No. IV. FRENCH'S STANDARD DR,AIMA RIICGHELJIEU: OR, THE CONSPIRACY IN FIVE ACTS. BY SIR EDWARD LYTTON BULWER. WITH THE STAGE BUSINESS, CAST OF CHARACTERS, COSTUMES, RELATIVE POSITIONS, ETC. NEW YORK: SA MUT EL F R E N O H. 122 NASSAU STREET, (UP STAIRS.) FRENCH'S STANDARD DRAMA, Price 122 Cents each.-Bound Volumes $1. VOL. I. VOL. II. VOL. III. VOL. IV. 1. Ion, 9. The Stranger, 17. The Poor Gentleman, 25. Virginius, 2. Fazio, 10. Grandfather White- 18. Hamlet, 26. King of the Commons 3. The Lady of Lyons, 11. Richard III. [head, 19. Charles II. 27. London Assurance, 4. Richelieu, 12. Love's Sacrifice, 20. Venice Preserved, 28. The Rent Day, 5. The Wife, 13. The Gamester, [a.che, 21. Pizarro, 29. Two Gentlemen of 6. The Honeymoon, 14. A Cure for'the Heart- 22. The Love Chase, Verona, 7. The Schoolfor Scandal 15. The Hunchback, 23. Othello, [lings, 30. The Jealous Wife, 8. Money, 16. Don Caesar de Bazan, 24. Lend me Five Shil- 31. The Rivals, With a Portrait and Me- With a Portrait and Me- With a Portrait and Me- 32. Perfection, moir of Mrs. A. C. moir of Mr. CHARLES moir of Mr. W. E. BUR- With a Portrait and MeMOWATT. KEAN. TON. moirofJ.H. HACKETT VOL. V. VOL. VI., VOL. VII. VOL. VIII. 33. A New Way to Pay 41. Speed the Plough, 49. Road to Ruin, 57. The Apostate, Old Debts, 42. Romeo and Juliet, 50. Macb eth, 58. Twelfth Night, 34. Look Before You Leap 43. Feudal Times, 51. Temper, 59 Brutus, 35. King John, 44. Charles the Twelfth, 52. Evadne, 60. Simpson & Co. 36. Nervous Man, 45. The Bridal, 53erram, 61. ertrachant of Venice, 37. Damon and Pythias, 46. The Follies of a Night 54. The Duenna, 62. Old Heads and Young 38. Clandestine Marriage 47. The Iron Chest, 55. Much Ado About No- Hearts, 39. William Tell, 48. Faint Heart Never thing, 63. Mountaineers. 40. Day afterthe Wedding Won Fair Lady, 56. The Critic, 64. Three Weeks After Marriage. With a Portrait and Me- With a Portrait and Me- With a Portrait and Mbe- With a Portrait and Memoir of G. COLMAN, moir of E. BULWER moir of R. B. SHERI- moir of Mr. GEORGE the Elder. LYTTON. DAN. H. BARRETT. VOL. IX. VOL. X. VOL.. VOL. XII. 65. Love, 73. Henry VIII. 81. Julius Caesar, 89. Ingomar, 66. As You Like It, 74. Married and Single, 82. Vicar of Wakefield, 90. Sketches in India, 67. The Elder Brother, 75. Henry IV. 83. Leap Year, 91. Two Friends, 68. Werner, 76. PaulPry. 84. The Catspaw, 92. Jane Shore, 69. Gisippus, 7T. Guy Mannering, 85. The Passing Cloud, 93. Corsican Brothers, 70. Town and Country. 78. Sweethearts and 86. Drunkard, 94. Mind Your Own Bus71. King Lear, Wives, 87. Rob Roy, iness, 72. Blue Devils, 79. Serious Family. 88. George Barnwell, 95. Writing on the Wall, 80. She Stoops to Con- 96. Heir at Law, With a Portrait and Me- quer, With a Portrait and Mie moir of Mrs. SHAW. With a Portrait and Me- moir of Mrs. JOHN With a Portrait and Memoir of Miss C. CUSH- SEFTON. moir of Mr. THOMAS MAN. HAMBLIN. VOL. XIII. VOL. XIV. VOL. XV. VOL. XVI. 97. Soldier's Daughter, 105.- Gme of Love, 113. Ireland As It Is, 121. The Tempest, 98. Douglas, 106. Midsummer Night's 114. Sea of Ice. 122. The Pilot, 99. Marco Spada, Dream, 115. Seven Clerks, 123. Carpenter of Rouen, 100. Nature's Nobleman, 107. Ernestine, 116. Game of Life, 124. King's Rival, 101. Sardanapalus, 108. Rag Picker of Paris, 117. Forty Thieves, 125. Little Treasure, 102. Civilization, 109. Flying Dutchman, 118; Bryan Boroihme, 126. Dombey and Son, 103. The Robbers, 110. Hypocrite,' 119. Romance & Reality. 127. Parents and Guard104. Katharine and Pe- 111. Therese, 120. Ugolino, 128. Jewess. [ians, truchio. 112. La Tour de Neslo, With a Portrait and Me- With a Portrait and Me- With a Portrait and Memoir of Mr. EDWIN moir of Mr. JOHN moir of Mr. BARNEY FOREST. BROUGHAM. WILLIAMS. VOL. XVII. VOL. XVIII. VOL. XIX. VOL. XX. 129. Camille, 137. Night and Morning,. 145. Dred, or the Dismal 153. French Spy, 130. Married Life, 138. Ethiop, Swamp, 154. Wept of Wish-ton 131. Wenlock of Wenlock 139. Three Guardsmen, 146. Last Days of Pom- Wish, 132. Rose of Ettrickvale, 140. Tom Cringle, [ken. 147. Esmeralda, [peii, 155. Evil Genius, 133. David Copperfield, 141. Henriette, the Forsa- 148. Peter Wilkins, 156. Ben Bolt, 134. Aline, or the Rose of 142. Eustache Baudin, 149. Ben the Boatswain, 157. Sailor of France, 135. Pauline, [Killarney, 143. Ernest MaltraverS, 150. Jonathan Bradford, 158. Red Mask, 136. Jane Eyre, 144. Bold Dragoons. 151. Retribution, 159. Life of an Actress,'~> 252 ~ 152. Minerali. 160. Wedding Day. VOL. XXI. VOL. XXII. VOL. XXIII. VOL. XXIV. 161. All's Fair in Love, 169. Son of the Night, 177. Actress of Padua, 185. Young New York. 162. Hofer, 170. Rory O'More, 178. Floating Beacon, 186. The Victims. 163. Self, 171. Golden Egle, 179. Bride of Lammer- 187 Romance after Mar164. Cinderella, 172. Rienzi. moor, [ges, 188 Brigand, [riage, 165. Phantom, 173. Broken Sword, 180. Cataract of the Gan- 189 Poor of New York, 166. Franklin, 174. Rip Van Winkle, 181. Robber of the Rhine 190 Ambrose Gwinett, 167. The Gunmaker of 175. Isabelle. 182. School of Reform, 191 Raymond and Agnes, Moscow, 176, Heart of Midlothian. 183. Wandering Boys, 192 Gambler's Fate, 168. The Love ofa Prince 1184. Mazeppa. [Catalogue continued on third page of cover.] No. IV. FRENCH'S STANDARD DRAMA, ORI THE CONSPIRACY. IN FIVE ACTS. BY SIR EDWARD LYTTON BULWER. FROM THE AUTHOR'S LATEST EDITION. WITH THE STAGE BUSINESS, CAST OF CHAR. ACTERS, COSTUMES, RELATIVE POSITIONS ETC. NEW-YORK SA.MUEL FRENCH 122 NASSAU-STREET. PERSONS OF THE DRAMA LoUIS TIHE THIRTEENTH, /.i:..GASTON, Duke of OrleTans, (brother to Louis XITT.) BARADAS, (Favoarite of the King, first gentleman of the Chamber, Pio mier, Ecuiyer, &c.) CARDINAL RICIIELIEU, THE CHEVALIER DE MAUPRAT.-' THE'SIEUR DE 13IIRINGHEN, (i. attendance on the King,* one of the coi. spirators,) <..'JOSEPH, (a Capuchin, Richelieu's confidant,) HUGUET, (an officer of Rihellieu's household guard-a Spy,) FRANCOIS, (first Page to Richelieu,) First Courtier, Captain of the Archers, First, Second, Secretaries of State. Third, Governor of the Bastile, Gaoler, Courtiers, Pages, Conspirators, Officers, Soldiers, &c. JULIE DE MORTEMAiR, (an Orphan Ward to Richelieu.) MARION DE LORmE, (Mistress to Orleans, but in Richelieu's pay.) * Properly speaking, the King's First Vadet de Chambre, a' post of great impor. tance at that time. NOTE. THE length of the Play necessarily requires curtailments on the Stagethe passages thus omitted are those ilneited with ilveitdl c(linnlrias. Manyi of the passages thus left out, however innimate'rial to the aiitllice. n'e,:st obviously be such as the reader w:'eldl I lcat irn lined to disi cn e wit —viz: those which, without being absolutely esc:ential to the business of the Stage, contain either the suibter strokes of chlarlcter, or the moroe oetircal embellishments of description. A nore ilmpl(rtant consequclence of tihe-e suppressions is. that Richelieu himiself is left too often, and too iiielievedly, to positions which place him in an (wmin'e lighlt, without tlhat shadowing forth'f' his -nole sini.ter motives tnd Iis hierlcl qu alities which is attempted in; the written play. Thlu, the c;.alrctert takes a deg ee of credit due onli to the sittloti:ul. To judgi e the Author's conc(eption of Richelieu fairly, and to estimate lhow far it is consistent with historical portraiture, the Play must be read. THEATR1ICAL MtEMORANDA. R. means Right; L. Left; C. Centre; R. C. Ri;ght of Centre; L. C. Left of Centre D. F. Door in Flat; RI. D. Kight Door L. D. Left Door; 8. E. Second Entrance; U. E. Upper Entranlce; C.. Centre Door. " * The Reader is supposed to be on the Stage facing the Audience. AUTHOR'S PREFACE TO RICHELIEU. The administration of Cardinal Richelieu, whom (despite all his darker qualities,) Voltaire alnd History justly consider the true architect of the Frencl monarchy, and the great parent of French civilization; is characterized by features alike tragic and comic. A weak king-an ambitious favourite; a despicable conspiracy against the minister, nearly always associated with a dangerous treason against the State-these, with little variety of names and dates, constitute the eventful cycle through which, with a dazzling ease, and an arrogant confidence, the great luminary fulfilled its destinies. Blent together, in startling contrast,, we see the grandest achievements and the pettiest agents;-the spy-the mistress-the capuchin;-the destruction of feudalism; the humiliation of Austria;-the dismemberment of Spain. Richelieu himself is still what he was in his own day —-a man of two characters. If, on the one hand, he is justly represented as inflexible and vindictive, crafty and unscrupulous; so, on the other, it cannot be denied that he was placed in times in which the long impunity of every license required stern examples-that he was beset by perils and intrigues, which gave a certain excuse to the subtlest inventions of self-defence-that his ambition was inseparably connected with a passionate love for the glory of his countryand that, if he was her dictator, he was not less her benefactor. It has been fairly remarked by the most impartial historians, that he. was no less generous to merit than severe to crime-that, in the various departments of the State, the Army, and the Church, he selected and distinguished the ablest aspirants-that the wars which he conducted were, for the most part, essential to the preservation of France, aznd Europe itself, from the formidable encroachments of the Austrian House-that, m spite of those wars, the people were not oppressed with exhorbitant imposts-and that ho left the kingdom he had governed in a more flourishing and vigorous state than at any former period of the French history, or at the decease of Louis XIV. The cabels formed against the great statesman were not carried on by the patriotism of public virtue, nor the emulation of equal talent; they were but court struggles, in which the most worthless agents had recourse to the most desperate means.-In each, as I have before observed, we see combined the twofold attempt to murder the minister, and to betray the country. Such, then, are the agents, and such the designs, with which truth, in the Drama, as in History, requires us to'contrast the celebrated Cardinal; not disguising his foibles or his vices, but not unjust to the grander qualities (especially the love of country,) by which they were often dignified, and, at times, redeemed. The historical drama is the concentration of historical events. In the attempt to place upon the stage the picture of an era, that license with dates and details, which Poetry permits, and which the highest authorities in the Drama of France herself, have sanctioned, has been, though not unsparingly, indulged. The conspiracy of the Due de Bouillon is, for instance, amalgamated with the denouncement of the Day of Dupes; and circumstances connected with the treason of Cinq-Mars (whose brilliant youth and gloomy catastrophe tend to subvert poetic and historic justice, by seducing us to forget his base ingratitude and his perfidious apostacy,) are identified with the fate of the earlier favourite Baradas, whose sudden rise and as sudden fall passed into a proverb. I ought to add, that the noble romance of CinqMars suggested one of the scenes in the fifth act; and that for the conception of some portion of the intrigue connected with De Mauprat and Julie, I am with great alterations of incident, and considerable if not entire reconstruction of character, indebted to an early and admirable novel by the author of Picciola. London, March, 1839. EDITORIAL INTRODUCTION. The play of RICHEILIEU is far the most elaborate of Mr. Bulwer's dramatic productions. It was originally per, formed, March 7th, 1839,at the Covent Garden Theatre, to an overflowing house-Macready appearing as the Cardinal and Miss Helen Fancit as Julie. It was put on the stage with every possible advantage of scenery and costume, and efficiently sustained throughout, in all its characters, by an excellent company. Its success was remarkably brilliant; and, for a series of nights, it drew crouded and delighted audiences. The author seems to have been partially indebtet for his materials, to the historical novels of Alfred de Yigny, from whose admirable picture of the character of Richelieu, in "Cinq-Mars," he has borrowed some leading traits. He acknowledges his obligations to these and other sources in his preface. The original merits of the play, however, are obvious and great; and it may be regarded as one of the most unexceptionable modern contributions to the English Standard Drama. It abounds in passages of great beauty, and of a high order of poetry. Simultaneously with its appearance in England, the play was received in this country by Mr. Forrest, to whom it nad been consigned by Mr. Bulwer, to be introduced upon the American Stage. It is unnecessary for us to say, with what ability the task was performed by our great tragedian. His personation of the old, high-spirited Cardinal, is alone sufficient to vindicate his claims to a lasting histrionic reputation.. It has never been surpassed-and to our mind, never been equalled-by the most eminent of his cotemporaries. R I-C E LIEU: OR, THE CONSPIRACY. ACT I. FIRST DAY. SCENE I -A room in the house of MARION DE LORME; a table towards the front of the stage (with wie, fr its, 4-c.,) at which are sealed BIARADAS, Four Courztiers spjlenldidly dressed in the costulme of 1641-2; theDuKE of OPRIEANS'-relini'g' on a large fautem il; MARION DE LORME, staqldiZn at the back of his chair, offers him a goblet alndu then retires. At another table, DIE BERINGHEN, DE MAUPRAT, playitng at dice; c ther Cou,'r tiers of inferior rank to those at the table of the DYuake looking on. Orlanz., (drin7iEng) HERE'S to our enterprize!Baradas (glantcizg at MARIoIN). Hush, Sir! (aside). Nay, Count. You may trust her; she cldoats on me; no house So safe as Mariol's?. >" At our statelier homes " The very walls do pliy the eaxves-dropper. " There s not a sunbeam creeping o'er our floors But seems a glance from that malignant eye " Which reigns o'er France; our fatal greatness lives "In the sharp glare of one relentless cay. "But Ilichelieu'sself forgets to fear the sword "The myrtle hides; and Marion's silken robe "casts its kind charity o'er fiercer sins " Than those which haunt the rosy path between The lip and eye of beauty. Oh, no house' So safe as Marion's." 10 RICHELIEU. ACT 1, Baradas. Still, we have a secret, And oil and water woman and a secretAre hostile properties. Orleans. Well-Marion, see How the play prospers yonder. [MARIoN goes to the swxi table, looks for a fevw amocnets, 1then exit. Barxadas (produlcing a parchment.) I have now All the conditions drawn; it only needs Our signatures i-.upon receipt of this, (Whereto is joined the schedule of our treaty With the Count-Duke, (1) the Richelieu of the Escurial). Bouilllion will join his army with the Spaniard, March on to Paris,-there, dethrone the King: You will be Regent; 1,,and ye, my Lords FIom the new Council. So much for the core Of our great scheme. Orleans. But Richelieu is an Argus: One of his hundred eyes will light upon us, And then-good bye to life. Baradacs. To gain the prize We must destroy the Argus:-Ay, my Lord, The scroll the core, but blood must fill the veins Of our design; while this despatched to Bouillon,, Richelieu despatched to HIeaven I The last my charge. Mieet here to-morrow night. Yn, Sir, as first In honour and in hope, meanwhile select Some trusty knave to bear the scroll to Bouillon;'Midst Richelieu's foes,'ll/ find some desperate hand To strike for velneance, while we stride to power. Orlea?,. So be it;-to-morrow, midnight.-Come, my Lords. Exeunt ORLEANS, ald the Courtiers in his- train. Those ai the other table rise, saldLte ORLEANS, and re-seat thiemsdtes. De Beariz.nghen,. Double the stakes. De /Maup. Done. De Ber. Bravo; faith, it shames me To bleed a purse already in1 extremis. De 31iau2p. Nay, as you've had the patient to yourself — So long, no other doctor should despatch it. (DE MAUPRAT throws and loses.) Omnes. Lost! Ha, ha-poor De Mauprat I SCENE 1.] RICHELIEU. 11 De Ber. One thriow more? De lMaIup. No; I am bankrupt (pushing gold.)'rero goes all except My honour and my sword. De Ber. Long cloaks and honour Went out of vogue together, wher. we found We got on much more rapidly without them; The sword, indeed, is never out of fashion,The devil has care of tha.t First Gamester. Ay, take the sword To Cardinal Richelieu:-he gives gold for steel, When worn by brave men. De M1aup. IRichelieu! De Ber. (to BaRADAS.) At that name He changes colour, bites his nether lip. Ev'n in his brightest moments whisper " Richelieu," And you cloud all his sunshine. Bar. I have mark'd it, And I will learn the wherefore. De 2M1ausp. The Egyptian Dissolved her richest jewel in a. draught: Would I could so melt time and all its treasures, And drain it thus, [Drinking De Ber. Come, gentlemen, what say ye: A walk on the Parade? Omnles. Ay, come, De Mauprat. De 1Icaup. Pardon me; we shall meet again, ere night fall..Bar. I'il stay and comfort Mauprat. De Ber. Comfort!-when We gallant fellows have run out a friend, There's nothing ieft-except to run him through I There's the last act of friendship. De AIaup. Let me keep That favor in reserve; in all beside Your most obedient servant. Exeznut DE BERINGHEN, 4.c. al/lazent DE iMAUPRAT ana BARADAS. Bar. You have lost — Yet are not sad. De 21Uap. Sad! —Life and gold have wings. 12 RICHELIEU. [ACT 1. And must fly one day;-open then, their cages And wish them merry. Bar. You're a strange enigma: Fiery in war'and yet to glory lukewarm; — All mirth in action-in repose all gloom-. These are extremes in which the unconscious heart Betrays the fever of deep-fix'd disease. Confide in me I our young days roll'd together In the same river, glassing the same stars That smile i' the heaven of hope.;-alika we made Bright-winged steeds of our unform'd chimeras, Spurring the fancies upward to the air, Wherein we shaped fair castles from the cloudsFortune of late has sever'd us and led l1/fe to the rank of Courtier, Count, and Favourite,You to the titles of the wildest gallant And bravest knight in France-are you content? No;-trust in me-some gloomy secretDe Mllaup. Ay:A secret that doth haunt me, as of old, Men were possess'd of fiends!-Where'er I turn, The grave yawns dark before me-I will trust you; Hating the Cardinals and beguiled by Orleans, You know I join'd the Languedoc revolt — Was captured-sent to the BastileBar. But shared The general pardon, which the Duke of Orleans Won for himself and all in the revolt, Who but obey'd his orders. De lMaip. Note the phrase;" Obey'd his Orders," Well, when on my way To join the Duke in Languedoc, I (then The down upon my lip-less man than boy) Leading young valours-reckless as myself, Seized on the town of Faviaux, and displaced The Royal banners for the Rebel. Orleans, (Never too daring,) when I reacl'd the camp, Blamed me for acting-mark-without his orders: Upon this quibble Richilieu razed my name Out of the general pardon. Bar Yet released you From the Bastile SCENE I.] RICHEIIEU. 13 De /Iamp. To call me to his presence. And thus address me:-" You have seized a town Of France without the orders of your leader, And for this treason, but one sentence-DEATH.-' Bar. Death! De Maup. " I have pity on your youth and birth, Nor wish ta glut the headsman; join your troop, Now on the march against the Spaniards;-change The traitor's scaffold for the soldier's grave;Your memory stainless-they who shared your crime Exiled or dea.d-your king shall never learn it." Bar. 0 tender pity-O most charming prospect! Blown into atoms by a bomb, or drill'd Into a cullendar by gunshot!