 11th. Comalabiusakey Ele 12. Labiduda Twelve -12th. Qomalabindua, Tw 13. Labintalo Thirteen 13th-. C~omaaablntalo., etc. 14. Lablnapat Fourteen 15.'LIabinlima Fif teen 16. Labinanem Sixteen 17. Labinpito Seventeen 18. Labinoalo Eighteen 19. Lablnsiam Nineteen 20. Duazaplo Twenty.20th. Comaduamplo Twen 21. Duamplo tan sakey 22. Duainpio tan dua 30. Taloinplo -.Thirty 30th. Comatalomplo Thirt.40.. Apataplo Forty 50. Iaimainplo Fif ty 60. Anemaplo Sixty 70. Pitomplo Sevenity 80. Oalomplo Eighty 90. Siaznaplo Ninety 100. Sanlasus One hund~red 100th. Comalasus One] 10. Sanlasus tan sakey 101st. Comalasui tan sake: 102. Sanlasus tan dna, etc., 200. Duanlasus Two hundred 200th. Coluaduanlasus 300. Talozilasus Three hundred 300th. Comiatlonlasus, - etc-. 400. Apatyalasus etc.' 500. Limanfiasus ventli elfth tieth ieth iundredth y, etc. 600. Anem~yalasus 700. -Pitonlasus 800. Oslonlasus 900. Siamyalasna 1000.- Sanlibo One thousand 1,000,000. Sanlacsa, etc. One million Adverbial Numerals Say Aininpiga, Once Mamninsan Twice Mamidna, Three times Mamitlo Four " Mamipat.Five " Maxninlima, Six " Maniinanem Seven " Maininpito Eight " Maminoa~lo.Nine " Maminsiain Ten " Maminsamaplo..Eleven'" Msaminlabinsakey Twelve " Mapinlabindua, Twenty " Maminudamplo 10O0th. OComalibo One thousandth~ 1,000,000th. Comalacsa, One milionth Fractional-Numernis.Say. Cacapiga 1/2 Capuidna One half 1/3. Cacatlo One third. 1/4 Cacapat Otie fourth 1,15 Cacalima, One fifth 1/6 Cacanein etc..1/7 Cacapito 1/S Cacaoalo 1/9 Cacasi 'am 1/10 Cacaplo 1/11 Cacalabinsakey 1/20 1/21 etc. CacaduanaploC~acaduainplo. tan sakey. etc. 45 Twenty-one Kaminduamplo 1/100 Cacalasus times tan sakey One hundredth, etc. Twenty-two Maminduamplo 1/1000 Cacalibo times tan dua, etc. One thousandth, etc. One hundred Maminlasus 1/1,000,000 Cacalacsa times etc. One millionth, etc.. One thousand Maminlibo etc. One million Maminlacsa times etc. 13,042 Labintaloniibo tan apataplo tan dna Thirteen thousand forty-two 105,105 Sanlasus tan limamlibo tan sanlasus tan lima One hundred five thousand, one hundred five 203,829 Duanlasus tan talonlibo tan oalonlasus ta duamplo tan slam Two hundred three thousand eight hundred twenty-nine. 1. Let us read the first seven chapters before next week; which will be one each day. 2. The man came down half asleep and half awake. 3. He bas been here twice already to-day. 4. Whatever I have taken from him I will return seven-fold. 5. From here the mountain seems to be ten thousand feet high, more or less. 6.. The total crop of rice will amount to about three thousand eight hundred cavans. 7. Our neighbor, Sr. Verzosa, has a large ranch with forty-seven cattle, one hundred twenty-three sheep, eightynine goats and hundreds of chickens. 8. The price of pork in Manila is one peso twenty centavos a kilo, beef-steak is one peso-thirty-five centavos a kilo and eggs are ninety centavos a dozen. 9: The peso in Philippines money is equal to half a dollar in American money. 10. I would like to get the change that is needed to take three pesos and sixty-seven centavos out of this five peso bill. 1. Basaentayoy ononan pitoran capitulos ya angad arapen ya simba, et no ontan sansakey ya capitulo ed inagueo-agueo. 2. Say laki linmasor ya acauguip na capalduan lamanto. 3. Natan acacar ladian amindua. 4. No antol buengatlan nalac ed sicato ipaoilcon mamlnpito. 5. No nengnengnengen dia samay palandey ngalngalin onsoloc odino onculang ya samplon agalngalin talonlibo yan oalonlasus ya cavan. 7. Say caabaymi a si Sr. libon carapan ed caataguey. 6. Say catipunan na binelas ed sayan tinanem Verosa oalay maaoang ya popocay ayepto et oalay apataplo ya vacato, sanlasus tan duamplo tan talo ya carnero, oalomplo tan siam ya canding tan nilasus ya manoc. 8. Say bill babuy ed Manila pesos tan peseta so kilo, say baca pesos tan talomplo tan iman centimos tan say icnol siamapbo a centimos sad sakey a docena. 9, Say pesos dia casimbang na capuldnay dollar ed America. 10. Gabaycon i1salat na sencillo yay limfa ya papel de banco plan naaalac so talo tan anemaplo tan piton centimos46 N LESSON XXXII Measures of Time, Dimension,- etc. Sucat' na, Panmon, Cabaleg., etc. The Day-Say Agueo The I Week-Say -Simba agueo-day simba-week cabuasan-morning,,' cap'ag napalabas so sakey simbaogtoy agueo-noon Simba, every- other week ngarem-af ternoon, evening Domingo-Sunday labi-night Limes-Mon'day puegley labi-midnight Mar~es-Tuesda'y palbangon-early morning. X~iercoles-Wedn~esday manlioaoay bukig-day-break, dawn Jueves-Thursday natan-to-day Viernes-Friday calablani-last. night Sabado-Saturday caruman-yesterday Sinimba — every Sunday carumnan a sakey-day before yester- Nilunes — " Monday.[day Minartes- " Tuesday tao gioya, apalabas-three days 3MiUsrcoles- " Wednesday nabuas —to-morrow* [ago Capagjuevs- " -Thursday nabuas a sakey-day after to-morrow Viniernes- "~ Friday.taloy aguco ya arapen-thiree days Sinabado- ".Saturday sanagneo-all day [from now The Season's-Saray Fanaon diad agueo-by day tiagueo —dry -season, summer sam labi-*all night cibllAo rainy season diad labi-by night mainauran. cabuasay Caruman-yesterday mainauran-rainy season [morning panaoy beutel-cold season, winter nabu'as na, cabuasan-to-morrow Divisions of Time. ( morning Caapagapag na Panaon capag napalabas so sakey agueo- segundo-second every other-day minqto-minu1te Adverbs of Time- horas~-hour Adverbios na Panaon agueo —day balang horas —hourly situba-week lnagueoagueo.!-dail~y bulan-montli sinimba-weekly panaon-season biuulau-mn~onthly taon-year tinason-yearly sigla-century. Antoy horas la?-What time is it? Pigay taonyo-How old are you? -Antoy agneo, Antoy fecha-W~hat is the date? Measure of Dimensions-Sucat na Cabaleg Noun-Ngaran Adjective-~-Adjetivo cataguian-height ataguey-high carukey-length~ andukey-long calawa-width malapar-wide caaralem-depth aralem-deep.An object, with. i~ts dimensions, make a complete sentence. -Say. buengatla, tan say aucat na cabalegto,. masaraglan sakey a catagan salita.Say. carukeyto saiuploy iuetros, —iW is ten meters —long. 41 To express the English verb "to measure" use the name of the unit of measire as a verb Pian nibalicas so salitay Ingles ya "to measure" ed incaverbo icanam so ugaran na sucatan a pinagcaverbo (Qaban-'"cavan," a dry measure for grain, etc., hodling 63 lbs. of rice.) Measure this rice by cavans,-Cabanenmoy yan buelas (Literally, Cavan this rice) To express age Panangibalicas na catatken Pigay taonyo?-How old are you 9 Oalay duamploy taonco-I am twenty years old Idioms. Salutations-Panangibano Maabig ya cabuasan ed sicayo,-Good morning (Usually shortened to Cabuasan ed sicayo) Maabig ya cabuasan ed sicayo mnet,-Good morning also...(1..aially shortened to Qabuasan ed sicayo met) etc. Antoy bilay,-How are you? Response Maongac ed panangasi Dios,-I am well by the minercy of God Sending greetings to others Ibanoanyoac ed sicara,-Remember me to thenm. 1. I will stay until Monday. 2. I shall have the money for you by the first of May. 3. I shall be at my office at exactly nine o'clock in the morning. 4. The meeting will begin at eight o'clock in the evening. 5. School closes the last day of next month. 6. I shall spend two or three weeks in Lingayen. 7. What kind of a time did you have on your vacation. 8. I had heard that the judge was in town but this is the first time I have seen him. 9. This tree is over six feet around. 10. This room is ten feet square. 11. A week from today I expect to be in Baguio. 12. To-day is Saturday the eighth, consequently Wednesday will be the twelfth. 13. The Suez Canal is ninety-five miles long and twenty-eight feet deep; it cost about one hundred million dollars. 14. What day of the month, will next Thursday be? 15. Night hefore last we saw a large number of falling stars. 16. At dark the bats and owls' begin to fly. Pangasinan. "1. Diaac ya angad Lunes. 2. Oalalay cuarta ya niiterood sica ed primero na Mayo. 3. Oalaac ed oficinac 4iad horas na las nueve ed cabuasan ya andi culang. 4. Say culto ongapo ed las ocho ed labi. 5. Say escuelaan mansaca ed caonoran ya agneo na arapen ya bulan. 6. Manayamac ed Lingayen na dna odino taloy simba. 7. Panoy inpamalabasnioy vacacionmo? 8. Nadnge lancola ya si Jues oadiad baley balet natan co labat anengneng. 9. Sayan kieo onsoloc ya anemniran carapan so baoerto. 10. Sayan silir oalay samploran carapan so cuadradoto. 11. Diad capalabas na sakey simba ni oalaanlad Bagnio. 12. Natan a Sabado comaoalo ed bulan canian no Miercoles comalabindua. 13. Say Canal Suez siamaplo a millas so carukeyto et duamplo tan oalo ya carapan so caaralemto; say guinastos pgalngalin sanlasus ya lacsa 'a dollar. 14. (Comapigan agneo na bulan so arapen ya Jueves? 15 Sanen labin sakey dakeAl ya aneugnengmin tai bitenen. 16. Diad capansilnnget saray cagging tan colayot gapoandalay mantekiab. 48 The Diction ary-Say Diccionario EXPLANATIONS CONCERNING THE DICTIONARY Meaning of the letters used after words: a. = adjective n.=nOUf adv. = adverb prep. =preposition art.=article - -v.vrb. conj.=conjuactiola Th e Pang asinan verbs are arranged according to the letters of the root of the word. A.suffix follows the root with a hyphen l~etween it and the last letter, as in banoen,-bano-en. A prefix. follows the root in parenthesis, as in onalaguey, —alaguey(on). In many words there is 1)0th a prefix and suffix as in palabalegau,baleg-an(pa). Suffixes are considered in arranging the order of the verbs. Prefixes are not considered 'in determining the order of 'vords except when necessary tQ do so. Nouns and pronouns are. not always formed according t6 the same rule and hence they are arranged according to the-letters of the full form of the word. as inll caisipan, camaomaongan, ambilunget, mabetbet, angaan, etc. PALIOAOA NIPAACAD ED DICCIONARIO Cabalicsin na saray letras ya'incana a catombocan na saray-salita: a.=adjectivo n. = nombre adv.=adverbio. pron.=pronombre art.-=articulo * prep.-preposicion conj.=Conjufcion v. verbo Saray verbos na Pangasinan naocsoy ira onong ed saray letras na laot:na salita. Say ipaicol tomboken to so lamot lepsag na kicana na hyphen ed nanleetan to tan say caonoran ya letra na lamot, a singa diad banoen*bano-en. -Say yarum" ya soldong comon ed onaan (onong edEnEglish "fprefix?'1y tomboken to so lanot et kinulong na duaran bicongcong ya gulis a singa say onalaguey-a-laguey(on). Diad saray dakel ya salita oala~y ipaicol (suffix) tan yaruni ya soldong (prefix). a' singa say pabalegen-baleg-en(pa). Saray paicol ninonot ira nen inocsoy iray verbos. Saray prl)efixes" agira ninonot nen inocsoy iray salita licod no nacaoculan ya gaoaen. Saray ngara-ngaran tan pronombres agira naynay ya naocsoy onong ed saraya met lanlamang ya panontonan, canianti ya naocs oy.ira onong ed saray letras na sigpot ya 'alita, a singa say caisipan, camaomaongan. ambilunget, mabetbet, angaan, tan arumn ni ra. A a, art. sakey abandon, Y. paoli-an, -caindain-on abandonment, n. kapolian abase, v. paabeba-en abbreviate, v. patik-ey-en abhor, v. pallisan ya slitatacot abide, v. siansia(man), ag-onalis ability, n. pacayari able, 'a. macayari abode, n. avaman abolish, v. ecal-en, pa *lis-en abolition, n. pacaecal aboriginee, n. onan totoo abortion,. n. caccalan abound, v. capno, calana about, ady. ngalingrali -above, prep. taguey abreast, adv-. cnampar abrupt, a. mapareng absent, a. andi(dia) Absent-minded, a. mailingoanw. 'absorb, v. esep-en, sepsep-en abstain, Y. paliis-an abstinence, n. ipapallis abundance, n. caraclan abuse, v. cana(i) ed ag-eatonongai -accede, v. noiiong(mi) acceleirate6, v. ganat(inan) accept, v. aco-en, aost-en acceptable, a. inacana, asoaten accessible, a. nancar accident, n. desgracia. accommodate, v. padlaces-en accompany., v. iba-an - accomplish, v. gaoa-an(na) according, prep.. onong accordingly, adv. onong lanti.account, v. iter(aiang) accumulate,. v. tipon(a) accurate, a. agroncasipa. accusation, a1. dalein *ache, n. sakit acquaint, v. eabat (ml) achieve, v. gamor-an(na) acid, n. apseng acknowledge, v. aco-en ya c'abat acquaint, v. cabat(mi). acquire, v. gueguemtan (na) across, adv. Miec act, a1. gaRoa actual, a. peles adapt, v. uso-en add, v. tipon-en address, v. salita(man) adjacent, a. caabay adjourn, v. -sisia-an(man) adjure, Y. simba-en(pan) adjust, v. ocsoy-en admiinistation,. n. oley admire, v. kelao-an(pan) admit, v. aczo-en adopt, v. oi-en (i) adorn, v. arcos-an adult, ii. ataonan adultery, n. picacalugoran advance,. v. piitolo(man) advantage, n. talonggaring *adventure, v. laraa(ipa) advice, n. simb)aoa *afar, adv. arnoi affair, n. kiiaey affection, n. aro affirm, v. let-aa(pa) afflict, v. dues-en afloat, iidv. inaffletletao, afraid, a. antacot after, prep. cayeri afternoon, a. ngarem -again, adv. -lamet against, 'prep. siingpa age, n. taoii aggravate, v~. lalo-en (pa) agile, a. makitsing agitation, a1. golo * ago, adv-. nen saman agony, n. gonigon agree, y. tonong'(mi) agreement, n. asa-ponoaganagriculture, - n. panagdalus ahiead, adv. aenona 9 aid, v. tolong-an aim, n. guetma air,' n. daguen ajar, adv. atenieg alarm, n. pac-abat na mauges 50 _J' albumen, n. anipoti ienol alcohol, n. alac, alcohol alert,.a. malicsi alien, a. sancaili ed nacion alight, v. epas(on) ed luganan alike, a. manpadpara alive, a. mabilay all, a. amin alley, n. melag ya dalan alligator, n. buaya allow, y. boloy-a (a) almanac, n. calandario almighty, a. macapanyari almost, adv. ngalngali, daoit-daoit alms, n. payabol alone, a. bocbocod, begtao along, adv. caiba along-side, adv. caocsoy alphabet, n. letras na salita already, adv. la also, adv. met alternate, a. casublayan although, conj. angaman altitude, n. caataguey altogether, adv. anin always, adv. laoas am (I), v. siac amaze, v. kelao-an(pan) ambition, n. pilalec amen, interj. ontan pa comnon amendment, n. pangapiguer amiable, a. maararo amidst, prep. manpepegleyan amongst, prep. nanleleetan amount, n. carakel amusement, n. panliketan an, art. sakey analogy, n. caolibay analyze, v. salaysay-en ancestor, n. atenmganchor, n. pataga ancient, a. daan and, conj. tan anger, n. sanoce animal, n. ayep animosity, n. gula ankle, n. batangan announce, v. cabat(ipa) annoy, v. solon-en annual, a. tinaon anoint, v. poyoc-an another, a. sanarley answer, v. ebat-an ant, n. guilata anxiety, n. panpiraoat any, adv. siopaman anybody, pron. arigansiopa anyhow, adv. angaman ontan anything, pron, angan-anto I anywhere, adv. angan-ined apart, adv. nibiig apefture, n. panlucas apparel, n. caoes appear, v. patnag(on) appetite, n. maong a panangan applaud, v. tipac-an apply, v. kereo(on), parongtal(on) appoint, v. toto-en appreciate, v. pabli-en approach, v. singuer-an(a) approve, v. boloy-an(a), bobo-an(a) apron, n. tapis arbitrary, a. agnaping arch, n. basicao archipelago, n. poloc na polpolo area, n. caaoang argue, v. catonong-an(man) arid, a. andi-tanaman arise, v. alaguey(on) arm, n. tac.lay' army, n. ejercitos around, adv. caliberliber arouse, v. liing-en arrest, n. erelen arrive, v. sabi(on), dateng(on) arrow, n. pana article, n. buengatla as, conj. sifiga ascend, v. ataguey(on) - ashamed, a. ambaingan ashes, n. dapol ashore, adv. nisacda ask, v. tepkt-en asleep, adv. naoguip assembly, n. singbatan, dongoan assert, v. colcol(i) assign, v. pasen(i) Sasociation, n. pililimog 51 assurance,, n. palisiguroan astern, adv. masoner astonish,'v. kelao-an(fli) -— stounding, —a.