Co I / ~ \ L I B R A R Y INSTITUTE FOR FISHERIES RESEARCH University Mluseums Annex Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104 ThE OCCURRENCE OF YOUNG FISHES IN THE MICHIGAN COASTAL WATERS OF THE GREAT LAKES 0 by Richard A. Cole, Joel Schieffer, John Werther and Norman Van Wagner School of Natural Resources Department of Fish and Wildlife Michigan State University Michigan Department of Natural Resources Fisheries Division Technical Report Number 78-1 Submitted for publication, January 1978 This document was prepared in part through financial assistance provided by the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972 administered by the Office of Coastal Zone Management National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and by the Michigan Coastal Management Program, Division of Land Resource Programs, Department of Natural Resources. ACK NOWLEDGEMENTS Drs. Eugene W. Roelofs and Niles R. Kevern helped administer the contract with the Michigan Department of Natural Resources. We thank all those persons and organizations listed in Appendices 2 and 3 for their conLributions to this review. We also thank Asa Wright of the Michigan Department of Natural Resources for his advice and review of the manuscript. The study was furnished in part by the Michigan Department of Natural Resources and the Office of Coastal Zone Management, National Oceanis and Atmospheric Administration. ABSTRACT This report summariaes recent knowledge of the occurrence of larval and juvenile fishes in the Mi-chigan coastal zone of the Great Lakes. It relies on reports from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the Michigan Department of Natural Resources anria private utilities, as well as other published material and personal communication. It may serve as a preliminary inventory of the young fishes reported in Michigan coastal wa-ers. T.A-BLEJ OF CONTEUTTS Pag e i ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF FI1-GURES LITOF TALiE--.iS iv v AB STRAC T INTRODUCTION METHODS THE OBJECTIVES PROCEDURES R,-ESULTS AND DISCUSSION REFERENCES CITED APPENDICES APPENDIX 1. Rieviewing form APPENDIX 2-. Persons and organizations contacted -APPENDIX 3. Persons and organizations that provided data included in this report APPENDIX 4. Literature related indirectly to the distribution of young fishes in the Michigan Great Lakes APPNDI 5.Species reported for the Great Lakes (Rolan and Skoch., 1975) and captured in the studies compiled for this report APPENDIX 6. County summiary of all locations sampled, gear used and fish captured LAKE MICHIG-TAN Berrien Van Buren Allegan Ottawa Muskegron vi 3 62 64 6 6 67 70 8o 87 87 87 97 99 101 104 ii Oceana 107 Mason 109 Manistee 113 Benzie 115 Leelanau 1.17 Grand Traverse 121 Antrim 121 Charlevoix 124 Emmet 127 Delta 131 LAKE SUPERIOR 132 Marquette 132 LAKE HURON 142 Sanilac 142 Huron 142 Tuscola 150 Bay 150 Arenac 158 losco 160 Alcona 162 Alpena 164 Presque Isle 168 Cheboygan 172 Mackinac 174 Chippewa 1.80 ST. CLAIR - DETROIT RIVER SYSTEM 184 Wayne 184 Macomb 189 St. Clair 191 LAKE ERIE 196 Monroe 196 iii TLISTF OF FIGULSES FI-II ýre-Pae 1 Sit-es sampl)Jed on Lake M4rI~higani. 4 2 Sites s' pl ed on Lak-Ie Super-ior............................ 13 Sites sampled on Lake -Hu-ron........................... 6 4 Sites s ampl--e d on..thfe St ClIad.Ir Detroit River system 7 5 Sites Sampled on Lak.e Erie o.........1 6 Sites sampled near the Monroe Power Plant on Lake Erie9 iv LIST OF TABLES Table Page 1 Incidences of 0immTature fishes in the Great Lakes a!ong the State of Michigan shore.......... 10 -2 Frequency of occurrence of larval (L) and juvenile (J) fish in southern Lake Michigan (stati.ons are identified in Figure 1)............... 14-17 3 Frequency of occurrence of larval (L) and juvenile (J) fish in northern Lake Michigan (stations are identified in Figure 1). Other letters Indicate adult (A), youngof-the-year (Y), or unknown age (0)..... 18-21 4 Frequency of occurrence of larval (L) and juvenile (J) fish in Lake Superior (stations are identified in Figure 2). Other lettersindicate adult (A), young-of-the-year (Y), or unknown age (0)............. 22-25 5 Frequency of occurrence of larval (L) and juvenile (J) fish in northern Lake Huron (stations are identified in Figure 3). Other letters indicate adult (A), young-ofthe-year (Y), or unknown age (0)...........26-29 6 Frequency of occurrence of larval (L) and juvenile (J) fish in southern Lake Huron (stations are identified in Figure 3). Other letters indicate adult (A), young-ofthe-year (Y), or unknown age (0)..........30-33 7 Frequency of occurrence of larval (L) and juvenile (J) fish in the Detroi- River, Lake St. Clair and the St. Clair River (stations are identified in Figure 4). Other letters indicate adult (A),. young-of-the-year (Y), or unknown age (0)................... 34-37 8 Frequency of occurrence of larval (L) and juvenile (J) fish in Lake Erie (stations are identified in Figure 6). Other letters indicate adult (A), young-of-the-year (Y), or unknown age (0).............. 38-57 9 Methodologies used to sample young fishes at sites summarized for this report. Each number represents the number of sites where the technique was applied...60 v INTRODUCTION This report presentsi a compilation of rec~Lnt information on the occurrence of larval,and juvenile fish along the Michigan state coastline of the Great Lakes. The data could form ai foundational reference for management decisions in coastal zones as long as their extensive limitations are recognized. The primary conclusion to be drawn from this synhesis is that the existing information is inadequate for detailed coastal zone planning. With further research, the information presented here may contribute to much needed documentation of fish distributions in the Michigan coastal zone. METHODS The Objectives The following tasks were addressed: 1. To consult sources for recent information (since 1970) on local distributions of larval and juvenile fish in Michigan coastal waters. 2. To retain a record of all consultations. 3. To summarize the record by county, sampling sites, and sampling methodology. 4. To project the data into distributional displays within the limits of existing information. Procedures The relevant information was collected from 15 May 1977 (beginning of research) to 1 July 1077, the deadline provided. Appropriate bibliographies and syntheses (Boreman 1976, Rolan and Skoch 1975, Scott and Crossman 1973) were consulted for previously published material. We interviewed individuals - 1 - and representatives believed to be involved with recent research on larval and juvenile fishes. Only data reported since 1970 were requested to avoid misrepresentation of existing conditions in the coastal zone. The results of interviews were recorded on forms like those in Appendix 1. Information was requested for specific taxa, age (larvae, juveniles), dates of study, methods used, and the location. We asked each person interviewed to refer us to others who might contribute. All persons, organizations, unpublished materials and published material consulted are listed in Appendices 2, 3 and 4. We reviewed reports made by electric utilities to the Michigan Department of Natural Resources in compliance with section 316 (a) and 316 (b) of Public Law 92-500. Most of these data were collected by private consultants, although some were collected by universities acting under contract with electric utilities. Virtually all university studies occurred at Michigan State University and the University of Michigan. Some of the data were collected by University personnel under auspices of grants from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. A lesser quantity of data were obtained from the files of the Michigan Department of Natural Resources and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. All data were compiled by site of capture and sampling methodology for each Michigan county, and the fish were recorded as larvae or juveniles. In some cases, the ages of fish were in doubt; such questionable records were identified in the results. All fish species discussed in this report are identified in Appendix 5, which also lists all species that have ever been recorded from the lakes bordering Michigan. All data from specific locations are included in Appendix 6. RESUTS -1 DS CUSSbION Many data c,.amie from 3 -16 (a1;) and 3116 ('b) studies cmie for ulsilities (The Detroit Edison Co.,1 Consumers Power Co, * and Amierican E"lec.tric Power Service Corp.) in and near coo1K_*n,, Tsy-stems of poower p)lants and thereflore mostly represent oclcurrences _`in a -relative"Ily snal. Lnart, of the Great L'-ak;.es s h o rei ne. Little recent data on Mi1chigan s--hores have beeni published in pr"ofessional journals. A few data on juveni'le f~ishes were colIlected by e~lectrofis in shallow tributaries that enter -th,)e Great Lakes coastal zone. Other data gathered by the Michigan Dep,,artment of Natural Resources and the U.S. Fish arid Wildlife Service were collected from, -he lakes primarily in offshore water several meters deep. Figures 1-6 show the general locations of sites included in this survey. The occur"rence of larvae are summarized in Tables 1-8. Mosct of the extensive data collections have occurred along the southerly coasts on Lake Michigan and Lake Erie. The western basin of Lake Erie has been the most intc~nsively and comprehensively studied area as a result of extensive studies supported by the Detroit Edison Company and the U.S. Environmental Protection A-rency. Only in this part of the Great Lakes has there been any intensive sampling of back-water larval fish distributions (according to Dr. David Jude, the Great Lakes Research Division recently began a study on Pigeon Lake, a backbarrier water bordering southeastern Lake Michigan). The only major effort conducted for Lake Superior was concentrated at a power plant. The following table shows the number of species reported in studies summarized by this report compared to the total numnber of species that have been recorded for the Great Lakes proper as reported by Rolan and Skoch (19-75). '9 33 32 31 29 30 28 26 27(ý z (5 I U 23 21 Ld 20 17 16 I I 12-15 2-1 Figure 1. Sites sampled on Lake Michigan. J I, 0 0 (0 Q0 PH5 0i (1) 0 PH 4l-3 -6-- Can ad a <I Michigan 23 22 21 0 0 4 Can ad a 2 3 Figure Figue 3 Sites sampled on Lake Huron. .. Port Mairys villie Clin~lon River 7.7 Lak e St. Cl air Detroit / Erie Figure 4. Sites sampled on the St. Clair-Detroit River system. -8 -.7E.77 78 - So River Rt a is in.84 -1.49.8 ".7.5 6 32 -13 -107 -31 La Pfcaisonce -108 -19.23 85 -20 '2 -2.109 -18 '17 -16 -15.14 OtterI -30 -87 -55 -29 -88 -28 Western L a ke E r ie -89 -58 -90.2 -91 -92 Wood tick -34 1 26 0 -25 -24 MCIurnm e D ay Figure 5. 'Sitre-s sampled on Lake Erie. - 0 - J C'. Z t-94 -42 -71 -64 -4A -4 -103 -100 -650 -52 -104 -66 -41 -9 105 40 Figure 6. Sites sampled near the Monroe Power Plant on Lake Erie. 1 Table i. Incidence of irmature fishes in the Great Lakes along the State of Michigan shore. eSout1hern Northern Southern Northern St. ClairGreat Lake Region Michigan Michigan Huron Huron SuperiorDetroit ri Nur.ber of Stations 23 25 25 25 16 9 l09 Petromyzontidae 1 Acipenseridae cpenser 1 2 Lepisosteidae Lepisoeteus 3( 1 s os eu Le"si osteus osseus Amriidae Amrica calva 1 3 2 Clupeidae 20 2 6 101 AZlosa pseudoharengus 20 18 18 11 7 2 Dorosoma cepEdianwn4 4 1L 3 7 3 Saljnoonidae 1 Coregoniicrae 1 6 Coregorus artedii 7 6 Coregonus clupeaformis 2 13 1 8 3 Coregonus hoeyi 1 1 3 Prosopium cy Zindracezen 10 3 9 Sal oninrae 2 Orcorhynchus kisutch 1 5 1 2 1 1 Oncorhynchus tshczytscha 4 4 2 6 5 Salmo gcardneri 3 2 2 1 1 Same~: trit~ta 9;3P Salvelinus namaycush 2 14 5 12 2 1 Southern Lake Michigan - from Michigan-Indiana boundary to Muskegon River; Northern LakeMichigan - from Mus River to Michigan-Wisconsin boundary; Lake Superior - Michigan shores; Southern Lake Huron - from St. Clair i to the Black River; Northern Lake Huron - from the Black River to Saint Mary's River; St. (lair - Detroit Di from. Lake Erie to Lake Huron; Lake Erie - from the Ohio-Michigan boundary to the Detroit River. Le ken liver vecr - - 11 -- co 4-1::I 0 co V 4) (3 a) fC~ ON 0 cMi ON cy Y--4 (NDc \ C)NO HN C\.' "D - 0 r-.2,3 (NJ '-I ON 0 CC) (jC-\ rH H HH-A H -NJ LfN 0 ri 4-) Cd 0j o0 - rO\ C(0) H CD (Nj H ~ ON H NO H ON0 H co) CM H H H MCM H CN H CM C H '-4 0 0 E4) a) (3 Q) 70 ((2 (3 0 0) a) "0 0 0 0 C') N co t-J C) (3 '0 C' 3--' C) 0 C' 0 0 0 0 C' C)-' CM C) co.,5 0 C' 0 0 0 0,J C) H ~ 0) 0 0 0 3: v--) C' C' 00 C~ 0 0 ~ 4~ ~0 0 0 H ~ C' 0 o~-o 30. 0 0 0 C$ (N) *H ~J 0 ~-O C), (0.r--) H 0 0 0 ~C: C' C' ~C~ C) H H 30, '~-~ 0 0 *H 3: ~ -43 C0-) -4-" a) 'C) 0 0 4-P 0 (1) -P4 0 0 ~, 0 Vi 0 ~ ~ 00 H ~-i 0 4~4 - 1Q - 0) H4-) *0 C-4 O\ H-- 0( (N%') L,-\N (NJ N CO r 4 NJ ON -,- --- f. n ONl -. UN Hr (Nd 4D S:1 (Nj H H- H H- (Nj ~10 0 (LI (NJ )2-H (NJ 4),.)1 (NJ 0 -H ON 1)2 H -0 4-, 0 0 0) cc -n (a El Q, 0 40o ul 0l 0 4-) 4-)4 0 01) 4-) ccl 0 010 1~ Di 4-) 4. cc 0) 0 0--) 10 ~0 4. 0 cc (-0 IN 1-) 4. 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H [9-C -'F C.)t - c~q -- C'-, cNJ (vd CO '--I 04.H 4-) 4-) C:\0 (Y)H I-S I--S I-S I-i I-i I--i i-1 I-S I--S I--S I--S I-S I--S I-S I-S I--S I--S I--S I-S K) I-S I-) I-S I-S --S I-l I-S I-I(S (S OS Ic, '4 Cl) co Cf) c -0) to co)4) C) ( % I~ (S ( CO(S ( I-S ( Q) ( ( Cl) ( ~ Z l (S H(S C) ClCl) l)co Cl) Cl) *~- 14S ( C) -H ES 0 -I-I Cl) 0.4.1 Cl) K) ES (S Cc) (S I-) (S (S K) (S (S (S (S (S Cl) (S ~5 (S l)) (S (S Cc)) Cc) (S ~ 4' H (S Cc, Cl) Cl) ~ Cl) (S (S (S (S 4~) 4-) (S 4-.) -.~ (S (S (S (S dl) (S K) K) K) ) C) H - 4o - Lf 'ý CA-) C\J -2 C) C-), CA) U~) CC) UiN I A-i A-) A-) A-) A-) 4-) 0 0) Co A--) Co 4) Co 02 0) Co C) A-A co co Qo z-C Co ~0 Co 4) C) Co 02 C Co~ 4) 4) CA Co A-~A -: C A--) C C) C) v-A Co Co Co C) CA A-C~I A-A A-i 31 AA~ 4) '2 ai C~i Co a) 4-) ~ Co A) v--A -H C Co -H 4) C Co 0) A~) C; 4) (1) 4-) U) C-) 4A Co 3:0 4) Co 0) "1-) 'C) -4~) H C) CA) CA A) Co C C) 0) Co ~ Co Co C C) A) Co Co Co Ci~ v-) C) Co AC A Co a) C)) Co 4) H H C.3 C) CA> C).-~ Co Co A) 4) A) CA C) CA.A -H A-A AAA C) Co ~C) Cc, S CA LA, a) 4) 4-H a) 4) Co Co Co~ C 01 Co Co 4) v--A Co Co C) Co Cc, A- A).A-) Co C Co A)A-4) LECo 03~~) 0 A) Co C) Co Co Co Co A-CS Co 01 ~Co C) Co Co 'A--) Co C CC)A) Co 01 5< Co Co Co Co 3:, 4) 4) Co ~ C). AC 4 A) A Co Co Co Co C). 3:. 01 ~)- CA. CA 2~) C) 0) C) Cl A) A) CA (D-,i r-4i COCCCi Go l r'H 0 )~ ~ ~ i o C)o C) c z;- - C)co Ti 4-' C OD (3 C) C Q) 0CD 1 'H cuC ' i a)C D 1 4-)--ý 4-N 4) ~ ' C C) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ "ý C) C) 4) C) 4 --) C C C C 0 -4C-N ) C) 014, QH-14-2 QC ~) "C d- --,) C Q) 01 Cr 'Z:IL ) - C4-N C U) C.) - 42) - 2 -1 2 - CM -Zr H ~Zr1 0 -Zt CC) 0.H 4-) tCiicr 4 -Ul) (y) C)-' cn CMj (y) H (Y' co CMj CMj 4-) 0 CO (1) H If) F71 a CC C) C) C) C) -o C) U) (L) cli U) C)) Cr 4-) P4C)C C) 24 C) C) Ci C) '-C C) Cr CM C) C) C) ~ C) C)., CM C) Cr C) C) C) C) C). Ii C) C) C) C) C) C) C ~-- C) C) so Q Q)C to Cr C)2 C CCv)o a) C) -C) 'Cr C) 0) C) C)Cr) "-C C) C) '-Cii 4.~ C) C) C) C) Zr) C)-) C)) -C) H C) C) C) C) C) cc ES C) C)) -. C) C) C) (~ CM CM CM a) C) -C) a C)) 2-) C~) Q) ci 0 a3 C) C,C) C) C)) C) C) C) - 43 - <C) <N 1.1' Kc 001 1\j 11C 4.) C) 0 C) 0) *).) 0) 40)) 0.) 0) C) 0 C:) C) C) 0) C.) 00 0.4.) 01 01 C) 0 N) C) 01 0..) C C) <CC 0) C.) 0) C) C) CC) C. 01 C 00 CO 01 C) 0) C) C) 7)) 01 Ni C~) )C) C))) 0. 01 0) 0..) C..) 01 CCI 'C' H Cl) iN kI ) 01 C.) T) CC C') 1) 1 ) C-) C) 0 CC) CC.) 01 C).0) 0) C) 0) CC) C) 0) 01 C) 01 C.) C oH-4 -- ~--1 coi 03 H CC ~o 1 -i Ci Ci1c7c cC -MUcCI r 4 -cC CO 2;1 Uh I -I -1 Co C3 Co Co~ ~ Co C o )) -, -a o C C Co Co- C o S V '40 C '-4 C CS ~ - ~ Co '-4 O- 4-4 X5 'Hs E3 Co Co CFO - Ci~ 0~ 00 Co CC Ci Ci - X ~ Co 5; 0) Ci Co U1 C S C > 000 0 - c o CO c -~ o 5- 4 - o (1 ) K -1 -r-4EdCC 040Z rdL 3 m 4 u~~r Co Co, Co Ci o0 00 -Co ) ~ ( Cod S o d0X -0 P P-4 U ~ ~ ) o C C 44 -. 4-s Co ) ci 'H- 030 ~~ i~ *- o CF COO. t-4 ~ ~ ~r i-S J-s CC OC Co, -)- H 00 C-s o V V `1 - t- Ci OS CO, Co Co -d Co3 '4( Ci' Ci> 04 0, l (j a cu ~ ~~~~~ Cie V- Ciu Ci. (C CO~ Co ~ ~~ ( k. EL " oO) C) Co C) Ci 0 ~ 0d aS -0 Co Co Co ci13P C~) C) C) C: CD 0 0 0 Cl- ClC) CD CD CD CD ~ 0 0~ ~ C~. 0 CD CO ~. CD ~ CD~ CD Cl- C~. CD CD C~. C) 0 Cr) C-) 0 ClU CD n) 0 CD-t 0 CD. ~ 0 U CD A A C~. CD 0 C)) Cl CD CD CD CCD)-UN) CDCl Cl- CD CD Cl- C) CD CD C) Cl-CD CD-CD CD 0 ~. CD A- 0 CD 53 333 CD CD CD CD 0 0 CD C-~CD0 CD~C) CD ~ 33 CD CD ~ CD CD 0 CD 0 C) CD 33 A CD A ~3 CD CD A CO A 00 CD ~ U ~ A -~. 0 C-~ Cl-Cl OCO 53 CD CD CD 3 -33 CD ClU CD L-4 LI LI LI Ij-1 LI LI LI LI LI LI LI LI N) (N) co N) \0 LAI CDI (:-A \ýfl ON Co) 0 CDC CO & '-3 3D aHCD CD 0 CD - gi-( - Table 8., Stations 51 52 53 5455 6 57 58 5 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 6 97 17 cetronyzcne- le Lj e..;-S,,s Ie a e C0 0 105-xsL 3 7)4 ) Clupei dao cor--010;.i C;0 e00 2rM! 1S cyi'>wtroc e in -k;* ch a Salve liiras rxn~zyqa-Uh L L L L L L L L L L L T L Y Y Y Y Y Y IC Y - 47 - co (jK) 09.. 0! Vr ON] Cil t)) o 4) 4) (-4 4) 4) 4) 4) 4) F) 4) ~-1 4) 4) 4) 4) 4) 4) I-) 4),-.1 4) ~-1 (-4 4) '.4 4) 4) 4) 4) 4) C) 0 C) a) U),0 -C) V CYO fl) V) -0 0S-' C) Z:) 0 CzjC)PA -C-)s O -4 C ) ) 4 (1) C) 0 k!) '0 1j) 0 Q) CIDC CfC) 4-- C) 4 - 48 -.H 4-) 0 C-- \,D U-\U'\ (Y Lf0 -1 4 4 I-2 -C 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ~-1 -p 0 0 o C-i OD 4-' co to 4- (1) d-' - COj rd c d- - c 'I) co;:O 'A c D C l C) IC) D A C 4-' ~1~H 0) ci ~ I)) 0) ci c:ci (2 0 ci -0 (~ ~- -0 ci H C-i CO DC)~ ci 4-) 0) e~ 'H 'H H I--' C!) E~ ci p ci ~ o ci C~I~ 0. '--' ci ci CI ~ 0- K) H CO ci ci '-C-i H *H ci 0 o EE I--A i--A 0 ci ~ CO ci 0) ci ci -~ 4-A 0.0. C-) 0 1) C-~) ci 4-' 0 I--' ci 4-' 0 K) (D Cd ý-c C) ry) 4-3 ON U-\ Cr'\ L'=0 0r U-\ 0' 0' 0 -0 -i-1 ~-1 ~--1 -1 4.) 0Z7 0 CC) CL) 0) Q) 0 CO t-) 0 H 01) -4 H a4C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (NJ 0.0 0 H -NJ 0 0'~ C' 0 H ~0 0 0.0 H 4.' 0 =0 C~ H.0 C~ C. 0 =2 0 (~ 0 0 H 0. -00 C= 0. 0 0 0 0' 0 -~ ~C 0 0 4~ =0 *~.' 0.0 -0 4.) 4~ 0 -'-' 0 0 0 4-' (2 (2 (2 0 C) U) C) 4.) 4-' 0 (2 I -ý 50 (LN O-N u-Ni ONl ON ON inCD cc a 4-3I cocoi (r) ý4 -c C~Ci ci i i cý.*l CC)c ici i~~ c) 'Ile i 0 Cd C 2 ~ c3i) cii 12) cii0 c 0L).~ > - 0 ai)Cci Ci c' ) 00 N Q Z! u4-) Q)C) CC) 0) Cu 0 C) C c -r-4C~ C I 04~ 00 Cil U-b CO ON ON CO cCON 0 3D UC) co co CCc) -00 0 CC) ON ---a b-i ~i -, b-.b b-i b-i b--i b-4 b--i b--i b-i b-i b--i b--i b-i b-i b--i b--i b-i b-i b-i b-i b--i b-i b--i b-i b--i b-i b-i b--i b-i b--i b-i b-i b-i b-i C)D C Co~ Cd (ci ccl C) 0 i C C C) C) '-Cci *4.) 43 C) C) C) C) C) (2 -43 '-C-CcC) C) C) Cc) ) C,) C) 4i C) C) C4 (2 ii. Cc. C) -44 -lb 7), 'H C) 2) Cc. Cc'-(N - C) 'a' q~1 4) C;cC Cc) ~c) ~~~ -4) (2C CiC) C)C Stations 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 9 4 9 6 9 8 99 00 rc-t-aiu-yrunatcflis Lc-z-a'urs pumctatus ýknu s fa vues rot-a io-a Ah er1-n ida e ~~ oiccuzusz G a s -.,eros tei da e pl-r omsiscomayciw P er- c cc r d ops Cen t. roe h -jd ae rAK~cýýites rL.pestris LPC"),s gibbosus 11Zcrcpterus saliroides L L L r I ~J1 00 L L L L LL L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L co c", CO CL-, Cg c co _-rji co~ ~ 00 coi ON0 Gtl0 co0 - co co E7 o o H 0 C) 0 ~ Ccoci ) c o ) ~ ES C6 Q) Q) C-1 o 4) c o( K C Ci c) 4A ) -~ C 0 0 0 C;-Z C C C - M 4~-N K E-4 k - ~ ~- c~ c ~ i - - H -.) K ' - 5L - OrN 03 0 0 -H0 4-) CTJ 2 (Y-1 C0 4) ci 0 C cc ci) C-c Q) Cc rd a O C a) V) CC C ro 24 -01 a) Cc a) a) a) (3 a) Cc (3 -4-) (~) (3 Cc(3 a) ci 3 a) (3 a) (3)~ a) a) (1 *(~) Ca).4-) (32(3 '~(3 a) 2(3 a) Cc) a) a) a) (3~~33 Cc Cc (3 K) K) (3 (1) -H ---C Cc) (3 2 C) (3 (1 0 ~4C-~ (30 3 U) 23 4-I Cc C~~c (3 a) (3.4) ~.4-) a) ~a) a) a) 2(4 -(3 Cc (1~~) a) C~c a) a) Cc Cc (3)0) a) a) (3 (3 C~~) ~ a).4-) 4-C 3) (3 Cc~a) 3 *4~C (3 0, C (3) (3 '~) a) a) Cc (1(3(3 (B ~ 4$(3 cf) 3 Co a) a) Cc 0~ a) Cc ~3 (3-) a) a) Cc) !-~ "> (y\ Jrl C)~ j HI f h-: ci a) C 0) al) 0) Ci E 0! ba C.3 0t Cl)3 1 CiO Cl Ci Ci, -4)) Ci Cl C)t bA V i C) C~ C) Cl ) C.) C l)~ t (1) co S c C3 4-, o CC ',s 0) C) C) C. C. C -. C CC) CO C T.C C)A 10 Q) CD CD CIO E2. F O O -I + QQ E- I i 0 OU t - 56 - 0.4-)1 UY) ~0 o -o U) C CC) U)) 1 H c2S U) U) U) U7 C> CID 1.-l 4 -04-) *IO* C)) C H 0 CC) CD CDO co c 0ý U)ý co U) N 0 0 0 U) C C) 0 43) Q) 0N 0 0 0 0 U) 0 'A 0 0 0 0 Q0 4-.) 