esat a ye Available The following title has irregularities or missing pages. Exact duplicates could not be found for replacement. LE MORTE DARTHUR BY SYR THOMAS MALORY THE ORIGINAL EDITION OF WILLIAM CAXTON NOW REPRINTED AND EDITED WITH AN INTRODUCTION AND GLOSSARY BY H. OSKAR SOMMER, PH.D. WITH AN ESSAY ON MALORY'S PROSE STYLE BY ANDREW LANG, M.A. VOL. I.-TEXT LONDON: PUBLISHED BY DAVID NUTT, IN THE STRAND I889 I ff'-, f, 1,,-\ ( 11 i" I — I I II ) ; TO lbi Xcellenc 1iberr Dr. von Gossler, KONIGL. PREUSSISCHER STAATS-MINISTER UND MINISTER DER GEISTLICHEN, UNTERRICHTS- UND MEDIZINAL - ANGELEGENHEITEN, lRitter pp. pp. EHREN-DOCTOR DER THEOLOGIE DER UNIVERSITAT BERLIN, BEIDER RECHTE DER UNIVERSITAT HALLE UND DER MEDIZIN DER UNIVERSITAT GbTTINGEN, btfi Mlork it e~)icateD AS A TOKEN OF lbifb TRecpect anD) ratitube. * * * PREFACE. S is well known, one of the sources from which i fAfi^ Spenser drew largely in his "Faerie Queene" was <a^/l^ i ^the rifacimento of Arthurian romances compiled j.^/K, ^ by Sir Thomas Malory, and first published by 7 -daW^ ^ William Caxton in 1485 under the title of "Le Morte Darthur." In the course of my Spenser 3^&^^^^^- studies I was thus led to pay special attention to this romance, and I soon felt the need of an edition answering in accuracy of text and in other respects to the requirements of modern scholarship. The original edition is of such scarcity that only two copies are known. The second and third (Wynkyn de Worde's of 1498 and I1529) are equally scarce, and the latter differs from Caxton's to no inconsiderable extent. The later black-letter editions reprint Wynkyn de Worde's of I 529 with additional errors, omissions, and corruptions, that culminate in the edition of Thomas Stansby (1634), which is nevertheless the one chosen by Thomas Wright for his reprint (I 856) of the work. Of other modern editions, Southey's (I 817), which professes to reprint Caxton's edition, is inaccurate, interpolated, and difficult of reference; moreover, it has become very scarce. The Globe edition is modernised and abridged. The promise, dating back to i 868, of the Early-English Text Society' to issue a standard edition of Malory has not been fulfilled, nor have I been able to learn that there was any likelihood of its being fulfilled. The field was therefore open for a new edition, which, after some consideration, I made up my mind to undertake. I communicated my 1 (a) Sir Edward Strachey, "Malory's Morte Darthur," modernised and revised. Globe Edition. London, i868 and i886. 8vo. Introduction, p. xvii. (b) WV. Carew Hazlitt's edition of Warton's "History of English Poetry." London I87I. 8vo. Vol. II. p. 189, note 4. I * ii. PREFACE. intention to his Excellency the Royal Prussian Minister of Public Instruction, Herr Dr. von Gossler, requesting leave of absence for six months. My request was readily complied with, and for the prosecution of my labours I received a grant from public funds. Through Earl Spencer's kind permission I was allowed the use, at the British Museum, of the Althorp copy. To ensure accuracy I copied it myself for the press, and I have read the proofs and revises with the original. Any one who has undertaken editorial work of this kind will appreciate the labour involved and the difficulties surmounted, and will be indulgent if here and there slight errors have been allowed to creep in. I soon found that the time at my disposal would only permit me to pass the text through the press, and I determined to devote myself entirely to this during my stay in England, and to leave the working up of the results of my study of the romance until later. I was strengthened in this determination by thinking that scholars would find it more convenient to have the text in one volume, as Caxton indeed gives it, and the whole of the editorial, index, and glossarial matter in another. The present edition will consist of two parts of unequal size-the first to appear will contain the Text only; the second, the Introduction, a Treatise on the Sources, a complete List of the Various Readings, the Index, &c. The principles upon which this edition is based will be fully set forth in the Introduction; here it may suffice to say that Caxton is reprinted page for page, line for line, word for word, and, with a few exceptions, which will be discussed, letter for letter. The twenty-one pages' which, originally lacking in Earl Spencer's copy, were skilfully facsimiled by Mr. Whittaker from the Osterley Park copy, have, through the courtesy of Mr. B. F. Stevens, been submitted to the present owner of that copy, Mrs. Abby E. Pope, of Brooklyn, N.Y., U.S.A., who kindly had them collated for me. I intended to give the result of this collation at the end of the text-volume, but had to alter my mind for the following reason: Having worked through twothirds of the text, I discovered that the statement about the facsimiles in Earl Spencer's copy, given by the existing authorities,2 was not 1 These pages are distinguished in this volume by asterisks being appended to the numbers of pages and folios; comp., e.g., page I95, folio 98. 2 Messrs. Longman's note, attached to the Althorp copy, and Mr. Blades' description of the volume. PREFACE. ix entirely correct. Two of the pages stated to be facsimiles are originals, whereas two so-called originals are facsimiles. I had therefore to send four more pages to America for collation. My supposition that these facsimiles were almost perfect as regards the text, has been confirmed; the errors are of the most trifling nature. The Introduction will deal fully with the bibliographical peculiarities of Caxton's and of the later editions, as well as with their relation one to the other. The last chapter of the Introduction will be devoted to the peculiarities of the language of Malory, and here the result of the collation, as well as a list of the misprints and irregularities of spelling reproduced in the present edition, will be inserted. A full list will be given of the readings in which Wynkyn de Worde's second edition (1529) differs from Caxton's. This is necessary, not only because the period which lies between the two editions was one of noticeable change in the language, but also because, as already stated, the later black-letter editions go back to Wynkyn de Worde's second edition. The critical apparatus attached to the present edition will thus place the philologist and literary antiquary in possession of the two chief early forms of this English classic. The Treatise on the Sources will endeavour to state concisely, yet exhaustively, the relation, so far as at present determinable, of Malory to the earlier Arthurian romances, whether French or English. The extensive mass of recent research (foremost among it the studies of M. Gaston Paris) has been sifted and tested. My task as regards one portion of the romance has been greatly lightened by the opportune publication of the Huth MS. of "Merlin," due to MM. Gaston Paris and Jacob Ulrich.' The Index will be both glossarial and explanatory, and will afford every possible means of reference. It will contain: Firstly, all names of persons and places occurring in the romance, with references and explanations. The names of the principal heroes will be accompanied by a concise analysis of their lives. Secondly, all obsolete and difficult words. Malory is interesting not alone to the archaeologist of words and manners: he has exercised an abiding influence over the subject 1 Societe des Anciens Textes Franpais, Paris, i886, 2 vols. 8~. x PREFACE. matter of English literature and over the technical form of English prose. This aspect of his work lay outside the lines, as I had planned them, of the present edition, and I gladly acceded to my publisher's suggestion that it should be dealt with by the distinguished man of letters whose " Study of Malory as a Prose Writer" will be issued with the second volume. It is with great pleasure that I express my warmest thanks to the Right Honourable the Earl Spencer; to His Excellency Herr Dr. von Gossler; to Mrs. Abby E. Pope; and to George Bullen, Esq., Keeper of the Printed Books at the British Museum, for kindly taking charge of the Althorp copy while in the Museum. My publisher, in his anxiety to make the volume in every way worthy of its contents, has liberally and readily carried out all my wishes. Last, but not least, I must thank Mr. McCall, of Messrs. Ballantyne, Hanson & Co.'s Printing Works, for the valuable assistance that he rendered me while the volume was passing through the press. H. OSKAR SOMMER. BRITISH MUSEUM, LONDON, March 1889. it QUCn 3 r &Ib fes6 of/% Cute afpItfb/jp f1 at met no itre gct lbit4 lbotzipfuE mata?)nt / t6n 5ffrf/2 lbpR wue?io 0Y tlbitout Qh e too me bm0age/ tlentle te meffJaer cpar6co (I[olb ie Mew oneGg re faio ArtXur ttat nolbe fipng n(g 5 ono ItIenne anrfuctra A npft tieat fqt at mni / 0tae 3 Oino th e te n.c lbgUP/i i8 a paffnge gooo t mat of gi baol/ a folbe fi') CEuPnge/ano a etpaffng potbox mal)/ an fril boutte re not/l Ie bie mate boarre o0 olb tbitQ a mpgt3p purfja s ui /WCle faib itIur 4 ( fC o:otcne for i, in m Iott tame O1 M et a trn g a itqulc ne~ ft(enit fot aC t3 c0iCoe Bo&1) oft m agp tg ftgote of Orto e et) of Caope/fot ateItcp fato 6filnge 'Xtiu Meat te dat ofa oefrtore tml floCez 6 Eoznb i map trg//rtbofoz: o rent for ent af po3 ppit.o) of. otQ on?2 fo tert lboe foun i mang Ebe roneef0ant aRo Ibcr rent6 Is no tte fignle anD b ro tlba tMotOtr (rcnfc 6p 6 n R ott tobffltan afe lIbc put it a IPip Cv te fe e/ an fbome lbetc iitj lbtee otb2 antt fome Caffe/ntttl fo 6 fotune t63e fpvp trofi 2nfo a cartct anob tba ao Cv r tue a0 otrtoeb t(e mort pati fwuftcf elt oloi2 Ibae crft ~p an.t a 0oo0 man fono ~pttf 20 onbe nout ffz! t tm (e ' aWo Liij peto oefo / I toenne le tvotgf t Cto fje Coutt f ae it reltctce afftlbartfo oacb to eno of t* Wt* of 'ttttnrtjo manp fotro ano camlno of ttie wame Ibcwateafp/fbt ftc c3iwvn tbcre fbo Cbr ant2 tMinta put tle Ibgp on mtert n more tan on tn rtur/ro tbFat 25 fbz otree an for %Ute *p t 9E tWeir pzezlQut Ibenne tge meffarca t e t aAtn (e pmone t/enne tbao Ie tboot oua of mefuiwano pnwtuuo 4p for a trcf tortf a0 it rwictg af f *t tn ie Cbot of 3pq Le fucae tat ffoflWtt nqet af*r/ 01b 62 aouen" Juetr C n gnt tIe ftbtw ECSLtscit &eet primus 2t(C~w~~>~ ^1E (ccunduo 30 $f^S tt3 e tg ofewpcntowa tt w enob2 (tr. f^-^ H~u tiefonejtCe Ibic* 00 gra tbclcc in itse az alpefor 4t g6e aCEng&nWh to Cb qioe (and/ -EALl jot tett tbet m"tang 4n ioe lbitQtit ttQe tdaC m of <Enfbno anp in Ibafee/wcotCantt? anb 35 Co:nelbait/too ift 4oie on a tfgme tbonne ti tt uttus PHOTOGRAPH (IN THE EXACT SIZE OF THE ORIGINAL) OF PAGE 75 (SIG. c5) FROM CAXTON'S EDITION, LORD SPENCER'S COPY. TAKEN IN THE BRITISH MUSEUM, ON OCTOBER IO, I888, BY CH. PR.ETORIUS. THE NOBLE AND IOYOUS BOOK ENTYTLED LE MORTE DARTHUR NOTWYTHSTONDYNG IT TREATETH OF THE BYRTH/ LYF /AND ACTES OF THE SAYD KYNG ARTHUR/ OF HIS NOBLE KNYGHTES OF THE ROUNDE TABLE / THEYR MERUAYLLOUS ENQUESTES AND ADUENTURES / THACHYEUYNG OF THE SANGREAL / & IN THENDE THE DOLOROUS DETH & DEPARTYNG OUT OF THYS WORLD OF THEM AL / WHICHE BOOK WAS REDUCED IN TO ENGLYSSHE BY SYR THOMAS MALORY KNYGHT I [~ayton's preface] Fter that I had. accomplyffhed and fynyffhed dyuers hyftoryes as wel of contemplacyon as of other hyftoryal and worldly actes of grete conquerours & prynces / Arid alfo certeyn bookes of enfaumples and doctryne/ Many noble and dyuers gentylmen of- thys royame of Eng- 5 lond camen and demaunded me many and oftymes / wherfore that I haue not do made & enprynte the noble hyftorye of the faynt greal / and of the, mooft renomedf cryffen kyng / Fyrft and chyef of the thre beft cryften and worthy / kyng Arthur / whyche ought mooft to be rememtired emonge vs englyffhe io men tofore al other cryften kynges / For it is notoyrly knowen thorugh the vnyuerfal world/ that there been ix worthy & the beft that euer were / That is to wete thte paynyms / thre Iewes and thre cryften men / As for the paynyms they were tofore the Incarnacyon of Cryft / whiche were named / the fyrft Hector s1 of Troye / of whome thyftorye is comen bothe in balade and in profe / The fecond Alyfaunder the grete / & the thyrd Iulyus Cezar Emperour of Rome of whome thyftoryes ben wel kno and had / And as for the thre Iewes whyche alfo were tofore thyncarnacyon of our lord of whome the fyrft was Duc Io- 26- / fue whyche brought the chyldren of Ifrahel in to the londe of / byhefte / The fecond Dauyd kyng of Iherufalem/ & the thyrd Iudas Machabeus of thefe thre the byble reherceth al theyr noble hyftoryes & actes / And fythe the fayd Incarnacyon haue-> ben thre noble cryften men ftalled and admytted thorugh the 25 vnyuerfal world in to the nombre of the ix beffe & worthy / of whome was fyrft the noble Arthur / whos noble actes I purpofe to wryte in thys prefent book here folowyng / The fecond was Charlemayn or Charles the grete / of whome thyftorye &, had in many places bothe in frenffhe and englyffhe/ and th, 30 thyrd and laft was Godefray of boloyn / of whos actes & lyf I made a book vnto thexcellent prynce and kyng ot noble memorye kyng Edward the fourth / the fayd noble Ientylmen Inftantly requyred me temprynte thyftorye of the fayd noble kyng and conquerour kyng Arthur / and of his knyghtd 35 wyth thyftorye of the faynt greal / and of the deth and endyng of the fayd Arthur / Affermyng that I ou3t rather tenprynte his actes and noble feates / than of godefroye of boloyne or [leaf i] A x._, C~aton'] [ 2 ] [Ireface ony the other eyght / confyderyng that he was a man borne wythin this royame and kyng and Emperour of the fame / And that there ben in frenffhe dyuers and many noble volumes of his actes / and alfo of his knyghtes / To whome I 5 anfwerd / that dyuers men holde oppynyon / that there was no fuche Arthur / and that alle fuche bookes as been maad of hym / ben fayned and fables / by caufe that fomme cronycles make of hym no mencyon ne remembre hym noo thynge ne of his knyghtes / wherto they anfwerd / and one in fpecyal io fayd / that in hym that fhold fay or thynke / that there was neuer fuche a kynge callyd Arthur / myght wel be aretted grete folye and blyndeneffe / For he fayd that there were many euydences of the contrarye / Fyrft ye may fee his fepulture in the monafterye of Glaftyngburye / And alfo in polycronycon in 15 the v book the fyxte chappytre / and in the feuenth book the xxiij chappytre / where his body was buryed and after founden and tranflated in to the fayd monafterye / ye fhal fe alfo in thyftorye of bochas in his book de cafu principum / parte of his noble actes / and alfo of his falle / Alfo galfrydus in 20 his brutyffhe book recounteth his lyf / and in dyuers places of Englond / many remembraunces ben yet of hym and fhall,remayne perpetuelly / and alfo of his knyghtes / Fyrft in the abbey of weftmeftre at faynt Edwardes fhryne remayneth the, prynte of his feal in reed Waxe clofed in beryll / In whych is 35 wryton Patricius Arthurus / Britannie / Gallie / Germanie / dacie / Imperator / Item in the caffel of douer ye may fee Gaui wayns fkulle / & Cradoks mantle. At wynchefter the rounde table / in other places Launcelottes fwerde and many other \ thynges / Thenne al thefe thynges confydered there can no man 3o0\refnably gaynfaye but there was a kyng of thys lande named Arthur / For in al places cryften and hethen he is reputed and taken for one of the ix worthy / And the fyrft of the thre Cryften men / And alfo he is more fpoken of beyonde the fee moo boookes made of his noble actes than there be in 35 englond as wel in duche ytalyen fpaynyffhe and grekyffhe as ir frenffhe / And yet of record remayne in wytneffe of hym in wldes in the toune of Camelot the grete ftones & meruayllous werkys of yron lyeng vnder the grounde & ryal vautes [leaf I verso] I ~ earton'e] [ 3 ] [Preface which dyuers now lyuyng hath feen / wherfor it is a meruayl why he is nomore renomed in his owne contreye / fauf onelye it accordeth to the worde of god / whyche fayth that no man is accept for a prophete in his owne contreye / Thefie al thefe thynges forfayd aledged I coude not wel denye / but that there was 5 fuche a noble kyng named arthur / and reputed one of the ix Worthy / & fyrft & chyef of the criften men / & many noble volumes be made of hym & of his noble kny3tes in frenffhe which I haue feen & redde beyonde the fee / which been not had in our maternal tongue / but in walffhe ben many & alfo in frenffhe / I0 & fomme in englyffhe but no wher nygh alle / wherfore fuche as haue late ben drawen oute bryefly in to englyffhe / I haue after the fymple connynge that god hath fente to me / vnder the fauour and correclyon of al noble lordes and gentylmen enpryfed to enprynte a book of the noble hyftoryes of the fayd 15 kynge Arthur / and of certeyn of his knyghtes after a copye vnto me delyuerd / whyche copye Syr Thomas Malorye dyd take oute of certeyn bookes of frenffhe and reduced it in to Englyffhe / And I accordyng to my copye haue doon fette it in enprynte / to the entente that noble men may fee and lerne 20 the noble actes of chyualrye / the Ientyl and vertuous dedes that fomme knyghtes vfed in tho dayes / by whyche they came to honour / and how they that were vycious were punyffhed and ofte put to fhame and rebuke / humbly byfechyng al noble lordes and ladyes wyth al other eftates of what eftate 25 or degree they been of / that fhal fee and rede in this fayd book and werke / that they take the good and honeft aaes in their remembraunce / and to folowe the fame / Wherin they fhaUle fynde many Ioyous and playfaunt hyftoryes / and noble & renomed a&es of humanyte / gentylneffe and chyualryes / 3o For herein may be feen noble chyualrye / Curtofye / Humanyte frendlyneffe / hardyneffe / loue / frendfhyp / Cowardyfe / Murj dre / hate / vertue / and fynne / Doo after the good and ieu the euyl / and it fhal brynge you to good fame and renomee / And for to paffe the tyme thys boook fhal be plefaunt3 35 to rede in / but for to gyue fayth and byleue that al is trewe that is conteyned herin / ye be at your lyberte / but al is wryton for our doAryne / and for to beware that we falle not (to [leaf 2] iij \ ~arton'J [ 4 ] [Creface vyce ne fynne / but texerfyfe and folowe vertu / by whyche we may come and atteyne to good fame and renomme in thys lyf / and after thys fhorte and tranfytorye lyf to come vnto euerlaftyng blyffe in heuen / the whyche he graunte vs that 5 reygneth in heuen the bleffyd Trynyte Henne to procede forth in thys fayd book /whyche I dyrecte vnto alle noble prynces / lordes and ladyes/ gentylmen or gentylwymmen that defyre to rede or here redde of the noble and Ioyous hyftorye of the grete conqueo0 rour and excellent kyng. Kyng Arthur / fomtyme kyng of thys noble royalme / thenne callyd brytaygne / I wyllyam Caxton fymple perfone prefent thys book folowyng / Whyche I haue enpryfed tenprynte / And treateth of the noble actes / feates of armes of chyualrye / proweffe / hardyneffe / humanyte 15 loue / curtofye / and veray gentylneffe / wyth many wonderful hyftoryes and adventures / And for to vnderftonde bryefly the contente of thys volume / I haue deuyded it in to xxj bookes / and euery book chapytred as here after fhal by goddes grace folowe / The fyrft book fhal treate how Vtherpen20 dragon gate the noble conquerour kyng Arthur and conteyneth xxviij chappytres / The fecond book treateth of Balyn the noble knyght and conteyneth xix chapytres / The thyrd book treateth of the maryage of kyng Arthur to quene gue\ neuer wyth other maters and conteyneth fyftene chappytres / ' The fourth book how Merlyn was affotted / and of warre \maad to kyng Arthur / and conteyneth xxix chappytres / The fyfthe book treateth of the conquefte of Lucius themperour land conteyneth xij chappytres / The fyxthe book treateth of,Syr Launcelot and fyr Lyonel and meruayllous adventu30 |res and conteyneth xviij chapytres / The feuenth book treateth f a noble knyght called fyr Gareth and named by fyr kaye 'peaumayns and conteyneth xxxvj chapytres / The eyght!ook treateth of the byrthe of Syr Tryftram the noble knyght,.nd of hys actes / and conteyneth xlj chapytres / 35 The ix book treateth of a knyght named by Syr kaye le cote ' n4ale taylle and alfo of Syr Tryftram and conteyneth xliiij,, [leaf 2 verso] \ i, Carton's] [ 5 ] [Preface chapytres / The x book treateth of fyr Tryftram & other meruayllous adventures and conteyneth Ixxxviij chappytres / The xj book treateth of fyr Launcelot and fyr Galahad and conteyneth xiiij chapptres / The xij book treateth of fyr Launcelot and hi, m and conteyneth xiiij chappytres / The 5 xiij book _ how galahad came fyrft to kyng Arthurs courte and the queft how the fangreall was begonne and conteyneth xx Chapytres / The xiiij boook treateth of the quefte of the fangreal & conteyneth x chapytres / The xv book treateth of fyr launcelot & conteyneth vj chapytres / The xvj book trea- Io teth of Syr Bors & fyr Lyonel his brother and conteyneth xvij chapytres / The xvij book treateth of the fangreal and conteyneth xxiij chapytres / The xviij book treateth of Syr Launcelot and the quene and conteyneth xxv chapytres / The xix book treateth of quene Gueneuer and Launcelot and con- rS teyneth xiij chapytres / The xx book treateth of the pyetous deth of Arthur and conteyneth xxij chapytres / The xxj book treateth of his laft departyng / and how fyr Launcelot came to reuenge his dethe and conteyneth xiij chapytres / The fomme is xxj bookes whyche conteyne the fomme of v hondred & vij 20 chapytres / as more playnly fhal folowe herafter / iiij [leaf 3] - (C 'be table or rubtrpfbe of tbe contente of cbapptres fbortl2 of tbe ftrtt book of khno 2trtbur/ Fyrft how vtherpendragon fente for the duke of cornewayl & Igrayne his wyf & of their departyng fodeynly ageyn ca primo How Vtherpendragon made warre on the duke of cornewayl and how by the moyane of Merlyn he laye by the ducheffe & 5 gate Arthur Capitulo ij Of the byrthe of kyng arthur and of his nouryture / & of the deth of kyng vtherpendragon / and how Arthur was chofen kyng and of wondres and meruaylles of a fwerde taken out of a ftone by the fayd Arthur capitulo iij iiij & v io How kyng arthur pulled oute the fwerde dyuers tymes vj How kyng arthur was crowned & how he made offycers vij How kyng Arthur helde in wales at a pentecoft a grete feest and what kynges and lordes came to his fefte viij Of the fyrft warre that kyng Arthur had and how he wanne 15 the felde Capitulo ix How Merlyn counceylled kyng arthur to fende for kyng ban & kyng bors & of theyr counceyl taken for the warre x Of a grete tornoye made by kynge arthur & the ij kynges ban and bors and how they wente ouer the fee Capitulo xj 20 How xj kynges gadred a grete hooft ayenft kyng Arthur xij Of a dreme of the kyng wyth the hondred knyghtes xiij How the xj kynges wyth theyr hooft fought ayenst arthur & his hooft and many grete feates of the warre capitulo xiiij Yet of the fame batayll Capitulo xv 25 Yet more of the faid batayl & how it was ended by merlyn xvij How Kyng Arthur kyng ban & kyng bors refcowed Kyng Leodegraunce and other Incydentes xviij How Kyng arthur rode to Garlyon and of his dreme / & how he fawe the queftyng beeft capitulo xix 30 How kyng Pellynore took arthurs hors & folowed the questyng beeft and how Merlyn mette wyth Arthur xx How vlfyus apeched quene Igrayne Arthurs moder of treafon / and how a knyght came and defyred to haue the deth of hys mayfter reuengyd capitulo xxj 35 How gryflet was made knyght & Iusted with a kny3t xxij [leaf 3 verso] 'Table of] [ 7 ] [~ontents How xij knyghtes came from Rome & axed truage for thys londe of arthur / and how arthur faught wyth a Knyght xxiij How Merlyn faued Arthurs lyf & threwe an enchauntement vpon Kyng Pellynore and made hym to flepe xxiiij How Arthur by the meane of Merlyn gate Excalybur hys 5 fwerde of the lady of the lake Capitulo xxv How tydynges cam to arthur that kyng ryons had ouercome xj kynges & how he defyred arthus berde to purfyl' his mantel Capitulo xxvij ([ How al the chyldren were fente fore / that were borne on may day. & how Mordred was faued xxviij 1o (C be teconb bool Of a damoyfel whyche came gyrde wyth a fwerde for to fynde a man of fuche vertue to drawe it oute of the fcabard ca primo How balen arayed lyke a poure Knyght pulled out the fwerde whyche afterward was caufe of his deth capitulo ij How the lady of the lake demaunded the Kny3tes heed that I5 had wonne the fwerde / or the maydens hede iij How merlyn tolde thaduenture of this damoyfel capitulo iiij How balyn was purfyewed by fyr Launceor Knyght of Irelonde / and how he Iufted and flewe hym v How a damoyfel whiche was loue to Launceor flewe hyr felf 20 for loue / and how balyn mette wyth his brother balan vj How a dwarfe repreuyd Balyn for the deth of Launceor / & how Kyng Marke of Cornewayl founde them and maad a tombe ouer them capitulo vij How Merlyn prophecyed that two the beft Knyghtes of the 25 world fhold fyght there / whyche were Syr Launcelot and fyr Tryftram Capitulo viij How balyn and his broder by the counceyl of Merlyn toke Kyng ryons and brought hym to Kyng Arthur ix How Kyng arthur had a bataylle ayenft Nero and Kyng 30 loth of orkeney / and how Kyng loth was deceyued by merlyn and how xij Kynges were flayne capitulo x Of the entyerement of xij Kynges / & of the prophecye of merlyn / how balyn fhold gyue the dolorous ftroke xj How a forouful kny3t cam tofore arthur & how balyn fet hym 35 & how that Knyght was flayn by a Knyght Inuyfyble xij How balyn & the damoyfel mette wyth a Knyght whych was [leaf 4] 'CabIe of] [ 8 ] [Contents in lyke wyfe flayn / & how the damoyfel bledde for the cuftom of a caftel Capitulo xiij Ho balyn mette wyth that knyght named garlon at a feeft & there he flewe hym to haue his blood / to hele therwith the fone s of his hooft Capitulo xiiij How Balyn fought wyth kyng Pelham / & how his fwerde brake / and how he gate a fpere wherewyth he fmote the dolorous ftroke capitulo xv How balyn was delyuerd by Merlyn / and fauyd a knyght Io that wold haue flayn hym felf for loue capitulo xvj How that knyght flewe his loue & a knyght lyeng by hyr / & after how he flewe hym felf wyth his owne fwerde / & how balyn rode toward a caftel where he loft his lyf Capitulo xvij How balyn mette wyth his brother balen & how eche of theym i5 flewe other vnknowen tyl they were wounded to deth xviij How merlyn buryed hem bothe in one tobe / & of balyns fwerd capitulo xix ( Ibrre folowen the cbapttres of tbe tbrrb bookf How kyng arthur took a wyf and wedded gueneuer doughter to leodegran kyng of the londe of Camelerd wyth whome 20 he had the rounde table Capitulo primo How the knyghtes of the rounde table were ordeyned & theyr fyeges bleffyd by the byffhop of caunterburye capitulo ij How a poure man rydyng vpon a lene mare / and defyred of kyng Arthur to make his fone knyght Capitulo iij 25 How fyr Tor was knowen 'for fone of kyng Pellynore / and how Gawayn was made knyght capitulo iiij How atte fefte of the Weddyng of kyng arthur to gueneuer a Whyte herte came in to the halle & thyrty couple houndes / & how a brachet pynched the herte whiche was taken awaye v 30 How fyr Gawayn rode for to fetche ageyn the herte / & how ij brethern fought eche ageynft other for the herte Capitulo vj How the herte was chaced in to a caftel and there flayn / and how Gauwayn flewe a lady Capitulo vij How iiij kny3tes faught ayenft fir gawayn & gaheryfe & how 35 they were ouercom & her lyues faued atte requeft of iiij ladyes capitulo viij ( How fyr Tor rode after the knyght wyth the brachet & of his aduenture by the waye capitulo ix How fyr Tor fonde the brachet wyth a lady / & how a knyght [leaf 4 verso] 'able of] [ I0 ] [Contents How Arthur accorded the two brethern / and delyuerd the xx knyghtes / & how fyr Accolons deyed capitulo xij How Morgan wold haue flayn fyr vryens hyr hufbond / & how fyr Ewayn hir fone faued hym Capitulo xiij 5 How quene Morgan le fay made grete forowe for the deth of accolon / & how Ihe ftale awaye the fcawbard fro arthur xiiij How Morgan le fay faued a knyght that fhold haue be drowned / & how kyng Arthur retornqd home ageyn capitulo xv How the damoyfel of the lake faued Kynge Arthur from a io mantel which fhold haue brente hym capitulo xvj How fyr Gawayn & fyr Ewayn mette with xij fayr damoyfelles / & how they compleyned on fyr Marhaus ca xvij How fyr Marhaws Iufted with fyr Gawayn & fyr Ewayn and ouerthrewe them bothe capitulo xviij and xix 15 How fyr Marhaus fyr Gawayn & fyr Ewayn mette the damoyfelles & eche of them toke one capitulo xx How a knyght & a dwarf firoof for a lady capitulo xxj How kyng Pelleas fuffred hym felf to be taken pryfoner by caufe he wolde haue a fyght of his lady / & how fyr Gawayn 20 promyfed hym for to gete to hym the loue of his lady xxij How fyr Gawayn came to the lady Ettard and laye by hyr & how fyr Pelleas fonde them flepyng capitulo xxiij How fyr Pelleas loued nomore ettard by the moyan of the damoyfel of the lake whome he loued euer after ca xxiiij 25 How fyr marhaus rode with the damoyfel and how he came to the duke of the fouth marchis Capitulo xxv How fyr Marhaus faught wyth the duke and his vj fones and made them to yelde them capitulo xxvj How fyr Ewayn rode wyth the damoyfel of Ix yere of age / & 30 how he gate the prys at tornoyeng capitulo xxvij How fyr Ewayn fau3t with ij kny3tes & ouercam hem xxviij How at the yeres ende alle thre knyghtes wyth theyr thre damoyfelles metten at the fontayne capitulo xxix ( Off tbe fPftbe bool the cbap tres folowen How xij aged Ambaffyatours of rome came to kyng Arthur 35 to demaunde truage for brytayne capitulo primo How the kynges and lordes promyfed to kyng Arthur ayde and helpe ageynft the Romayns capitulo ij [leaf 5 verso] 'able of] [ 9 ] [Contents affaylled hym for the fayd brachet capitulo x How syr Tor ouercame the knyght/ and how he lofth ys heed at the requefte of a lady capitulo xj How kyng pellenore rode after the lady and the knyght that ladde her awaye / & how a lady defyred helpe of hym and how s he faught wyth ij knyghtes for that lady of whome he flewe that one at the fyrft ftroke capitulo xij How kyng Pellynore gate the lady & brought hyr to Camelot to the courte of kyng arthur capitulo xiij How on the waye he herde two knyghtes as he laye by nyght Io in a valeye & of other aduentures capitulo xiiij How whan he was comen to Camelot he was fworne vpon a book to telle the trouthe of his queffe capitulo xv C bere folowen tbe cbastres of tbe fourtb book How merlyn was affotted & dooted on one of the ladyes of the lake / and how he was Ihytte in a roche vnder a flone and 15 there deyed capitulo primo How v kynges came in to this londe to warre ayenft kyng Arthur / & what counceyl arthur had ayenff them capitulo ij How kyng arthur had adoo with them & ouerthrewe them & flewe the v kynges & made the remenaunte to flee iij 20 How the batayl was fynyffhed or he came / & how the kyng founded an abbay where the batayl was capitulo iiij How fyr Tor was made knyght of the rounde table and how badgemagus was dyfpleafed capitulo v How kyng Arthur / kyng Vryens & Syr Accolon of gaule 25 chaced an hert & of theyr meruayllous aduenture vj How Arthur took vpon hym to fyght to be delyuerd oute of pryfon / & alfo for to delyuer twenty knyghtes that were in pryfon Capitulo vij How accollon fonde hym felf by a welle/& he toke vpon hym 30 to doo bataylle ayenft Arthur capitulo viij Of the bataylle bytwene kyng Arthur & Accolon ix How kyng arthurs fwerde that he faught wyth brake / & how he recouerd of accolon his owne fwerde excalibur and ouercame his enemye Capitulo x 35 How accolon confeffyd the treafon of Morgan le fay Kyng arthurs fyfter & how fhe wold haue doon flee hym ca xj [leaf 5] sable of] II ] [Contents How kyng Arthur helde a parlement at yorke & how he ordeyned how the royame fhold be gouerned in his abfcence iij 'How kyng Arthur beyng fhypped & lyeng in his caban had a meruayllous dreme / & of thexpofycion therof capitulo iiij How a man of the contreye tolde to hym of a meruayllous ge- 5 aunte/ & how he faught & conquerd hym Capitulo v How kyng Arthur fente fyr gawayn & other to lucius / & how they were affaylled & efcaped wyth worfhyp Capitulo vj How Lucius fente certeyn e fpyes in a buffhement for to haue taken hys knyghtes beyng pryfonners / and how they were Io letted capitulo vij How a fenatour tolde to Lucius of their dyfcomfyture / & alfo of the grete batayl betwene Arthur & Lucius capitulo viij How Arthur after he had achyeued the batayl ayenft the Romayns entred in to almayn & fo in to ytalye Capitulo ix 15 Of a bataylle doon by Gauwayn ayenft a farafyn / whiche after was yelden & became cryften Capitulo x How the Sarafyns came oute of a wode for to refcowe theyr beeftys / and of a grete bataylle Capitulo xj How fyr Gauwayn retorned to kyng Arthur wyth his pry- 20 foners / And how the kyng wanne a Cyte / and how he was crowned emperour capitulo xij C ibere folowen the cbappvtree of tbe vJ book How fyr Launcelot and fyr Lyonel departed fro the courte for to feek auentures / and how fyr Lyonel lefte hym flepyng and was taken Capitulo primo 25 How fyr E&or folowed for to feek fyr Launcelot / & how he was taken by fyr Turquyne Capitulo ij How iiij quenes fonde Launcelot flepyng / & how by enchauntement he was taken & ledde in to a caftel capitulo iij How fyr Lancelot was deliuerd by the meane of a damofel iiij 30 How a knyght founde fyr Launcelot lyeng in his lemmans bedde / & how fyr Launcelot faught with the knyght ca v How fir Launcelot was receyued of kyng bagdemagus doughter / & he made his complaynte to hir fader Capitulo vj How fyr Launcelot byhaued hym in a tournement / & how he 35 mette wyth fyr Turquyn ledyng fyr Gaheris capitulo vij How fyr Launcelot & fy Turquyn faught to gyders ca viij [leaf 6] 'Zable of] [ I2 ] [rontents How fyr Turquyn was flayn / & how fyr Launcelot bad fyr gaheris delyuer al the pryfoners capitulo ix How fyr Launcelot rode with the damoyfel & flewe a knyght that diftreffid al ladyes / & alfo a vylayn Pt kept a bridge x 5 How fyr launcelot flewe ij geauntes & made a caftel free xj How fyr Launcelot rode dyfguyfed in Syr kayes harnoys / & how he fmote doun a knyght Capitulo xij How fyr Launcelot Iufted ayenft four kny3tes of the rounde table and ouerthrewe theym capitulo xiij lo How fyr Launcelot folowed a brachet in to a caftel where he fonde a dede knyght & how he after was requyred of a damoyfel to hele hir brother capitulo xiiij How fir Launcelot cam in to the chapel peryllous & gate there of a dede corps a pyece of the cloth & a fwerde capitulo xv 15 How fyr Launcelot at the requeft of a lady recouerd a fawcon by whiche he was deceyued capitulo xvj How fyr Launcelot ouertoke a knyght which chafed hys wyf to haue fleyn hyr / & how he fayd to hym capitulo xvij How fyr Launcelot came to kyng arthurs court / & how there 20 were recounted al his noble feates & actes capitulo xviij C bere folowen tbe cbappgtres of tbe feuentb boook How beaumayns came to kyng arthurs courte & demaunded thre petycyons of kyng Arthur Capitulo primo How fyr Launcelot & fyr Gauwayn were wroth by caufe fyr kaye mocqued beaumayns / & of a damoyfel whyche defyred 25 a knyght to fyght for a lady Capitulo ij How beawmayns defyred the batayl / & how it was graunted to hym / & how he defyred to be made kny3t of fir Launcelot iij How beaumayns departed & how he gate of fyr Kaye a fpere and a fhelde / and how he Iufted and faughte wyth Syr 30 Launcelot Capitulo iiij How beaumayns tolde to fyr Launcelot his name and how he was dubbed knyght of Syr Launcelot / and after ouertooke the damoyfel Capitulo v How beaumayns fought & flewe ij knyghtes at a paffage vj 35 How beaumayns faught 'with the knyght of the blacke laundes / & faught with hym tyl he fyl doun & deyed capitulo vij How the brother of the knyght that was flayn mette wyth [leaf 6 verso] table of] [ I3 ] [Contnte beaumayns / & fau3t with beaumayns tyl he wos yelden viij How the damoyfel euer rebuked beaumayns / & wold not fuffre hym to fyt at hir table / but callyd hym kychyn boye ix How the iij brother callyd the rede knyght Iufted & faughte ayenft beaumayns / & how beaumayns ouercame hym ca x 5 How fyr beaumayns fuffred grete rebukes of the damoyfel / & he fuffred it pacyently capitulo xj How beaumayns faughte wyth Syr Perfaunt of ynde / and made hym to be yelden capitulo xij Of the godelye comynycacyon bytwene fyr Perfaunt & beau- io mayns / & how he tolde hym that his name was fyr gareth xiij How the lady that was byfyeged had worde fro hyr fyfter how fhe had brought a knyght to fyght for hyr / and what bataylles he had achyeued Capitulo xiiij How the damoyfel & beaumayns came to the fyege / & came to 15 a Sykamor tree / & there beaumayns blewe an horne / & thenne the kny3t of the rede laundes cam to fyght wyth hym ca xv How the two knyghtes mette to gyders and of their talkyng and how they began theyr batayl Capitulo xvj How after longe fyghtyng beaumayns ouercame the knyght 2o & wold haue flayn hym / but atte requeft of the lordes he faued his lyf & made hym to yelde hym to the lady cap~ xvij How the kny3t yelded hym / & how beaumayns made hym to goo vnto kyng arthurs court & to crye fir lancelot mercy xviij How Beaumayns came to the lady. & whan he came to the 25 caftel / the yates were clofed ageynft hym / & of the wordes that the lady fayd to hym Capitulo xix How fyr beaumayns rode after to recfowe his dwarfe / and came in to the caftel where he was capitulo xx How fyr gareth otherwyfe callyd beaumayns cam to Pe prefence 30 of his lady & how they toke acqueyntance / & of their loue xxj How at nyght cam an armed knyght & faught with fir gareth & he fore hurt in the thyghe fmote of the knyghtes heed ca xxij How the fayd knyght came ageyn the next nyght & was beheded ageyn / & how at the fefte of pentecoft al the kny3tes that 35 fyr gareth had ouercome cam & yelded hem to kyng arthur xxiij How kyng Arthur pardoned them / and demaunded of them where fyr Gareth was Capitulo xxiiij [leaf 7] able of] [ '4 ] [~ontents How the quene of Orkeney came to this fefie of pentecofte / & fir gawayn & his brethern cam to afke hir bleffyng xxv xxvj How kyng Arthur fente for the lady Lyonas / & how fhe lete crye a tournoye at hir caftel / where as came many knyghtes 5 Capitulo xxvij How kyng Arthur wente to the tornoyment with his knyghtes / and how the lady receyued hym worfhypfully / & how the knyghtes encountred Capitulo xxviij How the knyghtes bare them in the batayl capitulo xxix io Yet of the fayd tornoyment capitulo xxx How fyr Gareth was efpyed by the herowdes / and how he efcaped oute of the felde capitulo xxxj How fyr Gareth came to a caftel where he was wel lodged & he Iufted with a knyght & flewe hym Capitulo xxxij 15 How fyr Gareth fought wyth a knyght that helde within his caftel xxx ladyes & how he flewe hym capitulo xxxiij How fyr gawayn & fyr Gareth fought eche ayenft other / and how they knewe eche other by the damoyfel Lynet ca xxxiiij How fyr Gareth knowleched that they loued eche other to 20 kyng Arthur / & of thappoyntement of their weddyng xxxv Of the grete ryalte & what offycers were made at the fefte of the weddyng & of the luftes at the feeft Capitulo xxxvj C tlere folowen tbe cbappptres of tbe epobt book How fyr Tryftram de Lyones was borne and how his moder deyed at his byrthe / wherfore fhe named hym Triftram primo 25 How the ftepmoder of fyr Tryftram had ordeyned poyfon for to haue poyfened fyr Tryftram Capitulo ij How Syr Tryftram was fente in to Fraunce and had one to gouerne hym named Gouernayle / and how he lernyd to harpe / hawke and hunte capitulo iij 30 How fyr Marhaus came out of Irelonde for to afke trewage of Cornewayle or ellys he wold fyght therefor capitulo iiij How Tryftram enterpryfed the bataylle to fyght for the trewage of Cornwayl / & how he was made knyght Capitulo v How Syr Tryftram arryued in to the Ilond for to furnyffhe 35 the bataylle wyth fyr Marhaus Capitulo vj hoow fyr Triftram faught ayenft Syr Marhaus & achyeued his batayl / & how fyr Marhaus fledde to his fhyppe ca vij [leaf 7 verso] 'Gable of]. 1 -I — ------- ---, [ontnte How Syr Marhaus after that he was arryued in lde dyed of the ftrdke that fyr Tryftram had gyuen to hym / aahow Tryftram was hurte capitulo viij How fyr Tryftram was put to the kepyng of la bele yfoude fyrft for to be helyd of hys wounde Capitulo ix 5 How fyr Tryftram wanne the degree at a tornoyment in Irelonde / & there made palomydes to bere no harnoys in a yere x How the quene efpyed that fyr Triftram had flayn hir broder fyr Marhaus by his fwerde & in what Ieopardye he was xj How Syr Tryftram departed fro the kyng & la bele Ifoude out Io of Irelonde for to come in to cornewayl capitulo xij How fyr Tryftram and Kyng Marke hurted eche other for the loue of a knyghtes wyf capitulo xiij How fyr Tryftram laye wyth the lady. and how her hufbond faught wyth fyr Tryftram Capitulo xiiij 15 How fyr bleoberis demaunded the fayreft lady in kyng marks court whom he toke awaye & how he was fou3ten with xv How fyr Tryftram faught wyth two knyghtes of the rounde table capitulo xvj How Syr triftcum faught with fyr bleoberis for a lady / and 20 how the lady was put to choyfe to whome fhe wold goo xvij How the lady forfoke fyr triftram & abode with Syr bleoberis and how fhe defyred to goo to hyr hufbond ca xviij How kyng mark fent fyr tryftram for la bele Ifoude toward Irelond & how by fortune he arryued in to englond xix 25 How kyng Anguyffhe of Irelonde was fomoned to come to Kyng Arthurs courte for treafon Capitulo xx How fyr Tryftram refcowed a chylde fro a knyght / and how gouernayle tolde hym of Kyng Anguyffhe ca xxj How fyr tryftram faught for fyr anguyffhe & ouercame hys 30 aduerfarye & how his aduerfarye wold neuer yelde hym xxij How fyr blamor defyred tryftram to flee hym / & how fyr triftram fpared hym & how they took appoyntement xxiij How fyr triftram demaunded la bele Ifoude for kynge mark & how fyr tryftram & Ifoude dronken the loue drynke xxiiij 35 How fyr Triftram & Ifoude were in pryfon / & how he faughte for hir beaute / & fmote pf another ladyes hede capitulo xxv How fyr Tryftram faught wyth fyr breunor / and atte lafte [leaf 8] v 'p abIe o] - _.-1 _ [Contenr fmote- ohis hede Capitulo / xxvj.How fyr galahad faught wyth fyr Triftram /:i how fyr triftram yelded hym & promyfed to felaufhyp with lancelot xxvij How fyr Launcelot mette with fyr Carados beryng awaye fir 5 gawayn / & of the refcows of fyr Gawayn Capitulo xxviij Of the weddyng of Kyng Marke to la bele Ifoude / and of brangwayn hyr mayde and of Palamydes xxix How Palamydes demaunded quene Ifoude / & how lambegus rode after to refcowe hyr / and of thefcape of Ifoude xxx Io How fyr Tryftram rode after Palamydes and how he fonde hym and faught wyth hym / and by the moyne of Ifoude the batayl feced Capitulo xxxj How fyr Tryftram brought quene Ifoude home / and of the debate of kyng Marke and Syr Tryftram capitulo xxxij 15 How fyr Lamerok lufted wyth xxx knyghtes / & fyr Triftram atte requefte of kyng mark fmote his hors doun xxxiij How fyr Lamerok fente an horne to kyng Marke in defpyte of fyr Tryftram / And how fyr Tryftram was dryuen in to a chapel capitulo xxxiiij 20 How Syr triftram was holpen by his men / & of quene Ifoude which was put in lazaroote / & how triftra was hurt xxxv How fyr Tryftram ferued in warre the kyng howel of brytayn and flewe hys aduerfarye in the felde xxxvj How fyr Suppynabyles tolde fyr Tryftram how he was deffa25 med in the courte of kyng Arthur / & of fyr lamerok xxxvij How fyr Tryftram and his wyf arryued in wales and how he mette there wyth fyr Lamerok Capitulo xxxviij How fyr Tryftram faught wyth Syr Nabon / and ouercame hym / and made fyr Lamerok lord of the yle xxxix 30 How fyr Lamerok departed fro fyr Tryftram / & how he mette wyth fyr frolle and after wyth fyr Launcelot capitulo xl How fyr Lamerok flewe -fyr frolle / and of the curtoyfe fyghtyng wyth fyr belleaunce hys brother Capitulo xlj 4C bere folowen tbe cbapStres of the ft book How a yonge man came in to the courte of kyng arthur / and 35 how fyr Kaye called hym in fcorne la cote male tayle primo How a damoyfel came in to the courte & defyred a knyght to take on hym an enqueft which la cot>-male tayle emprifed ij [leaf 8 verso] -~c table of] [ I7 ] [Contento How le cote male tayle ouerthrewe fyr Dagonet the Kynges fole / and of the rebuke that he had of the damoyfel ca iij How le cote male tayle fought ayenft an hondred knyghtes / & how he effcaped by the meane of a lady Capitulo iiij How fyr Launcelot cam to the courte and herde of la cote male 5 tayle / and how he folowed after hym / and how la cote male tayle was pryfoner Capitulo v How fyr Launcelot faught wyth vj knyghtes / & after wyth fyr bryan / and how he delyuerd the pryfonners vj How fyr Launcelot mette wyth the damoyfel named maledy- Io faunt / and named hyr the damoyfel bien penfaunt vij How le cote male tayle was taken pryfoner / & after refcowed by fyr launcelot / & how fyr launcelot ouercam iiij brethern viij How Syr Launcelot maad le cote mayle lord of the caftel of Pendragon & after was made knyght of the rounde table ix 15 How la bele Ifoude fente letters to fyr Tryftram by hir mayde brangwayn and of dyuers auentures of fyr Tryftram x How fyr Triftram mette with fyr lamerok de gales / and how they faught & after accorded neuer to fyght to gyders xj How fyr palomydes folowed the queftyng beeft & fmote doun 20 fyr Tryftram and fyr Lamerock wyth one fpere Capitulo xij How fyr lamerok mette wyth fyr Melleagaunce / & faught to gydre for the beaulte of dame Gueneuer capitulo xiiij How Syr Kaye mette wyth Syr Tryftram / and after of the fhame spoken of the knyghtes of Cornewayl / and how they 25 Iusted capitulo xv How Kyng Arthur was brought in to the foreft peryllous / & how fyr Tryftram faued his lyf capitulo xvj How fyr Tryftram came to la bele Ifoude / & how kehydyous began to loue bele Ifoude & of a letter that triftram fonde xvij 30 How fyr Triftram departed fro tyntagyl & how he forowed & was fo longe in a foreft tyl he was out of his mynde xviij How fyr Tryftram fowfed dagonet in a welle / & how Palamydes fente a damoyfel to feche Tryftram / and how palamydes mette wyth Kyng Mark capitulo xix 35 How it was noyfed how fyr Tryftram was dede and how la bele Ifoude wolde haue flayn hyr felf capitulo xx How kyng Mark fonde fyr Tryftram naked and made hym [leaf 9] B vj alable of] [ i8 ] [Contents to be borne home to tyntagyl and how he was there knowen by a brachet capitulo xxj How Kyng Marke by thauys of his counceyl bannyffhed fyr Tryftram oute of Cornewayl the terme of x yere xxij 5 How a damoyfel fou3ght helpe to helpe fir laucelot ayenft xxx knyghtes / & how fyr tryitram faught with them ca xxiij How fyr Tryftram & fyr Launcelot came to a lodgynge where they muft Iufte wyth two knyghtes capitulo xxiiij How fyr Tryftram Iufted wyth fyr Kaye and fyr Sagramor io le defyrous / and how fyr Gawayn torned Syr Tryitram fro Morgan le fay Capitulo xxv How fyr Tryftram and fyr Gauwayn rode to haue foughten ayenft the xxx knyghtes / but they durft not come oute xxvj How damoyfel brangwayn fonde tryftram flepyng by a welle 15 & how fhe delyuerd letters to hym fro bele Ifoude ca xxvij How fyr Tryftram had a falle of fyr Palomydes / and how Launcelot ouerthrewe two knyghtes capitulo xxviij How fyr Launcelot Iufted with Palomydes and ouerthrewe hym / & after he was affaylled with xij knyghtes xxix 20 How fyr Tryftram byhaued hym the fyrft day of the tournement / and there he had the prys Capitulo xxx How fyr Tryftram retourned ayenft kyng arthurs partye by caufe he fawe fyr Palomydes on that partye capitulo xxxj How Syr Tryftram fonde Palomydes by a welle / & broughte 25 hym wyth hym to his lodgyng Capitulo xxxij How fyr Tryftram fmote doun fyr Palomydes / and how he Iufted wyth kyng Arthur and other feates xxxiij How fyr Launcelot hurte fyr Tryftram / and how after fyr Tryftram fmote doun fyr Palomydes capitulo xxxiiij 30 How the prys of the thyrd day was gyuen to Syr Launcelot and fyr Launcelot gaf it to fyr Tryftram ca xxxv How Palomydes came to the caftel where fyr Tryftram was And of the quefte that fyr Launcelot & x knyghtes made for fyr Tryftram Capitulo xxxvj 35 How fyr Tryftram / fyr Palomydes / and Syr dynadan were taken and put in pryfon Capitulo xxxvij How Kyng marke was fory for the good renommee of fyr Triftram / fomme of arthurs knyghtes Iufted wyth knyghtes [leaf 9 verso] table of] [ I9 ] E[ontent of Cornewayl Capitulo xxxviij Of the treafon of kyng Marke / and how fyr Gaheris fmote hym doun / and Andred / his cofyn capitulo xxxix How after that fyr Tryftram / fyr Palomydes / and fyr Dynadan had be longe in pryfon / they were delyuerd ca xl 5 How fyr Dynadan refcowed a lady fro fyr breufe fauns pyte & how fyr Tryftram receyued a fhelde of Morgan le fay xlj How fyr Tryftram took wyth hym the fhelde / and alfo how he flewe the paramour of Morgan le fay capitulo xlij How Morgan le fay buryed hyr paramour / and how fyr trif- lo tram preyfed fyr Launcelot and hys kynne ca xliij How fyr Tryftram at a tornoyment bare the fhelde that Morgan le fay delyuerd to hym capitulo xliiij (C ere folowen tbe cbapptret ot tbe tentb boof How fyr Tryftram Iufted and fmote doun Kyng Arthur / bycaufe he tolde hym not the caufe why he bare that fhelde ca j 15 How fyr Tryftram faued fyr Palomydes lyf / & how they promyfed to fyght to gyder wythin fourtenyght capitulo ij How fyr Tryftram fought a ftronge knyght that had fmyton hym doun & many other knyghtes of the rounde table iij How fyr Tryftram fmote doun fyr Sagramor le defyrous / & 2o fyr Dodynas le fauage capitulo iiij How fyr Tryftram mette at the perron wyth fyr Launcelot / & how they faught to gyder vnknowen Capitulo v How fyr Launcelot brought fyr Tryftram to the courte / and of the Ipye that the kyng and other made for the comyng of 24 fyr Tryftram Capitulo vj How for defpyte of fyr Tryftram kyng Mark came wyth ij knyghtes in to englond and how he flewe one of the knyghtes Capitulo vij How the kyng came to a fontayne where he fonde fyr Lame- 30 rock complaynyng for the loue of Kyng lots wyf viij How kyng marke / fyr Lamerok / and fyr dynadan came to a caftel / and how Kyng Marke was knowen there capitulo ix How fyr Berlufes mette wyth Kyng marke / and how Syr dynadan toke his partye ca x (I How kyng marke mocked 35 fyr dynadan / & how they mette wyth vj kny3tes of the rounde table xj [I How the vj kny3tes fente fir dagonet to Iufte with [leaf o1] vlj 'able of [ 20 ] [otntent kyng marke & how Kyng marke refufed hym ca xij How fyr Palomydes by aduenture mette kyng Marke fleyng & how he ouerthrewe dagonet / and other knyghtes xiij How kyng marke & fyr Dynadan herde fyr palomydes ma5 kyng grete forowe & mornyng for la bele Ifoude xiiij How the kyng had flayn amant wrongfully tofore kyng arthur / & fyr launcelot fette kyng marke to kyng arthur xv How fyr dynadan tolde fyr palamydes of the batayl betwene Syr Launcelot and fyr Tryftram Capitulo xvj I0 How fyr Lamerok Iufted wyth dyuers knyghtes of the caftel / wherin was Morgan le fay capitulo xvij How fyr Palamydes wold haue Iufted for fyr Lamerock wyth the knyghtes of the caftel Capitulo xviij How fyr Lamerock Iufted wyth fyr Palomydes and hurte 15 hym greuoufly capitulo xix How it was tolde fyr Launcelot that Dagonet chaced kyng marke / & how a knyght ouerthrewe hym & vj knyghtes xx How Kyng Arthur lete do crye a Iuftes / & how fyr Lamorak came in and ouerthrewe fyr Gawayn & many other xxj 20 How Kyng Arthur made Kyng marke to be accorded with fyr Tryftram & how they departed toward Cornewayll xxij How fyr Percyuale was made knyght of kyng arthur / and how a dombe mayde fpack & brou3t hym to the roude table xxiij How fyr Lamerock laye wyth king lots wyf/ and how fyr 25 Gaheris flewe hir whiche was his owne moder ca xxiiij How fyr agrauayn & fyr Mordred mette wyth a knyght fleyng / and how they bothe were ouerthrowen and of Syr Dynadan Capitulo xxv How Kyng Arthur / the quene & Launcelot receyued letters 30 oute of Cornewayle / & of the anfuer ageyn ca xxvj How Syr Launcelot was wrothe wyth the letter that he receyued from kyng Marke / and of Dynadan whiche made a laye of kyng Marke capitulo xxvij How Syr Tryftram was hurte / and of a warre maad to 35 Kynge Marke / And of Syr Trysftram how he promyfed to refcowe hym Capitulo xxviij How fyr Tryftram ouercame the batayl / & how Elyas defyred a man to fyght body for body capitulo xxix [leaf Io verso] 'able of] [ 2z ] [Contents How fyr Elyas & fyr Tryftram faught to gyder for the truage / & how fyr tryftram flewe Elyas in the felde xxx How at a grete fefte that kyng Marke made / an harper came and fange the lay that dynadan had made capitulo xxxj How kyng Marke flewe by treafon his brother bowdyn for 5 good feruyce that he had done to hym Capitulo xxxij How anglydes boudyns wyf efcaped with hir yonge fone alifaunder le orphelyn & came to the caftel of arondel xxxiij How anglydes gaf the blody doblet to alyfaunder hir fone the fame day that he was made kny3t & the charge withal xxxiiij Io How it was tolde to kyng marke of Alyfaunder. and how he wold haue flayn fyr Sadok for fauyng of his lyf xxxv How fyr Alyfaunder wanne the pryce at a tournoyment and of Morgan le fay / And how he faught wyth Syr Maulgryn and flewe hym capitulo xxxvj 15 How quene Morgan le fay had alyfaunder in hyr caftel / and how ihe heelyd his woundes capitulo xxxvij How Alyfaunder was delyuerd fro the quene Morgan le fay by the moyane of a damoyfel capitulo xxxviij How alyfaunder mette wyth alys la beale pylgrym / and how 20 he Iufted wyth two knyghtes / And after of hym and of Syr Mordred capitulo xxxix How fir galahalt dyd do crye a Iuftes in furlufe / & quene gueneuers kny3tes fhold Iufte ayenft all that wold come xL How fyr Lancelot fought in the tournoyment / & how fyr pa- 25 lomydes dyd armes there for a damoyfell Ca xlj How fyr Galahault & fyr Palomydes faught to gyder / and of fyr dynadan and fyr Galahault Capitulo xlij How fyr archade appeled fyr Palamydes of treafon & how fyr palamydes flewe hym Capitulo xliij 30 Of the thyrd day & how fyr Palomydes Iufted wyth fyr Lamerok and other thynges capitulo xliiij Of the iiij day & of many grete feates of armes ca xlv Of the v day & how fyr Lamerok byhaued hym ca xlvj How palamydes fought wyth Corfabryn for a lady / & how 35 Palamydes flewe corfabryn xlvij Of the vj day & what was thenne doon ca xlviij Of the vij batayll / and how Syr Launcelot beyng defguyfed [leaf ii] viij 'ablc of] [ 22 ] [ontente lyke a mayde fmote doun fyr dynadan capitulo xlix How by trefon fyr Triftram was brought to a tournoyment for to haue be flayn / and how he was put in pryson L How Kyng Marke lete do counterfete letters from the pope S & how fyr percyual delyuerd fyr Trifftram oute of pryfon lj How fyr Tryftram & la bele Ifoude came in to englond / & how fyr Launcelot brought them to Ioyous garde capitulo lij How by the counceyl of bele yfoude Tryftram rode armed and how he mette wyth fyr Palomydes capitulo liij Io Of fyr Palomydes and how he mette wyth fyr bleoberys & wyth fyr E&or and of fyr Percyuale Capitulo liiij How fyr Tryftram mette wyth fyr dynadan & of their deuyfes & what he fayd to fyr Gauwayns brethern lv How fyr Tryftram fmote doun fyr agrauayn & fyr gaheris & s1 how fyr Dynadan was fente fore by la bele Ifoude lvj How fyr Dynadan mette wyth fyr Tryftram / & wyth Iuftyng wyth fyr Palamydes fyr Dynadan knewe hym lvij How they approched the caftel Lona3ep and of other deuyfes of the deth of fyr Lamerok Capitulo lviij 20 How they came to humberbanke / & how they fonde a fhyppe there wherin laye the body of Kyng Hermaunce lix How fyr Tryftram wyth his felawfhyp came and were with an hooft whyche after faught wyth Syr Tryftram and other maters capitulo lx 25 How Palamydes wente for to fyght wyth two brethern for the deth of kyng Hermaunce Capitulo lxj The copye of the letter wryton for to reuenge the kynges deth and how fyr palamydes faught for to haue the bataylle lxij Of the preparacyon of fyr Palamydes & the ij brethern that 30 fhold fyght wyth hym Capitulo lxiij Of the batayl betwene fyr Palamydes & the two brethern and how the two brethern were flayn capitulo lxiiij How fyr Tryftram and fyr Palamydes mette Breuce fauns pyte and how Syr Triftram and la beale yfoude wente vnto 35 Lona3ep Capitulo lxv How fyr Palamydes Iufted wyth fyr Galyhodyn / & after wyth fyr Gawayn & fmote them doun lxvj How fyr Tryftram & his felaufhyp cam vnto the tournement [leaf I veno] 'able o] [ 23 ] [Contents of lone3ep and of dyuers Iuftes and maters capitulo Ixvij How fyr Tryftram and hys felaufhyp Iufted & of the noble feates that they dyd in that tournoyeng Ixviij How fyr Tryftram was vnhorfed & fmyten doun by fyr launcelot / & after that fyr Triftram fmote doun kyng arthur Ixix 5 How fyr Tryftram chaunged his harnoys & it was al reed and how he demenyd hym and how Syr Palamydes flewe Launcelottes hors Capitulo Ixx How fyr Launcelot fayd to fyr Palamydes / & how the prys of that day was gyuen to fyr Palamydes lxxj o0 How fyr dynadan prouoked fyr Tryftram to do wel Ixxij How kyng Arthur & fyr Launcelot came to fee la bele yfoude & how Palamydes fmote doun kyng arthur Capitulo Ixxiij How the fecond day Palamydes forfoke fyr Tryftram / and wente to the contrarye partye ayenft hym capitulo Ixxiiij 15 How fyr Tryftram departed out of the felde & awaked Sir Dynadan and chaunged his araye in to blacke ca lxxv How fyr Palamydes chaunged his fhelde & armour for to hurte fir triftram / & how fyr Launcelot dyd to fir triftram lxxvj How fyr Tryftram departed wyth la bele Ifoude / & how Pa- 20 lomydes folowed and excufed hym capitulo lxxvij How kyng arthur and fyr Launcelot came in to theyr pauelyons as they fatte at fouper / and of Palomydes Ixxviij How fyr Tryftram and fyr Palamydes dyd the nexte day and how kyng Arthur was vnhorfed capitulo lxxix 25 How fyr Tryftram torned to kynge Arthurs fyde /and how Syr Palomydes wolde not capitulo Ixxx How fyr bleoberis & fyr E6tor reported to quene Gueneuer of the beaute of la bele Ifoude capitulo lxxxj How Palomydes complayned' by a welle / & how Epynogris 30 came and fonde hym / and of theyr bothe forowes lxxxij How fyr palomydes brou3t to fyr epynogris his lady / & how fir palomydes & fyr fafer were affayled ca Ixxxiij & Ixxxiiij How fyr Tryftram made hym redy to refcowe Syr Palomydes but fyr Launcelot refcowed hym or he came capitulo lxxxv 35 How fyr Tryftram and fyr Launcelot wyth palomydes came to Ioyous garde / of Palomydes and fyr Tryftram ca Ixxxvj How there was a day fette bytwene fyr Tryftram and Syr [leaf I] table of] [ 24 ] [Contents palomydes for to fyght / & how fir tryftram was hurte lxxxvij How fyr palomydes kepte his day for to haue foughten / but fyr Tryftram myght not come / & other thynges ca lxxxviij (C bere folowen tbe cbapstree of tbe If boof How Syr Launcelot rode on his aduenture / & how he helpe a 5 dolorous lady fro hyr payne / and how that he faught wyth a dragon capitulo primo How fyr Launcelot came to Pelles / and of the fangreal / and how he begate galahad on Elayn kyng pelles dou3ter ij How Syr Launcelot was dyfpleafyd whan he knewe that he o1 had layen by Elayn / & how fhe was delyuerd of galahad iij How fyr bors came to dame Elayn & fawe galahad / & how he was fedde wyth the fangreal capitulo iiij How fyr bors made fyr pedyuer to yelde hym / & of meruayllous aduentures that he had & how he achyeued them ca v I5 How fyr bors departed / & how fyr Launcelot was rebuked of the quene Gueneuer / and of his excufe capitulo vj How dame Elayn galahads moder came in grete eftate to camelot / and how Launcelot byhaued hym there Capitulo vij How dame bryfen by enchauntement brought fyr Launcelotte 20 to Elayns bedde / & how quene gueneuer rebuked hym viij How dame Elayn was commaunded by quene Gueneuer to voyde the courte / & how fyr Launcelot becam madde ix What forowe quene gueneuer made for Syr Launcelot / & how he was fought by knyghtes of his kynne Capitulo x 25 How a feruaunte of fyr Aglouals was flayn / & what vengeaunce fyr aglouale & fyr percyuale dyd therfore xj How fyr percyuale departed fecretelye fro his brother / & how he Iofed a knyght bounden with a chayne & other thynges xij How fyr Percyuale mette wyth fir E&or / & how they faught 30 longe and eche had almooft flayne other capitulo xiij How by myracle they were bothe made hole by the comyng of the holy veffel of Sangreal Capitulo xiiij ( ibere folowen tbe cbapptres of tbe VfJ boof Iow fyr Launcelot in hys madnes took a fwerde & faughte with a knyght and after lepte in to a bedde capitulo primo 35 How fyr Launcelot was caryed in an hors lytter / & after fyr Launcelot refcowed fyr blyaunte his hooft Capitulo ij [leaf 12 verso] Iable of] [ 25 ] [Contents How fyr Launcelot faught ayenfte a bore & flewe hym / & how he was hurte / & brought to an hermytage capitulo iij How fyr Launcelot was knowen by dame Elayn / and was borne in to a chambre & after helyd by the fangreal iiij How fyr Launcelot after that he was hole & had his mynde 5 he was afhamed / and how that Elayn defyred a caftel for hym capitulo v How fyr Launcelot came in to the Ioyous yle / & there he named hym felf le chyualer malfet capitulo vj Of a grete tournoyeng in the Ioyous yle / and how fyr Percy- Io uale and Syr E&or came thyder and fyr Percyuale fought wyth hym capitulo vij How eche of them knewe other / & of their curtoyfye / & how his brother E&or came to hym / and of theyr Ioye viij How fyr bors & fyr Lyonel came to kyng brandegore / & how 15 fyr bors toke his fone helyne le blank & of fir launcelot ix How fyr Launcelot wyth fyr Percyuale & fyr e&or came to the courte / and of the grete Ioye of hym capitulo x How la bele yfoude counceylled fyr Tryftram to goo vnto the courte to the grete fefte of Pentecofte capitulo xj 20 How fyr Tryftram departed vnarmed and mette with fyr Palomydes / and how they fmote eche other / and how Palomydes forbare hym capitulo xij How Syr Tryftram gate hym harnoys of a Knyght whyche was hurte & how he ouerthrewe fyr Palomydes xiij 25 How fyr Tryftram and fyr Palamydes fought longe to gyders / and after accorded / and fyr Tryftram maad hym to be cryftened Capitulo xiiij ibere folowen tbe cbapitres of the tiff book How at the vygyle of the fefte of Pentecofte entred in to the halle before Kyng Arthur a damoyfel / and defyred fyr laun- 30 celot for to come and dubbe a knyght / and how he wente wyth hyr capitulo primo How the letters were founde wryton in the fyege peryllous & of the meruayllous aduenture of the fwerde in a ftone ij How fyr Gawayn affayed to drawe oute the fwerde / & how 35 [leaf 13] table of] [ 26 ] [Contents an olde man brought in galahad capitulo iij How the olde man broght Galahad to the fyege peryllous & fette hym therin / & how al the knyghtes meruaylled iiij How Kyng Arthur fhewed the ftone houyng on the water 5 to Galahad and how he drewe oute the fwerde v How kyng Arthur had al the knyghtes to gyder for to Iufte in the medowe befyde wynchefter or they departed vj How the quene defyred to fee Galahad / & after al the knyghtes were replenyffhed wyth the holy fangreal / & how all they Io auowed the enquefte of the fame capitulo vij How grete forowe was made of the kyng and ladyes for the departyng of the knyghtes / & how they departed viij How Galahad gate hym a fhelde / and how they fpedde that prefumed to take doun the fayd fhelde capitulo ix I5 How Galahad departed with the fhelde / and how Kyng enelake had receyued thys fhelde of Iofeph of armathye x How Iofeph made a croffe on the whyte fhelde with his blode & how galahad was by a monke brought to a tombe xj Of the meruayle that fyr Galahad fawe & herde in the tombe 20 and how he made melyas knyght Capitulo xij Of thaduenture that Melyas had / & how Galahad reuenged hym / and how melyas was caryed in to an abbey xiij How Galahad departed / & how he was commaunded to goo to the caftel of maydens to deftroye the wycked cuftome xiiij 25 How fyr Galahad faught wyth the knyghtes of the caftel & deftroyed the wycked cuftome capitulo xv How fyr Gawayn came to thabbey for to folowe Galahad / & how he was fhryuen to an heremyte capitulo xvj How fyr Galahad mette with fyr Launcelot & with fyr Per30 cyuale / and fmote hem doun and departed fro them xvij How fyr Launcelot halfe flepyng and halfe wakyng fawe a feek man borne in a lytter / and how he was heled by the fangreal capitulo xviij How a voys fpake to fyr Launcelot / & how he fonde his hors 35 & his helme borne awaye / & after wente a fote xix How fyr Launcelot was fhryuen & what forowe he made / & of good enfaumples whyche were fhewed to hym ca xx C bere folowen tbe cbapptres of tbe ftiff book [leaf 13 verso] 'Cable of] [ 27 ] [Contents How fyr Percyuale came to a reclufe and afked hyr counceyl / & how fhe tolde hym that fhe was hys aunte ca primo How Merlyn lykened the rounde table to the world / and how the knyghtes that fhold achyeue the fangreal fhold be knowen Capitulo ij 5 How fyr Percyuale came in to a monafterye where he fonde Kyng Enelake whyche was an olde man capitulo iij How fyr Percyuale fawe many men of armes beryng a dede knyght and how he fauggt ageynft them capitulo iiij How a yeman defyred hym to gete ageyn an hors / and how io Syr Percyualles hakenay was flayn / and how he gate an hors capitulo v Of the grete daunger that fyr Percyual was in by hys hors and how he fawe a ferpent and a Lyon fyght vj Of the aduyfyon that fyr percyual fawe / and how hys aduy- 15 fyon was expowned / and of hys Lyon Capitulo vij How fyr Percyuale fawe a fhyppe comyng to hym warde / & how the lady of the fhyppe tolde hym of hir difherytaunce viij How fyr Percyual promyfed hir helpe & how he requyred hir of loue / and how he was faued fro the fende ca ix 20 How Syr Percyual for penaunce roof hym felf thorugh the thyghe / and how fhe was knowen for the deuyl x I bere folowtb tbe v booTk wbScbe is of ftr launcelot How Syr Launcelot came in to a chapel where he fonde deed in a whyte fherte a man of relygyon / of on hondred wynter olde capitulo primo 25 Of a dede man how men wold haue hewen / and it wolde not be / & how fyr Launcelot toke the hayr of the dede man ij Of an aduyfyon that fyr Launcelot had / and how he tolde it to an heremyte / and defyred counceyll of hym capitulo iij How the heremyte expowned to fyr Launcelot his advyfyon 30 & tolde hym that fyr Galahad was hys fone capitulo iiij How fyr Launcelot Iufted wyth many knyghtes / & he was taken Capitulo v How fyr Launcelot tolde hys aduyfyon to a woman / & how fhe expowned it to hym capitulo vj 35 [leaf 14] t'abeI of] [ 28 ] [Contents CI bere folowen the cbapptres of tbe vjf book How fyr Gawayn was nyghe wery of the quefte of fangreal and of his meruayllous dreme capitulo primo Of the advyfyon of fyr E&or / and how he luffed wyth fyr Ewayn le auoultres hys fworne brother ca ij 5 How fyr Gawayn & fyr E&or cam to an hermytage to be confeffyd & how they tolde to the hermyte theyr aduyfyons iij How the heremyte expowned theyr aduyfyon Capitulo iiij Of the good counceyl that the heremyte gaf to them v How Syr Bors mette wyth an heremyte / and how he was 1o confeffyd to hym and of his penaunce enioyned to hym vj How fyr bors was lodged wyth a lady and how he took on hym for to fyght ageynst a champyon for hyr lande vij Of a vyfyon whyche Syr bors had that nyght / and how he faught and ouercame hys aduerfarye capitulo viij 15 How the lady was reftored to hyr londes by the bataylle of fyr Boors / and of his departyng / and how he mette fyr Lyonel taken and beten wyth thornes / and alfo a mayde which fhold haue ben deuoured Capitulo ix How fyr boors lefte to refcowe his brother. & refcowed the da20 moyfel / & how it was tolde hym that lyonel was dede x How fyr boors tolde his dreme to a preeft / whiche he had dremed & of the counceyl that the preeft gaf to hym xj How the deuyl in a womans lykenes wold haue had Syr bors to haue layen by hir / & how by goddes grace he efcaped xij 25 Of the holy comynycacyon of an abbot to Syr boors / and how the abbot counceylled hym capitulo xiij How fyr boors mette wyth his brother fyr Lyonel / and how fyr Lyonel wolde haue flayn fyr boors capitulo xiiij How fyr Colgreuaunce fought ayenft fyr Lyonel for to faue 30 fyr boors / and how the heremyte was flayn ca xv How fyr Lyonel flewe Syr Colgreuaunce / and how after he wold haue flayn fyr boors capitulo xvj How there came a voys whyche charged fyr bors to touche not hym and of a cloude that came bytwene them capitulo xvij C bere folowen tbe cbapptre of the;vil booR [leaf 14 verso] 'able of] [ 29 ] [Contents How fyr Galahad faught at a turnement / and how he was knowen of fyr gawayn & of fyr etor de marris capitulo j How fyr Galahad rode with a damoyfel / & came to the fhyp where as fyr boors and fyr Percyuale were in capitulo ij How fyr Galahad entryd in to the fhyp / & of a fayr bedde 5 therin wyth other meruayllous thynges / & of a fwerde iij Of the meruaylles of the fwerde & of the fcaubard iiij How Kyng Pelles was fmyton thorugh bothe thyes by caufe he drewe the fwerde / & other meruayllous hyftoryes v How Salomon toke dauyds fwerde by the counceyl of hys Io wyf / and of other maters meruayllous Capitulo vj A wonderful tale of kyng Salamon & his wyf vij How Galahad and hys felowes came to a caftel / and how they were foughten wyth al / & how they flewe theyr aduerfaryes and other maters capitulo viij 15 How the iij knyghtes wyth Percyuales fyfter came in to the wafte foreft / & of an herte & iiij Lyons and other thynges ix How they were defyred of a ftrauge cuftom / which they wolde not obeye / wherfore they faught & flewe many knyghtes x How Percyuales fyfter bledde a dyffhe ful of blood for to hele 20 a lady wherfore fhe dyed / and how that the body was put in a fhyppe Capitulo xj, How Galahad and percyuale fonde in a caftel many tombes of maydens that had bledde to dethe capitulo xij How Syr Launcelot entred in to the fhyppe where fyr Percy- 25 uales fyfter laye deed / and how he mette wyth Syr Galahad hys sone capitulo xiij How a knyght brought to fyr Galahad an hors / & bad hym come from his fader fyr Launcelot capitulo xiiij How Launcelot was tofore the dore of the chambre / wherin the 30 holy fangreal was capitulo xv How fyr Launcelot had layen xiiij dayes & as many nyghtes as a dede man & other dyuers maters capitulo xvj How fyr Launcelot retorned toward logres and of other aduentures whyche he fawe in the waye capitulo xvij 35 How Galahad came to Kyng Mordrayns / and of other maters and aduentures Capitulo xviij How fyr Percyuale and fyr boors mette wyth fyr Galahad [leaf 15] ctabI of] [ 30 ] ~[ontents & how they came to the caftel of carbonek & other maters xix How Galahad & his felowes were fedde of the holy fangreal & how our lord apperyd to them and other thynges xx How Galahad enoynted wyth the blood of the fpere the 5 maymed kyng and of other aduentures capitulo xxj How they were fedde wyth the fangreal whyle they were in pryfon / & how Galahad was made kyng capitulo xxij Of the forowe that Percyuale and boors made whan galahad was dede & of Percyuale how he dyed & other maters xxiij C41 ere folowen the cbapptres of tte iitff boof io Of the Ioye of Kyng Arthur and the quene had of thachyeuement of the fangreal / and how Launcelot fyl to hys olde loue ageyn capitulo primo How the quene comaunded fyr Launcelot to auoyde the court and of the forowe that Launcelot made capitulo ij 15 How at a dyner that the quene made there was a knyght enpoyfoned whyche fyr Mador layed on the quene iij How fyr Mador appeched the quene of treafon / & there was no knyght wold fyght for hyr at the fyrft tyme iiij How the quene requyred fyr Boors to fyght for hyr / & how 20 he graunted vpon condycyon / and how he warned fyr Launcelot therof capitulo v How at the day fyr boors made hym redy for to fyght for the quene / & whan he fhold fy3t how another dyfcharged hym vj How fyr Launcelot fought ayenft fyr mador for the quene / & 25 how he ouercame fyr Mador & dyfcharged the quene vij How the trouthe was knowen by the mayden of the lake / and of dyuers other maters Capitulo viij How fyr Launcelot rode to aftolat / & receyued a fleue to bere vpon his helme at the requefte of a mayde capitulo ix 30 How the tornoye began at Wynchefter and what Knyghtes were at the Iuftes and other thynges capitulo x How fir Launcelot and fyr Lauayn entred in the felde ayenft them of kyng Arthurs court / & how launcelot was hurte xj How fyr Launcelot & fyr Lauayn departed oute of the felde 35 and in what Ieopardye Launcelot was capitulo xij [leaf I5 verso] 'Cable of ] [ 3' ] [Contents How Launcelot was brought to an hermyte for to be helyd of his wounde and of other maters capitulo xiij How fyr Gawayn was lodged wyth the lord of aftolat / & there had knowlege that hit was Syr Launcelot that bare the rede fleue Capitulo xiiij 5 Of the forowe that fyr boors had for the hurte of Launcelot and of the angre that the quene had by caufe Launcelot bare the fleue capitulo xv How Syr boors fought launcelot & fonde hym in the hermytage/ & of the lamentacion bytwene them Capitulo xvj Io How fyr Launcelot armed hym to affaye yf he myght bere armes & how his woundes breft oute ageyn capitulo xvij How fyr boors retorned & tolde tydynges of fyr Launcelot / & of the tournoye and to whome the prys was gyuen xviij Of the grete lamentacyn of the fayr made of astolat whan 15 Launcelot fhold departe & how fhe dyed for his loue xix How the corps of the mayde of aftolat arryued tofore kyng arthur and of the buryeng / and how fyr Launcelot' offryd the maffe peny capitulo xx Of grete Iuftes doon alle a cryftemaffe / and of a grete Iuf- 20 tes and tournoye ordeyned by Kyng Arthur / and of Syr Launcelot Capitulo xxj How Launcelot after that he was hurt of a gentylwoman came to an hermyte and of other maters capitulo xxij How fyr Launcelot byhaued hym at the Iuftes / and other 25 men alfo capitulo xxiij How Kyng arthur meruaylled moche of the Iuftyng in the felde and how he rode & fonde fyr Launcelot capitulo xxiiij How trewe loue is lykened to fommer Capitulo xxv (C bere folowen the cbapgtres of tbe gtf book How quene gueneuer rode on mayeng with certeyn knyghtes 30 of the rounde table and clad al in grene capitulo primo How fyr Mellyagraunce toke the quene & al hyr knyghtes whyche were fore hurte in fyghtyng capitulo ij How fyr Launcelot had word how the quene was taken / & how fyr mellyagraunce layed a buffhement for launcelot iij 35 [leaf 16] 'Cable of] [ 32 1 [Contents How fyr Launcelots hors was flayn / & how fyr Launcelot rode in a carte for to refcowe the quene Capitulo iiij How fyr Mellyagraunce requyred foryeuenes of the quene / & how ihe appeafed fyr Launcelot and other maters v 5 How fyr Launcelot came in the nyght to the quene and laye wyth hyr / and how fyr Melyagraunce appeched the quene of trefon capitulo vj How fyr Launcelot anfwerd for the quene / and waged bataylle ayenft fyr melyagraunce / and how fyr Launcelot was io taken in a trappe Capitulo vij How fyr Launcelot was delyuerd out of pryfon by a lady & toke a whyt courfer and came for to kepe hys day viij How fyr Launcelot cam the fame tyme that fyr mellyagrauce abode hym in the felde and dreffyd hym to bataylle ix 15 How fyr Vrre came in to arthurs courte for to be heled of his woundes / & how kyng arthur wold begyn to handle hym x How Kyng arthur handled fyr Vrre / and after hym many other knyghtes of the rounde table capitulo xj How fyr Launcelot was comanded by arthur to handle hys 20 woundes & anone he was al hool / & how they thanked god xij How there was a party made of an hondred knyghtes ayenft an hondred knyghtes / and of other maters capitulo xiij C rbere folowetb tbe book of tbe pvteous bvftorve wbvcbe is of tbe morte or betb of ktn0: rtbur / anb tbe cbaptres of tbe twentv boof How fyr Agrauayn & fyr mordred were befy vpon fyr Gawayn for to dyfclofe the loue bytwene Syr Launcelot & quene 25 Gueneuer Capitulo primo How fyr Agrauayn dyfclofed theyr loue to kyng Arthur / & how Kyng Arthur gaf them lycence to take hym ij How fyr Launcelot was efpyed in the quenes chambre / and how Syr Agrauayn and Syr Mordred came wyth twelue 30 knyghtes to flee hym Capitulo iij How fyr Launcelot flewe fyr colgreuance & armed hym in his harnoys & after flewe fyr agrauayn & xij of his felawes iiij How Syr Launcelot came to fyr bors & tolde hym how he had [leaf I6 verso],a_ p ;ablc of] [Cotents fpedde & in what aduenture he nli ben / & how he efcaped v Of the counceyl And aduys whiche was taken by fyr Launcelot and by hys frendes for to faue the quene CapitulQ vj How fyr mordred rode haftely to the Kyng / to telle hfi ' thaffray & deth of fyr agrauayn & the other knyghtes vij 5 How fyr Launcelot and hys kynnefmen refcowed the quene from the fyre and how he flewe many knyghtes viij Of the forowe & lamentacyon for the dethe of his neuewes & other good knyghtes / & alfo for the quene hys wyf ix How Kyng Arthur at the requefte of fyr Gawayn conclu- Io ded to make warre ayenft fyr Launcelot / and layed fyege to his caftel called Ioyous garde capitulo x Of the comynycacyon bytwene kyng Arthur & fyr Launcelot and how Kyng Arthur repreuyd hym capitulo xj How the cofyns & kynnefmen of fyr Launcelot excyted hym 15 to goo oute to batayl / and how they made them redy xij How fyr Gawayn Iufted and fmote doun fyr Lyonel / and how fyr Launcelot horfed kyng Arthur ca xiij How the Pope fent doun his bulles to make pees / & how fyr Launcelot brought the quene to kyng Arthur xiiij 20 Of the delyueraunce of the quene to the kyng by fir launcelot & what langage fyr Gawayn had to fyr Launcelot xv Of the comynycacyon bytwene fyr Gawayn and fyr Launcelot wyth moche other langage capitulo xvj How fyr Launcelot departed fro the kyng & fro Ioyous garde 25 ouer fee warde and what knyghtes wente wyth hym xvij How fyr Launcelot paffed ouer the fee / & how he made grete lordes of the knyghtes that wente wyth hym capitulo xviij How kyng arthur & fyr Gawayn made a grete hooft redy to go ouer fee to make warre on fyr Launcelot capitulo xix 30 What meffage fyr Gawayn fente to fyr Launcelot / & kynge Arthur layed fyege to benwyck and other maters xx How fyr launcelot & fyr Gawayn dyd batayl togyder / and how fyr Gawayn was ouerthrowen and hurte capitulo xxj Of the forowe that kyng arthur made for the warre / & of an 35 other batayl where alfo fyr Gawayn had the werfe xxij C[ Tere folowen tbe cbapptres of the XI book [leaf '71 C~~~~~oo [leaf 17] C 'Cable of] [Contents How Syr Mordred prefumeQ uz toke on hym to be kyng of englond / & wold haue maryed the quene his faders wyf ca j How after that kyng arthur had tydynges / he retorned and "a-meii to douer where fyr Mordred mette hym to lette his lan5 dyng / and of the deth of Syr Gawayn Ca!itulo ij How after fyr Gawayns ghooft apperyd to kynge arthur & warned hym that he fhold not fyght that day capitulo iij How by myfaduenture of an adder the batayl began / where Mordred was flayn and arthur hurte to the deth iiij o1 How Kyng arthur comanded to cafte his fwerd excalybur in to the water / & how he was delyuerd to ladyes in a barge v How fyr bedwere fonde hym on the morne deed in an hermytage / and how he abode there wyth the hermyte capitulo vj Of thoppynyon of fomme men of the deth of kynge arthur / & 15 how quene Gueneuer made hir a nonne in almefburye vij How whan fyr Launcelot herde of the deth of kyng arthur & of fyr Gawayn and other maters came in to englond viij How fyr Launcelot departed to feche the quene Gueneuer and how he fonde hir at almefburye capitulo ix 20 How Syr Launcelot came to thermytage where tharchebyffhop of caunterburye was / & how he toke thabyte on hym x How fyr Launcelot wente wyth his feuen felowes to amefburye / & fonde there quene Gueneuer deed / whom they brought to glaftynburye capitulo xj 25 How fyr Launcelot began to fekene / & after dyed / whos body was borne to Ioyous garde for to be buryed capitulo xij How fyr E&or fonde fyr launcelot hys brother dede / and how Conftantyn reygned next after Arthur / and of the ende of thys book capitulo xiij C ]~plfctt the table [leaf 17 verso] "I, A (I I Book i.] [ 35 ] - [ Ika. C Capitulun primum It befel in the dayes of Vther pendragon when he was kynge of all Englond / and fo regned that there was a my3ty duke in Cornewaill that helde warre ageynft hym long tyme / And the duke was called the duke of Tyntagil / and 5 fo by meanes kynge Vther fend for this duk / chargyng hym to brynge his wyf with hym / for fhe was called a fair lady / and a paffynge wyfe / and her name was called Igrayne/ So whan the duke and his wyf were comyn vnto the kynge by the meanes of grete lordes they were accorded bothe / the ky- 1o nge lyked and loued this lady wel / and he made them grete chere out of mefure / and defyred to haue lyen by her / But fhe was a paffyng good woman / and wold not affente vnto the kynge / And thenne fhe told the duke her hufband and faid I fuppofe that we were fente for that I fhold be difhonoured 15 Wherfor hufband I counceille yow that we departe from hens fodenly that we maye ryde all nyghte vnto oure owne caitell / and in lyke wyfe as fhe faide fo they departed / that neyther the kynge nor none of his counceill were ware of their departyng Alfo foone as kyng Vther knewe of theire departyng foo 20 fodenly / he was wonderly wrothe / Thenne he called to hym his pryuy counceille / and told them of the fodeyne departyng of the duke and his wyf / -{ Thenne they auyfed the kynge to fend for the duke and his wyf by a grete charge / And yf he wille not come at yo- 25 ur fom6s / thenne may ye do your beft / thenne haue ye caufe to make myghty werre vpon hym / Soo that was done and the meffagers hadde their anfuers / And that was thys fhortly/ that neyther he nor his wyf wold not come at hym / Thenne was the kyng wonderly wroth / And thenne the kyng 30 fente hym playne word ageyne/ and badde hym be redy and ftuffe hym and garnyffhe hym / for within xl dayes he wold fetche hym oute of the byggeft caftell that he hath / [ Whanne the duke hadde thys warnynge / anone he wente and furnyffhed and garnyffhed two ftronge Caftels of his 35 of the whicte the one hyght Tyntagil / & the other cartel hy3t lleaf i8] a j eoft.L] f. 36 ] C[bap. it. Terrabyl / So his wyf Dame Igrayne he putte in the caftell of Tyntagil / And hym felf he putte in the caftel of Terrabyl the whiche had many yffues and pofternes oute / Thenne in alle hafte came Vther with a grete hooft / and leyd a fyege a5 boute the caftel of Terrabil / And ther he pyght many pauelyons / and there was grete warre made on bothe partyes / and moche peple flayne / Thenne for pure angre and for grete loue of fayr Irayne the kyng Vther felle feke / So came to the kynge Vther Syre Vlfius a noble knyght / and afked the io kynge why he was feke / I fhall telle the faid the kynge / I am feke for angre and for loue of fayre Igrayne that I may not be hool / wel my lord faid Syre Vlfius / I fhal feke Merlyn / and he fhalle do yow remedy that youre herte fhalbe pleafyd / So Vlfius departed / and by aduenture he mette Mer15 lyn in a beggars aray / and ther Merlyn afked Vlfius whome he foughte / and he faid he had lytyl ado to telle hym / Welifaide Merlyn / I knowe whome thou fekeft / for thoa fekeft Merlyn / therfore feke no ferther / for I am he / and yf kynge Vther wille wel rewarde me / and be fworne vnto me to ful20 fille my defyre that fhall be his honour & profite more tha myn for I fhalle caufe hym to haue alle his defyre / Alle this wyll I vndertake faid Vlfius that ther fhalle be nothyng refonable / but thow fhalt haue thy defyre / well faid Merlyn / he fhall haue his entente and defyre / And therfore faide Merlyn / ryde 25 on your wey / for I wille not be long behynde Capitulum 0ecunbum Henne Vlfius was glad and rode on more than a paas tyll that he came to kynge Vtherpendragon / and told hym he had met with Merlyn / where is he faid the kyng fir faid Vlfius he wille not dwelle long / ther with al Vlfius 30 was ware where Merlyn ftood at the porche of the pauelions dore / And thenne Merlyn was bounde to come to the kynge Whan kyng Vther fawe hym he faid he was welcome / fyr.faid Merlyn I knowe al your hert euery dele / fo ye wil be fworn vnto me as ye be a true kynge enoynted to fulfille my defyre 35 ye fhal haue your defyre / thenne the kyng was fworne vpon the iiij euuageliftes / Syre faid Merlyn this is my defyre / the first ny3t 1t ye fhal lye by Igrayne ye fhal gete a child on her & [leaf 18 verso] -i__ _-,,i S3oo ft] [ 37, ] [Cbap. ti. whan that is borne that it fhall be delyuerd to me for to nouriffhe there as I wille haue it / for it fhal be your worfhip / & the childis auaille as mykel as the child is worth / I wylle wel faid the kynge as thow wilt haue it / Now make you redy faid Merlyn this nyght ye fhalle lye with Igrayne in the 5 caftel of Tyntigayll / & ye fhalle be lyke the duke her huiband Vlfyus fhal be lyke Syre Braftias / a knyghte of the dukes And I will be lyke a knyghte that hyghte Syr Iordanus a knyghte of the dukes / But wayte ye make not many queftions with her nor her men / but faye ye are difeafed and foo hye io yow to bedde / and ryfe not on the morne tyll I come to yow / for the caftel of Tyntygaill is but x myle hens / foo this was done as they deuyfed / But the duke of Tyntigail afpyed hou the kyng rode fro the fyege of tarabil / & therfor that nyghte lie yffued oute of the caftel at a pofterne for to haue diftreffid the 15 kynges hoofte / And fo thorowe his owne yffue the duke hym felf was flayne or euer the kynge cam at the caftel of Tyntigail / fo after the deth of the duke kyng Vther lay with Igrayne more than thre houres after his deth / and begat on her that nyg3 arthur / & on day cam Merlyn ca to the kyng / & bad hym 20 make hym redy / & fo he kiff the lady Igrayne and departed in all haft / But whan the lady herd telle of the duke her hufbad and by all record he was dede or euer kynge Vther came to her thenne fhe merueilled who that myghte be that laye with her in lykenes of her lord / fo fhe mourned pryuely and held hir 25 pees / Thenne alle the barons by one affent prayd the Kynge of accord betwixe the lady Igrayne and hyIn / the kynge gaf hem leue / for fayne wold he haue ben accorded with her / Soo the kyng put alle the trufft in Vlfyus to entrete bitwene them fo by the entrete at the laft the kyng & fhe met to gyder / Now 30 we doo well faid Vlfyus / our kyng is a lufty knyghte and wyueles / & my lady Igrayne is a paffynge fair lady / it were grete ioye vnto vs all and hit myghte pleafe the kynge to make her his quene / vnto that they all well accordyd and meued it to the kynge / And anone lyke a lufty knyghte / he 35 affentid therto with good wille / and fo in alle hafte they were maryed in a mornynge with grete myrthe and Ioye / And Kynge Lott of Lowthean and of Orkenay thenne [leaf 19] a ij K sooh i.] [ 38 ] [Cbaps. fit. fv. & v. wedded Margawfe that was Gaweyns moder / And kynge Nentres of the land of Garlot wedded Elayne / Al this was done at the requeft of kynge Vther / And the thyrd fyfter morgan lefey was put to fcole in a nonnery / And ther fhe lerned 5 fo moche that fhe was a grete Clerke of Nygromancye / And after fhe was wedded to kynge Vryens of the lond of Gore that was Syre Ewayns le blaunche maynys fader/ Capitulum tercium Z Hene quene Igrayne waxid dayly gretter & gretter / fo it befel after within half a yere as kyng Vther lay by 10 his quene he afked hir by the feith fhe ou3t to hym whos was the child within her body / thene fhe fore abaffhed to yeue anfuer / Defmaye you not faid the kyng but telle me the trouthe / and I fhall loue you the better by the feythe of my body Syre faide fhe I fhalle telle you the trouthe/ the fame nyghte 15 Jt my lord was dede the houre of his deth as his kny3tes record ther came in to my caftel of Tyntigaill a man lyke my lord in fpeche and in countenaunce / and two knyghtes with hym in lykenes of his two knyghtes barcias and Iordans / & foo I went vnto bed with hym as I ou3t to do with my lord / & the fa20 me nyght as I ihal anfwer vnto god this child was begoten vpon me / that is trouthe faide the kynge as ye fay / for it was I my felf that cam in the lykeneffe / & therfor defmay you not for I am fader to the child / & ther he told her alle the caufe/ how it was by Merlyns counceil / thenne the quene made gre25 te ioye whan ihe knewe who was the fader of her child / Sone come merlyn vnto the kyng/ & faid fyr ye muff puruey yow/ for the nouriffhyng of your child / as thou wolt faid the kyng be it / wel faid Merlyn I knowe a lord of yours in this ln that is a paffyng true man & a feithful / & he fhal haue-.. 