-macapakelkelao at, prep. diad atmnosphere, n. daguem attack, v..bacal-en attempt, v. sali-en attentilon, n. imano attract, v. ayat-efl attribute, n. incaoalna audib~le, a. narengel audience, n. saray inandengrel aunt, n. pangrinaca aui~hor, n. nansulat avarice, n.- agum avenge,_ v. balesi(on) avoid, v., liis-an(pa) await, v.' alagrd-en awake, a. aliing away, adv. andi-dia awkward, a. mabandayaz, n. oasay axle, n. sibognian -~ B -bbyn. ugao ya melaig — bachelor, n. balolaki,back, n. beneg back, adv. paoil back-bone, n. tenten backward, adv. sener bad a. mauges bag, a. Supot baggage, n. balcot bait, a. -tapang' bake, v. arab-en.balance, n. simbangan.bald., a. -yangyangen ball-room,4 n. sayeoan bamboo, n. caoatyan banana, n. -ponti bandage, n. berher banner, a. ttylgay baptism', a. biling' barbarian, a. hag~ealot barber,'n. pumopoklis bare-footed, a. ea alinl bare-headed, a. enolo-olo. l Argain, a. taoalan' bark. (of dlog), n. dangol bark (of tree), n. obac, -okis barn, n. caaiilir barter, V. salatan base, nj. letnegan bashful, a. niabaing basin, n: palangaiia basis, it. seiAgegall basket, a. bacsot bat, at. "lteaging bath, n. ames bathe, v. alaes(lnaa) battle, ii. haeal bazaar, n. lacoan beach, n. gutilig on dayat beak, n. tepek bean, n. agayep beard, a. balbas beast, a. ayep beautiful, it. inarakep because, eotij. lapud become, N% inagmalio bed, ii. docolan bed-bug, a1. pisei.igr bee, ii. l)otiocafl beef, a. earne vaca beetle, n. halangobang before, adv. aen sanian before, prep. arap beg, v. pnyahol(ini) beggar, at. mipa'yahol begin, v. gapo(on) behave, v. lbiita(lnan) behind, adv. henegrai behind, lprep. beneg being, a. kioaoaila believe, Y. isia(luan) bellow, at. ngactigac na vaca belly, n. egues belong, v. eahiangr-mi below, prep. IlepSa~g belt, n. balkes bend, v-. toec-(on) ben eath, prepP. lepsag benefit, ii. gon"urona bequeath, v. taoir(ipa) beseech, v, pasi( pi) 52 'beside, prep, beside "best,;A. caniaomnaongran 'bet, it. pUista "betray, V. tapalt(i) better, a1. Imagmnaongr between, prepl. nailleetami 'beyond, prep. 1111)115 Bible, m. ibia 'big, a. baleg bigamy, ia. (luaiUI asoaa 'bill, it. tepek -bind, v.bdl-e bird, n. manaoc ye atep 'birth, at. kianac 'birthday, at. inkianae. birthmark, at. siring. 'bit (bridle) it. harila, bite, v. ketket-en bitter, a. amipait black, at. alldekzet 'bladder, ia. hirontg "blade, it: tarein - lame, ii. paneasalanaji. blanket, ia. oles blaze, it. nina, pool 'bleed, v. dala(oai) 'blind, a. blnig 'blister, n. lanoe 'blood, n. dala blow, v. sib~oe(i),,,.pjOg(onl) bua. azul blush, it. a:mbalangay lupa, "board, a. tabla b)oat, n. balotal body, n. lanian. boil,. a. Ia-ragr boil, v. ion bold, a. mnabayhni bolt, n. balebeoet 'bone, ia. -pokel "book, n. hibro border, a. gnilig bon a. fianae 'borrow, v. bayes (ozai) boss, a. ecapatas, lpnngolo 1)0th, a. sicaran (lia bottom, at. dalem bounce, v. poetni-an bow, v. galang(i) *bowl, V. ynongt bowlegged, at. paceagc boy, a. ucgao ye leki. brace, v., biskegr-aa(pa) bra-in, it. utek branch, at. seagta _brass,- ii.-gaa~si brave, at ' asaheg, mn1dabaeni bread, at. tinapay break, v. betag'eni, poter-en. break (loose), v. bolos(on) breakfast, ia. almiosall breast, ii. pegrueo breastbone, a. pokel iia pagrueo breathe., v. Liaaoa,(on), brld e, at. novia bridegroom, a1. nlov10 bridge, a. taytay bridle, a. pacelat bright, a. mealiotioc, mnasneg brim, n. sangab bring, v. aoit-en broad, a. mnaoang -broken, at. apoter', ebeteg1_ brook, n. colos broom,4 i. Panis brother, a. aguin leki brow, a. k i-rep brown, a. ecyolueng~i -bruise, a. sitag brush, n. tu-guigui brutal, a. inaye~) bubble, it. 1)011 bucket, it. timba buffalo, at. duieg buge, a. sibaoeng )n) -build, v. aianguy (mama) bulge, v. liisog(on) bull,, a. vaca'e bump, v-. topa (oal) bundle, n1. lmnle~t burden, at. noit burn, ". pool-a)) business,- it. kimney.busy, a. niacili. but, eoaij. balet., ingeat butterfy, at. cipp buy, v. sa omapepe 4y, Prep. e d, abay 53. g( C cacique, n. aino ya nialamrbe cackle, v. cutac(on) cage, ni. colanganl calf, n. kelao na vacn. calf -(of -leg), n. pusoy bikking. call, v. taoag-en callous, n. inrnaoet calm, n. deen can, v. nayari-an(na) candy, a. masamit cap, n. kipes capable,. a. macayeri capital., n. cabesera captive, a. acakep Car, n. luganan carcass, n. bancay na ayep care, v. talirna-en. careful, a. maaluar careless, a. dalacorac 90 cagon. lugan, aoit carpenter, n. panday carr, v. aoit-en cart,, n. carreton carve, v. bangbang(i) casket. n. longong cast (out), v,. bantac cat, n. pusa, catch,. v. sampat-en catechism, n. catecismo Cattle., n. vaca Cause, v. sengeg-an(pau) caviy.a. loagong cease, v. tonda(on) ceiling, a. gobida celebrate, v. liket-an(pan) celestial, a. mniagatataoen cemetery, n. camposanto censure, v. p.asnoc-an.(pan) Center, n. pegley centipede, n. gamayan century, a. siglo, sanlasus taon crmony, n. ocsoy, cerernonia chaff, n. taep chain, a. goloaggolong chair, n. yorongan chiallenge, v.'ayat-an chance, n. capalaran Change, v. s'alat-an channel, n. banaoang chapter, n. apitulo ciiaracter, n. abihilayv chasev usil-en chastise, v. dusa-en chatter,..lanr (rnan) cheat, v. aol(rnan) cheek, p. aping cheer, X. liket-enu(pa) chick, n. sio-sio chicken, n. manoc chief, n. mnanona chiefly, adv. nagealalo child, n. ugno childhood, n. caugaonn chilly, a. ambetel chin, a. baba chip, n. sapsap choice, n. pili choke, -v. tikel-en -choose, v. pili-eii chop, v. popo-eII Christmas 11. Inkianac, church, n. simbmana circle, n. inalimpac circuit, n. circuito circumcision, n. galsiin circumstance, n. kipapt-sen citizen, n. snibabaley city, n. baley clamp, n. sipit clap,. V. tiparncfma) clatter, v. talocotoc (on) ) claw, n. garnet clean, a. Inalinis clear, a. malinco clerk, n. suinusulat clever, a. snasilib click, v. tiktik(main). climb, v. calab(on) cling, v. peket(oa) close, v. caput(i) closet., a. silir cloth, n. abel. Clothes, a. caocs cloud, ii. lurem c#lb. n.. pekpek' Clump, n. bonton.54 clumsy, a. niasional coarse, a. minagasal coast, n. guilig nit dayat cock, n. lalong cock-pit, — n. hbulangan cocoa-nut, n. niug cocoa-nut tree, n. niug coffee, n. cafe coin, n. cuarta, pilae cold, n. animbetel colic, n. sihoc collapse, v. gaygay (an) collar, n. hecleo na nysing collect, v. singil-en collide, v. lupa(mi) comb, n. sagaysay combine, v. tipon(man) come, v. gala-en come (in), v. looh(on) come (out), v. paoay (on) come (up), v. segep(olln) comiort, v. liglion-en comforter, a. inanagligliona comical, a. macapalec commandment, a. gangan commence, v. gapo(on) common, a. caraclan companion, n, iha company, n. olopcompare, v. parua(i) compassion, n. ahaguey compel, v. suot-en (pa) complain, v. reclamo complete, v. sungpal-en complexion, n. color na lupa compliment, n. pagalang comprehend, v. talos-an. comrade, n. iha conceal, v. yaanot-ali conceit, n. pasirayeo conception, n. caisipan concerning, prep. nipaacar condemn, v. naplag-an na 4usa condescend, v. abeba(manpa) condition, n. kipapasen conduct, n. cagagnoa, confess, v. pattua(mangi) confine, v. pococ(i) confirm, v. palet-an conflict, n. supiatn confuse, v. cleo-en congregation, n. moyong conseience, n. licnaan consecutive, a. mantotombocan consent, v. holoy (a) consent, v. holoy(a). consider, v. i.;ip-eni consistent, a. masiansia consolation, n. liglioa conspicuous, a. maapatnag constant, a. mnatoor constipation, n. agmaacabaoas consult, v. halita(mai) consume, V: opot-en contain, v. lugan-en content, n. napera contest, n. salian continue, v. toloy(i) contradict, v. supiat-an contrary, a. sungpa contribute, v. iter (nangi) control, v. oley-an convenient, a. matocoy conversation, n. tongtongan convert, n. pangomanea convince, v. isia(napan) convulsion, n. kelat coo, v. keteketek-en cook, v. loto(man) cook, n. lumoloto cool, a. ambetel coop, n. colongan cord, n. lubir cork, n. pulet corner, n. soyoc. corpse, n. hancay correc!t, a. susto corrupt, a. nmarutac cost, v. bayar(man) cotton, n. capes congh, v. ococ(on) count, v. bilang-en counterfeit, n. alalig counterpane, n. sachong na docolan countless, a. agnabilang country, n. dalin couple, n. sanparis courtge, n. subeg bb J courtship, it. pani 1It" ala ~igW~~~. cover, v. sma(1olig-11admae t.drx covet, v. hlaee-fna(PIh1pi) damnp, it. iteuiial) dance, v. syoot coward, ark, i.a,:mbhz) nget crab, it. alania darkness, it. cabilmiget an crack, ii. laxant cradle, it. andoyanl darn,,v? so1Mi-an cramp, 11. naiakelat date, it. hilting una agco crank, u. peyesaii dawn, it. alhuangoi't. 4% cra~w-fish, ii. kisingkisiug, day, it. autmeo crawl., v.' (oroing(on)dea.iay crazy, at. auniegel deaf, a. telee crease, 11. 1atoliafl Jl akeske-, dear, ia. mozbli creator, ii. itanaialsit death, it. put~ey creed, n. panaiisia debate, 'V. Spiatantll creek, n. colos debt, it. itaug.crib, it. pouikiai -debtor,. uit. n cricket, n. oiroh - decay, v. hidoe((an) ar~li. pledeceive, %-. filaig-e~i crippe, 1ilCYdecent, ia, mat uueoy crisp,,,a.t. cilet - crockery, ia, (anldamifli - decide, v. ingaguul-ei crocodile, ia. b hiann-deck, a. ean~ig crooked, a. pikeoiet declare, v. sitlaysay (i) crop,, a. tanainan decoration, at. areos crossIa. cra*1Z decree, ia. gan~anlaa cross, v. ba-:il-eii dedicate, v. talngt( i) Crotch,ia. Salcoroaig, InyOCOd deed, ia. gaoa croucb, v. soeot (on) deep, at. arahmii crow, ii. oacoac - -- - deer, 1a. IA crow, v. eounoe(oa1) defend, v. yagiel' crowd, n. olop defile, V. (latacl-en crucify, V. lPasac*i) ed eill definite, it. aiihig' cruel, ia.mnlaruesa - -dejection, ia.pano -crumb, ia.umicuanidelay, v. hami-en (a) cry, Y. akis(on) - - delegate, n. pitaagen-laII)a cultivate, v.a7cin-en -delight, ia. ligsa -.deliver, ii. ited cunning, a.mas'ilib)dlga ea CUPa. ynag a amulue... demonstrate, v. neiigaeng(ipa) curdle, V. pakigtel-ea ey. ee(I weT, v. tambal-en.-dpat Ztan~a curious, a. OsioOSO-.depravev. i'. ae'-en(pa) current, n. agros -I ervv ai-aan(pa) curtain, n. sanib describo, liiona-en (pa) canegnengant custom, Ii. Ugali desire, v. -Ua1-e-an(panpi) cut, v. popo-en, poltot-en - desolate, a. herghegtao — cute, a. mausonong.:-.despair, a.nnadiay Halo destroy,x-. ( destruction, n. eadederal determine, v. nonot(ni) ya-gaoaen.. develop' v. al iguns'-en ( pa) devil. u. toeso devise, v. ocsoy-eii.devour, v. opot-en dew, n. lincodiarrhoea, ii. enIpatel() die, v. palteV(oin1) differ, N-. (1 nan(mil difference.' i. 1)alldlanumn difficult, al. an dig, 'v. eot(ot-eti. digest, v. tuntio-en diligent, a. imatcnhi dim, -a. ahiou anhM1im-oual dimple, an. ahait na alpingdinner, n'. agt() dip, v., caor(i) direct, V. tontonl(i) dirt, n. datac dirty, a. maratace disagree, v. nionoag(agmii) disapprove, v. agahohon-an disciple, a. babangratandiscipline., 1. ocsoy discourage, v. tabaag-ea(pa) discuss, v. tongtong-an disease,,a. sakit dish, n. lipongr. dishonor, n. cabaadayaa *disorder, a. acosocoso disposition, a. oalna dispute, -v. supiat-ea *distress., a. gonigon dive, v. legep(on) divide, t. apag-en; divine, a. maridios divorce, n. 'pansisa do, V. ga~a(nan)' doctor, a. niananambal doctrine, n. hangrat dodge, V. likir(on) dog, n. Aso doll, n. anacanact door, a. pinto^ double, a. doble doubt, ii. panduartna dove, a. malapati,down, prep. lepsag dozen., a. dobcen'a draw, v. caor(oa)dream., n. cogniiP dress, n. eatoes drink, 'v. iaumt(oa) drop, a.. tedted droughtyn. tiagueo drunk, ia. abnec dry, at. amnaga duck, a. itik dull, a. epel dumb, a. ninel dung, ai. tai inanoc durable, at. *mutlct, mapaot dust, a. sapoc duty, ii. kiiney. dwarf., a; onano E each, ai. sakey ear, a. laya'g ear-ache, a. sakit na layig.early, a. masaebay earnest, a.