10;ý Iva;- 0S U) 0 0 0 0) U) 4-) 0 0 0 43 4-) U) 0 0 C) CJ (C) 0 0 U) 0 0 0 0 U) cU C 4-) 0 C-) U) 0 - 58 - More than half of the species previously reported for the Great Lakes were found in the studies summarized here. The lowest proportion was in Erie, which was also the most intensively sampled. But many of the species reported for most abundant in the deep central and eastern basins, away from the shallow, warm Michigan water. The highest proportion captured was for Lake Superior which was the least intensively sampled of the Michigan shores. This probably occurred because the relatively small number of species inhabiting Lake Superior are widely distributed over the lake basin. Many of the species reported for the lower lakes are closely associated with protected warm-water embayments and back waters and therefore occur rarely in the open lake waters where most sampling has been conducted. This includes species (see Appendix 5 for scientific names) like the grass pickerel, creek chub, golden shiner, bigeye shiner, and bullhead minnow, which were not captured in the studies reported here even though they are reported to be widely distributed over the Great Lakes (Rolan & Skoch 1975; Scott and Crossman 1973). Many of the rare species reported in these studies are also associated with back waters and tributary streams including the bullhead, ictalurids, the bowfin, several species of redhorse, the lake chubsucker and black crappie. Other fishes missed are probably rare, offshore species including six coregonine chubs, the mooneye, the channel darter and northern sand darter. The sauger and muskellunge and tadpole madtom may not have appeared in the samples because they are rare and may be confused with common species like the walleye, northern pike and brown bullhead. Certain genera of sculpins, darters, bullheads, madtoms, minnows, sunfishes and herrings remain difficult to separate in early stages of development. Some of these species may have been missed entirely and records for specific sites may be uncertain. Many of the species that were missed are simply very rare in the Great Lakes. The most w:idel.y distributed young fish in these studies appeared to be, in order of frequency encountered, the yellow perch, rainbow smelt, white sucker, - C 9 trout perch, carp and northern pko tcr secies that were very widely distribilt~ed -were alewi-fe, burbot, chi]nook salmoi./-n, coho salmon, gizzard shad and rock bass. Species wvhich were- encoantere6 ~ all of the upper lakes but not in the St. Clair and. Erie system includied the bl1oater, s_'ake troit, lake white-fish, -longuose esuliu ~f ew sreissee r es tricted to the 'lower h-_fIuron-Stý-. C."l'air_-Eri'e reýgion incluading fre~shwate'ýr druxm,5 goldfish and white bass.:) A large assortment of -methods were used in these studies. Table 9 sho~ws the relative use of different techniques. Results from embayment studies --aid pumping studies at intakes made up particularly large proortons on the St. Clair-Detroit River system. Only lower Lake Michigan and Lake Erie have been extensively examined for lra fishes at s-ites other than near power plants. Table 9 does not completely reveal. the diversity of techniques that have been applied. At least seven different sizes of netting have been used in plankton nets. Both rectangular,-and circular nets have been used, the openings ranging fro 024m2o 0 28m et -hve been towed both nigoht and day, in strata, obliquely and from 1 to 5 minutes. Two different kinds of pumps have been used. Intensities of effort have varied from several years at biweekly or monthly intensity to a single collection for one site. A legitimate concern of careful- coastal zone planning is_ appropriate management of fish spawning and nursery areas. Obviously the data reported here can serve only in a rudimentary way to provide a reference for such manag,-en1,ent. The,Most -outstanding result of this inventory is the ignorance that, exists,abouit, fis-h - C r~gabl'e 9. Methodologies this report. technique was Method 's Tota'l no. of sites Intake screens Juveniles Pumps La-"rva~e Plankton-nets Larvae Juveniles Bottom-sled -with. plankton-net La~rvage Hardy-high speed. net Larvae Seines Juveniles 'Trawl s Juven-iles Larvae Gill. nets ElcTiirofY)i sI ngQ used -to sample young fishes at sites sLaried for Each number represents the number ofsie where the applied. Michigan 48 6 8 20 1 0 Superio~r 16 1 0 15 1 0 HU=T 0 50 S Clair 0 109 6 16 0 0 0 0 18 4 18 6 4 0 0 94 0 0 15 0 1 5 4 0 0 3 0 3 0 5 0 11 0 0 2 0 O 6- - numerous, it -eimains dihclito dLi-scernM the L~irais of coas býal1 zone habitat. that are especial-ly valuable for L ish spawr.,ning, and nurse~rie(2s. Most of the data reportced here simpily provide docunme~ntcation for oc.-currence of young fishes in tihe area sampled. TInf'erences about the locations of spawning nd nrsey aras xe dffiultto make wit'Cout da-ta. on d'ensity varie7t ionad hiydrodynamics over a range of habitLats. The4. moeet Cfyug/ ih feunl are too great to cass-ume that presence:Ln a par tilcul1ar locatinncesrl indicates a required or "preferredt' habitat. Over a few days at averagre velocities, currents in tChe Great Lakes can carry larvae several kilomieters__. Studies confined to sin-gle sites, such as at intakes, reveal little about the fish use of the area. Cole (19-("') reported that larvae in western Lake Erie appeared to be rapidly dispersed'4 from spawýning areas once t-hey hatched. Only the presence of the youngest yolk-sac larvae (prolarvae) is likely to indicate a spawning area nearby. Of course, at all the sites sam-pled th(e arecorded occurrence of fish is a function of abundance, sampling effort (frequency, intensity and method diversification) and the interaction of technique with habitat. Because little attempt was made by the various investigations to standardize the sampling or to assess sampling effectiveness, care should be exercised. for any interpretation of the data provided in this report. The data may provide the basis for potential distribution studies, but the absence of fish in the records for various sites may not mean that fish do riot occur there or that they are scarce. - 62 - REFERENCES CITED Boreman, J. (Ed.). 1976. Great Lakes fish egg and larvae identification: Proceedings of a workshop. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, National Power Plant Team. Ann Arbor, Michigan. Cole, R. A. 1977. Larval fish distributions in southwestern Lake Erie near the Monroe Power Plant. Report to the U.S.E.P.A. Manuscript. Hemmick, W., J. Schaeffer, and R. Waybrant. 1976. Larval fish survey in Michigan waters of Lake Erie, 1975. Mich. Water Res. Comm. Bur. Env. Protect. M.D.N.R. Jude, D. J. 1976. Entrainment of fish larvae and eggs on the Great Lakes with special reference to the D. C. Cook Nuclear Plant, southeastern Lake Michigan. Proc. 3rd Ann. Workshop on Entrainment and Impingement. N.Y., N.Y. 4 Feb. 1975. Lavis, D. S. 1976. Distribution of fish populations near a thermal discharge into western Lake Erie. M.S. Thesis, Michigan State Univ., E. Lansing, Michigan. MacMillan, J. R. 1976. Larval fish sampling and population distributions relevant to estimating power plant entrainment in western Lake Erie. M.S. Thesis, Michigan State Univ., E. Lansing, Michigan. Nelson, D. D. and R. A. Cole. 1975. The distribution and abundance of larval fishes along the western shore of Lake Erie at Monroe, Michigan. Tech. Rep. No. 32.5. Inst. Wat. Res. Mich. St. Univ., E. Lansing, Michigan. 66 pp. Rolan, R. G. and E. J. Skoch. 1975. Biological characteristics. In Great Lakes Basin Framework Study Appendix 4: Limnology of lakesand embayments: 239-322. Scott, W. B. and E. J. Crossman. 1973. Freshwater fishes of Canada. Bull. 184. Fish. Res. Bd. Can., Ottawa. 966 pp. - 3 APPENDICES - C)i - APP'f\PlMND LX I REVIEWING FORM4 Nam eof A rt...___ Locaion f Study (County) Dt~ration of Study _____ rmmoc"W. Aimmia cal va Salmo Salvc-,U2us naFwyjuish Osmerus.Mprday~ Dorasoma ceedian~um Esox MOXO stoma Catostomus Ic talurvi Lo ta. lo t Iarcopsis omis coa rCU Fltone chwvmpp Cortu ApiRo-dinotus grunniens Others ar 0 Juv. Near Len ho t ud2 v Methods Site Descriptionr Further? Ref erences (over) .- 65 - Date Person call.,Pd List of Fiah of latere-&t Larva 41-. '--a t r Y~r S__ Comments Further sources List of Titles Available To be MIailed To beSp~pied N ot Avail. To be M~ailed - 66 - APPENDIX 2 PERSONS AND ORGANIZATIONS CONTACTED Anderson, Robert MSU Boreman, John Nat. Power Plant Team, Ann Arbor Bradfield, Paul Bay de Noc Comm. College Cole, R. A. IMSU Cooley, John CCIW Dorr, John U of M, Ann Arbor Edsall, Tom USFWS, Ann Arbor Eisely, Paul Detroit Edison Co. Eshenroder, Randy MDNR, Alpena Fetterolf, Carlos Gt. Lks. Fish. Comm. Fritz, Eugene USFWS, Ann Arbor Haas, Bob IMDNR, St. Clair Shores Res. Stn. Hartman, Will USFWS, Ann Arbor Jude, Dave U of M, Ann Arbor Lennon, Herb C.-M.U. Liston, Charl es MSU Madston, Charlene WAPORA - Lansing Mears, Tom Alpena Comm. College Morgan, David Notre Dame Nelson, Don MIDNR, Jackson Nepsey, Steve Ontario Res. Facility Ontario Min. Nat. Res., Wheatley Norden, Carroll Univ. Wisconsin O'Gorman, Bob USFWS, Ann Arbor Patriarche, Merce MDNR Pycha, Dick USFWS, Ann Arbor Scarfirs, Dick MDNR, Marquette Seeley, Jim USFWS, Ann Arbor Selgeby, Jim USFWS, Ann Arbor Stauffer, Tom MDNR, Marquette Waybrant, Ron MDNR, Water Quality Division Wells, Tex USFWS, Ann Arbor Werner, Earl Kellogg Biological Station Zeitoun, Ibraheim Consumers Power Co., Jackson APPENDIX 3 PERSONS AND OCTIAIOS~i.ATF PF-OVI)E-D D)ATA I U1CLUDE-1IN THIS REPOR Cole K.A. 177.Lara ih distributiolns in southwestern Lake Eirie near the Monroe Power2 Plant. Reprt o -the U.S.E.PJ-.A. ManuLiýScript. Consumers Power Company. 1)76'. Fisheries sur1--,-vey of' Saginaw Bay- related to the thermal effects of -the krnuaoc en -atIngSain.Submitteb Beak Consultants Limited. Jackson, 01976. Section 316 (b) 1976. 1976. Section Section 316 (b) 316 (b) and2 -1 976. ___ ___ ___ __ 197 6. Units 1 and 2. _____ _0 * 1976. ____ ___ ___ __* 1976. Detroit Edison Co. 197 water intake. Det _______* 1976. ____ ___ ___ 1976. water intake. ____ ____ __ a_ 1976. intake, Section 316 (0) Section 316 (b) Michigcan. intake study, BD C. ',obb Plant. intake st1udy, Big Rock Nuclear.L Plant. intake S--udy,, D. E. Karn Plant, Units 1 intake':- study, J. C. Weadock Plant. intake study, J. H. Campbell Plant, intake study, J. H. Whiting Plant. intake study, Palisades Nuclear Plant. Power Plant study report on cooling Section 316 Secton 3116 6.Conners Cre,roit, Michigan. b) b) ýek Delray Power Plant study report on cooling -vater int ke. Enri-co Fermi Power Plant No. 1 study report on cooling Harbor Beach Power Plant study report on cooling water 0_1976. Marysville Power Plant study report on cooling water intake. 1976. 1976. 1976. Monre Pwer lan stdy rpor onCooig0aeritae St. lai Power Plant study report on coling water intake. Riverlarog Power Plant study report on cooling water -nae Trenton Channel Power Plant study report on cooling intake. 0_1976. water intake. 1976. Wayandotte North Power Plant study report on cooling water intake. - 68 - Hatch, J. T. 1976. The effects of Presque Tsle Power Station on the ecological balance of Presque Isle Harbor. Wapora Inc. Submitted to: Upper Peninsula Generating Co., Houghton, Michigan. lHemmick, W., J. Schaeffer, and.R Waybrant. 1976. Larval fish survey in Michigan waters of Lake Erie, 1975. Mich, Water Res. Comm. Bur. Env. Protect. M.D.N.R. Jude, D. J. 1976. Entrainment of fish larvae and eggs on the Great Lakes with special reference to the D. C. Cook Nuclear Plant, southeastern Lake Michigan. Proc. 3rd Ann. Workshop on Entrainment and Inpingement. N.Y., N.Y. 4 Feb. 1975., F. T. Tesar, Jo A. Dorr III, T. J. Miller, P. J. Rago, and D. J. Stewart. 1975. Inshore Lake Michigan fish populations near the Donald C. Cook Nuclear Power Plant, 1973. Spec. Rep. No. 52. Gt. Lks. Res. Div., Univ. of Mi., Ann Arbor. 267 pp. Lavis, D. S. 1976. Distribution of fish populations near a thermal discharge into western Lake Erie. M.S. Thesis, Michigan State Univ., E. Lansing, Michigan. Liston, C. and R. Anderson. 1977. Larval and juvenile studies conducted at the Ludington Punp Storage Project. Personal communication. MacMillan, J. R. 1976. Larval fish sampling and population distributions relevant to estimating power plant entrainment in western Lake Erie. M.S. Thesis, Michigan State Univ., E. Lansing, Michigan. Michigan Dept. of Natural Resources. 1975. Summary catch statistics. Fisheries Division, M.D.N.R., Lansing, Michigan. S_1976. Summary catch statistics. Fisheries Division, M.D.N.R., Lansing, Michigan. Nelson, D. D. and R. A. Cole. 1975. The distribution and abundance of larval fishes along the western shore of Lake Erie at Monroe, Michigan. Tech. Rep. No. 32.5. Inst. Wat. Res. Mich. St. Univ., E. Lansing, Michigan. 66 pp. '0Gorman, R, 1.975. Distribution of fish fry in the nearshore waters of western Lake Huron May-June 1973. Admin. Rep. Great Lakes Fish. Lab, U.S. Bur. Sport Fish. and Wildl., Ann Arbor, Michigan. 22 pp. 1 976. Distribution of fish fry in the nearshore waters of western Lake Huron, June-July 1974. Admin. Rep. Great Lakes Fish. Lab, U.S. Bur. Sport Fish. and Wiidl., Ann Arbor, Michigan. 18 pp. Stauffer, T. M. 1977. Personal communication. Wells, L. 1966. Seasonal and depth distribution of larval bloaters (Coregonus hoyi) in southeastern Lake Michigan. Trans. Amer. Fish. Soc. 95: 388-396. - 69 - Wells, L. 1973. Distribution of fish fry in nearshore waters of southeastern and west-central Lake Michigan, May-August 1972. Admin. Rep. Great Lakes Fish. Lab, U.S. Bur. Sport Fish, and Wildl., Ann Arbor, Michigan. 24 pp.. 1974. Distribution of fish fry in nearshore waters of southern and central Lake Michigan, May-August 1973. Admin. Rep. Great Lakes Fish. Lab, U.S. Bur. Sport Fish, and Wildl. Ann Arbor, Michigan. 22 pp. - 70 - APPENDIX 4 LITERATURE RELATED INDIRECTLY TO THE DISTRIBUTION OF YOUNG FISHES IN THE MICHIGAN GREAT LAKES Applegate, V. C. 1950. Natural history of the sea lamprey (Petrolyzoon marinZs) in Michigan. U.S. Fish Wildl. Serv. Spec. Sci. Rep. Fish. 55: 237 pp., and C. L. Brynildson. 1952. Downstream movement of recently transformed sea lampreys, Petromyzon marinus, in the Carp Lake River, Michigan. Trans. Amer. Fish. Soc. 81(1951):275-290. Bacon, E. H. 1954. Field characters of prolarvae and alvins of brook, brown, and rainbow trout in Michgian. Copeia No. 3:232. Bailey, M. M. 1969. Age, growth and maturity of the longnose sucker, Catostomus catostomus, of Western Lake Superior. J. Fish. Res. Bd. Canada. 26:1289 -1299. S_1972. Age, growth, reproduction, and food of the burbot, Lota lota (Linneaus), in southwestern Lake Superior. Trans. Amer. Fish. Soc. 101(667-674). Baldwin, N. S. 1950. The American smelt, Osmerus mordax (Mitchill), of South Bay, Manitoulin Island, Lake Huron. Trans. Amer. Fish. Soc. 78(1948): 176-180., and R. W. Saalfeld. 1962. Commercial fish production in the Great Lakes 1867-1960. (Revisions through 1968 included) Great Lakes Fish. Comm. Tech. Rep. 3: 166 p. Baker, C. 1971. Walleye spawning area in western Lake Erie. Final Report, D.-J Project F-35-12-10,.lob #1, Ohio Department Natural Resources, Division Wildlife, Columbus. 24 pp. (Mimeo). Battle, H. I. 1940. The embryology and larval development of the goldfish (Carassius auratus L.) from Lake Erie. Ohio J. Sci. 40(2):82-93. Berg, R. E. and P. A. Doephe. 1975. First occurrence of the brook silverside, Labedesthos seocuius, in a tributary of Lake Superior. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 32: 2541_-22. Bodola, A. 1966. Life history of the gizzard shad, Dorosoma cepedianum (LeSueur), in western Lake Erie. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Bulletin Vol. 65(2): 391-425. Boesel, M. W. 1937. The food of nine species of fish from the western end of Lake Erie. Trans. Amer. Fish. Soc. 67:215-223. Booke, H. E. 1968. Cytotaxonomic studies of the coregonius fishes of the Great Lakes. USA: DNA and leavyotype analysis. J. Fish. Res. Bd. Can. 25(8): 1667-1687. - 71 - Brown, E. H, 198f. Pop-til at ion t CI i t d H y e(W al.ewives, A okn'(1o'~o~ie i, 1m1 Lvcd1CCI i k Mib2r 1967. Great Lakes1 cish.COMM~ " I)t-) ____ 13'8-b o. ltirvb ooe sa' bCA!osa ps3eudoharenpJus,.In Lake Mýichigan 1940 91- 9.- J. Fish. ~B(-Can. 29-477-500. ____ ____ 172. Ppil.lin bio ogyof al-ewi.v e s, os a Iseuoaer~~ in Lake Mchga,194)J- D s. F e s.3d. ('an. 9K 7-50 Christie, W. J..1974. "Inan-,--e - 'n t~,e -__Jsl species com,-Dositl-ionof the Great Lakes.J. F i Sh.RBe s.Ba'.aa. 3d i i63:2 7 -8 5L.I Coble, B. W. 1967. The whiite suck,-er population of South. Bay, Lake Huron, and the effects of' the sea 1 mprey- on it. J. Fish. Res. Bd., Can. 24:2117-2136. Crowe, W. R. 1962. Homing; behavior in walleyes. T',rans. A4mer Fish. Soc. 91(4): 350-354. Cucin, D., and H. A. Hegir. )56". Dynmnics and exploitation of Lake whitefish in southern Georg-ian l'3ay. J, Fish. Res. Bd. Can. 23:221-274 Da-iber, F. C.15. The,- food ai,,d. feeding' relat-ionships of the freshwater drum, Aplodinotv'.-s grw'n-,,Ic.ns Rafinesque in western Lake Erie. Ohio J. Sci. 52(1): 35-46. ______ ____ 1953.Noe on the spawning population of the freshwater drum, Apiodinotus qr-unn'i~ens (Bafinesque) in western Lake Erie. Am. Mid. Nat. 50(1):159-1171. Deason, H. J. 1933.Prlmnr report on the growth rate, dominance and. maturity of the pike-perches (Stizostedion) of Lake Erie. Trans. Amer. Fish. Soc. 63:348-360. ___________a 1939. The distribution of cottid fishes in Lake Michigan. Pap. Mich. Acad. Sci. Arts Lett. 24(2):105-115. __________I and R. Hu7e. 1947. Age and growth'of the kiyi, Leucichthys kiyi Koelz, in Lake Michigan. Trans. Amer. Fish. Soc. 74(1944):88-142. De~th G.C.195. Age and growth studies of channel catfish in western Lake Erie. J. WildIi-fe Manage. 29/2):28o-286. Doan, K. H. 19429. Some meteorological and linsmological conditions as factors;"+In ) the-%abu%-II" 3ndanncefcer% Prtai"+;--,-;c- - nfishes4Y) in Lake7-vErie. Ecol. MoA/T,-, no.t1(3)29331 - 72 - Dryer, W. R., and J. Beil. 1964. Life history of lake herring in Lake Superior. U.S. Fish Wildlife Serv. Fish. Bull. 63(3):493-530. S_1968. Growth changes of the bloater (Coregonus hoyi) of the Apostle Islands region of Lake Superior. Trans. Amer. Fish. Soc. 97(2): 146-158. Dymond, J. R. 1922. A provisional list of the fishes of Lake Erie. Univ. Toronto Stud., Biol. Ser. Publ. Ont. Fish. Res. Lab. 4:57-73.. 1932. Records of the alewife and steelhead (rainbow) trout from Lake Erie. Copeia 1932:32-33. S 1944.. Spread of the smelt (Osmerus mordax) in the Canadian waters of the Great Lakes. Can. Field-Natur. 58(l):12-14. Edsall, T. A. 1967. Biology of the freshwater drum in western Lake Erie. Ohio J. Sci. 67(6):321-340. El-Zarka, S. E.-D. 1959. Fluctuations in the population of yellow perch, Perca flavescens (Mitchill), in Saginaw Bay, Lake Huron. U.S. Fish Wildl. Serv. Fish. Bull. 59:365-415. Eschmeyer, P. H. 1948. The life history of the walleye in Michigan. Bull. Inst. Fish.U. of M. No. 3. 99 pp.. 1950. The life history of the walleye, Stizostedion vitreum vitreum (Mitchill), in Michigan. Inst. Fish. Res., U. of M. 99 pp.. 1956. The early life history of the lake trout in Lake Superior. Michigan Dept. Natural Resources Misc. Pub. No. 10. 31 pp. 3 fig. Faber, D. J. 1970. Ecological observations on newly hatched lake whitefish in South Bay, Lake Huron, p. 481-500. In C. C. Lindsey and C. S. Woods (ed.) Biology of coregonid fishes. Univ. Manitoba Press, Winnipeg, Man. 560 pp. Ferguson, R. G. 1965. Bathymetric distribution of American smelt, Osmerus mordax,1 in Lake Erie, Coni- on Great Lakes Res. Pub. 13:47-60. _and A. J. Derksen. 1971. Migrations of adult and juvenile walleyes CStizostedion vitreuri vitreum) in southern Lake Huron, Lake St. Clair, 9Lake Erie, and connecting waters. J. Fish. Res. Bd. Can. 28(8):1133-1142. Fish, M. P. 1929a. Contributions to the early life histories of Lake Erie fishes. N.Y. Conserv. Dept. 18th Ann. Rep. 1928 Suppl. 76-95 pp. _ 1929b. Contributions to the early life histories of Lake Erie fishes. Buffalo Soc. Nat. Sci., Bull. 14(3):136-187. S_1932. Contributions to the early life histories of sixty-two species of fishes from Lake Erie and its tributary waters. U.S. Bureau of Fish. Bull. 47. pp. 293-398. Flittner, G. A. 1964. Morphomietry and life history of the emerald shiner, Notropis atheri.noides Rafinesque. Ph.D. Thesis, Univ. Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. 213 pp. Fry, F. E. J. 1953. The 1944 year class of lake trout in South Bay. Lake Huron. Trans. Amer. Fish. Soc. 82:178-192., and K. E. F. Watt. 1957. Yields of year classes of the smallmouth bass hatched in the decade of 1940 in Manitoulin Island waters. Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. 55:135-143. Gray, J. W. 1.942. Studies of Notropic atherinoides arheriroides Rafinesque in the Bass Islands region of Lake Erie. M.S. Thesis, Ohio State Univ., Columbus, Ohio. 29 pp. Hile, R. 1937. The increase in the abundance of the yellow pike-perch, S-izostedion vitreum (Mitchill) in Lakes Huron and Michigan, in relation to the artificial propagation of the species. Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. 66:143-159., and H. J. Buettner. 