. I ll 11 1,, '- -, ""' " ""'-, ", , -- - I I I - 11 11. I ", " I - -1 I I 11 1. - I 1-11 ---- - I 1 I. - I I 11 ", -, - - -1 - - I -. THlE TRACHININAE OF OI~HCE CRITICALLY REVISED, WITH THE AID OF MSS. NEWLY COLLATED, AND EXPLAINED BY FREDERICK II. M. -BLAYD)ES, M. A. VICAR OF IHANIINGWORTHI, AND FORMERLY STUDENT OF CHRIST CHURCH, OXFORD. lI i 4 'I I I.1I I 1 t WILLIAMS AND NORGATE,7 14, HENRIETTA STREET,7 COVENT GARDENI LONDON; AND 20, SOUTH FREDERICK STREET, EDINBURGH. 1871. / —, " I i I ;,.- I A.4, W 11 -L,,.- 'It-. ".4. II (-V-. t I f., I q i ") - I (;.: 1- i -, I -,,' 21;'2- Z - f PRITNTLD BY B. G. TUEUNER LE}IPZIG. III I N - __1 I,- - - ' PREFACE. The edition of the present play is on the same plan as that of its predecessor the Philoctetes. My chief attention of course has been given to ascertaining the readings of the few extant mss.; and, as these have been very carelessly collated b by previous editors, I have thought it advisable to make a fresh accurate collation of some of them myself, and the readings of one ms. (K.) I have given for the first time. My next object has been to give in a concise and convenient form the conjectural emendations which have been made by critics both of our own and other countries, and the explanations of the best editors; to which I have appended my own opinions. The reader is thus furnished with a continuous synoptical materia critica and commentary upon our author, so as to be able to dispense with the necessity for having his attention distracted by having constantly to refer to other editions. In order to make this edition as complete as possible, I have carefully studied the labours of my predecessors up to the most recent date; and I think I may venture to say that there is little good to be found in other editions which I have not extracted and digested in the present one. Besides critically revising and explaining the text, I have added a copious mass of illustrative passages from our own Poet and from other ancient writers (especially the other Tragedians), endeavouring throughout, on one of the soundest principles of criticism, to make Sophocles as much as possible 1i ~ interpret himself. J~[ ~ But after all, though I have bestowed many years of labour and thought upon this work, and have done all that seems to lie in the power of an editor, I must confess that the result is not as satisfactory as one could wish. The present play in particular, being more corrupt and interpolated 406890 7_773-MR I'- " I~~~~~~~~~'7 -' IV PREFACE. than any of the rest, is beset with difficulties in almost every line; and the attemllt to grapple with these is a task far from enviable, whether you endeavour to assign a natural interpretation to a passage which you inwardly believe to be unsound, or whether you try to cut the knot by proposing or adopting a conjectural emendation. Of some passages undoubtedly the correction is obvious enough, though there will be always a certain class of readers who will persistently reject any alteration of the text, however probable it may appear; preferring the 'mnunpsimus' of ms. authority to the 'sump2simluts' of reason. However I have endeavoured to do my best to render the remains of our Poet as readable as possible; and, while I have shown the very utmost regard for all ms. readings, yet, where I have felt persuaded that some error lurked, I have not hesitated to resort to the ultima ratio of conjectural emendation, in the hope of restoring the passage, or of preparing the way to its restoration by others. Wherever I have adopted any conjecture, the reading of the mss. is invariably placed below, so that the reader may not be misled. The changes actually made in the text will be found to be neither very numerous nor very extensive; the great majority of proposed corrections being confined to the notes. If any object to the number of these, my apology must be that, while the room they take up is but comparatively small, the perusal of them may be instructive and interesting to some, while those who do not care to read them can simply pass them over. On the whole, if it may appear to some that I have not succeeded in certain passages in restoring the very handwriting of our Poet, I trust I have at least inserted in the text nothing but what he might have written. My chief companions and guides throughout have been Hermann, Dindorf, Wunder, Bergk, Schneidewin and Nauck. None of these however have I followed unreservedly, but I have availed myself of whatever appeared most useful in each: for, while each has his own particular merits, not one is sufficiently complete of itself to enable the reader to dispense with the rest. One is strong in exegesis, another in illustration, another in critical skill, another in the exhibition of various readings, while all are more or less deficient in the mention a.r iI mu I U Il -. PREFACE. V of( the valri(,ls conjectural elllendlations inoticed il other editions, as well as of tlose which are scattered thlrou(gh the pages of critical literature both of our own country and of the contilnent. I have therefore endleavoured to combine in one edition the good points of all, mentioning throughout those conjectures, collected with much labour and research from different sources, which had the greatest appearance of probability to commend them. A new and careful collation of the best mss., I find, is ahbsolutely necessary; for those of IBrunck and of Bekker's Aristophanes are so negligently made that we cannot rely on them, nor is it always possible to judge from them what the real readings are. For instance in Arist. Eq. 1369, &sELv' o ZoAlrlm Ewvr&EESg Ev xara)oyO, Bekker's collation would lead ' us to suppose that 6 zo/izrs occurs also in R. V., and the necessary enendation o6i'rtrs is attributed by Dindorf to Fr. Thiersch. As long back as 1857, while collating the ms. Ven. 475, which is considered to be a copy of ms. Ven. 474 (V.), I was surprised to find 6orNgrlm distinctly written in that ms. And quite lately we have the testimony of Von Velsen (in his edition of the Equites, 8vo. Lips. 1869) that the same reading exists unmistakeably in V. itself. A strange oversight this on the part of Bekker! The imnportance of attending to apparently trifling readings of mss. is shown in Ant. 1(37. E1.toors rov 7Q:g Z'dOiwv | ExrTov. On arriving at this passage I was struck first with the singularity of the use of the preposition QdOs, and then with the gender of the noun nExrQov, which should be neuter. This led me at once to the obvious correction rc tO ZEQ6Ecov "iEzrQov, which I found amply confirmed by the reading, hitherto neglected, of L., ra (supr. 6v a m. pr.) ~roadp'etovv. In this play we have a remarkable instance of the radical alteration in the meaning of an entire passage by the change of a single letter. I allude to the well known passage v. (615. z cal v6' dv tZOiEdasg 6 ', o XELvoS Ev;a#e I 6GQayLGo0 i 'QXE r6' E' t' i'ia #rasErat. By adopting Billerbeck's ingenious and yet simple correction, a correction which had occurred also to myself, rco6' Edt6v aclarjErat (the v before g being i AMMMEIMMNWV — MMV7M 77TC7 VI PREFACE. often changed ilto p in mss., v. on Arist. Eq. 1334), vwe at once restore to its primitive integrity a passage which before was unintelligible. And yet this beautiful and model conjecture, which we may compare for its simplicity and soundness with that of Person &doaGodrc yadve (for 6tog vorco ydv el) in JEsch. Ag. 1391. and that of Coraes, xacQrtv re xal rasg Udaceovg (for xaoCOiv TExoVGag dcurEiovg) in Arist. Nub. 1119, has been rejected as doubtful or at least overlooked by more than one recent editor! This corruption must have been of very old date, for the ancient scholiast evidently so read the passage. V. 145 of this play, Tr yaQ vea'ov Ev rotoIaE fPj6xErct I X oQOLLv avIroV3, xaC vWv ov fdtog 0'oV- - xAovEL, is evidently faulty. Musgrave corrects %c)Qotg, i'v' cavrov &c., Hermann XooQtg, tv' aovroiv, &c. Neither of which corrections is sufficient. I have given x 'poog, iv' ov px6Og vv, &c., which makes the passage intelligible. I have also proposed XCoQOg, tiv' aV oV IPiXog. The common reading of v. 447., rj ec^atrla (s~Tr' a'ria, supr. co, L.) I rov,u ev atl5Qomv t,6qd' ltol t xZxo3 rtvog, will hardly satisfy any but the superficial reader. I have attempted several corrections, but do not feel quite satisfied with any. What are we to make again of such a passage as v. 549., 3cv CQpaQOLE tV piEL I gopaiPdOg av#og, Tv 6' V(ExrQ2etg v (VmtExrQE'jtE L.) 7d6a? The restoration of it is difficult, but we may without much hazard pronounce ocpaA)io) corrupt. This passage reminds me of another where the same word 6(plYA,6gd is liable to suspicion, viz. (Ed. Rt. 987. xal,u]v dEyag y' 6dcpa;6gb ot arQog C rdp ot. I think I have restored the hand of Sophocles by correcting xatl Clv tey' &doe'palui y' o( ttzrQdS rcq)po. Or we might correct x'l Ijv eycXag Y' oicovog -, which comes even nearer to the common reading. That one of these corrections is the right one I think can hardly be doubted. In v. 687 of this play, '`cog cv dcor'v otrov o6ttcidatl, ztov (for so read the mss.) we had a barbarism, until Elmsley corrected g'og VLV -. And yet even this indispensable alteration has been repudiated by some, who endeavour to persuade themselves and others that the common reading may be defended. PREFACE. vii In v. 484. Zzst y,6 p"v JYq zrdvr' hE;iarcaaa A6yov, the former p~art of the, line is evidently faulty. I suispect that Soplhocles wrote somietling like E~~t rd' zrv Y,' (or a'zvr' EXEt 6~), zrcivr' 7rtraacct )OdYOV. What the meaning of wb'9a iartcdrtg is in v. 954 has never yet been satisfactorily explained. I suspect myself that for Art3rgwe should substitute 'Eirtcatc7,itq or rather lIarcatcrtg, to be pronounced, according to Homeric usage, as a quadrisyllable. Nor ani I satisfied with the connnon readimig of vv. 672 ftm3bt' dvi~Wrarov pa#cEv, or of v. 1112-3, o' rA~pov EA~c4g The nis. reading in Phil. 425. izrtl #ccvov I'Avrt)AoXog ar5pq~om3Yog, Ja~ `v ydvog (yq. po'vog), has been rightly corrected by Musgrave, who. reads o~ irap4v ~tovog, i. e. 'who alone succoured, or came to the ai(1 of him.' The common reading in Phil. 443. 3~g om'x CMC7v T ~~' dadzra~ t7rt~v, &'ov I pLiq&t ~IEi~ is surely corrupt. I have ventured with some diffidence to give M&Vr' for 87,-' but the passage still seems to need correction. In Phil. 1145. zotva'cv ifjvvrvv g qpA~ovg 4cioyacv, I would read xotvc'v ~'vvo~v otg Tpuotg dqcoyvv the phrase a'vvu1v Ir& rtva being one that occurs, I should think, nowhere else. In El. 21. Ng~ 'Evra&64Y ['i1'v (so A. L. Ald. i'ai'v several other miss.)I 7v' oks~xW d'XvEtv xatqdg, the 4tp"v has been deservedly condemned by most coimnentators as barbarous, and various conjectural emendations have been proposed, though no one has hit upon the true one, Ng E61z,'v V' tva I oivx ~ar' ET' OcVatV ZatQ69. The corruption arose from the importation of the gloss g~vrai6oa into the' text. In El. 345. 1F`Z4Y (E d 4' supr. tot L. sec.) DE'om3 ye trq (4'r~gov P. T.), j pq~ovetv xaxoig, i~rOSh CPt)Ac3v (Povoi6a Iq ~tvyjpnpv 8X&v, the corruption', if I mistake not, lies deeper. 'Ezd and E'Aom3 are evidently both sound, but whence came the 4Y between them? As the i~of3 can only stand at the end of the lineY I suspect the true reading is E'b To' y' -ET6 gov, "~ xaxo~g Tov~rv, iEoi3, &c. This, I am. aware, is rather a bold correction; but, as I cannot see any other possible VIII PREFACE. mode of restoring the passage, 1 am inclinl(l to thlitlli it mllst be the true one. In Ajax v. 1404. cdAA' otf,uv xzoilv xUCrTTov XZEQg rctXtvarE, xol d' V'i1farov I rQLCo' - rOa' ErtlXctQOO, the expression xzTdErov raCVvELv is a strang'e one, especially as raX'vvetv is used only intransitively. I would suggest a simlle correction, XEQalV E',oq^aYa'W, of 6' &c., which not only yieldsgood sense, but enables us to get rid of the unusual ro d4' for of 6'. In Ant. 130. zoAA;3 QEV4Yarb:rQoovt6oSEVovg ZQV6ov xavac<g VEQOTrrrtia the last three words appear to me faulty. For xavaxrg I suspect that we should read Kactavry' (Kacavja), for otherwise the.following O6Qcovr' has no object to be referred to. The true reading has escaped the notice of all editors in (Ed. R. 420, poirs 6s ziSg jS rog cOS ov dr' Ai,Iv, [ tOwrog KLC#aCg'v ov;i adVptqcoog racc; For i)quv we require the name of some mountain or locality that will correspond with Kt^aO'QtVv. Read rotoLo ovzx 'owrc t 'ACX v ('vtwiat Ichlicon'), and the entire passage will at once read clear and intelligible. Helicon and Cithweron, being adjoining mountains, are often mentioned together. And a trace of the true reading is still found in L., where we find l.Ativ written thus,iLtqv (v supr. m. ant.). The v in question is evidently nothing more or less than the remaining aspirate' before AItxov (tcLcXV). When once the aspirate had been lost or misunderstood, the unintelligible Altxov would easily have been changed into the common similar word X4p'V. The received reading 'in (Ed. R. 1088 f. is unmistakeablly faulty, and yet no commentator seems to have found much difficulty with it. The words odCreQov, ai`tglv, and probably TrV "VQltov rcva;volvov, are, I think, corrupt. Some remarks on this obscure passage I hope to offer on a future occasion. In CEd. C. 703 the expression y 'a5 agE:ivcov at once strikes one as being extraordinary and almost inexplicable. The correction which I have introduced, yjg avvvvaLVcv, is quite in the style of Sophocles, and is, I have little doubt, the true one. In another very perplexed passage of the same play, v. 1084. ocai#QiocS vEqpqacg xV;qOait rovSv' (so Wund. xovactl' h ___ ~ _ _________ __ __ ______ -, F (iE. IX (uI)Jo0v () thel hiss. ) dywtdov, 0OQjGc5 rooVPuov ()Lta, Ithink I am restoring tl e iriglht readilng by correcting -- 'dcag r2bijov~Ga (or )perhaps 7AloQrc()V6) roIUvt 65a#, 'a1s I shall endlleavoil to showN in my next edition of that play. An instance of an error of very ancient date occurs in v. 104;. of this pdlay, o3:otAe dry x4al ~EQ(d XCd loy z XCX, which Cicero translates, %o nultta dictu gravia, perpessu asper". And yet one can hardly doubt that the words xal doyo xcOik are corrupt. I mlight extend to a considerable length the number of passa ges which, tllough a traditional interpretation and famliliarity with them have given themL a pplearance of soundness, are found, when carefully examined and scrutinised, to be infected with error; but these few instances which I have selected will suffice to give the reader an idea of the many latent and often deep seated corrul)tions which beset in an especial degree our Poet; and which require the skill of the critic for their restoration. There are a few points of orthography I have adopted which I here take an opportunity of submitting to the reader. In the first place I universally write eit'vxc for the ordinary oi'vexa, wherever the word stands as a preposition; and I am persuaded that in doing this I am right. "EiEvxa, Ei'VEa, or 5'vEXEv is a preposition, while ol'vsExc 'because that' is a particle compounded of ov 'vExa, as 6oavwsa is of orov gvex'E (with which compare av,' Cov). In this view I find I am supported by Bergk and others; nor are we by any means without ms. authority for this mode of writing. Cf. Arist. P1. 329. SsLvbv yoc, d rqoola3Oov Ev "L'VExa (so R. V. Ald. &c. ov'vExa al.) ] (6rloyf^ &c. The form d'vExa is of constant occurrence in the best mss. of Sophocles, Aristophanes, and other writers. In AEsch. Prom. 345. Eyoj yaQ ovx, Ed 6v65avXz, Tov6' EivEax (so L. Ald: Rob. Turn. &c.), most editors give ovivwEx with Dawes M. C. p. 195. Blomfield observes: "sE'VEsx non agnoscunt Attici." And Brunck (ad Arist. Lys. 74) asserts that the Attic poets never use this form. But this is simply begging the question. In the next place, instead of the usual zxv before a subjunctive I always write Xtjv. And a very little consideration ~I —i --- ---- --— I X PREFACE. will show us that this too is right. K av is silmply a contraction by crasis for zxt av, while xiv is for za rjv (Edv). It is true that in later writers Sv appears to have been used for "'v, if we may judge from the testiniony of niss.; but the earlier and best Attic writers always use 'jv as the equivalent of gdv. Nor are we without good authority for this mode of writing; for the mnss. exhibit x'v in Arist. Ach. 716. Eq. 261. Pac. 1356. &c., though Dindorf (ad Ach. 1. 1.) considers Z'v more suitable to the Doric dialect. Further I am of opinion that we should always write `j}v in the old Attic writers, not Fzadv. For Edcdv could not well be formed front EetC l v, which particles coalesce ilnto E`Yv, just as aL a2v do into ''v, not into adv. It is observable however that the particles 7iELtYCq a2v coalesce into E7taELv, with the ultimate short. Why rC dv6(lt should coalesce into rdv6[, ratler than into rcvQp' or rvv69l, seeing that o and a usually make co (as e. g. in cjvQgcotE), I do not know any more than why xal stra should make the crasis xara rather than xEEra, seeing that zai and el usually coalesce into XEi, as xal and sev into XEV; &c. Instead of (prs I always write (pSg, with several editors, though I am aware.that the iota subscript is found in the ancient Clarkian ms. of Plato and in others. So also AadcQa, adcog, xz,6(cv, &c., though the iota is often added to these words in many good mss. For moov we have the authority of an inscription (v. Elmsl. in Class. Journ. XVII p. 58.). H9l5Qa I write, in compliance with the express tradition of gralmmarians (v. Etym. M. h. v.), though I do not see whence the L subscript can come from, since the word is evidently derived from TCQ and O6Qv. Respecting the augment of verbs beginning with ev and o, I do not see why they should not take the augment as well as those which begin with at', e. g.?j6ovfLv, 6x2vvero, rio6dvEro, &c. I therefore write, with Elmsley, Dindorf, and others,,vzXo16v, q ya vyal, vvyJuv, rVQOV, vrIVQWal^ C cXOtv, dvodovv, 5 vwVcEvoS, &C. As regards the crasis of oV'ot and aga, the most correct form of expressing it would seem to be ovraCQa, rather than ov raoa or ov rcQa, seeing that the crasis is between OVTOl and 11~~ iI PREFACE XI ~ga, not betwveen the simple Tot an(d T(iei. Tie same observation applies to ovrav, and rra9c. But it is hardly possible to decide definitively on these and other similar questions. The old disputes as to the correct mode of writing Es or dll, co60 or ~'IGco, a6v or tv, ovxovv ov; ovv or ovxov, have never yet been finally settled, and probably never will be, certainly not by the authority of mss., the readings of which are most variable and conflicting. I am inclined myself to think that Efi and d'aco should be written, except where the metre requires the short and more poetic forms dg and E'aco. And in old Attic writers at any rate the rough form t)v should take precedence, I think, of the softer one dvv, unless where the metre requires the latter. As regards the orthography of the noun HaQvocaag caQvaao6gs, I believe the latter is the correct form, being Doric for HIaqvnaags, wyith which compare BQltAdaos, LcAvdq66aoSg, 'AtixaQvya9Og, Tar, Tri6dos, Mvxariaadg, TEsvun6bg, AvQVqa5 -60S, TEt6aaog, &c. In 'Tr rrodS and Avxa/Orrog we have the Attic forms of 'Taasog and Avxal5aadsg. The reading TlaQvadatos, which we sometimes find, probably came from a confusion of it with nIlcQvrjog, the adjective of HdpQV'g. As regards Porson's famous canon respecting the quantity of the syllable before the final cretic of a trimeter, on which Elmnsley with his exquisite judgment and accuracy has dilated fully in the Edinb. Rev. XXXVII. p. 74 f., in an article which is a masterpiece of sound and skilful criticism, I think we must modify it to a certain degree, and somewhat enlarge its limits. An exception to the rule, I think, should be made in those few cases where there is an elision after the preceding disyllable (thus causing a continuous pronunciation of it and the following cretic, as in }yErL' oi'xoEv Aj. 1101, though this particular passage probably requires correction and in oELjttv' Ei'T' E'ELt Phil. 22.); and also where a full interpunctuation occurs before the disyllable, thus enabling the speaker to take breath and make a fresh start, so as to avoid the flatness of delivery at the end of the verse which otherwise would occur. I allude to such lines as this, (pevysEt rt6,avrg 6SCpQOV; &-cdE EmV rtEc (Eur. An'dr. 346). See also on this subject Elhnsl. ad Med. 326. XI11 PIR' E FAC(I. It is ill 1 alnlI' I' t(eslc:ctis tlI thal kltess (,ft'ice t1, tllliderttai( e tlhe 1rViSiIon of at play s) rieplete with (corruptttiolts tin11 interpolations as the lresent one, aind ii whlich thl-e exllalNplatilon of -so Il.y passages appears to be almoost i11,ossilble, while the colijectural restoration of them is often hazardous Land ulncertatil. -l}At I have endeavoured to do lly utmost in a plainstaking and conscientious manner, unwilling to disturb any passage where there seemed a fair probability of its b)eing right, and on the other hand not deterred by the fear of cavil from those who prefer the error of antiquity and tradition to the truth of reason and common sense. Not a few passages I trust ] hatve successfully handled and restored; in some I may be thought to have been a little too bold in advancing conjectural emendations, some of which further consideration might have led me to abandon; and in many others I have been content to point out what seemed to me erroneous or suspicious, though I have not ventured or been able to apply a certain remedy. Though it is not always an easy task to divine what the true reading is, it should be no difficult matter to indicate what appear to be corruptions; and this is what unfortunately most editors have omitted to do. When once an error, or a probable error, has been pointed out, the danger of the ordinary reader being misled by it is removed, while there is a very fair chance afforded of its being removed, sooner or later, by somebody or other. The discovery of an error is half the way to its removal. Such as this edition is, the labour of many years, the result of much anxious thought, marred, I fear, with many imperfections and perhaps errors (for where the ground is so rough, and the light to guide one over it is so dim and feeble, it is difficult even for the most careful and wary traveller to avoid stumbling at times), I commend it to the kind consideration of the candid reader, in the hope that he may find it in some degree facilitate the study of this very corrupt and difficult play. Xen. Mem. II. 8. 5. ov trcvv ye QS0l6v dcrtv EVOLav Ey7OV, op 0X OVX V g atliaLv 'Eot ~L * a.CEcOv yad OVTIG) ti (Ot'ql]3at CiWE ( l35 1Jav paqreltv, XaAtv 8,} xa}C cvczgaQpr~cog tr rot4iaavTa p d7vopovt XQltr'i ater1ve'v. Hlliarngwortlh, Vicarage, Uppinghalm, SepL. 29. 1871. M- - - - -- - - -- - Manuscripts of this play. * A.... Bibl. National. Paris. 2712. B...,,,,, 2787. K....,,,, 2886. L...... Bibl. Laur. Flor. Plnt. 32, 9. M. (Lb. of Dind.),,,,,, 31, 10. N. (Lc. of Dind.),,,,,, 32, 2. R. (Flor. of Hcrm.?) Bibl. Riccard. Flor. 77. T...... Bibl. National. Paris. 2711. V... Bibl. Vat. Pal. 287. Harl.... Bibl. Londin. 5743. Ven..,. Bibl. Ven. 616. * Those marked thus have been accurately collated by myself, word for word, with Dindorf's first Oxford edition 8vo. 1832, and the variations given. No collation of the ins. K. has ever before been made.. -1- - '10110=w M - - Now* Chief editions of Sophocles and of this play. Aldus, 12 mo. Yen. 1502.:-Apitz, Jo. Svo. Rlake, 1833. Bergk, Theod. Svo. Lips. 1858. H~lebc,1. L. Jul. Commuent. in Ti-achinias, 8 vo. min. Ilildesve, 1801. Boissonade, 24mno. Pa~ris, 1824. IBothe, F. H. 2vols. Svo. Lips. 1806. 18"26. lBrubach, J. with the Rloman scholiai, 4to. Francof. ad Maen. 1544- 55. IBrunck, R. P. F. 2vols. 4to. Argent. 1786. (And other subsequent editions.) Camerarius, 8vo. Hagenoe, 1534. Canter, Gfl. 12 mo. Aattierp. 1579. (olinteus, Svo. Par. 1528. Dindorf, Guil. Ed. I. Svo. Lips. 1825. -- (Ed. II.) in his Corpus Poetarumn Scenicorum, -royal 8vo, Lips. 1830. - - Ed. LI. Svo. Oxon. 1832. 15t9. - -Ed. III. small Svo. Oxon. 1859 ---60. - - Ed. IV. small Svo. Lips. 1863. - - Ed. V. in his Corp. P~oet. Seen. ed. IT. Folio. Lips. 1867. Erfurdt, C. G. A. 7 vols. 8vo. Lips. 1802-11. - ed. minor Svo. Lips. 1809-l1. Gaisford, Thorn. 2vols. Svo. Oxon. 1826. *Groddeck, G. E. Svo. Vilnac~, 18(48. IHartung, J. A. 5 vols. small S vo. Lips. 1850 — 1. Ilermiaun, God. 7 vols. small 5 vo. Lips. 1830 — -55.."1capfiler, J. G. C. Svo. Lips. 1791. Johnson, Thom. 2vols. Svo. Oxon. 1.705. Junt. I. with scholia, 4to. Flor. 1522. Junt. II. Svo. Plor. 1517. Linwood, W. with shiort Latin notes, 5 vo. LonmI. 1 846, Lond. I. 2vols. 12uso. 1722). Lond. II. 2vols. l2ino. 1717. Martin, P. J. 2 vols. 12iimo. Hakne, 1822q. Mitchell, Thom. 7 vols. S vo. Lond. 18S11 —I. Musgrave, Sam. 2 vols. 5Svo. Oxon.- 18(4(. Nauck, Aug~. Svo. Berol. 11867. Nevins, Fr. Svo. Lips. 1831. Schaefer, G. H. (Seli.) 2 vols. 12 mo. Ljps. 1531)O ChiEF,,1 EDITIONS OF, SOPHJOCLES,~, AND OF THIS P~LAY. xv Selineidler, T. II. G. S vols. (,",l 2 of inle( Iiil o.Wiir 18280 Sclmineilwin, F. W. (Schueljd,~. or 5dmh.) 7 vols. 8 vo. Lil).:11(1 lrl 1; &e. (Later editions under thle care of Naniek.) efetmaur'. 8vo. Ilerol. 1865- -7. (Ant. Aj. Phlifl) ~SilnD. 8vo. Dunblin 1,18831. with eng1lish. no(tes. Steph., IT. with both the Ro"man schiolia andl IhosC of Trielinius, 4to. Par. 15(iS. --- Ed. II. with seholia and notes, 4 to. Genevae,7 1.6081. Ttirneb. Adriati. 4to. Paris. 1553. Vauvilliers, J. P. 2 vols. 4 to. Paris, 1781. iWieilGilb. in his Deleetus Tragoediarumn, 2 vols. Svo. LonwI. 1791. Witzsehel, Aug. 7 vols. 12 mio. Lips. 1 847-~53. Wolff, Gustav. S vo. Lips. 1858 615. (Aj. El. Aiit.) Wunder, Ed. 7 vols. S vo. Gothae, 18I81I 50. (And other subsequent editions.) *Of the above those marked thus are,special editions of this platy. I III I I III I III lig.1 I "II I 1111 I 11-111 11 I I I, TPAXJNIAJ. '13L~&YnES, Sophocles' Trachiniae.I 1 I, - THE TRACHINIAN MAIDENS. The play opens with Deianira bewailing her troubles and the continned absence of her husband Hercules, of whom she has heard no tidings for months. On discoursing however with her son Hyllus, she learns from him that he is engaged in an expedition against Oechalia, in Euboea, of which Eurytus is king. Hereupon Deianira excites our interest by informing us that certain oracles had foretold that the present time was to be a crisis in the life of Hercules, so that he should enjoy rest and happiness, by a termination of either his life or his labours; and at her request Hyllus sets off to join and assist his father. Presently she receives glad tidings of Hercules. The arrival of Lichas the herald is announced, who delivers to her from her husband certain captive maidens whom the hero had taken in his assault on Oechalia. She is preparing to take measures for their comfortable reception and treatment, when she learns that one of them, whose noble bearing had particularly arrested her attention, is her rival in the affections of her husband. Her desire to retain for herself his undivided love suggests to her remembrance a gift she had formerly received from the centaur Nessus, when dying from an arrow aimed by the hand of Hercules, on his attempting to violate Deianira. Nessus then assured her that the blood that flowed from his wound, mixed with certain other ingredients, if preserved by her in a cool place, would at any time serve as a philtre, and recall the wandering affections of her husband. With this mixture, which she had carefully preserved, she besmears a robe, which, with the approval of the Chorus, she sends by Lichas as a present to Hercules. Scarcely has the messenger taken his departure, when she is alarmed by a portentous phenomenon. The flock of wool with which the supposed philtre had been laid on the robe, having come in contact with the rays of the sun, had dissolved and disappeared, while from the spot whereon it had settled clots of foam are seen to arise. While she is relating this to the Chorus, Hyllus returns and describes the dreadful agonies the medicated robe has brought upon his father; for, on the occasion of a solemn sacrifice to Zeus, he had put on the fatal garment, which, as soon as the poison from the heat of the flame began to work and take effect, adhered indissolubly to his limbs, and caused a maddening and agonizing pain. Frantic with suffering and rage he seizes Lichas, the innocent cause of the calamity, and dashes him down the rocks. On 1* i- r —: S~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~nR~~~~~~p*-~~~~~~~~-l~~~~~~r-l~,,:i uc_,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~?r ~I"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - " i; ",-_-,-,1, = -. —!!! - 4 S0OT KAEOT r hearing this sad news from her sonl on his returnil, aud b)eing relproached by him for her unnatural conduct, she retires to her nupltial Clhaiber and couch, and there puts an end to her life. Meanwllile the suffering' hero is conveyed hIome. The remainder of the play, likes the conclusion oif the Ajax, is very feeble. Hercules is represented in a mllanner hardly wortlhy of a hero and future demigod, raving with physical pain; and after his enjoining his son to marry lole, the innocent cause of his sufferings, iand to place him still alive on the funeral pile, tile drama is l)rouglht to an end. "This play seems to Ile so far inferior in value to the rest which have come down to us, that I could wish to find something that would favour the conjecture that this Tragedy was coniposed, in the age indeed and in the school of Sophocles, but by his son Ioplion, and was erroneously attributed to the father. There are several suspicious circumstances, not only in its structure and plan, but also in the style of writing; different critics have already remarked that the needless soliloquy of Deianira at the opening has not the character of the Sophoclean prologues. Even if, upon the whole, the maxims of this Poet are observed, it is but a superficial observance; the deep mind of Sophocles is wanting. But as the genuineness [authenticity?] of the piece was never doubted by the ancients, as even Cicero confidently quotes the sufferings of Hercules from this drama, as from a work of Sophocles, we must perhaps be content to say that the Tragedian has in this one instance remained below his usual elevation." (Donaldson, Theatre of the Greeks, p. 311.) "Hercules," says Dale, "in the following Tragedy constitutes as indifferent a specimen of the heroic character, as Minerva in the Ajax presents of the divine. But let us descend from the hero to the woman, from the licentious and implacable Hercules to the chaste and affectionate Deianira and we shall again recognize in all its vigour and beauty the transcendent genius of Sophocles. Here at least all is natural, becoming, and consistent. Tie lively exultation of the unhappy queen at the intelligence of her lord's return;-that mournful presage of the instability of all human transport, which is so exquisitely represented as stealing over her at the sight of the unhappy captives;-her generous compassion for lole's sorrows, so well preparing us to sympathise with her own;-the hurried agony in which she resolves on sending the fatal robe;-her swift repentance and anxious alarm;-the utter anguish in which she listens to the reproaches of her son, describing his father's sufferings;-the silent desperation with which she rushes to the bridal couch, there to expiate her unconscious crime by a violent death;-in all these we discern the hand of a master, and forget the deficiencies of other characters in contemplating the excellence of this. On the whole this drama'), if it does not exalt the reputation of Sophocles, would have crowned a meaner poet with immortality." The authenticity of this play has been called in question hy Schlegel and others; a conjecture which Bulwer pronounces "singularly destitute of even plausible testimony." Schneidewin also pronounces in favour of its authenticity. From the general character of the play, some have concluded it was only begun or sketched by Sophocles; others, as Bergk, that in its origi 1) Wakefield (p. 453) calls it 'falbula nobilissima.' i II II ill I 'I ~ I ~ Ir r II TPAXi'NA 1. 5 1va state it was onle of his juvenlile collp)ositi.ons. Be this as it mtay, it appears to have been interpolated in sever al places by the hand of somne 8.tuxGExvaGr'rg. See especially 523 f. 875 f. Dobr. Adv. ii. 40. It has been more tampered with than any other extant play of our author, specially towards the end, as is the case with the Ajax. The request of Hercules to — wards the end of the play to his son that he should marry his intended concubine Iole, who had taken no prominent part in the action of the play, calculated to awaken an interest in her future welfare, seems open to the charge of bad taste. The simple death of the hero would have formed, I think, a more suitable conclusion to the drama. The only conceivable reason for this allusion to the future union of Hyllus and Iole, as Dindorf suggests, is that their offspring figured much in the ancient accounts of the return of the Heraclidae into Peloponnese. Corporal suffering, however severe, is no fit subject for representation on the Tragic stage; and I am disposed to think Sophocles would have evinced more judgment, if he had been content to let the bodily agonies of Hercules be announced by means of a messenger. The violation of the unity of time in this piece, as committed by the most artistic of the Greek tragedians, is observable. At the beginning of the play Hyllus goes to Cenaeum, a promontory of Euboea, and returns back again during the time taken up by the recital of some six hundred lines. Then again at line 632 Lichas leaves for the same place, and the lapse of another hundred lines suffices for his journey thither, his presence at a sacrifice, his murder by Hercules, and after all this for the return of Hyllus, who tells the tale, to Trachis. The scene is laid at Trachis in Thessaly, and the Chorus consists of virgins of the place. It seems strange that the play should have been entitled "The Trachinian Maidens," rather than after the leading character in it "Deianira," as is the case with the other extant ones. Probably this was done by way of compliment to the Chorus, as well as to the Choragus, since the getting up of the Chorus (which formed so important a feature in the Drama) was attended with considerable trouble and expense. Indeed from the shortness of the choral odes in this play, it would seem not improbable that choragic munificence was already on the wane. The portion of the play contained in verses 1046-1101 is rendered in a free translation by Cicero in his Tusc. ii. 8, "Sed videamus Herculem ipsum, qui turn dolore frangebatur, quum immortalitatem ipsa morte quaerebat. Quas hic voces apud Sophoclem in Trachiniis edit! cii quum Deianira sanguine Centauri tinctam tunicam induisset, inhaesissetque visceribus, ait ille: O multa dictu gravia, perpessu aspera, &c." Ovid evidently had an eye to our author's account in the ninth book of his Metamorphoses. The "Hercules Oetaeus" of Seneca, on this same subject, and containing several imitations of this drama, is a tame and insipid production. There is no means of ascertaining the date of the production of this play; but from the comparative paucity and meagreness of the choral pieces, and the scanty use in these of the dactylo-trochaic metre, we may infer that it was one of his later productions. The trimeters of this play, like those in the Antigone and the Electra, are carefully polished. 11 - - - — I —,- 11-1 I , -M 1, I 6 1' 0P0K I EDEO 1 FJK TIJ` ATlOA14OJ&~P() r BIB&1O&)1IKIIL. (II. 7,. nHaz~ Qcayvo'dfrvog E4q KcaXvhcuvu riiv 0 1v Ico g avyariocy Aq cavi1Qcav tvixwq~cnaao Xc' &aziylca T'r' rcv ycy'cojv cvrtqg 7.06 ) 'AZEX6OV C'7r~txo6a51'VTCY r~tYVw 7rEQtdxzc~1E ro6 ErTFOv ) rcav ZEQVcCov %cd Tr'4v ~a'v A ~uVILnV Yc~n1, TO d JXEO(e 'A5og xacta3cv, c6ot, c avr, 'rov'rov t0 t A c t~oy. c(XY e E ~ ftoviov ) harflQ, q~ x~qt~ E1E Ttvgov. rov-ro Thl cog Oqxv~j (P1q t, Jv'vacqtrv EIZE 'rotcv~iriV JCOITE 7rorO'V 4) j corv, 07rro EV~cyvr6 ) TLg, 7reE.t ceqOovov6) GTqC*~',t& JE 'HxXi7g ~arrc KcaX ~vw~cv 'AGrvv6~qrq i rov'rov 4Jvycarot YvvEX&OcV 7tceri) TXqiroX4iov yivocrcat. cErOruvcov JEi'Jovorov riv 'A XVtVgov 7rcdQCe %clr&~ yze~v 61c 6VYE~ JEosrog 7 Ovvao. za 8) 6C ~tdv iwrar roi zcta6' caxov6iov yevo~LdVOV roVY avtijgEf3xorog 6vvryvcO~t6Vv 'H cexx~ 6E xcarc~e T6Vv6o cPVY2qV WirodvtU V 1qjOXe, ncd' 6-q Evcog ) zqb Kiqivxce dn T~aX~vca &Y'7rdvat. c~y7JV t' Jq?-LC'VE1QQUV e4g 7oranpv Ev",vov U{tR i' IEV o za '~6evog JV~wof 10) 6c K'vravgog rovi~g zactr'vrca1) &Er7r6op~arvE'2 Eu~iXYCOv Pr~ 4JrcY v rchiv3)xv 7roprOtlu~v ) d~t~c~vc~ 1t&r6 6lsc~r~ ~hc~rt4). Iv6 15) ~th oI V01V 16) 'HceX)~i 17) 1) The copies of which differ considerably from our Scholiast. 2) irQ6g L. and Apoll. 7reo6g ro~v Aid. 3) 2'rQov] &q'et'roqov Turn., and so Eudoc. Violar. P. 112. 6Eoto'v Tzetz. ad Lye. 50. Cf. Schol. ad Ii. (p'. 194, oV' XUL CroOMciec (corr. "7rxX'X~g)TO ErEgov wiv %qc'euov ila&3 xi'v 7rcee0iE'vov. 4) Aovov Aid. Eudoc. Tzetz. caqkcvlov L. C6~EVCOIV cart~vov, or a~povov the copies of Apoll.?I lrozo6v Turn. 5) tOqo-o'?' 7trox'v 5OQ 7rq-V~tro Apoil. 3QLoro'v 7'7 7roro'v also Turn. 6) cpaovov Apoll. cod. Fain. C''rovov L. Aid. Juntt. and most copies of Apoll. a~qp~ovO6 r.F sac' "'rovov Turn. vuig. 7) d7r'6g] 7iX '~cx the copies of Apoll. and Tzetz. oi'rog ~v Turn. Br. 85) %cd]j cI' Apoll. 9) 6~?'y vo)] dtlyvo) most copies of Apoll. 10) vs'Gog L. and so often the mss. "1) 7cantO'vrczg] 7rcwQ(7r.E'ovrccg the copies of Apoll. 12) 8tF7rOQ~tcvc tta~; 11ycov Br. &F67nQOQ4JFLvF ~ut6Oji Alycv L. 8tL-7rO'QfffLVE utte#0'v (~add. in Apoll.) Aid. 13TccvT?7v Om. Apoll. 14) 7rOQOyLkE'av Dind. from Apoll. zoeoIacv vuig. Cf. Tr. 568, '7rd'QFVE. - a' 8xato~v'v Apoll. 15) CZ xTo] nl Cmx6To Turn. 16 ov Apoll. Dind. III. 6' the mss. Dind. II. Qu. oi'v 6'. 17) 'HQ&,xl2.i added from Apoll. -xoptd~Etv Br. - dtrczroq43ptvcov Turn..4 ~ovoqg Turn. Br. TPAXINIVL4J 7 rov z'orcqx6o' NEq /qia'rcVutc"v JE t~tWaJoN CdU~r'qItd E'drE'iP, Nbiuco &Ugotti'~EV 17). 6 r trv1)cvr1 N 3d5c.r4 Th c"vcx~aoVIi5ii 17 0W o 4rvo )J'vxcaNbwov b'rvo'oEav dI'g rJjv xcuicav. 6' & tdXRcov r~krvrdv, 7rQo~za 5ic'ctva zArj-,vetQcev'8) 'E~v rov r.F yovov by 'iqqxE xaerce rqg y4g"2) szat'TNQ"EVI rb v~v r~a'Jce'trog -rig csiog cJttw avjtid~cg EMYwzv 21). q' & k~roiace I(PiXarrE7Vrlc8!q EcavTI. JdeLtcov R, 'Hax~ mlv A49v67rcxov Zcogav xcet r~ocp ~ro~c, rc~i~j's~vro~22) ty IT', 23) Etojct~r~fo~criv Tog 24) rbv T!ov rcaJv rcaiSpcov XV56a4g Gcc~rcoio 5 cog qx~v ng TgcXivcu 7ro K 'Vxc, V'roJEOEL' i'r' at'roi zIqV'O7rcg xruimoXVuqir ce3'Oai 6 rIx,-E;9v 6'QtrqMeg 26) Atyqdw~ 3caatri~ 6vv~j~yXcq6E AcQdcov- ACMaal~ Y&Q 7VEQt 7174 0QO tQ9cvrvro E~tovv, Ko~ovov 6rqclmqlo~vrog. 6% 7 robroQxov4~avog 'xrme1c'caro eUHcaxX2ic ~o3o~'bv 17 i4 q r4g y~q. go a~c ~c~gdj- 6 2~TUV Ko'covovf~Er xc 6XXwOv27), Xctmv v rycvlv4~a I I I~ev cIdTrtV, JI X~e _ACey6qCjv28) prrcvcdhV 29), gecalkX I ZIQVO~tV, ~v Ai~6X~vo~ rrV.1 30), Icwov5~v cnvc ' rOVa 31) dS pLoVopeXl ~V 7rQo caXi~T30)aicvKxo 6) "Ag~og 32) Zat rjX7 I g. r w riw ci~r~e. C6,T ~x~cov~vc~dvu, %otv6 avorr g6 zWaXlV xcdro roiE'XTovE co gr~v c1cptx6 I'oV 33~i 7T vc rc1r~ 33 r ic (i v1 c E E rI'JIAtvvo) vrov 17 Qi&L4(Ao.6vt ivcw g 'Apyho swas psa 07Xctd Mi1Xdcovrcb xo)Tvo'%vog 68' 7aoLX&cbv xceIv 'Erotovi C'MciXTUEi19Evqvnr ~ qt~lv plxov 2tog'rea aw.6ttabo 'Hrcov1c Turn Apoll.J~ prob. 20) z ov xoi~v chixs T~Xcvog za' x-loxv vuig Corretedvfom Aoll 22) anVrcvcL. vcvr Ao. 23) ~ai Ad c~Oi9Lm. Apoll. 25) 5wsto 'Haix qptlrolv Tt~evz~ HaXc urn. Apoll. Br.b Turn. txiOcg 'HxXEiai vuig.~o Din.-6 HcxiTun 28 toydx severa copies of oXo ug.Cretdfo Apoll.(AoycvotesasTtzHit 29) F`c6 cv]tc xEvr 14ov Trn Apoll.m. Ap~ollad.Tun 30) zsiVu] VrnccviL.%LVV 3Qurarn'aJvr Apo1 c ad ur.Apl. rb 31) 5 ad Ald. a'om. L. and Apoll. 22) 'OEL o~a'L.vr Dind.'aroovr vLg. lag anApll. m.Tun 33) 'O~vtov EXesl 'ando Diodo. ivol. 3,Br.&c 'Ootrbvug V xE!and Apoll. Eudc. - c Apoll Bruc r. iaxcv vuig.IF~~ 'pa 8 8 2~~.:OPOK-IJ~02 T PAXIJVIAI. vc~ ~~r& rdv wAc~w EJ~vzo3 1) cJ EEu) n Iv irrdAtvi, zc4' Ocbpce,rcov 6v'v cxv'rJ5 6Ta rmvcatuvov rov'g mrroaTuvovrcg, 7"01 O K ijizog, zat 4Aqy~ov zac' M6Xpcev, xoiv37 ttvvov wag Vxc4 Xpvqayo)7 acg riv 7r6Atv, 4'ycv 'I0'~iqv at' (WacOrov. X(YL 0rq50QwL — 6,ci Kqva'cdc rig Ei~qolag C'zcoriqQA Athg Kqvcet'ov tirqo6v (Q9i'aaro. ~dco E,,Eovqydiv -X1Qvxce 38) revp c orvi~rai ot'aovrca. zcraca ro9Hov 6 38) r&' zrgt m'v 'I6L~,v ZI'i~cV&Q(Y 7tVao~Lvkj za ~EI5a~ ~3~ Z~~tV1Z&1?3~ ~y~7V7a7, ot awca rq c'kqada 40) qpi)ieov 1vcat ro Qv~v ca4ic Nbwnov, rov'.rc r'v Xtrc~vca `qtav. CAS J'40 caFptvaivtog Toi xitcwvog o tog T17g v t}ero4) rov ph'E Ai~cv ~~f~cXev40), c' TqOIXtVc JE' '7V VI 3N~ lE~ zjCV Ala alh 41) gc Mt~ &vVae. EHC~gxo~d7nat dvmt-c4`v tO ~Xovo~ Toic 7WLW 7L Tr6V 7roqtviorv Vrqg da3 & q c 35) c~~~~~i~~i] 4cd'Q& L.1 qV 36) Iqual~ay Yqtal 7Apoll. tVg t tr O '6rvOgo qe 374ri 1 z) Aid. Juntt.~c6,V17t I' 2 38)og X7jVgtW~ L.Jnt I Herm Did Ug Ki(iUx Ai. TJut I. d TqcNvcog Ho' Kivc Apoli.w' (7rt' T-rqtvc 7rtty.viyv corr.ia Wessel ad DioEx t E oixo Trn xGOVcUlav [thes wod Pare not, fon ithms, x Hpg vy"TIQ ZOITcvc cUT& 41) J7otv'g]ro~Ald Jun~tt33 iyiiyyv-Tr.Jcv~~ 43) x oui u L.4 JL3unt.J~ 11 Hro in Aol. -~ q~ioya Aid. Junt. I. Herm Did 43)I'v ~irOv addxedfo Apoll. cl Turn. ~v tXvcor ese dDo 44 o r 1 sc.). a Aid T and~v Apxv Oll Xneom4Lw Lr. Junt. Tr.18,Aa 45QV). 7vMhC xvZ'v &o'rvo6c Tuncd. c)aS '~~rvd~ v Turn Br.t,E V]'E vp~lo un pl. r rb id TA TOTJzPAMA_4T02: flP02IJA '). zHIHANIEIPA. zIOTAH TPOTbOL2). TAAO2I. xopo)2; rTNAIKSQN3) TPAXI NLQNA. AIXA2L. HPAKAH~2. HTPEZ7B92J. ')This index of persons is given as found in L. Of these the zrcoTCeY(0VLTer acts the parts of Deianira, and Hercules; the (TMV7Myewter~ those of Hyllus and Lichas; the retrycoyvtaev7 those of the nurse, the messenger, and the old man. Iole is a xaopo'v 7r~oaornov. The 6ot2lq reorpog, who enters at the opening of the play with Deianira, and recites 42-60, is doubtless the same actor who addresses the Chorus below 871 -946. 2) 7CQO9~ tycoyo in Ald. (6oi'Xq x~oqwo' being also given afterwards). 0EQce'rcatvcr ed. Br. (who also gives reoq9Jg). 3) yvvauxiov] zrclfr'vcov ed. Br. That the Choros is composed not of married women, as yvvcatniv would seem to imply, but of virgins, appears from the remark of Deianira 143- 152. TPA XI NIAI1. A~HIANEIPA. Ao0'yog tt'v id' c'qctrog a'v0~q(0'zov qpavnig Wgovx aii cacwv 'p' Rfot f3Qorolv, Q'cUv a~v 1. Cf. Ant. 620. 6oqgt' r'Z ov %Fl.tVOV iEog 7CpCevutc, ro, &c Eriphus ap. Athen. 134 C. 10dyog ycX E6T' (YQXC~OV 01a%(O E!Xwv. AEsch. Ag. 750. za~cd(cpcaro c'?v zT0~ k3oOT4 74Q(0v I.yo rhY cec3 Ty'vxs A6#EgV~zc fpcotog 0"43ov TEsVOvo6#c tti~a' rcucicce #VqjaXEtv. Cho. 311. ciQU!GuVXL ircUtV, 'I yEQt7qo)v fttOl rc'67s Tcovsi~. Eur. Menal. Fr. XVII. 7c""14a Lt'vogA '-Qya fL.'v VECOJ~QoJV, Iflovad ci' E`ovat xewo 7EQWXriQ6OV xQU.'rog. -Id. ZEol. Fr. XVIII. 7ra LytQ' odvog (og Ezt Pind. N. IX. 13. "ax 8l. rtL?U5yog U'v#Qan'rcov, &c. Archilochus Fr. 80. aivo'g xtg "'v#QO'17roJv 08c.' -. Herod. VII. 51.?h 'f~v~to3v ely; Pacdsi xa' rP 7akt4WX cVQ7 ~2o, CLS P5 i'nrect, etc. Plat. Phaedr. 37. "4~xce yce cs xcat ' 7rczlcta' 1t"yog T~Qz~tEV 2'V Et.~ yp.1.~~c 2do l Ter. Adeiph. v. 3. 18. '?ina vetus verbunm hoc quidem est,' &c. Pdv 8s6r' L. vuig. 06 ICeG' A. K. Nauck. Rightly. &CoVroC061g Aneed. Oxon. IV. 328, 21. cvdJ 'Peet forth, uttered.' Lat. 'editus, prolatus.' Ant. 621. cocqP a YCC E-% TOy Xx2.tcv CMr~~~q~tu t.~~. R. 848. &)'o cpcev v yr- xSrovzo ec ' harcuao. 474. 525. The construction of CU!v#QO)7McV, if the word be sound, is not very clear. It may depend either on koyg or on qpvcivE( (cf. on Phil. 3). The former mode seems the more probable (cf. Pind. and Archil. 1. c.). Qu. ~'~C XLtVOg cpcvEig (as in Ant. 621). Or 10'yog 7rcelcat EGXr 1V U60v4Y 'otgro pcavEt1g. 2. ovn cev cd~iv' oow' ovn cv 'K. afcov'-j3qoro~v] 'The life of mortals,' i. e. of any mortal. 4~cOotg L. T. Stob. Fl. 105, 38 (?np 4ot, supr. g, ins. A.), and Suid. v. adljvcc (the best mss.) Johns. Br. Wak. &c.?xpc6'#bjq (or -01wq) K. V. [?nttc'~ot A. B. M. Aid. Matth. Cf. on Aj. 144. El. 697. (lEd. C. 796. nc~x' '"v lcajpotg, &c. Fr. 563'. Aisch. Sept. 719. a'Ei4 &6iiiovov ozn% Uow Mnpiyotg (ot supr. in L.) xcexcel. and on Arist. Av. 38~2. The author of this apophthegm is supposed to have been Solon: whence the Scholiast charges our Poet with an anachronism, comparing Herod. I. 29-33. Cf. on ClEd. R. 1528. ~,sch. Ag. 928. rilt'acc ciR%'r I (Lo'v rEI~vr Gcuvr' J1V EvzE6roi q2Ltfl. Eur. Andr. 100. ZQ ci' 5'" 7EoT' EIIVELV ovi0 o)4'V' 3tov PQ~OI7EQ14 IXV, #UV0VoToq, ti'V trE1EVTcW'CeV LT'cgIt O'(O~ 7tEQC~YaG 'LttQuV juxce'rc. Dionysius Stob. Serm. 251. #vnr6v clI 1Lr~ci-i 1pi7ciP5 Oi IXPOTOKAEOT22 TPAXIN 11 I 1 ahvjr, oI 0 r' dE ovr E! rco a g u 4i6E ro~y &Aov, xa4 Ir~tv ei M4uov ~Iohrv, vULov5, F"r' Ev HAzEv96vt vvlupd'cov 0"r2.ov 010' 7rTE 'to, r npv ouvrov E rsv E)vT5GCavr ic? I?v &6p')r va t I102' 11 07E. TO'V 4JMV0V'r'?iratJ6cat. Sopli. Fr. 572. OVI X9 72TO EV 7rQC 60VXO~g e.03,'ect TvY~ I (Zv1QOq, 7r(L'v Cav'r naCv!2XE?~O lp&q Pthog cTt xrQCxv44 xcal xr2~vrry f3{o (XE vijowvx i'cYg?). Herod. I. 32.?IXEVo lrAs'E LEovxco CE Fyco Eso AEV160L~ lity. Pind. Isth. III. 49. ~C'pc'v,-cu rv'ca nelv r~log "~'QOV UE'GaaCL. Theogn. 375. ov' yaQ C`v E1`6Ft'rjg "vYQog vo'ov ov' F Ys V~ctLO,9 I 7VQ1LV 7ct~q'_ q 5ClrFt iiro~vytiov. 963. tt icor' E`rrcV'av1e 7t V IWg'saar 0,I L 0 L 0 0 a, ")9, 1 I'97 MY' vqVf'~tt'v xuL XrQO'7OI' "G-rtg CV lb 3. a~,, K. L. M. V. Yen. Stob. cv. p. 562, and Snid. (two mss.) Junt. II. prob. Elrnsl. (ad Eur. Siippl. 916. Iph. T'. 18. Her. 959. Med. p. 119. anid in Quart. Rev. XIV. 453). c'vot A. B. T. vnlg. Cf. Ant. 175. ' - 2)02 (YE 7MCVTog 0!V(YQ0'g?xpcU{)tv zI 4V XV -- 7t Qt'V a' V C)Q xCtL - V~9 q9!~. 308. Eur. Her. 181. rt'g av 6Ytx~ VLVq vu ~y &v 7taqe ~cipqoiiv tt~frov 1xnpc'0- au~p; (Where lxucc#ot without U~v would have done equally well.) Iph. T. 20. oa ' vc3 WOptdan x~lovO, 2r CV %O~lV 617'I IqyvscavAQr~ttg )1d(3 (I"c'got the m~ss.) acpcysfctav. Arist. Vesp. 725. l(QtLv av &c~potv tt~Olov 'xo ia~, oi vY'e.C.ls on Arist. Eq. 1034. Pac. 32. Ran. 766, and on 687 below. Apitz in vain defends #cUvot by Plat. Phald. p. 101 D. U QI ~~EV XatY OV~x CI~O~vcao, Hcg U~V Ta 5r' EniV77 09~.t77 VTcU Glcato, El-. (Where Stailbaum, who formerly suspected &ev, now defends it. It should undoubtedly be ejected, uinless indeed for aE'iVCto we substitute xi1) o'r' EL Zq~parog, o EL~ cc'9) %UXOj For the position of r~p cf. Ant. 257. aqttsic - ovr g ov'rc rov flVV(OV EqadvEro. Below 1254. 7rellv FarsvIarcciypbv rtv' o~arpov..tEsch. Prom. 21. EV v' OXE q(hW)Vn ov're roy P0Co-qnv jporCOv I o'ipEt. Eur. Hec. 730. o"',r' 117rddog yc'q ovXEF roy 6,a Yd, OQ& OI U,6og ITLZQ qtkL 2.Similarly El. 929. 77,6~ oiME ltrt (TvaXEQ 'g. See Pors. ad Hec. 374. Matth. Gr. ~. 428, 4. Nene compares Plat. Prot. p. 312 C. oir' El Uyca5 OV' Et XUXc5 7tQUYtiUXL. Wakefield fonnd a difficulty, and suspected some error, in this verse. Qu. - ov'r ovv (cf. on Ant. 4) dL ncaxc6g Or ov'r' 8l Zeyr' lar', ov'r' Et' nccxg. 5. E`Xovicc] Perhaps cayovaa. 6. 7rargQg pe -] The apodosis to this is contained in what follows 27 f. or perhaps 36f. Cf. Phil. if. M-v, without ME' following, occurs 265. 380, &C. 86'tuot~tv] 80Yttotg (tv add. m. pr.) L. 7. vcdov&' Iv K. L. Al. 2'O!OVact Ev V. Yen. vc'ovau tY' I'v B. L'dov Iv' A. HI)EvQe5vt va'Cova V. ValOV Er " V Erf. Dind. Hart. Schn. Bergk., also Kidd. ad Dawes. Dobr. (Cf. on 922.) iat'ova' i'rit Wnnd., who considers?v has crept in from a gloss. (Cf. Fr. 401. JicocYovt vattcov ZEV' -. MZd. R. 1451. E`U tpE vactlv o"QECLv. Below 172. J4oYc5vt. 115. Ttlpvv~t. Eur. Phicen. 617. Mvxrjvcat. Or. 103. A9yct.) vcdo0v61v Apitz. Seyf. Nclk. (Cf. on AJ. 59. o' xx)nEVa zcltg CV IliV noV Vat"Etg AWMZM71 T-:7 — 12 ~OPOKAEOP~2 Og yIETV E&q0P, a' T,tv ~oW5 yvvi.U7rQg 99Otr(OV E'VaQY)]g MVO L~ a.OT cdo2Aog vcdva'~x'~)Weeki., coll. '22. (iEd. R. 801.Cf40 i v vTctvedoprvv. Horn. II. ~'. 116. 0c)xvov 6'?v N7XvQv-0Vv, Xca cdirvtvy Kakv6Jw.ovt E' 708. J0 ' Ev "Tkq vcdsEaXvC. l7Uv~quvL] Sophocles alone, observes Mueller (Dor. T. I. p. 417), makes Deianira a native of Pleuron. Other writers mention Calydon as her country. V. Apollod. II. 7. 5. Diodor. IV. 34. vvttqmc(a0v A. B. K. vvytqpiwcv L. M. T. I. q. vvttrp v,rcoxv (CiEd. R. 980). Cf. An-t. 814. ov~r'?Int vvft9Jlt'otg 7rCo XLF' rtqVtvog vtzVn68V. Schol: vvttPcptcv. cUvxt ro~ vvupvpv~tcUrcov. Translate: 'About mty marriage.' So Phil. 752. Yro'vov 6acvrov irotvi'g. oxvov A. B. K. T. vulg. Apitz. Wund. Bgk. Nck. O~yxov V. orlov K. (in marg.) L. and v. 1. in schol. (where it is explained by r 'v ralatcoet'csv). Cant. Steph. Erf. Wak. Dind. Sehn. Hart. The common reading is defended by W'un(1. &c. "Orlog is explained by the grammarians to mean toio (Hsc.) orvog, xo'c~, a X2~otg, which sense well suits this passage. Cf..ZEseh. Sept. 18. rZUMY rt vcoxoi~au rzvtd'ce J5r~tv (schol: nrcvov). S. Cf. Eur. Andr. 6. v~v 6", vi t?J7,6vr~r~v vi.I such phrases Sophocles usually omits &i)log, as observed by Bergler (ad Arist. P1. 65). Cf. (2Ed. C. 734. 1006. 1664. Aj. 488, &e. AilrcoltYg] Aixcol M. 9. 'AXcic5ov UJyco] V. Valek. ad Phcen. 994. Blomf. ad.ZEsch. Sept.' 485. Lob. ad Aj. 569. On this courtship of the Achelous see Wund. Introd. III. ~. 3. 10. 1?"rvt A. K. L. T., &c.?~xtB. M. Yen. Tranlt y~rvr 7WXTedg, 'asked of (or from) my father.' 11. qpotr(4] 'Coming frequently, visiting.' Wakefield marks a coloii after rpoLXCov, construing thus: 0o9, qpotr.Jiv EV rewta jktoqFUi't,?d[ ILV EVctQyr] nvQCarrjg eonj. Herw. 'Evident, manifest.' (IEd. R. 535. a'rl T' Evagyng- Tr. ~224. re'rc - P3?J7rrvtv 7rc'CqEr' lvceQyi. (iEd. C. 910. ZEsch. Agr. 684. Ivc1Qy'q &3CS~tg. Pers. 175. mv aYyG (ovceq). Lucian. cal. &c. 18. CPcUVEVXTe EVCCQ71J Tv 4fJ'ov 87rtx ipcu, &c. Herm. and Wund. explain it 'purus putidus' (i. e. integri tauri specie), as opposed to &V169Q?(C Xiizve 3olSereogo- Wakefield finds fault with the epithet lvoaqy'gj, observing that there is no reason why this should be predicated of the ra~Qog more than of the 6e'-Aczov, &c.; and moreover that some special epithet, suitable to a bull, is here required. He therefore corrects 1VvEQY?7 XXVeOg, 'validus taurus, 'a strongq powerful bull.' But cvc~ym~g does not appear ever to bear this sense. Qu. " Ix -?6"zv~ narcer I cpotq5?vc ` Izc A Gleo &C.Xor' aiZ (or riy~og "y~tog T 5'T cev, cf. El. 739. An t. 3 67) 6Q'Mc~cov i~uog &c. But the true reading is probably qJOLrcov Co'r cz"'Q7nQ TUVQ0~ lo~r' - (cf. El. 739. Tix'r' ~ i~ rvo) ht being here an appropriate colour, and corresponding well with cdo'og. Cf. Eur. Iph. A. 574. c'QysVVUxi 7raqu poxog vca5vQog] "Diod. Sic. IV. 36. Strab. X. I. M~Eian. V. H. II. 33. Lambin. ad If rat. Od. IV. 14. 25. Erf. ad Trach. 519. " (Apitz.) Cf. 508. 519. Eur. Or. TPAXUVIAL.1 13 r~~o X(~ C'JJOT' UwVdQ~t' X j &V2TqcOqo, X ME 6aaxt~ov Y~vaco& 1377. 'Qxyrv0xs - ZavQoflecvog. Baceli. 1017. pcUV'qO9t TcrvQo9 )I 7ro2~vQc&vo,?iv. r.O.V.1.5.'Sic taurifornmis volvitur Aufidns.' Ovid. Met. IX. 80. 'S~ic quo que (levicto restabat tertij teen 1 fornma Irucis: lauro miutates mienbra rebello.' Some derived this figure, according to Strabo p. 702, fromn the tortuous windings of rivers, U5ro' rcO-v na'r& TceQ"~ xattz5LrOv, U4 %ca~ovt x~Qara. So Val. Fl. VIII. 186. 'Fendere non uno tanteni queem flunzina cornue accipinmes.' But it is more probable that rivers were so called from the roaring sound of their waters (C&ir' xcov "I(V Strab. ibid.). IL. c'. 237. Toig gc(2UE 'Q~E pcfvx 'g ""v Ta,~og. e).2ox'] For the suplpression of the former ix1orE cf. on El. 752. CpQV, 5O '1tQ 4av&, allor' OVQC(vCI gxEl 'Zq noqpa(vV. Eur. Hecc. 28. Inlca~ ' Unxroxi-, GXlox'?v ro'vrov clo.(Pors.) Horn. Ii. x'. 171. cdao~og 4UQcuaiv1 Cf. 834. cdd2olo 5QUxoV. Horn. Il. tt'. 208. atdUlog ocptg. Pind. P. VIII. 48. YQU'XoVTU 7CotLXL0V. 12. Meineke suspects the integrity of this line. d1eci".scV ilxtx6o] Sehol: dtc& To' axoxt~v Tcov e vpcrco~v. And so oxlplaills Strabo X. 20. dic~ 'a fci txog xat Tn'v 6xolc0xrqxa. Ovid. Met. IX. 63. 'Elaborqee viro longunm formatus in angeenz: I qni postquain flexos sienuavi corpus in orbes, cf-c.' Hesiod says of the Cephisus, Fr. 201. sElcypE'vog TVno9 Plo 11v~ l the mi-ss. selbol. some mss. cf. Strabo. vulg. Erf. Apitz. lBerg~k. %vrEsc fOV'7CQ~dJQ0 Strab. X. 2. Musgr. Br. Wak. Schaefer. Herm. Wund. Dind. Schn. Nauck. xTv'zc P3o teoJQog Hart. Philostratus Jun. 4. 0 Vzir(0QCa av'r(o (Achelous) zeo'660nr", xat YEVSLu&g L'~ xUa tEvaicv17t z~iLtveovacet roi yvvviov. Empedocles ap. Al~ian. H. A. XVI. 29. zroWX tciV "t17QoG(0hJr x~ lareQvu (F~#u I P3OV75V5~ o'v Q ~Q ~p Qc a ' d' 'pzraltv?4cav+urS4v &'veocpvi~ fpozXQava, &c..AEsch. Sept. 533. ~laax~w xcXlt~rp~ov(schol: xa rtQ6Samozov), &,VdQirccc9 UV~q. Ag. 235. ar'xar' rE %aXc(t~rCQWQov. Cho. 389. =1x'Qot#Ev 6' 7tQ0Qc(9 (Schol: xg OiVccog). Sept. 53. ~lian. II. 46. avx~ri'neop xoj x'Ox0 7dxoVixa&. Ilesych: Po1'7rQTQoV. - 67 tcdv ME xact xi>' PovZQ66onrov. In like manlner a~vd9Q7rQoiQog (Cz'v1QonQr,(acogro Hesych.), ccvxt'ZQ~oQog Tr. 223. Hesych:,7recoea, r 66acorov. Blomf. GI. Prom. 431. With jPovnXQcvog cf. xaCvQdaecvog (Eur. Or. 1378. ',bxvavo' xarvQ0'xQavog). Kixog means any 'cavity' (so #069,xxog nxv'og Arist. Pac. 1223. xet'ro~og Eur. Suppl. 1209. xs9cpal'jg Plat. Tim. p. 155), sometimes the 'cavity of the body,' especially the 'trunk' (Arist. H. A. I. 7. 1). Hesych: nix 'og gaop&. of the hippopotamus Diodorus says, I. 35. To 6,' olov xxxrog xro~ awCwOILT ov"X ceottotov kEqaGVu. The reading xirV'r is not lightly to be discarded; indeed it may be perhaps the true one. Cf. AEseb. Sept. 488. 'Izz~opi~ovrog aXrjtu xca ~ xt~o~. Fur.Bacch. 129. ~qmo c1l~ xinT 'rov. Still the sense seems to require rather icvXEt trunk than xvircp formn. ixvevdQ5o in the sense of U'v#QcoirE~qJ, as a'v?'7Q is occasionally used for 13. P~o rrQQo not t3~o~g ovzeQ6oeo, is said to be the correct orthography of the word: cf. on Phil. 482. da~axt'ov yEVvcc&doq] lseli. Pers. 321. irvea'v> Ii=Xn#~ liceGfov 7,EvvccUa. Eur. Baech. 218. 1v dE' deaxtfocg oqvat. 14 14 ~2~~000iK/EOT12 ZQOVVOt' (Yt, —catV0PT0 XQ'pUWOl 2TOTOV. roto'v& 4e3h x~irvrc oPEA6#Va'v 13E Novho ijvo v c~a xi6ca~Uv aPEV1 r &v,4tij 0XQOV6J & 1,A znvo AAL w ~ ng~1 rg za! 1,, U) apg2 14. x~ovvoL i YtsQocvovro] An enallage of construction, for properly that is said to be 'd'V~acat, on which any liquid is poured. Cf. Aj. 376. QEepvov oat~t' i'1svau. (Ed. R. 1279. fik).cr Lt3Qo0 -?rysx.Beo 848. Perhaps 6LEQQiOVTrO, or xar~epmovzo. xenJVcLOv 7rolroii] Phil. 21. 7roro'v xeqiVaOV. Xselh. Pers. 475. xenlvcaov ya~vog. Hloxoi is gen. of.7roro'v. 15. ~ ~ ~ 'JiLaving received' (at hone, as a guest). Wunder explains: 'exceptum habens.' Cf. 233. dt ~Jnv' 'Heaxk~a 7rQoGadOl~ouat. 628. z&' x~g Mivr, 4Q6v 7roadytt"r". 376. r1V',tiG6IS7Icyt 7rfltLovrJV caxGTEYov; Heath: 'ad mie recipiens.' Wakef: 'nacta.' Others wrongly explain 'awaiting.' GI. T: 2r~oadoxaixac. For Achelous had beei -already admitted to the house as a suitor. 16. '~s'l ELi A. B. K. L. T. Br. tacitly. xax45crvstv 17r?7vZ.tctqv] (Ed. R. 249.?irZotc - c,t~V. EarrvyJ6nv A. B. K. L. T. vulg. Is. h?7rvy0'4uv Dind. 17. Suspected as an interpolation by Bergk. Weckl. Dind. z~,,6 xot'xrng cprEaa#,jvat the imss. ro~6E xot'xrn Wunder (v. Emend. P. 5-f.). racdd xoevatg - conj. Schneid. Cf. on Phil. 677. rx'V 7r)C raV, Ixx, ov rot oivzh. El. 272. Ev xot'xy 0t. (d i 1101. Eur. Rhes. 920. U'XTQOtg h X~~ ~rQvtisoV qpvtxa)kdoig. Eur. Tro. 204. tixrpoLg 7ccr#hid' 'Eklcivcov. Andr. 25. Hec. 890.,Esch. Fr. 161. a?'W 'Avrtx2Eldag &a-aov Z tYav~og - " a'?'ydtvaxo. 'EcLrE"~Etv governs a dative 748. zrov 6 Ep~kr~tg rc'v6eti -; But cf. on (Ed. C. 1483. Ph, 1333. Qu. zpt'v udals xot'xratg. (Cf. 92~2. 1v xoIt'rlGla xraia6`c '5v 'retiv. El. 194. Ev X01Mxca 7rCCT&0atg..) Or 7rt'tv X?& xot'Ty, y. H 'tx governs a dative Ear. Or. 1279. cog ovxtg iqtv JccvaVliiv nsl'~rxta. Rhes. 776.,rElac~Esafr arQaxcJ. Below 748. 7ro'ii & iFp2~siX'stg zd'vdltA -; Barges also (ad Suppl. 780) proposes zoiratg (xoitxy n) for xo1,vq. Translate, lhis alliance. So X~o 1227. 18. Xy0dv0o 6 1V VGii~co] CMd. C. 614. roi; cI EV VGVEQco %QOVCO. t,qu'v di psot] ZEsch. Prom. 23. cX',Guivco 6i aot j i Totxt2.r4tkWV vV~ CUmoxpt VEt (pt'og. Arist. Pac. 582. cog q~#Eg qipxiv c'alttivotg. Ear. Ph. 8d8 xaci4 ~1opivotatv?IV io YE2UjtEVoV. (Ed. R. 1356. 4iEiiovxt xa'ptoi xoiVx c"v niv. (Ed. C. 1505. ro~o,~vrt 'reopcvrjP67. IL. a'. 108. El~kto d4E xsv gP'0 ft.374. Od. Ik'. 438. tm'. 220. cp'. 209. Vp'. 241. to'. 400." (Apitz.) 8i p&ot A. B. K. L. d' Itioi T. The p'c-v seemis almost superfluious. Should we read XQ ~VO ' 'v iaxiiea, PUWi c"aplkv, diEot 20. &yiivc - ftt7j] Ear. Andr. 725. p0&Crjg ixyyt~v. Her. 798. Aj. 1163. t'arat kYC~(Xqg iQtd60, ztg 6'1yo0v. El. 1441. d~t~& iiv. Pausan. X. 21. 2. TPAXINIAI.1 1.5 -EX)VETrt ~U xcd rQ0rov 11,V UV zio'vcav oivx UV 6dLfizotp~'o 4 i ot 14 c oaJrtg Ijv pn pot TO Zy - VP~ot rcor~ 25 dt 67) xah~5g* AEx~ YcX( 'Hgctx)t xgtro'v Eg ayc~vwa?)1,;6 2rolov. Arist. Fr. 471. -" xv,sovoItcIZOV zrcWX ",yi5va vbv 'agruitv. Virg..in. XII. 598. 'pugnae -in certanine.' r~d -]Jx6v8E (supr. jo) K. 'With him.' 21. lxlvn] Qu. Ixxv'r-rat. The change to the present, as in 362 f. Aj.- 31, &c. zovcov] It60hcov conj. Wakef. 22. 6tsi'7rotjt'] I. e. &tnyj~acrtrsPv, 'ex'plain distinctly.' CZEd. R. 394. 854. Hoin. Il. x'. 425. Plat. Legg. VII. 14. 23. 4facncjiv] 4Nc6x6v (cire. a m. ant.) L. #iaxc~v A. T. vulg. #crxiov Br. See Elrnsl. in Her. 994. Cf. CM~. R. 20. (IEd. C. 340. Aj. 106. 325. 1173. Eur. Her. 240. 994. The Schol. takes it for a substantive, for be observes: ql~&xog- xa~d "auep a~ iag] 'Undismayed by the sight.' Cf. 691. 'a~ttz' T'lleov. Ph. 828. V"rv' z3vcrpu c8acr49. Od' O"' Herm., whom see on Phil. 86-87. "0s' is doubtless right. Cf. Ant. 464. 'Oeartg ycq Ev zro)1otatv, cog SCO, XUXoi~g I ~,- irZ0 OiX1 XUThaVcO'V %E-Q&Y~ qaEQvt; 646. "aertg c6' aV orE~qa cptzv&s rkv~ix, 11t rovd Zv st~zoig I"Wo -; Below 820. El. 441. Cf. on Phil. 87. Burges oa Phil. 86 rashly proposes aY'24. ~u'J[q '"pqv A. B. L. (supr. a m. rec.) T. Harl. Ald. The Schol. knows both readings. Translate~ 'I Sat, was sitting.' Cf. 524. c& 8' EVi&7rt c09cpI rqavyEC 7rcQ' 0x~ ~).A.311. iji~ro. Exn~X~yfpiv~ (po'gc] Arist. Ran. 137. IL E' gn qrtE pnd' &ctg"c_ xrov. JEsch. Pers. 295. Eur. Ion. 415. Hipp. 938. 25. Cf. 465. r8" nde'log aiv'ri rO6 jP1'v c~~vm.This line is condemned as spurious by Dobr. Hart. Nauck. p ' with opt., as in 482. 631. Aj. 278. 533. Ph. 494.?~iv'ot] 'Should beget, cause.' Lat. ' pararet.' Cf. 284. Phil. 287. yaa6rpl IkE~v rc' GVjpoQca I.ov ro'd' C4,VQtaxE. El. 1061. 1305. 26. ycyo'vtog] 'Who presides over contests.' I. q. l'ayc*ovtog. Schol: 6 7rQV~xrVtg Toii c"ycvog. Cf. Find. Isth. I. 85. 6'ycovtog Eeg XAschl. Ag. 496. TOV'g T' C1YCOViovg #EOVoi3 7r~VTC~vx Z~o~acv86i Suppl. 197. 27. dt 67 nacd6g] '.If indeed it was well.' Cf. El. 1425. nacdcg (nv.~EE), 'AizaiX~o~v Et n rucg?#'GamGVv. Below 483. 7'&ak"(OV, El' Tt xrjvdl dx~a(TIMcV vg'k&vg. Arist. Ran. 74. Toixo - CZYc#'V, Ig nAL TOi& UQU. 1SZ9- 6VauTi1' X cXo9] Hanl. Construe, 6vax.acc y&Q 'HQaxl, cIC ~XOg XlQLT6V, 'for having been united to Hercules as his chosen partner.' Schol: ~VaT&,aa dv- o a'V1T' VV,-Xoiecr. Wakefield rightly takes kt'xog for a nominative. Cf. 360. xev'qnov cog E`Zot XL.Zog. 1227. Aj. 491. '7c To 60V 1 4~og ~vvi~Afov. CEd. C. 251. Aj. 211. Eur. Andr. 907. (x~q TLV EVV7Vv ceVx& GOV GzE'QyE& zdaetg; Phoen. 817. q' &v etVaVqtov?V'og n'rEV., Iliad a'. 31. lps'v Xzi;og C'IV Tow6a aV. 16 ~~~~~~O O0KA EO0TE ~va~rc~i U'u' rv' i'x q(Fo&v qx45ovs rg'pco. XEIVOV 7(QOXnj~CVOVtftC!vv' E1V& a ya z ZV 'Z(19rrdZvov. 30 xQtxovJ 'Ghiosen, selected.' I. q. E'nx~erov. Cf. 245. 28. Sehol. ~voxroza. "'PTI To' gvvEX?'o~,gc. Qu. ~vfj3p&a' (i. q. 'vvs,-~&.si A. B. T. &e. cdvi K. L. ELV -% cp 'ov (p 'Pov1 'Sonme fear after another.' xQ~qpo] 'I fost-er, harbour, entertain.' Schol: U'vrtL xOV ~co, a V-co(. Cf. 108. 6Esfc T~cpovaccv. 817. Oyxov ya&Q "N2.og dv60'Prog T( Idsf Q, CPEtV uo-; Aj. 503. oZ'cyg kat'xg - rTQ8mPt. 1124. '~ yx~i~aacci GOV TOyV #VjLOV cog cstvO'v TQ1C'qft. Phil. 795. TQE~pOLTE lrijlv6s T?'jv vodaov. Ant. 1089. TQE'(pssV Tijv y~cagiaav ',vXcwrEQv. (Ed. R. 294. c(l.)X' EL' zr L ff~ dYelkaTog TQ"UJfL fyt-Qog. 356. CEd. C. 186. Aj. 644. Ant. 660. 897. 1889. Ph. 795. Arist. Vesp. 1 10. Vq'cov - ai~ytctXoi ~V E`ov TOf 92f. 29. 7rQox?7qcdVovgctj Sehol: c'occa L~fV~ ncc %~ XQ N?GTLV?v P3"4'#Et govtsvofrfvi. GI: cpeovrt'~ovact. Eur. Hipp. 225. TizorOT, co T, Exvov, T"16E wqeacdvstg; Here. 519. x( p?7td; 7roe' iVsctoa %27Q(XVOVG 0 Qio; Hesyclh: wrjacdvsc - pQLpVce, (Povr(~Et, (Yvgavca-ax. The compound TrQO~tdf~v I bliee, ccus nowhee ese.Qu. rrQowxoca1iVoVGU. KrceX~cdVELcv occurs Ant. 20. V ~ y. Translate: 'Fo r (one) night brings in a trouble, and (another) night remnoves it, having received in succession (a fresh one),' i. a. For each returning night replaces the existing trouble by a new one it introduces. And so Billerheck rightly explains: "Altera nox alteriuts noctis doloremz execipit, ita ut Dejanira uno tenore execrucietur." Cf. Aj. 866. zr'vog TrO'vcO Trdvov qphq ft. (Where schol: O' (Y vov~. - L zovog En? 7ovc r'Odq~~. co ~'Oltwoq [L.T' 1] x IF T(eL~,N4 Y& I &c.) Also Fr. 4 00. rr7c O'v 7rovov I h% vvzrx C'XiXlo'aOVGUTn xovct#j" ~cc6eav. (Ed. R. 198. i'Tt vVV a~2f OX Eff~~ QfOt Eur. Hee. 585. MQcexcI~a a' fflfL4'fV wi ~i~rj rc 6'cco~og xact5v xzaxotg (i. e. h'tt6qfoftt' xaexce ncxotg). Andr. 802. cog xuxo'v xcrxco I dtc'doXov 42 rnfl(' 'p9'TSQ Vrvvrct. Suppl. 72. cXycw) 206' aWt0g FQXETlxLY 7(C)V y Ootg 'cdloxog. Xen. Cyr. VIII. 6. 9. xollQLCJcyysic 'XC T VIVXVTEtVOV ~tdi~ih I-br. Epod. XVII. 24. 'nullurni a labore mne reclinat otiumn;I urget diem nox et dies noctem; neque est I levare tenta spiritu prercordia.' Similarly Ant. 596. ov'' C'allatowt yEVfctV YE'og (Se. T7rqtCCTxCOV). Jt~ciXFG#tc4 means 'to take up in succession, to succed to.' Phil. 867. t)9i csYyo; f~rvov clta'o~ov. By a common poetic license night is said to do that which happens in the night, as in 34. (Ed. C. 609, &c. And night is mentioned rather than day, because that is the time when the mind, being most active, broods most over its sorrows: whence qpQovvrclfg ivvvxot has become almost a proverb. 30. tt'ttif9'fi &tctE6-ygFtfv4] t'roO'EiETat &8EIyiE~vov Suid. v. tO'vog. ttrto#E!s] Sc. 7rr'vov. Wunder wrongly understands c3ro'V, I. e. Hercules. Deianira,7 he says, complains that her husband, whenever lie happens to return home, is obliged to be off again the same night. And so Schol: &6TI xov, vvxrx' 'QXErctU ncrt VVXx0' 4opjWLxc,rt ojrrf 8LGclOX~jV pLOt TOWV TOVfOV YEVEG#EUt. Tfovov] I should prefer 926 joov. If the interpretation of the Scholiast TPAXINIAL.1 17 nrwn OZc3 UQov~aV icxrozrov )OcOVc, Gar81qcofl ~LOVOII 7t9O61&& zc~ctU~1oV &7tc~. ro[to6rog atcd&v E' 604tovg r,6 Xa 60d~cov CC-Et TrOV ccV69 &`ZEPZ AC~VQEVOVTat TO). 35 Vi71 6', iqv& UO)AovV C5V V7ZC8~TEA -'P wvere the true, one, n6o'Gv might seen- a not improbable correction. Billerbeck conjectures &adc-dy~ttrvov zrc1/ovg (sc. atxrov). The sense of the passage is certainly rather obscure. 31-3. Perhaps a histrionic addition. 31. %c'rpt'acqtv b5' A. K. corr. L. Aid. %'.5cpvace Jz~v 6i4 B. K. pr. V. xcpva Tr. Cf. El. 1230. 0'6tctv (46 c~ gv al.). Qu. n '1veaitsv Vra. rOVg &VO~ 7roxe -] Translate: 'whonm he occasionally (or formnerly), as a husbandman who has taken a distant piece of land, beheld once only at sowing time and (once again) at harvest,' iL e. only on some few occasions. The sense of the passage requires us to connect Ui7rce po'vov with both arst6Qwv and rttc~v, 'once only at seed-lime and (once) at harvest.' For be who visits a piece of land both at seed-tin-i and harvest, sees it, not once, but twice a year. That Hercules saw his children more than once may be inferred from 34 f. Hercules formerly used to see his children occasionally, like a busbandmnan, who visits his distant farm merely at seed-time and harvest; but now his continued absence excites Deianira's keenest apprehensions. Wunder explains: 'Qutos Hercules non seepius vidit, qutam agricola sata agri longe dissiti videt, in quemt tantumi semnentis et mzessis temipore venit.' I doubt if zror,-v be right. 32. yr'xmqg (sic) L. y rijxg vuig. yi~ 'T7 huDd. I. q. VEOVOg Fnxig conltracted from ymq" as Aprvstpca from Aq 6ctvsrce 49. ycvvjg from ysvn`t Ant. 249. Cf. on (lEd. R. 18. Compare Xcoqt~rqg, 0'6tr'x, 'Zoxm, roX g &c. ce~oveixv] 'A piece of arable land.' Ocd. li. 1257. 'Fxxozov] 'Distant.' Schol: 9'~co xati 7ro'qco oVTGcXv. 33. ant-tq-ov] (lEd. R. 1498. El. 533. Aj. 1~293. 'aattr~v].ZEsch. Pers. 808. '-4Ev 7ra'y4xavrov?'cqrti #4og. Ag. 1640. lacrmpjeat - 6V'Gi~nipov #io Eur. Bacch. 1314. -x rctrjg~aa Xae~xtCxrov Q4og. Perhaps we should correct, 7roaiE& xcev~g 16alc5v. The passage is none of ti-i clearest. 34. Towbogvo aiov-E`rsrL7rE] I. e. xoto~v'r ai'CZVL? 7tEPrOllV &C. Similarly (Ed. C. 358. xi'g a' 4fQ5v oiXo#Ev axOXog; El. 782. O' 7rQoaxceZr~v QOVOg 6'trjylc ttL XL8V cog #VOVPLV1qV. s A. B. K. L. T. vuig. 4. Dind. &c. dtg 46u6ovg xv ' Y 6'ttcov A. K. L. T. s'n 6'(Y o xs %v4 d'uovg B. 13r. 35. U&a(] uhs' A. B. K. L. T. Turn. ~aemvovrac rxm] 'Doing service for somze one,' as for Eurystheus. xrco (xr written over another letter, perhaps 7r) L. 36. 'And now that he has got to the end of (has accomiplished, mastered,) these labours.' v~r~,X 'gj] I. q. V'rEQx5QOg, 'master of,' as having accomplished thea-. Schol: otov zoi6 rkovg 'rov 0'1#cov 1O'csixxwvo #'G~ ccv~ro4g And so explains Hesychius: Y'7rE' To' xTXoq 4i'htCOV T6~v&Y Upt'Xo'p*vog..2Esch. Ag. 277. Mrv,1mX~g ('crossing' the sea). Eur. Ion. 1566. IBLAYnE'S, Sophncies ' rnaclulniac. 2 i8 18 ~ ~ 2O~XbOKAEO P~ E~ oi, yaq iixra Zt~vo~ 'Icptrov Pt'e'v, Ti-lg t dEv gVTqa~rttV ri-(4 &cKa'aracot iEvctz~ arov'Yg ol(c zx~nxv c'loiy:rtcza. Ea zt OL'SOJV 4~tVoloxc0V V7,F(iXqig I ceVri'XtoV rZQo6ciJ7tOV sxcpcaVEL llscoV; ZEsch. Ag. 350. vIETnSQXSf t atfyc 60V~IELag ycXycqtov. Of the fact that Hercules had now arrived at the termination of his labours she wvas aware from the tenor of the oracle mentioned 155 f. 38-41. See Wund. Introd. c. IV. ~. 2, 3. 38. E'Nzc] The epic form of aorist, of which we sometimes 1111( in the, tragedians tile first and second persons, Exrav, E~rg and the participle xarawxcg (Aj. 230). ~schylas and Euripides have xar~wxxg, xurExxra, xazawnzq. "xcoensnw releI helieve, in Tragedy. Perhaps ELUEs. For the murder of Iphitas cf. 270 f. Diod. Sic. IV. 31. Icputrov j3(av] Ph. 314. 'i ' Alyt'a~ov 03(a. 321. 592. Tr. 507. 39. c~cavcaraotj 'Driven from home,' from Tiryns, where they dw-elt. Lat. 'extorres.' CEd. C. 430. Uvca'araxog I aroi' Itt rp ihqv x "xi -.q 4.Zqv 40. ~ivcp 7rug' cavdt'j Ceyx, king of Trachis. V. Diod. IV. 36. 57. Ilesiod Sent. 353. TeqJZtva 8E' rot -7VaQE~taV'c I g K iijxc iav'xxcz. 40. 07rov A. B. K. L. T. vaig. Dind.. &e. 'nrot Br. Elmsl. (Mus. Crit. T. II. p. 305.) Dohr., which is perhaps preferahie. Schnieidewin explains 0&'wov j3~3rjxEV ' ubi versetur,' coll. (Ed. C. 52. rt'g E`?0' ' zw XlQog 6~r,?v co' ag 'xafpv; 313. 41. 7tnv Ettoi - ci7rotlxEratl i. e. 'Only by his 'departure he has caused mHe bitter anxiety about him,' in consequenee of the tahlet containing tile oracle, of which 155 f. Cf. Aj. 972. "'XI' 4tito I Xt-7rci'v avtiag ncd' yoovg 6toiyxsvat. Hom. Od. 6'. 105. z6 6' 4'' tC"LE1v Iav'cZx~ d `UE6#"t, EfO a cdV Xc clov %I t'VOV, 07rw~ d 6,) (61Q' curotxzcat. ~rnC' oUtvagJ Cf. Il. XV. 271. psoyoarx'xot EIXct'OIvtcU -7txe&g 5cvag EiZovacea. Fr. 670. 7rtxec'v co'dva 7rcibcov. Aj. 794. xeai tvq'v #vC'O~ (X f( 03t'V'R t2 xi p4'. Tr. 325..,Eseh. Cho. 205. duQrtL 6' wdig xacd q(QeVbAv xara~po~a. Ag. 1391. Ear. Iph. A. 1234. 7'1 7Tquv co8i'vovg' 4~k I v6vv dsvxijciv W~6va xr vds Xauc(Zv,. Med. 25'2 f. Phmen. 366. Theoer. XXVII. 28. 42. av'ro, vulg. Wund. &c. av'roi. Herm. Dind. Schn. &c. Cf. Arist. Nuh. 146. 7reo~gpc~cGv] 'Ilavin~q inflicted.' ~sch. Pers. 786. UW oi' xaxo'v -,govd~ xreoal3cdpaov 7r'n Ear. Ion. 596. 6sn-t 7rQoegaIXEtg 7rTrat'. El. 655. xi' To,6vo prjxed 7reoofpclJt cpovov; Herc. 1161. xr6& 7rQOGrQo7rct0V attka z co ao n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~oa~~~~~~a~~~~~o,~~~~~~aa Z~~~~~~~i6Qn t~GfYyOVc at TQo~jgckc'v. Ale. 316. L-t' v' x.ftOva. Herod. I. 136. 7'vct-j ndsptav aaqv rm3 zaret~ 7rQoej~aiq. 43. GaE60'v 6' 17reGafalciL -] 'And I feet pretty sure that he has some misfortune (that some misfortune has overtaken him).' Bat the Greeks said rather nrpa E`Z& ~t than nfp E'c lyw'. Qu.a. cs606 6'?icitciragc rt (oraups) 7cltb q x 'tVi~V. Or aXEd0'v 6' 17ricattcd ut 7rry,71 EI'vat r viv (cf. 46. xac*Guv r d&vo'v 7r~pa). Or - irqp~ E`oV 6CPS VbV. Or G.Z66v 'V C 1MUrwxc~a nxik E`o rt vtv. Schneid. connects gZE60v ut, as in Ant. 470. El. 609. If rightly, then I would read F`Xov rt for?'Xovrcx. TPA XI NLVII. 1 119 xCartLV 14I PVrt LCCO, rotavmrqv iaot', 6t!2irov )tLL2TCXV H5Tu)vv, lijv EYCi) OwpCcL~ 4Y oF~g c4c5twc zq1Ttovig are~ 2Acq3v. OEPATJ1AINA. 6g57rotva JIjadvuqa, ZOA ~tE & tEYeO zarh I`& zvaadxQvr' tcrc 44-48. These lines are bracketed by Wunder (see his Emend. p. 167 f.) as an interpolation of some aictor from 155 f. Indeed the whole of this opening speech or prologue seems hardly worthy of Sophocles. It is much more in the feeble and frigid style of Euripides. 44. 6lxcc ucijvccg... m/vx'J For IHereules had said lie intended to be absent only thirteen months. V. 164. 45. cixrj'vnxog] 'Not reported,' without -,any tidings of hhn, i. q. cilirvvrog. GI. T: tt ruo vfv7vo r5 ac Cf. 97. Fr. 240. aXjQv~XTov(i e. cacpczv"C, acyvc06rOV). Eur. TIer. 90. rx'v 'Hqchdk~ov Caer, Tray 7rQU6LX1"TV j I'loov. oV, 7aQ gL~fL Q'n~VzXTO 66'E. 46. rotcectrnv] 'Sock,' of such an alarming character. 47. d~crov] 'Tab~let.' So called from its shape having been formerly that of the letter 6hZrau (Eust. ad Ii. ~'. 169). Schol: c09 ro~ 'HpcexXF'OVg 'rv'7rol) 8tU;RnXq y~aqdcvatog Fi 6El~ov xcc, xccrTUOu=Orvo&, cog EL' lk) ql~lOt 8LU' roogov'rov po'vov, yvCOceta avirov rtXEvvcivxcc [xs).EVr1'Gxvrce ncch Br.] ttcrac xoig LE' lcivccg ci'vayvoi~acev irot)-76CU aixYVT VY?vrtttch'v. Cf. 155 f. FacEW, xqv the iniss. vulg. Ilermi. Wand. Schin. Nek. E"Tc1tEV, 'qv Dind. Bgk. Sophocles never uses the article for the relative, except when the metre obliges him, which certainly is not the case here. V. Dind. ad UE d. C. 35. ~v-UccfEciv] ' Which I often pray to the gods that 1 mnay hove received without any harmn be/citing hint.' Cf. Aj. 509.j aE 7roXX"'xtgI0~,~ U&QOatX ~Cov~c rQO Z 64 otovg pco~v. GMd. C. 1444. 49. 8rfquvstqa A. 13. K. L. T. &e. Ja'cv. Br. So 6~og Cf. onl (lEd. R. 18. 7rokJacJ 'Oft tines.' /Esch. Euim. 106. z To?~c It~v &q 'rc)V?PCc-v IE,(,I xoo~ 'r cc(YtVOV3 &C. 5. vcisvr I~~aa 1. q. 'd Q twr cc cc xc L 7rCZ Vr o tco g ocnvsc Cf. onl 505. Tr c.c& U'Yc0yevcov. 936. ov'' O'vetkc'xwv IhtZ oib~v v~pi PtV yooqjcsvog. The verbal 7ravdc'xpvrog is used in a neuter sense, as 7rclyXixavxog~7r, v8Q'cog ccxevtog, caxxavrog, "&ax/vcxxog, &C. axem~~' yIco c-vv] 'Bewailing with miany lamentations and tears the departure of Hercules.' For this construction of the double accusative see Pors. ad Phicn. 300. Seidl. ad Iph. Tanr. 1061. Cf. 339. El. 124. xc' xcUxscg UX6QEGxOV otpcoycv r.6v ~Ayagticvovae. Phil. 187. 660. (IEd. C. 1120. 2,Esch. Ag. 173. Zi~vct-?ircvihctc xX '4cv. 1191. vi~ivovat l o-rc~ xccpov cixn~v. Sept. 289. jkEQtttva1. ~cJ37vQOv6tU xcgog royv 4trpvTEqtXs?Wv. Eur. Med. 208. )kcyvpU ' 6 aa pcoyEQ& 03o rO'V hV.sXs 7rQ0o60tcc1V ncxOvvtirpov. Compare also 936. ov"x' 03vp~uxciv R,,hrsx' os'6iv c'jtcp?1V1 yorottctvog. (lEd. -R. 1249. 1yo&iO (T &Evcag m 10,97"_ 20 XWqiOKzTE0 EX Tm> 'H~ca).uov ~~oaov yowoIEvnVi 1u~v,~ Et 6{xatov TOl)9 -EAV0:QOVg 9PEOvV 7 C Ov c c( La t d 0 L,A t g EOO 0 ajf v u~ 0 T C ( itc0Wrct q E'zo dx A2ov, El 7rarg6g 51. xi~r 'HQcixX.ov '~o6ov] Cf. 576. Tppsv6' ri H~z~;cs Ovid. Met. IX. 162. 'Jlerculeos abiit late diffusa per aries.' 52. Et 6CcULov-] 'If it is rigit-.' Slaves were not allowed freedom. of speech (6Yo~og 7r(~x o3 ~ttsrvarl got A.6yov). Eur. Hec. 234. d 6' Etart rote '60 Uotat zo T0 v~?wr~9ct &C. Iph. A. 31:3. ttag jtUexQo1~ 6E 60o~Zog clv 2Jystg. Xo6yovg. Eur. ap. Stob. Flor. 62, 39. 7tOXXOL6L 60t).otg To~vo0t' U1UX6v, n, 8E TQv I xC5v o~t~ dokcov 'ar, V4EX~#qcoTiqa. Ion. 854. 7,v yap ut toig do?)loL6v cdGxVVi7V 9T QEL, V~votia. Ta 6' &'X?1c Ttdvxo~a x65v?tsv#Eqv I ov'686 xaxn'cov 6Yofog 0Jaut MNO6q ~j. Plant. Epidic. IL. 2. 74. 'si wquuzu sietI me plus sapere quain vos, dederim vobis consilium catian.' Itcpqtvoi~v] ' To advise, admonish.' Schol: vov4~rri'v, Etg (PQoVqgt!V c"yiLv. Ant. 754..Escli. Prom. 335. TroXW y' c(x',ttV0)V TOV'g 7rE2.ag qqEvoiv h'pvg j 7 avrov. Ag. 1156. Clio. 114. Sapph. p. 68 W. 6'zvag j3QoTiav PQE`VO VXQaTLGTOV TEVLO)V. 53. doviiatg] For 6o0VtXcri~. Cf. 302. doiXov-jpiov. Eur. Or. 1163. (WX5iV - MCiVcroV. SO T cV'QIoV, vig 7roi~atog, &c. Cf. on (E d. C. 1259. T6Caov A. T. Aid. Turn. Br. Herm. Dind. Wund. Bgk. Schn. llerwv. ad CUd. R. 570. To' acv B. K. L. V. Ven. Porson ad Med. 461. Schaef. Hart. Nauick. Matthive in Class. Journ. X. 13. JI. c. 'what is for your good.' Cf. Aj. 1313. 7rQO9 Tc5V' OQO!1 TOt OV7 aaa& %aC To adv. 1401. 1rcatviagc r z60cV. 491. 5v cpovciv r&' act. El. 577. E`Qi~ ya&q xcat v' cd'v. 1203. rTd r~cv6E. Eur. Iph. A. 1167. Zi~ov v rt Cit;~'s e~qQccT d Schol: To 'gov- 'r 'got cvptcp~Qov. q' rodcov, 'Vrti roii a3iyov. Cf. 570. 1221. (Ed. R. 570. Lob. ad Aj. 747. After xo cov I mark with Schaefer only a comma, instead of a, colon. Herinann and Diridorf think that Tdcaov 'thus nmuch' is far more becoming language for a domestic than xo' cov 'what is for your good.' For rTogcOef. Aj. 185. Er' tOE occov. 277. dig TdaG?C &TrXdiv -4xeicL ZFsch. Pers. 816. Eumi. 896. 54. I. q. zjcg 7rWq#V'oVce xOGoEtc68 ircrtc?.V ov' nErjListg rtvca -; Cf. 229 f. Phi. 519 f. 7rtat'-7W,0'tt] The gen. in tEschi. Pers. 519. dxwrtc dE6? VEX Q(OV xoteQOdiq 'r'?IrXajvov. Ear. Herc. 1163. rTL vExqv rOJTov6E 7rr~ijVhst 1ri6ov; The Sehol. mnentions four children of Deianira from Apollod. II. 7, 8 (where see Heyne's note, p. 229). IDiodorus (IV. 37) mentions hut three, Hyllus, Gleneus, Onites (which last namie is variously written). See Wunder's Introd. III. ~. 6. 55. dv669 '] Tavd6go Weckl. Perhaps rigthly, hut cf. 105. 150. 293. adv6Q6g %O!TO! ~}17'rqtVJ 'In quest of your husband.' Herod. 1, 94. di4roTZk(ELV xO!TaX t3ov- i7xqatv. Apollod. II. 7. 7. IEO!qtdnv xfXTL' ~4,1atv7G totttv W ov Arist. Av. 1177. ovxovvzIEoLtroOg X1v tp OTLETOEVV 56. ovInEe 8x6g "TixovJ SC. IrE' L ICEv. For the position of "TA)ov cf. (Ed. R. 1053. q6'` a2)v TO!6d ov'X n7xGtar ""v 10oczorc9 Xyot. Eur. lece. 973. TPAXJNLIAI. 2"d1 V8LLUn rtii Copal rov xa.CO 7rQac6658tV 00'tdV; Etzero V-Fot (aL. VE'UL) XLV' LOQ'eXV XOv %UXC~g 7tQWC6SLV lioxfV (al. 6oxEi) the mnss. Schol: 6' 6E vo~g. ti'vc Et' qpovrt`~E roi~ 7UXQoq iirEQ ro,5 cox~lv ncdc5 6ta Qa'zr-F6#at. XWund: 'si patins aliquar curain gerat, cur ille rebus secundi.y uti vidleatur.' 1)indorf quotes, as anl example of a double genitive, Alexis ap. Athen. X. p. 431 E, Tc~v C d' oVov tL8V0)V I TQOVOOV'LSVOL XOV~ X~ fl8(PUC'1 sytst~g 'X Dem. p. 19, 4. roevrun L'oii 0i 0Q~ Xg c~~vxi ysv (where however ro~ )Jys tv is perhaps an interpolation). Add Dem. p. 62. Xq7v 6oqcv toy~ 7rolitov roJ 6'oxstiv &L ccdXLJV xQI'aLv Elipplvt. But there can be little doubt that the passage is unsound; nor have the various conjectures proposed by enities done much to remove the difficulty. Heath conj: dt ra~' Iap6 v~lLsLV rLv LOQav XoV xa~cog TLeaaGELv doxsi (which is approved of by Musgr., and so Matthiae in Class. Journ. X. 13, and Hart.). Reiske: dt 7ta~XQ' VWLEL TLV L0QLav ov xaxc(Z 7LQV'XXSLv 6oxEtv. Faebse Syll. Lect. p. 333: E I 7L TQ o' V&LEUtTL LV' L'OQ V,~ OV fludLO IEQLaG6stv 1jxvsiv. Erf: oi3 xccX65 irQUaaasV 6doxiov (oi' x.c~io also Reiske in n. nms.). Dindorf conj: Et -7raXQo' VE'ttoL XL' QV, XO)UV 06'V'roar vcat 7Lo'VOV. Meineke: Et -7r~r~o' j V~lLoL XLV CoQaV rOZ Xci.lcg 7LQ0CGGSLV, ~o2.v. Scbneid: roev naiLO 7tQU66La~V, tLoAEStV. Natick: ros xa~cJ 7tE7rqayEvat. Id: - v~tLELV VLV LOQaZV.. ox&g. Wecklein: ElzTar Qo' vifLELv-60xo (for the optative coll. Aj. 1159. Fr. 718.). Bergk also thinks b'oEi indubitably corrupt. Qu. si torg~Xog I E`X~t XLV' (09QaV XoV xcslcog nQU'aaratv doxs~v (or ysEtv - 80oxsi- ordEVVV-LoxEL~g). Or Et 7LQz~tL I E'yxtv XLv' - dloxsiv ('fit be proper to have somne regard for appearing to act rightly'). Or Et 7qEtQ8 t I v8fLLLV XL fLtoQccV XC9 - 'OX~l"V. Or - 'TXlov oi.' TLLq~X IO E'7zSLV XV coAQ aeV X OV naUo3g 7CQ" O6SLV dYoxEEV. (S o G(Ed. C. 1 63 9. oWV Tea('ov.) Or, adopting in part Faehse's simple emnendation, Et, Xraq EXLL XLV' OPQ1XV, ovi %LeZg TCQaLGaEtv OXvSv ('should not hesitate to act rightly'). 57. V igoLt A. B. K. L. T. vulg. Wund. Dind. Bgkf. Nck. vtEfLE V. Hurl. Ven. Matthi. Either v~ttoL (v4prL) or 6IoQav seems wrong. They said fLoeQLSv TMLSVXLL or oQLSv -X8Lv XLvog. Cf1238. LSVriQ oh co~ EotEV, OV VIEtLSLV Eliot' I qp9'VovXL fLOqav. ~Esch. Prom. 299. ov'x E"XLV OXTN ttE~ovL5 Ikot - Qav I vS4LaL(YL' 'J aot'. (Ed. C. 386. "6q 7C~q E~X~ 17r(dh cog,ttoi (117rt'6rsY. x a ttoub?) 0@Eo~ 'V g(A)JQ V XLtV ' E"'SL tV, OJX a co 40Ji~v a C ~o r-; Herod. I. 4. Xo' E f~/lftaV (w)q1V EXSLV LYQTLXG4~tGaKOV (YvVVaUX(V). IXI. 8. 5ror MQ C'AQqC E`7LO~ aa~ V6'8 Ltav. 155. riq ov'6cpa E~ara LoQn a7roX2vftVE Tec.i.20. '-XLo 85 XoL ovd6 OGaov 60QLavI L'cLetaog. The phrase is not used in Attic prose. cJ0QaV L. Br. Wund. Dind. Nauick. &e. JoqaV A. B. K. T. AhL. I. cp Q o VT ca,,'thought, care,' See Schol. xa1l6g Trq(aaaELVJ ' TO fare well.' Cf. 230. &"vdQLL y&iq %LLZO ILq~aaovXLL &c. Fr. 941, 2. VLQL&56sLV %0116. The opposite nAunm0- TeqaGlSLV 'tO fare badly ' El. 1026. Or 'to act rightly'I (cf. 92). 8 o x EV A. K. L. T. vul dg. dox8t B. V. Ven. 58. L5QXL'7toVg #Low~axtt 0h0'ovgJ 'Is bounding towards the house,cith niuible step (or opportunely).' Cf. Euir. Or. 257. avra yceQ LeVXocL 7rz2aiov '~Qcjaxovau't ov. Bacch. 720. nzvQEL 6' Aya v7 Tz~qaioV #9 'axcovad er But the common reading seems suspicious. Hartung reads: agXL 7rqoa6XVQ~e 6OfLOLtg. Qu1. agQXL 7eQo6GrSL'yXSL (or 2LeoGT~aIJEL, rrQoa#QwUaxsL) 6611ovg, or ~2O'TPK/IEOTZ~ 06r El,,;t r(, ~0,V EV,-,7rv(O( 7raq,66rt XQ,~0wt ura'O&' roil' r' 4atoi A0`or,;. 60 zIHIA4NEIPA4. co rI9XVOV, co za(Yt xat~ CahVV1TC0V Ctg) CZ p, tcog ~t rsdo'gunv ((Ed. IR. 1531. Ant. 3861), or U&ox(7rovg (or c"'xitw) a4Yg5 -Trn g]'Strong of foot, active, nimtble.' Others explain 'oppm't1imely.' H~esych: ff'r'zuog, 'oigtovg, UZQrLOg To~q TtOGLV VYLOZtOV4. Stlid: cqt7rovg' i'yrsig xos'g 7ri~c 68'txcov. Horn. II. t'. 3001. (Y Axrj aD'Evciqr x'x ~xbro. G. 4'. 10.Herod. IV. 161. XcoXl 'gs ' 'v xc4 o'nx~g x~r~v. III 130.Plat. Legg. VII. 'i95 D throde exicgg~ Compare the compounds aceQrtypqcov 'of souind minid, of quick undlerstanding' (Gd. co'. 260. Ear. Iph. A. 877. Med. 294. Tro. 417. os% c'Qrt'aq ~u q9QMcg), ciQUtrrJ'g (II. /'. 281. Pind. lsthm. IV. 47. Plnt. Rep. 171I. 536 B), xC'eTGOtogo (Zonar. p. 293)), rt'Qrtxo~o4 (Tr. 768), U`Qri17rciLg, U'QT[,TQS~ q~X aQ ft LTQr 0gorog, &c. Cf. on 768. In Homer aert in compounds always denotes what is QUqtov, 'perfect;' in subsequent Nvriters it signifies both that and U'QX1OJ~q. See Elmsl. ad Aled. 289. Lob. ad Phryn. p. 20. Cf..Esch. Sept. 374. azovaq, ME Xcdt rouba> 0X 7rcig co~a. i~49roo (with which cf. caQp66'dog) evidently comes from the root CZQOX, 'I fit.' The Selioliast explains the word otherwise: "vQraog xw )Q ttLOGULVCO09 T65 X~tQ63 7toQFVs-rce. I. e. 'opportunely.' Of which explana"tion Wunder and Dindorf approve, perhaps rightly. In this sense,Eschylus nses cYerIxoXlog, Sept. 372. xeA gvi'v U'vci 03' cvrsr6 Oildlov rongog - 0(QxTxot%0kX "yyE Ov 10oYOV PUc#FiV- G6rov81 8E' Xcct T0vc Ovx 7i. 7ri cr Meineke (on Ant. 1175.) explains a'dpr ovq almost in the sense of cf xt. Possibly the Itine reading is daQeinovq 'high-steppingq, bouinding.' Horn. IL. y'. 327. tlrzroi dcp6rro6(T~. 804povg] 60ctocg conj. Wakef. E;rf. 60cco~v conij. Bergk. 66covg appears to be the accus. of motion after 1xc So (EdM. R'. 1134. ro'v KL41cic~cvog x6'zov - ~E'7c1gt'ov. El. 1297. v~v hz,,cP10v-otv d60'tovg.. 63. 0Jxav 60'xovg F'I10coatv- Perhaps we should read #Qei 0'xsc vg or 7rXU inc 86 g Or the construction may be thme same as in AJ. 30. xcrjdc~vxrct 7rs1(cc. Eur. Baceb. 871. 6vc'n'~-15x 7tiho.37 59. El' xi Co' vulg. Et' x(' aot Herm. D~ind. 13gk. 60. '0ccc~ix (X'vd6't-] Cf. (Ed. R. 117. omh'V C'ZyyFX1cg xg-14TW oxov xcg?x~cci(eiv 1Xzni1x- 'V xravbp'g] Hyllus. xoig x' A. supin. K. L. vuilg. xoig A. B. T. V. Yen. Hart. " Recte fortasse, " says Dind. xoi~g y' Herm. Translate, 'and my suggestion.' Afterza'ec-artx supplyaot. 61. Wm cgx ov zl~aij These nouns are elsewhere joined, as in Phil. 260. of xiXVoV (, 7Mi ra nUrciQOg 1~ 'Atcttog. Enr. Hec. 171. co' kVOV, co -ce xmixtvov, e'xc tLUxpcig (parodied by Arist. Nub. 1165). 414. Tro. 790. cmi icxi -re ~ ~ oy~i.61 Tesnei, '0 child that I have borne.' CfEur. Iph. T. 239. 'AyczipE'v0vog iccCC xca Kkvxcw uvsjex6Qci EX0o3. Burges (on Phil. 260) proposes si', r~kvov, E[Myg (addressed to her attendant). &zyEvvqjrcov] 'Ijnoble,' lit. 'of no birth' ((Ed. C. 973. cyvmx~xx iqv). Schol: 8v~ysvCiv. And so explains H-esych. Cf. Fr. 105. xoixv ohl' 'Ox' Z Qq 7rQq -MxcZvc UYEyLV, IxciV Otc y' ceYce41 Z9 xoiv cUyinVcmv (zo~ Ucrv TPAXITNIAJ1. ~11140ot XaAx6 7(tZrTOV~t1J )qcYv yaq yvvbq 6otdi1 pev 8EiqqXEV C EA.v4JEov )o6yov. TAAO~&E. zIHIANEIPA. 60ot zag' ov~roa c(cgo~v i~vcopsgvov 65 vriron' Valek. Diatr. p. 15) x arvtncvavct. Hor. Sat. I. 6. 10. 'viros nulilis?najoribhus ortos.' A. P. 248. 'qudibus est eqiats el paler el r'es.' "get] 'Then, it would seem.' 621. xw.Xc~ rdlzroviftv] 'Fall well (seasonably).' An expression takeni from the throwing of dice. V. Blomf. GI. Agamn. 31. Cf. El. 1466. pc~git' -Ev zirwono. Pr. 763. c'dt y&~q EZ mhrrovart ot' Jto' xtjot..Escb. Ag. 435.?-v qpovcd'g -Axc~cg nao~rce. 32. x&' 8Erorc~v yceo Es7 z,60VTCC,a 'Gocat. Eur. Or. 603. o~g 6E p~i nirimroVav Ei' (oF 7ycOt) v& x' iv~v ta xa) 4YVQa~s (41Yv'QIGb?) avarvzaLg. jls]j '~8 L. (and so often.) 63. Cf. Fr. 677. El 6c5~tce 8ovov, cd)V O' voi3g R?tVO~og. Aj. 1020. Voi Se.py] Sc. Perhaps 6~oi'l 'arr/v. Cf. Arist. Lys. 1124. Eyeo' yVV~ pyV Edttt, V09 8' gv" E LOL. nt. 1105. pdktg p'v xae9~ei d 4ICarcqwlkl. Eur. CycI. 501. zt/cog p'lcv oi'vov, yazvvuLa ti 14V4,cQov] ' Worthy of a free person.' Cf. on 53. 64. rt tc~amrid tot] 'If it may Ibe taugh e'Shl, ro~Uo pacE~sv. Cf. 671. 86lhuov, Et M&ML~r6lV, 1~ Frov qpofpst CM~. R. 993. Perhaps we should read, Et MaxrcinZ yE, or Ei M~ccna, ps.l 65 ~the rnss. vuilg. Herm. Dind. &c. ao' Valek. ad Plicn. 394. Br. Cf. on Ant. 710. 1X~vclTc (c(68'Q'?), x~t"'rig 5 yorpn3, ro' pcev4dvstv zt6U' cd6XQ0'V ot'81cv. Eur. H-er. 224. aot 1Ya& xTo'd G1,ZLoV-Gyy `tX-EgGt p3(a. Qu. rxd-6' pjr 7tv09Egaat-cpiQstv. See Elmnsl. ad Ileraci. 657. The Greeks said x6 a'E uq' rrv#4JY#xta, not YiE ro/!t' 7rv4J/a43cau. Therefore Yot seems a necessary correction, unless indeed we read pq8E4 (or pq Zrm) 7Virv6,c~t. 4EvcottSvovj 'Detained in strange lands.' Schol: 'v ~v ~trn(3ovrog. So ~Evog is used El. 867. Dobree, notices the strangeness of the fact that Hyllus should never have mentioned to his mnother where his father was said to be; and also that Deianira should never before have acquainted her son with, the critical situation of his father (86). Such inconsistency is not usually found in Sophocles. 66. rA pi' 7rv#Eo~cz] p?78v rrv01EaYet Valek. Erf. Qu. Iprj t03 my4~/gatc. But cf. Ant. 710. just quoted. no~ 'autv] zou'artv L. cda rvrjv rpEQELv] Cf. Ear. Ion. 854; '8vy0 t o' lov wtv el~~V vqv rPErt, &c. Isoer. IV. 176. ce 8' ijutv "iagXvsVq qT/Q&, &C. cpl~gt the mss. W~ak. Sch. cpie~tv Valck. 1. c. (to depend upon siE nsv) Br. Herm. Wund. Dind. Hart. Bgk. The infinitive seems absolutely required, for Deianira is stating what hier attendant had said. *TT -_ E- I., z 7 - I- "117't'lZrw FM^. 2 r - - 53, I'll 24 24 ~~~~OOOKAEO TE TL41A 0 22. UW'U 0o6a, uP4Yot~ Y' et" rt z'cwr8Pv~ x~eciv. zlHIANEIPA. XatL z7oV X~tvELFt VtV1 TgX'ov, t4Vqi4aaL aovO~; TA A 022. TOv V Pc aQC~Oivr Ui0orov EV PqL& XQOVOV Av~q yvvatnd cpcata vtv Aair~tv 2wV'Etv. 70 zJHIANEIPA4. zoi rotfvvv, Et xdt XOVT, i'V~{, ZA,'tO rtg liv.V aAA a~p, Era 'o2c2. co 67. puVl*otq A. B. K. L. T. V. Turn. utt4J~ot y' Harl. Aid. Hart. Rightly, I think. 68. vLv r,-xvov A. K. L. T. vuig. rE'nVOV vtv B. V. (Dindorf compares a similar position of vtv in Iph. A. 617.) [`8QV4YcU (169. K.) the mss. Ed3a~xt Martin. ilerm. Din. &c. I. q. vcdtstv. 'Is established, is living.' Schol: 8tc'ystv. Cf. ZEsch. Pers. 227. 7toV6 rc'f 'Aa)7jvcg qpaetv rdvgal XOfOVvog; 69 f. Cf. 248 f. 274 f. Uporov] 'YVear,' as in 825. vo'encxo 9&0rog. Schol: cavrt ro~3 'vtoevnd'v - 7ta~ Yc rot' " ovg 'qorqw~rat ' y~. Wakefield compares the well-known epigram of Claudian: 'Frugibus alternis, non consule, computat annumn;I autuninunu pomis, ver silbi flore notat,' and also his Consul. Honor. 372. 'necdumn decimas einensus aristasI aggrederis mnetuenda viris.' EvLt?1xSL XQ0vov] 'After a length of time.',,Esch. Ag. 610. ~wqpv-,rJqtov I ov'8V 8Lacfqr9Et'QcUGcV?V P7iEr XQOvov. Plat. Legg. III. p. 683 A. Er XQOVOVt xtvog Pqxmxav a&m~rov. Hyllus probably means that Hercules had not undergone any labour for some time, and that this was his last. Qa. b'svov O~VOV, i. e. an entire summer, the working portion of a year. Cf 23?vxv. In~amv (Ed. R. 1137. rqctg-,xu~o~ tvo 70. Avdq- yvvatng' Omphale. See Lichas' account of this 248 f. CP11VtV X.cQtV rrOVF!Vj CPaait XUcaQst'csV 7tovsv conj. Wander. AUxvQ1V] 'As a hired servant.' Theogn. 314. gs Gs gtoa',qfc I ycar' nYT'S XUXO'v Za'rptv E~TlqQtiqov. Eur. Iph. A. 868. c7alaov 8couscercov?frcWV ~cXQLev. Hec. 609. cxQx"1at?Zc'rQL. Ion. 4. 'Eqp~jv, ttsyi'Gxco Z77p'd catLo'Vcov XC1'vrtv. Herc. 823. At'GGUV-rT 06 aiv 4cix~tv. Martial, IX. 67. 5. 'Argolico famulumi non te servire tgranno Ividissent gentes, saevaque regna pati.' ntovrstv] The imperfect infinitive. See Wund. Introd. V. ~. 1. 71. r&V Tot'VVVJ Qa1. McV VVV (YV-. Et naLt xo~x' F"'r~] 'If hie endured even this.' The disgrace of Hercules' servitude consisted in its being to a woman, and that a barbarian. 72. 4ccqpE~ivat] Schol: U's!,Oq, a c7rWyq ro~6 (Tovuv5tv. TPAXINVIAI. 2 25 JIHIANEIPA. TAA 4022. Eii/3U-da XcO'ctv rpa~ov, Ei i'rov Zlo'Atv, I 1Q$ZEV' 1, N A gAAtv "U. 7 zIHIANEIPA. c i64hz b c', rg'XVov, C6 hts o pcamEta ='tra ~ r r68 ~ Ct39ag zcr; TAAO0Z. Ira zoa ttrT,; ri0v A.,yoV y iYVOC5. zJHIALVEIPA. co 8ACivmv roi5 fl'ov p ~~ rC,61tv, 73. *ccvo0v] 4iicvo0v y' B. V. Br. Apitz. 74. Eiv3oo~6a] This is the contracted Attic form for Eijpotdca, like jgot'tov for got6ltov, &c. See Lob, ad Phryn. p. 39. Elmsl. ad Ach. 883. Nauck gives Ei'gotlu. Elinsley would read EVo3PcM. Cf. on 237. cixri77 rtg a Ei3'3ottg. 401. Fr. 239. ~Fsch. Fr. 24. Ei36oi~ce xap~ir~v cU'pqp Kinvcdov JLo~g I Evqv. Below 752. The nom. is always written in full Evjgottl (237. 401.). Ei3'3oe6'u Xro'ea] The town of CI~chalia. V. 354. 75. " p~lrv F"Tt] 'Or is yet intending to do so.' Cf. Phil. 567. co' rc~vk lbrtearo3 (lQCOfcv', oi 1dillovr' E"'u. 1256. El. 318. rj~ovrog 7''pU 1ovroG; For "j ~tt1stv Schneid. conjectures os' rccU.ssv. For the construction cf. 362. Eur. Suppi. 648. "4dQarog-F ar~c-rqUerv6s Kadlkrrscov z7tv. 76-81. The authenticity of these lines is suspected by Dobree, because of their disagreement with 40. 41. 73. 97-102, and because the oracle had made no mention of Enboea (if indeed TflOc Z0QXcoea mean Euboea, and not Trachis, as in 165). On this oracle v. Wund. Introd. IV. ~. 4. 77. XC'a vulg. co"cve (Dronke's conj.) Bergk. "Exspecta-res 7ric E I9u, 0,05 cUyy3vog, nt 159, vel simile," observes Dobree. Meineke proposes Ei'qcea (i. e. expedition against (1Echalia). I doubt much if zoigcg he right. I had myself thought of ri~g '6~oi3 or r~g z'tcrg. Wunder thinks Oechalia is meant. 78. x&i zrolx-;3 Lit. 'the which?' In French, 'lesquels?' tiEd. R. 291. 935. tiEd. C. 893. Arist. Ach. 963. o1 nroto ovrrog Aa'y"Xog-; A nearly similar line occurs Eur. Ph. 719. Tee rroi~ Tuvav; roy Xo'yov Yc'Q c'VOC5. Where Porson compares our passage. Compare also Suppl. 577. Tov 2a'yov] ' What youz say, mean.' 79-80. These lines Dobree thinks are unworthy of Sophocles. 79-81. Cf. 164-8. 821-30. 1159-73. The same Dodonaean oracle in all these passages is meant. 7 9. 60' g 77Ic or L. rElmvx 7v-rEXrtv] ' TO end the termz.' Perhaps ao';7 rzcEvrc~v ~rdv A 5 N' 707rovT "appag a`hNov.1Lt'~ roii V''rPc9oI! rOV Aotz(flV iYj~ij /ihorov H)Ci&COV, E"Xav. P3iov lklp r8sXciv (oy r,,oi as Nauck also conij.). Cf. 1256. (Ed. C. 1720. 'i2vas r6' rE'og P3(ov C(Ed. R. 1530. zqtiv 2V'V VE'QUW 70y g3tOV zr5Qryaq. E-ur. Andr. 102. r'v rEPvxcdav zcQa~6a 7LUQOV. SO XcqtCt.5,,tV 3t'ov xbF 0 g (E d. C. 9 1. ~rtst1Ut Perhaps jd'?Aot. It may be that the o' for above in L. refers to this reading. 80. ) Toirov U~u Uv~lov the mss. vuig. W~under expresses his surprise that aO9Xov cd'qstv should he -used as aO'Kov casogcau, 'lab~orem sitscipere' (as in Ant. 907. vdv6 " 'V q4u 7rdIo). Cf. on Aj. 129. Moreover, as he well observes, it is not the uindertaking of a labour, but its accomiplishmient that is spoken of. Nauick too suspects &Qfg, and conjectures r o,6r' U'vwrX.c. Dindorf conj: r r'v6' c'vcvZ&, c,0)1ov, orr Troy 7ro~v(ov, roi Xot~rav-. Natick: q TO1' cAvar. Pt'Orov -rt'U0V, isT LV. Q1o. q r6v6' 4c'~tsvog c~1ov, sclr'' Ig;6rF - (Ant. 907. 5rov8' U"v pL7v 7t vov. Horn. II. t' 124.) Or " voixov C'Wr ',acg rov UO>Zov, v~avr~ov (or r~v "4alov ltIYrcavov)- (A~sch. Pr. 375. rq'v 7r"coveUV ceVTX'aeo rvXv Cho. 748. -ltovcvmg?qVvovv %tccsc om. Eur. Hipp. 898.) Or q T0;TOV "VV'1Y~ (Td'V&5 aV(Yd('g, T.6v6' -r~liaa, idvdl' Evsyxcv) dlo1v, &ci F vGTEQ0v - (iom. Od. 14, 47. o7=0roac x '8E' avr-g 10, 327 For Udvi'age cf. on 506.) Or j rckl' nq~vcg &Thlov (Tr. 506. Ph. 509) Cf. Diodor. v. 24. x2r~lmcg rov dYk.ccov a49,Xov. IV. 10. rslisiv &`01ovg. Apollod. IIL 4. 1~2. C"'Hv 8('T~?ztrlPV. II. t'. 124. i'mr`*op'og o7'ialta iroya6v cYQ0VV0. affl~ov] UI"hO.ov L. ~ roy f~~rsov the mss. vuig. FLg TO' y' VTeQov Ilcisk. Hart. co' rO 16v UTccov Bergk (after Koechly). V"TrcrOV 7rOvo)v conj. Hcrxvcrdcn. Fv'-,Lo'kq cpqsvI conj. Dind. Elg vo ~XUQT5Qdv Mein, on Ant. 782. (conject-uring also F, vdy'1r~~ VZrov h7-).Qu T ~QVaTEQOV. OrcGl,&Xv F~tL r6y lV6TcraOV (Irt irUVV6xraxov, cf. Aj. 864). The ellipse TOV vars~ov (Z06vov) is very suspicious: cf. on El. 1076. rov' cust. The words are ejected by Dind., who thinks that the original ones (such, as V6~U cp~Lwhich were connected with the preceding "- c~t#.ov, have been lost. He accordingly marks a lacuna. The words h?g -loo are considered spurious by Wunder (v. Emend. p. 171 f.). 81. Trov Xortnbv A. K. L. T. supr. vuig. ro' lotmrov B. T. V. Elmisl. ad Med. 1096. Reiske n. ins. Cf 6. T6 10t7CoV 4q 1ivcdlllc El. 457. For ro' lotnolv qj8 cf. on (Ed. C. 1619. P3(orov E&iatiov'] Cf. (Ed. C. 1619. P(t'orv sivcdatOva. Aj. 708. Ph. 829. Fr. 718. T6'V sicdcove mloi~rov. ~'sch. Pers. 717. P3Corov s vcat 6t0va - yu~ysg. Eur. Bacch. 421. Fvarzwvcv SLae~v. Suppl. 960. (Tv~utcdv P3(og. ~Xstv] Qu. Uaystv (cf..ZEsch. 1. c.). These two verbs are constantly confounded in the mss. Cf. (Ed. C. 1736. aldiva T2.a1L0ov ~'Flc ("'co?). 1619. 82. o] ' Criis dngr.' 'P 7'k means literally 'the tetrn of the balance.' (Ed. C. 1508. "o f~Iov. trot. Arist. 1235, a' & (O& zr'ktg) F"ZrcU L ~g Plut. Artax. 30. 'v tkE'V 0VV Ebrt 90=71g Jk%QUG-&'La To" ~ TThI-XINIVAJ. 27 VX E~ 1V1 CO JjCXljq J'AY L) rTiOPEV qOv 7rrgo g WOA 'To).r Xdvov /3t'ov 56J ctviog' ) otXi`1E6Jf' ai"r; 85 TAAO2:I EZ ~, ELQ d t 4YE &5Eq rcov E~yco /3( av 1jAt rcoV6e, XatV 2TadCU zaqO~ gCg. Cf. on (TEd. R. 961. Schol: 4 xv8V'vq0 %ai 170t ~vQoV cU.flf.L~g 83. on tIF' ~vv'Q~ow-;] 'Wfill You1 not go to assist himl (lit, to work with him)?' El. 350. ov"xs ~vv~98tg, x 'v TF 696ecav?xx~i7rir. Plat. Rlep. V. 461 B. Gvviqcavroq. Qa1. ovi-x ET rZr 'cov (El. 1197). vi'] o'vix' Herw. 'Now that.' So 7v El. 855. 6 eec6(061.w, " 7rt'irrousivj IE~d. R. 1-16. qJ YcQ Cvtv&ng-99~zV0Vl.E# 8-1. This line is ejected or bracketed as an interpolation by Benti. Pors. (Opuse. p. 218.) Herm. Apitz. Dind. Schn. Hart. Bg-k. Dobr. Wund. (v. Emend. p. 171 f.) Weckil. It probably came from a revised edition of this play. Cf. on Aj. 551-5. Other interpolations, probably by the same busy hand, occur 17. 150. 166-8. 170. 295. 684. 696. 898. 899. Canter corrects xd' 7rti7trotFV, and places the line after 85. In this he is followed by Wak. Musgr. Vaav. Br. Schmf. Erf. Cf. Ear. Ale. 288. 6oi~ a& 85. om. T. For the synizesis in iq ot'. cf. El. 316. So '" cmidvczt, &c. 87. ncar 'Yuv A. B. T. vulg. xAurijv K. L. xar 'd Br. Cf. on Ant. 18.- Ph. 1010. (E d. R. 1525. Arist. Av. 511. rovt'b rotvvv oV'n j6 'yoi. Xav r7~r CZ I. a 2r2a wv UV. 'I should have gone to his aid (Ph. 425) even long since.' Kcai 7rc~lau often occurs, tEd. C. 1252. Ant. 289. Ph. 966, &C. So Xati xev til' XcPxca, &C. 7rauijv the mss. vuig. IlTerm. Berglk. 7ruq~ Find. Nauick. Cf. on (Ed. R. 1526. 88-89. These lines, as they are commonly read, accord bat ill with the context. They are therefore bracketed or ejected by Ilerm. Dind. (who in his Annot. thinks that 90-1 rather should be ejected). Brunek, transposes them after 91, and for viiv cY' he substitutes C'111' in v. 88. In this he is followed by Herm. Wand. (v. Emend. p. 177 f.) &c. The two lines some think are an interpolation, or from a second arrangement of the play. Cf. on 84. But vi6v 8' in v. 90 would not come well after 87, whereas it does so after 89. 88. vi~v 6" the mss. Bgk. Nek. 7rQiv 6"' Wak. dXX' Br. Erf. Ilerm. Wund. Hart. Dind. The former correction comes nearer to the common reading. At the same time viiv 89 might well be defended, if it did not follow again so soon; though we do find it occasionally twice repeated, ais in CMd. R. 54-6. 258-63. Arist. Tb. 426 —8. 450-3. 255-6. 6 ~vv '0Thq zorpr~og] 'His usual (habitual,) good fortune.' Ei& the russ. valg. Wand. Ei'a Vaav. Apitz. Billerb. Erf. C. Matth. Ilerm. Hart. Schn. Bgk. Find. WVeckl. si'U might easily have been corrupted into li& (8cir). 28 zJHIANEIPA4. XC"QU VVV~ W %att 7t) V(5Ego TO Y ) 7ra~xQag-7rQr0rqo3,c~v] ~~sclh. Sept. 332. ~3cpkicg Tot TV~ceQ 7rQOreQ03Ca. Cf. zporpojpoiccia ~Esch. Suppi. 1043. 90. vi~v C' 'Rett now.' CEd. R. 263. CEd. C. 273. 1352. 222. 985' Ph. 949. 1048. El. 335. 1334. Aj. 450. 1060. Herod. I1I. 25, &c. cog vtp' 'That I am aware of it.' ov66v Al.'iPco-] 'I will spare no pains to ascertain the exact truth (the true meaning) of them.' Aj. 1379. xaet ~vptrrovcev xce' plfl6EV INEZsrrstv ~oaov, &c..2Esch. Prom. 341. 7CQo 9vluceg ylQ ovdi~v S1Nr2.E7mEt. 1056. Plat. Lys. 129. oiid.'v rig~ 7to13vtdce AW~trce. Symp. 210. 7tQo~v~tdcz o8v ccroAXsipcf. Rep. 571 D. ro tvq vulg. r6 pItn oS Br. Herm. Dind. Wund. Bgk. Nek. Cf. on 226. 622. (Ed. R. 1232.?Xdiru ttcv o51' te 7TQdaqO~V 1,8ttv VO tC7?7 (i)I (3a~v~govo ivcat. 283. tt 7ragy- ro tt 5 qpQcUOau. Ant. 544. tt? otO —,u ert~ttaLO'a zi Ua) O I #tYvsfv, &c. El. 107. o ' 'co-pa~ oS &c. (Ed. R. 1065. 1091. (Ed. C. 566. Ant. 97. 443. 936. Aj. 96. 540. 728. El. 133. Arist. Ran. 68. xoS646-e y' pb &~v 7CEI O s tV cv~Cev a 9co'xv ro 1pa) osX I E'Wcv. Av. 37. O aOv tt9'Vr 1X~t'VqV Tn'V 7rat~V ro Ik' 0 gcsycz,1qV sI'vcu. ~Esch. Prom. 926. o7V'61 Yc'Q ai~r(O TUr Fro~QXnGoC r t TO jq'oV 7ttOcv cr4t'co. 786. 1056. Ag. 1169. axo a' SV6-,v?n7,X8oC1V TO tt) OV (vuig. To, gn)) 7ro'Zcv jtv oarcs oSv "'Xsc rcvastv. Earn. 853. Sn' ~va~iotyt c x tn ov')a (oiv' Om. Veil.) I T 'Vd' —t~.LaV =7ttv. Eur. Ploin. 1175. payd' cev O6attvolv TtiyQ vtv dqpya#Eh~v Ac~g ro tvq) SV nat' axpewv zrsqyc~tcv;XEv 7ro'Xiv. Orest. 1033. on aT~v rE tt) (!k' S Herw.) orE'vuv nocn&. Here. 326. ov av Ix~ a " op' cooars It ) (pt) S Herw.) #ccv&~v. Hipp. 49. 645. Med. 1209. Iph. A. 916. Andr. 254. Phoen. 1192. Plat. Rep. p. 354 D. oain'rax' pav 6t S'. E'r za'ozXsv&' hsiv ov. Crit. p. 100. Xen. Symp. I II. 3. o v> tg oat, 'Crpq c'v ut ISy& 8 To pn` Sv 18'~Ev. More usually the, artidle is omitted as in Herod. VI. 88. oSx~rt &v,, covro pt ai T' 7tryv pqjTv 'acwO~at. Plat. Marion. p. 89 D. avun C'~evatDlsEILO p?) or,,tuCog IE-' ysoflca. So we find both p?) and To' p4q. Cf. on Aj. 96. (Ed. R. 1388. 92. vvv (supr. 6a)) T. vi'v B. K. L. vaig. xat y~ep VarEpQ0] I. e. %oc' y&Q xait V'tE QO1 or xcel v',tE Q&J y&'C (as in 87. nixv zU'lt Zcagi). 'For even if a man be late, yet doing what is right at least, as soon as he has learnt (how things are), brings gain to him.' As we say, 'Better late than never,' 'never too late to mend.' Suich, I conceive, is the general sense of this rather awkwardly expressed sentence. Schol: Xcd, iVi, cpqgotv oi 7ct, rtLt %cXt' Y&Q to0 Q~~t 6Eavra 7ratsi4v, 1ztMV acXv c,Gnorioyv, n'XEa dog a Q, I Ot~tX,oat Fiorat. But Herm: 'etiam serieis venienti prosperae quidem res (SC. illius, de quo comperiat), bid de iis audierit, lecrum afferunt.' And so explain Dind. Wand. Nauick, &c. And indeed the words 17e' 7i5'otro ('when he has heard of it') seem to favor this view. TPAXINIAI. 2 29 C'5~av, zT 2V4J9ovro, zEQo utzoAL. ov al6,A vv, lvcp 1OPg' rt'xrn xztrzvv4&-F Tr6 cpAoyr011EVOV 94 vGx~qo~] Sc. ovxrt. I. q. VtaVEqo~vXL, 'though he be late (or set out late).' TO -si Zpaa6Eetv] ' To act rigidly.' Cf. 57. Schol. ~r&'Tu 6E'Ovrct irotEtv. Compare %al.C~ zpa'aascv 57. Ear. Hec. 713. r1X'iFMv c '-7rEzpaqk~Lv' lart. Others, probably rightly, explain 'prospera fortuna.' 93. 7rt'#otxo vulg. zri~ovro (altered from 7rv4ot) L. Zr'#oto may perhaps be the true reading. Cf. El. 697. 0-xev cYi ztg #,cc5vI drrV 6rvcat' Uv (alivetx' vuilg.) Oz'e1' U'v 16zly~ov qpvyirtv. And on 2 above. Y.8Q6'og ef7roWc] 'Procures (gets) gain, causes satisfaction.' The Schol. explains E'u=X&? by azocpiqsrcat. Cf. Ph. 303. oicYO'z~ot =XE'cov I sio?.CS "atXJ~g Ant. 1037. %EQ6cduVET', F1roXVE- XSlerQov. Lucian. Cat. 1. o 0'~fo~? siaX cqu EV. 24. 7roXXe I 'ttzo au;acr' etyuxc.'E~urolriv properly means 'to gain by traffic.' Isae. 88, 26. 94-140. The Chorus begin with an invitation to the Sun, whose pierclng rays penetrate everywhere, to declare in what quarter Hercules now is, for that his afflicted wife is inconsolable from his protracted absence. They then endeavour to console her by these several considerations: that as HercuLles has hitherto always been preserved by some protecting divinity from casualties, it is reasonable to hope the same of him now; that there is a bright side of things, as well as a dark, to all; and, lastly, that Zeus is not likely to neglect his own offspring. 94. alX'M vi'f] 'Star-bespangled night.' zrotx11ij dta' ro'& &wea, as explained by the Schol., who also gives two other interpretations, lidlevct and rces~cc (as in Rain. Il. Ix'. 463. ~'. 261. Nvxrvi #o~ The two for.mer are also given by Hesych. Suid. and Bekk. Anecd. p. 359, 3. Buttmann (Lexil. ~. 12) decides in favour of the interpretation 'starry night.' Cf. 132. Ear. Pir. Fr. II. 4. 6Qpqvcdt' vi~ a1`oX6XQcog. ~Esch. Prom. 24. 27 7rt nikucv V'~ (schol: &c' -x' #rt~kJat xoie d'eavotg). 'EvapcIQLIEvce1 'Being dispersed (lit, killed)' by the darting rays of the Sun (77lUov v6~otg, Ear. Here. 1090). Schol. min: qpEpg'q Cf. Aj. 141. i~g viv qp0qtsV?7g vvrxzdg. Tr. 1169. Xpo6vq roa ~c6vrt..ZEsch. Pers. 383. EZ7ts dc' CPE'Yyog t'o1v X"riqp&ro. 228. xij18' neO, dvapatg, &vaxrog 77Uov r~vcaqpwatv. Lucret. I. 148. 'non radii solis neque lucida tela dieiI discutiant.' For Evcret~ofsva, which Nauck also suspects, I would gladly substitute a&qpvt~ottiva, Cf. Philo p. 714. cavurst'lavrog,'Uov xo' p~v an~oro a~pv(gsrct. Wecklein proposes avvopt~ottiva ('sibi vicinarn, adfinem, GtV6Oov, ef/iciens'). 95. rixircd 'Begets,' causes to rise, by its own disappearance. Schol: avarEtU nrotct. Cf. on Aj. 674..Asch. Ag. 264. Evdyyclog tdv, CO'6=rsQ nJ 7rUQotfLtci, I E-cog yivotro fL?7rQO' -v'qpp0vsj zaeia. 279. r~ viiv rnot'a6 qg &o zo6~' s cjp0vqg Xi~yco. Similarly Pind. 01. II. 59. &PE'aV-7rally" ca,1ov (schol: '7rc' ' 'Xo ri'v 'pdci ysvve) xrctv~vvfxst] Lit. 'puts to rest.' Lat.' 'componit.' Cf. Ant. 833..Esch. Prom. 24. ' zrotntlctajwv vi~ a'iroxqV'pc rpaog. Virg..ZEn. I. 374. I-F,,-,4 <L - ' 8() 2X~~~~1'()(OKyJP])Erub.,At~ov "AAtov ci,'rc5 TOVT),r zaoV~tat T( y JA)LIpi'va, 72T01 aot!:tOf#I, ILto vwtlt 7tOT~ Cd )azttO (5Tto ozct qqXyi&ca, 99 'Ante diemn clauso compjonet?vesper Olympo.' Hor. Carin. Swcc. 10. 'Ahoyi Sol, ceiari nitido diemt qui I prondis et celas.' Cf. on 653. Elmisl. ad llcrac. 131. With xarsvv~.Ft the sense bids us supply y,vvnou vi or tbe like (cf. onl El. 72). 9pXoyt~o'~usvov] 'Shining, blazing.' Scbol: XU'r~ovTO. Pb. 1199. (Fxoy[(~o~v (trans.). El. 58. hY-4ta qpoytaxO'v. Qu. %XVeEV2'CZ~,t x'r & qqvt~OIVOV,7 i f Evp~otv be right. In some editions a comma is marked before c?.oy. (Wak. Br. Dind. Sehn.), in others (Aid. Turn. Herm. Wund. Hart. Bgh.) there is none. With Hermann I mark a commna after qp2.oyt~5OpEvov. 96. 'Altov -] The Sun, as pervading all lands with its lig~ht, is called upon to declare the region in which Hercules now is. Ii. y' 277. W'H Lo, ~ ncc'vr" 1cpoQL A~~sch. Ag. 632. In like manner the Suin is invoked Aj. 844 f. (E d. C. 869. O' =U'ravc XE~ga~v "'ltog. IEsch. Ag. 615. oi'yh Oi4H) 'vbst I LO ZU~tYY,'f~Ot TaQ(5, f 7TI 'V OS rqpor~~to ~ qpv'atv. 659. Et 6' oivVu rt '~' iqjlt'ov vtv t6ZopssL I xat ~~oflrc4 %cti gx 7rovrct &c. Hbm. H. in Cer. 69 f. UX)W 5v y&'e 6i' nirtav Ent' yfi'vc ecni xazan~vrv I taieg 1 dcrig 1c5&QXEca xi&t IvqpxE(g?'vtan7r qpitlov trixog EL, 7Zov 0=07rceg. 'A4Xtov aidrc-o6 Xajtzri axr~onr~ qp~i#Oy~v] The same change of person we find 216. oiW 6' rgopoat TV'i 52.5G, cf zveQcVV x&ag 4-~ka (Qqsvdg. CCd. C. 1085 f. 97. xo~ro xapi3~at rov 41 vag] ' To proclaim (or declare) this concerning the son of Alcnmene, where &c.' The common Attic construction for xaqv~ixt vovro, 7ro~'t Itot O' 'A~x '~rvce vaisEt, &c. So e. g. Arist. Nub. 145. U'Vr'QET' UQxt XaLQ,1CP1~VT~e ZWQU~rq?7I pv2.2aV, 07tO'Govg UXiotro roig ai'rr; nr66ct. Pac. 604. d1 ~3oi2.sa#' G&x-o~cat r v6' Jzcog 5rzo,2.Ero. For the addition of rofiro cf. Phil. 1355. zz,?r UV"agxsa o, xoitv 'AreEjcog E!LI ~vvvzce igatv-. Ear. Ale. 36. q" r66 'ziadrv, rdtv?nX iaa' zvrq 7rpo~aWvv. ]Hipp. 1112 f. Toi6ro B. T. ro'rcxq A. K. L. Harl. Aid. It is not very clear whether Zro5,o depends uponl atxci or %SZQV~aL. Musgfrave, B ranch, iDind., and others prefer the former; Apitz and others the latter. Qu. zacidc, or ro'v6E. nctQV~cct B. K. T. Herni., Dind. &c. xaeiV'~at A. L. vulg. GI. V: E17r51v E4toe. Cf. 45. "& 6Elxa I 1tjvugze rrg U2.otg nE'vr' QvxT04' ILEg pEL.98. 7rd'# j~ot 7rd't psot zrcst A. B. K. L. Ald. rr64t ptot =r64t ira~ T. Turn. Br. Dind. Herm. Bgk. 7Lo't pLot nactt Harl. 7r6'#t ptot =r64t ptot (del. 7rai~) Pors. Wund. 5dmn. Nauck. nrOL# p.ot 7t0Ot y~g conj. Schn. Certainlynia~q cannot well stand thus by itself; and I suspect it is a corruption of irai'da, a gloss on rO'%'AXx1.uip'vag (seliol: TOV A2.tkrvcag. XZL(7rct 7rai~c), or rather of yidg. 99. vati'st] I. e. 6tarpt43Et, 'is dwelling, is.' Lat. 'versaler.' Cf. (Ed. C. 137. xtg "Q' 4v; rrob proi zoro vcdrEt. 117. 0v Eyw-oirro~ 6ivapatxyvc5vat nrob vaudt. Seidl. ad Eur. El. 302. 2.afL~rQ' GT.EQOnra B. L. pr. (corr. &..).Cf. Aj. 257. XagnQ&!g -— "UE 100. " '-]- According to Epic usage. So Iom. Ii a'. 192. ptrq I t~Ev I `l-rov' ~tLiv xvaaov I~ x~2ov rav~astsv, ZEsch. Clio. 756. o5 ycc' r qpcov&i-iqj (d,?) Lpo'gr'j d h'zpr rtg? 2ovplp~'" I "`~t I should prefer here the usual formufla El q- j- 'if (whether) - or-,' Ant. 1~217. &c. TPAXJNIAI. 3 9 I 0 -irovrttovg A. B. T. ler-nin. schol. 7TovSTI g K. et (supr. ov mn. pr.) L. Nck. Ithink, 7rovxi'cg is righjt. According to Athenaeus (v. 189 D.) ai'~Wv is mnasculine in prose writers (as Thuc. IV. 63)), but feminine in the, p)oets. troviv 2'o6Vcg ' The straits of the sea,' and hience perhaps the, sea at large. So Schaefer (Melet. p. 37) explains zr6vriot c~ of the sea, &UGG&,. rLtoot of the earth. The Chorus -wish to learn whether H'ercules is at sea, or on land (on one of the two continents). Cf. Fr. 493. T~yvv s Xat, aiqQUagyt g'? { t rv(?) " e'Wcvctg. IAsch. Prom. 731. aVX~v' 1E'%rrvQv MaciLortx0v. Arist. Av. 244. EXFt'ag (al. EXistovg) Iraq' aV'civcg. Dionys. Perieg. 136. O",~Ev 6T>5vo' F'Qz&Xat av'liav. Philostr. p. 817. Ev a~r241 as)v'Xv. With -7rovri'ovg av2.cavag supply va't if indeed there be not some error. Perhaps Sophocles wrote?" ovev x1'dovczg. (Ed. C. 1686.?"I 7ro'vuov x4idov' a'XftO)L5VaL, &C. Or T'j 7rovzt'Mg a o.iatv (or xX '&cav, sc.xt#s') 101. &,gaecrdtv rszt'Qotrt A. B. K. Hari. Ald. 8ag~aiGtv c'r&t'Qotgtv L. &igtaatg a'rn'Qotg T. &LCGCahiLv CrsI`otg Erf. &. Qu. ZiQgoLGLV - Cf. Pind. N. IV. 115. ZaQog EV e (06a, 1/he mainland of Europe. Herod. II. 99. 6r~aacaLv " tnoiot xltust'g] 'Tarrying in (near) the two continents.' Cf. Fr. 760. 1do6c4TqV ttot x&a (Tco,?) 6r" qTrELQ60 tto2xsev. Moscih. Id. IL. 8. 4n~r,,tQovg 6'otc. Antipater Thess. LVI. q'prstqotq dtd6'iartrg. Herod. IV. 118.. r~ 'v xjj 4zEs4co rn- h',Fy. Sophocles follows that division of the worldl, which constituted it in two parts, Europe and Asia; Africa lbeing looked upon as a kind of neutral ground, attached at one time to the former, at another to the latter. So Plato (Gorg. p. 265.) and Isocrates (Paneg-. c. 48.) spealc only of Enrope and Asia, without any mention of Africa. See Wessel. ad Herod. IL. 16. Schaef. Melet. p. 36 f. Time words of Isocrates are: rxg yijg JnrcY~ ri~g i'7ro zc xo'G~Lc XELILrFV77 t'X % xc rijg tt~v 'Agagu~ xqg 6 ESqo~7rqg xa ovpE'vqq. Bu )ft as Hercules could not have been on two continents at one and the same time, Wunder explains lrtccrianv 5'rrt'qotg 'one of the two continents,' referring to El. 1319 f. Musgrave thinks we should not require too much exaetness in a poet. Schol: zq' T" Ewaz xat4 dYvtxa'c. Perhaps the two regions of Thessaly and Euboea are mneant, and by the nr'vxror anv"Wv~ the straits that lie hetween them. Cf. 74 f. Benedict understands it 'de terra continente versus orientem et occidentem spectante.' xnt~e~ci] 'Near to', according to Epic usage. Musgrave compares Il1v. 709.It 2rvij -OEItrm'vog KqppvaGGL&. o'. 740. roin xIdfLVO E 4AaqqpEt 7rrc'dog cd'qg. Add Theogn. 1110. zr6).tg - %cW)z,qAajtw'Gi nxXrtdtv?7 7rsclco. Eur. Tro. 798. voauov - lr&x rZtX-~t1Vcr; ~OrX#1 ~tQoeg. Apoll. Rh. I. 595. 'O~ttov - 61rcox XEXpEvqv. Seidi. ad Tro. 819. 102. ti'r' xcr' opta] ate - Xcvpprcc Reiske n. ins. ca - osra] '0 thou that surpassest in appearance.' (Ed. R. 660. El. 824. Cf. 379. 47 %caQTa lapzra xcdl ncr' opftra xal, inpzatv. Others explain xcrz' O~tttt 'in vision'. Schol: co' i'rxmv 7rc~a2Yg zov, g #Eov, xwrci, To oz'txo~v. And so Musgrave, 'videndi facultate,' rather than 'tucis splendore' in a passive sense. Probably rightly. EbrE' is- added after xaq~vat, because of the length of the intervening sentence. 32 X'QqiKAEOY2Z 2ro~ov~Jgvc ya~ 9p9vA zvifravoqce TC(V al~tV~tX1z ZIqjL'V&tQaV C~t~ oica Iru ci~4t)ov 0,vtv, 105 103. nroaovpilVq - cpq,,vt vuig. Herm. Dind. Nck. I. e. ' With a longing mind'. Schol cV qx~~o~t~. East. p. 806, 56. itoq'ovplvp 1FQ5FVt Vr, %ot0t2'OEQOV 7to~o '6y. Dindorf cites another doubtful instance of the middle iro#E6'ui9ct fromi Procop. Bell. Pers. II. 4. p. 96 B. But there can be little doubt that Musgrave's and Wakefield's conjecture 7rovovpE'Va (adopted by Erf. Wand.) is right. C.95 swt71OV?~5og a nx~t od'vxvca. (IEd. R. 685. y~q 7rqo~rvotOVEvvccg. Aj. 1310. Thuc. II. 51. xc'v xs 6x~aovra xczt TO 7roVO1LIsvov oXT'~ovro. Meineke proposes zroovpdvy Cf. ~.,sch. Prom. 858. hx~oigivot. qPQHvceg. Clio. 528. i6 '?1~ f27rV0V ke ysv?F~xoqtt~vq.) Nauick zt&0ov zr1'ce IHo~ovt~tEa is pass'ive below 632. 104., e cattqtv,,xt%] 'Contended for, miuch courted'. Schol: uq'v 1~Qf~e~lxV.Cf. 527. Utt~Vstuyrv 0~4tau ViVqrci. 25 f. AEsch. Ag. 669. irav dOet~ycifLgeOv "JqtcptvX~ #' 'E)Avccv. Connect c4r?. with rpVaF6cc, with Nauick. Dindorf connects it with oivxor'E 5Vcat - =c -e Quy - i. e. %XUcEv). Wander wrongly connects it with 7rvv#U'voltff others again with 6Lq~tvctwq. 105. ota xtv' ""#Xtov O"Qvtv] I.e. the nightingale. Cf. 963. El. 148f. 107Sf. For ohe 'like as' cf. 526.,Esch. Ag. 1103. oh2U Ttg ~OV#c' - '7 Hermesianax ap. Athen. XIII. 598. C. 'Axrt' d' ota fd'taa. Ear. Hipp. 564. pXt6,9ci 6' oi'c~ (vulg. ot~cc) rLg 7tEiro'rcexat. oviro~r Eivv~Tstv -] 'Never lulls to rest the regret of her tearless eyes,' i. e. so that they should not weep. Schol: pn,-rorE ro'g '(a9"tkoi CCZKQVXOVQ E`EV 'I Ue,%2. ch 7CO#( xav ()cx Qtcov VLXO)ILIVJ1V O(IVQEa4Gcec. For iVaci,,Lv cf. 95. "'C(%QtV'r] I. e. fflaxs, yiyvsagi'c cevxrcl cinxvxrce. Put proleptically. Cf. Ant. 881. roV cY'?fL1V 7rchfcOV Uh1O'%QVrOV oV'6Fg qi~ tcov ar,-vc'(u. CiEd. C. 1200. x~jv G&,v "6c'cexrwv 6~qcpechcov xljxco~tvog. El. 242. yov~on '?xr'-,sov i'1xov 't~VO xVCOV 'CO3V. 'AcYCCeXQ jCOV here means 'not weeping', as it is rightly explained hy Heath. Vativ. Hermi. Dind. Cf. 1200. caxlrvuexrog %ciflgvrog. Ear. Hec. 690. oa'6~irox' c',grVCexvog c'a"gvrog 'C'L Qi hivimt Others wrongly explain ch~axpi'rcov iu the, sense of irotva"cXQ~rV,C0 as Schol. here and on Ant. 881. Lob, ad Aj. p. 299. Blomf. GI. Prom. 905. Nitzch. ad Odyss. a'. 20. Dissen. ad Pind. N. VI. 46. Cf. Seidler ad Ear. El. 442. Musgrave conjectures a'dcxpV'g fC0 (p 'po ('palpebra sicca'). 106 f. Cf. Odyss. ri. 515. aszralp 17ra~ vi X n2 fr,?.irecto ~t.lcdcovat 0VQ~ttEVOV?1QoEc#Vg. 107. Olcpc~,cov 7tcd#ov] Cf. Aj. 140. - Q'frov for 7ro'ov Reiske it. inis. cal] - Bergk. 108. Construe TQ~cPOVaceV S vcsaxov cY.tlua O'doi, c'vd~gd, 'entertaining an ever mindful (anxious) apprehension respecting the journey of her TPAX-NJA I. 0'),E 'a r Vt t o 1. v vai r g ao V at v c 6 c ( J, o 1 11X, d a, z a ( ' kuisband.' Sehol: c(2'1I' -ro 6ELC xo' V'7r"Q Tov uzvS0,g c'St, ttVntovEvovear.i92 rczag U'a~Va26OIg %oirca~g TQX at zax' ipvy 'v. Musgrave conj: EV~La"GTov - i (F-~ veer, O'do5 1vrva(o~ (,_viae terroribst,') vaEg T - CZ turceernr Liv. a. 'Mlindful'. So ZAsch. Ag. 155. yvirttcr tLvtg. The Schol. appears to refer Fv~ittczaeror to Deianira herself. rP EQOVGUV the mss. Wak. Ilerm. Apitz. rQitpOV6uV Casaub. (Aninm. in Athen. p. 549.)Br. Erf. Sch. Wund. Dind. Hart. Schn. Nck. Weckl. Cf. 28. cit Tr ix J9OPovT q~ov re 'Tpo. Aj. 1124. j y2.coeeeany Gov ro'vfOvtv co' t~itnr ~iq~t. l. 11. xro~q~pvuF (TCmct~ Ed. R. 294. and on (Ed. R. 863. Ant. 1090. Wakefield defends rpknovexr, coil. Eur. Orest. 1506. qcc~uow upipcov. Catull. LXI. 54. 'indonmitos in corde gerens, Ariadna, furores.' Ovid. Met. V. 426. 'inconsolabile vulnus m nente gerit tacita'. 6twtc-6o'd] The gen. as in (Ed. R. 233. (pt'ov sdEczGa. O'do~] 'Concerning tke journey.' Cf. 51. Perhaps a"t' or f~zve. Or orT (reading qpXyomr. for qp1vy~gov 99). Or thus: TQEtPUr xapc/eeor (evrotxovr, avvotnov). Wakefield conj.: -, ottob?r'v#Vtotg & 109.?rEv#Vwoti Evvutgt cZV(YV 6o)TO TQVZ56~czt 'Is pining away 1)/ reason of her widowed conch, uchich weighs on her miind.' The epithet?rfvfditotg belongs not simply to Evircdt, but to the collective idea contained in Fvrcaf~ aravo65vaotoi 'widowhoodl'. The dative of cause. The Schol. anderstands Ev. Selineidewin explains: Ervfr1vovttdrrjv T&g ToC avieIg lej'sczg Eiivo. Schol: Ev~vftutotg &vrai7g. CZv tg rrxe Taitq 7rO2.vq)QOVTte6ToL UXViV,6Q0COTOtet 6E Tca~ tQTJ~Latg Toy "V6Qoq. (Ed. R. 739. rTI 6' 'ut Got eorTVTr?wQ'VfVtov; Horn. Od. v'. 421. fuj Got )'rjV?4~~vftttOV "Ce1Tt. Herod. VIII. 54. Thuc. VII. 50. Antiphon p. 106. Vtttr 6E lV~vfLLtOg yCVnl&aLa (0' c`ro~a'c)vr). p. 112. Schneid. ad Xen. de Rep. Ath. III. 12. Valck. ad Aninion. I. 19. ad Herod. I. 176.,Evvcs~ A. K. L. Hanl. Ald. 5vcvd~ T` Ii. T. Tarn. avccv6Qioroten A. B. K. L. (YcvavQc0atotg T. 'Avc~v6Qcarog occnrs no where else, I believe. The usual form is ('r'ar6Qog. (E~d. R. 1506. Tr. 308. A~sch. Pers. 289. Esvrtdcg fl Uffrcr5Qovg. Eur. Vlipp. 547. I'~rar-v L~r- a 'I~uo Med. 436. ra' c'vacv,6Qovg XOI"ru. Cyci. 30.CZ. Zovg Crev(r6v(Qovg. Hec. 669. He]. 293. Andsr. 347. Qn. 4&vdvQotet'vrET (or YE) -. Or - ErV'Jttov, xn0trTca cVcV8Qotg cdet -. Cf. 913. %cet r~ &rren6cz (,cfrc"r6QoVg?) Eg TO?.0o'V~ oi'eIcg Gin. EVcrpQorcag). Asch. Pers. 135. 17iEi~tid~ 6' a'xQo rv*ELg ExtWTarc 7rrooY qtpt?,VOQt TO'V -iVatZTQcz IrQ,07r.JVu~i XE17rirccn ttorvog. Virg. ZEn. IV. 82. 'So/a domo mnwret vacua stratisque re/ictisI incubat.' Sil. Ital. IIL 555. 'Houc hello vacuos lugebal th/amanos, ililurrhio spoliata miarito.' Cratinas nses vQ&tE? in the sense of car6QIg 7rEiL~QuttE`V)7. 110 ZTQXCCut] Aj. 605. (Ed H. 666. Bu.Iip 4.cetr.~~r - QVXmt lIel. 528. 13029. Arist. Ach. 68. xx v- "cge r] Connect -Aux& cdeczr6av, and refer dv6veraVOr to Deianira (ecf. 16. Pb. 291 ). 'Anticipating, poor womzan, an evil fate.' Or 'anticipating ain evil sad fate.' Eur. Hipp. 16~2. xaxIc 6iveravog atelcxartoe. Perhaps rev',Zeg~ct, XILY, 6v'e1Xern EXzid~ovecev cdecer. See Schol. 111. 61;earvov] 'Unhappy one'. Cf. 326. duy.Qv~QQovi yVetirJ7og. 16. 936. Ph. 172. Col. 844. 1583. (Ed. H1. 1249. BLAYDES, Sophocles' Trachiniae. 3 I 34:34 2'O~~Z iOKA4EOTP~2? xivttctr' iv 6v~t 7rovrw (3dvr' 67ctovra r' i'iv An4rLovatv]I 'Expecting, anticipating, apprehending.. Cf. on 296. F'Ant'vtv xtyxc'. Aj. 799. Eur. Suppl. 800. ro' ~tdv yaQ ovx nknt~ov av 'rEtsirV#EvcztInao 7rcO,rrQtcga0v. Ion. 3.51. Here. 7228. -loni. Ii. 4'. 110. Incert. ap. schiol. ad Trach. 296. O"rav xtcz2.J zrecaaq urt, khrd(stv czc.Pint. Legg. 1. 644. D. z0 6E lroi~rotv cttupoiv czv aqacz ttEXA.,VT0)V, ov xotVOV ~ V OV2LX IZt4, g7t6L0V 16' cP40go ~t"2) q 7rQiJ 2 '7r?7g 1~7riZg, qfUYQ6og 6c,~ q' 7CQO xOi E2VUxVr'v. Arist. Av. 956. Thuc. I. 1. VII. 61. Polyb. IX. 6. 9. Cic. Tusc. IV. 37. 80. 'si spes exspectatio boni, mnali exspectationem esse neeesse est metntin.' Fam. V. I. Orat. III. 13. &. Virg.,En. I. 543. 'Al sperate deos menmores fandi atqzie nefandi.' IV. 419. 'finne ego si potui tantum, sperare dolorem.' Lucan. V. 455. 'naufragii spes omnis abit.' 112 f. 7rolka' y"' — 1 'For ais one may see, when the unwearied sotith or north ucind blows, many?waves in the wide sea receding and (again) advancing.' Cf. (Ed. C. 1239 f. Ant. 586 f. AEsch. Suppi. 469. Eur. Or. 343. Yirg. An. II. 416 f. XI. 277 f. The iimage is drawn apparently from Hon. II. (3' 394. e5 r vtuIcxi?cp' pfLX, Or tirjvr0 #ov, VI'ZoP~qrt 6xozaco roy 6 ov'rorE xviwarce 2~tIirt I cevlrot'cov U or uv 'v~' ~~'v#c yvwca t'. 4 f.X. 305 f. v'. 795 f. Connect rroXla' with xiSltara. ca06rE-rtg-1 q?] The construction of caswith a subjunctive is according to Epic -usage, It is rarely found in Tragedy. Horn. Il. (3'. 474. coar' cdirota 2rar " adyejv I cd~ro2ot c'v6Qsg 'Eiu 68Lax~tQ6VoLV. t'. 323. 5 a~rrrrja vso6aaoiat 7rQqohQpa'~jt I licaarax', - Weg xat lyco' &c. s.'. 67. o' a', coar' 7XQEQ vavrto Ut aXi2oL6av I 'yttov??accuvcoatv. p~.165. ot' 6' "6rs aqi~ Xscg tCE~gov cz'6~ot ~ t LmgauL J oit'ur~,.g o vt 9106 ic.278. rj~v (', coarE v cF9 XtuiVog 7rtriWrco tULaEcUc - g c~ c 4' 16. co'g 0"r or 7roQgPvQq naa~yog, - cg 0 yE~Cov &c. 7r'. 428. otF 6' cog' adyvntro' ~t~yc~~ 'la co ovrE t fczcvcc I Og ot' %EX qycrsg h' a.U.7 -'.c If orvuv. 161. x'. 486. Eur. Hec. 988. ca'g rtg 1x7rFap.Ant 586. " ellco wa rortov oi64cc - xv).iv8Et (qu. xvltiv6,j c ehp W&grar'v nuL irog - i`'&t (cf. 6.99 f.). wa~r ancq~cuvrog - (3oQ~a] The construction of this gen. is far fromt clear. It may possibly be put absolutely, a participle being understood, as aliQtccg, x~qco~vog, 67paug, vvxrog, &c. But I think some participle is needed. Qu. 630arF PpE'Itovrog (or J30ars-~ 7rvEovrog) -. Or 0o)a'6' ir' 5qxcijrog - Uxcaccasrog] ' Unwearied, incessant.' IL. a'. 484. q'Eu(A0'v r' a'X at a vrcoa 7V. 177. E y~rcpXF5 &xa'csvr. Eur. Pir. Fr. III. 1. acxcf'ccg XQOVOg. Pind. 01. IV. 1. C'exttarijo6~og (3Qovr~g. III. 3. a'xatvro~ro'6wv tZ'irirv. V. 3. Bo~~cz A. K. L. T. &c. Bogiov A. corr. B. 114. xivcccr' CEtQ-E' the rnss. xvtcra, EsiE Tricl. cQ'e E' trxvcura Br. nV' i I Iv 'VQ Wak. Pors. Dobr. Apitz. xzcour'?v E ~'Q' Erf. Herm. Dind. Hart. Schn. Bgk. and Elrnsl. ad Med. 806. The solution in Ei'Qie of course could only be allowed in choral odes or in free metre like that of anapaests. Cf. Eur. Fr. Inc. 175, 1. zrcvrov nuvcccr' csiQ,4Og. 11.(3 7r'?ov~rc rE] ' Ebbing and flowing.' Schol:i& cvcrcv TPAXI1VIA I oivrc &E rn'v Km~toyw~v r9APtcpu r U V"~V& 3Lo'roV ZtoAVovov GJ67t&Q 7EAcyog Kg 5tov. c)xxa rtg qfto~v 6 d'IQ?1Q7rQX0ttva. Bijvat often means 'to depart,' and 17rLoVTC is here equivalent to 17rt6TQrOPT(pv 'retuirning.' Perhaps P3c'vr' avtov~c 'r But cf. 134. "&'paQ PEPc- -rc3.6'" 7(,-QX5rTL xaQ &C. M'6ot the inss. Wak. I'6'y Erf. Hernm. Dind. Schn. Hart. Bgk. Nck. 1 16. ovTco E'~ -] 'So in like mianner a troublesome Cretan sea as it were of life sustains and strengthens the hero of Thebes.' Herm: 'ita quiasi Cireticus quidam pontus fierce/em liabet augetqute ejus labores.' On this use of 6'IE in apodosis see Ehnsl. Add. ad Baceli. 180. Buttmn. in Deni. c. Mid. Exe. XII. Schaef. Mel. Crit. p. 58. Heind. ad Phied. 46. Cf. El. 127. Jcairse irirzog CsVyev, - 66 6'co M aiv &c. Ant. 426. (E d. R. 302. rov Ka6'puy~iv] Schol: ro'v @iq3ayEvi 'H~axU'ac. Who quotes Hesiod. Theog. 530. 0oqp 'HQaxlJgOn @oceysvE'og xliog sif~. Add Hoin. IL. In'. 99. ~'. 323 f. H. in Here. 2. Pind. Istih. I. 13 f. VII. iit. Cf. also on (Ed. R. 1. 