-masimoon earth, n. dalin. earth-quake, n'. yegyeg east, at. bukig.easy, a. mainorniiy eat, v.. afiigan(mn) ebb (tide), at. cati echo, a. al-alig edge, n. gaifigr eel, a. olsol effect, ai. nasungpatlan egg, n. jenol eight, a. oalo either,* a. halaugla elbow, a. sico elect, v. toro-en. elevate, v. ataguey(ipa) else, a. arum embark, 'v. lugaa(on) embrace, v. lacap-en emotion, a. hicaaaa emphasis, n. ipurec employ, v. kizaey-an(pa-) empty, a. andilagran -57 enclose, v. cobcob-en, liber-en eye-brow, n. kirep end, n. angaan, casangpotan eye-lash, i. goyamgoyani endless, a. andi-angaan eye-lid, n. locab-locab endure, v. tepel(maan) F --- energy, n. casil fabler n. tongtong enjoy, v. liket-an(pan) face, n. lupa enlarge, v. baleg-en(pa) fact, n. agnon, tua enormous, a. balbaleg fade, v. paspas(on) enough, a. nagnap fail, v. saeo (an) enter, v. loob(on) faint, v. yengyeng(na) entertain, v. caili(manang) faith, a. pananisin1 entire, a. amin fMll, v. pelag(na) envy, v. siblet-an false, a. aliona tua equal, a. nanpara familiar, a. cailoamnan, cabehat erase, v. bural-en family, n. cabaley erect, a. maptec famous, a. nabalbalita error, n. lingo fan, n. paypay essential, a. nacaoculan far, n. araoi eternity, a. andi-angaan farewell, n. patanid ealogy, n. pandayeo farm, n. tuna even, a. mapatad farmer, n. tumatanem even, adv..angan, lanti farther, adv. aragdaoi evening, n. labi fast, a. inasiglat event, n. agaoa fasten, v. peket(i), pasen(i) ever, adv. laoas fat, a. niataba every, a. balang fatal, a. minacapatey evil, a. manges fate,- n. capalaran exact, a. casucatan father, ]. ama examine, v. mano-en(i) fatigue, n. kesao example, a. alimbaoa fault, n. casalanan exceed, v. saloc(on) favor, n. abobo excel, v. laslas-an fear, n. tacot exception, n. nilicod feather, n. bago exchange, v. salat-an feeble, a. miacapoy excitement, a. pakelao feed, v. canen(pa) excuse, v. tepel(i) feel; v. liena-en exhibit, v. nengneng(ipa) fellow, n. caparan too exodus, n. ipaoay fellowship, n. pandoroypo expand, v. baleg(on) female, n. bii expect, v. lalo-an(i) fence, n. alar expel, v. ecal-en ferment, v. balio(on) expensive, a. mabli ferry,. n. balsa experience, n. salsali fertilize, v. taba-en(pa) expression, a. panangibaga fever, n. petang "exterior, ni. paoay few, a.. daiset extinction, n. caopot, casimot 1e9ld, n. ama extra, a. kera clrce, '. masubeg extreme, a. alabas fight, v. cabil-en Ve, n. mata Agnre, n. numero 58 fill, v. pano-en forgive, v. tepek(i), perdona(en) fin, ii. guiguirn, paoac-paoac fork,ii. toroc final,_-a. easuingpalan form, n. nengneng find, v. anap-en former, i acoa — - fine, a. inznong fornication, n. picalugoran finger, n. garnet forsake, v. caind-an(i) finger-nail, n. coco forth, adv. bolong finish, v. sungpal-en fortnight, n. duay-simba fire, n. apuy fortunate, a. mapalar fire-fly, n. cancanti forty, a. apatapolo fim, a. mahiskeg forward, adv. solong first, a. Onnan foundation, ii. letnegan fish, n. sira fountain, n. sobol fist, n. poriite four, a. apat fit, n. on-inangay, oncagnit fwa snc. Aive, n. liiaa fragrant, a. ambalingit fix v. apigner-ea fraternity, n.. pannagui flag, ni. la:ylav free, a. b)010s flame, n. dailang fedm i aaoo flat, a. mnatapiac rqete.mhte flavor, n. angob) freshen, a. tarios e flea, n. tirnel feh.tro v. batc~om)fretful, a. nainigoagot flee, v.baieoi end, ii. eanro flesh, n. larnan f flight, n. batic frighten, v. tactacot-en fling, v. baatac(i) fringe, -ai. saiabre-sambre flint, n. paminki. frog, ii. patang float, v. letao(on) ' from, prep. manlapu flock, n. earcarnero - front, prep. arap, flood,'n. delap froth, ii. bora floor-, a. datal frown, v. aiibangot(on) flow, n. agos fruit, n. buaga flower, n. rosaa fry, v. titi-en fly, v. tekiab(on). full, a. napno foam, n. aabo fun, n. elecan foe', n. cabusol __furnish, V. ieda-anl fold, v. tupi-en furrow, n. leet na binaca follow, v. tomboc-en further., amdv. aragdaoifood, n. canen future, a. arapen fool, n. ambegel G foot, n. dapan gain, v. tobo-en for, prep. oneanad, lapud gallop, v. tabco-eni(pa)' force, n. biakeg, emsil gamble, V. augal(rni) forearm, n. tadlay game, n. galaoforeigner, n. sancaili garden, a. tanarnanan forehead, a. muling gargle, v. coiaoebrno(rnan) foretell, v. cab-at (ipa)' gash, n. sugat 'forever, adv. angad anga.gasp, v. boten(a) liaaoa, forget, v. lingoan-~an(a) gather, v. tipon-en gay, a. innginyzign, nialiket gaze, v. neng-en(onii) general, a. carachlnl -gentle;,~nlofm~ gesture, it. itoes get', -,. ala-en ghost, it. aiii-anii giddy, it. inanaeleo gift', Ii.,panangaro111. gill, nt. asangr girdle,, 11. lcalkes give, v. iter(rniwgi) glad., a. nialiket *glass, ii. salminig glass (drinking),.!i. vaso gleam, v. sinag(oni) glean, v. tortor(rnan) gnash, v. ngfalatenget(nian) gnaw, v. kih~kih)-en go, v'. la-en goat, n. eanding 'God, it. Dios gold, a. balitoc good, &. munong goods, it. tagnifilco goose, a. guazo gore, v. pica-veuu gorgep, n. kela-s -govern, v. oley~man)' gossip,* a. tongtong grab, v. sineat-en graceful, a. mailigui.grade, I.a. grado grain, n. ilic grand, a. baleg. grasp, v. sincat-en grass, ii. dica grateful, a. unisasalamat grave, a. lob~ocgrease, nt. tbam, larac great, aI. hanleg green (color), a. verde -green (tinripe), a.. inaeta * greet. v. baiio-en (i) igrief, ia. ermen grind., v. gmiling-en groan, Y~. aglemi(rnan)groin, a. elel grou~nd, ii., ditlin grove, it. eakiewonu grow (plants), v. tob~o(on) grow ( plants 1111aniimals), v. la~growl, v.'dauugnl(o') 011) grudge, it. inglit grumble, v. uugorommgnro(mninm) grunt, v. govgov( (nian) guard, v. lummnta%.( unan) guess, v. lparles( mii) guest, it.,,aiwaili guile, iti. silib - guilt, it. Casmiala ninti gulp, v. hieler-en gutter, Iit. salotoigan H -habit, a.' pasal habitation, at. ayamnan hair, ii. huec half,' 11. capuldun halt, v. tonda(oa) halteor, n. lubir ita pagod hammer, at. ma':tillo hand, mu. limna handle, ii. eginaun hang, v. sahit(i) happen, v. gaoa(a) happy, a. mualiket -harbor, a. puaidoant eml dayat hard, a. anaoet harelip, a. imoagiu harlot, a. Pianga harness, it. h~est-cahayo harpoon, at. pamuny, sira harrow, n'. panai harsh, at. umapasang harvest, n. paniagani hatch,-Y. pesiac-anu hate;, v. gtila-eii have, mu. oalai hawk, -i. h~aga hay, it. (lavaifiihaze, a. kilot nut tao~en he, proni. sicato head, iu. olo *headache, a. sakit-nal-olo heal, v.- taiabal-en *healbh, at. casil 60. heap, n. losbo hear., v. dengel-en -heart, a. -puso heat, n. petauig heathen, a. bugealot heaven, n. taoen heel, n. mocor heavy, a. ambelat height, n. caataguey heir, n. tuniataoir. hell, n. intierno helm., n. timon help,. v. tulong-an hem, a. saloy hemp, n'. abaca hen, n. aganac herd, a. puloc na, ayep here, ady I. dia, hero, n. daydayeoen na lapag hold, v. egn-an hide, v. amot (on) hideous, a. inacapatactacot high, g. ataguey hill, n.. palandey ya abeba hinge, n. vesagra hip, n. tapi *hire., v. opa-an. hit, v. kena-en hitch, v. sagor(i) hive, n. obong na potiocan hoarse, a. apa.gas hog,. a. babuy hole, an. abot holiday, n. fiesta hollow, *a. longogan holy, a. Eanto home, n. 'ayasnan. homesick, a. inaillo. honest, n. napia honey, n. dilo honor, -n. galang hoof, n. coco aa(ayep) book, ii. taga.hoop, mi -liken hop, v. locso(on) hope, V. ilal-o-anl hope, n. ilalo horn, n. saclor hornet, n.. acotacot horrible, a. niacapataetacot horror, n. segao horse, n. Calbayo host, n. nianasancaili hot, a.'ainpetang hour, n. horn house, n1. albung how, ad v. panon however, adv. angraman-ontan hub., n. coba, hug,. v. lacap-en hull, ni. ohac hum, v. nogengemi-en human, a. too humble, a. rnapaabeba hum~or, n. pacalecan hump, ii. sibaclor hundred,. a. sanlasus, hunger, n. eras hunt,9 V. anugp-en, hurry, v. gaaat-rana) hurt, v. sakit-aa husband, n. asaoaxi-laki hut, n. alolong, l'ysterics, a. niaaalimaagao I, pron. siac, co idea, n. caisipan, canonotan ideal, a. pangaligan idiom, n. dalay-salitaf, iloaman idiot, a. amnbagel idle, a. niangiras idol, n. talintao idolatry, u.. panagpicasid talintao if, con1j. 110, no-1)ilang ignorance, n. agp icacabat ignore, v. atrcasicaso-en ill, a. agninacayri illegal,' a. sun& 1ad-aaf illegitimate,, it. alionn-peteg illuminate, v. sind~ag-an, lioaon-an~ image, n1. mania, estanipa. imagine, v. isip-en imitat 'e, v. auig-en immature,.a. agatanoana Immediately, -adv. taunpol immense, a. baleg immerse, v. palgrep (i), immodest, a. inabanda'Y 61 immoral, a. marutac ed gaoa impair, v. mura-en(pa) impenitent, a. agmausibkel imperfect, a. agnagnap imple ent, n. (agaoaan impIore, v. kereo-en impossible, a. agnayari impress, v. seksek(ipa) imprison, v. pangao(i) improper, a. agmanepeg improve, v. abig-.en(pa) impure, a. marutac in, prep. diad, ed inasmuch, adv. onong a incapable, a. agmacasarag inch, n. casieo incident, n. agaoa include; v. tekep(i), tipon(i) income, n. naalmoan incomprehensible, a, agnatalosan inconvenient, a. agonnepeg incorporate, v. sakey(ica) incurable, a. agnaitambal indebte4, a. acautang indeed, adv. peteg indepedence, n. caoayangen Indian, n. Indios indicate, v. patnag(i) indirect, a. inpaabay indistinct, a. bIrarog individual, ri. sakey a (too) indivisible, a. _agnaapag induce, v. sogsog(i), yat-en indulgence, n. indulgencia industrious, a. maculi inexhaustible, a. agnaopotan inexpensive, a. mamura infallible, a. agnalingo infancy, n. caugaoan infant, n. ugao infinite, a. andi-anga inform, v. cabat(mangipa) inhabitant, n. manaayam inherit, v. taoir-en iniquity, n. eaugsan injure, v. deral-en inner, a. bandad-dalem innumerable, a. agnabilang inquire, v. tepet-en insane, a. ambagel insect, n. biguis insensible, a. andi-lienaan inside, a. dalem insincere, a. mianeuaneuanan inspiration, n.- puyan instantly, adv. tampol instead, adv. nen-say, instruct, v. bangat(i) insult, v. baing-an(pa) integrity, n. captecan, intelligence, in. picaacabat, pacaamta intemperate, a. andi-adia intense, a. naspot intention, n. guetma intercede, v. esel(mangi) interior, a. loob intermediate, a. nanleetan interpose, v. biang(mi) interpret, v. talos(ipa) interpreter, n. manangipatalos interrupt, v. baat-en intestine, n. pait intimate, a. cailoaman into, prep. diad-loob, ed, diad intolerant, a. agmacapalabas intoxication, n. cabuanges introduce, v. parongtal (i) invade, v. loob-an invalid (sick), n. agmacayari invest, v. cana(i) investigate, v. sucay-an invisible, a. agnanengneng iris, n. andeket-na-nmata iron, n. a. balatyang irregular, a. agmaoesoy irreligious, a. andiay-religion island, n. polo issue, n. pansusupiatanan it, pron. sicato itch, n. guiri itch, v. gatel(on) itself, pron. sicaton-dili J jab, v. pica-en jail, n. pangaoan jar, n. buyog, dongdong "jaw, n. pangal 62 jealous, a. mainion jerk, v. bigsot-en, yegyeg-en jest, _n. lurey Jesus.Lis1- _ job, n. kizney join, v. soldong-en joke, n. galao, lurev jolly, a. niagahto jolt, ]I. sentek journey, n.. viajle joy, ii. liket judge, -v. ocorn-en jump, V. locso-en' Just, a. ninatonong justice,, n. catonongan K keel, n. ebet-na-halota keen, a. inaedemi keep, v. yatol kettle, n. easirola key'. 11. toin]hoc kir~k, v. depac-an, siIpa-efl kill, v. Ipatey-ezl kind, a. rnapangasi, rnaabaguey kind of, hneagneng an kindle, v. selsel-an king, n. ril kingdom', a. panarian kiss, v. angob-an. kite, a. baga-baga kitten, a. eating knee, a.. piteg kneecap,, a. leteg-nza-7pueg kneel, Y..taliiaeor(oii) knife, a. yoro knock, v. toktok(on) knot, n. SIicuol, boenol know (kniowledge), v. amnta-en know (aicquiaintance), v.,eabat-an knuckle, n. puaget-na-gamet L labor, v. kiney(znan). lace, a.. puntas lack, v. culaug(oni) ladder, a. tacayazi ladle, a. baflito lag, v. taiitan(man) lake, ii. libsong lame', a. piley lament, v. ermen-an(pan) lamp, a. sileo landlord, n. aaio language, n. salita lap, a. aicualan large, a. haileg last, a. enonoran late, a. naoaor lately, adv. agano-ni later, adv.. saguinonor latest, adv. enono-on'oran latter, a. onor laugh, Y. elee (on), launch, v. boat(on) law, a. 'gangan lawful,- a. onoag,(-ed-gangaug *lawyer, a. ahogado lay, a. gatoa (i) latzy,, a. niangiras lead, v.. polo (ipaag) leaf, ii. b~olong leak, v. tedted(oa) *leaky,.a. muaat edted lean, v. saral(on) lean (poor), a. mabeng leap, v. tahoy(oa), loeso(on) learn, v. aral (ma~n) least, a. camelamelagan leather, n.- catat leave, v. tayaan(on) leaven, a. levadura leech, a1. linta left, a. calnigi leg, n. sali legal, a. onoag-ed-gang'an legion, a. dakerakel lemon, a. dailayap' lend, x. bayes(ipa) length, a. less, a. culang lesson, a. lpaaaral lest, adv. ompan, agplapiga Jetter, a1. sulat level, a. inapatar liberty, a. pa-ncanao'naoa 'lick, v. dildil-anlid, ai. sachong 63 lie (down), v. doeol ('on) life, n. bilay lift, v. 