30 nouryffhyng of your child / & his name is fir E&or / & he is a lord of fair lyuelode in many partyes in Englond & walys / & this lord fir ector lete hym be fent for/for to come & fpeke with you / & defyre hym your felf as he loueth you that he will put his owne child to nouriffhynge to another woman / and that 35 his wyf nouriffhe yours / And whan the child is borne lete it be delyuerd to me at y6der pryuy pofterne vncryffned / So like [leaf I9 verso] aSoo!t Q.] [ 39 1 [Cbaps. il. iv. & v. as Merlyn deuyfed it was done / And whan fyre Eaor was come / he made fyaice to the kyng for to nouriffhe the child lyke as the Kynge defyred / and there the kyng graunted fyr ector grete rewardys / Thenne when the lady was delyuerd the kynge commaunded ij knyghtes & ij ladyes to take the child 5 bound in a cloth of gold / & that ye delyuer hym to what poure man ye mete at the pofterne yate of the cartel / So the child was delyuerd vnto Merlyn / and fo he bare it forth vnto Syre E&or / and made an holy man to cryften hym / and named hym Arthur / and fo fir E&ors wyf nouryffhed hym with her 1o owne pappe / Thenne within two yeres kyng Vther felle feke of a grete maladye / And in the meane whyle hys enemyes Vfurpped vpon hym/ and dyd a grete bataylle vpon his men / and flewe many of his peple / Sir faid Merlyn ye may not lye fo as ye doo / for ye muft to the feld though ye ryde on an hors 15 lyttar / for ye fhall neuer haue the better of your enemyes / but yf your perfone be there / and thenne fhall ye haue the vyctory So it was done as Merlyn had deuyfed / and they caryed the kynge forth in an hors lyttar with a grete hoofte towarde his enemyes / And at faynt Albons ther mette with the kynge a 20 grete hooft of the north / And that day Syre Vlfyus and fir Bracias dyd grete dedes of armes / and kyng Vthers men ouercome the northeryn bataylle and flewe many peple & putt the remenaunt to flight / And thenne the kyng retorned vnto london and made grete ioye of * vyCry / An. thene he fyll 25 feke / fo thre dayes & thre nyghtes he W'P ^,-, cheles / wherforeille the barons made grete forow and aKced Merlyn what counceill were beft / There nys none other remedye faid Merlyn but god wil haue his wille / But loke ye al PBaroins be bifore kynge Vther to morne / and god and I 30 fhalle make hym to fpeke / So on the morne alle the Barons with merlyn came to fore the kyng / thenie Merlyn faid aloud vnto kyng Vther / Syre shall your fone Arthur be kyng after your dayes of this realme with all the appertenaunce / thenne Vtherpendragon torned hym and faid in herynge of them alle 35 I gyue hym gods bliffing & myne / & byd hym pray for my foule / & righteuoufly & worfhipfully that he clayme 'e croune oon forfeture of my bleffyng / & therwith he yelde vp the ghoft & [leaf 2o] a iij Ir :3ooh i.] [ 40 ] [Cbapz. iti. t. & v. thenne was he enterid as longed to a kyng / wherfor the quene fayre Igrayne made grete forowe and alle the Barons / Thenne ftood the reame in grete ieopardy long whyle / for euery lord that was myghty of men maade hym ftronge / and ma5 ny wende to haue ben kyng / Thenne Merlyn wente to the archebiffhop of Caunterbury / and counceilled hym for to fende for alle the lordes of the reame / and alle the gentilmen of armes that they fhold to london come by Criftmas vpon payne of curfynge / And for this caufe pt Ihu that was borne on that lo nyghte that he wold of his grete mercy fhewe fome myracle / as he was come to be kynge of mankynde for to fhewe fomme myracle who fhold be rightwys kynge of this reame / So the Archebiffhop by the aduys of Merlyn fend for alle the lordes and gentilmen of armes that they fhold come by cryftmaffe I5 euen vnto london / And many of hem made hem clene of her lyf that her prayer myghte be the more acceptable vnto god / Soo in the gretteft chirch of london whether it were Powlis or not the Frenffhe booke maketh no mencyon / alle the eftates were longe or day in the chirche for to praye / And whan matyns & ao the firft maffe was done / there was fene in the chircheyard ayeft the hyghe aulter a grete ftone four fquare lyke vnto a marbel ftone / And in myddes therof was lyke an Anuylde of ftele a foot on hyghe / & theryn ftack a fayre fwerd naked by the poynt / and letters there were wryten in gold aboute 25 the fwerd that- fdidn h s l / who fo pulleth oute this fwerd of __4bi< boshe and anuyld / is rightwys ky-nge borne... al En- ' lond / Thenne the peple merueilled & told it to the Archebiffhop /..I I commande faid tharchebiffhop that ye kepe yow within your chirche / and pray vnto god ftill that no man touche the fwerd 30 tyll the hyghe maffe be all done / So whan all maffes were d6ole_ all the lordes wente to beholde the ftone and the fwerd / And whan they fawe the fcripture / fom affayed fuche as wold haue ben kyng / But none myght ftere the fwerd nor meue hit He is not here faid the Archebiffhop that fhall encheue the fwerd 35 but doubte not god will make hym knowen / But this is my counceill faid the archebiffhop / that we lete puruey x kny3tes men of good fame / & they to kepe this fwerd / fo it was ordeydeyned / & thene ther was made a crye / pt euery ma fhold affay J-" --- [leaf o2 verso] ~__ _ Book i] [ 41 ] [Cbapo. fit. o. & v. wold for to wynne the fwerd / And vpon newe yeerfday the barons lete maake a Iuftes and a tournement / that alle kny3 -tes fhat wold Iufte or tourneye / there my3t playe / & all this was ordeyned for to kepe the lordes to gyders & the comyns / for the Archebiffhop trufted / that god wold make hym knowe 5 that fhold wynne the fwerd / So vpon newe yerefday whan the feruyce was done / the barons rode vnto the feld / fome to Iufte / & fom to torney / & fo it happed that fyre E&or that had grete lyuelode aboute london rode vnto the Iuftes / & with hym rode fyr kaynus his fone & yong Arthur that was hys nourif- Io fhed broder / & fyr kay was made kny3t at al halowmas afore So as they rode to y* Iuftes ward/ fir kay loft his fwerd for he had lefte it at his faders lodgyng / & fo he prayd yong Arthur for to ryde for his fwerd / I wyll wel faid Arthur / & rode faft after y' fwerd / & whan he cam home / the lady & al were 15 out to fee the Iouftyng / thenne was Arthur wroth & faide to hym felf / I will ryde to the chircheyard / & take the fwerd with me that ftycketh in the ftone / for my broder fir kay fhal not be without a fwerd this day / fo whan he cam to the chircheyard fir Arthur ali3t & tayed his hors to the ftyle / & fo he wente to 20 the tent / & found no kny3tes there / for they were atte Iuftyng & fo he handled the fwerd by the handels / and li3tly & fierfly pulled it out of the ftone / & took his hors & rode his way vntyll he came to his broder fir kay / & delyuerd hym the fwerd / & as fone as fir kay, the fwerd he wift wel it was the fwerd 25 of the ftone / & fo he i le to his fader fyr E&tor / & faid / fire / loo here is the fwerd of the ftone / wherfor I muft be kyng of thys land / when fyre E&or beheld the fwerd / he retorned ageyne & cam to the chirche / & there they ali3te al thre / & wente in to the chirche / And anon he made fir kay fwere vpon a book / how 30 he came to that fwerd / Syr faid fir kay by my broder Arthur for he brought it to me / how gate ye this fwerd faid fir E&or to Arthur / fir I will telle you when I cam home for my broders fwerd / I fond no body at home to delyuer me his fwerd And fo I thought my broder fyr kay fhold not be fwerdles 35 & fo I cam hyder egerly & pulled it out of the ftone withoute ony payn / found ye ony kny3tes about this fwerd feid fir e&or Nay faid Arthur / Now faid fir E&or to Arthur I vnderftade [leaf 21] a iiij Zsoolt (.] [ 42 ] [Cbap. (i. ye muft be kynge of this land / wherfore I / fayd Arthur and for what caufe / Sire faide E&tor / for god wille haue hit foo for ther fhold neuer man haue drawen oute this fwerde / but he that fhal be rightwys kyng of this land / Now lete me fee 5 whether ye can putte the fwerd ther as it was / and pulle hit oute ageyne / that is no mayftry faid Arthur / and foo he put it in the ifone / wherwith alle Sir Eeor affayed to pulle oute the fwerd and faylled ~C Capitulum sectum Ow affay faid Syre Etor vnto Syre kay / And aI~~0 l non he pulled at the fwerd with alle his myghte / but it wold not be / Now fhal ye affay faid Syre EEor to Arthur I wyll wel faid Arthur and pulled it out eafily / And therwith alle Syre E&or knelyd doune to the erthe and Syre Kay / Allas faid Arthur myne own dere fader and broder why I5 knele ye to me / Nay nay my lord Arthur / it is not fo I was neuer your fader nor of your blood / but I wote wel ye are of an hygher blood than I wende ye were / And thenne Syre Ector told hym all how he was bitaken hym for to nouriffhe hym And by whoos commandement / and by Merlyns delyuerauce 20 C Thenne Arthur made grete doole whan he vnderftood that Syre Edor was not his fader / Sir faid Etor vnto Arthur woll ye be my good & gracious lord when ye are kyng / els were I to blame faid arthur for ye are the man in the world that I am moft be holdyng to / & my good lady and moder your wyf 25 that as wel as her owne hath foftred me and kepte / And yf euer hit be goddes will that I be kynge as ye fay / ye fhall defyre of me what I may doo / and I fhalle not faille yow / god forbede I Ihold faille yow / Sir faid Sire E&or / I will afke no more of yow / but that ye wille make my fone your fofter 30 broder Syre Kay Senceall of alle your landes / That fhalle be____-"~' done faid Arthur / and more by the feith of my body that neuer man fhalle haue that office but he whyle he and I lyue / There with all they wente vnto the Archebiffhop / and told hym how the fwerd was encheued / and by whome / and on twelfth day 35 alle the barons cam thyder / and to affay to take the fwerd who that wold affay / But there afore hem alle ther myghte none take it out but Arthur / wherfor ther were many lordes wroth [leaf 21 verso] :3ook.] [ 43 ] [Cbap. Uf. And faide it was grete fhame vnto them all and the reame to be ouer gouernyd with a boye of no hyghe blood borne / And fo they fell oute at that tyme that it was put of tyll Candelmas / And thenne alle the barons fhold mete there ageyne / but alwey the x knyghtes were ordeyned to watche the fwerd day 5 & ny3t / & fo they fette a pauelione ouer the ftone & fwerd & fyue alwayes watched / Soo at Candalmaffe many moo grete lordes came thyder for to haue wonne the fwerde / but there myghte none preuaille / And right as Arthur dyd at Criftmaffe / he dyd at Candelmaffe and pulled oute the fwerde e- Io afely wherof the Barons were fore agreued and put it of in delay till the hyghe fefte of Eeiter / And as Arthur fped afore / fo dyd he at Eeiter / yet there were fome of the grete lordes had indignacion that Arthur fhold be kynge / and put it of in a delay tyll the feeft of Pentecofte / Thenne the Archebiffhop 15 of Caunterbury by Merlyns prouydence lete purueye thenne of the beft knyghtes that they myghte gete / And fuche knyghtes as Vtherpendragon loued beft and mooft trufted in his dayes / And fuche knyghtes were put aboute Arthur as fyr Bawdewyn of Bretayn / fyre kaynes / fyre Vlfyus / fyre bar- 20 fias / All thefe with many other were alweyes about Arthur day and nyghte till the fefte of Pentecost C Capttulum feptimum Nd at the fefte of pentecoft alle maner of men affayed to pulle at the fwerde that wold affay / but none myghte preuaille but Arthur / and pulled it oute afore 25 all the lordes and comyns that were there / wherfore alle the comyns cryed at ones we wille haue Arthur vnto our kyng we wille put hym nomore in delay / for we alle fee that it is goddes wille that he fhalle be our kynge / And who that holdeth ageynft it we wille flee hym / And therwith all they kne- 30 lyd at ones both ryche and poure / and cryed Arthur mercy by caufe they had delayed hym foo longe / and Arthur foryaf hem / and took the fwerd bitwene both his handes / and offred it vpon the aulter where the Archebiffhop was / and fo was he made knyghte of the beft man that was there / And fo anon 35 [leaf 22] JBoofh L, [ 44 ] [Cbap. vfti. was the coronacyon made / And ther was he fworne vnto his lordes & the comyns for to be a true kyng to ftand with true Iuftyce fro thens forth the dayes of this lyf / Alfo thelie he made alle lordes that helde of the croune to come in / and to do fer5 uyce as they oughte to doo / And many complayntes were made vnto fir Arthur of grete wronges that were done fyn the dethe of kyng Vther / of many londes that were bereued lordes knyghtes / ladyes & gentilmen / wherfor kynge Arthur maade the londes to be yeuen ageyne to them that oughte hem / io ( Whanne this was done that the kyng had ftabliffhed alle the countreyes aboute london / thenne he lete make Syr kay fencial of Englond / and fir Baudewyn of Bretayne was made Conftable / and fir Vlfyus was made chamberlayn / And fire Braftias was maade wardeyn to wayte vpon the northe fro I5 Trent forwardes for it was pt tyme Je most party the kynges enemyes / But within fewe yeres after Arthur wan alle the north fcotland / and alle that were vnder their obeiffaunce / Alfo walys a parte of it helde ayenfft Arthur / but he ouercam hem al as he dyd the remenaunt thurgh the noble proweffe 20 of hym felf and his knyghtes of the round table C Capitulum octauum Z Henne the kyng remeued in to walys / and lete crye a grete fefte that it fhold be holdyn at Pentecoft after the incoronacion of hym at the Cyte of Carlyon/ vnto the feft come kyng Lott of Lowthean / and of Orkeney / with 25 fyue C kny3tes with hym / Alfo ther come to the fefte kynge Vryens of gore with four C kny3tes with hym ( Alfo ther come to that feefte kyng Nayntres of garloth with feuen C knyghtes with hym / Alfo ther came to the feeft the kynge of Scotland with fixe honderd knyghtes with hym /and he 30 was but a yong man / Alfo ther came to the feffe a kyng that was called the kyng with the honderd knyghtes / but he and his men were paffyng wel bifene at ali poyntes Alfo ther cam the kyng of Cardos with fyue honderd knyghtes / And kyng Arthur was glad of their comynge / for he wende that al the 35 kynges & knyghtes had, come for grete loue / and to haue done hym worfhip at his fefte / wherfor the kyng made grete ioye / and fente:the kynges and knyghtes grete prefentes / But[leaf 22 verso] Zook t.] [ 45 ] tCbap. ril the kynges wold none receyue / but rebuked the meffagers ihamefully / and faid they had no ioye to receyue no yeftes of a berdles boye that was come of lowe blood / and fente hym word / they wold none of his yeftes / But that they were come to gyue hym yeftes with hard fwerdys betwixt the neck 5 and the fholders / And therfore they came thyder / fo they told to the meffagers playnly / for it was grete fhame to all them to fee fuche a boye to haue a rule of foo noble a reaume as this land was / With this anfuer the meffagers departed & told to kyng Arthur this anfuer / wherfor by the aduys of his ba- io rons he took hym to a ftrong towre with / v / C good men with hym / And all the kynges afore faid in a maner leyd a fyege tofore hym / but kyng Arthur was well vytailled / And within xv dayes ther came Merlyn amonge hem in to the Cyte of Carlyon / thenne all the kynges were paffyng gladde of Mer- 15 lyn / and afked hym for what caufe is that boye Arthur made your kynge / Syres faid Merlyn / I fhalle telle yow the caufe for he is kynge Vtherpendragons fone borne in wedlok goten on Igrayne the dukes wyf of Tyntigail / thenne is he a baftard they faid al / nay faid Merlyn / After the deth of the du- 20 ke more than thre houres was Arthur begoten / And xiij dayes after kyng Vther wedded Igrayne / And therfor I preue hym he is no baftard / And who faith nay / he fhal be kyng and ouercome alle his enemyes / And or he deye / he fhalle be long kynge of all Englond / and haue vnder his obeyffaunce 25 Walys / yrland and Scotland / and moo reames than I will now reherce / Some of the kynges had merueyl of Merlyns wordes and demed well that it fhold be as he faid / And fom of hem lough hym to fcorne / as kyng Lot / and mo other called hym a wytche / But thenne were they accorded with Mer- 30 lyn that kynge Arthur fhold come oute and fpeke with the kynges / and to come fauf and to goo fauf / fuche furaunce ther was made / So Merlyn went vnto kynge Arthur / and told hym how he had done / and badde hym fere not but come oute boldly and fpeke with hem / and fpare hem not / but anfuere 35 them as their kynge and chyuetayn / for ye fhal ouercome hem all whether they wille or nylle / I ~apitulum tg [leaf 23] Sook i.] [ 46 ] [Cbap. ir. Z He^Henne kynge Arthur came oute of his tour / and had vnd'er his gowne a Iefferaunte of double maylle / and ther wente with hym the Archebiffhop of Caunterbury / and fyr Baudewyn of Bretayne and fyr kay / and fyre 5 Braftias / thefe were the men of mooft worfhip that were with hym / And whan they were mette / there was no mekenes but ftoute wordes on bothe fydes / but alweyes kynge Arthur anfuerd them and faid / he wold make them to bowe and he lyued wherfore they departed with wrath / and kynge Arthur badde io kepe hem wel / and they bad the kynge kepe hym wel / Soo the kynge retorned hym to the toure ageyne and armed hym and alle his kny3tes / what will ye do faid Merlyn to the kynges ye were better for to ftynte / for ye fhalle not here preuaille though ye were x fo many / be we wel auyfed to be aferd of a dre'5 me reder faid kyng Lot / with that Merlyn vanyffhed aweye / and came to Kynge Arthur / and bad hym fet on hem fierfly / & in the mene whyle there were thre honderd good men of the beft that were with the kynges / that wente ftreyghte vnto kynge Arthur / and that comforted hym gretely / Syr faid Merlyn to 20 Arthur / fyghte not with the fwerde ye had by myracle / til that ye fee ye go vnto the wers / thenne drawe it out and do your beft / So forth with alle kynge Arthur fette vpon hem in their lodgyng / And fyre Bawdewyn fyre Kay and fyr Braftias flewe on the right hand & on the lyfte hand that it was 25 merueylle / and alweyes Kynge Arthur on horfback leyd on with a fwerd and dyd merueillous dedes of armes that many of the kynges had grete ioye of his dedes and hardyneffe / Thenne Kynge Lot brake out on the bak fyde / and the kyng with the honderd knyghtes and kyng Carados / and fette on 30 Arthur fierfly behynde hym / with that Syre Arthur torned with his knyghtes / and fmote behynd and before / and euer fir Arthur was in the formeft prees tyl his hors was flayne vndernethe hym / And therwith kynge lot fmote doune kyng Arthur / With that his four knyghtes receyued hym and fet hym 35 an horfback / thene he drewe his fwerd Excalibur / but it was fo bryght in his enemyes eyen / that it gaf light lyke xxx torchys / And therwith he put hem on bak / and flewe moche peple And thenne the comyns of Carlyon aroos with clubbis and [leaf 23 verso] SBookt i. [ 47 ] [Cbap. r. ftauys and flewe many knyghtes / but alle the kynges helde them to gyders with her knyghtes that were lefte on lyue/ and fo fled and departed / And Merlyn come vnto Arthur/ and counceilled hym to folowe hem no further (I a /: O after the fefte and iourneye kynge Arthur drewe 5 hym vnto london / and foo by the counceil of Merlyn the kyng lete calle his barons to couceil / for Merlyn had told the kynge that the fixe kynges that made warre vpon hym wold in al hafte be awroke on hym & on his landys wherfor the kyng afked counceil at hem al / they coude no coun- Io ceil gyue but faid they were bygge ynough / ye faye wel faid Arthur / I thanke you for your good courage / but wil ye al that loveth me fpeke with Merlyn ye knowe wel that he hath done moche for me / and he knoweth many thynges / & whan he is afoie you / I wold that ye prayd hym hertely of his beft I5 auyfe / Alle the barons fayd they wold pray hym and defyre bym / Soo Merlyn was fente for & fair defyred of al the barons to gyue them beft counceil / I fhall fay you faid Merlyn I warne yow al / your enemyes are paffyng ftrong for yow / and they are good men of armes as ben on lyue / & by thys 20 tyme they haue goten to them four kynges mo / and a myghty duke / and onleffe that our kyng haue more chyualry with hym than he may make within P1 boundys of his own reame and he fyghte with hem in batail / he fhal be ouercome & flayn what were beft to doo in this caufe faid al the barons / I fhal 25 telle you faid Merlyn myne aduys / there ar two bretheren beyond the fee / & they be kynges bothe and merueillous good men of her handes / And that one hyghte Kynge Ban of Benwic And that other hyght Kyng Bors of gaule that is Fraunce And on thefe two Kynges warrith a myghty man of men 30 the Kynge Claudas / and ftryueth with hem for a caftel / and grete werre is betwixt them / But this Claudas is fo myghty of goodes wherof he geteth good Kny3tes that he putteth thefe two kynges mooft parte do the werfe / wherfor this is my counceil that our kyng and fouerayne lord fende vnto the kynges 35 Ban and Bors by two trufty knyghtes with letters wel deuyfed / that and they wil come and fee kynge Arthur and his courte / & fo helpe hym in his warrys that he wil be fworne [leaf 24] ZBook L.] [ 48 ] ECbap. r. vnto them to helpe them in their warrys ageynft kynge Claudas / Now what faye ye vnto this counceill faid Merlyn / thys is wel counceilled faid the kynge & alle the Barons / right fo in alle hafte ther were ordeyned to goo two knyghtes on the 5 meffage vnto the two kynges / Soo were there made letters in the plefaunt wyfe accordyng vnto kyng Arthurs defyre / VIfyus and Braftias were made the meffagers / & fo rode forth wel horfed and wel armed / and as the gyfe was that tyme & fo paffed the fee & rode toward the cyte of Benwyck / and 1o there byfydes were viij knyghtes that afpyed them / And at a ftrayt paffage they mette with Vlfyus & Braftias / & wold haue taken hem pryfoners / fo they prayd hem that they myght paffe / for they were meffagers vnto kyng Ban & Bors fent from kynge Arthur / therfor faid the viij knyghtes ye fhalle 15 dye or be pryfoners / for we ben knyghtes of kyng Claudas And therwith two of them dreffid their fperys / and Vlfyus and Braftias dreffid theire fperes and ranne to gyder with grete raundon / And Claudas knyghtes brack their fperes / and ther to hylde and bare the two knyghtes out of her fadels 20 to the erthe / and fo lefte hem lyeng and rode her wayes / And the other fixe knyghtes rode afore to a paffage to mete wyth hem ageyne / and fo Vlfyus & Braftias fmote other two doun And fo paft on her wayes / And at the fourth paffage there mette two for two / and bothe were leid vnto the erthe / fo ther 25 was none of the viij knyghtes but he was fore hurte or bryfed And whan they come to Benwick it fortuned ther were both kynges Ban and Bors / And whan it was told the kynges that there were come meffagers/ there were fente vnto them ij knyghtes of worfhip / the one hyghte Lyonfes lord of the co30 untry of payarne and Sir phariaunce a worfhipful knyght Anone they afked from whens they came / and they faid from kynge Arthur kyng of Englond / fo they took them in theyre armes and made grete ioye eche of other / But anon as the ij kynges wift they were meffagers of Arthurs / ther was ma35 de no taryenge / but forthwith they fpak with the knyghtes / & welcomed hem in the feythfulleft wyfe / & faid / they were moft welcome vnto them before alle the kynges lyuynge / and ther with they kyft the letters & delyuerd hem / And whan Ban [leaf 24 verso] sooh t.] [ 49 ] [Cbap. r. and Bors vnderftood the letters / thenne were they more wel come than they were before / And after the haft of the letters / they gaf hem this anfuer that they wold fulfille the defyre of kynge Arthurs wrytyng & Vlfyus & Braftias tary there as longe as they wold / they fhold haue fuche chere as myghte be 5 made them in tho marchys / Thenne Vlfyus & Braftias told the kyng of the adueture at their paffages of the eyghte kny3 -tes / Ha A faid Ban and Bors they were my good frendes I wold I had wyft of hem they fhold not haue efcaped fo So Vlfius & Braftias had good chere and grete yeftes as Io moche as they myghte bere awey / and hadde their anfuere by mouthe and by wrytynge that tho two Kynges wold come vnto Arthur in all the haft that they myfte / So the two Knytes rode on a fore / and paffed the fee / and come to their lord and told hym how they had fpedde / wherof Kynge Arthur 15 was paffyng gladde / At what tyme fuppofe ye / the ij Kynges wol be here / Syr faid they afore all halowmaffe / Thenne the kynge lete puruey for a grete feefte / and lete crye a grete Iuftes / And by all halowmaffe the two kynges were come ouer the fee with thre honderd kny3tes wel arayed both for the pees 20 and for the werre / And kyng Arthur mette with hem x myle oute of london / and ther was grete ioye as coude be thou3t or made / And on al halowmaffe / at the grete feefte fate in the halle the thre kynges / and fyre kay fencial ferued in the halle And Syr lucas the bottelere that was duke Corneus fone / & 25 fir gryflet that was the fone of Cardol / these iij kny3tes had the rule of alle the feruyfe that ferued the kynges / And anon as they had waffhen & ryfen / al kny3tes that wold Iufte made hem redy / by than they were redy on horfbak there were vij C knyghtes / And Arthur Ban and Bors with the Archebif- 30 fhop of Caunterbury / and fyre E&or kays fader they were in a place couerd with clothe of gold lyke an halle with ladyes and gentilwymmen for to behold who dyd beft and theron to giue Iugement ([ CapitUlum ji Nd kynge Arthur and the two Kynges lete departe 35 the vij C knyghtes in two partyes And there were iij C knyghtes of the reame of Benwick and of gaule torned on the other fyde than they dreffid her fheldes / and [leaf 25] D B0ook.] 50 ] [Cbap. rt. beganne to couche her fperes many good knyghtes / So Gryflet was the firft that mette with a knyghte one ladynas and they mett fo egerly that al men hadde wonder / And they foo faughte that her fheldes felle to pyeces / and hors and man 5 felle to the erthe / And bothe the frenffhe knyghte and the Englyffhe knyghte lay fo longe that alle men wend they had ben dede / Whan lucas the botteler fawe Gryflet foo lye / he horfed hym ageyne anon / and they two dyd merueillous dedes of armes with many bachelers / Alfo fyre kay came oute of an enlo buffhement with fyue knyghtes with hym / and they fixe fmote other fixe doune / But fyr kay dyd that day merueillous dedes of armes / that ther was none dyd fo wel as he that day Thenne ther come ladynas & Graftian two knyghtes of fraunce / and dyd paffynge wel that all men preyfed them / 15 Thenne come there Syre placidas a good knyghte and mette with fyr kay and fmote hym doune hors and man / wherfore Syre gryflet was wrothe and mette with Syre placidas foo harde that hors and man felle to the erthe / But whan the / v / knyghtes wyft that fyr kay had a falle they were wrothe out 20 of wyt / And therwith eche of them / v / bare doune a knyghte / Whanne kyng Arthur and the two kynges fawe hem begyn waxe wrothe on bothe partyes / they lepte on fmale hakeneis / and lete crye that all men fhold departe vnto their lodgynge And fo they wente home and vnarmed them and fo to euen25 fonge and fouper / And after the thre kynges wente in to a gardyn / and gaf the pryce vnto fyre kay and to lucas the bottelere / and vnto Syre Gryflet / And thenne they wente vnto counceil / and with hem gwenbaus the brother vnto fyr Ban & Bors a wyfe Clerk / and thyder went Vlfyus and Braf30 tias and Merlyn / And after they had ben in counceill / they wente vn to bedde / And on the morne they herde maffe and to dyner / and fo to their counceille and made many argumentis what were beft to doo / At the laft they were concluded / that Merlyn fhold goo with a token of kyng Ban and that was 35 a rynge vnto his men and kynge Bors and Gracian & placidas fholde goo ageyne and kepe theire caftels and her countreyes / as for kynge Ban of Benwick and kynge Bors of Gaules had ordeyned hem / and fo paffed the fee and came to [leaf 25 verso] s:ootk.] [ sI ] [Cbap. ii. Benwyck / And whan the peple fawe kyng Bans rynge & gracian and placidas they were glad / and afked how the kynges ferd / and made grete ioye of their welfare and cordyng / and accordynge vnto the fouerayne lordes defyre / the men of warre made hem redy in al haft poffyble / foo that they were xv 5 M on hors and foot / and they had grete plente of vytaylle with hem by Merlyns prouyfyon / But gracian and placidas were lefte to furnyffhe and garnyffhe the caftels for drede of kynge Claudas / ryght fo Merlyn paffed the fee wel vytailled bothe by water and by land / And whan he came to the fee / he to fente home the foote men ageyne and took no mo with hym / but x M men on horfbak the mooft parte men of armes and fo fhypped and paffed the fee in to Englond / and londed at Douer / and thorow the wytte of Merlyn he had the hooft Northward the pryuyeft wey that coude be thoughte vnto the foreift I5 of Bedegrayne / and there in a valey he lodged hem fecretely / ( Thenne rode Merlyn vnto Arthur and the two kynges & told hem how he had fped / wherof they had grete merueylle / that man on erthe myghte fpede fo foone / and goo and come So Merlyn told them x M were in the foreft of Bedegrayne zo wel armed at al poyntes / thenne was there no more to faye / but to horfbak wente all the hooft as Arthur had afore purueyed / So with xx M he paffed by nyghte and day / but ther was made fuche an ordenaiince afore by Merlyn that ther ihold no man of werre ryde nor go in no countrey on this fyde trent 25 water / but yf he had a token from kynge Arthur / where thorow the kynges enemyes durfte not ryde as they dyd to fore to afpye C Capitulum iff Nd foo within a lytel fpace the thre kynges came vnto the Caftel of Bedegrayne / and fond there a paf- 30 fynge fayr felaufhip and wel be fene / wherof they had grete ioye / and vytaille they wanted none / This was the caufe of the northeren hooft that they were rered for the defpyte and rebuke the fyx kynges had at Carlyon / And tho vj kynges by her meanes gate vnto hem fyue other kynges / And 35 thus they beganne to gadre theyr peple ([ And how they fware that for wele nor woo they fhold not leue other / [leaf 26] b j Sook L] [ 52] [Cbap. rift tyl they had deftroyed Arthur / and thenne they made an oth The fyrft that beganne the othe was the duke of Candebenet / that he wold brynge with hym v M men of armes the which were redy on horfbak / Thenne fware kynge Brandegoris of 5 ftranggore that he wold brynge v M men of armes on horfbak / Thenne fware kynge Claryuaus of Northumberland he wold brynge thre thoufand men of armes / thenne fware the kyng of the C knyghtes that was a paffynge good man and a yonge that he wold brynge four thoufand men of armes on Io horfbak / thenne ther fwore kynge Lott a paffyng good kny3t and fyre Gawayns fader that he wold brynge v M men of armes on horfbak / Alfo ther fwore kynge Vryence that was fyr Vwayns fader of the lond of gore and he wold brynge vj M men of armes on horibak / Alfo ther fwore kyng Idres 15 of Cornewallle that he wold brynge v M men of armes on horfbak / Alfo ther fwore kynge cardelmans to brynge v M me on horfbak / Alfo ther fwore kyng Agwyfaunce of Irelond to brynge v M men of armes on horfbak / Alfo ther fwore kyng Nentres to brynge v M men of armes on horfbak / Alfo there 20 fwore kynge Carados to brynge v M of armes on horfbak / Soo her hool hooft was of clene men of armes on horfbak fyfty thoufand and a foot x thoufand of good mennes bodyes / thenne were they foone redy and mounted vpon hors and fente forth their fore rydars / for thefe xj kynges in her wayes 25 leyd a fyege unto the cafftel of Bedegrayne / and fo they departed and drewe toward Arthur and lefte fewe to abyde at the fyege for the caftel of Bedegrayne was holden of kynge Arthur / and the men that were theryn were Arthurs (I Capitulum Nitl Oo by Merlyns aduys ther were fente fore rydars to 30 fkumme the Countreye / & they mette with the fore rydars of the north / and made hem to telle whiche wey the hoofte cam / and thenne they told it to Arthur / and by kyng Ban and Bors counceill they lete brenne and deftroye alle the contrey afore them there they fhold ryde / ( The kynge with the 35 honderd knyghtes mette a wonder dreme two nyghtes a fore the bataille / that ther blewe a grete wynde & blewe doun her caftels and her townes / and after that cam a water and bare hit [leaf 26 verso] :soot 1.] [ 53 ] [Cbap. riv. all awey / Alle that herd of the fweuen faid / it was a token of grete batayll / Thenne by counceill of Merlyn whan they wift whiche wey the xj kynges wold ryde and lodge that nyghte At mydnyght they fette vpon them as they were in theyr pauelyons / But the fcoute watche by her hooft cryed lordes att 5 armes for here be your enemyes at your hand C Capitulum gitij Henne kynge Arthur and kynge Ban and Kynge Bors with her good and trufty knyghtes fet on hem fo fyerfly that he made them ouer throwe her pauelions on her hedys / but the xj kynges by manly proweffe of armes tooke 1o a fayre champayne / but there was flayne that morowe tyde x M good mennys bodyes / And fo they had afore hem a ftrong paffaye yet were they fyfty M of hardy men / Thenne it drewe toward day / now fhalle ye doo by myne aduys faid Merlyn vnto the thre kynges I wold that kynge Ban and kynge 15 Bors with her felaufhip of x M men were put in a wood here befyde in an enbuffhement and kepe them preuy / and that they be leid or the lyght of the daye come / and that they ftere not tyll ye and your knyghtes haue foughte with hem longe And whanne hit is daye lyght dreffe your bataille euen afore 20 them and the paffage that they may fee alle your hoofte / For thenne wyl they be the more hardy when they fee yow but aboute xx M / and caufe hem to be the gladder to fuffre yow and youre hooft to come ouer the paffage / All the thre kynges and the hoole barons fayde that Merlyn faid paffyngly wel / and 25 it was done anone as Merlyn had deuyfed / Soo on the morn whan eyther hooft fawe other / the hooft of the north was well comforted / Thenne to Vlfyus and Braftias were delyuerd thre thowfand men of armes / and they fette on them fyerfly in the paffage / and flewe on the ryght hand and on the lyft 30 hand that it was wonder to telle / I Whanne that the enleuen kynges fawe that there was fo fewe a felaufhip dyd fuche dedes of armes they were afhamed and fette on hem agayne fyerfly / and ther was fyr Vlfyus hors flayne vnder hym / but he dyd merueylloufly well on 35 foote / ( But the Duke Euftace of Cambenet [leaf 7] b ij ZBook f.] [ 54 ] [Cbap. riv. and Kynge Claryaunce of Northumberland / were alweye greuous on Vlfyus / thenne Braftias fawe his felawe ferd fo with al / he fmote the duke with a fpere that hors & man fell doune / that fawe kyng Claryaunce and retorned vnto Braf5 tias / and eyther fmote other foo that hors & man wente to the erthe/ and fo they lay long aftonyed / & their hors knees braft to the hard bone / Thenne cam Syr kay the fencyal with fyxe felawes with hym / and dyd paffyng wel / with that cam the xj kynges / and ther was Gryflet put to the erthe hors & man o0 and lucas the bottelere hors and man by kynge Brandegorys and kyng Idres & kyng Agwyfaunce / thene waxed the medle paffynge hard on bothe partyes / whan fyre kay fawe Gryflet on foote / he rode on kyng Nentres & fmote hym doun and lad his hors vnto fyr gryflet & horfed hym ageyne / Al15 fo fyr kay with the fame fpere fmote doun kyng Lott / & hurt hym paffyng fore / that fawe the kyng with the C kny3tes and ran vnto fyr kay and fmote hym doune and toke his hors / & gaf hym kyng Lott wherof he faid gramercy / whan fyr Gryflet fawe fyr kay & lucas the bottelere on foote / he tooke a fharp 20 fpere grete and fquare / and rode to pynel a good man of armes / and fmote hors and man doune / And thenne he tooke his hors / and gaf hym vnto fyr kay / Thenne kynge Lot faw kyng Nentres on foote / he ranne vnto Melot de la roche / & fmote hym doune hors and man & gaf kyng Nentres the hors & 25 horfed hym ageyne / Alfo the kyng of the C kny3tes fawe kynge Idres on foot thenne he ran vnto Gwymyart de bloy and fmote hym doune hors and man & gaf kynge Idres the hors & horfed hym ageyne / & kyng Lot fmote doun Claryaunce de la foreift faueage & gaf the hors vnto duke Euftace / And fo 30 whanne they had horfed the kynges ageyne they drewe hem al xj kynges to gyder and faid they wold be reuenged of the dommage that they had taken that day / The meane whyle cam in fyr E&or with an egyr countenaunce / and found Vlfyus and Braftias on foote in grete perylle of deth that were fow35 le defoyled vnder horffeet / Thenne Arthur as a lyon ranne vnto kynge Cradelment of North walys / and fmote hym thorowe the lyfte fyde that the hors and the kynge fylle doune / And thenne he tooke the hors by the rayne / and ladde hym [leaf 27 verso] sook i.] [ 55 ] [bap. xv. vnto Vlfyus & faid haue this hors myn old frend / for grete nede haft thow of hors / gramercy faid Vlfyus / thenne fyre Arthur dyd fo merueilloufly in armes that all men had wondyr / Whan the kynge with the C knyghtes fawe kyng Cradelment on foote / he ranne vnto fyre E&or that was wel horfed 5 fyr kayes fader / and fmote hors and man doune / and gaf the hors vnto the kynge / and horfed hym ageyne / and when kyng Arthur fawe the kyng ryde on fyr E&tors hors he was wroth and with his fwerd he fmote the kynge on the helme / that a quarter of the helme and fhelde fyll doune / and fo the fwerd io carf doune vnto the hors neck / and fo the kyng & the hors fyll doune to the ground / Thenne fyr kay cam vnto fyr Morganore fencial with the kyng of the C knyghtes & fmote hym doun hors and man / and lad the hors vnto his fader fyre E&or / thenne fyr E&Eor ranne vnto a knyght hyghte lardans / & fmo- 15 te hors & man doune / & lad the hors vnto fyr Braftias that grete nede had of an hors and was gretely defoyled / whan Braftias beheld lucas the botteler that lay lyke a dede man vnder the horfe feet / and euer fyr Gryflet dyd merueilloufly for to refcowe hym / and there were alweyes xiiij knyghtes on 20 fyr lucas / & thenne Braftias fmote one of hem on the helme/ that it wente to the teeth / & he rode to another and fmote hym that the arme flewe in to the feld / Thene he wente to the third and fmote hym on the iholder that Iholder and arme flewe in the feld / And whan Gryflet fawe refcowes / he fmote a kny- 25 ght on the tempils that hede & helme wente to the erthe / and gryflet took the hors of that knyght & lad hym vnto fyr lucas / & bad hym mounte vpon the hors & reuenge his hurtes/ For Braftias had flayne a knyghte to fore & horfed gryfe let/ c Capitulum:v 30 Henne lucas fawe kyng Agwyfaunce that late hadde flayne Morys de la roche / and lucas ran to hym with a fhort fpere that was grete / that he gaf hym fuche a falle that the hors felle doun to the erthe / Alfo lucas found there on fote bloyas de la flaundres and fyr Gwynas ij hardy kny3tes 35 & in that woodenes that lucas was in / he flewe ij bachelers & horfed hem ageyn / thene waxid the batail poffyng hard on both partyes/ but arthur was glad Pt his kny3tes were horfed ayene [leaf 28] b iij Soolk.] [ 56 ] [Cbap. rv. & thene they foughte to gyders that the noyfe and fowne rang by the water & the wood / wherfor kyng Ban and kyng bors made them redy and dreffyd theyr fheldes and harneys / and they were fo couragyous that many Knyghtes fhoke & beuerd 5 for egrenes / All this whyle lucas and Gwynas & bryaunte & Bellyas of Flaundrys helde ftrong medle ayenft vj kynges / that was Kynge Lott / kynge Nentres / kyng Brandegorys / Kyng Idres / kyng Vryens & kyng Agwyfaunce / Soo with the helpe of fyre kay & of fyr gryflet / they helde thefe vj io kynges hard that vnnethe they had ony power to defend them But whan fyr Arthur fawe the batail wold not be endyd by no maner / he ferd wood as a lyon / & ftered his hors here & there on the right hand & on the lyft hand. that he ftynte not tyl he had flayne xx kny3tes / Alfo he wounded -kyng Lot foi5 re on the {holder and made hym to leue that ground / for fyre kay & gryflet dyd with kyng Arthur there grete dedes of armes / Thenne Vlfyus and Braftias & fir E&or encountred ageynft the duke Euftace & kyng Cradelment & kyng Cradelmat and kynge Claryaunce of Northumberland & kyng Ca20 rados & ageynft the kyng with the C kny3tes / So thefe kny3 -tes encountred with thefe kynges that they made them to auoyde the grounde / thene Kyng Lott made grete dool for his dommagis & his felawes / & faid vnto the x kynges but yf ye wil do as I deuyfe we Ihalle be flayn & deftroyed / lete me haue the 25 kynge with the C Kny3tes & kyng Agwyfaunce & kyng Idres and the duke of Canbenec / & we v Kynges wol haue xv M men of armes with vs & we wille go on parte / wyle ye vj Kynges holde medle with xij M / & we fee that ye haue fou3ten with hem long thene will we come on fyerfly / & ellys 30 fhall we neuer matche hem faid kynge Lot but by this meane So they departed as they here deuyfed / & vj kynges made her party ftrong ageynft Arthur and made grete warre longe/ In the meane whyle brake the enbuffhement of Kynge Ban and kynge bors and Lyonfes and Pharyaunce had the ad35 uant garde / and they two knyghtes mette with kyng Idres and his felaufhip/ and there began a grete medele of brekyng of fperes and fmytynge of fwerdys with fleynge of men and horfes / And kynge Idres was nere at difcomforture [leaf 28 verso] Sook i.] [ 57 ] [lbap. rit. That fawe Agwyfaunce the kynge and put lyonfes and pharyaunce in poynte of dethe / for the duke of Canbenek came on with all with a grete felaufhip / foo thefe two knyghtes were in grete daunger of their lyues that they were fayn to retorne but alweyes they refcowed hem felf and their felaufhip mer- 5 ueilloufly / Whan kynge Bors fawe tho knyghtes put on bak it greued hym fore / thene he cam on fo faft that his felaufhip femed as blak as Inde / whan kyng Lot had afpyed kynge bors / he knewe hym wel / thenne he faid O Ihefu defende vs fr6 deth & horryble maymes / for I fee wel we ben in grete perylle Io of dethe / for I fee yonder a kynge one of the moft worfhipfulleft men & one of the beft kny3tes of the world ben enclyned vnto his felaufhip / what is he faid the kynge with the C kny3 -tes / it is faid kyng Lot kyng bors of gaule / I merueile how they come in to this countreye without wetynge of vs all 15 It was by Merlyns auyfe faid the knyghte / As for hym fayd kynge Carados / I wylle encountre with kynge bors / and ye wil refcowe me whan myfter is / go on faid they al / we wil do all that we may / thenne kyng Carados & his hooft rode on a fofte pace tyl that they come as nyghe kynge Bors as bowe 20 draughte / thenne eyther bataill lete their hors renne as faft as they myghte / And Bleoberys that was godfon vnto kynge Bors he bare his chyef ftandard / that was a paffynge good knyghte / Now fhall we fee faid kyng Bors hou thefe northeren bretons can bere the armes / & kyng Bors encountred with 25 a knyght / and fmote hym thorow out with a fpere that he fel dede vnto the erthe / and after drewe his fwerd & dyd merueillous dedes of armes that all partyes had grete woder therof/ & his kny3tes failled not but dyd their part / & kyng Ca rados was fmyten to the erthe / With that came the kyng with 30 the C kny3tes & refcued kyng Carados my3tely by force of armes / for he was a paffyng good knyght of a kynge / & but a yo ~yong man { ctapttulum gvj Y than come in to the feld kynge Ban as fyers as a lyon with bandys of grene / & therupon gold / Ha a fa- 35 id kyng Lot we muft be difcomfyte / for yonder I fee the mofte valyaunt knyght of the world / and the man of the moft renoume / for fuche ij bretheren as is kyng Ban & kyng bors ar [leaf 29] b iiij Jook t] [ 58 ] (Cbap. (vL not lyuynge / wherfore we muft nedes voyde or deye / And but yf we auoyde manly and wyfely / ther is but dethe / whanne kynge Ban came in to the bataill / he cam in fo fierfly / that the ftrokes redounded ageyne fro the woode and the water / wher5 for kynge Lott wepte for pyte and doole that he fawe fo many good kny3tes take theyr ende / But thorowe the grete force of kyng Ban they made both the Northeren bataylles that were departed / hurtled to gyders for grete drede / and the thre kynges & their knyghtes flewe on euer that it was pyte on to,o behold that multitude of the people that fledde / But kynge Lott and Kynge of the honderd kny3tes & kynge Morganore gadred the peple to gyders paffyng knyghtly / and dyd grete proweffe of armes / and helde the bataill all that daye lyke hard / ([ Whanne the kynge of the honderd knyghtes beheld the 15 grete damage that kynge Ban dyd / he threft vnto hym wyth his hors and fmote hym on hyhe vpon the helme a grete ftroke and ftonyed hym fore / Thenne kynge Ban was wroth with hym / and folowed on hym fyerfly / the other fawe that / and caft vp his fheld & fpored his hors forward / But the ftro20 ke of kynge Ban felle doune and carfe a cantel of the fheld / and the fwerd flode doune by the hauberk behynde his back / & cut thorow the trappere of ftele / and the hors euen in two pyeces that the fwerd felte the erthe / Thenne the kynge of the C knyghtes voyded the hors lyghtly and with his fwerd he bro25 ched the hors of kyng Ban thorow and thorow / with that kynge Ban voyded lyghtly from the deede hors / and thenne kynge Ban fmote at the other fo egrely / and fmote hym on the helme that he felle to the erth / Alfo in that yre he feld kyng Morganore and there was grete flaughter of good knyghtes 30 and moche peple / by than come in to the prees kynge Arthur / and fond Kynge Ban ftondynge among dede men and dede hors fyghtynge on foote as a wood lyon / that ther came none nyghe hym as fer as he myght reche with his fwerd / but he caughte a greuous buffet wherof Kynge Arthur had grete py35 te / And Arthur was fo blody that by his fhelde ther myght no man knowe hym / for all was blood and braynes on his fwerd / And as Arthur loked by hym he fawe a knyght that was paffyngly wel horfed / and therwith fyre Arthur ranne [leaf 29 verso] Sook f.] [ 59 ] [Cbap. rvi. to hym / and fmote hym on the helme that his fwerd wente vnto his teeth / and the knyght fanke doune to the erthe dede / & anon Arthur tooke the hors by the rayne and ladde hym vnto kynge Ban & faid fair broder / haue this hors / for ye haue grete myfter thereof & me repenteth fore of your grete dammage 5 Hit fhall be foone reuengid faid Kynge Ban / for I trufte in god myn eure is not fuche but fome of them may fore repente thys / I wol wel faid Arthur / for I fee your dedes full actual Neuertheles I myghte not come at yow at that tyme / But whanne Kynge Ban was mounted on horfbak / thenne there Io beganne newe bataill the whyche was fore and hard / and paffyng grete flaughter / And fo thurgh grete force Kynge Arthur / Kynge Ban and Kynge Bors made her knyghtes a litel to with drawe them / But alwey the xj Kynges with her chyualrye neuer torned bak / and fo withdrewe hem to a lytil 15 woode / and fo ouer a lytyl ryuer / & there they refted hem / for on the nyghte they myghte haue no reft on the feld / And thene the xj kynges and knyghtes put hem on a hepe all to gyders as men adrad and out of alle comforte / but ther was no man myghte paffe them / they helde hem fo hard to gyders bothe 20 behynde and before that kynge Arthur had merueille of their dedes of armes and was paffynge wrothe / A fyr Arthur faid kynge Ban and kynge Bors blame hem noughte / For they doo as good men ou3t to doo / For by my feith faid kyng Ban / they are the belt fyghtyng men and knyghtes of mooft 25 proweffe that euer I fawe or herd fpeke of / And tho xj kynges are men of grete worfhip / And yf they were longyng vn to yow / there were no kynge vnder the heuen hadde fuche xj knyghtes and of fuche worfhip / I may not loue hem faid Arthur / they wold deftroye me / that wote we wel faid kynge 30 Ban and Kynge Bors / for they are your mortal enemyes / and that hath ben preued afore hand / And this day they haue done theire parte / and that is grete pyte of theire wilfulnes Thenne alle the xj kynges drewe hem to gyder / And thenne faid kynge Lott / lordes ye muit other wayes than ye do / or els 35 the grete loffe is behynde / ye may fee what peple we haue loft / and what good men we lefe / by caufe we waytte alweyes on thefe foote men / and euer in fauynge of one of the foote men [leaf 30] Book.] [ 60 ] [Cbap. rviL. we lefe x horfmen for hym/ therfore this is myne aduys / lete vs put our foote men from vs / for it is nere nyghte / For the noble Arthur wille not tary on the foote men / for they maye faue hym felf / the woode is nerehand / And whan we horfmen 5 be to gyders / loke eueryche of yow kynges lete make fuche ordinaunce that none breke vpon payne of dethe / And who that feeth ony man dreffe hym to flee / lightly that he be flayne / for it is better that we flee a coward than thorow a coward alle we to be flayne / How faye ye faid kynge Lott / anfuere me all Io ye kynges / it is wel faid quod kynge Nentres / fo faid the kynge of the honderd knyghtes / the fame faide the kynge Carados and kyng Vryence / fo dyd kynge Idres and kyng brandegorys / and fo dyd kyng Cradulmas and the duke of Cadebenet / the fame faid kyng Claryaunce & kyng Agwyfaunce 15 and fware they wold neuer faille other neyther for lyf nor for dethe / And who fo that fledde but did as they dyd fhold be flayne / Thenne they amended their harneys and ryghted theire fheldes and tooke newe fperys and fette hem on theire thyes and ftode ftille as hit had ben a plompe of wood / CI C apitulum- gvij 20 { | | IHanne Syre Arthur and kynge ban and bors byl ^l thelde the mand all her knyghtes they preyfed hem moche for their noble chere of chyualrye for the hardyeft fyghters that euer they herd or fawe / with that there dreffyd hem a xl noble knyghtes and faide vnto the thre kynges / they wold 25 breke their bataille / thefe were her names Lyonfes / pharyaunce Vlfyus / braftias / E&or / kaynes / lucas the bottelere / Gryflett la fyfe de dieu / mariet de la roche / Gwynas de bloy / briat de la foreyft faueage / bellaus / Moryans of the caftel maydyns / flanedreus of the caftel of ladyes / Annecians that was kynge 30 bors godfone a noble knyght / ladynas de la roufe / Emeraufe Caulas / Gracyens le cafteleyn / one bloyfe de la caafe / and fyre Colgreueaunce de gorre / all thefe kny3tes rode on afore with fperys on their thyes / and fpored their horfes myghtely as the horfes my3te renne / And the xj kynges with parte of her 35 kny3tes ruffched with their horfes as faft as they my3te with their fperes / & ther they dyd onboth partyes merueillous dedes of armes / foo came in to the thycke of the prees Arthur ban & [leaf 30 verso] [ 6i ] 3Book f.] [Cbap. vil. bors & flewe doune right on both handes that her horfes went in bloood vp to the fytlokys / But euer the xj Kynges and their hoofte was euer in the vyfage of Arthur / wherfore Ban and Bors had grete merueille confyderyng the grete flau3 -ter that there was / but at the laft they were dryuen abak ouer 5 a lytil ryuer / with that came Merlyn on a grete black hors / and faid vnto arthur thow haft neuer done / haft thou not done ynough / of thre fcore thoufand this day haft thow lefte on lyue but xv M / and it is tyme to faye ho for god is wrothe with the that thow wolt neuer haue done / for yonder xj kyn- io ges at this tyme will not be ouerthrowen / but and thow tary on them ony lenger / thy fortune wille torne and they fhall encreace / And therfor withdrawe yow vnto your lodgyng and refte you as foone as ye may and rewarde your good kny3tes with gold and with fyluer / for they haue wel deferued hit /15 there may no rycheffe be to dere for them / for of fo fewe men as ye haue ther were neuer men dyd more of proweffe than they haue done to day / for ye haue matched this day with the befte fyghters of the world / that is trouthe faid kyng Ban and bors / Alfo faid Merlyn / withdrawe yow where ye lyft / For 20 this thre yere I dar vndertake they fhalle not dere yow / And by than ye fhalle here newe tydynges / And thenne Merlyn faid vnto arthur / thefe xj kynges haue more on hand than they are ware of / for the Sarafyns are londed in their countreyes mo than xl M that brenne and flee / and haue leid fyege att the 25 caftel Wandefborow and make grete deftruction / therfore drede yow not this thre yere / ([ Alfo fyre al the goodes that ben goten at this bataill lete it be ferched / And whanne ye haue it in your handys lete it be gyuen frely vnto thefe two kynges Ban and Bors that they may rewarde theyr knyghtes with 30 all / And that fhalle caufe ftraungers to be of better wyll to do yow feruyfe at nede / Alfo ye be able to reward youre owne knyghtes of your owne goodes whan fomeuer it lyketh you It is wel faid qd Arthur And as thow haft deuyfed fo fhal it be done / whanne it was delyuerd to Ban & Bors they gaf 35 the goodes as frely to their kny3tes as frely as it was yeuen to them / Thenne Merlyn took his leue of Arthur and of the ij kynges for to go and fee his mayfter Bleyfe that dwelde [leaf 31] 3Booh i.] [ 62 1 [Cbap. tpff. in Northumberland / and fo he departed and cam to his maifter that was paffyng glad of his comynge / & there he tolde / how Arthur and the two kynges had fped at the grete batayll / and how it was ended / and told the names of euery ky5 ng and knyght of worfhip that was there / And foo Bleyfe wrote the bataill word by word as Merlyn told hym how it began / & by whome / and in lyke wyfe how it was endyd / And who had the werre / All the batails that were done in arthurs dayes / merlyn dyd his maifter Bleyfe do wryte / Alfo he did io do wryte all the batails that euery worthy knyght dyd of arthurs Courte / After this Merlyn departed from his mayfter and came to kynge Arthur that was in the caftel of Bedegrayne / that was one of the cartels that ftondyn in the foreft of Sherewood / And Merlyn was fo difguyfed that kynge 15 Arthur knewe hym not for he was al be furred in black fhepe fkynnes and a grete payre of bootes / and a bowe and arowes in a ruffet gowne / and broughte wild gyfe in his had and it was on the morne after candelmas day / but kyng Arthur knewe hym not / Syre faid Merlyn vnto the kynge / Wil 20 ye gyue me a yefte / wherfor faid kyng Arthur ihold I gyue the a yefte chorle / Sir faid Merlyn ye were better to gyue me a yefte that is not in your hand than to lefe grete rycheffe / for here in the fame place there the grete bataill was is grete trefour hyd in the erthe / who told the fo chorle faid Arthur / Mer25 lyn told me fo faid he / thenne VIfyus and Braftias knew hym wel ynough and fmyled / Syre faid thefe two knyghtes It is Merlyn that fo fpeketh vnto yow / thenne kyng arthur was gretely abaffhed and had merueyll of Merlyn / & fo had kynge Ban and kynge Bors / and foo they had grete dyf30 port at hym / Soo in the meane whyle there cam a damoyfel that was an erlys doughter his name was Sanam / and her name was Lyonors a paffynge fair damoyfel / and fo fhe cam thyder for to dohomage as other lordes dyd after the grete bataill / And kyng Arthur fette his loue gretely vpon her and 35 fo dyd fhe vpon hym / and the kyng had adoo with her / and gat on her a child / his name was Borre that was after a good knyghte and of the table round / thenne ther cam word that the kyng Ryence of Northen walys maade grete werre on [leaf 31 verso] Soo1k.] [ 63 ] [Cbap. rvfit kynge Lodegreance of camylyard / for the whiche thyng arthur was wroth for he loued hym wel and hated kyng Ryence / for he was alwey ageynft hym / So by ordenaunce of the thre kynges that were fente home vnto Benwyck / alle they wold departe for drede of kynge Claudas and pharyaunce and An- 5 temes and Grafians and lyonfes / payarne with the leders of tho that fhold kepe the kynges landys CE Capitulum ~vtti Nd thenne kynge Arthur and kynge Ban & kyng Bors departed with her felaufhip a xx M and came within vj dayes in to the countrey of Cmyliarde and there re- Io fcowed kynge Lodegreaunce and flewe ther moche people of kynge Ryence vnto the nombre of x M men and put hym to flyghte / And thenne had thefe thre kynges grete chere of kyng Lodegreaunce / that thanked them of their grete goodneffe that they wold reuenge hym of his enemyes / and there hadde s1 Arthur the fyrft fyght of gweneuer the kynges doughter of Camylyard / and euer after he loued her / After they were weddyd as it telleth in the booke / Soo breuely to make an ende / they took theyr leue to goo in to theyre owne Countreyes for kynge Claudas dyd grete deftrufion on their landes / Thenne 20 faid Arthur I wille goo with yow / Nay faid the kynges ye fhalle not at this tyme / for ye haue moche to doo yet in thefe landes / therfore we wille departe / and with the grete goodes that we haue goten in thefe landes by youre yeftes we fhalle wage good knyghtes & withftande the kynge Claudas ma- 25 lyce / for by the grace of god and we haue nede we wille fende to yow for youre focour / And yf ye haue nede fende for vs / and we wille not tary by the feythe of our bodyes / Hit fhalle not faide Merlyn nede that thefe two kynges come ageyne in the wey of werre / But I knowe wel kynge Arthur maye 30 not be longe from yow / for within a yere or two ye fhalle haue grete nede / And thenne fhalle he reuenge yow on youre enemyes as ye haue done on his / For thefe xj kynges fhal deye all in a day by the grete myghte and proweffe of armes of ij valyaunt knyghtes as it telleth after / her names ben Balyn 35 le Saueage and Balan his broder that ben merueillous good knyghtes as ben ony lyuyng / ( Now torne we to the xj [leaf 32] Sook f.] [ 64 ] [Ebap. itr. kynges that retorned vnto a cyte that hyghte Sorhaute / the whiche cyte was within kynge Vryens / and ther they refreffhed hem as wel as they myght / and made leches ferche theyr woundys and forowed gretely for the dethe of her peple / with 5 that ther came a meffager and told how ther was comen in to their landes people that were laules as wel as farafyns a xl M / and haue brent & flayne al the peple that they may come by withoute mercy / and haue leyd fyege on the caftel of wadifborow / Allas fayd the xj kynges here is forow vpon forou 1o And yf we had not warryd ageynft Arthur as we haue done / he wold foone reuenge vs / as for kyng Lodegryaunce he loueth Arthur better. than vs / And as for kyng Ryence / he hath ynough to doo with Lodegreans / for he hath leyd fyege vnto hym / Soo they confentyd to gyder to kepe alle the marches of 15 Cornewayle / of walys and of the northe / foo fyrft they putte kynge Idres in the Cyte of Nauntys in Brytayne with iiij thowfand men of armes/ to watche bothe the water and the land / Alfo they put in the cyte of Wyndefan kynge Nauntres of garlott with four thoufand knyghtes to watche both on wa20 ter and on lond / Alfo they had of other men of werre moo than eyght thoufand for to fortyfye alle the fortreffes in the marches of Cornewaylle / Alfo they put moo kny3tes in alle the marches of walys and fcotland with many good men of armes / and foo they kepte hem to gyders the fpace of thre yere 25 And euer alyed hem with myghty kynges and dukes and lordes / And to them felle kynge Ryence of North walys / the whiche was a myghty man of men & Nero that was a myghty man of men / And all this whyle they furnyffhed hem and garnyffhed hem of good men of armes and vytaille and of 30 alle maner of abylement that pretendith to the werre to auenge hem for the bataille of Bedegrayne / as it telleth in the book of auentures folowynge Capitulum OiX t Hene after the departyng of kyng Ban and of kyng Bors kynge Arthur rode vnto Carlyon / And thyder 35 cam to hym kyng Lots wyf of Orkeney in maner of a meffage / but fhe was fente thyder to afpye the Courte of kynge Arthur / and fhe cam rychely bifene with her four fones / gawayn [leaf 32 verso] 3ooh L] [ 65 ] [Cbap. rir. Gaherys / Agrauaynes / and Gareth with many other knyghtes and ladyes / for fhe was a poffynge fayr lady / wherfore the kynge caft grete loue vnto her / and defyred to lye by her / fo they were agreed / and he begate vpon her Mordred / and fhe was his fyfter on the moder fyde Igrayne / So ther fhe refted 5 her a moneth and at the laft departed / Thenne the kyng dremed a merueillous dreme wherof he was fore adrad / But al this tyme kyng Arthur knewe not that kyng Lots wyf was his fyfter / Thus was the dreme of Arthur / hym thought ther was come in to this land Gryffons and Serpentes / And Io hym thoughte they brente and flough alle the peple in the lad And thenne hym thoughte / he faughte with hem / and they dyd hym paffynge grete harme / and wounded hym ful fore / but at the laft he flewe hem / Whanne the kynge awaked / he was paffynge heuy of his dreme / and fo to put it oute of thoughtes / 15 he made hym redy with many knyghtes to ryde on huntynge / As foone as he was in the foreft / the kynge fawe a grete hert afore hym / this herte wille I chace faid kynge Arthur / And fo he fpored the hors / and rode after longe / And fo by fyne force ofte he was lyke to haue fmyten the herte / where as the ky- 20 nge had chaced the herte foo long that his hors had lofte hys brethe and fylle doune dede / Thenne a yoman fette the kynge another hors / So the kyng fawe the herte enbuffhed and his hors dede / he fette hym doune by a fontayne and there he fell in grete thoughtes / And as he fatte fo hym thoughte he herd a 25 noyfe of houndes to the fomme of xxx / And with that the kynge fawe comyng toward hym the ftraungeft beft that euer he fawe or herd of / fo the beft wente to the welle and drank / and the noyfe was in the beftes bely lyke vnto the queftyng of xxx coupyl houndes / but alle the whyle the beeft dranke there was 30 no noyfe in the beftes bely / and therwith the beft departed with a grete noyfe / wherof the kyng had grete merueyll / And fo he was in a grete thoughte/ and therwith he fell on flepe / Ryght fo ther came a knyght a foote vnto Arthur / and fayd knyght full of thought and flepy / telle me yf thow faweft a ftraunge 35 beft paffe this waye / Suche one fawe I faid kynge Arthur/ that is paft two myle/ what wold ye with- the beft faid arthur Syre I haue folowed that belt long tyme / and kyld myne [leaf 33] E SBook i.] [ 66 ] [Cbap. r. hors / fo wold god I had another to folowe my queft / ry3te fo came one with the kynges hors / and whan the knyght fawe the hors / he prayd the kyng to yeue hym the hors / for I haue folowed this queft this xij moneth / and other I fhal en5 cheue hym or blede of the beft blood of my body / Pellinore that tyme kynge folowed the queftynge beft / and after his deth fir Palamydes folowed hit J Capttulum XX Yr knyghte faid the kynge leue that queff / and fuffre me to haue hit / and I wyll folowe it another xij mo10 neth / A foole faid the knyghte vnto Arthur / it is in veyne thy defyre / for it ihalle neuer ben encheued but by me / or my next kyn / there with he fterte vnto the kynges hors and mounted in to the fadel / and faid gramercy this hors is myn owne / wel faid the kynge thow mayft take myn hors by force 15 but and I my3te preue the whether thow were better on horfbak or I / wel faid the knyght feke me here whan thow wolt and here nygh this wel thow fhalt fynde me / and foo paffyd on his weye / thenne the kyng fat in a ftudy and bad his men fetche his hors as fafte as euer they myghte / Ryght foo came 20 by hym Merlyn lyke a child of xiiij yere of age and falewed the kyng/ and afked hym why he was fo penfyf / I may wel be penfyf fayd the kynge / for I haue fene the merueylleft fy3t that euer I fawe / that knowe I wel faid Merlyn as wel as thy felf and of, all thy thoughtes / but thow art but a foole to 25 take thought / for it wylle not amend the / Alfo I knowe what thow arte / and who was thy fader / and of whome thow were begoten / kynge Vtherpendragon was thy fader / and begat the on Igrayne / that is fals faid kyng Arthur / how fholdeft thou knowe it / for thow arte not fo old of yeres to knowe my fa30 der / yes fayd Merlyn I knowe it better than ye or ony man lyuynge / I wille not bileue the faid Arthur and was wroth with the child / Soo departed Merlyn and came ageyne in the lykenes of an old man of iiij fcore yere of age / wherof the kynge was ryght glad / for he femed to be ryghte wyfe 35 Thenne faide the old man why are ye fo fad / I maye wel be heuy faid Arthur for many thynges / Alfo here was a chyld and told me many thynges that me femeth / he fhold not knowe / for he was not of age to knowe my fader / yes faid the old [leaf 33 verso] 3Book i.] [ 67 ] [Cbap. Fri. man / the child told yow trouthe / and more wold he haue tolde yow and ye wolde haue fuffred hym / But ye haue done a thynge late that god is difpleafyd with yow / for ye haue layne by your fyfter / and on her ye haue goten a chyld / that fhalle deftroye yow and all the knyghtes of your realme 5 What are ye faid Arthur that telle me thefe tydynges / I am Merlyn / and I was he in the childes lykenes / A fayd kyng Arthur ye are a merueillous man / but I merueylle moche / of thy wordes that I mote dye in bataille / Merueylle not faid Merlyn / for it is gods wyll youre body to be punyffhed for Io your fowle dedes / but I may wel be fory faid Merlyn / for I fhalle dye a fhameful deth / to be put in the erthe quyck / and ye fhall dye a worfhipful deth / And as they talked this / cam one with the kynges hors / and fo the kyng mounted on his hors and Merlyn on another and fo rode vnto Carlyon / & anone 15 the kynge afked Ector and Vlfyus how he was bigoten / & they told hym Vtherpendragon was his fader & quene Igrayn his moder / thenne he fayd to Merlyn I wylle that my moder be fente for that I may fpeke with her / And yf fhe faye fo her felf / thene wylle I byleue hit / In all haft the quene was 20 fente for / and fhe cam & broughte with her Morgan le fay her doughter that was as fayre a lady as ony myghte be / & the kynge welcomed Igrayne in the beft maner/ ^^ ^ Yght foo cam Vlfyus & faide J Capttulum XXi openly that the kynge and all my3t here that were fe- 25 ifed that day / ye are the falfeft lady of the world and the moft traitreffe vnto the kynges perfon / Beware faide Arthur what thow faift / thow fpekeft a grete word / I am wel ware faid Vlfyus what I fpeke / & here is my gloue to preue hit vpon ony man that will feye the contrary / that this quene I- 30 grayne is caufar af your grete domage / & of your grete werre For and fhe wold haue vtterd it in the lyf of kyng Vtherpedragon of the byrthe of yow / and how ye were begoten ye had neuer had the mortal werrys that ye haue had for the mooft party of your barons of your realme knewe neuer whos fone 35 ye were / nor of whome ye were begoten / & fhe that bare y-ow of her body fhold haue —made it knowen openly in excufyng of her worfhip & yours / & in lyke wyfe to alle the reame / wherfor I [leaf 34] c j ISook f.] [ 68 ] [Cbap. rii. preue her fals to god and to yow and to al your realme and who wyll faye the contrary I wyll preue it on his body Thenne fpak Igrayne and fayd I am a woman and I may not fyghte / but rather than I fhold be difhonoured / ther wold 5 fome good man take my quarel // More fhe fayd / Merlyn knoweth wel and ye fyr Vlfyus how kynge Vther cam to me in the Caftel of Tyntagaill in the lykenes of my lord that was dede thre houres to fore / and therby gat a child that nyght vpon me / And after the xiij day kynge Vther wedded me / and 1o by his commaundement whan the child was borne it was delyuerd vnto Merlyn and nouryffhed by hym / and fo I fawe the child neuer after / nor wote not what is his name / for I knewe hym neuer yet / And there Vlfyus faide to the quene Merlyn is more to blame than ye / wel I wote faid the quene 15 I bare a child by my lord kyng Vther / but I wote not where he is become / thenne Merlyn toke the kynge by the hand fayeng / this is your moder / and therwith fyr E&tor bare wytnes how he nouryffhed hym by Vthers commaundement / And therwith kynge Arthur toke his moder quene Igrayne in his ar20 mes and kyft her / and eyther wepte vpon other / And thenne the kyng lete make a feeft that lafted eyght dayes / Thenne on a day ther come in the courte a fquyer on hors back ledynge a knyght before hym wounded to the dethe / and told hym how ther was a knyght in the foreft had rered vp a pauelione by 25 a well and hath flayne my mayffer a good knyght / his name was mylis / wherfor I byfeche yow that my mayfter maye be buryed / and that fomme kny3t maye reuenge my mayfters deth / thenne the noyfe was grete of that knyghtes dethe in the Court / and euery man faid his aduys / thenne came Gryflett 30 that was but a fquyer / and he was but yonge of the age of the kyng Arthur / foo he befoughte the kyng for alle his feruyfe that he had done hym to gyue the ordre of knyghthode II Capitulum:itj Hou arte full yong and tendyr of age fayd Arthur for to take fo hyghe an ordre on the / Sir faid gryflet 35I byfeche yow make me kny3t / Syr faid Merlyn it were grete pyte to lefe Gryflet / for he wille be a paffynge good man / whanne he is of age / abydynge with yow the terme [leaf 34 verso] ZBook t] [ 69 ] [Cbap. rtfui me of his lyf / And yf he auenture his body with yonder knyght at the fontayne it is in grete peryll yf euer he come ageyne / for he is one of the beft knyghtes of the world / and the ftregyft man of armes / wel faid Arthur / fo at the defyre of gryflet the kynge made hym knyght / Now faid Arthur vnto fyre 5 Gryflet / Sythen I haue made yow knyghte thow muft yeue me a gyfte / what ye will faid Gryflet / thou fhalt promyfe me by the feythe of thy body whan thou haft Iufted with the knyght at the fontayne / whether it falle ye be on foote or on horfbak / that ryght fo ye fhal come ageyne vnto me withoute ma- Io kynge ony more debate / I wyll promyfe yow faid Gryflet as yow defyre / Thenne toke Gryflet his hors in grete hafte / & dreffyd his fheld and toke a fpere in his hand / and fo he rode a grete wallop tyll he cam to the fontayne / and ther by he fawe a ryche pauelion / and ther by vnder a clothe ftode a fayr hors 15 wel fadeled and brydeled / and on a tree a fhelde of dyuerfe colours and a grete fpere / Thenne Gryflet fmote on the fheld with the bott of his fpere that the fhylde felle doune to the ground / with that the knyght cam oute of the pauelione / & fayd fair knyght why fmote ye doune my fheld / for I wil Iufte 20 with yow faid gryflet / it is better ye doo not fayd the knyghte for ye are but yong and late made knyght / and your myghte is nothyng to myn / as for that faide Gryflet I wylle Iufte with yow / that is me loth faid the knyght / but fythen I mufte nedes I wille dreffe me therto/ of whens be ye fayd the kny3te 25 fyre I am of Arthurs courte / So the two knyghtes ranne to gyder that gryflets fpere al to fheuered / and ther with all he fmote Gryflet thorowe the fhelde & the lyfte fyde / and brake the fpere that the troncheon ftack in his body / that hors and knyghte fylle doune C Capitulum yyiij 30 Han the knyght fawe hym lye foo on the ground / he alyght and was paffynge heuy / for he wende he had flayne hym / and thenne he vnlaced his helme and gate hym wynde / and fo with the troncheon he fet hym on his hors and gate him wynde / and, fo bytoke hym to god / and feid he had a 35 myghty hert and yf he myght lyue he wold preue a paffynge good kny3t / & fo fyr Gryflet rode to the court where grete doole [leaf 35] c ij Zook L] [ 70 ] [Cbap. aiif. was made for hym / But thorowe good leches he was heled / and faued / Ryght fo cam in to the Courte xij kny3tes & were aged men / and they cam from themperour of Rome / & they afked of Arthur truage for this realme / other els themperour 5 wold deftroye hym & his land / wel faid kyng Arthur ye are meffagers / therfor ye may fay what ye wil other els ye fhold dye therfore / But this is myn anfuer I owe themperour noo truage nor none will I hold hym / but on a fayr felde I fhall yeue hym my truage that fhal be with a fharp fpere / or els io with a fharp fwerd / & that fhall not be long by my faders foule Vtherpendragon / & therwith the meffagers departed paffyngly wroth / & kyng arthur as wroth / for in euyl tyme cam they thenne/ for the kyng was paffyngly wroth for the hurte of fir Gryflet / & foo he commaunded a pryuy man of his chambre / 15 that or hit be day his beft hors and armour with all that longeth vnto his perfone be withoute the cyte or to morowe daye Ryght fo or to morow day he met with his man and his hors and fo mounted vp and dreffid his fheld / & toke his fpere and bad his chamberlayne tary there tyll he came ageyne / 20 And fo Arthur roode a fofte paas tyll it was day / & thenne was he ware of thre chorles chacynge Merlyn / and wold haue flayne hym / thenne the kyng rode vnto them / and bad them flee chorles / thenne were they aferd whan they fawe a knyght and fled / O Merlyn faid Arthur / here haddeft thou be flayne 25 for all thy craftes had I not byn / Nay faid Merlyn not foo for I coude faue my felf and I wold / and thou arte more nere thy deth than I am for thow goft to the deth ward & god be not thy frend / So as they wente thus talkyng / they came to the fontayne / and the ryche pauelione there by hit / thenne 30 kyng Arthur was ware where fat a knyght armed in a chayer / Syr knyght faid Arthur / for what caufe abydeft thow here that ther maye no knyght ryde this wey but yf he Iufte wyth the faid the kynge / I rede the leue that cuftome faid Arthur This cuftomme faide the knyght haue I vfed and wille vfe 35 magre who faith nay / & who is greued with my cuftome / lete hym amende hit that wol / I wil amende it faid Arthur / I fhal defende the faid the kny3t / anon he toke his hors & dreffid his fhylde & toke a fpere & they met fo hard either in others fheldes [leaf 35 verso] rSook i.] [ 71 ] [Cbap. [[iii. that al to fheuered their fperys / ther with anone Arthur pulled oute his fwerd / nay not fo faid the knyght / it is fayrer fayd the kny3t that we tweyne renne more to gyders with fharp fperys / I wille wel faid Arthur and I had ony mo fperys 5 I haue ynow faid the kny3t / fo ther cam a fquyer and brou3t in good fperys / and Arthur chofe one & he another / fo they fpored their horfes & cam to gyders with al the myghtes / that eyther brak her fperes to her handes / thenne Arthur fette hand on his fwerd / nay feid the knyght / ye fhal do better / ye are a paf-,o fynge good Iufter as euer I mette with al / & ones for the loue of the hyghe ordre of kny3thode lete vs Iufte ones ageyn / I affente me faid Arthur / anone there were brought two grete fperys / and euery knyght gat a fpere / and therwith they ranne to gyders that Arthurs fpere al to fheuered / But the other knyghte hyt hym fo hard in myddes of the fhelde /'that horfe & man felle to the erthe / and ther with Arthur was egre & pulled oute his fwerd / and faid I will affay the fyr knyghte on foote / for I haue loft the honour on horfbak / I will be on horfbak faid the knyght / thenne was Arthur wrothe and dreffid 20 his fheld toward hym with his fwerd drawen / whan the knyght fawe that / he a lyghte / for hym thought no worfhip to haue a knyght at fuche auaille he to be on horfbak and he on foot and fo he alyght & dreffid his fheld vnto Arthur & ther bega a ftrong bataille with many grete ftrokes / & foo hewe with her 2 fwerdes that the cantels flewe in the feldes / and moche blood they bledde bothe / that al the place there as they faught was ouer bledde with blood / and thus they fought long and refted hem / and thenne they wente to the batayl ageyne / and fo hurtled to gyders lyke two rammes that eyther felle to the erthe So at the laft they fmote to gyders that both her fwerdys met euen to gyders / But the fwerd of the knyght fmote kyng arthurs fwerd in two pyeces / wherfor he was heuy / thenne faid the knyghte vnto Arthur / thow arte in my daunger whether me lyft to faue the or flee the / and but thou yelde the as ouercome and recreaunt / thow fhalt deye / as for deth faid kyng ar- 35 thur welcome be it whan it cometh / But to yelde me vnto the as recreaunt I had leuer dye than to be foo Ihamed / And ther with al the kynge lepte vnto Pellinore & tooke hym by [leaf 36] c iij ZBook t] [ 72 ] [Cbap3. rrv. & rr. the myddel and threwe hym doune and raced of his helme / Whan the knyght felt that / he was adrad / for he was paffynge bygge man of myghte / and anone he broughte Arthur vnder hym / and reaced of his helme and wold haue fmyten of 5 his hede / (J Capitulum iittij Her with all came Merlyn and fayd knyghte / hold thy hand / For and thow flee that knyghte thou putteft this reame in the gretteft dammage that euer was reame / For this knyght is a man of more worfhip than thou io woteft of / Why / who is he faid the knyghte / it is kyng Arthur Thenne wold he haue flayn hym for drede of his wrathe / and heue vp his fwerd / and therwith Merlyn caft an enchauntement to the knyghte that he felle to the erthe in a grete flepe / Thenne Merlyn tooke vp kyng Arthur and rode forth on the I5 kny3tes hors / Alias faid Arthur what haft thou done merlyn haft thow flayne this good knyghte by thy craftes / there lyueth not foo worfhipful a knyghte as he was / I had leuer than the ftynte of my land a yere that he were on lyue / care ye not fayd Merlyn / for he is holer than ye / for he is but on flepe 20 and will awake within thre houres / I told you faid Merlyn what a knyghte he was / Here had ye be flayn had I not ben Alfo ther lyueth not a bygger knyght than he is one / and he fhal here after do yow ryght good feruyfe & his name is Pellinore / and he Ihal haue two fones that fhal be paffyng good 25 men fauf one/ they fhalle haue no felawe or proweffe and of good lyuynge / and her names fhal be Perfyual of walys / & Lamerak of walis / & he fhal telle yow the name of your own fone bygoten of your fyfter that fhal be the deftruftion of alle this royame ( Capitulum gxv 3o * Yghte fo the kyng and he departed & wente vn tyl an ermyte that was a good man and a grete leche / Soo the heremyte ferched all his woundys & gaf hym good falues fo the kyng was there thre dayes & thenne were his woundes wel amendyd that he myght ryde and goo / & fo departed / & as 35 they rode Arthur faid I haue no fwerd / no force faid Merlyn here by is a fwerd that fhalle be yours and I may / Soo they rode tyl they came to a lake the whiche was a fayr water / and brood / And in the myddes of the lake Arthur was ware of [leaf 36 verso] :IBook.] [ 73 ] [Cbap. nv. an arme clothed in whyte famyte / that held a fayr fwerd in that hand / loo faid Merlyn yonder is that fwerd that I fpak of / with that they fawe a damoifel goyng vpon the lake / what damoyfel is that faid Arthur / that is the lady of the lake faid Merlyn / And within that lake is a roche / and theryn is as 5 fayr a place as ony on erthe and rychely befene / and this damoyfell wylle come to yow anone / and thenne fpeke ye fayre to her that fhe will gyue yow that fwerd / Anone with all came the damoyfel vnto Arthur / and falewed hym / and he her ageyne / Damoyfel faid Arthur / what fwerd is that / that yon- io der the arme holdeth aboue the water / I wold it were myne/ for I haue no fwerd / Syr Arthur kynge faid the damoyfell/ that fwerd is myn / And yf ye will gyue me a yefte whan I afke it yow / ye fhal haue it by my feyth faid Arthur / I will yeue yow what yefte ye will afke / wel faid the damoifel x5 go ye into yonder barge / & rowe your felf to the fwerd / and take it / and fcaubart with yow/ & I will afke my yefte whan I fee my tyme / So fyr Arthur & merlyn alyght & tayed their horfes to two trees / & fo they went in to the fhip / & whanne they came to the fwerd that the hand held / fyre Arthur toke 20 it vp by the handels / & toke it with hym / & the arme & the had went vnder the water / & fo come vnto the lond & rode forth / & thene fyr Arthur fawe a ryche pauelion / what fygnyfyeth yoder pauelion / t is Pe kny3tes pauelion feid merlyn Pt ye fou3t with laft / fyr Pellinore / but he is out / he is not there / he hath a- 25 doo with a knyght of yours that hyght Egglame/ & they haue fou3ten to gyder / but al the lafft Egglame fledde and els he had ben dede / & he hath chaced hym euen to Carlyon / and we fhal mete with hym anon in the hygh wey / that is wel fayd/ faid Arthur / now haue I a fwerd / now wille I wage bata- 30 ill with hym & be auenged on hym / fir ye fhal not fo faid Merlyn / for the knyght is wery of fyghtyng & chacyng fo that ye fhal haue no worfhip to haue a do with hym / Alfo he will not be ly3tly matched of one kny3t lyuyng / & therfor it is my counceil / lete hym paffe / for he fhal do you good feruyfe in fhorte 35 tyme & his fones after his dayes / Alfo ye fhal fee that day in fhort fpace ye fhal be ri3t glad to yeue him your fifter to wedde Whan I fee hym I wil doo as ye aduyfe fayd Arthur [leaf 37] c iiij 3Book L.] [ 74 ] [Cbap. 'rvif. Thenne fyre Arthur loked on the fwerd / and lyked it paffynge wel / whether lyketh yow better fayd Merlyn the fuerd or the fcaubard / Me lyketh better the fwerd fayd Arthur / ye are more vnwyfe fayd Merlyn / for the fcaubard is worth x 5 of the fwerdys / for whyles ye haue the fcaubard vpon yow ye fhalle neuer lefe no blood / be ye neuer fo fore wounded therfor kepe wel the fcaubard alweyes with yow / fo they rode vnto Carlyon / and by the way they met with fyr Pellinore / but Merlyn had done fuche a crafte / that pellinore fawe not Arxo thur / and he paft by withoute ony wordes / I merueylle fayd Arthur that the knyght wold not fpeke / fyr faid Merlyn / he fawe yow not / for and he had fene yow ye had not lyghtly departed / Soo they come vnto Carlyon / wherof his knyghtes were paffynge glad / And whanne they herd of his auen15 tures / they merueilled that he wold ieoparde his perfone foo al one / But alle men of worfhip faid it was mery to be vnder fuche a chyuetayne that wolde put his perfone in auenture as other poure knyghtes dyd / EI C apitulum jXvij His meane whyle came a meffager from kynge Ry20 ^ ons of Northwalys / And kynge he was of all Ireland and of many Iles / And this was his meffage gretynge wel kynge Arthur in this manere wyfe fayenge / that kynge Ryons had difcomfyte and ouercome xj kynges / and eueryche of hem did hym homage / and that was this / they gaf 25 hym their berdys clene flayne of / as moche as ther was / wher for the meffager came for kyng Arthurs berd / For kyng Ryons had purfyled a mantel with kynges berdes / and there lacked one place of the mantel / wherfor he fente for his berd or els he wold entre in to his landes / and brenne and flee / & 30 neuer leue tyl he haue the hede and the berd / wel fayd Arthur thow haft faid thy meffage / the whiche is the moft vylaynous and lewdeft meffage that euer man herd fente vnto a kynge / Also thow mayft fee / my berd is ful yong yet to make a purfyl of hit / But telle thow thy kynge this / I owe hym none 35 homage / ne none of myn elders / but or it be longe to / he ihall do me homage on bothe his kneys / or els he fhall lefe his hede by the feith of my body / for this is the moft fhamefulleft meffage [leaf 37 verso] r -^ 1 Sook if.] L 75 J [Ebap. f, that euer I herd fpeke of /I haue afpyed / thy kyng met neuer yet with worfhipful man / but telle hym / I wyll haue his hede withoute he doo me homage / thenne the meffager departed ( Now is there ony here faid Arthur that knoweth kyng Ryons thenne anfuerd a knyght that hyght Naram / Syre I kno- 5 we the kynge wel /he is a paffyng good man of his body / as fewe ben lyuynge/ and a paffyng prowde man / and fir doubte ye not / he wille make warre on yow with a myghty puyffaunce / wel faid Arthur I fhall ordeyne for hym in fhort tyme EI Capitulum ggviti Hene kyng arthur lete fende for al the childre born on io may day begote of lordes & born of ladyes / for Merlyn told kynge Arthur that he that fhold deftroye hym / fhold be borne in may day / wherfor he fent for hem all vpon payn of deth and fo ther were founde many lordes fones / and all were fente vnto the kynge / and foo was Mordred fente by kyng Lotts I5 wyf / and all were put in a fhip to the fee / and fome were iiij wekes old and fome laffe / And fo by fortune the fhyp drofe vnto a caftel and was al to ryuen and deftroyed the moft part fauf that Mordred was caft vp and a good man fonde hym / and nouryffhed hym tyl he was xiiij yere olde / & thenne he 20 brought hym to the Court / as it reherceth afterward toward the ende of the deth of Arthur / So many lordes and barons of this reame were difpleafyd / for her children were fo loft / and many put the wyte on Merlyn more than on Arthur / fo what for drede and for loue they helde their pees / But whanne the 25 meffager came to kynge Ryons / thenne was he woode oute of mefure and purueyed hym for a grete hooff as it rehercyth after in the book of Balyn le faueage that foloweth next after/ how by aduenture Balyn gat the fwerd C cgplicit liber primus l 3ncipit liber fecunbus Fter the dethe of Vtherpendragon regned Ar- 30 thur his fone / the whiche had grete werre in his dayes for to gete al Englond in to his hand/ For there were many kynges within the realme of Englond and in walys / Scotland and Cornewaille / Soo it befelle on a tyme / whanne kyng Arthur 35 [leaf 38] :Soof if.] [ 76 ] [Cbap. t. was at London ther came a knyght and tolde the kynge tydynges how that the kynge Ryons of Northwalys had rered a grete nombre of peple / and were entryd in to the land and brente and flewe the kynges true liege peple / yf this be true fa5 id Arthur / it were grete fhame vnto myn eftate / but that he were myghtely withftand / it is trouthe fayd the knyghte / for I fawe the hooft my felf / wel faide the kynge / lete make a crye / that all the lordes knyghtes and gentylmen of armes ihold drawe vnto a caftel called Camelot in tho dayes / and ther the Io kynge wold lete make a counceil general and a grete Iuftes So whan the kynge was come thyder with all his baronage and lodged as they femed beff / ther was come a damoifel the whiche was fente on meffage from the grete lady ylle o auelyonti And whan Ihe came bifore kynge Arthur / Ihe tol4jafm 15s tIhome. he came / and how the was fent on meffage vnto hym for thefe caufes Thenne fhe lete her mantel falle that was rychely furred / And thenne was fhe gyrd with a noble fwerd wherof the kynge had merueill / and faid Damoyfel for what caufe are ye gyrd with that fwerd / it bifemeth yow not / 20 Now Ihall I telle yow faid the damoyfel / This fwerd that I am gyrd with al doth me grete forowe and comberaunce / for I may not be delyuerd of this fwerd / but by a knyghte / but he muff be a paffyng good man of his handes and of his dedes and withoute vylonye or trecherye and withoute treafon / And 25 yf I maye fynde fuche a knyghte that hath all thefe vertues/ he may drawe oute this fwerd oute of the fhethe / for I haue ben at kyng Ryons / it was told me ther were paffyng good knyghtes / and he and alle his knyghtes haue affayed it and none can fpede / This is a grete merueill faid Arthur / yf this 30 be fothe / I wille my felf affaye to drawe oute the fwerd / not prefumynge vpon my felf that I am the befl knyghte / but that I will begynne to drawe at your fwerd in gyuyng example to alle the Barons that they fhall affay euerychone after other whan I haue affayed it / Thenne Arthur toke the fwerd 35 by the fhethe and by the gyrdel and pulled at it egrely / but the fwerd wold not oute / ([ Sire feid the damoyfell ye nede not to pulle half fo hard / for he that Ihall pulle it out Ihal do it with lytel myghte / ye fay wel faid Arthur / Now affaye [leaf 38 verso] \. U ook if.] [ 77 ] [Cbap. ii. ye al my barons / but beware ye be not defoyled with Ihame trechery ne gyle / thenne it wille not auaylle fayd the damoyfell / for he muff be a clene knyght withoute vylony and of a gentil ftrene of fader fyde and moder fyde/ Mooft of all the barons of the round table that were there at that tyme affayed alle by 5 rewe / but ther myght non fpede /wherfor the damoyfel made grete forow oute of mefure and fayd Alias I wende in this Courte had ben the beft knyghtes withoute trechery or trefon / By my feythe fayth Arthur here are good knyghtes as I deme as ony ben in the world / but theyr grace is not to helpe io yow / wherfor I am difpleafyd E( Capitulum ij Z^ Henne felle hit foo that tyme / ther was a poure knyght with kynge Arthur / that had byn pryfoner with hym half a yere & more for fleynge pf a knyghte / the whicne was cofyn vnto kynge Arthur / the name of this kny- 15 ght was called Balen / and by good meanes of the barons he was delyuerd oute of pryfon / for he was a good man named of his body / and he was borne in northumberland / and foo he wente pryuely in to the Courte / and fawe this aduenture / werof hit reyfed his herte / and wolde affaye it as other 20 knyghtes dyd / but for he was poure and pourely arayed he put hym not ferre in prees / But in his herte he was fully affured to doo as wel yf his grace happed hym as ony knyght that there was / And as the damoyfel toke her leue of Arthur and of alle the barons fo departyng / this knyght Balen cal- 25 led vnto her and fayd Damoyfel I praye yow of your curtofy / fuffre me as wel to affay as thefe lordes though that I be fo pourely clothed / in my herte me femeth I am fully affured as fomme of thefe other / And me femeth in my herte to fpede ryght wel / The damoyfel beheld the poure knyght / and 30 fawe he was a lykely man / but for his poure arrayment Ihe thoughte he fhold be of no worihip withoute vylonye or trechery / And thene fhe fayd vnto the knyght / fir it nedeth not to put me to more payn or labour / for it femeth not yow to fpede there as other haue failled / A fayr Damoyfel faid Balen 35 worthynes and good tatches and good dedes are not only in arrayment / but manhood and worfhip is hyd within mans perfone and many a worfhipful knyghte is not knowen vn[leaf 39] :ook if.] [ 78 ] [Cbap. ii. to alle people / and therfore worfhip and hardyneffe is not in arayment / By god fayd the damoyfel ye fay fothe / therfor ye Ihal affaye to do what ye may/ Thenne Balen took the fwerd by the gyrdel and ihethe / and drewe it out eafyly / and when 5 he loked on the fwerd hit pleafyd hym moche / thenne had the kynge and alle the barons grete merueille that Balen hadde done that auenture / many knyghtes had grete defpyte af Balen / Certes faid the damoyfel / this is a paffynge good knyght and the beft that euer I found and mooft of worfhip withIo oute trefon / trechery or vylony / and many merueylles fhalle he do / Now gentyl and curtois knyght yeue me the fwerd ayene nay faid Balen / for this fwerd wylle I kepe but it be taken from me with force / wel faide the damoyfel ye are not wyfe to kepe the fwerd from me / for ye fhalle flee with the fwerd the 5I beft frende that ye haue and the man that ye mofte loue in the world / and the fwerd fhalle be your destruction / I fhal take the aduenture fayd Balen that god wille ordeyne me / but the fwerd ye fhalle not haue at this tyme by the feythe of my body / ye fhalle repente hit within fhort tyme fayd the damoyfel / 20 For I wold haue the fwerd more for your auaylle than for myne / for I am paffyng heuy for your fake / For ye wil not byleue that fwerd fhal be youre deftruction / and that is grete pyte / with that the damoyfel departed makynge grete forowe / Anone after Balen fente for his hors and armour / and foo 25 wold departe fro the Courte and toke his leue of kynge Arthur / nay fayd the kynge I fuppofe ye wyll not departe fo li3 -tely fro this felaufhip / I fuppofe ye are difpleafed that I haue fhewed yow vnkyndenes / Blame me the laffe / for I was mys fenformed ageynft yow / but I wende ye had not ben fuche 30 a knyght as ye are of worfhip and proweffe / and yf ye wyll abyde in this courte among my felaufhip / I fhalle fo auaunce yow as ye fhalle be pleafed / god thanke your hyhenes faid Balen / your bounte and hyhenes may no man preyfe half to the valewe / but at this tyme I muff nedes departe / byfechyng 35 yow alwey of your good grace / Truly faid the kynge I am ryght wrothe for your departyng / I pray yow faire knyghte / that ye tary not long / and ye fhal be ryght welcome to me / & to my barons / and I fhalle amende all myffe that I haue [leaf 39 verso] 3oolk it.] [ 79 ] [Cbap. iii. done ageynft yow / god thanke your grete lordfhip faid Balen / and therwith made hym redy to departe / Thenne the mooft party of the knyghtes of the round table fayd that Balen did not this auenture al only by myghte but by wytchecraft Z^ EC Capitulum 1ercium He meane whyle that this knyght was makyng hym 5 redy to departe / there came in to the Court a lady that hyght the lady of the lake / And fhe came on horfback rychely byfene / and falewed kynge Arthur / and there afked hym a yefte that he promyfed her whan Ihe gaf hym the fwerd / that is fothe faid Arthur / a gyfte I promyfed yow / but I haue Io forgoten the name of my fwerd that ye gaue me / The name of it faid the lady is Excalibur that is as moche to fay as cut ftele / ye faye wel faid the kynge / Afke what ye wil and ye fhall haue it / and hit lye in my power to yeue hit / wel fayd the lady / I afke the heede of the knyghte that hath wonne 15 the fwerd / or els the damoyfels heede that broughte hit / I take no force though I haue bothe their hedes/ for he flewe my broder a good kny3te and a true / and that gentilwoman was caufar of my faders deth / Truly faid kynge Arthur I maye not graunte neyther of her hedes with my worfhip / therfor af- 20 ke what ye wille els / and I fhall fulfille your defyre / I wil afke none other thyng faid the lady / whan Balyn was redy to departe he fawe the lady of the lake that by her menes had flayne Balyns moder and he had foughte her thre yeres / and whan it was told hym that Ihe afked his hede of kynge Ar- 25 thur he went to her ftreyte and faid euyl be you foude / ye wold haue my hede/ and therfore ye fhall lefe yours / and with hys fwerd lyghtly he fmote of hir hede before kynge Arthur / allas for Ihame fayd Arthur why haue ye done fo / ye haue fhamed me and al my Courte / for this was a lady that I was 30 be holden to / and hyther fhe came vnder my fauf conduyte / I fhalle neuer foryeue you that trefpas / Sir faid Balen me forthynketh of your difpleafyr / for this fame lady was the vntrueft lady lyuynge / and by enchauntement and forffery fhe hath ben the deftroyer of many good knyghtes / and fhe was 35 caufer that my moder was brente thorow her falfhede and trechery / what caufe foo euer ye had faid Arthur ye Ihold haue [leaf 40] Eook fi.] [ 8o ] [Cbap. vo. forborne her in my prefence / therfor thynke not the contrary ye fhalle repente it / for fuche another defpyte had I neuer in my Courte / therfor withdrawe yow oute of my Courte in al haft that ye may / Thenne Balen toke vp the heed of the lady and 5 bare it with hym to his hoftry / and there he met with his fquyer that was fory he had difpleafyd kyng Arthur / and fo they rode forth oute of the town / Now faid Balen we muft departe / take thow this hede and bere it to my frendys / and telle hem how I haue fped / and telle my frendys in Northumberland io that my moft foo is deed / Alfo telle hem how I am oute of pryfon / and what aueture befelle me at the getyng of this fwerd Alias faid the fquyar ye are gretely to blame for to difpleafe kyng Arthur / as for that faid Balen I wylle hyhe me in al the haft that I may to mete with kynge Ryons and deftroye 15 hym eyther els or dye therfor / and yf it may happe me to wynne hym / thenne wille kynge Arthur be my good and gracious lord / where fhall I mete with yow faide the fquyer / in kynge Arthurs Court faid Balen / fo his fquyer and he departed at that tyme / thenne kynge Arthur and alle the Court made 20 grete doole and had fhame of the deth of the lady of the lake i thenne the kyng buryed her rychely ({ apitullum ifl T that tyme ther was a knyghte / the whiche was the kynges fone of Irelond and his name was Launceor / the whiche was an orgulous kny3t / and counted hym felf 25 one of the'-eft of the Courte / and he had grete defpyte at Balen for the encheuynge of the fwerd that ony fhold be acounted more hardy or more of proweffe / and he afked kynge Arthur yf he wold gyue hym leue to ryde after Balen and to reuenge the defpyte that he had done / Doo your beft faid Arthur 30 I am right wroth faid Balen I wold he were quyte of the defpyte that he hath done to me and to my Courte / Thenne this Launceor wente to his hoftry to make hym redy / In the meane whyle cam Merlyn vnto the Court of kyng Arthur and there 4 was told hym the aduenture of the fwerd and the deth of the 35 lady of the lake / Now fhall I faye yow faid Merlyn / this fame damoyfel that here ftandeth that broughte the fwerde vnto your Court / I fhalle telle yow the caufe of her comynge / the was the falfeft damoyfel that lyueth / fay not fo faid they / She [leaf 40 verso] 300oo if.] [ 8i ] [Cbap. v. hath a broder a paffynge good knyght of proweffe and a ful true man / and this damoyfel loued another knyght that helde her to peramour / and this good knyght her broder mett with the knyght that held her to peramour and flewe hym by force of his handes / whan this fals damoyfel vnderftood thys / fhe 5 wente to the lady lyle of Auelione / and befought her of help / to be auengyd on her owne broder CI Capitulum quintum Nd fo this lady lyle of Auelion toke her this fwerd that fhe broughte with her / and told there fhold noo man pulle it oute of the fhethe but yf he be one of the Io beft knyghtes of this reame / and he fhold be hard and ful of proweffe / and with that fwerd he fhold flee her broder / this was the caufe that the damoyfel came in to this Courte / I knowe it as wel as ye / wolde god fhe had nat comen in to thys Courte / but fhe came neuer in felaufhip of worfhip to do go- I5 od but alweyes grete harme / and that knyght that hath encheued the fuerd fhal be deftroyed by that fuerd / for the whiche wil be grete dommage / for ther lyueth not a kny3t of more proweffe than he is / and he fhalle do vnto yow my lord Arthur grete honour and kyndeneffe / and it is grete pyte he fhall not endure 20 but a whyle / for of his ftrengthe and hardyneffe I knowe not his matche lyuynge / Soo the knyght of Irelonde armed hym at al poyntes / and dreffid his fhelde on his iholder and mounted vpon horfback and toke his fpere in his hand/ and rode after a grete paas as moche as his hors myght goo / and 25 within a lytel fpace on a montayne he had a fyghte of Balyn / and with a lowde voys he cryed abyde knyght / for ye fhal abyde whether ye will or nyll / and the fheld that is to fore you fhalle not helpe / whan Balyn herd the noyfe / he tourned his hors fyerfly / and faide faire knyghte what wille ye with me / 30 wille ye lufte with me / ye faid the Iryffhe knyghte / therfor come I after yow / parauenture faid Balyn it had ben better to haue hold yow at home / for many a man weneth to putte his enemy to a rebuke / and ofte it falleth to hym felf / of what courte be ye fente fro faid Balyn / I am come fro the Courte of 35 kynge Arthur fayd the knyghte of Irlond / that come hyder for to reuenge the defpyte ye dyd this day to kyng arthur [leaf 41] F S3ook if.] [ 82 ] [Cbap. vfi. and to his courte / wel faid Balyn / I fee wel I mufft haue adoo with yow that me forthynketh for to greue kyng arthur or ony of his courte / and your quarel is ful fymple faid Balyn vnto me / for the lady that is dede / dyd me grete domma5 ge or els wold I haue ben lothe as ony knyghte that lyueth for to flee a lady / Make yow redy fayd the knyght launceor / and dreffe yow vnto me / for that one fhalle abyde in the feld thenne they toke their fperes / and cam to gyders as moche as their horfes myght dryue / and the Iryffhe knyght fmote Baio lyn on the fheld that alle wente fheuers of his fpere / & Balyn hyt hym thorugh the fheld / and the hauberk peryffhed / & fo percyd thurgh his body and the hors croppe / and anon torned his hors fyerfly and drewe oute his fwerd and wyfte not that he had flayn hym / and thenne he fawe hym lye as a 15 dede corps CI apttulum vi Henne he loked by hym and was ware of a damoyfel that came ryde ful faft as the hors myghte ryde on a fayr palfroy / and whan fhe afpyed that launceor was flayne / fhe made forowe oute of mefure and fayd O Balyn 20 two bodyes thou haft flayne and one herte and two hertes in one body / and two foules thow haft loft / And therwith fhe toke the fwerd from her loue that lay ded and fylle to the ground in a fwowne / And whan fhe aroos fhe made grete dole out of mefure / the whiche forowe greued Balyn paffyngly fore / and 25 he wente vnto her for to haue taken the fwerd oute of her had but fhe helde it fo faft / he myghte not take it oute of her hand onles he fhold haue hurte her / and fodenly fhe fette the pomell to the ground / and rofe her felf thorow the body / whan balyn afpyed her dedes he was paffynge heuy in his herte and afha30 med that fo fair a damoyfell had deftroyed her felf for the loue of his deth / Alias faid Balyn me repeteth fore the deth of this knyght for the loue of this damoyfel / for ther was moche true loue betwixe them bothe / and for forowe myght not lenger behold hym but torned his hors and loked toward a grete foreft 35 and ther he was ware by the armes of his broder Balan / and whan they were mette they putte of her helmes and kyffed to gyders and wepte for ioye and pyte / Thenne Balan fayd / I [leaf 41 verso] ~Sook ii.] [ 83 ] [Cbap. vi{. lytel wende to haue met with yow at this fodayne auenture / I am ryght glad of your delyueraunce and of youre dolorous pryfonement / for a ma told me in the caftel of four ftones that ye were delyuerd / & that man had fene you in the court of kynge Arthur / & therfor I cam hyder in to this countrey / for he- 5 re I fuppofed to fynde you / anon the kny3t balyn told his broder of his aduenture of the fwerd & of the deth of the lady of the lake/ & how kyng arthur was difpleafyd with hym wherfor he fente this kny3t after me that lyeth here dede / & the dethe of this damoyfel greueth me fore / fo doth it me faid Balan / but Io ye muft take the aduenture that god will ordeyne yow / Truly faid Balyn I am ryght heuy that my lord Arthur is difpleafyd with me/ for he is the mooft worfhipful knyght that regneth now on erthe / & his loue will I gete or els I wil put my lyf in auenture / for the kyng Ryons lyeth at a fyege atte 15 caftel Tarabil & thyder will we drawe in all haft to preue our worfhip & proweffe vpon hym / I wil wel faid Balan that we do & we wil helpe eche other as bretheren ou3t to do / ( Ca i t Ow go we hens faid balyn & wel be we met / the mene whyle as they talked ther cam a dwarf from the cy- 20 te of camelot on horfbak as moche as he myght & foud the dede bodyes / wherfor he made grete dole & pulled out his here for forou & faide which of you kny3tes haue done this dede / where by afkeft thou it faid balan / for I wold wete it faid the dwarfe / it was I faid balyn that flewe this knyght in my de- 25 fendaut for hyder he cam to chaace me & other I mufft flee hym or he me / & this damoyfel flewe her felf for his loue whiche repenteth me / & for her fake I fhal owe al wymmen the better loue / Allas faid the dwarf thow haft done grete dommage vnto thy felf / for this knyght that is here dede was one of the moft 30 valyaunts men that lyued / and truft wel balyn the kynne of this knyght wille chace yow thorowe the world tyl they haue flayne yow / As for that fayd Balyn I fere not gretely / but I am ryght heuy that I haue difpleafyd my lord kyng arthur for the deth of this knyght / Soo as they talked to gy- 35 ders there came a kynge of Cornewaille rydynge / the whiche hyghte kynge Mark / ([ And whanne he fawe thefe two bodyes dede and vnderffood hou they were dede by the ij knyghtes [leaf 42] d j ZSook ii.] [ 84 ] [Cbap,. fff. aboue faide / thenne maade the kynge grete forowe for the true loue that was betwix them / & faid I wil not departe tyl I haue on this erthe made a tombe / and there he pyght his pauelions and foughte thurgh alle the countrey to fynde a tombe / and in 5 a chirche they found one was fair and ryche / & thenne the kynge lete put hem bothe in the erthe & put the tombe vpon hem / and wrote the names of them bothe on the tombe / How here lyeth launceor the kynges sone of Irlond that at his owne requeft was flayne by the handes of balyn / & how his lady coo0 lombe and peramoure flewe her felf with her loues fwerd for dole and forowe ([ Capitulum viii He mene whyle as this was a doyng / in cam merlyn to kyng mark feyng alle his doynge faid / Here Ihalle be in this fame place the gretteft bataille betwixt two I5 knyghtes that was or euer fhall be / and the trueft louers / and yet none of hem fhalle flee other / and there Merlyn wrote her names vpon the tombe with letters of gold that fhold fyghte in that place / whos names were Launcelot de lake / and Tryftram / thow art a merueillous man faide kynge Marke vnto 20 Merlyn that fpekeft of fuche merueilles / thou art a boyftous man and an vnlykely to telle of fuche dedes / what is thy name faid kynge Marke / at this tyme faid Merlyn I will not telle / but at that tyme whan fyr Tryftram is taken with his fouerayne lady / thenne ye fhalle here and knowe my name / & 25 at that tyme ye fhal here tydynges that fhal not pleafe yow / Thenne faid merlyn to balyn thou haft done thy felf grete hurt by caufe that thow faueft not this lady that flewe her felf that myght haue faued her & thow woldeft / by the feyth of my body fayd balyn I myght not faue her for fhe flewe her felf fodenly 30 Me repenteth faide Merlyn by caufe of the dethe of that lady thou fhalt ftryke a ftroke moft dolorous that euer man ftroke excepte the ftroke of oure lorde / for thou fhalt hurte the trueft kny3t & the man of moft worfhip that now lyueth / & thorow that ftroke iij kyngdoms fhal be in grete pouerte myfere & wret35 chidnes xij yere / & the kny3t fhal not be hool of that woud many yeres / thene merlyn toke his leue of balyn & balen faid yf I wift it were foth that ye fay I fhold do fuche peryllous dede as that I wold flee my felf to make the a lyar / therwith merlyn [leaf 42 verso] B3ook f.] [ 85 1 [Cbap. fr. vanyffhed awey fodenly / and thenne balyn and his broder toke her leue of kynge Mark / fyrft faid the kynge telle me your name / fyr faid Balen ye may fee he bereth two fwerdes ther by ye may calle hym the knyght with the two fwerdes & foo departed kyng marke vnto camelot to kynge Arthur & balyn 5 toke the wey toward kyng Ryons / and as they rode to gyder they mett with Merlyn defguyfed /but they knewe hym not / whyder ryde yow faid Merlyn / we haue lytel to do faide the ij kny3tes to telle the / but what is thy name faid Balen at this tyme faid Merlyn I will not telle it the / it is euyl fene faid io the knyghtes that thou art a true man that thou wolt not telle thy name / as for that fayd Merlyn / be hit / as it be may I can telle yow wherfor ye ryde this wey for to mete kyng Ryons but it will not auaille you without ye haue my counceill A faid Balyn ye are Merlyn we wyl be rulyd by your coi- 15 ceill / come on faid Merlyn ye fhal haue grete worfhip & loke that ye do kny3tely for ye fhal haue grete nede / as for that faid Balon drede yow not we will do what we may / CI Capitulum fg Henne Merlyn lodged them in a wode amonge leuys befyde the hyhe way & toke of the brydels of their hor- 20 fes & put hem to gras & leid hem doun to refte hem tylle it was nyhe mydny3t / Thenne Merlyn badde hem ryfe / & make hem redy / for the the kynge was nygh them that was ftolen awey from his hooft with a iij fcore horfes of his beft kny3tes & xx of hem rode to fore to warne the lady de Vance that the ky- 25 ng was comyng /for that ny3t kyng Ryons fhold haue layn with her / whiche is the kyng faid Balyn / abyde faid Merlyn here in a ftreyte wey ye fhal mete with hym & therwith he fhewed Balyn & his broder where he rode / anon balyn & his broder mette with the kyng & fmote hym doune & wounded hym 30 fyerfly & leid hym to the ground / & there they flewe on the ryght hand & the lyfte hand & flewe moo than xl of his men / & the remenaunt fled / thenne went they ageyne to kyng Ryons & wold haue flayn hym had he not yelded hym vnto her grace Thenne faid he thus knyghtes ful of proweffe flee me not / for 35 by my lyf ye may wynne / & by my dethe ye fhalle wynne noo thynge / Thenne fayd thefe two knyghtes ye fay fothe & trouth [leaf 43] d ij ~:ook ii.] [ 86 ] [Cbap. r. and fo leyd hym on on hors lyttar / with that Merlyn was vanyffhed and came to kyng Arthur afore hand & told hym how his moft enemy was taken and difcomfyted / by whpme faid kynge Arthur / by two knyghtes faid Merlyn that wold 5 pleafe your lordfhip / and to morowe ye fhalle knowe what knyghtes they are / Anone after cam the knyght with the two fwerdes and balan his broder / and brought with hem kynge Ryons of Northwalys and there delyuerd hym to the porters and charged hem with hym / & foo they two retorned ageyne 1o in the daunyng of the day / kynge Arthur cam thenne to kyng Ryons and faid Syr kynge ye are welcome / by what auenture come ye hyder / fyr faid kyng Ryons I cam hyther by an hard auenture / wo wanne yow faid kyng Arthur / fyre faid the kyng the knyght with the two fwerdes & his broder whi15 che are two merueillous knyghtes of proweffe / I knowe hem not fayd arthur but moche I am beholden to them / A faid merlyn I fhal telle yow it is balen that encheued the fwerd & his broder balan a good knyght / ther lyueth not a better of proweffe & of worthyneffe / and it fhal be the gretteft dole of hym 20 that euer I knewe of knyght / for he fhalle not long endure / Allas faide kynge Arthur that is grete pyte for I am moche beholdyng vnto hym / & I haue yll deferued it vnto hym for his kyndenes / nay faid Merlyn he fhal do moche more for yow / and that fhal ye knowe in haft / but fyr are ye purueyed faid 25 Merlyn for to morne the hoofte of Nero kynge Ryons broder wille fette on yow or none with a grete hooft and therfor make yow redy for I wyl departe from yow CI Capitulum g Henne kyng Arthur made redy his hooft in x batails and Nero was redy in the felde afore the caftel Ta30 rabil with a grete hooft / & he had x batails with many mo peple than Arthur had / Thenne Nero had the vaward with the mooft party of his peple / & merlyn cam to kyng lot of the yle of Orkeney / and helde hym with a tale of prophecye til Nero and his peple were deftroyed / & ther fyr kay the fencyal dyd 35 paffyngly wel that the dayes of his lyf the worfhip went neuer fr5 hym & fir heruys de reuel did merueillous dedes with [leaf 43 verso] Z0ook ii.] [ 87 ] [Cbap. v. with kynge Arthur / and kynge Arthur flewe that daye xx knyghtes & maymed xl / At that tyme cam in the kny3te with the two fwerdys and his broder Balan / But they two did fo merueilloufly that the kynge and alle the knyghtes merueilled of them / and alle they that behelde them faid they we- 5 re fente from heuen as aungels or deuyls from helle / & kynge Arthur faid hym felf they were the beft knyghtes that euer he fawe / for they gaf fuche ftrokes that all men had woder of hem In the meane whyle came one to kynge Lott and told hym / whyle he taryed there nero was deftroyed and flayne with al I0 his peple / Alias fayd kynge Lot I am afhamed / for by my defaute ther is many a worfhipful man flayne / for and we had ben to gyders there hadde ben none hoofte vnder the heuen that had ben abel for to haue matched with vs / This fayter with his prophecye hath mocked me / Al that dyd Merlyn for 15 he knewe wel that and kyng Lot had ben with his body there at the fyrft bataille / kynge Arthur had be flayne / and alle his peple deftroyed / & wel Merlyn knewe the one of the kynges fhold be dede that day / & loth was Merlyn that ony of them both fholde be flayne / But of the tweyne / he had leuer kyng Lotte 20 had be flayne than kynge Arthur / Now what is beft to doo fayd kyng Lot of Orkeney whether is me better to treate with kynge Arthur or to fyghte / for the gretter party of oure peple are flayne / and deftroyed / Syr faid a knyght fet on arthur for they are wery and forfoughten and we be freffhe / As for 25 me fayd kyng Lot I wolde euery knyght wolde do his parte as I wold do myn / And thenne they auaunced baners and fmoten to gyders and al to fheuered their fperes / and arthurs knyghtes with the helpe of the knyght with two fwerdes & his broder balan put kyng lot & his hooft to the werre / But 30 alweyes kyng Lot helde hym in the formeft frunte & dyd mer. ueillous dedes of armes / for aile his hoofte was borne vp by his handes for he abode al knyghtes / allas he myght not endure the whiche was grete pyte that fo worthy a knyyt as he was one fhold be ouermatched that of late tyme afore hadde ben a 35 knyght of kyng Arthurs & wedded the fifter of kyng arthur & for kyng Arthur lay by kyng lots wyf the whiche was arthurs fyfter & gat on her Mordred / therfor kyng lot held ayeft [leaf 44] ZBook it.] [ 88 ] [Cbap. r. Arthur / So ther was a knyght that was called the knyghte with the ftraunge beefte /and at that tyme his ryght name was called Pellinore / the whiche was a good man of proweffe / and he fmote a myghty itroke att kynge Lot as he fo5 ught with all his enemyes / and he fayled of his ftroke / and fmote the hors neck that he fylle to the grounde with kyng lot And therwith anon Pellinore fmote hym a grete ftroke thorow the helme & hede vnto the browes & thenne alle the hoofte of Orkeney fled for the deth of kynge Lott / and there were io flayn many moders fones / But kynge Pellinore bare the wytte of the deth of kynge Lot / wherfore fyr Gawayne reuenged the deth of his fader the x yere after he was made knyght and flewe kynge Pellinore with his owne handes / Alfo there were flayne at that bataille xij kynges on the fyde of kyng Lot 15 with Nero / and alle were buryed in the chirche of faynt Steuyns in Camelot / and the remenaunt of knyghtes and of other were buryed in a grete roche ([ Capitulum cj 0 at the enterement cam kynge Lots wyf Morgaufe with her foure fones Gawayne / Agrauayne / Gaherys.20 and Gareth / Alfo ther came thyder kyng Vryens fyr Ewayns fader and Morgan le fay his wyf that was kyng Arthurs fyfter / Alle thefe cam to the enterement / but of alle thefe xij kynges kyng Arthur lete make the tombe of kynge Lot paffyng rychely / and made his tombe by his owne / and 25 thenne Arthur lete make xij ymages of laton and couper / & ouer gylt hit with gold in the fygne of xij kynges/ & echon of hem helde a tapyr of wax that brent day and ny3t / & kyng Arthur was made in fygne of a fygure ftandynge aboue hem with a fwerd drawen in his hand / and alle the xij fygures had 30 countenaunce lyke vnto men that were ouercome / All this made Merlyn by his subtyl crafte and ther he told the kyng wha I am dede / thefe tapers fhalle brenne no lenger / and foone after the aduentures of the Sangrayll fhalle come among yow and be encheued / Alfo he told Arthur how Balyn the wor35 fhipful knyght Ihal gyue the dolourous ftroke / wherof fhalle falle grete vengeaunce / O where is Balen & Balan & Pellinore faide kynge Arthur / as for Pellinore fayd Merlyn / he wyl mete with yow foone / ( And as for Balyn [leaf 44 verso] Book f.] [ 89 ] [Cbap. rff. he wille not be longe from yow / but the other broder wil departe ye fhalle fee hym no more / By my feyth faid Arthur they are two merueyllous knyghtes / and namely Balyn paffeth of proweffe of ony knyghte that euer I found / for moche be holden I am vnto hym / wold god he wold abyde with me / 5 Syr fayd Merlyn loke ye kepe wel the fcaubard of Excalibur / for ye fhalle lefe no blood whyle ye haue the fcauberd vpon yow though ye haue as many woundes vpon yow as ye may haue / Soo after for grete truft Arthur betoke the fcauberd to Morgan le fay his fyfter / and fhe loued another kny- Io ght better than her hufband kynge Vryens or kynge Arthur And fhe wold haue had Arthur her broder flayne / And ther for fhe lete make another fcauberd lyke it by enchauntement and gaf the fcauberd Excalibur to her loue / and the knyghtes name was called Accolon that after had nere flayne kyng ar- 15 thur / After this Merlyn told vnto kynge Arthur of the prophecye / that there fhold be a grete batail befyde Salyfbury and Mordred his owne fone fholde be ageynfte hym / Alfo he tolde hym that Bafdemegus was his cofyn and germayn vnto kynge Vryence ([ Capitulum Iij 20 t yaf4 Ythin a daye or two kynge Arthur was fomewhat feke/ and he lete pytche his pauelione in a medowe / & I^CUththere he leyd hym doune on a paylet to flepe / but he myght haue no reft / Ryght fo he herd a grete noyfe of an hors and therwith the kynge loked oute at the porche of the pauelione / 25 and fawe a knyght comynge euen by hym makyng grete dole Abyde fair fyr faid Arthur / & telle me wherfor thow makeft this forowe / ye maye lytel amend me faid the knyghte and foo paffed forthe to the caftel of Melyot / Anone after ther cam balen / and whan he fawe kynge Arthur / he alyght of his hors / 30 and cam to the kynge on foote / and falewed hym / by my hede faide Arthur ye be welcome / Sire ryght now cam rydynge this way a knyght makynge grete moorne / for what caufe I can not telle / wherfor I wold defyre of yow of your curtofye and of your gentylneffe to fetche ageyne that knyght / eyther 35 by force or els by his good wil / I wil do more for your lordfhip than that faid balyn / and fo he rode more than a paas and found the knyght with a damoyfel in a foreft & faid fir kny3t [leaf 45] d iiij Z3ook if.] [ 90 ] [Cbap. lift. ye muff come with me vnto kynge Arthur for to telle hym of your forow / that wille I not / fayd the knyghte / for hit wylle fcathe me gretely / and now do yow none auaylle / fyr fayd Balyn I pray yow make yow redy for ye muff goo with me / or els 5 I muff fyghte with yow and brynge yow by force / and that were me loth to doo / wylle ye be my waraunt faid the knyght and I goo with yow / ye faide Balyn or els I wylle deye therfore / And fo he made hym redy to go with Balyn / and lefte the damoyfel ftylle / And as they were euen afore kynge io Arthurs pauelione / there came one inuyfybel and fmote thys knyghte that wente with Balyn thorow oute the body wyth a fpere / Alias fayd the knyght I am flayne vnder youre coduyt with a knyght called Garlon / therfor take my hors that is better than yours and ryde to the damoyfel and folowe the 15 queft that I was in / as fhe wylle lede yow and reuenge my deth whan ye may / That fhalle I doo fayd Balyn / and that I make vowe vnto knyghthode / and fo he departed from thys knyghte with grete forowe / Soo kyng Arthur lete berye thys knyght rychely / and made a menfyon on his tombe / how there 20 was flayne Herlews le berbeus / and by whome the trechery was done the knyght garlon / But euer the damoyfel bare the truncheon of the fpere with her that fyr Harlews was flayn with al C ~Capitulum 1iij 0 Balyn and the damoyfel rode in to a foreft / & ther 25 met with a knyght that had ben on huntynge / and that knyght afked Balyn for what caufe he made fo grete forowe / me lyft not to telle yow faide Balyn / Now faide the knyghte and I were armed as ye be I wolde fyghte wyth yow / that fhold lytel nede fayd Balyn / I am not aferd to 30 telle yow / and told hym alle the caufe how it was A fayd the knyght is this al / Here I enfure yow by the feithe of my body neuer to departe from yow whyle my lyf lafteth / & foo they wente to the hoftry and armed hem / and fo rode forth with balyn / And as they came by an heremytage euen by a Chyrche 35 yerd / ther cam the knyghte garlon invyfybel and fmote thys knyghte Peryn de mountebeliard thurgh the body with a fpere / Alias faide the knyghte I am flayne by this traytoure [leaf 45 verso] Z;ook if.] [ 9I 1 [Cbap. xiv. knyghte that rydeth Inuyfyble / Alias faid balyn it is not the fyrst defpyte he hath done me / and there the heremyte and Balyn beryed the knyght vnder a ryche ftone and a tombe royal And on the morne they fond letters of gold wryten / how fyr Gaweyn fhalle reuenge his faders deth kynge Lot / on the 5 kynge Pellinore / Anone after this balyn and the damoyfel rode tyl they came to a caftel and there balyn alyghte / and he and the damoyfel wende to goo in to the caftel / and anone as balyn came within the caftels yate the portecolys fylle doune at his bak / and there felle many men about the damoyfel / and Io wold haue flayne her / whan balyn fawe that / he was fore agreued / for he myghte not helpe the damoyfel / thanne he wente vp in to the toure and lepte ouer wallys in to the dyche / and hurte hym not / and anone he pulled oute his fuerd and wold haue fou3ten with hem / and they all fayd nay they 15 wold not fyghte with hym / for they dyd no thyng but thold cuftome of the caftel / and told hym how her lady was feke / & had layne many yeres / and Ihe myghte not be hole but yf (he had a dyffhe of fyluer ful of blood of a clene mayde & a kynges doughter / and therfore the cuftome of this caftel is / there 20 Ihalle no damoyfel paffe this way but Ihe Ihal blede of her blood in a fyluer dyffhe ful / wel faid Balyn fhe Ihal blede as moche as fhe may blede / but I wille not lefe the lyf of her whyles my lyf lafteth / & foo balyn made her to blede by her good will / but her blood halpe not the lady / and fo he & ihe refted 25 there al nyght / & had there ryght good chere / and on the morn they paffed on their wayes / And as it telleth after in the fangraylle that fyre Percyualis fyfter halpe that lady with her blood wherof fhe was dede (I C apitulum giiij Henne they rode thre or foure dayes and neuer mette 30 with aduenture / and by happe they were lodged with a gentyll man that was a ryche man and well at cafe / And as they fat at her fouper balyn herd ouer complayne greuoufly by hym in a chayer / what is this noyfe faid balen / forfothe faid his hooft I wylle telle yow /I was but late att a Iuft- 35 ynge / and there I Iufted with a knyghte that is broder vnto kynge Pellam / and twyes fmote I hym doune / & thenne [leaf 46] ~ioo ft.] [ 92 ] [Cbap. fiv. he promyfed to quyte me on my beft frynde / and fo he wounded my fone that can not be hole tyll I haue of that knyghtes blood / and he rydeth alwey Inuyfyble / but I knowe not his name / A fayd Balyn / I knowe that knyght / his name is 5 Garlon / he hath flayne two knyghtes of myn in the fame maner / therfor I had leuer mete with that knyght than alle the gold in this realme / for the defpyte he hath done me / wel faid his oofte I fhalle telle yow kynge Pellam of lyftyneyfe hath made do crye in all this countrey a grete feeft that ihal be withIo in thefe xx dayes / & no knyght may come ther but yf he brynge his wyf wyth hym / or his peramour / & that kny3te youre enemy and myn ye fhalle fee that daye / Thenne I behote yow fayd Balyn parte of his blood to hele youre fone with alle / we wille be forward to morne fayd his ooft / So on the morne 15 they rode all thre toward Pellam / and they had xv dayes Iourney or they cam thyder / and that fame day began the greete feefte / and foo they alyght and ftabled theyr horfes / and went in to the Caftel / but balyns ooft myght not be lete in by caufe he had no lady / thenne Balyn was wel receyued & brought 20 vnto a chamber and vnarmed hym / and there were brought hym robes to his pleafyr / and wold haue had Balen leue his fwerd behynde hym / Nay fayd Balen that doo I not for it is the cuftomme of my Countrey a knyghte alweyes to kepe his wepen with hym and that cuftomme wylle I kepe / or 25 els I wyll departe as I cam / thenne they gaf hym leue to were his fwerd / and fo he wente vnto the caftel / and was fette amonge knyghtes of worfhip and his lady afore hym / Soone balyn afked a knyght / is ther not a knyghte in this court whos name is Garlon / yonder he goth fayd a knyght / he with 30 the blak face / he is the merueylleft kny3t that is now lyuyng for he deftroyeth many good knyghtes / for he goth Inuyfyble A wel faid Balen is that he / thene balyn auyfed hym long yf I flee hym here I fhall not fcape / And yf I leue hym now perauentur I fhalle neuer mete with hym ageyne at fuche a 35 fteuen / and moche harme he wille doo and he lyue / Ther with this Garlon afpyed that this Balen behelde hym / and thenne he came and fmote Balyn on the face with the bak of his hand / and fayd kny3t why beholdeft thow me fo for fhame [leaf 46 verso] :Book i.] [ 93 ] [~bap. V. therfor ete thy mete and doo that thow cam for / Thow fayft fothe faid Balyn / this is not the fyrft defpyte that thow haft done me / and therfor I will doo that I cam for and rofe vp fyerfly and claue his hede to the fholders / gyue me the truncheon fayd Balyn to his lady where with he flewe your knyghte / 5 anone fhe gaf it hym / for alwey Ihe bare the troncheon with her And therwith Balyn fmote hym thurgh the body / and fayd openly with that truncheon thow haft flayn a good knyghte / and now it ftycketh in thy body / And thenne Balyn called vnto hym his hooft / fayenge / now may ye fetche blood ynough Io to hele your fone with all / Capitulum xv None all the knyghtes aroos from the tabyl for to fet on Balyn / and kynge Pellam hym felf aroos vp fyErIerfly / & fayd kny3t haft thow flayn my broder / thow fhalt dye therfor or thou departe / wel faid balen do it your felf 15 yis fayde kyng pella / ther ihall no ma haue ado with the / but my felf for the loue of my broder / Thenne kyng Pellam cau3t in his hand a grym wepen and fmote egrely at balyn / but balyn put his fwerd betwixe his hede and the ftroke / and therwith his fwerd breft in fonder / And whan balyn was wepen- 20 les he ranne in to a chamber for to feke fomme wepen / and foo fro chamber to chamber / and no wepen he coude fynde / and alweyes kynge Pellam after hym / And at the laff he entryd in to a chambyr that was merueilloufly wel dy3te and rychely / and a bedde arayed with clothe of gold the rycheft that my- 25 ghte be thought / and one lyenge theryn / and therby ftode a table of clene gold with four pelours of fyluer / that bare vp the table / and vpon the table flood a merueillous fpere ftraungely wrought / And whan balyn fawe that fpere / he gat it in his hand and torned hym to kyng Pellam / and fmote hym 30 paffyngly fore with that fpere that kynge Pellam felle doune in a fwoune / and therwith the caftel roofe and wallys brake and fylle to the erthe / and balyn felle doune fo that he myghte not ftere foote nor hand / And fo the mooft parte of the caftel that was falle doune thorugh that dolorous ftroke laye vpon 35 Pellam and balyn thre dayes I Capitulum Xvi [leaf 47] / soot it.] [ 94 ] [Cbap. rvi. IHenne Merlyn cam thyder and toke vp Balyn and gat hym a good hors for his was dede / and bad hym ryde oute of that countrey / I wold haue my damoyfel fayd balyn / Loo fayd Merlyn where fhe lyeth dede & kynge 5 Pellam lay fo many yeres fore wounded / and myght neuer be hole tyl Galahad / the haute prynce heled hym in the queft of the Sangraille / for in that place was part of the blood of our lord Ihefu cryft that Iofeph of Armathe broughte in to this lond / and ther hym felf lay in that ryche bed / And that was Io the fame fpere that Longeus fmote oure lorde to the herte / and kynge Pellam was nyghe of Iofeph kynne / and that was the mooft worfhipful man that lyued in tho dayes / and grete pyte it was of his hurte / for thorow that ftroke torned to grete dole tray and tene / Thenne departed Balyn from Mer15 lyn and fayd in this world we mete neuer nomore / Soo he rode forth thorowe the fayr countreyes and Cytees & fond the peple dede flayne on euery fyde / and alle that were on lyue cryed O balyn thow haft caufed grete dommage in thefe c6 -trayes for the dolorous ftroke thow gaueft vnto kynge Pella 20 thre countreyes are deltroyed / and doubte not but the vengeaunce wil falle on the at the laft / whanne Balyn was paft tho contrayes he was paffyng fayne / fo he rode ey3t dayes or he met with auenture / And at the laft he came in to a fayr foreft in a valey and was ware of a Toure / And there befyde he fawe 25 a grete hors of werre tayed to a treee / and ther befyde fatte a fayr knyght on the ground and made grete mornynge and he was a lykely man and a wel made / Balyn fayd God faue yow why be ye fo heuy / telle me and I wylle amende it and I may to my power / Syr knyghte faid he ageyne thow doeft 30 me grete gryef / for I was in mery thoughtes and now thou putteft me to more payne / Balyn wente a lytel from hym / & loked on his hors / thenne herd Balyn hym faye thus / a fair lady why haue ye broken my promyfe / for thow promyfeft me to mete me here by none / and I maye curfe the that euer ye 35 gaf me this fwerd / for with this fwerd I flee my felf / and pulled it oute / and therwith Balyn fterte vnto hym & took hym by the hand / lete goo my hand fayd the knyght or els I fhal flee the / that fhal not nede faid balyn / for I fhal promyfe [leaf 47 verso] soon ii.] [ 95 1] [bap. rii. yow my helpe to gete yow your lady / and ye wille telle me where fhe is / what is your name fayd the knyght / myn name is Balyn le faueage / A fyr I knowe yow wel ynough ye are the knyght with the two fwerdys and the man of mooft proweffe of your handes lyuyng / what is your name fayd ba- 5 len / my name is garnyffhe of the mount a poure mans fone / But by my proweffe and hardyneffe a duke hath maade me knyght / and gaf me landes / his name is duke Hermel / and his doughter is fhe that I loue and fhe me as I demed / hou fer is fhe hens fayd Balyn / but xj myle faid the knyghte Io Now ryde we hens fayde thefe two knyghtes / fo they rode more than a paas tyll that they cam to a fayr cartel wel wallyd and dyched / I wylle in to the caftel fayd Balen / and loke yf fhe be ther / Soo he wente in and ferched fro chamber to chabir / and fond her bedde but fhe was not there / Thenne Balen I5 loked in to a fayr litil gardyn / and vnder a laurel tre he fawe her lye vpon a quylt of grene famyte and a knyght in her armes faft halfynge eyther other and vnder their hedes graffe & herbes / whan Balen fawe her lye fo with the fowleft knyghte that euer he fawe and fhe a fair lady / thenne Balyn wente 20 thurgh alle the chambers ageyne and told the knyghte how he fond her as Ihe had flepte faft / and fo brought hym in the place there fhe lay faft flepynge C ~apitulum:vij Nd whan Garnyffh beheld hir fo lyeng for pure forou his mouth and nofe braft oute on bledynge and with 25 his fwerd he fmote of bothe their hedes / and thenne he maade forowe oute of mefure and fayd 0 Balyn / Moche forow haft thow brought vnto me / for haddeft thow not fhewed me that fyght I fhold haue paffed my forow / forfoth faid balyn I did it to this entent that it fholde better thy courage / and that ye 30 myght fee and knowe her fallhede / and to caufe yow to leue loue of fuche a lady / god knoweth I dyd none other but as I wold ye dyd to me / Allas faid garnyffhe now is my forou doubel that I may not endure / Now haue I flayne that I mooft loued in al my lyf / and therwith fodenly he roofe hym 35 felf on his own fwerd vnto the hyltys / when balen fawe that [leaf 48] 3Sook ft.] [ 96 ] [ebap. lvL~ he dreffid hym thens ward / left folke wold fay he had flayne them / and fo he rode forth / and within thre dayes he cam by a croffe / & theron were letters of gold wryte that faid / it is not for no knyght alone to ryde toward this Caftel / thene fawe he 5 an old hore gentylman comyng toward hym that fayd Balyn le Saueage thow paffyft thy bandes to come this waye / therfor torne ageyne and it will auaille the / and he vanyffhed awey anone / and foo he herd an horne blowe as it had ben the dethe of a beft / That blaft faid Balyn is blowen for me / For io I am the pryfe and yet am I not dede / anone with al he fawe an hondred ladyes and many knyghtes that welcommed hym with fayr femblaunt and made hym paffyng good chere / vnto his fyght and ledde hym in to the caitel / and ther was daunfynge and mynftralfye and alle maner of Ioye / ThenI5 ne the chyef lady of the caftel faid / knyghte with the two fuerdys ye muft haue adoo and Iufte with a knyght hereby that kepeth an Iland / for ther may no man paffe this way but he muft Iufte or he paffe / that is an vnhappy cuftomme faid Balyn that a knyght may not paffe this wey / but yf he Iufte / ye 20 fhalle not haue adoo but with one knyghte fayd the lady / Wel fayd Balyn fyn I fhalle therto I am redy but traueillynge men are ofte wery and their horfes to / but though my hors be wery / my hert is not wery / I wold be fayne ther my deth fhold be / Syr faid a knyght to Balyn / me thynketh your 25 fheld is not good / I wille lene yew a byggar / therof I pray yow / and fo he tooke the fheld that was vnknowen and lefte his owne and fo rode vnto the Iland / and put hym and his hors in a grete boote / and whan he came on the other fyde / he met with a damoyfel / and fhe faid / O knyght balyn why haue 30 ye lefte your owne fheld / alias ye haue put your felf in grete daunger / for by your iheld ye Ihold haue ben knowen / it is grete pyte of yow as euer was of knyght / for of thy proweffe & hardynes thou haft no felawe lyuynge / Me repenteth faid balyn that euer I cam within this Countrey / but I maye not 35 torne now ageyne for fhame and what auenture fhalle falle to me be it lyf or dethe I wille take the aduenture that Ihalle come to me & / thenne he loked on his armour / & vnderftood he was wel armed / and therwith bleffid hym and mounted [leaf 48 verso] Boot i.] [ 97 ] [Cbap. Iviii. vpon his hors I Capitulum vitij Henne afore hym he fawe come rydynge oute of a caftel a knyght and his hors trapped all reed and hym felf in the fame colour / whan this knyghte in the reed beheld Balyn hym thought it fhold bee his broder Balen by 5 caufe of his two fwerdys / but by caufe he knewe not his fheld he demed it was not he / And fo they auentryd theyr fperes & came merueilloufly faft to gyders / and they fmote other in the iheldes / but theire fperes and theire cours were foo bygge that it bare doune hors & man that they lay bothe in a fwoun IO But balyn was bryfed fore with the falle of his hors / for he was wery of trauaille / And Balan was the fyrft that rofe on foote and drewe his fwerd and wente toward Balyn / and he aroos and wente ageynft hym / But balan fmote balyn fyrfte / and he put vp his fhelde and fmote hym thorow I5 the fhelde and tamyd his helme / thenne Balyn fmote hym ageyne with that vnhappy fwerd and wel nyghe had fellyd his broder Balan / and fo they fought ther to gyders tyl theyr brethes faylled / thenne Balyn loked vp to the caftel and fawe the Towres ftand ful of ladyes / Soo they went vnto 20 bataille ageyne and wounded eueryche other dolefully / and thenne they brethed oftymes / and fo wente vnto bataille that alle the place there as they fought was blood reed / And att that tyme ther was none of them bothe but they hadde eyther fmyten other feuen grete woundes fo that the left of them my3t 25 haue ben the dethe of the myghtyeft gyaunt in this world / Thenne they wente to batail ageyn fo merueilloufly that doubte it was to here of that bataille for the grete blood fhedynge And their hawberkes vnnailled that naked they were on euery fyde / Atte laft balan the yonger broder withdrewe hym a 30 lytel & leid hym doune / Thenne faid balyn le Saueage what knyghte arte thow / for or now I found neuer no kny3t that matched me / my name is faid he balan broder vnto the good knyght balyn / Alias fayd balyn that euer I fhold fee this day / and therwith he felle backward in a fwoune / Thenne ba- 35 lan yede on al four feet and handes and put of the helme of his broder and myght not knowe hym by the vyfage / it was fo ful hewen and bledde / but whan he awoke he fayd O balan [leaf 49] G SBoo; iH.] [ 98 ] [Cbap. tir. my broder thow haft flayne me and I the / wherfore alle the wyde world fhalle fpeke of vs bothe / ( Alias fayd Balan that euer I fawe this day that thorow myfhap I myght not knowe yow / for I afpyed wel your two fwerdys / but by cau5 fe ye had another fhild I demed ye had ben another kny3t Alias faide Balyn all that maade an vnhappy knyght in the caftel / for he caufed me to leue myn owne fhelde to our bothes deftruction / and yf I my3t lyue I wold deftroye that caftel for ylle cuftomes / that were wel done faid Balan / For I 1o had neuer grace to departe fro hem fyn that I cam hyther / for here it happed me to flee a knyght that kepte this Iland / & fyn myght I neuer departe / and nomore fhold ye broder & ye myght haue flayne me as ye haue and efcaped your felf with the lyf / Ryght fo cam the lady of the Toure with iiij knyghI5 tes and vj ladyes and vj yomen vnto them and there fhe herd how they made her mone eyther to other and fayd we came bothe oute of one tombe that is to fay one moders bely / And fo fhalle we lye bothe in one pytte / So Balan prayd the lady of her gentylneffe for his true feruyfe / that fhe wold burye 20 them bothe in that fame place there the bataille was done / and fhe graunted hem with wepynge it fhold be done rychely in the beft maner / Now wille ye fende for a preeft that we may receyue our facrament and receyue the bleffid body of our lord Ihefu cryft / ye faid the lady it fhalle be done / and fo fhe fente for a 25 preeft and gaf hem her ryghtes / Now fayd balen whan we are buryed in one tombe and the menfyon made ouer vs / how ij bretheren flewe eche other / there wille neuer good knyght nor good man fee our tombe but they wille pray for our foules / & fo alle the ladyes and gentylwymen wepte for pyte / Thenne 30 anone Balan dyed but Balyn dyed not tyl the mydnyghte after / and fo were they buryed bothe / and the lady lete make a menfyon of Balan how he was ther flayne by his broders handes / but fhe knewe not balyns name / 41 Capitulum FyX N the morne cam Merlyn and lete wryte balyns na35,J me on the tombe with letters of gold / that here lyeth balyn le Saueage that was the kny3t with the two fwerdes [leaf 49 verso] s3ook ii.J r 99 ] [ebap. jrr. and he that fmote the dolorous ftroke / Alfo Merlyn lete make there a bedde / that ther fhold neuer man lye therin / but he wente oute of his wytte / yet Launcelot de lake fordyd that bed thorow his nobleffe / and anone after Balyn was dede / merlyn toke his fwerd / and toke of the pomel and fet on an 5 other pomel / fo merlyn bad a knyght that ftode afore hym handeld that fwerd / and he affayed / and he myght not handle hit Thenne Merlyn lough / why laugh ye faid the knyghte / this is the caufe faid Merlyn /ther fhalle neuer man handle this fuerd but the beft knyght of the world / and that flalle be fyr Laun- io celot or els Galahad his fone / and Launcelot with this fuerd fhalle flee the man that in the world he loued beft that fhalle be fyr Gawayne / Alle this he lete wryte in the pomel of the fwerd / Thenne Merlyn lete make a brydge of yron & of ftele in to that Iland / and it was but half a foote brode / & there i5 fhalle neuer man paffe that brydge nor haue hardynes to goo ouer / but yf he were a paffyng good man and a good knyght withoute trechery or vylonye / Also the fcaubard of Balyns fwerd Merlyn lefte it on this fyde of the Iland that galahad fhold fynde it / Alfo merlyn lete make by his fubtyly- 20 te that Balyns fwerd was put in a marbel ftone ftandyng vp ryght as grete as a mylle ftone / and the flone houed al weyes aboue the water and dyd many yeres / and fo by adueture it fwam doun the ftreme to the Cyte of Camelot that is in englyffhe wyncheftre / & that fame day galahad the haute pryn- 25 ce came with kyng Arthur / and foo galahad broughte wyth hym the fcaubard and encheued the fwerde / that was there in the marbel ftone / houynge vpon the water / And on whytfonday he encheued the fwerd as it is reherced in the book of Sac grayll / Soone after this was done Merlyn came to kyng Ar- 30 thur and told hym of the dolorous ftroke that Balyn gaf to kyng Pellam / and how Balyn and Balan foughte to gyders the merueillous batail that euer was herd of / and how they were buryed bothe in one Tombe / Allas faid kyng Arthur / this is the gretteft pyte that ouer I herd telle of two 35 kny3tes / for in the world I knowe not fuche two knyghtes / ([ Thus endeth the tale of Balyn and of Balan two bretheren born in northuberlad good kni3tes / [ Sequitur iij liber [leaf 50] e j ~: c' I e~ eeec IBook fif.] [ Ioo ] [Cbap. f. CI apitulum primum N the begynnynge of Arthur after he was chofen kyng by adueture and by grace for the moft party of the barons knewe not that he was Vther pendragons fone / But as Merlyn made it 5 openly knowen / But yet many kynges & lordes helde grete werre ayenft hym for that caufe / But wel Arthur ouercame hem alle / for the moofte party the dayes of his lyf he was ruled moche by the counceil of Merlyn / Soo it fell on a tyme kyng Arthur fayd vnto Merlyn / my barons wille lete io me haue no reft but nedes I mufte take a wyf/ and I wylle none take / but by thy counceill and by thyne aduys / it is wel done faid Merlyn / that ye take a wyf / for a man of your bounte and nobleffe fhold not be without a wyf / Now is ther ony that ye loue more than another / ye faid kyng Arthur / I loue 15 gweneuer the kynges doughter Lodegrean of the land of Camelerd / the whiche holdeth in his hows the table round that ye told he had of my fader Vther / And this damoyfel is the mooft valyaunt and fayreft lady that I knowe lyuynge or yet that euer I coude fynde / Syre fayd Merlyn as of her beaute 20 and fayrenes fhe is one of the fayreft on lyue / But and ye loued her not fo wel as ye doo / I fhold fynde yow a damoyfel of beaute and of goodeneffe that fhold lyke yow & plefe yow and your herte were not fette / But there as a mans herte is fet / he wylle be lothe to retorne / that is trouth faid kyng 25 Arthur / but Merlyn warned the kynge couertly that gweneuer was not holfome for hym to take to wyf / for he warned hym that launcelot Ihold loue her and Ihe hym ageyne / and fo he torned his tale to the auentures of Sancgreal / Thenne merlyn defyred of the kynge for to haue men with hym that fhold 30 enquere of gweneuer / and fo the kyng graunted hym / & Merlyn wente forth vnto kyng Lodegrean of Camyllerd / & told hym of the defyre of the kyng that he wold haue vnto his wyf Gweneuer his doughter / that is to me fayd kyng Lodegreans the beft tydynges that euer I herd that fo worthy a kyng of 35 proweffe and nobleffe wille wedde my doughter / And os for my landes I wylle gyue hym wyft I it myght pleafe hym / [leaf 50 verso] ':, e *e ' * *: '. ~Book iff.] [ IOI ] [Cbap. if. but he hath londes ynowe / hym nedeth none / but I fhalle fende hym a gyfte fhalle pleafe hym moche more/ for I fhalle gyue hym the table round / the whiche Vtherpendragon gaue me / & whan it is ful complete / ther is an C knyghtes & fyfty / And as for on C good knyghtes I haue my felf / but I fawte / 1 / 5 for fo many haue ben flayne in my dayes / and fo Ladegreans delyuerd his doughter Gweneuer vnto Merlyn / and the table round with the C knyghtes / and fo they rode freffhly with grete royalte / what by water and what by land / tyl that they came nyghe vnto london Io C ~apitulum Secunbum t j l Hanne kyng Arthur herd of the comyng of gweneuer and the C knyghtes with the table round / thenne kynge Arthur maade grete Ioye for her comyng / and that ryche prefente / and faid openly this fair lady is paffyng welcome vnto me / for I haue loued her longe / And therfore 15 ther is nothyng fo lyef to me / And thefe knyghtes with the round table pleafen me more than ryght grete rycheffe / And in alle haft the kynge lete ordeyne for the maryage and the Coronacyon in the mooft honorable wyfe that coude be deuyfed Now Merlyn faid kyng Arthur / goo thow and afpye me in 20 al this land 1 knyghtes whiche ben of moft proweffe & worfhip / within fhort tyme merlyn had founde fuche kny3tes that fhold fulfylle xx & xiij knyghtes but no mo he coude fynde Thenne the Biffhop of Caunterbury was fette and he bleffid the fyeges with grete Royalte and deuoycyon / and there fette 25 the viij and xx knyghtes in her fyeges / and whan this was done / Merlyn faid fayr fyrs ye mufft al aryfe and come to kyng Arthur for to doo hym homage / he will haue the better wil to mayntene yow / and fo they arofe and dyd their homage / & when they were gone / merlyn fond in euery fyeges letters of 30 gold that told the knyghtes names that had fytten therin / But two fyeges were voyde / And fo anone cam yong gawayn & afked the kyng a yefte Afke faid the kyng / & I fhal graunte it yow / fyr I afke that ye will make me kny3t / that fame day ye fhall wedde faire Gweneuer / I will do it with a good wil 35 faid kyng arthur & do vnto yow all the worfhip that I may / for I muft by refon ye ar myn neuew my fufters fone / (I ~C iij [leaf 51] e ij Zook iit.] [ 102 ] [Cbap. iii. Orth with alle ther cam a poure man in to the Courte and broughte with hym a fayre yonge man of xviij yere of age rydynge vpon a lene mare / and the poure man afked all men that he met / where fhall I fynde kyng ar5 thur / yonder he is fayd the knyghtes / wylt thow ony thynge with hym / ye fayd the poure man / therfor I cam hyder / anone as he came before the kyng he falewed hym and fayd 0 kyng Arthur the floure of all knyghtes and kynges I byfeche Ihefu faue the / Syr it was told me that at this tyme of your ma0o ryage ye wolde yeue any man the yefte that he wold afke / oute excepte that were vnrefonable / that is trouth faid the kynge fuche cryes I lete make / and that will I holde fo it apayre not my realme nor myne eftate / ye fay wel and gracioufly faid the poure man / Syre I afke no thyng els but that ye wil 15 make my fone here a knyghte / it is a grete thynge thow afkeft of me faid the kyng / what is thy name faid the kyng to the poure man / fyr my name is Aryes the Cowherd / whether cometh this of the or of thy fone faid the kyng / Nay fyre faid Aryes / this defyre cometh of my fone and not of me / For I ihal telle 20 yow I haue xiij fones / & alle they will falle to what laboure I put them & wille be ryght glad to doo labour / but this child wylle not laboure for me for ony thyng that my wyf or I may doo / but alweyes he wille be fhotynge or caftynge dartes / and glad for to fee batailles and to behold knyghtes / And 25 alweyes day and nyghte he defyreth of me to be made a kny3t what is thy name fayd the kynge vnto the yonge man / Syre my name is Tor / the kyng beheld hym faft / and fawe he was paffyngly wel vyfaged and paffyngly wel made of his yeres Wel faid kyng Arthur vnto Aryes the Cowherd fetche al thy 3o fones afore me that I may fee them / and fo the poure man did and al were fhapen moche lyke the poure man / But Tor was not lyke none of hem al in fhap ne in contenaunce / for he was moche more than ony of hem / Now faid kyng Arthur vnto the Cowherd / where is the fwerd he fhalle be made knyght with 35 al / it is here fayd Tor / take it oute of the fhethe fayd the kynge / and requyre me to make yow a knyght Thenne Tor alyght of his mare and pulled oute his fwerd knelynge and requyrynge the kynge / that he wold maake [leaf 51 verso] s6ook fi,.] [ 103 ] [Cbap. iv. hym knyght / & that he myghte be a knyght of the table round As for a kny3t I will make yow / & therwith fmote hym in the neck with the fwerd fayeg be ye a good kny3t / & fo I pray to god fo ye may be / & yf ye be of proweffe and of worthyneffe ye fhalle be a knyght of the table round / Now Merlyn 5 fayd Arthur fay wether this Tor fhall be a good knyghte / or no / ye fyre he ought to be a good knyght / for he is comen of as good a man as ony is on lyue / and of kynges blood how fo fyr fayd the kynge / I fhalle telle yow fayd Merlyn / This poure man Aryes the cowherd is not his fader/ he is no io thyng fyb to hym / for kynge Pellinore is his fader / I fuppofe nay faid the Cowherd / fetche thy wyf afore me faid merlyn / and Ihe fhalle not fay nay / anon the wyf was fet which was a fair houfwyf / and there fhe anfuerd Merlyn ful womanly / and there fhe told the kynge and Merlyn that whan fhe was 15 a maide & went to mylke kyen / ther met with her a fterne knyght / & half by force he had my maidenhede / & at that tyme he bigat my fone Tor / & he toke awey from me my greyhound that I had that tyme with me / & faide that he wold kepe the greyhound for my loue / A faid the Cowherd I wende not thys / 20 but I may bileue it wel / for he had neuer no tatches of me / fir faid Tor vnto Merlyn diflonoure not my moder / fyr faid merlyn it is more for your worfhip than hurte/ for your fader is a good man & a kyng / & he may ryght wel auaunce you and your moder / for ye were begoten or euer fhe was wedded / that 25 is trouth faid the wyf / hit is the laffe gryef vnto me fayd the Cowherd ([ Capitulum Quartum O on the morne kyng Pellinore cam to the Court of kynge Arthur / whiche had grete ioye of hym and told hym of Tor / how he was his fone / and how he hadde 30 made hym knyght at the requeft of the Cowherd / Whan Pellinore beheld Tor / he pleafyd hym moche / fo the kyng made gawayne knyght / but Tor was the fyrft he made at the feeff / What is the caufe faid kyng Arthur that there ben two places voyde in the fyeges / Syre faid Merlyn / ther fhalle no man fyt 35 in tho places / but they fhall be of mooft worfhip / But in the fege perillous there fhall no man fytte therin but one / and yf ther be ony fo hardy to doo it he fhall be deffroyed / & he that [leaf 52] e iij JBook iff.] ' [ I04 ] [CbaP. V. fhalle fytte there fhalle haue no felawe / And therwith Merlyn tooke kynge Pellinore by the hand / and in the one hand next the two feges and the fege peryllous he faid in open audyence this is your place and beft ye are worthy to fytte there 5 in of ony that is here / there at fat fyr gawayne in grete enuy & told Gaherys his broder / yonder knyghte is put to grete worfhip/ the whiche greueth me fore / for he flewe our fader kynge Lot / therfor I wille flee hym faid Gauayne with a fwerd/ that was fente me that is paffyng trenchaunt / ye fhall not foo io faid Gaherys at this tyme / For at this tyme I am but a fquyer / and whan I am made knyght / I wol be auenged on hym and therfor broder it is beft ye fuffre tyl another tyme that we may haue hym oute of the Courte / for & we dyd fo / we fhold trouble this hyhe feeft / I wyl wel faid gauayn as ye wylle/ C Capitulum quintum I5 \Henne was the hyghe feefte made redy / and the kynge was wedded att Camelott vnto Dame Gweneuer in the chirche of faynt fteuyns with grete folempnyte / And as euery man was fet after his degree / Merlyn wente to alle the knyghtes of the round table / and bad hem fytte ftyll that no20 ne of hem remeue / for ye fhalle fee a ftraunge and a merueillous aduenture / Ryght fo as they fat ther came rennyng in a whyte hert in to the halle and a whyte brachet next hym and xxx couple of black rennyng houndes cam after with a greete crye / and the hert went aboute the table round as he went by 25 other boordes / the whyte brachet boot hym by the buttok & pulled oute a pees / where thurgh the herte lepte a grete lepe / and ouerthrewe a knyght that fat at the boord fyde / and therwith the kny3t aroos & toke vp the brachet / & fo went forth oute of the halle & toke his hors & rode his wey with the brachet / right 30 fo anone cam in a lady on a whyte palfrey & cryed aloude for the kyng Arthur / Syre fuffre me not to haue this defpyte for the brachet was myn that the knyght lad aweye /I maye not doo therwith faid the kynge (I With this there came a knyght rydynge al armed on a grete hors / and tooke the la35 dy awey with hym with force / and euer fhe cryed and made grete dole / whanne fhe was gone the kynge was glad for ihe [leaf 52 verso] sBoot0 iii.] [ I05 ] [Cbap. vi. made fuche a noyfe / Nay faid merlyn / ye may not leue this advetures fo lyghtely / For thefe aduentures muft be brought agayne or els it wold be difworfhip to yow and to your feeft I wyll faid the kynge that al be done by your aduys / Thenne faide merlyn lete calle fyr gauayne / for he muft brynge a- 5 geyne the whyte herte / Also fyr ye muff lete calle Syre Tor/ for he muft brynge ageyne the brachet / and the knyght or els flee hym / Alfo lete calle kynge Pellinore for he muft brynge ageyne the lady and the knyght or els flee hym / and thefe thre knyghtes fhalle doo merueillous auetures or they come ageyn Io Thenne were they called al thre as it reherceth afore / and eueryche of hem toke his charge / and armed them furely / But fir gauayne had the fyrfft requeff / and therfore we wille begynne at hym / ( Capitulum vj Yre gauayne roode more than a paas and gaheryfe his 15 broder that roode with hym in ftede of a fquyer to doo hym feruyfe / Soo as they rode they fawe two kny3tes fyghte on horfbak paffyng fore / fo fyr gauayn & his broder rode betwixe them / and afked them for what caufe they foughte fo / the one knyght anfuerd and fayd / we fyghte for a fymple 20 mater / for we two be two bretheren born & begoten of one man & of one woman / allas faid fir gauayn why do ye fo / fyr faid the eldar / ther cam a whyte hert this way this day & many hoides chaced hym / & a whyte brachet was alwey next hym / and we vnderftood it was auenture made for the hyhe feefft of ky- 25 nge Arthur / and therfore I wold haue gone after to haue wonne me worfhip/ and here my yonger broder faid he wolde go after the herte/ for he was better knyght than I / And for this caufe we felle at debate / & fo we thou3t to preue whiche of vs bothe was better kny3t / This is a fymple caufe faid fir ga- 30 uayn / vncouth me ye ihold debate with al & no broder with broder / therfor but yf ye wil do by my couceil I wil haue ado with yow / that is ye fhal yelde you vnto me / & that ye go vnto kyng Arthur and yelde yow vnto his grace / fir kny3t faid the ij bretheren we are forfoughten & moche blood haue we lofte thorow 35 our wilfulneffe / And therfore we wolde be loth to haue adoo with yow / thenne do as I will haue yow faid fir gauayne/ [leaf 53] e iiij 0ook fii. [ I0o6 ] [Cbap. ii. we wille agree to fulfylle your wylle / But by whom fhalle we faye that we be thyder fente / ye maye fay / by the kny3t that foloweth the queft of the herte that was whyte / Now what is your name fayd gauayne / Sorloufe of the foreft faid the eldar 5 & my name is fayde the yonger Bryan of the foreft and foo they departed and wente to the kynges Court / and Syr gauayne on his queft / and as gauayne folowed the herte by the crye of the houndes euen afore hym ther was a grete Ryuer / and the hert fwamme ouer / and as fyr gauayne wold foloio we after / ther ftode a knyght ouer the other fyde and fayd/ Syre knyghte come not ouer after this herte /but yf thou wilt Iufte with me / I wille not faille as for that faid fir gauayn to folowe the queft that I am in / and foo maade his hors to fwymme ouer the water / and anone they gat theire fperes / 15 and ranne to gyder ful hard / but fyre gauayne fmote hym of his hors / and thenne he torned his hors & bad hym yelde hym / Nay fayd the knyght not fo though thow haue the better of me on horfbak /I pray the valyaunt knyght alyghte a foote and matche we to gyders with fwerdes / what is youre 20 name faid fir gauayne / Alardyn of the Ilys faid the other / thenne eyther dreffid her fheldes and fmote to gyders / but fir gauayne fmote hym fo hard thorow the helme that it went to the braynes and the knyght felle doune dede/ A faid Gaheryfe that was a myghty ftroke of a yonge knyght / CI apttulum ieptimum 25 Z \ Hene Gauayne and Gaheryfe rode more than a paas after the whyte herte / and lete flyppe at the herte thre couple of greyhoundes / and fo they chace the herte in to a caftel / and in the chyef place of the caftel they flewe the hert / fyr gauayne and gaheryfe folowed after / Ryght foo there came a 30 knyght oute of a chamber with a fwerd drawe in his hand and flewe two of the greyhoundes euen in the fyghte of fyre gauayne / and the remenaunte he chaced hem with his fwerd oute of the caftel / And whan he cam ageyne he fayd / O my whyte herte / me repenteth that thow art dede / for my fouerayne 35 lady gaf the to me / and euyll haue I kepte the / and thy deth [leaf 53 verso] Book iii.] [ 107 ] [Cbap. viii. fhalle be dere bought and I lyue / and anone he wente in to his chamber and armed hym / and came oute fyerfly / & there mette he with fyr gauayne / why haue ye flayne my houndes faid fyr gauayn / for they dyd but their kynde / and leuer I had ye had wroken your angre vpon me than vpon a dom beft 5 thow faift trouth faid the knyght I haue auengyd me on thy houndes and fo I wille on the or thow goo / Thenne'fyr Gauayne alyght afoote and dreffid his fhelde and ftroke to gyders myghtely / and clafe their fheldes and ftoned their helmes and brak their hawberkes that the blood ranne doune to their Io feet / Atte laft fyr gauayne fmote the knyght fo hard that he felle to the erthe / and thenne he cryed mercy / and yelded hym and befought hym as he was a knyghte and gentylman / to faue his lyf / thow fhalt dye faid fir gauayne for fleyng of my houndes / I wille make amendys faid the knyght vnto my po- 15 wer / Syr gauayne wold no mercy haue but vnlacyd his helme to haue ftryken of his hede / Ryght foo came his lady oute of a chamber and felle ouer hym / and foo he fmote of her hede by myfauenture / Alias faide Gaheryfe that is fowle and fhamefully done / that fhame fhal neuer from yow / Alfo ye fhold 20 gyue mercy vnto them that afke mercy / for a kny3t without mercy is withoute worfhip / Syr gauayne was fo ftonyed of the deth of this fair lady / that he wifte not what he dyd / and faid vnto the knyght aryfe I wille gyue the mercy / nay nay faid the knyght / I take no force of mercy now / for thou haft 25 flayne my loue and my lady that I loued beft of alle er ly thynge / Me fore repentith it faid fyr gauayn / for I thoug g to ftryke vnto the / But now thow Ihalt goo vnto kyng A thur and telle hym of thyne aduentures and how thow arte ouercome by the knyghte that wente in the quefte of the whyte 30 herte / I take no force faid the kny3t whether I lyue or I dye but fo for drede of deth he fwore to goo vnto kynge Arthur / & he made hym to bere one greyhound before hym on his hors and another behynde hym / what is your name faid fir gauayn or we departe / my name is faid the knyght Ablamor of the ma- 35 rife / foo he departed toward Camelot C Capitulum Octauum [leaf 54] / / ZSook iii.] [ io8 ] [Cbap.,ii. Nd fyr gauayne went in to the caftel and made hym redy to lye there al nyght / and wold haue vnarmed hym / what wylle ye doo fayd gaheryfe / wylle ye vnarme yow in this Countrey / ye may thynke ye haue many e5 nemyes here / they had not fooner fayd that word but ther ca four knyghtes wel armed and affayled fyr gauayne hard and faid vnto hym thou newe made knyght thow haft fhamed thy knyghthode / for a knyght withoute mercy is difhonoured Alfo thow haft flayne a fayr lady to thy grete fhame to the 10 worldes ende / and doubte thow not thow fhalt haue grete nede of mercy or thow departe from vs / And therwith one of hem fmote fyr gauayne a grete ftroke that nygh he felle to the erthe / and gaheryfe fmote hym ageyne fore / and foo they were on the one fyde and on the other / that fyr gauayne and gahe15 ryfe were in ieopardy of their lyues / and one with a bowe an archer fmote fyr gauayne thur3 the arme that it greued hym wonderly fore / And as they fhold haue ben flayne / there cam four fair ladyes / and befought the knyghtes of grace for fyre gauayne / and goodely atte requeft of the ladyes they gaf fyr 20 gauayne and gaherfye their lyues / & made hem to yelde them as pryfoners / thenne gauayne and gaheryfe made grete dole / Alias fayd fyre gauayne myn arme greueth me fore / I am lyke to be maymed and fo made his complaynt pytoufly / erly on the morow ther cam to fyr gauayne one of the four la25 dyes / that had herd alle his complaynte and faid fyr kny3te what chere / not good faid he it is your owne defaulte fayd the lady / for ye haue doone a paffynge fowle dede in the fleynge of the lady / the whiche will be grete vylany vnto yow / But be ye not of kynge Arthurs kyn faide the lady / yes truly 30 fayd fyr gauayne / what is your name faide the lady / ye muft telle it me or ye paffe / my name is gauayne the kyng Lott of Orkeney fone / and my moder is kynge Arthurs fyfter / A thenne are ye neuewe vnto kyng Arthur fayd the lady / and I fhalle fo fpeke for yow that ye fhall haue conduyte to go to 35 kynge Arthur for his loue / and foo fhe departed / and told the foure knyghtes how theire pryfoner was kynge Arthurs neuewe/ and his name is fyr gauayne kyng Lots fone of Orkeney / and they gaf hym the hertes hede by caufe it was in [leaf 54 verso] Book iLf.] [ I09 ] [Cbap. tfr his queft / ([ Thenne anone they delyuerd fyr Gauayne vnder this promyfe that he fhold bere the dede lady with hym in this maner / The hede of her was hanged aboute his neck and the hole body of hyr lay before hym on his hors mane / Ryght foo rode he forth vnto Camelot / And anone as he was come mer- 5 lyn defyred of kyng Arthur Pt Syre Gauayne fhold be fworne to telle of alle his auentures / and how he flewe the lady / and how he wold gyue no mercy vnto the knyght / where thurgh the lady was flayne / Thenne the kynge and the quene were gretely difpleafyd with fyr gauayn for the fleynge of the la- io dy / And ther by ordenaunce of the quene ther was fet a queft of ladyes on fyr gauayn / and they Iuged hym for euer whyle he lyued to be with all ladyes & to fy3te for her quarels/ & that euer he fhold be curteys / & neuer to refufe mercy to hym / that afketh mercy / Thus was gauayne fworne vpon the four 15 euuangelyftes that he fhold neuer be ageynft lady ne gentilwoman / but yf he fought for a lady / and his aduerfary fou3t for another / And thus endeth the auenture of fyr gauayn that he dyd at the maryage of kyng Arthur Amen CI ~apitulum ig Han Syre Tor was redy he mounted vpon his hors- 20 bak / and rode after the knyght with the brachet / fo as he rode he mette with a dwarf fodenly / that fmote hys hors on the hede with a ftaf / that he wente backward his fpere lengthe / why doft thou fo faid fyre Tor / for thou fhalt not paffe this way / but yf thow Iufte with yonder knyghtes of the pa- 25 uelions / Thenne was Tor ware where two pauelions were / & grete fperys ftood oute / and two fheldes henge on trees by the pauelions / I may not tary faid fyr Tor / for I am in a queft that I muft nedes folowe / thou fhalt not paffe faid the dwarf and therwith alle he blewe his horne / thenne ther cam one ar- 30 med on horfbak / and dreffyd his fhelde / and cam faft toward Tor / and he dreffid hym ageynft hym / and fo ranne to gyders that Tor bare hym from his hors / and anone the knyght yeld hym to his mercy / But fyr I haue a felawe in yonder pauelione that wille haue adoo with yow anone / he fhall be welcome 35 faid fyr Tor / Thenne was he ware of another knyght comyng with grete raundon / and eche of them dreffid to other / that [leaf 55] SookR ft3 [ IIo ] [ebap. r. merueille it was to fee / but the knyght fmote fyre Tor a grete ftroke in myddes of the fhelde that his fpere all to fheuered And fyr Tor fmote hym thurgh the iheld by lowe of the fheld and it wente thorow the cooft of the kny3t / but the ftroke fle5 we hym not / And therwith fyr Tor alyght & fmote hym on the helme a grete ftroke / and therwith the knyght yelded hym and befought hym of mercy / I wille wel faid fyr Tor / But thou and thy felawe muft goo vnto kynge Arthur / and yelde yow pryfoners vn to hym / by whome fhall we fay are we thyo0 der fente / ye fhall fay by the knyght that wente in the queft of the knyght that wente with the brachet / Now what be your ij names faid fyr Tor/ my name is fayd the one Sire Felot of Langduk / & my name is faid the other Sir Petypafe of wynchylfe / Now go ye forth faide fyre Tor and god spede yow & 15 me / Thenne cam the dwarf and faide vnto fyr Tor / I praye yow gyue me a yefte / I wylle wel faid fyr Tor / afke / I afke no more faide the dwarf / but that ye wille fuffre me to doo yow feruyfe / for I will ferue no more recreaunt knyghtes / Take an hors faid fyr Tor and ryde on with me / I wote ye 20 ryde after the knyght with the whyte brachet / and I fhalle brynge yow there he is faid the dwerf / And foo they rode thorow oute a foreft / and at the laft they were ware of two pauelions euen by a pryory with two fheldes / And the one fhylde was enewed with whyte / and the other fhelde was reed (C apitulum g 25 ~ | Her with fyr Tor alyghte and toke the dwarf his glayue / and foo he cam to the whyte pauelione / and fawe thre damoyfels lye in it / and one paylet flepyng / & fo he wente to the other pauelione / and found a lady lyeng flepyng ther in / But ther was the whyte brachet that bayed at her faft / and 30 therwith the lady yede oute of the pauelione & all her damoyfels / But anone as fyr Tor afpyed the whyte brachet / he took her by force and took her to the dwerf / what / wille ye fo fayd the lady take my brachet from me / ye fayd fyr Tor / this brachet haue I fought from kynge Arthurs Courte hyder / well 35 faid the lady / knyght ye fhalle not go fer with her / but that ye fhalle be mette and greued / I Ihall abyde what auenture that [leaf 55 vers:] x\ N. NE ZBook iffi.] [ III ] [Cbap. ri. cometh by the grace of god / and fo mounted vpon his hors / and paffed on his way towarde Camelot/ but it was fo nere nyght he my3t not paffe but lytel ferther/ knowe ye ony lodgyng faid Tor I knowe none faid the dwarf / but here befydes is an hermytage / and there ye mufte take lodgynge as ye 5 fynde / And within a whyle they cam to the heremytage & took lodgyng / and was there gras otys and breed for their horfes foone it was fped / and full hard was their fouper but there they refted hem al nyght tyl on the morne / and herd a maffe deuoutely / and tooke their leue of the heremyte / and fyre Tor to prayed the heremyte to pray for hym / he fayd he wold and betooke hym to god / And foo mounted vpon horfbak and rode towardes Camelot a long whyle / with that they herd a kny3te calle lowde that came after hem / and he fayd knyghte abyde / & yelde my brachet that thow took from my lady / Syr Tor retor- 15 ned ageyne / and behelde hym how he was a femely knyghte and wel horfed and wel armed at al poyntes / thenne Syre Tor dreffyd his fhelde and took his fpere in his handes and the other cam fyerfly vpon hym / and fmote bothe hors & man to the erthe / anone they aroos lyghtely and drewe her fwerdes 20 as egrely as lyons and put their fheldes afore them and fmote thorow the fheldes that the cantels felle of bothe partyes/ Alfo they tamyd their helmes that the hote blood ranne oute / and the thyck maylles of their hawberkes they carfe and rofe in fonder that the hote blood ranne to the erthe / and both they 25 had many woundes and were paffyng wery / But fyr Tor afpyed that the other knyght faynted / and thenne he fewed faft vpon hym and doubled his itrokes and garte hym go to the erthe on the one fyde / thenne Syre Tor bad hym yelde hym / that wille I not faid Abilleus whyle my lyf laffeth and the 30 foule is within my body onles that thou wilt yeue me the brachet / that wylle I not doo fayd fyre Tor / for it was my queft to brynge ageyne thy brachet / the or bothe / CI Capitulum g Yth that cam a damoyfel rydynge on a palfrey as faft as fhe my3t dryue and cryed with a lowde voys vnto 35 Syre Tor / what wille ye with me fayd fyr Tor / I byfeche the [leaf 56] Zook fit.] [ II2 ] [Cbap. sL faid the damoyfel for kynge Arthurs loue / gyue me a yefte / I requyre the gentyl knyght as thow arte a gentilman / Now faid Tor Afke a yefte and I wille gyue it yow / gramercy faid the damoyfel / Now I afke the hede of the fals knyght A5 belleus / for he is the moofte outragyous knyght that lyueth & the gretteft murtherer / I am loth feid fyr Tor of that gyfte I haue gyuen yow / lete hym make amendys in that he hath trefpaced vnto yow / now faid the damoyfel he may not / for he flewe myn owne broder afore myn owne eyen that was a better Io knyght than he / and he hadde had grace / and I kneled half an houre afore hym in the myre for to faue my broders lyf that had done hym no dammage but fought with hym by auenture of armes / and fo for al that I coude do / he ftroke of his hede wherfore I requyre the as thow arte a true knyght to gyue 15 me my yefte or els I fhal fhame the in al the Court of kyng Arthur / for he is the falfeft knyght lyuynge and a grete deftroyer of good knyghtes / Thenne whan Abelleus herd this / he was more aferd / and yelded hym and afked mercy / I maye not now faide fyr Tor / but yf I fhold be founde fals of my 20 promeffe / for whyle I wold haue taken you to mercy / ye wold none afke but yf ye had the brachet ageyn that was my queft And therwith he tooke of his helme / and he aroos and fled / and fyr Tor after hym and fmote of his hede quyte / ( Now fyr faid the damoyfel / it is nere nyght / I pray yow come & lod25 ge with me here at my place / it is here faft by / I will wel faid fyr Tor / for his hors and he had ferd euyll fyn they departed from Camelot / and foo he rode with her and had paffyng good chere with her / and fhe hadde a paffyng fair old knyght to her hufband that made hym paffynge good chere and wel ea30 fyd bothe his hors and he / and on the morne he herd his maffe and brake his faft and tooke his leue of the knyghte and of the lady that befought hym to telle hym his name / Truly he faid my name is fyr Tor that was late made knyght / and this was the fyrft quefte of armes that euer I dyd to brynge a35 geyn that this knyght Abelleus toke awey fro kyng arthurs courte / O fayr knyght faid the lady and her hufband / and ye come here in oure marches / come and fee oure poure lodgynge / and it fhalle be alweyes at your commaundement / Soo fyre [leaf 56 verso] I, - "I,1;" I -, - i . I'll I P" $.'n. 4 I:Sook ti.] [ II3 ] [Cbap. Sii. Tor departed and came to Camelot on the thyrdde day by noone / and the kyng & the quene & alle the Courte was paffyng fayne of his comyng and made grete ioye that he was come ageyne / for he wente from the Court with lytel focour / but as kyng Pellinore his fader gaf hym an old courfer /and kyng 5 Arthur gaf hym armour and a fwerd / and els had he none other focour / but rode fo forthe hym felf alone / And thenne the kyng and the quene by merlyns aduys made hym to fwere to telle of his auentures / and foo he told and made pryeues of his dedes as it is afore reherced / wherfor the kyng and the que- Io ne made hym grete ioye / nay nay faide Merlyn thefe ben but Iapes to that he fhalle doo / for he fhalle preue a noble knyght of proweffe as good as ony is lyuyng and gentyl and curteis & of good tatches and paffyng true of his promeffe / and neuer fhalle outrage where thorow Merlyns wordes kynge Arthur 15 gaf hym an erldome of londes that felle vnto hym / and here endeth the queft of Syr Tor kynge Pellenors fone C Capitulum ifj Henne kynge Pellinore armed hym and mounted vpon his hors and rode more than a paas after the lady that the kny3t ladde awey / And as he rode in a foreft 20 he fawe in a valey a damoyfel fitte by a welle and a wounded knyght in her armes / and Pellenore falewed her / And whan fhe was ware of hym Ihe cryed ouer lowde / helpe me knyghte for cryftes fake kynge Pellinore & he wold not tarye he was fo eger in his queft / and euer fhe cryed an C tymes after help 25 Whanne Ihe fawe he wold not abyde / fhe prayd vnto god to fende hym as moche nede of help as fhe had / and that he my3t fele it or he dyed / Soo as the book telleth the knyght there dyed that there was wounded / wherfor the lady for pure forowe flewe her felf with his fwerd / As kynge Pellinore rode in 30 that valey he met with a poure man a labourer / Saweft thow not faide Pellinore a knyghte rydynge and ledynge aweye a lady / ye faid the man /I fawe that knyght and the lady that made grete dole / And yonder bynethe in a valey ther fhal ye fee two pauelions and one of the kny3tes of the pauelions 35 [leaf 57] H sook iii.] [ II4 ] [Cbap. tii. chalengyd that lady of that knyght and fayd fhe was his cofyn nere / wherfor he fhold lede her no ferther / And foo they waged bataill in that quarel / the one faide he wold haue her by force / and the other faid he wold haue the rule of her by 5 caufe he was her kynnefman and wold lede her to her kyn / for this quarel he lefte them fyghtynge / And yf ye wille ryde a paas ye fhalle fynde them fyghtyng / and the lady was beleft with the two fquyers in the pauelions / god thanke the fayd kynge Pellenore / Thenne he rode a wallop tyll he had a fyght io of the two pauelions and the two knyghtes fyghtyng / anon he rode vnto the pauelions / and fawe the lady that was his queft / and fayd fayre lady ye muff goo with me vnto the court of kynge Arthur / Syr knyght faid the two fquyers that were with her yonder are two knyghtes that fyghte for thys 15 lady / goo thyder and departe them / and be agreed with hem / & thenne may ye haue her at your pleafyr / ye fay wel fayd kyng Pellenore / And anone he rode betwixt them and departed hem and afked hem the caufes why that they fought / Sir knyght faid the one / I fhalle telle yow / this lady is my kynnefwo20 man nygh myn auntes doughter / And whan I herd her complayne that fhe was with hym maulgre her hede /I waged bataille to fyghte with hym / Syre knyght fayd the other whoos name was Hontzlake of wentland / and this lady I gat by my proweffe of armes this day at Arthurs courte / that is vn25 truly faid / faid kynge Pellenore / for ye cam in fodenly ther as we were at the hyghe feeft and tooke awey this lady or ony man myght make hym redy and therfore hit was my queft to brynge her ageyne and yow bothe / or els the one of vs to abyde in the felde / therfor the lady fhalle goo with me/ or I wille 30 dye for it / for I haue promyfed hit kynge Arthur / And therfor fyghte ye no more / for none of yow fhalle haue no parte of her at this tyme / And yf ye lyft to fy3te for her / fy3te with me / and I wille defende her / wel faid the knyghtes make you redy / and we fhalle affaile yow with al our power / And as 35 kynge Pellenore wold haue put his hors fro them fyr Hontzlake roofe his hors thorow with a fwerd and faid / Now art thow on foote as wel as we are / whan kynge Pellinore afpyed that his hors was flayne / ly3tely he lepte from his hors / [leaf 57 verso] Soo0 iii.] [ l I5 ] [Cba. Pit. and pulled oute his fwerd / and put his fheld afore hym / and fayde knyghte kepe wel thy heede / for thow fhalt haue a buffet for the fleyng of my hors / So kyng Pellenore gaf hym fuche a ftroke vpon the helme that he clafe the hede doune to the chynne that he fylle to the erthe dede 5 C ~apitulum Xiij Nd thenne he torned hym to the other kny3te that was fore wounded / but whan he fawe the others buffet / he wold not fyghte / but kneled doune and fayd take my cofyn the lady with yow at youre requeft / and I requyre yow as ye be a true knyghte / put her to no fhame nor vylony / io What fayd kynge Pellenore wylle ye not fyghte for her / no fyr fayd the knyghte I wylle not fyghte with fuche a kny3te of proweffe as ye be / wel faid Pellenore / ye fay wel /I promyfe yow fhe fhall haue no vylony by me as I am true knyght / but now me lacketh an hors faid Pellinore / but I wylle 15 haue hontzlakes hors / ye fhalle not nede fayd the knyght / for I fhalle gyue yow fuche an hors as fhalle pleafe yow / fo that ye wille lodge with me / for it is nere nyghte /I wille wel fayd kynge Pellenore abyde with yow al nyghte / and there he hadde with hym ryght good chere / and faryd of the belt with 20 paffynge good wyne and had mery reit that nyghte / And on the morne he herd a maffe and dyned / And thenne was broughte hym a fayre bay courfer / and kynge Pellenors fadel fette upon hym / Now what fhalle I calle yow faid the kny3t in as moche as ye haue my cofyn at your defyre of your queft 25 Syr I fhalle telle yow my name is kyng Pellenore of the Ilys and knyghte of the table round / Now I am glad faid the knyght that fuche a noble man fhalle haue the rule of my cofyn / Now what is your name faid Pellenore / I pray yow telle me / Syr my name is fyr Meliot of Logurs/ and this la- 30 dy my cofyn hyght Nymue / and the knyghte that was in the other pauelione is my fworne broder a paffynge good kny3te and his name is Bryan of the Ilys / and he is ful loth to do wronge and ful lothe to fyghte with ony man / but yf he be fore fou3t on / fo that for fhame he may not leue it / It is merueil 35 [leaf 58] fj :3ook iii.] [ I 6 ] [bap. riv faid Pellinore that he wille not haue adoo with me / fyr he wil not haue adoo with no man but yf it be at his requeft / Brynge hym to the Courte faid Pellenore one of thefe dayes / Syr we wylle come to gyders / and ye fhalle be welcome faid Pels linore to the Courte of kynge Arthur / and gretely allowed for your comynge and fo he departed with the lady / & brou3t her to Camelot / Soo as they rode in a valey it was ful of stones / and there the ladyes hors ftumbled and threwe her doun that her arme was fore bryfed and nere fhe fwouned for paio yne / Alias fyr fayd the lady myn arme is oute of lythe wher thorow I muft nedes refte me / ye fhal wel faid kyng Pellinore / and fo he aly3t vnder a fayr tree where was fayr graffe and he put his hors therto / and fo leyd hym vnder the tree / and flepte tyl it was nyghe nyght / And whan he awoke / he I5 wold haue ryden / Sir faid the lady it is fo derke that ye may as wel ryde backward as forward / foo they abode ftyll & made there their lodgyng / Thenne fyr Pellenore put of his armour thene a lytel afore mydny3t they herd the trottynge of an hors be ye ftyll faid kyng Pellenore / for we ihalle here of fomme a20 y guenture IJ Capitulum yifij Nd ther with he armed hym / fo ryght euen afore hym ther met two knyghtes / the one cam froward Camelot / and the other from the northe / and eyther falewed other / what tydynges at Camelot fayd the one / by my hede faide the 25 other ther haue I ben & afpyed the courte of kynge Arthur And ther is fuche a felaufhip they may neuer be broken / and wel nyghe al the world holdeth with Arthur / for there is the flour of chyualrye / Now for this caufe I am rydyng in to the north to telle our chyuetayns of the felaufhip that is withhol30 den with kyng Arthur / as for that faid the other knyght I haue brought a remedy with me that is the gretteff poyfon that euer ye herd fpeke of & to Camelot wyll I with it / for we haue a frend ryght nyghe kyng Arthur and wel cheryffhed that fhal poyfone kynge Arthur / for fo he hath promyfed oure chy35 uetayns & receyued grete yeftes for to do it / Beware faid the other knyght of Merlyn / for he knoweth all thynges by the deuyls crafte / therfore wille I not lete it faid the knyghte / & fo they departed in fonder / Anone after Pellenore maade hym [leaf 58 verso] ZBook fit.] [ I I7 ] [Cbap. r. redy and his lady rode toward Camelot / And as they cam by the wel there as the wounded knyght was and the lady / there he fond the knyghte and the lady eten with lyons or wylde beeftes al fauf the hede / wherfor he made grete forowe and wepte paffynge fore and faid Alias her lyf myghte I 5 haue faued / but I was fo fyers in my queit therfore I wold not abyde / wherfore make ye fuche doole faid the lady / I wote not faid Pellinore / but my herte morneth fore of the deth of her for fhe was a paffyng fayr lady and a yonge / Now wylle ye doo by myne aduys faid the lady/ take this knyghte and lete Io hym be buryed in an heremytage/ and thenne take the ladyes hede and bere it with yow vnto Arthur / Soo kyng Pellinore took this dede knyght on his Iholders / and broughte hym to the heremytage and charged the heremyte with the corps / that feruyfe fhold be done for the foule / and take his harneys for 15 your payne / it fhalle be done faid the heremyte as I wille anfuer vnto god ( capitulum m v Nd ther with they departed and cam there as the hede of the lady lay with a fair yelow here that greued kyng Pellinore paffyngly fore whan le loked on hit / for mo- 20 che he caft his herte on the vyfage / And foo by none they came to Camelot / and the kynge and the quene were paffyng fayn of his comynge to the Courte / And there he was made to fwere vpon the four euuangelyftes to telle the trouth of his queft from the one to the other / A fyr Pellinore fayd quene Gwe- 25 neuer ye were gretely to blame that ye faued not this ladyes lyf/ Madame faid Pellinore ye were gretely to blame and ye wold not faue your owne lyf & ye my3t / but fauf your pleafir I was fo furyous in my queft that I wold not abyde / & that repenteth me & fhal the dayes of my lyf / Truly faide Merlyn 30 ye ou3t fore to repente it / for that lady was your own dou3ter begoten on the lady of the rule / & that knyght that was dede was her loue/ and ihold haue wedded her / and he was a ryght good knyght of a yonge man and wold haue preued a good man / & to this court was he comyng & his name was fir 35 Myles of the laudys / & a kny3t cam behynde hym / & flewe him with a fpere & his name is Lorayne le faueage a fals kny3t & a coward / & fhe for grete forow & dole flewe her felf with [leaf 59] f ij :Sook iv.] [ II8 ] [Cbap. f. his fwerd / and her name was Eleyne / And by caufe ye wold not abyde and helpe her / ye fhalle fee youre beft frende faylle yow whan ye be in the gretteft diftreffe that euer ye were / or fhalle be / And that penance god hath ordeyned yow for that 5 dede / that he that ye fhalle moft trufte to of ony man alyue / he fhalle leue yow ther ye fhalle be flayne / Me forthynketh faid kynge Pellinore that this fhalle me betyde but god may fordoo wel defteny / Thus whan the queft was done of the whyte herte / the whiche folowed fyr gawayne and the queft of the Io brachet folowed of fyr Tor Pellenors fone / & the queft of the lady that the knyghte tooke aweye / the whiche kyng Pellinre at that tyme folowed / Thenne the kyng ftablyffhed all his knyghtes and gaf them that were of londes not ryche / he gaf them londes / and charged hem neuer to doo outragyoufyte nor mor15 dre / and alweyes to flee treafon / Alfo by no meane to be cruel / but to gyue mercy vnto hym that afketh mercy vpon payn of forfeture of their worfhip and lordfhip of kyng Arthur for euermore / and alweyes to doo ladyes / damoyfels / and gentylwymmen focour vpon payne of dethe / Alfo that no man ta20 ke noo batails in a wrongful quarel for noo lawe ne for noo worldes goodes / Vnto this were all the knyghtes fworne of the table round both old and yong / And euery yere were they fworne at the hyghe feeft of Pentecoft Cl fplicit the web6bnge of hknoe Brtbur EC Sequitur quartus liber (I apitulfi 1Primu Oo after thefe queftys of Syr Gawyne / Syre 25 Tor / and kynge Pellinore / It felle fo that Merlyn felle in a dottage on the damoifel that kyng Pellinore broughte to the Courte / and Ihe was one of the damoyfels of the lake that hy3te Nyneue /. But Merlyn wold lete haue her no reft but alweyes he 30 wold be with her / And euer fhe maade Merlyn good chere tyl the had lerned of hym al maner thynge that fhe defyred and he was affoted vpon her that he myghte not be from her / Soo on a tyme he told kynge Arthur that he fholde not dure longe but for al his craftes he fhold be put in the erthe quyck and [leaf 59 verso] sooti.] [ II9 ] [Cap, f. fo he told the kynge many thynges that fhold befalle / but alle wayes he warned the kynge to kepe wel his fwerd and the fcaubard / for he told hym how the fwerd and the fcaubard ihold be ftolen by a woman from hym that he moft trufted / Alfo he told kynge Arthur that he fhold myffe hym / yet had 5 ye leuer than al your landes to haue me ageyne / A fayd the kynge / fyn ye knowe of your aduenture puruey for hit / and put awey by your craltes that myfauenture / Nay faid Merlyn it wylle not be / foo he departed from the kynge / And within a whyle the damoyfel of the lake departed / and Merlyn wente 10 with her euermore where fome euer fhe wente / And oftymes merlyn wold haue had her pryuely awey by his fubtyle craftes / thenne fhe made hym to fwere that he fhold neuer do none enchauntement vpon her yf he wold haue his wylle / And fo he fware / fo fhe and Merlyn wente ouer the fee vnto the land 15 of Benwyck there as kynge Ban was kynge that had grete warre ageynft kynge Claudas / and there Merlyn fpake with kynge Bans wyf a fair lady and a good / and her name was Elayne / and there he fawe yonge Launcelot / there the quene made grete forowe for the mortal werre pt kyng claudas 20 made on her lord and on her landes / Take none heuyneffe faid Merlyn / for this fame child within this xx yere fhall reuenge yow on kynge Claudas that all Cryftendom fhalle fpeke of it And this fame child fhalle be the mooft man of worfhip of the world / and his fyrft name is galahad / that knowe I 25 wel faid Merlyn / And fyn ye haue confermed hym Launcelot / that is trouthe faid the quene / his fyrft name was Galahad / 0 Merlyn faid the quene fhalle I lyue to fee my fone fuche a man of proweffe / ye lady on my parel ye fhal fee hit / and lyue many wynters after / And foo fone after the lady 30 and Merlyn departed / and by the waye Merlyn ihewed her many wondres / and cam in to Cornewaille / And alweyes Merlyn lay aboute the lady to haue her maydenhode / and fhe was euer paffynge wery of hym / and fayne wold haue ben delyuerd of hym / for fhe was aferd of hym by caufe he was a 35 deuyls fone / and fhe coude not befkyfte hym by no meane / ([ And foo on a tyme it happed that Merlyn fhewed to her in a roche where as was a greete wonder / and wroughte by [leaf 60] f iij Sook fV.] [ I20 ] [Cbap. fi. enchauntement that wente vnder a grete ftone / So by her fubtyle wyrchynge fhe maade Merlyn to goo vnder that itone to lete her wete of the merueilles there / but fhe wroughte fo ther for hym that he came neuer oute for alle the crafte he coude doo / 5 And fo fhe departed and lefte Merlyn / / III C apitulum Secunbum // f ^Nd as kynge Arthur rode to.Camelot / and helde ther f/ a grete feeft with myrthe and Ioye / fo foone after he retorned vnto Cardoylie / and ther cam vnto Arthur newe tydynges that the kynge of Denmarke and the kynge of Ireio land that was his broder and the kynge of the vale and the kynge of Soleyfe / and the kynge of the yle of Longtaynfe al thefe fyue kynges with a grete hooft were entrid in to the lad of kynge Arthur and brente and flewe clene afore hem / both Cytees and caftels that it was pyte to here / ([ Alias fayd 15 Arthur yet had I neuer refte one monethe fyn I was crowned kyng of this land / Now fhalle I neuer refte tyl I mete with tho kynges in a fayre feld / that I make myn auowe for my true lyege peple fhalle not be deftroyed in my defaulte / goo with me who wille and abyde who that wylle / thenne 20 the kynge lete wryte vnto kynge Pellenore ard prayd hym in alle hafte to make hym redy with fuche peple as he myght ly3 -tlyeft rere and hye hym after in al haft / All the Barons were pryuely wrothe / that the kynge wold departe fo fodenly but the kynge by no meane wold abyde / but made wrytynge vn25 to them that were not there / and bad them hye after hym fuche as were not at that tyme in the Courte / Thenne the kynge came to quene gweneuer and fayd lady make yow redy / for ye fhall goo with me / for I may not longe myffe yow / ye fhal caufe me to be the more hardy / what auenture fo befalle me / I 30 wille not wete my lady to be in no ieopardy / Sire faid fhe I am at your commaundement / and fhalle be redy what tyme fo ye be redy / So on the morne the kynge and the quene departed with fuche felaufhip as they hadde / and came in to the Northe in to a foreft befyde humber and there lodged hem 35 ([ Whanne the word & tydynge came vnto the fyue kynges [leaf 60 verso] _, --- —~~~~~~~~~, Zook iv.] [ 2I ] [Cbap. iif. aboue fayd that Arthur was befyde humber in a forefte there was a knyght broder vnto one of the fyue kynges that gafe hem this counceille / ye knowe wel that fyre Arthur hath the floure of Chyualrye of the world with hym as it is preued by the grete bataille he dyd with the xj kynges / And therfor 5 hye vnto hym nyghte and daye tyl that we be nyghe hym / for the lenger he taryeth the bygger he is / and we euer the waiker And he is fo couragyous of hym felf that he is come to the felde with lytel