I' a trIl -06 - I p S)~ I.1 - r- I r 0) 0 CA) -A p i 4 4,, y. 9-.,..7 - 6 -. I -ill, -.., V IE t. \*A Cl.15 - \.\, Is 12. 'I., DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY I AREAS OF ACQUISITIONS TO THE TERRITORY OF THE UNITED STATES AREAS OF THE STATES, TERRITORIES, AND POSSESSIONS DIAGRAM SHOWING THE HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE STATES WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1914 Sold by the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C. Price 5osnta ^*M~a ti aw^."."..'"^ new namps eRhode Islan Pennsylvani.Pennsylvania_ New Jerse, _n - Maryland - /Maryland; DjS`~7 L~[_~?;;tl~i~i~7~_stistr i ct of Delaware olumbi Columbia Land acqd. / 1 1800 - _ in N.W. from 1787 Te tory Ohio G reat Britain;errit; Northwest 1 — =,Ohio by Peace Northwes - Of 1 _h\ Treaty of of - Ohio - 1809 1 s Ohi River - 802 1805 Indiana Indiana w Y vork\_ _Ne \\ Neo _diana - a_ _e 186 163 E| l v ':j8 $lq 1800 10,lin i, I I I O I v" { -Illinois a n araa itt- ll/ ertr 1818 1834 ^X^~~~~~~~~~~~r r1790 Michigan --- — ^ --- —----------------: * * t B t 0 ~in~~~13 0' | etrr 1818 -Michiga Mba I~7E _r Vs ^.ichig ich igarW 1837f 1 )rainag Casn, / -— | —Conn_- * --- -----— n --- —------— = —_ ----= --- —It = I ---V gisonsia l I Virgini _ V Wisconsin Re River rritor/ 1948 of te Nor Neorth —k / V p k!_ ly Terr _It Ge'r0. \ ---- __ co..14 1849-| -~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -Trioy Mineot erritory err~~~~~~~~~~~~tor:/ U~~~~~norganized M nnesota inst n territory 1 1858 |) b P c o \; j S T e *, t a Irrito ry Teo"' \5 =\-5J f el1. | ot a 1858 r\~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ eie,18 ''Ydfnd19 Wicnsi ^XixYeso 1783 Mass.t Masse MI rass 1. Iscon sin Maine, 1920 - - I I \^1_ " \ / 5 Conn. Conn. I. Virginia - - -Vl- irginia Virginii a Vrinia -Virgin~ia V', 1803 Floridia \ T~'^ ____ lo- a 184 i^ ___________ //__-__ ________-__ tf _^ Purchase <trict of KentuckI /IS t t KentLIcky 1792 W. ai H j7> i 9 < <4 Kansas 1861 Neiw York New York_ New York -: ~ Verrnont 7? I N. Car. N. Car. S. Car. \ S. Car. 1790 e r. S. o Tennessee? ) W (b) R NeX 0 -itr \\1796 1 8 9 | L8 0 -- 21 6 T et ery tyi Mt S \ / 1819>^ 1853^~^' Yery F --- —--- Teertto y F _______1845_/ ___// / / / 84 Land S. 5f Ter. of T_ \ I 181_ _7 acquired in Mississippi S.W. from -Territoryry / Great Britain 1798Unra ze T rto Albm by Peace territn 85 3 Al/am Treaty of S. of Ter, 1n i! 7 \ _ 1783 \92S. of Ten'l. and N. o! Georgia ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~Miss. Tel-. C~~~~eor~~~~~ia Gc~~~~Gor~,ia 'Drainage Basin, Red River of the North- - (a) 1838 treaties of Iowa Iw 1783 end 18117Tr7oy14,~eat B itai:i 11 1845 I's~~~~~~~ Louisian- i-rt~r 1803 A —c~ Purchase4 65 LO LJ i 5; an S1 134 6 fE 4 a-isnn LOL11siana -MISO, i sso uri iSSOi~s lT/I ~ ~ ~ r;,I I nchan an Kansi D'.1 ct __T e r r K~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Yansas, 1861 Oisti I -F —~erritry~-~~erriioy~l t-crrity~ ~ Ccrri:O)~-~-rountly~ -r —C~rr -Territoy t y 1854 1390\ 93 Inidia )I ndian Terr ito r, bu, I I errit'ory, but unorganized. unorganized. BOUndaries Territory defined, 1889 defi ned, 1 89069 1854 Oklahoma Oklahoma, 1907 Territory Pubhic Landd 1890 (b) -Sti- ~ ~ Trritory Tord gained Clrd Colorado, 1876 1819 throuoh ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Territory 181 1861 treaty w::th Spain 1822 Florida 1819 Florida erritory Florirda, 1845 1845 Texas Texas 123,784 sq. rn' of northern Washinottozn Washington TerritoC4 Y Te rrit -y asint 1853 18590 Territory 1846 Oregon - Oregon Ter OegoilTerJ Oregon, 185 1861 Acquisition 1848 1 853 California 1850 1848~~~~ah~~~~~~ M~~~~ N~*evcanr 186 4 NevaT.Nada 898 Hawaiian Utah er Utah erIslands-__tah, 1 896 (Philippine l<I s --- —---------------— _ --- —-------- _ _____________ _ _____________ 1898 sGuam.