r31iuinniil "I IIII~I~nnhIIIIIIIIIIIIII 1 91 0 IIIIIIIIIIII1nHI1nnhIIIIII?t A1VXIEIIAR ""I'll'1c POLAR BEAR POST No. 436 l Ileran3 of Zoretqn?lar3 /linitle] Sialeij Uol LIoo DETROIT'S OWN S.aturd aV &i entnq, cune 23, 1 945 HOTEL FORT SHELBY DETROITJ, MICHIGAN Il10nn1nnI 1 9 4 5 l1ll1ll1l 11111111111111101111111111 11111111111011111111111111 Commander ' l/lemaqe Comrades of Polar Bear Post: Greetings on this, our Twenty-fifth Year Anniversary of Loyal Comradeship. It gives one the feeling of pride to think back through the years we have carried on together, not only as Post Members, but also as Soldiers in the last war. Ours is a unique and outstanding Outfit and the envy of most Veteran Posts. Not only in the service of our Country, but also as Polar Bear Post, have we made a name for ourselves in these past twenty-five years as we worked faithfully together. True, we have made some mistakes, but we have accomplished many good deeds. Today as we are here assembled, no doubt there will be reminiscence of pleasant and other events of the years gone by, and let us not in our pleasure here forget those of our Comrades of this and the last war who have left our ranks to answer the final call. Now we are again at war, with many sorrows and anxiety on our minds, but as a stimulant let us enjoy this Day to the utmost, so that tomorrow we may put forth renewed and greater effort in doing our part in any way possible to hasten the coming Peace. Yours in Comradeship, JOHN W. SCHAFF, Commander, Polar Bear Post No. 436, Veterans of Foreign Wars..t; i t. potar ear /oit flo. 436 Veterans of Foreign Wars of U. S. Officer for ear 1945-46 Commander, John W. Schaff, 3957 Marlborough Ave., Detroit 24. Sr. Vice, Edward M. Jonas, 18040 Indiana Ave., Detroit 21. Jr. Vice, Alonzo Portlance, 4251 Pacific Ave., Detroit 4. Quartermaster, Clarence T. Sleep, 7128 Winona Ave., Allen Park. Adjutant, H. J. Reimold, 748 Eastlawn Ave., Detroit 15. Chaplain, Edwin H. Renner, 5139 Iroquois Ave., Detroit 13. Advocate, Albert L. Shaffran, 4217 Somerset Ave., Detroit 24. Surgeon, Frank Hart, 1136 Assumption St., Windsor, Ont. Officer Day, James Fitzgerald, 13069 Alma Ave., Detroit 5. Patriotic Instructor, Frank H. Evans, 1122 Drexel Ave., Detroit 15. Historian, Louis Marietta, 1251 Glynn Court, Detroit 2. Service Officer, Michael Macalla, 5655 Greenway Ave., Detroit 4. Legislative, Edward Goldner, 7451 Prairie Ave., Detroit 10. Employment Officer, Dave Cronberger, 17152 Stoepel Ave., Detroit 21. Guard, Harry Miller, 4232 McClellan Ave., Detroit 14. Bugler, Charles McLeod, 282 W. Grand Ave., Highland Park. Color Bearer, Albert Kiel, 3832 Webb Ave., Detroit 6. Color Bearer, Wm. Wilcheling, 59 Alfred St., Detroit 1. Color Guard, Eric Zeller, 19780 Cherrylawn Ave., Detroit 21. Color Guard, Isadore Navetta, 5456 Helen Ave., Detroit 11. Sergeant Major, Allan Rennie, 3544 Second Ave., Detroit 1. Quartermaster Sergeant, Arthur Brown, 1043 Oak Ridge, Royal Oak. Trustee, James Fitzgerald, 13969 Alma Ave., Detroit 5. Trustee, Stanley Novak, 14451 Saratoga Ave., Detroit 5. Trustee, Alfred L. Larsen, 17535 Woodingham Ave., Detroit 4. Sons in Service, Harry Cicotte, 9329 Petoskey Ave., Detroit 4. Entertainment, Jack Dalian, 7539 Kendal Ave., Dearborn. HARRY A. CICOTTE, Secretary 9329 Petoskey Ave. TYler 5-3517 Detroit 4, Michigan HOMER STEINHAUER, Treas. 15745 Cherrylawn Ave. Detroit 21, Michigan DAVID CRONBERGER, President 17152 Stoepel Ave. UN. 1-1043 Detroit 21, Michigan Greetings POLAR BEAR ASSOCIATION We Have Been Together 25 Years Past Presidents J. BROOKS NICHOLS JOHN CUDAHY, Deceased JOEL R. MOORE WALTER DUNDON THOS. L. BATTLE WALTER I. McKENZIE HARRY H. MEAD JOSEPH T. WHALEN M. W. TOMLIN, Deceased ADOLPH ANSELMI BRADLEY R. TAYLOR WHITNEY McGUIRE oroqram MENU 6:00 P. M...... War Time Dinner? 7:15 P. M.......................... Post Members Group Picture 7:30 P. M...... Distinguished Guests Department of Michigan Veterans of Foreign Wars Commander, Wm. (Bill) Tarr Past Commander, Ralph Trotter Past Commander, Maurice F. Cole Past Commander, Otto Silvers Past Commander, Liaison and Welfare Officer, Joseph Mann Adjutant and Quartermaster, Arthur Thomas Wayne County Council Veterans of Foreign Wars, Commander Geo. Lyle Adjutant and Quartermaster, Gil. Brucker Veterans of Foreign Wars National Home Managing Director, Charles Adams National Commander Canadian Polar Bears, C. V. Walters Manager Veterans Building, D. F. Mulvihill Guest Speaker and Honorary Member of Polar Bear Post, Hon. Joseph J. Moynihan 8:00 P. M. "Sonny Boy" Dubbs Helen Hart, Acrobatic Dancer Pat Webster, Character Dancer Jordan and Grace, Novelty and Accordion C. Fritz Marx, Pianist 8:30 Chick Miller's Dance Band 8:30-12:30 Stroh's on tap. 11:30 to 12:30 Leatherman's Curbstone Band 12:31 So Long Until We Meet Again TILL WE MEET AGAIN (Key of G) Smile the while You kiss me sad adieu, When the clouds roll by I'll come to you. Then the skies will seem more blue. Down in lover's lane, my dearie, Wedding bells will ring so merrily, Every tear will be a memory; So wait and pray each night for me, Till we meet again. Greetings and Best Wishes to the POLAR BEAR POST No. 436 -V. F. W. on their 25th ANNIVERSARY... from... GRATIOT INN 12553 GRATIOT AVENUE J. W. CZERWINSKI, Prop. Member of the POLAR BEAR POST No. 436 (Iarter N/lem er- -/o/ar Iear,oPt Albert Anderson F. H. Atkins Edmund Atkinson J. O. Buchanan Fred W. Bauer Fred J. Buerke Wm. L. Boneshu Claude J. Barnum Fred L. Brown John J. Banaszuk James Clancy Percy G. Carlson Anthony Carduchi A. B. Cole N. A. Cicotte Geo. E. Comstock F. C. Comar F. R. Campbell Frank C. Daniels Chas. J. Dirk Walter Dundon Joseph Elwart Frank H. Evans Edwin E. Fisher Dwight Fistler Lee M. Fitzpatrick Carleton G. Foster James D. Francis Geo. Feucht John Gaber Leo A. Holnacki Leo A. Harlnacki Edward Hoy W. T. Hampton Earl Knapp Bernard P. Kowalski Chas. W. Kasten Theo. W. Kolbe Walter A. Kloock Clifton B. Knight Chas. LaGrange August Lashinski Glenn W. Leitzell Wm. A. Luther Harry H. Mead John Milen Louis C. Marietta Arthur A. Muntz Philip Morosco Joel R. Moore Dr. R. M. Martin Walter I. McKenzie Ernest J. McGahey Norman H. McColl Frank E. Olshefski Geo. H. Palmer Edward J. Pelant Dr. W. Pyle Wm. Piolowski Allan G. Rennie Norbert Roganski Rudolph C. Stahlbuck Fred A. Sauer Joseph F. Szczesny Styphen Stempcznski Homer Steinhauer V. D. Smith Emil L. Storck Alfred Starikoff Ellsworth Vernier E. F. Wright Leo T. Whalen Stephen P. Walsh Edward Wiza V. D. Werts Carl Zink Edwin J. Zischereck Theo. J. Zech Jos. Taube A. Van Wengerden A. A. Priest Geo. Messer Jen Laursen VETERANS welcome to the FELSENKELLER COCKTAIL BAR * 13313 HARPER AVE. between Dickerson & Chalmers George Patru, your host and manager, member of Polar Bear Post No. 436, V.F.W. and Hellenic Post 100, American Legion. Dancing Wednesday through Sunday to the melodies of Mel Thompson's Electronic Trio. Paradise for Ladies and Gentlemen. GEORGE N. PATRU GEORGE N. PATRU Real Estate Broker 2209 DAVID STOTT BUILDING Phone CHerry 3860 ---- --- In Loving Remembrance LIEUT. ROBERT C. PETERS United States Army Air Force England, October 14, 1943 - loyal-brave-courageous - the exemplary son of our Polar Bear Comrade - his immortal spirit calmly awaits reunion with his loved ones in God's Eternal Paradise * L MR. and MRS. CARL PETERS I,I Compliments of "ED BRENDTKE" Ambulance Co. 337 Congratulations