1955. Commercial fishery for chubs (ciscoes) in Lake Michigan through 1953. U.S. Fish Wildlife Serv. Spec. Sci. Rep. Fish. 163: 49 pp. ____________, P. H. Eschmeyer, and G. F. Lunger. 1951. Status of the lake trout fishery in Lake Superior. Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. 80:278-312. ___, and F. W. Jobes. 1941. Age, growth, and production of the yellow perch, Perca fZavescens (Mitchill), of Saginaw Bay. Trans. Amer. Fish. Soc. 70:102-122. Hoagman, W. J. 1.971. The larvae of the lake whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis Mitchill) of Green Bay, Lake Michigan. Ph.D. Thesis, Univ. of Wisconsin.. 1973. The hatching distribution abundance and nutrition of larval lake whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis Mitchill) of Central Green Bay, Lake Michigan. Inst. Fres. Res., Drottingholm, Sweden. Ann. Rep. No. 53. Hohn, M. H. 1966. Analysis of plankton ingested by Stizostedion vitreum vitreur, (Mitchill) fry and concurrent vertical plankton tows from southwestern Lake Erie, May 1961, and May 1962. Ohio J. Science 66(2):193-197 -Hubbs, C. L. 1926. A check-list of the fishes of the Great Lakes and tributary waters, with nomenclatorial notes and analytical keys. Univ. Mich. Mus. Zool. Misc. Publ. 15: 77 pp.. 1930. Further additions and corrections to the list of the fishes of the Great Lakes and tributary waters. Pap. Mich. Acad. Sci. Arts Lett. 11(1929):425-436., and K. F. Lagler. 1964. Fishes of the Great Lakes region. Univ. Mich. Press, Ann Arbor, Mich. xv + 213 pp. S'7 - Jensen, A. L. 1976. Assessment of the United States lake whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) fisheries of Lake Superior, Lake Michigan and Lake Huron. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 33:747-759. Jobes, F. W. 1949. The age, growth, and bathymetric distribution of the bloater Leucicholy (sic) hoyi (Gill), in Lake Michigan. Pop. Mich. Acad., Sci., Art. and Letters 33(1947):135-172. Joeris, L. S. 1957. Structure and growth of scales of yellow perch of Green Bay. Trans, Arier. Fish. Soc. 86(1956):169-194. Jude, D. J. 1976. Entrainment of fish larvae and eggs on the Great Lakes with special reference to the D.C. Cook Nuclear Plant, southeastern Lake Michigan. Proc. 3rd Ann. Workshop on Entrainment and Inpingement. N.Y., N.Y. 4 Feb. 1975. Kelso, J. R. M. 1972. Conversion maintenance and assimilation for walleye, Stizostedion vitreum vitreum, as affected by size, diet and temperature. Jour. Fish. Res. Bd. Can. 29:1181-1192. King, D. R. and C. S. Hunt. 1967. Effects of carp on vegetation in a Lake Erie marsh. J. Wildlife Manage. 31(1):181-188. Kinney, E. C., Jr. MS 1950. The life-history of the trout perch, Percopsis omiscomaycus (Walbaum), in western Lake Erie. M.S. Thesis, Ohio State Univ., Columbus, Ohio. 75 PP..___ MS 1954. A life history of the silver chub, Hybopsis storeriana (Kirkland), in western Lake Erie with notes on associated species. Ph.D. Thesis, Ohio State Univ., Columbus, Ohio. 99 pp. Koelz, W. 1929. Coregonid fishes of the Great Lakes. U.S. Bur. Fish. Bull. 43(2): 297-643. Latta, W. C. 1963. Life history of smallmouth bass at Waugoshance Point, Lake Michigan. Michigan Dept. Natural Resources. Inst. Fish. Res. Bull. No. 5. Lawler, G.. 1965. Fluctuations in the success of year-classes of whitefish populations with special reference to Lake Erie. J. Fish. Res. Bd. Can. 22:1197-1227. Lawrie, A. H. 1970. The sea lamprey in the Great Lakes. Trans. Amer. Fish. Soc. 99:766-775. Lippson, A. J. 1976. Preliminary pictoral key to distinguishing family characteristics among Great Lakes fish larvae. In Boreman, J. (ed.), Proc. Gt. Lakes Fish Egg and Larvae Identification Workshop. Ann Arbor, Mich. 19-21 Apr. 1976. 9 PP. Loftus, David H. 1977. Experimental larval fish trawling in Lake Huron, 1976: Results and suggestions for a permanent program. Typescript 35 PP. Lake Huron Fisheries Assessment Unit. Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, Owen Sound, Ontario. - 75 - Loftus, K. H. 1958. Studies:of river -pawnin; pop)iulations of Jlake trout in eastern Lake Superior. Trans. Amer. Fish. 2cr. 87:259-277. MacCrimmon, H. R. 1968. Carp in Canada. Fish:. Res. Board Can. B3ull. 1165: 9) pp. MacKay, H. H. 1934. Record of the alewife from Lake Huron. Copeia 1934:97. Magnuson, J, L. and L. L. Smith. 1963. Some phases of the life history of the trout-perch. Ecolojgy! (1);83-95. Manz, J W. 1964. A pumping device used to collect -vwalleye eggs from offshore spawning areas in western Lake Erie. Trans. Amer. Fish. Soc. 93(2):204-206. McCallum, W. R. and H. A. Regier. 1970. Distribution of smelt, Osmerus mordax, and the smelt fishery in Lake Erie in the early 1960s. J. Fish. Res. Bd. Can. 27(10):1823-1846. Miller, R. R. 1957. Origin and dispersal of the alewife, Alosa pseudoharengus, and the gizzard shad, Dorosoma cepedianum, in the Great Lakes. Trans. Amer. Fish. Soc. 86(1956):97-111. Moffett, J. W. 1957. Recent changes in the deepwater fish populations of Lake Michigan. Trans. Amer. Fish. Soc. 86:393-408. Moore, H. H., and R. A. Bream. 1965. Distribution of fishes in U.S. streams tributary to Lake Superior. U.S. Fish Wildl. Serv. Spec. Sci. Rep. Fish. 516: 61 pp. Mraz, D. 1964. Age, growth, sex ratio, and maturity of the whitefish in central Green Bay and adjacent waters of Lake Michigan. U.S. Fish Wildl. Serv. Fish. Bull. 63:619-634. Norden, C. R. 1961. The identification of larval yellow perch, Perca flavescens and walleye, Stizostedion vitreum. Copeia 1961(3):282-288.. 1967. Development and identification of the larval alewife, Alosa pseudoharengus (Wilson),in Lake Michigan. Proc., 10th Conference on Great Lakes Research. p. 70-78.. 1968. Morphology and food habits of the larval alewife, AZosa pseudohaoengus (Wilson), in Lake Michigan. Proc., llth Conf. Great Lakes Res. 1968 Internat. Assoc. Great Lakes Res. p. 103-110.._ 1970. Evolution and distribution of the genus Prosopium, p. 67-80. In C. C. Lindsey and C. S. Woods (ed.) Biology of coregonid fishes. Univ. Manitoba Press, Winnipeg, Man. 560 pp. Parsons, J. W. 1967. Contributions of year-classes of blue pike to the commercial fishery of Lake Erie, 1943-59. J. Fish. Res. Bd. Can. 24:1035-1066.. 1970. Walleye fishery of Lake Erie in 1943-62 with emphasis on contributions of the 1942-61 year-classes. J. Fish. Res. Bd. Can. 27: 1475-1489. - 76 - Parsons, J. W. 1971. Selective food preferences of walleyes of the 1959 year-class in Lake Erie. Trans. Amer. Fish. Soc. 100(3):474-485. _ 1972. 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The ecology and management of the walleye in western Lake Erie. Great Lakes Fish. Comm. Ann Arbor, Mich. Tech. Rept. 15. 101 pp. Roelofs, E. W. 1958. Age and growth of whitefish, Coregonus clupeafonris (Mitchill), in Big Bay de Noc and northern Lake Michigan. Trans. Amer. Fish. Soc. 87:190-199. Ryder, R. A. 1968. Dynamics and exploitation of mature walleyes, Stizostedion vitreum vitreum, in the Nipigon Bay region of Lake Superior. J. Fish. Res. Bd. Can. 25:1347-1376. Scott, D. C. 1955. Activity patterns of perch, Perca flavescens, in Rondeau Bay of Lake Erie. Ecology 36(2):320-327. Scott, W. 3., 7.51~ Fluctuations in abundance of the Lake Erie cisco (Leucichthys crtedi) population. Contrib. Roy. Ont. Museum Zool., 32: 41 pp. Sand E. J. Crossman. 1973. Freshwater fishes of Canada. Bull. 184. Fish. Res. Bd. Can., Ottawa. 966 pp., and W. J. Christie. 1963. The invasion of the lower Great Lakes by the white perch, Roccus anericanus (Gmelin). J. Fish. Res. Bd. Can. 20(5):1189-1195., and S. H. Smith. 1962. The occurrence of the longjaw cisco, iuezicChthys alpenae, in Lake Erie. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 19(6):1013 -L 0?. - 77 - Shetter, D. S. 1949. A brief history of the sea lamprey problem in Michigan waters. Trans. Amer. Fish. Soc. 76:160-176. Siefert, R. E. 1972. First food of larval yellow perch, white sucker, bluegill, emerald shiner and rainbow smelt. Trans. Amer. Fish. Soc. 101:219-225..____ 1975. Bibliography for larval fish identification. Nat. Wat. Qual. Lab., U.S.E.I.A. Duluth, Minn. 8 pp. Smith, S. H. 1956. Life history of lake herring of Green Bay, Lake Michigan. U.S. Fish Wildlife Serv. Fish. Bull. 109, Vol. 57:87.138. S 1964. Status of the deepwater cisco population of Lake Michigan. Trans. Amer. Fish. Soc. 93(2):155-163.. 1968. Species succession and fishery exploitation in the Great Lakes. J. Fish. Res. Bd. Can. 25(4):667-693.. 1970. Species interactions of the alewife in the Great Lakes. Trans. Amer. Fish. Soc. 99(4):754-765.. 1972. Factors of ecological succession in oligotrophic fish communities of the Laurentian Great Lakes. J. Fish. Res. Bd. Can. 29(6): 717-730. Spangler, G. R. 1970. Factors of mortality in an exploited population of whitefish, Coregorus clupeaformis, in northern Lake Huron, p. 515-529. In C. C. Lindsey and C. S. Woods (ed.), Biology of coregonid fishes. University of Manitoba Press, Winnipeg, Man. Stauffer, T. M. 1962 (s.c.). Duration of larval life of sea lampreys in Carp Lake River, Michigan. Trans. Amer. Fish. Soc. 91(4):422-423.. 1972. Investigations into the early life history of yellow perch in Little Bay de Noc. Mimeo. 5 pp. Tharratt, R. C. 1959. Food of yellow perch, Perca flavescens (Mitchill), in Saginaw Bay, Lake Huron. Trans. Amer. Fish. Soc. 88(4)330-331. Tomkins, F. T. 1951. The life history and reproduction of Georgian Bay lake trout, with some notes on the commercial fishery. M.A. Thesis, Univ. of Toronto, Toronto, Ont. 65pp. Trautman, M. B. 1957. The fishes of Ohio. Ohio State Univ. Press, Columbus, Ohio. 683 pp. Van Meter, H. D. 1960. The yellow perch of Lake Erie. Ohio Conservation Bull., Nov. p. 23., and M. B. Trautman. 1970. An annotated list of the fishes of Lake Erie and its tributary waters exclusive of the Detroit River. Ohio J. Sci. 70:65-78. - 78 - VanOosten, J. 1930. The disappearance of the Lake Erie cisco--a preliminary report. Trans. Amer. Fish. Soc. 60:204-214. S_1937a. The age, growth, and sex ratio of the Lake Superior longjaw, Leucichthys zenithicus (Jordan and Evermann). Pap. Mich. Acad. Sci. Arts Lett. 22(1936):691-711.. 1937b. The dispersal of smelt, Osmerus mordax (Mitchill), in the Great Lakes region. Trans. Amer. Fish. Soc. 66(1936):lb0-161.. 1942. The age and growth of the Lake Erie white bass, Lepibema chrysops (Rafinesque). Pap. Mich. Acad. Sci. Arts Lett. 27(2):307-334. _. 1939. The age, growth, sexual maturity, and sex ratio of the common whitefish, Coregonus clupeaformis (Mitchill), of Lake Huron. Pap. Mich. Acad. Sci. Arts Lett. 24(2):195-221. o 1961. Records, ages, and growth of the mooneye, Hiodon tergisus, of the Great Lakes. Trans. Amer. Fish. Soc. 90(2):170-174. _ and H. J. Deason. 1938. The food of the lake trout (Cristivomer namaycush) and of the lawyer (Lota maculosa) of Lake Michigan. Trans. Amer. Fish. Soc. 67(1937):157-177., and P. H. Eschmeyer. 1956. Biology of young lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) in Lake Michigan. Res. Rept. No. 42, U.S. Fish and Wildl. Serv., and R. Hile. 1949. Age and growth of the lake whitefish, Coregonus clupeaformis (Mitchill), in Lake Erie. Trans. Amer. Fish. Soc. 77(1947): 178-249. Wagner, W. C. 1975. Food of larval alewives in a Lake Michigan bay and notes on their distribution, abundance, and growth. M.S. Thesis, Northern Mich. Univ., Marquette. 40 pp. Warner, R. G. 1976. A preliminary annotated bibliography of the literature relevant to descriptions of eggs and larval stages of fishes of the Great Lakes. In Boreman, J. (ed.), Proc. Gt. Lakes Fish Egg and Ident. Workshop, Ann Arbor, Mich. 19-21 April 1976. 113 pp. Wells, L. 1966. Seasonal and depth distribution of larval bloaters (Coregonus hoyi) in southeastern Lake Michigan. Trans. Amer. Fish. Soc. 95:388-396. _____. _____ 1968. Seasonal depth distribution of fish in southeastern Lake Michigan. U.S. Fish. Wildl. Serv. Fish. Bull. 67(1):l1-15. ~______ _._ 1970. Effects of alewife predation on zooplankton populations in Lake Michigan. Limnol. Oceanogr. 15:556-565. ~~_______ _, and R. House. 1974. Life history of the spottail shiner (Notropis hudsonius) in southeastern Lake Michigan, the Kalamazoo River, and western Lake Erie. Bur. Sport Fish. and Wildl. Washington, D.C. Res. Rept. 78. 10 pp. Wofet B R 96.The:no-rerr'en"ts ol"wa-I evyx--Istagged as yearli-np-sin Lake ErLi e, Trans. A"er. Fish. Soo.9I)AC dh)-Q _______1969. ma tur-i. ty and f;~-ý,un'--ty of wiiicyes from the eastern and western basins of lake ELi-e. J4 Fich. lies. Rd. Can. 26( -'17-i-888. APPETIDiX 5 SPECIES REPORTED FOR THE GREAT LAKES (ROLAN AND SKOCE, 1975) AND FOR THIS REPORT. CAPTURED IN THE STUDIES COI'fPLED ~~-----I- -~---------------~.~-I--~~--L--UP---, *U~-C-W-C -WI---~LI4CC~~-L~-~-I~~U--~CO----C -----~UCrql__. _---~-. _~--P---OCC~ol-~~~-~~6~LI~ICIL^9C-~C-.~C~-~~~rCIL-~-C~-SI~Y-QICCL~-C~SLlbQ_~_ L--L ~- ~ Taxonomic Prob] eras (A,B)l for Larvae2 P-,enorted Occurrence in This Report no o a me e erican brook lkamprey.:Ier-can eel Amý'--e,,rican shad Urtic grayling Atlantic salmon Banded killifisl Bigeye chub Bigeye shiner Bignouth shiner Big=Iouth buffalo Black bullhead Black buffalo -iack crappie Black redhorse Blackchin shiner Blackfin cisco B11ackrnose dace Biack-nose shiner Blackside darter Blackstripe topminnow 2c->~t-ifir Hani~~e AZosa pseudoharengus Lampetralc Zcmottei Anvg-u1 i"7U.a roe tr2ata A-losa sapidissima Thymaiius arc ticus SZlmo salar fimdulus diaphanus Hybopsis amblops flo tiropis boops No trpop7ic dorsa~is Ictiohus cyprinellus Ictalurus melas Ictiohus niger PomoXis nigroraculatus Moxo stoma duquesnei I/o tropis he terodon Core gonus nigripinnis Phi nichthys atratuZus ANo tropis heterolepis Percina maculata 1ý-ndulus notatus Habitat --- -~-51---~-~0*-0~---~~~--~_I ~~~~-t--~~LC~lilUIICIIIPC3--rrY~P~~C;--~- ~~- ~---- ~C ~-rJUCII~UII~W~-B~L~-. ~---_ __ lake & stream sitr earn Slake & stream lake & stream lake & stream lake &-stream st r eam stIIre am stream lake & stream lake & stream lake & stream lake & stream lake & stream lake & stream lake & stream lake & stream stream stream stream A1 (Dorposoma) x B? B B B B B B A B (Ftmdculus) (Pybopsis) 01-) (Iotalurus) (Pomoxis) (Moxostoma) (Notropis) (CoregonusProsopwum) x x B B (Percina) ( Eandulus) - 81 - K+4 a) C) 4-U) 00c Cdi 0U U 0 0 O H 0op qqpq q p rid --) ' 4-)' 4-)-4-D) 4-) -P 4- 3- 4-3 -P4-'3- -P- P 4-) +D4 D 4-'3 C) UC) C) Cl l) In) ) CU) CU) U l l l U UlC(D)njM-) Inl )Cl 10 oý 3 26 - 3 o23 o3 o3 o3 o3 o23 o23 2 c3 2 3 6,13 c23 o3 23 k-)-4D(C) (1) c0 W CG) C0) (1) (1) 1) ca) ci) C a () ca ) (1 ) W ( 1)c) ~ Qc) i) A 4l 4l 'S4 Al P P Al 4A l P A Al'l14l Alk4 Al4l 14l 0 l 4 HH dH H wUC) HH U)H H H H H H H H H HrH4H H 0) 4ý U U) Q) Cf).H 4- 60) U ) ziP 'P U)Q)) Qo U) Q) CO- 0 C) Q C) 'P P U 0 - -P 2 f) 'H 0 %U) 0 r--.)) U) 0 co A-' ~0 ~ 0 U) 0-P 0 0~0--0 S 0 co )$: ) U) U -ýU ) '& ~ '~ )4 ci) ) ~ ) ~ -0 C~ U) ~ ) C) C) C) U rd 0OH WCi 04-' ) (3) S 0 0 Al (1) 4- C 4) -: 4 rr:i50i C-) 0 H O S 0 0 0 0 HOd*H ý Qi) OH 'HH o O--ý 0 H 0 -C d P 0 0 ' r d 4-) Al 4-0 r-i 4- 0rd U) 0 Al Al 0!Z0 0 0 ~'43 dco 0 0 0 0 0 C0 4-)3) P 0 P P0 P 0 PP0 71 d 0 P0 P0 0 P0 P0 P 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 82 - ý10 PH 0 P-1 rCd0 S-2,1 ~-1 C'. C'. Q) Q pq 0 I-, 043 0ý o~3 0L m (In ~ý3 01 o~3 0) 53 04 -U0 ~3 ~3 ~3 0 0 0 o13 (3) rH S5 0d 0D 13l 4D 0) 0 13 ~4~3 0 0ý3 0) 04ý 0d cd 0-- 0-3 -d ( ILI rd 0d H 4-D 3 0 -U)~ c X9 p r -, Q0 Q 0( r-- 0 -4 0 *0 13 13 0 00 13 (1-.13 13 0 (1 13 0 0 OC(1 0 0 0 '-N 0) 04 03 0 04 0 H (1 *0 1~0 0 04 0 0 (1 S 0 0 0 13 0 04 S 0 0 13 4-.) 0 0 13 ~3 0 03 0 04 0 H 0 (1 0 13 0 '---N 0 0 0) 13 0 0 13 13 0 0) *0 S 0 -0 0 04 *0 130 0 13 13(1 CO 0 013 *0 0' 04 0 0 0 13(1 -0' 13 0(1 -004 0 (~.) 04 13 -p 0 03 0 04 0 rH 0 13 13 (1 0 '0' 13 0 0 0 04 H 0 13 0 04 0 -H 04 0 0 0 13 0 '0' 0 0 (1 *0' -0' 0 04(1 I 13 (1 05 '0' 0 0)0 Co PO' 0 0 0 0 4-3 13 ) n13 13 1 *0' 0 0 '0' 1313 13 ~-0 0 0 C--) 13,-0 (1 0)(1 05 0 0 -0'.0 0 50 00 04 C-O 0 -~ ~q04 (1 ~3 (1(1 13-0' 0 -~ 013 (10) C-:' '0' ~-0 (1 v-:' 0 *0' ~) 004 0 0 0) CO (10) 0404 ~3 4'' 0 C) H Cd 0 04 81 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 IC) 0c C) 0 0 0 -H 0 13 0 ~3 0 04 0 0 04 03 0 4-' rd Cd 0-- rd Cd d H Cd *H 04 0 C, 0 0r~ 04 0 -P3c P'. rd C! 0 0 U) I 13 0-.H 4 -0 H 04 0 0 rd 0 Cdý Q) 4d (1) 0 I41 Cd 0) 4 0 H 04 0 13 0 (1 0 0 13 0 4-D rd o rd 0-H 13 Cd (1) rd 4-) A 0 (1) Cd 0 ct 00 0 p E-4 0 C-C '0 4-) CO 0 0) HAl ~-f-) I C> C-)-24 ~ 'C-) -0~O~ 00 0) CC 0)0 0 ~ 0) P1, c~j~ ~ 'p K) 0 0)CO 0)0 (~) C)) K) 0~, 4-) 0 pfl OD 4-) 10-- Al 4-) (f) 0ý3 cti U) 0oý3 a1) 03ý 03 0 U) 0 '-4 4-D - 4 m- ) 4~- - CD U) S 0 U) o~3 0 03 H 0 z 0 'H K) 'H 0 'H 0 00 0 cC 0 0 0~) 0) f--) 4-, 4-') rf) CO 0 ~ 0) 'P C--) 'C-) 0) 00 5 CO COO 0 -P 4-~ 0~CO 0 000) '~ 0)0) 0 4-~ 0 0) 0 0 'H 4-~ ~0 0 U) -p P 4-f 03 0 H) H 0 ~1') o0 'H P 0 'H H H0 >~2~ 0 03 H 0 0) C--) CO 0 'p CO 0) 0 0 Al 03 ~0 C) 0 03 H-f C13 0) Pý3 HL CO C)) COrO 'v-) 'P 0 ~-0 0) 0 0 K) 0) 0 0 C-H 0 ~ 04-) CO 0)0 COO -4-) ~ 0) 0 0) 4-) (A O~ 5 0 0) ~-oo 'P 0 0-0K) 5 0 0 CO CO CO 0 0 CO 4-~ 0 Co ~ S 00) 4-~ 00)0 0 4-~ CO 'P ~ 4-~ 4-) 02 0 4-~ K) 0 0~ CO 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0 0 50) O~Z 0) 4-~ 0) 'C-) 4--i 'P K) ~ 0 -0 4-~ 0 0 0 0 'P -4-) 0ý3 Q) P3 o3 P3 0 00 00 P s1 03 034) 03 - 0 0) cd CO CO b.0 0 0) 0)0ý_ 4-D U) cP3 (1) -4-) 0 0 4-) U) 0P3 0L 111 03 H-- CO --4 0 CO CO CO 0 0 0 4-) C--) 0) 0 K) CO 0 0) CO CO 0 K) 'C-) CO 00) 0 CO ~) ~i 0) ~-4 0) 4-) CO -~ CO 0 'P O 4-) 0~ 4-~ CO COO 0 'P 0 ~- ~0 ~ 4-) 4-) 0 0) 0 0 'P ki0)~ 0~ Pý3 r;,"3 5P3 dl -P dA 4-) A H- U) H Ui) H r-I 03 CO) 'PI 4-) 0 P 4-) U) LC\ ''-4 ---4 0 0 Al 0 0 l U) C) 0 0 -p -4 0 P -p 0 Al 03 Hi Al U) 'H 4--f 0 -p 'H 0 Al 03 Hi (A U) 10 Alc 4-p 03 0l SA d ICC 4-p 4-:) U) 3Cý OD Al 0 P 0 ICC 0 Hi P 03 ICC 0 U) 0 0 ICC 0 0 Hi P 0 Al 0 P 03 0 U) 0 'H 0 Al U) U) 0 0 0 ICC 'H 05 0 'H Hi ~S 0 0 0 0 0 '-41 .kDpend~X 5. (conlt) C Name ~CY"~ C,~. Taxonomic Problems Scienitific Name Habitat (AB)' for Larvae2 Reported Occurrence in This Report.1Yu1skel lunge Nines-oine stickleback N1orthern brook lamprey Northern hog sucke~r Niorthern pi-ke Northern redbelly dace Northern redhorseNorthern sand darter Orange~spotted sunf ish Orangethroat darter Paddlef-i sh Pearl dace Pigm-y whitefish Pirate perch Popeye shiner Pugnose minnow P1ampkinseed Quillba~ck Rainbow darter Rainbow smelt Rainbow trout Redear sunfish Redfin shiner Pun gi. tiws pungitius Ic ht h~jomyzon fos~sor Hjyoent-/Ie' hý.um nigricans Esox Q- uilUC$s Chrosomus eos cxc s toma macro ispidotwa Arrnmocryptcz peZ luc-lida Lepomis it heoslt oma spectczbile Rn lyocdon spathu-Za Semoti hus margaritla Prosopium cou7~teri Aphredoderus sayamnis TIctropic arioremis OpiS)opocodus emihiae Liepomis gibbosus Carpiodes cyprinus E theostoma caerrvieum Osmerus mordax SalZmo gairdneri Lepomis micro lophus Alotropis umbra tihis -lake & stream lake & stream et r e am st reamn lake & stream st r eam lake & stream lake & stream st ream st rearn lake &, stream s t r e am lake & stream st ream s t r e am st reamn lake & stream. lake & stream stream lake & stream lake & stream stream stream AZ- (11Esox) (Culaca and Casterosteus) 'X B x B (Lepomi s) B (Etheostoma) B (Semotilus) ID B (Lepomis) B (Carpiodes) x x B (Lepomis) - ~I) - +) 04 0rd a)P d4-3 CDEQ 00 E-1 4-).H rci C'-. ~ C,-. C'-. Co4 91) 00 0) Co Ci) 0 2 0) Co 4) 0 0) ) 4-) +D 4-D 4)4- ) )) 4)D44-) 4)3 U) U ) C) U ) U UIn I n f) l) In In In InCl) U) 4) 4)D4)1))4)Dii(1)ii 4) ci Q)ci 0-ii C ) c (1ii ci 41 ) a D 4)1ci cii cii 1) cQ In U Cl )U)) i In I rýI r1 -H l) H H H H H H r- H In) w) H iH H In z C) 4) 0 CD C) U) (3o C-)o - P0z: i Ci) 0 0 Co ~ I-) ~ C-i *C-~ Ci) '-s 1-0 ~) ~ 0 Co ~ 'C~ C'~ 0 0 C~ Co 0 ~ Ci) Co Co Ci) 'C-i 0 00 Ci) 0 ~0 'i-i '~0 Co Ci) ~i 4) 0~Co 0 0 ~ Co 4) *C-~ 04) 0)0) Co co PL44 Ci) 4) Co Ci) CS 'C-s C 0) ~1-iC~ 0 0 ~ Co ~-'-i Ci) ~ ci 0 ~ 4) 4)1-0 0) Co ci ~ Co 'CA ~ 0 0 0 Ci) ~ii ci 4) 0)~ Co ~ 4)~ 0 Co ci 0 ~ Co ci 4) ~ 0 0 4) 0i z 0 0 C~) C) U) (10 0 Cd PA) rC) -) 'Z4 rdHrd U) CD C rdCD D rd ~ -~ '~ Cd 'H 4 *H * U) U) cii 4 4 C) 0 CO CD U) 00* CD 0 'H 4 U) 4) cii U) 0 U) U U) C 'H CD DO 0 cii U) 4 0 4 C) CD 0 H 'H U) 0 U) 0D U) C) Rr~ cii C 4 (14 Q)4 S 0)4x 0 *H- -H - H, ) A H 5 0 U)U)) comU) co U) U) U) U) Azppendix 5. nc;t) _ --- ---rs~s~---~~~-~I--------L~~C~n~~ euc~~r--ou~--rm~,~-~-~,~u~-s-r~--rrPlaar ~-3~,olr4;-~~P~-rr~-~Car~dC -- C-PIW-*C-~L~CI~CLI~-4~~-C~CIL~I~.