-Well?De ail/aup.. Yn ha have eard if I fought bravely. —Death -became Desired as Daphne by the eager Daygod. Like him I chased the Nymph-to grasp the laurel I I could not die! Bar. Poor fellow! De M3lup. When the. Cardinal Review'd the troops-his eyes met mine;-he frown'd, Summon'd me forth-" How's this?" quoth he; you have shunn'd The sword beware the axe!-'twill fall one day!" He left me thus-we were recalled to Paris. And-you know all! Bar. And, knowing this, why halt you, Spell-'d-by the-rattslesnake,-while -in the breasts Of your firm friends beat hearts, that vow the death Of your grim tyrant?-wake!-Be one of us; The time invites-the King detests the Cardinal, Dares not disgrace-but groans to be deliver'd Of that too great a subject-join your friends, Free France, and save yourself. De S1aiup. Hush! Richelieu bears A charm'd life:-to all who have braved his power, One common end-the block! Bar. Nay, if he live, The block your doom. 1De lIaump. Better the victim, Count, a4 RICHEIEU. LACT I. Than the assassin-France requires a Richelieu, But does not need a Mauprat. T ce to:tlis; All time one inidlght, where my thoughts are spectres, What to me fame?-what love?Bar. Yet dost thou love niot? De llMaLp. Love?-I am young — Bar. And Julie fair! (Aside) It is so. Upon the margin of the grave-his hand Would pluck the rose thaj I would win and wear I (Aloud.) Thou lovest-: Be 31aitp. " Who lonely in the midnight tent, " Gazed on the watch-fires in the sleepless air, " Nor chose one star amidst the clustering hosts " To bless it in the name of some fair face " Set in his spirit as the star in Heaven? " For our divine Affections, like the Spheres, " Move ever, ever musical. Bar. " You speak " As one who fed on poetry De ll-aup. " Why, man, " The thoughts of lovers stir with poetry " As leaves with summer wind. The heart that loves "Dwells in an Eden, hearing angel-lutes, " As Eve in the First Garden. Hast thou seen My Julie and not felt it henceforth dull " T'o live in the common world-and talk in words "That clothe the feelings of the frigid herd?" Tpon the perfumed pillow of her lips" As on his nalive bed of of roses flush'd With Paphiaii skies-Love smiling sleeps: —er voice The blessed interpreter of thoughts as pure " As virgin wells where Dian takes delight, "Or Fairies dip their changelings!-In the maze Of her harmonious beauties —Modesty " (Like some severer Grace that leads the choir " Of her sweet sisters) every airy motion " Attunes to such chaste charm, that Passion holds " His burning breath, and will not with a sigh " Dissolve the spell that bhids him! Oh, those eyes " That woo the earth-shadowing more soul that lurks " Unde? the lids of Psyche I- Go!-t-hy lip SCENE I.] RICHELIEU. 1 " Curls at the purpled phrases of a lover"Love thou, and if thy love be deep as mine, " Thou wilt not laugh at poets. Bar. (aside) " With each word " Thou wak'st a jealous demon in my heart, " And my hand clutches at my hilt/JQe ilMaup. (gaily) No more I I love!-Your breast holds both my secrets;-Never Unbury either!-Come, while yet we may, We'll bask us in the noon of rosy life:Lounge through the gardens, flaunt it in the taverns,Laugh,-game,-d-rink,-feast:-If so confined my days, Faith, I'll enclose the nights. Pshaw, not so grave; I'm a true Frenchman!- Vive la bagatelle! As they are going out enzter HUGUET and four Ai'quebusiers. Haguet. Messire De Mauprat,-I arrest you!-Folloi To the Lord Cardinal. De Mlaucp. You see, my friend, i'm out of my suspense; the tiger's play'd Long enough with his prey.-'Farewell! Hereafter Say, when men name me, "Adrien de Mauprat Lived without hope, and perished without fear i" [E.xewnt DE MAUPRAT, HUGUET, &C. Bar. Farewell! I trust forever! I design'd thee For Richelieu's murderer-but, as well as his martyr! In childhood you the stronger, and I cursed you; In youth the fairer, and I cursed you still; And now my rival! While the name of Julie Hung on thy lips, I smilel —for then I saw.In my mind's eye, the cold a.nd grinning Death Hang o'er thy head the pall! Ambition, Love, Ye twin-born stars of daring destinies, Sit in my house of Life! By the King's aid I will be Julie's husband, in despite Of my Lord Cardinal. By the King's aid I will be minister of France, in spite Of my Lord Cardinal; and then; what then? The King loves Julie; feeble prince! false master l [Producing and gazing on the parch-ent, Then, by the aid of Buillion, and the Spaniard, 16 RICHEI.EU. IAcT 1 I will dethrone the King; and all-_ha! —ha! All, in despite of my Lord Cardinal. SCENE II.-A room? in the Palais Cardilal, the walls hulg with arras. A'large scre'in in one cornter. A table covered with books, papers, 4'c. A rude dock in a recess. Busts, statues, book-cases, weapons of different periods, and banners ssuspended over RICHELEUS'S chair. RICHELIEU and JOSEPH. Rich. And so you think this new conspiracy The craftiest trap yet laid for the old fox?Fox!-Well, I like the nickname? What did Plutarch Say of the Greek Lysander? Joseph. I forget. Rich. That where the lion's skin fell short, he eked it Out with the fox's! A great statesman, Joseph. That same Lysander? Josephl. Orleans heads the traitor's. Rich. A very wooden head then I Well? Joseph. The favourite, Count BaradasRich. A weed of hasty growth First gentleman of the chamber, —titles, lands, And the King's ear! It cost me six long winters To mount as high, as in six little moons This painted lizard-But I hold the ladder, And when I shake he falls!,What more? Joseph. A scheme To make your orphan-ward an instrument To aid your foes you placed her with the Queen, One of the royal chamber, as a watch I' th' enemy's quartersRich. And the silly child Visits me daily, calls me " Fathler,7"prays Kind heaven to bless me. And for all the rest, As well have placed a doll about the Queen! She does not heed who frowns, who smiles; with whom The King confers in whispers; notes not when Men who last week were foes, are found in corners Mysteriously affectionate; words spoken SCENE II.] RICHELIEU. 17 Within closed doors she never hears; by chance Taking the air at keyholes-Senseless puppet I No ears nor eyes! And yet she says: " She loves me 1" Go on-.Toseph. Your ward has charmed the King. Rich. Out on you I Have I not, one by one, from such fair shoots Pluck'd the insidious ivy of his love? And shall it creep around my blossoming tree Where innocent thoughts, like happy birds, make music That spirits in heaven might hear? They're sinful, too, Those passionate surfeits of the rampant flesh,The Church condemns them; and to us, my Joseph, The props and pillars of the Church, most hurtful. The King is weak-whoever the King loves Must rule the King; the lady loves another, The other rules the lady, thus we're balked Of our own proper sway.4 The King must have No goddess but the State:-the State! That's Richelieu I Joseph. This is not the worst.; Louis, in all decorous, And deeming you her least compliant guardian, Would veil his suit by marriage with his minion, Yovr prosperous foe, Count Baradas I Rich. Ha! ha! I have another bride for Baradas I Joseph. You my lord? Rich. Ay-more faithful than the love -Of fickle woman: when the head lies lowliest Clasping him fondest;-Sorrow never knew So sure a soother,-and her bed is stainless I Joseph (aside) If of the grave he speaks, I do not wonder That priests are bachelors. Enter FRANCOIS. Francois. Mademoiselle De Mortemar! Rich. Most.opportune, —admit her. [Exit FRANCOIS. In my closet You'll find a rosary, Joseph; ere you tell Three hundred beads, I'll summon you.-Stay, Joseph I did omit an Ave in my matins — A grievous fault; atone it for me, Joseph; 18 RICHELIEU. LACr I There is a scourge within; I am weak, you strong; It were but charity to take my sin On such broad shoulders. Exercise is healthful. Joseph. I I guilty of such criminal presnmption As to mistake myself for you — No, never! Think it not! (Aside.) Troth, a pleasant invitation I [Exit JOSEPH. Ente JULIE DE MORTEMAR. Richelicm. That's my sweet Julie I/why, upon this face Blushes such daybreak, one might swear the morning Were come to visit Tithon./, Julie (placing herself at his feet). Are you gracious? May I say " Father " Rich. Now and ever! Julie. Father! A sweet word to an orphan. Rich. No; not orphan While Richelieu lives; thy father loved me well; My friend, ere I had flatterers (now I'm great, In other phrase, I'm friendless)-he died young In years, not service, and bequeathed thee to me; And thou shalt have a dowry, girl, to buy Thy mate amid the mightiest. Drooping? —sighs?Art thou not happy at the court? Julie. Not often. Rich. (aside.) Can she love Baradas? Ahl! at thy heart There's what can smile and sigh, blush and grow pale, All in a breath! Thou art admired-art young; Does not his Majesty commend thy beautyAsk thee to sing to him?-and swear such sounds Had smooth'd the brows of Saul? Julie. lie's very tiresome, Our worthy King. Rich. Fie! Kings are never tiresome Save to their ministers. What courtly gallants Charm ladies most?-De Sourdiac, Longneville, or The favourite Baradas? Julie. A smileless manFear and shun him. Rich. Yet he courts thee I SCE E II.1 RICHELIEU. 19 Julie. Then He is more tiresome than his Majesty. Rich. BRight, girl, shun Baradas. Yet of these flowers Of France, not one, in whose more honeyed breath Thy heart hears summer whisper? Enter HUGUET. JI-uguet. The Chevalier T)e Mauprat waits below. Julie (starting up). De Mauprat I Rich. Hem! He has been tiresome too!-Anon. I Exit iUGuTET. Julie. What doth he? I mean-I-Does your Emininence-that isKnow you Messire de Mauprat? Rich. Well!-and youHas he addressed you often? Julie. Often! NoNine times: nay, ten;-the last time by the lattice Of the great staircase. (In a melancholy toaze.) The Court sees him rarely. Rich. A bold and forward royster I Julie. HIe? nay, modest, Gentle and sad, methinks. Rich. Wears gold and azure? Julfie. No; sable. Rich. So you note his colours, Julie? Shame on you, child, look loftier. By the mass, I have business with this modest gentleman. Julie. You're angry with poor Julie. There's no cause. Rich. No cause-you hate my foes? Julie. I do! Rich. Hate Mauprat? Julie. Not Mauprat. No, not Adrien, father. R.ich. Adrien! Familiar!-Go, child; no,-not that way; wait in the tapestry chamber; I will join you,-go. Julie. His brows are knit; I dare not call him father I But I must speak. Your EminenceRich. (sternly.' Well, girl! Julie. Nay, 20 RICHELIEU. [AcT L. Smile on me-one smile more; there, now I'm happy. Do not rank Mauprat with your foes; he is not, I know he is not; he loves France too well. Rich. Nol, rank De Mauprat with my foes? So be it. I'll blot him from that list.,mlie. That's my own father. [Exit JULIE. Rich. (Ringing, a smaUll bel' o?7 te table.) Iluguet lEnter HI GUET. De Maiauprat struggled not not murmur'd? IHio-ret. No: proud and passive. Rich. Bid him enter.- old: Look that he hide no weapon. Ilump, despair MAakes victims sometimes victors. When he has enter'd, Glide round unseen; place tliyself younder (pointing to the screen;) watch him; li he show violence —(let me see thy carbine, So, a good weapon;) if he play the lion, Why-the dog's death. Exit H UGUET; RICHEIIEU senls himself at the table, and s/owly arranges tthe papers before him. Enter DE:I[MAUPRAT preceded by HUGUET, who ti/cei retires behind the screen. Rich. Approach, Sir. Can you call to mind the hour, Now three years since, when in this room, methinks, Your presence honoured me? De Ma'llpral. It is, my lord, One of my mostRich. (drily.) Delightful reccliections. (2) D' Tlhap. (aside.) St. Denis I doth he make ajest of atxe and headsmanl? Ri/ch. (sternly.) I did then accor(d you A mercy ill requitedl-you still lvc?. Dc AM76p. " To meet deatll face to face at last." ltich " Your words Are boll..De Alitup. My deeds ha ve not belied them." Rich,. "De edss!' () misera'bl deluslon of ma.n's pride I " IDeds! cities sack'd, field's ravaged, hearth's profaied, " Men butcher'd In your huar of doom behold SCERNE II.] RICHELIEU. 21 " The deeds you boast of I From rank showers of blood, " And the red light of blazing roofts, you build " The rainbow Glory, and to shuddering Conscience " Cry: Lo! the bridge to I leaven?" De Mckup. " If war be sintful " Your hand the gauntlet c ast Rich. " It was so, Sir. " Note the distinction: I weigh'd well the cause " Which made the standard holy; raised the war " But to secure the peace. France bled-I groan'd; " But look'd beyond; anl, in the vista, saw " Fralnce saved, and I exulted. You —but you " Were but the tool of slautrghter-knowing naught, "Foreseeing naught, naught hoping, naught lamenting, "And for na.ught fit, —sve cutting throats for hire. " Deeds! marry, deeds!" De TMaLp. " If you would deign to speak "Thus to your armies ere they march to battle, " Perchance your Eminence might have the pain " Of the throat-cutting to yourself. Rich. (Aside.) " He has wit, " This Ma uprat-(Aloud)-Let it pass; there is against you " What you can less excuse.%M iessire de Mauprat, Doom'd to sure death, how hist since consumed The time allotted thee for serious thought And solemn penance? De icaLup. (embarrassed.) The time, my Lord? Riclhlieu. Is not the question plain? I'll answer for thee. Thou hast sought nor priest nor shrine; no sackcloth chafed Thy delicate flesh. The rosary and the death's-head Have not, with pious meditation, purged Earth from the carnal gaze. What thou hast not done Brief told; what done, a volume! Wild debauch, Turbulent riot:-for the morn the dice-boxNoon claim'd the duel-and t e night the wassail: These, your most holy pure preparatives For death and judgment! Do I wrong you, Sir?.De a/laZp. I was not always thus: —if changed my nature. 22 RICHELIEU. [ACT. I Blame that which changed my fate.-Alas, my Lord, " There is a brother which calm-eyed Reason, " Can wot not of betwixt Despair and Mirth. " My birth-place mid the vines of sunny Provence,'" Perchance the stream that sparkles in my veins " Came from that wine of passionate life, which erst " Glow'd in the wild heart of the Troubador: " And danger, which makes steadier courage wary, " But fevers me with an insane delight; " As one of old who on the mountain-crags " Caught madness from a Maenad's haunting eyes. Were you, my Lord, whose path imperial power, " And the grave cares of reverent wisdom guard " From all that tempts to folly meaner men,Were you accursed with that which you inflictedBy bed and board, dogg'd by one ghastly spectre The while within youth boat high, and lifd Grew lovelier from the neighboring frown of deathThe heart no bud, nor fruit-save in those seeds Most worthless, which spring up, bloom, bear, and wither In the same hour.-Were this your fate, perchance, You would have err'd like me 1 I might, like you, Have been a brawler and a reveller;-not, Like you, a trickster and a thief,De iIaTup. (advanzcing threeaiteqi'ngly). Lord Cardinal I Unsay those words![HUGUET deliberately raises his carbine.] Rich. (wavilng his hand.) Not quite so quick, frienc Huguet;:ilessire de Mauprat is a patient man, And he can wait!. i You have outrun your fortune; I blame you not that you would be a beggarEach to his taste!-but I do charge you, Sir, That being beggar'd, you would coin false moneys Out of that crucible, called DEBT.-To live On means not yours-be brave in silks and laces, Gallant in steeds, splendid in banquets;-all Not y/ou'rs-ungiven, unherited-unpaid for This is to be a trickster; and to filch SCENE II.] RICHELIEU. 2a Men's art and labour, which to them is wealth, Life, daily bread,-quitting all scores with-" Friend, You're troublesome?"-Why this, forgive me, Is what-when done with a less dainty gracePlain folks call " Theft!"-You owe eight thousand pistoles, Minus one crown, two liards I De lMaup. (aside.) The old conjurer! Sdeath, he'll inform me next how many cups I drank at dinner! Rich. This is scandalous, Shaming your birth and blood. I tell you, Sir That you must pay your debtsDe MIaup. With all my heart, My Lord. Where shall I borrow, then, the money? Rich, (aside anzd laugAhing.) A humurous dare-devil -The very man To suit my purpose-ready, frank, and bold I [Risinzg and earnestly. Adrien de MIauprat, men have called me cruel; I am not; I am just!-I fouind France rent asunder,The rich men despots, and the poor banditti;Sloth in the mart, and schism within the temple Brawls festering to Rebellion; and weak Laws Rotting away with rust in antique sheaths - I have re-created France; and from the ashes Of the old feudal and decrepid carcase, Civilization on her luminous wings Soars,-phcenix-like, to Jove!-what was my art? Genius, some say,-some Fortune,-Witchcraft, some Not so; my art was JUSTICE!-Force and fraud Misname it cruelty-you shall confute them! My champion YOU!-You met me as your foe. Depart my friend-you shall not die-France needs you. You shall wipe off all stains,-be rich, be honor'd, Be great-[DE MAUPRAT falls on his kwle-RICHELIEC raises him.] I ask, Sir, in return, this hand, To gift it with a bride, whose dowry shall match, Yet not exceed her beauty. De 11Maup I, my Lord- [Besitatzng. I have no wish to marry. Rich. Surely, Sir, To die were worse. 24 RICHELIET. [ACT I De Maup. Scarcely; the poorest coward Must die,-but knowingly to march to marriageMy Lord, it asks the courage of a lion! Rich. Traitor, thou triflest with me!-I know all! Thou hast dared to love my ward-my charge. De 3iamp. As rivers May love the sunlight-basking in the beams, And hurrying on!ilich. Thou has told her of thy love; De l]Iaup. My Lord, if I had dared to love a maid, Lowliest in France, I would not so have wrong'd her, As bid her link rich life and virgin hope With one, the deathmnan's gripe might, from her side, Pluck at the nuptial altar Rich. I believe thee.; Yet since she knows not of thy love renounce her; Take life and fortune with another! Silent? De -ilaup. Your faith has been one triumph. You kniio not How bless'd a thing it was in my dark hour To nurse the one sweet thought you bid me banish Love hath no need of words; — or less within That holiest temple-the heaven-builded soulBreathes the recorded vow.-Base night,-false lover Were he, who barter'd all that brighten'd grief, Or sanctified despair, for life and gold. Revoke your mercy; I prefer the fate I look'd for 1. Rich. Huguet to the tapestry chamber Conduct your prisoner. ( To MAUPRAT.) You will there behold The executioner:-your doom be private — And Heaven have mercy on you!.De 11kaI1p. When I'm dead, Tell her, I loved her. Rich. Keep such follies, Sir, For fitter ears;-go- ~ De _/lamp. Does he mock me? [Exewnt DE MAUPRAT and HUGUET SCEN II. RICHELTEU, 25 Rieh. Joseph, Come forth. El/er JOSEPoH. Methiuks youi cheek has lost its rubies; I fear you have been too lavish of the flesh; the scourge is heavy. Joseph. Pray you, change the subject. Rich. You good men are so modest I-Well, to business Go instantly-deeds-notaries!-bid my stewards Arrange my house by the Luxembourg- my house No more — a bridal present to my ward, Who weds to-morrow. Joseph. Weds, with whom? hich. De Mauprat. Joseph. Penniless husband? Rich. Bah! the mate for beauty Should be a man and not a money-chest! When her brave sire lay on Iis bed of death, 1 vowed to l1e a father to his Julie; And when he died-the smile upon his lips -- And when I spared the life of her young lover, Methought I saw that smile again!-Who else. Look you, in all the court-who else so well, Brave, or supplant the favourite;-balk.the Kin — Baffle their schemes?