__ Ceson850 1861 1863 New 16 Porexicoo Rico.Ar —ona, --- 12 183 Gadsden 185 errit 1861 Tritr Te rrito ry Purchase New 16 Meio ew Mexico ~ --- ~ ~ -Territor Territory ewNe Mexico, 1912 1867 Alaska 1898 Hawaiian Islands fPhilippine Islands ~ --- 1898 GCuam IPorto Rica 1899 Tutuila, Samoa 1904 Panama Canal Zone -. DIAGRAM SHOWING:EISTORICAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE STATES. Rhole Island Penpsylvania Nevv Jersey Maryland District of Columbh Delaware Ohio Indiana Illinois Michigan Wisconsin h-iinr csota Mas! I-Ihusetts MairnCone, -ticut Ken"' kyv W est \;ii,,inia New v,"ok Verr,,it 11861 18641 Dla-ota _ --- — Dakota N.rth1 D:kot, * S? North Dakota -.. i, con 1] k nako,?~ S ou5 Dakota I 111- 1 I I. Kanas ""I I I 1863 1 i 1 86-4" 1 \ Idaho 1 873 Montanzi Mont. Ter. Montana Montana [-erritory I 873 1 889 - > 11 _ 86 Zaho Ter. Idaho I Idaho Territory Idaho 1}868 1y I 89 W T-1-rr It or t- - erritor.~Wyo Ter,- W-2yorning: "'Yominv -^ ^ -_ ___ ___ ____ 1868 ~ 1~890; 5lorida Texas Washington --- -- Territory ---- Washington, 1889 Washington 1863 Oregon -California Nevada -New Mexico. Alaska - Hawaiian Islands. Philippine Islands. Guamn. Porto Rico. Tutuila, Samoa _ Panama Canal Zone (ItLe explanatory note on other side.) No reference can be found to an particular statute, prior to 134 for the government ol this area, and it is to be presumed that Congress considered this a part of Louisiana PIrchaso. Although it was so shown, to and including the 1900 edition, on the United States maps issued by the General Land Office, this was incorrect, an the States of Colorado, Loulsiana, and Texas, and Congress no doubt considered them part of Louisiana Purchase Is there seems to be no statute relating specifically to these particular areas alone. id since then the maps have shown this area as not a part of said purchase. AREA, BY STATES, OF ORIGINAL TERRITORY OF THE UNITED STATES AND CONTIGUOUS AND NONCONTIGUOUS ACQUISITIONS. The areas given below of acquisitions and States and Territories were determined by calculations made by a committee representing the General Land Office and Geological Survey, Department of the Interior, and the Bureau of Statistics and Bureau of the Census, Department In every case the area is that included within the present boundaries. of Commerce and Labor, whose findings were adopted February 2, Square miles are given in roman type and acres in italic. 1912, by the Secretary of the Interior, and February 10, 1912, by the Secretary of Commerce and Labor. 11 I I Territory of the original 13 States,I as recognized by Great Britain! in 1780 including the drainage! basin of the Red River of the State and date of admission. North (4<5,253 square miles.). Alabama Dee 14 11 i square miles.. 49,068 338 49,406 Alabama (1Dee. 14,1 1919).....^.........s,0, W 3,30 1,69SO $ce.... 1, 40515620 216,820 31, 619,8410 Arizona (Feb. 14, 1912).................. {lacrtre...... e......................... Arkansas (Ju e 15, MM )...1 5 li r mies...................................................................... Calif orni a.(Sept. 9,!, ). 3 n............ F lo r id a ( M a r. 3, 1 S 4;) r............"..............................-* - - - * * - - - Idaho (July 3,{ ^'1.?.'..... te i::1:::::;::;::::::;:::::::!::::::::::::::: 'loorad ( Aug.., lS4 ')..... **{ uare inde...............I K ansa? 1' 2<i 1M>1......{^ nlil(s^ * *-;; - ------- -- ^ ----------- M arryl....................................;::::;;;; Connectiust...............{. rv miles.. \?.15, 4, 9 Michi~~~amJ~~n.^ lW) a...;.........^ 3;,0 1 ^ 37^ i1S lllite m iles.. 84,,1:2;, 6,S-26 Del..... {ayare s...................., 1, 833, 40 2.:17; Miss[ a........... ( e 60 l2 i 5..84', Distrct o (Coumbi........ sur nil -.......... I D e l ~ ~~~~~~~~`aware {s.........l; 8 1,;' (,~ 65,400 so.. Fl rd M r,I 4 )...... j a e n l,......................~..........1,1. Di ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~ars.......f~l..............{:.).ra r........... acre......... 387 4 o 6, I'M: fi'V Foidaho (Ju y 3 8..........)..... quare, t ini!]t........"....,......"........... -- - - - - acr...............,aa~~~~~~~~o ( ~s ~...................{'j;7.'.: '?:....... 8 a Iowa ( I~~ec. 2s, I"!)........ ~ q i r ie............... [............- - -- - 11 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~inoi (................)................ Kansas (Jun. 29, IW I I.....,(plarv ntiles............. ---Ludi ~~~~~~~~~~~.....