~ ~ Wholesale and Retail Dealers in __ _WPS, k O"s Th rie largest v--nd bestjTh~ug EAouse tin Central Michigan WE WI~LL T-he Cheapest PloetoN 414 ~ 14 ', 84.44 EAST END DRUG STORE. Wholesale & Retail Dealers in Choice Pure 7 sI esors, Particular Attention given to the Prescription Department, JACKSON, MVIICH. LAT0ATAO.W BHLOCIF, O. A. TAFT. W. HI. FOX. ADVERTIRSEMENTS. HEAD-QUARTERS FOR FANCY GOODS! 00 rWholesale and etail Dealers in, LADIES' & GENTS' FRNIS ING GOOD5, OF EVE~EY DISC1ITPTIO9.0 us0 tas ass Hosiery, Kid Gloves, Fans, Embroideries, Laces, Corsets, Linen Collars and Cuffs, Hand Knit Shawls, &c., &c. Dress and Cloak Making done to order. In Gentlemen's Goods they have a complete assortment of White Shirts, Collars and Cuffs, Neck Ties, Scarfs, Hosiery, Gloves, Sleeve Buttons, Suspenders, Handkerchiefs, White wants can be had at HIBBARDB BRiOTI-HE3RS. It is the only Fancy Store in the city where Ladies and Gents can procure those many little articles that are necessary for the Toilet. They are also manufacturing the Celebrated "Paris Yoke Shirt," the best fitting shirt ever made. JACKSON, MICHIGAN. W. R. SIBBA D. I). B. HIBBARD, JR. W. R. HIBBARD. 1)x. B3. HIBBARD, JR. ADVERTISEMENTS. WALTER FFS Hot MANUFACTURER OF AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, AL4SO, )IEA 1 IEl\2T *a stern Beets & Shes, LEATHER AND FINDINGS, Mgt aa1 MAlix 5-T REE)rt, KeKINSTRYT ILS 3, DEALERS IN jjcljD "A ýOA3[ \T0o- 49 IAVIILTL ST I;ETT R McKINSTRLY. T. J. WILSON. 2AL4 Vlo.BROWN C. AND MANUFACTURERS OF CALUZF SEC IIl\TS, No. 143 Milwaukie St, Jackson, Mich. Etabished 184L4, Mull (Yr 1 li0 ij~~I ___________ 'E II ___Mill. 0 'IIM CARLON VN ANWER, Prprieors ADVERTISEMENTS. I. A. HAYDEN & *,US Proprietors and Operators of the KENNEDY Steam, & 1TNA Water, Fleu ri n i11"s. Capacity, 500 Barrels Daily. Office, 129 Milwaukie cor. Elizabeth, TiAXAESONZ UICAIL H. A. HAYDEN. W. R. REYNOLDS. II--, PRAF -&C0I0*.o JOBBERS & DEALERS IN HARDWARE, IRON, NAILS, lManufacturers of Camp's Patent Hot-Air Furnace, COOPPErIM AIR D TITT-W-ATARIhE, No. 278 MAIN STREET, JACKSON, MICH. E. H. RICE, D. GIBSON, C. S. PRATT, E. M. ALDRICH. BUSINENU ADVERTISER, FOR 1867 & 186.8m WITH A HISTORY FROM THE FIRST SETTLEMENT OF THE CITY AND A GENERAL PORTRAIT OF ITS BUSINESS AT THE PRESENT TIME. COMPILED AND PUBLISHED BY JAEES M. T80MAS. JACKSON, MICHIGAN, CARLTON & VAN ANTWERP, PRINTERS. 1867. IN presenting this work to the public a few words from the publisher may not here be out of place. Of the labor of preparing a, Directory, few have any adequate idea, and to achieve perfection. seems well nigh impossible. This is the first Directory ever madeof Jackson, although several had been attempted before we undertook it. Perplexities and dificulties beset all our initiatory efforts. In the matter of historical data, too, we were greatly troubled to find what was necessary to accurate dates, etc.-the township records could not be obtained, and the early files of papers were sadly deficient in local topics. Fortunately, however, there "still live" a number of intelligent pioneers, who have kindly and patiently given us their time and recollections, and from them have been rescued the chronicle of the stirring and interesting events connected with the settlement of Jackson. We ask the indulgence of all, should errors occur, though we have endeavored and believe we have been successful in making the history as perfect as it well could be. In other respects we claim for the Jackson Directory that it is a better one than has ever been gotten up for any interior town in Michigan. As a history of the city; as an index of itswealth, resources and material prosperity; as a guide for the business man, the citizen and stranger; as a record of streets, residences, &c., it is a great acquisition. STheie.-Iare 1,346 dwelling houses in Jackson, and 2,900 names.,'4 tih irectory. The population is about 8,076., kW os.L, ncerely return thanks to the gentlemen who have aid),i -" - PREFACE. -ed and encouraged us, both by kind words and a liberal patronage. The enterprise and liberality which characterize the merchants and business men of Jackson (and.which is one of the surest prophesies of its splendid future) has been bountifully extended to us in the publi-cation of this book. We point, also, with pride and pleasure to the mechanical execution of the work. Messrs. Carlton & Van Antwerp have shown themselves to be masters of the " art preservative," and Mr. W. P. Stiles, the binder, has performed his duties in a manner that leaves nothing to be desired. The work is now before the public, and we feel satisfied that it will meet with a generous approval from all. If it should fall short of a generous expectation, we can only say that all success in -this world is but partial and comparative, and that he who looks for PERFECTION in a Directory, any more than in life, may find.himself mistaken. JAMES M. THOMAS, PUBLISHER. INDEX TO ADVERTISEMENTS. Andrews W W, Insurance,................................PAGE 142 Austin, Tomlinson & Webster, wagons and sleighs,.................28 Bancker E, Insurance,.......................................236 Bedell Horace 0, builder,.....................................236 Bennett Allen, lumber dealer,...................................130 Bennetts & Wright, architects and builders,........................242 Bostwick & Gould, real estate and Ins., bottom each page.......... Breitenbach M B & Co, merchant tailors............................ 