-I have tried him:-he has honour And courage qualities that eagle-plume Men's souls, —and fit them for the fiercest sun Which ever melted the weak waxen minds That flutter in the beams of gaudy Power! Besides, he has taste, this Mauprat: —When my play waT acted to dull tiers of lifeless gapers, (3) Who had no soul for poetry, I saw him Appl.aud in the proper places; trust me, Joseph, He is a man of an uncommon promise! Joseph. And yet your foe. Rich. Have I not foes enow?Great meln gain doubly when they make foes friends. Rellember my gradcl maxims! —First employ All methods to conciliate. (4) Joseplh. Failing these? Rich. (fiercly.) All means to crush; as with the opening, and 2 6 RICHELIEU. L ACT L The clenching of this little hand, I will Crush the smallivenom of these stinging courtiers. So, so, we've baffled Baradas. Joseph. And when Check the conspiracy? Rich. Check, check! Full way to it. Let it bud, ripen, flaunt i' the day, and burst To fruit-the Dead Sea's fruit of ashes; ashes Which i will scatter to the winds. Go Joseph; When you return I have a feast for youThe last great act of my great play; the verses, Methinks are fine,-ah, very fine. —You write Verses! (5)-(aside) such verses I You have wit, discernment. Joseph. (aside.) Worse than the scourge I Strange thial so great a statesman Should be so bad a poet. RicA. What dost say? Joseph. That it is strange so great a statesman should Be so sublime a poet. Rich. Ah, you rogue; LaWs die; books never. Of my ministry I am not vain; but of my muse, I own it. Come you shall hear the verses now. (Takes up a MS. Joseph. My lord, The deeds, the notaries I Rich. True, I pity you; But business first, then pleasure. [Exit JOSEPH Rich. (seating himself, and reading. Ah, sublime I Enter DE MAUPRAT and JULIE. l)e VMaup. Oh, speak, my lord I I dare not think you mock me. And yetRich. Hush, hush-this line must be considered I Julie. Are we not both your children? Rich. What a couplet! How now I Oh, Sir-you live I De MIaup. Why, no, methinks, Elysium is not life. SCENE IT.] mTCHEIIFL.t 21 Jflie. H-le smiles! you smile, My father 1 From my hear for ever, now, I'11 blot the name of orphan! ]liict. Rise, my children, For ye are minemine botlh; and in your sweet Antd young dcelight, your love-life's first-born glory,) M!3 ow\N lost youth breathes musical De lIraup. I'll seek'templle and priest henceforward:-were it but To learn Heaven's choicest blessings. Rich. Thou shalt seek Temple and priest right soonl; the morrow's sun Shall see across these barren thresholds pass'l'ie fairest bride in Paris. Go, my children; Even 1 loved once! 13Be lovers while ye may. How is it with you, Sir? You bear it bravely: You know it asks the courage of a lion. [Exewit DE MAUPRAT (aid JuIIE. Oil, godlile Power! Wo, Rapture, Penury, WrealthlMarriige and Death, for one infirm old manl Through a great empire to dispense-withhloldAs the will whispers! And shall things, like motes Tlhat live in my caylight; lackeys of court wages, D)Nwa:rf'd starvelings; manikinls upon whose shoulders The burtlen of a province were a load More heavy than the globe on Atlas-cast Lots for my robes and sceptre?X France, I love thee I All earth shall never pluck thee from my heart! My mistress, France; my wedded wife, sweet France; Who shall proclaim divorce for thee and me! Exit. BICHEU.ISTJ END OF ACT L 28 RICIEuIEu. [AcT II ACT II. SECOND DAY. SCENF I. —A s7leldid Apacrtment in M.AUTRAT'S new Ifou e. Casetents tpc-nin.g' to the Gardens,'eycqd wl/1(:i the domes oj the Lnxembao' rg Palace. Engte BARADAS, Bar. Mauprat's new home:-too splendid for a soldier I But o'er his floors-the while I stalk —nethinks My shadow spreads gigantic to the gloom The old rude towers of the B astile far Along the smoothness of the joctnd day. Well, thou hast'scaped the fierce caprice of Richelieu I But art thou farther from the headsilan, fool? Thy secret I have whisper'd to the Kingl: Thy marriage makes the King thy foe. Thou stand'st On the abyss-and in the pool below I see a ghastly, headless phanlton mirror'd: Thy likeness, ere thie.nmrriage moon had waned. Meanwhile —mleanwhlilehia, h1a! if thou art wedded, Thou art not wived I Enter MATPRArT (s/pinldid,/? dreseal.) De 1ian p. WVas ever fate like mine?So blessed, and yet so wretched! Bar. Joy, de Manuprat! Why, what a brow, man, fori your wedding-dt y 1De lMaip. Jest not.-Distraction! Bar. What! your wife a shrew Already? Courage, mlan-the common lt! De Ma1aup. Oh, that she were less lovely, or less lovyV I Bar. Riddles again! D)e lIaup. You know what chanced between The Cardinal and myself. Bar This morning brought SCENE I.] RICHELIEU. 29 You letter-faith, a strange acdount I I laugh'd And wept at once for gladness. De l//aaup. We were wed At noon, the rite performed, came hither-scarce arrived, when Bar. Well! De -1laup. Wide flew the doors, and lo I Messire de Beringhen. and this epistle I Bar.'Tis the King's hand! —the royal seal I De llU'ap. Read —read I Bar. (reading.) " Whereas Adrien de Mauprat, Colonel and Chevalier in our armies, beilng already guilty of high treason, by the seizure of our town of Favianx, has presumed without our knowledge, consent, or sanction, to connect himself by marriage with Julie de Mortemar, a wealthy orphan attached to the person of i-er Majesty, without our knowledge or consent.-We do hereby proclaim and declare tlhe said marriage contrary to law. On penalty of death, Adrien de Mauprat will not conmmunicate with the said Julie de Mortemar by word or letter, save in the presence of our faithful servant, the Sieur de Beringhen, and then with such respect and decorum as are due to a Demioiselle attached to the Court of France, until such time as it may suit our royal pleasure to confer with the Holy Church on the formal annulment of the marriage, and with our Council on the punishment to be awarded to Messire de Mauprat, who is cautioned for his own sake, to preserve silence as to our injunction, more'especially to Mademoiselle de Mortemar. Given under our hand and seal at tile Louvre. LOUIS." Bar. (retlrning the letter.) Amazement!IDid not Iichelieu say, the King K'!ew not your crime? 7)e ilaup. He said so. Bar. Poor de Mauprat! See you the snare, the vengeance worse than death Of which you are the victim? De iMa.lp. Ha! Bar. (aside.) It works; (JULIE and DE BERINGHEN in the gardens.), You llwe not sought the Cardinal yet, to — 30 RICHELIEU. ACT J] De JIaup. No! Scarce yet my sense awaken'd from the shock I Now I will see him. Bar. Hold-beware I Stir not Till we confer again, De /Malnp. Speak out, man! Bar. Hush! Your wife!-De Beringhen!-Be on your guardObey the royal orders to the letter. I'll look around your palace. By my troth, A princely mansion! De MVaup. Stay- Bar. So new a bridegroom Can want no visitors.-Your servant, Madam, Oh, happy pair-oh, charming picture I [Exit thraough a side door Julie, Adrien, You left us suddenly-are you not well? De Mlaup. Oh, very well-that is-extremely ill. Julie. Ill, Adrien? (tal:ing his hand.) De AIaup. Not when I see thee. (He is about to laft her mand to his lips, when DE BERINGHEN conghs, and pulls his mantle. DE MAUPRAT drops the haid and walks away. ) Julie. Alas! Should he not love me? De Ber. (aside.) Have a care: I must Report each word, each jesture to his Majesty. De JiIaup. Sir, if you were not in his Majesty's service, You'd be the most officious, impudent, Damn'd busy-body ever interfering In a man's family affairs. De Ber. But as I do belong, sir, to his Majesty~ De AIlaup. You're lucky!-Still, were we a story higher'Twere prudent not to go too near the window. Julie. Adrien, what have I done? Say am I changed Since yesterday?-or was it but for wealth, Ambition, life-that-that —you swore you loved me?.De Mlaup. I shall go mad I I do, indeed I do SCENE I.] RICHELIEU. 3. De Ber. (aside ) Not love her I that were highly disrespectful. Julie. You do —what, Adrien? De Maup. Oh! I do, indeedI do think that this weather is delightful I A charming day I the sky is so serene I And what a prospect!-( To De Beringhen.) Oh I you Pop injay! Julie. He jests at me!-he mocks me!-yet I love him, And every look becomes the lips we love I Perhaps I am too grave?-You laugh at Julie; If laughter please you, welcome be the music I Only say, Adrien, that you love me. De llIaup{ (kissing her hand.) Ay;With my whole heart I love you! Now, Sir, go, And tell that to his Majesty!-Who ever Heard of its being a state offence to kiss To kiss the hand of one's own wife I Julie. He says he loves me, And starts away, as if to say " I love you" Meant something very dreadful.-Come sit by meI place your chair —fie on your gallantry. They sit down; as he puslws her chair back, she draws hers nearer. ).Tulie. Why must this strange Messire De Beringhen be always here? He never takes a hint. Do you not wish him gone? De lITaup. Upon my soul I do, my Julie!-Send him for your bouquet, Your glove, your-anything-.ulie. Messire De Beringhen, I dropped my glove in the garden by the fountain, Or the alcove, or-stay-no, by the statue Of Cupid; may I ask you to — De Berilghen. To send for it? Certainly. (ringing a bell oi the table.) Andre, Pierre (you rascals-how Do ye call them?) Enter SERVANTS. Ai —IMadanme has dropp'd her glove 32 RICHELIEU. [ACT II In the gardens, by the fountain, or the alcove Or-stay-no, by the statue-eh?-of Cupid. Bring it. De liaupe. Did ever now one pair of shoulders Carry such wagon-loads of impudence Into a gentleman's drawing-room? Dear Julie, I'm busy-letters-visitors-the devil! I do beseech you leave me-I say-leave me Jflie. (weeping.) You are unkind. Exit. (As she goes out, Mlauprat drops o e one knet and kisses the hem of her mantle, unseen byl her. ) De Bering. Ten millions of apologiesDe MCaL6p. I'll not take one of them. I have as yet Withstood all things-my heart-my love-my rights, But Julie's tears! When is this farce to end? De Berbig. Oh I when you please. His Majesty re quests me, As soon as you infringe his gracious orders, To introduce you to the Governor Of the Bastile. I should have had that honour Before, but,'gad, my foible is good nature: One can't be be hard upon a friend's infirmities. De zIaupp. I know the king can send me to the scaffold. Dark prospect!-but I'm used to it; and if'The Church and Council by this hour to-morrow, One way or the other settle not the matter, I will De Bering. What, my dear Sir? De _caup. Show you the door, My dear, dear Sir; talk as I please, with whom I please, ia my own house, dear Sir! until His Majesty shall condescend to find A stouter gentleman than you, dear Sir, To take me out; and now you understand me, My dear, most dear-Oh, damnably dear Sir! De Berings. What, almost in a passion! you will cool Upon reflection. Well, since MIafrdacme's absent, I'll take a small refreshment. Now, don't stir; Be careful;-how's your Burgundy?-I'11 taste it SCENE I. RICHELIEU. 33 Finish it all before I leave you. Nay, No form; —.you see I make myself at home. Exit IE BIERINGHEN. D)e 1I.aup. (gcing to the door through wictA BARADAS had BLarada s! Count Enter 13A IADAS, You spoke of snares-of veengeance lSharper than death b-e plainer. Bar. N'What so clear? Riclhlien has butt two passions. De lau-lp. Riclelieu I Bar._y, es. Ambition and revenge-in you both blended. First for ambition-Julie is his ward. Innocent-docil —pliant to his willHe placed her at the court-foresaw the restThe King' loves Julie I De M11fiup. Merciful Heaven I The King! Bar. Such Cupids lend new plumies to -Richelieu's wings But the court etiquette must give such Cupids The veil of Hymen (Hymen but in name.) He looked abroad-found you his foe-lhns served Ambition-by the grandeur of his ward, And vengeance-by dishonour to his foe? De IIcmAp. Prove this. Bar. Yol have the proof-the royal Letter:Your strange exenmption frin the general pardon, Known but to me and Richelieu; can you doubt You friend, to acquit your foe? The truth is glaringRichelieu alone could tell the princely lover The tale which sells your life,-or buys your honour I De 1Vwaup. I see it all! — ock pardon-hurried nuptials I False bounty! all i-the serpent of that smile; Oh I it stings home I Bar. You shall crush his malice: Our plans are sure -Orleans is at our head; We meet to night; join us and with us triumph, De Iacut To-wight!-Oh Heaven! —my marriage night I-Revenge! Bar. " What classs of men whose white lips do not curse 34 RICHELIEU. [ACT 1I "The grim, insatiate, universal tyrant? We, noble-born-where are our atique rights. "Our feudal seignories-our castled strength, "Thlat did divide us from the base Plebeians, "And made our swords our law-where are they? —trod "To dust-and o'er the graves of our dead power "Scaffolds are monumentts-the Kingly house "Shorn of its beams-the Royal Sun of France "'Clipsed by this blood-red comet. Where we turn, "Nothing but Richelieu!-A-rmies-Church-State —Laws "But mirrors that do multiply his beams. " He sees all —acts all-Argus and Briaraeus" Spy at our boards-and deathsman at our hearths, "Under the venom of one laidley nightshade, "Wither the lilies of all France. De 1liaup. (impatiently.) "But JulieBaradacs, (mnliheeding Aim.) " As yet the Fiend that serves hath saved his power " From every snare; and in the epitaphs " Of many victims dwells a warning moral " That preaches caution. Were I not assured "That what before was hope is ripen'd now " Into most certain safcty, trust me, Mauprat, I still could hush my hate and mark thy wrongs, "And say " Be patient'' l7 w, the King himself "Smiles kindly when I teli him that his peers' Will rid him his' iiest. You knit your brows, Noble impatienlce. Pass we to our scheme!'Tis Richelieu's wont; eaclh morn within his chapel, (Hypocrite worship ended,) to dispense Alms to the menldicant friars, —in that guise A band (yourself the leader) shall surround And seize the despot De lMaup. But the King? but Julie? Bar. The King' infirm in health, in mind more feeble Is but the pllaying of a Minister's will. Were Richelieu deady, his powers were mine; and Louis Soon should forget his passsion and your crime. But whither now? De 3Iauzp. I know not; I scarce hear thee A little while for thought: anon I'll join thee; SCENE I.J RICHELIEU. 35 But now, all air seems tainted, and I loathe The face of man! [Exit DE MAUPRAT through the gardens Bar. Start from the chase, my prey! But as thou speed'st, the hell-hounds of Revenge Pant in thy track and dog thee down.' LEnter DE BERINGHEN, his mouth full a naCp in in is hand. De Ber Chevalier, Your cook's a miracle,-what my Host gone? Faith, Count, my office is a post of danger; A fiery fellow, Mauprat! touch and go,Match and saltpetre,-pr-r-r-r! Bar. You Will be released ere long The king resolves To call the bride to court this day. De Ber. Poor Mauprat! Yet, since yoru love the lady, why so careless Of the King's suit Bar. Because the lady's virtuous, And the king timid. Ere he win the suit He'll lose the crown,-the bride will be a widowAnd I —the Richelieu of the Regent Orleans. De Ber. Is Louis still so chafed against the Fox, From snatching yon fair dainty from the Lion I Bar. So chafed that Richelieu totters. Yes, the King, Is half conspiring against the Cardinal. Enough of this. I've found the man we wanted,The man to head the hands that murder'd Richelieu,The man, whose name the synoneme for daring. De Be,. lie must mean me! No' Count, I am, I own, A valiant dog —but stillBar. W'ilIom can I mean But LMaupret? —Mark, to-night we meet at Marion's, I'inere shall we sign: thence send this scroll (showing it) to Bouillon. You're in that secret (affectionately) one of our new Council. De Ber. But to admit the Spaniard-France's foe. Into the heart of France,-dethrone the King! It looks like treason, and I smell the headsman. Bar. Oh, Sir too late to falter; when we meet 3F6, mRICHELIEU. [ACT. 11 We must arrange the separate, coarser scheme, For Richelieu's death. Of this despatch De Mauprat lMust nothing learn. He only bites at vengeance, And he would start from treason. We must post him Without the door at Marion's-as a sentry (Aside)-So, when his head is on the block-his tongue Cannot betray our more august designs! _De Ber. I'll meet you, if the King can spare me. (Aside.) -No I I am too old a goose to play with foxes,'l roost at home. M!eanwhile, in the next room There's a delicious pate, let's discuss it. Bar. Pshaw! a man filled with a sublime ambition Has no time to discuss your pates. De Ber. Pshaw. And a man filled with a sublime as pate. Has no time to discuss ambition.-Gad, I have the best of it! Enter JULIE hastily with first COURTIER. Julie (to COURTIER). A summons, Sir, To attend the Louvre?-On this day, too? Courtier. MIadame. The royal carriage waits below.-( To DE BERINGHEN.) You will return with us. Julie. What can this mean?Where is my husband? Bar. He has left the house Perhaps till nightfall-so he bade me tell you. Alas, were I the lord of such fair treasureJ~ulie (impatiently. Till nightfall?-Strange-my heart missgives me I Cour Madale, My orders will not brook delay. Julia (to BARADAS.) You'll see himAnd you will tell him! Bar. From the flowers of H}ybla Never more gladly did the bee bear honey, Than I take a sweetness from those rosiest lips, Though to the hive of others I Cour. (to DE BERINC-HEN. Come, Messire, SCENE 1.] RICHELIEU. 81 De Ber. (hesitalig.) One momert, just toCour. Come, Sir. De.Ber. I shall not. Discuss the the pate after all.'Ecod, I'm puzzled now. I don't know who's the best of it I Exeant JULIE, DE BERINGHEN, and COURTIER Bar. Now this will fire his fever into madness! All is made clear; MAauprat must murder RichelieuDie for that crime:-I shall console his JulieThis will reach Bouillon!-from the wrecks of France I shall crave out —who knows-perchance a throne I All in despite of my Lord Cardinal. Enter DE MAUPT ET fr'o9, the gardens. De faunprcat. Speak! can it be?-AMethought that from the terrace I saw the carriage of the King-and Julie! No i o10! —my frenzy peoples the void air Wfith its own phantoims JBar -Nay, too true.-Alas! Xas ever lightning swifter, or more blasting, ~haln Richelieu's forked guide? De Maip. i'1l to the Louvre Bar. And lose all hope! The Louvre!-the sure gate Co the Bastile De 11Taup. The King. Bar. Is but the wax, Which Richelieu stamps? Break the malignant seal, And I will raze the print. Come, man, take heart I Her virtue well could brave a sterner trial Than a few hours of cold imperious courtship. Where Richelieu dust —no danger I Be 1Ica]p. Ghastly Vengeance: To thee and thine august soleni sister, The unrelenting Death I dedicate T'he blood of Armand Richelieu! When Dishonour Reaches our hearths Law dies and Mlurder takes The angel shape of Justice I Bar. Bravely said! &t midnight, Marion's I —Nay, I cannot leave thee 38 RICHELIEU. i CT IL To thougchts that — De AIZlap. Speak not to me! —I am yours! But speak lot i There's a voice within my soul, Whose cry could drown the thunder. Oh I if men Will play dark sorcery with the heart of man, Let them, who raise the spell, beware the fiend [Exeunt. SCENE II.-A room in the Palais Cardinal (as the first Act). RICHELIEU and JOSEPH. FRANCOIS, writing at a table. Joseph. Yes; —Huuget, taking his accustom'd round,Disguised as some plain burgher, —heard these rufflers Quoting your name:-he listen'd-" Pshaw I" said one, "We are to seize the Cardinal in his palace To-morrow!'-" How?" the other ask'd;-" You'll hear The whole design to-night: the Duke of Orleans And Baradas have got the map of action At their fingers' end"-" So be it," quoth the other, "I will be there,-Marion de Lorme's-at midnight I" Rich. I have them, man, I have them I Jos. So they say Of you, my Lord;-believe me, that their plans Are mightier than you deem. You must employ Means no less vast to meet them I Rich. Bah! in policy We foil gigantic danger, not by giants, But dwarfs. The statues of our stately fortune Are sculptured by the chisel-not the axe 1 (1) Ah! were I younger-by the knightly heart That beats between these priestly robes, (2) I would Have pastime with these cut-throats! Yea, as when, Lured to the ambush of the expecting foe, I clove my pathway through the plumed sea I Reach me you falchion, Francois-not that bauble For carpet-warriors —yonder —such a blade As old Oharles 1Martel might have wielded, He drove the Saraacen from France SCENE II.] RICHELIEU. 