'alsa-en -light, n. lioaoa light, v. selsel-an lightning, a. kirmat like, adv. capara, singa, v. labay limb, n. sanga limber, a. niaculaney lime, ii. dena limit, a1. angaan line, n. gnuls link, n. caoet lip, a. bibil liquor, n. alac listen, v. dengel-an little, a. mielag live, v. bilay(m'an) liver, n. altey livinug, a. mnabilay, load, n. aoit, lugan locust, a. doron lofty, a.' ataguey log, n. toraso. loin, 11. aoak lonely, a. begbegyteo long, a. andukey look, v. nengneng..ea -loop., a. liken 'loose' v. ~olos (i) Lord., n. Ctatoan lose, v. Waang(a*) lost, a. ab~alang loud, a. innesil love, v. aro-en lover, ii. manangaro low, a. a~eh~a luck, n. Capalaranl lump, ii. take]l lunatic, ii. -b~il)IIIale,,, naibagel lust, n. cahleacan-na-laniana lying, ii. ain.Ilititila M machine, 1a. mankina mad (anigriy), a,. Inailiapasnoe magnify, I.' b~aeg-enl(pa) maid., ii. nmarikit *make, v. gaoa-eii male, n. Inki malicious, a. nianagigagneni man, n. laki, too manage, v. nsicaso-en mankind,- ai. atooan manner, ii. eagagaon manure, ii. tai(nyep o inanoc) many, a. (Inkel march, v. eurang(on) margin, ii. gailig mark, n. tanda 'market, n. tiadnani marriage, n. (-asal, panasaoa marrow, ii. utek-ed-p_-okel" marry, v. asaon(iinang) marsh, ii. (apasolan master, n. (ataotna mat, n. icainei match, ii. fosforo May, n. "Ma-yo maybe, adv. agralingali me, pron. sinec meaning, n. cabalicsan meantime, ad,%,. le gan measure, v. sucat-en meat, a. carne meddle, v. biang~mi) miediate, v. e~al(mangi) medicine, ii. tamibal meditate, v.. isip(manis) meek, a. mnapaabeba meet, v. abet-en meeting, ii. doypo melon, )I. l)CpillO m~ember,. ii. enb~iancgan memorial, n. paeanodnotan memory, n. paeatnada merchant, n. amanlaclaco mercy, a. panangasi merit, n. sancanepegran merry, a. amialiket, amagnyaga * message, n. ])ncnbat method, ii. paaaggaloa, occoy middle, a. pegley midst, a. naap'epegleyanmidwife, n. niannamininn *mighty, a. mianapany.ari mild,, a. aneiaefancey 64 milk, n. gatas million, a. lacsa mind, n. canonotan mine, pron. kienco mingle, v. laoc(mi) minister, v. lincor(man) minute, n. minuto miracle, n. milagro mirror, n. salming mischief, n. cabaglan misery, n. incaigot mission, n. nibakian mistake, a. lingo misunderstand, v. agnatalos-an mix, v. laoec(i) mob, n. golo mock, v. ludlurey-en modify, v. oman-en moist, a. ambasa money, n. pilac, cuarta monkey, n. bakes month, n. bulan monthly, a. binulan moon, n. bulan more, a. lalo, arum-ni moreover, adv. sakey-ni morning, a. cabuasan mortal, a. miipapatey mosquito, n. agayet most, a. caracdaclan mother, n. ina motion, a. galao mount, v. calab(on) mountain, n. palandey mourn, v. ermen(ma) mouse, a. otot month, n. sangi move, v. galao(on) much, a. dakel how much, piga mud, n. pitec multiply, v. dakel(on) murfer, v. patey-en murmur, v. ngorongoro mutton, n. carne-carnero my, pron. kienco, co myself, pron. siac-a-dili N nail, n. passe nail, v. pasac(i) naked, a. laeseb name, n. ngaran narrow, a. mainget nation, n. nacion nature, n. incapalsa near, prep. asinger nearly, adv. ngalingali neat, a. masimpit necessary, v. nacaoculan neck, n. becleo need, n. caoculan needle, n. dagum neglect, v. caindan(i) negro, n. andeket-ya-too neighbor, n. caabay neither, conj. nisay nephew, n. caanacan nerve, n. nervios nest, *n. obong net (fish), n. iket never, adv. andin-halot nevertheless, adv. angaman-onton new, a. balo news, n. pacabat next, a. say-ontomboc nice, a. rnarakep night, i. labi nine, a. siam no, adv. andi noble, a. magalang nod (head), v. tanger(on) noise, n. ongol none, adv. pron. angapo noon, n. ogtoy-agueo nor, conj. nisay north, n. baybay, amianen nose, n. eleng not, adv. andi nothing, n. angapo notice, n. pacabat notwithstanding, adv. noun, n. ngaran now, adv. natan number, n.* bilang nude, a. lacseh nut, n. btinga-ya-nanlapis nutshell, n. lapis 06 Ij 0 oar, xi. begsay oath, it.,aititbm obey, v. otioi-eni---— object;, it.- Neigatll ii observe, N%* imaino-eui obtain,, N% uuagueguenit-an occasion, xi. agama occupation, xi. xiliipail occupy, V-. letneog-un, pase11-an occur, ~ ~01l~ ocean, xi. ility-at odd, xx. iiidtiiixadinia odor, it. 1ixigol) Of, pr-ep. ti8, flel off, adv. iarxuo0i offer., v. aoat(i) offering, 11. l)ZgIltrI official, xx. mnaeaul~ey often,,I. noiabeffit ointment, xi. xximrxexto' old, -Ii. rnatatkeix, (1881 omen, xi. palsiiigfaoey ''. omit, %. 10tM0-8-1i on, pilel). taipeo, e(1 once, adv. 111111115811 one, at. 511key (isa) only, adv. lahalt open, v. lila(d'd) opinion, it. eit11511)111.oppose, V. sixlxgiipa(oxi) opposite, aI. ea soiiiihoanjL0), oppress, v. 'iegall' eii(p ats.e) or, (01ij. 0) Odiiio oral, aI. ih~itla order, ix. crantglin crdinary, it a (1181111 origin, 11.. x111fpldp1 11x ornament, ix. paiiakep,.aixeols other, 11. -81ananey ought, v. eaxiepcigax-ya-gaon-eni our, (1111, p)r-xi. kiexxtayo, etc. ou~t, prep. 1)1101y outfit, ii. (11g8a0111i111 outlet, it. paloayelx,outrage, ii. easiditan over, )i-el). 1111)115% overcome, v. t1110-e11 owe.. v. litalii" owl, it. clo-Ifyot oyster, i1. talallil P package, i1. lIl111it -paddle. xi. Ilegsaly page, 11. I)o1onig, plIgrIxill pain, it. sik-it palate, it. taoen'tlioell pale,- 1. niiailosI)05in) palm, ii. (111(01111 palsy, ii. (1Iatr)iig11 pan, it. 1111 ia, Ia toll panic, ix. giieo-nitite parade, it. lillo:t parallel, it. ixlioi(5(1 paralytic, 11. apagrpag arcel, i.1iitx arch, V. axxg-x p1 pare, v. tikis-aii parent, it. itelig~ part, xi. (afl)iaiigan1 partition-xt. a (ipi)ga it,. keteg partner, xi. eamlxxoyoxg party, 11. (1101) pass, v. lixhxis(oxi) passenger, ix. vinwigeos.pat, v. tixpok-en path, xi. I&ndISI)IIS * patient, i1. 11181111) patient (sik), it. xagx11ac1yxqri peace, 1n. (leex peck, v. toktok-en peculiar, it. nidxnixix p eel, Y. okis-an Peep, v. tandxxg(ou), takiling(oxi) pencil, xx., lapis. people, ix. totoo, catooan perch,- ti.- pacoeiy-ilalloc perfect, 11. tiagnaip perfume, xxi. pahalaxigit 66 perhaps, adv. ~againgali peril, n. enatapan period, n. pannaoi perish, r.- tautao- (mnin) permanent, at. inalet, waisjitinsif.permit, v. alioloy-an perpendicular, a.'malptec perplex, v. kelao-an(paj)) persist, v. soot(ipa) person, n. too perspire, v. linget(oii) pest, n. pa,ngoc pet,. 1. miang"o petitio.n, n. kereo phosphorescence, n. Ic iti ap, kid iam physical. al. silalallianl pick, v. loe-doc-en pickle, n. achara piece, 11. pisagr, sap)S:1j) pierce, v. gpynng-ei pig, a1. IbabUy pigeon, n. mamnhpati pile, I. lasho pillow, 11. d111fangaumui 1pinch, v. caroL-ca pipe, D. 'cuallo pit; aI. ahot ipitch. (bail), v. tupac(uiniuii) pith, mIt. segrat (Ian kieo)' pity,. 11. e'Ill-ialhl ]pivot, 'I): telecan place, u. pa-sei plague, IL. S1alol, sakcit 'plain, a. naltalosanl plan, at. palngallignal plant, a1. tanainanl jplantation,. ii. tammnaITMMm1mm plate,. ai. lipoag play, v. gralao(namai) plead, v. easi(mni) pleasant, a. anialmbig please,- inter~j. pa pleasure, ai. likelikcet pledge, a. sipanl ]Plenty, nidi;dkel pl.t, 1O. amamo plow, V. lbaeal-ell plug, n. polet plunder, v. tulisnau(inaan) plunge, v. sugba (oti), tah~oy (on) pocket,'a. bolsa -- -- - point, n. otoc poison, a. samal Poke, v. tibsok-en, dongsol-c.1.Pole, a. teken, balanayan pond, ai. libsong, poor, a. duca pork, n. carne-1)abu portion, n. cabiaagaaa position, n. kcipapas~nV postpone, v. cantallg(i) pound, v. huvo(mniaum) pour, V. ih~olg(i) powder, n. tapoaig power, a1. pacayarii praise, v Anyco(i), 'ftndoro(i),pray, v. cn~si( nui), dasal(tiaam)' Prayer, n. pcaidalsuul preach, v. polommg(mnalii) preacher, 1. Ilamlammapoloag precious, a. mabl~i predict, v. parlcs(i)' preface, ai. panigiparonglalpreferv lahi-eniahipl-i prefix, n. ipaona yLsoldouig- 11:1 s-11iI-a pregnant, a. Inalocoum prepare, v. pa-ranmi(i) press., V. peSpe.S-enl preserve, v. ai tol-eii pretend, v. cofloiioarij(ttum m) pretty, a1. mam-akep prevent, v. siLwbel(i), imminjimmael price, n. bili, IMY'ivd Prick, v. torokc-mi Pride, ii. kimon priest, mm. pari Iprint, v. gnlot(i) prison, n. 1)afgapamm prisoner, n. J)iflaaga(-,:o privelege'-I; tillalong,:urill". probably, adv. iigalngali proceed, V. toloy(i) process, n. nnpeangaon procession, n. Miot proclaim, V'. cahat(ipa) procure., v. ala-en profit, n. gongona profound, a. aralem progress, n. aliguas, bolaslas Sprolong,v. dukey-en(pa) promige, n.sipan promise, v. sipan(i) pronounce, v. bitla-en proof, n. pamatnagan prop. n. seclang property, n. cayarian prophecy, n. inparles prospect, n. ilaloan prosper, v. aliguas(on) prostitute, n. pianga protect, v. yagel protest, v. dalem(man) proud, a. mankimon proverb, n. allong provide, v. paga-an, asicaso-en provoke, v. sanoc-en(pa) public- a. lapag publish, v. lapag(ipa) paddle, n. lunek pull, v. goyor-en, bira-en punishment, n. dusa pup, n. oken pupil, n. paaral purchase, v. salio-en pure, a. malinis purify, v. linis-en(pa) uarpose, n. guetma ursu- v. sonsoji-en, tomboe-en put, v. yan quality, n. ineagaoa quantity, n. carakel quarrel, n. colcol quarter, n. cacapat queer, a. -niduma quench, v. eren(pa). 'question, n. tepet - quick, a. masiglat quiet, a. minareen quit, v. tonda-en quite, adv. daoit-daoit quote, v. olit-en R race, a. dala rack, n. incagaygay racket, n. gueogueo raft, n. balsa rage, n. sanoc rain, n. uran rain, v. uran(on) rainbow, n.-cabonlalacao --- raise, v. taguey(i), tandoro(i) take, n. caiaycay rap, v. tapok-en rapidly, adv. inasiglat rat, n. otot rathe, adv. nagcealalao rattle, v. larakerek-en(pa) rave, v. pasang(man) raw, a. maeta reach, v. dandan-en, sabi-en read, v. basa(man) ready, a. acaparanar real, a. peteg realize, v. imano(na) reap, v. ani-en rear, a. beneg reason, n. catonongan rebel, v. alsa(on), irang(on) rebake, v. bano-en recall, v. nonot-an(na) receive, v. aoat-en recent, a. aganoni reception, n. pamasabi recognize, v. bindir-en recolelct, v. nonot-an(na) reconcile, v. palangan(mi) red, a. ambalanga redeem, v. dondon-en reed, n. tanobang refer, v. panon(mi) refined, v. apalinis reform, v. oman-en regard, v. bilang(pangi) register, v. sulat(i) regret, v. ermen-an(pan) regular, a. onong-a-guendat reign, v. oley-an reject, v. pulisay(i) rejoice, v. liket(man) relation, n. pibiangan relative, n. canayon release, v. bolos(i) relief, n. tulong remain, v.,.ilac(on) remarkable, a. macapakelao remedy, n. tambal remember, v. nonot-an(na) remote, a. araoi remove, v. liis(ipa) rent, v. abang(ipa) repair, v. apiger-en repayi- v. hayar-an repel, v. tulac(i) repent, v. maghbabaoi reptile, n. oleg, basacay repulse, v. sonson-en request, v. casi(pi) resemble, v. para(mi) resign, v. ecal(on) ed betang resolution, n. guetma respond, v. ebat(on) rest, v. painaoa(man) restless, a. agmacareen restrain, v. amper-en result, n. asumpalan resurrection, n. inkioli return, v; paoil(on) reanion, n. doypo revenge, a. bales revive, v. bilay-en revolve, v. telek(on) rib, n. tagalang rice (boiled), n. niloto, baao rice (grain), n. paguey, ilic rich, a. mayaman ride, v. lugan(on) ridge, nJenten rliicale, n. balso right, a. catunong righteousness, n. incatnong rim, n. sangab ring, n. singsing rip, v. gisgis-en rise, v. alaguey(on) rival, n. calaglagan river, ni. ilog road, n. dalan roast, v. calot(i), polpog(i) rob, v. tulisan-en rock, a. bato rod, n. balanayan. roll, v. locot-en, tulin(i) roof, n. atep room, n. silir roost, v. toon(on) root, n. lamot rope, n. lubir rotten, a, -abuloc rough, a. magasal, njasagapsap round, a. malimpac row (boat), v. hegsay(i), gaor(i) ruin, n. deral rule, v. oley-ar. run, v. batic(on) -rust, n. lati S Sabbath, n. Sabbaton sack, n. sopot sacrifice, n. bagat sad, a. maermen sail, a. layag salt, n. asin same, a. capara sand, n. buer sap, a. tabol satisfy, v. pera-en sauce, n. patis saucy, a. malangas save, v. laban(i) saw, n. lagari -saw, v. lagari-en say, v. baga(i), salita-en scab, a. keggang scald, v. luyac-an scaly, a. masiksik scar, n. piglat scarcely, adv. laoari scholar, a. macabat school, n. panagaralan scorch, v. tektek-en scour, v. guisiguis-en scowl, v. coliseng(on) scrape, v. carcar-en scratch, n. agulilis, agurabis scream, v. akis(on) scripture, n. sulat - scrub, v. gasgas-en sea, n. dayat seam, n. tupig season, a. panaon seat, a. yorongan second, a. comadua secret, n. yaamot section, ai. c&apag 69 t ~~ secure, v. ala-en seduce., v. ayat-en see, v. uien-Pneng-en Fseed, n. hokel seek- v.-nnap~-en-seize, -v. singcat-en select, v. pili-en self, an. (li sell, v. Iaeo(i) send, v. batki(i) separate, v. hiig(i) serpent, it. oleg sepulchre, ji. loboc servant, -n. ar-ipen serve., v. liuucor~mnia) set, v. letneg(oi~) settle, v. Ietneg(on) seven, a. pito several, it. pigara, sew., v. dait(man) s habby, at. guilay-guilaty shade, at. siu.uil shadow, at. uA 0o shake, V. yogayog-en shallow, a. tnpeoshame, n. uaiiig sharp; at. macdeni Sharpen, v.. pacdeun-en, obol-en shave, v. kiskis(nian) she, proii. sicato sheaf, n. p'inongo sheet,.-n. oles shepherd, n. pumapastol shine, v. sinag(on) ship, n. saeayan shiver, V. guio-guio(ouu) Ashoe,, 1, patos shoot, v. paltoig-en shore, n. g4uilig-na-dayat short, a. antikey shoulder,-n. abala -. Shout, v. eyag(on) show, v. nengeng(ipa) Shrink, v. cocot(on) shut, v. eaput(i) shy, a. mabaingsick, a. aginacayari side, ndking * ign n. tanda silence, ia. (lean silver," n. lpihla sin, ia. aliiu since, a(Iv. uuuiuulJpti-lu1( sincere;, i. tiuatia sing, v. antata-en single,.at. bocor sink, v. lereg(on) sister, at. agui-'yahinki sit, V. N.01oag4(o1), six, a. anen * size, n. (alualeg skim, v. luca-en li Ekin, ii. haug ski rt, it. sapey skull, -it. lapi'lalpis sky, n. taoeuu slanting, a. dakiagkiag.' slap, V. tanilpal-en slave, ii. aripeui sleep, v. ogaiip(on) sleeve, ni. taeclay-aa-aysiuug slender, a. inabeuug slide, v. carouuias(on)' sling, n. palsot slippery, a. 11hu(langlet slope, it. aluitsarsar slow, at. unatantan sly, a. niasilih small, a. nielag smash, v. teinek-en smell, v. angob(na) smile,- v. irais(on) smite, v. cahil-en smoke, n. aseoek smooth,. a. inapatar, snail,. a. h isocol snake, n. oleg snap, v. lipak-en sneeze,.v. hasis(on) so, adv. (canian soak, v. talemn(on)' soar, v. tek-iab)(on) society, nu. naoyolig soft, a. aalemfek soil, n. daliui solid,-a. potel Some, a. aruin, pigara somebody, n. sakey-a-too somersault, it. halintocar something, it. 1)engattlai sometimes, adv. noarani son, it. auaie-a-laki soon, adv. tanplfl1O sore, it. Slngalt sorrow, nt.. erinen soul, ia. cainarernia sound, it. talnol south, at. ahbalatten, dapit-ilog sow', v. taeizie(nani) sower, it. tunmataneni spank, v. Ialpae(pa) sparrow, at. anovao cpeak, v.!,alita(inan) special, a. nidumadmuna speck, n-ainmmsa,( nelag) speech, 11. salitat speed, p. msiglat spell, v. letra'-en spend, v. tastos-em spidera gii. geniigen sp in, v. Iatlek-en, potipot(i) spirit, ii. espir iti spit, v. Ioda(on) split, v. piag-ei, 1)alsig(en spoon, n. etin a spot, a. 11a1n'~a spout, 1a bositsit, spread, v. hilcag( i), hayac (i) spring (waiter), ia. sobol spring.v. hntay(oa), loeso(on)' sprinkle, v. oalsic-iC-l square,. at. calang squat, v. c~amarn:11g(o1) squeeze, v. pespesc-en squirm. v.