117. rqEPELro~ 6" a{`~Et - KQg rgov] Schol: c6vrl' inqocpqi~x v~ xl aV'?26Po'g slaLv aV3r oL ro'vot, OV, cp77at', TO' gE TCJJV xaYxiOV IUE, x6 R'~ aiv4rat x~m' atroi. A figure that frequently occurs in writers hoth sacred and profane. TQE'9EtV and JaEV"~ are elsewhere united, as in Piat. Rep. VIII. 565. C. xul xo irov xpjrPstv T8 X'XI at gdyrzv. Aristid. Monod. de Smyrn. aZ~ov nal rqi~ov xati UQ60oV (Ta&g 6ipsrg). Compare also Eur. Hipp. 367. e07 7rovot TQF'porpOV- P3QOTo ~. Suppl. 321. Tole rrovotatv av~.crtt. Philem. Stob. 66. TOPv 6ll govov ovrce xcei XU7 TrvXq TrgE995. Soph. Fr. 518. poxct d's Tov'g (.LIEv tLoLa 6'vaapQLCX, Tovg 6 " Xp3o- ips&5v. (Ed. R. 374. gug T59JE'qt zprqO vvxTo'g..ZEsch. Cho. 24. tvyg.oaar jOdaxemar xgaq. And conversely they said rQpcJtLv vOigov, arSqV, Ldcwsw cp~ov, qf~vu'~v, &c. Cf. on Phil. 795. Musgrave wrongly takes aiEt in a neuter sense for ai ~e.Wnnder takes TO gL 'rov 7ro2lr vov to he the subject of both TQkpCL and ctvsr-, i. a. ino uL- TQicpt, ro'8E avE (P3LO'ov 7roXVm7rovov). But this cannot well be. It is better to remove the commia usually placed after 7roXV'~rovoV, and make 7r-F'Xayog the subject. But the passage is, I doubt not, rather corrupt. Qu. TQ,-O2Et T Et$ gi 9ov 7rol 'roo cars/ 'laryog KQ 'hLov. Or TQokpEL xatr cui t (TQeiqmt ins rav ir, TEtJP Xci QU66OorT0VV Tc~et) PtoioOrTIre T' `6" (Ant. 969.) av%,,t 3tOTrov -. Or TQ1'XEL TUQcs~v And for gLTOov 7roXv'7rOvOv perhaps a'OinOg 7CoXVZoVOg, Tec-qphtJ TO' g6 Trp (ssr B. TQV'XcL Mudge. aT Q?'(e-t Reisk. Hart. Nanek. TO 6" A. K. L. T O6 B. T. ai~zt (&%,st pr.) L. "civ in litura unins literae." 1 18. WazrsQ A. K. Harl. coJgT B. L. T. coa67rsp TL (i. e. TE, I suspect) V. Cf. on 530. Connect c'crzsq n$Xreyog 'as it were a sea.' Cf. Aj. 8. 2Esch. Sept. 758. xaci~cv 6'" anirs ~'r xciz c ' ("5' TO Nr~ ITO ~?o6" cs4l'qr &c. Arist. Vesp. 713. oi'lkot, rT' 7to#' 0367r5Q VUQxq ILOV %Acirci T7J x5teo~g xCzTCx5LrctL; Plat. Phaed. p. 66 B. xLv6'vvcJSIJS o'0G~rEQ ciT QcurOg Ttg?)7pci FSncpE'QcLv. Aj. 8. xvv0%g AcixcdvYg f'O~ TLg E VQL1)Og g3e'atg. Apocal. XV. 2. mcii Jd6ov co' #I.ciagacv V3ciU"Vviv &c. Arist. Nub. 1276. ToIJ EyxEgcazOV GcOG7rEQ 6EGE&6~cii gLot 6'oxstg. Plat. Phqed. p. 88 D. 6 10YOg OVTOg WG67tCQ V7rf.FgV)76F Its &C. 3* ~:0(P/ 0 I -4 E -P top L~rq1OEtUJ(p 4 (5GI C4' EL( aL' iLU ( i5.122 ZE~2eyo~1 Cf. on (Ed. C. 663. 1746. Seliol: (3LoV (Y,, 7n'ag T (\ Xst1uuo~asvoi' (3(ov. A similar passage in Cutr. llipp. 822. nct-(Jv 4', 0 Tuga~ 7r&1aY-og EdoQmo xrg~oG~~v av ~jio'~uh~ ra~tv j (06 iv~iQ~G( tvcz z~6Es avpqpopi~. Mtenaud. ap. Athen. X11f. p. 559 C. tW~n'tvoi I El5g 7t'tayog cti'ro'v?(zG~ &i?t3~~ cevrvxbv?) 7reuxyPUTC.uv I oi, AttvxV ocb' AV'~Ov. 119. Kq~r;tov] K~e atov T. The sea about Crete was usually rough an1d stormy. l1or. Oct. It. 26. 2. 'tristitiamt et m~ets I tradacn protervis iii miare C2rettcunm portare vealis.' 120. U'vap1cUxnriov Schol. Camer. Musgr. &c. "'yr)~5mxnov the mss. UZ~UrXc)xiov Heath. Vauv. Br. I. q. U'ra.j Hesych: 0 C~rA1Xyqov. ava-,ac/Q~riqToV. 1op TQpuX. And the same grammarian explains 7r2.exc'yet by Upcqcertcutg. Other explanations given are?7rvrvXj, and U'T~rctaLGOV. ~scbl. Agr. 0345.c~Ji orjo (c'vazr.. BI.) s? ~aio'Xo grqaeZ& Cf. on (E d. R1. 472. xqsg CVtCMMX)7rot. Blomf. ad AEsch. Ag. 336. The mnetre requires c'zrlez crirczr (t'4uir2. the mss.) in rEsch. Eum. 871. Perhaps therefore we should write "'vaxkU5e.s7oV. Translate, 'cYafe fromn harmi.' Schol: Id)~LV a JrJtaevst~ie )EC'ov Y"i TLgUvov "(X V, Uvq.UQTJ3VOV XUL" dt(xatov over MO-?.i'tU co'ri oi) 7`Atdoi. 'rj &'vu r~t.%qrov (~r supr. a in. see. Cf. -on (Ed. 11. 472), ~17rtvZi3, 7V6QL' ro' a-' tevae ci%,,e OLOV, XWcoLv a tiT V fi ~ rvyzs~V To "At~oiY. Compare with this passage S. Matth. Ev. IV. 6. roeg 7r0Gpj nqoq Xtiov rov 7rdc~ Gao. 120. atL~a B. c't(Y A. K. L. T. 122. COV?ntir U(c lEV 6' CO V 7'r C pCp Op E v 6 gWend. (Emend. P. 9 f.) Hart. 'For which things (condect) finding fault with you.' Cf.'Hom. II. e'. 65. EXeOkij it4 trca ('.225. Aj. 180. povprpzv ' cov ~vvoi 6o4o. The usual construction is a ZqLErrpa cd viU TMV, Hom. Od. XVI. 97.;y yrt Gt7VTr~tg E~rtrrrrcPaci. Herod. IV. 159. I. 75. H. 161. And 1?7rtipqp~u9cd Uv rtvog Occurs Lucian. D. Mort. ~27, 2.?irruoi~rle c'Turn. h aiiporrvc A. B. K. L. Harl. Aid.?7rr~orFc ' (gl. Got) T. Schol: nzE y ~O~l?7Gt Ott OV ItQOGqx6vxw #Ac O' 'Oaoi y q ac ~:eomvo. GI. L: c'vr' rob 60o' UdEaicc the inss. Dind. Schn. Bgkc. Nek. cd~ote Musgr. Wund. (Emend. p. 11 f.) Dind. II. "6arEt (!) Hlerni. Musgrave's conjecture is highly probable. Translate, 'respectful languaqe.' Cf.,Esch. Suppl. 193. a1ota-F`ir1J ~~~tvOV~~~~~~~~~~ 6~~~~~~~L5L(3EG~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,~ 7~1rr),vdug TrQEi7r~t. 455. 7roI2Xcv OvV cd~o'wv 2.67cov. The first syllable of cddoi~u anwers to a short one in the s-trophie, lint Soph. is not so exact in metre as ~Eschylus. Qui. '8&de (se. &yc~) aE'v ov", v 4E' oi'ovo. Cf. 37.3. El 64i p,) 2.lyco rptZ, oi'X c74ofe, 69 4' 9#6v? 0ac'riX' Ant. 1105. ftt'ltg fviv xtypQ4Ig 4'?~ara'x pug I 4edv. Arist. Ach. 501.?ye14i X1e ~c 4trv& tti~v, dt'xute 41'. Nub. 1462. wC'Ogr 7rOVqQu y' - 4(Xatce 41f. For q'84V' 'acceptable, ice/comze,' Lat. 'grates,' cf. El. 56. af,,tv qcx'rtv. 667. XZdyovg ~a~ Ant. 12. a~lo;V' 17~ ov"r' )e'1ySIvo. (Ed. R. 157. ~4'6v,,ni~ qdur. There is sonme 'fill / \ I I l/'I/, 7~IrjVY CQu (5(OM~.')C U yCC0T ) 7U( I.TUC1)1 X ell'JI i~~ 1,2 Fzr-gtiaJ 4)'vuerof& K~0ow?#e,- 'AA' Q'r.7 Zare~i x(4 Xiv doubt about the form ac6F~ty for "4E'ty iii a ITragic writer, whijeb perhap~s may be defended in a choral ode. Or: 60V i' U~t"a ci (or aloL) 6Eu va ttv "`V6Yxa 8d oi'o c. (Jr rather wv'~7tL5q~LV (sc. ciot dHOY.aolu it Iv, cav~rt d' ol~ec. Which answers better in respect of mietre to v.,itr. 11~2. 14eislke conj. cov mqkttqotkrva ant, 6d;vu' pk~v CeQZta ('proba cousilia') d' ot~en. Hart: &)v ~i'z g~ o~tlvea a' r~ettiyra?vavrta x' oi'aco. 123. cUvrt'] 'Contrary words', or 'wordls in reply.' Cf. Horn. Od. o'. 377. c'vrt'a dsano'i I at. LI. a'. 230.a Jr t a A4 v &"vv Io v sir ('conra dlicl.'). tEsch. Pers. 707. 6Eo~mci av XaQLGCG'aat, I 6OttaL (GE3ottal?) iX&Vrt'a (pCV6'cLL, 1 Ea dvntcEwr rtI~otv. 701. 6aP3opiat prIV 7rr06o61"oa,6iC~gOlka d' "aVULI?CetIcr 6E,#EV aQpvat" 7(5-Qt rcUQft. Ag. 481. TOy cavrtov dE' TO~6d' Oa6TQ7n ( 6ov oi on] 'I will bring, say.' CZEd. C. _166. U.yov Et' tv' oih,,t. 360. 420. &e. Schol: "'Yvxi Tob 1).(o 1~24. 5~rOQtSLtv] 'To wear away, efface, lose.' Ant. 339. 'jrz'V - U7ror 9Vsr at. Schol: oViX c't0roxQVHV oVX ci.rYVnOVrU, OVX c7r0%CUVStV, OVX CL7ropOa'.2Etv, o1)5 U7odoxLfLLI.~tv. 125. L1ida r]'v &yaff'v] 'The hope which is good.' Cf. 667. ar 7 124r/dog xcl~i. j.06. xc7n r ')d' ~co V &c. Pind. Istlh. 7, IC).,T)J (1 cay"#U6 Ekntd' &vd6i ttEXnv. Arist. P1. 210. -"xo TtV' cya#'V 7~r il6?4,ov EiTZE prot. Vesp. C306. Eur. In. Fr. 21. XUXI5) TE T(QULC0GOV E'Znt'dog xEsdv~q E"o S. Paul. 1I. Ep. Thess. '2, 16. 6- dov'g 7raeanrz~G atvWoaVCV xLLL F17ir'da a&Ya#7'rv. 126. '-For exenmption fromn pain and grief not e'ven the son of Salemw, who rutles all things, bestows (i. e. can bestow) on miortals.' Wunder compares Fr. 607. xa'l ro'vd' "alrs(QyE1V ovd 0 7L"XQUT) aE'rvs avX2y12vce 'A stale free from pain.' But 6~vcyiiza can only mean things that do not feel, unfeeling.' Aj. 94:6. 1333. Should we therefore read a&vE).7rtoxa (El. 186. P36o'ro cUvE`27rog), i. e. 'a state withoat hope '? Or avl/Qatya? Or rather d2Vq'xEra 'an irremiediable, hopeless state'? Cf. Ph. 186. a67v'XEarce tEQqptV/J~LLI zxcor. Cd. IR. 98. AJ. 52. El. 888. 127. d' 7rcava %Qcdvenv] 'Who rules all things.' Or 'who effects (causes, C~d. C. 9t4) all things.' KpacdvEtv 'to rule' usually governs a gun. Perhaps o zrcvr` avacwn1v. nacvra A. B. K. L. Harl. Ald. zacvvrnv T. Turn. 128. 173riasE T. 13. 17rg~aRx A. K. L. Aid. Cf. El. 1246. 'FEftca2~k~tv 'to lay upou' (like zrQoea3l2.U't) is more usually said of anl evil than of a good. Eur. Med. illS. Zrvrrqv #virjo~atv?m73cp12esv #varo~g Kgovidaug] #Vlqro~at ZE5 Suid. v. C'TrOQViLtV. 129. U')X 1 hi zr~ttc - xvx),oSeg'] JSome, as Brunek, connect Ent with xvn2loveg (ef. 135. uC5 d'?ZgEQsxat ycdaipsrv &c.), others wvith nr~e. Herm: 'quasi qucedamt nrsw rotationes oninibus volvendo afferunt mwrorem et gautdittm.' Wunder renders E'n' 'adversuts.' Qu. C"'a 7ro'vog xi at zaQ& - The sense is: Good and Evil come round in turn to all, just as the Bear revolves round and round in unbroken succession all the. year round. Cf. 440. Emr. Ion. 1,517. It~ pcraeao~aa fLvet'ov "dm1 gQoTu~v x a' dvgrv ~,Y a 38I ~X}000KAE( rZ VV)~ (39oroU~iv ov~rE Kiqzg oVTJz zlo)-roVX, xa3i'tg aiV 7r~a xclcg I TiZq. Ilor. Od. II. 10. 17. 'non, si wnale nentte, et olinz I sic eril.' Sil. Ital. XII. 383. 'I'ortuna - perinascet tristiai iwlis.' 7trttt XUet xcQU&J Z77'cert xcet XCeQOL L. pr. XUeQU'] Xce~yt L. pr. Xap K. Zce~v Herni. h~art. Schn. Nek. Dind. Xcgat conj. Bergk. The Seliol. read xcza and T7rW'tlf-. 130. xvx~oi~atv] xvn?.oi~' Trici. Br. Seli. Trici: xvxdo~,g. %xvxit(fg E7rqovraL. Kvxlo~,Gv, as Triel. observes, is the more expressive here, because it applies equally to tbe revolutions of the B~ear and (if Time (rq XVnXLcXi ro~ yQ0Jvov 6xeocpn). Kvxlstv is often neuter, as 'to roll' ini English, and 'volvere' in Latin ('Cvolventes anni, volvenlia lustra' &.). So tLSV3CLU'XEv 'mautare', zakkEtJSv 'vibirare', gTrQEiqpLv 'vertere' &c.., as Apitz observes. Cf. El. 1365. iro~at xvxkovact vvxrvg qttL~Qce r c'aca &C. Sopil. F~r. 713. "'U' oi'tto' c&st 7tforpo -?v nvxv6 #co~ I reoXc5 xvxXicat xcat tt~caaaau 6p'tv. El. 917. Herod. 1. '207. lxsc~vo n'96Jxov ttLcaE o), X WIg iV ceV#QW0Tfl'qt6V HITt' 7rqq7Yf~acoV- 7(&Qtq!E-qOJUiVOg 6E ovnX cEa Mdv TO~g (YV'TOV'g -V~rXvy8tV. Phocylides, r 3i~ o arex'g, ~ a' Arist. Probi. Sect. XVIL. xc#UrFQ ncd ~cWLa xvX?.ov -t'vc~ Tce "V#QO~rVce. Otovt QXTOV OXQTpopd,, %9Xcvvfot 'Like Ihe revolving courses (revolinttions) of the Bear.' Triel: co67tvp UE Uctv G6 cp4LsgVcec -exwrot xat ~ pdIraTE Grca~tv -ovcece. %ce To6 sEvca 6di xcdt cedrC4e 6do, xct z2rEx tE~v ye, 1tOTE Ri flaYtOJ Sixc5GV 6TQiE6Vfrcet, cog at TUI?V cev0~Qcoirotg7rQUY-!Ltace, rcevtc rQO lree edtygc Ei2cpsv. The 'Bear' perpetually revolves in the Heavens, and, unlike the rest of the stars, never dips in the Ocean or sets. Horn. Ii. a'. 487 f. "Jero Q4O 9,j xatd [uc'Ctev 1?ir(XZq6gtV Xcdsova~v, I r cIXr'ov arqqmce rc x'.QQLWCV"e doxiVii, I oiq & ceftLOogo etaxc Iost~jov 'JQxEacvoto. Od. F'. 273. Soph. Fr. 379. &~lxrov 6opc ixall xvvog pvyQ&v d6Varv. E-ur. Ion. 1173. Theocr. XXIV. 11. Anaer. Od. III. Juven. V. 23. (Musgr.) For ot~ov Nauck substitutes cdgcv. 132. ttdvst y&Q o0~t' 4cceq ov'rE [ot'?] vv'~ 3Qoto,~atv conj. Meini. "cdee v '3 I Cf. on 94. 133. Ki~Qsg] I. e. Gvfcpoqcat, as Hesychius explains. GI. T: cp'9oqcdt. Wunder: 'res adversee.' (iEd. R. 472. 8ctvce 6' 'el4c' "Eirovrce Ki~qi c~elcqLcinA rc.Horn. Ii. It'. 326. xiqsg pE'GT&GL~Gv '9cvatrota ttlvQ~et.at i'. 113. zacxc xt7Ceg Vi7rtetv'cat. qp'. 565. o0' E`GtaL '9'cvceov xcet niqeag cU1V,6"c. Od. 6'. 207. aUJ' "rot to'v Ki98g g43cev 9cevc'rtao qx~ovacet I Elg 'Athceo d~tcovg. 11. 9'. 528. atg K~p~g' qpopiov6t. j3'. 302. %xQcg '9cvaroca. Eur. El. 1300. nrco - av'x '~n6ex' V xrqce fLEIUk9QoLg; The expression here is rather a strange one. Perhaps (gyo, or (Potfg o. 2,za~o~,r] I would read voi5aog. 134. cecpxe~ 3caex] 'Quickly departs.' The same words 529. "AcpcQ occurs only in Choral pieces in Soph. 135. 00a~cxi A. Hanl. Aid. Pi3'377ni B. K. L. T. Turn. TIP.4.K] iV LI /I. I-) 1) ra 116 l rElxvoto-t4, Zi (' ct3V)AOV '4t140 z4IHIA- NEIP 4L?7r' xF'T~ - 'And to another does it fall to rcjoice and (then again) to be dleprived of it (of rejo4cing).' Wunder: 'et ad aliznn accedil gatidere privariqnte.' 'FJ7rrEQXECa4t nowbere else in Sopli. governs a dat., hut either an acdus. (Alit. 153. El. 12197.), or an accus. with Elg. Perhaps yr5 ri a F`QuEr, or rc5 64 yiyv~zrat. Wakiefield conij: CI)1X' cepqI giaE O~ "n9T -L Cf. 115. g3vr' Mtvr r' 136. ar11QE61at] Sc. rov %CtQUzv. ieiske n. ins, corrects ar,"v~6aqUt. Cf. ~,Esch. Sept. 879. ax'volkrtr. Dir. MNed. 996. tt-rxaarvo~r at. But erE — v,,a3cat nowhere occurs in Soph. Selhol: a~' moS )XvirrE~rtr xaL, avEQ5'a~rt Xaeirt- rivog 6E arEQca0J'ct; 64jqlovo'rt TOy XaeQetv. The passage seemis not altogether sonnd. Qu. 7rov~i4Ocer. OratrVT tt CUQPEe'ctr. Or perhaps for grEQreart somie verb according in sense with Xati'QrFtv is required. Cf. 129. 7r)-11 %at xrtypa. El. 265. 2.r43riv - xat ro inter#a. 137. &jY' 'Wfherefore, becaitse of whtich things.' I. e. 6 L a, 'qiapropter.' As explained hy Mudge, Heathi, Musgr. and others. Cf. (Ed. R. 1005. and on (Ed. C. 1291. Wakefield corrects o', comparing the Latin 'qitod,' lHor. Epist. I. 7. fin. 'Qitod te per genium - obsecro et obtestor, vita! me redde priori.' Cf. Eur. Plice. 158. 'O xat' 616~orice, p prr &c. El. 274. Arist. Ecel. 338. Minm. II. in'. 176. xo' xat' xlardovare xEvqxte. For the plural Vauv. refers to Enr. Andr. 661. Phwn. 906. Wunder with Bernlhardy (S~ynt. p. 278.) strangely connects 'a' with xra6, as in Ear. Andr. 1115. r)v Etg iqV a5rcavToV uV446 j~XVQaPg Sc11ol: cairtr nc4 GEi 2Fyao xe~iVc q)ovre~Frtv, ort inQ,7rovrca xca Ex xaxcov hr y~f o ' ' 07VX tEr ctv revreeacvj Instead of as', co Uveaaaa. Cf. Wund. ad Ant. 1010 (1-109.). r U v A. B. K. L. ~T. E~ Z9LCLV )Jc Wcd a " v i'axtv Q. v rpqrEav XVyco (or ZQE 'v) mc(Y'' (or 6,c~v) rd~v ti'aZsv. OrG~de ~pt QiTag (or 'a~krg) Vyco 6.pev. Or 1Xztd(Yag Xye, iQrp(ov~atv t~artv. Or E).idT IvV1t2rol rUv6' ad~v (or rn' )Xotuduv) I'dX,,v. Or 1X7ddceag X)yw 'rctW retry L`GxStV. Cf. Ant. 897. ncaex' 1v RXtdatv inQ tco I ct*Xq p,,v qjtv, &C.?Xirtiatv - i'a~cuv] Nene compares (Ed. C. 1678. zir#q 2Dckota. Thuc. I.oxrcog 'eyfl Etxov ot ic7.ovg ino2 'A,4p,qvefovg. tiyw)] 'I bid.' Cf. 468. 480. Aj. 1047. (Ed. C. 840. &c. 138. in &'J ~rv Hart. 139. CZEII E78E rc~;] ~sch. Chio. 208. Izt dt v~v E~xart erat~ovwov xvqro; Enr. Or. 519. Rlies. 204. co6,-] 'So, so far.' rC~xvotat ] rinxvotatv T. Of whom Hercules was one. 140. a"Povlov]1I. e. xax0jPovXov. 'Improvident.' El. 546. ag~oi'lov 7rreg Wecklein proposes ayvcopov' 'durumn, irnnitem.' r46rv A. K. L. oT6Yrv T. 16E 13. Cf. on Arist. Ach. 613. 141. ca's U'rrctxrare the mnss. Apitz. Nck. ro'g 1TrS reacat Herm. o. Gcq( g MW50 USM I.,-_!.Ev -, _; 1k, ; -, - I. W "X;W 40 0 T TOL'J01'I3L' I)".'OO To yuT 'XOC 0rdO'iY V')' T at, To 'fl1 V C xOV H in0Ol /o(! R, l(Yt R~ Pr. 162YI I) \rF11v 01 )ij. cit Ii.1g " L zt xc1v 1110011a5i 'to liken" Fr.162?oa-u or Fl~~v 'to conjecture.' Cf. on 1220. (Ed. C. IG. 152. JXseh. Cho. 1-1. wq5 zur(et T(OIat) TCV -E1W( VOX0~ q'3 ac;; 976. e' ucacat 7tce4h n"rc-artV. 560. SalppI. 2-1t. Eur. Or. 129S. co Cf &TL2r'v, )q txcEaYU (rea"d;ix.r). fe-re. 713". 60oAoo PF1V cYTI~v,() I, 'QU#cEV dx 'oat. 1078. (O 'Lv czc (perli. co~ rtcr).Xen. Symp. INV. 25. co9 ~V T'fL4V W!)TOLg cHOQ~p#U. SI 0 E t Firv. 1-12. 9'vtocp~oQcS ] 'Pine awayt inl ily minild.' H xx px5 ~' Q~t~ft. Hon. Ii ~'. 0. -iv t ThOvx mv ld '. 716. r jv &' uxog 143. p77'5r'?nac~otg -1 e. 0 7rPs iQceae', "ITr' -Q'X otU'0t - or c~~ vvv 5trQo~~ H, ovxm fv06 01 bqc 7tu o0_ae Thle inverse order, as in 122. Borrowed probably from llerodl. 1. 207. 6r 1 S ttot 7tru# n - csxce yov.Cf. 583. ttqrTc' Eiaacotr t,rc r rolp Iiccda~ Grvyc5. Ant. 686. oLv', UV dvvw~ervq Mrx TEntafLJ7 v (Ed. C. 42 1. (Ed. 1R. 403. nra#(O 'ym~v &c Er Sapi. 90 yvor, 6' 7rccV v Y vcVtC&c?cx9tta ]?xCZ4iui Harl. Xcafaoi~ac B. K. L. V. T. zcqoiea A. HarT. Yen. Aid. viyv d' A. B. K. L. vuig. Br. Apitz. Wand. Ilerm. Dind. 'Scha. ixv T' Harl. Wak. Seli. Mattli. Hart. Nck. Herw. Elms1. (ad Mled. 4311. (Ed. C. 367. 422.). Dobr. Bloimf. Cf. on 334. 583. (Ed. C. 422. Ph. 1363 f. For L u x -__ V~V ~ and similar instances of anacoluthon, Wnnder refers to 286. 1151 f. Aj. 836. El. 1097 f. Xen. Cyr. VI. 2. 4. Bat all such instances, I think, are very doubtful. Wakefield conj.: ttq&6Fv p #tcgo- v~v 6'&c 144. ro' y E vsrOv -] 'For yontlh.' So rx' vEgov Eur. Andr. 183. Ion. 547. ro' gujecaov Hec. 1110. r' ~vyyrvig ~sch. Prom. 39. Schol: ~ Y'ZQ V a 'Xtx'a 'V 'roi rroztl zrar rUrvi O6a%[_rU[. Cf. Aj. 558. XceQttoVr7v. (Ed. C. 676. Honi. Od.. 478 f. (compared with ' 440 f.) Ear. Med. 48. v'a y~q cQ~ovrx o1. &2jyEiv qrtjsC. Vsci is nae ((Ed. C. 374. tt V~ vsccv c),a CZHL L h 1184. &e. For the mode of life of virgins among the ancient Greeks Masgrave refers to Fr. 517. Catall. Epithal. 38 f. 145. x5(O'etaa~v ro5, Xcdvv-vag cn Da.Nk XQQLGLa-1 ZoV v.i. in schol. Schol: trcY vxo vulg SpchovaDind. ek XvO~t6rv CCV-O I3VOL 1~ ULCVOVLLV cvi Tov EfZvXoV, Totg Cc6tOL, SOVTv ro~ 0rooLg cq IQ1LVCJ~ ~36a~rcu x~ m'rc~ov, al, oVTs% partfLxv COSt e&rct ownrs v ICT c oVrmC &v rovap6Q'rnrtj Imitated by Joann. Diacon. ANle. in Hesiod'. Theog. p. 448 G. qp1rvtiv~ov 7CCQ &at C c'VEO SO)XU rotovmrotg go3oexdtLvov xcoeot. Linwood translates: in sec/ places of its own.' Which I am surprised should meet with Dindorf's approval. Dindorf considers mroioct6E to he explained by xcd vtv &c., in the sense of 'rov vt which the Poet would have written, 'had the metre allowed of it. The passage WNWIP. TPA4XINIY]A. 41, is uiidoobtedlx tautv. 11"eisig C-n moqcV~o'- Ilerin cJi,V cev'rO), ~. Hart ILQL VP.~ llg'V vcvo vtv (-Xsch. lEni. 187.) o0 -- o %o 0%9, 'o vv Beg colnj: 60cOQoILtv (or XueQ(Yatv) uaixo~i. -—. Arndt: %(4otg, t7V cevcatV0ovx ov -. Whuich con~jecture is tacitly adopted by Wiunder (whom see Emend. p). 17 f.). Herwerden (ad (Ed. R. 172): XCrngotg, rv' czvx' o' 6(iptov (or oVut cL4q~ov) 4Jc'Lrog #,Jsob. Wecklein: %L~Liv civro ncuov (X&ov) Qu. %L~oQ%, oi'vo qpb~og (or x Vtu(OV) vtv - Or Xcaqot, 'v' aUSL xc vtv -. Or X('o9 tv' 5`xT dVVcTv ovu - nX.ovr (x~tovrv L. pr.). Or x5oQotg, i'v' cv'r5 1T~tvov (or #sQttov) ov' -. Musgrave's ingenious and simple correction Zr;o QO%, i'v' for Xc o'goav seems unquestionably true. Compare with this passage Horn. Gd. c'. 478. rose (#'4avovg') ttE'V U U'i~' v~ttcv LYuaVL tt~vog l7QOV c vxiv, OE5TO ~o p&'~ LuxXLGIV cZU2,V OVXT OptLPQOg 79L~uUZ9XF 6'LqLVLVQ%. 73 4.G.i'. 5 613. oi' vtLvpo', ox'r (MQ XstteinV 7OIV', ob'xs -7ror ot~tpQog. Antiphon in App. ad Stob. Flor. IV. P). 38. 1V VE, 60LaT Itu tCV 3 xV nut 1IVGtv yEvvca'Uv?vupaYq, ronro xcz, #"CUF1L L)tLL 7rtvy o 3ov Z!7ovr g ot(Qog o0 (rvotupptc! UacputLQ rc. AXsch. Cho. 753. ro5~ q) cpgovovv y7L oQ air P,royv I3 reipILv tyvcy'xmq. Joseph. B. J. II. 8. Z69nov ovr s otLt3Qotg ovrr- vtUPETOg, ovrc %UI~tLL~6 PucQVVtL52'OV. The figure is drawn from tender p~lants. ccvro~ A. B. K. T. 6i'm'roi~ (sic) L. uonro~ Ald. Turn. marg. Br. &c. Both readings are known to the Schol. 4#d17rog] 'The scorching heat.' ~Esch. Sept. 446. fsr~jQvtt~a7rsaV vOtg i7 Uov. E ur. Cycl. 5412. cU'17rog 77Uov. Arist. Av. 1091. ouVW LZV 5Q~L3 7rt70V flfL%' ~XV~rq~XLvy1g 4YL7ILEL 1096. C't~r-'cigThX TLVLIL (7,-gnt3QLvo%~'1Lottccvflg (Ed. C. 350. no)~oiGt cY' 0"tcQotg t~?ov rE nc01~jccanv ttoXo4Ti~ac. (Ed. R. 1428. 43voii] 'Of the weather.' (Ed. C. 1504. Phil. 464. Arist. Vesp. 260. aCOQ ucVvaYXdeC ESL roy 4~60v zrotq~ac. Xen. Cyneg. VIII. 1. arcav vicp 1j O' #Eos. The tragedians occasionally nse 435'g also of the, sun, generally without the article. V. Orest. 1023. Suppl. 208. Med. 353. Monk ad Ale. 738. 146. Before ovR'v there is an erasion of three letters in L. Heimsoeth corrects tttvog', perhaps rigthly. Cf. Gd. c'. 478. cl'V'E'cav - EVg n)~ovsij %ZovEi~v (v erased) L. Cf. (Ed. C. 1241. 1241. Pind. P. IX. 49. 'LTzutg c68vgkLv %XovgEovrccL. Horn. Gd. '.43. ovj"r' cdvitotat rivc66G~rcat (Olympus) E 7Crr T opg' ) 147. 'dovuEig] Qu. &dio~g.?1~udqEtj Qu. krvEIL~, or 4ucv-ris. (Eur. Cresph. Fr. 7, 3. ro'v u`VTOV E L)1lcv~3'v Cycl. 10.?vXstvew ttsiov' aUvr1( 7rO~voZ. 110. 281. Med. 79. Hipp. 898. uvTz?,,g~ P3'ov.) Or c'Ft ~,y Or 5`VQt'6%5L (284. U&q).ov 8E1QoSGcz, Pt'ov). Schol: rcd'g?7(ovcdg Flg vmpog cv 0VwL% LLL'QETrat. Dind. explains u'toX4~ov 4utdqEt t(ov as equivalent to?1v P'~ 4t'#1 E CaQ5L gcvro, 'tollit se, adolescit, procrescit,' the opposite of ancv~atVEI 06fv El. 819. A similar passage Aj. 554. 148. c Er r~Ovov yvviq] Fvvq is sometimes used in a restricted sense 4 124 42 ~7OPOK/i~~~~ji() r~f qljtI 2lQO~ CUPiOO' 1/i T&I.,OV Tp 93vii'. 150 XOT UVP Ttg w1,6(4otto -, r av rov~ d)xo7r(5v z7q~~ttV, xftxoirtV OI-~ iyCO) 3ftqVVo~a. 7rc 4h~q ~tuEV oivV q 2rdi,{ ~Fyi Y {c X~(~ivc~rj of a married woman. Tlieocr. XXVII. 64. 7tacqo~Evog E`v'9'c P3i`cxa- yvv~ a ff Te~~~~xoqpog ovxiirt xecp. Below 536. Jacobs ad Achill. Tat. V111. 7. 149.?v vvwrt'l Musgrave connects this closely in point of sense with Q rtd&oJv ft~Qog, undlerstanding it of nocturnal thoughts and ca res. No one, lie observes, is altogether free from care; but only the wvretchied are-deprived thcreby of their nocturnal rcpose. Cf. 29. 175. Arist. Eq. 12290. 1~zoU %t -FVVVx% t6t IcpeovoL~a avyyEy,,vfqctr. Wunder and Dindorf understand it with more probability of the first night of married life. Dindorf thinks the omission of rt&n or 7rQc5Tqj excusable, since the preceding words ECgojTtt - xaq sufficiently explain the meaning. Cf. Fr. 517, 1t. xa'1 T"vx ~7e6 V CVQ~~ V~ qrct IU XQ.FOV 17rcUVEtV flt do0XFtv Xa2co eE iom. Gd. a'. 271. vi'~ 6' E`6xct, orE 6~ 6rV7ye;9 ycq1o9 c'VtLpo)~l GH V'ootEdviq?p1tEv Antipho Stob. 68. 37. yc'pcov xct' yvvctx~ hL ~ttVfrGlCv'(-c. vr 'lkQc5, aVV? ' vv~ XcttVov 16dfrov0 aQyXEL fL'71x!; Y't UYCOV yattog czv@QoJ7rqp (quoted apparently from memory). Eur. rro. 204. EJ2Xr~og r~ csEef' 'EU"vo~ve i?pot vi'~ acruv xcat 8atcutcv &c. But the passage seems not altogether sound. Erf: ~ttmy T'?v vvxxt' cpoovrt'dwv It~Qog I 1.ctOj 7rqo'g C'evS'Qo - Qu. 2~cUp, r' v vvxrtl TpQovXt6ag (or cppovT '?v) tu&. Or tttr~ T' 'v vvxr' (povx'dceg X.ci'Py (cf. Fr. 517. hnEt46 0 1dta). Or re~yx mr r ~vrdmfQ~ 150. i c ffv~p'] 'In respect of, on account of, her husband.' The Schol. explains 0 y'C.El 8. X~y~ ~o,r~ '-We have qpoP3Eitgct 7r~o' zr 1211. This verse is bracketed, as, an interpolation, by Dind. Wunid. Weckl. The allusion to children ill the case of a woman who is only just married appears to Dind. unseasonable. 151. rdr'] xTd' A. ctirov A. vuilg. az'ro5 B. K. L. T. GI. T: aYVrTx. The masc. is used, because the remark is one of general application. Cf. El. 770. 64Lv0'v Tx uxTetv Eartv- OVOC Y'/Q XUXXCOg I "G0T uag(VTX, tOy152. zet~6tv] 'Fortune, condition.' Cf. 294. U'vd9'g5 Fezvxv Ii xxt'ovace 7tQc4LV lqvciE. 879. Faoavo~ By attraction for nan& o'~ ainEl. 653. rhxvc)v av E veYVocta tu 7CQ06EartV. Schneid. compares Il. g'. 192. ~axlov oivm TrEV 0o8a roi CC'V (?v?) x2lvr& TEiZEa 6e,. Qu. xto' Zo~("gotg), or xcex otgt 7Vv - 153. rrc'O1q 'Troubtes.' Deianira speaks of her own, not of those of Hercules. Cf. 28 f. 175 f. For? 1avgact?7v qu. qVE-YnCZtrjv. d611 7rial'] I. c. zroklu' 67iJ, 'inulta sane.' 155. 6Yin6v - copai~x'] Cf. Aj. 287.?1d0'ovg ~!'enr~v XEvag. --- TJPAXJ MAT1. 43 (tqta a oixCop Hi~axi~ij, T(T 51! 4ottot; AaMR ra TtatJ"CV &'Aov ylO(LVV ~VV~J~W#aC(to~t 2VQ0,a#V OVX FTrq 7Core, ZOAAht,; fycovua g CAV oi"7r& qPpan"t, (X)L Co rt 6Qca5cov ETi9rs& xov' 4V0V~tavog. 160 V~l, & "5 '~r "VI 01V'TEjv Eog0 1516. cft')tUx' A. B3. K. L. 0't&r`x T. O' r - '' Harl. Qu. r~,' 157. ZUUt"'V ducxOV - 'An old tablet.' Some suppose this tablet contained the substance of an oracle which had been formerly given to Hercules. See Wand. Introd. IV. ~. 47. Below this oracle is called catvc' 1165. TPo reconcile the discrepancy Dobree proposes to explain this 'veteris oraculi vaticiniueu' (as ri~ 7rUXctrPc'TV rov ovoiug 823), but he considers 1165 to be spurious. But it is clear from what follows that it is a testaienetary document or will that is meant, though allusion is made iii it to the, said oracle (171), which in fact had been the cause of the will being made. Perhaps nacata'v is faulty, and we should read rclacdVy, or cpvceev.Rleiske n. ins, proposes rXUtZVUV. tt~ycq~vqv ~vvg' 'ttc*] I. e. 'containing arrangements.' Mattb. 2. 424 2. Brunck cites Plat. Legg. IX. p. 854 D. I&V tLEV 60 10 T ~E'VO9,?vr(5 'ZQO190)7rp0 XUt Mtg~ %SQCL 7QUcPEL'9 T?'V GVjLcPOQ"V %uIt guarVt-.0 g Add Schol Arist. P1. 277. zvc'%tov `tyowv EirtYEycQrjkjLvov TO Yvo~ta Uixi Similarly Aj. 1178. Ei~cv?tqetdvog. Arist. Eccl. 494. ire nvc rJ'xvce. Xen. Cyr. VI. 3. 241. 7rqo~spl7 gEVOt - TOV~~o Qc5xorpOQovg. Eur. Ipli. A. 35. Phcen. 583. Virg. Eel. III. 106. 'inseriphi nondlin regumn fibres.' 1-or. Ep. I. 1. 56. 'laevo suspensi toculos tabitlam que lacerto.' 158. ~vva'tkaOc~'] 'Stipulations, arrangements, provisions,' Wunder explains it of tachygraphic notes or symbols. cqo'] 'uor L. E' ~Iot Ald. Turn. ' 'pko?. Heath. Vauv. 7rorE - ovnco) I e. orczSiror0T. 159. iro11ovg ycyuvcg?~te] The Greeks said '6~v '~tp'vu arid the like (cf. 155. Thuc. I. 3. rat'rqv-' v GXQWUTIfaIJ ~vvrj1Oov. 15. x4 ttovq rgar~Vt'ag oin% E`?saav), but hardly ftyc6vu 1?~rvat. Qu. 7ro2XXA ('often') FIg &yViavcg 1~tco'v (as I; utrk.2~v?-~tEvut, sectin Euripides). Or 7roXXovg In' U"#Xovg (gl. Uyi~vug) 16tCiv. Or 7rol~cv Uy~owcov S4LoJV v2rs&g (ovirco L.), qJQp~laut. ovzwo] oirzco L. ovra, is added after ovn - iroxs,, because of the intervening clause. But oivirco, after zoroi, hardly appears right. 160. st'QirE] 'He used to set off.' Etls no ] I think, J xirv, o1' #cevo'PsrVog would be mr m phatic. 161. co' E'r' oi~x 0v] I. e. oh oi'x gxTt cv. Cf.' Phil. 1217.?xr' oi~v'8 (iu.~Ed. R. 24. E'r' oi'X ot'ex zs. CM~. C. 280. Apoll. Rh. IIL 28. Tuuv ~xiovg - %T~atv] 'For a marriage-portion or settlement.' Musgr: 'ue bonuem dotale.' Apitz explains: 'quid me ut conjugem aceipere oporteret.' Schol: viiv NF Weg rE4~vni6p vog Iv~rnelaro' Hio i'va zrp'voctav UIlXov &'v43'O~ lXV~ 7O~t46(O3L. - "MEYEV 7rQo6 'XEIV 1,0F laU3tv?TJV ireorfI, SAaW; -E nay unerstan cF't.0Cf. Aris~t. v. 1655 r( re, itxv 6iat 5 ~~ P- gat zart ('as bas tard'sprton') rCotvacv u.18 r 488 MugrVe refer touDem 156 Harp.v. &rourc 162. a xxjev 'As (for)v a p';tossso. v bpoo ~v' 163.s sttlcent~s, A.rB K.set L.e S1.pulanauck. d-iACallsim. H.Dan. 74. W)ud Wnyund.hrst.~ 6 O'rca' Cf. Brit.Herm 165.'Dvdd ditrbt ed,,IJ apprtined.'o& 6 v~ort Bu. K.hoL. M. T. MV. Turn. ApitzV. Hand. Ved.Sn. Aid. gk 1642. Constru rAsr(or)zc ~ a vfpo session. XCQu fxkf~ovgo T XftJvO ' Wvraitov yqovov, Tor -.'Having previously appointed that when he should have been absent after his departure fronz his country (Wund: 'post discessunm suuin abesset') for a period of a year and three months, then &c.1 Or thus with Wander: nreoxrd~u yQo'vov, c6,; riJVLfa 5rEn~s P80A3g X~C0Q (XQO6 vov) &C. 164. 03g] 'That', to be connected with rodex~s tn &c. Dind. dToes not take on for a final particle, but connects it with -rtQ'fLqvov, i. e. 'about cf-c.' I think, wrongly. Cf. (lEd. R. 791. 7reov(paivq 2.'ycov I e n pslx f&v XqEtn ttc gq~v Herwerden proposes to read gnot for eos. xrQ4Livov- xretV~agLog the mss. edd. vett. Herm, Schn. Bgk. r~t4va11 o - %Una24rivtO Musgr. Br. Wund. Dind. Xq( Pjvog-%avtavanogWak. Erf. Seb. hart. Natick. Burges on Phil. 769. Weekl. Probably xavtavci3 -atog was corrected by some grammiarian to agree with P3HEPO'. Cf. 647. 6VoUL85flcfL~p'Vo vwecLt pvo Ph. 715. 6Exirn Xq'vov. E-ur. He!. 781. Xpovov' Evwravov. Hipp. 37. 4tvatcevGcv cecevau- rpvyqv. Dindorf compares Joseph. in Vit. c. 67. nfL5qO)V sEihoa XQO'VOV TLQOXEVLCU TObg PovIEVvGace6oct #is2ovaL 7L5qt r&c Frevroig avpqpsq06vrcv. With x~t'tnivov - xinevotrcvgov Wunder bids us repeat XQ0VoV. nv x' &v the mnss. vuig. Br. Herm. Schn. Hart. 7vnc Dans1.c Elmsl. (Quart. Rev. XIV. 453.) Dohr. Dind. Nauck. Cf. on ClEd. R. 523. nvtn' &v a-7rnh would be a solhecism. Hercules, on taking his departure fromt Deianira, had calculated that there remained but fifteen months to complete the term of twelve years of servitude which the oracle had predicted lie should undergo. The Chorus mention loosely a year v. 826. This time had already elapsed, as Deianira herself tells us, v. 45. That Hercules had been absent already more than a year is evident from what Lichas says v. 248, that..he had served Omphale rx'v Tr&nierov XQd'vov for the term of a year. 165. U5zntq B. K. Dawes. Musgr. Br. Erf. a&TCrL' (supr. Ev a m. pr.) L. ciF t M. T. cx 7 ',c Qa 0 n A. Aid. Q u. zece C~ i~-~s~ Cf. 2 47. x a &xo~rov I Zq6vov Ipno3 ijv &c. Or q'vt'x '6 I~ %ropreq reo WV (3sjPeh. Cf. 926. TPAXI-NJ4J. 4 45,ror tj 4PtV~tV XQEH"JJ d5(p8 T-OE TOJ Xq0)VW )roi& V'7xpjat6vra roy XQ0vov r(2~og T(2OtizOv Uq ~rV a~kVz7J1ri f(0 0. TUU! z-~~2~cv~rvc5f~7OVCOV ~ 170 ct~ riv Zacdcw'v cpijy'v czv'3Siat' 7C0T After xac1Vct&Vtov there is an erasion of four letters in L. 166 - 168. These three lines are condemned by Dobree, Wunder, Dind. and Nauck, not merely on account of their insipidity, but because they are out of place here, where Deianira anticipates the worst; and moreover the Chorus appears not to have heard them (823 —42.). 166. XqiE1j Xq~ 7 the miss. Cf. IE d. R. 791. 7roi'qp(Xvr Xllycov I cs r6Erc yqovcp] 'A4t the expiration of this time.' 167. " roi6' -]'Or having passed the term of this period.' roi0i' the mss. vuig. roiPY' Wund. A very probable correction. Vrxcxa~pcvr' the mss. vulg. tS7cQ8QcqL6vr' is the probable correction of Burges on Phil. 769. The same had occurred to myself. Compare 3jE~,,' 36. V'rmngap,,iv means 'to escape from,' Ant. 1086. Eur. Andr. 416. s'v 6' VQCx~atliq P10QO?'. 'lvo xog] A redundant expression, such as Thxvcbroto r'?.og in Ii. y'. 308. 6o%~i v6Iog CEd. C. 1400. 168. r'?Xoiro'v n"6-1 Cf 81. rodv (al. xc' ) Xocrno'v q'8-q j3(orov &v~'~ C~Xv~rq'xw 1(o)] Qu. ~j~v U'Vrqsrov tOc'ov. But cf. El. 650. ~Coaav ~j3Zceq3- g3ip. So s'oasil-V VOaov (Phil. 173.), but vourctv vocam (Tr. 544.). For aXi'7qxog 'not giving pain, painless' cf. (IEd. C. 1662. Pollux III. 98. JHI.crvov 1flE Xcd" iC ix' eTtl c Zqn3 ~rx Cf. on (lEd. R. 969. So U.vocanrov (for U~voaov) Fr. 838. 169-170. Bracketed hy Bergk. Herw. Wunder condemns 169-171. 169. zotav~r' Apgci.,e] I. e. Hercules, rather than the tablet (as the Schol. understands it'. Cf. 161. 162. 164. 172. 'Such things (things to this effect) he intimated were decreed by the gods to be accomplished respecting the labours of Hercules.' Or: '- respecting the labours of Hercules that they should be accomplished.' So Vauv: ' Talia dicebat a diis decreta esse dle Herculis laboribus finiendis.' Schol: q' 6'lrog xouxi~ra E?.rye zapcc'e Oa~v ECU#" o 0)rE 'rov'raw 4JUrspov ctvrcp' ri.o; F"gCEGaYa rTa 7rol'V(Q. 170. r(4 'H~cetx2.siwv -] Schol: r~ov gavlrov srovo)v T rt'i ) ogX ` YiE rt' rotoi~ro sFcdog na~e 7rotn'rcd. For the gen. v. Matth. ~. 374. a. Cf. on CiEd. C. 355. 'a (tkavrsc~c) roiic' zXQq'ja0iiq ae'jwrog. 436. El. 317. But?rlv~~x is probably faulty. Hartung gives (from Schol.) r~iv 'HQaXJsC0n fYUrslov rLkog nrovcov Qn. rcov 'Hea"X?.SI~v rCsQl rs),svr&al~ca (or r,).sa~ivat) no'vowv. The line is bracketed as spurious by Wunder (v. Emend. p. 183 fL) and Dind. It is perhaps inade up from 1170 -1. 171. co' r')v Izc?.tt&v cprnyov Yiaw'6at norot] Cf. 1168. rig - XV yX(O5aaov dpvog. Hesiod. ap. Schol. ad 1167. XqqarqjQtoV lrelkov ar1~cozrOtg, Va-vco' 4 2 -7rv~fEvt qplyoi. Hesiod. ap. Strab. VII. p. 327. J(0Ca'oV~qv cpsjydv r's HsiXaaycaV 2E6eQavoV Hor 1m. Il. 7c'. 233. Zri5 46 46 ~~~~2OOOKAEOT-Y Awj&ovt &666ThV EX;UcEct i! 6 pij xcat vrCv0 Va(LLIQTu(4 5VU(3itVt4 xQ0dvov,roy viv zacodvrog, 6g~ TE6#Vat XECAiV. C06# q4Y o oV6v6Uv 6,Z~qMv 4t,' 1 75 &vci Aw,)o)VcdE, II~XcytXn, nxoI~Xib vaiwcv, IJ0ccv6~ ttsaico~v dlvoyxtfL5QOV cqutqn 8cYF EE20t22 I Got, V~tOVG VZrOPTV~cZ tVt7tXO,7rO6YC3 xaltFV (Where v. Sehol. and Eust.) Od. ~'. 327. JiE sch. Prom-. 830. ranjv alz5 -V601tov 'r attfL JoJ6('v?7v, L'va ta LvrEca fre~xo'g r' SGXt 19EglQo~rov Jto'g, r LGVOV, at~ ze0GJoQ~oLo clQv5 &c. Jierod. II. 53-7. (Who however makes no mention of speaking oaks or heeches.) Arist. Meteor. I. 14. Hesych. v. "'E?.~o. Seneca Here. CEt. 1473. 'Quercus fatidica.' 172. zJ~odjt] See Wund. Introd. IV. ~. 4. The dative, as in Fr. 401. Jco~covt vcd'wv ZEsg 0'il'rteog j3Qoraig Ear. Phoen. 617. MvxjqVcat, tt ' 'v,0c6', Uvax"'ct #roi'g. Eustathias (on Ii. f'. 286.) notices the form Jl)Codc for JYoctvrj, with which he compares 'EQ fLtOV for 'EQtttLOV1j. ILGGLov EX 7r0.EtadcowvJ On this story see Schol. and Herod. II. 55 f. Hesych: 1TDE'lnxt, at'?v ~o80v~j #cdzt'ovacat pavctvg. Cf. Fr. 401. ra' aE7tcoelov g uQ.c Jw cvihrg. Homer mentions only the oak, Od. ' 327. dwv da' Ig Aed6cav?7V cpavo gn~psvat, 0qp~a #i&o~o Ix dlQVo~ i'Vptn,ttOtO Jto' 3OV2~JV E~U0Vn The line is perhaps an interpolation. 6'taawv] XQLGG~ov conj. Bergk. 173 -4. Translate: 'And the truth (exact accomplishment) of these things falls in wit/h (coincides wit/i) the present time.' Such appears to he the sense of this ohscurely worded passage. Schol: xdt r&ov E1Qrjpzvowv V't 'HqcixA1Eovg "`X4#EL0 (n, CX'e?) Vv~, airogacdvu 81' zo 7raQo'vrt XQovp, warsE ol0'r rsov (add ovv?) rpqayfiivcat Cf. (Ed. R. 75. xd a t' ittcaqdJ n~v tsvUFQol~ttvov XQOVC I iv~rE~ rTb Qc uc t. 9 63. 173. vapiersw]a I. e. ca?74crEta fe~?, 'the exact fulfilment.' Hesych: vapEQxrcta an2#jFt.,Id: vajt5QrE'a, U'n~ The Donec form of this word, as xvvay~g and ~A#C'val appears to he always used hy Attic writers. Blomfield (ad Pers. 257) prefers v1)fLSQrlg, vfluLeqtEtca, as viiirotVOg, v 'VE~Log &c. avfpi43cdVE Xyvov -] 'Falls in with,,agrees with.' Cf..,Eseh. Chio. 1012. cpovov 6Y1 xjqxt' ~Vv X906vp ~vppclsrca. Eur. Med. 288. avptpa cWlscat cR 7toNC' roiidEr 6EIaraoq. Or gvp43cdvst m-ay perhaps mean 'happens, comes off.' Cf. El. 262. Below 1174. rav& oiV'T iTELr-6'I?.CqLrQ~ GavPi}atiV5L. 1164. And XQ6VoV TOy VVV ZUra vrog may be the genitive of time, as vvxro'g rijah~ Aj. 21. &a)q ~quiqgc El. 698. For the gen. Xp6vov Wunder refers to Mattlh. ~. 377, 2. After civp 3cdvut Schaceid. proposes to mark a comma. For avfr~3cdv,-u perhaps gvtj~c:,XXss. XQOO vov o v~v' 7raq 'vrog] Cf. 1169. XQ1 rc5 ~covrc ct %a'~~ vi~v. El. 1293. r) lrapovrt vvv) XQovt). (Ed. C. 580. XQO'vco tcci{)og U"v, oVXL Tc5 i7raQ0Vrt iro (vi~v?). 175. co4'"~co- r I'o - Herw. A. C. p. 21. i. e. 'vix consopitam,' coil. Aj. 762. Cf. Ph. 769. E'niqXov S~dYEtv. Also Mosch. Id. II. 16. ~ dY'c~ir~~c~v rgwr.~~ic 0 'd6 cT~ttU'V0V,9, i 7rc4?XofciVr XQU&'tiV. Ea r. O r. 45. 7rors" &'F d~spvt'fow U'ro I 7rqdY, dY~opatog. Virg. ~n. III. 172. Tatibus attonitus visis ac voce deorunm corripio e stratis corpus.' TPAXI-NIAL.4 47 q6/3c, qY~AiC, raq3oov~yav El" ~a Ze dn 7tdvrow a n'rov Tpcar kar~njqtdpv. x0P02 Fr2NAI1K&N TPAXJNHAN. EMP1qtlafXV iv i'cz*E21, xarCTU05~q9 176. lxzqdiv - rp6'pqw - Tccpoi'aav ] Cf. (E d. C. 1624- 5. ('0arE 7rcvTag~ 4#tcg I axi~acar cpo'43o 6t'acvixx~g 1~dq(v71g rt'Xag. Ph. 225. zccei fL V0. I 6'aacr~g?rxdxcy~rT c'7r)n7QLC)lLvov. Eur. Herc. 971. ot' 6' xUatlO~VvtE r' To'II C'O'Qovov 'W&og UtXloG. Iph. A. 1536. flxQlovga W277 -PCOV %Ux~r~xqWyittEvrj cpo't~ I It-' Phcen. 3061. rcQfpog Ig T 'Pov T' arpvxottv..Asch. Sept. 225. Tec~3atp Px3. Phil. 1251. x'v G'v ov,rcetq3&J cpcjgov. Similarly Tr. 755. oL'~ 'viv' xC> zeir~' Et?-t6'ov Ca6ttEvog 7c 0,0 o. Cf. on (Ed. C. 1625. oil3~ 'For fear.' The dative of cause, to be connected with 1xirqc1&v. Wunder and others wrongly connect (po3p racpto~,auv, 'm-etu trepidantem.' rcaQ)3ovaiv Eti.'F Xps ' ttdvutv] 'Dreading that I should have to remain p-c.' So 666. c'1vtt63 6" Et cpoav cottat &c. Aj. 510. oi'nrstQs - 7rcn6,x x0ov aY6v, Et - Gov &'omw vg Eur. Med. 187. C'Cra' rp5'3og d' ird 1691a7EotVczV cv 931. (1'1pOfXE yVG~L c6~ Suppi. 70. &-tttcdvovacz rp1`Xovg - si.' Tt Iat xj dEa~Cv. 717. n'rs~po16v t.L 'Q EXEL TaeQpog - 0"P~ Et' T( tkot. Her. 786. q(1o'po y&q Et' pot tccorv ov El C'o #E~co. Or. 1216. riV'craa 6" n'v utg - A#Ct0v 19 ot`xovg cp#q. Virg.,~En. IV. 110. 'Sed fatis ineerta feror si Jupiter unan I esse velit Tyriis urbemi.' See Elmsl. ad Med. 181. tLEvEIV] Schol: C'tvrl TO; ~~V 177. &Q60avov] 'The bravest.' Eur. Here. 183. 4QOV T&dv EX'V6'Q "'QLtOV EyXQLVELL/v (read 0"v %Q.) &~v. Arist. Nub. 1051. lyco' p~v oJ(Y6'~v Ha xxiv~jiovg Tov, aivv6'ce XtQL'vo). 178. v tpidcv vivV i'aX'1 Schol: s ipzccvst. Musgr: 'bene omninata loquere.' Cf. Aj. 3 62. 591. EL. 630. 1211. Esiqrnur~ UpOvE. A~sch. Cho. 581. iptkv 6" ETrcLvio' y2.cokaacvEqv F' p QE Y&, I 0y7rv 6sxC4 XF'ystv T xcdQLpta Ag. 1247. 'Ayatt~pvovig ai Enp?iOisti' pogov. IXo. E, wov e xcTca~lYve xo'17GOV a6x~~t. Eur. Hipp. 724. Xo. s P~tkog i'aL. Ion1. 98. 6Tpc 'ItIT' FVcp'qjov q(QOVS~T' &lyce# v. Iph. A. 1 56 4. E cpq tct cvsFr xc atyv arcxi.Arist. Eq. 1313. svpE pEry X97 xcat aro'pw n)Xt'Etv. Thesm. 39. Ev"piqtog 7rag i`axrco Xc a g6rtcpa 6vyX~t'Gccg. Ach. 236. svq2pqpieTE, atyxe z~ Ei'q?7p&prv means properly and generally 'to speak words of good omen,' but sometimes also indirectly Ito be silent' (rather than utter words of ill omen). Sometimes Er'qpqpiv and actycv are found combined (e. g. in Eur. Iph. A. 1564. 8V'CPi~tccUV avEirE XULt atyqv GTQxxtc5. Arist. Eq. 1313. Th. 39.), from whence it is reasonable to infer that the two words do not mean precisely the same thing. Blomfield therefore (Gi. Ag. 1218.) is wrong in holding that ivcpqpE~v means simply and invariably 'silere,' and Er(icputdce 'silentium.' For the,above remarks I am mostly indebted to Wunder. Cf. on (Ed. C. 132. vvv A. B. L. T. p~iv K. Perhaps vvv. %xartcvcjarrj] 'Crowned with a garland,' as those were accustomed to be, who were the bearer of good news. Eur. Suppl. 258. ytavni'v XX'q cpvX-?.i'dog xccaarcqpi. Cf. on (Ed. R. 82. al' r-Niax'6t p~v, i6a o3yo 1v nI cc iro)&varrcp~ cV 6" EFQvrE UVayndarov 6'cirpvpg. co sch. Ag. 476. it, 48 XOI~~~~~~~O~~~lfJ()?X~~~11~ GrIiv U)QW TIP ((U)(42T(& co)C1 P~W. Gre, o q("AFITFA 02]. ~;1 &2JOVT 6,-~V'c 4ro'v yaip.~7%COt 'q OtZo AJHIANEIPA4. 'rtv wta~c y-Eqad, rov& piot )oJyov; AFFEAOX. Ta o&llovg aovg TOP 185V1~V7oot ~ (&v, VIE'vra 5v~v XCCTFtE VLXIJ99iO'(A) xnevx Ucr~r axr~g xovci" OQCO xe(atov I %lx2~cYo Rcdcag. Eur. Phoen. 870 f. Arist. P1. 765 (Kust.). 179. 7ro' Xcrq)zv 10'yrov] 'To announce some welcome news, with wclcome new's.' Schol: 7tQo' q',ov'jv, 7rpo' ZCC' Vr. CC 7r yyEJo~vvrc Xo'yov 'drlov1jV aLt1o~vtf. 5E{ XoV 'Yitupaxvov cls arOzacCrxcc OUt tLEW).t ZQ11GTC' cTcyy Ustv. Wunder: 'ut adferat voluptatem sermonis.' Benedict: 'ad icetitianm dictis suis excitandam.' Musgrave: 'pracv Icetitia nuncii, icetitia nuncii,' (as ~TtQ~g M7v qAJovov &c.) 13runck reads I7rQIN %CuQtV (. e. U'v) ~Ywov, 'to announce some news.' SoAt.98 0io votvcjrvrr7 ~ gx 2Jyao; Apitz connects zq' Xapav Xo~ywv, not with axsizovxcc, but with ra~i.Cf. (ZEd. R. 1152. 7VQOg X' 9Qv tdv oi'% IQ~ &c. El. 921. 171 & GatV; OV p) TY /j6ovi )dyco T 4E~; Eur. Med. 773. 6'~Xov 1' p 7rQ6 e6'ov 'v X'7oV9. Ant. 30. oUcovoti -Edao9fiioLg 7rpQ XaQLtv (perh. zcQ~cv) Po~g Arist. P1. 637. ~EYvtg flkot %~czpv. Ear. Iph. T. 64:1. Ion. 751. Hesiod. Op. 709. Itq 6c1V i'd&Gact y?.6'aaig Xcetv.,Eschi. Cho. 260. y1(0'a~qgXU'pt vh &c. Prom. 294. Zaqvxoy2.o6a,,i~v. zXapcavI ZaQtv MT. Br. (from conj.) Erf. Hart. The Schol. explains z~o Xaeav by 7tQo'g '6~ov'jv, 7cQog XaQtv; and contrariwise Hesychius Xctetg by %cgc'. Perhaps therefore Zaeu'v is a gloss on Zc'Qtv. 180. 7tq1vog U&yyi2owv ] Cf. 185 f. Arist. Eq. 642. cyaac zqrcog V'pv P3oiJ~olwta. Menand. Naucl. Fr. 1. co'! Ig xcudv Iro'v vt'o'v 7- Pro -yco a0L. 181. 0%vov as li'aco] LCEd. R. 1002 f. Heralds usually began their addresses, if possible, with some good news. Cf. 229 f. Aj. 719 f. Eutr. El. 230. ~,q zjr~cerc yc cot Ic1',c-7yW.5LV # 'icO. 182. ~Covr' 17idrawJ Aj. 1080. acovqqeav F`XoVzca c06' i'Trarcao. Epist. Hebr. XIII. 23. ytvc0',gxsxs rov "6c~qp~v Tt~u4~sov 5rzo2.s~vagvov. Ezda~rco] The same form occurs (7Ed. R. 658. Phil. 13325. El. 616. 185. ro6Vl Qu. acv. 186. '~Ftv depends on sbrov to be understood from 183. Yalck. ad Phcen. 394. cvv xqamX vLxqqpo~qcp 'With the glory of victory.' El. 83. rav~ra y'U 11W TPAXINIA41. 4 49 zJJIANEIPA]. xcd roi3TO rd& r6v q, ~EVa t~aOCA' L'ag AFrEA 02. ~Ev f0ov# -Q~ AzqtC5Vt ZtQ6g ZroA~oi)~ 4J9o6i o4'cg0 xtjqv~ rcivrcC roy~ 6' Ny)ZVc~ i~j~',~xcogrot 2tcoro~y~6~z r&190 og Oov) rr XEQ fa'VcaqI mat xrcpujv Xdarit'. A4HIANEIPA. atvro Th% ztcq C-&rE6t, E4fZEQ 81rTvxr-r; qphQWt vtcxnv t' bp 'v xcu xectog tcv dpcopivcov. Below 497. G*EVog C ic~ Ed. C. 1089. a#,Zv,,c 7ttVtX.Ft,0. 187. xcz' toibro Y' (rv'otto' L. sec.) the miss. xcd' rov Tod' Cant. nc4' Toe~ TOW~ Br. Cf. El. 975. (Ed. R. 817. troy - ttuw9(0v] 'Having learnt from whom?' Cf. 405. Uvyutg Perhaps 'Ecg Cf. 318. 188. gov#EQvij] 'Grazed by oxen.' I. q. (3ovvottp. The Schol. offers two interpretations, zro)A10cxt 0~,Et~opLE'vq), and ~7r P3oiv a9qt~o~%E'vo Toi~ 0'ovc6, 3ov~g xrQHPoV~tc. Hesych: jPovo~C'vtrA IV co jpov: 04vg CO)QU,VIuovtczc. Cf. XIsch. Suppi. 535. X,,tp~vc P3ot'tXov.' Pind. N. IV. 184'. p3ovt3otca - nLQ(C5VL. Weeklein proposes ~3ovaodQq, coil. Hesycb. in g3ov-. - xt' govN'Qco to' avro'. and Aj 144. v~r~ropcuv~ )~tpvufv. 7rpoig7rolog the niss. 7tQo' zo2~,o~ Hernm. Dind. &c. Cf. 193. 352. 371. 423. Neue explains 7rrccaro1og 'conmpellahts.' Qu. 7rQoc7rO2.otg. 189. x 'Qv~ A. L. T. and probably all the inss. %ijQv~ Dind. The, qulestion as to the right,accentuation of wq~v~, as of qpotvt~, is still an unsettled one. V. lierni. ad CEd. 11. 746. trov6' vuilg. To'v 1' L. pr. (trojcT' L. corr.) toi cY' ilerin. Dind. &c. twu~t' lyd) toi~6s xhvcov. Cf. Ed. 1R. 1005. Ph. 552. 190. tot the nass. Dind. Wund. Herm. Schn. Hart. om. Harl. cot Br. Erf. Selh. Mattlh. Which correction derives support froju Eur. El. 230. ~?2TQ~t(5 yatQ got truyU4' uryysX)AZvcv #gicJ. Cf. El. 1469. Zucts nrcv x'vp 0cat Ocp#UcdtiOv, r7COg J, t avy'YEvIF tot (trc miost niss. yE Triel. rightly) x~ir~4toi3fjv V Qu. 7rQ 'rtarog 'yysi)Xcrg or 7rQ~t~ ccwr 'yy&EAuor Z~iotog t yysi.E 7' ((E d. C. 302). Cf. on Arist. Eq. 643. Tot never, I think, occurs after o 7rco~. 191. 7xpo' con tt vulgo. Rather 7re6 oil tO t. Or rather X~1qcOv tU. tt %EQdUvtZtftttj CEd. R. 1006. 0"rcog ao~ nptQ (YO',OVg LOVtOg EV5 U'rutcct`t Ti. Phil. 544. KLq6'cvaittt ill -agrees with tv.Sca comibination of different tenses is seldom, if ever,7 found in Sophocles, except in the case of the so called historic present (cf. on Aj. 3 1.). I think therefore we should correct %,sQbcdivottct, or else #E41,qp XcQtv ('Pitt you utnder an obligation') Cf. 471. Ya&tr' 1?to xr rcsc x v (Ed. 14. 232. tro i'cQ I xiQdaog tv?.c yc,0 Zq xetg 7reocxdcttesrt. -Xtt0iLqv L 192. 5trg]j 'He himself', Lichas. Lt,,Lq rvvtxd I. e. L~S xn.joq zrQuccst (230). 'If indeed he (Lichas) BLhAYES, Sophocles' Trachiniae. 4 50 ~2~~~Z POKAEO P~Z ovc ~1~ x~ov~vo4rrL,4o2:.Ki iv XVXL, ya c vrov Mihjzv~' c,7rag a" 6awir~ oi i t(z jLivcet Z966~5o).1 fares wvell (has good news to?report).' The Schiol. understands Hercules as the subject of,a'rvXEiL But in that case E'%Etvog would have been added. W\under wrongly takes S7YV'CTv, for an impersonal, coil. Eli. 94-5. 7rovol' zot 70Q oi64v- sihvXdi IHermnain reads:,t`IVSQ s'rvZ~ ('si res salvac sunt '). 193. 'Because hie has not much facility (so to do).' It is no easy mnatter for him to come hither. Schol: omz' %rVuvet'. czvxi' Toy ovy.lrat G6 V Twr 7VQE UYcv~a0'ca. Cf. U~d. R. 1241. tt' ~ovrm 878. Eur. lph. A. 88. &rxotea x~cott'vot. Phalar. Ep. 14-I. ov~rc uvog 'rorcavrpq"~q av~kpoQ. For sCV' pstr1Uc f. Phil. 284. 704. -7o) IPhil. 284. rozxTov 6i1 ivoJ2 ~v cvacczv(fpo) 194. Cf. Arist. P1. 7 86. 4riE' y xmg0Vr o 6 oa eirs; 7r 0 o org J;V-A0 o0 QtGTEq 'vcoav?v '70Q,~ 2QEGgvtLYO, - Za5tE A peole of Thessaly, imear to Trachis, whose town was called MalIm. V. Palmer. Exercit. p. 275. Poppo, Geogr. Thucyd. p. 301. MnLr5V'1 For Mqiuir0'. Cf. on 53. So 'Ep~rptm5IV' for 'pEsrptcexg, qicax5v' for Ocxxog Ac',xcv for Acexivtx~, 7'EXrjmv for 'EWnvtxog, &c. 195. xQ1VstLJ I. q. "'vax~t'Vct, 'questions, interrogates.' GI: E'ecry. Cf. 314. 355. Aj. 586. Ant. 399. El. 1445. oi(Y' r~pt1 Dind. and others -understand A('zcg from the prec. ccv'ov. In order to avoid an awkward and inelegant change of person (cf. on 463.) I would read oid' 1~ (ar4), which Schancidewin, I find, also proposes. 196.T x~Y'Q 7Mro~ov -A '-For each wvishing to learn of him what he desired.' T6 iro~oi~ is usually explained (after the Schol.) as equivalent to -ro' ooVfsEvov 'id quad quis desiderat.' Cf. on tiEd. C. 1220. roy.' Xovrog (a~ivovrog?). 1604. mxrrocvx IQ&WX)vog. Phil. 674. ro' yao voaoiiv ZO aE 6 v aarZQUTIZllv lc43,tv. Eur. Iph. A. 1270. ov'd' Inc ro' vs'vouv g3ovflo'pov r?.J'v~a. Hec. 299. zc5 4YvfovttiFvc. Thuc. 6, 24. r~ Zr#v p.oiv zoi 7ro~ 2, 59. ro oeyt~o6prvov rxg yvcAxrJg. 1,7 36. ro' pLv 6Edtoig ccvro~ - rx' Th' #czaoi'v &c. 1, 90. rx' PovU)4svov. 1, 142. 1v rc5 tt. pc~XnvrtL. Matthi. ~. 570. Cf. also on (Ed. C. 267. 1220. Ph. 675. Hermann takes ro' rrofoiv for a nominative. Dindorf considers x ro'7o~oi~v as put absolutely, 'quae est desiderii vis,' and would mark a commiia accordingly after 7ro~oi~v (as do Herm. and Apitz), instead of after #+I~cor, as in the old edd. Wecklein prpoe O y&q 7ro~c~v m (Tr. 22. CEd. IR. 801.) zrg rtg- Q u. r C' y a'p 7xepov#' -. (Proposed also by Nauck and Weckl.) Or "'~ yc'q 7'rov#' -. Or ro' 7ro4JoVt~EVOV YUQ 7rcg rtg - Or rx% 7UZQ Zro4oiU'sV6V x't 19.ov% &v jk,,#Eio] 'Would not let hfin qo.' Qu. 5 r psJa"o 'did not dismiss him (or let hime, go).' Or oS vtv ttE#1'E. Or ov' IrQLV IkL& UYEt. Or oS 7r9dafrsv Et'ce. Or Sv zQ06u#E 2ajyrt. Or, what is perhaps preferable, We maxV con1sider To' zro~oiTv to heC goicrnted ho vxJt~ro, inl TRAXIA IA]. 0 1 OV-ETLO Xtv O& V% XCV 0 OV L 6))E zIHIA4NEIPA. c0 zEi, rv Oi'rTjg aromov 6~ AaacW v'Yrt 200 ~dcozixce,atv 'AAC' 51VN XQdvyO X(Qav. this sense., 'for acah/ person, wishing to learn, refuses to part with his desire (to learn), before he has heard to his heart's content.' In this case the sentence becomes a general one; and indeed what follows, ovrcog Ernrtvo; seems to show as muRch. ttE*Eitro A. 13. K. L. ps&P'&avo Harl. rtt~oixo T. (with GI: c'7rolv'egrcrv). g,,#Eero seems here to be the opt. Cf. Eur. Med. 736. oi' tt Ea E ' bi ydala 4Au. Arist. Ran. 830. oivx av ttrrEtrttiv Tov~ aeovov. Lucian Dem. enc. 34. 7rrgodfrfv. But we find Xen. Cyneg. XII. 1 1. TrQOOLVTO. 'EqpEtro (Tr. 286. El. 1111. Ph. 619.) is the aorist indicative. xaca' '6ov 'vj ' To their satisfaction, to their heart's content.' Cf. El. 15033. (Ed. C. 890. Plut. Pomp. 65. e) tu ncst' n)4ov-qjV 1rt vt%&v Hotr rrrjrov. In Latin, ex aniini sententia. 198. oi'X Er'XO5v1 Since lie writes to hasten to you. Similarly Ant 276. IrceQSLut 4' a~xcov oi'X &"o)9ev. (Ed. C. 767. ov'x "#~E 43kovr 7rQoa~6#Egat yXC)Qv. ZE sch. Prom. 19. axovrce 6' "cxon' - 7TQ0G7taG66cE~V,6w. 218. E"%JvOP" b.6'Yvrt Z~vl avuir a Q a r ar v. Ibmi. Qd. y'. 272. v'v 4' '#')v,2ouvaav c'v jyczv ~v6E 'tcov6E. Er 155. re 13 -o qro3~. Plat. Legg. VIII. 832 C.', 'xvrcwv "xov6acUYexZ~t. 4Ej I should prefer 4i or ~v-.Orou?fo vv oat o13X 5{2cv -.The 6E" seems unsuitable hiere. 199. cevxov Uv~r(%' cV13x-x' cu-x~v T. 200. Ot~rqgj Cf. on 1191. uvo~lov] 'Uncut, ungroized, intact,' as being consecrated. Cf. Hesych: 'Adeihavov. U'4Qr~rov, Oroig U'vaErrvov- Zopon).sg. Ear. Hipp. 73 f. 6ot' TO'v& zlr?.s r~v gvripcvov a cnqayrov Iqtio'vog, ei5 o4ca'7OtVU, XoafL1 "age (iepQO, I O't~S v`rlt oit)P) c~toe (piegjtv jgorc' I a 9' TE,7o aidggo~, ce~a CSjfQCZOV f ttiXL6giga 2.EtfCV qlQLVO~V dciexmxta JCdc (A) 7roIcq~cteat xfljrEvU, d4O',otg. Where, see Valck. 7rr I C f. o n CE d. C. 5 1. 201. cUXXue a5v Xq6'vp I 'At least after a length of timie.' Phil. 104:1. 'rica 6~Fr i~ace6a u1 x~ 7oA El. 1013. a 'T'4i voi~v aigZ al o( Xqo'vc~o zorox Aj. 306. r"ttqp(oJV to'Itg 7tLog GZV' %QOVC0 %0O6rar'GcSat. Tr. 395. (Ed. C. 1602. Perhaps UWUl v~v %Qa'vo iroxrE. 202 covn wc]Schol: O'o~viJa-c Yrt e jPoq~aas, %cagtv touoo~a xroie Osoi4 A change of person is here indicated in L. _eoaxyIi Instead of the more usaEVovay. Cf492 Amimonias p. 50. notices g`6co here put for E'vdov, and compares Eur. Her. 584. xca' TO'V YE'Qovxe TnV x' Eaco yecdhv 661kcov. Herod. I. 182. 6vyxcvrc% I ntraT xa9 VVMce Eaco?V TCc VincS. 11. 169. EtOcVpav - 'aco ta r6 tgcS. II. 143. 175..,sch. Sept. 218. taco) d3ticov pdvstv. Ear. Her. 477. Arist. Av. 437. 7ravo7r1.c'cV - XQE~iU6aceOV - Eg TOV t~rvov ucco. Lob. -id Pliryn. p). 44. Cf. on hi. SO. Ant. 491. 4* 52 2-'OOOKAEO T~ ytpi Exro avcbx~ rir vvl; aEzov ~t~a.qo X0P027 rTA.4JKS N TPA4XINI&~N. UvoAh)Av~crwO 604totg 205 Ei'Gw tile mss. Hermn. IDiud. Bgk. Nck~. Cf. on 492. Cran0 Br. Dind. IL. 203. cd' T' lxr5~ 1g Ant. 18. 'x' a')LFdcor nzv~(4 Phil. 722. -rayr~a Uys..7rQog uv' As Amimoni-as (p. 50.) quotes this passage only as far as Exrog, Vaick. (Anim. p. 75-.) is disposed to believe that hie did not find av~g in his copy; and woald therefore road - at' r' 1Yxrog. avj 0o' &c., comiparing Eurip. Jph. T. 194. [SQo'V 0o/rqt av'yua "a1Log &c. Perhaps we should rea(1 instead av'lai' (sub. h'v. Trach. 901. 7raid1'&?V &~r E,ioi~c 6't~vtcu Iro~v 'vxra. Ant. 946. Xcdxod1xotg ~a'fa), or a rrjg, or uVTLrX, or ced" ridj'. By a' the Chorus are probably understood. Cf. on 210. Dindorf considers wi1x th sm as or y co U.izrov -] 'Since unexpectedly cf'c.' Connect UE4X vzov czvcax'ov. Qu. 5og ""1,rxc' y'. Cf. (Ed. C. 1120. TXv' EL CpaviCvr asairrc olXvvco Xoyov. El. 903. Gi'vn#Fg o"tcsa. -t P ln - T~)a6E1 'Thie joyous light of tkis news'. ptca] 'Lip/it, joy ',Is elsewhere cpcuog, and in Latin 'lotx.' Cf. El. 903. CEd. R. 187. Pid.V 7. iwr pUvv ruaxo2 ~ Votat. So in X2sch. Ag. 534. Agarnemnon returning home victorious is said n'Xsix (P V EVcPQoV? JhOV 24&varax5v] 'That has risen.' Schol: cvzqcvIIv, UVUTEi'2CzV, 7~ Taoqo~ zo~ i'Uov. Ear. Med. 482,'. c'zvE`Gxov Got qpoo GorCjJQtoV. Oppianl. Hal. 667. &2pt~vog Ig nr'vroto P3ahv zr5eov oi~x E~x ' cVEGXE (schol: a'V i)2 E). Herod. V. 106. VII. 14. Compare 48'XEtv. Arist. Pr.3-1. i %s, oiC'2'ils z~,gde v~v naQroV'ttca] xijg yF vi. -- conj. Musgr. Qu. xja6d' (or o#'), 'O v xaqrroztt&9'ci, the accusative absolute N5g c,.slirrov - as in (E d. R. 1 0 1. cd5 OWY Q-r 'vd' or rt' y'?) c~a' fELCO lv %rsQ~rovpfL&a] ~,sch. Ag. 50~2. cv'dro' ipeivc(v xucen~otro rn'v UftcrQr'tav. 205-24. The Schol. (on 216.) remarks on this ode: ToS ~ "eo ovx art VU'6,UO I UN' V7ro'T~g'60Vg 4X~VTC.JI is a dauce-soig, such as we have, in Ant. 1115 f. Aj. 693 f. and p~erlhaps (Ed. IR. 1086 f. Cf.,Eschi. Euni. 968. O'okS'arE S~v hirt fo 17raL. GI aov~at a' EslaOrtV 8v6&6Eg itrwv. It is only on occasions of unusual excitement, as the present, that we thus find an ode consisting' of a single strophie. The maidens and youths of the house of Deinuira, are called uponl to sing, in honour of Apollo 'the protector,' and the former to raise a hymn of praise to Diana and her attendant Nymphs. We find a siailar invocation of Apollo and Diana in the, Secular ode of Horace. The samie two divinities arc invokved togrether (Ed. C. 1091 f. Cf. Eur. Iph. A. 1468. v'tit- &' 1Trsv176ar, co vEcvt6Eq, I rcrt&va1 Xi6q VfcpOQUy Jtr~ XSQI)V 1`e"A ttv 205. ix'vo2lolbSarE B. K. Ven. 3r. Seh. Hermn. "'vo~o~vz~r,- A.L. Aid. cavolol5',-x, V. avoX1Alv~ov T. O'IXovtsrE Harl. tyvo~o~v'~EraL Elmsl. ad Heraci. 782. Wand. ccvolo6lv~ov Ben. &xvo~o2.t'csx' co conj. Seidler do V. D). p. 86. (coll. Ear. Tro. 335. j~ocaGar' zS Srv `Tar~vitov, co, 1xKUtt aor6'aeg. Ph. 302.). U'vo~.olv~ixwr Barges (in Class. Journ. VII1. 369, coll. ZXsch. Ag. 1117. xaro~okv~",cow. Chio. 940. Qh7o2~okv~"'rc). Dind. Hart. S8di. TPA XI NIAL1I Bgh. c~v0 )bo~,~f'ro-) Nmick. S8chol. ad. 206: U'vr't roe, S' zr&~ ot-og Hc ys.lso%'o~q xc~t FXe Trotlt'TOJ. Who clearly read either dolgo 01'yt0, no11t, dMloloi; andT -also (yvo?.o2lv~ cor. IDindorf explains 8ofrotoS Is7v ucLL(o of the unmiarried maidenis in the house, in distinction from the youths who are mentioned iunimediately -after. lismiciy (ad Eur. Her. 782.) and Wunder correct: c'vo'o;1S,,Tat r d"tao?vFar~ot laxyan S kE vvftgpog. Qu. alvo~1oiS'ar', 60 d5CoL,?cpsart'0Lg (Cxaxycd~, I c't p~AL1-U v )u~pog, 1:v 611 %otv~'g UrqaEvoJv I duro xlcsyyo', ro~'v-. (Cf. El. 750. "620)TO'e~xV V,1cUVtaV.) Or GVVU c"'wr', Cd 60'kOt - ro'v &c. (Eur. Here. 0.'J'V 7rU'VvS3 S"UEVcdoet Kcdlkfoi` zorovI Xomc5 ~vv qoc~actv). Or &volo~v~ct'rc 60,ut (or 'v dSo'lot)?rpp~artotg c~Raynzt (or 1?,,a(ovg U.Icalay g)~) Pf1X0oVV!LqPog &C. Or UVOOXoV~UrTCO GTSo'10 1F'(oE'r'tgC r)XclSag ttavv,(og ('Ie comnpany of m~aidens'). Or iyvololv'~c&r IV,of g -- att~l'~apt vv 6E - Cf. on 207. The second person ofthe imperative would agree with U&vC1ysxs 211, and "'volo~v~tc'ro would also ag-ree with duro 208. The verse probably consists of two dochmii and a cretic. Cf. El. 750. U'cov XSv~tz rov vscvf'zv. Esch. Ag. 573. 6covlS).v~c tte'v irce'Za Xc~i~ f"ro. Cho. 942. Eh7ololv~U'rro (oInoWlt~c&, COSoidi. V. D. p. 89. &c.) 8,,aroro'vcov doSttov a'cvcspvyU' ("5zro.?) %xxcav. Sept. 8`27. Eur. Med. 1142. %cdt xt ypa - avcolS'~v~,. El. 690. 0oh., 1% 'Ia, 2d 7j tV g VL sihvX ab~ev, I Sxol S~8ra 7rJiv &5curs (which passagfe strongly resemibles this). Or 35 ' c~toLg Ta"' CIvEV~~ Arist. Av. 781. 'Olvuctta'& 4E' fL.0~O X"QLTS9 Mo~19cd v'?7ro,?Skv~cav. Tro. 335. P3o~oz S-~ Tlco l xpc~ oa Oo 2.v'~liv means ttcru' XQ(5VyrJ EvZEGa(5t (Schol. Arist. Pac. 96), and with its compounds is properly used of the joyous aeclamiiations of females. (Accordingly we read presently, 1v de xotvS'g U'Qa'vc032 tduo xxcayyc,.) Pollux I. 28. TrS ySQ 0'~ol,5~a %ati 0'~olvyj 'aaa~t L7rt YVVcsn9V. Hesych: 'Okoxvy~j rpwvil yvvcanCv, rjv 7rotovvrt~ E rode 1 'OL,arcvat. Eur. Her. 782. 6AoXIyctcs I7cZVVVXtLOLVZ 7ro1XcQ~iV(03V laceXu7 ra6Cov xqovowt-t Xen. Anab. IV. 3. 4. lzatcisvt~ov zUvr- or 6,ezcistcorat sa v c14.ov (as here rsuXcyei~), ~vvcoZolv~ov 61' xa% yvva~iIVI QeT(YGcY. Sometimes however O'olv'scv is used imiproperly of males. J-E sch. Sept. 831. Ag. 604. Arist. Eq. 613. 1324. Pac. 96. Demosth. p. 313, 20. 22. Soplh. El. 751. Eur. Or. 1137. Med. 1176. El. 690. Hence 0'oWvylto' rEsch. Sept. 270. Eur. Or. 1130. Comnpare the Latin 'ulutlare,' which, though derived from S).oX)'s,,1v, strangely enough is chiefly, if not always, -used of mournful cries. The only exception to the usage of Soko~lv'~t of joyfiil acelamations appears to be El. 751. gQe0q -o acsvwo'~v~ rov vsav asv - Ois rvyxcuvt. (read Icayzcvn) ncsx"'. If indeed the passage he not corrupt. For the substance of the above examples I am chiefly indebted to Elinsley ad Her. 782. and Med. 114'-2.. Blomf. GI. ad I-Esch. Sept. 2,54. Seidl. ad Ear. El. 686. 60'tcotg the miss. Tricl. Ben. Hermn. Nauick. d60'og Burges. Elinsl. Dind. Wand. Hart. Sehn. Bgk. (SYop B3r. Sch. Perhaps 6erSo'l (S, ttUSvvcnpog). 206. Elqpvart'ot c'slyat] ' With indoor decclaoations.' Liban. II. 1621. YVVcLtnaV MYCixc TOV cUVxmV VOf~ov Oi' ol,1V EXCCGflq E7VE1f7V0VG)7g EV~?7 -Itav. Quoted by Musgrave. Schol: zczdg i7r' ur( t~vac5v Eics' - c'lca~cycidg B. V. Tarn. Elmsl. Ben. Pr. Selb. Dind. Hart. Seidler (do V. D. p. 166.) c'XaXdr A. K. L. Harl. Ven. Ald. Ilerm. Nauick, UZcslcd~ 54 A'Tro xJayct rToll F;V(Vaq~rOV, Harl. Xc ~~yueg T. c c~aXctg Schi. Perhaps 1qpsarL'otgtv c'a~ yatg (dim. iamb.). Cf. Eur. Herc. 10. 4v naovzs-q Vtsvcdotat Kce64uEt'iZoirEt I ~Ou( avVfl)~ic"~v, ~vtxn n.'?lo( uov'gI80av 6, Z~tV4 'Hqcz%23g vtv i"Ysro. 207. 6' ucr2ovv~.tqpog] U' aEUll Erf. Perhaips rightly. xotv6~g] Attic for %oLvq, according to Schol., who compares x?.v~'17r~ro64uc~t (II. tP'. 7,42). Cf. Matth. ~. 118. n. 1.So (oucodg, &-c. Cf. on El. 614. 208. txro] Cf. Fr. 435. i'rco dE 1Ttv~tc'~ fPoa #,,c5. (Arist. Av. 857.) A,'sch. Sept. 963. Vreo ( dxva' - ~co 7y'og. Eur. El. 879. o) e 'rvcv~og flo~z XcepL Iph. A. 10318.- i'Tre, 8.F ava6ag svq?-ttf. Pha. Fr. I. 57. i're co c ycltcav &otdca. Ion. Eleg. IL. 7. t"Tco dtc' vvTo'~ emY' t( 'ro -V 290rporcv] This accusative seems to depend on avo)lo~v~Uche an(1 perhaps also loosely on i'-o) %LJc~y'6 (== %l6~ErE), jast as 'Ag~tSLv does on rrctceivc cevUcy.Fs (the equivalent of i'~kvwirs). Cf. El. 7419. GQWVo'g (YCeIK02O1V~ r~~Ey vrcv'krv, I01 ' 8 '6aQgc &c. And so construe Wander and Schneid., who consider as parenthetic the words 1v dE' - xlayyc'. After %~cqyy6z a full stop is marked in B. K. Hermann, Apitz, and Dindorf construe i'veo %xkyyu6 (== cM'srs or x2Jcso6vrcov) Tx'v - 7rqo6ravruv, as tuirvacU'vcz c7vdsr 'Aprsntv, the construction according to the sense, as they said doevcpoQstv xtva, xo'7rrEG~a rLt' and the like. For this construction of the accusative cf. El. 123. t'dv' c,-t' -rxu%.t (6' a6A 6r' olaco-, yCv Ur v -, 6.vr'cr~a A~c a- 556. (Ed. C. 1 l 0. Cf. on 2 10. 209. Az'AU~2covca the mss. vulg. tHerm. Wund. Bgk. Az'AR62co Dind. Nck. 'A7r6?Ucova probably came from the interpretation of the Schol. The formi 'A7r6?lloovc is impugned by some (Herodian. p. 439. Thom. M1. v. 'AZr6X&c). 7r~oaracravj 'The Protector' (in this case of Hercules). I. q. irgoogrcer jQov (Hesyclh.). Schol: GOwr-qcs. Cf. Cl]d. 1F. 881. and on El. 637. (Ed. R. 149. 206. For the same reason this God appears to be landed by the Chorus in Aj. 702 f. According to Wander the Chorus, having just called -upon the maidens and Youths indoors to celebrate Apollo, now call upon themselves to sing the paean in honour of Artemis. The construction of these words again is rather obscure. The Schol. evidently refers them to Apollo: U6vvu~vEni'rs 7ravxsg cat 7r,~Uca Trv GcorirjQc xca irat&vce Az'A Uoevcr. Herai. and Dind.,7 marking a colon after 7reoarc~av, connect them with what follows, zutc~vaC'z vay,-r, rC'v "Aprr~acv. (For which construction cf. Ear. Herc. 687. 7ratvca vgevovoc xv Auirobg '116vov. Iph. A. 1468. ivmtu,~ (Y' Ervqpc&,~ co VEcv16Ei, zt Theocr. XIV.:i0. X03 AuqLOarctOg xov?auiv AV'Vov a~s ar & org 2.x6v zc t ec. Matth. ad Eur. Hec. 383.) The hymn, called the Paean, was sung in hionor of Artemis no less than of Apollo (Prodl. Chrestom. p. 381L Gaisf. ldte60 57d1X~tczo Ue 'Ajr6?.Xcovt xc4t rij 'Aqr1t~ttd Schol. Phwen. 1109. Valek. ad Thuc. IV. 43.). But as the Paean was common to both Apollo and Artemis, there, seemas no reason why the singing of it here should be confined to Artemis,7 as it should bc according to this latter arrangement. Wakefield therefore after cy&v ay, T' puts a colon, to distinguish thme address to thme amaidens fromm that to the youths. TPAXI NIA I. Z7YXLCtV Zracev 210 3o~r8 rc'v o"s667ropov I'lA~qr~Utv 'OqTvyI'cav 1?c4aqcq0o)ov a&gqtcpZvQov yurovcg rE NP~ticpcg 215 210. irat~vc A. B. K. L. T. Ald. 7ratiiv' Br. Herm. &c. 211. a Z6'7v 7cyrx'1 'Raise'. Eur. Ph. 1369. &d~' vcyr onvv.Tro. 330. C''VayE z0o~v. Lasus ap. Athen. XIV. 5D.;1vp4'v cuvyco I VQO!o a~ttovc'av. Callim. H. in Del. 279. Sciiol: a~vtvFcvr~s %e xctc~xe r;v ~Celt T6c 'AZrOXwVt ai~rQEaV, Tq~v?V 'OQXrVyLt T4fLcO)fLMvfl cc V a 0)r Tc ZQ#E5V~t] avcaysxs, 7raQE'vot Hart. The true reading is perhaps cU'EMsr%,212. 6o irae#"vot] Addressed to tbe Chorus, as in 821. I's, ocdov, (T 213. P3o&rEi Eur. Tro. 33.5. jPocaar' sdv r~v 'Tttdvacov, 6', ttaxaQ~teu cUotactg, luxxatc rrs v4~tav. Perhaps we should read fPo5 TF (06c'yETE). XO!V OfLOGlrOQoV] U x 0v 0U'G~rOQOV MuITSgr. A probable correction. 214. 'O9rvyc'avl She is called 'Orlyqgia dea' by Ovid Met. I. 694. Cf. Dissen Explic. Pind. Nem. I. 1. V. ad Callim. 11. Apoll. 58. Arist. Av. 870.?Iuqcup3'Xov K. L. V. LaqpqfPdkov A. B. T. Turn. 11a~popoov 11. Hail. Ald. Cf. on (Ed. H. 181. also Ear. El. 862. arrqpavorpoQiauv (so add. vett., but 6,,(avcepoqtiav two niss.). Here. 781. Blomf. 01. Sept. 415. Lob. Phryn. p. 649 f. Cf. Horn. H-. in Dian. 1. 'AQTE1UV at&r'co XQVa9'qaxcerov %,,.a6'tv~v, I 7rQ,,o cld6o~qv, b12. cpo'il6ov, t'oXElatQav. (Ed. C. 1092. 7rvxvoartxTxC0v 0nrac0lv 6oXVirodcov c1_?acov. Before Aapag62.ov Dindorf inserts Ora'v, for the sak-e of the metre. We might also add rarv. LqJqtrVQOrve] 'Iloldiaq a tore/i (lre) in each hand', as Y6~oi~zov. Schol: raQ' 0602' afPqPoXEQaLg ZCaL XEQ(9t l6U6vZEri7 q Uv"rjq ovacelxj aEcr f onl (Ed. H. 207. 7rvg Q~dovg 'AerxE'ptog ad'y.ag. Arist. Han. 1301. i ' 6o JtL' 6urVQovg a~vi~ovaa Xattza~'6 - "'Exura &c. Orph. 'H. in Dian. 3. 7rUa6LpUr~ 6u~oiXE. Spanhenm. ad Callim. Dian. 11. KnLst. ad Arist. Han. 1406. Creaizer Symb. T. II. p. 190. The epithet occurs also Eur. Ion. 716. Buctcog cq.LTLzrvQovg cavEXcv 7txcu. Hipp. 559. 0'c~pL'nvqov (fulmien). 215. ysI'rovag rE Vt qcag] 'And the nei~qhbouriny Nymzphs,' her attendants, who dwell in the neighbourhood of Tracliis, which coast was considered sacred to Artemiis (cf. onl 637.). Schol: vV' 19tp~a T& 'O g ai ffe6fceg ZIX(Q GOV?EV zoi 0e 6q~t axrQ~3,& ' "AQrEsttg. (Virg. Lan. I. 498 f. Ovid. Met. III. 178 f.) Who perhaps' read something different from ysiTovag, perhaps 5q9~arE'qaq-. Cf. Phil. 725. Mrj2.W6cov vvtt.ciav. 216. &lo A. B. K. L T. 1. e. &"vco aitqottar. 'I leap (exult, jumip, 1bouncd) for joy-' Cf. Arist. Ecdl. 1178. ai'qsa' &CZ V lcta scdal. So Aj. 693. F'CPQct Effrou, 7CE QLXQVg cY caVEzroftaV. Schol: ~LrsrsOQI~Oist IV' Tol %OqpvELV Etg roy 6.5 QCU %at UV6) ateolfi6t. to 76.Q ttlOIItQ"OoV OVfl Fart Graxaalov, aNl' >'rl' rig 'Iovis 0'9.Zo~vrce. 1Hesych: ai&Qo~cat. avco ai'o~uat. 2;oqpoxli TQuX. Cf. Ear. I-1ec. 69. xc'irr' laq'a ioputz lVVVVXo ovrco (for so I would read). As however the final at in the first and third persons of indicativs, and in infinitives, is never elided in Tragic writers ~O(PO~~~~x JH~ )?N H)O ff )x55~C)(jCX(~ -EV01 t, XW6,3 'or axta v21w~~rQ~~pcov cqLLAA~~~iV. 220 (see Erf. ad Aj, 191. Heim. El. D. MN. I. 10. onl (Ed. R. 686. El. 818.), I would read either, U41s'Qottut (with Hart. and Natick), or- siye'ottari with, Reiske. This latter correction, which had also occairred to Hmyself, agrees iletter with rcn(0'o~tut than does c~t'eottat; and moreover agrees well with the invitation just given to sing (&vcuystv 7itytrvu, ~3o~v). The metre will then be: H,,.Iermann with macli probability sapposes these lines, to he sling, by a different part of the Choruts. 217. xv a i?.6Ov, e - Qso]Schiol: ot cr64,z L~ gt eZPXj~ 5 QtGVVE "QC4at'r't y('Y 6' CZ`VW6g xt'Y 7MQ41aEVos, 7tg nVr~ XOQ~tCYV. CUVTL TO, Cm0) XQO!TOJV vTJg 5ftrJTi 9)Ql'VO. ~?V 68, T6O tCIVTCZU OQOVVTO!I Vito XaQimg. Hlermanun adduces Arist. Rep. VIII. 6. r-t 6' ov' EatLv o' nfltxo V, "W".2U& tdhv 0,yta6rtX~v. 7. x 'vAr2.v] r' eczvA'v (i. e. co xob~pov) conj. Masgr. (coll. Ear. Cycl. 40. C'Zot6aeg P3irto acv2.o 'Ivot). Atc'utov Barges 1. 1. Qu. 0eZ, Rc'-xyt', co Or xrov BQ69y~ov, e co The flute is called for,7 as being used onl festive occasions. co XVQCZVVE -ra qtd4.] l rvi3cevv'rr T. Beloved objects are often termed the sovereigus of those to whom they are dear. Cf. Fr. 678, 15. Zht6~ TV9cMvvs 7tVEVUrOVcO) ("EQo~g). Ear. Hipp. 5037. "EQctoxu 6c' ToV TV'QtUVVoV Cav6Q8Jv &c. Andromn. Fr. 7. e 6', ro VQa~vv {Yscv rvs %cz'v~aQ3 -itev "Eecog. Tragicus ap. Diod. Sic. Exe. Vat. III. 134. iS ZQvgES - rYT Wrv -cvavv. Anacreon V. 141. uczircvo~v XQt~r0TVvcU Xcat TVQemVOV. Hor. Od. IV. I. 'Necgnwim Cinyra?,.' Symimach. Ep. VII. 104. 'Dontbiaus pectoris muei.' VIII. 29. For the change to the vocative cf. 99.. 7,A~tov dn5,- c 03 GtE Q0it(U cp2.sy6Efcov. For rpQsvO'g perhaps ZOovo'. 218. 16ov ~k' the mnss. vulg. Herm. Bgkc. Wand. Nek.?6o6 laov' It Dind. (the mnetre as in 210. 6troS 6' zatc~zvc 7itWrv)- Id6ol En. The pronoun ItE depends not on?6o5', bat on VX cW. Cava~utGQGGt the mnss. Dind. U6v iUGEt~ Wander (so as for the metre to consist of two bacchei). GI. T.: QPi. Schol: si'g PaXXpXqV (-tt 2.av, vov 0Q ~osUv, itGYQOQ1a PsE 6 X1e660. Whio appears to construe: O %t66~ aV~GQGGG p uxs t'cav tt~at'. Hlart: 'do a Vr i~a r uQc(Y esr V svo, vo! — ' xwao' &c. Bergrk conj: SVoi7 Uv' cva#4Qc,6ast 6 X1eeog &c. Qa. 16o1JK U~V UV~?7dELg~. 219. cs'o~ ~t' valg. Heniu. Bgk. Nek. E56r' tt' L. E~oi' FszoiDind. (who considers the exclamation as "extra versum'") Wuiid. _ raoI I. e. the thyrsus, called by Earip. Baceb. 25. xteetv'v ~3)Og. The touch of it was supposed to inspire with frenzy those who were, struck. Hence Lucretius says I. 922. 'percuissil thtyrso landis spes maniag nmewit cor.' The maidens crowned with ivy, and crying 'eveo,' dance wildly for joy like Bacehanals. Cf. Eur. Baceli. 204.?'Qcs rrg cog to 75Qtg or'x catigvvortoa, I LO..Xowv %oQ,`Evv xeccrc %taGco',czi E?~tdv. 3~2I. xwac6 r'?1u"VmREG&C xce' Zoeo-VsG1Uv. 341. 8EsiQo 6oy ctgr~o XCW xoe iq~a&,v tC5 'frc5 rta'v dt'dov. Ho. Od. II. 19. 4. 'Evoe! receati nincs trepidlat nmeit I plenoqite Race/ri pectore turbiclese lactatima.' Qu. of #veuog. TPA X!FVII 57.57 re a'(vr12tzQc)Q 6, (;Ot iga, z ~r 'VQ zJHL4NEIPA.4 0 1)OV t ytvi aml g TOV( EL~ 01) )V(tqa(q& i gaxta B. K. Br. &xXvi'av A. L. T. vuaig. fOaxxt{av - atttav] 'A bacchic dance,' one in honour of Bacchus.,Schol: XoQ~uatv. Ant. 1065. x~o'ovg WrJ c 7(V 220. V7oarQ8rp~ov the miss. vaig. Schol: U'ro lv7q Fdg q'oviv ~tixa.yewv 7 32rof"'covZw. GI. T': V7ogo"Zcv %oQE("v. Tierm: 'convertens mze ad cennulandumt Flochas.' Wunder understands it of the twirl or motion of the body in dancing. Dindorf explains t'uroaQE'TL0v 'circumnagens,'7 and thinks that PuaXxb(av ctut~Xav is added with the freedom of poetry instead of. The Schol. sapplies Elq. Wakefield proposes V7o-rQEcpov, i. e. 'stirring n1p, exciting.' Qa. ~,2roT2J'yenv or?irtrp2Iywov 'accendens' (AJ. 196. &'e'Tv oiV'Qavti'av qJym70v). Or 5itzo' (or irodo') mXU'yco (or reQ'qpcov). 221. 1co' I&,' Jifatv vnlg. CIW iew' Fat 'v TIlat&v Find. But the, verse is probably a dochmiac, like, Aj. 694. IN' LCO l7hv Hcav. 222. i'dv, i'd the mss. i'd', i'd' Br. (tacitly) Erf. Sch. Wand. Bgk. t'd' Dind. Hart. Nek. Hart. divides thus: td', co pUIXa yI3 vat - 8'rj I go' - "VayQyt Qa1. Md5,tdoV', cptOxu yivat, &c. cO cpi'2a y 'vcat vuig. lierm. Bgk. Nck. co q(X1 a y'vvantxv Find. Wand. I. e. '0 dearest of womnen.' As in Homer, dia yvvcaxn(m. 2213. CZvi7t(Q VUlg. (e'vrt'rQeotQa L. U'vrtbrQqJQcc Find. Cf. on Phil. 48~2. 'Faice to face, before your ayes.' Schol: cavxt~rqa7rca, vi7r pVI C sCO' rdrv~oo ~rvA~a p~eo.Hesych: 'vri'~p~ YVXrL~rQO6OJ)7VcC n'QO)QU yaQ/ 2tGWrQ607rOV, %Ut cUvdQ0,rQmpov caVdQo7tQoGaw7rov. Zoqx. TQaX. Ear. El. 8,11. "`6,ri-qaV "v~tltQTQff Gu'~o~vTs ~E~7,Elian. II. 46. a~vrt'TrQqQOL r~o vo~rco 2orc.Oppian. Cyneg. II. 54. cf'vri~zQroQOV W a)rov'I opcvv o trQcQOg (Xsclh. Ag. 241.), &c. Cf. on 13. The Choras intimate to Deianira the near approach of Lichas withi the captives. (3?. TtSL1v - lvareyJ7J 'Clear to behold.' So Ii v'. 131. rpcdv~aeicca EVCZQ~y,-ig -iE-sch. Pers. 401.? cpcv8ig idcvi'v. Cf. on 696. 225. 6'gcS] Sc. avr~ 'I see what yout speak of.' Wander wrongly makes xo'v6d Y-u5?.ov the object. ov'4~ tt' -,gax5Xovj 'Nor have they escaped the vigilance of mny eye, so that I should not see this company.' Cf. Phil. 207. (3c~XUt tt' lrvitta (p0oyyca xrov - oidE' ttFc~' - av'da xqvucavcoQ. Wander: 'nequie oculi mcei cnstodiamn pralteriit hoc agmen, at id non cerneremt.' Who for the double accasative, tt and cpQovejv compares sach phrases as tuE'#'sg It Xte Opp~arog cpQOVQayVJ Cf. 914. naYCO laccQU!iov 0`pp'?7 aGXUaap~qIv rpQOVQovv. Phil. 151. rt' a~v rpeovesiv "ttau 7t aco!cceLaxc SCSL(p. 226. tpqoQOVQ the mss. Br. HIerm. rPpovqpcev' Masgr. Wand. (v. Emend. p. 21 f.. Find. Hart. Schn. Bergk. Naaick. Hierw. Perhaps cpqovQ(Y may 758 ~ ~ 1'00CHK.JEO f27 X t (9o t,, TO)! r0,7 X~jqVqXC( 7QOvVVVUCo, X9011( z1o~co cPCCwvrTCI XcaTOV 'El' XL Cxtl 9QUoa. yVVCL X"tT 8E7O tp5V, &v49c Y~q Xc2Acg 230 be defended,7 if wve explain tihus: 'Nor has the watchfulness of my eye escaped (deceived) mHe, 4-.c.' Musgr: 'custodiam fefell it.' Cf. Dem. p. 550. xovrt' av U4XQV Q52 PE fLS ircV. Theogn. 419. 7toUc t ltCVLV( QMQY cxt d2 ni' c'vczY%7 I atyO, rov,6E ~vi~?.cVeacLV vui1g. Read ro'v6'c ~tc ov, X.tGEV,GC1V with Hupfeld, Nauick, and Herwerden. A constant error. When a negative or an interrogative clause has preceded, od or oZ\is always- eivaddatr~o To Ii7 Cf. on 90. CMd. R. 1065. o5'x Uv 7rrto(ttvv 'u)otzc' gxa,iv Gac~p6). 1232. XELi7r~t fLEV ov~ a TCO0 Vp4tc otio 3avto dtvat. El. 107. oi' ts2v SI) Z I)(o 0'QI'vjv, OVg on aic 7rQgocp0EwcV. Ant. 96. zt'aotcat y1Xg o'v roao~rov oiSvc" az "'jo? (o ' om. E. T. &c.) xct2.J aav,&iv. CiEd. R. 283. tt na~g~ r' tn) ' o '(ctyaat. Xen. Anab. III. 1. 13. ri'?turo6(cov pL) ov' - 'got~o~t~vov~ #aVELV; aro'Xov] 'Comipany.' Cf. 496. (Ed. R. 169. 227-8. Cf. El. 1457. xut"Pot UeV, Et' 'go01.TU zarc Vy%1XeVC trUe8. 227. XUaLQctV toy TOrVvxr lr1ovvFro] Deianira thus indirectly addresses Lichas, as is clear from his reply. So Theocr. XV. 1. XaiQcrv FIQaUryoqav. Cf. on Aj. 73. Ai'cevta rprovjo. Arist. Nub. 1145. Ztc'iprtU(6'7v 61] oE Herw. A. C. p. 21. Rightly, I think. -7rQolVVVr~o) )rQ0V'VcF'ro T. Br. Wrongly. The line is omitted in K. Xzovco 7roN6r] 'After a long time.' 2Escb. Ag. 521. 614aa#E xoaqt~o 228. rpcevivza, Xaqrz'v cC Turn. Br. &c. rpavEvrre Xuetov, Et' Ald. Apitz. Xagrov] GI. T. Utov ZuQag. Et tt Xat iPE rtq Qn. ci' rt&S (or ttot, or lrcp) rp`igcLq. qpE p~t K. L. and Suid. v. Xuprt'v. Herm. Diad. Wund. Schn. rPE`Qct Aid. Turn. Br. rPEQCLV A. B. T. 229. ff2'N cv!rcv ryt`&0F', cr3 61 -] Qu. rUW2' cvZ r' Uqmyftt&, c, TIE irgoerp. So El. 1102. c)Z?1' cv #' Exrevctg XCO (prea'fa Cr5~lftLog. uOyr&`] GI. T: "rpiyftc~u. Cf. Phil. 494. toie 'yp'vt1 O. (lEd. C. 308. ce)A.E crv %)? i otr~o ry 0' ai,'ro5 r 'kt &ce. Translate: ' Well, good forltne have we had, and rightly are we addressed (blly you) according to the results obdained.' Cf. Arist. Lys. 1037. U2'.a' orIJ mgaacxY t6SoL6d, CO4 Ear"" #60irtxa'r (pvacr. Compare also the proper name EVIn~2omv Herod. IV. 162. 230. xrcr' E'QYoV wxtysv] I. e. xax&' ro' E`Qyov o" nxcxr'tctEa, 'according to what we hove acquired in deed.' The teyo ben poe otE 'r fj or salutation of Deianira. Herwerden suspects zat' C'Qyov wxtlav. Sebol:?aa IV toy "eyov 7rretvtvotv.io ik'gx o C40rg~t. Ilie alludes to the capture of (Echalia. Cf. Thuc. 1. 22. T& E0c'gyc oV rgaX0,Evtr',v. Herod. 1. 1. mnit. Observe that thme Herald, as is often the TP4XTJA7JAI. TrQuad5(ovT CU'Ca;)Xqj XQ'" CZV9 t E71 JzIHIANEIPA. co qFt2~rcr c>vagc7v, zpcoa~ a zqcraou 3oVAo~wta A IXA2. Eycoyg rot (54 ()E tV (XOV d t Xdt ~cvrra zat' aoh ovnx xoi3 vO'6eq fOctvnv. -235 JHIA NEIPA. zroi 2 Yv lf~co; Jg custom. of such men, identifies himself with Hercules, and speaks of his (leeds of valour as if they were his own. xalCog )TQCCaovr' 1 'When doing well, when prosperous.' 231. -7rqCesacovT a'vcz'yx?] 'Avc7yxq hardly seems suitable here. Qu. l7re(YdcovTr "ot Xs, or irqcwcovru y' Etxog. 232. ol qpt'lXrcs' v6'q&3v, 7r~ica -j Cf. Aj. 719. tavdqSg qptlot, to' ltq~o)ov (read nir~~rov rddl) "lyyEEcat 9D o,. 2033. 'I{9ccxUa the mss. vulg. Herm. Bergk. Nauck. 'HQccui~ Dind. Wand. Cf. 476. (where 'HfqcxX~ ends a trimeter) and on Arist. Th. 26. 7rQoa6ec'ottat] Cf. 628. rc~ r1 6 1r~a-ry&w. Musgrave needlessly conjectures 7rqoacYicQ~oftat. Cf. on (Ed. R. 1428. 234.?ycoy~ Tot]lywl yE' xot Wex ad Ant. 565. Perhaps g"cywyg Got would be preferable. 235. xcat ~Covraj X 'Pivrca conj. Wakef. xst' ccov xr conj. Schmf. Erf. For ~t~ 6vrc Sehmfer refers to 182. 233. (Ed. C. 1147. We find a like redundancy of expression Dem. p. 248& ~fl'vro~v 'A*~valcdv xdt ovrwv. Below 1169. %Qovtfo TOJ ~CoJvrt xu' 7raQO'vrT vi~v. Plat. Rep. II. 369 D. roS~ rTvatd TI Xat,v E~vcycz. Lihan. IV. 40. ~iovrog xcs% ovtog TI9tottov. We may suppose an VaTSgo QO 7r~orsgov, as in Il. a'. 251. satc Tr~a(P 27 EE vovwro.. 118. Goeller. ad Thutc. III. 68. ~(vrxo xac4 Olc'ovra] Cf. Eur. Iph. A. 1226. ~6ca'v ve xntd O~c~,ovcay c(og 'itob. Antiphon in Stob. Flor. T. IV'. p. 38. ~y To)To ltatl #UcW?.t dta' nacvr~to'r P3t'ov. Ter. Heaut. III. 1. 21. 'valet atque vivit.' Phil. 420. ital ~tiyc I 4#2?Uovr~g dat. El. 951. PIN OX)'ovra. vocp P3cQv'v] 'Weighed down, (afflicted) with disease'. (Ed. R. 17. cgvv 7ylQtz P3aqcf. Aj. 1017. 236. 7tob y~g; 7TTQar~oa E"TE tbaQ3a'qov;?EsyE vulg. Tricl. Toup. Br. Herin. Dind. Wund. Schn. &c. Wrongly, for si'rE is not an interrogative particle. Heath and Yauiv. also stop wrongly thus: iro5; y~g zrTQ'ag,,tTE Paqpa'cov; Write: 7rov Yn sirs 7ra-TQL~ 'ag TT PaczQalQov; ZE'yE. 'In what quarter (either) of his native land or a 1ore~qn one? speak.' 7t~TO)~~SiTS(3cQgc4ov] (Ed. R. 517. ldo' tvSL t~ott. 'scli. Clio. 994. ITL cot cloEi; fVQti C6tvo y tTr c"Xtdv' E'cpv -. Ag. 1374. cii d' CZvivv E' E tts p~y~tv 6 ~totov. Hbor. O d. I. 3. 16. 'Tollera see ponere vult freta'. Ast. ad Flat. Legg. I. 6. For the omission of the former Etirs v. Matth. Gr. ~.517. .~XhP( )K iEO r~1 1) Hercuiles wa,,,s reputed to have, beets borns at Thlesee. 237. 5'xrr s-; 6 C'f. 7 54. Evi3fott'gj Evotig L. 11". Elassley (ad Her. 84.) would write Ei(3co~, the contracted Attic form, as N0Q~jEg Euir. EL. 4 L2 &c. (v. ad (Ed. R. IS.), both here and in v. 74t. 401. Cf. F~cb r. 24. Ee'~~6 xcqturqv (xc~t-7r,-cv?) cq~LKrjvcdov Jt'ga~rj -. Eur. Ion. 60. o't y)-jv?ZXova' Ei'PoF~ci, lr~o~coQv~t v. El1. 442. N%3Q6s, & Et~z E'~t'i ed. ce % rg Lzro~igr. her. S1. xarQ' v E 16t~ (Evpo'Sid.Tem EF's(#_WY Ehinsi.) c'xrc'v. Ion of Chios ap. Strab. I. P. 60. _EsjPot6ce 11r4v yrjv 2.Emro' Ev'Qi'nov %x'Y)~v I Botoerrceg 1XOe~ta c'xxrj ~. Eur. Her. 773". TCNavir2ov x' Ei fPo~ (from E U~oE 'g, not Eios, as Elimsley observes) 7rvQzoZ 'puucex. However we may write the nominative, Er~3otl' or Em~o3eii, there, can be little doubt that in the oblique cases the contracted formis are the only genuine Attic ones. oQ rat]L OqL~' re liened. (The imperfect, as ilstrov 2235. Q,,t 240.) Qni. co'etszo. The present was probably put instead to agree with the false reading xsX4i23'8. Translate: 'He is mnarking ouit'. Schol: %aruaXsvc'~si, '`axrjGtv. Wakef: 'sibi slaluiti, (i. e. in proprios useus el ob suas res ges/as, non ob alienas)'. 'OQZ1,SLv (whence o'etratca) was the word in general u~se for defining boundaries, as Hermann shows from the Heraclean inscriptions. Cf. 754. Ucxstj rtg c'ttcptn2vaxog Ei(3otsr' U'Xeov I Kr'vurt0v llrv, -`V'9C 7XQ( LLJ(wov QEL v 0 Lcv v;c(Yi Hyperid. c. 2 9. n TVQOTIIQO) xOVg OQtGXCeg rOVe 7LLVTqpXoVTC E~EAOVura SVTO (TO%5 ~Qo xs xtyt% UYrpOQtGV i.Script. Arg: sczu' 7xqoaoQuta3~dg Kllvcd vrjq Erfpotrig UIqcr5QLOQt'O3 Jt4L KJ7vcztrL t0V LQV tbV~fTO. 238S. r g Zq 13. K. L. M. T. V. Schol. East. p. 789, 17. Junt. II. Tmr. Ejrf. &c. rs)h. A. Ifarl. Ald. Br. Schs. Matth. Hurt. Selhol: rElrj, '9va6ci'u. "YxaQezc, &L, rXce avfLtef'ceTr 5m7rj cU4vJw xcipnrwv. Musgrave and Hermann understand rx836, to mean 7roue5ovg, 'proventus annulos', Citing Hlarpocr. v. cy'.r5 Rt9~cxv eiske explains rl'QZ0 by TsaE'vrj 'sacros ltcns'. Valek. Diatr. p. 144. conj: (3euoorg a', 12Xi r -. And Mlusgr: P&3 LofLO Eilq r' -. A consecrated grove in this instance appears to be meant, called below XrFttLvI'cr qpvNU'gc (SCehol: T~'IVVOg 7roiVrpv~dov) 753. Cf. (E d. C. 676. ru'v cqlcTOV IaEO5 CPVUllc1i cVQt0'XUQ7toV. The revenue of such sacred lands was paid in kind, as appears froms tile above melstione(I inscriptions. That Hercules offered up certain sacrifices after the capture of (Echalia is evident fromt 287 f. 659. 9933 f. and also 239 f. Cf. Ant. 143. 7r6y~%cdxc TEL.Ig. Perhaps vci'7t(3 r'Eysciea] This would mean, I think, 'containing fruiti', as in (Ed. II. 25. %xc'Zv~cv Eyxcf'Qxoct XVovo'. Qa. EV5IrQ7rY 'aboutnding in fruit (as the olive)'. Cf. 7UYXciYQmo~g, (Ed. P-L. 83. 7Waymy.iQ7rov d6oajViq. Fr. 464. 7rivy%x1Q7rtUr. Knvcdpo Jdl' So called from Knvcaov a promontory of Eubcea, inamedl after a son of Elephorus. Cf. 753. 993. A~ sclh. Fr. 214. Et'lpoiE1c Kczu~rxv ( xtctu7rxcov?) c'prpt Kqvatdov JAc' I &xV 'v. Ovid. Met. IX. 136. ' Victor ab (Eclkalia (Cenawo saera parabat Ivota Jovi 47'c.' TPAXINIAI_. JH1H4NVEIPA. 'Evzralda WFatv&JV q u~xcY~vraci. rrvog; -~VXTatL, 0#' '"ju rc650n CtWct5Vctov 6O65L 240 XCkQOV yvvcttxc5v c6v 0,CC iv 0`~qlxrv. AIIIA NEIPA. 239.,Vxraczic pcdvcov] 'In performnance of a vow (lit. 'nwaking good what lhe had vowed'). Lat. 'vota rota faciens (solvens)'. Schol: 1 7reTrEQo2J cxvTog Ev LYL5VOg, %5l' V'ZoGXO'~EVOg 17r), r, 70ov 7rOtvtV f&C stvxrafac]. JEsch. Again. 1358. -Pr. 49. ci'xuzattv X113(e. Arist. Av. 1068. ~cY~ ttOL ~c ~ravxoI I irv 8 4v 9v fxar I F lat. Legg. X. 9J06 B3. Ev 5FVwic~tat xtalv l~zio~,~. Blomif. GI. Sept. 720. cpcdvcovi 'Making good, executing, fulilling'. Cf. on CH. C. 721. Nauck proposes %Qa' cov (cf. on 743.). Cf e.A..1.crU'va "I' the miss. vuig. I-Term. Bgk. Dind. ij cro Nek. Cf. on CEd. Ri. 1388. c~ro ttvr~dczg Tzvo] 'In consequence of somze oracle'. 4A7ro' is often thus found in the samu sense as?x, both denoting the source, cause, or reason of a thing. Cf. 649. xaxo'v tHy kziqa~aa a~r 11X7dt"0 %Acx~. Ant. 695. El. 65. Aj., 471. For-?n cf. (Ed. C. 620. 887. Phi. 730. El. 398. 429. 240. &urczl,/ o. Q& -] ' Vowed, when lie was engaged in the raptuire oif q7f.c.' A similar ellipse in Xseh Eni.. 1~ " f'va KwnQvxtg~ TrvrQce. Cf. Ovid. Met. IX. 136. 'Victor ab (iEchalia Cenaco sacra parahat Ivoto Jovi'. ~Fvxrat' A. Br. Hermn. Wund. Hart.,5'atg B. K. L. T. V. Yen. Schol. Dinid. Sehn. Bgk. Nek. Sehol: xrv~ai~t (xax' E5',)v ed. Ilooi. qu. xax,',,Xg rp-qalv aixO~ E~9 6U iw9'ar g #vat'ag &e. Tcovh'j rc`'65 B. and perhaps K. pr. aVaocarov - Xcopav1 Ant. 673. avcwxcaxovg ol'xoV9. dop't the miss. vaig. I-ermi. Bgk. 60'~Q5L Dind. Wand. Nek. 241. cov A. K. L. vuig. ch B3. 0Q&q?v ol~tuttav] 'Thou seest with (by mnean of) thine eges'. A coinmon lpleonasm. Cf. 748.,'V J' tarv - 6s68oqx('~g. Ant. 764. 1v 0'rp~a~~otq p6~ev. Eur. Tlipp. 1260. ta,V?V O TtcW V r -. Or 1018. W Sy Ev 0~t~aat &c. Ii. a'. 587. fuj a -E iv Orqp~alfLot~t t'4Ea6czt Ij v ~,Vqfi4r. p' 306. Theoer. IV. 7. Cf. on Phil. 60. Similarly d' 05ttrcoxv OQ~ Ear. El. 1219. 242. xoi9 7ror' Elat' %a?. xt'v,,;] So Eur. Iph. T. 916. zodazbgxa zio crrpvxs iraf; Him. Od. v' 194. Tt'g 6 S' fv~vo )1v a9V~oxa 1LxvoV ~QO dioft; Tcov 8' 54 -VXSrta Etvat aV(piocv; rton di V, t, EVEq, a' 72TaQtQ CYeoVet; I (lv~attoeog ij x (iz"W1 or 'a?) E'osvE 6s' vt o! ys,6v'4caq Paatr~ avasrt. (Ed. C. 204 f. 243. oUXx~aO y"'q] 'For they are worthy of comtpassion', Schaefer: (2 ~2O'P0KAEJO T JiIXA2I. rctvrat~ IWx~ro~ Eiqvtov;rCg96a~ 7toXv E'EUE#f arcj- zro t zat, 4ftOL x9ero~v. 245 JHIAINEIPA. X90VOV 03eIcow qlV q~aqCOV 6VTjQtAYjztV; 'diynae enimt sent miseratione, si de calamitatibus earuom recte judico'. Cf. 298-302. But the sense of the passage evidently requires some epithet signifying 'noble, 7vell-born', of which the EVyEVcig in the scholia is ain interpretation. Wakefield, who was of the same opinion, proposed xv~Qal yae( -, Erfurdt EVz'rp&g and Bothe U"7Qft y~ To myself the simplest and most probable correction seems to be EXa#it y' orXqj GOrat y7'. Sclhol: E5ycvrcfg (6vaycvEci cod. dvgrvXEig Herm.) yU&Q doxo~CLv creb fT EL paOCZ' t XO~dVL' 7L aL? cerr L V iuv rz7v d 'icacvro ( izr6vaav r'v Herim.) oi'xxov. But o vXr aQC is supported by 298f. ci' ~mj vtcpoca' -/?~rrovGf ttc] 'Unless events (or 'their nzis fortunes') deceive mHe'. Schm-fer: 'si de calamitatibus eartam recte judico'. Qu. Et' aem ~v~tupoe&r ys (or av~tpoqai'aL) X 7VrO~ILL. Or Et' an ~v~trpop& %E%).Escfuc#. Cf. Ant. 681. ci It rca X96vco %Ex~sc'cktta. 1218. EL`- #Eoioc %ro).c ~v~trpoeat A. Ald. Turn. ~v~liJJoqL~ L. ~vjtcpop& B. K. T. Yen. Schn. 245. 4i`XE61c&J 'fle selected, set aport'. Schol:' i'vc rae!; ULir cemro i'~i, xc clavt~cQoaG roi'e #'coi'. Cf. Herod. I. 148. Xiopo reQ' -Q~U,-vo F oacctccavt. Hyperid. c. 29. co' 2TQoXEQO 0Vgr OQLGrag TO 9ZE~ irvmXoVwr c) o'I car~ Tr oQo9) TC5 V alek. a-d Phoen. 210. In Clarke's Travels VII. 183. are several Boeotian inscriptions recording the dedication of a slave to the god Serapis (in one &'vaVL'9'16L cq'v i64'cv SYoV~iv.~hovvaL'cev L'EQU'v ro5 Xc~qanr). Qu. xriyaa xmczl Au.cog zlTOV. Or writta r~j 2~8iceg (or nat @mj %ev)~Qrov. zQLroPj Chosen, choice'. Cf. 27. PidU.VI.1. Ex~rc XQLI'M(g (i. q. EymptLs'g(). Dindorf connects a'coi' x~tro'v. "I. e. ut i"cQ0,6ov2ot fierent " 246. rOv 4~XoG0roV XQO'vovI 'That unlooked for length of time'. Hesych: ceaxOozo. LtvonEog L 7rQOCQLITOg. Il. oo'. 157. Others explain LCGOTLOV, 'inclculbleimmense'. Schol: o'a oiv Xi rt~ oio ~.acri-,aLqrOV XQOVOV XLOV q~7FLQ(0V?-V r,,q 04ce21c 6ErQu cv; Cf. El. 861. eanoicog c'C 2~ef'c. And for the article cf. 5442. rot, tLaxqob XQ0vov. Phil. 328. ro'v pLiyav X()2AoJ. Aj. 11-49. r'v rro2Zi6 goyiv. "X9%07rOV] cee7tco ET0VConj. Herw. Cf. 961. U'azcrO6 rt a'LfLLa. 247. PEcjO'i 7'vi ' Was gone, was absent'. Cf. 165. Phil. 435. rc~voqxc q v. cevllQLIttov A. B. Aid. Turn. c~qtfattov K. L. pr. M. T. V. Yen. U&QtLpitcov L. corr. avLtV?~Ltfog Erf. on CMd. RI. 179. and Aj. 601. U'vlQLxLov Hart. Wakefield also would have preferred U'vflQe0'Ipwv, to avoid a second epithet. Perhaps '~cp(Ccvqc'fQL#~og is right, as in Aj. 602. terj2'Lov LeVnQLt#PO rQvXof~LcVog. El. 227. U&V"'QV~Log cO(E #Q 'vcov. (Ed. R. 19. cr 7rtL cav'c(Q,o9'g OllvX5L. But the accusative is sup:poirted TPA4XINJA-I. A4IXA,22. ove 'AA' r'v tdLv zAIdsa5ov 'v 4vdo! x6vo cAA2~ o.Lz tjnhdgr roi~ )o6yov 6' OV, X9fl cp0'ov0v 250 pavcic, Z9c 'Eoaav, Z~iX O"rov crQUrco~q (qUVq' by Aj. 646. 0' ttaxQO'g XCUVU~aQVt7og Xqo'vog. Translate, '~7LL5qeov vnqa ttov, 'of countless days', (lit. 'unnumbered in days'). The Schol. wrongly makes rs - to depend on %qO'VOV. 2.48. ovx, UUU'] os'x iY2UX& Nauck &c. Aeschylus alludes to the following story Ag. 1040. xat' 7rc&~ce CYUQ 'O&ro pca'av 'AxRs77Vn rrox8 1rQce4)'~vTa TX23vat dovUcr ~q ~s~rj~vZsi~v. Lucian. q. h. s. e. 10. iQtce ~at'VOVxc Xca4 7rcatott~vov vito m~g 'Otupaqc ro3 aczvdcaco. 249. rz"1'lie was de'tained'. Aj. 415. dce0jv xs, rY~ xcexvis'Xc a~q L TaO~cv XQ0VOV. Ca1 qr~' A. B. K. c'qa L. cig (p' M. 'As he himself allows'. To be referred to what follows, os 0V IVeg Lichas pleads his master's own confession in defence of so derogatory an assertion. For the fact see Wund. Introd. V. ~. 1. Qu. Cog?q'q cev'r', or c6g Eicpccaxrv (261.). But we find cog cevSro?iyct 253. 250.?Erito2~j#E3'gi 'Having been sold'. Schol: zere~'s. Ant. 1036. Phil. 579. roy 12'yov cl' -] 'For no ill-will ought to attach (to any one) on account of a statemnent, of which Jove (himself) is the author (or cause).' So Hermnann: 'narratio rei, cujus Juppiter auctor inveniatur, carere debet invidia.' Of which Wunder approves. Others understand U'yov to mnean 'of a thing or matter' (cf. Br. ad Aj. 1268. CEd. R. 1144. CEd. C. 443. 1150. Ant. 20.). The 'Scholiast mentions both explanations: os Nq) t YLf~pa~ct org U`V 7tQC 6 ZEv i6An WOYcQ )AO7LOfL60 7rcvrce IrQcUTT5 cog I~.qoro-0 Ze Yando- cxos0v'I 'rov 1dyov, 0?axrv 4Evi1r'xt,~Ev XAL VEyfuv, 7 oi XQn TtcQatrEia~cet 2~ysv x'7ctea'~ 'roy Jto'g YtV01IEV0, Xcev 'qx~r The explanation I have given appears preferable: for Lichias' motive for making the remark about Hercules' servitude to a woman is to excuse his own apparent freedom of speech, and to escape the ill-will (qp#0vov) of Deianira. Qu. osv16EV' 64' XQJ cP#0oVoV &C. qA0'dvov] 'ill-will, blame.' Schol: ttr_'kptv. 251. 7rQU'%xoQl Cf. 86~2. I 2rtgL TxcoVd 'T~s IrXxoQ cPCI v ] qcrvng Yen. Cf. CEd. C. 395. 252-3. These two lines are considered spurious by Wunder (v. Emend. p. 186 f.), and suspected by Bergk. 2529. nsi'vog dE -1 A return to the discourse, which was broken by the parenthetic sentence 'roi X' ado cv?.C.21.At 85 16 Aj. 487. BuLt we mnust write xE6tVOV 64 with Herm., who observes: "Debebat Lichas declarare quid esset quod dixerat, Z5-V' OrOV itQaXTCOJQ qpv Aliter enimi vana dixisse ei videretur." 253. Iv,&avX'v 147r).1aev] 'Fulfilled a year' of service. Cf. Genes. 29, 28. c~vsirX 5QcoaF r&' F`06oui TcY7'irij. Three yea-rs is the time mentioned 34 ZOPOKAEOP~ 05 ~xov xirco 7r~o&/MU ~v cokeH25 )lj fUn1 XOV aYXL(5Tjqc rovY& rev) Zctovg ~VN i atv Zawr y2ilttX' 6VA&)V -ETt. by Herodoruis (up. Schol.) and Apollod. IL. 6. 2. Isocrates refers to this servitude p). 228 E. %).o~r'Z %U rtt~~ Xc4 7rUQ ceV44C7rotg' #x'zT~' aivroi' (rotg #9sEoig co~'t6Ltgcav. The pr ice for which hie was sold, viz, threetalents, is mentioned by Phierecydes up. Schol. ad Ii. qp'. 23. Cf. Ter. E un. V. 7. 3. Wg iog )J'ystJ A repetition of the precedn cr'ia'5z 249. 2 51. thi~tl?5i~iB. Hanl. Cf. Ph. 378. JqX#Esg 7rpoQ Ua1xovasv. 1358. Below 1117. Aj. 1119. Ant. 317. Arist. Ach. 1. O'acx 6Tq,4qyttat t,rv lpacvroi~ %agQ~Lcv. Iro~vvutog] r' O3vsu~og L. Lichas withholds here the true cause of this expedition, which is revealed below 354. 255. oQxov ai'xco 7reoapa(0c6lo j 'Having laid an oath/iupon himself,' having, bound himnself by on oath. El. 47. a~yyE?~. (Y o"QXOV 7ZQO~xtO1E5 &c. Fr. 419. So in Latin, 'jntrejntrando se astringere.' 5xro3 B. T. Ald. Turn. 5x'c5 A. K. L. - 7roGaO1cq3v Harl. d(A), sv The active form of 6tofLvVLvcL is of rare occurrence. The middle and more usual one occurs 378. 6v5O'1vvro. Ai. 1233. dLoafo'Gco. 256. 1)k1v - 6ovl JGHv?uj Cf. ~Esch. Prom. 174. n' tviqjv fr' I? k V - L'~(X `s. 90.I LV~t - 'xvru~ Arist. P1. (308. '6 1L6iV V L5L E Eg -t U vxav~tfl pczrdpipek~a~ov. Ecl. 1034. n t~ f-r' cOvravv &c. For tt~sv cf. also Tr. 1156. Ph. 593. 2/Esch. Sept. 0531. OpyVVot - ~ ~v 7aa',tCv Uarv. Arist. Vesp. 1332. i5 fLJV ()Vct at (Xv to OV rarcov c&fXqv Av. 1259. -q ~uj'V as, 7rcevast rj11 V(3EsOJg OL',o',rV cyxlaG~cl 'The ant hoe'. Cf. 260. Schol: ro'v cz~i'tov, xcal,gX,667w airbv rrot'hoavrc, -roi' 7rrcovg (,ro 7rraog Nek.) -ys 1 /iEL(r- ' E3iQvTrov. Musgr: 'culpaw proximnmo', as in Phmedr. I. 10. Seidler explains it iu an active sense: 'qnid a(/movit hoc mna/int'. And so Herm. But there is no such verb as c'yXt(~,uv (cf. lyyti~8v). Musgrave proposes (XQrTGrtjQu, which had occurred also to myself. Nauck reads (XvroxE(Qc, it may be rightly. Perhaps the true reading is LUQTVGtiqQaL Homi. Od. 2.. 366. Vpsv&a e zriia~ co. 1 53. # ' ~ao ao ~V~eX. in'. 448. '.469. d'. 771. The middle form occurs IL. ('. 55. rvxtv~'v nlQr~vvro (3v2.rjv. Od. 6'. 782. 'nQTVOVTO 19Q-rtL&. Cf. Also ou (iEd. C. 71. 257. nt&. the mss. T. vulg. Ilermi. Diud. Wund. 5dhn. Nck. 7rwaia Tuirn. fBr. Erf. Hart. Which latter seems certainly preferable, for Eurytuis had certainly more than one child (266.). The plural might well be used of a single person, whereas the singular could not possibly be uased of tunic thtan one. Translate 'wit/h wife and child.' 0(. 9, 199. XczL yvvnx( yvvcax( 'rE Iarl. yvvcatxt (oni. zaO) Rice. ag~v yvvcuxti (as agvv 60'eu av'v U'irf6&) llermn. ~iv (!) yvvc(Lxt Hart. Cf. Fur. Med. 11. Tro. 39~2. Arist. P11. 382. o'CS mv' ~?ir' rov (3'tnamog %U#,sdoV`psvov, I Nsrqt]Iv EXoVX(X, f.em(X tCOs 7ratdt'wv Izatd ri yvvatxO'g. 614. Ran. 1408. av'ro', m&,M]J '-Yet'. El. 471. 7rLQav 6oxcO ~tt 7L"Q(v rT v/i mo2.arjG~tV sri. El. 66. aareov tog 2.cttVpv f'mt. (lEd. R. 1006. Eur. Ale. 743. di a; d' - W TPAXINIA f. xovZcxo YAia43crv coxrda 4yrc U&YV03 'Rjv Ei9qvrmav~ r o'v yU' ~uZxcdrtov 260 ptovov /3Qorc~v 'E(wxaz rof36' divat za'tc4ovg ua ccrov IE ' I E d GOLGLt ao axcgt F". Arist. Ach. 1156. 04 E5'' hiU'o0tet vTFV1oP 0 JEO',Evov &c. Arist. Ecci. 209. qv V 4Eo, nha~tO~ 258. xoi'Z] %ovx (supr. X a im. pr.) L. uoiX 71?UcoaF xov'zoQ] 'A4nd he did not itter in vain (or rather render vain) thids saying.' Schol: 4ttaxwt'coamv, ~rcacatov darev To t'irog. Copied from Homer, II. r.' 737. ovd U'Ucoas (3E)Jog (schol: ~tkxa'aov 17oiequ, 'nor did he hitri his dart in vain'). Gd. -'. 104. c'XXJiZ pvct' ov'zcog E'art zho6 VOOV cdYt6oXto O'VXC Qr~EXOC'av allov 435Eov OVIY 'Xtic'aa't. IL. '. 3-24. ~a7rolroL fl U e.~v~rotov v,e03rtx&'vp. c 93. eq4t f)ovi cL)tov F`7og E`G6CXLt, OTZ xSV E17r,,7. Od. #'. 285. ovcY oa o tzvd~ aqvtog Apn. Apoll. Rh. III. 1176. j3&v V ' L'"vev o6 &O c'U'iacv O606v. (lEd. C. 703.,qXUwoas A. L. Ald. Turn. rXUCcoac B. K. T. g0. ' cyvo' 7'v] 'As soon as he was punr/fed,' as soon as he had expiated lby his full term of servitude the murder of Iphitus (270 f.). Schol: OITE ~5110 c XO pv 0 0vxY oxrqQc6?V VnT"Q TOV q~oVov dov)lEicv. Cf. Ant. 889. ijei Uy YVot Tont r~tv6'. For the real cause of this expedition see WNund. Introd. V. ~. 2. 259.?Inrcoxzv] 'Foreign.' Schol: gvygaqcvdn., ot'x i'cdcov. Cf. Aiscli. Sept. 580. grcU'rsvp' Ebrccsxrov k( 6.10~21. arqarTvvfL h7a~xrov4 falcdv ~jqt nocktv. Eur. Ion. 290. otnx O&to, &2.?.' IaT6g -4UX ) X~ovog. 589. (Ed. C. 1525. (Topo' T'?i1rcxro5. This army consisted, according to Apollodorus II. 7. 7, of Arcadians, Malians, and Locrians. Diodorus IV. 37 mentions only Arcadians. EQZEU Zrdltv] 'Re goes (aqainst, invades.' V. ElmsI. nid 11cr. 374. v 'it~L fl~5L. "EQXCcTM seems corrupt. We should perhaps read E~~`E or vExroQ#st, or O'Xacc'~Et (Il. (3'. 367.) For the narrative see Apollod. IIL 6. 1 f. 260-80. The whole or a portion of this passage is prohahly an interpolation. 260. Tx'v&] I. e. Eurytais, contained in the preceding ')v EI'QvrtCaV. Cf. 577. (Ed. li. 1195. xi'v aijv 6ou'pova - 0-6ttg &c. (Ed. C. 1070. ziao b'O e - 7tZOJ.co v af"ji e tgL, oi & c. A nt. 1 03 5. % o V3 ) ft a vt tf IGzQ 'tog vg~cv dfdt ri~v (sc. fec'vrvwv) yE'vovg i77ro I?,qtzcn~ut. (E d. C. 731. 942. Ant. 1137. El. 195. 963. X~sch. Sept. 173. vIvoLxog Et'nv T.) yvvcxt1 -YCEcO) ylcEItE I %qcczo acc Id4v ya'q (sc. yvv) &c. Herod. VII. 8. r~erc Tce 9Abvrg i e rs-v a~qcv c&xac7 otEtvr.g. Thuic. I. 136.6 d'- q-Evyvrt KIFqnvqrv, ('v rixvr(~ v viFQ7yTrq9 Cic. Fin. V. 6. 'Carneadea nobis adhibendat divisio, est -. ile lqiteir vidit.' Cf. on (Ed. C. 94-2. tt~sacdxtov] The same almost as ctzitrov hoth here and in 447. 1234. Its usual meaning is 'participator in, accessory to,' as in 2tEsch. Eum. 199. cvri~g Gv ToiixCOn ov3 p T a cxcLo0g -Z AEc,-t,cl d,4,g T o 7C LLV qci7cxg a aqCO g urCZV - at'rcog. Cf. Eur. Suppl. 26. Herod. VII. 156. ttErxcdutoV zoi 7rollf~'ov. 262.. cavrov ki ovx For the occasion and motive of Hercules' visit to Eurytus see Wand. latrod. IV. ~. 1. PcJThtocv] 'An inmate.' 2Esch. Sept. 853. 7rc voc Tru'vcov, cdopcov V q4~BiLAy1)Fs, Sophocies' Tirachiuiae. a I. 66 (it; ~~~O00OAAEO PE EI dOn58, Z 6 cTA99V, oGrtot. Enin. 577. 669. Suppi. 365, Cf. Horn. Od. y'. 234. njj?X#c0v ".iroE'G4hxt -?qiarog. Apoll. Rhod. 1. 910. Irq.4artor 8V II'-ycQot~rv. ~sch. Ag. 824. Elg pC1XaQcZ xaxi 66dovg EorpFo'vq (Iqllarog?) I4l~cov. Eur. Med. 713.64cct dI Xecap %xet ~do'lot8r cpE'Grt0V. CycI. 370. 6coliarcoxv Ecpm~riovg Evovg. 263. 'vov zrcdctov] 'An old friend.' Cf. on Phil. 4~25. 1r~zacaLo' - qpf2og. 586. p9i'log ttiyurrog. Arist. P1. 1042. c'excdav qpt'2nv. Eur. Ale. 213. av' 6' Etl 7rcalao' &,ar'seruatg ltoi~ qpt'xog. This ancient friendship seemis confirmed by the fact that it was from Eurytuis that Hercules learnt his skill in the use of the bow (Theocr. XXIV. 105 f. Apoll. II. 4. 11.), the former having learnt it fromi Apollo (Schol. ad 11. sC'. 392.). Homer,-also mentions that there existed a close friendship between Herenles and lphituis the son of Euirytus, Od. (p'. 27. g ('H~axl~) fttv ("IqPtrov) ~~:ivov go'vra %XccvXcsvsFv co E t NOi). 7ro~xca!Thv -] "Sensais est, 7ro~.)a&?spVptf3Qz xal Xo'y~o (265-8) ncl',-yco (268 - 9)," observes Dobree, who after (pq7V would supply some verb from the opposite 1?7rE9QQ6qa,-. 206yot~J Qu. Vpdy0tq. These two words are often confuscd (v. Valek. ad Phicen. 207). But cf. Eur. Snipp]. 565. zrol~oi V7ErsPiyotg UV C4CV*Q)O2rcov X.dyovg. (where v. MarkI.). Aj. 501. Xo'yotg lac7rzo~v. Or xaxoig 'convi.eiis' (Ant. 413 &c.). 264. Bergk ejects the words 7roWc' -- XEQotV PdV.?F~rsQ69 a,] 'Abiised, attacked, assailed.' Schol: arpo6eQ~it3~sv E' T'V7tv 1YoXo0VicUV TCOV Wr ME7C'Q~eq rg'vwOv, rjo 7ro2lcutg lrQ10rJV WY?.lltlq yvvcat~tv. Fr. 700. Xopolg d a&v'(covw 1.#(vo F'1r5QQO'Et Ge'dVoVGLV OvQalotat xJv xx-,v Esch. Cho. 425. 456. Sept. 364. Perhaps: 7ro)W p-rEv Xo5yotg I 1?irIp&~otat, 7roW~ VY Erv, a ~Q~4?iyeov ~JFv co`! -. Cf. Ant. 415. FyF~rt %LV&v (qu. xvt'~cov} av(YQ aVq( ErtQQ0'otLI xxxotCdtv. Euirytus no doubt reproached Hercules for having destroyed his children by his formcr wife Megarai, and made this a ground for withholding from him the hand of his daughter. For the details of this contumelious treatment see Wund. Introd. IV. ~. 1. carq~e cpp8v L] ' With an infatitated mind.' GI. T: 5ra?7vri' Cf. Ant. 603. UOYov T' Uxvota, xce't qQEvCJv letvr'g. Eur. Pr. 158, 3. a',r~qpJ y21ciwac. Also Tr. 294. ircavdrxco) qpvt'. 763.?1,rc cp9.cvt. 103. 1ro~ov~tt-vy qJQC2Jt. The opposition however between &vrrjq& Iwpevt% and Xoiyotg is by no means clear. Musgrave remarks: "Si hitpo~#,tv Xoyotg interpreteris 'dirteriis incessere,' quid crit, quaeso, ar~p (pQSVt?7rtepo#-v? An C'-qa((v abltiviis erit causae incitantis, prw amentia'?" Wakef: "Nec tantumn in verbis sc malitiosumn dedit, sed animum mahfignum quioqtue se gercre probavit." Ilernmaun and Wunder defend the common reading, understanding the phrase of a mischievously conceived deed ('malda nente meditatum, facinics'). Apitz thinks the opposite 7QOL9 is implied in 'rq(& (ppsvb. With (ppvlt Dobree would -understand some verb to he supplied from its opposite E'rQ0#qc The opprobrious language is mentioned 265-8, the injurious acet 268-9. Should we read arQ x~ei? Cf. ~,,sch. Clio. 297. Tpotag, avaGTUcei~Qag EV64o~r( Z Qi?). cpqivc and XE~ are confounded Eur. Ilipp. 1438. And thc samc error atppears to exist in TPAXINVIAI. 7 64 7 2. rfl %EOV NE/C q~vrtcvIt TrCOV CAy IrEzVCjv Wz4loLVo z~t r6'~ov zeedwi, (Ed. C. 1340.EL s9? T7'~~ 1GVP raQUc9Tq'G5L 999mi (x~eQ2). Or zrollc' &' V13QtEv Xpql'. Or thus: zro~ka p~v 1.dyotg I szQQ0'#as 8Ev'V' (or -9Fvi r'%') cmi' 4na pqc~vvo. Or - E',Qqo'#7 gx 'pttotX 'r1qqi~ 9pQSvL The passage is certainly a, perplexing one. The act here alluded to was his violent expulsion of Hercules, when intoxicated (268 f.). See Schol. Eur. Hipp. 545. Schol. Horn. Ii. F'. 392. Apollod. II. 5. 122. 265. U'ycov] 14yw Harl. XSQ oL2) A. K. L. T. X~~B. pp~'- i3kn] Cf. Phil. 105. lovig a~cpxzovg xcat iroz4iaovrcg cpovov. "Xouv] a ~V' cj.Wakef. 266. r6v couv i-Fxcov] So 525. TO2v 02) 7rQOGpt8VovG UXxo~i,,?V. Aj. 442. xcov oirl.cov zc~)v cov. ~Esch. Sept. 646.?Xtrwv zovp ov. Piat. Rep. III. 3 94 A. r& UcQvc". tcoiv cov 'rv'xvv s17rotro -] 'lie was inferior to his own children in the trial of the bow'. Schol: Tojito ld'Ag oil 7CYQ n'uOV5V6cro Iko2)o2 T7rvQt VO)2 za~t'd~oii EfUVrOV, aW~a' xat' fdLoQov To~8&cg 7rQo#&g rq)v 'I0'Xi~v, vn4cvy'H~axlaJ~ ol'x q',yyiqcv. Cf. Aj. 1245. o( 1,-EtpttILE2ot. El. 474. ZEsch. Pers. 336. tt j cot 6i0o f5 f6 ar J37catx;Hro. 9 Eg nXV'wYU9bqV IstZOfLE2'OL. LEschin. in Ctes. p. 74. 41. EL' rtvog c'rotm& iucvat xijg dqo6oxt'cg. On the children of Eurytus see Wund. Introd. IV.. 2. Hesiod says there were four. Others mention two or tree. Xldmotro A. T. 11irovro B. K. L. M. V. Schol. 7tQo ro~ov XVi'ct2' 7r~bg roov "Qvatv (E'Qvctv) conj. Herw Cf. El. 684. deolov - 0ov 7rQWZ1,rj xQLagL. 267 pcvvt (cpc vv L.) ds' 6'ov)og l'v6dQO' cog? mv*C1ov qtw'ot-ro the miss. rcpwvct 6E - Er. Vauv. rpeeEti 8E 6'o7Aog "60 nvzr 5?XcvqSQ0V - Herm. Dind. Hart. Nauck. pcavvtl -?4? v4J'Qov conj. Nauck. c('cvi 6 60,~og)o C~264Qo c'2)x vSV#SQ0V - Wund. I. e. 'A4nd that like a slave instead of a free man he was knocked about (hy Eurystheus).' Or '- beaten (hy Omxphale).' Schol: dIn'rv 7j VZO cg iVmO AEVvEkov U,(Q~ 3Qi~oto. L &xr 'v Ez'QvgaE'c4. Wunder compares Aj. 1021. -rE'2og (Y' ca~roCxO~ yi~g acr7rOQQtcJAJGopLca, I dovblog ).yoyctv Ua2)x A2EV~'&Q0V cpac~2gi. Phil. 995 f. Aj. 502 f. (Ed. R. 1491. (Add Aj. 1362. ~~ cz' &oi2~ovq rT16 a,'f tciq qpavE2)5i. Xen. Mem. I. 3. 21. 8oAXog Fvatc a'vx Rsv#1QQov. Tr. 148. 'cog rLcig avrt zue#vov i~i yvv i.) And for ccv' hie cites Ant. 653. El. 234. See his Emend. p. 22-6. Musgr: 'quod ab homine libero (m1 stheo) mulcaretur.' Nene wrongly connects 6oiAXog cX2v~Qo'?.4,~vv'ov. if cog he correct, which however I do not think is the case, the genitive ace2Qo'g Amovv'gov must depend on Q'adotzo. So Phil. 1135. 7ro2~v~qXce'VoV av,690'g?Q'QEcvc. Cf. on Phil. 3. The Schioliast understauds i'7rd. QLI. EAGUm' 60i~ ovao Cr2)c4Qog?4 REV#4vQV I jffl'oyro Or iZ'7rk-r0C 60~o7,go C'TQ co?XEv#EQV - Or Wlavt 6 dio;og a2)6de' cv'?2vv'~Qov I #, Q0LTO. Or 'ctG#v' 6 6'o~Aog 'v2)dQog 'v2T'?a~vv~vov I cpcdv otro. Hermann 7s enmendation seems- more satisfactory than Wander's. Ilerm: "Quum 5* 11VI I -- 7,77 - r1-JF7p —qqp-qMM1MT, —: 2O~OKAEOT2 -Epuo Erogev~rov. cAn' ~EXwv XOov~ oi; MET~ aV~'4h, Icptrog Ttpvv4Jt' 270 zqo z~AtTv,, 77rzovg vo~tdcc~a 1Eb~XVw5Xo7rcw, 'o 8LO' I (09 Ty IV L t 4)ra (y, VO~VV ~cv)~in qcpvst mnutatuni esset, additum est c)g, expulsun-que deinde qmcavu (po'v,,i L.) the mss. qPcovEst Br. Vauy. qcpuvi4t Ham. Dind. hart. Schn. Cf. Aj. 1020. d~o XOO ~yowtLV avr E)XEV#4IEQov q(czvdt. Tr. 452. O(#?6E xax6g. cog the miss. avx' Hermi. Wund. Dind. Hart. Schn. 268. jcdovzo] The imperfect optative. GI: qp#,si'otxo. Wakefield renders: 'was knocked about.' 11am. Od. 6'..325. ov-zox' "'%os',Yu IaOI pPxoqeo, Orx, ftQQULEV s2~vrx' 'Evvoat'ycato. ~sch. Prom. 189. Orow av xcry pcaa~j 236. 6'a~~9Va.Hence 'Sawxip 'a hammner.' Qu. rp#9'QL~oTo (i. q. "'Q9ot) 'wandered about.' r6dIrvot;] 'At supper.' Cf. on (lE d. R. 779.?4 Iysigrvolg rV(ur)J~aOm'vc~tlvog mss. Ald. Turn. Herm. Schn. W'vcofdvog Pors. Elinsi. Dind. &e. 8c'c Elimsley ad Bacell. 686. olvclia (Cov. Ehmsl.), where hie compares ibid. 812. ~rv~(~o. Elmsi.). 1286. o~frcoyaE'vov (enst. Elmisl.)..32. o16raqqaa (N-azp. Elmsl.). ZEseh. Suppl. 414. 6tvwetivov (al. olv.). Pers. 769. 5asao'arQoinpovv (otlax. most mss.). Eur. C'yci. 226. 16cYpmdqxva. Compare also Aj. 897. 4p~ox' (oi'. the mnss.). Pint. Lego- VI. p. 775 C. 6tcqvottdvog (so the best mss. 6totvcotirEvog vuig.). VIl 815 C. xurwvwcft~'ovg (xwcrotv. vulg.). Pollux VI. 21. YLLdt~O x4x~otvcottvg Ydia'X~~VOjtV~ cog "ThCzOVv, xcz't ot'vcokEvcag O~c Kqcctivog. As the augment is recognised in the preterites of olxrsipco, otlxOJ, oit111'~c, ot'o~twt, oi'(oftat, there is no reason, observes Elmnsley, why it should not be extended to all verbs beginning in at. Cf. on Arist. Plan. 743. 269. kr' ai'rjv A. B. K. L. aixrOv lxo' T. Ven. Ocv TOw X6?'ov] 'For which things entertaining anger.' Cf. on ClEd. IR. 698. oov 7rorE' - fci~vtv zoa 'vin - arsic 'GgEp~g Ant. 1177. 7raxQt" lk~vt to)'ccg( qniov. Aj. 41. X61a PUQVV#'gs TI~V 'AZWUE'aV "7r~av. Hom. Od. a'. 70. KVxlo),irog xud)~corac. 270. ccZO~t] 'Back again.' Aj. 1262. Qa. c~g Z'xfr' vf(' '1[pcrog &C. Ttevvi't a 'V e g YUctsv] Cf. 1151. So xkrcxg Hlaevqat' Ant. 1145. 271. Ei7r~ovg] The same is related by Pherecydes ap. Schol. ad Od. qp'. 23. and Diodor. IV. 31. Others mention oxen as being stolen: see Apollod. IL 6. 2. t7r7tovq VOJXC~ag] Fr. 110. vo~t&n - EQUrpog.,tZqvoaxoiyrc~v1 AEsch. Clio. 228. 1XVOGXo7rovagC' r' IV grijgotav xoig 4rzot. Ag. 359. 4qLvFatGa.- The middle form occurs Aj. 997. &C'coXcov.5 C 4tZVOGXo7ro vfsvog. 272. ' Then whken he had his eye turaned in one direction, and his thoughts in another (i. e. when lie was off his guard) &-c.' So Theognis 87. fL? ft EZ7r6atv ftEV gaQ YE, Poop &' Tp %at 9qeEvag &2Uy. Eur. Phoen. 363. 2OYota c xaiqu ~v~ Vo~v 'Essta' 'u 1427. rov voa' zeog crvo'r U TPAXJNJX41.(3 G 9 t'FQ7ov 4 kb"Xatr roiX&: Yqviaa5c a'vct 0 TO)(5V"7raTVTCOV ZEaV' 7rr JVp=L 3 2O7 ZarvVLV E~8irEYOlEV, OV 'vdxr oftov'VEX' ctvro~v pLoVov tXvaoto)V 60oAco ovx Fx'oV, hda W'. Pint. Theag. 1296cv6rq - 17trqjct &doea"kna royV voi~v?"Zovxce. Arist. Eq. 1031. h1rtrqJi5v, I 4E'Yrcz! 6ov roviPov, OTraV cv "o coG8;C ci' Ion. 1370.?xc~tc r~'v vo~v c6ot'. Amphis Stob. Flor. 99, 25. 0rou Tt cYlyriE, %Fcs xat -rbv vo~v Fxt Catull. 62,7 15. 'Nos aijo ~nentes, aijo divisimuts aures.' Or there miay be no opposition intended between &U2UoaE and and the sense may simply be: 'when lie laid his eye turned in another direction, and his thoughts elsewhere.' Which seems preferable, and so explains the schol: "W~'a~ rov vo~v F`Xovue,~ xixt o,6.'Fv &-v6v 1rEt'Eaet 7rgo6cloxi5vrcz. For the narrative cf. Diodor. IV. 31. roirov g~v (Iphitus) &vaPtPz'czgc 6' 'Hpczn?.ig?idt rtvcz iriQyov I)lxo~ FxC-isvGEv oUrPOQUV Ik?7 irov VsfUofLFVce vvyxceVOVatV OV avvcqJA VoV 8E wx1Ytvoiqaw. xo9 'Icphxov, cp?7ace ceron iv v naxo -K"v~tcait rrjqv XxomqjV % FXQ77,Ut6vCaV &i6 TOii 7rtyov. Pherecydl. ap. Schol. Horn. Od. (p'. 23. Apollod. II 6. 2. vo'v Rh 'H-IrxUga fjrJctYvy rtVL, xatL Grq(zrqyLce aUvv,(Pxvecqtsvov Cvvov syscv C-1 bdntQ?7,UV0V TEtX0Of, o Xa~ ug'la &''To' 7r~o' av'TOV %SL~V F"yVlltW XCU4 'to'V ZtCUThiqx, ott T~rvXl6c"vrt isurco TOyV odXov r~jv '1J6Xqv ycZUCsv ovF16r t)XGnv k, c a~' &XtfLC1GUVT~ aUEc7iplV.m Ibid. 'HpcoO.' 61 '6P ~cavsizrca xcd, ~Fvt'ect pE'v cev6rov (Iphitus), ttrCove-g 1 UC#h ar6 rcoiv Ttpvv~t'w~v -`QQptVv uVTOV rEtLioJv. cdnoag - 0ta -?zXovruj El. 1474. papdir' UXo6E a6%0'ru. Arist. Eq 02. 6arav 6i ' -rot &Z).oe aaE j #"(TE'qO B. T. Turn. #Th'rE'ce A. K. R. Aid. #ixqaEQ Hanl. 0'rcat L. I. e. vp- IrQc 'in the opposite direction.' The true reading is #&t'Qe (or ouzr.). Thorn. M. p. 121. coiaV'ctiog xcd,?Int Thnv%ov arETEcc, o6' #zri"'U' IW'' dort6'xL?#u 'pct~c. Cf. on (IEd. R. 78~2. (Ed. C. 497. Arist. Av. 1365. Eur. Hipp. 905. lRhes. 450. Henioch. Stob. Flor. p. 169. Grot. 273.?7xE] FdLxE conj. Mein. Schol: FYaxv W -~ v Wakefield. 7rvpyo;6ovg zaxncg Towering sunuit (or height,). Schol: Vip-q~koi9 O'og.Ai. 1220. U&xQcv i'nr6 irl"dcz Zovvc'ov. Ph. 1430. Ot'rqg i7rku'xa. Ion. 1286. 17! ctVcgoi cnxsYF. 274f. Pherecydes 1. c. I~yncat 6111 03g Oy'~x~ct ZFU 10 Trn p ~FVOnXTOWtc 7r(OGE'TU~EV 'EQisq XUc~O'VTUo% V 'HfQcIE'C 7roj01~6at dexjv ron cp oVv. r6v 6d1 Elg AvY'av xyayrovra r T~/wv tCJ7cov gaatl-Evo 'y 'OIa(p& j clovvat rt TQLOJtgL?7*'Evr teaXC'vTcov. Diodorus (IV. 31.) and Apollodorns (II. 6. 2.) state that it was the, Delphian Apollo that bade Hercules serve Omphale. Zeus speaks by the mouth of his son Apollo. Cf. on (IEd. R4. 498. 275. 0I'Ou3rtog A. B. K. L. Harl. 0'I~taztrog (or oiZl.) T. 277. 0'#orvs'],,' 'That'. Contracted from Otrov Egvsxce So 6'tt mecans equally 'that' and 'becauise.' Compare c'Zv& c(v, c'v#' Jrov. Connect TivEGXScro OIJOovEx' biooked that. ptoi~vov] ~iv'vov K. L. Qu. 60'Xotartv ov~vsx' Czi~rtv U~~,~,r0;7OnJ tdVOV.,a o~vov av#QcA'7rcov] I. e. alone of those whom hie had slain. { TW-~ J7~T 7() ~2OPO0KAEOY~? 1EXLVW5V. Et YUQ FJ1?CVW4 tWfJVaO, (tVrO pv'L zLJLO WVrEg Ei'a5.OI'1Z O~ 2278. aU yr'z -] 'For if lhe had openly retaliated.' nrtvvaro A. K. L. T. sj'p5vsro B. 279. Cf. Ant. 926. ZXscli. Suppl. 215. Edicg &"v cdTmxcv Tjv66 a7yyvo'"j r' U'v the mss. zo11v Erf. &c. U~v iieisk. y' "'v Wak. Cf. Elmsl. ad CEd. C. 1357. Pors. ad Med. 863. Monk. ad Hipp. 443. Blomf. ad Sept. 179. ZUtQovfLtvco] 'For vanquishing him.' 280. Suspected by Zippnmann and others. Perhaps an interpolation. Vf3Qrv] 'Contumely,' such as that of Eurytus. Cf. El. 595. C'CXX' oi; VUQ oiV6F vov4Jvrsi'v?`~8,ri aE. Eur. Jiipp. 1416. Etaaos os' VU' ov'i36 Y~ V,7ro ~0qcov &c. os,61 &xat'ovsg1 'Not even the gods,' more then men. Cf. 126. 367. 281. xs'~svot ' Eurytus and his family. Cf. 252. xd~vor ' asxvlro~v - rEV 6-' -1 Cf. CEd. RI. 1459. Aj. 1386. v7rECQX(,vrEg E~X y16.5aaqg hxa%'] 'By reason of their excessive wantonness in reviling (with an evil tongue).' Schol: v~ ErQvqpiccuvrrigc~ 'Heankiovg XotdogIV. Cf. s'n,,eolo~v Arist. Lys. 694. V~rEXyovTzsg L. pr. -And in lemm. schol. Dind. Wund. Scha. hart. Nck. V'r5QX~tdiWvrSg L. corr. a in, ant. Aid. Turn. Br. Herm. Wunder thinks XUSLEv more poetic than X~t6&v. Cf. Blomf. Gloss. Choeph. 131. X~rtsv occurs Y~sch. Chio. 135. Suppi. 233. iy7,X1isrv Suppl. 892 CEZ nav C c"7uv). Xlt~tTv Prom. 973-4. Suppl. 813. Fr. 433. Arist. Lys. 640. Macho Atlien. p. 577 E. %"ayr65ai9q Tc15 g3aatFs. But it seems to me that an aorist, rather than a present, is required. I should therefore prefer V'7rcQXkt'auvxs'g. Some (Heath. Musgr. Billerb.) mark a comma after Vi7rEQX~td6cvrsg, and none after sictxg. Bergk thinks something has slipt out before, this line.,C% y103a677]?4 fj3erg (I ylc5aoqg in marg.) K. Qu. hx 7"c"fUsj282. am'ob' ILE'v - zr4ltg 6E' do4Aafl I. e. 'have brought at once destruction upon themselves, and bondage upon their country.' So AEsch. Prom. 227. 6Fa~ 8,F ov)~ctt ThQX&Qgov fE r~i0 X~%, OVp xaXvir-rctrT'v Trcel1ctysvi~ KQO'VOV. "AtL6o0v - olwqjroesn] Cf. 1161. ''At~ov qp~ipivog oixjrco)Q. Aj. 517. 283. df] rr- Lenting ad Med. 196. xco C 'CEanr, ie-Q- On this kind of attraction see Mattb. ~.474. Cf. (Ed. R. 449. T'6v "'VQae xroiov, 03v irc'1ca ~Yrti - 0V, i?v#Ce6s. (Ed. C. 1150. Hbm. II. si'. 416. cpv?~cxUcg 6' s'' i'l&sa, og V~tg 5XI3%QLLLVu 6sxm a iv os6(Y.m cpVxCzGSL &.58. nOXQ0 aq Qa -'rmnv &c. Hymn. in Car. 66. xom'Qqm Irv Ftr8ov -' riqg ce6tvijv oz' axovigc &c. Eur. Or. 1645. 'EIEv77v ItI qv v 6toUZata 7rcQ64v/og WV jsar - 6gariv, v e~er,. Bacchl. 20'2. Tro. 37. Arist yssv4aojxau. Lys. 408. co XQvGoX0-F, OPvPOcV, ov E7r-6EVxstaaa g, (3 TP1IXI-NIAIL 71 gE~ O3)4IC~JV a~,qhv CrnOV-at t3ov xcq'& 9, o2,"Q l~r ' yaqzo rE 4Og 285 IUvog EXr~riexEv Ex roi, rqlar Solon: n7rbrovv 6' Onv fLEv Mo~t "aa- atC~s (5V~OXTLecnvc pie~. Daniel VIII. 20. (LXX.) ro'n XQLO On, Ftn U5 ToV E`XOVVZ ra n cvra, Pat)ksv, ii'1 L03 rt SUOVbn. S. Matth. Ev. XXI. 42. xTo~5o,~n~r~n~a Gan ot olxoao~to~vxsg, obirog YV',?ysnr i ErpuA ' ycontag. S. Mark Ev. VI. 17. op 1sye' uicxarpanXtaa 'IoaxvnnV, obrog?7yp#7 Plant. Arnph. IV. 1. 1. 'Naucralem quem convenire volni, in navi non eral.' Capt. I. 2. 1. 'Istos captivos qnos end, his indito catenas.' Prol. 1. 'lbs quos videtis stare hic caplivos duos, I illi qni aslant, hi slant ambo, non sed ent.' Epid. III. 4. 12. 'Istum quein quaeris, ego sum.' Virg.,,En. I. 573. 'Urbemz qua;in slaluo, vestra est.' CatuLll. X. 28. 'Istud quod modo dixeram ne habere,,bigit me ratio.' Cic. Epist. Fam. XIII. 28. 3. 'illud quod supra scripsi, id -.' Petron. 'Jlunc adolescentem quem vides, malo, astro natus est.' That in some of these passages there is really an attraction by apposition, is evident from Horn. II. ~'. 396. 'Av6qopt&zi, fivyceinq fLsyce*?7xoeog 'Hsrio-_ 'o,IH ico t 0 V 0 'vatvs -. In others the accusative may be consider — ed as 'ab~otulus' or 'pendens.' So we say, 'Rut as for these,-.c.' 284.?4 OqIgcon] 'Fromt being happy.' 'OIA3cOv is fern.,no nenter. Instead of some such expression following as 6vvervXE!ig ysvoc~kvnat, the sentence takes another turn, and its equivalent a`~,qov 5Q'obgac P1iov is substituted for it. Cf. 619. ZXUQtg -? n cig~j 6Itrl~ 1075. v~v 6T' EX Totov rov #'iXvq Evcelkt Tcaace. (Ed. R. 454. rvcplo' y&'Z?x 8c560Q4O'. Tog &e. Phil. 720. E516ca'fcon &n'vcV't xat4 Itiycg Ex xnt'vcov. Ant. 1093. )lov - " '~ra v Aj. 277. Esch. Cho. 256. Fr.o 6txo 713 a"' cQ6ii ~It~av. Eur. Hec. 55. rvtg?n rvQavntxjen doflt(v I doVlSELOn tta Esidg. Iter. 939.?n V~ Essrvxoi3g I j'vrov 11#96n c`V6Qce 6vGrv~o,~v& 059&. Tro. 497. xanv 7irsm xoexag -'(VIt~v 6ot6t VcoXrOt PattncOn?x &EfLVICOV. Arist. Ran. l0ll. &X'.' IE %Q~7GunA~ xcet yFvvcdenV ttoXorcQ~arovg &&&tag Av. 799.?4 ovd6vng I ~ttyalaa ir~carrst ('fromt being nobody he has become a great mnan'). Isoer. p. 100.?4 '64wv ttEv ysnviGcat?aaIrQ01g,?X 7rEvijxeiv Rv irlova otg. p. 202 C. cavTOv ILE'V s4 i.6tcntv XV'Q(Snov nXUT;vrpm. Sallust Jug. c. tO. 'Romanos ex amicis amicissimos fecisli.' Qui.?4 5Xp3(ov y' ai)lov -, or 1~ O?43vov 6ZoiV6i Ut a~v~v U`vqkov] 'Unenviable, wretched.' El. 1455. 1. Fur. Iph. T. 619. "` -j FvQov~fcaJ 'Having found, obtained.' Cf. C3Ed. C. 1077. d6tvc'e 6' FstY (0en9 7tQ0g UJVe'#atunn Trc~fir. The active, as in Enr. Phicen. 411. ino#v 6' 46Gnev 7rptin ycauot- sips'n,, fPv; Pind. 01. VII. 163. U~68pce r8 s' r1QEtcn sipvexci. P. II. 64. u&irdpenov 80'crn Ev'qFtn. Cf. on 25. Blornf. GI. Prom. 146. 285. 7ro'6tg xs 6cg v1ug. Wund. Schn. Herm. Dind. Nck. Iro6CLg yE Gog Erf. 7icnat y' O' Ga Br. 286. Ecpsix'T' 'Enjoined.' Sehol: Ivsrpv'ccro. Suid: 1CpEite.?irs)cXso. Aj. 116. Goo' 6' t'sp.ncin &c. 970. Toi96' eot tt.d~tvn?cto Eli. TQVt 'V C04 `OvT(C roro yap ).oyoTi':O, o4v~ xcacoq )AE%04hvo~q?ctarov YJAvEv. 290 XOP027 FTNAI1KSN TPAXINISQN rcaov t ~v Vr6vrov Irc't E 1rFUVvrngv X 6y.F. 11ti. cXu atot yEecov Eqpmi~r - &yyrtXct &c. 51. CMd. R. 766. 1055. Phil. 619. 770. So ttFOIEtro,above 197.?yc d' vuig. I-erm. Wund. Dind. Sclir.?y EWr.B.Bte.N. Cf. 334. 0e' or' *' oat #2lEtg aI rEi,6yq,?yaO xE (Iyco' M vulg.) ra'vdov 14ceex~j xt#6. Cf. on 1403. 493 f. and on Ant. 1096. 7rtavog WV XEMO] 'Being obedient to (in obedience to) 1dm.' Fr. 553. 287. czvro~v 6' 1?%~Evovj I'But as for 1dmz (192,) himself.' Cf. Arist. PI. 5-3. EEi'vog cerir4g; - Ai'rdvrerog. and on Ecci. 328. CZyaO 'iStwrc] 'Sacred offerings.' Cf. 239 f. 288. 7rcargQCO Z~jplI I. e. yvU, as Hermann explains. Apollo, we, know, was worshipped under this title at Athens; not so Zeus, as Plato expressly tells us. Consult Spanhem. and Herm. ad Arist. Nub. 1470. Trj~ gU'O)aEoJ] 'For (in return for,) the capture.' We may supply, if' we please, yc~tv, Egvr~c, i'7r'Cg, or the like. Cf. 269. Mlattb. ~. 364. 289. cpqo'vst WV o04 qovraj Cf. El. 1370. qpqovd!~R& o' rov'rotg jta~ovttrvot. Phil. 415. c4 1kqxr' ~vra -AEtvov 1v epcEt vdst. 810. amcoqcg cpeiv&t (Iisvoi~vrc' fp). (Ed. R. 848. For the repetition of the pronoun vtv -after ixsi'vov cf. on (Ed. R. 248. 718. El. 12641. Aj. 281. Eur. Iph. A. 461. ra'v CT' UVri UcXacv~c'vv Z( qra'VOV; 'Atdrjg vtu, a'turvruse Trece. Arist. P1. 149 - 52. xcii xU' y' Ercdgczg qpcwa rc', Koqtv&G'cg, O"xcYv -' x~virgcomr.~v cm A'e 1r9i' gC xoi~rov rqmzrtv. Herod. II. 102. nu~att',tv (02)o rov rOVTO, rev E7r t rovrotat 7EVO11EVOV gCWLxE`Og, rco on'voUtCZ 'v ZEUaOGartg, rozo xvluv rojoc. Matth. ~.472,1 Ilartung reads qpQO'VEI aocc(~ 7j~ovr. Perhaps cpqovst rca"' o~ovva. (FQOv5t rp 0g'vFv (ace. supr. o a mn. rec., and a double dlot under sty) L. GI. T: ~qpdoVs. 7r0gaoa~ra. 2190. xcr)~cg IE#'v 'Having been delivered auspicionsly (in auispiciotts words).' Qu. xalov - 291. Cf. (Ed. C. 1290. xcd' rar' &I.p' VttJv P3onZqG0pUa - %vQs'v 4fLo('. 29~2. r&,v ysiv 7rc vro~v -— i I. e. 'both from what is present before ou and fromf what you have learnt by report.' Lit. 'Some things indeed being present (namely Lichas with the captives), &c.' Toup and Wakefield read,r~ tcv 7ragovrcov. Qu. rar PEV y' 'goa'j(or C8o afl), or r' Idiv PIEsxrCov 8di the miss. Ald. Turn. Br. xa' ME Seal. Herm. Dind. &c.,zs~va~uHv~ the m-ss. z8,vuttEv, Toup. Br. Herm. &c. Similar variations of case often occur. So Phil. 170. rtrleTv Y.'o60Udvov j3Qorcov gqdi, atv'rgqo(PV oUi 'Xcov. Ant. 383. Thuc, 1. 2. r~g?lsiroegia ov'x ot`a?7g omd4 E7(UU17VVVT5q a.X'Oq ' - - I I........,, 111- 111111 - TPYIXJ IN14.4) 70 J4HLANEIPR1. zcig 6' ov"X 1~-Ycj %at'Qt1 C'V, (GV6Q0,g El)T}Xq XA,0tv65CC 7Vqc4LV rvWE, za(vazcoL& 999EVt,; CoU1 'or' C(VctyYJ r,)tE roVTro t5vvT(E%&~V. 2W, olcag 0 J3V,665rt roU~5v jFv1' axo71ovIIL~gv 10yco A. K. L. Zoywov B. T. V. 294.?rei&~tv r jv6E1 'This (good) fortutne.' Cf. 152. Aj. 792. ncev6Yxa qpqcvt(] 'With a feeling altogether 'right, with all jiisticc.' Meineke: "Tyavatxog rpgjjv est animus summno jure id quod agit agens." Wunder explains: 'toto aniano.' Connect this with Xat'Qoutn. Cf. Aj. 525. For nav&Yq) Hartung gives irav6Y'xcog. Nauick suspects' zv&n'%q qpsv(. 295.,roW 'ar' A. K. Harl. Aid. Br. Elimsl. ad Med. 981. &c. Zro~qar e~oymL. iro2XX T' B. T. iro?.a d' V. Turn. z'oU~ y' VaIck. ad Phmon. 1668. Heath. Erf. Apitz. Cf. on (iEd. C. 293. El. 309. Eur. Hee. 390. Arist. Pac. 373. E'Z'raa' c'vc'ywq 'or' (y' al.) tyro~avFtv. ElmsI. ad Med. 981. rfij6F rovxo avvrqgsXntvl ' That this (r5' Za(Qntv) should accord with this (7rqusL ).' Or, ' That this should accord (lit, run~ together,) in this wlay,' iL e. 'that this should he so.' GI. A: ri,6- oV. Wkfedudr stands ri~ds of 1Deianira, as in 305. &c. Hart: xc;6E ro~ro ovpT'QEiV. "I a r Esvxvs xz ~ TOcdgtpv." Mi. h passage appears corrupt, and is suspected as an interpolation by Wund. Dind. Bergk. Nauick. Qu. rz-6E roi39" o'x~~v 6vvr(FXEtv] avpzqUrQrxxtv V. 6VfkqPFQctv Ven. Hart. Cf. Euir. Ion. 5519. cect6~q x Et ~L Apv6ag; - Tco) x9ovcp YE aonyx s. Herod. I. 54. ~cptrpox(OV Eg xcovi; etc yvmivcta6vVE56'Qcqntov. IEscli. Fr. 286. cUJ' ov~xs 7roWc x~aiVteXr? —v Gx"gvotG ~.c43'5v I #'vrj6%zt xLt', Fi Itr rQLae GvvxpjXot Peov. ZvvqEXQ~Xv is used with the dative of a thing below 880. CIEd. C. 160. 296. otcog 8' xcd lk7jv Suid. v. xaet3ni'. CLFU- raq3stv1 ' There is room for apprehension.' Cf. on Ph. 1270. Schol: YVottoXoyst 36carce re't Czd1Zz&ta)'rovg. "Ka). xoi~xo xorov'o Iaxlv &vg~4rpQ0vog (En'cpq. cod.), J rav %Xce?)g 7rQC Ofl xt', 117dSVx&" rot~atv EV 6Xo7roV1LEvot~] 'For (in the judgment of) those who consider well.' For this sense of the dative cf. on Aj. 1282. CIEd. R. 619. xaljcg IF'Xn~pv cV,1UovpEVco ZrGStv. The middle axozFrnteO 'to reflect in one's mind, with one self' occurs also (iEd. R. 961. So oag)tv?7 306. 297. xarflntv xo'v uJ xrqc'aovxa1] 'To fear as regards him who is prosperouts.' The ustial Attic construction for xcqp3,tv ltq' O' Ev 7rqaaao(V a cPa?3 zoxr. Cf. 97. 321. Eur. Hel. 1395. d16'8otxa ycag as, t"I Vt9 irsao~v 04g 7dta9y [,UF#EtVaft aci- ' '~o6tzx~uv Plaut. Rud. II. 3. 59. 'Earn neretur ne perierit.' For the sentiment cf. Hor. Gd. II. 10. 13. 'Sperat infestis, metutit secundis, I atterain sortemn hene praeparatum I pectus.' 298. 1jco~ YUiQ ozxrog - Ftas'fqif So (iEd. C. 372.,I~#8 roi'v rQtace#U~otv FQLg %axxI7. Fr. 678. ciaE'QsXEat ts'sv t4z#Vcov 7r~oxco yE'vst. Phil. 11.11. ce.Xc' htot GAxo7rU - Vn'v Eur. Iph. A. 1580. &2"yo'0' & 4gto y 74 20P0OKAE0 r~ ravrag QJ6qchr 6v~z5rtoTIvg uzr ~Evqg gag(Y C(O( ig 7r T~op(3 T L'V(Ya 300 &veYqc5v, rctviv AE' 6doi5Av i'ipvatv g3ov. (A ZEV roo07tct, ~(LE' zIor' Udr5i6td crE z~grVIJo o I (57CE'qj~ XG)QqaVTC 7rot, oil pLXQOV E LGlEt CJ)QFVt. Also Ilipp. 1087. o' 'yaQ ug t oxtog 6qg it V~EXsr~ qPVy)fq. Orest. 1663. ncxor ot' IkEEt 6,iia tce &c. Iph. A. 491. C~~oig tI f' E')pog rh "atlrrol;Q0oV rl0ij).0s ovyy1~VEMV Evvoovpslvc. (Which passage is probably corrupt.) Suppi. 286. ncatE ya rt. Herod. I. 86. rc5 ME Kgoico) EffX#E~v - rx' roii ZXcovog. Ill. 14. avcoi~u xr Kaett3i"erj laeX#ietv otxrov rLvce. VI. 138. %cei acpt'at g3ov — l~vottFvotatI6Etv0v xr lai~vvE. VII. 46. Plat. Rep. 1. p. 153. Eialu~rt UVT fYEO9 % te) rpQOVrig 7LEQt Wov Ftj7rQoCEV OVX EtaEL Theaet. 147. C. ot ov %at cerotg i7ttiv EVceYXog na~tX#& D. 'ttiv -El)ahXi tt roto~tov. Lys. 218 C. oiht old& olnal;#v ftio - iViro~ntc ElCa~XEv. So in Livy. 'inceset eum cupido,' and 'incessit paiributs cura.' VaIck. ad Plicen. 1379. Cf. on Aj. 1-282. Matth. ~. 402. c. o1%rog Cyrrvog 'A strong feeling of pity.' Ph. 965. - oT~crog the mss. oxvog Wakef. (coll. 181. Aj. 139.) Erf. Perhaps rightly. 299. ~L~ Vfl X~'Q~?lrL vi7, X~2qe~ coni. Reisk. Wak. Qu. 300. oifxo~1 c~o~xo~ x'Bened. Cf. (Ed. R. 10506. ft) GCt5 7rQt hj ZTWX~ 6 Vc(vQOVg?yyEvWi a vlpvag. 534. l'Zotxov EiaoLtIrjCtv. But Herod. ill. 145. lqC-%goUVxc' T 6,F Xal ce lUVoioV (sic) ZrotE3vtce. 301. Id'co 1 'Probably.' Cf. 314. Phil. 180. oiixog lpcoroyovwov tacdg OiCO3V ov6,EVO9 V6TE9Og. 302. avdQCovj Perhaps ot'xcov. Cf. Phil. 180. do~Aov - 01'ov'i Cf. 53. yvel~parat 6oVAcerg 303 eUZSXolctlSco:&rorQrtn &~' aE. Lat. 'averrunce.' Ant. 143. Zqv4 vQoMMaO. Eur. El. 676. c6 ZEi, 7rTCIQL0E flt XQOZCZ iz#QCOev?fUt(4. Spanh. ad Arist. P1. 359. Marki. ad Suppl. 647. Wessel. ad Diodor. XVII. 116. For the accent rqozae&og v. Eust. ad II. x'. p. 818, 21. 7Lor' -1 Similarly Eur. Hipp. 528. f4 fLot' TLoXE Cv'v fexaxc cpcevE'tqg, fti~' iY~fLO E)~!oLg (sc. "Eeca). Ale. 997. fttq ftr, rOV i, jEf~O e I E`XJotg 7 Xo 71tQ1v Ev j3(p..,Esch. Prom. 889. rotaCY llr' lviQo1g Xro' V'oi EX0ot KL'7rQtg. 304. roVltfO'V - CIVIQft'1 Observe this expression in the mouth of a, female. So ~~sch. Suppl. 147. 157. C7rlqtLce CEILVLZg fl~~LI fLLIXQO. 282. A4eyEiceL 'vg '6'EvXtEC~LI allQpcr' EVX-rElvov g~o 'g. Eur. Med. 798. C'la'XUEVO aE'v arFQc ofL, n yiveeut (Where Elmsley has quoted the above passages.) Zco3qJ7CLvrcl 7tot] 'Invading in any quarter.' Cf. Phil. 396. or Ig ro'va AXQE6'LO v~~mt~7r&C~xcQEL.fCM. R. 619. Erf. conj: XOQlLV y ' (or -XLfot). The expression is a strange one. Qu. pfqtt)UVIIV "y1XV, or fUiJV'GCLIVX r v (or rt). Or thus: fIEILrOX dEimoqtft kyc - X(0Qi1CIV~a (or fLEJICIVL) C E. 304. irot] 27t) Had. 'in any direction, in any quarter,' i. e. 'upon any of 7ny children.' Schaef.: 'quo qiamnz. TPAXINJAL 75 75 ~u~Y', I~j r 6Qc5U~, r~Y b~ ~ I~TL.305 co 6yvar cavccw, rt' rzor d vwrxvi6'oV;305. tti~d' -] We may supply cq~astcg or ci from 6Q('6Erig. V. Pors. ad Orest. 103,5. Cf. Phil. 115. on El. 1434. ~Yds' y, ~OeY E'rLJ Cf. Ant. 3. By ri~e8s she means herself. 306. 69co~tivq] The middle, as in 909. 81,go~cops'v. Ant. 591. O'7(tcer. Plut. Lucull. 42. ot' r~ Ho1urjt~1ov 8iVCetUV V(POQ&)okVOL. And so often elsewhere. 307. r1g 7rroi s vcsav16'o)V;] So 310. ri'vog - 3oxv375. 7r o z oro' FI~U 7r~a'ylkarco; Elmsley on Her. 567. reads thus: co v6'vtcacvat, Ttg 7rOV,st, vucevb'8cov; as in Eur. Her. 1. c. ra`~tcvct iraQOh4vw. Ale. 462. o' pt~c yvvcaxjov. Theocr. XV. 74. ('pi' ff'v~q5v. Callim. Fr. 131, 1. =Qqc~ce yvvcws63v. V. Dobr. Aristoph. p. (133). Matth. Gr. ~. 320. 308. &"VUV8Qog " TFXVOv,66a;] 'A virgin, or one that has borne children?' TFXOiaa A. (in marg. yq. rsxvouaa, 'ot rE~vcx -" ovec4) B. K. L. (supr. v a m. pr.) Ven. Schn. Nck. (Probably from 311.) rsxvoi;6c T. Ven. v. 1. Ald. Toup. Em. II. 36. Apitz. Bgk. 'rvnvoiiyeee Br. Herm. Dind. Wund. I-art. Rightly. Schol: rEnvoi,Yga,. r9XVa F'xov~ace 0'trse KXC rcsaxog qn?76 7rat~coV6c6a (Fr. 431.). Suid: Hcd6'ov~a n 7rcear6oiea kyXiPWV. Hesych: rsxvoveca. rE'xvov?f`qQvov E"oveai. Lat. 'gravida.' Contracted from -x~xvoFreece. So xseo;66a (Fr. 110.), nriso~uraa (Eur. Hipp. 733.), a?9aao Sc-,ca (au'taoZaa Ald. &c.,.,Esch. Pr. 1000.), oivoi~rxce, pF~ro4rxorx (Ari st. P1. 1122. Ar. 568. Lys. 601. Nub. 507.). Cf. Theophrast. ap. Athen. p. 31. F. oi'vor, 09 rovG ILEV avacLg 7rLVOIEv0g 54t'Gx?7,t, Xa~ 161 yVvcexe TEXvova6cey zrorvi. Callim. H. in Cer. 119. Es`7rcerE,7~ vx~,n i y~i7c"#Fr, TXvOieca (Txsno1aaca?) Tole's appearance, and probably also her dress, had arrested the attention of Deianira. 7rg)g fdv yc~Q qpv'tv] 'For as regards personal appearance at least.' Cf. 87 9. -7r(4 y ~r t~v. Eupolis ap. Athen. p. 316 C. U'v~ 7roXUxrjg Trovl.z7rovg Elg (xrc?) roi'g rpj'novg. For qpVlerg cf. 379. Arist. Nub. 500. ov'&i'v &ororastg XcetEpic5vrog vi'v cpihntv. On the position of tri~v in this verse see Elmsley Praef. Cd. R. p. XXXI. and on (Ed. C. 115. The usual position of the words would be 7rpo'g cpiVarv ptvyc I suspect we should read, CVrrV45QOg7 vt ILE TFXV0ova; hIM.t OFar cr " (or E97r~ T',V tEV CpV6LV, or EZErr 7rQE-7tctg PV~erv) - 309. 