EC Raymond,. W.J. and Roberts, S.W., 2 pub. S129.2 East Saginaw, historical, bioR273 graphical and commercial. An epitome of its nmanufactiring, jobbing, wholesalinq and rptailing in dry goods, groceries, boots and shoes, furnishing goods...1880. rv2$ ~.EAST SAGIN A W. --- ~--- ---LI''~1---rr-~~- ~PP I HISTORICAL, BIOGRAPHICAL AND COMMERCIAL. ----------~--~ -P~ek --4-- 'Ir I rt.A..19"I 8EPITO"MiCE -.OF VITS JANUFACTURING, JOBBING, SWHOLESAING -AND RETIING In Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Furnishing Goods, Clothing, Crockery, Drugs, Lumber, Tobacco, Hardware, and Hotel BUSINESS. ~ I I This Work is Respectfully Dedicateed to the Founders, Preservers and Followers of East Saginaw Social and Commercial Life. W. J. RAYMOND AND S, W. ROBERTS, Publishers. EAST SAGINAW, MICH. SBxMARN & PETERS, CITY PUNTES. 1880. East Saginaw U U HISTORICAL, BIOGRAPHICAL, COMMERCIAL. - I - -- EAST SAGINAW. ITS COMMERCIAL LIFE. A RESUME OF THE ORIGIN AND DEVELOPMENT, NATURE AND COURSE OF TRADE OF SOME OF THE LEADING ENTERPRISES OF THE CITY. THE TERRITORY TRIBUTARY TO THE CITY-LINES OF TRADE REPRESENTED-THE LOOKOUT FOR THE SEASON OF 1880 AND '81. Of all the cities of Michigan which aspire to the distinction of being recognized as great jobbing markets, East Saginaw is eclipsed by two-and other points fall below in the aggregate transactions er annum, and the immense trade that centers ere is from the whole country. Every line of trade is represented, too, by houses whose characteristics are such as to warrant us in speaking of them in eulogistical terms. As a rule, our jobbers are men who exercise a high degree of enterprise in the prosecution of their various ventures-they also believe that whatever is worth doing at all, is worth doing well, so they cultivate their trade-aim to develop friendly feelings, and to secure business to themselves and to the city by bands which shall be as soft as silk, yet as powerful as steel. This policy has been fruitful of results, too, which are easily appreciable. It is well worth one's while to take up a position at the depot, where a commanding view is to be had of incoming and outgoing trainis. The number of shrewd businesslike looking men to be seen with grip-sacks or sample cases in hand-evidently be(Continued on 4th page.) MORLEY BROTHERS. MAGNITUDE, COMPLETENESS, VARIETY. Departments Representing all the Leading Lines of Commercial Supplies. WHOLESALE HARDWARE DEPARTMENT. Iron, Steel Nails, Shelf, Building and Contractors Goods, Saws, Cross Cuts and Hand, Shingle Bands, Axes, Bolts, and Horse Shoes. SADDLERY HARDWARE, CARRIAGE AND WAGON GOODS. All kinds of Bent Wood Work, Wheels, Carriages and Wagon Beds, Poles, Tongues, Feloes, Hubbs, Spokes, &c. MISCELLANEOUS. Blankets and Robes, Sole Agents for Hazard Blasting and Sporting Powder, Cordage, Ropes, Window Glass, Heavy Tarred Paper and Roofing Paper, Horse Collars, &c. 106. 108, 110, 112 AND 114 SOUTH WATER STREET. STOVE AND HOUSE FURNISHING ESTABLISHMENT, 117 AND 119 GENESEE AVENUE. Stoves, Cutlery, and House Furnishing Goods. The growth and development of all cities is largely due to the complete development of all its resources. East Saginaw, as a center for general merchandising, must undisputably take rank as a city approaching one of the foremost places in our State when the entire volume of her business is considered and the amount of capital invested for the prosecution of her various industries. 2 East Saginaw: Historical, Biographical, Commercial. j _I________I_1 The conditions governing the situation of our trade are ample proof that the judgment and foresight of the founders of her greatest enterprises were well taken. So thoroughly is this fact known and appreciated that it would be almost idle to repeat that, as the center of supplies for N.-E. Michigan, East Saginaw has become one of the greatest markets in the State. From the running commentary on the stock of Messrs. Morley Brothers at the head of this article, an idea, simply, may be gathered of the varied and miscellaneous class of wares handled, of the almost endless amount of detail daily entered into, and judgment and care necessary to express in the purchase and successful distribution of such a mammoth stock. The division and re-division of departments are necessary to classify the various stocks and special departments arranged that dispatch may become an important factor both in receiving and forwarding goods. Possibly one of the leading departments in their entire operations may be found under that governed by Hardware. The complex nature of the various and almost limitless class of wares here, is beyond a detailed mention in this history of East Saginaw, further than that CONTRACTORS, BUILDERS, AND SHELF HARDWARE, including Iron and Steel, Horse Shoes and Shingle Bands are to be included in all their multiplied forms. This portion of their stock receives special care in all minor matters of detail, and is ever ready to be drawn upon to any extent. For the interior trade a promenent mention should be made of their CARRIAGE AND WAGON GOODS. This department also offers an extensive class of wares embracing ALL KINDS OF BENT WOOD WORK, Carriage and Wagon Beds, Spokes, Felloes, Shafts, and any portion or sub-portion of a Carriage or Wagon; These are sold in any part. They have a special department in the JACKSON AND MILBURN WAGONS, for which they are sole State Agents. These wagons are old in the trade, made of the best seasoned lumber and finished in the highePt grade of perfection known to wagon manufacturers. IN THE MISCELLANEOUS DEPARTMENT of this term is properly applied, we noticed BLANKETS, ROBES, CORDAGE, WINDOW GLASS, HEAVY TARRED PAPER, ROFING PAPER, HORSE COLLARS SHOT, AND HAZARD'S BLASTING AND SPORTING POWDER, of which they are Sole Agents. It will be at once admitted that this is in no way a secondary department when considering their transactions as a whole; they furnish these goods, as in fact they do any or all of their stock in any quantity desired. The buildings on South Water Street, including Nos. 106, 108, 110, 112 and 114, age ample in areage and 4 stories in hight; elevators are employed for distributing stock on the different floors, also for discharging and receiving the same. At 117 and 119 Genesee Ave., they conduct a STOVE, CUTLERY AND HOUSE FURNISHING ESTABLISHMENT 25x100 feet, 3 stories in hight, here was noticed the same systamatic and efficient management as at South Water St. In stoves the MICHIGAN STOVE CO.'S goods are handled, in ance of the trade can call up any line of Stoves that lapproach them. HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS AND CUTLERY. In Knives, Forks, Spoons, Japaned, Hollow and Pressed Tin Ware; with many details which our limited space excludes. Not only as a prominent house among business firms does this one call for favorable mention, but its reputation and extent of trade are sufficient to justify us in any encomiums of praise we might call upon it. In all its specialties it is winning laurels. It has demonstrated the assumption that it can supply the trade of this section of the country in the face of competition from the East and West alike, and its prestage in hardware supplies has been gained bythe appreciation and attention to the wants, large and small, of the trade which seeks their house. Four traveling salesmen care for the interests of this firm on the road. FREY & WICKLEIN, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN NOTIONS, STATIONARY, TOYS, ETC., NO. 213 GENESEE AVENUE. Numerous and varied are the items of commerce wliich make up the network of a city's trade. This proposition is not 6nly trade in regard to the leading cities of the United States, but also of the younger members of the fraternity of these centralizations of humanity. Even in East Saginaw there are many features of commerce whose extent and value'are not known or generally recognized, and it is then that the press with its means of disseminating useful knowledge, steps in and performs its mission of public instructor and educator. FREY & WICKLEIN, NOTIONS AND FANCY GOODS, STATIONARY, TOYS AND HOLIDAY GOODS AT WHOLESALE. Notions, Stationary, Willow Ware and Fancy Goods are replete with all the novelties. This class of their goods runs in almost endless varieties, and all prices. They are giving particular attention to this department of their trade, and we are assured that they can and do compete with the Chicago and Detroit markets. Prominent among their specialties comes the TOY AND HOLIDAY GOODS IN SEASON, of which they are large importers and wholesalers. Children's Carriages, Zephyr Worsted, Gold Pens (of the celebrated make of Leroy W. Fairchild.) On the first floor of their large establishment they carry a complete stock of SWALL PAPER, of all the latest paterns and designs, which they offer to this community at prices that invite competition. The success of this house is due to the thorough and comprehensive knowledge in all its details. That they will succeed in holding the leading place in the future as in the past, no one can doubt who knows the principles on which there business is transacted, and believes that like causes produce like effects. Occupying the whole building at the above number, three stories, gives them ample room for the conducting of their large and increasing business without confusion. ----- ---.----- - D. ANGELL, PHOTOGRAPHIC ART, CRAYON, PASTEL, AND OIL COLORS. HEATERS, COOKING AND RANGE. Photography, whether considered as a pursuit or as an art, Work. There is no better stove in the market, if the remember- presents features of astonishing importance.. It is estimated that East Saginaw: Historical, Biographical, Commercial. 3 I--- - --- - ----- --- ------ not less than fifty millions of dollars are paid annually by the people of the United States for photographic pictures; and, in -addition to the numerous persons who are thus employed directly as artists, the processes have called into existence many trades that give support to thousands. Photography is now regarded as 'the precursor of an art founded on a more literal and accurate reproducti on of nature than the world has yet seen. We are indebted to the old world for its origin; but it is to the artists of America that we mainly look for its application to practical or scientific purposes. A6iong the leading photographers of this State-those who have manifested the most zeal and attained the most honorable -distinction-it would be injustice to omit mentioning D. ANGELL, whose rooms and studio are models of excellence in all appartments. If we are not mistaken, Mr. Angell's reputation and business which he has built up has not been gained by loud advertising or vain boasting, but by the excellence of his production, reflecting as they do in perfection and accuracy, every line -and feature of the originals, and giving the most complete satisfaction to all of his patrons. Giving special attention to large work in Photograpy we question if there is a finer assortment of life sized work this side of Detroit or Chicago than can be seen,daily at Mr Angell's gallery. The mechanical part of this artistic industry is not observable in the result of Mr. Angel's work. Poising and lighting being the two main factors, of which he is master, these are handled to produce the most desired result. Having catered to this and the surrounding country for nine years, which is sufficient guarantee of his work and success. M. Angell's gallery is always open to the public and upon its -walls may be found, specimens of the photographic art, which have been pronounced by those capable of judging, to be as any in the country. Mr. Watts is a practical optician, which is very important to those selecting glasses, as the eyes are very often injured by the injudicious selection, Our readers can govern themselves accordingly. JAMTES STEWART & CO. DEALERS IN LUMBERMEN S SUPPLIES, SALT AND SHINGLES. No branch of trade has grown so extensively as that which supplies us with the necessaries of life, which is of such vital importance in this country, that within the last ten years the increase of demand for food on account of the great increase of our population has been immense. We must eat and be clothed to live, and when we consider fifty millions of people must be fed and clothed daily, one can hardly imagine the stupendous void that must follow at the end of the month, of the consumption of-goods, hence we have a large field for trade in that line, and are daily receiving new'advocates, but in a small way. Among those in large distribution of LUMBERMEN'S SUPPLIES, and here we can add that this term as applied to commerce, covers the entire area of CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, GLOVES, MITTS, ALL CLASSES OF GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, and many minor matters which the limits of this article will not receive, we take pleasure of mentioning the name of James Stewart & Co., who are well-known gentlemen of enviable reputation for fair dealing, and their trade has been built upon the solid basis of the best goods at fair prices. This house is one of the largest in the city in point of stock, in the line of groceries, together with a large assortment of teas, coffees and sugars, provisions, produce, crackers, and the leading staples of SALT AND SHINGLES. Their transactions are conducted on a very large scale, attaining the magnitude of car load lots and in the bulk in any lesser quantity. Their trade has grown since their opening, until they are the largest and most popular dealers in the city, and is sent to any portion of the up country. Everything kept in stock by a Lumbermen's Supply Depot can be found in this establishment, and the beauty of their system and brder prevailing in every department, insures to the purchaser prompt attention at their hands. Consumers find it to their advantage to deal with this house, and to obtain goods at fair prices. Fine business men, esteemed by their patrons, conspicuous for their fair manner in trade, socially and commercially popular, they study to please, and expect, through these qualifications, to meet with the same prosperity that has always crowned them with being ranked as one of the leading houses and successful merchants of East Saginaw. X, J. C. WATTS & CO.,, 'WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, BRONZES, SILVER AND PLATED WARE, &C., &C.. COR. OF WASHINGTON AND GENESEE AVE'S, OPP. BANCROFT HOUSE. REPAIRING OF FINE WATCHES A SPECIALTY. That the taste for personal decoration is a universal expression -'of human existance, and that the art of making jewelry was one of the first at which mankind arrived, is evident from the im-mense stores of jewelry and trinkets taken from the tombs and ruined cities of the Egyptians, the Assyrians, the Babylons, and other nations. As a commercial interest of necessity and luxury, it has grown to an immense proportion, and firms engaged in the trade may be numbered by the thousands throughout the country. A leading establishment of this kind may be found at the above location, owned and operated by Messrs J. C. Watts & Co., and where may be found a full and comnlete stock. consisting of fine y - w - - Vj ýw %.