on your 25th Anniversary COMRADE THOMPSON Past Commander FIRST DIVISION POST V. F. W. 873 MOORE'S SERVICE STATIONS Complete Repair Service 3574 SECOND AVENUE Phone TE. 2-9782 3601 HAMILTON AVENUE Phone TE. 2-9207 __I_ _ I potar gear /ot - jear 1920 HARRY H. MEAD-Commander Twenty-five years ago, a long, long time in one's life, in a hot, unattractive hall on Grand River Ave., the Polar Bear Post V.F.W. was organized by the veterans of the North Russian Campaign of 1918-19. That hopeless causeless expedition against the same soldiers who in the present war fought side by side with our sons in the recent German holocaust. At that meeting, attended by some fifty or seventy-five comrades, I was given the highest honor of my life in being chosen by my comrades as the first commander of the Post. It seems so long ago that it is hard to recall any particular incident of that first year. As I recall it, however, we continued our meetings in this same hall twice a month for the balance of the year. As a result of the aftermath of the war interest in the Post lagged, but a few of the faithful-who later became the leaders and active spirits of the Post-stuck to the job and helped make Polar Bear Post one of the finest and by all odds the best known veterans organization in Michigan. Now another world war, or at least the European phase of it, has ended and here again many of our sons have made an enviable record on the field of action. They will, I know, carry on the fine traditions of the Post in the years to come and it is my sincere hope that, God willing, there may be a few of the Old Guard around at the 50th Anniversary of the founding of old Polar Bear Post. HARRY H. MEAD. EUGENE M. ROBB, M.D. TOM RYAN'S BAR Physician-Surgeon Beer —Wine —Liquors 5859 West Vcrnor Hwy. Beer-WineLiquors VInewood 2-8400 8634 West Vernor Hwy. Office Hours: 11-5 and 7-9 FAROLD Springwells Hardware Co. PORTRAIT STUDIO PORTRAIT STUDIO 038 Springwells-VInewood 1-1578 8021 West Vernor Hwy. Dealers in VInewood 2-0133 Refrigerators - Stoves D. Schrage Washing Machines - Radios Compliments of CADILLAC COLORPLATE CO. 4240 FOURTEENTH ST. SCHROFF'S DRUG STORE Prescriptions WEST VERNOR at LAWNDALE Phone VInewood 1-0435 ---......;. - --- Congratulations A. MALOOLY "K" Co. 339th Malooly & Azar Co. 2510 ORLEANS CANTOR PHOTO and ART SHOP Greeting Cards Gifts 7914 WEST VERNOR...... - In Loving Memory of Our Dear Son CPL. EDWARD C. GOLDNER, Jr. U. S. Army - Infantry FRANCE- NOVEMBER 7, 1944 He with valiant heart went forth To fight for you and me His brave, undaunted spirit Will forever linger in our memory MR. and MRS. EDW. GOLDNER, Sr. and FAMILY " I II Congratulations CITY PACKING CO. 3257 MICHIGAN AVE. MATTIE MURTAUGH Antiques We Carry a General Line of Furniture, Glass, China and Brass Fixtures for the Fireplace 3742 JOY ROAD near Dexter TYler 5-4018 Hours-2:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M. Compliments of STAKOE'S MARKET MICHIGAN AT SCHAEFER ROAD DEARBORN, MICH. Congratulations on your 25th Anniversary MELODY BAR 6708 MICHIGAN AVE. LAfayette 9361 J. T. Poshadlo, Prop.,,~~~ ~.I no/ar dIear /ojt - jear 1921 WALTER I. McKENZIE-Commander Our Post was organized on June 20, 1920. Harry H. Mead was the first Commander and Walter I. McKenzie the senior Vice Commander. On December 23, 1920, the following officers were elected for the coming year: Commander-Walter I. McKenzie. Senior Vice Commander-Fred C. Comar. Junior Vice Commander-William Bonesho. Quartermaster-A. A. Muntz. Adjutant-David Cronberger. Chaplain-C. W. Kasten. Post Surgeon-Dr. Wyman Pyle. Officer of the Day-Ralph Slonaker. Post Trustee-Joel R. Moore. Delegates to Wayne County Council-Joel R. Moore and Theodore Kolbe. We started the year with a membership composed largely of the charter members, and much dissatisfaction with the financial condition of the Post as there were a number of obligations to meet and no money with which to pay them. During this year we moved our meeting place from 53 Grand River Avenue, West, to 5105 Woodward Avenue to eliminate payment of rent. We also held our first keno party and made $10.00. During this period, Joseph A. Moynihan, Circuit Judge, presented us with our American Flag and was made the first honorary member of the Post. A committee was also appointed to arrange for our first reunion and the organization of the Polar Bear Association. Post officers and members were the backbone of the first reunion committee and helped to organize the Polar Bear Association on a sound basis. We also increased our membership, both in Detroit and in the outlying communities where we held pep meetings to develop interest in the reunion. I am sorry the records are not available to show our membership, but we finished the year going strong, with the Post well-organized and functioning smoothly. In December of 1921, Joel R. Moore was elected Commander for the following year. Compliments of Greetings GRAND JOY WALTER I. McKENZIE BARBER SHOP Co. E 5056 JOY ROAD TYler 4-5628 Referee in Bankruptcy ----- - - — ~ --- --- —- -------— — THREE GENERATIONS OF SERVICE TO DETROIT Compliments to the Polar Bears HURD LUMBER COMPANY Lumber and Millwork OF ALL KINDS - SASH and DOORS INDUSTRIAL LUMBER A SPECIALTY Materials for Maintenance and Repairs VInewood 1-4120 May We Help You? 7300 DIX Compliments Knights of Columbus ST. PAUL COUNCIL No. 2632 6117 WEST VERNOR Attend our WEDNESDAY NIGHT PARTIES TIME - 8:00 P. M. Public Invited MAMMOTH PICNIC Sponsored by ST. PAUL COUNCIL No. 2632, K. of C. 1st Prize $500 War Bond-2nd Prize $100 War Bond 3rd Prize $50 War Bond-4th Prize $25 War Bond SUNDAY, JULY 15, 1945 - PARDEE PARK DANCING... GAMES... REFRESHMENTS Directions to Park: Ecorse Road 3-4 mile left on Pardee to Park. Watch for Signs. COUNCIL PROGRAM CHAIRMAN JOHN J. MARCH JENS JENSEN THEO. J. ZECH TUxedo 2-7398 IVanhoe 4659 THEO. J. ZECH & CO. Mason Contractor 5575 CADILLAC AVE. DETROIT 13, MICH. Congratulations from CLOVERLAND BAR 12701 WOODROW WILSON JOHN SMALL, Prop. Post Member and I. Co. Greetings and Best Wishes TO ALL POLAR BEARS HDQRS. CO. CLUB 339th INFANTRY 0 --- In Memory of OUR LATE COMMANDER IN CHIEF FRANKLIN DELANO ROOSEVELT 0 - ELECTRIC SEWER CLEANING CO. Owned and Operated by DOETSCH BROS. Plumbing Heating Repairs Main Office West Side Office FItzroy 5610 HOgarth 6035 3675 EAST VERNOR HIGHWAY Congratulations JOE CHINZE 5263 LOLITA LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA Phone CAP 13430 POLAR BEARS You Are Always Welcome At THE DeLUX BAR 13859 MICHIGAN AVENUE Come and See Me Sometime DEARBORN, MICH. polar SIear )oit- ear 1925 By ADOLPH ANSELMI The Polar Bear Post honored me by electing me Post Commander for the year 1925. I am glad to write a few words concerning events that occurred under my administration. At the outset I wish to state that one of my fondest recollections was the absolute loyalty and devotion to duty of all the men who were elected to the various chairs. These men I recall to a man had 100 per cent record of attendance. This kind of support made the work of the Commander both pleasant and efficient. However, it was not always an easy matter to get a good crowd out to a meeting, so we had to devise various means to g'et the comrades out. We got wind of a lot of army rifles coming to Detroit, so Adjutant Hal Klieman sent out word to the boys to come to the Post and get theirs. That was a night. The