- yesyes(narna) stan, ia. mnansa stagger,, v. donigilngil (man) stake., n. palitek stalk, ia. pogniel. stammer, v. ata-ata stand, v. alaguey(on) star, at. hiteoeai start v. gapo(on), pical(on) stay, v. tilac(ua) steady, a. insist steal, v. takeo(inan) steep, a. aniapareag stem, a. pognel step, V. cullangt(on) -stew, v. lambhong-en stick, a. 1iilIie stiff, at. inataiker still, at. mnareen sting, v. ketket-en stink, v.hangret(on1) stir, V. hati-en, keokeo-en stitch, at. (laloedoe stomach, at. eges stone, at. hato stoop, V. yo!o (oa1) store, n. tinidaain stop,.v. tonda((in) storm, n. iiaguio story, a. toagtong stove (niative), at. (lalikan: straddle, v. cayang(oni) straight, a. mnaptee E~trange, a. nfidania stranger, n. saneaili. straw, ia. dayanii strength, ii. bis-keg stream, 11. cobos stretch, v. onat(on) s-trike, v. pekpek-eni, hakhaik-en string, n. luhir strip, v. gisgis-eni, sigsik-en -, Strong,. a. inahiskeg study, v. aral(inaa) stumble,: v. tirors(nfa) stump, at. tongrer' stupid, al. mnlaiulnet stupor, at. alimnoreng subdue', v. tab-~en subject, it. lpaeatongtongan sub~mit, V. toboc (on) substance, n. nanamn subtle, a. niasilih * succeed, v. subbay-an s uccessive, a. ninatotombacan such., a. satan, ontanl suck, v. sopsop-en sudden., a. bigla suffer,. v. irap(man) sugar, a.. masamit sum, n. catiponan 'i1 summer, n. tiageo sun, n. ageo Sunday, n. Simba sup, v. dem(man) superflous, a. masoloc supper, n. pandehian suppose, v. no-bilang supreme, a. manonaan sure, a. peteg imrrender, v. soco(on) surround, v. lictob-en suspend, v. tonda-en(pa) swallow, v. aemon-en swarm, n. olop, poloe swear, v. sayeo(man) sweat, v. linget(man) sweep, v. panis-en sweet, a. masamit swell, v. larag(on) -swift, a. masiglat, mabatic swim, v. langoy(on) swine, n. babuy swing, v. bayes(man), baba(man) sword, n. campilan symbol, n. tanda system, n. ocsoy, T table, n. lamesaan tail, n. icol take, v. ala-en tale, n. tongtong. talent, n. langeap talk, v. salita(man) tame, a. maamo tangle, n. gotgot tap, v. toktok(on) tardy, a. naonor tarry, v. pamaya(man) task, n. kimey taste, v. taoay-an tax, n. buis teach, v. hangat (man) tear, v. pilat-en tease, v. solon-en eth, n. ngipen temper, n. kioala tell, v. baga(i) tempest, n. baguio temple, n. simbahan, alupising tempt, v. tocso-en ten, a. sampolo tenant, n. casamac, paralos tender, a. maoyamo, maolimec term, n. panaon terrible, a. macapatactacot territory, n. nasasaeopan test, n. pacasalsali testify, v. tasi-an testimony, n. pantasi text, n. pacasalitaan than, conj. nen-say thank, v. salamat(mi) that, a. satan the, art. say their, pron. kienda them, pron. sicara then, adv. diad-ontan, diad-saman there, adv. diman therefore, adv. diad-ontan-sirin, these, pron. saraya (canian they, pron. sicara thick, a. macapal thin, a. mabeng thine, pron. kienmo thing, n. bengatla think, v. nonot-en third, a. comatlo thirsty, a. napgaan this, pron. saya thorn, n. sabit those, pron. saratan though, conj. angan thousand, a. libo thread, n. daramey thiree, a. talo throat, n. calocolong through, prep. pegley throw, v. tupac(i) thumb, n. taigan thunder, n. carol thus, adv. canian trick, n. tik-tik tide (high), n. etab tide (low), n. icati tie, v. singer-en tight, a. malet tilt, n. tambobong time, n. panaon 72 tip, n. ngoro tippy, a. makilas tired, a. nacsaoan to, prep. ed, diad toad; n. talacha to-day, n. natan toe, n. gamet-na-sali together, adv. tekep, olop tomb, n. loboc tone, n. oni tongue, n. dila too, adv. met (minuet) tooth, n. ngipen top, n. tagey topic, n. pacatongtongan torture, v. irap-en(pa) toss, v. bontoc(i) total, n. catiponah, amin touch, v. dioit-en tough, a. anaoet toward, prep. onarap town, n. baley toy, n. amamayo track, n. dalan transfer, v. basil(on), alis(on) translate, v. talos(ipa) trap, n. patit travel, V. viaje(man) tree, n. kieo tremble, v. gieogieo(on) tremendous, a. balbaleg trial, n. pacasalsali tiiumphant, a. mananalo trouble, n. colcol, gotgot trousers, n. sanual true, a. matua trust, v. nimatalec(man). truth, n. catuaan try, v. sali-en turn, v. peyes(on), telec(on) turtle. n. pagong twelve, a. labindua twine, n. lubir twist, v. vesyes-en two, a. du a U ugly, a. mahanday umbrella, n. payong unbelief, n. agpananisia unbend, v. onat-en unceasing, a. andi-tonda unchangeable, a. agmangoman uncle, n. pangamaen unclean, a. marutac uncomfortable, a. sikig uncover, v. lucas-en undefiled, a. agamansaan under, prep. lepsag, silong understand, v. talos-an(na) undertake, v. sali-en-ya-gaoaen unequal, a. nanduruma unfair, a. agmatunang unfaithful, a. agmananoor unfold, v. boscag(on) ungodly, a; agmaridios ungrateful, a. malamang uninjured, a. agnaano union, n. tipon unite, v. tipon(man) umiversal, a. lapag unkind, a. andi-pangasi unlike, a. niduma unloose, v. ocbar-an, bolos(i) unnecessary, a. agnacaoculan unsafe, a. maatap unsteady, a. makilas unsuccessful, a. agapalaran untrue, a. alioan-matua untie, v.r oebar-en unto, prep. aigad unusual, a. ag-onong-laoas unwelcome, a. ag-naaoat unwind, v. calcal-en up, prep. tagey, sapat upoi, prep. tapeo, diad upper, a. tagtagey upset, v.. calbo(na) upward, adv. mamataguey urge, v. sogsog-en use, v. cana(i) usual, a. gendat V vacation, n. painaoa vain, a. maampog value; n. cablian various, a. nanduruma veil, n. pandong vein, n. ulat 73 verge, at. ketegain, lallibil) very, a. toloy vex, v. suplon-en vice, at. vittio view, it. hantagen vine,. a. -ona(l, nvaiS virgin, ia. aaarikit visit, v.. dtflnoa-e vivid, a. halto voice., at. voces, on1i vomiit, v. uta(maa) VOW, 11. sipati, samba. W wabble, V. yoga yog (ia 1aa).waist, at. aoae wait,' v. alagar(mail) wake, v. bllagoa(on) Walk, v. acar(mnaa) wall, a. dintgding wander, v. aoatao(rana) want, v. lahay, gabay warma, at. atapetang wart, n. lot ii wash, v. pesaC(i). waste, V. soloe(i) watch, v': inanao -ei water, at. daiiiiia wave, it. (laluyon wax, it. fili way, at. alalan weak, a. inacapov wealthy,' a. xaayawaii wear, v. solong(i); caoes(i) weather, at. panaon weave, v. laga(man) wedding, at. hansal week, n. sianhaa weigh,.ikhdge welcome, v. aoat-ea Well., a. naaesil well, ai. hohon west, a.. sagu d wet, a. ambasa. what, ad v. aato.Wheel; a. daligfIqhen., adv. eapigan whoere, adv. ined -whether, conlj. 110 while, coni. legan whip, v. leoet-eii, bakbaken.whisper,' v. ye'saes wllihtle, v. gisio'(naaa) -white, a. anipoti who, adv. pron. -siopa why, eonj. akin wicked, a. angeami wide, at. maaaoanig widow, -it. I)1,10-hii wild, a.' mnaatai)wildnerness, it. ealatoac'an win, N'. 1ao(111aa1) wind, at. dagunem wind, v. potij~ot(i) window, a1. dorongj),aoenl wine, I). adac wing, it. plylic wi~nk, N% kiremi(ol) winter, at. betel wipe, v. punas-an wise, a. iiiacabat w~fther, v. lences(na) within, prep~. ed-lool) without, prep1. ed-paoay witness, at. tasi 'woe, at. casi woman, ia. jii wonder, at. pakelao wonderful, a. inacalpakelao wood, n. kieo wordp i. Salita work, v. kimey (man) world', n. muado worma, ia. bigis worse, at. managalges wort-hip, v. picasi(mian) worst, a.e —augeugesata worth, a. bili.:wound, at. sucgat -wrap, v. halcot-en wreck, at. iacabagbag wring, v. yesyes-ea write, v. sulat(maaa) wrong, a. aauges Y year, n. taoa you, pron. sieayo yell, v. eyag Yield, v. tol-c(oa) yes., adv. on. 'yoke, n. pa'co yet, conj. it! young, a. -agao, m ialangoer zeal, a. posapos,i4 A abagney, n. compassion abaingan, adv. ashamed abala, n. shoulder abalan a. lost abalaten, a. south abang (ipa), v. reit abat-na-aping, ti. dimple abay, prep. beside ababeba, a. low abeba-en(pa), v. abase abeba(manpa), v. coiinde ceiind abel, ii. eloth abet-en, v. mineet abig-en(pa), v. imnprove abobon, n. favor abobon(mi), v. accede abogado,!i. lawyer. aboloy-an, v. allow, approve, permit abot, 11. Ifole, pit 7 abuec, a. drunk abuloc, a. rotten abung, u. house abung-na-potiacan, n. hive acakep, n. captive acaona, a. former acaoana, adv. ahead acaparaan, a. ready acar(man), v. walk acautang, a. indebted acautang, n. debtor acdem-en(pa), v. sup (dine) achara, n. pickle acmon-en, v. swallow aco-en, v. accept, admit aco-en-ya-cabat, v. acknowledge acosocoso, n. disorder acotacot, n. hornet acual-an, v. lap agabobon-an, v. disapprove agaco-en, v. reject agamansaan, a. undefiled agano-ni, a. recent agano-ni, adv. lately, recently agaos, n. event, incident, occasion agapalaran, a. unsuccessful agasicaso-en, v. ignore agataonan, a. immature agayep, n. bean ageyet, n. mosqluito aglapiga, adv. lest aglem(man), v. groan agmacabaoas, ii. constipation agmacapalabas, a. intolerant agmacareen, a. restless agmacasarag, a. incapa-bld agmacayari, a. ill, sick agmacayari, n. invalid, patient agxananpor, a., unfaithful agmangoman, a. unchangeable agmanepeg, a. improper agmangoman, a. unchangeable agmansibkel, a. impenitent agmaocsoy, a. irregular agmaridios, a. ungodly agmatunong, a. unfair agnaano, a. uninjured agnaaoat, a. unwelcome agnaapag, a. indivisible agnabilang, a. countless, innumerable agnacaoculan, a. unnecessary agnagnap, a. imperfect, agnalingo, a. infallible agnanengneng, a. invisible agnapotan, a. inexhaustible agnapising' a. arbitrary agnatalosan, a. incomprehensible agnatalos-an, v. misunderstand agnatambal, a. incurable agnayari, a. impossible ag-nonong(mi), v. disagree ag-alis(on), v. abide agoncasipa, a. accurate agonnepeg, a. inconivenient agononglaoas, a. unusual agos, n. current agpananisia, n. unbelief agpicacabat, n. ignorance agueo. n. da3, sun agui-ya-bii, n. sister aguiya-laki, n. brother aguilis, n. scratch agum, n. avarice agurabis, n. scratch akin, adv. why ikis(on), v. cry, scream alabas, a. extreme alac, n. alcohol, liquor, wine ames(mau), v. bath ala'-en, v. get, procure, secure, take amianen, a. north Alagar (man), v. wait amiin, a. all, entire, total abagd-en, v. await amin, adv. altogether alaguey(mama), v. build amiusan, adv. once ajaguey(on), v. arise, rise, stand amo, n. landlord zlalig, a. counterfeit (see aligen) amo-ya-malames, n. casique~ (boss) alalig, n. echo -amo1~(on), v. bide alama, a. crab ampilt, a. bitter alar, a. fence amper-en, v. prevent, *restrain.agos-an, v,. flow ampetang, a. hot, warm alet-!an(pa), X. affirmn ampoti, a. white aulg-en,'v. imitate ampoti-icnol,' n. albumen aiguas, a. progress anita-en, v. know (facts) aliguas(on), v. prosper anacanac, a. doll aJliguas-en(pa), v. develope anac-ya-bii, a.. daughter aifling, a. awake - anac-ya-lakl, ii. son alia-en, v. cultivate andeket-ya-too, a. negro alimboaoa., a. ex.a Imp'le, parable andi, adv. no, not alimoreng, n'. stupor anaoet, a. hard, tough alloan, adv. act andangel, a. slippery Alioan-malioaoa, a. dim' andeket, a. black, alioau-ma tna, a. untrue andeket-na-mata, a. iris alioan-plbteg, a. illegitimate anapan, a. occupation 0loan-tua, a. false anap-en, v.find, hunt, seek aIls(on), v. transfer afiapseng, a. sour aiiz-en(pa), v..abolish andiadla, a. intemperate allong, n. proverb andi-an(pa), v. -deprive almosaL, n. breakfast andianga, a. infinite, endless Alo(man),- v. win andlangaan, adv. fore'v~eralolons, n. hut andlangaan, n. eternity alsa(en), v. rebel a~ndiayzilalo, n. despair ausa-en,. v. lift andiay-religion, a. irreligious alteY, n. liver andi(dia), a. absent alupisng n. temple andidia, adv.. awayalusarzar, a. slope andilicusaan, a. insensible ama, a. father andilugan, a. -empty. amad-biniag. n. godfathier andinbalot, adv. never. amnag, a. drv andipangasi, a. unkind -amaga-an(pa), v. parch anditanaman, a.. arid AmnjmaYo, n. toy anditonda, 'a. unceasing amaYamay, a. many andoyan, a. cradle ~ambageL, a. crazy, fool, idiot, insane andukey, a. long amnbalanga', a. red anem, a. s ix' ambalingit., a. fragrant angaan, -n. end, limit ambasa, a. moist, wet angad, prep. unto -ambelat, a. heavy angamani conj. although ambetel, a. chilly, cold, cool angansanontan., adv. nevertheless, anyambilunget, a. dark (how, notwithstandii~c however angan, adv. even angan, conj. though angananto, pron. anything anganined, adv. anywhere angansiopa, pron. anybody angapo, adv. none angapo, n. nothing ango(mi), v. pet angob, n. flavor, odor angob, v. smell angob-an, v. kiss ani-ani, n. ghost ani-en, v. reap anino, n. shadow anlemek, a. soft anoyao, n. sparrow ansakit, n. pain antacot, adv. afraid antikey, a. short anto, adv. what soak, n. loin, waist aoat(i), v. offer aoat-en, v. accept, admit, receive, aoes, n. gesture (welcome soit, n. burden, load aoit-en, v. bring, carry apagas, a. hoarse apagpag, n. palsy, paralytic apalabas, a. past apalinis, a. refined apat, a. four apatapolo, a. forty apiger-en, v. fix, repair aping, n. cheek apoter, a. broken apseng, n. acid apuy, n. fire aragdaoi, a. further aral(man), v. learn, study aralem, a. deep, profound araoi, a. remote araoi, adv. afar, far arap, prep. front arapen, a. future arcos, n. decoration arcos-en, v. adorn. ari, n. king aripen, n. servant, slave arf, n. affection, love aro-en, v. love arum, a. more, some acang, n. gill asaniban, a. obscure assoa(mhang), v. marry asaoan-bii, n. wife assoan-laki, n. husband aseoek, n. smoke asicaso-en, v. manage, provide asin, n. salt asinger, a. rn asinger-an,. r ch aso, n. dog asumpalan, n. result ata-ata, v. stammer ataguey, a; high, lofty. ataguey(on) v. ascend ataonan, n. adult atapeo, a. shallow