peple / And therfore lete vs fet vpon hym or day and we fhalle flee doune of his knyghtes ther fhal none efca- Io pe I Capitulum Cercium N to this counceille thefe fyue kynges affented / and fo they paffed forth with her hooft thorow Northwalis and came vpon Arthur by nyghte and fett vpon his hooft as the kynge and his knyghtes were in their pauelions 15 kynge Arthur was vnarmed / and had leid hym to reft with hys quene Gweneuer / Sir faid fyr kaynus it is not good we be vnarmed / we fhalle haue no nede faid fyre Gawayne and Syr Gryflet that laye in a lytel pauelione by the kynge / With that they herd a grete noyfe and many cryed trefon tre- 20 fon / Alias faid kynge Arthur we ben bitrayed / Vnto armes felawes thenne he cryed / fo they were armed anone at al poyntes / Thenne cam ther a wounded knyghte vnto the kynge & faide fyr faue your felf and my lady the quene for our hoofte is deftroyed and moche peple of ours flayne / Soo anone the 25 kynge and the quene and the thre knyghtes took her horfes & rode toward humber to paffe ouer it / and the water was fo rough that they were aferd to paffe ouer / Now may ye chefe fayd kynge Arthur whether ye wille abyde and take the aduentur on this fyde / for and ye be taken / they wille flee yow / It were 30 me leuer fayd the quene to dye in the water than to falle in your enemyes handes & there be flayne / And as they ftode foo talkyng / fyr kaynus fawe the fyue kynges comynge on horfbak by hem felf alone with her fperes in her handes euen toward hem / loo faid fyr kaynus yonder be the fyue kynges / lete vs go 35 to them and matche hem / that were foly fayd fire gawayne / for we are but thre and they ben fyue that is trouthe faid fyre Gryflet / No force faid fyr kay I wille vndertake for two of [leaf 6 ] f iiij 3Book Wv.] [ I22 ] [Cbap. ii. them / and thenne may ye thre vndertake for the other thre / and ther with al fyr kay lete his hors renne as faft as he myghte and ftrake one of them thorow the fhelde / and the body a fadom that the kynge felle to the erthe ftark dede / That fawe fyr 5 Gawayne and ranne vnto another kyng fo hard that he fmote hym thurgh the body / And ther with all kyng Arthur ran to another / and fmote hym thurgh the body with a fpere that he fylle to the erthe dede / Thenne fyr Gryflet ranne vnto the iiij kyng and gaf hym fuche a falle that his neck brake / Anone io fyr kay ranne vnto the fyfthe kynge and fmote hym fo hard on the helme that the ftroke clafe the helme and the hede to the erthe / that was wel ftryken fayd kynge Arthur / and worfhipfully haft thow hold thy promeffe / therfor I Ihal honoure the / whyle that I lyue / and ther with all they fet the que15 ne in a barge in to humber / but alweyes quene gweneuer prayfed fyr kay for his dedes / and fayd what lady that ye loue / and ihe loue yow not ageyne Ihe were gretely to blame/ and amonge ladyes faid the Quene I fhalle bere youre noble fame / for ye fpak a grete word and fulfylled it worfhipfully 20 and therwith the quene departed / Thenne the kyng and the thre knyghtes rode in to the foreft / for there they fuppofed to here of them that were efcaped / and there he fond the moft party of his peple / and told hem all how the fyue kynges were dede / and therfore lete vs hold vs to gyders tyll it be day / and 25 whan their hooft have afpyed that their chyuetayns be flayn they wille make fuche dole that they fhalle not mowe helpe hem felf / and ryght fo as the kynge faid / fo it was / for whan they fonde the fyue kynges dede / they made fuche dole that they fell fro their horfes / Ther with all cam kyng Arthur but with a fe30 we peple and flewe on the lyfte hand and on the ryght hand that wel nyhe ther efcaped no man / but alle were flayne to the nombre of xxx M / And whan the bataille was all ended the kynge kneled doune and thanked god mekely / and thenne he fente for the quene and foone fhe was come / and fhe maade 35 grete Ioye of the ouercomynge of that bataille C Capitulum iiij [leaf 61 verso] ".. sook if.] [ I23 ] [Cbap. iv. ZH^B Here with alle came one to kynge Arthur / and told hym that kyng Pellinore was within thre myle with a grete hooft / and he faid / go vnto hym and lete hym vnderftande how we haue fpedde / Soo within a whyle kynge Pellinore cam with a grete hooft/ and falewed the peple and 5 the kyng / and ther was grete ioye made on euery fyde / Thenne the kyng lete ferche how moche people of his party ther was flayne / And ther were founde but lytel paft two honderd men flayne and viij kny3tes of the table round in their pauelions Thenne the kynge lete rere and deuyfe in the fame place there Io as the batail was done a faire abbeye and endowed it wyth grete lyuelode and lete it calle the Abbey of la beale aduentu. re / but whanne fomme of them cam in to their Countreyes ther of the fyue kynges were kynges and told hem how they were flayne / ther was made grete dole / And alle kynge Arthurs i5 enemyes as the kynge of Northwales and the kynges of the North wyfte of the bataille they were paffynge heuy / and foo the kynge retorned vnto Camelot in haft / And whan he was come to Camelot / he called kynge Pellinore vnto hym & fayd ye vnderftand wel that we haue lofte viij knyghtes of the beft 20 of the table round / and by your aduys we wille chefe viij ageyne of the beft we may fynde in this Courte / Syr faid Pellinore / I fhal counceille yow after my conceyte the beft / there are in your Courte ful noble knyghtes bothe of old & yonge And therfor by myn aduys ye fhal chefe half of the old and 25 half of the yonge / whiche be the old faid kyng Arthur / Syre faid kynge Pellinore me femeth that kynge Vryence that hath wedded your fyfter Morgan le fay and the kynge of the lake and fyr Heruyfe de reuel a noble knyght / and fyr galagars the iiij / this is wel deuyfed faid kyng Arthur and right foo 30 fhal it be / Now whiche are the four yong kny3tes faid Arthur Syre faide Pellinore the fyrft is fyr Gawayne your neuewe that is as good a knyght of his tyme / as ony is in this lad And the fecond as me femeth beft is fyre Gryflet le fyfe the dene that is a good knyght and ful defyrous in armes/ and 35 who may fee hym lyue he fhal preue a good knyghte / And the thyrd as me femeth is wel to be one of the knyghtes of the round table fyr kay the fenefcha for many tymes he hath done [leaf 62] Zook iv.] [ 124 ] [Cbap. v. ful worfhipfully / And now at your laft bataille he dyd full honourably for to vndertake to flee two kynges / By my hede faid Arthur he is beft worthy to be a knyght of the rounde table of ony that ye haue reherced / and he had done no more pro5 weffe in his lyf dayes CI apitulum Quintum + ~Ow faid kynge Pellenore I ihalle putte to yow two knyghtes / and ye fhalle chefe whiche is mooft worthy / that is Syr Bagdemagus and fyr Tor my fone / But by caufe Syre Tor is my fone I may not prayfe hym/ Io but els and he were not my fone / I durft faye that of his age ther is not in this land a better knyghte than he is nor of better condycions and lothe to doo ony wronge / and loth to take ony wronge / By my hede faid Arthur he is a paffyng good knyght / as ony ye fpak of this day that wote I wel fa15 id the kyng / for I haue fene hym preued but he feyth lytyll and he doth moche more / for I knowe none in al this courte & he were as wel borne on his moder fyde as he is on your fyde that is lyke hym of proweffe and of myghte / And therfor I wille haue hym at this tyme and leue fyr Bagdemagus tyll 20 another tyme / Soo whan they were fo chofen by the affente of alle the barons / Soo were there founden in her fyeges euery knyghtes names that here are reherced / and fo were they fet in their fyeges / wherof fyr Bagdemagus was wonderly wrothe that fyr Tor was auaunced afore hym / and therfore fodenly 25 he departed from the Courte and toke his fquyer with hym / & rode longe in a foreft tyll they came to a croffe and there aly3t and fayd his prayers deuoutely / The meane whyle his fquyer founde wryten vpon the croffe that Bagdemagus fhold neuer retorne vnto the Courte ageyne / tyll he had wonne a kny3 -30 tes body of the round table body for body / lo fyr faid his fquyer / here I fynde wrytyng of yow / therfor I rede yow retorne ageyne to the Courte / that fhalle I neuer faid Bagdemagus by men fpeke of me grete worfhip / and that I be worthy to be a knyghte of the round table / and foo he rode forthe / And 35 ther by the way he founde a brauche of an holy herbe that was the fygne of the Sancgraill / and no knyght founde fuche tokens but he were a good lyuer / So as fir Bagdemagus rode [leaf 62 verso] :sook fv.] [ I25 ] [Cbap. vi. to fee many aduentures / it happed hy:n to come to the roche / ther as the lady of the lake had put Merlyn vnder the ftone / and there he herde hym make grete dole / wherof fyre Bagdemagus wold haue holpen hym and wente vntQ the grete ftone / and he was fo heuy that an C men myght not lyfte hyt vp / whan 5 Merlyn wyfte he was there he bad leue his labour / for al was in vayne / for he myght neuer be holpen but by her that put hym ther / and fo Bagdemagus departed and dyd many auentures and preued after a full good knyght / and came ageyne to the Courte and was made knyght of the round table / So Io on the morne ther felle newe tydynges and other auentures C Capitulum iSetum Henne it befelle that Arthur and many of his knyghtes rode on huntynge in to a grete foreft / and it happed kyng Arthur / kynge Vryens and fyr Accolon of gaulle folowed a grete herte for they thre were wel horfed / and foo 15 they chaced fo faft that within a whyle they thre were thenne x myle from her felaufhip / And at the laft they chaced fo fore that they flewe theyr horfes vndernethe them / thenne were they al thre on foote / and euer they fawe the herte afore them paffynge wery and enbuffhed / What wille we doo faid kyng ar- 20 thur we are hard beftad / lete vs goo on foote faid kyng Vryens tyl we may mete with fome lodgynge / Thenne were they ware of the herte that lay on a grete water banke / and a brachet bytynge on his throte and mo other houndes cam after / Thenne kynge Arthur blewe the pryfe and dyghte the herte / 25 Thenne the kynge loked aboute the world / and fawe afore hym in a grete water a lytel fhip al apparailled with fylke doune to the water / and the fhyp cam ryghte vnto hem and laded on the fandes / Thenne Arthur wente to the banke & loked in / and fawe none erthely creature therin / Sirs faid the kyng 30 come thens / and lete vs fee what is in this fhip / Soo they wente in al thre and founde hit rychely behanged with clothe of fylke / By thenne it was derke nyghte / and there fodenly were aboute them an C torches fette vpon alle the fydes of the fhyp bordes and it gaf grete lyghte / And ther with all there 35 [leaf 63] :1ook iv.] [ I26 ] [~Cbap. vii. cam out twelue fayr damoyfels and falewed kynge Arthur on her knees and called hym by his name / and fayd he was ryght welcome / and fuche chere as they had he fhold haue of the beft / the kynge thanked hem fayre / There with all they lad 5 the kyng and his two felawes in to a faire chambre / and ther was a clothe leyd rychely byfene of al that longed vnto a tabel / and there were they ferued of al wynes and metes that they coude thynke / of that the kynge had grete merueille / for he ferd neuer better in his lyf as for one fouper / And fo when Io they had fouped at her leyfer / kyng Arthur was ledde vnto a chamber / a rycher befene chamber fawe he neuer none / and foo was kynge Vryens ferued / and ledde in to fuche another chabyr / and fyr Accolon was ledde in to the thyrd chamber paffynge rychely and wel byfene / and fo were they layde in the15 ire beddes eafyly / And anone they felle on flepe / and flepte merueilloufly fore all the nyght / And on the morowe kynge Vryens was in Camelott abed in his wyues armes Morgan le fay / And whan he awoke / he had grete merueylle / how he cam there / for on the euen afore he was two dayes Iourney fr6 20 Camelot / And whan kyng Arthur awoke he found hym felf in a derke pryfon herynge aboute hym many complayntes of woful knyghtes C Capitulum ieptimum Hat are ye that foo complayne faid kynge Arthur / we ben here xx knyghtes pryfoners fayd they / & fome 25 of vs haue layne here feuen yere and fomme more and fomme laffe / for what caufe fayd Arthur / we fhalle telle yow faid the knyghtes / this lord of this cartel his name is fyr Damas / & he is the falfeft knyght that lyueth / and ful of treafon / and a very coward as ony lyueth / and he hath a yonger broder a 30 good knyghte of proweffe / his name is fyr Ontzlake / and this traytour Damas the elder broder wylle gyue hym noo parte of his lyuelode / But as fyre Ontzlake kepeth thorow proweffe of his handes / and fo he kepeth from hym a ful fair maner and a ryche and therin fyre Ontzlake dwelleth wor35 fhipfully / and is wel biloued of al peple / & this fyre Damas our maifter is as euyll beloued for he is without mercy / and [leaf 63 verso] Zook iv.] [ 127 ] [Cbap. vii. he is acoward / and grete werre hath ben betwyxe them bothe/ but Ontzlake hath euer the better / and euer he profereth fyre Damas to fyghte for the lyuelode body for body / but he wylle not doo / other els to fynde a knyghte to fyghte for hym / Vnto that fyr Damas hath graunted to fynde a knyghte / but he is 5 fo euyll byloued and hated / that there nys neuer a knyghte wylle fyghte for hym / And whan Damas fawe this that ther was neuer a knyght / wold fyghte for hym /he hath daily layn a wayte with many knyghtes with hym / and taken alle the knyghtes in this countrey to fee and afpye her auentures / he io hath taken hem by force and broughte hem to his pryfon / and fo he tooke vs feueratly as we rode on oure auentures / & many good kny3tes haue dyed in this pryfon for hongre to the nombre of xviij knyghtes / And yf ony of vs alle that here is or hath ben wold haue foughten with his broder Ontzlake / he 15 wold haue delyuerd vs / but for by caufe this Damas is fo fals and fo ful of treafon we wold neuer fyghte for hym to dye for it / And we be foo lene for hongre that vnnethe we may ftande on oure feete / god delyuer yow for his mercy fayd Arthur / Anone there with alle ther cam a damoyfel vnto 20 Arthur / and afked hym what chere / I can not fay fayd he / fir fayd fhe and ye wylle fyghte for my lord ye fhall be delyuerd oute of pryfon / and els ye efcape neuer the lyf / Now fayd Arthur that is hard / yet had I leuer to fyghte with a knyght than to dye in pryfon / With this faid Arthur I may be de- 25 lyuerd and alle thefe pryfoners I wylle doo the batail / yes faid the damoyfel /I am redy fayd Arthur and I had hors and armour / ye ihalle lacke none faid the damoyfel / Me femeth damoyfel I fhold haue fene yow in the Courte of Arthur/ Nay faid the damoyfel I cam neuer there / I am the lordes do- 30 ughter of this caftel / yet was fhe fals for fhe was one of the damoyfels of Morgan le fay / Anone fhe wente vnto fyr Damas and told hym how he wold doo bataille for hym / and fo he fente for Arthur / And whan he cam he was wel coloured and wel made of his lymmes / that al kny3tes that fawe hym 35 faid it were pyte that fuche a knyghte fhold dye in pryfon / foo fyr Damas and he were agreed that he fhold fyghte for hym vpon this couenaut that all other knyghtes ihold be delyuerd [leaf 64] 3Bootk v.] [ I28 ] [Cbap. viff. And vnto that was fyr Damas fworne vnto Arthur / and alfo to doo the bataille to the vttermeft / And with that all the xx knyghtes were brought oute of the derke pryfon in to the halle and delyuerd / and fo they all abode to fee the bataille CI Capitulum Octauum 5 Ow torne we vnto Accolon of Gaulle that whanne he awoke / he found hym felf by a depe welle fyde within half a foote in grete perylle of dethe / And there cam oute of that fontayne a pype of fyluer / and oute of that pype ranne water all on hyhe in a ftone of marbel / whan fyre Accolon faio we this / he bleffyd hym and fayd Ihefu faue my lorde kyng Arthur and kynge Vryens / for thefe damoyfels in this fhip haue bitrayed vs / they were deuyls and noo wymmen / And yf I may efcape this mifauenture / I fhalle deflroye all where I may fynde thefe fals damoyfels that vfen enchautementys / 15 ( Ryght with that ther cam a dwarf with a grete mouthe & a flat nofe and falewed fyre Accolon and faid how he came from Quene Morgan le fay / and Ihe greteth yow wel / and byddeth yow be of ftrong herte / for ye fhal fy3te to morne with a knyghte at the houre of pryme / And therfore fhe hath fente 20 yow here Excalibur Arthurs fwerd and the fcaubard / and fhe byddeth yow as ye loue her that ye doo batail to the vttermell without ony mercy lyke as ye had promyfed her wha ye fpake to gyder in pryuete / And what damoyfel that bryngeth her the knyghtes hede whiche ye fhal fyghte with al / ihe 25 wille make her a quene / Now I vnderftand yow wel fayd Accolon / I fhalle holde that I haue promyfed her now I haue the fwerd / whan fawe ye my lady Quene Morgan le fay Ryghte late fayd the dwarf / thenne Accolon tooke hym in his armes / and faid recommaunde me vnto my lady Quene / 30 and telle her all fhal be done that I haue promyfed her / and els I wille dye for hit / Now I fuppofe faid Accolon fhe hath made alle thefe craftes and enchauntement for this bataille / ye may wel bileue it faid the dwarf / Ry3t fo there cam a knyghte and a lady with fyxe fquyers / and falewed Accolon / 35 and prayd hym for to aryfe and come and refte hym at his [leaf 64 verso] Soot0 iv.] [ 129 ] [Cbap. viii. maner / and fo Accolon mounted vpon a voyde hors / & wente with the knyghte vnto a fayre maner by a pryory / and there he had paffynge good chere / Thenne fir Damas fente vyto his broder fyr Ontzelake / and badde make hym redy by to morne at the houre of pryme / and to be in the felde to fyghte wyth a 5 a good knyght / for he had founden a good knyght that was redy to doo bataill at all poyntes / whan this word cam vnto fir Ontzelake / he was paffyng heuy / for he was wounded a lytel to fore thorow bothe his thyes with a fpere / and made grete dole / But as he was wounded he wold haue taken the ba- io taille on hand / Soo it happed at that tyme by the meanes of Morgan le fay Accolon was with fyr Ontzelake lodged / and whan he herd of that bataille and how Ontzelake was woui ded / he fayd that he wold fyghte for hym by caufe Morgan le fey had fente hym Excalibur and the fhethe for to fy3te with I5 the knyght on the morne / This was the caufe fyr Accolon toke the bataille on hand / thenne fyre Ontzelake was paffynge glad/ and thaked fyr Accolon with alle his herte that he wold do fo moche for hym / & ther with al fyr Ontzelake fente word vnto his broder fyre Damas / that he had a kny3te Pt for hym 20 fhold be redy in the felde by the houre of pryme / Soo on the morne fyr Arthur was armed and wel horfed / and afked fyr Damas whan fhalle we to the felde / fyr faid fyr Damas ye fhalle here maffe / and fo Arthur herd a maffe / And whan maffe was done / there cam a fquyer on a grete hors & afked 25 fyr Damas yf his knyght were redy / for oure knyght is redy in the felde / Thenne fyre Arthur mounted vpon horfbak / & there were alle the knyghtes and comyns of that countrey/ & fo by alle aduyfes ther were chofen xij good men of the countrey for to wayte vpon the two knyghtes / And ryght as Ar- 30 thur was on horfbak / ther cam a damoifel from Morgan le fey and broughte vnto fyr Arthur a fwerd lyke vnto Excalibur/ and the fcaubard / and fayd vnto Arthur Morgan le fey fendeth here your fwerd for grete loue / and he thanked her / & wende it had ben fo / but ihe was fals / for the fwerd and the fcau- 35 bard was counterfeet & brutyll and fals CI Capitulum iX [leaf 65] I Zook fv.] [ 130 ] [Cbap. irt Nd thenne they dreffyd hem on bothe partyes of the felde / & lete their horfes renne fo faft that eyther fmote other in the myddes of the fhelde / with their fperes hede / that bothe hors and man wente to the erthe / And thenne 5 they iterte vp bothe / and pulled oute their fwerdys / the meane whyle that they were thus at the bataille cam the damoyfel of the lake in to the felde / that put Merlyn vnder the ftone / & fhe cam thydder for loue of kynge Arthur / for fhe knewe how Morgan le fay had foo ordeyned / that kynge Arthur fhold Io haue ben flayne that daye / and therfor fhe cam to faue his lyf And fo they went egrely to tile bataille / and gaf many grete ftrokes / but alweyes Arthurs fwerd bote not lyke Accolon fwerd / But for the moft party euery ftroke that Accolon gaf he wounded fore Arthur / that it was merueylle he ftode / And 15 alweyes his blood fylle from hym faft / whan Arthur beheld the ground fo fore bebledde he was defmayed / and thenne he demed treafon that his fwerd was chaunged / for his fwerd boote not ftyl as it was wonte to do / therfor he dredde hym fo re to be dede / for euer hym femed that the fwerd in Accolons 20 hand was Excalibur / for at euery ftroke that Accolon ftroke he drewe blood on Arthur / Now knyghte faid Accolon vnto Arthur kepe the wel from me / but Arthur anfuerd not ageyne / and gaf hym fuche a buffet on the helme that he made hym to itoupe nygh fallynge doune to the erthe / Thenne fyr Acco25 Ion withdrewe hym a lytel / and cam on with Excalibur on hyghe / and fmote fyr Arthur fuche a buffet that he felle nyhe to the erthe / Thenne were they wroth bothe / and gaf eche other many fore ftrokes / but alweyes fyr Arthur loft fo moche blood that it was merueille he ftode on his feet / but he was foo 30 ful of knyghthode that knyghtly he endured the payne / And fyr Accolon loft not a dele of blood / therfor he waxt paffynge lyghte / and fyr Arthur was paffynge feble / and wende veryly to haue dyed / but for al that he made countenaunce as though he myghte endure / and helde Accolon as fhorte as he my35 ght / But Accolon was fo bolde by caufe of Excalibur that he waxed paffynge hardy / But alle men that beheld hym fayd they fawe neuer knyghte fyghte fo wel as Arthur dyd confyderyng the blood that he bled/ Soo was all the peple fory for [leaf 65 verso] _0 —o l vlrrrrvnrwr ~~ w 3BooR iv.] [ I3I ] [Cbap. r. hym / but the two bretheren wold not accorde / thenne alweyes they fought to gyders as fyers knyghtes / and fyre Arthur withdrewe hym a lytel for to refte hym / and fyre Accolon called hym to bataille and faid it is no tyme for me to fuffre the to relfe / And therwith he cam fyerfly vpon Arthur / and fyre 5 Arthur was wrothe for the blood that he had loft / and fmote Accolon on hyhe vpon the helme foo my3tely that he made hym nyhe to falle to the erthe / And therwith Arthurs fwerd braft at the croffe and felle in the graffe amonge the blood and the pomel and the fure handels he helde in his handes / When fyr ar- Io thur fawe that / he was in grete fere to dye / but alweyes he helde vp his fhelde and loft no ground nor bated no chere / ^, fII Capitulum X Henne fyre Accolon beganne with wordes of treafon and fayd knyghte thow arte ouercome / and maxfte not endure and alfo thow arte wepenles / and thow haft lofte 15 moche of thy blood / and I am ful lothe to flee the / therfor yelde the to me as recreaunt / Nay faide fyre Arthur I maye not fo / for I haue promyfed to doo the bataille to the vttermeft by the feythe of my body whyle me lafteth the lyf / and therfor I had leuer to dye with honour than to lyue with fhame / And 20 yf it were poffyble for me to dye an C tymes I had leuer to dye fo ofte / than yelde me to the / for though I lacke wepen / I fhalle lacke no worfhip / And yf thow flee me wepenles that fhalle be thy fhame / wel fayd Accolon as for the fhame I wyl not fpare / Now kepe the from me for thow arte but a dede ma 25 And therwith Accolon gaf hym fuche a ftroke that he felle nyghe to the erthe / and wolde haue had Arthur to haue cryed hym mercy / But fyre Arthur preffed vnto Accolon with his fheld / and gaf hym with the pomel in his hand fuche a buffet that he went thre ftrydes abak / whan the damoifel of the la- 30 ke beheld arthur / how ful of proweffe his body was & the fals trefon that was wrou3t for hym to haue had hym flayn fhe had grete pyte that fo good a kny3t & fuche a ma of worfhip fhold fo be deftroyed / And at the next ftroke fyr Accolon ftroke hym fuche a ftroke that by the damoyfels enchauntement the fwerd 35 Excalibur felle oute of Accolons hande to the erthe / And therwith alle Syre Arthur lyghtely lepte to hit / and gate hit [leaf 66] g j / Sook iv.] [ 132 ] [Cbap. rf. in his hand / and forthwith al he knewe that it was his fuerd Excalibur / & fayd thow haft ben from me al to long / & moche / dommage haft thow done me / & ther with he afpyed the fcau- bard hangynge by his fyde / and fodenly he fterte to hym and 5 pulled the fcaubard from hym and threwe hit fro hym as fer as he myghte throwe hit / O knyghte faide Arthur this daye haft thow done me grete dommage with this fwerd / Now are ye come vnto your dethe / for I fhalle not waraunt yow but ye fhalle as wel be rewarded with this fwerde or euer we de1o parte as thow haft rewarded me / for moche payne haue ye made me to endure / and moche blood haue I loft / And therwith fyr Arthur ruffhed on hym with alle his myghte and pulled hym to the erthe / and thene ruffhed of his helme / and gaf hym fuche a buffet on the hede that the blood cam oute at his eres/ 15 his nofe & his mouthe / Now wylle I flee the faid Arthur / Slee me ye may wel faid Accolon and it pleafe yow / for ye ar the beft knyghte that euer I fonde / and I fee wel that god is with yow / But for I promyfed to do this batail faid Accolon to the vttermeft and neuer to be recreaunt whyle I lyued 20 therfore fhal I neuer yelde me with my mouthe / but god doo with my body what he wyll / [ Thenne fyr Arthur remembrid hym and thoughte he fhold haue fene this knyghte / Now telle me faid Arthur or I wylle flee the / of what coitrey art thou and of what courte / Syre knyghte fayd fyr Accolon I am of 25 the courte of kynge Arthur / & my name is Accolon of gaulle Thenne was Arthur more defmayed than he was before hand For thenne he remembryd hym of his fyfter Morgan le fay / and of the enchauntement of the fhip / O fyre knyghte fayd he I pray yow telle me who gaf yow this fwerd and by whom 30 ye had it / C ~apitulum Xj Henne fyre Accolon bethou3te hym and faid wo worth this fwerd / for by hit haue I geten my dethe / it may wel be / faid the kynge / Now fyre faid Accolon I wil telle yow this fwerd hath ben in my kepynge the mooft party 35 of this twelue moneth / And Morgan le fay kynge Vryens wyf fente it me yefter daye by a dwerf to this entente that I fhold flee kynge Arthur her broder / For ye fhall vnderftand [leaf 66 verso] Sook iv.] [ I33 ] [Cbap. Vf. entente to flee kyng Arthur her broder / for ye fhal vnderftand kynge Arthur is the man in the world that Ihe mooft hateth by caufe he is mooft of worfhip and of proweffe of ony of her blood / Alfo fhe loueth me oute of mefure as paramour / and I her ageyne / And yf fhe myghte brynge aboute to flee Arthur 5 by her craftes / fhe wold flee her hufband kynge Vryens lyghtely / And thenne hadde fhe me deuyfed to be kyng in this land / and foo to regne/ and fhe to be my quene / but that is now done faide Accolon / for I am fure of my dethe wel fayd fyre Arthur / I fele by yow ye wold haue ben kynge in this io land / It had ben grete dommage to haue deftroyed your lord fayd Arthur / it is trouth faid Accolon / but now I haue told yow trouthe / wherfore I praye yow telle me of whens ye are and of what courte / O Accolon fayd kynge Arthur now I lete the wete / that I am kynge Arthur to whome thow hafte x5 done grete dommage / Whanne Accolon herd that / he cryed on lowde fayre fwete lord haue mercy on me / for I knewe not yow / O fyr Accolon fayd kynge Arthur mercy fhalt thow haue / by caufe I fele by thy wordes at this tyme / thow knoweft not my perfone / But I vnderftand wel by thy wordes 20 that thow haft agreed to the dethe of my perfone / and therfore thow arte a traytour / but I wyte the the laffe / for my fyfter Morgan le fay by her fals craftes made the to agree and confente to her fals luftes / but I fhalle be fore auengyd vpon her and I lyue that alle Cryffendome fhalle fpeke of it / god 25 knoweth/ I haue honoured her and worfhipped her more than alle my kynne / and more haue I trufted her than myn owne wyf and alle my kynne after / ( Thenne fyr Arthur called the kepars of the felde and faid Syrs cometh hyder / for here are we two knyghtes that haue 30 foughten vnto a grete dommage vnto us both / and lyke echone of vs to haue flayne other / yf it had happed foo / And hadde ony of vs knowen other / here had ben no bataille / nor ftroke ftryken ( Thenne al a lowde cryed Accolon vnto alle the knyghtes and men that were thene there gadred 35 to gyder / and fayd to them in this manere / O lordes this noble knyghte that I haue foughten with all / the whiche me fore reenteth is the moofte man of proweffe of manhode and of [leaf 67] g ij Zook t.] [ I34 ] [Cbap. st. worfhip in the world / for it is hym felf kynge Arthur our al ther liege lord & with myfhap and with myfaueture have I done this bataill with the kyng and lord that I am holden with all I Capitulum xij z5 { Henne alle the peple felle doune on her knees and cryed kynge Arthur mercy / mercy fhalle ye haue fayd Arthur / here maye ye fee what auentures befallen oftyme of erraunte knyghtes how that I haue foughten with a knyght of myn owne vnto my grete dommage and his bothe / 0o But fyrs by caufe I am fore hurte and he bothe / and I had grete nede of a lytel reft / ye fhalle vnderftande the oppynyon betwixe yow two bretheren as to the fyre Damas / for whom I haue ben champyon and wonne the feld of this knyghte / yet wylle I Iuge by caufe ye fyre Damas are called an orgu15 lous knyghte and full of vylony and not worthe of proweffe of youre dedes / therfor I wylle that ye gyue vnto your broder alle the hole manoir with the appertenauce vnder thys forme / that fir Ontzelake hold the manoir of yow / and yerely to gyue yow a palfrey to ryde vpon / for that wylle become yow 20 better to ryde on than vpon a courfer / Alfo I charge the fyre Damas vpon payne of deth / that thow neuer deftreffe no kny5 -tes erraunte that ryde on their aduenture / And alfo that thow reftore thefe xx knyghtes that thow haft longe kepte pryfoners of all their harneis that they be content for / and yf ony of hem 25 come to my court and complayne of the / by my hede thou fhalt dye therfore / Alfo fyre Ontzelake as to yow by caufe ye are named a good knyghte and ful of proweffe and true and gentyl in all your dedes this fhalle be youre charge I wylle gyue yow that in al goodely hafte ye come vnto me and my 30 courte and ye fhalle be a knyghte of myne / and yf your dedes be there after I fhall fo proferre yow by the grace of god that ye fhalle in fhorte tyme be in eafe for to lyue as worfhipfully as your broder fyre Damas / God thanke your largeneffe of your goodenes & of your bounte / I fhall be from hens forward 35 at all tymes at your commaundement / For fyr faid fyr Ontzelake as god wold as I was hurte but late with an aduentures knyght thurgh both my thyes that greued me fore / & els [leaf 67 verso] :Zook fv.] [ I35 ] [Cbap. rfi. had I done this bataille with yow / god wold fayd Arthur it had ben fo /for thenne had not I ben hurte as I am / I fhalle telle you the caufe why / for I had not ben hurte as I am hadde not ben myne owne fwerd / that was ftolen from me by treafon / And this bataille was ordeyned afore hand to 5 haue flayne me / and fo it was brou3te to the purpos by fals treafon and by fals enchauntement / Alias faid fyr Ontzelake that is greete pyte that euer foo noble a man as ye are of your dedes and proweffe / that ony man or woman my3t fynde in their hertes to worche ony treafon ageynft yow / I fhalle I0 reward them faid Arthur in fhort tyme by the grace of god Now telle me faid Arthur how fer am I from Camelot / fyr ye are two dayes iourney ther fro / I wold fayn be at fome place of worfhip faid fyr Arthur that I myghte refte me / Syre faid fyr Ontzelake / here by is a ryche abbey of your elders fou- I5 dacyon of Nonnes but thre myle hens / So the kynge took his leue of alle the peple / and mounted vpon horfbak / and fir Accolon with hym / And whan they were come to the Abbaye / he lete fetche leches and ferche his woundes and Accolons bothe / but fyr Accolon dyed within four dayes / for he had bled foo 20 moche blood that he myghte not lyue / but kyng Arthur was wel recouerd / Soo whan Accolon was dede / he lete fende hym on a horfbere with fyxe knyghtes vnto Camelot / and faid / bere hym to my fyfter Morgan le fay / and fay that I fende her hym to a prefente / and telle her I haue my fwerd Excalibur 25 and the fcaubard / foo they departed with the body (C apitulum riij He meane whyle Morgan le fay hadde wend kynge / Arthur had been dede / foo on a day fhe afpyed kynge Vryens lay in his bedde flepynge / thenne fhe called vnto her a mayden of her counceyll / & faid go fetche me my lordes fwerd 30 for I fawe neuer better tyme to flee hym than now / ([ O Madame fayd the damoyfel / and ye flee my lord ye can neuer efcape / Care not yow faid Morgan le fay / for now I fee my tyme in the whiche it is beft to doo hit / And therfor hye the faft and fetche me the fuerd / Thenie the damoifel departed 35 [leaf 68] g iij 3Aook f.] [ I36 ] [Cbap. Xiv. fonde fyre Vwayne flepynge vpon a bedde in another chamber foo fhe wente vnto fire Vwayne and awaked hym / and badde hym aryfe and wayte on my lady youre moder / for fhe wille flee the kynge your fader flepynge in his bedde/ for I goo to 5 fetche his fwerd / wel faid fyr Vwayne go on your waye / and lete me dele / Anone the damoyfel brought Morgan the fwerd with quakynge handes / and lyghtely took the fwerd / & pulled it out / and wente boldely vnto the beddes fyde / and awayted how and where fhe myght fle hym beft / And as fhe lyfte o0 vp the,fwerd to fmyte / fir Vwayne lepte vnto his moder and caughte her by the hand and fayd A fende what wilt thow do And thow were not my moder with this fwerd I fhold fmyte of thy hede / A fayd fyr Vwayn men faith that Merlyn was begoten of a deuylle / but I may faye an erthely deuylle bare 15 me / 0 fayre fone Vwayne haue mercy vpon me / I was tempted with a deuylle / wherfore I crye the mercy / I wylle neuer more doo foo and faue my worfhip and difcouer me not/ On this couenaunt faid fyr Vwayne 1 wille forgyue it yow / foo ye wille neuer be aboute to doo fuche dedes / Nay fone faid fhe / & 20 that I make yow affuraunce / C Capitulum ytij Henne came tydynges vnto Morgan le fay that Accolon was dede / and his body brought vnto the chirche And how kynge Arthur had his fwerd ageyne/ But whanne Quene Morgan wyfte that Accolon was dede / 25 fhe was foo forouful that nere hir herte to braft / But by caufe fhe wold not it were knowen / oute ward fhe kepte her counte-ce naun / & maade no femblaunt of forowe / But wel fhe wyfte and the abode tyll her broder Arthur cam thyder / there fhold no gold goo for her lyf 30 o Thenne fhe wente vnto Quene Gweneuer / and afked her Iee to ryde in to the countreye / ye maye abyde fayde Quene "-. CG*eneeuer tyll youre brother the kynge come home /I maye ~ — not fayde Morgan le fay / for I haue fuche hafty tydynges /.thait I may not tary / wel faide Gueneuer ye maye departe [eaf 68 verso] Y5ook iv.] [ I37 ] [Cbap. riv. whanne ye wille / S'o erly on the morne or hit was daye fhe tooke her hors and rode alle that daye and moofte parte of the nyghte / And on the morn by none fhe cam to the fame Abbay of Nonnes / where as lay kyng arthur / & fhe knowyng he was there fhe afked where he was / And they anfuerd how he had 5 leyd hym in his bed to flepe / for he had had but lytel refte thefe thre nyghtes / Wel faid fhe I charge yow that none of yow awake hym tyl I doo / and thenne fhe alyghte of her hors / & thoughte for to ftele awey Excalibur his fwerd / and foo fhe wente ftreyghte vnto his chamber / And noo man durfte dyf- xo obeye her commaundement / and there fhe fond Arthur a flepe in his bedde and Excalibur in his ryght hand naked / Whan fhe fawe that fhe was paffynge heuy that fhe myghte not come by the fwerd withoute fhe had awaked hym / and thenne fhe wyft wel fhe had ben dede / Thenne fhe tooke the fcaubard 15 and wente her wey on horfbak / whan the kynge awoke and myffed his fcaubard / he was wrothe / and he afked who had ben there / and they faid his fyfter quene Morgan had ben ther and had put the fcaubard vnder her mantel and was gone / Alias fayd Arthur falfly ye haue watched me / Syre fayd 20 they alle we durfte not difobeye your fyfters commaundement A faid the kynge lete fetche the beft hors maye be founde / And byd fyre Ontzlake arme hym in al haft / and take another good hors and ryde with me / Soo anone the kynge and Ontzelake were wel armed / and rode after this lady / and foo they 25 cam by a croffe and found a Cowherd / and they afked the poure man yf ther cam ony lady rydynge that way / Syre faid this poure man / ryght late cam a lady rydynge with a xl horfes / and to yonder foreft fhe rode / Thenne they fpored theire horfes / and folowed faft / And within a whyle Arthur had 30 a fyghte of Morgan le fay / thenne he chaced as faft as he myghte / whanne fhe afpyed hym folowynge her / fhe rode a gretter paas thorowe the foreft tyl fhe cam to a playne / And whanne fhe fawe fhe myghte not efcape fhe rode vnto a lake ther by / & fayd what foo euer come of me / my broder fhall not haue this 35 fcaubard / And thenne fhe lete throwe the fcauberd in the depeft of the water foo it fanke / for it was heuy of gold and precious ftones ([ Thenne fhe rode in to a valeye [leaf 69] g iiij :ook iv.] [ 138 ] [Cbap. v. where many grete ftones were / And whan fhe fawe fhe mufte be ouertake fhe fhope her felf hors and man by enchauntemet vnto a grete marbyl ftone / Anone with al cam Syr Arthur / and fyr Ontzelake where as the kynge myght knowe his fyf5 ter and her men / and one knyght from another / A fayd the kynge here may ye fee the vengeaunce of god / & now am I fory that this myfauenture is befalle / & thenne he loked for the fcaubard / but it wold not be founde / fo he retorned to the Abbeye there he came fro / So whan Arthur was gone / fhe torned io alle in to the lykeneffe as fhe and they were before / and fayd fyrs now may we goo where we wylle/ I Capitulum xv Henne faid Morgan fawe ye Arthur my broder / ye faid her knyghtes ryght wel / and that ye fhold haue founde and we myghte haue ftered from one ftede / for by his '5 armyueftal contenaunce he wold haue caufed vs to have fled I byleue yow faid Morgan / Anone after as fhe rode fhe met a knyght ledyng another kny3t on his hors before hym bounde hand and foote blyndefeld to haue drouned hym in a fontayne / whan fhe fawe this kny3t fo boude / fhe afked hym what 20 wylle ye doo with that knyght / lady faid he I wylle drowne hym / for what caufe fhe afked / for I fonde hym with my wyf and fhe fhalle haue the fame dethe anone / that were pyte fayd Morgan le fay / Now what faye ye kny3t is it trouthe Pt he faith of yow fhe faid to the knyght that fhold be drowned / nay 25 truly madame he feith not ryght on me / Of whens be ye fayd Morgan le fay and of what countre / I am of the Courte of kynge Arthur / and my name is Manaffen cofyn vnto Accolon of gaulle / ye fay wel faid fhe / and for the loue of hym ye fhalle be delyuerd / and ye fhalle haue your aduerfary in the 30 fame caas ye be in / So Maneffen was lofed & the other knyght bounde / And anone Maneffen vnarmed hym and armed hym felf in his harneis / and foo mounted on horfbak / and the knyght afore hym and foo threwe hym in to the fontayne and drowned hym / And thenne he rode vnto Morgan ageyne / & 35 afked yf fhe wold ony thyng vnto kynge Arthur / Telle hym that I refcued the / not for the loue of hym but for the loue of Accolon / and telle hym I fere hym not whyle I can make me [leaf 69 verso] 38ook fi.] [ '39 ] [Cbap. vti. and them that ben with me in lykenes of ftones / And lete hym wete I can doo more whan I fee my tyme / And fo fhe departed in to the countrey of Gorre / and there was fhe rychely receyued / and maade her caffels and townes paffynge ftronge / for alweyes fhe drad moche kynge Arthur / Whanne 5 the kynge had wel refted hym at the Abbey he rode vnto Camelot / and fonde his quene and his barons ryght glad of his comynge / And whan they herd of his ftraunge auentures as is afore reherced / they alle hadde merueille of the falihede of Morgan le fay / many knyghtes wyffhed her brent / thenne cam Io Maneffen to courte and told the kyng of his auenture / well faid the kynge fhe is a kynde fyfter / I fhalle foo be auengid on her and I lyue / that alle Cryftendome fhalle fpeke of hit / So on the morne ther cam a damoifel from Morgan to the kynge and fhe brought with her the rychefft mantel that euer was 15 fene in that Courte / for it was fette as ful of precious ftones as one myght ftand by another / and there were the rycheft ftones that euer the kynge fawe / And the damoyfel faide youre fyfter fendeth yow this mantel / and defyreth that ye Ihold take this gyfte of her / And in what thyng fhe hath offended you 20 fhe wille amende it at youre owne pleafyr / whan the kyng beheld this mantel it pleafyd hym moche / but he faid but lytel lC apttulum:vi jrY *Yth that came the damoyfel of the lake vnto the kyng and faid fyr I muft fpeke with yow in pryuyte / fay on faid the kynge what ye wille / Syr fayd the damoyfel put 25 not on yow this mantel tyl ye haue fene more / and in no wyfe lete it not come on yow nor on no knyghte of yours tyl ye commaunde the brynger thereof to put it vpon her / wel faid kynge Arthur / It fhalle be done as ye counceille me / And thenne he faid vnto the damoyfel that cam fro his filter / damoifel this 30 mantel that ye haue brought me I wille fee it vpon yow/ fyr fhe faid / it wille not bifeme me to were a kynges garment/ by my hede faid Arthur / ye Ihalle were it or it come on my bak or ony mans that here is / and fo the kyng made it to be putt vpon her / And forth with al fhe felle doune dede / and neuer more 35 [leaf 70] ZBook tv.] [ I40 ] [Cbap. xvii. fpake word after and brente to coles / Thelne was the kyng wonderly wrothe more than he was to fore hand / and fayd vnto kynge Vryens my fyfter your wyf is alwey aboute to bytraye me / and wel I wote outher ye or my neuewe youre 5 fone is of counceille with her to haue me deftroyed / But as for yow faid the kyng to kynge Vryens I deme not gretely that ye be of her counceill / For Accolon confeffyd to me by his own mouth that fhe wold haue deftroyed yow as wel as me ther for I hold yow excufed / But as for your fone Syr Vwaxo yn I hold hym fufpect / therfore I charge yow put hym oute of my courte / So fyr Vwayne was difcharged / And whanne Syr Gawayne wyft that he made hym redy to go with hym / & faid who fo bannyffheth my cofyn germayn / fhal bannyffhe me Soo they two departed / and rode in to a grete foreft / and foo I5 they came to an Abbay of Monkes / and ther were wel lodged But whanne the kynge wyft that fyr Gawayne was departed from the Courte / ther was made grete forowe amonge alle the eftates / Now fayd Gaherys Gawayns broder we haue loft two good knyghtes for the loue of one / So on the morne they 20 herd their maffes in the abbay / and fo they rode forth tyl that they came to a grete foreft / thenne was fyr Gawayne ware in a valey by a turret xij fayre damoyfels / and two knyghtes armed on grete horfes / and the damoyfels wente to and fro by a tree / And thenne was fyr Gawayne ware how ther henge a 25 whyte fhelde on that tree / And euer as the damoyfels cam by it / they fpytte vpon it / and fome threwe myre vpon the fheld / I Capitulum jvij Z \ Henne fyr Gawayne and fyr Vwayne wente and falewed them / and afked why they dyd that defpyte to the fhelde / Syrs faiden the damoyfels / we fhalle telle yow / 30 There is a knyght in this coitrey that oweth this whyte fheld and he is a paffyng good man of his handes / but he hateth al ladyes and gentylwymmen / and therfor we doo alle this defpyte to the fhelde / I fhal fay yow faid fyr gawayne / hit byfemeth euylle a good knyghte to defpyfe all ladyes and gentil 35 wymmen / And parauentur though he hate yow he hath fomme [leaf 70 verso] :8ook iv.] [ I4I ] [Cbap. rviti. And parauenture he loueth in fomme other places ladyes and gentylwymmen / and to be loued ageyne / and he be fuche a ma of proweffe as ye fpeke of / Now what is his name / fyr fayd they / his name is Marhaus the kynges fone of Irelond I knowe hym wel fayd fyre Vwayne / he is a paffynge good 5 knyght as ony is on lyue / for I fawe hym ones preued at a Iuftes where many knyghtes were gadered / and that tyme ther myghte no man withftande hym / A fayd fyr Gawayne Damoyfels me thynketh ye are to blame / for hit is to fuppofe / he that henge that fheld ther / he wille not be longe ther fro / & o0 thenne may tho knyghtes matche hym on horfbak / and that is more your worfhip than thus / For I wille abyde no lenger to fee a knyghtes fheld difhonoured / And therwith fyre Vwayne and Gawayne departed a lytel fro them / And thenne were they ware where fyre Marhaus cam rydynge on a gre- I5 te hors ftreyghte toward them / And whanne the xij damoyfels fawe fyr Marhaus they fled in to the turret as they were wylde fo that fomme of them felle by the wey / Thenne the one of the knyghtes of the Toure dreffid his fhelde and faid on hyghe fyr Marhaus defende the / and foo they ranne to gy- 20 ders that the kny3t brake his fpere on Marhaus / & Marhaus fmote hym fo hard that he brake his neck and the hors back / That fawe the other knyght of the turret and dreffyd hym toward Marhaus / and they mette fo egrely to gyders that the knyght of the Turret was foone fmyten doune hors and man 25 ftark dede / C ~apitulum xvtij Nd thenne fyre Marhaus rode vnto his fhelde / and fawe how it was defowled / and fayd of this defpyte I am a parte auengyd / But for her loue that gaf me this whyte fhelde I fhalle were the / and hange myn where thow was 30 and foo he hanged it aboute his neck / Thenne he rode ftreyght vnto fyr Gawayn and to fyr Vwayne / and afked them what they dyd there / They anfuerd hym that they cam from kynge Arthurs courte for to fee auentures / wel fayd fyre Marhaus here am I redy an auentures knyghte that wille fulfylle ony 35 [leaf 71] :ook iv.] [ 142 ] [Cbap. rviii. aduenture that ye wylle defyre / And foo departed fro them / to fetche his raunge / lete hym goo feid fyr Vwayn vnto fyre Gawayne / for he is a paffynge good knyghte as ony is lyuynge /I wold not by my wille that ony of vs were matched 5 with hym / Nay faid fir Gawayne not fo / it were fhame to vs were he not affayed were he neuer foo good a knyghte / wel faid fyr Vwayne I wylle affaye hym afore yow / for I am more weyker than ye / And yf he fmyte me doune / thenne may ye reuenge me / foo thefe two knyghtes cam to gyders with greIo te raundon that fyr Vwayne fmote fyr Marhaus that his fpere brafte in pyeces on the fhelde /and Syre Marhaus fmote hym fo fore that hors and man he bare to the erthe / and hurte fyre Vwayne on the lyfte fyde / Thenne fyr Marhaus torned his hors and rode toward Gawayne with his fpere / and when 15 fyr Gawayne fawe that / he dreffid his fheld / and they auentryd their fperes / and they cam to gyders with alle the my3te of their horfes / that eyther knyght fmote other fo hard in myddes of theyr fheldes / but fyr Gawayns fpere brak / but fir marhaus fpere helde / And therwith fyre Gawayne and his hors 20 ruffhed doune to the erthe / And lyghtly fyre Gawayne rofe on his feet / and pulled out his fwerd / and dreffyd hym toward fyr Marhaus on foote / and fyr marhaus fawe that / and pulled oute his fwerd / and beganne to come to fyr Gawayne on horfbak / Syre knyght faid fyr gawayn aly3te on foote or els 25 I wylle flee thy hors / gramercy fayd fyr Marhaus of youre gentylnef ye teche me curtofye / for hit is not for one kny3t to be on foote / and the other on horsbak / & therwith fyr Marhaus fette his fpere ageyne a tree and alyghte and tayed his hors to a tree / and dreffid his fhelde / and eyther cam vnto o30 ther egerly / and fmote to gyders with her fwerdes that her fheldes flewe in cantels / and they bryfed their helmes and their hauberkes and wounded eyther other / but Syre gawayne fro it paffed ix of the clok waxed euer ftronger and ftronger / for thenne hit cam to the houre of noone & thryes his myghte 35 was encreaced / Alle this afpyed fyr Marhaus and had grete wonder how his myghte encreaced / and fo they wounded other paffynge fore / And thenne whan it was paft noone / and whan it drewe toward euenfonge fyre gawayns ftrengthe febled & [leaf 71 verso] Z3ook fv.] [ I43 1 [Cbap. ir. waxt paffynge faynte that vnnethes he myght dure ony lenger / and fyr Marhaus was thenne bygger and bygger / fyre knyght faid fyr Marhaus / I haue wel felt that ye are a paffynge good knyghte and a merueyllous man of myghte as euer I felt ony / whyle hit lafteth / And oure quarels are not 5 grete / and therfor it were pyte to doo yow hurte / for I fele ye are paffynge feble / A faid fyr Gawayn gentyl knyghte ye fay the word that I fhold fay / And therwith they took of theire helmes / and eyther kyffed other / and there they fwore to gyders eyther to loue other as bretheren / And fyr Marhaus pra- Io yd fyr gawayn to lodge with hym that nyghte / And fo they toke theyr horfes / and rode toward fyr Marhaus hous / And as they rode by the wey / fyr knyghte faid fyr gawayne I haue merueylle that fo valyaunt a man as ye be loue no ladyes ne damoyfels / Syre fayd fyr marhaus they name me wrong- I5 fully tho that gyue me that name / but wel I wote it ben the damoyfeles of the Turret that fo name me and other fuche as they be / Now fhalle I telle yow for what caufe I hate them / For they be forcereffes and enchaunters many of them / & be a kny3t neuer fo good of his body and ful of proweffe as man 20 may be / they wille make hym a ftark coward to haue the better of hym / and this is the pryncipal caufe that I hate them & to al good ladyes and gentyl wymmen I owe my feruyfe as a knyght ou3te to do / As the book reherceth in frenffhe ther were many knyghtes that ouermatched fyr gawayne for 25 alle the thryes myghte that he had / Syr Launcelot de lake / fyr Tryftrams / fyr Bors de ganys / fyr Percyuale / fyr Pellias & fyr Marhaus / thefe fixe kny3tes had the better of fir gawayn Thenne within a lytel whyle they cam to fyr Marhaus place / whiche was in a lytel pryory / and there they alyghte and la- 30 dyes and damoyfels vnarmed them / and haftely loked to theyr hurtes / for they were all thre hurte / and fo they had all thre good lodgynge with fyr Marhaus and good chere / for whan he wyft that they were kynge Arthurs fyfter fones / he maade them al the chere that lay in his power / and fo they foiourned 35 there a vij nyghte / and were wel eafyd of their woundes and at the laft departed / Now faid fyre Marhaus we wylle not departe foo ly3tely / for I wylle brynge you thorow the foreft [leaf 72] - -Vf Book iv.3 [ I44 ] [ebap. rr. And rode daye by day wel a feuen dayes or they fond ony auenture / At the laft they cam in to a grete foreft that was named the countreye and forefte of Arroy and the countrey of ftraunge auentures / In this countrey fayd fyr Marhaus cam 5 neuer knyghte fyn it was cryftened / but he fonde ftraunge auentures / and foo they rode / and cam in to a depe valey ful of ftones / and ther by they fawe a fayr ftreme of water / aboue ther by was the hede of the ftreme a fayr fontayne / & thre damoyfels fyttynge therby / And thenne they rode to them / and lo eyther falewed other / and the eldeft had a garland of gold aboute her hede / and fhe was thre fcore wynter of age / or more and her here was whyte vnder the garland / The fecond damoyfel was of thyrtty wynter of age with a ferkelet of gold aboute her hede / The thyrd damoyfel was but xv yere of age / 15 and a garland of floures aboute her hede / when thefe knyghtes had foo beholde them / they afked hem the caufe why they fat at that fontayne / we be here fayd the damoyfels for thys caufe / yf we may fee ony erraunt knyghtes to teche hem vnto ftraunge auentures / and ye be thre knyghtes that feken auen20 tures and we be thre damoyfels / and therfore eche one of yow muft chefe one of vs / And whan ye haue done foo / we wylle lede yow vnto thre hyhe wayes / and there eche of yow fhal chefe a wey and his damoyfel with hym / And this day twelue monethe ye muft mete here ageyn / and god fende yow your ly25 ues / and there to ye muff ply3te your trouthe / this is wel faid fayd fyr Marhaus CI apitulum xx Ow fhalle eueryche of vs chefe a damoyfel I fhalle telle yow fayd fyre Vwayne I am the yongeft and mooft weykeft of yow bothe / therfor I wyl haue the eldeft da30 moyfel / for fhe hath fene moche and can beft helpe me whan I haue nede / for I haue mooft nede of helpe of yow bothe / Now faid fyr Marhaus I wyll haue the damoyfel of thyrtty wynter age for fhe falleth beft to me / wel fayd fyre gawayne / I thanke yow for ye haue lefte me the yongeft and the fayreft / 35 and fhe is mooft leueft to me / Thenne euery damoyfel tooke her [leaf 72 verso] sBook iv.] [ I45 ] [Cbap. tri. knyght by the raynes of his brydel / and broughte him to the thre wayes / and there was their othe made to mete at the fontayne that day twelue moneth and they were lyuynge / and foo they kyft and departed / and eueryche knyghte fette his lady behynd hym / and fyr Vwayne took the wey that lay weft 5 And fyr Marhaus took the wey that lay fouthe / and fyr gawayne took the weye that laye northe / Now wylle we begynne at fyr gawayne that helde that wey tyll that he cam vnto a fayre manoir where dwellyd an old knyghte & a good houfholder / and there fyr Gawayn afked the knyght yf he knewe io ony auentures in that countrey / I fhalle fhewe yow fomme to morne fayd the old knyghte / and that merueyllous / Soo on the morne they rode in to the foreft of aduentures tyl they cam to a launde / and ther. by they fond a croffe / and as they ftode and houed / ther cam by them the fayreft knyght and the fe- 15 melyeft man that euer they fawe / makynge the gretteft dole that euer man made / And thenne he was ware of fyr gawayn and falewed hym and praid god to fende hym moche worihip / As to that faid fyr gawayn gramercy / Alfo I praye to god that he fend yow honour and worfhip / A faid the kny- 20 ghte I may laye that on fyde / for forowe and fhame cometh to me after worfhip / C ~Capitulum XX Nd ther with he paffed vnto the one fyde of the launde / And on the other fyde fawe fyr Gawayne & kny3 -tes that houed ftyll and make hem redy with her fheldes and 25 fperes ageynft that one knyght that cam by fyr gawayn / Thenne this one knyght auentryd a grete fpere / and one of the x knyghtes encountred with hym / but this woful knyght fmote hym fo hard that he felle ouer his hors taylle / So this fame dolorous kny3t ferued hem al / that at the left way he fmo- 30 te doune hors and man / and alle he dyd with one fpere / and foo whan they were all x on fote / they wente to that one knyght / and he ftode ftone ftyll / and fuffred hem to pulle hym doune of his hors / and bound hym hande and foote / and tayed hym vnder the hors bely / and fo ledde hym with hem / 0 Ihefu 35 [leaf 73] K .:oot iv.] [ 146 ] [Cbap. WP. fayd fyr gawayne this is a dooleful fyghte / to fee the yonder knyghte fo to be entreted / and it femeth by the knyght that he fuffreth hem to bynde hym foo / for he maketh no refyftence / Noo faid his hooft that is trouthe/ for and he wold they al were to 5 weyke foo to doo hym / Syr faid the damoyfel vnto fyr Gawayn / me femeth hit were your worfhip to helpe that dolorous knyghte / for me thynketh he is one of the beft knyghtes that euer I fawe / I wold doo for hym fayd fyre gawayn but hit femeth he wylle haue no helpe / thenne fayd the damoyfel me o0 thynketh ye haue no lufte to helpe hym / Thus as they talked they fawe a kny3te on the other fyde of the launde al armed fauf the hede / And on the other fyde ther cam a dwerf on horfbak all armed fauf the hede with a grete mouthe / and a fhorte nofe / And whan the dwerf came nyghe he faid where is the la15 dy fhold mete vs here / and ther with all fhe came forth out of the wood / And thenne they began to ftryue for the lady / For the knyghte fayd he wold haue her / & the dwerf faid he wold haue her / Wylle we doo wel fayd the dwerf / yonder is a knyht at the croffe / lete vs put it bothe vpon hym / and as he de20 meth fo fhalle it be / I wylle wel faid the knyght / and fo they wente all thre vnto fyre gawayn and told hym wherfor they ftrofe / wel fyrs faid he wylle ye put the mater in my hand / ye they fayd both / Now damoyfel fayd fyr gawayn ye fhal ftande betwixe them both / and whether ye lyft better to go to / he fhal 25 haue yow / And whan Ihe was fette bitwene them both fhe left the knyghte and wente to the dwerf / and the dwerf took her and wente his waye fyngynge / and the knyghte wente hys wey with grete mornyng / Thenne cam ther two knyghtes all armed and cryed on hyghe Syre gawayn / knyghte of kynge 30 Arthurs make the redy in al haft and Iufte with me / foo they ranne to gyders that eyther felle doune / and thenne on foote they drewe their fwerdes and dyd ful actually / the mene whyle the other knyghte wente to the damoyfel / and afked her / why fhe abode with that knyghte / and yf ye wold abyde with 35 me / I wylle be your feythful knyghte and with yow wylle I be faid the damoyfel / for with fyr Gawayn I may not fynde in myn herte to be with hym / For now here was one kny3t fcomfyte x knyghtes / And at the lafte he was cowardly led [leaf 73 verso] 3ook iv.] [ I47 ] [Cbap. r ii. awey / and therfore lete vs two goo whyleft they fyghte / and fyre Gawayne fought with that other knyght longe / but at the laft they accorded both / And thenne the knyght prayd fyr gawayn to lodge with hym that nyghte / Soo as fyre Gawayn wente with this knyghte he afked hym what knyghte is he in 5 this countrey that fmote doune the ten knyghtes / for whan he had done fo manfully he fuffred hem to bynde hym hand and foote / and foo ledde hym awey / A fayd the knyghte that is the beft knyght I trowe in the world / and the mooft man of proweffe / and he hath be ferued foo as he was ene more than x io tymes / and his name hyghte fyr Pelleas / and he loueth a grete lady in this countrey and her name is Ettard / and fo when he loued her there was cryed in this country a greete Iufles thre dayes / And alle the knyghtes of this countrey were there and gentylwymmen / And who that preued hym the beft kny- 5 ght fhold haue a paffyng good fwerd and a Serklet of gold and the ferklet the knyght fhold gyue hit to the fayreft lady that was at the Iuftes / And this knyghte fyre Pelleas was the beft knyghte that was there / and there were fyue honderd knyghtes / but there was neuer man that euer fyre Pelleas 20 met with al / but he ftroke hym doune or els from his hors / And euery day of thre dayes he ftrake doune twenty knyghtes / therfore they gaf hym the pryfe / & forthe with all he wente there as the lady Ettard was / and gaf her the ferklet / & faid openly / fhe was the fayreft lady that ther was / & that wold 25 he preue vpon ony knyghte that wold fay nay/ ([ cfl gtfj Nd foo he chofe her for his fouerayne lady / & neuer to loue other but her / but fhe was fo proude that fhe had fcorne ef hym and fayd that fhe wold neuer loue hym thou3 he wold dye for her / wherfor al ladyes and gentylwym- 30 men hadde fcorne of her that fhe was fo proude / for there were fayrer than fhe / & ther was none that was ther but & fir Pelleas wold haue proferd hem loue they wold haue loued hym for his noble proweffe / & fo this kny3t promyfed the lady ettard to folowe her in to this coutrey / & neuer to leue her tyl fhe 35 loued hym / & thus he is here the mooft party nyghe her and lodged by a pryory / and euery weke fhe fendeth knyghtes to fy3te with hym / And whan he hath put hem to the wers than wylle [leaf 741 h j '1 Zook iv.] [ I48 ] [Cbap. rii. he fuffre hem wylfully to take hym pryfoner by caufe he wold haue a fyghte of this lady / And alweyes fhe doth hym grete defpyte / for fome tyme fhe maketh her knyghtes to taye hym to his hors taylle and fome to bynd hym vnder the hors bely 5 Thus in the mooft fhamefulleft wyfe that fhe can thynke he is broughte to her / And alle fhe doth hyt for to caufe hym to leue this countreye and to leue his louynge / But all this can not make hym to leue / for and he wold haue foughte on foote he myghte haue had the better of the ten knyghtes as wel on io foote as on horfbak / Alias fayd fyr gawayn it is grete pyte of hym / And after this nyghte I wylle feke hym to morowe in this foreft to doo hym alle the helpe I can / So on the morne fyr gawayne tooke his leue of his hooft fyre Carados and rode in to the foreft / And at the laft he mette with fyr Pelle15 as makyng grete moone oute of mefure / fo eche of hem falewed other / and afked hym why he made fuche forowe /And as it is aboue reherced / fyre Pelleas told fyre Gawayne / but alweyes I fuffre her knyghtes to fare foo with me as ye fawe yefterdaye in trufte at the laft to wynne her loue / for fhe knoweth 20 wel alle her knyghtes ihold not lyghtely wynne me / and me lyfte to fyghte with them to the vttermeft / Wherfore and I loued her not fo fore I hadde leuer dye an honderd tymes / and I myght dye foo ofte rather than I wold fuffre that defpyte / but I trufte fhe wylle haue pyte vpon me at the lafte / 25 for loue caufeth many a good knyght to fuffre to haue his entent / but alias I am vnfortunate / And ther with he maade foo grete dole & forowe that vnnethe he myghte holde hym on horfback (I Now fayd fyre gawayne leue your mornynge and I fhalle promyfe yow by the feythe of my body 30 to doo alle that lyeth in my power to gete yow the loue of your lady / and ther to I wylle plyte yow my trcuthe / A fayd fyr Pelleas of what Courte are ye telle me I praye yow my good frend / And thenne fyr gawayne fayd I am of the courte of kynge Arthur / and his fufters fone / and kynge Lott 35 of Orkeney was my fader / and my name is fyre Gawayne / And thenne he fayd my name is Syre Pelleas borne in the Iles / and of many Iles I am lord / and neuer haue I loued lady nor damoyfel tyl now in an vnhappy tyme / and fyr [leaf 74 verso] Zook iv.] [ I49 ] [Cbap. siifi. knyghte fyn ye are foo nyghe cofyn vnto kynge Arthur and a kynges fone / therfor bytraye me not but helpe me / for I may neuer come by her but by fomme good knyghte / for fhe is in a ftronge caftel here faft by within this four myle / and ouer all this countrey fhe is lady of / And fo I may neuer come to her 5 prefence / but as I fuffre her knyghtes to take me / and but yf I dyd fo that I myghte haue a fyghte of her I had ben dede long or this tyme / and yet fayre word had I neuer of her / but wha I am brought to fore her fhe rebuketh me in the fowleft maner / And thenne they take my hors and harneis and putten Io me oute of the yates / and fhe wylle not fuffre me to ete nor drynke / and alweyes I offre me to be her pryfoner / but that fhe wylle not fuffre me / for I wold defyre no more what paynes fo euer I had / foo that I my3te haue a fyghte of her dayly / wel fayd fyr gawayne / Al this fhalle I amende and ye 15 wylle do as I fhal deuyfe / I wylle haue your hors and your armour / and fo wylle I ryde vnto her caftel and telle her that I haue flayne yow / and foo fhal I come withynne her to caufe her to cheryffhe me / And thenne fhalle I do my true parte that ye fhalle not faylle to haue the loue of her 20 C1 Capitulum x:iij Nd there with fyr Gawayne plyghte his trouthe vnto fyr Pelleas to be true and feythful vnto hym / foo eche one plyghte their trouthe to other / and foo they chaunged horfes and harneis / and fire Gawayn departed / and came to the caftel where as ftoode the pauelions of this lady withoute 25 the yate / Anrd as foone as Ettard had afpyed fyr Gawayn fhe fledde in toward the caftel / fyr Gawayn fpak on hyghe / and badde her abyde / for he was not fyre Pelleas / I am another knyghte that haue flayne fyr Pelleas / doo of youre helme faid the lady Ettard that I maye fee your vyfage / And 30 foo whan fhe fawe that it was not fyr Pelleas / fhe made hym alyghte / and ledde hym vnto her caftel/ and afked hym feythfully / whether he had flayne fyr Pelleas / and he fayd her ye / and told her his name was fyre gawayn of the courte of kynge Arthur and his fyfter fone / Truly fayd Ihe that is grete 35 pyte for he was a paffynge good knyghte of his body / but [leaf 75] h ij / 3Boo00 ir.] [ I50 ] [Cbap. rgliii. of al men on lyue I hated hym mooft / for I coude neuer be quyte of hym / And for ye haue flayne hym / I fhalle be your woman and to doo ony thynge that myghte pleafe yow / Soo Ihe made fyr Gawayne good chere / Thenne fyr gawayn fayd 5 that he loued a lady / and by no meane fhe wold loue hym / She is to blame fayd Ettard and fhe wylle not loue yow/ for ye that be foo wel borne a man and fuche a man of proweffe / there is no lady in the world to good for yow / wylle ye fayd fyre Gawayne promyfe me to doo alle that ye maye xo by the feythe of youre body to gete me the loue of my lady / ye fyre fayd fhe / and that I promyfe yow by the feythe of my body / Now fayd fyre Gawayne it is your felf that I loue fo wel / therfore I praye yow hold your promyfe / I maye not chefe fayd the lady Ettard / but yf I fhold be forfworne / and i5 foo fhe graunted hym to fulfylle alle his defyre / [ Soo it was thenne in the moneth of May that fhe and fyre Gawayn wente oute of the cartel and fouped in a pauelione/ and there was made a bedde / and there fyre gawayne and the lady Ettard wente to bedde to gyders / and in another pauel20 ione fhe layd her damoyfels / and in the thyrd pauelione fhe leyd parte of her knyghtes / for thenne fhe had no drede of fyr Pelleas / And there fyre gawayn lay with her in that pauelione two dayes and two nyghtes / And on the thyrd day in the mornyng erly fyr Pelleas armed hym / for he hadde neuer 25 flepte fyn fyr Gawayn departed from hym / for fyr Gawayne had promyfed hym by the feythe of hys body to come to hym vnto his pauelione by that pryory within the fpace of a daye and a nyghte ( Thenne fyre Pelleas mounted vpon horfbak / and cam to the pauelions that ftode without 30 the cartel / and fonde in the fyrft pauelione thre knyghtes in thre beddes / and thre fquyers lyggynge at theire feet / thenne wente he to the feconde pauelione & fond four gentyl wymmen lyenge in four beddes / & thenne he yede to the thyrd pauelion & fond fyr gawayn lyggyng in bedde with his lady Ettard 35 & eyther clyppyng other in armes / and whan he fawe that his herte wel nyghe braft for forou / & faid Alias that euer a kny3t fhold be founde fo fals / and thene he took his hors & my3t not abyde no lenger for pure forowe / And whanne he hadde ryden [leaf 75 verso] N 3Book iv.] [ 15s ] [Cbap. ifi,~ nyghe half a myle he torned ageyne and thoughte to flee hem bothe / And whanne he fawe hem bothe foo lye flepynge fafte / vnnethe he myght holde hym on horfbak for forowe / and fayd then to hym felf / though this knyght be neuer foo fals I wyl neuer flee hym flepynge / For I wylle neuer deftroye the hy- 5 gh ordre of knyghthode / and therwith he departed ageyne And or he hadde ryden half a myle he retorned ageyne/ and thoughte thenne to flee hem bothe / makynge the gretteft forou that euer man made / And whanne he came to the pauelions / he tayed his hors vnto a tree / and pulled oute his fwerd na- Io ked in his hand / and wente to them there as they lay / and yet he thought it were fhame to flee them flepynge / and layd the naked fwerd ouerthwart bothe their throtes / and foo tooke his hors and rode his awaye (I And whanne fyre Pelleas came to his pauelions he told 15 his knyghtes and his fquyers how he had fped / and fayd thus to them for your true and good feruyfe ye haue done me I fhall gyue you alle my goodes / for I wylle goo vnto my bedde and neuer aryfe vntyl I am dede / And whan that I am dede / I charge yow that ye take the herte oute of my body 20 and bere it her betwyxe two fyluer dyffhes / and telle her how I fawe her lye with the fals knyght Syr Gawayne / Ryght foo fyr Pelleas vnarmed hym felfe and wente vnto his bedde makynge merueyllous dole and forowe / ( Thenne fyre Gawayne and Ettard awoke of her flepe/ & 25 fonde the naked fwerd ouerthwart theire throtes / thenne Ihe knewe wel it was fyr Pelleas fwerd / Alias fayd Ihe to fir Gawayne ye haue bitrayed me and fyr Pelleas bothe/ for ye told me ye had flayne hym / and now I knowe wel it is not foo he is on lyue / And yf fyre Pelleas had ben as vncurteis 30 to yow as ye haue ben to hym ye hadde bene a dede knyghte / but ye haue deceyued me and bytrayd me falfly / that al ladyes and damoyfels may beware by yow and me / And ther with fyr gawayn made hym redy / and wente in to the foreft / Soo it happed thenne that the damoyfel of the lake Nymue 35 mette with a knyghte of fyr Pelleas that wente on his foote in the foreft makyng grete dole / and fhe afked hym the caufe And foo the woful knyghte told her how his mayfter and [leaf 76] h iij ZBoolk iv.] [ 152 ] [Cbap. riv. lorde was bitrayed thurgh a knyghte and a lady / and how he wyll neuer aryfe oute of his bed tyl he be dede / Brynge me to hym fayd fhe anone / and I wyl waraunt his lyf he fhal not dye for loue / and fhe that hath caufed hym fo to loue / fhe 5 fhalle be in as euyl plyte as he is or it be long to / for it is no Ioy of fuche a prowde lady that wylle haue no mercy of fuche a valyaunt knyght / anone that kny3te broughte her vnto hym And whan fhe fawe hym lye in his bedde / fhe thoughte fhe fawe neuer fo lykely a knyght / and ther with fhe threwe an en10 chauntement vpon hym / and he felle on flepe / And ther whyle fhe rode vnto the lady Ettard /and charged no man to awake hym tyl fhe came ageyne / Soo within two houres fhe broughte the lady Ettard thydder/ and both ladyes fonde hym on flepe / loo fayd the damoyfel of the lake ye oughte to be afha15 med for to murdre fuche a knyght / And therwith fhe threwe fuche an enchauntement vpon her that fhe loued hym fore / that wel nyghe fhe was oute of her mynde / 0 lord Ihefu faide the lady Ettard / how is it befallen vnto me / that I loue now hym that I haue mooft hated of ony man alyue / that is the ryght 20 wys Iugement of god fayd the damoyfel / And thenne anone fyr Pelleas awaked and loked vpon Ettard / And whan he fawe her / he knewe her / & thene he hated her more than ony woman alyue / and faid awey traitreffe come neuer in my fy3t And whan fhe herd hym fay fo / fhe wepte and made grete fo25 rou oute of mefure C ~apitulum X:{iiij Yre knyghht Pelleas fayd the damoyfel of the lake / take your hors / and come forthe with me oute of this countrey / and ye fhal loue a lady that fhal loue yow / I wylle wel faid fyr Pelleas / for this lady Ettard hath done me gre30 te defpyte and fhame / and there he told her the begynnynge and endynge / And how he had purpofed neuer to haue aryfen tyll that he hadde ben dede / And now fuche grace god hath fente me / that I hate her as moche as euer I loued her thanked be our lord Ihefus / Thanke me fayde the damoyfel of the lake [leaf 76 verso] Jsrok iv.] [ I53 ] [Cbap. 1vr. anone fyre Pellas armed hym and tooke his hors and commaunded his men to brynge after his pauelions and his ftuffe where the damoyfel of the lake wold affigne / foo the lady Ettard dyed for forowe / and the damoyfel of the lake reioyfed fyr Pellas and loued to gyders durynge their lyf da- 5 yes (I Capitulum Xyv Ow torne we vnto fyr Marhaus that rode with the damoyfel of xxx wynter of age fouthard / and foo they cam in to a depe foreft / and by fortune they were ny3 -ted / and rode longe in a depe way / and at the laft they came Io vnto the courtelage / and there they afked herborow / but the ma of the courtelage wold not lodge them for no treatyce that they coude treate / but thus moche the good man fayd / and ye will take the aduenture of youre lodgyng / I fhal brynge you there ye fhalle be lodged / what auenture is that that I ihal haue / I5 for my lodgynge fayd fyr Marhaus / ye fhalle wete whan ye come there fayd the good man / fyr what auenture fo it be bryng me thyder I pray the fayd fyr Marhaus / for I am wery / my damoyfel and my hors / So the good man wente and opened the gate / and within an houre he broughte hym vnto a fayre 20 caftel / and thenne the poure man called the porter / and anon he was lete in to the caftel / & foo he told the lord how he brou3t hym a knyght erraunt and a damoyfel that wold be lodged with hym / lete hym in faid the lord / it may happen he fhalle repente that they toke their lodgyng here / So fyr Marhaus was 25 lete in with torche lyghte / and there was a goodely fyghte of yonge men that welcomed hym / And thenne his hors was ledde in to the ftable / and he and the damoyfel were broughte in to the halle / and there ftode a myghty duke and many goodely men about hym / thene this lord afked hym what he hy- 30 ghte / and fro whens he cam / and with whome he dwelt / fyre he faid I am a knyghte of kynge Nrthurs and knyght of the table round / and my name is fyre Marhaus / and borne I am in Irland / And thenne fayd the duke to hym / that me fore repenteth / the caufe is this / for I loue not thy lord / nor 35 [leaf 77] h iiij Sook f,.] [ '54 ] [Cbap. twi. none of thy felawes of the table round / And therfor eafe thy felf this nyghte as wel as thow mayft / for as to morne I & my fixe fonnes fhal matche with yow / Is ther no remedy but that I muff haue a doo with yow and your vj fones at ones 5 fayd fyr Marhaus / No fayd the duke for this caufe I maade myn auowe / for fyr gawayne flewe my feuen fonnes in a recounter / therfore I made myn auowe / there fhold neuer kny3t of kynge Arthurs court lodge with me or come there as I myght haue adoo with hym / but that I wold haue a reuengyng o1 of my fonnes dethe / what is your name faid fyr Marhaus I requyre yow telle me and it pleafe yow / wete thow wel I am the duke of fouth marchys / A fayd fir Marhaus I haue herd faye that ye haue ben longe tyme a grete foo vnto my lord arthur and to his knyghtes / that fhalle ye fele to morne faid the 15 duke / Shalle I haue adoo with yow fayd fyr Marhaus / ye fayd the duke / therof Ihalt thow not chefe / and therfore take yow to your chambre and ye fhalle haue all that to yow longeth / So fyr Marhaus departed and was led to a chamber / and his damoyfel was led vnto her chamber / And on the morn 20 the duke fente vnto fyre Marhaus and bad make hym redy / And fo fyr Marhaus arofe and armed hym / and thenne ther was a maffe fonge afore hym and brake his faft / and fo moited on horfback in the courte of the caftel there they fhold doo the batail / So ther was the duke al redy on horfbak clene ar25 med and his fyxe fonnes by hym / and eueryche had a fpere in his hand / and foo they encountred where as the duke and his two fones brak theyr fperes vpon hym / but fir Marhaus helde vp his fpere and touched none of them / C Capitulum Xyvj Z 1 Henne cam the foure fones by couple / and two of them 30 brake their fperes / and foo dyd the other two / And alle this whyle fyre marhaus touched hem not / Thenne fir marhaus. ranne to the duke / and fmote hym with his fpere that hors and man felle to the erthe / And fo he ferued his fones / And thenne fyr Marhaus alyghte doune and bad the duke [leaf 77 verso] Zook ft,.] [ I55 ] [Cbap. rovi. yelde hym or els he wold flee hym / And thenne fome of his fones recouerd / and wold haue fet vpon fyr Marhaus / thenne fyr Marhaus fayd to the duke feace thy fones or els I will doo the vttermeft to yow all / Thenne the duke fawe he myghte not efcape the deth he cryed to his fones and charged them to 5 yelde them to fyr Marhaus / And they kneled al doune / and put the pomels of theire fverdes to the knyght / and foo he receyued them / And thenne they halp vp their fader / and foo by their comynal affente promyfed to fyr Marhaus neuer to be foes vnto kynge Arthur / and therupon at whytfontyde after Io to come he and his fones and putte them in the kynges grace Thenne fyr Marhaus departed and within two dayes his damoyfel brought hym where as was a grete tornement that the lady de Vawfe had cryed / And who that dyd beft fhold haue a ryche ferklet of gold worthe a thoufand befauntes / And I5 there fyr Marhaus dyd fo nobly that he was renomed / & had fomtyme doune fourty knyghtes / and foo the ferklet of gold was rewarded hym / Thenne he departed fro them with grete worfhip / And foo within feuen nyghtes his damoyfel brought hym to an erles place / his name was the erle Fergus / that af- 20 ter was fyre Tryftrams knyghte / and this Erie was but a yonge man / and late come in to his landes / and there was a gyant faft by hym that hy3te Taulurd / and he had another broder in Cornewaille that hyghte Taulas that fyr Tryftram flewe whanne he was oute of hys mynde / So this Erie maade 25 his complaynte vnto fyre Marhaus that there was a gyaunt by hym that deftroyed al his londes / & how he durft nowhere ryde nor goo for hym / Syr fayd the knyghte whether vfeth he to fyghte on horfbak or on foote / nay fayd the erle there maye no hors bere hym / Wel faid fyr marhaus thenne wille I fygh- 30 te with hym on foote / Soo on the morne fyr Marhaus prayd the erle that one of his men myghte brynge hym where as the gyaut was / and fo he was / for he fawe hym fytte vnder a tree of hoolly / and many clubbes of Iron and gyfarms about hym Soo thys knyghte dreffid hym to the gyant puttyng his fheld 35 afore hym / and the gyant toke an Iron clubbe in his hande / & at the fyrfte ftroke he clafe fyre Marhaus fhelde in ij pyeces / And there he was in grete peryl / for the gyant was a wyly [leaf 78] Zook iv.] [ I56 ] [Cbap. rtoi. fyghter / but atte laft fyr Marhaus fmote of his ryght arme aboue the elbowe / thene the gyant fledde and the knyght after hym / and foo he drofe hym in to a water / but the gyant was foo hyghe that he myghte not wade after hym / And thenne fir 5 Marhaus made the erie Fergus man to fetche hym ftones / & with tho ftones the knyghte gaf the gyaunt many fore knockes / tyl at the laft he made hym falle doune in to the water / & fo was he there dede / thene fyr Marhaus wete vnto the gyants caftel / and there he delyuerd xxiiij ladyes and twelue kny3 -io tes oute of the gyants pryfon / and there he had grete rycheffe withoute nombre / foo that the dayes of his lyf he was neuer poure man / thenne he retorned to the erle Fergus / the whiche thanked hym gretely / and wold haue gyuen hym half his lades but he wold none take / Soo fyr Marhaus dwellyd with I5 the erle nyghe half a yere / for he was fore bryfed with the gyaunt / and at the lafte he took his leue / And as he rode by the way / he mette with fyr gawayne and fyr Vwayne / and fo by aduenture he mette with foure knyghtes of Arthurs courte / the fyrft was fyr Sagramore defyrus / fyr Ozanna / fyr Do20 dynas le faueage / and fyre felot of lyftynoyfe / and there fyr Marhaus with one fpere fmote doune thefe foure knyghtes / and hurte them fore / Soo he departed to mete at his day afore fette CI ~apttulum Xgvij Ow tourne we vnto fyr Vwayne that rode weftwarde 25 ) with his damoyfel of thre fcore wynter of age / and fhe broughte hym there as was a turnement nyghe the marche of walys / and at that tornement fyre Vwayne fmote doune xxx knyghtes / therfore was gyuen hym the pryfe / and that was a gerfaukon / and a whyte ftede trapped with clothe of 30 gold / Soo thenne fyr Vwayn dyd many ftraunge auentures by the meanes of the old damoyfel / and fo fhe broughte hym to a lady that was called the lady of the roche / the which was moche curtois / So there were in the countrey two kny3tes that were bretheren / and they were called two peryllous knygh35 tes / the one knyghte hyght fyre Edward of the reed caftel / & [leaf 78 verso] sooh iv.] [ I57 ] [Cbap. r;viii. the other fyr Hue of the reed caftel / And thefe two bretheren had difheryted the lady of the roche of a Baronry of landes by their extorfion / And as this kny3t was lodged with this lady fhe made her compleynt to hym of thefe two knyghtes / Madame fayd fyr Vwayne / they are to blame / for they doo a- 5 geynft the hyghe ordre of knyghthode & the othe that they ma-, de / And yf hit lyke yow I wille fpeke with hem by caufe I am a knyghte of kynge Arthurs / and I wylle entrete them with fayreneffe / And yf they wylle not I fhalle doo bataille with them and in the deffenfe of youre ryghte / gramercy fayd to the lady / and there as I maye not acquyte yow / god fhalle / Soo on the morne the two knyghtes were fente for / that they fhold come thyder to fpeke with the lady of the roche / and wete ye wel they fayled not / for they cam with an C hors / But whan this lady fawe them in this maner foo bygge / fhe wold 15 not fuffre fyr Vwayne to goo oute to them vpon no furete ne for no fayr langage / but fhe made hym fpeke with them ouer a toure / but fynally thefe two bretheren wold not be entreated and anfuerd that they wold kepe that they had / wel faid fyr Vwayne / thenne wylle I fyghte with one of yow / and pre- 20 ue that ye doo this lady wronge / that wille we not faid they For and we doo bataille we two wyl fyghte with one kny3t at ones / and therfore yf ye wille fyghte foo we wille be redy at what houre ye wille affigne / And yf ye wynne vs in bataille the lady Ihal haue her landes ageyne / ye fay wel fayd fir 25 Vwayne / therfor make yow redy fo that ye be here to morne in the defence of the ladyes ryght EC Capitulum xxviij 0 was there fykerneffe made on both partyes that no treafon fhold be wrought on neyther partye / foo thenne the knyghtes departed and made hem redy / and that nyghte 30 fyr Vwayn had grete chere / And on the morne he arofe erly and herd maffe and brake his faft / and foo he rode vnto the playn withoute the gates where houed the two bretheren abydynge hym / Soo they rode to gyders paffynge fore that fyre Edward and fyr Hue brake their fperes vpon fyr Vwayne 35 [leaf 79] soolt iv.] [ I58 ] [Cbap. lTil. And fyr Vwayne fmote fyre Edward that he felle ouer his hors and yet his fpere braft not / And thenne he fpored his hors and came vpon fyr Hue and ouerthrewe hym / but they foone recouerd and dreffid their fheldes and drewe their fuer5 des and bad fyre Vwayne alyghte and doo his bataill to the vttermeft / Thenne fyr Vwayn deuoyded his hors fodenly / & put his fhelde afore hym and drewe his fwerde / and foo they dreffyd to gyders and eyther gaf other fuche ftrokes / & there thefe two bretheren wounded fyr Vwayne paffyng greuoufly io that the lady of the roche wende he fhold haue dyed / And thus they fought to gyders fyue houres as men raged oute of reafon / And at the lafte fyr Vwayne fmote fyre Edward vpon // the helme fuche a ftroke that his fwerd kerued vnto his canelbone / and thenne fyr Hue abated his courage / but fyr Vwai5 yn preffed faft to haue flayne hym / That fawe fyr Hue he kneled doune and yelde hym to fyr Vwayne and he of his gentilneffe receyued his fwerd and took hym by the hand & went in to the caftel to gyders / thenne the lady of the roche was paffyng glad and the other broder made grete forowe for his bro20 ders dethe / thenne the lady was reftored of al her landes / and fyr Hue was commaunded to be at the Courte of kynge Arthur at the next feeft of penthecoft / So fir Vwayn dwelt with the lady nyghe half a yere / for it was longe or he myghte be hole of his grete hurtes / and foo whan it drewe nygh the terme 25 day that fyr gawayn fyr Marhaus and fyre Vwayne fhold mete at the croffe way/ thenne euery knyght drewe hym thyder to holde his promyfe that they had made / & fyr Marhaus and fyr Vwayne broughte their damoyfels with them / but fir Gawayn had loft his damoyfel as it is afore reherced Capitulum yyfy 30 H Yght foo at the twelue monethes ende they mette alle thre knyghtes at the fontayne and their damoifels but the damoyfel that fyr gawayn had coude faye but lytel worIhip of hym / foo they departed from the damoyfels and roode [leaf 79 verso] :fooIk i,.] [ 159 ] [Cbap. rrtf thurgh a grete foreft / and there they mette with a meffager that cam fro kynge Arthur that foughte them wel nyhe a xij moneth thorou oute al Englond / walys and Scotland/ and charged yf euer he myght fynde fyre Gawayn and fyre Vwayn to brynge hem to the courte ageyne / And thenne we- 5 re they al gladde / and foo prayd they fyre Marhaus to ryde with hem to the kynges courte / And foo within twelue dayes they cam to Camelot / and the kynge was paffyng glad of their comynge and foo was alle the Courte / thenne the kyng made hem to fwere vpon a book to telle hym alle theire aduentures Io that had befalle hem that twelue monethe and foo they dyd / And there was fir Marhaus wel knowen / for ther were knyghtes that he had matched afore tyme / and he was named one of the beft knyghtes lyuyng / Ageyne the feeft of pentecoft cam the damoyfel of the lake and broughte with hir fyr Pelle- 15 as / and at that hyhe feeft there was grete Iuftynge of knyghtes/ and of al knyghtes that were at that Iuftes / fyr Pelleas had the pryfe / and fyr Marhaus was named the next / but fyr Pelleas was foo ftronge / there myght but fewe knyghtes fytte hym a buffet with a fpere / And at that next feeft fir pel- 20 leas and fyr marhaus were made knyghtes of the table roud For there were two feges voyde / for two knyghtes were flayn that twelue moneth / and grete ioye had kynge Arthur of fire Pelleas and of fire Marhaus / but Pelleas loued neuer after fire Gawayne but as he fpared hym for the loue of kyng ar- 25 thur / But oftymes at Iuftes and turnementes fire Pelleas quyte fire Gawayn / for fo it reherceth in the book of Frenfihe / Soo fire Tryftram many dayes after faughte with fire Marhaus in an yland / and there they dyd a grete bataylle / but at the laft fire Tryftram flewe hym / foo fire Tryftram was wou- 30 ded that vnnethe he myght recouer and lay at a nonnery halfe a yere / and fire Pelleas was a worfhipful knyghte / & was one of the four that encheued the fancgreal / and the damoyfel of the lake made by her meanes that neuer he had adoo with fire launcelot de lake/ for where fire launcelot was at ony Iuftes / 35 or ony tornement / fhe wold not fuffre hym be there that daye / but yf it were on the fyde of fire launcelot / [leaf 8o] Z ook v*] [ I60 ] [Cbap. f. C Etplicit liber quartus.... tI 3ncipit liber quintus Hanne kyng Arthur had after longe werre refIed / and helde a Ryal feefte and table rounde with his alyes of kynges / prynces / and noble knyghtes all of the round table / there came in to 5 t _^^B his halle he fyttynge in his throne Ryal xij aucyen men / berynge eche of them a braunche of Olyue in token that they cam as Embaffatours and meffagers fro the Emperour Lucyus / whiche was called at that tyme / Dictatour or procurour of the publyke wele of Rome / whiche fayde meffao0 gers after their entryng & comyng in to the prefence of kynge Arthur dyd to hym theyr obeyffauce in makyng to hym reuerence faid to hym in this wyfe / The hyghe & myghty Emperour Lucyus fendeth to the kyng of Bretayne gretyng / c6mafdyng the to knouleche hym for thy lord / and to fende hym the truaI5 ge due of this Royamme vnto thempyre / whiche thy fader and other to fore thy preceffours haue paid as is of record / And thou as rebelle not knowynge hym as thy fouerayne withholdeft and reteyneft contrary to the ftatutes and decrees maade by the noble and worthy Iulius Cezar conquerour of this 20 Royame / and fyrit Emperour of Rome / and yf thou refufe his demaunde and commaundement / knowe thou for certayne that he fhal make ftronge werre ageynft the / thy Royames & londes / and fhall chaftyfe the and thy fubgettys / that it fhal be enfamble perpetuel vnto alle kynges and prynces / for to denye 25 their truage vnto that noble empyre whiche domyneth vpon the vnyuerfal world / Thenne whan they had fhewed theffecte of their meffage / the kyng commaunded them to withdrawe them And faid he fhold take auyce of counceylle and gyue to them an anfuere / Thenne fomme of the yonge knyghtes heryng this 30 their meffage wold haue ronne on them to haue flayne them fayenge that it was a rebuke to alle the knyghtes there beyng prefent to fuffre them to faye fo to the kynge/ And anone the [leaf 80 verso] / V:ook V.] [ I6I1 [~bap. ii. kynge commaunded that none of them vpon payne of dethe to myffaye them ne doo them ony harme / and commanded a knyghte to brynge them to their lodgynge / and fee that they haue alle that is neceffary and requyfyte for them / with the beft che- re / and that noo deyntee be fpared / For the Romayns ben gre- 5 te lordes / and though theyr meffage pleafe me not ne my court yet I muft remembre myn honour / ( After this the kyng lete calle alle his lordes and knyghtes of the round table to counceyl vpon this mater / and defyred them to faye theire aduys / thenne fyr Cador of Cornewaile fpacke fyrfte and fayd xo Syre this meffage lyketh me wel / for we haue many dayes refled vs and haue ben ydle / and now I hope ye fhalle make fharp warre on the Romayns where I doubte not we fhal gete honour / I byleue wel fayd Arthur that this mater pleafeth the wel / but thefe anfuers may not be anfuerd / for the dema- 15 unde greueth me fore / For truly I wyl neuer paye truage to Rome / wherfore I pray yow to counceylle me /I haue vnderftande that Bellinus and Brenius kynges of Bretayne haue had thempyre in their handes many dayes / And alfo Conftantyn the fone of Heleyne / whiche is an open euydence that 20 we owe noo trybute to Rome / but of ryght we that ben defcended of them haue ryght to clayme the tytle of thempyre / C Capitulum iecunbum Henne anfuerd kynge Anguyffhe of Scotland / Syr ye oughte of ryght to be aboue al other kynges / for vnto yow is none lyke ne pareylle in Cryftendome / of kny3t- 25 hode ne of dygnyte / & I counceylleyou neuer to obey the Romayns / for whan they regned on vs / they deftreffyd oure elders / and putte this land to grete extorcions & taylles / wherfore I make here myn auowe to auenge me on them / and for to ftrengthe youre quarel I fhal furnyffhe xyM good men 30 of warre and wage them on my coftes / whiche fhal awayte on yow with my felf whan it fhal pleafe yow / and the kyng of lytel Bretayne graunted hym to the fame xxxM / wherfor kynge Arthur thanked them / And thenne euery man [leaf 8 ] L 3Book,.] [ 162 ] [Cbap. it agreed to make warre / and to ayde after their power / that is to wete the lord of weftwalis promyfed to brynge xxx M men And fyr Vwayne / fyre Ider his fone with their cofyns promyfed to brynge xxx M / thenne fyre launcelot with alle other 5 promyfed in lyke wyfe euery man a grete multytude / ( And whan kynge Arthur vnderftood theire courages and good wylles / he thanked them hertely / and after lete calle thembaffatours to here theire anfuere / And in pretence of alle his lordes and knyghtes he fayd to them in thys wyfe / I wylle that io ye retorne vnto your lord and procurour of the comyn wele for the Romayns / and faye ye to hym Of his demaunde and commaundement I fette nothyng / And that I knowe of no truage ne trybute that I owe to hym / ne to none erthely prynce / Cryften ne hethen / but I pretende to haue and occupye the fo15 ueraynte of thempyre / wherin I am entytled by the ryght of my predeceffours fomtyme kynges of this lond / and faye to hym that I am delybered and fully concluded to goo wyth myn armye with ftrengthe and power vnto Rome by the grace of god to take poffeffion in thempyre / and fubdue them that 20 ben rebelle / wherfore I commaunde hym and alle them of Rome that incontynent they make to me their homage or to knouleche me for their Emperour and gouernour vpon payne that fhal enfiewe / And thenne he commaunded his treforer to gyue to them grete and large yeftes / and to paye alle theyr dif25 pencys / and affygned fyre Cador to conueye them oute of the land / and foo they took theire leue and departed / and tooke theyr fhyppynge at Sandwyche / and paffed forthe by flaundrys / Almayn / the montayns / and all ytalye vntyl they cam vnto Lucius / And after the reuerence made / they made relacy30 on of their anfuer lyke as ye to fore haue herd / whan themperour Lucyus had wel vnderftonde theyre credence / he was