% - V _ "Vw_ -q - - _E gold and silver watches, at price and style to suit the tastes and - --- pockets of any class of people; together with jewelry of all kinds, L. SIMONEAU, spectacles, Sterling silver and silver plated ware. Messrs. J. C. Watts & Co. make a specialty of fine goods, and RETAIL DEALER IN DRUGS, CHEMICALS. PATENT MEDICINES give particular attention to the repairing of fine watches, for vhich they are fully qualified, by log experience, extending over CHOICE WINES AND LIQUORS. 221 GENESEE AVENUE, thirty-five years, to give complete satisfaation. There is nothing in mechanical art to intricate, delicate and beautiful, as the works We note with interest, while rambling over the city, that we of a watch, the construction and regulation of which requires no might lay before we readers the progress we are making in all deordinary skill and experience; and not only have the best efforts partments, of industry herein represented, that L. Simoneau, been made in improvements of their manufacture, but repairing manufacturing and retail druggists,hold a foremost position in the and regulating has also been a study, and it is an important one, trade in our city. His stock consist of the first quality of drugs for a valuable watch may be permanently injured by careless or and druggists' sundries, fancy goods, toilet articles, etc., especialtncompetent manipulation. ly in pharmaceutical preparations. These goods are classifield 4 East Saginaw: Historical, Biographical, Commercial. to best utilize time in filling orders, a principle that is indispensible where so many classes of drugs are collected, while the most thorough system prevails in the establishment throughout. In the line of drugs, particularly, we hardly represent through the commercial fields, an industry bespeaking the staple necessities more completely than the class of goods coming under this head, and this honse to-day offers every inducement to those needing prescription for pure goods, and. the standard of the market is the principle adopted in selling his stock. PHARMACEUTICAL PREPARATIONS. These medicines rank deservedly high among the great preparations of the trade, and have become household words where used. Surgical instruments and appliances of the aatest and most approved makes are made a feature of. He also carries a fine stock of, toilet articles in every variety. Another important element with this house is his large stock of Wines and Liquors, both imported and domestic, of the purest quality for medicinal purposes. The energy, thrift and success of Mr. Simoneau demonstrates his ability to rank among the leading men of this city. Fifteen years of honorable and successful trading of Mr. Simoneau in this community is ai sufficient guarantee of all that we have said above. PLUMB, McCAUSLAND & CO. COFFEE ROASTERS AND SPICE GRINDERS. MANUFACTURERS OF BAKING POWDERS, BLUING, &C. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN TEAS, SYRUPS, TOBACCOS, GROCERIES AND LUMBERMEN'S SUPPLIES 121 AND 123 NORTH WATER STREET. PRODUCE AND SHINGLES TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR GOOCS. There are many reasons why East Saginaw as in many other branches of industry and trade, must be one of the leading cities in Michigan for the sale of groceries. Not because she is situated nearer the sugar and coffee plantations, the tea and rice fields, than many other American cities, but because she must, in the very nature of things, become a controlling point for the distribution to consumers of the staple groceries afforded in American markets for this part of the State. While it is true, as a law of political econimy, that "the mouths can go to the food cheaper than the food can go to the mouths," it is not a violation of the law to assert that East Saginaw is the grocery market for this tier of counties. The grocery trade is largely of foreign products, and therefore is not the creator of any economic interest, but only an officiating minister to our enjoyments. In the main our city has equal advantages with other cities in the country to secure groceries from other lands, and with cheaper advantages for distribution, can sell as low, if not lower prices, than rule in seaboard cities. PLUMB, McCAUSLAND & CO, with a thorough business experience of ten years, by their tact, energy and perseverance, have opened a large and widely extended business. Their place of business is entirely given up to the increasing demand of their rapidly growing trade. The offices are located in the front of the main floor, the balance of which is given over to the storing of teas, coffees, provisions and groceries. A feature as well as a strong advantage, which Messrs. Plumb, McCausland & Co. can offer to the trade, is through the fact that they obtain their stock from the first hands at all times, which gives them an equal advantage with importers and consignors, to obtain the newest and freshest goods which reaches this market. Messrs. Plumb, McCausland & Co. in the manufacturing of GROUND SPICRS, COFFEES, BAKING POWDER, FLAVORING EXTRACTS, LIQUID BLUING, &c., &c., have held one of the most prominant positions in our city's trade for many years. Their Patent Coffee Roasters are of the most improved manufacture, are every way adapted to produce the best results. Their packages are put up from one-half to ten-pound canisters, in a highly illuminated style, both in paper and japanned tin. In manufactured articles a specialty is made of pure goods. The fact that a busy and prosperous career, now covering so long a number of years, has been enjoyed by the house, presuppose honorable dealing, and that, in turn, presupposes purity of goods. SYRUPS, TOBACCO AND CIGARS. The largest stock of fine and medium grades of cigars and tobacco are of that reliable quality which has gained for themn one of the first positions among the tobacco dealers in the State. Smoking, Fine Cut and Plug Chewing Tobacco, in light and dark Navy, of all the leading manufacturers, are carried in largequantities. Messrs. Plumb, McCausland & Co. are sole agents for the renowned "Trout Plug," manufactured by Weisinger & Bate. This brand is the No. 1 of the market. In the line of heavy groceries, such as Sugars and Syrups, they carry a stock conspicuous for its extent and quality. Occupying the large salesrooms, 121 and 123 North WaterStreet, also a large Warehouse on the F. & P. M. R. R., gives them ample facilities for conducting their large business with dispatch. Their popularity as business men, has been secured by their thorough and a never ceasing care of all the details of their operations, and carrying a line of goods throughout, which shouldl compare with any metropolitan center. We endorse these gentlemen as leaders in all respects. (Continued from 1st page.) longing to the genus "traveling salesmen," is almost incredible, and those familiar with East Saginaw faces will note the fact that the great majority of this class of the traveling public thus seen are representatives of business houses in this city. We have no business to discuss the merits or demerits of the "drumming" system, but it is a fact that SEVERAL HUNDRED commercial travelers are sent throughout the country by the business men of East Saginaw. Theserepresentatives of the wealth and business activity of the city come and go singly and in groups. They penetrate the country in every direction-from seaboard to seaboard, and from the lakes to the gulf. Our city is thus advertised from one confine of the country to the other-a trade aggregating millions of dollars per year has been built up and a notoriety been gained that savors of greatness. ANOTHER FACT IS THIS: East Saginaw wholesale dealers are not afraid of rivalry from Chicago or Detroit. In groceries, for instance, our dealers are selling at Chicago prices (and in many cases even less,) without adding anything whatever for freight, thus saving to the retailer very considerable in margin and time. Nor is this true of the grocery trade alone. Dealers in other lines are doing the same thing, and the prestige of the "metropolis of America" is thus gradually being lost, while, as the months and years go by, there is attracted hitherward a business that rests upon a heathful basis and that can but continue increasing in importance. East Saginaw: Historical, Biographical, Commercial. 5 C_ ___ _1_1~_ ~~11~1 I "THE NEW YORK DRY GOODS HOUSE." PHILIP BOUTON, JOBBER IN DRY GOODS, SUITS, CLOAKS, LADIES' AND GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. &C., ELIGENCE, COMPLETENESS AND VARIETY, 30s GENESEE AVE. Glancing back through the history of the dry goods trade in the last quarter of a century, we find there has sprung into existence a few who have outstriped the van, and have placed themselves as "kings" in the trade. Starting from the New England coast, we find Jordan, Marsh & Co., the largest dry goods dealers in those five States, doing millions of business yearly. New York leads off with H. B. Claflin & Co., whose business runs well toward fifty millions yearly. Other cities lead off with dry goods interest, the magnitude of which is startling when figures are taken into consideration. Quite as much attention is given now, in starting one of these dry goods caravansaries, to plan as well as adopt the best principles, scientific as well as philosophical, where space, time and convenience are utilized to the best possible point. A specimen establishment of this kind can be seen any day by visiting and going through the large store of "THE NEW YORK DRY GOODS HOUSE," PHILIP BOUTON, Propr. of which comparisons can be made with Metropolitan centers. Articles from the four quarters of civilization, classified and and displayed to meet the utmost dispatch in filling orders, consisting of a complete line of SILKS, LACES, VELVETS, DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, &C. Woolens, Sheetings, Prints, Shirtings, Stripes, Cassimers, Denims, Drills, Kentucky Jeans, Tweeds, Plain and Plaid Flannels, CRASHES, TOWELINGS, Linen Damask, Wadding, Cotton Bats, White Goods, Corsets, Hamburg Edgings and Laces, Sewing Silks, Threads, Buttons, Braids, Pins and Needles, and in fact a full assortment of all kinds of Dry Goods and Notions, are to be found in the various departments of his establishment. The first floor of this house is devoted to a general display of stock and retailing, is well lighted and thoroughly adapted to that purpose. It offers a width of two store fronts, and is handsomely finished in Walnut and elegant show cases. 2nd FLOOR, CLOAKS, SHAWLS AND SKIRTS. Mr. Bouton has the handsomest Cloak and Shawl Parlors in this part of the State, and his stock in this department is the finest in this city. He has acquired a deservedly high reputation based upon a manifestation of thorough acquaintance with every branch of trade, his good taste in the selection of goods suitable for the wants of his numerous customers, and always fresh and seasonable. The present season his exhibiting an unusually large assortment of the most fashionable goods, selected with more than usual care (if that be possible,) and the embodiment of all the latest styles, colors and designs. Let the trade remember this. J. F. HOWRY, DEALER IN BOOTS AND SHOES, AND ALL KINDS OF SEWING MACHINES, 820 GENESEE AVE. The dealing in boots and shoes ranks among the oldest and most honorable of ancient industries. Among the Jews they were made of leather, linen and wood. Soldiers wore them of brass and iron tied with thongs. The Asiatics and Egyptians wore shoes made of the bark of the papyrus. Among the Greeks the shoes generally reached to the mid-leg. Ladies as a mark of distinction wore sandals-a sort of loose shoe, resembling our modem slipper. In the house of J. F. HOWRY we find a carefully selected stock of Men's, Youth's, Ladies', Misses and Children's shoes of every variety, quality and price, so that purchasers in this line cannot fail to be suited. His facilities for purchasing stock, together with his experience in the business, enables him to offer his customers an assortment of goods in this line which cannot be excelled by any establishment in the city. Mr. Howry is agent at this point for EDWIN C. BURTS celebrated make of fine shoes for ladies, misses and children's wear, which now are- acknowledged in material and finish to stand at the head of the list. They come in 7 different widths. This gentleman represents the modern school of commerce believing that anything worth doing is worth doing well. Nine years of honorable dealing in this community is a better endorsement of Mr. Howry than anything we could write. All kinds of sewing machines are handled and exchanged, another department of his trade which is made a feature. S. DAVIS, STYLES AND FASHIONS IN MILLINERY, AND NOTIONS AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, 306 GENESEE AVE., 408 FRANKLIN ST. To any person of artistic tastes, havng a just appreciation of the aesthetic qualities of any wares which he may be called upon to handle as a merchant, it seems to us that there could be no business more attractive than the millinery trade. Outside of the drudgery of the work, he is constantly surrounded by all the latest productions of skilled artists, who use their best endeavors to produce the most graceful forms, the most striking and sympathetic colors, and in a word to make up the most interesting feature in trade. There is a marked improvement in shape and in the general detail of working up over any former season. As the number of styles will be almost beyond compliation, we will leave them for the trade to judge.' In the house of Mr. S. Davis, which has been opened to the trade for eight years, we find SILKS, gros-grain, marceline, gros de Naples. basket, diagonal, turquise, gros de Suez, faile, mignon, and lining; also, all the fancy designs in vogue. VELVET SILKS, Velveteens, patent velvets, uncut and moss. LACES. Illusion, malines, Cachemire, grenadine, bereges, Brussels, joined blonds, Donna Maria, crapes, ruchings, spot nets, cape nets, Parisienne crepe lisse, crown lining, Valenciennes edging and insertion. 