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S, a rid 12 Educational Institutions; Arable L-a 10 Wholesale IHouses Bank Clear 20 Miles of S-ewer Customs, I 50 MAi-les of Traveled Streets Prpeirty A!9 'Miles of Water Mlains Total number Passengers Entering. U. S. via the Soo. 19210-2-50,000. P'. 0. Reeeipts-, 1920 -S44,218l355 tary Post, Fort, Brady Mlunicipal Parhis-200 acres, nd Aldjaceent to City-8 00,000 emces rances, 19'!0-$10,000,000-00 Power Developed and Used, 45,000 HO P Surplus Power Available tor Immediate Use, 13,500 1I P. COM5PILED.13Y, CE. CHPLEY PRIINTED ~AND HOUNI) IN SAULTST EE, SARtE 1BY T1FE VE-NINIG NEWS ---~FT.i-1- -i~_ __~_ I___~__ _~___ ZT~; - IIC~-~YI ~~P--~-~~ --LIP-~-- li-iiil--9~-Y~-PL - --~- -r-^CI 301qtortical *hletcb HIE City of Sault Ste. Marie occupies a strategic site, surrounded by native resources, which should mean the making of a metropolis. Even the savages recognized this fact, for long before a white man ever hear of America the Indians maintained one of their largest villages at this point and the first explorer found natives to the number of over 2,000 domiciled here as early as 1634. In 1668 the first attempt was made to establish a permanent white settlement at the Falls of St. Mary and in the 17th and 18th century this small beginnhng became commercially important through the activities of the American Fur Company on the American side of the river and the Hudson Bay Company on the Canadian side. About 1845 a treaty was made with Chippewa, Menominee and Ottawa tribes whereby all Indian titles to lands were extinguished and permits were issued to locate land and explore for minerals. In 1846 a land office was established at the Soo, and this brought in homesteaders, land buyers and settlers. Located at the gateway of Lake Superior, a point where navigation was interrupted by the Falls of St. Mary, this city was a busy place during the season of navigation as everything was unloaded from vessels to reload above or below the falls. The Soo was already beginning to profit by the development of the iron and copper mines to the West and the volume of the Upper Lake traffic finally increased to such an extent that a canal and locks were planned by the State of Michigan and the first State Lock and Canal was opened to navigation in 1855. This State Lock was take over by the United States Government and later rebuilt into what is now known as the Poe Lock. The Weitzel Lock was the first Government Lock built and was open to navigation in 1881. The Weitzel Lock was practically the beginning of the great canal development at Le Saut de Sainte Marie, costing in the neighborhood of $25,000,000 and which today together with the St. Marys River constitutes the greatest inland waterway in the world. Sault Ste. Marie is one of the oldest points of settlement in tIhe United States and one of the most interesting cities in America. Its wonderful climate has made it the most popular of the northern resorts. The chief attraction to the tourist is the locks, one of the wonders of America and their operation should be seen and known to every tourist whose slogan is "See America First." Sault Ste. Marie is conveniently accessible from every part of the United States and Canada, being served by three trunk line railways and being a port of call for every passenger steamship line of importance on the Great Lakes. Sault Ste. Marie is the Northern Terminus of the Dixie Highway and excellent roads provide comfortable automobile travel from the east, south and west. - -- i~ I - tlI(1seye View (-t)fSult S;tc. Sfrie, n Parkl in (lhe forer-:unid. Aeroplane phIotograph showingn the,oo Locks, the Rapids and portions of the American and Canadian Soo. GCopyvriqI A. E. Young Soo, Mich. Northwestern Leather Company emiploys 500 nien. Annual pay roll, S'00,000. Produces 1,000.000 sides grain leather and 800,000 sides of split leather annually ~it~ CJ c~ S ~c I M ~ ~ ~ O = ~~ ~ " " t~ej r~ o ur;r rr h CL V'3* -~ ~ 5! " ~ tl =1 cl Y I, ~a ~rj i9 5 A 51 ~9,.? 