-~ - ---- -- 4--- Common Namie Spotfin shiner Spottail shiner Spotted gar Spotted sucker Starhead topminnow Stonecat Stoneroller Suckermouth minnow Tadpole madtom Threespine stickl2eback Scientific Name iv~troy;s s7iopterus hudsonius fepisosteus productus /Viny trema melanops.11lw7ioiZuis ottii Nlloturns fiavus CSampo stoma anomaZwn Phenacobius mirabilis Nloturns gyrinus Crasiterosteus acuZeatus H-abitat lake & stream lake & stream lak.e & stream stream str eam lake & stream stream stream lake & stream lake & stream Taxonomic Problems (A,B)l for Larvae2 A (Notrop is) Reported Occurrence in This Report x B B B B A (Fundulus) (Noturus) A (Noturns) (Pungitius and Cunieaa) Trout -perch Wall eye War-mouth Weed shiner White bass White crappie White perch White sucker YelIlow bu7llhead Yellow perch Percopsis omiscomaycus S tis*jos'tec i o n vitrewn Chaenobrwttns gulosus Notropis texanus Morone chrysops Pomo~xis annularis M orone ca-nericana Catos tomus corrg'ers oni. -Fct(ai~rns nataZis Perca fiavescens lake & stream lake & stream stream stream lake & stream lake & stream lake & stream lake & stream stream lake & stream A B (Pomoxis) B (Ictalurus) x x x x x x x x 1 A = high priority; B 2 From Boreman (1976) moderate priority - 3? COUNITY SUDTh4ABY 04'ATLL LOCATION> ' A L), &PL- i AULi)A) 1SCUII TA-),KL 'jMI CEIG0011 County: Berrien Source of Information: W~s*1973. Amii t',-ixe R(-port. Site 1: Location: New ýBuffalo Description: Near shore., depth 9.22 M Method 1: ~inl - nylon plankton net 351p1 mesh. Tows made at I m. depth intervals. Towed at 4 mph f or 5 min. Dates s.-impled: May 3-9, May 27-28, June 18-20, June 28 -Juliy 4, July 9-12., July 20-23, August 25-30, 1973. Fish 'lcapt.ured:: A-lewife Yellow perch Site 2: Location: Cook Power. Plant Description: Near shcre, depth 9.2 mn larva 11 juvenile it Method 1: 1 ~ý2 mn - nylon plank-ton net 351vi mesh tows: 1 mn depth intervals, greatest depth 9.2 m. Towed at L mph for 5 mmn. Dates sampled: May 3-9, May 27-28, June 18-20, June 28 -Julyr 4, July 9-12, July 20-23, August 25-30, 1973. Fish captured: Alewif e Smelt Yellow perch larva larva larva juvenile jiuvenil1 Source of Information: Jude,, D. J.,5 F. J. Tesar,) J. A. Dorr III, T. J. Miller, P. J. Rago, and D. J. Stewart. 1975. Inshore Lake Michigan fish populations near the Donald C. Cook Nuclear Power Plant, 197-3., Spec. Rep. No. 52 Gt. Lakes Res. Div. Univ. of Mich. Ann Arbor, Mich. 267 pp. - 88 -- E15 10 96 UN:ONq SOKOL -0 89 - Site 3: Location.: D)onald C. Cock PaerPlaft Lintake forebay D e!,>c r i t io n Recei-ves waterL from 71 im intake pipes Method 1. Traveli-'ng -scrocans Dates samplecl: Fish captured: Janu aCvyt-_,ubr~uary, IMarc K. 1\ovei-ýmber. December C, 17 Alewif e Black bullhead Black crappie Bowf in Burbot Channe'L cat-f ish Gizzard shad Johnny dart-er Central mudininnow Mottled scmlpin Northern Pike Ninespine stickleback Pumpkinsce,=d Rainbow smelt Spott-ail shiner Slimy sculpin Trout-perch White sucker Yellow perch April, October, uv e nil tt I t it it it Method 2: Diaphragm pump with intake hoses at and 9. 1 La 1,3.o4.6 Dates sampled: 1, 15, and 220 February, 1973 Fish captured: No fish captured Site 4: Location: Just north of the Cook Power Plant Descri.ption: Beach area, sandy bottom, subject to wave action - 90 - Method 1: Day and night sampling with a 1 m 351}1 mesh plankton net, duplicated tows Dates sampled: March to December, 1973 (once a month).L1 7 (o c Fish captured: Alewife Rainbow smelt Yellow perch larva IT Method 2: 38 m bag sampling seine, ~ cm bar mesh, duplicated, day and night March to December, 1973 (once a month) Dates sampled: Fish captured: Alewife Bluegill Brown trout Carp Channel catfish Chinook salmon Emerald shiner Fathead minnow Gizzard shad Johnny darter Longnose dace Longnose sucker Northern pike Rainbow smelt Rainbow trout Spottail shiner Trout-perch White sucker Yellow perch juvenile T7 TT VT YT TT TT?t?r Vt VT "t "V "V Site 5: Location: Just south of the Cook Power Plant Description: Beach area, flat sandy bottom, subject to wave action Method 1: Day and night sampling with a ~ m 351. mesh plankton net, duplicated tows - 9.1 - Dates samipled: March t-.o December., 1.973, once a month Fish c.ptured: Alewife larva Rainbow simelt t Spottail shiners " Yellow perch ' Method 2: 38 mi bag seine.,!* cm bar mesh, duplicated, day and night sampling Dates sampled: March to December, 1973, once a month Fish captured: Alewife juvenile Bluegill t; Brown trout " Carp Channel catfish " Chinook salmon " Emerald shiner " Fathead minnow " Gizzard shad " Johnny darter " Longnose dace " Longnose sucker " Northern pike " Rainbow smelt " Rainbow trout " Spottail shiner " Trout-perch " White sucker " Yellow perch " Site 6: Location: Warren Dunes State Park Description: Beach area, sandy bottom, subject to wave action Method 1: Day and night sampling with a ~ m 351p1 mesh plankton net, duplicated tows Dates sampled: April to October, 1973 Fish captured:Alewife Spottail shiner larva Y? Method 2: 38 i bag seine, ciii bar mesh,, duplicated, day and night sampling Dates sampled: Fish captured: March to December, 1.73, once a month Alewif e Brown trout Coho salmon Rainbowsml Rainbow trout Spottail shiner White sucker Y~ellow perch larva?I it 'V Site '(: Location: 350 n west of Cook Power IPlant Description: 6.1 m of water, sandy bottom Method 1: Day and night sampling with a ~ m 351 mesh plankton net, four five-minute tows Dates sampled: April to October, 1973, once a month Fish captured: Alewif e Rainbow smelt Spottail shiner Yellow perch larva it?I Med2~ Duplicate 10-mm bottom tows with a semi-balloon trawl toyved parallel to shore along the 6.1 mn depth contour, day and night Dates sampled: April to December, 1973, once a month Fish captured: Alewif e Brown trout Channel catf ish J ohnny dart er Lake troult Nin~espine stic]Kleback Rainbow smelt juvenile ff '7 - 03 -- oottail shinelr juvenile S1 inmy seuxillin " Trou.t -erch " White sucker " Yellow perch. T Site 8: Location: 670 m west of the Cook Power Plant Description: 9.1 m of water, sandy bottom Method 1: Day and night sampling with a ~ m 351p mesh plankton net, four five-minute tows Dates sampled: April to October, 1973, once a month Fish ca:tured: Alewife larva Rainbow smelt " Spottail shiner " Yellow perch " Method. 2: Duplicate 10-min bottom tow with a semi-balloon trawl, towed parallel to shore along the 9.1 m depth contour, day and night sampling Dates sampled: April to December, 1973, once a month Fish captured: Alewife juvenile Brown trout " Channel catfish Johnny darter " Lake trout " Ninespine stickleback Rainbow smelt " Spottail shiner " Slimy sculpin " Trout-perch " White sucker I" Yellow perch " Site 9: Location: 350 m west of Warren Dunes State Park - q4 - Description: 6.1 m of water, coarse sand Method 1: Day and night sampling with a ni m 351p mesh plankton net, four five-minute tows Dates sampled: April to October, 1973, once a month Fish captured: Alewife larva Unidentified " Method 2: Duplicate 10-min bottom tows with a semi-balloon trawl towed parallel to shore along the 6.1 m depth contour, day and night sampling Dates sampled: April to December, 1973, once a month Fish captured: Alewife juvenile Bluegill " Chinook salmon " Johnny darter " Lake whitefish " Longnose sucker " Mottled sculpin " Rainbow smelt " Slimy sculpin " Spottail shiner " Trout -perch " White sucker " Yellow perch " Site 10: Location: 670 m west of Warren Dunes State Park Description: 9.1 m of water, coarse sand Method 1: Day and night sampling with a ~ m 351p mesh plankton net, four five-minute tows Dates sampled: April to October, 1973, once a month Fish captured: Alewife larva Rainbow smelt " Uni denti f ied - U) Method 2: Duplicate 10.-mi botton tows with a balloon trawl towed paraallel to shore along the 9.1 m depth contour, day and night sampling Dates sampled-: April to December, 1973, once a month Fish captured: Alewife juvenile Bluegill "' Chinook salmon " Johnny darter " Lake whitefish I Longnose sucker " Mottled sculpin It Rainbow s:melt " Slimy sculpin " Spottail. shiner; Trout-perch I? White sucker V Yellow perch " Site 11: Location: 5000 m west of the Cook Power Plant Description: 21.4 m of water Method 1: Four five-minute tows parallel to shore using a ~ m 351p mesh plankton net Dates sampled: June to August, 1973, once a month Fish captured: Alewife larva Site 12: Location: Mouth of the St. Joseph River north of the Cook Power Plant Description: 6.1 m of water Method 1: Four five-minute tows parallel to shore using a ~ m 351p mesh plankton net Dates sampled: May and October, 1973, once a month Fish captured: No fish captured - 06 - Source of Information: Jude, D. J. 1976. Entrainment of fish larvae and eggs on the Great Lakes with special reference to the Do C. Cook Nuclear Plant, southeastern Lake Michigan. Proc. 3rd Ann. Workshop on Entrainment and Inpingement. N.Y., N.Y. Feb. 1975. (In press) Site 13: Location: Power plant intake forebay Description: Maximum depth of 10.1 m Method. 1: Diaphragm pump with intake hose at 2, 5, and 9 m; pump water filtered through a 3611 mesh plankton net. Samples collected every six hours during a 24-hour sampling period. Dates sampled: 1974, once a month; 1975, except for June, July and. weekly twice a month August when done Fish captured: Alewife Johnny darter Rainbow smelt Sculpin Spottail shiner Trout-perch Yellow perch larva 1T "t 1T Site 14: Location: Method 1: Power plant discharge Diaphragm pump with intake hose at 2, 5, and 9 m; pump water filtered through a 361p. mesh plankton net. Samples collected every six hours during a 24-hour sampling period, Dates sampled: 1974, once a month; 1975, except for June, July and weekly twice a month August when done Fish captured: Alewife Johnny darter Rainbow smelt Spottail shiner Sculpin Trout-perch Yellow perch larva T7 17 -~ ~j~T ~ Site I15: L ocat i o n. 10 s,-NeleCted stations, around the Cook Power Plant (actua-*l. loccaLioncsunavailab,.1e) Description: Sandy botto~m Method 1-, No. 2 in diameter plankton net ".owed horLizontally for5 mnuts ample s takn day anad ni~ght at 2, 4, 6 and 8 Y, Dates samp-led: April through Novemiber Fish captured: Alewiffe larva Johnny darter Rainbow smelt Spot.tail shiner Sculpin Trout -perch Yellow perch tI County: Van Buren Source of Information: Wells., 1973. Administratiive Report. Site 16: Location: Palisades Power Plant Description: Method 1: ~-L2-i.invnlon plankton net 351'P mesh, 1 m depth Jintervals, greatest depth Q.'2 m. Towed 4 mp~n for 5 mmn. Dates sampled: May 3-9, May 27-28, June 18-20, June 28 -July 4, July 9-12, July 20-23, August 25-30, 1973. Fish captured: Alewife larva juvenile Smelt fry t Yellow perch larva i Source of Information: Section 316(b) Intake Study, Palisades Nlucl-ear Plant Site 17: Location: Plant intake bay - 98 - LA4 l/C H/a SOU H ) a v KEm E /- 0 F s K VAN BURP N aE ~ 7A N ISTAT E ARK I ES A No 6G 17 I-I - c COVERT Cr pa~C ' ' ' -M 2'E a * ' T 0) M(2 'HAR TFQRD, H A., R 10 - rs-70 2 - 99 - Description: Lake c. tom:e(dy, rhirelie Lraigh; with very littl e r el i Meti Me-th -od 1: Traveli r intake screen Dates smapled: Marsh 1974 to March 1975 Fish captured: Alewife juvenile Gizzard shad " Yellow perch T lod 2: Submersible sump pump filtered thrc-gh a -333p plankton net; depth: surface and. 12 ft Dates sampled: March 1974 to February 1975 Fish captured: Alewife larva Rainbow smelt " Salmo nid " Slimy sculpin Yellow perch juvenile County: Allegan Source of Information: Wells, 1975. Administrative Report. Site 18: Location: Saugatuck Description: Near water Method 1: ~ m nylon plankton net 351p mesh, 1 m depth intervals, greatest depth 9.2 m, towed 4 mph for 5 min Dates sampled: May 3-9, May 27-28, June 18-20, June 28 -July 4, July 9-12, July 20-23, August 25-30, 1973 Fish captured: Alewife larva juvenile Yellow perch " " Source of Information: Wells, LuRue, 1966. Seasonal and depth distribution of larval bloaters (Coregonus hoyi) in southeastern Lake Michigan. Trans. Amer. Fish. Soc. 95:338-396. - 100 - 0 L L A ~0 isOww*A Kt~ N DOUGLAST P TLt/ ''f "f 5 il DOUGLA 41' & // 7'LA" ft~ f ý22 rc Cv 1'~ fy //?I 'tI,1 1r- r[ GAN ES. C ft't5nL G _____3____ E - 1201 - Site 19: Locat ion: SorutheastUern r L!ke Michigan of f'U S aý-ttLi c, Mich1-1ig- an DescripTtion: Method 1: Obliqu!-e tows for each 10-fathom sstratum over bottom depths from 5-50 fathoms. Some additional oblique tows 60, 7?;, 80 and 88 0athc'ms. A 1 m plankton net with a o.66- mmn 1,eseh towed for one mtinute at each levrel. Dates ss pled: 9 April to 22 August, 1964, every 10 days Fish captured: Bloater larva. County: Ottawa - Allegan Source of Information: Wells, 1973. Administrative Report. Site 20: Location: Holland Description: Near water Method 1: ~ m nylon plankton net 351jt mesh, Im depth intervals, greatest depth 9.2 m, towed at 4 mph for 5 min Dates samipl-ed: May 3-9, May 27-28, June 18-20, Jun 28 -July 4, July 9-12, July 20-23, August 25-30, 1973 Fish captured: Alewife Smelt Yellow perch larva f ry 1larva juvenile II County: Ottawa Source of Information: Wells, 1973. Administrative Report. Site 21: Location: Grand Haven Description: Method 1: ~ ni nylon plankton net 351P mesh, 1 m depth interva-ls, greatest depth 9.2 m, towed at 4 mph for 5 min - 10\/2 - 21 GRAND LAK IEAPACE CkWP PCDGETT CLAP W' CARTALY OL IVE HILLS 22 OIAoflTA IN4BEACH PORT SIRELOGA pO 0 X -TiT ROSABELLE 36'! BEACH 3 YEMUA LR EAcmA 0 12 ao 1 4 R SOC HA HAACAC ~. ~ HI~ _7 fT.Z. W\estern County 20 1.....1 3 Dates sampled: My?-_3, May 27-C28 June 8-2u,: June 28 -July 4, July 9-12, July 20-23, August 25-30, Fish captured: Alewife larva juvenile Bloater Smelt iTrout-perch VT Yellow perch Source of Information: Wells, 1973. Adminis-trative Report, Site 22: Location: Port Sheldon Description: Near water Method 1: m nylon plankton net 351u, mesh, 1 m depth intervals, greatest depth 9.2 m, towed at 4 mph for 5 min Dates sampled: May 3-9, May 27-28, June 18-20, June 28 -July 4, July 9-12, July 20-23, August 25-30, 1973 Fish captured: Alewife larva juvenile Yellow perch " " Source of Information: Section 316(b) Intake Study, J. H. Campbell Plant Units No. 1 & 2, Consumers Power Company Site 23: Location: Plant intake bay Description: Pigeon Lake on Lake Michigan Method 1: Traveling intake screen Dates sampled: January 1974 to March 1975, weekly Fish captured: Alewife juvenile Gizzard shad " Rainbow smelt " Yellow perch t - loli - M,ýethod 2: Submrersib~le s=no pum.p filt-ered through a 3'331f plankton net; depth: surface and 12 ft Dates sampled: January 1975 to March 1975 Fish captured: -Al-ew if e Black bullhead Channel.-catfish Clupeids Coho salmon Gizzard shad Johnny darter LIak-e trout Largemouth bass Logperch Ninespine stickleback Northern pike Rainbow smelt Shiner Slimy sculpin Spottail shiner Surnfish Trout -perch White crappie Yellow perch Unidentified j uven ril1e 1arva juvenile I larva juvenile larva larva, juvenile larva juvenile TT larva, juvenile juvnile larva, juvenile Cuny:.Mush-e~on Source of Informa-tion: Wells, 19073. Administrative Report, Site 2~4: Location: Whitehall. Description: Near, water Method 1-: m nylon plankton net 35l11mesh, 1 m depth intervals, greatest depth 9.2 m, -towed at )4 m-ph for 5 mmn -" to. 24 r rI -I L -iitt `5A H s T E E~UE y '1I, N. % m. "Uf". L hpE W O AK A ij C. MICH \: AA \, N QJ i I K OL N [ C) G~) -a - io6 - Dates sampled: May 3-9, May 27-28, June 18-20, June 28 -July )4, July 9-12, July 20-23, ýAuC7ust 25-30, 1973 Fish capnturel-ýd: Alew-ife Bloater Smelt Yellow perch fry fry larv~a (1 uvenile Source of Information: Section 316(b) Intake Study, B. C. C'obb Plant, Consumers Power Company Site 25: Location: Plant intake bay Description: Muskegon Lake near Lake Michigan Method 1: Traveling intake screen Dates sampled: January 1974 to March 1975, weekly Fish. captured: Alewif e Freshwater drum Gi-;zzard shad Rainbow smeltYellow perch juvenile '7 Method 2: Submersible sump pup filtered through a 3331j plankton net; depth: surface and 12 ft Dates samT.pled:. Janua-ry 197)4 to January 1975, weekly Fish cautoured: Al ewif'Le B'luegill11 Centrarchi ds Clupei ds C.r appni e Gizzard shad Largemouth ba-ss Rainbow smelt Salmon j uve nile fV7 larva IT it Juvenile it larva y f County: Source of Ifrain Michij,-ýan LDeparl.tu cut1 of Natural Eesouce catch istatistics Sit e "26, Location: PCIIuwater Description: Method 1: Fourteen bottom trawis Dates samnpled: 1976 Fish captured: Alewif e Lake trout Lake whitefish Round whitefish juvenile ff Method 2.: Gill net Dates sampled: Fish captured: 1-976 Brown trout Cohno salmon. Lake trout Longnose sucker Round whitef ish White sucker juveni.1 e Site 27: Location: Little Sable Point Description: Method 1: Gill net Dates swmpled: 1976 Fish captured: Burbot Lake herring Lake trout Lake whitef ish Longnose sucker Found whitef ish juvenile it it it it II - 108 - - --- - ---- -- - ---- -- - --------------------- ~-------''-~~U----- ~-U----- -"?I 26 NL 2 7 L177LE _ *44 - 109 - County: Mason Source of InformLation: Wells, 1.973. Administrative Report. Site 28: Location: Laudi n ton Description: Near water Method 1: m inylon pl3.nkton net 351i mesh, 1 m depth intervals, greatest depth 9.2 mi, towed at 4 mph for 5 min Dates sampled: May 3-9, May 27-28, June 28-July 4, July 9-12, July 18-20, July 20-23, August 25-30, 1973 Fish captured: Alewife larva juvenile Yellow perch " " Source of Information: Liston, C. and R. Anderson, 1976. Unpublished data on studies of the Ludington Pump Storage Power Plant at Ludington, Michigan. Site 29: Location: Beach 0-3 km south of Ludington Pump Storage Power Plant Description: Sandy beach Method 1: Fifty-foot bag-seine with 1/8 in mesh. 200-ft sample haiuls. Dates sampled: April - November, one to two times per month, from 1973-1977 Fish captured: Alewife juvenile Bloater bluegill " Brook silversides t Brown trout o Chinook salmon r Coho salmon " Emerald shiner " Johnny darter " Lake whitefish 7r Longnose dace t Longnose sucker I -110 - TO C A( 28 LUD 29 Ill - Iiice7 Jtmick~ebla Spu-inbi- tw~i Sii n iro..t -per ch -hite suck i-oer Yeelowi perch It Method 2: Surg e-zone gill nets; 175 't nets".set with 7 25-ft panels of 1, 2, 2~, 3. 4, 42 arid 7 stretch mesh. Dates sampoled: Fish cafýtured: 59 sets 'Dbetweein Alkoril and lN'ovember in 1976 Al ew-ife juvenile Brown t-rout it Chinook salmon Coho salmon It Gizzard shad t Longnose sucker I? Rainbow smelt It Rainbow trout I, Spottail shiner tI Yellow perch I Method 3: Beac.h seines, sampling aroun-id the 50-ft bag seine; 200-ft hauls. clock for '?4 1hrs; Dates sampled: April through September i1 month Fish captured: Alewife Brown trout Chinook salmon Johnny darter Lake trout Lake whitefish Longnose dace Rainbow smelt Rainbow trout Sc ulp in White sucker Yellow perch 976, 1977, about one/ uv enile TI I' TI TI TI IT TI TI TI I I _ I County: Manistee Source of Information: Wells, 1971. Administrative Report. Site 30: Location: Onekama Description: Near shore water Method 1: i m nylon plankton net 351P mesh, 1 m depth, towed at 4 mph for 5 min Dates sampled: May 17-24, 1974 Fish captured: Smelt fry Source of Information: Michigan Department of Natural Resources catch statistics Site 31: Location: Manistee Description: Method 1: Thirteen bottom trawls Dates sampled: 1976 Fish captured: Alewife Lake trout Lake whitefish Longnose sucker Round whitefish White sucker juvenile? Ti It TT "o Method 2: Gill net Dates sampled: Fish captured: 1976 Brown trout Burbot Lake trout Lake whitefish Longnose sucker R oun d wh i t c- f i Whli t k::ne kc'" juvenile? T Tf -1 /4 - we~- sa co I County: Benzie Source of Information: Wells, 1973. Administrative Report. Site 32: Location: Frankfort Description: Near water Method 1: 1 m nylon plankton net 351ý mesh, 1 m depth intervals, greatest depth 9.2 m, towed at 4 mph for 5 min Dates sampled: May 3-9, May 27-28, June 28 - July 4, July 9-12, July 20-23, August 25-30, 1973 Fish captured: Alewife larva juvenile Yellow perch " "r Source of Information: Michigan Department of Natural Resources catch statistics Site 33: Location: Frankfort to Pt. Betsie Description: Method 1: Fourteen bottom trawls Dates sampled: 1976 Fish captured: Alewife Method 2: Gill nets Dates sampled: Fish captured: Lake trout Round whitefish 1976 Chinook salmon Lake whitefish Lake trout Longnose sucker Round whitetfi White; juvenile? 11 juvenile? 't 1? tf I" 19% -. 