39 (FRANCOIS brtngs him one of the long two-handed swords worn in the middle ages.) With this, I, at Rochelle, did hand to hand engage The stalwart Englisher-no mongrels, boy, Those island,mastiffs I-mark the notch, a deep one His casque made here,-I shore him to the waist! A toy —a feather, then! ( Tries to wield and lets itfall.) You see, a child conld Slay Richelieu now. Francois (his hand on his hilt). But now, at your commatnd Are other weapons good my lord. Rich. (who has seated himself as to write, lifts the pen). True THIS! Beneath the rule of men entirely great The pen is mightier than the sword. Behold The arch enchanter's wand -itself a nothing I By taking sorcery from the master hand To paralyze the CTesars, and to strike The loud earth breathless I Take away the swordStates can be saved without it I (Looking on the clocl).'Tis the hourRetire, sir. - Exit FRANCOIS. A knock —a door, concealed in the arras, opens cautiously Enter MARION DE LORME. Joseph (amazed). Marion de Lorme I Rich. Hist! Joseph Keep guard. (JOSEPH retires to the principal entrance.) My faithful Marion! Marionl. Good my orld, They meet to-night in my poor honse. The Duke Of Orleans heads them. Rich. Yes; go on. -Marion. His Highness Much question'd if I knew some brave, discreet, And vigilant man, whose tongue could keep a secret, And who had those twin qualities for service, The love of gold, the hate of Richelieu. tO RRICHELIEU. Rzch. You Marion. Made me answer, " Yes, my brother;-bold and trusty: Whose faith, my faith could pledge;"-The Duke then bade me Have him equipp'd and arm'd-well mounted-ready This night to part for Italy. Rich. Aha I Has Bouillon too turn'd traitor?-So methought I What part of Italy? Mliarion. The Piedmont frontier, Where Bouillon lies encamp'd. Rich. Now there is danger! Great danger! If he tamper with the Spaniard, And Louis list not to my council, as, Without sure proof he will not, France is lost I What more! Marion. Dark hints of some design to seize Your person in your palace. Nothing clearHis Highness trembled while he spoke;-the words Did choke each other.'Rich. So! Who is the brother, You recommended to the Duke? AMarion. Whoever Your eminence may father! Rich. Darling Marion! (3) [Goes to the table, and relurns with a large bag of -gold.j There-pshaw —trifle I What an eye you have I And what a smile, child!-(kisses her.)-Ah you fair perdition-'Tis well I'm old? Marion (aside and seriously). What a great man he is I Rich. You are sure they meet?-the hour?.Marion. At midnight. Rich. And You will engage to give the Duke's despatch. To whom I send? Marion. Ay, marry Rich. (aside.) Huguet? No; He will be wanted elsewhere. Joseph?-zealous. But too well known-too much the elder brother SCENE II.] RICHELIEU. 41 Mauprat?-alas I his wedding day I Francois?-the Man of Men — unnoted-youngAmbitious —(goes to the door)-Francois! Enter FRANCOIS.'.Rch. Follow this fair lady: (Find him the suiting garments, Marion;) take My fleetest steed: arm thyself to the teeth; A packet will be given you, with orders, No matter what I The instant that your hand closes upon it-clutch it, like your honour, Which death alone can steal, or ravish; set Spurs to your steed-be breathless, till you stand Again before me. Stay, Sir! You will find me Two short leagues hence-at Ruelle, in my castle. Young man, be blithe! for-note me-from the hour I grasp that packet, think your guardian star Rains fortune on you! Fran. If I failRich. FailIn the l6xicon of youth, which Fate reseives For a bright manhood, there is no such word As-fail!-You will instruct him further, Marion. Follow her-but at distance;- speak not to her, Till you are housed;-Farewell, boy! Never say " Fail" again. Fran. I will not! Rich. (patting his locks.) There is my young hero I ZxeuZnt FRANCOIS and MARION. Rich. So, they would seize my person in this place? I cannot guess their scheme:-but my retinue Is here too large I-a single traitor could Strike impotent the fate of thousands;-Joseph Art sure of Huguet?-Think-we hang'd his father! Joseph. But you have bought his son — heaped favors on him I Rich. Trash!-favours past-that's nothing I In his hours Of confidence with you, has he named the favours To come he counts on? Joseph. Yes a Colonel's rank, And Letters of Nobility. Rich. What Huguet I 42 RICHELIEU. [ACT I1 (Here HUGUET enters, as to address the Cardinal, who does not perceive him.) IHugsget. My own name soft!- [glides behind the screen. Rich. Colonel anrli Nobleman! My bashful Huguet-that can never be!We have him not the less-we'll promise it! And see the King withholds! —Ah, kings are oft A great convenience to a minister! No wrong to Huguet either!-Moralists Say, Hope is sweeter than possession!-YesWe'll count on Puguet! Favours prst do gorge Our dogs; leave service drowsy-dull to the scent, Slacken the speed;-favours to come, my Joseph, Produce a lusty, hungry gratitude, A ravenous zeal, that of the commonest cur Would make a Cerberus. You are right, this treason. Assumes a fearful aspect:-but once crush'd, Its very ashes shall manure the soil Of power; and ripen such full sheaves of greatness, That all the summer of my fate shall seem Fruitless beside the autumn! [HUGUET holds 1ip his hand menacingly, and creeps out. Joseph. The saints grant it! Rich. (solemnly.) Yes-for sweet France, Heaven grant it!-0 my country, For thee-thee-only-though men deem it notAre toil and terror my familiars I-I Have made thee great and fair-upon t-hy brows Wreath'd the old Roman laurel:-at thy feet Bow'd nations down.-No puse in my ambition Whose beatings were not measured from thy heart I "JIn the old times before us, patriots lived "And died for libertyJoseph. " As you would live And die for despotryRich. " False nionk, not so! Not for the purple and the power wherein " State clothes herself,-I love my native land" Not as Venetian Englisher, or Swiss, "But as a Noble and a Priest of France; "All things for France'-lo, my eternal maxim! SCENE II.] RICHELIEU. 48 " The vital axle of the restless wheels "That bear me on! With her I have entwined " My passions and ny fate-my crimes, my virtues" Hated and loved, (4) and schemed, and shed men's blood " As the cahn crafts of Tuscan sages teach "Those who would make their country great. Beyond "The map of France, my heart can travel not, " But fills that limit to the farthest verge;' And while I live-Richelieu and France are one." We priests, to whom the Church forbids in youth The plighted one-to manhood's toil denies The soother helpmate-from our wither'd age Shuts the sweet blossoms of the second spring That smiles in the name Father-we are yet Not holier than humanity, and must Fulfil humanity's condition- Love! Debarr'd the Actual, we but breathe a life To chill the marble of the Ideal-Thus, In the unseen and abstract Majesty, My France-my Country, I have bodied forth A thing to love. What are these robes of state This pomp, this palace? perishable baubles! In this world two things only are immortalFame and a People 1, XEqlter IHUGUET IHgmetet. My Lord Cardinal, Your eminence bade me seek you at this hour. Riich. 1Did I?-True, I-uguet.-So-you overheard Strange talk amongst these gallants Snares and traps For lRchelieu?-Well-we'll balk them let me think — The enll at arms you head-how many? I-iqlaet. Twenty, (5) My Lord. RJich. All trusty! 117iugelt. Yes, for ordinary Occasions-if for great ones, I would change Three-fourths at least? Rich. Ay, what are great occasions? H.tguet. Great bribes! Rich. (to JOSEPH). Good lack, he knou s some.paragons Superior to great bribes I 44 RICHELIEU. ACT 1l igalet. True gentlemen, Who have transgress'd the laws-and value life. And lack not gold; your eminence alone Cau grant them pardo'i..Ergo you can trust them! ilich. Logic — So be it-let this honest twenty Be arm'd and mounted.-(Aside.) So they meet at midnight The attempt on me to-morrow-Ho! we'll strike'Twixt wind d and water.-(AlouLd.) Does it need much timu To find these orLnments to Human Nature? ihgauet. TMy Lord the trustiest are not birds That love the daylight.-I do know a haunt Where they meet nightly. Rich. Ere the dawn be grey, All could be arm'd, assembled, and at Ruelle In my old hall? iHuguet. By one hour after midnight. Rich. The castle's strong. You know its outlets, Hau guet? WVould twenty men, well posted, keep such guard T'hat not one step-(and Mlurder's step is stealthy)Could glide within unseen? lj-.Lgcl. A triple wallA dri;wbridge and portcullis-twenty menIUndeo my lead, a month might hold that castle Agaiilst a host. fij'h. Tiley do not strike till morning, Yet ) will shift the quarter-bid the grooms Prepare the litter-i will hence to Ruelle Whlle d'yh.J-light last-and one hour after midnight You yotir twenty saints shall seek me thither I Youl're m.lde to rise! You are, Sir;-eyes of lynx of the stag, a footfall like the snow; You are a valiant fellow;-yea, a trusty, R1cliious, exemplary, incorrupt, Ai'd precious jewel of a fellow. Huguet! If i live long enough,-ay, mark imy wordsIf I live lo0ng enough, you'll be a Colonel -NJoble, perhllas I-Onle hour, Sir, after midnight. H/g'. You le;ave me dumb with gratitude, my lord;'I'l! lpck the trustiest ({'side) Marion's house can furnish! [Exit HUGUET SCENE II.] RICHELIEU. 45 Rich. How like a spider shall I sit in my hole, And watch the meshes tremble. Jos. But, my lord, Were it not wiser still to man the palace, And seize the traitors in the act? Rich. N; Louis, Long chafed against me-Julie stolen from him, Will rouse him more. He'll say I hatch'd the treason, Or scout my charge;-tle hal' desires my death: But the despatch to Bouillon, some dark scheme Against his crown-there is our weapon Joseph I With that all safe-without it all is peril! Meanwhile to my old castle; you to court Diving with careless eyes into men's hearts, As ghostly churchmen should do! See the King, Bid him peruse that sage and holy treatise, Wherein'tis set forth how a Premier should Be chosen from the Priesthood-how the King, Should never listen to a single charge Against his servant, nor conceal one whisper That rank envies of a court distil Into his ear-to fester the fair name Of my-I mean his Minister!-0 1 Joseph, A most convincing treatise. (6) Good-all fa.vours, If Francois be but bold, and Huguet honest.Huguet —I half suspect-he bow'd too low-'Tis not his way. Jos. This is the curse, my lord Of your hi1gh slate; suspicion of all men. Rick. (sadly). True; true; my leeches bribed to poison pages To strangle me in sleep-my very King (This brain the unresting loom, from which was woven The purple of his greatness) leagued against meOld —childless-friendless-broken —all forsake — All —all-butJos. What? Rich. The indomitable heart Of Armand Richelieu! Jos. Nought beside? 46 RICHEIIEU. LACT. II Rich. Why Julie, My own clear foster-child, forgive me I Yes; This morning, shinitng throuLh their happy tears, Thy soft eyes bless'd me!-and thy Lord,-in danger Hie would forsake me not..os. And Joseph - Ricah. ( after a pause). You - Yes, I believe you-yes; for all men fear youAnd the world loves you not. And I friend Joseph, I am the only man, who could, my Joseph, Make you a Bishop. (i) Come we'll go to dinner, And talk the while of methods to advance Our Mother Church. (8) Ah, Joseph-Bishop Joseph! LExeunt END OF ACT II. ACT III. SECOND DAY.-MIDNIGHT SCENE I.-Richelieu's Castle at Ruele —A gothic lcamberMlIoonldight at the window occaiionally obscured. Rich. (readi1ng) [1. " In silence, and at night the conu science feels That life should soar to nobler ends than Power." So sayest thou, an~ sober moralist! But wert thou tried?.ublime Philosophy, Thou art the Patriac'i; ladder, reaching heaven, And bright with beck'ningo angels, but alas! We see thee like the Patriarch, but in dreams, By the first step-dull-slumberingO on the earth. I am not happy! with the Titan's lust I woo'd a goddess, and I clasp a cloud When I am dust, my name shall, like a stai In this soliloquy the lines from 2S to 49 are spoken on the stage. SCENE I.7 RICHELIEU Shine through wan space, a glory —and a prophet Whereby pale seers shall from their aery towers Con all the ominous signs, benignn or evil, That make the potent astrologue of kings. But shall the Future judge me by the ends That I have wrought, or by the dubious means Through which the stream of my renown hath rmn Into the many-voiced unfathomed Time? Foul in its bed lie weeds-and heaps of slime, And with its waves-when sparkling in the sun, Oft times the secret rivulets that swell Its might of waters-blend the hues of blood. Yet are my sins not those of CIRCUMSTANCE, That all-pervading atmosphere, wherein Our spirits, like the unsteady lizzard, take The tints that colour, and the food that nurtures? O! ye, whose hour-glass shifts its tranquil sands In the unvex'd silence of a student's cell; Ye, whose untempted hearts have never toss'd Upon the dark and stormy tides where life Gives battle to the elemnents, —and man Wrestles with man for some slight plank, whose weight Will bear but one —while round the desperate wretch The hungry billows roar —and the fierce Fate Like some huge monster, dim-seen through the surf, Waits him who drops;-ye safe and formal men, Who write the deeds and with unfeverish hand Weigh in nice scales the motives of the great, Ye cannot know what ye have never tried! History preserves only the fleshless bones Of what we are —and by the mocking skull The would-be wise pretend to guess the features I Without the roundness and the glow of life How hideous is the skeleton! Without The colourings and humanities that clothe Our errors, the anatomists of schools Can make our memory hideous! I have wrought Great uses out of evil tools —and they In the time to come may bask beneath the light Which I have stolen from the angry gods, 48 RICHELIEU. [ACT II And warn their sons against the glorious theft, Forgetful of the darkness which it broke, I have shed blood-but I have had no foes Save those the State had (2)-if my wrath was deadly.'Tis that I felt my country in my veins, And smote her sons as Brutus smote his own. (3) And yet I am not happy-blanch'd and sear'd Before my time-breathing an air of hate, And seeing daggers in the eyes of men, And wasting powers that shake the thrones of earth In contest with the insects-bearding kings And braved by lackies (4)-murder at my bed; And lone amidst the multitudinous web, With the dread Three-that are the fates who hold The woof and shears-the Monk, the Spy, the Headsmaln And this is Power! Alas! I am not happy. (After a pause.) And yet the Nile is fretted by the weeds Its rising roots not up: but never yet Did one last barrier by a ripple vex My onward tide, unswept in sport away. Am I so ruthless then that I do hate Them who hate me? Tush, tush I I do not hate; Nay, I forgive. The Statesman writes the doom, But the Priest sends the blessing. I forgive them, But I destroy; forgiveness is mine own. Destruction is the State's! For private life Scripture the guide-for public, Machiavel. Would Fortune serve me if the Heoven were worth? For chance makes half my greatness. I was born Beneath the aspect of a briglht-eyed star, And my triumphant adamant of soil Is but the fix'd persuasion of success. Ah! —here! —that spasm —again How Life and Death Do wrestle for me momently!. And yet The King looks pale. I shall outlive the King! And then, thou insolent Austrian-who didst gibe At the ungainly, gaunt, and daring lover, (5) Sleeking thy looks to silken Buckiughalm,Thou shalt-no matter! I have outlived love O! beautiful-all golden-gentle youth I Making thy palace in the careless front SCONE I. J RICHELIEU. 49 And hopeful eye of man —ere yet the soul HIath lost the memories which (so Plato dream'd) Breath'cl glory from the earlier star it dwelt inO! for one gale from thine exultlng morning, Stirring amidst the roses, where of old Love shook the dew-drops from his glancing hair! Could I recall the past-or had not set The prodigal treasures of the bankrupt soul In one slight bark upon the shoreless sea; The yoked steer, after his day of toil, Forgets the goad andc rests-to me alike Or day or night. Ambition has no rest I Shall I resign?-Who can resign himself? For custom is ourself! As drink and food Become our bone and flesh-the aliments Nurturing our nobler part, the mind-thoughts, dreams, Passions and aims, in the revolving cycle Of the great alchemy-at length are made Our mind itself! and yet the -sweets of leisureAn honour'd home-far from these base intrigues — An eyrie on the heaven-kiss'd heights of wisdom( Takinig up tite book. Speak to me, moralist I'll heed thy counsel. Were it not best >/ Enter FRANCOIS hastily, and in part disguised. Richelie2e (flinging, away the book.) Philosophy, thou liest Quick-the despatch!-Power —Empire I Boy-the packet -! Francois. Kill me, my lord! Rich. They knew thee-they suspec tedThey gave it notFrancois. He gave it-he —the Count' De Baradas-with his own hand he gave it Rich. Baradas I Joy! out with it I Francois. Listen. And then dism'ss me to the headsmen. Rich. Ha I Go oin. Francois. They led me to a chamber There 50 RICHELIEU. LAc.T III Orleans and Baradas —and some half-score, AWhom I knew not-were metRich. Not more I Francois. But from Th' adjoining chamber broke the din of voices, The clattering tread of armed men;-at times A shriller cry, that yelled out, "Death to Richelieu I" Rich Speak not of me; thy country is in danger 1 Th' adjoining room —So, so-a separate treason I The one thy ruin, France!-the meaner crime, Left to their tools-my murder! Francois. Baradas Questioned me close —demurr'd-until, at last, O'erruled by Orleans-gave the packet-told me That life and death were in the scroll:-This goldRlich. Gold is no proof — Franlcois. Aud Orleans promised thousands, When Bouillon's trumpets in the streets of Paris Rang out the shrill answer: hastening from the house My footstep in the styrrup, Marion stole Across the threshold, whispering, " Lose no moment Ere Richelieu have the packet: tell him, tooMurder is in the winds of Night, and Orleans Swears, ere the dawn the Cardinal shall be clay." She said, and trembling fled within: when lo I All and of iron griped me! Thro' the dark, Gleam'd the dim shadow of an armed man: Ere I could draw, the prize was wrested from me, And a hoarse voice gasp'd-" Spy, I spare thee, for This steel is virgin to thy lord!"-with that. HIe vanish'd.-Scared and trembling for thy safety, I mounted, fled, and, kneeling at thy feet, Implore thee to acquit my faith-but not, Like him, to spare my life. Rich. Who spake of life? I bade thee grasp that treasure as thine honourA jewel worth whole hecatombs of lives I Begone! redeem thine honour! Back to Marior — Or Baradas-or Orleans-track the rolberRegain the packet-or crawl on to AgeAge and gray hairs like mine —and know, thou hast Ios SCENE 1.] RICHELIEU. 51 That which hath made the great and saved thy country. See me not till thon'st bought the right to seek me. Away? Nay cheer thee! thou hast not faild yetThere's no such word as "fail!" Firancozs. Bless you, my Lord. For that one smile! I'll wear it on my heart To light me back to triumph.(6) (Exit.) i ich. The poor youth! An elder had ask'd life! I love the young I For as great men live not in their own time But the next race,-so in the young my soul Makes many Richelieus. He will win it yet. Francois? He's gone. My murder! Marion's warning. This bravo's threat! O for the morrow's dawn I I'll set my spies to work-I'll make all space (As does the sun) an Universal EyeHuguet shall track-Joseph confess-ha! ha! Strange, while I laugh'd I shudder'd, and ev'n now Thro' the chill air the beating of my heart Sounds like a death-watch by a sick man's pillow; If Huguet could deceive me-hoofs withoutThe gates unclose-steps, near and nearer I En'ter JULIE. J.lie. Cardinal! My father! (falls at his feet. Rich. Julie at this hour! and tears. What ails the? Julie. I am I am safe with thee! Rich. Safe I why in all the srorms of this wild world What wind would mar the violet? Julie. That manWhy did I love him?