old hall at 5105 Woodward Avenue was packed to the ceiling joists. No rifles arrived and were the buddies peeved! My, oh, my. I don't think Hal has shown up at the Post since. I got a big kick out of arranging a program for the whole year, i.e. one night a month was arranged for a social and one night a month was business, but the program for the social affairs was arranged for the whole year ahead. This gave us time to prepare in advance for the good times. When I took the Post over, it was badly in the red and owed money in several places, but when it was turned over to John Evans he had a little surplus. It was a mere child; today it is 25, a young man. It should be filled with all the virility of such a young man. It was born because of a campaign for which we were not prepared, the reason for which we could not understand, and the aims of which we could not see; it was reared by good hands. Like all good things, it was born and reared for a good purpose and perhaps Senator Townsend made a prophetic speech when he said to the boys at our first Reunion in May, 1922, "Figuratively speaking, the ex-service man is still on the firing line and no more powerful influence exists for law, order and decency, than the majority of the ex-service men. More and more as the years go by they will take their proper place in the business and political affairs of the nation. I know their attitude toward treason and tyranny and I have faith in them." Compliments of Hesse Garage Super Service General Auto Repairing CHARLIE'S NASH SALES and SERVICE That "Good Gulf" Gasoline SALES and SERVICE Ignition and Brakes Detroit's Oldest Nash Dealer 13054 Grand River at Ward 4940 JOY ROAD Delaus Hesse, Prop. NO. 9710 TYler 6-6060 - - Compliments of HALL-DODDS Detroit's FORD DEALER! Compliments of ANDY KENNY Cigars and Tobacco 8304 WEST DAVISON AVE. Alonzo Portlance REAL ESTATE BROKER Profitable Real Estate Investments CALL TYLER 6-5912 4251 PACIFIC AVENUE DETROIT 4, MICH. DETROIT 4, MICH. n)ofar Lear pot-1937 DAVID S. CRONBERGER - Commander Being installed as commander on Friday evening, Nov. 13, I wondered at the time what evils were in store for the coming year, but the jinx failed to work and had a most enjoyable year with plenty of social activities starting with a keno party on Nov. 24. December 6, Dinner Dance for members and wives only. January 16, Past Commanders Party. January 23, Steak Dinner Dance with over 500 attending. This party was one of the largest ever held in the Veterans Building. Remember that crowd. February 7, Father and Son Party. March 29, Party for Girl Scout Troop No. 281, in appreciation for services rendered the Post by the girls. April 17, Joint dancing party with Polar Bear Association. May 23, Mother and Daughter Party. June 5, Chicken Dinner. August 1, Picnic at Shady Grove Park. During the year two of our comrades passed away, John Gaber on January 8, and Glenn Frederick on September 8. On June 25th application was made to the V.F.W. National Home for the admittance of Mrs. Gaber and children, but due to the waiting list they were not admitted until the following year. I e m o r i a n (POLAR BEARS) Upon a marble block As ebon as the night, A bear-mighty and militant And frigid whiteAnd round about A sea of living green, And over all the sun of Michigan, Calm and serene. It was not always soThese who now sleep Once had a holy quest, A rendezvous to keep: Between lay gray And glittering seas, Perils of submarine And sky-borne argosies, Fastness of mountain, Vast and arid plain, Strange lands, Tongues foreign, Trenches, Rife with vermin and with rain. Hunger and thirst lay wait, And dull heart heaviness, Fire, mingled with blood, And body weariness. They faltered not, But bade farewell to allThe present gay, The promised future brightTo heed the call. All these they sufferedMore than thisUntil at last, On Russia's white and lonely waste They kept the tryst! Compliments of ERNEST POHL CARTAGE 11583 WHITHORN DETROIT 5, MICH. See Richard B. Winters Polar Bear REAL ESTATE BROKER For Homes in the Northwest Section 19420 FENKELL AVENUE DETROIT 23, MICH. REDFORD 6075 HI! POLAR BEARS Best Wishes on your 25th Anniversary GAYTON'S BAR Member Air Service Post V. F. W. 702 7717 SCHAEFER ROAD DEARBORN I s mo/a Iea9r g o- ear 1939-40 ED. GOLDNER- Commander On the night of April 4th, 1939, comrades of the Polar Bear Post bestowed upon me the honor of Commander. With the cooperation of our comrades and officers of the Post our membership was increased by 50 new members. Some of the highlights of my administration that I recall are as follows: Mrs. Garber and family being admitted to the Eaton Rapids National Home. Purchasing of Polar Bear Stone for Peace Monument at the State Fair Grounds. The defeat of the Fairview Post in the membership drive, with the losers paying all expenses. The selecting of the Committee for the 20th Anniversary. The purchase of three life memberships to the Eaton Rapids Home. A Venison Dinner for all members and their wives in January, 1940. The color guards of the Wayne County Council officiated on April 9, 1940, when my duties as commander terminated. I Greetings to All Polar Bears Veterans and Comrades Now in Service DIAMOND'S Credit Jewelers 3632 WEST WARREN TYler 6-3918 Member of Polar Bear Post "SGT." FRED Co. T. PATTON E CRAWFORD Custom Quality Clothes One of America's Largest Clothing Chains 8975 Grand River corner Hillsboro TYler 4-9703 Compliments of RIVIERA SHOE REPAIRING 5042 Joy Road at Grand River Ave. Woodbrook Building Geo. I. Luchan Manager Phone RAndolph 0011 The Automobile Equipment Co. Member of Polar Bear Post THOS. J. QUINN Service Parts Engineer 623 EAST CONGRESS ST. DETROIT 26, MICH. Professional Form Tool and Gage Company 10114 WEST McNICHOLS ROAD DETROIT 21, MICH. Res. Phone VErmont 6-7961 Compliments of MYLER HARDWARE 12595 GRATIOT AVENUE DETROIT 5, MICH. Bus. Phone UNiversity 4-1034 po1ar Lea Poit - dear 1942-43 JAMES W. FITZGERALD- Commander During the year 1942-43 the members of Polar Bear Post No. 436 carried on in their usual efficient manner by being of service to our members, their families and to our community. Our membership was increased by 46 new and reinstated members, making a total paid up membership of 349 at the end of the fiscal year. The annual Poppy sale was a success, approximately 8,000 poppies being sold, which was an increase over the previous year and for which the Post received a citation from National Headquarters. During the year the usual contributions were made to the War Chest, American Red Cross, Fr. Flanagan's Boystown, Buddy Poppy Camp, VFW Essay Contest, etc. A service flag for outdoors was presented to the VFW National Home in honor of the boys and girls from the Home who entered the service of our Country. Three additional life memberships were purchased in the VFW National Home and an additional $500.00 worth of War Bonds were purchased. The Post was well represented by 24 members at the VFW State Encampment at Port Huron in June, '42. In August a picnic was given at the National Home for the children at the Home. This picnic is now an annual event and the children look forward to it very eagerly. Much could be written in detail of the accomplishments of the Post, but space does not permit. Our accomplishments are due to the cooperation and teamwork of all the Comrades of the Post. JAMES W. FITZGERALD. "The