7rrevro~v O!Z7rELQog rc~vdE1 'Unaccustomed to all these (.such) things,' i. e. to such hardships and sufferings, as captivity entails. Or x63vcds may refer to the condition of a wife and a mother (with reference to r~xvoS egac). So Schol: &~~tog El rc~v?n ro~ yc~ov 7rQo6Ytvo Lvcov. And so explains Herm. Wuind. Cf. (Ed. C. 751. ov yattcov c7rctqog. Eur. El. 1027. XQq3Wov ovnq Ovr' Eltwroxog ov I a vv xco"cQog. Nauick conj: -'YCOV C7r5LQOg TCOVav. Q u. naxia'v (or na7rovw) 'ervrqo'g xc~v&v. 309. ysvvcdci] 'Noble, of noble birth.' CGd. C. 76. yrzvvaeog, c09 iMvrtl 7rlbv xoS~ 1d~atovog. JW7T 76 XOT1OK/IEO 12~ z 1tz rtvoi:itr ia tV 6 4EV100~".,,. 7, 7a, t! 0(tvaa r 7.F;Etr izau 1'(l rc5v&_ 7'rk~irov cdixrnc A41XA2. 4,6 6 E ot ycuJ;T r 'av ta xdt X~tvot; i'5cog r~vqc ovw iv14)Ev otxz ev tV.srdrotg. 315 310. Qu. AIza,?9 77 F?160' Vi7 ~3~ E rcE 311. xt'g S'0 vulg. rt' S' Harl. Perhaps rtfg 6r' S - Cf. (Ed. C. S9,3. rt 6' (read a') ' -7rrjfttrvt(g. O CptTV6Ug ZL??1QJ Cf. Aj. 1296. 5' cptrVc1Y 7rtyrr7. and ont El. 341. cbtrVetv is used only of the father, never of the mother (Phot.). ptrt~a A. L. T. qpvz 'acg K. rpvxricV'u B. cpvrdackag I-arl. 312f. Cf. CEd. R. 316. 313. fl2Frovig'J 'As I behold her.' Cf. 464. 06(07rSFQ Xnt (povEitv oi'Ev ~ttovq] 'In as matc/ as she alone knows liou' to feel' for her situation, as heing ysvvcdrce, Evyv g Ear. Antiop. Fr. VII. CZo '&raco c4r~ i p~vn~v &c. Cf. on Aj. 554. It does not appear what indication lole gave of this fact. We may suppose she betrayed her more refined and sensitive feelings by a flow of tears, or hy her calm and majestic bearing. W~under supplies 7rI~Xcov from what has preceded, coil. (Ed. C. 743. Cf. (Ed. C. 792. 7roXX 'Y', 0oC0lrSQ xct o-acpgrE'Q~ov xhcow. But Wakefield with reason observes tha t4YT~v is niot suitable here. Bergk conjectures F-7%,v or o~ynsv (so also Schneld.), or ~t But I know of no example in the dramatic writers of dxsv or oTxsv for go`txnv, though we find jxctv (for 1?0~xuv) Arist. Av. 1298. Wecklein suspects both otdhEv and tto'vi, and conjectur es, rqvqtt' (or 'Ic~tar') ad~qtcovst. Axt for oib'dv proposes dochsi. Qu. r qvuev 6oxEV ftL)v77 (or 7rU'ov), or O"W~F ZXEGTarr %ct rp9oviEv eaoxs'. rpqovFi'v (Q ilat. a in. pr.) L '6Ev A. B. L. T. o'8E K. 314. dt &' oi',6j Qu. rt' ot&6. The 6& is often inserted, to avoid a hiatus, by the copyists. BuLt cf. 293 z~ 8' oi'x ly)Zaigotp c"V - rt' a' "" &rt %Qtv otg; 'And wlq1' too s/oaid y1ou (iths) qaestion me?' Cf. Aj. 1290. For xpi'votg in this sense cf. 195. Aj. 586. xw. om. M. xc K. L. For the force of xal -cf. on Ant. 77~2. Aj. 1290. xQtvOtgJ %QI'VSLQ HailI. Qu. rt 6d' evc' (or av) ttLS- %Lo xpi'vEtg;,go,- oi'x?v xarv'otg] Cf. 301. Phil. 180. oiwxog irQorXo7Svcov ildoJq oihxon' oicv16V. V,6rsFig. 315. yivvq~ta1 Cf. (Ed. R. 1167. East. ad Dionys. Perieg. 294. rc' vS'#ce VWV 7YV17lgtLOV &YOQI.~ELv ysVVqtLwtra. TxO 11,v?x9FV] SO 601. TUCQ?arollsv. 632. 7irqtv c&TEVat s~v El. 13~23. TcZOV F'vd6#9V. Cf. on Ant. 521. oVx?v~rdo2 Schol: o0?v -n QVL ci.ETI TEMXI~LEV'17, a~IE eiXot 0 ro'o~ ~ V ziyV tc.I TPAXINTAIL 7 7 zIHIANEJPA4. to ro~v rvqc*'VVow; Ei3qmnov 07rog" ng tv A4IXA~J:. I4HIANEIPA. ov~ ovofw 7qog O rov v~ vvqtz(OqcOv 6ELug lqu1tda, 6tylej lrvtoIV iqy'OV ~VTOJVo. 316. Y U4 TVQU'vvov EV'QV'XOV -;A. K. L. &c. Aid. Wak. Apitz. Bened. tL4 zOV TrVQCC'VVwV EIQITV -; B. T. Cant. pr; 7rov rilpcvvog EI'q~iov -; Erf. pr. Blomf. ad Pers. 350. (Who compares ZEsch. Promi. 255. ~t'i zoV rt -7rQoVIqg tEOv&YS %al 7rSQ0UTE'Qco; Plat. Rep. IV. 486. &c.) fLTJ Tiny rvQc'vvo~v; E1'qt-coV -; Sch. Erf. Herm. Dind. Wund. Hart. Schn. Nck. Bgk. (Wund: 'Eurytus ecquamn ficmlian abuit?'1) fJL1 ronv rvQ1X'vvOv3V, Q' TOV lroqc, xtg 7jv; Musgr. pk' roi, rvv~avvcVJovrog EV'QVtrOV a7roQa; Br. Dobree conj: ~ttr rov rvq"vvon0'; EveQ5Tp or, by transposing, tsin rCOV TvQUvvwv 77V Zig, E vrov Yoaroc; But he suspet LiQVTO isfo ls.Apitz wrongly explains ttij xri ri3~avvog LW tVrOV 67roQOc' Ttg iv; In L. there is a stop after Ev'e1rov, none after rve(Xvvcov. Translate: ' Was she sonie offspring of the king Eurytus?' Cf. CEd. R. 1043. T O'~ TVQc'VVOV ri,66F yig zudlat 7ror6'; The plural of' ZVQC1VVOL, like of' %1QL0Lo, of' 1v rEilst, &ce. is often used of a single person. Cf. on (E d. R. 366. So Ant. 60. qp~qpov rvQ"&vvcov. 1172. P3cxat2Jen'o. Eur. El. 93. lXw~cov rvqcX'VVovg, o't xerovat r~,Gd y~g. Here. 567. xruaaxcpo) dtogIxixtvi:4 rvqacvvo~v. Perhaps however Evov~rov may be a gloss, and the poet may have written r6)v?XEd, or dco~ta'rcov. For p'j (qu. n~ interrogative cf. (Lid. C. 1502. Compare a very similar 'passage in CEd. R. 1042. rCov Acetov (Trjnov ~rg &evo~tc'sro. I 0?. 7_7 TV rVQcCvvov r~96~E yig 7Vacet 7rori; and 1167. rc~v Acetov TOL'VVV rtg iqv yeVV77ysacorv. EV 9VTov a6roQc] Cf. 420. - a~roec' rt'gL 317. ncdt ycie ovaY' ac"VtgaQOVV ~.rcxqc'cv] '.For neither did I enqnire at length (particntarly).' For ltcexQUv cf. (Ed. H. 220. GI' 7f" "d'V fLCafQV 'XVrvoV. oi(T A. K. L. oi'x B. T. 318. riv ~vv.uri~Qcv] 'Of your fellow-travellers,' these captives. Phil. 54~2. AEsch. Suppl. 918. Eur. Bacch. 58. Arist. Ran. 396. i'Xg]3 'Knowst, hast learnt.' Schol: i'yvcog. Cf. Ant. 9. E`XStg EL XdFatxovmgc; Ph. 560. C4 lice0wv'C T1 rOL VECOTsqc0 - Q'~tg. 789. Plat. Lys. 214. X t[, &q~cc iqi - -rivsg E?6dv of epi)lot. Eur. Or. 1120. 319. jVVTovj Noticed as Attic for "vvov by the Schol., with whome agrees the Lex. SG. p. 411. Phrynichus also (p. 14 Bekk.) states that in Attic Greek the breathing is rough, as lie infers from the compound Xce-r#VVGcV. Cf. Ant. 231. 805. This question, like many similar ones, happ iy Iof no great moment, reimains still to be settled. Eur. Bacelh. 1100. 78 X2OT~OKAEO T~2 zIHIANEIPA4. (a rc xav, aW~ qw~v tx dcavrrj IE 320 AIXA22. Ov rcac. r9 ye 7(Q0654hv oiX.v i'iov oivn qvvrov (o5x n'v. Elmsi.). Arist. PI. 607. &'vs~xJ3v (U&vt',tv R. Dind. cvV~tEv Dobr.). 320. UAX' q',UdV] Q' jPt'v L. 'At least to us.' V. Elmsl. ad Heraci. 565. Ex aavriq] 'Of thyself, of thine own accord.' S. John Ev. XVIII. 35. "up &uvtov avo tot U~,?XOt GOt 5ibrOV 7EEQ?. lyco'; 321.?iEn~I xat' ~vttcpogi' tot ti c'6EvatG y' ",tcg Et vuig. 'Since moreover it is a misfortune (a pity) not to know who you at least are (if not your companions).' Schol: av~t'Lpop yc, iart To fltq ytvwax~a*Cd, GE r1tL Iv~vt~ Ot c- IlJt tog tteIXOva avty- 8E8LtO XQ 4Gaa~a, Ft yvotq tac xc~t UST77v. Cf. 328. The awkward position of owi is noticed also by Dind. The particles 'zE' tot xati often occur, but never e' e xat tooi. Hermann reads:?me,-1I %&C4ccP(oe' Fati lkq EMEVat GE it'C?,rtt El. And so Hart. Schneid. conj: ~?ZrEI %ai, ~vttpopa, Got tovt't,- tt] 'dit e Ttg t'~. Nauck thinks ~~v'upoea unsuitable here, and proposes to make one verse of these two, sir I e t~,ti E; Q U. bra' %Ut' ~VPfOQU' Ott -. Or 1brat I xcd6t'ppoe' Eari' -. Or Inrt I xd ukpopcv Got -. Or EXrt I SV ~VtftcPOQJV Got -. And then t'cj ~bcu1,Vl 'pl a' 77ttg Et'. Or rather trost' tq'c smivat rt'g Et. Or thus: 'n I. x tiupotTv 7' Grt'v gc ~tt ci&ivtt Tt'g Et. Cf. (Ed. C. 592. i#vpt'c 6,' IV xceoeno ov, ~Vzctpo~ov. Ear. Tro. 491. 'a~'?cd yart, c toe -~i' C6Vt' OQC0TTU~c.,rot A. K. L. Harl. Ven. Aid. rtt B. T. Trici. oin. V. I should prefe I, what Dindorf' also and Meineke propose, 'ctt (cf. on Aj. 245.), or to'. t'c 6 i'vat A. B. T. ~vtL. p'q' '8E'ivt K. Cf. Ant. 263. 535. cE y'] 'YFou at least,' if not the rest. 322. 'She will not theiz (if she now answers your question) continue to carry (to have) at all the same tongue she has hitherto done.' I. e. if she now opens her mouth, she wvill do what she has not yet done. So rightly explains the Sehiol: iMv a~ovptvi GC 'py ~ at, x et ' o b('v "Q a [ '"v?j le6rQtovtrOV XQOVOV Eattozat -. S~Qg ov%-Ux ra i).ccrl)e, oial vvv Xc —?'ajEt. Ilerim: 'nihil ergo differet ab se ipsa loquendo aeque ut antlea fecit.' The passage is quite mnisunderstood, I think, by Wund. Dind. &c. Nauick. Herin. conj: Et' t6 yE 1tQtGa#v XQ tExuwt'QCgat XL 0vcp, I oSc6.hv dt?7Gtt y~c5gtauv, coil. Eur. Rbes. 705. o &r e A. B. T. &c. oS t' &'e L. oSt,' "'ea K. Hanl. ov'rQ~e Herim. (whoim see Pra-t'. ad (Ed. C. p. XXIV). I should prefer St"C"Qa (SVtot LiQy, no0t SV T&'QU). Cf. Euir. Suppl. 506. Iph. A. 1189. ElmsI. ad (Ed. C. 534. ad Acharn. 323. ad Ileracel. 269. t c5 - ido vX ~v coi cCf. An-t. 644. c ro'v rpi~ov Ttin &v?~ i'cov 7raTet. CEd. R. 1019. 1 I TPAXINIAI. 79 vw dotau YArrnbov, rtg 4ov ardrta Ovv. i'o]s~r~i~ InWcici.E.19.ir v4? fo. u thswudreur h fuur?-LA f~ 323 6olastVE the rss Weis.voV Her. art Sh. Ne.6ttWa.Wud (v mn.p 6. id oj c.Taslt:'ilcniu ocry'C.Id Co.v81.Etv 6' trcovc i~~ 4o W)ceeavl.nColl El. 11. Suppl. 622 YSovdVa 118. 8t!tstth ins.Wes Herm.o Hartc. Arist. Eq. 757 '6ct Wak.c Wuov(uv. Emend Ehip a.Ate. p. 571.nd oj Nk rnsae A.l coiese to xcary. tCf.Ed yJrR.v 321 dtlg)ro6'1cwtv. ChuereonHStbpp. 14.dxva 15. oi nq orlovx. Ant 705. pr vv "-"v q`p8oQgv Coin.v incrt Mevin. IV 609. 1089cizx~ ctv (csetvI (6w ciyXiv6r'avc pogvtv nc4avI v ) yo~v c'dvwv H'er'od I6v. 10.iiq~a WVoprVova qxi, ZvFr. 669 ayiobv aax, y)iccav6 i6(bv. 9&Qq6olASII. 7.cnc ico Clo v5 vo. bi. vte '1ratvCo 6i oza itXEQOjx0 qpoQ~t. ibidl. 62r2ociov cpo QEL U rry xlrv III 12. x1~xo cpie- 972ro ziCU czurv ttCrovcc yX~oQEEv cvr&xo n 99Qa~c III 101 Er~ ~.w Poen. e 1528 vrr.x~ Lucre. II 1062. 'slcitamquegriAasarriiin sete.' CEql. L'-xI. 54.t 'lnouii ptos inporelv geresAip.adna furoes.Oide. XIII.1 36. lzeg 'T 1viresin men'tea WundeCrTin favour9 ofPlat.r compares Athed.. X96. 677LA %peTOvL (LOQF -r oyl roi 6thxc C'r67ta~Lto. (Notretonth poin.) El. 159. orj irtw Zic'Xq T?.'c 67ov. Add Er. Hipp. 991n. i'ncert 6'in. V.ys Cv0cp9. 71 Try' T 60vrj 100 Cct2 FL lynacp rpoQ. Ant. 180.v 10y2cacv iyxtcicv. Hiero.. Hartun reads: 6Eo( ast, yV1ctv T u Zx x-. Qu.0,7V cpop ae,6f)v I.6 x&.c '90 ov-t i7ga K. T.ivuig. oi'Ut6cq- L.' oicq(,Ti R. Hart. oibid.o B.0'W0 (oi~Tag~ Herm. Dind. &c1. Cf. Ton AnCt. 30 874.F'vg Ar~ist.Th 1162rc. Lce. 3024. 's~ollcitajvgri] Hass uttrezd. Cf oen tEd. CRul. LI790. 'ndn tos incord gerov' oridna iiurores] 'Neithe Moe. norI less.' TUrSosn H ierodts sayse, oin favo o f dCLQO omprres OEd. C'. 943. 05 rv ycP rrox crot 325.Ad Er.c Hipp.o991] 'Bearig,8' as thugh 6tpregant wipth. Schol:16 irovovfL vr Cf.v42. Ajt. 794. cyXirs av lyx6avrtv r(. Qarun reads: {Yovta 'bewaYiling.' Fort -3-o Qu. (P3cn,6t. 326, er. DindvQ&oE CM. Br.nt 830vQE A7. B.isK. Th. 162.~Qd' rsd L.3f2n4 47 ScV~vjHol: uttx~ere. C.o E..70 327 I 1vp1ov 'Penetrate byNtewitendseleae, nrlofts.' Soleatld:tucut perfitam. o'r Schol: i'Qiyov.At a~pdvPa. OQo Legg. X. 1 q0 Cv.Wh 3eas5t say' thgat 'Berv~isg hare thusehi thegsame sense aschoVl: C in II. j3' f.60. 'P Ajr 794E pYurrj zr cd i'vEtv rt' 'Ev. Qn~. o <. 64.vC1 ,mmlrlm -— -c 8() ~~~~LYPqU.KA EL)T2 IJHIANEIPA. j7 &Y otv 6aCj za 7ro(,vt~d#h,) aryc orco ` 1&()ra, ~La;r' xazoi7g 330,rots ovivar t'~v 7rp 'g y' 4toO A '7trnv A Uc43t, IRtov?qV~fLtr6Fccv. y'. 305. (E chalia, is called iipi'1rv9,yog 354. cdbrstvi 858. Cf. Eur. Her. 781. c'v~p6,-vr y&g 4,w Herinana and Wunder, rightly I think, Jprefer the prior explanation of the Schol., E~p)7tov, i. e. 'desolate, devastated, ruined.' Ear. Bel. 32. 1?,qitvtuoa rat~' 'AX8~c'vdeov )~q tqd ot vulg. Br. Herm. Dind. Schn. Nek. i"6s tot Wand. Schol: a er d?, tlrv~t, Xte9 i"V GtLonrfy,hta37 ftt'V 4VTI/ Eart%, a' 3 oi TvyXtSvEL rjg 7raea' aot' 6-~'rjrog (cf. schol. on 3210), o~ttog e'vyyvo5itiv texu. Translate: 'This circumstance is an unhappy one for her, but it ca/Is for our consideration.' W/under understands rvX not so mucli of her silence, as of liar continued weeping and sobbing, which impeded her utterance. Cf. LE d. C. 1014. o cst o, a'v ~XGfLO~ a troV 2rt~~~~vt?~~~~st~~~, ~~~rat & ~~~~~~tv~vceAsiv.,X qr0gatEG~( -rvXq] ch~q Herw. Anal. Crit. p. 201., coll. Aj. 918. 328. aixr, y' vuig. Apitz. Dind. Nck. cc~rq y' Ven. Erf. Herm. t4 t Hart. Apitz explains csvr y 'to her' (as being of high birth). Reiske: xaxq ~tdv avv~ x~a Gvyyvc'ikjv "X. I would read: bs Trot xtxx) ~tiv cci4n 'at' ( (or ax WI -. Cf. on 295. And so the Schol. seemis to have read. Heimisoeth, I find, proposes the same correction. Or avyyv4oyn' Fzt 'Calls for consideration.' So Ear. Phoen. 1009. toi'~ttv 6 i a'Oxt vYYv(A'tt~ n VE st. H1ipp. 116. Thuc. III. 40. 6VyyvwA)tov 6 Earl, (qu. 6vyyv4tqffv 6' "X,1t) To' cUXOia9ov. Mor-e frequently Gv7YvCOrj-qv,,~vmeans 'to grant pardon, to show indulgence.' Soph. El. 400. Eur. (Jr. 653. &c. The subject of E"it I take to be, not Iole herself, but liar -unhappy lot, as the position of!tt-v shows. 3-29. d'j6 od'v vulg. Hermn. Wand. i~6" oi4v Dind. Schn. Bgk. " 6"' otvv Nck. ' Wfell then, let her- be left alone,' and not be compelled to speak, ihat we may iiot aggravate liar ti-ouble. Cf. Aj. 961. ot' 6" ov-v y i o'vlrow. (E d. R. 669. d' -6' oi'v lito~. Anit. 751. Arist. Ach. 186. ot ' Coz'v goco'vttov. %ai G#~vaC0 arIFyug] 'Let her go indoors.' Peiap xa C QEoVE6 -'aco '3 ariyts, or XUat 7rOQ1EV-EG#W Y7 E'16w. But cf. CE d. R. 5 33. toate ta' Eftg rr~agyr NhOV. 330. ovrcog o~rcog ~6'irce] 'So (as in the way that) is miost agreeable to her.' El. 1296. ov~cod 6"7 cogw p?7ftJ7 68 ~ttq 7rtYVcs6aFTCU. 331. toeg ov~at ).iV,mv 7rQig y' 4tov )~v'z~v lac~ot K. L. rot OVdar )Xotnr1v - ).ir~rjv XU'Pot B. T. Turn. marg. rotg oiat Xvi7rsq - i6,V'rq lcajpot A. Ad. coi oi~tv )Uqv - 1.t7r~~v?Xc'Pot V. Ven. toCg osat to -7rgiv 1rq y' EtoS X).rag A~Pot Rleiske. toig oda'tv A"qv 7ro y'?,tov X,'rqg )Xc~ot Wakef. roig ovat )Jv'rqv 7rQ O' 7' 1to 0lt 7tXQaV?U'ot Erf. -7 cracrs'vv y' ko5 1t~jot Weckl. roig ov'iIot 7lt9JS r6 y' to ~'7qV XaPOL Sch11. TOig oVat 1~7rnqv zeQdg y' 4tob )U'ot ttv&' [Herim. Erf.] Toig ov~?V'irrjv CeXi),ty irQOg 71 i"uoV WfoL Herni. roig od'at 25~rqv `x 7y', 4to v 4~toS 1Emnend. p). 27.) vl~av 2~Ujgot Wanid. Toi~g oviat ~,r~rsjv -- sl'av (con~j. -also vscet TPAXJ.N1A4I. 81 %c7rv - (A) ~ v & o AFIrEA022. UI)Toi re zvcarTOV&[oca'w t&atdvaa', 0"rcog 335 i'jv) X.c'fot Dind. roie oVGt X~nqv 16?ftoi' (Y6, xaoqcv (conj. Wolff) Hart. rotg ovGL l.VTC12V 7r~o' y' lpo,5 6dtirv.c4ot (conj. of F. W. Schimids) Sclim. zore V~v TaQOVGLt zo y' lpoi5 XiJ7rqv XU'otj conj. Bergk. roi~ oiv cx, 5Q y'?co5I3 '.tr-qv I 'gjot conj. Nauck. Hermann (ad Eur. Orest. 490) explains lXVi7rV- AJV'7tTg )Xc43ot to inean 'pro dolore alium capiat dolorem.' Schol: pq cdviyXG*~iG#o )iyvcv, cUJxc 7CUTExnO VQGtE LTVXj CPIXOV, i'va 8~ '6~o~OLv aI'T'v lvzrs~v. Who perhaps read, Ilcrmann thinks, d6 ceV 7tQ ~9 y' 'poi~ I ~~3c Qu. xog oi v (o 7re 9#rV) u)k~ ~ob lXvirmqv )Xcq. Or to~oa (zq Wac,) xixt-,P Or TOfg OVGLV Y7 -. Or TOiq 0Vec X'7rIV 7rg t FtOV V'5tV (or xamq cc). Cf. Phil. 1265. ~v v)X(0 TtL~t yu aq~r 7rogxzQ a ~EProvxvg ncenov; (E d. Col. 595. 7rirov4~ce 6sva' 7ro xcxotg nuncx a. (E d. 14. 668. dt xaxog %aCY'C~ 7rQOG"clfSL, TOeg Zrc'ct TC' 7tQo'g aqacv. AEschs. Pers. 531. tv() %cd xt 7rqo' xctxoiic zrqoai',fratw XUadV. Prom. 329. 7ro' TOig 7rceo '~?c ro2cfsv ~ (c CZx~) Eur. Andr. 396. - dag EZr Ucea9'& U~Tecl ZQG06196ut 8LZrXovV. CycI. 683'. XUXO'V YE s~ x av. o' (I"Yco). Philemon Fr. Inc. 5, 9. xccen'QO gr~ TO~q MYXOitv "xmea eV)X n~FYuF. S. Paul. Ep. Phil. II. 27. 1'ce ~ 7~rqv lzt XVi7rn Yxc~5. 331. 7TeQ y'?fcoi] h 4koS Wanid. prob. Dind., coll. 4Esch. Suppl. 69~2. ro ~rce x'?xdca~uvev )~&~OLFv. Cf. 461. o ~' 740. ZQ~ 7 EILoV. (E d. 14. 576. Ant. 207. El. 10~29. XU'4ot the miss. vulg. Which would mnean, 'may she yet (5xxxdtC~).' IRead )Mcfrs 'let her get, suffer her to yet.' So below 802. tvqd' cem'roi9 frc'Vo. Cf. on 1228. and (Ed. 14. 904. The authority of mss. on such points is smiall. 333. ot qgElutg Back again to Hercules. ol] (or ij) Harl. -T~ A. T. vulg. 01Xt L. #Elotg B.,9E j K. 334. 67rEmY~ 4 a vdn~T Eyco Ri the mnss. Ald. Br. Herm. Dind. Wund. 8dh. Bgk. Nek. lyw xvE Turn. Wak. Erf. Schn. Cf. on 286. 143. (Ed. R. 696. Ant. 1096. Ph. 1312. 4iuxrxj],V'vrqcr conj. Nauck. Cf. 2Esclh. Pers. 242. 335.a 'Yes after you have first waited here a little time.' Supply %es or XC09Q6,tg from zXoqcfpEv in 333. So Phil. 645. 7.'X E, d oxv, xec~ EcV,?vtv.z~vf rv ia-. Arist. Av. 202. d~vvti yam ~Lj3~ cemrsX a ~LCc X7.' 'r jv - xce7oiJCEV v xoxg A~sch. E-tm. 141. Es"8Et; c"viaxco) %U'ro7.uxxrtace' irrvov I Mc&'tFI Et &c. The messenger bids her wait a little, that hie may communicate to her certain important facts hie has heard from thme month of Liclhas. ~c~v.q. O3QtqV'. IlLAYDES, Sophocles' Traehiniae.6 82 )JLXOKAEOY~2 caa~, v~v rcov&, oii~rtva r7 ayaS -Fow rOV~rwiv yap Eu'wt 7r~Cvr' iwr'~tcv IYco. Z'JHIANEIPA. r6 ' i~'t4 roi~ ~t rtfr6' 'qa6rci.caI3w 5v &~sve'B. K. L. M. N. T. Turn. 'ppEvcz' A. Hanl. Aid. Br. Cf. El. 1397. xov3n E"'x' 4't1.dvc. 1389. ot' ttcax~tv E`T' U'I"Vt Below 648. - cqtsvovaot XQ0vov. 528. a.,t1tEgvst. Qu. A't p~tivcw'. 336. ovaotuvc r' uystg,aco] Schol: c"Eytg UV-tL rOt' ErWVUip. YjG&!v aY- ncd aeQGVS FLST coJv cdyjva2Ocxcov. But we do not read of any but female captives (240. 283). Wunder therefore understands it of Lichas aud the captive women. Cf. on 342. 344. Qu. ov~ arE'yqg cUy&t E`6co. cevEv rCov~'] ' Without the presence of these,' the captives.,r' T. Wak. Erf. Herm. Dind. Wund. Bgk. Nek. y' A. vulg. Aid. Br. Schn. yv' omi. B. K. L. M. N. V. Ven. Schol. 337. E1agnov~ac A. B. L.? novaag (supr. Et6) K. Cf. 351. 372. Exp aq T. Turn. Erf. Sch. Dind. Wund. Schn. Nek. 5'x9tjt 4 B. K. L. M. N. V. Yen.,,xpec4 A. Harl. R. Ald. Hernm. '%i d#jg Brub. Wakefield stops thuns: 0"GUag Tc x Y' &ys E'aco, I~ r', T oi 6v M EC dor - xovagc. lxt a17 6' st~ rov'ronv Y' '/Q38rorcv, N'c ye I Itv Iltrl~?y the mss. vulg. Schaefer and Wnnder explain tbis to mean: rovrcov yaQ Eqtt 7rcUVr' w~rrhtwCV FYCO. But how can the words possibly yield tbis sense? Bruuck explains rrMcVrc 'in all respects,' xuaxc 7rvxaI as in48."VT' cQ1,6xTVc0V XEQt. IT. Valek- ad Phmen. 624. Lob. ad Aj. p. 417. So ot' iro~.2. &tvol' Ant. 1046, c7 Utrokl.& f3Qovzcat dtar~l,&~ (Ed. C. 1514. Wakefield proposes: zrovrcov L'co yap %c2er - (coll. Eur. Med. 3'28. (o~ 7rccrQtg, cot' n0 c XUc Vt'V P~VFiaV ~Fc Ale. 744). Which Erfurdt approves of. Musgr: rovrcov,6e1 xa7 arcovx E~tgvqprjv io Nauck conj: zotxwrcv lyco' yaeQ 7~ Mtarxttov hpvv (?). Herwerden proposes xcqr' for 7rcavx.' The passage appears to mc nndoubtedly corrupt, and the inelegant and scarcely defensible position of y&q (cf. Aj. 522. El. 492.) would of itself excite suspicion. I sunspect therefore that we should read, o'rovxo ycaQ d'td rcog (or navr'),F7rL6TflfioJv 'y o. Or ro 'rxov R' 7rcaVxCOV Fiqk - (The cause of the disturbance may have been the corruption of?7tr UCdOV into 17inc9Z 'ttV. Cf. Fr. 514. laror'g?6rtv ov' E?7rwrx~pcov xaxio~v). Or xotxrov yceQ Elf.L 7rrce (7rcavr') '7tar 'pqg 7r?'cog. (Cf. Ant. 721. pvvctl IroyV U"V6a 17rc'Vr EW 7r2.hav.) Or zr&ccv ya' Elp rCov6' 17rtr uiv ~'cov. Or 7rjcegv ye a' LVX co,rr(486 Ert6cr 'Liv?yco'. (Phil. 1057. T v68 hL7rtaj ttu~v Z`ycov). The line is perhaps an interpolation. 1. 339. rti 6) EarL; rov JLts rijv6 (zro56 T.) q1rat(17r. A. Pr.) (3cetv A. T. Nauck. ri' 6"?nr roil ~ts - B. K. L. rti 6" iar'; roi ttE - edd. vett. Apitz Schn. xi' 6"?arTl xOV lk' - Br. Herm. rui 6"' E'an; xo~ xcet Pors. ad Phoen. 1373. prob. Erf. Schs. Ben. (So Eur. Hipp. 92. OVX ol6'c. TO~ 6'~ Xcd' I.' &vaxtGOPEt Z7ri;) rl 6" iar' ro~ ~its - Dind. (Who wrongly thinks ro~ put for oV7 or 0Jxov: cf. on (Ed. R. 1144. El. 316..1176.) xi 6"' &vr' xoTi aEs -- Wund. r' C'; U'vrti ro~ - Mart. TPAXINIAIL 83 rTI dl' bivtl; roii ~tt ij vh'i XQ Giiiat, P3o'Gtv Reiske. xl d',Tt; Toy XQ 2 ivd' Iac gfcst'tctv; Wakef. Schol: xt'vog "'EvREV TJ)V 7roQ~Ucv xall T6 Etlldodov taGT~ xal, x~ohXVstg; And so Wunder explainsT x.'v,6s ILE gcaf.tv Upaac,'progredi me prohibes.' Dobree,: 'Cur, huinc gressumn ad me dirigis?' or 'hoc gressu ad me contendis?' (if indeed pxs is to be retained). C. Matthiae Obs. p. 49 renders: 'cur me hnence in moditm adis?' Benedict: 'Cujusnami rei causa hzinc adeo sistis gradum?' The passage is clearly corrupt. Perhaps we should correct: TIl &' 6`6t; Toy It-Fcs ft' TJva EqcpaiCx~aix Pa'corv; 'But what is the matter? Why (or why- too) dost thou approach me with this step?' Or rt; a'; UZVT~t TOvl b1 - Or TtL cavO" 0',ov 8" — =; Or TI' 6' lartv CZiv#" oi, -; Or av' 6' lx5vrt ToV -;(Ant. 237. rTI 6' lartv IX6,9 ovz ziv6' i'Xstg 1X#tt'~icv; CEd. R. 1021. aX cdVTL Toy zh archc ac covOtta'csro; 1155.) Or rTI dY OTOV' p-ro - (Cf. Phil. 751. rTI c' Ea~dv ovTO Vro.Xttv ESa orov OTOV T65V IV Y jqV7roLE40; Or rTI 6' i'CTLv av; TI TrJv6 - Or rTI d E'GrT; IQog rTIOr?I 6' lart'v 0ur L (ttot) -; Or rTI 8' FtOT; TI EU, (?fvo') - (Cf. CMd. R. 1144. TI 6Y EOt tO T OT oVgO EaTog-Fi;) We must suppose that, as Deianira is on the point of leaving the stage, the messenger abruptly approaches her, with a view to detain her. Or TI 6' E"GTL; Tov 16E' i E!' Pc1ptaaaatcw gu'actv ('to stop my advance);' So 17rteal~eat arT~t - TfW'to halt an armny.' Xen. Cyr. IV. 2. 18. u'~tv Polyb. XV. 34. 2. TLtva Tov 7tQo~c in Arrian. 17tgr s,5c (SC. IavTSW, or royv itrov) Xeni. An. I. 8. 15. Wakefield compares,Elian. N. A. XII. 44. F7roV'rCU TOn~ VoaOl? V avrcg TCO Aix2Og SElrtyy, M~tGrcUVTOg aIs Xa, Exrtvca sqpIGar~ava. A very similar passage occurs in Aj. 42. rTI 6clrcc lro['PV0Ct T1J-v6 Ehcp~iI7rr~st jPcwtv; In like manner yovvzrsTL cr&~ `8a 7rpogirtI1V( Eur. Phoen. 300. Cf. Aj. 435. Tix zeQ&3Ta ixc2.2tarv UrQtOT~vaceg. 1107. TLX GEP~V E~n %n'X4c, 1xEtVovg. (Ed. C. 869. glov rTOlyOVTO YlqQtdVt(. (Ed. R. 194. zatcdIgvTov dQqftavoJIIrLau. For 1p'arcw~ca 'to approach' cf. CEd. R. 777. (Ed. C. 558. El. 192. Herod. 1. 111. ct?rsI TE U7VO GT21Jg~ E~rGTl. For the accusative after Ecpt'Grcgoc cf. Fr. 163. TIg ydep fc 8 &oy,#og ovx Ehr,-~rGrTC; For gE qu. ttoL. Cf. on 1170. (E d. R. 7 77. ~rt LLTX77 ro TOWf '7r5GT?. 1028. El. 192. Ti. 1170. Aj. 945. Toy] I. e. 4X6zr T0b, rTIvog Evsxce, 'wherefore?' But suck an ellipse seems very improbable. The reading is evidently faulty. ErpITaracet K. L. corr. T. vulg. 1lreTc'acaat A. (supr. rp) B. L. pr. Yen. Which rather con-firms the correction 1&Tlc, 'hast stopt.' 340. ov&IE TOv 2Ui~qog - ovCIE v~v t6oxco I. te. (OGIES 001 Tovl 7raQog P.V'V OVT6Jg ov~r v (p~cT 'rv anow h6EaIa aE cloxi). Cf. (Ed. C. 825. ovTS yceq Tcr,VVY1 6Ixcae 7rQcWG~tQ, ov#' ax' 7rQ0gEsv FtVQyaocot. Wakefield would correct: xCcc? v% oi(1'?Icdv 7rccog (for oiX161' 7rcc0' Ito)-. Qu. OVTSr - OVTS -. OV - fLV~ovj TOYv - tLWOYcov Ven. TO/v - I~bov K. 341. fpcTip.] 'F'alsely.' Schol: lVsv6'c5 Cf. on El. 642. 1298. o0(1F V,~V (oxc5] Supply "&Xoios,1g#cd Gas ttcTKJV. 84 s4 ~'~~~~.O (P UKALZ) LX z1HLNEIPA. APrEAO~ X Got' rctarag ' ov61 -tpnt ro'rv &'E zIHIA NEIPA. qoavt?txI w d6v W'Y 17 viovtct 342. lxdtvovg] Lichas and the captive women. Cf. on 336. Why (toes Deianira ask this question, when the messenger had already (336) expressed a wish to dispense with the presence of the captives? Wakefield suspects some error. The captives we must suppose to be leaving the stage, but they do not actually make their exit till 345. 343. t tot the mss. Ald. Turn. Br. "' '~uol Groddeck. Schaef. &c. 'Eftot' is here emphatic, being put in opposition to IxcIVOVg. iruY&V x' B. L. T. rai~G(' E"T' A. zctda' K. I. e. The Trachinian maidens who form the Chorus. 344. ov'Rv Et'gysrat] Sc..1,tzri'v 14ti '-Nothing hinders (that I should speak).' Cf. 1257. 6AI2' ov6'Rv si`'Qyc Got' racd. Hardly right. Qu. oi~v'6 xcoli'th. Or oi'c-'v EQ7flyoEv. Supply I4stnFtv (cf. (Ed. R. 129. Ph. 1407). TOVTrovg] Schol: Tr'V AIXcUV XU Ta' UIX~M1c3covg. Cf. on 336. Qu. %,ctvo~vg. But cf. Phil. 1074. U'ozGolcat tk8V Wde h"pvv oihxov E'o I 7).Io T~Oi6' (Ulysses)' Otcog cYE' ttFIVUr',t zozzqi (Phil.) doxr-i. 345. xcd' 6dY' P34&at] 'See, they are gone.' Cf. El. 1436. xatdq PEoqa 317. xcd (5n a' lewrrS. ~sch. Earn~i. 833. 8.E'ov &' ai. IXo. %0&q (Y'~at XCO 2oyog 677LcLtViTco 'And let the (your,) speech intimate.' This is hardly right. Qu. av,6 B?EIYutg 671ttuVE pot (or si~v). Or rt' O' Xyog ar ~tcavI ttot. Or xcd, 6' gsj3&av a' T (Or Ti Gi') 2.'yiut GaUtV2 Hot (v~bV). Or - 6au v'orig &c. (cf. 349. rpQC~ 7r&V 0"OV VOEii). Or - c'vvoFe ("&vvinrut, U"Iycg, J~aa %X)'Etg) &c. Cf. 598. TI ZQJJ zotEtv; GnpLatvs -. Apitz compares the Platonic phrase co d, (axg).o atY, Gorg. 511 B. 527 C. 346. cz'vnQ] 'vn'q the mnss. Corrected by Herm. &c. 347. qcpovc-i] qpW'vdE (the first ace. a m. rec.) L. pcpavut M. Steph. Cant. The Schol. also explains by ITC06,t. Cf. on Med. 1141. d L'n g] 14 t'%t L. Which seems to point to dLxcu'Wo or en dtIjq zig AQ~dv] 'A4ccording to the strictness (lit, straightness) of truth.' Cf. Fr. 543. Elg O'#' qQovEtV. CM~. R. 50. Gaxclvrsg r' Ig?'N6 CPId. C. 1424.?h 0cq40v Im~pieSL vx4fcEvttra. Also Aj. 1144. Iv %xc(n5 t~tivo. Q. 6txccL WgQNv; Cf. C(Ed. R. 853. o(2u -ovys A""o cp vov I cpoxl's VYtx'Aiog 0'Q# 'v. (Where, if this p~resent Inssg he sollmd, TPAX~iNTAI.IS Vd qTI; 6aqpo)g gLot (Pf,- Zl~Cv O5,OV VOEtt cc [LE 'a lzgavt Ea 350 AFFrEAO2 L. Irov'trov A9yovrog ~~ td660,ii167,ova' tiycoi rav'nj7G 9Xart wctvog Ei~qvrOv W~ PAot 4*Aovog OaG.Wv &yg~sv a Xpt d6Et rd'&c 355 'we must correct qpccvsi: 8[(Xq Elg ih~00v.) Herod. I. 96. p~oivog xav' vro 09* 8txa'cov. But I suspect the true reading is d'n Ucg 4Nv For oq*'v 'true' cf. 374. Tv' 6' 0'*6 52rEiv. And so probably read the Schol: Er 6Vt &cdcog nczt tt~rC )*Ftg U'1' viv xemi'] Schol:?'I rc' 7rq4zEqov ~ &viiv OFps8Erat. Cf. 468. I do not. consider this to offend against Porson's canon respecting the short syllable before the final cretie; for, even if we suppose W to coalesce by the elision, yet vi~v does not belong so closely to xcax6g in particular, as to form with it in sense a cretic. Otherwise we might easily correct &U&1 viv- -. V. Elmsl. ad Aj. 1101. xaxo'] 'False'.' Cf. 452. 468. 348. 81xctog] 'Truthful.' I. q. (esethjg. Cf. 41 1. on Aj. 547. 35Q. a pb yoti1& 1,qa -] 'For as to what you have uttered.' Supply 'rovvcav. Perhaps wov psv ycep -. But cf. (Ed. C. 223. (Vog i'eyxsvs [c8 "V o"& ' at`6. 583. Aj. 1050. avyvota PEA xtt] 'iqnorancc possesses- me, I amn in ignorance.' Equiva'lent to dyvocu, ov' ytyv(,axco. So Arist. Th. 904. cwfcat' v(tg rot~ pt Ext For the production of the final syllable in. c'yvot'" cf. Phil. 129. 71 Voo~ co ccv a voc~~qo. So c'vo'c Fr. 517. x "dscAsh. Sept. 685. i6yt~a Arist. Av. 604. 731. &zyvotca A. Turn. Hernm. &e. c'yvot'c T. &eyvotcz B. K. L. Ald. Br. Triclinius wrongly writes cuyvotiy ('5tc~ ro 1ttirov), explaining, cczhc' It E 351. Etmnxova'] Qu.?1jnxovG' (372). But cf. 424. 353. For 0" g'Fot the Scholiast mentions another reading aT'X o t. 7'E o t, as, regards Eurytus, signifies 'killed'; as regrards CEchaliat, 'took, destroyed.' So Pind., 01. I. 88. 91.sv c8' Olvotrc~ov jplcv nUtcEqvov vs GvvEvvov. Horn. Ii. X'. 3'28. E"X'vflv 8A'pQov vs xct' c'vbIpE cV tov ueQt'avc) (i. e. iXc43ov and qO'vE-iav). Similarly Pind. P. I. 40. 1?OEX)74aatg nriavc Vo vithELtsV EvcwV89dv r, zcOaQiv. Nem. X. 25. EsXQU'v7jas Gravqcvv %a xcdcvcpcrvov. 35. ipzveyov] It is called aw7rstv' 858, 6ui vEitog 325. Cf. Eur. Tro.-376. oi'8' V'tnV'QYOV 7rare'6o;. Horn. l. (3'. 730. oi" r' F"ov Oixu111v lrdltv Ev'qt'rov Oilcaii~og. (3'. 596. Od. 0r'. 225. 355. *A LEtrsv] #E'Xotsv K. 'Allured, incited, instigated.' -Esch. Prom. 865. pta~v 6 c lco tu~ ' ~jkEQog r'o4s vii I nvsi~'vca aivsvvov. Qau. #U'4 -ipettv, or z~tddcessv. 'WOOKA/EC) r..~{crq~vuicr' ov6' 6 otzro6 -'Icpt'rov ptdo', "Ui~cacat T"YE o'yca6at (marg. aXtCe'a~t) rc'dE K. 'To wa~ge Ibis war, to war thuts.' Hesych:: a jtcU',&. iro?~vav..ZEsch. Pers. 753. iv~ov ai~Etcsv. Eur. Rhes. 444. a' td~v y7&q "8, cxarov cdylcji'Ug F"og Cf. also (Ed. R. 264f. The Schol. explains rather differently: naa~rQcU G~at rn- a'XLY 0 EaXL dt~ 7rUto xaropcoaat. 356-57. These two lines are considered spurious by Wunder (v. Emend. p. 187 f.) and Bergk. I suspect also 358. 356. TU5rt% Av6'oi~ - AapV'tvca'] Cf. 431f. oi' Tcz B. K. L. os' ir"'7 (sic) A. ovxr cairo T. oivc6'?7r'J o(3',' "',' T. ov~r?& K. L. (s: altered from vi) o"T xa'7 B. Qu. viY vi' or vc rq.O o' `' (the dative 'OupcpayI depending on 1aLrQEV(L' i, f..J'sch. Prom. 970. T8 r Xv IaZQSvS lQr-ea). Or thus: a ~r AL h' aX )U' 'O0tcpc'XLy &c. The?7r' here seems to imply proximity of situation, 'at, anmongq.' oIC~ si'' qtp -] I. a. o (3' v&T r 'O~cc~ Cf. 1068. d' V' 't~ cXyvt~g ~ttiov xvivi q X 'cov. CEd. C. 78. Tolg 'v# c6' ca, 'To1,u %j cr Uaxv &qipota3ctg. And on El. 991. 1498. zr(vcov Mre5vtcarj 'Servile labours.' For Arevaacrov 7r(3vot, acc. to Seidl. ad Eur. El. 661. Cf. (Ed. C. 105. OCIvh tn3x9otg x1a 1~ov,0. 357. os'8' O' Q'tzrog the lmss. Ald. Turn. oi3&' Q'wr T. 0 t( o - p.oQog] So Aj. 254. 2Ath0Acvavov a~q 631. XcQ5rlxn-rot - Yoin7rot. 546. vsocapxy~ - rpovov. Ant. 36. cpovov - q0XV Grov. 864. %oqujqttcir T' vroy~vvnrce. 980. E`Zov~rcg U'vi3'ttcpvrov yovcav (E~d. C. 1062. 6L`LtapQ~LaXOLg apalatgc. 1495. jPos'vrov IEart'iv. Tr. 609. 1qfLcQq~ ravQoGfcpcyp. 756. 2Esclh. Sept. 199. Fvari7qa - ti3gov. Suppl. 965. doptac~v - tto'QC0 4auvc(v. 315. " oirkov axav. Aj. 1506. ~tq~ocq - 2'T63 #avarc). Pers. 108. 2roAUo 9rvyo6a" Tovg. Prom. 860. *Th~vnr( v co apt Chio. 926. zup~acT0 co qt(3 ('a death by which one is utterly destroyed).'I Eur. Rdl. 354. ~tcpoxro3vov aeYoy~ca. Rhes. 606. xaqaei(3aovg aqcpaycg. Oppian. Cyn. 11. 252. qpo'vog 7rotX~r Incert. ap. Lucian. Pisc. 2. Aax[GroV?V 7treratatv -vQi4~at tt5'ov. Eust. ad Dionys. 369. aqpy%Tog *a'cvcrog. Maneth. IV. 614. avao anq(o'ooeo. Anth. Pal. IX. 84. vcavfl~yo tt~g In such passages the verbal adjective is not used, as many suppose, in an active sense, but in a strictly passive one. Thus O' Q17rr0og 'Icp0"rov tto(3qo means, ' the death which iphitus nmet by being burled (down).' S~o we say 'a bruised pain, a dead feel, an absent act.' 358. avj '(3 conj. Erf. 'a Kiichly. Sclin. prob. Dind. 0Sv, if sound, must refer apparently not to tto3Qog, but to the more remote noun i'Qwrix (354), vv. 356-7 being parenthetic. zapcoaag1 'Having set aside.' Scliol: T' cxc rj ~.ratc06PEVOg Xath irapczEtilkvog rcavavrie Ft~rEV 0 (~ Hesycli: 1ragc6/. S~aaq. Eur. Andr. 30. ToV'tz0v Drceuac -- XEJXog. Perhaps nrvcaaag, 'having passed over (or by).' If peipci'g could mean, 'having put forward (as a pretence),' the 0v might then refer to fL(3Qog. Hartung reads: CzOV ViV, o-7rQ) L-t7rce)tv V~yst] I. a. rcs s1vevxt'a?.'yv, 'says the opposite.' GI. T: roivavxtov. Cf. El. 1046. o(3bF gov?.v(a,, 7ru'Xtv (schol: Elg Tov'riaco, W T-PAXTIVIx/ 1, 87 ripiv zaCZL6Yi (OVVtL CXV(Ptov CtN; 8%Ot ).6xo; 360 r ~~~~~~~7 s vavriov); Horn. Ii. d'. 357. zrcLv 15' yE,lcFro p*v ' ov~s 7rcaclv le FE t. Qu. O~v vv-v cJradcu ovrog (Lichas)?pkraltv aiEUtv rnv El?3QYvriUth0 47q' dirE 8a-rno.srv qlpjovov (transp. from after 362). 359. rov cpvr)6TroQoov] I. e. Irev pv~r~v'6avral XULt a71IQCaVr avr?7v. Orpheus ap. Tzetz. in Hesiod. p. 170. 7r~&aV h7rtq3oV1'otu PV'ro~r0Qov Cutriptn i"A~. The noun qpvroarroQ'U occurs 'in Maneth. IV. 432, cited by Wakef. Cf. (Ed. 1H. 1482. roil cpvrovqyob 7rcarrQO'. 360. %ql'qPtoV - Lq~og] ' That lie might have her as a concubine.' Schol: ivot cog zu dax'6a cv'riqv M'c~ot. Cf. Herod, III. 1. om'x eog yvvcdnc' ttrv ~2~r t~eq~ ~4&, cW' c3; 7rua;Ue'v. For X~o cf. 27. 1 y&O 7 nex~ QIXOV I vaa -. 1227. Aj. 211.?7rEt aE AEo 6ovQta'XoJ rov I rcrgQ~c UVx-t CE d. C. 251. -Xot A. vuig. Herm. Dind. Wund. 'X B. K. T. Schn. E'xs /t corr. cad. in.) L. Cf. on CEd. R. 948. El. 760. Z~sch. Sept. 20. iq ycq viovg - Qgp ar' - 0'7cog y~vota#F (al. ycl-vquaE) 7Qo'g XpE'og roh'6. 362 -3. The tautology of these lines is noticed by Dobree. They are condemned as an interpolation by Wund. (v. Emend. p. 190.) Hart. Dind. Nauick. The words r'v ravr7pg - 7rcariec are bracketed by Hart. Dind. and Nauick. The whole sentence is superfluous, since Lichas had said nothing false about Eurytus or his kingdom. 363. ro'v EV"QVTOV TcvC~ B. K. Wak. Musgr. Br. Selh. ro~v Ev~evrov Trcov 6' A. R. T. V. Ben. Dind. rc5v E~vrVov r~ivdl' L. Ald. rc~v Ei'pz'rov lrove' Erf. r6)v E1'QvrEAov Schn. ro'v Ev~vrov &IEtT1E Wund. rhv Ev"Qvrev Y OV EULE Weckl. Concisely put,.according to Wakef., for EVp Ev-qvrog, 06 E,sv,?Thmro~, O~Q voWv. Apitz, Bergk, and others condemn this line as an interpolation. Erfnrdt places it after 358. 364. xrst'vet - F'Z-EpaE] The change of tense as in Aj. 31. Tqorrt rExa(Y 'Uoasv. Ant. 406. Cf. Il. ~'. 415.?x 6E' zortv 7r~Qasv - xara'e Wc ~v'Hs va. But the sense requires Y.rU'vot-7rkar~tE Cf. 354. 355.432 —3.4 re tv] 7rc'Itv (supr. o) L. 365. nua' v~v] -Acd vtv Br. Erf. Marki.' ad Suppl. 321. Qu. xc4 rq'v6' (or Yac'riqv), Wog (or n~v) 5pgii9 -. Or xnat Vviv ep' cogog -. Or n'a r& vvv~ r~v~, 09 or ra vv 6~ T, tg 6Q -.Or rather xnuh Vvv, cog epixg, 77xE g elo'Lovg I 9v~g T1v' 68 tiro40V. Cf. 186. 'rc'X' Eg 60dftovg Gon~g roy 7re 4~q2ov 7roeitv I "'qEtv. Aj. 568. -r~vzy~& it t ( Lrv8 LQ4 clto~vg '6eg ~ycov. Ant. 1079. oi~gog '~tttg. The suibject of "xEL of course is Lichas. 366. cog all the mnss. vulg. Herm. Dind. Schan. Bgk. Nck- 'g Br. Erf. Seb. Herw. (Cf. on (Ed. II. 1178. 1481.) arqm (!) Hart. 7rp9Ag or Ig conj. Schneid. The distinction between E,:tg and cog is well shown in Arist. Pac. 103. CO'g Tev zi I" royv ovQCavOv. -E g is. occasionally -used for tog, especially Mr-M-M — a-M 09M ~:0 P)0 K 4IEO 07r. olM) FI(,c'ppa pT5} ra~WtCI 704h) i4 O V 0V'V!toL 7l909 M5F (Yq2cO5cf to' 7((W'. 4g~57lotv, 0' rovyC- rvyx~lico ~Iahov Zace 370 XUCe raikw 7roA~o', 7r' pdi ~ T ttAY% VC "yoga 6vVE1qX0;ovv rniarcOg 4tol, (A) r' t E1y w t E tui Egyw qAa, ol dOpaUt, TO (' O9f V ~'~E'QX zIHIA NEIPA. O~tor1 VAIOXLM, 7ZOV 7ZOV Elpt Zrqcypar~Og'; 375 with personal plurals (as in II. a'. 215. oiV' Ig 'AXcetoi' tttdaysro. Od. v' 220. 383. rp'. 297.), and apparently also with personal singulars (as in Ii. Tj312. Ai'cavr' - Elg 'Aya t'ttvovacs ~ov &"yov. t'. 480. o'. 402. Q'. 709. Vp' 36. &c.); but co' is never, I believe, joined, as a preposition, with an inanimate object. Cf. on CEd. R. 1178. 1481. Mar11. ad Suppl. 321. oSx U&povrtiouog, yi'vczt] oSn C't povdarcog yE vtv Wakef. oSx cecpQovrt'6roJgj 'Not 2indesignedly'. The same words Eur. Mcd. 910. 367. pq8E] uq cdh A. B. K. L. ()T. Aid. tt ju Erf. wti) Sv Hart. Perhaps rightly. Cf. Arist. Th. 209. x( ov~v; 7rolucasv rceixc~; AT'. t dX10t YE GV, (Sg ys'?). Or ~txt?;ttq6 7rpoa8dnur v6sj 'Do not even (so mutch as) expect this'. rd& A. K. L. R. Ald. rc'86s B. T. Turn. vcodls (orr r6vh, not xdb'8,) L. pr. 368. E i'7r5 9] Q u. "67rrp (or ir& or rj"r EVE9~~art?nx'a vcrHerw.,Epv~l coil. Tim,-o Atlbca. II. 37 B. Which I have received with Dind. and Nauck. Qu. EtV'zse 1fl rFFQttVT"1. Aj. 478. 0-6rtg Ev"E1Vv 117rt~atv #r-U~tVrsxca. E1rp- X7r91) 'If indeed he has been inflamied with a passion, (/ioi her)'. Cf. 476. rcv'n~ 6 O'rYtvo' i'ftgog 7ro#' 'HQceUXX ~t?.q r Ari st. Lys. 1079. rE#FqpiLacdO' (-1tUdvq'c?) YE XL:'Qo cpcdv'Vrceu. 369. Soph. Phil. 580. dlst, h~ rv o % rQ O c~ rv1 s 371. zro2Io' z96gu!da. Qu.z~ollo' 8 'v pE6iq. Cf. 42-3.?v 'yoQL 372. dyoef] 'A4ssembly.' I. q. Qz#ol'attcert. For Lichas was addres'sing the people?v P3ov#EssEi Xt~tcvt (188.), not in the market - place. auvvEsn'ovovl The passive form of this compound is cited by 'Wakefield from Clem. Alex. Strom. III. p. 549. S(arcog] O') cel'yco L. 4xqrtco) Herw. A. C. p. ~21. 'JQ ocai6rcog occurs in Tragedy'only once besides, inEur. Iph.T. 833. '4AQ-1' is Common inSopli. andEur. co6aivrcog 4toot] 'A4s well as 1.' I. q. 6'toic(Og, ildcog 4totoi. Herod. 1I. 67. cog &, ixvcog (Uvro~g?) zq-at nvo. otC IxvEvrcd #U5rT0roct. The construction of 4roh' with 6vvs~gJnXovov is less probable. Qat. E '6 r to'Or rather co6cevcog, 4v1 I co~ E xEY~V 373. 6'a6r' s EsX.yXsvv] 'So as to convict mie,' if I speak falsely. 374. ov' "d6o~ttut] I. e. '1 amn sorry.' ro - 09#0oV] ' The truth' Cf. 347. 375. zo01 icox' sItth 7rQc'yf~kcxG;] 'How ever do I now farse?' I. q. xt' ZTroE VVV rQcadoJ; Cf. Aj. 314. nU'v?j'qs' hv r6 zeayttrcrog XVQOI- 7Tr~. 102. (Ed. C. 170. fIQiy~ta is here used in the samie sense as' 7rti 294. 5' 7TPAAI N/Al4. Tt F14() %1 Cl 7 k5 o rp t In~4~y AFFrEAO~2X. 376. Eith6E6ytca]j? g8E'8yVtct Dind. dy6M&yfcat - V1ro'aryov] 'Jiave I received under mny roof.' Cf. El. 1386. (kjocwtv "cpt 8copacro~v 5'oac-ryot. Tr. 262. W'INvr' 80tt 1Xr11koviqj] I. q. Pf3XcP3iv. 'Pest, plague.' Ant. 533. 81)' UTI. Nsch. A.1307. 'a~lv u v6r~g - A. L. T. Br. Herm. Erf. Dmnd. Wund. Nek. la~czlovi co 6'v'avuvog; -L. B. K. X~a#9acd 7 o, el '6TnxivoG; - Wak. Gaisf. Xacdaov c~6e~o;-C. Matth. Qu. AaQceiov i 8 6ri~vog; Cf. 909. t'XcatsV q, a64emvog sEoG0QCttfv)7. El. 806. q' 6V6r~Vg 80. 282: Ph. 456. 6' rkn'tcv. Aj. 109. But Ph. 744. YVeGrjvog COT Trala lyoa. 1152. e' d vYarivoq Fyo'. Ant. 850. 1co 6li s7vog. Tr. 1143. lov" loi' loi dar~q'og. El. 77. Wund: 'mie miseramn.' UV(0,vvtto9] 'ignoble, obscure.' The Schol. explains agtg 6voYYv,4. Cf. 318. 378. otxa'coyv] O'V'rcycov A. B. K. T. Qui. O" ap' C'eyov- Cf. 420. 428. 8t6'ivvro] 'Contended'. So Aj. 1233. &CD~'6o. Cf. on 2550. 379. ~Ayy. prefixed in A. (su-p. At) L. R. Aid. &c. Xo. Cant. This lineI is continued to Deianira (thus - 81o~tofVXO, 'q Xca Tc" - rptatv;) and thce following ones to the messenger in B. K. Q) T. Hanl. Juant. II. Tutrn. And this arrangement is followed by Heath. Br. Erf. Sch. Schol: rtv.'F XCo TO; UayyOlov )trQooGC07tov CC~ U'r -O tQC Ty Ec a,0Y)7 xai T"' A. K. L. vulg. q xct zc~ B. T. (~supr.) 77 naeca Cant. Herm. Dm4d. Bgk. Nekc. q zacvrce Musgr. s1xar Heath. Br. &c. For xa ncrca cf. Aj. 1359. i) ncra 7roA~ot. v~v cp().ot &c. El. 312. 1278. AEsch. EuLm. 213. q %a 'r' arq~cce - Marco~tarca. Ag. 603. I~ xCZr 7to vven a'o t xiae. 12502. Clio. 916.i craLCVI 0? oV~~cC~o) qJ~fog. Suppl. 452. Eur. Ilipp. 415. q naQra ~6'~t &c. Perhaps xal ncaQrce, as in (Ed. C. 65. 301. Aj. 527. ZcqL7CQc'] 'Illustrious, noble.' Herod. VI. 125. xac' r a v~nca9'v X.~t — 7CQ0L, a~to ds OVXrov - a xc a'pta?.cq~r~oi. Plut. Syll. 35.yv YV TJ 'J O1ptLV rE~'q X~ YEVvov Xa~VtuzoJ. El. 685. 1130. XNtxty oaauLc nut TVCLV] The usual expression wouild he xaua' xs ottlk xcz? yiotv. Schaefer compares Anist. 11. A. p. 484. Schn. nct 7rFQt Td'QUVTUXa n Kceet'av nu't &AJovg xo'7tovg. Translate: 'both in personal.appearance (mnien) and by birth.' Oveigv 'birth', as in Aj. 1259. (Ed. C. 21121. El. 325. Or if cpv'aL here means 'figure, personal appearance,' as in 308. &C., translate: 'bat/h in face (expression) and figure.' Schol: tyvxt roev 5Qv CQ7tj r1v OIVLV Xa% T' 7rtiv acSotca. The epithet XcqpxQc% wouild seem to favour the former explanation. nut'a optuJ] nut' Ovoltu Hart. Weekl. (Cf. on Aj. 447.) Cf. 102. o XQU~tLrCX5V0OV nUT o11tW~. For qcuvav cf. 308. Aj. 1259. 90 90 ~-QqioZ00KA/E0` )2 arctqog p~v orVrn 4EVE~v Ez(,n~rov 67ro&a 380 'IAnj 'xct)~ro, rng Exavvog ov,6cqtc Pakarcg dqPatv', c'g Rachv ot,6E\v taroqct XOPO~2. OAOCVrO fti Irt 7rdCvr.C 0o xctxoi\ a, 380-2. These three lines are perhaps spurious. 380. rCarQ6~g tdv Ol760] 7cru'ro' yc~ oiacc Reiske. Qu. zarq' YE cpicrac, or nutrQ~g yrycoaa, (so also Wecki.). Certainly priv seems unsuitable here. Cf. El. 341. 8mrv'v ys- a' ovaa6cv 7r(XQ, oiV aGV =rai EC~ 325. r?7V G?7V O11WLtLOV, EX 7~rUQOg T1XVZO, fPVGV. ornwx mmvEV A. Ald. Turn. ovaix Evruv (supr. y arid a a m. rec.) L ovaa y~vmgr B. K. T. Perhaps rx' yivog. Translate yg'vrarv, 'by birth', i.q. qp V'LV. zoroi Hardly right. Qu. Th5. Or 'v 5O4i. Or 4tcqcp. Or rpoqp' ((IEd. R. 1.). Or 6zo~a' (420. El3QzzoV GTWoeav. 316.). Or ze' oii -. Or 7raqco~9' 381. nacltero vulg. A. B. K. L. T. &c. 'xcelE~xo Br. (tacitly) &c. 'She was called'. By Lichas, says Wunder. Otherwise, lie thinks, the poet would have written xcolZretxx. Hart: xalErceatrx, 77rg (why not ri~g?) - oi3cqt& A. B. K. T. vulg. o'8q&r L. o'dcqpc Herm. Dind. Bgk. Nck. &c. o 'ixjcqi Hart. 'yvortv conj. Enger. Suspece yNuk f n33 382. j3Xoa'aci] 'Origin, birth, parentage'. Cf. (Ed. R. 717. (Ed. C. 972. 04 ovre aa~ruig 7rco yrvEftLdovg nivqb, I01) pL1rZOg ETZOV, ctI cUdvvqzog roi' ~.Blc'Grc plural, as elsewhere yovcd' (Aj. 1094.).?rcpevn] cexotrit Hart. gyvcoxE clai'~ coj Nauck. Qu. ca~rcg Eqcpatv' (or ~'i~pcL.), co g E ~v - 8i04Jrv -] 'As if forsooth'. Lat. 'scilicet'. Schol: cavrt roi co~ cY8 vcqutv ME VEp&(ovg. ~sch. Prom. 210. co' Zsv~g &vdaaot dfi#Ev. Ear. Or. 1313. c4q 6~7'#v ov'x silvia ~r rFqycxttvavc 1119. Rhes. 719. Herod. I. 59. co! Exhr~rprvyeo - 6Yi#rv. Herod. III. 74. eO' 7rtGr0aroxcrv WEV~ 1?6vrog cc~vov. III. 136. cog xcrvcwX0rovg 6i4#Ev?Eivrcg. Herod. VI. 39. (og ov gvvELLdoVr~ 8~#Ev &c. I. 59. 73. V. 1. TIlic. I. 92. Sometimes 68~#Ev is followed by eg..lEsch. Pr. 1022. 1XQr0P?.G01g 6~#Ev c) 7ralT~ 06Vxc PE. Eur. Or. 1117. Ei'adlrrv rh oi'novg 8~ij4v ch #acvo 'Itvot. Eur. Here. 949.,d#ELvE r,?VtQoV 8,~*v cog F`Xew z~eQI. Sometimes, though very seldom, as here, Ng is entirely omitted. Thuc. I. 127. roiho 86' TO a"yog - v vErv EXg).rvov, 8~E Toeg #,roig (xotg #L-oig 6i#v al.) rt~troo~vvr~g. III. 110. "'P WIv )~OVn~ Ep' "a 4~1#ov Yi~~rv. The true reading probably is E~crrav' (or 4ce),ch 8cYEv -. 1~OQLV 'Knoing'.Cf. on (Ed. R. 1484. ovO'6cv ~ i~v AEsch. Pers. 460. xctxc~ To' tti~.ov (airoeCov. Eum. 454. 7r&-r'Qa 8' (o6roescig xcrc5g. Ag. 659. El 7yc vtg arig 77Z1ov sty EFgroWr I %X(A NLVVL &C. 383. XO. oni. L. O).otvro pl CL 7rt vrEg] J'Xotvro - t 7r"vVrEg Sch. Schn. Translate: 'Perish - I do not say all bad nmen, butt cfrc.'. Cf. Phil. 961. O~oto '1c' TtI '#I4otu - Eur. Med. 82. "lotro p'v ~tti 16,-197t yd E6x ~Uig. U &Q nandgy7 coy C&g qm~toAvg &XIoxcrxca. Schol: olotvro /1?) xc~vr~ ~v~onbc, oc ~rcxoc ncd coc LLTJ~~VWV~aL?c~Qa ~1, A ---, - TPAXNINAIL 91 Aalazl 0~auxEt 27 P87ovTavrco xaxa. A HIA NEIPA. ri, XQ) 7roltnv, yvvaixcg; cog ~'EY Aoyotg 385 Trog v,~ zaqo~6V x ydvIXVP5. X0P02. 7lEV4J0V p~OAOv6c 'rC MdQo', (og rdc'' ""v 6c~pi~ Aiw r Vt?-ZQ' ( g3~ pa X~t)&V #Atg ziHIAN11EIPA. dtAA' Ei~Lr xcd, p OvX cxo YVCAf Iflg A'E g. Xcc~oiQyovg 106yovg Faviotg avvrL4JiEuXGv. For the position of jti~ cf. also (Ed. C. 1522. roi~rov ME qpqa',s Itj -ror' iYv4JQ07tWV rTMt. Ant. 966. =EtdcOUat oi - Dem. Lept. p. 50. Gnomt8iz -.q P U A. B. L. Harl. Aid. p xot K. (supr. t) T. For It~ rt (as ov rt) cf. El. 1275. -6, TU &I~6 XU14al' Og a~axstj] The proper and usual position of the words would be 04 (~o r tg) c6i' cz'axi zc'e Xcd~Qata. Qu. r& 45I xci'' O'arig tX~lya, ze~)~rzovx' acripi' The common reading may have originated in the mode of writing Ia~l~qat. 384. 00~ Hercules or Lichas? Dobree rightly understands the latter, rcferring to Eur. Med. 82. But the imprecation is probably of a general kind, though we should have expected 0"6cg rather than o' g ~s]'Praclises'. (Ed. C. 913. &x(at' c'exoi6av - nrd2XLv. Eur. Sutppl. 87~2. XQqacrO'flq 7x xqxiora. Blomf. GI. ad AEsch. Prom. 1102. M ov& av-oj ph z~i~rovi'Y arirz5 Steph. Probably rightly: see schol. Cf. Phil. 903. ziq~v caroi' cpiacv 'ozcUV )I7to2~v rtg 89C ratz zOmLotX. Nauck proposes pn jrQE'nov-' EoOic5. il, ~~385. 390. notcsiv] irosiv L. The first sylle-ble short: cf. on Aj. 1356. 386. 7raQoV6t~v] Qu. cpvcvstev. 387. 7itl'#ov] irv~oi~ Nauck. Cf. (Ed. R. 604. IH s#E6#a occurs several times in 2Eschylus. 388. pccv the mss. viv Br. Dind. Bgk. Schn. Nck. &c. ti) Herm. Cf. on El. 528. Eur. Hipp. 2168. Phcen. 652. Andr. 1139. Erechth. I. 21. 29. nxl'v-cv] I. q. cvan91'vstv. ' To question.' Cf. 314. 195. 41a'Xotg A. IL. T. 91CActc B. K. (supr. otg) Herm. 389. ov% a5ro yv P)7] 'Not without judgment.' Schol: ot',x vov~ GECOg. Cf. 667. Thuc. 1. 76. c'Or6 roi &v43Qo~ctls'ov nrecimov. Plnt. Thevet. 26. a4= roz6o~t~ dpdxvoa. Philostr. Icon. II. 32. xcd q cpCOV11 otn clrd yoV is~azroi r967Cov. So c'7ro' Q'vxfQog (Ed. C. 900. U'7rO iQ07rov Plut. Mar. 11. Compare also the phrase cU66 y6ov EtTvct IL. '. 562. Matth. Gr. ~. 572. a~ro A. K. L. T. Herm. Dind. Bgk. c'7ic6 B. Wund. Nck. Most editors write aito in this sense. See Valck. ad Theocr. Adon. p. 238. I-Teyn. ad Ii. n'. 324. Schaef. ap. Bast. Greg. Cor. p. 210f. A oding to this, we should accentuate Cx, when used in this sense, "as in r. 1078. E5t xa~vp~c~co~v (v. Valek,.!i III 11 1111111101 11111 I'll,11 amim, 92 ~(hPOI IF4 "'A' v, 'zqo g, E 6 6~I 4to'vEal. ad Herod. II. 142). But, as I see no valid reason for such a change of acecent, I prefer with Apitz to write always 7r4r. 390. XO. Turn. &e. "APPr. Herm. Dind. Nek. &c. Continued to Deianira in the older m-ss. and Aid. Vzs-eg dl 7zQO6qtFVWA~LV -;j In Aj. 328. tue Chorus is invited b)y Teemess~a to leave the stage, in order to enter the tent of Ajax.,q -re XQ rots~fv; Supply U"Uo. So (Ed. C. 474. z ~oico rq0ir~; Ear. l —c. 872. n 7rtxovQi'c, rltV; 1203. n" d1v' cdriav -XCOV; Compare the elliptic phrases, ii JlIjv; ii ycQ; iT't hx('; zrortv K. L. 391. Jqi. praef. B. K. T. Turn. Xo. A. L. 1.. Aid. tcettv'j On this form, which need not to he reckoned among Ionisms, v. Elmsl. ad (Ed. C. 638. So?"XSLV and tVeX~tv, &c. 0 ' cq4~ 0d ac)v the mss. 08' CO' 'v 'Q Erf. &vijq 0'" Br. 06'1 'Here'. In Latin 'Ijicce'. iic r cyov] Cf. 935. (Ed. Ri. 1073. Ear. Au-dr. 561. o' y cQ tvrcig 6e xln'6vog =rqoavttdC~z I I9o1v, cUXc' fkvtv'ov V'r' &'yyE2'cov. Apitz supplies xX?79F'g fromt avollrog (n vsi cox6 i'(' av'roS), coil. Aj. 289. rtrr vV acxn~rog ov', v'7r' cyy~iwcv I f aPOQ~Lff z7teaQv OVt, XOV xl 6cv altyyog; XZsch. Co. 838. '.'%o td oi'x a~~jr~ &A.'r' a~y V~Icov. (B]. Gloss.) 392. aVr0x~7rog] 'Of ids ownz accord.' Schol: vTliog 394. o g, 9rovrog di6oQa Eko, the mss. vulg. ilerm. Schn. &') `QnOV'6daoig, 'toi3 Vanv. D'ind. e' groro (dE'oQi~;) 'to Reisig ad (E d. C. 1080. W g -F~tVrovi Cog oei g 4roi3 Wand. 776n 'FQn0VroV oge o~i', 4F'toii Hart. Triclinius compares Arist. Ran. 128. ff~ 6'Vrxd YE. Pi~ Iaw~tartxoi (sc. llto~). And Wander (Ed. R. 1hf. rp~c~E o- 60'g0)ovrog c"v I lto 7r~o6ccQusrv zrciv. 145. Ant. 1179. (Ed. C. 83. Ilerod. VII. 143. Xen. An. I. 3. 6. Mlatth. Gr. ~. 568. Add Ei. 316. Cog vvv cUZr6TrO t'6TrOQS &c. Mlatthim ad 0Orest. 383. thinks there is -a confusion here of two constructinO~ ~ox~~o~ and o~ti'VrovuE? deooQ&. Apitz connects FsvgOQt~ -Q7rOV'rOg, coil. 351. roihrov V.yovrOg rvOWVIQO 5tf5qpXoVU, 1yo). II. 6'. 357. (0c yvc5' ZcoottEvoto -.Xen. Mem. I. 1. 1.2. oz'M' NE\ 7ro&rorE ZcoQccrovg ov'616 a'6FPE~ ov'(UE IX60'6V OVTE 7rQcerTOVtog FL~a5V (oidlsv vuig.) ovSre XE~yovro~ 77XOVEsV, &c. And 'Musgrave compares IU. d'. 357. Q'. 427. Eur. Phi. 1380, c7 f ontan. 815. i'vN' "v '~vX c'lov 7tF p i' n TfPA X-1iY1AJ1. zi/HIA NElPA. cJgt_ JrC taX LC,3 tW V V~d13vad pttOW'l!1 395 AIXA~2. 'E T XQ Cot rogav, zmt 'qa 4'c zIHIANEIPA. n za ro 7raroV nqg dkast6c VqLag; (-Xov '7rcdq?) #77yovrog 0 Ovr a,. The common reading appears to me undoubtedly faulty, and I have little doubt that the true one is the one adopted by Wunder, Cog '29rovrog, cog 6Q~g, Cpov. Cf. 365. Fr. 165. c~g oq~g E~g and co~ are often. confused (cf. on CUd. R. 1481). Nor need the reetition of cog offend. Cf. 1241. oi'ttotz% ~~ox, o,~ VOGCig qrQc Gatg. Ant. 735. 0't~ zc& ed iojw oC gyc` vog; El. 1341. jyyctXcg, co g oLXi, st eVvpnx 'c. (Ed. R. 922. Wakefield had already hesitatingly proposed og e( g for EtaOQv-. Perhaps: Co E~erovxa' y' Elaopi 4t.For daQvused as the. simple O'Qav cf. on El. 997. 395. Ex raXi'ceg] I. e. razsEco. Cf. 727. 4 ixovat'cg. An-t. 994. dlt' OQ&g El. 1062. h7' i'da. (Ed.L R. 696. xaccc' 'Q# v. Herod. I. 60.?1Q' v qg. Schol. ad 396. bx v~g So xc&' l61cev, at" xsv?7,&c Qucci t?" raict - Or of,'uo zt rxaz~og~gvV XPOvc0 uo X toc061 'After having conte so leisurely.' Cf. (E d. C. 1601. rca'a& ktnxola zcrax I raXEt (~lqast?) ' nvEcVG ~v %OVO). The expression XQ0V9) pad&i is a strange one. Qu. at'v XQOVO) Pq6a po2lcav. Cf. 599. eog IGIEpV 7'76j r6 axpc %QOVq0 ppacdEst. 738. q PUn,,yct') gq~v Ant. 231. zotai~J' Wm[a~v 7Jvvrov GXOl~ e~i.P. 23 OVX UV2 TQUG5Lag qVrtV "zv 7MUaTtQo7tro I xEXV#'oV EienrstG coc1 G, vv 67rov~ny rax'~; 396. U'ThGELq A. &e. al'aetg Turn. Staph. Schiol: c~vxi ro~ ca, ta,~xcd Vsw6ceg~ixL the mnss. iX'vavE0.oaceatc (from schol.) Cant. Wak. Br. Sch. Erf. Hart. and so Eust. p. 811, 20. xvavsE(0'agta Wund. (See his Emiend. p.20f., f~being contracted by synizesis: cf. on Aj. 1117.) x cvvvs'aacihax (as Lqt~vaw 335.) Herm. Apitz. Dind. Schn. Bgk. Nck. Schol: U&vaxtvt'6aaa~c Xcda4'U pX6L UVI 'txatUxxet'cog Ex Vices. 1,7 ovxero -Qt 7~~ xt0EQ czVc/.0LvWG4~cet?Udyovg. Eust.p.811, 20. rz' vv -.v 01 xat" 7irQc6 2ocponsf Cela aaxjat X&Yovg, ro' U'Vaxtv~cat, dClzstv 6l xV~tGCOTSQOV, cfVc 7roA1~GaL. (Cf. Hesiod. Op. 460. #io cMh vnfL'v? ov' a' U'7asr.) 'Avcavsoi~,g~at occurs in Thuc. Dem. Cratin. (Mein. II. 110). For zrpiv xcii cf. El. 1133. neiv - zU'vaG6ace6~c cpo'vov. Ant. 280. zccevact, 7CetV OQ~ %C~kE fGtuJCaLc'a V.yco'. Qu. zreiv "U v x U'vcxotvoi~G#Uc ~1cyovg (see Schol.). 397. 399. Al.] &xyy. L. 398. 'Wilt thou also give a pledge of truthfulness?' i. e,. wilt thou swear to speak the truth? Wunder cites Etir. Or. 245.;j/Xu, TO 7ttGTov TO'165 Aoyaov 4t~v 6~Xov —. Cf. Phil. 803. ZU745- 94 94 ~~~QqiOKAEQ T2; AIXA42. Uar6) p Ycg Zev, crov Y' `V '~Etcog XVQC5. zIHIANEIPA4. tjv r 400 AIXA~2:. Etjlodg'o 62' cg q~icarw~ o'~x E`c Ay Ar'IEA02:7. A/1IXA2. 6V a' Ig re all, t rovr' 4~o~r46ag E`xn; VEPrLG] Rather vrspEtg, as Nauck also reads. Cf. on 4?Ed. C. 879. And so, I think, read the Schol., who supplies &ny'yipo~ux in Lichas' reply. 399. 'Let mighty Jove know (bear witness, that I will speak the trut/h) concerning those things at least which 1 happen to know.' i'6vuO Pdyocg ZE g] The same words Eur. Iph. T. 1077. This expression is borrowed by the Tragedians from Homer, and was used not only at Thebes (Arist. Ach. 911. 860.), but also at Athens. V. Valek. ad Phoen. p. 561. Neu. ad Ant. 184. Cf. CM~. C. 522.,aiog i'aruo. cv v'] I. e. iov'rwv YE (VrgrJ &c.) 'a -. Perhaps Zaca y'. Schol: Oau 400-4. Reiske arranges these lines thus: zlH. 400. 404. Al. 401. 403. AH. 402. Al. 405. Nauck and Dindorf read them in this order: 400. 403. 404. 401. 402. Perhaps rightly, but the transposition is 'by no means necessary. In lines 400. 401. 404. 405. 410. 412. 415. 416. 419. 421. 427. no persons are given in L., but only lines indicative of a change of person. 401. Etfgottg] Elmsley on Her. 84. (Ev'9c68' "cv"v) would write Ez'gcoilg. Cf. on 237 above. 402-31. In these lines those parts which in the mss. and scholia are assigned to Deianira (or else have no person affixed), are given by Brnnck and others, after Tyrwhitt, to the ayyr)log. 40~2. oiyrog, 3Xr'cp' c/rod] Cf. CiEd. R. 1122. oirzrog ai', zeirafgv, &QOe prot poh'rr PlEXwV I 06 &'v 6 QCOJT&. Hbm. II. t'. 373. Arist. Ach. 290 f. 403. Al.] ayy. L. E9 11] 'For what purpose?' Lat. 'quorsun?' Cf. 418. ze ( /i' ' Caxoqpt; Senec. de Benef. III. 15. 'in quid isti viri ornati adhibiti sunt? in quid imprimunt signa?' IV. 13. 'mundus in quid vices seas absolvit? in quid sol diemz extendit et contrahit?' E/g the mss.?g Dind. Cf. Eur. Phcen. 621. cog (Eg conj. Vaick.) rt(l Eecolr4ag' (' in. roe. in K.) the miss. E'Qoxr~ac Tyrwhitt &t. S ~ ~ ~ ~~ M TPAXINIAL. 95 AIXA422. 7Z~~~ r ~~5~v &A v 0ivEo 405 A19V4663V ~dr(x, &457t0T Vg, iEv 4tifr. AFrEFA022. Tovm xvr ~XflOV TaOV 450V paEtv. AEYn Uh'cc4ta yd'q. 404. zT0'pqov] 'Venture, niake bold.' (iEd. C. 184. El. 1051. Si gpovatg] 'If thou art wise'. Qu. F-rs oi46 6 a A. Hanl. io' K. L. 0"a' Aid. a" a' B. T. Turn. Perhaps ou is right, for [Groesctv nowhere else governs an accus. in Soph. Cf. (iEd. R. 1122. 405. zpog rsqv x~arov'auv] Sc. Ivilizttv 8oxci (402). 406. 8UcPaerc' 4' A. K. L. T. vulg. dacpaQ' B. R. Herm. Read dc'ttcepTc d', as Nauck also proposes. Cf. 739. TO'V &V8cCq TO'V 66V i'a9 L, T0'oi d'?tOu Aiye, 7rUar'Qa. (iEd. C. 322. zrcd&b'a a)v, E4t', 6~' O'&,V;PatrLov. 12)75. co a9riqjtc& a'v6QG TO Epa,1 d' 01~wceoiEg. Phil. 530. co qpt'rwrxov,v WL1Q, 7j6'txog 8' "6v1', I qpt'oto NF vairat -. (Which however is not precisely a parallel passage, the objects here being different.) Eur. 11cc. 534. co rcd~ 1ThiE'Co -7ceiTJq 6~' 1?a'. Andr. 25. zla#Eta' 'A~tllgco 7ret&', G6,ro'Tj 8' (x' the mss.) EP6 Herod. I. 114. COL Puatl~Si, viro xov coy dot;lov, IPOVXdov MF ztdog, &xs Qt6QE ~ sfx S. Paul. Ep. Phil. 11. 25. 'EnacpQ68tov xo~v "',,pTOV - f4ovI Vtpdi, 8E c'7ro'aioov. Elmsley (ad Med. 940.) endeavours to defend the common reading by explaining the words to mean, 'quae et uxor Ilerculis est, et mea doinina'. 407. Xsvaacv ttarceta] 'Seeing wrong'. Cf. 863. zsE the mss. vulg. Read 6E. Cf. on 406. 408. Arr.] Jy. L. xOiit ceq Eiyqjov a 'r' conj. Herw. But cf. (?Ed. R. 1013. Tovt' civxo,) netQoV, TVroui Pt Elcrsl qpofPst. Arist. Nub. 1052. vain; Eazl TUI~T' EX~ivce, I I' &c. 26. -no un'?ard T0VT1Tvvl 0 X~ Osx'av 0 et'Z mOX o'lEX V. ao'r'J ctvr' L. TOvo'n] dijzcc Hart. aov pua#Ftv] 'To learn from thee'. CEd. R. 575. AEschyl. ap. Arist. Ran. 1270. Pa'21#1VIS f1ov. SO ZVOE601)cet zOvg &C. Usually =Cge' is added. 409. AI.] &'yy. L. d~ncw y~1,'Yes, for it is true'I. Wunder supplies: Als' ~ 67rotvafV ELVaL T 6vd 'it 'v. Selhol: Vdcrc. cvx zi GI. T: a~lCq For this sense of y&'Q cf. (Ed. R. 1117. E`yvrona Y"c. Ph. 756 No, milli I 11 I Tt talal( v 0Pa OViViV 6,"dlvrot x"dQrx roi~ro QC5'v Xv~ai. A1IXA24' ArrEAO~2. Arist. Nub. 679. T'V xa (YOirtv #,r4tocv; Loa. 3'QaJ 7&, yQ Xgyvt. For the plural thus used cf. 495. xEVO'v 7&Q o~v &%cztdav g XcoE~v. 1116. 1162. Arist. Ecci. 400. oi3 6,ctv~ -; Herod. I. 207. 6i~4a ya' &c. II. 102. 8 -c4 govx.OftLVg otFEZLV52 cog &C. III. 35. Below 949. 8V txQ1r. 410. c'ato4Kj 'T/iinkesi rig/hl'. Lat. 'aeqeem cenises'. iE d. R. 944. czati5 9csv&tv. El. 172. Arist. Ran. 1009. r~oix' otvv EL' ttuj 7rcot',qcsg - vi nrclviv (Pt ftg tog EVics; 411. After 4v two letters are erased in L. S A. IL. T. E I B. K.,r4v6Yj GI. T. rvtnxrtxi5g. tti 6Y&Xctog cOV1 'To be niot truthful'. Sco: qcif~o.C.38 412. IrCo ti 8t'xatog;i 'How nlot truthful?' M~) (not oiv) is here put. because Lichas is repeating the very words of the messenger. vi rov ZOS7otX1?.g i'Xvt;J 'What ever is thifs device you are planning (against me)?' So Schol: vi, 7EUVOVQV7ig lax' Etoy; vi, Epxv77GO 1dro~tcO'aw; Cf. 1121. o1;Th'v ~vvl~pk' cO'V 6; rorfi2?.t~n irce'.at. Hence 'rogx~o 'cuinning, crafty'. Ph. 130. 7rotxi).og i 'cottvov. Brauck cxplains somewhat differently: 'Qetas mdi/i narras ambages?',zotut'cee' B. K. L. &c. zvotxd1cza' A. T. Hurl. Aid. 7rotxtagc Tyrwh. Br. &c. Cf. on 403. 413."AF'.4r] zig. L. ro~ro Y'QOJVJ I. a. irotxt~ciov.,qv the mss. vuig. Henrm. Wund. Bgk. i~ Dind. Nauck. nliV'ov ircaUt K. Oirgw A. K. L. vi'7otg B. T. tavoeo~vtlvogj 'Ilebig questioned'. Schol: E'QOJTWUpVOg. TPAXIMIVIA!. r ~'t~t j ~jtg< zC Yu' 9 o 5 tyq~o' -El. AITrEA 0 X. T11 CUxt )ccorov, ~'v izE Ici 0 ~4ov~ xarow41tc 6~jzov. AIXAL2. p'Vnttt 7tQ& g r( ' 1tarovng; oiXovv 6Vrvn~ qZE ayvoz~tg yov4', '1Aq "F~~ Etqv'rov Y57roa'v cqY'wi; 420) 41G. Cf. Eur. Suppl. 566. KH. fgot'lt avvcapo) tlfrov?v cex'i 6l#E; H 0. )HEY"'i, d'xrl p3otvtt ' Ov ati2Thg d. (Which passage bears so close a resemblance to this, that it seems scarcely possible but that one was copied from the other.) Ear. Med. 1320. U'y', Et' xt P3o1;2i. Herod. VIII. 53. Int'svE -- XFy~tv, EC`' Tt it 417. "APP.] zh1. L n'jv Mtaizr crv1Prhp r3v d or (Aj. 71. 1228.). But cf. 532. rct~cc~gaXtae'rotg. ~sch. Ag. 1415. r ' czifpcaXcrog "6 (Casandra). vpc]'Thou didst conduct'. 418. XcMT~tGa 6 42rov; A. I the niss. Wak. Herm. Wund. Schni. Bgk. Nek. %arotcG ~x' Al. ov" cpryir Br. Vauv. Dind. Hart. Wrongly. After 6 '7rov Hermann, Wunder, and others wrongly interrogate. Trans — Late: 'you doubtless know'. Al1.] '"Ayy. L. For 71Qo' T( Cf. (IEd. R. 766. 1144. Aj. 40. 419. ov~xovv] oixzoiv Schol. Turn. rv' I ' &yoz oQ] 'Wffiomn thou pretendest not to know (lit. seest in ignorance)'. Schneid: 'quain curnt ignoratione vides, simniuans te earn ignorare'. Schol: n~v TrQg~rorsr czyvostv. GI: 'rJv "'yvosig. The phrase however is a very extraordinary one, and is with reason suspected by Wakefield, Nauick, and others. It is more than probable therefore that the passage is corrupt. Schucid. conjectures: 7l oV y' UYVOEC yovcZg, or 77 aiv rov~vopl' UyvoEig (400). Reiske: 7'7v 1;~r' U&yvol'a Gx~yspg. Hart: 1' v1)7' "yvoLc~ a tiruQ~ (?). Erf: 7"7v 1;ir-' c'yvoiceg 7rP~qg. Mein: 'qv,v 'c y' ayvosiv I JKY~tg (or do%,sig). Herwerden: 9vi''vsv~~f (o r flGgrf ayvo-Ftg yovaLg, o r ~67rcQ c~yvotcev #osig). Wecklein: 71ga1 y' (or i~airQ) azyvo,,Q aitopvc. Cf. 401. Qu. nv 6i'maF;~ &yvoEtv. Or ~V~tFQ 'YVouv 6orsfg. Or zan67tq UcyvoFtg alroeav (Aj. 1298, reading to'Q?~v for Y~roQ1Xv' III next v.). Or -yovag (or (j1V'6v, or yi'og). 1ir' ayvoiccgj 'In ignorance (not knowing)'. Cf. on El. 630. Eir. THipp. 1299. co' 1;xr' s 5xJE.dcr 'cviy. ~sch. Suppl. 499. xu' 6' (read '6'i) qllo~V xis i'rUV' 6yvot'ag f7ro. Ag. 1596."ayvot'Cel x~cov. See Musgrave's note. uosc A. K. L. T. &vot~ag B. Cf. on Arist. Av. 577. After 4~volccg a letter is erased in L. 420. E1;pv1;rov 6oxrogdv] Cf..316. -and on.380. Perhaps EV(7,o ~rv PBLAY DS, Sophocles' 'frachliiae. 7 -;Antilles, AFrEA1 021. ZrOLowtv a'ar5rCO. IV u~t TQuLVCO(V droq~ ZoAi~ GOV ra(Vr& y'EdaipcovG o%~o&. AIXAX1 X)XEVu Y' pcWXaOV, ravro 61 ov'X yiyv at 42 421. zrot'otg?v A. B. L. T. zrototatv K. Which latter seems prefei-ablo. C f. 42 3. 7roiot~atv "',ariv. 45G. 7ro~iot yaSQ ot'g EtQnpXg. to~ 7 Ev A. L. T. Apitz. Herm. Wund. Dind. SChnI. 'Nck. T'~ z7ro-V 13. K. Aid. Br. r6g, 7r'E V: ntv. Schaef. For the double interrog00ation Tt'.~ 7r6#,Sv tto)~c0; com-bined in one Clause, Wunder compares Ant. 401. "c7yuI 6lS rTj'v6s rOJ rQQ7zo3 ITo',Dv X.cgo'v; Phil. 243. ru'vt I 6Tro2~q) 7QGG rrjv6,, y~jv 7rd'#hv 7r)Jcov; Add Phil. 1091. rO n ~OTI TFV'~OtWt GtTOVo'ao v tLo 7i5~ Ev k 7t'og; Eur. Hel. 1542. er~ios,~ ~uo~ro 7ro~r, - ixrE &c. El. 779. Xed sr', 3 s'VOL' T' Eg 7ro'#v 7rogs 46at'; g r'(sN'?)?x 7ro{'a X~ov0'; Ion. 793. z~ 6.' iro5 vtv duEL'; 87.r ruscs I1Og EL #Srazt, s;Iph. A. 345. r'vc 54 irn O 7r 0{vhI co7t'4 (at 7ro#Ev); Horn. Od. r,/. 105. r(' oavET irXOn s 5nY Q cv;I do not however mnyself think it possible that two interrogations can be contained in a single clanse. The fact is, in such passages as the present there are really two clauses; only, owing to the excitement of the speaker, they are concisely expressed, the conjunctive particle for the samne reason being' dispensed with. I therefore prefer Schaefer's inter-punctuation. Cf. Phil. 56. orav a' 1QO0p~ T(g TE Xci 7rn'E 7rU',t. 422. aot ttcserveriasg] This position of the p~ronoun, here not emiphatic, is suspicious. Qu. ciVtLqL&QXvQ)nGSt (Phil. 438. El. 1224.), or r( lie rQgu 7rue~cov)] 'Being present at the time'. The imperfect p)articiple. Cf. 4131. Ant. 1192. lyd) - zlcsron?EJ. (Ed. C. 1587. xati ai' 7rov iraq~o~n E?01o9,a. El. 3. Bothe, Nzauck, and Dindorf rea,-d 7rcuci. Cf. 370. But ito ctirrectioti is required. Cf. 431. El. 877. lld~t rou-r' 4Lo5 x?,vovac &C. 423. '~4FF.] Jy. L. 7ro?.2~Ottv fxarnjov Perhaps 7ro2lo~g?nv Uar~v (and so Wak.) Bnt. cf. o n 42 1. Or 7ro)~xoi, y' U~n &arjon (SC. ttCcQrvQ "jauan). 424. rc~ru' v' sclanxova' A. T. rTc~T' sgaIY~xoVa9' (supr'. Tc) K". rcebr~?oxv'B. Tciuur' d'a~xovasv L. IHarl. QU. rCi S';T'i '4i7t XOVa *425. Ar.I ~dn L. voci(. xlvS.Ft the mnss. vulg. vacd del. Dind. (" Saepe vrat sic supplevertint. glossatores ") Nek. Cf. Eur. Iph. T. 742. Reisig. ad (Ed. C. 309. %ZVSLcv y' A. L. (qu.) T. xlv'Etv 6' B. Yx2v'Ev K. icinro d' - 1.6yov] 'Bet to state an opinion and to deliver a positive assertion are not the same thing.' Schol: ov civion,art 80OtqOLg Xcii CCr,a' Xoyg Shimilarly Esclh. Ag. 1369. ro' y& rozuc~Ecv ro; gc'qp' Ed6lf Init x.I rcirf To CZiir]7'z' v is far wolre frequent in Attic, poetry tbita ciy) vot is - T P/IXK N /I'A;rU41a~r ()OYqjwlt; ov,x Ao o 2LNCJ 6Cqw~T pc~x~ Uh9 a i ravrqjv ayu'v; AI1XA2A.,,Yco aapcpra; zrqog 4Yawi', cp(CCh6ov, p{)bi &gczotvc, rd'v& rtR zror' z5rtv 6 'Evog. 4,30 histancees of the latter, apparently incontrovertible, are. to he found. See E'lnsi. ad Mled. r55t. and in Class. Journ. XV1. 437. Ini the present inistance, if there were any good reason, one niighit translpose y4'v~rcii 611 ytv-rcat A. B. K. L. T. y4'vsrca Tuirn. Br. &c. 426. d05xratvj 'Ani opinionz.' (Ed. R1. 681. (Yu0'%q~t caymu a yc Ilerod. V1J. 185. (Y6XzqaLV '6E (YEt 2'iyLV. 427. zrot'ap 6rxrjgtv;] 'Opiniion indeed!' Lat. 'Quam tit, mild opinionein nerres?' Enr. Hel. 566. CO' zeovtog 110'(0V a6ig 6a'arog E9 V-ag fI-oici aucqtaprog; Arist. Achi. 62. no00 6Lov Lys. 730. iiro' xrc-v 6ECOV zurxo7rroas~vce. - Toi'cov cleov; 922. rot'cc Vptcs~og; 971. Ran. 529. x u' ToL O~g L6LV E7(LXQ, 7C03. - TIot'OLg #,,oig; Plant. True. II. 2. 29. 'rnnliere~s * i'~~~olo (onvenire vostras. St. Qeas tin mnlieres mi/i narras -? This uise of * ~~7totog 'is very conmmon in Comnedy, hut is scarcely ever found in Tragedy. o ix A. K. L. o iW'1B. T. OVX Q7(C0fvorog] Perhaps oi' &4~oxog V. Ph1il. 593. M7(03favOg ~Elywv] 'Speakinzg on oath.' Cf. 1188. Z~v'. l'cov 'itoro Aj. 1113. si'vs'E opxcov, otact'v?YVEVC0"OTo3. Isacus p. 54, 13. xawi U'vco'9IOTOU XUL' o aoczvr~r. Andoc. 130, 40. 429. lyw' 4caxpxc;] 'I as wife?' Put concisely for?'y1O Efpcwxov &Ysl v TczVziqv dacaqc 'H~ca%~ri; Cf. Arist. Ach. 919. &L1T) 'YUQ EqL7(Q)7G5LEV " TO VECOQOV t. V&XQtOV #frUU'cda oi'pot, vv TQO'7tco; V~esp. 474. '' - ~ )~Oy0~ ~OLqLH 'A~1io. I51 Lacy(; Xo. 'a'6 orov, Gayo~r*Lys. 378. oQVTov y zy r~Ia.~ X.?bIF t v co~rov CO6ia; 529. FhCrvoQ44coCWaaqVt(v av v t &. I HeL. C a rjLc(g; 'YEt0'oV ys )xsyscq &e. Pi. 129.?'yw' VcQ a7r o dU 1 c ac Toy Ao~g rolv' I ttEov 6vpUcgcFVOV. 11. 16-tt ai; Ecci. 763. Ttl 6; ov'XL' 7rfceXV E Totg vpofitat 6EL; - 7(01'01 -atv, ei YV'Taivr; -Toi~ 6E~oyttivotg. - E~oY'Ul-vo[toV; q9QU'gOV - wop(YE, T1q &C.] The usual Attic construction for TQUGOV Ttg0 s 7ror' 1laxly. Cf. (Ed. R. 924. Ohserve moreover c' ~Evog masde to agree hy attraction with xle, rather than with the more remote pronoun xrovdE. Cf. Aj. 1044. El. 163. 1040. and on Arist. Ran. 427. xtx% dyu Z givoOarg E'axly Ucpqpve'1saog (instead of _r3fvEi'ov T'v _'Aviaq~'V1rOr, oartg E'ay'). 430. Tr'v6,Y (o afltered fromt ()) L. oma. 11arl. 431. "AFFr.1 Jij. L. eq ot vul-. Ilerm. Bgk. O' aoi 1L. IDind. Nek. Which seems preferable. V~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~V M I 0 0 1 00 ~ ~ XQ0OKAEO rE 7ro)t~ Ldak/ Zuaa, xot)6 ' v Angiv vodoivrog av~o oi3t 6iaiq9ovog. 435 ZJHIANEIPA. mu~, zo 6s raOi xar' 1"xQ0ovOtrcov rco nxovasv] Perhaps 6jova.l y'. 432 7raa]'Enirey, utterly.' Cf. Aj. 519. h- Go' zrw ya vowo ra.275, xsvtvg xv X '7,,r&g 117'a-rat xax,. Phil. 1311. cog?o~r' avcvj un- TQOi av 'XiOVcU ircs~cv. V' A. Aid. Turn. Br. Herm. Dind. Bgk. xoiX' B. K. L. M. T. Nek. Avdla] I. q. Av(Y 'The Lydian damne', i. e. Omphale. Others, as Bothe, understand Av6YaC of the country so called. It was nlot, Lichas had said, from anger at having been sold as a bondsman to Omphale, that, Hercules had laid waste CEchalia, but from a passionate desire to 105 -sess Jole. I would read xoi' Avd' yvv '. Cf. 70. Avi~n yvvatxtd. 3,56. 433. (pavvi!g] 'Having shown itself.' Cf. 1. Ant. 532. Musgrave proposes apalst' 'frustratus', Wecklein podvog, coil. 353f. 4347. E0vQowirog] U'1cozrog the miss. Corrected by Br. Herm. &c. co dYEGrotv', azoaxr co the mss. Aid. vulg. Br. Heriul. iDind. &c. o 16EoYrotV, E7rtGx 'Tco T. Turn. o arrotvca zaeroqaxoj v. 1. ap. schol. Stepli. Heath. Vauv. co 6YE61roLVa, noar 'rco Musgr. Schol: 7%.Qtaa 7 ro.i zuq~r 'rco, oiov ' 0 O2PQo37rog Gx?'TlO 7tUQEX#60V E1g ~IE6O dvZvGov 0,&XECV u. An. absurd conjecture, owing to an incorrect arrangement of the persons (cf. on 402). Triel:?17rtaev',x, 'r'YOVV 7a9~C Q52c r,r~jco Et; gEdov O'&E 2Eyxon' 1.r. Observe in this line the quasi-caesura at co' d&crotv' as inl 472. 604. 614. 1098. 1100. and in miany other passages. 435. voao~vzu the mss. vulg. voaov-v rt ('menda~x quidpianm') Steph. Cant. voao~vrcc Heath. The sense is rather obscure. Translate: 'for to babble with an insane person (like this fellow) is not the part of a, sensible man'. Or perhaps thus: 'for to trifle with a person iu trouble (as you nouw are from jealousy), is not the part of a sensible man'. Both explanations are given by the schol: vogo~vut dF, "'vrt' xo~ voGoiayq viro ~orvztdcvy ~xQGEVtxCog 6; Ei7t57V. )xa#frov 0, X0o~, itd (t'v a) otri, 66y oavx p.d6vUvYxEtV ofrTo0. To Yup atovo~u~to vp a~tPvce(,Vr avdeo6g EGrIV &C. Cf. 1230. TO P V06L1V aI~rl #V~soi~a~ct xcrxcv. Nauck conj: Xaqpov2Tt 2tproGEZLv. Perhaps rightly. Qu. r' yi~ I ApF~v voaovvxog (e (Or ro, yQI voao~vvog C'UhLV -. Or r6 y7&Q I vogo~vr' EX~yxctv - GcOhp~ovog] 'Sane., sensible, prudent'. Phil. 304. 436. T(Qo' GE B. K. L. T. Turn. Br. 7r0' Gc A. Ald. 7ro GE -Ilerm1. Dind. &e. For the position of GE cf. (Ed. C. 250. 1333. Phil. 468. Mattli. ~. 465. n. 3. And for the omission of UtxsxVvwo or the like see M.onk ald Hippol. 603. O1iueIOV VUcrog-J Read Ot'rcedov ircx'ov. Cf. 1191. 0i'Trj;' Znvp'; vriqi/ cray 7rveyov. TPJA IJ NLII 101 (V yaq ylvwaxt roig AoYovq Eq xacx~j xa(.Ftv Z~cpvxw v otx aoi t.oi 410 "Epcort Pdv vvv 0,irVt (vraviar"Tat z7rqxmI orcmw Fg xa g Oi xa)Ac. (q~ovaU. 2'It0V, ZWCO (Y' ov; xaripag y otczg 4toi. 437. cXaraGcU'7rxoVTo] Ka~atY65retL't~ v is a word of rare occurrence. Wakefield however finds it in Piut. Timol. 28. rev gciQa'3crov Etxv7~rT Ira 70GAonra Xra x a~6TQ(xsT rug OvEtg. Perhaps 9"'tu' (or 7TlVx) arr lor~ ~yov] 'Wi7thhold (fromz me) any word'. Cf. Aj. 188. xIFJ. 7r'rovar pkvsBovg (but in a different sense). Dindorf compares Plat. Rep. V. 449 C. doFig El-'dog 0"Xov oi, ro?2ct, o EynXn~rrctv ('to withhold, omit) roy 10ryov. Or perhaps the sense may he: 'do not falsify lily statements ExxXi7rr~tv xtv"i 'to deceive a person' occurs Phil. 55. 968. Qu. x g' IF41 (or rt' [LE). 439. xC~v*Q(0irrovj ' The ways (the nahtlre) of men'. As r~ce O~jv t a Tlg XV~7jg &C. 440. Tfrarlslate: 'aire apt to deliqh not always in tile sanle thlinfs'. As Euripides says, Orest. 234. ItEra13oX~ 7rrevrrov y?.vxi3. 441 f. Cf. Ant. 781. "Eq~og r'vincirs p&riXav &c. Anacreon ap. Athen. 7 82 A. g 6 17 rQ0 "E Q&)roa 7rv xvaUo tLEv vvv EYost. p. 792, 19. Steph. Cant. Br. &C. ftEV v4~ A. K. Sehiol. A Id. Tutrn. grv..v5v L. pr'. (two letters erased after tc-v appareutly ro) 1.ttv rVV L. corr. ttv o~v B. T. V. Stob. Flor. 63, 24. (so the mnss. trtv yo~v vui1g.). For Itiv vvv Cf. CEd. R. 31. (Ed. C. 943. &c. 442. 7rvrxTrj 0irro~g 'A4s a pzigilist'. 'So 32. y17'qg ir~ Eq X-FQoag 'In con~flict, in figqht'. Cf. (Ed. C. 975.?13 xsiQ~,WXov 7arrrl, mra ncrrnX~avov. Schaefer compares Plint. Thes. 5. Eig XdCt~a r;Ptei#CeL 'rotg SzVari~org. Luciani. III. 353. (06rE xnra dIg XrdQag rivrov ~~v of, rroXot. Compare the Latin 'conserere mantis'. 443. U'QxE rd %at,#E6v] Cf. Ant. 787. Eur. Androm. F r. VII. 6o' r', tO TVQCIVVF #FW2v r8 x"5aVq07rw~Cv "Eewg. Ovid. Epist. IV. 121. 'Qicquid Anlor jitssit, non est contemnnere Otttm~:I ref/nat et ill 5ll/pCr0 j115 ilabet ille deos.' 444. Cf. Eur. Hipp. 439. letg; rt6 roiro #awitta; as4 ro2.otg O3QoTcov. This line is suspected by Nauck. nrarov YE] '-Yes and me too.' Lat. 'adeoqeie mcir.' Sidi. ieQxSL. ys A. K. L. vuig. rF B. Erf. otaci y E~tov- A. K. L. Ald. Tur-n. oW"(Y 4toi~ T. y' oifag l?-toS Concisely put by a common kind of attraction for rotcaVxrjg. YE olci Fy(, Cf. (E d. C. 870 AstNu.39. (YYQ6V TtV&a TCOV )Aaattov Tovtr~ov otovzpp xov ~!vorpc'vrov. Eccl. 465.?nei~vo c~trvo'v roi'Gtv `~)txoidt vicov. Ach. 601. (note) Plat. Soph. 241. aXcelrnv "Qov nra - ot'co YE?11to' 7ravrriircitv aroeov. Synip. 220 B3. ovxrog ro~ 7r"'70v oi'ov &`1vorrrov. Mattli. 1412.X)(POKJI~OT' rof' P(Vlf cn'5%qoiI f.Lrj' 4w? xaxoiv rtvo~. o4x hi'n row' ~t'c'~ v XaA';JV ""Xpaxu'vov IchI ~.473'. a. 2). Qu. x~y'uioi' ys 7TCo 6 ov'; X"'r~Qag y' oci'a ltioi. (After oi thlere is a, stop marked in L.) The force of the yE is otherwise not very appaireitt. This line is condemned as spurious by Wund. (Einend. p. 192 f.) and Hart. 445. 5e3"r' A. B3. L. T. Br. Herm. &c. co' I-. Aid. Turn. The line is om-. in K. wrt 'ttc5 xc'iv8 B. L. vuig. Txo' 'lxco v UV,6Qt A. T. Seidi. Dimid. Hart. Sehn. Bgk. Nek. ("RDespondent sibi particulaC TE- '" says Dind.) Tr~G ~ 'Y' cav(Yt Erf. zr5' tt~ y av,6t Schaef. Erf. The particle zt' is evidently not suitable here, and rcogqe rav~eQ" is ungrammatical. I therefore prefer rcic 68pt'~q. (Deianira, speaks as if inclined to make allowance for Hercules, as being her husband.) Possibly the y' of the prec. v. belongs here. Perhaps xr-fvcp rU666'~ (603. 60e'qqi' Ixmdvca ra'v(Qt'). Or thus: cogr', i rm" V, 0y~.~I - Or er' ixiru5re 6E Vo060 7roC&t Zr~cp#Evrt -. Cf. Arist. Lys. 223. xiov'65'ro' cIQXOiocz v 6iL oTi CO t i CO 7t. As regards the orthography of the, words TeV dQC'T xeic,U analogy would require us to write rather rco'vflQ' T&)'tto, and similarly > tE~ue &-c. But in such uncertain matters we must be content to follow tradition.,rridE r~j v6iwq 1?qqpaPFvrt] Cf. Ant. 732. Toti&3& 11irEi'~rrrcat (xroii~d y' ~i'.?) v O'g(. 1 0 52. rc q~cz V' g V' o i~vov(e qoeq' -7TZ1Q Fcpvg. 732. Arist. Lys. 1110. xrj~ eTj 2J~rpavrEg tcyyt. Incert. ap. Phil. Mlor. p. 57 E. &vG~rQu~t'V Znqp#t'g. 446. tiEttzrx5g Eillt] I. e. t4toiuiqp~a. V. Pors. ad lece. 1125. Cf. (Ed. C. 1031. and on El. 484. Eur. Rhes. 327. iaztio11Pipo El rpt~oi. In lik~e manner?Vlr'onTrog is active Ear, flee. 1121. 7rtGmO'g (Ed. -C. 1031. xa~zvxrrog' Ant. 1011. (op~3roxg Tr. 538. (Y,uqpW7tnxog Aj. 689. "U'iuxzrC A~,sch. 1Pers. 1069. For the active signification of such verbals cf. on E(Ed. H. 969. 447. texitartmc A. vulg. ttcx' cdriie (co supr. a co. rec.) L. ITTh B. K. T. tu 'r' cdxrt(o Trn. in. arg. Cf. 1234. co- fecdi. 448. xoi3 ~vjkq4v OfXpoV the mss. vulg. u'tio ucrj6F~v at'gXqoV (!) Hart. The common reading cannot surely be right. To5 1min~i'v cdet'Xo5 cain hardly mean ttcd~v'gv cduaxeoj, nor can the position of the words allow of the construction -ry-frE ttiErartii roy GZ~xoV, vni i ile,sI satisfactory sense. Qn. tn~6Eiv xcino5 ron, tuna,?ieto( Y' cdeYxQo5 rtV03. (Cf. Tr. 773. royv oi'(YEv cit"rtov -. Or tlrj~r o V-v - tt r'- Or a,V og rov tt.~ Or cdaXQOvJ cpczvetan ttq6'c'Vog xciod ZorE. Or pqirj 4toi A. B. L. T.",?io K. 449. 4m xmEivov] Schol: 7rtye' 'H-Qcni1oE0V. 450. 4nat ev] 'Lessonz.' a cv-1vms Qu. tta#v y 461. acnrog iivTO'v A. 1-3. T, Ald. Turn. Br. Dind. &c. tyivro'g cicro'v B. corr. K. L. Bergk. and so Elmsley (ad Heracl. 144. 814. Bacch. 7212), contrary to the T PAX I NI 1, 1$ I ( 1-1 F' d7rip 7rev rrlna~ co FVa)h 96) Of-EV&!,i x"At1tV~5a~t xflQ Z9tQO'E4Tll Ov ak ozgM Aq6Eg oiM rooro yt'ywrt-ru 455 ZiOAUAo~ ya, oig ipu t, o(' Wa&OV6 4igoC. xd1 IIE6 &g6otxag, oi, xCCAo5g x3q rg, b~rA r3 4' a,gv a 'r( &tvov; oi'' xr'T E.aEa opinion of ancient grammarians (Lex. Seg. p. 467. ~27.). Cf. on (Ed. C. 853. 930. (Ed. R. 138. Matth. Cr. ~. 489. Qu. du a' UV~ avrhF~vT - yEv~o6Dra] Perhaps v~t~a~cac, or "&ysa~cu, 'to be deemted.' 03rF#T6E axt c~g] 'You will appear bad' (false, 347. 368.). I. e. by saying what is false, to avoid causing pain, your conduct will have rather the opposite effect. Cf. Ant. 709. ov~rot &'t rv4tv#re' cc4h71aav xv (Ed. R. 509. 6ocpbg copT#h7. Theodect. Stob. Eel. I. 3. 22. ocav 6i1 rpev Qce*6OJGv, o'p#vEg xa-xot' rt'vovat 7roLva'. Brutnch compares Phaedr. I, 16. 'Quicunque turpi fraude semel innotuit;I etiamsi verumi dicit, anmittit fidem.' Cf. also on 1075. 453. co' -~ sta~pecet om. K. 454. xij 7xqoGEGztv S ncd4] 'Is a disgraceful stain (lot) attaching to himz.' Schol: x 'Q tFLg xX2Qog, trtoQc, ri',X. Cf..,Esch. Ag. 206. P3a9W 06i X rp T p'tv 7rLThIG4at. Plat. Legg. XI, 449 D. rotg ir)Edarotg (YVXOJV OlOv %~Qi?T7rLtEqpV~xaGLV. Phil. 477. 0"vEtdog oS xaov 42. But the expression sounds a strange one. Qu. xnq~ov' oS xa~n' v "'~ (or ovx FIXt xceX 'v). Or - y' 'Ax' ovst~og oS xde~v. Or Oac~tg 1axiv oiJ xc~ j. Or thus: qvdEi %)IVEtV 7rqoGE16Tt flc~tg SV ncz? 455. Cf. (Ed. Ri. 407. 6Fi' 6' - o zcgr roS~ #EOF ttavxr! cQt6rai bA6ortnv, v~`6r axozritv. Below 458. 455. 1 astg A. B. T.?Xr 'rjq (sic) K. L. Ytyvsrat A. L. ytvsrat B. K. T. 456. zroUo't yceQ -] 'For they are many to whomi thou didst tell it.' Supply Elaly. Cf. 423. 458. zo' t? 7rv#Fa~at, ro,~so -] For Tofiso thus added by way of emphasis cf. Phil. 912. 1v7rqQL~c~g 6E L'I2 Trtcno GE, Pdx~ov ro~r' c'vtl3 --tLa L;rcd'at. (Ed. R. 407. (Ed. C. 504. 639. Fr. 94. 1. 6rELvov YE TOV3,tLc2' 6v~aEPE~i1 xczxov 5' cn7ro I ~aovscg, FITIc rovmG,6 tt~v -zpC aiEv xAczXc~,&c. 8. soz, q ' ovscgU,1xo~ c r4ov,Gs,6e - slvuv. Arist. Nub. 1263. s( 6' aasrtg Elpt, so~ro Po3tEa#' E16ivat; Xen. Cyr. I. 6. 16. soS 7&Q fLe xcipv Itv 6rpasrc vflcx xovsov Got 6E~ tkpl~tv. Plat. Eryx. 17. re yc!Q x erccrt 7ro. {rscwofo stvc. x rosv.Arist. Th. 149. %QJJ ycp 7totiqscv vc48QU 79o~'g Vse dQUqwsc1, I a W~ 7MLELdV, nrtog ravsac Toeg s~r~oer' F'Zstv S. Matth. Ev. XV. Ii. a6 8lXiroQFV01FVoV hV soV crcOtMTog, sof)ro XOUVOt TV Uv~qoz7ov. Plant. Capt. II. 3. 54. ' Ta meminisse, id gratum est mihi.' Apitz omits the comma usually placed -,after irv#lc'a#x, comparing,66. Qu. To' ttq scv#F1caca ttUoi (or ttofvov) &Xeyivivr pt' 'aV. 45.X~yQ'pa B. K. L. Z' asn'qce (sic) A. T. &c. I () I.2000 K. 4 (ul)j9 I 11q~j'fi~~ii XOj7~OJY TIE tr 'c oi X r'~LO mWyo xcxovEt 460. 7r?.Etragc - ~yqt 64J] The Schol. instances Meda, (or 'Midcica) dlaughter of Phylas, Auge daughter of Haleas, Megara daughlter of Creoii, Astydarnea (laughter of Amyntor, and the (laughters of Thestinls. ts~~~17Q ]~ 'Most for one 7nan.' Matth. Gr. ~. 461. LEd. C. 563. 7r~ix"ar Uvrj Q 7rt, ~;q >'ieau xtvvvEsi.aT'. CM~. Pt. 1380. nc'taTr cUVr Q? ys cig 'P3cg rgarpEt'. Eur. Her. 8. ru~vwov ise /LE~O~V 5~ cV1J 'Heax~ h,. Or. 733.;rXE 'orovg 'AXacdwv (na.rpsv 7yvv q ttdcy. Rhes. 946. xcar?. zr2.r~ov U~v6Q' E~vu?2,90vra. AEsclh. Pers. 333. srtg aV]q 7ct~i76r02 rovoV I?%43Qotg Z 7CQuaZoJv Ev%~c6 `7c).S-o. Herod. VI. 127. og brl nx2Etexov 6' W& ) avrje cU7rnsXro. Thuc. VII. 56. VIII. 68. Xen. Anab. I. 9. 22. Mc3pc 7rtera E rg ' cav~'?24~'ttcevEv. IX. 12. Blomnf. Gloss, ad Pers. 333. Lob. ad Aj. 1328. Connect zt'excag 6i ' cf. Aj. 994.). Bcrgk thinks )vJQg Erg unworthy of Sophocles, and contends that hie wrote~ UV7~t; comparing the Schol: XLA~g cavrv~eovg 7ra#C'vovg. Etym. M. 108, 5. caV4QUt, czVOWVQOVg, 1J ')QCr4?7 7taQ9rVOVg, Cog~ ~Lcp,7H 462. qvE'yxcx'] 'Got, earned.' Cf. El. 968. EV tv- oi'eup. T6E ' Sc. oilx U~v lviyxcwro (or oinx oi'GErca) ovm~og. Schol: oi'&\ 7 io o~7 vEtdt6# qET~t~ oV Et ULy~3 cvrrjg EQq/0fQ~(1~ the ellipse ef. El. 365. ri~ a~g 6' ov,% c?Qc3 uivn- TXEvy-i oI' 01 )v6 "o 6 (se. 'Q~ 0 e~ 'oee Phil. 115. 948. Eur. Iphi. T. 1368. xrt~vot' rr yaQ a(1rjpov oix1 rVvXo%' ci~xr(e 5 ri'zottv). Arist. Ecel. 390oi'&')vyc qttfo~ vivV Ao C aV; - IT#. o&"6' (Sc. U`V re c 3 ) d Ir~x' or,xr ro 6Eirrov &c. Nub. 5. of' S olnxcat Qf-YROVULV "W?2. oi~x c6v IQo' roiK Schaefer and others rightly remove, the comma, after r'. R-eiske conj: 45r y', o55,' ""v ri1 -. 11art: oiS' ajse/', n( 5' ~)v -.Qu. 556- "' V 7,1E y', t -. Or o i'6 "' ~v q"'a F, xs - Or thus: ~v,,yxa r' oi ~V ""S y', ovW UV Et' Zotga (4,vt~og being perhaps ai gloss on X0'yovxc ).O zryca' oPx 2vL t6E as ''a)tro~- Or I r'vyxaT', o 38' vvv 5. ' rj V', oeS UV 463. are'r Fvcexsb r65 qtWsi`V] 'Wkere deeply inmbued with love.' The figure is borrowed from metals, which, when liquefied and poured uponj or into any thing, as lead into stone, adhere firmily. El. 1311. ttidaog rs, V~Q 7rcd~t0'V?V~irr'Xi1a ftt. Fr. 678. Fvxa'%Trt (O "EQcog) 7rvEvttov60 w o~,,'t pX' Lucian. Peregr. 22. roaoixog EQfo~g -rjg 647 Fvr;T?7rv "VvTp. Compare the phrase Uxyada~cd tvi. But what is the subject of the verb gv~rc~a( Itshulaccording to the plain construction, he Iole;an such it is taken to he by Apitz. Dind. &c. But the, question is, not of lole being enamourcd of Hercules, but the reverse (489); in flhct it was her personal attractions that proved her ruin (4615). I therefore think it lpreferable, notwith-standing the awkwardness arising from the sudden change of person (which changes however sometimes do occur, e. g. 195.), to understand this clause with the ancient Scholiast and Tricliniuls of Hercules Qu. 1rxc6rnri,6c rpntriv (Eur. Or. 560. 4,,rn%6ttov yo'otg). Or 1vrar(t j Sty p?.JJ. Orrath raxEL77 rW ' Qcov. Or h7trvcpdtq (Arist. Lys. '221.) -. After 'vraF[(n two letters (apparentlx' ro) are effaced in L. TP,4XINlIJ 105 I (11 —) &)XU~( ()/ 'AtL5(yt qo 2Qf/,4'(Wad ort xc' y~o alcrT g e 'v O ' ~xvw 610,R6o, o 96rwc Xa'T, ol'QOV, '5t4't2N p Co xax'4 Z90 (dAOV EltV~L 7l~Og 4 4t O' & va~tv a'd. X0P022. ztfto ~ )A&oV ~ X 61ra, zo PE ~ vOM, 470 yvv~ ~~V T x 9r' 4to xr Yi uXm c - q1) xg cotv, turd xvt v6 hv 464. Th~ pLI6c"tar] I. e. j~tca2tara b4 So 8q 7r&'U', for iroa' aq, 153. 465. Cf. 25. Ear. Hld. 304. ceC ttriv yc' ffUcet Ta ro xaog E1)Vx~tq yVVCeVNEg,?flc~ 6' cevro' TOMx "rrO)'xCYFV. 467. E"7rsEpa] I. e. 'caused to be devastated qfc.' 4168. Q~srco flx' oi3~ov] 'Let these things speed on wit/ia fair wind'. ~sch. Sept. 696. Izrs' r6' 7rgiyaac nx~ ' hct7rpEt& #,FOg i'rco xarx o?-'OV xnia c Ew xvrov M.ceyv -7 ircv rx' Aut"ov ys'VO. 836. yo'cov - nat' oVQOV?-'Q~E6Esv idtrv).ov. Pcirs. 473. xat' ov~ov ovn 5vnoatov ai'govxa I rp v y'v. IE d. Ii. 1458. Ear. Andr. 5054. Tro. 419. Horn. Od. (3'. 429. i6 ' E"#rpv xatci~ X~re. Ilerod. IV, 110.?c p EQOvro Xy ncxc vftc x(a) cevs~ov. II. 96. ra' irl2oi~a ncra' QOVxojke~rat. IV. 163. UO7rsEt~rs1X OV~ov. VII. 36. Perhaps ilrco Ov" QOV, as in the passage of 2Eschylus. And so reads Natick. Cf.. 817. oioogo O'qp#-e~tiOvI avtyrq yivo~tr airo#v F'Qrov,0g nao]'False, deceitfnl.' Cf. 347. 452. Horn. Li. a'. 295. "")Hoiacv 6bj 46. 'Q Wov ilvcaj Qtt. ivE7 g "Aovg. 6' i~t A. K. L. &Q tt' B. T. 470. mrdtlov the inss. v~ilg. prob. Kvic'. 7rie9'oij Dind.. Nek. Fyo ey].~Jyovut L. pr. (corr. cad. in.). nov IL ti it Xeovro1 'And never after will you have reason to find fault with (to blame,) her.' Cf El. 1044. 1?riv~Ei6ct 14E 1057. A commfa is rightly put after XQO'vc by Br. Hart., none hy Ilerm. Dind. Wand. Schn. The construction is irc~ov yvvatn~xt & rqoY iyoveyn %Q)tnO dustXO (vix) That y~vvcanx rxjj6, cannot refer to the Chorus is clear from what. follows, nc('tr' 14Co' &c. X90vio] 'After a time, hereafter.' I should prefer trorgF. 472. &lZ'X] 'Well then.' 6a- ttavU'&vc A. B. K. L. a-'?nxtav#Uv~co T. Turn. mnarg. 473. Cf. Fr. 515. #vqrr'jv 6F" qilatv %Q1 #vqrce qp~ovE V. Ear. Ale. 802. ovt g 6.' #vsqxoV' #vq~T, Y nc' cpqoviiv XqFCOV. Fr. linc. 139. #v?7t', 6'' Cj9QOVit,~. # 5nU` he#C V. Venl. cYyvojt ova] 'Unreasonable, inconsiderate, nnfecling.' The opposite t anyyv~iw (.. hsc- ) 'kind, indulgent, lenient.' Cf. 1'267. Schol: I ( 16 1 6 ~~~~~~XQPOK- IF0)Y~. rca'! Iaf (ffQOu ) TC~q~4FrJ O'6F~ Xqv4'-oWuf Ki'' o9 oV7C0',), COO)7r(. ovrog u'vuruv. 17. rPrijr~ 0 6 IrvS, QO' zro4' FIHcotAci c~vv,-vrov. lBekk. Aneed. 1. 334. "ayrw6toveg. ot xU'AOYV()107LOVT~,. 1)imldortf and others take this as an accusative singular, understanding it of Deia — niira herself, with the ellipse of oi'acv. So &Ed. C. 56. Ooig~ rF xc(Y'uor' 71 a~~~ (yvouovag. Dem. p. 546. royv ovrco~ 03,oy, Toyv ovTo)g a" VCJ tLoviy. p. 1403. &c. But I prefer with Hermann and Wunder, considering it as neuter plural, there being evidently a marked opposition between 0*~a and &YyvcO'fuovaz. So Lucian. Abdic. 24. 7rcivT "'rcwtv "ye~ 7rt~tF!,, o'V E?5Tv Uis zQ~o~zt ttsr' 1xV0,"?~5~, x~r/j~vc. Similarlv Aj. 1236. ~rol'ov ck~yczg av8Q0g c v Epr~Peovu; AEsch. Sept. 392. VTrEQcJ9QOVcg Xo6yovg. Ag. 1401. xQA~qIov'a ~'ax 474. xpvottat] 'Will I keep to myself (~conceal,?w/ilhwld~) it.' Cf. onr Aj. 647. U~zcev O' X5 - Qv o g qv5 V'-tx'(Y cC6> v.c %aZ' rp a v vr c QV'7rrTfZUI. Dem. p. 342, 6. qpQa~co 7ro vpa xcy o~vx ajroxqv~poact ort -. Isoer. Or. XV. ~. 47.d Et a' Srj~otnv SiV' - rI (,roi'; Uyovg) ca2).' 5"roVQ~troC5vog qrczvH~fv.. 105. ov' 1xziroxQvi7rroft~c 7rQOq VttLCg.~.l. Or. XI. ~. 2. ze' 64 rovg ct,1oVg - OC0QW1VZ(YL#U. 476 f. The real cause of the capture and destruction of G~cbaliat wats that Hercules might avenge. himself on Eurytuis for his refusal to give7 hrini his laughter Tole in marriage. V. Diodor. IV. 37. Apollod. II. 7. 7. Schol. ad Eur. Hipp. 545. The capture of C~chalia was the subject of an Epice poem, by some ascribed to Creophyluis, by others to Homer. 476. 5' dstvS'g i'tsQog] 'A strong desire', lit. 'the (desire which is strong.' S o Aj. 649. 6' 8nvo'g oQxog. 312. r& a '' 8FI 1rqirsi1'ijc F"7rri. 659. ogT dlEv,%arQE'Qovv TO'TE. 10.r iv'rk 1226. ra' PI,,vr' Qqjfara. Ph. 504. Tr'e &(tv' 'Q&~v. Ant. 408. r& 8Ftiv' ExE~v'?7q7 mt X~qu FroI (E d. C. 1392. rS 6etv'v uf6og.,Esch. Sept. 283. r'v ~iiyc7v rq5'7ro. urPh 1,S -. 04 rc' 6FtvC' r~1' F'rpvoQt(~, nt5)lE. Arist. Ran. 7496. xavrce~Ocz 6i'q r& 6Ctv ( a rx? x~~~ a. 88. viv yUQ )eyco Gorptrcg 0 aS a X(o(FEI -. Wakefield renders it: 'ille ainor vehienens' (mentioned 354). 7ro~a 'HQixxlJ] Perhaps rO'v o0'v iroatv, or royv 6'amiro9v ('IIqaxi~ heaving crept in from a gloss). 'HQCMYXZI A. Ald. Turn. 'Hqcax~si B. K. L,. N. T. We should probably write IIHea( a, to be pronounced as a trisyllable, by synizesis, as'Olve — 6E'c Aj. 104. 'HQtyx2J however is probably rightly read Arist. Thesin. 26. v~ xov 'HqaxX.i. Cf. on Aj. 390. &H~x? I#E0] 'Thrilled through Hercules.' Cf. Phil. 743. 6tiqXErat, &4Xtrc (sc. q' 0'8%vi7). Tr. 717. Aj. 999. Eur. Suppl. 286. x& 7L(Q 6yLXQQ Ut. Fr. Inc. 186. iroXX~CC'zt 'tot d6z'&ov &iti#E cp~ovri'g. Herod. IX. 3. "Ule' Oe ciuyoQ?yiaraTXTO i'g~pog. Plat. Phaedr. 251 D. Crat. 419 E. Above 368. Ei'irsQ 1vxsO1'QtMVTCU irSco. Nauck would read ~Hqcexl)i Et',gi?~#F. Probably rightly. Cf. 298. Fr. 678, 9. nci,xErax ~t frl (KS'7rQtg, Z',tpog v. 4) L[fiVO3xv z2cr6cx y1Crvet. Perhaps H WSex~la I V'~eh- (Ear. Med. 57. qt'FQog it v~tijl#c). Or'HQU%1X 1'g Z iro' ~tQog I 8iL~MF. Or r oc a7EoOEt EUWGL~4R. 477. xal ~c' Perhaips vyai rijacl'. These two particles arc often confounded. Or raTi' or xav'rc;. ni'vqx' O~vvc-' vulg. Nauick too reacds c?'vEX. 1- - T P/1X I N 1,/1 1. I (G' '+t i','j z TP/IX!IV). Io/Il. I a a, ye X XLt TO(, Zq(QO XH"VolPAY 0 VT UZEXqY~r-.t,,,,,.qv',.'qzr~ I tL q afErqvov acAY~VoV~ TOW&C To!'; A0,ro(, C~ M qT OV' Tt 41j ~TW T T(Wcttn~a v Jo i. 7rO~Vq0aQOg]' Destroyed, ruzined, dev)astated.' Put proleptically. Cf. El. 10. 7ro2.Vq~oeov 6(J~cc H7 -ontdiv roh(s. Fr. 499. 2Escb. Prom. 651. 7roJ~vqF#P'QoVg rxrca. Sept. 926. ~EVOV TF 7rrVvcov (ZroW~V?) lox{'a~z iro).Vrp'94oVg?V 6aic. Pind. N. V111. 52. 1v 7roavqp#JOQotg C'~tE'Qcz. Isth. V. 62. 478. 7rcetQc5og O04al21a] Cf. Ant. 937. ol y~~ 0 @r~3j &axv zarcevpov. (E d. R. 1450. (Ed. C. 297. 757. For =rrcr~og qu. yi j ncrpit ((Ed. Pi. 6-11). 6oQc' the rnss. vuig. Hermi. Schn. Hart. Bgh. doqs Dhid. Wund. Nek. Cf. on 233. (Ed. C. 620. 479. To rTQo'. 'A~sivov] 'What is in his favor.' Perhaps xc' Tt -. Cf. on (Ed. Pi. 1434. 7ro' aoi~ yixQ, oi'8' Euio-, q9Qc'aco. Arist. Vesp. 647. l ttqO?r~og 211~ yovrt. Pint. Hipp. maj. 285. 60%Et&g 7CYQ fLOL TO)' A0oYoV 7rQcOg E?~o~ Jyu,,v. Herod. 1. 75. da1t'CZ 7rQOg FcOVTov TOV' XQn~GUOV SLIY1. 480. ovr'x' qvi~Tl 'Nor did he den it.' Schol: oUTS, XQ?jrT(TSL) ~ioi. o~'H~a%)~ v, o"-rs, lt'v (,u7'?) 0'vo~oyrFv. Whence we should perhaps read ox'r a1rayevF~aOc (EITZ,,s), in this sense: 'IHe bade inc neither conceal it, nor (if chargqed with it) deny it.' But the position of tim words ocr UZE XQV7(TS(t (for og~re xpVirT~tV EMPr) is r-ather against this view. Wunder explains: 'he neither directed me at any time to conceal, nor yet lorbade mnc (so to do).' But af7ruQv)'sia'9at (loes not mecan 'to forbid.' 482. U'yivot~k] Qti. k)yv'vcafu. 483. Cf. Phil. 1235. zoreroc 6 St" cV ) sYE1 rd;j NE. d X ToftrjGtg E1GTt Ta~tiqrj X,7Ev. Esch. Prom. 1014. vogot-r' a)V, F-U I2oaIthCe To?'g IIQXOQOVQ 6TV}'EiV. El U Tn~d'h attacQUW'1V 'If yout consider this at all a fault.' The denionstrative pronoun is mnade to agree by attraction with (tcqaQrt 0 tV. S o Aj. 114. En7tudq rE'pLtg 1E got TO oQ.Pi.6.~ vjqv ixovrsg xIV' oan'l11ov. Ant. 320. Nog M'kqu 6&ov?xrsc:pvxs' aT. Arist. Nub. 201. ~arpovofdlcz fLEV LSVqtfl. Vesp. 858. 7,6,6% ~ rt'g Eauv; oivx2t, izprvQc; Herod. II. 124. xcov V'o yrijv otXn~tarccow, rag EitEs-ro #17co~ uc~ar6o. IV. 65. raTTVrv Ucv8Qceycat~rjv Aiyov-r,,. So in Latin, 'ident velel atquc nolle, ca dennun firma ainicitia. est.' Tacit. Germ. 42. 'caqllc Germnaniac velutt frons est.' Cic. Ep. Fain. V. 16. 'in quia (mnorte) si resideat sensuts, imimnortalitas illa potius qeiam, mors dutecuda est.' Qu. -1 6'. Cf. 27. dt 6~ x'.ct,1&. Or,4`7rs~ - vEPvtg] 'Deemest.' I. q. yottri Et. Cf. (Ed. 1R. 1080. (Ed. C. 879. Aj. 1331. 484. -?zit' yE ttEv Th' -3 This combination of particles appears to inc decidedly faulty. We find indeed yE ttEv 6' El. 1243. Ear. Rel. 1259. IEsch. Ram. 397. &c.; hut nowhere else, I believe,?'nrs( yE gELv 4j or zt yF, at least in Attic Greek. Cf. on Ant. 19233. b7rs{ys' 1 (which is also faly). I conclude therefore that the passage is corrupt. Wakef. couj.: 7 F I — v Tl -. Z-1- M C. 1 1, i: i J- x 11 I I =- VI -U-An -.1 I 0U1 ~X0POA~ /1 FOir1 W1t (5TQYE3 rqip' yvvalcca za't 13ov'Aoi')v y~ coig rati.X~VO qcir Y15Jl'O,ov zIHIA4 NEIPA.&YA' 66 xdt qpovoigEv &A),r,6 rcijrg Aq~v 1 cY E -g. v Qu. 1rseyourcu 6hi 7rc"vx 'asracat?w'yov. Or Ebrti b' vi,4 6h Or ~?zvt zcra ivv N -. Or i'xstg ro' ICQa-yte (Ph. 789. ro 7rQtryf~e)~ irr'v' -.Or Et -r' 7r&v l6. r' x.Or E~cT rC.- Or [Z7tirvT' tg C f. 8 76. Aj. 480. irc'vr' U'xIpxoag.o'yar. Ai-t. 402. Ph. 1240. 485. x&'vov rs xat ga'v X(c'tv] 'Both for his sake and yours jointly.' So Aj. 1174. %nJttag ittug xct th. (Ed. C. 606. rt cvimv.(Ed. 1-1. 620. r&' roi6z'ie p'v - zrc',u 6'. Tr. 1068. rovtur'v - ')j' XvLtVKg - t~g A,'sch. Pci's. 165. To JccQr~oe XrE nGj orVxvov Evaarrj9tov. Earn. 663. XQ0q~ttoVg rovg 4toag T.- xui Jto. Eur. Hel. 143,5. 1L4EVceLov 'E1ICVrjg xu& ttov. IHec. 891. xczZi' a' &vcza'ac - GOV ov x "Mar~ov )7 EL2v7 %QU)0g. Tro. 432. tU'a&U xat tlevi~v v. Phcen. 769. Yo~ rE xi'v x' F'gq'v zC1.iv. 1:74. TovtLov XEF x~ rove. Arist. Ran. 964. yvcoast 8E' ogrov' XovT rtE xattovg.~X(YT,.QOV ttYnag Xen. Bier. VI. 2. flotv?7 '7C[#rVttL rCU XE " tn 7rc(YvoV~r0. So in Cicero (Ep.) 'tuanm et TotNia' valetudinein.' A commna isptafter xetv in T. (wi;th gl. Fs-'iov). G; v -- XaQ1v] 'F'or your sake.' Aj. 1413. X,)V GV S',X(O X(Qv Plat. Phwdr. 234EF. aey O)Xwe~,o 05xcQv g v. Fur. Ijpl1. T. 566. xax-qjg ye vri~~to~ (Y%~QV (~Ero).O. Cress. Fr. 11. 'y CQtv Gr'v 7rcz!t6Yg oil x arc x7TEvj. Aug. Fr. 11. xa' gov4IvrEtv ycip qh7t10vg?'1iqv XceQ(v. 486. xatd 65xieyt T,)v ye~vui'aj 'Both bear with the wonman,.' The Yxci' seems superfluous. But see on Phil. 1412. Qu. yvvaixr -rVSF or,5yi7. 487. igT 'sv& 'As-regards her-'. lundo 'F'irnly, unalterably.' The sense is: lie, willing to leave noaltered (do not alter) what you have said ini respect of ber. Qu.?~goe' -is Nauick also and Dind. read; aud for cipv.q.~rnve.Cf. 827. Tf6' O'Q#OJg i~t~c xarovp~(,cr, (Ed. C. 1674. Ph. 1197. Ant. 169. 488 —9. These two lines are suspected by Bergk. Dind. Nauck. lDindaorf calls them 'versus inutiles et jejuni.' T1he connection of the discourse wvould certainly proceed well enough without them. Bergk would place them after 478. Wakefield compares Milton Par. Lost VIII. 531. 'in ailt enjoymnents else Isuperior and unmoved; here only weak Iagainst the charm11 of beauty's pow'rful glance.' T7r"VT ceQt~riEV~oV XEQOtv] For ZEQoLS qu. soQ'L (60opc), or XEQi` Cf. Ant. 195. zr'vr' r'Qtrcxvecig (Yogi (xcqt L. corr.). Aj. 1300. 6arQ(YTo T"' zpQCT' aptaT,V6(Ytq. 435. Cf. also on 517 helow. 489. o Ty ieSo FQC~rnog - 776omv] 'Conquered by his love for this inaid.' Arist. Nuh. 1081. i5Trcv F(WCoX tout -nut yvvase0)v. Uccg 'a~9] 'In all respects, altogelther.' Eur. Phmcn. 1655. Et'ag ev -ra (Vvarvxqig E~pvg. Hipp. 80. To' GC~q)QOVEev Ei~?7yEv Ig T (' 7ru'v# fl% TPAXINALA.1) ziovrot 'V06()V1 y "7Waxr()1!9CV,,~~,,*O &59 %Q Z96Qt p XO~t TC(VT ayJ~' EV0V a POXU(~t 495 Xca)q2v zohzAfto6fW C07&, (5'v zro)Ac 65ro2'o. Arisi. Ran. 960. GooP59 7' &Vij'na x ~ LEvOg g ra~ z vra. Vesp. 1102. Th. 532. PI. 273. Esch. Prom. 761. Perhaps Elacazaa 'for once, this once 491. %osvxot vo'Gov y-]Cf. (E d. R. 629. ov"rot xcexog y aqxovrog. (E d. C. 650. El. 763. Natick neednessly conjectures xov~rot v -.11 V060oV - Z?7axlro'] 'A foreigqn trouble, a trouble from without.' Schol: T1)v azortXctav. Ezaxroiv Yi'?CVMrcda cUVrt' TOi U'a r'es'ToV - TO Yp eo t~orc qP1X4.ovuXs~v #Cotkac~sv klrtv &vz'VrLQvg. Hesych: 17raxro'v. F`'co#Ev ov. Eur. Hipp. 318. ~t(v?4 17raxrnov 7t)ThtO2vb9 FXqOv 'rLvog; Phoen. 3439. Philemon Fr. Inc. 42. ov'r' &xUo Toto~ri' oi'dlv ear' cvurot~g xcaxo~ r ~Ilrcxrov. y' add A. B. T. om. K. L. M.,Ecsaovf'ttJ9a V. T. Ven. Musgr. Vauiv. IferM. Dind. &c.?'~tQov'ttc~ A. 13. K. L. vuig. Vauv: ',adsciscenus.' Muisgr: 'auqjebimus.' The common reading appears suspicious. Qut. ciz~' (X'oV'tta. Or rather a'qorlrra#' Or xcov"rot v~oa'Gqt' - &i(W ' oi'trrEc. Or thuLs: xov~rot vcaov Trv' EN.To43gv y' &'qoiVrstEa. Cf. on Aj. 75. 129. 492. #Eoi'at dvalieqoivrrg] 'By maintaining an nne gnal contest wit/i the gods.' Cf. Ant. 1106. 'v~x 6" oiy 'v IFg~ Frte a plural 6'vGataoi;vTsg applied to a woman cf. El. 399. Matth. Cr. ~.436, 4. Ei'dJ aV7r QLSott5v] Cf. (Ed. R. 1515. &"'W Li'aL GT'2~ tc.Bu * El~'. 1392. &aeysrar -tGCa GTEYcg (o6T'Y'qg?). ESao~ the miss. H-erm. Dind. &c. ic'aco Br. &c. Cf. on 202. * ~~~493. U)ycav -?=Gtroha] 'Oral commands.' (E d. C. 1601. A.J. 781. 494. Schol: oircog CCv avirC- lrag' nrcoV %o~Utyn vxhoVU Xat% GI' 7rqo~geupou0zt] 'To suit, adjust.' I. e. to mnike a suitahie return for his lpresents. The expression is the more appropriate here, from the present in quiestion heing a gnrment, intended to he applied to the person of Here. 495. xsvo'v B. Jnnt. II. Col. Tuirn. &c. xrLvo'v A. Ald. Jint. 1'. %x1 — 2'OV (snpr. E over Ei a mn. rae.) L. %Etvov T. xotv~v V. xcariv.v others. Cf. Hom. Ii. P3'. 2-98. caladev Trot &'fqov zr Jts'QVCLV %xsv ov rsV'E~t (Ed. C. 1202. ov &'%xata] 'It is not right.' The plural is often thuis uised, where we should expect the singuilar. Cf. 1116. d,3cata. 851. 86rGXQ1Ta. Ai. 886. axfrlta. 1126. 6'4%am. Phil. 524. e'I6%Qa. Ant. 576. Xaa 576. 6'v — doytt~vca. El. 33t. x,,vc.,Esch. Prom-. 205. ca)ystvff. Euir. Hipp. 2(69. aa~w Phicn. 391. U~vopra. Iph. A. 331. ov'Xt 6'stvc; Arist. Lys. 14~2. XaXE~rc. Hlerod. 111. 82. cU'dzva'ra. Thuc. I. 125. cW6Vvarcz. 496. 7rpoasX9dv#' oi8E61's v 7roXI?.c a5~3d) 'After having come with so numerous a train.' Cf. 226. Phil. 547. 7r2Jcov Y&p Cog vc ra~rjoq oi iroXWc5 rO'ko, I ]I,) I Ill ~~~~.Q(0KkALC) IuZ (;' 0 T kj. xz Uco,'Kgovi av cc'd 0 0 0V6EN rO'v iiVVIVoV ",avtc1 I Iloawyacovc. rwaxrT0u ytda 497 -530. The Choruis descant on the miighty power of Love, as shownt in the influence it exercises not only over the gods, but over mortals: thre truth of which latter assertion they exemplify by the sharply couitested conflict for the persoii of the beauteous Deianira between the, two riv:d suiitors Hercules and. Aehelous. Cf. Ant. 781. "EQ~og clv'xczxrT paLaX - Thiis passage is albludedl to by Plutarch Mor. p). 7,59 E. rzat'vot a~ya P.-r ( TI7) au#~;vog a' K627rtQIgXt1T( vtX('xa 7 co jg Pqt %at Zwo%~0.Zjg. 497. tF'ya rL] Cf. Arist. Vesp. 1454. ~ ~td&ya zT15I6,Tcd TL, aq~EVog-vl1ag] Cf. (Ed. C. 1088. G7tt~oai91su (al. '0,v T1v1 xrby ais. AVI. 12. X ~,?7'cVOVd V tf1Y0~ f 60oXdv, vtxrig. schol: aQ,"Pog Viitqjg 7iFQTt LpcwrxJg rtIV TXqV. ferm: i mag/flmo 07 viwewldo viin 8/7(a0 pl'odlil J"'eoos.' W~under explains it of victory amd the power it brings with it. Qu. XQc2To~ - V1xz~. (Cf. IS6. rY.QUTO vtXqTO'Qov. El. 85. TU:VTt( YUZ E~Q~t V~I 1tz T iqp uHLv Yat' -,tQaUTog TwV decduvcov.) Or x o-vc (El. 60.). EXTE9Th~xcd fp~QTtTZ Hurl. 'Rears away, carries off.' Lat. 'reportal.' El. 60.? vi'ymcosact xi11'go. 476. Plat. Phmedr. 245. To'di nit'?itdFvG JIta~g qphQ1F-a( lc'e iza, VIXLI. Arist. Av. 1~278. TILL rV - qP4,iI. StraWJ X. ~,. 20. IIQfX00 ViLL~O T) Vt'Yrj la &07 TO'V J aYVi1tJL(R yCno0v. Schol: VtzqqPoQii?v itavrt 7r((yytcrart KV'ztQg.,u1vog a' ye. AIE'voiyaa L. a mn. ant. in i-uirg. 498. vt'Xcg] vtzio~g' conj. W~akefield.,rU ut v A. K. L. T. Ta' #sv v B. Fr. 729. vai x T a, 49i,~v, 1' sovg 8 ov'. Ear. Phil. Fr. 6. FUid64V(t Ta' dcttsosPCOV.Cf 44.oVX 7y/Q uQXit xai V Oit&3 #. %rt xfLou yi. Ant. 786. 4-99. 7rQ31'av] 'I pass by, 0omi/.' Seliol: 7rc~trJfU. Dind: atissa fee/o. 500. c~zcaraasv the mss. 1?i7rU'zaarv (EitcaxngEv?) Wakef. Qu. EZIrIGbcev (r1xHrjqaiv). Cf. Aj. 676. 6' 7rY71.QUrjG V~tVog 2%t 7rd agc. Pind. N. V'. 48. Cog TE vtv Uaf3Uc Kqq#-q'4~ Iirito)~vrc 60oXc 7r,,6Ycat ~s~.Fr. 103. -7,dc#E'vT a#E'VOg. Or m~cUwasXGGV (11. ~'. 316.). 501. TOTv tVvvxov AtaV] CEd.C. 1559.?vvvzin~t/cvac/~ AidOVt b. Ving. Lu. IV. 490. 'noctinrnosque Piet manes.' The allusion is to the rape of Proserpine by Pluto. Aloschuissays ofErosl. 14. jE2s vsU'V~O~ xz QAt~aCoguatc. 'Atduvj c'i`6ev A. B. K. L. T. 502. H1ouart6Ycova A. Ald. HoaEtdc'ova T. THomdi~wa B. K. L. M. Cf. on (Ed. C. 1494. TLLiT~Iyatag] I. e. as in Homner lvo~at'yatov and lvoat(X'9ova. So culled fromt his being supposed to cause earthquakes. Hom. II. v'. 58. L/VTIQ ITI51J15HoatlievElrt'a~Fv 7IXyLIXv '7rLtIQigLqv qEw QOT r aurrtva' %X l)Tc(. X, seh. Prom. 960. aa~aaatGCaT TI, J-qg tIVatITTIQUT OG TQL' 011VaVUa,t~~t/ v r Hio~ct~t0&), axsoi. TPPAXJ A JAI. It -III (A ri (,)N) ax) (aX(oLtv ai a ql)ptYtv'o zar~4$v zrod yc~tcov,,t('v~ 7ratzaxrct zrcyxdrvr' r 42'&y)cv 06 503 Eir Ic _I ~urv 'To obtain her as wife.' Phlil. 43. 591. Eur. El. 614. xco '7rk' ro'vb~ gcpaqqvo. Vaick. ad Hlerod. VIL 15. 193. Scol V0d. Vg3 o~vog- xc priv Eg oh yV~gY"ovorcs 7rca1rjttt,?xivu i. Utyco, iLVvg rlyo~v Gcvro 7rEQL xozv ya~cavos ea.vrg xc4 V I.UTE JVvi',rOy cycoavc.,rcz~v,' K1. L. T. mjvd' A. B. 1R. Hart Aid. 54 s(vot (omi. r' Fg) the mss vug pvtc.~qyvot Herm.Ain Dind. Wund. Schn. Hart. Bgk. Nek. TWVE9, required equally by the, sense andl the metre, was first -restored fromt the scholia — by Hlerm. After -TLV (inl Uxotrv) it would easily have slipt out. Compare 1i.,5. 793. t!v~ca TtvOU 7r(QWTOV~ TtVci V6TcTOV 545VU'Qt~)V 1EXT(OJ TF THgtcq1tot 7rfitg xaX ~c~xvo "A gj~; 'vr(4~vv T5'~~xv-', ' hi 7r~rjctr7rzov 'OQ'gsr~rjv &-c. tqa'pyvot] I. e. apparently 'fighting wvith every liuib, and so v~qorously.' Scliol: c'vribrcc2.t '1j IGa'vQOt IV rol J7v1O,og (tUXU UtiVot X,.'~ xcaroiv Musg~rave: "H1-omilies ci.aqpt'yvot, qui in palaustra adversarios minei pedle sitroque, mnnnc mainn urgent..' Benedfict ' hosics 7nembris omnibus et tota, corpore pngnantes.' So also Wakef. and Selineid. 1-Jermualn explains ol hm Nvise: 'dispares snemubris (alter inanana farina, alter tauriforuzis)~'. Elinsley (ad (Ed. C. 1493.) thinks it may mean 'vicini', and so 'coumunmus.' Trhe. meanling of the word here is (certainly far from clear. In Homer it is always aneihto 'a~?yst ~iu tGv), meaning' 'furnished with iran ait both ends,'I or 'to be flung wcith both hands.' Conmpare the epithets &st 'yvtog (Piud. 01. IX. 165. 'ivgc --- '7rcz hvLo 0cv, 'Qvr cdU~zv), vF0yvtog (Pind. N. IX. '24. h`r&U -— Vvoyvt~ouv qParciq Fr. 881.), ciy~.u~vtog (Pind. N. VII. 4. ciy2.ai'y'viov 7H(3cev), U', ~'yvtog NPn. T lY. 119.). Also "i'xtthpto~to ((Ed. R4. 1243), c'Itl~ptcrQo'co7rog, ca trsgvo& (Empedoel. ap. iAlian. H. A. XVI. 29.), &7ca?.rog (Aj. 408.). _Qn. ci.urq'yvmom. 'strong-tanibed, strong' (as ~hc~ the iVA short, as viL inl olcwoo inl El. 1059.). Cf. ~zseh. Pers. 910. yut'cov (al. yr'ov) Q'C4tq. -iEselh. Ag. 63. zro)~ci. aaucdaGccara zat' yvtof~cpij. Pind. N. V. 39. hvt yvtcov ~gOV'rt,,Jcasi'.L And on Arist. Av. 996. Or ci'vritrca1ot, or i5vc Burges (Prtef. Tieo. p. VII.) reads: c'i~ivq yaelcov zac&,3czv U, ci.ycrv -&) yut(coV. xc Pa3cvj 'Descended to the contest.'Sho:x jquvm r & v. Cf. Arist. Vesp. 1514. ci.T&Q zavagczx~ov y uz aurovg. Pind. P". XL. 46. t~v~o r& y~cvov?7ri.~rc6tov xarao3dvrsg "2.sy~cv 'E2.cvihca grarguzmciv coxvrcxu. Xeii. Anab. IV'. 8. 27. iro)~ol ya.q xcarE1~rjowv. H-erod. V. 22. 'Axv,~ocivdQov iifd241V SLv?tXLm)OVv )iIX xarapaivxog Inr czvro, rov5ro. Isocr. 415. ~c3va(1 ccvre yic) 7rQ5 yupwcv] I. e. V'rE'Q ycitccwv. 'For the marriage, for the hand.' Schmol: lrEet' xciw yci.tuav. Erf: 'pro pothindis nuptiis.' Cf. (Ed. R1. 1,34. i7reom,rou #'avovrog x'4v6' E,#f# tr19rQoTqrv. El. 495. io'TQ i xcvdh4. Mattlh. Cr. ~.575. But I-Terni: 'ante nuptias.' ycttcojv rtvvg the mnss. YatLpCOV, TCVsg Herm. Dind. &c. 505. ZatZ&XTU - 5EV ' c.yoivcovj I. e. (XF#XUc?V og 7.risYI (7rcsV7otut) 7rxbycJ, 7irkrTOVra, as Kvibala righitly explains. SO 7ttP#ci'T0; ~.ropog (Aseli. Clio. 294.) means ~uc'QgO q~ rtg nvxci.nicza (irig) p9ga I1imm sch passages the verbal has a passive sim Ifitiemm. T ranslate: 4-W I I?-,,Z O() O-K A/E O0 rx. (2 tV lj1V 2tO Mc~ O i ~ ~ ~, VZ102 ) h ~0Vg# 50 7 Pf'ent 1/ironyig laborious contests full of many blows and mutck dust (contests in w/dchi hard blows arc dealt and a close struiggle is maintained, hard-fouight and hard-won conlests).' Herm: 'quinami plagqis ac pul~vere plena sutperarlnut certamina?' frlt7rX~q rci] Sclhol: 7r ~yjov tksarfci. Cf. 5O. 7rcv6acXQvv, VQ - Strs Read zac'ttnlaerce. Cf. Aj. 631. Zvp0'nr?~cnot - 6o~not. 597. "C( 7rlax~rog. And on E'l. 484. 7rczyx0vtra A. B. L. T. 7rwyn'vtara Van. 7rV~r'z'nxc K. 'Attended icith 7nuch dust.' Lat. 'pul~veruilenta.' I. e. in which nothing came off 5`iovurt'. Cf. Ovid Met. IX. 35. 'Dlel (Herciles) cavis hautsto spargit mze pulvere palmis, I in qua vicain futlva jacht flavascit aranw.' lfil~ov the mss. vuig. Dind. 1?~ivov Wak. Wnnd. (v. E"mend. J). 107.) Hart. Schol: hvq'vaeV, EzE)~I'ov, 'ywovfaavto. 2.'yut 6F 0rt 7irev r76og ayo i ic o ci' c?4cov ~v 6 ( cv o pitz and Neue for?~ ql~ov inaptly compare 159. 2ro~l~ov "i'YJ-vci?g 5 (a vary different passage).,Qais anquam vel par somnium locutionem similem unquam inaudivit, 4-~1,aov &rOXex pro 'cartamen ingressi sitnt'~"' asks Wakefield, who pro0 icino urI ' N4).ov &"PT Gr7y0vcov. Natick conj:? v a v c9. yczyacov. So Ear. Here. 1273. (7rolov) zxr urcvQo7rl~rp#f nTo).~fov o0 y?vvoci; Has. Scat. 310. os'61c 7CorE G~tmnI vixq k?7rqvVvg#hq, "'UJ' U'% 1r0oV s2lxov CZE#Aov. Read rather 7rrcYx0v~r' 1r,,?.Xov- Cf. Thac. III. 108.,7roXv' ro~?'QYOV? 4~Xfrov. v. 100. 7rciv 7ro ro~ dov~sr~eats~v Lihan. I. 304. C. 2roaovg caywVre ag 2 (qu. Arist. Ran. 1118. 7ro:vx'9?,r'5frror. Phil. 1419. o'aovg zrovqjaag XrA &r,,~FAdjv jrovov!;. 506. a49Z' U'yo0vcovj The Schol. explains alc#a by U'ycovt'atkccrc. Cf. Phil. 508. iroXi~v Z'?ErEv 6dvaot'Grcov 17r~vo~v U#1'. Pind. Isth. I. 26. C"'V r' #lotgt #iyov zr1lGUcov c'Yr0cov. Abresch. Diune. Thac. p. 9. The usual meaning of &r#~ov or &1 2;#ov is a 'prize', the contest itself beingU#ogor "#Thog. Theocr. Epigr. XX. 5. zdokovg Er'vciya~v v~ir' cl~ 2.ove. Has. Tb. 435. 07tox' &'vdQep U'ytlvt U',cXEV'coatv. Wander compares Ear. Herc. 812. ~tr rqpdcov Ig U'yco'vcv cqir)Iciv. After 'Y(0Vw0v a note of interrogation is, I think, rightly miarked by Hart. Schn. Bergk. Nck. V. 11. E'. 793. 507 f. This contest of Hercales with the Achelous was suing or recorded idso by Archilochas (v. Schol. Van. ad Ii. gY'. 237.), Pindar (v. Schol. oid.11. ip'. 194.), Panyasis (v. Pans. X. 8. 5.), and Pheracydes (v. Apollod. 11. 6. 5.). Cf. 9-27. There were other suitors for the hand of Deianirai, but, as Ovid says Met. IX, 13, 'alii cessara dutobus.' 507. zroro~uov G9lvog] I. a. 'the powerful or mighty river.' A poetic periplirasis, ag#Evog being here used as elsewhere llfce (a. g. 38. 'Fr~troll (3(a), Cf. Il. a'. 607.?v 8' 1rt' rt 7roxciLto~o ~tyu a 1;vog 'QS ce-vot~o. v'. 248. vo'v dE' 7poa~pqg a4ivog 'I6'otrvi~og. a'. 486. To r,, aGOfgVog 'QQU,( covog. 1'. 268. ~tivog 'ArQCLLeO. tL'. 18. 7rouqittcv tLiVog. 6'. 418..7r G Fa /ExroQog orscz %c rat pVog "V XOV6 G V. ~.189. 'E.ZsX2Jog x~urrr~v pivog. Vp'. 837. Od. uq'. 167. t'5cqOv ttE2'vo 'AIXxtv0oo. #'. 359. a. 34. Pind. P. IV. 144. or#EVog "CeUov %QV"GEOV. XI. 1050. TkXS - 86YV'ton' xgcer Gu'1 riyo a#hvog vtcsv. 01. V I. 22. ua kvoq 7v o 1 ~ vw. F. 5 A# zacd'vrova 0 `&g4 ro~c 0c ~Yc od ~v T8 rtvdaicov,.rj ro 7rcvo2ltov Y#1jQvoq 'HQaxZE'oq. 01. IX. 55. Zdccro; aivog. Fr. 74.,UaE1vog vt~rxEoV. ~sch. Eum. 299. ovrot a' 4'ro2Ucv oi'(Y' 'darjscal'" afrgo~ t~cx' v. 2 7. rloa~td~ovog XQWCp - rca 3Qov] Cf. Od. t'. 158. 'V'p Eqcov clmpov. 508. xrsreco'ov (xrFxr~Y50ov 13.) the miss. and Eust. p. 1316, 6. and 1734, 10. bift rs;,rQo'QV P. 573, 27. Which latter reading is perhaps right. So Em'. Or. 979. rx' 7rruvhv 6icoytta zroi~{ov. V. Monk. ad Hippol. 1224. Schol: xsx ai~aa?.oig. (Fr. 678, 10. E'V,,ot 8' 1V ZEQGOV rEx~aGXEX~e yovfJ.) Cf. Eur. Hipp. 1229. rh'recoov - ozov. The epic form TrrpxQdogo is found nl1so Fr. 781. Tsxeco6Qco (xrxrqcoqiexrq the miss.) depw Ear. Suppi. 674. oxcav rxixQUoQcov. 667. ]Hel. 729. Cf. ~vvv'copog Ear. Or. 1566. qpU~tca] 'Figure, form, appearance.' Schiol: cPcavrcWalc" 6zI'Wit. ~Daatt zr5 QOV, thongli more poetic, means little miore than the simple TUc90g. Cf. 15217. 0"qicz vv'tqczg. 836. (Ystvoxc'zo, - VYpg- qpdi~twxt (?). Perhaps Xqjm or GXipttc (Phil. 952). Or *'Q,"LfL (1101). 509. OIVLa&5JVJ (Eniadfe was a city of Acarnania, near which flowed I. ~ ~the river Achelons (Ilhuc. II. 102.). Its rains, which arc rather extensive, are, seen at a place called Tricardo (Mare's Travels in Greece 1. p. 106.). 510. Bazct'dc the mss. BctxXiceg Br. &c. Cf. Cd. C. 93. Ant. 184. Bczx 'cg - @s'3xg] Schol: rxg rxv Bc'n~ov?Xo 'arj~. Ant. 1122. lE d. R. 210. Hercules was born at Thebes: cf. 116, where lie is called 0 KaYt oyVs vrj'9. anro A. B. K. L. Herm. Dind. &c. U`7ro' Br. Cf. on. 539. 557. For the hiatus at the end of the line cf. Aj. 425. 511. mvrcZvova -- ro'au] 'Rebounding bow.' Called 'lela reciprocal hy Attius (Seal. ad Varr. de L. L. VI. p. 78) and Aul. Gell. IX. 1 1. Masgr: 'resijienlia elastica.' Cf. Horn. Ii. 9P'. 266. zraUvxovae ro~c rtmtcdvmv. o.443..iEsch. Cho. 155. rc 'ivyrovic~voa? yo~sZ 'itrerXcov 'A~ing. Herod. VII. 69. roax R' 7rczUVT0Vci %tOV 7tQg 6dS~La, pae" Apoll. Rh. I. 993. ircdivxovov xbzpce raVV6Gcg ro'~ov. Theocr. XLII. 56.,VXU7M TO'a. Arist. Av. 1740. "Epco - n'veagcs 'vvE 7ral2tvr 'vovg. Bows were thus called which head backwards or inwards, when not strung. The Schol. ad Ii. 4'. 2266. explains xrcz,sig rov'=Wnjc rtvoPessa. East. ad Ii p. 375,7 9: rx'a 17it *U'rExi ftEQq %av(ttEva. See Blomf. GI. Chio. 155. The reader, will bear in mind that the plural z~a, especially in the Traglic writers, is -used of a single bow and its arrows. The position of 7te'vtova here is rather singular. 512. lo ~a] A spear was one of the usual weapons of Hercules (Hesiod. Scat. IHerc. 417. 462), as the Schol. remarks: &q' (agxoeI'ce Tn6G 0r~ FX~itV x0v 'HpaxXiac. Brninck understansAyc o'arwcil Ear. Here. 1101. 7rrx'QrorCC r'ys? Xoa x~c' 1`67rUQTct nE8o Bat this is altogether an unusual signification of 2~6yxii. Should we then read X'dyXUV 'a spear'? See sehol. and cf. on 517. Or rocr ry ' -"z rE. Or rx~" mo&axog. (Il. E'. 171. I-cMvixQE, 7r05b rot vrov MEi =7rOFvrsg oiwxo(-; lrtvca66cov A. K. L. T. rtv c'ceg B. GI. A: c'zr' xotvoiK Cf. II.se. 298. 6V'o bdoQ5e rmx' a qo. ' 266. 7rcUa'VroV0 T6~ UTxdMOv. BLAYDES, S.-opbocles' Tracliiniae. S Wl 114 114 ~ ~ O(IiO0AAE0Or~f I',5ca' ig wLU50v [Zt~vot AX&"OV tidVCa & Ck xrqo~,~V Ilkcd KVzptr~ U06f34ovU't~~~vi 515 Tr~r 'jv Yopg, ij ~ I ro'~cav zardrcog, 517 ravetctrv T cavcpuy&y ZQTrcOv, 513. ff'o2.2,sg] Sehol: Erxc zsirv 17r' d6'uo r6o' is~?r wX 'o~vg ycdq ~lrrca. Cf. Phil. 169. Xco~QwPdV vvv zrcvrrq ffONWr. Horn. 0(1. y'. 427. otC 6" U'ot 6Hvu' co'ro~b U'oUE'n. Hermann aptly compares Moseh. II. 48. 'otot' 6" g'arcaav iipoi, AP' OqpqVog cytcdkoto I P5,3a A Y 514. i'aav Eg tt.Fov] s'acv 'g Irt'ov Harl. i'acov -- Yen. lav u, daov T.,F LEGOV Heath. Musgr. &c. 4eav (om.?h ttllov) Br. Erf. For Ig ~LCaov (we have,v ttiaoi in next v.) Musgrave proposes?'s tto'ov. Qui. ~ae (om1. Eg ttlaov). The Epic form if'gacz occurs II. tt'. 332. Od. a'. 176. &c. Hesiod. Th. 68. 686. Of 6"' ~IVLVaiv ~ItycX.O cWc6 Qastvotj libirvo 1L. Instead of the compound 1?ptittxvot. 'Making for, seeking.' Schol:?lntv~toivr~g. Hom. 11. )A'. 168. LU",Vol zat~og. 4'. 313. t(4rVov 7rO2aFLOV6'F. 515. ti6Vee 6"Y- Schol: ~trdvs 6"' 7' KV'7rQtg lraeov ac?F3Qcq'sVS nca6E,rcerrsv. Bergk: lto'vix 6' -. Qis. qfha 6" -. Or thus: XOQUe 6" 5v)~FxTpog E?v 1daco ecptat (,pif~tia) -. Or lt'ixv (xacd& 6' -- 5sro]'Desirable, lovely.' Hermaun explains: 'fausli tori largqitrix.' Cf. Ant. 796. 1)L5Qog -V.t,-nrQOV v~fpgag. (Ed. C. 1600. sz',X6ov z14Qrog-LY.1"U Apitz: "sic "HQce dicitur rE2.sice, et rE+~Eot ot ysy rE." 516. '4836ov6pi st the mnss. 'apd6ovouEf Br. tacitly. 'Presidedl (as witpire%.' Schol:?j3QoUflsvc. GI. T: 'ycovo#O~-zt. Plat. Prot. p). 388 C. 517f. Sclhol: r~rE oi'v 6' 'HpaxAig nai Xpt scat rootg Ita"r o 6'E, 'AXs2.c)og Totg %dQawv. 517. iv] Schol: U'vrt ro V'r~jQov. Who cites Hesiod. Tlheog. 321. T~ 6"' TV TQFrg XEsF~a). V. Mattli. Gr. ~. 216. ni. 4. ~,. 303, 1. This observation must refer to v. 520, for qv is singular. here. Z ~~ A. K. L. XcLpbg (supr. -,) T. xcecph B. Red 0o6 (c..o ztyr 512.). See note on next v. snv -'v 6' n 6" -sv '] Perhaps r6'~ thrice. Cf. Herod. 11. 141. xr06~cov] Cf. 512. As the mention of a bow seems unsuitable here, where wrestling is spoken of, Mnsgrave suggests zceaev 'pedurn.' But ir c'ayog seenis to require the mention of some weapon. Schol: %elXai p ~ai xd o'~? ac"T'o, 518. nrchay09] 'Clatter, din.' Ant. 125. 7rc'rayog"AQcog. AXsch. Sept. 99. 7r"Tayog osX EV~ 6e'oqd. 221. Arist. Ach. 539. xG'vxr-b#ev "6'q tz 7rrayog,qv xJ5v ri'az8cov. Lys. 329. 7rcer"'yov XvrQ~tov. 7rcraqog. tc"evFr, r' 7r ~cyd xv zv cvov Hart, rc~ev 'cvlw - nvQ1Xrcov] Cf. on 13. Rivers were likened by the ancients to bulls probably onl account of their tortuous wanderings and the roaring of their rapid currents. Hence Hor. Gd. III. 30. 10. 'qua niolenzs obstrepit Au/aidus.' IV. 14. 25. 'sic tautriformis volnitur Aulidus.' Eni'. Or. 1377. 'Qxvccvbg TaveVdxQorvog. Straho in fact p. 702. tells us that some derived this resemblance ct7ro row (6 xc~c a r ' '& Q ea a tt7rio, zcYIgxaoVGL X,~Oaut. So in L-atin 'cornut ' is used of the mouth of a river. Cf. Virg-. ~ni. XII. 720. si//i (Uteuri,) inter sese mu//a vi viu/nera miscent, Icornea qua obuivi inflwiut, {ec.' 519. cavayityilaj This rare formn occurs only- here and in Nicand. Alex. 560. Another rare form U'vu iya, for 14tp~tya, has been restored in 2Eschl. Sep)t. 240. Cf. Epigr. Siinimiae (A. P. Vii. 22):?N M3oiieJWv 4fLttyu Xac XaOQtWcv. scihol: uvao~utttyaV6g. Xreurcv] xFCIrcov Wunder (v. Emend. p. 32f.). 520. n> q" ~v b " A. 1I. K. L. IT. ~v is an 01(1 form for i lav sed especially hy Donec writers, as Epicharmnus (Athen. p. 288. B3. 306 A. &C.). Cf. Hesiod. Th. 321. Tij 8~ ~v rqE~q xSqin cti. Arist. Lys. 1260. rv 6.' oA) x a1cogm —. Eur. Ion. 1146.?vbv d' ~rcvrc1, yXccca atv xoc'l ~pacd. Cf. on 51 7.Orlrlas v may here b~e a singular, thme conlstruction presenting an examplle of the- aGrjW"c HTIVdfQtXOV. Qu1. >Y6'. U~Tix2remrot zczzrux~] 'LockedI iii/ertwiiminyg in lad(/er fashion.' Scihol: aSt E7rctvuiPGF65, 7[U(U~ TO CiVCO TS Xra XciT~o UVVTOiJ GTQ qPhg'iuct S T?] ttL~Xij iItGuM F5ilog 7r~toa'etcrog -4 ica. rovro i1. TO' aXrgux minit ZHQcXiFi0ovg c-,Xovarov. ifesych: 14ccizmg. r~~ Eti(og. Poll. iii. 155.7. Compare the words xccwaxt~0', xctcaxt'mcv, dtaxit (nt tv. This mode of wrestling, accordling to lierm-ann, consistedl in seizing one's antagonist hehind, an11d elinibing as it were upl his hack, as minutely descrihed by Ovid Met. IX. 51 f. Hlermann mentions a similar phrase in X'k~axveog (Etymo. Ai. p. 322, 31), which howerer refers, not to wrestlin g, huit to boxing. Cf. Ovid. Met. IX. 43. 'Era/qua cern pede pes june/us, totoque egjo pee/ore promus Iet digitos diqitis at fron/em frou/a pieiieiaini.' Anil more lparticularly IX. 5-1, where the Achelous says of his antagonist: 'tergo qua oneroit inhaesit.- imposito presses mi/u monte vidlebar.' Thne stame manlrnuvre seems to be alluded to in Arist. Eq. 262. dtucqag3v?)yxuQitau, SIT O gQri1S toy ca ov curov Evrnai 'gaaag. Cf. also Eur. Ale. 847. nqfrvirSQ iOIo i 'ag a'O'v - fLiQ4)oJ xvniaov ttt 7rqL(4o) XEQoLV 4ccetv, &c. 521. qv 68 Imzcrcav d 6V Ti inr'fcxc]iv 0 Sirvc inilyttcccz (oma., tt~t&67rcuv) Wunder (v. Emend. p. 32f.). Tbe ~tstwj7co~v 7tX 'yfturtc belong, to the Achelous; for hulls in fighting hutt with their foreheads -and horns. Cf. Ovid. Met. IX. 51-6. Arg. Trachn: nah ' rciicdacea V'irE'Q T(UV ytiao)v iV'Trj,, irQ~ 'A4mEA630V UttXaG#,OVrc T1SVQG) 7rEQ~ntSVXI9 To' E"TSQOV T(V 4sQUTLO2'. oU'Evrac] Qu1. 6TovEVOSV1c. But aTdvog occurs immediately in next vr. 522. inimi'y~ckara 'B/ows~,' Cf. Ant. 250. 1283. Wunder reads 7r~ty' i a which was another kind of wrestling. Hesych: niiytcci. o3itcc. cairo' Ton nviL~toUatov %t, inciictoftirtvc, oacv 7rEQtf~ciTSg Toig a GXEou~ ncirqarpcGtM Fromn 7r2IL'au 'to step out, to stride wit/h tags apart (i. q. 8tcifucii'PLv),'l whence "'upLtrlia (Fr. 538. deQ'xovrs cI~tQOV U' irp2~it F1,qprE). Gtovo3] Cf. Cie. Tusc. II. 23. 'pu~qi/es, quinin fariuiit adversarium, in jac/anudis caestibus ingea nzis ci n t, non qiiod do/cant aniniova succuusbant, sad quad profundenda voce onmne corputs intenditur veni/que p/ago veleineetior. Idemi faciunt a//datae.' Hes. Tb. 994. TSIS-6cig 6TOVOEVrcig as&1ovg. Sent. 126. 067irot' ~E` s2.Zm rozeir~cov arovo'Svrcig E'Toett 'cwacit, "&Fw#ovg. Cf. herule. Q. niro, and arov~Svrci for 'iA'vc 8* dr-T-T-T, 7-o7w.: - - - - - - - SO a M IES, K h — 1! it!,: X!, 7 67 F, 'A.., 7 - 116 116 ~ ~~.2OO~OKAEO0T2: r 4cw3 2C9 O%1) 523f. Cf. 22. Nonnus Dion. 43, 13'. vvftcptdtioto zEf3QOfott'VrO; yw 'Pog I Wpv 'Q?3 - xat tyrcef~i'og 7rorautzoio i'"xcsro 8EqLcvo1,vaa6 3ocdovq '3ttvvcdovg. Wakefield compares Stat. Theb. VI. 864. 'Non sic, ductores geiiini gregis, liorrida taui IelMN movent: medio conijux stat canzdida prato, I viciore~n expecians: rinmpwnt obni.xa fureies Ipeciora.; 5?ibdii anmor slimniuos ct vuilnera sanal.' Cf. 515. 5523. A. K. L. T. i~B. Deianira is meant. C'(PQc'] 'Delicate.' Pind. N. V. 48. U'PeQ& K~qlp~4Kg '17riolvrcz. The, metre -~. -L -t Perhaps %6Qce or vtttcqpe. Some noun seem-s requircel. 524. Tqkuv7Ee 7rcs-' "VO'G'r 'N~ear (or ai) an eminence coin7mandiaiq a distani view.' Cf. 24 f. Qu.- x av7o;9 i~r' O'I'g,ri)7.cvysE the miss. anid T. ruluvyst Turn. Hesych: xiqXavyE'g. Tij1,w-xOirov. Arist. Av. 1092. asqtz? zrviyovg - ax~ I~~yg Cf. Eut.. Suppl. 652. 4'~t' &' 'HlcXTqug cr~~g I E6,r1v av~ar 'g, zrV'(yov FruaYq (s-,~ "Vy74?) lug~~v li- es. Thi. 566. 7rvQrg Tflv6%OZrov UVYrjV. zaxoj Cf. 24. lyco' ya' p njuv?x% r,,rlyjtivq To~q Aj. 311. - Tr'v o m. B. 526-30. These linies are suspected by Benti. Wund. (v. Emend, p.180f.) Dind. 5 26. lyc 60 MElturijQ pLEv ofa Tecwo] 'For 1 speak (of/wie) as a miother (as if I were lier nmolicr,).' Cf. El. 233. CCU' oi4 5'VO( y' as 1 t ciri,1 rig 2rtigra', ~tu) rixrvtv a' axav ccrcag. Schol:?y3cpav,?Fvltus. *1b'romg Jo,gsli ~t k'tki 2lsyc. lyo'~ zuqa~ri~da r&' 7roZ2', 'ru r~.rj 2o rcov zeucypac~vrO. Who probably found here a more correct text than we now huave. Herm: Eyo) Y6 ofLUQTi ~ItEV a1, qpqa'J(!) Hart: Y 0) 6 r< Ta' TFQUUT ata cOJ 1. Wecklein: '7, lt~ riQuLTea(rxa alae) opea'LO -. Ilermanan explains thus: 'matins ex animo licec dicta stint, nion nmeo.'I C. Matthhke.: 'loquor ego, qwasi sim miater' (i. e. dicens haec aninmo materno mnoveor), who considers these words as parenthetical, which hie thinks will account for the repetition following Tr' 6" O'ttpLvELXrjrov &c. Vanyi:,,Duplex in eo negotio erat miserim species materno amori acerba; quod Dejanira non tanquam regia virgo cumn nuptiarumn apparatu. collocaretur; sad tanquam juvenca a mnatre deserta, certamen taurorum de se conslpicata, victorem deinde sequeretur." The Chiorus, it is to be remembered, conisists of women; and therefore they the more readily symnpatlhise with Deianira on such an occasion as the present. To express the depth of their feeling, they compare it to that of a another for her child. But thec sentence, it must he confessed, is very tamie. Bentley thought the line corrupt. Bergkc marks after it a lacuna.. Cf. Eur. Tro. 147. 1idris 6' T'Og 'rg?'cQ~co 'y5 f to2lr'v &c. I have given what Schneidewin proposes, and what I had myself hit upon. faQA. K. L. T. f QB. ala 's.' Gl. T: xace9'c. T PAX.] Ni1x/I. 1-17 zIHIANEIPA. 3 p(F~trA, xcTr O' Zov 6' ~tZvog 4t9oa r tiM(% AWICOVOtg W C~tUYU) OJ 06t0, Triitog 4f~vQgtOgg jAa~ov Cog V11a uL g xM & tac ~rc xco 5vyYxtrOtxCrtOvPLEV)J. 535 52-7- 30. lBergki thinks these lines a variation of the second edition of this play on 523 -6. T ' A. K.T. x'6& B. L. "~t(FtVslsiqrov A. T. c4,tqpttixrrOV 13. K. L. v~o M. Cf. 104. TV (ettC9LVtL~{J zIncZVst~aV. Helen is called a'v rx Xsch. Ag. 698. JOrqsce vv~%qfceg Schol: "'vrtA roi, 'n IEQqtUL4J'CO3 V~gry. 7Crsetgpceern5.Cf. Aj. 140. It"'Ycv Oxvov 'XCO %(ct 0 3ira(xi O~e Offttcz (Schiol: 0"'fIqtc MIC -7rXdcU 7QtrPQUGt~yjw ' ziXEtan). 977. ~V`Vcat [koV 0,qtt. Eur. Ion. 1280. 0v"ttce MrqO'. Iph. T. 110. i.vnxrog Ovptcu Iv-,ytcdoU. Valek. ad, Phcen. 415. Wakef: "Quod ocualu virginis perpetuo ocenpabatur in certaimine spectando, eventum sollicita formidine mnanentis." 528.?1XccvO'v the mss. IX~tv'v Pors. &c. (Cf. Lob. ad Phryn. p. 87. Stalib. ad Pint. Rep. X. p. 372 f.) t~,,y~ov (11. Lotze's conj.) Schneid. 2E1SVrU&V conj. Dind. Bergkc eonj: v.).,tv'o Utq.t-E'v~ 7to'Gtj. Qu. r-4o3 cay(5vog (or c4'fr.eov). CLgEvSL] U't~c'rir Hart. Qu. E1igU'r&, or vycc~Et. 5219. pgi3an~v A. K. L. T. Aid. Piipqxiv B. gigc3q Co~rE Dobr. Tue words "cepaQ Pigaxsv were probably borrowed from 134. 5030. OJarc A. V. Harl. Yen. Aid. (OGa7,rQ 1S. K. L. cog Turn. Stephi. Br. Seh. Cf. on 118. So 537. c'Oets. V~evd2'og. Perhaps 13ij34q I o i 7rVLrt EQrfety- Nauck would eject C'OairEQ. irO~r~J So 1her. Od. IT. 8. 2.1. '7'ce nis mtres 7iettnunt jimeucis.' Qvcr] 1QrjfLCeg conij. Mein, coll. Aj. 986. eOg %avfjg 6xnkvov xmiV?7 &C. 531. gQoE~ B. K T. L. eorr. T. 4Qort A. L. pr. M1. Aid. (Cf. on 3)2 6.) Cf. 601. E'rog OV' rcaiq E~ao31~,v 'yoQfO (c'7OQFVtgL?) ~,v ztq. Whilst Liehas is taking leave of the captives indoors, Deianira comes out to inform the Chorus of her contrivance. 532. Co 17t' /idqjo ' Withi a view to his dep~artture.' El. 1322. CO'g1r i~'O'&p x2.vo I rv W~ogiYsv roQo~vrtog. Aj. 44. i)j ed crr ' n3 joi',8v~' Co APYE1oLg rod nv;533'. avpudog )q~,ov]j came out.' Qu. aveacae '~~Xaov, or rather #vea~'??o.Cf. Eur. lph. A. 1161. avQaE x' 4tuivr'. But aVQUIiOV is feminine in El. 313. So 7rcerQiog OliYU1,a below 478. TEvnv P3igatov 621. 534. ~~ v~A. B. T. Tqpqov6(a K. L. M. Cf. on 870. Ph. 1379. X~Qq~ ~ navitc n v ] I. e. & 'rE~viga'tlV yEQiv. Cf. on (Ed.R.19 535'. avyxarot%rtou1-'fvf] 'To bjewail bi companiy with you.' Schol: Uiv 118 118 ~~~OOkOK/1EO TE~ ta~~t~~sc, co'grov co~5rlE VaiVrb"AOg, X~t JV~V ai' ovu~cat ptV~tbpV fLtLL V7zO' vttLLV 4Qqqoouc.K ont~rit ocus CEd. R. 1178. (Ed. C. 381. 461. 11282. The middle is put because the evils that IDeiainira is ahout to bewail are her own. Cf. A~sclh. Eumn. 476. o1'xroV 0lXx'acw'6(. Ilerod. II. 121. xo'v ctv HiOVTaLu U~oc~aavxca i P O~raLvV. IM. 156. xcexotnrti~Eo qpag Vzt0 Jcc~tov nmov~fvat rca' & c. Otherwise one might easily correct 6vyxaroxiotnuoi' e'Itoi (or a" ce). 536. o4gxt 6', oz6dr' Br. Sch. &c. o~twuy' y' otxg'%S Wakef. oTrc y, v_ x'Er.otcdt, 6T' ovn x' - Hart. Supply % '.4qv. Cf. Theocr. XXVII. 65. czc2 Xc' yv va" ftcrqQ vXgcOV rQOcpog, ovXh,, Xca9c. Above 148. 1svyp1C'viqvJ ' Wedded.' Schol: ysyaaqiadvrjv xC0 'H~ctXE Cf. Fr. 517.?1Fzutdv EV qpq0'v? t pl. (Ed. 1R. 826. Frequent in Euripides. 537. 7McQR66EbYEYtLatJ noe6Fdyttce Dind. Wunder: 'male recepi (re — ceptam, /abeo).' Translate: 'I have wrongly (to my hutrt) admitted to my roof.' cpoprov] e1Goods, freight, merc/handise.' Cf. on Ant. 1036. rio-v y4vovg vcevri)log, 1cop3qpv lg4~qace Steph. Br. Dind. &c. vavd2i~og Zocofj7 -r -F?im7ta Ald. Wak. and others. 538. ~cop3qrov 4v'pz6Xqga r~g 4ttig qpqv0] 'A piece of goods destruc/live of (rutinous to) my peace of mind.' Schol: cpoprt'ov ho)~irov ri~g 4t4fi q~F g 31aiEQO'v rpogriov %ee?cptfQtorrov. Wunder: 'contutmeliosamn mcrcedem mei animi (i. e. indignum, tnei in fiercde/em animi fructum).' Acoplirx6q is passive, Tr. 1069. Aj. 1388. Ph. 1103; active, as here, Ph. 607. G16aXqc X~t o F3rjW q Cf. on (Ed. R4.969. Musgr: 'damnosuzm, exitiosum.' Wakefield connects and explains thus: cpd'Qrov c'0a'r,& vaV~rt'log I 3~oqT0, E~tnvanu -, 'ut mercator damnosam mercedem, cf-c.'.7 o'Xpa xirg 'tL~g cpe~v 6] Ant. 1063. 'toXav(so: 'Ettr&'Xntta1 'Piece of goods.' Eur. Cycl. 137. rpro yaQ?~,UiroX rfXtiwV ('wares') zp'nt Poll. V. 135. 'Ettzrc2.rntc here seems to mean an injury, bane, rutin. Schol: ~77dcev. Cf. the similar passage Ant. 1063. 539. clt' - ttt&gJ Cf. 941. 460. Ant. 14. dv' Ov3acLt] I should prefer dv` oiaa6. The dual participle is constantly found joined with the plural verb. Cf. (Ed. R4. 1505. i'd MIQ qpvEV~g~c, o'OqXttv dJ' ovzs. Ph. 1079. ye0 pfdv osv oQP0fUt~C#. on Ant. 533. and Elmsl. ad (Ed. C. 531. For td~%vo~tsv qu. vcdtortcv. tttt g =0r ZXcei, g] Schol: c'vx' roi9 ttt~e xo' rq. Cf. Theocr. XVIII. 19. ZaeV6'g rot, OVYa'rjQ V'Zd 'ra'V pdcv COxEro ZXuiczvv (ro3 Ms-vEkoc'c). Eur. Peliad. Fr. VI. d'rcev 6~' '7%' 'v6Qo' Z~cz~vuv vysvovg 7rE6scepad E'pigr. 20. r&6crov c8' o'n6-rcev nQVp'q tce roig cpasov'rag. Athen. V. 19. A2L a~? vvsx~otfcsJ#1 V'7t vrjqv CtVrv yEv~cevog Xcei~vev. Stat. Theb. I. 406. Villois. ad Long. p. 205. Bergk. ad Alciphr. I. 38. For the genitive, after 'z ef. 1034. ii7r' xaicog. Aj. 1145. 'qT',44ez' QV I~ Ant. 692. v'no axi'rov..ZEsch. Sept. 381. i',z' "'gt8g Cho. 75. 6acxqnVCo c6' V~c' sF4sczcav 833. iMr6 Z~vog Eutr. Hec. 756. TOiTr6V ZroT' Fgrs~xov -,t q~ov ~dvrjg 'no Suppl. 920. "'p~v~ raog. Tro. 752. eld. 247. TPA4XIN1IAI. 119 6 Z~ro?;ttv XaYaqN6 Xti~oPjlevog' OtxovQL aTr~ztg), royd UUcX9OV X90VOv. 'Ec,6, 0Yvpoatov5ht PLEV OMX IM'arwa vo~oi3vrt xcE1v91.7ro2JC rq-cE r't vodco, To ( av"~Vvozavrn-6 0,10,0 TxLg"v V 545 rivvaltroI Xotvojvoicm roiv ai'reiv yactov; Q6ci Y"&Q 'q3iV m'v PEv Frov7)a11 Z06Ci, Pind. 01. IL. 149. i'7r' c4yxcvog. Lucian. Ilerin. 37. 6'ro 61n6~ov. 81. So tVcr w Ex~v ut. Translate: under one coveringq. vWro A. B. (qu.) K. L. T. Aid. i'zr5 Br. lierm. Dind. &c. Cf. on 510. 557. 