10 t- I 4''V 33~T 32 - am a, LWest e rn Be riz i e C o un y - i - County: Leelanau Source of Information: Michigan Department of Natural Resources catch statistics Site 34: Location: South Fox Island Shoal Description: Method 1: Four bottom trawls Dates sampled: 1976 Fish captured: Alewife Rainbow smelt juvenile 'V Site 35: Location: Northport Bay in Grand Traverse Bay Description: Method 1: Eight bottom trawls Dates sampled: 1976 Fish captured: Alewife Coho salmon Lake trout Lake whitefish Round whitefish juvenile it "T Method 2: Gill nets Dates sampled: 1976 Fish captured: Burbot Coho salmon Lake herring Lake trout Lake whitefish Longnose sucker Round whitefish White sucker juvenile? "? T! 34 FOX 1IS-LAND 566 L EEL 35 Foody I'l-ol L, of M. ýOfflp iNorthern L eelarnau County Qand Fox Island Site 36: Location: Cat Head Pt. and Reef Description: Method 1: Four bottom trawls Dates sampled: 1976 Fish captured: Alewife Site 37: Location: Good Harbor Bay in the Leland Area Description: Method 1: Fourteen bottom trawls Dates sampled: Fish captured: 1976 Alewife Carp Lake trout Lake whitefish Round whitefish Slimy sculpin juvenile IT " " " IT I, Method 2: Gill net Dates sampled: 1976 Fish captured: Brown trout Chinook salmon Coho salmon Lake herring Lake trout Lake whitefish Longnose sucker Rainbow trout Round whitefish Sturgeon White -ucker juvenile Ti tv I! "V - 119 - PYRAMID Pfl SNOAL PT r~~hw fG w 1 37k~ c- --t-~E -GOOD HARSOR County: Grand Traverse Source of Information: Michigan Department of Natural Resources catchi ies Situe -38: Location: Old Mission Flt. in Grand Traverse Bay Description: Method 1: Six bottom trawls Dates sampled: 1976 Fish captured: Alewife juvenile Lake whitefish? Site 39: Location: Bowers Harbor Description: Method 1: Gill nets Dates sampled: Fish captured: 1976 Burbot Lake trout LUake whitefish Round whitefish White sucker juvenil e? IT it It 17 County-: r Source of Information Michigan Departm.ent of Natural Resources catch s tat -ji tc s Site )4o: Location: Elk Rapids- east arm Graznd Traiv-erse Bay Description: Method 1: Two bottom trawls Dat es samplIe d: 1976 GA N L-) Al PttIobe tib; tote jre -Ntame,f4iI 0i 0 T Q 46-0 AI -2i C LT L 3 1 {p0 010 k3, 'tiI '0 r Antr irn Cont o u nt - 123 - Fish captured: A iwi.i', juveoi i iLakev trout" Lake whitefi sh Methodl. 2: Gi1l nets Dates sampled: 1976 Fish captured: Brown trout juvenile? Burbot, Channel catfish Chinook salmon Lake herring Lake trout White sucker County: Charlevoix Source of Information: Section 316(b) Intake Study, Big Rock Nuclear Plant, Consumers Power Company Site 41: Location: Plant intake bay Description: Big Rock Point Method 1: Traveling intake screens Dates sampled: February 1974 to March 1975 Fish captured: Alewife juvenile Rainbow smelt " Yellow perch Method 2: Submersible sump pump filtered through a 333p plankton net; depth: surface and 12 ft. Dates sampled: February 1974 to March 1975 Fish captured: Alewife larva Rainbow smelt larva, juvenile Salmon larva Whitefish " Yellow perch juvenile Unidentifiable larva sh 44 42 Jor Fc Charlevoix County - 125 - Source of Inftorlmatito: Miciui dpartert of NaturIl Heou c. 24 1 1, i. Site 42: Location: South Pt. to Fisherman Island Description: Method 1: Four trawls Dates sampled: 1976 Fish captured: Alewife Gizzard shad Lake trout Rainbow smelt juvenile TT Site 43: Location: North end Garden, Hog, and Hat Islands Description: Method 1: Gill net Dates sampled: 1976 Fish captured: Lake trout Lake whitefish Round whitefish juvenile tf " T" Site 44: Location: Nine Mile Pt. Description: Method 1: Gill net Dates sampled: 1976 Fish captured: Brown trout Chinook salmon Lake whitefish Lake trout Longnose sucker juvenile it ft it AL -w r 0 0at tn C6/7 -1 s i to o cor Ul 'I - 127 - Hound 11.Iici Opt ake White sucker Yel low perch A i II I? 'I rt Method 2: TwentNy-three bottom - wi vls Dates sampled: 19-797 Fish captured: zl ewife Lake whi.tef ish Longnose sucker Ninespine stickleback Rainbow smelt Round whitefish White sucker uav e-ni1e tI it it TI rt Site 45: Location: Hlog Island Reef Descr-iption: Method 1: Gill net Dates sampled: Fish captured: 1976 Burbot Lake trout Lake whitefish Longnose sucker Round whitefish White sucker ju-venil-e?,TI it It County: Emmet Source of Information: Michigan Department of Natural Resources catch statistics Site 41(6: Location: Church Bank - Coed Hart to Seven Mile Pte. - 12ý:8 - 46 LIT TL E 4-7 CHARLEVOIX C 0 L; D)escription: Method I.- Ine Dates sam:n7)--A 1i9Th PiTh e~:n~rea: IBarbot T!L t 2 1k E -1-1 0Lr keCD 3hl 1 e C 1 Y I-- Q AlklS11C tL IU adni:-t ulv en~ e,adulit Site )47: Location: Ljit-tle,=rse Dayx, Description: Method 1: Gill n.-et Dates sampled: 1976 Fish captured: Drown trout Coho salmon Lake herring Lake trout Lake whitefish' Longnose sucker Northern pike Rainbow trout Round. whitefish White sucker juvenile? 1? 11 TV IT 11 TI II " 0 County: Delta Source of Information: Michigan Department of Natural Resources records Site 48: Location: Little Bay de Noc Description: Not given Method 1: Not given Dates sampled: July to September, 1966 to 1968 Fish captured: June 1975 Alewife larva Northern pike " Rainbow smelt Yellow perch 1' -L L 7112J117 rf'-4 I r' I IL I -----4-f 4mm C c ~ 0 4mm 0 CC),u 4, __ 11 1411 N am - 132 - LAKE SUPERIOR County: Marquette Source of Information: The Effects of Presque Isle Power Station on the Ecological Balance of Presque Isle Harbor, Final Report, April 1975 to July 1976, Submitted to: Upper Peninsula Generating Company, Wapora Inc. Site 1: Location: Plant intake bay Description: Lake Superior, north of the city of Marquette, Michigan Method 1: Traveling intake screens Dates sampled: April 1975 to April 1976, continuous collections counted every fourth day Fish captured: Lake trout juvenile Ninespine stickleback " Rainbow smelt r Rock bass Yellow perch Unidentified Method 2: Electrofishing Dates sampled: September 18, 1975 and November 18, 1975 Fish captured: Chinook salmon juvenile Smallmouth bass " Method 3: Suspended 355P tow net with a rectangular opening Dates sampled: July 1975 - July 1976 Fish captured: Burbot juvenile Carp " Deepwater sculpin " Lake trout Mottled sculpin r Ninesp'i ne:;tick l eback t Norther'n pike e - -11,)33 bin iNorthern - 134 - Rainbow smelt Rock bass Shiner Slimy sculpin Spoonhead sculpin Trout-perch Whitefish Family White sucker Yellow perch Unidentified juvenile TT t ft TI Tt Site 2: Location: 200 yds. Description: Near Method 1: 16-foot Dates samLpled: Fish captured: off the mouth of the Dead River intake structure semi-balloon trawl November 1975 - May 1976 Rainbow smelt juvenile Yellow perch " Site 3: Location: ~ mile off the mouth of the Dead River Description: Presque Isle Harbor, end of ore dock Method 1: 16-foot semi-balloon trawl Dates sampled: November 1975 - May 1976 Fish captured: Rainbow smelt juvenile Yellow perch t Site 4: Location: 3/4 mile south of the mouth of the Dead River Description: 100 yards from shore Method 1: 16-foot semi-balloon trawl Dates sampled: November 1975 - May 1976 - 135... Fish. capture,- R'ainbow smrnel- juvenile Yllow perchi " Site 5: Location: Foot, of ore dock, -outh side Description: Shoreline Method 1: 100 ft x -: ft each seine wiTh \ in mesh Dates sampled: October 1975 - April 1976, monthly Fish captured: Chinook salmon juvenile Rainbow smelt " White suckers t Yellow perch i Others s Site 6: Location: Mouth of the Dead River, north side Description: Shoreline Method 1: 100 ft x 8 ft beach seine with! in mesh Dates sampled: October 1975 - April 1976, monthly Fish captured: Chinook salmon juvenile Rainbow smelt " White sucker rI Yellow perch Others Site 7: Location: Mouth of the Dead River, south side Description: Shoreline Method 1: 100 ft x 8 ft beach seine with ~ in mesh Dates sampled: October 1975 - April 1976, monthly Fish captured: Chinook salmon juvenile Rainbow smelt " White sucker "I - 136 - Yellow perch juvenile Others t Site 8: Location: 21 miles south of Dead River, west of Picnic Rocks Description: Shoreline Method 1: 100 ft x 8 ft beach seine with \ in mesh Dates sampled: October 1975 - April 1976, monthly Fish captured: Chinook salmon juvenile Rainbow smelt t White sucker Yellow perch Others Site 9: Location: Dead River, 100 yd. up river from the mouth Description: River water Method 1: 5633 plankton net with a 0.24 m opening Dates sampled: April 1975 - September 1975 Fish captured: Burbot larva Rainbow smelt " Sculpin " White sucker I Yellow perch " Unknown species A t, tt "? B IT? T C t Method 2: 351p plankton net with a 0.4 m opening Dates sampled: January 1976 - May 1976 Fish captured: Rainbow smelt larva Yellow perch IT Site 10: Location: South side of ore dock - n'r - Description: Lak oate' Method 1: 563 pla_-_:tcn net with a 0.24 m opening Dates sa.pled- April 1975 - September 1975 Fish captured: Eurbo larva Rainbow smeI;t " White sucker t Yellow perch Method 2: 3511 plankton net with a 0.4.m opening Dates sampled: January 1976 - May 1976 Fish cantured: Rainbow smelt larva Sculpin "T Whitefish h Site 11: Location: ' mile east of the mouth of the Dead River Description: Near -The power plant intake Method 1: 563P plankton net with a 0.24 m opening Dates sampled: April 1975 - September 1975 Fish captured: Burbot larva Rainbow smelt 1" Yellow perch t Unknown species B t tr t Ct Method 2: 351p plankton net with a 0.4 m opening Dates sampled: January 1976 - May 1976 Fish captured: Lake whitefish larva Rainbow smelt " Sculpin I Whitefish Family " Site 12: Location: ~ mile southeast of the mouth of the Dead River - 138 - Description: Near proposed discharge Method 1: 563p plankton net with a 0.24 m opening Dates sampled: April 1975 - September 1975 Fish captured: Burbot larva Carp " Rainbow smelt t Sculpins t Yellow perch t Method 2: 351U plankton net with a 0.4 m opening Dates sampled: January 1976 - May 1976 Fish captured: Rainbow smelt larva Sculpins " Whitefish " Yellow perch " Unidentified " Site 13: Location: -~ mile east of the mouth of the Dead River Description: South side of breakwater Method 1: 563p plankton net with a 0.24 m opening Dates sampled: April 1975 - September 1975 Fish captured: Burbot larva Rainbow smelt " Sculpins t Yellow perch i Method 2: 351v plankton net with a 0.4 m opening Dates sampled: January 1976 - May 1976 Fish captured: Lake trout larva Rainbow smelt " Sculpins " White fish:" Yecl.1 ow g porch ll -- 1... - Site 1.4: Location: One m.ile souLthst of the mouth of the Dead liver Description: Lake water Method 1: 563p plankton net w-.ith a 0.24 mi opening Dates sampled: April 1 - September 1975 Fish captured: Burbot larva Lake whitefish " Rainbow smelt " Yellow perch " Method 2: 351l plankton net with a 0.4 m opening Dates sampled: January 1976 - May 1976 Fish captured: Lake whitefish larva Sculpins " Whitefish Family " Site 15: Location: mnile off the end of the breakwater Description: Lake water Method 1: 563p plankton net with a 0.24 m opening Dates sampled: April 1975 - September 1975 Fish captured: Emerald shiner larva Lake whitefish " Rainbow smelt " Whitefish Family " Method 2: 351p plankton net with a 0.4 m opening Dates sampled: January 1976 - May 1976 Fish captured: Rainbow smelt larva Whitefish " - 140 - Source of Information: Michigan Department of Natural Resources records Site 16: Location: Marquette Harbor and vicinity Description: Not given Method 1: Not given Dates sampled: May to August, 1976 Fish captured: Johnny darter Lake trout Mottled sculpin Ninespine stickleback Pink salmon Rainbow smelt Rock bass Round whitefish Slimy sculpin Smallmouth bass Trout-perch White sucker Yellow perch larva TI It 'I 1? It tV oT tV - I. -!,AK i,' iH'h'ON County: Sanilac Source of Inf.oration: O'Go man 197i. Administrative Report. Site 1: Loc ac ion: Richmoudvil le Description: Near shore, open lake Method 1: l m plankton net, 350p mesh; tows: 1 m depth intervals, surface T.o 4 m over 5.5 m bottom contour, surface to 6 m over 9.2 m bottom contour, 9,900 cm/min for 5 min Dates sampled: May 30 to June 5, 1973 Fish captured: Rainbow smelt larva Yellow perch " County: Huron Source of Information: Harbor Beach Power Plant, Report on Cooling Water Intake, Detroit Edison. Site 2: Location: Plant intake bay Description: Lake Huron at Harbor Beach, Michigan Method 1: Traveling intake screens Dates sampled: July 1974 - August 1975, weekly Fish captured: Alewife juvenile Brown trout " Channel catfish IT Freshwater drum " Gizzard shad II Lake trout " Rainbow trout " Rock bass " Smallmouth bass " Spottail shiner " (f) a rn 0 o C D rI(,L: 13 -2.-rOM K F I,E.11- 11,WIN -W.. J B ýC N r/ s Ir Z IP CWT iC I KB E Nsc~ (a4G 1--E $4L z.k ~ DL K C CA, ~ ~ 6'z ) K '~_r3 1.5 -r K 5 y WK I V E Ar. k A B E A c H~ A= jpL - \C 'd Vn W-K WtW VW.T-,Is W 1K c KZ3 K / I Easter P LA a I H.5' 'PAR Oil L7777rL Mý, - IL, --ft %ý kii - 144 - Trout-perch juvenile Walleye " Yellow perch " Others " Source of Information: O'Gorman, 1975. Administrative Report. Site 3: Location: Harbor Beach Description: Near shore, lake water Method 1: ~ m plankton net, 350p mesh; tows: 1 m depth intervals, surface to 4 m over 5.5 m bottom contour, surface to 6 m over 9.2 m bottom contour, 9,900 cm/min for 5 min Dates sampled: May 30 to June 5, 1973 Fish captured: Rainbow smelt larva Yellow perch "r Source of Information: O'Gorman, 1976. Administrative Report. Site 4: Location: Port Austin Description: Near shore, open lake water Method 1: ~ m plankton net, 350P mesh, 99 m/min for 5 min, surface to 4 m along 5.5 m contour, surface to 6 m along 9.2 m contour Dates sampled: July 13, 1974 Fish captured: Alewife larva Rainbow smelt " Method 2: Submersible sump pump filtered through 333u plankton net Dates sampled: July 1974 - August 1975, weekly Fish captured: Clupeids larva Rainbow smelt " Walleye " Yellow perch " / / / ~7< P, A ^PPORT C V- -j'r--, s rv. ~'K-4 -.0- WxW -K.r r_.T.M k'Ep!QZ ol i- " r 31 ~ F ~ ' M3mu_> '3fLý W PC 2 3~ F r H H Fmm 13 3~ 5 I f-A dn F '.*IF 'A* s-rv Io in j' -L '3.14 Zc 7.~ ' Imyl V F ~tW - W_ F">1 /\ A- IF I FL - 4 Unidentified Others larva tf Sour ce of IInformation: Michigan Department of Natural Resources catchi statistics Site 5: Location: Sand Point in Saginaw Bay DeI scription: Open water Method 1: Trawl Dates sampled: Fish captured: 1975 and 1976 Alewife Black crappie Gizzard shad Pumpkinseed Rainbow smelt Spottail shiner Trout -perch White sucker Yellow perch juvenile 71 'V 'V 1? VT Site 6: Location: North Island Description: 1: Trawl Dates sample-d: Fish captured: 1975 and 1976 Alewife Gizzard shad Pumpkinseed Rainbow smelt Yellow perch juvenile Vt 'V It 'V Site 7: Location.: Grindstone City I!~ l'I,-0 1,IUIA Xa P 9 tt~ a xx '.0 1z- ' A A:4A K -W - 1 -p r 13 13 ft3t 7:;r -r-W X __ 4AIVJ J LiA- t I sow;4ln3-1001 IO~S Nj I'~" - o hY1S 5- ft JIM> -am/L--w A / /I IO I I A- IC vii - T h AIL - >%L JL4 (pi A.%. Jw-I i p5V 'K No K4 * ~ f \'s~6.* z L4LIMKLX1ý' A cZ3O S I'm C,~ lo / ~Iq diw 14 v 9 IW Al v V N 9 v S I Description: Mý-ethod 1: Gill net Dates samnpled: Fish captured: 1975 and 1076 Burbot Chinook salmon Fournhorn sculpin Lake trout Longnose sucker Rainbow smelt Redhorse Rock bass Round whitefish Silver chub Stonecat White sucker Yellow perch juvenile It tl IT 'V 'V 7' Site 8: Location: Harbor Beach Description: Method 1: Gill net Dates sampled: 1975 and 1976 Fish captured: Black bullhead Bro-k bullhead Brown trout Carp Chaannel catfish Gizzard shad Goldfish Lake trout Northern pike Rainbow trout Rock bass Stonecat /a] I-eye juvenile I? 'V 'V 7' - 2 - I k I er juvenile If County: Tusc ola Source of -Informa-tioni: Mlllichilan Deparic,--ment of Natural esouroes catch IT.&t1 &S - i Site 9: Location: FIsih Poinu Description: Method 1: Trawl Dates sampled: 1975 and 1976 Fish capture-d: Alewife Bl-uegill Gizzard shad Goldfish Rainbow smelt Spottail shiner White sucker Yellow perch juvenile iT It it tT TV itV County: Bay Source of Information: O'Gc Site 10: Location: Bay City Description: orman, 1975. Administrative Report. M et I 'od i: - 5 ulank+ton net, 3501 -imesh; tows: I m depth intervals, surface to 4 Tin over 5.5 m bottom contour, surface to 6 mr over 9.2 mn bottom contour, 9,900 cm/miin for 5 m. Dates smiipled: May 30 to June 5, June 13-lc, 1973 Fish captured: -Alewifef-e larva Carp VT Rainbow smelt VT Yellow perch Tv m a 40 U 4 17' 444 i,77: I I LL U.x _:J N --'r a U U U Wester Tuiscola County - lYL - 1,iNoyanquingj Polnt; 4. y Yq'ale Area /I e P 3 \TobiCO Marsh Area 10.3rýc tBe PARK 12 1 Quaniecassee Wildlife Area - K - Source of Information: Fisheries Survey of Saginaw Bay. Related to the Thermal Effects of the Karn-Weadock Generating Stations, A Report for Consumers Power Company, Jackson, Michigan. Site 11: Location: Just outside the discharge channel Description: Very shallow inshore station, high temperatures, mixed lake and river waters, relatively constant current, substrate - sand Method 1: 16-foot semi-balloon otter trawl Dates sampled: June 1975 to May 1976 (seven sampling periods) Fish captured: Alewife juvenile Carp " Channel catfish " Emerald shiner " Freshwater drum Gizzard shad Pumpkinseed t Rainbow smelt " Spottail shiner Trout-perch White bass White sucker Yellow perch Unidentified " and larva Met od 2: 10501 conical plankton net with a 0.5 m opening Dates sampled: June 1975 to May 1976 (seven sampling periods) Fish captured: Unidentified larva Site 12: Location: Approximately 1 mile from discharge channel Description: Periphery of mixing zone (ambient plus 30 F isotherm of heated discharge), substrate - sand Method 1: 16-foot semi-balloon otter trawl Dates namipled: uu1 1L75 May 1976 (tour sampling periods) Fish, caoturend:.-eviC juvenile Ser, h1iir-er r G-C. 01(~~L1V 2upiseed" -ainbow smelt " Snottail shiner Yellow perch "t Unidentified larva Method 2: 1050ii conical plankton net with a 0.5 mn opening Dates sampled: June 1975 to May 1976 (seven samplinj, periods) Fi sh captured: Unidentified larva Site 13: Location: One mile west of the mouth of the Saginaw River Description: Moderate depth and distance from shore, mixture of lae ann river water, little river induced current, substrate - sancd Method 1: 16-foot semi-balloon otter trawl Dates sampled: June 1975 to May 1976 (seven sampling periods) Fish captured: Alewife juvenile Carp" Channel catfish "t aoerald shinermS Freshwater drum,i Gizzard shad" Pumnpkin seed "t Rainbow smelt "t Spottail shiner "t Trout -perch "White bass it Yellow perch ai Unidentified larva - 7 Sii Method 2: 1050p conical plankton net with a 0.5 m opening Dates sampled: June 1975 to May 1976 (seven sampling periods) Fish captured: Unidentified larva Site 1.: Location: Four miles east of discharge channel Description: Considerable distance from shore but in shallow water, substrate - sand Method 1: 16-foot semi-balloon otter trawl Dates sampled: June 1975 to May 1976 (seven sampling periods) Fish captured: Alewife juvenile Channel catfish " Emerald shiner " Freshwater drum Gizzard shad " Punpkinseed T Rainbow smelt T" Spottail shiner " Trout-perch " White bass " Yellow perch " Method 2: 1050p conical plankton net with a 0.5 m opening Dates sampled: June 1975 to May 1976 (seven sampling periods) S-ish captured: Unidentified larva Site 15: Location: East side of the Saginaw River, upstream from the plant intake Description: In natural river channel, 4 to 12 feet of water, in main current of river, substrate - mud and soft clay Method 1: 16-foot semi-balloon otter trawl Dates sampled: June 1975 to May 1976 (seven sampling periods) Fish captured; Carl juvenile Channel catfish "1 Emerald shiner r Gizzard shad Pumpkinseed - Spotuail shiner " White bass IWite sucker 1 Yellow perch Unidentified larva Method 2: 1050i conical plankton net with a 0.5 m opening Dates sampled: June 1975 to May 1976 (seven sampling periods) Fish captured: Unidentified larva Site 16: Location: West side of the Saginaw River, upstream from the plant intake Description: Shallow water (4 to 6 feet) protected from river current by dike, substrate - mud and clay Method 1: 16-foot semi-balloon otter trawl Dates sampled: June 1.975 to May 1976 Fish captured: Alewife juvenile Carp " Channel catfish " Emerald shiner T" Freshwater drum " Gizzard shad " Pumpkinseed Rainbow smelt P Spottail shiner "1 White bass " White sucker " Yellow perch T Unidentified larva 1 i Method 2: 1050p conical plankton net with a 0.5 m opening Dates sampled: June 1975 to May 1976 (seven sampling periods Fish captured: Unidentified larva Source of Information: Section 316(b) Intake Study, J. C. Weadock Plant, Constumers Power Company Site 17: Locnation: Plant intake bay Description: Saginaw Bay at the mouth of the Saginaw River Method 1: Traveling intake screens Dates sampled: January 1974 to January 1975 Fish captured: Alewife juvenile Gizzard shad t" Rainbow smelt t White bass " Yellow perch T Method 2: Submersible sump pump filtered through a 333p plankton net; depth--surface and 12 ft Dates sampled: January 1974 to January 1975 Fish captured: Alewife juvenile Bluegill " Carp " Clupeids larva Gizzard shad juvenile Goldfish larva Lamrprey Rainbow smelt juvenile, larva Yellow perch " " Unidentified larva Source of Information: Section 316(b) Intake Study, D. E. Karn Plant, Units 1 & 2, Consumers Power Comip,iny .. -- [ Site 18: Location: Plant intake bay Description: Saginaw Bay at the mouth of the Saginaw River Method 1: Traveling intake screens Dates sampled: January 1974 to January 1975 Fish captured: Alewife juvenile Gizzard shad " Rainbow smelt " White bass " Yellow perch " Method 2: Submersible sump pump filtered through a 333i plankton net; depth--surface and 12 ft Dates sampled: January 1974 to January 1975, weekly Fish captured: Alewife juvenile Clupeids juvenile, larva Gizzard shad juvenile Goldfish juvenile, larva Rainbow smelt " " Spottail shiner T" T Trout-perch " " Walleye " " Yellow perch " " Unidentified larva County: Arenac Source of Information: O'Gorman, 1975. Administrative Report. Site 19: Location: Pt. Au Gres Description: Method 1: 3 m plankton net, 350P mesh; tows: 1 m depth intervals, surface to 4 mn over 5.5 m bottom contour, surface to 6 m over 9.2 m bottom contour, 9,900 cm/min for 5 min - ].5C) DaLtes sa Smpled: iy 3C) t- uoc 5 arid Tune ii13- 97 1973 Fish captured: Source of Information: Mi st Al ew-I-l B3urbot Carp Smelt S-ucker Yellow perch larva It it 11 I, chigan Departme.rnt- of Natural Resources catcha atistics Sitle 20: Location: Au Gres Descrfttior: Met4.hod 1: Trawl Dates sampled: Fish captured: 1975 and 1976 -A-lewif e Black crappie Gizzard shad Pumpkinseed Rainbow smelt Spottail shiner Trout-perch White sucker Yellow perch County: losco Source of Information: O'Gorman, 1975. Administrative Report. Site 21: Location: Au Sable Pt. Description: Miethod 1: j:i plankton net, 350P mesh; tows: Im depth intervals, surface to 4 i over 5.5 m bottom contour, surface to 6 i over 9.2 In bottom contour, 9,900 cm/min for 5 min IA7, L2 4A~ 22 21 7 A i s 3P ýýTAWASA POIN 3SYA *r'A R K V East'ern - h Daess aip"ll~ed: fvlay ýr3(, -dJe 5,, nd June 13-19, 1973 Alewif e larva RainbDow Z)elt-I Yellow perc~h Source of InformatiL.D~n:.M:L'chigan Pcr uatof" Natur-al Resources catch s ta-ti-s t i Cs Site ~2i: Location: Au Sab'le Descript-ion: Method 1: Gillý net Dates samp-led: Fish capotured: River mouth Q976 Carp Chinook salmon Coho salmon Lake trout Longno~se sucker Round whitefish Walleye White Yellow perch County: Alcona Source of Information: 0'Gormc, Site 23: Location: Harrisville Description: an, 1975. Administrative Report. Metl io d 1: ~ m plankton net, 35011 mesh; tows: 1 m depth intervals, sufc't1%i vr5. otom contour, surface to 6 m over 9.2 m bottom contour, 9,900 cm/mmn for 5 mmn Dates sampled: May 30 - June 5, and June 13-19, 1973 Fish captured: Alewife larva Rainbow smelt 1 .20 40 4 LA 41t a 0' 0:; J C) 1ifr P.