(l.............)....s{!rtr;,n l.....I...... L u ii a A r., I )..... jq ~ i~.............. l..........i............ (-Ir.................................. Main,! (~ ~ ~ 1'r,~:~n'a. 1. ":7:M.......Iqannil,....) 9 ~ 3 4.... i................1,8oI ' ")2,14 0 Maryland~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.............. Iay.,91 236 1,2 -- tcC........ 65, 315,8eO 5-,40 26,80 7, 82,72 o,,,.....i]..........:24 I I.,...............4V 15 Y0 5,20 {?;vr:~r.......................7tO,,20 Ma ryII hind............. I a" St it e! llh. 43,948 2,5386 - 2 ',~a(.e......... 6,862, 0 I, 52,3,040 2,'9,2, JO0 Michiganpp (Dan. 21i, 18:171.. sqiaro inil/es.. 2 9 0 3 ar, 17 &,5 207 6,480 511 7, 984, W I I I I j Louisiana Purchase from france in 1IgT, exclusive of the terriIorv which'l was; delimnited by treaty of 1S19 with Spain. Land. Water. Total. 2.211 i 3S1 2 5 9 2 1,415,040; 243,840 1,658,880 52,52..5 | S10 5:; 35 33,616,000 518,400 I3', 1$,400................................. 40, 676 175 40, S1?6.032, 640 112,000 26,144,640 -- ---- - -- ----- -- - —::;;;:; I"............."................................................'..................................i.....[........................................................................... [ 40~, 1o0 ~4 I,~ j; 2, 8~;~, 10 Territory gained through Florida^ trctlty of 1819 with Spain. L Iand. Water. Total. Lad:.............i..................................................................... I..................... 1,518 ]....... 1..........................~~ ~ ~ ~............................. j..........i...................!..........................., 2................... - - - - - - - - - —,- - - - -- - - - -...............'.'..'......... '1 -..... -- -..... --- —-.. ------ ------..........;.......................................... - -- ---- - — [......... i;.......; 5 4;;;;.......... 3J..........;;;;;;;;;.........................;................................;:;.......;:...; 2......... - - - - -............................;;;;;.................!ii.........................,,eded by Spain in 1819. Water. Total.....................................................................................................................................:................... I................................................................................................................ Texas, annexed in 1945, includes 904,815 square nliles.- of (original I L~oukiana excluded from 1Louisiana Purchase by treaty of IS19 with Spaill. Lad a~....................~..........,............................... - - - - [............ I - - - - - -...................... i...........................;;!.......;.......... 1................................. Land. Water. Total.................................... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -................................... -----------..................................................... ------------------------ --------- I ------------................................................. ----------------------------------....................................................................................................................... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Mexican cession, 1811, includes 1,177 squlare miles if original I,ouiPiala exeludled f),'m 1.ollis~L~and.:Water. 11 Total. -- - - - - - - - - -........................................ 1.53.3,2. 2'fi 1 5 9I5, 29)7 y3617,'89 [I,* 12?0 11t, o310,06 27,031 2 6 27, (Y. IS 17, 30,1,iof760 ] dI 9,' 7.;270............,............................................ - - - - -............:........... - - -- -............................................................... '"......................!............,............... ].................................................................... 8,35 t 51 X3.S 5,?,;'10 560,~- I 711............:....................................... --------—......................................................... —..............................................................................,.......... I..................................:........................I.................................i.......... '.......................................... —......................;...................I............'