Best in Fuel" See LEO BRISSON, Jeweler For Diamond Rings, Watches, OWENS COAL COMPANY Clocks, Jewelry, etc. 3600 Central Avenue 5418 West Vernor Hwy. VInewood 1-5414 LAfayette 4211 VICTOR'S CAFE TODT'S PHARMACY 1824-30 Springwells Ave. 8101 West Vernor Hwy. VInewood 2-9792 VInewood 1-7723 Congratulations TO THE POLAR BEAR POST on their 25th ANNIVERSARY Company "C" 339th Infantry Club TWIN PINES FARM DAIRY An Employee and Independent Cooperative 8648 FENKELL UN. 3-7300 11120 ELMDALE AVE. OLive 3090 DETROIT 21, MICHIGAN JOS. SCHLAFF Polar Bear Post Member -i/Jfory o//potar SIear 'lojt rio. 436 The year 1945 represents the 25th milestone in the life of Polar Bear Post 436 Veterans of Foreign Wars. Starting as a fledgling in 1920, it has persistently and consistently weathered all the economic upheavals and disturbances that a span of 25 years could produce. It has grown strong and virile with the passing of time. Its record is one to be envied. Its contribution to every worthy endeavor sponsored by the VFW has been notable. It has never shirked. Its accomplishments are comparable with the best. Its quality of comradeship has never been topped. All this being due to the unselfishness of its membership and their pride in and loyalty to the organization. The following is a list of Past Commanders. These are not necessarily given in sequence of service, but rather as a group, viz: Harry Mead, Walter I. McKenzie, Joel R. Moore, Dwight Fistler, Adolph Anselmi, Thos. L. Battle, John C. Evans, James Howell, H. J. Reimold, Verne Herrington, Walter Dundon, R. J. Vandenberge, Jos. T. Whalen, Fred Wolfe, R. L. Hollister, Clarence Doetsch, Dave Cronberger, Homer Steinhauer, Ed. Goldner, W. E. Bartley, James Fitzgerald, Harry Cicotte, Al Shaffran, Frank Evans and the present commander, John W. Schaff. Their share in the upbuilding of this post is hereby recognized and recorded. Walter I. McKenzie was instrumental in the organization of the Wayne County Council and was its first Commander. R. J. Vandenberge held the honored position of State Commander. Polar Bear Post takes exceptional pride in its 148 sons and daughters of Polar Bears now in the service. We pay deep respect to the four gold stars that adorn this honored service flag: Lt. Robert T. Peters, Sgt. Lester Kitzerow, Corp. Edward Goldner, Pfc. Norbat Voight. The great privilege of membership in this post should be cherished. Every non-member Polar Bear should immediately seek affiliation with this group. The history and background of no other post is as select, exclusive, interesting and unique. Getting their training at Camp Custer in 1917-18, embarking at New York July 22, 1918, landing in England two weeks later in August, leaving Newcastle for the perilous and mine-ridden North Sea Voyage, scraping their backs on the icebergs in the gloomy and forbidding Arctic Ocean in an effort to reach Archangel, Russia, landing there September 4, 1918, wallowing in mud, rain, sleet, snow and vermin in pursuit of a cagy and tough enemy splitting icicles for six months in a temperature of 20-50 below zero, sleeping at night with 4500 polygamous female cooties kissing Hell out of you, fighting for another six months after the Armistice Whistle had blown, prying themselves loose from the icepack in June, 1919, arriving at Brest, France, two weeks later for a session in the Cootie Divorce Court, and finally landing back in the USA in July, 1919. Now, 25 years later, we find ourselves in various disguises, some fat, bald, skinny, gray, but in no sense has the "esprit de corps" degenerated in the slightest. The warmth of kindly sincere and helpful comradeship has intensified. The bonds of friendship have grown stronger and unbreakable. The will to pack into the balance of our earthly sojourn, all the kindness, considerations and good deeds that our association with each other engenders and stimulates is a prime objective. Every Polar Bear worthy of the name will subscribe whole heartedly to this creed of the Brotherhood of Man and seek opportunity to be of service to his post brother, whenever time and occasion dictate. May the years ahead provide a continuance and security of the high position that Polar Bear Post 436 holds in the honor list of the Veterans of Foreign Wars. We are the best known Post at the National Home at Eaton Rapids, Michigan. Why? On the first Sunday in August we sponsor a picnic for all at the National Home. How else can you win the goodwill of 190 children and 18 mothers up there? On August 5, 1945, will be our fifth picnic up there. For the past six years we are the outstanding show sponsors at this Veterans' Hospital at Dearborn. With the help of the Nash Kelvinator employees during five shows this season over 7500 packages of cigarettes were distributed and donated by the Nash employees at our shows. On June 23, 1945, at 6:00 P. M. until 12:30 A. M. we are celebrating our 25th Anniversary at the Fort Shelby Hotel. See you in 1970. PORTLANCE. Congratulations POLAR BEAR POST No. 436 - V. F. W. ON YOUR 25th ANNIVERSARY from DUNLEAVY'S BAR 5061 THIRD STREET Phone TE. 2-8369 Compliments of GEORGE HAVENER Contractor 11097 ST. PATRICK DETROIT 5, MICH. Compliments of FRANK'S BARBER SHOP 12315 GRATIOT AVENUE DETROIT 5, MICH. Member Polar Bear Post 436 /aajt ( omm and ler 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 Harry Mead Walter I. McKenzie Joel R. Moore Joel R. Moore Dwight Fistler Adolph Anselmi Thos. L. Battle John C. Evans Dr. James Howell H. J. Reimold Vern Herrington Walter Dundon R. J. Vandenberge 1933 Jos. T. Whalen 1934 Fred Wolfe 1935 R. L. Hollister 1936 Clarence Doetsch 1937 Dave Cronberger 1938 Homer Steinhauer 1939 Homer Steinhauer 1940 Ed. Goldner 1940-1941 W. E. Bartley 1941-1942 Harry A. Cicotte 1942-1943 James Fitzgerald 1944-1945 Frank Evans i ~ HAVEN OF FLOWERS Flowers for All Occasions 8026 West Vernor, opposite Myers VInewood 2-0711 H. McKillen, Designer Store Hours: Week Days 9-7-Fri.-Sat. 9-10 O'LEARY'S BAR Wine - Beer - Liquor and Mixed Drinks 4738 WEST VERNOR HWY. LAfayette 2046 PARADISE CANDY SHOP Manufacturers of ICE CREAM and CANDY 7938 West Vernor Hwy. VInewood 2-9442 Martin O'Leary I I In Memory of WILLIAM JAMES BOLDING Died January 17, 1945 MRS. WILLIAM BOLDING and SON, BILL, Jr. I.7 Best Wishes TO THE POLAR BEARS on their 25th ANNIVERSARY SCHIMMELS MARKET 11881 GRATIOT AVENUE - I Pvt. James Furlong Pfc. Edwin C. Renner Scott Field, Ill. A.P.O. 246, Unit 2 Army Air Corps San Francisco, Calif. Pfc. Jack L. Dalian Aerial Engineer Hobbs Field. New Mexico:;iii:iii:iii Eugene M. Voight U.S.S. Kadashan Bay V. 3 Div. c/o F.P.M., San Francisco, Cpl. Michael R. Capo Army Air Corps A.P.O. 719, c/o Postmaster San Francisco, Calif. Midshipman Jas. F. Peters U.S.N.R. Ensign Genove M. Durocher Pfc. Arthur Voight Jefferson Barracks, Mo. r Sgt. Ralph J. Voight c/o P.M., San Francisco, Calif. Cpl. Richard Voight 382 Air Service Sqd. c/ o P.M., New York, N. Y. -- Sgt. John C. Small A.P.O. 91 c/o P.O., New York Walter L. Kuhn, Jr. S 2/c RM San Francisco, Calif. Charles J. Miller S M 1,/c San Francisco, Calif. _ __~/=~ ^I__ __~1_ ____ ___ __r_______^l___~__;_I_~__ ~__1_11 In Commemoration of the Members of the North Russian Expeditionary Forces Who Made The Supreme Sacrifice. t WHITE CHAPEL MEMORIAL CEMETERY GREETINGS to the Post and PRAYERS for a Safe and Speedy Return for our Boys and Girls overseas. ALDRICH FUEL