ateng, n. ancestor, paren atenieg, a. ajar atep, n. roof atol-en, v. preserve atopi-an-na-keskes, v. crease asyaman, n. abode, habitation, honme ayat, n. chalenge ayat-en, v. attract, induce, seduce ayeo, n. curse ayeo(man), v. swear ayep, n. animal, beast B baao, n. rice (boiled) baast-en, v. interrupt baba, n. chin baba(man), v. swing babangatan, n. disciple babuy, n. hog, pig, swine babuy (carne), n. pork baca, n. cattle, ox baca-en, v. plough (plow) bacal, n. battle bacal-an, v. attack bakbak-en, v. strike, whip baga, n. hawk baga(i), v. say, tell bagabaga, n. kite bagat, n. offering, sacrifice bago, n. feather,1 baguio, it. stormi, tempest baing, at. shamne baing-au(pa), v. insult bakes, it. monikey baki(i), v. ~se Id balanayau, ia. r od, pole Sbalang, a. every -bala-en, v. delay balang'(i), v~. lose balangay(on)-lupa, v.blush balan'gla, a. eith,er balangobang, at. beetle balao, ii. ridicule balatyang, at. it. ir-on balbaleg, at. emuinxous, t reninendous balbas, it. beard. [package balcot, it. baggatge, Imnudle balcot(man), v. p~ack (tip) balcot-en, v. wrap [lar11ge baleg, at. bigr, gtrand, great, immense, * baeg (on), v. expanld, growr (animials baleg-an (pa), v. enlarge [& 1)11(1115).baleg-en(pa), v: mnagnifyf baleg-ya-ayaman, it. mansion baiieoe-tnj. bolt bales, at. revenge bales(on), v. avenge balet, conj. -Iut. baley, a. city, town balintocar, ii. somersault balio (on), v. ferment balita(mi), v. consult balitoc, ii. gold, balkes, at. l)elt, girdlebalo, a. new balolaki, ia. bachiellor balonbui, im. widlow balo~to, Hi. b)oat balsa, at. ferry, raft banaoang, ia. channel bancay, it. corpse bancay-na7-ayep, it. carcass" batdad-dalem, a. inner bangat, ia. doctrinie, teacihing lbanagat(man), v. instruct, teach' bangbalet, con~j. buit baagbang(i), v.'carve binget~on), v. stink bangou(on), v. wake bano-en, v. greet bansal, ii. weddhing bantac(i), v. cast (out), flipfg bantay(man), v. gruard, watch bantegen,. ii. view baog, ia. skiii barina, at. bit (bridle) basa(nian), v. read basacay, ni. reptile basbas,.ii. palth 4asicaq, ii. archt ba~sil(on), v. tranisfer bauis(ou), V. snieeze batangan, ii. ankle batia, ii. pall batic, it' flighit.batic(ou), v. flee, run bati-en, v~. stir. bato, ii. rock, Istonie baya~r,. i. lrii(C bayar(muan), v. piity bayar-an, v. vost, IlilY baybay, at. nor1th bayes(ipa), %-. lenid bayes(man), v. swing*bayes(om), v. borrow bayo(mau), v. pound becleo, a. nEuk. becleoo-na-aysing, nt. collar bedbegteo, a. (lesolate, lonely begsay, it. oart, pudldle begsay(i),-v. row (b~oat)' benben-a'n V. Voss~ess beneg, at. r~eaml beneg, nt. lanik beneg(i), V. ( andv. b)ehind bengatla, mm. obeject,..onimcthitig' thin"r berber, at. Imandagre berber-en, v. tie besti-cabayo, im. harniess betag-an, v. break betel (p~n4cn) biang(nU), v., initerpose, mneddle.bibil, at. flp Biblia, ii. Bible bicler-iemi~v. gulp bldb-ir-'en, v. rccogmiize. biec, prep. across botay(on), v. spring, bigla, a. sudden bot-en(a), y. gasp bigsot-en, v. jerk botil, n. wart. biguis, ni. gifat, insect, Wormn I MYA i a.lliga tor, crocodile' biim~emae - — bubulanen, n. lunatic Wi, ii. womanii buec, n. hair" bfg(i),, v. separate buengatla, beiigatla - bilang, ii. unuiber buer, ii. sand bilang(pangi),.v. regard bugcalot, n. barbarian, -heathen bilang-en, v. comnt buis, a. tax bilang-na-agueo, ii. date -bukig, at. east biglay, ii. life bulag, at. blind Tbhlay(rnan), v-. live bulag-en, v. deceive bilay-e'n, v. revive btilaklak, ]I.- flower bilcag(i). v. spread bulan, n. mnonth,,oo -101 bili, ii. price, woitli Iulangan, ii. cock-pit biniag. ii. baptismn buloc(na), v. decay (become rotten) binta(man), v. bebave bulto, at. vivid 1binuilan, a. mnontflyl bunga,!i. frufit bira-e cii v.pull buniga-ya-naxilapis, -,. nut Lirong -d * iladder bural-en, v. erase biskeg d mi cle', strength burarog, at. iiidist~inct biskeg-an(pa), v. biac buyac(i), v. spread bislac,'n. stick buyog, nt. jar bisocol ii. snailc bisog(cn),v bulgre bmteoen Ti. staii' caabay, ii. neighbor bitla *en' v. mmention., proniounce caabay, a1. adjacent boat(on)" _V la1111cb caalacan-na-laman, at. lust bobon, ii. well caampar, adv. abreast bocbocod, madv. ialone caanacan, ii. nephiew bocnbl, ni. k-not caaoaing, ai. area bocod, a. single caapag, n-. section bocsot,* ii. basket caapagan, ii. partition. bokel, 11. co0re, n.eed caaro, ii. friend bolaslas, ni. p.-'ogrrss caataguey, n. altittude, heighit bolcag, ii. leaf caaita-pan, it. lperil bolos, mm. f ice cabaglan, it. mischi-ef bolos(i), v. loos-e r, elease, unloose cabaleg, ni. size bolos(on), v. breake loose cabaley, n. family boloy(a), v. couis..ent cabalicsan, im.- mneanimig bolsa, ji. pocket cabandayan, n. dishonor bongiS, it. harelip cabat-an, v. know (acquaintance)bontocMi, v. toss cabat(ipa),* v. annou nce, foretell, pro-,bonton. mm. chiimmip - cabat(manigipa), v. ihformn [claim bora, ia. bubble, troth, foanmi cabat(mi), v. acquaint bora-an;' v. skim cabayo, ii. horse' boscag(on), v. untold ~cabiangan, ai. mimeiber, part, portion bositsit, ti. spoilt cabiang-an, v. beloiig cabibilay, n. character cabi-en, v. fight, smite Cabiluga4tau, n. darkness cablau4 4._value cabo, n. hub cabonlalacao, n. rainbow cabuanges,. n. intoxication cabuasan, n. morning cabusol, n.- enemy, foe caCapat, n. fourth, quarter cadederal, n. destruction caecalen, n. abortion cafe, n. coffee cagagaoa, n. conduct, manner cagaoaan, n. ~implement, outfit cagaton, n. parcel 'cagging, n. bat caiba, adv. along cili (aman), v. entertain caifloaman, a. familiar, intimate caind-an, V. forsake caind-anLi), v. neglect Caisipan, n. conception, idea, opinion cakieoan, n. grove calab(ozz), v. climb, mount calaglagan, n. rival calang, a. square calaoaen,. n. wilderness calbo(rta), v. upset calcal-en, v. unwind calendario, n. almanac caliberliber, adv. around calocalong, n. throat calonga,- n. cage calOtW), v. roast camnalfr, n. barn, storehouse camaomaongan, a. -bes 't camorang(on), v. squat caMa rera, n. soul. camelanelagan, n. least - - camoyong, n.- partner *caMPilMn n.-swo'rd CampDosanto, n1. cemetery caaiv. invest, use. cmanal(), ageatonongan v. abuse canayon, n. relative cancaiuti, n. firefly canding, n. goat canen, a. food can-en(pa),, v. feed. canepeg-an ya-gaoaen, v. ought canian, adv. so, thus canonotan, n. idea, mind -at~e.singcaoayan,, n. bamboo caayangan, n. independence caocul-an, v. demand caocay., adv. alongside -caoes, n. -apparel,' clothes, dress caoes(i), v. wear caoet, a. link.-caolibay, ii. analogy caolo-olo, a. bareheaded caono-onoran, adv'. latest caonoran, a. n. lust caopot, n. extinction1 caor(i), v. dip caor(on), v. draw capalaran, n. beatitude, chance, luck, capara, adv. like [fate. caparan-too, n. fellow, Lcapasolan., n. marsh capatas(pangolo)., n. boss capera, a. same capes, n. cotton capigan, ad-v. when capincan, n. cousin capitulo, n. chapter' captecan, n. integrity capuldua., n. half ceaput(i), v. close, shut caracdaclan, a. most CaraClan, a. general, ordinary, common caraclan, ii. abundaxice carakel, n. amiount, quantity caraycay, n. rake carcar-en, V. scrape carcarnero., n. flock carze.,n. meat carne-babuy, n. pork calne-baca, an-.beef carie-carnaro, n. mnutton Carol, n. thunder caronias(ou), v. slide,ca,rot~-en, v. pinch carreton, n. cart carukey, a. length casal, n. marriage so casalanan, n. blame, fault, guilt, sin casalisali, a. barefooted casamac, n. tenant - casampotan, n. end casanlilicna, adv. afterwards casi, n. woe casi(mi), v. plead, pray casi(pi), v. beseech, request casi-an, v. pity casico, n. inch casig-na-vapor, n. deck (ship) casil, ii. energy, force, health, strength casirola, n.*-kft \ casombalioan, a. opposite casublayan, a. alternate casucatan, a. exact casulitan, n. outrage casuingpalan, a. final cataoan, n. Lord, master catat, n. leather catecismo, n. catechism cati, n., ebb-tide, low tide catiponan, 'n. sum, total catooan, n. mankind, people catonongan, n. justice, reason catonongan(man), v. argue -catuaan, n. truth caugaoan, n. childhood, infancy caugeugesan, a. worst caugean, n. iniquity canigi, a. left i cayang(on), v. straddle cayari, adv. after cayarian, n. property. cayomangui, a. hrown circuito, n. circuit clase, n. class co, pron. I co 6 kienco, pron. my cocaoc(on), v. crow coco, n. finger-nail coco(na ayep), n. hoof, claw cocot(on), v. shrink coguip, n. dream colayot, n. owl colcol, n. quarrel, trouble? colcol.(i), v. assert coliseng(on), v. scowl colongan, n. coop color-na-lupa, n. complexion colos, n. brook, creek, stream -comadua —n second comatlo, a. third comocomo (man), v. gargle compapey, n. butterfly conconoari(man), v. pretend condang (on), v. step corong(on), v. crawl cotcot(i), v. bury. cotcot-en, v. dig cruZ, n. cross cuaco, n. pipe cuarta, a. coin, money cuchara, n. spoon 'ulang(on), v. lack culang, a. less culat, a. crisp cUntang(i), v. postpone curang(on), v. postpone curang(on), v. march "eutac, v. cackle cuting, n. kitten D daan, a. ancient, old dacolap, n. palm daguem, a. air, atmosphere, wind dagum, n. needle daiset, a. few, little dait(man), v. sew dakel, a. many, much, plenty dakel(on), v. multiply dakerakel, a. legion, very many dakingking, a. slanting dala, n. blood, race dala(on), v. bleed dalacorac, a. careless dalan, n. road, track, way dalang, n. apuy dalao-en, v. visit dalapdap, n. flower dalayap, n. lemon dalay-salita, n. idiom dalem, a. inside dalem, n. accusation, bottom dalem(i), v. accuse dalem(man), v. protest dalig, n. wheel 81 dalikan, ai. stove (native) dalin, it. country, earth, ground, land, dalocdoc, it. stitch [ soil daluiyon, at. wave damdamil, it. crockery Adand an-en, -.rekiew danganan, i1. pillow dangilngil (man), -v. staigger, dangol, ii. b~aik (dogr) dangol(on), v. bark, growl danum, it. water daoes-en(pa), v. accommodate daoit-daoit, ndv. almost, quite dapit-ilog, a. southi dapol, in. ahies I dapan, it. foot daramey, ni. thread datal, mm. floor dateng(on), v. arrive tdayami,, a. hay, straw - ayat, a. oceain; sea daydayeoen,-na-lapag, at. liero dayeo(i),. v. praise de'en, at. calmi, peace, silenice delap, im. delug-e, flood dem(man), v. sup (dline) dena, a. liame. deugel-'en, V. hear, listen depac-en, v. kick deral, at. laiaage, ruin deral-en, v. destroY, inljure, ruin dia, adv. here diad, prep. ait, in, into, to, upon diad-catuaan, adv. actually — diad-loob, prep. into diad-ontan, adv. then diad-ontan-sirin, adv. therefore diad-saman, adv.. then dica at. grrass diking, a. side dila, a., tongue dfildil-an, v. lick d:i, at. self dilo, a. hioney dinan. adv. there dlngding, a. wall dloit-en, V. touch Dios, at. God - doble, n., double docena, mm. dozen. docol(on), v. lie down docolan, im. b~ed-.dokd6k-en, v'. pick ump dondon-en, v. redeemn Qongcoi en,:V. doron, ii. locust dorongaoen, it. window doroypo(man), v. assemble doypo, it. macctlng dua, a. two duay-asaoa, mm. b~ig(amy duay-simba, mm. fortnlight dueg., ii. cnrabao (water-buiffalo) dukey-an(pa), v. prolonig (see paruduma (mi),.v. d iffer - [keyen).dusa, it. lpunislnneit' dus-en, v. nffliet4, chastise dutac, mm. dirt ebat, it. answer ebat(on), v. responhd, answer ebet, at. -hip ebet-na-balbta, mm. keel. ecal(on), ed-betang, v. resign ecal-en, v. abolish, expel. ed, prep. byv, in, into, on1, to egna-en, v. hold egnan, a. handleegues, at. bmelly, stomach ejercitos, at. array -elec (on), v. laugh elecan, it. f Ltu elel, a. groin eleng, mm; nose eleo-en, v. cwinfusie emel, a. dumb empatclo, a. diarrhoea epas(on) ed-nilugan'an, v. alight epel, a. dull eras., a. hunger erel-en, v. arrest.eren(pa),. v. quench ermen, a.j. grief, sorrow ermen(ma), v. mourn ermen-an(pan), v. lament, regret esei(mangi), v. intercedle, mediate 82 espirtu, ni. spirit estarnpa, *ii. image etab, n1. high tide eyag, n. yell, shiout eyag(on), V. blhOut F 'festa, n. holiday' fosforo, n1. mnatchl G gabay, v. want, wishl gagala-en, v. decide gala, v. come galang, ni. hionor, praise gilang(i), v. bow galao, n1. game, joke, motion galaoD(ian), v. play galao(on), v. move.galot(i), v. -print gahsirn n.. circumcision garnayan, n. centipede garnet, a. claw, finger garnot-na-sali, n. toe gi.X3nat(man)., v. accelerate, hurry gangan, n.- commandment, decree, law gansa, ni. brass [orde gan8o, n. goose Uao26 1. act gaoa (a), v. happen 94aoa(man), v. build, do, mhake gaoa-eno v. perform gaaan(na), v. -accomplish, occur. gaoat(man), v. offer gaor(i)', v. row (boat) gapo(on), v. begin, commence, start gasagasa-en, v. scrub gastos-en, v. spend gatas, n. mnilk gatel(rnan), v. itch gaton(l), v. lay gayang-en, v. pierce gendat, a. usuial gong-gong, a. spider gjleogieo(on), v. tremble gisgis-en, v. rip, strip gislo(rnan), v. whistle' gobida, a. ceiling gQ0 gOc..V-gruntgo10, a. agitation, mob golong-golong, an. chain gongona., a. benefit, profit gomigon, ni. agony, distress gotgot, n. tangle, trouble goyarngoyarn, n. eyelash goyor-en, v. pull grado, a.'grade.gueogueo, a.*racket (noi'se) guetma,. n. aim, intention, purpose, guiguirn, n. fin [re lut.idn gullata, n1. anit guilayguilay, a. shab guilig, n. border, edge, margin guili-na-dayat, ni. beach, coast, shore guiling-en, v. grind guioguio(on),. v. Shiver guiri, n. itch guisiguis-en, v. scouir gula, n. animosity, hatred gula-en' v. hate guills, n. line himmnon-pandayeo, n. anthem hora, a. hour iaraoi, adv. off iba, n.- co'mpanion, comrade iba-an, v. accom'pany (go with) Abitla, a. oral ibong(i or y), v. pour icasnen, n. mat jecdan, v. furnish (give) idnol, n. egg. Icol, n. tail iket,- n.'fishinet Halo, n. 'hope JlaloaxA, n. prospect Ilic, n. grain, -rice iRog, n. river ixuano, n. attention irnano(na), v. 