540. VayxcY1*tqatc] 'An object to be embraced, a mistress.' This is not, as some suppose, the accusative after trdtvottrsv ('await his emfbrace'), but the nominative, p)ut in apposition to the subject. Eur. Tro. 759. co' viov vynt16pLe ftqrxQ1 qp(Xrceov. Hel. 247. n' ME XQvGE'otq 4ipQOvoLe I Jto yxItatGtSVO IIv''1Qc &c. Compare zraq yx wiauce. Ant. 650. Vvy906v 7ra"Ycet~re- yvv~ %cmrn, ~tvsvvog?v 80toq The verb inraYX4z~t~scv occurs Eur. Cyci. 498. Heraci. 42. (middle). See Wakef. ad h. 1. Elmsl. ad Heraci. 42. 541. 6' zta~r6g -] Said sarcastically. Cf. (Ed. 1R. 385. KQE'cv 6' ztr~eo', o4 ~g cp'log, I kcctJQa Ik' 7rr)At v &c. Phil. 873. ffycao'o ~cx Ant. 31. T6v cdyaO06v Kpiovrct. After ztrtogo five letters are erased in L. ncaya#0o'] Perhaps c'yaco'g (Ph. 873. a'yu~o' at Xcrc) xcUXovIIEVOg] TEoiVc~vog T. Turn. 542. 0 XOv3QL' I. e. 'ir'e o'xo~vp'c g LLt6v, as explained by Lust. p. 458, 48. Schol: Lc~cxrzQtarna xrn ZoXvX~ovt'Ce3 flfLWV OtxovQIC. GI. T:,Mopa gEVEX T~77 O1flovea'cg. xroi fLaxQo ZQovov] 'in retutrn for his long delay (absence).' Cf. 247. 5-13. cyco 6Yi -] 'Now I 4-c.' Cf. Arist. Ach. 509. lyc6 dEh jilcoc ILEV Auxxc~attiovlovg arQC~e &c. Eur. Orest. 517.?yCAJ &E ptaww PEV yvvutXcz9 cavoatovg. Ant. 1196. oVn diarapaci] 'Iknow not,' i. e. 'I cannot.' El. 629. oi 36' h'7raxc~ac xV6rcv. 544. voao~vrt - rq-c j v6co] So ~Esch. Prom. 384. i'a tLE rqa:T,VOMc voly.Fv. The more usual construction is with the accusative, as in Ph. 173. voac~ ptv ayer'av vOGov. Arist. Av. 31. vdo'6v Voeo~cVtUE Vesp. 71. Cf. 1230. z6' ~a'v vo0oiv~rt #VftovGata %X"XV. TjEq-voGaoI] Cf. on 445. 491. and also 459 f. 5415. x6 ( I~ Ui ~vtotxvt'v] Eur. Or. 823. x6d' & v c %cXovQyei'v "a,,P3Etce &c. For the addition of the article cf. Phil. 620. roo6~ no Ixc5 'rc~ zagv6i. 1252. z~to~s A6 dY&v. Ant. 78. Aj. 1143. Matth. G r.. 5 43. ni. 2. ~. 1065 f. Hcrm ad Aj. 114. I would however read r(5 -'as some pronoun is required after ~vvotxEtv. 547. "7P3iv rjj7v tci~v -] Cf. on Ant. 21. Matth. Gr. ~. 289. n. 8. riqv tkiv - tv df] I should prefer x~g lxiv - Tg&A or rather T - tE -' q as proposed by Musgrave. And so apparently read Schol: ry Io 7rQgourovcV ~ io~LEVuv mriv Zjj3Pv. Cf. Eur. In. Fr. 19, 4. xoie fd'v avsrcar Ptlog, rc(v (ron~?) 6AI rpIVt - - ft 11MIM1111 -9 MW A _ - - 120 1 2() ~2~~0TPOK,/1L) rT T1'V ( COP c Q1( K jtV (ftbiH ~ruq ~ ~v4J~o~r, m Yv& )2EXTQE7CUv 7r(LY T(IT (Oil' aliia~7t~I tv LQe,~7 rqollaov 7reGo] 'Still advaincingq (to niatorilg).' Cf. F r. 2 39. 548. cpathvovecuv] ' Wa(ning, fadling.' V. Tllomf. Gloss. Pcrs. 237. cov] Sc. 'giaOv, as explained by Wand. &c. Schol: rhavo rj VCO)V yVV"YtCOJV qpLaEL ff'9rce~Ftv O' o~r~celtt o' roy cev6(O, xcWV 6iE V~ratVc %O),QFIV, 6rj~ovo'rt rc~iv 7rqsc~vrFqo~v. hId. on 5419. ol-ov, rc3v Vi 7tn&1 lrqV fLE;V VFUa~ov6Xv itcs~,tv Fi'o)aJ~v O' roy "cJ6 QO O'g0qp~ac1ao', r~g 6.' 7 1rE~{TQ 7tELV XOV i7r 0 CZ rotL r1g 7rQ5apvXE~c. Cf. Aj. 235. 8Eyajrtv ycoyv X# nroettvav. cv -. El. 142. Eur. Or. 920. U5rovQy4q oi'~rEQ %cd1 ptvot Gco'ovat y~v. Hel. 440. 'EU).Av 7rr-pvx10', ot'GcV oiVX?7rtGxQopct. and on 261 above. Othiers understand cov of the young. So Dind: " Negligentius, loquitar:, nam. rDc)V 11"V dici debebat." But the construction in this case would he very forced and unnatural. The passage is no dIoub~t corrupt. Nauck conj: z'q- tIEV U97c cEv TFtl I o Xc'og- av,9 Zrjq 4 visx'is c'a. I would propose: cov upcuQzcc~stv qptc~ I cV~og ci_~,r~a~ht. Or coy rptXE!7n~ ~rcz tx g3Qor(cov (or qic?.o~aLv U&Qaesveg) v 6rsa~c~c, -. Or cow6~isv 8E7tV7tr Ttg cpctst I r6cU'Uov (or ~Ozx8eo22~ Uvo,-. Or c'v c"(qaq i7ccg rcg cPc2Et cz v~ol 6Qi~cE6#ftc. aIcc~stv] 'To pluck.' Qa. 'qpae scEv. Cf. Arist. Tb. 205.3cc iccstv rc #ij1Xccav KZ',zQtv. Ecel. 722. AEsch. Suppl. 666. Pug cr, 6'' v#iog U"8es~rrov F~row. Pind. Fr. 87. tccUAhrxti3 c'0cra cUm5 XaCtQ0v d61CzC1 e6#at. P. VI. 48. &6Z'txov - 6Qi7tcov "3cav. XI. 192. XQvgoar&pUXvov 6 O0 q CZcgg xACcQ'V &V#"4aVx' o6t~dQca'~ i4EIOV. 549. oqpa1p0'gj 'The eye.' Schol: O' 03pa~t roi9 cU68eo. The eye is put instead of the person because in these matters it takes a leading part. Cf. on 527. Wakefield aptly quotes Prop. II. 12. 12. 'oenli stait in amore druces.' But o'cg#cr~4c~ put thus absolutely seems hardly right. Meineke (conjectures d' #Ullt Perhaps 7r&g #ice1EQ0dv. Or U~ccY rc3 avog Or ro' #'9'ov avog Or 7rcg rtg rc' y' (-v~g Cf. on 548. (YV#og] 'Flower, bloom, freshness.' Horn. Ii. v'. 484. x( 6' F`Xsc Tlpqg avv4og, o rE x~arog Eal ttlytarov. Simonid. 104. (''vo - ncolv/jQcerov r~q.Mimnerm. Eleg. IL. 3. c~v#E~tv flP3q7 rEQ~roLL&9a' -. Tyrtteus L. 27. VOLGL 6 rv?7OXEV, Qp 9 q jj cPgUyt~o'v U'v~og q'p. Theogn. 622. 'g3g I c'y?.codv &'v~og E"ov 'rjo 6'] z~v 6' Harl. 'But from the others (those whose -youth is declining).' Qu.,rig 6' (or r')v 6'). Cf. on 548. iz~wrejcztv A. B. T. Aid. Br. V'rcxQc7~ K. L. (both in text and lemm. schol.) Junt. IL. Erf. Wand. Herm. Dind. Hart. Bgk. Nek. vcEXcTQE'zU~V Harl. 1IcEtP~QbrEt is perhaps right. A similar change occurs in Phil. 4419: xc PEVv Trc4V'o ya - UcQovG cVcierQ,-qovxsg E I & Uov IF L%"["xc x XQrJGT' l'coarEs2~Xov6' cisc. The subject of V'zExTQhIr& is now no longer 03(pahttc% av6eo', but simply a&vqr. Cf. 967. (Ed. C. 658. Aj. 14. Possibly V'7rFxrQFXv (Harl.) may be the true reading, as 7rog3cdv~cv zoa &c. From a gloss in K. (i'z~rQ~zsc. nr'dcz)_ one might suspect that nodac has crept in from a marginal interprctation. Qu. vi7rsnlr ~C' c' (cf. Phil. 450). 550. Tcz~ix' ov~v qpojpoipat] 'On this account therefore 1 fear.' T~era. T P1AX _UV 4 1. 121 41(; x(l1 Vat rij, Vai r a L oiften occuirs in the sense of 6't 'a Taue 'therefore;,ts a' and a'( in the sese of ',wherefo)re.' Cf. Arist. Ecci. 338. " %cd rY 'dotrx pu - zat61] 'A law~ful, weddled, hitsband.' Aristot. Polit. Vii. 16. is. oxnYv ~Yxn? ITQOGLL7vOQSWWI z6atg, Eur. Hel. 571. oi' ttrrv yvVcatXcv y' Fg 6voitv iqNvv zItO6L. Hermiann: ",7reo'ac conjux est, connubio junctus; avqQ is quo xor fruitur."' In like manner a distinction is made between %ovQ[4i'q yvv ' and zatax ' Herod. I. 135. 551. xxak~a A. B. Aid. Junt. II. Dind. Hart. XcUlIExTCI K. L. MN. -1. Harl. Apitz. Herm. Wund. S8di. Bergk. Nauc.lemnVudr -end Schineidewin absurdly take zczU2ratES for a future, as in El. 971. The present subjunctive n kxect is quite right here. Translate: 'For Ibis reason 1 fear lest Hercutles be celled (i. e. be) my wedded hitsband onlq, while lhe is the lover of the younger one;' mine only in name, hers in reality. The present tense is used here rather than the aorist, because the continued duration of an action already begrun is contemplated, not merely a single act done once for,ill. Thus pt'm xaX~ijtL means 'lest she lie called, bear the appellation of, be,-' but uvj x1q, 'lest she be called, receive the appellation (once for all).' The difference between the use of the present and the aorist in such passages is explained with his usual accuracy and clearness by Elmisley (ad Med. 310.): "Qui 6 'm'otxc t' p - PI qy dicit, suspicatur Titiumn post aliquod teinpus aegrotumDoe ' fa be will be ill']; qui vero d'(6'otxce Ik naolmv, eum jam morbo laborare putat ['1 fear he is UIl'." As an example of the former he adduces Eur. Med. 37. 6e`6'otxce 6" ce r'v fLt U raov2.5a'orm'ov, of the latter Med. 310. ~ Tt~iD LQTVOJV 6p CZ6mc AmO Xlk ov, g3 (jPovXE.5aq the mss.) xacv. Trhe two significations we find combined in the same passage Phil. 519. "QLu gm', (i. e. 8s'd6otcz) 117I7 vv- pdv rTL eVe~q 7rcu /, Oxev 6'~ 7i~76a gTlg V 'Gov ~VVOVal~, TOT' OV Ex F"V"' TOL~g U.7Og TrOvxotq (crv,,q. Elnmsley is of opinion that, as the future is contemplated here, the more usual construction would have been ffl' - x~qq. I may observe here that fUd, when fear or caution is intended to be expressed, is uniformly followed by a subjunctive; whereas when simply doubt or uincertainty is implied, it is followed by an indicative. In the former case it signifies 'lest', in the latter 'whether.' Cf. 297. 550. 6633. CIEd. R. 747. 6'scvcq ai*vtuc5 1kqj 132.~rcov 6' tu0'vrtL ". 767. 1011. Phil. 493. 782. Ant. 1113. IF Ixx~ L~ fJ1J 0V ~ Xw0~cX~ V ULLQL6ToV 17 UOJ~ovTc TO'v 9tov XT2.cLv- Aj. 278. Arist. Nub. 4933. 6E'd6otxca' Y, co 7rQsajvree, fLY) 7Trli7yOv 6'5q (8'4t other mss.). Ecel. 338. a XLL' d1'dotnca tt XL chQc vLOEQo~ OV. Plat. Phoed. p. 84 E. CU2U1L cpogmasdc tt 6'vaXOX(O~TEQ6v rt Vvv d'L5xetfuczt (read 6a'1ccxottat, as. TVXnat P. 93 A.). Dem. p. 342, 11. 6'g6'otxc fli) TtvOS X VV $UCtV TO(l) a~'dwLxqLCrTnV VpttV ErMirot~n17 (al. -E) p. 372, 1. 6E'd6otxc uLY W 4attsrf~v (qu. ~e 4o17.cv, i. q. a Y)6fLEvot copsv). Cf. Schaefer Melet. p. 115f. Qu. xxkrat/X. (i. e. x~dv17 Ic.76 El. 230. Ph. 85. 119. Fr. 107.). 551. u&n'91] The man, the lover.' A4V~Q means 'vir umelieri idoneus.' V. Valck. ad Hipp. 490. Cf. 460. z~trtyg'aXa'v?'7 mEi 'HqCYxZJg E'yrncmE 8' John Evang. IV. 17. xcc~e3 5lbcL, OTC 'L Y( OV)L e`LO- 7LL'VTe 7LQ ul1J6QL5 %15/ Cl % ~J FXt, 76T coy IVQ THence the opprobrious epithet of women UV'vQeQ"'6rQtca (Arist. Tb. 392). Mehler ad Heraclit. p. 38. I 11 I ~1 1-1,11-.12-A '4-. - -n o -, _.',0 - a7 ___ RIIWX < ', 122 ~2O00bKAEO P~ (UU 01)Ta Y"~ 507U()q U2TOV~ O9yCtVEtV XCUA01' rvvcdtzc vo;~v EfXov6Uv 6' 'FXCA, qu1)t'ca I ' Po rt.Aiaxov 669 4(biov p zt5& conjectures: r~q v~aiq 6' ""' "~. Which I am. surprised that Dindorf should approve of in Ed. III. Eldike had already proposed (Yv n". 552. 0'ytcdV~tv] 'Should be angry.' Formed as avpcd'Vrtv, XuratmaVERV, 6va~~ca'uv, vaac~tv,&c. Cf. Eur. Alc. 1106. 6oy ys 11il lXOVTOg Seycdvrtv 4ptoA 553. n" 6'] 'Bett in whet way cf-c.' Though c'U"' has preceded. Cf. on Aj. 169. Selhol: co 451 xrd6rro xig ZVt7rng i'ucqr (14ce' t'v?) a~oii77V, p1iiV 554. 2~v~r 'eov IV't ~ t t, T r' iV~t~ (pcaao the mss. Dind. Waind. Nck~. There is surely some error here. Schol: C'IVxUro~ r~ Xltmrqg llc~ta. Erf: 2.vr4 Qtov 2.vzntrrLc v, L',v Tqa6c~o. (Followed by Bergk.) Wakef. conj: 2.vrnjpt0'v y' "xtci, a y6'- Ziel (de asyndeto ap. Sophi. p. 7) conj:?1vrjq'p0v XLn7toig ivtiv cpqcaGco. Herm: X.vXqQt0v x4q'Xnrcr, r,-6' -. (So also I'erw.) Hart:?7 i~tv?.7m9 r, q6 -.Wecklein:?~XvfJQ7 4itrjta - (coll. 1142) Wunder with Hermann rightly, I think, considers the error to lie in hv 7r~qica, and proposes instead some such nouLn as r,'vqt or nq, qct. The most probable corrections appear to me,;.vr j9tov x ipnre (sc. vc~v pqEsvc, f. 575. FG~ara cpQsv0' 6ot xroiro xnqi~V41O x9o Iri 'H~axldce4.). Or avr4Qetov rivg, or Avz 'gir ariqyrjO~a (ef. on 1138.). Or Xvr 'eto V'7 q rt (cf. El. 447. Xvrrq'tCC - roii cpovov. 635. Xvrq~t'ovg sicV 6XU cxwv 1490. 4totro' z6' U"v xcaxcv JL0'vov l~Vvoro zc67v rcecat Xvxi'Qtov. Fr. 697. TO ttrFlah4sv mriytovi~g 2Ivxc'qtov. (iEd. R. 392..7r~g oi', - 77'ig url "a~tot~dtv E'Ytvx4Qtov;) Or )Ivvi'tov 6riyrjrcz (as in 1138). Or ).v-r'qt0v rt 7?tt~ovng vtti'v pcpeaco. See also Add. 555-75. Cf. 831 f. 1141 f. 1162. Of the Greek poets Archilochus seems to have been the first who mentions the death of Nessus by Hercules. Cf. Strab. X. 5. Pans. X. 38. 1. The subject is also cleverly worked up by Ovid. Met. IX. 101-33. 555. "qaQtcov the mss. and vuiig. &y7Qtov Wakef. Erf. Which emeldation, though condemned by Schaefer and Apitz, and passed unnoticed by Dind. and others, seems very probable. Wakefield compares 109Sf. Ear. Ilerc. 366. a~yQLOJv KEvrat'QOJv. Ovid. Met. XII. 219; 'saevorum saevissiiue Centauirorurn.' I suspect the true reading is Ex NE'aaov 6oalv O ~nQo'g. In favour of the vulgar reading cf. Hlerod. VII. 11.0 Zsyog xro &Qcactov 'Ex 7ra2.ctoi?JE6lpfuro. Lys. 6, 51. xa-xa zo% v6ltttOv TO TrVc2CltL'v XCdC 7roxr Should we read instead 6Yo#1v? For the construction 6oi'Ev -#Q~ cf. on Phil. 2. Instead of 7orE4 - 71(YQa (557) Kayser would transpose zvecz~c - norix. 556. *nhe'] The centaur Nessus. Cf. 568. 680. 840. 1059. 1096. 1162. The Sphinx is so called.Xsch. Sept. 556, the Satyrs Ear. Cycl. 620. T-PAXNIMAJ, 2 I 9Q 1, 14i " o zafl'~ ET ovNW rov (Y"5v6TrEwQv0 TUact JNicblv qATYvorrg E'X cpovcov cavuA~uv og rov 0aihQovv ztorcqpv EI~ipvov I3QoroilY ttw#0f1O ~rd,9EvE xEQotv, oi~re zo~~lnqtotg 1560 CA ~, N,1 6 og zaL rov 7tar~wov 'qvtx Eg ~opov 557. zczfg] I. e. 'young; not 'a maiden,' for she was at the time a married woman. Schol: vscodea ot y~q 7rqEvg Cf. Schaef. ad Dem. e. Mid. 540, 5. 6acYvarE~vovl 'Shaggy-bosonmed.' Cf. 837. tss)clyXczira - #qo'Q6. Horn. xcaeo. the mss. Aid. Tragci Br. Cf. on 539. 558. Ni~aov A. B. Ni eov K. L. T. Which latter reading is constantly found in the mss. Ex (Povciv] ' From his slaughter (Wound),' when lie was wounded by Hercules. (Cf. Ovid. Met. IX. 101 f.) I. q. in arpecyc~v (5073). GI. T: rciv 6pcayo~v. Wunder explains, 'a sanguine ejus' To he construed with aY'vitX6~tiqv. Cf. El. 11. naq~ in cpov,~v I `~vsyxc. Ant. 696. IV cPOVcdtg Z7rETru cpocvwv the mss. vulg. Hermn. Wund. N-auck. &c. cpovC0v Bergk. Dind. Cf. on El. 11. Possibly the construction may be q#th'V0vr0G Ex cpoviov, 'when he was dying in consequence of his wound.' But the other method, I think, is preferable. Cf. El. 1. 1. 5059 f. Cf. Arg. Trach: Ucycov 8E Ji7ciVitQaV Eg nrOrcUtv Ehp.'ov 4X~0Ev, iV co xacE9' s~tvog Nicaog ' K~vr~avQog rov' rapto'vrceg 8ti~z6Q4 -tcivs fptY#0o, X70WV nat' #iCOV ravvirv TqV 7COOPEL'uv EWX7(pEVaYt dLt r6 6Yn'atog ETvat. According to Strabo (X. p. 451) Nessus was lr6~ 7tOQ#[tEv'g a'no,646diyttE'vog. Cf. Apollod. 2, 7, 6. Ovid. Met. IX. 101 f. For the double accusative cf. Eur. Ale. 450. 7roxv 8q yvvatN &qztaav a4~tvav 'A4Xc~ovr'a1V '7ro 5V'ac harczr 8ixoro~. Plat. Tim. 83 A. lyco' Gaqx 6dtcqgtjP 'rov orultaV. 559. Ev,qivov] dV),vi'v (the latter accent a m. rec.) L. '060. tttaf~ov] 'For a fare.' Genitive of price. Matth. Gr. ~. 364. 7rOQEV$] ro'QiV A. B. K. L. T. Ald. 'Used to convey (or ferry over%.' I. q.?,zJ'&1tvE. Schol: 6&i~ni`ce, 6tiE6Q0'&tEvEv. Cf. Eur. Alc. 1. c iro~~t~r~~tot~ nc~~rat~ iqiaaavI ~Compare ~Esch. Sept. 837 qaz'4A xQcert 7rOtt7rtttOV ZiQotv 'drv)ov. 367. anrov~f dtnw COX OV fL7tttoVg Ve 7rochi~v. Pers. 855. Eur. Hec. 1290. zrvou' rrofu4lkovg. Hel. 1073. Zm6Psnt~tot zvocd. Iph. A. 1322. RUc"MV 7rop~teiav. Hipp. 578. irottl4arc pc'rt Ycoparxcov. 561. Xcdcpcsot K. VEsog] nrXEv0 conj. Mein., who however thinks the common reading may be defended, by supplying nro tov (from '25 o'Qiv,) or 7rXio~v (from iqicacov). W~e may perhaps connect Xaicpmav vsco' directly with 1EISOQFVF. But I am inclined to think 7r2.&ov the true reading. 562. rov noercSTOov q'vt'a au~'.ov B. K. L. T. Schol. Junt. II. Pors~ Misc. p. 219. Dobr. xro)v narazecov?7vtina 6aro'av A. Ald. rot, 'tLOV- 7rUTQg t'vfa axiro'Uv Erf. Trcerpog iqvin 'l~ov (5lXa Hart. xi'v zarcedoov ~vn'v'A Eg dotov (i. e. to his home) Herw. Vauv. conijectures: 0 g X 5U ' ~r Q i~co' v L'~vnc 0xlcov I $Vv 'HQaxX.LT ro' rncrov Ev'vLg (i. e.!30rEQ?7Evq) E'G'Z oujxqv. Or - narco'ov 0JrE ar1oLov a-no - S)vtg ('coujux'). Schaef: 'cum patris missu flerculemn prinmum uxor sequerer.' (And so explain Dobr. XWund, 1.24 124 ~OPOK / K) 1~ 1Bi' LIqatXAE Ti)6) TQOJTOI Ev1'r~51OAi S_-chn.) I1)obree proposes to connect cGro'~ov with ';a7re,;u1v (sif r,lrofu,), col 5f. 159. iEsch. Stippi. 183. (Ed. C. 358. Arist. Av. 46. Etur. 11cr. 3)8. (where v.Elmsl.). Sehineid: "As if aro'lov 7r7ro' 7rczTeo' or2g Porson renders: 'attended or condntceci by may fat/icr.' Nauick Considers the passage corrupt. I would correct, ro'v ItaTQOJov n'vt"A' Eg 60',uov. Herenles and his bride were on their way to Argos, on huis retnrn to his father's hom-e. Cf. Eur. H-ere. 11. 'qv nc'vrrg V'~t~vcd~otat Kcz64aFiot' 7CoTE Leo~rt 6vVtjM'cAa~ca', nvlz dg '1iov, gj Yottovg L vvo, gIQCnZh~jg VLV ij~ Where Amphitryo is speaking. Compare also the narrative as related by Ovid. Met. IX. 103. 'nova repetens patlrios ccni conjuge n/atrosI vencrat Eveni rapidas love nalus ad undas, I ziberhis solito ninibis itienmalibns auctas.' Senec. Here. (Et. 499. 'Me conjitgem dane victor Alcides biabel, Irepetebat Argos (f-c.' Or rO'v K~i ~Aog ~~vt'x'?g b60'rov (cf. Wund. Praef. III. 6. 4.). Or xojv vvUnPriov (Vvacp(6'tov) n'v(xc arx'ov ('on my wedding trip,' for ax6ro,~ often means 'aI joutrney or expedition', as in (Ed. C. 3)58. Ph. 244.). Or 7tfTc)U Urp'.1ucara OrE. Or 7ruaT~wag. crp ' i7vtx iGrau. Or jraxQC0'6V 0r)7VLX 'A cho'icov. Or TCUTQWC1XttV 'rVtXcU 6rTcsi~t. SChol: Gardov (Pat Tx 7r2S~1t03 T6cV?V xiq Oi~t' dhot2co~v r8 xcii ca'r2.cp6iv. "V 'Ce Oi4V nrcXUrULovacz TeV OtXOV TOV 7~CUTQOg EQ12tLOg 0.ovX 1 6`#Ua r6 JI1 9aX( V. 563. ~iVv 'HIeaxhiF~ - Egz6r4vv] Xen. Cyr. V. 2. 36. auv rofg vivx5 -CLt - #QQ0ZVrEg Xcat otE ""0'ov~oc `ovrat. Matth. ~. 403 a. Compare ~Xscli. Ag. 928. cYvzq dE - arQaro co ICAyv L Evvar~ro. Evvtg] 'As his wife.' I. q. EV6rt Evvi7T~a (922.). Eur. Or. 929. "v6QjOv Evr~vc6 Awo43oStrvot. Iphi. A. 397. 807. Blomif. GI. Pers. 291. Schiaef. ad Orest. 919. Some distinguish between 5Vvig 'nxor' and Euvcvt 'orba' (v. Dorv, ad Chiart. Viii. 8.). The Sehol. explains it by E`Qqttog, i. e. 'deprived of mny fat/icr.' So Ii. x'. 41. O~ Lc' vtl) 75 rO?.cv rE uat 16#hcZv vvv `07,xT ~Esch. Cho. 245. y11;vvcv Eivuvv aldrxo~, 7 73. (p11eV 7tc5hOV EvtvL. Pers. 289. rco11ci - Fsu'~vtdc rj'' ~V'.va(QOVg. Qim. ',iv 'HQaIEitro 7reQOTov -`htov 5vvirtq (or iazr,3~cnv bc'siQ). Or ~Vvv!IQI~~r~rLWZ?~hrcirV5VElu. Or ~Vv'Hecxzri7rq6,5x' EV'vE'tL ~vvF67rocci7v. 564. qv B. K. L. T, vuig. Nek.?v A. n Dind. ij 'v Cobet. N. L. p. 188. nv L169)p 7ro'Qco] Perhaps '~v p LEgOO 7re9,orsvfG3V709) Cf. on 692. The addition of the preposition however is not necessary. 565. ipcirist cadc xavlCf. (Ed. C. 1639. Vavgag Upvea~ ZE-Q5L`V. Wakefield thinks the Schol. read VapcI~rV. ttarat'acg] I. e. vaPQtLTtXcL', 'wcanton, lascivious.' GI: a&66nout, c1Xo1cagrotg. AEseh. Prom. 829. ylo'6j iara1. Eum. 336. tyo~ixc-fu Tauot. Cf. 587. (Ed. R. 891. El. 331. Hesychi: ttarcd'~E. uowQcd'vst. Valek. ad Herod. II. 173. Compare, the use of fgCogog in the like sense. The, Schol. explains it otherwise, in the sense of 'vain, uinsucecessful', in as much as lie dlid not effect his purpose. Wrongly. 566. ~ra~c~p _I 'flaying turned himiself.' Sehiol: rV'Q,7dt6g n GCrEXpa %a fLjp~ig rfv vFv Qcv. 1n Ei avriv 6or qmit xct4 plipcz. Or rather, 'having directed it (the arrow) against bhi.' Qu. 17GrC1(ciqmio, 'having noticed it.' Or 17ru/~T~lvci. Or 11'zgpcia xc~a. For XE9oiv ef. 26,5. TPA XJNLA I. rooi~ovT),tL7rE Heat y'~)ovro~ WiVgco) rwoao O'v/pj'5a,, rcov 14tov, ~Eav Z7Il4~ 7 Eclv 'yaq U19 87rET0V Clmttc TOJ)V qtwv 567. xottr-riqv i06] I. e. nTrr 0'jsvic in thre lamingage of Homer, Ii. c' 171. Hc'v(YupF, 7ro5 XoL T6~ov I'dY' Zrr POsVrvg O~eaot'; GI:?7tTFcoPEvov. Phil. 7rXEV4toveig A. Aid. and (supr. v a mn. lpr.) L. Dind. Nck. 7rVFV~ovug the rest, ad[ermn.Wund. Bgk. Cf. 778. Blomif.ad ~sci. Se~pt. 61.Lob. adPhryn. p. 305. 568. 6't8(Qo1qOrE5v1 'Uhizz-ed through.' 11. zr'. 361. ax~4r r E ' O'Y6rc(7)v xs 0o~vxdro~o xvcv Lye. 1426. Arist. Av. 12 i z 7(t'rQOitG X~ pot~;rcwtv. Cf. 1083. Jtf+, 7r2~vv(.?Ex~v axcov] 'As he was gasping, breathing his lest, expiring.' 'Excavjr; agxrtv sometimes means simply 'to faint, away, to swoon. away.' Hesych E'Xv~. t-7roUVfu)76EV. Hippocr. de morb. vulg-. V. 7. xuai?4f'zvF 7rvvcaxt, cog 'riz~avU'at coiaitv. Hbm. Gd. g'. 100. YF 'xo'9Zf#ivov. izElian. N.A.TIII. 7. IzOrv'vax~tv rc' -7rqc~x, ts~za ~t~vrot xcat UroO~v 'xstv. Pliit. (le s. nI. v. II. p. 563. xursvv-~sI yc'C 1~ Vipovg utv~ us1g rQC4CxqovxatJ rQtrcaio~ g 'O s& 7 x&1, rclpug 5u'aug caV~qVE7yi Aleiphir. lii. 66. Ot" at1~1rd'ta 6d co sicYo v,?'9UVOV Ta5 7Xcort. Abreselt. ad Alscli. Ag. 569. Here it evidently means mnore thian. 'fainting,' for the Cantanr really died. Cf. 709. 9vq'GxwOV 0 Th Q. 570. ' Thus much benefit shalt thou derive fronm my conveyance of you.' Toaov,6E refers to whiat follows 572f.?&'v ycaQ &c. 7rv~af, (yQ. zrtO~) L. 75v',a 13. K. M. T. 7rt~ln- A. Aid. ntd#1 Col. Turn. GIl. T: ccxo 'Gjq. Schol:?v 7rtj yQ vi, l 7r 571. 7roaq'ttcv] 'Conveyance across, passage,' Lat. 'transvectionis.' 7rslttp' 'Conducted, conveyed.' 11am. Od. 7t'. 227 f. v'. 187 f. Nanecl C(nj: v~gtr~xTV?`'Euipcc as. a' add. B. T. V. om. A. K. L. M. liar]. Aid. 572f.?&v yu' -] 'For if you take with your hands fronm my wound coagul(ated blood, feoni the part where the black poisonous miatter (i. e. the ar-row, tinged wtithe the black poison) of the Lerna'an hydra penetrated.' Cf. Ovid. Met. IX. 129. 'Quod (ferrumn) simul evulsumn est, sanguis per n1trunmque foranmen Iemticuit, mnistus Lcrnwi tabe veneni.I Excipit hmnuc Nessus: neque enunt morienmur inmulti, Isecum ait: at calida velandina tincta cruore Idat munus raptae, ve/ut irritamen armoris.' 5 72. U'., cpioQ E rovj 'Coagulated (or collected) around.' Schiol: r6 zE — 7ryo frQhipC czt x5"' ~ro ct. Ii. E'. 902. Cog 6" Jr' i'no'g yd2'ea 2svxolv?vV 'trro q GVV I V7QOV "0V, ttc'ICa 6' 'ic I tqprct~vImvt Od. V'. 477. aeax~s'lat TCsqp~ri(xPEVa n~araxxo. Hence #QFltqtuc (574), #po'tfpog, rQoqpcdtg, &c. Hartung wrongly corrects 4LcpmtO'qvzr~ov. zci rc5v E'tovcpuyo~v] 'Framnzmy deathi-wound.' Genitive of place, dependent on.?vS'yxz. Cf. Plil. 613. and on CUd. 1R. 142. Unless the trupe reading be clti' hx -tjv 4ecttv I ainpftycOv. (El. 11. o"',av ac nurcaog " q?Opvciv ` vsynca.) Cf. 717.?v. 6t'- roii' 0'6's gcpcaycv 6'tsA#O'ev 14 ut1-aiwog stc &c. Aj. 919. cpvaivr-' c'vc0 utl'tv~vcJt' &7Vz' o Ix F~ca~ 1'111 I 11 I -=Imwlzm no a vm-,- f 126 W{3 ~~~~Y2OiPKAEOTflY 6pay~j. El. 568. oi, XUar' 6cPyrY'. ~~sch. Ag. 1389. Zx~vatcZ~v viFav cztLOCTo9 6cpceyiv. Eumi. 428. c4`,aexog %5W9LeQ~t'V I 6apceyce rea" c~o Perhaps however cdcraa is to be conlfectedl with xc~v 4rro-v pUYCOv, 'die blood fromt my deaf/i-wound.' SomnetimneS 6Cp~ayc means 'throat', Lat. 'jugulum', whence 6Cpa'E tV 'jugulare' (Aj. 299.) Asch. Prom. 865. dY~aqxrov 'v Gapa yaat pUVe~ ~(pog. Emr. Or. 291. ttn Tn- TvxorViq Eg GrPczYU (66GW L'pog Thuc. IV. 48. 069TOi~g —?9 T&'X cG(PQ7Ug XUcUE-'T~vr. But this cannot be the sense here. V. 567 f. 573. i11 rFX"Y ovg I?'f"cEpV iovg #Qiypar AEPrca'a fiaciq vuig. T. e. where the coagulated blood (i. q. "'tpt'#qurrov ceiaur, 575.) of the Lerntwal hyjdra tinyged wit/i black gall (or poison) t/he arrows (with one of which Nessus was wounded).' We maty suppose an ellipse before y cEAyX6'.ovg of o 6rs dtvca. Dobree renders: 'ubi (circa eami partemt cuspidis, qua,) sogittas tinxit hydra', adding: "A~nigma Sophocle dignum. 1. li'g, tOlin an veie - nuan? 2.,'jPazpsv, instillavit,- an in/ixit? (ut Piewn. 1594.) 3. hQyLr, i/flw an /iydra! soboles? 4. #Qyp an "ilia nom11inativuls?" lie conjec"tures, 1r2.iy~o2~oq - i5o, 'ubi venenumn, /iy(rae soboles, tiuverat vuinus.' Tihe pilssage will be cleared of all difficulties by reading fl.yZOeXo'~v - lob for rcy xO(Aovg tovi, a correction which I find had been already maide by WAN~der (cf. his Emend. p). 35f.. The construction will now he: IC', a a.Fcey'X~ov io5 Arqvca'a "(pg 'where the coagulated niatter of the black gull poison of the Lernaean hydra penetrated (the body of Nessus).' Cf. on next, v. Wunder strang ely renders: 'quo lwi(/ae sagittae (!) venenumn hydrae hernaene demzersit.' Cf. Apollod. II. 5. 2. TO'M 6WPU r~ {ch39ag CVUaa%(aa (H-ercules) rIj xoly- To?'9 016roV' /'"cup Ovid. Met. IX. 1~29. 'sanguis per utrumque foramnen Iemzicuit, mistus Lernaei tabe veneni.' For the double genitive loS Zda (#qitce) cf. on 1191. iii W fhere.' Lat. 'qua parte' Ctid. C. 183. Ant. 444. Seliol: 07ollo. p,~YXo,1v3] Read p~OlcyXolov. See below. 574. li`zPuVcv] 'Dipped, pierced, penetrated.' Wunder compares AIsch. Prom. 863. 61#,xrov lv 6aPyUa6 13&ipcwa ~tlpog. Eur. Phmcn. 1571. ~a6 -YceVOV Ei'6CO arsX/~g tr`PaVv. Here. (3czrrtv is used -apparently in an intransitive sense. So we say 'to dip' both in a tra nsitive and an intransitive sense. Or it may mean, 'tinctured, infected it (the blood).' WV; vulg. 1. e. 'arrows.' Cf. 567. Ph. 105. 166. But the true relading, is toy~. Cf. 717.?X hIY zOv8' ohcS I 6(a~tyiaV dhLE).JOV 14 cri'Pcrog (at'PwroSg?) ixl)ocg. 770. cpoe;'vtog E X 1vrj~ g 0'. See on prec. v-. With 10'g com11pare the Latin virus. #Qitlkfw 'Coagulated (collected) mnatter.' Cf. on 57~2. a'tpi09scrrov arig c. 702. 99opP %'dtg (rp~ot'. Schol: *Q4Lf cr v6'. EQtpQ6rtrxtnriJ q da So 1099. d ~vg'E~t(hvqg #p~ttce. 1093. IE/ovx', C''rlarov #PEUwU. Wrongly. 575. rppvo' - rg 'HQan)1Ei`Ug] Cf.- on (Ed. R. 267. xrj1Xflr Qtov] Eu"fr. Hue. 535. X0 o"'g lLO~ 576. (06rE pqjuv' -itdtcI 6TE'QLE yvvcdxce %EEvog] Q1u. coarcs PIT rivp VGTSQov (or "&)0l0Qovir, or clt6crc4) I avri'cat yvvcdxcz xecvov - - _ ____,, 11-. I TPAXJ N JAI.12 127 "rP!"& YVIVCtzaXC' vog a'u 60, ZAg01V 'toV~T iVVO J/6t, adWict, L60 aC tJiQ'jl tc~v 0to d7 Ccc Vrr ~ogr~ 577. 6rllp~ t B. K. L. M. T. V. Br. Hernm. Dind. &c. ar~au A. Harl. Aid. Junitt. Tarn. Apitz. ar~an Step)h. If axr'p~F were the true reading, o"v'TIVa not tt "riva, I think, would he required. % &~vo I. e. 'HQaUO5Jg, iMphie( in T~'Haxg i~ Cf. on 261. cUVTL ao0i 7r2Jov] Cf. 1226. Ant. 182. xacd tFt'rovOV GTtQ 'vrtl rrjq' co'rov 7Crax~g I qt2ov vo~ut''Et. Arist. Ecel. 925. ovcTE'g y'z a ~ ro~O c a t vr' 4tov. 578. 661totg] ttv~otg Weckil., coil. 686. 579.?yF4tattvov A. B. T. vuig. Hlerm. lyxrx).stfr~cvov L. M. and (supr. a) K. 17%FX, vov Dind. Nck. &c. C.o j 24 580. 7rQOGjgaxOva) 'Having added,' or 'having applied.' Sco: or (PirltV, cog xar' Evro23v NE'ao NU ztv& av~tri~aaow. Which cxplianat~ioa is rightly approved of by Wander (see his Introd. III. ~. 5.), Benedict and others. Sch, fer: 'atlendens ominia qntae vivels ille dixit,' coil. 682 f. 844. (And so Hermn.) Wrongly. Nauck conjectures zocqapoiw'. This passage receives light from what is related by IDiodor. Sic. IV. 36. 6 6E Ni;aaog ttxvut~ ttaytso,, Xcd &~c T~V V6 UTn r rajy~ V Vgi c(tnO#V '6X&)V, iCqnGE Tj JqpcVavt'Qy &DOJ~vL qptlXXQ0v, 0r&og trjd~tit~ rc)v c.UNWv YVVca X6V 'H avl~s 4lvfaEX 'GY 7tnrc~aat. 7aQEXEXEV6c"ro OVV2cxou ear rv T?V 5 rob ivao~vxa y04vov XUL, Tovzrca rteoapt'~igtxc F~ixtov xaw To a~r6 rg UntMog c z',roarov atia, Xqtaat rh'v Xtrv6vce ro~ 'Haxki-ov9. Apollod. II. 7. 6. 6 6E (NJEaaog) ttiUOV TEX~vrci, 7rOX EajtEvo vEhv, Et la)XOL pF~LUT(OV 7rO 'HQcYY.X,,c~ Efxtv, xrio v rEyo'vov, '6vcrP4XF vXcvr natYig XC To' Q'VEV IX TOVY TQUVfj1"ZOg artta arvtrtri~ca. 17' cY' rot4,agaa roxoq2axrr 7taQ' 'iavry-. With which compare the account given by the writer of the Argument of this play. 581. XEV~ilv~?nxvog Hfar. Perhaps therefore ~civ vTb' EX~b-VO9. 7rv.7rttavxaL A. B. K. L. Aid. Dind. Wnnd. Schn. Nek. 7rEv,,tQxrt. T. V. Von. Apitz. 1-Jerm. Weckl. 'Have been effected, ex'ecu/ed.' Selhol: xarlpt~yaaxat, TE ~A~rOrTO nr p'vra (navuivv~rcc?). GI. T: xvxvldca TcUt. Schaefer, C. Matthiae (Ohs. p). 18), Dindorf and others derive 7r&z~tpvt'aat. fromt zrveatVco, tan epic form of =rvpaivw, as in 11ib. Od. tt'. 37. ravxc p~vvouxw 7Cyr a' i ~va (schol: xvrDXFvata). The perfect passive of 7,Qaz' co would he, not 7r-7EaQvrar, but 7rEztiQaVrat,atlsti Attic Greek. So Plat. Ale. 1. 132. roGo rov - 7rE7 FQavrat,. I ami therefore dlisposed to think- the true reading -may he 7rc'Vra 7rFZEaVrat nOC~. (So 586. atqXcaVuraL roVQYOV. Cf. Aj. 22. zrp&yog ~a"no~rov I E~vt &~avag.) Or rather na't rrT1Q a~c cTE, 'and so let this experiment be mnade', cf. Arist. Yes1). 1129. all' OVV ~r~v~6c)y'. For the perfect form 7rFi~QaUUat cf. also Fr. 516. El yij p,,.7rvir'qa~at V'n Ear. Beller. Fr. 20. ov~rcog atcvivov teuj 7rtQ&Ga~at, na).cv. Cress. Fr. 8. 172darattat cNh nati 7ts~rEiQ~a~ta )Iav, eog &c. Ilerod. IV. 159. -7rEL7cQqpE~voL ('having tried'). VII. 125. kv7rFvi~eao. Pind. Fr. 76. zFr~tcqiivcov 6~ rtg (sc. zoitot~ov) raQy3vt 12S I 2S ~MOiOKAEO P~ TO./",tta I'tijr t'nrWrwt~pjv ~%'c pn~r ExpC",oqttL, TCa'~ Tt roA Cd)5L( 6 GvyCO qi9tAr~)otg () -WV 7(&J& TqjV( tt-,,Oacahaq T1J'V Zl~rdac xcal 4Jt'Axr~ot rorg Eqp' ' 8 &c. Aristarcli. Trag. -ap. Stob. Flor. 63, 8. z'QCnrog Jertg pri' 7Et&'Qczzcz1 j3Qorc~ov &c. Theophr. I-T. P1. VI. 7. ot' i (jia, rt -eVrs. Luceian. llerm. 34. Urrrpa6et- 'vg5. Liban. Epist. ad B~asil. xcet'xrot on' TOLOVTCOV 7rE7ZtQ StE0 dtdaigxacJov. Wunder: 'aiqute huec quidlem (00?fecla setnt.' Who objects to 7rvcrri~cexce, first. lecause tbe passive sense of the perfect 7rt~ruciprcer is unusual [but zErsrt90cGaco) is passive in Arist. \Tesp. 1129, and we find siQycercet, used equally in an active and a lassive sense, and ~~ir 586.]; secondlly lbecause Soplh., if bie hiad used the verb at all, would have written rathier 7tlrslrtQcqxw, 'expwrltns sumi, experientia novi.' But even 7rts7rF1tQafLL. bie considers would he mnsuitable here. It is probable that Deitanira is accompanied by anl.utteudl lant bearing the box containing the present for her husband. Cf. 6221f. 58'2-84. Wecklein would transpose these lines thus, 584. 582. 583. 58S2. ToAierej 'Daring attempts, machinations.' Cf. on Aj. 46'. 7rolU'cea T dpt~x~es xca4 q(ppc4 *J9ceav; Eur. Hipp. 414. attaw ( xe r GwCOTPVcz tLEV "v) 10.oytg, I 1U'e#Qc tlE r'ttagL ov' -ALyZL (i. e. czazreJ~, as here) xxrdce.Perhaps we should read HQ'vreg. tut'q~ Lmtarad'eivj 'Meg I neither know (so as to practise).' Wunder renders: 'neque ipsa exerceam', referring to his note on Ant. 301. zact' 7raevrog ~'yov dvaayf~ucv Edc~vrt. Deianira thinks it necessary to apologise for resorting, to such a venturesome device, her only excuse being that she hopes thereby to regain the lost affection of her husband. Cf. Ant. 686. o~r' a~v 6'vvcd'pqv fL)'r'?ztrLarcetnuv CK'yEtv. F or tc Jr - TS E: f. 1 43. It q'T Ex~aa.0otg -rce~o~act, v~bv r' (vuig. cI') U'7LEtpOg Ei. Ph. 1363. TilrQotgj I. e. irritandne amoris (Ovid. Met. 9, 133). Eur. Hlipp. 509. f~axtV Xut oi'xovg TtptrQa fLot '0I)Xr 'QL&'e EQOf)xog. 584-7. Suspected by Dind. 584.?Eav 2rcogj Edv 7rov Eust. p. 799, 3. Cf. CZEd. C. 1770. Or,'gag d' i1tt& zipLfuVo, lffev ircog LItaxo31V6LCfLV to~va tPovov. V~rp~XC'tt1a 'Surpass, overcome.' In this sense the middle is generally used. So Eur. Or. 683. tcay-y I 1% o 9 ~ Qo 3na cdot~%E# cc. Arist. Eq. 407. ov'rot, ~tt in~QFpcdsi4' U'vat6E'yi -.- 411. 755. Nub. 1031. But I.7rEQPU?X~r-v p.oXOfi7jI'ce, without any object attached, 'to be sutrpassingly bad,' Arist. P1. 109. 585. This line is bracketed as spurious by Waind. (v. Emiend. p. 194f.) Hart. ]Bgk. Nek. &c. Certainly the words roig Irp' 'HQUau2,St seem unworthy of Sophocles. Yet cf. Apollod. II. 7. 6. El #i~ot ut~Lreov z7tQ 'Hqczx?.'c E'y~tv. Qn1. upQsV~ 'HQaUo~ivg (cf. 575.). Or -LI) 'H~czx16ovg (FQFVOg. ~0'~%rQotat] I. q. 01Ey rqoeg. Eur. Or. 211. coqti p)ov V~rVov 0~i.yrjTQov. Athen. 220 F. 7r6'#cov #ilyTqxq. Compare axiQy]7'OQov, rpt)~reov. roi~ A. B. K. L. Harl. Turn. xij~d' Ven. ro~d6' T. Stepli. 586. pspXC'vrjrca is here used in a passive sense, ais is sometimes thue case with riQyeqTcat. Cf. onl 581. M_ __ TPAXI-NIAI.12 129 XOPO2. cUl'rtg ~6r 7dtartg,r v ots (YQ&1f.LV~tg (YoxaU zrap' 'sitv ov, PEPOVAE i354at Xaxc5g. ziHIANEIPA. ovrcoQ e4o) '7CJL Zirmg ro' PtEv doxErv 590 ~~~~~'vat,4a1 v qwotna ro 587. fxc~Xcctovi 'Wrong, rash, wicked'. Et cYE' P77] 'Otherwise'. Supply tt do(~ which makes it equivalent to vi I68 dloxn. Wunder similarly supposes v l~ 8.Fp to be thus put because the implied sense of the preceding words is, 'si recle vobis facere videor'-; and so in similar passages. El NF pil often follows after a negative. So Thue. I. 28. 7r61,cov JEh ov, EtOw irOvri'v El 8c1& P~ xa't aihot, av1x6L ~wv. 131. IL. 5. Arist. Pac. S. Matthi. Ev. IX. 17. oV6~ Pc )lovatv o~vov viov Elg c'Gxo~g 2racdavoi~v'g t 8' trj' ys, l'vvvrcat ot' aaaxot &c. Heind. ad Plat. Parin. 14. p. 208. Hipp. M. 12. p). 145. Matth. Gr. ~. 617 b. nzav'aofvca B. K. L. M. T. V. Schol. Junt. II. Turn. n cnavGrcat A. Harl. Aid. Br. Schol: Et' 64F PT?'=rvvyXavo, zWav"O~at XTjg EZLXEtQ?7cE0;. Translate z~zcv3aogat~, 'I1 shall at once stop, I shall have done'. Cf. Ant. 91. oanoiv, Orcav 61q P?, aqO'ivco, I 13aV60PL. Phil. 1280. El 61 pq '9 XL 9zaeo 14G"' I 'KVOJ 7rEmrVvpat. Qu. El 6E4 it rao~a 588. Ei' XLg A. K. T.i~ -L B. rXLg L. ztrtqX~] ' Confidence, assurance'?V -rotg 4COPE3OL9vL1 'In what is being done, in what you are doing'. 589. 7tffpI 'PiiV] 'With US, in our opinion, according to our view'. Cf. CM~. C. 1214. Aj. 611. Eur. Her. 370. 7rov raVra aXa~.&2 Z~v Eif'qI 7a y EV cpQovoi~atv; 881. 7rfXQ 'ptV yOq ov' aoqpO'v XodE. Med. 760. yvvVcatOg aV779~, Al'4yE, zap'g 4vol 6ESc0OX776Xt. El. 1010. co' PvEv IraQ rnu ov xcl(g Iph. A. 500. raQ' 'j~tav. Alcmveon. Fr. 5. IroU;1v crap 1 ILOQevI ocpltamavct. Fr. Inc. 120. aoqi~g zrae' pvv. Herod. III. 160. zixa& Ja o tet QLrq. I. 32. zrag 41toi. VII. 16. i'aov '%Etvo - C crgvso flQLXL qpgovmVv Xv Ev &c. Hyperides 7, 12. AvnoigQyov 7Cea~c Xovrotg p~EXetov Xat, EntLX?1 6oxo~v'ra ElVaL. Act. Apost. XXVI. 20. 1 X'rL aXIrOXOV n(LE'2'EaL 7taQ vfstvl, i C' O'#o'g ve% gov EyEiQEL; I. Ep. S. Pet. IIL 4. 7racea',64' 0OEC ENZXXoJ b~ttov. 590. ovXcog y q 7 f rL6tg the mss. vulg. o1X-/rog iEzL 69 - Hart. Schol: traEvco~ Ii~v ak,1-F Evatv, ov' pv IrEzrEt'Qcqp. The particle ysis ill-placed and the passage is evidently corrupt. Qu. ovXcJg EXCO Xrp) irvartv. (So zdGXLv ZE`XLv XLv' (Ed. C. 950, ztIrrGXv 9ThEL XLI El. 735. (iEd. R. 1445.) Or ovXo3g F ILt oL (or 'pij) ztLGXLg. Or rather ovXToN EX(co c 703 tIrLGXco g XrO PLFv 6~oxnvtv Or ovXrco V' -. Cf. Ear. Med. 721. OVXCO EXE!0Lco'jv o~yj g X#'va &c. V. Add. Xo PLEv ioxstv] 'Belief (expectation of success) indeed'. 591. E"VEGar] SC.?V Xolg aeOPlE'VOtg. IrEdQ 8 - 'But 1 have never yet nmade (entered on, had to do with) a trial' Thuc. 1. 122. 6' X&) ILoX 03 IreOao~t 'Gag. VI1. 70. Plat. Plhedr. BLAYDES, Sophocles' Trachiniae. 9 130 j3() ~?(XliOKAEO 1i XUP02I. zLIHL4NEIPA. UA,,vrt,,'af, ov Y, A OvfttaOv 'a YtUN rUxovig 6' vE'AEr6at. 595 Lo'vov 7M9~ tvtc5v Eiv 6v6cE oig azxdw x 6vrixU 7r~cw, ov~o X1zVvJ Zc~ p. 250 E. VO1Qt zewoGftl~o~v. (And so often in Plato.) Nub. 1399. Cog 1746 XULVOFtg 7rQ",VtkGLv -XcX' &atoi~g 0'tXEiv. Similarly Arist. Eq. 1289.?vvv - XtaLGL (PQOVrLGL aVyyEyUFrnVct (where see Kust.). ~schi. Pers. 176. 7tQo~tmjd'Iac] Qu. zreoacopt'Anxcw. Schol: 7rEi~tcqwlt. 7rco A. K. L. Harl. nov B. T. zw and 7rov are confounded Arist. Av. 196. Ran. 565. &c. 592. sl~ivcet X 6961cavj '-You must ascertain by,acting'. Supply GE. Alcmian. Fr. 46. 7lrsi'Q Tot JW# 'g~o a`QXv - El p for oiv' d Marn. 593. &v yv~ipu] yq. &yvcopcw L. in marg. ro yvJ~liw add. a iui. rec. yv&ga] 'A proof'. 1. q. yvWoQLGfL~c. The word occurs also in Asclh. Ag. 1352. Ear. Her. 408. Herod. VII. 52. rvA OLE`ttv yvc~anc fdytaxrov. Arist. H. A. 6, 23, 4. Aretce. p. 87. ed. Oxon. V. Blonif. GI1. Again. 1325. fk ztQ63tvq] 'If you do not make trial'. 1. q. jvC 7 rELQ5oo. So Phil. 106. oix &Q' cnELcvc0G UV oE& M,006p,4L #QUGv'; I'OJ. ov-, aou a vf36a y, co g )ly w'X~. Eur. 11cr. 283. Itr~ y&,3Pn' c06E y U" XEX'r9ftkEI~ 7tOUflV?V"AQyEL, ttLj GE T~tlJo)QOvtEVOt. 594. Et~~LEGa] 'We shall learn, or ascertain'. Schol: YVG@9, IpG,q at,'rV d ' nc~V XOtVro axEVuz~ttarOg. Pro yd~ YU Ov Ai'Xcv 7rcalq'ov 7roQVG011E~vog EX7tOXOfLGE1 TO'V ZE7rX7dV ic 'HqX&,xt `at'av dt"' TO'VTOV rE~QMx Cf. Ant. 229. 631. 1253. 4ZEd. R~. 84.,595. 8tc' Taczovg 8'?ElrzE-rc] 'A4nd he will qutickly depart.' (Ed. C. 1206. ata 'Taxovg]1I. q. raXcog7 as O6' 3y'ljI langrily', &c. 596. Ik~vov - GrvlEV4Lti Cf. 1109. Phil. 528. gtdvov aEo' G~OPIOV. Arist. Av. 1315. irvxce fWVOV 7zQoG-Ft)7. ivg~v A. K. L. T. (supr. itv) V'Ctv B. Perhaps rightly. GTvtgEyo4L&] Schol: XQv~rz~toLE09a- olov, 6tconl YE'VOLTO. I think we would read GrEyOfLEOY, this being an injunction rather than a wish or a prayer. So El. 469. -7rEtQogivq' 6. UOv&; zc-n C"7Ov E'tt lOIa Gy~r ce vp rv no'g asiov, EGTra (not 61'iq), epi?'At. The optative is appropriate. in Trach. 1109. 7rQoagf.lo Ol idvov. Cf. on 331. 1226. CEd. R. 904. Gxoxcp] 'In the dark'. Schol: Xcc90Qcc. 5097. ovzov' alaGz~1'vY s7reG] 'YIout will never fall into disgrace'. So Wunder explains, referring to Matth. ~. 401, 3. Cf. Asch. Euin. 68. rV ZO.7rEGOaoLu. (But Phil. 826. ol~ av Eig rvov 7dEfl.) Chio. 47. zrEG6VTOg utpacrog 7rE. Sopb. El. 747. ro~ d' 7rirrvx. Tr. 915. hL vW01 -- p~aAxovcaP DiEr. Oresf. 88. (Y.vi'ot`6 7rrr(,)' 66. El. TPAXINIAI1. 131 cog iGfI~dv ~d To) PLUlX9G XQOVCO /39CtLEr. zJHIANEIPA. c'A,1 ai~rcc 6&" dot mrctvrc t xx rcad Aiy, 600 426. 6vn 2"v yv(0yt zircaw. (Where Seidler explains yvo)lpsj as put for Eg yvcA0uqv.) Some wrongly compare El. 429. c"'3ovliq zraasilv (i. e. UPjOV~Ic roa', as explained ibid. 398.). Qu. ovzrox catgzvvy =EGEs (Cf. El. 216. oIxaixg dlg "'rce 1inbrIrTSg. CZEd. R. 1262. 4Lt7dmvur aviy'q.) Or oiX% I ceLGZV))V2v ZrsaaC. (Cf. Anit. 1027. Ig %ccn'v z7rSG5v. 240. (ZEd. C. 748. Ig xoao~rov atdxiceg nsaEI'v. And on El. 1476. Eur. El. 982. oi' ~L Xceta#Eg Elg C'evvavgio irmaig [read 7rmas];) Or o irox cdazvvEL (which would be written ct'uXvv?7) co&v. 598. 7roe&tV] irostE v L. 599. Tr; pxs; X~O'vco] 'By reason of the long lime (we have remained here,), by reason of this long delay'. Sehol: dt' To' lvrcei3~a XQOVOA E'vatrQi~ziat. Cf. 542. (E d. C. 879. XQ'c PadcYq (a. gag G). XQ "Pog often means 'delay', as in a passage wrongly rendered in the Apocal. X. 6. 'Ort xeovog oiVX laxat grt, i. e. 'that there shall no longer be delay'. And so the word occurs in Demosthenes. 600. &1'.' - 'Well, this is the vYery thing I amt doing for you'. Cf. on Arist. Lys. 46. Ta~r' Tc'v c~ xU ot UG ' 9C'6.5LV 7rQO6 O. o XiaL -7rQUGaac I think we should restore nxiX'rQ"aaaov (which would be written first xult xr~a'6ov, and then xcet irec'adco), because of the imperfect 'y~oQC in next v. Cf. on Arist. Eq. 1242. 601. Suspected by Nauck. Weckl. xTU1 TGCO3'rv] So 315. n~w ExstO'rv. Ant. 1070. TwV XciYo'TC v -E #,ccav. El. 1323. rx5v E~v&o~v. nJyoQio] 'Thou warst speaking'. GI: 03ptl~tg. I. q. -ty 'rvrg9, 6Ir2Eyov The imperfect of U'oc'pt This verb occurs nowhere else, I believe, in Tragedy. The true reading may perhaps be U&yoQ55LEt. Cf. on 531. 326. 602 f. Diodorus (IV. 38.) and Apollodorus (II. 7, 7.) relate rather Adifferently, that Hercules, when about to make an offering to the Cenuean Zeus, sent Lichas expressly to Trachis for the garment hie was accustomed to use in sacrifice. iDiod. Sic. IV. 38. 4IQv iOce 6 0,vaicev lzricliiv c'niavrEtI A(ecev rTOP V37rnJQITqvdG TQaXi'va, zerg xr)v YVVcxbNc JqFCCcvEtQev TOVTO) &6 7tQO6T~rieypE~vov 'Tv cdxitc zXvewa nra' Cricxov, oTg E io'#E XQh~aat 7rqo' Tacg #vuiceg. Ovid Met. IX. 153. 'ominibus i/li I prawlelit imbutam Nesseo, sanguine vestem mittere, quw vires defecto reddat amnori'. 602. 07uog q?-'Q~q poto -] This depends, it seemis, on 600. Perhaps onoog Tieotq -. But the connection is not very clear. Perhaps therefoye a new sentence should begin herez, after this manner: 0irco~g lrQoao'auct (or 57rol'arrt cf. 614.) ro~rov -rV3VCpi- 7t,~7r)ov 132 132 ~~~OOOKAEOLZ Xd'vov 7tc~tQOO1v Inxr t 605 A. B. K. L. M. T. Heath. Br. &,c. qpot; Liv. a. q5LEt Ad. Turn. 6, Han.vp (ur.a over E ab ant. in. in L.) the mss. vuig. ro'vdE vcoicpi Reiske. r'vdc y' stapi~ Wakef. rd'Vdc Tcc~iqCp Wund. (v. Comment. de Schol. aiict. p. 26 f.) Herm. Dind. Hart. Nck. (Compare ravz~r&~rog in Homer.) Schol: ligxvovqyh, 4rrovqp. - yQ. 6E' "'(~ U'Vfl (O'Vzt' To~3 or qot?) XEi7rroi;qn1~. Eustathius (p. 600, 1.) cites hence FE'an?5 7rEzr1ov (i. e. a robe soft to the touLch). Wakefield cites Phavorin. v. Xvrcov: Xtu,rDV, OtOV xvrog xtg, at"' xo' =6 x~at o~cxog cEc~pij- aLO, nct pa1"0 g UyExcat 7reog Uxtdatarox 'v roy~ (PQO - XLZCov, OVX 5" Lavcyx1]g f10VOV 0 1TflG 6"e(og LYt~cog Ez~pvog, UXX.z& nX~ a5rcog E`Vdv~tc ~~r~~i~~~v wp~~~~ xcJ rcd~~~~~~v. Cf. Ii. c~~~~~~~~~/. 580. 5vvip~~~~~~a a~av zcCf.zcrco.cZ0.va. o'. 596.F ITCV" XTvrcevg cEta' Eivv,ovg, Gd. q(. 97. zrc'7r~oor le7rrol EiVVVixOt. II. co'. 796. 7;roq~pqJVEot rccrcotaL xa 5vpczvxcg pa axoildtv. The most probable correctiow,, appeatr to me T03)6E avcev-(, rovcE VS -cv~~ xrovrov 5vvr3, OTO cccp Cf. v.?vi~rqcp ', Horn. Gd. qp'. 408. 1~rpq.F otg'g I FVrcqov. As it was customary to use new robes at solemn sacrifices (Pollux 1. 25.), some may be disposed to prefer TidV8S VEoih(pi. Cf. on 613. Hesychius has a gloss rvoi~qp:(sic). Perhaps ravvii(p may be the right reading, as vavrn &c. Translate avai~qp~, 'woven long, rahn o'.q iro mjQi. So in Homer females are called rcevvrsir?.ot. The epithet IsnOihqp?, occurs Lucian. Amor. 41. X8=r~oiicpiT? 19 nopcaflv EG#179, V7rEQ TO 60xcitV fL3q YEYVfLV6JgOcX. rrE-7r.ov] What is here (and in 674. 758) called a zsirlog, is called a Zvcxcv. 769. It is called zE'=~wpa 613. 17Jlgm2o is almost always used of a female garb. It is used, however of a male's garment also in Eair. Iph. A. 1526. (as noticed by Eust. p. 599 extr.) and in Theocr. VII. 17. XXVIII. 1 0. Schol: oi'x 5V (Th rx'v &VdQCCov Xtrcva ncitov cpqaL'V. Cf. Poll. VII. 50. Xen. Cyr. III. 1. 13. 603. d~~qqp' Ixti'M uavd~(] do5977tt'?xsi'aE (or dWoQqttfe a xrov, Cf. 613, or &OQ7p accvO'V) - conj. Herw., who thinks that Deianira would hadysay EE' o Tc6691 of her husband. Cf. on 445. oQrL -xE&'vqo1 Cf.668. rc~v aciv 'Hpaxlci~coQr7parcaTv. AndonAj. 1303. rT lp.g Xsedg] 'The work of miy hand'. This depends not upon 6CO'977a, but -upon =rc'irov- Wakefield cites Seneca Here. CEt. 570. 'Fidele seinper regilbus nomen, Licha,I cape hos amnictus, nostra quos nevit manes'. 604. repc'f] 'Direct, explain'. GI. T: andmsc. Wrongly. 605. a~Pb*hj,6EatW Z~Qog Cf. Eur. Med. 787. x v4'rsp Xajpo;6c fl0GLov UtUfLrpL4q XQOI, I xXCX6g OISLeL. 976. 4av~l~ 8' 4 cpqi x a 0ijasc T'v "At6ac n0a6pov. 1157. Tro. 1218. 7rpoccha#~E'a XQ- - 'XE'7rrW' ci'yc'XPc'z'.' XQOt also occurs Med. 1175. El. 157. The more usual form is XqWIAl, Ant. 246. &c. aCqpcdv'as-cec A. B. K. L. a'pqtdrcecra T. Read &rm4ccc y"o] The contracted form yq occurs Aj. 786. 606. ~vv] 'It', the robe. She gives this direction for fear the poison, being prematurely mielted by the heat, should lead to a discovery of the deed, and so frustrate her intentions. Cf. 764 f. TPAXINIA1.13 133 4~' Xo TFQdV tijT gr - zrtov (5agA~ z~tv xEavog wiVrOV cpctv~6v cEPc(vir &('a 4htorotv 7d, t raaqy ofVTh yap niyti El' 7lor aVIhrv Eg~ Cyoov 610 4Yvrlqct xcavco Xtv0,v 1v ZmAC0tairt. 607. -'neo; L(eo'v] 'Sacred shrine (enclosure)'. Schol: 0 ~3otg, r T Fv.Phil. 1327. Aj. 108. E~x&'ov Gr~ysjg. Ant. 487. Ziqvo';eXELov.?cpauv 6aFZaa] 'Flame from the hearth'. Schol: ro xcax' o~xov z~q Eur. Hel. 878. lqxiartov rpxdyo. 608. cpvg' `1qpccvC~i M. Ven. Aid. Herm. Schn. Nck. qpvrq0v Eppoav?1 A. T. (supr. lttpcavcog). Cant. Dind. Bgk. rpvEQ0 (qcrvEQ5,. pr.) 4pqpav~g L. rpavEQwg (I think) 11tpcav' K. qctrpetvi vs (not -6g) B. CPUVEQv?qqcXV0cg Wak. qpvEQ'glp 4qxyvi Br. Wund. Hart. Schol: 7tQLtv ev'rog lvdvac'V~ 1? olntCY9 CPVFQ~ XCU vM Opsat riac'vxo~v 7rQoEX0YC0v. Who probably read something different from what we now have, perhaps as follows: CQt~V n11t~Vog lv6'ig (SC. cv~rov) cpaVEQog Etpravng (or -6g) 6ra -.t Or 7rQ~4 xsiivog 46V'; av'rov I qpcev'g ga#Etig -. Cf. 759. o3v (7drizlv) xi'vog Evdi'g -. 674. ro'v lvdvriQce rzrIov. For cpvEQOv I once thought of ipavo'v. The accus. qpavEqo'v is supported by 612. qpcrvEiv (=& 6'EEL q Exvv) #EoE'q. But cf. Arist. Ach. 728. Iva 6T?76Ct) cpavEQa2v (,r'v arr'Iv)?v xruyoeq. Wunder thinks the two epithets cpeevEQo4 lipav~ are placed in apposition, just as xxctv6, xixtv6v in 613. cavrv] az'rov T. a si]Cf. 1192. o1',, og avrn, ys 1oX&d) csi v 60.ds7i #Eoi~av] Cf. 612. qcvE1iv O#soig. El.424. i)W 6Eivvgt VoVCYQ.,qA. K. L. T. &c. 8E ' t B. 4hoictv] Qu. #,coi7g vtv, if we read lv6v.g for ixixocv.,r~tEQy 2rcevqogqpay9)1 'On a day of sacrifice of oxen'. ZXsch. Cho. 255. P3ov#Vrois 1V rntaat. S. James Epist. V. 5. l4YQEV&arE xc'e xagig V'tc~v c~g Ev n~ie~qa aq9cry7g. Eur. Ale. 1156. jPov4IV-row& =r9oaxqo7rcdg.,1cXvQo6cpcyoJ~ isch. Sept. 43. ravqoacpayoiivrs-g. 276. rcev~oxroV0vovvrg. So jov69paydiv Em'. El. 627. 610. ov~rcj of'rcog B. i7 yguqv] The perfect passive occurs Pint. Phoedr. p. 279 C. lEsoti fk~v yl~ ~s~q~oi u~tL. The augment of verbs beginning with -83 is often preserved in mss. Cf. Ant. 1336. Eur. Hec. 540. Elmsl. ad Heracl. 305. ad Med. 191. Prmf. ad CIEd. R. p. IX. Lob. ad Phryn. p. 140 f. Whatever doubt there might be as to whether EviyfLat or qvypat be the more correct, there can be none as to?yL~,~~juv&c. Thus "'5'cma c~ oeuxstv* 611. 7reevdi'Mog] Schol: a'vsvdoti0cXaog. Whence Wunder thinks lie construed zv&'Mog with ao# vrcl, and stops accordingly. In like manner Herm. Dind. Hart. Bgk. I prefer, with Apitz. Schneid. Nauck., to connect it with what follows. Cf. 1247. (EEd. C. 1306. 612. 6x11XE~v] ' That I1 would deck him'. Schol: l4v'tastv, 7rEeqpc(2IEtV. 613. %atvco %ceav6v] Cf. Ant. 1266. viog vica ~i'v go'c~o. Aj. 267. XnLotv Ev xotvodt-n Phil. 135. 1v ~ivax Vvov. El. 1142. apx~' - iv M-3 " MW t$ 11 11 11,11 11111.1 10 310,. v 134 134 ~ ~ OX10OKAEO YE zaI TCO( ozt(i-'t' (.1J~LL, a zuvog 'FV11UC. 6fiflQiO 5xscr~. (Ed. C. 181. Ei'vog bdrt ~E&fVqq. (Ed. R.. 230. 479. Ant. 977. Eur. Suppl. 593". 6Xarern c 6crc z~Etvo'g?v Y.~Etv6 6o' Herod. II. 173.?v 44uvop xart.cv5 6Etv~v o~zdCovvcez. Arist. Adi'. 2,53. xal'i xa.~c5g. Schol: XwcVcV. cvozrQEZc~. Brunck observes that it wa,-s usual at sacrifices to appear in new or clean garments. Pollux I. 25. Vi vro VEOVyo' aof VitO VE07t2VVEiL 160`~rL IrQGE'vat Osolg. Musgrave quotes Appian. Bell. civ. p. 181. lEQ5v zd EirtzQvaov Ea~r cogs?v #vvdc" iXSQLX&J.LSV~g. Add Luhe Ev. XY. 22.? ~,vE'xrE mrv u~ov 6 r x~v irrJ'V vnc Vdv'Gc1U& c~nv, xc~ ~ors lanxv~cov dg mv XY~tpc cavroi, %cJ ov ac dg TOvg' Yxg X7XL EVylrV5 T02 P GOV XO~V 'gLXEVXOV #V6cZTF &C. Meineke explains xcicvov 'novurn in modetm ornaiwni'. itEz~c rt1 Arist. Achi. 373. 6'v67tLV'- - 7r,,crUcccxa. On this form v. Blomf. GI. Sept. 887. - 4ct for?'v L. 614. ncd' rCoWv cUiroc'Gsc] Qu. xac' rc~v6E y' (rc~vc' ~C', or Tovro' y') oi'csg. Or xczd xCov6VE cd~tscg (or 6c cg.Or %ai zoi~ro - For the future thus used ef. Cie. Pam. V. 12. ' Tu iaierea non cessabis, cl ca, quae babes instituta, perpolies nosque diliges'. 0 %Eevog F~.ccz#E - Cf. El. 1223. q' ya&9 5v xrtvog; 'OQ. r,4v&cr itQOa~1E1ra61 P!OV I CPQa`t8Ce ircsrQog EN ctZ'a' E' gacepq A.syw. Ev~tc*E'sg1 Eni pacc~,v Hart. O'Lttaaig Buirg. Nek. 5cv'Oc'cog Dind. (Who supposes the -ttca#4came from trccfrc- in 615.) Translate, 'easily under-stood'. Cf. Aj.15. 615. 6rp~ayc8og E~pxnc] 'Enclosutre of a siguci.' Schol: 7,QtcpQcW'tLx~g xj gTcyMc Erfurdt compares Eur. Hipp. 864. rp'9'~'cg t3~~ 6rpaytcoaccxov I Ico, rc' 14atcc &'Xxog "(Y ucot #A'~t. Which is not however quite apposite.,h' (not E'ir') c"tta 9hjenxct the mss. 'rcsxcThac Aiz Tierm. Schn. kiiav tu 'jasxcat Billerbeck- Wund. Dind. Dobr. Brunch reads: Yap~ayt& #E'p~vog T'~ h opi yVo(6Eatx (i). Nauck: O" %~ vog, opLpt #tg I~ acpqvXytdog E"QXELxi6~t i nvr EITcdoi'GrjcEat. Seliol: ~i yvcoarov 6qlvnov no0dancg, 0iCq Ee txcvog Ecryv60GEnxc (,-v YVcW6Tanx C0UJ. Nauick), Fic'=01g ro otpucc x,, aipccyet~, Yvo'g O~Tt 7Mcc' 4Po~ Ei'q (1?axcV?) apyg.Cf. El. 12,22 f. Wakefield had observed of this passage: "Liwc inaeuifestissfimac depravationis,ncrito postulantur: multis cairn mac/dais ita voces lomrsis atique disp~osucris, ut legitirnamn effieiant consrtructionemn." Billerbeck's admirable and most certain conjecture, which it seems there are still editors unwilling to adopt, is confirmed by the various readings of many other passages. Cf. e. g. CMd. R.. 585. ~v'v cpc(3octc (~vtrp6fpoate P.). Ant. 172. ai'v fLtcqLC~tV (Sgvjo jttlyc6artx L. pr.). 674. 6evvIXY(vscic L.). 1266. ~Vv tt4q~o (~vjt~c~,L. M. Ald.). Aj. 836. xu'v f3Qorotg (x&'tt3Qoxotg Aug. b. Liv. b.). El. 61. ai'v xc'Qes (6v yE'9Tct L.). 1336. GSv Xai (avyxap~t L.)..4Xsclh. Suppl. 135. GSv irvoui' (6VstMVotctg L.). Arist. Eq. 1334. ro; 'v MaQa#covt. (xro~ttcccqccOcovt R.) xeozat'ov. All which errors of the copyists had their origin in the pronunciation of the modern Greek. Cf. Xen. Hell. 5, 1, 30. hr~t~gO Tt~t'p3ccog xc~ jpac~'or g arn'~cz avEyt'yvwa'XE T"a YEYQapjtfvca. Eit v] Cf. Arist. Yesp. 585. xj- xo'y~q xj- irc'vv 6L-CPv0ig rOig criycdocacv?itovan. Perhaps?v06. Cf. Arist. Eq. 953. qc'e' i'6o), xc' aoc aqttcdov 'v; J1H. 677toi ~3odtov 4~QI.ov?4coamxqtt'vov. 'A oi' zoiu' g'vE6avv (E"iCnauv?). zlH. oS xo' #'Qiov; cUcW rc'; I 'AA. Zc~qog %EXi7vcog 1irt' 7sdxag cirjccqyop~ov. TIPAXINIAI.13 1315 Xa~o ~VVE).OOVC jf6F b)g zqc)3a Idav '~p.l I ~ ~ ~ AX 2 617 no"xE] 'AEssenger.' Cf 620. xCV64 rqco7 620ov~v 68 16. '4 I7rc3 'e gne.' Cf.r~ 3i4. 160 Eol. 1502v. Frteadto of thearticle in- ~3 'i`ruftV-ts cfArs. 66. 5.04z~cttFv x" 618.v 'TheuO cgsrom usage.-1 ~ rl~~pe~ 'n n h ex lc (ac7so that his favou (esegood-will toward yo being unitnedto that of min uay thusbcomev dTouble instead of sringle.'y Deanreakbids Lihesas. actwit Ejpaudcnc anda dsrtion,eX so Pas toVconciliate the good wil of he-rself Ast wel a Tof herQ husband., Bu0'6tV the ellips just suppoed isr rther forced.n Soul wee artcead r l'7VE& =0Lvst~ cf. 66. pcv?~rei.c ' 1.EU~ 7(gGV7'XUQ! tl pv, Adin the next place seta ~c)c'.?Frrvq.c~ we~lla of hrlov ch sband. But ter ellips Austh spal.e is 808.her fored Should we ~?Eg read j Herod. III. 42.zl Z xctg Ue X~gree?7yro'cet- i. C. 'iean th exereo place persuhasu habere potes. mer non peccatuup sec'I 'E6L~ Schol: &Xiqv] Cf. on 284 In 27sc. Ag. 526r thu hraldg addresse Mercr asa lh ~xe t ajc~ xr'l~v6 %otrco' Phl.vv '170 carry onl this bousies of conveyig viessages.' InXO~ Lati X0'prawonua exerco.' f. ontAj. 55l. 1.88 Er 621.rc optc g dA. Ald o&"tg Heod.K. M1. 4. %U V. T EVen f EZLqlmsl. ad 62d0C 4. &XXV E1'rs U r-&ao I XVe.f E`rov64 PEvPtovE 177 U ~t~j aceei y?vaol tOX vul. o Urt 7 a V, EXoipc 'Evaol TrOT HuPrt~. Wunder justlyacnsidersa cyt (n on faulty. Is wou lda MreadrOV qui exrceo,'y laop TroxEa(cf onAbrist.e Nub 901.) Orceattr ' esse 7f-. tE (or evide' thats) giaOr an) U pyl arpe placedvin oppostion(Cf. eaj. 1136r. sqoes. hncLautin ozpx lconi exerbnc~.) f Cf. Fr. 513. da ayo 622. ovTO A. Al. pVr. ro t B. J.L. T. V. Vei. Cf.v Elm. carr zEo C.~ 450. J'unt II. Tt 11q Txo)G Tor8 lgou with. an1niitv7 iue 55 - - MrI a 136 136 ~ ~ ~ XJN'00KAJEO P o~ycov r,8 zir' C6Ayn,Pw~.JHIA4NEIPA. rd y' -Ev ai6towtv cog F~orctr rvyxava. 625 AIXA~2. 6rapa r za, co '6)6 c~-~a ziHIANEIPA. &UU 010a #1'EV a'1 us~ra r~ t1FVflg OQOV only when a negative, expressed or implied, has preceded. In such passages the oiV is offen omitted through the ignorance of the copyists, as remarked by Herm. de Ellips. &c. p. 221. Cf. on 90. Aj. 540. Ant. 97. Translate vr, p oV -, 'but that' &c., 'so as not' &c. TdcV ayyog] 11This box.' &iqat] Xen. An. I. 6. 3. 1=6ro)3v Kt;Qc, i~rdvv~tv. Qu. dloi~vt. 623. locyon T,- =Vrtv -] 'And to deliver faithfully the words (lit, to apply good-faith as regards the words) which thou speakest.' Brunck: 'verbaque adjungarn fideliter, quw dixisti mihi.' Wunder suspects the whole line. EEL-t the mss. vuig. Dind. XiyStg Wund. Hart. Weckl. aJi.lct (from schol.) Wak. Schn. Bgk. Nauck. Schol: 1zl#g 4v ait 6p~ayi'oa. EVrEIctla &Z ttot Xct" =EeQ' i'Xyccvc X X.COV JLVCrXLXWV ('confidential'), xcd X0y0vG aVci~otvcoacd pcot, XUc cpvXC'co. Who seems to have read, not Icc~F 065LxL but Icaq~ouatc Qu. X'yCOV TE Z16UxV, nv XE'yscg (614),?cpaeLP06ate. Or - Cz)v XEfy,-tg 1cpago',caa. Or - &'Ov F`ca c~~a'Q'ac. Or - cov (or ov3.) E'Xscg Epaepogac ('which thou hast to add thereto, or enjoin.'). Or car E'cpa~tco'gucw C`u The last two readings would require us to suppose a zeugma. 1.dyo5v] l.fycov Weckl. "ut Lichas et manuunz (cpF'Qcov) et linguw (Xiycov) operayn prawstet." 624. 6axdt'otg &v n',] 'You may go now, go now.' Phil. 674. Ant. 444. El. 637. %Xtiotg av nif~. 1491. Xco)o!' aiv Elldco. Less imperative than airdzs. avrst1otg y' av B. not A. K. L. T. 626. asawa~csva] SC. "VT"c. 'Are safe.' 627. cWl' otcN6ux pciv 16)] 'Well of course you know.' Cf. (Ed. R. 523. all,' 10AJS Pc8v 8' -. El. 103. Perhaps c'll' ol'60ce 8s~mov - xraT~ ~E'v17 d'eov a cO6'11 ',cirn'v c6g I?&,c~apv (pt'lwg Ald. Br. Apitz. Dind. II. -rc Q~~ pv I noa81Cytxciz' wav~'jrv - Schn. Tct 1~ ~ijvfl 4ov2 I rQoaqp9iy~ar', ceir 'v 4''-Herm. rac' ri~~'vg c~jv 7rQo66C'~ypwr', ai5 j?)v f'-Dind. Nek. xc'e xig ~gng 0'ev,I og 8ypa a r v gV7 0 ~ 'pf?lv rpc'la Wund. (see his Emend. p. 37 f.) Hart. For the phrase dsXE6#a1 TtVa 7'rQoa EyaT0Crc Cf. Eur. Iph. A. 1169.?cp' a s - &~'p#ce 8f4tv, 4v aE 6E'6acwt X~c zo'v. Soph. El. 1034. oVU oIV ToGoi'rov C`#0?Z43atri(0 a syco'. Schol: ic~oarE',ypawP. V'oc~oxg. I o LR rt 076#a zcc5 (iog?) rpii~ocp96vwg aI'rnJv oexc6~aczv. Cf. 15. 233. Eur. El. 394. xo~,' c6v694 F16acZGop& ~~cov. 628.' Suspected by Nauck. Weckl. -Wor"Immmi 1 - - TI'A11XI FYLI.17 I 13 7 ziHIA4NEIPA. il 6Y?,1' 62 "A,1' g'Er Evv87cotg; dlvorxa ya, 630 zlet'v Fdivat ra'xfAEMv, n' fv'tuaaa. X0P02;2 CO VaV) t ~a rE~~ 2tQo68ypaLc] z~oig6~yttra' L. Harl. Cf. on (Ed. RI. 1428. ca x)Iv A. Harl. Aid. Juntt. avTnv.1 ' B. K. L. T. V. Turn. Ilerin. Dind. &c. av'rdg conj. Bergk. cux' n' 41"Kmchly. pt(0g] cpila, Wund. Hart. 629.?nm ayfvat- 'ovq-] 'Was smitten with joy.' Cf. Aj. 693. ~qpet~'?Eert. Virg..An. I. 513. 'obstupuit - percussus - icetitiaqute metuque.' Seidi. ad Eur. El. 177. Qu. c'3a6r'?xzlayi~vcd v' a'4tov 630. 1yto y'] I would read &AX' W r?FVVEzrt9]?vv 'TrSg K. 631. zQco vuig. ze6ci A. Hanl. Aid. zecot (the co underdotted, and itv written over a m. rec.,' to make 7meiv) L. zibrprov M. n7r~co' B. K. T. V. 7tQ (i. e. 'prcemature') Apitz, referring to Apoll. de Adv. p. 573. Etyrn. M. p. 607. 19. 692. 13. Eust. p. 1142. and coil. Plat. Parm. 135 A. TCQ5y 7retv yvPsVae Mct zqtXE~ 'Qt~ai. Rulink. ad Tim. p. 226. Phrynichus (Bekk. p. 61, 18) explains zm~c' by ze natLQOV. CM add. A. B. K. L. om. T. Qu. Ik 7rQO Xyg 6 0~v7dJo.O rL1)V( 1lCAZ FYIO ~ - Or p' zQ~ha (7rm'0E~) i~v 7tziO? o -. Or tt' 7mQ6G',y rov =r6 o v zov E6 Etzoi3 X['ynq Cf. Arist. Ach. 383. vi~v ov~v ps 7rQdrov rQtiv 4avstv Ecaears &c. So 7rc'ot*Ev - 7e' El. 1132. I doubt if 8~osvxe pn'j I~.yot~g U'v be good Greek. Cf. Thuc. II. 93. 1qV nrQoe8oda odlspi'ac Jk) tv (? Zars OF IroA.ito& FmsrEV6stUV. Xen. de vect. IV. 41. Et' 8; tvsg UV qpop3oivVaL P, ftuaxa a`V vEvotro (ttavcal yEV77rat?) UVV77 77 n C4rensvq'. Anab. VI. 1. 28. Ixstvo Fvvoco i ("whether') 2Alav 2av (del.?) raXv' 6aoPQVL6eftstiV. 76o EEcc0ov r~v '~ 'poi] Cf. El. 619. q' y`9?N 6oi 6vgpS'vEta. Ant. 95. Irv 4tmoi 68veaovX~av. 1219.?4 cX'Thipov 86c0servov %FXEV etU~V (qu.). Phil. 940. ' Va oi AL4C1 n..ii c' Oi6Yov xanciv. 193. TrtYO2 7rwamg Oi(ov. 4tX~g nt.rvcz tO 632. x&'xsi0~Evl ra' %Fst*v L. (Cf. on El. 924.) x"'xE!,av (i. e. xcat Ix ~lvov, from Schol:?`co pde'*ottsv dt &Ae nai a -g& zo~si) Schn. Bgk. Cf. X~sch. Sept. 40. qxco eacpi raXcinsEV EX 6rTanoi9 CpEQO~v. Arist. Av. 1120. xc'MFi zea'ytsana. Above 315. YE'VVqtt ro~v Cxst#Ev. z0fo4~oitp~a] 7ro~oVrpsva Harl. Perhaps 7ro4~oi~' s'pi. 633-62. The Chorus announce to all the inhabitants of the region about Trachis the speedy return of Hercules, crowned with glory, after I t ) 8 f -) 138 ~~~OOOKAE()r2 so long ain absence, to his disconsolate wife; 'and pra':y, now that suiccess has relieved him from the toils of wvar, that lie may return without delay, arid above all inflamed with ain ardent desire, bruh ha y teptn philtre recommended by the Centaur, to reciprocate, the affection. of Deianira. 633. Construe: 0; 7rcYQ1VatFTraoVxsg vavxoyx xat, zrqcac~~~u aovzQ&' &e. vctXoy~a] Tbis, like 7r,-'atu, is supposed to be ain epithet of 1sp9riQ' Tovxqc'. And so thought the Schol., who explains it hy 7rQeaaceaGUtc. We may translate it 'sheltered,' as being in a bay or recess protected from the waves and winds. That these warm mineral baths were so situatedappears from the, description given by Herodotus and others. But the epithet vV JXo~cc is one that ill suits X.ovrqo~, not to mention that X.ovTQu is already provided with two epithets 7trglcel and #SQeacy. I think therefore that we must understand 6arJ04LC' (Ph. 489.), and render it 'anlchoragc, roads.' Cf. Aj. 460. vavX 'ovg Xt.rxO'v ul'cza. Eur. lece. 1015. 'A~cao)v vtY??'Xodo 7rrr~mirv~cd. Hbm. Gd. Y'. 8416. Xttc'vsg 6' Ipv' vc5YXo~ot avx. 634. aFsjtU' XovxQc'J These natural hot springs and baths, said to have been made to gush forth by Athene to refresh Hercules after his labour, "ire often mentioned by ancient writers. Pisander ap. Selmol. ad Arist. Nub. 1031. rc6 6 1v Qhettovo'rq6L taci' yrzvxc57CLg 'A41' 'v) I zrom'EtOEs'tfl X osrQ( zirao& Qi7Y~ktvt 4YcaXc'aerjg. Herod. VI. 176.,v WV c0h Equozrv~1ov zO' ttdv 7rec' 56~~~?~ o~c~U'a 'V xr nca U 7rc QV (called by Strabo Callidromus), Uvr Fi'vv?0 V T V Ot~rqV, xTm 168 7EQo' TVi~ ijo Ti~g 0'6o5 #calaa v7roTQOVg cm XUEov19 oi" EirrotX(Or, xa %U 3cotr)1L Z'?(Tvra' 'Hvmiog 17r' auvroi6i. Strabo IX. p. 4~28. rj'V ttEV OtVV x5Moov ThJ~.ag xaXo~at xwl LZrvc' Xat 0-E t1rVag. 'Gazt yc'z xcl' 4J-rQucz 7rWqa'ov {c(Ycari rrqetfflvu 0J) 'HTi AO1roeY rpca. Appian. Syr. c. 17. Liv. XXXVI. 15. 18. Catull. LXVI. 54. llesychi. v, HpcaixI ta;,ovrqU'. Pliot. p. 73. IHence all natural warm sprinigs wvere a'fterwa.,,rds called 'HQCa',xrta XOVTQU. Arist. Nub. 10151. nroi3 Vvp('.1 6~r 7xo iror' Et H~X~a,.v& Pind. 01. 1~2,1.SQL ThvrpvaVQY Hence, also the name Oksptonii?.ar, from the proximity of that pass tothese warm springs. These warm springs, still called Thermce, issue principally from two openings at the foot of the CIEtrean chain. 7rcUyovg Oitrcg] Herod. VII. 198. nrspt' TO'v xJ'lzov ro~,rov (the, Maliac gulf) aeu Xj~og ns6&v,' 'r? 3~v N~ - Nm Ir I e ' vog. 7tEQt &F rOv Xc~pov roy rov overa pV71C' xal 'ara zrrtX pst 7r~cev? rTv MqX1ice yiv, TQn~%(vcat 72TTQat xahEO"rrVU1. 635. 7rQczataLUaovXS A. K. L. Harl. AMd. 7rE~tvcatsc~ovTsg B. TI. (supr. n7rare) Turn. Wak. Perhaps rrc'Qa vcrsrceov7rsg. Schol: ot nrcec Tog TQUE r X OQEIVOV'g xO'rovg r~ OL'ujqq (EVOLXO~Vrsg) &C. Cf. Huml. ()d. cl'. 177. ci't Qrevcat-rcovar, U~V ca~ovrat d' Ittot as~r(5. Jischm. Smippi. 1000. oIq X'5t- FQ"aGt"VOV 7rE~tvcdsrart 7ra Xcav. Pind. N. IV. 85. cvp AX F0V'r 1I'vatrar~o)v. 01. VI. 78. m'7ro Ky c'V1Xg 09org ViaSETCOVTSq. P. I V. 180. tcqrp I t Hay ycdov '9Emt0Xotg vatEs aovrrg. azm; TPAXJ N-121L 13'9( Mab~a 7r"Q~ At~lvall -v4Y ~az.c'vov r'yox4 636. iLxE'acv K. L. T. pk~6av A. B. Harl. The middle part, or the part nearest its head. Wander explains adeecav differently: 'quod medills est (ille fundus sines nialiaci,) inter terrain illain, cujus incolmi invocantur,' coil. Ant. 1223. 1236, i. e. 'situated in the midst.' Mq(tri1 Rather Mcelt'ce. Esch. Pers. 492. co~t,6' ao5tv Mq1Ati rrF x'lirov. Arist. Lys. 1169. v'v M~jtii xt'Xrov. Herod. IV. 33. r~v Mq2ltE'e xO'Xarov. VII. 195. Mq2Uhet yi~v. 201. VIII. 31. In Latin: 'Mazliacus sinus.' 7C(YQ T. Dind. Nek. zce~ce the mss. and vuig. 7raQat1kv~av L. Cf. on Ant. 966. Ut4nvcv] 'Sea.' According to Homeric usage, Odyss. E'. 337. Cf. Fr. 341. yl(cvn~g -Evslca~o~v lettvag. Ear. Hipp. 744. 7ro9 v9ECtg Uftvcej~. Ilec. 446. Arist. Av. 1339. V'r~ &'rpvy~rov y)~cvxi~g?ir' oT~pw AIt'lvce. 637. %QvG Cux(Y'ov x Caxraev xn6reg] The Schol. understands this of Artemisium, for he says:?V Ei,93o(cs rtpacrcat %QvGe~orog AQTrp.4t. Which is confirmed by Herod. VII. 176. Plut. Themist. c. 8., who record that a temple of Diana stood at Artemisium in Eabmea. But the context clearly shows that it is not the coast of Eubeca, but of Thessaly and the Malian district., to which reference is here made. That this coast was sacred to Diana appears from 213. and Apoll. Rhod. I. 571 f., quoted by Musgrave. The particular part of that coast here especially meant Wunder considers was that described by Herodotus VII. 200.?v 8Ei xcJ-i psrcavJ Ioevtxog norotcqov nc' @E poirvX1CThv xO)'tuq r 1?6at, Tx,- ov"Vottn 'Av#4A 'Xq iErt, J7fMQ 172' aq 7tO!Qa9QQ&~v o Aaewrno~g n #'Xccwgcev?X&8ot, xcd' Zc75Qog 7rFQrr Eerq vQvg,?v to J utcnr9Q' rF 4Q4 'A4p tcxrvovt'8og t'Wvrat, nco5 Li-ca~,Er5;1ftpCr'vg Q' ii4ycptxrv'oet XetaL revt ro 4rproo IiOv. XQvG canc rov] 'h~aving a golden distaff (or p~erlalps arrow,).' I-tomi. 11. 7t' 183. 1V Z0Q~O- Aqrsfrttog X~vec~a()'1rov' xcsr~v,~. v'. 70. "LFIy 6 cUvr560r17 XQTY6q17cX6rog x ae6Etv In 4Aerstttg i'oX1Fcat~. The sam-re epithet is applied to Amphitrite, the Nereids, and Leto in Pindar, 01. VI. fin. N. V. 62. VI. 62. 638.?Fv'9' - %X1Fovrrat] 'W[here arc (or are slagnned, conivened,) the Pglaran (Aniphictyonic) assemblies of the Greeks.' Schol: oirov 6VVceyovrU[ o,4t'Aptnrrovsg Ftg rnv k~oyottdv7v -Thv~cdav. With ' o gaw~i'v coin1 -pare the Latin 'concione~n vocare.' See however on next verse. As to the anachronism, with which the Scholiast charges our poet, see Wund. lutrod. VI. ~. 2. 639. H7v7.o'r6'sg So called from the, place, where they were held, 17'ctor 0@ eqloirr'~zt. Straho IX. p. 428. 6tin v ovv irCQo(~oVv 17 la xa)Zov& xcdt.Ersvc xcet' 0, ctoiti'tc. Herod. VII. 201. xccliovrcar the mss. xao'Xovrczt [-Herin.] Bgk. xkX)qrvrca [Henin.] Erf. x).m'ovrcet M~usgr. 11cmi. Dind. Waind. Hart. Schin. Possibly xa)kiovreet may here he a trisyllahie as to pronunciation, as xcasXov is a disyltable Odyss. #'. 550. Gl. T.: 6evvi'erq. The word may perhaps signify tare called, convoked,' buat it is far more probable that the meaning is 14() XOI K IO F'ii rX ir~~~CPIiQ~~je 6 XUAij0$ g 6 x u ' Vi~tti v(11 av og ov'X crnaQitxv cYc6v Xcavctpov c~avaltv, c'aa, 'au'ag advri)vo bt~(~ 6 YUQ Atog '4AX~qvct VE 7IaVt' 'are reported to be, are, exist,-' a sense that often attaches to this verb, and similar ones, in poetry. Cf. 659. g"V4~ce '~~srat avr 'Q. CEd. R. 1451. E&v#a xXu~crt Ioi'pbg Ktffatuechv oi'rog. Eur. Or. 331. itva ttsaolTaxot Vyovrca (%A.iovxat?) ttv~ot'. Tro. 222. Cratin. Arch. Fr. 4. F"v~ix 2dt 0' ycov #,~zot irsamof r xctoi~vrca. Horn. Ii. V~. 75. xcdl 'A?.Ftai'ov E'V4Ja %o21C0vn -xblrct. Pind. N. IX. 97. E'Al' 'A49Eeag irOQov UX2PQcozotL xaliotgt. 2Eseh. Pers. 247. oi vtivog c1 oi~ot XEnXrjvrat qmcr,ug. 1. xc8E ttv IMvgaov - =6rtax'nix~ Perhaps 7cilovrct (Aj. 159. Fr. 583). 640. 6' xa tl~g- cc'X.dgi Arist. Av. 683. e; ~cxar43av xqfxovd av XOV qJ#syf~tGV?'QtVOtg. 641. V'p~v A. B. K. L. V'dtv T. ovx xavQ6lav] 'Not unfriendly, not mournful.' Schol: ot'x 1%9QCe'V, or 'Qvo~v P3o 'v. Cf. 853. Herod. I. 114.&v titrycrci4 iritov04vat. Blomfield GI. Ag. 494. wrongly, I think, derives av aeatog from at'Q00, as ft~QG96og. 642. laCoJv B. K. Herm. Dind. Nauck U.Z~iv ls.i Hrc.72 (where the quantity of Ur',&v, L'a X v, ia, X1X, " ic ~xraw i s d iscu s s ed). l' cyo v A. L. T. Aid. Cf. on Arist. Thesin. 328. &X~ov xcvaXcav] Cf. 866. '4 Tig t ov'x.ai6e~ov - xcoxviov. (Ed. C. 1500. Fr. 469. Uprvn - q~OiVarjg yoovg. Eur. Here. 1026. rov ~'Atdc XoQov "Xqjao. Incert. Lyr. Bergk. 93. )XvQ&v U"Ltptog lcaz~ rc itczvrwtog aiLWc4. Arist. Th. 3028. Xpv6E' rF CP~ty xiasr719Et EV ~?7' Vai~g?tF~rE'crL. Yesp. 1489. 6rqovdi'log c'XFt..Esch. Pers. 9012. 7r~tt VCOA 7rOtVdYaxQvv IaXc'v. Sept. 850. Wtvov 'EQtvl'og a.iv Cf. on (Ed. R. 1219. xvaXcv] The sound of the flute is so called also in Pind. P. X. 60. Ovid. Fast. VI. 659. 'Cantabat fanis, cantabat tibia ludis,I cantabat mw'stis tibia funeribus.' Athen. IV. 80. Also that of the lyre in Horn. H. Ap. 185. tOLO (P cpwpy~ I XQvEVG ov to Ttt)7xxQ0v xava%?pv EX"& (tQ0w6av. EitavstLv] 'Will return.' BuLt what good sense does this yield? I suspect the word is corrupt. Cf. on 2107. itro) n2XaYycL ~sa' c XVrvQov tto 'Gag] 'Accompanying the divine song,' or 'rivalling the divine song,' i. e. participating of the festive character of odes or hymns usually sung in honour of the gods, such as the prean. #E'l-p~ovGaag] 'Strains or hymns in honour of the gods.' Sacred acclarnations are called C'(13Qour?irsca Ant. 1134. Schol: pcpnv~ ykvnsa.Schneid: 'deos decentis.' 643. U'Vr(?VQ0V] Schol: "'vxiptttov I &vxcop6v. - 160lxveov. Cf. on (Ed. C. 1223. 'AXveov means the opposite 'mournful.' Vaick. ad Phcen. 1034. 644. A~xi77vcG TE x~oeo (xoSQog A. Aid.) the rnss. Ald. Nek. A).qtnjvag xeoQ T. Herm. Wund. Dind. Schn. (I. e. 'Jove's son by Alcmena.' Schneid. 7TPAXINIAI., 141 GOI rca zaccg 4Qlrag 645 ar oq) j3. n~a d0x~td~L1PVOV uplgvot~at xpovov zFE)dytov i'Yacag ov'dgv' Z &' 0g (PtpAla acuepa 650 compares Pind. 01. II. 13. KQ6vtog irce ice'gc. One might also conjecture 'Axxttvceg ioxog, as in 181. zo'v 'A)p 'ngvj roxov. Aj. 1303.) ' A? x er'va xv- zactg Hart. Which correction had already occurred to myself. The connective particle can hardly be dispensed with. Cf. 19. 0 xXtv'g a Znvo' `Azxjk aeig. Ear. Herc. 826. 0'v cpa.tv dlVca Ziqvo~ z A645. Gvbrceti aoircm conj. Elmsl. (Rev, of Blomf. Prom. 122.) Blomf'. Gloss. Sept. 31. Nauck. 'Herwerden. A. C. p. 21. '.Is hastening, is cornz ing.' Schol: OQ~teza, q"ve. GI. T: fVexsvct. Cf. )Esch. Cho. 636. Pers. 2.5. Arist. VTesp. 209. Buttmann considers aErcat a contraction for 6as usrat, just as aov~rat is for uovsErat or aovxat (as )loirat is for XOsrat). We find also eovvxUCIt OoG'~,gE 60~v aco (Aj. 1414), 6oiw'o (Hesych.), CZ6 -at4~r (Aj. 294), uv4J )vvv (CEd. C. 1724), av~chIg ((Ed. R. 446. (Ed. C. 119.). zucceg EXQErU-g] 'Of consummate valour.' Wander: 'summaw virtutis.' Aj 436. =0' oltxov i'X#E =&aceOv EVxX2.SaV qpJS ov. Phil. 397. V'0Qtg 2r&a&c,. Herod. II. 124. h rt&gav xaxdzirqra?).c'aat. III. 80. dv'o &' "xov rvara — Xs r&gacv xxx0rnqrv. And on Phil. 142. In an inscription in Clarke's Travels VI. 181. q, zcx"Yn &ncex qEova' Uvq~rug. CQr A. K. L. T. a&Qvra& B. 646. Before?7r the letter o is erased in L. 647. Schol: 03v 8'x' Ei'~otkv rig zso'Xm, Elg d cdr op'tnov vavupvovacet. azhr~ro~cv1 U7ro2ltv B. ',Absent from home.1 CEd. R. 1000. CEd. C. 207. 648. zaracvc the mss. vulg. zc~rce Wak. za7ryvc Both. 7tacer& Dind. Wand. Bgk. zaovr& Nck. (Cf. on Aristoph. Av. 345., where the mss. give rct'vra or iravrii for nurcv&.) 7ru'vx' h (from schol: Eig d ec8.ua4tvov U&vcztcvoveaut) Herm. Hart. Schn. Wunder explains zixvr& 'omnino'I ('totem annumi &ccspectantes'). The passage appears to me not sound. Vanvilliers conjectures roy7rVrE txa7 (coll. 45. 61ka ttivag 1CQ4 "eUotg -7rE'Vrv. 164. 0Vov - rQ1P77voV ncavlai3Gtov). I suspect that the true reading is -' E V or 001'vr',?-.Or perhaps ro'v irgVTL rv x %cd" scEUvov - or thus rOy iVv s~lx~'1 (qu.) - dv - xd-dvo vj 'For a period of twelve months',i.e ain entire year, in round numbers: for HercuLles had heen absent fifteen months (cf. 155-74). Cf. 8~24. rEXn'vo~ - ae~ozog. Phil. 715. 6,cxE'rst QO vo,. Pind. N. XI. 10. (aV7v d'og rE'log dvo SxcnlPvov n~e"QatX. 649. zcX"'ytov] 'On the open sea, at sea'. Thuc. VIII. 44. E"rX.vvgav %td, cqPU~nav zrOC1'ytot. Ant. 785. cpoitce & ixQ~rcv'rtog. Vauvilliers not without reason objects to 7rs)-cuytov, because all this time Herculcs had heen either in Lydia with Omphale, or in (Echalia waging war with Eurytius. V' 8& ov'sv '-in complete ignorance'. C.4.(d.55 442 142 ~QPZOOKAE() P2 A a OOv O 0 4 aQi0v o " A~~o Av rt.il.r 1o rcbo e 14. z v ts' o ` 7c49i. 02 ot' 7r~c#&Q vTLf)Ot&.19 yao cf.5E. 195&. 6 of' -.~l 8'sch. 'Ag. 1147 dEar. Phe. 637t. Crai. II. 1489. Mei. Af T' te ru daQ thee2i an" erasio ofq x`three leter in9 L.yp fdaq c~A. K. T. 'a L. B. 651. rc'cetva the mss. Xc atvav Dind. Nek. Wander compares Emr. Fr. In.9,6. zr~ 'xo caXuvccv xceedtav SQQecob1'. And Schneidewili Phil. 291.,l1Xvofvqrv vxcxag (yv~avvov E~-xcov Z601 Q1. 2.cdtva - v1.U t" Connect xaQ6t1av with coxxvxo. Qe1. n"PcI. 652. zyx~2avrog] Cf. 50. 505. on El. 1085. Ant. 29. 831. 847. and on L,'d. C. 1360. So U5xcuvrog El. 911. CO N~vroJ ' Was pining'. Cf. 1013. O' )rxmo'crv 0 raag 653. vi~v 6' "A4Qq - 4Zva' h7. ~ j'Bet now war being hitshw(/ (i. e. the cessation of wazj has removed (from him) 11e doga of hards/ip.' A similar passage occurs in Aj. 706. Aivasv cdtV4v U"~ && S1k*kUrwV,4~g Where see note. Cf. also on 95. oarox~sti vulg. and most niss. Schn. Hart. Nek. ol r si ' (supr. co, with gl. pvslg) T. ot'6xQw#F9dt Ven. ca3 exrcolhsi ('composites') Mnsgr. Wund. Dind. ot' ax~co45dt Herm. WeckI., coll. 650. a, 61, oCTI dia,~ - SVvro. Aj. 901. Schol: [tavst S' 7rsel xi7v OizcaiA' v 'Atog?~ kvvqtgrn avt'ag, qv?'- coxGqg ~qpFag,i'xopLv. Apitz in favour of oiarurps quotes Ii. a'. 65. Eur. Hipp. 1402. Phi. 1668. llartung gives "A90vg (?) v~' oix~sf.Schacid. condemns both conjectures, aS,,aQA#-~ ami ot' Gox0wEsYq. In favour of GXQcO sig we may compare A,1scii. Prom. 1 88. TnV T,' gr~~ZLO GoQ 46e 'py 'v. Eur. Her. 702. Xjptca ttv o 7rc arS~e XQvoq I ro5 aov. llerod. VII. 193. a4 To' Xi4ta E"'ux~coo. Virg. 2E n. I. 65. 'lEole, nam qe ti/i div/an pater aique hominum rex a t melceere c/edit f/ clas at tollere vento'. Tacit. Hist. I. 58. 'stratis jam mi/iteim odiis'1. Stat. Silv. II. 5. 'constrata mansuescere - ira'. Wunder is not satisfied with ccod (see his Emend. p. 38 f.). Qu. 5 vcx#F', 'being hleted to ret.Lt7'oie' Or VLV ('her') GxmQ(t)0F'. Or ot' grecoi~hct. The allusion is to the captur-e of (Eclialia. For the metre cf. El. 504-15. 654.?4i.va' 7rdi~rovov 4ts'Qav] 'flas removed the c/ag of trouble'. (IEd. R. 35. og y '?EPAvaag -, oc6ov 6acov, OV' TC&Q,1t'X~ft1V. Aj. 706. avasv cdv C"o QSxr' O'kk'CcxV AQ~qg. Schol: IEvUEV rgcccg r'rjg "vtag nv?q(' cx6rijg?pLeag,L siottv. Whence Erfurdt and otlei-i read.4.kvo' 171SVomV UssQv (SC. ceodr,1rv, Deianirni). 4z~'v6g the miss. vuig. lalfvaoF tt' Erf.?4siiva' (?) hfemn-. ~j conj. Diud. (coil. Phil. 423).?I-xvSu coni. Schucid.?~~a'couj. Limw. A molossus seems required. Qu. X).nH~ 6T' or E S)v.C.o v. anut. 662. t" W_44YIJ17,R I B- M WW TPAAXiINJ. 1 43 a(vctxotT j:xoro-. l655 arcd'( 7roAv'z&crOV Opica vcZog civrw5 zprtv ra'vtY,, IIort; iro'tv a'vVi,cEtE, vwttwrv Eart'av aqtu~pca, fi'hw xAij'rat 4~vrK?1,rrirovov cardczv vulg. Dind. II. Hermn. Schn. Hart. Bgk. Nek.?7rtirOvcov cqtcQai4 Erf. Wund. (v. Emiend. p. 39 f.) Died. III. IBened. Qn. ctdicuv?rrt7rovov. Hda nd ta ar often used to denote a time, state, or condition in general. See Blomf. GI. Pers. 266. Below 591. qtqTXV Qoacpay~. Aj. 623. rra at& - cet"q Eur. flee. 56. doi'~Eov mrczQ E7s. 690. &axg1vCXrog qjl~Qa. Ion. 720. v4cav UcqLEQccv. Tro. 1330. do'OV*Sov ag.tQcav j3(ov. Phcen. 550. IXO&,~ #' nIttfLa x~aXErt Jhes. 988. 'q~deav,!svE'sQav. Theognis fin. 6ot fla2) Y(YQ d&i~xov WQix E'7Ct. So in Homner VLiZQ E)XEV4qov, 60,~ovn or v 067tttOV7 OQqpaVL%6V. Compare also below 8:30.?rti'ZOVOV - k.argct'av. The trounbies alluded to are those of Hercules, I think, rather than those of Deianira and her companions. The. verse is an Isehiorrogic, if the reading be genuine, bnt, as the reading of the corresponding line 662 is extremely (loubtfuil, it is hazardouis to depart fromt the reading of the miss. dQvA. K. L. T.. &c. LSiQaV B. 655. dpzv'A. B. K. L. &e. C~p'1q1otio T. tt) 6xwL - 7CtQII - fXVVGstLS] Cf. 954 f. Aj. 1221. anLid on Phil. 961. xotoo ~LI 7TO 7r(QA zeLv ttYOLtL -. Aj. 1221. 656. 6,,~tc vctci] Lit. 'conveyance of a ship'. E.~selh. Promi. 46(i. scts Aua~oz~ay~a LVO'TrVQa ivrtz(Xmv OX111rcix. Eur. Med. 1119. ( fEu~jqxs VcFovI ltiro~a ~,G lv ' 7C ov rrOGTCqij. Iph. T. 393. Povator ta, So also O' ~rcoxe Xi seh. Promi. 136. Ibmn. Od. cY'. 708. TCVi G3%V c~VOQOJV - at' #' cZAO'g t'xrot cV(YQUnGt Y'y'VOVTai &C. vco' A. K. L. T. Aid. vriog B. auvt5] I. e. Hercules. 657. 7relv - UavrEstE U tipccva] schol: EY(A~ Evxa,~av cq(XtsoTO,.rrjv E ov vipgov 1rrsEj3& xa' nxara.t 'v. Translate: 'hefore lhe reach this town, having left, his (presenit) island honme (in Enbwa).' 7rQ 3] rrort Wakef. Erf. I-ermu. Qn. Tc2vhY r'v 7r 'atv (7Q' having crept in from the interpretation). Cf. v. str. 650. The preposition is usnlly omitted after c'vI3 xsv in this sense. cavvigEt, A. B. K. L. &eviestcsv T. 'Reach, gain, arr-ive at'. Cf. on CLd. C. 1562. Ant. 505. zov 7ruyxotvcev w' O'QC5 #cU2Xcqov -r 'v8' 'A4vuyOvijV v &wzov~cv. Aj. 607. 927. El. 1451. Theogn. 1037. ~Xc.4, KXEUi-c Qt6Ti-, P1A1V' dtc' to'vrov avV'gffag I 1v*cU' &e. IHerod. 6, 139. 7, 183. Eur. Baceh. 131. Polyb. III. 53. 9. lvvarca~og 6E' 6'avveaug E1.3 T&g V'rFQ 658. ii'ettl`ag I. q. 7-cs caecc. 'Having passed, having left'. Monk. ad Hipp. 550. Cf. Phil. 1262. E`~EX9' cacd'iPcc rc~ae&- 7rtTrgsc~ Gr"yag. Ant. 945. Brunek: 'insutari relicta ara'. 659. E'vAM xX &~rct *vr 'el I. e. "CVO~c 2,%y,-rat av4cv, 'wvhere hie is r~eported to he offering sacrifices'. lirunek: 'nbi sacris operari dicitmn' (Ed. R. 14151. iA'a %Ac x?.s;jrat om'Itcq K14)CaQ5(v. Cf'. on 4139.- Schol: rAUarQ,-lxyqLFvOq ycqp Trjv OI'Xu)tiavt, isluv 4vca 1-44 144 ~2~OOiOKAEO E 0#OFv pt6A~ot zfvlpo~ 600 'rco 7t&4Thvg yra et5rp 6~vyX~iAFC~ Before #v-r-j three or four letters arc erased in L. Ovxr~ fromi 4Kh0 co,' as apx1,6Q?.'qtog from 1X&o,, 1vd&5tq','v6rog from lvdifio, &c. Cf. 1192. 660-2. On this corrupt passage consult Wunder in his Emend. p. 40 f. The general sense of it, Wunder justly remiarks, should be this: 'unde venial per/usus philtris ex prwdictione Centauri'. Schol: Ii j C~o I~ eav 4`149Oot, tc nnc o rn-gzi nrcloDg 'Exrs~ x orQqqC1EC iroi Ngaao0V -7rsiO's~V ~ X cl, IET~evcaivvix ' 'HQUXlovg yV04tnV E~nl 7sJv JnVUcVvuQ"v. The Chorus, in accordance with the usual dramatic skill and irony of our Poet, is made to wish for those very things to happen which soon after are to bring on so sad and painful a catastrophe. 660..7avacpc~og the mss. vuig. Vauiv. Br. Herm.Wund. Hart. Nck. 7ruvt'prseog Mudg. Heath. Wakef. Musgr. Dind. Schn. Schol: 7ravcarrpog p,-tsv, [add 'Y]] 1v rij aijrq 'ttptJ q'~ot EC 'q on ti yvax Another Schol: nravcqtseog. ii o, 1 61v GfLtEQOV 17Jtq6 'Pa 'or. 1Hermann formerly explained it 'mitis, blandus' (from ~ttcQog), but afterwardi rr yrc~'r~s T,, pUac (!). Brunck: 'loto properans die'. C. Matthia-~ explains in like manner, comparing the preceding It' arau67 - U'vat~ Cf. Arist. Ran. 387.;raivrnpEQov ('per totem diem') zrataaL. ~sch. Prom. 1060. datxalXFV' 7rav 'pLEQog. (V. Blomf. GI.) Callim. H. Cur. 88. 7rcrvcqrt.Eo~ -- fla~tE f2VQtO'" 2~rr Hom. Od. (V. 356. o6060V TE 1ravnjkEQr L~~V~ Vi)~ I VvGEv. 1.11. xir ~rrgr t~azia 7roVTo7roQoz6JGrj. v'. 53. rcvvOV?Ye avr.Hes. Sc. 396. Herod. VII. 183. 7tav 'pEQov (adv.). So 7CUVVV'XLoG 'all throuqh, the night' Il. V%' 105. But this sense does not at all suit this passage. Thaxvc4LEQ0G will rather mean, what Vauiv. thought, 'all-gentle, all-kind, all-loving', the opposite of a'Vn rrQog (ZEsch. Prom. 715.). Cf. Dem. p. 530, 6. &v66e~ ofvrcog 4~-'tQOt Xai ptha'v#Qco7rot. But I think 2rvetkQog, i. e. 'an object of all desire', is far preferable. (May it perhaps signify 'all-desiring, inflamed with strong desire', in a neuter sense?) By a similar corruption we find S'7'JE~ for "q'(flEeog. V. Mein. Fragm. Coin. III. 355. IV. 574. HavIptceog occurs Anth. P. 1I. 169. Schol: dtt& ro To~ NIE'aov (cpax9aov. Compare 14rpcQog (Cmd. R. 1375.). Similarly A,.scli. Ag. 614. travzr U'7MaYEL)XOV 7roasct, I )XELV 0o7tLOg Ta'ztaX lea6fLLOV (at here zravlpvseov) zolt Deianira's wish doubtless is that Hercules may return inflamed with an ardent desire of her. 661. VL5g =,Sl4o~g 7nxyZQtLGZ9) uvynpa#ct'aE E1=1 =rQoqpq5et, OjqpO the miss. These words are evidently corrupt, though their general sense is sufficiently clear. Reiske conj: r(0!7rEL4YoV 7ryXqn76trC -. Wakef: nrg nrL#0Ovg ZrcyzQetroq, GvyxQcd#&sig,?,nL~rQ0opaVsi "EQOJ. Hart: 7Ci1rlto 7rSL9oVjg 7rcqvXqt'atc (from schol.). Dind. reads: xrag 7rvso~oi [7rayqfax6,ro GuVyx~a~aE I h, In 7(QoqJ"ZvgEL aqog C. Matthige explains: 'indutu ex verbis Centaeri ungeento seadce' (h. e. indutus unguento, quod, ut Centaurus perhibuit, persuadebit ei ut Deianiramn amet). The sense of the passage, as written by Sophocles, Wunder thinks was: per/uses philtris ex prcvdictione Centauri. lrayKetarcu] 'Besmeared, saturated.' Lat. 'penitus perunclo.' Cf. 675. 6 89. 8 32. Sch 1oI: A E t'rEI, tro' 7r L.r I w a vy x cxQ cet iv o x 0a e i afoga ELj rf ty (Et0 oy #,Q0q Sehol. on 660: tco 7rFE7rX) TrTjq 7rrt~oV~g #h7)XX#EIt (T65 SWI t -- ~ ml TPAXINL41] 1450 zJH1HIANEIPA. y1VVcItX~ cog m'orxct ~L1)7E0 tt C ~(i 6' ii'5 ri, A ' i v u w r g xZ v o v O iiV c o; 6 65 adds B3r.)?x ob~s~~i N~aaov xara,vcaamsvo. Muisgrave -nd~er — stnsP"eQtLc".X1 but lie, prefers to read 7rayQ '4arr Li. e. 'al/-eglicacio is'], coil. Xen. Mein. II. p. 435. Cic. in Verr. III. 65. 'suo ilto panehresto m7e(Iicaiiento.' For 7ryXQ(axp Sehneid. proposes axa~a Dindorf brack.ets it. Qn. zi~ ('a/together') ZQLGrc5 -. Translate: zsto~g 7rcyxq~tPG (7~lo 'besmneared all over with a persuasive charmi.' For x,~ I would correct, TCa: Cf. on 662). avycea0v4-]' vav~axs (to Correspond with?1Q~Eva') Linudner. Cotlh. Soph. p. 70. ' Having been brought into close contact wit/h, having been enveloped in,' lit. 'having been mixed together with.' Schol: 7U', rc5 7trizkw. gvynx,,Qa uLF2)og at (r f O ~. AJ. 895. oi'xw (oi~up'/),rc~idl gvyXx ~cfdtvlqv. Ant. 1311. 6.Fd~ea cdh gvyx5%Qcq~tL 8;i'a. Arist. PI. 850. Diphiluts ap. Stab. XCVI. p. 385. 7rtvt'a d"1 611yXQcO~c~vcz (Yvr6 -asfp~vt TQOirco. If the reading in v. str. 655. he correct, I would proposed Gvma~gor gvvraEt'q (833. 836.), or avirqrtys'.. 6 22. clr ' irqocpcaat #?QO'g the miss. vulg. I. e. 'In accordance with (upon, after) the prediction of the Centaur.' Cf. 684. Xcd scot Tcl' iqv -7CQSQQqgY. 1159. 4UoL YUP iqV 7rQdaVxTOV EX ZCZTQ~g irc'Ici - AbhxvEtv &c. 1163. Also 681. cov 5'# ' rE K;VraVQO3 -1rQovii5aucaxO, I -rapna va~gcca oS(Vv. 1143. Niagog 7r&).lat K;vrUvQog 'src vLvI xotccacl qptrq~ re'V a6V IXc~Vcat 7rSo'#V. Q11. ThqQ c aro 7rQocp"carcg (answering to cz~tipav?F7drtovov, or atEsav?lrcmrvcov 654), 'by the foreshowing of the Centaur.' Cf. on v. str. 654. Or #noqpc'vrcp 7r~ir2.o (on which 17rt' 7rqo(Pc'vCt #~O' may have been a gloss). I have long suspected that in?7rA laty concecaled the noun 7rih).co (cf. 674), so necessary to complete the sense of the jiassage, and of which the Scholiast supploses an ellipse. But such an. ellipse wouLld be strange indeed. Cf. 674. co yucQ royv lv&Vwr/Qc 7irv~ov c(Yr o?' "XQov -. 'rue passage, I saspect, should ran somewhat in this manncr: r,6 zrreOovQ -zay7%QGrp avv~xccis TnQoqpa'vrp;rF'ZrIp. 7rQocpccGvL the mnss. Herm. Schin. Bgk. Nek. lrQorJpcivmt Wund. Dind. (as required even by the mietre). IIQ1pcwcQ~t, lie obscrv~es, means a pretext, sr~ocpcvatg a prediction. The adjective 7reQ'qparvog occurs lielow 1159. 1163. Meineke decidedly objects to 7rQdrqPUVac in Soplh. ITQScP"Gw, is formed fromi 7rQocpat'vco 'I foreshow, foretell' (cf. on LEd. R. 7.90.), as pciuatg fromn cpdmc. Andoc. 12, 9. yqaqpcdt 17' flaaa?V6S1'L 8 a ycoycci. Dem. p. 793, 16. 941, 14. &c. So -also.7rQorp"Gig 'at pretext' comes from- 7rpocpatfvca, and a~oqaee from- ac7rocpcd'voa. Eu-r. Or. 330. TQ(T7ob~o; "r~qUwnV, "v 0 cOotfog Z~czxsv. Musgrave suggests lrqocpqUcaFc. 663. 7rEecrtrtrcoj Sc. ToSi Jovzog. ' Tooffar, farther thou what is rig/it.' Cf..Iscli. Prom. 247. Eiir. Hli. 1675. Audi. ~270. -ipI'. T. 2247. BPLAYD)Fc, Sophocles' TPrachiniae. 10 I 4i-14) ~O(POKylhjC PE Jill.14NEIP.4. XOPO~2. o V'61'T rwv a6v a2xt 4oQijyaLchcov; 666. b'avfu6 Cl' dI — 'lint 1 feel uneasy lest (lit, if, if that).'Cf. 176. (Ed. R. 747. Ear. Aindr. 61. (t;pop~ tIIVEL T'tg 6,s67orc6V UIG 'cTz. Me~d. 184. UT'CQpt~o 7ui 670xItoVcUV 4cv. Arist. Ec.60.M ~ 5 1t XcaLiOrO~t&iv Ai'slrpbovGIv - xOVr se4, O3 Pc"Zt6rc Cl, Y o Ix, 667. Ity' knQU xcw' Perhvaps ttycz "~d But cf. (Ed. C. 911. TOVeyo?) Tod'~~Q~Z 130. TOV'g rU'a FnxtQu'ci~vrff. z~,sch. Pors. 709. OcWrd?ir~z'aFv -; Ag. 568. X 5Q'i' XLp GrtLYI JL t'gTd. r'fiUfGC Siippl. 467. rol xneQGaco ZQc'0g a&ir'??.iu'og. xalii] 'U'it/ a good expectation (design, intention).' Cf. El. 1127. cog ig f'7C TE'Xrd o vI OV' coJvIL&cQ laiztrrzov F1E6c~Usttv. 65). z~6,~ 7,Tg( 'tri no. MAt. 695". cot' -`Qyov EV xF,6TC(XOJv cpllvtt. Em'r. Med. 27. of" C' U`;p' ~',gvjovnoirdo' I dt;ax2~rv '%xnacvto &e. 1Plat. MarLl. 9. 01r QSTTJ xadt xuA63,Qyowv lvdo'ovg ycvottEvovg. Liulnl. 36. ~(Q Ttc(Q(v "no cu~lovog 6vvU'c~cog. Below 875. 11 &CMv T~jov 7ro~o'g 668. at dTt -;] 'Surely not in any way on account of yout' presents to Iletrcides.' Wander with Hlermuann supplies c'4ro' (from prec. v.) beforet Tia'v C6v dwQ))It'cXov. And so apparen-tly Schol: ttq E"VEXa GM acE6UXxczg &oenttLfrwv r(5 'HQax~).SL cU'#sitF; Apitz refers these words, to xcO'v C' 'v aJoce. Wakefield eonij: ot; 6i n'~r ('super') rc~v ftov - should prefer at di &?th4ro rc~v Gc~v -. Qu. oc,6 dtF Y.sysrczt C'g (or Zro e' 'HQUXXEFi dcogn'wucz; 'YFou sitrely do not mean 4-'c.' Or ot C?)?Y~tg 601 JIQUXY~E) dc'n~" iov. Or at; di) xo YcT;0q ' 'HQ~axO.S xo' gov 4s Deiaiiira had sent but onie priesent (603. 692. 758. 776. 872.) to Hlercules: hut the plural is used also 494. &"/ Cl czvtt dcl'cOov MLQcz XQq1 7t~oGc~Qao~ce Cf. (E d. 14. 1472. ot; di)' x?.t'Co 7rov Anit. 380. o) dt ston Ci y' co ig~oV~cO. El. 1180. at; 8dq ioro',e cv', 04cP' lfcot, GTI~,( rc%6;:unl ( Phil. 900. rwv 6C~y 'H~caxldri 6corjuUccrwvj 'ont' presents to Ilercules.' Nouns often govern the same ease as the vkerbs fromt which they are formed. Matth. Gr. ~. 390. Wessel. ad Ilerod. VII. 16. ad Diodor. I. 4. Ast. ad PInt.. Legg. 1. 6. Cf. 603. dco'enc'?xnivoq x 4Qt Aj. 817. Mc5ov - rttot'718. #'v~.tt;v ~AXQLL'ClL..589. #Eoi't-g Tt24(trn. z.Msch, Pars. 529. yi, rE xucd cp~tro!'g dcloQ 7~Luma 1042. 60'Ccv xuczxcv nAUCOPs xtcooi. Eur. 11cr. 762. ttci1vtv?fLa )fov'o?? nntvfrsv. Hlipp. 1460. Xt'co dE' vFxog nIrGQt'. OreIst. 1543. d&a To MvQri2to OV6p n''qt diY qYtTov. Jph. T. 388. r&' Tavrt;z'ov #.~0f6Lv E"Ctawfwza. Phmnei. 948. Kty'dhtco (Kc~dpaov the, mss.) ircdco Jov A QcEog -"A 1InjvqLU-cxov. 878. ~2LntL6ELQt 'E~l'dt. Arist. Nub. 305. ot; Qav1ol~ zs~ #Foi~g dco'tpram. Horn. Od. p.. 553. ov' ""' -"c~gIot,6d' #v4Jvv C5CG~ct?ptoti Xo`ov. Herod. VII. 169. MsFvElsFq XqtLLoq;)tU'rwLv. P1 iat. Entib. 15 A. Ta 7tcZL' Cqi fJ)v dcOC5 Toi t'g o~. Apol. 30 1). 7r,,t rti)v roil OEob(YO'Gv V'a,~v.Rop.IT. 44 P. i? 7 ce vce'ace~l TI To) 0/i'; Tri)~,zig, 8. MAfttb. Ev. ViII, 4. ~Iq U1(iQT`IQlI; VT~ . I 'TI-U1XINIAI1.14 14"i JI-ITA'IEIIA. L411AV,,7Ol) T(O) 7raquitv,"5w )act3Ev. 670 XOPO02. N(6ctov~ E, d azctr~v, ~ E rov cpof3UL zIHIANEIPA. rotovrov ix,'n~ ot'ov vivv qpp"oco, yVVai~Xg V,(.tv, 4I #aoVtt ctvgAjctroV ~tct~av. 669. cWaxE -] 'So that never would I advise anzy one to interest h7imself in anz nncertain miatter.' Schiol: coa`xS pu6'7ld oxs 7rciYQLVcU1 xtv~t cU6'j),Uot 7r~eayttcuog 7rQo4~vttucev ~.cz(v, 0O ~G1V crtv X 7r(QCi'yLOTt,'7U%,xLQrIV. 670. U"8rj?~v,`yovj The epithet C"8qo is made to agree b'y an coalIlage of case withzeo0~vtttcv instead of ""yov, acL cording to a sufficiently common construction. Cf nA..Praps, FQyov y a~~Xv Se eh Ep~yov A. K. L. T. vuig. T"Pycov B. rcj riot L. xc5 T. Perhaps 'rov. 671. dl MGroavv] 'If it be a matter to be revealed.' Cf. 61. Perhaps &d txr~c~x y'. Cf. 64. &l'Sca~ov, tthrE, E d uxr~ce ttot.?o~rov] 'Fromn what cause, wherefore.' 672. otor, 71V cpcaco, - Cf. (Ed. It. 1296. qf3's'cqsc 6' da'g0ipu r XC~C~ Tot0VTov~ OLVat 6rVy0VVT E7rotxxLacct. Arist. P1. 34:9. irot5 t' otog - flV ILE2J o~tQ#C0'wotFLv, ~F z~rrc~xsv (4i. Wunnder (see his Emend]. p. 47 f.) absurdly corrects oifov UV TQ aca, equivalent to waGrs 9pQa~uace czv, 'at niarraturunm me putemn.' Erf. conj: orov?%qQUC0a. Q1a. o0'ov Vv 2"v the, mss. Br. Selb. Nau. Hlerm. Hart. Sehon. Bgk. i"v Erf. IDind. Nek. 67.3. 4ttiv A. K. L. T. vuig. r'piv B. 'gacl?3'1 'An object of wonder, a miarvel.' ave)rtaxov] UciV 1WuXo6V B. civ&Airtarov fkcd~Ei'v] So 694. U'3'q~rov ItaiWV. ttawO~Ev A. K. Hari. v. 1. in schol. Aid. vid~g. ira&'asrv B3. T. Venl. and Schol.?Jc43riv (supr. t.c # a in. pr.) L. Sehol: qfcivarcearov xcd oiov ov~ v rig?ird or 7c~v- ye. rY' xac ttaOEri~v. Perhaps otov, qV r cp~ O, 86',,t, yvvcitxsq, 04a51ct~' - prTiv.Or oitov, qV qPUcp 01 Ia yvvULNg, icyv ~c~'v c'vzIircov 6oxri~v. Or odr I~ pcae yvvUNiiQq ~, `Vdv, "a cv c7rarov Xcq&Ev. Or - yp ' &Xrtro Mc3i~v. Or rather otov v~v rp~cuac - p.wfrriev. In T. the stops are imarked thus: yrvvctN,, i'ttciv, #acca' —. I had long since hit upon acqlriv, before I was, aware that it was the original readling in IL. Dindorf think's the reading MJc43ev camec from 670. 3I#cc9~iv anldci3i are eonfonnded Arist. Eq. 995. and elsewhere; p('#j and -z~j El4 69 f.Pi.67 z6~ #cot'"Xt t, &c. Anit. 254. 7ri~at qf'czi~cz 6,vgXp1rQq 7raqiv. El. 928. #dlci" -rot' ftt v,,rEQX,'rat1. Eur. Ion. 1142. #civcic1I' e'vQGtOrtq op cc. 6'74. TO~V?v6v'rilq zF'r?~ov1 ' The inner or underqaet'1.. 'rw~5vce. ('f. 7459.. 608 Fr. 473. Xirdji'V (r~MFIo~ 76?i'ir"Qpio (1v4671Tqjg?a'Iv?) 14,,- 14s 27~.OPOKAiEOTE2 xax(Tmv Fr. 391. ziArovg xs, v~pcat v,,o~r;,xv~ (2.tvoy~v,,g 1)1. 7' czTSV6jTa~..Esch. Eum. 952. wpotvtxofUczrotg lvdvroig 'e~a#qczg. Nicoeh. (Meii. 11. 843.) xucrSvrz - 1?7rsv86'ixv. S. John. Ev. XXI. 7. ro'v?rvrj r igccro. Under garments were said.~6v~4c, oil-er ones 7,Qt~ce'UE~G#Utf or r.r cz.Compare ~E`'vavac, lvv6%-rg, and the Latin 'iedetsiee.' For 7UrE).rov as an article of male attire cf. on 602. Cf. 759. O~v (7r'1'r2.ov) XE~vog?Q-VdVt. Qa. oz YC(MQ 'roV Ev8tmV~r '1QEVoV Certrog (gi. 7r"Q1raov). 675. EQetov] '-1 smeared.' Cf. 689. 832. Ear. Med. 78.5. rototGc XQt'Gw aey~,r oto'gsV't'Qp i"',!Qo L.) uoxco the mss. vaig. B'gk. u'Q7KjT' o1og 5d~tov zoxco VaIck. ad Mhon. 994. Br. c~yi~r' ol?' 5d'-E irX~o Wakef. c'Q~q'g~ otg FVCO'V 7tx Lob. (ad Aj. 801.), Wand. (v. Emendi. p. 49 f.) Dind. aeyix' olo5g EHQov 7ro'xoj Hart. a'y~r' oo' si'E'~ 7o' 8dmn. cxQyiq-r' o10og iarteov iroxov (suh. )E'yc) Erf. Ilerm. proh. Boned~. aQy7KJX ot'o' cV'hQov iro'xov (the accusative, succeeding, as elsewhere,,:aa other case) Elmsl. ad Her. 693. and ad (Ed. C. 1435. Loh. proh. BMlomf. GI. Agaim. 113. -y j' (sc. ~7r2C7rov) olU' c5'FtQp 7r500c Neu. Apitz. Eli. and (1~Qo) Ne. c~rj~ i~ E~t~p~r~Do Dedei ad (Ed. C. 475. The chief difficulty of this passage lies in the word1 &QZy~,r. Dind. and others defend the elision of the dative "uQY~T% though they allow it to he a very iunsual one. The qaestion of the elision of in the dative singalar is carefully examined hy Elmsley ad Ilerael. 693. Poison, Monk, and others admit of this caesnra; while Elmnsley, Loheck, and miost critics disallow of it. Cf. on (Ed. C. 1435. A~sch. Pers. 855. V3rc7rr(XVtUEV 7Irc6?fro5 (7ra~d 4rttoV Loh. &c.) 7r~tece'6ofrat. Ear. Ale. 1137. xat 6)% 7rQoxst'(vc (SC. X~Qa, Foy~v Oc XUQCYT6CJu. (In which passage Wander Em. in Tnich. 1).49. not improhahbly corrects IFoQyov' cog XUQU'roaov, Coil. Apollod. II. 4. 2. Uocr8GfUt~tvog (Perseus) -?%cur6Qczoat1G~v cYVr)7v.) I1)1. A. 814. ov~ro) dsitvg EfL `Q&TO3X gc I rijds grQccr,,t'uz 'EXXU'& y' ('EU)C'C(' Pors.) o5'v. oUvsv #E'bv. (If 'Ec"'Y' ho the trne reading, we maust consider it as' anl acc~usative (cf. (E d. C. 942) with Elmisley ad Ileracl. 693 Add., who howv ever (ad Med. 93) lprefers to read: - ot'x avs-v #,ccv Ttvog.) Ear. hEoi. Fr. VI. ('Y ttuq yc'Q lxrt xc zE'vq#, O' zUVaoVgL I dt1&oav. Philemon Fr. 74. 7rQx'Eset - X9 7r,-V~l &.ZrTrIc. Sophoel. in Epigr. ap. Atheni. XIII. 604D1. aot' 6~ qptlovv"V 'T,,QCav I BoQQ&g i2'tt~ ac. In I-omner we find Xa lE xr50 O'vt#" 'OivgE5', and cgrie' 0o7roJQtvcw Evc~t'yxtov. Qa. "'XtoV G'yqgOtOg EVEQ0V 7rG%Og.O oyqr'vldrq F`XeLOV uQc'Qy1~rt n7rl)ov oo v~o tr. Or0 ytXZTQL Otog Ev'geov ir Ov'r. Or U-Qyi-TOg ot ~ EVEQ~O "ytov 7rOXCO. or i~XQLOV aQyrjg otg,,V'Qo3 iroxop. (Berok also proposes &~~) Of these conjectares the first appears to me the most p~rohahle. I4Ay?g is a. snitahle ciiithet far z'xog, -and likewise EvtQog for otg. Cf..,Esch. Eutm. 44. 2a'vut ftty{Garc (?) gewrpQdvcog?a rqtEvov, I "aQy~~t tt~p Ag. 1389. EV75rootg vo~ttE~tUcwI1V. Ear. El. 513. oT' ttEUyXLtLOV 7rt'X(A. Com1-pa're al]SO With this passage (E d. C. 4 75. o,~? gV,'CO,'t VF075xZov ~tiUR L4r (for so I' read1). Those who refer aeyijr' to 7. F7r)~ov n.yapa oIon 1 419.(1 r~i. opr~i~ (in) vip iav~?) "uczrw 'qyrjTI (ptvc5U, nid to Apullodo MIEWNSFARNIMPROWs- FMWWM [P//XA I N 1/4Il 14 149 rCPtXro~, cR E6,u:oroii, To yl xca 4' CT(Af)0(7lYV, niis (11. 7. 7.), who calls the tunic in question ~attq IF6 Cf. Od. r.234. Butt the position of the epithet is rather against this construction. c x1(Ed. C. 670. TO5V Ugy~jrca Kolovo'v. Homn. Ii. y'. 419. ~ic "gyiqju cpattvq. 0'. 133. )yQy~Tra xqavv0'v. AXsch. Ag. 103. v&Qp(st(Qc L.) the mss. vulg.,i'Etgo~v Valek. ad Plicn. 994. ~ 111Qov Lob, ad Aj. 801. Dind. Nck. FVVQO) Schn. GI: Ev7ro'xc. Cf. Arist. Av. 121. ri' rUVc iro)v TpqU'aGtug 'ltucv SVS.Qov. (Where theo metre requires iI$FQov, and the Schol. on that passage pronounces this to be the Attic form.) Cratin. up. Schol. Arist. Av. 11211. yX566cv Evi'eov g3orl~v. Hlesycli: EV~ELQO). 6vzxc. Phot. p.' 29, 9. Evi'rceov. F5'~qov. Phryn. in Bekk. Aneed. p. 39, 18is Q~e~ %LESO fat~ V VQ. Id. in Eclog. p. 146. cV'-FQtov ttq ks'ys, cY'NX sVF5Qov FttLCttov xr~taVl?46og J t 2 Xa CO Qt' roeb T. Where see Lob. Elmsley ad 11cr. 693. maintains the form 'Fv5tQog. ExrUQog — appears to be the old Ionic form. Thus llippocr. IX. 849 C. ~ 139. ~tonoxotg otsam. Hlerod. I. 195. dlpivrov (al. lplvtov) xt#ovca. Ilesiod. Op. 234. dQteooxot Y' isF~ ttaIoix~x 3~g ~ c Wakcfield cites Lconidas Tarent. Epigr. 98. 7roqtE'VSg - agycg MC5v~tQOVg EtLFgr'or' i. Eur. El. 705. &Qva xceW7oxv 7Voxw (supr. ov) T. 7ro'qv A. 676f. co _- xo~,x' -1 So Hor. Sat. I. 1. 'VI 7iemio, qetain sibi ~sorteili selt ratio dederit, seet fors objecet, ilta Icontentus vivat'. ro~r'1 Tx'T' Ven1. Qu. ro6~', or 0"', or zi~ (698.). Or should we read 14qpc'vtcrat? Certainlly To0&r' seems unsuitable, whether we read 7roxog or zoxco. The neuter is here put, though a, masculine nouui had preceded. Cf. (E d.. 542.. El. 1366. Ant. 650. (Ed. C. 597. Ibom. Od. It'. 75. v5Tr.kq (YE' ftuLV Lqqt35t3.q%Ev I vavE~q ro ttllv olVUroX kmii- t'.. 359. 'icpcavtarcet A. K. L. &c. q'cpaYvt6To B. T. 6tLo1Qov 7r(Ogo~ V'dvOg -i I. e. 'cmiwieied 7101 by (iythbig wit//ot (fmm-. i1gn to itself)'. Schneid. takes om'6v'gvi for a imeuter, Meineke, (on Ant. p). 46) for a inasc. The former is right. lDomcstic ainimals seem intended, asdogs, fowls, &C. 677. rc~v F'Vdov] Rather ru)v lxog in opposition to CQ (?' airoii. Cf. t132. U 'T' 7rpog Us'Tmq, ov'EVO'g 7rQog?Emrorov- Ilerwerden, I find, proposes the same correction.?6'Egrdv] Ant. 206. 5vrov A. cv~o5 B. K. T. avroS (sic) L. 678. xct VP'b1 Blomnfield in Mlus. Crit. I. 1.91. corrects xC'zpq. Cf. Eur. Iph. T. 311. ce'rp~o 'v r, ara (r'er~i/n Elinsl.). Meineke conj: xacit VipxfrXQ~g 67t'a ('pavirnieti lap/ides futndiitus conzinei~t') or - 6rMd x~sdqgj. Nauck suspects xcy't Vyq xcer' trxQ0g, observing that 7P rec0 is always found in a transitive sense. Wecklein proposes 'mipqxr~v (frs4 qj), coil. 698. 7tar 'V7pxcaL X~ov(. "Intransitivum i Nlo mnodo tolerabile", hie observes. Schmol: xrrq,-rxzt xa Qvi xat 61rnxv3,rct Ur~o zov )Ai~ov &tdQQE'ov. Musgr: 'stiltat, yet/atiim decidit'. But tme, usual meaning of zpbv is 'to raiz, wipe, gra-ze', not to mention that this intran 150.~~~X)WOKIJEO r~2 TEo)' yaq un' z'tZtb~i )oov.~ zuq (za & iCs), 0 4}4, a Kvrt'oA 7CO0" VIO 8 sitive uise of the verb is rather suspicious. Perhtaps therefore we shiould read iprjX#,Ev. Cf. 698. ',,E njay ""dqlov myti xrar-E'Vipcrcz X~ovt. Thie simplel IprE tv 'to rub downt, to curry, (a horse)' occurs Arist. Fr..135. Xcii. E'q. V. 5. Cf. Lob. Phiryn. p). 254. -But the simple verb is not suifflicient here. TIle addition of xuru' or some othier pro'p. seems required. Besides the words xar CwnQaq airIMc og cannot very well depend either onlP or pizav, or onl qD'Ovu. I think thierefore the true reading must be zfeh a'- Is inl 698. 1)indorf well explains ipi_ by difflu it. V~ vuig. Br. Vf Seli. &ec. 0rji as ~fj, au-j, xvii &e. See Matth. Or. ~.49. ii. 2. Buttm. Gr. ~. 105. ii. 161. Lob. ad Phiryui. p. 61. F1roii-i thihroot, akin to whtichi are Vpcdco and Vpcv'm, coe 0ap~~ ipriPro izpcqytu, and a bost of other words. 'fcotacted fromn VE aI S fromt ~Usr. XU-'r uxqu; ot2M6og] 'Downt the surface (or edgte) of the stone'. Cf. El. 744. azrij2'rv c'Yxav (coil. 720.). Ucianira, it seemsg, hiad placed the 'flocki upon a smnoothi stone. Hfermann and Wunder' explain a67rt~cc 'ginelrtw, i. e. gravel. Schol1: cog OVV 17(tt U#i0o #EttL4Vj uvio TOVTO moa~t. Qu1. V.UT CO5QCa iP6 V. c'inav Qut. T,' ni~v, ' The whkole mnatter.' 679. ttku~ov'?'xrxsvCo Th'yovi I. e. 'I will relate at greeter lenlgth, nicoer fe/rlu'. Cf. Aj. 1010. It" W~v~- ttaxqc'v. 1402. "'6 iro2'g~?nXT"aruc %QOVO5'. N~schj. Eum. 195. rc 6; roao~rov tt~icog ~'nr,,uvov?0'yov. Prom. 547. 'v' r at a) c ro xv (-awtav?) tktXQO'V Tv~t'vI1 ~ ti'ov~2ruat- Eur. lIfc. 1153. tv) ttaYxQoi' rtvuv XoJyov;. Pint. Soplh. 217. CCxrdtvuvra 5e'rourxV'v u-V R.~yov avzvcv. H~erodl. VII. 51. zr)E~vv?x'fvarevt Uyov. Dion. lhal. 1I. 41.,ILUXQc eg uav6Ly tgU. Horat. Ep. ad Pis. 316. inog~mn /)rorogat aeviart.' l3olomf. Gl. Again. 889. More concisely expressed u~xupvvtv U'yov (E d. C. 1.120. Cf. onl Aj. 1040. For ttu&~ov' perhaps ttucaoov'. 680. Th'le words K,,vmvQog - yloX~vt are suspiected by Nauch. ZOirov~] S/ernin pain'. ScIIol: ce Xyc6V. 681. ntixqi~ ylcXw'vtv 'Froun the sharp arrowhead'. Aj. 1024. rrx~oll XVenr60VTog. Soi oe i O iax& '.See Buttin. Lexil. T1. L. J). 1-7. y?.coxivil] 'Arrow', a part for thie %vhiole, for the word strictly metans the point (c'xtig) of an narrow. Iom. II. o '. 274. Mm5 V).oXivc d' IF`Xcq,~re~v (i. a. extremunn lornmu). Compare the word y?.Coyaa. lreov&6cec~ol The middle form licre exerts its proper force, 'instructed mie (for the fnertherance of his own designsj)'. HIQot6ctc'aXu-v occurs also Aj. 163. Phi. 1015. Arist. P1. 687. 0' yc'Q [FQFV' ai'roi~ ftunQ&6c'~O!Xo. Nub. 472. 987. So 7nQourav#c'vu-v Phil. 538. Arist. Nuh..967. Hpo6t6ce'axutv 'prodoeere', and 6ctcMaxu iv 'docere', differ somewhat in sense, as shown by Stallb. ad Pint. Glorg. p. 154. Cf. Valek. ad Hherod]. VII. 50. Blomf. (G1. Again. 889. Compare 759. 7n~oV'3c:ptu-ao. 6821. nuQpjxu1 'I have let slip), have tost'. Qu. 7raQrtxa (cf. Fr. 305.). Cf. Ant. 1193. xo,6(.'v zcee~46w Tr j-1g #EI(]'Of his prescriptions, inzstructionzs'. Im- 0 --- TP JX [N,1ll. 18 1, ,) I ) F z Tzo (A'(;;Vt217iTo1 ~Xtz 4? yapj' [zat( ttOf TCJA Jqv 7OQqQqfra XC(I 'rtwav- HQC 1'. TOU)RqjJWXOV rtOVr a.7(VQOV (0tTi11v0)1 r, 68e5 F0 vtv "QrtXgwrov U'a'cq 7r0V. ov'64 the mss. vui~g. I should prefer o3'dv', withi Wakef. But cf. 0oh Phl. 13 1. Eaco~odnuv] ~Em1(w~4utv L. '1 kept them in mind, in my memory'. Cf. El. 1257. 6ao'ov rc4.Arist. Vesp. 1055. uac' r& voqj~rcUc ao~a4~aa av~rcmv. Eur. Suppi. 916. ce n'(v ttanOflq irc4, rcevrn aco'~Ea~wL rptli I.7Qo' y5jQag. I-fel. 274. Hipp. 391. Baccli. 782. and on CU~d 1. 318. In Plat. Phileb. p. 34. 1tvrjarj is defined to he G o 6mflnQti. Cf. also El. 993. 683'. Xakx~g - )lhovi Pollux VIII. 1-25. 6?~votg ~cXce - v7a d~t?tsxv~m~dvo o~ v~tot[as here #,,aftcv] o' 7rEQ' r&Jv h',EpWv xcZI m(v 7tcereicov. Piut. Alex. 17. Schni. The words X(cv2. x~?6 EAmov depend on 8vGTvurmoV. Scholb &Erpv'Ma~c "6 ttot nQfl77ELAU9, oLacmt4 yYEAIic X U9~ Ov6( '7FcQ"t~a Cf. Fr. 535. #?E 6' 1v qpe~vo'g (Ys2~owt Tov3 Htovg 2'yovg. Phil. 1325. mceibrce - ygacpov QVOVlCo. ASCII. Prom. 814. r'jv 1?yyqUcov Ge' tiv'tum~v dikmotg Tpqsvc5v. Earn. 265.?.mIo — yQ rpOJ 45F Ttcivt 'rco~rc& (qu. irUiVMc VC011&, -Ed R. 300) TQS~vL. Cho. 450. TOtaiVT (YXOVOJV EV T Q5Gcv 7QUcPOU. 684. This line is condemined as spurious by Wand. (v. Emend. p. 196 f.) Dind. Hart. Bgk. Weeldl. I think rightly. Cf. 688. XU"6'Q(OV ToMt c(mc. mouyvmr, 541QCOV] QU. Twam' niv~r' Ei'4cv, Or zotavma" 6QfYV with THerm. 685. mo' Tcu'cctxov-a o~Estv 'Uj 'That I s/meld preserve this remtedy 4-fc. I'his depends on IVQOLY ~UrO. "7rvQovj 'At a dlistance from the lfre'. Schol: o XUGaov 7rVQo~ cYxmf'vog - r'Dc0,xmov1 'Untontched by the warm solar ray'. Cf. 691. 697. Arist. Av. 1091. oi4 yv' #EQtt' I 7r Cyv i-r nm A Mq vyq, #c*irnct. And for the constraction cf. 23. Ant. 1221. nQrfjtaar'va ce'v~oQ. Wake, hield (uotes Prop. El. I. 9. 17. 'vero nec tantycris qi'7i. Thor. Gd. III. 113. 9. Te flayrantis atrox hora ('awer' conj. WVakef.) Canicilarc In7escit tan1f/ere'. Viirg.;.ZFn. 11. 648. 'me - fnlinhids af/lavit, ventis et contiyit igni' &C. T' add. A. B. om. K. L. 686. QLJ L Ev ttvzo~li Lat. 'in intimtis ccdiunt partibus'. Cf. Ant. 1293. 0'Qf-V Tt!QE7tLV, ov yC(Q Ev ttv~og lin. Ear. Med. 398. 'Ev.c'rij 11.~tg~ vcdovoatv fomialre E 1-el.826 o mnov (Lv fcvXoi'3. I-Icc. 1.040. Ion. 229. II. V% 4-to. Gd. ii'. 346. aco'~Fv knl'That 1 s/oeld preserve'. This depends on7ro'T6 -687. E~o - a'Qtt0'aiLqtL] Dam. p). 931. oxvl'%ofIX1iv - eono xeimnafLSV E ( E#"t~dt&( rm& qtaSQfi aivmcv. Pint. Pine-d. 59 D. 7T ttv -LE -7 ' F vo- rh ' me E~tLO)TfQtov. 1.01 1). Eep. VT. 501 C. Legg. VI. 752, C. and on Arist. Eq. 134. "iV the mnss. vnl-. Ilerm. 8dlm. yiv Elmsl. in Quart. Rlev. XIV. -153. Wa fnd. Dind. Naaick. Blonf. Gloss. Ag. I 110. Cf. on 3. 'E~aVwol ~~I X(I ) 1;T OiXOV H' 4L'X ) X Ul'f6l PUAAxc (!l~7rrL(w)uczni$o Cf~loXo8~) A U)'PI xot). ~ vyucir~ao 66ov- AF9 ~ TE require a siobjoulctiVe to follow, not anl op)talJiNv W1m1der rather01 oilUpcW(i thle entire line. ceeQztLXQ)T072 'Freshi laid(l o or sp~read'. Occurs, 1towlhere else,. 7ravj Qu. iro. 688s. xu'8Q&O2 otOWCT, ] O)sierve. the p~leonasmn, for Hat' T0IVT UciQ0JP had just preceded 684. So in Aj. 500 f. zut' Ttg 7UXQOV 7o0-C~(yUUc A55 (SmoTWViQSv TOIC~T'~~ TLg. But cf. on 684. el, ~v QyugE'ov I1U(ic1 11e dleedI was to be (bie cheii (lie tlime for 689. z'XQte uFv -%Cllftlp~duj Cf. Aj. 1. u5h &514o~s& sAut vvv 46tO. Qu. i'fXQb6"' viv (written wvrongly ~ttv) -,se. -ro' r C'r. o P. sXu 0isoV?v Y0totgorl sxur 099eOv - Linduter C'. S. p). 48. Sophocles utses saxT0 QrjV 6E.P 696. A t' oQ~iqg Ant. 994. a' O{~v (Ed P 50. &c.- Wunider considers this line fa-ulty, becaumse of thle conjuncetion of sccr otxov and,v ~64~oig (v. Emend. p. 198). 1 rdouht if this is a sufticieiit ground. Cf. Eur. Tro. 645. ""ttllLvov "v 60O~LO(g d'eco fLIua'4 Q v (so Vatlck.)\ lindorf for "v 60toitgi InoPose5,vhvxo~v or some Other nlmm ais the object of /,Xetue. Qu. iQygec ply (or "Xt iyd ) xr v ir ii'rkov k'V dttg- Or "X~tea xa'v ZtTiov tiyO' (or F`Gta) 'v 64'totg. Cf. 674. But. AC5(oV may Nvell be takenil as the object, though rather dista-nt.?v 'dtto~] i'vuvriv 1ind. i-v ttvXoig Axt (Pluilol. IV. 574).,%v 655' Qotg Hart. i17'v~oa,,v (coil. 686) Hemr. I prefer myself iv:, ~ttvotg (cf. 686. Ant. 1293.), or, -.V 6XO'Tp. Tie tautology iu, thle comlmon readting is~ suspicious. 690. sxTqotov tome'e] 'lion. a sli( (p of imy owii flock'. B~lomlf. Wl. Again. 978. In one word xrrvovg. /Eselh. Ag. 1008. XQqtar(0UV %TOL01&)P. 1047. -sxqdeuz g3tauoe 7U.i~aY. Scthol: 'iro sYTl6teol7 7r~o~i xeuroo e 67 aoa6, LjoVV 'F t%( xrQF(Peptvet. The line is condeuned uas spurionin by Wunder (v. Emend. p). 198).?.cXv~qv] 'A fleece ', whereas pal~g meaums 'a flock o/ woill'. 6 91. x ikq ce]xukcces L. Cf. (Ed. C. 1355. xaiOljsmr &iro)liv &c.,avttnrx~a~g] gvLt~r T Ja a T. 6v1.7r j~u6' Hail. Cf. Diphil. Athell. p. 383 F. UQV' - 6Vtt~rqsxToV (egvtur~vsriv al. 6v1,curvxvsrov Mlein.). Ott Arist. Ra n. 800. Pherecrat. Heplhwst. p. 56.:Xg "lo I7 'Out of the liqlil of the still).' So (Ed. It. 1,91. a? xog urm'd wrv. El1. 3 6. tGEO 67r 'hwCV. 692. xot'Xp) ~vyu&GTQp)] 'In a hollow wooden? box, chest, or coffer.' It is called U~yyog above 622. Schol: Elg ~VXtvov ao~oJv, TovTiarU stjtro~v. Cl: SAtp(OT 'P. Xen. Cyr. VII. P. 109. FiV ~vy",6reot 6TGrfrjvra,, Hp, "c~tutov EurtGEsVaeat. (ir6sroeia?). The dative of place (cf. 71, uur less the true reading be seotlrp 'v ~VYUa6TQOJ. Cf. on 564. Arist. P1. 658. (YV)j 4tV p~ qac~ (qu. 'v #a1.) Xo rve' Lys, 913. Eq. 367. mY(T)ov] 'The gift.' Dependent, on tvZeroa and 9qa 'I'llyl A I N I z1 1, 18:I; To~(iQ FTro~(m ovyar ci 9iC/(i Wcu & rcog 695 693. ro(oo] '1?e/nrning/, on my return.' Cf. Aj 305. cda (YJDt,g 66tovg 7rfc'tv. So rcPLxVFC)c9'ef. (v. Seicll. ad Em'. El1. 6.). dSQxof~aut pa'rtvi (pcta6tt dsQXottutn Natick. I think, rightly. Cf'. El. 1466. 'u, o~ce ITfee mcartv] 'A thing, an object.' Ia which sense we sometimes find.C-7roq, A'yoq, -and Q6~tue used (Aj. 1268. GEd. R. 1144. (Ed. C. 443. 11,50.). Wander rightly exlplains: 'rei (le qua dicilur.' Cf. on 250. (Ed. C. 1150. Schol: 9"VCa~vtce, cPcevruwav. Who perhaps read opc'atv, which is prop~osed by Teciskec and Musgrave. Cf. on 663. Perhaps ~aiv (Tr. 23. E'l. 1 155. Ph. 536. 656.) or TC&4Qug. Oiqt'6parei ('9'a~fti) 6QiOft ire. 694. uqpQe6,rov] 'Un/coked for-, unexpected.' Cf. 1057. c'cPeca~rop vrjbr6 7rqb. El. 1262.?iurp vv euacrm Iongr i~o.Ash Sntppl. 89. Ear. Hlipp. 820. xiqXig tc Heeo. esych: ie~erv.eig von1rov, WarE tvq irv vorj6ft. Ui7q32p~nov -1 'inconiceivable for a man to understand.' So 673. ~e3o irV,7L(TV'Ecsov seli. Clio. 164. -Vz~Vtt3oAov r W 'Q~Atao u#,v 6" er~ tcvrt' dTo~a Gat. Prom. 720. o1v y"&Q Evf'ccro~ rqe Arist. Av. 1713. xuRog oi'? cpcerov Z~yirrv. Ear. Med. 658. rcoep0)TQ' ] xlex eev6~qee 6vft~e~la2-v?inq. Above 223. P3A'7r,,v llc~~ (Ed. R. 792. yivoq - urlnrov - OQev. AXscb, Pies. 404,?e'pceiaiyvri' G'~4lcp3kqirovi Lit. ']Respecting which/ it is impossible to offer any congecture.' Arist. Ran. 930. ('Y ~vttgcu.rv oi3 6(edov- Cf. Fr. 350. 0ZY7-t 2"Graov R'vfi43)~rov XQ'~Y/~V scl. Prom. 775. ij4' ovxETn vr' atiX7rog?' %Qj T I~Le 695. xu~raycwt] Properly 'a piece of spun wool, or?worsted.' Tim: Ka'rlaytid. FQtOV 67Mc/ca XCd?. tqV/Le. Ilesychi: xeerc2 Y~rcre. tQata k'Qov 'q XecMOM1tueree. East. p. 1399. oexceY'TYwj TO XseYceaQ&6vtVOV -Igov, Plat. Polit. P. 282) E. rcov irsqt' ~cvrtxi~ 'V yeo uXVV#,FV rn Xee), cyv 7eie'rog -Jyofu-;V 4~vea cx"cf~ty'~ xi. Arist. Lys. -583 ---4. From xreexeyttv 'to spin.' Plat. 'Sophi. p. 152 E. ~rzdv,,v xce tee' u ne xrgx(~Ftv. In Latin 1(deducere fl/em.' Cf. 690. Valek. ad Ammon. II. 9. Rabakni. ad Time. p. 153. Here simply a piece of wool. 7mog] 'Somehow or other, I know not how, by chance.' (Ed. C'. 11057. 696. x~g olog] Perhaps for TcV-?Q(Ov. Tib. 11. 4. 28. 'et niveona 7' rio niurice tinyit oveni.' Qa. To'v 7r,%dc~v p-' lrQoV"XQLV -. This line is cciidemned as spurious by Dobr. Wand. (v. Emendl. p. 197 f.) 1)ind. The,article r~g before oVg is suspicions. Tr~ovQtov] 7rgoV'guctv (sic) L. Sc zeogciEqpEt',cc 759. ~vvc'niyc 1121. Eg p~,~?po'ty Ig tEi6v Xy01evty (!) hart. Bgk,. Schol: IF'Qquipa V7 icrccv XUT X3e~rc ~ cvv)vr c 'iO n. C f. (Ed R. 1425. qpX0yae - avanxog. n'Uov. Seneca Here. (Et. 726. 'mtedics in ignes so/is et c/cramz facem.' Also above 685. 697. dn'xrv' Ig ~q'tioxv] "dnri'vog q U~te~v Both. Dobr. Q1a. Ig pa'cv rp-yta cnTI~vu' #' ' ~e(ixVV Or in04 vqee o 7tQOXIr TV 1r).ov ftIkE1i2 I i'xnxv' s' )'~cr 1") I 1.) I ~X~~~Zo)(h-.IKlE T~) ~ pt099Dlj yuCihtor Hx r co6)rr 2Qt O )VO ctr~X3qcouir' e'Zv 13 iiut v roy.Fj ~vPAov. 7 C() TMorV& X~trca,.TQ()07t 'g~. EX r6 u. o~m' ~C~0VX&., (Y~ct~w~5 4~90Qo L3C4 U C 1);~ y)~tvx~ 67rco'gag cj'ar z70voq ztoroii E'9cuXIrETo] 'Became (began to bc) warm.' Ant. 117. Phi. 3S. 698. (p 7ir~v U"(qov1 'It melts entirely out of sigjht.' Cf. ~240. 678. Eur. Med. 1170. Gac'Qxrg 6' c)&r 0'atCW nv OGTSF 7rEV'XVOV h&a,{Q?Y, I yvU#P tLotg Ux,2ot 7af rxOVc"QQEOV. xurl4'kpwzat A. B. viilg. (TlIcL K. L. T. Friom xaraepr'Zw. Cf. oI 678. 'Has cruimbled away.' Cf. Nic-and. Ther. 52. " 7rQi5'V lGt rottca'r 'ldQOg 7rov~XV6&VGL XUTraP9ZfrOPGa yEVvrfotg (Schol: atcatgs#l6uon OtovI ~ XUr~tg4~t1FGa). Perhiaps x~yriviaurc ('fromn xaraipim). Lye. 639. [pGEviTtVQVO yvcN). Anthiol. P. IX. 302. E'Vtrat 'vog. Whience.i~~ 1un Xi'7 &c. See Lob. ad Plhryn. p. 254. 09ovil 'On the groutnd.' So 7ird6o, y~, &c. Ila'rtiung reads mPAO-). which is also proposed by Bergk. 699. ttoerp~ -] 'In shap~e most resemibling (to be complared to).' Sehol:?$otxo g rQLOttaTL ~v'Xov. Perhiaps ttoQrp~qV, seswee u1,apr Yb-VO&, &C. r0a7F] cWo7r,1 B. Cf. on 118. 530. ''So 'adsimuilandumn ait' in Plautws',~ observes Schuelid. Meineke, objects to o~~ in the comniron reading, andI conjectures, cog dt 7tQlOov I xP3o5tcrt' 32pu ('quasi si videas') Qn. eO' r,~ zetiovog '~?nOtrcer' d lIZVEuru. Or og Ft' -,10VV~bpsuc. L'he common readingr is evidently faulty. 7WQovog " Exo3Qkaci] In one word 7rceaczQlattrcer (Arist. R1an. 881.). CIf. v. 7rgietta saw-dust (Theophr. II. P]. 5, 6, 3.). Fr. 787. 7rQioOV0 7t~kjyat(. 700. Vv P43Xupctta A. vuig. 3.4c B. V. Ven. 15xupvcp~tq KS. L. T. Qu. d4 ~vtg 701. TOL0OVdFE nstra7rQO7tFTFEg] 'Thuis does it (the pie-e of woolen thriiea-d) lie spread out (fallen) on the grounid.' Schiol: 7TQo7tETE,~.?QQtuttivoV xuii 7rQoalrE,-,ov Xattcd. Cf. 976. Eur. Hec. 152. Tv'gPov 7tQOlFTlt 7trUi#,1V71'. W/under wrongly explains: 'talc erat quod humuin (lejeceram.' 0#,cv] 'F'rom whence, from the part where.' Herm: "09t-v per, attractionlem. positum propter Ck yuqg." For the attraction in 0i,9Fv 7rgol'i x~rxo they compare CIEd. C. 1127. igbvat xdi#v (?) '0#virs( jxu. Hom. Gd. n. 3. a~~9rv6~ o;)WEv 'A4# vg, and othier passages, none of whichl however are quite parallel. Perhiaps O9r (Wakef.), or oirov. 702. #QottP(6srct cxqJeoi] 'Coagulated (or clotted) lumips of f'roth.' Aisch. (hio. 533. 'o'at'?v yc'Xantt #QofL,3ov a?'ttraog azrcaazt. Eum. 184.?p'to Sari 0 'ov I o -3 & (lxvgagcp'vov. S. Luke Ev. XXII. 44. #Q'Qjkqot aF' ttarog XarT"at'cvovrEg 47tt TTJv y,~v. P QofLtpog from TQi~pEtv. llTesycli: (O)Q4UPjOt. cfttUc 7MXV' Zsr~yo' Cog jovvot'. IHerod. I. 179. %Q0raovg qc '2 rov. In Latin 'griamus.' Cf. on 572..574. Hartung reads ~ 1fO6'Etg aitpQOt,. Wrongly. 703. 'As (they are wont to do) fromt the rich juice of the ripe grape, when poutred on the ground from the vine of Ilacehus.' Sehiol: Toi3 y~Et'Xoqyg TO?,' arQtIOJQ mEy.7rcmaa~0gyo xat r~01) ILdGT~Mci di ov;u- ofvo~ (dQtogrv, Ft ,Craig TP/J X I N IX]]. 7ro00,Ev yc'~ "iI 7ror'~ "'vr't roi, #~v/j56Cov 0tX ~drtv c "Wa O'vo fa~d~vr' e'Zmoqt~6" 7r'6t XCfIf, (rPet t. YXUcVX)7v 6 o7rOJQaV TOV v vov jO~vo Et7i, xliv XttrqOxjxec. Wander: 'hantd secuis ac si pinquds liquor uvw nmatitril (proprie cwrulea?, i. C. nitentis,) If-C.' ~c]'Fruit of the vine, grape.' Ilesych: O07r Qu. To ' Q~x~ U2~cov C'eQo(TqV(j~V. Qu. ylv%,-(~ O'('a (Oppian. Cyn. I. 465. y?.vixQoidovog' irovoij ' The thick rich jutice.'L 1. 7e. y)5Xov9, CompareC the 'pingfilda mutsla' of the R~omans. 704 xvh~vo~iPhil. 714. oiv' oir~~cx~ tt the mnss. vuilg. Dind. 93reXx'(Y A. see. in. T. corr. PxXELca A. B. K. L. &c. Cf. oit 219. 510. Elmnsl. ad Bacch. 308. Soph. Fr. 239. iPc~xXtog 00reg Enr. (En. Fr. 9. rv-xvotg 6' i)3cPalov ~3cax~tov -ro6,v'~tcatv &c. Mosebio Fr. inc. VI. 24. ~,'q~ ME gcxitov Iy?~vx,-Ebc zrly~. Arist. Ecel. 14. P3cxziov TE V"a 1mriog. Antiphan. Atben. 781 D. 3aXZ'ov rcacayVEVo~ 705. iro~ yv4juq mi~eo;j 'What to think or deternmine.' (Ed. C. 170. 7T01.TL~ po~rrhO~ ~ 310. 7roi cpv' i'2e9'o; El. 922. oi'x oie4' - cot yveJ~l7g TIPQ.E. 1174. Aj. 314. Qu. 7rof yvO%'t~q rcey~j); 706. oeo 86F tt' - Cf. El. 471. 6To-m psft ToI.LL~pIEL. Aj. 606. cxazur ~maiZOW ET, IL Ttt OT ci7GV6E1V &C. 707. 7toq~v - vrl0 Tovb -;I A double interrogation, U'vflt toy being added in further explanation of 7r'#Ev. After 7ror Naucki mark~s 'a comma. Wake field conj: 7ro4#Ev a'XQcv 7ro-t civxcTo OVq%'GaXE1V o ~~ —; Iferwerdent corrects oiro4J'v -4 qCvrl, troy. Rightly, I think. For 7rio'#Ev ('wherefore, wvhy') cf. Dem-. p. 749. o1' It"' Jtr ov TtjroxQcX'rvi. zaetQLG#ciO~i j9ovXO~jt Pot mc9'Ev; Plin. Ep. IV. 14. 'non quin severiores - itntle enii,,? - scd (Ituat timidiores snmtns. - rc -zaex'J 'oulbid have shown.' Aj. 119. cIvXr roy;] 'Jni reiturn for what, wherefore?' O' #n'q The Centaurs were called in Acolic Greek. V. Li. ai'. 268. (with schiol.) Pind. P. III. 8. 708. qg - izFQ] 'On accoutnt of (by reason of) whom,' itot 'in behalf (of,ehom,' as Wunder explains. Cf. on (Ed. E. 164. 'ij~ ~jc L.Perhps ~y'.Cf. Ph. 600. 2v y'('om. Ven.) E"o -. 663; 0~ y' Y )XLOV ro' -. 1247. a y' F`agg 1364. 01' yF (E d. IL853. ov yv - v~EQ Nauick gives Vno, from the schol. Wrongly. 709. ~coT~'aciI 'To destroy.' The fut.crophav(oct)Aj 1027. The present is always intransitive, Phil. 457. ~'sch. Ag. 857. So cpO9(tVtv is intransitive, Cp~acc "`cP~tac transitive. In the hittler thie Ti4 short JTr. 1043. (Ed. R. 202. 1198.). Cf. on Aj. 1,027. I - ; '), G ~Ul'(I) ( (. lE0 t 1~,1(~k]ovt C1tVTOI' p VI~~ ~V(~0L 2'VO)MLxlr apgyw Fl P()P(5Tafv i co1p1Y1cv. tTOll~ yatq flvrkOVT, C(rt, 0T V oi-c xc0auth'i 710. F`,UFyS` tc B. K. L. T. V. Junt. 11. i'vMySv A. 1har. Aid, 'He deceivedl me.' Ilesych: 7s'ysv f'r". 11am. It. mp 60-1. 60' &) A 0' VS Vly~ A~ro2amv (where the Schol. explains in like nmanner). VjI 'Of which things.' lL&P'0UGT6E@ov A. B. T. ttS#& rsTEov K. L. 711. 4qxsf] QJ B. 'it avails,' i. a. the knowledge. Schllf): c-) Uqvv~Lcat1 'I get, obtain.' Cf. on (Edl. IZ. 1225. 712. ipSvaaq'eo~keca yvegr. 'I s/hali be deceived in my opinioii, bP mistaken.' Aj. 1382. x(Y'I t' ib1/I5V6"g Smd~og rro~v'. 2Esch. Pars. 472. (O'g CeQ' uPEvezyg (pIVOJv 1ES Q6atg. 391. yve01tqg aoecpcthsioiv. Emi. Iph. A. 712~ 71. ac7ro~p'frsQis IXsch~. Pers. 464. i4og c'irctvrcov 4az'(ov. Where JBlomfield overlooks our passage. Compare the compound1s Fs~auroX lKvwva El. 588. S~ czuc~auFv El. 1002. c4aqpoqiiv (Ed. C. 16tS.?'~cirpmQSL~6ffC El. 1157.?4a~tgvat Tr. 72. ScpTc&cI(lEd. C. 561. 714. 'Fnor I know that the arr~ow that struek hie (Nessus) ewoiiemdc eve/l the God Chiron.' Which accident is related by Apollod. II. 5. 4. (-where see 1leyne) and Ovid. Fast. V. 379 f. Wunder suspects the words -rev YCVQ (3alov~r' "x"sraXov, because, the omission of the object, Nessus, seemsg unnatural. Qu. v ya~p fPc1X"Vtc" op' tv (or oLT'6rv) -. But cf. Phil. 290. o ttot fickot Iv~vQo61rcd6g cVQceXrog. Eur. Rhes. 312. xcti Drr6v] 'Even the god.' Or even (t god. Cliiron was son of Satuirn andl the Ny pePhilyra, and therefore a demigodl (Qom, (Ed. C, 650.). 715. y' 0oo67rE ctV #thy,, A. K. L. liar!. Aid. Pors. Dobr. Xf 6eectir~ Ky Uth'yi B. N. T. Staph. Cant. Br._ Z' Ji-'rFQ ""v #'yq Liv. a. Xo'J'ctytSQ @(lygq Wund. (v. Emend. 1). 50 f.) xevjr~q (or Xwclrtq) av #thyg a. n fich. Mlatth. lleria. Dind. Hart. Schn. Bgk. Nck. Weckl. Natick would1 gladly see the passage read ths X#VrQK Thyq (o vi~ Q)O A 't v NO iXOQTO, TJEQI x f rrvc nvec (A)' ~ r 1U 7,I m ov'% 51.ri ncd rjv6bs; GI. A: 0 Tt '"'. Schol: xat K6N (0" Pos. y Tf~r 'HQcUX?.S OV PiE2OVg, Ftr ~V#QO)7Og, "ITS O1)QOV Ur, 0vrca. Wax (ad Ant. p. 11~2.) after Dwderlcin explains KG67rQ here 'qeoquomtodo, quaennqne ratione' (sive levi siva gravi vulnare); T-lerillaill 'sinznlatque.' [As in Arist. Pac. 24. V~' py" yftq, oO)6rEQ ctv Xs"G v RMcOV,I rpccK'lo~g 1qsi'8Sc. Wunder defends Xc'0`6sr, supposing ant attraction such as we findl in Ant. 546. ~t r6' K% tu) '`ftcys I 7roto,3 6E~e a~. Cf. Eur. Mald. 784. %tUvirsp ZcY3o~6a x6e~kov U'kptq yXo6, Ixcaxio' K')-,~ mi, ~r~g og NV Thyy xoQ?77. Irotoitdds XQtL6m (pQfJ1NXOt 6fnQfjlcr 716. TDSpS 7ru vmr] Read rpq~E`QVTc Zcrvyi. Which correctiilh I find, is proposed also by Fzlise (Sylloga p. 333.) and Wecklein. Mutsgraive proposed p4Jsi'Qca or qp#E1{Qsiv (to depend on ocida). But, 7 rrv~t)7v"rc precedes. AM TPAXJNJA1. 157 oqcq'cov &~Ekq~fr'v A)0' ezftwrovg Puf2ag X-cdrot &'`(YXTxl,, XE!fVog H'l,5,u rcaPrij Ovv oqttkj xc~u' n;,vhv~fv c7tt. 720 'v5aX']'Aias beasts~.' Fr. 233...Eseh. Prom. 462. Ear. Suppl. 14(6. Arist. Lys. 477. &c. Ex64' ro~6' 0'a - xc xt v The sense of these words shiould he this: 'And this dark gory poison, having passed (penetrated) throng/i the wound of this (Nessus), how can it fail to destroy also this man (Hlercules)?' But the passage is palpably corrupt, thioughi I heave not any certain remedIy to offer. The repetition alone of 0 thiree, timeis in one and the same clause, used of thiree different objects is, notwithstanding WN'under"'s attemlpt, to expliain away thte difficulty, open to grave suspicion. Moreover Wunder's explalnation of Ex zoi~6E acpayo~Vdtxd~ as equivalent to ro~(Ys Ga~yc5v Lv'fc, is by no meansc satisfactory. Herwerden (A. C. p. 22.) and Meineke conjecture kx 64F robdE d' -. Perhaps righitly. Qu. E?M 64 h7eo' cv1 Or ~'x Ngaagov 64F cYq The pronoun so~&s lperbaps refers to Nessuis. Schol: ro~9 N~gaov. U'vrt ron, 6'te& zo~ N~gaov. Or rather we shiould connect?x roid,, (,roe cizaxrov) witlh li', the venioml fromn this arrow, having penetrated the wound (of Nessus) cf-c. 717. acpayc~vj 'Wfoutnd,' lit. 'slaughter.' Cf. on 573. U's (pti~QEl7rrov ceipec TCaV?ai~v aupayi6)v. El. 37. 568. Aj. 919. cpvacovr' ixv - pFXUA~csVv?~ czC~ecerog] 'B1lack gory poison.' Cf. 572.?"v ya' U&tqpY3aps'rsov cd~cce riaV ltl v I y ayc5V 'V Yx, X~EQ iv, k a,zpsv (?) ioi 4%Q~LIt c A vFpvat'cl V'dQC)g, & e. 770. qpoivztog ~ 4 &?" (6'dv' tog. Aj. 1412. ttdXav ucgvog. (Ed. R. 1279. tHckag.q3pog - at' aog. Ilor. Epod. XVII. 31. 'atro delibuthis HerculesI Nessi ermore.' Stat. Thieb. I. 566. 'nigro - veneno.' For?09 'poison,' cf. 771. 833. Eur. Ion. 1015. 6>czXoVxwcv log. Blomnfield (GI. Pers. 467.) shiows that the primary sense of 1b~ was 'black.' From?i' (StFrYg) comes, I doubt not, the Latin 'virus' (as from i'ov 'viola,' from Tq 'vis,' from 1l06g 'viscitm,' from Es~dov 'vidi,' &c.), and the German 'gift.' actuvrog the mss. and vuig. cyd~karoi'g Wander (v. Emnend. p). 51 f.) Rliglitly, I thiink. Cf. on C(Ed. R. 1279. ceaeeagj Itteya (i. e. 'mnixed with') Weckl. 718. xcat xrvdls] 'Also himi?' Hercules. Qu. 'tto'v ""vdYa. 6kq- lt~ K. L. M. T. 64Ets - 4tot' A. B. Junt. II. Stephi. Aid. Qu. 60~'cev yoi~v?paqv. 'In mny opinion at least,' as rzjv '4uv yv0)1r1v, RUT" YE Tq~V Ettn~v, &C. Or thuns: zicog ov'x 0'1& xc'p~v 7irdazv; 66d~cv y' Fu v (o r d y' ~ In the next line x&tvog is used of Ihercuiles. Burges (Proef. Tro. P). XXVI. conjectures: xat' z'vd'; O'Xd 64,5 y'?111ii. Erf: xaLc zdovdl'; F"'6o6s yo,~V 4coi. Supply 0,ht yobv] yo~v ('over y) L. 719. El a~pa?.ijaxat] 'If he shall fall, suflfer.' Qu. yE xi 2rstavrat. 720. xarry Gaiv 0'ptt~/] 'W ithi (in) this attempt.' 'Sehol0: xozsco0 Tca (qul. T(o UV'T63) TQ0'reo, xovxigax 6t"' xo~ zEr~v W tuder roa,-ds rcevry~ az'V UX i- 'hoc ipso miomento.' Wrongly. Tavsy~ the zuss. vulg. H armi. Ap. Dinil. W und. Schnz, Jigk. r v S'tephi. Br. Erf. SlIt. Hart. Nauck. Cf, A~J. 496 f. I 5s ~CYPOKAF4) )T Ii] %'( X(2XCO xAvoiiu)V!v OV (V CW I aapT o v XOP02:. Vet~43~Lv~1tV ~,C )L V C cteyxai Exu, Thy EA7C ta V X9qrq rvXqg x~VimV z(tq?0;. zIHIA4NEIPA. Ovx gartv V IIorgi tt'? Xa~otg 0ovAE&'Pa~tv 725 eiyB. Mi. N. T. and (supr. y a in. prf.) L. '(~ A. K. 11anr. AlI. and leinm. Schiol. L. c"Xpia Wuinder (v. Emend. p). 5~2 f.. The samc confusion bewe,L an M3y~ocr in El. 1510. iXscli. Sept. 675. Tlheog'n. 213. llesiod. Op. 302. and elsewhere. Cf. JBlomf. ad Ag. 208. Cf. Phil. 2:37. T'~ 7TOG'ycsyv (as) XQELci; Teg 5~tri; El. 1510. -xi, V,~v 6,QU- T,.E~v. Ant. 135. ptcatvotdvcz bvv o~o~ Xen. An. III. 2. 9. 7rUziixsg ttuce o~ttrj 721. Cf. 582 f. Aj. 479 f. wxaxo' x1.iovacavJ I. e. xxo&dovo~ctv (Selbol.), 'wit/i a had reputation'. Eur. Ale. 982. xcixc5g xXVovxt nut x~ lrE7tQetyOrt. Suppi. 882. xcexic %l.kvova L&U nVP~QvrnrJV xctxov. Nauck conj: xamxcg %/.'lvcltv. 722 7roxi~al'Cares, is anxious.' Nauickenj xr723. U'vniy%"cdoi9 -"Xt] Arist. Pac. 334. Vesp. '261. 724. 'Bet it is not right to judge of an expectation be/ore the event.' Scliol: ov' XQql ThE 7rQO' xrj Ixj"'ccogw aipEsi~atc ta dEtvcz. Brunek: 'sed ante exituin spes abjicienda non1 est'. Or the construction may perhfaps he: 'bet it is not rig/it that expectation should judge before thie event'. F or oi' Wakefield reads cii", buLt lie suspects some verb, in the sense of Ucro(3cX2~tv lor 7rQoLS~vaSL shouild be substituted for XQLvs cv. Qu1. xi'v 6' - TY-Ig TVq 7rQoVEVcYt, 'but it is not right to abandon one's hope for the result'. For this middle sense of E).ir~g cf. on 111. Trij xiS'xri - 7rc'Qog] (Ed. C. 418. 7ixcQog TOVi!Zo5 iroov. Aj. 73. 726. Vrqx - irQo~Evsi7 Read - ireo~,svy, or rathier Txtg %"'v -~ 7TQO~ EVOL. #QUclgog] 'Ground of confidence'. Cf. El. 404. 1',t T[ #cUQaog TOV16S To; TcYQPOVg zr~t; 479. f"7rEGox ~IoL aQC'(GOg. Eur. Ilece. 370. oir' )r (yg- OeioJ I Ugaog. 469. ovrot aQ.1o"'go XOiY?Gxiv oib6' 5x'O?~dci Thuce. II. 40. III. 12. VI. 68. So xai~dhiCe and xpadlac (IEscli. Pr. 880. Fur. Med. 421.), &c. The distinction attempted to be established between Thi'QaOg in a good sense, and 41-~o in a bad, is not always observed. So rc)4ic, like the Latin 'audacia' and 'amdere', is used in either sense indifferently. 7reo~5vwi] 'iMinisters, supplies, a/fords'. Schiol: 7raQi4X',r. C f. (E d. R, 1483. WAd. C. 465. I read 7iQo~,vo. 727. cWX' cU'ypt To~~ -- 'BRut in 1/ie casce of those wh/o err nwmil/ingig onie's anqer is moderate'. Schol: rots ")xovg1'wg a 2~,i~6iv iq hceyopi~vq T1P/1XIN[VIAL I 5().JHIANEIPA. rowvra rU~v A,,'~&v 0V x ToV wxoxv OnqY E(at~ mrQC(&W i'g as" dlxctov XVYXO!VSV 'rct~c Toy 'HQcrx2o~go. Cf. Fr. 582. &xwv czpro~v ovu" C0vQo7MV ncXc4 Tm.II.4.Xy 4qt~p Toi' -] (Ed. R. 155. Aj. 340. (Ed. C. 49. pi xtovat'crg] 'Not willingly'. Cf. onl 395. 1% xcqtst'"g. Ant. 994. 6t' 6Q&iJ. Thue. V1II. 27. xct& Exovd'av, 7 travv YE wpvcywty. Abreseh. Dilue. p). 751. Lob. ad Phryn. p. 4. So 6dt a,%xvvij, &C. 728. Idrs"ntpc] 'Softened, miitigated'. Schol: 7rEs~tdEvq zuta. zractac xuea GO7vyyo)cTt. /Eseli. Eum. 70.?%43QoiGt toi~q Goi oV' jys-VnGof1t iditmo. Fr. 244. taviQ 6' EEtVOg rIV Z ixsTEo0 ~tL6~cv. (Ed. C. 437. 0"r' n"6qi~ g O'tt XQog 'rjv irF'rcov. Munsgr. ad CEd. C. 450. Blomnf. GI. Again. 1336. TI~zsmec is formyed from Z7rgrwv, as,dvQct (766) from rinov according to Draco 79,7 20. Chimrob. 220, 18. In a somewhat simnilar manner Amou '6uct is irregalatrly formed from Jtott '6rji' (Arist. REel. 1021.). Cf. Arist. Eccl. 896. o vvct o ooV VSXV, ce?.) IV TUig 7EErriQ~go (7tF~rtgzu R..Anacreon Fr. 87. xa' 7rsnt~ct yt'yvouact (7tc'irsrQgo cysv0'tqv Bergk). Ijippoer. Acat. 390. 7rEt7rtQO; viaog. The scame formn 7rs'ntpog occurs in Plut. Lye. 15. Lye. et Num. 4. Tt S7tSLQct T~g] Qn. zstE~tetog (or zdi~rsm'?l9'), '-.For as, read GE'. 729. totcc~rc 6' U~v (trotcv~' &vM K.) the mss. vulg. rotczvtct y' &"v W/ak. I would read tot cvttt ta)v -. (El. 984. to~eta~c tot - Fr. 26. TtowvtoU Tot - J1Fyco.) Or totavt' ctv -s'u?.~vmv -. For the 6~ inl the comminon reading, if correct, cf. (Ed. R. 379. Reisig. ad (Ed. C. 585. Mattb. Gr. ~. 616. Schol: O' t, dvatvZc~v totu,ctvtc v,L' tirot. Translate: 'Siteic consolation may suggest - not hie who is it participator in the wrong deed (as I om), bet he who has no weight on his conscience (aS yourselves)'. So Tereat. Andr. II. 1. 9. 'Facile onines, cunt vatenwes, recta coinsilia cagrotis dennius: Itit, si ide sis, oliter sentias'. 