and SUPPLY CO. Delco Automatic Heating Equipment Building Supplies- Coal and Coke CLARENCE L. ALDRICH Co. B. 339th Inf. 212 HALTINER ST. RIVER ROUGE 18, MICH. Robt. J. Durocher Beaumont General Hospital El Paso, Texas Lt. James E. Brendtke Bombadier B-29 U.S.A.A.F. Clovis, New Mexico Virginia M. Poster Enlisted Nurse Cadet Lt. Chas. 0. Durocher Navy Pilot c/o P. O., New York Pvt. Adolph Anselmi U. S. Army c/o New York Pfc. Harold Yakey, U.S.M.C. c/o Fleet P. O. San Francisco. Calif. Donald F. Reno, S. 1/c Navy Sea Bee Southwest Pacific Pfc. Patrick A. Capo Camp Carson Conv. Hospital Camp Carson, Colo. James R. Aldrich, M. 2/c U.S.S. Y.M.S. 364 Pacific Theatre George L. Poster Stanley A.P.O., New York, N. Y. Camp E Bernard Kowalski c/o Fleet Base Office San Francisco, Calif. C. Wilczewski Storeman, Calif. A/c William F. Samp C.A.A.F., Childress, Texas 2nd Lt. Robert Carl Peters Army Air Corps October 14, 1943 - European Area Cpl. Edward C. Goldner Infantry November 7, 1944 -France keje~ are trute heroe. of ajh ar..W. 1JheJe men utJ17 a u/l not come tacL. iur paar In t 1 j-itcqq le t,,,, eo, l.,. tr,,, e/, d e lo/I,,.... WE SHALL NOT FAIL THEM!. t~ Staff Sgt. Lester A. Kitzerow Army Air Corps May 21, 1943 -European Area *A Pfc. Norbert J. Voight Infantry April 26, 1945-Okinawa Island Congratulations to Polar Bear Post on their 25th Anniversary TOMMY O'CONNELL CANADIAN ARTILLERY NORTH RUSSIAN FORCES Associated with FINSTERWALD CLOTHES 14365 Gratiot at Seven Mile Road -I Congratulations to the Polar Bears Richard (Dick) Czenkusch Painter and Decorator 12405 RACINE AVENUE Compliments JOE PAVLIN CO. M. 339th PIngree 7830 Richard Nada H. A. 1/c P.O., San Francisco Cpl. Eugene J. Maly Fort Miley San Francisco, Calif. Cpl. Norman V. Maly A.P.O. 464 c/o Postmaster New York, N. Y. Pfc. Herman Schultz A.P.O. 403, New York Cpl. Russell C. Sleep APAAF, Florida Cpl. Eunice Elfman Henderson Hall Arlington, Va. Pvt. William A. Cronberger Cpl. Roland A. Schaff Sec. No. 13, B.A.D. No. 1 A.P.O. 635, c/o Postmaster New York, N. Y. Pfc. David J. Cronberger H. F. WEITENBERNER Res. ARlington 4087 A. F. WEITENBERNER Res. ARlington 5884 WEITENBERNER FUNERAL HOME 13841 GRATIOT AVENUE Phone PIngree 1133 DETROIT 5, MICH. I Compliments of New York Linoleum & Carpet Co. Wholesale and Retail 9630 JOS. CAMPAU AVE. MAdison 8892-3 DETROIT 12, MICH. Branch-8085 HARPER AVE. Wholesale - Retail LUNDGREN'S ICE CREAM Fancy Ice Creams and Sherbets 14453 FORD ROAD Phone ORegon 1880 PLaza 1517 Polar?ear Pot nTo. 436-1944-45 flemnerisip Alfred J. Ackerman Frank Adams Clarence L. Aldrich Vincent Altomare Vito Amico Fred W. Anscombe Adolph Anselmi Dolph Anselmi Vincent Archutowski Percy J. Atkinson Charles R. Balkan John A. Ballenger Paul A. Bandemer Emmett Barnes W. E. Bartley Thomas L. Battle William Baxter Walter E. Bennett William G. Bettin Harold Bidigare John Bielawa Harry G. Blenman Edward F. Bock Leonard E. Boerem William L. Boerem Walter M. Bogdan Bill Boloing Albert Borganson W. E. Boundy Oscar A. Brault Edwin C. Brendtke L. P. Broadbrooks Ransford H. Bromley Arthur R. Brown Arthur W. Brown George J. Brown John J. Brozowski James E. Bryant Aldred Buckler James A. Burbridge Edward J. Burrell Burton F. Campbell Frank R. Campbell Michael P. Capo George P. Carda Anthony Carduchi F. M. Carney W. E. Carrier Peter G. Carroll Paul Castelluzo Joseph Chafetz Joseph F. Chesney Joseph Chinzi Charles Chinzi Artin Chorbogian Harry A. Cicotte John S. M. Clark Edward M. Clements John P. Clock Percy C. Collar Fred C. Comar George E. Comstock Earl Coulter D. E. Crabb Dave S. Cronberger William A. Cronberger Myler G. Crooks Joseph P. Curry John W. Czrwinski John L. Dalian Richard A. Davis Emiel DeBaets A. C. Decker Edward O. Demske Edward S. Dewyer Harold Des Autels Harold DesAutels Aaron M. Diamond Vincent Di Guiseppe James V. Di Lucca Stanley Dinga Charles J. Dirk Charles J. Doebler Edward Doelle William A. Doelle Clarence Doetsch John T. Dombrowski Richard J. Dooley Henry A. Drean Walter Dundon Otto O. Durocher Joseph J. Dwyer Paul S. Eberly Martin N. Eggert Walter H. Ehrler Bernard Elfman W. A. Ellis Joseph Elwart Frank H. Evans John C. Evans Thomas Fecko W. H. Fernwood George W. Feucht Fred Fink Edwin E. Fisher James W. Fitzgerald Lee M. Fitzpatrick Robert B. Flack Edward H. Flaherty Ross H. Fluery Bruce W. Foreit William J. Foreit Hugo C. Forth James D. Francis Francis V. Fraser Al Freeman Fred C. Freiberg Ray Fretz Seymour W. Frohn William J. Furlong Walter Gamka Joseph E. Garbinski Frederick F. Gatfield Herman E. Gatzka Joseph H. Gaynor Ray L. Gaynor Albert E. Geltz George B. Geyman Louis W. Gladych Edward C. Goldner, Jr. Edward Goldner John Gonska Harry Gracie William J. Graham Mathew Grahek Carl E. Gras Leonardo Grimaldi John A. Grubba A. W. Hagerman Edgar G. Hague John J. Halsey Carson R. Harrington Frank Hart Dayton Harvey George Havener Bert Heard Joseph J. Heinz Ralph E. Heinz Emil Heldman Arthur F. Henze A. F. Henze, Jr. V. E. Herrington Theodore A Hilaride H. C. Hochlander Arthur F. Hoerauf Louis J. Hofman R. L. Hollister William Hosler Peter A. Howard Walter Hudas John L. Hunter A. J. Jemal Charles W. Johnson H. Glen Johnson Leo A. Johnson Edward M. Jonas Joseph Karapuz Frank J. Kaszuba Albert Kiel Steve Kielczewski Douglas C. Kimber E. L. Kingsbury John S. Klemans Philip L. Klemuk Hal A. Klieman Walter E. Kloock Earl H. Knapp Louis E. Knittle Walter C. Knorr Nick J. Kook Norman A. Korf B. P. Kowalski Walter T. Kudsin Art W. Kuhn Walter Kuhn Edward Kuptz E. I. Kurunsarri George Kyak C. A. Lanckreit Alfred M. Larsen C. F. Latoszewicz Jens C. Laursen Charles L. LeGrange Clayton G. Lenox J. E. Lewandowski Ben B. Lewis George A. Lewis Albert J. Lilly Milton Link J. J. Linzmeyer Roy Look, Jr. I __ _ _ _ Congratulations on your 25th Anniversary OTTO W. HERPICH'S DUGOUT 14323 MICHIGAN AVENUE Phone ORegon 9601 DEARBORN Meet Me at Pisula's PISULA'S BAR 7615 MICHIGAN AVENUE VInewood 2-9302 Compliments of B. & G. CANDY CO. 444 EAST JEFFERSON AVE. RAndolph 8703 DETROIT 26, MICH. I. ________________________________ __________________ Polar Iear /ot t/o. 436-1944-45 fferemleritip Roy D. Look George E. Lynds George Maas Michael Macalla Allan H. MacGregor Walter Macbeth John W. Magin Walter S. Makaras Ameen Malooly John W. Maly Louis Marietta George M. Martin Dr. R. M. Martin Roy W. Martin O. Mastrogiovanni Elwood J. Mauer M. J. Maychrzak Harold C. Mayer Harry A. Mead Buel J. Merritt George Messer Alex Metz Surkees Michael Emory J. Miller Harry Miller Roy C. Miller H. G. Montgomery L. K. Montgomery James E. Moran Joel R. Moore Joseph J. Moshinski Hon. Joseph J. Moynihan Ferdinand A. Mrock Patrick Mulrooney Carl A. Munch Arthur A. Muntz Alexander Murasky Leon McAuley Thomas J. McCann Charles R. McGinn Charles W. McGowan Leo J. McIntosh Forest E. McKee Walter I. McKenzie Harry K. McKinney Francis J. McKinney Charles E. McLeod Thomas A. McLeod Hugh D. McPhail Whitney McQuire George Nada Samuel J. Nakis Philip A. Napolitan Antoni Nasilowski Isadore Navetta Arthur Needham Forest G. Nichols J. Brooks Nichols Gus Noly Carl E. Noren Stanley Novak Frank L. O'Connor Thomas J. O'Connell Albin Olechowski Max Ostrow George H. Palmer Harry Pappas Alex Parlow Robert Patching Fred T. Patton George Patru Joseph J. Pavlin Joseph Pawlak Walter A. Pegowske Edmund F. Peitz Edward J. Pelant John J. Peralta Carl F. Peters John Petrowskas M. J. Pike A. Frederick