6 East Saginaw: Historical, Biographical, Commercial, RIBBONS. Gross-grain, diagonal, boiled, satin edge, frosted, velvet, taffeta, satin. All the above in black and colors, and in bonnet and trimming ribbons. FLOWERS AND FEATHERS. French, English and American flowers, roses and buds, mourning and bridal sets in the latest and most approved designs, Ostrich tips and plumes, vultur and fancy plumes, wings, willow plumes, bandeaux, &c. PARIS AND LONDON STRAW AND FELT HATS, in all the styles and qualities, best makes; bonnet and hat frames, French and domestic felts of every description. French chips in black, white and colors. In ladies' furnishing goods and notions of every variety, Mr. Davis carries one of the best selected stocks in the city, and those that favor him can rely upon purchasing goods that are just as they are represented. It will be remembered by the trade that Mr. Davis, is the leader in this line of goods, and no pains are spared to offer the latest and newest class of millinery and fancy goods at both wholesale and retail. WHOLESALE NOTIONS. This department includes a large and carefully selected stock of all lines of notions coming to this market; these are wholesaled in any quantity at Eastern Prices. H. C. STEWART, DEALER IN CROCKERY, CHINA, GLASS wARE, CHANDELIERS, LAMPS, AND HOUSE FUJRNISHING GOODS, 209 GENESEE AVE., EVERETT HOUSE BLOCK. The making Of vases, dishes, plates, cups and saucers, pitchers and all necessary utensils for domestic use, was one of the first steps in the progress of mankind toward civilization. The earliest domestic utensils used by the human family were shells and leaves of trees, but the invention of pottery was one of the earliest arts practiced by man, and fragments of vessels made of clay and baked, are still found on the banks of the Nile and in other localities, and constitute the only remaining record of nations long since passed away. In olden times, in England,* from the scarcity of table furniture, it was necessary for two persons to eat out of the same plate, and those young people 'who were known to be in love with each other always got together at the table and shared the samep Our domestic manufacturing companies also contribute their share of goods toward making up the vast sea of articles that are shelved, packed, stored and on the highway of commerce; seeking new homes with the dealers and customers. LAMP GOODS. This class of their stock comprises Chandeliqrs, Brackets, Parlor Stand Lamps, all of the most modern design anld finish. In the line of China, Glass and Eastern Ware, French and German Fancy Goods, Sterling Plated Ware, which are departments, the stock is fresh and the patterns and designs the very latest productions. All are at times interested in the selection of presents, and for such seasons the elegant collection of bronzes, vases, toilet sets, etc., is partic'ularly inviting. Among the more necessary articles for table use wve notice the beautiful designs in cut glassware, and knives, spoons and forks, which are offered -at very low figures. We cannot avoid a brief mention of the honest enormity and thorough systematization of their display. Every article represenits a department, not every department simply an article, and we venture to say that in no other establishment in this city is the convenience and ease of the purchaser more thoroughly consulted. ROOT & MIDLER, WHOLESALE LIQUOR DEALERS IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC WINES. LIQUOR, TOBACCOS AND CIGARS. 215 GENESEE AV&~, EVERETT HOUSE BLOCK. The wine and liquor trade is of ancient and honorable origin. The Roman historian, Tacitus, records that the people of his day made a drink of barley and other grains, and fermented it so as to resemble wine. The Chinese manufacture alcoholic liquors from corn and some other kind of grain, and also a peculiar kind of brandy. The manufacture of whiskey from corn was the accidental discovery of a Chinamani more than six hundred years ago, although rioe beer or wine was known to these people two hundred years bef ore Christ. In comparison with the importance of other branches of trade, that of liquor takes one of the leading positions in the commercial fields of the State. Ranking particularly among the staples, the magnitude of this business assumes proportions not excelled by any f eature of the trade. In the house of Root & Midler, we find the "1spirit" of enterprise still competing for a foremost position among our liquor houses. In the highest grades of whiskies, brandies, and liquors their business operations are extensively conducted, and they can supply the trade to any extent. A special feature with them are their fine old Rye and Bourbon Whiskies, which are " smooth as oil, " so to speak. We highly commend this house and feel confident that their business operations will be fully as successful in the future as they have been in the past. They also carry a fulfl stock of tobacco and cigars of all grades which they offer to the trade at prices that invite competition. East Saginaw: Historical, Biographical, Commercial. 7 --,I----YI -- c - ---- ------ - - ---;----------- ------- - - W. B. MOORE, SUCCESSOR TO DUNK, THE DRUGGIST, 201 AND 203 GENESEE AVE., LUMBERMEN'S MEDICINAL SUPPLIES CIGARS, AND FINE STATIONERY BOTANTIC & HOMEOPATHIC DRUGS A SPECIALTY. The tendency of the age is toward the division of labor into distinct branches. It is is an age of specialties, in fact. Articles which were formely classed among a certain line of production, have become separated, and their manufacture become a branch of its own. In this way greater perfection is attained, and the cost is also cheapened to the customer. The manufacture of chemicals has always been a heavy interest. Our trade in this national staple has been assisted to the high standing and magnitude of its sales to-day in East Saginaw through the exertions of W. B. MOORE. He carries all standards grades of domestic drugs, as well; and in this department, which his great and ever increasing interest, forms the special object of his transactions. His stock consists of the first quality of drugs and druggist sundries, fancy goods, cigars, etc. These goods are all classified to best utilize time in filling orders, a principle that is indispensable where such a labyrinth of goods are collected, while the most thorough system pervades the establishment throughout. He adheres to the well known rule of making prices, and the superior quality of goods do the selling. The success of this house is due to a thorough and comprehensive knowledge of his business in all its details. PRESCRIPTIONS are carefully compounded at all times by competent men. Mr. Moore makes a specialty of his Prescription Department, dispensing only the finest Drugs, Medicines and Chemicals, and conduct the leading trade in the county. Among his proprietary stock may be found Williams' Camp Liniment, Goadby's never failing Cough Cure and Dunk's Camphorated Arnica. CIGARS. This fragant weed, that cheers the flagging spirits, is offered in all the standard imported and domestic brands. In catering for the wants of his patrons, both wholesale and retail dealers in these goods will find in this house the largest and most judiciously assorted stocks, manufactured expressly to meet the demand, and comprising, besides all staples. An ever varying collection of novelties necessarily resort thither, because the collection of and commerce in them is the forte of the house. ------- -- ---i------ --r-~~e ----- C. S. GRANT & CO., JOBBERS AND RETAILERS OF BOOTS AND SHOES, 121, GENESEE AVENUE, OPPOSITE BANCROFT HOUSE. In the construction of the human foot twenty-seven bones are necessary, all different in form, length or size, and their articulation or unison forms a series of arches a springs, and thereby constitutes an admirable el astic foundation or base, upon which man's superstructure or the human pedestal comfortably rests. That the natural and unrestrained freedom of motion and action of these various bones and springs shall not be interferred with is in all cases important to the health and comfort of the individual, and in many instances of vital considerations, and in the construction of any covering or protection to the foot, he who appreciates these physiological truths, and jointly employs in his stock boots and shoes manufactured on these principles, is a benefactor to his race. C. S. GRANT & CO. carry one of the best assorted stocks of boots and shoes to be found in the-city, embracing every variety and quality, from the most elaborate and finished in workmanship to the lower and cheaper grades, so that all can be suited at their establishment In addition to their regular stock, they are special agents at ihis point for the following makes, acknowledged to be the best in their respective lines in the country: In gents' and youths' wear Bannister & Tichner of New York, Barretts of Syracuse and in ladies' and misses', J. & T. Cousins, Bennett & Barnard and J. L. Tracy, thereby covering the entire field in first-class goods. A feature of Messrs. Grant & Co's stock is heavy lumbermen's goods of the best quality, particularly adapted to the trade. They make a decided specialty of buying from first hands, which enables them to offer a standard line of boots, shoes and rubbers of first-quality, at lowest prices and beyond competition. Their aim is to secure the leading makes of goods and sell them at bottom prices, and their extensive experience, covering number years, being one of the oldest firms in the city, enables them to accomplish these ends. GEORGE FEIGE, SUCCESSOR TO FEIGE BROS., MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN FINE FURNITURE, UPHOLSTERY, DRAPERY, &C. WAREROOMS 818 AND 320 GENESEE AVENUE, WHOLESALE WAREROOMS ON CASS STREET. The most extensive establishment in thk state out of Detroit. That East Saginaw presents an inviting center for the success of all branches of commerce is beyond dispute. The comparison with other commercial points stands in her favor most decidedly for location and resources. That a predominence of manufacturing and dealing over others should exist, simply illustrates the nature of demand and supply, and not that the few representing a special feature do not rank as important in the great commercial field of our city as their more numerous colleagues. GEORGE FEIGE forms not only a leading and prominent representative in our city for this branch of industry, but one of the finest in all the departments which he represents, for designs and finish. PARLOR FURNITURE, SIDEBOARDS, WARDROBE AND OFFICE FURNITURE, display a regal elegance in black walnut, plate glass mirrors, and the minor detailed points of finish. CHAMBER, DINING ROOM AND COTTAGE FURNITURE. which follow in a more modest but equally new design and finish, are displayed in a sufficiency to meet the demands of the trade which seeks this house as a purchasing point. 8 East Saginaw: Historical, Biographical, Commercial. -- __. All classes of his stock, from the elegant designs and elaborately upholstered antique 'goods to the direct modern sets, are sold cheaper than any house in East Saginaw can offer them. In point of fact it is one of the most ample and well appointed establishments in this part of the State.A EAST SAGINAW. SPLENDID COMMERCE. He has constantly in stock a large and complete assortment of UPHOLSTERY AND DRAPERY STOCK of the best quality and latest design, which he offers to his customers and the trade at bottom prices. The house has been established for a greater of a century and always conducted by direct members of the family of Feige. His buildings, both manufacturing and sale and display are ample and the most extensive in point of area in the State out of Detroit. His trade is leading and asured, and our local and suburban demand can rest assured their orders will be met with promptness and dispatch. J. C. MERCER. CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, AND GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS, lo9 GENESEE STREET. No matter how charitably inclined we may be as individuals, teaching us to hold and defend the position that the outer garments are not the true indication of the inner man, yet we involuntary yield our respect and extend our courtesy to the strangers with whom we are brought in contract and who are well dressed. Expenditures for such purposes are recognized as entirely justifiable within the limits of economy, and have established a large commercial interest, a representative establishment of which is that of J. C. MERCER. He has acquired a deservedly high reputation, based upon the manifestation of a thorough acquaintance with every branch of trade, his good taste in the selection of goods suitable for the wants of his numerous customers, are always fresh and seasonable. It would not, from casual observation, be understood that this gentleman has established in East Saginaw one of the largest and most perfectly appointed clothing houses in point of Retailing of Ready-Made Clothing in Michigan. HATS, CAPS AND GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. Leading metropolitan styles are always served immediately upon their appearance in the eastern markets. Fur Hats, Gloves, Etc., are handled in season. His stock is complete in all its branches, consisting of Clothing and Gents' Furnishing Goods, of which he carries one of the finest assortments in detail to be found in the' city. Occupying the large and well lighted store, at the above number, enables him to conduct his large and increasing business without confusion. Sixteen years of honorable dealing in this community is a better endorsement of Mr. Mercer than we could give him. CONDUCTED BY MEN OF FORECAST, BRAIN, ENTERPRISE AND CAPITAL. EXTENDED LINES OF TRADE. BUSINESS VOLUME AND REPRESENTATIVE BUSINESS MEN. The birth and life of a city is, in many respects, correspondental with the birth, infancy, growth and development of a human being. There were the earliest days and years of its being, when its pulsing life knew no recognition beyond the fond associations which brought it forth and nursed it with tender care. Then came its period of youth-it could walk alone, cotld put on the habiliments of youthful manhood, and begin to breathe the air of independent action. Then it must pass through the era. of conflicting emotions and interests before it could harmonize its antagonisms, and vitalize its dormants energies. Through the struggles that presage the stength of healthful manhood, this city now stands before the world with its ten talents actively employed, and manifest intent to assert its manhood and fulfill its mission of usefulness. When the thrift that is so predominant in this city the TRADE must, from necessity, be larger and in a commendable predicament, as its location, as we have previously remarked, being preeminently a desirable one, enjoys equally as enviable a reputation as any center of trade and in East Saginaw as at any point in Michigan. The retail trade is all life and energy, as each dealer, by a tacit agreement, confines himself strictly to the keeping of his legitimate line of goods, and so we do not find the dealer in drugs maintaining a distinct interference with the seller of books; the tinner does not molest the hardware dealer, and so on through the whole category of business, which in the end, as a matter of course, rebounds to a credit and prosperity, and renders such a thing as friendship in business possible. The city is also quite a MANUFACTURING CENTER, from the fact that articles can be produced here as cheap as in any other city similary situated. Coal and iron can be had at very reasonable figures, and the gratifying condition of large manufactories that are on such firm basis, and doing such an excellent business here fully demonstrates what can be done. The distributing facilities of East Saginaw are first-class, the ailroads centering at this point offering cheap transportation to all points reached by this market; it is, in fact, worth remembering that our merchants are offering goods at New York, Detroit and Chicago quotations, without adding anything for freight,which is certainly a great saving to the trade. In CONCLUSION we can say that none have been more favorably impressed with East Saginaw than the writer. She has not yet reached the acme of success, or of her true position among the cities of the Union. Time and the developement of the great resources will bring her prominently before the world, and her natural advantages, combined with the artificial ones that will be erected by man's ingenunity, contribute so to her prestige that her increase in the years. to come will be as great as it has been in the years gone by. East Saginaw: Historical, Biographical, Commercial. 