0 toy xaxov xotwvo~0gj 'le who is a participator of the wroiiy deed, (of ichat is wrongj)'. Wander understands it differently, 'non qui vilol (fif/iattir', as is Hercules, whose feelings andl language Deianira apprehiends wvill be very different fromt those of the Chorus. And this explhmation seems supported by the Schol., O' fvj 6vgrvXCjv rotccvtra Uiv uifrot. But the following remarki of the Chorus seems, to favour rather the otheir interpretation. Read O. Iro %U0 X0OLVto3 'a p~articipator in any wrong', as in this -case Deianira.. 730. co ttu16~v?atr' ot/ot ~3cpc'J 'lie who has n10 barden ait homne (no weight on his conscience)'. Seluol: O' ~tt 6vgtvXt~v. Wunder: 'qui ipse nit/la calamitate prmnzatar'. Ear' A. B. T. lattv K. L. otxnoig the, unss. Br. oN/ot Wak. Erf. I'lermi. Wund. IDind. Mart. 8dmil. Blergk. Nauckc. Rightly. Cf'. (Ed. C. 7,59. 1352. (Ed. R. 1,123. Ar-ist. Pa-Ic. 5222. zuO4)5v ((V Ati(3otati (~'jfta uvt(/ttlq(oQjv, Otto 2TQOGSIT7(0 a; omv 7&Q.,Iov 0fo#sotv. Wakefiehi compares 11. to', 239. 0o" Vi xJ,Vdvpp Oihot I G( ~Z0OiKy1E() 2] X0P0227. Ojty~z Uv U'qjtoi ot T6V r(v7rEt'1caOO)JyV. cco gV av X EQLOJV a EV "A)LL~ pqLJxgT'r aivat ~6oacv, i tvv735~ 111v,6rt y og; Eur. Fr. Inc. 136. rjv an jv oi'xot irueav'cztv Gxo'vTr~ Otherwise, as hie justly observes, the poet would have added the p)reposition,?v oilxotg. Instances of the omission of prepositions before nouns arc common enough (v. Apitz' note), but, oi'xotg for?v oiiXotg is very umisnal. We say in like manner, 'at home'. Compare also 11QVo~ below 1021. Hence olxEtog 'of one's own, domestic'. El. 215. olxst'cg -t'g 7031 -2. A similar caution is expressed in that amusing dialogute in Theocr. XV. 11. tq, xy o'v trsov ca'diQc, ql).a, Ji'v0MvZ xoMTxvra TO) fLLXC)7CaEO2TO9 OQ17, MVVt, cQtafo7 v 7 31. &"'v A. 13. L. ae' Harl. y4 Yen. oma. K. & 'cot] 'Qjci 'st Hurl. 'pm 'co B. On the intransitive use of this verb cf. Ant. 1318. El. 1293. Schol: neQztO.,ro zEL'o 0'yv]'Fuzrther remark'. Phil. 576. ~tv vv'v ~tt i'~ rc',rX,,iovcz. (Ed. C. 36. Arist. Pan. 160. cY'ra& o1' XU#W01 a5-ra rx'v 7rXUO)' xpovov. Thuc. IV. 117. Ig coyv 7rX~lco XQ0'Pov Eur. Med. 606. ZQ0ovov (ye. Xo5yov L. a mn. ant.) the miss. Ald. Xo'yov v. 1. ap. Schmol. Cant. Wnik. Musgr. Harm. Dind. Nauck &c. The same confusion is found in (E d. C. 620..ZEsch. Pers. 713. 7rc'vro ya'Q, ziCZQ,9t, Ce'xoV',Yt f~ov V p~a& cXypq (xQ0'vq al.). Prom. 900. Taavxa &t f -){O?.oyov (xQ0,voc al.) I dIrrtv. SO at1y&V XOyovg Eur. Ion. 406. 732. d1 ~ttj Tt 2JESLt- 'Unless youz intend to say anything cr-c.' Ilerni. and 11art: xo' p zt -.Wrongly. 733. ticzoxQ 7rczzodg] 'In search of his father'. (Ed. C. 456. KQiOV~rU t5FL0ro'vWrV EfLoV ftca6T)~Qc. Eur. IBacch. 985. Carcin. up. Diod. Sic. V. 5. TVP d ttnrip' 'cpcZVt611F'V)Qn3 %OQT I tteegijQ' IzFX#,ELv 1rGav 1v xV'x~o) &0va Lye. Cass. 1023. 7rcatdt rc5 uavx)g] So 1048. U$xocxtQ q' lto'g. 734. cogdVx xQcJ0,v a' 4v EfxdttrV-] 'How I coutld have chosen (wished) that one of three things had befatten yout, either cf'.c.' With 6' we may, for convenience sake, suppose an ellipse of 7'astv. For the elliptical chamecter of the sentence cf. Phil. 310. Arist. Ran. 1368. Ft'7rE( 75 6Ei' xuc Toovxo p,- (sc. zotjat), I &ve76qiv 7rotqgxov xvQo~rco)ijgcet r",vgv. Jsocr. Or. XV. ~. 211. 6voiv *o'TE~ov, jq tt urUZiao0ttv T&g YVc),agm avUro-v, &c. Apitz niisunderstiands the construction. Wunuder also without, reason finds fault with the situation of 6E here. Qn. Cig "'v Ts~tcov~ a?3ov~Jui~v. For thme expression reij'v ';Ev ef. Fr. 224. xc'v rptcov ~sU'cv?~c43tv. 755.?V'6co ycZQ, St' net' Tv TQLov ~ oi'dottca. Thuc. 1. 122. 111. 4-0. Pind. 01. 1. 97 (with schol.). Silid. V- WiV TQtiov. 735. stvc~t ~io'av] So Phil. 412. on1v'xtj "'ri ~Cor. (Ed. R. 1045. osa6CaaPsvtpj 1. e. ~6eev 'if alive'. Cf. 626. Ag I'M"" SUNNI I I II iThAX TN IA I 1; 6I zJH IA NEIPA. rtI Y'?&ri'v W 3 e 7r~ y" ctoi) 'a~u~witdvov; PAAO~2X. TOPv i"vaqu TOy, 6Ov i'U4t, TOPv (' E4ovA,, zwcuc,q xurctxrdlvcac rpY bv 'rti~g. 740 AJHINAEIPA. 736. "'Wov xs ~,649th ux' Cf. 1205. 'Wov y~-Pob roe ttr)6 Etu' x ~ it.El. 366. xx~afDut] 'Weri call/ed, wer'. Fr. 107. XaTUQXsi TUov6c XEXU)6d0otcx 7raTQog. Eur. Phicn. 10.?'y10 6~ Ttutq 11v-v xX 'ofw Msvotxio~q. Hipp. 2. El. 368. 903. Iplh. A. 464. 2Esclh. Pers. 246. Monk ad Hlipp. 2. Il. (. -260. t" rE"t Tq liuczoeo 7rarcc WXEX ivog d'rjv, d ~7 q &c. ~'. 268. 6o0'6w 07M~tftEVCat X(ct 61~v XJX~dj6#Uct CUxOtrtV. f]TQ,' A. 13 Harl. Aid. fL1q7'Qt >q " (sic) L. ttryrieu g', K. T. ArI)'vg qpeivccg - & 'pctpig~ca] Cf. Ph. 1079. Xoir09 TcX UiV q)OV11tV,,v rozrco?Xc'3ot I cqco xv' iuiv (read )v,4). Ed. R. 1038. I.3vqo vr't. Ant. 1090. Tov vobv x' U&tE 'cvv thyv q-)(,vhv v~v cpiesc(rit 73 7. awptciwv cat] ' Would get in exclhange'. X'sch. Sept. 304. 7coi~ov a UtLIV 6FYcdcss 7ri'(OV I r&66' uotV -; Snuppl. 232. Plat. Apol. 37 D. Ulq?~ '))jg 7t h~v 7r'A).swg &pcstjott'vo. So in Latin 'mu/aure.' Hfer. Od. II. 16. 18. 'Quid terrms alio caleutes sole mnulauzus? ' 1. 17. 1. 738. Tri 6'] Txi 6~T' 13. 6xVYOv svvthe SInSs. Vui1g. SChol1: ),V~tq~bV Xc4 jd60V9 o' Sclhneid: 'Quid est a mne or/em, quod odio islo Ileo d10iqueu sit? ' Wunder Supplies thus: 'quid/fac/emn a mHe esi?' Qu. ' steyciop 1fvov (745.), or 7,~rati von, or uxvyvov cpczvEiv. Or ireoig T~ xt TVYF& It'; The commion read-~ ing is surely not right. Dindorf also suspects it. 739. rev 6'?teiv )J11ycoj Ai'yco, if jeorrect, is inconvenient, if not, superfluous. Cf. (Eld. C. 322. 7tcit6ciGr, cjv 6' tq a 0rczcqtov. 1275. In both cases pItv is understood in the former clause. Wakefield notices the anonialy of the construction, and suggests either xi'v 6'?lttov, y 'vci,, rxa or rather ZO'v y' 'tLOv AEiyco I raix'Qu. Erf: Tev ciVdQci TO'V 6O'V i'6atT x'V, zu ~yc rciuc. Qu. rO'V 6' 4rv dacu- Or thnts: re'v civdQu, LjTEQtV 60V L'16#t, TOV 6 'ov I 7rcixha. Or TOv czvdQui roV 6oy, tiujtEFQ, i'o6, - Or Trev tiVIQci TV 60V Ev UT 641ttCl T0V 16 1?1e6vI7~r' A"Iywo is sometiises pitt alone, at others has 6i annexed. V. Lob. ad Aj. 570. 740. Tild' i'v rd Perlt. -r,6s4IjL&, Cf'. on (Ed. C. 1612. ItLAYDES, Sophocles' Tracbiuiae. it 162? 22000AiE.'O7JQr~f PAA402AOV 0V OIVT 01 T EA54hjVCZL, TO 7&, Tcpa Nviv t'9 U'Va ivat~r ~v cy EViJTOV Z01oIV; zIHIANEIPA. zrcog E1rct, co 7ic; roy) zapt dv#~QGJ7rcov 11aCjhv 4 loy ovYrco.g 70 Qyov ~ ~ a 745 ctih&g flapcra tVj1rp0QaV JV LPtact6V 742. d"v] Qu. d'V Y' 0 ohoIV,v zcj Sc. 'aT'. A very comimon ellipse. Cf. Ph. 925. c"U' ov x oL(o' XE. To aq( y 0 qav "v -;] 'For what has once been done (produced)~4~. C[Ed. R. 525. ro~ 7r~o' d'?q~c'V0`q; Schol: rO' ("7Wc 7r~aX,9'Ev xCc't 7LLn 'X*A'V 7rcOi V~v Ztg tt IYEV raOat 7rot GL~;For the sentiment cf. Aj. 377 f. Hom. II. t'. 249. oi~pI XL piXaq I Q'%~vo 1xcxov -g Ian o EvQ~'qv.. Pindar (quoted by Schol.) 01. II. 17. rco'v c6h nmpa'ttivcov c,2roiI7XOV OV8L 6,vZOVg0 7tC~vTOJv nacn? dlv~vatro a~Eitsvca EQyoW rIkog. Agatho Fr. 5. rvo Q5oind Eog grE Q(GXxcrt I a'yvi~ra nrotr&tv daa' ( cc~? dv,y 7r~~yjEvcC. Plat. Prot. p. 324 B. oiV YcQ "dv TO YE 7rQctX49Ev ayiv?yTov *E7 Legg. II. 943 A. Dem. p. 476. Tcz `Q7a ra 7rQaXZ-FvTr iatLV,?7rt&yqrEQ UZU?7('0n P. 30. P. 1439. P. 1449. Pint. Consol. ad Apoll. p. 115 A. ro ~ttv y&q ys-ywvlflvov ov,61 #r( LVVLZTOV E-6xrt TLOLEIV czymv7rov. Plin. Paneg. XL. 'At in prwteriluni su~bvenire ne dii quidem possunt.' Hor. Gd. III. 29. 45 f. (Conversely p. 1471. 'CZc y aLQ fL1q YEvo~tsva oVX AntL 7tOLaat YEYC5V7J6~aZ.) 743. yav'#Iv] xnixv#v Nauck. Who compares Euir. Ion. 77. TO e~' 'g v?xttc4co. Or. 1203. But cf. CMd. R. 525. Ctd. C. 721. Yvvax'r ",yE'vqrov K. L. 65'vcur' '7yvIrov A. B. T. Harl. vulg. Wund. Hart. 6'vVatzr av "MiqV?7ov from Suid. v. oi~ttot Porson (Adv. p). 1 75.). IBerm. Schn. Dind. Nauck. 6V'a~t' a~v U&yiVVnToV (! ) Bgk. - U`XqavTrov conj. Nauck. The Schol. seems to have read a&y~virov. 'A4YEVVt0go occurs CEd. C. 973. Tr. 61. SO oUVTOYEvv,~xog Ant. 864. xOtLnI4ITZ Tr UVTroy vvnrT(al. ce',royE'vqr')- See Wund. Advers. in Phil. p. 34 f. 7rtLO Ei) A. B. iroFrv K. L. M. Cf. on Aj. 1356. 744. To13 7rag' -;] So CEd. R. 525. TOV) Jro Eq~av~q745. Suspected by Nauck. Weckl. d~eqov] 'Unenviable.' Cf. 284. 746 f. Eur. Iph. T. 901. T('W Fi' cITJ o X?~OG alcYYEI c5. AEsch. Pers. 266. xcl tkV 7rtOQV YE %OV XyOVg UdWav XhwVC I retGtt "v. Eur. Med. 628. 61'cdofEv', oi',x 4 rerQO tov pI#~ 'Zo~tcV cPQcaaGu#at. Suppl. 684. iEVaacov RT CLVTO xoi' %Xtncov. Her. 848. Callim. H. Del. 179. t~coi 61=IoIaXUl7OI)~ Y5L'T0vOg U1#OfLEvoto, ncd ov% sTt ttovvov uxovljq. Job XIX. 27. d'C 6' 0'pa~i'gov &O'QUXE, Xca oin al~og. Plant. Baceb. III. 3. 65. 'Quin egio quum peribat vidi, non ex audito aryno.' 746. ceV'r0'-7tc'TQog] 7raLgTQ - av',o'g Natick. Dind. Wrongly. ",v d1purctv - (Y60xopxc] 'Having seen with mny own eyes.' Cf. 241. WVy opcx IV opliceGtv. Ant. 764. rov',uOv - xQarT 1v 6cp~ixlpot O'giov. TPAXINIAI. 1.63 zargo dayognot xoi, xava& y7oAaaCv Xhov.JV JHIANEIPA. iroi ~','tg rav (- lz d zat, zraqt6rwat; d ftr~~iV 6E, 7ravra a'f gcdtviiv %Qso')V. i1QtE zA~tvi'v EtQv'rov Z'cragaz 7r0)tv, 7h0 axmq rLg ap pizC~v6rog EVIot'ag xpov K4vatov gartv, EV~a zar~cIc JtU Horn. Ii. a'. 587. Ev 0'p~ toidt i'6couat. y'. 306. For this sense of IV cf. on Phil. 60. OpliaGLv K. L. T. Oppfaurt A. B. 747. The position Of 7rT6 is rather singular-, but not untenable. %oi B. K. L. (in rnarg. a rn. rec.) M. Br. &c. %al L. vulg. Cf. on 1046. Eur. Iph. T. 901. Trca6 EZ80v azwn', xcat (xoii L. Dind.),4iova' a~aylo Wakefield on the whole prefers the old reading. %ov xOcI y~ct36ccev] 'And not (merely) by word of mouth' from others. Cf. 281. Ant. 961. Aj 23 u. %Aovx cizo yX'ag As 6' p 748. 1jc=E&a~t] L. (corr. -8ig pr. in.) lp ok~ Bergk. Cf. 17. nelv TFJI6S xot'Tr (xoturtg?) 'tnla#~vcat. Qu. 7oC06 7r EtCC'ZaV6Q~. K. L T. c~~p~ B.Should we not write rather T c v~ell or rrov6Q1'? Cf. CEd. R. 1113. 1136 &c. 749. Et Xqi/ xa#Ev uE] 'If you must needs learn.' Cf. CEd. R. 958. Et ToZT5 zpo rwov 8E t' L'Ma yystl.at acxqpCog. Plat. Parm. 126 C. &'M', dl 8Et,1 i'oip~v -7a' at'rdv. Pheedr. 234 E. El y&Q &!t, av ro(0qqrov. Bergk and Nauck would correct si ~ e tv ai f n j 33 6 8 ' d Harl.el 750. Wakefield wrongly takes o4#' to be for a~t. 751. Te6incta A. B. K. L. T. vuiig. Herm. Wund. TQonUata Dind. Bgk. Niauck~. 752. UXT77 TLG -] Cf. 237. Ant. 966. Eur. Hipp. 1198.?=Et' 6' EQ,71LOv xC00i a77L9Elv '11olt v, Ic'xr~ i' r 4'vt &c. Iph. T. 261 f. 1449 f. Horn. II. ti.811. a.'. 722. v'. 32. Gd. y'. 293. 6Y'354. 844. q'. 244, &c. Also Ascb. Fr. 24. Eifpoi'& xcqsxr'v 4Lpqpt Kqvcdov Jti'g I awlj'v. Above 74. xp~Avarog] I. q. 7rEQ(Qqvrog (Ph. 1. 239.). Ei'potag &'nqov] Herod. VI. 100. Ig ral ""%a rfig Ei'3oirjg Horn. Gd. y' 278. Xot'vtov - axeov 'A#d,qVE`. 753. Kijvat~v A. B. T. 4rnvatctv K. L. Cf. 237. 993. A~se'h. Fr. 24. Ei'potM a t~nc'~v acp~tc Kiqvcatov Jt' (238) 1 a'xrq~v, xar' avxih'v r~qgov aO#Xtov NAI~. Horn. H. Ap. 219. KqvadOV T' En~jipq Vav~erdtxx j~t Ku. g3o(qg. Strab. X. 444. Liv. 36, 20. Plin. IV. 12. Ptol. Geogr. p. 87. 164 WO(OKAEO'rE O 6al 4v O ile t rpsvtav E 9vAAi~dca~ Ov tv ra TQCOT d6~rov a&6Orpsvog Zro'4O. 755 'gAAovrT 6 a w5 O~ VT~ TEV)X~tv crqpaya xy~v~ cur' Oi'xoV t~sc~r Olwtog Aixag TO a6v PE9av~ (, fccvaotpov ZEZO raveoxrova P)v aca'dt&, c' vvEAAr Ejcwv 760 E7xaxroV 7cQ06 ~Yt GVUtJttV't #0o5qtca. narq6dOJ Jdt] Asch. Fr. 146. oig 4 'Itcdo, zftuyo, It' zarq~oov pjaogt6 krtv. Mrist. Nub. 1468. Plat. Euthyd. 302. ZEV "g a jqttV w-7U zoC5g plyi os, ncariwt, EQXSiog Th xad cpecretog~. Lob. Aglaoph. p. 771. 754. 5qI1rt] 'Is marking out, setting out.' Hesych: O'Qt'~Ft, t"6'qzJtV. Cf. on 237. EfV41Y Qt(~rvat I gofLol' rikq r' -`yxiqceQ Kqvxcdo, zi'. TFILEvt'cXv TE Tv?.."c81c] 'And a sacred wooded inclosure or grove.' I. q. alaoo4, r-Fprvog ((Ed. C. 136.). Schol: xO'v cno'rioTv VrfEpvc~v GIcpzvov~ T, xktr FLV0 7roXVipvX~ov. The Latter interpretation is right. Ilesych:TE fLtt7 iio7o a~67, Tfl L UcjPOQtqjLE'VJ XcUTO'T-~l XcAoQtct. Cf. on 38 TEb1X'yWQIX (E d. C. 676. xc'v U4Pcrov 94~ qVaiXY fLV ixewQrov. 136. Horn. IL. v'. 185. q vt' TI rot Teikg ripr-1VOg zcqov, OepcZ '5ftatL. Herod. III. 142. Jtog 'EX.v*YtQLov O3copo'v tCei'Qacxro, x~t rTr'vog 7rrei UVxOV oVQLGF. Athen. XIII. 595. (pcx'dxwv hkrO6V nXU1 T~,&jtVOg d UI'acwae. 755. -a~riov A. B. L. vuig. latlov K. dai'dov Dind. CtGpkFvog TCo~] 'With~ delight, owing to the desire I had (to see him).' Cf. on 176. Wakefield conj: uap.vov 7ro~jov. Nauck conj: a'attvog 11o)Ccv. 756. iro).v~''rovg - rqpcyc~] 'A sacrifice in which many victims aire slain.' Cf. on 357. Wunder compares Eur. Her. 777. iroXaVvrog ztpc'. 7roAA9v4'ovg B. K. L. zCov4"H'E'ov- A. Harl. 757. %iQva B. K. L. Dind. % jQv~ A. T. vaig. i'r'A. B. T. Ald. jE'K. L. oLXri~og] 'A domestic, of the household.' Compare o~xkriq. 758. *cw"'atpov] 'Deadly, fatal.' CEd. R. 560. Aj. 1033. 759. zeov'rcptF6oj zoi36ccpvtreo L. 'Previously, en~Joined.' Cf. 681. 7rqovdtd&41xv0. A singular compound. A similar one 7rpo1',,7rtarcepcet occurs in 2Esch. Prom..101. 701. 'E~vpf'EJLU occlurs iin Aj. 795. 760.?ivr~lsig 'Perfect, free from blemish,' and so fit for sacrifice. Ag. 104.) would write here kvr&XEig.?'-,cov] Qu. ""yowv. Cf. 7rqoaiyrF 762. 761. rxt nav#',6uoi E4arO6] 'In all a hundred.' Cf. Dem. p. 390. opoi3 7rrVT "XOV#' a2Xctg (7,pIQag %cc9#j7p&tEr). Auctor de Invent. I. 9. 12. 'Relinquitur er~qo ut omnia tria genera sint causarum.' Cf. on (Ed. R. 752. 2rF1V? 1qG"V ot ~Vf7rUVTSg. Herod. IL 1A. EgxUilrXce Efrra ra iravra "QCG III. 66. PUtx5C~VaUr" tty Tr& ZrcMMr 17tr ZTM. 1. 214. 762. Gvtqpty~, P3oax I~praj Aj. 53. Gvplptxxa - Ioncyqo~jca 7TP4XIXJN I 4 /I 6 oz (ao3 i: 6Xc11vcJ7 OQ;1C0fl! xIMUIro 765 "i'A~ llarq~(a xaz.rA((iaQat 691)0q, 764.xd~po rr -- o.] 'In the warei/ent and dress,' i. e. in the ornamental dress, arolj/ xoattt'(, by liendiadys. (Mitchell (litotes 1. Tim. IIi.?v nertyeroZ~ xogt1dn(.) Cf. Ear. Ale. 162. 5O3I1Jra xIo'atov r'. 1069. %r/jvzEroi xcer~XEro Eif. X70~Q%1ro ('saera aitspicaltus est') Meiii. (coil. Arist. Av. 960. Monk ad Alc. 74.) Nauek. V. Elmisl. Pra4,e. (Ed. 1R. p. I X. Cf. oin 610. 'l~e o/Jeredi?p vows, (addressed h/is vows.' Wakefield supplies merti aoi5 ('bona libi precaluts est'), with Schol: O' 'HeaxXXg fkepi~ TrrjW TQVt frV~ (YTO On, Zcd V oV 7r' 0 7r '7r. Ovid. Met. IX. 159. 7laira dabat pr-imis et verb~a precantia flawinns.' 765 f. The sufferings and death of Hereules are described by Ovid Mlet. IX. 134 - 272. and Seneca in his Hercules (Etieus. Apollod. IT. 7. 9. i1v AV 6' HQciXiXg 10VVEV. co'g 6.Y, 0 tE~LiV4~'VTOg rov Xir~ovog, 0' T9g vlYQceg fog roy yXqjor EiaqirE, &c. Ovid Met. IX. 161. 'Inca/edu vis i//a tuali resolutaqite flammis I Ilercileos abiit late clifJitsa per artits.' hlor. Epod. III. 17. nec 77enms hutmeris efficacis Hercules Iinarsit awstuiosiezs.' XV1I. 30. '0 niare et terra, ardeo I qetanteni neque atro delibeteis fierce/es I Nessi crutore if-c.' A statue of Hercules rov xaciiraovovtt~vov TO) T'/Q rJgcvstQceg %ir6Jv existed at Corinth, as Strabo (VIII. p. 381.) relates from Polybiuas. 765. Schol: 0"rF 6E Czio rj~v #vtt"rcuov McU mo~v ~wv qpX 'vF ma.F om OT L(8Q0Jg CVn~t 7tEQt TO GCOILi iYVmOV. 07t(Og1 'W/n,(s.' So in Latin 'utt.' OQyco~v] 'Sacrifices.' Ant. 1013"..ZEsch. Sept,. 164. Herod. V. 61. 6JtyiqQO3 IQOV T rE Xi oeytre. hMat'Eroi 'R~egan to but/n or blazze.' Eur. Tro. 825. (Y 691 us ysivcqtiva 7rVQ't 6asctrat. Arist. Lys. 1284. Bce'xXtogO~ 6qt~ceat 6a1',mart~ ('fiagrat oce/is'). Qn.?ncdsm~o (schol: a'v~xcd'Emo), or?qpj'rTFTO. The, gen. O'Qyhov depends Onl rpI4. Or it may be the geon. of place (schiol: U'ro mcov 'Rthtr'TcnV), 766. aFrtamnqcy'1 Ant. 123.. Schol: 0"r E ro:T cd'ttarog mc(-v 1FFQst'tnv 6c1VI'Cmccrr. Cf. Ant. 12-3. 7rrvxixsv# 'Hqcatarov. Translate: 'the f/a/ict frolit the bloodl (flesh of the victims) and fronit 1/ic oily wood.' So Aj. 1004. (0 6VGt~iUOT 0V Otqtre ant' xo'.tqg~ 7rx~g 481 f. cZ ro EtstoaY iTQvo~g] SChol1: 5dro )xraQO5~ ~V~ov' 6'ivV V/tY ),CIY,1t 7EYV 6E'vhQov. We should have expected rather??.cdcg, but possibly 6Q/vOg may he put for any tree whatever,. 7risiFQUa,1 Feminine of id'O)v, a's 7tFxsFa Of 7rE~rcov (728). Iobm. LI. g'. 541. 7ris! Qeav(V &QOVQ"v. 342. i7rtsi.Qay - 7r0Xtgr. Tn'. 150. brav risi(p Od, (3327. Tx. 173. Vp'. 311. Pind. N. I. 21. n1dEtQcev LtxEUJav. Theo'cr. 18'. 29.itc - cQvi. This form occurs no where else in the Trag-ic dians. llerwerden conjectures 7rw6 'orpov (coll. Xsch. Chio. 266.). 767. c'vssr A. (supr. t) K. T. Junt. 11. Br. &c. &i'vqsr Hurl. I~ uL "vst.,t Elms]. ad (Ed. C. 1605. The variations arose from the writing+ "v' (41I. T: U&v~jq'QXrO. Qu. or vavsY, or or CiiroQQEU. I 20 K0k rIFO T~ %(TOIto a 7ra XIl'cortz(QYO j41 ) k-g V.6(eypLoR cr?'Tr1(?rR(Wr0q, k1T('a TqtVI 770 a'Vy~ XQo)rj ~ Pouired fo~rt/i ou Itis s/io.' Froin the heatofhe(ae Schol: rTOTs ['6(&uq rV~s~t, 7tr~h TO 60)LLa Ur~uO7. OvidI Met. IX. 173. 'C(1a rudeusque fleid tote (le corpore sudor.' XQm)rt is the (lative of place: cf. oil CIEd. C. 31.3. and below 789. The preposition om-ittedl, as in 692. 9t5, 950 &c. 'ZQ0G7CrVG6Frct, 74~vqcdYtvj Aiit. 1237. 7rcuQaV6) 7rQ0G TVG6ETrt. Qlt. 7r UG(1cETsx -. Ct. 1053. TIS~vQuEGL yce IrQogfaI#iv &c. Or 7t~rQTl fl8VuL-. (Cf. 833. 7tsivqc~ 7rQo~ruY-E vrog loS. 836.) IHpoig5ee'Goter~ elsewhere in Sophi. governs ant acausative. Cf. on Ant. 1237. Valck. ad Plicen. 1667. 7rqoairrttrGTo the iuss. no7rp06 V66ua~t Mns-r. Vanv. Pors. ad Med. 1138. Dind. &c. The imperfect wonid he 7rQoGE7rtVo'uGro. Cf. on 79,-6. 768. u&qdt'oX~og 'Closely qlued, firinly (attacked.' Schiol.: xceWog avy xxoiqttvog. Hesychi: cUpr~noX)kcU. )7etoull~vr. Cf. }Eselh. Cli. 15,80. vi~v OVV 6 (LEV (pv r~as lVO~ c2c~ gmo UV cQ~tx~xX~ v ~ Tr"&. Sept. 373. Elq &'QrixoXaov ('at the precise juncture'). And avyxo)X-?Uog Chio. 542. Suppl. 310. Pind. Fr. 280. 7rou(xo~ov Curs ~,ov Blomf. Gloss. Sept. 1369. Compare also "'QTLQtaXOg 687. and U'u&t'xoIng (Plat. comi. Mein. II. 628. xXt'vlqv rejtqPtxoXov 7rv~ivijv). Schiol: cog vito~ XUT 7t(S fLt5Qog 03 U-V,VlA() VSISQIS x6Uq (%X'ca -Br.) V'7ro rTxrovog 7rnash'7 XQL stee. Whience J~er~gk suspects a line has fallen ont here-. COGxE TXTcovog] 'As if hy a joiner.' Schiol: Wog Viro' xsnxovog XraWrS,YVy~XOXrq~uFLvog. For 'oatsE 'as it were' cf. Tr. 367. 5aGrE 6o'kv 530. Ant. 1084. C0ars to~OTqg. 1033. Col. 343. OrJars 7rISq,9vot. Fr. 421. i'aov ttFVrQi0V OCrP).(LOV, r-0-Ersinxrovog I 7rce~y aTUrrtv 1lovrog 09o~orut xrzv&ev. AEsch. Eumn. 578. cv rt #iovQ 'to I r, r~otg fi3q'oratv "I ar' 'A4eriv'. Ear. Ilipp. 1222. Xsc (jqvWrCe), Xoi)'rs7V rooYTs VIY.VP(r,,qq "'n Dohree proposes to sto1) thias: - 7().5vQISLGtv, "CeQtIxo)og -, 'quasi a fabro recens fuisset adylultinata.' Hlermann understands usfxrovog of a 'sculptor or statuary,' as in Enr. Ale. 0349, "i. e. tut vestis, quaim statuarius exlprimlit camn corpore il)s0 coln-erentein.'' Suchi veiledl statues are to he seeti at Naples and elsewhiere in Italy. AQ-rtxo2Ioq TtVoq, as 7rQOa?)yOQOg TtVOg, &c. But qu. 0)' In Tknrovog (,so also Herwverden), or coaxr IF' -, or 0)65t n rF-nxovog. Cf. on 943. MNlsgrave, I find, proposes coaxg' Ix -rixrovog. Hartung gives J0-6irEp FIn~vog. 7619. ~WsJ 'There came, set in, haippened.' (Ed. 11. 681. 405nrjo;1 vYyvo;?oycov "19s. IBt, as it is not clear how the gen. -G 'a(Ov is to he construed, I would suggest instead iirxo 6' o~arEcov -.Cf. 778. 7 rvEsuuovcov cUV#, pruro. 1009. or s.Cf. 1082. ra-7ruuto' ty'(cog 5"' rusl c~ it~Evqiov. Or 1)erllalps some. imp~erfect shioald he restored, to agree wvithi Uv?78t and Mutrdvvto. Wakefield inserts in a parenthesis the wvords q?~9s - rvxcrctrUGOg. 770. oeyucg the niss. and Schiol. czm5~tt~ Br. Ifermi. Dind. Nek. &c. Pierson -ad Moor. p. 39. shows that the Attic form of the word is re'czyu 4 Mceris 1. 1. t,4cayfto'g, cWcraurau, 'A-ruxion. xv~paocg, xv aeai#rt, 'EX)krj vtxjcg. Hesychi: Auyttog xv~q~gog. Phlot. P. 7i, 21: 'A~cy!,to6g 0'ruj t'M, TPAXJNIAJ1. 1 167 43'vrciYfht 6i,q '0jdi- rov 6vg&dito1tVr zoaitgv Ewyoy rov&~ ctiuov TOP iov xcoV, attog, (7rFQ E-Gr xvn1tto. ovxco~ Loqpox).ijq. (No dlouht, referring to thiis passage. 1Bekk. Anecd. p. 342, 22.) This form however is hardly founld inl the remains of ancient writers- that have com-e, down. to us. Xci,. Comiv. p. 884. rac)x' ~CrZQ, ' 7t a~r s ' 9p1o, x~6s aiqyttvog -ro TE O011OV - 016U~ov XzL% 1v r- xclQye& wCrQxv,~ IL HYfOV r Sophi. Fr. 708. %czp5thUv r0cz~ytvog. Ilesych. corr: 'Q61'ypnv- 1xv77rzjtcuv. Similarly wc find u&zci6v arid ()c&z&v, aos -and 04frt5qtt', 'T, ce pt' and ioxam(p Pliot: 'A46ar,6ct r% xv~arzt. oi 'n 16v 6 crca uaYvro' xv l#Etv. 1"Ab&cz~i' y"'Q av'rov TOV U'xo( 5CLX'Yrt a ~ 'A4qt6aoqpc/.vng v'Oixa'atv (Fr. 360.). Poll. if. 110o. o'ra~trtxd (ser. -,6T gi6). Ilesych: HMur 'aaro?xvljauro. Seliol: xnvuog 1 za' 1 o ) c T o vj~cGh 0&vt7rUorcwro] 'D1rawingl, convulsive,' in an active sense (cf. on. (Ed. R. 969.). Schol: I'aog ara6~t6, u~zU' air a6rOi GI: OG7ro6,6v &&r'I 5~iF 0vo Trag 6ac'Qxag. Wakefield connects (rvrL'Graxo o~e3 'ncoiaimvl lens ossa.' Amplified hy Ovid Met. IX. 166. cletiferamn conatur scinidere vestemi: I qua trahitur, ira/it illa cutem (c'vrt'm7aarog); fwdurnque relate, aut hw~ret membris, frusira tentata revelli, Icut laceros aries et grandia detegit ossa.' Stat. Theh. XI. 254. rQualis ubi timplicitum Tirynt/hius ossibus ignem 'Isensit, et U~teas membris accedere vestes; I vota incepta tamen libataque thura ferebat, I durus adhuc patiens gee mali; mox grande coactus Iingemuit, victorqgee furit per viscera Nessus.' qpotvtag the mss. Ap. Herm. Wund. Dind. Schn. cpor'vtog Pierson ad Mcer. p. 41. Br. Erf. Seli. Mattli. Hart. Cf. 717. lo'g at'utarovg IiE'ag. 573. 771. Jiog vuig. Br. Apitz. Wund. 0')g Wak. Dind. Herm. Hart. Schan. Bgk. Nauck. The common reading is shc a potvi'ag I 'xlqig?x(6Vig gcglavvro, I 'vxai~9a 6-q -. As Hyllus could not he aware that the tunic, was smeared with the Hydra's poison (v. 934.), Wakefield alters the stopping thus: Etha, rpotvtiag - tog cog, E6Yativvro. I lvxcc59a 6~ —. I. e. 'And then as it were the gory venom of the hateful viper began to prey upon him.' Unless indeed the suhject of?6acdvvro he XtTOJv (769). Is this an oversight of our Poet, or an interpolation? The common reading in other respects appears the more natural. Cf. 36. v~v &'?'t% - F14v, I vra~#a 6 &e. tog] "Poison-' Cf. 717. 833. Qu. Cal. IX. 384. iou c7rl, 6xv yvoio, ioV o' ZioL ca' Yur u pl qg. Schol: c'g xavija#tsv a ir~v ~ig Script. Arg: o)g (Y.'5Q Optv#Evrog ro5 t' lrrovog 0 tog vrlg v-6Qag i'a#u'rTO, thyv pn~v At(xav xargi3a?~v &C.?batvvrol 'Began to devour, to prey upon.' Schol: XUT 6#rrV Uv'O'V. Cf. 1088. dhat~vvrcet yc'Q Pei 7cc~v. Eur. Mcd. 1185. 7irg~ot dh )Fzrioh%, uiojV -rr~vrov &oQfl'~ttrx, I Zrvxq'v F'Wairxov GaQxaz r-g avCda'IttOvog. 772. lvra6iiyc 6?7j] xuvrcc~#cz Th~ HarlI. 003dq6,r the inss. vulg. 'PO3c76,s Br. &c. 773. roi5 6oi3 %ano5J xoi'ov naUtoi3 conj. Wakefield. Perhaps rightly. 774. 7ro~acg - ~vq~avat~g] ' With what evil desig. 0'E )s uponwhic this depends, has a pregnant signification here, 'hie called and enquired of Licluas.' Xf(XF 1")~co&; rpaV1 StyI ol, (0Ol' X'[('oA 0' CY'T( 1':C 6~l~1 OVC,ot':fl Qtru zq (qtprJ) v5o?x 7(0 roV s' u 780 v xyso K..L. Al. T. 1)ind. &c.?1_vE'ysci A. Aid. B1r. blx/~ 13. ~_Ilyniyg Harl. F'vE'yxot Vci. 'Ev~-yxot occurs Fr. 105. 775. -ro 60'v ~ttovqg & yi'q' 1Nounts possessive are often found thiu.. joined with pronomns and participdes, seldom xvitil noun1s, adjective or substantive. Cf. Phifl. 1126. TU'V ~~WaV 11O.bio rQO(Pcev. (Ed. C. 344. ricvt AVGT4jV07 axcx. Cic. Phu1lipp. LI.. 111. 'lom omillis sioiplicis pectols v'idimus.' Liv. Vii1. 40. "quod meam /eictom dliclumque coiisulis.' Cf. 1 2 19. r6 Go'v thto tmnh,('yoV. Qa1. aoy no tto~vsj' cg l Schol: si,)V-r oTt lXVTfO 7VQ06(J70'/ TOVZ7T7r)2.OV, mC)67SQ ~-r~xiV~70 600, OIOV,Odl cep FcaVrOV 7tUVOVoQyqG6tY. After i;'XsFv Wander siipplies hrorn tje, pi-c cedinig context?yxv.So also 8dmn. DFXt ind. V. schol. Branich sipll)hies 776. Qu. 0)n,V or no shlrk.v. Cf. on 775. oC07roQe lqv uicrisX~mvov] 'Julost s it laid beeiz sotil (to him liv you).' 777. 6toj(Yovog] r%4uloiiizi!J.' 778. i7r~Evtto'v "v c oapcro1 Cf. Fr. 678, 7. IVT)71I,,rtC (c'v#c'rroTca?) yYUQ 7tVFVftOVcflV 06Ocg Fvt I pvXq (sc. Kt'7r~lt'). Arist. I~un. 474. 7rv~c ott6 V(OV T (5V4#CtlP5Tc(I Taeqrq66t'u fttVQftVf. 2.E'scl. Pcrs. 703. c?'W?irrh0 Fo,; lr"Xiutv Go,' cpp~vov cezU'rrcorwc (vuig. "'v4J,'racti). Ear. eld. 960. a - as '\X0clc(6t~{~cusce ed. 1360. T~a cQo Q/ nct af ty CV(Y v#qptt n v..54. cp~scvov "avfUcorTrsrca. Below 1009. ~7rrcu' (tov (v 0aog). 7MTVYV&i(VL0 13). K. L. N. T. Veit. 7r,1Evudvonv A. M. lHarI. Ald. Diind Cf. on 567. Mrist. Rani. 473. Blonmf. ad Pers. 709. 779. ccu'iPce iro6o'g vtv] Fleeving seized him by the foot.' lReiske, cotij fit "lpag viv, XQ#QOV jj7r.2. Cf. Ear. Cyci. 400. ro'v 6' rel rbo0vrog cee~nccaug CUXQOV zrahOg &c. 7ro6o'gj 7ro66v Ven. Xvy(~xca] 1/ens, tous.'Schtol: "cQgo',rau, mn~rr, xUG VGTQ-FTF Tc1. /Schol: FL'QiqUxct 6,' cM UoV VyGmV. FEXtXroV y1c'Q ruo (PVT)V, vm;0 780. 'turroi th~e, mss. Athen. II. 65 F. (whio huas 'urovrTY) vulg. 1)ind. Wand. Schin. W' rxsi Elm~l. IHeri. Hart. Nek. Cf. 0o1 790. Aj. 239.,ESCjylujs menltion-s this burial-place of Licluas Fr. 24. Etjgo~Ace xce'tuooC0 attm' Kqvceiov Jto'g I 5xllv, ncr' ce vr6v rv'3ov &Th2ov Ai' c. Also a poet in Etym. M. 417, 12. 4~Zt Ai'Xa tglycz Gcetta. Cf. Ovid. Met. IX. 226 f. 781-2.. Thiese two lines are condemned as spurious h)y Meineke. Scee his Symhb. crit. ad An-t. p). 421. 781. %n'ttn 6Eo lovxov tcEXo'v ImtQctivEl aF~Ooi (gicovVen.) IXQ"To,g1ce&,gnaQVTrog "i41"rog #' O1toV the imass. and Athien. II. p. 65 F. and East. p. 976, 8. aniel p. 1193, 10. ScholoL cAth g n6 i6 r -?ydcpcov mt~vt Xcir '" IR __ INNIMI imafflamxVEMPOFAMWIM,,, ",_ _t,, TL 1,1NIXA I! 41. To ai6ov Tig Cxtiqpu ixi'fstgj 0 S-Orf, AcQ~J~J '~a9ils Tq~ Y.0'(i7q "'v,7T~,mU,-0 i Sy prXo 'vu Tie (ZILCTL. Wakefield with reasoil finlds ftautit with the expression X{QaTO~ 6ICOICCI.Th!V tog, Hid indeed withi the entire passage, which lie well calls llocus vcxalisxsilows ' though afterwards lie acquiesces inl the commion reading, coil. Virg. 1.En. X. -115. Wunder also suspects the eommoru reading. The passage is most undoubtedly corrupt. l~eitli conj: x~etyo'g &1 2.vx0ov rtvS2.ov ~QiS tG flofL~j!1Lai6rCQSvTroCgfLt'~aO' 11 O'LoV. -Brunck: WQT7O, 68 4.vXoV fLVSUiV EXQ~mv2S I.LS6OV, I tCG7taQF'VToq ff4VCTOg XOUq 1' ottov. Bothe: %O00 - 6q F — Z, vxo'v ttv,-~i0v. (Anul so also eonj. Ber01gl.) Hart: flqC5To' 15 For x0'eqq Nanck proposes to read xoQong, and for &1ce67tCQ,5vTog 1)tQQu7EVTO9. Qn. xo'Ltt~ (V gLU5Tov ftVmzlO 'XQC~tVwt fL-EGOV IXQ!YTo~g 4ICQQUY y,'vrog retfucaro'g41 ('9 ojr. (Wliieh siniiple correction at onee reniderus the construction of the passage easy, and the -sense, intelligihle.) Or XfLr~ M7 GTE~ov lres2.v?,XQcdtVu [nSGOV I 6't"(Qu1yvvTOg cflqwTog XOfL/g 1' 6mno. Or - 46wQ~ce vTog ad' LTog x0'ttrztg uvioiL) Or perhiaps XQaTOq X, 2.vx (V ILVEXOP 5 IQ-QCdVt rLE,60zv &CfQQcuYE~vTO cd'~rcwv x6oaat I3 ouov. The Schiol. explains x~q b~~gIy ~'~x4nsq. For the general sense of the passage ef. Hom. Gd. 9, 459. 6x~i 5 of?yx c'pck2.; ys &~t amF'og &XWvctq, "UqI f5LVOttVOu jQcavotTo 7rgog ov603, &e. Ehur. Cyel. 400. ToPv ii (50_' T V0VTOg UQ7tceGUs UXQOV ZT066g, I T7MdiV 7rQOg oAVOV%5 tT,5O X 1307v, I &,'XFTapcX.V 5Q~L Plnien. 1`2117.?xn 4E\ xXt.Lf(uxonvI E'arp5VIovfT~,o %WQ5tg U q 72.YaJq 2.V ttSIX)j, I XOLLOt ttSV tg O~vurtv ai~c IN' ", X0~ovtY. Thes. Fr. I. x&'QCS TSP ycY GOV) a6vYX"O) xotcaLg OO, QumVO TE 7i51)((i?sym'TcarTqQ5q shovzcat Ilernu.) X(Mo. Tro. 1173. Horn. Ii. 9'. 297. E'yEqpcu~o; co 7rQ csi;)di UV~I~LP~ Tt.j (L(T~ Virg.,,En. X. 415. esaOXO feril ores Tlboantis I ossaqite dlispersit cereb~ro permixta critento.' knvxn'v ttvEs0v] I. e. lyx cfspaov, as Atheineus explains. In Homerthe first syllable in ttvsZ3o' is lengthened, II. v'. 482. Gd. j3'. 290. v'. 108. According to Coray, the modern Greeks still call the braiii ttrac2og. Coinpare the French 'moelle.' The usual term-i for it?~yx~kP"Xoq is really aii adjective, ttv82.g being understood. 782). 61 Use7rUvrog the mIss. vuilg. cI,97M'90~VTOg conj. Wak. Qu. caus 9(5y~PTog (as proposed also by Nauick and Herm.), or cdtcsw1t613 Tog. The Selioliast explains by _rsX#1sEr~ crst&narg. With which cf. liesych: 41ici67Me&Yt. cII(iLQV, c&tcSXt'it. 1(d: &FcI 60W3O~cV. &E(1'q(V Diidorf observes fliat 1)t(QQciy 'T wuld have beeii more appropriate, lint hie thinks that Soph. preferred ci6m~grCuQF'vTog hecause of the, followinig a'~LC5O~ (). tceawrseivxog might he predicated of the brain or blood, or of both; not of the head itself. Cf. Ant. 1010. ZolacS &,,G7M,'Q0Vro. crcStaog 0g~ou5 asitY T' 0"rgpeov eonj. Ilerw., coil. (Ed. JR. 1276 sq. cdfcs T, 'q13'ov (!) Weeki. "qt"L(STQQvTOV 5dmi. "qU"CTO0grc57Ovg Graff. 783. SP5vimpC(PvJGE A. 13. X. T. &e. Ald. Tnurn. (yvs qmwi> uiv L isVEcPojvq6o v N. aP`VcpFvrJG5qaV (from Hesychi.) B3r. Vauv. Apitz. Binid.1IL. Hart. Sehi. Bgk. uvqvqp4fU1g~v Dind. III. Ilesych: Sev5vTqaqaI6t1 Svol - 1 70 1 7ti ~~~XPOK /1K) 12~ 101)v -,UV i'oGoivvo;, Tod ' Oa~raj 110 ~Ol)~F~ 3TOIc~ ~i~VqO ~ 0 C"V!O,)F, 2'. 78.1 j3 cv, lli;~(,v CuPpl' 6' 6'XrY,-rovz' 7rg rQU( A4ox~cv r' 6OqW)L 7Tqwm Evjlog r' czqa& fLOJ~t, xarti 'V~T'Da~ Loq(p. 7l a Q (And this line is thus rjuoted bry Schol. on ],air. Tro. 573.) Id:,vihp4rjtotg y6otg. 6vaep4 ocX"T cavxrpc" cryv. Lex. Seguter. p). 399, t4: lvcv iq't'qG8V`. cYVU. -roV bqrVq6,EV. Anid so explains Schiol: YAYT(Y TO' 1vIYvzt1oV, Uvrt T~ Gr,~vcz~p (cf. on 178.). Ileind. ad Plat. Pluadr. p. 15. 'A4vrvrp~riqstv occurs also in Ear. Or. 1335. Etr avor6t x&aQ UVSFv Tj~LUL (SChol1: 6V6(ort) h64tog. UEian. V. IT1. XLIf. t, 41 16'A467MG(r - C/-Vi5v r~qCeG -- 44s-ov' 7rc~vrca' brct?. 'EX2.ivt'ovg. Porphyr. de abstin. II. 31. t CZ cv rnaecp v xcr TV 'EU 4oa0XUr ) yovisq, &c. Plat. Pined. 60 A. e-'I orvE'Evrj,~y 4avqNi77r~r, "cvsv )7,n6~ riFx zuL totcrVT U~rrcz?ir~v. Philostr. p. 738 n IL rmyT riq t9nog 6L~qOItT" T~V GrQarOv arvsvq17Laov6qg rE Yaar rov viov foe.(hc passage, closely resembles the present one.) Mlian. V. H1. XILI.. c/VCVv &rjecrc E aEor)g 7rc~vrccg Excc't &c. izEsch. Fr. 38. Ev3cprmorI~ Y00ooq. Qu. -?7mvTrprtuEsv. 'EirsvqpjqttE~v occurs Horn. II. 1, 22. i'v#' cd?.ot fru 7raYvTEg sErvcp4~tnaav 'dXatot' Eur. Iph. A. 1468. 784. 6tercrspcayttivovJ Schol: iyvvCO'~vTOg, o s6TL 7rE(poW711LEVOMi 2Esclh. Clio. 867. 100'2. Pers. 254. 509. Eur. Hal. 861. 1193. Jon. 353. Blomf. GI. Pers. 265. Compare I sy c Ant. 1288. and the Latin einterficere. 786.?air~roJ1 e11e was dIrawn, bent, contracted.' Eur. lBacch. 32. 36. 7rs66v6E] 7r'6ov rr, conj. Mein. 17ts46ea occurs Eur. Bacchi. 137. 600. tE0t4Jv Tro. 98. 787. 13o6Tv, 1i~o~v the mss. X co'6 X coVv, t~o~v Diogf. Laert. X. 137. Wahef. Dohr. Aristoph. p. 100. Cf. Phil. 11. jOo65v, 6-rsv"cOWv (UiiJ~&vV. 752. i'vyq'v my 6TO'VOV - 7torst;. Asch. Suppi. 873. i~v~, Y.C' )Xccxce~E xcat,Xce)?.ct *1soog. 875. i'v~,s xat, P3r'u ntL%'OrEq' a-cov. Pers. 285. i'v~' &"7tOrZ Itov g3o"v. Iom. 11. p'. 67. zro)~c UYc iovatv. Od. o'. 162. oF ' V v'ov - r5g toVrO. Blomf. GI. Pars. 285. 981. l'Ii3Etv from io', as ',oxoxcEv from 0'oToeo, 04Oiao0v fromt oi)ttot, &c. For the asyndeton cf. Aj. 60. Phil. 11. &c. The words of Diogenes are: ~va cz 5utO 'I-{QczxlA xtyapto3qQc)r ang rsott0 iVrS TOi, %LtuoJV P3oi (Pa Wakef.) 4xc~nov, ho il EGTSvov (sic) 7tjTQazL IAoxec~v r opscot zrQcovsg Ev'3o0cc9 T' ft (sic'). EXTV7tOVV] E"GTFVoV is read in Diog. L. X. 137. Which reading Wunder (see his Emend. p. 55 f.) adopts as more poetical. Cf. Aj. 675. Gr~-VOVMr 7rVTov. Ant. 592. Gro'vLO ~3QitLovGtv av6TLMrZTEy ('5Tat Phil. 1460. aro'vov c'vZ&rv7ov (of the mountain ecaho). 693. Eur. Herc. 816. 7roVTrOg XVA"tccar 6Tvcov kce'Qcoq.~c. Prom. 712. U'6rovotg - Q-act'taLtv. (Compare U' tiszvz'og.) Translate: 'resounded.' For 7TiTQfUL qn. 7rFprV, 'across the wvater.' 788. AJoxQdV the miss. Dind. AJox~c4v x Diog. 1. c. Pors. Dohr. Wand. Hart. (L.e. 1~both tire 7nountainouts prornontories of the Locri, and tire heights of Eubawa. Put in apposition with 7riveo.) Perhaps - 7C2TQvt I AoxQi4~ TPAXIIVIAIL 171 Vo(~rcov ikvirv, ZtoAU& &6 o1PoOYq loowv, 790 6r xa iVQO otvg ydro~a ov, 0E10V E1 Eiaz 'avo ~oa~'g.to fomisi gow Hoorn.f.II.,r'.5299.Aoxec~vo ovsgv&xQOv a'x~at] U'xQa Diog. Wund. Hart. Herod. IV. 100. ua' 4`xa Tg Ev0 o tq. On these heights, which were on the East side of the island, see Vaick. ad Herod. VI. 100. 789. C'ezclx] 'Had become exhausted'. Schol: "'CstQrjqt 7CO xag 0'8vvag. Eur. Med. 460. O~pog 8E c' xdli-V8' o0' EUflQ??xWl cpaotg nc Hipp. 1354. Andr. 87. Hec. 942. Or. 91. Isoer. p. 217. po~'vovg aev'xoV' (06=2EQ tovg *oSOg Ovfl "alxyOQSvokFLV qts~zv`oVe-G. 7rc0X0' Jk&iv - nroll 'c -] Herod. II. 174. ito~a? P.v a'~ ncJ, aXt'65 5XO,- toA dE, X(Y& 6rOqPVyE6flE. X~ovg' 'On the ground'. Cf. 767. 915. El. 747. ro; d6F zdzrovrog n do). CUd. R. 1266. If ~xstxo. 790. 'iiurov (sic) A. B. K. L. T. Cf. on 780. o4jtco~y~jq 3oc~v1 So 783. cavsvqpq6tLcv olpoyA. 791. v6vramc~vvov] The same almost as dvalscwieov, C"1ETQov, 'inaupicious'. So 7rvot(T'& 63rvoAnt. 588. 7r'vot 6ianrovot 1276. &c. Cf. ~Esch. Sept. 1006. 7cjt augl 704Qvvo2..XE'?qov] U~og Ven. The same confusion CEd. R. 976. &c. Ev~airot'prvog] 'Reviling reproaching' (lit, cutting up). Schol: aqpo86g7. xo18oQoPPkevoG Ev6arvedath y&e r6 mpod6~ig Olarv. Another Schol: vi5v acp~d6~o xacxcg Vycov, 6vffcprgt6v, GvvSqjw f Lp~pqfLEV0g, E uQ(OpEvog. ~Esch. Fr. 266. rv t hta 6 ljtcg stvrat&ice. Eur. Here. 217. 16yovg ovnaI-wi ac (tYoi9 6vstdte?3~Qav?)?v~axoi~tevog. -Lycophr. 155. z'o6vaeov 48"'ov~tvog. Blomf. GI. Sept. 575. Cf. on (Ed. R. 205. So in Latin, 'maledictis differre, discerpere, proscindere, (f-c.' And we say Ito cut up a person' A various reading 1p oe'oPt-tvog i q. lkiafiropm) is mentioned in Schol. 792. roiv Olvicog ydpov] "His alliance by marriage with (iEneus'. Or 'the alliance proposed by UfEneius'. I. q. x~og Lat. Iaf/initatem'. V. Elmsl. ad Med. 581. Musgrave proposes dopov. The line is suspected by Nek. 793. ot'ov] Herod. I. 31. at" 'A49yEiat?pacatgov v'v pq9a avhreov, oZv'rm '% hvcov. Horn. Ii. E'. 758. '.166. '.95. ~Esch. Prom. 944. &c. Xa~a%1naa~?o] Schol: Zx~tovc'Vt Xara xa~ E"~t xrretro, avvrt toi5 ~'ev. This compound occurs also Aj. 768. 1256. Perhaps T G15 siT-q 6"tro. SUPpl av'iv..v~aV~rqv] Cf. Aj. 573. 6' XvE0 C~og 794. b 0 'a7roeagov xtysv6og] From the mist that had settled over him or it.' Schol: 67 naaxituVqg %at ZQtXE;CvPdVqg atrd~v q)IoyoQ, 172 XO0OKAEOTX 0qq1~u10V a-ct Jsg ElE PIV mojAAC Grgar9 795 6XQVQQ0OvVtvcXt, xcd!18 fQO 3 agct xcctr~, a CQOV gtCo, xa't p.uhtdix ftv ft '' iEvravN' 0"Zov jatq rtg P.Onat /3Qorc5v. 800 a' t'XVOV i'aXag, 'x~AA,t P x " L r~&Yt y~! ZQajtv6ov6 oh rdxwral, pqa' ai'roi) ft~wco. 8'ovg vo~cov. GI: i3g nEXvjdvrjg ioi' 01trctat ltyvtog. - AtVvvv MET', 7rE QI Xqv(L~vv xoi ys0t~oga r~'4 Vt (7ric xrh v '60v. GI: ophi0o'Q(VV Ce IV C zio~oaeov. 17ttzo1a~orcng, Cf. (Ed. 1R. 1313. lc GOne ov VSQpog EILV CY7COxQOicov - 7rvnoRvO. Atyvv' usually means "smnoke or soot', sometimes also "a flame.' Hesych: Xtyvt'g. rp4 Schol. in Nicand. Alex. 52. xyvvv~ 6 Clr XVQLOJg Vo XCzIrVi56'Eg lroV rvQ~g- 2v~v 46 av'r?l rp)~d Blomf. GI. Sept. 490. Cf. Ant. 1127. Xdsclh. Sept. 490. X.tyviv ficatvcev, cdoi4v IVQO,9 ncwav. aGrQoCpov] ~Distorted.' Aj. 417. "qt ned qpQ9vFs aL~t~O.Z~seh. Prom. 694. pq~evsg 8cta'7ogpot. Eur. lBacch. 1111. (V ty' cpev E4tE!6tyx ne 8ttcgrax0qpovg I xOQCg F'X1eeova' &c. 1165. E~v (IccwrehoPI O-rotgo. Herc. 868. &war~Q0povg F'l66EL - IxOetYg. 795. evqax31j eP-eople, nmititude,' i. q. ir?. '#F. Ammon. p. 130. Cf. El. 749..'Esch. Eum. 536. 539. 653. 732. And on Ant. 8. 7196. %"cX.s the mss. Ald. vulg. xcz~i Steph. Br. &c. 798. iOi0v5.rtj 0~avovi-vxo B. 7 99. &7yov] &Q tov L. and C'~e (supr. t) 795. (CC )6ra pfv] "Above all, if possible.' Phil. 617. 1285. Ant. 327. Iti#Eg the mss. vulg. Herm. Wund. RF 4IF a.Pr. at cn Bergk. Dind. Natick. Cf. 1254. REs *9- (pF&-'E' L. pr.) also 803.?v tt~f 6%ncxPEL'v~ c~ 1254. Aj. 1110. Phil. 473. IVOE would mean let go. We must understand Itp after 4ov. Unless indeed we read edi~ g' for C'eov, which however would ill accord with #E'. 801-2. Bergk thinks these two lines belong to the second edition of this play. 801. dycvov is the common reading, for which Wakefield rightly corrects Oxvov "hesitation.' iEt' Y' Jnxvov t`aXst answers to Asce'lare I v &e. (801). -yla r1 e4t least.' (Ed. C. 237. Hercules wishes at least to be removed from Enbeea before his death, that he may not afford matter of ridicule to- the (Echalians, as the Schol. rightly observes. y El TF K. Qu. &Utc' g' En tm66rs z~ovo'. 802 pt V adri -1~vo e Nor let mHe die here.' Cf. on (Ed. C. 174. pij 6~r'nr4c. Eur. Herc. 1399. cm.X' altcr R'I oeoi E4Of9coQtO3Lar Xirirlotg. -Her. 560. RLmj rQEGy.qG ettwqrog 'roi,,ROv tserxcw v, aX).'?FXEv4~E'eog 4h"'o. Horn. 11. a'. 26. ~R 6s,c yipov, 9oi).,jav 11yco inrced vqval xtZvt'o ('do not let nme catch youz c-c.'). cp'. 475. p aj v viiv E"-t zro ~ ~~syr~O6V cCOva I1 eXo vov. Elmsl. ad Heracl. 559. ad (Ed. C. 174. Matth. Gr. ~. 516,~ 1. RunupI!, OW"WtON-1, TPAXi NIALl; I -- 1) i i ),Qv, - 1i i7 ~Q ~j It V x~~q~v~O )] ~cvT, E"' p`u4,'( Jj r,&#vPxo'r' c'qrt'W;. rilcur' 'EqtvPg r' I 4iE4u &, i v w 803. xo~uix' h'7t~i4'ipcuvrog] Sc, czi'ro~. We shiould hiave exspectedl rather, as Wunder observes,? 7t1x~qiPuVxu, because of the followiing GTE; but suchl chauges are occasionally met with. So inl Act. Apost, XIX. 30. roi' ci IThUVov jPovaottvov EIGEAO~EEv si3 zOv 6Yttov, oi'x,-i`WV cduvro ot a~crirrat'. Q.,71x7ar VtG)GrU 806. " (~r F&vx'V?6 a#9' ~ (cvx' tr o44G4~ conij. Mmei. Righitly. 808. 1x'P9q Arist. Thesm-. 667. 'q"v y UQ Xqp.I 9J (UQCg "6VOGLa. WV] ~For- which/ things.' Herod. IV. 118. rt'Gacwut ri-j 7rQOG#E 6ovAU GtV1jq POV10fL52'og (ntU41g). rotvqtfog] lAvenging.' Schol: rqtX~Lo~q0O, T;OLV7rovIv U7rixtxov~c. Blonit. GI.Agan. 95.Formed ais a-Axt~tog, ncQ~tarog, xIu'~oq &c. Aj. 843. ti'i% ( TaeXSL(0 7tolvqLol t' 'EQLvv'E. El. 210. zii'xiq - EQt~vv' z'1 Cf. Aj. 1390. Tot'yaQ Gq' L vrjrcov x' 'EQtvIg xH' TEMP0 zJt'rJI XUc0V%9 nXcX6 qP~si, ta. Em'. Med. 1386. U'Rd a''Eetv~ O'in r.'vwv Irpovia xF Jc'xiq. i/Eschi. Agw. 1432. It"' T'v z4tov -r~ 4ia Tra z lto' iqjv I '~4x~v ("A4r~v &'?) 'EQtzv 6 0'. 809. 'EptvV'J 'EptvvV' A. 13. K. L. T. Oni the orthiograp)hy of this, word see 13lomf. GI1. Pronm. 53. d ~atttg 6' (6' omi. 13. Vein.) E~F'Xouut the mss. Ald. vuig. d l 6'r,? Xottat Ilcim. Dinid. Scbin. Ft #'tl'1q y'?irEsr0~ux (or, Et,~~~ E~z.) Wa-:k. Mlusgr. Br. Erf. l#tt d ' '4rL, ',otuut Heath. Etd.~ E r.Zottut Wand. (v. Eniend. v. 56 f.) Hart. (Cf. Ilesych: #Ettrwtc voa V~ftfLC.) El iailug 6x',5ZoV0,ca coiij. Berg-k. da t XU ccStxoiic conj. Dind. III. (coil. (E d. 1t. 246.). The following #F"4t 6, clearly shows that 9'tt is required also in- this clause; ais ini Fr. 678. "i 'ao E ~r~9 2.'ysv. This therefore disposes of Wnnder's cor-rectioni F #qidar? V'otut Nor will Et #E'LLL y' 7r,'vxoftct anlswer,Las can-l niot be used for xr ' Nor yet dt #~itttg 6', Ezrvsxolkua for- lie had already uttered ani imp)recation-. I conjecture thierefore Ei -rc'6' uJEG'r cd,att; Or F? qfitg Tc'd' E5ZOttca. Or cWV GE-'E~tvtg T' d u y" brsFVo~tu. A similar passage ini the Electra seems to favour the first of these proposed readings, El. 127. c)' 0" xc`(YE 7opco'v I "otr', Et' ttot i,Ul Tud cv'6&V. Comnpare also Fr. 678. Vt tLot #F&,utg #4 rcin Aknv Plhil. 1035. ~uuwQ( O"otd#'- o?.s~laFr 6 '(txqXx0'rs I o'v c!VaQu zrvo,V( #Eroi'au Et &`X)7 ttri~r 1'Ot6ua' 6 cg j~eA& 'y" EZrsi ovnroT' v — Eur. Hcrc. 141. df Xql it', QWcor65 XQTI 6, rs y, 16 7rork~ mV'purv xuEarj7X'. Meiiand. IV. 144. dl 4#5 %0s'v xuE s G ds~. I 6E i M u T xquro~v y"Qvvv voiut'sxru Persius I. S. "Si [as dicere: sed [as.' (E'd. C. 1131. (pt~rjG&J ~'t at #,'tq ro aov xcia. 644. Fi ttot#tt y',v. 1.556. Plh. 661. ti' ot #i~'ott' U~v. Ant. 1259. d -vjq 1 74 -YOaOOKAEO rE 7ttVTC(JV C(tarOV aVO6c( T65V.Iaz' X4ovit zra(va5', 07rotov (i')Aov' oi'x Okg't ZTorg ri aity'( jEgqzug; 01 xuchot54' 06#otvtIXcz ~vvnyoqu-g Otyo~5c r93 xxrijyoqo; &'r, gC7PF~zV~ OV,90f OqpfAi~)4C0V 4tcov 815 a~z y~ Iv a Eotr' &zoThv 'qzrot 'oqzao O2/XOV Yu' 9 aawig voIparog rt' &,E rQEpVE1 nmsiv. 880. A similar example of reverential caution in avoiding is disp~layed by Clytemnestra in El. 1466 f. 810. 17utbi ttoL vuig.?brstd' conj. Nauck. Qu. b7rct rot, which JBergki also proposes. xirv #4ttv the mIss. vui1g. Ti'V L-`tv Wund. (v. Emend. p. 56 f.) T rVd (v Hart. Herm. Which I had conjectured also myself. z~oo~fulX A. B. K. Harl. Aid. vuig. 7rqov'AajPsg L. T. Turn. Both readings are mentioned by the Schol: *4ttg 6Es'?Grtv ta~ %aracqaaiGut lgnt, U7tvrl T~OTA "(IICIGU9~ T45LV #F~tsQQLV/)cu xca% 4E640I) ECog (5 Xura o,LXincOV 7rQCf41jg. Nauck conj: IzEtd' r v j tv us G 7rQovGEX,&~. Neue explains: 'It ut minii fas esset fecisti -.' Wunder: "quonjiai tu lianc discordiam provocasli, quenm biterfecisli cf-c.' Who compares IL. X'*529. II`V~a I t~n~xtsO x, xxrj ~Q~a =oguc45vrn, I cU 'ovg 2 xovat. Compare also Eur. Med. 546. roaiYvTa -,X~- attL.Xcv 7ceQ G' 7rov'9i~xcg U',ycv. Hipp. 1046. GV' GavVO6 ro"Va1 7rQoVa~jxag v4~tov. Saippl. 428. Qu. nrpoaF 3uc4g (cf. 42. 255. El. 974.) 811. Cf. Ai. 1415. 812. 6',rotov -] So Shakspeare: e I ne'er shell look uponi his like again.' 814. ~VvvqyoQcig atycoace] Fr. 667. q "QG(,r C'x~~r v~pc xog. Eur. lph. A. 1142. cc ro, 6z o1 Gt 0 ELO~~~ na' y.Oet 1608. qpqutiv atco~ncjv. Auctor de Invent. I. 3`21. 54. ltacitur-nitas imilatur confessionem.' Terent. Eun. Ill. 2. 23. We say S8ilence speaks conisent.' 8 15. T&x a, CP 47rS IV]I Q u. IVU 6T a' rp 47r siv, i'ce st v~~r E V, o r rttv OVeOg - xca16g] I. e. m-ay she depart as quickly as possible. Schol: Uvxt rov oV'Qto6'QopEITwt. Cf. 953. ibmi. Od. Af. 640. xa`1AqLfoQ OVQOg. Nauck transposes 6cpdu~c~i?'~cccv and IIQ7qtot61/f~ xcel6'g. oqpccX~u(3v - "'ro#cv] Ear. Iph. T. 108. vEc1;g ""7rc)OIs. Arist. Av, 1526. a'Po#Ev aVcc5s. 816. xuZ~o~ all the mss. Ald. zXco1; T. Schol. Tarn. Dind. Wuitid. B3gk. Nck. Rightly. Schol: i' ovqog xuU;g kb-rurvssv'cau 'Tq ur cir t 0vaij, 1"sa upnxiu cci~xq i~dlpt~. Above 468. cWOXc TXwbrcU t3V I (jH&'r0w Xcz' OSQOS. 817. O'Yos - 1;soccezag - Pjkrxc~ov] The epithet pLrJQ~iov is here made to agree wvithi oyxov instead of Osdotcuxog. A common construction. Cf. R VtfaRm MWOMMI TPAXJNIALf -17 dkrA grgrc xatov~acC r 'v 61 rz O~v;j TrCAM at') drcoal 7WTq, rtiv6' cv'rn) Aa'/3o. 820 XOP02;. tr otovc za td g zroa~,gtEv ",Pa 994. Knvcdce xqqprt' 3owtcw~. El. 1290. 7rurcoaicv Xrilatv 6 ddecov. Phil. 1000. y~grd a'6 Cti5vOv P cov. tAsch. Eum 31.ecz v yLfLqpo6vov. Eur. Tro. 1110. 7rarcxipv xs guclcqtov ZaTL'ctg. Hipp. 1140. vvfLqpd'a )Xiwrcov LXXptk. Andr.' 159. 1'7r$LQrJrtg - ipvvq yvvcanc5v. Arist. Lys. 196. 0"catov oi'vov arcqavtov. So in Horace, YJirr/iena regnin progenies' (04. III. 29. 1.). 07%yOV - "'WC09] I. e. 'Merely the lempty? sound (show, display)' cf. Phil. 947. Ivateo~v - si'6o)Xov C~kcg (E d. R. 333. Eur. Hec. 486. co ZsC, XI ISW Z $QC (F (YV4)QO7rOVg oQC~,v,?~a 6O XkVcag CO Z'v65 xExT)~G{aC ~trq Ev61J -; 626. Uk,1og cppovrd' cv g3ovIErz'ttarc I y~.cO6179j TE ~ 7rot. Hel. 1421. rIX' rdiv 419ctv 6,vwv oi'6Ev, c~al' "Ua 7ro'vog. 761. cet#~ ge6v "2"tcog. Ion. 537. 663Qov Cfcg Tro. 484. oi'X CZt~ttdw U2cog, c"W?' virFQrxCxov9iFQvy6v. Menand.IV. 213. d pquret an~cog 0,V0 XtQxa t xsvotg. Arist. Nub. 1160. ovrrg Xt~ot, I "et,0ud', 7r~do3wr' ""cg Thuc. VIII. 78. r~g - vczig iors'0Tg, axxwo ov~t nat oiz "eyoV. Plat. Theaet. 176 D. 'zor 0 X.iqoi ndci, V~lg U`co ~&q, U'X v g-. Dem. p. 348. Oxo "UWog xat' 3cacxcvW'. P. 931. a~)lcog v"#og xat' cplvat'cz. Plat. Crit. 46 C. 0"r &X).cow ~!IQVsza Xd6yov?2iyno. Horn. Od. v'. 379. II. a'. 104. Toup. ad Longin. VII. Ruhink. Tim. p. 199. oyxov'] Aj. 129. (E d. C. 1162. i3QcZV'v tLv' ~tlr& ftv~ov, ov'x OyXOV 7rls~ov. 1341. El. 1142. Qa. xcttrov -. Tp(~tvh1 cherish, (affect.' Seliol: E"XsLv. Cf. on 28. 818. 'jxtg - dq&] Cf. El. 1194. Ltti~ 'rq xa ctt, 519re TQL 60v6~v 4LoIW. 819. rq'v 4YE rE'Q~pV -rjvd'j So in Fr. 94. dstv6v yr roz'g ttiv dvaaFEf~st xaciv "',ro I wxrovrceg, Eri rzoi,68 pE~v irQdGGEtv xaxcog &C. 820. -rqv6'] wiU~ 6'q H farl. t~v 6' Harmi. Ilart. Wrongly. Cf. 33. 458. 1039 f. 'P o t A. B. L. T. cf3 (supr. ot) K. Cf. on 331. 821 -62. On this corrupt and difficult ode see Wunder's Emend. p). 62-95. The substance of it is as follows: The oracle long since given to HercuLles,7 to the effect that on the expiration of twelve years hie should rest from his labours, is at length fulfilled in his death, death being the termination of suffering, to all. Ha will therefore die this very day, destroyad by the baneful poison of the Hyd(ra and the deadly medicament of the Centaur. Unconscious of which tr~eachery his wife, anxious only to ward off the injury which threatened her from a second marriage of Hercules, has brought incalculable trouble, the extent of which will soon appear, upon both her husband and herself. A plague will now seize upon the body of Hercules, such as none of his enemies ever indlicted upon him. The source of all this trouble was the capture of (E2chalia, the promoter of it Venus. I 11 4 ) 'IO 'J) hZ 1L)? T~~ T0VZTO~ T( lJt6)V(;tOV q)j, I 1) 821 f. Schiol: 6Qtiz~ eS qn)~aet oitbog ~tj'Uv WaQ~o oeiw Hh n uotov x{axov a 7rr~ To 0,?Zn0. rqq paTHc Aiuat %9rJ64)H2'. Cf. Ifonst. Od. i '. 507. 01 2Xrt t1 lC"& (6~ tt 7M&CeTCU 4~Eaqa~ c'Vi.,` SClI. Pers. 75. q~if t-X. y' b2yOr %Q13OfLtV Arist. Eq. 1248. oil'f )2E~QCTLUt T0 9?VT 'H6(PTOV. 821. L's' -] Cf. on 868. E'l. 1384. i'6E#' 067rrj -. For i6di we SItoil(1 bave expected i'4&#': cf. 211. otov] 'flow.' LEat. 'at.' Schol: c'v4t -ro~ oi'coq. Ant. 847. B}lond. GIi. Promi. 977. Or it nmay p)ossibly mean-, as Wunder suggests,, quale.' CO 7rai6Eg] Addressed to their own number. Cf. 211. zairc ev r; 2IQ~ivot. And on 12175. Schol: 6' XoQ06q 7t0q "'UnXce &c. ZoGatttsV - 'jti~vf 'l1ies cone upon0? eS.' SChol1: UVrti zoTY TtQO65'QQ71 o~iffl. HeCSYCh: Z(06ytd~cg. 7tQoGSWO1C0V. Cf. Phil. 106. Eur. Or. 1288. xcux" xtg 'Aeydw'v EvoZrZog - t1czU~az ZQ0o6tit.' lqa occurs again 134. 529. 958., always in choral odes. 822. TOVirOg T' 4~rolrQlnroVl I. a r orQ60rtor 'the answer oft1/i (lvane oracle.' IHerod. LII. 64. 6'VXiYP(03cV cl6 Tro'aF7rp'7r1,oV. I. 51 &c. The usual meaning of #,,o7rQo'7roq is 'one who consults anti orac-tle' (Hlerod. VI. 57. Alschi. Prom. (359. 6'd ~ rE TT Hzr'w xa&ri Jw450)vqg 7revcvovgIao 7rQ 7rvOv' ' i'aXs.v. Trhe Chorus allude to the oracle given to Ifercules twelve years before ini Dodona (at Delphii, ace. to Apollodorus); the purplor't of wvhiclh was that lie wais to reside att Tiryns, where, a-,fter servingo Eiurstlieus for twelve years, and performing twelve Labours that should be imposed onl him, lie would obtain immortality. Apollodorns, II. 4. 12. 7rUQUy52)OILEVog Elg IJSJqpov~ 7IVV#"XVET~e ToV #Msv 7'rOV xaCZtOL,~GS. rj, T1VHe 1H'a - %ceUTOxELV UxiO'v rEhr.v i11v T41evvht, E~vq#Eot ~(X-p5v'ovTu ~Ti/ (iO'd~xIfX ncdt roV' ~?7T~5GO0LEVOVg UxNovg d(0lrnaC EtrTFXr~v' XCJ OVT&)oq,1'q~ TOV ~?C'~o~v avvr'Pls'unirco aacc'vcmrov cevrov E`ro'9ala. When Tiercules left Trachis,7 there were still wanting fifteen aionths to complete, this p)redicted pcrio(d of twelve year.s. Cf. Wund. Introd. IV. ~. 4. On this oracle cf. 1172). 823. ris zukatcpc'rov 7rQoVoi~agJ 'Of ancient (oracular) prescience.' Lit. I'of prescience altered long since.' SScI10: 'r6O 7'rgTo' EX Tx ar~' Tr7t CZl: ~~a -4rLJJ. Cf. 171. Is this right? Qni. 7rzAhtcPcroro (Pc'L(mq. Schol: Ye. Trcm).capoij'o, ~z -/ T)J Irc~tz tt"ivVrn,aEvn- (potp,&64ftct yv'Q ro' licmvvrmmflc. The author of which readine) IlermaLnl su1spects either read or proposed to read T-i~ irac'e (Do43pov 7tQovolczg. And so readls Hlartung. Cf. (E d. C. 454. r& - 7r~aicpcc9#', e~ asot ~1otiog 1jVVG&`V 7rOTSE. 1381. ', aMd~aTOq Ji, xr. Cf. Ibmn-. Od. t'. 507. rJ ~tc~a ftS tXac am #acpc~9 'xctv. v'. 172.,Escl. Ag. 750). 7Mcd9A"TOg y~ecov Xo6yoq. Pind. 01. II. 71.?v 6&i Tlvqlvt XQrj,13O-V nu iq~cpaov rg)'ruarv N. III. 14. zaa'cpUmTOV cUyopcv. VI. 32. -Trc2aM~4aroT ysvm&. II. 16. Eur. Cycl. 696. zczat6' XQqG0f10q?x~r~ctS0UVrxt. Stolb, Plor. III. 52. tijq 7TQOfLIVTMtX~ (~tuvtUVtX~) 7tQ6'VOtc4V. 1rQovotuxg] I. e. ttavxricz, 'prophecy', lit, foreknowledge. (Ed. It, 978. Ilcre it seems to sigliif3 ' a priopjei/ c (leclaration, prediction/,rrl TPAXINIAI. 177 a~ I' Aaw dzo'C re 6O',l2Jog 'JEhqDq0t 606gxarog 4&1ogo~ avairvoav TEAErv zo'vcav 825 824. 0' r' (or ax,') the mss. Aid. orr' Turn. U~r' Herm. Schol: omce E941'yExro,?8'7'rEsu"v 4tvecvo'g 0' 'r5lSLov F`cov ro 6c8EUJ?lVov naealtQS t 417? TOTE cV"XCoyqV YEVEGOI~U TcOV 7CroVow r65 'HaX%1E9, Ti 4LO'g nalaecti. Qu. O' y' (or a' y') E'~1axx-v, or '0 ilax~nv. Cf. on (Ed. 'R. 694. El. 151. Ph. 600. Lob. ad Aj. p. 328. Herm. ad (Ed. R1. 688. Cf. on v. ant. 834. As Hermann and Dindorf rightly observe, E`Xax~Ev refers to *o'eg contained in aroze6 nov. Cf. Arist. PI. 39. dtb 8ira Oloigog ilaxsv?n% 1rcv a1w~tpc'rcov; Iph. T. 976. 11vrE;9asv cV'Jqv zri'mo~og 1% evao,5 lac' I d~oiipog &c. Orest. 16~2. 323. Apitz and others take O' r' (SC. Toi,-. nog &c.) to be the subject, coil. 345. xwe 1)yog 6771uatvgrw. I read a'&' 06toxE vn —FP1vog?nqm'Qeob 806coksuxog &orog] "When the twelfth year with its full complement of months should be expiring.' -EE'tJ~ aeorog] I. e. lvtavrog &acEX rExi'ov pipui~bv. Schol: 0 Maro xrE tov 'cvroYx-nfX'V Cf.. 650. 8voxancx4kVoV - XQo'vov. Matthioe absurdly fancies this means &gorog 86osx~x vs,1eAov P71WcOV, coil. Pind. P. VI. 4. IHv~tJVtxog vpvcov *4iwveo'. 01. III. 4. O0V~tvtvt,,XV f~kvov. Eur. Hipp. 57. Bergk corrects: JnurE sE'Jq0 (cpleniluniurnl) Expiot, dcoaxkrov a*eovov, r TOTcavozav zs)rstv n~vwov. Mpigot] "Should be expiring.' The Schol. explains hy za(dA.Doi, Dindorf by?g~k0ot. Neither correctly. Verbs compounded of qpiqo are often neuter, e. g. 8LOacpiQo, evILup~co, zeocpt-ew, V~FCP~co. Cf. (Ed. C. 1424. Je~g r' 'roi,6' ov~v Cog h? 0v ci I pvriic'Oa' (where v. M usgr). 825. 8cohiarog agorog] 'The twelfth year.' See Apollodorus quoted 822. Musgrave conjectures: 8c8E%4at (or 8xcw~rrXovg) *&Qorog (C a year of twpelve months'), coil. Cleobulus ap. Stob. Eel. Phys. C. XI. srI 0 i?Q 30~EGM 8vc0t8icx (of the year). Benedict: 8 +ciarov (sub. pi~vt) "'eoTog. Hartung: J'o'8E' i'rvg "&qorog. All which corrections are not only superfluous, but false. I had myself conjectured 8c~~ rog aet11.g, or C8arE17 vog, or vavrog, EV Ptlg (or a 'h~v); but it is clear that a period not of twelve months, but of twelve years is meant. Cf. on 164. aeorog] ix'orpog L. and so 69. I. e. lvuavvo6g. Schol: 'a'ozog d QVLav-ro, c&ro roZ a= xar E'vtavx0'v "&Poiv. Hesych: c o'rovg. VLrov'g. Zocp. TQcrX. Bekk. Anecd. p. 446, 6. Eustathius also (ad 11. n'. 1. 8 11.) remarks that Sophocles uses aeorog in the sense of -vtuxvrog. Cf. 69. 'c0v nas4r' aQOTov. Cf. Eur. El. 1148. =ara~t'8c, 8ii5'ratt, El) 7GzoalldtV?).*oVr 4ltav. eavcacoZo 7 (o in lit.) L. a'vaxoZ&v B. "vc41vortv (cf. El. 143. &V6"'-vatv nia~nrv) or &vcairvoa6i conj. Dind. C1A respite, cessation.' Schol: Uiva nacvatv, aVc"ncoXTv, cavaicoxiv (U'voZ?)v Dind.). Cf. 1172f. Dindorf thinks avcu~oXc6v is from a gloss U'voxi~v or a&rcnozi'v, which words are used by the schol. Wunder explains: Csusceptionem.1 (See his Emend. p. 65.) And so Erf. Bill. Herm. Bergk conjectures ro'r ' voX&v, in preference to which Schneid. suggests C'I'l' avozcav. Qu. vaVIVlmv (El. 145. "'vct'vatv nonvor rc~r' avEatv. Or azo,1vcvv res1ev. Or 8i ro'r avoxCcoZ&`v (or a~vczavatv, OM. ndvco,VC perhaps a gloss) vs8ls~v, 'that then he would BLADMES, Sophocles' Trachiniae. 12 fll"J I r 4 178 XO0iOKAEOTX ro 'JIu aivroz~atlt. xai Ira& 4ig Lraxrvf~ 7rO YaQ "v0P mdo accomplish a cessation (of his trouble).' Or U~vcatv IXTXEIsV (Herod. V. 28. uvsatg xanxs'). Or tM %a'Itv Tr).tv. Or c~vairvo~v tv 0rcvo e Aito' avro'zatda. Cf. Eur. Iph. T. 92. %at" Tac5va 8o 'cwavr' 'vanrvoa gR~tv 7tovcov. Meineke makes a similar conjecture, c'vavour'ov TXi'v 7ro,Wvo Irc5 &C., comparing also Ariphron ap. Athein. XV. 702 B. si' vtg "vQcoztCat TEQiPLg q,ro'vcuv &prrvo"' =;q~avata. The subject of TE16'v appears to be royv 4rO'v, understood from what has preceded. But the passage is obscure. TEAEv] 'That he would accomplish.' Cf. 1170. nr ot - ETCj4cXa p,xqZ~hov 10OV EqPE6xcorow Epooi I V'tv TEXEMta~ht. Also on 824. Perhaps nkt "that there should be, or 7rrsXv 'would draw nigh.' According to Wunder the subject Of Tr)Xriv is dco~iasog "Qoxrog, the object a~vcaozcav. Schneid. takes agorov to be the subject of 'rEXEfv, as also of xaovettsst 828. 826. avh6rzat6'i] "Own-sou, genuine son.' Schol: yvinai'03 rzat6'. So cavravs'rptog Eur. Her. 213. Arist. Thesm. 514. avrc'pypce ao'v. Virg. -ZEn. VIII. 301. 'Salve, vera Jovis proles'I (Hercules). OQO1 FPr~ xaO~'~t] Are progressing without swerving to a favourable issue.' Schol: TLZT Ta xeqG0V~ 00pax~c vvv iPtv cXro — P, I, I xar O9~a ov C'evvU'pLva. Cf. (Ed. R. 696. Og 'Y PV~~ yUV - X&TOQO ovetaug. El. 503. Et' J0' TO'dE ~cPU!tU vvxTog EV XUraGZlGEL. Horn. II. j 330. %0VtOg TOg aY0'QEVvA T(U 6 VVV 7T1XVU TE2~IETat. 827. xarovgt ns] 11Are coming speedily to an end, are receiving a speedy accomplishment.' Cf. 468. On the contrary (Ed. R. 1316. dvaoiJQtU-r0VI interminable'. The verb here is intransitive, as rightly explained by the Schol. on prec. v. So EIroVQL'Etv in Arist. Th. 1226. rTnEZE VVV xara xOVG xo~axa~ rrovQ'dug. Cf. Blomf. ad Pers. 608* But xc-rovQi',vtv is transitive 2Esch. Prom. 969. Edg rcaa&/ GavrOv 7rqpLovag x"rovQLtaug. Wunder wrongly supposes it to be transitive, and the subject to be 8codinarog aeorog, the object TUc8,. Compare El. 502 f. Burges (ad Suppl. 594) proposes: 4a cdo9Eso irEdo OXUTOVQL~OL -vt] QU. " 7rdov hZov9u'Lv. 828. zr-og v'Y -;] Hercules forms the same conclusion 1171 f. Schol: Irog YCQ 4Xv o fkL7lqXL OQLOV TO qpcog zia( EqvevG#,,i XcerQoto; 82-9. O' ttq 1,FVGacov] I He who sees not the light, is not alive.' El. 1079. II. a'. 88.?itts- ~TCvrog X'al 17cd Xovl dsEqxopLvoto. Eur. Ale. 140. xcd n I av'ro'g XcrT~hriOt TE X0 saolSho:O iqEt Q) o pg MX 7tOT F ET E7U7rOvov v~ot Oavdiv largviav A. K. R. Harl. Ald. i'vT 1 Trx' i'r?Ert'MOVOV ~Xot (it B.) -B. T. Turn. tr nrorvs Er' (after 2rlEa space left of seven letters) -L. Ei't ror' brtrrovdv Y'E7~ 4Jiavco'v Xaxeviav Heath. Br. Ei'u 7COr' vInt'7rovov 05avc~v E`Xot XarQ~vUv Vauv. vU 7rrox ET?r ivcv (827) -Wakef. i't 7r9T' yr vr7tovcoV E-Xot - Apitz. cpaog i't nr'vcov E`Xot Hart. qiog E'r' 17rt7(ovov - Dind. q)(Og EU ZOr FU -7r02VCOV FXo Aaaxqvav (*avr0'v being ejected as a gloss) Wund. (v. Emend. p. 66 f.) Nauk i'm mCom', C'm?ir iovov a&'Zon (or xd ot) MIN ___ I M IF R MR i M. - — TM 'k V. , - M IMMIRRM TPAXINIAIL17 179 qPcog e g'Emdzrvov t'Eot YaVC0,V ita2rQnav; 830 Iz EL yaqdcp69 Ktcvrav'Qov povida q&g,1U ZQE 60oZoLo&6g dva"Yx -conj. Schn. Qu. FIrtL 7roz' av kxtz2ovov rQiqpot (E"ot being a gloss) - Or cqaogo Uv E"'t' lnbrovov TQQCpo& -. Or E"T' C'Iv h,'rtovov iexot -. Or Mn Iro' iidMovov UV TQEcJPOL XUTExt`dV. Or E't 2Wr U~v =TOICOV EOtla TQEia2v. Certainly zror,- seems unsuitable here. 49avc 'v is probably either a corruption of ao'vwov, or a gloss on pu) XEritov. 830. aavc4v 2argciav] Qu. =rdvo~v lardciav. Cf. 357. 7(O2)ocvXaQV pa-ra..970. qc(pa vtv lc-reuv =ovvilv. CIEd. C. 105. p0';j~ovg lu&coV'W. MOT' B. T. 7rox'E A. K. L. 9z o A. K. L. T. c- B. 831 fC 'For if a treacherous fate is goading (tormenting) himn in his sides with the murderous snare of the Centaur, from the adhesion of the poison, which death gave birth to, and the spotted serpent (the JHydr'a) nurt-ured, how is it possible that he can live another day beyond the present?'I Schol: EL' v& a2r To atfux To *9aV'CeGLOV TO; KEViXraIQOV 7rieEQLx~ &c. Wakef: "Si Ilerculemn constringendo crucient Centauri crudeles et lethiferw casses, ea necessitas fatalis, quamz dolus excogitavit; quomodo mortem potenit effugere?" 831. KEV2a'tiqov] KEvrat;co V. Yen. qpoLv't& v'6pi~lt L. rpovi'a 'vrepia A. T. cpotv' wsvvqla B. K. R. Harl. edd. vett. qpotvL`av vvqicev V. Ven. qpoveta vqpE'Xq Musgr. Br. Erf. Herm. Dind. Wund. Bgk. Nauck. gpovta xvqpaX Hart. GI. A: t6 t' Hwtt. Schol: tro lttU To" rmVUaV-kov TO;i K~vavxQov. (Who therefore read opovia w~pila.) But Schol. on 832: ZqtI& ME To' r&V1Tatov ri tp p ~ c~o~ynj trg Jad~ag r~ LE~a661tV T,vrjffdtvj. Musgr: r nortifera nebula.' Vpiy "Net, toil.' Wakefield properly understands vvFpgti7 here to mean a kind of fine net, to which the fatal tunic, which had so closely adhered to Hercules, is aptly compared. With him cf. Horn. Od. x'. 304. Tr&"' sv ftV T'?Vn&l V14pE" rTCOaaovaat ~svcat. Arist. Av. 194. P" yi~v, ptd~ zayihxag, ptc' wvcpilag, p, &'Xrva. Athen. I. 19. Artemidor. II. 11. Satyrius Thyillus: 19 QVvtj~ (YoALta'V T6&d V8t'vov UV#Th~O J&Pvtg, Hflyen 8' O'v(.Nv Amvrz'pttov V~qpilhv &c. Hesych: vi~pu. 21&'Vc Thy"a~a(O',qqvvT.?). The same fatal tunic is called a '& 1059, ppipf3)iareov 1054. In a similar figurative sense Eqxog is used Aj. 60. Dobree and Burges likewise understand the word in this sense. Cf. Horn. IL. 7r 350. 4evd'Toto pila.cv viqpog C'ppxcUtv~ps. Horn. Od. co'. 314. ('" qcpro, to? 8' 6"XIOg Vvp~ai s'c~XvVEpil~atva. 8'. 180. &c. Others understand vEqpXil here of a garment of fine texture (Huschk. Anal. Crit. p. 139.), and others of death (Hom. Od. 8'. 180. Il. E'. 696. av'. 350. &c.) Possibly there may be an indirect allusion to the mother of the Centaur or Centaurs by Ixion, who was called Nvcpqm' (Diod. IV. 69.). 832 f. XQLvt, - =9r6oaradxog - 7rQO6Te-raw0 -?CEVTQ hnti"Gv'aarul Donaldson (Cratyl. p. 68.) compares the similar language of Plato Phoedr. p. 251 A-D. 2zQwOtov IlEv qq)Qt~E - #EqpL~rng - #EqftavOE'vrog &' VlrC?7 12 * 180.EO0OKAEOTX ov V~tr ~vr~ ir (m CT, at~'1o0G agcixOW - ~6i 01 TV ) TO 'TO.) oA0 c vnns j?yx Exaacrr - 6rE nraaa XVToVtt52'? flfl9 17c' 'ipvzf OG6rQc& &C. 832. Xpt'5L] cStings, goads, torments, maddens.' Lit. 'pricks, bites.'.iEsch. Prom. 551. Xi'st r,.g UV IkE U'tvcav oiexrgog. 619. C'1 (vccaog) paQaLVEL ILe XQtOV6Oa XgVreotat cpotraX~otg. 695. 64vexrpo'~ I jtcz XQLG9Ela6. 905. oI'ax9ov 6' aedtg z~t't p' az&v~og. Hesych:.'XQta5V. EVi?7kV. Blomf. GI. Prom. 583. Compare %'vrea 840. 8oloirot6g U'vcyna] "A treacherous insidious fate.' Cf. 850. 8olicev - lrav. 840. For U&vcynrj cf. Phil. 206. 215. Qu. 6o7.oiroi'o d`Vo~ync. Eur. Phoen. 1017. r4' &"y'7wv 6~aLtpL6cvW U'99typvog'. Compare also th expression U'vayxacda r.Ztq El. 48. Aj. 485. 803. 833. nIrveEVQ the mss. Schol. vuig. rt7.eve" T. Erf. Hermn. Dind. &c. Cf. 767. 1053. F~or 71rrvQ& cf. on Aj. 1253. Pors. ad Orest. 217. Herm. ad Aj. 1389. HIRsvQ&, equally with aepc, depends on Zeist; not on oa - x4vxrog, which could only govern a dative. The same construction as in CZ~d. C. 314. xvvi~ zeQ6acona~ O cd(l VLV "p.7C5X5L. Ph. 1301. pE#s pE, 1rQo' *,cov, XE&Qa. (IEd. R. 718. and in Homer, ir6v 68 axo'rog 0666Y xcXvVpcv, r'1 61F uE qpevag f'xrro nivtJog; &c. For the sake of perspicuity therefore it may he advisable to insert a comma after zr~rvea", as Hartung does. Z96rao'W.rE1g0] Sc. av'iu. Cf. 837. 768. 1053. zt7sv~ac'dt yce irgoapacZOalv &c. Eur. Or. 34. "'yet'"r ~vvrcanslg vouco. Lucian. Cat. 14. asroeg 7rUX~at n7QO~r5T17vtc. Wakefield thinks it most unlikely that the poet should have repeated the same verb in so short a compass, and therefore proposes 7cocirayr'vzo9. He compares Virg. En. IV. 173. eheeret lateri lethalis arundo.' The form avvrq1X~dhg occurs Eur. Suppi. 1030. toi] I Poison.' Cf. 717. 771. 834. O~v ix,-nro 41vvarog the mss. vulg. ov E"rsxE 4OMvarog Hart. Schn. Nck. ~v y' E'vrxs #acvarog, or 0"v 8E1XEX0 f#c'VcTog Wakef. (Which latter he thinks confirmed by Ovid. Met. IX. 130 csanjquis per utrumque foramen Iemicuit, mistus Lernwei tabe veneni:I excipit hunc Nessus '.) Musgr: ccPeperit enim ittud pharmacum partim mors Nessi, partiin hydra Lernwa."1 In poetic language that which partakes of any thing is often said to be produced by it. So a graceful thing is the offspring or work of the,Graces, a fatal thing of Death, and the like.,Similarly Aj. 1034. ciQ' ov'x Et VVg zotrv ~CtnsXvG6r /pog i xnane1Vov A~t8?jg - Below 1052. 'E~tVVC0V Vpcavz6v C'eppt'f3Lqj-Qov. Schneid. compares the ln, ~pt'~ q~~r opato~kuxto, ZrOWxc 6' E-unrev. Cf. also El. 197. do&log ~iv6~~za, ~'c~O o wrri'Voc. Eur. Herc. 458. EIrvsxov pEly Vpg nxoptejotg 6, 'aQEUP4qv f'getarac. As regards the verb xr'xrro, it is to be observed that the active vl'wcrtv is used of the father Pind. 01. VII. 71. AEsch. Eum. 650, and the middle TtrtnT56~t of the mother in A~sch. ap. Athen. p. 600 B.; but the two voices are used almost promiscuously. V. Lob, ad Aj. 706. Hom. II.1T. 154. 6' (6 b~ee Frcr%ov vnsft - a'rh&( iflavZog F`LTErV &C. o. 187.oi vnr 'Pr'c. Od. o'. 249. &c. Pind. Fr. 9. "g- 'xxro ~avO'~v 'A#Ucvccv. X~sch. Cho. 121. xncd 7/c~iv aV'q, q xc a'Tce r(~rrrat. Arist. Av. 1193. &r'iea l7rEtvsC'cpEtov, i0v "EQr~3og ~?ra.x~xro. Eur. Hel. 216. OrrE 66- rsxirO paeX1Q c5 Z z '. Ph. 658. Herc. 1023. r ' ve TQtyova rrexr/ I04prgE ovog. TPAXIJVIAL18 181 &'6' Oa v ag)Lov gmVSiov q rCOV vivV i'ot, 835 Or. 196. wo rrixojtvca U8 P&rsq. Wakefield however well observes that in a repetition of this kind the poet would never have weakened the face of the passage by combining thsEro with g`rxEn: and that he might have written thus, 7'v v' EX OE~a xE~ 6'-. And this very probably is the true reading, for ov v' frEn might easily have been changed into ov TEX~io. But if the rending of v. 824 in the strophe be correct, o v' ElaxEs (but see note there), 6v E'rsn will be preferable here. So above 518. uh~' T~v 8oe3g, z~v c8h ro'~co rcc'uyog. Eur. Med. 98. xtvst' cQa6'av, xtv~ 8Ez0'ov. In repetitions of this kind, than which nothing is more frequent, precisely the same word is found in both clauses, p~v in the former clause being sometimes expressed, but more generally understood. See Elmsl. ad Med. 1039. Or we might correct 'Ov rs'~ro 0Oc'vcerog, i-VE xsro 6'-. Or a"' E`TsxE pThv O,'JQ'7 (GI. vilaog, whence perhaps 0fc~vc~zog, corr. from p-v vF'aog), E`'rEE 6' -. But there is no objection to the reading adopted by some, Ov tsXEro cU'v"rog ErQcrps 6' - (the difference of tense being easily explicable). Possibly *6'vawrog may refer to the Centaur, but it is more probable that it is used here as a poetic personification, just as elsewhere 'T4t86qg, 'E~tv~Eg, &c. Aj. 10344. ETEXnQ 6' the mss. vuig. E'T9Ep8 6' Lob. ad Aj. p. 327. Herm. Wund. Dind. Hart. Schn. Bgk. Nck. See Wund. Emend. p. 69 f. alk~og 890itcovJ Cf. 11. 835. zmg i" C~z' v c~iltov A. T. - &"v &'t~tov K. L. - cvc ~02' B. - dktov (om. E~rsqov) Harl. Elmsley on Med. 1219, where the first syllable of "'Eltov is short, quotes in this passage. Compare also Phoen. 172. 179. Or 1002. Tro. 1068. Seidler (V. D. p. 103) suggests transposing thus, =(Big 0a6' 0"i 'ro cs'A~tov " roevi~v M'ot. Wunder (see his Emend. p. 70): necg 6' &v 51~ 1~~O ~r60V ~vorvv i'ot. Herm: &a'Atov g102 6e s mor' div. Bergk conj: U2'ttov 0"8' U"v xtice E`rEQov q ne Viv IN 6oL. Q U. zir 38' '"v (or '"v a68') E`V qcaog E'rEQov 77 'CO viv 116ot.(hc nwr exactly to v. str. 827.) Or =6 - y'6 ""' C71a. (Which O answersT -.ba Or rzii 0"8' (or cr') 2v?',s,-ov 04'Xov 7) rv'v vi~v i'ot. Cf. Ant. 1333. 026rog PIXE' &pxe &'' Eda(6o. Nauck suspects EX tov. vcrvi~v A. vuig. ra& vi~v B. K. L. T. Read ro'v Vvi, or ro viv (tC aog, ckp.ux). Cf. Aj. 753. aT' 17JfWQ OVfVPqaVg TO vzV rO,88.4 Nt'o] i'6os B. 836-40. A further description or recapitulation of what had just been mentioned, as regards the venom of the Hydra, and the murderous contrivance of the Centaur. Compare 572-4. 716 f. 836. 1(VQcag - pdargax] 'Monster of a hydra.' As Hesychius explains qpa~pa by rigag, W'TQceg pc'agarm may possibly he, as Wakefield observes, a poetic periphrasis for the simple ~'T6qE. Cf. 508. 1rEoQaOov CPurp T"V(ov. Brunck ad 910. But it is far more probable that Sophocles wrote something else, indicating the venom of the hydra. Schol: &r9oansnxo~q ps'voq r65 t1 rig 1'6qag. Who certainly did not read qp&wrpat. Wakefield proposes vcwatwrt or azcaypawn. Wunder (v. Emend. p. 70 f. and Hartung give vcascrr. Wecklein axrcuwart, coll. 805. 1082. Hermann conj. Vanyporr& (!). Which Meineke calls cccertissimam emendationem." Qu. 1 - 40 182 182.~ZOOOKAEOM? Tc~ocdrJrawc G %Q(o4uart, Ju~ayzcdra 6' tyrt (cf. 661. 675. 689. 832. Philostr. Icon. 17.?yZ~tYvrog cxvuoc rov vCTo0' T0v 10v E9 rov EVE90V Tov irodoev), or cd'tiurxt (717. 10' Czqt~zVi9G jtlcg 572.), or ~Ceqscpr= (from ~aivco), Or 7rUGA1 or ~q~aI(grurno, cf. 572. 574.), or PC( it."r Dindorf also proposes ~(Cdattart. (Pollux VII. 30 cites ~u'qca from Soph. And the phrase ~cd'vctv 7rglr?.ov occurs Arist. Av. 828. Oarcrtyt he thinks may have come from a gloss i'qp1Xa~twu.) Schol: (pcwlatte. rovT~uTL rip tpatrcx o q t91 f v5XQLUI hV &Qi9 Uq) V?7g Vagac, xovriart xy, ocr&]Cf. 662. If irQoaaxE'nvTog (824) he correct, it seems probable that 7zQoariraco is corrupt here. -Cf. on 834. 837. pr~cey~cdt'rc 6' -1 Instead of pEcry~cdxcz 8E 01igQ zVrQotg iytnt~61tsvog. Cf. on (Ed. Pi. 452. Ant. 812. Schol: ncat a"ILIX To) PtUt ti~g V"ceg urdt x&' %-'vrca roi, Nhvaov alxtd~,vt cevirov. 65ilov ~1 r qpotMCIO Trtz nxvr~ r o, Ng'aaov. Az'yst 6c1- -to% cdt c avroi GVjkPSfLIYILE2VOV Ty xON T~g "'ga Statius Theb. XI. 238. vviclorque furil per viscera Nessus.' It-&YzcdtcT - #qt0ng] Cf. 557. roi3 dcaw~E'QV0V - Nbwaov. Hesiod. Sent. 189. ttEotYVczdrqv iv,, Meltcvrca (a Centaur). Eur. Ale. 452. 'AtYqg p~&cy~aL'cru A. K. L. T. (supr. ov) tts~ay~cdvrccg B. V. Yen.,r A. B. K. L. T. vuig. VJ~ V. Yen. 8' Wakef. Br. Nek. eonj. Dind. Rig~htly. For itE'v - -rE Wunder refers to Phil. 1056 f. I do not believe myself it is possible for these two particles to be opposed to one another. 838. c~lrt-yc occurs in an oracle ap. Dem. p. 530. [,grc'vcet JO'cdeov (1. ouqatdo) BQofLL'Op 7ZaQv '1V ~~L[LY tyc 7tccg. actxt'SL] QTorment.' The active form of this verb occurs also Aj. 402. Ant. 419. Hom. 11. co'. 54. %otcqpv ya b T ycdtyv c'.tid'~Et p ctvvvcvojv. The middle form is far more usual. 839. Niagov (viaov L.) ~'('eras, in B.) Vzo (polvt (i'zropot'Me Yen.) doU'tvgca (dovZo'tvaa Yen.) thle mss. INUcov 9' ",ro otv Triel. Nea~ov cpovtca 46o?4tv~cz Heath. Musgr. Br. Seh. V7ro cqpcvwo 60 -U'Pvc Erf. 17rl qp0ovtc 6~oX0'jsv~hx Apitz. qp0vtCt' y' tkr6 Yoko~ttv4ov Bened. #qo' 'oqp~iv Wund. (see his Emend. p. 73-7). r'z~cpovc, 6'oXsto'v~lh 1-lerm. Schn., #,q0! 80opo~cp e Dind.1II. #qo' 0'40vxa, Dind. III. (who thinks V' viro a corruption of #iq~, and Nbw'Gov a gloss on 41'e') vrptce 6oX0rfvq9a (omn. N~aaov) Hart. V'7codoX0dtv~a conj. Bergk. qp6vtcz dolo'tjrv~ Nauck. For d6olo'ttv~a, Reiske conjectured 6o?.dpkvZce or dolojgv~ca. Niacov is with good reason thought by many to be a gloss (cf. on 854. Ph. 678. El. 1396. (IEd. C. 697.), and in #viro or 01' ~iro Dindorf detects, as I had already done myself, a corruption of #,eog The Centaur is called simply OTh) 556. 568. 662. 707. 935. and O' Th'% Kivaveogvo 680. 1162. As for the two epithets cpot'vtc (cpo~vtoe Br.) doxo,rmo~a, D indorf thinks them a corruption of some single one, such as dox~oqovca, which is found in A~sch. Ag. 1129. doXocpd'v0v U,3iqxog xVzctv cnot X'yco. Schol: 6oU'jtvfrc. xrt roi1g o(JotU Moi gwv X0Yotg cUiraxq4J'vice ret X1jkqEv. Who did not, it seems, find Zzo here. Qu. dolorpo'vc m --- TUP/IXN I'JV I / Il 18 _0811 (0 1' a( re T2CPLCOV aOXVO~q x~vrQ(5 i17Q0' 17rt~,a'rzvrc (awli-t in v. str. 831. rpce'og i'7 ~'IZuovov 61 '9aaVOW )cvrQtrz'v). 0i'vjc,,Ls in 831. Other elpithets might also suit here, such as 0'o~orpQova, (Ii. V7213. O),,oOrPQOVO,; VaQOv), 0)Oporp~a, 60o)'Qv~uw, Yo4r)'pqova, 6o?~oqp0'vc (AXsch. Ag. 1129.), 4o?~ozrotu (Tr. 832.), or 6oUo —. Cf. El. 1392. d6olrtorovg' r4Qoy'. E'ur. Iph. A. 1301. do2~to'(QOcv KI3 7rtqL. Certainly the epithet 6o?.fL'ttva does not suit xYEvrQcu. Cf. 850. m6oAlrv - arav. 832. KEvrco3Qov rpovin'c V~qr4( - OZoiroto'g avcyx". Selihol. Apoll. Ehod. IV. 477. o' 6o)Joqpo V0iVxr~ - TOVrO hor0oVV 7rQg TO?1cc~t~e'6a6ca~ Tn v do2.oqpovt'av. Etym. mn* p. 118. n~v y"'Q xr v0'trqtoV roig 6O2~rpovi ua~tv arpoarcnerzt TOV rprvov 6i(uy ro5 6okorPovijq~E4T~vo cxQ6rrLQt~x6tLoV. Jo~o~povEia'9ret oceurs also Dewn. p. 401, 26. 840. xE'v'] rlvxa T. Perhaps rpt)~rQ, or alr'?1~7t,~iiavra] Said with referenee perhaps to what is related 702. Ear. Ifec. 583. 6Etv0'v rt 7rijurw Hte it'6czt b sa.iph. T. 987. drt V)7 x, 9 oQy' a7, o ~~ev x~Tvc2uverrc Arist. Thi. 468. 1Trt-. ~Ei~v rjv Xoljv. Musgra,,ve wrongly takes?2ut~ec~vxcc in a transitive sense, coll. Ear. Cyci." 392.?.F(3qx'?17ircgv rvet'. Apoll. Rhi. ill. 273 &c. 841. cav - iyoxvog] 1 Of which things entertaining no apprehension.' Lat. equormn secitra.1 Dindorf corrects O~v with xa' tdiv 844. But cf. 710. Cf. Ovid Met. IX. 141. Credit amans, Venerisqite novae (896) perterrita favia I ude/sit pri~no lacrynis 4-.c. - Qitae quo niain adventat, Iproperandldil atiquiidqtte novandunt est, I drma licet et nondwna titalainos tenet altera nostros.' This corrupt passage is handled by Seidler V. D). p. 19 f. &eoxvov time mass. vulg. Ilerm. Schn. &"oxvog rsecmira' Musgr. Erf. Wi-ind. Dind. Nek. Schol: &7oxvov 6E r'mn'v O'frcv nceh 2'ttL'rjov. GI. O'i-rev, raXmriv. Perhaps cimprrov. 842. tt~yc'ZXv - A(Y?.'Pav] Cf. 851. trwyc'Lv U~rav. 89,3). t"TrFXFV 11uyrUav aV'rOQTOg "ca Vvft~qri 60o110tt Tow~,QLVVV. 7rQo~oQcJaa] Rather 7rQooQc06" 7foreseeing.' The two prepositionsae comistantly interchanged. 4d.ctor the muss. 60'tOotat T. Turn. vFcov] viov Yen. v~Ewcv or' Seidl. Sehol: v 7ar rooej~caU'0)~Vr. 813. cUfeemvrcov] "'aa~vrowv Wakef. Seidl. de V. D). 1). 19. c'U(e6ovoav ("a6ov6"v?) Nauick. Righitly, I think. Qu. r'lta~ov~rv. Or 6rM{XOVGav (or lov6v) IC% yr~Lcov. (Cf. Ant. 10. 6Ea Xrivah-vu -. arsqovxcz iomv rp(co~v Xsaxd; Orvo qotvo'(r cvfvcov) yce'pcv. But the metre isuncertain: cf. on v. ant. 85 1. Inayes uPect acaaomv yri'o)vl xancov Wolff andl Hart, from Schol. Perhaps rightly. For ovrt Natick would prefer caizih (in opp. to &m7' c'XZ049qov yvn0',rag). ra ttv -1 rc/V U4'V - Seidler, Coll. Sehmol: Jjv Triv (3).oPi3v m'jocz - re oihom1ggvtP4i~aaV, avx'm~v ply, 14 aeXrig aiht om3avv&im6sv. Musgr: "Ittaqmtidenz non anitnadvertit (i. e. fmtnesta et pestifera itta qiae ab /mydrate fette formtidari debec-ant, qttaequte ninc Jiercutles pat itur).' Harim: IDeianira nri/ti 7ictitens a Nessi telis; qitmmm mncignuii daninwtim praevideret, no~o inipendente 4 t84 184 ~~~~00OK_1AEOTZ: zOazo3aA~v. TOe ' U '7E cZWo4ov YV&MOY'a ~LO)xOvi oi3)1t~wt 5vvadctyatcSI;17 ztov 6`toc, 6grg'vu. connnhbio, quiae non exspectaverat, cai alienis eonsiliis evenerutnt funesto cumn casu." Brunck reads: -ra ttE'v oV Tt 7rQooFcd' &Z7r' ).0OdOV 844. o~it, 7r~oeaiguI] ~Iu nowise perceived.' Lat. Inequtaqutam animadvert it.' Schol: oi~n 'Yvco), ov 6vv77%Ev. But the sense requires rather Sta zrpoaip3cd, i. e. 'of her own accord applied (used).' Cf. 580. 1138. 'Pols A. K. L. corr. T. vulg. 17r~o6E13cdc. L. pr. 7r~ogPaXE B. 7rPGacXEv Dind. 7ro6aczP~v Wunder (v. Emend. p. 82-6). 7roa 'IaPE Hart. Wunder explains noailczlev ladsitmpsit, adscivit,' coil. Eur. Med. 885. Vi~V OiVV a' hrztvc g60wPQovtVs x'?aso 6oXEig Xi~iog ro3' 't~ rtgoarlaco'cv. (Ed. C. 378 f. Also ahove 545 f. Qu. 7r~ogE~a.s-ro (to he supplied also in the next clause). BuLt the restoration of this passage is very uncertain. Toc ~' Quae Nessus astute de Herculis amore philtris coniciliando commentus erat." Mlusgr. cur' A.?'7 B. K. T.?&r (supr. c') L 845. alko~loov the mss. o'CRU&O1ov Wak. Erf. &c. GI. L: c'7ro' Ton NIF'6ov. Schol: czWoco'vov- 0rt C'Urb r~ NC66oV (PO~vri YEYOVEV i1 a 'HQYXIc C 0.p~Z ~vx c1.o ixtaj xc vx, 1 Musgrave: 'fallaci, mendaci' (as in Homer,7 0G i'rstov Ivkiv %,C5Ou?i qov, ~U0 ( 6 c1F ) I. e. deceitful, treacherous. Wakefield also understands it of the man 'who says one thing and means another.' Wunder: lalieni (peregrini).' Qu. rZAUotplov. 'AIX6,1~ovg means properly 'one that speaks in a strangqe tonguie,' as in Od. ai'. 183. Tr)iwv Inti oi'vozru n'rvrov 17r' cU.i)1o~a0oovg U6ev1p(rovg. Phil. 540. I~sch. Ag. 1171. Gi?1Ao0'Qovv irojXv. Suppl. 951. Similar compounds are %x O#Qovg (Aj. 138.), dquLJ#Qovq, av090g (Ltt~049OO, otcovo'aQoog, 7ro2vtDQoog, &C. Compare Etr,-96pcovog (2Esch. Sept. 156.), CZW0y~co6aaog. Translate here, strange, foreign. ttoo?~vx'J Cf. Ant. 10. El. 908. Perhaps ~~' or E'6dce', or E7~k or M'o~x', or rather, ptx~o~o' (7rqogE'3a2,-). After gvany acycix'~ Brunck marks~ a full stop. I think rightly;, for surely a new sentence hegins with n ov -. See on 846. icaqtut (0'Xo#9t(Ytg A.) ~vvai cyuCq the mss. vulg. Nek. ~~i6 avv~celayciig T. Seidl. I. c. 'Schn. Hart. ov t'ctcavi.Jzye' ud v Emend. p. 87 f.) Dind. tto)U4vrc otrvyvcdact avvaW~cyczi'q Herm. Cf. Aj. 933. oi'Uw (01. P: 0&'AE~pA). IIn consequence of ('fromt) a fatal interchange or arrangement.' (hetween Nessus and Deianira). Or: 'fromt a fatal meeting,q (on the Evenus hetween Nessus and Hercules with his newly married wife). Or fwith afatal issue.' Herm: funesto cum casut. Wunder: '~ex funesto niedicainine.' 846. 7 rov K. L. T. Schol. Br. YauLv. &c. ~ 7rov A. B. vulg. Schol: ovrco dij Cf. Aj. 6~22. (where Schol. explains hy 04vwg Trov). Translate: ' Surely, donbtless, J dare say mzethinks.' Cf. 850. Aj.- 622. 382. n- 7xov 7roX1vV 7yL110a'" i' '8ov~g ""yst. Ph. 1130. 0 oCZ] Schol: O'o' n' dvgxvyXij, roi 5agoc cz'icz. El. 843. Compare YXF to1' 878. Wunder wrongly explains 0'or'z in the sense of 'bringing destruction' (upon Hercules), coll. El. 813. 0Xo0~ yc' 9 &~tn Schneid. takes ido&X as "A ncutcr plural (== 0'.ooi'g ar'0VoVg) Qu. 7) Toi V"twomgm- - 1, I,, I I'' n- II, NIsIgNMIM EW1.1 UNERM TPAXINIAI. I8 485 'rov c~tvcov XAOQ~ rgFYYn dazxvncov t'.xvav. ~ ' EqX0oEvre Potoa z~gt~a 6oAhtv zat 1t~ya)Av ariav. 8M1,EQ~wYEV zaYc rccvw 6.Z5' (or cdiv') alac~Et. Or s5 iov 0'loc' (or c'tva') xladtn. Or -aevt Gr~vsg] Hermann (Epit. Doctr. Metr. ~. 218.) would prefer OQj7v~i', as agreeing better metrically with v Iitrpcv in the antistrophe (857). Qu. ora'f 0n?.cdova, 847. 7 7rov B. K. L. TI. Selhol. -7~rov A. vuig. Uvv- 8cexecov] cCopious tears,' or 'fast-falling tears,' as Shakspeare speaks (Henry the third VI. 1. 4.). Homer II. a'. 124. U~'8div0 6rova~ ap'. 225. c~'gv aovcyt~o~v. co'. 123. c'vetv g6vavcovrcC. CO' 510. (rt'dctvc'. a,'. 316. &'&voi ~~ yo'oto. Od. 8'. 721. C'edvov COa. ar'CC 2. Z '8vct ~t~o~&vOcXr 90 j'owvo' &c. x". 413. cZ'etv;V ttvxo1LPEva. Apoll. Rh. I. 269. c'O' g`Xso XX?.cdovg CttVe,0rCQov CYtvcv]V adtvCog Harl. Schol: U&#Q06v. Lit. 'close one upon another.' Horn. 11. f3'. 266. 7r'. 11. co'. 9. V. Buttrn. Lexil. ~. 7. Compare U49co0g. XAcoqc'v1 'Fresh, fresh flowing,' and so warm. By enallage for XXw - Q(~v. Cf. 1055. X~oJq1'v cet'ice. Eur. Med. 922. aXe, zi XXQO)91~ c8afQV'0t zr1yysCtg n0901; 904. X"&Piot nX'r Joecv Xzcoq0v o0'Qpti'0,) dUCxqv. Hel. 1~205. Pind. Nem. VIII. 40. % oeailg F'7Q~at. Horn. II. ~3'. 266. 4i~al.s93v 8iot 8U'xqv. qy'. 426. hMcQvce * dEott XowrsT~g 848. riyyst duejcov "Xvccv] 'She is shedding the fresh dew of tears.' T~cyy~ctv means properly "to moisten, b~edew;' sometimes, though rarely, 'to shed.' In like manner.scat'vstv &c. Schol: xarixurc~Et ncd" %wragit. Hesych: r;YYst. rc& So tCEd. R. 1279. ~4opq - E'r~yysro. Aj. 376.?EQs~vov cixt'' i"8vne. Eur. Iph. A. 791. '&Etct 68"XQVOEV rcXovcrag (tsyyoi5Gag?) Pind. N. X. 141. 4aQu'Z 6~ rC1'Vyov 6c'xqva,. Anacr. V. 878. vixraq i~rtzry~ag. Virg. AEn. I. 695. 'placidauz per 7nembra quietem I irrigoat.' Lob. ad Aj. 376. We say in like manner "to wet a tear.' "Xvav] 'Moisture, dew.' Schol: ro'v vsaoQjv U&qq20V. Etym. Magn:, r~a 7 tyo rs x' ~qoi. So II. 8'. 426. c'1?' 'a'~v CIEd. C. 891. o~avta '7~t~i' a",vcg (,the dew of heaven'). Eur. Or. 115. oitvcoirov Ctvzv. Hor. A. P. 429. "super his etianz stillahit amicis I ex oculis rorem.' Lucret. III. 470. ' lacrymnis rorantes ora genasque.' Virg. G. IV. 431. 'rorem, late dispersit amarum.' Which latter passages are quoted by Wakef. 850. Observe how accurately a ' of the antistrophe (860) answers to ty cI' of the strophe. Cf. also 337= 348. 6037 644. 7rqoqpavt1~t 7r~oarpat'v& B. 851. t-yU&Xcv arciv] 'A dreadful calamnity.' Cf. 842. ttyct'lav - c' Plav. 1276. p~syc'ovg auv'c0vcgvv ttsycaav] Its yc'av ust' Harm. Hart. Cf. on 862. 852. ~7'pW7ysV 7rczya iczxQ13cov] 'A fountain of tears has hurst forth.' Scliol: U'vrit roie, 7raQ86tv 'jki'V 6C1nQVsFtV &h aro' 7rqyig flQovV?J0'oV. Cf. 919. auxeveCv, 4~aaa *,C~ga va'para. Ant. 803. t`6X,-tv (Y' Ioi'x F"'z I r's, I 1 ~~~I~ ~'uq)~00 Al P;E() r~Z X/~%vTf/f myo;i I ( 7rt07(OI m O O TraaGtv 'vQIgare ( 'V 5 p el?) p/Aoig. Prom. 91)7. zurciguiv vort'otg ~'rqygu 7rayuw. Ag. 860. E'Ito y- ~u v iij x ). av ti 'TV co v 7r6oVtr 7r17yc s'r e0'3y~cwrv. Ei'. AMc. 1067. 1 (1' 6 Oiac~t1~oJvI 7%/ycat xciT~QQcOyciutv. 1te ( r. 1354. OVT' cir' 6tcaucurv E`6ru~ty 7rqyuc. PiedT. P'. 1. 40. rx~gc-'?gIYovrca, 11"v cc7t2.ciTov 7rvQog cayvocrccru?% ~tvxoiv 7raycdt. " Dioscorid. Epigr. 31. /4C~QVC 1' ov~x i7tt 7rUiv01,rtv. Plut. de Perici. L. p. 172. 'm#rj roi5 7rr1qaovg 2TQOg T7)V VtV, COUTE X;XCV{J1LOV TE zl~i a' 7rZr4~~~X/ e6axQVomV" (Wakef.) Valek. ad Hlipp. 1338. lBlonif. GI. Per~s. 439. ~QqcoyEv A. L. T. QO7 B. K. 853. x 'rc 60o — 1 I~A malady, o gods, is spread (over the Liniihs of Ifercules), seech ani a/lic/ion as niever yet visited the illusirious son of love at the hand of his enemies, to torment hima.' Cf. 1048 f. Phtil. ~29:3. 7rd "' 01 xvO~vroJg. IL. v. 514. c'p)' 6i ot' auvcerog XV'ro #vfroeugria Wa k C field quotes Ovid Met. IX. 161. 'Inca/niti vis i//a ma/i, resolniaquc flammlis flJercudeos abiit late di/fusa per ar/uts.' Cf. on Phi. 831. r7rr~ror) '-Ye gods!' (LEd. E. 167. A~sch. Pars. 717. 838. Eumi. 140. &e. A. B3. K. L. vuig. c") T. otoy "VUiQCL'(V avirol ffycux?7ro'v (ci yan-.vrrov Marl.) HgI~x/iovg (Hli/ci %)4ci a few IrnSS.) cX'satLn 7trc10'og Oixx'Wcrt the Imis. Onov ciVceQata)jV OVrO) cuycu%2.urxv f 'HQexC"?'7?r'ItoZE 7CC 4iOo ot' r ' ce Triel. Weis. cVi a/co o'c cyx)st/J'H7XX 'trCO~FV 7rC'#0a OisTiUMac LHeath. otov cecQrahov~rm 'Hpcix?.novg CiyiyILtro'v - Musgr. otov avi, CeVciQato)V Hqumix.ovg "&ya~xtvrov? ~'raut - ('qua/a ne ab lhos/ibes quident flehile Jieren/is ma/nm gemenduan venit' Ilerm. Schnu. o/nv c'VciQar'coVI Ov7rW Zu~Vo' x~O' I yitu?/c2s rco idt Wn.(See hiis Emend. p). 90 f.) O/o V~ ~~a'm 1o1 0H cc cyc0 ~TO,t E ~7C rrcog OtXIfTL 601 hart. oamy ciVczQGL coy zol) Z-qv/' xs/imp' ceyci?.Ftr/v (dlel. Up(cmioXvg)?1/7ra)tov - Dind. Nek. (Eur. 11cr. 90. TWHv 'Hpc~xX-tov - Trcipc6rc YT6V.) Erfurdt explains 7rc~aog civuepio~v to mean 7rci#og U'7)O ciVcipatcJv, TO VZtO 1rjov CeVUiQCIV 1TrciX,09/v (cf. on Ant. 10.), the same, thought us in 1050 f. Nauck construes: OLO0V civcQpat0oV 7rci'~Og OIXr(Cciu a"CO cyci x~Etro'v HpcQix?4ovg 1?ruic),,s (i. a. o/ov 7rcy',og V'7' $?yXpcv 7rcefei'v ou' 7m~roTEr~ xc 'KHpd~E avv/pri). But the words cannot hear that signification. Schiol: (PE T7-1 xcis/v, T yyav r Hpisoe t, oiov av IWY~7 ci roig Irxttefotg a~vacsrcarav arorfjOcc -1 v~rcog ocov xccsov, t17v OltOF'9Tl V'7Tlb CiV 1X#NYOV O1V-Frgg 7(0) WUQ~XX, oTa~0VMT) io ciurco yyEvEVjrciu. I heave givcu - 5'i~rco zaG~eu.dtog &e. Cf. ou 843. ciVciagacov] rFrom his enzemies.' If. indeed the word he not corrupt. Sco:;' (7ircip Br.) Triv F'X0p63v Cf. 831. Tlesych: ci'viao Imot. Horn. II. o)'. 36.5. am' rot dvt.v~ xcii civciptot 7yyVg Eciat. Od. 408. ovTrE t' C'evcQGCot a~6Qg Herod. I. 1M. U'Vyc 1Ue 7rpqy~LUCirc "(1 ItrrCov#-Fvca ('shamneful treatment '). III. 74. -?r~0v01-E 7rp/' Kcqif0u6asco cev6t c`. 10. onh'&v O' 117t~y cir6 fo C1'/~iGvvI{ B-1olof. GI. Ag. 494. 854. c'yux~,,trov] &'yrzxkvr~v Harl. Wak. Cf. on v. str. 813 Hlermann reads 4c'yC'nMcvrov TPAXINIAI. 187 tm4Loltv za'd#og ait'x(at. 855 t,,1 npwAyaz~lao 0 a toreIta, Ov vvitcpav 855. 'HQaXsE'ovg K. L. Ri. Harl. Veri. Aid. 'Heax)~ic A. B. and ohr.'H~axi~' Turn. eHqax~iovg or 'HpaxJa is probably a gloss on Zqvog Yvov0 (956. 1106.), or something similar; but as the reading of the corresponding line is very uncertain, it seems almost hopeless to restore t he true reading here. air 4o)ls the mss.?rip~ols Tricl. Herm. Nck.?bigor-tvWund. Dind. i~oy-. 4tolc (answering to noa.~alt in the ant.) Mein. ad Ant. 1263. Schol. on 853: otov xao' 6vvE~3i rii 'HQax)iF!. Who would seem to have read L-7rtoke, tho ugh he explains it here by c'zopr&lot, VE'voniro. oNtCu'aa& vuig. coar x OL' LaaL Tricl. I. e. Ithat one should pity hhn, that he should become an object of pity.' a~tn'gat (conj. Lorenzii) Wund. (v. Emend. p. 91 f.). I. e. Ito disfigure, or to torture himt,' as in 838. 'rliis correction had long since occurred to myself. Hartung gives oi'nvuvvrov. 856 f. The Chorus lament the expedition against (IEchalia, which led to the capture of lole, and the fatal consequences resulting therefrom. &_cac] xnmevt conj. Dobr. The Schol. explains m~clav toma dleadly, fatal.' Cf. Aj. 231. %Frvacvotg ~e'cpsetv. 16,yZc - c8oQo'] Schol: irecE~tqartxr~?h'I 0nyi. Cf. on 518., z~opc~ov] -coii no~uaov T. Champion.'I Schol: x6 7rQo0tckoV Mt T, 0' 'HqaeXE~ovG 1717rd ov, oto0v TO; ni1 zarecov JkaXoJtCVov. 857. & x'xE Oo~v vi3pqpav (v ippav fto'v B.) the mss. c& 6i'E q~oi v tpcpav Musgr. (sc. atx!4 Iforti hasta,' as VOoo' 7mo xij II c.571 *,OO, ItaxtEGO9'a st'. 536. 70o;v ~tpog Anth. p. 35.). cc v IX &x Os'V, VVk — cpav - anxtav Burges Epist. Crit. p. 78..Schol: xc x, ve)Xoiea xt~v EvQvxov, ~ViOqc~ xir ['f v ~Y"YEg &c. QU. & Vt rOa'r0O&2 Vtf~ptV - Or ce 'v4Jc'c (schol: 4vrai;*a) dloc'v vx~tqpav -.Or a r orrxe of a' vv'& J cpaet-v (Perhaps 'od~v was written to agree in case with the adjoining vtpL~pav: cf on 883.) Or rather &" v'cx 'o&~ vVcpqav - zrL'xg (for at — al~ cf. Aj. 248. fto6v 6oxvd.o~v vi'uv). 710. #oo'v etQsamaQ ~vyd'v. vdve] Aj. 650. 1240. 1377. El. 278. Seidl. ad Tro. 1195. Oo~ev the mss. vulg. "Swift,' i. e. "swiftly, swiftlyi conveyed.' So raz~g for ra~iog Ph. 1080. Aj. 1266. &c. Schol: cti'vrl roi' N~cig. rvi ME xi~v xay~wg vvpqpvfhC!,av (! Billerbeck and Erf: celeri imipetn raptarni.' Wunder explains it by ~ocov. Cf. Aj. 710. #oo'v c1QE~aga ~vyo'v. 248. aoc~v c06o'nci~ov vii(v. El. 737. #oaiG zoS,'Zotg. VtJ1q~av] Qu. x~eav (cf. on Ant. 1128). Cf. on v. str. 846. 859. OlZa~ltav B. alp, At the point of the spear, in war, by right of conquest.' Cf. 355. Schol: vopq& iorol4ov. Wunder compares Eur. Here. 437. do'ev xr gia~ov?v alzpc&. Herod. V1I. 15~2. Qu. ickctrorc (cf. on 857.). The I couild hardly be said to have carried off Jole by its al.zp, or by al~,ri in any sense, unless indeed we understand XoyXt'vi)7 from A 188 ZODOKAEOTE c'z'c o~og Kv'mqtg ivavbog q(pavQa ro~va Cqdvq FIMIXOPION. 7r~ov,60 ~'yc2 jlaratog, q Xtt'o, nvdg 863 otxrov at' oiXcov aqio 69pophlov; 860. a' 6' a4cPt~rolog K1J'retg -] Schol: O' voigg, 7' E K6V'7rg,& 9"v a~ce qTGE2'QCog z maVw ro1' owo Eqir g~ I E~'oa,xo '0I6ng p3aloiaa Th 'Heaxlia. IWhile Venus, ministering in silence, was the manifest agent of these things. But, if "tjcpi'ro?~og really means Iministral (Schol: r' 't7E,rqapvqT 'HQ dstE ze~g ro'v i'qcora), the position of the word is rather strange, the construction apparently being C'I 8eh Ki~zrtq &i'.irolog avav~og &c., as in Phil. 271. O 6 ' dzi' 'O(TvaaU9g &c. Perhaps ciftptrro~og may mean here 'busy.' In which case we should construe thus: ewhile Venus was the manifest (though) silent argent of these things.' Or a'q'ro~og may be a corruption of some other epithet as CI~t P xX P &~cizvQog, or the like. 'Agrptrokog generally means a 'female attendant.' V. Monk ad Hipp. 200. Musgrave suggests "'g 'LP7oog cujus (joles) muta ministra Venus,' coil. Liban. I, 583 VCX~r~gaii 6tcanovovat. Wunder remarks: " Htereo nonnihil in verbis 'tpcptzoX6g et avav&og." Would that all commentators were equally candid! 861. 9?pcrvs' - 1pU'v?7fl Cf. Ant. 100 f. 'Ed. R. 507. cpavEQU& y& - no1~E ac r6rE. Herod. III. 26. arex6trjtvot qpcvw~t Elul IG "O1acv zdcxtv. Ti~vi' 1bpa'vn] x~ov8E rpcavetcc Ven. Herm. Hart. Cf. on 851. 862. c~axuoe] cThe accomplisher.' Lat. effectrix.' Cf. 251. El. 953. TIec'xrcoe is here feminine, as in AEsch. Ag. 410. Xcl zpa'wtoQL. Eum. 315. (where the Furies are called 7rQaxrvoQe xF'pwrog). See Blomf. GI. Ag. 110. In like manneraOg rcop is fern. AlEsch. Suppl. 1023. OE'XxroQt HITnoi'. 863 —70. In the mss. all of this is assigned to the Chorus. Schol. ad 868: U'111elut QcYaeaXFvoVT' c~t aC ~~roiTO zoqo,. Brunck and others divide it into hemichoria. Hermann on the other hand divides the whole of this passage (863 -98) into antistrophes, with a mixture of mesodes and epodes, and he distributes it among individual members of the Chorus. See his Epit. D. M. ~. 726. Wunder also approves of this mode of distribution; but, owing to the uncertain state of the text, and the impossibility of ascertaining with any thing like certainty what the poet wrote, he wisely declines the task of such an arrangement. The Chorus say this on hearing the nurse lamenting the self- destruction of Deianira. Cf. 406. x vQc~I X,5Va6(ov fsc'rcaa. Ant. 1217. El rbv A~tpovog qp~o'yyov ~Vvn q ota,~t X 1EXTOPwt. Eur. El. 747. qpt~lt, fgoi~q 'noiavr'Gaz 8oxcd %csv' ~ln~a It'; Rhes. 565. 4r6'n&~, oi'x?'nov~aG~ X nV 6 lpocpog j ac 5u 'corv, TEVyECon TIV' nri~~rov; A~sch. Sept. iit. &.ex oV'ET, oix4 &xotsx' a~zldov nrtirov; Ovid. Fast. v. 549. 'Fallor, an arma sonant?' Before this line Meineke suspects that &O' poto pot or some Similar exclamation, uttered by the nurse, as she rushes out of the house, has fallen out. A similar situation, hie observes, occurs El. 77 f. Aj. 974. pucroatog] "Mistaken, deceived.' Cf. 406. 864. ot'xtovj 'Lamentation.' Aj. 895. TPAXINIAI. 189 n' hut; ~~~~~~~~~~~~865 HMIXOPION. 'nr ng ov'x &kq6flv aIIA& dv62cvXf XCOXlV~OV ETCIO, XatL Irt xatvt~n 6ilyfl,. HMIXOPION. 1n~v' cog ccdq~ xai 6rvvcorQvo0PLvfl 865. u' qprjp1;] lull cqnp; elecquid dico?' Herm. Wund. Solineid. Hart. Cf. on (Ed. R. 1471. But I much doubt whether the indefinite pronoun can stand at the commencement of a sentence. Nauck proposes Ti' Cpc5tEV; Which seems probable. Qu. T1' Cpiq', V'd; Or Vycort; ((Ed. R. 1475.) This is assigned by Hermann to a second virgin of the Chorus, ril pqU1d; IJZ866. 'zE!i rtg - nonvvdv] Cf. 643. otn% U&vcarqav U',y~v x~avcey'v. (Ed. C. 1500. vig Cmv 7rxq, vpLWV?IX!rcal XTVv6ro; oVn.ar1j~ov -%naXVrov] Wakefield explains this e1haud obscurum' (an sit vox gaudii, an doloris). Cf. Ant. 1004. =CVEQCDV yce gotf3~~ox~ Ito nv. (Ed. C. 1668. yo'ov ovfl 4EXG',.oveg cT*0iy'ot. 83v6rv~~fl There is no opposition between this and &'677pov. Qa. etaav clear, distinct-' Or ptc'la (or ncd') amp~. Or xa'pqpavi~. Or atl' &qyov Garcpij. Cf. Schol: ov' fUtuov, cllc' Pu~y'x %aIL Ecaovazov. Phil. 189. c~c % rn1,qpavi5. 202. 7rocUv wirv'og. 216. 867. Ei'aco] For gvWov. Cf. on Ant. 491. nal vt, ncamcstargyVE p7] nd the house is experiencing (undergoing) something new and alarming.' Or "is begetting something new.' Schol: gomi r VECOTE9tV v ~xtv O' olxog. Wunder: "pat-it quid inexspeclali.' Cf. 873. xatwozvot~Thv. Eur. Iph. T. 1160. -rt ' E~urv, IcpLy 64'x" natv?,v b 6o fst;.Esch. Ag. 1041. -xadvt,6ov *~vy 'v. Cho. 485. pE'pvqao 8' ~U'ptj1 -aerov co 6 EnX&ifvteav (qu. - Cog ExalvtGUG). Katvi'tc-tv in Euripides means t~o produce something new.' Tro. 889. VI' 6' E~rtv; EVZU3 cog xa, Wo'xg *s,cv. Fr. Pir. Fr. VI. 66aU9 TOW,?X~cdv1arl 10yov. Katvoi~v oc-,curs Herod. IIL 100. Thuc. III. 82. 868 f. Schol: 41171'ixtg 7r naEt5VoVtXL all cWro' ro; xo~oZ3. Cf. on 821. For the attraction ~tvvs nV?(T~E, cog YQatce - Wunder compares 97, which is not however a similar passage. Qu. avvsg 7. 2' cU' "&7 -8g-. But I rather suspects ~r'vsg 8i. 869. cih om. Hanl. U''*j the mss. Schol. Herm. Schn. Hart. vulg. a'72' Ed. Loud. I. Wund. Dind. Nck. Schol: nraxem ro yExom na %ErvyVaXVea ireo~aaat. The correction ~i8h appears to me a certain one, for there is no relation between wq45vjg and avvcocpvopE'v?7; though Apitz thinks xaI~ illustrative of the prec. a&4O>*n. See Wunder (Emend. p. 195 f., who aptly compares Hesych: ~A778g. arvyvn'v, )Xv=,q9v. Eur. Alc. 778. GTVYVC0 mrQoaki0rp Xcd GvVO~)rpVO~jf.EVCo. Also Mein. ad Theocr. p. 192. 'A 4Oqq means 'unusual' a s dq q gotg,Esch. Suppl. 567. Translate 6778t g sad, glooy downcast,' the opposite of 7'7tv'g cheerrul.' (Ed. R. 82. Cf. Dem. p. 1147, 12. ZrLV tkdv ELazo~ijVlt stg r6 &%Ln'xr jQLov, nv a'Ong Men~and. Pseud. 190 ~2O00KAEOTE~ %cogar 7QOG rL&a yQara 6fln1cvovaad U. 870 TPO01iO2J C~ tat&g, Cog Xq flfLLV OV 6LXCVXCC Qvro 6 40Qv NQaXi1ai 'roi zo'~timov. X0P022 TPO(DOX. E#qFAaVE~ 21q ZvV6,racT'n Qu. 11. Qu. g 'dejected, downcast (Eur. Or. 879. Her. 633. Lucian. V. A. 7. dita r6' axvilpojid'v ctzoi, xwi' xcaxncph). Or "617V?7g. 6vVvcwpqvwE'vn 'With knit brow, pensive, sad.' I. q. Gxv*Qonr6'g. Ear. Ale. 780. wrvyvo; zoGCo7Uo xcd' 6vvco qvcf~ot4. 803. totg Gvvo0 -cpQVOCLEVotg -0' flo- 6vfpO~rpe. Phoen. 1308. Gv~vviqpj. El. 1078. avv2'EqpoV6"v opprcl. Hor. Sat. IL. 2. 125. "explicuit vino contractw seria f'ro ntis.' 870. aiqtodvovaax A. B. K. L. Hanl. Aid. &c. gqtcrvovaa T. Br. &e. Cf. (ZEd. C. 366. rai,za irjp~avoia' 117voce. Below 534. '4i~ov —: TI'tE cPQUovua &c. 1124. T~g pqr6g flnco Tg lpJq eq~qG6ov &e. Cf. on Ant. 242. 534. Ph. 1379. Elmnsl. ad Heracl. 799. 871-98. This passage is treated of by Wander in his Emend. p 97- 110. 871. c6's &g' -] Ant. 1178. El. 1185. Aj. 367. Tr. 997. tdv A. T. and, I think, B. K. ' iv L. o V apixeco~v XUXdiV IJQEu] Cf. Aj. 934.?qv UXQ -EX&VOg CeQXOJV f4EycICOV X90vog I cnqvtxcov (so I read). El. 919. A~seb. Pers. 353. 7Q9IFV - Toi5 7raevr6g X"noi, I pavcig 41"c6rcop. Ear. Phoen. 1598. 7ro)l.Jv xanw~v V2Tij(qsv O18tnov 604otg I 0~ 77aq Tro. 919. Horn. Il. rs'. 63. v'. 828. x.116. Gd. ip'. 224. Herod. V. 97. arcttu 6E cJ vhgq "dQZ nxcxc~v 'yF'i'oVzo (1qa rE &e. Thac. II. 12. Iswe. VI. 26. wxrotxta43seaa 6' ivxcav4oto lvroxx6v XULt Xnanwv 779~v. Arist. Lys. 998. 87~2. r6 (Toov 'Heax4V To Tropnitpov] Cf. 668. re5v ac~v 'HqaxcEx.i 6 COQq J Oe T OV. 603. 6doiqqip'?Xsi'vo TC616Qt T,7g?ftti ZEO Sehneid. constraes T E 7Hart T rt(.7LLOV, coi. Ant. 324. Txina - TOiig e8ciVUa. Aj. 1166. 3~o~ot WV, I~ao c~pv Add Eiir. Andr. 214. 19'jxrjv xrt~ zrrjv XUaUQQVVov. So also Br. Dind. and others. Bat Triclinias seems to consider pHao~E~ to depend on Ti6 46ecov. Which construction I think preferable, and so does Schaefer Melet. p. 67. Schol: rx6;rvpqqEv. Xiyst lro T6VriJ5va. GI. T: -r6 =E~zqpt*iv?nst'vco. Observe 7r 6,uttog in a passive sense, which for sach verbals is rare. In the usual active sense it occurs above 560. 7ropurittotg xoi7raig. Qn. a6 ~ O'gtt't~ov. Or asmrvptIVOV (Dem. 672. Luc. Alex. 32.). 873. xatvoirotrj,0-Eiv] Cf. 867. (Ed. C. 722. rt' 81' I IV, co 7reltncrtvov; 874. Uipqx] 'She is gone, is departed.' A common eaphemism. So oi'Zsa~ct, Lat. I'decedere vita.' Cf. Ant. 806. 6'QU-iv pE - rayv vwaxav086 Gzu~~~~~~~~ovaav.. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Aj. 994. Ear. Here. 770. F~i~n cc~6~dt.Al.62 VIILG6E"Tqv a~VovGav, ' W opV fdiErt, I TrQoGFtlrar', v~CoVGaXV Graurqv . I I I. I I me^ T PAXINIAI.19 191 oociJV CZz(w5CO Z 0X(PjTV oeYd 875 trz z~7oa, cx) 4hvow66a; TP00i0~2. TP00iO27. dEVTEOV XI1v&t. XOPO~2. rdAatv' 24Yir't rqo'7ry 4hltv~ q 4' 6806. heor. Od. IL. 17. 11. eibinmus, ibinmus, I uteunque prwcedas, supremuvi carpere iter comites parati.' Catiill. TTI. 11. 875. 018iv] 0'Ov Ven. Aj. 994. o664 q 0' Ycv c~vtc'(Gccwce ' 6j frccrrc TovttLv 62rlcyZVOV. U' xtvrjrov TrodYg] 11Witliout havying moved or stirred a fool.' Almost i. q. i Xv~7O '-rco zo. C f. Ph il. 9 2. 0 i 7 a'Q 1~ c~ ' xo 6O iT' -ag LQ) Gra.Aj. 2 7. t rqvo.y t a vcz a?x 0 ~~~ El E5.? V og I?XIQoitav -?1'rrrlj3'bvaL. 667. 5r7'?abriVog xal.'g. 281. For the ex pression itself ef. Blomf. GI. Ag. 81. 8 76. ot V 4 ro'O 7r;] 'Surely niever as dead?' Cf. El. 1180. 1202. 7rjvr' "wri-oag] Cf. on 484. Ant. 402. 7ravx'?Idarccat. Phi. 620.,1240. Aj. 480. Qu. - cl acvic ' TQ a qog 877. x nvptv" rcutcav;] The repetition of the question expresses the incredulity and surprise of the speaker, as in EL. 675. (Ed. R. 359. 943. 957. (Ed. C. 1583. Phi. 333. 414. V. Valek. ad Plicen. 923. 8E~rT~Qov Xx)~stgJ eYou bear it a seconid time.' Phil. 1238. Ear. El. 770. TE#qS 64 cot TcJ'W, a O~ yoia' j EiL, XJyo. 878. tccv' 'IE#cz refers to Deianira. So(E..126.c Atacivz nerg rtvog zoro cdrtag (r6{)vrpEVv 'Joxcar)7); But lperhaps we should red ZaaVo~~rpdr-; Or rc. clay ' O)L&OQov Tt'tv xorq0O - Cf.,(Ed. C. 1683. viiv dY' 614Q1Ct' (O'&9~letav L. 0',s#Qt(atv?) vk 1 h7' 0"tt 799. '~ocov O',,Qtauv. (Ed. R,. 1343. rO'v Sty' 0W#Qtov. Ilerwerden also 'I '#Qov (ad CMd. R4. 1236). Wander is of opinion that tc'Xctv' 0?'h9Qtce is corrupt (see his Emendl. p). 98 f.). Qu. tracAuv', 0'AQia (or 3aX'#ov, or -.#('a TMv TQ07rm, #cavst-v aq)~ q)l';j Cf. Ant. 1314. irotei) 6,( -x1rLVgaT' EV cPOVcag TQO~ZW; El. 679. rtI'ZI1- TO) TQO't(OJ (YIJ'UYVtc. (Ed. 1t. 99. Tt'f; o 192 ZOOOKAEOTZ X0P025,. ytvcat, tvvrQEX~t 880 TPO002:. ctvr~nv vtr0E xQ07rog rij ~vtipo~ieg; Eur. Ph. 1547. 7roic" ttoiqcz E`itn~ov qc~xog; 1559. ZLVL c~1rio foy;Prasdt V O-; (Ed. C. 1656. ~t 'Qo 6' '7ro'c X'ciVog co;.ar v'879. XrLxcce7rQOg 7E 7eiQ6tv the mss. vuilg. 1y9rrTUO), v& r~' YE 7(Q,~tv Herm. Elem. D. Al. p. 1~22. Apitz. prob. Dind. aX,-.iw6 rca ItQg YE 7tQ,5~Lv Herm. U`warc re YE 7rq&~tv Wunder (who contends that 7rQog YE 7zq&Z~v cannot he from the pen of Soph., Emend. p. 99.). dtVoTcara - Heims. a XsrtcoxcrGrv yr ze&~tp conj. Wagner. gEyzrt' c0' rc",V 4E'rrqc~Ev colij. Steinhart. Schol: 5-2~r #Er zeoQ xjJv V cvcdEGIv. TOM EG~tV ~ W~V zt9tdd6CI IJ aX0v k6Xxt"c'5Ev XJv 7rre&,tv. Hartung holdly enough corrects the passage thuis: revt Q0rqoJ '#cEVv I 6xr ~tcoxTarl nQog xca 7zctyldva; I ra"Zav' 0o1&9Qtc" Tco fLOP3 I yVvvca, v Ltrt Q. g c2~o'xczx a, yr (or?g T'V) 7r4V, or 6Z-r.chorew y'? (or r'~ v) Irec4Lv, or GX~r2.tc' YF 7tQo' T~ 'V zq&tv, or Gyir2~tcz YE (or c/.Iixirca) xoie 7raQoi5av (or 16'oiYtv, (to those who were eye -witnesses), or a~cr' cLcar' '7rQc4Sv ((Ed. C. 538. 'icc~ov &'Xwgr' Etuv), or cZa6ra, 7SQOg YE TrQa~tv. For ireo' 7rqti~v (instead of the more usual Eg 7rqjeatv) cf. 308. 7rQog E pYetycpv t -. And for zq~t Ifortune'I cf. on 15~2. 879-95. In these verses many corruptions and interpolations occur,,is the metre often shows, which it is hopeless to attempt to remove. 879. Ebri' T6to'Q4OQJ] ErirE, zcp p 'pip - T. `'vvr7rr - conj. Nauck. eSay what death does (did) she encounter.' Schol: TtLVt #ivadxw 6vvir'MV r; cUVxi XLVL T'tTQO'7tOJ Lxr2rrhEVr',V; Cf. Ant. 387. 7rotcz ~lVtPEQxog 7rQoVg'0V ziv Eur. Hec. 695. Ti~vt ttopoJ #VqrjExrg; TtVt 7frp %~r0 Gr For ~vvTQsE qu vyxvqi'. ((Ed. C. 140-1. TjfiE 6vyxvQaat. tvyrj. Phil. 683. ttote,~ xoi36'?XT~ot' ovx~~r) Nauck, I find, makes the same conjecture. Or ~vtstrlxvrt (schol: gvvg_7'rrcrv. (Ed. R. 113. rc~6ds Gvtt7tt'TCrrr qp 0Vo~. Aj. 429. xaxoig orotoagr gvpurErzrtcx0'rc). Or qpa sqnrat. Or '~OdXivrat. Wunder hrackets as spUrious yi'vat, 6vr~~ (v. Emend. p. 100 f.). 881 f. Koestner proposes to read: cv'r~v &qrrta-rcoar -- XO. xtG#tt~ -voigot; TP. rc'v6' cdyXtt& - ~vv,-eL - XO. Ttog- Itt'vc; TP. arovo'881. UVT?7 Jn6ru01axca (6tiLtiGzowrv L.) the mass. c'YmT? VtV iicCOTGEr Wander (v. Emend. p. 101 f.). QU. cU3xi~v 6dtra~c 1Er. Translate: 'She, destroyed herself.' Aj. 515. 5' yc ' ttnaxlcl erar (&I/ ae'?60 -Qt. Fr. 481. x~o Q0 %cGa irv~. ~Esch. Prom. 240. U'R' ect ac - Vog Jr6 rv &c. 689. nr~avv0'v, 'O' 7r&v 4 io~coro y~vog. Compare the compound verhs 6tcacp~zLtQc, &treylc(~opt, dto'Uvpt, dtazroQ6, 6dtot'Xo11"t, in all which 6ta' bears the sense of cutterly.1 For avirjv qu. cavxeUv. I MMMW- - - ON" _MW TPAXINT/1il.13 1.93 XUP02:4 oTQ oJ'avrco ftivxrov 885 TPO'1iO~:' arov "E~Vr0 gii ro~tq 6tuh~ov. XOPO027 o67E yE tca Ji, cag ruv& ru'v V(39tv; 882. r4'g a~tog rj utvvQ V0aot the mss. vulg. Dind. Bergk. dcvEv- vouot Herm. #vtto'g v v"ao Erf. Wund. rt(g #,~t xuxo' (om. qj T'~ Sofrom Schiol., who has onlyre d# v9ts;) Hart. Schol: tt'vt #vtc~5 XQ61rvMj FU'VxnV cUVvEav; q ri'g a'vfr~, (pu~v &zvWiF rv JrF tCLvvQIXv AVt'r ro5, rL'v #vfriioviv ~,t zorv; z, to g Gvv,-~Xv; Qu. rig #vz40~ T?v FVVOaG (se. oiaagv, Aj. 27 1. T'VLn' q~?~v r? coa) rcii8, ' dd - Or, #'vti6g, rl rtvog xc'vd' (cd',x&v) ucd'Xrc -; Kves-tner explains #vttd' to men nyviolenit exceitemenl of the mind', as that of love; v '6ot 'madness senit by the gods' [as in Aj. 59. 66. 186. 271. 274. 4524. V060oij The plural as in Aj. 59. tiavcc'hc v6'aocq. Linw: dementia. 883. ru'vd - ~vvFvXE (cont. to the Chorus) in the nmss. Aid. TQ. xcvd' - 4vvvi~2E Trici. Br. Sch. Wund. Te. ucdy~tq P3?ovg avv&~Etv Hart. See Wunder's Emend. p. 102L fThe whole of this part of the play is excleedingly corrulpt.,rcrv6' A. K. L. T. Aid. r `vd' B. riv6' lemm. seliol. cd~ltc~v A. B. K. L. Aid. h1ar. Wund. Dind. utXlm T. cdyXt&v iernm. schol. tY1Xtt& Ierm. Sehn. Nauck. ut',Xlt Erf. Hart. 884. ~vvEEC,,] This cannot, I think, mean 'destroyed.' GL. T: c'v,,?Xvv. Qu. mvL Elbc (El. 528), or xc#FIfW (1063), or Gcp' c'vEvA,. Wakef: 'co?,ripull' (Yirg. lAn. VI. 290. 'eorripit - ferrumt'). 7cg- tto"va; continued to the Chorus in the mss. and vuig. XO. irco' -- ttovu; Wund. See his Emend. p. 102 f. Hlartung alters the passage thus: zo3g,'aax7Go I 7reolq #uvc1'xp, #ai'axov, I U'V`Yu~u ftoVU 6rOVOvvT09 i1Vj GL6'aQ0V rofl&; 17rdf6g ~, C eccrcUVv3c 885. 7reog '9avcrco) q'Mc'cUTzv Cf. on El. 235. Schol: -rn'v v'Ivrqg 7rQo xc, 'HQUU2,0VQ. 886. &,VtOwau tt0VUv;] Qu1. -"&Vscwca; TP. tto'vc aTOVEVosvog887. arov0',vvog] Perhaps 0,A0,Vtog, or QVEVTrO9.. Ev rope&] 'By the edgqe (lit, cutting).' Cf. 241. and on Phil. 60. Eur. Or. 1101. ~uaycl-Vov xottag. ac6~j7Qov vulg. Wuind. S8hn. Gtdc'Qov Erf. Dind. Bgk. Nek. 888. Schol: rE#E'ugcc -rqv?xvtvijg ro'wtv; ker~tq~gcxu Mi rq'v cou OTxcu; ovrcog yaQ '!rs T~ 'VfQ. I3LAYD-Es, Sophocles' Traclhiniae. 13 -194 194 ~~~OiiOKAEOTP2 TPOE0i2]. Xt li1; 7twg; (9Th) az. 890 XOPO22:. co ttaraoq (ptcrudx L.) the mss. ol'tvxtE Herm. XWund. Dind. fC L'x~x (oi.w emerariamn') Erf. Not badly. TeShl xlisc i Tatcl by c~ PEI~U ('xur' "'vT1'qQea~tv), 'o wretched on~e.' I'lesych: ttc'"ratoq. 'Aceg. Id: iitctrcc' ratvav. Hlermann writes: 17rcTcq~, cvi(g,.COt, UTW, TcUV1' VjQtV; Nauck would rend: aj~I Tdv?7d& (Y~r (bacehecan metre, as 890. 89. Qu. lmi64~ CO- jtctixa, roWv6 x'V v43tv; Or 892F, O'ttt. UI -; Or?7,ar. tmza(UV TUrcocV VOIV; acz'6 VII~QLV the mss. vnig. Dind. B3gk. Nauek. z'v& r~v if3qtv Wund. (v. Emend. p. 104 f.) 'This (teed of violencee.' 889. Cog 6' vuig. This would mean, 'as if forsooth' (UEd. C. 809.). ]But cf. Ph. 1065. Euir. Ph. 1416. d' 6', iog cQUriaw 6j -. Qn. Cog Y (cf. 1192. ot'(' 6c2q *vrriQ YE i7roUU, cyn U'a#E' Uvo). LEd. 14. 1118.), o rOt' (IUt. 'nipote '), or perhnps odau (proposed1 also by Nauek). cog 7 r~nlaa 7rQUGTUTLq] Sc. oi'ax (Cd. C. 1588.). Cf. 896. 7rueormo9 7r~)ta Ic E`Xvuag. Qu. - o' zQrL6Tcyrovacy 7r)xJcic( 890. zTI (Tt' Hufrl.) nV; 7rc7g; the mss. vulg. v' 71'v~v; Wunder (v. Emend. p). 105 f.). I. e. ' Wfho was the perpetrator of the dteed?' Hart: 'Hfrtt. re?~v; 7irg; 1-HfuX. q~Qi,,brEI. A gloss TtVcU laV11V (fromD schol. on 881.) is added in Yen. Ttg?IV;] 8ec. 71 v"j3QL. Wakefield absurdly explains: 'Qnalis eral?' (quo in animo -- quomodo affecta hoc patravit?) Qu. dt plg 891. SC11ol: MiTc rn gp cvi &NE7re 'ceao. ai~ril'g A. L. T. 1iij. K. 1R. JBgk. Cf. 1132. Ant. 1177'. ai~ro' 7(QCg cvroi3((e~ax) Aj. 906. CIEd. 14. 1237. XtooWrt I. e. 7'w cq*&rcat (cf. mrcdafyvcog, 'a ninrderer,'). Qii. X~tQ1 ZUXct~LaTUL. 892. Wumder stops thus: XO. ri (cpov~tg; aaT1p~j; See his Emenid. j.107 f. qP&oVdeg Qu1. aF(,xug. cap~qvi~ A. B. L. T. actcpcv~ K. GI. T: D'kiaj Pind. 01. X. 67. xoi 8, 'Gaq)cvE~ --- x~raaQG. Jkselh. Chio, 195. Cf'. Garprivuo'c, auqrivi~co. TPAXINIAI. 195 XOPO~2 ' ca vEg9ogio ad vv'p~qa TPO00O~2 iayav 7E iWLov a' El 7WQaVa5a ZAt16ta t)AEv56UEG ot' 99adE, xix' av avtag xa ia v ETM tXEQVaLtaxic; 893-5. Wunder brackets these lines as spurious. See his Emend. p. 10S f. Wakefield conj: hrnxsv grn~~Jyc'av ""urv a c~ v~og Uo 8 vVfLq~er 6olkoate xotad' 'Eqtvvt'g. Qu. F"TEX IkEy44axv E"srEEV alraVC &C. 893. F5snsv,7 Frxsnv the rnss. rExEv, 7 Ir~xE Trici and so Wunder, for the sake of the metre. gvsxev only once Hart. Cf. El. 235. p&' ri'wrsev 9 11, V ~ ~ ~ e ~, 6 caTV UTeag. Eur. Or. 978. 'o' E'r~sxv FrrsnE ysVEhoeu Ef,49OEv 6 0'tco V. pVXv Ee'e-tLvI'v Cf. 842. ptqydlfv 80'ptout claav. 594. &vEo'oeroB. K. T.Ald. c6v ~oQirogL. at VE1oQnog Schol. Junt. I. Wak. Musgr. Br. Schol: v,-oraun?vrai,Thx o'Qp~cwa 'Io'kqj. U'vEo~rog 8 &Jd~ t Tro; adGqtqe ne C&iQErs~r4- Cf. Fr. 791. MAd TIrcIV VE'Opov - 'EQ1ktvav. (Ed. C. 1507. ri ' Earuv, co rr Autov'orvc; Qu. &sot6.Cf. Athen. X1II. 560 C. 'VETQd1='GUV ned1 'oH~n&6~~yva-c xIFovg 8tc~ -rv 'Io'Xj~ hetyedtav ri Ei'Qi'rov *Jvycar~og. U&] or6sr L., as usual. 895. 80fLOLGL] 80'ptoe Nauck, to make the metre bacehean. 'EQtvv4'v A. B. K. T. vuig.?Qtviv L. 'etvih' Herm. Dind. &c. I. q. ~-p.Gl. T:qAoc. 896. awyav ys] Aye, too much so.' Sub. ptsycoav. pallov 6'] 6' inserted a m. pr. in L. Qu. ne' WVv. zknaL'x] x1r)gtov conj. Lob, ad Aj. 1157. But cf. (Ed. C. 58. Ant. 761 f. El. 640. &c. 897.,iAcveesn A. -`Xsvaiig B. K. L. Asvaeq T. r-8~Qaaer (eras. V) L. 898-9. These two lines are suspected as spurious by Herm. Dind. Hart. Nauck. They are defended by Wecklein. 898. ned TUVT' F'X1' T19 (Td' B.) A. B. L. Harl. Schol. Ald. xaed ura;r' E'l (OM. Tig) T. Turn. Wecki. xad -raiica Ttq k'd K. ned' iraiv ~i ((Ed. C. 239.) Ed. Loud. I. n xed Ta~' E'rv T'iW Reiske. nx,& Iravr T~,rot (in an interrogation!) Wund. xned ULV5' 1Fr~q 6i) Schn. nedl rava ToA1t& conj. Schn. Qu. ned irair' kri'lp (perhaps Egr~ was a gloss on Evd'Ap). Or ned' zoect(' (or?T y&Q rai'V) F"rlaq. Or E'l 88' iaira. Or nat Tawr CrX- T nedt' (so Arist. P1. 454. yv'tfrv 6? ned Tolpttov -) nv~e To effect, perpetrate.' Schol: narawnEvdeac nedl Zroei1a. ]Esch. Eum. init. vrt'eaag (Schol: 7rot 'Gag) qppEva E'#o rEZ)q Eur. Suppl. 788. &c. Blomf. GI. Pers. 294. 13* 196 XO'liKAEO)2E &LVAW7J~7~6& TPO0DOL'. dawdg 7E zlvaua' aavE PacQ1VQhtV 4w"ot. Exu YQ nAE cyopawv i'Clwc PLvy 900 orroqwv'i4Y'~, 67lCOQ 3.ipoQov avroJn ZUaQL, XQv'lVa6' &cvmriv i~vfJt p ngEats 899. ZEr'GE 8' -]Schol: oi'rcog 1%QtIPC~g 8tqyGopetia ot zMUY1a WacrE 2r~ta*#ivacd cE ort X.tyco. Cf. Arist. EccI. 569. cUW' c'7roCP"V6 roi3O', ~C06s GE YEi gLot gueQTVQLV. For ~1wervQEtv perhaps 7tarGEV'ELv. 900. 17r,0 zce~jA#E the mss. vulg. 17tsi ya' q-N~ Sch. Herm. Dind. Wund. Hart. Schn. Bgk. Nek. Cf. 11569. (Ed. C. 1304. 1=r' ya', 77Xiov -. El. 893.?~~y&Qc q'10ov -. (Ed. R. 1241. 01rcog y"Q o~yj1 Xetol"Vq 7 -Gco j 4veiiovo. Ph. 1337. and on Ant. 238. 1301. Fd~q and zraQ' are confused Phil. 1337. Ziel (de asyndeto ap. Soph. p. 6.) defends Izrs1 -zQt4J! [cpassed'], observing that in such passages Sophocles omits ofteuer than inserts yceq, adducing Phil. 56. 436. 591. 1316. 1453. Aj. 1028. 948. 1417. CUd. R. 96. 224. 236. 774. 800. (Ed. C. 53. 1292. Tr. 555. 752. The omisSion of yete in many such passages certainly adds force. Cf. also El. 1337. 901. onotAe the mss. xotva v. 1. ap. Schol. (yQcy'qmrczt xtotva - xca UaTqr Xat -ro; 'UQUXUovg). Which is approved of hy Wakefield and Musgrave. Cf. AEsch. Pers. 160. xat' rx Jag~dOv rE nULO otVoV EvvaT 'tov. Hermann explains xot,1c of the cords of the couch loosened so as to render it more easy for an invalid. Wakefield renders it 11capacia.' Some understand it as a general epithet, as of ships in 1homer, xoi~lci zaqff viqvat (Ii. a'. 26. &c.). Wunder (Emend. p. 111 f. supposes noitce to he corrupt. I understand it in a proleptic sense, or as an adjective of effect, elaying out a couch hollow,' i. e. so as to be hollow, in order the better to receive the painstricken limbs of his father. So 914. laaeacdov Oggt' EZEGwtcadViq. Qu. Xatv", or PC1XC1X't, or XFQat'. Or sE7W E`rotpta ldvtEg -. 84tvw] 4A couch,' for Hercules to repose on. 902. atoevi'vq' A. K. L. Harl. GTQOJVVVVq` B. T. Schol: ro'v 'TX~ov GarQe VVVza. Arist. Pac. 844. acro'vv Tr'?lpol ut rn p& xovet'dtov -1~g Eur. Suppl. 766. n~xU"6wca y' r-ivc'g. Incert. ap. Athen. 48 A. arQC0vvv TIC,xoircq. Herod. VII. 54. jtv~cia' 6T7 '~5 rn 0o 2o~o "ipoQ~ov U'vrx9'? ra-r~t1 I cannot make any thing of these words any more than Wunder, who with reason considers them corrupt (Emnendl. p. 112 f.). The sense, as he observes, should he something like this:,in quo (lecto) Hercules redux factus reponeretur.' Qu. 0"7rcog "poeeog c'vro'in 7rar719 (sc. aixV'rcv), 11that his father might on his reiurn betake himself thither.' Or ozcog "Voego EIgIgat'iq (or rather 4t~vrgaot) -7raTcQ Or o",rcog &ipoeov sivaacect (or 44Ice'ot, or 40Eqor lyxlt'vat, or ceLtrczcavl) zrocti', in order that she might lay there her husband on his return.' a roni T. Turn. "vrot', A. B. K. L. Harl. Ald. avrcs'nYen. GI. T: 6VVUrT?1Gt. Neue in vain defends C'Ivrotq from IL. i'. 423. olC d' 'j'vrFov txN7j,4twtv. 903. As these words ill accord with the open character of Deianira's subsequent doings in the sight of all, Meineke suspects this line to be an interpolation. M TPAXINJAJ1.17 t 11) 7 ytfvotvT t-Flj21,um zAa~l',E 6 ('Q~a(AVCV OrOV 903 d' roy cpt hv O3E1iPazv )ot'xEnWv &tcta tivr~ rov avirig Yctdiov' 1Ey;ciJAovpdvq 910 xat rag cat6Yag g ro' )Aotzo'v ov'at'a. 11'v43a p r tg da?iG',ot] Where no one ntight behold her.' (Ed. Pt. 796. ~ETVYOV, v~'c ttrio ZOlpOLL172 - r tIovas. Qu. iv~z IL1 rtL ev 6q tot 904. f3qvX&To the mss. Wund. Dind. Sehn. Nck. 'P3QVX&TO Vativ. Br. Erf. Seli. Ilerm. Hart. On the omission of augment in Iambic trimeters see Ilerm. Prvef. Baceh. p. XVII. XLIX. and cf. on 905. 915. CEd. IL. 1245. (E d. C. 1606. 1624. El. 715. Qu. Pwttoiatv 43QVXaTo z~o7tQi'tlltovG' P&3~o~ote] The household family shrines. Ear. Ale. 168. 7rc'vwcg 6i(C)/Ioi to 'g, di naxT' 'A 64ucrov 66[kovg, &c. Cf. on (Ed. R,. 16. Pctoi'at lrQot7rtl7rrovg'j Cf. (Ed. C. 1157. lr~oolril~ovJ oTgova' harl. Perhaps 7r~o67ri'rvov6'. But ef. 938. 905. yivotz' hjr the mss. vulg. yg'vovrv' i`'q~tot Natiek. Dind. cds~ vuig. L. Wund. Seha. xVzs Dind. %n2attF Vauv. Br. Ilerill. Hart. 0 y~vcov] Instritments of work.' Wunder understands this of those instruments, wherewith she had prepared the medieated garment. OTrovj 0'rov Hanl. (Cf. on Aj. 33.) Equivalent to Fi' roy, aIs in 910. See IBrunek ad Arist. E~. 1275. Cf. (Ed. R. 1464. 06cov?yE ~c t~t IEFur. IHee. 584. nv VaQ "c01pwtcd xtvog, I xo'd' oinX ~z ttF. 906. C2~t~a] 6,Latcza L. After this Wunder (v. Emend. p. 114 f.) marks a lacuina of one line. 907. ft"Uq - xaU &ouUrcorv] 'In one part and then another of the hontse.' Schol: rjjdr& n'xrer. The geii. dm&,wt'cv depends on C"AX Cf. 375. C)T Q o)rpco Ik Evqf Herod. V11I. 135. 7rEQt6aToqcp S'tVoV 7ZUVVra T aX0 -or4Qtca. Compare 7tcrix~6#t, xov,~i &e. 908. Et" rov B. K. L. T. V. Ven. Jant. 1I. Turn. v. 1. si' 7rov Aid. Br. onnzoivi I should prefer 'q oinsxcv. For the erasis ef. above 85. 909. i'xAmnv vuig. Hlermn. Nauek. 50.asv Dind. 60eflI'?7 eWhen she beheld themn.' The middle of this verb is llsedl also in El. 1059. and often elsewhere. 90. aihj~q &'vaexakov~tvq the mss. arejr -?yna~ovttdvr Wandeor (v. Emend. p. 116 f.). i. e. Blamzing herself for her own sad fate.' Fo r the middle?Cyna)E~dtafa. Wander eites Earip. Melan. Fr. IX. 5. oV XQqya )~rL60'at 7rQo'g TO' qfLov, UAXI lcevV T? A. L. a i'rq B. K. T. avaxcA1ovgE'vfl the mss. T. Turn. Br. I-lerml. Dind. Sehn. Hart. Nek. ay — xa2~ovtd~vq Main. Herw. daettova xakovttdvij Ald. Eynaovtk~nv2 Wand. 91 1. rc &re'geatdag - ovlaia the miss. vuig. Sehol: h1r~b ~,trjxirt E`ILS?.Xv Zratdaeg tIxrTJV rrot n a~v OTCt roy Xotroi o1' yrvqCovTart 6vvov6(at 7Q rv'Heax~E'a Elg iraedoirottav. ovaa dI-c 6 o, a0, 6vvcata, ~IYPOK7,JEO rZc 0o f19c X),,:ov 1 Thutt(oLV EdaoQAoprdv II. iC'C )a~qi~9aol 0~ F- E( x t at, EV To Hqa' t,1, TOUT5~ Ah~ovoi vcA Wunder justly considers this line faulty (see-, his Emend.. p. 117 f.). 'The sense of the origina]lihe thiinks was this: let Iiherorem in posterwil patre or-batorian sortem miserrimam.' Hart. conj: r~ a~rcsQvca - Wecklein -rrj esflni0vg, Coil. ilesychi: cz~qsF~. ffqPQ~v~texrovg, cl' g Q u. rT av(Yv6Qovg - ~,'pQ0vceg (or q'aceoa). Cf. 109. 1vvpt'votg ~Vvtcagcvczv6QOJTrowt. 920 f. Eurip. 11ec. 828. 7rov rceg rp(Xcyg ~r',VTQOevcZ 4(,q1g&L, XOJV T( U' ESVV] CPtXTC-(YrOV (YrfLC59~T(OV XCSQtV TtV 5 Trf, I; Or rffg (6v0?I~ovg - ',~Q Or xat' roi CY7t UT 0 Q - yovovg. Dindorf thiinks the line, is ait intcrpolationi. ovt(ceq] 1Q6T'ceQ ('.1taCos, do0mes') ReiiSke. schol: xotrag, Gevovreo~c. 912. oqT A. B. corr. K. corr. L. T. 13. p)r. K. p r. 913 'HQ 'x~o #"c~atov] Cf. 915. and 1226. TroWvApa,, 6o,,t"cruov. Qu. fdt' (or 7rQo') 'HQe'xX.Fov - 914. Macef~covl I. e. la#s~CQ(a(ov Elvat. Cf. Aj. 899. xsf~at Sxl yd' 'gey(( Q7CX7. And on (Ed. C. 1200. The accus~ative M.c cdaov 0"ic11 depends on F'716Xlt(Y6pL1vq. For the singular 06[qta cf. 272. Aj. 447. El. 906. (Ed. RI. 81. Phi. 151. (Ed. C. 1250. 1709. &c. Cf. 225. 0v L oft ~ lareog (PQOVQC(V 7M(Q9X4F. Phil. 150(. UPQOVQSC~V 06rip' (SC. &610v)!lr t t6(0 1Ll)?tGrc xC(LQIO 6ptt '] t GC0L'coJ. Meini. ~Enrta~avn1J Selhol: 7,Qtxfl avuttE'vq, KQvzrtoi,6a. Herod. 1. 2409 4E X1'v E iQ 'irsv b7t16xt c(,tv, (Ed. C. 1650. 915. (pqoVQ(ovv the nmss. \Vund. Dind. Schn. Nek. 0J9Q VQV Vauv. Br. Erf. Schi. lerin. Hlart. Cf. on 904. T d~pt~mg- I~cXov6eev] Cf. El. 747. E'ur. Or. 88. hsio~7tr7(MX o YE. Med. 1283. XFt(e fgatciv rU(votg. 6hLVtoL voeg HQaX1ntu'o1gJ schiol: i'v#(Y co Tvhv Xo yY' 1V olrFQ!16X0Q561UV 6 "TXUo. Righ~tly. 917. hs!rv~oQo~e'] From Errsv#Qftcrx,,v ((Ed. 1R. 469. A,:schi. Pers. 365.). Cf. (Ed. C. 234. E"X~oQ-. Escli. Pers. 359. Ag. 297. v'rq~oqp~v. Compare the Comp~ound~s,7rsep3cdvstv El. 456, ~?Mltrrt7dmrv Aj. 42,?'7tQVrsi'vstv Ant. 1235, F?7 3c(YXXrv (Ed. C. 463. CivO) aqe Yen. 918. xa#Ft~rx'1 'xtyFsx8' Br. Vauv.?Fv daorctv sivwriTq(ort] In like mauimer 1)ido kills lherself on hier nuptial couchi, Virg. -E-n. IV. 645. 'Interiora dIonuis rreimpitl imina, et altos Iconscendit fitribunda rogos: - JHi(, postpqam Diacas vestes nottempee (111010l conspexit, pee/turm lacryieis et men/e morala I inciibtditqe toro dixi/qiie novissima verba: ILAt/ces exttvia,. chatn fata (leitsque sinebant, Iaccipift leanc animain, mepte his exsolvitc conis.' IV. 82. 'So/a dIomo moiret vacta, stra/tsquie re/ictis I incilldail.' TPAXIiNJAI. 199 xct tX wiyv i~ a)~i vc~tarc ~OL7COV~JhJ ~it~4~,Co ",L 7 AoLZ~ic pcv 'q a QW Ca 3vvrtv 0vi, r 7(Q 7X&T ~L~w) 9vg,~ 4',A7L 2 xoayck 4(O(wrV j vc, ovcf) g64c vov FvuYj(o~t the miss. vui1g. Herm. Wund. Bgk. 'vcxrjq9otq Dind. Nauick. The word occurs Xscli. Pers. 156. rx' Ja(,do'v rc xuaLLOv xotvo'v EVVucuX QtOV (nI. 5vavur. V. Dind.). Eur. Orest. 589. Compare qfotvccr4 9tov (Rhes. 515), also EVvcm7QI EvivrcoQ, EtvrcrEtecu. 919. ' ~uu 'I1aving, given vent to.' Cf. on 852. -QQCO~YV narc'tact xqt cow. Hence uqQQy~ oppezc 'an eye that weeps not, (Fr. 847.). ~PEqlu vac(au~] Hom.. 11. q'. 426. ic~x~ve L~~is Y Xeovrvg. Theognis 1206. hMxQvu: qfEqpa' Peot PhIl. de, Josephi. LI. p. 66. n~poy~clu aFQttC' Eu?Thqcu dax~u Eur. Plocum. 370. &' ~G0',cv vcqett E"xwv %ue~QU QOO~V (15unQzVQoov? cf. Here. 98 ). Here. 626. ncd vcpar' ~aOwGC puqx'r' cvtx.Dioscorides, Antliol. p. 202. 45c'xvc (T' oi'x E`eq'. Incert. ibid. p. 270. F"QQn~uv Moi3~ct NcYUnvc. Virg. Zin. IV. 553. 'tantos ilta sito renmpehat pectore questus.' IIL 129. Senec. Tro. 785. 'rutnpe jam fletus, /)arens.' Liv, 3,7. Pint. Per. I. p. 172. c~uv~p~v rE '4iu xatxy irA,#gI~ 6auxpi'Cov. 920. co Exq ncd, VVP7)p&] I. e. co vvttrptx~ XEXn ((Ed. R. 1243). vvgqtcEv'] 'Bridal chainber.' Cf. Ant. 1205. htN~rQwrov xo'Q]7g vv~rt CF&o v~'A4u(ov xottov. 891. 9 22. E"r' omn. B. C f. o n 7. 4CV~rQrcuv the mss.,EvV?j'arQtuv Aid. Evvuretav Natick. The masculine EvvurflQ ZXseb. Pers. 134. EvivcUro)Q Suippl. 657. The more usual form EVV~XELQ~y (from, 5vvce'ro)Q or EvvccflQ) occurs zEsclh. Prom. 859. Pers. 157. 923. 6vvrovop Xc~Q'j 'With quick hand.' I sliould prefer ovvrov0)g ((Ed. R. 810) Zvet'. For Xc' cf. Ant. 43. 924.?.'tu - Trrn.ov] (Ed. C. 1597. ~').vvvaE rtGZVEig 6roM'.c A. uonxig B. K. L. T. cothe mss. Aid. Br. oi, Selh. &c. ~ 'ea parte qua') Walk. Erf. Dind. Herini Hart. Schnr. Bgk. Nek. The words q( - 7rEQoVtg are suspected by Herwerden. XQ6'crg- 7rEQovtg] (Ed. U. 1268. XQV~qP'ax0Vg 1~qovag. 925. pur~ow6vJ SChol1: ZQ09 TC5 6-V~#t Yu' yc E'7,rQV(5Vvro Ut' 'YVVcdYr (Ed. R. 1268. U'noo rcacg y& 'Tr n XV~I~OVg 7rFQo'VcY ear'U'T Ex d'?Zoi0'rtwvv] 'And stript or laid bare.' Schiol:- 1Yi'tVCavv,g F 6VG'V' A1Ca~rog yfQ r4 (CtLUOV. Hesych: 4,106irt9Vv.? axi'dEvYEv,?~i,(5v6Fv. Hoin. Od. v'. 224. (v. Eust.) Poll. VII. 44. Cf. v. Aonrro6'vr i'v..co'niavv K. L. T. 110)o7rrac A. B. 926. Wakefield and others properly remove the comma usually placed -after ucacuv, because 51c'~vvjtov refers no less to 7zlEvQUV than to C03XEvnv. 927. 6Qottacdc j3~a'] Eur. Or. 45. 6Ettvicov C"4ro 7t7d 6Qopuwog. Baceb. 136.?n 4~t ~awv 8popdcov. Arist. Ran. 478. Ecp' U? yc) dottutov oQppirjoj zo6" 0 X K, /k/ I l'011 rto5 7rca I o prc rijo r/ViJLV rUd,-. ZCUl CO G TO Ci( )/Q T rovp~yov xtr' 6QYqV co;' vcpucbuv r6o,& 928. To) nct&(( -] S!'chol: To) 'TXXO) TO) 7(C(Lh r9g rtOCr(VTC To),aL(0Ori. Wrongly. Construei qpQ~~O rco 7tCe L6 (ire) ri T ~VO)1 g C. C f. 1122. T'iq fLtlqOe~ 7'J{O) Trjg &1L9g (PQUY&V FV 0L' I v~vV lGTLV. Ai. 1 2,36. IVotov XEXQYa(Y cuvdQo'g (7l v'7r~qQQovce; El. 317. Trov xcwatyvrlrov dt I 7jovrog q Xo~~ Ph. 439. c'vc(t'ov tt'v (po0TO~g 4,cQ7GfcL 441. Ant. 1182. YxXovaaV nuctho'. Eur. Ph. 1362. 1fIbm. Od. X'. 173. /r Z f(ot 7rc(TQog T,, xcat v['Eog, 02) xaTOiEttzov. Cf. on (E d. C. 307. 136. 661. CHd. R. 700. Musgrave and Schiefer rightly consider -rjqTZV)LgK to depend on qpQc(~o); Erfurdt with the Scholiast connects it with 7ratt'. Wunder wrongly supposesTc6 to he governed lby fflQua g no less thaiu byTEXvcofL!(vi)g. So -also Hermanan. Trfig TEvo0giv~ng] g~XuvwtuEVOnLgl (onj. Bergk. TTJil1, yLO)ttE'V1qq (OIIJ1. Me in. 929. I. e. 'anid wic/de (I emz going) lbid//er endc eve Iwo are /wstenbig /0/he?-. Concisely expressed. The?v q (11v ovTOVT),?i ~)v refers uot to o'QJ)uEV, hut to 7rryttc-vqv. Unless indeed?1V 0 - means 'af/er mny goingr fiild reti-irniig.' So El. 11366. clv al~ 'at thfe cx,~piratioii of wvhich.' TO %&OS OEVQO' TJ' 1 e. TO' XSLGO X(Y To' O6VQo. iiiitier and hil/ocr,' to Ifyllus, and then hack again to Dcianira. We should say 'hillier (10( hack.' Cf. (Ed. C. 505. Eur. Phcen. 273. nc'x~taE xc4 To' 6,VQo. 320. Ixrfea.- xat T hQO Anl.69 nfs~QOT Or. 1410. 'LovQ', o tL'v TO' %E — 9v, 6r'x~ n~a~v. Arist. Av. 425. T' Tp-dE Xul To {Gxc TOIVQ 7r,0oe9j~qii Alycov. Dent. p. 786. I/TTo)v (SVQO x~& 930. 4rpurzi~ytJ 'Twvo-edg(ed.' (Ed. 1R. 417. f'ttir). - ce~c. 931. 7z~vqc'v] 7zksvQc(g Schol. LI. 1. 103. So Ant. 1221. iq"Q&tG57).? gcd~ ir/.vQ~?)fLaGov E`yxog. But we find the sitngular in Aj. 831. 7r?~v 0"V dLC(qpnl~CVV1TVI pZyV) Vcp n~rCYQ MU~ CPlEVC~g Sc11ol: 7IQ't TO ~7M(Q 7Y(Q (PQ~VFg 2(at 7tW xc~tyt.,'Ofvrj~o- 0 —f Tz rP(EVs-g njQ "'Zovatv (Od. C'. 301.). Sehol. Veit. ad l a' 579. cpQivc(g MP 0 roL1t?7,' x~al 7ra(vT5Eg Ol' zt~f(ot' 2IY. OvP TO0 6t qQa 11cc I. x'. 10. 7r'. 481. 504. Pind. N. VII. 38. O' )x1QT23QOg 1Jtjeg &'Ucs c rpQ23vOV svQ6v ~L(Pg So q~ircc vito 7rQC(Y7tU&O2v in lbouier. As Deianira is said to have laid bare her left side (926) to tile wveapon, and the liver is on the right side of the brelast, Reiske, proposes to real 77(Q-, 'asque ad liepar et diaphraqpna.' ZMtqygl~vrv] 'flaving struck Ilerseif.' The passive formi is here sled], as often el'sewhere, in a middle sense. Cf. on (Ed. C. 1016. Arist. Eq. 63. 932. O itccig omi. B. L. After ly'vo) two letters are erased in L. Perhaps cpco~' I$7r1J3Vvo 7). &c. Cf. Ant. 960. 933". Schuol: avv.FthEv, 0)' 09QytGi'Tt6ac (se. i~t~U~qe avTroV) F'r T6 O)~y TilO6'Mt( TtrcQi Tole NeEo'a61 To, EQyov TolJTo 6ti Qc~czro. Who uinderstands the subject to he t 'Tq~rq. Wunder rightly considers H~ylluis to be the subject. =I TPAXINTAT. 2()1 ni' i~)r~~J~~r65v xcar 1Zo flx. (iCoovaa qt roy Rqo, E",w~v ra)i&. 935 CS'Ad7CT' OVri68V cqicpi' VtV yotv TOVQYOV - x6E] The suicide of his mother. xwr oQy,~v1 'In anger.' So El. 15003. xc~l' iMjov 'v. IYsch. Suppl. 331. 7ripaQ xcex F`X#av -.i'ysrg; Compare the language of Ilyllus 734- 820., more particularly 807-820..Ecpcipus~v] 'f/ad kindled (instiqated) or caused (cf. on Ant. 40.).' Neuc compares Eur. IBacch. 777. ' x6, ' r0WC5aE rv~ a ~rs t I'ea BaxX63v. In Homer E"QLV xat VCN~OG lqpc'pca. But is 1ccqprsvtE correct'? Qu.? ThrE'cVGEV (El. 467.), or?7ro'QGvv~v. Cf. 490. e4 PU3Xot. 934 f. Suspected by Nauick. Considered necessary by Wecki. 931. O~ip' 1xtcX#g 1Esch. Ag. 1427. yvoa'Gs 8tdaX#,ct' Ji/' y~vv ~~rha~~i ( xcv- Taught b)y those in the house.' For the gedi tive cf. El. 344. xs4'v~q dti~axcv. Aj. 807. qpcorbg n'rarqttEvq. On Ph. 3. TOVr iO]I.e c % ~v 'tike domestics.' El. 1147. 935. "vxovaae] urpcaidau Heimsoeth. ttcc0o~aa (or "&vovg 7rorcavGa #qog coll. 662.) Ilerw. A. C. p. 22., who thinks axovace is a corruption of cUxovaaaa a gloss on ttcelo~,Ya. Qu. za~tacle~, orcQsir incited. 7rQOg TOy.#qo~g] 'At the instigation of thec centauir.' Qu. zacQa - 0oy Thogj Nessus. Cf. 1143. BQ5iV1. T.?"QE~E K. E~q~Ev (supr. ct, i. e. ~gE`Qv) A. 936. 6' 7rat 6~v'Gxjvog} ' The youth, utnhappy one (poor- fellow).' That this is riot equivalent to 6' di'ar-vog rrai'g 'the unhappy youtth' (cf. on 111. (Ed. II. 58) it is almost unnecessary to remark. 4J5arJqvog is here a secondary predicate, as in 326. hTaxvQVQQoE 4v6GT11vO. 846. 6?.oc~ wTiv~4. ovx oelvQgaxc~jV?W'rtrrs os'dv] 'Neither ceased at all fronm lamentations.' Cf. on 1275. Matthi. ad Eur. Ilipp. 323. Wunder: 'nequc quterelaru~n, expels fuit.' 04orV~tamV yon)jtsvog] Cf. 49. 7ravf,6ccxQVT OcYIQttaTC - yoco 9 37. E t(7r Er'] Perhaps lvilm&rpv (Aj. 1379. Ant. 585.). Or rather F`bqyEv- But cf. on Tr. 1275. Ilerod. IV. 9. &civ6 U OVTLOVro TWoV itycov TOJV ~5vT5,r.?ojiat?.uirqraft. 9318. U~rpc7dr'Trcov ardpttaorv] The plural, as in CEd. RI. 1219. Eur. Ale, 7rA,,Q0'Ev ' o in hedirection of) his side.' In Latin a lalcre. Eur. T rytTUVrivh9EVL. 802. i7v vqaqVg lvTE~#,cv. 939. zraekog] Schol:?'crdtVU9 HSVOV E 7r 7r 4,icv 9v. Cf. El. 818. T yq6S 7r~o m9. iravri' a 7 EG''LaVT~iv. 545. 