0.0 ~U ( czz ~ a?~ c ~ eqeq ow- z SIow O I w The ULn I n (iwh O ide compallny, I sing powerder v deloped1- b the Mitihiga an Northiern Power Company, It is the largest plaont of its kind in America and one of the,w'st mwJero In the world, .4 - Sault Ste. Marie Gas & Electric Company Annual capacity '5,,000,000 feet. Employs 12 men; annual paNy roll, $19,000.00. This company is prepared to malike lowv and attractive rate for gas to manufacturing industries, Soo Woolen Mills. The pioneere wvoolen mill of the niortli. This plant s being I nriItantly enlarged to utilize the increasing Wool supply available from the growing sheep industry in Cloverland. This plant employs at the present tine 100 persons, --=saw~~cil~ ~1 S,.ailt Ste. MAarie is served1 by four lines of railroad-Soo Line, Canadian Pacific, Duluth South Sihore & Atlantic, and e fli goma Centraland is a port of call for every Lrnportant line of strammhips sailing the Great,iakes _ _ ~____ _ _~__ ~___ _ __ _ C_~ _______I POST OFFICE For year ending December 31, 1920 Total Receipts, $44,281.55. Cost of Operation $33,610.03 Employs 20 Persons IMMIGRATION SERVICE This departament has charge of all immigcration matters arising in the Upper Peninlsula west to l)uluth, South to Alpena, and soutihwct to Grand Rapids. Total inumber of passengers entering U. S. via the Soo over 250,000 annually. Ten employees, annual pay roll of $20,000.00. CUSTOMS SERVICE Value of Impnurts for fiscal year endling June 30th, 1921, $10,662,849. Value of Exports for fscal year ending Junie 30th, 1921, $10,663,991. Eighteen Employees, annual pay roll of $23,656.50. - a -3 ~ a c c, 'I? 3 r, j r~5 r~~ r r* 1 '3~ r~ rl 3 clE, Y E; r r p CT re d. r, g Ij 3, '=I CI T~u J 1 C A O i-Y ~ ~I r ry g F; ~ ~ r '3 er r, 3 r, r m F~1;I, P~]I rC tS r, II ri rI) a r= =5. ~r 3 o m ~__I-. - -- - -- - - ~- I ~~ EThbe Qeattest locks in tit lWorlb T HE comnmerce to and front Lake Superior during the niavigationi season of 8 m onths in 1920 amounted to 79,282,496 net tons, which is more thant three times the tralfic through the Suez Canal, or more than six times the traiic of the Panama Canal. The freight traffic passing the Soo Locks during the month of October, 1920, amounted to 13,000,299 tons, wh ich exceeds the traffic of the Panama Canal for the entire year 1920. Single cargoes of more than 15,000 tons each are frequently carriedl by 600-foot steamers. During the season of 1920 the average niumber of vessels.passing the locks was 75 per day, or onele passage every 19 m inutes. The m-ovement of freight from Lake Superior, previous to 1855, when the State lock opened, was entirely by boat to Sault Ste. Marie, where the cargoes were unloaded, portaged for one mile and reloaded aboard boats. In 1851 about 12,600 tons passed over the tramway portage. The State of Mich1igan constructed the first ship canlal in 1853-55 which had two locks arranged in tandem, each with a lift of 9 feet. Then. came the Weitzel lock, 515 feet long, completed by the United States in 1881 and in that year controtl passed from the State to tihe National Government. A number of nationally promtinent engineers visiting the Weitzel lock, about this time, expressed their opinion that it would be large enough t4- handle the biggest boats that ever Iwould be built on the lakes. What the engineers thought 50 years ago has been disproved to the extent that nearly -0 per cent of the lake freighters exceed in length the Weitzel lock and nearly alU have greater Idraft than the Weitzel lock will accommuodate. In 1887 the second or Poe lock wa s started with a length of 800 feet and a. width of 100 feet. This lock, completed in 1896(i, cost $3,000,000. When this lock was projected it was thought it would be big enough to accommodate in one locking four of the largest lake freighters that would be built on tlihe lakes. A short time after its comp)letion the