-clinging to a breast That knows no shelter? Listen- -late at noonthe marr'age-day-ev'n then no more a lover, HIle left me coldly! Well I sought my chamber To weep and wonder; but to hope and dream Sudden a mandate from the king,-to attend Forthwith his pleasure at the Louvre. Rich. Ha! You did obey the summons; and the king 52 RICHELIEU. [A.c III Reproach'd your hasty nuptials, Julie. Were that all I He frown'd and chid; proclaim'd the bond unlawful; Bade me not quit my (chamber in the palace, And there at night-alone this night! all still He sought my presence —dared!-thou read'st the heart Read mine-I cannot speak it! lich. He, a king! You-woman; well, you yielded I Julie. Cardinal! Dare you say " yielded?" Humbled and abash'd, Hlfe from the chamber crept-this mightX Louis; Crept like a, baffled felon!-yielded! Ah! More royalty i- woman's- heart Than dwells within the crowned majesty And sceptered anger of a hundred kings I Yielded! Heavens!-yielded I RPich. To my breast,-close close! The world would never need a PRichelieu, if Men-bearded, mailed men-thlie Lords of EarthResisted flattery, falsehood, averlice, pride, As this poor child with the dove's iilnoeent scorn Her sex's tempers, tanity and Power!He left you-well! Julie. Then came a sharper trial! At the king's suit, the Count De IBaradas Sought me, to soothe, t, to fawn, to flatter, while On lis smooth lip insult appear'd mnore hateful For the false mask of pity: letting fall Dark hints of treachery, with a worldc of sighs That heaven had granted to so base a lord Thie heart whose coldest frielcdship w ere to him What Mexico to misers! Stung at last By distain, the dim and glimmering sense Of his cloak'd words broke into bolder light, And THEN-ah! then, my haughty spirit fail'cl me Then I was weak-wept-oh! such bitter tear! For (turn thy face aside, and let me whisper The horror to thine ear) then I did learn That he-that Adrien-that my husband-knew The king's polluting suit, and deemed it honour! SCENE II.] RICHELIET. 53 Then all the terrible anrd loathsome truth Glared on me; coldness-waywardness-reserve — Mystery of looks-words-all unravell'd!-and I saw the imposter where I had lov'd the God I Rich. I think thou wrong'st thy husband-but proceed. Julie. Did you say " wrongld" him? Cardinal, my father Did you say " wrong'd?" Prove it!1 (l li-fe shall glow One prayer for thy reward and his lorgiveiless I Rich. Let ame know all. Julie, To despair he caused The courtier lett me; but amid the chaos Darted one guiding ray to'scape-to tly — Reach Adrien, learn the worst-'twas then near midnight; Trenmbling-I left my chamber-souight *the queen — Fell at her feet-reveal'dc the unholy peril-Implored her aid to flee our joint disgrace. Moved, she embraced and soothed me; nay, preserved Her word sufficed to unlock the palace-gates I hasten'd home-but home was desolateNo Adrien there i Fearing the worst, I fled To thee, directed hither. As my wheels Pa-itned at the gates-the clang of arms behind The ring of hoofsRich/.'Twas but my guards, fair trembler. (So iluguet keeps his word, my olmens wrongnd him.) Ju7lie. 0h, in one hour what years of anguish crowd I Rich.'Tay, there's no danger now. Thou need'st rest. Come, thou shalt lodge beside me. Tush I be cheer'd, My rosiest Amazon-thou wrong'st thy Theseus. All will be well-yet, yet all well. [Exeunt throlugh a side door. SCEN E II.- The moonlight obscured at the casement. Enter IHUGUET-DE MACPRAT in coMlplete armourl, his vizzor clown. Hurg. Not here! De Aliaup. Oh, I will find him, fear not. Hence a1lo gward The galleries where the menials sleep-plant sentries At every outlet. Chance should throw no shadow. 54 RICHELIEU. [ACT 1I Between the vengeance and the victim I Go l Ere yon brief vapor that obscures the moon, As doth our deed pale conscience, pass away, the mighty shall be ashes. Hzg. Will you not A second arm? De M11aup. To slay one weak old man? Away I No lesser wrmngs than mine can:nake This murder lawful. Hence! Hug. A short farewell! Ei.i Bie-enter RICHELIEU, not perceivimng DE MAUPRAT. Rieh. How heavy is the air I the vestal lamp Of the sad moon, weary with vigil, dies In the still temple of the solmen heaven! The very darkness lends itself to fearTo treasonDe 111au2p. And to death I Rich. My omens lied not I What art thou, wretch? De 112aup. Thy doomsman I Rich. Ho, my guards I Huguet! Monthbrassial! Vermont I De 11/aup. Ay, thy spirits Forsake thee, wizzard; thy bold men of mail Are my eonfederate. Stir not! but one step, And know the next-thy grave I Rich. Thou liest, knave I I am old, infirm-most feeble-but thou liest I Armand de Richelieu dies not by the hand Of man-the stars have said it () —and the voice Of my own prophet and oracular soul Confirms the shining Sybils! Call them allThy brother butchers! Earth has no such fiend — No I as one paracide of his father-land. Who dares in Richelieu murder France I De 1lauap. Thy stars Deceive thee, Cardinal; thy soul of wiles May against kings and armaments avail, And mock the embattled world; but powerless now Against the sword of one resolved man, Upon whose forehead thou hast written shame I SCENE II. RICHELIEU. 55 Rich. I breathe;-he is not a hireling. Have I wronged thee? Beware surmise-suspicion-lies! I am Too great for men to speak the truth of me!. De ll/aimp. Thy acts are the accusers, Cardinal. In his hot youth, a soldier urged to crime Against the State, placed in your hands his life;You did not strike the blow-but o'er his head, Upon the gossamer thread of your caprice, Hovered the axe.-His the brave spirit's hell, rThe —-twilight terror of suspense;-your deatl Had set him free;-he purposed not nor prayed it. One day you summoned-mocked him with smooth pardon Showered wealth upon him-bade an angel's face Turn earth to paradise - Rich. Well! D)e 1Iaucp. Was this mercy? A Caesar's generous vengeance?-Cardinal, no I Judas not Czesar, was the model! You Saved him from death for shame p;.reserved to grow The scorn of living men-to his dead sires Leprous reproach-scoff of the age to coneA kind convenience-a Sir Pandarus To his own bride, and the august adulterer I Then did the first great law of human hearts, Which with the patriot's, not the rebel's name Crowned the first Brutus, when the Tarquin fell, Make misery royal-raise this desperate wretch Into thy destiny I! Expect no mercy I Behold'e Mauprat! [Lifts his visor. Rich,. To thy knees, and crawl For pardon; or, I tell thee, thou shalt live For such remorse, that, did I hate thee, I Would bid the strike that I might be avenged I It was to save my Julie from the king, That in my valour I forgave thy crime;It was, when thou-the rash and ready toolYea, of that shame thou loath'st-did'st leave thy hearth To the polluter-in these arms thy bride Found the protecting shelter thine withheld. (Goes to the side door.) 56 RICHEIIEU. [ACT III Juli e de Mauprat-Julie I Enter JULIE. Lo! my witness! De 2Miu/mp. What marvel's this?-I dream I My Julio -tho u! T'his, thy beloved -hand-? Julie. Henceforth all bond Between us twain is broken. Were it not For this old man, I might, in truth, have lost The rigiht- now mine-to scorn thee! Rich. So, you hear her! De lfiaup. Thou with some slander hast her sense. in. lected! Jfulie. No, Sir; he did excuse thee in despite Of all that wears the face of truth. ThyfriendThy confident-familier-Bar'adasHimself revealed thy baseness, De liaup. Baseness! Rich. Ay; That thozu dicst court dishonour I De llfftup. Baradas! Where is thy thunder, Heaven? Duped! snared! undone I Thou-thou couldst not believe him! Thou dost love me I Love cannot feed-on falsehood! Julie (acside). Love him! All Be still, my heart! Love you I did:-how fondly, Woman-if women were my listeners nowAlone could tell! For ever fled my dream: Farewell-all's over! Rich. Nay, my daughter, these Are but the blinding mists of day-break love Sprung from its very light, and heralding A noon of happy summer. Take her hand And speak thie truth with which your heart runs over — That this Count Judas-this incarnate falsehoodNever lied more than when he told thy Julie That Adlien' loved her not-except, indeed, When he told Adrien, J'ulie could betray him.,ulie (embracing De iIaZaup.) You love me, then I you love me! and they wrong'd you! l)e /Ma'ap. Al, could'st thou doubt? SCENE II.] RICHELIEU. 5S Rich. Wtly the very mole Less blind than thou! Baradas loves thy wife:Had hoped her hand-aspired to be that cloak T'o the kings's will, which to thy bllittness seems The Cen'taL i s po'soinous robe-hopes even now To make thy corpse his footstool to thy'bed! Where was thy wit, man? Ito I these schemes arl glass I The very sun shines through them. l)e 1MI(ap. 0, my Lord, Can youL forgive me? Bich. Ay, and save you I,De ifa.up. Save!Terrible word! 0, save thyself: these halls Swarm with thy foes: already for thy blood Pants thirsty murder I Jzlie. Murder! R2ich. Hush! put by The womanl. Hush I a shriek- cry-a breath Too loud, would startle from its horrent pause The swoopiloI Death I Go to the door, and listen Now for escape I;De 1icAtup. None —nioe I Their blades shall pass This heart to thine. Tich (dryly.) An h-onourable outwork. But much too near the citadtel. I think That you can trust now (slowly and gazing' on him:) I ca trust youl IIlo l many o I' y troop league with you? l)e 21au tp. AH We are your troon lRuih,. Awndl HIllet? De -/cllaup. Is ollr ccal)tain, Reich. A retributlvfe Power This comes of spies. All? tlhcn tle lion's skrin too short to-night,iNow for the hfox's?.JbRlie. 1 hoarse gathering murmur I Illnrrvino a.nd heavy footsteps i Ji ich. ILa! the, posterns I l])e 3nt7p No 1egress where no sentry I ticl Follow me — 58 RICHELIEU. [AcT Il1 I have it I to my chamber-quick I Come, Julie I Hush I Manprat come I lI.: Luzrmanr at a distance-" Death to the CARDINAL I" Rich. Bloodhounds, I laugh-at ye!- haa -ha I we will Baffle them yet. Ha I ha!I Ezxent Juiei, Mauprat, Rihdeieu Huguet (without). This way-this way I SCENE III.-E-Zler IHtGUE' and the Consjxirators. 11ig. De Mauprat's hand is never slow in battle Strange, if it falter now! Ha! gone I 1First Co6ispirator. Perchance The fox had crept to rest; and to his lair Death, the dark hunter tracks him. Entr MAUPRAT throwing open the doors of the recess in —-- which a bed, whereonl RICHELIEU lies extended. MauLp. Lixe the King t Richelieu is dead! Hugued (advancing towards the recess; MAUPRATl foitOWigQ his hand on his dagcer.) Are his eyes open? De Maup. "Ay,;' As if in life I flugutd(terningz btaci.) I will not ilook on him. You have -been long. De M1zaup. I wxatched him till hle slept Heed me. No trace of blotl reveals the deed;Strangled in seep. Iis health had long been brokenFound breathless im his bed. So runs our tale, Remember t Back to Paris-Orleans gives Ten thousand crowns, anMd Baradas a lordship, To him who first gluts vengeance with the news That Richelieu is in heaven I Quick, that all Franee May share your joy tTHuguet. And you? De ilaup. Will stay to crush Eager suspicion-to forbid sharp eyes To dwell too closely on the clay; prepare The rites, and place him on his bier-this my task. I leave you, sirs, the more grateful lot Of wealth and honours. Hence I SCENE II.] RICHELIEU. 59 Htzguet. I shall be noble I De i3fIap. Away. First Conspirator. Five thousand crowns! Omens. To horse I to horse! [Exeunt Conspirators. SCENE IV. —Still night.-A room in the house of COUNT Dr' BARADAS, lighted, -c. ORLEANS tnd DE BERINGHEN. De Ber. I understand. Mlauprat kept guard without: Knows nought of the despatch-but heads the troop Whom the poor Cardinal fancies his protectors. Save us from such protection! Orleans. Yet if Huguet, By whose advice and proffers we renounced Our earlier scheme, should still be Richelieu's minion, And play us falseDe Ber. The fox must then devour The geese he gripes. I'm out of it, thank Heaven I And you must swear you smelt the trick, but seem'd To approve the deed to render up the doers. Enter BARADAS. Bar. Julie is fled:-The King, whom now I left-: To a most thorny pillow, vows revenge On her —-on Mauprat-and on Richelieu! Well; We loyal men anticipate his wish Upon the last-and as for Mauprat,(Showing a wrt.) De Ber. Hum! They say the devil invented printing I Faith, He has some hand in writing parchment-eh, Count? What mischief now? Bcr. The King at Julie's flight Enraged will brook no rival in a subjectSo on this old offence-the affair of FaviauxEre Mauprat can tell tales of us, we build His bridge between the dungeon and the grave. Orleans. Well; if our courier can but reach the army, The cards are ours I and yet, I own I tremble. Our names are in the scroll-discovery, death I Bar. Success! a crown! 60 RICHELIEU. [ACT III De.Be. (apart to Baradas.) Our future regent is No hero. Bar (to De Beringihen.) But his rank makes others valiant; And on his cowardice I mount to power. Were Orleans Regent-what were Baradas? Oh I by the way-I had forgot your highness, Friend Huguet whisper'd me, " Beware of Marion: I've seen her lurking near the Cardinals palace." Upon that hint-I've found her lodgings elsewhere. Orleans. You wrong her, Count:-Poor Marion I she adores me. Bar. (apologetically.) Forgive me, butEEnter PAGE. Page. My Lord, a rude, strange soldier, Breathless with haste, demands an audience..Bar. So! The archers? Page. In the ante-room, my Lord, As you desired. Bar.'Tis well, admit the soldier. ] Exit Page Huguet! I bade him seek here I Enter HUGUET. ItHguet. My Lords, The deed is done. Now, Count, fulfil your word, And make me noble I Bar. iRichelieu dead?-art sure How'died he? Hql6guet. Strangled in his sleep:-no blood, No tell-tale violence. Bar. Strangled? monstrous villian I Reward for murder! H o, there I [Stamping Enter' CAPTAIN with five Archers. Huguet. No, thou durst not! Bar. Seize on the ruffian-bind him-gag him I Off To the Bastile I u,guet. Your word-your plighted faith I Bar. Insolent liar:-ho, away I SCENE IV.] RICHELIEU. 61 Hlglguet. Nay, Count; I have that about me, which — Bar. Away with him! [Exezut lUGUET and Archers Now, then all's safe; Huguet must die in prison, So Mauprat:-coax or force the meaner crew To fly the country. Ha, ha! thus, your highness, Great men make use of little men De Ber. My Lords, Since our suspense is ended-you'll excuse me;'Tis late-and, entre onots, I have not supped yet! Fm one of the new Council now, remember; I feel the public stirring here already; A very craving monster. A revoir! [Exit DE BERINGHEN, Orleans. qNo fear, now Richelieu's dead. Bar. And could he come To life again, he could not keep life's lifeHis power,-nor save De Mauprat from the scaffold,Nor Julie from these arms-nor Paris from The Spaniard-nor your highness from the throne I All ours! all ours I in spite of my Lord Cardinal I Enter PAGE. Page. A gentleman, my Lord, of better mein T'anI he who las — B:ar. Well, he may enter. [E xit PAGE. Oraleans. Who Can this be? -Bar. One of the conspirators: Mauprat himself, perhaps. Enter FRANCOIS, Fran. My LordC Bax. Ha, traitor! in Paris still I Fran. The packet-the despatchSome nave play'd spy wihout, and reft it from me, Ere I could draw my sword. Bar. Piay'd spy witozt! D)id he wear armour? F 62 RICHELIEU. [ACT II] Fran. Aye, from head to heel. Orleans. One of our band. Oh, heavens I Bar. Could it be Mauprat? Kept guard at the door-knew naught of the desjpatchHow HE?-and yet, who other? Firan. Ha, De Mauprat! The night was dark his valour closed. Bar.'Twas he! How could he guess?-'sdeath! if he should betray us. His hate to Richelieu dies with Richelietl-and He was not great enough for treason. Hence I Find Mauprat-beg, steal, filch, or force it back, Or, as I live, the halter~ F'ran. By the morrow I will regain it, (aside.) and redeem my honour! [Exit FRANCOIS. Orleans. Oh! we are lostBar. Not so! But cause on cause For Mauprat's seizure-silence-death! Take courage. Orleans. Should it once reach the King, the Cardinal's arm Could smite us from the grave. Bar. Sir, think it not! I hold De Mauprat in my grasp. To-morrow, And France is ours! Thou dark and fallen Angel, Whose name on earth's AMBITION-thou that mak'st Thy throne on treasons, stratagems, and murderAnd with thy fierce and blood-red smile canst quench The guiding stars of solemn empire-hear us(For v e are thine)-and light us to the gcal I END OF ACT MI. SCENE 1.1 RICHELIEU. 63 ACT IV. THIRD DAY. SCENE I.-Thle Gardens of the Louvre. ORLEANS, BARADAS, DE BERINGHEN, Courtiers, 4~c. Orleans. How does my brother bear the Cardinals death? Bar. With grief when thinking of the toils of State; With joy, when thinking on the eyes of Julie:At times he sighs, " Who now shall govern France?" Anon exclaimsl" Who now shall baffle Louis?" Enter Louis and other Courtiers. They uncover. Orleans. Now, my liege, now, I can embrace a brother. Louis. Dear Gaston, yes. I do believe you lore me;Richelieu denied it-sever'd us too long. A great man, Gaston! Who shall govern France? Bar. Yourself, my liege. That swart and potent star Eclipsed your royal orb. He served the country. But did he serve, or seek to sway the King? Louis. You're right-he was an able politician l(1) [hat's all:-between ourselves, Count, I suspect The largeness of his learning-specially In falcons (2)-poor huntsman, too I Bar. Ha-ha! Your Majesty remembersLouis. Ay, the blunder Between the greffier and the souillard, when[ Checks and crosses hmself Alas I poor sinners that we are! we laugh While this great man-a priest, a cardinal, A faithful servant-out upon us! Bar. Sire, If my brow wear no cloud,'tis that the Cardinal No longer shades the King. 64 RICHELIEU. [ACT, IV Lolzs (Lool/kng up at the skies). Oh Baradas I Am I not to be pitied?-what a day ForBar-. Sorrow? —No, sire! Louis. Bah I for Ahuting, man, And Richelieu's dead;'twould be an indecorum Till he is buried-(yawns)-life is very tedious. I made a madrigal on life last week; You do not sing, (3) Count? Pity; you should learn. Poor Richelieu had no ear-yet a great man. Ah! what a weary weight devolves upon me! These endless wars-these thankless ParliamentsThe snares in which he tangled States and Kings, Like the old fisher of the fable, Proteus, Netting great Neptune's wariest tribes and changing Into all shapes when Craft pursued himself; Oh, a great man! Bar. Your royal mother said so, And died in exile. Louis, (sadly). True: I loved my mother 1 (4) Bar. The Cardinal dies. Yet day revives the earth The rivers run not back. In truth, my liege, Did your high orb on others shine as on him, Why, things as dull in their own selves as I am Would glow as brightly with the borrowed beam. (5) Loutis. Ahem I lie was too stern. Orleans. A very Nero. Bar. His power was like the Capitol of oldBuilt on a human skull. Louis. And, had he lived, I know another head, my Baradas, That would have propp'd the pile: I've seen him eye- these With a most hungry fancy. Bagr. (anxiously). Sire, I knew You would protect me. Loutis. Did you so? of course! And yet he had a way with him-a something That always But no matter, he is dead. And, after all, men called his King " The Just," (6) And so I am. Dear Count, this silliest Julie, I know not why, shb takes my fancy. Many SCENE I.] RICHELIEU. 