fore meued as he had ben al araged / & fayd / I had fuppofed that Arthur wold haue obeyed to my commaundement / and haue ferued yow hym felf / as hym wel byfemed or ony other kyng 35 to doo / O fyre fayd one of the fenatours late be fuche vayn wordes / for we late yow wete that I and my felawes were ful fore aferd to beholde his countenaunce / I fere me ye haue made a rodde for your felf / for he entendeth to be lord of this empyre [leaf 8I verso] :Book V.] [ I63 ] [Cbap. ii. whiche fore is to be doubted yf he come / for he is al another ma than ye wene / and holdeth the moft noble courte of the world alle other kynges ne prynces maye not compare vnto his noble mayntene / On newe yeres daye we fawe hym in his eftate whiche was the ryalleft that euer we fawe / for he was ferued 5 at his table with ix kynges / and the nobleft felaufhip of other prynces lordes and knyghtes that ben in the world / and euery knyghte approued and lyke a lord and holdeth table roud And in his perfone the mooft manly man that lyueth / and is lyke to conquere alle the world / for vnto his courage it is to io lytel / wherfore I aduyfe yow to kepe wel youre marches and ftraytes in the montayns / For certaynly he is a lord to be doubted / Wel fayd Lucius bifore Eefter I fuppofe to paffe the moutayns and foo forth in to fraunce / and there byreue hym his londes with Ianeweyes and other myghty warryours of 15 Tufkane and lombardye / And I fhall fende for them all that ben fubgettys and alyed to thepyre of Rome to come to myn ayde / and forthwith fente old wyfe knyghtes vnto thefe countrayes folowynge / fyrfte to ambage and arrage / to Alyfaundrye / to ynde. to hermonye / where as the ryuer of Eufrates ren- 20 neth in to Afye / to Auffryke / and Europe the large / to ertayne and Elamye to Arabye / Egypte and to damafke / to damyete and Cayer / to Capadoce / to tarce / Turkye / pounce / and pampoylle / to Surrye and gallacye / And alle thefe were fubgette to Rome and many moo / as Grece / Cypres / Macydone 25 Calabre / Cateland / portyngale with many thoufandes of fpaynardys / Thus alle thefe kynges / dukes / and admyrals affembled aboute Rome with xvj kynges attones with grete multytude of peple / whan themperour vnderftood their comyng / he made redy his Romayns / and alle the people bytwene hym & 30 Flaundres ( Alfo he hadde goten wyth hym fyfty Geaunts whiche had ben engendred of fendys And they were ordeyned to garde his perfone / and to breke the frounte of the bataylle of kynge Arthur / And thus departed fro Rome and came doune the montayns 35 for to deftroye the londes that Arthur had conquerd and cam vnto Coleyne / and byfeged a Caflel there by / and wanne it foone and fiuffed hit with two honderd farafyns or Infydeles [leaf 82] i j 3Sook V.] [ i64 ] [ebap. itf and after deftroyed many fayr countrees / whiche Arthur had wonne of kyng Claudas / And thus Lucius cam with alle his hooft whiche were difperplyd Ix myle in brede / and commaunded them to mete with hym in Burgoyne / for he purpo5 fed to deftroye the Royame of lytyl Bretayne/ Capitulo tercio Ow leue we of Lucius the emperour and fpeke we of kynge Arthur / that commaunded alle them of his retenue to be redy atte vtas of hyllary for to holde a parlement at yorke / And at that parlement was concluded to arefte alle lo the nauye of the lond and to be redy within xv dayes at fandwyche / and there he fhewed to his armye how he purpofed to conquere thempyre whiche he ought to haue of ryght / And there he ordeyned two gouernours of his Royame that is to fay Syre Bawdewyn of Bretayne for to counceille to the beft and 15 fyr Conftantyn fone to fyre Cador of Cornewaylle / whiche after the dethe of Arthur was kyng of this Royamme / And in the prefence of alle his lordes he refyned the rule of the royame and Gweneuer his quene to them / wherfore fyre launcelot was wrothe / for he lefte fyre Tryftram with kynge marke for 20 the loue of beal Ifoulde / Thenne the quene Gweneuer made grete forowe for the departynge of her lord and other / and fwouned in fuche wyfe that the ladyes bare her in to her chambre Thus the kyng with his grete armye departed leuyng the quene and Royamme in the gouernaunce of fyre Bawduyn and 25 Conftantyn / And whan he was on his hors / he fayd with an hyhe voys yf I dye in this iourney I wyl that fyre Conftantyn be myn heyer and kyng crowned of this royame as next of my blood / And after departed and entred in to the fee atte Sandwyche with alle his armye with a greete multitude of 30 fhyppes / galeyes / Cogges / and dromoundes / fayllynge on the fee/ [leaf 82 verso] :3oofk.] [ i65 I [Cba p. W CI Capitulum iiij Nd as the kyng laye in his caban in the fhyp / he fyll in a flomerynge and dremed a merueyllous dreme / hym femed that a dredeful dragon dyd drowne moche of his peple / and he cam fleynge oute of the weft / and his hede was enameled with afure / and his iholders ihone as gold / his be- s ly lyke maylles of a merueyllous hewe / his taylle ful of tatters / his feet ful of fyne fable / & his clawes lyke fyne gold And an hydous flamme of fyre flewe oute of his mouthe / lyke as the londe and water had flammed all of fyre / After hym femed there came oute of thoryent / a grymly bore al blak Io in a clowde / and his pawes as bygge as a poft / he was rugged lokynge roughly / he was the fouleft beeft that euer man fawe / he rored and romed foo hydoufly that it were merueill to here / Thenne the dredeful dragon auaunced hym and cam in the wynde lyke a fawcon gyuynge grete ftrokes on the bore / 15 and the bore hytte hym ageyne with his gryfly tufkes / that his breft was al blody / and that the hote blood made alle the fee reed of his blood / Thenne the dragon flewe awey al on an hey3te / and come doune with fuche a fwough and fmote the bore on the rydge whi- 20 che was x foote large fro the hede to the taylle / and fmote the bore all to powdre bothe fleffhe and bonys / that it flutteryd al abrode on the fee / And therwith the kynge awoke anone / and was fore abaffhed of this dreme / And fente anone for a wyfe philofopher / commaundynge to telle hym the fygnyfycacion of 25 his dreme / Syre fayd the philofopher / the dragon that thow dremedeft of / betokeneth thyn owne perfone that faylleft here / & the colours of his wynges ben thy Royames that thow hafte wonne / And his taylle whiche is al to tatterd fygnefyeth the noble knyghtes of the round table f And the 30 bore that the dragon flough comyng fro the clowdes / betokeneth fome tyraunt that tormenteth the peple / or else thow arte lyke to fyghte with fomme Geaunt thy felf / beynge horryble and abhomynable whoos pere ye fawe neuer in your dayes / wherfore [leaf 83] i ij :ook v.] [ I66 ] [ebap.. of this dredeful dreme doubte the no thynge / but as a Conquerour come forth thy felf / Thenne after this foone they had fyghte of londe and faylled tyl they arryued atte Barflete in Flaundres / and whanne they were there he fond many 5 of his grete lordes redy / as they had ben commaunded to awayte vpon hym C Capitulum v Henne came to hym an hufbond man of the countrey / and told hym how there was in the countre of Conftantyn befyde Bretayne a grete gyaunt whiche hadde o0 flayne murthered and deuoured moche peple of the countreye and had ben fufteyned feuen yere with the children of the comyns of that land / in foo moche that alle the children ben alle flayne and deftroyed / and now late he hath taken the ducheffe of Bretayne as fhe rode by with her meyne / and hath ledde her 15 to his lodgynge whiche is in a montayne for to rauyffhe and lye by her to her lyues ende / and many people folowed her moo than v C / but alle they myghte not refcowe her / but they lefte her fhrykyng and cryenge lamentably / wherfore I fuppofe that he hath flayn her in fulfyllynge his fowle luft of le20 chery / She was wyf vnto thy Cofyn fyre Howel / whome we calle ful nyhe of thy blood / Now as thow a ryghtful kynge haue pyte on this lady / and reuenge vs al as thow arte a noble conquerour / (I Alas fayd kynge Arthur / this is a grete mefchyef / I had leuer than the belt Royame that I haue / 25 that I hadde ben a forlonge way to fore hym for to haue refcowed that lady / (4 Now felawe fayd kynge Arthur canft thou brynge me there as thys gyaunt haunteth / ye fyre fayd the good man / loo yonder where as thow feeft tho two grete fyres / there fhalt thou fynde hym / and more trefour 30 than I fuppofe is in al Fraunce / whanne the kynge hadde vnderftanden this pyteous caas / he retorned in to his tente / ([ Thenne he callyd to hym fyre kaye and fyre Bedewere / & commaunded them fecretely to make redy hors and harneis for hym felf and them tweyne / For after euenfonge he wold 35 ryde on pylgremage with them two only vnto faynt Mychels [leaf 83 verso] ZBook v.] [ i67 ] [Cbap. v. mounte / And thenne anone he maad hym redy / and armed hym at alle poyntes / and tooke his hors and his fheld / And foo they thre departed thens and rode forthe as fafte as euer they my3t tyl that they cam to the forlond of that mount And there they alyghted / and the kynge commaunded them 5 to tarye there / for he wold hym felf goo vp in to that mounte And foo he afcended up in to that hylle tyl he came to a grete fyre / and there he fonde a careful wydowe wryngynge her handes and makyng grete forowe fyttynge by a graue newe made / And thenne kynge Arthur falewed her / and demaunded Io of her wherfore fhe made fuche lamentacion / to whome fhe anfuerd and fayd Syre knyghte fpeke fofte / for yonder is a deuyll yf he here the fpeke / he wylle come and deftroye the /I hold the vnhappy what doff thow here in this mountayne / For yf ye were fuche fyfty as ye be / ye were not able to ma- 15 ke refyftence ageynft this deuyl / here lyeth a ducheffe deede the whiche was the fayreft of alle the world wyf to fyre Howel / duc of Bretayne / he hath murthred her in forcynge her / and has flytte her vnto the nauyl / ( Dame fayd the kynge / I came fro the noble Conqueroure kynge Arthur for to treate 20 with that tyraunt for his lyege peple / Fy on fuche treatys fayd fhe / he fetteth not by the kynge ne by no man els / But and yf thou haue broughte Arthurs wyf dame Gweneuer / he fhalle be gladder than thow haddeft gyuen to hym half fraunce / Beware approche hym not to nygh / for he hath vaynquyf- 25 fhed xv kynges / and hath maade hym a cote ful of precious ftones enbrowdred with theyre berdes / whiche they fente hym to haue his loue for fauacion of theyr peple at this lafte Cryftemaffe / And yf thow wylt / fpeke with hym at yonder grete fyre at fouper / wel fayd Arthur I wyll accomplyffhe my mef- 30 fage for al your ferdful wordes / and wente forth by the creaft of that hylle / and fawe where he fatte atte fouper gnawynge on a lymme of a man / bekynge his brode lymmes by the fyre and brecheles / and thre fayr damoyfels tornynge thre broches wheron were broched twelue yonge children late borne lyke 35 yonge byrdes I Whanne kynge Arthur beheld that pyteous fy3te / he had grete compaffion on them fo that his hert [leaf 84] i iij Jook \,.] [ i68 ] [Cbap. v. bledde for forowe / and hayled hym fayeng in this wyfe he that alle the world weldeth gyue the ihorte lyf & fhameful dethe / And the deuyl haue thy foule / why haft thow murthred thefe yonge Innocent children / and murthred this ducheffe / Ther5 fore aryfe and dreffe the thow gloton / For this day fhall thou dye of my hand / Thenne the gloton anone ftarte vp and tooke a grete clubbe in his hand / and fmote at the kynge that his coronal fylle to the erthe / and the kynge hytte hym ageyn that he carf his bely and cutte of his genytours / that his guttes & lo his entraylles fylle doune to the ground / thenne the gyaunt threwe awey his clubbe / and caught the kynge in his armes that he cruffhyd his rybbes / Thenne the thre maydens knelyd doune and callyd to Cryft for helpe and comforte of Arthur And thenne Arthur weltred and wrong / that he was other 15 whyle vnder and another tyme aboue / And fo weltryng and walowynge they rolled doune the hylle / tyl they came to the fee marke / and euer as they foo weltred / Arthur fmote hym with his daggar / and it fortuned they came to the place/ where as the two knyghtes were and kepte Arthurs hors / then20 ne when they fawe the kynge faft in the gyaunts armes / they came and lofed hym / And thenne the kynge commaunded fyr kaye to fmyte of the gyaunts hede / and to fette it vpon a truncheon of a fpere / and bere it to fyre howel / and telle hym that his enemy was flayne / and after late this hede be bounden to 25 a barbycan that alle the peple may fee and behold hit / and go ye two up to the montayn / and fetche me my iheld / my fuerd and the clubbe of yron / And as for the trefour take ye it/ for ye ihalle fynde there good oute of nombre / So I haue the kertyl and the clubbe I defyre no more / This was the fyerft gy30 aunt that euer I mette with / fauf one in the mount of Arabe / whiche I ouercame / but this was gretter and fyerfer / Thenne the knyghtes fette the clubbe and the kyrtyl / and fome of the trefour they took to them felf / and retorned ageyne to the hoft And anone this was knowen thurgh alle the countrey / wher 35 for the peple came and thanked the kynge / And he fayd ageyne yeue the thanke to god / and departe the goodes among yow / And after that kynge Arthur fayd and commaunded his Cofyn howel that he fhold ordeyne for a chirche to be bylded [leaf 84 verso] _.. ---f' 3Book v.] [ I69 ] [Cbap. vi. on the fame hylle in the worfhip of faynte Mychel / ( And on the morne the kynge remeuyd with his grete bataylle / and came in to Champayne and in a valeye / and there they pyght their tentys / and the kynge beynge fet at his dyner / ther cam in two meffagers / of whome that one was Marchal of frauce 5 and fayd to the kyng that themperour was entryd in to fraunce/ and had deftroyed a grete parte and was in Burgoyn and had deftroyed and made grete flaughter of peple & brente townes and borowes / wherfor yf thou come not haftely / they muff yelde vp their bodyes and goodes / Io (C apitulum fextum Henne the kynge dyd doo calle fyre Gawayne / fyre Borce / fyr Lyonel and fyre Bedewere / and commaunded them to goo ftrayte to fyre Lucius / and faye ye to hym that haftely he remeue oute of my land / And yf he wil not / bydde hym make hym redy to bataylle and not diftreffe the iS poure peple / Thenne anone thefe noble knyghtes dreffyd them to horfbak / And whanne they came to the grene wood / they fawe many pauelions fette in a medowe of fylke of dyuerfe colours befyde a ryuer / And themperours pauelione was in the myddle with an egle difplayed aboue / To the whiche tente 20 our knyghtes rode toward / and ordeyned fyr Gawayn and fyre Bors to doo the meffage / And lefte in a buffhement fyre Lyonel / and fyre Bedwere / And thenne fyre Gawayn and fyr Borce dyd their meffage / and commaunded Lucius in Arthurs name to auoyde his lond / or fhortly to adreffe hym to ba- 25 taylle / To whome Lucius anfuerde and fayd ye fhalle retorne to your lord and faye ye to hym that I fhall fubdue hym and alle his londes / Thenne fyre Gawayn was wrothe and fayde I hadde leuer than alle Fraunce fyghte ageynft the / and foo hadde I faide fyr Borce leuer than alle Bretayne or bur- 30 goyne ([ Thenne a knyght named fyre Gaynus nyghe cofyn to the Emperour fayde / loo how thefe Bretons ben ful of pryde and booft / and they bragge as though they bare up alle the worlde / Thenne fyre Gawayne was fore greued [leaf 85] i iiij Ziook V.] [ 170 ] [Cbap. vf. with thefe wordes / and pulled oute his fwerd and fmote of his hede / And therwith torned theyr horfes and rode ouer waters and thurgh woodes tyl they came to theyre buffhement / where as fyr Lyonel and fyr Bedeuer were houyng / The ro5 mayns folowed faft after on horfbak and on foote ouer a chapayn vnto a wood / thenne fyre Boors torned his hors / and fawe a knyghte come faft on / whome he fmote thurgh the body with a fpere that he fylle dede doune to the erthe / thenne cam Callyburne one of the ftrengeft of pauye and fmote doun mai0 ny of Arthurs knyghtes / And whan fyr Bors fawe hym do foo moche harme he adreffyd toward hym & fmote hym thur3 the breft that he fylle doune dede to the erthe / Thenne fyr Feldenak thought to reuenge the dethe of gaynus vpon fyre Gawayn / but fyre gawayn was ware therof and fmote hym on 15 the hede / whiche ftroke ftynted not tyl it came to his brefte / And thenne he retorned and came to his felawes in the buffhement / And there was a recountre / for the buffhement brake on the Romayns / and flewe and hewe doune the Romayns and forced the Romayns to flee and retorne / whome the no20 ble knyghtes chaced vnto theyr tentes / Thenne the Romayns gadred more peple / and alfo foote men cam on / and ther was a newe bataille and foo moche peple that fyr Bors and fyr Berel were taken / but whan fyre gawayn fawe that / he tooke with hym fyre Idrus the good knyght and fayd he wold ne25 uer fee kynge Arthur but yf he refcued them / and pulled out galatyn his good fwerd / and folowed them that ledde tho ij knyghtes awaye / and he fmote hym that lad fyre Bors / and took fyr Bors fro hym and delyuerd hym to his felawes / And fyre Idrus in lyke wyfe refcowed fyre Berel / thenne 30 beganne the bataill to be grete that oure kny3tes were in grete leopardy / wherfore fyre Gawayn fente to kyng Arthur for focour and that he hye hym for I am fore wounded / and that oure pryfoners may paye good oute of nombre / And the meffager came to the kyng and told hym his meffage / And anon 35 the kynge dyd doo affemble his armye / but anone or he departed the pryfoners were comen / and fyre gawayn and his felawes gate the felde and put the Romayns to flyght / and after retorned and came with their felaufhip in fuche wyfe / that [leaf 85 verso] Sook.] [ I71 ] [Cbap. Wif. no man of worfhip was lofte of them / fauf that fyr Gawayn was fore hurte / Thenne the kynge dyd do ranfake his woundes and comforted hym / And thus was the begynnynge of the fyrft iourney of the brytons and Romayns / and ther were flayne of the Romayns moo than ten thoufand / and grete 5 ioye and myrthe was made that nyghte in the hooft of kynge Arthur / And on the morne he fente alle the pryfoners in to parys vnder the garde of fyre launcelot with many knyghtes & of fyr Cador C Capitulum vif Ow tome we to the Emperour of Rome whiche afpy- io ed that thefe pryfoners fhold be fente to Parys / and anone he fente to leye in a buffhement certayne knyghtes and prynces with fyxty thoufand men for to refcowe his knyghtes and lordes that were pryfoners / And fo on the morne as Launcelot and fyre Cador chyuetayns and gouernours of all I5 them that conueyed the pryfoners as they fholde paffe thurgh a wode fyr Laucelot fente certayne knyghtes tefpye yf ony were in the woodes to lette them / And whanne the faid knyghtes cam in to the wood / anone they afpyed and fawe the grete enbuffhement / and retorned and told fyr Laicelot that ther lay 20 in a wayte for them thre fcore thoufand Romayns / And thenne fyr Launcelot with fuche knyghtes as he hadde and men of warre to the nombre of x M put them in araye and met wyth them and foughte with them manly / and flewe and dretenchid many of the Romayns / and flewe many knyghtes & ad- 25 myrals of the party of the Romayns and farafyns / ther was flayne the kynge of lylye and thre grete lordes Aladuke / herawde and heryngdale / but fyr Launcelot fought foo nobly that no man myght endure a ftroke of his hande / but where he came he fhewed his proweffe and myght / for he flewe doune ryght 30 on euery fyde / And the Romayns and farafyns fledde from hym as the fheep fro the wulf or fro the lyon / and putt them alle that abode alyue to flyght / And fo longe they fou3te that tydynges came to kynge Arthur / And anone he graythed hym and came to the bataille / and fawe his knyghtes how they had 35 [leaf 86] r 1", r,"P-. -1:ook v.] L 1 7 J L oapv. VIm vaynquyffhed the bataylle / he enbraced them knyght by kny3te in his armes and faid ye be worthy to welde all your honour and worihip / there was neuer kynge fauf my felf that had fo noble knyghtes / Syre fayd Cador there was none of vs fail5 led other / but of the proweffe and manhode of fyre Launcelot were more than wonder to telle / and alfo of his cofyns whiche dyd that daye many noble feates of werre / And alfo fyre Cador tolde who of his knyghtes were flayne / as fyr beriel & other fyr Morys and fyr Maurel two good knyghtes / thenIo ne the kynge wepte and dryed his eyen with a keuerchyef / & fayd your courage had nere hand deftroyed yow / For though ye had retorned ageyne / ye had loft no worfhip/ For I calle hit foly / knyghtes to abyde whan they be ouermatched / Nay fayd Launcelot and the other / For ones fhamed maye neuer IS be recouerd C Capitulum viij Ow leue we kynge Arthur and his noble knyghtes whiche had wonne the felde / and had brought theyre pryfoners to parys / and fpeke we of a fenatour whiche efcaped fro the bataille/ and came to Lucius themperour & fayd to 20 hym / Syre emperour I aduyfe the for to withdrawe the / what doff thow here / thow ihalt wynne noo thynge in thefe marches but grete ftrokes oute of al mefure / For this day one of Arthurs knyghtes was worth in the batayll an honderd of ours Fy on the fayd Lucius thow fpekeff cowardly / for thy wor25 des greue me more than alle the loffe that I had this day / and anone he fende forth a kynge whiche hyghte fyr leomye with a grete armye / and badde hym hye hym faft to fore / and he wold folowe haftely after / kynge Arthur was warned pryuely / & fente his peple to Seffoyne / and toke vp the townes & caftels 30 fro the Romayns / Thenne the kyng commaunded fyr Cador to take the rereward / & to take with hym certayne knyghtes of the round table / and fyre Launcelot / fyre Bors / fyr kay / fyre Marrok with fyre Marhaus fhalle awayte on our perfone / Thus the kynge Arthur difperplyd his hooft in dyuerfe par35 tyes / to thende that his enemyes fhold not efcape whanne the [leaf 86 verso] Book V.] [ I73 ] [Cbap.,ii. Emperour was entryd in to the vale of Seffoyne / he myghte fee where kynge Arthur was enbatailled and his baner dyfplayed / and he was byfette round aboute with his enemyes / that nedes he muff fyghte or yelde hym / for he myght not flee / But fayd openly vnto the Romayns / fyrs I admonefte you 5 that this day ye fyghte and acquyte yow as men / and remembre how Rome domyneth and is chyef and hede ouer alle the erthe and vnyuerfal world / and fuffre not thefe bretons thys day to abyde ageynfte vs / & ther with he dyd commaunde hys tr6pettes to blowe the blody fownes in fuche wyfe that the gro- Io und trembled and dyndled / Thenne the batails approuched and fhoue and fhowted on bothe fydes and grete ftrokes were fmyten on bothe fydes / many men ouerthrowen / hurte / & flayn and grete valyaunces/ proweffes and appertyces of werre were that day fhewed / whiche were ouer long to recounte the no- I5 ble feates of euery man / For they fhold conteyne an hole volume / But in efpecyal kynge Arthur rode in the bataille exhortynge his knyghtes to doo wel / and hym felf dyd as nobly with his handes as was poffyble a man to doo / he drewe oute Excalibur his fwerd / and awayted euer where as the ro- 20 mayns were thyckeft and mooft greued his peple / and anone he adreffyd hym on that parte and hewe and flewe doune ry3t and refcued his peple/ and he flewe a grete gyaunt named galapas / whiche was a man of an huge quantyte and heyghte he fhorted hym and fmote of bothe his legges by the knees / fa- 25 yenge Now arte thow better of a fyfe to dele with / than thou were / and after fmote of his hede / there fyre gawayn foughte nobly and flewe thre admyrales in that bataill / And fo dyd alle the knyghtes of the round table / Thus the bataill bitwene kynge Arthur and Lucius themperour endured longe / Lu- 30 cius had on his fyde many farafyns / whiche were flayn / and thus the bataille was grete / and oftfydes that one party was at a fordele and anone at an afterdele / whiche endured fo longe tyl at the laft kyng Arthur afpyed / where Lucius themperour fought / and dyd wonder with his owne handes / And anon he 35 rode to hym / And eyther fmote other fyerfly / and atte laft Lucyus fmote Arthur thwart the vyfage / and gaf hym a large wound / And whanne kyng Arthur felte hym felf hurte / anon [leaf 87] 3BooTk.] [ I74 ] [Cbap. viff he fmote hym ageyne with Excalibur that it clefte his hede fro the fomette of his hede / and ftynted not tyl it cam to his brefte And thenne themperour fylle doune dede / and there ended his lyf / And whan it was knowen that themperour was flayne 5 anone alle the Romayns with all their hooft put them to flyght / and kynge Arthur with alle his knyghtes folowed the chaas / and flewe doune ryght alle them that they myghte atteyne / And thus was the vyctory gyuen to kynge Arthur & the tryumphe / and there were flayne on the party of Lucius Io moo than an hondred thoufand / And after kyng Arthur dyd doo ranfake the dede bodyes / and dyd doo burye them that were flayne of his retenue euery man accordynge to theftate & degree that he was of / And them that were hurte he lete the furgyens doo ferche their hurtes and woundes / and commaun15 ded to fpare no falues ne medecynes tyl they were hole / Thenne the kyng rode ftrayte to the place where themperour lucius lay dede / and with hym he fond flayne the Sowdan of Surrey / the kynge of Egypte and of Ethyope / whiche were two noble kynges with xvij other kynges of dyuerfe regy20 ons / and alfo fyxty fenatours of Rome al noble men / whome the kynge dyd do bawme and gomme with many good gommes aromatyk / and after dyd do cere them in fyxty fold of cered clothe of Sendale / and leyd them in cheftys of leed / by caufe they fhold not chauffe ne fauoure / and vpon alle thefe bo25 dyes their fheldes with theire armes and baners were fette / to thende they fhold be knowen of what country they were / and after he fonde thre Senatours whiche were on lyue to whome he fayd / for to faue your lyues I wylle that ye take thefe dede bodyes / and carye them with yow vnto grete Rome / and pre30 fente them to the poteftate on my behalue fhewynge hym my letters / and telle them that I in my perfone Ihal haftely be atte Rome / And I fuppofe the Romayns fhalle beware how they (hal demaunde ony trybute of me / And I commaunde yow to faye whan ye Ihal come to Rome to the poteftate and all the 35 counceylle and Senate / that I fende to them thefe dede bodyes for the trybute that they haue demaunded / And yf they be not content with thefe / I ihal paye more at my comynge / for other trybute owe I none / ne none other wylle I paye / And me [leaf 87 verso] Sook v.] [ 175 ] [ebap. ir. thynketh this fuffyfeth for Bretayne / Irlond and al Almayne with germanye / And ferthermore I charge yow to faye to them / that I commaunde them vpon payne of theyre hedes neuer to demaunde trybute ne taxe of me ne of my londes Thenne with this charge and commaundement the thre Sena- 5 tours afore fayd departed with alle the fayd dede bodyes leynge the body of Lucius in a carre couerd with tharmes of the Empyre al alone / And after alwey two bodyes of kynges in a charyot / and thenne the bodyes of Senatours after them and foo wente toward Rome / and fhewed theyr legacyon & lo meffage to the poteftate and Senate / recountyng the bataylle done in Fraunce / and how the feld was loft and moche people & Innumerable flayne / wherfore they aduyfed them in no wyfe to meue no more warre ageynfte that noble conqueroure Arthur / For his myght and proweffe is moft to be doubted 15 feen the noble kynges and grete multytude of knyghtes of the round table / to whome none erthely prynce may compare / I Capitulo nono Ow torne we vnto kynge Arthur and his noble knyghtes whiche after the grete bataylle acheued ageynfte the Romayns / entryd in to Lorayne braban and Flaundres 20 and fythen retorned in to hault Almayn / and fo ouer the motayns in to lombardye / and after in to Tufkane / wherin was a Cyte / whiche in no wyfe wold yelde them felf ne obeye / wherfore kynge Arthur bifeged it / and lay longe aboute hit / and gaf many affaultes to the Cyte / And they within deffended 25 them valyauntly / Thenne on a tyme the kynge called fyr florence a knyght / and fayd to hym they lacked vytaylle / and not ferre from hens ben grete foreftes and woodes / wherin ben many of myn enemyes with moche beftyayl / I wyl that thou make the redy and goo thyder in foreyeng / and take with the 30 fyr Gawayn my neuew / Syre wyffhard / fyre Clegys / Syre Cleremond and the Captayn of Cardef with other / & brynge with yow alle the beeftes that ye there can gete / And anone thefe knyghtes made them redy / and rode ouer holtys & hyllys thurgh foreftes and woodes / tyl they cam in to a fayr medow 35 [leaf 88] I 3ook V.] [ I76 ] [Cbap. v. ful of fayre floures and grafie / And there they refted them & theyr horfes alle that nyghte / And in the fpryngynge of the day in the next morne / fyre Gawayn took his hors and ftale away from his felaufhip to feke fome aduentures / And anon 5 he was ware of a man armed walkynge his hors eafyly by a wodes fyde / and his fheld laced to his fholdre fyttynge on a itronge courfer withoute ony man fauyng to a page berynge a myghty fpere. The knyght bare in his fheld thre gryffons of gold in fable charbuncle the chyef of fyluer / whan fyre GaIo wayn afpyed this gay knyght / he fewtryd his fpere and rode ftrayt to hym / and demanded of hym from whens that he was that other anfuerd and fayd he was of Tufcane /and demaunded of fyre gawayn / what profryft thow proude knyghte the fo boldly / here geteft thou no praye / thou mayft proue wha 15 thou wylt / for thou Ihalt be my pryfoner or thou departe / [ Thenne fayd gawayn / thou auaunteft the gretely and fpekett proude wordes / I couceylle the for alle thy boost that thou make the redy / and take thy gere to the / to fore gretter grame falle to the C Capitulum X 20 Z Henne they took theyr fperes and ranne eche at other with alle the myghte they had / and fmote eche other thurgh their fheldes in to theyr fholders / wherfore anone they pulled oute their fwerdes / and fmote grete ftrokes that the fyre fprange oute of their helmes / Thenne fyre gawayne was al 25 abafhed and with galatyn his good fwerd he fmote thurgh fhelde and thycke hauberke made of thyck maylles and al to ruffhed and brake the precious ftones / and made hym a large wounde / that men myghte fee bothe lyuer and long / Thenne groned that knyght / and adreffyd hym to fyr Gawayn / & with 30 an awke ftroke gaf hym a grete wound and kytte a vayne / whiche greued gawayn fore / and he bledde fore / ( Thenne the knyghte fayd to fyre Gawayn / bynde thy wounde or thy blee chaunge / for thou bybledeft al thy hors and thy fayre armes / For alle the Barbours of Bretayne fhal not conne ftaunche 35 thy blood / For who fomeuer is hurte with this blade he fhalle [leaf 88 verso] Sook V.] [ I77 ] [Cbap. r. neuer be ftaunched of bledynge / Thenne anfuerd gawayn hit greueth me but lytyl / thy grete wordes fhalle not feare me ne laffe my courage / but thow fhalt fuffre tene and forow or we departe / but telle me in haft who maye ftaunche my bledynge / That may I doo fayd the knyght yf I wylle / And fo wyll 5 I yf thou wylt focoure and ayde me that I maye be cryftned and byleue on god / And therof I requyre the of thy manhode / and it fhalle be grete meryte for thy foule I graunte faid Gawayne fo god helpe me taccomplyffhe alle thy defyre / But fyrft telle me what thou foughteft here thus allone / and io of what londe and legeaunce thou arte of / Syre he fayd my name is Pryamus / and a grete prynce is my fader / and he hath ben rebelle vnto Rome and ouer ryden many of theyr londes / My fader is lyneally defcended of Alyfaunder and of heCtor by ryght lygne / And duke Iofue and Machabeus were of I5 oure lygnage / I am ryght enherytour of Alyfaunder and auffryke and alle the oute yles / yet wyl I byleue on thy lord that thow byleueft on / And for thy laboure I fhalle yeue the trefour ynough / I was foo elate and hauteyn in my hert that I thought no man my pere ne to me femblable / I was fente 20 in to this werre with feuen fcore knyghtes / and now I haue encountred with the whiche haft gyuen to me of fyghtyng my fylle / wherfore fyr knyghte I pray the to telle me what thow arte / I am no knyght fayd gawayn / I haue ben brought vp in the garderobe with the noble kynge Arthur many yeres for 25 to take hede to his armour and his other araye / and to poynte his paltockes that longen to hym felf / At yole laft he made me yoman and gaf to me hors and harneys and an honderd pound in money / And yf fortune be my frend / I doubte not / but to be wel auaunced and holpen by my lyege lord / A fa- 30 yd Pryamus / yf his knauys be fo kene and fyers / his kny3 -tes ben paffynge good / Now for the kynges loue of heuen whether thou be a knaue or a knyghte telle thou me thy name / By god fayd fyre Gawayn / Now wyl I faye the fothe / my name is fyre gawayn and knowen I am in his courte and in 35 his chambre / and one of the knyghtes of the round table / he dubbed me a duke with owne hand / Therfore grutche not yf this grace is to me fortuned / hit is the goodneffe of god [leaf 89] M Sook V] [ I78 ] [Cbap. 1. that lente to me my ftrengthe / Now am I better pleafyd fayd Pryamus than thou haddeft gyuen to me al the prouynce and parys the ryche/ I had leuer to haue ben torn with wylde horfes / than ony varlet had wonne fuche loos / or ony page or pry5 ker fhold haue had prys on me / But now fyre knyghte I warne the/ that here by is a duke of Lorayne with his armye and the nobleft men of Dolphyne and lordes of lombardye / with the garnefon of godard / and farafyns of Southland ynombred lx M of good men of armes / wherfor but yf we Io hye vs hens / it wylle harme vs bothe / for we ben fore hurte / neuer lyke to recouer / but take hede to my page that he no horne blowe / For yf he doo ther ben houynge faft by an C kny3 -tes awaytynge on my perfone / and yf they take the / ther fhall no raunfon of gold ne fyluer acquyte the / Thenne fyre gawaI5 yne rode ouer a water for to faue hym / And the knyghte folowed hym / and foo rode forthe tyl they came to his felawes/ whiche were in the medowe / where they had ben al the nyghte Anone as fyre wychard was ware of fyre gawayn and fawe that he was hurte / he ranne to hym foroufully wepynge / and 20 demaunded of hym who had foo hurte hym / and gawayn told how he had foughten with that man / and eche of them hadde hurte other / and how he had falues to hele them / but I can telle yow other tydynges / that foone we fhal haue adoo with many enemyes / Thenne fyre pryamus and fyre gawayn alygh25 ted / and lete theire horfes grafe in the medowe and vnarmed them / And thenne the blood ranne freffhly fro theyre woundes / And pryamus toke fro his page a vyolle ful of the four waters that came oute of paradys /and with certayne baume enoynted theyr woundes / and weffhe them with that water / & 30 within an houre after / they were both as hole as euer they were / And thenne with a trompet were they alle affembled to counceylle / And there pryamus told vnto them / what lordes and knyghtes had fworne to refcowe hym / and that without faill they fhold be affailled with many thoufandes / wherfor he coun35 ceilled them to withdrawe them / Thenne fyre gawayn fayd it were grete fhame to them to auoyde withoute ony ftrokes / Wherfore I aduyfe to take oure armes and to make vs redy to mete with thefe farafyns and myfbyleuyng men / and wyth [leaf 89 verso] Zook v.] [ I79 ] [Cbap. yi. the helpe of god we fhal ouerthrowe them and haue a fayre day on them / And fyre Florens fhall abyde ftyll in thys felde to kepe the ftale as a noble knyghte/ and we fhal not forfake yonder felawes / Now fayd Pyramus feaffe your wordes / for I warne yow ye fhal fynde in yonder woodes many peryllo- 5 us knyghtes / they wylle put forthe beeftes to calle yow on / they be out of nombre / and ye are not paft vij C whiche ben ouer fewe to fyght with foo many / Neuertheles fayd fyr gawayn we fhal ones encountre them / and fee what they can do and the befte fhalle haue the vyEtory 10 ~Capitulo xf Henne fyre Florence callyd to hym fyre florydas with an honderd knyghtes and droofe forth the herde of beftes / Thenne folowed hym vij honderd men of armes / and fyr Feraunt of fpayne on a fayr ftede came fpryngynge oute of the woodes / and came to fyre Florence and axyd hym why he 15 fledde / Thenne fyre Florence took his fpere / and rode ageynfte hym / and fmote hym in the forhede and brake his necke bone / Thenne all thother were meued / and thought to auenge the dethe of fyr Feraunt / and fmote in emonge them / and there was grete fyghte and many flayne and leyd doune to gro- 20 unde / and fyr Florence with his C knyghtes alwey kepte the ftale and foughte manly / { Thenne whan Pryamus the good knyght perceyued the grede fyght / he wente to fyre Gawayn / and badde hym that he fhold goo and focoure his felaufhip / whiche were fore byfftad with their enemyes / Syr gre- 25 ue yow not fayd fyre Gawayn / For theyr gree ihall be theirs I fhall not ones meue my hors to them ward / but yf I fee mo than ther ben / For they ben ftronge ynough to matche them / & with that he fawe an erle called fyre Ethelwold and the duk of duchemen cam lepyng out of a wood with many thoufades 30 & pryamus kny3tes / & cam ftrayte vn to the bataylle / thene fir gawayn comforted his knyghtes / and bad them not to be abaffhed / for al fhal be ours / thene they began to wallope & mette with their enemyes / there were me flayn & ouerthrowen on euery [leaf go] k j ook v.] [ 80o ] [Cbap. rif. fyde / Thenne threftyd in amonge them the knyghtes of the table round/ and fmote doune to the erthe alle them that wythftode them / in foo moche that they made them to recuyelle & flee / By god fayd fyre Gawayn this gladeth my herte / for now 5 ben they laffe in nombre by xx M / Thenne entryd in to the bataylle Iubaunce a geaunt / and fought and flewe doune ryght and diftreffyd many of our knyghtes / emonge whome was flayne fyre Gherard a knyght of walys / Thenne oure knyghtes toke herte to them / and flewe many farafyns / And thenne o0 came in fyr Priamus with his penon / and rode with the knyghtes of the round table / and fought fo manfully that many of their enemyes loft theyr lyues / And ther fyr Pryamus flewe the Marquys of Moyfes land / and fyre gawayn with his felawes fo quytte hem that they had the feld / but in that 15 ftoure was fyr ~Cheftelayne a chyld and ward of fyre Gawayne flayne / wherfore was moche forou made / and his deth wes foone auengyd / Thus was the bataille ended and many lordes of lombardye and farafyns left dede in the feld / { Thenne fyre florence and fyre Gawayne herberowed furely 20 theyr peple / and token grete plente of beftyal of gold & fyluer and grete trefour and rycheffe and retorned vnto kyng Arthur whiche lay ftyl at the fyege / And whanne they came to the kynge / they prefented theyr pryfoners and recounted theyre aduentures / and how they had vaynquyffhed theyre ene25 myes CI Capttulum ii Ow thanked be god fayd the noble kynge Arthur / But what maner man is he that ftandeth by hym felf hym femed no pryfoner / Syre fayd Gawayne this is a good man of armes / he hath matched me / but he is yolden vnto god 30 and to me for to bycome Cryften. had not he haue be we fhold neuer haue rotorned / wherfor I pray yow that he may be baptyfed / for ther lyueth not a nobler man ne better knyght of his handes / thenne the kyng lete hym anon be cryftned / and dyd doo calle hym his fyrfte name Pryamus / and made hym a du35 ke and knyghte of the table round (I And thenne anon the kynge lete do crye affaulte to the cyte / and there was rerynge of laddres brekyng of wallys and the dyche fylled / [leaf go verso] Sook V.] [ i8i ] [Cbap. rif. that men with lytel payne my3t entre in to the cyte / thene cam out a ducheffe / & Claryfyn the counteffe with many ladyes & damoyfels / and knelyng bifore kynge Arthur requyred hym for the loue of god to receyue the cyte / & not to take it by affaulte for thenne fhold many gyltles be flayne / thene the kyng 5 aualyd his vyfer with a meke & noble coftenauce / & faid madame ther fhal none of my fubgettys myfdoo you ne your maydens / ne to none that to yow longen / but the duke fhal abyde my Iugement / thenne anone the kyng commaunded to leue the affault / & anon the dukes oldeft fone brought out the keyes / & xo knelyng delyuerd them to the kyng / & byfou3t hym of grace / & the kyng feafed the toun by affent of his lordes / & toke the duc & fent hym to douer there for to abyde pryfoner terme of his lyf & affigned certayn rentes for the dower of the ducheffe & for her children / Thenne he made lordes to rule tho londes & lawes 15 as a lord ought to do in his owne countrey / & after he took his iourney toward Rome / & fent fir Florys & fyr florydas to fore with v C men of armes / & they cam to the cyte of vrbyne & leid there a buffhement there as them femed moft beft for them / & rode to fore the toune / where anon yffued oute moche peple & fkar- 20 muffhed with the fore rydars / thene brake out the buffhement & wan the brydge & after the toun / & fet vpon the wallis the kynges baner / thene cam the kynge vpon an hille & fawe the Cyte & his baner on the wallys / by whiche he knewe that the Cyte was wonne / & anone he fente & commaunded that none of his 25 lyege men fhold defoule ne lygge by no lady / wyf / ne maide / & whan he cam in to the cyte / he paffid to the caftel / and comforted them that were in forou / & ordeyned ther a captayn a kny3t of his own coutrey / & whan they of Melane herd that thylk cyte was wone / they fent to kyng Arthur grete fimes of money / & 30 befou3t hym as their lord to haue pyte of them / promyfyng to be his fubgettys for euer / & yelde to hym homage & fealte for the lades of plefauce & pauye / peterfaynt & the port of tremble / & to gyue hym yerly a melyon of gold al his lyf tyme / thene he rydeth in to Tufkane & wynneth tounes & cartels & wafted al 35 in his way that to hym wil not obeye / & fo to fpolute & viterbe & fro thens he rode in to the vale of vycecoute emong the vynes And fro thens he fente to the fenatours to wete / whether they (leaf 91] k ij Book v.] [ i82 ] [Cbap. ri. wold knowe hym for theyr lord / But foone after on a faterday came vnto kynge Arthur alle the fenatours that were left on lyue / and the nobleft Cardynals that thenne dwellyd in Rome / And prayd hym of pees / and profered hym ful large 5 And byfought hym as gouernour to gyue lycence for vj wekes for to affemble alle the Romayns / And thenne to crowne hym Emperour with creme as it bylongeth to fo hyhe aftate / I affente fayd the kynge lyke as ye haue deuyfed / and at cryftemas there to be crowned / and to holde my round table with o0 my knyghtes as me lyketh / And thenne the fenatours maade redy for his Intronyfacyon / And at the day appoynted as the Romaunce telleth he came in to Rome / and was crouned emperour by the popes hand with all the ryalte that coude be made / And fudgerned there a tyme / and eftablyffhed all his lonI5 des from Rome in to Fraunce / and gaf londes and royammes vnto his feruauntes and knyghtes to eueryche after his defert in fuche wyfe that none complayned ryche ne poure / & he gafe to fyre Pryamus the duchye of Lorayne / and he thanked hym and fayd he wold ferue hym the dayes of his lyf / and after 20 made dukes and erles / and made euery man ryche / Thenne after this alle his knyghtes and lordes affembled them afore hym / and fayd bleffyd be god your warre is fynyffhed and your conqueft acheued / in foo moche that we knowe none foo grete ne myghty that dar make warre ageynft yow / wherfore 25 we byfeche you to retorne homeward / and gyue vs lycence to goo home to our wyues / fro whome we haue ben longe / and to refte vs / for your Iourney is fynyffhed with honour & wofhip / Thenne fayd the kyng / ye faye trouthe / and for to tempte god it is no wyfedome / And therfore make you redy and 30 retorne we in to Englond / Thenne there was truffyng of harneis and bagage and grete caryage / And after lycence gyuen he retorned and commaunded that noo man in payne of dethe fhold not robbe ne take vytaylle / ne other thynge by the way but that he fhold paye therfore / And thus he came ouer the fee 35 and londed at fandwyche / ageynfte whome Quene Gweneuer his wyf came and mette hym / and he was nobly receyued of alle his comyns in euery cyte and burgh / and grete yeftes prefented to hym at his home comyng to welcome hym with / [leaf 91 verso] ZooTk vf.] [ 183 ] [Cbap. f, ( zbus enbetb tbe ftftbe booke of tbe conquefte tbat khnge 1rtbur babbe aoesnfte Xucius tbe Emperoure of IRome / anO bere folowetb tbe ftxtb book wbfcbe is of ftr aauncelot bu lake C Capitulum primum Oone after that kyng Arthur was come / fro rome in to Englond / thenne alle the knyghtes of the table round reforted vnto the kyng / & made many Iuftes & turnementes / & fome there were that were but kny3tes whiche encreaced fo in ar- 5 mes and worfhip that they paffed alle their felawes in proweffe and noble dedes / and that was wel preued on many But in efpecyal it was preued on fyre launcelot du lake / for in al turnementys and Iuftes and dedes of armes both for lyf and deth he paffed al other kny3tes / and at no tyme he was Io neuer ouercome / but yf it were by trefon or enchauntement / fo fyr Launcelot encreaced foo merueylloufly in worfhip / and in honour / therfor is he the fyrft kny3t that the frenffhe book maketh mencyon of after kynge Arthur came fro rome / wherfore quene gweneuer had hym in grete fauour aboue al other kny- I5 ghtes. and in certayne he loued the quene ageyne aboue al other ladyes damoyfels of his lyf / And for her he dyd many dedes of armes and faued her from the fyer thorou his noble chyualry / Thus fyre launcelot refted hym longe with play & game / And thenne he thought hym felf to preue hym felf in 20 ftraunge auentures / thenne he badde his neuewe fyre Lyonel for to make hym redy / for we two wylle feke aduentures / So they mounted on their horfes armed at al ryghtes / and rode in to a depe foreft & foo in to a depe playne / ( And thenne the weder was hote about noone / and fyre launcelot had grete luff 25 to flepe / Thenne fyr lyonel afpyed a grete Appyl tree that ftode by an hedge / & faid broder yonder is a fayre fhadowe / there maye we refte vs on oure horfes / hit is wel faide faire broder faid fyr launcelot / for this viij yere I was not fo flepy as I am now / and fo they there alyghted & tayed their horfes vnto fon- 30 dry trees / and fo fyr launcelot layd hym doune vnder an appyl tree / and his helme he layd vnder his hede / And Syre fleaf 92] k iij sok ofT.] [ I84 ] [Cbap. if. lyonel waked whyle he flepte / Soo fyre launcelot was a flepe paffynge faft / And in the mene whyle there came thre knyghtes rydynge as fafte fleynge as euer they myghte ryde And there folowed hem thre but one knyghte / And whanne 5 fyr lyonel fawe hym / hym thought he fawe neuer foo grete a knyghte nor foo wel farynge a man neyther foo wel apparailled vnto al ryghtes / Soo within a whyle this ftrong kny3t had ouertaken one of thefe knyghtes / and there he fmote hym to the cold erth that he lay ftyll / And than he rode vnto the fexo cond knyght / and fmote hym foo that man and hors felle doune / And thenne ftreyghte to the thyrdde knyghte he rode and fmote hym behynde his hors ars a fpere length / And thenne he alyghte doune arayned his hors on the brydel & bonde alle the thre knyghtes faft with the raynes of their owne bry15 dels / Whan fyr lyonel' fawe hym doo thus / he thought to affay hym / & made hym redy & ftylly / and pryuely he took his hors & thoughte not for to awake fyr launcelot / And whan he was mounted vpon his hors / he ouertoke this ftrong knyght / & bad hym torne / and the other fmote fyr lyonel fo hard that hors & 20 man he bare to the erthe / & fo he alyght doun & bound hym faft and threwe hym ouerthwart his owne hors / and foo he ferued hem al foure / & rode with hem awey to his owne caftel / And whan he came there he garte vnarme them & bete hem with thornys al naked / & after put hem in a depe pryfon where were ma25 ny mo knyghtes that made grete doloure t a lE l C apitulum fecunbum/ Han fyre E6tor de marys wyft that fyre laucelot was paft out of the court to feke aduentures he was wroth with hym felf / & made hym redy to feke fyre laicelot / & as he had ryden long in a grete foreft he mette with a man was ly30 ke a fofter / Fayre felaw faid fyre E&tor knoweft thou in thys countrey ony aduentures that ben here nyghe hand / Syr fayd the fofter / this countrey knowe I wel. and here by within thys myle / is a ftronge manoir and wel dyked / & by that manoir on the lyfte hand there is a faire fourde for horfes to drynke 35 of / and ouer that fourde there groweth a fayr tree / and theron hangen many fayre fheldes that welded fomtyme good knyghtes / & atte hoole of the tree hangeth a bacyn of coper & latoen / [leaf 92 verso] 3ooih vi.] [ i85 ] [Cbap. fi. and ftryke vpon that bacyn with the but of thy fpere thryes / And foone after thou fhalt here newe tydynges / And ellys haft thou the fayreft grace that many a yere had euer knyght that paffed thorou this foreft / gramercy fayd fyre Etor / and departed / and came to the tree and fawe many fayre fheldes 5 And amonge them he fawe his broders fheld fyr Lyonel and many moo that he knewe that were his felawes of the round table / the whiche greued his herte / and promyfed to reuenge his broder / Thenne anone fyr E&or bete on the bacyn as he were wood / and thenne he gaf his hors drynke at the fourde / & o1 ther came a knyghte behynd hym / and bad hym come oute of the water and make hym redy / and fyre E&or anone torned hym fhortly and in fewter caft his fpere and fmote the other knyghte a grete buffet that his hors torned twyes aboute / This was wel done faid the ftrong kny3t / & kny3tly thou haft 15 ftryken me / And therwith he ruffhed his hors on fyre E&or / and cley3te hym vnder his ryght arme & bare hym clene out of the fadel / and rode with hym awey in to his owne halle / & threwe hym doune in myddes of the floore / the name of thys knyghte was fyre Turquyne / than he faid vnto fyre E&or for 20 thou haft done this day more vnto me than ony knyghte dyd thefe xij yeres / Now wille I graunte the thy lyf fo thou wilt be fworn to be my pryfoner all thy lyf dayes / Nay faid fir Ector / that wylle I neuer'promyfe the / but that I will do myne auauntage / That me repenteth fayd fyre Turquyne / and then- 25 ne he garte to vnarme hym and bete hym with thornys all naked / and fythen putte hym doune in a depe dungeon where he knewe many of his felawes / But whan fyre E&or fawe fyr lyonel thenne made he grete forowe / Allas broder fayd fir Ector / where is my broder fyre Launcelot / Fayre broder I lefte 30 hym on flepe whan that I from hym yode vnder an appel tree and what is become of hym I can not telle yow / Allas faid the knyghtes / but fyre launcelot helpe vs we may neuer be delyuerd / for we knowe now noo knyght that is able to matche oure mayffer Turquyn 35 1C apitulum tercium [leaf 93] k iiij ook vt.] [ I86 ] [Ebap. fitf Ow leue we thefe knyghtes pryfoners and fpeke we of fyre Launcelott du lake that lyeth vnder the Appyl Tree flepynge / euen aboute the noone there come by hym foure quenes of grete eftate / And for the hete fhold 5 not nyhe hem there rode foure knyghtes aboute hem / and bare a clothe of grene fylke on foure fperes betwixe them and the fonne / And the quenes rode on foure whyte mules ( Thus as they rode they herde by them a grete hors grymly neye / thenne were they ware of a flepynge knyghte that laye I0 alle armed vnder an appyl tree / anone as thefe quenes loked on his face / they knewe it was fyre launcelot / Thenne they byganne for to ftryue for that knyghte / euerychone fayd they wold haue hym to her loue / ( We fhalle not ftryue fayd Morgan le fay that was kynge Arthurs fyfter / I fhalle putte an 15 enchauntement vpon hym / that he fhalle not awake in fyxe owres / And thenne I wylle lede hym awey vnto my caftel / And whanne he is furely within my hold / I fhalle take the enchauntement from hym / And thenne lete hym chefe whyche of vs he wylle haue vnto peramour / ( Soo thys enchaunte20 ment was cafte vpon fyre Launcelot / And thenne they leyd hym vpon his fhelde / and bare hym foo an horfback betwixt two knyghtes / and brought hym vnto the caftel charyot / and there they leyd hym in a chambyr cold / and att nyghte they fente vnto hym a fayre damoyfel with his fouper redy dyght 25 By that the enchauntement was paft / And whan fhe came fhe falewed hym / and afked hym what chere / I can not faye fayre damoyfel faid fyre Launcelot / for I wote not how I cam in to this caftel / but it be by an enchauntement / Syre fayd ihe ye muff make good chere / And yf ye be fuche a kny3te as it is 30 fayd ye ben / I fhalle telle you more to morne by pryme of the daye / Gramercy fayre damoyfel fayd fyre Launcelot of youre good wyl I requyre yow / And foo fhe departed / And there he laye alle that nyght withoute comforte of ony body [ And on the morne erly came thefe foure quenes paffyng35 ly wel byfene / Alle they byddyng hym good morne / and he them ageyne / E Syre knyghte the foure quenes fayd thow muff vnderftande thou arte our pryfoner / and we here knowe the wel that thou arte fyre Launcelot du laake / kynge Bans [leaf 93 verso] ZBook vi.] [ 187 ] [Cbap. iv. fone / And by caufe we vnderftande your worthynes that thou arte the nobleft knyght lyuyng / And as we knowe wel ther can no lady haue thy loue but one / and that is quene Gweneuer / and now thow fhalt lofe her for euer and fhe the / and therfore the behoueth now to chefe one of vs four / I am the quene 5 Morgan le fay quene of the land of Gorre / and here is the quene of Northgalys and the quene of Eeftland / and the quene of the oute yles / I Now chefe one of vs whiche thou wylt haue to thy peramour / for thou mayft not chefe or els in thys pryfon to dye / This is an hard caaas fayd fyre Launcelot that Io eyther I mufte dye or els chefe one of yow / yet had I leuer to dye in this pryfon with worfhip than to haue one of you to my peramour maugre my hede / And therfore ye be anfuerd I wylle none of yow for ye be fals enchauntreffes / And as for my lady dame Gweneuer / were I at my lyberte as I was / 15 I wold preue hit on you or on yours / that fhe is the trueft lady vnto her lord lyuyng / Wel fayd the quenes / is this your anfuer that ye wylle reffufe vs / ye on my lyf fayd fyr laucelot / reffufed ye ben of me / Soo they departed and lefte hym there alone that made grete forowe 20 C Capitulum quartum 11^ Yght fo at the noone came the damoyfel vnto hym with his dyner / and afked hym what chere / truly fayre damoyfel fayd fyre Launcelot in my lyf dayes neuer fo ylle / fir fhe fayd that me repenteft / but and ye wylle be reulyd by me / I fhal help you out of this diftreffe / and ye Ihal haue no fha- 25 me nor vylony foo that ye hold me a promyfe / fayre damoyfel I wil graunte yow / and fore I am of thefe quenes forcereffes aferd / for they haue deftroyed many a good knyght / fyre fayd fhe that is fothe and for the renome and bounte that they here of you / they wold haue your loue / and fir they fayne / your na- 30 me is fyre Launcelot du laake the floure of knyghtes / & they be paffynge wrothe with yow that ye haue reffufed hem / But fyre and ye wold promyfe me to helpe my fader on tewfdaye next comynge / that hath made a turnement betwixe hym and [leaf 94] ook 00v.] [ I88 ] rcbap. v. the kynge of Northgalys / for the laft tewefdaye palf my fader loft the felde thorugh thre knyghtes of Arthurs courte / And ye wyll be there on tewefday next comyng / and helpe my fader to morne or pryme by the grace of god I fhalle delyuer yow 5 clene / Fayre mayden fayd fyr launcelot telle me what is your faders name / and thenne fhal I gyue you an anfuer / Syre knyghte fhe fayd / my fader is kyng Bagdemagus that was foule rebuked at the laft turnement / I knowe your fader wel faid fyre launcelot for a noble kyng and a good knyghte / io And by the feythe of my body ye fhalle haue my body redy to doo your fader and you feruyfe at that day / Syre fhe fayd gramercy / and to morne awayte ye be redy by tymes and I fhal be fhe that fhal delyuer you / and take you your armoure and your hors fhelde and fpere / And here by within this x myle is 15 an Abbey of whyte monkes / there I praye you that ye me abyde / and thyder fhal I brynge my fader vnto you / alle thys fhal be done faide fyre Launcelot as I am true knyghte / and foo fhe departed and came on the morne erly / and found hym redy / thenne fhe brought hym oute of twelue lockes & brou3t 20 hym vnto his armour / & whan he was clene armed / fhe brought hym vntyl his owne hors / and lyghtely he fadeled hym and toke a grete fpere in his hand / and foo rode forth / and fayd fayre damoyfel I fhal not faile you by the grace of god / And foo he rode in to a grete foreft all that day / and neuer co25 ude fynde no hyghe waye / and foo the nyght felle on hym / and thenne was he ware in a flade of a pauelione of reed fendel/ By my feythe fayd fyre launcelot in. that pauelione wil I lodge alle this nyghte / and foo there he alyghte doune and tayed his hors to the pauelione / and there he vnarmed hym / and 30 there he fond a bedde / and layd hym theryn / and felle on flepe fadly CI apitulum v Z Henne within an houre there came the knyghte to whome the pauelione ought / And he wende that his lema had layne in that bedde / and foo he laid hym doune befyde fyr 35 Launcelot / and toke hym in his armes and beganne to kyffe [leaf 94 verso] Book oi.] [ I89 ] [Cbap. V, hym/ And whanne fyre launcelot felte a rough berd kyffyng hym / he ftarte oute of the bedde lyghtely / and the other kny3t after hym / and eyther of hem gate their fwerdes in theire handes / and oute at the pauelione dore wente the knyghte of the pauelione / and fyre launcelot folowed hym / and ther by a ly- 5 tyl flake fyr launcelot wounded hym fore nyghe vnto the deth And thenne he yelded hym vnto fyre launcelot / and fo he grauted hym fo that he wold telle hym why he came in to the bedde Syre fayd the knyght the pauelione is myn owne / and there thys nyght I had affygned my lady to haue flepte with me Io And now I am lykely to dye of this wounde / that me repenteth fayd Launcelot of youre hurte / but I was adrad of trefon / for I was late begyled / and therfore come on your way in to your pauelione and take your reft / And as I fuppofe I fhalle ftaunche your blood / and foo they wente bothe in to the 15 pauelione / And anone fyre launcelot ftaunched his blood / There with al came the knyghtes lady / that was a paffynge fayre lady / And whanne fhe afpyed that her lord Belleus was fore wounded fhe cryed oute on fyre launcelot / and made grete dole oute of mefure / Pees my lady and my loue faid 20 Belleus / for this knyght is a goood man and a knyght aduenturous / and there he told her all the caufe how he was wouded / And whan that I yolde me vnto hym / he lefte me goodely and hath ftaunched my blood / Syre fayd the lady I requyre the telle me what knyght ye be / and what is youre na- 25 me / Fayr lady he fayd / my name is fyre launcelot du lake / foo me thought euer by your fpeche fayd the lady / for I haue fene yow ofte or this / and I knowe you better than ye wene / { But now and ye wold promyfe me of your curtofy for the harmes that ye haue done to me and to my lord Belleus that 30 whanne he cometh vnto Arthurs courte for to caufe hym to be made knyghte of the roud table / for he is a paffyng good man of armes and a myghty lord of landes of many oute yles / { Fayre lady faid fyr launcelot lete hym come vnto the courte the next hyhe feeft / and loke that ye come with hym / and I 35 fhal doo my power / and ye preue you doughty of your handes that ye fhalle haue your defyre I So thus within a whyle as they thus talked the nyghte paffed / and the daye fhone / and [leaf 95] Book vi.] [ I90 ] [~bap. v. thenne fyre launcelot armed hym / and took his hors / and they taught hym to the Abbaye and thyder he rode within the fpace of two owrys I Capitulum [fetum/ Nd foone as fyre launcelott came withyn the Abbeye 5 ryarde / the doughter of kynge Bagdemagus herd a grete hors goo on the pauyment / And fhe thenne aroos and yede vnto a wyndowe / and there fhe fawe fyr launcelot / and anone fhe made men faft to take his hors from hym / & lete lede hym in to a ftabyl / and hym felf was ledde in to a fayre chamber / 1o and vnarmed hym / and the lady fente hym a longe goune / & anone fhe came her felf / And thene fhe made launcelot paffyng ~~~/ ~ good chere / and fhe fayd he was the kny3t in the world was mooft welcome to her / Thenne in al hafte fhe fente for her fader Bagdemagus that was within xij myle of that Abbay and 15 afore euen he came with a fayre felaufhip of knyghtes wyth hym / And whanne the kynge was alyghte of his hors he yode ftreyte vnto fyr launcelots chamber / and there he fond hys X~/ ~doughter / and thenne the kyng enbraced fyr Launcelot in hys armes / and eyther made other good chere / Anone fyre launce20 lot made his complaynt vnto the kynge how he was bytrayed And how his broder fyre lyonel was departed from hym / he nyft not where / and how his doughter had delyuerd hym out of pryfon / therfor whyle I lyue I Ihal doo her feruyfe and al her kynred / Thenne am I fure of youre helpe fayd the kynge 25 on tewefday next comynge / ye fyr fayd fyr launcelot / I fhalle not faylle yow / for foo I haue promyfed my lady your doughter / But fyre what knyghtes be they of my lord Arthurs that were with the kynge of Northgalys / and the kyng fayd it was fyre madore de laporte / and fyr Mordred and fyr ga30 halaytyne that al fur fared my knyghtes / for ageynft hem thre I nor my knyghtes myghte bere no ftrengthe / Syre fayde fyre launcelot as I here fay that the turnement fhal be here within this thre myle of this abbay / ye Ihal fende vnto me thre knyghtes of yours fuche as ye truft and loke that the thre knyghtes 35 haue al whyte fheldes & I alfo & no paynture on the fheldes / & and we four will come out of a lytel wood in myddes of both [leaf 95 verso] \% :Booh vi.] [ I9I ] [Cbap. t.i, partyes / and we fhalle falle in the frounte of oure enemyes & greue hem that we may / And thus fhal I not be knowen what knyght I am / Soo they took their reft that nyght / and thys was on the fonday / and foo the kyng departed / and fente vnto fyre launcelot thre knyghtes with the four whyte fheldes 5 And on the tewefday they lodged hem in a lytyl leued wood befyde there the turnement fhold be / And there were fcaffoldis and holes that lordes and ladyes myghte beholde and to gyue the pryfe / Thenne came in to the feld the kyng of Northgalys with eyght fcore helmes / And thenne the thre knyghtes of io Arthur ftode by them felf / ( Thenne cam in to the feld kyng Bagdemagus with four fcore of helmys / And thenne they fewtryd their fperys / and cam to gyders with a grete daffhe / & there were flayn of knyghtes at the firft recountre xij of kyng Bagdemagus parte / and fyx of the kyng of Northgalys par- 15 ty / and kyng Bagdemagus party was ferre fette a back / C Capitulum feptimum Yth that came fyr Launcelot du lake and he threfte in with his fpere in the thyckeft of the prees / and there he fmote doune with one fpere fyue knyghtes / and of foure of hem he brake their backes / And in' that throng he fmote doune 20 the kynge of Northgalys / and brake his thye in that falle/ Alle thys doyng of fyre Launcelot fawe the thre knyghtes of Arthurs / Yonder is a fhrewde geft fayd fyre Madore de la port therfore haue here ones at hym / foo they encountred / and fyre Launcelot bare hym doune hors and man / foo that his fholder 25 wente oute of lyth / Now befalleth it to me to Iufte fayd Mordred / for fyr Mador hath afore falle / Syre Launcelot was ware of hym / and gate a grete fpere in his hand / and mette hym and fyr Mordred brake a fpere vpon hym / and fyre launcelot gaf hym fuche a buffet that the arffon of his fadel brake / & 30 foo he flewe ouer his hors taylle that his helme butte in to the erthe a foote and more that nyhe his neck was broken / & there he lay longe in a fwoune / ( Thenne came in fyr Gahalantyne with a grete fpere / and Launcelot ageynft hym with al theyre ftrength that they my3t dryue that both her fperes to braft euen 35 [leaf 96] 3Sook vi,] [ 192 ] [Cbap. vii. to their handes / and thenne they flang out with their fwerdes and gaf many a grym ftroke / Thenne was fyr launcelot wroth oute of mefure / and thefie he fmote fyr galahantyne on the helme that his nofe brafte oute on blood and eerys and mouthe 5 bothe / and ther with his hede henge lowe / And therwith his hors ranne awey with hym / and he felle doune to the erthe / Anone there with al fyre launcelot gate a greete fpere in hys hand / And or euer that grete fpere brake / he bare doune to the erthe xvj knyghtes fome hors and man / and fome the man & io not the hors / & there was none but that he hyt furely he bare none armes that day / And thenne he gate another grete fpere & fmote doune twelue knyghtes / and the mooft party of hem neuer throfe after / And thene the kny3tes of the kyng of northgalys wold Iufte nomore / And there the gree was was gyuen to I5 kynge Bagdemagus / So eyther party departed vnto his owne place / and fyr launcelot rode forth with kynge Bagdemagus vnto his caftel / and there he had paffynge good chere both with the kyng and with his doughter / and they profred hym grete yeftes / And on the morne he took his leue / and told the 20 kynge that he wold goo and feke his broder fyre Lyonel that wente from hym whan that he flepte / fo he toke his hors / and betaught hem alle to god / And there he fayd vnto the kynges doughter yf ye haue nede ony tyme of my feruyfe I praye you lete me have knouleche / and I fhal not faylle you as I am 25 true knyght / and fo fyr launcelot departed / and by aduenture he came in to the fame foreft / there he was take flepyng / And in the myddes of an hyhe way he mette a damoyfel rydyng on a whyte palfroy / and there eyther falewed other / Fayre damoyfel faid fyre launcelot knowe ye in this countray ony aduen30 tures / fyre knyghte fayd that damoyfel / here are aduentures nere hand / and thou durft preue hem / why fhold I not preue aduentures faid fyre launcelot for that caufe come I hyder / Wel fayd fhe thou femeft wel to be a good knyght / And yf thou dare mete with a good knyght / I fhal brynge the where 35 is the belt knyght / and the myghtyeft that euer thou fond / fo thou wylt telle me what is thy name / and what knyght thou arte / damoyfel as for to telle the my name I take no grete force / Truly my name is fyre laucelot du lake / fyre thou byfemyft [leaf 96 verso] \ 3Book f] [ 193 ] [ebap, vfi, wel / here ben aduentures by that fallen for the / for here by duelleth a knyght that wylle not be ouermatched for no man I knowe but ye ouermatche hym / & his name is fyre Turquyne And as I vnderftand he hath in his pryfon of Arthurs courte good knyghtes thre fcore and foure / that he hath wonne 5 with his owne handes / But whan ye haue done that Iourney ye fhal promyfe me as ye are a true knyght for to go with me and to helpe me / and other damoyfels that are distreffid dayly with a fals knyghte / All your entente damoyfel and defyre I wylle fulfylle / foo ye wyl brynge me vnto this knyghte io Now fayre knyght come on your waye / and foo fhe broughte hym vnto the fourde and the tre where henge the bacyn / So fir launcelot lete his hors drynke / and fythen he bete on the bacyn with the butte of his fpere fo hard with al his my3t tyl the bottom felle oute / and longe he dyd foo but he fawe noo thynge I5 Thenne he rode endlong the gates of that manoyre nyghe half an houre / And thenne was he ware of a grete kny3t that drofe an hors afore hym / and ouerthwarte the hors there lay an armed knyght bounden / And euer as they came nere and nere / fyre launcelot thou3t he fhold knowe hym / Thenne fir laun- 20 celot was ware that hit was fyre gaherys Gawayns broder a knyghte of the table round / Now fayre damoyfel fayd fir launcelot / I fee yonder cometh a knyght faft bounden that is a felawe of myne / and broder he is vnto fyr gawayne / And att the fyrft begynnyng I promyfe yow by the leue of god to re- 25 fcowe that knyght / But yf his mayfter fytte better in the fadel I fhal delyuer alle the pryfoners that he hath oute of daunger / for I am fure he hath two bretheren of myne pryfoners with hym / By that tyme that eyther had fene other / they grypped theyr fperes vnto them / Now fayre knyghte fayd fyr la- 30 uncelot / put that wounded knyghte of the hors / and lete hym refte a whyle / and lete vs two preue oure ftrengthes / For as it is enformed me thou doeft and haft done grete defpyte and fhame vnto knyghtes of the round table / and therfor now defende the / And thow be of the table round fayd Turquyne I 35 defyefthe and alle thy felaufhip / that is ouermoche fayd / fayd fyjt, launcelot [leaf 97] N BSooTk i.][ 194 ] [Cbap. vtti. CI ~apitulum vitj N" Nd thene they put theyr fperes in the reftys / & cam to gyders with her horfes as faft as they myght renne/ And eyther fmote other in myddes of theyre fheldes that bothe theyre horfe backes brafte vnder them / and the knyghtes were 5 bothe aftonyed / and as foone as they myghte auoyde theyre horfes / they took theire fheldes afore them / and drewe oute her fwerdes / and came to gyder egerly / and eyther gaf other many ftronge ftrokes/ for there myght neyder fheldes nor harneis hold theyr ftrokes / And foo within a whyle they hadde bothe Io grymly woundes / and bledde paffynge greuoufly / Thus they ferd two houres or mo trafyng and rafyng eyther other where they myght hytte ony bare place / Thenne at the laft they were bretheles bothe / and ftode lenyng on theyre fwerdes / Now felawe fayd fyr Turquyne hold thy hand a whyle / and telle 15 me what I Ihal afke the / Say on thenne Turquyne fayd thou arte the byggeft man that euer I mette with al / and the befte brethed / and lyke on kny3t that I hate aboue al other knyghtes / fo be hit that thou be not he I wyl lyghtly accorde with the / & for thy loue I wil delyuer al the pryfoners that I haue 20 that is thre fcore and foure / foo thou wylt telle me thy name / And thou and I we wyl be felawes to gyders and neuer to fayle the whyle that I lyue / it is wel fayd / fayd fyr launcelot / but fythen hit is foo that I may haue thy frendfhip what knyght is he that thou foo hateft aboue al other / Feythfully fa25 yd fyr Turquyne his name is fyre launcelot du lake / for I'- flewe my broder fyr Caradus at the dolorous toure that was one of the beft knyghtes on lyue / And therfore hym I excepte of al knyghtes / for may I ones mete with hym / the one of vs fhal make an ende of other I make myn auowe / And for fir 3o launcelots fake I haue flayne an C good knyghtes / and as many I haue maymed al vtterly that they myght neuer after helpe them felf / and many haue dyed in pryfon / and yet haue I thre fcore and foure / and al fhal be delyuerd fo thou wilt telle me thy name / fo be it that thou be not fyre launc4 ot/ 35 ( Now fee I wel fayd fyre launcelot that fuche a marn I myghte be I myght haue peas / and fuche a man I myghte be[leaf 97 verso] 3Book vo.] [ I95* ] [Cbap. il. that ther fhold be warre mortal betwyxte vs / and now fyre knyghte at thy requeft I wyl that thou wete and knowe that I am Launcelot du lake kynge Bans fone of Benwyck / & very knyghte of the table round / And now I defye the and doe thy beft / A fayd Turquyne / launcelot / thou arte vnto me 5 mooft welcome that euer was knyghte / for we fhalle neuer departe tyl the one of vs be dede / Thenne they hurtled to gyders as two wilde bulles roffhynge and laffhyng with their fheldes and fwerdes that fomtyme they felle bothe ouer theyr nofes / Thus they foughte ftylle two houres and more / and ne- I' uer wolde haue refte / and fyre Turquyn gaf fyre laucelot many woundes / that alle the ground there as they foughte was al befpeckled with blood E Capitulum ix / Henne at the laft fyr Turquyn wdxed faynte / and gaf fomwhat a bak / and bare his flhelde lowe for wery- 15 neffe / That afpyed fyre Launcelot / and lepte upon hym fyerfly and gate hym by the Bauowre of his helmet / and plucked hym doune on his knees / And anone he racyd of his helme and fmore his neck In fondyr / And whanne fyre laucelot had done this / he yode vnto the damoyfel and fayd / damoyfel I am 20 redy to goo with yow where ye wylle haue me / but I haue no hors / Fayre fyre fayd fhe / take this wounded knyghtes hors and fende hym in to this manoyr and commaunde hym to delyuer alle the pryfoners / Soo fyr launcelot wente vnto Gaheryes and praid hym not to be agreued for to leue hym his hors 25 Nay fayr lord faid Gaheryes I wyll that ye take my hors atte your owne commaundement / for ye houe bothe faued me and my h)rs / & this day I faye ye are the beft knyghte in the worlde / For ye haue flayne this daye in my fyghte the my3teft man & the beft knyghte excepte yow that euer I fawe / & fore fyre 30 faid Gaheryes I pray you telle me your name / Syre my name is fyr launcelot du lake that ou3te to helpe you of ryghte for kyng arthurs fake / & in efpecial for my lord fir gawayns fake your owne dere broder / & whan that ye come within yond r manayr / I am fure ye fhal fynde ther many kny5tes of the 35 round table / for I haue fene many of their fheldes that I knowe [leaf 98*] I j Sook vi.] [ I96* ] [Cbap. ir. on yonder tree / there is kayes fhelde / & fir braundeles fheld / and fyr Marhaus fheld and fyre Galyndes fhelde and fyre Bryan de lyftnoyfe fheld and fyr Alydukes fleld with many mo that I am not now auyfed of / and alfo my two brethe5 ren fheldes fyre E&or de marys and fyr Lyonel / wherfore I pray yow grete them al from me / and fay that I bydde them take fuche fluffe there as they fynd / and that in ony wyfe my bretheren goo vnto the courte and abyde me there tyl that I come / for by the feeff of pentecoft I caft me to be there / for as at io this tyme I mufft ryde with this damoyfel for to faue my promyfe / and foo he departed from Gaheryfe / & Gaheryfe yede in to the manore / and ther he fond a yoman porter kepyng ther many keyes / Anone with al fyre gaheryfe threwe the porter vnto the grund / anl toke the keyes from hym / and haftely he ope15 ned the pryfon 4ore / and there he lete oute all the pryfoners / and euery man lo'fed other of their boundes / And whan they fawe fyre Gaheryfe'j alle they thanked hym / for they wend that he was wounded / Not foo fayd Gaheryfe / hit wos launcelot that flewe hym worfhipfully with his owne handes / I fawe 20 it with myn owne eyen / and he greteth you al wel / and prayeth you to hafte you to the courte / And as vnto fyr Lyonel and Edtor de marys he prayeth yow to abyde hym at the '(ourt That ihalle we not doo fays his bretheren / we wyll fyndehym and we may lyue / So fhal I fayd fyr kay fynde hym or I 25 come at the courte as I am true knyghte / Thenne alle thc, knyghtes fought the hous there as the armour was/ and tilenne they armed hem / and euery knyght fonde his owne hors / & al thet euer longed vnto hym / And whan this was don6 ther cam a fofter with foure horfes lade with fatte venefon / A none 30 fyr kay fayd / here is good mete for vs for one meale / for we had not many a day no good repaff / And fo that venefon was rofted baken and foden / and fo after fouper fomme ibode there al that nyghte / But fyre Lyonel and E6tor de biarys and fyre kay rode after fyre launcelot to fynde hym yf they 35 myghte c ~apitulum Decimum [leaf 98* verso] 30ook of.] [ I97 ] [Cbap. X. Ow tome we vnto fyre laucelot that rode with the damoyfel in a fayre hyghe waye / fyr fayd the damoyfel / here by this way haunteth a knyght that deftreffyd al ladyes and gentylwymmen / And at the leeft he robbeth them or lyeth by them / what faid fir launcelot is he a theef & a kny- 5 ght & a rauyffher of wymmen / he doth fhame vnto the ordre of knyghthode / and contrary vnto his othe / hit is pyte that he lyueth / But fayr damoyfel ye Ihal ryde on afore your felf / and I wylle kepe my felf in couerte / And yf that he trouble yow or diftreffe yow / I flhalle be your refcowe and lerne hym to be xo ruled as a knyghte / Soo the mayde rode on by the way a foft ambelynge paas / And within a whyle cam oute that knyght on horfbak oute of the woode / and his page with hym / & there he put the damoyfel from her hors / and thenne ihe cryed / With that came launcelot as faft as he myghte tyl he came to i5. that knyght /fayenge / 0 thou fals knyght and traytour vnto knyghthode / who dyd lerne the to dyftreffe ladyes and gentylwymmen / whanne the knyghte fawe fyre launcelot thus rebukynge hym / he anfuerd not / but drewe his fwerd and rode vnto fyre launcelot / and fyre laicelot threwe his fpere fro hym / 20 and drewe oute his fwerd / and ftrake hym fuche a buffet on the helmet that he clafe his hede and neck vnto the throte Now haft thou thy payement that long thou haft deferued / that is trouthe fayd the damoyfel / For lyke as fyr Turquyne watched to deftroye knyghtes / foo dyde this knyght attende to def- 25 troye and dyftreffe ladyes damoyfels and gentylwymmen / & his name was fyre Perys de foreyft faueage / Now damoyfel fayde fyre launcelot wylle ye ony more feruyfe of me / Nay fyre fhe fayd at this tyme / but almyghty Ihefu perferue you where fomeuer ye ryde or goo / for the curteyft knyghte thou arte 30 and mekeft vnto all ladyes and gentylwymmen that now lyueth / But one thyng fyre knyghte me thynketh ye lacke / ye that are a knyghte wyueles that ye wyl not loue fome mayden or gentylwoman / for I coude neuer here fay that euer ye loued ony of no maner degree and that is grete pyte / but hit is 35 noyfed that ye loue quene Gueneuer / and that fhe hath ordeyned by enchauntement that ye flal neuer loue none other / but her / ne none other damoyfel ne lady fhall reioyfe you / wherfor [leaf 99] 1 ij Eook vi.] [ I98 ] [Cbap. r. many in this land of hyghe eftate and lowe make grete forowe / ([ Fayre damoyfel fayd fyr launcelot I maye not warne peple to fpeke of me what it pleafeth hem / But for to be a wedded man / I thynke hit not / for thenne I muft couche with 5 her / and leue armes and turnementys / batayls / and aduentures/ And as for to fay for to take my plefaunce with peramours that wylle I refufe in pryncypal for drede of god / For knyghtes that ben auenturous or lecherous Ihal not be happy ne fortunate vnto the werrys / for outher they Ihalle be ouercolo me with a fymplyer knyghte than they be hem felf / Outher els they fhal by vnhap and her curfydnes flee better men than they ben hem felf / And foo who that vfeth peramours fhalle be vnhappy / and all thyng is vnhappy that is aboute hem / And foo fyre Launcelot and fhe departed / And thenne he rode in a 15 depe foreft two dayes and more / and had ftrayte lodgynge / Soo on the thyrdde day he rode ouer a longe brydge / and there ftarte vpon hym fodenly a paffynge foule chorle / and he fmote his hors on the nofe that he torned aboute/ & afked hym why he rode ouer that brydge withoute his lycence / why fhold I not 20 ryde this way fayd fyr launcelot / I may not ryde befyde / thou fhall not chefe fayd the chorle and laffhyd at hym with a grete clubbe fhod with yron/ Thenne fyre laucelot drewe his fuerd and put the ftroke abak / and clafe his hede vnto the pappys / At the ende of the brydge was a fayre village / & al the people 25 men and wymmen cryed on fyre launcelot / and fayd A wers dede dydeft thou neuer for thy felf / for thou haft flayn the chyef porter of oure caftel / fyr laicelot lete them fay what they wold And ftreyghte he wente in to the caftel / And whanne he cam in to the caftel he alyghte / and teyed his hors to a rynge on 30 the walle / And there he fawe a fayre grene courte / and thyder he dreffyd hym / For there hym thought was a fayre place to fyghte in / Soo he loked aboute / and fawe moche peple in dores and wyndowes that fayd fayr knyghte thou arte vnhapPY 4? C Capitulum xj [leaf 99 verso] Zook rf.] [ I99 ] [Cbap. Vi. C C~apttulum gij None with al cam there vpon hym two grete gyaunts wel armed al fauf'the hedes with two horryble clubbes in theyr handes / Syre Launcelot put his iheld afore hym and put the ftroke aweye of the one gyaunt / and with his fwerd he clafe his hede a fondre / Whan his felaw fawe that / he 5 ran awey as he were wood / for fere of the horryble ftrokes / & laicelot after hym with al his my3t & fmote hym on the fholder / and clafe hym to the nauel / Thenne fyre launcelot went in to the halle / and there came afore hym thre fcore ladyes and io damoyfels / and all kneled vnto hym / and thanked god & hym of their delyueraunce. For fyre fayd they / the moofte party of vs haue ben here this feuen yere their pryfoners/ and we haue worched al maner of fylke werkes for oure mete / and we are al grete gentylwymmen borne / and bleffyd be the tyme kny3te that euer thou be borne / For thou haft done the mooft worfhip 15 that euer dyd knyght in this world / that wyl we bere recorde and we al pray you to telle vs your name / that we maye telle our frendes who delyuerd vs oute of pryfon / Fayre damoyfel he fayd / my name is fyre launcelot du lake / A fyre fayde they al / wel mayft thou be he / for els faue your felf/ as we demed / 20 there myghte neuer knyght haue the better of thefe two gyaunts / for many fayre knyghtes haue affayed hit / and here haue ended / and many tymes haue we wyffhed after yow / and thefe two gyaunts dredde neuer knyghte but you / Now maye ye faye fayd fyr launcelot vnto youre frendes how & who hath 25 delyuerd you / and grete them al from me / and yf that I come in ony of your marches / fhewe me fuche chere as ye haue caufe and what trefour that there in this caftel is I gyue it you for a reward for your greuaunce / And the lorde that is owner of this caftel I wold he receyued it as is ryght / Fayre fyre faide 30 they / the name of this caftel is Tyntygayl / & a duke oughte it fomtyme that had wedded fair Igrayn / & after wedded her Vtherpendragon / & gate on her Arthur / wel faide fir launcelot I vnderftande to whome this caftel longeth / and foo he departed from them / and bytaughte hem vnto god ( And thenne 35 he mounted vpon his hors & rode in to many ftraunge & wyld [leaf roo] 1 iij 03Book vi., [ 200 ] [Cbap. if. countreyes and thorou many waters and valeyes and euyl was he lodged / And at the lafte by fortune hym happend ageynft a nyghte to come to a fayr courtelage / & therin he fond an old gentylwoman that lodged hym with good wyl / and 5 there he had good chere for hym and his hors / And whan tyme was his ooft brought hym in to a fayre garet ouer the gate to his bedde / There fyre Launcelot vnarmed hym & fette hys harneys by hym / and wente to bed / and anone he felle on flepe / So foone after ther cam one on horfback / & knocked at the gaio te in grete hafte / and whan fyr launcelot herd this / he arofe vp and loked oute at the wyndowe / & fawe by the mone lyghte thre knyghtes cam rydyng after that one man / and al thre laffhed on hym at ones with fwerdes / & that one kny3t tourned on hem kny3tly ageyne / and deffended hym / Truly faide fyre 15 launcelot yonder one kny3te fhal I helpe / for it were fhame for me to fee thre kny3tes on one / And yf he be flayne I am partener of his deth / & ther with he took his harneis / and went out at a wyndowe by a fhete doune to the four kny3tes / & thenne fyr launcelot fayd on hyghe / torne you knyghtes vnto me and 20 leue your fyghtyng with that knyght / And thenne they alle thre lefte fyr kay / and torned vnto fyr launcelot / and there beganne grete bataylle / for they alyghte al thre / and ftrake many grete ftrokes at fyr launcelot / and affayled hym on euery fyde / Thenne fyre kay dreffid hym for to haue holpen fyre 25 Launcelot / nay fyre fayd he I wylle none of your helpe / therfor as ye wylle haue my helpe / lete me alone with hem / Syre kay for the pleafyre of the knyghte fuffred hym for to doo hys wylle / and foo ftode on fyde / And thenne anon within vj ftrokes / fyre launcelot had ftryken hem to the erthe 30 ( And thenne they al thre cryed fyre knyghte we yelde vs vnto you as man of myght makeles / As to that faid fyr laucelot I will not take your yeldyng vnto me / But fo that ye wylle yelde you vnto fyr kay the Senefchal on that couenaunt I wyl faue your lyues and els not / ([ Fayre knyghte 35 fayd they that were lothe to doo / For as for fyr kay/ we chaced hym hyder / and had ouercome hym had not ye ben / therfor to yelde vs vnto hym it were no refon / wel as to that faid laiicelot / auyfe you wel / for ye may chefe whether ye wyll [leaf IOO verso] 13ook vo.] [ 201 ] [Cbap. ri, dye or lyue / for and ye be yolden it fhal be vnto fyr kay / E Fayre knyght thenne they fayd in fauynge of oure lyues we wylle doo as thou commaundys vs / Thenne fhal ye fayd fyre launcelot on whytfonday nexte comyng go vnto the courte of kynge Arthur / and there fhal ye yelde you vnto quene Gue- 5 neuer / and put you al thre in her grace and mercy / and faye that fir kay fente you thyder to be her pryfoners / Syre they faid it fhalle be done by the feythe of oure bodyes / and we ben lyuynge / and there they fwore euery knyghte vpon his fwerd / And fo fir launcelot fuffred hem foo to departe / And thenne fir io launcelot knocked at the yate with the pomel of his fwerd / and with that came his ooft / and in they entred fir kay and he Syre fayd his hooft I wende ye had ben in youre bedde / fo I was / fayd fire launcelot / But I arofe and lepte oute atte my wyndowe for to helpe an old felawe of myne / And fo whanne 15 they came nyghe the lyghte / fir kay knewe wel / that it was fir launcelot / and ther with he kneled doune and thanked hym of al his kyndeneffe that he had holpen hym twyes from the deth Syre he fayd I haue no thynge done but that me ought for to doo / and ye are welcome / and here fhal ye repofe yow and ta- 20 ke your reft / Soo whan fir kay was vnarmed / he afked after mete / foo there was mete fette hym / and he ete ftrongly / And whan he hadde fouped they went to theyr beddes and were lodged to gyders in one bedde / On the morne fir launcelot arofe erly / and lefte fyre kay flepynge / and fir launcelot toke fire ka- 25 yes armour and his fhelde and armed hym / and fo he wente to the ftable / and toke his hors and toke his leue of his ooft / and foo he departed / Thenne foone after arofe fyr kay and myffed fir launcelot / And thenne he afpyed that he had his armoure and his hors / Now by my feythe I knowe wel that he wylle 30 greue fome of the courte of kynge Arthur. For on hym knyghtes wylle be bolde / and deme that it is I / and that wyll begyle them / And by caufe of his armoure and fhelde I am fure I fhal ryde in pees / And thenne foone after departed fir kay & thanked his hooft 35 (C apitulum yij [leaf 1 o ] 1 iiij 3Book vi.] [ 202 ] [Cbap. rif. Ow torne we vnto fyre launcelot that had ryden long in a grete foreft / and at the laft he came in to a lowe countray ful of fayre Ryuers and medowes / And afore hym he fawe a longe brydge / and thre pauelions ftode ther 5 on of fylke and fendel of dyuers hewe / And withoute the pauelions henge thre whyte fheldes on truncheons of fperys / & grete longe fperys ftode vpryght by the pauelions / and at euery pauelions dore ftode thre freffhe fquyers / and foo fyre launcelot paffed by them and fpake no worde / whan he was pafte io the thre knyghtes fayden hym that hit was the proud kay / he weneth no knyght foo good as he/ and the contrary is oftyme preued / By my feythe fayd one of the knyghtes / his name was fyre gaunter / I wylIe ryde after hym / & affaye hym / for alle his pryde/ and ye may beholde how that I fpede/ Soo 15 this knyght fyre Gaunter armed hym / and henge his fhelde vpon his fholder / and mounted vpon a grete hors / and gate his fpere in his hand / and wallopt after fyre launcelot / and whanne he came nyghe hym / he cryed Abyde thou proude knyght fyr kay / for thou ihalt not paffe quyte / Soo fyr launcelot 20 torned hym / and eyther feutryd their fperes / and came to gyders with alle theyr myghtes / and fyre Gaunters fpere brake but fyre launcelot fmote hym doune hors and man / and whan fyr gaunter was at the erthe / his bretheren fayd echone to other yonder knyght is not fyre kay / for he is bygger than he / 25 I dare laye my heed fayd fyre Gylmere yonder knyghte hath flayne fyr kay and hath taken his hors and his harneis / whether it be foo or no fayd fyr Raynold the thyrd broder / lete vs now goo mounte vpon oure horfes and refcowe our broder fir Gaunter vpon payne of dethe / we alle fhal haue werke ynou3 30 to matche that knyght / for euer me femeth by his perfone it is fyre Launcelot / or fyr Tryftram / or fyr Pelleas the good knyght / Thenne anon they toke theyr horfes and ouertook fyr launcelot / and fyre gylmere put forth his fpere / and ranne to fir launcelot / and fyre launcelot fmote hym doune that he lay in a 35 fwoune / Syre knyght fayd fyr Raynold thou arte a ftrong man / and as I fuppofe thou haft flayne my two bretheren / for the whiche rafyth my herte fore ageynft the / And yf I myght with my worfhip I wold not haue a doo with yow but [leaf IOI verso] 3:ook vi.] [ 203 ] [Cbap. tfii. nedes I muft take parte as they doo / And therfor knyghte he fayd / kepe thy felf / And foo they hurtled to gyders with alle theyr myghtes / and al to fheuered bothe theyre fperes / And thenne they drewe her fwerdes and laffhyd to gyder egerly / Anone there with aroos fyre Gaiter / and came vnto his bro- 5 der fyre gylmere / and bad hym aryfe and helpe we oure broder fyr Raynold that yonder merueylloufly matched yonder good knyght / There with alle they lepte on theyr horfes & hurtled vnto fyre launcelot / ( And whanne he fawe them come / he fmote a fore ftroke vnto fyr Raynold that he felle of his hors 1o to the ground / And thenne he ftroke to the other two bretheren / and at two ftrokes he ftrake them doune to the erthe / With that fir Raynold beganne to ftarte vp with his heede al blody / and came ftreyte vnto fyre launcelot / Now late be fayd fir launcelot / I was not ferre from the whan thou were maade 15 knyght fir Raynold / and alfo I knowe thou arte a good knyght / and lothe I were to flee the / Gramercy fayd fyr raynold as for your goodnes / And I dare faye as for me and my bretheren we wyl not be lothe to yelde vs vnto you / with that we knewe your name / for wel we knowe ye are not fire 20 kay / As for that be it as it be maye / for ye fhal yelde yow vnto dame gweneuer / and loke that ye be with her on whytfonday and yelde you vnto her as pryfoners / and faye that fyre kay fente yow vnto her / thenne they fwore hit fhold be done / and fo paffed forthe fire launcelot / and echone of the bretheren halpe 25 other as wel as they myght C ~apitulum yiil Oo fir launcelot rode in to a depe foreft / and ther by in a flade / he fawe four knyghtes houyng vnder an oke / and they were of Arthurs courte / one was fir Sagramour le defyrus and E&or de marys / and fir Gawayn and fir Vwa- 30 yne / Anone as thefe four knyghtes had afpyed fir Launcelot they wend by his armes it hadde ben fir kay / Now by my feythe fayd fir Sagramour / I wylle preue fir kayes myghte / & gate his fpere in his hand / and came toward fir launcelot Ther with fir launcelot was ware and knewe hym wel / and 35 [leaf 102] aooh vi.] [ 204 ] [Cbap. liv. feutryd his fpere ageynft hym / and fmote fyre Sagramore fo fore that hors and man felle bothe to the erthe / Lo my felaus fayd he yonder ye may fee what a buffet he hath / that kny3t is moche bygger than euer was fyre kay / Now fhal ye fee what 5 I may doo to hym / Soo fyr E&or gate his fpere in his hand and wallopte toward fyre Laucelot / and fyre Launcelot fmote hym thorou the fhelde & fholder that man and hors went to the erthe / and euer his fpere held / By my feythe fayd fir Vwayne yonder is a ftrong knyghte / and I am fure he hath flaio yne fyr kay / And I fee by his grete ftrengthe it wyll be hard to matche hym / And there with al fyre Vwayne gate his fpere in his hand and rode toward fyre Launcelot/ and fyr launcelot knewe hym wel / and foo he mette hym on the playne / & gafe hym fuche a buffette that he was aftonyed/ that longe he 15 wyff not where he was / Now fee I wel fayd fyre gawayne I muft encoutre with that kny3t / Thenne he dreffid he his fheld and gate a good fpere in his hand / and fyre launcelot knewe hym wel / and thenne they lete renne theyr horfes with all theyr myghtes / and eyther knyght fmote other in myddes of 20 the fhelde / But fyre gawayns fpere to braft / and fyre launcelot charged fo fore vpon hym that his hors reuerfed vp fo doune And moche forowe had fyre gawayn to auoyde his hors / and fo fyre launcelot paffed on a paas and fmyled and faid god gyue hym ioye that this fpere made / for there came neuer a bet25 ter in my hand / Thenne the four knyghtes wente echone to other and comforted eche other / what faye ye by this geft fayd fyre Gawayne / that one fpere hath feld vs al foure / we commaunde hym vnto the deuyl they fayd al / for he is a man of grete myght / ye may wel faye it / fayd fyre gawayne / that he is 30 a man of myght / for I dare lay my hede it is fyre Launcelot I knowe it by his rydyng / Lete hym goo fayd fyre Gawayn for whan we come to the courte than Ihal we wete / and thenne had they moche forowe to gete theyr horfes ageyne C Capitulum giiij Ow leue we there & fpeke of fyr Launcelot 'that rode a ~35 grete whyle in a depe foreft where he faw a black brachet [leaf I02 verso] S3ooh vi.] [ 205 ] [Cbap*. riv fekyng in maner as it had ben in the feaute of an hurt dere / And ther with he rode after the brachet and he fawe lye on the ground a large feaute of blood / And thenne fyre launcelot rode after / And euer the Brachet loked behynd her / and foo fhe wente thorou a grete mareyfe / and euer fyre launcelot folo- 5 wed / And thenne was he ware of an old manoyr / and thyder ranne the brachet / and foo ouer the brydge / Soo fyre launcelot rode ouer that brydge that was old and feble / and whan he cam in myddes of a grete halle ther he fawe lye a dede knyght "that was a femely man / and that brachet lycked his wo- To undes / and there with al came oute a lady wepyng & wryngyng her handes / And thenne-fhe fayd / O knyghte to moche forowe lhaft thou broughte me / Why faye' ye foo fayd fyre launcelot / I dyd neuer this knyghte no harme / for hyther by feaute of blood this Brachet broughte me / And therfor fayre la- 15 dy be not difpleafed with me / for I am ful fore agreued of your greuaunce / Truly fyre fhe fayd I trowe ihit be not rye that hath flayne my hufband / for he that dyd that dede is fore wounded / & he is neuer lyckly to recouer / that fhal I enfure hym / What was your hufbandes name fayd fyre laucelot / Syre fayd 20 fhe / his name was called fyre Gylbert the baftard one of the belt knyghtes of the world / and he that hath flayne hym I knowe not his name / Now god fende you better comforte fayd fyre launcelot / and foo he departed and wente in to the foreit ageyne / and there he met with a damoyfel / the whiche kne- 25 we hym wel / and'flhe fayd on loude wel be ye' fond mly-ord And now I requyre 'the on thy knyghthode helpe my brother that is fore wounded / and neuer ftynteth bledyng / for this day he fought with fyre gylbert the baftard & flewe hym in playn bataylle / and there was my broder fore wounded / and there is 30 a lady a forcereffe that duelleth in a caftel here befyde / and this day fhe told me / my broders woundes fhold neuer be hole tyl I coud fynde a knyght that wold go in to the chappel peryllous / & ther he fhold fynde a fwerd and a blody clothe that the wounded knyght was lapped in / and a pyece of that clothe & fwerd 35 fhold hele my broders woundes fo that his woundes were ferched with the fwerde and the clothe /,This. is a merueyllous thynge fayd fyre launcelot / but what is your broders name / [leaf 103] Sook vi.] [ 206 ] [~bap. tv. Syre fhe fayd / his name was fyre Melyot de logurs / that me repenteth faid fyre launcelott / for he is a felawe of the table round / and to his helpe I wylle doo my power / Thenne fyre fayd fhe / folowe euen this hyhe waye / and it wyl brynge you 5 vnto the chappel peryllous / And here I fhalle abyde tyl god fend you here ageyne / and but you fpede I knowe no kny3te lyuynge that may encheue that aduenture C Capitulum gv l Yyght foo fyr Launcelot departed / And whan he cam vnto the chappel peryllous / he alyghte doune / and teio yed his hors vnto a lytyl gate / and as foone as he was with in the chirche yard / he fawe on the frount of the chappel many fayre ryche fheldes torned vp fo doune / and many of the Iheldes fyre launcelot had fene knyghtes bere byfore hand / wyth that he fawe by hym there ftande a xxx greete knyghtes more 15 by a yarde than ony man that euer he had fene / and all tho greued and gnafted at fyre launcelot /And whan he fawe 'theyr countenaunce he dred hym fore / and foo putte his fhelde afore hym / and toke his fwerd redy in his hand redy vnto bataylle / and they were'al armed in black harneis redy with i'er o2 fheldes and 'her fwerdes drawen / And whan fyr Launcelot wold haue gone thorou oute them/ they fcateryd on euery fyde of hym / and gaf hym the way / and ther with he waxed al bold / and entred in to the chappel / and thenne he fawe no lyght / but a dymme lamp brennynge / and thenne was he ware 25 of a corps hylled with a clothe of fylke / Thenne fyre Launcelot ftouped doune / and cutte a pyece awey of that clothe / and thenne it ferd vnder hym as the erthe had quaked a lytel/ there with al he feryd / And thenne he fawe a fayre fwerd lye by the dede knyghte / and that he gate in his hand and hyed 30 hym oute of the chapel / Anone as euer he was in the chappel yarde / alle the knyghtes fpak to hym with a grymly voys / and fayd knyghte fyr launcelot leye that fwerd from ith or ellys thou fhalt dye / whether that I lyue or dye fayd fyr launcelot with noo grete word gete ye hit ageyne / therfor fyghte for it 35 and ye lyft / Thenne ryght foo he paffed thorou out them / and [leaf o03 verso] 'N '`~2 3Bootk oi.] [ 207 ] [Cbap. ro. by yonde the chappel yarde ther mette hym a fayre damoyfel & fayd fyr launcelot leue that fwerd behynde the / or thou wil dye for it /I leue it not fayd fyf launcelot for no treatys / No fayd Ihe and thou dydeft loue that fwerd / quene gweneuer fhold thou neuer fee / thenne were I a foole and I wold 5 leue this fwerd fayd launcelot/ Now gentyl knyghte fayde the damoyfel / I requyre the to kyffe me but ones / Nay fayd fyr launcelot that god me forbede / wel fyr fayd fhe / and thou haddeft kyffed me / thy lyf dayes had ben done / but now alias fhe faid I haue lofte al my labour / for I ordeyned this chap- io pel for thy fake / and for fyre gawayne / And ones I had fyr Gawayne within me / and at that tyme he foughte with that knyghte that lyeth there dede in yonder chappel fyre Gylbert the baftard. and at that tyme he fmote the lyfte hand of of fir Gylbert the batlard / And fyre Launcelot now I telle the / I 15 haue loued the this feuen yere / but there may no woman haue thy loue but quene Gweneuer / But fythen I maye not reioyce the to haue thy body on lyue I had kepte no more ioye in this world / but to haue thy body dede / Thenne wold I haue baumed hit and ferued hit / and foo haue kepte it my lyfe 20 dayes / and dayly I fhold haue clypped the / and kyffed the in defpyte of Quene Gweneuer / ye faye wel fayd fyr launcelot Ihefu preferue me from your fubtyle craftes/ And ther with al he took his hors and foo departed from her / And as the book fayth whan fyr launcelot was departed Ihe took fuche forou that 25 Ihe dyed within a fourten nyghte / and her name was Hellawes the forcereffe lady of the caftel Nygramous / Anone fyre launcelot mette with the damoyfel fyre Melyotis fyfter / And whan fhe fawe hym fhe clapped her handes / and wepte for ioye And thenne they rode vnto a caftel there by where lay fyr Me- 30 lyot / And,anone as fyre launcelot fawe hym / he knewe hym / but he was paffynge pale as the erthe for bledyng / whan fyre Melyot fawe fyre launcelot he kneled vpon his knees and cryed on hyghe / 0 lord fyr launcelot helpe me / Anone fyre launcelot lepte vnto hym and touched his woundes with fyr Gyl- 35 bertes fwerde / And thenne he wyped his woundes with a part of the blody clothe that fir gylbert was wrapped in / and anon an holer man in his lyf was he neuer / And thenne ther was [leaf 104] :6ook vi.] [ 208 ] [Cbap. vit. grete ioye bytwene hem / and they made fyr launcelot all the chere that they myghte / and foo on the morne fyre launcelot toke his leue / and badde fyre Melyot hye hym to the courte of my lord Arthur / for it draweth nyhe to the feeft of pentecofte / and 5 there by the grace of god ye 'hal fynde me / and therwith they departed / I ~apitulum:vj Nd foo fyre Launcelot rode thorou many ftraunge countreyes ouer marys and -valeyes tyl by fortune he came to a fayre caftel / and as he pafte beyonde the caftel / hym Io thought he herde two bellys rynge. And thenne was he ware of a Faucon came fleynge ouer his hede toward an hyghe elme / and longe lunys aboute her feet / and Ihe flewe vnto the elme to take her perche / the lunys ouer caft aboute a bough / And whanne fhe wold haue taken her flyghte / fhe henge by the legI5 ges faft / and fyre launcelot fawe how he henge / and byheld the fayre faucon perygot / & he was fory for her / The meane whyle came a lady oute of the caftel and cryed on hyghe O launcelot launcelot as thou arte floure of alle knyghtes helpe me to gete my hauke / for and my hauke be loft / my lord wyl def20 troye me / for I kepte the hauke and fhe flypped from me / and yf my lord my hufband wete hit / he is foo hafty that he wyll flee me / What is your lordes name fayd fir Launcelot / fir fhe faid his name is fire Phelot a knygthe that longeth vnto the the kynge of Northgalys / wel fayre lady fyn that ye knowe my 25 name and requyre me of knyghthode to helpe yow I wylle doo what I may to gete your hauke / and yet god knoweth I am an ylle clymber and the tree is paffynge hyghe / and fewe bowes to helpe me with alle / And ther with fir launcelot aly3te and teyed his hors to the fame tree / and prayd the lady to 30 vnarme hym / And foo whan he was vnarmed / he put of alle his clothes vnto his fherte and breche / and with myghte & force he clamme vp to the faucon / and teyed the lunys to a grete rotten boyfhe / and threwe the hauke doune and it with alle / Anone the lady gate the hauke in her hand / and there with al 35 came oute fyre phelot oute of the greuys fodenly / that was her [leaf I04 verso] Sook VQ] [ 209 ] [Cbap. tvi. hufband al armed / and with his naked fwerd in his hand and fayd O knyghte launcelot now haue I fond the as I wold and ftode at the bole of the tree to flee hym / A lady fayd fyre Launcelot why haue ye bytrayed me / She hath done fayd fyre Phelot but as I commaunded her / and therfor ther 5 nys none other boote but thyne houre is come that thou mufte dye / That were fhame vnto the fayd fyre launcelot thou an armed knyghte to flee a naked man by treafon / thou geteft none other grace fayd fyre phelot and therefor helpe thy felf and thou canft / Truly fayde fyre launcelot that fhal be thy fhame / io but fyn thou wylt doo none other / take myn harneys with the and hange my fwerde vpon a bough that I maye gete hit / & thenne doo thy beft to flee me and thou canft / Nay nay faid fir Phelot / for I knowe the better than thou weneft / therfor thow geteft no wepen and I may kepe you ther fro / Alias faid fir 15 launcelot that euer a knyghte fhold dye wepenles / And ther with he wayted aboue hym and vnder hym / and ouer his hede he fawe a rownfepyk a bygge bough leueles / and ther with he brake it of by the body / And thenne he came lower & awayted how his owne hors ftode / and fodenly he lepte on the fer- 20 ther fyde of the hors froward the knyghte / And thenne fir phelot laffhed at hym egerly wenynge to haue flayne hym / But fyr Launcelot putte aweye the ftroke with the rounfepyk/ and ther with he fmote hym on the one fyde of the hede that he felle doune in a fwoune to the ground / Soo thenne fyre launcelot 25 took his fwerd oute of his hand and ftroke his neck fro the body / Thenne cryed the lady / Alias why haft thou flayne my hufband / I am not caufer fayd fyre launcelot / for with falfhede ye wold haue had flayne me with trefon / and now it is fallen on you bothe / And thenne fhe founed as though fhe 30 wold dye / And ther with al fyre launcelot gate al his armour as wel as he myght / and put hit vpon hym for drede of more reforte / for he dredde that the kny3tes caftel was foo nygh And foo as foone as he myght he took his hors and departed and thanked god that he had efcaped that aduenture 35 C ~apitulum xvij [leaf Io5] 0 BSook vi.] [ 2I0 ] [Cbap. xvii. Oo fyre launcelot rode many wylde wayes thorou out mareys and many wylde wayes / And as he rode in a valey he fawe a knyght chacynge a lady with a naked fwerd to haue flayn her /And by fortune as this kny3te ~.