..........I....... ---- 1 11 ----— 1 11 11 11 1 ------------ iii ii.............1............:::;;;:;:::;1;;........................ I..................... i i..... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -......................!!.........!!.... - - - - - - - - - l......l..... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 27 d, 2,7,....................................................[.......... I......................[.......... ------—........................................... j...................................................... -- - -................. j. i!....................................':2, 400 X.; 7,S 'f00 1;,.; 0? ~ 7, 1;<;, q~(', h2 3.!.5,;1.5 '5, I 7 5, 0, g3, 77 1,2.3,%,6',;,5/O 35,(715, Io, lxl 25,71, &1`0 t;,369,24 8,O' 5.4,~oi 57, I'40 160 It; a;, 44( 'j12, hffVl 2;,.WO 510 51,.~0 1,.7, Al' 01t 02,6C., 5?;, 7y0 6-'0 3,10. | 3II5 23, st); (227:,;'9,% 0, 19, 7(,U 561 S2.1 i'?5, 7';0,~., 7,8 7ZO 1D13. 91is 7, 9.'I, 4o 5., (;(;(* 2f 3,1:1,6,.:$ 00 72O.;, 177, 5! i., 265 37, 9 iO 56. 66.'),M7,35', z.; s2, sl10 ' 0.;20 q 3:3.0-10 ', 2<6 52, 2X/, 12O io, G(, 48, S5O( 2!, 142,CX 12,,:~?.Alabama (Dec. 12,, lS1,)..Arizona ( Feb. 1II, 19121. Arkansas (June 15), 1S3(;). ~California (Sept. 15, 1S:0). ~Colorado, (Allg. 1. Is7fi). Dehrladr. lMistristsif (o hinSia. Flohrida (Mar. 3, l11,Georgia..][(alo (July 3, 1NWt). Illinois (Dee. 3, ll).Indiana (Doec. 11, I1.61. [o,.':a (1)ec. 29, lS461. Karls;Ls (.ullt. '~..,181.:Kenituky (Juime 1, 17921. L~ouLsiana (Apr. g, 18121. Maine (Mar. 15, 1820). Maryland. Nfassaehusetts. 3,1 ich igani (Janl. 2*;, l S:7).:.Minnesota (May 11, la-58). lM ississippi (D~e,,. 11, S1s17)..Missouri (Akug. 10, D~) I 04!11.... N ew Y ork....................................... ca r'e '::.7.'."....... 4: ~, 1 8 5t;0 ': ' s 1, ' 0"'; t.................... - - - -- - - - -- -- - - - - -- -- - - - sq u ark.......... *{uc 11,s'. "... 4Sii, W,S 3>S,o 6 s i 5,4 26au................................................................................................................................. N orth C arolin a............. ---------- --- -- - - -------- ---- ---...::;::::::.....:::;::::::::...:::::: *:: ---::: *:;:: ---::::::::"I:::*::: --- —:::::::::::-:::::I:::::-:::-: *:.! --- —------ ^:::::::::::: W;,93:I 6! 95 60 1 00 96.6.9......... -- i 1 --- --- tlC l..11. 1. 1.................. I................S3',S.0 I.5,..40..., S orth) Dakota C.N 1 '.v.; '.'2..Js8. quarelntles.. [ 28 7 I 3,686 } 5'24; 3,..6....................... 1.,..;',S........ I.................. 1.8 4 6 0 t 1, 0;, pw '. ".0............................... [~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~..................................."............"............................................... 0 I4 "X,.,......;.:i;,;t............................... 2 6 2,3;)S 3, 4 4 5 2 6 5, — - - -8 43................................................................................................................,.......4........ T ex or (N ov. 2 1 0.................. 6'* " 7" " " " '" """ ' oov.....' 1..Goo.......................................n.4, 9 1,,,...........................* ***........, ** " " [ '.... "...'.'....[............ -................ *.......~..6.....,. 717................. 7..I.70..........;-'-$,6 --- —------ 7 ---00-,........... t.. 't....................................,.:lS9O',O0 4,6>3 Oklitare uffl ~s............. ----------...... 1 6,3......... U k llioma (N ov. 1.610 ).. *;.... I.........).. r.......:.....':]: ]::::::.........:\,6 1,';.......... y,6aWi:r............. 2...............1I o [ b q......1....~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~5 0- %69........ OregoA (Feb. 14, 1859a.~........................................................................,., ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 8 oi S......i~................{,/,:..!::.........:%.......,,..........:,............::.............~,...........- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - P ennsylvan ia............... 4.' 