9 _ ~~ ~ "TOOTHSOME TOBACCO" -4---t--- SAGINAW VALLEY CIGAR CO. MANUFACTURERS OF THE FAMOUS GARLAND, AND "GOVERNOR AND IMPROVED " RIFLE " CIGAR AND JOBBERS IN FINE tIGARS, AND DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF SMOKING AND CHEWING TOBACCOS, 206 AND 208 WASHINGTON AVENUE. The tobacco trade is one of the most extensive in the United State, whether we regard the amount of capital employed or the number of hands-male and female-to whom it gives steady employment. The use of the " weed " is universal, and notwithstanding the theories put forth by certain medical writers as to the injurious tendency of chewing, smoking and snuffing, the practice is extending itself more and more every day, calling forth increased appliances for the production of means for improving the quality as well as increasing the quantity. Without going into a historical sketch of the discovery of tobacco, and noting the more important movements of the tobacco business, and the purposes to which it has been applied, since the days of Sir Walter Releigh to the reign of Queen Elizabeth, which want of space compels us to omit, we may state that our readers will no doubt be interested in the perusal of a sketch of the firm we name below. SAGINAW VALLEY CIGAR CO Their brands are known in the trade as being foremost in the market for full, rich flavor and quality in all grades offered, and their stock is by far the best and most comprehensive in this part of the State. THE RENOWNED GARLAND, AND IMPROVED RIFLE CIGAR in ten cent goods are even smokers, even and full flavor, and are known among connoisseurs as the leading in the market. This stock is all Havana and is acknowledged by dealers and smokers to be the highest grade of tobacco, and the finest smoking cigar ever sent out of East Saginaw. The stock of fine and medium grades of cigars and tobacco are of that reliable quality which has gained for them one of the first positions among the tobacco dealers in the State. Granulated Smoking, Fine Cut, and Plug Chewing Tobacco in light and dark navy, are carried in stock. Meerschaum Pipes, cigar holders, tobacco pouches, boxes, and all the parapharnalia of smoking are carried in stock. They are catering to the wholesale trade, and possess a running capacity for fifteen hands. Their position is foremost in the ranks of our tobacco dealers, and all their transactions can be relied on for probity and honesty in dealing. has been utilized, for the convenience and comfort of those who cannot, from the various causes of location, travel and expense, possess the luxury of keeping one. Livery stables becomes as much a positive factor of a city's commerce as any branch we could name. Mr. J. J. Harvey has a livery, sale and feed stable, for the benefit of exchange, boarding and sale of horses, carriages etc., to do credit to any metropolitan center. He possesses a stalling capacity for seventy head, and runs in livery as many as twenty. Carriages, buggies and sleighs in season can always be had, and be relied upon as being the best in the market. We endorse his operations, stock and the style of his undertaking. His establishment is modern, handsomely fitted up in all appointments of office etc., and his - rigs " are noted for the style and speed in fact it is the handsomest and most extensive livery establishment in the State. One of his specialties is the purchase and sale of horses. So that parties having horses to sell can always find a market for them with him, and those desirous of purchasing can avail themselves of his experience. Mr. Harvey has been in business thirteen years, which is quite sufficient for his reputation, without further comment from us. WM. BARIE'S MAMMOTH DRY GOODS EMPORIUM. THE LEADING HOUSE IN RICH FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS AND CARPETS, CLOAKS A SPECALLTY. ELEGANCE, COMPLETENESS AND VARIETY. 322 GENESEE AVE. There are many branches of trade, the prosecution of which demands the exercise of great skill and good judgment; but no branch calls for the exhibition of more business talent than the dry goods trade. The fancies of a very changeable portion of the community, the caprices of fashon, and the adaptation for differences of climate or season, must all receive due consideration in selecting suitable and salable goods. One of the best known firms in this trade in this city-known through the medium of printer's ink and a steady and increasing class of fine customers-is that of Wm. Barie, and here we can say he makes it a strict rule to sell his goods at a close living profit, and he has received, and is daily receiving, abundant evidence of the just appreciation of his efforts and the confidence of the public, by the large amount of trade he is enabled to control throughout the city and surrounding towns. Before entering into the details of this establishment, we will announce a feature with Mr. Barie in the matter of sending samples, and full packages from sample orders obtained of him, to any part of the State. This is of inestimable value and convenience to the suburban trade, as just as much care is exercised in all matters of matching colors and fabrics as if the purchaser house, and those who are desirous of availing themselves of this advantage, will do well to make a note of this and save the expense of a journey to the city. FIRST FLOOR. The retail department is offered at this point, and throughout the various sections of this floor we are shown dry goods in their multiplied character, extensive -display of dress goods and silks, being especially attractive. This portion of Mr. Barie's stock is very exhaustive and select. No old styles or shop worn goods on the premises. He makes the retailing in " THE FLYERS" J. J. HARVEY, LIVERY, HACKS AND COUPES, ALSO HORSES, CARRIAGES AND HARNESS, FOR SALE. OFFICE ALWAYS OPEN. TELEPHONE IN CONNECTION. STYLE AND SPEED, CORNER OF GERMAN AND FRANKLIN STEETS. FBranch s e at S. SATINS, SILKS, LACES, CASSIMERES, Branch stable at St. Louis. and all classes of foreign and domestic dry goods a leading feaThe horse has been man's greatest helper since his usefulness ture on this floor, and sells at bottom prices, and he imports di 10 East Saginaw: Historical, Biographical, Commercial. ~ _I I rect and select from the eastern market at large. His stock is always new, fresh and desirable. On the second floor is carried his large stock of Carpets, Oil Cloths, House Furnishing Goods, etc. A conservatory.would hardly present a more beautiful appearance to the eye than the moving pattern of color, as it changes and moves its base at the will of the purchaser and salesman. Figures, scrolls, and all manner of designs are pictured in the soft, fine texture which brings wonder and amazement to the lookers-on. BRUSSELS, INGRAIN AND THREE-PLY CARPETS. The same vast quantities of styles and patterns govern this line of his goods, which are shelved and rolled away for immediate use. His building has a frontage of 25 feet and a depth of 125 feet, 3 stories for practical operations and business transactions. In the classification of his stock thorough system prevails, which enables this wheel of commerce to move with a precision pleasant to witness. He has acquired a deserved high reputation, based upon a manifestation of thorough acquaintance with every branch of trade, his good taste in the selection of goods suitable to the wants of his numerous customers, which are always fresh and seasonable. The present season he is exhibiting an unusuall large assortment of the most fashionable goods, selected with more than the usual care (if that be possible,) and the embodiment of all the latest styles, colors and designs. CRIPPEN & CO, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS FOR THE SALE OF FRUIT AND PRODUCE OF ALL KINDS. NORTH WATER STREET. Refer to First National Bank, E. Sag. In this age of competion and steady advancement of all the industries, it has become a matter of fact that only those houses which established themselves on a sound basis can succeed. It is a matter of importance to the citizens of a city somewhat removed from the manufactories of these goods, to be able to purchase as cheaply as those who are more favored as to location. In this connection we would point to the house of CRIPPEN & CO., general commission merchants for the sale of fruit and country produce of all kinds. The greatest aggregate of trade in any commercial center is the distributing trade, or that which receives, assorts and delivers the stock of Merchandise into the hands of those who directly supply the customers. A commercial city which has little or none of this distributing trade, returns but a very small percentage of profit on what it handles, and can therefore never realize wealth. That position is filled by Crippen & Co., who obtain all the markets of Michigan offered in their line upon consigment. A feature as well as a strong advantage, which they can offer to the trade. is through the fact that they obtain their stock from the first hands at all times, which gives them an advantage to obtain the freshest stock which reach this market. Our limited space will not permit an extended enumeration their specialties and merits, but rather limits us to the mere mention of leading varieties. It is due this house to make prominent the fact that they are always prepared to meet any demand in their depaitment of our industries. T. B. SPENCER, DEALER IN HARDWARE. STOVES, RANGES, AND THEI MOST COMPLETE LINE OF HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS TO BE FOUND TN THE CITY. 212 GENESEE AVENUE. Deservedly conspicuous among our commercial industries is that which protects us against the inclemency of a most changable and often a most rigourous climate, that by skillful and ingenious appliances lessen the labor and increases the comfort, lengthens the lives of a large class of the laboring population, and which alone furnishes the facilities for the intelligent preparation of all food, and thus largely controls our condition physically as a race and nation. In the house of T. B. SPENCER we find the most complete and one of the largest stocks of goods covering this special feature in East Saginaw, and nothing from the simplest article to the gigantic hot-air furnaces and convenient cooking ranges arranged down his main floor, is wanting to please and gladden the heart of the thrifty housekeeper. In connection with every desirable and popular parlor and chamber heater, the efficacy and beauty of which have stamped them as the par excellence in his line, he makes a decided specialty of his "FAVORITE" STOVES, manufactured by Davis & Co., of Cincinnati. They come for cooking and heating purposes als3 in ranges. These stoves lead and never follow, and for eveness of finish and durability are decidely the most popular and successful stove in the market. PAINTS, OILS, GLASS AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS forms no less important specialties and are represented in heavy stocks. The limited scope of such an article forbids extended reference to detail, and admits of but the merest mention of the leading departmests. The surrounding country is reached by him, and the healthy commercial condition of affairs in this quarter is due to the combined elements of heavy stocks in all departments, attention to the wants of the market, and striking the keynote figure of the trade. T. E. DOUGHTY, SUCCESSOR TO DOUGHTY & BROWN, JEWELER, DEALER IPN WATCHES AND JFWELRY, DIAMONDS, SILVER WARE, PLATED GOODS, &C., 205 GENESEE AVE., D. R. BROWN, ENGRAVER, M. H. SILL, WATCH MAKER. The deft fingers of workers in gold and silver have given shape and comeliness to such an infinite variety of articles of adorn ment, that to fully describe a first-class jewelry house like this would necessitate writing volumes. That we can not undertake, but we can mnake a synopsis. The counters, extending the full length of the room, are covered by silver show cases, the con East Saginaw: Historical, Biographical, Commercial. 