(G- ) -FOL IIAIMMERI)m11D FROM POPULAR PI OVYER3S BY TISTOTIIIY T I'TCOlB, AUTHOR Or LTTE' RS T O TH YO U S u"Plroverbs aro tho daughters of daily experiencee. aulA Proverb, BEVENTIEFN'T I' -lDITION. NEW YORK: OCARLXVES SCOItNEIC, t 24 (GANI) SThI>ECT l.R:'. Entsrced, accordtng to Act of Congrm,. in the year 189, by C3tARLES SCRIBNEI, In the Clerk's Office of the )istrict Court of the United States for the Jouts. em District of oew York. Joot. Titow,?riater, Stisretyp r Arnt nE-lee4tr'otlhr, J4, 4D.