~ 5 fhold haue flayne thys lady fhe cryed on fyr Launcelot and prayd hym to refcowe her / Whan fyre launcelot fawe that mefchyef / he took his hors and rode bytwene them / fayeng kny3te fy for fhame / why wolt thou flee this lady / thou dofl fhame vnto the and alle knyghtes / what hafte thou to doo betwyx me & Io my wyf / fayd the knyght / I wylle flee her maugre thy hede / that fhalle ye not fayd fyr launcelot / for rather we two wylle haue adoo to gyders / Syre Launcelot fayd the knyght thow doeft not thy part / for this lady hath bytrayed me / hit is not fo fayd the lady / truly he fayth wronge on me / And for by ca15 ufe I loue and cheryffhe my cofyn germayne / he is Ialous betwixe hym and me / And as I fhalle anfuer to god three was neuer fynne betwyxe vs / But fir fayd the lady as thou arte called the worfhipfulleft knyghte of the world I requyre the of true kny3thode kepe me and faue me / For what fom20 euer ye faye he wyl flee me / for he is withoute mercy / haue ye no doubte fayd launcelot it ihal not lye in his power / Syr fayd the knyghte in your fyghte I wyl be ruled as ye wylle haue me / And foo fir launcelot rode on the one fyde and fhe on the other / he had not ryden but a whyle / but the knyghte badde 25 fir Launcelot torne hym and loke behynde hym / and fayde fyre yonder come men of armes after vs rydynge / And foo fir launcelot torned hym and thoughte no treafon / and there wyth was the knyghte and the lady on one fyde / & fodenly he fwapped of his ladyes hede / And whan fyr Launcelot hadde afpy30 ed hym what he had done / he fayd and called hym traytour thou haft fhamed me for euer / and fodenly fir launcelot aly3te of his hors and pulled oute hrs fwerd to flee hym / and there with al he felle flat to the erthe / and grypped fir launcelot by the thyes and cryed mercy / Fy on the fayd fir launcelot thow 35 fhameful knyght thou mayft haue no mercy / and therfor aryfe and fyghte with me / nay fayde the knyghte I wyl neuer aryfe tyl ye graunte me mercy / Now wyl I profer the fayr faid launcelot I wyl vnarme me vnto my fherte / and I wylle [leat o05 verso] ~V-C-7C —CC7 S3ook vf.] [ 211 ] [Cbap. rviii. haue nothyng vpon me / but my fherte and my fwerd and my hand / And yf thou canft flee me / quyte be thou for euer / nay fir faid Pedyuere that wille I neuer / wel faid fir Launcelott take this lady and the hede / and bere it vpon the / and here fhalt thou fwere vpon my fwerd to bere it alweyes vpon thy back 5 and neuer to refte tyl thou come to quene Gueneuer / Syre fayd he that wylle I doo by the feithe of my body / Now faid launcelot telle me what is your name / fir my name is Pedyuere / In a fhameful houre were thou borne faid launcelot / Soo Pedyuere departed with the dede lady and the hede / and fond Io the quene with kynge Arthur at wyncheftre / and there he told alle the trouthe / Syre kny3t faid the quene this is an horryble dede and a fhameful / and a grete rebuke vnto fire launcelott But not withftondynge his worfhip is not knowen in many dyuerfe countreyes / but this fhalle I gyue you in penaunce I5 make ye as good fkyfte as ye can ye fhal bere this lady with you on horfbak vnto the pope of Rome / and of hym receyue your penaunce for your foule dedes / and ye fhalle neuer refte one nyghte there as ye doo another / and ye goo to ony bedde the dede body fhal lye with you / this othe there he made and foo de- 20 parted / And as it telleth in the frenffhe book / whan he cam to Rome / the pope badde hym goo ageyne vnto quene Gueneuer and in Rome was his lady beryed by the popes commaundement / And after this fir Pedyuere felle to grete goodneffe / & was an holy man and an heremyte 25 (C apitulum gvtij Ow tome we vnto fir launcelot du lake that came home two dayes afore the feeft of Pentecoft / and the kyng and alle the courte were paffynge fayne of his comynge / And whanne fire Gawayne / fir Vwayne / fire Sagramore / fir E&or de marys fawe fire Launcelot in Kayes armour / thenne 30 they wift wel it was he that fmote hem doune al with one fpere / Thenne there was laughyng and fmylyng amonge them / and euer now and now came alle the Knyghtes home that fir Turquyn hadde pryfoners and they alle honoured and worfhipped fyre launcelot / E( Whanne fire Gaheryes herd them 35 [leaf Io6] m j Z ook f v.] [ 212 ] [Cbap. Iviii. x fpeke / he faid /I fawe alle the bataille from the begynnyng to the endynge / and there he told kyng Arthur alle how it was and how fyre Turquyn was the ftrongeft knyghte that euer he fawe excepte fyre launcelot / there were many knyghtes bare 5 hym record nyghe thre fcore / Thenne fire kay told the kynge / how fyr launcelot had refcowed hym whan he ihold haue ben flayne / and how he made the knyghtes yelde hem to me / and not to hym / And there they were al thre / and bare record / and by Ihefu faid fyr kay by caufe fyr launcelot took my harneis Io and lefte me his / I rode in good pees / and no man wold haue adoo with me / ( Anone there with alle ther came the thre knyghtes that fought with fyre launcelot at the longe brydge And there they yelded hem vnto fyr kay / and fir kay forfoke hem and faid he foughte neuer with hem /but I fhall eafe yo15 ur herte faid fir kay /yonder is fyr launcelot that ouercam you whan they wyft that/ they were glad / And thenne fyr Melyot de logrys came home / and told the kynge how fyr launcelot had faued hym fro the dethe / and all his dedes were knowen how foure quenes forcereffes had hym in pryfon / and how he 20 was delyuerd by kynge Bagdemagus doughter / Alfo there were told alle grete dedes of armes that fyr launcelot dyd betwixe the two kynges / that is for to faye the kynge of northgalys and kynge Bagdemagus Alle the trouthe fyr Gahalantyne dyd telle / and fyre Mador de la porte and fyre Mor25 dred / for they were at that fame turnement / [J Thenne cam in the lady that knewe fyr launcelot whan that he wounded fyr Bellyus at the pauelione / And there atte requeft of fyr laucelot fyr Beilyus was made knyghte of the round table / And foo at that tyme fir launcelot had the gretteft name of 30 ony knyghte of the world / and moft he was honoured of hyhe and lowe C( Eplfctt the noble tale of ftr 2auncelot bu lake wbicbe is the vj book (C bere folowetb tbe tale of ftr Garetb of Orkenep tbat was calleb X3eaumagns bg ftr kay anb it tbe feuentb boof [leaf Io6 verso] Sooh of.l] [ 2I3 ] [Cbap.. C Capftulum primum Han Arthur held his round table mooft plenour/ it fortuned that he commaunded that the hyhe feeft of Pentecoft fhold be holden at a cyte and a Caftel the whiche in tho dayes was called kynke kenadonne vpon the fondes that S marched nyghe walys / C[ Soo euer the kyng hadde a cuftom that at the feeft of Pentecoft in efpecyal afore other feeftes in the yere he wold not goo that daye to mete vntyl he had herd or fene of a grete merueylle / And for that cuftome alle maner of ftraunge aduentures came before Arthur as at that fe- Io eft before alle other feeftes / And foo fire Gawayne a lytyl to fore none of the daye of Pentecoft afpyed att a wyndowe thre men vpon horfbak and a dwarf on foote / and foo the thre men alighte and the dwarf kepte their horfes / and one of the thre men was hyher than the other tweyne by a foote and a half I5 Thenne fir Gawayne wente vnto the kynge and fayd / fire go to your mete / for here at the hande comen ftraunge aduentures So Arthur wente vnto his mete with many other kynges / And there were all the knyghtes of the round table only tho that were pryfoners or flayn at a recountre / thenne at the hy- 20 he feeft euermore they fhold be fulfilled the hole nombre of an C and fyfty / for thenne was the round table fully compliffhed Ryght foo cam in to the halle two men wel bifene and rychely / and vpon their iholders there lened the goodlyeft yong man & the faireft that euer they al fawe / & he was large and long 25 and brode in the fholders & wel vyfaged / and the fayrest and the largeft handed that euer man fawe / but he ferd as though he myght not goo nor bere hym felf / but yf he lened vpon their fholders / Anon as Arthur fawe hym there was made pees & rome / & ryght fo they yede with hym vnto the hyghe deyfe with- 30 out fayeng of ony wordes / thenne this moche yong man pulled hym a bak and eafily ftretched vp ftreyghte/ fayeng kynge Arthur god you bliffe and al your fair felauihip/ and in efpecial the felaufhip of the table rounde / And for thys caufe I am come hyder to praye you and requyre you to gyue me thre 35 yeftes / and they Ihalle not be vnrefonably afked / but that ye may worshipfully and honorably graunte hem me / and to you [leaf 1o7] m ij fiooTk vii.] [ 2I4 ] [Cbap. if. no grete hurte nor loffe / And the fyrft done and gyfte I wil afke now / and the other two yeftes I wylle aike this daye twelue moneth / where fomeuer ye hold your hyghe feeft / Now afke fayd Arthur / and ye fhalle haue your afkyng,~ ^^ ~ 5 ( Now fyre this is my petycyon for thys feeft / that ye wylle ^_~'l ~ gyue me mete and drynke fuffycyauntly for;this twelue moneth / and at that day I wylle afke myn other two yeftes ( My fayr fone fayd Arthur afke better I counceille the for this is but a fymple afkynge / for my herte geueth me to the io gretely that thou arte come of men of worfhyp / and gretely my confayte fayleth me / but thou fhalt preue a man of ryghte grete worfhip / Syre he fayd / ther of be as it be may I haue afked that I wylle afke / wel fayd the kynge ye fhal have mete & drynke ynou3 / I neuer deffended pt none / nother my fren15 de ne my foo / But what is thy name I wold wete / I can not telle you fayd he / that is merueylle fayd the kynge / that thou knoweft not thy name / and thou arte the goodlyeft yong man one that euer I fawe / Thenne the kyng betook hym to fir kay the fteward / and charged hym that he fhold gyue hym 20 of al maner of metes and drynkes of the beft / and alfo that he hadde al maner of fyndynge as though he were a lordes fone / that fhal lytel nede fayd fyr kay to doo fuche coft vpon hym For I dare undertake he is a vylayne borne / and neuer will make man / for and he had come of gentylmen he wold haue 25 axed of you hors and armour / but fuche as he is fo he afketh And fythen he hath no name / I fhall yeue hym a name that fhal be Beaumayns that is fayre handes / and in to the kechen I fhalle brynge hym / and there he fhal haue fatte broweys euery day Y he fhall be as fatte by the twelue monethes ende 30 as a porke hog / ryght foo the two men departed and belefte hym to fyr kay / that fcorned hym and mocked hym ([:at i Here at was fir Gawayn wroth / & in efpecyal fir launcelot bad fir kay leue his mockyng / for I dare laye my hede he fhall preue a man of grete worfhip / lete be / 35 faid fir kay / it may not be by no reafon / for as he is / fo he hath afked / Beware faid fyre Launcelot / fo ye gafe the good kny3t Brewnor fyre Dynadamys broder a name / and ye called hym la cote male tayle / and that tourned you to anger after[leaf Io7 verso] I :Book 1ff.] [ 215 ] [Cbap. if. ward / As for that fayd fyr kay this fhall neuer preue none fuche / For fyr Brewnor defyred euer worfhip and thys defyreth breed & drynke / & brothe vpon payne of my lyf he was foftred vp in fome abbay / and how fomeuer it was they fayled mete and drynke / and foo hyther he is come for his fuf- 5 tenaunce [ And foo fyre kay badde gete hym a place and fytte doune to mete / foo Beaumayns wente to the halle dore / and fette hym doune amonge boyes and laddys / & there he ete fadly / And thenne fyre launcelot after mete badde hym come to his chamber / And there he fhold haue mete and io drynke ynough / And foo dyd fyre Gawayne / but he reffufed hem al / he wold doo none other / but as fyr kay commaunded hym for no profer / But as touchynge fyre Gawayn he hadde refon to profer hym lodgyng mete and drynke / for that profer came of his blood / for he was nere kynne to hym than he wyft 15 But that as fyre launcelot dyd was of his grete gentylnes and curtofye ( Soo thus he was putte in to the kechyn and laye nyghtly as the boyes of the kechen dyd / And foo he endured alle that twelue moneth / and neuer difpleafyd man nor chylde / but alweyes he was meke & mylde/ 20 But euer whanne that he fawe ony Iuftynge of knyghtes/ that wold he fee and he myght / And euer fyre launcelot wold gyue hym gold to fpende and clothes / and foo dyd fyre Gawayne / and where there were ony mayftryes done / there atte wold he be / and there myghte none caft barre nor ftone to hym 25 by two yerdys / Thenne wold fyre kay faye how lyketh yow my boye of the kechyn / foo it paft on tyl the feeft of Whytfontyde / And at that tyme the kynge helde hit att Carlyon in the mooft royalleft wyfe that myghte be / lyke as he dyd yerly / But the Kynge wold no mete ete vpon the whyyfonday vn- 30 tyl he herd fome aduentures / Thenne cam ther a fquyer to the Kyng / and faid / fyre ye maye goo to your mete/ for here cometh a damoyfel with fomme ftraunge aduentures / thenne was the Kynge gladde and fette hym doune / [ Ryghte foo ther came a damoyfel in to the halle and falewed the Kynge and prayd 35 hym of focour / for whome fayd the Kynge what is the aduenture / ( Syre fhe fayd I haue a lady of grete worfhip and renomme / and fhe is byfeged with a tyraunte fo that fhe may [leaf Io83 m iij JZook vii.] [ 216 ] [Cbap. ii. not oute of her caftel / And by caufe here are callyd the nobleft knyghtes of the world / I come to you to praye you of focour / What heteth your lady and where dwelleth fhe / & who is he / & what is his name that hath byfeged her / fyre kyng fhe 5 faide / as for my ladyes name that fhall not ye knowe for me as at this tyme / but I lete you wete fhe is a lady of grete worfhip and of grete landes / And as for the tyraunt that byfyegeth her and deftroyeth her landes he is called the rede knyght of the reed laundes / I knowe hym not fayd the kynge / Syre Io faid fyre Gawayne / I knowe hym wel for he is one of the perillouft knyghtes of the world / men faye that he hath feuen mennys ftrengthe / and from hym I efcaped ones ful hard/ with my lyf / Fayre damoyfel fayd the kynge there ben kny3 -tes here wolde doo her power for to refcowe your lady/ but by 15 caufe ye wylle not telle her name nor where fhe dwelleth / therfor none of my knyghtes that here be now ihal goo with yow by my wylle / thenne muft I fpeke further fayd the damoyfel C apitulum iij Yth thefe wordes came before the kynge Beaumayns whyle the damoyfel was ther/& thus he faid fyr Kyng 20 god thanke you I haue ben this xij monethe in your kechyn and haue hadde my ful fulfenaice and now I will aike my two yeftes that ben behynde / Aike vpon my peryl faid the kynge / Syre this ihal be my two gyftes / fyrft that ye wil graunte me to haue this aduenture of the damoyfel / for hit belon25 geth vnto me / thou fhalt haue hit fayd the kyng I graunte it the / thenne fyr this is the other yeft / that ye fhal bydde LaunceV; y lot du lake to make me kny3t for of hym I wil be made knyght and els of none / And whanne I am pafte I praye yow lete hym ryde after me and make me Knyght / whan I requy3o re hym / Al this Ihal be done fayd the Kynge / Fy on the fayde the damoyfel / fhalle I haue none but one that is your kechyn page / thenne was fhe wrothe and toke her hors and departed / And with that there cam one to Beaumayns and told hym his hors and armour was come for hym / and there was the 35 dwarf come with all thyng that hym neded in the rycheft maner / ther at al the court had moche merueill from whens cam al t [leaf o8 verso] 0 om coal codo), 0 om coal codo), r F,1 T r' -. J3ook of.L] L ";19 J Locap. v. the greece and talowe that thou gayntci in kyng Arthurs kechyn / weneft thou fayd fhe that I alowe the for yonder kny3t that thou kylleft / Nay truly / for thou fleweft hym vnhappely and cowardly / therfor tome ageyn bawdy kechyn page / I knowe the wel / for fyre kay named the Beaumayns / what'arte 5 thou but a lufke and a torner of broches and a ladyl weffher Damoyfel fayd Beaumayns faye to me what ye wylle / I wylle not goo from you what fomeuer ye fay / for I haue vntertake to kynge Arthur for to acheue your aduenture / and fo Ihal I fynyffhe it to the ende / eyther I fhal dye therfore / Fy IO on the kechyn knaue wolt thou fynyffhe myn aduenture / thou Ihalt anone be met with al / that thou woldeft not for alle the brothe that euer thou foupeft ones loke hym in the face / I Ihal affaye fayd Beaumayns / Soo thus as they rode in the woode / ther came a man fleynge al that euer he myghte / whether x5 wolt thou fayd Beaumayns / O lord he faid / helpe me / for here by in a flade are fyxe theues that haue taken my lord and bounde hym / foo I am aferd left they wyl flee hym / Brynge me thyder faid Beaumayns / and foo they rode to gyders vntyl they came there as was the knyghte bounden / and thenne 20 he rode vnto hem / and ffrake one vnto the dethe / and thenne an other / and at the thyrd ftroke he flewe the thyrdde theef / and thenne the other thre fledde / And he rode after hem / and he o. uertook hem / and thenne tho thre theues tourned ageyne and affayled Beaumayns hard / but at the laft he flewe them / & re- 25 torned and vnbounde the knyghte / And the knyght thanked hym / and prayd hym to ryde with hym to his caffel there a lytel befyde / and he ihold worfhipfully rewarde hym for his good dedes / Syr..fayd Beaumayns I wille no reward haue/ I was this' day made knyghte of noble fyr launcelot / & ther- 30 for I wylle no reward haue / but god rewarde me / And alfo I mufft folowe this damoyfel / And whan he came nyghe her ihe bad hym ryde fro her / for thou fmellyft al of the kechyn / Weneft thou that I haue Ioye of the / for al this dede that thou haft done nys but myfhappen the / But thou fhalt fee a fyghte 35 ihal make the tome ageyne and that lyghtly / Thenne the fame knyght whiche was refcowed of the theues rode after that damoyfel and prayed her to lodge with hym alle that nyghte And by caufe it was nere nyght / the damoyfel rode with hym [leaf I o] :3oof vii.] [ 220 ] [Cbap. vi. to his caftel / and there;ley had grete chere / and at fouper the knyght fat fyr Beumayns afore the damoifel / Fy fy faid fhe fyr knyghte ye are vncurtoys to fette a kechyn page afore me hym byfemeth better to ftycke a fwyne than to fytte afore a da5 moyfel of hyhe parage / thenne the knyght was afhamed atte her wordes / and took hym vp / and fette hym at afyde bord / and fette hym felf afore hym / and foo al that nyght they had good chere and mery refte/ C Capitulum fectum Nd on the morn the damoifel & he took their leue & than10 edked the knyght / and foo departed / and rode on her way / vntyl they came to a grete foreft / And there was a grete ryuer and but one paffage / and ther were redy two knyghtes on the ferther fyde to lette them the paffage / what faift thou fayd the damoyfel / wylt thou matche yonder knyghtes or torne 15 ageyne / Nay fayd fyr Beaumayns I wyl not torne ageyn and they were fyxe mo / And ther with al he raffhyd in to the water / and in myddes of the water eyther brake their fperes vpon other to their handes / and thenne they drewe their fwerdes / and fmote egerly at other / And at the laft fyr Beauma20 yns fmote the other vpon the helme that his hede ftonyed / and there with alle he felle doune in the water / and there was he drowned / And thene he fporyd his hors vpon the londe / where the other knyghte felle vpon hym / and brake his fpere/ and foo they drewe theyr fwerdes / and foughte longe to gyders 25 At the lafte fyre Beaumayns clafe his helme and his heede doune to the fholders / and foo he rode vnto the damoyfel & bad her ryde forth on her way / Alias fhe fayd that euer a kechen page fhold haue that fortune to deftroye fuche two dou3ty knyghtes / thou weneft thou haft done doughtely that is not foo/ 30 For the fyrfte knyghte his hors ftumbled / and there he was drouned in the water / and neuer it was by thy force / nor by thy myght / And the laft knyghte by myfhap thou camyft behynde hym and myfhappely thou flewe hym / Damoyfel fayd Beaumayns ye maye faye what ye wyl / but with whom fom35 euer I haue a doo with al I trufte to god to ferue hym or he [leaf 1T verso] ZJoo vioi.] [ 22I ] [Cbap. ovf. departe / And therfor I recke not wh, yt fay foo that I may wynne youre lady / Fy fy foule kechen knaue thou fhalt fee knyghtes that fhal abate thy booft / Fayre damoyfel gyue me goodly langage / and thenne my care is paft / for what knyghtes fomeuer they be /I care not ne I doubte hem not / Alfo fa- 5 yd fhe I faye it for thyne auayle / yet mayft thou tome ageyne with thy worfhip / for and thou folowe me / thou arte but flayne / for I fee alle that euer thou dofft is but by myfauenture / and not by proweffe of thy handes / wel damoyfel ye may fay what ye wylle / but where fomeuer ye goo I wylle folowe you Io Soo this Beaumayns rode with that lady tyl euenfong tyme and euer fhe chyde hym and wold not refte / And they cam to a black launde / and there was a black hauthorne / & theron henge a blak baner / and on the other fyde there henge a black fhelde / and by hit ftode a black fpere grete and longe / and a s1 grete black hors couerd with fylke / and a black ftone faft by CII C tapitulum feptimum Her fat a knyghte al armed in black harneis / and his name was pe kny3t of the blak laude / thene P' damoyfel whanne fhe fawe that knyghte fhe badde hym flee doun that valey for his hors was not fadeled / Gramercy fayd Be- 20 aumayns / for alweyes ye wold haue me a coward / with that the black knyghte / whanne fhe came nyghe hym fpak / & fayd damoyfel haue ye broughte this knyghte of kynge Arthur to be your champyon / Nay fayr knyghte fayd fhe / this is but a kechyn knaue that was fedde in kynge Arthurs kechyn for 25 almeffe / Why cometh he fayd the knyghte in fuche aray / hit is fhame that he bereth you company / fyr I can not be delyuerd of hym fayd Ihe / for with me he rydeth maugre myn hede / god wold that ye fhold put hym from me / outher to flee hym and ye may / for he is an vnhappy knaue / and vnhappely he hath do- 30 ne this day / thorou myfhappe I fawe hym flee two knyghtes at the paffage of the water / and other dedes he dyde beforne ryght merueyllous and thorou vnhappynes / that merueylled me fayd the black knyghte that ony man that is of worfhyp wylle haue adoo with hym / they knowe hym not fayd the da- 35 moyfel / And for by caufe he rydeth with me / they wene that he [leaf I I] 3SooRk viL] [ 222 ] [ebap. vif. be fome man of worfhi hborne / that may be / fayd the blak knyghte / how be it as ye fay that he be no man of worfhyp he is a ful lykely perfone / and ful lyke to be a ftronge man / but thus moche fhal I graunte you fayd the black knyghte / I 5 fhal putte hym doune vpon one. foote / and his hors and hys harneys he fhal leue with me / for it were fhame to me to doo hym ony more harme / Whanne fyre Beaumayns herd hym faye thus / he fayd fyre knyghte thou art ful large of my hors and my harneys / I lete the wete it cofte the noughte / & wheo0 ther hit lyketh the or not this launde wylle I paffe maulgre thyn hede / And hors ne harneys geteft thou none of my / but yf thou wynne hem with thy handes / and therfor lete fee what thou canft doo / Sayft thou that fayd the black knyghte / now yelde thy lady fro the / for it befemeth neuer a kechyn page to 15 ryde with fuche a lady / Thou lyeft fayd Beaumayns I am a gentyl man borne and of more hyghe lygnage than thou / & that wyl I preue on thy body / Thenne in grete wrathe they departed with theyr horfes / and came to gyders as hit had ben the thonder / and the black knyghtes fpere brake / and Beau20 mayns threfte hym thorou bothe his fydes / and there with his fpere brak / and the truncheon lefte ftylle in his fyde / But neuertheles the black knyght drewe his fuerd / and fmote many eger ftrokes and of grete myghte / and hurte Beaumayns ful fore / But at the lafte the black knyghte within an houre 25 and an half he felle doune of his hors in fwoune / and there he dyed / And thenne Beaumayns fawe hym foo wel horfed and armed / thenne he alyghte doune and armed hym in his armour / and foo took his hors and rode after the damoyfel / Whanne fhe fawe hym come nyghe / fhe fayd awey kechyn kna30 ue oute of the wynde / for the fmelle of thy baudy clothes greueth me / Alias fhe fayd that euer fuche a knaue fhold by myfhap flee foo good a knyghte as thou haft done / but alle thys is thyn vnhappynes / But here by is one fhal paye the alle thy payement / and therfore yet I counceylle the / flee / it may hap35 pen me fayd Beaumayns to be beten or flayne / but I warne you fayre damoyfel I wyll not flee awey / nor leue your company for al that ye can fay / for euer ye fay that they wil kylle me or bete me / but how fomeuer hit happeneth I efcape / and [leaf I verso] Z:ook vif.] [ 223 ] [Cbap. oifi. they lye on the grouid / And therfore it were as good for you to hold you ftyll thus al day rebukynge me / for aweye wille I not tyl I fee the vttermeft of this Iourneye / or els I wylle be flayne / outher truly beten / therfore ryde on your waye / For folowe you I wille what fomeuer happen 5 C Capitulum octauum Hus as they rode to gyders they fawe a knyght come dryuend by them al in grene bothe his hors & his harneis / And whanne he came nyghe the damoyfel he afked her / is that my broder the black Kny3te that ye haue brought with yow / Nay nay fhe fayd this vnhappy kechen knaue to hath flayne your broder thorou vnhappyneffe / Alias fayd the grene knyghte that is grete pyte that foo noble a knyghte as he was fhold foo vnhappely be flayne / and namely of a knaues hand as ye fay that he is / a traytour fayd the grene knyghte thou fhalt dye for fleynge of my broder / he was a ful no- I5 ble knyghte and his name was fyr Pereard / I defye the faid Beaumayns / for I lete the wete I flewe hym knyghtely and not fhamefully / There with al the grene knyghte rode vnto an horne that was grene / and hit henge vpon a thorne / and there he blewe thre dedely motys / and there came two damoyfels 20 and armed hym lyghtely / And thenne he took a grete hors / and a grene fhelde and a grene fpere / And thenne they ranne to gyders with al their myghtes and brake their fperes vnto their handes / And thenne they drewe their fwerdes / and gaf many fadde ftrokes / and either of them wounded other ful yll 25 And at the laft at an ouerthwart Beaumayns with his hors ftrake the grene knyghtes hors vpon the fyde that he felle to the erthe / And thenne the grene knyghte auoyded his hors lightly / and dreffid hym vpon foote / That fawe Beaumayns And there with al he alighte and they raffhed to gyders ly- 30 ke two myghty kempys a longe whyle / and fore they bledde bothe / with that cam the damoyfel / and faid my lord the grene knyghte / why for ihame ftande ye foo longe fyghtyng with the kechyn knaue / Allas it is fhame that euer ye were made knyghte to fee fuche a ladde to matche fuche a knyghte / as the 35 [leaf z2] 3Book vii.] [ 224 ] [Cbap. viii. lk" 1-01 wede ouer grewe the corne / There with the grene knyght was afhamed / and there with al he gaf a grete ftroke of myghte & clafe his fhelde thorou / Whan Beaumayns fawe his fhelde clouen a fonder / he was a lytel afhamed of that ftroke and of her 5 langage / And thenne he gaf hym fuche a buffet vpon the helme that he felle on his knees / And foo fodenly Beaumayns pulled hym vpon the ground grouelynge / And thenne the grene knyghte cryed hym mercy / and yelded hym vnto fyre Beaumayns / and prayd hym to flee hym not / Al is in vayn Io faid Beaumayns for thou fhalt dye but yf this damoyfel that came with me praye me to faue thy lyf / and ther with al he vnlaced his helme lyke as he wold flee hym / Fy vpon the falfe kechen page / I wyll neuer pray the to faue his lyf / for I will neuer be foo moche in thy daunger / Thenne fhalle he deye fayde 15 Beaumayns / Not foo hardy thou bawdy knaue fayd the damoyfel / that thou flee hym / Alias fayd the grene knyghte fuffre me not to dye for a fayre word may faue me / Fayr kny3t faid the grene knyghte faue my lyf / & I wyl foryeue the / the dethe of my broder / and for euer to become thy man / and xxx 20 knyghtes that hold of me for euer fhal doo you feruyfe / In the deuyls name fayd the damoyfel that fuche a bawdy kechen knaue fhold haue the and thyrtty knyghtes feruyfe / Syr knyght faid Beaumayns alle this auaylleth the not / but yf my damoyfel fpeke with me for thy lyf / And therwith al he ma25 de a femblaunt to flee hym / lete be fayd the damoyfel thou baudy knaue / flee hym not / for and thou do / thou fhalt repente it Damoyfel faid Beaumayns your charge is to me a pleafyr and at your commaundement his lyf Ihal be faued / & els not Thenne he faid fir Knyghte with the grene armes I releace the 30 quyte at this damoyfels requeft / for I wylle not make her wrothe / I wille fulfylle al that fhe chargeth me / And thenne the grene knyghte kneled doune / and dyd hym homage with his fwerd / thenne faid the damoifel me repenteth grene knyghte of your dommage / and of youre broders dethe the black 35 knyghte / for of your helpe I had grete myfter / For I drede me fore to paffe this foreft / Nay drede you not fayd the grene knyghte / for ye Ihal lodge with me this nyghte / and to morne I fhalle helpe you thorou this foreft / Soo they tooke theyre [leaf I I2 verso] ZBook vii] [ 225 1 [cbap. ir. horfes and rode to his manoyr whiche was faft there befyde CI apitulum i; Nd euer fhe rebuked Beaumayns and wold not fuffre hym to fytte at her table / but as the grene knyghte took hym and fat hym at a fyde table / Merueylle me thynketh faid the grene knyght to the damoyfel why ye rebuke this no- 5 ble knyghte as ye doo / for I warne you damoyfel he is a full noble knyght / and I knowe no knyght is abel to matche hym therfor ye doo grete wrong to rebuke hym / for he fhall do yow ryght good feruyfe / for what fomeuer he maketh hym felf / ye fhalle preue at the ende that he is come of a noble blood and Io of kynges lygnage / Fy fy faid the damoifel it is fhame for you to faye of hym fuche worfhip / Truly faid the grene kny3t it were fhame for me to fey of hym ony difworfhip / for he hath preued hym felf a better knyght than I am / yet haue I mett with many knyghtes in my dayes / and neuer or this tyme ha- i5 ue I fond no knyght his matche/ and fo that nyghte they yede vnto reft / and al that nyght the grene knyght commaunded thyrtty knyghtes pryuely to watche Beaumayns for to kepe hym from al treafon / And foo on the morne they al arofe and herd their maffe and brake theyr faft / and thenne they tooke 20 their horfes / and rode on theire waye /and the grene knyghte conueyed hem thorou the foreft / and there the grene Knyghte faid my lord Beaumayns I & thefe thyrtty knyghtes fhall be alweye at your fomons both erly and late at your callyng and whether that euer ye wille fende vs / it is wel faid / fayd ^5 Beaumayns / whanne that I calle vpon you / ye muff yelde you vnto kynge Arthur and all your knyghtes / yf that ye fo commaunde vs / We fhal ben redy at all tymes faid the grene knyght / Fy fy vpon the in the deuyls name faide the damoyfel that ony good knyghtes fhold be obedyent vnto a kechyn kna- 30 ue / Soo thenne departed the grene Knyghte and the damoyfel / And thenne fhe faid vnto Beaumayns why foloweft thou me thou kechyn boye / cafte away thy fhelde and thy fpere / and flee aweye / yet I counceille the by tymes or thou fhalt fay ryght foone Allas for were thou as wy3te as euer was wade 35 [leaf r 3] P 0ook 'vii.] [ 226 ] [Cbap. r. or Laiucelot / Tryftram / or the good knyghte fyr lamaryk thou fhalt not paffe a paas here that is called the paas perillous / Damoyfel faid Beaumayns who is aferd lete hym flee / for it were ihame to tore ageyne fythen I haue ryden foo longe 5 with yow / wel faid the damoyfel ye fhal fone whether ye wyll or not I ~apitulum X Oo within a whyle they fawe a toure as whyte as ony fnowe wel matchecold al aboute / and doubel dyked / And ouer the toure gate there henge a fyfty fheldes of io dyuerfe colours / and vnder that toure there was a fayr medow And therin were many knyghtes and fquyers to behold fcaffoldes and pauelions / for there vpon the morn fhold be a grete turnement / and the lord of the toure was in his cartel and loked out at a wyndowe / and fawe a damoyfel / a dwarf and I5 a kny3t armed at al poyntes / So god me helpe faid the lord with pt kny3t wyll I Iufte / for I fee that he is a kni3t arraut & foo he armed hym and horfed hym haftely / And whanne he was on horfbak with his fhelde and his fpere / it was al rede bothe his hors and his harneis / and alle that to hym lon20 geth / And whanne that he came nyghe hym he wende it hadde ben his broder the black knyghte / And thenne he cryed a loude broder what doo ye in thefe marches / nay nay fayd the damoyfel / it is not he / this is but a kechyn knaue that was brought vp for almeffe in kynge Arthurs courte / Neuertheles fayd 25 the reed knyghte I wylle fpeke with hym or he departe / A fayd the damoyfel this knaue hath kylled thy broder / and fyre kay named hym Beaumayns / and this hors and this harneis was thy broders the black knyghte / Alfo I fawe thy broder the grene knyghte ouercome of his handes / Now maye ye 30 be reuenged vpon hym / for I may neuer be quyte of hym ([ With this eyther knyghtes departed in fondre / and they cam to gyder with alle their myght / and eyther of their horfes fell to the erthe / and they auoyded their horfes / and put their fheldes afore them and drewe their fwerdes / and either gaf other 35 fadde ftrokes / now here / now there / rafyng / tracyng / foynynge and hurlynge lyke two bores the fpace of two houres / And thenne fhe cryed on hyhe to the rede knyghte / Alias thou noble [leaf I 3 verso] M ootk Vt.] [ 227 ] [Cbap. f. reed knyghte / thynke what worfhip hath folowed the / lete neuer a kechyn knaue endure the foo longe as he doth / Thenne the reed knyght waxed wrothe and doubled his ftrokes and hurte Beaumayns wonderly fore that the blood ranne doune to the ground that it was wonder to fee that ftronge bataille / 5 Yet at the laft fyre Beaumayns ftrake hym to the erthe / and as he wold haue flayne the reed knyghte he cryed mercy fayeng Noble knyghte flee me not / and I fhall yelde me to the with fyfty knyghtes with me that be at my commaundement And I forgyue the al the defpyte that thou haft done to me / o0 and the dethe of my broder the black knyghte / All this auailleth not faid Beaumayns / but yf my damoyfel praye me to faue thy lyf / And therwith he maade femblaunt to ftryke of his hede / Lete be thou Beaumayns flee hym not / for he is a noble knyghte / and not foo hardy vpon thyne hede but thou faue 15 hym / Thenne Beaumayns badde the reed knyghte ftand vp and thanke the damoyfel now of thy lyf / ( Thenne the reed knyght praid hym to fee his caftel / and to be there al nyghte Soo the damoyfel thenne graunted hym / and there they had mery chere / But alweyes the damoyfel fpak many foule wor- 20 des vnto Beaumayns wherof the reed knyght had grete merueylle / and alle that nyghte the reed knyghte maade thre fcore knyghtes to watche Beaumayns that he fhold haue no fhame nor vylony / And vpon the morne they herd maffe and dyned / and the reed knyghte came before Beaumayns with 25 his thre fcore knyghtes / and there he profered hym his homage and feaute at al tymes he and his knyghtes to doo hym feruyfe / I thanke you faid Beaumayns / but this ye fhalle graunte me / whanne I calle vpon you to come afore my lord kynge Arthur and yelde you vnto hym to be his knyghtes / 30 Syr faid the reed knyghte I wille be redy and my felaufhip at your fomons / So fyr Beaumayns departed and the damoyfel and euer fhe rode chydynge hym in the fowleft manere / [leaf 1143 J MsooR vii.] [ 228 ] [Cbap. tf. CI Capitulum gj Amoyfel faid Beaumayns ye are vncurteis fo to rebuke me / as ye doo / for me femeth I haue done you ^ good feruyfe / and euer ye threate me I fhal be betyn with knyghtes that we mete / but euer for al your booft they 5 lye in the duft or in the myre / and therfor I pray you rebuke me no more / And whan ye fee me beten or yolden as recreaut thenne may ye bydde me goo from you fhamefully / but fyrfte I lete you wete I wylle not departe from you / for I were werfe than a foole and I wold departe from you all the whyIo le that I wynne worfhip / wel faid fhe / ryght foone ther fhall mete a knyght fhal paye the alle thy wages / for he is the moft man of worfhip of the world excepte kyng Arthur / I will wel faid Beaumayns / the more he is of worfhip / the more fhalle be my worfhip to haue adoo with hym / Thenne anone 15 they were ware / where was afore them a Cyte ryche and fayre And betwixe them and the Cyte a myle and a half there was a fayre medowe that femed newe mowen / and therin were many pauelions fayre to beholde / Lo faid the damoyfel yonder is a lord that oweth yonder cyte / and his cuftome is whan 2o the weder is fayr to lye in this medowe to Iufte and torneye / And euer there ben aboute hym fyue honderd knyghtes & gentilmen of armes / and there ben alle maner of games that ony gentylman can deuyfe / That goodly lord faide Beaumayns wold I fayne fee / thou fhalt fee hym tyme ynough faide the 25 damoyfel / and foo as fhe rode nere fhe afpyed the pauelione / where he was / Loo fayd fhe feeft thou yonder pauelione that is al of the coloure of Inde and al maner of thynge that there is aboute men and wymmen / and horfes trapped / fheldes and fperes were all of the colour of Inde and his name is fir per30 fant of Inde the mooft lordlyeft knyghte that euer thou lokeft on / Hit may wel be faid Beaumayns / but be he neuer fo ftoute a knyghte in this felde / I fhalle abyde tyl that I fee hym vnder his fhelde / A foole faid fhe thou were better flee by tymes / why fayd Beaumayns and he be fuche a knyghte as ye 35 make hym he wylle not fette vpon me with alle his men / or with his / v / C knyghtes / For and ther come no more but one [leaf 1 14 verso] :Sooi 0 vi ] [ 229 ] [Cbap. ti. at ones / I fhall hym not fayle whyleft my lyf lafteth / Fy fy faid the damoyfel that euer fuche a ftynkynge knaue fhold blowe fuche a booft / Damoyfel he faid ye ar to blame foo to rebuke me / For I had leuer do fyue batails / than fo to be rebuked / lete hym come and thenne lete hym doo his werft / Syre 5 fhe faid I merueylle what thou arte and of what kyn thou arte come / boldly thou fpekeft / and boldly thou haft done / that haue I fene / therfore I praye the faue thy felf and thou mayft / for thy hors and thou haue had grete traueylle / And I drede we dwelle ouer longe from the fege / For hit is but hens o1 feuen myle / and alle perillous paffages we ar paft faue al only this paffage / and there I drede me fore left ye fhalle ketche fome hurte / therfore I wold haue ye were hens that ye were not bryfed nor hurte with this ftronge knyghte / But I lete you wete this fyr Perfant of ynde is no thyng of my3te nor ftrength I. vnto the knyghte that leid the fyege aboute my lady / As for that faid fyre Beaumayns be it as it be may / For fythen I am come foo nyghe this knyght I wille preue his myghte or I departe from hym / and els I fhalle be fhamed / and I now withdrawe me from hym / And therfore damoyfel haue ye 20 no doubte by the grace of god I fhall fo dele with this knyghte that within two houres after none I ihalle delyuer hym And thenne fhal we come to the fyege by day lyghte / O Ihefu merueille haue I faid the damoyfel what maner a man ye be / for hit may neuer ben otherwyfe but that ye be comen of a 25 noble blood / for foo foule ne fhamefully dyd neuer woman rule a knyghte as I haue done you / and euer curtoifly ye haue fuffred me/ and that cam neuer but of a gentyl blood / ( Damoyfel fayd Beaumayns a knyght may lytel do that may not fuffre a damoifel / for what fomeuer ye faid vnto me / 30 I took none hede to your wordes / for the more ye fayd the more ye angryd me / and my wrathe I wrekyd vpon them that I had adoo with al / And therfor alle the myffayenge that ye myffayed me / fordered me in my bataill & caufed me to thynke to fhewe & preue my felf at the ende what I was / for pera- 35 ventur thou3 I had mete in kyng Arthurs kechyn / yet I my3t haue had mete ynou3 in other places / but alle that I dyd it for to preue & affaye my frendes / and that fhalle be knowen [leaf Il5] n ij 3Boofk vl.] [ 230 ] [Cbap. iff. another day / and whether that I be a gentylman borne or none / I lete you wete fayre damoyfel I haue done you gentilmans feruyfe / and parauentur better feruyfe yet wille I do or I departe from you / Alias fhe faid fayre Beaumayns for5 gyue me alle that I haue myffaid or done ageynft the / wyth alle my herte faid he I forgyue it yow / for ye dyde no thyng but as ye fhold doo / for al your euyl wordes pleafyd me / & damoyfel faide Beaumayns fyn hit lyketh you to faye thus fayre vnto me / wete ye wel it gladeth my herte gretely / and io now me femeth ther is no knyght lyuynge but I am able ynough for hym 1C Capitulum Duobecimum I II Yth this fir Perfant of ynde had afpyed them as they houed in the felde / and kny3tly he fente to them whether he came in werre or in pees / fay to thy lord faid beauma15 yns I take no force / but whether as hym lyft hym felf / Soo the meffager went ageyne vnto fyr Perfaunt / and told hym alle this anfuer / wel thenne will I haue adoo with hym to the vtteraunce / and foo he purueyed hym and rode ageynft hym / And Beaumayns fawe hym and made hym redy / & ther they 20 mette with all that euer theyr horfes myght renne / and brafte their fperes eyther in thre pyeces / & their horfes raffed fo to gyders that bothe their horfes felle dede to the erthe & ly3tly they auoyded their horfes / and put their fheldes afore them / & drewe their fwerdes / and gaf many grete ftrokes that fomtyme 25 they hurtled to gyder that they felle grouelyng on the ground Thus they fought two houres and more that their fheldes & theyr hauberkes were al forhewen / & in many ftedys they were wounded / So at the laft fyr Beaumayns fmote hym thorou the coft of the body / & thenne he retrayed hym here & there 30 & knyghtly mayntened his batail long tyme / And at the laft though hym lothe were Beaumayns fmote fir Perfant aboue vpon the helme that he felle grouelyng to the erthe / & thenne he lepte vpon hym ouerthwart and vnlaced his helme to haue flayne hym / Thenne fyr Perfant yelded hym & afked hym 35 mercy / with that cam Pe damoifel & praid to faue his lyf / I wil wel / for it were pyte this noble kny3t fhold dye / gramercy fayd Perfaunt gentyl kny3t & damoyfel / For certeynly now I [leaf I 5 verso] Zook vft.j [ 231 ] [Cbap. gif. wote wel it was ye that flewe my broder the black knyghte / at the black thorne / he was a ful noble kny3te / his name was fyr Perard / Alfo I am fure that ye are he that wanne myn other brother the grene knyght / his name was fyre Pertolepe Alfo ye wanne my broder the reed knyght fyr Perrymones / 5 And now fyn ye haue wonne thefe / this fhal I do for to pleafe you ye fhal haue homage & feaute of me / & an C knyghtes to be alweyes at your commaundement to go & ryde where ye wil commaunde vs / & fo they wente vnto fir Perfauntes pauelione & dranke the wyne / & ete fpyeces / & afterward fire Per- io faunte made hym to refte vpon a bedde vntyl fouper tyme / and after fouper to bedde ageyne / whan Beaumayns was abedde fyr Perfaunt had a lady a faire dou3ter of xviij yere of age and there he called her vnto hym / & charged her & commaunded her vpon his bleffynge to go vnto the knyghtes bedde / and lye 15 doun by his fyde / & make hym no ftraunge chere / but good chere / and take hym in thyne armes & kyffe hym / & loke that this be done I charge you as ye wil haue my loue & my good wil So fyr Perfants doughter dyd as her fader bad her / and foo fhe wente vnto fyr Beaumayns bed / & pryuely fhe difpoylled 20 her / & leid her doune by hym / & thenne he awoke & fawe her & afked her what fhe was / fyre fhe faid I am fir Perfants dou3 -ter that by the commaundement of my fader am come hyder / Be ye a mayde or a wyf faid he / fir fhe faid I am a clene maiden / God defende fayd he that I fhold defoyle you to doo fyre 25 Perfaunt fuche a fhame / therfore fayre damoyfel aryfe oute of this bedde or els I wille / Syre fhe faid I cam not to you by myn owne wille but as I was commaunded / Alias faid fyr Beaumayns I were a fhameful knyghte and I wolde do your fader ony difworfhip / and fo he kyft her and foo fhe de- 30 parted and came vnto fyr Perfant her fader / & told hym alle how fhe had fpedde / Truly faide fyre Perfaunt what fomeuer he be / he is comen of a noble blood / and foo we leue hem there tyl on the morne CI: apitulum FiiM [leaf i I6] n lij / / / oo 00 vii.] [ 232 ] [~bap. liii IC Capitulum iitj Nd foo on the morne the damoyfel & fir Beaumayns herd maffe & brake their faft / and foo took their leue Fair damoyfel faid Perfant whether ward ar ye way ledyng this knyghte / fyr fhe faid this knyghte is goyng to the fege / 5 that befyegeth my fyfter in the caftel Dangerus / A a fayd perfaunt that is the knyghte of the reed launde / the whiche is the mooft peryllous knyghte that I knowe now lyauyn nd a man that is withouten mercy / and men fayen that he hath feuen mens ftrength / god faue you faid he to Beaumayns from Pt Io knyghte / for he doth grete wrong to that lady / and that is grete pyte / for fhe is one of the faireft ladyes of the world / & me femeth that your damoyfel is her fufter / is not your name Lynet faid he / ye fir faid fhe / and my lady my fufters name is dame Lyoneffe / Now fhal I telle you faid fyr Perfaunt / thys 15 reed knyghte of the reed laund hath layne long at the fyege wel nyghe this two yeres / and many tymes he myghte haue had her and he had wold/ but he prolongeth the tyme to thys entent / for to haue fir laucelot du lake to doo bataill with hym or fir Tryftram or fyr Lamerak de galys / or fyre Gawayne / & 20 this is his taryenge foo longe at the fyege / Now my lord fyre Perfaunt of ynde faide the damoyfel Lynet I requyre you that ye wille make this gentilman knyghte or euer he fyghte with the reed knyghte/ I will with all my herte faid fyr Perfaunt and it pleafe hym to take the ordre of knyghthode of fo fym25 pie a man as I am / Sire faid Beaumayns I thanke you for your good wil / for I am better fped / for certaynly the noble knyght fir Launcelot made me knyght / A faid fir Perfant of a more renomed knyghte myghte ye not be. made knyghte / For of alle knyghtes he maye be called chyef of knyghthode / & 30 fo all the world faith that betwixe thre knyghtes is departed clerly knyghthode / that is laucelot du lake / fyr Tryftram de lyones and fir Lamerak de galis / thefe bere now the renommee / there ben many other kn'rghtes as fir Palamydes the farafyn and fir Safere his brode, / Alfo fir Bleoberys and fire Bla35 more de ganys his brode- / Alfo fyr Bors de Ganys & fyr Ector de marys & fir Percyuale de galis / thefe & many mo ben noble kni3tes / but ther be none pt paffe pe iij aboue faid / therfor god [leaf I16 verso] OOA*N, 00, olI soo00 vii.] [ 233 ] [Cbap. tlv. fpede you wel faid fyr Perfant / for and ye may matche the rede knyghte ye fhalle be called the fourth of the world / fir faid Beaumayns I wold fayne be of good fame / and of knyghthode / And I lete you wete I am of good men / for I dare fay my fader was a noble man / and foo that ye wil kepe hit 5 in clofe / and this damoyfel / I wyl telle you of what kyn I am We wille not difcouer you faid they both tyl ye commaunde vs by the feythe we owe vnto god / 4[ Truly thenne faide he / my name is Gareth of Orkeney and kynge Lot was my fader/& my moder is kynge Arthurs fyfter / her name is Dame Mor- Io gawfe / and fir Gawayne is my broder / and fir Agrauayne & fir Gaheryes / and I am the yongeft of hem alle / And yet wote not kyng Arthur nor fir Gawayn what I am ~C Capitulum giiij Oo the book faith / that the lady that was bifeged had word of her fyfters comynge by the dwerf and a kn- 15 yghte with her / and how he had paffed al the perillous paffages / what manere a man is he faid the lady / he is a noble knyght truly madame faid the dwerf and but a yong man / but he is as lykely a man as euer ye fawe ony / what is he fayd the damoyfel / and of what kynne is he comen / and of whome 20 was he made knyghte / Madame faid the dwerf he is the kynges fone of Orkeney / but his name I wille not telle you as at this tyme / but wete ye wel of fyre launcelot was he maade knyght / for of none other wolde he be maade knyghte / and fire kay named hym Beaumayns / how efcaped he faid the lady 25 from the bretheren of Perfaunt / ([ Madame he faid as a noble knyghte fhold / Fyrfte he flewe two bretheren att a paffage of a water / A faide ihe they were good knyghtes but they were murtherers / the one hyght Gherard de breuffe / & the other knyght hyght fir Arnolde le Brewfe / thenne madame he recoun- 30 tred with the black knyght / and flewe hym in playne batail & fo he toke his hors & his armour & fou3t with the grene knyght & wanne hym in playn bataill / & in lyke wyfe he ferued the reed kny3t / and aftir in the fame wyfe he ferued the blewe kny3t & wan hym in playn batail / thene faid the lady he hath 35 ouercome fir Perfaft of Inde / one of the nobleft kny3tes of the world / & pe dwerf faid he hath wone al the iiij brethere & flayn [leaf I x7] n iiij 3oo0k vti* [ 234 ] [Cbap. rv. the blak knyght / and yet he dyd more tofore he ouerthrewe fir kay and lefte hym nyghe dede vpon the ground / Alfo he dyd a grete batayll with fyre launcelot / and there they departed on euen handes / And thenne fyre launcelot made hym knyghte / 5 Dwerf fayd the lady I am gladde of thefe tydynges / therfor go thou in an hermytage of myn here by / and there fhalt thow bere with the of my wyn in two flagans of filuer / they ar of two galons / and alfo two cafl of brede with fatte venefon bake and deynte foules / and a cop of gold here I delyuer the / Io that is ryche and precyous and bere all this to myn hermytage / and put it in the hermytes handes / And fythen go thow vnto my fyfter and grete her wel / and commaude me vnto that gentyl knyghte / and praye hym to ete and to drynke and make hym ftronge / and fay ye hym I thanke hym of his curto15 fye and goodenes that he wold take vpon hym fuche labour for me that neuer dyd hym bounte nor curtofye / ( Alfo pray hym that he be of good herte & courage / for he fhalle mete with a ful noble knyghte / but he is neyther of bounte / curtofye / nor gentylnes / for he attendyth vnto nothynge but to murther / & 20 that is the caufe I can not prayfe hym nor loue hym / So this dwerf departed / and came to fyre Perfant where he fond the damoyfel lynet and fyr Beaumayns / and there he tolde hem alle as ye haue herd / and thenne they took theyr leue / but fyr Perfant took an ambelyng hacney and conueyed hem on the25 yr wayes / And thenne belefte hem to god / and foo within a lytil whyle they came to that heremytage / and there they dranke the wyne / and ete the venefon and the foules baken / And fo whan they had repafted hem wel / the dwerf retorned ageyn with his veffel vn to the caftel ageyne / and there mette 30 with hym the reed knyght of the reed laundes / and afked hym from whens that he came / and where he had ben / Syr fayd the dwerf I haue ben with my ladyes fyfter of this caftel and Ihe hath ben at kynge Arthurs courte / and broughte a knyghte with her / thenne I accompte her trauaille but lofte / 35 For though fhe had broughte with her fyre launcelot / fir Tryftram / fyr Lamerak or fyr gawayne / I wold thynke my felfe good ynough for them all / it may well be faid the dwerf / but this knyghte hath paffed alle the peryllous paffages & flayn [leaf rI 7 verso] i:, *:"'.'-" ~sook vti.] [ 235 ] [ebap. v. the black knyghte and other two mo / and wonne the grene knyght / the reed knyghte and the blewe knyghte / thenne is he one of thefe four that I haue afore reherced / He is none of tho faid the dwerf / but he is a kynges fone / what is his name fayd the reed knyght of the reed laund / that wille I not telle 5 you feyd the dwerf / but fire kay upon fcorne named hym Beaumayns / I care not faid the knyght what knyghte foo euer he be / for I fhal foone delyuer hym / And yf I euer matche hym he fhalle haue a fhameful dethe as many other haue had that were pyte fayd the dwerf / And it is merueill that ye ma- io ke fuche ihameful warre vpon noble knyghtes C CapituIum xv Oo leue we the knyghte and the dwerf / and fpeke we of Beaumayns that al ny3t lay in the hermytage / & vpon the morne he and the damoyfel lynet herd their maffe / and brake their faft / And thenne they toke theyr horfes / and 15 rode thorou oute a fair foreft / and thenne they came to a playne and fawe where were many pauelions and tentys / and a fayr caftel / and there was moche fmoke and grete noyfe / and whanne they came nere the fege / fyr Beaumayns afpyed vpon grete trees as he rode / how there henge ful goodly armed 20 knyghtes by the neck and theire fheldes aboute theire neckys with their fwerdes / and gylt fpores vpon their heles / and foo there henge nyghe a fourty knyghtes fhamefully with ful ryche armes / Thenne fir Beaumayns abated his countenaunce & fayd what meneth this / Fayre fyre faid the damoyfel abate not 25 your chere for all this fyghte / for ye muft courage your felf or els ye ben al fhente / for all thefe knyghtes came hyder to this fege to refcowe my fyfter Dame lyones / and whanne the reede knyghte of the reed laund hadde ouercome hem / he putte them to this fhameful dethe withoute mercy and pyte / And in the 30 fame wyfe he wyll ferue you / but yf ye quyte you the better Now Ihefu deffende me faid Beaumayns from fuche a vylaynous dethe and fhenfhip of armes / For rather than I fholde fo be faren with all / I wolde rather be flayn manly in playn [leaf I 8] Book vff.] [ 236 ] [Cbap. vp. bataille / Soo were ye better faid the damoyfel / for truft not in hym is no curtofye but alle goth to the deth or fhameful murther / and that is pyte / for he is a ful lykely man / wel madeof body / and a ful noble knyghte of proweffe and a lorde 5 of grete laundes and poffeffions / Truly faid Beaumayns / he may wel be a good knyghte / but he vfeth fhameful cuftoms and it is merueylle that he endureth fo longe that none of the noble knyghtes of my lord Arthurs haue not delt with hym And thenne they rode to the dykes and fawe them double dyio ked with ful warly wallis / and there were lodged many grete lordes nyghe the wallys / and there was grete noyfe of mynftralfy / and the fee betyd vpon the one fyde of the walles where were many fhippes and maryners noyfe with hale & how And alfo there was faft by a Sykamore tree / and ther henge I5 an home the gretteft that euer they fawe of an Olyfantes bone / and this knyght of the reed laund had hanged it vp ther that yf ther came ony arraunt knyghte / he mufte blowe that horne/ and thenne wylle he make hym redy & come to hym to doo bataille / But fyr I pray you (aid the damoyfel Lynet blo20 we ye not the horne tyl it be hyghe none / for now it is aboute pryme / & now encreaced his myghte / that as men fay he hath feuen mens ftrengthe / A fy for fhame fair damoifel fay ye neuer foo more to me / For and he were as good a knyghte as euer was I fhalle neuer fayle hym in his mooft myghte / for 25 outher I wille wynne worfhip worfhipfully or dye knyghtely in the felde / and ther with he fpored his hors ftreyghte to the Sykamore tree / and blewe foo the horne egerly that alle the fege and the caftel range therof / And thenne there lepte oute knyghtes oute of their tentys and pauelions / and they 30 within the caftel loked ouer the wallis and oute att wyndowes / Thenne the reed knyghte of the reed laudes armed hym haftely / and two barons fette on his fpores vpon his heles / and alle was blood reed his armour fpere and fhelde / And an Erle bucled his helme vpon his hede / and thenne they bro35 ughte hym a rede fpere and a rede ftede / and foo he rode into a lytyl vale vnder the caftel / that al that were in the caftel and at the fege myghte behold the bataill [leaf 1 8 verso] Sook vii.] [ 237 1 [Cbap. Xvi. (C apitullm t jI ^ Yre fayd the damoyfel Lynet vnto fyr Beaumayns loke ye be gladde and lyght / for yonder is your dedely enemy / and at yonder wyndowe is my lady fyfter dame Lyones / where fayd Beaumayns / yonder faid the damoyfel & poynted with her fynger / that is trouthe fayd Beaumayns / 5 She befemeth a ferre the fayreft lady that euer I loked vpon and truly he faid I afke no better quarel than now for to do bataylle / for truly Ihe fhalle be my lady / and for her I wylle fyghte / And euer he loked vp to the wyndowe with gladde countenaunce / And the lady Lyones made curtofy to hym do- Io une to the erthe with holdynge vp bothe their handes/ Wyth that the reed knyghte of the reed laundes callid to fyr Beaumayns / leue fyr knyghte thy lokynge / and behold me I couceille the / for I warne the wel ihe is my lady / and for her I haue done many ftronge batails / Yf thou haue fo done faid Be- 15 aumayns / me femeth it was but wafte labour / for fhe loueth none of thy felaufhip / and thou to loue that loueth not the / is but grete foly / For and I vnderftode that fhe were not glad of my comynge / I wold be auyfed or I dyd bataille for her / But I vnderftande by the fyegyng of this caftel Ihe may for- 20 bere thy felaufhip / And therfor wete thou wel thou rede knyghte of the reed laundes / I loue her / and wille refcowe her or els to dye / Saift thou that faid the reed knyghte / me femeth / thou oughte of refon to beware by yonder knyghtes that thow faweft hange vpon yonder trees / Fy for ihame faid Beauma- 25 yns that euer thou iholdeft faye or do fo euyl / for in that thou fhameft thy felf and knyghthode / and thou mayft be fure ther wylle no lady loue the that knoweth thy wycked cuftommes And now thou weneft that the fyghte of thefe hanged knyghtes fhold fere me / Nay truly not fo / that fhameful fyght cau- 30 feth me to haue courage and hardynes ageynfte the more than I wold haue had ageynft the / and thou were a wel ruled knyght / make the redy faid the reed knyghte of the reed laiides / and talke no lenger with me / Thenne fyre Beamayns badde the damoyfel goo from hym / and thenne they putte their 35 fperes in their reyftes and came to gyders with alle their my3t [leaf 119] ZBook vff.],U/ - [ 238 ] [Cbap {vfi. that they had bothe / anu eyther fmote other in myddes of their fheldes that the paytrellys / furfenglys and crowpers brafte / and felle to the erthe bothe / and the reynys of their brydels in their handes / and foo they laye a grete whyle fore ftonyed 5 that al that were in the caftel and in the fege wende their neckes had ben broken / and thenne many a ftraunger and other fayd the ftraunge kny3t was a bygge man / and a noble Iufter / for or now we fawe neuer noo knyghte matche the reed knyghte of the reed laundes / thus they fayd bothe within the Io caftel and withoute / thenne lyghtly they auoyded theyr horfes and put their fheldes afore them / and drewe their fwerdes and ranne to gyders lyke two fyers lyons / and eyther gafe other fuche buffets vpon their helmes that they relyd bacward bothe two ftrydys / and thenne they recouerd bothe and hewe 15 grete pyeces of theire harneis and theire fheldes / that a grete parte felle in to the feldes (C apitulum vtli Nd thenne thus they foughte tyl it was paft none / and neuer wold ftynte tyl att the lafte they lacked wynde bothe / and thene they ftode wagyng and fcateryng pon20 tyng / blowynge and bledynge that al that behelde them for the mooft party wepte for pyte / Soo whan they had reftyd them a whyle / they yede to bataille ageyne / tracyng racyng foynyng as two bores / And at fome tyme they toke their renne as hit had ben two rammys & hurtled to gyders that fomtyme they 25 felle grouelyng to the erthe / And at fomtyme they were fo amafed that eyther took others fwerd in ftede of his owne / Thus they endured tyl euenfong tyme / that there was none that beheld them myghte knowe whether was lyke to wynne the bataill / and their armour was fo fer hewen that men my3t 30 fee their naked fydes / and in other places / they were naked / but euer the naked places they dyd defende / and the rede knyghte was a wyly knyght of werre / and his wyly fyghtyng taughte fyr Beaumayns to be wyfe / but he aboughte hit fulle fore or he dyd afpye his fyghtynge / And thus by affente of 35 them bothe they graunted eyther other to reft / and fo they fette [leaf I19 verso] Z3ook vii.] [ 239 ] Cbap. rvfL hem doune vpon two molle hylles there befydes the fyghtynge place / and eyther of hem vnlaced his helme / and toke the cold wynde / for either of their pages was faft by them to come wha they called to vnlace their harneis and to fette hem on ageyn at their commaundement / And thenne whan fyr Beaumayns 5 helme was of / he loked vp to the wyndowe / and there he fawe the faire lady Dame Lyones / and fhe made hym fuche countenaunce that his herte waxed lyghte and Ioly / and ther with he bad the reed knyghte of the reed laundes make hym redy and lete vs doo the bataille to the vtteraunce / I will wel fa- Io id the knyghte / and thenne they laced vp their helmes / and their pages auoyded / & they ftepte to gyders & foughte freffhely / but the reed knyghte of the reed laundes awayted hym / & at an ouerthwart fmote hym within the hand / that his fwerd felle oute of his hand / and yet he gaf hym another buf- 15 fet vpon the helme that he felle grouelynge to the erthe / & the reed knyghte felle ouer hym / for to holde hym doune / Thenne cryed the maiden Lynet on hyghe / O fyr Beaumayns where is thy courage become / Allas my lady fyfter beholdeth the and fhe fobbeth and wepeth / that maketh myn herte heuy / when 20 fyr Beaumayns herd her faye foo / he abrayed vp with a grete myght and gate hym vpon his feet / and lyghtely he lepte to his fwerd and gryped hit in his hand and doubled hys paas vnto the reed knyghte and there they foughte a newe bataille to gyder / But fir Beaumayns thenne doubled his ftro- 25 kes / and fmote foo thyck that he fmote the fwerd oute of his hand / and thenne he fmote hym vpon the helme that he felle to the erthe / and fir Beaumayns felle vpon hym / and vnlaced his helme to haue flayne hym / and thenne he yelded hym and afked mercy / and faid with a lowde vois 0 noble knyghte 30 I yelde me to thy mercy / Thenne fyr Beaumayns bethoughte hym vpon the knyghtes that he had made to be hanged Ihamefully/ and thenne he faid I may not with my worfhip faue thy lyf / for the fhameful dethes that thou haft caufed many ful good knyghtes to dye / Syre faide the reed knyghte of the 35 reed laundes hold your hand and ye fhalle knowe the caufes why I put hem to fo fhameful a dethe / faye on faid fir Beaumayns / Syre I loued ones a lady a faire damoifel / and fhe [leaf 120] Zsook fii.] [ 240 1 [Cbap. r;iii. had her broder flayne / and fhe faid hit was fyr launcelot du lake / or els fyr gawayn / and fhe praide me as that I loued her hertely that I wold make her a promyfe by the feith of my knyghthode for to laboure dayly in armes vnto I mette wyth 5 one of them / and alle that I myghte ouercome I fhold putte them vnto a vylaynous dethe / and this is the caufe that I haue putte alle thefe knyghtes to dethe / and foo I enfured her to do alle the vylony vnto kynge Arthurs knyghtes / and that I Ihold take vengeauce vpon alle thefe knyghtes and fyr now Io I wille the telle that euery daye my ftrengthe encreaceth tylle none / and al this tyme haue I feuen mens ftrengthe C Capitulum xviij Henne came ther many Erles and Barons and noble knyghtes and praid that knyghte to faue his lyf and take hym to your pryfoner / And all they felle vpon theIs ir knees and prayd hym of mercy / and that he wolde faue his lyf / and fyr they all fayd it were fairer of hym to take homage and feaute / and lete hym holde his landes of you than for to flee hym / by his deth ye fhal haue none auauntage and his myfdedes that ben done maye not ben vndone / And ther20 for he Ihal make amendys to al partyes & we al wil become your men and doo you homage and feaute / Fayre lordes faid Beaumayns / wete you wel I am ful lothe to flee this kny3t neuertheles he hath done paffyng ylle and ihamefully / But in foo moche al that he dyd was at a ladyes requeft I blame 25 hym the leffe / and fo for your fake I wil releace hym that he fhal haue his lyf vpon this couenaunt / that he goo within the caftel / and yelde hym there to the lady / And yf fhe wil forgyue and quyte hym / I wil wel / with this he make her amendys of al the trefpas he hath done ageynft her and her landes / 30(o And alfo whanne that is done that ye goo vnto the courte of kyng Arthur / and there that ye afke fyr Launcelot mercy / & fyr Gawayn for the euyl wil ye haue had ageynft them /fire faid the reed knyght of the reed laundes / al this wil I do as ye commaunde / and fyker affuraunce and borowes ye fhal ha35 ue / And foo thenne whan the affuraunce was made / he made [leaf 120 verso] ZBook vof.] [ -41 ] [C(bap. tf. his homage and feaute / and alle tho erles and barons wyth hym / And thenne the mayden Lynet came to fyre Beaumayns / and vnarmed hym and ferched his woundes / and ftynted his blood / and in lyke wyfe fhe dyd to the rede knyghte of the reed laundes / and there they foiourned ten dayes in 5 their tentes / and the reed knyghte made his lordes and feruauntes to doo alle the pleafyre that they myghte vnto fyre Beaumayns / And foo within a whyle the reed knyghte of the reed laundes yede vnto the caftel / and putte hym in her grace And foo fhe receyued hym vpon fuffyfaunt feurte / fo alle her Io hurtes were wel reftored of al that fhe coude complayne / and thenne he departed vnto the Courte of kynge Arthur / and there openly the reed knyghte of the reed laundes putte hym in the mercy of fyre Launcelot and fyr Gawayne / and there he told openly how he was ouercome and bywme / and al- 15 fo he told alle the batails from the begynnynge vnto the endynge / Ihefu mercy fayd kynge Arthur and fire Gawayne we merueylle moche of what blood he is come / for he is a noble knyghte / Haue ye no merueille faide fire Launcelot / for ye fhal ryght wel wete that he is comen of a ful noble blood / 20 and as for his myghte and hardynes ther ben but fewe now lyuynge that is fo myghty as he is / and fo noble of proweffe It femeth by yow faid kynge Arthur that ye knowe his name / and fro whens he is come / and of what blood he is / I fuppofe I doo fo faid Launcelot / or els I wold not haue yeuen 25 hym thordre of kny3thode / but he gaf me fuche charge at that tyme that I fhold neuer difcouer hym vntyl he requyred me or els it be knowen openly by fome other C Capttulum OiX Ow torne we vnto fyr Beaumayns that defyred of Lynet that he myght fee her fyfter his lady / Syre fhe 30 faid I wold fayne ye fawe her / Thenne fyr Beaumayns al armed hym and toke his hors and his fpere and rode ftrey3t vnto the caftel / And whanne he cam to the gate he fond there many men armed and pulled vp the drawe brydge / & drewe [leaf t12] Q oo vii.] [ 242 ] [~bap. lit. the porte cloofe / [ Thenne merueilled he why they wold not fuffre hym to entre / And thenne he loked vp to the wyndow And there he fawe the fair Lyones that faid on hyghe go thy way / fyr Beaumayns / for as yet thou fhalt not haue holy 5 my loue vnto the tyme that thou be callyd one of the nombre of the worthy knyghtes / And therfor goo laboure in worfhip this twelue monethe / and thenne thou Ihalt here newe tydynges / Alias faire lady faid Beaumayns I haue not deferued that ye fhold fhewe me this ftraungenes / and I had wend Io that I fhold haue ryght good chere with you and vnto my power I haue deferued thanke / and wel I am fure I haue boughte your loue with parte of the beft blood within my body Fayre curteis knyghte faid Dame Lyones / be not difpleafyd nor ouer hafty / for wete you wel / your grete trauaill nor gois od loue fhal not be loft / for I confydre your grete trauail & labour / your bounte and your goodenes as me oughte to doo / And therfore goo on your wey / and loke that ye be of good comforte for all Ihal be for your worfhip / and for the beft / & perde a twelue moneth wille foone be done / and truft me fair 20 knyghte I fhal be true to you and neuer te bitraye you / but to my dethe I fhalle loue you / and none other / And ther with alle fhe torned her from the wyndowe / and fyr Beaumayns rode awey ward from the caffel makyng grete dole / and foo he rode here and there & wyffe not ne where he rode tyl hit was 25 derke nyghte / And thenne it happend hym to come to a poure mans hous and there he was herborowed all that nyghte / But fyr Beaumayns hadde no reft but walowed and wrythed for the loue of the lady of the caftel / And foo vpon the morowe he took his hors and rode vn tyl vnderne / and thefie 30 he came to a brode water / and there by was a grete lodge / and there he alyghte to flepe and leid his hede vpon the fhelde / and bitoke his hors to the dwarf / and commaunded hym to watche al nyghte / Now torne we to the lady of the fame caftel / that thoughte moche vpon Beaumayns / and thenne fhe called 35 vnto her fyr Gryngamore her broder / and praid hym in al maner as he loued her hertely that he wold ryde after fyr Beaumayns / and euer haue ye wayte vpon hym tyl ye may fynde hym flepynge / for I am fure in his heuynes he wil aly3t doun [leaf 121 verso] 30ooTk fi.] [ 243 ] [Cbap. ir. in fome place / and leye hym doune to flepe / And therfor haue ye your wayte vpon hym / and in the preuyeft manere ye can take his dwerf / and go ye your waye with hym as fafte as euer ye maye or fyr Beaumayns awake / For my fyfter Lynet telleth me that he can telle of what kynreed he is come / 5 and what is his ryghte name / And the meane whyle I and my fyfter wille ryde vnto youre caftel to awayte whanne ye brynge with you the dwerf / And thenne whan ye haue broughte hym vnto youre Caftel / I wylle haue hym in examynacion my felf / vnto the tyme that I knowe what is his ry- io ghte name / and of what kynred he is come / halle I neuer be mery at my herte [ Syfter faid fyre Gryngamore alle thys fhalle be done after your entente / And foo he rode alle the other daye and the nyghte tylle that he fond fyre Beaumayns lyenge by a water and his hede vpon his fhelde 15 for to flepe / ([ And thenne whanne he fawe fyre Beaumayns faft on flepe / he cam ftylly ftalkyng behynde the dwerf and plucked hym faft vnder his arme / and foo he rode aweye with hym as fafte as euer he myght vnto his owne caftel And this fyre Gryngamors armes were alle black and that 20 to hym longeth / But euer as he rode with the dwerf toward his caftel / he cryed vnto his lord / and prayd hym for helpe / And there with awoke fyre Beaumayns / and vp he lepte lyghtly / & fawe where the Gryngamor rode his waye with the dwerf / and foo fyr Gryngamor rode oute of his fyghte / 25 C Capitulum dm Henne fyre Beaumayns putte on his helme anone / and buckeled his fhelde / and tooke his hors / and rode after hym alle that euer he myghte ryde thorou marys and feldes and grete dales / that many tymes his hors and he plonged ouer the hede in depe myres / for he knewe.not 30 the wey / but took the gayneft waye in that woodenes that many tymes he was lyke to peryffhe / And at the lafte hym happend to come to a fayre grene waye And there he mette with a poure man of the countreye whom he falewed & afked hym / [leaf 122] o j B0ook tf.] [ 244 ] [ebap. r. whether he mette not with a knyghte vpon a black hors & all black harneis a lytel dwerf fyttynge behynde hym with heuy chere / Syre faide this poure man here by me came fyre Gryngamor the knyght with fuche a dwerf mornyng as ye faye / & 5 therfore I rede you not folowe hym / For he is one of the peryllouft knyghtes of the world / and his caftel is here nyhe hand but two myle / therfor we aduyfe you ryde not after fyr Gryngamor but yf ye owe hym good wille / Soo leue we fyre Beaumayns rydynge toward the caftel and fpeke we of fir Io Gryngamor and the dwerf / Anone as the dwerf was come to the caftel / dame Lyones and dame Lynet her fyfter afked the dwerf where was his maifter borne / and of what lygnage he was come / And but yf thou telle me faid dame Lyones thou fhalt neuer efcape this caftel / but euer here to be pryfoner 15 As for that faid the dwerf I fere not gretely to telle his name and of what kynne he is come / Wete ye wel he is a kynges fone / and his moder is fyfter to kyng Arthur / and he is broder to the good knyghte of fyre Gawayne / and his name is fyre Gareth of Orkeney / and now I haue told you his ry20 ght name / I praye you fayre lady lete me goo to my lord ageyne / for he wille neuer oute of this countrey vntyl that he haue me ageyne / And yf he be angry / he wil doo moche harme or that he be ftynte / and worche you wrake in this countray As for that thretyng fayd fyr Gryngamore be it as it be' may 25 We wille goo to dyner / and foo they waffhed and wente to mete / and made hem mery and wel at eafe / by caufe the lady -' Lyones of the caftel was there / they made grete Ioye [ Truly Madame fayd Lynet vnto her fyfter wel maye he be a kynges fone / for he hath many good tatches on hym / for he 30 is curteis and mylde and the mooft fufferynge man that euer I mette with al / For I dar faye ther was neuer gentylwoman reulyd man in foo foule a manere / as I haue rebuked hym / And at all tymes he gafe me goodely and meke anfuers ageyne ( And as they fate thus talky35 nge / ther came fire Gareth in at the gate with an angry countenaunce and his fwerd drawen in his hand / and cryed aloude that alle the caftel my3t here hit fayeng thou traitour fyre [leaf 1 2 versol :ook vif.] [ 245 ] [Cbap. rr. Gryngamor delyuer me my dwerf ageyn / or by the feith that I owe to the ordre of knyghthode I fhal doo the al the harme that I can / Thenne fyr Gryngamor loked oute at a wyndow and faid fyr gareth of Orkeney leue thy boftyng wordes / for thou geteft not thy dwerf ageyne / Thou coward knyghte fayd 5 fyr Gareth brynge hym with the / and come and doo bataylle with me / and wynne hym and take hym / So wille I do faid fyr Gryngamor and me lyft / but forj al thy grete wordes thou geteft hym not / A fayr broder faid dame Lyones I wold he had his dwerf ageyne / for I wold he were not wroth / for io now he hath told me al my defyre I kepe nomore of the dwerf And alfo broder he hath done moche for me / and delyuerd me from the reed knyghte of the reed laundes / and therfor broder I owe hym my feruyfe afore al knyghtes lyuynge / And wete ye wel that I loue hym before al other / and ful fayne I 15 wold fpeke with hym / But in no wyfe I wold that he wift what I were / but that I were another ftraunge lady / Wel faid fyr Gryngamor fythen I knowe now your wille/ I wylle obeye now vnto hym / And ryght ther with al he wente doun vnto fyr Gareth / and faid fyr I crye you mercy / and al that 20 I haue myfdone I wille amend hit at your wille / And therfore I pray you that ye wold alyghte / and take fuche chere as I can make you in this caftel / Shal I haue my dwerfe faide fyre Gareth / ye fyr / and alle the pleafaunce that I can make you / for as foone as your dwerf told me what ye we- 25 re and of what blood ye ar come / and what noble dedes ye haue done in thefe marches / thenne I repentyd of my dedes / And thenne fyre Gareth alyghte / and ther came his dwerf & took his hors / O my felawe faid fyr gareth / I haue had many aduentures for thy fake / And foo fyre Gryngamor tooke 30 hym by the hand / and ledde hym in to the halle where his own wyf was CI ~aptulum gfij [leaf 123] :1oo vifi.] [ 246 ] [Cbap. rFi. j Urc- dt rI came forth Dame Lyones arayed lyke a 5 4-prynceffe / and there fhe made hym paffyng good chere J and he her ageyne / and they had goodely langage & louely countenaunce to gyder / And fyre Gareth thought ma5 ny tymes Ihefu wold that the lady of the caftel perillous were fo fayre as fhe was / there were al maner of games & playes of dauncyng and fyngynge / And euer the more fyre Gareth bihelde that lady / the more he loued her / and fo he brenned in loue that he was paft hym felf in his reafon / and forth toio ward nyghte they yede vnto fouper / and fyre Gareth myghte not ete for his loue was foo hote / that he wift not where he was Alle thefe lokes afpyed fyr Gryngamor / and thenne at after fouper he callid his fyfter Dame Lyones vnto a chamber / and fayd / fair fyfter I haue wel afpyed your coutenauce betwixe 15 you and this knyght / And I wil fyfter that ye wete he is a ful noble kny3t / & yf ye can make hym to abyde here I wil do hym all the pleafyr pt I can / for & ye were better than ye ar ye were wel bywaryd vpon hym / Fayre broder faid Dame lyones I vnderftande wel that the knyghte is good & come he 20 is of a noble hous / Notwithftandyng I wille affaye hym better how be it I am mooft beholdyng to hym of ony erthely ma for he hath had grete labour for my loue / and paffid many a daungerous paffage / Ryght foo fyr Gryngamor wente vnto fyr Gareth and faid fyre make ye good chere / for ye fhal haue 25 none other caufe / for this lady my fyfter is yours at al tymes her worfhip faued / for wete ye wel fhe loueth you as wel as ye doo her and better / yf better may be / And I wift that faid fyr Gareth / ther lyued not a gladder man than I wold be Vpon my worfhip faid fyr Gryngamor truft vnto my promyfe 30 And as long as it lyketh you ye fhal foiourne with me and this lady /hal be with vs dayly and nyghtly to make yow alle the chere that fhe can / I wille wel faid fyre Gareth / For I haue promyfed to be nyghe this countrey this twelue moneth / And wel I am fure kynge Arthur and other noble 35 knyghtes wille fynde me where that I am within this twelfe moneth / For I fhal be foughte and founden yf that I be on lyue ([ And thenne the noble knyghte fyre Gareth wente vnto the dame Lyones whiche he thene moche loued / & kyft her [leaf I23 verso] Z3ooTk V] [ 247 ] [Cbap. rii. many tymes / and eyther made grete Ioye of other / And there fhe promyfed hym her loue certaynly to loue hym and none other the dayes of hyr lyf / Thenne this lady dame Lyones by the affente of her broder told fyr Gareth alle the trouth what fhe was / And how fhe was the fame lady that he dyd batail 5 for / and how fhe was lady of the caftel peryllous / and there fhe told hym how fhe caufed her broder to take awey his dwerf C Capitulum xrij Or this caufe to knowe the certaynte what was your name / and of what kynne ye were come / And thenne fhe lete fetche tofore hym Lynet the damoyfel that had Io ryden with hym many wylfome wayes / Thenne was fyre Gareth more gladder than he was to fore / And thene they trouthplyte eche other to loue / and neuer to faylle whyles their lyfe lafteth / And foo they brente bothe in loue that they were accorded to abate their luftes fecretely / And there Dame Lyones 15 counceylled fyr Gareth to flepe in none other place but in the halle / And there fhe promyfed hym to come to his bedde a lytel afore mydnyght / This counceil was not foo pryuely kepte but it was vnderftande / for they were but yonge bothe and tendyr of age / and had not vfed none fuche craftes to forne / 20 Wherfor the damoyfel Lynet was a lytel difpleafyd / and fhe thoughte her fyfter Dame Lyones was a lytel ouer hafty / that fhe myghte not abyde the tyme of her maryage / And for fauyng their worfhip / fhe thoughte to abate their hote luftes / jJ And fo fhe lete ordeyne by her fubtyl craftes that