7 rat'&ov rro'# raQsi~rO; (Ed. R I. 688. roi'ttov raQ~Fg %at xar aiX 'vcov xE'aQ. Eur. Ale. 373. Incert. up. Snid. in 7raQUFt: Kat' 7ragsi iaVTov iio ~.Virrj ~-XLtro. Epist. Hehr. XIII. 12. &c6 TCZ~g 7rUQ~dLVag Z~t~ag' Xat T 7rCaQcaxEVw1)Ce 'Yovaru/ UVOQ#YCOG~cTI. ZOOP()KAJP.( r~l X).cdcov {l' 64J'07vvt -x 6'volv iiso0t& 4ac, a zatTq)0 T FxJ~1V1Jg T, W Q(~ Vt6Pf~vO; 03t0v. roctvirr ra~v6ov iort'v. &36r' a"' rtg 6ilo 7r.)T rivaciavcov] So Virg, G. IV., 301, 'niulta reluctanti.' Eit. V. 869. 'mdlta flemtens.' 940. licracdwg] ' Wrongly, rshs/y.' Cf. 597. (Ed. R. 656. ufrta jac~ot xcixy] 'Had chargqed with a reproachful accusation.' Aj. 1~244. qtg- xnaxotg 3aa~xc. 724. 06vaihaortv I naaov. 501. Xoyota 1rcrrxmv. Phi. 374. ~"QaGOOV xaxofg (ac'xrov). h-orn. Od. v'. 142. C(Qt6TOV at P t?6V W)c.eXxtv. IZEseh. Sept. 388. 's, a &' o'vat(t yzc'vuv Oi'xct'6jv c~~pv 1 03 0. ly5c'G9 aqa cop, zut~ xiv~v'vp P3ciX I czipce6' c'6EWp6v r~v 45LOv. Eur. El. 902. VFXQOgv~ C(Q~EV q u1. T 5p tWg Ac 65. yav Q,'etaaCt, X(A vmav'cg?.6yovQ I &W7txwov Ig n tig 01, P"1(cv OV~ro aUrt. Arist. Thesm. 895. (3 r~e ov'yov GjotW gac'lovaa 1p6y~o. Pind. P. XII. 311. r4a7irxz ~3aacov. Synes. in Dion. (3cWVovut 2LcosqUxfv xci t vv drl I to~vvg4ov gx 0)'C6t. Liban. 1. 811. /3cXXovat 6x~ffcWtia~. p. 303. #opij0otg ~ax'vog. p. 3007. ~tvqxcit - Xo'ycv 0io~qtat. p. 308. II. 393. T0j- 6Y'rcov jgocetg cctov "'a2Ya ErQt (3/ osrog. p. 556. Philostr. Icon. I. Amnph. %0.ttip juAco'v. Ilor. Od. III. 12. 3. 'patruai verbera lingua'.' Also CEd. R. 656. T0'V lvay~ qPtilv I 1zqprox -'?V cdrt~ - CITMtov P"cE).iv. Piat. Epist. VII. 341 A. (3caX,,v 4v axt'ce rv &,txvivxcir. On the phrnase, Udyov&. Q''rr v. JBloilf. ad 2Lsell. Prom. 319. 941. nxcdtcov A. B. K. L. T. vuilg. Hlerm. Natick. x).c~ov Dind. xX)cdmv Itconj. Wakef. Rightly, I think. Fx 6voevJ '-Fromz (a1 the hands of, l'y mneans of) two.' Dependlent apIparently on fPt'ov. So Ant. 1219. Mc6' 4 cY'#huov &-,a0,rxov %EaEV61tcwtV '#Qo~ttav. Unless indeed we read j3(ov for j3(ov. For?-x Avotv Nauck reads at'g tvotv (cf. 539.). h'voi'v A. K. L. T. Ald. dvi~v B3. Br. Which Latter form Seidler (,ad EL. 95) thinks shouild be restored everywhere in the Tragedi'ans. Cf. onl (Ed. R. 1280. Br. ad Lzsch. Sept. 923. 942. IxsFivsng (oiu. T,') B. 0ePJQVt6gL~og A. B3. L. corr. T. 0'QrPcivtae~Lvog K. L. pr. Cf. (E d. C. 1159. c6QttLOLqv (d'p~. L.). Arist. Vesp. 425. co"WyIO&V. (3t'ov the mss. vuig,. Herm. jtiov Wakef. Dind. Wund. (v. Emend. p. 201 f.) Blart. Schnr. ligk. Nek. Cf. Xseh. Chio. 243. roa'g h' Ucres0QPaiVta6.Lvovg vajertg 7iua-'~t ~q(q Wunder explains (0QPavtjapvog ot(ov 'comnpelled to lead an orphan life,' as a parent is said jP(OV 7rUd0, 0o9cpff vt atv, quloting Eutr. Ale. 397. 7reolt~ro;&Yh s ~xp a~tvov((vOQ TOaVIgS.V TXce'LoJV. 94-3 - 6. Meineke looks uipon these liues as an illterllolation, whichl has cerpt into the place of the original. 943. rcY'VIcuMW Tx'v'nv C0oj. Naucek, Rightly. The sense requires this. maxr I rt I ] g So that if any one reckons upon two or even maore days, he is vani (foolish); fo)r tomorrow is not (does not comne), before a person has got well througjh to day.' Said with reference to the Sudden and 'inexpec ted fate of Deianira. -I-A TPJ4X[NIAIL 2013 z rAs4ovcg ~ qj' aEQcas )oy(~,rat, wa'A. B. L. T. Aid. K. Si T t A. B. K. L. si'7r T. 944. 4tvo I )xai ilovg rtg A. corr. pr. m. T'. Turn. Aid. Br. Vauv. Pors. Sehn. B3gk. I~erm. - i7rX&dovg urt A. pr. K. L. farl. Schol. East. p. 801, 1. - nXr1Gcxcq tLg B. - 7r11F'ovg ra&g Erf. 64'o I 71 xard ti 7r).sovg Dind. Wand. 4dvo I n~Ftr)ovczg ~ijv Hart. 6to % ) xTt 7rFtovg llerw. Nek. ar~o IXce, sr;'toVc' rtg conj. Naiick. 6vo I q xat' tdav rtg 77tEa~v - conj. Dind. The Attics use both 7rEL'Ovrg (Ant. 313.) and zXEL'ovg (Aj. 1115.), 7rlslova and 2dsl'ca (Ant. 927.). Sophocles never ases the short syllabic except in 7r?.~ov. MiZo also occurs in a senarius YEsch. Ag. 1035-. And we find 114v).vcv in the very ancient ins. of Ilyperides c. 43. The same variation constantly occars in mss. None of the conjectures hitherto proposed is satisfactory. Qu. 4i v x~ trsovo ' nc7r ovcag rig (or ~jv). Cf. Xcin. An. VI. 6. Et~rs E~vce xtv"' T'j %ce' 7rI~ovg cu[T~.~ The disturbance perhaps arose from the transposition of to the following line. A similar corruption occurs in. El. 21. and Arist. Vesp. 743. VFvov*.~?XEV CIrVTO?g M rQUyf~M#% Org i (7tcY"YLUCZr, oI `g the mss.) ro'T Erspecdvsr') Or d4to 7r &'ovceg ~~v. For the sentiment cf. Aj. 475 f.?Xoyt'~,rcr] 'Reckons upon.' Meineke remarks that ~.oye~~rat call only mean 'reckons, counts,' whereas the sense requires 4oyt'~,rcei Fcv toi, sltvcul i. e. 'reckons on as his own,' coil. Ear. Ale. 789. 945. y"cQ?,g' A. B. K. Dind. Wand. Bgk. yciQ E`60' L. Harm. Nek. 'For there is no tomorrow, until a mian has well got thronghi the present dlay (to day).' iq y' cdgtov vuig. I read ~' (i. e. q'?'g) cav~eov. Which I fined is proposed] also by Wakefield. Cf. CEd. C. 5066. 1?rdt I,`ota ' iVtQ OJV, Xcorm, rmjg?g Ua'tov I oi4v'6V irov ~Lot ao~ fLEXEGTLv?7LQtg. Fr. 685. rd o' d' h umtov c40i rvcp)o'v E~errn. Eur. Ale. 320. 45i y&Qe *ixvE~tV fL XCU i06 xo4' o E7 cUVQiov -?QXS~at xuxo'v. Rhes.. 600. Fg av"(tov. For the sentiment cf. Allacr. XV. 9. ro' gq4tts-ov pixm ~Iotm r T4 ' civ~etov r'g o' Fv; Athen. VII. p. 280. Eig ucetm~ov 6, CPQOVTI V-7tLO Fot Hor. Gd. IV. 7. 17. 1. 9. I. 11. II. 16. III. 29. For sing avpmQov v. Mein. Fr. Conm. 2, 846. 3, 163. 3, 295. 3, 552. 4, 554. i rqv ce~lv"9 3, 494. 4, 31. So rsitg lvmcavrov (Pimld. P. X. 63. rc' 4' d~g 4vtcvrov U'rix~LIeQrOV 7rQOVOflYfft), siG ~crsV, Eig U- t ' 'tC g 76) t cvrexc, &C. 946. Tr~mv trc rig] TtQV?x~rsr~, g (or irqiv " v Qc jg) ',q CO lj. Nauck. The same correctiolls had occurred to myself, as also 7trtiv?xat ~f, TQv " v ItS Cy Cf. (E d. It. 1 53 0. Jars O~vqrov ovt' - qV o?43i,-tv, IQtiv (tvI r!QfLa to?) Pt'oi, 7rQ"'gy, ttmiY"Cv C/`.y Eniv v i ceac~o'v. A s,Meineke well observes, smv 7r"ay is ilere unseasonable: for there is no rhuestion of passimlg the present day Ilappily or the opposite, bat simply of passing it at all, file common reading therefore seelus wrong. Perh~aps however Fin 7r"#s, may mean simply '!Iet safely througfh.' 204 9( ~O~~~~~()P0K lfr3)r -~ X0P027. 7(OTFQ( 7lQ0rEQ ZWo Co; ZOTE Oace;&varu~ro9&O 947. 7ro'tr~' c'v nprq?int~vrvco L. Selhol. and Junt. It. 7r0OX&Q cUV 7r Q 0rsEQa Uit6r~tocdVw K. 7roixFQ cUV 7xrsrFz?7rt6ci~vro A. Harl. Aid. Junt. I. 7lrXE' CdUV 7rOrEQ~ ~-tTiLTVOJ I. venl. 7COTFQ CdV 7roT.FQ 17rL6rtCtL1VWJB 7rOT5QcU 7xQ~vEQ' &v?Trtaeiivco T. 7r60T&Q cnQO 7rQOxsE' 7rcGrivo [Ifermi.7t 0-TEC 7rQOXSEQc 7rEQIGTIVCO [Dind. Prwf. p. LX.] Apitz. 7rdxsrQcU 7rQOTc'Q hntaxgvw Turn. H-erm. I-art. Schn. Bgk. Tr-rEQce 7rq0'5QOV 17tar~vo) Dind. Wund. Nauck. Qu. 7ro"rFQc 7tQOrFQOV?7t6rE-rVC (or UVaIG~cO),7 o r 7r C6 a 7rQoTEQcU ~xaa6xgV(0 (or xcxox& gEt'vc). Sclhol: 7roLcU, qpn at, ri6v2o, tcU n, arc Tv 'HcXacflxVSLc C f. tTZ d. C. 1 2 54. oi"to,0 t' cYQU',co; 7rO'rS~ce TCUfLCUVTOV %UCCe I tQ~aEkv IYd0V6O 7U 'i T -ro~b' 46~v -;Plicn. 1523. vt'v' licq'ao; I rtiv- u`nt 7rQ0)1OV cdno XcUtTU GZU~QCCfL OGttV U7rcUQXcg PU`~co; &c. El. 907.,3Eseb. Ag. 1481. Fur. Iphi. T. 655. FItL 7"Q alip1Oyc atY6VtLc gfLfLOVE fpMV, GE rffQog76c'fCOZ5GrVo y 7O't g. Arist. Nub. 934. 7r J~og t 7rorcQog; 85 rx~ (i0x~ Q CCV. V.) 7rceQcUVOt'c avxov Et6yyv~e;Fel 02 rxc 7TQOT5FQ~g olV Xc6E1~a U'raXLlcyc5; Horn. LI. y'. 299. 0'7rT50TFQOL TrQO - TSQOL V7rE'Q 0QXLtU 7C~f?1vELc*!~V. Od. t.14. tt ztQ()TOV, Tt' 16 F"irSLUa TI I, vaxcrzttoV XUMInE'~co; I v.~?Ir&' hiot 7roW d 666av #Fot 0oVQcxV1to3V5. 11.'. 703. i`irtoxivco is the subjunctive of deliberation. 948. 7roxsEcU TuJ~'cC 7rEQaraTLQo) the mss. vuig. 72ToTSQ' Uyalice - (from schol.) Wak. 7rs'Tcz ttiAa - Musgr. Wund. (v. Emend. p. 123 f.) Dind. Nek. 7O' Q 5?.o - (from schol.) Ilerim. Hart. S8dn. Qu. 7roTEQ' C'ZKCMOr 7r ' -;Q Or 7ro',sQ( iO -; Scimol: 7Woc XaErcq xCCl 7r5cdz TiQo) d4rv6xsjqrog; 6v~xafl~nrxc lartv, tyog.tyE9#j o'vrc. After 7rS(cUZLQOJ I have put with Wunder a note of interrogation. And so read the Schol. In most editions (Aid. Turn. B3r. Ilermn. Dind. Hart. Schn. Bgk. Nck.) a comma is marked. An interrogation is mnarked imi Aid. after?irtrwiVCo. 949. V'V6xQLt ] Sc. 1ion. 'Is difficult to lie decidted (lo decide,).' Plat. Hlipp. 370. rjyov~mnvo - V6QTVorso (ftVV ir.Arist. Ran. 1433. vl) royv reV 6oW1qcC rdVexQLTr(0g y iXw. 950. rcds ttm'v and Tc~4s 61 (xc'z &Z Yen.) the mnss. Dind. Wund. Nck. xr~ p~v and xc~ 6S Herml. Hart. Schn. Ilergk. By ra' gf'Ei is meant time death of Deianira, by xu (YE that of Hercules. 8chol: ra~ ttEV xc~xe XfVzLV&QCieV U,, t! 0 Mxu TJ~ ~ ~ aT(L OlfEgtv F`~EaL O,;wFf'V IV Tr6 otflco T~~CC x6v 'HQUdXIa" 1x6X0L5tC#U. 0'otg] 60ottotat Burgh. 951. Tc'dE MF A. B. K. L. vu.1g. rc) Si Yen. Hlerm. &-c. -MIN TIX I NIV 1/i. i 205 XOLVCZ ( X E11Hl! TIE XCZIP~kt rgpo& ~~ ~5ncort w a, 'X~Ioauv the miss. antid Selhol. ~ttXoRevv' Ileri. Hart. Ma:utth ad Ear. Orest. 1175. yivo~tv Erf. Apit~z. Wmnd. 1)ind. Schn. Nck. Schol:?KdE mti'. Ideim: Ta' REV E'XOttE~V CZ G tti ~ ottEvv ~ Cf. Ant. 1278 f. Isocr. p. 68D. Toy~aQo3vV x& REV EX1 ra, 6Yi ttE., roi'e (Y h7rgov?,,v4. p. 213. rIX RE~V h5O09-vv, rC (Y F`rvA~ov. Plut. Artax. 30. xczt Ta tt,, F'EV T'8 o"GOV OV60W 7rQ(Y'GC6UV fPcGLX'ac X'or~- Q.r~Y H'OEVE TELCLeav. Cf. Ant. 897. xOCr" '?v vF.iat'GV TQCO) &e.?7r'?4rt(GLVl I. C. E'~tOVTSq. 'in ex~pectation.' So?ird zp0'Yoa~ Ant. 759). See Wund. Emend. p). 127 f. Ek7rLgLv A. K. L. T. Harl.?2.7r'at 13. 'E)~irlt, like 'spes' in Latin, often m ieans 'apprehension, anticipation.' Cf. 111. xczn'v C?Xzid~ovacv Uti6Uv. Aj. 605. Em'. Iph. A. 788. lice. 674. Or. 849. Yirg. AEin. 1..517. IV. 419. 11)1. A. 786. 952. xotva (Y' Sehol: i'aov (Yi 61,1 EXtV XUXU XU TO 7rQGo(Yox(~v. With RE~t suplply E`L-v fromt i;'xv. Similarly Eur. Ale. 530. Er#v4 X o Wcov, xoix',x' Et'a0' x rTcav 'v. Orest. 1180. X'y `G') T 0 WL.L y~ "'xEt UVy' r(0Vlv xotvce] 'Alike, the samie.' 1. q. 1"ce. Supply 76T'. (Y'] 'C' (om. Ts) Harl. 9 53 f. F 10' -.- Musgrave compares sim-ilar passages,.Eseh. 81t1)1). 786. Ear. JHipp. 739. Ion. 809. Ionm. Od. v'. 6.3. Cf. on Aj. 1192. 953., U'vaElidaace - av"Ja 1. e. #VrW~t. II. ~'. 34-5. Od. iv'. 63. UvERJsGaa A. B. K. L. Aid. ii~ra~T. 954, E`7rovpog] Sehol: OI'JQ1Og. 'Favourable, carrying rapidly1.' Elsewhere Ein7ovQOq meanls 'carried with a fair wvind,' as in Ciem. Alex. lPed. 1. 7. rT3 a~nEdag 7(vH,'Leett E`Zoveog fYqEQ'gH~.Tence?7novpq(~tV, h -rov Q0VV 'to have a fair wind.' Erfurdt wrongly correets c'TOeiot'o (coil. (Ed. hI. 194.). Cf. 815. o~ogo O'(pUa~g6v ~FLWCV 'I crVxij 7HOt ce1 I #FV, Iva xaU6g. 11am. II. ~'. 345 cog it' JOs)' 7trtn Tco, OTS gE 7tQWJTOV TXrF rqI OiyXEGa~ht ZrQocp9ov 3wx Ivroto # t It po &e. Od, v'. 6~23. &auc6Ttg the mnss. vaig. Sehol: S"GXL&,TLg, %arotni(Ytog. 0, (Y E J 'OVC 04n69xIVFV6FrLSV "~VERfOC OVQ(O?ir "Voidc~ OXce 30)V TUVT7g 7UYY cS~rcEy~y1/ ti XU ~~7O 0J1~ (c 97oxcxlQ~a hI.), rinwq TOV~TO (Yi hEyEt, 04' ML? SaQZEQOV~6C t'(siv uc~e Gvrq9OQag- Erf: 'a donmo snrgqens.' So also Wund. Misgraive: 'nentus e te-rrw sinn editns.' (!) Br: nostris adspirans awdibus. Herm: domestica, in ipso hoc loco exorta. Wunder connects yivotro E`9Tc5rrco (i. a. Int ~ i~arla), as in (E d. RI. 32. E'dORsa4Y Fqp~artot. The comimon. explanation 'rising from the house' is absurd. Perhaps fartwxtg, i. q. 7int'Gtrtog, 'fillingJ the sail.' Comipare tile formn dYe> ltanrEtg (2Esch. Ag. 941. (YouRartrtv vAdrat). I suspect however the true reading is 'Eauc'jxtg (poetic contracted form for 'EG~tcucG)Tt), or I16rtwuC,i.e.'bown in the direction of flistiwa or listiwolsv Hlistimotis, the chief town of which was Histima, was a district to tile North of Eubcea, opposite to tile mouth of the Mal~in gulf (v. Strab. X. X00iQKAEQ rE ihtg ~t' croixtaa~a) Ex rdww. `rc) 91 r(V Zi12v'a. (t~AxqtLol 'OVPOV 1. 3. Paiis. VIi. 4. 9.); and a wind blowing in this (lirection from Trachis would by the shortest andl most direct course take a vessel (dowli the straits of Eubowa, the ordinary channel for navigation, into the open sea. So 'E~qa7rovrtbq ""v~zog ('a wind blowing from the Ilellespont') Jierod. VII. 188, ZrQvttovt'rjg V1II. 118, 'OAvjtdc'a, (Dotvvxiag, Oeqxica. In like manner also the wind iblowving from the Japygiani promontory is called by Horace 'Japyx' (Od. 1. 3. 4.). So Co'%Evct'6Eq (ii Qut 'bree-zes blowing from the ocean' Pind. 01. II. 78. Cf. Horn. II. (3'. 537. oi' &" Eivgotav?'Xov - Xcalxt'6a r' E1~Q1FTetcV TF 7ro).vGxcqvX0v qf' 'Iaxt'caav (pronounced as at trisyllable). Steph. Byz: 'EGT'aya, )7 'tg E 'go'aq. Ofrjog LII. (3. 57"irotvraxcpvX0v 41' 'Ean9TIUV." 0 7ro1XrjTn 'Ea9TULaoxrD xai4hl xCo EG~axtczJT] i~OEvxrA.Zmn tzoi~c. Id: 'laiw. rro 'Iwrnvxi yppquj F'ar. As regards the original form `Eaut(Lut or 'lartlwxIQ, we may well suppose it formed from the primitive form iar(cz (Eart'a), just asEGTLcUcI(Zrt or 'Iartlcicxt is formed from the elongated form 'artcac taTLt'rx (compare 7rt)' q ir v) cdaIC). Compare also 0qitfrtr, formed froni qi) 4{ L' Long after I hatd. written the above, I found that R~eiske had promposenl a very similar correction 'EGTIUW~fljq 'ab IJestiaw (Fobor'a promontorio) spirans, i. c. Enriis.' cavQcz T. Sehi. Hermi. &e. aw3QC A. B3. K. L. Aid. A common error. See Pors. ad lece. 448. 955. jxtg tt' c'7rotid'autv] 'Th carry mie awayq to?remove mie.' Cf. (E d. C. 1390. xaA5 to' TcIQrda -g'(o~ o '7rotxy For time olptative cf. Aj. 1224. y.vvomttav - t'vci -rQoGvhrotPEVv C E d. 14. 1 518S. 7~ P' 0rcog ZitVlE19 U'rotXOV. For "4xt I read U~g ~E T0rcrv vuig. ixroirov Liv. a. corr. Qu1.?XTO'Mov (as in (Ed. 1R. 1340.), or rather lxzod~c'v (which would correspond more closely with v. ant. 964.). Cf. Ant. 1324. "yrvr ui'?iitro(Y v. 1339. Aj. 1000. Arist. Thesm. 664. Ft' rig -?v ro'rotg (f. Ivx6~o'zo) E'cdaog "ko " A?Jna,'9'v W~. 11crwerden also (on (Ed. 1t. 1340.), I find, proposes 1x7ro6~c0v. Dindorf would read v'x x5ro'zv also in (Ed. 1R. 1340. 956. Jto' thme mss. T. 5dmn. (who reads in v. ant. 965. 7r&- M (poQvm vtv with Herm.) Bgk. Ziqvo' Triel. Turn. Hierm. iDind. Nck. 'These two nouns are often interchanged by time copyists. Cf. on Ant. 1149. El. 1097. Pors. ad Orest. 1700. Below 1108. O' rov- wxi' C'airea Ziqvo' av&#4 y6mog. Nauck reads Jior, coil. Eur. Or. 1684. Cf. on v. amit. 965. 957. G"ircog - rmin x jpalc'c #c'voqttJ ' That I might not die fiom, fear.' So, as Wunder observes,?n41wvscv yi~car (Hbm. 0(1. 6'. 100), i(3o'o a1rd'Uvga41c (Xcin. Cyr. VI. 1. 2.), dJvt TcVaV~c, &e. Cmaeas h use of #U'vclrog (Ed. C. 529. Aj. 215. 958. tto,5vov,Iatdo~a vuig. 'Having only looked on him (from th& mHere sight of him).' But the Schlo., wvho interprets xuxcSg dtax.v~ivovo, probably read somethiiiig different. W~under therefore with reason suspects gtovov (v. Emend. p. 132 f.). Thme conjectures ymuv(omv, pUv6V, flaVQOV (Nauck), TXc'ttov', heave been suggested. Qu. v vxQ6P. Then, ma~ to MAA'U 1 1momlil ITPAXJN MA]. 207i J7Z1, EV vGu7W).2(txTOLg d, vv ut~ Xc~g Qt' 6(5gm ()EV'Qo AEYov((V 960 uo5-nno~v rt 4htiJ4. UV rtu~r oc0n (3 uyxolV c UQUxV, I pWVO C U X, 6OV aqTaQ, the Schiol. rightly Connects it withi 90alOtftt: 07Mg oI 7QCYXQn1W "7raq~c~vo,, 4h aoqr~v7 nov 'Ha~ nxnJk cdtaxns(tvov. Wunder Construces -t't~ova' ft'( 'inmmediateb1 upon beholding 1dmz,' as cv`41v' is joinetl with p)articiples. Siivern would read #uvov-rc - dGidoqi'. 959. 17hL? -j Schol: XFyovai' Tu 7rqpY#1 XUnoV 7tkaov 7rov zr qoLt'xci xrev 6'vatct'rovg 0,tvcr(Y qjpi-v? )q~xx0svov. Who would seem to hiave read lzr' YaQ - 061'vcetg, as in El. 108. E'irt' xoxvv6. Ant. 759. h7d Vp~yotat. Cf. 985. below. Qu. - Grp 66v'VUai. dvaguzullcxrotg] 'Haord to get rid off' Piat. Tihemt. 195 C. Tim]. 85 B3. A rist. Categ. 8, 18. 4. A. 7. 10. 6. 960. 7Qo' 60'ttuav A. K. L. Schol. Aid. Apitz. I fart. 1)ind. I7rqod0ttov L. (ace. t~o Cobet). ir6 'Ytov 1H. zrQ6g 64mjv B3. 7r~ ' 6'tov V. Heath. Br. Sch. zerg dc5~tc T. zer' 63otcu (minarg. dop~ov) Turn. 7tort &c5~rc Ern. lrqo(fopov Herm. Schin. no~do't (coil. Hesych: ireodo'g. 7rQogar~k 7reoGrao9)) conj. Bergkc. 6d'pov,6E (as 7rF'ov,6,,, 786. &axrv6E, &c.) Wund. Dind. II. Schol: X.iyovat( ut 7N11ra -,, xaO'v 7r)xrJiaov 7rov ZjQ 1I~ COJQCtv. Qn. d6'gov (60'tovg) a6qE. Or 6EVQo. Or vtv 676E Or aqF do'tOVq. Or thuls: xoWQn~V 7(QO do'tmv Gqp 70,YVatV and in v. 969. Tt' XQ rF~vFcorae vtv " a, -. For IF'yovanv also perhaps a~p rpuatv. Cf. on v. ant. 969. XF yovacv] Xiyova' conj. Nauek. Cf. 805 f. 961. aGirsro'v xt 40aibtu] I would read ~ai6rr-xov rt qlYcqcat (pronounced by synizesis 0afcc/), or &aursrov 4Yheucx, 'tin indescribable spectacle.' 11crwerden, f find, prpoe U-GirF'oV 'a~ufc, coil. (Ed. R. 1295. Aj. 992. Prom. 69. 304. Orest. 950. Mcd. 1167. Hlipp. 1217. Tro. 1157. Schol: xTf nutt 4p#PF zxuxv. GI. T: pniyc xca' "'rTaOV. Nanek1 suspects #aijtu. 962 f. The Chorus perceive the approach of flhe suffering hero, followed by a train of attendants. 962. c'y~oi' 6' '"'ea -] 'lBnt near, it would seem, and not (as I suipposed) at a distance was 1 mourning for 1dm.' I. e. thie object I was bewailing was, it would seem, near at hiand. Jiermaun and Wainder with U'y - xo,5 supply ovxci, Coil. Phil. 26. xov"yov ov tncixefv?~yc We Must in fact supply either 04vra (asvro'v) or ov'ac (?ycl)). Qu. a'yxo Gqp a'Qci - -7rQovzX~toV. Withl c"yxoi - x~ fWCXQ&v cf. El. 1049. irc'cec xoi' vE60 -arcL'. (C~d. R. 58. 1230. (Ed. C. 3 97. Aj. 1 13. 963. Cf. 104. El. 1075. ur,-vuXov6' oi-rcog a' 2rcev~verog cerjfw. 7r(oiz2.atov the miss. Ilerm. c1'-x)~aov T. 7rQol'xAaov Dind. Nauick. irQov` — xkut,,v conj. Wak. 7rQx).cscov Erf. 7reoxlucov Ierw. Translate: '1 was lamenting in anticipation.' Eur. Ale. 529. a) t4T'j 7rQc'xat ' cinocrcr, sitto4 avajpcto,~. Herod. v. 8. 7TQoxkav'avrSq (xrov v~xQ0'v). The Schol. wrongly takes ir~ov~xiacov for a plural: (Xvxt' rov- 7rozXcdovucv. P erhaps 7rov"X?.c oV. 0'6c'co~vog] 1. q. htytqcovog. Horn. Ii. T'. 350. C'Qt - )ALyvqimVco, Dionys. P~erieg. 529. Erix -v oQSOGLv I "'v#Qorcov Ua7ru'v.v'#' xi'Et X.iyl'cpcovog (Y1uig. k cYicrp'aoYYo, Cori'. W akef.) uc~j,64av. Z~IOPOKz1E10 f22 pA~qo(x~li vtv XG' tAo aPOTpOV (PE8Q)H (3cGIv. h~qcYC0,3 T. Turn. DimdE "'dchv ~11vot A. 13. K. L. Ihar. (om. '~rwv-") Aid. 964-6. Wunder (Emend. p). 136 f.) (considers these lines corrupt. The sen se, as hie remarks, appears to be this: 'ecce ernie peregrinoruim 1ctr/ia fierce/em hue apporlat, fit pro omico so/licita, lento gressit absqeie strepiila inceedens.' a vwvcv - fpc'aif] 'For, lo! here is the strange tread of foreigners.' Sehiol: &lov, tgca6atgi Uvov ixvdQJ~v 16au Xnd [h?] "Vlov 7rx "ovg gvvEaxixrv. Poetically expressed for a~vot y&Q ot&W rtLvE 46dfrtlot pt'cvova. The abstract for the concrete, as in0d.17.i~~ocrz r2.d &Gtt P3cwt ('every horseman).' Musgr: 'gressus peregrinormn fierce/em e.,V more stipantium.' (Whio adduces instances Of Eao/ltASl v 'to converse with.') Vauv. explains: 'segregatets a tnrba (supposing a certain number in advance of the rest to be carrying Hercules, to avoid the noise of thje crowd).' Cf. Eair. ic. 1070. a' ay, ai'yu, 61ya.XQe~rtczV I V'3atv al'g#"Vofrct xavd6m yvvactcv. 'Tread, step.' But isu3~otg correct? If so, we heave (j~deigt) T) Q~t 03c'ov 967. See Seidl. ad Eur. El. 582.Pehp wesolrad Xa oi' V2)CV ~YCQ EGO" OfL1?Og WYE T~ E~,(YQO. Or i vm, yuap "-'lpq0 rtqW~ 0nthce (Cf. 872. ttiocv yE vcu xt~rov4ta'v.Ish Suppl. 355. pcQ - ttt~OVT x6v& c"yv(0VA #E. Or - I76 Gira~ Or, ~i~l aEV~jV yaQ "Cy y v (o r?a6u tv) ZI Y' 0'yt A (U. ha tr t: dtv0'jttog "(Y gc46tg o,;raCv6v q' (ooir vtv. Meineke eonj: a~vij ~-Svcv ycQ -'sv " r 404itnaog] 'Foreign, strange.' Sehiol. alt: U'q#q Dindl: 'inseeta.' Compare the epithet ~'aE6Qog, Fr. 578. r('g 0"QVngV0 oiro Erpon CO~QUv i'xzov; I doubt however with Nauck whether?4ot~u)oc is correct. It is probably a corruption of?E,6' Jfrn)og. Schol1: a"#oiaya 4FVcv c~V6QJ4v (TS Tng] Perhaps 7Y'W lyyV'. Or a''' 1yyV'g. 965. 7r& 8' av~ A. B. K. L. hlarl. Ald. Wund. Dind. zjrq 6' cv' T. Turn. tri G Ilerm. Wend. Matthi. Schin. 7r& xat' Mein. (coll. Schol.) Ilerw. A. C. p. 22. Qu. Tk&6 uai, or 7rg2~ag, or "apYrv. Or radF, ~(7VTcI, 6%p,F~ or XFpat. Cf. on v. str. 956. Toesij cpqovd Harl. For ce' cpt'aov I read xo'g cpiov. 966. 7rpoxfqotlfl~'aA. 1,TIar.Ald. Hermi. Dind.&c. 7rpoexiyoleplvav T. Turn. 7rQoxrJ6'oftvav B. K. L. V. Schol. Eeisk. Heathi. Wak. Junt. II. Schiol: co 7 y(v;EQ (p1 iah'' 'ov mn~ottdvP)v "Voipoov qpFsQt rnjv (3ce'tv. Whence Hiermann couj mrag &5 (pQo2) vtv co's ~(ptov 7rQoxndloftivav 3Pca6ntav cU'ioqpov q~prtv PUcgtv. Translate: 'caring as if for a friend.' Pug apscv] 'Heavy, s/ow.' Musgr: 'tentetm incessem.' Dind: graien?, i. e. torden. lierm: 'msts/em.' In like manner Xo Po often means 'agile, qeick,' as in Ant. 224. xoiirpov laacpa zo'a. Qu. O(AEsiav, 's/ow, measured.' Cf. on (IEd. C. 875. Hiartung reads 3Pqcd&Wlv 8' - But cf. v. str. 957. 967. fPc'atv] 'St1ep, tread.' The sub~ject of cpF'Qvt ~3c'atv, as the text nowx stands, is P3diatq~ But this seems very forced and unnatural. Cf. on 964. ft.#w-*w mmxwp_ -M TrP, XII'VIA I 20(9 06it, avuvdcaro~ p4qmratV~VVovrc ~ra; 7 rAA1 02X. 4opo -yco ao-oi In the same sense Euripides uses.Avgtg, flee. 67. mv6xE&,c 03qa8Vtnovv I"v at' cLQaQcov =QrozstaEGa. Ph. 852. 7rvxvq'v 6E jgat'vwv Uvatv ro6'cov &C. Here. 1042. 7ttQL~v 6t('xxv k)vCLv. Herwerden corrects, "5opogo qiEest (POQUV. It seems improbable that S0o)hocles should have put j0c~atv and "6gso near together. (154t1J I3~atv, if sound, is put us i'0aog (pFsEV, yAcoaaav, &c., I suppose. 968. at' al- at' l K. L. T. c~ ~a~c? A. B3. at" at' at Msgr. at' cd Illerm. j. 1? at' Herm. dafa Erf. Dind. Wund. Schn. Bgk. Nek,. 0"'] 'See here he is, lo here.' ' 6 ' conj. Schaef. cUvav~og the mss. and T. dva 68arog Erf. Herm. Apitz. Dind. Wund. Schn. Hart. Bgk. Nek. Copre cywvnxog (Ed. C. 1283. Qn. "vav~og 64, or Vav6o TL Translate: 'speechless, utnable to give utterance.s Erfudt cmpars Nicand. Alex. 560. av aav ips czvaThrvr5?CoThcv. Epigr. ap. Snid. v. &y~ocrrr'a: N,~v Elg yaV CCACU66WgG czvav d~~r, T rs Fo~,a I x,,cat. Compare "v60'zog Aj. 162. 969. rt( %4 Q~Vat;J 'What mutst we think, that he is dead, or ihat he is (mnerely) asleep?' Cf. El. 766. ce ZEs- T, xirwra roxov Evrv~ij 4Eyw, I q &tva' ttiv xie6n 8i; 317. roi3 xaaeyvixov xi cpg 4I~Ovrog, A7 ttoAvxog; Oavd'vxa the mss. Wund. Bergk. Nauck. 4M'cvarov Both. Wecklein. q~tp4Hkvov Hernm. Hart. Schm. Nanck. Herw. Mein. Dind. Meiueke remarks: "tnihil certits, nihil evidentius,"7 coil. Hesych: 'A47rocp,94Ljkv. c"irol~uvoyn. 'ATroqA& tsj,-vov. a7oaav0'vrc. (bPt'Itsvot. qfavcivtsg. Vi'4rsvog. v0ao'V.,So GMd. R. 962. vdgotg - "`4P'9to. As the reading and the metre of the corresponding verse 960 is somewhat uncertain, it is difficult to determine the true reading here. Heath: rxi 8i Zp 'av0'vxa WLV -; Erf: xit xp 4 PEs *'aVo'VT VtV -; Naueck conj: rt' XQ 'r xalt' vo7v0 WVv ovr' #a V0VX0 xeevat; (and inl 960. ZWQFL'v XrQ6 64eot(V AIFyova' I "1a7Mx6v Ti. #a;1a). 'Perhaps xi. XQA7 vIrQXQ6va ctrxv q naq' -LOrx xz Qq 1 TA~v'qX6x' xa&~ -; Or xi' zQ, vs Jxc2 vtv ~)xa'q' -; avovxa is prohably a gloss on rp,0itrsavov. But the simplest correction is perhaps that of Ilermann,7 which hadI also occurred to myself. If 9"'varov be right, we must understand xrax", from xa*' firvov. Cf. Ant. 920. 4~avd'vroe (#ava'xcov A.). But the expression xar~ *Uveaxov FIvca 'to be dead' is an unheard one and sounds strange. %ad' Vnvov] nc'0vXrvov 'zReiske ad Const. Porphyr. II. 528. Dohr. 'Both. Mciii. Ilerw. Seyf. ad Phil. 30. Perhaps rightly. 1(d~virVo9 'fast asleep' occurs in Parmenon. ap. Athen. p. 221 B. Arist. Probl. III. 34. 2., XUVXrvi Nica-,nd1. Alex. 434., %czVt7rvtog (Enom. ap. Euseb. P. E. 5. %acv~vrvoi-v Hlerod. III. 69. VII. 12. 15. Xcii. Mem. II. 1. 30., %aqtvrvcoatg Arist. Probl. XI. 17. 2. But cf. Phil. 30. xa'9 {v'rov - nX"vaVt6#si'g. We have, a, treatise of Aristotle called 7rE91' xsqq XXa& V~rvoV tevtUVr1q. 971. c0',ot A. B. K. Ilerni. cottiot L. oi'Itot Dind. I3LAYDES, Sophocles' Trachiniae. 14 "') I ( 21() ~Plk) OKAEO f~7 7rZE, 6,u,,'('a~'(4Ao, r( 7W4OJ; T ( Y lNlaoiua; (qtk0(. HPE~2B Y2.. (5 ytY lrgvovJt XV/5/ c 0Qa dYvjVV Izro W~o3qtcovo~. 975 UNc aov A. K. L. T. Aid. Elyc6 ao6013. V6 ao~ Br. Wiind. Dind. Ilerim. Hart. Sclm. Nek. E'yc6` del. Wecki. Dindorf con~j: oila ot 'yS eo', ~rdx~, S f~d1Eo ' 7tx irco - As Hlartung had edited. Bergk:cto E-YLO 60?)I ),Cr 2aT EQ, co, oLtE yW cov 19 ilXkE',E0. I xlt 7rc {'o -; QI. OILO?"~ 0 SA' 7E(XTEQ, Oit"110 ly diG ttO. #iltr, Txl 7r c{Co -; Cf. (Ed.C 1.c~t y, t '#cto), TJvov, "ttJot. Ear. 11ec. 612. Horn. Od. 5'. 465.5 EyS(, xl 7rc~co; Ttl vV ttot ~iLquxtaa yEvqxat; Theocr. III. 214. 0t' o tt4, 9 72. S(fOCL tu o fLt ot vuig. oi'iot Dind. co Gayo A. B. K.T. '7yS Gofy Br. llerni. Dind. &e. 973. xl' gr 'c,;] On this formuifla, T' 7tc4o) see Gatak. ad Anton. XIIL 16. Ilemst. ad Lucian. III. 333. Bip. Valck. ad Phcen. p. 335~'. The wvords sseem- to mean originally, 'whet shoitld I1 becomie, what shuoulci I emlerf/o?' Buit I hiave never yet seen any quite satisfactory explanation of this fam-iliar phrase. Cf. on (Ed. C. 216. "i~t T5 xl xr e a -; ~seh.I Pers. 909. xl' 7rU'#o xqtWov; Eur'. Sappl. 259. xl' yGcQ narco; Phcen. 909. Ilec. 618. Arist. P1. 603. Nuh. 798. xl (YJ lLq'lG0~LLt;] 'UI'hat slaull I contrive?' Schol: xl' xJ.ZvcaaoaU1, 67rco; Gto#SlrJg; Odyss. V.. 474. xl'7rx' Fxt ttsi~ov 4vi cpQrGtL ttrGamt E`QyaV; Enur. Hlipp. 5921. xl' Got fttrGOfLca; It seems th'at IHylins, from the post or hie was in, thought his father was dead, as we may infer from the question he pts 97. C59 V79 ylav; 7j q; For the change of mnood ef. Aj. 404. x7rat xtg ovv q)lYi; TrOi to cv ttsv5 (ttlvto?); iEschi. Sept. 1060. xlrt "#cw; xl Th ~5; xl 'uqttofllit; Suppl. 774. xl' 7t"G6~sa~a; 7t0L rpv'ytoaFv ',47rlag; Eur. Ion. 758. si-oF` l ttorv 'r xl rO~ Compare also Phil. 1404. cdlrtav 6E' zre3 'A~at~ov qpE~~otatic (T~'o~tixt L.); Eur. Her. 439. quiv C' oiC, 43 xl' zQ haoltct. Hlipp. 1066. xroi h O' 6xriq"rOm xQluuottat; Possihly however p77'aofLat may he here put for ftnqatofrat, according to Epic usage (e. g. Horn. Od. y'. 22. MIvrcoQ, 7rw6 Ux' a~Ito, UTo Q zqooGrxv'~olzat ccixdv; Od. ci'. 412. 1-7r;jV - rFJLZUrGGmxcT, aLs Q&40ttFLv for Clor Ed. C. 1725. (where see note). Seidler de V. 1). p. 194. would pitot" oiLt extra versimi. oi'~kot A. T. Dind. Nek. (Araot B. Wund. om' K. Ctluot L. CO Hsou Ahd. Br. S) Itat p~ot Erf. 974. The ze~G~vg who here speaks, is probably the most adva-tnced inl age, and consequently the iuuost fit to he the spokesman, of those whlo had accomipanied the hero from Enboea. Cf. (Ed. It. 9. alya th ms v. GLYUat61 i Hlerm. Hart. 1Bgk. Xtv qGkj the mls's. XLV J6SL9 (a doouhle dlot over t) T. Qu. o'ar vtt2bj 975. cattocP9vag] Schol: i~xc~ 56 Odvvcav rpdvav. (Cf. Phil. 1321. 5v 6' Ilyelt'oaut, &c.) Cf. Aj. 931. Ph. 194. So (O'ya0v~toq Aj. 8!S-, Ant. 976. ~~j ~mi Wakief. E MA in TPA XI N VIAI I211 GTO~~w 60ev TA AO2. 7tCAJg Tp)jg, yzq0V;?j j; J1PE~2BT2:. jo 0 ~v~rv) XcTrOxov 7rQozrETf] 'Prostrate, drooping as if dead.' I. q. 7rovcozr'g. Musgr: 'in mnortemt vergens.' Wunder: 'ivili enim, qanis prostratus in tecto jaceat.' Schol1: Elg rOyv qcvarUOV 1rQO E2'V,:XO~g 71 MYrce1tuEvo9, Etq xrv yqv ZxeA)V, q E7rt 7rQOGcOlrOv uFtlEE Lvog, Y1 XLL Popov xEFtEvOg. Cf. 701. TOOtdV&. xF~trca Frorr ('running away, swealing'). Eur. Alc. 143 ri EOO~IJ al? To uV sziV) %a' 7PVZopQaUy6. 909. 7rot~~ '7id Xcdrug f~V cE 1 " 7rQoT(ET7J~g OW0. 931. ndq~ 7rqo7r,-rflq ('% t6rov rEQeO'Go). Jlpoc.pramnot. EL' a' ncd 7EQO7rEX~q y~VOTxo flC flCITEQQ,10E ELIE( rflg -Afig~Vj k?7rL 7EO'da, 8FVOTEQOV 'Eartv. Compare the compounds.7rEvcrvr'J~4, 16V~IrET" 7 ET. cdi' i'dip dux(0 gro'tu uav] 'But comipress thy nmoth and,- restrain thy speech.' Cf. on Arist. Ran. 43. ov"rot aEul rriv J~jEjrjrQul 6'vvcqvc ttf/ YE&P I Xu v ujv 6~xvco y' lpucvrdv- cl' oliog yEXc5. Nub. 1369. O"Itwo r x'v q'Yqcv 6cnO~v qv &e. Vesp. 1078. r'pY4 171g T4V vFX Eu,9Zcv. 778. Lys. 689..tEsch. Promi. 104:5. &Yxccnv ThI% gro'tov cog iVo~vy 'g rjog. Ear. Here. 1244. i'odv ro',tu. Soph. Fr. 777. 0460v-rt 7pt -ro G-roua. Theodectes ap. Stob. de Rer. Nat. a. XI. "W/', (A) xc'Aav @vi~gru, xuerIQ~tE fiu'vov 77y~ ZudtvO'v. Tyrt. Fr. VII. 32. XE/og o,6~0v6t 4cexct)v. Eiibul. Mein. IlL. 230. YM~covo Tiyc xvtl. Apoll. Rh. III. 1170. 16a g 7/UT uErucZv#F d'cvflcov p6Xov. Oppian. Cyn. IV. 138. 9vtEO'v OELk 7rtovrvcq. Lacian. cal. &c. 24. vYWvar r/~ rxjpvr~ 977. y,,qiv A. K. Aid. Br. ree. yiecv L. CO y1F'ov B. T. Turn. y 'eov. ~~~ yc'eq; [better 77 yu' ~,qj;] eonj. Mein. Cf. v. str. 978. ov' tiq' -'~Eysr-vg ' Wilt you not av~oid awaking?' Lit. 'wi/I you not not (awake?' The Romans would have said, 'Noli exci( e'V.Emi ad Med. 1120. Mattli. Gr. ~. 609, 2. Cf. (Ed. R. 65. oVa' ol rV'O Y &Vdovxrd (?v66vru?) pt'?4vyvt'QvF. ttJ 7~EyQEEg Dawes. Musgr. Br. &c. u~ '~,yF1dqg A. B. K. T. Aid. f~EyJE7EQEtg (supr. rjt a m. pr.) L. flccroov 'Bud..tc~rr6~vov. Cf. Ear. Here. 104i;'. oli afyc G r~ oyV V7rVc 7EilQELtLE1VOV ~EI9ET EX~a#EacU Xwa6V; CYCI. 591. rc5 &4 979. xui flLvE GcgxuIveaLO,,t1gEE L. and so coni-. Dawes. Br. &-c. xa~ ir~ay &vca;j A. B. K. T. Ald. Qa. gn'' cvuxva E4,gEt 7raE 'Atv #th (or Fdovaav, 1242.). Cf. 1259. Z'yr viYV, 7redv rTvdl o"vixncViaua I PaOV, Or on -- xuroyov; rcx X o t lV r/9tq X'VPUl9rqGEEt - fl~eflEV~r1UE1Eq] Cf. 124,2. 0?' 7E'Q LI' UI7CEuV~gaiFJoq I'-xxvFlV Y.ExolV. Wher-e see note. 14~ 212I -YX tli0KA E) 0 TX TAA 402:. j~fXQO~ ~ ~EOV. LTOPE fpWi 1. HPAKAH~2. co0 ZE6 7ror ya~g Yipcc; 7lgC, rot&c (3orw~v X,-tpat 7CE7oV1Jj$E-vo; a ixrot; 8 980. (PotT 'eec- v',GOV] Schol: zT)v pvtctdr. Anit. 819. (p4INVc~ IV 6ot9. Aj. 59. gcuvtcetv voe6otg. iEssch. Ag. 1244. xca~ovudvrj 16' v-GXy~v Sept. 643. 6,'v 9n9oho ppvm'i Prom. 601. xpf'nce XdVTQ0tat cp(Wtr"AOt6t. 981. C(Xl ~i?= rt. p,-lho~ gaQpo; a"7r)&Trov ~LO-aj~ ao, (Pe Jv the 1IaSS. Schiol: all' ['v~ov1eic tkOt TC5 tLE?.EO) ( IQJ'V 6Mi TO azrEToOV Qgc~O. Wonimder considers the, sense of'these w'ords to he: ~iev xed "csZTzov aLVo~ (,Qut~v) E~tuv, q90 v, 'att graivi et bitolerando ctimn impelii adversits me misernm aniumit excaesteaa.' Schneid. construes: 'i pgq4v ~tot UFA,5Xo L p~v~ OV '5og a~r),rvov. Vauv. stops thus: &XX' 'irt' iw ~ coo UzA).rov - yiuttovE qpQ v. I think, rightly. Uniderstand?6r,', orl writealk, 'Zir Or perhaps &"Ic' Ti - The words h%7/' ~LOI ttL,)OCCUr agine 995. 1suspect there is some error here. h(d A. L. T. Aid. 1?zrtd B. K. Qu. &'XlU'c T - Cf. Aj. '208. 982. 4r~d~kova pE A. B. K. L. T. Aid. W~und. Bergk.?'u U /Lro - Fvv q)Qjv Er'f. Ilerm. Dind. Nck. '~p~o'i piv Sehn. Cf. Iliad. n'. 435. &Xa'ty 1Htot cQU(hj) lt/iova qQEg'. Eiir. Ilph. T. 656.?vt y'cQ ucPt1 tyc 6 /vuca EILOVE penv. Iphi. A. 1470. t'VLL yr 'QUM U 'tL~ovr (Tc'FI. Hle.sych: ~L1Q'tovF 983. o6 Zsv Hercules says this onl awaking, wonidering \vlhere ho6 is. 984. vroiG, tor xt'6t, as; wro for r,'vi. fIn Ionic Greek v/OO.t6.atth. 152. n. I. So wrotq 1119. Nauck suspects -vodiai. 985. t7rFaov~qg~vog] 'Torhtred.' Qu. rE7rr-rIrjtEvoq (cit. 1057. adqQc'TW T~qY& %rLtQco4ht' =y). But cf. Thuc. II. 51. xO'v 7rovoi; o V 9~T ~OVTOIi. 6'. 374. c13' qpcx'v, oZ' ~ttv i'~ovro TroVrvpY.VOV. x 7 70. Gad. R. 6 85. A.1310. anid on 103. ahove. "Uqrxrotg A. K. L~. Harl. "'Xq4nTotg B3. T. Cf'. Apoll. Rit. 111. 804, aZbpwrov. The redluplication of the liquid in a qo~ swrh o oie Cf'. Iloni1. Ii. 9, 636. 0CX?.yxr6v yr ~xaxv TE I apttv. 11, 12. t''X~XO 7woA,,t~g4v ~64(rY raca 9, 632. Od. 12, 325. pijvc 64" lroe'r' U).Rjxrog Uri Nxo'ro. So we find U7oHlX 'Et Iloni~'Od. u'. 224. 2A et rv7 Theocr. XXV. 271. (p~otL6t' Ii. 3, 424. In like manner we, find the syllahle hefore the liquid lengthened in "O)Wvfrog, xvvoxsqpc~oq (Arist. Eq~ 346.), &c. Cf. on Aj. 210. Qn. 'C~pqC4'arOLg. Or thus: XFQncIt &.~how '6ve6 ceno~srong (959.). Or xri~zca dvG c~?rc~~exrotg dXe'ljiv Or XFicut c~Vcn7rcdXXVxyTotq 0'6vwaq 7rFrvttFVOq; - ITPIXI INIA]L21.,% 213 (ch'vvat; Oi'1Ot, tto( J3CO 17)Jq1COV, Cv aJL(C I3VXJ~. Cp Ev. HPE~2B T~2: ri~~~' ~~rCA X~~~CCT( ~~990 99CqqiQ(dV 71 vitvov; TAAO~JX 986. OW'vcitg ca''; oi'ttot?Y(O i~tc'tcov Bgk. 0'6vcvetg veo'6v conj. Heimsoeth. 0'iivvcatg co~tol ttot Eyco xXff'tcov Mein. oi~ttot A. K. L. C'LOLto B. T. ot' pto( tuot Br. Erf. Sch. llerm. Hart. cotot ptot Mein. Qu. 66ivvaig; ot'ptor i3-E -. Or 0iivcatyt T"1i68 i oiqrotor 0 c~;t~co pot - 987. j6' UV' c yta~~Q(Y ~Q3%Et Sc. 71 v0'aog Cf. 1010. Phil. 758. js y&Q civxrj -. 787. 7r~oaipnct, 7rQOOS1QETtC z0d YyyVg. ind' A. B. K. T. Aid. Apitz. q' L. iq d' Br. Sch. Erf. Dind. Wund. Schn. j Y' Herm. Nck. I read 6'W. Cf. 1082. 67rnietto' - "' ccz &,~ lrlvq)v. 1031. rx5& lb cev Xojphyrctt. 1010. Phil. 807. co'g ncIS tiot j~Ec cpovrr xceit'~~~~XCL 758. 783. geQvxEtj:Devoitrs, gnaws.' Schol: &o9Ut;t It,, Yj voeog xca avc"LI6xSt. Phil. 745. a~o)~w2~ci TiX~VOV, gvxottwr. Virg. G. Ill. 458. 'arits dep~asciltor arida febris.' qmi', his Bened. 988. '?jdig A. K. L. Aid. Herm. &c. '6,-tg B. T. Turn. Wund. Bgk,. C I ' Harl. g'sne9' Cobet. N. L. p. 215. Dind. Nek. Ilerw. 'i a' (nonne prwedicebanm (f-c-) \Veckl., coil. 974 f. Cf. on Ant. 447. Addressed to Ilyllus. 989. Gtyjj %x5'9,-tvJ ' To cover (conceal) wit/h silence,' what you might wish to say. The Schol. explains simply by atouoiuv. Perhaps there is some error licre. Qu. Gty'v LXV 990. P13Xupc'1cv &] ncai OXE1q'cov hleathi. B3r. Erf. 991. oi3 'YcQ f'A — ] I. q. oi' VY'p F'Xco 7rog wrieco -. Cf. Aj. 41218. 0 O#O) nw 40lAnynnv I "`co Schol1: culavcrog f'x eTFQv E'nVt vrtxovxro ncU'xco. 99.rx~i(nttu xcex~v rz'6, X,,eawvj 'Brook ('enditre) 1/e sight of this ill.' 6vtnQ~czqtt the mss. T. vulg. 6TLv'Cltjtt V-Ilck. (ad Ilipp. 874). Wak. Br. Erf. Schs. Ileisig. Coiij. p. 16. Wrongly. Cf. on Phil. 538. 6T-rQ yELP xcixw. (E d. C. 518. xaxodvj r6' xaxev B. 993-1000. Wunder (v. Emend. p. 138-47.) reads and arranges thins: ( - P3co[UwV, Ij' Itv fL7OT - o' Tce'Xg cD'6cpEJOV "66ot, I 'E(5,V ofco V 0ci 17t k0LI It-Xc co Z8~5, 1 o?'civ - o~ctv. Ilie ejects therefore the words r0i3 CY~xqJ~xqJZv avt'ag ixY'vaog flCrQZ~VX# t. 214 ~YX P K I 1f II ) T~.. [ P,4 K lI[~i. (0) Kqvoa,~e xqkplti& I)UaCLJ II-QCOV. olfaV (tv4J9' Of6 Ct)V LO 993. 0) Krjvcdce X'qttiqp g(3oup~vj A comini-ii constrnet~ion inte,[d of w Kyijvca'cov f3(ouLOv x~qi7lit, aLs in ll orace ' T1yrrheina retpu/e progeitws.' \Vitil pAqrig icottj~v cf. Eur. Here. 985. cY'q~p gopltav I iiZT~s xgj7rW. Schol: ( a C TOV, (0 vytv lL"'trniTUiI xergTo ihcpqog 7r~QtrpQCWtLxiog M, VCU OS A"QTO) rO'7r(O out ohx E= cd~tio9 c(3Uo Y70VE u~?x le 'a 'tTCe-I.I erCulesC expresses a wish that lie had never se'en the Ceuila'rIn promlonltory, wvhiem at the altar hie had raised to Zeus, in order to offer up sacrifice for htis late victory, lie had put onl the fatal tunic, which had cauised him sutch' dreadful agony. 994. gcott~v I~EQcSV, oi'czv (v~v add. Triel.) ~vi' oi'wov ~V~iT(V ' ntot the mss. vuig. gco~i~v, I egQ~v ot'"v oti'ow h 'i Martin. hIerni. Apitz. Dind. Hart. Schn. Bgk. Nek. ~3P(0.5v, I CEQ5v oi'uov ot'ceV hir I1o Wunid. ('E Q65v ot(o~v, 'in retleri for what, how,grand, sacrifices.' Gienitive of price: cf'. 5060.) g~ttomuv I e'Fq~v, oi'azv cY~vli' oi'60v #vat~v hi't got Br. Schl. g3o) ttov.' '9v1(v ot'a E~l~o'o hi g conj. IBcrglk. 'Epjov oi'civ c4v~' toiov conj. Nauick. p3wtdnv, Ioi'cev - aot coj )h.3tvv ft v i ntinv - 1-Lot C. Matthiiasu. We might wvith some probability correct: - p~oiticv I [Fegcv, otacv r&vl' ot'cov ttot. For we find fewoig g3wttoi'g in II. P'. 305. Od. 7'. 273. Or g3oqit~Y, j oi'av ot'o)v li'vatc5v curO Uot -. Which reading would seem to have beeii found by the old Scholiast, who explains,,: otcev - Z'Qtv z c~reWV #ivfL(To~v &z 'Yrc(~o. Or, - oF' v c'vli o'cov #v Gtom ILoL -. Or -- ot'c(v eiv# 0toIv uLot utEXip( IXeQLV U`VVGcg, o~z11i?c~ Z Ei'. The force of 17it here is not by any means apparent (it could only siguify 'to mny prejedice or harmn'); and moreover?iut' ttot flEXE`0 occurred only a little before, v. 981. ot'av cavl" ot'o~v] Cf. 1045. Ant. 847. 942. Aj. 503. 557. 923". El. 751. Eur. Alc. 145. (Monk) Phat. Rep. VIII. 569 A. Symp. 195 A. 995. 01vpiurov] #iVCLOJv Br., because the first syllable of #vgceToVp is long. I think, rightly. 996. "vvaco the imss. vulg. Dm4d. "vvocig Xak. 8dlm. Erf. Ilermn. Wund. hart. Sclin. Bergk. Nek. t'Yvvuagi Br. 'Avvacgwlica means 'to acquire for, oneself', to gain,' as in a~sclh. Prom. 706. xj'v nrQLv YE xgem'ev 17vv,6cUal?F'oV 7(QzI xoi'cpco~. Clio. 845. zr5g i'ov ch'7o~a' (YvV'60)tc; Leonidas Tar. Epigr. 95. xovro 7FQIGGOV In EX IU QiCOV O-Qit61 X(Ygti'60oV rjVVoceo. Eur. B3aceb. 131. Arist. P1. 196. Theocr. V. 144. XVIII. 17. Plat.. Phmed. p. 6.9 1), Xen. Arm. 7, 7, 24. Whereas a'vvacet means 'to acquire, effect for another.' So Phil. 712. EL" TrOTE - CeVVaFLE 7LGT6ZQL Cpolcev. 1145. (Ed. C. 432. But lHerod. 1. 91. O~aov 611?vihencev cav',cet (rd ftoiQat), qtvVv6cir Xat FXceQtfT Of o F. Cf. oil 1216. CMd. C. 767. oh' NDE~?.fovrt 7rQoG#1iolicut oolimieV~tvw?) tceQLV. 0) ZES] co supr. a mi. pr. in L. 997. oi'av ae ~ iF9ov )Jcga~v] Wb4'at a mnaltretuitent then hoast thou hrought on nue,' how hmast thou maltreated me! Aco'griv -rtliEaOlic.tIva therefore is equivalent to ~ffflY6Ce riva (Tr. 1031. Antt. 54.). So 67Tov MMMIRM, TPAIXJAVI/ -N J,4f 2 F-) U t' q ZOT:J(OTrO&)o HV61 6)TV& (,0(f~tAOV (ichot s, -ra' ((xq')Jjroi.1 (uYtuC (11 v#(V~), XuTCuI qX,#1vu- 11-00 rrt' U 0LOc L-( XUQOT~XVIt1; c 0iV VtGi'UtI 7tQoVO1fSV, &C. (f. Eiii. Or. 106O. VgQLG[L u r e /Yutt1![tvvOV; O yVO2'. E'L. 864. UO{2O n)eX A j. 1 82. 561. 1 392. Ant 792. Cf. Tr. t069.?&)OqfTOV u 1)hli..1103. hairt: KJv 0 660tg. einv 1i (()~OV, )~rO(3UV, (0 ZErV, TO~ Ute?.TO 998. `V] This refers to the more distant object x~rjpr' po3cn(nwv. 14'Ideic 1 would thiat I lbed niever- lie/wd wit/ ilto, elles, /Mat I s/iouflI w1i/ess the imaipp)easnble violence of lids miadniess.' Cf. Phit. 96-9. ttqni7ot 6)rpv2)Lv ).utzfv Irr'lv 2;%bQov. (Ed. C. 510. Ear. Med. 1410. oeBq pjt 7rev' tyc pV C" Irs)e 'X 60v rp~LU 'VOYg t076 'GaL. Ion1. 29. co uji wcp~eV cip tl~ iv.Ale. 880. (tIr 7r0T4 — Yi7tteg enptF"Xev eNi,,v pUtvu TrI5e,: 66ttvg. Hferod. IlL. 65. ~te6v O",ptr 1v TO) V,7(V(0 Trrv Jt~qAu~ciz orpv).e t'6 V. IDeM. P. 10,39. p~tLETI'eXV y"', Ng t) ~niome 0iCpCt:lev, XcyeJ, TOVuErnJ'Ro. Arist. liai. 955. cN' T rQtLv &6L"~cet y cop,~ ttdGog 6LUQQU y~vut. QuI. (A) 1 fqi met OT y 7rooeen&Civ 6'a Ta g r)I~ (0rpO,~v 0666e', turM' "XOQeF6TV &c. Or (('Y(dv) tt'n4 oet' Ey 03 TQeo 6 c6 ~ v (o r (0,- 7R Q 6tdc v0 V ') 6 meT'? O]TmEr B. 999. i7LrpsWev 06aaeig, x66' -j,qv2EXv, 06eeeig r6' — Bened. 7z4' "XJ'A)7TV ttlvicg &va'eg Instead of axq'Xqvev iavq~e Tri196'v tt UV tUa. The clause ~'EO - - Xcsrn.9X#ivct is added in explanation of thle precedlig 0I1e rjv o 660L9, or perhaps of 2.O,3v(h w rds rV e6otgi being taken as parenthetical). Matthia-u: " Post getneraleni rei ecxpositioiieiii ena, quibus res acenen-tius declnrnter,, stite copuila siibjiciuit Gra~ci. V. ad. Ear. ilec. 777." ax s 1rorv] Cf. 1003. xauraii1)vi 11oib. Gd. x'. 329. 6o' 6 rn v v 1000. ttnvi'cg &~v~'eg c vic ~ og Vaick. Diatr. p. 179. Cf. Fr. 18-2. iyXvmrov -- UAvOog U'vt'ug, where wve should perhaps restore, tavfcI a. 1089.."vYrjxvv, and on Ant. 1960. Itcvi'c 6Etvo'v "4vnev ritFvog Pint. 1'olit. p).310l1). 7trE'pVX 5,V iyn6 QEU -T, xXVre~6u 4GrV#.1 V 7rraVxran6t fIc~vtcut. avo]'Force, violencee, fury.' Qu. #9wmeno. AEseb. Prom. 885. Vmrd tu UV --- UncVtu Ca norvatv. But ef. on 1_089. Anit. 960. Phil. 259. xafryr~2QXOlvat I p~ThvaWakef. xcc x [IHern.] Weis. Erf. xrce6EpX#iv (!) conj. Dind. lBergk. Although mneoan6ecv had preceded a little before, xufriY6EQX#ivca is added for the sake of perspicuity, and to strengthen the sentence. Cf. ~,sch. Prom. 143. dE rj-r7T', p'6666#a' oi% GF6Oxj 7rQog7reQ7rUTO'g &c. 100t. Sehol: Tr(g, iP,~etv, iF?((O~q ij, tcrQ ic XFtQOJ)v xijv rXviqv r1g herQix~g14?6ptxv~ V/L ge #QCMZ~VGEn To' 7rcel#oq ttv, Et tv 06Z'' ger',1Onto; c~uot'To] Qu. 17yl&~g Aj. 582. '9qedi'v 1nqrpC'eq 7ZQ roetoevx mrnctjtu. Pinyd. N. VIII. 83. Ecoaeu'cd 6 czIV~rjQ veo,,vvov xat' rtg xaacetov #Thx~v. T~ 6' the nass. %vtQoerF'.vq vulg. Tt'g X~QT'vq Erf. Rightly, I think. Yvt~oer~Xv1g does not here mean a chirargeon or surgeon in particular, but a medical man in general, one who cured by medicines, as distinguished fromthe ~o~6 or ~66. who used incantation for the same purpose: 21 G 21 (~ ~'O(P0K/1EO r~' although the art oif healing and thc, practise of incantation were in ancient times often combined in the samne person. Holn. Il. o'. 393. cal TO'V ~rFQZI)Toyota (i. e. E?7rJcc&iiq), sErt 6" XAiC VyQC3 CJCUe~llu CQnlQCvt, i7rca ao ttEcatvct'ov 0'1vvc'(ov. Od. -r'. 457. Pind. P. IfI. 47. rov' ft~v (7v, 06a0L Ito — tov a~,0CV'rovC)V EIXFi3)v ~vvuaovrg, i ro~Ltip XakW-6!dr,q m~rcatcdvot, X alO&t XnFgaEc3a(, 9 EQ[V9) 7tVQ, 7rQ4OLEVOt &fLCag 9 XELqOJ&,)P U6t I tQXXOi at2UOicov Uzcow CUyEV xovg PEiv ttUXUULg 1- tt c~97r 0t6UiC't(XWV, roV9 6cE nQGVU 7rt JrC~g ) yvtotg Q~unOcv 7rvo#EV W5Cpt-x, rovg CMh rogaxig 0QrgvoQOv'g. Hor. Ep.. 1.L 34. (Lamb.) 1002. laroeticg] taxroecag A. 1R. Harl. 'The art of healing.' Erf. observes that he has met with this rare word only in Euseb. Prwp. Ev. MI. 14. i'etv iflToQ1'qg Aex~rp7rtcv. Whence he would emend thus a gloss ofHsc:'InToQ'. iccrQtxn9. Qu. icvr~ Z`'e0', or la'croe 'E`6'. Or icarqj oarrg -. Cf. 1209. tto~,vov lcrxQa rc7Sv 4ri3v nowcov. zrv6 a(-,"riv] Qu. xc~vad ' &cV, and presently lfoipav, as we had a little before Xo'gcav. 1003. ig Zqv~q] 'Except Zeus.' Wander, ejecting the words XcoQtg Zqv~g, makes one line of this: o's xi~Vd' fCr~'Z' MTCUfl? 6E (see his Emend. p. 146.). xc~ruxjqX 'ast1 'Hfll allay, soothe, charmt away.' This applies morce especially to Ucoto6g. 1004. Thxic' ""v 7rdQQGY*Ev i&ot149v the nuss. 'I should look utpon hin even fromt afar ats an object of admiration (i. e. I should hail his approach oven afar off). Wnnder with Neue supplies C ro~ro u o'uv Cf. on C~d. C. 41. Schol: Tjtera "v,7 Xc, d, puxQ0'#.v r~~tpt Tt9 troP #EQc7tFvGovTU~ c#EU L9V ~ t7rE-tt~palLvcov V'~tnv. Who seems to haive, read somiething different from the common reading. Cf. Eur. Ion. 1142. 5#aVpa' U'v#co)'rotg o~~v Anacreontic. 63, 9. mrXoxccuovg XQvaox~TOVg ~IaU~t t'1E'1G#U. Qa1. 7t(c UV 7t0pQW( VLV (or mtv', or xce' 7r'~ o) Mol'opccv. For c' perhaps #Ecup'. (CEd. R4. 1295. #-'apa 8' dlaoVp r"Xc"~ &c. Cf. onl 961. &~Eiro'v rt 40,a~a.) The passage is, I doubt not, corrupt. Tr0QQcoY9vI rOeQQoJ m6o'V Hart. MoetlLv A. Harl. Ald. 16ot'ttv K. T. Turn. ldoelk' UV (snpr. mj a ini. ant.) L. i6oct' UV,i 1B. The Donec form as in 984. 986. 997. Cf. Ph. 1113. 1005-1043. This passage is handled by Seidler V. D. p. 311-6. Verses 1005 f. appear to have corresponded with 1023 f. 1005. IF g. EaT I (in' Om. it) Ic j V3eJnoQov (VcrUoV v. 1. ill L.) Evcmvca'u (smvivieca L. 1R.). I 1&r'gE dv'rcvov EiV'dcat (,,i'v&cat L. 14.) the muss. 'E' 'E. 8'arg ~tL 6VXQto0V Evcvaecu (thme rest omitted) T. Camer. Heath. Br.. Apitz. " ~'& ~ T " em.' gE d fLS S'1 LOQ V 5vcUe, I?&r' air tLE avaravov Seidler V. D. p. 311. E"?r g& 6teqzoov V~c~ecua, rF ttE famcaoV v vctlenc Valck. ad Hlipp. 1374. 'E' g. lir gns dVa6gQoV,?cr' ~m'vF~fai VavE.?,?czg ', t?&H PE 8VoGpoQov vamcerov, v~irtrov EVVjYG1Ict Ilerm. Wand. Hart. E~z PE loi'a9ov 5Vvc',gta Weckl. coll. C~d. C. 583. Aj. 468. The first 1?zr, Dindorf with others supposes to be a disyllable, pronounced &'Mc. The middle syllable lin srVcP"ee hie TPAXINIAJ4 21 c2-17 KIUE P A, ra o E O,~ wto to ti v W1005a Zotii 11 fta',Etco ZO Xei4g t~akes to bC short, hut where do we find Ev'v"~,Fv in a transitive sense? IFI vuig. 11F L. k)' Dind. `E '~' T. Br. or acda- cdc'a- conj. Dind. 8DaftoQov] ye. {a6ctrov L. Which reading Hermann thinks refers to (l6lraevov in next v. E~vvceGLA. B. K.Dind. EvvihuatL. R. T. EVv&a#at Eli.Blgk. Nck. veUrrTOV I-erm. Wund. Hart. Schn. Weise also ejects lcc, as being contrary to the sense. GI. T: %a#Ev8 era-q "'ro~tvEev. Cf. Eur. Or. 152. Pors. ad 988. Eiv&v, I believe, is always transitive, 'to compose.' Phil. 699. KasvvU61FIEV (from xas~o.Eur. Hipp. 1377. 6ccx' -r sv~vceac royV 1%LLOv j(omov. I presumne therefore, the true reading is 5Vv&gat a, as in (E.C. 1571. &c. But the passage is probably interpolated. Sophocles perhaps wrote merely: IF P. I&r~, tL 6tapOkQovI i. e. 'leave me alone.' We may suppose that Hercules bids his attendants, who are supporting him in their hands, or are endeavouiring to place him in a more comfortable position, to leave him and depart, because their handling of his body causes him pain. Cf. Phil. 817. Or If" IF'.?Cssi pE i8V'tLOQOV, acr' Ev'1005 b.?&r pE cdvem1avov EVVc'6cat (E 'v~wac L. R.) the miss. om. T. Br. vgr era-oy vvaeac Dind. E&#' ~ect-arov Esiv~e*at Herm. Wund. Schn. Erfuirdt compares Hom. H. in Mlere. ~289. cU.?V U"E ptn ZxraTOV E XaCt Vaerainov ~irvov tcereyg. And Od. v'. 119. ViVV femama dlEc7SvnGEtUv. 1006. zi (icaf L.) pov ipcai'Etg the miss. vulg. 7rj 7n~ pcoi - Seidl. 1-Term. Hart. 7raE, 7Zri ~tov VpaV',tg Apitz. Perhaps 7Zo t ov Vpctscu; whir tone/test 1/iou mne? V. schol. iro! x1ivstg A. L. T. &c. vulg. -7roc dE xUvutg K. 7rt fVov xXt'ivtig 13. icoe pE %UVsc W~akef. Vauv. Erf. 7roi,xamaxXi'Vscg or 7rot %at XIEg conj. Wakef. Dindorf also suspects a syllable has fallen out, to make the mietre the same as in 10217. Qu. 7r& gov VceaILg, Zra; irot XUfVE-tg; Or irot ('for what purpose?') -; 'For what purpose touchest thou me? for what purpose (or whither) reclinest thou me?' We must suppose Hyllus to be handling his father, with a view to place him more comfortably. Cf. Phil. 816. tti*Eg ttf'#,, g. Ns. iroi' ps,-5; 14. tkia~ noo. I NE. or' pin '6catv. Oit. a'zo` ftr '41g~t, "~'v -rQoG~t'yn. Schol: irri ttov vapEtVE. W9 E-paimotT0kV0V awrTOV ToV 7rai89 E= Tco yvemat, 7r(cog Ez5L mo Gfaftart. Idem: irot' (sic) ipit.7o'Jv a b vri viaspiacvxa rrp~Qo3v X1/&E XaZXELG6E To, ec-Otc ILov. -- 7tov 7tQ06"yEtg cT~g XELQag; 1007. cicroXE~gtt ae7roXEtg-1 'You will he the death of me, you will.' Ph. 817. El. 831. Arist. Pac. 166. ctyzoXEtg It, a'MoXEeg, Nub. 1499. a7ro — )LELg, 'n oT~tg. After U'iro).Eig two letters or one erased in L. 1008. 'c~vax 'TocP(YG mcr xai, pV'ae, 'You have awakened whatever pang was slumbering.' Suich appears to be the sense of the words. Schol: o rc v i~e~cie roy nanyXO rovsov 7tatv nVea' avsE1 t~oiV 0 inc av 0J n yo irvev, mOvso (Yti E~a Porson renders: '-You have overturned (disturbed) the little which might have winked (i. e. the little sleep X(NJ) I 0K JJ~( 0) " rpffr(( ~1l', l2TOtOIo, (c) cl' I q7113(ru wroi~ti-1 F(4T wi Ifl I might have had).' (Ed. C. 5)10. 5120Et0 f -VT 71(;Cd YQ-Vot;;h 01)II XU (1~,Y12tQUtv. liEd. R. 198S. T t 1 y(Q ~t TIV?' Uqpij, I TOVT.-7T 4Tc?%rc.V109 uogro c7e( virio appears to answver tI this. Uvxr~ro~pag A. K. TI. lBr. ('evT,6TQOT(Y B. Cv ce T2TrQ 0 (P f Erf. DindBerm. Wund. &c. 'You have r-evivedI.' att xc ftVtj U X nc~tr u.0 it XCettt!I~vO Hart. 'U/wiever, maiy have gone to sleep (lit, have shut the, eyes).' Ant. 421. ttoV6VTsg YN' si`Xoutv (?) at'dcv vo'6ov. Fr. 75'a4. tt V4 I xv 0a 6oQ X C -. Ilm. I11. w) 637. oV3 Y/IXQ fLCIVGUtV 066F iirO (3)~qaQotatv 4tgoiatv. Eur. Aled. 1183.?~ ~uc~vxo o~tcro~.Arist. Vesp. 92. 4v 6' oiiv )t-aceuvt6y a cv &c. 934. inqv'E Y Tot. Q a. 0 rT, xtytqkVaN i. e. cqv).988. at 6cg. Horn. Batr. 192. O~xvi'XEacecv (fyt) 'Roev(ooVTrvI ova' OlhYOV xac tt,~Gat. Xen. Cyr. VIII. 3. 28. 6 5M xcrqfo i'j Tj j(O.Ilpor p). 1230. But Wunder with some reason finds a 01ifficulty in the Subjunctive v q~. (QaU. Tt xr nUvekVv (or % 'tqtvaEv).) Linwood reads " TI, xca et II The corresponding verse is 1030. 1009. iqprxcd ~tov] Svhol: flcelppCTo' tiov. (TEd. Col. 955. TWO yUaQ l#aVovrmv 0V61 t.o YIEcI Plitt. de S. N. V. IL. 217. 4' VOTtQOV U cEVJ7 Vo6og flat, atf9t ~ TOy Owf6ttxog. Dein. p. 561. Tol-) 7Tay~tctaog )77trctt. Above 778. SiIOS'Yvvog a7IceQayfco'j ctVT oV) 7TVtvfIVU0V0 cav# 'pcero. Perhaps q'Vpcd rcov, 'you have touched mne.' 'rriclinitts thils inl one line: qiJIITcC ttov, vo'6og. aJ~IvT# E2QIISI. TIov, 2T0o352v tAT Tororoie K. TO x Tot o, L. Tororot' A. B. 11ar. To~r5' rot Aid. A. v. 1. and Sehol1. (To' Xtvq#bvcW MMr aoS 4ipcq fbv) Br. v 'ioo instead in T. 1010. a1 V#3' ~kernvt the mss. vulg. 4 ' - Schlief. 4" 5 - Ilkirm. Qu. 48' av PEQnLSI. (Sebol: ) v0eo,09 rpi, zrc~tv C?7TII~tSIczt. Phil. 787. irpoo.2QZZ-t, 7rQOGEQ)XETI( T?d yyv. AEsch. Eninn. 878. ysqil ""p1Xrog aXit(vqi?1,UEQtkr(0c v06og. Hlerod. IV. 187. "v 5Gv 67Lc~tOfLO E~tIYeVLqTOI &C.) Or av cti ucnrzt (cf. 1088. &et'VVTct YUQ UV6 7rci t v). O r q& 6~; IYQ v X (cf. 1027. Q6S 'a ctQ v~o) e find indeed "vT inl Y'schylns (e. g. Ag. 1045. av5'c3rE 6vaqpao~~ac toy qvo~v bc~filt it occurs no where else in Soph. Cf. onl Ant. 462. Wunder connects 45v, with ijzTcet (considering roToTot, as ]parenthetic). If such he the construction, we must stop thus: ~cxcr.a q~ cv, Tipzct (cf. 1082.). But I much prefer the other arrangement. PI ' A. K. L. T. Aid. ~4' 1Ii. Sc. 47 v0'oog. Cf. 987. 45' ai ~tttcY~ff (3VS.1031. ro6St ~c' aX cop3&cit. 1082. #aIVEv ""fT1q 67rcea~uog czetcJ 66' ca)-. Phil. 758. yxv 7cQ tvxrj. 807. Wog 7'i76 ttot I 4Ett" IJJoLtr-, 783. arXy'~Et y(Y' ci6 tot qpothvtov xdS'?k jgv~oi I xvjx~ov e~tatc. 787. ir'To0 ~ Qz a~vrt, Zxg,5'~z TO yyt'g. I read "5': cf. on 998. -7racv the m-ss. nro~ z ltvv T. Qu. zco~ (or 7r '# i. e. 7r6'0L) a%' The Schol. understands no'Dvv in the sense of 7roiii, comparing the o6Xv56 Otcv 69 or 7'X1,.-v A'04# vi of Homer, II. (3'. 267. Cf. (Ed. R. 1259. El. 1058. Herm: 'zinde nmihi auxilio adestis?' (quia nullo ex loco quisquarn adest). Wunder explains: ' Whence are ye, fromt what land are ye comze?' Hercules MM~~ J N 1 4 1 219 &CAiEX0IWV'1 0'T'A' XC(t' VlYV 4FK701 TC6,J- iio50-~1'rt 0?' 0r VX Eyx0c. TL4 oriq~qt~tov 01'1 XQ TQP'`0(Y t. being suplposed. to address those wvho had conveyed him to Trachis,. Cf. 9634. lie comisiders that Hercules means to reproach them and theire country s the most ungrateful of all mn l0ll. Fc~M'covi "v#QeJ'7rov Wunder (v. Emend. p. 147 ft). K6iicly conj: 7rr'#t 6' i'er', e) I 'E~cevsg, 7tIyvToJv Ua(txcorwrYOL. a'6xOc'racTrot] 'Mlost ungrateful.' Schol: ctZ~y~t 6rerror"o. Wahefield qiuotes Epist. Ilebr. VI. tO. ou' yF'Q ~o s~ t o you ji6)Jv &c. Virg. G. IL. 460. 'Puindit liumi facilent victumi justissina (elmis.' ovq &( - Sehol: OVG?yo irjj tAv xczr& #Xcerxcv, ir~ 6E 1?v m,' usgw~ov Tt'VTCe TOITOV XCeia3GQCOV, xCet V7t19~Q G'J~Lceg Exilvrov Eyyvg. 4irVccrOV?Qysvotrrv. Cf. Horn. 11. in IHere. 4. TZ;QtLv ttEv %tcac yal-av a1 a rp rrO v )I F CZce 7aaOttEV0g 7tOfLZ'tqtV VI Evv4ro&cxo 7ro).?2 'Ur'v aixo~ Eor~Fv U'r th'g~Xa, 2roAXC' C cevi5)~. Pind. Nem. I. 61if. 0 ~5Ot (PQC'~s xcz' TtXVrth GTQUYXO~, irotceig oftt! 2.16 xvXcatg, o66Ogvg ptSV IV %Y1~Q6rp XrcvWov, OG60Vg d5 7r0'VT0 4Y17Qag "46Qo&Yxrg. Nem. III. 40. dtc'lcaa 63 #i~Qoeq?V 7ta"cyEt VT7 iQOX(09 (Hercules). Fuir. Here. Fur. 225. Trovrt'ofl X re#CeirtYTV yZEo9V r' "otp3cg. 399 f. 853. Arist. Vesp. 678. 7roW a pllv?v jyf, zxoX)C2 &' lqp' 137Qi& 7trxvX.~Ec'Y. Lucan. IV. 618. 'terras inonstris a'quorque levantem I 7nagnaminum Alciden Liblcgas excivit in oras.' Hlygin. 89.. Hence Hercules is called 7rob.vr2~ayirog Eur. Hlere. 1196, and 'vagus' Hor. Gd. I1l. 3. 9. We should probably correct, as Wakefield also ropoed, o 8 &J -, 'for whom, for ic/ose safety.' Hlartung reads: ov 0 71 e5oe r'?v 7rvx -. Connect 8' with 7co1U mut sn. Cf. on Aj. 9914. 7o2X"' ApEV] Qu. iroW prdX, or else xar"' 6 (so Wak. prob. Dind.) A~Qtce 7COUr &C. 1012.?v A.?vl B. K. L. (4tvun'vvcot).,6Qij 'Ce de'c (suipr. t) K. Cf. Homn. Gd. 4'. 3533. 0"# rE mo rjv 7 vro)nv-,a1rog Vi1g. Futr. H~el. 1325. 7rE~tQtVa ncrtra 60Qt. Theoer. 25, 48. Hlesiod, Op. 528. llesych: JQL'ov. 6~vfro, vlq Anglice 'forests, thickets.' xtce~ai'Qmv] 'Clearing' of wild beasts. Cf. 1061. oi'0' 0eiqv '7?IYaa xseafrrdpcov Uxopiqv. Arist. 1013. rotov6' 5FVQovrcg I~s(cxv T,~e6E xcG~aQr 'v (a second Hercutles, cf. ibid. 1030.) &c. Hercuiles is here said "'vafqe0'rOVg na'9cdQsr,- men being purt for the country they inhabit. 1013. 0'cxo`fuav] 'I toiled, exposed my life.' Schol: i'xcqr~vov Myt, -yyi;g #avc'rov EyEv0'.r1v. Cf. Phil. 686. C0XCxEO' C'0Y' cerTt'tco. Ant. 1286. Arist. Ach. 70. Ecp' p~tqacvfaX~axJo xarczndU.VOt, ChrO2Jr~r sVOt. ii. e'6QCZ y"' E'6YCO v 'AVyco I 7raZC' xr'V E'7MX2~tV 1V CPOQvrTc aXc-axr4ttrvog; Said ironically. Pauil. Ep. I. Cor. XV. 31. q~LE QaeV U,avYjenov. Above 652. 7rU'ynXavr~og ai'Ev cm)lvxo. xall P~v?brl r66F vogoiivrr - Schol: xcr' viv, cpipii'v, os'6,'t?xdtMVc imr' tttOt VOYO'5Vur, OV 7tVQ, OV~ 4t(pOg 6l)rnQtOV TrQO6C1aYC0yV U=Czhl,4s-t prs rob ~~v According to some the meaning of this passage rather is as follows: 'And now will no one cure my wound by the application either C - 220 220 J~~~IYPOKAJJ) T2 of fire or the knife? For these were the two usual remedies (v. Blonmf. GI. Again. 8-22.). Plato Gorg. p. 480 C. z(YQE'stv caV6QEe(o3 r~livitv Xcii xtyEv VO) lTQc5. Rep. 1II. 406 D. Gorg. 436 B. Plat. ap. Diog. L. 85. ME X~QovQVtxri (cf. 1003.) 8t"' rx ripVEv Xtv x %cd~tv Jvyt"~EL. Xcei. Anab. V. 8. 18. Xati yc, ot ilcex~ot r4LVOVGL Xcet xcdtovav bF-r' U&ycdtc.,Menm. I. '21. 54. a~rorittvrtv Xcet airoxatstv. Phicenicides Stob. VI. P. 80. E`T~ttW 5C~e,. Ovid. Rem. Ain. I. 229. 'VI corpus redirnas, ferrunm patieris el igneni.' Propert. I. 1. 27. 'Fortiter el ferruin swuvos patiernur et ignes' tf-c. Hence a wound that can be cured oniy by the knife is called 7r~~uct rouiov Aj. 582. But neither the cautery nor the knife, however suitable in the case of a wound like that under which Philoctetes laboured, would be of any service in the present case, where our hero's whole body is enveloped as it were in a consumning flame of fire. Not to mention that i'~g wvhich mneans any pointed instrument or weapon, could not with any propriety be used of a surgical knife. Cf. 1033 f. I therefore prefer the interpretation given by the Schol. For h7rt T6E(.e ri7'?t'3)c.91.95 -i qu. Ittot cods or -rod c ~s(..d'?L)cf 81 95 u 1014. 7r~Q] 'Fire' to burnt him alive, rather than the cauterv. Cf. on 1013. i'yogi 'Sword.' Cf. 1033. Seidler gives oi'd' for o5'%, perhaps rightly. ov)Jattcov] 'Bringing relief, heeling.' An allusion to the two remedies by the knife and by fire. Cf. Phil. 1204. Schol: (6rE'qmZatiov, afcor4Qtov. Erfurdt interrogates after 06?7'6qrov, Coll. Ho. $at. IL. 116. 'unde ndhii lapiclem? qeorsune est opus? unde sagittas?' And so Hart. For the negatives Schneid. compares Arist. Av. 980. oi~x 1"6EL 01 XQVyoJV ov6 I-orx?] atcderg o1' 6qvxo)ac7rxrq. But the analogy between the two pussages is not exact. oun a~rore~Vst A. K. L. Harl. Ald. vulg. Wund. oi'ix U~VceWXQE'V, B. oi'x c'vgrxEiput T1._oinx 1rtxge'ipsr V. corr. Vat. Br. (from conj.) Schi. Dind. Hem. cha. gk. E'?7~ iEL Waef (xc never occurs in Tragredy: v. Pors. Med. 736.) oi'x ce'zoq4Et 'porriget' eonj. Musgr. oi3x U 5ro~r,"qVpu Erf. Hartung corrects: ov~erqtov; ovx ff7rorQ~ipcet, I E.'F, IToVs', a-.a'a Schneid: 'adinovebit' (coll. 995. Aj. 773.). Wunder (v. Emend. p. 151.) with reason pronounces oViX C'MTrQ~iVP5 corrupt. Q L. o XE'Qa rei~bt (Aj. 772. Er' EX#oig X,-Qcc rpotvtcav rx~zruv). Or O',V 7tCeQ E'st (or rroIMGt r7QG~~L or 2r '6(Et, or 7rQol7r'pipt). Or o;i PE'log (or yE'vvv) oVdst. Or otdl 1tceZXitQeV., Or 0vTJ76qtfOP ov XQ~ru izpst. Or 03vn6tfiog coeir, (or iart, or c01m, or 6~i) 1roQL.~Etv (or 7r(LQ(LgX~tv). The Schol. explains by 7rQogcuyay0ev. Cf. Phil. 1204. ~t(qFOg si 7ro10'FVj 7 vvv n 3~ev~~~~lces() O ~iv Tj Q 7r PI.; r&' &Y'r o ircvrvxce XQ~c Hrito) xEQ1' Cd. R. 1255. Tpotrr 4v'. E'. 238. 4iVf dovet'. 1015. 's C" A. B. K. ftc '~ T. U". L. lqj Dind. Oi 1' UZUc4cnt ngJi4c Pj1'oV #i?.sr fMOXO)V TOb 6rvyEQoii;I Schol: oiY &-i?nXvEvL'W t ~ov P.srcETU s)Ocov XV T'VXCdSeX V ttrov c'7rorsjtiv, Xcii Rv#,QiWaa rob p.oX~qobi Pl'ov. Which is a very free paraphrase of Ilm TPAXJINVII. 221 gwoc6V roy rvyQOV; qmEv (pEP. HPE~JB V~'. 5 ~rcd rov' &INY~O~,rov~yov TOL ~ ~uto vXEt 11 the text, as it now stands. Wunder (v. Emend. p. 161 f.) considers ~7a "ci~at - al)~u corrnpt. Qu. oi'(V "'nuar 0tv(r4o T aWQ 3ta I E2~Et —; (The metre the same apparently as in 1005. 1024. 1041.) Or OVW ay7rQUt regttov TOVx XWap 9-E~ xo ry0) L~rv (Metre dochmiac.) Or ov '7re ~ ~Xc&T *E7lst [o2.C4 I TO~ ezTV'yEOil; cpr qPFv. Or ovW U'raecat xQarce' 7' 4aov #Elt -; Or ov'8 C'apraat?6aOrtus Vi' Ihcrr~6V7Q~j(vI~ C ~ c~r~ ov (o r r.,a.; So Eur. l-Te. 302. aLtQ0' cVEh xaeo XQaT a~r cca~u t(ov. Cf. Phil. 1207. (cag) XQ&T' aito' 7rcaVTx XU't "Q#QcU ztLCO XcQL. 749. U"rctL17Gov o X xru~ea. Horn. Ii. f. 497. IIqvEaXco F~ EQvc(Ttvog ~(rpog ' dV T!7~C a' CO CogVCjC1. "~ICvy 0'2l~ir 7r'. 1 16. Hlerod. V. 112. deciruvco7r '~a ccrstIE TrO' tm7vrov rov'g 7r'dg Thuc. VII. 63. ToV'g Cr'O TOV 7roxc5ft~ov TfWTua2~60LaTOg 0oiragrc 5 UOqrc41. Vaick. ad IHerod. VIII. 90. Msraecm rsNind Ther. 705. %,sqpcX~ a'7ro *vtLo'v c(QUr. Synes. de Provid. p. 81. rijv xo'rcVc Wqc6fLV~ C17r QUcav Tg U'vaQ0OJ'nov T4'v xEp~? PI, ovj I would read j3r (3x), as Wakcefie~ld also proposes. Perbaps 'y qi,6 Or rather P3'X.2t (Aj. 658). 1,016. q'-Xct the mnss. 49,iot T. ttlovToO gTvy,-govj.v'cov (to govern g3t'ov)' I,- erw. Tovy arvyv& QoV5 piohJv Er'f. Probably rightly. 1017. arvycQoV]~ Qu. gfuvycQoo. Cf. on Ph. 166. 1018. w 7rc~ TOi;1' UV8Q4, ] o~ 2tri~, voinl' cavaqo - Wakef. Ilerm. Hart. TOvQyOV To& -j 'This task is beyond mny strenigth.' Schol: TOga TOVt rv HQcan)a ~ttsilv?artv? ar' lttd. The aged man, feeling unequal to the task of relieving Hercules, calls upon Hyllus, as being his son, to render assistance. Cf. (Ed. RI. 1292. Q'C0'trj ys ~ttVTOt XrI,Q27reoyTqoV rtvog &YETUa To' Y~Q Voo6~t fLta~ov 2 rPQELq-v- Arist. Vesp. 650. XaXE7r0v ttE'v xal drrvq yvc0suq nral ttrt'ovog q' 'ia' rvTQ (Toig taa~gu" VOGOV aedraxv. - ' x& 4rv &trctav] Cf. Ant. 768. 9yqov2LT~co ttci~ov 1) ncur (avde'?o. (Ed. C. 598. rt' 7c'e TO tFLe1ov 2) XWT EXVOQ&)7OV V06Edg; CEd. R?. 1293. Eur. Mcd. 673. 6gOr~oJT5Q Ir ncr cavYdc uvlicax~iv i,7r~j. Sappi. 844. Iph. T. 836. Pind. 01. 13, 109. 5v9,q6rtg ttuagov '6 wco' ~rrv Arist. Vesp. 650. yv 2~ ri~v~i rr ~y1i.Tu.VI 75. ~tci'~co q xcrra auvca 7rmiov#0'rcr. Plat. Crat. 392 A. rak VT t~( '-Grv 1) %Ur, EIAE xra ge'?4rv~sv. ibid. 439 B. ttEd~ov t'ewg lart'v?'yvconc i nr ' nr ra'. Plumdr. 279 A. cloxsr fLLCLVLV1 Ct OV 7rFQL Azva('xv Elvca 7.o~yovg. Phmud. 1). 108D1. XceX~rT'rQOv trot rpcdvrraTt '6 nT&' xi>V Fcrtbc'ov rE'vijv. Rep. II. 359 D. urr(~o a nct car 2' {QcO7rov. Herod. III. 14. II. 35. Mattli, Gr. ~. 449. aev{Et] c'vrI'Xnri (supr'. q a in. rec.) L. Whence, jtci~ov '"v,i'j Nauck. I I 7 i II I. I i ft 222 222 ~~~~~Q~O iQ0K A E' 12 xci 4U T v E iW sc)UV. GV) N" u;VA~ul~oo,3 t", a co( r ipctiiw Pdv E"Ycy~,- 1020 1019. j5fcrtv] W~tcv Harl. 'gol av B. et T yQ ofti ` E fLr~o vj " ( ' 1,u ov a t Sv ] It seemis to mne impossible to elicit any satisfactory sense out of these words. Schol: ai' yc'Q 2~og Et xt 0 VTFQoV 60L TO Oftftt 7reog TO t1a) g ov O 7TU~TEQ& - )lov t lpto~. C. Matthire explains: 'tibi eade swet (acres adliuc ad cuslodiendum ocit' (ad portandumi niecessaria Q'),q ad ciistodiendum fluirzrov 0,uct). But what had the eye in particular to do in affording relief to Hercules? Wakefield candidlly observes on this passage: "Egomiet nihil hic video, nec habeo Ortc git Xcov ipsius senis oculo." Wmider (v. Emend. p. 152.f.) proposes: ao0 L rty"Q orpct (! Hart: GV 6 Gu)Jao!(Ov 0~V` y"'Q o`tu~a I ot 70)~v l t?fov wSv Herwerdern (A. C. P. 23) conj: igol TE y7LYQ i'"tcr I E~j~nov zL7tOV amxstEe'. Meineke conij CV 6' ' 'Ja~l '3 fLoL TO r' O ' ttjt I 'g zA2~ov - ('ezar imorbi maluni i/hal graviore irnpeitu ingreiti, qaimm at soleis per mre Ilercaleme servare possim'). Which correction is probable enough, if we read, uis hie afterwards propoe, ' lc a oi5 6e r(i. e. 'without thy help'). Purgold conj: got' r~I YS Qotfta I F"r2lcov lartv?fto~ a6o'~,tv. Not badly, if with a slight correction we read, Got, 6i YE Q'ei'rc I Eg 7r2~lov -. (Cf. GMd. 1. 700. a11 YaQ TtaVI Ig Triov agjom.) Par ilttir),ov Seidler conjectures siv E3sov, and considers d t' ltto~ corrupt. Mitchell mentions a conjecture aol' T t aQ cI 7? A ir)OV ~ Q n. aol' TE YU', O~t',czr t yo. O 'Got, TF yag oi'p (oi'ct 'alone') Ei'Xoyov -. Or aol' TE " U 'iT6O I Xca'XOV (or fPlXTCOV, or xv Vg)- O o S cQiz I Eg 7r~ov. Or g ot,6E 7r~og pcst Ig z4'.ov Or gol' yeaCQ C'ttvov ITO'v 7rwie' - Or aci, 7ciQ aqrSloP Or got'Tl a" Qc optrcz Eg 7rkiov ('deculs' or 'decori mayis est') -. Or aov yceQ ZQiySLVt Igl 70V -. Or aoic Ya&Q C'ekttvov (or a Vq X E ) 7t X 7L2OPV -. O r oi tQ S 'rEt ~i~a?' 6 II 7r~ov -. For the ellipse of tt&)Uov v. Matth. Gr. ~. 457. n. 1. and on Aj. 966. Schaefer, Hlermann, Dindorf and others consider TS yu&Q to be equivalent to xcsh y"aQ, hat. 'eiamque, eteninm.' Cf. on Arist. Pac. 402. %~Erca TE YiXQ V'V ftci)6V dciav sj 7LQ rov. Matthi. Gr. ~. 626. This combination of particles occurs in Epic and Lyric poetry (where however the rTs~ is little more than simply expletive), as in Horn. Od. T'. 562. 6occat YU~ TS irs?.cit -. Pind. P. XI. 4 5. iAd~ Z E V& aQ 0'j0og oi' ~ttovci qp#0vov. Il. Vp'. 277. Bu4t it is found no where else, I believe, in Tragedy. It m-ay however perhaps be excused here, as the metre is Epic. 1020. t`m)~Eov A. K. L. vulg. E~tmr)Eswv B3. T. (in T. annot. amvlfiatg)?Etmrsov [conj. Ilerm. I Erf. nv zriov Hleath. Ei' P32i5ov conj. Seidl. -E 27rXEo'v conj. Main. The Schol. explains by 0'~V'TQOP. V Yt4toz5] 6 l et a o;conj. Mein. Au ingenious -.and hprobabhly truie correction. Cf. Ph. 567. rj rev rci - 696,at ' ATQSL6tOP Ylxce; Aj. 76 8. IM I III TPAXJ NJAJ, 4t"i, vov () o(; ~vcV ov"T, HN)O4I'eV ovED Up ttrt 'vcat (3(rov' rowimrc vittu ZE'~. H1PAKAH2I Ci) rC zrov zori Et; V.,dtx iYFc,v cov 7r"rotahc &c. Ph. 84Ai0. 4('ca roj(Y 7)Tvr, tiE.d. C. 48. z O'; E code Xc1.,go~t~Etv L. &E'7r.Ftv or aozci'v conj. Weckl. acoxciv also Mein. 1021. Xa#(ziovov - P3(oxov] 'But to render his life free from pain is impossible for me either by my own unassisted aid or by that of others.' Schol: dro' xar"GXEv cv'rov '&rt~L 0~i cp~z~ra r. i'G~t Y,E C j~v rt t V Xu&7o~lrvov t'cwtv -rov d(vvcav o',rs &' 4vkavroi~, o'x 0oj)v E tO ZQG7rrTfV &6vcqrck. Schol. on next verse: rn'v 08'j roy (3iov c~roi,, a~v, o 'ivattat M.4& ovov?'cav 'aux o "rF 'r' '?1wvroi9 ovrS a7rO ZLvog v~av ~Evcov 6Jvcqtca 4ucvt'aca. Reisk: "li. e. neque penes mne, neque penes alios invenio auxilium." Musgr: 'nec opera propria, nec aliena.' Vauv: 'ita perducere ad finem, ut in oblivionem doloris recidat Lf'.c.' Or oi'r' 15'vdo#,,v - may mean 'neither inwardly nor outwardlq (neither in mnind nor body, with reference to Hercules).' tcefi'7rovovJ Aj. 711. "Arceg XceAYq''rovog (schol: Intl iYttcov rig 1Vzq) Schol: Xu&7ovov 4,0(Yu. X~'C7rtE rpa~etccxov (q)UQcoV). 64va -VU jPt'ov the mnss. vulg. and one Schol. ddvvi~v - (3(oxrov Musgr. Dind. Wund. Schn. Bgk. Nck. And so read an other Scholiast. 06&6. vv- Vr orov Liermn. 66vv~cv - fPorC6vnv ('herb') Hart. 068vv~vfPr~zov (coll. 117.) Apitz. Probably ~3(orov is corrupt. Qu. rt &uxog, or cplZQov, or zrarieog. Or 'cev csaaOixt 64&v, 'to devise a mode calculaled to give freedom front pain.' Or thus: - 4avt'aaa'cct (or?~avviacct ri), 0rM Totccvra V'Ettc Z cvg. EV6604hV] I. q. oi'xo4~v (ci. on 730. oi'not). Arist. Pac. 521. z06'#Ev U a~ )c4oepkt Q~tLa ILvetcqcpQ I t9 7raEL~ c; OV 0 Y t Q EiZOV Oi'%O#E2J. Eur. Fr. Inc. 136. rijv aC0x'rQtL'aI2) L Oi'O 7CU9 UVCOVxv GXoVT.F. Wakefield cites Ear. Or. 604. rca ' Tvyov Ed4 ra, x #~aus (v'vsg Th3'cz#rv Fpart B. K. Br. Dind. Herm. Scha. Hart. #VQCC' 1VFaTt A. V. and most mss. Aid. #vea~' -V (supr. aL Mn. pr.) lart' L. #h3Qa~e ["art T. Pors. ad Hec. 719. Wand. 1022. E'art] Eaxi L. -?~ceVIY'aa] U'vvaat B. xotczixc V14LEL ZEViS9] 'Sutch things does Jove dispense (i. e. such is the appointment or will of Jove).' Schol: zrotoera y(X' CCXyr'jkaXT &(4O)6tV 6' Z5-V'. Oxford translator: 'Jove alone possesses the remedy.' Wrongly, I think. VEttu] v 4t o B. 1023. 6 arE' 7ra,~ A. B. K. L. T. Ald. c5u 7rcei G Irat R. 6'0 nrai Seidl. IDind. Wand. Schn. Bgk. Nek. zrai Iraf Herm. Apitz. Hart. Cf. An-t. 948. co 7rue 7raC. Arist. Ran. 37. zactdt'ov, irat, a", iral. In like manner wo find c6 rE'xvov r.E'xvov (El. 1410.)), 6T ZE~ Z,-5, &,c. Qu. CO 7rae, nrob 7ror' Ue El7; Hercules here, recognises the voice of his son. 224 224 ~ ~ O'IiOKAEO T~ tU n4' xovqp'&c~. Io 09 E ~I5x Co) ICA X 4&QCov1. ~)/ czzonPTrOg a&y~ti V0W5Og. co Ha~a{g Ik~' ro64E It' ctv- Ac)ic~4ar. 4'3 7rai, 1030 roy TFvrop' o0xrdact uvricp('ovov Ei'`Qv65v E`xg 7rWO 4ct v o x'1j0. &xov~ 4' i'(o0g, Ci3 t' Eo~coGE 10()3 5 1024. Td ~ts zk(Y 76eicaj3p B. 7rpoa)~upE] 'Take hold of,' i. q. 7rQo0iacvuo2'. Com-pare GvNags 1019. Ct. Arist. Ach. 1214. Xu3pF6# ILov, To4~a O; GnXiovg. 7rcijrc` 7rroo CL q p(~ot. Pac. 9. 1026. F"E (or E10 '?) 1 15W L. 'CC 'E 15' 15 (15~ once A. B. K. Hfail. '? 15) IO5 T. elue, ISt (conj. 1?\1 1L) Dind. `E ', A10 Seidi. Erf. IlTerm. Apitz. 6a~tov] ducdjlcov Seidl. Ilerm. Dind. in not. 1027. 419Qo'taxct (sic) twice L. Schol: cevawirvq&tTca,q v'ao!;. 1029. uSirot'fPaog-j Lit. 'imaqpproechable.' Scliol: U'oazriaulrog. 10:30. 15 Ilu~tc the niiss. T. vuiig. co Thno'cg Seidl. Erf. Ilerin. Hart. Nek. co Hux~& HuXXU&g Dind. (as Sio ZEs; ZES). 15t 15o fHu~au Bergk. 15 xcag Blomf. ad Again. 53. Seliol: '7ttxcuXE-w x%~ 'A4#v,~v E1'g #Fczv. Cf. Ibm11. II. ('. 8. an~s~~ 'Avrj (i. e. gorj~oi5au). 390. Orpht. Hymn. 31. T~eroylvsw, ~IVxsrQcu xcaxv. But why should lie invok~e Pallas Athene to his aid? Qu. S mxrni x~ 7r r rlXvov,' x66E - Or (ac "nvov, I co 7rtrczi, x66s - (cf. 61. Phi. 260.). Or CO 7rcz, 1 rlvv T664 101 z6 ] Ti) x6' uf R. We may understand v H' o the like. Cf. on 1009. 15O 7trix the ~nss. T. vuIg. Wund. Dind. l3gk. 15' Trca, 7rcd,~,TO 5v Seidl. 1C5 Zrrd, 15O, T0nv Ilerm. Erf. Apitz. 15" GV' 6E, ircdi, TO'V [Iberain. Hart. 1032. T6 (v 'Guvr' the mi-ss. T. vulg. r0'v (proQ` Dind. (coll.4ilesych: vregysvvrjroQ~g. and Schol. ad.Ascli. Prom. 233.?4 oV' UI4 PITWQ 6 7ruzxri Wund. Sclin. QU. TO'V 7tUTE'. odxrsi'crg the mss. vuig. otxrptQ Nauck. IBergk. 1033. c'vEirt'qp~ovov] 'Ubioiaable, not to be founvd foe/I with.' 1. q &ucrIitt7ov, UVzoyov, uttoatt'rov. Schiol: Im G7raxaW ttot ~tiqog cUVEUErp-ov,?cp' S0 oi&1g 'GE pr~iposra Cog 7rctrqoxTdvov. Thiuc. VII. 77. Eust. act Od. ae'. 346: ncal 'EpfioyIFvrjg C'6c~sr~Cqp~ovov no rpjax &VsL~rV Cf. XEseli Clio. 816. 2zaEzLV oix E7rqkOUoFcqV &xUV. Eur. 11ec. 288. WMr Xzr~vscv (p#0vog yvvcNixncg. Thuc. I. 75. 82. Perhaps CSvsrr('qpovog. Et'QvGovj Qu. Eti'vvgca. ibm1. Ii. ~'. 496.?QvaGcqL5VOg ~icpog 0~'y And so the Schol. seemns to have read, who explains- hy 1irtaarcigut. EtYXogJ 'A4 sword.' Cf. on Ant. 215. Aj. 658. 1034. Tt ~GOV?Ic&g i7zl xX).q-og vnhg. Qu. 7ruidov iiro' xnqI6 pi' (or- xxnMog). Or zurE8's ~I ' (lruiaov I' utTzp' v`7ro xjj6'og. Or 7r a is 6u\ T'Vd' -. Or' 7rtiI F' it' 1M6 ix~q6iog. The asyndeton here is. siitahle enough. EpZcg A. T. 'tti~ B. K. L. I suspect F~"q 6i"76 yo!] Cf. on 540. M, I "am TFPA XI Ni Al 4. 2~ 2:)5 ~LCT'?JQ UWGHOj COV CO5i ';ri6oiqtt zaovC6u EvvU605V 5&vcw4v It' G)x,-6v ~LOJ 1035. xXjiqEoq vuig. xkq6'oq A. Harn. xO~lji'og B. K. T. xXq(o (Sic) LJ. 1 have little doubt that the solute form is the right one here. Hloit. II. -. 578. T~v tFL'v (YeQ' AT4rq,-Mq 8ovqtW2trtog M,,vF'coq I 16OTx'?yXFi CVvF XUcT& %Xqt&6 rvX2)6cZg. In Latin 'clavms (from x~FYt'). co A. T. O" B. K. L. (a letter, apparently F, erased after it in L.) EXOtoa~s]?Xo'J7,ca Turn. mnarg. Seliol:?iria~awa,,.v. yq. I?Z&.17GE', Oiov zo23, ZQL6E rTiV xtxcovc. Translate E'x)'cous 'has anllere(l, ex aspera. fed, me.' But I doubt if this is right. Wakefield adopts the, reading m~entioned by the Sehol., CZ'qs i. e. 'has poisoned,' or 'has miaddenedl.' Qu1. 16Y~o?.~v, or? rli~arv, or 4Mqyrv, or or cqwaazq, or (Ant. 1075.). 1037. ""v czO' I otitt -] Cf. Phil. 1113. Idoittv dF WV2, Troy Tc~d M6cgatLVOV, -ro 1602' xQOvov Aaai'vr ' vtag. 275. 509. 795. Aj. 840. (Ed. C. 460. 870. El. 647. Ant. 643. Arist. Ach. 1156. 04 'Q"'Fno rz-v~io~ta dF6,gvov..Xsch. Chio. 261. ov~ tflott'?1y5ror ov;cuvO'vueg &e. Eur. Med. 163. JV rrox -YCO 2'VIAIPv T?6ih'otft co'ro~g ff"a~et & SvatogiLvovg. 1413. ov~g atl17loZ iy&) O~qpcov'- pLtFLvovg '7rt&6a. Lucian. dial. mer. X. 1. 02' na~tura ~1iSztfott C(roRiS'ttvov &c. Thom. M. P. 335. r5' E2ris~ov CO' 17r) nro~v In' GvftqoQ~, rituEva. Below 822., T V' 16l X,"Q2/)t,?J2V I lTcf'L~t &STC06,t ZUTQ1, T Jv6' aVrn' Xcs'3ot. a#E o, q v A. K. L. Tr. &'Fg ~v B. aq~Eg rav Seidl. Erf. Il-erm. Dind. &c. Read 0414og, U'v -. Cf. El. 1181. Uwkho Pc!pcu~t-QFL'vov. 123. U#Oco'raTta C'XO'VT. MMd. 1R. 254. C',io?1Q(pa~uinq. 1038. avrcoq, c0j6" ccvtwco the mss. avrcog, coS a w Ilerm., Hart. QU. (X7CtvzcoauJ6VTWco. Schol: Otto'o. C f. Aij. 1179. CavrO)9 0=6r~oars (Ed. R. 931. Ant. 85. 715. 1039 f. Cf. Eur. Hhipp. 1.387. nf~ ~ttc xoqt(tctapt TOV 6v6dixtso2'c VA"41ov U(LQ2t'O 2V'VXPQO'g T a2'ayxc. 1377. X' eq~ta 6t1O(Q&aw~ dite, r, 1040 —41. d~ Jto' av'#te4cuv, I CO y~vxvg 'At~ce the miss. (CO dt6' u' cdft, inmr.am. pr. in L.) vuilg. Transposed by Seidl. Herm. Dind. Nauck. &c.1040. 6 ylxv 1'A1tdceg An endearing miode of address. Cf. (Ed. C. 106;. T'r, C& yl~vxdc i c 'V PnXO'TV. Hence the terni of endearmlent 72L xxcO2'. Utei'aq A. B3. K. L. T. Ald. "At~te Seidl. Henmn. &C. 1041. co Jt' 5acdft'wv' Sehol: Go roi~ zJti' dSApc1Q~ 'AF~av~vii (AI. T: C1'TCCYXp. 1042..4valgeO2 Esvyceov T. Turn. Seidl. Valek. ad Hipp. 1378. Wunid. 1)ind. Hlernm. Nek. &c. Fvvagov It Fvvceaov A. B. K. L. Harl. Aid. 5vaao0 svvca~u2v t' Erf. Berglk. Translate: '(Coiipose me to r-est.' Cf. (Ed. P~1 96l. auttwxp nacate'. a wfw r' tdvcva~c "on1 Eur. Hipp. 1377. Swx T' p-vyteacext ro'vCtO (3m'OTOV (VULUOett. S,'eidler, divides thus: -vVeO wxvz.UWc qq#1,Yaag. cxv 7r ETca, CO' X r 7,- T. Tuirn. (G1. T: -r ax. Qu. (O'vTUcTCw yuoq~. Compare (k)x'oo oA'XVpoQoCeO'TT in Homer. Or (3)XVftog)OE'A t3l B3LAY-DF-, Sophocles' Traebiniae. 15 TOP ~ ~ ~ OPI2 a ax( oat'w &oo cov,t'2JvvTrw. 10-15 HPAKAH2]. (or some other nouin), as in Homer IL. o'. 410. loti I (Or/vzioQoti. S~QY.vn74,J/ is an eJpithet of horses (11. #'. 42. &e.). 1044. x~v'ovG JJL' - Cf. El. 1408. i'jovg' a'vpTJ'oVG6 61V6TUVO~~, wGZS~ qq~~ Aj. 693. zcaxdY, 6vtcqpoea&g A. B. T. vulg~. rZ~66, Gv~uio ~ K. L. 1045. ot'atg B. T. v. B3r. (tacitly) IlTerm. Dindl. Wmid. Nek._ ot'cg A. K. L. Marl. Aid. Scini. The former is ccrtainly preferable: for though threyt saidl 1?tuvsvtv xTvU' 69ro1V (Arist. Nub. 29), the expression gcvttqo(('v?l vv seems hardly defensible. oi'cg logo.-] 'That sechi a person ais lie s/wuld be harassed wvi// sock.' Cf. 994. Ant. 941. oica a to L~W rcyw.A.93otog cOV ot&Jg 503. ot'ceg xuqctuga cv#' O~ov ~ ov zq '(pt. El. 751. Fr. 5S7..Monk ad Ale. 145. Blomf. GI. Pers. 1013. R)UcVsrcaT] 'lHe is harassed.' Cf. Aj. 275. XV'z~ ir&g "X/jqacat xwsi1j. 504. (Ed. 1R. 28. Ear. Ion. 1623. I&V'Ercu iVf~q)OQa~. Andr. 31. xa1%o0t' 7tQg UVrjg gX~rXl'ot?ivopata. Ear. Iph. T. 79. dtoai)~ 'etmvvcov I '1vv 61cae. Alc. 687. 1046-1102. These lines of this speech of Hercules, freely translatedl into Latin by Cicero, are to be found in his Tuse. Qutest. II. 8., exhibiting not the happiest specimea of a translation, if wve mnay ventu-re ft hazard aan opinion, nor conveying a very fiavourable idea of his poetic taste. Cicero in fact, though be must always rank high as an orator a te a nin oflettrswas no0 poet. Simila"r fiflSQCi qrd6r~L~ or 1iocovwbie Hl tin be foundl in Aj. 992-1040. Phil. 343-90. IbTm. Ii.2.. 655-803. 1046. W no2.2. 6j - Hart: Oc; iroxxu, X&Qyco Clark adl Ibm. II1. a'. 395. corrects: 1;i 7Co2.2A ' (?)T E"Qyp TE vxat 2.oyc zxUXI. Wakefield coiij: n~~oW.. - aLyYjc ovco) 6% ro~ov &e. Cicero rei(lers thus: ' 0 multa diclu gravia, perpessm aspera, quae corpore exanclatel atqmie animo perluli! cf-c.' in like manner Hercules addresses himself Einmm. Ale. 853. co TroZ&" z2.&ice xaedt'cpz4 rv,7 ' ""l Coumpare al1so, Emr. Here. 1250. O' iro2.2 &q ijTXc' 'HqcsxxlJg 2.'ysc t Ant. 3:33. 7ro2.Al& rm~ Ftcv"' not'1v U'v~e3ro v 6c~tv o - Q0v 7r~.;~,t. Phil. 676 f. nroi& 6q'i nact #9sQttU] I. e. 'manzy daring (or venturesome) dec(/s.' So 1{oii. Il. X'. 44. vciov 7ro2.2o3v r,- xcri.?E'a#Xv. Qu. aToX2N bj' i oMGM ('perpessu aspera' in Cic.) - Bv~ hold, daring.' Cf. Ant. 88. Arist. PI. 415. co' FQaL'Jv Zyoo x(Moatov - o?4ccavrE eci~cv. Vesp. 918. #,QuLog yZq i~;Q Eschm. EHaimi. 530. vy2.& 46' cd~cz' v '7c' adv6'. 18Sept. 609. vain'rati *Qiot Aumphmis:ap. Athen. 448 A. cY(& -ixtytC v,,ue'XOV 'I-.c4J #tQuio'V. Awt ph11. 5. #,cet~o'V xi.5! C U1()iP 4{tieiroji I.7.Ti r~ q~(1) O ti ~g~~Or -,(0?Tuzrtviztv 1iT/Qj(V. W Nffirxrww TPAX1N)- LII XCOV~tr TOLOVTO)! oT (XOtIg IJ Jto~; 0MOV TO) Ij)I o~t,'g XO(Q105 x U )y~p nun c the, ruiss. vuig. Hart. Bgk. Nauck. za' X yco, SelInI. Z0oi 1,y~o xuxu, Both. Herim. Dind. It. (Cf. Aj. 813. El. 59. 63. 1453..,lso on 747 above.) xci' )ayowv i7r'pc XWnd. (v. Emend.14. id Iferwv. Wecklein. Wunder compares Ear. Iph. T. 900. $?v troeit auvyLO:a~roeat ca. ttYVcov 7i~cz IcTUW,id~ov u'rb &c. 89 Jcvt!&v7~~ 0o'ye (a Tzc'6 H(c ee. 714. t''pT' &vcv6parcriu, aouva~~w irg~a. Arist. Av. 416. C'ZTLOTOT XcUr ZEQ.Xzstv~. 1706. 6 zu'r,( 'yuPr 7c~TTOVTs9, 6 lyv..Esch. Promn.507. a VVV PIQorov' ttt') coqpkt.C xcLLQoV 7rkcu. Hesych: TrkL )05yov. V'r' U'yov. And thus hie thinks readl Cicero, who translates: '0 inm/to (/icht f/ravi, perpessit aspera.' But Cicero's 'dicle gravia' certainly seems to correspond rather with xati AO'Yo x na The corruption therefore, if such it he, must have existed even in his dlay (cf. on Ant. 905 f.). Perhaps Sophocles wrote zucd Pvy,, xcudu, or nutr qpq.~av zxu~, 'b5oth in mnd'd (corresponding to the, 'alqiie animio' of Cicero), or xadtCeXoev. Or xcat g3ucq'oatv (1090). Or %ai" XO'7~o %Xlsv(t. Or 6 zoc1& 6n x'bai ~q~L noO ugc.Qcc L ~~XL VOOG 6TriQvotg (1090) xcuxc. Schneid. explains xuti U'yq in the sense of xceul~ yzrtv 'vel diclu,' coil. El. 761. iEsch. Prom. 197. uynrva pisv aoto nut 2 yuv Egrtiv -rc'(Y. And he puts a commna after #Esttu' and U'C0 1047. xui XEt xuti v6 o'rott Cf. 1089. 6) XI~QSq XFQE3 v~unut axTv &c XEal B. K. L. T. V. Turn. Br. (tacitly) Hlerm. Wunnd. Dind. Hart. X,,t~t A. Harl. Aid. S8hn. Cf. 1089. xact vCxort~tJ xc voltcaa Hart. xai' Gr~qvotat Weckl., coil. 1090. To answer to Cicero's 'alqite aninmo.' For Cicero translates, 'cor~pore exancloul oh/nie aniino perle/i.' A conjecture far more ingenious than prohable, xat. vt5 toeta (',for Ihemi,' the Greeks) for xaci vo'rotGL, is,mentioned by Mitchl. Thuis refers more particularly, it would seem, to his bearing Atlas on hmis shoulders. See Apollod. II. 5. 11. WundT. Introd. IL. ~. 6. Cf. 1090. co v,~Drc Xul - gpcLt'ov~g. Time plural voara is often used of 'the back.' 1048. xoi"7rco the mss. ovnrco Wund. (v. Emend. p. 156). uxocxrtg m Jco'Gj Cf. 732. 7rcc&i rc5 6uvrx. Aj. 101. True!; O' rol Auc(pz~ov. Ant. 1181. 6aqur xi'v Kpzr-ovrxo. 156. 955. Phil. 1411. uv&l;v mr'v 'HquxXIlovq. Alsch. Chio. 799. nueg c' Mac'"g. axotrtcg - Ei'qva#E5q] See W-und. Introd. I. ~. 2. 3. On Janu~s hatred of hercules v. Viom. It. ~`. 253. o'. 27. 6'. 119. r'. 95 f. EDart. Here. 1303. 1049. 7rpo9"#xsv] 'Set mle, imnposed i/)onfl me.' Cf. Ant. '216. vmxg'(o M TOVTO GCL6XL,5LV Z9LQO1Eg. arvyvcg] ' [late/md.' Wakefield renders it 'diiris,' Cull. Virg. G. III. 4. ' Euriyslhea diirem.' 1050. d(W2.7rtr;J 'Arlidt- lookiny, treacherons.' Qa. ciol oirot 4 (8.32.), lit- 6;o0rldIXO~, OF Jo?~oqovog IXsch. Achi. 11.29.). 2~0l0 KA EO rx~L N f V0~(VV~ ~%)O L~ LV[~ 105. DztIj1'p 6vjot ' ohas attacke.' Eur Jies v 0.G~v 2p~rV cUrxP.TQu oUP'A)prvTor?q)ipr Cieo qataeiihces Heruli 9Oasi wsuosies.' v;, q~jqu EQLVVa~OJV A.1za3..L.T.ixilg E~QoLvV Dtia d. &c. 05 EQLV5cO xuijpaviov 'HWovifacen hy the Furi es.' Cf3. on Ant 721. So G~ch.a Agovx~u i.11p.F. 150idn wo?irr.ot #'~Qv016. 991. VEQI~v ioqu ' ZU#Lycophr. 40. ErQiVEwV Or -Eq9'jPV TrCiyl0rJV., a~'ibh'Pl 1052. laceat v ov}a. 'Net.' E rom.1 7 pL7iecU (Ant.s 344.),s efi. p Her~culs I 'nsto sturwaosuns nls, ac. hetnci tu ein wordvoccur Als Bs. AgL. v382. (YrEQoV afcpv3DiGTQO O37rc t7VOV Prom. 1. 0r I(ph. T.v 96. Menad ap. Poll Fuie. 132. on An3~tQ 1221. ( g~cb.~a. A er. 15 1. 141.' ac(puv~~g1v 47p1'g7r~oV 3Etvcav 99r13a.st #Q~ vvrEp V10q LycopbrV 40V sEuvVCO 7tLXQi~w 7r1q.958. aU.EagI.1. Compare the flsila ose ofc Agamemon waseh cagh. 1084b. CliToV 492 (also ofcua garmet) 360e. Ag 1382 h? qcteov i~,t)PrvqyoiOV 6 erF( yzv'Cv. txrlvov. Prom. 1080. c'ni'uavrov di'nrvov &rrjq. Cicero: 'Horc ple irretivit veste furiali bieinscl.' 1053. TtQoaiuaXfh4 Swhol: i qoaxo q#4~rv. Arist. Eq. 815 xcdl irq6',-, ro roil; XQ1GTCGq (ry -ir tr) TOv UI~qao~e irQoa'ftua-v ~Theinistocles). Theoce. XIL. 32. X,'r irOfC AXTr0a 6 ae't.Cf77 7rPoa7rrVaarraT 7r~i5vqce~`dtV aQrt'xoAAog. 833. 7roGres rVTO. 1iob, 836. ~X ~'~V?x (4~ Ed. R. 227 f. El. 713. Ant. 427. Herod. 111. 36.?ao6 c1.e. 6Or5G,'the finmiost.' 1054 f3mxre acqj Ear. Med. 1188. irt 'r~ot d' )rirroi GOO) T,~ X2'LOV dQ 'ItUTU, I ArVXsqV rE6GMTOV GUQXU Trjq 82G(yu1fuoVo;. 7rvtVEfovo~~ B. T. V7. Turn. irAFV'uovog (supr. V a m. pi'.) L. Junt. IL. Br. Dind. Bgk. 7r1Vttovuq A. Harl. Ahd. TRrvfto'vcv Siverni. prob. ffermi. Cicero seemsg to have read 2rAv~,o'VcoV, for he tranislates pulthonuni spiritln-t Qu1. 7tAEVl~LOV"g~ T' ct~TrjQL'ta t- Cf. Eur. Fr. Inc. 90. otVO irr~cqao6 TtV.-VV t.LOVnA)V ktQQOig~. 1055. 'oqmi'j 1. q.,-x-7rtLvt, abolrh", ou? le. Cf. El. 784., t yu f 0.~6V (3ri ~VVOLxOq JrjV,t~O1 T01110V rx7rtVoV6 et.4 uaoV adie. Arist. Nub. 712. sal TKV1VfVt421VVI 5.of Apt Cicero: 'urqenisque,qrtmiter, pudntonunz haunrt spiritiun.' Ovid. Met, JX. 2U1. 'pullmonihus errat I tqnis educx inmis per que onmus pciscitur artus.' ~VVOIOVV]CEd. C. 1238. Ph. 1153. El. 785. TP/IX IN/V 1/11, TO 7CC(P, rP (Te(ITro T~jcY& XOV rriirrc i0(YX11 ItWha, oi' ( EX6 x~Wqo'v at'pce, nto irxm v] Cf. EL. 785. rol~ ~ioo a -F lvrfl g " XO ~x~ ~sch. Cho. 570. 'Eetv'g -— r~eeo ym axeurov ceitac irt srca. Cicero: 'Jani decolorein sangttinem ominenm exsorbuit.' X~.woQ0v1 'Fresh, living.' I. e. 'miy life blood.' Sehol: vt'ov 1~ EQV Cicero renders: 'decoloremi.' Cf. 847. cebtv~ov o~q~v - 8ax(icov csqvcv. Eur. 11cc. 128. ToV '4XAXUOV Tv XztPOV arTEPUV0 I at'ptart &oXw (schol: PvFaQ(5, vymo r~ogqpce'ug). Musgr. ad Cyci. 67. 1056. ir'cxvB. K. L. i~n8nrTXv A. Harl. Aid. A8ticq~attct A. K. L. T. vuig. 8 tqA'hqxca. r B. Cf. on Ant. 206. Liician, as Wakefield remarks, appears to have had this passage in view Dial. D. XLII., where iEsculapius thus jeers Hercules: 0'rr7 7tQ0)?JVC'v~ pLEr( roVXro roy 7rvQo'g. Cicero: 'ita illiqatus peste interirnor textili.' 1057. "'qc~a.erw 'Unperceived, unexpected, inexplicable, miysterious.' Schol: oyQaconxr "o, &v~Vvorj, qX X0 Ex~p' 7r~eQ iqg ott -'Et xtg rqqQUcta43at, reg Ei`qrvj X 7VGcLov. Cf. 694. El. 1262. C'er("O)r~ c' '~Arcog r'. Hesiod. ap. Athen. X. 428 C. g 'v rE rr6dc %EL~QC' XE 6YEEL yA(3aacV XE VOVX (5Ea6(ta "aT9QUaxotat (SC. otvog). -iEsch. Pers. 170. [aptliv' eqQcewtOg. Cho 18. 6~tyVE EtQYXt ur. Hipp. 820. xcqXt' ~Cpqceevo. Tou (Em. II. 101.) compares Plutarch. Cams. P. 155. V'Wdt lrorovg Xat 7rQoap3o~.csg ac(PQ~aXOrVg '-QZOVT~e - &,LE?.0ov &c. Similarly 1104. Tvipljg v7r' "ar q. 1Esch. Cho. 493. xi2tght d' Ct% IflEVXrotg 101QqcV'frE, narE-Q, Fur. Med. 1170. acQt'eEg rY - yvcz0rttoig rt6'8~lotg qpQtt01C(Ov t~QE SI-enec. Here. (Et. 1250. 'quid mne vudnere occulto petis?' 1058. XOV' TCZXT]f xov'Y ces'ra' Elmsl. Prqef. MEd. R. p. XXXVI. Otherwise in the following clauses oiv wolF e eure o OVXE. koyX~y irFhtc(' (7rtd&t K.). 'An armiy drawu uip iu bathle array on the open plain.' All engagements made, with foes of an ordinary kind, drawn up in battle array, seem meant. Sehol: -q?'v roi 7rE8h'Wo jPcOJ~ot 7 1 NE @E;OtO 7 rE, v t, 0t,OeCe~~. #?.Et Yct EEL OUt OVTE Z~Q&cT'nX0O1EVOg, OLOV 7rQoq.1(o~lt, VcOXE7Q AyEOV K VctQOVg. Cicero freely renders it, 'hstilis dextra.' Wakefield under-stands it, of an army drawn up in line of battle. Wunder explains it similarly of the spears of an army dIrawn out in battle array, iL e. an army so equipped. Rightly, I think. UEIdt(Y occurs Fur. Rhnes. 283. =Eta'g& "'ttXto'. Ant. 420. VbX~q ztE6ta'dog. Cf. oil (Ed. C. 131~2. o'i v~v ~Vv E'XCa Tt(~Egt ~v E'7trt XEs etO g 0 P g Tj rE to v c't~t pE-6rCictt vb v. hlor. A. P. 379. 'Ludere qei nescit, cainpestribus abstinet arnzis.' Qu. loyX~q g~idtog, 'a force fighting in close conibat, in hand-to-hand fight.' Compare 6XE&ca tt'X7 and ~scb. Cho. 157. OX rt ' (YvXro'xo)ty vt V(fOv (Aez~g) j3Lb. Or 1YX~q 'Guy.6'tog (i.- q. 6Xto, fCceh '6pvq in Homer, Thue. IV. 38; and 6-advatc 'y in.Eseh. Pers. 240.). O rro'Ortu: ov rvc ~Qia ~ittog (Cic: 'hostilis dextra'). 2,-3( '5' (j)0,k__jFj ( 'r 57 -0 - rOv re or~ PY11OVl - l njr- v l Ra~to6-o f Ihat ' i her put to'Q or. ButX ' q1 this" is far fro Maisat 6, '- yrv Av~ ar~rT6 - yr vovJ' Aplo..1 F Ws~T.r rj. 28 (Xra4cEd. R.h'422. Ciero:ull defnod orE:terreit iioles oiltqnnn, nanlm biformato ismhete pI fotar oa.. Ont thesi comat foft Isercidsfwithoteiv i see Wund. Introd. II. ~. I.; on that with the Centaurs II. ~. -1. 1059. '0sre~og (3W] 1. e. #qe~ov Pic 038. ~Inptrov' flrv, cf. on Aj. 49~.) 'the inigidy Ceitairs.' Lat. 'Cenatanett vis.' Cf. 1095. 61urpvq r CqtIxrnv iir~roj"Iitomr GTQaro'v I #qoeav, &c. 556. 1162). So Cicero: 'nton bi/h(rmnola inpaetu Centatrns.' The Sehol. with less probability understands it of wild beasts in general, 2E'Ovrog, vfdQg, K8QgJ3qov zcdt trjy 2oii'rwy. Cf. Eatr. Here. 1271. 7totiovg rx ZOT?n vn cO rjg' TxtrOraVaOvq Tvrpeovag,ye TrY g J TETQcG~xXS I XEVTaVQo7r4.fl#r 7t0 JEurov ovxY svvacz; *'Q~tog A. B. T. Aid. 9 'Viog K. L. -- (3(c (sic) L. 100.'2 1~ Some (as Walk. IlTerni. lind.) understand 'v~q Bekh. Aneed. I. 97. 'Eq..6 a]v~jg Xoqpo-4X]j Ai'rvut Aoxpoi. Matth. Gr. ~. 112~ ann. 2. Bnttm. 5. 63'. ann. 6. Ear. Phcen. 1509. T1q "EUcg "q -; Similarly povrrrat nTrsQoig Eur. Ph. 10338. Schneidewin suipplies yai'c. Wakefield, thinking &"y2~oaaog would ill accord with ycehe, tinder stands cl' vine or perhaps j3We. Cicero (who tranislates: noni Grain vis, non barbara?dta immanitas') apparently understood j3Wa. 'ENr4 is usually ft.minic. Phil. 323. 'EJRn6og u-oxoX. Emr. Andi. 169. 'EX2.U iro2g. reyXCO6aaogI I. e. 'barbarian (not Greek).' Schol: xinixo'y2&voga, (3rc~Q P~QgY CiOyXinoaao. Pollux I. 109. ",y4,(noaeov LOCPOxVl Tr'V (Ttr> Wmnd.) lr'ppc~ov Etnv 11. (3'. 867. Soph. Aj. 1263. Arist. Av. 199. (Cf.,Eseb. Pers. 191. q' ~d'v '~~EUc26ar xX4 (q Ac~obau yC'G'acv, q 6c4 O(3r'(Pror'. Pind. Isth. V. 2-1. Ov' ~'auVV OVC (3reQfPcQOQ Oi'6c' rcdiyy7.ro66o 7Z1i I/tr V, r,'r " ~0 xxigo- Qu1. " &2.JOy~coga for 0a' rey.na, OG~Vi QuT. 06wV, and rrg for inco in next line. 1061. yaiezv %inatdQca)v] Cf. 1011. Arist. Yesp. 1043. Trig xinaQrg TY66hS 1062. #,Xv OsVa XOv'X avhiQo~g qFvlgv the mass. vuIg. Dind. WnNt.wt Sci'hn. Bgk..e.Qjv oa"n XOsxA &vd('g6 CpiOat (SC. ovau,). c Onyx "v6",tr qTvain, or rpvarv OVGU). But such a construction is perplexed and tunatural. Schol: ).r'7Irs -ZOV~ac. But suich an ellipse is impossible. Wunder defends the expression ava'Q~g (Fa o~a referring to his no0te. anAj. 760. O~arg cUvO10'7tiov cps'atv I Xcea6xdv &e. Reiske conj: a~i GOT,6at XOV'X U'V~6QO Cp'tuV. Mudge: #i~v XOv'X KEov (sv6o m~a (Adopted by Herin.) Valek. ad Herod. VIII. 038: #ijXvg 0sver xovX eV~6QO~ Tz'619. (And s Erf. Cf. CEd. R. 869. #vax"c pra'tg as4qrav.` Uart: 9~vovx 'Xovo rev6Qog cpiv. Steinhart: #,X (pbaa XOV'% aVaeo6 qpvav. (Which conjecture had also occurred to myself.) Nauck: 04.~v~ w - -i I F M "WN TPJ4X IlNI/lI, 2.31 XWU1 t1?q To I qLrpOg O0,Ue a 7 ~ TQ -~ j r J(i2T I' 1065 110/o XFQ0iV(5CV av f/tTO t OiO? )~3ov qpvi'Oa xo/)x r/T~eo' (i. e. xo5'y. cY'vitQu'lv) qpviw~v. (Cf. Aj. 760. U'vfU~t7ti7r q~v6/v gku6TiWcV. II. i.s18. U1/Q` H'jv 4JitOv Y"og OVA)4 /VfRQW)7tCO P. l'TAsch. Cho. 195. 'fJ~vv uea'o 0'1 o(?io yovov. Aj. 1004.) Qit. #ijbv 0116h Gel VX rerj q9/ tv. O r a~~ y' 01i'7/el xois (YVA Qog (vnF~. (Cf. Ml Aj 01. r)b;y o 0W56' (Xovga'cvaeo (pv~v. or cqvv o~odrn - cpia'm (with Reishie). (Jr rather 9'iaXv (piiwe - (vav C1. El. 997. y7vvfj tUV ovW (Y'VIrJQ i`(vg. Phil. 79. ~'~ortc, zac/, rpvalt w&tt )T'(V//TU I TO/a~ruc TpoJVs4V. Eur. Med. 917. yvvq' 6h, ai2b) sc'701 arutevo/ upi's. Oir. 1203. To' gO)~pa &' CIV yIVV'/it #rj~c//'Ul TIQ,:trov. I. 520. #4Y0Xr"Qui 6A' y'vvcd,. For the fein. #71Xvg cf. 0W. v'. 467. 4U1iX'vA! / Eiir. lBaee. 836. #,~1vv?rA7,6vu oiro?. v. 11c,. 6,59. 0rj2'iiV 607ro'o. Tlheocr. X.VIII. 24. 0,j~vg v.,okadi. 1063). ~ltovq - rpfaoycvoi' r(Vxcl "So ill iliad. (P'. 50. Yi~vh' cru %n?1#0g,,-At'"'Xg (if. Aj. 164. PhI. "31. (EdI. 14. 191. ""XraXog uel'fl 16op. Conlnect 1.i6vq 64: cf. on Ant. 911. 1064 ypvoi~ ~tot 7rC/tg E'rrjTv/tto yqo)g 'he to ilc a soit Itrly IAcf//l!ell o/ 71e (i. C. icoi///y of mc).' 1. C. Toil 7r/TQ0!g ' 7ircdq. Lo-t.'plu pu/c I//r//. Selhol: (,Fi'ov Toitg UJ7O/g ort kq#?o 'H9 aYxbJ0'?.,-X~'q TO )'cV 0. Cicero: ' ( natc, verc //ot 7/0/I/C iisitrpa p///r.' Cf. I1157. '4- x 4F a Ivc rpccvde 0o7rotfoq W"v GIVOqQ Ettog icl)4. 119.),v~cqYoi6 ~r I~ cpc'vjq axuxo y ~- y o4 Aj. 472. tci rot, cpoerv y' 1(uYrbc/y~vog F' xu;'vonl py(ymg. Emr. 1ph. A. 406. Au'"i nw) TI~l'io 7TC/T~QOg VFl TCIVTOVJ Y~y~ycg; Wmideir: 'co//ife It. ta/lent i/I //C q//i vere sis P1ius 71el/s.' Wtikefield 1i1, o wvithiout re//soil finds fitult with y,-vov - ~y ye, but his conjecture- (p~vi y' is of course. iua(Ijmissible. Cf. Phil. 470. UFx1Cxijq ((Il. 7rQoaTQo 7r 0 ) IV/1/.79 O c/ rY,(vH /fi7 TTHT4VX TC I TOielVT/S (,P(,) u. 1 wvouldI however connect y~Ey 'g, not with y,,vov, hut with 7TRY.L:rrj~i'~o~. Qo.pr~vq~ 7r~P~?rTvftog ~o (cf. 11-29.,V elo5~ rIt rprvj xsxV yyco). Or, yEvo;i) tLot. o P cpcvqY-9) 7Tig VT/7T-r r'ov Or)I 77,VoiJ ttOt 7raigt qT7vfttoQ (or 1r~qrv'tt&og) cpcivr1'g. Or - -F'qrYp~to rpvwv. 01' yIVOl' fL/Il nu1t! FT,77Tq)(troq, i'#th (cf. 1070.). liercutles says, this, It!/) /c/1/5C/0us that Dejanira is already dead. 1065. npc/GE c/7jf '10lonour in preference. GI1: nipijc/. flesyph Tr'G?1,f.7QTq(v pv iyv t mD. "jlipp 5. TO ftll c/igovrel Tcqlc TrQ/cGpv~ft %QC/,T1. M\on/k) ~Esch. Ag. 1271. (Bloiaf. (41.) Chio. 486. 629). E//rn. 1. Eur. Ale. 294. Rhes. 938. 1-066. X19o~v ocd'v ivvro'q- Qlo. %,-QntV flft~L7tTOg (1033) 14 oi'Xou 14cq)'v. Cicero: 'fl/tc arripe (id 7//C, i/O5/ib//s (//)1i'(CICif pUs: I Jam i//C// f1i Mint/ p/otiOrem/ p/ites.' 1.067. A. 1B. K. L. T. N 16d-] SC1101:Jt"lf Lr01h 7TOTFQOV VQZ'C( ctoCVOGbvVTOg kvnr/ oTav id OugnuqLttVOVx t 202 222 ~DPO~~Y00K /lE( T~2,F rollpov &e{yd":( cAv jxdr, -~ CO rgxpov, tOtqL1~ol', O1XC-tQ0OV r~g (a ZrokAhU'Ytv Ol'XTQOJ, V ~0 6tg No~rt za#'o '8w] si'6dco L. pr. i79co Nauick. (Cf. oni 1276.) But cf. 678. a~rcav. Ph. 238. 07rcog EU'cS Teg 5I. 989. 1068. roi'tt6v 'q xLEIVrqg] So 485. %,E(VOV iE Xcat eqv - Xceetv. Eur. El. 303. a~ycAXJ' 'OQ~pE' rc',aa xU'xtt'Vov %axa5. Ploen. 484. -rovtcv rF,7 t~v] 1. e. r" T e'vx.. Cf. on 356. El. 991. nu J 1or xce xXVovrt fLLCXo.1498. CiEd. C. 808. ~~vg(not 'xstVqg) also L. 16.? t'xiq of course applies only to Deianira, aoi'ovt both. Dindorf explains?v Uwg~ as put for cog?v dtxy. Natick suspects, that this line is an interpolation, and Dind. is disposed to think the same. 1070. ir' dvv 'o)4Lirov -] Cf. Arist. Ach. 489. OApLq6ov, ta#t, ZQ17GOV, CeyCqLpal SuQchLC. Phil. 481. u~r'tiqoov, lrjtcaXov P,0,Tr ro'*p)76ov] 'Make uip your nmindl to, deign, venture (to comply with my request).' (Ed. C. 184. ro'rAtz - rx' (pilov Gk1Pact El. 1051. ov"r" 7y&e na r ettrFq I okf~tie?ir(tVaiv &C. OtxrELQOV xE ILE vulg. o iratQov V fLE Brub. Benied. Qu. oirtX1QV r( rtL. Or r6'lpjctov ot~xrE1QEtv (or olxrE1QuL') u' ~tts. Or o~xsz12'Q~tv?pt. Cf. Arist. Vesp. 327. roXpunov, %au, ct'ecag~cd ttot. Nub. 550. But the common reading is supported by Phil. 481. Hierod. V111. 57. auJ. 1071. zrokl)oietv oitXrQov1 Schneid. explains 7rolklocatv 'in the eyes o/' many.' So (Ed. 1R. 8. O' zi~at xst-vog O1617rovg nXoi3YrvoJ.F~. Cicero. 'Miserere: gentes nostras flebunt miserias.' Perhaps it may mean 'in m1an'y respects.' Qu. Abv 7r~gtv o~xrq06V, or 7rovotatv ot'nrev, or, Irv TrWd'eoY otxreov, or aro'kk. ovtcY y, OIXXQOV. 1071 f. O'Gxtg - nctxoi1f] Compare what Teemnessa says of Aj. 317- 2-2 1071. coarcJ 5oartg L. in text and lemm. schol. Cf. 11. 7r', 7. qi"rr xeqI vnptrj &-c. Eur. Tro. 744 f. 1072. tgh3qvXai Schol: &'va~3oiS. Alciphr. I. 35. x~acdovrce ttssu v(a1trvov. In Homer (Ii. v'. 393. 7t'. 486) we have gt3eqv~og to de note the cry of one lying mortally wounded. Cf. Trach. 904. 107~2. (Ed. R. 1265. Hence the Latin rugio. Bij3QvXt is formed from P~vZ(YofJt1, just as pipxvxce from JtvXncop~ca, p~trtpxtc from pi~xU'ogat. V. Buttm. Lexil, ~36. The verb is used of any loud sound or cry. xlcd'cov the mss. vulg. xldcov Dind. ncd, rod&] Qut. odov, 'a thing such as.' 1074. CzerFvtaxro;] Cf. 1200. Eur. Hec. 690. and on (Ed. 14. 969. Similar intransitive verbal adjectives are "da'xQvrog (1200), U~x)~crog, U~d4 -xrog, "EXV rtGxo09, tYtPnXTo0, UGT6rctEVrog, UCVXceXsro, UXrQUXTog, CeY.F2Aa eros, 7airVEV6ero, U16agrog. i %, M! zWM.MIW'5WW k -- I ---,-, TPAXINIAI1. 2303 vvv X ro'x ro TIV OV 45vg ~;fL Yf~ 1075 1eiro1)tqv, the mssE ivui -g. asqiAtov Scol n j.37.(adnodob here also) Elmsl. ad. llTeraci. 634. Wund. Dind. Schn. Ilart. Nek. So i'vEGO'~ rtrjv and qVEtzott71v are confounded (v. Blomf. ad lEscli. Chio. 735.). Schol. vnirpQov icciv %icexov. The expression u7itsEG~tcaxn~oeg is a strange one. E'vils do not -usually require to be followed after. I should therefore prefer FtXdguqv, which Meineke, I find, also proposes. Cf. Phil. 1097. F"nITvz Tin4. Ant. 1141. Hlerod. I. 35. av~LproQi?'X no.A.27.OGVn~ 1~v xcaxoi4 1145. Iv xcaxo; Xctgicvog F Ei~Eo. Or I~roinV't7 (Arist. Eqj. 924). 1075. C f. Aj. 650 f. En rotovrovi 'Fronm being such.' Cf. 284. n0 oPA1'v ci~t)kov Ev'Qov-,Gat p3(ov. Schol: q L~GXVQOv 7yyovct ctGErv~ YXv] Womianish, weak.' Fr. 144. #~v tcdv a 'r~g, U"Qsvceg & U#o' ~'ycov. Aj. 651. 'Esch. Prom. 1039. cpo rj4~t' #,q)XVoV0 YEvrn s'VQ~qttix the inss. vulg. rj"Qqtcu Dind. 'I have been foutnd to be, I bave becomne.' Cf. 452. Ilor. Ep. II. 1. 112. 'invenior Parthis mendacior.' 1076. zlijd'ov] Perhaps zkqyre~og. Cf. on Aj. 1168. 1077. aE'Veita 8 the mss. vulg. Read ax~Vatn ' 'and behold.' And so read Nauick. Dind. 1078. rct'' A. K. L. T. r 4'' B.?Fx xuvlttp(-ctTovj I. e.,`~co xc~ttgvfI'uuJv, 'without covering.' (Comnpare the similar force of &Y7r CEd. C. 900. C'mr' jvriQog.) Thorn. M. p. Gd. x'. 7. hX nccirVo.,E-sch. Ag. 672. En rovn' cj3o7rqjVC0v nreoxcev~ttnc"ewv E`7rsvYE. Also Aj. ~245. xce'Qu n VtLntne xevzpc'ttsvov. El. 1468. 'Ex xct)lvtitcutrwv occurs in its -usual sense A~sclh. Ag. 1178. xait pn'v ~tto, OVIFlT 8t % X"VtU Ttcco rG(yt 68E6OQXW vsytwo V ic7g 41i Qn. U&7r~ tt~O (C/'ir6 and?F' being constantly interchanged). 1079. ldov' #nE~Ya] A rist. Ach. 366. 18o cnE'" -- Eq. 997. Elur. hlere. 1131. Addressed to those, around. 1080. dliercevov K. L. pr.. (supr. rj a rn. ant.) rce~xcy cdt a? (supr. E - a mn. rec.) L. acdai' rc"Jlag (in preference to a dochmlius cdactoi rc'Xtag) Dind.' cdctt, We' rczc, uaia Nauick. 1082. i7'OcZpsv a"rqg 67Mg6g] F`Ocdexv E"' Wakef. E"&pk~ ji - Ilerm. Rightly: cf. on 710. Qu. -Z'thXVpF yi' ar~ ui (or cets'#t) Schol1: MrcXnv?tsrzwa Ons d'~ r~V0'6V 67anet. Nauick conjectures `4cIpsv] 'Has burnt nce.' Schol:?~En 'rz ai tL,- Cf. El. 885. ~~ 7r.Lt uoi acv~qxE6arc 7rvQ!. ~sch. Prom. 879. IWE&5 tirO L "v~ eqmcsncg"t~ (P,Vor)~ysig tLczvatGt qlce'nova' (schol: V'cn8%Cdo'Va), oI'ezOtnT( 2:i' 1 X0(h 0 h'( rN4 tcov1 f 'A OF jkil U.ad 10,r? 7a) Trrat. 5 92-. Ant. 1086. #a;Xirog (Iro~Fvfrrurrnv). Acciuts ap. Cic. Tusc. It. 7. 'la Jain absunmor: con/Citi aniniam I u4 vulneris, We~ris tastus.' aYrJR1 'Of mny dire afflictioni.' Cf. 1104. Tv~pli Vi7' Cerqq ~FXZ,7MTQ *Oquut rc;eug. 8.51. 1002. 1274. Schol: r, vg oe. 1Y~1(0 - 6 alA 6 d-~vjpiv the mss. Aid. vuig. - ' a?'lrnt. 13r. IDind. a' QT1 O, Ci' At Z 7)VQ(4 I flerM.] ApitZ. Mattlii. Wund. Dind. 1I. Schan. Bergh. Natick. C' Tt'u) g p ' 0"4' re, h1art. Q rto isv V-, Ilermn. Ot 6'i is ought, I think-, to hegin a niew claluse. Cf. 987. ij& r(l; fLuyQI fQr 1009. )76' av' 'tpiQirct. Wunder thinks wc may supply 7rX&'Qci'q from the following 7r~,F7'p63v. Qu.!'c tp ' c TI-g (or csY91g) is7Zisato ~ rie~'(0, W i, av',F IT).IV79V. Or iQ~n (37a~zx~iov a Jttci. 7 87. 7r Q 0 67rt t 7rQ9o 6 ~Q XF7yasris 0oA?y y i). Esc Ii.Prom0)1. 582. A"rv if~ ~Vx~iI'vav oTGxQog.) Or- `Kacip" 1083. &~~- A medical terni. Wakefield quiotes Arta!t. de mut.r cliroti. ii1. 4. 6t tc E t 7 iv FU6t (ixQ(ov. Ilippoer. murll. 1. 5. (U role Yc'~ttaTog. Cf. Phil. 713. N'sTTaisrs, 6tF'QXTCY1, Iu 6QX~-TCYU( XCtUxOv). 'Eseii. Proiri. 134. xTV1TO?' ('C a5( U~'o ~j5 YT0 1 Xotv (fuvXo~i3?. Ahove 566. 6riqvcov 4icQ~ot'~rias-2v. oAW "YvftVa6tTOV It' hs,OtYsv rl Traivavc The presenlt Ul~v seinus ofbjectionable; for the sense requires the futture. Qu. o'a~' c'Yefuv"carov it 01,, 1"scwtv rcdcva 1084. 6&cajoeog the nuss. vuig. Dind. \Vund. INch]. 6a'u 43ogf 1)iid.dm hlerotl. Blgk. iA'uepk'og vo'6og1 'Gnawingj disease.' li'l, 7. vo6(o flisHY6rcC',0vse 1085-6. One line in '1. Turut. Th'e mnetre, as El. 1t61. 1085. Grnvc~ At~rj, 6A4w att' ui.( vvle "Y1 4'(Y ju Vuick. al hlipp). 1378. (coil. Aj. 660. a~2 CUTo' Yu~ 7Antuqg Tr a)ogovuol' 1Ic;TrJ,) whichi I find Musgrave also proposes. Qu. e, vvg 'At"6ne. Aict fi is not unlikely that the reading covu~ crept in here from l087. '11 i utc petition of it is certainly atwkward. Cf. Phil. 819. Di 7caw Afecre 4htvdfit f t 07ttOg F X ). vo avc A. B. T. O w'v a K. L. ftt B. T. tt, A. K. L. Harl. Aid. 108 6. rrc~taovi 7rcauiv6 it' Hlermn. Erf. Hart. prob. Wuori. -7ri~ov Vulek. ad Hipp. 1378. t riav(or 7rca~,v ~tu) conj. Alcini. Schtol: N o QYV~ #,- E fre 'c~otg. Virg. ~En. IV. `25. 'P'a/cr onmipoteos adigeta me ~imie ad undbras.' -9 I mm mail I =IN 111q TPAXI-N /4123 2 111.5 U) VCJT, x4ECUt ITXQP, 6a cp Yo [3)(X0E v1 108. 7citov,~voe VJVAnt. 23 'RQo al Zda ~ r~~~ sitiv F!cr 1, as?vast 6t, tom/ iolcnl, upon ero' idn. X II. 40 an Ei~rvcWO XIV. 60. VaAa6rg o1087A.. 7 K.o rvartov n. 2'.UoL.y (~o ~Fyvcptovxi'iov]i 'Hurl (lwi upne.' La.'i ueschi. PEi'. 537. xax'v, 61 FU~lc'M~o ivTmGajreg 41o"g.Pd.. I II;~t. 104ai. de m. 2OV Ig QYVO(' aXi p1. 40. a He,'rod. XVI. 10. r ie' o~rt~gu id N. X. 8. %XQaVVCOaEt6c ALoQ! (3hatv. 'Eyx e(Yxnxrirrv (utsed of the pflague) is intransitive Tlime. 1I. 47. 1088. %tEquvvovi 'Of Mhy tien fdcrlbo~l:,Eseh. Sept. 4533. xFQavvo5 W~ ittv P3E)og 17rta~i~0ot Wakefield thiinkis the passage will be m-ore forcible, if wereadxr~vvov as aveb 'fulminie iie feri.' But znecvvov would ill agree with the aorists i'vg,,tov and iyxarc~eGXqVOV. (Tacdvvrcat 'It is (levoucriny, is preyinzg up~oin me.' Cf. 771. 14(Og cE?c'l VVTO. Sehol. 16,at'~ ILEqtS,6g 1089. "vfrE~v] 'It lees bnirst for-tk, heas putl forth.' Sc. r~ veo'o, a orerg(1082 —4). Cf. 1000. ~tcav~nu avog And on Anet. 960O.!Av#.iv is a niedical word, for which 'Wakefield refers to I-ippjeor. Imd. Fees. 1Me quotes Aretmeus p). 2.?vrF;I,,v ir~!a "'vfsi'v (so Wakef. 7rrjti~rv#).Fv vttlg.) "QXETcat. Cf. PI-int. Syll. 36. To~oo-rov 1~r~v#Et. (r'j veo'ao). Mfar. 17. 7rv'ux~~v4Yrjev ceiTrc. Thue. II. 49. cp),vxrcdvca~g 1tuxQcit xc& "FIXseev;!q#~o (aC5ott). Eur. Iph. 'T. 300. cog LLaXiTqqO'v 7TkXcvov s4cv#~v r{XO'..z~sclh. Ag. 668. Pcers. 46. Lucian. D. rmort. XX. 4. TpXvx-rcdv"neq OXog?v #eq (). Compare too our medical terms 'exautheen, exantheine. utlouts.' Similarly Phil. 259. e) kman veOG~ cY~t'i# 7~ XC'Mt' Ils(~OV?Qx~c.Schol: q vqExv, ~r~s: LZS~cVEXaXcWGEv xnd?yi y-ra.But, as the uisual expression is '~av#Etv, not the simple "S'0v#F', wve should probably correct Jnxv(or TE4trj2)71v), 44vaejxsv. O r nV)'La?E~"v#hpEv. Or 6'cd~vvcat ycY, am 7ra'tv 1 ' W (or rOW) "e~tg,?':,qvi#'ixv. Wakefield proposes nv#'O'Epv, E' 06,q Ev. Cicero: 'nunec serpit atrlo~r. 'For the asyndeton ef. 787. 1087. Aj. 60. El. 719. 1090 f. Ajax speaks in a similarly high strain of himself in Aj. 42.3' f. 1091. Vtti I~xEiLvo A. B. K. lemia. Sehol. 7"Tri4 8E' xsivot L. Jumt. 11. Nauck. nuY#,rlf]` 'Are.' (IEd. R. 703. rpovi4n Yms 997119 ACZtov XU#E6T"Val. Ant. 1113. roe %tYE6ri6Txc v~ttovg. Aj. 1074. E`v#' %U#'ar eX0o rEOg. Eur. Suippi. 341. Perhaps corrulpt. Qut. V'ttEi- 'xsi'vot d' 7r~ha#', e X (Y (or Ot'7rFQ) 7TOTS - 1092). Jvta i"VOIXovJ (Ed. I. 15024. CmE~~Q )7r7 vom'xom,. ~2004)KJE1X)T2~ c"ciazgoQUa] 'The ban or scourge.' Cf. on (Ed. C. 788. Blomf. (Ii, Pers. 360. I would read X77i'doQu, 'ravager'. h1or. Od. o'. 427. Tcpiof, kqtXoQ,,g (UV669QE. Nic. Ther. 347. Antli. P. IX. 649. XqtJLGo~t X(W),x6 1093. C''r?.cerov #QE'pca] El. 622. co- "t' avatai. (Yn~.crov A. K. L. c=Xarov B. T. ie7r)~EtG6Tov Veri. 'Unapproachable." Schol: C'QOatov. Cf. Fr. 350. ar2~cwxov (sic), a' V -rFo ~~~ucrrv Hlesiod. Op. 148. aa'ctavrog Exov Y'.QUEQ0PQOVCe #VfLo~V, J nr~c6ro. Scut. 247. 6Etv5V n 'r)jcov. 2030. FoQy 'vvg "n7).Irot r, ov Cpeo ~sch. Prm. 379. oegf~ 'nX )JJrov (c7r).c'rov conj. Blonif.) m 73gveItQ 7rvoov V'rg Euni. 53. QynovaY cV' ov 7r~crt ~~wotvi. GtcqeteoLV. Eur. Here. 1`99. Pind. P. 1. 40. U~rlce'rov 7rVQo Trzaycd.XII. 9. 5erl""rotg 0,cpt~cov xcdcxai. Fr. 93. Uzr~.crov - Tvcpc7~vve. Diod. Sic. IV. 2.xd~rov - r)zccrov nri~?%CPVG&)vxog. Elmsl. ad Med. 149. Tz~Qoanyoov] 'Una/fable. savage.' (Ed. C. 1277. zrcev~o -r. 6va7rQ0' oLTa'ov X"CQirGoayoQov Grl Herod. I. 65. ~Et'vowt a'7rQoqtLcrxot. Attitus Philoct. 4. 'quemn neque beri contra nec fari queas.' Virg. -.,En. III. 621 'ac visu facilis, nec dicta affabilis WUl.' Stat. Theb. I. 190. 'Itdus et affata, /,onus.' 1094. %ctr dt~ycaca#,- 'Subdued.' Cf. El. 1022. Plot. Sert. 16. nt 6av nto~v 0 xeovog CdQE~ %"L' xarsqycsa,-Ta 84cefitv. Epist. Ephies. VI. 13. a~cervrc %CcrfEQyUGcq.L5VOL Grjvcc, 'having subdued all (not 'havingy done all') to stand.' 1095. 6'tpv4~ - '9secov 1 'And t/hc unapproachable host of Centaurs o/ doable nature, mounted as it were on horses (or, walking like horses).' Cicero's 'biformiato inapetu Centaurus' (cf. on 1059) seems to refer in part to t~his passage. Diodor. IV. 69. xoi'g M KcVral'Q0vg -,.uy"Vrcg i'izotq t"dc1t Y~vvi7oca TOi9 OVOrc:otLdVOVg &trPVEt '17r7tXrovrcetVQoV. Ilerod, IV. 9. pt~oirc Q#vvov rtve i',t~~vev &trpv~c. Isocr. p). 213. rcscqvo?5rz Kvvrav v gxi 6Ytcpvd~. Eur. Ion. 1161. tt~#qy (pJ~g Cicero: 'hwc bicorporemt alflixiit manuni.' Ovid. Met. IX. 121. 'Nesse biformis.' On the root of the Centaurs by Hercules see Apollod. 1U. 5. 4. with Ifeyne's note. Ovid. Met. IX. 191. 'nec mihi C7entauri potuere resistere, nrec ust I Arcadia' vastator aper?' We should write, if I mistake not, &cpvie. Cf. Phil. 1014. ceqpvi~ (ce'uv&?). 1422. 5Vx~sj,. Arist. Thi. 968. -F.irpvc~ (jv'rvb the mISS.) 6r~'aa, j~y'atv. Pac. 228. i'7rc~cpv&. (Eq. 141.) Eur. Ph. 820. 0'1ovropv4 ( pv&~?) c1Qcnovrog y~vvav. Iph. A. 1516. si~pvi (,r&pi~v?) - 6d~QIqv. Bacch. 1194. ).sovxocpvi. Antiop. Fr. 36, 1. Ei'cpvui - qp&ora. Pir. Fr. 22, 1. cci'voqvij. Xen. Mum. I. 6. 1:3. Esirqvd (al. Esiqpvi~). III. 1. 11.?1v6,ci. IV. 2. 17.?)t~ (afl. i'yti). Id. de R. Eq. VII. 11. ceivrOcpuri atttxrov1 'Unapproachable, unassailable.' I. q. oerQautxrov (Phil. 106). Fur. Llerc. 393. '4 ~acdeaj o1%nqiroQ' (-tktxnVo. Cyci. 4219. Valck. ad Herod. III. 108. Schol: & 7rog7rLC'czgrov, (O' ov' qrv avftqk! cc xcci eves fe CdetV tzopt3&tovce] 'Mlounted (as it were) on horses,' or 'moving like horses.' lAsch. Prom. 804. r,06 rE 11ovV(7ru GxQcTOV I 'AQtccW,7t'V rtro70PYjLoV'. - I 1 II. m 1 I TPAXJ NVAl. EQYVctv, tov3 rE )iva, roova i 7r~ox j3(cv. 7i4d,(ov TqiX~)zvvOv gxPAax',, zqd~a~aov nqgw, (YuviT1 'EX'Jvng 0494qwp, ro'v ~~vin Su~pp. 2S4. ~i7roj34Loatv - xu~tTI'otg.Ait a.81. cv ' iirrogd uova. Ear. Or. 989. TAIqtro34,ovt aru2xcjo. 6TG'T~rVJ 'host.' Pindar also (Pyth. II. 47.) thus (lesignates tile off-pring of the Centaur: ~?x C?'YFvov70 GTQcvr(, #czvjtUcwx, c~(OTpori ottotot TOXVt,' U tcLtqTQO FV fL V X LTO), TrZ V7rEQE 7W"TQdg. 1096. #~2jc~v] I. e. the Centaurs. Cf. 556. 568. 662. 707. 935. 1162. H. a'. 268. f3'. 743. Pind. P. III. 8. #qqxov, i'Pt3Qwr vJ Bergk would prefer Thq9,nc~v ij3Qt~rcjn. Cf. Eur. llerc. 181. sTQu~xXig~ a' v"3gLtc~t KivrciQro~v y'vog. Ilesiod calls Typhon &i'tvo'v qV 4IQLt12V ~' &"VojLiV T (Thi. 307). V~r~s6QoXov the mss. V7cEOXv BentI. Reisk. Br. Ilerim. Dind. &c. Cf'. _,sch. Prom. 436. i'7rF'o~ov (1'7rFE(Qo~ov all the nmss.) uq~Fvog. Schol: V'rt~c%ovrc( x~rx& T~v avv~u~v. Qu. n'rE'qo7rAov (Pind. P. IX. 14. 4aczir'oav V~r'Q0rXoV), or i~rE oynov, or, a~yvQC0Xv. (3'cev A. K. L. 03ic B. T. Wak. g'ca Yen. Cf. 1059. q'Qctoq -— ita, 1097. ~'EQVv~t'vatov rc aI~cr -J See Odyss. A'. 623 —6. coil. II. 9',;)7 f. Wund. Introd. 11. ~. 4. -.6.,rov 9' A. B. K. L. V. Steph. Tr6v& or ro'v & AId. and Turn. Qu. roy xcsr~ yx4ovo~q 0,. 1098. /1(Yov etQIxQCVOV ay,5Acux'] Cicero: 'Tricipit-em eduxit Jlqydra qenewraulim ~eine.' Cf. (Ed. C. 1574. Eur. Ifee 27 'AL6OV ZrVIcOe'n XsVVU TQt)xQuvov. 612. xczt * ~ y'E~~ryrt~~o y~ov. 24. retzco~tuxov xu~vv. Alciphr. III. 72. 3. rov TQLM"Qj~vOV xvvog., ov CIV,~TE6oCC~VOrt TUcg rueraptcut 7rt'Xcag. Hesiod Theog. 310. U'~tn'cevov, ovTr (pc~rxtv, I Kspqfrov co'pqgr6flv, Aic, Eco nivav X ITrvtfxvw scuQiqvov, a rtityT %Qc5rQp0v T. Compare also Eur. h~ere. 419. TtIV rr ttvQtOXQcuvov - xivce. Ilor. Od. II. 13. 'bellea, centiceps.' urQoGfwtXov] c'qat'ttxov Nauick. Qu. d~qu'11xxov. 1099.E~u~~ ~Qf~cjCf. Phil. 24.c oy yovrog ap"Itti AvToir ov. S. Matth. 11. 7. c~ yrFvv4jr7 1t v hec. XII 9 'Bloiuf. Gl. Sept. 166. Valck. Diatr. p. 241. rev rr - q) _IThe Poet here follows Hiesiod, who represents, Cerberus as the offspring- of Typhon and Echidna (Theog. 310.). But in (Ed. C. '1574. Cerberus is addressed as offspring of Tartarus and (%Earth. Thiis dragon is mentioned by Hesiod. Thieog. 333 f. d~v' 0o9ptv, og ~FQFPherecydes ap. Schol. Apoll. Rh. IV. 1396. represents it as the offspring of Typhon and Echuidna, and as having xnr~pulug iExurov xut Tcwvu&q 7ravrotaq. It was called A d6Tv (Apoll. Rh. IV. 1396). z~6cv- Y) IThe golden apples of the Hesperides (supposed to have been oranges, introduced from these islands of the Western ocean into Spain and other southern countries) are meant. Hesiod. Tb. 216. 'E67rE(Q'drx 'a, Mg~ wzAc 7riQpi' x~ivroi SQtx~cvoio IXgv'G,,z xu~p'A~, O T(YT 6Yivdtqcf '-W(TrOp. )9 LI Z 0. ) ( — " 2~~~~8.~~~~~X( hP0 K-/ 1E OI-1~. 60)dxO/ru'tO 'AWji)WP pVAuZ 'T 5(T:rt~t! UR~1Uv XE ()TXwv w'ort,(am row?awv6 4' c~ 1100.?ir vG'naxroi Vo7rOtg1 Schol: roi'd Tr~ At~3rijg. B"ut Apollodorus II. 5. It. says: Tu~ru 6F "T&a a7)icu) i~v ovx, og TtVrq Eurov, — V Ar Wz, klrt' TO~ "A4r)~cvroq 'v `T 3~qoq 'w. These western Ilyperhoreans are supposed to have been the inhabitants of Spain (Diod. Sic. V. 17. MUll Dor. L. 273 f.). For the expression 17r IGZUTOLg T7r~otg cf. Eur. aip. Strab. p. 616. vcd'trv KE~ldvc?ag uZ Iotg '1I6rg T67roig. Hipp. ios;. TOZrCOV 'AXu.vrxc(4. IEsch. Prom. 356. '"4r~uvrog, O~ nir'g EGtl-V 6-r 7rOVg arjr 425. oi7 ya-1- E'GXcrov To7trv - EXoVai,. Pers. 447. 7r(da9 Za~ctt~vog xdT 0cov. Ag. 184. 7rupqd~otg Ev AvU603o T67rorg. Vaick. atl Ilipp. 1053. Blomnf. ad Prom. 426. Natick conjectures, blr' 1a19X,~Otg Xaovog, coil. Fr. 658. Ear. Cycl. 27. xlXAvo~v?v Ea'aXUotg &c. I would rather read Ep' iaziotgQL xrzotg. Cf. ~Esch. Prom. 348. '~Ar;,vrog, O~ 7r~o' gar.' QOVg r6,rovq (-otg -oiq?) ~ Eurxx &c. At the end of this line, a note, of interrogation is wrongly, I think, marked by Br. Herm. Wund. &c. 1101. ~y~cov - yvaqs _1v Schol: '7ruQe '9av. Cicero: 'mwid/a (ilia vic/rix niostra guslavit (so WN~ak. 'lustravit' vuilg.) manes.' A metaphor common to most languages. Ant. 1005. 4trvrmcov ll'~0,rv A. 844. yEVv"g#E, ~Lq, q~s66Eg#, 7ruvSq't OV GTeceroVj. Ant. 582. scsovc'yr'aGOS,~ ccuo~v. Eur. Herc. 1325. U&T"Q 7r~vcov 8' tcvqt(0w?lysvgr'u~qv. (A passage remnarkably simidlar to this.) Ai.18.g QxI n~v#og 'Ob6", Y~oE" 7rtxQov. Hipp. 659. T~jg G ~ x& tpi0'uq Ei'aouu y,~y~vuEvog. Hec. 37,5. olgtLg 7&Q 01X Ei'&o#F Y5V'FG(U9 xoaov.. Arist. Ran. 46~2. ot' ~Lq) iStrcrt Im~. IX IEG~ xi- # Q Pind. Isth. 1. 21. y Evo rv IU~W VLCqIOQJV.N. VI. 40. oi' -rF ira'vwv?y5~cvxGo. III. 67. f~tvQtCZv d TWV LYTEW'5 voco YSV'E-Xt. P. IX. 6 1. Herod. IV. 147.?rrrc' xvE c~7&yVG(TO uo~g Pflat. Men. P. 114. ot'%"Qdx' '"v rS~o~ o czm~'xo, y~vacuo )~oyoc. Rlep. VII. 539 B. 0'xczv xr6 7rQcoxov oycov yEswvxaru III. 411 D. ovxvEYU #~r~fkuxo~ yevdttcv'ov oiv'd,,o. Pint. Syll. 3. xoim xcu&au~ct y~vvotLvvoQ. Mar. 3. xc(v?v 7ro'4t dtax~tp(v?y-Vmiaxo. S. Matth. Ev. XVII. ~2. of' al'i y~vGoJv~ru #ccvcuov. Epist. to Hehr. II. 9. 0"Zwo - y~vci~nTcu #ceVcxoll. Plaut. Most. V. 1. 15. 'Gus/are ejus sermonemn volo.' Lucret. V. 180. 'qui niaqurnt vero vitw gustavit amorern' 1102. go~ral-. Eax'Vr? xJiv4cn uuvXEQ~avJ 'Erected a trophy inz trieinlp/ over MY migqh/.' Eur. Andr. 764. xqozucdov avxrov- axig6olltc. 694. 2'Txcv TQG7TLU 7roXEdcoV 6x'qn 6TQaZ6'g. Suppl. 647. Hel. 1380. Or. 712. Phlioi. -572. Isoer. p. 136. xTdorcaov Gnacet;ro)XXc~v tcvqcc~rv. p). 72 A. TQ6 7xrcaov tarccvct (sic G. and IBekk. itaxTUG#Uci vuig.) uov 7ro~y'v/io. IPlat. Crit. 108. (ZV~LOi~Vxs! luV6Qsg 5V'7r&) xTcrcrcov E`xfGa)v. zrto~xri~' K. L. Dind. xQ07wc' A. B. T. vulg. XsQpi4 A. B. L. T. ct~tycv (supr. v) K. 1103. (yvcQO(og] 'Disjointed.' Schiol: ozrv. ""'(wv Tx' Upl'9(ie -rcv P" L4~, dt"& ro Urajq ITm U". Eur. Or. 218.;IV ckQQ'nu Gemb TPAX!NIALI.( 0T~qg u!9T1L fLrjTo caopa5 Evog 1) 6Troi xcr' U1cQ ZiYJV(' avdqtt~ YVOS'. 4,i' Ynpd rot rco, drEv Xy q ro G) xagodoca zcix rojv08. zqwou~ ot tLo1/ov~ Xff~Q~I~nft~O~j'Mangled, /acerated,l lit. reduced to rags or pieces. Schol1: TIX' G"nrza orur~ig nra' F"XCv ri~7Tc' XQtdVrq cog Qaxnq. Wakefield quotes Piut. Syinp. IL. 9. TOig &YQfLCWL cpL.rdV nraZ' QCUnOV64JOI. Ber-gk conjectures nrXU1V#QUnc),iv~uog or rather uQtnfro. 1104. rvvTL7j ii' rqg] rvqq)ijg c'irc',rrj K. 'By an uinseen.' Schol: v7tO VOOVctuv Unaudi~jrTOv qv oiVn Ea 'd i'vv. Cf. 1057. rqpeax~o xJqdE % tcos#vIg 7r. Eur. Here. 186. TVrpXoi~g 0((4rvxc v~rcacrg To~~MLUGLv. Ovid. Mlet. IX. 175. 'coecaque inedidlisI tabe liqnefactis.' We" in like manner sometimes use 'blind' of a thing that cannot be seeui. Q11. TV(PXjq7 V6&r U7rdx1)7, or zvCPX&1ui-tV a~rr"2ratg. But cf. on 1082. Similarly Ear. Med. 1197. aaeXE9 OY CM" 0oargwv, (OUTE 7rEsVntvov daanev,I yv 6ro q crjorg cpaQ~tO.entOV UrEQQsov.?nirszQ0Yrjscei.] Cf. Aj. 896. oi'-con,', 01co?~u, &anE~u Q#i1ttux, q1t'Aot. Arist. Ach. 164. 1105. ~ rvo~tcwivog] Instead of c~o t'e~vog the more usual expression would be xvnAq~tivog. Perhaps Exnz&9QaquF'vog. Cf. on (Ed.C. 107. 1106. na-c' 0"Cgra] 'In heaven.' Cf. on El. 19. Eur. Phom. 102(0. LYu TOev 'Usx T WTQtoV Zi~v' Tro. 1001. 1106. ZqvO' 1Xsin~t~ yovog] Cf. 1158. E'u~ xixElsi Phil. 240. ce'"v195j7E' (after a6' two letters erased) L. 1107. C'2C1' Ev y8ot Tod' i'ans] Cf. Ant. 1064. "1.)' Esi~ rEot xCC'Tt ~~-. Aj. 1370. &I?.' Fs6 yE tt~vrot TobT'?TdrGraa9. Perhaps we slLouldl read here a'XX' Ev ys, Tot nccrtarE. nav the mss. and vulg. here and in next v. I read x~v (nrat V). -Kay would he for nu a4 V. nqV TO p ~~ c6] Sehol: UVTL TOVl, nat ovrcog q'yov ned oivxa; at"a nsELskvog. Cf. Aj. 1275. "cn To' P1ndE'V OVTag. (Ed. C. 918. (Ed. R. 1187. Eur. Here. 213. v~v d' o'i~v?Its~v. Ion. 594. O' ~ttqYv 033v n4 ov6ll6Vw (n"9in U 'vcoV?) nsnlrjvoUt t. Andr. 642. Rhes. 819. Iph. A. 945. Arist. Av. 5077. "~v 6' o~V V't(e& -VOttdaco(06 Tr pq1Fv Herod. VIII. 106. ar't,U E aVrt ceae~o' 17rot'nacc TO ttqdv Et'rt. Elmnsl. ad Heracl. 168. laiatuing read~s: neda' Tz ttqdv c'06 nI XULi~,q&v E`Qr0V - 118 n?~v jzt16'Ev &Qlrto I. e. ni'v aq(YEv ("v `9rco. 'Even thoutgh walk a nonentity (powerless).' As in Virg..2En. I. 146. 'ego, qutw d~intu incedo regina.' V. 68. But this is a miere repetition of nqv tR16v to. I think. therefore we should read, with a slight change, n~v ttx,- E~~rto, 'even though 1 be no longr able to walk.' Cf. 875. Tqv dQcoaav (onm. nay - s'97rco) eonj. Nanek. Weekl. 1109. na'n rr~dv] ' Even in the stale I ain, even in this plight.' Cf. on Aj. 537. Tt( 15i' 2UV c6g?n T- rv6~' U'V t0,(s?.oitd GE; Ph1il. 91. ol6 7y&e ~ un- icec 'r~u~Toao~zaiTs- 7rq'g P~'a XHtQasrat. iii. Med]. 460. re, 0 t )a~~~~~~~~rut.~ ~ ~X)(UKAL() fl iv x&&O(Z~iI UrtCI yy~J'AAstv 04tI Xcd, 4c3v cxov'qyov~ XcJ, 4J'cUvn' )IGI j XOPU22. GC rAbgtov -EAA~-Q, ZEAV4ogo' ov OV aoqc5 g~ovaev adq, gv6 rovi(Yg rE' ai (pacl4mraw. TAAIO22. OA1(0 (YE XU/X ZW2/c OV'X "7tEQ~qXW' (P)'LO. lHipp. 705. a ~iGX rcin iv6 wlur,- uo~qivut, xs'xvov. El. 31.?x. rivclr dl) rotv',ZuvJ7cuxo. Andr. 1184. oirro 'g r v ci6?Ogx rzwv6 ETLqtCer G"v. So k?~ (and cog?X) xr~v 7urc0vzov (Thuc. VII. 77. VI. 70. 9.3. IV. 17.). Schiol: xu' v Tcog S-XWV xat OVecO 6txtp~g, poqt rXo t ~ttdvo v JCf. 596. Phil. 528. po'vov - GOJ*t~v. Eur. filpp 522. po'vov at, tit VVQ7 7sii. Arist. Av. 1315:'Ht-VVQo 5~rJ Yu0VoV 7rQ0G-,siq. Before Brunck a stop was put after X~t9QWGoltut.,uivov A. B. K. L. T. Vat. po'vcov Harl. Aid. 1111. xixxo?' yE] xcxot'Qyovg Cobet. N. L. p). 211. zuxoi~ycz conj. Bergk. xcu qczvC0vj We should have expected xacd avJ7xA)cV, as Meinekc well observes, who adds: "Sed danduim hoc commoto loquentis animiio." Perhaps we should read xcz' cpq'hIvcov or xicexl7rviov. But Hercules ma-y speak of himself in a loose way as 'dead,' because he is as good as dea-d, 1112. rirgv~og o~ov Elaop6 I E`4ovgcev, U'v(Y6g~ Tov6Y y',' G~pcz2'rjGFrcy the, nss. Wakefield justly remarks that we should have, expected somlething like this: e5 zrX~ov 'E?.)', 'vaoq oio'v g' dE1op I `~ovaav, &c (IQg rov6' y' d' GqpuXEra `'art. Meineke too objects to the sudden and unusual change from the second to the, third person. It is evident tha t some objective pronoun is required. I would correct 7rgv'aog ot'ov Ftoq6Ji I ovvv (or ottv ua? FlaopcS E`ovaiyv), - dl 6opukGnty. Or o1oV dao0Qc6 iF'ov a~pp, xov6i y7 -.v~o Or ol'ov cav a' 095 (or otov &1 a' O'c~ or oiov a' da0ogca) I E`ovacuv, EL' d acpiYAE~i 7roT (or g~a2~si'a' E`'au). Or oiov daVoQiw I E"OV 'US, rOves y' -.Q If 1a UX'6Tsta be right, after 'EX~u'g I would put a note of exclamation ra-ther than a commat. (Cf. Eur. Hhipp. 1459. co xntdv' ',4Arhp'&v THaUUog V (J'Qi`GfLTcz, I o7oe 1113. E"ovauv I Qu. E`ov vtv (or gaps, or as). Cf. on 1112. TO'56Y y' t's Gcu are 'if she shiall lose this inan at least.' Sehiol: d-1 cto~rE rvo.~sa'iuo ften occurs, e. g. Fur. Hlipp. 1414. Med. 1010. Ph. 765. Or. 1151. &c. Meineke conj: - a2qusFa'?1'au,-1 coll. Ant. 1067. uV~t60toVg East-. (Ed. C. 816. Avirq4Jtq 1QGast. (Ed. R. 1146. og tco7r aug?asGt; Should we not read GrsQ asxaru? Cf. EFur. Hipp. I. L 1114.?it -ra 1-,g~ the mss. W~akefield suispects zucQ'Gxcq, Wxith zueuGxcav following so closely (cf. on 8.34.), and proposes?7rsi' 7T5( ~GTI a' -. Wunder (see his Emend. p. 156.) readIs: si1'Trsq 7rc'(FGTtV. Qu.- uF'rn zuetbn (or irceqnxu). Or?Trs, 7rc2Qsanil' a' —. Or -t'7rrs -. atzim"I 7T,4 A --- I- N I A 1. '241 7rau~x)Vxk~~h 11LOV 0GWv la~ c 6 g t t~j o tc a m v riQ G V r o o ~ - o T ')y % lU' X P.E #v~tt6 (ThU0~)Yog 0) )(,Zv) (Xl)v r~P0Uji fH OtSg XUI,vv 7ro4vpEr zuv rO'TI, c~YEiV' tW'v 1115". rogomy o~lcotwq~ ~ toghyu1. (Ed. C. 1529. dyo ottwg~. Elmsl. a,,d Itchel. 787. Med. 1216. Matfth. Cr. ~. 566. 11.cr] oocJ AJ. 825. CAiTI7GOfY!t &Z 69 or1' tLXQOV Yci 'QgMEV nn jCf. 409. 1117. Om. A. Nai-. (To CL01 iF cvxOvJ Cf. Phil. 84. PV 6, 0( fLOLt6 ceVrO'. 972. 2,v d' G2Iotat doeN1, Ioi-g,Ix~, f~~?&.Terent. Adeiphi. V. 3. 52. 'a doe hodie mi/li.' TroGol'rOV] rTOIOVro'V MMdg. WAk. Dr. E'If. Schl. Wunder also inclines, to rotovrov. Mlnsgr: 'Prwiw mi/lhi te miniiorc-mz quaim pr'1 ire qua 71117c ardes.' Herimann constriies: 07] OOVO JVaoy',c 4vttvf5 6 cxpt. Schneid: tLt ToaOVTOV 6V~goQyog f'1'vUto, ctig 6"'XV~l (vc) Nene: Ng Tuj oGOvTOV dcff'xv. And-Din(lorf, strange to say, seemns to approve of this. Wnnder suspects the common readlingo and thinks the poet wrote in this sense: 'da te 7nih/i, nepte1 2'Ceo Utrleni q'1i i10 obripliare: irYWclfldls 011111 no0n intel/iyeas {fc.' Wakefield quotes Epist. to Philem. 9. dtU' TqV UYcU~rnV ttczxx0v 7VlLQLZX(i2~c, TOt0ovrog "V2 co 7a2~~~~vrjv ffctzOa rElgf tO I)]Gov XQItroS. Toto~Tov is perhaps right, bat it may be that some other adjective lies coneealed. Totoicog and T0o0oogx~aecnae j 03 For the position of It' ef. Phil. 961. oZtoL lt4 7() 7r~Lv ftac#otfl dc'xvu, av~t6 Compare 8cmd#vttog Ph. 705. Eur. Phicn. 383. tv'T 1118. &V'GQogy] 'lIn be-d /huii0our,' the opposite of E5oQyog. Ph. 377. Aj. 101-7. OV 7ClQ (V yvo()q -] 'For ot/herwise (anless you eease from yoar Lager) you eaimo2t learl) w/ierein yoit are utnreasonlably/ anxious to?rejoice, wi7d Wh/erein you rare (unr'easonablq) grieved.' Schol: "?N tq ro,lov rl 7(QO'TFQOV, 0o) )Y~vv11g'1 7VtOV(L VitoXCZ'VTrjJq Uap S &v 3ovsEu &c. Cf. Virg. A-~n. 11. 244. 'cawcique futrore.' For this force (of o5 7"q & cvef. on f1Ed. Rt. 221. Enir. Jph. A. 1266. y2t~6v E',acvrov rXva twt(YVO(tIJq 7Y(Q faV. IFv ot`~ -j ' W/ercin h'o11 are unreasonably anxious to rejoice (viz, tile destractio n of Deianira hy yonr hands), aw-d wherein yout are (no less unreasonahly) grieved (the suffering unintentionally brought 511on1 you hy her).' I. e. tihe mmnreasonahie revenge you aire seeking, and the unreasonable, indignation you feel. The Sehiol. rightly connects tLL(7/V with XZt EHV i7rQ0~vafL& as well as wvithi c'(1yLi,`. 'Ev oi-' perhiaps caime from 1124. Q11. oroig, The phrase Xcd'Qr-V -v Ttrt (for' TLVL, or-?idt tVt) is unusual. 1119. X0V rototg Qni. xalC oToig. El. 333. c'Xyt& ZIa TOg iwQOv~GtV. Aj. 3 77. C f. 01 nUEd. C. 7 64. oTtocl Cf. Ant. 1335. arotat. Herod. 11. 82. LrE'otig. IV. 180. So,roZa't (nrta ) 98`2. O"trwv GId. R. 414. ISLAYDES, Sophocles' Tracaimine. 16 xO'$)O )1lK-r HPA4KAH~J. r~j~ ~rtr~opo'rov ~Bjov ', iS xw' 11t~ 120 reluctant erhlhisio to spea is gvenr by erUlswhisipteto oV6 fo?(,r 0o v.~tu c aIYQu. vGrE, 'owngtom affliction, 'Y datVefcue 1121. cvvu7r('v (supr.ov] a. rec.) LSa Cf.t ion. 696.anIlav l7? myluctnothpermisinowhtoa steateseo isgiand wyHeruein she has erratedntwoHyls attept t rrxcis. and mothPhil. 439. El. 317. '(4d. C. 307C. 3554. Aj1. 1236. v (17 Ib. d 2.l'. 173 d1-'ov o av' LOL 1WQ6 Efrscdt vhad prpoed (~Go, v for f~jorv ug.a~,a0) vota vi]? T "Ia Qu. voq,'obgt m lction', orativ or cau~ (seNuc 1124. ovtq'(ur.rc)L f n66 465. iyxcouarsj Cf. Ant. 742.oEur Ilipp. 682. ciu yo1',Ig TJ Mcd~. f. 412 Hosycnta. 1 uppl. 512. 0iTher. 31 Cyci.(pov 685t.0 A1,lex.Fr X 1122 irceq ~vacjog yc)Qucv&e] 'Io hsttan e cmae toassingo mention of (yallde o)ther if'c.a a' Waktef sentionem is snat, awIweintherasuisti.'~ill 1125y. Fr th rConsruction uyr-7g 'Your PQGC f moter 8.nrdress of (your fathr.'Cf.on l. 79. yxcs. an tot P ril. 439 El. 317 ('the mude ofhisW fther). Thispassa~ge iscteUsfrn urpde0yLut7. 1428, Jir236aa. elomfe adds Long17. II.p 1.grr7 poj. uttujsp' 1123((E. IWt g. 1441.) compre f15zQOOvrl (Eur. OZ1TV aik. 1140.), Z'Gp~r' (Aisch. Set.0o 569.) 'A Gurpvrr, Home ha'a")..O. 39 Cf. ineer. ap. Plit. Mar. f. 35 and 88. civYe rao) vc5 (Eripyle) Immomm""m I I W TPA-1XLNIA 1, '4 243 HPAKAHFf2. TAA 402]. H-PA4KAH12]. Alyco. rZ4fv~qpuv u~rtco~ v.~oacpcayv 1130 HPA KAH2]. zp~royj; r,-'u rot 6ta, XXC5x1 cog nliirtv 'plJ 'So as for me to hear, in myi hearing.' Cf. ti,,d. R. 8,4. 4Vj~zTog y"'Q (' x2.',-isv. 1045. (cg t'&luv ~'ui Ant. 292. 60J~ 6aTEQyrtV 1127. oi' &~xa] Sc. 7tQp7tt aty&v. Cf. CFd. C. 810. oi' 6~', areC YF vo~g i"'Gog X0z 60t, iraeac. -Tof~ yE -] 'Ry r-eason tit least of her formier ill (leeds.' For this uise of the dative v. Matthi. Gr. ~. 399. n. 2. 1128. cU?'W oi6d" 0gv &j -j"'W oiyJ ~i4v 6' conj. Nauck. Cf. Aj. 877. cW' oaibE ~tlv 6' r',v c 'a;Yv Paio~v. El. 913. Translate: 'No nor yet because of whatt has been done wrongy to day will you say so (that it is propei' to observe silence).' With roilg?-q)' davsuply~ rf~o~ TOtg 11 -( flfLFQfeV] Sc. Y~jttuQrTqat4vof. Wurnder: 'propter ea qua? hodie fecit.' But this sense of?(p' kcjtiqv 'to day' is b~y no means usual. ((Ed. C. 145. Fr. 39. z E p3cxXyioq qv 1?7r' -Ijgce Fir~t. Hlerod. I. 32. ro~b?ir' qIpEQJqv?"ovrog. Time. IV. 69.) Q7,u. roig yE r~j6 #zjtieqd, or TOt~t GflfttrQO'V 7 QFg 1129. 'Sp~eak: only take care not to show yourself a base son (lit, born -base),' by3 speaking uinjustly of me in sup~port of your mother. Cf. 1064. 1130. &QudCog v roPaay~rj] g The same words Aj. 898. tag 0c 6 IL ~,v ffQtco vr pai~ xrrw. Waefildthinking the received reading "plane prodigiosum loquendi genes,'' corrects bothi here and in Aj. 898. 1Ue#tW V,~oGCPcsY4. 1131. 7ro' zoii;] Sc.r,~ x. Cf. 1160. T CQ~ Ot (YLX %x6Jvu I*'gTLgag the mss. dtaxvmwv 1#aict~aag Musgr. (coll. Demi. de Cor. p). 263. ""veox' xciTWo 6LaxvxJov. PLat. l). 258. TUP"arT t?v roi; AO4'yotg). Scihol: Ze~dg T1(VOq; U7irTzov yap dtc,( 6'vGrpjgco&v 16* -.4.1 244 XOWO~~~~~~~~~() )K "I I() L~., PAJ102.. I2AA 022.,A ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ zacv gov 6rxpaH'"I RvhL'g, Et ro' aziv Itca4Yo. 6&vov iX.4yov ariOac- E1It7-, 6' 17 vo;r. I1135 TAA 4022. (06nrsQ?IICITSVrGsa. - E7r3t~t'fl XU't Tro rn ru) oadoxcLs2'ca ItavTsV'oVrca ot qf ot'. Erffurdt compares Eur. flel. 316. iro2X' &v ygvotxo xcat &0\, V 4Jwv 111rn. Qu. TEQ"Grtov %U%0V y (or TEQ0'Cgxtov YE ZQ~dL, rsQczaxtoV YE TO~r') Girtgmcz. Or rEQce3 ToL &t' U'aap5v (or 6ta' iutvx~v) -. Or TQ;Tot 6'Lvo'v 4F&9E67rtagcz- Or rEQLZ y' tort rov -. Or' - Dvarc1atov?'slirrtceg. T5QL',gTLog 'porlentosus' occurs Theoplir. Char. 21. Lucian. Alex. 16. &c. Cf. Plat. Men. p) 91. r~ega XJycig, dt &c. Hipp. maj. 283. TEQ&g;tgystg xc4\ Aavatwrov, ei 1Iirmcz. Nauck suspects the reading here. ~ta ~xc~J S.?'IQ v 'ini ill- omezeed words.' Cf. on Phil. 374. 1132. c5'r~j A. T. cirmrj~ B. K. L. Bgk.?xxc'novl I. e. 'besides, else, foreignz to herself.' Schol: V'r tyA~ov. Therefore cvroX.t5%, as in Anit. 1175 At'tcov tA)Zo~W a V' c't~tcza-,-aEtw. Meineke (on Ant. p. 46.) and Dindorf conj: EvToirov, Coil. 676. ToVT' ( KJvta)6cLtatczgoQov 7rQo'g OV(6EVOg I TIOV EVt6OV, ad?.?Sa0 "I" czT xo ~(p qt'frt. Natick also suspects ExiTO7olv. 1133. ~t'v, Co - 6q -i The 1)ositionl of the enclitic, as in Ant. 544. %aigtyvr~rj, It -. (Ed. C. 979. ovaqg o~ttataov erj,1, ~r - 1134. %Uiv cov A. 