Pinoniemi William Piolowski Robert E. Plunkett William M. Polom Alonzo Portlance Anthony B. Porzondek A. F. Posnik George L. Poster John P. Poster Joseph Powelski Arthur Priest Arthur Prince Theodore L. Proefrock Thomas J. Quinn Edward Raby John J. Raczka Thomas J. Rapp H. J. Reimold Paul M. Reinke Edwin H. Renner Edwin G. Renner Allan G. Rennie George H. Reno A. C. Reppenhagen J. A. Reske BOGDAN'S DRY GOODS 12347 GRATIOT AVENUE DETROIT 5, MICH. Member of Polar Bear Post EXCELSIOR TAILORS Cleaning - Pressing Remodeling - Furrier 8617 VAN DYKE near Miller Phone PLaza 1669 OTTO LANZ, Prop. Compliments of KERCHEVAL FURNITURE SHOPS Your Home Should Come First Furniture of Quality and Philco Radios 13324 KERCHEVAL AVE. Phone LEnox 3656 JOS. P. COHNEN, Prop. Compliments of THE CHILDREN'S SHOPPE ESTABLISHED 1924 Infants to 12 Years 8912 GRAND RIVER AVE. Phone TYler 4-2555 K. HOWARD STANLEYS Red Arrow Cafe Corner LELAND and DUBOIS DETROIT 7, MICH. S. KROSNICKI, Prop. World War No. 1 Veteran Polar Jear poJt lo. 436-1944-45 femiern ip Howard M. Reynolds H. A. Richards Albert Richter H. W. Rindfleisch Enzo H. Roma Frank Romanski Norbet Rozanski Carl E. Rump Albert F. Rupp Alfred F. Rutty Joseph Sadowski Hugo K. Salchow William J. Samp Fred A. Sauer Joseph Scalici John W. Schaff Roland A. Schaff Herman F. Scheiter J. A. Schiappacasse W. H. Schildroth Peter F. Schiller Joseph A. Schlaff Raymond J. Schornak Felix J. Schornak John Schrifer Herman S. Schultz William A. Schultz Charles Senzik Maurice Serch Albert L. Shaffran Joseph C. Sherman John N. Shurnneau James H. Sibley Lawrence M. Simpson Clarence T. Sleep John Small John C. Small, Jr. Adolph R. Smith Douglas R. Smith George E. Smith Gordon W. Smith Walter C. Smith Mrs. Charles Spring Rudolph Stahlbuck Howard A. Stafford Homer Steinhauer Meyer Steinman Earl M. Stewart Carl W. Stihler Harry R. Stihler Philip Stone Herbert J. Strasler J. Truman Streng Joseph Stuchel Stephen Stypinski Felix Switnak Wallis Szymczak Joseph Taube John Thomas Roy D. Thomas Khoran Thomassian Harry B. Thompson Edward Timm Paul Tobin Linton H. Todd Louis Tolari Joseph Torre Steve Traister Ignacy Ulatowski Clarence Ustarbowski Joseph Ustarbowski Raymond P. Ustarbowski Arie Van Wingerden John A. Van Wingerden Nicholas Van Wingerden Ralph J. Voight Eugene M. Voight Norbet J. Voight John C. Voight Richard Voight Steve Vujcik James R. Waggener Frank Walker William J. Walsh Harry Wambin Herman Weisberg Virgil D. Werts John J. Weston Joseph T. Whalen Robert Whalen William Wilckeling Kazmer Wilczewski Leon E. Willett H. B. Williams Glen Winslow Richard Winters Frank J. Wisnowski Louis K. Wood William A. Wood Edward E. Woodlan E. F. Wright William A. Wrobel Fred C. Yager Joseph H. Yakey Joseph J. Yakey Charles Yanchitis George R. Yohey Ernest Zabel Joseph Zaikowski Theodore J. Zech Eric Zeller Nick Zelenski William Zelmonowski Edward Zischerek Compliments of WALLED LAKE TAVERN "Amusement Park Entrance" Operated by ROBERT M. CZERWINSKI A Polar Bear Cub -. Compliments of Compliments from JOHN J. KOZAREN YOUR COUNTY TREASURER Elect EDWARD W. FREY COUNCILMAN Casper J. Lingeman YOUR COUNTY CLERK Compliments of ROY J. KAUL Funeral Homes ST. CLAIR SHORES-ROscvillc 0802 ROSEVILLE - ROseville 0902 Member of Polar Bear Association Progressive-Practical-Experienced Qualified-Native Detroiter No. 34 ON YOUR VOTING DIAL "Keep Your Eye On Frey" L eD)eceajedl if/emterj of polar I ear Po[1 %/o. 436 Fletcher Atkins Francis L. Ausher Ernest E. Ballard -Lee W. Bildat W. J. Bolding Joseph A. Brusseau C. J. Buchanan Julius W. Burau Orla Collier H. E. Coniam George A. Coopersmith John Davis Meashi Dedian Rene Ehret Alfred Eising Stanley Falkowski Oscar E. Felber G. A. Frederick William G. Froelich John C. Gaber Edward C. Goldner, Jr. Philip Grossman A. L. Hauge Herman Hoemke Leo A. Hoinacki Otto Hummel Herman Kaminski Stanley Karpinski Theodore W. Kolbe Clifton B. Knight Joesph LaVeck Glenn W. Leitzell Edward C. Lennon Raymond H. Linsell V. M. Lukowiak E. J. Masterson John Milen Ralph McGregor Norman F. Nash John Nebiola Frank Olschefski Theodore W. Pautsch Albert J. Penry Howard Petley Frank L. Putnam - Julius Raab Garry Rankin A. Reichenbach Walter Rosenau Charles B. Ryan Michael J. Scanlon Peter F. Schultz Theodore Sieloff Steve Stempcyzenski Vern Stocking Paul Tannhauser J. F. Voight Norbet J. Voight William Votruba Alex Walans George M. Walker Ralph V. Walker Paul F. Wendlowsky ~1 FISHER WALL PAPER CO. Wall Paper and Paint 5840 WOODWARD AVE. and FOUR BRANCH STORES TRinity 1-4500 Compliments of STRATFORD THEATRE 4751 WEST VERNOR HWY. LAfayette 4220 Distinctive Furniture To Fit Your Budget BYRNE Greetings from WHITNEY McQUIRE Co. I - 339th Inf FURNITURE CO. Floor Coverings and Appliances 4857 WEST VERNOR HWY. LAfayette 4207 Congratulations Polar Bears EDWARD M. DOELLE and daughter, Wave: Marie Doelle Martin, Ph.M. 3/c, of Pensacola, Fla. Supply Co. 339th Inf. Greetings and Best Wishes EDWIN RENNER- HQ. Co..ANN= Best Wishes on your 25th Anniversary H. GLEN JOHNSON -"E" Co. Congratulations to the Polar Bears i on their 25th Anniversary JOHN VOIGHT - HQ. Co. Congratulations to that Grand Old Gang See you in 1970 | JACK DALIAN- Hdqs. Co. WM. A. SCHULZ 1589 Dickerson- Detroit 15, Mich. Co. L. -........ Anniversary Greetings to all POLAR BEARS May this be a happy event for us living- with a prayer for our departed Buddies. P. G. CARROLL- Co. C. 339th Inf. Congratulations on your 25th Anniversary LEE FITZPATRICK - M. G. Co. - -- -- KARLE'S BAR 6218 WEST VERNOR HWY. VInewood 2-9561 Compliments of ST. GABRIELS USHER'S CLUB ST. GABRIELS PARISH 8118 WEST VERNOR IHWY. WM. F. HACKETT & SON Funeral Directors 5616 WEST VERNOR HWY. Compliments of BILL'S BAR 8722 WEST VERNOR HWY. VInewood 2-9570 LAfayette 4920 _ _ __ __ Congratulations to My Old Gang WALTER KUHN - H. Q. Co. Phone TR. 2-5574 Past Commander THOS. L. BATTLE 1926 Past Commander WALTER DUNDON 1931 Past Commander FRANK H. EVANS 1944-45 We Have Comradeship - We Have Fun We Need Your Cooperation HOMER M. STEINHAUER Congratulations To All Polar Bears NICK ZELENSKI - Co. I CPL. JOHN J. BROZOWSKI 2308 Woodmere Ave. - Detroit 9, Mich. ART KNITTING MILLS 4760 GRAND RIVER, near 14th.L I THE PADDEN SHOP Your Neighborhood DRY GOODS STORE 7946 WEST VERNOR HWY. VInewood 1-1727 I l HOFFMAN Cleaners - Furriers BRANCHES 5854 W. VERNOR - LAfayette 1210 7910 W. VERNOR-VInewood 1-4838 BAETZ BROS. Men's and Boy's Outfitters 7847 WEST VERNOR HWY. TERRY McGOVERN Funeral Director 5827 WEST VERNOR HWY. VInewood 1-0757 VInewood 1-8230 Midnight:: Al Dole 7qW.......... Compliments of DR. LOUIS I. PERRIN 5001 FOURTEENTH STREET DETROIT Good Luck Polar Bears Compliments of Dr. W. J. LASSALINE 5455 WEST VERNOR HWY. LAfayette 4910 Compliments of Dr. Edward D. King Dr. Mebourne J. King LAfayettc 3333 Compliments to the Polar Bears Dr. W. B. HARM 5884 WEST VERNOR HWY. LAfayette 5270 UNiversity 2-3044 lJii o Sonj anda Daugteri o pola r ear odt.l W. fl o. 436 in Wortd War 2 Frank Doetsch James F. Peters Robert C. Peters, Died Richard Garzka William Boerem Charles Durocher Francis Fraser William A. Robinson Charles Chinzi Richard Decker Benj. Grimaldi Geo. L. Poster Vernon E. Herrington Norman V. Maly Emment W. Barnes John E. Dombrowski Bernard Eggert James R. Aldrich Frederick Rindfleisch Robert L. Hollister Chester Archutowski Edward Lewandowski Wm. A. Wood Charles Geo. Miller Marvin Weisberg