136 Brown Alex, grocer,....................................... 170 Brundage Mrs R E, millinery,,.............................202 Bumnpus, Woodsum & Co, boots and shoes............................ 204 Bunnell D V & Bro, dry goods.................................178 Bush & Upton, real estate and Insurance,..........................151 Camp, Winters & Co, dry goods,.............................126 Claggett J P & Co, clothing,..........................148 Clark Myron W, grocer......................................188 Coots John F, architect and builder,............................ 224 Curtiss & Durfee, painters,.......................... 140 Darling C C, builder........................................ 232 Darrow & Pennington, sash, doors and blinds,......................... 222 Dorrance & Goodwin, watches and jewelry,.......................210 Eggleston & Everard, merchant tailors.............................172 Emerson & Lusk, marble dealers............................... 222 Evans & Smead, meat market,................................. 200 Finlay G W, hatter,...........................150 First National Bank,...........................................186 Frost & Westfall, dry goods,..............................168 Foster F M, dentist,........................................234 Gavin Isaac R, brewer,.....................................242 Gilbert, Ransom & Knapp, furniture,..........................196 Goldsmith John Jr, carriage manuf................................218 Goodyear John, livery,................................216 Gothan Edward, baker...................................... 180 Gregg & Pettengills, grocers and bakers,.......................... 178 Grover & Baker's Sewing Machines,.............................210 Gunnison & Spencer, Hibbard House............................ 212 Haight & Bolton, grocers,................................... 145 Harrison & Rath, boots and shoes..............................208 Hewitt, Higby & Co, carriage manufs.............................138 Hobart & Bolton, grocers,.................................... 132 Holland S & Son, druggists..................................180 Hollingsworth Bros & Signdr, tobacconists,.........................151 Hovey Mrs A, sewing machines.................................168 Jackson City Bank............................184 Jackson Collar Co.................................188 Jackson, Lansing & Saginaw R R,...............................176 INDEX. Johnson B G, patent roofer,............................... PAGE 226 Kellogg George, plaster and slate mills............................. 234 Kilmer James H, architect and builder,.............................. 242 Kinney J H, commission merchant,............................... 224 Knapp Morris, livery,......................................... 220 Lake John, sexton and undertaker,......................... 208 Lang Rudolph & Co, merchant tailors,.......................... 228 Leonard & Baum, auction and commission,...................... 228 Littlejohn Wilber T, architect and builder,........................ 236 Lyon L M, propr Union Hall,.................................. 164 Mallory W H, architect and builder,.............................. 226 Newman & Ford, commission merchants,.......................... 145 Nichols Merrick H, flouring mill,................................... 226 O'Donnell James, publisher Citizen,............................... 155 People's National Bank,................................ 186 Pool O F & Son, flour and feed,.......................................... 170 Purney & Co, brewers,................................ 162 Reasner & Excell, grocers,..................................... 194 Reimers John H, painter,...................................... 226 Remington George W, flour and feed,.................................. 202 Rice & McConnel, hardware,............................................ 160 Smith Ira W, propr Union Hall Hotel,............................ 164 Smith John E, physician...................................... 224 Smith D W, dentist,........................................ 236 Stiles W P, book binder,................................ 194 Stiles, Earl & Co, soap and candle manufs,........................ 184 Tinker A 1M, harness,......................................... 232 Tomlinson J B, watches and jewelry,............................ 242 Vandercook & Lusk, Jackson Iron Works,...................... 192 Vaughn Mrs A T, dress and cloak maker,........................ 224 Wales & Parker, City Hotel,.................................. 234 Webb John, baker,....................................172 Webster, Courter & Co, tanners,............................... 238 W ood W H & Co,............................................ 154 [For Advertisements not indexed, see fly-leaves and outside cover.] Also, Manufacturer & Dealer in No. 24 MILL STRE T, JACKSON, MICHIGAN. J.AI