'realize lmano-en, v. observe, watc4 83 ma, ni. mother -kelao-aii(pafl), v. admire. — inaayp, a*.br~utal kelao-lanfli),v ast.oni'sh inad-biniag, n. god-mother kelao-en(pan),-v. amaze, perplex inty.dead _ _- kelas,_n.~gre --- -- inagueo-agneo,' a. daily kelat, n..convulsion, fit intabagbag, n. wreck kena-en Y. jucabolos., n. freedom kebkeo-en, v. stir incagaoa, n. freedom kera, a. extra incagao, n. quality kereo, n. petition incagaygay, n. rack k-ereo-en, V. implore, ask, pray incaigot, n. misery kereo(on), v.apl * incaoalna, a. attribute kesao, ii. fatigue incapalsa, n. nature keteg, a. partitioni incatongtong, n. righteousness ketegan, ni. verge Indios, a. Indian. keteketek, v. coo indulgeucia, n. indulg 5ence ketket,-en, y. bite, sting (bee) mond., adv. Where kianac, n. birth inerno, n. hell kidiam, n. phosplhorescence ingen, coni. but 'kien, v. belong mnglit, n. grudge kienco, pron. mine inglit-en, v. hate kienda, pron. their inkianac, n. birth-day' kienmo, pron. your Inkianac,. n. Christmas kieo, n. tree inkioli, n. resurrection kikib-en, v. gnaw inmaoet, a.'calklu kilot-na-taoen, a. haze inpaabay, a. indirect kinieY, n. affair, business, duty, job., inpangaoa, n. process [occupation, task., work inpangiesel, n. atonement kimey-an(pa), -v. employ ___ inpales, n. prophecy kimey ma),vlaowr inum(on), v. drink kimon, a. pride' ipaaran., n. adventure kioala, a. temper ipaoaty, n. exodus kioaoala, n. being ipaona ya soldong na salita, n. prefix. kipapasen, n. circumstance, condition, ipurec, n. emphasis kipes,a.!!caip [position irais(on), v. smile -kirem(on), v. wink irang(on), -v. rebel kirep, a. brow, eyebrow irap (man), v. suffer - kirlap, n. phosphorescence ir&P-en2(Pa)V- -v., tortare kirmat, a. lightning, iaia(maui), v. believe kisinagklsing,.a. crab lsla(napan), v. convince kiskis(nian), v. shav-e isip(manis), v. meditate isip~-en,.v. consider, imagineL ispfil, n. pin la, adv. already iter(miang), v. contribute, give labauji), v. save itik, n. duck labas, prep. beyond, over Klabas(on), labas-anf(pa), x-. exceed - kggang,_ n. scab labat, a. only * kelao-n'a-vaca, a. calf labay, v. like, prefer, want, wish 84 labi, n. evening, night labindua, a. twelve ilabfr,-v. chatterlacap-en, v'. embrace, hug laco(l), v. sell/ lacoan,. n. bazaar lacsa, a., million lacseb, a. nfik-ed, nuide haen, a. go laga(man), v.: weave. lagar-en, v. saw lakiv a. mnale laki, a. man lialc-an(panpi),- v. covet lalo, a. more labo-an(i), v. expect, hopei labo-en(pa), v. agg ravate W~ong, n-. cock lalpac(pa), v. spank laban, n. body, flesh lambong-en, V. stew lamesaan, n. table lamot, a. crack, root lmiuet, -adv. again * langcap, n. talent langoy(on), v. swim lanina, n. image hanoc, n. blister lano-en, v. rebukP * laoari, adv. scarcely laoas, adv. always, ever laoatao(inan), v. wande'r laoc(mu), v. mingle, Mix lapag,,a. publ~hc, universal.. lapag(ipa), v. publish lapis, n. nutshell lapislapis, a. -skull lapiad, adv. conj. because larac, n. grease, oil larag, a. boil larag(on), v. swell larakerek-en(pa), v. rattle laslas-an-, v. excell Iazor(cn), v. descend lati, n. rustlatoc, n. pan layig, n.' ear. layag, a. sail laylay, n. - apiuer, flag*. leet-na-vaca., n. f urrow leet-na-duaran gulis, n. angle * legan,-ad3x, meantime - _legan, conj. while legep(on), v. dive lenes(na), v. with~er -leoet-en, v. whip iepoa(ou), v. overflow" * lepsag, adv. below, b~eneath lepsag, prep. down, under * lereg(on), v. sink let-an(pa), v. confirm letao(on), v. float leteg-na-pueg, a. kneecap letneg(on), v. settle l1etnegan, n. base, foundation letnieg-an., v. occupy jletra-en, v. spell letras-na-salit~a, a. alphabet levadura, n'. yeast liber-en, v. enclose libo, a. thousand libot, n. parade, procession Uibro, a.' book Ubsong, n. lake (small), pond licnaan, n. conscience, e motion licna-an, v..fe~el Lictok-en, v. surround Ifiglioa, n. ennsalation liglioa-en' v. comfort ligsa, n. delight luisan(pa), v. avoid lu*ng-en, v. arouse. J~iis(ipa), v. remove likeliket, a. pleasure liken, n. hoop, loop * liket, a1. joy liket(man), v. rejoice liket-an(pa), v. cheer liket-an(pan), v. celebrate, enjoy likir(on), v.* dodge lili, a. wvax lima, a. five lima, a. hand 9,.,inaeo,a.n. dew * Unaoa(on), v. breathe lincor(rnan), v. minister, serve i1nUget~ma-u), v. perspire, sweat - *. lingo, a. error, fault, Mistake, Ingoan-an(a), v. forget maampog, a. vain linguis, n, glance maanos, n. patience Iinis-en(pa), v. purify maaoanga. wide _ - -,n. leech maatap, a. unsafe, wild lioaoa, n. light mababig, a. pleasant lioaoa-an, v. illuminate mabaing, a. bashful, shy, v. snap mabanday, a.' awkward, immodest, Upong, n.' dish, plate mabatic, a. swift [ugly loag(on), v. boil mabayani, a. hold loboc, n. grave, sepulchre, tomb mabeng, a. slender, thin locablocab, n. eyebrow mabelbet, a. frequent locda(on), v. spit mabetbet, adv. frequently, often locot-en, v. roll mabilay, i. alive, living loccy, n. plough or plow mabiskeg, a. firm, strong locso(on), v. hop, spring mabli, a. dear, expensive, precious locso-an, v. omit macabat, a. wise lecso-en, v. jump, leap macabat, n. scholar Icngog, n. cavity macaoley, n. official loungogan, a. hollow macapakelkelao, a. astounding, relongon, n. casket [inarkable, wonderful 1oob, a. interior macapal, a. thick loob, prep. within macapalec, a. comical [nipotent loob(on), v. come in, enter macapanyari, a. almighty, mighty, omloob-an, v. invade macapatactacot, a. awful, hideous, losbo, n. heap, pile [horrible, terrible loto(man), v. cook macapatey, a. fatal labir, n. cord, rope, string, twine macapoy, a. feeble, frail, weak lubir-na-pagod, n. halter macayari, a. able, capable lucas(l), v. open macdem, a. keen, sharp lucas-an, v. uncover macsil, a. loud, strong, well ladlarey-en, v. mock maculaney, a. limber, mild Jugan, n. cargo, lqad macnli, a. busy, diligent, industrious lugan(on), v. embark, ride maermen, a. sad Inganan, n. car maeta, a. green (unripe),-raw lugin-en, v. contain magalang, a. noble lumoloto, n. cook magalao, a. jolly loto(man), v. cook maganganat, adv. rapidly lanec, n. puddle magasal, a. coarse, rough lupa, n. face magayaga, a. gay, merry lupa(mi), v. collide magbabaoi, v. repent lurem, n. cloud magmalio, v. become, change lurey, n. jest magmaong, a. better lasec, n. post mailio, a. homesick luyac-an, v. scald maimon, a. jealous M maingot, a. narrow maingongot, a. fretful m.naabaguey; a. kind mainomay, a. easy inzalaar, a. accurate, careful mairap, a. difficult,-hard a.mao, a. tame mnakilas, a. tippy, —nsteady makina, n. machine mansa, n. spot, stai makitaing, a. agile mansa(melag), n. sy -— malamang-,;a-ungrat~e~1 _4.~slt ----u-hr malamnoy, a. mild mantedted, a. leaky malangas, a. saucy mantitoila, a. lying Ma1angner- ji-yi Ymg man-to-tombocmli, a. malapati, n. dove, pigreon. maolimec, a. tender *malet, a. durahle, firm, permanent, maong, a. tine, good malicsi, a. alert [tight mnaong-a-panangan, maliga, a. graceful maoyamo, a. gentle, maliket, a. gay, glad, happy, merry mapabeba, a. humbl4 malimpec, a. rouiid mapalar, a. blessed, malimpee, ni. circle mapangasi, a. kind mialineo, a. clear mapaot, a. durable malingoan, a. absent-minded mapareng, a. abrupt *malinis, a. clean, pure mapasang, a. harsh mnalloaoa, a. bright mapasnoc, a.. angry, malocon, a. pregnant mapatar, a. even, le mamapasnoc, a. mad (angry). mnapatnag, a. conspi mamatagney, adv. upward. maptec, a. erect, pE mamosposiao, a:' pale mamura, 'at inexpensive,.cheap marakep, a..beautif manmalo, a. triumphatnt mararo, a. amiable manaayam, ni. inhabitant mareen, a.. quiet, sti managliglioa, ni. comforter maridios, a. divine managpolong, n. preacher marikit, -.. maiden, manalimangao, ni. hysterics, martilo, a. hiammer *manamalsa, nm. creator marucsa, a. cruel. manamiaiiac, a. midwife marum ac, a. wicke mananambal, nm. doctor mnarutac, *a: corrur manangaro, mn. lover marutac-ed~gaoa, -a. manasancaili, a. host masacbay, a. early mancuancuanan, a. insincere masagapsap, a. rouf mang-an, v. eat masamit, a. sweet. mangatataoen, a. celestial masamnit, it. caundy, ma~ngigagaem, a. malicious masanto, a. holy mangipatalos, a. interpreter masiansia, a. c~onsis.mangiras, a. idle,. lazy. masikaik, a. scaly mankelat, n. cramp masiglat, a.- fast, qi mankimon, a. proud. masiglat, adv. rapid manladlaco, n. merchant inasilib, a. cunning, manlapu, preP. from masimupit, a. neat manletletao, adv. afloat masimoon, a.- earneE manoc, n. chicken, fowl, bird maaioal, a. clumsymanoc-ya-atep, n.; wild-cowl masnag, a. bright mano-en(i), v. examine masoloc, a. superfht manona, a.-chief, prinepial masoner, adv. aster manonamav a. supreme - wasubeg, a.,. brave,. znanpadpa~ira, a. alike. atn. eye meek soectie ue(cessive a.appetite tender e, meek fortunate steep cranky. - vel, smooth cuous, plain rpemidicular, [straight uA nmice', pretty 11, peacef ul virgin d Lunelean it, dirty, impure, immoral sugar tent.iick; swift; cute, clever, sly,. [subtila. mous fierce mataba, a. fat - - _- -lagamor-an,-v. achieve, succeed — matacot, a. coward niagaygay, n. collapse ___- ~ V~ - aaem~vtnt ~ nagealalno -hiflyvt.r matalker, a. stiff nagnap, a.. enough, perfect matantan, at. slow' nagueguemt-an, -v. acquire, obtain matapiac, at. flat nanam, n. suhstance matatken, a. old nanduru-ma, a. u nequal, various matocoy, at. convenient nadloleo, a. giddy, sea-sick matonong, a. just, right nanlapuan, n. origia matoor, a. constant nanlapulad, adv. since Matuia, a. true nanleetan, a. intermediate matucoy, a. decent nanleetan, a. distance maugnes, a. b)ad, evil, wicked, wrong, nanleetan, prep. amongst, between mauguges, a. Wo>__ nannonongan, n. agreement mayaman, a. rich, w'ealthy naoguip, adv. asleep — Mayo, n. May napera, a. lonten tad, a. gloomy npra otn melag' a. little, small napgaan a. thirsty maelag-ya-dalan, n.- alley, path napia,.a. honest met av.als, oonaplag-an-na-dusa, v. condemn napno, a. f ull I mmibable, n. (ctumbl narengel, a. audible micmi, a. rumbnasasacopan, a. territory milppaty, a motalnaspot, a. intense milagro, ii. miracle efc rni~niop nasungpalan, n. efc,a ne hieing ~ natalosan, a. pain, evident mupapayabol, ti. beggar ntn.t-a naysri-an, v. call, abile.. mipara, a. same - nn misasalamat, at. grateful neng-pep.oub), of az mocr,. helnengneng, a. form, kind myni. cngrgain, oit nengneng(ipa), v. demonstrate, edilimuet, (see met) nengneng-en, v. look, see.[hit, showr mruling, a1. forehead. nennab,' a. (lamp. mura-d pa) v.. imprir neneamnan, -adv. ago muraen (a),v. iip,.il.nensaman, prep. before nensay, adv. 'instead nensay, conj. than N niervios, n. nervena, prep. of ngac-ngac-na-vaca, n. bellow naacar, a. accessilble ngalatenget(mian);' v. gnash, nasiman, a incoe - uaingali, adv. almost, maybe, nearly, nabalbalilta, a.. famous nganac, a. lien [perhaps, probably nacaoculan, a. essential' ngaran; n. name, noun nacaocul-an, v. nec~essary (to need) ngarem, n. afternoon nacio n,. nation ngengem(on), v. hum nacaoan,.a. tired ngipe n,. teeth, toothnaduonot-an, v. rememberngiom ),vwhsl 88 - ( ngoro, n. tip gorongoro-en, vx grumble,-_urmur nfi, conj. yetnianac, a. born nibakian, n. mission nibiig, a. definite nibiig, adv. apart nicatonongan, a. lawful niduma, a. odd, pleculiar, queer, [strange, unlike. nidumaduma, a. special nilicod, 1n. exception niloto, n. rice (boiled) nipaacar, prep. concerning nisacda, adv. ashore nisay, conj. neither, nor ning, n. cocoa-nut, cocoa-nut tree no, conj. whether noaram, adv. sometimes nobilang, conj. if no-bilang, v. supposm nonong(mi), v. agree nonot(ni), ya-gaoaen, v. determine nonot-an(na), v. recall, recollect renonot-en, v. think.[member no-ontan-sirin, adv. therefore novia, n. bride novio, n. bride-groom. numero, n. figure, number O 6(odino), conj. or oacal, n. vine oacoac, 1. crow oala, V. have oalna, n. disposition oalo, a. eight oalsic-an, v. sprinkle oasay, n. axe obac, in. bark, hull obol-en, v. sharpen obong, n. nest ocbar-an, v. unloose, untie ococ, n. cough. ocom-en, v. judge [system ocsoY, n. ceremony, discipline, order, ocsoy-en, v. adjust, devise odino, a. else -odino, conm. -or ogto, n. dinner ogtoy-agueo, n. noon ognip(on), v. sleep oi-en, v. adopt oiroir, n. criCket oken, n. pup okis, n. bark okis-an, v. pare oleg, n. reptile, serpent, snake oles, n. blanket, sheet oley, n. administration, rule oley(man), v. govern, rule oley-an, v. control, reign, rule olit-en, v. quote, recite olo, n. head olo(ipang), v. lead olop,.adv.. together olop, n. company, crowd, party, olsob, n. eel [swarm oman-en, v. modify, reform ompan, conj. lest on, yes onaan, a. first onano, n. dwarf onan-totoo, n. aboriginee onarap, prep. toward onat(on), v. stretch onat-en, v. unbendo oncagnit, n. fit oncana, prep. for ongol, n. noise oni, n. voice, tune cninangay, n. fit onong, prep. according onong-a, adv. inasmuch onong-a-guendat, a. regular oncong-ed-gangan, a. lawful, legal onong-lanti, adv. accordinily onor, a. latter onor-en, v. obey ontan, a. such ontan-pa-comon, interj. amen opa-an, v.. hire opot-en, v. consume, devour. osioso, a. curious otoc, n. point otot, n. mouse, rat. Pal, interj. pes ______ Paaral, n. pupil pabilingiit, -n.-_ p,erf pabli-en, v. appireciate ]pace-bat, ni.-message, news, notice Paicabat-na-maugues, ii. alarm pacalat, ni. lridle Pacalecan, "I. hi11nor1 pacang, a. h~ow-l~egged Pacanodnonotan, ii. mfemoriappacapalis, n1. abIolition pacasaleali, ni. trialn, test Paca"'anda, ii., memory Pacatongtongan, Ii. subject, topic pacasalitaan, n. text pacayari, n. ability, power paco, n. yoke ]pagat-an, v. provide pagalaug, II.'comlplimient pag-en2 v.