y AN 4i' -0 0 :c rn rz .G) rn r0 4~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 0 ...... -0 .0, ,V' MICHAEL ANGELO A Dramatt t'oem BY HENRY WADSWORTH LONGFELLOW Michel, pii che mortal, Angel divino ARIOSTO:: 1.: Similamente operando all' artista' Ch' a l'abito, dell' arte e man che trema DANTE, Paer. xiii., st. 77 ILL USTR,A TED BOSTON HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN AND COMPANY New York: 11 East Seventeenth Street Zbe iiberle Prrec,5, Camubrio le I884 '01- Copyright, 1882 and 1883, BY HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. AND ERNEST W. LONGFELLOW. All rights reserved. XA Id \ -0 6- )qz3 The Riverside Press, Cambridge: Eleetrotyped and Printed by H. O. Houghton & Co. *'' -lo —, *. . .- 4' CONTENTS. PAGE .A.5 PART FIRST. I. PROLOGUE AT ISeIA. 7 I. MONOLOGUE......17 I.SANSIESTRO..... 20 IV.CARINALPPOITO....27 V. BORGODELLEVERGIE AT APLES.... 43 VI.VITTRIACLONNA....56 c~ 17 — I PART SECOND. MONOLOGUE......... VITERBO.......... MICHAEL ANGELO AND BENVENUTO CELLINI.. FRA SEBASTIANO DEL PIOMBO...... MICHAEL ANGELO AND TITIAN: PALAZZO BELVEDERE 'PALAZZO CESARINI........ PART THIRD. MONOLOGUE: MACELLO DE' CORVI... VIGNA DI PAPA GIULIO..... BINDO ALTOVITI..... IN THE COLISEUM...... BENEVENUTO AGAIN: MACELLO DE' CORVI. URBINO'S FORTUNE...... THE OAKS OF MONTE LUCA.... THE DEAD CHRIST...... NOTES ON THE ILLUSTRATIONS... 414276 i DF,DICATION. I. II. III. IV. V. Vi. PROLOGUE AT ISCH MONOLOGUE SAN SILVESTRO CARDINAL IPPOLIT BORGO DELLF, VER VITTORIA COLONNA . I. AT NAPLES I. II. III. IV. V. Vi. 73 76 77 90 103 113 "-O I. II. Ill. IV. V. Vi. Vil. Viii. 123 . 125 137 . 142 148 .I..164 .. 168 . 174 181 -,Ai 0 O —- -- 0 0 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. ARTIST. PORTRAIT OF MICHAEL ANGELO. After a recent French engraving.. ronispece HALF TITLE.....S DEDICATION.... SI 5. HEAD-PIECE PART FIRST.. S.IH PORTRAIT OF JULIA GONZAGA. From the engraving "Saint Agatha"........ VITTORIA COLONNA AND JULIA GONZAGA. On the castle terrace. "I will go with you; for I would not lose One hour of your dear presence".... MICHAEL ANGELO IN HIS STUDIO. "What is it guides my hand, what thoughts possess me, That I have drawn her face among the angels" VITTORIA COLONNA, MICHAEL ANGELO, AND OTHERS. In the Chapel of San Silvestro. "If friends of yours, then are they friends of mine. Pardon me, gentlemen. But when I entered I saw but the Marchesa ".... CARDINAL IPPOLITO. From a steel engraving of the por trait by Titian........ DUKE ALESSANDRO. From a medal by Benvenuto Cellini. "The Duke, my cousin, the black Alessandro, Whose mother was a Moorish slave"... MICHAEL ANGELO. From Buonasoni's portrait. "All art and artists of the present day Centre in him"....... CARDINAL IPPOLITO AND FRA SEBASTIAN DEL PIOMBO. "Now unsheathe it. 'T is a Damascus blade; you see the inscription In Arabic: La Allah illa Allah".... JULIA GONZAGA AND VALDESSO. "This warrants me in saying You think you can win heaven by compromise, And not by verdict ".... I 0 PAGR,, .. I F?-ontispiece,. S. L. SMITH 3 S. L. SMITH - 5 S. L. SMITH' - 7 MRS. F. C. HOUSTON - 10 WALTER SHIRLAW 13 THOMAs HOVENDEN -..18 -F.D. MILLET. 23 -0 28 32 36 16-1-. T. DE THULSTRUP 39 WALTER SHIRLAW.. 51 MICHAEL ANGELO. VESUVIUS. "The dim, mysterious sea in silence sleeps; And straight into the air Vesuvius lifts His plume of smoke".. ISCHIA. The home of Vittoria Colonna H HEAD. Considered by many to be a likeness of Vittoria Colonna. It was drawn in black chalk by Michael An gelo........ HALF TITLE. PART SECOND. FLORENCE.... "As a youth I walked with Ghirlandajio in the gardens Of the Medici" o...... CELLINI AT THE SIEGE OF ROME. "And firing at him with due aim and range, I cut the gay Hidalgo in two pieces"... FRA SEBASTIAN DEL PIOMBO. From the portrait by Gior gio Vasari......... FRA SEBASTIAN'S PORTRAIT OF VITTORIA COLONNA "See how hard the outline, Sharp-cutt and clear, not rounded into shadow. Yet that is nature"....... VENICE. " Your still lagoons, Your City of Silence floating in the sea"... TITIAN. After the etching by Angostino Carracci.. MICHAEL ANGELO'S VISIT TO TITIAN'S STUDIO. "And now, Maestro, pray unveil your picture Of D)anae, of which I hear such praise"... GIORGIO VASARI. After an old print... JULIA GONZAGA AND MICHAEL ANGELO AT THE DEATH OF VITTORIA COLONNA. "Alas!/ yes, she is dead! Even death itself in her fair face seems fair".. HALF TITLE. PART THIRD...... MICHAEL ANGELO'S SEAL...... VENICE AT NIGHT........ MICHAEL ANGELO AND BINDO ALTOVITI. " The same reason That keeps yout standing sentinel at youGr door" MICHAEL ANGELO AND TOMASO DE CAVALIERI IN THE COLISEUM. "Oh, I am putt to shame, when I consider How mean our work is, when compared with theirs". BENVENUTO CELLINI. From the portrait by Giorgio Vasari.... e. viii 55 61 Ross TURNER. W. H. GIBSON. -,4, 67 71 79 S. L. SMITH F. B. SCHELL Louis RITTEP. 82 "4 85 T. DE THULST]ETUP 91 96 98 Ross TURNER. I #-I —-- THEODORE WENDELL. . 103 . 105 . 107 . ill WALTER SHIRLAW - ROBERT LEWIS - 0 WALTER SHIRLAW S. L. SMITH 117 1-21 124 131 Ross TURNEP.. T. DE Ti-iULSTRUP 139 F.'D. MILLFT. . 145 . 150 e MICHA4EL ANGELO. CELLINI CASTING THE STATUE. "And cast them one by one into the furnace To liquefy the mass" o WT aL MICHAEL ANGELO AND HIS AGED SERVANT URBINO. Take this ~prse, Two thousand crowns in gold ". D H, MICHAEL ANGELO AND THE MONK. The Valley of Cli tumnus below. "Were it a cross That had been laid qtpon me, I could bear it, Or fall with it" o...... MICHAEL ANGELO BEFORE HIS GROUP. "The Dead Christ." "0 Death, why is it I cannot portray Thy form and features? Do I stand too near thee?" THOMAS HOVENDEN. S. L. SMITH. THE ENGRAVINGS WERE MADE BY: GEORGE T. ANDREW, K. C. ATTWOOD, VICTOR BERNSTROM, W. B. CLOSSON, W. J. DANA, FRANK FRENCH, J. S. HARLEY, T. JOHNSON, F. JUENGLING, JOHN KARST, H. F. KRAUSE, G. KRUELL, HENRY MARSH, WILLIAM MILLER, H. E. SCHULTZ, G. F. SMITH, H. E. SYLVESTER, and HENRY VELTEN. PUBLISHERS' NOTE. THE Dramatic Poem of Michael Angelo was written by Mr. Longfellow mainly about ten years before his death, but was kept by him for occasional revision, and printed after his death in THE ATLANTIC MONTHLY from his final copy. It had been his wish that the poem, when published as a book, should be accompanied by illustrations, and the Publishers have accordingly reserved it for this form. In the plan of its illustration they have followed so far as they could the spirit in which the poet composed it, making the designs descriptive of the historical and biographical features of the poem, for the most part, and studying to render them accurate in their interpretation of the facts. They have added a few notes for the reader's convenience, since the portraits, which form the chief subject of the notes, could not be referred to except by recourse to a variety of works. ix WALTER SHIRLAW . 155 T. DE TH-ULSTRUP 167 -4-' F. D. MILLET. . 1 171 . 175 . 179 FINI,S 0 i - 0 DRAMATIS PERSONA. MICHAEL ANGELO. VITTORIA COLONNA. JULIA GONZAGA. FRA SEBASTIANO DEL PIOMBOo BENVENUTO CELLINI. TITIAN. POPE JULIUS III. CARDINAL IPPOLITO. CARDINAL SALVIATI. e0 0 CARDINAL MARCELLO~ GIOVANNI VALDESSO. GIORGIO VASARI. BINDO ALTOVITI. TOMASO DE' CAVALIERIo CCLAUDIO TOLOMMEIo JACOPO NARDI. URBINo. A MONK~ W I't -4 ______ i~~~~~~~hnF