6. As fair, and certainly more kind: but yet It is so.f -Count, I am no lustful Tarquin, And To abhor the bold and frontless vices Which the Church justly censures; yet,'tis sad On/irainy days to drag out weary hours-(7) Deaf to the music of a woman's voiceBlind to the sunshine of a woman's eyes. It is no sin in Kings to seek amusement; And that is all I seek. I miss her much: She has a silver laugh-a rare perfection.Bax. Richelieu was most disloyal in that marriage. Louis (querulously). He knew that Julie pleased me: a clear proof He never loved me! Bar. Oh, most clear! But now No bar between the lady and your will I This writ makes all secure: a week or two In the Bastile will sober Mauprat's love, And leave him eager to dissolve a hymen That brings him such a home. Louis. See. to it, Count; [Exit BARADAS. I'll summon Julie back. A word with you. { Takes aside First Courtier andI DE BERINGHEN, aCnd passet, conversing wdzth em, through the gardens.) Enter FRANCOIS. Fran. All search, as yet, in vain for Mauprat I Not At home since yesternoon-a soldier told me He saw him pass this way with hasty strides; Should he meet Baradas they'd rend it from himAnd then benignant Fortune smiled upon meI am thy son. If thou desert'st me now, Come Death and snatch me from disgrace. But no I There's a great Spirit ever in the air That from prolific and far-spreading wings Scatters the seeds of honour-yea, the walls And moats of castled forts, the barren seas, The cell wherein the pale-eyed student holds Talk with melodious science-all are sown F* 66 RICHELIEL'.' ACT: I With everlasting honours if our souls Will toil for fame as boors for bread —-- EnterDE MAUPRAT. Mlaup. Oh, let meLet me but meet him foot to foot I'll dig The Judas from his heart;-albeit the King Should o'er him cast the purple I F ran. Mauprat,! hold: Where is the lfIaup. Well! What would'st thou? Fran. The despatch! The packet. LOOK ON ME-I serve the CardinalYou know me. Did you not keep guard last night, By Marion's House? l1Iap. I did:-no matter now I They told me he was here! Fran. 0 joy! quick-quickThe packet thou didst wrest from me? Mlaup. The packet? What, art thou he I deemed the Cardinal's spy (Dupe that I was)-and overhearing MarionFran. The same-restore it! haste I lMaup. I have it not: Methought it but revealed our scheme to Richelieu. Enter BARADAS. Stand back! Now, villian! now, I have thee I (To Francois.)-Hence, Sir! Draw! Fran. Art mad? the King's at hand I leave him to Richelieu! Speak-the despatch to whom_Maup. (Dashing him aside and rushing to BARADAS.) Thou triple slanderer! I'll set my heel upon thy crest! (A few passes.) Fran. Fly-fly! The King! Enter at one side, Louis, ORIEANS, DE BERINGHEN, Courtiers, 4c., at the other, the guards hastily. SCEN I.]1 RICHELIEU. 67 Louis. Swords drawn, before our very palace I Have our laws died with Richelieu? Bar. Pardon, Sire,MiEy crime but self-defence. (8) (Aside to KING.) It is De Mauprat! Louis. Dare he thus brave us? [BARADAS goes to the guard and gives the writ. IqIaup. Sire, in the Cardinal's name-.Bar. Seize him-ll disar —-to the Bastile! ('DE MAUPRAT seized, struggles with the guard-FRANCOIS restlessly endeavouring to pacify and speak to him —when the gates open.) Enter RICHELIEU and JOSEPH, followed by arquebusiers Bar. The dead Returned to life! Louis. What! A mock death I this tops The infinite of insult. _Maupy (breaking from guards.) Priest and Hero! For you are both-protect the truth! Rich. What's this? (Taking the writ from guard.) De Ber. Fact in philosophy. Foxes have got Nine lives as well as cats I Bar. Be firm, my liege. Louis. I have assumed the sceptre-I will wield it! Joseph. The tide runs counter-there'll be shipwreck somewhere. (BAR.ADAS ald ORLEANS keep close to the KING-whisperitng abnd plrovpting' /him, when RICHELIEU speaks.) Ric/h. High treason-Faviaux! still that stale pretence My leige, bad men (ay, Count, most knacish men I) Abuse your royal goodness. For this soldier, France hath none braver-and his youth's hot folly, Misled —(by whom your Highniess may conjecture I)Is long since cancell'd by a loyal mainhood. I, sire, have pardoned him. Louis. And we do give Your pardon to the winds. Sir, do your duty I Rich. What, Sire? you do not know-Oh, pardon rueYou know not yet, that this brave, honest heart, 68 RICHELIEU. ACT IV Stood between mine and murder I Sire I for my sakeFor your old servant's sake-undo this wrong. See, let me rend the sentence. Louis. At your peril! This is too much.-Again, Sir, do your duty I Rich. Speak not, but go:-I woulld not see young Valour So humbled as grey Service I De VIfaulp. Fare you well! Save Julie, and console her. Fran. (aside to JIrautprcat.) The Despatch I Your fate, foes, life, hang on a word! to whom? De Al~I.zlp. To Huguet. Fran. Hush-keep council! silence-hope! [ nt MAUPRART and Guiard Bar (aside to 17'Francois). Ilas he the packet? Fran.. He will not reveal(Aside.) Work, brain 1 beat heart " There's no such word as fail." [Exit. FRANCOIS. Rich. (fiercely). Room, my Lords, room I The minister of France Can need no intercession with the king. ( They fall back.) Louis. What means this false report of death, Lord Cardinal? Rich. Are you then anger'd, Sire, that I live still? Lt),is. No; bulb such lartificeRichZ. Not mine:-look elsewhere I Louis —my castle swarIni'd with the assassins. Bar. (advalndcing). have punish'd them already, HIug1uet now In the Bastile. Oh! my Lord, we were prompt To avenge you —- we were~ Jich WE? Ha! la! you1 1ear, AMy Jig. e! what page, man, in the last court o'rammar M:ltde you a phlral? Count, you have seized tihe hirdiag:Sire, shall I name the master? Louis.'l'lsl! my Lord, The1 old contrivance:-ever does your wit l! veint assassins,-that ambition may Slay rivals — SCENE T.J RICHELIEU. 69 Rich. Rivals, sire! in what? Service to France! I ha,e lone! Lives the man Whomin Europe, paled before your glory, deems Rival to Armand Rlichelieu? Louis. What, so haughty? Remember, he who made, can unmake. Rich. iNever I -Never I Your anger cal recall your trust, Annul my office, spoil me of my lands, Rifle my coffers,-but my tname-my deeds Are royal in a land beyond your sceptre! Pass sentence on me, if you will; from Kings, Lo, I appeal to Time! "Be just, my liege".1 found your kingdom rent with heresies " And bristling with rebellion; lawless nobles " And breadless serfs; England fomenting discord; "Austria-her clutch on your domlinion; Spain Forging the prodigal gold of either Ind' To arm'd thunderbolts. The Arts lay dead, "Trade rotted in your marts, your Armies mutinous, "Your Treasury bankrupt. Would you now revoke " Your trust, so be it! and I leave you, sole, " Supremest Monarch of the mightiest realm, "From Ganges to the Iceberghs. Look without" No foe not humbled! Look within! the Arts " Quit for our schools, their old Hesperides, " The golden Italy! while throughout the veins "Of your vast empire flows in strengthening tides " TRAxD the calm health of nations! " Sire, I know " Your smoother courtiers please you best-nor measure' Myself with them,-yet sometimes I would doubt "If Statesmen rock'd and dandled into power "Could leave such legacies to kings I" (Louis appears irresolute. Bar. (passing h i7mv, whispers.) But Julie, Shall I not summon her to court? I omis (motions to BARADAS and t' rns haughtily to the Car dinal). Enough! Youtr Eminence must excuse a longer audience. T0O mmRICHELE r L[A IV To your own palace:-For our conference, this Nor place-nor season. Rich. Good my leige, for Justice, All place a temple, and all season, summer I Do you deny ine justice? Saints of Heaven I He turns from me! Do you deny me justice? For fifteen years while in these hands dwelt Empire, The humblest craftsman-the obscurest vassalThe very leper shrinking from the sun, Tho' loathed by Charity, might ask for justice! Not with the fawning tone and crawling mien Of some I see around you-Counts and PrincesKneeling for favours;-but, erect and loud, As men who ask man's rights! my liege, my Louis, Do you refuse me justice-audience evenIn the pale presence of the baffled Murther? (9) Louiis. Lord Cardinal-one by one you have sever'd from me The bonds of human love-all near and dear Mark'd out for vengeance-exile or the scaffold. You find me now amidst my trustiest friends, My closest kindred;-you would tear them from me; They murder you6 forsooth, since me they love. Enough of plots and treasons for one reign! Home! home! and sleep away these phantoms I Rich. Sire! I patience, Heaven! sweet Heaven! Sire, from the fjtoi Of that Great Throne, these hands have raised aloft On an Olympus, looking down on mortals And worshipp'd by their awe-before the foot Of that high throne,-spurn you the gray-hair'c man, Who gave you empire-and now sues for safety? Louis. No:-when we see your eminence in truth At thefoot of the throne-we'll listen to you. Exit Loull Orleans. Saved! Bar. For this. deep thanks to Julie and to Mauprat I Rich. My Lord De Baradas-I pray your pardonYou are to be my successor! your hand, sir I Bar. (aside) What can this mneain? Rich. It trembles, see! it trembles I The hand that holds the destinies of nations SCENE II.] RICHELIEU. 1 Ought to shake less I Poor Baradas poor France I Bar. Insolent- [Exewnt. SCENE II. Rich. Joseph! Did you hear the king? Joseph I did-there's danger I Had you been less haughv ty-(10)Rich. And suffered slaves to chuckle "See the Cap dinal, How meek his eminence is to-day!"-I tell thee, This is a strife in which the loftiest look Is the most subtle armour. Joseph. ButRich. No time For ifs and,buts-I will accuse these traitors I Frangois shall witness that De Baradas Gave him the secret mission for De Bouillon, And told him life and death were in the scroll. wil- will will! Joseph. Tush! Francois is your creature: So they will say, and laugh at you! Your mwitness Miust be that same despatch! Rich. Away to Marion! Joseph. I have been there-she is seized-removed — imprisonedBy the Count's orders. Rich. Goddess of bright dreams, My Country, shalt thou lose me now, when most Thou need'st thy worshippers! My native land I Let me but ward this dagger from thy heart, And die but on thy bosom! Enter JULIE, L. Julie. Heaven, I thank thee! It cannot be, or this all-powerful Would not stand idly thus. Ric.h. What dost thou here? H.ome! Julie. Home? Is Adrien there? you're dumb, yet strive For words; I see them trembling on your lip, Bult choked by pity. It was truth-all truth I 72 RICHELIEU [ACT IV Seized-the Bastile-and in your presence too I Cardinal, where is Adrien? Think I he saved Your life: your name is infamy, if wrong Should come to his! Rich. Be sooth'd, child. Julie, Child no more; I love, and I am woman! Hope and suffer; Love, suffering, hope,-what else doth make the strength And majesty of woman? Where is Adrien? "icih. (to Joseph) Your youth was never young —y-u never loved: Speak to her. Joseph. Nay, take heed-the king's command,'Tis true- I mean-theJulie. (to Richelieu) Let thine eyes meet mine.Answer me but one word-I am a wifeI ask thee for my home, my FATE, my ALL Where is my husbancl? Rich. You are Richelieu's ward, A soldier's bride: they who insist on truth Must outface fear; you ask me for your husband? Thzere where the clouds of heaven look darkest, o'er The domes of the Bastile! Julie. I thank you father; You see I do not shudder. Heaven forgive you The sin of this desertion Rich (detainingg her.) Whither would'st thou? Julie. Stay me not. Fie! I should be there already I am thy ward, and haply he may think Thou'st taught me also to forsake the wretched I Rich. I've filld those cells-with mnanlv-traitors all Had they wives too? Thy memories, Power, are solelun I Poor sufferer! think'st thou that yon gates of woe Unbar to love? Alas! if love once enter,'Tis for the last farewell; between those walls And the mute grave (11)-the blessed household sounds Only heard once-while hungeringl att the door, The headsman whets the axe. JuVlie. 0, mercy! mercy! Save him restore him, father! Art thou not The Cardinal-King? the Lord of life and death SCENE II] RICHELIEU. 1 beneath whose light, as deeps beneath the moon, She solemn tides of Empire ebb and flow?Art thou not Richelieu? Rich. Yesterday I was To-day a very weak old man! To-morrow, I know not what! Julie. Do you conceive his meaning? Alas! I cannot. But, methinks my senses Are duller than they were! Joseph. The King is chafec Against his servant. Lady, while we speak, The lacky of the ante-room is not Mlore powerless than the Minister of France. } Rich. "And yet the air is still; Heaven wears no cloud;'Frorm Nature's silent orbit, starts no portent' To warn the unconscious world; albeit, this night May with a morrow teem which in my fall,' S'ould carry earthquake to remotest lands, " And change the Christian globe. What would'st thou woman? " Thy fate and his, with mine, for good or ill,' Are woven threads. In my vast sum of life,' Miillions such units merge. SiA J E~nter FIRST COURTIER. I'. Cour. Madame de Mauprat! Pardon, your eminences-even now I seek This lady's home-commanded by the King To pray her presence. Jlie. (clinging to Richelie.) Think of my dead father I Think, how, an infant, clinging to your knees, Anld looking to your eyes the, wrinkled care Fled from your brov,bcfore the smile of childhood, Fresh from the dews of Heaven! Think of this, And take me to your breast. Rick. To those who sent you! And say you found the virtue they would slay, Here-couch'd upon this heart, as an at altar, And sheltered by the wings of sacred Rome I Begone! F. Cou- My Lord, I am your friend and servant I G^i T4 RICHELUEU. [AcT IV Misjudge me not; but never yet was Louis So roused against you;-shall I take this answer?It were to be your foe. Rich. All time my foe. If I, a Priest, could cast this holy Sorrow Forth from her last asylum! F. Cour. He is lost. Rich. God help thee, child! she hears not! Look upon her I The storm that rends the oak, uproots the flower. Her father loved me so! and in that age When friends are brothers! She has been to me Soother, nurse, plaything, daughter. Are these tears? Oh! shame! shame! dotage! Joseph. Tears are not for eyes That rather need the lightning, which can pierce Through barred gates ana triple walls, to smite Crime, when it cowers in secret! The Despatch I Set every spy to work; the morrow's sun Must see that written treason in your hands, Or rise upon your ruin. Rich. Ay-and close Upon my corpse! I am not made to liveFriends, glory, France, all reft from me; my star Like some vain holiday mimicry of fire, Piercing imperial heaven, and falling down Rayless and blacken'd to the dust-a thing For all men's feet to trample I Yes! to-morrow Triumph or death! Look up, child! Lead us, Joseph. As theey are g'oing out. Enter BARADAS ozad DE BERINGHEN. Bar. My Lord, the King cannot believe youe Eminence So far forgets your duty, and his greai-ess. t.s to resist his mandate! Pray you, Madam, Oey the King-no cause for fear! Julie. My father! Rich. She shall not stir? Bar. You are not of her kindred — An orphanRich And her country is her mother I SCENE II.] RIHELIEU. 15 Bar. The country is the King I Rich. Ay, is it so; Then wakes the power, which in the &ge of iron Burst forth to curb the great, and raise the low. Mark where she stands, around her form I draw The awful circle of our solemn church! Set but a foot within that holy ground, And on thy head-yea, though, it wore a crown — I launch the curse of Rome! Bar. 1 dare not brave you! I do but speak the orders of my King. The church, you rank, power, very word, my Lord, Suffice you for resistance;-blame yourself, If it should cost you power I Ricd. That my stake. Ah I Dark gamester! whet is thize? Look at it well ILose not a trick. By this same hour to-morrow Thou shalt have France, or I thy head,! Bacr. (aside to De Beringfmen.) He cannot Have the Despatch? De Ber. No: were it so, your stake were lost already. Jose.h. (aside.) Patience is your game Reflect you have not the Despatch I Rick. 0! monk! Leave patience to the saints —for I am humaun Did not thy father die for France, poor orphan I And now they say thou hast no father. Fie I Art thou not pure and good? if so, thou art A part of that-the Beautiful, the SacredWhich in all climes, men that have hearts adore By the great title of their mother country! Bar. (aside.) He wanders' Rih, So cling close unto my breast, Here where thou droop'st-lies France! I am very feebleOf little use it seems to either now Well, well-we will go home. Bar. In sooth, my Lord, You do need rest-burthens of the state O'ertask your health I Rich. (to JosEP.) I'Vm uatient see I 7? RRICHELIEU. A Acr " Bar (aside.) His mind And lift are breaking fast? Rict (orerheAming himr.) Irreverent rihblIald If so, beware the falling ruins! Hark! I tell thee, scorner of these whitening hairs, When this snow meltethl there shall come a flood I Avaunt! my name is Richelieu-I defy thee I Walk blindfold on; behind thee stalks the headsman. Ha! ha!-how pale he is! Heaven save my country I Falls bach in Joseph's arms. (Exit Baradas, followed by De Berinvghen, betraying his eaz ultatioql by his gesltres.) END OF ACT IV. ACT V. FOURTH DAY. SCENE 1. —The Bastile-ae corridor-in the back ground ths door of cns, of the condemned cells. Enter JOSEPH and, GAOLER. Gaoler. Stay, father, I will ciall thle Governol. [E.:i.t Gaoler Jos. lIe has it, then this Huguet,-so we learn, From Francois: —tumplh I Now if I ca.n but gain One moment's access, all is ours I The Cardinal Tremlbles'tween life and death. His life is power.Smite one-slay both I No Esculapian drugs, By learned quacks baptized with Latin jargon, E're bore the healing which that crap o'f parchmlent Will medicine to. Ambition's fagging heart. France shall be saved-and Joseph be a bishop! Enlter GOVERNOR ald GAOLER. Go'. Father, You wish to see the prisoners Huguet And the young knight De Mauprat SCENE I.] RICHELIEU. Jos. So my office, And the Lord Cardinal's order warrant, son I Gov. Father, it cannot be; Count Baradas Has summon'd to the Louvre Sieur D)e Manprat. Jos. Well, well! But Hlugnet — Gov. Dies at noon! l.os. At noon.! No moment to delay the pious rites Which fit the soul for death-quick, quick —admit me I Gov. You cannot enter monk! Such are my orders I Jos. Orders! vain man!-the Cardinal still is minister. His orders crush all others! Gov. (lifting his hat.) Save his kinl's I See, monk, the royal sign and seal affix'd To the Count's mandate. None may have access ro either prisoner, Huguet or De Mauprat, Not even a priest, without the special passport Of Count De Baradas. I'll hear no more! Jos. Just -leaven! and are we baffled thus!-Despair I Think on the Cardinal's power-beware his anger. Gov. I'll not be menaced, Priest! Besides, the Cardinal Is dying and disgraced-all Paris knows it. You hear the prisoner's knell [Bell tolls. Jos. I do beseeca youThe Cardinal is not dying-But one moment And-hist — five thousand pistoles!Gov. How! a bribe, And to a. soldier gray with years of honour I Begone!Jos. Ten thousand —twenty! — Gov. Gaoler-put this Monk without the walls. Jos. By those gray hairs, Yea, by this badge (tolching the cross of St. Louis uorn b} the GovERrNoR.)-the guerdon of your valourBy.all our toils-hard days and sleepless nights - Borne in your country's service, noble son-Let me but see the prisoner 1 Gov. No IT Jos..te hath Secrets of state-papers in lvhiclh-. - a* 78 RICHELIEU. [ACT V Gov. (Interru'ptilg.) I knowSuch was his message to Count Baradas, Doubtless the Count will see to itJos. The Count! Then not a hope! —you shallGov. Betray my trust! Never-not one word more-you heard me, Jos. What can be done?-distraction! —-Richelieu yet Must-what?-I know not-thought, nerve strength, forsake me. Dare You refuse the Church her holiest rights? Gov. I refuse nothing-I obey my orders-.Tos. And sell your country to her parricides! Oh, tremble yet-Richelieu Gov. Begone I 7bs. Undone! [Exit JOSEPH. Gov. A most audacious shaveling-interdicted, Above all others, by the CountGaoler. I hope, Sir, I shall not lose my perquisites. The Sieur'De Mauprat will not be reprieved? Gov. Oh, fear not: The Count's commands by him who came for Maulrat Are to prepare headsman and axe by noon; The Count will give you perquisites enough; Two deaths in one day I Gaoler. Sir, may Heaven reward him I Oh, by the way, that troublesome young fellow, Who calls himself the prisoner liuguet's son, Is here again-implores, weeps, raves, to see him. Gov. Poor youth, I pity him I Enter DE BEImINGHEN, followed by FRANCOIS. De 1Ber. (to FRANcoIS.) Now, prithee, friend, Let go my cloak; you really discompose me. Fran. No, they will drive me hencee: my father! Oh I Let me but see him once-but'once one moment I De Ber. (to GOVERNOR.) Your servant, Messire,-this poor rascal, Huguet, Has sent to see the Count De Baradas Upop state secrets that afflict his conscience SCENE I.] RICHIELIEU. 