~RD. - 163 - Source of Information: Michigan Departmenm of Na-ural Resources catch statistics Site 2-: Location: Sturgeon Pt. Description: Method 1: Gill net Dates sampled: 1976 Fish captured: 3urbot Brown trout Lake trout Lake whitefish Longnose sucker Round whitefish White sucker Yellow perch Method 2: Four bottom trawls Dates samp.ld: 1976 Fish captured: Alewife Round whitefish Trout-perch Site 25: Location: Black River Description: Off-shore Method 1: Gill net Dates sampled: 1976 Fish captured: Alewife Fourhorn sculpin County: Alpena Source of Information: O'Gorman, 1975. Administrative Report. - 164 - Site 26: Location: Alpena Description: Method 1: ~ m plankton net, 350p mesh; tow: 1 m depth intervals, surface to 4 m over 5.5 m bottom contour, surface to 6 m over 9.2 m bottom contour, 9,900 cm/min for 5 min Dates sampled: May 30 - June 5, June 13-19, 1973 Fish captured: Alewife larva Rainbow smelt " Yellow perch " Source of Information: O'Gorman, 1976. Administrative Report. Site 27: Location: Middle Island Description: Method 1: ~ m plankton net, 350p mesh, 99 m/min for 5 min, surface to 4 m along 5.5 m bottom contour, surface to 6 m along 9.2 m bottom contour Dates sampled: July 1, 1974 Fish captured: Rainbow smelt larva Source of Information: Michigan Department of Natural Resources catch statistics Sit e 28 - Location: Rockport Description: Method 1: Gill net Dates sampled: Fish captured: 1976 Brown trout Chinook salmon Lake trout Longnose sucker /S.W \THIUNC'CP 9AY ZD )4 ISLAM C rNUA.Ml? #Jr TA 26 29 d 0~ TH UNDE R 0cc: 8 A Y Ea st er n Alpena County Round whiJLt e f ish White bass White sucker Method.2: Eleven bottom trowi-s Pates sampled: Fish captur-ed: 10~r76 Al ew if-7e Em~erald. shiner Lake trout Ninespine stickleback Rainbow smelt Slimy scul-pin Trout -perch ji tvenl e Site 29: Location: North Pt. in Thunder Bay Description: Method -1: Gill. net s Dates sampled: 1976 Fish captured: Al1ewi fe Brown trout Gizzard shad Lake trout Lake whitefish Longnose sucker Rock 'bass Ro unid whit-efish Wh ite crappiJe White sucker Yellow perch Site 30: Location: Thunder Bay.Description: Mouth of the Thunder -Bay River Method I: Gill net - 167 -. e at1,; Ltllp (C islhl c?,)tur ed: j (hI Brown fb JI-hca--d Brown trout Bowf in. Carp Chnook salm.1on Coho salmon Gizzard shad Lake tr,'out Northnern ipike Rock bass White crappie White sucker Yellow perch Site 31: Location: Partridge Pt. in Thunder Bay Description: Method 1: Gill net Dates sampled: Fish captured: 1976 Brown t rout Burbot Lake trout Longnose suckerNorthern pike Round whitefish White sucker Yellow perch qe I sle Source o-..InLforination: O'Gorman, 1975. Administrative Report. Site 32~: Location: Hammond Bay IgI Zjy P KProsu~ ~s IC oU'sty Description: Method 1: 1 plankton net,, 3501- mesh, tows: I m depth intervals, ace to 4 m over 5.5 m bottom contour, surface to 6 m wvel 92 mi bottom contour, 4,900 cm/mn for 5 mi Datcs s-mledd May 30 - June 5, June 13-1), 1973 Fish captured: AlewT'e larva 3loater Foutrhorned sculpin Lake whitefish Smelt Yellow perch Site 33: Location: Thompson Harbor Description: Method 1: ~ m plankton net, 3501 mesh; tows: 1 m depth intervals, surface to 4 m over 5.5 m bottom contour, surface to 6 m over 9.2 m bottom contour, 9,900 cm/mmn for 5 mmn Dates sampled: May 30 to June 5, June 13-19, 1973 Fish captured: Fourhorned sculpin larva Lake whitefish 1! Smelt it White sucker Yellow perch Source of Infoirmation: Michigan Department of Natural Resources catch statistics Site 3hs: Location: Presque Isle Description: Off-shore Method 1: Gill nets Dates sampled: 1976 Fish captured: Alewife Rainbow smelt N -U V 4 _ K I K' I J U j -I2 ~ ( ~ I Count.y: Che-boygan - Pre-)e sl So-urce of Infourmation: 0 'Gormraril, 19"(6. Administrative Report. Site 35:..,ocation: Nine M1~Pt Des cr1 p--t ion Method 1: m inpl ank-ton net.) 350'P mesh, 99 in/mmi for 5 min, surface to 4 rin along 5.5 m con-tour, surface to 6 m along 9.2) m contour Dates sampled: June 26, 1974 Fish captured: -Alewife larva Rainbow smelt it CoLuity: Cheboygan Source of Infornat ion: Mich-igan Department of Natural Resources catch statistics Site 36: Location: Cheboygan River mouth Description: Method 1: Gill net Dates sampled: 1976 Fish captured: Bowf in Brown bullhead Carp Channel catfish Chinlook Salmon - 17? - 0l Nj k N 0 0 I,\C, S Smalln mouth bass Wa~l.eye White sucker Yellow perch Source of Information: )0'oorri.n, L976. Administrative Report. Site 37: Location: Off Zella Pt. on Bois Blanc Island Description: Method 1: i plankton net, 350 mesh, 99 m/mrin for 5 min, surface to 4 m along 5.5 m bottom contour, surface to 6 m along 9.2 m bottom contour Dates sampled: June 26, 1974 Fish captured: Alewife larva Rainbow smelt Comunty: Mackinac Source of Information: 0'Gorman, 1975. Administrative Report. Site 38: Location: St. Martin Bay Description: Method 1: m plankton net, 350p mesh, tows: 1 in depth intervals, surface 4 m over 5.5 m bottom contour, surface to 6 m over 9.2 m bottom contour, 9,900 cm/min for 5 min Dates sampled: May 30 to June 5, June 13-19, 1973 Fish captured: Bloater larva Fourhorned sculpin " Rainbow smelt " White sucker " Yellow perch - j(4 - p 0 K CK iK Cent ralI mackinaw Cut County Source of Information: 5'on, 96. jiýdm in1icistrative Report. Site 39: Location: Pt. Fuy~ards Method 1: m plankton net., S5Oji mesh-; towvs: 1 m depth intervals, sufae o aor. 5 -r bottom contour,, surface to 6 m over- 9. 21 a b'ot-tom cont-our, 9,900 ca-r/mmn for 5 min Dates sampled: Ju-ne 228, 197 4 Fish captured: Alewife larva Rain-bow smelt i Yellow -perch I Source of Information: Michigan Department of Natural Resources catch statistics Site 4o: Location: Beavertail Pt. Description: Method 1: Four bottom trawls Dates sampled: 1976 Fish captured: Alewife Lake trout juvenile it Sourceof Information: Michigan Department of Natural Resources catch statistics Site 41: Location: Les Cheneaux island Description: >let hod 1: Gill net Dates saimpled: 19761 Fish captured: Bowf-in Brow-n bullhead juvenile IT - 116 - V) z K. Lo Mackinaw County I -w r7, r C ~p NRo-rthern nrike Prkins ced Rock-bass WR.-*te -sucker Ye~ll--ow percn Site 42:-. Location: Point Brulee 1.1v. ]( TI IT1 Description: Method 1: GV!,,I net Dates sampled: 1976 Fish captured: Brown trout Burbot Chinook salmon Lake herring Lake trout Lake whitefish Longnose sucker Round whitefish White sucker Yellow perch Site 43: Location: Carp River mouth Description: Method 1: Gill net Dates sampled: 1976 Fish captured: Brown trout Cohio salmon Lake trout. uvwen i1 e it f Northern pike Sturgeon White sucker Yellow perch Site 44: Location: Rabbit Back Pt. Description: Method 1: Gill net juvenile II Dates sampled: Fish captured: 1976 Brown trout Chinook salmon Lake herring Lake trout Lake whitefish Longnose sucker Northern pike Round whitefish White sucker juvenile fT " It " 'I I? Site 45: Location: Albany Bay Description: Method 1: Nineteen bottom trawls Dates sampled: 1976 Fish captured: Alewife Lake trout Lake whitefish Longnose sucker Rainbow smelt Round whitefish White sucker juvenile 'I I? I, IT " - 1Y~) - Site 46: LocationI Cedarville Wr ck Description: Method l-,Nineteen Da'-e s -P 1e-d: Fish captured: bottom ral Lake whitefish Ninespine stickleback Rainbow Tsmelt VWhite sucker j uvenilie It it IT Yt County: Chippewa Source of Information: Site 47: 0 orman, 1-975. Administrative Report. Location~ St. VitalI Pt. Description: Method 1: ~ý m planktLon net, 3541 mesh; tows: I m depth intervals, surface -to 4 m over 5.5 m bottom contour, surface to 6 m over 9.2 m contour, 9,900 cm/mmn for 5 min Dates saimplIed: May 30 - June 5 June 13-19, 1973 Fish captured: Bl1oater larva Burbot i Rourhorned scul1pin f Rainbow smelt t White sucker it Yellow perch I r of Michigan Department of Natural Resources catch statistics Site 48: Location: Sims Point Description: - I IL X Q> k NJ Eas tern Chippewa County - 18.-i Method 1: Gill net Dates sam-inpled: Fish capture --d: 1-976 Burbot Lake Iherring Ljonguose suckerC;Norternpike J al bcwtroutRound whitefish SturgSeon Walleye White suc'Ker Yellow perch juvenile VI it It Site 9 Location: Mau-ý.d Bay Description: Method 1: Gill net Dates sampled: Fish captured: 1976 Burbot Chinook salmon Lake herring" Lake whitefish Liongnose sucker Northern pike Rock bass Round whitefish Smallmouth bass Wall eye White sucker Yellow perch j uven il e tt Vt Vt Vt Vt it Vt Vt Vt Vt it Method -: Fourteen bottomt trawls Dates sapled: 19/76 Fish captured:.Alewi fe Brown bullhead juvenile Gizzard shad Lake herring Lake trout Lake whitefish Longnose sucker Northern pike Rainbow smelt Rock bass Smallmouth bass Slimy sculpin Walleye White sucker Yellow perch Site 50: Location: Potagannising Bay Description: Method 1: Two bottom trawls Dates sampled: 1976 juvenile ~T It Tf I, It TI Vt Vt II Fish captured: Brown bullhead Pumpkin seed Northern pike Rainbow smelt Rock bass White sucker Yellow erch juvenile TT It 't ST. CLAIR - DETROIT RIVEt SYSTEM County: Wayne Source of Information: Wyandotte North Power 'Plant, Study Report on Cooling Water Intake, Detroit Edison Site 1: Location: Plant intake bay Description: Westbank of the Detroit River Method 1: Traveling intake screens Dates sampled: April 1976, every six days Fish captured: Alewife juvenile Bowfin " Bullhead " Carp " Gizzard shad i Goldfish " Rainbow smelt " Rock bass " Shiners (Notropis) " Sunfish (Lepomis) " Trout-perch " Walleye " White crappie " Yellow perch " Others I Method 2: Submersible sump pump filtered through a 3511 plankton net, depth 8-12 feet. Dates sampled: April - October 1976, twice a week Fish captured: Not available at time of publication - 184 - 3 I 5 Eastern Wayne County I &V I - I ý,ý - Source of" Informati'Lon2:: Dera P-e Plant, Study Report on Cooling Water Intake, Pexiroit Edison Site 2: Location: Plant intakee bay Desccription: West bank of -the Detroit River Method 1: Tru.valing intake sc:-r can-,s Dates sainpled: Fish captured: June `974 --,Aucgust 1975, weekly Alew-i- ewife Channel catfish Freshwater druni Gizzard shad Rock bass Smallmouth bass Rainbow smelt Wall eye White bass Yellow perch Others juveni e it tr 11 Ty if if Ty It Mvlethod 2: Submersible sump pump filtered through a 333P plankton net Dates sampled: June 1974 - August 1975, weekly Fish captured: Clupeid Logperch Rainbow smelt Trout -perch Walleye White bass Yellow perch U.nidentified others larva IT TV 'V Vt Source of Information: Conners Creek Power Plant, Study Report on Cooling Water Intake, Detroit Edison Site 3: Location: Plant intake bay - 186 - Description: West bank of the Detroit River Method 1: Traveling intake screen Dates sampled: June 1974 - August 1975, weekly Fish captured: Alewife juvenile Channel catfish " Emerald shiner t Freshwater drum T Gizzard shad t Rainbow smelt t Rock bass t Smallmouth bass t Trout-perch it Walleye r White bass t Yellow perch T Others t Method 2: Submersible sump pumps filtered through a 333p plankton net Dates sampled: June 1974 - August 1975, weekly Fish captured: Clupeids larva Logperch " Rainbow smelt " Trout-perch " Walleye " Yellow perch " Unidentified others " Source of Information: River Rouge Power Plant, Study Report on Cooling Water Intake, Detroit Edison Site 4: Location: Plant intake bay Description: West bank of the Detroit River Method 1: Traveling intake screens Dat tnss samp `1 -Fish captuirek": Ll /-J,9~7 -1 weekly _!Ul (~W-iLw Czr Chlannel catfi-'.sh mr&d shi ners Fr -e.s wat er drLum Gizza.r d shIta d Rainb~ow smelt Rock bass Sinallimouth bascs T (Iro t---perch Walleyc White bass Yei-low inerc.h Others juvenile It it It II Method 2: Submers Dates sam~pled: Fish captured: Source of Information: Tr, CO( ible sump pump filtered through a 333P plankton net June 19'74 - August 1975, weekly Clupe id Freshwater dr-um Logperch Rainbow smnelt Trout -perch Wall eye Whit-e bass Yellow perch Others Unidentified larva II Vt TI II II II fI enton Channel Power Plant, Study Report on coling Water Intake,, Detroi-t Edison ite5: Location: Plant intake bay Description: Trenton Channel of the Detroit River - 188 - Method 1: Traveling intake screens Dates sampled: Fish captured: June 1974 - August 1975, weekly Alewife Channel catfish Coho salmon Emerald shiner Fr e s hwater drum Gizzard shad Logperch Rainbow smelt Rock bass Smallmouth bass Walleye White bass Yellow perch Others juvenile It It 'I I, I, I, 'I I, It Method 2: Submersible sump pump filtered through 333p plankton net Dates sampled: Fish captured: June 1974 - August 1975, weekly Clupeids larva Rainbow smelt " Walleye " White bass It Yellow perch " Others " Unidentified " County: Macomb Source of Information: Michigan Department of Natural Resources catch statistics Site 6: Location: Mouth of the Clinton River Description: AjunoD qwozoD,/\ ujaqp~foS V 7A,4V8 17 d *V* t 4~YJ6-f 4 ( Nil c "s '7'U4 >1/i /V ý 140 1 1 1 44 ~ IOo 3071 -o? N ýir J 1711 A1LA 4:_ 3 3; ~~KiQt 13 Method 1: Trawl Dates sampled: 1976 Fish captured: Black bullhead Black crappie Bluegill Bowfin Brown bullhead Carp Freshwater drum Goldfish Northern pike Pumpkinseed Redhorse Rock bass Smallmouth bass Walleye White bass White sucker Yellow perch juvenile IT TT TT County: St. Clair Source of Information: Marysville Power Plant, Study Report on Cooling Water Intake, Detroit Edison Site 7: Location: Plant intake bay Description: St. Clair River north of Marysville, Michigan Method 1: Traveling intake screens Dates sampled: June 1974 - August 1975, weekly Fish captured: Alewife Channel catfish Freshwater drum Gizzard shad juvenile IT -.1-91 - jr - A A I {. F I~LLEPORT ron A 49~ sct i>r -.7 R ') jDA~ IL E or- IL HJER 0 N T 4: LSI SUN - M JB'~A L L APAR K X- W-, V-%A-% 7A N TVUK v 01i L.VA N-M L /711 Tw c ) -N~ IAK / JO/i H U P (2 A' 4C.:77 /q * I' SARN IA ON TARIO 7 C~'i IA F R A4 4,. f~~fl F 11/ (' L? ~ I Northern [St. Clair County - 1 2 - Logperch Rainbow smelt Rockbass Smallmouth bass Walleye Yellow perch Others juvenile?I VT Vt VT 'V Method 2: Submersible sump pump filtered through 333p plankton net Dates sampled: June 1974 - August 1975, weekly Fish captured: Clupeids Rainbow smelt Trout-perch Walleye Yellow perch Unidentified Others larva Vt TT t Vt Vt Source of Information: St. Clair Power Plant, Study Report on Cooling Water Intake, Detroit Edison Site 8: Location: Plant intake bay Description: St. Clair River south of St. Clair, Michigan Method 1: Traveling intake screens Dates sampled: Fish captured: June 1974 - August 1975, weekly Alewife juvenile Channel catfish Freshwater drum V Gizzard shad Rainbow smelt Rock bass Smallmouth bass Trout-perch Walleye White bass A A#4kG~~' A! 0iL: ME CS0 4// le '4 '7 6 z~ IrK V " N ' I-[ ~ j 4 ~1 KY_____ ~ ~LJ `7,( Cý~ ~eRNECIT 7 ELAv L CO-WXT R' L ~ r2i SWA X3 CRE No~7 Z84 (v V9 /W _Y 4LNA L T C PAR5 lrI 3M "l w I Southern St. Clair County 09) Yellow perch juvenile Others " Method 2: Submersible sump pumps filtered through 333p plankton net Dates sampled: Fish captured: June 1974 - July 1975, weekly Clupeids larva Freshwater drum " Logperch, Rainbow smelt " Trout-perch Walleye Yellow perch Unidentified Others 1T ft Source of Information: Michigan Department of Natural Resources catch statistics Site 9: Location: North Channel of the St. Clair River Description: Method 1: Trawl Dates sampled: 1976 Fish captured: Carp Channel catfish Freshwater drum Longnose gar Northern pike Quillback Redhorse Rock bass White sucker Yellow perch - -ý-195 - 'I, " T 7'E County: Monroe Source of Informatluion: Enrico Fermi Power Plant No. 1, Study Report on Cooling WatI-er- Intcake, Detroit Edison. Site 1: Location: Plant- i'ntake bay Description: Lake Erie, Logoona Becach, Michigran Method 1: Tfraveling intake,=- screens Dates sampled: F-ish capt-Ured: July to August 197Th, intermittently Channel catfish juvenile Emerald shiner I Fresh1water drum it Gizzard shad Rock bass I Smallmouth bass TTrout -perch I Walleye I White bass Yellow perch Others Method 2: Submersible sump pumps filtered through net a 351P plankton Dates sampled: July 1974, November 1974, February 1975 to August 1197 5,intermittently Fish captured: Burbot Channel catfish Clupeids Freshwater drum Rainbow smelt Trout -perch Wall eye larva it ty Ty it it .76.77 78~ -Ba River Roisin -84 9 -1 6 *32 -13 -107 Lo Ploi'sorce -31 -108 -23 -85 -22 -191 -2 -109 -18 -16 -15 Oftter 1-39.54.86 -14 -30 -87 -55 -29 -88 '.3-7 We ste rn -28 -58 Lack e E r ie -90.2.91 Wood tc rA 34 -26 0 - 25 -:24 Maurnee E astern Monroe County 0 0 o~ 0 0 ~ 0 - 0o3 - White bass Yellow perch Unidentified Others larva TT tt Source of Information: Monroe Power Plant, Study Report on Cooling Water Intake Site 2: Location: Plant intake bay Description: Lake Erie at the mouth of the River Raisin, Monroe, Michigan Method 1: Traveling intake screen Dates sampled: Fish captured: April 1972 to May 1976, Unit 1 June 1972 to May 1976, Unit 2 March 1973 to May 1976, Unit 3 May 1974 to May 1976, Unit 4 Alewife juvenile Brown bullhead " Black bullhead i Carp " Channel catfish " Chinook salmon T Coho salmon " Freshwater drum Gizzard shad Goldfish Largemouth bass Logperch Northern pike T Rainbow smelt Rainbow trout Rock bass " Shiners Smallmouth bass Stone cat " -- I -, T--yoiut --perch Walleye White bass WhiJIte crappie WhiteprcIch Ye'llow bullhead Yellow perch 94er j uveniie if Method 2: Submersible sump pumps filtered net through a 571Yv plankton Dates sampled: F-i sh captured: April 1975 to May 1976, weekly Carp Channel cat fish Clupeids Emerald shiners Freshwater drum Logperc h Rainbow smelt Trout-perch Wall eye White bass Yellow perch Unident ifi ed Others larva It it f t it if tI Source of Information: Section 316(b) Intake Study, J. Consumers Power Company R. Whiting Plant, Site 3: Location: Plant intake bay Description: Lake Erie south of Luna Pier, Michigan Method 1: Traveling intake screens - 200 - Dates sampled: Fish captured: January 1974 to January 1975; 170 samples: day and night Alewife Freshwater drum Gizzard shad Rainbow smelt White bass Yellow perch j uveni le Method 2: Submersible sump pump filtered through a 333p plankton net Dates sampled: Fish captured: January 1974 to January 1975, weekly Alewife Brook silversides Carp Channel catfish Clupeids Emerald shiner Freshwater drum Gar Gizzard shad Northern pike Smallmouth bass Spottail shiner Rainbow smelt Walleye White bass Yellow perch juvenile juvenile, tT juvenile juvenile, larva juvenile larva juvenile Tt larva?I it IT larva juvenile, larva larva juvenile, larva IT Tt Source of Information: Cole, R. A., 1977. Larval Fish Distributions in southwestern Lake Erie near the Monroe Power Plant. Report to the U.S.E.P.A. Manuscript. Site 4: Location: Just north of the mouth of the River Raisin Description: Mud and clay sediments - 201 - Method 1: Three-minute oblique tow from bottom to top using a 363_ mesh planktIon