11 II~_ _ _ "---C I--~-- __ tents of which embrace ten thousand things. Back of the -pounters and ranged along the walls, are standing cases, devoted to the display of silver ware. As our eyes loam over the house, they are caught by the glitter of precious stones, of jewelry and.silver; bronzes and ornaments for the table abound; there are very elegent French clocks and an endless array of things useful and beautiful. IN AMERICAN AND SWISS WATCHES, *Mr. Doughty employs special endeavor to offer the best manufacturers in the market. Also, sole agent for the Waltham Watches. In silver and plated ware, spoons, forks, knivies, etc., there is no more complete stock in East Saginaw than carried by this gentleman, Sterling silver service for presentation purposes is made a strong feature. His*prices are surprisingly low, and the secret of it is the fact that he buys and sells for cash, and small profits pay him well, and as none but the best workmen are employed in this branch of his business, expensive time pieces can be left with him without running the risk of their being injured. The gift of sight is inestimable. The value of it is known by the want of it. Persons requiring Spectacles should in all cases go to an optician, a person who is thoroughly acquainted with his business, and has a reputation, as the unfortunate attempts made by inexperienced persons, incapable of judging correctly as to the kind of glass suitable to the eye, have called forth the entire disapprobation of opticians, and inflicted a permanent injury to the public. The long experience of Mr. Doughty in this branch is a guarantee that those requiring anything in this line can rely entirely upon his judgment. The record of twenty years on the commercial sea of East Saginaw is quite sufficient to represent this house without further comment from us. His trade is leading and assured. BLANKERTS, STEVENS, & CO. WHOLESALE GROCERS. TEAS, COFFEES AND SPICES, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC FRUITS. 125, 127 AND 129 NORTH WATER STREET. The importance attached to this branch of industry is essential to the growth and prosperity of a city, and forms a feature of our -commercial pursuits, and prominent and powerful as the Grocery trade has become in most large cities, it has settled in the channels which are controlled by the few. This is largely due to the spirit and ambition of the more advanced spirits of our age, as well as the influence received by capital, and which is largely invested for the prosecution of this trade. The house of BLANKERTS, STEVENS, & CO. was established in 1877. It would be impossible in a newspaper article to describe or particularize the goods to be found in this extensive establishment, and it is unnecessary to do so. But in looking through the various departments we find an extensive stock of Can Goods, Teas, Coffees, Sugars, Spices, Mustards, Foreign and Domestic Fruits. All their departments display a great variety in each of the many lines of goods as can be found in the city, or by any house in Michigan, and receives the most careful attention at the hands of the house, and can be relied on at all times as representing the market. TEAS. Of the fragrant leaf, a large and choice stock is carried-such a stock as the trade of the house demands, and the ability exists for filling any reasonable order at a moment's notice. To show the enormity in this department, our attention was called to SEVERAL DIFFERENT GRADES, which are open to sample for the trade. They handle a large per cent. of this important staple, which gives to the trade the advantage of fresh goods. In manufactured articles a specialty is made of pure goods. The fact that a busy and prosperous career, now covering a period of three years, has been enjoyed by the house, pre-supposes honorable dealing, and that, in turn, presupposes purity of goods. PROVISIONS being one of the national staples of trade, is no less a leading article in their stock. Probably no one firm who deals in the miscellaneous of the grocers industry, handles a higher standard or in greater quantities than Blankerts, Stevens, & Co. --------- *. --~------- T. E. DOUGHTY, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN BOOKS, STATIONERY WALL PAPER, BLANK BOOK, &C., 207 GENESEE AVENUE. Among the various claimants to popular respect and patronage, the bookseller and stationer, whether in the main or its diversified practical uses, confessedly holds a distinguished place. Hence, we have much pleasure in giving publicity in the columns of our widely circulated History of East Saginaw, to our bookseller stationer, T. E. Doughty, whose efficiency in the present day constitutes one of the leading features of.our city's trade. The house to which our commendatory strictures are at present to be turned, is located at No. 207 Genesee Avenue. Where so many competitors for public favor meet us on every side, and where so much general excellence in this branch of industery may be obtained, it becomes difficult task to discriminate accurately and impartially between such rivals. In all the varied branches of his industry we notice excellence, magnitude, and publications of this country and Europe are always to be found on his counters, together with the myriad articles of small wares known as fancy goods, gold pens, of the celebrated manufacture, Edward Todd & Co, pocketbooks, writing desks, bronzes, jewel cases and dressing cases. He offers a well-regulated store, well lighted, and in fact one of the most eligible sites in our city. Standard Historical Works and Modern Fiction Writers are carried in great quantities, and selected with judgment and good taste; also a good line of Blank Books and stationery. Calling Cards, Monograms and Fine Engraving and Printing Work are entered into extensivels. Wall Paper is made a decided feature, with curtain goods, cloth shades, and all the line of material which follows. He claims the finest stock of Wall Paper in the city, and is prepared to furnish any house in the country with the best of these goods. Take a look at his stock of ceilling and decorative paper. A far handsomer room can be made withl.the present beautiful styles of paper than any fresco can produce. The house, as far as our information extends in compiling the history, holds the leading position among our old established citizens. 12 East Saginaw: Historical, Biographical, Commercial. H. COLEMAN, COMPLETE LIVERY STABLE, AND EURNISHING UNDERTAKER. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. STABLES-CORNER OE WASHINGTON AND TUSCOLA STREETS. Thie Steppers' Livery and Hack Stables. There is no branch of business pursuits that caters to such a great degree to the pleasure and enjoyment of persons living in large cities, like our own, as that which the heading of this article suggests. Thousands upon thousands of our citizens who are too poor to keep or own a horse and carriage, who, nevertheless, are not reduced to such want and penury as not to be able to pay for the hire of a conveyance when they are wont to enjoy a pleasant drive with their wivies and families over the many beautiful parks and roadways to be found in all large cities, have recourse to the livery stable. One of the considerations in this connection when one wants to enjoy a pleasant drive, and more especially if accompanied by his family or lady friends, is to know just where to go, in order that he may be furnished with a team that is neat and stylish, and at the same time safe. The stable where such can be obtained, and one that we can commend to our readers and the public, is that located at corner Washington and Tuscola streets, under the proprietorship of Mr. H. Coleman, who is a gentleman with a thorough knowledge of the business, and who has carried on the livery stable business for some fifteen years. UNDERTAKING This subject about to be introduced may seen a singular one, but, nevertheless, it is a trade that is carried on to large proportions, and one in which much interest is manifested. When it is remembered that the deaths of every day number thousands in this country, it becomes essential to our trade centers. Dealing extensively in all the latest styles, Mr. Coleman represents Metallic Burial Cases, and does a general business in all the departments coming under this head. The prominent and important feature with him is his solid black walnut caskets, in all the varied styles and patterns, with or without cloth covers and glass fronts. The combination casket, representing black velvet and broadcloth, with silver trimmings, is one of the most elaborate affairs we haAe ever seen. A consideration in connection with every well regulated Undertaking house is that of EMBALMING The secret of perfect success is known to but few and those who deem the matter an important element of the burial service should bear in mind that Mr. Coleman guarantees, not only a life like preservation of the features, but the body against mortury decay. MARBLE VAULTS KEPT IN STOCK. NIGHT CALLS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. This department is under the supervision of Mr. W. Frazee. - -~-4---- -~--.----- --- G. R. BRIDGEMIVAN, ) DEALER IN GAS FIXTURES, GAS PIPES, BRASS AND IRON FITTINGS, BATH TUBS, WATER CLOSETS, HYDRANTS AND HOSE. ALSO, AGENT FOR THE METROPOLITAN FURNACE, SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO PLUMBING, STEAM AND GAS FITTING. 104 GENESEE AVENUE. It was and is; our intention to confine our comments upon the trade interest of the city, in a great part, to the manufacturing, mercantile and jobbing firms. Here and there, however, we find. a prominent interest yhose business is of such an extensive and: well known character, that it becomes representative, and we make exceptions in their favor. G. R. BRIDGEMAN, in gas fixtures and plumbing has through a successful career placed his house and its operations beyond competition. l There are many departments connected with the complete operation of this branch of commerce, and throughout the entire" field of PLUMBING, STEAM AND GAS FITTING, he shows himself ready at all times to meet any demand with the latest scientific articles. Steam and gas fitting in every conceivable styles known to thetrade is conducted. Brass and Iron Fitting, Bath Tubs, Water Closets, Hydrants and Hose, chandelier &c are conspicuous for the quantity, and thei uses to which they are applied. He is also sole agent for the METROPOLITAN FURNACE which is quite the most popular in this market. His business operations are very extensive, and his present increased facilities are such that he stands pre-eminent at the head of this industry. He is a gentleman well-known to our community, having been identified with the history of East Saginaw for many years. He has brought this feature of our city's trade to a standard of success. THE NEW EVERETT HOUSE, WASH SALISBURY, PROP'S [FORMERLY OF THE GOODWIN HOUSE, BELOIT, WIS.3 Shakespeare makes Falstaff ask: "Shall I not take mineease in mine inn?" Verily, if he were alive at the present day, not only only would Falstaff ask the question, but everybody would put the question, " Shall I not take mine ease in mine inn?" And the strong probability is that when the majority called at the New Everett House they would remain, for they find all the convenience of first-class hotels-a hotel with all the modern improvements he will find in the large cities. Mr. Salisbury career has been one of such character as to stamp him a man of success and brains. Many travelers and sojourners in large towns and cities receive their most pleasing impressions from the character and surroundings of the hotels, and every traveler knows and has felt solicitude as to the hotel accommodations he has to meet with whei starting for or en route to an unknown city or town. The offices, and reading room, are located on the first floor; the reception room parlors and dining room on the second floor. It is well-known that the market of the city is rich in all articles most desirable for the cuisine, and from this variety the very choicest is selected for the Everett House table. The thorough knowledge and practical experience of Mr. Salisbury, proprietor, have been most amply tested in his management, and have received the universal endorsement of the local and traveling public as unexceptional in all its departments. The house contains accommodation for 100 GUESTS. In point of furniture, ventilation, and the many laws which make a hotel safe and comfortable. it is unsurpassed. He is a hotel man, and knows how to run his house. The general man East Saginaw: Historical, Biographical, Commercial.. 13 agement is under the charge of the proprietor, who will allowing nothing to eioape his notice through his departments. The sample and billiard room, is so much a feature of the house, that it is the most popular place in the city. As the guests arrive they are agreeted with the genial smiles of Mr. Chas. Poole, chief clerk, who at once makes the weary traveler at home, and the entire official staff make it their aim to hold the comfoit of their guests to be their chief duty. MEYER & jpRIX. MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN HATS, CAPS, FURS, ROBES, GLOVES, CANES, UMBRELLAS, STRAW GOODS, GENTS' FURNISHIN GOODS, &C. 323 GENESEE AVENUE. iS Seals a Specialty. New Furs made to order. We have deemed it of sufficient importance in this history of East Saginaw's leading merchants to seek information regarding the early uses and manufacturing of hats. And again, we feel that such a house as Meyer & Brix, who are avowedly the leaders in fashions in this line of wares, should secure the benefit that may arise from such an article. The Gauls were the first inventors and wearers of a head covering made from wood and metal. Scarsely an article of dress has passed through so many changes, modification and vicissitudes as has the hat in our country and France. From the days of Louis XI to Henry IV, little change took place in the body principle, and in the soft felt hat but little change can be marked from that time to the present day. The first tall or silk hat manufactured in the United States was made by Joseph A. Miller, of Philadelphia, in 1833. From that period until the present, American silk hats have gradually won for themselves a distinction in both hemispheres. We could continue in this quasi-historical manner ad infinitum, but we have now to deal with East Saginaw's leading hatters, MEYER & BRIX. They have the finest accommodation for the display of an immense stock of hats, caps and furs in season, of every grade, quality and price, and will be able to meet the demand of the trade. The stock is always large, carefully selected and of the best styles. It will be remembered by the trade that these gentlemen carry, in season, an assortment of the finest manufactured furs in this part of the country in robes for ladies', gents' and misses' wear. These goods are from the leading and only desirable furs in the market. comprising seal, otter, mink, etc. Meyer & Brix are practical furrierers, who, from long experience in the business, are capable of manufacturing the finest goods and in every instance guarantee a perfect fit. Seal Skin garments a specialty. A feature of Meyer & Brix is their