- divide* pagong,9 11. turtle pagueo, ni. breast, chiest pagney, n. rice (grain) painaoa, n. vacation ]Pecfaoa(man), v. rest pait, n. intestine pakelao, n. excitement, wonder Pakigtel-en, v. curdle IPalandey, n. mountain *palandeyI-ya-abebeba, ni. hill Pala~ngan(mi), v. reconcil6 palangana, 1i. basin, pan palbangon, Ii. (lawn Palgep(i), v. immerse palils-an, v. abstain ]palfis-an-ya-sitatacot, v'. abhor.palitek, n. stake palo, n. mast pairap-en, v. torture palsot, n. sling paltog-en, v. shoot pamnaaabl, n. reception -Pamatnagan, n. proof ipamaya,(xna), v. tarry J~aasa, a arrow, harrow Panaagui n. -fraternity panagani, n. harvest panagaralan,. n. school panagdalns, n. agriiculture Waa hd -pa~nagpicasid-otaflintao, n.- idolatry panamag, nm. c-ourthlmip panangasi, nm. mercy panangaro, n. gift, love panangibaga, n.. expression pananisia, n1. creed, faith panaon, n. lperio~d, senson, term, time,.panaral, n. lesson [weather panarian, - n. kingdom Panasaa, ii. marriage. panay-sira, n. harpoon pancanaoanaoa, n. liberty pancanepegan, n. merit panday, n~. carpenter pandayeo, nm. eulogy ]pandeman, ii. supper pandong, nm. veil pandoroypo, n. fellowship, panduarua, n. doubt pandnmaan, imm. difference pangad, n. jawv pangaligan, ii. ideal, plan pangamaen, n. uncle pangaoml, v. imprison pangaoan, n. jail,-prison Pangaoat, n. acceptance pangi naen, n... aunt pangiparongtal, n. preface.pangoc, n. pest pangolo, n. guide pangomanen, n. convert pawminkl, n. flint panis, a. broom. panis-an,.v. sweep panliketan, n. amusement panlucas, n. aperture pano-en,- v.- fill panon, adv. how panon(ml), v. refer panpapiguer, n. amendment panplraoat, n. -anxiety pansiahj, n. divorce panalgueroan, n. assurance.e pa ntasi, n. testimonypanunao, n. dejection pansusupiatan, n. issue paoacpaoac, paoay, n exterior paoay, prep. out outside, without paoay(on), v. come out paoayan, n. outlet paoil, adv. hack paoil(on), v. return paoli-ani, v. abandon para(i), v. compare para(mi), v. resemble para-an(i), v. prepare parakep, n. ornament paralos, n. tenant pari, n. priest parles(i), v. predict parles-an, v. guess parongtal(i), v. introdice. paraukey-en (fr: dukey), v. prolong pasac(i), v. nail (drive) pasac(i), ed-crms, v. crucify pasagui, nII. beam pasal, n. habit pasang(man), v. rave pasen, n. place plsen(i), v. assign, fasten, set pasen-an, v. occupy pasingaoey, n. omen pasnoc-an(pan), v. censure pasirayeo, n. conceit paspas(en), v. fade pataga, n. anchor patang, n. frog patanid, n. Nrewell patey, n. death patey(om), v. die patey-en, v. kill, murder pati, prep. with potipot(i), v. spin patir(na), v. stumble patis, n. sauce patit, n. trap patlek-en, v. spin pitnag(i), v. indicate patnag(on), v. appear patolo(man), v. advance patos, n. shoe patua(mangi), v. confesspayabol, n. alms payabol(mi), v, beg payac, n. wing -payongi-,-umhreLa --- —------ paypay, n. fan pegley, n. center, middle pegley, prep. through peket(on), v. cling peket(i), v. fasten pekpek, n.-club pelag(i), v. drop pelag(na), v. fall peles, a. actual pepino, n. melon pera-en, v. satisfy 1,erdona-en, v. forgive pesac(i), v. wash pesnac-an, v. batch pespes-en, v. press squeeze petang, n. fever, ~eat peWeg, a. real, sure peteg, adv. indeed peyes(on), v. turn peyesan, n. crank pianga, n. harlot, prostitute pibiangan, n. relation picacabat, n. intelligence picacalugoran, n. adultery picacasi, n. prayer pica-en, v. gore, jahb pical(on), v. start picalugaran, n. fornication picasi(man), v. worship piga, adv. how much pigara, a. several, some piglat, n. scar pikeoet, a. crooked pilac, n. money, silver pilalec, n. ambition pilalec-en, v. wish pilapil, n. dyke pilat-en, v. tear piley, a. lame.piley, n. cripple pill, n. choice pili-en, v. choose, prefer, select pilimos, n. association pinagealupa, n. delegate pinageasalat, adv. instead pinalsa, n. creature pinangao, n. prisoiner 91 I Pinongo, a. sheaf pinto, a1. d __ pisag, n. piece, portion ___ fisg s7~plit piseng, n. bedbugr pitec, 11. miud pito, a. seven pococOi), v..contine pococan, n. perchi * poctal-an, v. b)ounce pognel, n. 'stalk pokel, n. bone * pokel-na-pagueo, n. breast,hone polet, n. plug * polo, n. island poloc, ii.- swarm. poloc-na-polo, a. archipelago polong(man), v. preach polpog(i), v.' roast ponite, ii. fist po-ol, a*. blaze, flame vool-an, v. burn ponklan, n. crib) ponti, banana -popo-en, v. chop, cut pesapos,. n. zeal 'Potel, a. solid potiocan, n. bee POtiPOtW), v. win d poyco-an, v. anoint pueg, n. knee pulet, n. cork pulisay(i), v. 'reject puloc*-na-ayep, n. herd pumopokis, n. ba~rber punas-an, -v. wipe pundoan-ed-dayat, n. harbor ptinget, n. joint 'Punget-na-gamet, n. knuckle puntas, a. lace pusa, n. cat puso, n. heart 'PUaoy-blkking, n. calf (of leg) pusta, a. bet 'puyan, n. inspiration S MAbi(on), v. arrive sabi-en, v. reach. -sabit,- n. —thorn - - — '- - ---- sabo, a. f oamn sacayan, n. ship sacbong, n. covering, lid sacbcng-na-docolan, n. counterpane sacbong-an, v. cover saclor, n. born sacorong, n. crotch saeo(na), v. fail.sagaysay, a. comib sagor(i), v. hitch sagud, a. westvagninonor, adv. later sakey, a. each, one sakey-art, a. ani sakey, a.. individual sakey(ica), v. incorporate sakey-a-too, n. somebody sakey-ul, adv. moreover sakit, a. achie, disease, pain, plagrue sakit-na-1ayaig, a. earache sakit-na-olo, a. headache* sakit-an, V': hurt salamat(mi),. v. thank salat(man), v. barter, -exchange, trade salat-an, v. change salaysay(i), v. declaile salaysay-en, v. analyze sai, n. feet, kgir saian, n. contest saHi-en,~. v. attempt,, tryv sali-en ya-gaoaen, v. undertake saijo-en, v. buy, purclmnse saFsali, 'n. experience se.ita, a. language, speech solita-en, v. mention, say saliba (man), v. address, speak, talk Valming, ii. glass (pane), mirror salologan, a. gutter salot, a. plague saloy, a. hem' sawal, ni. 1)015011 samba;, a. oathi, vow saxabre-samubre, ii. fringe sampat-en, v. catch sampolo, a. ten _SananO.y, a. another, other 92.) saneaili, n. foreigner, guest, stranger siboc-an, v. blow _ __ -ancaiited nucon; n. -TAheinn ale sanga, n. branch, limb sica, pron. you sangat, n. brim, rim sicara, pron. them, they sangi, n. mouth sicaran-dua, a. both sanib, n. curtain sicato, pron. he, it, she canlasus, a. hundred sicatondili, pron. herself, himself, sanlasus-taon, n. century sicayo, pronz-you. [itself sanoal, n. trousers, sicnol, n. knot sanoc, n. anger, rage sico, n. elbow sanoc-en(pa), v. provoke siglat, n. speed sanparis, n. couple siglo, n. century sacl(man), v. cheat cigsig-en, v. strip sapat, prep. -up sikig, a. uncomfortable sapey, n. skirt silalaman, n. physical sapsap, n. uhii, piece sileo, n. lamp, light varal(on), v. lean silib, n. guile saratan, pron. those silir, n. closet, room saraya, pron. these - silong, prep. under satan, a. such, that Nimba, n. Sunday, week say, art. the simbaan, n. church, temple saya, pron. this simbangan, n. balance sayaoan, n. ballroom.-simbang-en, v. weigh sayeo(on), v. lance simbaoa, n. advice say-ontomboc, a. next sinag, n. gleam sapoc, n. dust ainag(on), v. shine sebel(i), v. prevent sincat-en, v. grab, grasp seclang, n. prop sindag-an, v. illuminate segang-en(paseg), v. oppress singa, adv. like, segao, n. horror singa, conj. as segat(na kieo), n. pith s-ngabataian, ri. assembly segep(on), v. come up singcat-en, v. seize seksek(ipa), v. impress singer-en, v. tie selsel-an, v. light singil-en, v. collect selsel-en, v. kindle singsing, n. ring sener, adv. backward siopa, pron. who sengegan, n. basis siopaman, adv. any vengeg-an(pan), v. cause sio-sio, n. chick senteik, n. jolt sipa-en, v. kick sepsep-en, v. absorb sipan, n. pledge, promise, vow siac, pron. I (am), me sipan(i), promise siac-a-dili, pron. myself sipit, n. clamp siam, a. nine sira, n. fish siansia, a. abiding sireg, n. bruige siansia(man), v. abide siring, n. hirth-mark sibaclor, n. hump sirom, n. shade sibangot(on), v. frown sisian(man), v. adjourn sibaoeng,.n. bug. sobol, n. fountain, spring aiboc, n. colic soco(on), v. burrender 93 ~ot~n~vcrouii tadj-n-aying, n. sleeve "sgsog(l), v.* induce tacoco, h.-iat oggan,.-v-v urge. --- —--- tacotrfen. soldong-en, v. join factacot-en, v. frighten soloc(i), V. waste taep, n. chaff soloc(on), v. exced taga, n. hook solon-en, v. annoy, tease taglang, n. rib solong, adv. forthi,.forward tagtagney, it. uipper solong(i), v. wear taguey, adv. above sombrero, v. lint taguey, it. top sonson-en, v. pursuie, repulse taguey, lprep. tip soot(ipa), v. persist taguey(i), v. raise sopot, in. sack tagnilaco, it. goods, sopsop-en, v. suick tai ayep (65 manoc),-ta. dung,-manure sorsi-an, v. darn tai-biteoen, ii. falling-s tar, meteor 807OC, ii. corner takeo (man), v. steal sublay-an, v. SUCc~ed talkiling(on), v. peep sucat-en, v. meas re talaba, -it. oyster subayan, v. inivestigate - ta~lacba, ii. toad sugal(mi), v. gamble talacotoc, v. eliitt~r sUgat, an. grash, sore, wound talaga(i), v. dedicate sugba(on), v. plunge -talem(on), v. soak SWIat, n. letter, scripture -talima-'en,. v. care sulat(i), v. register talimocor(on), v. kneel anlat(man), v. write ta~lntao,- n. idol somusulat, a. clerk talo, a. three unmgpa,, a. contrary tabo-en, v. overcome, subdue sungpa, adv. -against talongaring, ii. advantage, privelege aungpaL(on), v. oppose tabos-an, v. comprehend -kungpad-gangan, a. illegal - tabos(ipa), v. interpret, translate sMgpal-enl, v. complete, finish tambabong, a. tilt suot-n(pa), v. compel tambal, n. medicine, remedy suplatan, n. conflict, debate tambal-en, v. cure, heal supiat-en, v. contradict, dispute tambib, ni. verge * suplon-en, v. vex tainpal-eni, v. slap supot, ii. hagr% * tampol, adv. inmnediately, instantly, susto, a. 'correct -tan, conj. and [soon sutil-en, v. tease tanaman, is.'plant, plantation. * - T -tanamaii-ya'-dakel, n. crop tanamanan, ii. garden taba, n. grease tanda, a. niark, sign, symbol taba-en(pa), v. enirichi, fertilize tandag(on), v'. peep -tabanug-en(pa)j* n. discourage tandoro(i), v. raise tabba, n. hoard tanem(man), v. sow tabol,, n. sap tangan, n. thumb ltaboy(on), v. leap, plunge tanger(on), v. nod(head) t~acaan, n.* ladder tanobong, a. reed________ - Uqbo(pa_) _v.gallop nsol. sound taday, a. arm, fore-arznr tantan(nian), v. lag,(go* slowly) 94 taoag-en, v. call timba, ii. bucket taoalaubi~ft-in -- im~el,n.fe ~aoayan, n. taste tnimon, n., helm taoen, n. heaven, sky tinaofl, a.'annual taoentaoen, n. palate tinaon-ya-pacauodnonotaii, n. annitaoir-en, v. inherit tVnapay, n. bread. [versary taoir(i~pa), v. bequeath a market,- store taon, n. age, year #ipac(man), -v. clap. taotao(man), v. perish tipaic-an, v. applaud tapang, ii. bait tipon, n. union tapat(0), v. 'betray tipon(a), v. accumulate. * tapeo, prep. on, upon, jtipoii(i), v. include tapi, n. hip tipon-en, v. add, gather' (together') tapiS, ao. apron. tlon(man)-, v. combine, unite tapok-en, -v, pat, rap tiror(na),, v. stumble tapong, n. powder.titi-en, v. fry * tarem, n. blade tobo(on), v. grow (plants) tarios,. a.- f resh tobo-en, v. gain tasi, n. witness toc oa devil taiav. testify t~o-8O6Ujv. tem'pt tati-an, noaetoec(on), v. bend taynan (on), v. depart, leave tokel, n. lump tayo, pron. our, (etc.) toktok(on), v. knock, rap taytay, n. bridge toktok-'en, v. peck tedted, n. drop toloc,(on), v. -submit, yield. teclted(on), v. leak toloy," a'.. very teke-n, n. pole tOolYWi,.v. continue, proceed tekep, adv. together.tomboc, -n. key - tekep(i),v. include tomboc-;en, v. follow, pursue' tekiab(on), -v. fly, soar toiida(on), v. 'cease, hatso tektek-en, v. scorch tonda-an, jr. quit telec, a.,deaf tonda'-en(pa), v. suspend telec(on), v. revolve tonger, n. stump telecan,. a. pivot ton~gtong, n. fable, gossip, tale, stor temek-en, v. smash'. toflgtollgan, n. conversation tenten, n. b~ackbone, ridge tongtong-an, v. discuss tepek, n. beak, bill (of. bird) tonton(i), v. direct tepel(i), v. excuse, forgive,. pardon *too, a. human tepel(man), v. endure - too, n. man - (generic),.person tepet, n. question * tooI1QoU), v. roost tepet-en, v. ask, inquire, question toraso,. n. log tiaguso, a. d'roughlt, summer. toroc.. n. fork.~ tiskev. job, poke * torod-en, v. prick tikel-en, v. choke *toro-en, v. appoint, elecet tikeyan(pa), v. abbreviate, make short tortor(man), v. glean' tlktlk, a.- trick totoo, n. people tlktik,-v. —click -y' ----..- n fact, truth.tfia(nian), v. lie.tuatua, a. sincere tilac(on), v..remain, stay tuguigni, n.' brush' 95 tulac (i), v. repel tiiiisan~man), v. plunder, rob tfiiong, n. relief tulong-an, v. aid, help tnnao-en, v. digest, melt tumnatanem, n. farmer, sower tumataoir, n. hieir. tupac(i), v. throw tupac(man), v. pitch (ball) *tupac-tono, n. pitch (musical) tupi-en,, v. fold tupig, n. seani ugali, n.'custom ugao, n. child, infant ugao-ya-laki. ugao-ya-melag, a. baby uges-en(pa), v. deprave ulama, n. blaze ulat, n. vein ulsa, n. deer nina, n. farm, field unguento, n. ointment uran, n. rain urno-en, v. bake tal,% v. chase tiso-en, v. adapt uta(man), v. vomit utang,*'a. debt utang,.v. owe utek-na-pokel, n. mnarrow vaca, n.,hull, caittle, o~x,' vaso, n. glass verde, a. green (color) vesagra, n. hinge viaje, n. journey viaje(man), v. travel vicio, n. vice voces, n. voice Y yaguel, v. defend, deliver, protect yamot, n. secret yamot, v. conceal yan,- v. put, set yangyangen, a. bald yaong, a. bowl *yatol, v. keep yegyeg,, n. earthquake yegyeg-en, v. jerk yengyeng(na), v. faint yesayes, v. whisper yesyes(inan), v. squirm yesyes-en, v. twist, wring yoco, v. stoop yogayog(man), v. wabble yogayog-en, v~. shake 'Yoro, a. knife yorong(on), v. sit yorongan, n. chair, 96 L I I penTVdb wmtf1Kp