'B. K. L. T. vuIg. xuv igo~ Schaf. llerm. Dindl. &e. Tczi]cgearpot'g A. (snpr. q) Aid. Cf. oa Aj. 313. 1135. &lstvoi'J 'Str-ange,' that you thiak me likely to relent. Schol: 4hvcwov cotrtairov 7CeQ, '1 7ravaoptat T7)g oQy~rj OfLO t7t-F. XCYov XcexiIQ~czg Cf. (Ed. C. 1019. 6c6oi XUc2'Qy-V T~?Itf }Ech Pers. 343. rt'Vsg xrq7j~av - ttUcXqg; Arist. Lys. 638. U~yo~v xsTcaQXofttsv T/ r~lt X~rjat'tcov. But Plat. Euthyd. p. 28. #revttarcw' v~ cT1 ijVOEigJ Et' votie Ven. Cf. Arist. Ach.:364. "'AX'?vp1r"Qargr7 6Yt'xqv cdtw)QLtd &c. Q1. sV~o.Fig. 1136. ezra~v Tr' Xq~t' 'jfrs V1alg. c7txv To XQHlttQs erm. E'rf. Wund. DindI. Schn. B~gk. 5trlo,~v T' nUQ - Nanek. Cf. on Aj. 1366. El]. 1116. Tranmslate: 'She has erred wit/h a good intentin,21 that is the whole mnafttr (the long and the short of the imatter).' 7"A7tcv' T' %Q~t' is the accus., pult in apposition with the cl~aulse Yj~tI"QTE -. Schol: I TT-TNIN141 2415 HPA4KAH2:2.HPJK 02:.,rote& (pn2.rqc royv (502 Exz1Lvct 7o4Yov. TqoVace~, qrq6L, xQqaOTov Xt dttatqc~~~cwltZ, Trol o`.ov Tw'tifccrog)T~cQTV Qu., I~ - (Phil. 789. F'Er xo' 7riyt f -tt rp u' 6~ Or xcaxov ro, XQ~t' (cf. Ph. 1265.). Or &i'r2.obv (IXro0Q ov) To0 Qt' ~tvowt d5vr the imss. ttwttr 'vq Heath. &c. GI. A: ~ijrobce. liesych: 'qv~c~~o5tciiv. lielladius ap. Phiot. IBibi. P. 158-2. %ol tco'tt~vcat (t Etv? q t~trozq 7rceeu 2;oqpoXXtii. Z~sch. Chio. 43. ttofttfvar (schol: ~qr o et). 439. (?Ed. C. 836. Goi, t~iv ov", Tac(- yE ttpLEv oV. Epicharin. ap. Xen. Mein. I.1. 20to tv7a fi r acx c ~ '5o, (f. uttio, for re c cx.q' F~g Wakiefield suggests vcottgvrj 'coyita~is.' Cf~. on El. 882. 1137. ZQ '6'] XQij6-r' L. For XTr1ivcUccY 6Qcr qu. xr,,gvcec '~W" 11.38. gr y~hc 7reoactecE2.v c&Oi),fv] We should have expected Got for 6c1~,v (cf. 42. 255. El. 974.). Qu. cr,,Qyj~ - Tt cot, or cyq#f cot 60 7rQoc6oxj)cca 7teocf3(e2itv. For GF'#,v IHermanan reads i"9,v ( -Escb 811pIl. 66). YrEtyrittce] 'A4 love charnm.' I suspect we should read aTiQyq#Qu. Cf. AXsch. Prom. 492. Eumi. 1912-. cTF Qy?#Q' `Xoii5t. Fur. Ilipp. 258. HiXvrce 6 '1cacvym9#c TQ~vJ)v. The singular 6r1$mTqpov occurs AXsch. Chio. 241. TO ft9TrQog Fq cY. ~tortS~t, t 6cvFQj'qfRQoV. So p(X'TQOV anld T1ZrQcu. ilesyclh: acvQyrjQov. (ptTrQov. Cf. 575. i6r~t CFp1'Vog cot Tovro xpjq,'to Ir,~ 'HffeX2.H4i'a. And so reads Nck. 1139. (4 7rQocSL& -1 This clause is to he closely connected with the one in prec. v. 6,r 'y k~ c. W~akefield well compares AiEliaii. V. 11. I. 21. 7iiqtEX0'iiVog rojv dcUXrVt;toV?,`QttirEV U6)'kOg Tt(YQU( TOVg7o ov IMIJXE p'Q&)V. rovg I5'ChVov -Yc~tuovg] Qti. rov' vgtovg yc'ttovg. Cf. 843. vgcOn, -- y~cttv. Wecklein proposes the same corrcction. The allusion. of course is, to lole. 1140.vocoxo~]'So,qreat, 1/hns potentl.' Plat. Cony. 177 A. -rc~ "E~Qo]tL, qXi2t~toiVxTq "V'rt ~Xcet voGO~V"T #l;)t. 1141. NEGccog A. B. K. vE'aog L. T. 1142. rpt'2.xQrq Ovid. Met. IX. 13. 'velnI irrilamzen ainzoris.' toV Gov Expsivat 7ro'#ov] 'TO inflante (lit, to madden) thy desire (for her).' Plato Epigr: w to Lv ix fL'JvtLg *vt'vLV -`Qcott Jehcnv. Theogn. 1350. v).4 i ), ~.oq)oP)Jx J() Vri" lIIP 4 K/I 1-1~.. fai toL~ lar0Co~,Yi ~o Q 7I' T rqiz 11 ~xc~ij 6~orv, pot ro2.1vrta cdcv 4~ttaoi lo piuiv nv6#E~A ThE5cp urcav 0oG oil Eyco. 11350 TAAO~7Z. 4Eruacvrjv (viilg.?';cEUxiuv) xf(XoT 7rcaoq iQOTt 6ceitur~. Eur. Hlipp. 12-29. q03 -TQOQOV? txivcov ozov. l31aceli. 36. Iph.I A. 1 26 4. l'uV,,i ' cpOtZTJrL 'ENhv)v 6TQ iO'V. Arist. Th. 56S. O~Q~i0~~~f 1143. lov' lovi] Hercules here calls to mind the oracle formerly given to him at Doclona; and from at calculation of the time therein specified lie, gathers that his end is at hand. oi`o~a raXi, ~1~]Ai. 896. oi'Xoe&, ~o 1144-5. From the second edition of the play, as Bcrgki suspects. 1144. "Lo.', Xw2.c Qu. oi ont', "ICO2M, as in Aj. 896. oi'Xoex', "le Xc, tcir,7rOQl0rqft~a, qpn'Xot. iFgcttot vuig. Wund. Schn. E`6w ttot Ilerm. IDind. IBergk. &c. ii'GoQw3 Nauck, coll. Eur. Hld. 5,31. lon. 853". Or. 10'25. Perhaps l`ax, Icot came from la`wr aot 1146. 1145. ~vpLpoQcig lv' 12,rcqtEv] 'How we are~ siteeled.' C f. CE d. R. 36G7. oiV O'Qci l'v' ET xcixou. 413. xio P3X/irsg l' ri xceio~.14. v a ttrv XQ~ci'Ce. Aj. 386. ovX~ oe tv' cl xcexob; El. 9:36. 'v'!jfttV cirqg. Ph. 1181. Ant. 1229. Matth. ~. 321).. Cf. Hbm. Od. ai'. 507. w 7rom7oti i~ar~tus] fac~cr L.pr. 1146. lanrt ttot v'ug. lent. ttot Iferm. &c. 1148. r?'v - Acb'g tt"iTrv cixAovrtv] The comm-a us~ually placed after /IkxXttlvqv should he removed, for Ti'jv governs the entire clause. Schol: o,-o61Q q~qGIV, 0 vvc ccid 7r"aaXcv. We-ketield wvell compares the hutgua,,ge of Amplhitryo Eur. Here. 336. c6 ZiS, 1 xr- vcQofocqo ac(c rjv. Ovid. Amor. ill. 9. 21. ' Qiid pletr Lszeario, r(eidb mater pro/ntil, Or-p/eo?' Cf. 1048. asxocrig rj zthg. 1149. eO' rr~cvrcin'cv -j Schol: t6vce TIJV 7tE5 TIjg xr).,~rvrs 'Iov (p 17 vqv pgca4ijrr But such a sense of rFErlrercdcv is very doubtful. Shoultd wve read &') niX cp~`Qcov /ntoi, -, or c)' Fyaob r,,XEGqpoQov -? The gen. Ettot3 depends, I think, on z''~gE 1150. T 'ttu~v] 1. q. x~yio'vc. 'Oracelcir voice.' CEd. JZ. 43. 86. 138. 475. 723. Hom. Od. f3'. 35. v'. 105. 06' 0a'L 1151. "'Al' ovnrE] Qu. cUXX' ov~rt. Or else we should expect 7rcy.~cov ni~ for 7rat'&ov 64E 1153. Nauck too suspectscX' ol14?. MMMMI TP7IXINVI 1.24 11-114", T~ov 4, ( 3~'3it4 a (I f"u '(QC(9pTO g(), a TI zpwlaav X ~ ~ t5vv vaovra 7rt'a]r Schol: 7rQce~cLacLXT. Bujt Tiryns wvas, situaited iiot oil the sea, hat inland. Should we read therefore c'ff~ i'v 7rarzQ1' 'JtQevv't-, or cX'W 1iv Yi.ltr~I~ T1Qvv~tYa 3tpqxv (oar' i'Xy tv i6Qav ('she is gone to reside onr the slope of Thryns')? Cf. '270. Ttevv~tiav 7rQ5' xXtcrvv. See, also Add. 1152. Tt'Qvv~' avyPE~3rxs-v m'ar' i"'-'rv iEdQUV the miss. Construe with Musgrave, Gvpgi~qiev J'av' "yXrrv c''(ev T6QVVQ. I. e. 'she has come to (LUe arrangemnent so as to live at Tiryas.' Iferm: iniit partum.' Porson: 'agreed with, (acqniesced in.' Alcmena, having been banished by Eurystheus (Diod. S. IV. 33.), could not return thither without his permission. (So Herod. I. 82. avvif3qaav Eg Xyo'7vg GavEX# Jvrs.) Schaefer ad Dionys. dle C. V. p. 297. explains thus: 'sed mncn forte Tirynthe habitat' (i1v Tt'Qvv~t xvy~a'vu naerotxo~au). Which Wunder and Dindorf approve of. For Gvtp43if~xsv Wander compares El. 262. xr, juyr~ - erae 6vjPE3i,3rpiv. But, if this were the mneaning of the passage, the addition of somne pronoun signifying 'her-' would be necessary,7 a S~ acp'6 Itu M6Qav, or coGr' Et5v G~p' i6'Qav. The comma usually placed after avj~3Eq~xrv was properly removed by Schaefer. For the pleonastic addition of COarE cf. Herod. I. 74. avv'vutxE 5axsE - vVxrae yrviaO9at. III. 14. GVVflVEMS WaEWr~V GV1LlrOTEV O" UVdQa - rraqtivat &e. III. 71. Exird 6, R avvrjvstxE [jarE xat' V'ttag dtivar, &c. Plat. Ale. II. c. 121. ~vvrfpatvrEv c a t, ~r4- z,~.sr itt5v xaOrEge xara, yi~v %at xceua~ #Ula)acaaV - 6,varvX&tV. (Ed. C. 386. 1350. Ph. 656. Schaef. ad Bos Ellips. p. 784. 92-4. For the dative TiQVvv~t cf. 172. IlTyllus of course only fabricates this story, in order that hie may not add to his father's sufferings by revealhig to him the suicide of his mother. r6'dav] 'Fix-ed abode.' GI. T: 6tarQIO 'v. "EXStv CEQ6Qav is equivalent to 'Es06au, LdQnm9'azt, vatuv, Etvat. So 7rctoaL' i~ri. q. nraQErvvr, Aj. 540. Cf. Fr. 759. z'XEL YaQ E6QUV ZEVg 1V iaxa~cou #ErOv (so Br.). 1153. TraLt6LGv ME] As if fttl'7qp tdEv bad preceded, not ovlrs ItijrQ But probably we should read with 11eiske (" 01) prwecedens ov~r, " 7rczido~v,rr. Cf. on 143. CMd. C. 421. Perhaps also rrat~ag 6E' (or rrs) ~vX~apo~a'J 'Having taken themt with her.' Arist. P1. 1080. VVV 6' airt~t ZaL'Q(OV an1X2.fC'OV TJV i rr.Eeal. 1137. nExi.rvE GV)~agoacvrV It 1n YVV9 I tLUVasna r (aah, p E T 'ao G ie5 Qa, IaE Ear. M ed. 275. 1154. rov 'g C Gv - frcaorg] 'And others yout woutld learn (if you enquired) frc.' Cf. on (Ed. R. 561. (Ed. C. 41. 1156. 7re~r~rrLv the mss. Cf. on 1267. zp"c6auv Br. &c. 54v7t1Jqe~r JotL5v] Perhaps a5IJ' (or ETi') v'7rlqqrq'60fLEV. But cf. Ear. Ant. Fr. 3, 7. 1av7rqQErE!V rV'Xatg. We find a similar compound. Is'; p v oS ~ (Ed. C. 10295. ~:04(PK lJ LOI~ 61 OVP X(Vt lIPIK,1l~. T6Jv 4t~MI-O'VGWV 11L~61JVO, f)Uvu l) 117to I* 1(0 1157. 61'1 6' oiv A. K. L. ad(yQ rev) T,. 6i rePVv \;ou oi, vetv marg Tui. 61i1 6' (oin. ollv) B3. 6ai y' o '4 Br. Wahkef. (G I /Q CVret vviirv. T'le trite r'eadling is pei'haps 6i; vmv. The Satiui coin fusion is found in (Ed. R1. 310. t6' or a- vlXOr TOVQ70V] Uil/ then,~ 'o you bear the lridh/ of the miatter.' Wtuuder copie AXj. 114. g;i 4s - -- XQO& XEQ' Pi. s(,i. oh' 6' oiv L"yE.- (E~d. 11. 310. a 6' out' -- Q'V'acu. 971. Add Arist. Nub. 39. ab 6' oh'v xuctv6E. (Ed. C. 1205. i'aruo &' or iuov 0 hTJ'tav(~~P -roveyov] ViTe f'art, tile trute state of tihe (Oesi,.' -F~; g6' i'rr - Sub. >6.Cf. ElA. -21. 0a' ia~ y Ivre ovX t "tt oav~ttV %"tQoqcl~y~u xxj Ph. 199. 7r~tv ~6' i4o XQ0OVOq. Schol: tI,g 'A' tu V arJXS i'vc rpuvdeg uaff 7r Q a TTO) v7 atC% 0 Elrrt. I would rather explain thus: hald (or for) youe have coeoi to a state of thinigs, il 7c/lick you mnust shou' what sort of' mia you arc for aigl sofl (lit. being what sort of mant you are, called niine). 1158. qpuvsig Ilarl. Br. (tatcitly). rpca v A. 13. K. T. (pavju't L. qPcv~j vuitg. Cf. Aj. 556. 6u'~rug iv FX0poi olo; $?~ oi'ov '~ui~ cyvij iq ~og arXUXF'?11th xcAew1t yuI vo9 coljd Meiji. We might also correct, bhjtv rE'urOV ac"rf Or carrjQ 1,uo5 xuILr Or ittob itaerQ0'q xceLti. Cf. Fr. 107. xrura~at~ Toirt xrxX,~Gm9t'rulr ' El. 3`66. v)bv 6' IQ~hv itcivpog i 7r"VTW)V ((Q(GrOV itcdMa %ExkoGru, xrz~oh T~g I-t~TQ'Q. As the passage nowy stands, E?,co' seems to belong to uv~q. And Efi6' placed thus alone, is not quite, free from suspicion. 1159. 4utot yi~ - The yrQ is here explanatory (cf. 900.). Cf'. (Ed. 1?. 711. Vqi6ttOg 7((Q 01tE AiY"Ii) -- (s'r ((vToI 1b`ol /iotp'rQOe zqo17t604'o #"cvti'v, I 0"T~ 71Qvtr &c. 7rirprxrvuvov] z96poaprov K. pr. I. inl text (TrQ 06cavrov nheii schol.). 'IYoreshowai, prcdilted.' Cif. 1163. 1160. ltQ' ruv 7rvEsdvi-wv ttrj(irro ODavri4'v iiro the inss. Herin. Schnl. tiEt'?L'~nrv~rxwVTI -- Vito Erf. Dind. Nauick. coinj. Bergh. 7rp~g trayO itr-T Mtusgr. Schoefer. Hart. Wuind. (sece his hmtend. p. 29.) 7tQhg Tiav 7- 7 "vr Dohr. rUv6Qiov irvu,~vTwV V no Diiid. (B~orcjv 7tvtoVT'uv -- wvoidd, jthink, he a more probable correction.) T a-v ~ttv7 7t O'VTOJ)V?Yto others. Schol: 7tQoQg tnyv irvEsoruv. trcot airovrr. ni~tvt'w y(uQ I zp v rj Apitz defends 7itohg - %i7ro from (Ed. R. 949. 7rO' Tqg rV~rjg 2cOW.rr, ov36E toi(Y' %~io. 395f. Wunder and other supp1ose vito' to lie a gloss on itphg, as inl v. 1133". o'6Ev0'g 7tQOg iXTOZIto (schol: hit' U"RAoi, ~ivo v). Cf. on Ant 6136. and Ein. lHec. 771. T('VOg Y' (V' OM. inl seVera'l n-iss.) litr' ""U2o~v Wher-e Porson rightly, 1 think, corrects rivog 7tQ' &Dkov; Qii. row Eitrvtoro~v (or TriV fiTn itrVVrUhVrr) - vito. Cf. Ph. 88:3.,FctVrVIovr' i7ri. Yisch. Ag. 673. Ix drrov Et' rig?Gariv 4Itvirorco. Or row t, V n E0r~rrv - vito. U7(hg is perhaps a gloss oii?hito, ais in Ant. 727. v ~i' (7tQh'gA.) U66Qh'g, and its insertion perhaps caused raitv,,zrvtob changed to 7trvh0vrrar. Cf'. Phil. 334. riE'vijarv U'vAQOA oh Fvs bo 6' UWAMw4w TPAXNJ fV4I.24 249 aR{2 oqvrt.4i rOi tU5~V0~ (IXjT J 7i C )" orv C I ( I&V( oe~r ~ ffov v 04 cptvr1 v ovTCO ~ CdVTCV g 09 i'ruvltov TItva. pc(6 (A) vrovtO t 6vyuflcdvovr 5c tLf(VT8Lf( Xacalli"c or zat'A7Ct {ca,'~j'Q( 11.65 117m. Also onl Phil. 330. And for 7r 'g cf. 11t31. w r o- (TrjvqxE); 6 77. (E d. C. 970. 7rqOg7t ( icdo v acevsi'v. (Ed. 1R. 949. xcat v4v 0"'& rs r~j "nm ~o~vo~~ri~ ~io. 7 14. 7repg 7rcat6 acavEv. El. 376. ov) YcU 6E p~tt~tc 7(QO9 y' -Ftoii, Erctv ur. Stipp]. 404. o1' y6Q ""Q%5rtC~ fv~ 0 t i5Xiso - rot. Natick considers corrupt Eur. Or. 407. bu cparctarwv Ci'' r'&6 voaFtg 7rot'wVv fro; For the fact see Wander Introd. I V. ~. 4. #uwsirl ' That I should die.' TIhe norist is often thus put, where we shou.1l expect a future. Cf. (Ed. R. 714. xocatt~ y(Y' n-X10 Acetco - 7rQog 7ratdo IcaVseV, I "crtg y 'votrx '~toi rvs x IxFLvV TrlYQc. Arist. Vesp. 160. u, 70'Q #,5o' I 1L6VV5v01L~4VJ tLOVXzQq7GSV "~v ziO.~potg 7ro, It~ 0 XLvTt tu 7', ogd~lvat x'xr. Cf. also on (Ed. C. 91. 1161I. Construe: "'R' 06crtg cp14usvog zFot otxqrcoQ 4uov. CPWhLusvog '(ead' often occurs ini A~ seyl-us. Cf. Ant. 595. 836. Aj. 141. Eur. S-uppl. 53. 7Aidov between the lines- (a mi. pr.) in L. 'At~ov - oi'xrj'roaQ Cf. 282. acrt' tl 'At(Yov iEOavrt5,ild 0t~xq'roQEg. Aj. 517. "Auh'oe, #vce~g,'rovg oiXq~roQaq. 7r s.o t B. K Ft~s A. T. 7irg2,su (supr. 01 a m. pr.) L. Cf. 1235. (Ed. R. 71t4. 7t Po' -ir a t i O'ce av E v, ogr t ",'v o tr 'L vIto~rS x c V o v 7rc"'P. And on Ant. 375. 1162. O' ovv] cud' olv Reisk. 1163. 7rQ6rpavrov K. ~(vxc' tt' F"ursvsv #avC0tv] A similar antithesis occurs Ant. 871. 4~&eVc~v i'v' oacav XrqvaQ,, tts. Aj. 1027. i'tt,-W a' "ExU~oQ xat' #vcO'V cUiroqpthsi'v. El. 808. Itb' ~uc'irco'A,,czg #cev(0. 1478. Zcovrct is added imerely for rhetorical embellishment. El. 1420. xXsuVsvE A. L. iHarl. ~'rusB. K.?xr.avE T. IZ'Xrcvvv Turn, and (supr. ct) Yen. 1164. cpavcS 6' fyc~ -] Qu1. rpcavio di Got -.Cf. (Ed. R. 710. cpavco co 6t 6erjiutc~ rJi-VNs govrotuc Schol: IQOJ 'got cUq.rv lucuvrvsav VENVO~QcYV, 6VtCcPn"Voi),Ycv Tm- irQOTEs. cv7u'3cdvov'0V i'ea the nmss. Hlerm. Scehn. Natick. 6vtut3avoV~rd 001 Wandler (N-. Emend. p. 157.) Hart. Dind. I. e. 6vptqpcovo~vna. Cf. 1174. 173. Arist. Equit. 2-20. yXncfuot vs UvILP 3cvOvat Xa TO Iqt xo'v. N~sch. Chio. 208. Fig raivro 6cvtut~a'vovgt rotig Igotig grlgot. Ilerod. t1. 3. A),,o~v ElVvca 8i av~t.q34ovxat roicu?v M~ttrpt. Dobree suspects the genuineness of this line. ~~vt43cdvstv i'da, he remarks, can hardly signify Gvv 'yoQ~ T'Vcat. Wander suspects iace to be a gloss, and corrects 6VUavtc~vxc2U cot, Coll. (Ed. R. 710. Qui. avtufacdVovr'?yco. icc]e ' To the same effect.' Or perhaps it is put adverbially. 1165. Dobree considers this line, spurious, because of the disagreement of xatva' 'r-eceniti' with nabyta& 6l)1vog 157. Cf. (Ed. R. 916. Moreover this oracle is not YvvyjyoQov with the other. Bergk also brackets the line, ais being evidently corrupt. ~ OPOJ{J0 IE'O r, Z t 7( V IQ~Ol XtI%(UC(0T0 N~ Z9 ~ r~h r~Ja xa rOAVY c'tGov )QI);", ~vv 'yoQu] GI. T: avftrfo~vu. 1166-8. See Wund. Introd. IV. ~. 4. 1166. ri~v - E,-R?.)v] Cf. linm. 11. 7n'. 21134. ZET) ieva4woc, NslacaytX1, r~)o'9r~ vat{cov, I Jco6CO'vqg ttmi dvYX&Fta01Zov 'ap' ZUt ot' vcd'ova' ilnocpi~rct U'vrinxoiode~ Xa~uatEvvat. Calliniachus H1. Dcl. 284. calls them, ysy> #E~a~rOVrT~ co1YiqTotO j3"nog. Where see the interpreters. V. Valek. Diatr. p. 171. Cf. on 17221. 1167. Zs2AXJov] 'E2.Xov v. 1. ap. Sehol. and Turn. marg. Already Strabo, VII. 10. doubted which of these two forms were the more correct. The form 'EX~ot' is -used lby Pindar. Cf. Arist. Meteor. I. 14. Shrah. VII. p. 505. Schiol. ad Iom. 1. c, On this oracle cf. llerod. 11. 502-8. -Fgla~ A. -1,YEX5v B. K. L. 7reo6EWO.)v T. V. Yen. Turn. inarol. Perhaps,rzEhM'v. Cf. on Aj. 296. Ud9t YQcvzPcqunV] SC. t1g rT)V 6~T 'I entered, noted down, coninoitted to writing.' Cf. 157. CUaatav 6FY~rov t'yys v17V ~vv#~~4' Arist. Vesp. 537. xcii tt'v oo "'v.y y air2.vo a fLl'oV I~lof~ 'yc6. Elrnsley (ad Eur. Iphi. T. 559. in Mlus. Crit. II. p. 290.) and Dobree correct? qeapcttlv, which Dindorf calls a very probable conjecture, and is adopted by Ilarttung. Perhaps rightly, for do6- and ~ are often confounded (v. Elmnsl ad ipli. T. 559.), and this correction derives support from the 0y'croytaVou4vov of Herodotus (see below); yet I think dot'7QaqPfLV may be defended. It was usual for those who consulted an oracle to enter into tablets or rolls the exact answers delivered. Schol: F70V6 a~Q~) /~ XVg XQ11fLOV O,1Lvovg 7UXQaXQ19JL6a YQU — CpuFv, t'Va Jk7) -7inaciNovrcat. So Herod. VIII. 135. Ig tojro r6 rfinu rsE zQtil4JtiV -,irtofat' otC rwv a&rOuv CatQtwr0vg acCV6'QC 7Qvtg (~rO' TOy xotvo,5, co (Z7(0yQC~otfLvovg r& #,'7toirdtv "'fvtlt. I. 47. ('ouaa II' "" EXC~~~~~~OTC~~~~~~ row x Or7Qtov lhordoy, ovyy pcdvov~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. Arist. Av. 923: oil;~~~~~~Ezt6 'ov. rit.Av 93 dFV SQ, ttL0oOg?o41 o, Xqgi.o~i rov-rcl, OV EyO) 7raQ(' C'/7roo)vog~~ yQCaVC9.Lfv (qu. toyapuv?.Dem. p. 1180.?%y~cs'ipeqttvovg (al. iyyQ.) felftir zc'z 6vvqf~'Jxac 7rc LXv o~p 'vcO'at. p. 1197. g6Woma r qxs~v To yecqa 11LrVl Xa 06"pr~~ o ohrog cqptu?.v. Mleineke also defends ct-IEtQa 1168. zaJedag Perhaps rc~ati~g. Cf. 171. r 'v inalac'ev r~yov. rotvylo66ov 6Qr'og1 Schol: "rot inolty% ttvrvoltdvrjg Xat 6'c TObro inORIc, fWVt"VrFoLEVng- 7 xig d1tcsrPOoQ~t atac~lfx~otg %Qqguf,)codV6qgr zTos rrjv Exaor~ov trjw tvr~svoufdvo ylicoo66v. It is called Tiqyo' above 171. Oig Cf. Ibm. Od. ~'. 237. to'v &'?g ACOdCvqjv qcpcto f34svcat, OCqJUc Oro~o I E 169'QgVO 1PlXlptfLtot Jt~ P3ov1,q'v E'nxov'cat. r'. 295. AXsch. Prom. 829. EZLyaQ 7ireog Moloooc'z 60c'rulc, I rnjv a1inil'vcorOv r' cttqpl' Aco~cal;vJv, 7va trcvrEto 9'OCon g r' 1,oft O o~rQ(Orob zht, g, ~ vc~rrrv atC 7reQ~oLJoQi des'E. Valek. ad Herod. VIII. 135. For ino2.iylooooog cf. El. 641. 798. Musgrave conjectures xoil; 7rcrlyy?.wo6ov (Pind. N. I. 58. inf~yy~cnoaoov tYyyE'Xov tiiatv), 'nor false.' dYevog] It is called cpy'gy above 171. Thin rpqioy (quercus esculus) is a species of oak (p):v. Theophr. H. P1. III. 9. 16. T P.,-] X I N I -4 I 251 ~qa~x~ ~Ly~YCOVTCv pvi5TCOcov Ettot 1170 vYi~ 0 vg5a T9)/ A cv4 q51Et V I 7 1169. rc5 ~iovxr] Schol: Tr 5 "'aErc~rr 0 Yup 7rpxa~ oEov4I 16,cV,9xcT~. Cf. 173. XQo'vovI roi~ V~v naevrog'. (Ed. C. 580. xpovq3 ~Icf-,'ors cii', ov'yt n 7rc YQO'VU 7rov. El. 1293. a it OQ~GEL ttOt TO) 7r~tQOVT1 r~v XyO'vco. Similarly Aj. 141. x'~g vv cpO'tttrVqgvrj ro'; "Leave the wuither'd past, and tutrn ye to the tinme that livetli now.'' (Arnold.) Wunder (v. Em-end. p. 157 f.), off ended with the unusual expression x(; ~Covut XQO6vw lroposes: 0~~o %QVO) It'Jovvt, o7 7rUQOV-tL V~V. 1170. t~oY'Omv u~v bsruolFr. 163. xi'g yc'Q tts 1t6X0og oV'x 17tsxx;(E d. R. 7 77. 1171. Avretv] Pind. N. X. 76. rig itm' h,~6tg E'aarat nwalc'; Ant. 597. ocVW?'Xsr ha'tv (ral 'tircex)- (Ed. R. 921. XsiEt6atcz Fntnre middle, in a, passive sense, 'wvould be accomnplished.' Cf. 827. 1172. ~TOW vuig. To it' Wyttenb. Sch. Dobr. ad (Ed. TR. 108. &c. Cf. on El. 275. x5o it q)v LI/' -1 'Rot thiat meant, it would seemi, nothing else than that I shouild die.' Eur. Diet. Fr. 13. r5' i' n~v U"Q' o5'x c'novaxov ozVit ava6X rov. Plat. R-,ep. 1I. 357 A. T, it' )v &a, e~ 7 O ' OtXs irzoomqrtov. IV. 443 C. r'm iT, y r m> IYqci -- EL'itorv rt i~l 8trxaetoaivrq. Cn.p 1 9 8D. xT it' 6 ' 4YQ a, gF0 E ~'xvov Toroo inv TO xceMWg LLc7ravrv. 1Plut. Mar. 30. TO it' ovx qv &Que rotorov. Lucian. pro Imag. 3. To' iti ov' ovuo(0 '-Yxst. Arist. Av. 19. o) XtO) (Y /61v ovit,,v ud~o 7rI~iV itc& XVSLV. For "&(r cf. Phil. 978. 996. 1173'. Cf. El. 1170. rov' y"' ~avdvrcg ovX O1Qco?~vnovttE'vovg. (Ed. C. 955. 'a"v0,Vzcov it' om~aE~v "Iyog UZZETr.- Of this line Dohree observes: "A poetai quidem, sed languidns." It is suspected hy Axt (Phil. IV. 574.). y(om. A. ~r~oytvxatA. 1B. K. L. T. vuig. Cf. El. 771. lrqoayt'yvE-rcet Br. (tacitly) &c. 1174. )Jcqr7rQc% 6vtpa3cvrtj 'Agree (or corresponzd) clearly (with the other oracle).' Cf. 1.164. Or are clearly being fulfilled. Schol: qpvFCe 6UCP1~, 7rQoitiqtC. 17CF1 OVV, gElGV QG~o ~j9 tto yrvrYOczt o1vtqlxov 4ttot'. Wakefield: 'hacr dlare congruinit' (i. e. h,- prwdictiones in unum atque eundem eventum ainicissime conspirant)..ZEsch. Eum. 744. 41LttQ"& pL~tyerv Tta~?V 1175. its 6' av -] Herwerden ohjects to am- here,7 and proposes 6E (GaE?) itrt -. I had hit upon the same conjecture myself. rr5it,-r XOvit]t rioitd T' ce'viQb L. roi it y' czvitQi Schol. Vict. ad II. '.' 100. The correct mode of writing this is perhaps uTitr rci'vietQ. — I()POK-,4Eo r~ xaAta,Wrov I'c(Lq0VTri 7Lah(qXEI1 zTffqt'. TAAO0 T. 6 0 zardrq rctVp5 ~tilv E' A0JYoV 6rctav roch'4' IEl'2r8Mi'wV ZrE(dotta 4) a` dot 4oxai. 1180 HPAKAHE. 'E10~h cI9 4,6t'1V 7(qcairtfU Stot. Ig tqt(YoV A. B. K. L. T'. and Schol. Horn. ~V'qtxov ihe edd. hefore Br. 1176. tt.~ '7tirF~vcerj y 7rcqsijvcu (stipr. av before 7r.) L. Whence Mleineke conj:,s~j "'vattcivc, or x4t ttq) U'vcgns'vcvr' ('teryiversando') cqidv &c. I rather suspect myself '7xtufvcat, 'to endutre.' Qu. -x&' tni a8~ct-. Or perhaps some participle should be restored. Qu. xat tl aztUo~o~vr ('by disobeying me,' 1183.). Or xa' ftcq aYvxrdFvoVr cyltov o~ivat 6gx4'tc. Or xac' prn4 ri (or It.iM) rAijvcu -' Or xazt tt, xcroxvovvr' Tvot41 V 0 o 'T xseate mny sp~eech,' i. e. to compell me to use angry words. Cf. Aj. 651. xre'yw' y&q, 0" -rc ~d~v' Iarc-Q0goVV rotsr, I Pm, Ytbiq~og " g,? '2iv~rjv 6or 'ire. Psalm. 66, 6. xce'i y?~63eera clv~r~o.ttf'XatQcc 0'id. Some with Musgrave wrongly take 64ivce for an intransitive. 4i~vczt A. B. T. Dind. Aid. Turn. 4'vca K. L. Br. 1177. rei'rd'vj 'Of thy own accord, willingly.' iE d. 1R. 341. Xc#ovrty the mss. vuIg. ri-' 'r vrce ( ' pr. ni. I think) A. Edxaa6vc Elmnsl. ad (Ed. C. 1015. Dind. Nck. &c. Cf. (E d. C. 1 3 34. 1178. 4,,vQ0'vra1 'flaving discovered, having recourse to.' Witnder: 'legein reperientent (intelligentemn) essc optinmam, itt patri obleinperein.' 'I'is hardly seems right. QuI. EV GEoVV, 'rightly respecting or observing,' or tog rcvba Ovxcz -- or o`'vr' ian6obvru, or -?~c~xo~vrc. WNakefield conjecttires cqueov'rce, 'extullentem, honoranten,' or 'prccferentcm.' Ilylhits, Ilie observes, was not to discover a law, but to ratify one already recognized. Wecklein offers the same correction, which had also occurred to myself. Meineke proposes InrpE'Qovrcz And ri rrqeoivrce is the excellent emendation. of Ilerwerden Anal. Trag. p. 2.021., coil. EL. 2178. FvQOVaa (,rrjeo~ec lReisk.). Nauck also suspects 4fivQo'vrd. TI~t0caQ%5Lv zcrartC] Put in apposition with, and in explanation of, ncAinrov vnv 1179. Elg the russ. vuig. Ig Dind. Xo6yov ar"cYtv] 'Contest of words.' (lEd. R. 6347. Tt' 'rr)v q(ov~ov -- 6r 'etv y).we6?an Ir'rl1Qciea 6r; Eur. Ph. 1474. cO~r6' Q97 ).cdg,t'.'Qtv Xo'ycov. Dobree: 'In hujutsmodi cottaqqtiuvi detatus.' 1180. rotrevd' 1rXNh(v] Qu. rotcz'v6r y' t4Yev I or rotczva 6),v MIIIIII I TPAXINJ A].2 2513 CA).riw T t.7rt'TtV Trjv( (UyCV rcp; IIAKAH02I7. I'ot' 74f0r&~V O'j& zov cv arraoq~e4w(; HPA4KA1H2I o1wvV Jt6~g vvv roy PE qPv'5cvrog xd~ga. 1185 i'iaFXFQc - prot] Arist. Ran. 754. f`qa3c& trot IriV 8&,tc'v. Vesp. 554.?cPUXX~t riot x'v Xrie'. Nub. 81. xV'GoV tt, xai xqv yxvga 80' zi'v 8E~ta'v. Diphil. Athien. 292 B. T'V 4~&IUV?V-F3aUOV. Dem. p. 554. T~ 'V 6FiW' -? PF0XnduzT. p. 553. T v6 6E~tav?lt3cgal'v. ~sch. c. Ctes. 224. T 'V 6v~t~V IVi3a2.r, U'V6QU cPi2.0V %t ~40Vo 7oLovtLEVOg. Phil. 813. -`l~as XUQo' zrrirtv. (Ed. C. 1632. do' tvot x"Q0 og 7rtGTt?' aYQXCCtav T7Jotg. 1182. o)' 7r' T I -; ] 'Wit17h a view to what, wherefore? Cf. 532.. (Edl. iL 1174. Q TiQiC 766. 1144. Aj. 40.(Ed. C. 71. Lob, ad Aj. 7 7. 7rtGlrtv Irrj'V( ayav lzirtotEupstg the mss. Sehol: iqt rcUyEu ttot uxQ143 z~rt'av. This is not intelligible to me. Musgrave eXPlafins?2uaxTQI~qtg in the sense of qpqovdrI~tq 'euras,' hut would gladly rea?2uxpEt, in the middle, if there were any authority. Qu.. 7rdr,ri&TJ ayav 17riarQpEuV, or rather 7rt'arF&og rijW '&Y~a'V Ofx G'Q'(F i. e. 'why dost thou so much regard this pledqe?' For GVTQ8PEG0'ct xTVOg cf. Aj. 1117. TO~ 6 0 Vo6 P~rovI oibX UV argcaCpv('v. The corruption perhaps arose from the copyists' ignorance of the synizesis in.iri'r,,og. Or 7i`dgttV T iv6' 4utyjv Fy.Ftv (?k43tv) Or 7r10Utv rfv 68 &ycav oiv'co Zro#Eig. Or 7rtGrtaV zrnVI' U~rCUaq'G (or r 68F y' edrx'4aug?'Etg. Reiske: 7r~i~tvGTt1V8rj' UZUrci~.E; r(f GxTQ;SPf; ceycv A. B. K. L. avyav y' T. 1183. otiGaug] SC. r'v xiect. Perhaps uptg u7rtGTr16Etg A. K. a7tar 'aq B. pr. T. V't6ar '6rj (supr. Et a mn. pr.) L. 7rroaaTrbast Wak-ef. (from Seliol.). Schol: yp. 7rpoar dor1g (7rQoauria~tg ed. JRom.) 4troi, Ivavrtc03 46?j &c. The reading therefore mentioned by Schol. was undil'h ICQO6 'aij (or irQogr 'act?)?~( Arar~ artq is right, for the particle ot' is common to both clauses. S o Aj. 7 5. oi gty' U64Lt tvq6E' 8,,tAav c4s1; (Ed. R. 638. Arist. Nub. 296. o 3 6Zxcipt (Gxc'Vzpg the m-ss.) turrj 7rotrastg (,;rot 'ay th "ms) 7eQEurip. Bacchi. 343. on fLY) 27rpoaotactg XF~Qi p- fLY E4ojto'Q~s &c.; aiuavtar GF] I. q. U7t#'0ia~tg, 'disobey. Cf. 1224. 1229. 1240. Ant. 219. 381. 656. ~Esch. Promi. 661. ot'x oW~ ozwco V'dv c'Cvrtazcet( F p4 Eur. Iph. A. 634. 1185. Wtfvv] ottvvptt A. op~VV zJt6g vvv - The position of vvv is very inelegant. Qu.. Jto'j VVV OfLVl)- or xaec aV v Uvv -- Jtog. Cf. Ear. Med. 744. o"4rVV 7rE 1) I "I A I. 254 27V~~~~~JiO 10 KA E P22 - 1~p jv TI IC, TO) I9(TT. HPAKALI~2. TAAO22. HPA4KAH~2; oi64i;Xogv n'n; i'rj Zlj~tv&' EV4'x6OV Aa 70v; lYov y~q Virg. lXn. VI. 351. 'maria aspera jutro.' The transp~osition, I suspect, was due to somne one whiom the shortening of Vvv offeided. vvv B. L. Dind. W-und. vv K. T. Hermi. vuig. 1186. i '~rv] Cf. 256. Phil. 593. Ilerod. III. 133. 4oQxot WsV, ij ttr v (a]. ply) LU aVTv~rOVQ75J6ELV &'C. 'Theai verily I wfill do what?', AMc O'd6 A. T. K. xcd' x',' B. marg'. Turn. Wak Qu crce Tx or nVTL, or Wg 'and immedliately it will be 7)Vonwinfced (agreed to by mHe).' At the end of the line a, note of interrogation is pnt hay Wunld. Dind. Schin. Bgwk., aend also after 8QWU'Gv by Ji-erni. Dind. Schin. The interrogation should he marked only after 6QV'G5rv, a Is in the older edd. and Br. In next verse ExrF~i-iv is of course future. 1188. Zilv'?'xo~v 17rctoxoovJ 'Jiaving Zeuis invoked (swvorn),' i. e. swuaring by Zeus.?irc(Povov] arcorYOov Ven. Schol: Oxtov. 1189. EL (& IXO'?'`~rOtg1 SC. u(Ov oqnOv. Sehol: El zceeucd'rj~ TOig OQOvg. Cf. Arist. Lys. 234. Tczi~x'?p~rvr~o~ac 11EV 7ot Oti 1VV,,V, - L 'I 7ruetpxtc1irv, f'da-rog?jirXjjff' n' x't~. Eur. Suppl. 1201. OQxoy Ex1L~TO'vrS. Iph. T. 733. El '?xXt7rfO2 TOyV OQXOV c"c&%O(,g?pl. For the opt. E`2#otg cf. CHd. R. 250. 1190. ou' tt 1"'coj] Sc. zntova5'g. '1 s/ia/i not yet any.' Cf. 621. Phil. 103. oi' tt' 7TL'*qrce. 418. ovfin' 4'c'vcoat. 381. (Ed. C. 450. 649. El. 42. 1029. Aj. 421. Literally: 'there need be no fear (6~og) lest J should qet them.' 1191. rz' w O'Trj~g Zqvo' - 7rc'yovI.e.xV Ohixcov Zv io. So Phil. 489. T&' Xa~(O%'6ovxo; EiPot'ag (Eijgot4a Musgr. &c.) GTr&9uLC. Aj. 53. XEt'ce0 c-a (3vn62ROwv CPouijQ ra. nt. 1204. )~t#66TQCTOV sorj vvpqcpEfov ~'Atov. (Ed. C. 922. ncd rx& r(v #,,Cv f~t'a U"7OvrT qwrco cz4#Ucov r~nxituc. Ahove 573. ttEay.ZJXov - foy aQ'9qtfJiL A,,Qvcai'cs v~g TPAXINIA4T. 1)AA 022. 0hV, cog 4vr~, ye 7roAi A 'Y) ziTU4ihg &vco. -Erc,049'c vvv X~j) roi~tov clagvura m zto~iv ttlv {{bqv r~g vafqqiov 69v6o 10 Emr. Ion. init. HaU c'og ii7r' Oft" Ii A~ ~cow 0fo6. Zsh g 1213. riqv ttdv Ovigrov dcnxuira ut6st'wv zes-t I ~vvipwu. Ag. 276. 'A#,ceov cdrrog Z'qvo'. Compare above 200. co' ZEV3, Trv Oirrjg Urottov OgXLW Exg 436. -roZ xw' UxXQOV Ohaczov vcairog Izt6g XaexUc~rQrovxog. Oir q O~i Musgr. prob. Elmsl. ad CEd. C. 220. Cf. El. 10. UV KQeigav (KQtauq?) P3otvotiov t"zo~v c'xrc~v. E-ur. Her. 361. 0 T' '4Qysr 2Z#,i41.Ov xiSQaVVog. Above 172. JdcodcMvt. But the gen. is supported by 200. T V 1 Oi'm ~TOIrOV g,t~' g. Cf. Fr. 229. @Q Ge xnrcvZ~ vog 'A0)oov. ~lsch. Fr. 146. IV 'Idat'm0 7cc yin v~iparov the mss. npV(arov Wak. 'Erf. ad Phil. 1265. Bened. Rightly, I think. Cf. Phil. 1289. c'7rft)tog' c'tv6v Ziqv6~ V't6,ro~v 6a43Ug. Pind. N. XI. 2. Z~vdig i'V~exov %Uemyvnrc. Cf. onl Phil. 1289. There was at Thebes a temple Jtm6g i'V(GTov. 1192. 7r0o).cl 64'] 'Ofithimes.' Cf. Fr. 1238. Tlerod. If. 173. ttEmPog [Qxc 'rEQCO v~ttco. Arist. Eq. 411. 7ro)a' dYj '.;rl rro)Aoig. Vesp. 1046. 7r6AV1 Ezl7r roA~oig. PI. 253. cl 7ro2.1 dq' - #h3ttov cPaYOVrrg. aercz,,4'g Cf. 340. 608. Aj. 1171. A~schi. Suppl. 481. aetc,,1 no 5 TiyjCOV. It was customary for the sacrificer to stand. 1193.?v~ab~9c connect with irpi~ec 1199. vvv A. L. V. vulg. d,' B. K. T. supr. Vim Br. &c. X omn. K. 4apcevriJ?4"Di1ivr' 1L. 1~czp'vzu lemim. schol. '44mEroa K. 1194. 1ay'roz~lp -- 'ith youir own hainds, and wvi// those of your frienids that you desire.' vV Oig zpqy~,-tg cp(.iov] (Ed. C. 334. ~vlv cozc cpOv oKSxcov Tittro) tto0V 0). 1195 —S. These four lines are with much probability bracketed as spuirious by Wunder (v. E mend. p. 199 f.). Cf. Eur. Here. 240. bY', ot tu"v Eiticov 01.d~ ~czpa~6v 2rv~I X5LIL avo1?11f'oVrrs VaXOVQ — YOVQ 6QV(Og I xoettov~g?imEt6CV a' XaottLG#(5itOGv iro'l, I P&jiO'tv nitS T(oV. Ant. 1108 f. Dr., Clarke (Travels VII. 294) noticed the existence on the summit of mount (E ta at this day of the particular trees here )mentioned. r~j~ ~haVQQ1oV dvI Wakefield quotes Theophr. H. P 1. 1. 9. le &E xcd' ra' ttE'v gc#v'Qqt~, x&iY#UnF dep: but still hie would prefer here, j3 vwa9'vdov or P3ci~vret'Zov. Why I know not. 1196. xsipecevraj 'Having hewn.' Hence xopttug. Cych. 384. V'q~ dpo z opttov 7r)~uxrc?ea&p P3aacov E`irt. Herc. 241. J~6QVOgx0opozg. 256 256 2~~OlOKvlEO 19 u1"'Otov ~2cuov, 6wctta TOi'Uoll'uhz~v ZqqGUAt. 'OOV ME EiLj(V U'chrc )YX~v, aA cWrgvcarog zaazvT0~, Ei'7( Et 12(00 TOVY CV(1190'g, i'qt0V U Et U&j ~{V&~ 6Y 6c3 lIec. 574. oc' 6E T2u7qpoVgtv 7tvQO!v z oQttov'g q`QOVT~g nv~dVovg. ibm1). Od. Vi'. 196. Arist. Lys. 255. %O )v I% I~ 7ro2.2v] On this form cf. on Ant. 86. roXXov 4P0cO)V. Qu1. Zo)Wv cyt'z?)~a' v, as Elmsley (ad Bacceb. 527) tacitly corrects. ("Non opus." Dind.) Or at least Trvxvo'v (or gv~vo"v, or zlrXiarov) - Cey~toV 7'.atov. (zQrv 'M1ale.' i. e. strong, hard. Cf. Phil. 1455. x~o aj (i. e.?GXveoq). Arist. Tlh. 125. Thcophr. 11. P1. IV. 1:3. T'U Uy~erU T)V & rv LXQ03LriJT-FQct, oiov xortvog M9aa XcU UaQg Udovrt QV1Y aGvs5X'?OX QOuQ y Q %ct Trzxv OTFe- The wood of the wild olive (x~ TIVOg', 'olea~ster') is meant. Scliol: "tXUv~xov r'y~It~atov. Ovid. Fast. \T. 741. ' Ure mairles oleas (,al. maris?orein).' "AQa9qv is feminine also in Eu'fr. Baccli. 526.?fca'v '~a' U xcvdlv pi3#tr vj6%v. The masculine Q~.~ as Elmisley observes 1. 1.,7 is far more common. 1197. ""yeov i~tov1 Pind. Fr. 21. Mtrzoq (&Y'mo AyQtEXcilcz 'a wild-olive' (lat. 'oleaster') occurs Diose. I. 125. 'A-Qtl~,fcog' (r') in the same sense Thoeor. VI[ 18. Theophr. 11. P1. 1I. 3. 5. So 'yQtL7Va F', czyQt0XV!.LtVOV, ayQtozcQ6ali.Vvov clye~tQx(4aLov, yy7)oao aVy1 XrL ~ci?~c, &c. Bekk. Aneed. p. 339, 28S. 'a' to4OUtO-?V at iZO).O' rtYQI ~CetoV xaxovatv "GTrt 7ra QU Ithv6dce'po?v VfLtvotg. Eust. p. 1944, 7. 110cz GrpiL~twxs ov Xatz ortt a one~~( eEo) 6vc~ cr?UIyE7o, sn icvvroc "yt7QcC`Eta og,ua(ZtO 4AOItov ztovvatov, xoctovx 'yQtO.Outog. Quoted by Diud. acg~.cce ro1'pcv repeated (1193 f.). Cf. Phil. 273. 1199. yo'ov (YE tvq~iv dlatiuo 6ce'Qvviulg. '~Andletno tear of lanientalion be introdnced (allowed).' Put by a poetic license in the sense of o-' rog 8'pqi E dam'rTco (cf. 298). Wakef: "Let no tear qeish forth.' A~Isch Sept. 962. t"M ~ce'X91cz. Clio. 150. W"rs bUXQV nczvcpg. Cf. Aj. 579. lt?76' 17rtGax'vovg y 'ovig irxv.Ilor. Od. IT. 20. 21. 'Absint inani funere naniw Ilechtsqite turpes; el qeterimnoniatI comipesreeclamior-em, et seputleri I nitte siipermc'acos honores.' Enn1iuls: -Newoa me lacrymnis decoret, neqiie fetnera fletu I faxit. Cur? volito vivce' pe ora. viriani.' But a'&'co is lprobably faulty. Qu. 'Q~r VWc (El. 1231. ICQvru daX~QvoV 0 UTc(xOV &rO), or 1~t'Tco (dig and?4 being often confounded), or QEl co or?nir~~~~'e~~, or ~~ or E yq Hart: 7 'Ov d' ttL4Xt MCm~ r csv 60ov - 8U'xQv] So in Aj. 579. ttqd' h-rt,9X VOVg yo'ovg I~xv.J xqvce and y~ot are found coupled, as Wunder remarks, in Eur. 11p1. T'. 860. d'5rpvc x aI y~oo. Tro. 315. hirl Ya'XQVat Xrat yootat. Or, 3'20.?1V (YcXQVat Xati yootg. 1200. cderivczxog xcaMxQ~vrog] Cf. 1074. c'at~vczxrog. Eur. 11cc. 960. UIcXQVTOVi cait vcXrov. Alc. 173. &x~cv-rog, &ar 'vaxo.(Ed. C. 1663. om a vcaxxcg. 'Adc'x~vrog 'not weeping' occurs HIbm. 11. 1, 415. 04. 24, 61. 4, 186. Cf. on CEd. 1R. 969. stirrQ (r17rrp L.) ET xo;' dzv6Q0g] Cf. 1064. 1205. 1201. tt~vc5 a' Eyco -] rI will await thee (f-c.' But this does not,agree with the interpretation of the Schol: &araUXEaco ratg xacrcapag Xrcd %c,#' r'Am6'ov jicZQJv aE. Wunder explains thus: tE~vF-i' a,- q'?iei) PaQtcea iQ. 0, TPA X LN1AJ.27.-j") ) 7 zat Vt~qqEh5,V aao E " fav TAA 4022. ot`",totI 7tcrEq, rt E7(Ct; ota ~1.!li'pycart. ctAUov YEVOv rOy lq6, 4t'o'! X4~jf /frr 1205 TAA02X. tTXI '4Yt z, Zaaoat ot',14,~atrt cpov1 a yu-ofct cEwcto 1~' HPAKA4H2:. oi 6~r' Eycay' aAA~ 60v EJXCa) IrcavtoMov Cf. 123~9. c"?Ja rot 4Jscav Uczatr ~isz Et 6' c'7tarL'Gavrcaf xoig ltoi~g #oota. Qn. y~vr'ao~tka (gl. Got) -. Or ttsvt5 YE Got - 1202. 4a~gcio] e~ringing a curse, avengying.' Schol: 17rc~ccrog, zrt11ecopg (Ycdtpcov. (Ed. R. 1291. A~sch. Ag. 228. q)#Oyyov cegcitov oi'xotg. Eir. Med. 608. xad aotg c'qcdo" y' ovccr rvyx5'to Ydototg. Iph. T. 778. a otg C'cdcea hNC04tuatv yEVqjcoftat. Sopih. Fr. 467. o' 7rQO6aa5v on'W0 nv trptiio' ttoL vgxvg. Elmisl. ad Med. 595. pccpVn;j] Causing trouble, a source of trouble.' (Ed. C. 402. xn'votg 0 xVppjog dvarv~ojv O' ac' jteQv'. 409. 1203. z' K. L. Wtund. Dind. Selhn. -tv' A. Harl. Aid. Br. Nauck. t ftn' B. T. Turn. Erf. Ilerni. Hart. rot' V. Ven. For the hiatas cf. on Phil. 917. oi'"tot, r(' Edira'; 100. OMc It, neyacat.] W -hat hast thou done to mze!'I in thus obliging me to purt an e11( to thee. Hlermann and Wuinder wrongly mark an interrog~ation1 after this; not so Dind. Schn. 1Bgk. Ete~y~aat A. K. E?'ygycct B. L. Perhmaps lQytcst1. 1205. xovil Tob L. For Yspvo perhaps xa)Uo5. 126.otot Wn~ a;#tq- Cf. El. 1416. itlkoe ttcW a-lg (Ed. C. 1477. 1732. Ph. 793. Eon. Tro. 625. waci' tt alzPtg. Arist. P1. 935. oh t'? xxcclsJ eTo what things (lost thou invite mne!' Sehol: "'VfyXcU — ~E W.Ne may understand h'Qtv: cf. on 734. Perhaps orce" ttE s?zEtg. ExxczEij lxxcz?,sig Harl. corr. 1207. za tlvcziov] 'The destroyer with mny own hands, the actual mur'derer.' Schol: c'lc'Gropi, putecpovoV, arozpt~c. From zra~ac'in ethe hand', Lat. "patina', EngI. "palm'l, whence nczaaat&GOc"tcato do a thing with one's own hands.' Hence 7rcdcqtvaEtog comies to mean the same as (X'vTaxstp, C one who perpetrates a deed (murders,) with his own hand.' El. 587..Aseh. Eum. 416. Wuinder and others wrongly interrogate at the end of this line: cf. on 1203. It is an exclamation, not an interrogation. 1208. cov -`'coj e~q E`'c (cf. 1234) Hlernm. Heart. We muvst, I think, correct either here ctg tiXco, or in next line d1vycr vo~v 677G~Qwv or (I6 I3LAYDES; Sophooles' Traeliiniae. 1 7 258 258 ~~~~~.O(POKJ1EO 122 X( Lo1 VOV t'LeTiqC TCJ)V ~EyOV Y.UcWV. zatc 7r5;V'Zdat'ov 66ttk (4V IpCiv~j TO Gov; 1210 HPA4KAH22. dl l cE pof3~t zp' roiko, ra"b~a y' iQycacat. )2AA402:. (PqgYE rot oOOV'4t OVYEwIWEat. HPA KAH22. T1 'COV) for Trcv E'rtLC. Wakefield also notices the awkwardness of the com-1 mon. reading. Herwerden (An. Tr. p. 202) would eject rc~v 4rtiom in next verse. Wunder thinks the otherwise intolerable tautology, r&,v 4tcjov %cacv, WoV?'Xw, is excusable owning to the intervention of other words. But the actual position of the words, c70v f'`o, rc 4ncIttv x~ecoJv, is mnuch worse still. Cf. on Ant. 404. For the sentiment cf. Eur. Her. 559. TO' cz lhevti nc,.wv fL7L6TO 9QfLOVottsa.Hipp. 1372. lrct CZovtov] Ph. 1345. 7rcntcov~czg Ig XEtQczg?b 2iEsch. Ag. 821. (pcztt xcv W~v cv. Id. ap. Phot. p. 344. 5 'cdE' 6' aaotg Gxc irz covi'cui.. Arist. Ach. 1150. zatcaovfiXLG XEQGL'V. Qu. 7rrcitvca zs. Phil. 168. 1209. xj~v?4tnov xcexnv] Phil. 251. rn'3v qno~v XXnetcV V.E~ If c'Ov '-co he correct in prec. v., I think r~v?Ittiv must be wrong here. Qu. 6var'vcov (or Avz6Q~ov, or &vGcpO'Qo~v) xczx~v. El. 873. cp,"QnA3 - U" TwnavMcoI nae7czqac9v ETx9 - nw,'.niv (not xnov gc~v xaczx*v). Cf. on 1208. and on CIEd. C. 907. 'lar 1qp occurs in Homer and Pindar. 1210. vi7rrntJ4nv (corr. V'rc~#ov a mn. ant.) L. Fr. 312. ~IQotg VirndlltcV T~V JntO' TVQUVVM"n. (poglsi zprg xodro] 'Fearest fiz respect of (because of) this.' Cf. 1243. CU~. C. 1119. ftt' #avttazE zTrQ ro' ~taeg (Ed. R. 980. ai' &' Eg rot pnni4 ~t pofpoi vvpTEV'tancxc. Herod. III. 30. 7tQog COV raVin 6ELaag 7rEsL Eovxoii ~ - Arist. Poet. 1 1. & MUc~cov ro~ 7rQo rjjv ML-,r ea qp 0'ov. Matth. Gr. ~. 591. ~. 578. c. Cf. on (IEd. R. 980. Perhaps pogsi' 7rroQ xo,66 (cf. 150.), or qpop3&i 6pdcv roix-o.,roi,ro] rov B. y' A. Harl. Ald. p' B. K. L. T. Turn. 1212. 9)oQ~g] Schol: ro~3 qpEQE1V GE, CP~V~qtg] 'Refusal, b5egruidging.' Eur. Med. 62. Tanp'vst qpeez'at. Hbm. Od. r'. 348. aEsch. Pr. 603. C~d. R. 310. Qu. qpoQ&, yi rot atg oi, 75VJ65-rai ep~ovog. 4510Vqtga probably occurs nowhere else. yrv,Esrat] np~ov rasrat Ven. 1213. 7r no~a] The word here seems to mnean. comnpletioni.' Schol: OVTLO9 OVV 7C5JqQn`G5Lg TKJV 7rVQU'V rTJ~ V"rg Supply 1QydaEtl (from 1211) 1 - I I I wal I mm III I me.. -I I T PAX lINVIA cboV 7Y av cairg U TI zo~5o/uvwcv X~o(v' A, 4' cUct at~ xoi xzutr v 0 EQO-. 1215 HPAKAHT~. or 7tp tgL (1215), rather than ysv 'arrca, to siut the construction in next verse. 1214. O'Gov - XEQoiv] "Yes I will, only taking care not to touch it myself wit/ i y own /iandls.' We may easily supply Trhj7Q&Sig from zco/Lc in prcc. v. Cf. CEd. It. 347. nc4 ~vuqrpv'rE Gut TOVPYOV EL ycG60 a, oaov I U~ XE~at xcd'vcov. Thue. 1. 111. TR~j y~g 1xpaQTOVV OGIX P~LflQ Fovrzg 7rolV Ex T(OV 07trcov. IV. 16. TvM.iGFatv b6' vnv Vijaov-0Jac ffLq aiop3cvovxcag. Vaick. ad Phicn. 11. ttLq zoroxpccov A. B. Harl. Aid. vulg. ti 7rowlpcVo K. tt' u r ipavco (supr. cov) T. Ven. fvrj 7Ciro Vpcncov Hart. p ri xr 7rQ~oactcov Wtind. Which emendation, doubtless right, though as yet adopted by no other editor, had long since occurred also to myself. Tlortipwiov is extremely suspicious in a pare Iambic trimieter, at least in Sophocles. Only one instance, I helieve, occurs in the T'ragedians of zorod used for ILqg in an Iambic trimieter, and that is in 2Eschylus, Eum. 79. lioL4ov cdh Haa6og. irox't zru).yv I `ov - (perhaps itself a corrupt passage). THortWa-rtov (Fr. 230) occurs in an hexameter. Cf. Phil. 1054. &"sSE8 yap c~ray tti6E -7Qog~agn ErtY (qu. zpogpuiai',qd u). (Ed. C. 330. 7te06 -Vacvaov. Pind. Fr. 86. 7rortczp'cts. So Trpoab~tyyavEtv, Eur. Her. 652 &c. Perhaps 6,gov yF tnrj avrg Tii68 7rogV"avcov XEQO'V. 1.215. xos' ncrtL TOV'LO'V ttFQo9] eAnd my part of the business (what depends on me,) shatt not fail.' Eur. Med. 751. jj pcc'tr' c'.vo rv Ion. 363. d" xac~,vrc zro~ Xyov tt'.tc ccx Got. xa~a,&~ B. xausit L. zcqt7 K. (in ras.) ncrpzj v.xi a~jA To,31djv ttpg Ant. 1062. vo' gav flieQog. Eur. Her. 678. xovI~pLv pcreog. Rhes. 405. rx' Gayv tL~og. Hec. 989. roirV'EVov-jLEQoG. 1216. U'Xk?' c~qxEG.t xcz't uzavra] Wffell then even this wilt suffice.' Kcd' is often thus used with a'xFiv, Exavo', O'xg &c. Cf. Phil. 339. ol'cat ~Av ~n~v e( yrxu? a' - X c~i~ctt.Arist. Lys. 1046. Nacva~ yap Ta' XUX& XUL T& ZUQUXt'crVcr Plat. Soph. 220. UQXE ye&Q Xat, TOV'ro. Apo]. 28 A. U&X' iEXcVU %Uc, TUV'rc- Rep. VI. 506 D. apxi art ycp ~niv a~ - oqe- c gtj. VIII. 548 D.?'ccexrtv fLEv '8ErlA ta' ' T?7 vto yeacp~g. Cf. on (Ed. C. 6. 7rQOGV8tpWt A. K. Ald. 7t~ogvri4pat B. zeo4vEi~tat (supr. a, and accent over o a m. ant.) L. Qu. 7reoavrtfov. There is no more reason why the middle should he used here than in 996. iq`vs'co. But cf. CZEd. C. 767. 1217. XC'ttv PpaQu-ruv -] Aj. 130. tsaxeolq] I. q. psrycaotg. Aj. 130. ~sczneoj zrloixov. 825. Ant. 393. El. 47. 17* 260 26u ~'0h0~~~~~~~~~YOKAE(i T*.Y2~. rAA,02:.. E z t a z9 z g 9 5T V, tTC TIPA4K/1H22. T~V Et Qvrr~v oiA~cM 6Yi~rc 7ccqf'vov; )2AA022. Io)nV ilExag, & y' 'ZEM 41Et g.~a 1220 HPAKA4H2:' i-YVc~g. ro050vrov Yri a' Eaxijzqrc rgEXvov' rctvryv, 4Loi #U'vvto~r, a`rE EVaqkrv dtdov' A. K. L. fid~ov B. T. supr. 1218. ttax&1' SC. X 1219. x'v EV'vxriE1'V-7TrUQ#EvovJ I~T/e virgin daughter of Eurytas.' So I. Cor. 7, 37. mr7ei'v v~v EcUVTO'5 ZrrxO'VOV. Cf. 260. Tno2Lv r'v EV'QVxriav. CEd. R. 267. t(5 4APj3'cXt'cp 7rca~t'. Aj. 801. Toi3 OroQgrtov "VTscog. Fr. 153. xo'v 'Aigatxc~tov d A. isclh. Prom. 7,30. 'Ivcf2zrtov rzieru. 596. el) KQd'vtF Tt. 609. XO'Qqg xq Ivcarsceg Suppl. 58. xi~q Trqertag - "elO6Xov. Fr. 159. Aqrbo'cg 'XQ) Sept. 148. 0el Aatoy gvrtr xotpa,. Ear. 11cr. 228. Tov' 'HQcenX&'ovg 7rar~ag. Tryphiod. v. 177. dvo( 0-na,'ic xr'xvrs. The law respecting the finatl certic wvill not, I fear, allow us for &~rcre to read &qprov, or 16,7rov, as I should otherwise have felt inclincd to do: consequently a note of interrogation is lproperly puit at the end of the line in Aid. Br. Dind. Wund. Schn. &-c. Ilermann and Wander wrongly mark a full stop. 1220. ('Ocx' Inrrxff'rtv A. K. L. T. c')cr' Ul7rrtxc~rtv B. Ven. c'0'rr1 y' I U'~Etv Reisk. Ng Y'?iruFxcekrrv Sch. Harm. &c. elg 17r. -Weckl. 1. a. As far ais 1 can conjecture.' Cf. on 141. (Ed. C. 16. 152. Ear. Ale. 810. c'O y'?1oL zp~c#ct X~tif. Arist. P1. 736. c" y'?~o Icox,,iV. Plat. Rep. IN'. p. 352. cog yE oivcat dkmc~. Phadr. p. 199. 1-Jeind. cog yrE x5 7ror)ti TEXHuc~c.Terod. II. 125. Oc' IpE' Er3 1tuvT~a~a. VII. 2. L ' plyI~ GCavcW 61zrvov EVQLgxELv. IX. 32. cg do 17rmaxc6at E'Vrt. Ilesycitius explains 1r~tma'co hy 6Toxc'~ofat. Elxc'~ca and c'7rrtxr~co mean 'to liken.' 1221. xoao;rrov 64 a' 17tax 'r~rc] Schol: iv ).oaatc Got, T7ZQEYYV(OJ Cf. Eur. Iph. T. 702). ItQI'g 8E~tag GE xrilad brttx. fl rj~t0 r"st TV'11~OV rE Zckcov xUaTtt'*Eg ttvq~xrric' ttot. (Where, as in this passage, instead of the infinitive, there follows the iniperative, ir~ocao:5.) lb. 1077. Ale. 365. Ev TU~tetV csvxTU~ YU'Q tt "rhtG% 'V6O %xr(YOtg I cot Totct98E qlhiVrzt Cf. Brunc ad Phil. 782. Qu1. Txoco~xv i'vv (or 6~r' with Hart.) Emrax4'7rrco. I suspect that 8j, the usual interpretation of ivvr, crept into the text, and that then a' was inserted to fill up the hiatus. By far the more usual construction of 1lrt6X 7rjrxrtLV is with the dative. (Ed. RI. 252. irV'tV Tt"liTU -Ira cVT Ezmtxlto 7 zr2.riUV. 1446. %t, got' y' 1lrt6X 'rrzo. AiX. 566. I'laIv xot v" v r 'vt?irt6X 'rirr Xc'Qtv, Cf. on (Ed. R? 1446. W - -- TPAXINIAI1.26 2 6 1 j3oPoa#u, &WTaaqCOV Oq6tJ '?t6rnaLqVOz~r ~L1)( ~)L)O~ ~6~covroV~ Lot~~t.~{v~oV 6ov1225 &.Z,' zi~g, CA) 7ux, rovro xi76vaov 14E~g zctfoi3 r0% yc'Q rot tu~yadA 7rtarE1Jsctvr' 4pto i5wtXQo'v G',7crtrEitv ri~v 7tttQOg 5vyypEi xcCQv. xsxvov] Perhaps - r8XEi~v. Cf. (Ed. R. 252. V'i3dV taxu 7CYrcvr t Gxrijltro) rs?4,iv. 1223. o'Qxcov] The plural O"Qxtce of an "oath, covenant' occurs Horn. II. 8'. 158. Translate: 'the oathi imposedl on you by your father.' 1"224. 7rQo'al~ov the mss. vuig. Herrm. W-und. Schan. &c. 7rr~oa~ob Dind. Nauck. Cf. (Ed. C. 404. 7tQoa~iG~Yzt (GE) 7r`a X5c're a~ovat. Arist. Av. 361. i43crpov - 7rQoY~o; (7rQO601ov the mss.). Ran. 483. 7rQoa~o~ (7rp0'a~ov the niss.). Eq. 51. lv~oD (F'v'9ov the niss.). Translate: 'Take to thyself.' Cf. (Ed. R. 1460. (Ed. C. 404. Ant. 40. Hesiod. Th. 954. "Hp3rv - cd~otbqv U~'rxotriv. Herod. Ill. 74. rolEa Mcyotat '6o~E - TIQquGfrtc/a qp 'tov 1225. Construe ttq' U~lo U'v6Ji~v a'V T' Go; XUcP3,q TtorX 5vr?)v xZt4lsieceyv iOnuoi roie ljzoig 7r?~EvQoig. a og- C'Mvd' aoi] So (Ed. C. 488. av'rh nsi' rtg "Xo &vz aoi~. 1226. X.c'3ot the mnss. vulg. Wund. Bergk. )Xc'j3q Elinsl. (Add. ad (Ed. R.. 903.) Herm. Dind. Schn. Hart. Nauck. Rightly. Cf. on 331. 596. (Ed. R. 49. 9041. Phil. 789. Ahove 802. ttn8" cerroi' Th'vo,. Arist. Ach. 221. ttq Q 'ycin X ' ox &c. The sense: Nor let another take her as wife' (an injunction). Mt~61 14~lot would mean, 'nor may another 4f-c.' (a wish). " Neque cairn optat Hercules, sed graviter vetat." (Dind.) Cf. Xcin. Cyr. VIII. 4. 16. 4v r~v 4JVy~rE`Qc ptov yvvai'cz X.ceai43cvgg. hell. IV. 1. 2.. S. Luke E~v. XX. 29. )~cq0ov y~vvcetnc. 31. E'Aa~3v cei'rq'v. S. Mark XII. 21. 1,1227. xo;,ro x 'dvigov I~Xog] 'Court this alliance or marriage. 1. q. rav-rov 7reoa~ov &ceLtcqxc 1224.?XE1og] Cf. on 361. xgvrcptov?XE'og. Aj. 21-1. XEXo 8ovetc,60omo. Eur. Andr. Fr. 17. Txc)v yag rrkorov a' Ito yEvvcZov V.zog tvgVQEv. 1228. 7rri~ov the rnss. Wund. Harm. Schin. KviZK. 7ra~o~ Br. Erf. Sch. Dind. Hart. Nauick. Cf. on 470. El. 1015. To yffQ rot - I.e. 'for if, after having obeyed me in great things, yout disobey me in, small, you hereby undo (waste, destroy, forfeit) the formeir favour or obli~qation.' 7tterfzeUVr' 4rot'] 7ita-Ex egxvrc' (lot Weckl. 'Having obeyed me.' Cf. 1251. (Ed. C. 175. (Ed. R. 625. Phi. 1374. and on Ant. 219. 122. ttxeoig 5'rtarFiv the, rss. ' To obey in little matters.'I But surely, as ~IFryc'Xcy is put after 7rtrEr'G"tvxU, we should expect to find aftnqxpa or aptx(6ev, not the dative afttxQo!tg, joined with cairtarsiv. Qu. atttxeov a UZriaTfV, or a1dtXQ' oU79y' (7rtGEV, or Fg C6dxQ Utxt6r~tV, or GX t~r'5rtativ.Or r6' yauQ r avsyu~ -- va, 61Lx uuxrv uY7rt~arsi'vl Cf. 1183. 12121. 1240. Ant. 219. rotg cznterovatv rc'(5E. 381. 656. Phil. 1350. Plat. Theact. 1.1. &c. 2 G 2 2(2.WkOK /LO fY 1"iAO2. o1pot0. To pl~v voolo~vrt, Ath'yovt$hut xXf0V 12:30 TO Y co' oq~v cp~oovwvrc ri tOT zo'av qgEQor; HPA4KAH27. rAAO~2. riqv zrceog (7rc'Xc Harl.) ~vyyXst Xc'tv the miss. Q.rj r~~ FxXEi Xc'(v. Cf. Phil. 13. tt?'j rxyxEC I ociv Gotatrcu avXf Destroys.' (lEd. C. 609. r~ d''.2.e GaVyyEt 'rcvn V 1230 f. Wunder thinks these lines faulty. Schol: ro' 0'v~lo~,3gat, dt Px, 7rELG~Flnv avupo, xcl ro' zrsi soY9t codE cppovo~vrt dvgyEQEg. Translate: 'Ahi me! to be angry wit/h an afflicted (insane) person is bad, but to see him (or a person) thuts minded who ever can endnre?' 1230. xo' A. T. rc5 B. K. r(& L. Said. v. ouVtcot. Cf. 710. ro' ftxv~c~VEV I n' [ir, atxz~v ovdsYEv. voaovv'rt #'vfo'6~cat] Cf. 444. #vvtob~atcc-% ns'vw.p For vogovvut Wakiefield and Wander propose to read voao-vxrU, which reading is adopted hy Hart. Perhaps rightly. Cf. on next v. For xaxov qut. nEvov. 1231. To' d' ca8' d'Qi~v] ro' 8' (c'08 dei&v, Groddeck's conjecture, is approved of hy Wander, and adopted hy Hart. Wander supposes the sense of the passage to he this: 'lieu, mnen/is non compotemt irasci (Herculem mihi) malurn est; sed mentis compotern talia, mandate exseqtti (semiet ipsum dicit) quifs ferat?' Nog~dv and qPQOVnV hcing opposed to one another, as in Aj. [271-3.] 337. 444. Ant. 1052. Cf. 1141. cp 'ot A. K. L. T. Ald. qpie B. 1232. 05ig 11Q~aa65LJv -] Cf. C~d. R. 6-25. (4 ov' ixdrt'cov osd8E MGInter5 acov U'yutg. EL. 1025. C4 oiyXt Gvvd,6OU49vG" Vo v #8rs i rcU'8.?WycxEstcov] Cf. Aj. 3`26. 585. Phil. 1001. Ear. Phoen. 1214. (Valck.) Compare O'Vpdo (from 0"lpowcat), qpsvgdw (from (pv'ocaa), c'%ovYu'co (from C'MozGopcca). Schol: 0vri ro~ i3, nc U-v Eyc, EZot~tjV Yi~ccat cxivr v, 'r3Jv 'n)iv vcmc~v a tutav oveav; 1233. ' tvcfu~~ For the dative Dind. with Natick compares 650. CZ' d o' cp(Mc dc'[cQ. Odyss. (3'. 50. Ij1XqT #EccCfQ~?iyco ~~~ - v oro. Perhaps " Iivf2X~wud he preferahle,orrc in6 ov Or 1sot may mean, "to my grief or loss.' #acvEIv I t crcrog] Cf. on 260. ttsratdxcov po~vov. Ant. 1173.,rE*V&gtV~ ot' dr' ~6)PTE' cd'vcot #UcVs~V. 1234. ttETCdvco~g] Qu. ttsrcauxcc. Cf. 447. r,- ttsrczcr'. R~sch. Chio. 100. eo( x the mss. vuig. Herm. Wund. Schn. ao' d' Sch. Hart. Dind. Bened. Nauck. V. Schtef. Melet. p. 23. 11Nempe pcv et 6E' copulant diversa; Trc adjungit similia."1 Pflugk. ad Andr. 466. (who refers to Andr. 653. 0 ri~ nxvr i7'R4cX wr voNL4123 263 ctv,'I o~rt It I co 1 'ro~tv?Xq~t'45roto 6vvvcd&Etv 041ov). HPAKAH2Z. ca1) V s', cog oXIEv, ol~ vpcr 7wrp Suppl. 1036. Tro. 134. El. 146. Her. 239. Matth. ad Orest. 24.). Hle adds however: ""Rariores tamen sunt loci, qui 6~ omnino non recipiant."1 1235. tcir'] I would read r,4v6', to correspond with i in 1233. I ain surprised that no editor should have proposed this simple correction. Schol: ri~g cav icm~ihc zVC~wUir~t ' 2Ovo, iEnro~g wv6 ttvlg at naa c~vr~ ro;, ~ & I d Etj ttcuvo~t'~qkv. Wander: Iqlis h1WC savaat, accipiat?' (i. e. who would take to himself? cf. 1224.) Who thinks that Hyllus says Tavx' instead of T&v&', to express his contempt for Iole. But this is a very improbable supposition. oartg mJjq a c~opow voaoij 'Who was not troubled b5y the avenging deities', i. e. who was not insane. Schol:E?x6, ~ vvc~ w ~' claare,90mv] Cf. on (ZEd. C. 784. Schiol. ad Ear. Phcen. 1550. U'lawroegs X.E`Vovat' mLogfl OI tXCI!07COLOvVVE xvToV, iq Or at, ~1nrJeLV aixoi, ~-r' QOVg xCxzfO~tOLOvVXS. 1235. voaoi~ A. K. L. Ald. voaEli B. T. Ven. The opt. voaoi' is put, because of the adjoining one E`otro, as in.AEsch. Suppi. 903. nxcaotg C"v, Et pcavGauc. Cf. on 1161. Ant. 375. 1236. EiAotro] czi'otro (supr. E`X.) T. at'Qoitro Yen. X~5LGGOv ncdtE Y'] Qu. xapEl Xd'EEaov. Or xp.EtGdov xUtd avvg~lav&Yv, orrcYse. 1237. roi'mmv ~IXNerotat] IWith those who are most hateful.' The plural,, though only Lole is meant. Cf. on 1266. and (IEd. R. 366. 414. 1095. avvvcdstvj CM~. R. 414. uorav otixsg tdu Er. 1238. c'vq' the mss. cavJq Herm. Dind. &c. ov v~tpcv sttot' A. B. K. L. T. Hanl. Yen. Ald. Sch. Ilerm. Bergk. om v"[Lst y' 4to Tarn. oi'x lttoi vrjE Wakef. oi' vsptt~ zarwr Erf. ov' vEPLEtv Ittol Br. Sch. Dind. Wand. Schn. Nek. oi' vq~tF rt' ttot Hart. oi'vt~ (or conj v~jtF~) 7rarqt Dind. Schol: PE90 EVZoLLg -7CQOGV,-L~tV?-ot. Qa. cavg~ 0' a.7?)IFotIav, 0vut ttot vqftoi (or ov' vcuttE ri ttot)- Or - ovX 4 tto y' FXz~t qp cp'9Vovx~g copav (cf. 57). Or -- eo3 vit Dv lis (or ov' EX~ vsqtsFv) I rp~livovvt ttot rc8'. Or - viltL~Lv ailc.t Icp4Jivovr~o Tca (nd6') Or avq o~ ovfl -otfl ItQoGvqcL&V 11ol I cp0th/VOVrt fOLQUV. Or avrJ Q 0o, V ov E`oad p~ot VqtFLV ntva (or a~kstv vittstv) -. Or c'vi'79 06' oi3 VmlkEv Zotn Irc5 7rarpt' (gl.?lroi). C f. IE d. R. 1 16 0. Ce'v 7)Q or'd, co3 COt%FV, Eq rptpa3g Ra~. Ant. 740. 0"', Coc gotEs, t X y, valtx avgtjtacXE~i (avpjtaEZiv E.). Ph. 910. aV7 66' - Z96vgt' F'inE %"XL nrcov ronv -zo~ arr)Xi'v. Arist. Ach. 1037. OavqJQ - ovfl 1Z`LxEv o'~' pcucmasoatv. I do not think the common reading vgF',utv (or vLEPEv) can be right;- but, if it is, we may compare such passages as the following, ~Esch. Pers. 187. romv'co i6ncatv rtv', do' Eyco '6Xovv 60i&v, I~ XL h Xcacwtv (here however T5 'Xtv does not at all depend on pv bat means I they began to nmake 'J. Herod. I..58. 60g q ccV EL~t7oE S6OXEEL1 0vd' TO' 1TcU6t'cyXOV 0i'#V0, 1`GY P3apj~QOV, oc(Yc&a ~LYOc~og Uv'iq4'Vat. -7 =,-r fn:'s,, - I ":, , -. —.i - 2(4 ~ ~ 2OOOKAEOLE qpaihvovr ptolav, d)LAc rot P~&o)v tLEVEZ' (5 CUWSrtTqj(5CVTC( rOt-3 qtott' ),0oyot;.121 oi'~tot, ra,x io E"otzc4q Ca VO~56i 95d~vat. I. 65. (e' 6' ouvroit AcF~calsdvtot )~syovat, AVXOVQyOV -?. Kerx'rj~ czyrzy~ocat raixa. IV. 5. Co 6Th Xx?.6 lyovat, VEwCOTUOV U7rUVTCnv 6h VEOA)V Etvat TO 6qJ~rEQ0V. IV. 76. co' d' Zyad ~'jnovya TtitLV"oA - sivc~ avrov &c. IV. 85. Cog 61F lyc' 7rvv4Jc'Vopczt -Tr.6v Zacttol~tv roi~rov - 6ovaEVrct?-v Zuc~zo1. V. 44. VIL. 171. IX. 85. Plato Phileb. p. 20 D. x6d YE 1kJ)l, Ng OqILCU., 7tEQ'L caVxov5 Uvayxcaorccrov Etivat AVystv. Phim-dr. p. 128 D. vrvcaIrciet Yu'Q, nci ncir. UQZ&9 Ei'TOfEV rOUSE TOy Xoyov, OTC oS~~v ~ ftE t~Etv &'oL. Heind. ad Plat. Soph. 105. Cie. de Rep. I.37. N. I). IL. 37. Off. I. 7. Cf. on Ant. 7140. Heri-. ad Vig. p). 894. Matth. Gr. ~. 539. n. 2. Benedict supplies 6'otxE. A similar ellipse is found in such passages as Eur. Ph. 206. qptloipoy I Ya CZfU 9V)J-ttO) iqPV. For the expression vqkstv ztvt ft Egog or fLoQeav ef. Z~scb. Prom. 291. os'X EGTL 0ro ioafocvvscIt 1 of Er Hel. 917. ov~xovv X~,98 9Vyyo0Vco 7troVI Vf'tttv pwrctqo ~Lt~aov 7"j X~q6T6 7rccret. Hec. 868. 17rb dE Tae3ti~, T~5 x' oX1p zrlov Pv~itgt. Suppi. 2-51. v6Etov T xc cp#06ve zirXov ttiQog. Erechith. Fr. 20, 7. rCq 7rlovat`o2 r-zE tLJ 61tovg PLcii~Ov tteg Ilerod. II. 173. [tEQog 6xarEQCO vitco. Thuc. III. 3. ttlso~v Pt9o3 v6Jzovrz~g xcoft gotisalVic cG# '9 ivcat. 48. pnlxe OitXT(1O 7tXov V, CVE utshu~~.Plat. Gorg. 492 C. fUtrl~v 7r~lov v vvE' xi (Wtlgt UTt5V r1J ZO 0?XQoEt. Gorg. 484EB. v14tow to' 7r~Estgov - pE'QOg (Eurip.). Blomf. GI. P~rom. 299. The phrase vitFLV XLvt. ULOfQav, thus absolutely expressed, seldom occurs. So v f't zvytvAj. 1371. 1239. ca'Uc tot *ESv cty the, mss. vul1g. But this cannot he right. 'UC - Tot indeed often occurs (Ant. 473. 834. Aj. 743. Ph. 1~25~2. 12155 &c.), not so U' tyTot. Qu. cU'l 4cl ttdvtot M4~ (Ph. 5-24. Aj. 567.). Or cff U' ca y6 rot #'tc~v (Tr. 1107. Ant. 1064.). Or c'U"& ~tc,)v csp& aFrov. Or U' qi1X ov7; E161i'n9', CZc (the corruption having arisen in this case, from the synizesis in ac(v being misunderstood, as usual, by the copyists). Or "aUlts Ste~wO2'LOV CQti. *Etov a~i The ctirse of the godls,' i. e. their vengreance invokved. Cf. 1201. EL 6?. ft)q, ~ttsVc a, 6s,10 naI vceqt v OV Ci06C~eeaOg ELCaEL tDaV 12940. U'zr 'aavra] 'H~aving (hisobeyed.' Cf. on '1229. 1241. otftot, Tax cog FOtltcXag cO' voG&Ei; qpQ"cEtg the, mss. vul Ig. A los! youi will soon, it seems, s/low (give proof) how ill you are (how (disturliul you are in your mind),' when you thins insist upon my doinig such unnaturnal things, threatening me with the curse of the gods, if I refuse. Vauv: eBrevi,?tt videris a/fectus, dices, qttereris, te in morbi dolores recidlisse.' Qu. oi'fUot Xaxc5g F'otx, C0 qpeactg, vogtv. Cf. Schiol: cog CPaVseQOg vmvXaXEzrw, ov'rwxa) X(LlEtaJz~ dtcaIyofLtvOg. o i"to t A. IK. coItot B. L. T. e09 M'X"9] El. 51. Arist. P1. 826. 6~jUv ott t~iw Xqqriat6v rtg, oa TQ"iEtg] rpcev,,i (Axt's conj.) Schn. Neck. qpaviv Ilermn., coll. 1238. Tranlslate: e Thoit wilt show. I Cf. Ant. 682. U7EL1) WrQOV0VVT0) (C02'?7yEtq (0YYFtl 7rFQt. M I I ---- 11 I TPAXINIAI. 265 HPAKAH~.I TA0 0EX O. HPAKAH127. 01) yag( &xatorg0 rwy (pvrJcl 5avrog XA"t/1tV. c'A' IX~uCCX#iC5 &Y~ra (YvW563J~v, 71cCJEQ; 1245 HPAKAH~.E r1AA022. 12421. 61 yc'Q 1t' a'nvvcero494vrog lxxtvFig xrexoi the mss, I suspect the true reading is 61 YCUQ %CTvvczaq94v ro6' IxxtvEi'g (or U&vaxtvsig, or UV xttviie) xaxuiv. Or - xcsrvvc ftcuv lxitvsig vijeov. Cf. 979. oV' ~t vdov, co vl~xvov; i259. 7reQiv 'fv6' U'vCLtvYat I vo(6ov. 1008. U'vUrevorpcq o g c t;y. (Ed. C. 510. dctv'v~~vx 7r Aart Xs'rIPvov qjq XceXovEzriyi(e~ctv. Eur. El. 41. si3'dovx' C'v?qq'yutQi xov 'Aycai~ivovog I cp6vov. SuIppi. 1147. ovzco xcax~v rx6d' iivt. Ilc. 662. AXscl. Ag. 346. CM~r70Q;To~ 7t ~ra. Phil. 679. qidotat qpV`X~otg %uazsvvcY'6Etv. As Wakefield observes, Ua7CEVVc4~ELv probably occurs no where else. YtvvUG,,vroq A. B. K. T. Aid. vuig. (Y'r' 5v~ce6#vog L. (?) Herm., (from Schol.) Apitz. Beiled. Dind. Wund. Schn. Hart. Cf. Schol: a1;, (P7 -614', CYvCYrtCeYQO!XtgL U67r0 TOy~ xuaraTC QC;VV4VOg XUXOV, ft 7Et~ofLEVog. 1243. E; iro)~ce] Qu. Ig naircvc, I i all respects, in all points. And so, I find, reads Hart. XIy7ToQS~V A. B. Tr c'7topQsv K. L. Tco'noEOQV Hurl. y' c7raoeIfv T1. I.. 'rqV "7rOQt'v, as x6 qpt~,,tv for TtlX'r (Ed. C. 1617 Qu. 7rO'Qo0v, Ithat which perplexes, perplexity', as r o VOovV Phil. 675. For to yield obedience, and to withhold it are both equally difficult. Schol: YTrV 7IMQ flCt 4?vaUoV6g~u xcet' 7rdE6#,cG~t. Cf. (Ed. R. 486. 0 xit X.io) hi' a7.OQioJ. 1~244. hitxcztoeg] CT/dnkest proper.' I. q. c'i.totg. Schol: C't'ov votti(~Etg. 1246. o1; hivG66E'3tcg Qu. o1; hivgg~Fgn'atg, or OV vyoiV6i-3rj El. 1247. 7r&66ua~v U"VC7egOy VV ovv 7ts vdiicog rc'hii vuig. The position of oVv is by no means elegant or usual. I would transpose avcoycg odv rite 7rv6'xcog hre"Gc66tV rx(hi; So Aj. 1365. U'VCo)Ycs o1vV ttE xv vEXpm #c'irTrFtv is~v; But cf. (Ed. C. 14`24. O'(Y xre xo~hi' o1V - Cf. on Phil. 959. XOPOKAEO TX' HPKA4HZ:.,-Y6)2!c- rov'rcov jrQvQcg za~tc OXEoiJg. rA-o27. roty ce z~7toic zov'a ciicoaoptc r0&i &oi~t dnXwz~g 6E"yov, ov, YcQ cv ZroTE 1250 zxctx6 9(ctVE1'V 606, YB 7lt6,r6V,6ct, 7rtarEQ. HPAKAH22. za)ho3 rEIEvVI~g, Za~'Zt Troih& ri)v x(dqv 5Vv] d K. Qu. vvv (of which 6' is often a gloss). 7rv6t$xcogj 'Rightly, with a clear conscience-' Cf. on 611. (Ed. C. 1806. 1249. xoilx Uz~o)aottat1 'And I will not thrust it from. me,.1 will not recoil from it.' Cf. El. 644. oil'x &iZzflaoptt. Phil. 527. X~ vc5g 'Yaq C'CE, XoilX &1TcGQVjq#asGrat. r2o eIv #,Woat 8FtxvV' E' )ov vuig. This can only mean 'showing to the gods thy act', whereas the sense required is 'showing to the gods that the act is thine.' Heath: I'Deos testatus tuum esse hoc facinus (i. e. tuo jussul factum).' I would therefore correct ua'v 'Ov #,h:otat (Tt%Vig C'yov (or Tov~ov). Cf. 775. ro' 6a' (ahv dv6?) p0'vqg 86'c9rnt' E`Ac-srv. O r 06Y uov #Eotot EtxvV'g F`Qyov (the corruption having arisen, as usual, from ignorance of the synizesis in #Eiotat). Or xov3x uoawo~ttt roi ae~v, I 60V Oro'dt d6stxvV' rov"yov. Dobree conj: rx'g~ - ro~iQyov, i. e. (Tt'u roTOV90 (ov) 'ro 6oy. 1250. Schol: 4Jsoi~t 6rtxV'g F'qyov. &atC aQrvlL.EVOg iovg #'Doi~q YUtt)ac Xi(0 V Io0a4,v. oi; yac U~V zTrol %cxng rPczVdv -] 'For never can 1 appeoqr to act wrongly in obeying at least you, my father.' Perhaps oi3 yU' oi~v oz ncux6g cpuvoi~.tat -. Cf. Aj. 1241. qpuvoi'pc#' - xcaxot'. 1369. 1251. 7rtar iVccegJ 'Having obeyed.' Cf. 1228. 1240. 1252. xa~5g rc~tvx~q 'You end well, you speak at last rightly.' Schol: ncdc~b ro'v 1.dyov E?7r~qcdccz 6. Cf. Eur. Beller. Fr. 3. -Gi y Ortg 5 -#F3cog Xc~i'irut, xaxw4g zs.sx& i6Xftrcz y&'t 6UNct. f3Qorolh. Herod. III. 40. Eg rio-XuflofX 1TAV~6 7rQoQQt~oT7)v XcYQtv raysiav - 7rQ 'scj 'Accord this favour quickly.' Cf. (Ed. C. 767. oiFAF9 #E~XoVxr '7rQoe#'6a#ct (7rQoe1~ivU?) Xc 'qtv. El. 933. Herod. IV. 139. yi3o~ut7Q c1j(j yv ac) rc~ EQ yc x" 7tpo6#,itvca. ihid. rai~ra Qc~ rog643rpxav ill; yv~y Arist. EccI. 1048. ttE7Y'X2v 'zo&o6co xac ru tascl v (for TczXFicV) 1cot XUQLV. 1253. After 7rQ0'c0sg Wlunder rightly marks a comma instead of the usual colon; for Cog #~ is explanatory of the xU'Qv. Cf. 600-2. M TPA4XTNIA!. 263'7 ct2'aiaylv q rw' ItaroV, ~ E 7rvgf4v ~ u~ i4' Eyxovatx, aigE15h~. 7rcv)J o xaxcv 1255 (Thr~qj, ve~vr) roiME ra'vnYq06g 'Ora'vi.?Ftvzsuciv] Cf. Phil. 699. rit' rtg ltvi~raot (avcttt~'). Xen. An. V. 7. 26. tt XVG66c T1g 77PLV FL7rr(0X0L. 1254. razcz~yqttv q rtv' otaxgovi The xtv' belongs equally to airtQayliv. Cf. on 3. But should we, not transpose otax'Qov TiV' 716r1Q~0 For Y~acq~yov perhaps a'cqty0v. Cf. 770. tzE i~g (ttr&O1~ corr. a m. pr.) L. A similar error 799. 1255. &~y', Eyxovsix'1 Qu. 1x' (or "25X') lyxovEsix'. Arist. Ach. 1087. c... yx'vu.P.25 'r,?xvt, Eur. Here. 521. ix,~nvts Hec. 571. rsit~1coiistV, 1Yovco~.rsV. ai`Qa6#E] "Raise me in your hands.' Cf. El. 54. xirVco01 pit xc067rxvQov fl~pSVL %SQOv. Below 1264. cz' er', drZU6o (SC. Uairx'V). zaxz- %xczxv] Arist. Lys. 772. rct7~ct xa-4v sax6at. Pint. Rep. V. 473 D. VI. 5001 E. Epist. VII. 336 E. Diodor. V. 38. (Wessel.). Thomas Mag. p. 59. therefore unreasonably condemns zarcz?, recommending instead &vcexav?~vM. Compare also (E d. C. 88. g ttot -- xciaxv i's? 7c X~av -?Xfiovxi XOQuV xsetdav. Euir. Here. 425. x0'v xs 7rox.vdcUxQvov 1256. a4Jx`r rs?~tvxt (,rXOvxjj L.) xofis rc~v6'qbg6ru'vci71 vui1g. cavxi xssxj- Br. Dind. caJxi 'Ivo cn.Brk.5~x~vx~xf xt Uv 8e5 iaxcr(Y'r Hart. For Vi6axcrxi Wunder conjectures i'arxvata, Coil. Phil. 175. xi f~atcquvcp (schol: rc, ytvott,-vw). Aj. 306. Ant. 435. See his Emend. p. 158 f. Musgrave connects zra~a V'6rce'rj nxuxv. Schol: ltuvq yixQ ava7rixvgtg ro Qea#Etivcd ps E~ 7rr a xtd(yxApv QG aflcz. QuL. tavx? TEXEVxrq rco&E ~68't Fd~aparog. (Cf. (Ed. C. 1473. Fts Vrcl' '7t' cYVd1Qi (x Us &vQtl?) Plapix~jiov rEXsvxs. Or - o6 r~vdo~ tax d4 (or 16Z x~,or nv ttovi). Or - xoi~8E rxc'v,6Q~ i',axcxe,&v (put proleptically, cf. on (Ed. C. 1200.). Or -?6T"`#n (o r F"Q X ErcaY). Or alv',ll 7threcorat xc6dt r"c8vi 9#aC'pqUog (or dvaptt~ or vo~i jiov). Or crxq ti Ovn T c; xp r x'v68q yiyvcrxai (or v~vv 7rEAsi o qcvxa) Or - x'v6Q Tc66'?cpt'gaxace (o r -?z i Q r x ). O r a vxrj nE)Xcsv o~ - v~axdxi (ef. 155. 874.). Or 5z 'xrq TXs2.vxcv r,66 rl ce'vdet y4'vscat. (Wake - field proposed rF~Fvrii-) Or P3i'ov rXOcvxrq- The passage seems corrupt; but the sense of it, as Wunder remarks, is or should be this: I for this termination of my life (the being placed on the pile and burnt.) is the appointed end of my woes.',,xE2.vr'~ A. B. K. T. Ald. re-Acvxiq L. and so perhaps read the Schol. xroucl xrf'vhe'Q A. K. T. rofic1' y Y' cv6Qo B. Toiidlc x' c~deQ'g L. 1257. oid81v Fi'Qyct] I. q. oi'6i xco~vst. Cf. on 344. 6ol" raW,6'~ x' oi'Mv d[QyUwOEL. cot'j Z~ot, I think, wouild be preferable. A4 ;? _ ", - i _, 268 ~~~~OP OKAEO 11Z UEVVV, 7IV aV(MXVI~th vdi~ov, 1 l~v)7 axio ~/ 12(60 -cXFto~64'ct As this verb occurs nowhere, else in a trimeter in Sophocles, is never used at all by 2Eschylas or Euripides, and indeed is seldom if ever employed even by any good ancient prose, writer, Wander (Emend. p. 160.) proposes to substitute here 7rsqal'v8s6qat, which is conimonly explained by 'rcXEo~igat3 by the grammarians. 1259-78. These concluding lines are ejected by Hartung. 1259.&ys vv -o3 Vvxn41 Cf. Arist. Ach. 485. c"~VV ol ~alvc Ear.Alc.837.o3 io"lc r1&19a, XCia ' 'pvyjX' (where Here, speaks). Med. 1-237. Horn. Od. v'. 18. TE'hXa~t di) x71 Seidl. ad Iph. T. 818. Pind. 01. II. 161.?'FrsXs Vi~V 690'7r(O xoV, &~yc, #vzg N. III. 45. Somewhat similarly Eur. Hlere. 833. ol)'ff C, UTY~o anvcq~ovac Y.UQd6uV - glczvvs n vst &c. Hercules, On his way to the, funeral pile, encourages himself to avoid unmanly lamentation. vI~v A. L. Aid. Naack. vvv B. and (GI. (Y) T. Tarn. Br. Dind. Wand. B ergk. 8 1,C K. nelv - vdaYov] 'Before awakening this malady', iL e. in order not to awaken it. Cf. on 1242. avcuitv~6ac] Perhaps U'vcxtvEE7a#ca. Schneid. wrongly takes it as intransitive. 1260. V~~vX?) Gx1flqq&, x cXvpog -1 The Schol. connects VlivX~r Gxjp zxc'v~og. And so Wakef. and Wand. Cf. Hesiod. Op. 146. cd~ ~~c~~xo~~ ~~ov xx~T,1q'cPovca gvtt 6. Horn. 11. co'. 205. &4 ~QFIov Tot,qop. Perhaps we should read thus: ol7 Vpvx, ax~nto'v (or rather ax~qQov) Xc'Xvtpog -. Bat cf. Aj. 1361. gnXqqCI'v - Vpvv Xc('vflog] 'Of steel.' See on AEsch. Prom. 133.. X"0 tuo 7avigog Ucon sjxrov Gr 4uv azova' the imss. This I have always considered one of the most perplexing passages in Sophocles. What is the me-ining of gro'atov and Lc~ox4Ilqrov? What is the construction of Xce'vgog? What 'good sense does rczQ~ov6' yield'? The answer to these queries depends p)retty mitch upon the sense of gao6ltov, which may ]aean either 'a bit,' or 'the monthi of a cavern;' both which explanations are given in the older Scholia. The common reading, as Schanid. remarks, can hardly he right. We will first try how the former signification suits. Schol: X1#tV0V Xrl GxZlQeOV Xczltvov eavv'ij 17rtoul~ov-aa C. Matthim gives this as the sense of the passage: 'Agedum, o dura anima, mnorere jam inzjecto ferreo gemmids distincto freno.' Wander explains thus: 'supplying (me, my montth) with a hard bit' (that I break not for'th into unseemly lamentation; the mind and the tongue, or mouth, heing often placed in opposition one, to another). Perhaps we should read, XUlXvf~og 1v~ot4Xq,~J rov6r 'tttLov 6c ov, or - Iv~oxollqrcug 'tutr' 'vdcz'xvova'. I. C. 'Chcuoipiny a steel bit set with stones (costly).' Menand. Main. IV. 181. %QvGOVV?75-' Qt6Ycz, E~# ).t~onolUqrov 4. Theopomp. ap. Longin. de Subl. 43, 2. Xt~oxoll iizovg (xetyrjQczg). Cf. Ear. Ilipp. 12123. et' b'?vbaxovacet azott 400 TPAXINIAL 2 (3) 9 2vVQtyEvk yvceaoig I fitce cp oei. Plat. PIha-dr. p. 254 D. 1vdczzdv rx'V za~Xtv0'v. ZEschi. Promi. 1009. dac~xnv 'Gr tLLov cog VEO~Vyr x2oft~Et %CZ 7rQOg"V'a grcXst. Theodectes ap. Stob. 11. c2.l, co rc2.cv OV-GvcE1f, XUQTEtQT5L V dcs Q Yr9 xctv 'V (qi". QY"- E O j Vs?.~rv Coil. Vesp. 108:3.). Above 976. ce'N' i'GX,, 6aczxv Igro'tia 5v. ElI. 1462. 5og - aro'ltta 6"'ycat raqce. Or?XtDoz XUzc rorttc'?'U~3c'Uova'. Eur. Ale. 492. %ccltvO'?ltPaX~, yvgog.Iph. T. 935. cooit c ax tra Goxnt cetou,-v Fl' Hero(1. IV. 72. xx~voV' c1E xat"igro'uta 1?4at0cdovg Ig zov'g t7r7rovg, &c, Arist. Fr. 139. ox6 ttta 7xetovwcr. Philostr. Icon. 2, 1.?roo(or xat Xactvo4vzsg. Plitt. Mlor. p. 641 F. itrcrovq X.vono rc6ag c7r6 xcv ZaX.tV(5V XO5V Xv'xIov ElpaGav )V c tavpaGta 61 ro' VO-6~ xati 6vg~aEXTov VOvx G0)Povt~ottEvovg. llesycliius expla-,ins? vnov to mnean x'vvo ZckLvoLg at~q~ov. Or rrV~tY~VVrjzc Glolkcc Ev&aXVOVa (1443cUIovg'). ~sch. Sept. 207. i[r7t7IWV T avMOn 7rOUICO~iV 6ta' GTroLCI 2rvQIyEVS,~ev Xa2lcvic). Eur. Hipp. 1223. at' 6' v6'axo~,gaa GT6opia 7tvQL7SV? &C. So 7rve tr4Litog Xfirj~ Callim. H. Del. 145. Or 7rV~t% 'UqT -, 'eddi the fire.' Or Xt~ondo~)arov GrOf'ttOV 7rQog#,,L6 ('applying'). Or acpvqoXOTU- 'beaten with tihe lainnmer,' and so exceedingly hard. (Ant. 430. SFVQOflJTOV- 7rQOXov. Asch. Pers. 747. ZM~ 19CvQqcXTotg.) Or ZalXo~rqOTrXc - E.44 aXx iano - y 'vvg). Compare also Arist. Ran. 838. F'Xov'r aza~ltvOV a0tQ",ET Ct'1V'QOJTOV Grouta. The plural gro'~Ltce is of frequent occurrence. ~sch. Prom. 295. tov - otcovov - Groww'Ov (lS t6hvwv &e As regards the epithet Xtclox?'Uqrov (or - ta), we must translate it 'set wit/i gemis or precious stones,' arnd consider it a merely general ornamental epithet, the emphatic qualifying word being Zca-.vfpog 'of steel.' Or it may have a special and appropriate meaning here, signifying a bit set with one or more gems at each side, so as to cut or bite the mouth more sharply. Indeed this is probably the true sense of the passage. The ancients were fond of ornamenting with gold and lprecions stones their chariots, horses and trappings, as well ais other objects. See Lob. ad Ajac. 847. Cf. Fur. Ipb. A. 219. XQvGo(YaLd"a Tovg GTo~1i'OLta WU )o v g. Phoen. 2. C'0 %QVGOX ON AfrtOLiv t3tc cdcpQotg. Chrysost. 1II. p. 446 D. epcace~a 2Xeox0l2Unra. Firmnic. Epist. XIX. 506. aQeLtaa AIN~xo)~Ta. Nonn. XI. 122. XXXII. 122. F 'c Cyyag Xaltvo 'g. Aj. 847. XQv-,govcarov qvtav. IHerod. I. 25. V0XOQnJTJqQht`0tv &6t fQcov %0oJTo'v. Soph. Fr. 68. X~va0'xo~a - EX~rco'Iara. Eur. Phcen. 2. xQvuono)!X4rotatv61(peotg. R~hes. 305. Antiphan. ap. Athen. p. 689 E. XQv60oxou1Tovxc"lXrctog. So also 2.t~oxtd2qWog XrcTWv Callixen. ap. Athen. 200 B., zrrovlja Theophr. Char. (,alicubi), xQaT~Qcg Theopomip. Hist. 125., IrEQLTeaZX1Xov Plut. Alex. 32., ro' )~~Xtox0l1Tov Strab. p. 778. Theophr. Lap. 35. Let us now proceed to the other interpretation of this passage. Schol: - IYO6oEZ Ti) ar5ttfa TO 6aavrflg Eray~7Vai, cog~ ~V Et aottfW (JqpeCEa0o UN{Y %tiXOXX~qiEVOV, 7rQog To titlx,~tr vldico ixvtpiaY'f. kdhrsi 6 zo, A),I C' ca' ont '.vjgog ysvopdvin. I. e. 'presenting a mnont/ firmily closed (lit. closed wit/i stone).' According to this explanation, the Scholiast connects co ipvX' gx~q~ zaivf~og. BuLt this construction is hardly satisfactory. Ateuon'lryov would then signify firmily cemented (for 2Xv~o%0Xd)o means cemnent,' Dioscor. V. 164.). And ar~puov often means 'fin aperture, a mnonth of a cave,' as in Ant. 1217. U'#Q 's6a' (YQLO'v xiotiUTO9?XL#0ou7MaT I (Y'VVTSF arO V'TO Gojtftiov. Apollod. II. 5. 12. ov TJg ~'Ai(ov xaT ao"GEad To, arogtov Erti &c. IHermann in some measure adopts this interpretation: 'Ferreumn exhibens so.xorumn frenum' (comparatio petita a ferrea compage, 7 , -i 270 XO0OKAEOPT7 ~tf#OXo6{bjroiv arourtov 6aX11vow5 qua saxa,7 ne hiscant, conjunguntur). Elmsley (on Heraci. 162. U'rFQ XG).vo3nuo) with X&~vfgog supplies ~t(cpovg. I suppose therefore lie considered GZoptov to mean.'the edge of a sword,' hut still in a figurative sense. For G9TOftLLOV 7rUQIXOVG we should perhaps read (itf we adopt the latter interpretation) arrota psot zapEQ~ova' For zcee~%ov6' Musgrave proposes 7rzoov6 'pra'tendens ori.' For Xe~ox Xqrjov Welcker proposes vo - A-qrov 'frena lupata,'7 which Hartung adopts. But this is a very improbable conjecture. The first iuterpretation of the passage seems the most natural, as well as the most poetical. Whichever view however we adopt, the general sense of it is clear enough. Cf. 976. c"2J' i'ay~n 6ax(Ov I Goc Gov..Asch. Ag. 228. aox tuxo' TE %caLRtp'QQov (pvXaxU'V XUTUXEo~v - f'iz yXatv~ov x' cavctt~ ILEv t. Herod. III. 14. x&' ar etaru?y'xiczitvco~r~vov9'. 1261. CO' ExdtXUQxov r-EJcOg "i"xiatov?'Qyov the mss. Nauclk. cog Ezizcqroy xTE1,,oi' Billerheck. Groddeck. Herm. Dind. Wand. &c. co ~TtXUQrOV xiA~ig- Erf. Cog b'rti Zce-rx' TE'9Jcog Apitz. ('oaxT F'7%ZQXa9ov x -Cga Dor co 71%cxv licc~ c00 l x~OVGLOVyo co. Musgr. eg?irt CUQXOV Ti?~ico y cCExovgtog tQyov Bened. Qu. CO'?7rri;a9,rtv T iZ io va (i. e. 64?1rtTi)ov~a' XQxo'v, cf. (IEd. C. 1777.) UiExovGtov Eqyov. Or eo' "7rtzUQTOV T 'GovGc' y' - Or cocg UcqL,,YcQTOV xi2.i"ova'- Or co g17 LXUtO TEE'ovaa Y Fovaton EQ7OV. The explanation of the Sclioliast is: c66cc"vomv xT)v tPoiv, Cog (Elg add R. Br.)?x(rt'a~xov czta vcat anovatov lrpyllw %coQOvGcU, TJV 7rVQCZV. The former, because it is to free himi from his hodily anguish; the latter, hecause a painful death is at all times an object of dread. It seems uncertain what the Scholiast read here; but it is evident that hie found some feminine participle in the place of xrc.icog; and it is prohahle too that lie read MLi XczQxTv no dc~o Translate: 'As accomplishing (as) welcome anl act (otherwise) nnwelcomze (lit, unwilling).' Or 'as about to accomplish 4z-C.' Or is the construction, xrtgA1ovd U'Exoi36tov povQO C0?ir(Xaeov? The Schol. explains hy Tcoeoi7aa. 1t'E PT Nvorzaxv, being emphiatic, is properly placed forward in the clause. Cf..AEsch. Prom. 158.?X#QOi'g E~"XZQrU 77t02ovcC. Ag. 704. Thuc. III. 67. Eur. Herc. 459. breXclqpa. Alciphr. LI. 4. Cf. Aj. 136. 961. Compare the Homeric, k~o~v caiXOVxi yrc #vms5 (Il. cI'. 43.), quoted by Schol. Stat. Theb. X11. 67. 'Lateus in accensa jacuit Tirynthius (Eta.' 1264-9. Nauck continues these lines to Hercules. 1264. '-TU~. ed. Turn. om. L. (qu.) R. Aid. and probably other miss. Bergk considers the conclusion of this play evidently interpolated, and conjectures, at'QEx', vrccdol', ttiyC.?j n vtthv 4rol I xoijxo~v #ftE~LvoL civyYVc0oGoavnv I 1,'U'XV & 43ioc, ot' cpv'cUVTsg Iv%'t X~oXig'UV0oc 7rUxr'Qig xotasvx UEpoQCOGV (ejecting UcYVcot1. - xCOV 7rQceG0ol V0oV, and also 7rac#rj). -E10~ TPAXINIAI. 2"7 1 Tha Uho YVW,)LO5VVYqV oit 5cvarrE xdt XA2iO~tavot Tccit V O PZALor' ov'Xa' zooq~c, 1270 Za'p' ~e~r' Nauick. Wrongly. Hercules' attendants accompany the hero to his funeral pile. oircehoe] Addressed to those attendants who had followed HercuLles from Euibma. ycnv - GvyyvotoG vqv] 'Making indeed great allowance for mne in this matter,' in as much as I am acting solely in compliance with my father's wishes. 1265. ah"PEvoI 6vyyv O~Lazvnv] Equivalent to gVYYVoVrSg, GVyyvcottnqv aGovrx. El. 400. roV'wAV GVYYVOAJIL12I iXEL. So tir~eoatvv v 'a 1 x~a t xtvog Ant. 151. Cf. on (Ed. C. 466. Schol: cY'v-r' roi 6vyyv&)ftL71V- art lx l Le fltV nrarp~ocv Towo zrotco. Evyyvcolioatvii (i. q. avyyvo~q Gryyvota, Ant. 66.) is formed from 6vyyvcottcov (Eur. Fr. Inc. 3. avyyvCO-_ tLovCg Tot zovg ~0Eov Eivcet 6oxct), as ayVco1LoYVvnl in next v. from ayv o a, t avcf om ~eov, Xr Qoarvvnfromrom Q W, l Lo v from TX Vucv (Archil. I. 5.). Compare also C? pqtourv6r1 (Ph. 1144.). The dative lpoll is added, as in 'ey'v tyEtv rtvit, and similar phrases. Cf. Aj. 1322. Ph. 1319. For the alliteration in these two lines cf. Aj. 1085 -6. Perhaps however we should read rGvyyv(Oflv (Tr, rovr(Ow Oitvt Eurip. ap.. Stoh. 28, 12. avyyvcolovcg Tot TO1V9 laEOv~ Elvat doEtg, IE(C TLg OQOtg 0, eVaTOV 1%xPFp vYEV 4% &c. 1266. p yc")aqv 6Eh #,coig "cyvcoftoae'vv s1`80'cg - I.e. ItE'ya E oUyvCtovczg 1yovpt~vot #,col'. 'And imnputing to (recognising in) the gods great inconsiderateness in the acts now being done.' Mudge: 'Diis nmagnam nequitiam imputantes.' The construction as in X(YQLV dE1EVceL rUd. But perhaps 1267 is an interpolation (so thinks L. Dind.). But the expression uyvwC.OuOtv6vvv #aEa6at would be unsuitable here. Nauick brackets the words U&yvO)oeiviVq Etdo'TS F`QyoJV. (EA. T. Ald. TE B.K. L. #,o' V. Turn. Hermi. Dind. &c. #,cjv A. B. K. L. R. Harl. Aid. Otdiv (supr. otg) T. Jove is meant. ceyvcoiocuvrqvj 'Inconsiderateness, harshness, severity.' Cf. 473. (Ed. C. 86. Herod. II. 172. aoqey, oiVt "yv(toGVoavq 7rQoanYcUy~ro. IV. 93. Treo!; ceyvCOfoGVVl-' rteanOpL~Vot. IX. 4. V'r?7estv Trg OdyvsO~ogiv,7. 1267. Ejected by L. Dind. in Thes. V. 654. zr~a66OftEvcov A. K. L. T. Ald. nQaTrolL'Vowv B. 1269. poguioct] 'Look on' quietly and contentedly, without interfering. Schol: ot'rtvng yevviqeceVT~g aVTOV ZEQtOQCO6t rotceVrc 7roU 6%OVre. Cf. El. 824. zroi~ rrorc %LEQavvo'9 Jto~ - dC ravr, EtOQCOV~T~ flQV7tTOVGLV i'wq).ot; 175. Nauck ejects nCC#q that the -verse may he a parcemiac. 1270. Irpoeci the miss. vuig. Schol: 7rsetrr') i 7rQoO'#,tg. But it is not likely that Sophocles would have used the same verb in two consecutive lines, iu different senses. Wakefield therefore corrects ac(poqV ('4prospicit, e longin quo videt'), comparing Terent. Adelph. III. 3. 32. 'Istac 272 ~~Y12 Z~OTIOK-AJE02: TU EVVV ~6TCJT oixT~a ~tUv kjatL iV Ut'a ( g" xEtiVot, xaAtuzorcc'ra~r & Oi`! (XV()()CV 7WUVTG)1V T(5 IN' aXTqV V'7%XvTt. Au7o u6\ 6~, 7rq#V 'E7' oL'xm 127h est saipere, non quod aute ped/es modlo est Ividlere, sed etiam i/ta, qit(e futura S117t. Iprospicere.' And so reads Schneid. Hlartung gives 7rQooQj, whichi had occurred also to myself. Cf. Herod. V. 24. co' 7LQOOQE&OV TottXo yc'Vsc'gcat. Wunder too suspects EyoQL. Qu. xcc~o~i 'sees clearly, d/isceirns,' or zo oca or perhaps ot',6v, which Nauck also proposes. For the sent iment cf. Ant.'1160. nczh tt"'vrtt ov'64ht'gocv xa#EarcJxw0v glqoroig. Aj. 1420. ovdsh' tt"'vrtg 70Th tts).2'VT(0V, o rt 7rer4EL. Fr. 515. Incert. ap. Callistl1. 11. 16. To' Pt11QoU0 Ov6d~ti cr6 /x,~9cI~c~~rt'Tacrat. In T'e ud2'Uopraz there seems to be a prophetic allusion to the hero's apotheosis after his ininmolatioij. 1270 - 8. 'Bergk and Nauck assign these linies to the Chorus. 1 27 1. nr 'a 6 v -v E'GTLoT] Qu. T& ' Ivsarcir' (or t&' 6c' vdv O'vr') 1272. cdX d'?nivoig] oLXxTQCC conj. Nauck. Schol: roil yrFvvrjccratv Elrovsctarclu. Extvog The gods. 1273. 7rU'vTwv Aid. "i7rfivT&Jv 13. K. L. T. V. Ven. Junt. IL. #ceva' TOVg (fromn 1276.) A. 1R. Hurl. Hlernmann conj: Xa tco'crac i' oi4' U&vd69iav, Oiiva'YTov I ( (coil. Eur. Ion. 1240. #czvvdrov ).svciiiovl'r (vT) Qu. XixXFcr0'rTCZ 6"U #V?1T(OV 7rarcov~c (or 7rt'vTiov UvcY9cv). Or ZaXs7crCTy6ty 6' "v~paJv 7r"'vraOv 8,. But we should probably correct '~a' v for c"V8q&Jv, as Benedict proposes; for the common reading yieids no satisfactory sense. Nor is 8' ov-v at all suitable here. 124 O spc rIV rXvt ' To him who is submittiny to this calamity.' Qa1. T6i T'V6,E dt'txV V~rE'XOVTt. Cf. tiEd. R. 552. ov', 3(p~sc6v TIIV (Ynixv. Eur. 11cc. 1253. V O~~) TOLg XXXcrdotv &ixj7V. Or. 1649. dm'rjv v7ro6%Tg cUf~cTOg tL?7/TQOXTOVOV. El. 6398. Andr. 35i8. Cyci. 695. Ion. 1308. cm, (Y' oi~ 41 sdv l 38 qroV0 1L11TQJo zqcP o. Xenl. Symmp. IV. 10. V'U,-t'g rYV dIXcr~og U7Mirq (Ym'xrjv Vir!~otTE. Perhaps therefore we should read XZlcrl 'rO)r~cr cY' '9T' arl aTcrVov. 1275. Xoebg q M')~og pref. in A. Ald. Xo. B3. T. Turn. Br. Schln. B3gk. Continued to Ilylluts in L. Schol. Ilernm. Dind. Wund. Mart. Hlartung, and Nauck bracket 1275- 8. Schol: X,,17rov tv6E g~, ircr~ivs. TrVxTcr A"yFL o Xo~o 10 o; I'l "tUo. ~EOLxS YcrQ 0, Txzog "ar0GTQcrP~t tg T~g U.rm TOV Xopov aEystv, TOV PL7 uzot0?zu vSG~t rXL To)' Oi)V, EOJg(VEr~EX()gt y7o,r~ 7T~i~. U4 11E7QUOqpVGtV SIT MOirv, T0VTEGTt, cET VUt 7mSLEg#E~il 'Vcv4r3~ceill'r1 UrolovD/JrJgarT. Triel: m crC oy XoQOSV mQrgog mvr axoXOov#56rE It miay be that Hyilus addresses the Chorus here, ats hie had done the 0'rcrcdoi above 1264, but I think it more probable that the Chorus makes the concluding remark, as in all the other exstanit plays of our Author. It would be strange if the Chorus, which had uttered nothing since I1112, should leave the stage without making some coneluding remark, on the (atastrophie of time drama. Hlermann therefore coneludes too hastily: "Plerminque chorus anaptcstis finemi facit trcaqw/ia'; quad, hid si faceret, amit eyo utra no s diceret, non autein ad/aoquerctmrr aitam vir I Pi I TPAXINIL4.27 2- 73 gimnum. Quare liwc Hflyli verha esse putandumn est, (onvertentis se ad ealn virgineft, qua, doi chori est." One of the Choris, addresses the rest in the singutlar, as is often the case. So above 821: i6,' orov ci; 0) ii~Y &c. 1Eur. Or. 150. X~yov U&ir6o'o?q(V o rt XQi-og 1~i6X~rE. EL,. 1416. w0 rpXrcexa YVVrtX.Fg, av6egs uvrt'Xcz I rElovagt roVQyov, cRc Geyca 7ra0 -ttrsvE. Heraci. 295. Aled. 369. ).Stirov a firj"Q (or ur 6' ) o,3, 7rua gV', U&r' oi'xcov the miss. Aid. Tnrun. - ' ir o v. 1. in schol. T. Tnrn. marg. Musgr. Br. Erf. Sehl. H-erin. Wuind. D)i nd. Hart. Schn. Blergk. lNauck. I. e., I snppose, 'Nor (lo youl he left behind at home,' the proper place, for unmarried women heing held in that age to he indoors (b11r' oilxwv), whence they oughit not to come forth except on important occasions, such as the present. I lerninan explained formerly, ttrr' )~si'ov ( 'rrcov) 'conitare nos, prosequtcre funus a domno,' i. e. 'accomipany uts froni your homes to the funeral.' In which sense I should prefer myself 17r' oi'xcov, or?v oi~xotg, or ~rt xog. Apitz reads thns-: asilrOV a, r 5o'ftrXv~pvio9a (coil. (iEd. C. 9293. Aj. 202. Ph. 560. 1088. Ant. 412. &c.) To myself neither u'7r oLXoJv nor 67r, oi'xcov appears to give any satisfactory meaning. The trne reading perhaps is 2.stirov ttq(Y's Gt~ IrccQ0gv', O('vQttc(z' (or #QO'VS jgVo0V, or perhaps 7reep#EVE, Zroi7rrg), i. e. 'Nor do youi, maiden, he 'anting in lam~entation.;' Cf. 936. ovr' 06vQttUZTW~v??Eu' 7rrr odi~6v ('nor did she fail or ceaise to wee)') L',Tt vLv yoo'ttrsvog. Ear. Phmni. 1078. A ~r~a' O6vQa~cov. 1519. OtNvQaLoL?iaoeg. 1578. oiXTxo~v 2ij y Ezr. Mcd. 112. E"ra~ov 'esCD~ov %t' '4uvqrrov. Tro. 605. #Qgjvco)v (Jdveftot'. Also Ale. 422. &"'W khFogUV YcI TOvhs lftqaoaru.f VEXQOV, TreeQEGTS~ Xas fLEVOVT5g l~ oesIerve- ph. T. 904. We might also correct tvq6' wi 2Xrirov 7reegIE Vs xoafzfSv (rEschi. Chio. 417.), or ircz~vs, ~'s a~2.s(Mov XoftLtL or #Q'V) or 7rre~iE'vc, ttrj6P al y OLXTO)V ),-ov, or, 7Mcq#E'vc, Ga' ME g?' Xr'7rov 0e6vqfeJ~v (as Aj. 1409. 7rct, dv~ 6E -), or l)tsbrov firfl6G's v, 7rreQ#sv, 0'7tdgaa (0"rt6#Ev). The position of the words Xct'7rov ttuiY's as' is rather awkward, and the same may he said of the occnrrence of a dactyl in then second foot (cf. on (IEd. C. 146. 1766. &c.); so that wve should prohahly transpose thus, ~~' anM g2.dir'ou,7ruQ#,svs - or 7rr(Q# vF, XEL'7rov, wcq6E' av' -. After writing the ahove, I find that my conjecture has heen in some respect anticipated hy two undeservedhy neglected editors. Wakefield, ohserving that the mention of 'home' here would he very tame, proposes: 2.sirov ttq6E' av', 7reeQ#'V, co7r otXTrOV, neque lin, a fletihuts deseraris', coil. Eur. Phoen. 1578. oi'Xrcov fL's))?'ry&-. And Vauvilliers 2~si'7rov f0J6E' at 7iree 'I)v 'r i'x. tvu d's L. (qu.) '1. Turn. tcr 6' A. B3. K. Ai.M 1276 ~tsya~2ovg -~ q'MvUoV~] I. c. perhaps, 'like death of those who are great or mighty.' So vga qpeovrt's 'the imiagination of the young,' &c. So in the Times of June 7. 1861. we read: "'Italian unity has now the consecration of a great death (that of the illustrions Cavour), fitly crowvniniig ta life, of anxiety and hahour."1 But tcsyd2.Xovg means here 1)10 -hahly rather isrvov' dreadfuld (ef. 84~2. ltcsyc'Zrv - P31r~gicv, 851. tt,ycl2~"V cerixv. Onl Aj. 173.). The death of Deianira only is meant. Cf. 1 26 6. (Ed. R. 496. El. 206. Seidi. ad Eur. El. 479. Wunder conj: IBLAYnES, Sopbocles' Trachiuiae, 1 2 7 4 274 ~-ZO(POKAEiOT~ TJP,4XAI\I/ Ta2j "' k:'tkjUIYTa XM ZuVI 1,-ui-i) 1(1016 CZV(Q'~4ZUV'TOVg. Of 1IT1erenlS. d~oiics L. 1)1. I (11 (VUCf 1. )"Q 1IRecent.' 1277. xarvo7raq',) A. B1. L. T'. (snpra yj)). %cnvoma~,;) K.. snipr. larl. Wak. xcal XcsUoZrwai Pentl. Pors. (Aristoph.p. 178.)jIlrm.ke. zire vo~rpcs,'j conj. Steinhart. Cf. on next v. I. e. Imany novel ills,' or 'm11any infUliotin sufferings of a novel kind." The particle zuca is constantly inserted after 7ro)..ot' and before a second epithet. SoA.172 r 1-x~or I!ir.. -hssli A-. 7ro).21 ce ~rrZd66ara xat yvto~3cr~. EDr. Ale. 706. re'o6',g,, zo2~2a zov V-v1 xa Her. 144. 7ro2icv 6' vi"2.cov 'Gr'cg yptiEvcov. Arist. Eq. 1276. o zo r~Q'W U'xo;uga xc4' xiczxr. Nab. 1329. %C 'Qo) 7r2J'W c2'tov'v zru ' Pac. 436. zroZ2.cv xayty#Jv. 538. Herod. IV. 167. 7ro).).ct' z& yr'Z srat xcex 7aapLv v~ avxo5. Xen. Symp. p). 152. zroN(Y' xac4 goopc Isorv.Ler. P). 219. zo2.~oig u xc catvoVg T.oyota. See Ehasi. ad Mled. 1376). Qa. %czt' v-uvorQ,7~,or xcat xcztvc~ Scliol: v~o~czrtxaxx c'agrce (no leimma inl L.). Wunder thinkis Sophocles wrote xavo7rceyij rather than Xvorcc#k1, thoagh Apitz in respect of the former remarks: "IVereor ipsmi nie sit zw — vo~raY1K'."1 In favour of it we may compare ti rzcqtzrzy 'g ( &Eseh. Ag. 0383). Sept. 734.), C5Qrt7iLtcq~ Vi5O7taYng,qQOziffqj~ rQOnU7Tjg (YOVQ07rUZ'"q97 dQV0~c7TU', yoLOr't~,~~aT~,~IT~c7~ ~tCEG7rUYqs~g /itrtl7r y ' &c. A rather different form of the compound is found in z~schi. Sept. 642. zavoirrjy'E,,,sx'-ov 6c'xog. Kutvozq'uo~v occurs 2Esch. S —ept. 3 63, vroirr,#jg Eunn. 514. Krztvozrcxq1~ is supported, I think, by 873. T( 4SXcztvO7totlj,"v XE'y,,tg; Cf. also 867. %t' Tt xctvt~u, Gezyrj. 1278. xoi'61v the mls. z"at I o6'Mv T. Br. not Turn. Qni. ov6S'1v -- It is not unlikely that the xcat may have crept in here fromt the lic. v. (where see note). 0 p), Z5,'g The Schol. supplies?7rzoirjocv or ~~rpa~,v. A sinimilar ellipse occurs in Arist. Vesp. 118.,d'' a('rovT c57rINov xcS 4Q 0;0 ircXa. And Th-esm. 846. t'.6O' ysy~vmact 7reog~oxiov- 6 ' o 6 'r(O. Othiers ais Wak. Erf. Wuind. 5dmi., prefer supplying ~?adv. So GMd. R1. 1329. 'Ax62. ~.Cov T '(Y or xcaxc rICov. Wakefield complares Luacam. IX. 580. 'lapitle os1 quyodcunquie vidies, (/?oeulnqlW moveris.' Cf. i-,'sclm. A\e. 116-1. TI' ~ (3j T-oig CSvv Jto'g TsL~iratc; TI' TCOVI) 01) q4SOXvQrSvTOv '-nTtv: - - - -- I - -.-,,,, IF, Niv ) -D E IN II) A. 1. For qpczv,,t' ef. 433. o rrj1196 i'wg qparvut. 2.Ovid. Met. THi. 135. 'sc-ilicet idtinut semper Icxspectenda dlies /iontiii, dtlwiqne l(,(1tnSI ante ohitum nemo snprenwque fitnera t debt.' 7. Cf. 557. '0 (5Lg feXt ov-',g &C. lfonicr unites the mention of iP1etron and Calydon, Ti 1. 116. c'srX~ov Z'?~v TI1~vQ~ovt xutt erultvjj JKacXv6vt, ais the residence of (Encuis son of Portliens. Schol. Hibm. II. 21, 19-1. 'IIUcz.h'Jg si~ A11,60V 'scsrs2AlwV?1-7l Tov J&Q'(3SQov gvv'l;rvyX 3, ey, rcS Olv,.'O~, Oji zc4t rjE0svrog 7KqualC T l ri v OcVc,gC O 7,- 1)6s'p v.Jrjfhev'-s reav cot2Oj i~rS '~~evd tall~n2 7Qog~ Ot'v,~'u (from Piiiiar). WVho imikes no nientionl of tihe residIence of (E1nems. "O~vcmv appea:rs to derive supjport from 16. 21. 24. 52:3 f. Aj. 140. - yuv u%vov qw~. Nonn. 1)ion. 43, 13 f'. ""Ovvoi, si scripsisset~ Sophocles, nul pu Tov positsset, sed.t LLtLTov.'' (I/ceru.) "'"Oavrov Si s(TilpsisSet, Ox2)02 Vel stpo, jlV IaVOTCTOY piotils, dixisset qaimni (" Lerov, qllod idj cctivanim de arumnmis dicitinr. Nec verisinmile est vnimigre vocalomlIm11 o"XVov:ilb correctore afliqJuo in ratrum illud "z1.ov esse, inmtatmtn.'' (Dinl.) P-erlmps tire tinle rea~ding I's 0 Xov. (Phcen. 1421. 'vupur vrE 6' ('G"(U irOlV Tuipcyttrev ",ttqqtcUvx' Etpov tLc~rjg.) O r Tr Ovorv. (So Fur. Suppi. 11V34. z4'vog - mvxosv. Med. -1261. 1tXo -- xgxrvcov.) Cf. Fin. liec. 3 "-,aQ~h#,rv ( —cpiXtlvat vvf;Uqlj, ~~12Xov 00' gy1tQO'v I i-/bvG' Oro1' &5tfL i-ri x c~pt'~Ouca. Fo. i'hm eytrov usagen. requires rathler cdii-! rou'v for time Olreeks sa,,il 6v GTv Xrjq wi-i rtg yuVvr, niot ktGciGxsr,&. 9). The contest between Ihercutles nnd thme Achelons, as wvell ats 11crcuies' revenge of Nessits at time river F,,venus (,558), is mentioned a among tic wvork~s of atrt hv 1Paustnias ii1. 18. 12. 16. 11. poIerCOV tuv (?) wZQr~jg xczQog Mein. a.d t1'd. C. p). 285. Namek is doubtfu 1 as to the form c~y>in an Attic writer. C.Plb 8,2,~Vuapy LuxO' Trqv 01/tv?vt-xv~ 2, 70,7 2. zroiiguit nu56tv I-VcPaQIi Is, CVOQIfO xI IrWcGV Qis. rpotzCJv v-,~Qcwrjig (El. 568.'scrv a leqo v). Fur. Or. 1372. Rmciavo' - wup~xpavoq. Tph. A. 275. ra 07oroill - AZq)E-Jp Ion. 1260. c ri avqotto(poe octrcu Kqreo5~a nucZQ6'. Nonu. Dion. 43, 15. zorocqtoio Iif'rarzo 6Ftacdvo~vue (lOOQ'sQWOvg vf~iV(tOva Virg. A~n. VIII. 77. ecorniqcr IHesJpeiderm /luviis regnactor eiqunaru.' Hom. 11. co'. 511. ac'ru'( ',4Xt2.Zv- x-ulcdv &Ov 7LraT.!Q', "dZori- 4' u fu'rqo'x~ov. Below 116f'. I S I,- 7 G 276 ~~~~ADDE'NDA. 12. In old p)ai 1ifg IIV0c the Aeeti-i FQPIeCseiitcu(.11 Ia) w tl,I bull's he,"d, 01 the figuIre atf a 1i0)11 with 11011 L 011(1 a on foulila h1 a V. 1-lerml. 13. "BoV'Qr9c0ov EIC)TOtiUiiv (ixit poeta ap~u( Phut~. MWr. 1) 6)S, (IDbid.) 14. Ear. Rhes. 790. auE5q~ Y.Qovv0' cdtuarog. Hfec. 568. Lat. (leliqutescebant, di//!eelioot. Ovid. Mlet. I. 1266. 'barb~a fQrais alillbisI conis fluit unda capillis.' (Of the South wind.) xq0VaL0 75V,] Phil. 21. 7roro'v xsrjvretov. Fr. 560. xpuvai ou Fr. 587, 5. ZroT cqcov 7rozcov. 17. Qu. 7rQt~v Tri6E (or z~,Y6E) xoiz' ar - Or ir~iv xJlaaE xio0t Pnv cz,,~: rjacziva -. Cf. (Ed. R- 1100. Ear. Andr. 215. 7r~ca#Fte' 'A XI)2~Cog ZULU1. 'Ea~r,&1agcY9ivat no where else, I believe, governs a genitive, 20. Cf. Eur. Herc. 812. tpqi~po~pwv h ceycJ)vcov cau2J~cv. 21.?11h44rat' Itt] CEd. R. 1003. zoiv-cr roi- rp~ov a 00 6? ia c~y v. Aj. 531. 23. (E d. R. 885. Jzxcig "qf3,rog. Below 691. ca'c.apr"'q )(o V. 24. fvC f. 5 23.&&e s'i~ rtgUPc/ na7~zp ",1c 1dovxog c"y6vog ssV 'HQCXUjaict, ic cUxc'o'go ~o~toio I1gr'acro 4zt1ecd vavqo j3ooxeaLQovg tmasvcovg. (Of Deianira.) "Hutqvinte55C f tv is not found, I think, in any good ancient author. 26. ZEvg "'yo)vto] Cf. Paus. VI. 19. 12. MsycyQsi'g El o L r 7V Zi g 'Azrriai L x7 S ~G av QO'v xT: `,ioelottrj'GccVo xc U T,~nrccV 4 F cz uP Ton 4hqdaovQuv, IAYQov ~coilt %QvGW~ &,qvq'h,9pE(vc, xbiiv 7rQo'g 'AJX2.odov IhQ ce X Eo v~ g p ccqv. ZEV'g cli Evrttv-4hxat'5 1).&rjFC4VELQat %CJt A4X;1(~oq -xci 'HQcex).ig?eztv, "Ae'rig TE XT6 A4p&10W tPo,4Iv. 27. Eur. Hoc. 7~20. VcixEL#Ev 7ciQ Eti I TrElrQciytSV' lGtLv, Ei TXI 'artiv xc~6g. Or. 17. O' x2~Etvo', EL 6I' x.Zscvo', 'Ayattivcov. Arist, Rail. 74. XoVXro yaZQ ot xt XO p.ovoVv CTEltt 2.0(7V ciYci~o'v EL xcei TOVT cUcc. Herlanan wrongly takes IF'Xog for an accusative, comiparing the Ilomneric 4ro'v.biXo; Ci2)XLOCG6&V. 30. Hesiod. Thi. 800. U&X2og el'?4 &2.ov 6Elf~rte %xkE-7r0WX&Qog co0Io~. av' i vFOXUO'V Inao~cJg?'7tcp~s 'Qst#E. Ale. 1058. Tro. 591. 701. 11)11. T. 191. 865. Hoc. 689. Or. 968. 32. y)txrg 07rcog] So 442. 7uiri'rn 0rcog. The Donec formi occurs in Ilesychiuls, yci/rat. Yscoeyot. 33. Strictly speaking, Hercules could not be said to have seen his children at seed-timie (azrEt(cov), but only at harvest (Eacdcv). 341. Hercules' long servitude with Eurystheus is mentioned hy Uomler, 11. 8, 363. 15, 639. 19, 132. Od. 11, 622. Apollodor. IIL 6. 1. Diodor. IV. 29. 31. IV. 10. ''g ante consonantes non raro etiani in codice L.,7 velutt 148. 263. 411. 417. 442. 610. 1067. iEl'a&9C4v pro Eg2AE~#v cum mietri vitio est in codice 1167." (Dind.) 36.;1viio' -?Vrai91 c 6 - Cf. 771. 14 c0 ldai'vvro,I -?vrccid9c V7rEQXF~hJ occurs.cEsch. Ag. 277. Eur. Ion. 1519. From V7(&Q-riRCi Eur. Hec. 996. pdlcuvce lrETQU yng virEQz-A2ovg &vca.. Or. 8 31. TcUSQ 'fj o ftc(6TOV v7(EQXS??ovT lat&6v. 42. Cf. 255. xoQ~v cciu5 ireoacgci~v. 1138. El. 974,ss.ic 0"WENSM4 On i -. I Im AI3DEJNDiA ' 277 1qi 0fIT QOoCi(4,?.. t. (TA'. C. 1178. Liir, Med- 636. aqAj(' TTOT Up (p I O' Y( V Q1W -7rQO61if3UoI d~fv"' KV'r~to. 413. Dindorf thiinks this line may lperilaps Ie an initerpolat-ion. 44. C. f. (Ed. 14. 137. V7T7-Q 7C'Q o Xt' -rTOv cI7rOJtT.-& p o 0) ).Cv, all c T-og V 1IYlJO &Ce. Cf. 1634. XQurov - rQ,4ultvov Xcevu'cvoiov. 47. The tablet is mneant, in which H-ercules had written his will, the tenor of which 1)eianira explains v. 157. 49. The form J Yc'vupa~ is the epic one. (lonpare the name J1 Tofpog (Eaur. Trio. 960). 501. Ii11leo] fpxlEtacv conj. Ilerm. IfQc2~Etcrzg occnrs below 576, hut perhaps only because tile metre, would not admit of 'HqCZXIUt'OV. 53. I hesitate hetween xo Go'v and r6'aov, and am not snre that after all ro'cov is not tile true readinfn 156. Cf. Eur. Suppi. 241. vE11ovxsg Txc (p4Mvap irliov ItQog. 379. avc rot GE3&g &5iav, xO -' igaov c'6ttxI~ v14tscg. Antiop. Fr. 34, 3. vll~'cav To' 7r2ESLGTOV flttU,5Qug ro UEo Hiel. 917. avyyvov) nXrlQov v uctcv &c. 11cc. 868.?2rs,' 6 xc T3i~xc ' r X~co 7rlov v~ussq.TieII.3 cio 1L1E~QOg VI~~1LOVTE3 rd P11 flo s&Aczct c'zlqoi~ ivat. Qu. Et 7VCereQg I "Z Vt (Qol) rou - oi. Or E' 7tQ7T 'n tXLVxv cavm - 6oi'v. Or ~1 zcvrQo'g 7' (? "Xsc xcv' c~QcYV, tct) XUa2C~g 7tQUcGEacV oxv~ev. The reading v~u~t may be a corruption of y' E`Xsc (the y' having been thrown into the lbeginning of the subsequent line). Natick proposes - roy xc~(lg 7rs~nqcyE'vca. Dindorf -approves of Wunder's explanati on1. Cf. Ant. 283. 6dcUovc OV lXycovI 7rrp'VOtczv tc19ZEV T`O'v(5 TOy SQV~ 57. Cf. 1171. %U-&60'OVV 7TQU~ELv Xcidc5. Ear. Hec. 943. ovTr' cVT xaX cog 7r 9agaovrcz a~q 7TQaYGStv xuXei (7rtaro'v Eart). Incert. ap. seliol. ad 296. orav xicz~lco TCqu'Ga? xcX, 'dEtv xixc'. 58. Possibly the true reading is cIQgt,7rovg, 'bigh -stepping, boundling.' Ibm1-. II. y'. 327. t'7rlrot C4QGt'7rOTOg. 59. Ph. 1279. Et 61 tLrjJ XL 7SQog XltQOV XiYCWV I XVQiO, 7rETcUVUcct. 65. c6 - qpiQEtv Herm. 66. Ear. IHec. 1223. cdgXyjvqv cp'Qu I ItQi(yflk Ig X~qaq )lc43o'VT cairc occo,9w' TOEt1. Plat. Menex. 217 A. i vtxq al vj p~Q. Conyv. 181 E. Leg-g. IL. 671 E. 68. Schncidewvin's conjecture 7ro'9a Icot 1to',a yceg vca'u, is very probable. Cf. 68. 69. 17) UqcijxcXQOVov] I. q.?v ttzxe( XQO'vw. Ear. Or. 72. Itcyxpor t~ t5jxOq - xQOVOV. 71. Qa. FE`7t~q (si` TrLQ) xO~T' F~A7 74. H-omer assigns CEchalia to Thessaly, more recent writers to Eubm-'a. 75. Tsoer. p. 2213. recZ ttE~v 17ro~aoev, Tag &1 F'ttsllov. P. 68. x& Ps~v I1 T"( hE' LU 77. iUUVxTai 7c eTc'] v. 157. 171. 89). Cf. 917. o2r con & h6' IEXEs T`OuT. Hom. Od. 3, 261. 7roX~cg xsl,otvrsg cIEUovg. I-Tesiod. Th. 994. v liGCzg exovosvrcg caycovcg. 81. (Ed. Ri. 518. geog aice-19cdcnOV. 8-4. "Apte Deianira diserte enuntiat quod optahat nd~vov fLiov Yo5 -ciarxO3, tacet vero male ominatum iliud egoS 7rUTQo' 4OXC0XTog, quot interpolator intulit." Dind. 85. Perhaps this line is an interpolation, rather than 84. 7t'iir o ~t,v seeing supported by (Ed. 14. 146. , i ADDENI)A. S7. r.i 11)111 \fies 7(i'- ti h ifdi'i ta (vi 7.lli. 60 I 1. (iT OP7 6oq1 T G -i~f A?,)e 1") li r 0 O If. Trgi i)1 3. 9 fj 1 TT~h'T) 10 ThC c0 iTCrex"iet1&r:t if))' /prIliq ls, mles the resnit of thle orac'h. For the opt. 7rv'iJotTo, inl a sentence if go'ieni h imp~ort et'. (Eud. N. Aj. 1159. ui`GXOhv, Ft' 7ri0OotrO' Ttg, b2.otf xo2.Ce'Iftv. 94. Cf. (E d. C. 6 17. eti, QiU 0'u ft'Q~o %OQ0I oo~o TEIXVOvTuI vf'zT0ra 1 I T' f?5. Theodectes op. Athien. p. 451 P. va'v T~) Oldft-rohf T3j TQcJflf(/ TfJV VV'/.T0 X0:1 T1qV rif113Qcev,~tTIrv cuvtriTTbfLVvog, "'EL'GIt YZae(yJ117T7zf 6S~ t,, T(O2) 12 'LLC TLY.T ITf]2 ATIQ0:V, Cif'Tf 61` TI%Ovfl V-iO TijO6h5 TI'/VOfJutf" For i-v0Qt~oft~vrL we requfire, I think, somie mnasculine paorticiple agree - on,,s 9)ployt~O'UQVOV, with 'IA2.tOv. 95.'l ~schl. A g. 659. V. apri (Xt~ rjliv vL itG v~ I 11 00~.(dt! ~OJVTC(uk &C. 97. Qu. T'v,6E ('4hoy) for oTOVTO. Todxro is hardly right, ast it caninot well bie referred eithier to cu'vi5 or to zup5~czt. If it does belong, to the, formner, cf. Finr. IHipp. 1112. Ei#I arOt Ev'~comivu 19io04" rc5~" utfot~ 7ra Qa~f V%:v fLET J I~v lerfllann connecets it with Y-c09V4 (t. So tieo Seidler, coil. -zEsch. Clio. 190. Eur. Hlipp. 11112. A Ic. 3 7. H1e r. 7145. C f. 430.'O (pQu&OO - TO/SI Tt~' ZOT" /1GTtV o' -~V 9S. Cf. Aj. 1215. TIg 0:OLt, Ttg ET OfVV T/"QfkLg f-ir~eaix; (Ed. It'. 1211 7T0)g 7tOTI. irco; 7zoq' & "Aptissiimim quideni est doplex itolt. iiohestiiii vero duplex p~ ot." (Diiid.) S chneidewivi endeavours to defend1 tins irregiilaf' position of zrai by Ear. Here. 8-10. O'g uZV - `VO) ff1)V TO)) HQL9g O01, EaT ueTco5 X52.o~ (Xo'2ov?). Fragmn. ap. Stob. Flor. 51, 14. OQaeg TO)) El, TQpZ'7r,1oV Ng -~6ti jiog (gt'ov?). 199. Cf. Eur, Hece. 65. eO OTQQOILZ zJ109, 0) 6%Ort0: VV'* lif notf Ifor (Ed. C. 137. - 117. correct (Ed. C. 117. - 1337. 100. Qu. Uwe novu'uga uat~avug. 101..ih'sch. P~rom. 790 'Eti9'ov 'jnE'Qoiv 12pm)v (the river Phiaois". Fr. 17 7. Tnj tt'-v (11 vo)%o2oEvQ zp I pi'aV q4S 'Aeg T-FLeOVC0(u a~' 11ermoaff explalins x2.11 f. 'Jacens, commiiofans.S. 103". Q1u. zirot0)LLVY, or' ITOOVOI VU. 101. I (10 not see the propriety of the epuitlhet ffftupftvFmxf here. We ' seemi to req1uire rotlier one, sig-nifying Ieixixoois.' 1)indorf connects (h with o0Y7/hoT 10/Cl,))i &(h. c, ciluivolcfnt to /2.WE1V, O)lserving, ''Non erat tamnef Sophocles sic locuturus, nisi verba oi) a Tip V ((702.'110) tQvf.v interposita essent." But I prefer Nvitf 'Nauck to connfeft it with Tqv'XIGOb'ut, the intervening words being taken &Sta tuth-ovi. Natick aptly compares Xe. el. jVlI. 3. 7. v'~e -ovg 7-rpt 'Ap(tiav - of fl))(rTOP v~ CJUtfV I le2J iBTtUCOQrjG~hlI 107). Cf. El. 1075. To)) (YhEt 7TaTQflg!TO)) i0) ITOTIIOV)'.) OTIVC'%( va 0roTTO a~ 7TOCl;VQTO9 fhfj6cOV. 1ot;. The s-,clhol. exploins IiVaYUIf V by xo1 ttuItV. Cf. Ant. 7191. o~i, v/0: (,(.:1)) a tlxovg va 7mzcairqg'. Alj. 6 9. O0:0a:T0)aacrerrcpov 107. For iro'4ov (qO. )orTW6 Of gT0:y0V 108. For 0(1ov I shispect wve should correct V`ZErQ. 109. Eqnivolenr to gr4i'covaiigi~v T0:~ aV6Y0o3?Qq9ovi~ ~v Nauch MAMM IS 11 M. -11,................ ADDEiNDA.27 2-4 9 PIo))-clJls EvVCuloi xk7QnTatt. (,~I i. v6u(Y(YVSQCotoI Cf. Eur. Mledl. 435.' I i d ~,iVce vcet'Hg Z)OVt, T&; UVcY090Q~i' Y.OITUQ0 6c OGe v.QV 1.(Jf.A. 606. xay.I'v e2Tt ie Incert. ip. sthol. ad 296): orv ei' 7r2.iu QCaGl Ttg, 'N7rt'~rrv -,cr.' 1-12. Cf. 699. c#)Grs zQt'ovo~ I 1?g(3QtuiY r' (3 psrctu &-c. E ii. lIIce. l1tO. (Y2JLLt4QVi')l Ttg (Oq?~ UVTlOV 7(UGcOV;,toQM?IZXZeaj rptdce xcyil~r~ ytc'cQGr4g (t'oi'. 113. vo'roc j~Q a — xi;6arazc] II, 1'. 396. xLvfrcara 7TeVrOiov rev~tv. Od1. v'. 99. ceLV)LUOVw jeeu qcv Xmecznvft. NxOTc] 1PLatber iE'v No'ro',, 'by IMe forcc of Ihe.soeh wcind.' 116. Cf. 509. 0 6 d, BuZirzg 5'~r6 - @r;3rzg ('HQrvit1g). 117. TO'Plrpri V. az' tf (as it would. be written) Might easily have leell corrupted iiito rQ~qpir r6 d6' cv6~Et. Nanekc too justly observes that x6 'mv- M would require verb~s of (lifferent signification. Hence lie corrects GrQE'fct, which however is not at all suitable. Some uinlerstand ro' ttEv before remmt Coil. 11. 131e. (Ed. R'. 1229. IL. x'. 157. rfj Quc 7raquQc~tEritxv ri"'(,)V (SC. 6' tt"v), 6 ml 7 WrL'9S 8t(0'wV. Soein wrongly Connect jto',rov z2rol7rovov, Comparing &iyawac g3oe (i. q. e~r~mo (3m))Anit. 1209. Perhaps v~kp~t i' (An. 69 E-o ipi zmat cvm, or xp 'cput x' cOI~u rE Pt{ov - is preferable to what I have given: for z"rs6lut UV4a e~t) is perhaps hardly suitable in a choral passage. The old reading is evidently corrupt, (To' yp"v) XQETU, r6 6 "Et~, since the usual phrase is ZQkpqthv -Acda'~iFtv. 119. The form Kpiertog occurs Eur. Ilipp. 37-2. 719. 75~2. 7519. Tro. 944. And KQaigoec Orest. 15. 1008. Also IKQsqxmim6 in IzEscli. and Eur. 120. 'A4vcurZU'.cqmot (the second Syllable short) occurs (Ed. R. 472. I am inclined to prefer the reading &"vc 5uj,,'rjov (i. q. U',u~M'%rj-rov)- The first syllable in 5xkczx- is short Aisch. Euni. 922. Eur. Ale. 3417. Iph. A.124. Ifesyclhins and others do iiot recogni the p, while Suidas and others insert it. We find >Xcumaov, czuf, mrl"CxO, UM~ Xrix~M in Sopli. 121..60'awcv 1-qVY>LJ] Ant. 48. Tiev?pc1a6V Fi~'pyv. Ear. Phoen. 12715. rQqTVGOV zu-Ava I6Et'im'jg 6mftt?3lrjg. 122. Cf. Hon. II. (3'. 225. io d' cvr 67rlfLEq)Ect - 12. The plural C'~difkc for U~'(Ycz, as 4-E~cz (Hes. Sciit. 0315. 0'ricmc %Q9 r116cmV), is more thami doubtful. Cfxa.lae.41 xy'1 6'Y' c60om3 ('~respcclfzdly') Qut7mov, ~'S V, &C. 124. Eur. In. Fr. 20. FIv mcm'av %Qt/ xOV'g aocpovg i'rv ~~Ov. IfeSio(1. 01p. 54)0.?Xri'1fg ml' Oi~-. U&Ycz'q itxQ'rtLpVOV Uv66Qcm xmoutd~E. Dem. p). 258, 23". T" v riywa 'v 7reo(3Ct2Jamvog E2=ridc. I rather suspect C'eimorQVumv, -which hardly yields a suitable sense here. 126. Sehol: o01Xi~ yc'Q (",lvvrcz xoi Uc'vDmIrmQ 6 5 a& rcyummvma 7r.Fzouqxmu. Perhaps 6evcylyinrce mnay here be used as an adverb, as cv~ Yjrcog Aj. 1333, i. e. enfeelinflly, in on enfeeling mcianeer. The Atridme arc, Called a&rr~yqrom Aj. 946. This sense certainly -would better suit?I~mu Di. I erhalps cvr 'ypc may mean enn/celiny, icnsh treatnient. But I rather a~spect cevrl'Xyrjrce. Qa1. Qlvatarut 'a state witoi/dn cliaiiye.' 127. 6' za'v-rc r.Qetdv]v I. q. o! 7mcvr' avc',cov ((Ed. R1. 904). Or it nay mecan 'wio acconiplislies eve7ryt/mid. (dC.914. 7r'Lmv - cmi-v vo'mmov 1'28. Im(cljEur. Mcd. 1112. -7mo-0 nOVv lVumt irQo3 vOfg c`IXomg Irjvd'V u4,i iV'7rqv CYVI~iQorUTqv I 7rcmt'dt&v -I&VI'XuV IgV1qTOLGt 19EOV'3imI ie 280 AD]DEND)A i-~7H ftiz2.XitV is ].i'nperly usedl o inlicfiting ll-~; not so f mnmigine tIe inig goo(1 things. Shtould we therefore read?T-ro'Q as? int see uii 1 2J. 129 f. Cf. EL. 916. roig czV'roi'G( 7Tot OV PU CI ovxutrgu i'6eotoari) ThQ(C Grcz.-rsi Ib m. 11. w '. 527. 6otos' yUa T E rt(4io Ic ruyaTcg "a?ct v Jio I;g0 YOJQWOV, O1"6 6 o dtwt, InXCOV' E&QOg ls ua )V. E t. T ro. 1205 O r a f TQOTlY~' (59(V TVCu - U).or' C'e;JoGI 7rj Tj(PGt, Yoz'd6Et' ceVTog~ EVTV%&L 7rois- (EViTxeqg Eu~. ~r. In. Fr. 19. C/VtSGau, 7ro;2Joi; E~artv 59QJrV xiy oI" TO~ tSQcet 2~ryut, Tofg 6C, xi'v(vvog pro2.s~v.xil'.?o; y&UQ UtT6 nC Q7rtpfOL TE yi'i qPVTOtg I 9aVlTtOV TE Y11)5CC Toe tS vtv,'rt~'g (~ (TE cp#ivut xsF %rYt' 43Iqt'~TaTtc za.v. 129. Qu. c2z~c'z ra' 7(1119(\ 11(1 %SQO'v &C. 133. Sim-onid. Fr. 18, 20. U'R 'a fLLvQt'Cz (IQOTOLG XflQ1g xYv17TtpQarotl (Yvcst nISL 7rrj'~tcs' lGTLv. 134. (YtpclQ gi~3csxs Cf. 530. Eur. Iphi. T. 1274. T~xog ferpcs i3ce. A~ p u Q occurs also Ti. 8`21. 958. ~'scli. Pers. 461. 137. CZ] Cf. also on (E d. C. 161. Ph. 14~2. GETflV vcaVUcsVj Cf. 405. -.rp5' TiJv IIQarobgCSv.Jpcvp Xy].o 2sch. Sept. 1042. tzvdle 7102.tv 6,, tL7fls~s0ai2 1 04 3. c 6v( 5 a r tgC' 71 n6( fqv'Gim 51 'p4ot'. Aj. 1047. oirrog, 6E cp0)5) rovrl6 - scvo"c/ Ys (Ed. 14. 350. 'vvsiro, (is- ra5 1%. 1QV7151-5YLV 1381.?vv ibrcov Tds~ irzrs Vv GaF3~. Ph. 101. 706 y (a '60v) 1CO 0t2.onxr 'xv lacq~v. 139. Ear. Fr. In. 18.?v E47i{G1v txcv Ptiov. Qu. roIv cdc'jv' i`GX~tv. 144. rv' - vs&"~ov] ~~sch. Ag. 79. ri' U' Vl7rFQyq]QO)i' - TQU1~OdCS gs 0c60oi 6rT517L &C. 145 f. Cf. (Ed. C. 676. ra'v iy3czrov #oS qpvccsd p1vQto cspiro Zv cz-c C'o c5)V7L TIIIVTCOV x5FLtOJV6OV. 350. 710o.20161v OL1(Qo1g ~'(2.OV TI %Uc'IUsR p1OX7Q9v0(e Td 'ttOV. Perhaps XOAQotg, i'v'csVx'ov p~ ov - may 1)e a, preferable correction. Nauck retains the realing of the nmss., though hie considers it corrupt. 145. Cf. Pli. 17.?v V'Xpct. Fr. 400. #U~zvg xat4 ipv'xov6c. Xsehi. Ag. 969. ac2.7rog ps'v?v Xytyovt arcdtvcg fpo.O'v. q'vXog is oppose(1 to #cU2.irog Hipp. Aphor. 1246. For #soi cf. Ear. Suppi. 469. 7r911) {lIoV 6lvva 'Xagc. 208. 71g MY ~roef Z %strog It90f32.t UT, cx#O'v Wr uvral~r #Foi3. Ale. 738. (pllo01 Tri qplyyog ro;,ro roD 4)so-. Or. 102.3. qpEyyog d1'oQ&v #Fo5 xdcl6'. Med. 353. q'roVacs Lyu~ta' - #EoiK llhes. 331. -roVui'7t a12.ceg 146. orV' J~ttQog] Perhap~s ounx o~ttpoog. Cf. Ear. H-er. 429. XSL~tJJvog (Y7Qtov p,,vog. n2.ovzci1 'Distnurbs, lroebles.' Strictly applicable ouily to zvsv"1csre. 147. Aj. 1066. 6ELVOV t~SQI E Q v (au(f 81 r2o EVeoV651 P0 Nauick justly observes: I1cat 951 ~t3oiv imiruiiii (liceiiidi genus." 1t7 f. A similar passage occurs in Aj. 554. -'v rc5 q(p90055V -ue fttMIv '&Gtrog 3t'og, I "cog T' y71Stv911 xa'~ T' 2.vitstaazt 7r uCS. 148. ~cQ-x2.fl] So Aj. 5 55. "~og -. CZ Pa 6.lo ~s To. yeia n2 11 I. y'. 138. 1)VTjtVt p.1 111.717(101T? 149. Qai. - 2114? TI vvXrTL (pqovrt'&Yov pLtQog pLi~, or p.1(e TI Vl'11Tt Cf. Hbm. Od. 18, 271. vi4~ E`G-cat oTI (Tr', G`V7EQOg 7czpog arrf13oz1Jo6s'. ov'o1.dvq Epis'4Fcv. Herrnann understands the passage, of )iocllrnle (anxiety, 9Q~ovtt~6F~ t"VViXo1 coll. 29. 1 11111111 -0110111 -Mg= 11 - 1 MM Boom= A D1)IIJIN I IA. 22 j 5". I~ Ant 1 I. A,'sc Ii. A,,. 6,7 851 lao ( 1 i o 95 Ei r, r. 19 7.&e t 53. S o 4,q' lt(.otr~rr 461. 1SF) f. Cf. 44 f. 1 55. rj'U0 -- o~r -i C f. 5 31. i11u -- r~1ro 0 - 'fITUo occulrs al1so (Ed. Ri. 1-134. Aj. 935. Eur. 11cc. 915. 157. i~Xarv T. c. 7rc 2~ct yEsQY~rtye'7)qv. 159. Aj. 290. r( rqvd - POQU# 7rELpaV (&cpoQtte 7 rtQ(Yv? En'u. Plicen. 792. Gcog Etig U'cI5!v0 - OQfLco1L2}tjI 177. 161. Add Ear. Alc. 196. ov, 7roTx' o13)sjsxa 163. Hesiod. Fr. 8~2. xrcavcov ttof~cav 7r6~ 164. Cf. 45. YTExca th-vczg nro6g &2.Xot 7rvrs,. LIEd. Pt. 1137. TQSF~ d3~ot~ - Xtnjvovg xpovovg. i'Esch. Prom. 95. xhov fLvQtsr?7 yZvo. Nauckl thinks rQ111LnqVOg xU'Vtczirero~ preferable because of tie positiou of XQ0OVoV. Cf. Apollodor. II. 4. 12. %urtOX~F`V cUVrOV EV T(9vv'ar E'Qva#E~& 2MTQF?1' %Xy o~v(o ur(Tv 2e010v eevxvre~Gq1'Vurov c'#U'Varov cY';5rv ci'vEfr'a. Cf. 825. What Apollodlorus assigns to the oracle at Delphi, Sophocles assigns, to that at Dodona. 165. Instead of ff'r~ti7- 3c I suspect we should read iGorro - j3 vp3cJg. The futiture optative scems required. Eur. Phoen. 553. pa/~, r~v 1QvtaVcrgov xitx~ov (~-Iog). If?'tvGtceog 3ic be right, compare tbc X~~' i'~3c of Homer. 167. Cf. Ant. 455. *#sCo v LLLtv -Esruv ur. Tro. 930. ii' '5~ 7r5Q~eQ'Lot xc&2~sr. Phoen. 578. 'v 6' c,~i x ~uxs ovr v~~ts~eY7rqxrj (,cvq the mnss.). eld. 1540. Ion. 973. 168. Cf. El. 599. i~ cojtO ftoX#i7Qov. 169. rota;Sz'1 Such as may be inferred from what she had alrcady said. HpQa~E] Hercules, when writing the testament. Triclinius uinderstands the tablet itself. Similarly XEsch. Ag. 921. TU' C'e~cz rppovrtig oV, Vi7rVri vtXy~ogfLvrj 'I)7t 68rxcdco~ ervv #Eotg EtarQf vu. 170. Cf. 1170. tt~ot (645;) XQ'O T53 ~oi~vr - Ercuans tcJXaCOV Tre 'FrmErcrv Eliot' I )1i'ctv TEXEGarz. 824. The epithet '-Hpcax2.rcov, as Wunder observes, is inopportune, seeing thiat the subject of the verb 'Q~ is Hercules. And instead of the present -XTE1SVri~GP#Yt we require a future. Qu. E'rE2.vttdvcov, or xir-pcat171 2. These lines I suspect. For 5;' should wve read 5;)' flhies'? 172. The form Ae,&Sv occurs also Pr. 401. Jco~vog - Jre0Jv, So we find Tt(Qvvg. end Tt(Qvvifog (lies. Sent. 51.). 173. Schuceidewin proposes to miark a comma after Gv11jucdvst. Perhaias we should read xrczi Toi66E -, and connect Vcq1'FQTEic" with XQ06Vov &c 188. With govq'sQ ' cf. NA,:tU#EQ4 'gAsch. Suppl. 70. Perhaps rced' has slipt out after - xog, and E?7rri between rvce's Land 7rQOg. If got be right, 7rgii); aoS can hardly be so. I would read e'-'r(0g,got - Xgq17rOV Tt &c. Or perhaps 07row "Sv - XQilGVOV Xi XEQ&'cdVC07 xca {x-(51tat XStQtv. In Xen. Anab. III. I. 15. 52'X ohrcog rot ruq E~r sxstV~~ yvqeopsUi ~r~v~7OiTothe rot is to be connected with C'2.2.& not wvith 077rcog (cf. on Arist. Tb. 708.). 191. Cf. Arist. Pac. 1205. SX'7rcY0'tcgc~ %Usp~cT"vcqtvv(xxQco192. So below Lichas speaks of himself as xcogJ 7rQc"eov~rCe. 196. Nauck considers iro~o~v!"certe vitiosum", and so do I. if sound, he I huth> 0 i ioil(I!>11 liieiiI Illll o II9~u.PN i) T6e vfl9, Or T" 7&~ ycpr Pgor #9IAOV LIackl Avo0111d read 7rO~o#r). 107. zc#Q 4o 2jr V. V uv E1. 1 5 03. a u O i 6a 4o v ' i4& "'v Es c Prom. 260. (O&$1IjtY9& OVT 1110I, hyrt rc, 6020, &c. -198. AdJd Fr. S44, I. `p.L UYO ZOV2 V 50 1,7t1I' XyOt'Y,.a Ear. Fr. 69. 51&(!'v t'~oi~cwv ijl or'.92o Yav oi~gay ls. Sept. 1035) rotyceo 'Olovao "XaOVTt Y.OLVCOVJt' %U X (O P. 200. C. I. p). 1103. t'vuaq#,t0{I!; 12? r) Tp r2Q O?) iio' TO?) II2ITuCI07o kL~jT SVT'3L1a hT?) i2UZiOGTCLTj ftL1JT& GiT?)t j Utt I3, TI2.)vj 'ie?.t aLO1Zv wVas 110 (lold-t 0i1 the hligh table hind of mount (E,.ta. C f. 41_3 6. 1191. Billinger thinks the 1aessenger loaves the stag~e to hurry the her.ald, Hlermann 011 the contrary is of opinion that he reimains- on the, stageT during the following hymin of exultation. 204. Eur. Med. 4822. c4E0%ov Gigo (pceog gL)TOQLOV. 205. Cf. Ear. Here. 11. q~v 7EczLVT?)?Xutvcd'otat Kadoasi'oi 7ror ttoT( avvrhvlce~av, 02)131z 2)ig 2ft?'OV~g 6(lOfLg) 0 %-Er~uo~ HV/tV~2)2 U]7?)T'O. Iph. A. 1468. 1nitE~ ('? rv~ryqrraar. cc V?)cvtd%', Izeiratczva TUL?]F ~1'tI (poqia, Jto'g x5.OQ2] jAQTiLLtV' tTCO R12 _JcVUZ1"CYUgI SV'hpl7LtC. J10iaOtg 5001115. right. The plural is always used, I think, of a material house or builiing. The singlilar oeeurs (Ed. C. 370. 15065. Anit. 584. P1h. 460. (qu.) In whieh passages it means either 'a fewily, a?race', or- else 'ani abode.' J&-_ ttotg without the -addition of;?v Oeears 578. Ant. 1079. uv6Qc~v y~vvazx6hv agots (x'?'v) 6d"cotg %'scn para. (Ed. R3. 422. TIr. 950..~sl.Cho. 871. 7tLOg %&-Y.QCO)TUzL 66ftoLL Usulally?v is added, El. 1493. Aj. SO. (Ed. 14. 75.:W (Ed. C. 760. 1338. 1342. Nub. 600. 642. 652. 1241. 1279. Fr. 819. TL'; 7TOT 60) oflOL go; If dotcotg he righlt, tilen wo must lend a'5~.'vro with Erf. Cf. Ant. 633. rrig atXoPV?)LucPO1). For l0,tLtot 5cploTL IIt ef. AEsch. Ag. 851. )v~v?~~ 0' zceic 60'~tovg Ecpi6Tt'ov9 I E.)cv. Sept. 73. zi'~2v - xcel 80'~ovg 1CPc6T1sovg. Perhaps we should read cLvo)l2.vVf(ToJ dofltOtg 1?)hpQEtiO1g c~UZUzayc5g a' p2aov?)upog &e. Or C40)20ov'~UZT i lvoc nrp~Tiv~ calyc Jg I ~v' It Tile passage however will he 111101 simplified, if we lead, (5VOa02.V~U5TOJ O9TO~Og EHPiG1TtLOt c~a2.aya oup vvpvcpog (i. e. like coiilpaUy of 7iiaidellS '). For 6OT0].og tluals 1180(1 Ci-. 226. (Ed. 14. 169. For 1qp,,a-rt'ot alceayac~ ('domeslic a exitllaliolle) Cf. 607.?aiov ag~c..Eseh. Ag. 1283. ffvuULTo)v i(psar'ccv. Eain. 162. IrpJT. (m) 206. '4alcay) is forned from Icc shoot &l'a~cai (Arist. Lys. 1291. Av. 951.), as oi~uoyr troll olatwgco, ivyrj from li5'o, &e. 'ii42.2.,' oceurs app)arently Ear. Plicea. 3335. av'v "~a2.ata. lHel. 1344. ).&nrav U2.Xcc~atr &2.~ali (-tro %a~?.Pind. Fr. 224. ptavtiac T UI?"'aYZ T,~. 22.5 'A2.aec IThIo2.i4LoV 'Oa'VC5.?. A2~a~aytto' occurs Hel. 10368. Cycl. 65. 59-t cslcsgitv oceurs Anit. 133. Eur. Baceli. 593. 1131. Here. 9,81. El. 843. 855. 'A2.c).ayttc' Hel. 1368. iyel. 6.5. 594. 0 0LAOV?)fLqPo3 thle 11155. Triel. vulg. Br. Ilerm~. 1)ind. Wand. 501111r. CZ vZ2.oO'vtt.cog (X2.cy7& 'virgqille clalazor '~Heath. Musgr. Elf. Kayser. proh. Berglk-. Nauek. co' fcJalvccO Heath. Wakef. Vativ. B-elied. 13111110 unlderstandls Vtvog, as in O' aceU.2vtxo. Sellol: irf' rcg Uc?2.2O'VVp(Tp~?aTtv. Ft'Ti yEyU~.r2)coi'g, flXETOJ' X40tVf ya rcevrToJv 56UTh) F5V)4 4)%i'TW h1 iruaoa x2cy'Yq4 4ai(,VwAV TE %a[' LOh~ro xahJ1 xotovl~lv 5yvXq' 7rto1aUxco. Cf. Ant. 633O. Tqg jtcs2.2o2v cTo.1101. Od. III. 14. 10. 'vos, 0p01 tpll(ejll i trem expertes, nlele Oouinbats I parcile verbis.' Herod. IV. 34. ThaI 612_ - '4?)QOVTY( x ar ~o~a aa oJ ta gi or Jrj),'cOv. After 1)2. a fall1 -~top M I I I 11 \l)1 )NDA, 283 15iiilil inI. Kx. tald so) I-r. ])ut thle (,d euhitieuis~ thins: - 2}Pt(f~og s -. I 6 indrt 11( Avi under Cjolnietoio0 S1Oeig0 1111lerstayndung the expression of the mnaidens in the house. lint this se-emshdlesaItisfaIctory. HeaIth and1( Musgrave whoI re'ad r),rsXo7rUnuPoR understanml it, the to)riier of i1)eianira (hat could she, aIs expeeting- her loilo. aibsenit husbaind, properly, he so ulesignaited?'), the latter of any miarnaga deiuaideiis, or at least those Of the house of Deianira. 31E 2J2.virun po5 is hiere utsed in a la-rger sense than the usual one of 'betrothzed.' Iler it eem to iea 'uarruqeab/e', rug'cdc yc',aoi. The wvord occurs no w\,here, else in Tragedy. lBarges 1. e. prpoe ottav~c vuY'lrpuate (vVrqmc u~ Iq Perluai-S cu ~tr2o~vvttq~og?V hi otvog CZQGFI~IWV iurc XMryy(' rOVi- The construetion wouIld he muchl siuplified hy reading T~v tt,?0voi'cupyo~v. The passage certainly seemis not quite sound.;Fv dE) o`Aid together, wcithal.' Cf. oin (E d. RZ. '27. 1St. (Eld. C. 5 5 El'1. 713". Aj. 675. Some wvrite `Ev MF -. The clause Ev 6hi - L'rco is parenthetic &eC. Instead of ~ov the seholia-st would appear to have read somnething signifying, 'miarried people', for lie explains, EL' Ttg ttF2U6Vve~erpos SOZTLV EITF YES7f1itt0XJ,nO. 208 fr. The 01(1 cdi. mark a full stop after v.uryy>', and Connect what follows with ('evrl'yi' &c. Corrected by Herm. &,c. 209. Cf. El. 637. Tloef& 7rQoarccr ~e.Diana is in like mnanner called TtQoGuTquQIti Xsci. Sept. 455. Apollo had a temple under this designation at MKegara, which contained statues of the god himself and also of IDiana and Latona (Pans. I. 44. 2.). According to sonme Apollo was Called 7rr(OGTcemQtog for a very different reason. Pliot: 7rouur etvqog 'Ai52.U1(02)E,,Vi 7CQO -COv 4IYVQ(WV a XTYOV UY6Q;SYVTO..Zoqpoy.2.r. Shifilarly HiesyCli. hI. v. 210. Cf. Pind. Fr. 103. -"VTL XQVGUoAlccxroV, xsME'sv AccroV- ci'otarit '2111. Cf. 8'21. i'd o1ov, o6 7rnedig, oe0itttEV &C. 213. Diana was worshipped in these parts: cf. on 637. 216C. Cf. Arist. Lys. 12191. &Xceuri\ L'q' Trcir'av. I ui S, cG` vm6(, itcit lut' svoi siV'of. Eur. Ale. 45'2. re~tgott~vri 7rurvvi ov ai2.rVci. 217. Somewhat similarly A-j. 174. (A'leyu'LS7c cpares i r to Ir~Q cdoyv219. The Tragic Choruses were decked wvith ivy in honor of"'Dionysos Kruwsm4g Cf. on (Ed. C. 1279. Simionides Fr. 29. c'yo~vAo c?1s2Eltrovog 7rOcY. 20. Cf. Lucian. cal. &eC. 24. 1ThrorQE(SLQV xqv X0~qB. 'TZrOxp~(FpFV occeurs also in Xen. and Plat. 'TJSoaTQ rpcov is, I think, clearly corrupt. 221. I(Ou id) HctU'v] The ephymniniun of the IPacan oi hymn of thanks22.Eur. Aile. 462. 0.J rp'M yvvcamm6'v. Hipp. 849. Her. 567. ni xc,1crvc 22.'OlUttwTg cpgovqc~v equivalent t ~~c po'ov 2126). lHes. Th. 6103. or' ov'x Z'ar Jto'g x4 ne~t voov ov6'_ 7rceQFll~Sue. 2 28. Qum. xu(erx'v S4' U JTQouqpIQSLg 230. Namuck considers xczr i'yo X-l~l crrupt. xue~,Sg 7rgn eo'ovx' } Cf. 192. S17(Sq iurvXE (Lichias). 2131. X~Qijux& -xsFdc'vEiv 116`rq] Cf. 903. xIcQd0g Etitro~Lq 232 a ur. El. 23"0. n -r~3c yn Got rayaa Q' cyi2Jsrv ")".q I j > I ~~~~ADDLNDIA~ 235. 1Fur, Fr. inc. IV. 13. wasv (3Qo-rutor Trs sYG c2)r r Aehua-us Fi. 37 r6orpc o~oF I H (instcmld of 'r) U'-WV16cU'g )Hyul; 2,37. Cf. 752. C~'er)7' Ttg~~'iao Et;~3oi'ug.os ) IKr'v u t~v r?er,r,,IVICM lrfTQ (O(O Jet' (Rol aCL OV Qt~ LVC2 tp) c The plhrase Pnieou?,g rjpi c'v occurs, in Philostr. p). 9-217 -238. 7s~trj F`Y 9U7t0 dlep~ends loosely on O'QLrcttL. Cf. on 1,16. lair pocr. p. 28, 24. 'c 'arco #~s'5ir2,) 7j~ ff7r~v~t!OV, tE ma VLOIY1'!iJ/O MI 14 T(~g 'aV6'uq ~ytvovTo 60!7ruFV"e. 240. EVXTcd' might easily have been corrupted into ~rc'l.e Certainly axe etc seemns far more suitahile here than Fv~cde. If &u~'c4d' he correct, supply o,' rct -effvfOV] Sulpply e~r hte. So 698. 7riret e7~6r o v. 243. Schneid. reads ~vatqoQ&e, and explains: 'unless owing to thteir niisfortune I/iey deceive mie' ((10 not have more trouble than they dleserve). And~l certainly it seems more probable that ~vttLpoQ~ (~v~tcpoQ~t) should ha.-ve heeri corrupted into ~vtupoQca' than the opposite. For thlis iise of xof -7rTttv cf. 189. 245. Fr. 187. yvvcttxc 6' 4EX0'vtF. Xen. Cyr. VI. 4. 7. o~re 11 Ut ttuC~coXov y'twqrj vrivT] x'tL E'tuv1Tl(V ourS tIF cog 6O?",~ij2 rj~ee1G x 17e~ue, ovIrr eo SXSV4E'CQO!V EV Wefe)CVrctt xric~ x~ev]Cf. 27. )J'Xog - VX9txov. 217. Fr. 696. o3 y~eCeacc cvey ',cwc rot' rolv'v XQO'VOV. 250f. Cf. 274f. I. e. ro'v 10'yov ov 6Ft (p~oEOut u'rro Gou. 25. For "eo - UpcVs (without "~v) cf. CEd. R. 1231. 252. Ksi~Voq is right, I think. Of. 281. xF~voe 6' V'7FQUoivrs,, &ec 526. According to the Schol. on Od. 99'. 22, Jupiter ordered.AMercury t) sell Hercules into bondage as a punishment for some offence. Mer-cury took him into Lydia and sold him to Omp hale. 254. "vsc6og ).eqaev] GMd. R. 1494. rotaccvr 0vs(arj 2ua435OW. Cf. Anit. 317. Eur. Med. 1344. ce'U' o y& c'Q 6E 1? tLV 9 O( VsI'16om '257. Cf. oibm. Od. t'. 199. oevvxrxc aev ~u'v nrmx6i' 7rC;QmoXofeC" rt56F yvrcatxi. IHermann's correction 6VV 7rtecem etV'v yV71rltd seems hlighily pro Nah~le. r1he second G1'v (om. h.) had slipt out, I suspect, from its simli la-rity to yvv. 258. CEd. C. 944. U'v6Qc xe4' -TcQOXro'vov I csCvcZyvov. Apollodoruma I.6. '2. cqyt&ijvca 8Eu #FlXoV TOV rpOiVOV (Hercules) eqpxvFt's e 7rpO's 269. tt-rcuv'rtov tte'vovj So 1233. tw'V17 tLETcdrtg. In these, passage.~,a ru'eceetog signifies, as Hermann observes, something more than 'par/ieeps fecti', viz. ' qui oceasioneenz (ledlit, caussa reniotior.' Ovid. Met. XIII. 32. 'sanguine cretus ISisyphio furlisque el fraude si unitliunus illi.' "2 62. E?1#0vr'?'g 606,eovg Irpiereov] Cf. Rhes. 201. iWWev h? uv FPmp~rlog. 263. i1-roXA"'c pE'v U~yotg -j Thme antithesis to this begins withi rFi7EVOtg 6' - 268. The former portion refers to the opprobrious langunge of Eurytus, the latter to his contunmelious acts. -INI IIII ADDE'NJ)A 285 264. Fur. Sr. 89. '7r OQ~ i'# qGap) oi' O' ItV zU2.roq Aijyot, of' & oi11% S~tri7ooVV. 1Ph(-ei. t244. 7r(YvTq 0Y '7EQ 60Y9GaV 11Qy7140t 77YO 1fec. 5 3.. /rji CPOsvi C if soiindl must signify the conutmelious treattment resuiting from,in infattuated mind. Schineid. suipplies sonie such verb (is?(pi439tasv, coil. (E d. C. 1313. XIS 7nQi0ZU fL43 60OQ~t XQISXVVW0V, IQCATu OL W)V (tV (;do g. 265. ZEpofv au~v -] Answvered b~y (P~v.4,g 6E iofoq &c. For Z"Qofv cf. 566.;(ofv I zsv xmou~1rixv toiv. 266. Sebol. II E. 392. EvQvrog O' OIXc~liaq x~q tv Evp3ot, (3czAhiqg n e E ro y -r' q # 7vy arpog '- Io2.rj 7yUttov TC I5CrXT C9T V -10~L1' V I V~ vmxcjG~x 6vvcqtL1:vap, r', o') rtvcg, rovg 7r0!t~iczq la &( yc' 'A47rdZ2.covog T"V rTOr ri 'oiV. 'HQUX)JoVg 6' 6taywovtGcsa'vov Y(Ycv ISxrr ca 0 EivQVroq oi~x a'-rE666ov r~jv xoeqiv. Cf. Apollod. II. 5. 12. Diodor. S. IV. 31. Lichas designedly omnits nill mention of Hercules' passion for l-ole, which however is revealed by the messenger below v. 3541. 266. Thme singrULar To'0V is found also Phil. 288. 1128. Eur. Suppi. 7415. BThinceb. 1064. 267. For cousi Wunder compares An-t. 653. El. 234. 268. Ibmi. Od. V. 2221. EC' 6' cvs rLg (jctr/6Lt aE6v Evt' ob'onrt ro'vrc, Fr. (368. nirg o1`vco01Et' c'v~ - voS xcvog. 270. coq 7niEr' aci~'c] Should we read 54 tfxi#' v[` -? I do miot quite see thme force of acz#tg, unless it refer to the return or second Jouiney of Ipbitims to fetch or look after thme horses lie bad left ait Tiryns to graze. Argos was famous for its rich meadow pastures: hence its epithet 17rm j rov. Ant. 1145. THaQvISGGtcv ii7rE' %mIcriv. 271. The finad syllable of %Xvrrv is shortened here, as in Ant. 1145. Fur. Baceb. 411. LHipp. 227.' So vqdv'g Eur. Andr. 356. Cycl. 574. L~yVV Ant. 1127. Fur. Fr. 781, 42. Usually nouns ending in -?'ig have thme long. (Sc/ia.) 272. (Ed. C. 1444. ~T18 Xa'rt'QY 27:3. 77xE] Cf. 567. 'inxsv xiofu riv 1?v. Arist. Rlan. 133. &'vccfl'q irtL TOV TrVQyOV rOV v~prJ2O'V - E v at %C 5IV GczV OV. Iesiod. Thm. 669. o5% Ti ZEV' 'EqE03Eqmpv s'n6 X~ovbgqXF cpcoo6'i. [Eur. Or. 992. MvQ-rilovi (POVOV C6t Coy Eg Oiciccz iro'vrov. Jtxcsiv occurs some nine times iii Fur., once in ~Eschylus, never in Soplm.] 273. Pb. 1430. Oi'rq cr~accg (coll. Tr. 635. 7rcyovq Oi'rccq). IDiodorus a,'tls the place 7t5Qyov V'VijX0v, Apollodorus hntxprjacvoV Tr~og. Cf. Fr Baccb. 1095. c~vr1Tbv~yov Etatrqccc 7rkreccv. Tiryns itself was huilt on a, precipitoiis height, which wa-s probably the one in question. 274. Connect ""vcc O' TrCv ce'7rccvrtJv csovereiqn of oill.' I heave removeil the comma usually placed after avcc~. 276 f. Cf. 250 f. Asehi. Ag. 999. zccl irata Yr' rol cpccotv A~%ttvq'Vrj irOrE j 7reUccTvrc 277. Cf. 813. o5 ncrotG#' o'#orvxce I 6Vmfyoe,,tg -; El. 47. 7rqoGf rc191L' oltoVVE cc IrT~E4 V,7n 'O Qtccrun. 617. 1cccv a'&vco CI' 0i#of'v,,xu I EcoQc raoe.1307. (Ed. C. 914. 'd CI' 04#ov'vE' - o5 CYF~otccr'- Ph. 634. oWVI o'o 'vr~i' t` rccr. (Ed. It. 572. (Ed. C. 853. 1006. Ilelod. 01). 138. Tovg ttAv f-Tit r I ZF5' KQoVI'Crjg i'x pv4t Xo?~oi)uFhvog o~V rxa rm n I u x Udtdom'v 1tUc ccpum1 9ioiq. 286 ADD)E'NIA. 281. LI'. -364), 1`61 5(09 Q0 1 q) x %t~c&. Ut S ii' i I I. Promi. 973. 974 Suppi. 813. Fr. 4133. Eitr. Fr. iie. 1139. 7r;('o5)o/I l~ ~Xiirtv Clio. 13.). -iippl. 2313. X) t,,'tiv Su'pO. 8102. L.~GOt7/L. / Ez yVO(L'r p, Su/ jq' sueems to mie 1o accord heutio iwithl V7 (9 nieLt 0- T1 (0i' rather vnir -p GCIteam.Arrogianee nlight irise fnwmj 0I V.~ W/ ti enY t niardly from 'm xuz rj y25oeu, mIvImicim wmould rathler be thle offsprin'~ it m r ganee. Fvcoit md 2wozare often confounided inii ins. But (1~ (- l Suppi. 972. 7rt% S 'v (z7rt`?') ptiEotxrp 7 2.4066e uv 1V1%0V- 901~ 'U / ),282. Aj. 1386). O' errrj1 ieO'T w~vcn~ ii.lc.P z.cet VVV 7rt&Jttg tu'V 2TCMi (eVmGT)14zFV (IOQt\ i (Ylri 6T\` ('i oi'%ij &(, Aj. oh1. x ca ftt jT Q 'ivi tLc mov qV 1czVT U T V uF X4t tF J-v t 6 oi' hxUVUza~uOVg 1 IqT9OQc~. Plant. I3aech. TI. 2. 21. 're(/iom?es colere Ai/cbrutjieas.' 283. Perhaps we shioiild read, mr cbt 6\., doc2.rj 6'O cdS Ul 56, 0c67rF9' 284. Eur. Diet. Fr. 1, 7. roi'g r'?z! Iutyt6rrjg o2.(3icz Tv1QCeVVI'60 7T0 rvrjdk-v 04vrxc. He]. 1027.?z' 6V66E&3L'U9 OigLov mi -rit'rjaul 2'tv. 289. Perhaps (peo'vuL, &-tig' rj~ovm. Cf. on El. 1370. 298. Cf. Phil. 905.?iolt fLu)~ Otix~Og (l~tvO~?fLt7 E7r(TWX Tt I ToTS' ctVdeo'g. ''O714xov 6t4tvo'v dijeit imisericordiain eum nmetu coinjunetaim.'' (fbiod. But this is far fetched. I think 0"4VOq must lie time right reading'. S Plat. Rep. p. 153. ce'y,mQxcsr cUor S 'og zut' cpQov7ig &c. Cf. on 447. This langiinge of Deianira affords a good illustration of Aristoteles' defiY iiitioii of Tragedy as Wl 1/2i,~ov xc4 cpojOov 7rFQutVoVGcz T9rV TLV TOiO;VTV 7WuIfqicrcm)v %tC9LCQuiv. Cf. his Rliet. II. 5. 12. cS'g & ce'7rJ-( Fu'r po () (t(OEQ ELGrtL OlgaZ 1Up) I'T/ecov ytyviouiFVcz 17i Utt'lo2)TC ILtVCC F"eit. 111. 8. 13). OGU up tzimmoiv qpoflovvmci, CVtcmste E'z "~cOv 7L7v 'ttFvcz?Xm~oi 'v- IlX(Ihi F'ur. Med. (927. tii2 tt ot'xrog Ft' ymvrJ'gxcz ru6 c,. I 300. Qii.?T";ri ~ivj I 'vce. (lEd. C. 184. ~,i'Vog z7rt. ~m'u Ii.' 135.?~v ~v 1c vov. 745. ovma tdOlv ~11vov, 2ti I' 0 Tjv 496.o U~mcC~.) But we find (Ed. C. 1256. ~16v~ 1'7rt?Tci v ov;. 1 7 05. '/C5& /TrtC Vag. CUd. R. 4515. ~Evrjv 17rt' - Ycdczv. EI. 1 1 32. &ec. Or?Fri Ft l tTO~Z.(C(d. C. 444. 9qvyug - '7rmcO X 0 0,c0Vr~?y750. 1335. TtOnXOI WLUV 304.E Fur. Me d. 62 7. "E Q COmT V'7rQ ti"v a",,v 0f.& vm urn' 0~. F V, 6O ~,i'v OiW UCQ,,Xruv 7rcCqES(Yziv Lv cCvclQ 'gtv, FL S' c"2.i ~`2.loi K,'rV(ct~, (ii' a2.?.c qFo~g FLVCXQL Ovrco. Iipp). 445. Ki`7rQtg y~Q oi; q)0o7T0v, (yri 7ro).b') vfj B-tceh. 300. omeV y& IaEt Etg TO ecOlt' v.2go ro. Pluiii. 1572 eO, ix,2.iaecoe - UU' 7tcui6c/ rjc o'g gov'. 1lor. Od. 1. 19. 9. 'iii ve tolte ruens Vemis tf'c.' Qu. fvrrvte'.uvm (or ~tvvt'OVm') i'Ayczv. 