they had 25 not their ententes neyther with other as in her delytes / vntyl they were maryed / And foo it paft on / At after fouper was made clene auoydaunce / that euery lord and lady fhold goo vnto his reft / But fyr Gareth faid playnly he wold goo noo ferther than the halle / for in fuche places he faid was conuenyent 30 for an arraunt kny3t to take his reft in 1 and fo there were ordeyned grete couches / & theron fether beddes / & there leyde hym doune to flepe/& within a whyle cam dame Lyones wrapped in a mantel furred with Ermyne & leid her doun befydes fyr gareth / And there with alle he beganne to kyffe her / And thenne 35 he loked afore hym and there he apperceuyued and fawe come an armed knyght with many lyghtes aboute hym / and [leaf 124] o iij :ook vfi.] [ 248 ] [ebap. lrif. fawe come an armed kny3t with many lyghtes about hym / & this knyghte had a longe Gyfarme in his hand / and maade grym countenaunce to fmyte hym / Whanne fyre Gareth fawe hym come in that wyfe / he lepte oute of his bedde and gate in 5 his hand his fwerd and lepte ftrayte toward that knyght / And whanne the knyght fawe fyr Gareth come fo fyerfly vpon hym / he fmote hym with a foyne thorou the thycke of the thy3 that the wound was a fhaftmon brode and had cutte atwo many vaynes and fenewes / And there with al fyr Gaio reth fmote hym vpon the helme fuche a buffet that he felle grouelyng / and thenne he lepte ouer hym and vnlaced his helme and fmote of his hede fro the body / And thenne he bledde fo fail that he myghte not ftande / but foo he leid hym doun vpon his bedde / and there he fwouned and laye as he had ben dede 15 Thenne dame Lyones cryed alowde / that her broder fyr Gryngamor herd / and came doune / And whan he fawe fyr Gareth foo fhamefully wounded / he was fore difpleafyd and fayd I am fhamed that this noble knyghte is thus honoured / Syr fayd fyr Gryngamore hou may this be / that ye be here / and thys 20 noble knyghte wounded / Broder Ihe faid I can not telle yow For it was not done by me nor by myn affente / For he is my lord and I am his / and he muft be myn hufband / therfore my broder I wille that ye wete I fhame me not to be with hym / nor to doo hym alle the pleafyr that I can / Syfter faid fyre 25 Gryngamore / and I will that ye wete it and fyr Gareth both that it was neuer done by me, nor by my affente that this vnhappy dede was done / And there they ftaunched his bledynge as wel as they myght / and grete forou made fir Gryngamor and Dame Lyones / And forthe with al came Dame Lynet 30 and toke vp the hede in the fyghte of hem alle / and enoynted it with an oyntement there as it was fmyten of / and in the fame wyfe fhe dyd to the other parte there as the hede ffak / And thenne fhe fette it to gyders / and it ftak as fafft as euer it did And the knyghte arofe lyghtely vp / and the damoyfel Lynet 35 put hym in her chambre / Alle this fawe fir Gryngamor and dame Lyones / and foo dyd fir Gareth / and wel he efpyed that it was the damoyfel Lynet that rode with hym thorou the peryllous paffages / A wel damoyfel faid fyre Gareth I wende [leaf 124 verso] SIook vfi.] [ 249 ] [Cbap. sriff. wold not haue done as ye haue done / My lord Gareth faid Lynet / alle that I haue done I will auowe / and alle that I haue done fhal be for youre honoure and worfhip / and to vs alle / And foo within a whyle fyr Gareth was nyghe hole / & waxid lyghte and Iocounde / and fange / daunced and ga- 5 med / and he and dame Lyones were foo hote in brennynge loue that they made their couenaunte at the tenth nyghte after that fhe fhold come to his bedde / And by caufe he was wouded afore / he laid his armour / and his fwerd nyghe his beddes fyde Io C Capitulum ttffi Yght as fhe promyfed fhe came / and fhe was not foo I U foone in his bedde / but Ihe afpyed an armed knyghte comyng toward the bedde / there with alle fhe warned fyr Gareth / and lyghtly thorou the good helpe of Dame Lyones he was armed / and they hurtled to gyders with grete Ire & ma- 15 lyce al aboute the halle / and there was grete lyght as it had ben the nombre of xx torches bothe before and behynd / foo that fyr Gareth ftrayned hym/ foo that his old wounde brafte ageyne on bledyng / but he was hote and couragyous and toke no kepe / but with his grete force he ftroke doune that kny- 20 ghte / and voyded his helme / and ftrake of his hede / Thenne he hewe the hede in an honderd pyeces / And whan he had done fo he took vp alle tho pyeces and threwe hem oute at a wyndow in to the dyches of the caftel / and by this done / he was fo faynt that vnnethes he myght ftande for bledyng / And by thenne he 25 was al moft vnarmed/ he felle in a dedely fwoune in the flore / And thenne dame Lyones cryed foo that fyr Gryngamor herd / And whan he cam and fond fyr Gareth in that plyte he made grete forou / & there he awaked fir Gareth / and gaf hym a drynke that releued hym wonderly wel / but the forou that 30 Dame Lyones made there maye no tonge telle / for fhe foo faryd with her felf as fhe wold haue dyed / ( Ryghte foo cam this damoyfel Lynet before hem al / and fhe had fette alle the goblets of the hede that fyr Gareth had throwen out at a wyndowe / and there fhe enoynted hem as fhe had done to fore / & fet 35 them to gyder ageyn / wel damoifel Lynet faid fyre Gareth/ [leaf 125] 0 iiij Sootk Vi.] [ 250 ] [Cbap. niff. I haue not deferued alle this defpyte that ye doo vnto me / fir knyghte fhe faid / I haue no thynge do / but I will auowe/ And al that I haue done fhalle be to your worfhip and to vs al / And thenne was fyre Gareth ftaiched of his bledyng 5 But the leches faid / that ther was no man that bare the lyf / fholde hele hym thorou oute of his wounde / but yf they heled hym that caufed that ftroke by enchauntement / So leue we fyr Gareth there with fyr Gryngamore and his fyfters / and torne we vnto kynge Arthur that at the nexte feeft of Pentecoft io helde his feeft / and there cam the grene kny3t with fyfty knyghtes / and yelded hem all vnto kynge Arthur / And fo there came the reed knyghte his broder / and yelded hym to kyng Arthur and thre fcore knyghtes with hym / Alfo there came the blewe knyghte broder to them with an honderd knyghtes / & 15 yelded hem vnto kynge Arthur / and the grene knyghtes name was Partolype / and the reed knyghtes name was Perymones / and the blewe knyghtes name was fyr Perfant of Inde / thefe thre bretheren told kynge Arthur how they were ouercome by a knyghte that a damoyfel had with her / and 20 called hym Beaumayns / Ihefu fayd the kynge I merueylle what knyghte he is / and of what lygnage he is come/ He was with me a twelue monethe / and pourely and fhamefully he was foftred / and fyre kay in fcorne named hym Beaumayns / Soo ryghte as the kyng ftode foo talkyng with 25 thefe thre bretheren / there came fyr Launcelot du lake and told the kynge that there was come a goodly lord with vj C knghtes with hym / thenne the kynge wente oute of Carlyon / for there was the feeft / and there came to hym this lord / and falewed the kynge in a goodly manere / What wylle ye fayd 30 kyng Arthur / and what is youre erand / Syr he faid my naname is the reed knyghte of the reed laundes/ but my name is fyr Ironfyde / and fyre wete ye wel / here I am fente to yow / of a knyght that is called Beaumayns / for he wanne me in playne bataille hande for hand / and foo dyd neuer no kny35 ght but he that euer had the better of me this xxx wynter/ the whiche commaunded to yelde me to yow at youre wyle / ye are welcom faid the kyng / for ye haue ben long a grete foo to me and my Courte / and now I trufte to god I fhalle [leaf 125 verso] 3Book vif.] [ 251 ] [Cbap. siv. foo entreate you that ye fhal be my frend / Syre / bothe I and thefe fyue honderd knyghtes fhal alweyes be at your fomons to doo you feruyfe as maye lye in oure powers / Ihefu mercy faid kyng Arthur I am moche beholdynge vnto that knyght / that hath put foo his body in deuoyre to worfhippe me & my 5 Courte / And as to the Ironfyde that art called the reed knyghte of the reed laundes thou arte called a peryllous kny3t And yf thou wylt holde of me I fhal worfhippe the and make the knyghte of the table round / but thenne thou muft be no more a murtherer / Syre as to that I haue promyfed vnto io fyre Beaumayns neuer more to vfe fuche cuftommes / for all the fhameful cuftomes that I vfed I dyd at the requeft of a lady that I loued / and therfor I muft goo vnto fyr Launcelot and vnto fyre Gawayne / and afke them foryeuenes of the euyll wylle I had vnto them / for alle that I put to deth 15 was al only for the loue of fyr Launcelot and of fyr Gawayne / They ben here now faid the kynge afore the / now maye ye faye to them what ye wylle / And thenne he kneled doune vnto fyre Launcelot and to fyre Gawayne and prayd them of foryeuenes of his enemytee that euer he had ageynfte them / 20 C Capitulum xnljf Henne goodely they faid al at ones / god foryeue you and we do / and praye you that ye will telle vs where we may fynde fyr Beaumayns / Fayre lordes faid fyr Ironfyde I can not telle you / for it is ful hard to fynde hym / for fuche yong knyghtes as he is one / whanne they be in their ad- 25 uentures ben neuer abydynge in no place / I But to faye the worfhip that the reed knyghte of the reed laundes and fyr perfaunt and his broder faid of Beaumayns / it was merueil to here / Wel my fayre lordes faid kynge Arthur / wete yow wel / I fhalle do you honour for the loue of fyr Beaumayns / and 30 as foone as euer I mete with hym I fhalle make you al vpon one day knyghtes of the table round / And as to the fyre Perfaunt of Inde thou haft ben euer called a ful noble knyghte / and foo haue euer ben thy thre bretheren called / But I merueil faid the kyng that I here not of the black kny3t your 35 [leaf 126] sook vff.] [ 252 ] [Cbap. rvf. broder / he was a ful noble knyghte / Syr fayd Pertolype the grene kny3t fyr Beaumayns flewe hym in a recoutre with his fpere / his name was fyr Perard / that was grete pyte fayd the kynge and foo faid many knyghtes / For thefe four brethe5 ren were ful wel knowen in the courte of kynge Arthur for noble knyghtes / for long tyme they had holden werre ageynft the knyghtes of the round table / Thenne fayd Pertolepe the grene knyghte to the kynge atte a paffage of the water of mortayfe there encountred fyr Beaumayns with two brethe1o ren that euer for the mooft party kepte that paffage / and they were two dedely knyghtes / and there he flewe the eldeft broder in the water / and fmote hym vpon the heede fuche a buffet that he felle doune in the water / and there he was drouned / & his name was fir Garard le brewfe / and after he flewe the other I5 broder vpon the lond / his name was fyr Arnold le brewfe / lC apitulum xxvj Oo thenne the kyng and they wente to mete / and were ferued in the beft manere / And as they fatte at the mete / ther came in the quene of Orkeney with ladyes & kny3 -tes a grete nombre / And thenne fyr Gawayn / fyr Agraua20 yn and Gaherys arofe / and wente to her / and falewed her vpon their knees / and afked her blyffyng / For in xv yere they had not fene her / Thenne fhe fpak on hyghe to her broder kynge Arthur / where haue ye done my yong fone fyr Gareth / he was here amongft you a twelue moneth / & ye made a kechyn kna25 ue of hym / the whiche is fhame to you all / Alias where haue ye done my dere fone that was my Ioye and blyffe / O dere moder faid fyr Gawayn I knewe hym not / Nor I faid the kynge that now me repenteth / but thanked be god he is preued a worshipful knyghte as ony is now lyuyng of his yeres / & 30 I ihal neuer be glad tyl I may fynde hym / A broder fayd the quene vnto kyng Arthur and vnto fyr Gawayne and to alle her fones / ye dyd your felf grete fhame whan ye amongft you kepte my fone in the kechyn and fedde hym lyke a poure hog / Fayr fifter faid kyng Arthur ye fhall ryghte wel wete / 35 I knewe hym not / nor nomore dyd fyre Gawayn / nor his [leaf i26 verso] 0ook tvif.] [ 253 ] [Cbap. rri. bretheren / but fythen it is foo faid the kyng that he is thus gone from vs alle / we muft fhape a remedy to fynde hym / Alfo fyfter me femeth ye myght haue done me to wete of his comynge / And thenne and I had not done wel to hym / ye my3t haue blamed me / For whan he cam to this courte he came le- 5 nyng vpon two mens fholders as though he myght not haue gone / And thenne he afked me thre yeftes / and one he afked the fame day / that was that I wold gyue hym mete ynough that twelue moneth / and the other two yeftes he afked that day a twelue moneth / and that was that he myghte haue thad- Io uenture of the damoyfel Lynet / and the thyrd was that fyre Launcelot fhold make hym knyght whan he defyred hym / And foo I graunted hym alle his defyre / and many in this Courte merueilled that he defyred his fuftenaunce for a twelf monethe / And there by we demed many of vs that he was 15 not come of a noble hous / Syre faid the Quene of Orkeney vnto kynge Arthur her broder / wete ye wel that I fente hym vnto you ryghte wel armed and horfed and worfhipfully byfene his body / and gold and fyluer plente to fpend / it may be faid the kynge / but therof fawe we none / fauf that fa- 20 me daye as he departed from vs / knyghtes told me that ther came a dwerf hyder fodenly and broughte hym armour and a good hors ful wel and rychely byfene / and there at we al had merueille / fro whens that rycheffe came / that we demed al that he was come of men of worfhip / Broder faid the Quene 25 alle that ye faye I byleue / for euer fythen he was growen / he was merueilloufly wytted / and euer he was feythful & true of his promeffe / But I merueille faid fhe that fyre kay dyd mocke hym and fcorne hym / and gaf hym that name Beaumayns / yet fyr kay faid the quene named hym more ryghte- 30 uoufly than he wende / For I dare faye and he be on lyue / he is as fair an handed man and wel difpofed as ony is lyuynge / Syre faid Arthurle te this langage be ftylle / and by the grace of god he fhal be founde / and he be within thefe feuen royames / and lete alle this paffe and be mery / for he is proued 35 to be a man of worfhip / and that is my Ioye C Capitulum xvij [leaf 127] 31ooI vii.] [ 254 ] [Cbap. rgvii. Henne faid fyr Gawayne and his bretheren vnto arthur / fyre and ye wyl gyue vs leue we wille go and feke oure brother / Nay faid fyr Launcelot that fhalle ye not nede / and fo faid fyr Bawdewyn of Bretayne / for as 5 by oure aduys the kynge fhal fende vnto dame Lyones a meffager / and praye her that fhe wille come to the courte in alle the haft that fhe may / and doubte ye not fhe wille come / And thene fhe may gyue you beft coiceille where ye fhal fynde hym This is wel faid of you faid the kyng / Soo thenne goodely o0 letters were made / and the meffager fente forth that nyghte & day he wente tyl he cam vnto the caftel perillous / And thenne the lady dame Lyones was fente fore there as fhe was wyth fyr Gryngamor her broder and fyre Gareth / and whan fhe vnderftode this meffage / fhe badde hym ryde on his way vnto ky15 nge Arthur / and fhe wold come after in al goodely haft C Thenne whan fhe came to fyr Gryngamor and to fir Gareth fhe told hem al how kyng Arthur had fente for her / that is by caufe of me faid fyr Gareth / Now auyfe me faid dame Lyones what fhalle I faye and in what manere I fhal rule 20 me / My lady and my loue faid fir Gareth I pray you in no wyfe be ye aknowen where I am / but wel T wote my moder is there and alle my bretheren / and they wille take vpon hem to feke me / I wote wel that they doo / But this madame I wold ye fayd and aduyfed the kynge whan he queftyoned 25 with you of me / Thenne maye ye fay / this is your aduys that and hit lyke his good grace / ye wille doo make a crye ayenft the feeft of thaffumpcion of our lady that what knyghte there preueth hym beft he fhal welde you and all your land / And yf foo be that he be a wedded man that his wyf fhall the degre 30 and a coronal of gold befette with ftones of vertue to the valewe of a thoufand pound and a whyte Iarfaucon / Soo dame Lyones departed / and came to kynge Arthur where fhe was nobly receyued / and there fhe was fore queftyoned of the kyng and of the quene of Orkeney / And fhe anfuerde 35 where fyr Gareth was fhe coude not telle / But thus moche fhe faid vnto Arthur / fyre I wille lete crye a turnement that fhal be done before my caftel at the Affumpcion of oure lady / and the crye fhal be this that you my lorde Arthur fhalt be there / & [leaf 127 verso] :Sook vii.] [ 255 ] [Cbap. x~it. your knyghtes / and I will puruey that my knyghtes fhalle be ageynft yours / And thenne I am fure ye fhall here of fyr Gareth / this is wel aduyfed faid kynge Arthur / and foo fhe departed / And the kynge and fhe maade grete prouyfyon to that turnement / Whan dame Lyones was come to the yle of A- 5 uylyon that was the fame yle ther as her broder fyr Gryngamor dwelte / thenne fhe told hem al how fhe had done / and what promyfe fhe had made to kynge Arthur / Alias faid fyr Gareth / I haue been foo wounded with vnhappynes fythen I cam in to this cartel that I fhal not be abyl to doo at that tur- Io nement lyke a knyghte / for I was neuer thorouly hole fyn I was hurte / Be ye of good chere faid the damoyfel Lynet / for I vndertake within thefe xv dayes to make you hole and as lufty as euer ye were / And thenne fhe leid an oynement & a falue to hym as it pleafyd to her that he was neuer fo freffh 15 nor foo lufty / Thenne faid the damoyfel Lynet / fend you vnto fyr Perfaunt of ynde / and affomone hym and his knyghtes to be here with you as they haue promyfed / Alfo that ye fend vnto fyr Ironfyde that is the reed knyghte of the reed laundes / and charge hym that he be redy with you with his hole 20 fomme of knyghtes / and thenne fhalle ye be abyl to matche with kynge Arthur and his knyghtes / Soo this was done & alle knyghtes were fente for vnto the caftel peryllous / & thenne the reed knyght anfuerd and faid vnto dame Lyones and to fyre Gareth / Madame & my lord fyr Gareth ye Ihal vnder- 25 ftande that I haue ben at the court of kynge Arthur and fire Perfaunt of Inde and his bretheren / and there we haue done oure homage as ye commaunded vs / Alfo fyr Ironfyde fayd I haue taken vpon me with fyre Perfaunt of Inde and his bretheren to hold party ageynft my lord fir Launcelot and the 30 knyghtes of that courte / And this haue I done for the loue of my lady Dame Lyones and you my lord fir Gareth / ye haue wel done faid fyr Gareth / But wete you wel ye Ihal be ful fore matched with the mooft noble knyghtes of the world / therfor we muft purueye vs of goode knyghtes where we may ge- 35 te them / That is wel faid / faid fir Perfaunt and worfhipfully And foo the crye was made in England / walis and fcotland Ireland / Cornewaille / & in alle the oute Iles and in bretayn [leaf i28] 3Zoot vffi.] [ 256 ] [Cbap, xvoiii. and in many countreyes that at the feeft of our lady the affumpcion next comyng men fhold come to the cartel peryllous befyde the yle of Auylyon / And there al the knyghtes that ther came fhold haue the choyfe whether them lyft to be on the 5 one party with the knyghtes of the caftel or on the other party with kynge Arthur / And two monethes was to the daye that the turnement fhold be / & fo ther cam many good kny3 -tes that were at her large and helde hem for the mooft party ageynft kynge Arthur and his knyghtes of the round table / Io cam in the fyde of them of the caftel / For fyr Epynogrus was the fyrft / and he was the kynges fone of Northumberland / & fyr Palamydes the farafyn was another / and fyr Safere his broder / and fyre Segwarydes his broder / but they were cryftned / and fyre Malegryne another / and fyr Bryan des les s5 Ilelys a noble knyghte / and fyr Grummore gummurfum a good knyghte of Scotland / and fyr Carados of the dolorous toure a noble knyghte and fyr Turquyn his broder / and fyr Arnold and fyre Gauter two bretheren good knyghtes of Cornewaile / there cam fyr Tryftram de lyones / and with hym o2 fyr Dynadas the fenefchal / and fir Saduk / but this fyr Triftram was not at that tyme knyght of the table round / but he was one of the beft knyghtes of the world / And foo all thefe noble knyghtes accompanyed hem with the lady of the caftel and with the reed knyghte of the reed laundes / but as for fir 25 Gareth he wold not take vpon hym more but as other meane knyghtes EC Capitulum vitij Nd thenne ther cam with kynge Arthur fir Gawayn Agrauayne / Gaherys his bretheren / And thenne his neuewes fyr Vwayn le blaunche maynys / and fyr Aglouale 30 fyr Tor / fir Percyuale de galys / and fyre Lamorrak de galis Thenne came fir Launcelot du lake with his bretheren neuews and cofyns as fir Lyonel / fir E&or de marys / fyr bors de ganys and fir Galyhodyn / fyre Galihud and many moo of fyre Launcelots blood and fyre Dynadan / fir la coote male tayle / 35 his broder a good knyghte / and fir Sagramore a good kny3t [leaf I28 verso] Boof vii.] [ 257 ] [Cbap. riviti. And al the moft party of the round table / Alfo ther cam with kynge Arthur thefe knyghtes the kynge of Ireland / kynge Agwyfaunce / and the kyng of Scotland kyng Carados and kynge Vryens of the londe of gore and kyng Bagdemagus and his fone fyr Melyaganus and fyr Galahault the noble 5 prynce / Alle thefe kynges prynces and Erles Barons and other noble knyghtes / as fyre Braundyles / fyre Vwayne les auowtres / and fyre kay / fyr Bedeuere / fyr Melyot de logrys fyr Petypafe of wynkelfee / fyr Godelake / alle thefe came with kynge Arthur and moo that can not ben reherced / 10 ( Now leue we of thefe kynges and knyghtes/ and lete vs fpeke of the grete araye that was made within the caftel and aboute the caftel for bothe partyes / the lady Dame Lyones ordeyned grete aray vpon her party for her noble knyghtes for al maner of lodgyng and vytaille that cam by land & by wa- 15 ter that ther lacked no thynge for her party nor for the other but there was plente to be had for gold and fyluer for kynge Arthur and his knyghtes / And thenne ther cam the herbegeours from kynge Arthur for to herberowe hym & his kynges / dukes Erles Barons and knyghtes / And thenne fyr 2o Gareth prayd dame Lyones and the reed knyghte of the reed laundes / and fyr Perfant and his broder / and fyre Gryngamor that in no wyfe ther Ihold none of them telle not his name and make no more of hym than of the leeft knyghte that there was / for he faid I wille not be knowen of neyther more 25 ne leffe / neyther at the begynnynge neyther at the endynge (I Thenne Dame Lyones faid vnto fyr Gareth / fyre I wylle lene you a rynge / but I wold pray you as ye loue me hertely lete me haue it ageyne whanne the turnement is done / ( For that rynge encreaceth my beaute moche more than it is of hym 30 felf / And the vertu of my rynge is that / that is grene it will tome to reed / and that is reed it wil torne in lykenes to grene / And that is blewe it wil torne in lykenes of whyte / and that is whyte it wil torne in lykenes to blewe / and fo it wil doo of al manere of colours / Alfo who that bereth my rynge / 35 fhalle lefe no blood / and for grete loue I wil gyue you thys rynge / Gramercy faid fyr Gareth myn own lady / for this rynge is paffynge mete for me / for it wille tome al manere of [leaf 129] R Soof viUi] [ 258 ] [Cbap. xrir. lykenes that I am ii-rf nd that fhalle caufe me that I fhall not be knowen / Thenne fyr Gryngamor gaf fyr Gareth a bay courfer that was a paffyng good hors / Alfo he gafe hym good armoure and fure and a noble fwerd that fomtyme fyre 5 Gryngamors fader wanne vpon an hethen Tyraunt / And foo thus euery knyghte made hym redy to that turnement & kyng Arthur was comen two dayes to fore thaffumpcion of our lady / And there was al maner of Royalte of al mynftralfye / that myghte be founde / Alfo there cam quene Gweneuer and io the quene of Orkeney fyr Gareths moder / And vpon the affumpcion day whanne maffe and matyns were done there were herowdes with trompettes commaunded to blowe to the feld And foo there came oute fyr Epynogrus the kynges fone of Northumberland from the cartel / and there encountred with I5 hym fyre Sagramor le defyrus / and eyther of hem brake their fperes to their handes / And thenne came in fyre Palamydes oute of the Caftel / and there encountred with hym Gawayne and eyther of hem fmote other fo hard that bothe the good knyghtes and their horfes felle to the erthe / And thenne knygh20 tes of eyther party refcowed their knyghtes / And thenne cam in fyr Safere and fyre Segwarydes bretheren to fyre Palamydes / and there encountred fyr Agrauayne with fyr Safere and fyr Gaherys encountred with fyre Segwarydes / So fyr Safere fmote doune Agrauayne fyr Gawayns broder / and fir 25 Segwarydes fyr Saferys broder And fyr Malgryne a kny3t of the Caftel encountred with fyr Vwayne le blaunche maynys / And there fyre Vwayne gaf fyr Malgryn a falle / that he had almoft broke his neck CI apitulum nxiy Henne fyr Bryan de les yles and Grummore grum30 ^ morffum knyghtes of the Caftel with fyre Aglouale and fyre Tor fmote doun fyr Gromere Gromorfon to the erth Thenne cam in fyr Carados of the dolorous toure / & fyr Turquyne knyghtes of the Caftel / and there encoutred with hem fyr Percyuale de galys & fyr Launce/ot de galys / that were 35 two bretheren / And there encountred fyr Percyuale with fyre [leaf 129 verso] 0sook vii.] [ 259 ] [Cbap. rlit. Caradus / and eyther brake their fperes vnto their handes / & thenne fyr Turquyn with fyre Lamerak / and eyther of hem fmote doune others hors and alle to the erthe / and eyther partyes refcowed other / and horfed them ageyn / And fyr Arnold and fyr Gautere knyghtes of the caftel encountred with fyre 5 Braundyles and fyr kay / and thefe four knyghtes encountred myghtely / and brake their fperes to their handes / Thenne came in fyr Tryftram / fyre Saduk / and fyre Dynas knyghtes of the caftel / and there encountred fyr Tryftram wyth fyre Bedyuere / and there fyr Bedyuere was fmyten to the er- Io the bothe hors and man / And fyr Saduk encountred with fir Petypafe / and there fyr Saduk was ouerthrowen / And there Vwayne les auoutres fmote doune fyr Dynas the fenefchal / Thenne came in fyr Perfaunt of Inde a knyght of the caftel And there encountred with hym fyr Launcelot du lake / and 15 there he fmote fyr Perfaunts hors and man to the erthe / thenne came fyr Pertylope from the caftel / and there encountred with hym fyr Lyonel / and there fyr Pertylope the grene knyght fmote doune fyr Lyonel broder to fyr Laucelot / All this was marked by noble heroudes / who bare hym beft / and theire 20 names / And thenne came in to the feld fyre Perymones the grene knyght fyr Perfaunts broder that was a knyght of the Caftel / and he encountred with fyr E&or de marys / and eyther fmote other fo hard / that bothe their horfes and they felle to the erthe / And thenne came in the reed knyght of the reed 25 laundes and fyr Gareth from the caftel / and there encountred with hem fyr Bors de ganys and fyr Bleoberys / and there the reed knyghte and fyr Bors fmote other fo hard that her fperes braft and their horfes felle grouelynge to the erthe Thenne fyr Blamor brake his fpere vpon fyr Gareth / but of 30 that ftroke fyr Blamor felle to the erthe / whan fyr Galyhoudyn fawe that / he bad fir gareth kepe hym / & fire gareth fmote hym to the erthe / thenne fire Galyhud gate a fpere to auenge his broder / & in the fame wyfe fir gareth ferued hym / & fir Dynadan & his broder la cote male tayle / & fir Sagramor defirus 35 & fir Dodynas le faueage / All thefe he bare doun with one fpere / Whan kyng Aguyfaice of Irland fawe fyr Gareth fare fo he merueiled what he my3t be pt one tyme femed grene & another [leaf 130] p j $ooT vii,.3 260 ] E[bap. vr. tyme at his ageyne comyng he femed blewe / And thus at euery cours that he rode to and fro he chaunged his colour fo that ther myghte neyther kynge nor knyghte haue redy congnyffaunce of hym / Thenne fyr Anguyffaunce the kyng of Ir5 land encountred with fyr Gareth / and there fyr Gareth fmote hym from his hors fadyl and all / And thenne came kyng Caradus of Scotland and fyr Gareth fmote hym doun hors and man / And in the fame wyfe he ferued kyng Vryens of the land of Gore / And thenne came in fyr Bawdemagus / io and fyr Gareth fmote hym doune hors and man to the erthe And Bawdemagus fone Melyganus brake a fpere vpon fir Gareth myghtely and knyghtely / And thenne fyr Galahaut the noble prynce cryed on hyghe knyghte with the many colours wel haft thou Iufted / Now make the redy that I maye 15 Iufte with the / Syre Gareth herd hym / and he gat a grete fpere / and foo they encountred to gyder / and there the prynce brake his fpere / But fyr Gareth fmote hym vpon the lyfte fyde of the helme / that he relyd here and there / and he had falle doune had not his men recouerd hym / Soo god me help fayd 20 kynge Arthur that fame knyght with the many colours is a good knyghte / wherfor the kynge called vnto hym fyr Launcelot and praid hym to encountre with that knyghte / Syr faid Launcelot I may wel fynde in my herte for to forbere hym as at this tyme / for he hath hadde trauail ynough this day / & 25 whan a good knyghte doth foo wel vpon fomme day / it is no good knyghtes parte to lette hym of his worfhip / And namely whan he feeth a Knyght hath done foo grete labour / for peraduenture faid fyr Launcelot his quarel is here this day / & perauentur he is beft byloued with this lady of al that ben he30 re / for I fee wel / he payneth hym & enforceth hym to do grete dedes / & therfor faid fyr launcelot as for me this day he fhall haue the honour / though it lay in my power to put hym fro it / I wold not CI Capitulum mxx Henne whanne this was done / there was drawynge 35 ^ of fwerdes / And thenne there began a fore turnement [leaf I30 versol Boot vii.] [ 26I ] [Cbap. rr.E And there dyd fyr Lamerak merueyllous dedes of armes / & betwixe fyr Lamerak and fyre Ironfyde that was the reed knyghte of the reed laudes there was ftrong batail / & betwix fyre Palamides & Bleoberys there was a ftrong batail / & fir Gawayne and fyr Tryftram mette / and there fyr Gawayne 5 had the werfe / for he pulled fyre Gawayne from his hors I And there he was long vpon foote and defouled / Thenne cam in fyr Launcelot and he fmote fyr Turquyne / and he hym / & thenne came fyr Caradus his broder / and bothe at ones they affayled hym / & he as the mooft nobleft knyght of the world io worfhipfully foughte with hem bothe/ that al men wondred of the nobleffe of fyr launcelot / And thenne came in fyr Gareth and knewe that it was fir launcelot that fought with tho two peryllous knyghtes / And thenne fyr Gareth came with his good hors and hurtled hem in fonder / & no ftroke wold he fm- I5 yte to fyr Launcelot / that afpyed fir launcelot & demed it fhold be the good knyghte fyre Gareth / & thenne fyr Gareth rode here and there / & fmote on the ryght hand & on the lyfte hand that alle the folke myghte wel afpye where that he rode / and by fortune he mette with his broder fyr Gawayn / and there he 20 put fyr Gawayne to the werfe/ for he put of his helme / and fo he ferued fyue or fyxe knyghtes of the rounde table that alle men faid / he put hym in the moft payne / and beft he dyd his deuoyr / For whan fyr Tryftram beheld hym how he fyrft Iufted and after foughte fo wel with a fwerd / Thenne he rode 25 vnto fyr Ironfyde and to fyre Perfaunt of ynde and afked hem by their feythe / what maner a knyghte is yonder knyght that femeth in foo many dyuerfe colours / Truly me femeth fayd Tryftram that he putteth hym felf in grete payne for he neuer ceafeth / Wote ye not what he is fayd fyr Ironfyde / No fa- 30 id fyr Tryftram / thenne fhal ye knowe that this is he that loueth the lady of the caftel and fhe hym ageyne / and this is he that wanne me whan I byfeged the lady of this caftel / and this he that wanne fyr Perfaunt of ynde / and his thre bretheren / what is his name fayd fyr Tryftram and of what blood 35 is he come / he was called in the courte of kyng Arthur Beaumayns / but his ry3t name is fir Gareth of Orkeney broder to fir Gawayn / by my hede faid fir Triftram he is a good kni3t [leaf 131] p ij ZBook vii.] [ 262 ] [Cbap. rfi. knyght and a bygge man of armes / & yf he be yong he fhalle preue a ful noble knyghte / he is but a child they all faide & of fyr Launcelot he was made kny3t / therfor is he mykel the better faid Tryftram / And thenne fyr Tryftram / fyr Ironfyde / 5 fyr Perfaunt and his broder rode to gyders for to helpe fir gareth / & thenne there were gyuen many ftrong ftrokes / And thenne fyr Gareth rode oute on the one fyde to amende his helme / & thenne faid his dwerf take me your ryng that ye lefe it not whyle that ye drynke / And fo whan he had dronken he gat on io his helme / & egerly took his hors & rode in to the felde & lefte his rynge with his dwerf / and the dwerf was gladde the ryng was from hym / for thenne he wift wel he fhold be knowen And thenne whan fyr Gareth was in the felde all folkes fawe hym wel / & playnly that he was in yelowe colours / & the15 re he raffyd of helmes & pulled doun kny3tes that kynge Arthur had merueylle what kny3t he was / for the kyng fawe by his here that it was the fame knyght C Capitulum gXXj Vt by fore he was in fo many colours and now he is | but in one colour that is yelowe / Now goo faid kyng 20 <y Arthur vnto dyuerfe heroudes and ryde aboute hym & afpye what maner knyghte he is / for I haue fperyd of many knyghtes this day that ben vpon his party / and all faye they knowe hym not / And fo an heroude rode nyhe Gareth as he coude / and there he fawe wryten aboute his helme in golde / This 25 helme is fyr gareth of Orkeney / Thenne the heroude cryed as he were wood / & many heroudes with hym / This is fyre gareth of Orkeney in the yelowe armes that by all kynges and knyghtes of Arthurs beheld hym & awayted / & thenne they preffyd al to beholde hym / & euer the heroudes cryed this is fyre 30 gareth of Orkeney kyng Lots fone / and whan fyr gareth afpyed that he was difcoueryd / thenne he doubled his ftrokes / & fmote doune fyr Sagramore & his broder fir gawayn / O broder faide fir gawayn I wende ye wolde not haue ftryken me / fo whan he herd hym fay fo he thrang here & there / & fo with gre35 te payne he gat out of the prees / and there he mette with his dwerf / 0 boye faid fyr gareth thou haft begyled me foule this day that thou kepte my rynge / Gyue it me anone ageyn that [leaf T31 verso] Zook vff.] [ 263 ] [Cbap. rif.i I may hyde my body with al / and foo he tooke it hym / And thenne they all wift not where he was become / and fyr Gawayn had in maner afpyed where fyr Gareth rode / and thenne he rode after with alle his myghte / that afpyed fyr Gareth and rode lyghtely in to the foreft that fyr Gawayn wilt not where 5 he was become / And whan fyr Gareth wyft that fyr Gawayn was paft/he afked the dwerf of belt counceil / Syr faid the dwerf / me femeth it were belt now that ye are efcaped fro fpyeng that ye fend my lady dame lyones her rynge / It is wel aduyfed faid fyr Gareth / now haue it here and bere it to her / o And faye that I recommaunde me vnto her good grace / and faye her I will come whan I maye / and I pray her to be true and feythful to me as I wil be to her / Syr faid the dwerf it fhal be done as ye commaunde/ and foo he rode his waye and dyd his eraund vnto the lady / Thenne fhe faid where is my 15 knyghte fyr Gareth / Madame faid the dwerf he bad me faye / that he wold not be long from you / ( And foo lyghtely the dwerf cam ageyne vnto fyr Gareth that wold ful fayne haue had a lodgyng / for he had nede to be repofed / And thenne felle there a thonder and a rayne as heuen and erthe fhold 20 goo to gyder / And fyr Gareth was not a lytyl wery / for of al that day he had but lytel reft neyther his hors nor he / So this fyr Gareth rode foo longe in that foreft vntyl the nyghte came And euer it lyghtned and thondred as it had ben woode At the laft by fortune he came to a Caftel / and there he herd 25 the waytes vpon the wallys ([ Capitulum ygyiJ / Henne fyr Gareth rode vnto the barbycan of the caftel / and praid the porter fayr to lete hym in to the caftel / The porter anfuerd vngoodely ageyne / and faide thow geteft no lodgyng here / Fayr fyr fay not foo for I am a kny3te 30 of kynge Arthurs / & pray the lord or the lady of this caftel to gyue me herberow for the loue of kynge Arthur / Thenne the porter wente vnto the ducheffe / and told her how ther was a knyghte of kyng Arthurs wold haue herberowe / lete hym in faid the ducheffe / for I wille fee that knyghte / And for kyng 35 Arthurs fake he fhalle not be herberoules/ Cj Thenne fhe yode vp in to a toure ouer the gate with greete torche lyght / whan fir Gareth fawe that torche lyghte he cryed [leaf 132] p iij Sook vii.] [ 264 ] [Cbap. rrfif. on hyhe whether thou be lord or lady gyaunt or champyon I take no force fo that I may haue herberowe this nyghte / & yf hit fo be that I muft nedes fyghte / fpare me not to morne when I haue reftyd me for bothe I and myn hors ben wery / Syr 5 knyghte faid the lady thou fpekeft knyghtly and boldly / but wete thou wel the lord of this caftel loueth not kyng Arthur / nor none of his court / for my lord hath euer ben ageynft hym and therfor thou were better not to come within this caftel / For and thou come in this nyghte / thou muft come in vnder o1 fuche fourme that where fomeuer thou mete my lord by fty3 or by ftrete / thou muft yelde the to hym as pryfoner / Madame faid fyre Gareth what is your lord and what is his name / fyr my lordes name is the duke de la route / wel madame faid fyr Gareth I fhal promyfe yow in what place I mete your lord 15 I fhalle yelde me vnto hym and to his good grace with that I vnderftande he wille do me no harme / And yf I vnderftand that he wille I wil releace my felf and I can with my fpere and my fwerd / ye fay wel faid the ducheffe / and thenne fhe lete the drawe brydge doune / and foo he rode in to the halle / 20 and there he alyghte / and his hors was ledde in to a ftable / & in the halle he vnarmed hym / & faide madame I will not oute of this holle this nyghte / And whan it is daye lyght / lete fee / who wil haue adoo with me / he fhal fynde me redy / Thenne was he fette vnto fouper / and had many good dyffhes / then25 ne fyr Gareth lyft wel to ete / and knyghtely he ete his mete / and egerly / there was many a fair lady by hym / & fome faid they neuer fawe a goodlyer man nor fo wel of etynge / thenne they made hym paffyng good chere / & fhortly whan he had fouped his bedde was made there fo he refted hym al nyghte / 30 And on the morne he herd maffe & brake his faft & toke his leue at the ducheffe / & at them al / & thanked her goodely of her lodgyng & of his good chere / & thenne fhe afked gym his name / Madame he faide truly my name is Gareth of Orkeney / & fome men calle me Beaumayns / thene kpewe fhe wel it was 35 the fame kny3t that fou3t for dame lyones / fo fir gareth departed & rode vp in to a montayne / & ther mette hym a knyghte / his name was fyr Bendelayne and fayd to fyr Gareth thou fhalt not paffe this way / for outher thou fhalt Iufte with me or [leaf 132 verso] 3JooFi vii.] [ 265 ] [Cbap. grfif. els be my pryfoner / Thenme wille I Iufte faid fyr Gareth / And foo they lete their horfes renne / and there fyr Gareth fmote hym thorou oute the body / and fyr Bendalyne rode forth to his caftel there befyde and there dyed / So fyr gareth wold haue refted hym / and he cam rydynge to Bendalaynis caftel / 5 Thenne his knyghtes and feruauntes afpyed that it was he that had flayne their lord / Thenne they armed xx good men and cam out and affailled fyr gareth / and foo he had no fpere but his fwerd / and put his fhelde afore hym / and there they brake their fperes vpon hym / and they affailled hem paffyng- Io ly fore / But euer fyr gareth deffended hym as a knyght Cl ~apitulum ggyiif Oo whan they fawe that they myghte not ouercome hym / they rode from hym / and took their counceylle to flee his hors/ and foo they cam in vpon fyr gareth / and with fperes they flewe his hors / and thenne they affailled hym hard 15 But whan he was on foote / there was none that he raughte but he gaf him fuche a buffet that he dyd neuer recouer / So he flewe hem by one and one tyl they were but foure / and there they fledde / and fire gareth took a good hors that was one of theirs and rode his waye / Thenne he rode a grete paas til that 20 he came to a caftel and there he herd moche mornynge of ladyes and gentylwymmen / fo ther cam by hym a page/ what noyfe is this faid fyr gareth that I here within this caftel / Syre knyghte faid the page here ben within this caftel thyrtty ladyes and alle they be wydowes / For here is a knyght that way- 25 teth dayly vpon this caftel / and his name is the broun knyght withoute pyte / and he is the peryllouft knyght that now lyueth / And therfor fir faid the page I rede you flee / Nay faid fir gareth I wille not flee though thou be aferd of hym / And thenne the page fawe where came the broune knyghte/ loo 30 faid the page yonder he cometh / lete me dele with hym faid fyre gareth / And whan eyther of other had a fyghte they lete theyr horfes renne / and the broune knyghte brake his fpere and fir gareth fmote hym thorou oute the body that he ouerthrewe hym to the ground ftark dede / So fir gareth rode in to the caftel 35 & praid the ladyes Pt he my3t repofe hym / allas faid the ladyes ye may not be lodged here / make hym good chere faid the page [leaf 133] p iilj 3ookft vi. [ 266 ] [Cbap. tliv. for this knyghte hath flayne your enemy / thenne they al made hym good chere as laye in their power / But wete ye wel they maade hym good chere for they myghte none otherwyfe doo for they were but poure / And fo on the morne he wente to 5 maffe / and there he fawe the thyrtty ladyes knele / and lay grouelyng vpon dyuerfe tombes makynge grete dole and forowe / Thenne fyr Gareth wyft wel that in the tombes lay theire lordes / Fayre ladyes faid fyr Gareth ye muft at the next feefte of Pentecoft be at the court of kynge Arthur / and faye that I io fyr Gareth fente you thyder / we fhal doo this faid the ladyes Soo he departed / and by fortune he came to a mountayne / & there he found a goodely knyght that badde hym abyde fyr knyghte and Iufte with me / what are ye faid fyr Gareth / My name is faid he the duke de la rowfe / A fyr ye ar the fame knI5 yghte that I lodged ones in your Caftel / And there I made promyfe vnto your lady that I fhold yelde me vnto yow A faid the duke arte thou that proud knyghte that profereft to fyghte with my knyghtes / therfore make the redy for I wil haue adoo with you / Soo they lete their horfes renne / and ther 20 fyr Gareth fmote the duke doune from his hors / But the duke lyghtly auoyded his hors / and dreffid his fhelde and drewe his fwerd / and bad fyr Gareth alyghte and fyghte with hym / Soo he dyd alyghte / and they dyd grete batail to gyders more than an hour,e / and eyther hurte other ful fore / Att 25 the laft fir Gareth gat the duke to the erthe / and wold haue flayn hym / and thenne he yelded hym to hym / Thenne muft ye goo faid fir Gareth vnto fyr Arthur my lord at the next feeft and faye that I fir Gareth of Orkeney fente you vnto hym / hit fhal be done faid the duke / and I wil doo to yow homage and 30 feaute with an C kny3tes with me / and alle the dayes of my lyf to doo you feruyfe where ye wille commaunde me / C Capitulum yiiij Oo the duke departed / and fir Gareth ftode there alone and there he fawe an armed knyght comyng toward hym / Thenne fyre Gareth toke the dukes fhelde / and [leaf I33 verso] BSook vii.] [ 267 ] [Cbap. rrriv. mounted vpon horfbak / and foo withoute bydyng they ranne to gyder as it had ben the thonder / And there that kny3t hurt fyr Gareth vnder the fyde with his fpere / And thenne they alyghte / and drewe their fwerdes / and gafe grete ftrokes that the blood trayled to the ground / And foo they foughte two 5 houres / At the laft there came the damoyfel Lynet that fomme men calle the damoyfel faueage / and fhe came rydynge vpon an ambelynge meule / and there fhe cryed al on hyghe / fyr Gawayne fyr Gawayne leue thy fyghtynge with thy broder fyre Gareth / And whan he herd her faye foo he threwe aweye hys io fhelde and his fwerd / and ranne to fyre Gareth / and tooke hym in his armes / and fythen kneled doune and afked hym mercy / What are ye faid fyr Gareth that ryght now were foo ftronge and foo myghty / and now fo fodenly yelde you to me O Gareth I am your broder fyr Gawayn that for youre fake 15 haue had grete forou and labour / Thenne fyr Gareth vnlaced his helme / and knelyd doune to hym / and afked hym mercy / thenne they rofe both and enbraced eyther other in their armes and wepte a grete whyle or they myghte fpeke / and eyther of hem gaf other the pryce of the bataille / And there were many 20 kynde wordes bitwene hem / Alias my faire broder faid fir gawayn perde I owe of ryghte to worfhippe you / and ye were not my broder / for ye haue worfhipped kyng Arthur and all his courte / for ye haue fente me mo worfhipful knyghtes this twelue moneth than fyxe the beft of the round table haue do- 25 ne excepte fir Launcelot / Thenne cam the damoyfel faueage that was the lady Lynet that rode with fir gareth foo longe / and there fhe dyd ftaunche fir gareths woundes / and fir gawayns Now what wille ye doo faid the damoyfel faueage / me femeth that it were wel do pt Arthur had wetyng of you both for yo- 30 ur horfes are foo bryfed that they may not bere / Now faire damoyfel faid fyr Gawayne / I praye you ryde vnto my lord myn vnkel kynge Arthur / and telle hym what aduenture is to me betyd here / and I fuppofe he wille not tary long / Thenne fhe tooke her meule and lyghtly fhe came to kynge Arthur / that 35 was but two myle thens / And whan fhe had told hym tydynges the kynge bad gete hym a palfroy / ( And whan he was vpon his bak he badde the lordes and ladyes come after who [leaf 134] Book vif.] [ 268 ] [Cbap. rnriv. that wold / and there was fadelyng and brydelyng of quenes horfes and prynces horfes / & wel was hym that fooneft myght be redy / Soo whan the kynge came there as they were he fawe fyr Gawayn and fyr Gareth fytte vpon a lytel hylle fyde / & 5 thenne the kynge auoyded his hors / And whanne he cam nyghe fyre Gareth / he wold haue fpoken but he myghte not / and therwith he fanke doune in a fwoune for gladneffe / and foo they ftarte. vnto theyr vnkyl / and requyred hym of his good grace to be of good comforte / Wete ye wel the kyng made greIo te ioye and many a pyteous complaynte he made to fyr Gareth / And euer he wepte as he had ben a chyld / With that cam his moder the quene of Orkeney dame Morgaufe / And whan fhe fawe fyr Gareth redely in the vyfage fhe myghte not wepe but fodenly felle doun in a fwoune / and lay there a grete whyI5 le lyke as fhe had ben dede / And thenne fyr Gareth recomforted his moder in fuche wyfe that fhe recouerd and made good chere / Thenne the kynge commaunded that al maner of knyghtes that were vnder his obeiffaunce fhold make their lodgyng ryght there for the loue of his neuewes / And foo it was do20 ne and al manere of purueaunce purueyd that ther lacked nothyng that myghte be goten of tame nor wylde for gold or fyluer / And thenne by the meanes of the damoyfel Saueage fyr Gawayne and fyr Gareth were heled of their woundes / and there they foiourned eyght dayes / Thenne faid kyng Ar25 thur vnto the damoyfel faueage I merueylle that your fyfter Dame Lyones cometh not here to me / and in efpecyal that fhe cometh not to vyfyte her knyghte my neuewe fyre Gareth that hath had foo moche trauaille for her loue / My lord faid the damoyfel Lynet ye muft of your good grace hold her excufed / 30 For fhe knoweth not that my lord fyr Gareth is here / Go thene for her faid kynge Arthur that we may be apoynted what is belt to done accordyng to the plefyr of my neuewe / Syr faid the damoyfel that ihal be done / and foo fhe rode vnto her fyfter / And as lyghtely as fhe myght made her redy & fhe cam 35 on the morne with her broder fyr Gryngamor / and with her xl kny3tes / And fo whan fhe was come fhe had alle the chere that myghte be done bothe of the kynge and of many other kynges and quenes [leaf 134 verso] 30ook vii.] [ 269 ] [Cbap. xxxv. CI Capitulum xxxv Nd amonge alle thefe ladyes fhe was named the fayreft and pyereles / Thenne whanne fyr Gawayn fawe her / there was many a goodely loke and goodely wordes that alle men of worfhip had ioye to beholde them / Thenne cam kynge Arthur and many other kynges and dame Gweneuer & 5 the quene of Orkeney / And there the kyng afked his neuew fyre Gareth whether he wold haue that lady as peramour or to haue her to his wyf / My lord wete yow wel that I loue her aboue al ladyes lyuynge / Now fayre lady faid kyng Arthur what fay ye / Mooft noble kynge faid dame Lyones wete Io yow wel that my lord fyr Gareth is to me more leuer to haue and welde as my hufband than ony kyng or prynce that is cryftened / and yf I maye not haue hym I promyfe yow I wylle neuer haue none / For my lord Arthur fayd dame Lyones wete ye wel he is my fyrft loue and he fhal be the lafte / 5 And yf ye wil fuffre hym to haue his wyl and free choyfe I dare faye he wylle haue me / That is trouthe faid fyr Gareth / And I haue not you and weld not you as my wyf / there fhal neuer lady ne gentylwoman reioyce me / What neuewe faid the kynge is the wynde in that dore / for wete ye wel I 20 wold not for the ftynte of my croune to be caufar to withdrawe your hertes / And wete ye wel ye con not loue fo wel but I fhal rather encreace hit than dyftreffe hit / And alfo ye fhal haue my loue and my lordfhip in the vttermeft wyfe that may lye in my power / And in the fame wyfe faid fir Gareths mo- 25 der / thenne there was made a prouyfyon for the day of maryge/ and by the kynges aduyfe it was prouyded that it fhold be at Mychelmas folowyng at kynkenadon by the fee fyde / for ther is plentyful countrey / And foo it was cryed in al the places thurgh the royamme / And thenne fyr Gareth fent his 30 fomones to alle thefe knyghtes and ladyes that he had wonnen in batail to fore that they fhold be at his day of maryage at kynkenadon by the fandys / And thenne dame Lyones and the damoyfel Lynet with fyr Gryngamor rode to theire caftel / and a goodely and a ryche rynge fhe gaf to fyr Gareth / and 35 he gaf her another / And kyng Arthur gaf her a ryche bee of [leaf 135] ZSook vif.] [ 270 ] [Cbap. grivi. gold / and foo fhe departed / and kyng Arthur and his felaufhip rode toward Kynkenadon / and fyr Gareth..broughte his lady on the way / & fo cam to the kyng ageyne and rode with hym / Lord the grete chere that fyr launcelot made of fir Gareth 5 and he of hym / for there was neuer no knyght that fyr gareth loued fo wel as he dyd fyr Launcelot / and euer for the moft party he wold be in fyr launcelots company / for after fyr Gareth had afpyed fir Gawayns condycions he withdrewe hym felf fro his broder fyr Gawayns felaufhip / for he was vengeio able / and where he hated he wold be auengyd with murther and that hated fyr gareth C Capitulum mxvj Oo hit drewe fafte to Mychelmas / and thyder came dame Lyones the lady of the caftel peryllous and her fyfter dame Lynet with fyre gryngamor her broder with hem / 15 For he had the conduyte of thefe ladyes / And there they were lodged at the deuyfe of kyng Arthur / And vpon mychelmas day the Biffhop of Caunterbury made the weddyng betwixe fyr gareth and the lady Lyones with grete folempnyte / and kyng Arthur made gaherys to wedde the damoyfel faueage / 20 that was dame Lynet / and kyng Arthur made fyr Agrauayne to wedde dame Lyones nees a fayr lady / her name was dame Laurel / And fo whan this folemnacion was done / thenne came in the grene knyghte fyr Pertylope with thyrtty knyghtes / and there he dyd homage and feaute to fyr gareth and 25 thefe knyghtes to hold of hym for euermore / Alfo fir Pertilope faid I pray you that at this feeft I maye be your chamberlayne / with a good wil faid fyr gareth / fyth it lyketh you to take foo fymple on offyce / Thenne come in the reed knyghte with thre fcore knyghtes with hym / and dyde to fyr Gareth 30 homage and feaute / and alle tho knyghtes to hold of hym for euermore / And thenne this fyr Perymonyes praide fir gareth to graunte hym to be his chyef botteler at that hyghe feeft I wil wel faide fir gareth that ye haue this offyce and it were better / Thenne came in fyr Perfant of Inde with an C kn35 yghtes with hym / and there he dyd homage and feaute / and [leaf I35 verso] 7""'"\N S3ook vii.] [ 271 ] [Cbap. rvroi. al his knyghtes fhold doo hym feruyfe / and hold their londes of hym for euer / and there he prayd fyr Gareth to make hym his Sewar chyef at the fee / I wil wel faid fyr Gareth that ye haue it & it were better / Thenne cam the dukde la rowfe with an C knyghtes with hym / and there he dyd ho- 5 mage and feaute to fyr Gareth / and foo to hold theire londes of hym for euer / And he requyred fyr Gareth that he myght ferue hym of the wyn that day at that feeft / I wil wel fayd fyr Gareth and it were better / Thenne came in the reed kny3te of the reed laundes that was fyr Ironfyde / and he broughte io with hym thre honderd knyghtes / and there he dyd homage & feaute / and al thefe knyghtes to hold their landes of hym for euer / And thenne he afked fyr Gareth to be his keruer / I will wel faid fyr Gareth and it pleafe you / Thenne came in to the courte thyrtty ladyes / and alle they femed wydowes / and 15 tho thyrtty ladyes broughte with hem many fayre gentylwymmen / And alle they kneled doune at ones vnto kyng arthur and vnto fyr Gareth / and there al tho ladyes told the kyng how fyr Gareth delyuerd hem from the dolorous toure / and flewe the broune knyght withoute pyte / And therfore we and 20 oure heyres for euermore wille doo homage vnto fyr Gareth of Orkeney / So thenne the kynges and quenes / prynces & erlys Barons and many bold knyghtes wente vnto mete / & well maye ye wete there were al manere of mete plentyuoufly / alle manere rules and games with al manere of mynftralfy that 25 was vfed in tho dayes / ([ Alfo ther was grete Iuftes thre dayes / But the kynge wold not fuffre fyre Gareth to Iufte by caufe of his newe bryde / for as the frenffhe book fayth that dame Lyones defyred of the kynge that none that were wedded fhold Iufte at that feeft / Soo the fyrft day there Iufted fir la- 30 merak de galys / for he ouerthrewe thyrtty knyghtes / & did paffyng merueilloufly dedes of armes / and thenne kyng Arthur made fyr Perfaunt and his two bretheren knyghtes of the round table to their lyues ende / and gaf hem grete londes / Alfo the fecond daye there Iufted Tryftram beft / and he ouerthrew 35 fourty knyghtes / and dyd there merueillous dedes of armes And there kynge Arthur made Ironfyde that was the reed knyghte of the reed laundes a knyghte of the table round to [leaf 136] Book vii.] [ 272 ] [abap. rovi. his lyues ende / and gaf hym grete landes / The thyrd day there Iufted fyr launcelot du lake / and he ouerthrewe fyfty knyghtes and dyd many merueyllous dedes of armes that all men wondred on hym / And there kynge Arthur made the duke de 5 la roufe a knyghte of the round table to his lyues ende / and gaf hym grete landes to fpende / But whan this Iuftes were done / fyr Lamerak and fyr Tryftram departed fodenly / & wold not be knowm / for the whiche kyng Arthur and all the court were fore difpleafyd / And foo they helde the courte fourty daIo yes with grete folempnyte / And this fyr Gareth was a noble knyghte and a wel rulyd and fayr langaged (E 'bus enbetb tbis tale of tfr Garetb of Orkener tbat webbeb bame ZLones of the cattel perllous / 2nb alfo tpr Oabeo rts webbeb ber ftfter bame 22net / that was calleb the bamo-fel faueage / Bn t fCr Zgrauasne webbeb bame lauret a fao Vr laWV anb grete anb mpobt2 lanbes wttb 0rete rscbefte oaf witb tbem kpno Ztrtbur that rgalg tbep mgobt lrue tpl tbeft Itues enbe bere.folowetb tbe tiif book tbe wbicb is tbe firft book of fit triftram be ILones / & wbo was bis faber & bis mober / & bou be was borne anb tofterpb / Anb bow be was mabe knpebte [leaf 136 verso] ;sook viii.] [ 273 ] [Cbap. i. (C apitulum printmu It was a kyng that hyghte Melyodas / and he was lord and kynge of the countre of Lyonas And this Melyodas was a lykely knyght as ony was that tyme lyuynge / And by fortune he wedded kynge Markys fyffer of Cornewaille / And fhe 5 was called Elyzabeth that was callyd bothe good and fair And at that tyme kynge Arthur regned / and he was hole kynge of Englond / walys and Scotland & of many other royammes how be it there were many kynges that were lordes of many countreyes / but alle they held their landes of kyng 1 Arthur / for in walys were two kynges / and in the north were many kynges / And in Cornewail and in the weft werc two kynges/ ( Alfo in Irland were two or thre kynges and al were vnder the obeiffaunce of kyng Arthur / So was the kynge of Fraunce and the kyng of Bretayn and all the J; lordfhippes vnto Rome / So whan this kyng Melyodas hadde ben with his wyf/ within a whyle fhe waxid grete with child and fhe was a ful meke lady / and wel fhe loued her lord / & he her ageyne / foo there was grete ioye betwixe them / Thenne ther was a lady in that countrey that had loued kynge Me- 20 lyodas longe / And by no meane fhe neuer coude gete his loue therfore fhe lete ordeyne vpon a day as kynge Melyodas rode on huntynge / for he was a grete chacer / and there by an enchauntement fhe made hym chace an herte by hym felf alone / til that he came to an old Cafftel / and there anone he was taken 25 pryfoner by the lady that hym loued / Whanne Elyzabeth kyng Melyodas myft her lord / and fhe was nyghe oute of her wytte and alfo as grete with child as fhe was Ihe took a gentylwoman with her / and ranne in to the foreft to feke her lord/ And whanne fhe was ferre in the foreft fhe myghte no ferther 30 for fhe byganne to trauaille faft of her child / And fhe had many grymly throwes / her gentylwoman halp her alle that fhe myghte / And foo by myracle of oure lady of heuen fhe was delyuerd with grete paynes / But fhe had taken fuche cold for the defaute of helpe that depe draughtes of deth toke her / that 35 nedes fhe mufft dye and departe oute of this world / ther was [leaf r37] S took viil.] [ 274 ] [Cbap. if. none other boote / And whanne this quene Elyzabeth fawe that ther was none other bote / thenne fhe made grete dole / and faid vnto her gentylwoman / whan ye fee my lord kyng Melyodas recommaunde me vnto hym / and telle hym what pay5 nes I endure here for gis loue / and how I muft dye here for his fake for defaute of good helpe / and lete hym wete that I am ful fory to departe out of this world fro hym / therfor pray hym to be frende to my foule / Now lete me fee my lytel child / for whome I haue had alle this forowe / And whanne fhe faIo we hym fhe faid thus / A my lytel fone thou haft murthered thy moder / and therfore I fuppofe thou that arte a murtherer foo yong / thou arte ful lykely to be a manly man in thyn age / And by caufe I Ihal dye of the byrthe of the / I charge the gentylwoman / that thou pray my lord kynge Melyodas that 15 whan he is cryftned lete calle hym Tryftram that is as moch to faye / as a forouful byrthe / And ther with this quene gafe vp the ghooft and dyed / Thenne the gentylwoman leyd her vnder an vmbre of a grete tree / and thenne fhe lapped the chyld as wel as fhe myght for cold / Ryghte foo ther came the 20 Barons folowynge after the quene / ([ And whan they fawe that fhe was dede / and vnderftood none other but the kynge was deftroyed / CI apitulum fecunbum Henne certayne of them wold haue flayne the child / by caufe they wold haue ben lordes of the countrey of 25 Lyonas / But thenne thorou the faire fpeche of the gentylwoman / and by the meanes that fhe made / the mooft party of the Barons wold not affente ther to / And thenne they lete cary home the dede quene / and moche dole was made for her / Thenne this meane whyle Merlyn delyuerd kynge Melyodas out of 30 pryfon on the morne after his quene was dede / And fo when the kynge was come home / the mooft party of the barons made grete ioye / But the forou that the kyng made for his quene that myghte no tong telle Soo thenne the kynge lete entere her rychely and after he le35 te cryftene his child as his wyf had commaunded afore her [leaf J37 verso] o00o tiii.] [ 275 ] [Cbap. ii. deth / And thenne he lete calle hym Tryftram the forouful borne child / j Thenne the kynge Melyodas endured feuen yeres withoute a wyf / And alle this tyme Tryftram was nouryffhed wel / [ Thenne hit befelle that kynge Melyodas wedded kynge Howles doughter of Bretayne / and anone 5 fhe hadde children of kynge Melyodas / thenne was fhe heuy and wrothe / that her children fhold not reioyce the Countrey of Lyones / wherfor this quene ordeyned for to poyfone yong Triftram / So fhe lete poyfon be put in a pyece of fyluer in the chamber where as Tryifram and her children were to gyders / 10 Vnto that entente that whanne Tryftram were thurfty he fhold drynke that drynke / And fo hit felle vpon a daye the quenes fone as he was in that chamber / afpyed the pyece with poyfon / and he wende hit hadde ben good drynke / and by caufe the child was thurfty he tooke the pyece with poyfon and I5 dranke frely / and there with al fodenly the child braft & was dede/ whanne the quene Melyodas wyft of the dethe of her fone wete ye wel that fhe was heuy / But yet the kyng vnderftode no thynge of her treafon / ( Not withftandynge the quene wold not leue this / but efte fhe lete ordeyne more poyfon / and 20 putte hit in a pyece / And by fortune kyng Melyodas her hufband fond the pyece with wyn where was the poyfon / and he that was moche thurfty took the pyece for to drynke ther oute And as he wold haue dronken therof / the Quene afpyed hym / and thenne fhe ranne vnto hym / and pulled the pyece 25 from hym fodenly CJ The kyng merueilled why ihe dyd foo / and remembryd hym how her fone was fodenly flayne with poyfon / And thenne he took her by the hand and fayd / thou fals traitreffe thou fhalte telle me what manere of drynke this is / or els I fhalle flee the / And ther with he pul- 30 led oute his fwerd / and fware a grete othe that he fhold flee her / but yf fhe told hym trouthe / A mercy my lord fayd fhe / and I fhalle telle you alle / And thenne fhe told hym why fhe wold haue flayne Tryftram / by caufe her chyldren fhold reioyce his land / wel faid the kyng Melyodas / and therfor ihal 35 ye haue the lawe / And foo ihe was dampned by the affente of the Barons to be brent / and thenne was ther made a grete fyre / & ryght as fhe was at the fyre to take her execucion / yong [leaf 138] q j :Bo0 viii.] [ 276 ] [Cbap. iif. Tryftram knelyd afore kynge Melyodas / and befought hym to gyue hym a bone / I wylle wel faid the kynge ageyne/ ( Thenne faide yonge Tryftram gyue me the lyf of thy quene my ftepmoder / That is vnryghtfully aiked faid kyng Me5 lyodas / for thou oughte of ryght to hate her / for fhe wold haue flayne the with that poyfon and fhe myghte haue hadde her wille / And for thy fake mooft is my caufe that ihe fholde dye Syr faide Tryftram as for that I byfeche you of your mercy that ye wille forgyue hit her/ And as for my parte god forgyio ue it her and I doo / and foo moche it lyked your hyhenes to graunte me my bone / for goddes loue I requyre you hold your promyfe / Sythen hit is foo faid the kynge I wille that ye haue her lyf / thenne faid the kynge I gyue her to you / and go ye to the fyre and take her / and doo with her what ye wylle / 15 Soo fyre Tryftram wente to the fyre / and by the commaundement of the kyng delyuerd her from the dethe / But after that kynge Melyodas wold neuer haue adoo with her as at bedde and borde / But by the good meanes of yong Tryftram he made the kynge and her accorded / But thenne the kynge wold 20 not fuffre yonge Tryftram to abyde no lenger in his courte C Capitulum iij Nd thenne he lete ordeyne a gentylman that was wel lerned and taughte / his name was gouernayle / and thenne he fente yonge Tryftram with Gouernayle in to Fraunce to lerne the langage / and nurture / and dedes of 25 armes / And there was Tryftram more than feuen yeres / [ And thenne whanne he wel couthe fpeke the langage and hadde lerned alle that he myght lerne in that countreyes / thenne he came home to his fader kynge Melyodas ageyne / and fo Tryftram lerned to be an harper paffynge alle other that there 30 was none fuche called in no countrey / and foo in harpynge & on Inftrumentys of mufyke he applyed hym in his yongthe for to lerne / And after as he growed in myght and ftrengthe he laboured euer in huntynge and in haukynge foo that neuer [leaf I38 verso] 3ook viif.] [ 277 ] ECbap. fv. gentylman more that euer we herd rede of / ([ And as the book fayth / he beganne good mefures of blowyng of beeftes of venery and beeftes of chace / and alle manere of vermayns / and alle thefe termes we haue yet of haukyng and huntyng And therfore the book of venery / of haukynge and hunty- 5 nge is called the book of fyr Tryftram / Wherfor as me femeth alle gentylmen that beren old armes oughte of ryght to honoure fyre Tryftram for the goodly termes that gentilmen haue and vfe / and fhalle to the daye of dome / that there by in a maner alle men of worfhip maye diffeuer a gentylman fro a Io yoman / and from a yoman a vylayne / For he that gentyl is wylle drawe hym vnto gentil tatches / and to folowe the cuftommes of noble gentylmen ( Thus fyr Tryftram endured in Cornewaile vntyl he was bygge / and ftronge / of the age of xviij yeres / And thenne the kynge Melyodas had 15 grete ioye of fyr Tryftram / and foo had the quene his wyfe / For euer after in her lyf by caufe fyre Tryftram faued her from the fyre Ihe dyd neuer hate hym more after / but loued hym euer after / and gaf Tryftram many grete yeftes for euery eftate loued hym / where that he wente 20 C Capitulum quartum Henne it befelle that kynge Anguyffhe of Irland / fente vnto kynge Marke of Cornewaile for his truage that Cornewaile had payed many wynters / And alle that tyme kynge Marke was behynde of the truage for feuen yeres / And kyng Marke and his Barons gaf vnto the 25 meffager of Irland thefe wordes and anfuere that they wold none paye / and bad the meffagyer goo vnto his Kynge Anguyffhe / and telle hym we wille paye hym no truage / but telle youre lord / and he wille alweyes haue truage of vs of Cornewaile / bydde hym fende a trufty knyghte of his land / 30 that wille fyghte for his ryght / and we fhalle fynde another for to defende oure ryght / With this anfuer the meffagers departed in to Irland / ( And whanne kynge Anguyfh vnderftood the anfuere of the meffagers / he was wonderly wroth [leaf 139] q 'J 00oot vifii.] [ 278 ] [Cbap. iv. And thenne he callyd vnto hym fyr Marhaus the good knyght that was nobly preued / and a knyghte of the table round / And this Marhaus was broder vnto the quene of Irland / (1 Thenne the kynge fayd thus / Fayre broder fir Mar5 haus I praye yow goo in to Cornewaile for my fake and do bataille for our truage that of ryght we oughte to haue / and what fomeuer ye fpende ye fhalle haue fuffyciently more than ye fhal nede / Syre faide Marhaus wete ye wel that I fhalle not be lothe to doo bataille in the ryght of you and your land IO with the beft knyght of the table rounde / for I knowe them for the mooft 'party what ben theire dedes / and for to auaunce my dedes and to encreace my worfhip I wylle ryght gladly goo vnto this iourneye for our ryghte ( Soo in alle hafte there was made purueaunce for fyr marI5 haus / and he hadde al thynge that to hym neded / and foo he departed out of Irland / and arryued vp in Cornewaile euen faft by the caftel of Tyntagil / And whan kynge Marke vnderftood that he was there arryued to fyghte for Irland / ( Thenne made kynge marke grete forou whan he vnderftood 20 that the good and noble knyghte fire Marhaus was come / For they knewe no knyght that durfte haue adoo with hym/ For at that tyme fyre Marhaus was called one of the famofeft and renoumed knyghtes of the world ( And thus fyre Marhaus abode in the fee / and euery daye 25 he fente vnto kynge Marke for to paye the truage that was behynde of feuen yere / outher els to fynde a knyght to fyghte with hym for the truage / This maner of meffage fyre Marhaus fente dayly vnto kynge Marke / ( Thenne they of Cornewayle lete make cryes in euery place that what knyght 30 wold fyghte for to faue the truage of Cornewaile he fholde be rewarded foo that he fholde fare the better terme of hys lyf / ( Thenne fome of the Barons fayde to kynge Marke / and counceiled hym to fende to the courte of Kynge Arthur for to feke fyre Launcelot du lake that was that ty35 me named for the merueillouft Knyght of alle the worlde / ( Thenne there were fomme other Barons that counceylled the Kynge not to doo foo & faid that it was laboure in vayn / [leaf I39 verso] 3Book vifi.] [ 279 ] [Cbap. v. by caufe fyr Marhaus was a knyght of the round table / therfor ony of hem will be loth to haue adoo with other / but yf hit were ony knyght at his owne requeft wold fyghte dyfguyfed and vnknowen / Soo the kynge and alle his barons affented that it was no bote to feke ony knyght of the round table / 5 ( This meane whyle came the langage and the noyfe vnto kynge Meliodas hou that fire Marhaus abode bataille fafte by Tyntagil / And how kyng Marke couthe fynde no maner knyghte to fyghte for hym / Whan yong Tryftram herd of thys / he was wrothe and fore afhamed that ther durft no knyghte Io in Cornewaile haue adoo with fyr Marhaus of Irland / CI apitulum quintum Here with al Tryftram wente vnto his fader Kynge Meliodas and afled hym counceil what was beft to doo for to recouer Cornewaile from truage / For as me femeth faid fir Triftram it were fhame that fyr Marhaus 15 the quenes broder of Irland fhold goo aweye onles that he were foughten with alle CJ As for that faid kyng Meliodas wete you wel fone Triftram that fyre Marhaus is called one of the beft knyghtes of the world and knyghte of the table round / And therfore I knowe no knyghte in this 20 countre that is able to matche with hym / ( Alias faide fyre Triftram that I am not made knyght / And yf fir Marhaus fhold thus departe in to Irland / god lete me neuer haue worfhip and I were made knyght I fhold matche hym / And fyr faid Tryftram I pray you gyue me leue to ryde to 25 kynge Mark / and foo ye be not difpleafyd / of kynge Marke wille I be made Knyght / I wille wel faide kyng Meliodas that ye be ruled as your courage wille rule you ( Thenne fir Tryftram thanked his fader moche / And thenne he made hym redy to ryde in to Cornewaile / J In the meane 30 whyle there came a meffager with letters of loue fro kynge Faramon of Fraunces doughter vnto fyre Tryftram that were ful pyteous letters & in them were wryten many complayntes of loue / but fyre Triftram had no Ioye of her letters nor [leaf 14o0 q iij :35ook riii.] [ 280 ] [Cbap. v. regard vnto her / Alfo fhe fente hym a lytel brachet that was paffynge fayre / But whan the kynges doughter vnderftood that fyre Tryftram wold not loue her / as the book fayth / fhe dyed for forou / ( And thenne the fame fquyer that broughte 5 the letter and the brachet came ageyne vnto fyr Tryftram / as after ye fhalle here in the tale ( Soo this yonge fyre Tryftram rode vnto his eme kynge Marke of Cornewayle / ( And whanne he came there / he herd fay that ther wold no knyghte fyghte with fyre Marhaus / Thenne yede fir Trifio tram vnto his eme and fayd / fyre yf ye wylle gyue me thordre of knyghthode / I wille doo bataille with fyr Marhaus / What are ye faid the kynge and from whens be ye comen / Sir faid Tryftram I come fro kynge Melyodas that wedded your fyfter and a gentylman wete ye wel I am 15 ( Kynge Marke behelde fir Tryftram and fawe that he was but a yonge man of age / but he was paffyngly wel maade and bygge / ( Faire fyre faid the kynge what is youre name and where were ye borne / Syre fayd he ageyne / my name is Tryftram / and in the countreye of Lyones was I borne / 20 Ye faye wel faid the kynge / and yf ye wille doo this batayll I fhalle make yow knyghte / Therfore I come to you fayd fyre Tryftram and for none other caufe ( But thenne kynge Marke made hym knyghte / And there with al anone as he had made hym knyght he fente a meffa25 ger vnto fyre Marhaus with letters that faid / that he hadde fonde a yonge knyghte redy for to take the bataile to the vttermeft / hit may wel be faid fyre Marhaus / ( But telle kynge Marke I wille not fyghte with no knyghte but he be of blood royal / that is to faye outher kynges fone outher quenes 30 fone borne of a prynce or prynceffe / ( Whanne Kynge Marke vnderftood that / he fente for fyre Tryftram de lyones and tolde hym what was the anfuer of fyr Marhaus / ( Thenne fayd fyre Tryftram fythen that he feyth foo / lete hym wete that I am comen of fader fyde and mo35 der fyde of as noble blood as he is / ( For fyre now fhalle ye knowe that I am kynge Melyodas fone borne of youre own fyfter dame Elyzabeth that dyed in the foreft in the byrthe of me / O Ihefu faid kynge Mark ye are welcome faire neuewe [leaf 140 verse] Zook vifi.] [ 281 ] [Cbap. vi. to me / ( Thenne in alle the hafte the kynge lete horfe fyr Triftram and arme hym in the beft maner that myghte be had or goten for gold or fyluer / ( And thenne kynge Marke fente vnto fir Marhaus / and dyd hym to wete that a better born ma than he was hym felf fhold fyghte with hym / and his name 5 is fir Tryftram de lyonas goten of kynge Melyodas / and borne of kynge Markes fyfter / Thenne was fir Marhaus glad and blythe that he fhold fyghte with fuche a gentylman / and foo by the affente of kynge Mark and of fyr Marhaus they lete ordeyne that they fhold fyghte within an Iland nyghe io fyr Marhaus fhyppes / and foo was fyr Tryftram putte in to a veffel both his hors and he and all that to hym longed bothe for his body and for his hors / Syre Tryftram lacked no thynge / And whan kynge Marke and his Barons of Cornewaile beheld how yonge fyr Tryftram departed with fuche 15 a caryage to fyghte for the ryghte of Cornewaile / there was neyther man ne woman of worfhip but they wepte to fee and vnderftande foo yonge a knyght to leoparde hym felf for their ryghte / IC Capitulum fetum S Oo to fhorten this tale whan fyr Tryftram was arry- 20 ued within the Iland / he loked to the ferther fyde / & there he fawe at an anker fyxe fhippes nyghe to the land / and vnder the fhadowe of the fhippes vpon the land / there houed the noble knyghte fyr Marhaus of Irland / Thenne fyr Tryftram commaunded his feruaunt gouernail to brynge his hors 25 to the land and dreffe his harneis at al manere of ryghtes / And thenne whan he had foo done / he mounted vpon his hors And whan he was in his fadel wel apparailled / & his fhelde dreffid vpon his Iholder / Tryftram afked Gouernayle where is this knyghte that I Ihal haue adoo with alle / Syre fayd 30 Gouernaile / fee ye hym not / I wende ye had fene hym yonder he houeth vnder the vmbre of his fhippes on horfbak with his fpere in his hand and his Iheld vpon his Iholder / That is trouthe fayd the noble knyghte fyre Tryftram now I fee hym wel ynou3 Thenne he commaunded his feruaunt Gouernayle 35 [leaf 141] q iiij ZIook Viff.] [ 282 ] [Cbap. vir. to goo to his veffaile ageyne / and commaunde me vnto myne eme kynge Marke / and praye hym / yf that I be flayn in this bataille for to entere my body as hym femed beff / & as for me lete hym wete I will neuer yelde me for cowardyfe / and yf I 5 be flayne and flee not / thenne they haue loft no truage for me And yf foo be that I flee or yelde me as recreaut / bydde myn eme neuer berye me in Cryften beryels / And vpon thy lyf faid fyr Tryftram to Gouernayle / come thou not nyghe this Iland tyl that thou fee me ouercomen or flayne / or els that I Io wynne yonder knyght / foo eyther departed from other fore wepynge ( Capitulum feptimum Nd thenne fyr Marhaus auyfed fyr Tryftram and faid thus / yonge knyght fyr Tryftram what doff thou here / me fore repenteth of thy courage / for wete thou wel I haue I5 ben affayed / and the befft knyghtes of this land haue ben affayed of my hand / And alfo I haue matched with the befft knyghtes of the world / and therfor by my counceille retorne ageyne vnto thy veffaile / And faire knyght and wel preued knyght faid fyre Tryftram thou fhalt wel wete I maye not 20 forfake the in this quarel / for I am for thy fake made knyght And thou fhalt wel wete that I am a kynges fone born and goten vpon a quene / and fuche promyfe I haue made att my neuews requeft and myn owne fekyng that I fhalle fyghte with the vnto the vttermeft / and delyuer Cornewaile from 25 the old truage / And alfo wete thou wel fyr Marhaus / that this is the gretteft caufe that thou courageft me to haue adoo with the / For thou art called one of the mooft renoumed knyghtes of the world / and by caufe of that noyfe and fame/ that thou haft / thou gyueft me courage to haue adoo with the / 30 for neuer yet was I preued with good knyghte / And fythen I toke the ordre of knyghthode this day / I am wel pleafyd that I maye haue adoo with fo good a knyght as thou arte / And now wete thou wel fyr Marhaus that I cafte me to gete worfhip on thy body / And yf that I be not preued / I 35 truft to god that I fhal be worfhipfully preued vpon thy body / and to delyuer the countrey of Cornewaile for euer fro al [leaf 141 verso] Sootk iit.] [ 283 ] [Cbap. vii. maner of truage from Irland for euer / Whanne fyr Marhaus had herde hym faye what he wold / he faide thenne thus ageyn Fair Knyght fythen it is foo that thou cafteft to wynne worfhip of me / I lete the wete / worfhip may thou none lefe by me yf thou mayft ftande me thre ftrokes / for I lete the wete / for 5 my noble dedes preued and fene / Kyng Arthur made me knyghte of the.table round / Thenne they beganne to feutre theyre fperes / and they mette foo fyerfly to gyders / that they fmote eyther other doune / bothe hors and all / But fir Marhaus fmote fyr Tryftram a grete wounde in the fyde with his fpere / & 1o thenne they auoyded their horfes / and pulled oute their fwerdes / and threwe their fheldes afore them / And thenne they laffhed to gyders as men that were wyld and couragyous / And whan they hadde ftryken foo to gyder longe / thenne they lefte her ftrokes / and foyned at their brethes and vyfours / & when 15 they fawe that that myght not preuaile them / thene they hurtled to gyders lyke rammes to bere eyther other doun / thus they fought ftylle more than half a day / and eyder were wounded paffyng fore / that the blood ranne doune freffhly fro them vpon the ground / By thenne fyr Tryftram waxed more freffher / 20 than fyr Marhaus and better wynded and bygger / and with a myghty ftroke he fmote fyr Marhaus vpon the helme fuche a buffet that hit went thorou his helme / and thorou the coyfe of ftele and thorou the brayn pan / and the fwerd ftak foo falf in the helme and in his brayn pan that fir Tryftram pulled thry- 25 es at his fwerd or euer he myght pulle it out from his hede / & there Marhaus felle doun on his knees the edge of Triftrams fwerd left in his brayne pan / And fodenly fyr Marhaus rofe grouelynge / and threwe his fwerd and his fhelde from hym / and foo ranne to his fhippes and fledde his waye / and fir trif- 30 tram hadde euer his fhelde and his fwerd / And whan fir Triftram fawe fir Marhaus withdrawe hym / he faid A fir knyght of the road table why withdraweft thou the / thou doff thy felfe and thy kyn grete fhame / for I am but a yong Knyghte / or now I was neuer preued / and rather than I ihold withdra- 35 we me from the / I had rather be hewen in C pyeces / Syr marhaus anfuerd no worde but yede his way fore gronynge / Well fir knyght faid fir Triftram I promyfe the thy fuerd and thy [leaf 4 2] :Book vifI.] [ 284 ] [Cbap. vifi. fheld fhal be myn / and thy fheld fhalle I were in al places where I ryde on myn aduentures and in the fyghte of kyng Arthur and alle the round table CI apitulum viij Non fir Marhaus and his felaufhip departed in to Irs5 land / And as foone as he came to the kynge his broder / he lete ferche his woundes / ( And whan his hede was ferched / a pyece of fyre Tryftrams fwerd was founden therin / and myghte neuer be had oute of his hede for no furgeons / and foo he dyed of fyr Tryftrams fwerd / and that pyio ece of the fwerd the quene his fyfter kepte hit for euer wyth her / for fhe thoughte to be reuengyd and fhe myghte / ( Now tome we ageyne vnto fyr Tryftram that was fore wounded / and ful fore bled that he my3t not within a lytel whyle when he had take cold vnnethe ftere hym of his lymmes / and theI5 ne he fette hym doune foftely vpon a lytel hylle / and bledde faft / Thenne anone came Gouernaile his man with his veffel And the kynge and his barons came with proceffion ageynft hym / And whan he was come vnto the land / Kynge Marke toke hym in his armes/ and the kynge and fir Dynas the fe20 nefcal ladde fyr Triftram in to the caftel of Tyntygail / And thenne was he ferched in the beft maner / and leid in his bedde / And whan kynge Marke fawe his woundes / he wepte hertely and foo dyd alle his lordes / So god me help faid kyng Mark I wolde not for alle my landes that my neuewe dyed / Soo 25 fyr Tryftram laye there a moneth and more / and cuer he was lyke to deye of that ftroke that fir Marhaus fmote hym fyrft with the fpere / For as the Frenffhe book faith / the fperes hede was enuenymed that fyr Tryftram myghte not be hole / Thenne was kynge Mark and alle his barons paffynge heuy / For 30 they demed none other / but that fyr Tryftram fhold not recouer / Thenne the kynge lete fende after alle manere of leches & furgens bothe vnto men and wymmen / and there was none / that wold behote hym the lyf / Thenne came there a lady that was a ryght wyfe lady / & fhe faid playnly vnto kyng mark 35 and to fir Tryftram and to alle his barons that he fhold neuer [leaf 142 verso] Book vitf. [ 285 3 [Cbap. ir. be hole / but yf fire Tryftram wente in the fame countrey that the venym came fro / and in that countrey Ihold he be holpen or els neuer / Thus faid the lady vnto the Kynge / whan kynge Marke vnderftood that / he lete purueye for fyr Tryftram a faire veffel / wel vytailled / and therin was put fyr Tryf- 5 tram and gouernail with hym / and fir Triftram toke his harp with hym / and foo he was putte in to the fee to fayle in to Irland/ and foo by good fortune he arryued vp in Irland euen faft by a caftel where the Kynge and the quene was / and at his arryuayl he fat and harped in his bedde a mery lay fu- xo che one herd they neuer none in Irland afore that tyme / C[ And whan it was told the Kyng and the quene of fuche a Knyght that was fuche an harper / anone the Kyng fente for hym / and lete ferche his woundes / and thenne afked hym his name / then he anfuerd I am of the countrey of Lyonas / & I5 my name is Tramtryft that thus was wounded in a bataille as I fought for a ladyes ryght / So god me help faid kyng Anguyffhe ye fhal haue al the helpe in this land that ye may haue here / But I lete you wete in Cornewaile I had a grete loffe / as euer hadde kynge / for there I loft the beft knyghte 20 of the world / his name was Marhaus a ful noble knyghte and Knyght of the table round / and there he told fyr Tryftra wherefore fyr Marhaus was flayne / Syr Tryftram made femblaunt as he had ben fory / and better knewe he how hit was than the kynge 25 C ~apitulum ig Henne the kynge for grete fauoure maade Tramtryft to be put in his doughters ward and kepyng by caufe fhe was a noble furgeon / And whan fhe had ferched hym / ihe fond in the bottome of his wound that therin was poyfon/ And foo fhe heled hym within a whyle / and therfore Tramtrift 30 caft grete loue to la beale Ifoud / for fhe was at that tyme the faireft mayde and lady of the worlde / And there Tramtryft lerned her to harpe / and fhe beganne to haue grete fantafye vnto hym / And at that tyme fir Palamydes the farafyn was in that countrey and wel cheryffhed with the kynge and the 35 [leaf 143] Boo c viiii.] [ 286 ] [Cbap. if. quene / And euery day fyr Palamydes drewe vnto la beale Ifoud / and profered her many yeftes / for he loued her paffyngly wel / Al that Afpyed Tramtryft / and ful wel knewe he fyr Palamydes for a noble knyght and a myghty man / 5 And wete ye wel fyr Tramtryft had grete defpyte at fyr palomydes / for la beale Ifoud told Tramtryft that Palamydes was in wylle to be cryftened for her fake / Thus was ther grete enuy betwixe Tramtryft and fyr Palamydes / Thenne hit befelle that kynge Anguyffhe lete crye a grete Iuftes and a Io grete turnement for a lady that was called the lady of the laundes / and fhe was nyghe cofyn vnto the kynge / And what man wanne her / thre dayes after he fhold wedde her and haue alle her landes./ This crye was made in England / walys Scotland and alfo in Fraunce and in Bretayne / It befelle 15 vpon a day la beale Ifoud came vnto fyr Tramtryft and told hym of this turnement / he anfuerd and fayd fayr lady I am but a feble knyghte / and but late I had ben dede / had not your good ladyfhip ben / Now fayre lady what wold ye I fhold doo in this matere / wel ye wote my lady that I maye 20 not Iufte / A Tramtryft faid la beale Ifoud why wille ye not haue ado at that turnement / wpl I wote fyr Palamydes -hall be there / and to doo what he maye/ And therfore Tramtryft I pray you for to be there / for els fyr Palamydes is lyke to wynne the degree / Madame faid Tramtrift as for that / 25 it may be foo / for he is a proued knyght / and I am but a yong knyght and late made / and the fyrft batail that I dyd it myfhapped me to be foore wounded as ye fee / But and I wyft ye wold be my better lady / at that turnement I will be fo that ye wille kepe my counceille and lete no creature haue 30 knouleche that I fhalle Iufte but your felf / and fuche as ye wil to kepe your counceil / my poure perfone fhall I Ieoparde there for your fake that parauentur fir Palamydes Ihal knowe whan that I come / Therto faid la beale Ifoud do your beft & as I can faid la beale Ifoud I fhal purueye hors and ar35 mour for you at my deuyfe / as ye will foo be hit faid fyr Tratrift I wille be at your c6maundement / So at the day of Iuftes / ther cam fir Palamydes with a black fheld / & he ouerthrew many knyghtes that alle the peple had merueylle of hym / [leaf 143 verso] ZBook viii.] [ 287 ] [Cbap. V. For he putte to the werfe fyr Gawayne / Gaherys / Agrauayn Bagdemagus / kay / Dodyus le faueage / Sagramor le defyrus / Gumret le petyte / and Gryflet le fyfe de dieu / Alle thefe the fyrfte daye fyr Palamydes ftrake doune to the erthe / And thenne alle maner of knyghtes were adred of fir Palamydes 5 and many called hym the knyght with the black fhelde / Soo that day fyre Palamydes had grete worfhyp / ([ Thenne cam kynge Anguyffhe vnto Tramtryft / and afked hym why he wold not lufte / Syr he faid I was but late hurte / and as yet I dare not auenture me / [ Thenne came there the fame io fquyer that was fente from the kynges doughter of Fraunce / vnto fyr Tryftram / And whanne he had afpyed fyre Triftra he felle flat to his feete / Alle that afpyed la Bele Ifoud / what curtofye the fquyer made vnto fyr Tryftram / And therwith al fodenly fyr Tryftram ranne vnto his fquyer whos na- 15 me was Heles le renoumes / and praid hym hertely in noo wyfe to telle his name / Syr faid Heles I wille not difcouer your name / but yf ye commaunde me IC Capitulum Henne fyr Tryftram afked hym what he dyd in thofe countreyes / fyr he fayd / I came hyder with fyr Gawa- 20 yn for to be made knyght / And yf it pleafe you of your handes that I may be made knyghte / Awaite vpon me as to morn fecretely / and in the feld I ihal make you a knyght / Thenne had la beale Ifoud grete fufpecyon vnto Tramtryft that he was fomme man of worfhip proued / and ther with fhe com- 25 forted her felf / and caft more loue vnto hym than fhe had done tofore E[ And foo on the morne fyr Palamydes maade hym redy to come in to the feld as he dyd the fyrft day / And there he fmote doune the kynge with the C knyghtes and the kynge of Scottes / ([ Thenne had la beale Ifoud ordeyned 30 and wel arayed fyr Tryftram in whyte hors and harneis / And ryght foo fhe lete putte hym oute at a preuy pofterne / & foo he came in to the feld as it had ben a bryght angel / And anone fyr Palamydes afpyed hym / and ther with he feutrid a fpere vnto fyr Tramtrift / and he ageyne vnto hym / And 35 [leaf 144] 3Book viii.] [ 288 ] [Cbap. r. there fyr Tryftram fmote doune fyr Palamydes vnto the erth And thenne there was a grete noyfe of people / fome fayd / fyre Palamydes hadde a falle / fome faid the knyght with the blak fhelde had a falle / And wete you wel la beale Ifoud was 5 paffynge gladde / And thenne fire Gawayne and his felawes ix had merueille what knyghte it myght be that had fmyten doune fyr Palamydes / Thenne wold there none Iufte with Tramtryft / but alle that there were forfoke hym / mooft & left / Thenne fyr Tryftram made Heles a knyght / and caufed hym io to put hym felf forthe / and dyd ryght wel that day / So after fyr Heles held hym with fyr Tryftram / And whan fyre Palamydes had receyued this falle /wete ye wel that he was fore afhamed / And as pryuely as he myght / he withdrewe hym oute of the feld / Alle that afpyed fyre Tryftram / and 15 lyghtly he rode after fyre Palamydes and ouertoke hym / and badde hym tome / for better he wold affaye hym / or euer he departed / Thenne fyr Palamydes torned hym and eyther laffhed at other with their fwerdes / But at the fyrfte ftroke fyre Tryftram fmote doune Palamydes/ and gaf hym fuche a 20 ftroke vpon the hede that he felle to the erthe / Soo thenne Triftram badde yelde hym / and doo his commaundement or els he wold flee hym / whan fyre Palamydes beheld his countenaunce / he dredde his buffets foo / that he graunted al his afkynges / Wel faid / faid fir Triftram / this fhalle be your charge / 25 Fyrft vpon payne of your lyf that ye forfake my lady la beale Ifoud / and in no maner wyfe that ye drawe not to her / Alfo this twelue moneth and a day / that ye bere none armour nor none harneis of werre / I[ Now promyfe me this or here fhalt thou dye / Alias faide Palamydes for euer I am afha30 med / (i Thenne he fware as fyr Tryftram hadde commaunded hym / Thenne for defpyte and anger / fyre Palamydes cutte of his harneis / and threwe them aweye / And foo fyr Tryftram torned ageyne to the Caftel where was la beale Ifoud / and by the weye he mette with a damoyfel that afked after fyre 35 launcelot that wanne the dolorous gard worfhipfully / & this damoyfel afked fire Triftram what he was / For it was tolde her that it was he that fmote doune fyr Palamydes / by whom the x knyghtes of kynge Arthurs were fmyten doune / [leaf 144 verso] 3ook viiW.] [ 289 ] [Cbap. fi. Thenne the damoyfel prayd fyr Tryftram to telle her what he was / And whether that he were fyr Launcelot du lake / for fhe demyd that there was no knyght in the world myghte do fuche dedes of armes / but yf it were Launcelot / Fayre damoyfel fayd fyr Tryftram wete ye wel that I am not fyr launcelot 5 for I was neuer of fuche proweffe / but in god is al that he maye make me as good a knyght as the good knyght fir laicelot / Now gentyl knyght faid fhe / put vp thy vyfure / & whan fhe beheld his vyfage / fhe thou3t fhe fawe neuer a better mas vyfage / nor a better farynge knyght / And thenne whan the io damoyfel knewe certaynly that he was not fyre launcelot / thenne fhe took her leue and departed from hym / And thenne fyre Tryftram rode pryuely vnto the pofterne where kepte hym la beale Ifoud / and there fhe made hym good chere and thanked god of his good fpede / Soo anone within a whyle 15 the kynge and the quene vnderftood that hit was Tramtryft that fmote doune fyre Palamydes / thenne was he moche made of more than he was before C ~apitulum xj Hus was fir Tramtryft longe there wel cheryffhed/ with the kynge and the quene / and namely with la 20 beale Ifoud / So vpon a daye / the quene and la beale Ifoud made a bayne for fyre Tramtryft / And whan he was in his bayne / the quene and Ifoud her doughter romed vp & doune in the chamber / and there whyles Gouernail and Heles attendyd vpon Tramtryft / & the quene beheld his fwerd 25 there as it laye vpon his bedde / And thene by vnhap the quene drewe oute his fwerd / and beheld it a longe whyle / and bothe they thoughte it a paffynge fayre