net at night Dates sampled: Apr.l, iMay, June 19'76 Fish captured: Carp-Goldfish larva Clupeids " Smelt " vWhite bass " Yellow perch " Site 5: Location: Two km east-northeast of the mouth of the River Raisin Description: Mud and clay sediments Method 1: Three-minute oblique tow from bottom to top using a 363g. plankton net at night Dates sampled: April, May, June 1976 Fish captured: Clupeids larva Shiners " Smelt " Suckers T, Yellow perch Ti Site 6: Location: Four km east-northeast of the mouth of the River Raisin Description: Mud and clay sediments Method 1: Three-minute oblique tow from bottom to top using a 363pi mesh plankton net at night Dates sampled: April, May, June 1976 Fish captured: Carp-Goldfish larva Clupeids " Rainbow Smelt Shiners T Suckers White bass T Yellow perch - 202 - Site 7: Location: Six km east-northeast of the mouth of the River Raisin Description: Mud and clay sediments Method 1: Three-minute oblique tow from bottom to top using a 363-P mesh plankton net at night Dates sampled: April, May, June 1976 Fish captured: Black bass larva Carp-Goldfish " Clupeids Freshwater drum Shiners Smelt Yellow perch Site 8: Location: Eight km east-northeast of the mouth of the River Raisin Description: Mud and clay sediments Method 1: Three-minute oblique tow from bottom to top using a 3631 mesh plankton net at night Dates sampled: April, May, June 1976 Fish captured: Black bass larva Carp-Goldfish,I Clupeids Shiners Smelt Suckers Yellow perch Site 9: Location: Ten kmn east-northeast of the mouth of the River Raisin Description: Mud and clay sediments Mebliod 1: Three-minute oblique tow from bottom to top using a 363{i uresh plankton/ ne-t at night - 903 - Dates sampled: Fish captured: I.pril 7tay, JTime A' Channel --ý1catfish 11lupeid s, Lo gperch Shiners,_melt. WIhite 3bass Yel-"low perch larva if If Site '10: Location: Twel11ve Km-r east-northeast of the mouth of the R1-iver Raisin Description: Mud and clay sedime nt s Method 1: Three-minute oblique tow from' bottom to top using a 36311 mesh plankton net at night Dates sampled: April, May, June 1976 Fish captured: Carp-Goldfish larva Clupeids I LogperchIT1 Shiners I Smelt Walleye Yellow perch Site 11: Location: Fourteen km east-northeast of the mouth of the River Raisin Description: Mud and clay sediments MIethod 1: Three--minute oblique tow from bottom to top using a 36S)p mesh plankton net at night Dates samipled: April, May, June 197b Fish captured: Clupeids larva Freshwater drum. TV LogperchTIt Rainbow smelt it Shiners it Yellow perch it o 4 - Site 12: Location: Sixteen km east-northeast of the mouth of the River Raisin Description: Mud and clay sediments Method 1: Three-minute oblique tow from bottom to top using a 363ýi mesh plankton net at night Dates sampled: April, May, June 1976 Fish captured: Carp-Goldfish larva Clupeids " Freshwater drum Logperch Rainbow smelt Shiners Yellow perch Site 13: Location: Eighteen km east-northeast of the mouth of the River Raisin Description: Mud and clay sediments Method 1: Three-minute oblique tow from bottom to top using a 363"1 mesh plankton net at night Dates sampled: April, May, June 1976 Fish captured: Carp-Goldfish larva Freshwater drum Smelt Yellow perch Site 14: Location: The mouth of Otter Creek Description: Mud and clay sediments Method 1: Three-minute oblique tow from bottom to top using a 363v' mesh plankton net at night Dates sampled: April, May, June 1976 Fish captured: Clupeids larva Freshwater drum Vt Shiners "V - 205 - 'pAel, larva White bass I Yellow perch " Site 15: Location: Two km east-northeast of the mouth of Otter Creek Description: Mud and clay sediments Method 1: Three-minute oblique tow from bottom to top using a 363p mesh plankton net at night Dates sampled: April, May, June 1976 Fish captured: Carp-Goldfish larva Clupeids T Shiners " Smelt " White bass " Yellow perch i Site 16: Location: Four km east-northeast of the mouth of Otter Creek Description: Mud and clay sediments Method 1: Three-minute oblique tow from bottom to top using a 363p mesh plankton net at night Dates sampled: April, May, June 1976 Fish captured: Carp-Goldfish larva Channel catfish " Clupeids T Shiners t Smelt " Walleye T White bass tr Yellow perch IT Site 17: Location: Six km east-northeast of the mouth of Otter Creek Description: Mud and clay sediments - 206 - Method 1: Three-minute oblique tow from bottom to top using a 363pi mesh plankton net at night Dates sampled: April, May, June 1976 Fish captured: Carp-Goldfish larva Clupeids " Crappie " Freshwater drum " Rainbow smelt " Yellow perch " Site 18: Location: Eight km east-northeast of the mouth of Otter Creek Description: Mud and clay sediments Method 1: Three-minute oblique tow from bottom to top using a 363p mesh plankton net at night Dates sampled: April, May, June 1976 Fish captured: Clupeids larva Freshwater drum " Rainbow smelt " Shiners " Sunfish " White bass " Yellow perch " Site 19: Location: Ten km east-northeast of the mouth of Otter Creek Description: Mud and clay sediments Method 1: Three-minute oblique tow from bottom to top using a 363v mesh plankton net at night Dates sampled; April, May, June 1976 Fish captured: Clupeids larva Freshwater drum " Rainbow smelt " Shiners " Yel low porch " Co - Site 20: Location: Twelve nm east---northeast of the mouth of Otter Creek Description: Mud and clay sediments Method 1: Three-minute oblique tow from uottom to top using a 363p mesh plankton net at right Dates sampled:.pril, May, June 1976 Fish captured: Clupeids larva Rainbow smelt t" Shiners t Yellow perch t Site 21: Location: Fourteen km east-northeast of the mouth Description: Mud and clay sediments Method 1: Three-minute oblique tow from bottom to mesh plankton net at night Dates sampled: April, May, June 1976 Fish captured: Carp-Goldfish lari Clupeids " Rainbow smelt T Shiners r Suckers T Sunfish T White bass T Yellow perch T of Otter Creek top using a 363p va Site 22: Location: Eighteen km east-northeast of the mouth of Otter Creek Description: Mud and clay sediments Method 1: Three-minute oblique tow from bottom to top using a 363P mesh plankton net at night Dates sampled: April, May, June 1976 - 208 - Fish captured: Carp-Goldfish larva Clupeids " Rainbow smelt i Shiners i Walleye T Yellow perch Site 23: Location: Maumee Bay Description: Mud and clay sediments Method 1: Three-minute oblique tow from bottom to top using a 363P mesh plankton net at night Dates sampled: April, May, June 1976 Fish captured: Carp-Goldfish larva Clupeids " Freshwater drum Rainbow smelt " Shiners " Walleye White bass T Yellow perch Site 24: Location: 3.5 km north-northeast of Maumee Bay Description: Mud and clay sediments Method 1: Three-minute oblique tow from bottom to top using a 363p mesh plankton net at night Dates sampled: April, May, June 1976 Fish captured: Clupeids larva Freshwater drum " Rainbow smelt " Trout-perch White bass " Yellow perch T - ('Or) - Site 25: Location: 7 km no~~ci-northeast of Maumee Bay Description: iM"ud and clay sediments Method 1: Three-minute ob..ique tow from om ottm to top using a 363 mesh plarnKon net at night Dates sam.pled.-: April., May, June 1976 Fish captured: Carp-Goldfish larva Clupeids " Rainbow smelt I Shiners? Suckers White bass " Yellow perch T Site 26: Location: 10.5 km north-northeast of Maumee Bay Description: Mud and clay sediments Method 1: Three-minute oblique tow from bottom to top using a 363p. mesh plankton net at night Dates sampled: April, May, June 1976 Fish captured: Clupeids larva Rainbow smelt " Trout-perch " White bass " Yellow perch " Site 27: Location: 14 km north-northeast of Maumee Bay Description: Mud and clay sediments Method 1: Three-minute oblique tow from bottom to top using a 363D mesh plankton net at night Dates sampled: April, May, June 1976 Fish captured: Clupeids larva Rainbow smelt " - 210 - Trout-perch larva White bass i Yellow perch " Site 28: Location: 17.5 km north-northeast of Maumee Bay Description: Mud and clay sediments Method 1: Three-minute oblique tow from bottom to top using a 363p mesh plankton net at night Dates sampled: April, May, June 1976 Fish captured: Clupeids larva Rainbow smelt " Shiners I White bass Yellow perch Site 29: Location: 21 km north-northeast of Maumee Bay Description: Mud and clay sediments Method 1: Three-minute oblique tow from bottom to top using a 363p mesh plankton net at night Dates sampled: April, May, June 1976 Fish captured: Clupeids larva Logperch " Rainbow smelt " Shiners "f Suckers t Yellow perch ' Site 30: Location: 2)4.5 km north-northeast of Maumee Bay Description: Mud and clay sediments Method 1.: T'hree-minute obl0i que tow Prom bottom to top using a "-(, moer'h plankton n, L ',t ni-,ht Da eL,; sampled: Apri p, Ma. y,, n.l. 19Y - 2.L - Fish captured: Clupeid, larva Fr.s.wa- er drum " Logperch " Rainbow smelt Shiners s li i e bass " Yellow perch Site 31: Location: 30 km north-northeast of Maumee Bay Description: Mud and clay sediments Method 1: Three-minute oblique tow from bottom to top using a 363P mesh plankton net at night Dates sampled: April, May, June 1976 Fish captured: Clupeids larva Freshwater drum " Logperch " Rainbow smelt " Shiners " Yellow perch " Site 32: Location: 33.5 km north-northeast of Maumee, just off of Stony Pt. Description: Mud and clay sediments Method 1: Three-minute oblique tow from bottom to top using a 363p mesh plankton net at night Dates sampled: April, May, June 1976 Fish captured: Carp-Goldfish larva Clupeids "t Logperch " Rainbow smelt " Shiners " Yellow perch " - 212 - Site 33: Location: One km north of North Cape on Woodtick Peninsula Description: Near shore (0.3 km) shallow water Method 1: Three-minute oblique tow from bottom to top using a 363V mesh plankton net at night Dates sampled: April, May, June 1976 Fish captured: Carp-Goldfish larva Clupeids " Freshwater drum i Rainbow smelt " Shiners White bass " Yellow perch? Site 34: Location: Four km north of North Cape on Woodtick Peninsula Description: Near shore (0.3 km) shallow water Method 1: Three-minute oblique tow from bottom to top using a 363P mesh plankton net at night Dates sampled: April, May, June 1976 Fish captured: Clupeids larva Freshwater drum " Rainbow smelt " Shiners " White bass " Yellow perch " Site 35: Location: Due east of the Whiting Power Plant Description: Near shore (0.3 km) shallow water Method 1: Three-minute oblique tow from bottom to top using a 363p mesh plankton net at night Dates sampled: April, May, June 1976 - 23 - Fish captur;ed: Carp-Goc'' 'fish CIupeid s Fre s h-water drum Rainbow sme.elt rhiners Tjr out-perch Whitie bass Yellow perch larva It 'i IT TI Site 36: Location: Due east of Luna Pier Description: Near shore (0.3 km) shallow water Method 1: Three-minute oblique tow from bottom to top using a 363` mesn plankton net at night Dates sampled: April, May, June 1976 Fish captured: Carp-Goldfish larva Clupeids " Rainbow smelt IT Shiners " Sunfish t White bass Yellow perch i Site 37: Location: Due east of Toledo Beach Description: Near shore (0.3 km) shallow water Method 1: Three-minute oblique tow from bottom to top using a 363 P mesh plankton net at night Dates sampled: April, May, June 1976 Fish captured: Carp-Goldfish larva Clupeids " Rainbow smelt " Shiners IT Suckers t White bass i Yellow nerch T - 21- - Site 38: Location: Just north of the mouth of Otter Creek Description: Near shore (0.3 kin) shallow water Method 1: Three-minute oblique tow from bottom to top using a 363p mesh plankton net at night Dates sampled: April, May, June 1976 Fish captured: Carp-Goldfish larva Clupeids " Freshwater drum t Rainbow smelt " Shiners " Suckers White bass Yellow perch Site 39: Location: Due east of the mouth of La Plaisance Creek Description: Near shore (0.3 km) shallow water Method 1: Three-minute oblique tow from bottom to top using a 363P mesh plankton net at night Dates sampled: April, May, June 1976 Fish captured: Carp-Goldfish larva Clupeids t Freshwater drum Rainbow smelt Shiners Suckers White bass T Yellow perch Site 40: Location: Just north of the Monroe Power Plant discharge channel Description: Near shore (().3 km ) aha.l 1 ow water Method. 1: Three-minute oblique ow from bottom to top using a 3641 mesh plankton ret a~ t night Dates sampled: April, May, June 1976 Fish captured; Carp-Goldfish larva Clupeids ic Shiners " Suckers Ty,White -ass I Yellow perch Site 41: Location: Due east of Sterling State Park Description: Near shore (0.3 km) shallow water Method 1: Three-minute oblique tow from bottom to top using a 363i mesh plankton net at night Dates sampled: April, May, June 1976 Fish captured: Carp-Goldfish larva Clupeids " Rainbow smelt i Suckers it White bass i Yellow perch i Site 42: Location: Brest Bay between Sandy Creek and Stony Creek Description: Near shore (0.3 km) shallow water Method 1: Three-minute oblique tow from bottom to top using a 363pi mesh plankton net at night Dates sampled: April, May, June 1976 Fish captured: Clupeids larva Rainbow smelt " Shiners " White bass " Yellow perch " Site )3: Location: In the mouth of Stony Creek Description: Constant current and river water 1 m to 2 m deep Method 1: Three-minute bottom tow using a 363p mesh plankton net attached to a bottom sled, daytime Dates sampled: April, May, June 1976 Fish captured: Carp-Goldfish larva Clupeids " Rainbow smelt Shiners Sunfish " White bass Yellow perch Site 44: Location: North shore of Brest Bay Description: Beach area (1 m deep) Method 1: Three-minute bottom tow using a 363p mesh plankton net attached to a bottom sled, daytime Dates sampled: April, May, June 1976 Fish captured: Carp-Goldfish larva Clupeids " Shiners " White bass "T Yellow perch " Site 45: Location: Brest Bay, just off Stony Pt. Description: Open lake water (1 km from shore, 5 to 6 m deep) Method 1: Three-minute bottom tow using a 363p mesh plankton net attached to a bottom sled, daytime Dates sampled: April, May, June 1976 Fish captured: Clupeids larva Yellow perch, 7- 7 - Site 46: Location: Backwaters of Sandy Creek Description: Little to no current, river and lake water mixture, 1 to 2 mi deep Method 1: Three-minute bottom tow using a 363p mesh plankton net attacched to a bottom sled, daytime Dates sampled: April, May, June 1976 Fish captured: Carp-Goldfish larva Clupeids " Rainbow smelt " Shiners " Yellow perch "t Site 47: Location: Beach area of Sterling State Park Description: Hard clay bottom (1 m deep) Method 1: Three-minute bottom tow using a 363p mesh plankton net attached to a bottom sled, daytime Dates sampled: April, May, June 1976 Fish captured: Carp-Goldfish larva Clupeids " Rainbow smelt T White bass t Yellow perch i Site 4S: Location: Brest Bay Description: Open lake water (1 km from shore, 5 to 6 m deep) Method 1: Three-minute bottom tow using a 363b mesh plankton net attached to a bottom sled, daytime Dates sampled: April, May, June 1976 Fish captured: Clupeids larva Rainbow smelt " Yellow perch " - 218 - Site 49: Location: Backwaters of Plum Creek Description: Creek water, 1 to 2 m deep Method 1: Three-minute bottom tow using a 363Y mesh plankton net attached to a bottom sled, daytime Dates sampled: April, May, June 1976 Fish captured: Carp-Goldfish larva Clupeids " Freshwater drum i White bass tr Yellow perch t Site 50: Location: One km south of the mouth of the River Raisin Description: Beach area (1 m deep) Method 1: Three-minute bottom tow using a 363p mesh plankton net attached to a bottom sled, daytime Dates sampled: April, May, June 1976 Fish captured: Carp-Goldfish larva Clupeids " Rainbow smelt T Shiners " White bass " Yellow perch " Site 51: Location: South of the mouth of the River Raisin Description: One km from shore, 5 to 6 m deep Method 1: Three-minute bottom tow using a 363p mesh plankton net attached to a bottom sled, daytime Dates sampled: April, May, June 1976 Fish captured: Clupeids larva Rainbow smelt " Shiners " Yellow perch I -- 21]. - Site 52: Location: Mouth of Otter C Description: River water, 1 to 2 m deep Method 1: Three-minute bottom tow using a 363p mesh plankton net attached to a bottom sled, daytime Dates sampled: April, May, June 1976 Fish captured: Carp-Goldfish larva Clupeids s Rainbow smelt " Shiners White bass Yellow perch Site 53: Location: Beach area north of Otter Creek Description: One meter deep water Method 1: Three-minute bottom tow using a 363P mesh plankton net attached to a bottom sled, daytime Dates sampled: April, May, June 1976 Fish captured: Clupeids larva Rainbow smelt " White bass " Yellow perch i Site 54: Location: Three km east of the mouth of Otter Creek Description: Open lake water, 5 to 6 m deep Method 1: Three-minute bottom tow using a 363p mesh plankton net attached to a bottom sled, daytime Dates sampled: April, May, June 1976 Fish captured: Clupeids larva Freshwater drum "t Rainbow smelt "t Yellow perch " - 220 - Site 55: Location: Backwaters of Sulfur Creek (Toledo Beach) Description: Little to no current, 1 to 2 m deep Method 1: Three-minute bottom tow using a 363p) mesh plankton net attached to a bottom sled, daytime Dates sampled: April, May, June 1976 Fish captured: Carp-Goldfish larva Clupeids " Freshwater drum Ti Smelt t White bass T Yellow perch t Site 56: Location: Allens Cove south of Toledo Beach Description: Beach area (1 m deep) Method 1: Three-minute bottom tow using a 363p mesh plankton net attached to a bottom sled, daytime Dates sampled: April, May, June 1-976 Fish captured: Clupeids larva Rainbow smelt " Sunfish IT White bass " Yellow perch i Site 57: Location: Seven km southeast of Allens Cove Description: Open lake water, 5 to 6 m deep Method 1: Three-minute tow using a 3631J mesh plankton net attached to a bottom sled, daytime Dates sampled: April, May, June 1976 Fish captured: Clupeids larva Freshwater drum "t Rainbow smelt TV - (.1 1)Ufl1. ISh1 Ye-llo-w- -e-rch larva Source, of Ifrain Neis o n D. iB. cnd R. A. Cole, 197 5. The disriuto and eAhundac., ýof larval fishes, along the western shore o f ia)k e Er -Le ~ ~ oreY,Mi ch igan. Tech. Rep. No. 329 4. Ltl utu-ýe oe ' ater Research, Michigan State University, dat-asiing, M~chicgan. 66 pp. Sft e5: Loccation: Open lake northeast of the mouth of tihe River Raisin Descr-iption: Lake water, 5mr deep Method 1: Five-minni-e tow at surface, mid-depth, anid near 'bottom USiLng, a 57lý1 rmesh plankton net, replicated Dates samnpled: Summer 197-3 Fish captured: Clupeids larva Emerald shiner if Rainbow smelt i Spot-tail shiner it Whi_'te bass I Yellow perch T Site 59: Location: intake channel of the Monroe Power Plant Description: in the River Raisin, mixture of lake and river water Method 1: Five-minute tow at surface, mid-depth, and near bottom using a 57lýi mesh plankton net,. replicated Dates sampled: Summer 1973 Fish captured: Black bass larva _Logperch T Rainbow sir~elt I Spottail shiner I Suckers White bass Yellow perch - 222^ - Site 60: Location: Upper discharge channel of the Monroe Power Plant Description: Heated discharge water from the power plant Method 1: Five-minute tow at surface, mid-depth, and near bottom using a 571' mesh plankton net, replicated Dates sampled: Summer 1973 Fish captured: Carp larva Channel catfish Clupeids Emerald shiners " Logperch Rainbow smelt Spottail shiner " Suckers Sunfish Trout-perch White bass " White crappie Yellow perch Site 61: Location: Lower discharge channel of the Monroe Power Plant Description: Heated discharge from the power plant MIethod 1: Five-minute tow at surface, mid-depth, and near bottom using a 571Ti mesh plankton net, replicated Dates sampled: Summer 1973 Fish captured: Carp larva Clupeids " Rainbow smelt H Spottail shiner Suckers Sunfish ' T rou,)iJ t--pc.:re " W a.l.!. VII itp ' a Li - 2 \ATl i!( ap pie y ell1.owV.. L)rch ar v 'a it Site 62: Location.- PlIum e Descri.-)n: Tl-hera lm nthe Iak-e (elate dwater) Method -1: 'Fi v e- iln u,te t- t 5ric mid-depth zand narbottom using. --I7 fp-mesh -plank-on rnet-, rep,-licated Dates sampled: Summrer 197-3 Fish captured: Emerald shine;-- Logp erch Rainbow smelt Sk-pottail shiner Suckers Sunf-ish White crappie larva it it TV it It Site 63: Ljocation: Two km northeast of the mouth of the River Raisin Description: Lake wate-:r, 3 mi deep Method 1: 2.5-minute integrated tow using replicated a 57111 mesh plankton net, Dates sampled: Fish captured: Summer 1974 C arp Clupei ds Emerald shiner Freshlwater drum Rainbow smelt Spottail shiner Suckers Sunifish Njhýite bass White crappie Yellow perch larva ti II Vt Vt Vt Vt Vt Vt - 224 - Site 64: Location: Due east of the mouth of the River Raisin (2 km) Description: Mixture of river and lake water Method 1: 2.5-minute integrated tow using a 571p mesh plankton net, replicated Dates sampled: Fish captured: Summer 1974 Carp Clupeids Emerald shiners Freshwater drum Rainbow smelt Suckers Sunfish White bass Yellow perch larva 't " "t T" Site 65: Location: Southeast of the mouth of the River Raisin 3 m deep (1 km), Description: Mixture of river and lake water Method 1: 2.5-minute integrated tow using a 571p mesh replicated plankton net, Dates sampled: Fish captured: Summer 197)4 Carp Clupeids Channel catfish Emerald shiners Freshwater drum Rainbow smelt Suckers Sunfish TWhite bass Yellow perch larva T TT TT Site 66: Location: River Raisin above the Monroe Power Plant intake Description: Rivei -wa. er Method 1 2: 2. -miinute inteigrrateed tow using a 571P mesh plankton net, replicated DCl,tes sampledl: Fish captured: S-mnmer 194 Bass CE a - -, P Car~p Clupeids Emerald shiners Freshwater dr-LumRainbow smelt Spottail shiners Sucker s Sunfi sh White bass White crappie Yellow perch larva II I, I? 