increased size of vessels was such that only one of the largest class could be locked at a time. In 1908 work on a new canal and third lock was commenuced, and it wvas completed in 1914 at a cost of $5,000,000. A fourth lock of same dimensions as the Third, 1,350 feet long aIdl 80 feet wide, with Idraft. of 24/2 feet was completed in 1919. The estimated cost of the Fourth lock is $3,000,000. The cost of operating and care (iof the caanals has grown frotm $25 000, in 1882, to $164,000, in 1920, but this cost amnunts to less than Ihrce mills per ton of freight. The Weitzel Lok The Pcw Lo-ck The Davis Lock T The Sabin Lock Rapids s Canadian Lock fl1 ': Tu~a~b~ ~Lc: c-- C= `~~fJ --..-(.a-r --~-~--.-~.cr-~.~~~1L ---~ 5i~ i ne The Weitzel otr first locIm huilt by the Federal Government, was completed in 1881. It is 515 feet long. The Poe Lock ompleted in 1896 is 800 feet long and 100 feet wlide. The Davis and Sabin Locks, completed In 1914 and 1919 respectively. are each 1.350 feet long and 80 feet wide. * * *** 't -K,. *o Pjý THlE BIG (ICU 011ORDRED)GED CHANNEL BELOW SAULT SAINTE MAIIIE. Th! S~ooILockis together with the, St. Marys River- formn the greatest hilai-0 waterway hinthce world, r P Z1 Irr. A ~ ~F~ I O cr L C~ ii C~ 3 r 3 h h u S~ i ct rCI p, It~ r, A c, ~j h Cr, ~e ~ o c: ~I ~Y '9 i ~;I c i. sl r r, a?j "r u -I SO800 i3EVERAGF*.E COMPANY Largest anrd i mst complete Ieverage plant i 1. mNorthern Michigan. Employs 15 nimen, Annual payroll over S15,000, CRISP LAUNDRY COMPANY Capacity 70,000 0 i0 es daily. Averate nuimlwor m of iiployees 100, with amn annual pay roll of $75,000.00, SOO AUTO AND MAL-VCHINE COMNILPANY Thre larg:est garage on one floor in the State of Mlichigan. One of the Soo's sixi modern and up-to-date garages, with special facilities for the care anid repair of tourists' cars. i[ICKLER BROS. The largest and most modern ma-chine shop in the 'Northwes-t. Marine railway capacity. 1.000 ions. The firm carries a large stovli of shliipbuilders' materials and chandlery supplies, also operates a new and complete gas engine repair department. Employs 50 men wvithan annual pay roll of S56,855.00. Hydro-Electric plant operated by Edison Sault Electric Company. Capacity approximately 5,500 II. P. Furnishes light for the streets, parks, homies and business places and power for the City Pumping Stat~ion and various industries in Sault Ste. Marie and surrounding towns. Could furnisli approximately 3,000 11. P. on reasonable uotice. Interior v iew of the MIichi.-an -Northern Power Com~pany power station showin.- one-hair generator room looking west fromil the (enter or -allery. EXCEPTIONAL POWER ADVANTAGES HERE T IE Falls of St. Marys, with those of Niagara, enjoy tilhe unusual feature of possessing water power (co)nstantly available, twenty-four hours a day and every day in the year. Niagara and the Soo have this great POWVER advantage. There is now available for rnanufacturin- pnr-l)oses thousands of ihorsepowver in Sidut Ste. Marie, which possesses nimany other advantages for the mannufacturier. We ask you to consider thes!e thinlgs, to, learn nmore about themi and to remelmber that back of Sault Ste. Marie is a wonderful and prosperous farming country. SAULT STE. MARIE OFFERS YOU OPPORTUNITY AULT STE. 3IALIE maintains a live and active Civic and Commnercial association, the object of which is to promote the welfare of the city with especial reference to its industrial well being. YOU, Mr. Prospective R rý.'_:'ý-': ý ý'--ý "ý:- ",,,.,,, __ _ - - - - ' -:.,,, -.. ý ý 'ý "!, -,, -"ý;'ý.., ' ' -** "' "'_' ýý` 'ýý " ----" ' ' ' ""I", - -ýý, 'ý' ---,, - ': f,',. '.,,,,, -, _`1 1_1._ýý__-Lý 1-11.,: -.--.,,-,', "':'." - _'ý. -, -,,; _"' " -..-,-. - - --,'., -ý! ", ( t"ý: ý7ýý- -i_-_:;'--"'-'.--:"ý_, _].'.-,'.'- - ý _-," _-, ý, - -'-ý:':--ý'-"' -'".-;' -- - ý' ý, __... ý -_ý'_-' ' ", " -, - '--'-"-" ",."ýý" ", - ' ý` - -7- - -, -ý- - - f - - ý ý _: -. 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