9 The Count can't leave his Majesty for an instant; I am his proxy, Gov The Count's word is law! Again, young scapegrace! -How- om'st thou admitted? De Ber. Oh! a most filial fellow: Huguet's son I I found him whimpering in the court below. I pray his leave to say good bye to father, Before that very long unpleasantjourney Father's about to take. Let him wait here Tlill I return. Fran. No; take me with you. -De Ber. Nay; After me, friend the public first! Gov. The.Count's Comma.nds are strict. No one must visit Huguet Without his passport. De Ber. Here it is! Pshaw! nonsense! I'll be your surety. See, my Cerberus, He is no Hercules! Gov. Well, you're responsible. Stand there, friend. If, when you come out, my Lord; The youth slip in,'tis your fault. D)e Ber. So it is! [Exit th.ronugh the door of cell, followed by the GAOLELB Gov. Be calm, my lad. Don't fret so. I had once A father too! I'll not be hard upon you, And so stand close. I must not see you enter; You understand. Between this innocent youth And that intriguing monk there is, in truth, A wide distinction. Re-enter G AOLER Come, we'll go our rounds: i'11 give you just one quarter of an hour; And if my Lord leave first, make my excuse Yet stay, the gallery's long and dark; no sentry Until lie reach the grate below. He'd best Wait till I come. If he should lose the way, We may not be in call. Fran. I'll tell him sir,- [Exeunt Gov. and GAOLER. He's a wise son that knoweth his own father. 80 RMCHELIEU. [AT V I've forged a precious one! So far, so well I Alas, what then? this wretch has sent to BaradasWill sell the scroll to ransom life. Oh, Heaven! On what a thread hangs hope! [Listens at the door. Loud words-a cry! [Looks through the key-hole. They strnggle I Ho!-the packet!!! [Tries to open the donr. Lost! He has itThe courtier has it-Huguet, spite his chains,'Grapples! well cone! Nov —now! [Draws bac The gallery's long I And this is left us! [Drawing his dagger, and standing behind the door.] Re-enter DE BERINGHEN, with the packet. Victory! Yield it robberYield it-or die- [A short struggle De Ber Off! ho!-there!Frauncozs, (grapplivng with him.) Death or honour! Exeunt struggling. SCENE II.-The King's closet at the Lourre. A suite of rooms izn perspective at one side. BARADAS, and ORLEANS. Bar. All smiles! the Cardinal's swoon of yesterday Heralds his death to-day; could he survive, It would riot be as minister-so great The King's resentment at the priest's defiance! All smnles! and yet, should this accurs'd De Mauprat Have given our packet to another —'Sdeath I dare not think of it I Orlevans. You've sent to search lim? Bar. Sent, Sir, to search?-that hireling ha.nds may find Upon him, naked, with its broken seal, That scroll whose every word is death I N — norThese hands alone must clutch that awful secret. I dare not leave the palace, night nor day, While lichelieu lives —his minions-c eature —spiea — No(t one must reach the king I Orleans. What hast thou done? Bar Summon'd De Mauprat?.ither. Orleans. Could this Huguet, SCENE II.] RICHELIEU. 81 Who pray'd thy presence with so fierce a fervour, Have thieved the scroll? Bar. Huguet was housed with us, The very moment we dismiss'd the courier. It cannot be! a stale trick for reprieve. But, to make sure, I've sent our truest friend To see arnd sift him. Hist! here comnes the King low fare you, Sire? J2elier Louis. LozLis. In the same mind I have Decided., yes, he would forbid your presence, My brother, your's, my friend,-then, Julie, too; Thwarts —braves —defies-(su-ddezdiy t76rnilng to BARADAS.) We make you minister. Gaston, for yon-the baton of our armies. You love me, do you not? Orleans. Oh, love you, Sire? I Aside) Never so much as now. Bar. Mayv I deserve Your trust (aside,)-until you sign your abdication a My liege, but one way left to daunt De Mauprat, And Julie to divorce. —We must prepare The death-writ; what, t o' sigln'd and seal'd? we can Withlold the enforclmenz t. Loais. A h, you nay prepare it We need not urgi' it to effect. Bar. Exactly.No haste, imy ege (look/'iitn at his- watch and aside.) He may live one hour longer.'7Iel' COURTIER, Court. The Lady Jlie, Sire, imlplores an audience. Louis. Ahla! repenta.nt of her folly!-Well. Admit her. Bar. Sire, she comes for Mauprat's pardon, And the conditions~ — Louis. You are minister, rWe leave to you our answer. As JULIE enters,-the Captaiin of the ArcJlers, by another door, -ad whispers BAR-ADAS. 82 RICHELIEU. ACT rV. Capt. The Chevalier De.Manprat waits below. Bar. (aside.) Now the despatch! [Exit with Offnie? Enter JULIE. Julie. My liege, yon sent for me. I come where Grief Should come when guiltless, while the name of King Is holy on the earth!-Here, at the feet Of Power, I kneel for mercy. Louis. Mercy, Julie, Is an affair of state. The Cardinal should In this be your interpreter. Jlie. Alas - I know not if that mighty spirit now Stoops to the things of earth. Nay, while I speak, Perchance he hears the orphan by the throne Where Kings themselves need pardon; 0, my liege, Be father to the fatherless; in yoa Dwells my last hope I Entecr BARADAS. Bar. (atcle.) He has not the despatch; Smiled wile whil e e search'd, and braves me.-Oh t Louis. (genztly.) What would'st thou? Julie. A single life. —You reign' o'er millions.-Whai Is one man's life to you? —and yet to rme'Tis France-'tis earth-'tis everything!-a life A human life-my husband's. Louis. (aside.) Speak to her, I am not marble, —give her hope-orBar. Madam, Vex not your king, whose heart, too soft for justice, Leaves to his ministers that solemn charge. [Louis walks 2u the stagt Julie. You were his friend. Bar. I was, before I loved thee. Julie. Loved me! Bar. Hush, Julie: could'st thou misinterpret My acts, thoughts, motives, nay, my very words, Here-in this palace? SCENE II.] RICHELIEU. 83 Julie. Now I know I'm mad, Even that memory fail'd me. Bar. I am young, Well-born and brave as Mauprat:-for thy sake I peril what he has not-fortune-power; All to great souls most dazzling. I alone Can save thee from thy tyrant, now my puppet I Be mine: annul the mockery of this marriage, And, on the day I clasp thee to my breast, De Mauprat shall be free. Julie. Thou durst not speak Thus in his ear (pointing to Louis) Thou double traitor Itremble. I will unmask thee. Bar. I will say thou ravest. And see this scroll! its letters shall be blood! Go to the King, count with me word for word: And while you pray the life-I write the sentence I Julie. Stay, stay. (rushing' to the king.) You have a kind and princely heart, Tho' sometimes it is silent: you were born To powe —it has not flushed you into madness, As it doth meaner men. Banish my husbandDissolve our marriage-cast me to that grave Of human ties, where hearts congeal to ice, In the dark convent's everlasting winter(Surely eno' for justice hate-revenge-) But spare this life, thus lonely, scathed, and bloomless.; And when thou stand'st for judgment on thine own, The deed shall shine beside thee as an angel. Louis. (?much aCeded.) Go, go, to Baradas: and annul thy marriage, And.,Julie, (anxiously, and watching his countenance.) Be his bride! Louis. A form, a mere decorum; Thou know'st I love thee. Julie. 0 thou sea of shame, And not one star. ( The KING goes lup the stage, and passes through the s-uite of rooms at the side in evident emotion.) 84 RICHELIEU. ACT V. Bar. Well, thy election, Julie: This hand-his grave! Jldie. His grav e! and IBar. Can save him. Swear to be mine. Julie. That were a bitterer death! Avaunt, thou tempter! I did ask his life A boon, and not the barter of dishonour. The heart can break, and scorn you; wreak your malice Adrien and I will leave you this sad earth, And pass together hand in hand to Heaven! Bar. You have decided. (withdraws to the side scene for a moment, and returns.) Listen to me, Lady; I am no base intriguer. I adored thee From the first glance of those inspiring eyes; With thee entwined ambition, hope, the future. WllnloGt lose thee! I can place thee nearestAy, to the throne —nay, on the throne, perchance My star is at its zenith. Look upon me; Hast thou decided? Julie. No, no; you can see How weak I am; be human, Sir-one moment. Baradas, (stamping his foot, DE MAUPRAT appears at the side of the stage, guarded,) Behold thy husband! —Shall he pass to death, And know thou could'st have saved him? Julie. Adrien, speak! But say you wish to live!-if not your wife, Your slave,-do with me as you will? De M/Iaup. Once more!Why this is mercy, Count! Oh, think, my Julie, Life, at the best, is short - but love immortal I Baradas, (taking JULIE's hand.) Ah, loveliestJulie. Go, that touch has made me iron. We have decided-death! Bar. -(to DE MAUPRAT.) Now, say to whom Thou gavest the packet, and thou yet shalt live. De ZIaup. I'll tell thee nothing.. Bar. Hark,-the rack! De MaIp. Thy penance SCENE II.] RTCHELIrE 85 For ever, wretch! —What rack is like the conscience? Julie. I shall be with thee soon. Bar. (giri'g the iwrit to the Officer.) Hence to the headsman, [The doors are throwqn cpen. The lu~issier announces " His Eminence the Cardinal Duke de Richelieu." 2nter RICHELIEU, attended by Genilenln, Pages, 4c., pale, feeble, leaining onl JOSEPH, followed by three Secretaries of State, attended by Sub-secretaries with papers, 4-c. Jnlie, (rushing to Richelie6.) You live-you live-and Adrien shall not die! Rich Not if an old man's prayers, himself near death, Can aught avail thee, daughter! Count, you now Hold what I held on earth:-one boon, my Lord, This soldier's life. Bar. The stake-my head!-you said it I cannot lose one trick. Julie. No!-No Enter Louis from the rooms beyond. Rich. (to offcer.) Stay, Sir, one moment. My good liege, Your worn-out servant, willing, Sire, to spare you Some pain of conscience, would forestall your wishes. I dol resign my office. De Miaup. You! Julie. All's over. Rich. My end draws near. These sad ones, Sire, I love them, I do not ask his life; but suffer justice To halt, until I can dismiss his soul, Charged with an old man's blessing. Louis. Surely! Bacr. Sire Louis. Silence-small favour to a dyilng servant. Rich. You would consign your arL:.ies to the baton Of your most honour'd brother. Sire, so be it I Your minister, the Count de Baradas; A most sagacious choice! —-Your Secretaries Of State attend me, Sire, to tender upThe ledgers of of a realm.-I do beseech you, Suffer these noble gentlemen to learn g86 mICIii,,6. tACT V, The nature of the glorious task that awaits them, Here, in my presence. Louis. You say well, my Lord. (To secretaries as he seats himself.) Approach, Sirs. Rich. I-I-faint i air-air[JOSEPHi anLd a gentlelman assist him to a sofa, placed beneath a window. I thank youDraw near, my children. Bar. He's too weak to question, Nay, scarce to speak; all's safe. SCENE III.~-allaznent RICHELIEU, MAUPRAT and JULIE, the last kneeling beside the Cardinal;- the officer of the gauard behind M.AUPRAT. JOSEPH nzear RICHELIEU, watching the KING. LOUIS. BARADAS at the back of the KING'S chair, anxiouts and disturbed. ORLEANS at a greater distance, careless and triztumphabnt. The Secretaries. As each Secretary advances in his turnq he takes the portfolios from the Sub-secretaries. Fi rst Secretary The affairs of Portugal, Most urgent, Sire;-One short month since the Duke Braganza was a rebel. Louis. And is still!.First Secretary. No, Sire; he has succeeded! He is now Crown'd King of Portugal-craves instant succour Against the arms of Spain. Louis. We will not grant it Against his lawful king. Eh, Count? Bar. No, Sire. First Secretary. But Spain's your deadliest foe; whatever Can weaken Spain must strengthen France. The Cardinal IYoutld send the succours;-(solemnly,)-balance, Sire, of Europe I Louis. The Cardinal! —balance!-We'll consider. —-Eh, Count? Bar. Yes, Sire; fall back. First Secretary. ButBar. Oh! fall back, Sir. Joseph. Humph! Seconad Secretary. The affairs of England, Sire, most urgent; Charles SCENE II.] RICHELIEI. 81 The First has lost a battle that decides One-half his realm —craves monevs, Sire, a id succour. Louis. I-e shall have both.-Eh, Ba.radas? Bar. Yes, Sire. (Oh tliht Despatch!-my veins are fire!) Rich. (feeble, but- with great distinctdess.) My liege, Forgive me, Charles's cause is lost! A man, Named Cromwell, risen-a great man! your succour Would fail-your loans be squander'd! Pause-reflect.(1) Louis. Reflect. Eli, Baradas? Bar. Reflect, Sire. Joseph. Humph Louis. (aside.) I half repent I No successor to Richelieu Round me thrones totter! dynasties dissolve! The soil he guards alone escapes the earthquake! Joseph. Our star not yet eclipsed!-you mark the King? Oh! had we the Despatch Rich. Ah! Joseph I ChildWould I could help thee. En7ter GENTLEMAN, whispers JOSEPH, they exeunt hastily. Bar. (to SECRETARY.) Sir, fall back. Second Secretary. ButBar. Pshaw, Sir I Third Secretary, (mysteriously.) The secret correspont dence, Sire, most urgentAccounts of spies-deserters-hereticsAssassins-poisoners-schemes against yourself Louis. llIyself! most urgent! [Looking on the documents. Re-enter JOSEPH with FRANCOIS, whose pourpoint is streaked with blood. FRANCOIS passes behind the Cardinal's attendants, vad sheltered by them from the sight of BARADAS, 4c., falls -t RICHELIEU'S feet. Francois. 0! my Lord! Rich. Thou art bleeding! Francois. A scratch-I have not fail'd! [gives the packe BRich. Hush I [looking at the contents Third Secretary, (to KING.) Sire, the Spaniards Have reinforced'their army on the frontiers, The Due de Bouillon -- 88. RICHELIEU. [ACT V JRich. Hold! In this departmentA paper —here, Sire,-read yourself-then take The Count's advice in't.'Enter DE BERINGHEN hastily, and draws aside BARADAS. (RICTIE:LLEU, to Secretary, gicing ani open parchment.):Bar. (burstirng from DE BERINGHEN.) What! and reft it I from thee! Hfa!-hold c Joseph. Fall back, son it is your turn now! Bar. Death!l the Despatch! Louis. (reading.) To Bouillon-and sign'd Orleans I-Baradas too-league with our foes of Spain!Le-acd-ur.Italian armies-llwhat I to Paris!Capture the King-my health requires repose! lMake me subscribe my proper abdication! Orleans, my brother, Regent! Saints of Heaven I These are the men I loved I BARADAS draws,-atl!empts to'rush out,-is arrested. ORLEANS,, endeavoriz/gr to escape more quic/ly, meets JOSFPH'S eye, and stops short RICHTELIEU falls back. ).'.'. Jseph;/ See to the Cardinal I Bar. He's dying!-and I yet shall dupe the King I Louis, (rus/hig to RicnSEi.EU.) Richelieu!-Lord Cart dinal!-'tis I resign 1 — Reign thou! Joseph. Alas —- too late! —he faints! Louis. Reign, Richelieu! Richelieu (feebly.) With. absolute-power? — Louis. Most absolute!I-Oh, live l If not for ne —for France! Rich. F-RANGE Louis. Oh! this treason! The army-Orleans-Bouillon — Heavens! the Spaniard I Where will they be [iex.teek? —Rich. (starting up'):'here, —at my feet! (To First and Second Secretary.) Ere the clock strike!The Envoys have their answer! (To Third Secretary, with a ring.) This to De Chavignyhe knows the restNo need of parchment here-he must not halt SCENE III.] RICHELIEU. 89 For sleep-for food —-In my name,-MINE-he will Arrest the Due de Bouillon at the head Of his army!-Ho! there, Count de Baradas Thou hast lost the stake!-Away with him! (2) [As the Guards opens the folding-doors, a view of the alte. room beyond, lined with Cozrtiers BARADAS passes tho' the line. Ha!-ha!I'[ Snatching DE MAIUPRAT'S death warrantfrom tile Officer See here, De Mauprat's death-writ, Julie!Parchment for battledores! —Embrace your husband I At last the old man blesses you! Julie. 0 joy! You are saved, you live-I hold you in these arms. De l/Iauzp. Never to partJulie. No-never Adrien-never! LoTis. (peevishly). One moment makes a startling cure, Lord Cardinal. (3) Rich. Ay, Sire, for in one moment there did pass Into this wither'd frame the might of France!My own dear France-I have thee yet —I have saved thee! I clasp thee still!Iit was thy voice that call'd me Back from the tomb! What mistress like our country? Louis. For Mauprat's pardon! —well! But Julie,RLichelieu! Leave me one thing to love! Rich. A subject's luxury! Yet, if you must love something, Sire,-love me? Louis. (smilingz in spite of himself.) Fair proxy for a young fresh Demoiselle! Rich. Your heart speaks for my clients:-kneel, my child ren, And thank your KingJulie. Ah, tears like these, my liege, Are dews that mount to Heaven. Louzs. Rise-rise-be happy. [RICHELIEU beckons to DE BERINGIEN. De Ber. (falteringly). My lord-you are most happily recovered. Rich. But you are pale, dear Beringhcn:-this air Suits not your delicate frame-I loPg have thought so R* 90 RICIIELIEU. i ACT V Sleep not another night in Paris:-Go,Or else your precious life maybe in danger. Leave France, dear Beringhen! Dce Ber. I shall have time, More than I ask'd for, to discuss the pate. [Exit. Rich. (to ORiLEANS,) For you, repentance-absence, and confession! (To FR'ANcoIS.) Never say fail again. Brave Boy I (To JosEPH) He'll beA Bishop first. Joseph. Ah, Ca.rdinalRich. Ah, Joseph, ( T Louis, as De 1/Iauprat and JULIE converse azri,' See, my liege-see thro' plots and counterplotsThro' gain and loss-thro' glory and disgraceAlong the plains, where passionate Discord rears Eternal Babel-still the holy stream Of human happiness glides on! Louis. And must we Thank for that also-our prime minister? Rich. No-let us own it:-there is ONE above Sways the harmonious mystery of the world Ev'n better than prime ministers. Alas! Our glories float between the earth and heaven Like clouds that seem pavilions of the sun, And are the playthings of the casual wind; Still, like the cloud which drops on unseen crags The dews the wild flower feeds on, our ambition May from its airy height drop gladness down On unsuspected virtue; and the flower May bless the clould when it hath pass'd away. (4) THE END. NOTES TO RICHELIEU. NOTES TO ACT I. (1) Olivares, Minister of Spain. (2) There are many anecdotes of the irony, often so terrible, in which Richelieu indulged. But he had a love for humour in its more hearty and genial shape. He would send for Boisrobert "to make him laugh, —and grave ministers and magnates waited in the ante-room, while the great Cardinal listened and responded to the sallies of the lively wit. (3) The Abbe Arnaud tells us that the queen was a little avenged on the Cardinal by the ill-success of the tragic comedy of Mirame-more than suspected to be his own-though presented- to the world under the foster name of Desmarets. Its representation (says Pelisson) cost him 300,000 crowns. He was so transported out of himself by the performance, that at one time, he thrust his person -alf out of his box to show himself to the assembly; at another time he imposed silence on the audience that they might not lose " des enidroits encore plus beauex." He said afterwards to Desmarets "Eh'bien, les Francais n'auront done jamais de gout. Ils n'ont pas et6 charmes de Mirame!" Arnand says pithily, " On ne pouvoit Alors avoir d'autre satisfaction des offenses d'un nomme qui 6toit maitre de tout, et redoutable a tout le monde. " Nevertheless his style in prose, though not devoid of the pedantic affectations of the time, often rises into very noble eloquence. (4) " Vialart remarqule unc chose qui pent expliquer la conduite de Richelieu en d'autres circonstances;-c'est que les seigneurs qui leur naissance ou leur merite pouvoit permettre des pretensious, il avoit pour syst0me, de leur accorder au-tel l m6me de leurs droits et de leurs espdrances, mais, aussi, une fois combles-si, au lieu de reconnoitre ses services ils se levoient contre lui, il les traitoit sans mis6ricorde."