0,. tx9.................................... S de tl........ 1 he 5Co, 1111, p.61 li 2 es-14....... ';S.... Iq.................................. ~~Sou t~~~~~i Carolina ~ ~ ~ ~ J............... is I 1 1t0Iq i-....................................................................:........ ------ -v ------- ------ ----- juaro ~ ~~~...... o..4................. 0 8 i S 9...........................i........... ". 0 0..................... I............ - - - - - - - -2,8 — - - - - - - - - - - Ut a hn m e (Jt u n e 4, 1 798 9.614 8.............5 — -9 -7 — - - - - - - - -( — - - - - - - - - - - - -, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.......... acres........~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~......................... ----— I-:::...I 9 124 4-11):l., 4! 9,124 4t0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~....... 12 84Sj109................ 8214 8(.... acre~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~s.........~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.......,~0 Wexushi go {No. 2 1,8, /ms) qufare:ifles.s.................2.........,..2.....9..... - - - - I -- ~are ',s..................................,.....6 --- —-; --- —,2....4..... ~,U t vli (Jan. (4 1 888_.......lle ~~~~~~~~~~~~a r s.........{...........]........................................................................... ~,-is..... 5.5,256 J S](!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --- -- -; '91-?360.... '. ir -{;!r2 uil/:7: 12......................I... V ir in a..............q u a re nu ile s,. 4,2 2 2 3: 2,2...............Z........................................... w....,,,,~(,u,,-.......>....~.........~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.................I ---- - ------ ------:: [:):!:'? "_':7....:....::._:....~............. ~..........~.~o~~~~~~~~............................................................ 'l'of~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~l................ ',~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~... 0 8........................................... 1,46 ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,.......... ~ v j relje. 2;.................................................................I.......... A I56 W A......................{s...........s W ic nsn (M y 29 84 ).. re iJ.6-:8" 1s O..................- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -..................................... $?, (5 {square:niles.. ~'0 182046, 2................... - - - - -- - - - - - 4 7 7 7 4 M 1 6 9 1, 4.................................. 3860 Haai.. square miles... S8 &,,92 82 3 1 W 012 8797 I 6 93 13,5 r,,S 3 0 1,66 31,50 3.7 S) 6 S,5,24 2S,541 T tl.............. acres......... I4)1, -1~9, R O 7,9 6 4,4( 1,4 6 8 1,6 ~til..............~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.......................... P hllp p hl....................{qtr f. l......................................................... re~.........................{."~.'.":....................................5........ I....................... J......~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~...................... b b P,,an a, a a n a l o n. f q ar> s.......... I..............................o.::::::::::::...................................... Philppin Isl nds.................................. i c,~a to~............{~q~.~.,)i)~.::............ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --- —--------- ----- --------- - -........................... aores.. ~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~.....................(......'...........)...................... -....................................................... ~,$95,7158~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.......................................... --- ~~ ~~;~ ~ T h.... ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~............... (Samos).~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ thequor......................i t..............fo i..........and......s u r................................94 q a;ill -=6g...... oa.......q......i............0..........l.. prising tl~ d~II~ basin o[ the Red Rlv?.r of th9_ North inelud?