repairing and altering of furs, to conform to the latest styles and to look as fresh as new goods. Altogether their stock is new, seasonable and most desirable. "KING OF THE COALS." *(a,, t pa,/i nl,,,ih, ei.. j 'i p.t.n/*ija|.Mi. C. W. WHITE & CO, SUCCESS TO JOSH TULTTE DEALERS IN COAL. ALL COAL UNDER COVER AND SCREENED BEFORE SHIPMENT. THEY HAVE. THE LARGEST COAL SHEDS IN MICHIGAN Standare publications rarely disport themselves in what is known as " strong or extravagant expletives" in order to make themselves understood, but the simile we use at the head of this article is well placed and one which has been legitimately won by rigid application to a cause which would produce positive effects. The effect is seen to-day in the operationsw at large of C. W. White & Co. Of the importance of this gift, nature's greatest and grandest oscification, the very life and motion of this age amply testifies. Locations have much to do with the quality or grade of the different veins of coal discovered in the United States, so much in fact that a range of prices are established by the different organizations engaged in this great traffic. Manufacturers and smaller consumers, even those who are judges from its effect in household use, declare in favor of the quality of coal handled and shipped by this firm. It may not be generally understood that economy both in weight and heating effect are attained in coal that is clean and possesses "body."' That is attained by the best analysists in the country and a fact proving itself dailysthrough practical tests. Messrs White & Co, as shippers of coal, in the bulk, assure us that they are weekly in receipt of testimonials to the above effect. HIGH-GBADE COAL can be secured through this company's office, which, by the way, can be mentioned here as one of the most elegantly fitted up, in East Saginaw. We append a mention of the stock carried and handled in car load lots: Cumberland Blossburg, Blossburg, Brier Hill Grate., Chestnut No. 4, Stove, Egg Anthricite, Foundry Lump, Coke, Tarred Roofing Felt, Straw Paper, Roofing Pitch, Cement, Stucco, Land Plaster, Hair, Pig Iron, Lime, Fire Clay, Fire brick, Common Brick, Stone *Sewer Pipe and Well Curbing. Despatch, another highly important adjunct to consumers in bulk, or by the load, is a feature in all their transactions. Contractors will do well to make a note of this, as tardiness in delivering often accrues to a financial loss. WARNER & GOULD, MANUFACTURERS OF ALL KINDS OF HARNESS AND TURF GOODS. DEALERS IN WHIPS. BLANKETS, BRUSHES. &C. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO REPAIRING. FRANKLIN STREET. OPP. COURIFR OFFICE. The most elegant class of wares of this character in the State. Among the members of the brute creation the horse has been assigned the place of man's most humble servant. In ancient times so highly prized was it that the most precious metal, gold, was used to form the protection for the feet. In modern times the ingenuity of man has kept pace with the greater capabilities of use for which the horse proved to be adapted, as may be seen in the production of varieties of harness especially adapted to permit of the performance of the work required, with ease to the animal, and in distributing the strain of the load over those parts best calculated to receive it. This summarizing was brought about in visiting 14 East Saginaw: Historical, Biographical, Commercial. I -- -__ WARNER-& GOULD, Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in Saddles, Harness and Collars. and Turf Goods. T What is needed in the trade of this nature is a positively fine class of goods in horse clothing and track goods, and the numberless classes of wares coming under this head. We are assured from observation that there can be no more select class of HARNESS AND HORSE FURNISHING GOODS than is now offered by Warner & Gould. They manufacture for custom trade as well, and turn out a No. 1 stock. FARMERS' HARNESS AND DRAFT WORK, TRUNKS, VALISES, COLLAR BOXES, SHAWL STRAPS AND HOLTDAY GOODS IN LEATHER are a feature with these gentlemen. AGENTS FOR PROF. GOING'S HORSE MEDICINES Prof. Going is the highest authority on diseases of the horse, being the veterinary authority for the Spirit of the Times. All classes of this work are handled and manufactured, and repairing is made a feature. HARNESS OILS, and minor matters directly bearing upon this industrey are always to be found with them. In the manufacturing departmenteverything runs smooth and systematically Fly Nets Blankets, Surcingles, Sweet Boots, IWips, Robes, Mats, &,., are always to be had. Their trade is the best in this part of the State. WHEAT & CO. MUSIC HOUSE, C. M. NORRIS, PROPR. PIANOS, ORGANS, STRING AND BRASS INSTRUMENTS AND MUSICAL MERCHANDISE GENERALLY. The classical refinement which centers around an establishment devoted to the muses, becomes at once characteristic of all that is refined, elevated and devine; and we would scarcely mention any feature of industry more important to the welfare of any community where comfort and luxury are studied, than those establishments which dispense man's inventive genius in the form of music or musical instruments. C. M. NORRIS, PROPRIETOR OF THE WHEAT & CO. MUSIC HOUSE, is the standard representative of this line of business in East Saginaw, and has studied aesthetic tastes of a critical community on all matters governing musical instruments, as well as the 'dealer in vocal and instrumental music. His store is fitted up in a convenient manner, and you will find on his floors at all times a fine selection of Pianos and Orgons. CHICKERING & SONS, HALLETT & D'AVIS, W. P. EMERSON, J. P. HALE, AND THE McCAMON are known from one end of this continent, to the other. They have been endorsed by the most noted singers and musicians in the world, and represent in point of sales, probably more than those of any other make. In a lower priced class of Pianos, but in many respects equal to the famed wares of the other mentioned manufacturers, are some dozen makers, including standard instruments that are fast coming to the front as second to none. We find in his stock the Estey, Burdett & Taylor and Farley organs, and various other makes, thus embracing every variety and style. - - a Sheet Music and Music Books from all the leading publishing houses in the country and Europe may be found on his show cases and counters. We saw everything in the line of musical merchandise you could wish. Thus it will be seen that this gentleman holds not only a prominant but decidedly important place among East Saginaw merchants. He has done much to place his respective business where it stands to-day among our city's industries, and will continue to hold the formost place among his contemporaries. - --- ~-- ^~ ----- - - THE "BAZARETTE." ZEPHERS, LACE, CREWELS, CANVAS, SILKS, RUSCHING, CHENEILLES, FELTS, MOMMY CLOTI. MRS. C. M. NORRIS, 111 WASHINGTON AVENUE. SPECIALTY IN CHILDREN'S WORSTED AND ZEPHEY CLOAKS AND HOODS. The interest for which we now write, dates its origin to 1876, when it was established as a new enterprise. Succeeding to no other house of its kind, it entered as a "free lance," and its purposes in trade since then have been, first, to accomplish success; and secondly, to establish success upon a basis that should be enduring. Throughout all the departments we noticed an elaborate stock of goods in Fancy Goods of every description, WORSTEDS, LACES, SILKS, &c., &c. In the line of LADIES' ART NEEDLE WORK we can assure the trade that it will be courteously received and amply supplied with the best and latest styles. FANCY BASKETS it is making exertions to hold the lead. The blaze of color and numberless styles of goods displayed in endless quantities on either side, strikes the visitor with the magnitude of things unknown except to the imagination. The English, French, German and American markets are represented in all their various departments of notions and fancy goods. The stock consists in endless varieties of real and imitation EDGINGS, FANCY BASKETS OF WILLOW AND WOVEN GOODS, CHILDREN'S WORSTED AND ZEPHYR CLOAKS AND HOODS, INFANTS' WARDROBE, and one of the choicest selections of LADIES' ART NEEDLE WORK, comprising of Piano Spreads, Piano Scarfs, Elegant Tidies, and Slipper Patterns that can be found in any metropolitan centres. WORSTEDS, CREWELS, RUSCHINGS, FELTS, CHENILLES, &c., &c. The trade of Mrs. Norris represents our best citizens, and she can always be relied upon as filling all guarantees. " FOOT GEAR." W. H. WARNER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER TN BOOTS AND SHOES, RUBBER GOODS, BOOT PACS, &C. LUMBERMAN'S GOODS AND HEAVY STOCK A SPECIALLY. 214 GENESEE AVE A description of the different styles of covering which have East Saginaw: Historical, Biographical, Commercial. 15 __ I_~ __ __I_ ____CUUI______LIIIC_-----~C --I -- -------- -I------ -----III~C---~------ I~-- C I~-*C~-~L ---~----~-- -~ILL--YII - -------------~----~-- been used for the feet, from the earliest periods until the present day, would alone make an interesting and instructive history. Shoemaking is a very ancient employment, for we read in Homer of princes manufacturing their own shoes. They have been made of various materials-hides, flax, silk, cloth, wood, iron, silver, gold-and in a great variety of shapes, plain and ornamental. As fine a class of goods as can procured in East Saginaw can be found at W. H. WARNER. He makes a' decided specialty of buying and selling for cash, which enables him to offer a standard line of Boots, Shoes and Rubbers for ladies' gents' misses' and childrens' wear, of first -quality, at lower price* even to position beyond competition. Mr. Warner is paying special attention to the fine trade, in which department he purchases none but the best manufacturers of well known reputation, including all the celebrated Eastern makes. His aim is to secure the loading makes of goods and sell them at bottom prices. His stock throughout is peculiar to the high quality offered in this market, and he invites competition. Having but one price for all his goods, a child can purchase of him with as much safety as an adult. LADIES' AND MISSES' GOODS are made a feature with Mr. Warner. Wholesaling is conducted on the second floor, and lumberman's stock in heavy Boots and Shoes are made a feature. An honorable and successful career in this city extending over a period of twenty-seven years is a sufficient guarantee of the above. * M. O'BRIEN, "WHOLFSALE DEALER IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC WINES, BRANDIES, GINS, SCOTCH AND IRISH WHISKIES, CIGARS AND MANUFACTURED TOBACCO. 402 GENESEE AVENUE. Established in 1867. In comparison with the importance of other branches of trade, that of liquors ta]es one of the leading positions in the commercial fields of the Northwest. Ranking particularly among the staples, the magitude of its workings assume proportions not excelled' by any feature of trade. Falling in the hands of the particular few, the leading dealers of this point, from the application of capital and long experience, are enabled to greatly control and govern the vast territory lying adjacent to our city. In the house of M. O'BRIEN We find one of the foremosts establishment of its charcter in the valley This house makes a specialty of fine Whiskies and Wines, and would call especial attention to the line of his goods. Bourbon and Rye Whiskies, fine imported and domestic wines of every grade-among them them the choicest brands-are worthy of the consideration and attention of the purchasing public. We herein mention a few of the leading brands, of this house: California Wines of all brands, Clarets, both White and Red, and a full stock of all Burgundy Wines, White, Red, and Tokay, and Jamaica and St. Croix Rums, Scotch, Irish Rye and Bourbon Whiskies, Apple and Peach brandy, pure Keutucky Whiskies. Mr. O'Brien pays partiecular attention to the matter of high grade of liquors, and assure the trade that his whiskies are not surpassed by any brand. The business of the gentleman is wide-reaching. It is large, as a matter of course, through the valley and State. In the house is carried a very large stock of tobacco and cigars which are wholesaled in any quantity. There has been a steady increase in trade, and the enterprise deserves to rank among our leading ones. ROBERT BOYD & CO. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, LUMBERMEN'S SUPPLIES, &C., CORNER OF GENESEE AVE. AND WATER STS. WAREHOUSE, COR. POTTER AND WATER STS. ROBERT BOYD, W. R. BURT, W. J. BARTOW. The house of Robert Boyd & Co., was founded in 1874, and since that time they havesustained for themselves a widely extended reputation, having secured a large trade throughout this state, and their building is arranged for convenience and dispatch in receiving and forwarding goods. They have constantly a full line of all goods on hand, and are prepared to fill all orders at the shortest notice, and at prices that will suit the times. Their specialties are Teas, Tobaccos, Cigars, Sugars, Syrups, and a long line of concomitants which follow. They put their goods at the lowest possible prices, and are not dependent, therefore, upln purchasing agents. Coffee, Spices and Canned Goods being of the national staple trade are no lessta leading article of their stock. Probably no one firm, that deals in the miscellenous commodities of the grocery industry, handles a larger standard of goods or in greater quantities than Messrs. Robert Boyd & Co., who aje prepared to offer extra inducements to the trade,- Being in receipt of fresh invoices weekly, buyers can rely upon receiving fresh and desirable goods. Buyers in the staple and fancy grocery market will find it to their interest to examine the goods and prices of this house before making arrangements elsewhere, great pains being taken to make each department complete for the trade. We certainly suggest to the trade that they-wi-ltiiss it unless they take our advise. Possessed of the attributes which are requisite for successful business men, they have sustained in this city a business interest which has grown to be one of commercial and financial benefit to themselves and community. They successfully compete,, and are not afraid of ravalry with the Eastern and Western jobbers, as they buy in sufficient quantities to secure the very best prices. In addition to their grocery trade Messrs. Robert Boyd & Co. carry a complete stock of Lumbermen's Supplies, such as Wrappers, Drawers, Buck Gloves, Heavy Boots, etc., in fact everything that a Lumberman needsin camp. Not only a prominent house among the business firms does %his one call for favorable mention, but its regulation and extent of