-Anzquetil. See also the Political Testament, and the, M6moires de Cardinal Richelieu, in Peti. tot's collection. (5)' Tantut fonatique-tont6t fourbe-fonder les religieuses de Calvaira f-Jaie des vers." Thus speaks Voltaire of Father Joseph. His talents and influence with Richelieu, grossly exaggerated in his own day, are now rightfully estimated. C'etoit en effet un homme indefatigable-portant dans les entreprises l'activit, la souplesse, l'opiniattrete propres h les faire reussir.'-Alnqtwtit He wrote a Latin poem called " La Turciade," in wiich he sought to excite the kingdoms of Christendom against the Turks. But the inspiration af Tyrteus was denied to Father Joseph. NOTES TO ACT II. (1) Richelieu not only employed the lowest, but would often consult men commonly esteemed the dullest. " 11 disoit que dans des choses de tres grande importance, il avait expSrimeInt, que les moins sages dornoient oouvent les meillicurs exp6diens."-1e Clret. 92 RICHELIEU (2) Brth Ric.: elium nd Joseph were originally inte and for the profos. sion of alrns. Josepl: ha l served before he obeyed I he spiritual inspiration to beco:ne a Capaclhip.'The of his brother opened to Richeliau the Bislhopric of Lucon; but his military propensities were as strong a. tls priestly ambition. I need scarcely add that the Cardinal, during his brilliant campaign in Italy, marched at the head of his troops in complete arlour. It was under his adiniistration that occurs the last example of proclaiming war by the chivahiic defiance of lherald and cartel. Richelieu valued himself much on hIis personal activity. for his vanity was as universal a isi amllbition. A noblema.n at the house of Grammont one day found him mployiedl in ju.mvrni, and, with all the sav:-:ii vivre of a Frenchman a.d a courtier, offered to junmp against him. lie suffered the Cardinal to jump higher, and soon ai'te found himself rewarded by an appointment. Yet, strangely enough, this vanity did not lead to a pIatronage injurious to the state; for never before in France was ability i ade so essential a requisite in promotion. He was lucky in finding the cleverest fellows among his adroitest flatterers. (3) Voltaire openly charges Richelieu with being the lover of Marion de Lorme, whom the great peet of France, Victor Hugo, has sacrificed History to adorn with qualities which were certainly not added to her personal charms.-She was not less perfidious than beanutiful.-Le Clerc, properly, refutos the accusation of Voltaire, against the discretion of Richelieu and says, very justly, that if the great minister had the frailties of human nature, he learnt how to veil theml, —at least'when he obtained the scarlet. In earlier life he had been prone to gallantries which a little prepossessed the King (who was formal and decorous, and threw a singular coldness into the few attachments he permitted to himself) against the aspiring intriguer. But these gayer occupations died away in the engagement of higher pursuits or of darker passions. (4) Riclelieeu did in fact so thoroughly associate himself with the State, that, in cases where the extreme penalty of the law had been incurred, Le Clelr justly observes that he was more inexorable to those he had favoured -even to his own connections —than to other and more indiffirent offenders. It must be remembered as some excuse for his unrelenting sternness, that, before his time, the great had been accustomed to commnit any disorder with impunity-even the crime of treason, " auparavant on ne faisoit poser lea armes aux rebelles qu'en lenr accordant quelque r6compense." On entering into the administration, he therefore laid it down as a maxim necessary to the existence of the State, that " no crime should he comnmitted with impunity." To carry out this maxim, the long estatblished license to crime made even justice seem cruel. But the victims mlst rcomnmiserated'from their birth or accomplishmelts, as Montmorenci, or Cinq Mars waere traitors in actual conspiracy against their country, anii would have forfeited life in any land where thle punishment of death existed, and the lawgiver was stron enough to vindicate the law. Richeltieu was in fact a patriot unsoftened by philantrophy. As in Venice (waere the favourite aphorismi was, Venice first, Christianity next,) so, with Richelieu the primary conideration was,' wvlat will be the best for the Colntry?" Hle had no abstract principle, wlieth-er as a politician or a priest, when applied to the world that lay beyond the boundaries of France. Thus he, whose object waas to founid in Fra.nce a splendid and imperious desi.otismn assisted the Pariianmentary ptarty in Engtland, and signed a treaty of alliance and subsides with the Catalan rebels for the establishment of a Republic in Barcelona:-to convulse other Monarchies was to consolidate the glowing Monarchy of France. So he, who conpletely crushed the Protestant party at home. braved all the wrath of the Vaican. and even RICHELIEU. 93 theb resentment of the King, in giving the most essential aid to the Protestants abroad. There was, indeed, a largeness of view in his hostility to the French Huguenots, which must be carefully distinguished from the intolerance of the mere priest. He opposed them, not as a Catholic, but as a Statesman. The Huguenots were strong republicans, and had formed plans for dividing France into provincial commonwealths; and the existence of Rochelle was absolutely incompatible with the integrity of the French Monarchy. It was a second capital held by the Huguenots, claiming independent authority, and the right to treat with Foreign Powers. Richelieu's final conquest was markaed by a humanity, that had nothing of the bigot. The Huguenots obtained a complete amnesty, and'had only to regret the loss of privileges and fortitications which could not have existed with any security to the rest of France. (5) The guard attached to Richelieu's person was, in the first' instance, fifty arquebussiers, afterwards increased to two companies of cavalry and two hundred musqueteers. Huguet is, therefore, to be considered merely as the lieutenant of a small detachment of.this little army. In point ot fact the subdivisions of the guard took it in turns to serve. (6) This tract, on the " Unity of the Minister," contains all the doctrines, and many more to the same effect, referred to in the text, and had a prodigious influence on the conscience of the poor king. At the onset of lis career, Richelieu, as deputy of the clergy of Poitou, complained in his harangue to the king that ecclesiastics were too rarely summoned to the royal councils, and invoked the example of the Druids! (7) Joseph's ambition was not, however, so moderate; he refused a bishopric, and desired the Cardinal's Hat, for which favour Richelieu openly supplicated the Holy See, but contrived, somehow or other, never to effect it, although two ambassadors applied for it at Rome. (8) The peculiar religion of Pbre Joseph may be illustrated by the following anecdote:-An officer, whom lie had dismissed upon an expedition into Germany, moved by conscience at the orders he had received, returned for farther explanations, and found the Capuchin disqat sa mlsse. He approached and whispered "But, my -father, if these people defend themselves-'" " Kill all," (Qu'on tue tout,) answered the good father, continuing his devotion. NOTES TO ACT III. (1) 1 need not say that the great length of this soliloquy adapts it only tor the closet, and that but few of the lines are preserved on the stage. T( the reader however, the passages omitted in representation will not, per haps, be the most uninteresting in the play, and may be deemed necessary tc the completion of the Cardinal's portrait,-action on the stage supplyinl so subtly the place of words in the closet. The self-assured sophistries which, in the text, mingle with Richelieu's better-founded arguments ii Apology for the darker traits of his character, are to be found scattere( throughout the writings ascribed to him. The reader will observe that il 94 RICHELIEU, this self-confession lies the atent, poetical justice,-which separates', piness from success. [2] It is well known that when, on his death-bed, Richelieu was asked if he forgave his enemies, he replied, "I never had any, but those or the state." And this was true enough, for Richelieu al-d the state were one. [3] Richelien's vindication of himself from cruelty will be foundin various parts of Petitot's Collection, vols. xxi. xxx. [4] Voltaire has a striking passage on the singular fate of Richelieu, recalled every hour from his gigantic schemes to frustrate some miserable cabal of the ante-room. Richelieu would often exclaim, that " Six pieds de terre [as he called the king's cabinet] lui donnaient plus de peine que tout le reste de l'Europe." The death of Wallenstein, sacrificed by the Emperor Ferdinand, produced a most lively impression upon Richelieu. He found many traits of comparison between Ferdinand and Louis-Wal, lenstein and himself. In the Memoirs-now regarded by the best authorities as written by his sanction, and in great part by himself-the great Frenchman bursts [when alluding to Wallenstein's murder I into a touching and pathetic anathema on the rmiserede cette vie of dependence on jealous and timid royalty, which he himself, while he wrote, sustained. It is worthy of remark, that it was precisely at the period of Wallenstein's death that Richelieu obtained from the king an augmentation of his guard. [51 Richelieu was commonly supposed, though I cannot say I find much evidence for it, to have been too presuming in an interview with Anne of Austria [the Queen,] and to have bitterly resented the contempt she expressed for him. The Duke of Buckingham's frantic and Quixotic passion tor the Queen is well known. [6] The fear and the hatred which Richelieu generally inspired were not shared by his dependants and those about his person, who are said " to have adored him."-Ses domestiques le regardaient comme le meilleur des maitres.-Le Clerc. In fact although il etoit orgueileux et colere,-he was en mneme temps, affable et plein de douceur dans l'abhod; and he was no less generous to those who served than severe to those who opposed him. [7] In common with his contemporaries, Richelieu was credulous in astrology's less lawful arts. Hle was too fortunate a man not to be superstitious. NOTES TO ACT 1V. [1] Omitted in representation fiom line 13 to 66. [2] Louis XIII. is said to have possessed some natural talents, and in earlier youth to have exhibited the germs of. nobler qualities; but a blight seems to have passed over his maturer life. Personally brave, but morally timid,-always governed, whether by his mother or his minister, and always repining at the yoke. The only affection amounting to a passion that he betrayed was for the sports of the field; yet it was his craving weakless, and this throws a kind of false interest over his character, to wish to be loved. He himself loved no one. He suffered the only woman who seems to have been attached to him to wither in a convent — be gave lup favo-irite after favourite to exile or the block. When Richelieu died, he said, coldly, " Voila un grand pblitique moit!': acd whe th, ill RICHELIEU. 9 fated but unprincipled Cinq Mars, whom he called le cher amni, was he headed, he drew out his watch at the fatal hour, and said with a smile, " think at this moment that le cher ami fait unevilaine mine.' Ncverthe less his conscience at times [for he was devout and superstitious] made him gentle; and his pride and his honour would often, when least expect. ed, rouse him into haughty but brief resistance to the despotism undel which he lived. [3] Louis had some musical taste and accomplishment, wherewith he often communicated to his favourites some of that wearisome ennui under Which he himself almost unceasingly languished. [4] One of Louis's most bitter complaints against Richelieu was the continued banishment of the Queen Mother. It is impossible, however, now to be convinced that the return of that worthless intriguante was wholly incompatible with the tranquility of the kingdom. Yet, on the other hand, the poverty and privation which she endured in exile are discreditable to the generosity and the gratitude of Richelie —she was his first patron, though afterwards his most powerful persecutor. [5] In his Memoirs Richelieu gives an amusing account of theinsolence and arts of Baradas, and observes with indignant astonishment, that the favourite was never weary of repeating to the King that he [Baradas] would have made just as great a minister as Richelieu. It is on the attachment of Baradas to La Cressias, a maid of honour to the Queen Mother of whom, according to Baradas, the King was enamoured also, that his love for the Julie de Mortemar of the play has been founded. The secret of Baradas's sudden and extraordinary influence with the King seems to rest in the personal adoration which he professed for Louis, with whom he affected all the jealousy of a lover, but whom he flattered with the ardent chivalry of a knight. Even after his disgrace he placed upon his banner, " Fiat voluntas tua." [6] Louis was called The Just, but for no other reason than that he was born under the Libra. [7] Louis XIII, did not resemble either his father or his son in the ardour of his attachments; if not wholly platonic, they were wholly unim. passioned; yet no man was more jealous, or more unscrupulously tyrannical when the jealousy was aroused. [8] One of Richelieu's severest and least politic laws was that which made duelling a capital crime. Never was the punishment against the offence more relentlessly enforced; and never were duels so desperate and so numerous. The punishment of death must be evidently ineffectual so long as to refuse a duel is to be dishonoured, and so long as men hold the doctrine, however wrong, that it is better to part with the life that Heaven gave than the honour man makes. In fact, the greater the danger lie incurred, the greater was the punctilio of the cavalier of the time in braving it. [9] For the haughty and rebuking tone which Richelieu assumed in his postulations with the King, see his Memoirs [passim] in [Petitot's collection, vols. 22-30 Ibis.] Montesquieu, in one of his brilliant antitheses says well of Richelieu, II avila le roi, mais il illustrata le regne.": [10] However " orgueilleu. and colere" in his disputes with Louis, the Cardinal did not always disdain recourse to the arts of the courtier;-once after an angry discussion with the king, in which, as usual, Richelieu got the better, Louis, as they quitted the palace together, said rudely, " Sortez!e premier; vous etes bien le roi de France,' " Sije passe le premier," replied the minister, after a moment's hesitation, and with great adroitness " ce ne pent etre que comme le plus humble de vos serviteurs;" and he took a flambeau from one of the pages, to light the king as he walked before him-" en reculant et sans tournes le dos." 96 - RICHELIUr [11] Selon Pusage de Lorls XIII., faire alrTter quelqu'un pour crime d'etat, et le faire mourir, l'4eait, a pen pres le meme chose.-Le Clerc. [12] Like Cromwell and Rienzi, Richelieu appears to have been easily moved to tears. The Queen Mother, who put the hardest interpretation on that humane weakness, which is natural with very excitable temperaments said that " I1 pleurait quand il voulait.'" I may add to those who may be inclined to imagine that Richelieu appears in parts of this scene too deected for consistency wi h so imperious a character, that it is recorded of him that ( quand ses affaires ne eruississoient pas, ii se trouvoit abattu et eponvante, et quand il obtenoit ce u'il souhaitoit, il etoit tier et insultant.' NOTES TO ACT Y. [1] See in " Cinq Mars," vol. v. the striking and brilliant chapter from which the interlude of the Secretaries is borrowed. [2] The passion of the drama requires this catastrophe for Baradas. He however, survived his disgrace, though stripped of all his rapidly-acquired fortunes-and the daring that belonged to his character won him distinction in foreign service. He returned to France after I'ichelieu's death, but never rgrained the same court influence. He had taken the vows of a knight of Malta, and Louis made him a Prior. [3] The sudden resuscitatin of Richelieu [not to strain too much on the real passion which supports him in this scene] is in conformance with the more dissimulating part of his character. The extraordinary mobility of his countenance [latterly so deathlike, save when the mind spoke in the features] always lent itself to -stage effect of this nature. The queen mother said of him, that she had seen him one moment so feeble, cast down, and " semi-mort," that lie seemed on the point of giving up the ghost-and the next moment he would start up full of animation, energy t.nd life. [41 The image and the sentiment in the concluding lines are borrowes ~rom a iassage in one of the writings attributed to the Cardinal [ Catalogue continued from second page of Cover. ] VOL. XXV. VOL. XXVI. VOL. XXVII. VOL. XXVII. 193 Father and Son, 201 Adrienne the Actress 209 Americans in Paris, 217 Inconstant, 194 Massaniello, 202 Undine, 210 Victorine, 218 Uncle Tom's Cabin, 195 Sixteen String Jack, 203 Jessie Brown, 211 Wizard of the Wave. 219 Guide to the Stage, 196 Youthful Queen, 204 Asmodeus, 212 Castle Specter,' 220 Veteran, 19T Skeleton Witness, 205 Mormons, 213 Horse-shoe Robinson 2Z1 Miller of N. Jersey, 193 Innkeeper of Abbe- 206 Blanche of Brandy- 214 Armand, Mrs Mowatt 222 D'k H' r before Dawn ville, wine, 215 Fashion, do do 223 Mids' r Nght's Dream 199 Miller and his Men, 207 Viola, 216 Glance at New York. Laura Keene's Edition. 200 Aladdin. 208 Deseret Deserted. 224 Art and Artifice. IIAMLET, in three Acts. THE SPANISH WIFE, with Portrait of Edwin Forest. THE OATH OF OFFICE. GUTTLE. & GULPIT. THE GUIDE TO THE STAGE, by LEMAN THOMAS REDE. Containing a list of the b principal English and American Theaters, Articles of Engagement, &c. Witi th "full and valuable instructions for beginners, relative to salaries, rules, methodl of m obtaining engagements, going through Rehearsals, securing proper dresses, P conduct at a first appearance, &c. &c. Edited and adapted to the American t Stage, by FRANCIS C. WEMIYSS. Any of the above sent by mail, post-paid, on receipt of 12YK centos. Bound volumes, containing eight plays, $1. Ten plays sent by Expressfor $ 1. MASSEY'S EXHIBITION RECITER, in two numbers 25 cents per number. The two numbers, bound in cloth, school style, 60 cents. DRAMAS FOR THE DRAWING-ROOM, by Miss KEATING. 25 cents. PLAYS FOR THE PARLOR, by Miss KEATING. 25 cents. ACTING CHARADES, by Miss PICKERING. 25 cents. JOE MILLER'S OWN JEST BOOK. 25 cents. LIFE OF A SHOWMAN, by DAVID PRINCE MILLER. 25 cents. PUNCH AND JUDY, illustrated. 25 cents. WEBSTER'S ENGLISH EDITION.-15 CENTS EACH. m Angeline, Did You ever Send Lioness of the North. 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XXII.161 Promotion; [vidual, 169 Yankee Peddler, 162 A Fascinating Indi- 170 HiramHireout, Authors wishcng Pl^ys published will 163 Mrs. Caudle, 171 Double-Bedded Room, pota 164 Shakspeare's Dream, 172 The I)rama Defended, -please inclose a three cen postage 165 Neptune's Defeat, 173 Vermont Wool Dealer stap, and a Circularwill besentby 166 Lady of Bedchamber, 174 Ebenezer Venture,. 167 Take Care of little 175 return nail, giving fullparticulars. Charley, 176 C16988 Irish Wi 16dow Terms Liberal. Address as below. 168 Irish Widow _. NO" Plays sent by mail, and postage paid, on receipt of 12h cents each,, in money or stamps. Ten Plays sent by Express for one dollar. *** All orders will receive prompt attention.',: t.Si An Alphabetical List of 1000 Plays sent by mail on receipt of a postage stainp.: SAMUEL FRRE:NCH, Publisher, 122 NASSAU ST. (upstairs.) N5- See List of Standard Drama on second and third pages of Cover. - I -;- i