Ralph Voight Rollin W. Pegowski Ray Keilczewski Allen Ostrow Ray Doebler Lester Kitzerow, Died Albert Forett Bruce Foreit Ralph Stypinski Stephen Stypinski John A. McGinn Geo. F. Coopersmith Geo. Scalici Roland A. Schaff Kenneth Rupp Lawrence Montgomery Howard J. Weston Edwin G. Renner David J. Cronberger Raymond J. Schornk Charles E. Doebler Vincent Eggert Martin Eggert Helen Mae Jonas William Thomas Edward C. Goldner, Died Ralph Posnik George Adams Norbet J. Lewandowski Robert Weston Lewis K. Wood Eugene Maly Harry B. Barnes Domenico J. Peralta A. Navetta Robert Harvey Bernard Gambka Edwin W. Gambka Arnold F. Wisnowski Michael R. Capo Patrick A. Capo Jack Dalian William A. Doelle Dolph Anselmi Arthur Henze E. H. Flaherty Herman S. Schultz Jerome R. Stocking Eugene M. Voight Charles G. Latoszewicz R. E. Winters John F. Hunter William F. Samp Richard L. Nada Harold Yakey Gerald Kudsin Joe A. Murawski Ray A. Dombrowski James E. Brendtke Richard J. Voight Bruce T. Flack John P. McPhail Hugh D. McPhail John C. Small Stephen Keelczewski Jos. J. Karapuz James R. Waggoner Richard C. Scheiter Donald F. Reno Robt. J. Durocher Clarence Ustarbowski Arthur C. Reppenhagen Henry J. Szmczak Ray Lee Gaynor Carl W. Johnson Walter Archutowski B. Needham Harold Bidadere Eunice Elfman, Marine Orla E. Collier James Furlong Melvin Doebler Howard Foreit E. Roma Armando Roma R. R. Fretz Marie Doelle, Wave, P.H.M. 3/c Frank Scalici Santino Scalici Ronald J. Weston John G. Coopersmith Milton H. Scheiter N. Van Wingerden Russell C. Sleep Arthur W. Kuhn Norbet J. Voight Anthony Chinzi Delbert F. Gatzka Frank E. Bryant Stanley C. Wilezewski Samuel Dedian Thomas Montgomery Arthur A. Voight William A. Cronberger George P. Lenox Clayton R. Lenox Fred M. Comer Charles Dedian Raymond P. Bandemer Joseph Tolari Ralph E. Hinz Ralph F. Porzondek Andrew Porzondek Robert Look Bernard L. Kowalski Gordon C. Smith Ens'n Genovee M. Durocher Virginia Poster, Nurse John A. Van Wingerdan Chas. Debaets Thomas R. Winters JIMMIE KELLY "The House of Fine Foods" WEST VERNOR at WATERMAN Phone VInewood 2-9512 -5 FEDERAL ROOFING CO. "Since 1921" 2117 Springwells - VI. 1-2077 John T. Bauer UPSON SERVICE 2105 SPRINGWELLS AVE. VInewood 2-9653- LAfayette 8029 James D. Upson, Veteran F.W. WALTER A. BAUMAN Men's Shop Featuring-Distinct Merchandise At Reasonable Prices 7840 West Vernor, next to Fintex FRED'S BARBER SHOP 8034 WEST VERNOR HWY. - - DETROLA Builders in war of military radio receivers, transmitters, mine detectors and other electronic equipment. Builders in peace of home and automobile radios, record players and television receivers of incomparable beauty and value. DETROLA RADIO DIVISION INTERNATIONAL DETROLA CORPORATION DETROIT (Other Plants in Elkhart and Indianapolis) Compliments of COMMERCIAL PAINTERS 509 BASSO BUILDING DETROIT 2, MICHIGAN,I EDISON CLOTHES Men's, Ladies' 6 Children's Apparel 8041 West Vernor Hwy. VInewood 1-2418 Open Evenings RIO BAR 7629 West Vernor Hwy. VInewood 2-9132 JOE CONLEY BAR 5423 West Vernor Hwy. Greeting Cards Gifts for Servicemen and Women Rossman Religious Store 1730 Junction Ave. LA. 9693 Across from Holy Redeemer __ II_____I I I I ENTERTAINMENT COMMITTEES Jack Dalian, Chairman Glen Johnson Frank Evans John Voight Lee Fitzpatrick George Reno Stanley Novak Albert Richter Joe Elwart Ben Kowalski Ed. Kuptz Louis Marrietta Ed. Goldner James Fitzgerald Joe Yakey MEMORIAL DAY, 1945 On the other side of Tomorrow Is a host of Pals, that once we knew. On this, their Day, we pause to greet"To You, All Honor, Fellows, we haven't forgotten you." And as the names are slowly read, To the bugle's mournful plaint, Do not for your Buddies grieve, you'll meet againThey've just gone on ahead. For us, Sojourners in Today, They left a sacred duty-we must carry on, Keep alive the things they stood for, Hold the torch of Freedom Against the menace of the day. When the last Roll Call shall have sounded, When hatred has come to an end, Then shall the Rainbow of Peace Everlasting Over this world extend. 25th ANNIVERSARY COMMITTEES Jack Dalian, Chairman PUBLICITY Alonzo Portlance WELCOME COMMITTEE Ed. Goldner James Fitzgerald Joe Elwart Louis Marrietta John Voight SOUVENIR PROGRAM COMMITTEE Jack Dalian Alonzo Portlance WHERE? Where are the neighbor boys tonight? Their voices are silent on the street; I hear no crack of the baseball bats, Or the swiftly running youthful feet. Where are the neighbor boys tonight? I do not see them on bikes or skates; No more they stand 'neath the corner light, Or shrilly whistle to call their mates. Where are the neighbor boys tonight? In their country's cause they've journeyed far. The street is quiet and solemn now With never a youngster's shout to mar. And some of us may have wished it so In the by-gone hours of careless pranks; But oh, if the kids were back again, For their noisy: ways we would offer thanks. HENRY P. REGAN. I OLD ENGLISH COCKTAIL BAR 7842 WEST VERNOR HIGHWAY Elsie Morris, Prop. Phone VInewood 2-9826 LEE JEWELRY COMPANY Perfect Diamonds 7921 West Vernor Hwy. VInewood 1-1866 I J. GERALD BROWN, D.D.S. 7925 West Vernor at Springwells VInewood 1-0808 ALVIN FURNITURE CO. Highest Grade Furniture From Factory to You Liberal Allowance on Your Used Furniture FERNDALE DEPARTMENT STORE Ladies' and Childrens' Ready-to- Wear Dry Goods, Millinery and Infants'Dept. 7924 West Vernor Hwy. VInewood 1-0985 71 Easy Terms 861 W. Vernor Hwy. VI. 2-9520 polar Lear /oit flo. 436 - 25tk /nniverjary By FRANK HART Polar Bear Post Surgeon An Anniversary where the handclasp is a little stronger And where the smiles dwell a little longer, That's where the Post comes in. And where the sun is a little brighter, Where comrades treat each other a little whiter And the bonds of the past a wee bit tighter, That's where the Post comes in. Over its walls the skies seem bluer, Friendship within it a little truer. That's where the Post comes in. There's a stream of happiness, banks overflowing, And the richest reaping from comrades sowingThat's where the Post comes in. And when young comrades are in the making Or someone's heart with grief is aching, That's where the Post comes in. Where there's more singing and less of sighing, Where there's more of living and less of crying And the strong to help and the weak keep trying, THAT'S WHERE THE POST COMES IN. IF PLANNING A PARTY Call UNITED NEWS CO. 24 WEST JEFFERSON AVE. Greetings to All Polar Bears JOSEPH CHAFETZ MEMBER L. CO. 339th Inf. CAdillac 6697-6698 _ _ _ __ _ -----— ~I -- -— Y-LI To All Polar Bears Everywhere On This, Our 25th Anniversary ZDRASTVOTIE! BERNARD J. ELFMAN CHICAGO 337th AMBULANCE COMPANY - Compliments of ALFRED M. LARSEN Co. "D"- 339th 17535 WOODINGHAM DRIVE IN MEMORIAM To Our Neighborhood Boys Boys who gave their all. The Central Hardware Co. 5038 Joy Road Half Block East of Grand River Compliments of S. & 5000 Joy C. DINING CAR Road, East of Grand River Good Food T. Clements, Mgr. TOMMY TAYLOR'S Sunoco Service 6261 West Vernor at Livernois Complete Service Motor Tune-Up and Overhaul Phone VI. 2-9770 Congratulations Compliments of JAMES FITZGERALD to the Polar Bear Post 25th Anniversary Past Commander AL SHAFFRAN Past Commander POLAR BEAR POST PAST COMMANDER Beginning of World War I 100 percent Paid Up Membership First Defense Bonds Bought (1000.00) Beat Fairview Post 57 to 31 Sons in Service Started Feather Party 587.20 Increase in Membership 