'I It I, IT It It It 1? Site 6r7j: Location: River Raisin below the Monroe Power Plant intake Description: Mixture of lake and river water Method 1: 2.5-minute integrated tow using a 571p-I mesh plankton net, replicated Dates sampled: Fish captured: Summer 1974 Carp Channel catfish Clupeids Emerald shiners Freshwater drum Logperch Rainbow smelt Spottail shiners Suckers Sunfish Trout-perch Walleye larva It It It It It It It Pt - 226 - White bass Yellow perch larva Site 68: Location: Upper discharge channel of the Monroe Power Plant Description: Heated waters Method 1: 2.5-minute integrated tow using a 571p mesh plankton net, replicated Dates sampled: Summer 1974 Fish captured: Bass larva Carp Channel catfish Clupeids Emerald shiners Freshwater drum Logperch Spottail shiners Suckers Sunfish Trout-perch White bass White crappie Yellow perch 'V IV 'V Vt Vt tt 'V Tt Site 69: Loca Desc Meth ition: Lower discharge channel of the Monroe Power Plant ýription: Heated waters iod 1: 2.5-minute integrated tow using a 571p mesh plankton net, replicated Dates sampled: Summer 1974 Fish captured: Black bass larva Carp Channel catfish Clupeids Emerald shiners Freshwater drum TT TT TT TT VV IV VV "V - I r~r), Spottail shiners Suckers Sunfishi White bass White r rappi e Yellow oerch ft larva "? T1; ~ Source of Information: Lavis, D. S., 1976. Distribution of fish populations near a thermal discharge into western Lake Erie. Michigan State University. Thesis. Site 70: Location: 3.5 km north of the Monroe Power Plant discharge canal Description: Sand and mud sediments in 2 to 3 m of water Method 1: Five-meter otter trawl 2.5 cm mesh in netting, 6 mm mesh in cod-end, 5-minute trawl, replicated Dates sampled: 1971, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1975, bi-weekly Fish captured: Alewife young-of-the-year, juvenile Carp " " " " "it Channel catfish " F " II" " Emerald shiners " " " " "TI Freshwater drum "t " t" " " Gizzard shad " " " " "T Goldfish " " " " " White bass t" " " " " Yellow perch i" " " " Site 71: Location: In Monroe Power Plant discharge canal thermal plume (1.5 km) Description: Over sandy shoal in 1.5 to 2 m of water Method 1: Five-meter otter trawl 2.5 cm mesh in netting, 6 mm mesh in cod-end, five-minute trawl, replicated Dates sampled: 1971, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1975, bi-weekly Fish captured: Alewife juvenile Carp young-of-the-year, juvenile - 028 - Channel catfish Emerald shiners Freshwater drum Gizzard shad Goldfish White bass Yellow perch young-of-the-year, juvenile ft ft fTI t t t f1 ft tf( f juvenile young-of-the-year, juvenile ft T i fT f If ft ft ft tf ft "t "f "1 " " Site 72: Location: Six km south of the discharge canal of the Monroe Power Plant Description: Two to four meters of water over sand and mud sediments Method 1: Five-meter otter trawl 2.5 cm mesh in netting, 6 mm mesh in cod end, five-minute trawls, replicated Dates sampled: 1971, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1975, bi-weekly Fish captured: Alewife Carp Channel catfish Emerald shiners Freshwater drum Gizzard shad Goldfish. White bass Yellow perch juvenile young-of-the-year, juvenile ft fT?t t ft ft ft ft ft 1t ftT TT ft TT TT tf ft ft ft ft ft ftT t ft Method 2: Gill net, night sets Dates sampled: 1972, 1973, 1974, bi-weekly Fish captured: Alewife Carp Channel catfish Emerald shiners Freshwater drum Gizzard shad Goldfish White bass Yellow perch juvenile young-of-the-year, juvenile It ft ft f t ft if t i ft fT ft ft ft TT ft t ft TT ft TT ft It ft ft ft ft Tt ft It ft t TT ft ft ft fT - 229 - Site 73: Location: Discharge canal of the Monroe Power Plant Description: Three meters of water over silt sediments Method 1: Five-meter otter trawl 2.5 cm mesh in netting, 6 mm mesh in cod-end, five-minute trawl, replicated Dates sampled: 1971, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1975, bi-weekly Fish captured-: Alewife juvenile Channel catfish young-of-the-year, juvenile Emerald shiners ( t " t Freshwater drum " I" " " "1 Gizzard shad " " " " " Goldfish 1 T V T It White bass " " " " "I Yellow perch " "t " " Method 2: Gill net, night set Dates sampled: 1972, 1973, 1974, bi-weekly Fish captured: Alewife juvenile Carp young-of-the-year, juvenile Channel catfish " I" " " " Emerald shiners " " " " "I Freshwater drum t IV " " Gizzard shad t" " " " Goldfish " " " " " White bass " " " " "I Yellow perch " " " " " Site 74: Location: River Raisin between lake and intake Description: Soft silt, clay, and paper fiber sediments in 6-8 m of water Method 1: Five-meter otter trawl 2.5 cm mesh in netting, 6 mm mesh in cod-end, five-minute trawl, replicated Dates sampled: 1971, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1975, bi-weekly - 230 - Fish captured: Alewife juvenile Emerald shiners t Freshwater drum young-of-the-year Gizzard shad " " it Goldfish "i t " i White bass IT I T i T Source of Information: Hemmick, W., J. Schaeffer, and R. Waybrant. 1976. Larval fish survey in Michigan waters of Lake Erie, 1975. Mich. Water Res. Comm., Bur. Env. Protect. Mich. D.N.R. Site 75: Location: Near the mouth of the Huron River Description: Shallow water, sediments - silt and clay Method 1: Two, four-minute tows (surface and bottom) using a 571P mesh plankton net Dates sampled: June to August 1975, bi-weekly Fish captured: Carp larva Centrarchids Clupeids Freshwater drum Logperch Rainbow smelt Shiners White bass Yellow perch Site 76: Location: East of the Detroit River Light (1.5 kin) Description: Seven meters of water, sediments - silt and clay Method 1: Two, four-minute tows (surface and bottom) using a 571p mesh plankton net Dates sampled: June to August 1975, bi-weekly Fish captured: Carp larva Ce;t rare hi. (I, - 23.1 Frestvw. ur drum Lop ere h Rainbow smelt Shiro rs Yellow perch 1 airva II It It Vt Site 77: Location: Eleven km east of the Detroit River Light Description: Nine meters of water, sediments - silt and clay Method 1: Two, four-minute tows (surface and bottom) using a 5711 mesh plankton net Dates sampled: June to August 1975, bi-weekly Fish captured: Centrarchids larva Clupeids " Crappie " Logperch " Northern pike "t Rainbow smelt " Shiners " White bass " Yellow perch " Site 78: Location: Mouth of Swan Creek, just off the north cooling tower of the Enrico Fermi Power Plant Description: Shallow water, sediment - silt and clay Method 1: Two, four-minute tows (surface and bottom) using a 571y mesh plankton net Dates sampled: June to August 1975, bi-weekly Fish captured: Carp larva Centrarchids " Clupeids t Darters s Freshwater drum t Logperch t - 232 - Rainbow smelt larva Shiners n White bass i Yellow perch Site 79: Location: 6.)1 km east of the mouth of Swan Creek Description: Seven meters of water, sediment - silt and clay Method 1: Two, four-minute tows (surface and bottom) using a 571p mesh plankton net Dates sampled: June to August 1975, bi-weekly Fish captured: Carp larva Centrarchids " Clupeids Freshwater drum Logperch Rainbow smelt Shiners Yellow perch Site 80: Location: Sixteen km east of the mouth of Swan Creek Description: Nine meters of water, sediments - silt and clay Method 1: Two, four-minute tows (surface and bottom) using a 5T1P mesh plankton net Dates sampled: June to August 1975, bi-weekly Fish captured: Carp larva Centrarchids " Clupeids "Q Crappie " Logperch " Rainbow smelt " Shiners " Walleye " - 233 - Site 81: Location. Mouth of San.Ldy Ureek Description: Three meters of water, sediments - silt and clay Method 1: Two, four-minute tows (surface and bottom) using a 571u mesh planKton net Dates sam"pled: JtLe to Au.-gust 1975, bi-weekly Fish captured: Carp larva Centrarchids " Clupeids Darters Logperch Rainbow smelt Shiners I White bass I Yellow perch Site 82: Location: Center of Brest Bay Description: Seven meters of water, sediments - silt and clay Method 1: Two, four-minute tows (surface and bottom) using a 571p mesh plankton net Dates sampled: June to August 1975, bi-weekly Fish captured: Carp larva Centrarchids I Clupeids Darters " Rainbow smelt Shiners " White bass " Yellow perch " Site 83: Location: Three km south-southeast of Stony Pt. - 2-, - Description: Nine meters of water, sediments - silt and clay Method 1: Two, four-minute tows (surface and bottom) using a 5711. mesh plankton net Dates sampled: June to August 1975, bi-weekly Fish captured: Carp larva Clupeids " Logperch " Rainbow smelt " Shiners TT White bass " Yellow perch " Site 84: Location: Sixteen km east of the mouth of Sandy Creek Description: Ten meters of water, sediments - silt and clay Method 1: Two, four-minute tows (surface and bottom) using a 571P mesh plankton net Dates sampled: June to August 1975, bi-weekly Fish captured: Centrarchids larva Clupeids " Crappie " Darter " Freshwater drum t Logperch i Rainbow smelt i Shiners i Suckers White bass Yellow perch V Site 85: Location: Just east of the mouth of Otter Creek Description: Three meters of water, sediments - silt and clay Method 1: Two, four-minute tows (surface and bottom) using a 5719 mesh plankton net Dates sampled: June to August 1975, bi-weekly Fish captured: Carp larva Centrarchids " Clupeids DarteF.1eis wate ":C drum t Logperch l Rainoow smelt I Shiners T White bass T Yellow perch T Site 86: Location: Six km east of the mouth of Otter Creek Description: Seven meters of water, sediments - silt and clay Method 1: Two, four-minute tows (surface and bottom) using a 571j mesh plankton net Dates sampled: June to August 1975, bi-weekly Fish captured: Centrarchids larva Clupeids " Darters I Freshwater drum TT Logperch I Rainbow smelt T Shiners n Suckers t White bass I Yellow perch r Description: Nine meters of water, sediments - silt and clay Method 1: Two, four-minute tows (surface and bottom) using a 571 mesh plankton net Dates sampled: June to August 1975, bi-weekly - 216 - Fish captured: Clupeids larva Freshwater drum " Shiners White bass Site 88: Location: Just east of J. R. Whiting Power Plant Description: Three meters of water, sediments - silt and clay Method 1: Two, four-minute tows (surface and bottom) using a 571p mesh plankton net Dates sampled: June to August 1975, bi-weekly Fish captured: Carp larva Centrarchids " Clupeids i Freshwater drum Logperch Rainbow smelt t Shiners " White bass " Yellow perch Site 89: Location: Six km east of the J. R. Whiting Power Plant Description: Seven meters of water, sediments - silt and clay Method 1: Two, four-minute tows (surface and bottom) using a 571P mesh plankton net Dates sampled: June to August 1975, bi-weekly Fish captured: Clupeids larva Freshwater drum " Logperch " Rainbow smelt " Shiners " White bass " Yellow perch " - 237 - Site 90: Location: Eleven km east of the J. R, Whitinj Power Plant Description: Nine meters of water, sediments - silt and clay Method 1: Two, four-minute tows (surface and bottom) using a 57.1- mesh plankton net Dates sampled: June to August 1975, bi-weekly Fish captured: Carp larva Clupeids " Darters T Freshwater drum 1 Logperch Rainbow smelt Shiners White bass t Yellow perch r Site 91: Location: Near (east) Turtle Island Description: Four meters of water, sediments - silt and clay Method 1: Two, four-minute tows (surface and bottom) using a 571p mesh plankton net Dates sampled: June to August 1975, bi-weekly Fish captured: Centrarchids larva Clupeids " Darters " Freshwater drum t Logperch It Rainbow smelt I Shiners tr White bass T Yellow perch " Site 92: Location: One kan north of the mouth of Swan Creek - 238 - Description: One meter of water (beach area), sediments - hard clay, subject to wave action Method 1: Bag seine 9.1 meters long with a 363p mesh, pulled 52 meters Dates sampled: Fish captured: June to August 1975, bi-weekly Black bass larva Brook silversides " Carp " Centrarchids " Clupeids " Freshwater drum " Logperch " Northern pike " Rainbow smelt " Shiners " White bass " Yellow perch " Site 93: Location: Sterling State Park Description: One meter of water (beach area), sediments - hard clay, subject to wave action Method 1: Bag seine 9.1 meters long with a 363p mesh, pulled 73 meters Dates sampled: June to August 1975, bi-weekly Fish captured: Brook silversides Carp Centrarchids Channel catfish Clupeids Crappie Logperch Rainbow smelt Shiners Suckers larva IT TT TT TT IT Walleye White bass Yellow perch TI - 239 - Site 9L: Location: Far east end of1 Erie Road near the J. R. Whiting Power Plant Description: One me-n. of water (beach area), sediments - silt and clay, subject to wave action Method 1: Bag seine 9.1 meters long with a 36311 mesh pulled 68 meters Dates sampled: to August 1975, bi-weekly Fish captured: iBlack bass larva Brook silversides I Carp IV Centrarchids Clupeids Freshwater drum Logperch Rainbow smelt " Shiners White bass Yellow perch " Source of Information: MacMillian, J. R., 1976. Larval fish sampling and population distributions relevant to estimating power plant entrainment in western Lake Erie. Thesis. Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan. Site 95: Location: Monroe Power Plant intake canal Description: Mixture of river and lake water Method 1: Stationary 1 m 571-P mesh plankton net in slow current Dates sampled: May to July 1975 Fish captured: Carp larva Clupeids " White bass " Yellow perch " Others " - 24o - Site 96: Location: Discharge canal of the Monroe Power Plant Description: Upper end, heated waters Method 1: Stationary 1 m 57.1p mesh plankton net in slow currents Dates sampled: May to July 1975 Fish captured: Carp larva Clupeids,t White bass " Yellow perch Others Method 2: Oblique tow using a i m plankton net with 571p mesh for 2.5 minutes, replicated Dates sampled: May to July, 1974 and 1976 Fish captured: Black bass larva Carp-Goldfish " Clupeids " Channel catfish " Crappie " Freshwater drum " Logperch " Rainbow smelt " Shiners " Sunfish " Trout-perch " Walleye " White bass " White sucker T Yellow perch " Site 97: Location: Discharge canal of the Monroe Power Plant Description: Lower end, heated waters Method 1: Stationary 1 m 5711 mesh plankton net in slow currents Dates sampled: Fish captured: Method 2: Oblique for 2.5 Dates sampled: Fish captured: Miay io 1July 19'75 Carp larva Clupeids " Ihite bass " Yellow perch " Others " to i using a 1 m plankton net with a 571T mesh minutes., replicated May to July, 1974 and 1975 Carp-Goldfish larva Clupeids " Channel catfish r Freshwater drum " Shiners " Sunfish " White bass " Yellow perch t Site 98: Location: Five km south of the mouth of the River Raisin, one km from shore Description: Two meters of water Method I: Oblique tow using a 1 m plankton net with 571p mesh for 2.5 minutes, replicated Dates sampled: May to July, 1974 and 1975 Fish captured: Not published Site 99: Location: One km east of Sterling State Park Description: TIlhree meters of water Method 1: Oblique tow using a i m plankton net with 571p mesh for 2.5 minutes, replicated Dates sampled: May to July, 1974 and 1975 Fish captured: Not published Site 100: ~o cat ion: ML`outh of the River Raisin Pes~cription: MIixtu~re of river and la-ike wa t ers fvlethod i. 1 blI-',qtno tow usinJ,- a 1 in pllankýt-on net wýith %5"(11 mesh oi'091. %mlLnutes, replicatedi Dates sa-mpled.: May to July, 1974 and (31075 Fish captured: Carp-Goldfish larva Clupelds T Channel catfish Freshwater drumLogperch Rainbow smelt Shiners Sunfish Trout-perch Walleye White bass White sucker Yellow perch I Site 101 Loca Pesc VIMet'r ition: -One km upstream of the Monroe Power Plant ýription: River water iod 1: O'bl_;(i,ue tow using a 1 m plankton net with for 2.5 minutes, replicated Bates sampled: May to July, 19,74 and 1975 Fish captured: Black bass larva Carp-Gol-Idf ish T Clupei -'ds Channe'l c Crappic--< Freshwater drum T h1)aiT-libow 0t 1 Sunfis~h intake 57lM mesh - 243 - Wh itie i ass White: sucker Yellow perch arva n! Site 102: Location: Two km north of the mouth of the River Raisin, one km from shore Description: Four meters of water Method 1: Oblique tow using a 1 m plankton net with 571p mesh for 2.5 minutes, replicated Dates sampled: May to July, 1974 and 1975 Fish captured: Carp-Goldfish larva Clupeids " Freshwater drum t Rainbow smelt " Shiners " Sunfish " White bass " Yellow perch t Site 103: Location: One km east of the mouth of the River Raisin Description: Three meters of water Method 1: Oblique tow using a i m plankton net with 571p mesh for 2.5 minutes, replicated Dates sampled: May to July, 1974 and 1975 Fish captured: Carp-Goldfish larva Clupeids "t Freshwater drum t Rainbow smelt TI Shiners t Sunfish " White bass rT Yellow perch TI - 2~4~ - Site 104: Location: Two km south of the mouth of the River Raisin, one km from shore Description: Two meters of water Method 1: Oblique tow using a 1 m plankton net with 571D mesh for 2.5 minutes, replicated Dates sampled: May to July, 1974 and 1975 Fish captured: Black bass larva Carp-Goldfish " Clupeids It Crappie Freshwater drum Rainbow smelt Shiners Sunfish White bass Yellow perch Site 105: Location: Two km east of the mouth of the River Raisin Description: Four meters of water Method 1: Three tows--surface, bottom, and oblique--using a 5711 mesh plankton net for three minutes, replicated Dates sampled: May to July 1975 Fish captured: Clupeids larva Freshwater drum Rainbow smelt Shiners White bass? Yellow perch Others Site 106: Location: Six km east of the mouth of the River Raisin - 2'45 " Descriotion: Seven meter; of Method 1: Three tows -urface, botLom, and oblique---sing a 571 mesi h pIankton net for three minutes, replicated Date. sampled: May to July 1975 Fish captured: Ciupeids larva Fre shwater drum Rai nb ow sre.C t Siners White bass I Yellow perch Ti Others t Site 107: Location: Eleven km, east of the mouth of the River Raisin Description: Seven meters of water Method 1: Three tows--surface, bottom, and oblique--using a 571p mesh plankton net for three minutes, replicated Dates sampled: May to July 1975 Fish captured: Clupeids larva Freshwater drum " Rainbow smelt Shiners " White bass H Yellow perch Others T Site 108: Location: Sixteen km east of the mouth of the River Raisin Description: Nine meters of water Method 1: Three tows--surface, bottom, and oblique--using a 571p mesh plankton net for three minutes, replicated Dates sampled: May to July 1975 Fish captured: Clupeids larva Freshwater drum " - 246 - Rainbow smelt larva Shiners " White bass Yellow perch Others Site 109: Location: Five km northeast of the mouth of the River Raisin Description: Five meters of water Method 1: Submersible pump through a 57111 mesh plankton net at the surface, replicated Dates sampled: May to June 1975 Fish captured: Clupeids larva Method 2: Modified, Hardy, high speed plankton sampler towed at 0.2 m/sec for 15 minutes, replicated Dates sampled: May to June 1975 Fish captured: Clupeids larva Rainbow smelt " Shinersft Yellow perch it Method 3: One meter 571P mesh plankton net towed near the surface for three minutes Dates sampled: May to June 1975 Fish captured' Clupeids larva Rainbow smelt " Shiners 71 White bass Yellow perch Method 4: One meter plankton nets of varying mesh sizes (363p, 57l1i, 760p, lO0p) for varying times (1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 minutes) at the surface, replicated Dates sampled: May to June 1975 Fish captured: Clupeids larva f)) Yellow -Je~rcln Met~d 3 Thee Gov--srface, mid-die.-th, acid near b,.ottom--us- rig m-. -esh plankton ret tov-ed C.or one minute, rep-ý ijoated bothnight anu dcay Da~tes,)samp-led? ^May oJml~ Meth Fish caiptured: C arp w arva F4r e shw.--tatr drum Rainbow smelt Shiners WhýIite bass Y\Iellow per''1-ch i o d Bottom tto surface oblique tow using a 1 m, 571pI mesh planktonL net, replicated, both night and day Dates sam-pled: May to June 1.975 Fish captur--ed:"Ca rp larva Clupeids 11 Freshwater drum it Rainbow smelt It Shiners t White bass Yellow perch iod 7: One nmeter, 5'_11 mesh plankton net mounted on a bottom, sled towed for three minutes, replicated Dates sampled: May to June 19 735 Fish captured: Carp larva ClupeidsITt Rainbow smelt I Shiners T W~hite bass Yellow perch T Meth /373-. 7>e*Yr-;.* I 0