trade are sufficient to justify us in any encomiums of praise we might call upon it-in all its specialties it is winning laurels. -- ~---- BEALS BROS., ARTISTS, EAST SAGINAW, MICHIGAN. The above business fills a wider field known to the artistic world than the mass of humanity who avail themselves of its workings could possibly dream of, in their philosophy. It is due to the grandest combination of science, as well as the needy study of the operator, which places a life-like representative of its object upon the card-board. The constant study of the photographer divulges new methods to the profession, and the improve 16 East Saginaw: Historical, Biographical, Commercial. II----------- -~ - - c---------- - ments in this branch of industry have been as fully marked as in any field known to man's injenuity. The history of the photographic art, from the stand-point of the best Eur5pean artists, differs materially from our country, as many celebrities in the profession, make a specialty of one style, and under no condition of price would they change their working plan. " Soloman," of Paris, produces his figures in "Bust" size, and by careful study and great care, placed himself in the vain of his competitors. In this country, the artist is required to produce all sizes and styles. In the review of the city, and the association of art with its commerce, we find in the studio of BEALS BROS., that degree of art in Photography and Portrait Painting in Oil, Crayon, Pastel, India Ink and Water Colors, that would grace any metropolitan center. Messrs. Beals Bros. are offering all kinds of first-class work; in fact they rank higher than any of their competitors in this branch of the art, and the greatest triumphs can be seen by visiting their gallery. In mentioning the leading commercial interests of our city, we cannot fail to call attention to these gentlemen, who so perfectly represent this industry. Work in oil, crayon, pastel, India ink, and copying of all kinds is largely entered into. In fact this is the only establishment in the city, where this work is done on the premises. A large assortment of velvet frames, albums, easels of the latest styles are kept in stock. The reception, toiletand operating rooms are a combination of modern art and ingenuity, whereby the best and most scietific reaults are obtained. (Established in 1853.) THE OLDEST BUSINESS HOUSE IN THE SAGINAW VALLEY. MRS. E. G. HAMMOND'S (8. L. Warford.) EMPORIUM OF FASHION. LARGEST MILLINERY HOUSE IN MICHIGAN. MILLINERY, STRAW AND FANCY GOODS, LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING. READY-MADE DRESSES, SUITS, UNDERWEAR, ac. 109 WASHINGTON AVENUE, OPPOSITE BANCROFT HOUSE. Any one traveling through the country cannot fail to perceive the growing tendency of all classes of leading merchants to establish themselves in the interior of cities. The high rents and cost of living and expenses for help of all kinds in our commercial cities must be added to the cost of goods sold, so that our shrewdest and most enterprising merchants are finding locations where these expenses are greatly diminished, and where they can afford to sell goods lower than their competitors in the seaport cities. This enterprising city of East Saginaw, has become a very important place on account of its central location, superior transportation facilities, and other favorable circumstances. We had the pleasure a few days since, of calling upon a leading house in the valley IN MILLINERY, FANCY DRY GOODS, HOSIERY AND CORSETS, READY-MADE DRESSES, SUITS &C., NO. 109 WASHINGTON AVENUE. The main floor of this houFe is devoted to the retailing departments, and we noticed an extended array of hosiery, gloves and underwear for women and children, millinery, flowers, "ribbons, laces, embroideries, ruching, ladies and children's clothing, readymade dresses, suits, underwear, and a full line of notions. Presenting one of the oldest and best known houses in thisw part of the State, Mrs. Hammond, sustains one of the.leadingtrades in this city. Her wholesale transactions figure largely in her operations, and buyers can always find a large and handsome stock to select from. Germantown zephyr worsteds in all shades. The house carries: the most extensive stock in East Saginaw. The store represents one of the most handsomely arranged interiors in this part of the State. The departments are readily found, and the entire corps of ladies dispensing the wares are those who understand the business, and jkow whereof they speak. SEYFFARDT & WALZ, DEALERS IN SHELF AND HEAVY HARDWARE, STOVES, NAILS, GLASS BUILDING MATERIALS, WHITE LEAD, OILS, COLORt, TIN;WARE, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. COLORD LEAD AND PERFECTION MIXED PAINTS, &c., COR. GENESEE AVE. AND WARREN STREET. A leading establishment. The useful and necessary articles ccmprised under the head of Hardware are of a multifoim character. The progress made within the last few years in t2e various departments of industry, and particularly in that field of labor which refers to the manufacture of mechanical tools and implements of iron, is truly astonishing. This is also perceptible in the manufacture of appliances, the result of mechanical skill on the part of individuals who have labored diligently in this direction, and for the purpose of producing a superior description of goods. WITH MESSRS. SEYFFARDT & WALZ we find one of the leading houses in general hardware in our city. Not only in hardware and the celebrated JEWEL STOVES, which are the best in the market, do we find these gentlemen foremost, but in all matters of WHITE LEAD, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, COLORS, AND> THE CELEBRATED PERFECTION MIXED PAINTS. The house was founded in 1878. Occupying a site covering afbd area of 50x75 feet; the most ample acccmodations are given for the display and handling of their varied stock. In the line of TIN WARE AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, &c., we were shown one of the finest assortments in the city. Their wholesale transactions are beginning to assume great proportions and they will endeavor to meet the trade with a standard line of wares. It seems scarcely necessary to add that the stock represented by this house is only such as is well established and acknowledged as the standard in use; that nothing but first-class material at the outset is represented, making the positive evidence of merit which so justly bespeaks their success, and we are glad that East Saginaw can law claim to so worthy an industry, standing among the best in the country. East Saginaw: Historical, Biographical, Commercial. 17 J. M. LENHOFF STINGEL & BROS., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BUTCHERS AND PACKERS, DEALERS IN ALL conducts one of the most complete clothing and furnishing house A. R A in East Saginaw. KINDS OF MEATS.114 &I 110 NORTH WASHINGTON AVENUE. Of all the cities of Michigan which aspire to the distinction of being recognized as a great shipping market, East Saginaw is eclipsed by none, and many points fall below it in the aggregate of wholesale transactions per annum, and the trade that centers here is from the whole country. Every line of trade is represented too, by houses whose characteristics are such as to warrant us in speaking of them in eulogistic terms. To any center which creates the distributing point for supplies in bulk, there is always drawn capitsl, enterprise, and all things equal, success. Particularly to that point which has a manufacturing peope to cater to, does this become noticeable, and East Saginaw, representing as it does, one-quarter of the entire amount of our manufactured lumber, stands at the head in this State in the handling, packing and distributing of beef and pork, is one of the largest in the State or west of Detroit It is well known that the lumbering and mining interests of the State are great, and employ thousands of hands. Messrs. Stingel & Bro, cater especially to miners and lunbermen's camp supplies. They have become noted for this branch of their business and are also known for the fullness of their guarantees in regard to quality and quantity of their shipments. The aggregate statistical result of last year's operations figured the handsome sum of over TWENTY-FIVE HUNDRED BARRELS. This demonstrates the importance of Messrs. Stingel & Bro's industry to the city, and the success to one of East Saginaw most deserving firms. A successful career of ten years is a sufficient guarantee of the reliability of the above house. In addition to their largepacking establishments at the above numbers,they have on the first floor, one of the most complete markets for retailing in the city where can be found the greatest variety and choicest cuts. Occupying the whole of the above buildings three stories in height will give some idea of the extent of their businesa. J. M. LENHOFF, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN READY-MADE CLOTHING AND GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. FIRST CLOTHING HOUSE FROM GENESEE AVENUE BRIDGE. A brief mention of the history of clothing, will be of interest. It is a positive fact that previous to the Mohammedan invasion of India, in the year of our Lord 664, it was universaly held a sacrilege by the people of that country, to wear garments made from separate pieces of cloth sewed together. Previous to this date all garments of whatever kind, were woven in a single piece, and a sewing machine, in all probability, would be considered an invention of the devil, and a sewing machine man a genuine imp of the darkness. The first authentic instance of any kind of dress or cover being worn upon the body, was the scanty kirtle of leaves that Eve manufactured for herself when she essayed to wear clothes in the garden of Eden, of necessity of home manufacture, and made up very plainly, and at the same time very becoming to her, as was Adam's first pants. The next account of the progress of the human family in the tailoring art, was their using the skins of animals. Next came the use of woven fabrics and tastefully fitting garments in every style and textures. The strong element of his business, is that devoted to Lumbermen's supplies, in Woolen and Knit Good, Quilts, Blankets, Buck Mittens and Gloves, as well as manufactured clothing. He wholesale this class of his stock in any quantity and we Scan say the trade north of us, will do well to communicate with this gentleman. Mr. Lenhoff also carries in stock a large and selected stock of Ready-made Clothing, and Gents' Furnishing Goods, which he offers at prices that invite competition. While some contemporaries take advantage through various and ingenious advertising mediums, that they are making a superior line of goods for less money than any similar house in the city, the practical-minded man goes to that establishment where we work speaks for itself and the style is unapproachable. All garments sold by this house can be relied on as represented, a fact which three years of honorable dealing by him in this community has established beyond contradicion. All goods guaranted as represented. VINC'T KINDLER, MANUFACTURER WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN FINE GUNS, PISTOLS, AMMUNITION, SPORTING GOODS, FISHING TACKLE, &C. 409 GENESEE AVENUE. In some direction the sciences assume that perfection which does not admit of any improvement. In the field which is open to firearms, the attraction to inventors and capitalists is beyond question stronger than most branches of industry hold forth. The body principle, however, from the first invention which involved the flint lock, has received many changes, and the improvements, must be accepted as those which time and necessity have alone demanded. At the house of Vinc't Kindler we find catalogued all the celebrated makers of sporting goods known to the market. His line of English and American sporting goods in the way of assortment is complete; Baker's Sharps, Ballard and Winchester breech-loading steel barrels, with all patent improvements, are kept in great quantities, and can be found after passing through this house, on the near and far hunting grounds of the State. He has just opened the best assortment of firearms of the various kinds to be found in the Western country, including the latest and most improved English and American breech-loading shot-guns, rifles, revolvers, ammunition. His celebrated top lever, extension rib, double bolt, wedged fast, choke bored, breechloading shot-guns, are not excelled for close, hard shooting and durability. Pistols with solid silver mountings with associate partners of pearl, ivory, black walnut, and bone handles are displayed and dealt in as extensively as any house in the West, Smith & Wesson, Colt's Double Action Swamp Angel and every variety of manufacture in this line. FISHING TACKLES. The desciple of Issac Walton can here find every requisite for a complete outfit wherewith to capture the finny tribe. Mr. Kindler carries in stock Hazards' Dupont's, Orange, American anad Oriental celebrated brands of Powder for both sporting and blasting purposes, acknowledged to be the best manufactured. Repairing in all its branches promptly attended to and satisfaction guaranteed. In fact his establishment is complete in every branch. 