81 GLASS BAR 10916 MACK AVENUE HARRY A. CICOTTE COMMANDER -1941-1942 Apr. 25, 1941 to Apr. 10, 1942 EDWARD ZISCHERK Polar Bear Post and "M" Co. HOTEL FORT SHELBY DETROIT 26, MICH. "Aglow With Friendliness " NINE HUNDRED ROOMS J. E. FRAWLEY, General Manager I Compliments GLENNWOOD BAR 14001 GRATIOT AVE. We are here to serve you Jos. DeLoria Frank Schoenherr Fort Gratiot Post 2254 Prop. Compliments to THE POLAR BEARS WEINGER'S DELICATESSEN 13229 EAST JEFFERSON.. WEST WARREN AUTO PARTS Auto Glass Installed 3409 WEST WARREN AVE. Compliments of SENIOR VICE COMMANDER EDWARD M. JONAS Compliments of WILLIAM J. 20 YRS. ASS'T CORPORATION COUNSEL Candidate for JUIGE TRAFFIC C O U RT PRIMARIES-AUGUST 7, 1945 KRUN-CHEE POTATO CHIP CO. Buy Krun-Chee Potato Chips and you buy the best 4924 Joy Road TYler 4-6032 Compliments of RALPH W. TROTTER Past Department Commander 1934-1935 WALTER KLOOCK Supply Co. 339th Inf. One arrangement with us covers every Funeral Detail JOHN D. MARTENSON "Southwest Detroit's Most Beautiful Funeral Home" 1725 Lawndale Avenue VInewood 1-6607 Greetings from WORLD WAR VETERANS Employed in the Offce of ALBERT E. COBO CITY TREASURER * * * CHAS. N. WILLIAMS Deputy Treasurer WM. BARNARD OREN BOWEN JAS. CARTER RAY CLINTON GEO. FEUCHT TENNY FLAKE AL HILEMAN AL HOGAN GENE JACKSON WALT JOLITZ NORB KEULER MIKE MACALLA THOS. MANN EDW. MARTZ FRANK McCARTHY RUSS METCALF CLARENCE MILLER OSCAR RUSCHMAN LOYAL SEYLER HOMER STEINHAUER I, - - - I I Hi Comrades of Archangel Buck Pvt. Walter Schildroth Hdqr. Co. 339th Inf. 9230 Yosemite Ave. TYler 5-4510 FURLOUGH MOTHER Others may have his time, if only he is home And though I gave him birth, there's nothing on this earth, That I'll be jealous of. Nights are for sweethearts, freinds —I care not where they roam As long as in the day, I hear him laugh and say, "Mother, I'm glad I'm home." -J. FRED LAWTON. A. L. BRUCE and SON Jewelers 2223 Springwells Ave. DRS. MORRISON & SMITH 2225 Springwells Ave. VInewood 1-2152 -. —, I ~II I I I Buddies HERE WE ARE Greetings from LEATHERMAN'S CURBSTONE BAND BOUQUETS EMIL WRIGHT-California. In spite of distance, a faithful and loyal Post Member, a Charter member. BARNEY ELFMAN-Chicago. Sticks with Polar Bear Post, his first love-a loyal member. JACK DALIAN. The maximum of loyalty and unselfishness in promoting the interest of Polar Bear Post. JOE ELWART. An outstanding loyal and willing helper. STANLEY NOVAK. For consistent attendance and sincere interest in Post matters. GEORGE RENO. Faithful, reliable, dependable and trustworthy. LOUIS MARIETTA. 25 years of continuous loyalty and service. ALFRED LARSEN. Always up front in contributing to the success of all Polar Bear events. BUEL MERRITT. For his good work in securing cigarettes for the Dearborn Hospital vets. HEINIE REIMOLD. For his long years of service to the Post. CLARENCE SLEEP. For keeping the records nice and straight and not cheating us. STEVE TRAISTER. For his 100% Americanism. JACK CZWERINSKI. For his liberality and generosity toward all Polar Bear endeavors. ED. KUPTZ. The big boy with that big grin and ever willing. HARRY (Tiny) MILLER. What, no Kielbasa today? No points, no fish. JOHN VOIGHT. The old boy has been pushing that old Polar Bear along a long time. BEN KOWALSKI. No smelts, no work. Compliments of WAYNE CREAMERY Detroit's Most Modern Dairy 1612 WATERMAN AVENUE VInewood 1-0336 O. M. CAMPBELL Furniture VInewood 1-0526 2214 SPRINGWELLS RED ROBIN BAR 8020 WEST VERNOR HWY. PARADISE FOODS CO. Potato Chips —Oke-Dokes Pop Corn-Pretzels 5688 West Vernor Hwy. LAfayette 0266 Flowers for All Occasions KIENZLE'S FLOWERS Orchids-Gardenias 5447 West Vernor Hwy. LAfayette 8086 Compliments of MACHINE GUN CO. 339th Inf. ALL TOGETHER, "HIP-HIP" CONGRATULATIONS, POLAR BEARS JOSEPH POWELSKI, "E" Co., 339th Inf. JOHN F. FOSTER, "E" Co., 339th Inf. HOWARD N. REYNOLDS, "E" Co., 339th Inf. EMIL J. DE BAETS, "E" Co., 339th Inf. MICHAEL MACALLA, "G" Co., 339th Inf. GEORGE MESSER, "F" Co., 339th Inf. CLARENCE T. SLEEP, "HDQS" Co., 339th Inf. ALBERT KIEL, "HDQS" Co., 339th Inf. JOHN W. SCHAFF, "HDQS" Co., 339th Inf. AL RENNIE, JOSEPH J. YAKEY, "M. G." Co., 339th Inf. ADOLPH ANSELMI, "HDQS". LOUIS KNITTLE, "HDQS". WILLIAM WILCKELING, "HDQS". MICHAEL J. MAYCHRZAK, "HDQS". FRANK H. EVANS, "HDQS". VINCENT ALTOMARE, "HDQS". LOUIS MARIETTA, "HDQS". FRANK HART, Med. Det. J. A. SCHIAPPACASSE, "K" Co. ALBIN OLECHOWSKI, "K" Co. FRED FREIBERG, "K" Co. HARRY McKINNEY, "M.G." Co. WM. M. POLOM, "M.G." Co. JOE ELWART, "L" Co. R. C. STAHLBUCK, "L" Co. STANLEY NOVAK, "F" Co. ED. KUPTZ, Supply. JOSEPH RISKE, "I" Co. GEO. FEUGHT, "H" Co. Co. A, 339th Inf. LOUIS DRESSLER, 8017 W. Vernor. CINDERELLA BARBERS 13331 E. Jefferson Ave. HARRY MILLER, "HDQS" Co. HARRY THOMPSON, "M.G." Co. CARL E. NOREN, Co. C, 339th Inf. CHARLES W. McGOWAN, "C" Co. Jt1ani _-c/eri er IFOR MAKING OUR TWENTY-FIFTH ANNIVERSARY A SUCCESS 9ota L, a P04 "'..A uitograpti of N/ J rienJ i-h e Jini h We are mighty proud of this 25th anniversary get-together here on June 23, 1945. We are very cocky, and crowing over this fine 25th anniversary souvenir program. It could have been better, it may have been without mistakes. If we have overlooked something or hurt anyone's feelings we are sorry, and humbly apologize to you. We did the best that we could with the conditions, and we're still crowing, but wishing that we were supermen and could please all of you. Our mistakes were not intentional, just overlooked pleasing all of you. If any complaints, or bouquets, please drop us a line. We thank Mr. Wing, of the Wing Printing Co., and Mr. Towne, of the Cadillac Color Plate Co., for their fine cooperation in helping us on this Super De Luxe program. We do hope that you are as pleased as we are on this day. Again thanking all of you for your cooperation. Jack Dalian and the 25th Anniversary Committee. - J4n.Muwita s /ieldi * (After Flanders Fields) -K>< In Russia's fields no poppies grow. * K There are no crosses row on row To mark the places where we lie, No larks so gayly singing fly * -K As in the fields of Flanders. We are the dead. Not long ago, We fought beside you in the snow * And gave our lives,.and here we lie Though scarcely knowing reason why ***********,***** Like those who died in Flanders. *************** At Ust Padenga where we fell In Toulgas woods we scattered sleep, * On Railroad, Kodish, shot and shell Chekuevo and Kitsa's tangles creep We faced, from just as fierce a foe Across our lonely graves. At night * As those who sleep where poppies grow, The doleful screech owl's dismal flight. Our comrades brave in Flanders. Heart-breaking screams in Russia. * **************** Near railroad bridge at Four-five-eight, *************** And Chamova's woods, our bitter fate, K We met. We fell before the Reds * Where wolves now howl above our heads -Kt In far off lonely Russia. * In Shegovari's desperate fight, * Vistavka's siege and Seltso's night, In Bolsheozerki's hemmed-in wood, In Karpogor, till death we stood Like they who died in Flanders. And some in Archangel are laid I 'Neath rows of crosses Russian-made A With marker of the Stars and Stripes * Not minding bugle, drum or pipes. -K j We sleep, the brave, in Russia. * s And comrades, as you gather far away ' In God's own land on some bright day And think of us who died and rest,, A Just tell our folks we did our best In far off fields of Russia. * TK - *6 WING -60