305. Fur. Med. 94. L%#Qovg tt's "Prot, ttrj C ~toi, 6QU`1GFL Ti. ForF the ellipse ef. Ilor. Epist. I. 1. 65. 'Isne tibi melits sw(idet qui 16e0 facies (Sualet)?' 306. o'9co~t'vr,] So o'QctG'fra Fur. Ilee. 320. 307. Here we have a, z(CoF V 7cQOCGm0rOV littering OV'6t 7YQV, is F'urphides complains of some of 2FEsehylus' ciarmeters in Arist. Ran. 911 f. 308. The usual word is moxcq. ilee. 1139. ceca ct mY'loUcal~ feauv As regards my proposed correction, ef. 472 c 6' c3cc2~e~ov 7tQIs IgF ftct".V,0c12 &C. 309. Fur. Me(1. 670. cli'. fLCQXog OVGqg~' 17 2.Lost C7FQ cv; lesiod. Op. 521. ov"ico E"ay' tlli'mlo~v%Qmeov 'ApjQo&'Tqjg. Jseh. IFr. 2214. ~K1~ Ti)) 769 u!7vuifg z(Irx4t"Votg 7ifttrjXI'v I.zQtV(/1,7ttQoitg (11. C7 7T1~ ANXIMOMWss- I. - - q I 1-1 11 1- 1-1-1 I Al ) 1)1E, ND A 28 9s - ", i XL,'tai~v QEL~o.y (FJ' so I woiil restore0 this Corr1up1t P,' Ss)O.Blt prTl di\ )026, i rfers to fthe l ilshtijs if caphti vity. /L~scli. Pers. i9S. t.C.YW2 cI 2 ( OTI ~[L22)TtQ0g xi'Qit. Eur. Hl. 1265. iyw S XEIQ' ( -'7 CI 1')VI 7eGU 7EL2 Q ui srxa w v cr" (75 Xo)v. Ilcriun ni exphainrs:' ni/il /ooruno ( p11 j)IiO ri ll, neeC Virulll) (~di'peria( es,':i delicate wvay of exprcessiiothe thincuo intended. 752)2)CZtCL 6, Ttg] This ref6rs to the qu1estionl XL'g 7rot" Vit V1& 3)1 2 cS'suewjga The aorist, as in, 464. C'/.2)LLQU. 1044. i`CQLtLZ. Ai. 6193. 313. Q i. 0ZG co r i zr4 pQvj 'ast riv. (l1ce. 620. Wog 1"; ro' ~jN 11u40tt i2), qQO2)1'/UCLXq I2)01 7rQL2v y2)2QC1Z)vT,,.) Or - cpQov)&t uLL0V9 fPiyfs ((Ed. R. 1078. qp(oviE 1yczq cog ~,;mq aUyu). Or -- pqqo2)u. Tra v)iv2 tto2)oj. ''Majore Cuml dignitate sortemn suam ferni ab ea dicit." (Dind.) Blint 9)qovilv never, I believe,7 alone signifies 'to s/low a digni/ied bcarbiy.' 3 16. My correction is confirmed by L., in wvhichi thiere is no stop marked after XvQ~vv&O)v, thouigh there is one after E1,VQV'ov. Omit tihe mite of interrogation, left by mistake, after TVQcZVI.IOV. '320. Dindorf injudiciously remarks: "hv,, %C' - TOt] I. C. r. Tot zur. Yerba propter mnetrum aliter collocata.'' 321. Plat. Crat. 417 1D. CrZ~VfLW(OQo2 zat' fy'vcoJE;2.i:. Rep). II. 367 C. 2)02 *q" a2) CLVtt9)OQO2. I. 339 E. 339 C. E. 340TB. 322. In fiavour of 5dtot' ot ('clferet 01) se ipsa loqitend~o') Herimann cites 1PLat. Rep. X. 604 A. 7rT02EQO2) tt~iZov) a1)2)0 ot"it T)y 7V'Zry ttUaEii6#Ut TF 1h"t CL2XL)ht2)21'V L" Y2xr2 0j 0202 OQXZ VTV 202 [Lot(2,) OTUV2 5Q ta ttLO og ULO ~ og L XU# SO' (81)2)02 7ty72)li2)C; iro2V, rov, hp, t O L'ai, 0T)02 oQUrLLL. He compares also Ter'. Andr. II. 6. 3. 'Qitid IDavus 1101101? -- Aequte qioidqmme none quiidenm.' After ov Zaqu - datot'ait supply "ii X1 or the like. So Arist~. Eq. 366. v~j T)02) IIomito x Te'/)Q' (se. 7 ~st~, l2)XE)QYE 2)01)2)02 ih'074'. X u XQ~v~ V 02)dat y2~5waaev ((ERu. C. 1375.). Or - %QOVQ '~awp 'Go. JTr. 72. Eur. Andlr. 954. U'702) Cpza 7y(wGoCV oh ro, G'Vt~U2)02)v. Plicen. 1440. qpo)hvv tt"I'v orv'x U'y)Zv.v. And On Ant. 1'248.) As 8~~tmpQiLtv yJoGaoxv is a very unusual and straiige ox pressionl, perhiaps we shiould correct cpoe'i a~t 323. For ovdatta cf. (r,.d. C. 517. 1698. Ant. 83)0. )Escli. Prom. 525. 1'ers. 431. (v. I.) and in dialogue A~schi. Suippi. 891. 324. For 7rQoVnrpnVr2 cf. Phi. 1192. 3'25. EKr. Hipp. 258. To' 6Y' v71TEE.Q 1lt~acov rday Co'divsv 'ipvX~v Xrel 7tv (3c4og. Her. 6441. zff'cu.0 YU0Q coct'rovoo" Trow aqpt~'~tt-2)co I P1)xrj2) irr2/O) vo6)Og ii? 7E2)16112)0. Eur. 1p1d. A. 12'25.;;X 7QtV 0 L'(OitVG JU 21) (co Cf. 982..7 7t' ttt~ fLO f p750 f3Qog "c7llt)v. El1. 939. 7rqyovojq (Qo.Aj. 209. 327. Brunek thiinks the Schioliast munst hiave r'ead q'v oda0aoGv instead ot OL/Xce~togo in Ii. (3'. 730. oi' 'r1Cov Olzuxtlqv, i7ri'LV:vQV2)oV Ol'xuLiojog. But Og0cdjog is tile constant epithiet in Homer of EV3QX;Xov. IHermanim contenils, and I think wvitli reason, that the prominient position given to the epithiet di 'vitov sliowvs that it was intended to signify somlething more thain 'exp~osedl, lofty,' viz. 'devastated, retinedl, perteioels to tlhe wcinds'.Jt 'vvttog is a word of rare occurrence. It is used Jo)y Philo B~yz. ile septemn orbis miracuhlis cap. I. xal, 2)0! XrErX02 2)0)2 (Vv2(YQcov) CL7ra&~t XT~i' WXSh QZLoGL2) i57rL7Xic(PV?.OX0 deQ0607E0yTJ Sh0' atri2)~tfLO2 EL TipV (pvat2 of sliispeuldeo gardenls). Ji ov.stov~aact 'lo b~e riitated hy1 fle wind' (i)f tile ADDI:"ND)A. muofa, llors(l or a garmtent) ociiis in Ainabut. irimck, II. 225~'. LiicianIi. limag. 7. Wunder explains x t'X of the grief 11n1 weeping" of the Inaidleillwn prevented her giving utterance to her feeling's. 1')crhapS TreYq is faul~tY.:330. Perhaps 7roQEii'Gaco ar FFyu. 07iirT~i d 0,'7o~ II i~tU c, Coll. El 12-96. Or 7roQvv'aG~o) 'g E'LLc't GT~y~lg OZrLg (Y IUT U. 331. We mighit also correct, xoig ovat xetvjri 7rilo; y' ~-o ).,i7rv lc. Or Toig 0oi;6t 2i~rrjv 1~ 4ieto y' ")Jriv XU'cjl. C f. Eur. 11cc. 587. 27vrl Tt CF a.~T tFOO CiCVXF~~ S. Paul. Epist. Phil. II. -27. 2CZ'i]Soblw82 ciXe a ~'u sx~esy 7r6Q09aEri)ov;Ta Xtexa ~tti' clvro~i #ffvo) ('nor let mne dire here'). Fur. Or. 137. Xco~cirF,!Lt) iporpsf~rs, a-q6' ~F`6rco (not lFi'9 z.sVuroiz. C f. oni 5 96. 1 226. B elowN v. 820 the optative is rightly put, xq'v 6i' T'Q&pV rc XWa(5 d4udowa 7CTQ't, T 'V6' cIXViUq 2Jc3ot, because an imprecation is there uttered. An-d in. E"Nr. ModI. 970. t`9' c0' r"XdLTcF fITQI' (Y' WAV?QCF TTIXSV I vCF2jIYi2Xo I'iVOLtP,0 7r~CVu i xce~cS' (a wish). 336. The masculine is used, eitber because Lichas is aninong the femiale captives (cf. 342. 341.), or because lie is speaking of persons generally. Tile Seliol. makes a like error in v. 344. 337. Obsrve rr~~added after ~t 4djg, because of tile rather long interval. 338. 'When- once QztUgr 'tLWv had passed into i7rtar 'puv, it was natutral tbat a further change of Fttu' into?'z'o should follow. Hlu'r'?7rtrrrjdt~vIt is good Greek, not so ira'vr'?7rtn7ar 'tv Fi'(co. Sehneid. also suaspects that tile original reading- of this passage resenubled the one ill Ant. 721. Comp are Ilowever Xen. Cyr. 111. 3. 9. 17T Tjfaov5~- 4R ijaav r& 7tQOG1jX0VTLZ Ty ECFVXoJV Ex"CFrog 07rua~t'. 339. Or r( 4',"art; -rov tc Trrjv6 (or rov 1 xut,) "1:l6VcT6C~t %CQLV; (Cf. Aj. 1236. irotov nxE'xQyu "vaeQ' C06 V"TQTpQOVc;) Oi.rtx 4'?'1Go' 0oxov - xdetv; Or rt 4Y czv#' ox'ov - X"Qtv; (Cf. (Ed. R. 1021. c)X2' v~r' To~ i~ 7rce~du t c ev oa osx; 1155. dGxTrivog cavrt roD;) Or r' 4'; UVx'rt' T'~ tlE ('~LOI') -; Cf. 665. (t 4 'e -;or I suspect thlit htot was changed into y s, or Ettol into f, by those who wrongly explahinied "?pi'axacct in an active sense (EGTI~9, ilCO~V',`Lq).I haive little doubt that the words z'v4'?cpexcacrut ga'atv ('approec/uest wi/ith this step') are right, especially if we compare the similar passage Aj. 42; but, as I do iiot see may way to anything likie al certaini correction of the remainder of the verse, I bave left the reading of the best niss. intact. 'E~ptarua xtx'c Tt (or xtvt) jPcetv, as 7(QoG7rCLTVSLV xtv" C4LF, and the like. (Eur. Phecen. 293. yovvz~r&rsi -'4qceg TrQog~rttnI)vo 6, &'vce. Cf. on 50. El. 123. 556. (Ed. C. 1.120. Aj. 42.) For?qt'Urcw~cFL 'to approach' ef. (E d. C. 558. r LV a I sXco g In,5GrT~ TLQOGT7 Q oIL1Jo rva o v t5 x' (A)wv; El1. 1401. rco 4' I PExexov U ir r V E '. (Ed. R. 777. iE d. C. 558. Eur. Phten. 279. xivsg? (prexuv d~oitot; Below 748. TrOll - w~',6QL - Trauec;Th reading?T7rieaecag. evidently carne from 17ttarijaov in pree. v. Per V't3GV cf. Aj. 19. byr' U'v6(1 4Tvuttcvcij O(c'etv xvn?.ovxcF,. 8. Tr. 967. coluopov qm~t fc~ev.961. Ph. 691. 1378. 1403. tiEd. C. 199. 340. I almost think uov 7ttZQog tt 4#cov is preferable. Cf. Ph. 1417. euV 4'?aciv ttvu3ov Inc'X07oveo. 1410. 7rQtv' av rcov flfLFr,(cov ebjy fLv~O 344. Cf. Piat. 8opih. 242 A. cU2J' q't(a&g Tobx yi, artj6'v aLL1'~j4C~i i~ EI`QyT-cFI, if right, I take to be the middle instead of the usual . mr"12 ADDI"IND2k. oi) acecording to Sophocles' customn. So a 14oadvoiv for a 6~vc~Oro~ Ph. 1830. Cf. on 1216 below. Linwvood wrongly explains otd6'Qv EtiQy~rat 'nihut vetitoani est,' i. e. fas est. Perhaps Sophocle(s wrote FTQ7OV 77v, or 'QtQyov G avxovq cf?aU. ELCQycU',E will not dlo, for there is no presentdycl, hut onlly the aorist Flqyabl&v. V. Elmnsl. ad Med. 186. Nauick suspects the line. Oirroig refers to a more distant object than o5YE. But I shlouldl prefer ove if only on account of the preceding 7t OXrQov ExsdVovg djrcc &C. 345. Perhaps x(t au' Jiysg; a 'ttcatvi yuot. Cf E.1.65 PQcU Th xi11 rp Fg ur. Hec. 999. ro ao roi~xo aGj~czvst X.Jy~p. Plat. Gorg. 511 B. 03 0 xoyog Gqfcaevst. 527 C. wg 6 Gog 16yog aqJLdVctt'.t Phmvd. 66 F. Them-,t. 160 C. Pol. 1. 334 A. &c. But such passages are not to the point here. The common reading is, I think, palpably wrong, though no com-n mentator appears to have stumibled at it. We may compare however 1252. ~co~ ~ xci~r~ zO~G& rcj co~ t Eychv o w 7t.~~ 346. Euir. CycI. 259. vyt ovcYv 'v rpcd?1v 1y. 349. c~1'Explain.' (Ed. R. 655. rpQaO, 8cb) r( T'4 354. "Eecog - po'vog.9cJovi Love of Iole, not Zeus, as Lichas hiad 1)retended v. 251. See on *266. 355. Cf. 710. EFur. Hipp. 1274. #S2.yct "Eqog. Baceb. 402. #,cXu4(QOVcF iMTg In favor of #UcAVpcccv cf. ~scb. Prom. 592. 7'7 Jtbg #UoZ24rct xic'd ie'ort. 652. ZEV' yc'e U'piqov PE3Xu I zQ0' aoi' rE cc2nrwc. Soph. El. 888. #U.ZZcr xc5cf "5vin%1Crcp 7vtVQ. Ant. 1086. xc6V GVi #U'crog oh-V 7 %nX6 'Quu,,: 1 356-7. Condemned by Wunder, who observes that the mention of the murder of Iphitus here is inopportune. If any reason were here assio ned for Hercules waging war on Eurytus, it would be the contumelious treatment of the hero by Eurytuas, not the murder of Iphitus by Hercules. See his Emend. p. 190. The expression x-raz Avdotg (and?In' 'Oucp"2.~).axrQEVfWCCT is also suspicious, such an use of Int being quite unusual. 356. ov~ br' 'Ottcpcat -] Iq.ochx ''prr -. C f. (E d. C. 78. xoig 1v#1Xcd' aixroiyi pn) xr' ('-,~ &ejq~tozact. and on El. 991. 1498. Cf. 830. 7r 'v co v XceEICMv 357. Add Tr. 756. nroXV#Thzxvg acpxyacg. X.,sch. Eumit. 283. xaOaqltoig -- gqvQoxx~votc Cyci. 127. f3oQ& - c'6v#Qo~tonxo0vp. Bacch. 139. cJ1.ccu tEQUyoxerovolv. Fur. Or. 1665. aLLpaog ttiqrgoxro'vov. Here. 1155. xc-xvo'wxovov t6g 358. ov] Sc. "Ecovra, (354). And so Schol. As the passage now stands, orV should refer to ttcdgov. Cf. on 998. Ph. 1456. But probably vv. 356-7 are spurious. Perhaps this line too is an interpolation, the author of which intended O"v to refer to pcdQog, and nacoi'act to signify 'having introduced.' Eur. Andr. 30. E'zrc' 6' xiv A"oxatvav 'E~tttc'v?7V ycqm&~I roi~ttdv 7ra~o(Jaa (schol: C 4ca'c'vog,?3PaU5V) (Ta~r0'mr &i3*ov AEXg &c. Orest. 620. li& J5va63EiE - raeo'a~ acg,'gE&6xrQovg rpl2ovg. Her. 238. r ovadE 7LJ raca'oaag4icet Vvovg. Incert. ap. Phryn. Bekkeri p. 4, 16. atxo' ro x7rccx.cv V~yccg: otiOV 5xro ovovavr~ov 2~iyzstg. Which words are attributed to Soph. by Valek. ad Hipp. 388. ~~sch. Prom. 210. ot 61 Tov"tceratv (Schol. B: xo'?vccvxcov 6VOrv8VrEg. 359. cU.2'] Perhaps J9'. 359. rEczstc] Sc. %,civog (353), Hercules. 362. Cf. 75. Fur. Phmcn. 285. hcax7rcgrQGcvaixv 'AeyFcot 7x5Xcv. 363. The subject of c1'7rc, must of course be Lichas, whereas that of the two adjoining verbs zxccaxQUaxct~ and xxcI'vu is Hercules. Ja'Ev BraAYDES, Sophocles' Trachiujlac. 19 290.), I-A-) 1% N 1) A - 12LiO(Curi. iioxvlirk Is: iln supit pass~la(C Is c itklit lv toq Latiou. 36-1. I1 in e mj\eli'I ~Vol ald 7rrQOUt,, JCci USe- lie is rc attinl Wilint hie lhad liea,-r{ Lichtis say hadl ha ppened. Cf. 851 f. TOV'TOV )'YOPzss' r~v()Qo~ FLtpio,XG7 'Yei-e E i evr 0v V1 io t - E &o g 6 v 1-41 ~.Etv &c. 432. o'g ar q5 'rji ~ 7(01( T't5 (lciist 7rUG(5 VOt Jck ii Jr QG vSl PST12, aS 0 xtjQli tOi E cpzig. 365. 1 woulil iot alter xas 'ru,4 whinch the sense of, the pa-ssage, ic (iuiires. Cf. 539. 365. Qu. - 64tL~oovq Oovxiv'g 'v(TF n'tnrv. Cf. El. 63. 0Tav 66 — ttovg fj)`.41ogv acci41. CFd. C. 757. 41,% 'Gagi U&rv xat' 6Y0,iovg tlo)Ei~v. 1770. Oagci d' 'tt~yg r~tVpov. 2:o ' having been corrupted into cog wvould necessitate a further chiange of x 'v6,E into To1;edc. Or 604tov; I?g eo v 69 E f7r '. Cf'. 417. rq v aiyclwxov Et~Cv.ZL 17rtLQci 0 orc. 60'tovg zov' Goikg (TosxTovg) -. The pionousn is evidently requjied aftei! 7rCpirCOV, though Herniann thinks it mtay well be, uhiderstootd. 366. 0)' 0TV66S t~e, m1ss. V11ig. co' -rcwdE Turn. ovx aqJeovrtareiQ] 'Not without solicitude.' Others explain, 'not wit/iout dlesign.' Aj. 355. czq)Q0V~t'rcO` 0 vl ATQiovrtGTo9 occurs Xcin. Synlip. VI. 5. Theocr. X. 20. (E`Qowq). 367. Qu. ttcs(ac5(~ 60'XF 6?' 'YE. Or tLndCifLOg Gv' 7(Qo1d60'xc Herniann comnpares AXscli. Sept. 1043. rov'ov 6L~ GQXag 006E XoiAo 7cZGTOQSg I ~Vsot azGirovrat patt d0oxia6C0w T'~ (ttqdE 60~o'cuO TtVi'). Erfnrdt adduces AEschi. Sept. 1042. etn4s4 TN Y6kj nrc~tv. Ag. 888. Lttjd', 4 av~~p qg ro. But these Latter passages,inwch tid mes'or are not to the l)oint. 368. 'Ex41Vqttciv~tv occurs in Hippocr. Vet. Med. 14. Tim. 114. Arist. 1Probh. 2. 35. Plot. Mar. 16 &c. Nicand. Alex. 461. 7Qt135 xcat?x41~Ql~avs, 04co Eipvytifva yvicr. No other example of iv#,-Qjta' vsv occurs, IDinidorf remarks, except this; though we find fv1Qo in Ilippoer. Pint. &C. So 41 75641rat -"Q(Ot, and the like. Cf. on 355. Pliryn. Bekik. p. 40, 20. Ev41cU'Xr,-a1ct (E'x01. Bekk.) -FQ60TOU oiov XatlS64"1z V5r QOJT, Qu1. Ei'TrVQ 372. Pvs4oo. (suipr. e) B3r. Cf. 424. 638. 'E2Xavcov azyoeac. Eur. Here. 412. 'YOQUV f~tkecsu' qnthn'. Eur. Ipli. T. 833. 70 G0ov vO~~,tL~L~)5~5oo6i Mfo2). '373. Dindlorf and Schmeid. understand uvtro~v after?4sX ys;te Scholiast ttF. 375. El. 390. -,v ioro' Et' T(Qv5v/o; Aj. 102. vroi Got Ti)cXiq EG7)2flV.Below 705. notyvC4tq nirso; Qu. 7(OV no07,4ttd 6V',6toQo (or 6V' rorpo). But v. Aj. 314. 377. Perhaps k.ci4Qc~ov r; d6x1GTvog; &Qe (&vo1)vvt1o &c. Cf'. 909. tFXaaLm) 17 cav~a17V0g. -El. 806. 282.-" g70 V, CQW - I uuoaoI Nauick marks a colon after o3667v8 Cf. Phil. 254. Wr6~?Yc p o%411Q6e. ~ ~rx~6~ 41soi~. Eur.Hel. 463. Ai'yv7rrog; (T,, ot a GQLS 378. ov7ra`ycov] Lichas. Eur. Phoen. 919. 0'' ttE 6E,5e 17r)7yaYrFv. 'En cayE v occurs agfain only once in Sopli., Aj. 1189. w"rav?7roycov. Fo r hrcayE is 1 a wrong reading El. 1396. and also ln(~E-xa Ant. 362. 379. q (not n') XLaQra Cant. Cf. Herod. III. 1. 4~ A4irt~Fco To/i z(Qo Xr~Qov u fcitog #iVYcartQ Xr',Qxr" Iptyai T.- xati Ev5Lhtrj. TlIme. VI. 31. O1p&0o )a~nspir))riy 7r,5Qtfl~qTog (wouAog) I. e. 'no less by birth than in (iippcurance,. aboard, A )DIblN I )A?9 I Cif.;;o8. Aj. 12159.. 9aaco) ov Oq 91461 i. Alter q. cGc' tiltn 04)lIttIIIt 11Iii 'Ily placed is relomVed by 1)ind. Nalnek. 38(1). Ayy. p-a~f. B'. K. T. Harn. Tori,. i7r"p~ t,- ] As if the mother's nameIIC wereC atbout to folloW. Clf. Lo1ur. ifc. 420. rzarQog oVG E?.Ev QOV. ri'VsErl OCCUrS no(wlice else in 8Sjplt. or A~selylus, and only oniee in a doulbtful passage of Euiripides, Cret. Fr. 2, 18. 381. 'Ulfl Iole or Viola, for the (ligainnia really exists before '2 is before 'I0'cGOg. Perhaps Io0kj 164 To"VOtt', j 38'2. Sophocles would hardly have written j32.coara pt, but. rather t~ U.c6ra cpam4ivi (or ir~~.We find only qpwvd~v &rtva, I~ 0 Z, I a 01[ z~xa,, qpcatv, and the, like. 8f#,,v] Ironical. With reference to the words of Lichas 314. Eur. Cresph. Fr. 8, 2. oeg %QO'VOQ 81#rv irceiv. Rhes. 719. Eudarxv 'ATQ~tuY&v ~ixftco ~'(3crF, 4ipfEV EX eO~ wV GVQUrTq~TCZLg. Ion1. 656. U"rO) #,-cxiV 6}9Ev. 831. 1i'vrt 4R~#Jv O'rt V 'Vcrvzo. Herod. IX. 66. o34 Ig ttr&Xiv `3yE dij#,-v TOP G~reccrv. 99. 7rQoGrcgGovgt rojodt MIIqt'0~ter qpVCffGSSLI COdq LE7rtGUTC rFvVOtat 684)Ev tLUL6z~t Tc) v. X3( 80. 383. Nauck reads: 0~otvro 7rc'vrsg of' xaxoti, It~lazc1g 64 I L#Ct og UoXre- *- with manifest advantage to the sentence. The awkward aintitliesis Tt' R4 loc#Qu' oc' U'xi' is tlnis got rid off, in which we sloiold have expected ca.)2"& rather than 61. Moreover why should the Chorus not wish that all the wicked should perish, but only a certain class of such? The above emendation therefore seemis worthy of acceptance. 384. C'f. El. 457. 'OQE6xinv - EX#QOet atv cro~ (auixo'?) -?rmgq3vat. 388. ]Itv is foreign to Tfagedy. Cf. on El. 528. Ilcrmann's correction Ft ta seems probable; bait I should still prefer #img xiQt'~v]v Ant. 398. xr4t v~v, &vc1, r1 v0' ceirT' Cog #"istg 2a3o~v Xc4, IXQtvE a & 9 cr2Y.X E & 389. (Ed. C. 594. ""vsv (cr~ro?) yvcoauqg - U'yutv. Ph. 183. ttoiivog a ' ""Uwv. zEsehi. Ag. 965. Usir' llt~n - E?2a'6~og. Eur. Mcd. 218. 0'pca"xem &irZo. 390. lDindorf rightly observes: "Nuncii, non Chori, lime verba esse proxinimn p.4tv' et res ipsa docet: nami nunciuis diserte jubenduts erat remnanere, ne mniruni videretur quod exlpositis rebus snis in scena remanet.'' 392. Plat. Epist. VII. 331 1B. av~x?7 Tog - OvX 'QXO~Iat avfrt3ov12.&Gcov. 394. Cf. 365. xati v,5v, Co O'tg nxtr &c. Aj. 281. cog co6' EyjVrwV Tc(4v' F'IGM19xa6~t' a9 ZQ4 Dindo'rf also approves of the correction rog OQ,%g, though lie thinks that Sophocles may have written EIGOQag in order to avoid a repetition of Cog. 395. Perhaps eiiv XQd'V(,) ft"XQc. But there seems an intended opposiation between TUX~ca andf PczdEi. Lichas, instead of ait once going to his miistress Deianira, had loitered about the lplace talking, 188 f. 396. aoa~rG-] 'Jiestenest.' Our hasten is probably from the samie root. Translate: 'before we havre renewed our discourse.' SO iXVC6V5-O;GrT'L TOyV o~ntov Thuc. V. 15. r 'v zeoqo-vlv V. 43. Ta~ airo0V6Y V. 80. T"V gAR2(a IDem-. P. 660. 0,1dvoriv P. 284. Cf. also Phil. 1238. dt4g TCCV'& Xcd' T~tg avairoXFsv IIQ7r7 Hermiann comipares 06vvsTtx Hbm. Od. X. 192. 402. Eur. Hlipp. 300. CP#EY~Ut T, d,-ITi' &'YiQqOV. 403. (E d. R. 766. 7tQ1'g T( roir'?rpt'igeet; 1144. Aj. 40. Qu. gi' 4' rO't T -; 404. Cic. Phil. '2, 20,7 49.) (tic/e diere le p11/H rid perewnte tiii?,P - itisse qitam ad mcr.' Cited by Wund. l9* A 1) 14"X DA. (Ed I. 112 1. (Yr~,Qo O' t0L f yo;ia "t f37r a)V 0 6 v ar C 1 ~QT 407. 2 iV'6,a0acwruCTuI Cf. 811f`. 7TO'T~QOV 1)'e t1,(TUtO~ q 1jxA 0.) T2 409. Seidler wouldl oliit tlt uote of interrogation after a 'v. I'erhaps ri ghtly. Cf. oin 418. 413. Eur. iph. T. 130~2. ov, 7rQt'v y' cUV sitzrg xerov~ TO(P 418. (Ed. C. 1587. xcat ga' mrot' 7rcz5V i'Yota{Yc. Euir. Andr. 554. i'tV q. I-v %(XX oxov o16frc 7rovl xA~,O)v &e. V. Elnmsl. ad Bacch. 462. 7CQ59 T( & TxoQng;1 (Ed. R. 1144. 7rpo' T( -ro~ro rovrog CGr(h El. 1176. ir go grt TL oVX Fuo) %Lr V vQEg; 419. 0v 6 I' Verba corrupta necdum probahiliter emendata."1 (Nauck.) "Mira locutio." (Dind.) Hermann reads: r'jv V'ir' c'Yvotcza. qiJo&ig. Perhaps i' &yvo' ma mean 'in ignorance', tt-r9 G'yvo' g. So El. 630. ~z' uVcpq'puov D3ou Thbaat. Eur. Hipp. 1299. 0e' V~'7 "VcY 4 c~ag 1-erc. 289. ditIAxg Oavci~v v~ro. Xen. (Econ. VII. 5. V iuro 7ro2~N.r?IQrIPFXEIU. Cf. also Eur. Iph. A. 813. ot.,cu5~rc2 a' nlr&g c1yvoitv, 0 ~~rj ~~rc~o~~ ~ Andr. 899..tt)6lv ay t?~) Lichas had pretended not to know her birth v. 401. EvIjott'g. cr '?~X~ax9v oily?'x W ZU~y~tv. As regards iarwe often find oer sd as og, e. g. 55. aC Ztalrc & vr6d 'f2o.-23 rc~raC d', a~rr~ daoe9rig. &e. Fo r yova&g cf. Eur. Ion. 328S. O v,6' jj~ceg.tg -iQE7VuVa sv QEv 70vuc: 420. Perhaps E1'Qv'Tov x5~1v, if a7roQ( be right in v. 419. 421. I7ot'otortv CvgQrco'roLt; as 7ro?~oi~6v cOaXrcv in 423. Unless in — deed wve read there 7ro~loi?v c',grcv. Qu. 7rotfotg?v U'vDqia7rotg,- xig q 7r'V ~tioLw &C. 422. L'vtL.qtuevQ?'q5 suits the sense far hetter than aotl ttcerrQrja~L. Lichas asks for other witnesses (,gvtqcQtvQcg), to confirm the messenger's story. I suspect the 6ot came from a gloss. Cf. Ear. Iph. A. 1158. cvo'UCQ~vrVW5t1 Co UtqzfLf7tog fl YVVin. 425. Nai in this and similar passages would appear to have been addelI by some scholiast. Here it seems superfluous with the ys added. r rax6 'r 'v Elmsl. in Class. Jour-n. XVI. 437. 427. The familiar expression 7rotfcv 65rAqctv becomes well an a7E~g 430. Perhaps dhQ67rotvc,7 r4', 7roV~ ovrog LOXLgrv o ~,Cvog. 432. Cf. Pr. 886. Av(YIdv 21~ov. Ear. Blaceli. 231. Avdiceg ci7r5 zao — vog. 140. dIg 0"(ca Av'dtu- ~scb. Suppl. 545'. ArdrrU rc 7ya2uce. The usul frm s v6'g. So 70. Av~f yivvrax(t. 248. 'v Av6'of.g. 356. Fr. 48. Alv4ij %ExtQdog. Pr. 361. Av8Jg - 7rflwrtiog. Ear. Bacch. 13. Ale. 678. ~. A. 787. YEseh. Pers. 41. 756. Possibly however the country Lydia itself is meant. Ear. Buechl. 464. Avutce 11ot 7rcYrotig. "A4vadi sinle articulo terrain potius quamn mulieremn Lydiani siguiflearet.'' (Dind.) 433. Nauck also suspects qpavs(g. But cf. 1. ~0'yog - qcUVrt'Ig. 434. cdirocxjxco] "Let hibn stand off or depart.' El. 912. T~66' c'7rocgr,~ vcat ciiEyi Ear. Hee. 966. 0ircUovcg (Y~F t11 X(O3Qt' xu2sVcOV rciv6' cezrocx~vat dYOILOw. 435. No~oiSvrt ~t is suspected also hy Natick. N~oigofvrog and Gcorqovog are here well put in opposition. Licbas asks that the messenger may he sent away, since his foolish talk indicates a diseased rather than a sound state of mnind. The position of a'dQ' seems to show thmat some genitive participle or epithet had preceded in a seuse opposed to ccUrp~ovog. But vocoi~vu is probably right, and Xqqi-,v wrong,. Cf. 1230. oi'ttlOI ro' pIU) voao;vTt 4lvtovcgtat zu-40Ov, IO r6 ( JWC (JQIC2v fTqovoVTCZr -5," i, - F7 -7 ". \ DDI-11N DA. t, 0 TtIg TrOT U~V (pipo0: Perhaps vOoigovrt (4'. ). rjpo i vrt) 7rOo 'X -H, the ri Qo~vV written over vogobvut having crept into the text in the place (1 7TQoavXSLv. Or vogolvxog cJIEt~v (,to listen to';. IrJQ,,Ev] "To talk nonsense.' In Latin 'dclrar('.' cpovogj Phil. 304. oi'i,,. E' W ot' 7rIot. T0o-iV GW'JcpQo(;iJ jO(0 2'. 436. Eur. Iphi. A. 12033. p' i7rq~'g a,, 7IVlozrog. So in Laitin, 'per M0~J te Joveni obsecro (obtestor).' Cf 00. zoZv;,rv OL"iig C&Zroavov "g Xuqt(4' Fxtg The corruption of iru'yop into vc'nog' would easily take place. Nce'zog ((Ed. C. 157. Aj. 892) means 'a wooded vale, a glen,' with which the epithet ccxoov ill a c - cords. Cf. 634. nu'yo?'g Oi'Tc. 1191. Phil. 7~29. AEseli. Fr. 146. CIQv 'I6(yda 7ra yp. Ovid. Met. IX. 165. 'nenmorosetnt - Witen.' Perhanps Oir"riov Iir7c'.9,'Eur. Bacch. 751. Ketc5tQ5Vog 2I 'rag.) 438. TOV,'g XUYOVg Your words. (Ed. 11. 526. 4339. Add Phil. 597. ra' uav 6tcexdvo)v. 440. Cf. Ph. 88. i"(vv y"'( os'v ix ri"XV'q 7rQU,96EV Xa~g 79. Ant. 523. Ear. IRhes. 106. c11' os yi7 o,' ac'r' -7rc'vx '7rtarcaca~a jlorowv in riPVEV~. Some wrongly explain thus: 'to?rejoice dtoes not happen to the seine persons always.' And Dindorf unhappily compares 129. El. 916. xoi'g aevroi'Wi rot Iov' a5z6g a~t' Mqcajvov 7rcr~carcerxs. 7rE'CPV%.Fv] 7rtq(Pt aG' Nauck. Perhaps rightly. Cf. Phil. 497. Ta TJ1 ltatU0vw0v zOiV11V IV Gftt%QOp tLEQEt I 7rtotG~LVtVot. 4 421. Anacreon, cog qt irep r6v "Eqcoza 7rvxrc~2.iCoJ. 443.r'uv # I~h~t Wak. prob. Nanek. 444. Wander condei'ns this line as an interpolation niade by sonicl cop)yist, who did not understand the force of the xau4 ('even') hefore 9'aEcv. See his Emend. p. 192 f. It is strange that Deianira should speak of her own love or that of lole, esp)ecially as she does not even 'know whether Jole entertains anly affection for Hercules. Cf. El. 865. zjog yi'e o5x; F1 445. r4Jt6 y' Uv669' Elinsl. ad Iph. T. 250. Parson (a-,d Ifcc. 1117) cites the common reading without suspecting any error. Cf. 7139. Tr'V (VtIQU TO'V a6v. 748.. IroV d' 1?tirEI"ocEtt rcev~q) -; Where Deianira is speaking of her hushand. 447 —8. I rather suspect these two lines, and even 445-6. 447. Qa. x,- pYj cdxrtkrz Lt~a (or czi~exov I oov or ci6~o n0'ov) Tov tt 'r' -. O r rxi ~rrr'a I ttq8'F.V Xciatov- roy ~u~ ro y WXQO' rUVOg. Cf. 773. ro'v ov'd'v cd'rvov roi9 goS (,roi'rov?) xcixoib. P1h. 1426. 0" rc~v6" ce~rtog xwn6iv i"(v. Arist. Ecel. 1158. arj(Y' ro'v x)~sQov ysEac frut1v6 qiltev cd'rtov. Or - ttjr' ov~v 1d2ov roy v h -.Ms -frrr' oi~v occurs (E d. R. 670. Or - ttn'jr' t`Qy~tar6g 'roe lqr' Ekytta 'a deed' (especially an evil one) occurs in.z/Esch. (twice) Ear. (thrice) Ibom. Theogn. Archil. Solon. Pind., hut nowhere in Soph., unless it he here. Hlermann explains ~iqdicbv here by Toi~ uqrjY-v caXa.Zot' cannot possihly mean 'of nothing disgraceful.' A3,Esch. Euin. 190. ai'-r~ a' -ror'rcov o' uvcdrartog 7ri.1.vt, I ~' Ig 'ro ZaV E7a~e0C ce~ w7cvourtog. Cho. 132. '0a7rEQ ao0ii qP0,Vov ttratrtog. 98. Ag. 785. Ear. Suppl. 26. 450. iP56iV'8 L. And so in 452. 470. 471. 570. 597. 671. 899. 1117. 1119. 1158. 12-06. 1~211. 121-5. ) I 1-4 4.4. # oh,~j 1r 0l oPT-T 0?) 101 oi' 'diy '7. (ito VIXtt(FLSo~~ x, tivi I-j 9t-oi 0 lrorT i179 -45 2. Fot yr I:vt-oUcut I pr1,)1)S(l~ iSiS t rt( ieyt-oGaa bui I thliltlk the common) re-idi iig' inust be right, f(0'r eVe 1 now Li chas 01151 wish I I) I_( P /(0owb trilthlful, tHouOl lie be ntot, such. Itm'NI nay Ib I 1:t I lI XId byeI' I lN(,IIIweveI' much lie may Wish to speakt tile t tithi,1 he nay IIot be II(elie ved(. -153.?sVIp]L'ichas, being a herald, Nv;Is Sich, awlo- to4t d) 110:11 P4 Ilv. e is cailled ' ~vo~ below 53t. 45.5. E"quivalent, to ol)r64 so`d1~ 0.'irn(-?46QA Naicli stranlgely iiiarth,i. noiiterrognatwion after rGS, 157. (Ed. 1R. 227. x7-U ~tt.v qpop~rircut, &c. 4158. Perhiapsi 5r p, iri41'&ralw TYroB (rte~drre) 'yvrsrsv "'V. 4601. Thitc. V111. 68. 7T~,i~05T( FSi' (CViJQ 611vvcqtsog wipE)2.rfv. 16.Qu. jv'yncuv' no5~ "'v,"d V- St'' 7TOir -, ForvOSI 4og nwanis the same as XO'yov rustier, and ov'6 U'ev q46' might easily ha,,ve, passed into onyu nv,,utnoq The or'S "Cv 5CC111 toI be inl the wrogpinee cf. PI,. 9,18. ors i'~'~'?~vr s? sS'~9Slo a.lhei 1633. dri~~LO gn it 7od c~~sr'iod; 'A' 4 lihvodouy; ~ 463. Alciphr. I. 13. i'~o mvyrqpsui vrax~ig avtqainv. Lycophr, 498. lJQ )oLGiv iVTfCXLGfC. 465. Trag. Incert. 141 N. si% 'p~b~v tA( ticl1?.No C" p A tn'~~also I x re 4tOXSGSv A. K. L. 1,.. Aid. Ilerm. &c tto~~13. Tarn. Ilr. 467. Ct. (Ed. 1t'. 1458. cW q' tt'ELv r'tv( fLoeQ' 0"OTnOEQ 510( fTo). 468. P~h. h1120. 6TvySQuCv S-,X, &V'GitnTtt0V SQcCv i~'rr c).Aot. lialr. 91, 61. olt.m U'Rozl'~XS TOtg cCZSLtQq9TOLtq 471. xrTo X zQtvl Cf. 191. %XUO)'Juv XaQtv. Phl. 1370. &7r;.Jjv xt 473. Trag. incert. 2418 N. ""v~Qmcoov "vTa us? TQOVSV V a QQOITrv'C. Sclhncidewvin understands o~ovav, coil. IDion. Clirys. 32, 16. 7rc'vrwvp 1i-v dyvo~ovyvct~j.And lHeri-yain explains (Cyv 'ttLov 'no01 //oheis respecloss Cf. (Ed. C. 86. Dem. pm 143, 26. o3vc6E'v ' nv'rwg tyv rnvcpr 0V arTOrov OQWo. 1261, 23. Uayvco'tovcCg xaCL 7hrtxQov'. 1468, 15. r~,~ U'vayxcum' (I1V CC VID)fCoOV0 Tv qg Ba-t if a~yvuw/lovcC were intended( to agree wvithi os 1$ the addition of o~icuv would have been necessary. Cf. Eur. El. 1359.. S'&CI4O0c ova cCGOSC6E. LEol. 14, 3. a'c TCQXSJ TQOVSLZ'. 4174. Dein. P. 73, 17. LQ&3o 7rpo' i',aeg rush. ov'x "CTroxQVIp~t~cC!. 1W8, 28, 762, 19. 723, ~23. 1121, 16. &c. 476. 'H(cCXXTI 6tdJ?#9S JtiQXS6OCar governis ani accusative als iniA 99(9. o~Stci ya gon IPrC~tq - lrq ' 'AXcumovg 7rcVTcCg. Cf. onl 298S,. ~t 0oi (3og. Eur. El. 747. dorid' xFv'q I i,7r9Z#S tt. For 59 (lit. as~,o iia~p8. Cf. onl 355. TIeo~tUi4'cC is a trisyllable llesiod. Th. 51-0. FEn r(Crjl e ib. 'a1I1. T1Q vo viEa ib. 982. 477. Tranislate, 'seized Hercules.' Lat. 'Ilerculem Oiiiosit.' q 7ro~VsqA)OQO!~ -] Pat proleptically. So (Ed. 14. 2)74. q azVLaLcqog0 Jirii (~vvsi'q). (Ed. C. 1089. TOV SV~C.QVago XS~.StWckce ko'ov. (SchnI.) HoV~pa0o,is passiVe also Tr. 477. 1,Esch. Sept. 920., Imt aictive Ear.% Plioso1. 1036). 483. Callim. Epigr. 42, 61. P' TOiT' "T'~o caifq CZ~rI 49100-711 EMMEMM, A]DDLENDA. Ct. (Ed. C( S79. red1 C 0o7.x5t V(W202fV mi 80 w rap irre~hc zq Tiolrjg e~vew.()v Aj. 1331. 484. Eur. Iere. 141. '7rui 7y (1. Fnrs ~yro) ir;TJj?'LO ('6 lit like mnanner e V 1(,' tin 'ilT-ot 64. Fo-)r ftL['i q cf. -Aj. 877. EL. 12t1. Perha,,ps 'z7tx 'ox, e' (flat.). Or `Q7g uv do i' ~i To make the asaeat least intelligible aiid readable, I have ventured to -give a.)T(VT U~ 6'q,6 which I susp1ect. is the right: re~ading of this obscure passage. Cf. 1134. Et Ti) )TLeV Pc~#Otg 1136. arrcv ( TXr '? to qrju, i''~IurQTE a ike'rec yo]Cf. 876. 7cavr' cexior~a.Ph12t. y 7 liILT ) a'r r'exroc0' 2.yov, Anit. 402. 7rr-YvT` ~?=7rtozaor. Ear. lph. A. 883. zt&vt' F"~g Phnn 97 tt'fLV 'rUQ' (iOV 7r'VT' Ftq Or. 740. 485. This line would perhaps stand better after 487. Cf. Ear. Plhcen. 774. 6od vs TrjV r' CZtn~V Xce'QV. IlIe.c. 1 2 25. O VT 5tLqV ZceQ11 oVT OVV A4Xrew6v. 880. e60 ovX FXcwov X,cdvqg xeo Bacceb. 1275. 4ej v 487. ig qv6v&] 'floncernidig her-', not 'to her', for 1)cianira had a dd r ess - ed to Jole no words of assurance, but only a, short, question (v. 320-1.). Cf. 2Esclh. Ag. 828. vt"4q h' --- -Fj~d'Yog ttEvot. Earn. 321. itc7TE'6c ~1tv(MXr~oq). l4rAsoE. Ag. 949. 4t irco ovrircz.Alor. phi. 758. Toy OQXOV 1vcat t mvs X~j s 41`jstFov. El. 399. i'tturEhot Zgqattol. Here. 80. ~ 489. Cf. Plicn. 1636. eggci'ravrae 6varvX)g 7cpvg. Ear. Alex. Fr. 8, 2. oY rig qvlgcoQ~v Ei`! ertYtirav Iv E6ei~uovEE. -Dindorf withi reason finds dIg araicv*' unsaitable here, since the sense xvoald require rather tt'pqg. Qua. 4q, ttov~rig, or xrqg xoeqq~. 491. Cf. (Ed. ii. 1225. 64ov h' I Q1 ~ r'v~og. (Eil. C. 460. XJd5E Trj 7r16h1. ftty"vI 60)XQ' 5i9.Aj. 75. on' - fupir 6,,iUVr~~t 129.!cq' o~yxov U'Qq tcq6dFv'. 2417. nrohoi~v xkora'v reQoG#a- M9i. ttq~c,;sr~ic~v rpartv ~ El1. 34. Atixug cgo'00T7v. 494. ce Xl I. C. "iVtc'~1ce MLQu. 7rQ0O(UQ6oOLUl Cf. 623. 687. 497. ttLya Tt e0cl'evogJ Cf. ib0m. II. 18, 607. ttiyty 601,evog 'S1x.Favoi7o. lit note dele: "Panus. VI. 12, xa~xo~bv - vnj. Cf. El. 477. 84. Ibon. 11. 13, 486. at-rVc isv i c pFQ0LT0 jisyr" Xagatog,;7F, tP8Q0i'pqV. Strah. X. p). 458. iV~yxy~~LuVo~ly vrjg Vexqg rc9Aov rO'V Jqcev'.4QcY' yceftov. 500. tlT7rutLCCEV seems to me quite ansaitalde here, since, it is the p~ower (a;#-ivog) of love that the Chorus is speakin~g of, not its deceitfulnless. IE6LLGaEv woald perhaps come nearer to the reatding cU7rUr"raEV, bat is hardly so suitable as?cLGV.Cf. Ibm. 11. 6'. 517. Jtr50'Ea ~iotg r~4~av. f.5. v'. 435. Od. y'. 1269. v'. 168. '15.& As I.'.31.6. oil y('Q 7E&J7Tori tt (O(YE- bleig cmY~og 0055,' yvvutxog I #vtLcV 1VI mI,-rq4EScGL 7LE-Qt7rQo~v#,Yctg?dcz'tcag6e. Od. tn'. 516. 1'7rem' tt' MutCdde6YX o i'v o. In Homer we find repeatedly dcqtczceco), 6ecqcU'Uol~rF, 6aLqdcWOE, dr~fzeem, cLf~e, daa6"g, acet"Y6FaErat, &e. 5004 f. There were many saitors, bat, as Ovid says (M"et. IX. 13), 'alji c essere dutobets.' 504, 'Aittqptyvot perhaps means 'dexterous, practised.' Compare LL'ttL(TEs~og. Hermann explains, 'ancipitibus armis.' Compare Vulean's surname 'A~trptyv rjstg 11. a'. 4107. ('halting on both feet'). lies. Tbt. 571. &e. TEXQ~i — I 1) L) Y' N 1) . -vo: ~Hoini. Od. 7,113. ttycl OQxurO; ~Q7O ~5t?1&~id N. IV. 73. a', ~-ytye'&v ca"'Xcov). Perhaps wve should read rjt'4Po, 11111amriI' men.' Answering to 7rceofi,,rVot (v. Plnt. Legg,. 840 D. 877 E. Rutlinkz. ad Trim.n l. v.). So IL. 18, 593. na& VOg 'frs6g TE. 22, 127. Od. 11, 3S. With ir Qo ycqrcov compare the noun 7r~oycqtog. 506. Read za`r2n~acr. Cf. on. Aj. 631. El. 484. Wander understands cayc~v~g 7rc'ttr2.nxrot of boxings, irazy%0vtrot of wrestlings. 7rxcyxovtxrc~ r'?'~)~M~v vuig. Eur. Suppi. 425. 6Q0'I&cV r' cdaco &,ycY,;cPa (?) -Vsrvx~5~1s Here. 1273. zrL'.sgov - qqrvvga,. We miust not compare 159. 7ro).oZaq Uyeovcz 4tlaw. Dindorf explains &s1'K C'(y&i'vcov labores certaminum, coil. Ph. 509. 508. Eur. Hipp. 1229. xr5'Qe0Qov o~ov. Ale. 486. rrTQW0QOV a-Qra. Iph. A. 214. Her. 860. Qu. rxreaexvloS. (V. v. str. 497.) Cf. Fr. 678, 1o. F'vEsau 6'?V XE,9oV TE~raxvEt yov~j (Ki7rqtg). Eur. Phmu.n 648. xr~rc~GX52.?g PO6,xOg. Ear. Hipp. 1242. to' 6Verovov rcJQaq zxvQov. 509. Hercules is called O' Ka 6toyi~v~g above 116. 511. Hesychius, 7ra~iviovca: 0=64Mazotv"e 7~~r~ t # c xviot' Of this kind was the Scythian bow which Hercules uised ace. to Tlheocr. XIII. 56. Cf. Lycophr. 917. Apoll. Rh. I. 793. Matoentart UtpCeje 5VcqUtUr,1 lr4;~" I XUL' Q'07Ca1aXV. 512. Hesiod (Scut. 417. 462) assigns a, spear to Hercuiles. As Hercules, wouild hardly have two spears (cf. on 517), I have given Zi'yjav for k~~c 5014. For EUFpvvot Xq'ov perhaps a',qp't %6Q'ea AEsicav. The ~ttovc evidently refers to Deianira, who was seated alone looking, on from a distance at the conflict. Cf. 523 f. 515. Cf. Stat. Tlieb. VI. 865. 'medio conjiix stat candida prato.' 'See the entire passage quoted on v. 523. Cf. 860. i6' C'erptro2log Ks'7rgrg cevav6og qpcvEqvv r~v6'?cPcY'Vr 7rQUxxe,rc. For FVXx%,og cf. Auth. Pal. V. 245. 51~xrqov K1.'mQt6og leyadxt8g. 516. The augment in 'a6ovogct is omitted as in 6cY esvAnt. 827. 517. Cf. 856.?eo xcavc a6~7Qf~O oQol. Ant. 195. 7rc'vr feeQt~6Tace doQt' (XEQ' L. corr.). A less probable correction would he?`Q I or xervizog. 5018. Ant. 125. z'rcixyog 'AQsog. Ear. Her. 832. narcacyog C'tant6cai. 520. Auth. App. 205. qv ~aec xczsicvot rc~ac'Q6Lot. "Gram~m.atici hoc GZFJLa, HLtv6aQLX6'v appellant, cujus constans lex est ait verbuml proecedat, nomnen sequatur." IDind. I presumie therefore that i~v is really singular in such passages. 522. 7r 'ylkarcaj We tind nkay&i and zkccnxq, hu-t I wo-uld hardly venture to write'irk ~ax. I1)~ypta occurs Ant. 250. 1283. Perhaps however the true reading is z'y~trau. 524. " X%] Perhaps "X*hj. Cf. Ph. 726. Ant. 113~2. 5~25. ijazo] 'Was silttfng.' Aj. 311. Above 24. j~tuv. Ear. Suippl. 664. KU'6piov 6-' )~a~ -',go 7rQoU49JE rstiov526. I have given what seems a sufficiently probable reading,?y ( 611 pag' nxivovacu qpc~o 'for I speak having heard this fromz her mother.' Cf. 4~22. ZLig - f~cUQTVQqG,,t TaXVT "fLOV X?.VELV 7rceQov; Perhaps in u~dv ta~c we may trace ~t&~siec, or 7rae&staa,. V. schol. The pev is evidently not required here. Qa. rkog 7r"-,:Eact pcg Wc. Cf. Ear. Tro. 147. ~~sc~n~ 6' c~~ u~ irrcevo4e 'X?~cyy'ev 0vrav,0ore(?)Og yc rv - -,- Z --- " -wr 'MR I A 1) 1) E' N D A. 5)27. ro 6 C- (f. 252. Cf. Eur. Ion. 1260. T cT VQ o~roqPV 5ouut K~cptao~ 2Tareo'. Qu. ro' 528. Qu. 'Ov vv~tqp for (7rorftov, 01 rev) c"Utavu, Or C'eshloV &tLqLV'L 'awaits (the victor) as a prize.' Or?lsy7Xov. ((Ed. C. 1297. Elg izsyxov 529. Anacr. Fr. 502. ott" xE v,,13Q'v vcocqE' ycdczqvov, 0o-ax?'v fV 530. Cf..538. L'06TE Vci.vxfXog. 1071. C'OxE 7Q~ivog. Eur. Med. 1210. 7rQoaEtXE~' COOLSr,, ((c0`ars Schol.) ntaae &c. Lycophr. 102. zi'lv U'VVILrpov 7ro'Qtv. Comipare the use of e6tV'Uog (Eur. Or. 1211.), ~tioa~og (Hec. 524. 116axov ao), and jtivenca (Ho. Od. Ii. 8. 21. te sutis matres inetuint juvencis. 5. 6. tiae juvenzcae). 531. 771o - rjqtog -1 Cf. 155. n~tog - TE -. WHyog occurs also (Ed. R. 1134. Aj. 935. Eur. Hec. 915. But tryog is found nowhere else, I believe, iti Tragedy. ~Eschylus has neither. o' ~,vog] Lichas. Cf. on 453. 532. Cf. El. 1322. 78. Arist. Pac. 232. 534. Sophocles is partial to the use of the middle voice for the active. So a54dottvov Ph. 130. 536. Cf. Ant. 567. Eur. Iph. A. 452. xi~v 4' cit rcXcaVC1V -Z *vov - ut -7rcC&Q rvo; - IAagVtv, cog fotns, VVttPEVCpsi xcazcs. Hec. 1103". 'Enc x ypqs -- acirso vxaic? XXo 'J tLtnOvcon. 6 11. 5g 7r cit6ce?.orac 7tQO4'CJ~tca 4l~e~ Cf co(ce, cc~r;I t &v vcopp ~4.'Xco- zr' yCZ 7ra'co; Perhaps x JQqv yc, oin.x Y' &.vY', cXX '?vys'vfv Cf. Eur. Hipp. 1425. xogat aVE a v 46 acl.63 TaOEVOe TE x~vysg. Med. 673. 5v'vrjg &..~vyrg y~qvxov. Cf. (Ed. RI. 826. yc'ttotg tvr(xpg ~vy~vut. Fr. 517. kirst4TCv si'0 qy tda- Eur. Phcen. 1383. S?7rn' ye~t' I E-~Ev~' 'A46c( o rt 538. Cf. 575.?oxxra cpgSvo'g Got rovTro XqIaxnr QtOV I xi 'Heanxs~cg. 'EtrXqtemeans any article conveyed as freight. Cf. Ph. 417. oi4d' ovtt7roX~qvo' D~ai'rpov Acertu'(o. Cf. Eur. Med. 906. Elxb 7&Q oQ7a~ frflbv 7roLt64~c~a1. yr-vog I yU'tovg'rcQL7LnoXCJPTL -y c4Xot'ovg 7rT'GE.R 540. Cf. yneseAnt. 630.?vayxXtauce~ Lye. 308. I would remove the commas usually placed after 'HQc&3~g and xXcol'ttrvog, because I consider 'uitv to depend upon avrisrrupr. 542. roi fjcexqoi zqJvov1 Cf. 599. xco ~LcYxQ0) XQov 9~u cceg. 545. Cf. 1231. xr6 d' C'0' 6itniv qpQOVoJV-Vr rg 7roi' "~v cps'Qot; Eur. Or. 679. r6 45' cov' di'vca~cet nuc'c& O~jv Zq~o xvprtv. Iph. A. 655. ro' 547. 1 think that xrjv lxiv - xjv &'h must be right, as otherwise the plural Arv could hardly follow, as mention of only one 'p would have been made. Cf. 195. otd'(' F~~ 93~vix 7trdaow. Fr. 239. flayxXcog 00'rQvg Wr WQrEt ('grows'). 548. Cf. Eur. El. 20. #ac~ sfl3g X9vg Herc. 875. CCILOxt&Sena a6v av~og. Tpli. A. 1299. Q5odhcsvr' CvOv#cc - cYQu'irstv. Hel. 250. 8QE7roplvayv F~ca rti~ri~cv 9`04,x =Er'Xcdc. El. 778. Ion. 889. Hes. Theog. 988. T QEX VEOV TiQEV cev4og F'xovx Ecv~~'3 rcch xe~ voze Qu. cro v~C(pQ7raC~Etv qptc!'i I 7rt~ ttg r?, #U'X.?ov (or x5' xce'U.og). (Cf..2Esch. Suppl. 98.1. 7rc~aEV0jv xtclt % E~G V s 'ePOL9 E'7rt I7r~g rtg 7rQE19('cv 0"j1kocrOg *Fkx-r 'tov I rO4Evfc S EtC 4ms~v.) Or 77v c'pctQnrc':Ev cpt.ei I 6 B6 4iio' Or rc~v A' e'P(rc'-&iV (7r o6Qslrsv?) q51b~tv azrcarCN T Oi 7rcivrcyg) c''itfog TrjV A 1VTTSxTQI~tUv no'(ac Oi- 7TbVTrY A'Uzx~~t ripri~i t~~r ia 4ce', Uov Pr4Jo', o & c. O r en'(v c 7ce'wC~5v fpt)de tc(-e; oc riv'fro, (Stippl. Fr. 601B. 7To'Yg r-~EIV civq~Og urce.cexov ircrtec"~at) uv — 7ro'6Ce verba graviter corrutpta." (Naitck.) Whlo conjectures: r tp.v ci~QTZ(YgHv rp11i2sI T' xcX ).0 JVp (?), T~ A' 7t X r QF1F 7rO04 e ' Y th(, absurdity it the common reading, whinch makes the eye v1rsarFmTQErs, v 7re&i,leili' ill~ suifferable. Nor can I agree with Dinid., -who sy "Facile intehlectio est ocuiluin viri dici.'' Who follows the scholiast's explanation. The Salle may be said of Meiniekels conjecture 6 #'9cacqog. 549. Pind. P. IV. 158. go'v A'" 601og "'3cg C'eQX1 xVttI~VEL. Tr, v A4]l She means her own, for Deianira, is no longer young. The same construction as in Ant. 742.. 6t & A6xi iv zarccr. For they said k1-XTQEn~n6{}ct' TLV(, %Xx)t'vntV TrqLU, &c. Cf. (-Ed. C. 565. on vo y UV vdUV, OV#', OJg~rSQ gD vbvV I V'nXTQci7r~tfL0V Ity]O ovvnwt. Plat. Phned. 108 B. I suspect that tr v d' was changed to u(3v A" by so11W cop~yist, who did not -understand the construction, V xtQ1r~F1rV 7r0A'a beiiil eqluivalent to VtircXiQE'inEG#9v, especially as c6 had just preceded. 551. Cf. on Phil. 30. ziqg vE~oFQci A" civrej] I. e. Ce2I~ A4 g vKo)TEQceg. Diudorf wrongly thinks that the opposition is between xci).st69ct and 4vcir, rather thai between irocitg and c'vrjQ. 554. Qui. ZvXI1Qtov TEirviace TW46' V'ttiV ~qci6(Oa. (A,,schi. Euim. 288. bre yvotr~o ac~ Itt4ot, Iv~r jQto.) Or - r~jg AV7q (ro5_ rp '3ov o ~urro) mQGOI.Or Avr4'Qt0'v ut Zir~ovqg ax rpec~eco. (Asch. Suppl. 265. rOVV&JV rrxrj Touttcac Xcir?.V~fQw. 446. X r4GqQtra - 7rqafovqg cixij) Or, )Zvr 'Quv xr 7r'qtovg i'tt~v qde"Go,. (El. 939. xr~g vi'v 7ra~oV'Gq 7tqptLOVrj~ ).; 't CQog. 1490. cO'g Ittlt TO' cev XXJ iVVyVVOTCV7i~l )Xvrg 'eov. Fr. 697. ro' ttt#,nvCt ir qtoir~?v.jqtov. Euir. Andr. 901. 7rki ~tcuoAv do'oirg Xzentv.) Perhaps the ) v - in A V'7pc11 camne fromn the gloss XV7~gon Z7i11oV'~_. Or Xvx~'rqot0V Tt [L dXVrni' ((Ed. C. 762. AXschn. Euim. 616. ro~W7 fLJXciv 'Iv.VaQtog. Suppl. 1058. )~vrj~Qtotg 'uqztvre'g.) (.0?~v T4QtOV 6TE yr/fLc &c. '(Cf. 1138. Gr itc Q a'oxodge 7T /oGjlcehV 6g #,vc1('rq't7r~tY%' &c.) Or ).vr 'rov g0naPtce 7tr/fLOVqg (pQnaGO). Cf. Phil. 14. zEsch. Prom. 478. xoivcivr ttr~v 'tcer' 545vQWP' rxn),c ~iQoro6tiv (Yrrg oz /'Xel a60raPt ', Or' I,~ v~v 7ra oVgiqg/ zntrov~q uiXaisyoS. I have given a reading that is at least intelligible. - q rrA1 Cf. 1162. rc #,c~ov ~v I rQcpcivo0v, overr &,C. (E"d. 1'. 2)76. wTEnQ - I - The r-' is, I think, hardly suitable here. 5505. Dindorf observes that 7ra~utL6g and &Q'WcOb, like, aitifqiois and velts, are often found com-bined (see examnples in his Thes.). But wha't.suitable sense could c'(Xitov yield here? Cf. Ant. 345. cip~v Ucyet1o~v. In Homer (pQE, o(,naco~ot. Qu. A'e3Qov,?~~~ N~~aaov A'o~~~~~~v 6~~~. Cf. Ph. 1317. rc~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~dv 5~~~~ ~~'nC~~~v I rnxcC. P. 117o-c #Etaceg &c. IEx vgaagov (or vF'aov) might easily have passed into nYQ~atioV' 56-2. Read in note: ' ad etndas. IUberieis solito aihiibis /ieieaelibets 1au1ctus vorticibitsqiie frequtens erat elgue himperviuis ranmis.' According to Diodorus IV. 36. lDeianira did not leave her paternal home, till three years after her marriage with Hercules. Cf. Apollod. 12, 7, 6. and schol. Apohlon. I. 1-213, who however do not mention the number of years. ~AD)E NDA, 2991 - T3Ei. Tb 9-16. rt! 6j r.p~ovovioc y~ 5x 6ii1tv 4p [oozftljv 7UJ0110?'OCY7WTQU~C~ ~ tho7~ ~ 1(.33 19ov 0?' arttKQOv ya' 11rO)lJ 1'zeo' co1Y &)yp KtuYfV T upt~o~tcui Also lph. A. 397. bXUX'6Tqqro 7rQO)0ToV] 'F0or the firSt Iton.' 563 ~';;ii' ~o ILongiore oratiolie usa erat Deijannia in carmine Archtilochi, quod~ reiprehiens~um a cquibutsdamu esse ulelorat Dio Clirys. TF. II. P.3. i'xug Itot?.VO(Z TfavT17V TnJV Uc7tOQtcV, ItOTEQOV 61x~(faolgi Niiooov xat TIV Ji]I"tVFHQ" lJ )jov; (pauft y/O!Q ot' (tilv To'v tlpQ~i.oXov )rv QSi'V 7ToIo~vVT TIJV JqtVC/VQuf v rdV TO cm1a4,3t u'7ro roi Kvvrapo 7r6q ra~v 'HQcyxtZ;a 'Qol~poyingcYv, avcgLL(LtV(6xOV6c"V?1q Toy; Ay4Xcpoi'0 -Ace'[t~ IX TO&l TOTS Y OLVCOtV(D, O)6T5E TEou.A1V 6xOxqyv FiVW, TO) Niaorn I)TPS~OV1TO TtQC5UfYI O' L T'V ZOrpoAfllECe lrQoy xutLQQ7) 7r,,TouqY.1vca TrjV ToOESL(Yvl 6tu~q3CaSOVTCOV "YVTWV 14!r TOV 7!OT(Y(LOV' OnTO. 7(YQ (YV X iS! rjV Jirit, slcs c7toX 'cat pi~vTog To?/ ASvrceSQov &c. [biad. According to Ovid's account (Met. IX. 118 f) Hercules hail already swain over the E'venus before hie shot Nessus, the arrow penetrating through his back to his breast. 566. Qu. hIOrtTe 1'ipa irc'tv, or 17rJvcs~'va (,7tVvg 1z-TtEVTEvcg) XsQoiv. Cf. Aj. 451. J"iu tt' 17r' CSVToLg XUQ Eirsvrsvovr ' (al. 17!SvTi;VOVTr) E'stqV. Or 17Urt6QkHpcS xcuc, 'having turnted hark his head' (at the cry fdsrs) Cf. Fur. TI-er. 942. 6 S ''aeoofdsrs) VQ 17rLtQS' O XsQ(. 567. 1 have given 7Iliv'sovcg with Dindorf and lBergki, not without, some hesitation. Cf. on 778. 1054. The Homeric form is 7rAFTYtcov. The ancient Greeks said n LO'g Smg not 7r-FrvtovcS, according to the testimoiiy of grammarians. V. Dind. in Thes. VI. p. 1~261. Hermanan onl till other hiand calls 7tAEV'ttovceg "vulgare ". lHence the Latini pulnio. So vti'. TQOV and 2.lTQov (Attic). 570. Eur. Hipp. 708. roueoviis ttot 7rseQu6%X~ E14mtova,4V?. Plimi. 1 185. ToOOv6!4t0(L~rcSOS, Iv tuSV TO r Y~h(vO'v 1rVQ Vtv SIQyu#9ELV zite &c. 5072.?&C'v y% -1 This depends 011 the preceding roaG66' O'vr,'Gt. Cf. Apoliod. II. 7. 6. To' ~,C ss TOV TQ(~jtYTcsOG cdfz. Qn. aJt', FX TOW) -. Cf. 717.?'X d' TO~1' 0 F Gqrsyj)v dX# 'cV "g &c. Aj. 91 9. Aisci. Ag. 1389. xc'nrpv~tJov- k,,tcev cd'tcctrog uqayijv &c. According to Ovid (Met. IX. 1217 f.) tile -arrow passed tibrougil the hack to the chest. of Nessus, the blood rushing out from hoth apertures. 573.?yj] Qu.?1viyyxg. C f. El1. 1 21. 7UT ar P cpvi 0 ~ n~ Tile correctioll fLl!SyXXov - LOV is confirmed by the fact that only onte arrow was sent (567). The commlon reading may at first sight appear to be supported by Apoilod. II. 5. 2. To' 61( Gcog"c rihq {~acu &'v,'ccs ni o~q roVl Oluxo cs upvv (Hercules). But the epithet 'y o2~og is far better suited to 1ioG 'veiznom', than to 14 'etil arrow,.' Cf. 770. qpo ' V t o0 g 15?X # iig?'(hv, P i6C O. 717 f. Oppiani. Hal. I. 561. Epigr. in Archil. Auth p.271?`6vd EQT~~aPv x l(. Antipater ibid. p. 240. TOv ~ ysVVCOV lrtflQOv lvri~oc XoTov. Ovid. Met. IX. 158. 'Lernwwa. virus Echidnw.' For the double gen. utov an V(l ag after #QEL(L'jiu cf. 011 1191. 574. i'fY~cvpv] Qu. hdtrj1cv, as in the similar passage below 716.?n hi' TOV(I' otl (TOiiui t4q?) Grpc(YojV h8ts?1Y67(V O CS? UfLCtyOvg ft Cg I 7tj~ Hermnaun colisiders frQ/(attSr v6Qut a periphrasis for V'4QLS, coil. Plat. Legg. VII. 770 D. rc' vEOYsFvi 7Yincsi0o `QqipYUTCZ. "0-Q~gg (LCSa vlQS~i ye AlDDE)NDA. neintii diceretitr, scriblwudIIII i"S~et us).c~zo2.o ig. (Ilrill.} \Vh' ~ plains tt~X0~v 1o07 'etra venena.' 575. Cf. 538. co asirr' at -.co lrov 1 nro2 a T, g', qp v6g. Eur. 11cc. 535. yocg %2,qyrjrqjt'0eg. 576. 7'Qars ttri' aex,"Qt ('so (is that be shalt not love'), as 0"oircv rtg Oi/VCra g3QoU~v in v. 800., both depending closely upon the precedlipg (lominating clause.' QParE o~v Gar'Q~E would mean merely 'so that hie?vlt not love.' Cf, 799. tt~#sg (It,,) I lvraii9' 037oV ttE WLi Ttg Wipsrat j3Qorc)V. CEd. R. 1412. Cf. 903. nxtbpcza' v1'uvxi'v EtV~cczt er tg e(16ot. 669. ~tciXWTce Y', 0WCTE tt '77rOX UV 7rQo#V11,t`Uv - Xafpstv. El. 985. c')aT1s x n2t -,nstv x ~Eogo. 1316. czaT' - It))XE' U~V TJ-Qug vottd,~tv. CMd. R. 1412. dXsch. 7, 32. xc~acov ovirco XQ)' TwV j3(ov xOV 660(povog v60 gVQ iicau CoxTE tt)q,'tEX6U 6d6cUV M'Tcg 7rov)79,&Q. E-ur. Iph. A. 813. oi. #uttz a' f)tlg t(VOL~ oq 11) zacpog ~ 6 For c')oxsr oi with indicative future cf. Aj.98. car' o r'Atcev#' oi"(' ' rttLcGova' It. (Ed. R. 411. ',gT' 01" KqE'oVTOG oax06c6Tov yFyQcUlo~tc. 857. Aj. 213. 1342. (Ed. C. 45. 565. 579. F'yxsnqpEvovJ Cf. 556. 2.I'31lt ~cXuni xQvtqtVpvo. 580. x ttrc0Vc rdv&]' Which the female attendant holds in her hand. SO o r6' ceyyog 622. 7rQoa~ouloba'] Cf. 1138. 6TQ 7L y9 iYOov6fS nOlg~3c~2.tV t'e &c. 844. 581. Hernmann with reason doubts whether the formn trstst'Qcavrce he, adinissible in dialogue. Perhaps 7tcUvta 7r8s q"Va~ta %C tWg ~t FUtVI - V,7rFQ ov&90'uE. Itot xa"g To'~Ii - 6TVYLO (del. 585-7). 582. I. e. 'malas artes, nmagicas artes.' Cf. Ear. Rhad. Fr. 2, 6. T,'tXqi xci.Qu. xax~e fl r IXvce. Cf. Ph. 88. s'cpvv y 'QovV cei rO6Etv rXIvng. Ph. 80. rcXvti6at caUzc. E.R.63 GVV rxsv',q xtcxul 584. Construe, tL111Z'V~a roQOEM t qThtQt &.B IDindorf objects to this position of Mov zcog before ~~sxr 585. Ejected by Wunder as an interpolation fromn 575 f., who thinks thme words #ilwretQOLG roig?(p' 'Heczx)~ian amplification of qfilrQoig. The addition of vm'v 2rziaea he considers superfluous, for -x vdc comparing 476. 545. Bat cf. 532. tacei ciyx~aaffltotg 7rcataiV. Eustathius, hie observes, seems not to have found this line in his copies, since lie quotes only v. 5841. (p. 799, 3.). Qu. r'v zarcd'c ce lic #E'XxQot~tv 'HeuxtC'Ovg cppsvCOV (or qpgvo'g, cf. 575.). "0 C'xtrQc xa' Ap' 'HeaxAEi non sunt eademn quac qPt'krecc, sed ihiccebrae quibius Iole, sibi amioreim Herculis conciliare videbatur." Ilerni. E1ur. Hipp. 509. F`6xrv xa'x oi'xovg q(ptt~ea ttot #Exr'ta I Eqorrog. 1274. #9Iiyct "/Eecog. 587. Xen. Anab. Vii. 1. 8. pa) Irot~6j 'GJ UT -t 6tU adT(U 1'cz 4Eg. 590. By reading oircog E`Xco 'yca' 7r69tsco3 To' U'V &0XEiv - We get r i,! of thme rather inconvenient on. Cf. Eur. Fr. Inc. IV. 8. IQQ& ttEV OIjl~ov ycd', 3rav 6,qe'v 7ridov I UnaQ7rov UVXtt~d Vort4Tog?VdE~ ' Cf. on Arist. Lys. 1126. iwmr? q 4tcVtig Ov %axiog yv40,tq l'yco. 593. Dindorf thinks yvi~ta is here put for yvc5atv "metri caussa." 7rt5QcoLI(vovg Harl. 594. to'vi6F] Lichas. 595. AE?.srast]ar'ipm'4stat conj. Nauck. 596 -7. Dindorf suspects these verses to be an interpolation. (Certainly Deianira does not believe herself to be engnrged in any evil design (cat'XQO'v). ,o DI ) FNI)A. (1 c)-;)() I 596. Schol: XQV71TOLr~Ulcz, OTOV GL67am 4Y-FVrjvca yIvotrxo Lase.). 2E scIh. (Tho. 238. ~todvov KQtY'rog TF xcatr ZhJ1 - GVyyS2JOVot0 ttor.,597. We findI 7drt'T.Lv E'v XLvL. El. 1476. S14v ttL5G'oL9 UQvercUror9 7V TO'.Qu1. oViroT' Elg U~~o 7rsasf The (ommon reading may perhaps signify, 'you will never fall by disgrace.' 599. PadsFlj 'Slow, behind lime.' Cf. 395. ga'v X~dVC0 ~rce&t Uro~co'v. 601. Cf. 531. ~ttog, Tfcp n'o~v 0 Flo 1QO I rco' ~r2eT01g IraLG(V. 915. -4c'7(OA - rPQOVQOVV 0 Qi TF -. 924. hvsr. 928. cr. `'Ayoq&a4'ca is the old Epic form, -used by Homer and once by Herodotus (VI. 11.). In the former we find U'yoQU~'ixg,c~ocias ~y~ox, cYOQ?76'xTo. 602. 7r~og (pQqg ttoL -] QU. ZQr6TOV (,'Q7rcoV, 6cvs(O~v) (P'Q rjtiv Or nrQovov qpl1_Qctv %Q?1 -Tavaiirpi~ is recognized by Schol. Hesych. (TczVO.) Phot. Suid., who explain it by 1Exoi~qpi. Qu. Tovdv6c voiqip~ (?) 7rlF'rXov. The particle Jys ine the common reading is evidently superfluous; but in farvour of 5Vvrpicf. Eur. Iph. T. 312. 7lrh2~wv - siir~VOVg VCU; Cf. 7ritv'vqp' AEschi. Prom. 459. 603. Cf. 668. ricv 6iov 'HQa1cits dai01kUrgrcowv- 2Esch. Pers. 529. y,,j vs~ XUz qPttxorg 110)QUxa 042. 60'atv V.sCXUv %UrXc0v XUno Aj. 8 17. d c6 QOI/ - Ettot. 'Exs~cip is supported by 605. 608. 614. 618. 632. &c. 605. Mied. 980. X~vaedxsvxx0V rs axlpavov ~~'~r 607..ZEsch. Ag. 1435. k'og av ai'ty 7r?lq' m'agle' 4rip Atytalo.Hr mannwrongly understands 1rPkx6rtov UE'2lc "de lumine per fenestram. iinmisso." 608. Ocirzvsog -pqpv7 would not be a bad reading. Cf. 199. ovrsc 11' avr~ aixV'1r, 4r,1rV~. Eur. Hal. 874. nxsr,: 7UGLat Got MCVEl)sCog 0cY'?F1rcpcev)79 ~sch. Pers. 510. vv~xrog O"Vtg 1trpcev4'?vv7rviov. But Eur. Or. 359. og fLoL Tab UT Ei:7r v V&tqPUVco~ rQ0CGrcx#Et'g. Cf..Asch. Ag. 997. a6vcrascev %xrqGt'ov fProuoi3 7rE'Ug. 609. Cf. 1249. rv' acv I Oshoict 8,ctv3g lQ yo0V. 613. Nauck reads n%.stvc5 xr,1 sv0v. Qu. 2UafL~r afQ V l irS7r2.o. Hravr. Apollodorus II. 7. 7. calls it Xatrq?a43gij'. Or 65ft/c; ucstv'V - 614. 1u'. q. ffqp&dov. Aj. 15. oSh EiVrotJ1E' Gov - T60VnItt caxoicoU. "Lautile est 3ce4,aptissimumi vero slrg"(Dind.) 615. CqpQayi6'og 12'xctr xc5'] I. e. 'Ihe enclosure of Ihis ring.' So Phil. 663. in)dov x411' - p'g I would not abuse Eur. Or. 274. 0rppc asca' Ei'cco 7nlt'zcov, in favourr of the old reading b7r' t"jkcz qa?'cEIXt(. 616-23. Nauick would transpose these lines after 632. 619. xUrpo;] Perhaps u"cpq), according to common usage. 620. Herm: 'si mandalis perferendis exerceo arleni Mercurii.' Compare 'the expression 7rottr~v'Erv 7rojtrnrv. Nauck reads xq'v11s 7rQscj to3 xvr,-'vr. T1vs~vv PiZs'~atovf — Plnt. Phil. 62. j3Ig3atov TEx'ZV77V. 621. I. e. '1 will noI be false to you.' Qu. OV Tor P'j cFX(Tt7, xl 0o ZOTox. Or ov yr It') cqpr2.r 'v voVxo~tq 7rori. Cf. Eur. Iph. A. 384. six 1Yro &txq1 rY cclajv xccxcov, O' prn aqpcest'g; Suppl. 303. aqrpo'1z~st yase IV xOViM ttovp. 622. ch,7Xctl 'Just as it is.' 623. Cf. 1232. ov'8E'v co.Y co. Cf. 494. "" x' rxvx?. dco0Q(ov 11tOQ Xgq' 7rQoGt"ft~ouu. 687. In both which p)assages a covert allusion seems to be made to the application of the fat~al medicated garment. Cf. Eur. Iph. T. 213. 4Yq U~v rt'I ot PQ"cGctaq (Dv?,Yw~ #~Fw; ADDEND)A, 626. Cf. El. 680. /.ce'rm7roaLqJJ tQo.- rt(Ztirt xu(( TrO - qCfO(,Gui. 628. 7r~oc,Yttur] 'lieception.' Seclt,: i,)ro~oxUc~. Cf. 2033. pedyo acecordiug to Hlermaunn occeurs nio where else. Hle, reads 7rQoGyy)#~ qvtwro] 'In, a friendlyq nanner.' Sehol: yi ).ocpvcog. Arist. PI. 380. 629. Eur. Pliomt. 1363. oJ &0raUT' F1tGqo YGUr Oib,'rrov TcU6 - XU. 630. dt 6~x' -;] 'P1 7at else besides, shouild you soyl?' Or, ' Why should yout say ought else?' 631. X.iyotg &~v A. B. I,'. L.?J'yoig (oim. (Yv) T. Qu. uq 7rQ6Gqt, Tui g-. Or tt7ro) Gd (pcdtv?~- Cf. Arist. Tb. 380. 7-Qt'v e xOV16 Z~rrOV 7rQL'V Xiyutv. 632. xrsv 'The feeling in that quarter', i-e. of Hercules. Cf. 313. y~vviscs c~v XriV9E. Eur. Hec. 719. ra&xi,~v y''Q&V 7ErQaryU1fdr Eartv. Med. 1000. d1Qvrj J-' rc'xdit9,rv T~xvotg. 634. These hot bathis were situated close to the pass and also near to the sea (7ruQu' Q717uvL 49a G17an, Pisaind.). 635. "Inter #Qt" ccvxd et cyo."id.Wchshardly satisfactory. 637. XQv Z)aXauXOrV T' UXTv XoQ0Cz] I woulld correct X~vauccx"'rot' -.Apollon. Rhod. 1. 571. "AeQ~rv, t uv~ 7& c'3 &,~ QV~tFV~q V-cz ycdhv'Iox(r. 638. Dindorf explains xkiovcat 'celebranlur.' V. Monk. ad Ale. 459.. 6410. xaXRtpdrzgJ Formed as '~V(34ag XOXXVP3c~ 'Ug o3d, F 0"t3ou. 641. "Ait tibianin us reversuram — esse non funebres sonos, veluit 11crcole mortuo, edentem., sed laetos et hymnis deorum ptteanibusqiue coir cinentes." Musyr. 'E7rcz'v~tatv refers to the, return of Hercules. 643. Cf. 866. (Ed. C. 1500. zt'g - r'strct wxrv'og; 6441. Cf. 19. o %X~rv0' 77X#E~ Zqvo' 'A np.'VrJg xs 7rcd'. 513. '3X4J' - 7rue zJto'g. 566. x(O Zqv0" - 7rcsig. 826. xr6 Jt5'g Xd'rr'zatd. Eur. lon. 196. d' Jt1g zarg. Qu. 'A~xlvct rr xo- I QOg aoiirca 7t'V-r' -. Or 'A.X~~rjkqvcg xo Xo I -Qnn (750, or Flarv) -7rc'GcZ -. Cf. ~Xsclh. Sept. 147. AUToysvC9 %xdQc Jto'g. Neue and Hlermnann injudiciously inark a comma after Jto' and also xdeog. 645. For GO;Vat perhaps "'Qirst, or GTrEC~l 0, o Etatv. Cf. gTEVTo, cv(. 646. h7' o1iovgj Qu. Eg oi`%ovg, as in Pbi. 311. CEd. R. 320. 1010. 648. Dindorf corrects 7ravx& with U'ro7ro~.rv. 650. As bie had set off by sea, and the course of his adventures might, not be generally kcnown, lie might well be spoken of as 7csWdyrog. 651. Qu. TUXta 6in) r0qsrOVau xacQdi'ccv. Or zceXrdvet d8) Griov6o xaq~c'. It is iimlprobable that Sophocles should have Written rcy~xavav 6vG6Tcdcatvc together. 653. Schol: v~v d' `A~ng d' 7zQ rov E%"Qvrop. Qu. viv (or Gapp) 1grQcO#Et%1. 654. Cf. Ear. 11cc. 364. XvnrQav qtcsQV. QU. Stt7drovov ).cQErpr'v, as in v. 830. 7rc~g yce '"v - FiT'?7rt7rovov?xot, XarQr,'Uv; 656. Incert. up. Dion. Hal. dle Comp. V. p. 227. of d' F7V5tyaVTO 7rjrOxuai~q ix7Vn6t ~cXxrftgO*Og. 66. t r~oi9 c~xa'.coj Shei Dindorf too observes that somie noun substantive is required, wvhich he thinks may lie concealed in I 'cYXQ6x. Hermann absurdly explains 7rav c'so 6vyQc4Eig 'in onine teninpus conciliatets', and gives rm~, (to agree with what? with zrQorpuaH?). QU. TC5 7rst0ov XQ1GTr9 7r~i~r~C 6,vvrunx~t &c. As xQruarzarp'v av'pvog Amnt. 1'221. 'Cf. 675. Eur. Med~(. 632.' ttqnjror' oi dilg~romV' r':?1rtot xQrGawV TO ~ov?pr'1Th, Fc~ %~t'az a',d~pv~ov oir 'v. Arist. Fr. 23 1. Xorpo -_, ------ - gl'-'i-. --- - —._ - --- 1-1- I, - ADL)E'Nlt t, ()"i L1.kovg -roy ttlirt X~XpiqLt~vov. Tfie epithet mzyp'6~ro,, suitable enotiglh "Ls Used of a remedy (T Qcywov), is evidently not suuitalble, as altpplied to the smeared zgir2~o. 662. 17rt' irpoqc6Et qpcoVg I-,'lapt. Ilern]. QU. a7tr' 7rQo(Pc/GECJ (Cf. on v. str. 654). Or zE'ir?~co 7roqpdvat #ThjQ0' (or 7r~oqpc rco #,rjQo'). Cf. 1163. 1ro(PVToV ( dc~rv K.). "Etiam alia Ihujnsmodli derivata verbi cpczivru v in derivata verbi cpc'VcPI. passim ab librariis corrupta sunt, ut E'xrprUGtO 1pro?-xcpc"vtagc scriptam est ap. Hlerod. VI. 129. In aliis. nonniullis scriptores ipsi has formas permutarunt, cujusunodi est puod?'P (PUtg r 1)10 'rrcpum dixerunt, non constiterunt vero sibi in adjectivo, quod modo 4rc1pcUVrt~x6 1unodo 11tupartxo'g SCrip~tum, libris non raro utramique formam uno eodemque in loco) praebentibus.'' (Dind.) 663. Nauick without, reason suspects tar~o, proposing ziea 667. Cf. Ant. 695. xc'xtex' &i'7r?Qycov,Vx~Ec~rwrv cpWhvt. Eur. Tro. 780. 0).Uto, xa11tiGT0V YUQ OtlLfUTCOV U~rO I at'GLrT, x)~Lv"' 7tcd6" "7roJ).Eacg qevyiQaL. 219. ot' 6' Uc(q' n'Gxov 7ro1og I 8racF1V?'XTJacGVT0. 668. Cf. 876. ov' 6nj 7Z01t co' zavo~ca; Ilesiod. Theog. 93. roiijq Tot MVov~GEO~v Lroqr 6YOgtg CtX2P9QoJ7rotGtv. 69I.q. C0crr oviroT'~ UVo T60 v'c~t Cf. (Ed. R. 374. ttu&g TQUJtL 7reog VVxrog, WGZSE lkj E?. - 1ac~c ZTt~ UV. 672. Qu. ot'ov, "jv cpQao, I yvvczN,,, V'ii #Uc~w )cq4UvrtV tdycz. Or - v'tttv q'cavtt c'vE').7mrL6ov (or #vpiUr&)v z~a Baceb. 667. Ice. 714.) 6oxcfv. Or - ot~ov lttzw,,Qv - irit~v #uair' "'vilartarov pu#iV. I heave given what is at least an intelligible reading of this obscure passage. I rather suspect pcv#Eiv. 673. Eur. Ale. 1126. #frciqt' cdv~ntaLrov x6Yud. Ion. 1142. #urLLYT' ceV#lQ(0O7rOtg OQcZV. 674 f. Ear. Med. 787. x""vnre Acqpo~9c x6aprov UrttptO4n p~" 1 xo 675. I have retained the common reading, though I do not believe that the last syllable in Uey~,rt can suiffer elision. The reading of the loiss, seems to point to 'Qyes og 5s' Irx (So Pind. 01. 13, 99. TU'QOP aJQ7y~vx.) Cf. AXsch. Ag 1490. u 'cov - vzorxotg vottcv~uav. 678. Nauick suspects xut zpu- xar' U'XQUZ3 eGucog Qa xa. p 0rv cUxecv?Fg X4Yv'. Or xul Vn'p-rat, niav Eg X16v'. Or xct% V~)lxrbv ENQEV g arczy0.vcg (or 'g ovaug). Or xac' &f xctx )?X'fLsvov. Eustathius twice cites V~ Xucr, '&Xpu G=Xc~cYog (p. 751, 52.. 1071, 9.), in both places writing pfi, and comparing xv~, Fij, IZJv. Cf. Phot. p. 655, 12. W'o: 17rL T0oy 6careo3 &C. Compare also 6j71rc, GUZ9Qg, GUQg &C. Qu1. x ~t. El. 894. %oAo0vrjg uxeag Ear. Or. 116. h' UXQOV Xo)Itwrog. 679. Perhiaps ~tta'ov' 1%rsvJ 10dyov. See on (Ed. R. 1301. But cf. Tr. 324. 7rQo~tv5qvv ov' 61aaov ovrE ~tiL'ova. El. 377. d rf~pd lrot ttFuOvT 680. 6' #J7 - K~vrczveog] Cf. 116~2. 6' #q K~vavvQog. 6821. Cf. x'opatc 474. 687. Comipare 'Q~t1'uoX~og 768. cZfOOLLICf. 494. 623. 688. ZEseh. Ag. 93. (pqtuop~Fv~j (Xacqrmlre) XQtfLCZT0; (XQ16pcrro~; il.) fxyvoi) I 7nC(Vru p~v~d#,,v Pt~tloX'r ADDENDA. 689. Cf. Fr. 823. rczar' ot'YoV?yEXQvtuaovr1. KUT' oixv. is of theC qutent occurrence. Heimisoeth also proposes TO'V 7t,~T~ov for -Ar' 0'ovo. C f. 6 74. c) y& rT?r' 14,(Tvr ~a 7r 'r X ov U'r Io I ~F9t o v. e. 690. 2~cXvnv] I. q. xarayttce 695, 7roov 67.5. 692. c2oairrq Perhaps cozrq. Cf. 241. 693. Cf. El. 1466. 7x~ogE!6ov - rpaaara. Eur. Ion. 1395. -r( 64jru (Patca rciv Uvs2n',rcorv 46c; Or. 869. 56c5 c' aEXar'rOV q(ciGL 0 IL/TIZOT JqmtEov. Qa. ~0ai~tt diqnoftat. Cf. 673. 9av~It UVv itta'rov ~JIcz~ v. Ion. 1142. *V'Lar' C6#QJ~Q7rotg O'QZv. Cf. (Ed. R. 79~2. yivog U'rkiTOV - 09&V. Ph. 847. F1vYQc~ax ' 1,V1s9GEIV. 695. Kc'raytta here means simnply 'a piece of wool,' i. q. 2(YcXvi uLaA~o5 690, 7rno'xo 675. 696. Qu. ro'v 7rExn.ov CO- 7rQov"X~tov. The omission of the ohject besmeared is, as Wunder remarks, suspicious; us is also the addition of Trg before olo'g. Wander suspects Ig ttEqv rpS'ya said of the sun without the addition of 77i1ov. This difficulty might he remove,- v reading caxrevca #' 'X. 697. Cf. 685. Ant. 100. Ear. Hec. 412. Cog 0a 0 nror ai43tg ~rv %ViV ljov #I''r QOG67pofWt. 698. Cf. Fr. 713. zrc~tv 8LaQQEt xcarni (xc'g rod?) ~ttqev ~FQXsraL. N~icand. Ther. 89,8. aaga Xarv~v I oi`vcUV#,q PQVa X.rvxc' Xccraqn~ovat vo 699. Cf. 112. cr' cao -BoobX rt' 5tx ur' - i'd~('coy h Trag. Inc. Fr. 65. W. %Qcaro' 16 C'(XQov I&,vOv xce~t~tg 7TQLOV tg axQOVQ 7rocvaq. 700. Neither da~16 izv nor?Etgl~irrrv occurs in Sopli. 70."O#Fv equivalent to 'vrE,0sv J#t ("7rov). If 1% yrg laid hot preceded, s#v woald be intelligible enough; but, as it does, I suispect w\e should read a'.t or 0"Zov. 704. In note for 7rqyqj correct =,q 705. Eur. El. 426. IV roig ZrOtovttOLt q,Vex' UV yv&OU7.7rgaCo. 707-8. Wanting in B. Cf. 568. 1XV axcOV 16' 5 4YJ o Fvo iir. The correction C2'CV)t TOv #V pIXELV is worthy of consideration. 71~2 f. These lines are suspected hy Nauck. 714. ~Esch. Fr. 123. 7rrq7'Vr' UarQcir` itxco r6V cUsOV. Er us 312. U',rQUcTwv roooral. 715. Qu. y/&rcQ cev #t'yp, I qpYi'ovora (or ftv?5govra) -. Or zo5%"' ""V 7oct7?p -. Cf. Ear. Med. 785. xcxico~ OXErct 7rag 0' "g "v aiyp n qng. Or thus: XE(Qn'c n5cdvOtQ vlipI qP#F~tQcLV ra'716. Hermann explains: "ex illa sagitta (suh. rou c'rQc~wrov) atrum sanguinis virus per vulnus transfusum quomodo non Herculem. quoquc perdet?" So also Schan. Dind. The concurrence in the same sentence of,roi3&c oE and xo'v&l, applied to different objects, is observable. 717. 16g irtaroijg gE'xQ] I. e. 16g ttsla'y~o~og 573. Hermann objects to atgazeoi3g, but I think tog afttaroig is a far better reading than tAg cailtarog, which latter however may perhaps be defended by a'ttcatoc apayi~v.,Esch. Ag. 1389. Qu. acpay6vc~t~5v 8tik c4 #76g 6gat~croi gi,Ug) Cf. Ovid. Met. IX. 154. 'imbutarn Nesseo sangine vestemi.' 173. 'cawruleusque fluit toto de corpore sudor.' 718. Plnt. Ep. VII. 328 B. ri'v 6' 1?6n7v 80'S~v -,t'Xt q(po'p. Giorg. 469 C. xra rc 7 rq'v 14u~v 84acv. = -0 I I ADDJ)-ND )A. 720. So SLd (Xen. An. ]IfL~. 9.,(7O1~~ pi~iii,\1C. II 71'~ atld GvI) OQLLfj (1thcocr. XXV. 251.), &c. 721. Euir. Pirith. Fr. VIII. ov'xoTv T' aL ' ~v Y.QtGGO6v 1GT q a kJ rzaxcdg. Id. aczvchv CI czv q tti'i) ov 2Z V TVXEGTFQ03 I 'j ~cV 'TO 7'Z V tIeoFggv Zar' ~ grv xacog~. On the contrary Euir. Iph. A. 1241. xccxu5t ~ijvXQ GOV #a,c~Vtt zaXLOg. 723. -'-'yca (Ystv' Cf. 706. OQLO~ 6~ u' ~-Qyov dtvO'v Esttqyaau"VqV. 726. Omit in note the words "I read 7reo~,tvot." Cf. Eur. IHec. 370. OVX t'~lT't6og yXQ ov"TF Tov OO0flg oQ'6 I 'OZQO 7L, TriL"V, (J VT 7r&a ~t XQ ZEscit. Ag. 994. ov' xo zrcv E"Xcov E'Xtd~Og pfl~ov #Qac~og. 728. Plut. Num. p. 77 C. roy fL~v AvxiVXQyov 7t~EQ~ XcUi 0QZ(0GLg vv~tcpsvovTOg. As Sophocles could easily have written 7 riELtQO, 77-, or ZC~MFLQ' ~Ef', I Z9 —, it seemis very improbable that he should have preferred 7drsE'7Ua1, r' -. Cf.,Esch. Ag. 1365. 7 LnTrE'e yo',Q ~toi~Qc 731. I am not fully satisfied that %QS'vov is not the true reading. Cf. 248. ToSv ~LEv nlsc~drov (xQ0vov). Aj. 311. Xol To'v gfry 'qTGO zU~rrov Mp~oyyoq y(OSvov. Ph. 84. To'v lotzrv X9dvov. 1114. TOyv i'Goy XQ0VoV. thcl. Prom. 447. T 'v frkaxqOv XQ ov. Ag. 607.?Q T'V 7rro2.v -XQOVOV. 734. I suspect that the true reading is, c5'g &v f~v TQLJJV e' F03ovda rr v. Thc. usual phrase is '~~v xet(Zv, not 'E'v?x rptcZv. Cf. Aj 88. q#E-.02'a Cel (XV{TOQg W~V TVX,,Ev. CEd. 1R. 1348. Ph. 1239. 738. Qu. zeog rT 6E\ aTvy~egEu 742. Cf. Eur. Or. 1031. #voV4'tt# ov', ortv TE ~L (read ~tl'j ol') G9TSELVFt Xax2W. 743. Add Asch. Eumi. 329. Zcarq Tcd' E'' '~~?1'Qav~t. Suppl. 8C). 1tu xeccva~ zQ(dyfrc TxI2'tsov. Eur. Or. 1023. osv - TEFQactg Ta' XQ(XV#'VT' The correction %Qcav#,\v is very p~robable; but, as rpczv#1\v also -yields a. gWood sense, I have not ventured to alter the common reading. We find the aorist E'pO2v~qv CEd. R. 5215. 1485. ~sch. Pers. 256. Eur. Herc. 804. 746. Herod. If. 148. T&X ttr\9 (XV'TOE aqq,9atfrvot IEtyOllrV,~ Ta, dF\ yorta CvvqfLrvotFa a.. 748. So 4tEY1Ltg for #E2.!tLg L. in 333. Perhaps 1r~rs.Cf. on 17. 750. The construction of the passage is noticed by the Scholiast as Y.cZLV07tQtl~rq g. 752. Cf. 237. "T4 rtL FEGT Ev5'3otit ICV#' 09QL~ETc P fO~fLOV TO.?)I T' 754. Philostratus also (p. 257.) has gcottv' O'Q'cEv. Cf. Eur. Ilec. 16. Fur. Andr. 1069. fr52.(X q 22c~~ (QTGlaX 7(L'vfcT 755. "La'les ob desiderium (tandem aliquando expletum)." Sc/sn. 757. cU7r' oitrcovl I. e. from Trachis. otxncoq] He is called S' ~Fv above 531. According to the Schioliast Lichas was said to have been 61VTVQOqO "'TA2og; according- to others(v Sebol. Apoll. Rhsod. I. 1212.) he was his educator. Should we read here S, Vvog Aizcrg? 762. 7rqoa~ye] Led to the altar. 764. xarTTVZXcTo] Cf. Aj. 492. CEd. R. 246. '(Ed. C. 1575. In which passages however an infinitive is added. KcZT?7QXtT0, as proposed by Mcineke, would require, if I mistake not, the addition of somie genitive, as,roil E~ecov. Cf. Eur. Iph. T. 40. Y.TcaQZOUe~L gr&y, Gqcryta U A2.Zottv ~r?2.t. Phoen. 582. xaca~,u #vaa(TC)V. Hom. OW. y'. 445. IlLAYDES, Sophocles' Trachiniae. 20 306, A 1) 1)_E N I I ik, 7-64. Stat. Theb. X1. 2506. etoa incepta lancen lbaitaqee~ I//oe/rab 766. cp cc~Qk Cf. Ant. 1020. Ir~nw pFXo'c 767. 7tQoaTZTvGa-rtU 7ThP,,v~uGLv -J C f. 833. 8 37. I0 5 3. O vid. MetI. IX. 168. 'aol liwret 7nenmbris t us/ra tentaWa revelli, aut laceros ar/tn 4l grandia delegit ossa.' 768. ~Axi`Xo?~o3 zgnxovog Could hardly be said, though c'rtyxQtaTOt TkZxOV09 might (as 'EQtvrcOV vrgcewrov (qCt'tj)qarQov 1051.). I have therefore given cLQg 1?v rgxrovog, which might easily htave, been corrupteJl into Cf. Aj. 998. 4si~x ycx'q Gov Puc~tg, co' 4fEOo5 TtVoq (9aEOi' '1z TtV5'?) ctrj)A ~A~uo~ IrVrc 769. ~'Aircv,wv' &Q#Qov after 7r2~EveuLGLv seems superfluous. Qu. Xi~revu~rvxcr ',G ~#Ev (or some other verb) O'grioJv 1 67U c~vi~uruao~.Cf. Ph. 1208. xeQtr G1ro' 7r"uVrce xat U"frQcu tr4uo %S'. 770. For '(ay~tt' u ~u~~ Cf. 1254. 7r(iv? -FssV 1 6"Q Piov rq rtv otcrgov. Unless indeed we read there c'dauyov. We find the form o0'Ya'~Ev Fr. 708. xa~dlav Wodcyyivog. 771. Eur. Ton. 1024. dcntovrTo-v log. Ovid. Met. TX. 158. 'Lernaw, virus Eckidnce.' All that we can infer front v. 934 is that Hyllus learnt that his mother used the baneful miedicamient unconscious of its fatal ilearacler. There, was nothing to prevent him knowing (perhaps froin tradition, perhaps fronit surmise) that the effects hie witnessed were those of the Hydra's poison. Iu any ease Hylhis could see a. similarity itt the effects of the imedicated robe to those of the Hydra. Ilie wvould therefore naturtinlv 5uspeelt timt tlte calainity hie witnessed was the work of' this- venontl. limit, if HIIIlln was sto well aware of the virulent tnatutre of thiis p)oisont, how\\ it is that Deianira was ignorant of it? Probably site was ntore or less aNN are of it, lint she was overpersuaded and deceived b~y the Centautr and[ that in a. muatter whicit most deeply concerned her. 1 have therefore recalled the reading of the mss. Moreover instead of 10' C~L) the sense would require to oreor rather (L%,7rvQ tog. So Arist. Vesp. 713. oitaot, r(` iroa cGirSQ 2N5QTj ~Lov x/.uc 'r~j Xtteog VcrTcUXsrutz Nub, 1279. r~v yi).ov toace rEGEE6#UfcLc [Lot 6n0V.Eti. Phynielt. Pleuron. Fr. I. irvdiu 6' -7rcvrca YtuiitaI.rov t)-tce,U ayotg CPU.o "cdaivvro yvulhotg. Pr.1IL. wxsicz 6s VLV qrp ur0c'6ro /Esch. Cho. 280. C'yQI'atg yvcz419otg I t)qrjvag sl_~,Jovrcsg c Q~cdsV (Pvatv. 772. Cf. CEd. R. 802. r~titkig O Tz "~V 'sOE~,Vm'oe -- nEr~xcg, I vras&0o' ttot - ~vv,~vrb'cov. 720. 773. ro'v oi'6v ai'rtov' rot' Gao %cZ.ovj 'flint who lied no s/mare int your evil design.' But I would read ToVtrOV for Tob co0n. 775. Cf. (Ed. C. 1580. Zs~~ag Oldt'irovv O'Zw1ora. 'Ov might easily have slipt out after acdv, and the article htave beett foisted in to prop up the metre. If the common reading be right, we mnust supply?'vvyxtVc fromn the preceding lvyxyo5, for the words cannot itmean, as tltey stand, 'lie said it was your gjift alone.' Cf. on CEd. C. 1210. 779. ""Qaov] Sc. iro~o'. Cf. Plt. 1202. 4mo, tob zod'ga",Qov. GMd. R. 718. UQ#9Qu - itodoi'v. 103~2. itodclv - EXQ#ih(. 781. Cf. Arist. Eccl. 818. jtcGTjqv cixrJQqa T7V yvix"o Ecx~S cov. Eur. Phoen. 1199. s-'x &i n ct'~xcav I 1~cqvd~ovj.ro ZOJQti Xm~kcov ~~1 xo~tat p~v ig "O~v~ttzov, ar~ta 6' Ig 4X#Ovcz. Graff eonj: 13024, - Quy";VZrog atlf.urOar"YOV9. hwIlmow=lmsmvFWA399affliwi%MRF-MKM ADI)ENLDA. 1i 1) () 7 782. bor ILEo i.(d ~ 17.~ ft tAz OLj3O Ua j'Cdy~csrog r /,syro. 1495. El. (367. Aj. 1,0719. 783. I.Lsch. Fr. 184H1. 7rcitv'?vq7tr si' 784. TOV ttrv refers, to Hercufles, zore 6,s to Lichas. Cf. 950-1. 786. Horn. Od. 11, 598. 7r~ov&4 -e2.iv). V~o 1&cg cUvcza4r. 788. The Locri Epicnemirdii arle ineant. The distance from the Ceiiean promontory, the nearest point of Eimboea, to the, heights of the Locri, would he ahout twenty English miles. Ahove, 752..EXVjo%'" &'s/.ov I.Kq'VcdOV. In text for Ev'Poi',~ correct 792. So Eur. Ph. 75. zc6o 'A46'QC'rov lapc43v. 798. "Cf. Fr. 868. 9'a~ivOvrt (ss co apv hva av F eo tr' Lz,. Eur. Ph. 1283. 4'cMvoi~t Y' a'~ v Eoiac~~Laofc. Slmppl. 1007. Gvv4JvxuEv 4#iVaova p'1ots." Schn. 799. Cf. 1254. (cg - 7~ rv~c'v tF~i b~ Aj. 1 1 10. T v6' Y -' - i xcuqpcg?ycd 43'?co). Hermann explains tt#F 'depone.' If we read tt'#g the position of ~tc, is rather awkward. Cf. (lEd. R. 1412. x~ep'ar' g"V#CC 800. "Differunt Ihacc sic uit 0oirov tts tcqrt OisCcat sit ubi nemzo me videat, 0"'rov UEr OV'xLg OVEsat u/ib nemo me videbit." Dind. Cf. on 576. Qto. 07rov UE lt4 ug OVErat l3Qori~v;F"rt (or nrOx~. "Eut might easily have slipt, out hefore the following,l 6', and the gloss lvraiO' have slipt in to fill up the metre. 806. Cf. 305. rsG(T61 yE ~(0a6n 'r. Ph. 412. om'% "3v gt ~cv. CEd. 1R. 1045. qj,dar' g~tL ~jov; Natick proposes #v 'axovr Ego'lpEg#. 809. Perhaps IzEqXpcer '[ impr-ecate' ineans something stronger than the mere wish that is conveyed in the words o70V GE Zrotvtpog &C. 810. Cf. Eur. Hec. 825. KV57rQtV lrQOPdXeI,-,v. Hermn: 'qutoniamz tu mihi hoc fas obtulisti (Herculem necans), h. e. dedisti ut hoe fas esset.' Translate: since you have hold out to me the right, i. e. have imade it lawful for me to utter this imprecation. I incline however to the correction xr'v& ~'Qev, i. e. 'since you heave thrown out to me (have challenged mne to) this dispute.' 815. 1. e.?IrovQIGCL (Arist. Th. 1226). 817. Cf. 1065. xcet p ro ovrog O czt nlQE635vE)G i nEov. Etr. Tro. 1233. r x?'4uov luec ovpe rva, ya 6' Ov. Eur. flec. 487. Oj Zsi, 1 Xr c; I5 CZ a' v'9oZOVg OQev, 60ocZv aX"Ucog 68 x~wrxa~auttu'rrv ] /mv6~, 6oxomvrceg 6cap6vcOv Eivat M/og -; Eur. Fr. 362, 27. vg~xva t g p ' A wr' Ucog 1v 7r0).5e 7rsrvxuva. For o"/yov qu. X 6Lznov. Ad J. 860. 7rcczrqo5ov xt6c' f ~c'Qov. Ant. 7941. ivstxog cl66QO~v ~VvcarUov. El. 1390. Toipv'1' (PQCV6OV OVCL-QOV. 821.,7duo( XCaiQov6cU] Eur. Ale. 829. ZcdQoWv t`O'. Med. 754. Xa(Qcov 7roqEvov. Both Xat'QO6Ua and tEQmpLv are uttered with hitter irony. Cf. Ear. Phmen. 618. ttjrs, aZ,2c aot ai G eis 10. xaeralz yoibv 7rc'6axw, For -qoqp4 write grQoqm' cc'. Schol: O, XOQo' ze~ QW4?~ca 6tal?"EyTct 7t.EQt TuOV 6lsclopmVOe pen'xso S'H1QC5YJW?V Trj ~Jcodlc vr, grt vi~v 'n 3iq. 20 ~ Cf. Eur. Ph. 1717. axoQ'G0 ",AO ( ~ut -otlo ir~rtvc~ru I. -N aI ii~'k ItspeI, ITQOG~'tLL1tV. But cf. 01.I.. 507i I aU;c/ d4 U~ 7TU;.Up'CPUTL Iqef fXUVI 8 2 2). TlI e o raIc I e i sclded 114 i /& (I vu"izrru 11-65, and[ is opposed roi~ 7(c.L/t 24. Ct. 11l5 ao t s ((01 6, Q( Xp~ %QOVCO)T 7(0 (VT1, '- HpC(Gx( a6it'+'1tY rt4'~'rgT)'-oirtiOt;vOL;V r X4ECIICL. 169. To a Ty TGuta' &c. Eur O r. 323. re Io()og "7ro (CTL ortr o, (Ii o i3o~ Cr.,, (6/~~& Ilacch. 1331. Z'jfo yut.Ji-o'. InI Iferodlotls, 6 %QfGuog 7~ T cdf 6 In faivour of a T cf. (L~d C. 1424. dgas Tc ro~(Y' o~v' cog OQ 'v Nr b Ec~t1 tur~vaa49 og (not cecpcp 0Crt0 - ~t~t 6o47 Ir Q 0; Qu. ~ 'Xg x (SC. 3l~o 825. Eur. Iph. T. 92. au rrv o a'g IV 7rOv CO V. S Chol:TG' UV0 X c rv'coyv,,Fva#at Tiar 'v(OV ov rIc; 2~f Wh io would seem to have read 7r5JEiv 826. Qu. xco ALo~g U6V'r (TOV UQOTOV) MNc. Or roi Kyov1['>co (g,-. Jto'g) 7rcta6t'.I do not see the force of aV'r0'7rat14 he~re. herciiles is uisually called simply 7(LYL Jo' or the like. 828. Eur. PheePn. 309. 4j' 7rOV CX'rVOVG1,. 831. Pind. N. IX. 89. (povoul vrqTX civ. 833. Cf. 768. 7(Qoa7rrVG W( 72.VQLCV aQTt t l.0g %LT&)V 1l~ s (eqQaoV. Eur. Andr. 1137. O'~v# 'xro) 7r(2,ve'e1 IrPff6ltVO0 T1'7TTIl. 834. Eaur. Ph(en. 658. /~6~atov F'rVc rzz~to ttari(. [f Soph. had intended to repeat the same ve~rb, lie, wvould (lonbtless hiave written either ov trE'xo (se. fttr) #'vccrog, XSXSETO ~,or or1 T'EXE 4icttrrog', TrxE (J' -.But neither of these suits the mnetre, which s-hould he -,~,-,- (as in 824. 825. 835.). Tlherefore, Lobeck's correction 'rt seems right. Cf. Eur. Pht-iie. 1.5921. P~ ).ijc~ ori'r, '"v i'1aZ' 'AtcYa, 6'7rc/6r 4' "AQ' -835. Qui. 7rjig 06' c'zr,-r q~ceo~ tr~QOV 'r]1(ol P;3.rot. Cf. Ant. 84)9. 7P UTOV g(t'jL?045 2JruGeo1VGcz 'F~i.'v. Or zco; cc4 t i0U S'TEQOV ceruecz 'I z6o vriv i"'Yot- Or 7r-O 't"' C'I' a''ov &-c. The pronouin 66) seems suiperHthous after the preceding arqm. The form "'&tg* occurs again Ant. 100. 809. We cannot with Schneid. understand "v before TUVVV V~o TUV V). CIf. Ant. 1333. o',rawg aaaJ' (c~ &X2. Fltio,. C~d. R. 831. u 6~r -I L'6otttL X1/V'7v Lqt"Qc/v. El. 380. -,V#Uc ftt' 7IO# q2.ov 1 p'E Z7QOGO?'H11-. l:~li 663. ~ ~j r12dou r6& deaopav faoto (cectog tt6vog 6EcoYxU.c~ 837. Schol: 7(qoGX o2.2rJ!I0tvorc 7(0 L Tni s6\ca~. Cf. Eur. OJr. 3-1. UyQL" oevVrxczxri vo6co. Schol. on 768. ce1' cz1V -. l(QOGELTj FoG~~6/ r ag~Q( Hermann corrects UzQ#QL/, of which Schneid. approves. 838. Dindorf's conjecture ~~cY~awrt is ouit of the question, as the robe h~esmeared with the venom of the Hydra could not with any propriety he called V''8a ~U'avc. We require some such word as ai'ucert. Somne may"I defend Tac6tta/x here by T"'tt"c Tc/VQoV 508. Undoubtedly t'(c~u ~cpa' ttcert might he uased as a, poetic periphrasis for the simple, V~~a hut thuis would he unsuitable here, since it is not -the hydra itself, but thje poison from the Hydra that Herc-ules has to contend with. I doubt if Qpc"'ULatr could be used here without the addition of iou3, ais in v. 574. Pcrh'aps, therefore the safest correction is et'lkatzr. We -find C'va'iycc ~Esch. Sept. 239. "&tttJy~si Nicand. Ther. 91-2. 839. The words vigov V9 v"7ro are placed in a separate line in L. Cf. 521. YIET&Itacv OUO'Evxc/ 7().1JYll/Tc. Cf. 832. 6o~o7(ote' cv"zrety. 850. d'o~ltra -~ 14/xav. Qu. #Yrj(6g 62o'o0'(oroV vxrxT' -. l1oni. 11. (3'. 273. 0100 q5Q0VO~ 17'6f01V. 2Eschi. Itroai. 619. roe 0~ ettvquc/r, fU. xy'oeG (ci. 8432.) A 1 )1 tEINI )A F/ I (1) 6! T01TJ to7-, -'., Ihavc itiarked a ua te Of iliterrogat ion after 7rtucvc nta tatr~qcr leause Of the, correlatfive par11tlcle"s 'V 1n1 ( 6 wh~ich cannot 1.tii detached from nt1 a iothier. -t2. CfT. 812. aE y~rifv -- (32.c'grv. ~413. Eur. Plicm. 35,3. Yc~Icnv 1(:rU.rcxrv circir. Ovidl. Mot. IX. 1 H. neeiqefov'(t perterrita famea 4.c.~ 84-1. 7r~o6'Pci2.tvj Cf. 580. 7r~o~fa1oVG~ Oa"i Iro (4 -vog ti~i~r. 1138. Ott 7)7L~i7!X dovoY.Oa irQog3rtLttV 6&l~~EVI U67nttz)~i"r.%. rog irpOW6t To;"-, 1tv~ov (V og)7"~Ovg. Ilerumann explains 'alicunde cognitata perniciene' (se. aib HIylo). 846. Eur. Phomn. 389. j iroe Grt~VOcat T~fllLOVctq rpvYrtg ttarg. 847. Eur. Hld. 1205. %X)LoQoig xTF r~;yyt 6ageva, rrjv Ta? 848. 'Q4~v, like aterj q rig, &e., from 'yv vat 'to breake.' 849. Cf. Eur. Or. 849. oi'~Uot, 7rQoa5~X0'tv 14 g flV (PpO~otfaivrj TrjXolPtqv yootg. 850. (Ed. R,. 713. Co cctxo'v q'~ot gioe~cc 7reo' 7ctd(o~g lvtv.FL Or. 967. W'g 7raQ' t7rt6ag t~ oifQctOa3dv C. 8501. a' &' FQotivct pLotrce -] 'And 11e imipending event, points to (he0 -tokiens) a: treacherouts and terrible calamtity.' 852. Pint. Mfar. 19. 0 XOQ Og QsqYVVCL ZkYU%. 8533. For the gem. dtvc~tpeo~v after In.r4'oDsv cf. El. 908. tt; To? T' try cUyXU~cctcr 7rk'v -AELvov arolttv. Qu. c'vc('Qatov, to agree with Trr&9oq. Cf. 6141. oivx U'vciwc'cv - ttcvaX5'. Herodl. V. 89. 7r,o2v#hhct ir~o' Alytvp — tov Uagt~ar. IX. 37. 0)' ZErOV#O5xt- 71ol2.& Xctt "ZVU`ctQ6 vn VTV 854. The poetie word 52OQ'a son' oeeenrs Eur. Andr. 1033". 856. " KsEctv v voeat X6y~qv propter funesturn belli istiis- eventumi.' I/erie. In the Hercul~es Furens the bow is the weapon with whielh the hero is represented as having taken Wlchalia. 0X"yc - fQl Baeehyl. Fr. 12. 1'YXsc?~0yXCOT. 857. Perhaps we shoukld read, &'. xc'vds.9Oai vJ~tcprv (%'55Qrv) 6,rqy~cty ut7cv~ a~r 'OiX&Uctg Zr2.cTr. Or t'4 rctv'' 'oloc'v vs ciPv - ciXpui. Aceording, to whieh arrangement the syllable 7rov will be long ill vv. o846 — 7. Or a~ x~'U'.v v;,crpav ('the fatal damsel') &e. 859. cd`Xtt,] Herod. V. 94. 2;1Yytov, To' -ilt IlsEt&GrarciOg Utyltq. 860. Similarly Pinch. Fr. 87, 1. 'tcp~i`7r0oto IMseobg. Hence c'11cpr!T.Okttv XtVt (Ed. C. 680. 861. Perhaps ic'vcivdog refers to Hercules' clandestine love of Job0. 862. x~ov6' &rpjivK 7rQcttrcoq] Cf. 251. ZUv' OTOV 7mQcToQ ~CiVyq. 863. Before this line some explanation of the Nurse, as she rushes fr-om the house,7 such as INS ttoti goto in El. 7 7. Aj. 974, appears to have, slipt out, as Meineke remarks. 866. Cf. (Ed. C. 1500. rtg UiV 7tCZ Q vlov ()VXOtV2 flZEtxat Xt~Oe, Iaa 1p)]g uLFv aisrCov, 1,rcpcv~ 'g M roy ~ivov; El. 17. E5ci xtvsi7 (PCyp~rc 5~vt inv aacpqn. Qu. xcd tt yciv. Eur. Med. 1145. TjXl5v 0OXolvy~ig p4tciYV XwOVvov. Phil. 419. C'CUZX& xci jtdyci ffUXlvovx Eier..~e.Prom. 661. cii'oXogrS'trovg XQ, O, i~~LO~ Qu1. &arcizrsic (Fur. Or. 1490). Or rather xcii ttdFycv. Aj. 851. It"'YaV Y.coxvro~v. Fur. Mled. 1173.?IjXtV - ~Ldycrv XCOXVxov. 867. Eur. Tro. 889. ti3Xcg cog EUcdvL1cg #t,FCV. Pir. Fr. 6,2 r~v&' ixc'vrtav Udyov. ~Esch. Ag. 1041. Cho. 485. 873. Natick with some reason suspects Yxcavo7rot-q#1Cr. Should we readl xritvov ~v 60itotgn? Or Xtrqonotn~iv (891. Z~ttonrotrt ri xcA). , )l 1)11N I)A 85Eu. I~ld. I lI) oS& ~rO'Yc LtGi1~ooco OVv G6r&Vu~f qt TCUaI )7Yt(i~T0. 878. Perhaps heret oo we should reald co rcAwa as iln the siliitiir plissage (Ed. I1?. 1236). 879. Qlt. GY~rFTU 7i 7r( T nV ir ai v. Or05.trrv7 (Q I' Or axsFrU aV E7r Qc U TOCI ~ tv. For irXQd-~ C1'. 1521. 29-1. Aj. 790. 7921. Ant.13. Eur. Hecc. 689. ryc cc QLL9o 'DT~s~ r'v t -7r'TtL(p nsccict; 7TQOg rf'vos 6V#QW07rco)v; 762. 4#v jexu 615 7(9g OV 4C toy z tVO 0 7rOrtCO7V rVXOV: 880. Cf. 295. rfj6 TOT)TO GiV7T Q~'XEc (Ed. C. 160. -AAv6o oc' ~ r~ L,,ltw~tcV irocoi' (SVfLLYZL GVVTOQ~X5L. 1Biut -1 (10 not thtink ~vv5Xqs'XH. can possibly be right here. I incline to ~vyxvQEc or ~v[L7 xvsc. Cf. (Ed. IL 113. zorw (c C,'?v otxiho 6 vgi'rs (p5vq; Aj. 429..cxico[i rotoe66E gvttnErco~xo'ra. Em'. Ipii. T. 1210. 6vvavTcoacv cpovco. O r-r o ttoQOv V ryxcvse. Ant. 465. roads rofl u'QOV rvxeov. 881. &mlq vcv 7'7axcoa Wand. (v. Emend. p. 101 f.'. We find ct a~~o ~Esch. Prom. 668. ati'eco Eur, Blee. 31. rj eg _;Esel. Pers. 470, in Iamibic trimeters. Also a(Grof in a chorus Prom. 151. 881 - 6. These lines aire miserably corrupt or interpolated, the mletre in consequence, being very uncertain. Wander reads thus: XO. avt~ 1V0a0C; TP. ixc'v6" - 6vvsf~E. XO. 7trcg - ttvcu; See his Emend. p. 102f. Qu. 91vp0'?'I rvog cvra'v (rc'vd') alyttc' (3s)~sog xxov Or #vttg rtvog voGovgaV aZIXtt~ (3E'Sog xlz%OV v.1' ccL.; Or qf'v~tm ij rLVovOG v066ayv atxtta Pif2Eoq xczxov vcv E[4 (or yvvcdm,'. Uavst~); Or #VttL n 0 v go ad~d 4 C' xcervo, vcv ct'AE (El. 5218.?77'QJL1C1 vtV ~RE); Or- Gcp tzvst2,s (Aj. 237); Or #v'vo5g r' v6aog I (QEPcv cdyXaci Or #vttdg voao~aav I cdyi"6 -; Or thus: 5evrrjv 6tcqxcc(GV. XO. d, L #vpo~ ir xcvog - For xc'voY' a1Xa(X'v (xi46' cdy~v&v lemmia scliol.`) perhaps xu 72 aitcp No'aot can hardly be rigrht here, unless it be understood of mnental derangement. The words rtvng vaoco rcevd' appear to me a corruption of xi'vog (or rtvog) av'rcllv. 883. Pind. N. VI. 54. cz'%pui j"YZEog. X. 60. 2~oy~c cag~ P. IX. 81. qcpaycuvov 5ccc&. Eastathius p. ~243, 9 cites a1Xu?'v P~3gasog from some Tragedian, used of the mutilation of (Edipus' eyes. 884. Cf. 1063. fLo'vf ttc5 di'~ ncanf.-n cPUoyc/.Vov &dcz. For xci'op dvvnf21E I suspect we should read yvvC6tmc x vfn 886. Perhaps - ac'va~rov; TP. U'VVacacU~LV c6vuTovOFVTOg &C. 887. Ear. Or. 1099. cpixaycv0v 'rotticq. 888. Macic~ means 'a merse' Fr. 782. Eur. Hipp. 243". 311. Old women, especially nurses, are thus -addressed, as Eurycleia in Od. x. 0357. 482. 500. fLCL(, 11 ttL E'*i t OE6; (v cI L QE(PEg avvn I-( 7t ttce~c5. (3'. 349. 372. v'. 129. Vp'. 11. &c. Cf. H. Cer. 147. My conjecture is confirmed by the reading ttUTcdc in L. Qu. co rc~c'avcz. In favour of co itCaVatlf we find tcccrc'Ov 6Yov~g (Ed. C. 780. For cOT ptc'.rad cf. Ear. Med. 152. c6 fvccrcdc. 334. 'QT, cm pcrrwaa Xw't U U~tt'aaov 7ro'vcov. 955. 2Esch. Prom. 1007. A formula conveying a gentle expostulation. 889. Cf. CEd. C. 833. zi4ci5fc.grj. 890. Tig qVCsv; qpa' drr Wund. 891. X~cQonrocfT69 occurs Herod. I. 195. IL. 149. Thlin. 11. 77. Xeii. Anab. IV. 2. 5. 897. Qu. - -`'d~czasv (so L. pr.), cdxVT' G~v pxc"ct~a. Kc'qtu after ttRvseems hardly right. The reading 1?Trsi' 7raQSJflS is not to be lighitly displaced. Cf. (Ed. 1R. 1241. 0"`ro0 MX5y ~o~vj7cQjW MO I6c all MP% At)DENIA..311 '~tj vo~. (Were howeverwe fiad also tile, y7't.% El. 13,37. nui'ec,,- ~ (1. oil Aj. 634. Ph). 1337. Enr. Here~ 1i37 898. Ea]t. 'Med. 1306. ol'yy.:"rt-v -rtg ro~ir' ("Yv'E)Ikvi~ yvv~! ~7rkr 7ro#.,10l. LDindorf cxpl-ihi~ 1'v b,~~ / /11mo% coil. 203. Schneidewvin siis118c~ Oti(a. dN ~ 7 tv ti1 r' o v"Y, "1;ttsvc, -/(Y erilyca recc 7rop E GTOQtOC.;Ut T HV~rQIII xa'irflczg. - dce a QI Ce v0 EG a V '60co, 2 E~ FyxovEovectt. Theocr. VI. 33. GroQiG5LV xcLwcy 6ictea T166' 17rt V(X'60J. XIII..1313. tidav GroQ~GUVTO zacqc~Vvav. XVII. 133. tEv 6 ~izo; aCTQVVGLV iccv"ltcv /AqVt Xca HQ,.XXI 33. EVa ~GOQVIVVXO. InLatin, 'senr et~. Ilermauin explains this: '?t staiii rcdirct -ad ecrciIpieode/a pa/relit.' Diindorf: 'ut obvijam iret patri (qiiem statiio advelitirini esse Ilyllus dixerat v. 805), ewizue1f/ bi lMcto cofhnfflode prafJparato collocaiidwit cttraret.` Cf. (Ed. 11". 4331. O"'pOegg oihcov rl~v, Uor0Tar cCPEst Gz~t. Ant. 386.?n80~ko Ceoppoq - nrs&. 'AVpoQQov is -used adverbially El. 53. 8t' 5poepov 't~joUntV rcZu'v 143'0. and perhaps Aj. 369. Qu. oirc~ vgog EPQO EjL5ot 7iCZrcriQ. (Ear. Hlee. 915.?7rc5~fcvtov c tg igottt' cg Ev'veiv. Med. 1167. #Q 'VO~tV?jrirEaO~GG.) Or irg~g OVLV cavrxp oilconop(. Or orrcog -Voe(Ogt 6E.1fOt 71X?79 "Contrario vitio librarii non raro yv(;qrv. 0c(crjv, P3tco)rjv (A ri st. RWjin. 177) scripserunt pro -oiq~v." Dilid. A/vxT~v gove'rns a genitive (Ed. C. 1445. a' vTrjaca xctxjov. 903. "I. e. in interiorem doimns partem." Dbi(d. Q U. i',v~ # a r tg 0hpsrci. We should have expected the opt. future 0zoras in (Ed. Ri. 796. 908 f. Cf. Ear. Ale. 129. 7rc~vrs4 8' E`Xtyov ol~xcrt -CI nax&quycg GirocV1Xv ol Xsr~tovxig. a' E~tv I n0vrri2t' 'X C9, IXOVug rjv oVrG xab, Ov oi'7 ogC,~r~ Ec v it rpoa pqJ7'# zrc1Xtv. Wunder understands o x~ruiv here of the entire houshould, including the children, as Herodotuis (VIII. 106) includes fin1der this term both wife and children. 910. Watnder's correction a5rV -q?1yzaovjd~vq must, I think, be right. Cf. El. 778. iyxa~ov prot 96vo~vg 7rerctqC0ovg, The mniddle voice has htere its proper signification. Deianira, npbraids herself as the author of li er sad condition. The common reading would be very tame. Cf. Eur. Med. 1314. EtOA E TO'V ILOT' S6U(tjioV Ucdc IV tv ' 911. Xcdt Tc~ -] This seems to depend on E94ctsv, not on 'yxciXov-,uEv rj. Cf. Eur. Iph. T. 697. ovr ccirctc 56ittog I zarp63og os'pr~g?4aX.tiP0E' rox U~V. Hermann gives xatxrag 67rat6ag -os'at'ag. Qau. x l zog a7tuiTOQa TE TO ~otno'v op2Tuvov'g. Or xaci xorysrictqpcavoig. (Cf. Aj. 653. 7rcatdc' x' 0'pcpcv~v Xtn&V. Fr. 680. -ctr' o`Qpccv0'V otxov.) Or xcat 'r t;?QItlyg -,a xcg. Or xce1 rqjv E~p~jov (or 'otxov) - o1Xdczv. Or U % rn~v "vctv~eov (rrv)-E',xfav. Or %at zoivg?pi-tv otnxcrag- Or xcet z04 a~ro'Itov9 I~g TO'V &V(Ypcr ji~avg. 914. (Ed. C. 1650. 4jrnci'rcv 17dontov ZI XP avr~.xovrca niro'g. 916. AEscb. Sept. 1030. xc'jkE %LV8IV'op jc~tAC. Agathias Anth. Pal. V. 276. P"W d1 GoEg orXictccoiaitv (To' xQ 'dqvov). 918. Ear. Or. 583. tdEvsc cY' lv 01' ocg v'ytg E'vcar 'Qtov (Ev vcar. vuig.). 921. Qa1. cog oilP7 7rrj F 454q ' E'jk' - 923. Ear. Baccb. 1089. avvxovocg 6QPopijp1Xta. 9~26. Ect0vvttov1 'Sinisiram', ait cor feriret. Dind. 929. Ear. Pbmcn. 273. xa~xE~E as ia ro' 6Epo.. P) 12 AIMENI)A A:t12 Al )U ( ))E~,a 1arx'p vTJ, ii" Hermanifn also is kkrongo in thinking thm t Iieinnira is 01n:~111)i o f i(~p arsEV. 11er feeling must have been one of grief rather dian of anger. Cf. Eur. Or. 6101. ~tX~ ~c' is~(~~s~ 7t(O 935. I thinkr {xos'aa can hardly be, right, for 7(9~ T-e o -rigo6 oul bave nothing to depend upon. Read urc eo'G np(9 Toa #q(O. (Cf. 111t. 971. 7QO~ nzO)Vf cVSQJV f~Z~OJVEOLXv rp0t cda9c 936. Eur. Hec. 43. ova' U&O'Qnog 1i)1worcat 7rQo'g C66v(v. 937. Qn. ~'Aaj'~v or F`'Zs~Ev, Cf. 912. Eni. Pli-mn. 1600. o1'xrrov a4ui-V 940. Tacit. Ann. IX'. 131. ' tan quamn falsis crindnibus sororent pclivisc-t.~ 941. (Ed. R. 1221. U'vE7rv,,?,g' r~'?x 9E4EV &C. 9 42. Phid. P. VI. 222. 0(pvt~oufvco HI7Eilq. IV. 283. O'QT(pavI YUOgaav on'g Eur. Phoen. 1635. cU'U' i'xr vsc ~c~var ci EQOtrt cev gt'ov; 943. rotcd~rc -] Cf. El. 696. 791. on (IEd. R. 1280. 944. For the repetition of rig (if the reading be correct) ef. Ant. 6819. (au?~'ysc Ttg 77 7rgcaGu rIg. Eur. Or. 1216. pV).cagas 6' r'jv rig, 7ugly rs Ivxp9 cpvg cc0grg &c. Eur. IHec. 1160. s'rgy vcdxcg row 7rptiv EiQfl%i2 xacncag, q?7VvV tiys~t rig &-c. In which P jtSa I g c however there is a separate verb for each -rig, or at least rig refers to different persons. "Ad sententiain quod attinet, rectins fecisset poeta Si seripsisset q. xati tdav rig q't6gcv 2.oyt'~Era.' (find.) Sophocles probably wvrote 'r)j xaci citczv ~,v qlpE`QUV?oyi`~Erat ('so that if any one reckons to live two or even one day'). Or n nZEiovceg ~~v J~t 'Qceg 2~oyrat (With. Harting-). The ~~v, I suspect, slipt out before ',. and then the verse was interpolated to suit the mce tie. But the future infinitive should follow, it would seem, after Aoya rcei, if the sense were 'reckons on living.' So Herod. VII, 176. lloyt'~ovro 17iatrtsi'a~9cet. Cf. Xen. Anab. II. 2. 13. IDindorf adduces Flat. Legg. V. 740 B. rac'ruig (rcZ iartfcg) 6si'v c'sIt roacvrag Etirca %xci yjr,, it ('neither at all',) ur~.'ovg yi`yva4)cetI 'rrr rt' 7vrsr 1X.c'rrovg Soph. Fr. 186. %al tt rl (pLqysr one ins. aq YE the rest) 7tX1i`oV9 TI~OV8' EXELV d8vaqC~ttc'g. 946. Translate: 'before a person gets well over (safe through') the present dog.' For 7r urc, in this modified sense cf. Enr. Or. 1143 5v6 Msvgsro ~cv srvysiv(i. e. ~i~V), reTOv 60'V ME 7ENTE'QU Xca 69 ', pV'v 4Jcvsv. Qu. 7rQtv &a uieag~g (Eur. Here. 830. uo'Xlovg &Ecriurga'. 947 f. Similarly Fur. Hec. 583. c~ #VrycrTsg o `. oh ' g 0 Tt Elip xaxw)v,1, noWav zaeplvrcov. I mark an interrogation after 1?7rtarE`v0o. 948. Qu. 7(OTTrqia 7raI')EU 7rEQotTE'Q(0; 951. Ta56, di would he objectionable after TiY85 ptly.' But rr~ 5 follows well after r"' ply'. Wunder renders: 'hwc vera sollicilw exspecta~nus.' For which use of 17ri v. Wund. ad Ajac. 1240 f. 952~. Eufr. O r. 1 180. X 'y', c g r6 1cfI ~Iov cly '# i'xsi xiv' qdovv. 954. So 'HXExTqVcovog is a quadrisyllable Hes. Scut. 3. 956. As the reading of the antistrophic v. 965 is uncertain, it is advisable to leave ZIL~g here unaltered. Cf. on El. 1097. Fur. Or. 1700. 957. Cf. Horn. Od. a. 100. iE~ccg U'vacYu sso,.'y() c )ixcevov. Xcii. Cyr. VI. 1. 2. 7ra'4z U7a)XrA'Xs r6 97 jlppo. So in Latin' ' nelte exaniajari.l 958. Dindorf explains rtcc~ov solune, i. e, Deianirm-e prm-sidio privatnu. Which is not very probable. Musgrave and Groddeck rightly connect lco~vov (dumtaxat) with k'Gtoo'ace. For podvov Wunder requires souse Al )DENI A. 5 ) Avo)id sigoli yingo 41I1orJufl(idui niorti prvouui,1., A, tr0ch1e is requiredt. S ToVTo 6E xi7t OAq ttr'J XIeQTOV6CU MELV 77"' GtvfzrpOQeg. 960 TIo alfo, copsv can only mean, as llermiann observes, 'to coiue forth fromn a house', as in Ant. 526. El. 109. Unless indeed the sense be, 'is passing before the house.' Qu. cpi~srv aq)s 6E5Qo (or 60'Usov1 GaPE) )Jyovrgtv Ueazrso'v irtv' O'X)ov (or Tt xQ~aUU SC. "'v69COV). Or Xco~QE~ aCpr 6051rtVg (gi. 7ro'g?)?Eiyovatv, if we read qpfth'r~vov in v. 969. Or XcoQcLv vtv " o rter0s V~Q)2Joev. (Provided we retain #cvovxciT in v. ant. 969.) Certainly the pronoun is requiredi somewhere in the sentence. I suspect that Gaqc was eorrntpted into 7ro, and then &VQ~o would easily have passed into d16utcov. 9.61. G67~rsrov] Qn. GGXOirov. Cf. El. 864. &oGX07tog U Xft)3cr. 1315. Aj. 21. Ph. 1111. (Ed. C. 1680. Tr. 246. "Aagz~rog occurs nowhere else, in Soph. Perhaps ~~iyova' a'E'GexoTv #sE'ta (or ffiav vtv). Cf. Eur. Ipfi. T. 232. U'#i6pa-rov #iav. Or 2J'yovati Vmy 7miQO'v #icrttcz. Cf. Fuir. Or. 940 ~qsve ao Ir~iQV T~a~a IF i GrOVe~r &#XW. The subject of %inQEc~v is cixV'r0v (Hereuiles), aarrrov rm iqiet being added in apposition. 962. Herin: 'At qui pro phiqua nee remote flebarn.' 964. Hee. 1052..spv~rrc'v P3c"atv ca#"'cVottat TUcvaE yvvczaxov. 965. Wuinder suspects 7n& 6' ue~ cpon ifVrv, as also what follows, 0cog (pL)ov &,c. The general sense of the passage, he thinks, was this: 'eccec cu7im peregqrinorum turba Herculem hiuc apportat, fit pro auiico sollicita, tardlo gressu absque strepitu incedens.' See his Emend. p. 136 f. Qa. c'yxoii cpo~Efvv. Or 7c2 poQsi'vtv Z ' T(X'ov &c. In 7 & av may perhaps he concealed the word 5~za~cv. Cf. Eair. Ale. 624. 7rqO7oazoLo o v at v a 8~ VhT0'fO0V TE MU 7rVQUiV. 966. Dindorf thinks zox'qdo~iivcv mnay _be preferable. 967. C'eovq~ov - flc'6tvJ Eir. Or'. 136. co' cpc'crcixt yvvctYNig, Sf V no0 IXLo~q1i~, tt"pos~r,~~ i'arco wxi'nog. 140. a~yec afyce, 47irro'v i'vog cz'(PVAXq xiliix, tt Voqmiis,,, fLvf arco xrv7rog. Fuir. Tro. 334. irol~ov q4igovau qptXa',ctxv f3caoacv. Petron. Arb. 'ter ovantei uI circa, detubruam yressuui feret ebria pubes.' We may compare Aj. 14. co q, ~i y t' 'A#c'Vcrg, 971 f. Qu1. c(rOcL?yc, eoi~, 7rc'rEQ, c0'coc 60i (or?yIQ'6) I tciksOg. XL t' #co; re ME~ Pcsacottat; (del. oi'~cot). Or perhaps the last line was, oi'~1or,, xT 7re " a; vi 64C ttnco~cat; The oi' ot v. 972 is omitted in K. Cf. 986. 0i11ot 1r?yc xcz'aco v. Ant. 1341. &rocp ttX~g (Ed. C. 216. r"'ot r 0 re rrwxxvov 4cttv; Fuir. Iph. A. 1287. oi~ lyco, #civc',ov Toi3 Goi ttiEZE'e. Perhaps Go; ~ti2.sog is a gloss. 973. Perhaps we should read here, as in ~sclh. Sept. 1057. vi' 7rcao); rti MI dqca; re d' tirjawotwt; The cofLtot -or o i'cot may be nothing more than the -copcet in ~t~crjeatcz. 974. I sutspect that Soph. wrote ai'yc, 0~vVo Ur %rVra&C~ (so T.). The ov might easily have slipt ouit after.E'xvov. Cf. on 978. 977. Arist. Pac. 607. rO'va 'rvo6(cr rqoirov. Lys. 687. cesxod&~ OQytGjLVt 978. Fuir. Hec. 1073. "Aei %ceto~ov yivog. Baceb. 1112.?,x Bcix~tov 979. Cf. Fur. El. 41. F5'ovr' U)v qnsysrQE rx'v 'Aycqu4tvovog I (poVo. 980. Or - gceo (&irfXsov 7s'v. tliftovi qPQ~jV. 981. Qu. CW.X' F`src (F'iriaxt), ttot &c. 982. Herm: 'feriret mi/ui antimus in, biuuensuui pondus dotoris.' Which is 3.- 14 A P P E N J ),\. ltarlyll intelligibile. 'Nor is dik conistructionl of i7ti NY'ith f~' ~o B Ill. I I &c. i at all. satisfactory. Cf. 325. 'd3 Yvov~c 6i'tpa jcQ. H~rodl. IX. 24. oiuc~oyi -- U'r ) CrTo. Perhaps 13UdQog ct6TrEToi 7 n),olike "(eir —~ro~ 96 occurys 0W~lnere, else inl soph. erl-Imps 'tic rol' q (FeQJV (Sclmn.N is better. 987. I read U%', Dorie as,4c' (984. and ~e'ao~v 986. Cf. uit 10(4. '988. Neither F~tdqq, nor:qv, nor atyrj %Evq tv withlout anri object. is satisfactory. The sense requires something like thlis: c~e' FSi7tov 0602" xQWog l).rqrv (from which perhaps came Tv njjJ ~ v&c ek lein too Justly observes that the sense requires the first person, not tin sense. Qu. c 1'?qzV'&e' (se. 974 f.). Or &Q' q ov Cf. Ph. 1244. ollYFv4aYi,~ go~iv. Buit, as I cannot see myl wary to any JprobahIl( eivinndation, I leave the passage, however corrupt, as I tind it. 989. Cf. (Ed. R. 341. gtyfi GXEyco- KE r#Etv can hardly govern V!7(V0V. Qn. 6Ly 'v zcc~iXuv(15) 993. Eur. Herc. 984. dgqpt' P~t'cav ~~x ~r 994. Qu. EF963v, oi'cev oti'uv?17r1 (or U'z) snot &c. Or EICQC-v otI'u2 oi'e c5 ot- (Arvrva 6toc,'to giee in retutrn.' 47r"vv rctv occurs Gd. 7, 326.) Or ot'uv X"QLv'V Vv~cg (or U",vvoc), o E Or -- O)T Zsc5 ZE~, 0. O'cv, being the emphatic word, shiould head the sentence. Cf. Eur. Hec. 198. o;'cav o7'av ar7 (17ri?) aot 2.5 flciv6iVTt &cettnov. As the xzceng proved to be an evil, this phrase?7d fL' t is not unsuitable here. Cf. Ph. 1139. 06,g?q' ',rtv xdz' lnu 6ux Naucksuspects Zzr( gnot to be an interpolation fromt 981. Certainly the repetition of it is suspicious. We find a'v~tdv Eur. Hoe. 906. 996. Cf. on 1216. ~zQdeGvrn1:tca (7rQ06evfqov?) 8cY. gnot I XU'v QceXEntcv. ti~d.. 767 ox n Ol ovrt 7rpoe4J'6#4th (7rQoa#civctx?) %c'tv. Eur. Bacch. 131.?4avtv6cavxo. The reading?7vveeif~ evidently arose fromn tIn( fusion of "vvecra (written compendiously) with the following c; (,qvJ'1cn Zi', supr. 51, L.). Cf. Phil. 1145. notva'v 7-qVVE~v ot cpi2ong (Elg rp(2.Ovg vul~g.) c5QOya~v. 997. Eur. El. 164. ~n'qma - 2.vyQ v Aiy o #oV 2.SPccv #Egi Or. 1036. 998. 4v -] Sc.,%Qticr.d Cf. on 358. Ph. 1456. Read U"V. 1001. " Quum articulus nomnini primo cuotdog addi per metrum non posset, alteri adjunxit, etsi etiami omisso eo recte habitura esset oratio. Sed addere maluit, quia non simplex x x2jensequitur, sed 'o' - xc1002. Or la'UroQ, 0ocug rs~v' arrjv (TacV6 6eTuv). 1003. sxa-etxsq2.r'ac] Cf. 999. c'x~r;.qrov acuvi'Ce c~v4Jogt004. Cf. Phil. 454. Tqk0'#EV - rov' 'AxTQsi'dix duGoQcv 9JVlczOgant. Plat. Rep. VI. 499 A. r& xogip& 7rr6QQo#FhV U'~a~c~t Eur. Hipp. 102. 7tQoUC0#9FV avrflv csyvog Cnov ae6ra~ognat. Hes. Th. 575. 4#cnc, ME',gn. 581. "Formarum. Doricarumi in toto hloc carinine ratio hwe est ut Ilyllus et senex uis abstineant, Hercules vero iis utatur in anapfestis spondiacis, tit 2'coe yj& 984, XZo'pavi 997, 7n& 1006." Dinzd. Yet we find lg' Q'0y4 1019, lceO&irovov and o'vvav (qu.) 1021. 1005. lirEp 1& pE V6fLaoQO V ~VUGc1, Dind. and (&&1e)Nauck. The same mietre as in 1015. 1025. 1041. Ph. 827. 813. "5-v&gcnt intransitive dictuLm pro EVv&a~ctn", says Dind. in annot. But where do we, find Ev'v~a6t thus used? 10O5h. 1&r~c ttE 8V'6TraVov V vaG6~t Nauck. The v. I. iveualov, myentioned by the Schol., is approved of by Valek. ad Hipp. p. 314, and re AiwwwJ'iai A IDE NDA. 315_ (ciVCul IN \\iid. 1101 othun~s. Seidler huevr vtl reatson thitiks it is nothing Inore thiai -a corruption of &Varevov thouigh it may be adapted to the mnetre by reading i4cW raTceTov uI')Vaaw? FV'VcY64Jc "to res/, 10 sleep' occurs Cd. C. 1571. 1006. zic~ (ewhere, in what pa.2l'1) is~ evidently unsutitable here. Qu. 7ri 7toi' nXUvutg; or irOi' &F' ~It XAUVE; Blit fur' XAIV&tg I suLspect wve should reaid %t,,g 1007. Ph. 817. G`7rd It' 6~eg 4 ir~ogath'Yq. 1008. The imperfect would appear mnore suitable, d Tt xaru~vv (or xci 5uv'cv), but that the penultimate in Esrro, is long. F"or the metre is thin samte as in v. 1030. "'7oripaxog a'y~ta vao'o. Trhe, subjunictive (J" xi sYt' qcam) w~ould follow better after a future thanr a perfect. 1009. ji~rxat ttovl elHas laid hold of nze.' El. 1245. orTOrOr oTzOzoi'. W'] I read sd'W, Donec as '.E)Jtcvcov 1010, (0)E6trcav 1012. &,c. Perhaps ai7#' might be allowable in a hexameter. Qa. c Qd' 11 XEscl. Eum. 477.?1jpiqt sxrog. 301. ptsvt; Apiqxt. Eur. Ale. 270. agxoxr a -- vV '?Vg97rst. For 7rd'#Ev t`6r' we require perhaps some imiperative -in the sense of 7tt QFSgri 'assist mie.' 1010. SChoL1: 7o~, rprjaiv, 4,X~ Ic'ax &C. 1011. Musgrave had already suspected 'E)Xctyvtov, since this xc#aeatj; of Hercules was not confined to Greece, but extended to the whole world. Cf. 1060 f. 1100. Horn. Hymn. v. 4. Pind. Nem. 1. 61 f. Ill. 20 f. Isthmn. III. 73 f. Plut. Thes. 7. lzt xov' ~nav'rxczoi 7rovrjqQoi gicma6ovra Xwacdpstv yjvsld X~t "axcrav. 'E2~avcov probably came from aMVo (i. e. UsV#J(0i7rmv), wvhich Wander has given. 1012. So.Xsch. Ag. 1254. OD iro2U) ~tElv rci~atva, iroXX& 6" a G0994.o ( Eur. Hal. 1345. zkrLva xarn~e 6QL'a nroXvvtcp;U. 1013. For the repetition of oms% before ln7rtq~qpet Dind. compares 159. 1014. Cf. Eur. Phcen. 1572. a6o C Xg~ro)Q, ~t(qsatv P~tcov xcil znvqt - tr zat6'ag -O~a roiig uo '. I cannot believe that Soph. gave ~v~to a s an epithet of F'y~og. Perhaps it refers to xkc'Q. Or did he write ovnrarfrog? The Scholiast does not appear to have read ov'X?7rtLVQ4,pL. Qu. V"Q e ' 9 ct. Apoll. Rh. II. 1216. 0'zin0'xs ot' art 3ae, nop 'axo zQeag. 1015 - 17. and 1024-26. Nauick suspects these should be transposed. 1015. Harm: 'caput e vita to//ere.' But this is a strange expression. I would read: oi',' xsTs~ q~Xis O3ov *1)ht I Zinetv (se. ttE) rov arvySQoV, i. a. "to free mne fromt this life of toil., V. Schol. Wander had proposed U'r~'~g a-nd for #~XEt conjectured that some verb should be restored signifying e lilieralidt. I Cf. Herod. V. 1 12. 6'eir~vq 7r '~g 'rapc~aer6L rev mI"7t Z0VT 'ov 7r O'd U. I 1019. Cf. Eur. Suppl. 1114. rddt 6'i irat'cov sal' 6'j qp~tpdvcov oat 995 txart. 2.c'jEsr% ', Lqlroxot I yqaiczg ctrvoi~g (oi, Yu'Q g vEart IC.? '6V '7G 7r'Ifl'vgo) &C. 9C 7 1020. ai'rc; m-ight easily have passed into 05sttla. in F'Ik-rIrsov some comparative appears to lie hid. 1021. Qu. Xaw9Y7rovov 6" '6V'ivav - 7rrqg I suspect fpt'oxov. Qu. P3Qoxco vt iOV2. (d.11.I'dlotVEr p.T 5. lo 8a'pcdov (so Heath. t'Wm 8cd~tov the mss.). 51 I (; _ D I )I -N, D _- v 1026, i. r Ilipty. 1351. Id 01 zn x"j'.Xr: U Co'e e o 'Va U or 1028. This line ainswers to 1008. U!Prar'roo(~ TI XUai UtVG 1/. t,030, Qa. o 7rcJt roeeS' cerS,60o, in 1018. Or - to r2,Udftwv rlrqien1' (986i), -_. or (0 7rc4, tW 7reC 7rva, TO6& a' UV) ~cop3i~rru, i'i)' Trzai.- Or T~cqrcoV, To(E tt' UT! Zc43&rcet. 1(o' Irai, ICA' vov 1,pt~gavr'- The (Iivision TO'V I pvGUVT (as Hermann and others have edited) is after all hardly more obj.ectionable than to iravrtv - 1009. 1031. Trdcs] Sc. T5' xaxo'v or voerGqta. Cf. 1033. Ph. 788. 822. 758. 1033. I have retained the correction vrOVVQ, though I ianuch dtlout whether it be right. Oi'rweQ is a noun of very rare occurrence, whlereas 0 Viaczg occurs, frequently in Soph. and others. Oi'xTEtq' would appear to have been changed into OIXzTE(Qa by reason of tile following U'v Cf. El. 1411. oi'XTErtQF TnV TEY.ovaav. Aj. 31 0. &c. But oIxxsiecag derives support from Phil. 309. P3OQrY ULfQOg I QG"' I6OgaV OiXr~tlQaVTr~g. Thuc'. VI. 83. G'v8sztriqov~v?ort 7r&Ugtv. VI. 54. Uv,,7rtqp#iv)vw - Plat. lRep. 612 B. ovto) ycnQ ant - Ut~tv57t#9Vo)TctT0v Ebnriiv. Compare U'ctEt5OqTO~. 1035. Qu. 7ratdov ii7r6 xk~jidt g. Or 7rtc YtaTC"' vcqta a'. Cf. lloiii, II. 5'. 579. 1ZYzs vi)~E xcv&T"'~ c rvys~octg. Xoloiiv utve in Homner and others means 'to angel' a person.' 1036. Eur. El. 301. U~yyEW2~ '0Q~ap1 Tcetta' axU'x1v0e xact. iphI. A. 839. Xrpi rc4ca' xyattitvovog. Phcen. 484. roiev',V rs xnni rov~y 1037. "Ubi in utroque imembro est 6, prius est iltind iueinbrium, in quo nomen inest ejus, qui invocatur; posterius in quto epitheta. V. P'hil. 1128. 1213). (3Ed. R1. 1297. (Ed. C. 1700." flernm. 1043. Wakefield wonders Sophocles did not write rO'v talov oiXi~ca. Qui. rov rcaXcav' otwreaugc. 1045. Eur. Or. 406. ot'jkot &coy~tc~3v, org lkczavo~tca rn~lct. 1046. With iro)ty' xat% asp1.n& we must understand i~yca; for we could not well connect #Epc% xaxc'. Cf. v. #swtovey5'g Xen. Memn. 1. 3. 9. Nauck proposes 8<SLv~ xaci YmYEvt 7rEitt. Kul?.i'y~ xaxati, if correct, will mean 'bad (hard,) even to heat.' I3W~ I doubt whether this be the true reading. Qu. xati aEd~Oa U.myol. lierod. IX. 37. 'Qyov 1Qya~aaro ftL5Q'ov 2.yov. 1054. I suspect 7rvszv.novo' v C err~lg For the singular 7rvsEyrh('V is of rare occurrence. The arteries in the neighbourhood of the lungs here, mentioned are perhaps the vena cava and the aorta; but it seems to inc more likely that the air - passages of the lungs aie intended. 1057. Simonid. Fr. 18, ~20. U'vScr'9qpq6tO dYVUct. 1058. Qu. xati Ta~~ru 26y~q zsdta&g, oi'd' - Cf. o n Phi. 7 71. WeO might correct xovr v zr& loyXq ZE&U'g, oV"#' - but uvi)a' seems rather objectionable. Consequently I have, given xov - oid6' &c. The particles ours and 0vi(11 are constantly interchanged in miss. Wunder translates 'haste carnpestris.' 1059. #,qguog - Peac] Cf. 38. 'lrpfvov 36eav. Ph. 314. 0j -'Od - Gc~bog 3ca. 321. Txg 'Odvaaiwo P3(cg. 592. 1060. ov#9 o3asv -] Herm: 'vneque, qztidqnid terrartant adlii, i/eisq/een.' 106~2. Add Aj. 472. rpTY'atv y' c" Iyv~VY' E ur. 11cc. 653. #~~v 6,zopa'v. Eur. Fr. 945. rp9vxvs, oi) axatoi cpi) 6tv. So yUcxaQ aend Ueariv &c. are occasionally femuinine. 317 - — WIT. 1i 6, R&OMM I? -- I A 1) 1) E N I ') I -. ) I 16.HTOP f~to2 sJ'v ~ presinil-e wVe mu11st suipply o'Q.o3v luiao xu xv'c vo.Prashwvrxvov usel of itself mean niy stale, dependiIg Onl 0QG)V or possiblY onl E'III,~Fu. MAled. 347. rovaoi, 7FC)Q Oil ~tn -1069. There is no trace of this line in Cicero's translation. 1070., Er. El. 672. oit1XrtQZ 4Y fl~~otxTQU yaeQ 7r,7oT'v~aftv. 1071. Perhaps royv niratv o5CxrQO'v Or zr~votatv otx-r~ur. Dindor-f explains 7r02.XoiGLv 'in the eyes of many,' comparing 7rwatv Aj. 559. U~d. C. 1446. Cicero renders: 'genies nostras flebeint nmiserias.' Whence Nauwk fancies that hie read Xcsoittv (2) ot'VXTQOV. 1072. Instead of xc4Y' rxd' we should have expected 6. 1074. ks7r0't JqV YaxAoig1 The true reading, 1 suspect, is t'2ro v'tn XU xoig. Cf. Arist. Eq. 924. 1,iroVILEVOg TU~ Flaroqczg Mein. Fr. Corn. 11. 71. Cf. v. =Et~Etv. Fur. Ate. 896. avfLqpoQ& N' Lh-rovg sETiEr 2TlU (pc'PEtda *Vario'v. 107,5. I have given with Dindorf qvQjrjcaa, though I have some little doubt as to its correctness. As to p3rjs',rvyrjand others pliper fects, I should not entertain any doubt. 1076. xcti vibv] xcdt vvv (!) Hermn. Qu. GVvvv -. 1077. After arvyEpo~ lperhaps a fill stop should be mnarked, instead14 (f a note of interrogation. 1078. Dindorf: 'exutis legwnenlis.' 1081-6. These lines also are passed over hy Cicero. 1082. 1 think it very probable that Sophiocles wrote ~Ip! f "i' x ( fo &v0 7rG. acicog, 0cl cv ztj~s r~ve(4 The phra-se UaTng G7rUGfttO Sounds very harsh. But, since H~ercules' ailmnent is called c(zrj in v. 1104, I have not veatured to make any alteration. The asynuletonm, as in Ph. 787. -7rQoaiQ~rUt, 7rQoaE'QXLTat, TO69 EyyuV'.108. ~E 7r~.Evqwv] Perhaps dlt,- v' 'ardew. Cf. 769. ri).as d oarxuav I 6'daytt6g c~rarrcearo&GT~. Eur. Ion. 766. Jtvao E`v~~ Jd' ~CF 7rrVEv~0vcoV r4C~v EiGoi. zhcaauv governs the accusative CM~. R. 208. OQSEUIc66 1085 - 6. Hermann considers these two lines to he isehiorrogic inmbics; lDindorf brachiycatailectic anapoestic dimeters. May they not consist of four nolossi? 1086. The expression Jt6'g U'wxi' to denote the lightning of Zeus is -in unusual one. 1089. Qu. 'rid' u5~tg q?7641n27xv. Plat. Polit. p. 310 D. 1715pVXFv UV6Q1tU- TFIFViaa~c 4U# iwV rUVTUirGGt ftUYVica. 6e yE'QE -i Cf. 1047. 1091. Eur. Suppl. 341. U'Ft x4o~ce6-q TCOV XUXCOlV %#aav 1092 f. The slaughter of the Nemerenan lion was the first of Hercules' labours accordling to Pindar (Isth. VI. 70) and others. That of the Lerwean hydra, also among his earlier ones, is recorded by Hesiod (Th. 313) and othcrs. His defeat of the Centaurs is narrated by Diodor. IV. 69 f. &c. The feat of bringing the Erymianthian hoar alive to Eurysthens is mentioned by Diodor. IV. 12. and Apollod. II. 5. 4. The fetching lip of Cerhemns fromt Hades by Homner Od. XI. 623. and others. The obtaining of the swuarded. apples of the Hesperides by Diodorus IV. 26. and Apollod. II. 5. I I 109.5. 8upvi also Dind. V. Cf. Orphi. Arg. 14. &T~vi zrvQG0crnF' XV6(' "E~acoxa. Eur. Phimn. 835. yE'vvczv bldovxocpvij. (Ed. C. 1430. TUav6d-(T (so the miss.). Ovid. Met. IX. 121. Nesse biforniis.' I " 18 AT1) )E N I) A, Compatre EOVTxOtGctoV. Gqirreogc,~trolv. T Q3~Lr. Etir. Ic Iei,17 IZ2. 7rOto ror 7r Tj IV~ X 1ovc TQtCUOV!~eo~rv Tvqc'nZ7x (FrjQVOvc~ Elimsl.I;ityczvxc, rtj K AvrcvQo7rbfh~ 7ro')sEyov oi'v. "'rivvec: 81 Tr1TQUXFXE #' v(3erauce K~vru5Qfov 7"Vog. 1096. 'Trct'QozO3 is the Epic foriii. I suispect the true reading is vd oir~.ov P3(cv (or Olic~z). Cf. Ilesiod. Tlh. 670. YsiFvot' Tc VzoITcQOl I,% fi'i V VTrQ07rXOv ~QxOVT~g 1098. ltx2~Ucen, tttytrcwxov -r~ug Nauek. Cf. on (Ed. C. 1568.Q. cU1r4oG7r~carov (or -7rXc-rov1. 1099. 6Etv~g 'EXh~v~ #pi~tuJ This is according to Llcsiod, -,Oto represents Cerberus as the offspring of Echidna and Typhon. In (Ed. C. 1.574 a different parentage is given. 1100.?ir' 1?cU~owte yqg conj. Natick. Cf. ~sch, EDun. 947. 1? zov'~ 1046-1102. The following is Cicero's free tra-,nslation of this passage, Tusc. II. 8: "0 mnulta dictu gravia, perpessu uspera, qua-e corpore exanclata, atque animo pertuli! nee m-ihi Junonis terror implacabilis, nec tantum invexit tristis Eurysthieus mali, quantum una vecors (Enei partu edita. Ha-,c me irretivit veste furiali insciuma, qume lateri inherens morsu lacerat viscera, urgensque graviter pulmionum haurit spiritus: jami decolorem sanguinemy ominem exsorbniit. Sic corpus dlade horrihili ahsumitum extabuit: ipse illigatus peste interimor textili. Hbs non-hostilis dextra, non terra edita, m-oles Gigantunm, non biform-ato inmpetu Centaurus ictus corpori infixit [inflixit?] meo, non Graia vis, non barbara ulla immanitas, non saieva terris gens relegata ultimis, quas peragrans iindiquie omnem hic [lhinc?]frtt9 xai sed fenminea vhr, feminca, interimor manni. o nate, vere hoc nomen usurpa patri, ne me occidentemi matris superet caritas. Huc arripe ad mne manibus abstraictam piis. Jam cernam mnene an illain potiorem putes. Perge, aude, nate; illacnima patris pestibus, miserere. Gentes nostras flebunt miserias. Hen, virginalem me ore ploratuni edere, quem vidit nemo ulli ingemiscentem mnalo! Sic feminata, virtus afflicta occidit. Accede, nate, assiste, mniserandum adspice eviscerati corpus laceratum patris. Videte cuncti, tuque ecelestum sator, jace, obsecro, in me vim coruscam fuliminis. Nunc nunc doloruin anxiferi torquent vertices; nunc, serpit ardor. 0 ante victrices manus, o pectora, o terga, o lacertoruLm tori! vestrone pressu quondam Nemew-us leo frendens efflavit graiviter extremnum halitum? A I)I)E N J) )A. llau. dextrat Lermta, tetra mactata excetra jpacavit: haw bicorporcin afflixit manum: Erynianthiamn h -c vastificam aibJecit beltiai, hra c e Tartarea tenebrica abstractumn 1lani tricipiterm eduxit Hydra generatuni canein: hoec interemnit tortu mnultiplicabili draconein, auritferam obtutu observantemn arb orema. M~ulta alia victrix nsostra lustravit manus,7 nee quisquans e nostris spolia cepit laudibus." 1104. Ovid. Mlet. IX. 174. 'eceeaque mnedullis Itabe liquefactis tfe.' 1107. Eur. Hec. 620. 60' Ei zo' ~tst4v " Din. ur Meleag. Fr. 20. Tro pnT dEG ov4a',v ~Eivx&. 1111. Cf. Eur. Suppl. 339. no2~2' 7c' cpaceag xcsac I #o Tod' ~Fl "'EU)qvag 4sLt~4trqv, I "4 xo2.xrT?)3 TOWCVcov azv Cf. Aj. 1043. xiccxoi'Qyog - uvnq. E. R. 705. ItJlCyU - %Cexoveyov. 1112. Cf. (Ed. It. 1225. 2"Gaov 4 Z'(%FCc#E ni~g Qu. zj v~og ot'ov dgoqcd I4ovioav a VTJv, rov&y arccGva Otov EllgoQ~j] QU. otopcv gi O' W. Cf. on 394. El. 997. Bnut Etaop&v is sometimes used instead of the simple 6p&,v, e. g,. El. 584. "12U' ' sxt -. 611. Aj. 127. Ph. 501. (Ed. R1. 22. Ant. 288. 581. 1113. nlzovc ig-ht mean 'slit-ll miss' (schol: vVEL) So Eur. Or. 1076. y~toV v 6'rijg piL~v dvao~rTtOV Tnigil' E'gpa g This however hardly meets the sense here required. I suspect therefore the true reading is OXe '?6Erat, 'shall he deprived' (of what it possessed). 1114. In favor of 7Q(t'n or naria cf. El. 1482. &2Ice/. pot 1Qj %~V.GLLXQV drviv.(Ed. C. 591. Ant. 1043. Hyllus alludes to his father's appeal to him for sympathy v. 1070 f. Or hvict 7ttQEGrt 6 OWtLrfpcoJ2',J66. Cf. Ph. 1065. pri pt tVT t~v5L un'v OJg aXE(XVT ova. Aj. 773. 1117. Perhaps tLk' rogowrov CO' ~da'vu #vtt6 dVoQyov. But I rather suspect ro~ovTov, nor is otoLrovT' alto-ether satisfactory 1120. "Prwimede. Indionatur Hercules verbosaml Hylli excusare matreim volentis 7rQo7EaQaax5v?'v." Schtwf. 1126. Schol: ro' y~p xar' avxrrv, qpqa' irpc~y~ta lwrog ~FatLv "'dxicg, WgJ ttin6l'4V FVi 61(t t TOVTO GtLO~itj iaQU60;V61. 1127. Eur. Or. 454. ob ttctqx'1G, atd6c' ~t' Eixt dU' ogttvar' lkXzvt T0t 615V vLy6~L'vot ('by reason of f.c.'). Thuc. III. 98. TOig;Er~tEVt (Popvt3 k15vog TOVg 'A~qVU1aog. 1129. Cf. 862. Mlat. Rep. 408 A. "~ya~o'o neobg xov ito'vXov c-'qocsnGV. 1131. Eur. 11cr. 89. TOSv 'HQU'Y2~Etov idir, 7rov 7rapaaord'rv I 'h6i4cov. 1134. xa2v Goo igOQOtp~tln #vtto'gj 'Even your anger would turn (relent).' 1136. 1 would read, with Nauck,a c7t Ao~v To XQP-7,('hi atr ssml. Cf. Z~schs. Cho. 547. tir?.ovbg a' tt,#og. Eur. Ph. 4724. 7r2zoi,~ d 1';#o &C. Rhes. 84. U'r)o5bg 1-t' 1%#Qoig p5#og. Hld. 985. U&ir2o~g Aoyg 1138. Cf. 584. qTtTrQos9 cclv t Ce V1 UZ 'Qtf(#U1~ i T1V 7tLItCu, xoa #9~v2r otQOL roie IFcp' 'H{cexZvi' (4-FtffxrQowtv 'HQ eY.Xiovg rpQcvvv?). Brunck: ' amtorem teem venufc/io conviliare sibi cogitans.' Which no doubt is the sense of the passage, but the words cannot hear this interpretation. Cf. 580. irpoapacc2ohc' Jaa I ~cav vxvivog Jir. 844. Qu.- qoaX!v UPPVCvv (se. got) &c. Or - irQoapjlceiv qpQe~atvI acdg "ttzciZ`. 1139. aitqsir)a 'n'] ir2~ccX' Elms]. This compound occurs, I believe, nowhere else in the Tragedians. I suspect thle true reading is 7rpoart~ci2~vt T)q~ltvI auig 'Lnt?.% o.)() Alfl (END~k, 11t4 1. "I"nrt 6tj,( (Li IR". 1 02 t, 71xb j xV G0X2 ~7EHO~. -I C (7 U I 6tLI 1144. Naiwk's correction G09ot0 hIighly is probable. Cf. Eiir. Or. l0213. (piy~O~ UOQC~ {ttt' Th Ott543?YfLvaiv LT& "Eart ~tot, I 5115pect, (titlne frontl the adjoinin.'r Got 1146. 1149. Schol: ri9'v A.,XxJVqv. roviro G'qrj~arv rog c~Ia'a~rr 7trczoV. 1151. Q7 vrr'ir' ~X'? ~U'Y TtQP2IJ#tuv g3ps,0C "deVat~tv ~'sc. a VT9V). Cf. Phil. 459. "'f 7U Tr~rpztr Zxvp(Og ~~~ fLtt I uirrs Txv.OMrOV, Ci)GTE -r:7rFG41L d(lofie (sc. cev~ry) Or -Tr. Xa TtQ~vv4Jig 3Ptsjxv. Cf. 270. TLQvvP9ICZV 7TQO~ %2.tri'. 'Erio/,10 occurs Aj. 413. lc'u 7rOQoi C'ZLqqo~ot Tre'Qa~d Tx r'~xqa -%ati vE~tog (,VUc7og? iircxxrv. ur. Andr. 853. My correction t3543x~v is confirmed lby the, ololowing ~vZUt4Ova. 1152. io16cav] 'As a fixed abode.' Schol: 6tceTQt(3?'V. I would recall 7riwicwv 6~. Cf. Xen. Anab. VI. I. 16. &)'Jc, ar'?xsf ftt OVrE 7rxotc FGUarv, 0t U07ro~XLv&1lC,#, uE5vovat 61' a V - ' fLL~~' tt~r~ iu xi &rtxr;6tt. Plat. Rep. III.. o0 yr &Qc PV#Q~utl rs~ot lov v rexvUEvovg V 7r5 0,Y r-')ogo I~v x9 7rotjj &i~rorYxfv r) 6S iyrxov, g~v 1Jitot'. Enr. Phomn. 354 f. Cf. on 1234. below. For oliyr.1 -- x,- cf. El. 350. 1078. Ph. 1321. (Ed. 11. 652. (Ed. C. 1397. Ant. 763. 1155". Jpsit 6g " Got 7VisQ~afL5v Nancli, omitting next line. Hle also pri' poses -i' xi Xg- for si' xi 1156. Eur. Med. 588. xiaZ(cg y' UV OrVV TWOf?~V~r9qQcxsrg il0yJ. 1157. roV'Qy0V] xrOV"t~ eon1j. Nauck. 1158. Schol: Eig q'Xtxtcv' vr pv (1. oqMV~ig) &tCe rrxw 7radg 14to'q i~vctr. Aviqe seems superfluous. Cf. Aj. 556. 1159 f. As no mention is made of this ancient oracle by any other writer, it would appear to have been invented by Sophocles himself. 1160. Cf. Aj. 1025. i'(' oi, rpovE'wg U&Q`?1g~zvsvaix. Eur. Med. 1381. neTQ Go5 rpartg-vovg. On the confusion between v~o and 7r~ v. P~ors. adl Hec. 762. Cf. also Eur. Phien. 1434. Exrt yiX' 8?1,iVErvg 3QcsV. 1456. O' & r] v E'x ifL17rVOVg. The simple verb irvEiv 'to breathe, to live' occurs Il. 17 7 447. 7rc~vxwv,7 66aci xs ycdav 7irt 7rvu,:,r: xs xcii jist. Od. 18, 131. 1B1t, the0 Tragedians, appear always to use the compound?f'tlrvsiv in this sense. 1163. Eur. Hel. 94. Ai'a.g tt' U&6sZ~pdg COXa' 1v Tgoi'ce #avr('V. 1164. Dindorf with Wunder thinks i'aa superfluous, as ~Iuv yo~is follows, and reads avti~3cdVO2'xa Got (cpavci). But iioi would thus be too far apart from qpisvc5 to be connected with it. 1165. ttccvr,,iW xctvLIar] The oracle delivered to him at Dodona, of which mention is made above 76 —81. 157-172. 823 f. Cf. Herod. V. 92. %iai TO 7CQOTSEQov (%Qqarflqtov) avv~lzav, "Ov Gvvcqd'v xrc 'H~xi'rv 1167. E-ur. Fr. 629. dtqp#9Qrzr 7rolXr~v y~i0Vtoitat Ao'~tov y,9Qvtuiicov. Arist. Av. 982. 1168. jro' T71 -] Instead of the mlore usual 7rceisQ xiq-g (Arist. Av. 923). 1169 f. Cf. 825 f. 1169. j ttot] Perhaps?''rEq, or rjtg We should then get rid off thme double dative Prot and?frtot in the same sentence. 1170. Cf. 169 f. Qu. r~ov zmecotimvov. 4ro(. 1172. Eur. Dict. Fr. 16, 4. xo, a' 92) cQ' ovn OnOVGTOV &ik. Iler'od. I.X. 48. xTiv 6' "&Q' n~v omrhiv 1174. Oxford translation: 'Since Ment the issute of these propheciesY is Hlear." - MVM=F_ T-l"IMM ADDENDA. 321 1175. 6Et aa~ schol. Towni. ad 11. 18, 100. Qn1. 6F~ a'?Iysviafrct. 1176, Wunder compares Aj. 641. otcev GE uiEvEt 7rv#E'a9czL lrat&Q 6v'6 -rPOQov (ZMcV. ~Xsch. Emn. 677. ucvc5' d cexo~Gczt 7r(5 c'yow %Qesrc~. But these passages are hardly to the point. 1177. Arist. Ecci. 1043. c' 7rYPEVQC, CP#OVOveaT0V zvr xv 070ov 1178. 'E~cetQutv -rv& iipob 'to exalt' occurs Herod. IX. 79. Cf. on 147. Dindorf explains,?~Evpd'vx in the sense Of rahMIN!t'cUvT, i. e. 'setting forth' by your examnple., 1182. Eur. Med. 680. ea ' eYI, x( ~(OVT 'Vc rVCZVGT0~tq ~orcl; Herrnann reads: - c'lytv tt'?7u'naTxQput, with what improvement to the sense I (10 not see. 1183. Cf. CGd. R1. 637. Aj. 75. Eur. Hipp. 498. Hel. 446. Suppl. 1066. Arist. Eeel. 1144. cZLr)GX~ctg E4rOI] Cf. 1~224. 1229. 1240. Ph. 1350. Ant. 381. Fur. Ion. 557. Tc6i 0'E5 YOi;V oanX c~rrEtv dn~o. Med. 927. ovrt aotg "an1T7116O?0'yolg. Iph~. A. 634.? xfrtatg oi'i (Ynt~rovaat 6g#v. Her. 968.- &c. 1185. 0"tvv -] Cf. Fur. Med. 744. 0"Izvv 7r.E1ov yi~ - Al. Tt~qj!XL" tna6v 6~Q"cWEtV T, I 6Q'at, XE7E. 1186. Hermann explains: 'Diceturne etiam hoc, quid me facturunm jurare deheam?' But I doubt if this be the true meaning of the passage. 1191. As the ~ta-ean range of mountains consisted of many peaks (6335. nrc'yovg. Oi~rcg. Ph. 729. Ot'racg V'EQ O" cov), we may infer from this passage that the highest one of all was sacred to and called after Zeus. Urnless indeed the true reading be, as I suspect it is, 4ip1aTOV. 1195. "Jovis filium, heroum. omnium. principem, non decebat proximo, (juovis ligno comburi. Quare accurate de ea re priecipitur, -tit in Philoeteta de arcu v. 1426 sq. Credihile est dixisse de his cyclicos." Jierm. Hes. Sent. 377. aL"7Et~ol TE TUvv`QQt~ot. 1197. For the dactyl a~yQtov at the beginning of the verse cf. Phil. 791. Cf. Herod. V. 82. ~i2.v LQ??Oci 1199. If cia' co be correctt supply CE, as elsewhere EClXEQErc TIMc 1EXEog, 0LxrTOQ, cp'pg &C. Qu. y6ov 8E, pni&v0,, &'Erco) 6'X,0v. 1200. Eur. Hec. 685. oi'&Jiror' a&1czXQVxog c"GrCVan~rag (-or -or?) c'ItLCQU fL I7ttCX4,CEL. Above 106. U xi~cv qcar 1202. Cf. GEd. C. 402. Eur. Hec. 710. co T?.flLOV, LO9 CE 7t0XV7O0VOY0V TqV j3QOTLO'V I 6U'(V 11'.iX EV, Ort aIo PE5Qv'. 124 t E 'c] SC. c~aCEt ag C ELov. 1205. yEvoV] Qu. xc~zoz~. Hyllus could not change his father. 1216. I would read n2r"GVEtLov. Cf. Aj. 1371. cog lyco% I Caol ~ttv vXEIt0LfL "~V TXJCYE XCd' tFi'~(O XUcQL. Or 7rQoCVEicnL- E~ (for ddloi'g). 1220. Fur. Or. 1~298, E'EXVn To" %O6lVftt?Civ, cog?F7rtXCIGU. 1225. Tai'g?itaOg 2TAEVQOLg -] Hence we learn that Deianira's susIpicion (536) was not unfounded. 1226. 2Mc2,fl Eur. Or. 1078. Gv' 6 aIo?4sXreor 7rutdoirotq~ac ~a3O~V. 1~229. Cf. 340. TOV 7taiQ0g fLVOOV. 1~234. The g- came probably from the adjoining Cot. 1235. -Unless we read r 'v6', I do not see what the preceding J'7 can refer to. 1236. Qu. xqEiCCov XLa ~( - Or xqFtCdov xcqJLc iVVI, 7LacZeQ, *.zvrcfv. The particle yE is quite unsuitable here. fILAYDES, Sophocles' Trachiniae. 21 1) -1) 0 0 ILI -L A D D KND A. 1238. Qu. - ot' vcur U' ~'9I2.Ft gQ'tvt'V V6t V 1jUL1 t IUOL-Q 6:V c,2a' E -0 cgz&c. The corruption, I suspect, was clue to the ig-norance of the sy-nizesis in 4Ysc)v, which ig~norance- in many other places has led to corruptions. I had myself also hit upon the conjecture vs~usi 7rcarqt (gi. ELao. Nitgfuv -rtvt poi~czv means '1o s/how consideration (regard, respect) for- a person.' 1239. In cp#t'ovorr lies perhaps concealed (prvri9VT. Nauck suspects a oigav. Y0Ecov UW'] ' The czurse of tile gods,' i. e. the curse invok ed bv ant appeal to them. S o 6'7 ' ~r'~ cU'o`m vir5t S' g 0 0 (E d. C. 1 7 76. 1240. V. (E d. C. 277. ~-,sclh. Prom. 299. (BI. Gloss.) Ear. Hec. 856. Suppi. 241. Hld. 9231. Theocr. XIV. 17. Epigr. XV. 1. Qu. U&v)7 06' oailttav E'OMtt~~ot VF!XEv &e. 1241. I had myself long since made the correction mavrt~., of whichDindorf also approves. 124~2. Cf. Ear. Or. 168. aSvtv - 9Cova'Ug E`'2YrE Eg xVorV.V ~'sch Cho. 1062. 7tot xura?0 fLt Erazotftre#'v (us'ya V.ot~itaf"V Vaick. V.UTrcxot~ttag#E'v?) tLdvog Urqq; Ag. 346. E~Q7Q6YOQ To' 7r~W TV 0orOoJv 1246. Qu. ov' dvaiy~sgt F"6r, "LO'v Et' xE`Q45tg x~aq. 1252. Above he had said 6,'uvo~?.Sy0v xa~qa v. 1135. 1254. "Pronomien quod etiam ad anaaygo'v pertinet metri caussa post )collocatum" Dhid. 1255. Qu. &"y', lyxov6ov UQOV ILE. The active ai'Qsxs occurs 1264. Hermann: 'hwc mil postrenma a nmalis requies est, nzori.' Cf. Fr. 626). C Wl 51 4"'cVaxog U2.Gogao lareqg V060ov. Ear. Here. 426. TOyVT 7rro~vda'xevov E'ir.svae 1; "At6av; 7rr'vov zs~Evr5'v. 1256. Qu. i~viq rs~EVxij ri8S zc(YV6Q' TO~ P3(ov. Cf. 79. r,,IVr~)v TOV (3iOV ~dAJR~t TEDFtV. (Ed. C. 1473. P3iov rErsvrs~ Or - )~owt'Ta. 1257. xTFZEMia90a] 7rEscd'VEY~at Wand., who observes that 7rFQaitvF601at is commonly explained by xs?~Eto~a~et. See his Emend. p. 160 f. Cf. on Aj. 2~2. 1259 f. This passage, descriptive of the inward struggle and agony of Hercules, forcibly brings to our mind the memorable words of Him of whoint the great pagan hero was an illustrious type, "Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass fromt me nevertheless not as I wvill, hut as thou wilt." (S. Matth. 26, 39.) 1260. Schol: 2.1 ov lg~6Qv zaXl V0 aavrj- hqtpa2~oba. If Sophiocles had intended to give gzX-qa'c as an epithet of VpvXi), bie would doubtless have written co aZqp' VpvyX not COh ipvZ'aX~~ Nauck also proposes a) Vpvx, 9x12.~ob ZUcAvjoo &c. Cf. Hesiod. Th. 2039. E5'Qvgt(qv Tr aMzfa,o?v LQ~gt, #vttv ixoviyav. Xen. Eq. VI. 9. gv V6 CZ'%Vo0V T (?1V 1. 2' T roa~toLOv. 1~261. If )JW0o%62.Dixov hie right, it miust inean 'set witil preciolus stones' (to make it sharper, and no doubt also for ornament, such as was uased by the ancients for breaking in well - bred and high spirited horses). Suc(.h a bit well becomes the mighty hero Hercules. Perhaps however the true reading may be )~vxox6?Wqrov, which we may loosely render 'sharp, strong' Compare the Latin 'lupatwnf.' Virg. G. Ill. 208. 'ante donmndllnn ingentes tallelli aniinos pre7?siqile negabivnt I verbera lenta pati, et delis pa-,rere lupatis.' Where Hey-ne explains Ilupatum "frenumn 1lupis se-u aculeis ferreis munitum." Whence 'sangllillea lzipata' in Lucan V. 758. In any case. argtoEV cannot mlean 'month', and therefore 7rUQFXova` must be corrullt. ----— I~- pi —~~-~ss~ ---r — l~ — ar~-~~ —, — ------ — I —~~ —~a~~ ---Re — Bs- a"rm~s p~~ ADDENDA. 323 2r'TutLc (bits, bit, connected with the verb to bite, champ) occurs El. 1462. Esch. Prom. 287. 1009. Ag. 133. Eur. Hipp. 1223. Iph. A. 219. Iph. T. 935. and joined with XaLcvol Herod. I. 215. IV. 72. 1263. Cf. Horn. Il. 19, 242. rzTEzaro 6i 'Qyov. The future rT~co occurs Il. 8, 415. &c. The contracted Attic form is zrTeo. L. Dindorf suggests T~aroVG', part. of zexso5v (i. q. rET1Ltov), which form occurs El. 1510. zr vvv oegq zrSXEoav, where however I suspect we should aGTE QecoV. The solute form cxoz;avLov is quite proper in anapaestic verse. So (dExOVcov in lEsch. Suppl. 40. 1264-78. Dindorf also is of opinion that this is an interpolation, which has usurped the place of the short anapoestic system delivered by the corypheus, such as is found in the remaining six plays of our author and in most of those of the other Tragedians, all those of Euripides having it, and of 2Eschylus all but the Prometheus and the Agamemnon. The Schol. evidently attributed these lines to Hyllus, as appears from his annotation on 1268. 1265 f. It is observable that Gvyyvcotovvgrvv and s7yvcouoaGvv7v, though placed in apparent antithesis to one another, refer to different subjects, the former to the attendants, the latter to the gods (Zeus). This, among other considerations, leads me to doubt the authenticity of this passage. 1266. The expression ocyvcotoGvv)v lvL Etbv'tl is a strange and unusual one. 1269. I had myself long since thought of ejecting 7raq/. Cf. El. 825. 1275. gXo0g, TLvEg v2.os in L. "Hec non dubitandum quin scriptor horum versuum Hylli esse voluerit, non Chori. Nam valde diversum est [?] co nireQ6Ivo et co oTelC~g in carminibus Chori vv. 210. 821." (Dind.) Perhaps 'rcotxos (i. e. Epdartog). Cf. Schol. on El. 419. ~are'lov. - Ftotlxov (so Suid. nir' otlov L.). Or - ctv64 av' y' Oi'rTCo. Eur. Phccn 1600. oixrcov ttIv 6rq Xly'E'. Or oni7aaco, or oC7rtEv. *