18 East Saginaw: Historical, Biographical, Commercial. _ _ _ _I_ __~ _~_ _CII~ _ _~_ ~___ _~ U~II_____~ ~__I W. S. HOUGHTON, CARRIAGE MANUFACTURER, AND SUCCESSOR TO THE BONANZA MANUFACTURING CO. OF THE CELEBRATED FARMERS' FAVORITE BONANZA FAN.NING MILLS. OFFICE WATER STREET, MANUFACTORY FRANKLIN STREET. The prosperity of a city is greatly enhanced by the encouragement of manufactories; its importance as a purchasing point is also increased, resulting alike in its advantage to the manufacturer. He invests his capital, his time and talent in producing that which gives employment to thousands. Although as a manufacturing poing our city occupies the best position in the state for most lines of manufacturing, she has yet scarcely availed herself of her advantage. But onr increase in that direction, though slow, is sure, which is warranted by the success that our manufacturers are meeting in the extention of our establishments necessitated by an increase of trade. We were thus lead to journanlize in an interview with MR. W. S. HOUGHTON, manufacturer of the farmer's favorite and celebrated BONANZA FARM FANNING MILLS. In range and variety of work, mechanical, principle and construction, it is superior to all others; also in capacity and quality of work, ajustibility ancifinish, it is unequiled by any. We could publish many testimonals from the the states of Ohio, Indiana and Michigan, relative to its manifold superior qualities. WHAT THE BONANZA DOES: It cleans with great rapidity all kinds of grains and seeds. It separates and grades oats, barley, wheat, rye, buckwheat, peas, beans, corn, clover and timothy. It takes out every grain of cockle, chess, rye, oats, pigeon-weed, mustard, plantain, and all foul seeds and broken grains of wheat from the first-clast or seed wheat, and at the same time makes the second-classor market wheat perfectly merchantable. It takes oats from wheat, oats from barley, oats from buckwheat, and grades the wheat, barley and buckwheat at the same time. It cleans and grades clover and timothy and separtes all foul seeds from them. It cleans and grades all seeds and grain perfectly with wonderful rapidity. Barn floor swee2pings passed through the Bonanza will save grass seed enough to pay for the Mill in an incredibly short space of time. This is the only perfect Grain and Seed cleaner ever been invented, and is entirely different from any Grain cleaner ever offered to the public. The letters patent cover fourteen specfic and important claims, and the Mill must be seen and tested to be appreciated. It is the only machine in the world the screens of which cannot clog. By an ingenious mechanical device the screens are moved backward and forward over 800 times every minute, about 12 times faster than the screens to the old Fanning Mill. This rapid motion prevents the cockle, &c., from bounding on the screens, and enables us to clean perfectly all kinds of Grain and Seeds, and do the work many times faster than other mills. Our machine contains two separate air chambers, which produces a much stronger blast than the old Fanning Mill, and distributes it evenly over the entire surface of the screens and riddles. The blast is also under perfect control of the operator, as it can be thrown to any position desired, and varied from a gentle breeze to the hurricane-like blast necessary in chaffiing. It is impossible to fully describe this wonderful machine on paper. In CARRIAGES, a line of manufacturing he has been engaged in for 9 years, we were shown a class of Vehicles, superior in all matter of style, finish and price. Under the firm of HOUGHTON & KNAPP. Phatons, with adjustable and canopy top, extension top, twoseat carriages, with side bar, and end-spring wagons, constitute but a small portion of the large stock of rolling gear displayed and for sale at their factory. They are the largest Carriage and Sleigh manufacturers in the valley or this part of the state. Repairing in all its branches is condgcted on the shortest notice! Mr. Houghton stands pre-eminently at the head of the industry of the Valley. HUTCHINSON & CO., MANUFACTURERS OF CALF SKINS AND HARNESS LEATHER, AND DEALERS IN LEATHER AND FINDINGS. 104 SOUTH WATER STREET. BRANCH HOUSE HUTCHINSON & CO., DUNKINK, N. Y. Harness Leather a Specialty. It was and is our intention to confine our comments upon the trade interests of the city, in great part, to the manufacturing, banking and jobbing firms; here and there, however, we find a prominent interest whose business is of such extensive and well known character that it becomes representative, and we have made exceptions in their favor. HUTCHINSON & Co., who became identified with East Saginaw's commerce July 1st, 1880, and engaged in dealing in LEATHER AND FINDINGS. There are many departments connected with the complete operation of this branch of commerce, and throughout the entire field of the above branches of our trade they are avowedly the leading dealers in our market. They are noted for fulfilling all guarantees, and representing a strictly first-class line of goods. AS TANNERS AND CURRIERS, being a branch of the large and well-known house of Hutchinson & Co., of Dunkirk, N. Y., these gentlemen rank ahead of anything of this nature in this portion of the state. Their works in short, are large and comprehensive, and they employ the latest machinery in all the departments of this specialty of their trade. Not only as a prominent house among the business firms does this one call for favorable mention, but its reputation and extent of trade are sufficient to justify us in any encomiums of praise we might call upon it. In all its specials it is winning laurels-it has demonstrated the assumption that it can supply the trade of this section of the country in the face of competition from the East and West alike, and its prestige in the above supplies has been gained by the appreciation and attention to the wants, large and small, of the trade which seeks their house. East Saginaw: Historical, Biographical, Commercial. 19 - -- - MACK, "THE HATTER" LEADER OF FASHIONS IN ALL KINDS OF HATS, CAPS, AND FUR GOODS. THE ONLY EXCLUSIVELY HATTER GENTS FURNISHER IN THE VALLEY. 302 GENESEE AVENUE. Among the furs used by hatters, are cony, white and mottled hare, beaver, muskrat and nutra, which are obtained from all parts of the world. Fifty million rabbits are annually slaughtered in France alone for this trade. The influence of the hat and cap trade with its auxiliaries, straw goods, gloves and furs, is fully as important a feature in the commercial interests of S.ginaw as any we could:mention. The bulk of the business is confined to the solid few who control the large interests springing from the great sales of the immense trade through the United States. The house known as Mack, the hatter, is a representative establishment in this line of industry, rivaling the best houses in the State. His saleroom at the above number, affords ample accommodation for the display of his large stock of SILK, WOOL, FUR AND STIFF HATS of every grade, quality and price, to meet the demtini of a trade in the various departments of this establishment. GENTS FURNISHING GOODS. Mack makes a decided feature of this class of wares and the the trade oonvelo in the very latest styles. The BURKOCK DIAMOND SHIRT is the best in the market and Mack is solid agent. BUFFALO ROBES also receive the closest attention, and a large stock is always to,be found. In this stock may be found every article that is seasonable and saleable, or can be found in any other equally extensive establishment iu the State, all of which are offered at prices that cannot fail to suit the closest buyer, as the advantages he offers the purchaser are unsurpassed. For two years this gentleman has been actively engaged in dealing in these goods, which experience has done much in meeting the wants of a vast territory subject to the influence of this house. WM. SMITH, MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN OIL PAINTINGS, CROMOS, ENGRAVINGS, BRACKETS, FRAMES OF ALL KINDS AND STYLES, ARTISTS' SUPPLIES AND GOLD FRAMES A SPECIALTY, FRENCH GLASS, BOOKS, STATIONERY AND GENERAL FANCY GOODS. 127 SOUTH WASHINGTON AVENUE. While the hum and bustle attendant upon the rushing out of large quantities of fine and cheap goods by the large manufacturing elements of our city are indictive of what can be done in that quar ter, we are compelled to break off from this feature and see what is being done in the walks of the standard grades of art. We call for information on Mr. Smith, whose house is one of the most reliable of its character in this part of the state. In the review of East Saginow's commerce, we can give but a mention of the leaders only, in consequence of which we shall be obliged to differ particularizing, and speak in general. Mr. Smith commenced his commercial transactions in this city in 1871. The correllative position of this industry as compared to the vast and intricate network of East Saginaw's commerce is one which not only demands the attention of our local and suburban public, but represents and appeals to the refined and msthetic tastes of any community. Art in any form rising to the dignity of cultivated tastes, has in all countries and times received the ovation of its people. It widens and in every way enlarges the domain of our intelligence; it breaths harmony and order into all communities, and adorns and beautifies the walks of life. We find, on careful survey of our city, that Mr. Smith has developed through his indefatigable labors, knowledge and application, of same, this feature of our trade to a degree that should rank with any metropolitan centres. The latest style in gilt frames, in solid wood, which prevents cracking. This is much superior to the old style composition frames, so revaged by handling and the wear of time. Special designs will be prepared and offered to the trade or individuals in any branch of Mr. Smith's business. Up and down our valley, many of thefirst families can testify to the quality of his stock. ARTISTS' MATERIALS in all there departments are handled extensively. His establishment at 127 South Washington Ave., represents, throughout, a carefully and artistically selected stock of WATER COLORS, STEEL ENGRAVINGS, OIL PAINTINGS, CROMOS AND ETCHINGS of less pretentious note. Also, FRAMES, PIER MIRRORS AND CORNICES, and, in brief, all matters of merchandise in his line, that would cater to a strictly first-class trade. While the public acknowledge Mr. Smith and his elegant institution as leading authority in matters coming under this head, we deem it necessary to send out with this journal a brief description at least of one of the finest houses in the country on the subject of art. J. R. GOODFELLOW, DEALER IN STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES OF THE FINEST QUALITY. CANNED AND BOTTLED GOODS FOR TABLE USE A SPECIALTY. 129 SOUTH WASHINGTON AVE. TERMS CASH. The house that we propose to mention in the present article and to introduce to the favoravle 20 East Saginaw: Historical, Biographical, Commercial. I --- - -- consideration-of the trade, is one that makes no vain-glorious pretentions, but which steadily advances its character as a reliable one from year to year, resting wholly upon the invialable principle of selling goods according to proper representation. It is the most extensive of the kind in East Sagnaw, and has been in successful operation for upwards of six years under the firm name of J. R. GOODFELLOW. In looking over his stock, and at the best but corsory knowledge of its extent, we find one of the largest houses in all branches of STAPLE, FANCY-AND TABLE GROCERIES. It would be impossible in a newspaper article to describe or particularize the goods to be found in this extensive establishment, and it is necessary to do so. But in looking through the various departments we find an extensive stock of Canned Goods, Teas, Coffees, Spices, Mustards, Dried and Preserved Fruits. BOTTLED-French Capers, Spanish Olives, Crosse & Blackwell's Pickles, Bunker Hill Pickles, Salid Dressing, Olive Oil (Eyxuiems.) CANNED-Shrimps, Lobster, Salmon, Sardines, Clam Chowders, Mushrooms, Chicken and Tongue, Sardines with Truffles, Artichokes, Pickles, etc. French Peas, Champion or English Peas, Corn, Tomatoes, Succotash, Baked Beans, etc. SAUCES-Bnchovy, C. & C. Prince of Wales, C. & B Hell Gate, Worcester, Lee & Perrin's. Everything keept in stock by the grocer can be found with Mr. Goodfellow. He is an energetic gentleman and understands the wants of the trade. FASHIONABLE HAIR PARLOR. EAST SAGINAW. Her Merchant's Success and Position among the Commercial Centers of the Country. Elaborate Growth of her Manufacturing and Jobbing Trade. The Possibilities of Her Future! There is no class of people so quick to observe and appreciate the natural and acquiree advantages of a city as the traveling class. All the points are taken for location, frieght advantages, railroad and water transportation, surrounding country and possibilities of its futurd. The firms whose cards appear in our columns will be readily recognized as among the very best in the city. Their well-known names are a sufficient guarautee for the excellence of their goods, the extent of their stocks, and the honorable and liberal manner in which they conduct their business. Their enterprise, liberality and correct business management have built up a large trade for East Saginaw. They offer inducements to purchasers which they cannot afford to overlook, and their announcements are commended to the trade of Wisconsin and adjoining States, with the conviction that their facilities for doing business are not excelled by those of any Eastern city. Among the advantages offered to country dealers: by East Saginaw merchants may be enumerated the following: The fact that all kinds of goods can be purchased as cheaply here in the East; the spaciourness of our stores, enabling customers to examine and select from large stocks of goods, displayed in good, light and convenient space; the ready means of transit afforded by our numerous railroad lines, reaching all parts of the neighboring States. East Saginaw alreading commands a large portion of the trade of the West which formerly went to other centers. Its business connections are every year extending and its sales increasing. It must ever be a commercial city. Its advantageous. location, the wide-extended reach of its railroad system, and the energy and enterprise of its merchants, are all elements which cannot fail to work together in the building up of East Sagnaw as a. commercial center. MRS. R..M WRIGHT W. H. DANIELS, JR. ARTISTIC HAIR WORK IN ITS IMPROVED METHODS. 223 WASHINGTON AVENUE. Hair is more or less than a modification of the skin. If you cut its filaments they will not bleed, neither are they susceptible to nerve influence. It has formed a large base for business operations and 'leading staple in the channels of commerce. Fashion in hair-dressing and hair manufacturing is quite as important to the trousseau of a lady as any feature of her dress. In hair goods, comprising Ladies' and Gents' Wigs, Toupees, Curls and hair Jewelry, we notice a thoroughly metropolitan stock. Hair-dressing for special occasions receives the special attention of Mrs. Wright, and throughout her entire operations she lends experience and a thorough knowledge of her business. The traffic in this special feature is assuming enormous proportions, and becomes an important factor in the trade of all cities. With pleasure we call the attention of Ladies and Gentlemen desiring anything in this branch of business. The Ladies' Department is under the management of Mrs. Wright, and we can guarantee satisfaction with orders from a distance as well as at home. This house acknowledges the leading principles of suceess in all transactions controlled from these causes which are coined from integrity and upright dealing, and the standard grade known to the market it represents. SPAMPHLET BINDER _ Syracuse, N. Y. Stockton, Calif. K~:,p:~~ ""a~, I~sc k ir.06.-~::d P se~, ~ti~i~ %e~'~~~; S~EI