_theto~.ais~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~r North and ~.utq 0.........D.........i....this....o............3,7 oo.o &,41? square miles~ or 29,066,890 acr*s; water, 8a6 square mileS, or 535S,040 acres; total, 46,25 square mil s, or296120ars:rm the rpor~ t of the Ist.hmfilal Canal Coml sinml 9 1.l 6..... ll$0fi, --- ~6 [~Ne,,, York.:6l0 INorth Carolina. W ^North Dakota (Nov. 2, 1lS91. ()h iex (Nov. 29, 1S4)2'. kltahol (nov. 4 t, 1907). ('regon ( F eb. 19, Pa5!). l)('^ W 1scnsy].;tl(May 9.14 R ho p e Islands. 9 ' out h ('arolin a..qt6 lIako5 (Nov. 2,1.81 wo Gouhakd otal 2Te drae (June 1, 17o:6). ~''xm(Doe-. 29. lS451. 9; Utah (Jail. 4, IS9%)..Verlniont (Mlar. 4, 1791). >VNoirtdniua. 17W-ishingtoll (Nov. 11, 1889)..'1,7 Vigii. Ii 9,1IS63). b'O Iaai 143( O2. 6~0 [/hlpieIlns 436 ~00 Panaatona Zioe. 77 ITutuila group (Samoa).:306 i~ Grandl total. for the drainage baain of: Land, ZoL NOTE REGARDING DIAGRAM. This diagram shows how the territory of the 13 original States and of subsequent acquisitions was divided into States and Territories. All lines read to the right and indicate successive subdivisions. The blocks on the diagram do not represent the relative sizes of the areas, as the size of the blocks has been determined by the amount of lettering within each one. The subdivisions of each block are important if the reader desires to trace the territory of any State back to the original acquisition. Thus, the District of Columbia was formed from Maryland and Virginia; the upper portion of the block showing the District of Columbia represents the area ceded by Maryland, while the lower portion represents the area ceded by Virginia. The portion of the District of Columbia ceded by Virginia was receded to Virginia in 1846, and the present District of Columbia is composed entirely of the area obtained from Maryland, as shown by the diagram. The Territory of Idaho in 1863 included portions of the Louisiana Purchase, the Oregon acquisition, and the Mexican cession. The present State of Idaho is composed entirely of area included in the Oregon acquisition. This is shown by following the line from "Idaho Territory, 1868," to the center division under "Idaho Territory, 1864," then to the fifth division under "Idaho Territory, 1863, then to the second division under "Nebraska Territory, 1861," then to "Washington Territory, 1859," then to "Washington Territory, 1853," and "Oregon Territory, 1853," then to "Oregon Territory, 1848," then to the "Oregon acquisition, 1846." This diagram is based on the authorities indicated below, which may be consulted at the principal libraries. Those for which a price is given may be purchased from the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C. United States Statutes at Large (special price list on application). The Federal and State Constitutions, Colonial Charters, and other Organic Laws of the States, Territories, and Colonies now or heretofore forming the United States of America, by Francis Newton Thorpe, 1909. 7 volumes, issued as House Doc. 357, 59th Congress, 2d session. Historical Sketch of Louisiana and the Iouisiana Purchase, with a Statement of Other Acquisitions, by Frank Bond, 1912. 10 cents. Boundaries of the United States and of the Several States and Territories, by Henry Gannett, U. S. Geological Survey, Bulletin No. 226, 3d edition, 1904. 25 cents. Territorial and commercial expansion of the United States, 1800-1903, additions to national area and their subdivision into Territories and States, and statistics of growth in population, production, commerce, and wealth. In Monthly Summary of Commerce and Finance, May, 1904, Bureau of Statistics, Department of Commerce and Labor, pp. 4205 to 4374. Issued also as Part 10 of House Doc. No. 15, 58th Congress, 2d session. The Public Domain, 1883. House Ex. Doc. 47, pt. 4, 46th Congress, 3d session. 46921~-14 AyvV8~'" UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN LLT6[ b kIVW 3 9015 05449 1413 oNnoa. 77S 77T*~'p,~IWT RM "ti t fI I.1. I., I t0, 4, I:" t * /.;. * 4. * Ii As.