fwerd / but within a foote and an half of the poynte there was a grete pyece there of oute broken of the edge / And whan the quene afpyed that 30 gap in the fwerd / fhe remembryd her of a pyece of a fwerd / that was foude in the brayne pan of fyre Marhaus the good knyght that was her broder / Allas thenne faid fhe vnto her doughter la beale Ifoud / this is the fame traytour knyghte that flewe my broder thyn eme / Whanne Ifoud herd her faye 35 [leaf I45] T ZBootk vii.] [ 290 ] [Cbap. $i. foo / fhe was paffynge fore abaffhed / for paffyng wel fhe loued Tramtryft / and ful wel fhe knewe the cruelnes of her moder the quene / Anon there with alle the quene went vnto her owne chamber / and foughte her cofre / and there Ihe toke oute the 5 pyece of the fwerd that was pulled out of fyr Marhaus hede after that he was dede / And thenne fhe ranne with that pyece of yron to the fwerd that laye vpon the bedde / And whanne fhe putte that pyece of ftele and yron vnto the fwerd / hit was as mete as it myghte be / whan it was newe broken / And thexo ne the quene gryped that fwerd in her hand fyerfly / & with alle her myghte fhe ranne ftreyghte vpon Tramtryft where he fat in his bayne / And there fhe hadde ryued hym thorou hadde not fyr Heles goten her in his armes / and pulled the fuerd from her / and els fhe hadde threft him thorou / Thenne whanne 5 fhe was lettyd of her euyl wylle / fhe ranne to the kynge Anguyffh her hufband and fayde on her knees / O my lord here haue ye in your hous that traitour knyght that flewe my broder and your feruaunt that noble knyght fyr Marhaus / Who is that faid kynge Anguyffhe and where is he / Syr fhe faid 20 hit is fyr Tramtryft the fame knyght that my doughter helyd Allas faid the kynge therfore am I ryght heuy / for he is a ful noble knyght as euer I fawe in felde / ( But I charge you faid the kyng to the quene that ye haue not ado with that knyght / but lete me dele with hym / Thenne the kynge went in 25 to the chambre vnto fyr Tramtryft / and thenne was he gone vnto his chambre / and the kynge fond hym al redy armed to mounte vpon his hors / Whanne the kynge fawe hym al redy armed to goo vnto horfbak / the kynge faid nay Tramtryft hit wille not auaile to compare the ageynft me / But thus moche 30 I fhalle doo for my worfhip and for thy loue in foo moch as thou arte within my courte / hit were no worfhip for me to flee the / Therfore vpon this condycyon I wille gyue the leue for to departe from this courte in faufte / fo thou wilt telle me who was thy fader / and what is thy name / and yf thou flewe fyr 35 Marhaus my broder CI Capitulum Xfi [leaf 145 verso] Z:ook viii.] [ 291 ] [Cbap. nii. Yr faid Tryftram now I fhalle telle you alle the trouthe / my faders name is fir Melyodas kynge of Lyonas / & my moder hy3t Elyzabeth that was fifter vnto kynge Marke of Cornewaile / & my moder dyed of me in the forefte / And by caufe therof fhe commaunded or fhe dyed that 5 whan I were cryftened / they fhold cryftene me Tcyftram / & by caufe I wold not be knowen in this countrey I turned my name and lete me calle Tramtryff / & for the truage of Cornewayle I fought for myn emes fake / & for the ryght of Cornewaile that ye had poffeded many yeres / And wete ye well Io faid Tryftram vnto the kynge I dyd the bataille for the loue of myn vnkel kynge Marke / and for the loue of the countreye of Cornewaile / and for to encreace myn honoure / For that fame day that I fought with fir Marhaus I was made kny3t And neuer or than dyd I no bataile with no knyght / & fro s1 me he went alyue & lefte his fheld & his fuerd behynde / fo god me helpe faid the kyng I may not fay but ye dyd as a knyght fhold / & it was your part to doo for your quarel / & to encreace your worfhip as a knyght fhold / how be it I may not mayntene you in this countrey with my worfhip onles that I 20 fhold difpleafe my barons & my wyf / & her kyn / Syr faid Tryftram I thanke you of your good lordfhip that I haue had with you here / and the grete goodenes my lady your doughter hath fhewed me / & therfor faid fir Triftram it may fo happen that ye fhalle wynne more by my lyf than by my dethe / for in 25 the partyes of Englond it may happen I may doo you feruyfe at fome feafon that ye fhal be glad that euer ye fhewed me your good lordfhip / ([ With more I promyfe you as I am true kny3t that in all places I fhal be my lady your dou3ters feruaunt / & kny3t in ryght & in wrong / & I fhal neuer fayle her 30 to doo as moche as a knyght maye doo ([ Alfo I byfeche your good grace that I may take my leue at my lady your doughter and at alle the Barons and knyghtes / I wille wel faid the kynge / ( Thenne fire Triffram wente vnto la beale Ifoud / and tooke his leue of her / And 35 thenne he tolde her all what he was and how he had chaunged his name by caufe he wold not be knowen / & hou a lady told hym he pt fhold neuer be hole tyl he cam in to this coutrey where [leaf 146] rj 3BOR Voii.l [ 292 ] [Cbap. XiL. the poyfon was made / where thorou I was nere my dethe had not your ladyfhip ben / O gentyl knyght faid la beale Ifoud ful wo am I of thy departynge / for I fawe neuer man that I oughte foo good wille to / and there with all fhe wepte her5 tely / Madame faid fire Tryftram ye fhalle vnderftande that my name is fir Tryftram de lyones goten of kyng Melyodas and borne of his quene / And I promyfe you feythfully that I fhal be alle the dayes of my lyf your knyghte / Gramercy faid La beale Ifoud / and I promyfe you there ageynfte that I io fhalle not be maryed this feuen yeres but by your affent / and to whome that ye wille I fhalle be maryed to / hym wylle I haue / and he wille haue me yf ye wil confente / And thenne fyre Tryftram gaf her a rynge and fhe gaf hym another / and ther with he departed fro her / leuynge her / makynge grete dole 15 and lamentacion / and he ftreyghte wente vnto the Courte amonge alle the Barons / and there he took his leue at mooft and leeft / and openly he faid amonge them all / Faire lordes now it is foo that I mufte departe / Yf there be ony man here that I haue offended vnto / or that ony man be with me gre20 ued / lete complayne hym here afore me or that euer I depart and I fhal amende it vnto my power / And yf there be ony that wil profer me wronge or fay of me wrong / or fhame behynde my bak / faye hit now or neuer / and here is my body to make it good body ageynft body / And alle they ftood ftylle / 25 ther was not one that wold faye one word / yet were there fome knyghtes that were of the quenes blood and of fire Marhaus blood / but they wold not medle with hym/ 4 Capitulum iLij Oo fir Triftram departed and toke the fee / & with good wynde he aryued vp at Tyntagyl in Cornewaile / & 30 whan kyng Mark was hole in his profperite ther cam tydynges that fir Triftram was arryued and hole of his woundes / therof was kynge marke paffyng glad / & foo were alle the barons / & whan he fawe his tyme he rode vnto his fader kyng melyodas / & there he had al the chere that the kyng & the 35 quene coude make hym / And thenne largely Kyng Melyodas and his quene departed of their landes and goodes to fire Tryftram / ( Thenne by the lycence of Kyng [leaf I46 verso] ~Sook vtif.] [ 293 ] [Cbap. fff. Melyodas his fader he retorned ageyne vnto the court of kynge Mark / and there he lyued in grete ioye long tyme / vntyl at the lafte there befelle a Ialoufye and an vnkyndenes betwyxe kynge Marke and fir Triftram / for they loued bothe one lady / And Ihe was an erles wyf that hyght fyre Segwary- 5 des / And this lady loued fyre Tryftram paffyngly wel / And he loued her ageyne for fhe was a paffynge fayr lady / And that afpyed fir Triftram wel / ([ Thenne kynge Mark vnderftood that and was Ialous / for kyng Marke loued her paffyngly wel / Soo it felle vpon a day / this lady fent a dw- io erf vnto fir Triftram and badde hym as he loued her / that he wold be with her the ny3t nexte folowynge / Alfo fhe charged you that ye come not to her but yf ye be wel armed / for her lord was called a good knyghte ([ Syre Tryftram anfwerd to the dwerf / recommaunde me vnto my lady / and telle 15 her I wille not fayle but I wille be with her the terme that fhe hath fette me / and with this anfuer the dwerf departed / And kynge Marke afpyed that the dwerfe was with fyre Tryftram vpon meffage from Segwarydes wyf / thenne kyng Marke fent for the dwerfe / And whanne he was comen / he 20 maade the dwerf by force to telle hym alle why and wherfore that he came on meffage from fire Triftram C[ Now faid kynge Marke goo where thou wolt / and vpon payne of dethe that thou faye no word that thou fpakeft with me / foo the dwerf departed from the kynge / ( And that fame 25 nyghte that the fteuen was fette betwixt Segwarydes wyfe & fyr Tryftram kynge Marke armed hym / and made hym redy and took two knyghtes of his counceylle with hym / and foo he rode afore for to abyde by the waye / for to awayte vpon fir Tryftram / ([ And as fire Tryftram came rydynge vpon hys 30 waye with his fpere in his hand / kynge Marke came hurtlynge vpon hym with his two knyghtes fodenly / And alle thre fmote hym with theyre fperes / and kynge Marke hurte fyre Tryftram on the breft ryght fore / And thenne fyre Triftram feutryd his fpere / and fmote his vnkel kynge Marke 35 foo fore that he raffhyd hym to the erthe / and bryfed hym that he laye ftylle in a fwoune / and longe hit was or euer [leaf 147] r ij 3Jook Vt.if] [ 294 ] E[bap. rfr. he myghte welde hym felf / And thenne he ranne to the one knyght / and efte to the other / and fmote hem to the cold erthe / that they laye ftylle / And ther with alle fir Triftram rode forthe fore wounded to the lady / and fonde her abydynge hym 5 at a pofterne C Capitulum itiij Nd there fhe welcomed hym fayre / and eyther halfed other in armes / and foo fhe lete putte vp his hors in the beft wyfe / and thenne fhe vnarmed hym / And foo they fouped lyghtely and wente to bedde with grete ioye and o1 plefaunce / and foo in his ragyng he took no kepe of his grene wound that kynge Marke had gyuen hym / And foo fyr Triftram bebled both the ouer fhete and the nether & pelowes / and hede fhete / and within a whyle ther came one afore that warned her that her lord was nere hand within a bowe draughte 15 Soo fhe made fir Tryftram to aryfe / and foo he armed hym / and tooke his hors and fo departed / By thenne was come fegwarydes her lord / and whan he fond her bedde troubled & broken and wente nere and beheld it by candel lyghte / thenne he fawe that there had layne a wounded knyght / A fals tra20 itreffe thenne he faid / why haft thou bitrayed me / and there with alle he fwange oute a fwerd and faid / but yf thou telle me who hath ben here / here thou fhalt dye / A my lord mercy fayd the lady / and helde vp her handes / fayeng / flee me not / and I fhall telle you alle who hath ben here / Telle anone faid feg25 warydes to me alle the trouthe / Anone for drede fhe faide here was fir Tryftram with me / and by the way as he came to me ward / he was fore wounded / A fals traitreffe faid fegwarides where is he become / fir fhe faid he is armed and departed on hors bak not yet hens half a myle / ye faye wel faid fegwarydes 30 thenne he armed hym lyghtly / and gate his hors and rode after fyre Triftram that rode ftreyght waye vnto Tyntagyl / And within a whyle he ouertoke fire Triftram / And thenne he badde hym torne fals traitour knyghte / and fyr Triftram anon torned hym ageynft hym / And there with al fegwarides fmo35 te fyr Tryftram with a fpere that it alle to brafte / ( And []eaf 147 verso] roook viiif.] [ 295 ] C-bap. tv. thenne he fwange oute his fwerd / and fmote faft at fyr Triftram / Syre knyght faid fyre Tryftram I counceyle you that ye fmyte no more how be it for the wronges that I haue done you / I wille forbere you as longe as I maye / ([ Nay fayd Segwarides that Ihalle not be / for outher thou fhalt dye 5 or I / Thenne fyre Triftram drewe oute his fwerd and hurtled his hors vnto hym fyerfly / and thorou the wafte of the body he fmrote fyre Segwarides that he felle to the erthe in a fwoune / And foo fire Triftram departed and lefte hym there And foo he rode vnto Tyntagil and tooke his lodgynge fecre- Io tely for he wold not be knowen that he was hurte (I Alfo fir Segwarides men rode after theyr maifter / whome they fond lyenge in the feld fore wounded / and brou3t hym home on his fhelde / and there he lay longe or that he were hole / but at the lafte he recouerd ([ Alfo kynge Marke 15 wold not be aknowen of that fir Triftram and he hadde mette that nyght / And as for fyre Tryftram he knewe not that kynge Marke had mette with hym / And foo the kynges aftafce came to fir Triftram to comforte hym as he laye feke in his bedde / But as longe as kynge Marke lyued / he loued neuer 20 fire Tryftram after that / though there was fayre fpeche / loue was there none / And thus it paft many wekes and dayes / & alle was forgyuen and forgoten / For fire Segwarydes durfte not haue ado with fir Triftram by caufe of his noble proweffe And alfo by caufe he was neuewe vnto kynge Marke / ther- 25 fore he lete it otler flyp / for he that hath a pryuy hurte is loth to haue a fhame outward C C~apitulum:v / Henne hit befelle vpon a daye that the good knyghte Bleoberys de ganys broder to Blamore de ganys / & nyghe cofyn vnto the good knyght fir launcelot du la- 30 ke / This Bleoberys came vnto the courte of kynge Marke/ & there he afked of kynge Marke a bone to gyue hym what yeft that he wold afke in his courte 41 Whanne the kyng herd hym afke foo / he merueilled of hys [leaf 148] r iij Sook viii.] [ 296 ] [Cbap. yv. afkynge / but by caufe he was a knyghte of the round table / & of a grete renomme / kynge Marke graunted hym his hole afkynge / thenne faide fire Bleoberys I wille haue the fayreft lady in your Courte that me lyft to chefe / I maye not fay nay 5 fayd kynge marke / Now chefe at youre aduenture And foo fir Bleoberys dyd chefe. fyr fegwarydes wyf/ and toke her by the hand and foo wente his waye with her/ and foo he tooke his hors and gart fette her behynde his fquyer and rode vpon his way / When fir fegwarydes herd telle that his laio dy was gone with a knyght of kynge Arthurs courte / ([ Thenne he armed hym and rode after that knyght for to refcowe his lady / foo whan Bleoberys was gone with this lady / kyng Mark and all the courte was wroth that fhe was awey / thenne were there certayne ladyes that knewe that there x5 was grete loue bitwene fir Triftram and her/ and alfo that lady loued fir Triftram aboue alle other knyghtes / Thenne there was one lady that rebuked fir Triftram in the horrybleft wyfe / and called hym coward knyghte / that he wold for fhame of his knyghthode fee a lady foo fhamefully be taken aweye / 20 fro his vnkels courte / But fhe ment that eyther of hem hadde loued other with entiere hert / But fire Triftram anfuerd her thus / Faire lady it is not my parte to haue adoo in fuche maters whyle her lord and hufband is prefent here / And yf hit hadde ben that her lord hadde not ben here in this courte / thenne 25 for the worfhip of this courte perauentur / I wold haue ben her champyon / And yf fo be / fir fegwarides fpede not wel / it may happen that I wille fpeke with that good knyght / or euer he paffe from this countrey / Thenne within a whyle came one of fir fegwarydes fquyers / and told in the court that fir fegwari30 des was beten fore and wounded to the poynte of dethe / as he wold haue refcowed his lady / fir Bleoberis ouerthrewe hym and fore hath wounded hym / Thenne was kynge marke heuy therof / and alle the courte / When fire Triftram herd of this / he was afhamed and fore greued / And thenne was he foone ar35 med and on horfbak / & gouernaile his feruaunt bare his fhelde and fpere / And foo as fire Triftram rode faft / he mette with fir Andret his cofyn that by the commaundement of kynge Marke was fente to brynge forth & euer it laye in his power / ij / [leaf 148 verso] 3ook vfii.] [ 297 ] tCbap. [vl. knyghtes of Arthurs Courte that rode by the countrey to feke their aduentures / Whan fyr Tryftram fawe fir Andret / he afked hym what tydynges / Soo god me helpe faid fyre Andret / ther was neuer worfe with me / for here by the commaundement of kynge Mark I was fente to fetche two knyghtes of 5 kynge Arthurs courte / and that one bete me / and wounded me / and fette nought by my meffage / Faire cofyn faid fir triftram ryde on your way / and yf I may mete them / it may happen I fhal reuenge you / So fyr Andret rode in to Cornewaile And fyr Triftram rode after the two knyghtes the whiche one Io hyght Sagramor le defyrus / & the other hyght Dodynas le faueage / C ~apitulum xvj/ Z Henne within a whyle fyr Tryftram fawe hem afore hym two lykely knyghtes / Sir faid Gouernaile vnto his maifter / fir I wold counceile you nought to haue 15 ado with hem / for they ben two preued knyghtes of Arthurs Courte / As for that faid fyr Tryftram haue ye no doute / but I wille haue adoo with hem to encreace my worfhip / for it is many daye fythen I dyd ony dedes of armes / doo as ye lyfte faid Gouernaile / and there with alle anone fyr Tryftram af- 20 ked them / from whens they came / and wheder they wold / and what they dyd in tho marches / Syre Sagramore loked vpon fyre Triftram / and hadde fcorne of his wordes / & afked hym ageyne / Fair knyghte be ye a knyght of Cornewaile / where by afke ye hit faid fir Triftram / For it is feldom fene faid fir Sa- 25 gramore that ye Cornyffhe knyghtes ben valyaunte men of armes / For within thefe two houres there mette vs one of you cornyffhe knyghtes / and grete wordes he fpak / and anon with lytel myght he was leyd to the erthe / And as I trowe fayd fir Sagramore ye fhal haue the fame handfel that he hadde 30 Faire lordes faid fire Triftram it may foo happen that I maye better withftande than he dyd / and whether ye will or nyl / I wil haue ado with you / by caufe he was my cofyn that ye bete And therfore here do your beft / & wete ye wel but yf ye quyte you the better here vpon this ground / one kny3t of cornewaile 35 fhal bete you both / Whan fire Dodynas le faueage herd hym faye foo he gatte a fpere in his hand and faid / fire knyghte [leaf 149] r iiij aook vfi,.] [ 298 ] [Cbap. vEii. thy felf / And thenne they departed and came to gyders as it had ben thonder / And fyr Dodynas fpere braft in fonder / but fyr Tryftram fmote hym with a more myght / that he fmote hym clene ouer the hors croupe that nyghe he hadde broken his 5 neck / Whanne fyre Sagramour fawe his felawe haue fuche a falle/ he merueylled what kny3t he myght be / And he dreffeth his fpere with alle his myght / and fyr Tryftram ageynft hym and they came to gyders as the thonder / and ther fir Triftram fmote fyr Sagramore a ftronge buffet that he bare his hors & io hym to the erthe / and in the fallyng he brake his thygh / whan this was done / fyr Tryftram afked hem / Fayre knyghtes will ye ony more / Be there no bygger kny3tes in the courte, of kynge Arthur / it is to you fhame to fay of vs kny3tes of Cornewayle difhonoure / for it may happen a Cornyffhe knyght may 15 matche you / that is trouthe faid fyr Sagramore / that haue we wel preued / but I requyre the fayd fyre Sagramore telle vs youre ryght name by the feythe and trouthe that ye owe to the hyghe ordre of knyghthode / ye charge me with a grete thy. nge faid fyr Tryftram / and fythen ye lyft to wete hit / ye fhal 20 knowe and vnderftande that my name is fyr Tryftram de lyonas kynge Melyodas fone / and neuewe vnto kynge Marke Thenne were they two knyghtes fayne / that they had mette with Tryftram / and foo they praid hym to abyde in their felaufhip / Nay faid fire Triftram / for I mufft haue ado with one of 25 your felawes / his name is fyr Bleoberys de ganys / god fpede you wel faid fyr Sagramore and Dodynas / Syre Tryftram departed and rode on ward on his waye / And thenne was he ware before hym in a valeye where rode fyr Bleoberys with fir Segwarydes lady that rode behynde his fquyer vpon 30 a palfroy C Capttulum xvij Hene fyr Tryftram rode more than a paas vntyl that he had ouertake hym / Thenne fpak fyr Tryftram abyde he faid knyght of Arthurs courte / brynge ageyne that lady or delyuer her to me / I wille doo neyther faid Ble35 oberys / for I drede no Cornyffhe knyght foo fore that me lyfte [leaf 149 verso] 30oo0k iii.] [ 299 ] [Cbap. tvif. to delyuer her / why faid fyr Triftram may not a Cornyffhe knyght doo as wel as another knyght / this fame daye two knyghtes of your Courte within this thre myle mette with me / And or euer we departed/ they fonde a Cornyffh knyght good ynough for them bothe / what were their names faid Bleo- 5 beris / they told me faid fyr Tryftram that the one of them hyghte fyr Sagramore le defyrus / and the other hyghte Dodynas le faueage / A faid fyr Bleoberys haue ye met with them Soo god me helpe they were two good knyghtes and men of grete worfhip / And yf ye haue bete them bothe / ye muft nedes Io be a good knyght / but yf it foo be / ye haue bete them bothe / yet fhalle ye not fere me / but ye fhalle bete me / or euer ye haue thys lady / Thenne defende you faid fyr Triftram / foo they departed and came to gyder lyke thonder / and eyden bare other doune hors and alle to the erthe / Thenne they auoyded their horfes / 15 and laffhed to gyder egerly with fwerdes and myghtely 1 now tracyng and trauerfynge on the ryght hand and on the lyfte hand more than two houres / And fomtyme they raffhed to gyder with fuche a myght that they laye bothe grouelynge on the ground / Thenne fir Bleoberis de ganys ftarte abak / and faid 20 thus / Now gentyl good knyght a whyle hold your handes / & lete vs fpeke to gyders / Saye what ye wille faid Tryftram / & I wille anfuere you / Sire faide Bleoberys I wold wete of whens ye be / and of whom ye be come / and what is your name / Soo god me help faid fyr Tryftram I fere not to telle you 25 my name / Wete ye wel I am kynge Melyodas fone / and my moder is kyng Markes fifter/ and my name is fir Triftram de Lyonas and kynge Marke is myn vnkel / Truly faid Bleoberys I am ryght gladde of you / for ye are he that flewe marhaus the knyght hand for hand in an Iand for the truage of 30 Cornewaile / Alfo ye ouercame fir Palamydes the good knyght at a turnement in an Iland / where ye bete fir Gawayne & his nyne felawes / Soo god me helpe faid fir Tryftram wete ye wel that I am the fame kny3t / Now I haue told you my name / telle me yours with good will / Wete ye wel that my 35 name is fir Bleoberys de ganys / and my broder hyghte fire Blamore de ganys / that is called a good knyght and we be fyfter children vnto my lord fir Laficelot du lake that we calle [leaf 50] 300oot v.] [ 300 ] [Cbap. ritif. one of the beft knyghtes of the world / That is trouthe faid fir Triftram / fir Launcelot is called pierles of curtofy and of knyghthode/ and for his fake faid fir Tryftram I will not with my good wille fyghte no more with you for the grete loue I 5 haue to fir Launcelot du lake / In good feith faid Bleoberys / as for me/ I wille be lothe to fyghte with you / But fythen ye folowe me here to haue this lady / I Ihal profer you kyndenys curtofy and gentilnes right here vpon this ground / This lady fhalle be betwixe vs bothe/ and to whome that Ihe o0 wille go / lete hym haue her in pees / I wille wel faid Triftra For as I deme fhe wille leue you / and come to me / ye fhalle preue hit anone faid Bleoberys CI apitulum xvii Oo whan fhe was fette betwixe them bothe / Ihe fayd thefe wordes vnto fir Triftram / wete ye wel fyr TrifIS tram de lyones that but late thou was the man in the world that I mooft loued and trufted / And I wende thou haddeft loued me ageyne aboue alle ladyes / But whan thou faweft this knyght lede me awey thou madeft no chere to refcowe me / but fuffred my lord Segwarydes ryde after me / but 20 vn tyl that tyme I wend thou haddeft loued me / And therfore now I wille leue the / and neuer loue the more / & there with alle fhe went vnto fir Bleoberys / Whan fyr Triftram fawe her doo foo / he was wonderly wrothe with that lady & afhamed to come to the courte / fir Triftram faid fir Bleoberys ye 25 are in the defaute / for I here by thefe ladyes wordes / fhe before this day trufted you aboue alle erthly knyghtes / and as fhe faith ye haue deceyued her / therfore wete ye wel / ther may noo man hold that wille aweye / and rather than ye fhold be hertely difpleafyd with me / I wold ye had her / and fhe wold 30 abyde with you / Nay faid the lady / fo god me help I wil neuer goo with hym / For he that I loued moft / I wende he had loued me / And therfore fire Tryftram fhe faid ryde as thou cam / for though thou haddest ouercome this kny3t as ye was lykely / with the neuer wold I haue gone / And I fhall pray 35 this knyghte foo faire of his knyghthode that or euer he paffe [leaf 150 verso] sBook Vii.] [ 301 ] [Cbap. rfr. this countrey / that he wille lede me to the Abbeye / there my lord fyr Segwarydes lyeth Soo god me helpe faid Bleoberis I lete yow wete good knyght fire Tryftram by caufe kynge Marke gaf me the choyfe of a yefte in this courte / and fo this lady lyked me beft / Not withftandynge fhe is wedded and 5 hath a lord / and I haue fulfylled my queft / fhe Ihall be fent vnto her hufband ageyne / And in efpecyal mooft for youre fake fir Tryftram / And yf fhe wold goo with you / I wold ye had her / I thanke you faid fyr Tryftram / but for her loue I fhal beware what manere a lady I fhalle loue or trufte / o0 For had her lord fyr Segwarydes ben away from the courte I fhold haue ben the fyrft that fhold haue folowed yow / but fythen ye haue refufed me / as I am true knyght I fhalle her knowe paffyngly wel that I fhal loue or truft / and foo they took theyr leue one fro thother and departed / And foo fir trif- I5 tram rode vnto Tyntagyl / and fyr Bleoberys rode vnto the abbay where fyr fegwarydes lay fore wounded / and there he delyuerd his lady / and departed as a noble knyght / & whan fir fegwarydes fawe his lady / he was gretely comforted / and thenne fhe told hym that fir Tryftram had done grete bataill 20 with fyre Bleoberys / and caufed hym to brynge her ageyne / Thefe wordes pleafyd fir fegwarydes ryght wel that fir triftram wold doo foo moche / and foo that lady told alle the bataill vnto kynge Marke betwixe fyr Tryftram and fir Bleoberys 25 C Capitulum Xiy Henne whanne this was done / kynge Mark cafft alweyes in his hert how he myght deftroye fyr Triftram And thenne he ymagyned in hym felf to fende fir triftram in to Irland for la beale Ifoud / For fir Tryftram had foo preyfed her beaute and her goodnes that kynge Mark fa- 30 id he wold wedde her / where vpon he praid fyr Triftram to take his wey in to Irland for hym on meffage / And all this was done to the entente to flee fyr Triftram / Not withftandynge fyr Tryftram wold not reffufe the meffage for no dauiger nor peryl that myght falle for the pleafyr of his vnkel / but 35 [leaf r5I] Bsook oifii.] [ 302 ] [Cbap. xi. to goo he made hym redy in the molt goodlyeft wyfe that myght be deuyfed / For fir Triftram tooke with hym the moofte goodlyeft knyghtes that he myght fynde in the courte / & they were arayed after the gyfe that was thenne vfed in the goo5 dlyeft maner / So fir Triftram departed and toke the fee with alle his felaufhip / And anone as he was in the brode fee / a tempeft toke hym and his felaufhip and drofe them bak in to the cofte of Englond / And there they arryued faft by Camelot / and ful fayne they were to take the land / ( And whan o' they were landed fir Triftram fette vp his pauelione vpon the land of Camelot / and there he lete hange his fhelde vpon the pauelione / And that fame day came two knyghtes of kynge Arthurs / that one was fir E&tor de marys and fir Morganor And they touched the fhelde /and badde hym come oute of the 15 pauelione for to Iuft and he wold Iuft / ye fhalle be anfuerd faid fir Triftram and ye wille tarye a lytel whyle / Soo he made hym redy / and fyrfte he fmote doune fir E&or de marys / and after he fmote doune fir Morganor alle with one fpere/ and fore bryfed them / And whan they laye vpon the erthe / they af20 ked fir Triftram what he was / and of what countrey he was knyghte / Faire lordes faid fir Triftram wete ye wel that I am of Cornewaile / Alias faid fire E&or now am I afhamed / that euer ony Cornyffhe knyghte Ihold ouercome me / And thenne for defpyte fyre E&or put of his armour fro hym / and 25 wente on foot and wold not ryde IC ~-Capitulum Henne it felle that fire Bleoberys and fire Blamore de ganys that were bretheren they hadde affomoned the kyng Anguyffhe of Irland for to come to Arthurs Court vpon payne of forfeture of kyng Arthurs good grace 30 And yf the kynge of Irland came not in at the day affigned and fette / the kynge fhold lefe his landes / So by hit happend that at the day affigned kyng Arthur neither fire Launcelot myght not be there for to gyue the Iugement / for kynge Arthur was with fir launcelot at the caftel ioyous gard / And fo [leaf 151 verso] SB00t viii.] [ 303* ] [Cbap. r. kynge Arthur affigned kyng Carados and the kyng of fcottes to be there that day as Iuges / So whan the kynges were at Camelot / kynge Anguyffhe of Irland was come to knowe his accufars / Thenne was there Blamore de ganys and appeled the kynge of Irland of treafon / that he hadde fayne 5 a cofyn of his in his courte in Irland by treafon / The kyng was fore abaffhed of his accufacion / for why / he was come att the fomons of kynge Arthur / And or that he came at Camelot / he wift not wherfore he was fente after / And whanne the kyng herd fir Blamor faye his wille / he vnderftood wel there io was none other remedy but to anfuere hym knyghtly / for the cuftome was fuche in tho dayes/ that and ony man were appealed of ony treafon or murther / he fhold fyghte body for body / or els to fynde another knyght for hym / And alle maner of Murtherers in tho dayes were callid treafon / So whan kyng rs Anguyffhe vnderftood his accufynge / he was paffynge heuy / for he knewe fir Blamor de ganys that he was a noble knyght / and of noble knyghtes comen / Thenne the kynge of Irland was fymply purueyed of his anfuere / therfore the Iuges gaf hym refpyte by the thyrdde daye to gyue his anfuere / 20 Soo the kynge departed vnto his lodgynge / the mean whyle ther came a lady by fir Tryftrams pauelione makyng grete dole / what eyleth you faid fir Triftram that ye make fuche dole/ A fayre knyght faid the lady I am afhamed onles that fom good knyght helpe me / for a grete lady of worfhip fente by 25 me a fayre child and a ryche vnto fir launcelot du lake / and here by there mette with me a knyghte and threwe me doune fro my palfray and took aweye the child from me / wel my lady faid fyr Triftram / and for my lord fyr Launcelots fake I fhalle gete you that child ageyne / or els I fhalle be beten 30 for hit / And foo fire Triftram tooke his hors / and afked the lady whiche wey the knyght rode / And thenne fhe tolde hym And he rode after hym / and within a whyle he ouertoke that knyght / And thenne fyr Triftram badde hym corne and gyue ageyne the child 35 C Capitulum xxj [leaf 152*] 0oo0k vif.] [ 304* ] [Cbap. rit. He knyghte torned his hors / and he made hym redy to fyghte / And thenne fir Tryftram fmote hym with a fwerd fuche a buffet / that he tombled to the erthe / And thenne he yelded hym vnto fir Triftram / thenne come thy waye 5 fayd fire Tryftram and brynge the child to the lady ageyne / Soo he took his hors wekely and rode with fir Tryftram / and thenne by the way fyr Tryftram afked hym his name / Thenne he faid my name is Breunis faunte pyte / Soo whanne he hadde delyuerd that child to the lady / he faid / fir as in this the io child is wel remedyed / Thenne fir Tryftram lete hym goo ageyne that fore reyentyd hym after / for he was a grete foo vnto many good knyghtes of kynge arthurs courte / Thenne whan fir Triftram was in his pauelione / Gouernaile his man cam / and told hym how that kynge anguyffhe of Irland was '5 come thyder / and he was putte in grete diftreffe / and there gouernaile told fir Tryftram / how kynge anguyffhe was fomoned and appealed of murther / Soo god me help faid fir Triftram thefe ben the beft tydynges that euer came to me this vii yere / for now fhalle the kynge of Irland haue nede of my helpe 20 for I dare faye there is no knyght in this countrey that is not of arthurs courte dare doo bataille with fyre Blamore de ganys / and for to wynne the loue of the kyng of Irland I wil take the batail vpon me / and therfor gouernaile brynge me I charge the to the kyng / Thenne Gouernaile wente vnto kynge 25 anguyffhe of Irland and falewed hym fayre / the kynge welcomed hym / and afked hym what he wolde / Syr faide Gouernaile / here is a knyghte nere hande that defyreth to fpeke with you / he badde me faye he wolde doo you feruyfe / what Knyght is he faide the Kynge / fyr he faid hit is fir Triftram du fyonas 30 that for your good grace ye fhewed hym in your landes wyll rewarde you in thefe countreyes / Come on felawe faid the kynge with me anone / and fhewe me vnto fir Tryftram / foo the Kyng took a lytel hackney and but fewe felaufhip with him vntyl he came vnto fir Triftrams pauelione / and whanne fyre 35 Tryftram fawe the Kynge / he ranne vnto hym and wold haue holden his ftyrope / But the kynge lepte from his hors lyghtly / and eyther halfed other in armes / my gracious Lord fayde fire Tryftram gramercy of your grete goodneffes fhewed vn[leaf a152 verso] Z3ook vtif.] [ 305* ] [Cbap. naii. to me in your marches and landes / And at that tyme I promyfed you to doo my feruyfe / and euer it laye in my power / & gentyl knyght faid the kynge vnto fir Triftram / now haue I grete nede of you / neuer had I foo grete nede of no knyghtes helpe / How foo my good lord faid fire Tryftram / I fhalle telle 5 you faid the kynge I am affomoned and appeled fro my countrey for the deth of a knyght that was kyn vnto the good knyght fir Launcelot / wherfor fir Blamor de ganys broder to fir Bleoberys hath appeled me to fyghte with hym / outher to fynde a knyght in my ftede / And wel I wote faid the kyng io thefe that are come of kynge Bans blood as fir Launcelot & thefe other are paffynge good knyghtes and hard men for to wynne in bataille as ony that I knowe now lyuynge / Syre faid fir Tryftram / for the good lordfhip ye fhewed me in Irland and for my lady youre doughters fake / La Beale I- 15 foud I wille take the bataille for you vpon this condycyon / that ye fhalle grafite me two thynges / that one is that ye fhal fwere to me that ye are in the ryght that ye were neuer confentynge to the kny3tes dethe / Syr thenne faid fir Triftram when that I haue done this bataille yf god yeue me grace that I 20 fpede that ye fhalle gyue me a reward what thynge refonable that I wille afke of you / Soo god me help faid the kyng ye fhal haue what fomeuer ye will afke / It is wel faid / faid fir Tryftram CI Capitulum rriJ Ow make your anfuer that youre Champyon is redy 25 For I fhalle dye in your quarel rather than to be racreaunt / I haue no doubte of you faid the kynge / that and ye fhold haue adoo with fir Launcelot du lake / Syr faid fir Triftram as for fire Launcelot he is called the nobleft knyghte of the worlde / And wete ye wel that the knyghtes of his blood 30 are noble men and drede fhame / And as for Bleoberys broder to fyr Blamor I haue done bataille with hym / therfore vpon my hede / it is no fhame to call hym a good knyght / It is noyfed faid the kynge / that Blamor is the hardyer knyghte / fire as for that lete hym be / he fhal neuer be refufed / & as he were 35 [leaf 153*] U Sook olff.] [ 306* ] [Cbap. TriL the beft knyght that now bereth fhelde or fpere / Soo kyng Anguyffhe departed vnto kynge Carados / and the kynges that were that tyme as Iuges / and told hem that he hadde fonde his champyon redy / Thenne by the commaundementes of the 5 kynges fir Blamor de ganys and fire Trifiram were fente for to here the charge / And whan they were come beforne the Iuges / there were many kynges and knyghtes biheld fire Triftram / and moche fpeche they had of hym by caufe he flewe fir Marhaus the good knyght / and by caufe he foriuffed fir PaIo lamydes the good knyght / ( So when they had taken theire charge / they withdrewe hem to make hem redy to doo bataile / Thenne faid fir Bleoberys to his broder fir Blamore / fayr dere broder remembre of what kyn we be come of / and what a man is fir launcelot du lake / neyther ferther nor nere but bro15 ther children / and ther was neuer none of oure kyn that euer was fhamed in bataille / and rather fuffre deth broder than to be fhamed / Broder faid Blamore haue you no doute of me / for I fhal neuer ihame none of my blood / hou be it I am fure that yonder knyghte is called a paffynge good knyght as of 20 his tyme one of the world / yet Ihal I neuer yelde me nor fay the lothe word / wel may he happen to fmyte me doun with his grete my3t of chyualry / but rather fhalle he flee me than I fhal yelde me as recreaunt / God fpede you wel faid Bleoberys for ye fhal fynde hym the myghtyeff knyght that euer ye hadde a25 do with all / for I knowe hym for I haue had ado with hym God me fpede faid Blamor de ganys / and therwith he tooke his hors at the one ende of the lyffes / and fire Tryftram atte other ende of the lyftes / and foo they feutryd theyre fperes / & came to gyders as it had ben thonder / and there fir Triftram 30 thorou grete myght fmote doune fir Blamore and his hors to the erthe / Thenne anone fir Blamor auoyded his hors and pulled oute his fwerd / and threwe his fhelde afore hym / and badde fir Tryftram alyghte / for though an hors hath failed me I trufte to god the erthe wil not faile me / And thenne fyre 35 Tryftram alyght and dreffid hym vnto batail / and there they laffhed to gyder ftrongly as racyng and tracyng / foynynge and daffhyng many fad ftrokes that the kynges and knyghtes had grete wonder that they myghte ftande / for euer they [leaf I53* verso] Sook vffi.] [ 3~7 ] [Cbap. Tiiit fought lyke wood men fo that there were neuer knyghtes fene fyghte more fyerfly than they dyd / for fire Blamore was fo hafty he wold haue no reft that alle men wondred that they had brethe to ftande on their feet / and alle the place was blody that they fought in / And at the lafte fyre Triftram fmote 5 fir Blamor fuche a buffet vpon the helme that he there felle doune vpon his fyde / and fir Tryftram ftode and beheld hym / C ~apitulum ggiij Henne whan fir Blamor myghte fpeke /he faid thus Syre Triftram de Lyones I requyre the as thou art a noble knyghte and the beft knyghte that euer I fond that io thou wilt flee me oute / for I wold not lyue to be made lord of alle the erth / for I haue leuer dye with worfhip than lyue with fhame / and nedes fir Triftram thou muff flee me / or els thou fhalt neuer wynne the feld / for I wille neuer faye the lothe word / And therfore yf thou dare flee me / flee me / I re- I5 quyre the / Whanne fir Triftram herd hym faye foo knyghtely / he wyfte not what to doo with hym / he remembryng hym of bothe partyes of what blood he was comen / and for fir Launcelots fake he wold be lothe to flee hym / and in the other party in no wyfe he myghte not chefe / but that he muft make hym to 20 faye the lothe word or els to flee hym / Thenne fyre Triftram ftarte abak and went to the kynges that were Iuges / and ther he kneled doun to fore hem and befoughte hem for their worfhippes and for kynge Arthurs and fir Laucelots fake that they wold take this mater in theyr handes / For my fayre lor- 25 des faid fir triftram hit were fhame and pyte / that this noble knyght that yonder lyeth fhold be flayne / for ye here wel / fhamed wille he not be / and I pray to god that he neuer be flayne nor fhamed for me / And as for the kyng for whome I fyghte fore I fhalle requyre hym as I am his true champyon and 30 true knyght in this felde that he wille haue mercy vpon this knyghte / So god me helpe faid kynge Anguyffhe I wil for your fake fyre triftram be ruled as ye wylle haue me / For I knowe you for my true knyghte / ([ And therfore I [leaf I54] s j S3BoOt iii.] [ 308 ] ['bap. rrfv. wylle hertely pray the kynges that ben here as Iuges to take hit in theire handes / And the kynges that were Iuges called fyr Bleoberys to them / and afked hym his aduyfe ([ My lordes faid Bleoberys / though my broder be beten and hath the 5 wers thorou myghte of armes I dare faye though fyre Tryftram hath beten his body / he hath not beten his herte / and I thanke god he is not fhamed this daye / And rather than he fhold be fhamed / I requyre you fayd Bleoberys lete fir Triftram flee hym oute / It fhalle not be foo faid the kynges / for io his parte aduerfary bothe the kynge and the champyon haue pyte of fyre Blamors knyghthode / My lordes faid Bleoberys I wille ryght wel as ye wille / ([ Thenne the kynges called the kynge of Irland and fond hym goodely and tretabyl / And thenne by alle their aduyfes I5 fyre Triftram, and fyre Bleoberys toke vp fire Blamore / and the two bretheren were accorded with kynge Anguyffhe / and kyffed and made frendys for euer / And thenne fire Blamor and fire Tryftram kyffed to gyders / and there they made their othes that they wold neuer none of them two bretheren fy20 ghte with fyre Tryftram / and fyre Tryftram made the fame oth And for that gentyl bataille alle the blood of fyre Launcelot loued fire Tryftram for euer / ([ Thenne kynge Anguyffhe and fyre Triftram toke theire leue ande failed in to Irland with grete nobleffe and ioye / 25 ( Soo whanne they were in Irland / the kynge lete make it knowen thoroute alle the land how and in what manere fyre Tryftram had done for hym { Thenne the Quene and alle that there were made the mooft of hym that they myghte / But the Ioye that la beale Ifoud made of fyr Triftram 30 there myghte no tonge telle / for of alle men erthely Ihe loued hym mooft C( ~apitulum {:itij Henne vpon a daye kynge Anguyffhe afked fyr Triftram why he afked not his bone / For what fomeuer he had promyfed hym / he fhold haue hit withoute fayle [leaf 154 verso] Book viff.] [ 309 ] [Cbap. tri,. Syre fayd fire Tryftram now is hit tyme this is alle that I wylle defyre that ye wylle gyue me la beale Ifoud youre doughter not for my felf but for myn vnkel kynge Marke that fhalle haue her to wyf / for foo haue I promyfed hym / Alias faid the kynge I had leuer than alle the land that I haue / 5 ye wold wedde her youre felf / Syre and I dyd than I were fhamed for euer in this world / and fals of my promyfe / Therfore faid fire Tryftram I praye you hold your promyfe that ye promyfed me / for this is my defyre that ye wylle gyue me la Beale Ifoud to goo with me in to Cornewaile for to io be wedded to kynge Marke myn vnkel / ( As for that fayd kynge Anguyffhe ye fhalle haue her with you to doo with her what it pleafe you / that is for to faye yf that ye lyft to wedde her your felf that is me leueft / And yf ye wille gyue her vnto kynge Marke youre vnkel that is in youre choyfe / 15 [ Soo to make fhort conclufion la beale Ifoud was made redy to goo with fyre Tryftram and dame Bragwayne wente with her for her chycf gentylwoman with many other / thenne the quene Ifouds moder gaf to her and dame Bragwayne her doughters gentilwoman and vnto Gouernaile a drynke and 20 charged them that what day kynge Marke fhold wedde that fame daye they Ihold gyue hym that drynke / foo that kynge Marke fhold drynke to la beale Ifoud / and thenne faid the Quene I vndertake eyther fhalle loue other the dayes of their lyf / Soo this drynke was yeuen vnto dame Bragwayne and 25 vnto Gouernaile / And thenne anone fyre Tryftram tooke the fee / and la Beale Ifoud / and whan they were in theire caban hit happed foo that they were thurfty / and they fawe a lytyl flacked of gold ftande by them / and hit femed by the coloure and the tafte that it was noble wyn / 30 Thenne fire Tryftram toke the flacket in his hand / and fayd Madame Ifoud here is the beft drynke that euer ye drank that dame Bragwayne youre mayden and Gouernayle my feruaunt haue kepte for them felf / Thenne they lough and made good chere and eyther dranke to other frely / and they tho- 35 ughte neuer drynke that euer they dranke to other was foo fwete nor foo good / But by that theyr drynke was in their [leaf 155] s ij Zfook iifi.] [ 3Io ] [Cbap. rSv. bodyes / they loued eyther other fo wel that neuer theyr loue departed for wele neyther for wo / And thus it happed the loue fyrfte betwixe fire Triftram and la beale Ifoud / the whiche loue neuer departed the dayes of their lyf / foo thenne they fay5 led tyl by fortune they came nyghe a cartel that hyght Pluere And there by arryued for to repofe them wenyng to them to haue hadde good herborou3 / but anon as fir Tryftram was within the caftel / they were taken pryfoners / for the cuftomme of the caftel was fuche who that rode by that caftel and brought ony Io lady he muft nedes fyghte with the lord that hyghte Breunor And yf it were foo that Breunor wanne the feld / thenne fhold the knyght ftraunger and his lady be putte to dethe what that euer they were / and yf hit were fo that the ftraunge knyghte wanne the feld of fir Breunor / thenne fhold he dye and 15 his lady bothe / this cuftome was vfed many wynters / for hit was called the caftel pluere that is to faye the wepynge caftel C Capitulum xv Hus as fire Tryftram and la beale Ifoud were in pryfon / hit happed a knyght and a lady came vnto them / where they were to chere them / I haue merueille faid Triftram 20 vnto the kny3t and the lady what is the caufe the lord of this Caftel holdeth vs in pryfon / hit was neuer the cuftome of no place of worfhip that euer I came in / whan a knyghte and a lady afked herborugh / and they to receyue hem / & after to deftroye them that ben his geftes / Syr faid the kny3t this is the 25 old cuftome of this caftel that whan a knyght cometh here / he muff nedes fyghte with our lord / and he that is weyker mufte lefe his hede / And whan that is done yf his lady that he bryngeth / be fouler than our lordes wyf/ fhe mufft lefe her heede / And yf fhe be fayrer preued than is oure lady / thenne fhal the la30 dy of this caftel lefe her heede / Soo god me help faid fire Triftram this is a fowle cuftome and a fhameful / But one auautage haue I faid fir Tryftram I haue a lady is fayre ynou3 fayrer fawe I neuer in alle my lyfe dayes / And I doubte [leaf 155 verso] 60ook viii.] [ 31I ] [Cbap. tr. not for lack of beaute Ihe fhalle not lefe her heed / and rather than I ihold lefe my heede I wille fyghte for hit on a fayre felde / ([ Wherfore Syre knyght I pray you telle your lord that I wille be redy as to morne with my lady and my felfe to doo batail yf hit be fo I maye haue my 5 hors and myne armour / Syre faid that knyght I vndertake that youre defyre fhalle be fpedde ryght wel / And thenne he fayd take youre reft and loke that ye be vp by tymes and make you redy and your lady / for ye fhall wante no thynge that you behoueth / and ther with he departed and Io on the morne by tymes that fame knyghte came to fire Tryftram and fetched hym oute and his lady & brou3te hym hors and armour that was his owne / and badde hym make hym redy to the feld / for alle the eftates and comyns of that lordfhip were there redy to behold that bataille and Iugement / 15 ([ Thenne came fyre Breunor the lord of that Caftel wyth his lady in his hand muffeld / and afked fyre Tryftram where was his lady / for and thy lady be fayrer than myn wyth thy fwerd fmyte of my ladyes hede / and yf my lady be fayrer than myn / with my fwerd I mufte ftryke of her heed / And 20 yf I maye wynne the / yet fhalle thy lady be myne / and thou fhalt lefe thy hede / ( Syre faid Tryftram this is a fowle cuftome and horryble / and rather than my lady fhold lefe her heed / yet had I leuer lefe my hede / ( Nay nay faid fire Breunor the ladyes fhalle be fyrft Ihe- 25 wed to gyder / and the one fhalle haue her Iugement / Nay I wille not foo faid fire Triftram / For here is none that wille gyue ryghteuous Iugement / But I doubte not faid fir Triftram my lady is fayrer than thyne / And that wille I preue and make good with my hand / And who fomeuer he be that 30 wille faye the contrary I wille preue hit on his hede And there with fire Triftram fhewed la beale Ifoud / and torned her thryes aboute with his naked fwerd in his hand And whanne fyre Breunor fawe that he dyd the fame wyfe torne his lady / But whanne fyre Breunor beheld la beale 35 Ifoud / hym thoughte he fawe neuer a fayrer lady / and thenne he dradde his ladyes hede fhold be of / and foo al the peple [leaf 156] S iij 3Book viii.] [ 3I2 ] [C~bap. {nvi. that were there prefent gaf Iugement that la beale Ifoud was the fayrer lady and the better made / how now faid fir Triftra me femeth it were pyte that my lady fhold lofe her heed/ but by caufe thou and fhe of long tyme haue vfed this wycked cuf5 tome / and by you bothe haue many good knyghtes and ladyes ben deftroyed / for that caufe it were no loffe to deftroye you bothe / Soo god me help faid fir Breunor for to faye the fothe / thy lady is fayrer than myn / and that me fore repenteth And foo I here the peple pryuely faye / for alle wymmen I xo fawe none foo fayre / and therfor and thou wilt flee my lady I doute not but I fhal flee the and haue thy lady / ( Thou fhalt wynne her faid fir Tryftram as dere as euer kny3t wan lady / And by caufe of thyn owne Iugement as thou woldeft haue done to my lady yf that fhe had ben fouler / and by caufe '5 of the evyl cuftome gyue me thy lady faid Tryftram / & there with alle fir Triftram ftrode vnto hym and toke his lady from hym / and with an auke ftroke he fmote of her hede clene / wel knyght faid fir Breunor now haft thou done me a defpyte / C Capitulum Xyvj Ow take thyn hors fythen I am lady les I wil wyn 20 Ot thy lady and I may / thenne they took their horfes / & came to gyders as hit had ben the thonder / and fire Tryftram fmote fir Breunor clene from his hors / and ly3tely he rofe vp And as fir Tryftram came ageyne by hym / he threft his hors thorou oute both the fholders that his hors hurled here and the25 re / and felle dede to the ground / And euer fir Breunor ranne after to haue flayne fire Triftram / but fire Triftram was lyght and nymel and voyded his hors lightely / And or euer fir Tryftram myght dreffe his fheld and his fwerd / the other gaf hym thre or foure fadde ftrokes ([ Thenne they 30 raffhed to gyders like two bores tracyng and trauercyng my3 -tely and wyfely as two noble knyghtes / For this fire Breunor was a proued knyghte and hadde ben or than the dethe of many good knyghtes / that it was pyte that he had fo long endured / Thus they fou3t hurlyng here & there ny3 two houres & [leaf 156 verso] _ ~ _. sook vtif.] [ 313 ] [Cbap. rovii. eyder were wounded fore / thenne at the laft fir Breunor raffhed vpon fir Tryftram and tooke hym in his armes / for he trufted moche to his ftrengthe / Thenne was fir Tryftram called the ftrengeft and the hyeft knyght of the world / For he was called byggar than fir laucelot / but fir Launcelot was better 5 brethed / Soo anone fire Tryftram thruft fyr Breunor doune grouelynge / and thenne he vnlaced his helme / and ftrake of his hede / And thenne al they that longed to the caftel cam to hym and dyd hym homage and feaute prayenge hym / that he wold abyde there ftylle a litel whyle to fordo that foule cuftom Io Syr Tryftram graunted ther to / the meane whyle one of the knyghtes of the caftel rode vnto fire Galahad the haut prynce the whiche was fir Breunors fone / whiche was a noble kny3t and told hym what myfauenture his fader hadde and his moder 15 C Capitulum u vtij Henne came fir Galahad and the kyng with the honderd knyghtes with hym / and this fyr Galahad profered to fyghte with fir Tryftram hand for hand / and foo they made them redy to go vnto bataile on horfbak with grete courage / Thenne fir Galahad and fir Tryftram mette to gy- 20 ders foo hard that eyder bare other doune hors and alle to the erthe / And thefe they auoyded their horfes as noble knyghtes and dreffid theire fheldes and drewe their fwerdes with Ire & rancour / and they laffhed to gyder many fadde ftrokes / and one whyle ftrykynge another whyle foynynge / tracynge and tra- 25 uerfynge as noble knyghtes / thus they fought long nere half a day and eyder were fore wounded / At the laft fire Tryftram waxed lyghte and bygge / and doubled his ftrokes and drofe fyr Galahad abak on the one fyde and on the other / fo that he was lyke to haue ben flayne / With that came the kynge with 30 the honderd knyghtes and all that felaufhip went fyerfly vpon fir Triftram / whan fir Tryftram fawe them comyng vpon hym / thenne he wift wel he myghte not endure / ( Thene as a wyfe knyght of werre he faid to fir Galahaud the haut prynce fyre ye fhewe to me no knyghthode for to fuffre alle youre men 35 to haue adoo with me al at ones / C[ And as me femeth ye be a [leaf I57] S iiij 3ook viii.] [ 314 ] [Cbap. xvLi. noble knyghte of your handes / hit is grete fhame to you / So god me helpe faid fire Galahad there is none other waye but thou muff yelde the to me / outher els to dye faid fir Galahad to fir Tryftram I wille rather yelde me to you than dye / for 5 that is more for the myght of your men than of your handes / And ther with alle fir Tryftram tooke his owne fuerd by the poynte / and put the pomel in the hand of fir Galahad / there with alle came the kynge with the honderd knyghtes / and hard beganne to affaylle fir Tryftram / lete be faid fir Galahad o1 be ye not foo hardy to touche hym / for I haue gyuen this knyght his lyf/ that is youre fhame faid the kynge with the C knyghtes / hath he not flayne your fader and your moder / As for that faid fyre Galahad I may not wyte hym gretely for my fader had hym in pryfon / and enforced hym to doo bataill 15 with hym / and my fader had fuche a cuftomme that was a fhameful cuftome that what knyght came there to afke herborouh his lady mufft nedes deye but yf fhe were fayrer than my moder / And yf my fader ouercame that knyght he muff nedes deye / This was a fhameful cuftomme and vfage / a knyghte 20 for his herberowe afkynge to haue fuche herborage / ([ And for this cuftomme I wold neuer drawe aboute hym / So god me helpe faid the kynge this was a fhameful cuftomme / Truly faid fyre Galahad foo femed me / and me femed it had ben grete pyte that this knyght fhold haue ben flayne / for I dare 25 faye he is the nobleft man that bereth lyf / but yf it were fir laicelot du lake / Now fayre knyght faid fir Galahad I requyre the telle me thy name / and of whens thou arte / and whyder thou wolt / Syr he faid my name is fir Tryftram du lyones & from kynge Marke of Cornewaile I was fente on meffage 30 vnto kynge Anguyffhe of Irland for to fetche his doughter to be his wyf / & here fhe is redy to go with me into Cornewaile / and her name is la beale Ifoud / and / fir Tryftram faid fir Galahad the haut prynce / wel be ye fonde in thefe marches / & foo ye wille promyfe me to goo vnto fyr Launcelot du lake / 35 and accompanye with hym / ye fhalle goo where ye wylle / and your fayre lady with you / And I fhalle promyfe you neuer in al my dayes fhal fuche cuftommes be vfed in this caftel as haue ben vfed / Syr faid fyre Tryftram now I lete you wete [leaf 157 verso] Z:ook vfit.L [ 3I5 ] [Cbap. rrviff. foo god me helpe I wende ye had ben fyr launcelot du lake / whan I fawe you fyrfte / and therfore I dredde you the more And fire I promyfe you faid fir Triftram as foone as I may I wille fee fir launcelot / and enfelaufhippe me with hym / for of alle the knyghtes of the world I mooft defyre his felau- 5 Uhip C Capitulum xviij Nd thene fir Triftram took his leue whan he fawe his tyme and tooke the fee / And the meane whyle word M came vnto fir Launcelot and to fir Tryftram that fire Carados the myghty kynge that was made lyke a gyaunt / o0 that fought with fir Gawayn and gaf hym fuche ftrokes that he fwouned in his fadel / and after that he took hym by the coller / and pulled hym oute of his fadel / and faft bounde hym to the fadel bowe / and fo rode his wey with hym toward his caftell / And as he rode by fortune fir Launcelot mette with fire 15 Carados and anone he knewe fire Gawayne / that lay bounde after hym / A faid fir Launcelot vnto fire Gawayne how ftande it with you / Neuer fo hard faid fir gawayn onles that ye helpe me / for fo god me help without ye refcowe me I knowe no knyght that may but outher you or fyr Tryftram / where for fir 20 Launcelot was heuy of fir Gawayns wordes / And thenne fir Launcelot bad fir Carados leye doune that knyghte / & fyghte with me / thou arte but a foole faide fire Carados / for I wylle ferue you in the fame wyfe / as for that faid fir Launcelot fpare me not / for I warne the I wille not fpare the / And then- 25 ne he bond fir Gawayne hand and foot / and fo threwe hym to the ground / And thenne he gate his fpere of his fquyer / and departed from fyr launcelot to fetche his cours / and foo eyther met with other / and brake their fperes to their handes / & thenne they pulled out fwerdes / and hurtled to gyders on horfbak 30 more than an houre / And at the lafte fire launcelot fmote fir Carados fuche a buffet vpon the helme that it perched his brayne pan / So thenne fir Launcelot toke fir Carados by the coller and pulled hym vnder his hors feet / And thenne he aly3te and pulled of his helme / and ftrake of his hede / And thenne 35 [leaf x58] 3Book viff.] [ 316 ] [Cbap. fril. fir Launcelot vnbounde fir Gawayne / foo this fame tale was told to fir Galahad and to fir Tryftram / here maye ye here the noblenes that foloweth fir launcelot / Alias faid fyr Tryftram and I had not this meffage in hand with this fayre lady/ 5 truly I wold neuer ftynte or I had fonde fyre Launcelot/ Thenne fire. Tryftram and la beale Ifoud wente to the fee & came in to Cornewaile / and there alle the barons mette hem/ CI apitulum Nig Nd anone they were rychely wedded with grete nobley / But euer as the frenffhe book fayth fir Tryftram 10 A n dand la beale Ifoud loued euer to gyders/ ( Thenne was there grete Iuftes and grete torneyenge / and many lordes and ladyes were at that feeft / and fir Tryftram was moft preyfed of alle other / thus dured the feeft longe / and after the feeft was done / within a lytel whyle after by the affent of 15 two ladyes that were with quene Ifoud / they ordeyned for hate and enuy for to deftroye dame Bragwayne / that was mayden and lady vnto la beale Ifoud / and fhe was fente in to the foreft for to fetche herbes / & there fhe was mette & bounde feete and hand to a tree / and foo fhe was bounden thre 20 dayes / And by fortune fir Palamydes fond dame Bragwayne / and there he delyuerd her from the dethe / and brought her to a nonnery there befyde for to be recouerd / whanne Ifoud the quene myft her mayden / wete ye wel fhe was ryght heuy as euer was ony quene / for of alle erthely wymmen fhe loued her 25 beft / the caufe was for fhe came with her oute of her countreye / And foo vpon a day quene Ifoud walked in to the foreft to putte aweye her thoughtes / and ther fhe wente her felf vnto a welle / and made grete mone / and fodenly there came Palamydes to her / and had herd alle her complaynte / and fayd Mada30 me Ifoud and ye wille graunte me my bone / I fhalle brynge to you dame Bragwayne fauf and found / And the quene was fo glad of his profer / that fodenly vnauyfed fhe grauted alle his afkynge / wel madame faid Palamydes I truft to your promyfe / And yf ye wille abyde here half an houre / I 35 fhal brynge her to you / I fhall abyde you faid la beale Ifoud [leaf 158 verso] z, Boo fiii] [ 317 ] [Cbap. air. And fir Palamydes rode forth his way to that nonnery / and lyghtly he came ageyne with dame Bragwayne / but by her good wille fhe wold not haue comen ageyne / by caufe for loue of the quene fhe flood in aueture of her lyf / Notwithftandyng half ageynft her wille fhe wente with fir Palamydes vnto the 5 quene / And whan the quene fawe her / fhe was paflyng glad Now madame faid Palamydes remembre vpon your promyfe / for I haue fulfilled my promyfe / Sir Palamydes faid the quene I wote not what is your defyre / But I wille that ye wete how be it I promyfed you largely I thought none euyl Io nor I warne you none ylle wille I doo / Madame faid fir palamydes / as at this tyme ye fhalle not knowe my defyre / but bifore my lord your hufband there fhalle ye knowe that I wil haue my defyre that ye haue promyfed me / And therwith the quene departed and rode home to the kynge / and fir palamy- 15 des rode after her / And whan fyr Palamydes came before the kynge / he faid fir kyng I requyre you as ye be a ryghteuous kynge that ye wille Iuge me the ryght / Telle me your caufe faid the kynge and ye fhalle haue ryght/ C Capitulum ggy Yre faid Palamydes I promyfed your Quene Ifoud 20 to brynge ageyne dame Bragwayne that fhe had loft vpon this couenaunt that fhe fhold graunte me a bone that I wold afke / and without grutchynge outher auyfemet fhe graunted me / what faye ye my lady faid the kynge / hit is as he faith foo god me help faid the quene / to faye the fothe / I 25 promyfed hym his afkynge for loue and ioye that I had to fee her / Wel madame faid the kynge / and yf ye were hafty to graunte hym what bone he wold aike / I wylle wel that ye performe your promyfe / Thenne faid Palamydes I will that ye wete that I wille haue your quene to lede her and gouerne 30 her where as me lyft / There with the kynge ftood ftyll and bethought hym of fir Tryftram / and demed that he wold refcowe her / And thenne haftely the kynge anfuerd take her with the aduetures that thal falle of hit / for as I fuppofe thou wylt [leaf I59] SBook tiff.] [ 3I8 ] [Cbap. rr. not enioye her noo whyle / As for that faid Palamydes I dare ryght wel abyde the aduenture / and foo to make fhort tale / fir Palamydes toke her by the hand / and faid Madame grutche not to goo with me / for I defyre no thynge but your own pro5 myfe / As for that faid the quene I fere not gretely to go with the / hou be it thou haft me at auauntage vpon my promyfe / For I doute not I fhalle be worfhipfully refcowed from the/ As for that faid fir Palamydes be it as it be maye / So quene Ifoud was fette behynde Palamydes / and rode his way / anon io the kynge fente after fyr Tryftram / but in no wyfe he coude be foude / for he was in the foreft an huntyng / for that was alweyes his cuftome / but yf he vfed armes / to chafe and to hunte in the foreftes / Alias faid the kynge now I am fhamed for euer that by myn owne affente my lady and my quene fhalle 15 be deuoured / Thenne came forth a knyght his name was lambegus / and he was a knyght of fyr Tryftram / My lord fayd this knyght fythe ye haue trufte in my lord fire Triftram / wete ye wel for his fake I wille ryde after your quene and refcowe her / or els I fhal be beten / Gramercy faide the kynge / & 20 I lyue fir Lambegus I fhal deferue hit / And thenne fir Lambegus armed hym / and rode after as faft as he myghte / And thenne within a whyle he ouertoke fir Palamydes / And thenne fir Palamydes lefte the quene / what arte thou faide Palamydes / arte thou Tryftram / nay he faide I am his feruaunte / 25 and my name is Lambegus / that me repenteth faide Palamydes / I hadde leuer thou haddeft ben fire Tryftram / I bileue you wel faid Lambegus / but when thou meteft with fir Tryftram thou fhalt haue thy handes ful / And thenne they hurtled to gyders and alle to brafte their fperes / and thenne they pul30 led oute their fwerdes / and hewed on helmes and hauberkes / At the lafte fire Palamydes gaf fir Lambegus fuche a wound that he felle doun lyke a dede knyghte to the erthe / Thenne he loked after la beale Ifoud / and thene fhe was gone he nyft where / wete ye wel fir Palamydes was neuer foo heuy / So the qu35 ene ranne in to the foreft / and there fhe fond a wel / and theryn fhe hadde thoughte to haue drouned her felf / And as good fortune wold ther came a knyght to her that hadde a Caftel therby his name was fire Adtherp / And when he fonde the quene [leaf 159 verso] Z3ook ofifi] [ 319 ] Cbap. rXi. in that mefchyef / he refcowed her / and broughte her to his caftel / And whanne he wyft what fhe was he armed hym / and took his hors and faid / he wold be auengyd vpon palamydes and foo he rode on tyll he mette with hym / and there fir Palamydes wounded hym fore/ and by force he made hym to telle 5 hym the caufe why he dyd bataille with hym / and how he had ladde the quene vnto his caftel / Now brynge me there faid palamydes or thou ihalt dye of my handes / Sir faid fir Adtherp I am foo wounded I may not folowe / but ryde you this way and hit fhalle brynge you in to my caftel / and there within is Io the quene / Thenne fire Palamydes rode ftyll tyl he came to the Caftel / And at a wyndowe La Beale Ifoud fawe fir Palamydes / thenne fhe made the yates to be fhette ftrongly / And whan he fawe he myght not come within the caftel / he putte of his brydel and his fadel / and putte his hors to pafture / and 15 fette hym felf doune atte gate lyke a man that was oute of his wytte that retchyd not of hym felf / CI apitulum gXXj Ow torne we vnto fir Triftram that whanne he was come home / and wyfte la Beale Ifoud was gone with fyr Palamydes wete ye wel he was wrothe oute of me- 20 fure / Alias faid fir Tryftram I am this day fhamed / Thenne he cryed to Gouernaile his man / hafte the that I were armed and on horfbak / for wel I wote Lambegus hath no myghte nor ftrengthe to withftande fir Palamydes / Alias that I haue not ben in his ftede / Soo anone as he was armed and horfed 25 fir Triftram and Gouernaile rode after in to the foreft /and within a whyle he fond his knyght Lambegus al mooft woided to the dethe / and fyre Tryftram bare hym to a fofter / and charged hym to kepe hym wel / And thenne he rode forth and there he fond fyr Adtherp fore wounded / and he told hym hou 30 the quene wold haue drouned her felf had not he ben / And how for her fake & loue he had taken vpon hym to doo bataille with fir Palamydes / where is my lady faid fire Tryftram / Syr faid the knyght ihe is fure ynough within my Caftel / & [leaf i60] Zootk viiL] [ 320 ] [Cbap. (rriL fhe can hold her within hit / Gramercy faid fyre Tryftram of thy grete goodenes / and foo he rode tyl he came nyghe to that Catel / and thenne fyr Tryftram fawe where fyr Palamydes fat at the gate flepynge / and his hors paftured faft afore hym 5 Now goo thou Gouernaile faid fire Triftram / and byd hym awake / and make hym redy / So Gouernayle rode vnto hym/ and faid fir Palamydes aryfe and take to the thyn harneis but he was in fuche a ftudy he herd not what Gouernayle faid So Gouernaile came ageyne and told fyre Tryftram he fleJo pte or els he was madde / Goo thou ageyne faid fire Triftram / and bydde hym aryfe / and telle hym that I am here his mortal foo / So Gouernaile rode ageyne and putte vpon hym the but of his fpere / and faid fir Palamydes make the redy / for wete ye wel fyr Trilfram houeth yonder and fendeth the word 15 he is thy mortal foo / And there with all fire Palamydes arofe ftylly withoute wordes and gate his hors / and fadeled hym / and brydeled hym / and lyghtely he lepte vpon / and gat his fpere in his hand / and eyder feutryd their fperes and hurtled fafte to gyders / and there Triftram fmote doune fire Pa20 lamydes ouer his hors tayle / Thenne lightely fire Palamydes putte his fheld afore hym and drewe his fwerd / And there beganne ftronge bataill on bothe partyes / for both they fought for thr loue of one lady / and euer fhe laye on the walles and behelde them / hou they foughte oute of mefure / and eyther we25 re wouded poffyng fore / but Palamydes was moche forer wouded / thus they fought tracynge and trauercyng more than two houres that wel nygh for dole and forowe la beale Ifoud fwouned / f[ Alias fhe faid that one I loued and yet doo / and the other I loue not / yet it were grete pyte that I fhold fee fir pa30 lamydes flayne / for wel I knowe by that tyme the ende be done fir Palamydes is but a dede kny3t / by caufe he is not cryftened I wold be lothe that he fhold dye a farafyn / And there with alle fhe came doune and bifought fire Tryftram to fyghte no more / A madame faide he what meane you / wille ye haue 35 me fhamed / wel ye knowe I wille be ruled by you / I wylle not your difhonour faide la beale Ifoud but I wold that ye wold for my fake fpare this vnhappy farafyn Palamydes / Madame faid fyre Tryftram I wille leue fyghtynge at this [leaf I60 verso] Book viiiL] [ 321 ] [Cbap. Miff tyme for your fake / ( Thenne fhe faid to fire Palamydes this fhalle be your charge that thou fhalt goo oute of this countrey whyle I am therin / I wille obeye your commaundement faid fire Palamydes / the whiche is fore ageynft my wylle ( Thenne take thy waye faid la beale Ifoud vnto the Courte 5 of kynge Arthur / and there recommafide me vnto quene Gueneuer / and telle her that I fend her word / that ther be withyn this land but four louers / that is fire Launcelot du lake and Quene Gueneuer and fire Tryftram de lyonas and quene Ifoud 10 C Capitulum myitj Nd foo fyre Palamydes departed with grete heuynes And fir Triftram took the quene and brou3te her ageyne to kynge Marke / And thenne was there made grete Ioye of her home comynge/ who was cheryffhed but fir Tryftram / Thenne fir Tryftram lete fetche fyr Lambegus his kny3te I5 fro the fofters hous and hit was longe or he was hole / but at the laft he was wel recouerd / thus they lyued with Ioye and play a long whyle / But euer fir Andred that was nygh cofyn to fyr Tryftram lay in a watche to wayte betwix fir Tryftram and la beale Ifoud for to take hem and fklaundre hem / Soo 20 vpon a day fyr Triftram talked with la beale Ifoud in a wyndowe / and that afpyed fir Andred and told it to the kynge / Thenne kynge Marke took a fwerd in his hand and came to fir Triftram and called hym fals traitour / and wold haue ftryken hym / But fir Tryftram was nyghe hym and ranne vnder 25 his fwerd and tooke hit oute of his hande / And thenne the kynge cryed where are my knyghtes and my men / I charge you flee this traitour / But at that tyme there was not one wold meue for his wordes / Whanne fyre Tryftram fawe that there was not one wold be ageynft hym / he fhoke the fwerd to 30 the kynge and made countenaunce as though he wold haue ftryken hym / And thenne kynge Marke fledde / and fire triftram folowed hym and fmote vpon hym fyue or fixe ftrokes flatlynge on the neck that he made hym to falle vpon the nofe / & thenne fir Triftram yede his waye and armed hym and tooke 35 [leaf I6I] X 0oo tviii.] [ 322 ] [Cbap. rrmi his hors and his men / and foo he rode in to that foreft / And there vpon a daye fyr Tryftram mette with two bretheren that were knyghtes with kynge Marke / ana there he ftrake of the hede of the one / & wounded the other to the dethe / and he maade 5 hym to bere his broders hede in his helme vnto the kynge / and thyrtty moo there he wounded / And whan that knyght came before the kynge to faye his meffage / he there dyed afore the kynge and the quene / Thenne kynge Marke called his counceill vnto hym / and afked aduyfe of his barons what was Io beft to doo with fire Tryftram / Syr faid the barons in efpecyal Syre Dynas the Senefchal / fyr / we wille yeue you counceyll for to fende for fir Triftram / for we wille that ye wete / many men wille holde with fyre Tryftram / and he were hard beftad And fyr faid fire Dynas ye fhalle vnderftande that fir Trift15 ram is called pyerles and makeles of ony Cryften knyghte / and of his myghte and hardynes we knewe none foo good a knyght / but yf hit be fire Launcelot du lake / And yf ye departe from your Courte and goo to kynge Arthurs courte / wete ye wel he wille gete hym fuche frendes there that he wylle 20 not fette by your malyce / And therfore fyre I counceyle yow to take hym to youre grace / I wylle wel faid the kynge that he be fente for / that we maye be frendes / Thenne the Barons fente for fyr Triftram vnder a fauf conduyte / And foo whan fyre Triftram came to the kynge / he was welcome / and no re25 herfail was made / and there was game and playe / and thenne the kynge and the quene wente on huntynge and fir Triftram C Capitulum gXfiij He kynge and the quene made their pauelions & theire tentes in that foreft befyde a Ryuer / and ther was 3o ^ dayly huntynge and Iuftynge / for there were euer xxx knyghtes redy to Iufte vnto alle them that came in at that tyme / And there by fortune came fire Lamerak de galys and fir Dryaunt / and there fyre Dryaunt Iufted ryght wel / but at the lafte he had a falle / Thenne fire Lamerak profered to 35 Iufte / And whan he began he ferd fo with the thyrtty kny3tes [leaf 16r verso] :oot vit.] [ 323 ] [Cbap. r:iff. that there was not one of hem but that he gaf hym a falle / and fomme of them were fore hurte / I merueyle faid kyng Mark what knyght he is that doth fuche dedes of armes / Sir faid fire Triftram /I knowe hym wel for a noble knyght / as fewe now ben lyuynge / and his name is fir Lamorak de Galys / it were 5 grete fhame faide the kynge that he fhold goo thus aweye onles that fomme of you mette with hym better / Syre faid fyre Triftram me femeth it were no worfhip for a noble man to haue adoo with hym / And for by caufe at this tyme he hath done ouer moche for ony meane knyght lyuynge / therfore as me fe- 10 meth hit were grete fhame and vylony to tempte hym ony more at this tyme / in foo moche as he and his hors are wery bothe For the dedes of armes that he hath done this daye and they be wel confydered / it were ynough for fir Launcelot du lake / [ As for that faid kynge Marke I requyre you as ye loue 15 me and my lady the Quene La beale Ifoud take youre armes and Iufte with fire Lamorak de Galys / ( Syre faid fir Triftram ye byd me doo a thynge that is ageynft knyghthode / And wel I can deme that I fhal gyue hym a falle / For hit is no mayftry / for my hors and I ben freffhe bothe / and fo is 20 not his hors and he / and wete ye wel / that he wil take hit for grete vnkyndenes / For euer one good is lothe to take another at difauauntage / But by caufe I wil not difpleafe yow / as ye requyre me / foo wille I doo and obeye your commaundemet And foo fire Triftram armed hym and took his hors / & putt 25 hym forth / and there fire Lamerak mette hym myghtely / and what with the myght of his owne fpere / and of fire Triftram fpere fyr Lamoraks hors felle to the erthe / and he fyttynge in the fadel / Thenne anone as lyghtly as he myghte he auoyded the fadel and his hors / and put his fhelde afore hym and dre- 30 we his fwerd / And thenne he badde fir Triftram alyghte thou knyght and thou darft / Nay faid fire Triftram I wil no more haue adoo with the / for I haue done to the ouer moche vnto my difhonour and to thy worfhip / ( As for that faid fir Lamorak I can the no thanke / fyn thou haft foriufted me on 35 horfbak I requyre the and I bifeche the / and thou be fir Triftram / fyghte with me on foote / ( I wylle not foo [leaf 162] tj Sook vlii.] [ 324 ] [ebap. irriv. faid ore Triftram / And wete ye wel my name is fire Triftra de lyones / and wel I knowe ye be fire Lamorak de Galys / And this that I haue done to you was ageynft my wylle / but I was requyred therto / but to faye that I wille doo atte 5 youre requeft / as at thys tyme I will haue no more ado with you / for me fhameth of that I haue done / ( As for the fhame faid fire Lamorak on thy party or on myne / beare thou hit & thou wilt / For though a marys fone hath fayled me / now a Quenes fone fhalle not fayle the / And therfore and thou be io fuche a knyghte as men calle the / I requyre the / alyghte / and fyghte with me / Syre Lamorak faid fire Triftram I vnderitande youre herte is grete / and caufe why ye haue / to faye the fothe / for hit wold greue me and ony knyght fhold kepe hym freffhe / and thenne to ftryke doune a wery knyghte / for that I5 knyghte nor hors was neuer fourmed that alwey myght ftade or endure / And therfore faid fire Triftram I wille not haue adoo with you / for me forthynketh of that I haue done / as for that faid fire Lamorak I fhal quyte you and euer I fee my tyme / C Capitulum gxgifij 20 Oo he departed from hym with fire Dryaun / and by the weye they mette with a kny3t that was fente from Morgan le fay vnto kynge Arthur / and this knyght hadde a fayre horne harneft with gold / and the horne had fuche a vertue that there myght no lady ne gentilwoman drynke of that 25 horne / but yf fhe were true to her hufband / And yf fhe were fals fhe fhold fpylle alle the drynke / And yf fhe were true to her lord fhe myght drynke peafyble / and by caufe of the quene Gueneuer and in defpyte of fire Launcelot this horne was fente vnto kynge Arthur / and by force fire Lamorak ma30 de that knyghte to telle alle the caufe why he bare that horne / ([ Now fhalte thou bere this horn fayd Lamorak vnto kyng Marke or els chefe thou to dye for it / For I telle the playnly in defpyte and repreef of fire Triftrams thou fhalte bere that horne vnto kynge Marke his vnkel / and fay thou to hym that [leaf I62 verso] Zook viiL] [ 325 ] [Cbap. rriv. I fent hit hym for to affay his lady / ( And yf fhe be true to hym he fhal preue her / Soo the knyghte wente his waye vnto kynge Marke and broughte hym that ryche horne / and fayd that fir Lamorak fente hit hym/ and there to he told hym the vertue of that home ([ Thenne the kynge maade s Quene Ifoud to drynke therof / and an honderd ladyes / and there were but four ladyes of alle tho that dranke clene / ([ Alias faide kynge Marke this is a grete defpyte / and fware a grete othe / that Ihe Ihold be brente and the other ladyes / ([ Thenne the Barons gadred them to gyder and faid playn- Io ly they wold not haue tho ladyes brente for an home maade by forcery that came from as fals a forcereffe and wytche as tho was lyuynge / For that horne dyd neuer good but caufed ftryf and debate / and alweyes in her dayes Ihe had ben an enemy to alle true louers / Soo there were many knyghtes made their a- 15 uowe / and euer they met with Morgan le fay that they wold fhewe her fhort curtofye / 4[ Alfo fir Triftram was paffynge wrothe that fire Lamorak fente that horne vnto kynge Marke for wel he knewe that hit was done in the defpyte of hym / And therfor he thoughte to quyte fire Lamorak / ([ Thenne 20 fyre Triftram vfed dayly and nyghtely to go to quene Ifoud whanne he myght / and euer fyre Andred his cofyn watched hym nyght and daye for to take hym with la Beale Ifoud / And foo vpon a nyght fyre Andred afpyed the houre and the tyme whan fir Tryftram wente to his lady / ([ Thenne fyre 25 Andred gate vnto hym twelue knyghtes / and at mydnyghte he fette vpon fire Triftram fecretely and fodenly / and there fire Triftram was take naked a bedde with la beale Ifoud / and thenne was he boud hande and foot / and foo was he kepte vntyl daye / ([ And thenne by the affent of kynge Marke and of 30 fyr Andred and of fomme of the Barons fyre Triftram was ledde vnto a chappel that ftode vpon the fee rockes there for to take his Iugement / and foo he was ledde bounden with fourty knyghtes / And whan fire Triftram fawe that there was none other boote / but nedes that he muft dye / thenne faid he fayr lor- 35 des remembre what I haue done for the Countreye of Cornewaile / and in what Ieopardy I haue ben in for the wele of you alle / For whan I fou3t for the truage of cornewaile with [leaf I63] L ij 00ook viff.] [ 326 ] [Cbap. Ir;v. fir Marhaus the good knyght / I was promyfed for to be better rewarded / whanne ye alle reffufed to take the bataille / therfore as ye be good gentyl knyghtes / fee me not thus fhamefully to dye / for it is fhame to alle knyghthode thus to fee me 5 dye / For I dare faye faid fire Triftram that I neuer met with no knyght but I was as good as he / or better / Fy vpon the faid fir Andred fals traitour that thou arte with thyn auaucynge / for alle thy booft thou fhalt dye this daye / O Andred Andred faid fir Triftram thou fholdeft be my kynnefman / and ro now thou art to me ful vnfrendely / but and there were no mo but thou and I / thou woldeft not putte me to deth / No faid fir Andred / and ther with he drewe his fwerd / and wold haue flayne hym / Whanne fir Triffram fawe hym make fuche countenaunce / he loked vpon bothe his handes that were faft boun15 den vnto two knyghtes / and fodenly he pulled them bothe to hym / and vnwraft his handes / and thenne he lepte vnto his cofyn fyr Andred and wrothe his fwerd oute of his handes / thenne he fmote fir Andred that he fylle to the erthe / and foo fir Triftram foughte tyl that he hadde kylled x knyghtes / So 20 thenne fir Triftram gate the chappell and kepte hit myghtely / thenne the crye was grete / and the peple drewe fafte vnto fire Andred moo than an honderd / whanne fir Triftram fawe the peple drawe vnto hym he remembryd he was naked / & fperd faff the chappel dore and brake the barrys of a wyndowe / and 25 foo he lepte oute and fylle vpon the crackys in the fee / And fo at that tyme fir Andred nor none of his felawes myghte gete to hym at that tyme / IC apitulum gxgv Oo whanne they were departed / Gouernaile and fire Lambegus and fire Sentraille de lufhon that were fir 30 Triftrams men foughte their maifter / whanne they herd he was efcaped / thenne they were paffynge gladde / and on the rockes they fond hym / and with tuels they pulled hym vp / And thenne fire Triftram afked hem where was la beale Ifoud / for he wende fhe had ben had aweye of Andreds peple / 3S Syr faid Gouernaile fhe is put in a lazar cote ( Alias [leaf 163 verso] J3ook rvfff1 [ 327 ] [Cbap. rrv. faid fyre Tryftram this is a ful vngoodely place for fuche a fayre lady / And yf I maye fhe fhalle not be longe there / And foo he took his men and wente there as was la Beale Ifoud / and fette her aweye and broughte her in to a foreft to a fayre manoyre / and fire Triftram there abode with her / 5 Soo the good knyghte badde his men goo from hym / For att this tyme I maye not helpe you / foo they departed alle fauf Gouernaile / And foo vpon a daye fir Triftram yede in to the foreft for to difporte hym / and thenne hit happend / that there he felle on flepe / And there came a man that fire Triftram a- Io fore hand had flayne his broder / And whan this man hadde foud hym he fhotte hym thorou the fholder with an arow / and fir Triftram lepte vp and kylled that man / And in the meane tyme it was told kynge Marke / how fir Triftram and la beale Ifoud were in that fame manoir / and as foone as euer he I5 myght thyder he came with many kny3tes to flee fir Triftram And whanne he came there / he fond hym gone / and there he took la beale Ifoud home with hym / and kepte her ftrayte that by no meane neuer fhe myght wete nor fende vnto Tryftram nor he vnto her / And thenne whanne fyre Triftram came to- 20 ward the old manoir / he fond the trak of many horfes / and ther by he wifte his lady was gone / And thenne fir Triftram took grete forou / and endured with grete payne long tyme / for the arowe that he was hurte with al was enuenymed / Thenne by the meane of la Beale Ifoud fhe told a lady that 25 was cofyn vnto dame Bragwayne / and fhe came to fir Triftram and told hym that he myght not be hole by no meanes / For thy lady la beale Ifoud maye not helpe the / therfor fhe byddeth you hafte in to Bretayne to kynge Howel/ and there ye fhal fynde his dou3ter Ifoud le blaunche maynys / and fhe Ihal 30 helpe the / Thenne fir triftram and gouernaile gat them fhyppyng / and foo failed in to Bretayne / And whan kynge Howel wift that it was fir triftram / he was ful gladde of hym / Syre he faid I am comen in to this countrey to haue help of your doughter / For hit is tolde me / that there is none other may hele 3 me but fhe / and foo within a whyle fhe heled hym/ [leaf 164],' t i;; :Book Vofi.] [ 328 ] [Cbap. rnLi. II Capitulum mXyvj Here was an Erle that hyghte Gryp / And this Erie maade grete werre vpon the kynge / and putte the kynge to the werfe / and byfeged hym / And on a tyme fyre kehydyus that was fone to kynge Howel / as he yffued 5 oute / he was fore wounded nyghe to the dethe / ( Thenne Gouernaile wente to the kynge and faid / fyre I counceyle you to defyre my lord fyre Triftram as in your nede to helpe you / I wille doo by your counceylle faid the kynge / and foo he yede vnto fyr Tryftram and praid hym in his warIo ris to helpe hym / for my fone kehydyus may not goo in to the felde C Sire faid fir Triftram I wille goo to the feld and doo what I maye / Thenne fir Triftram yffued out of the towne with fuche felaufhip as he myght make / and dyd fuche dedes that alle Bretayne fpake of hym / And thene at the laft I5 by grete myghte and force he flewe the Erle Gryp with his owne handes / and moo than an honderd knyghtes he flewe that daye / And thenne fire Triftram was receyued worfhipfully with proceffion IJ Thenne kynge Howel enbraced hym in his armes/ and faid fire Triftram alle my kyng20 dome I wille refygne to the / God defende faid fir Triftram / For I am beholden vnto you for youre doughters fake to doo for you / ( Thenne by the grete meanes of kynge Howel & kehydyus his fone by grete profers there grewe grete loue betwixe Ifoud and fire Tryftram / for that lady was 25 bothe good and fayre / and a woman of noble blood & fame ( And for by caufe fir Triftram had fuche chere and Rycheffe and alle other plefaunce that he hadde/ all mooft he hadde forfaken la beale Ifoud / And foo vpon a tyme fir Tryftram agreed to wedde Ifoud la blaunche maynys / And at the lafte 30 they were wedded / and folempnly held theyr maryage / And foo whanne they were abedde bothe / fire Triftram remembryd hym of his old lady la beale Ifoud / And thenne he toke fuche a thought fodenly that he was alle defmayed / and other chere..maade he none but with clyppynge and kyffynge as for 35 other fleffhly luftes fire Tryftram neuer thoughte nor hadde adoo with her / fuche mencyon maketh the frenffhe booke eaf 164 verso] \ Book viii.] [ 329 ] [Cbap. Irrvif. Alfo it maketh mencyon that the lady wende there had ben no pleafyr but kyffynge and clyppynge / ( And in the meane tyme there was a knyght in Bretayne his name was Suppynabyles / and he came ouer the fee in to Englond / And thenne he came in to the court of kynge Arthur / and he met with 5 fir Launcelot du lake / and told hym of the maryage of fyre Triftram / Thenne faid fire Launcelot / Fy vpon hym vntrue knyghte to his lady that foo noble a knyghte as fir Tryftram is fhold be foude to his fyrft lady fals/ la beale Ifoud / quene of Cornewaile / But faye ye hym this/ faid fire Launcelot that io of alle knyghtes in the world I loued hym mooft / and had mooft ioye of hym / and alle was for his noble dedes / and lete hym wete the loue bitwene hym and me is done for euer / And that I gyue hym warnyng from this daye forth as his mortal enemy 15 C Capitulum xxxvij Henne departed fyr Suppynabyles vnto Bretayne ageyne / and there he fond fir Triftram / and told hym / that he had ben in kynge Arthurs courte / Thenne faid fir Triftram herd ye ony thynge of me / Soo god me help faide fyre Suppynabyles / there I herd fire Launcelot fpeke of you gre- 20 te fhame / and that ye be a fals knyght to your lady / and he bad me doo you to wete that he wille be your mortal enemy in euery place where he may mete you / That me repenteth faid Triftram / for of alle knyghtes I loued to be in his felaufhip / Soo fyre Triftram made grete mone and was afhamed that noble 25 knyghtes fhold deffame hym for the fake of his lady / And in this meane whyle la beale Ifoud maade a letter vnto Quene Gueneuer complaynyng her of the vntrouthe of fir Triftram and how he hadde wedded the kynges doughter of Bretayne / Quene Gueneuer fente her another letter / and badde her be of 30 good chere / for Ihe fhold haue Ioye after forou / for fire triftram was fo noble a kny3t called / that by craftes of forcery ladyes wolde make fuche noble men to wedde them / but in the ende Quene Gueneuer faid hit fhal be thus / that he fhalle hate her / and loue you better than euer he dyd to fore ([ So leue 35 [leaf 165] t iiij 0oo0k vif.] [ 330 ] [Cbap. Mtvif. we fire Tryftram in Bretayne and fpeke we of fire Lamerak de galys / that as he fayled his ihyp felle on a rok and peryffhed all / faue fire Lamerak and his fquyer / and there he fwam myghtely / and fyffhers of the yle of feruage toke hym vp and 5 his fquyer was drouned / and the fhip men had grete laboure to faue fire Lamoraks lyf / for alle the comfort that coude doo / and the lord of that yle hyght fyre Nabon le noyre a grete myghty gyaunt / And this fir Nabon hated alle the knyghtes of kynge Arthurs / and in no wyfe he wold doo hem faxo uoure / And thefe fyffhers told fir Lamorak alle the gyfe of fyre Nabon / how there came neuer knyghte of kynge Arthurs but he deftroyed hym / And atte laft bataille that he dyd was flayne fyr Nanowne le petyte / the which he put to a fhameful dethe in defpyte of kynge Arthur / for he was drawen lymme I5 meale / That forthynketh me faid fir Lamerak for that knyghtes dethe / for he was my cofyn / And yf I were at myn eafe as wel as euer I was I wold reuenge his dethe / Pees fayd the fyffhers and make here no wordes / for or euer ye departe from hens fyre Nabon muff knowe that ye haue ben here / or 20 els we fhold dye for your fake / So that I be hole faid Lamorak of my difeafe / that I haue taken in the fee / I wille that ye telle hym that I am a kny3t of kynge Arthurs / for I was neuer aferd to reneye my lord / C Capitulum XgXviii Ow tourne we vnto fire Tryftram that vpon a daye he 25 1 took a lytel Barget and his wyf Ifoud la blauche maynys with fire kay hedyus her broder to playe hem in the cofftes / And whan they were from the land / there was a wynde drofe hem in to the cofte of walys vpon this yle of feruage / where as was fyre Lamorak and there the Barget all to rofe 30 and there dame Ifoud was hurte / and as wel as they my3te they gate in to the foreft / and there by a welle he fawe Segwarydes and a damoyfel / And thenne eyther falewed other / fyre fayde Segwarydes I knowe you for fire Triftram de Lyones the man in the world that I haue mooft caufe to hate by caufe [leaf I65 verso] 3ook vift.] [ 33I ] [Cbap. vrrtii. ye departed the loue bitwene me and my wyf / but as for that fayd Segwarydes I wil neuer hate a noble kny3t for a ly3t lady / And therfore I pray you be my frende and I wille be yours vnto my power / for wete ye wel / ye are hard beftad in this valey / and we fhalle haue ynough to doo eyther of vs to 5 focoure other / And thenne fir Segwarydes brought fir Tryftram to a lady there by that was borne in Cornewaile / and fhe told hym alle the peryls of that valey / and how ther cam neuer knyght there but he were taken pryfoner or flayne / wete you wel fair lady faid fir Tryftram that I flewe fire Marhaus io and delyuerd Cornewaile from the truage of Irland / And I am he that delyuerd the kynge of Irlande from fire Blamor de ganys / and I am he that bete fire Palamydes / and wete ye wel I am fire Tryftram de lyones that by the grace of god fhalle delyuer this woful yle of feruage / So fir Triftram 5I was wel eafed / thenne one told hym there was a knyghte of kyng Arthur t had wrackyd on the rockes / what is his name faid fir Triftram / we wote not faid the fyffhers but he kepeth it no counceil but that he is a knyghte of Kynge Arthurs / and by the myghty lord of this yle he fetteth nought by / I praye 20 you faid fir Tdeftram and ye maye brynge hym hyder that I maye fee hym / And yf he be ony of the Knyghtes of Arthurs I fhalle knowe hym / Thenne the lady prayed the fyffhers to brynge hym to her place / Soo on the morowe they brou3t hym thyder in a fyffhers rayment / And as foone as fire Triftram 25 fawe hym he fmyled vpon hym and knewe hym wel / but he knewe not fir Triftram / Fair fir faide fire Triftram me femeth by your chere ye haue ben difeafed but late / and alfo me thynketh I fhold knowe you here to fore / I wille wel faid fir Lamorak that ye haue fene me and mette with me / Fair fir faide 30 fir triftram telle me your name / vpon a couenaunt I wil telle you faid fir Lamorak / that is / that ye wil telle me whether ye be lord of this Iland or noo that is called Nabon le noyre / For fothe faid fir triftram I am not he nor I hold not of hym I am his foo as wel as ye be / and foo fhal I be foude or I de- 35 parte out of this yle / Wel faid fir Lamorak fyn ye haue faide foo largely vnto me / My name is fire Lamorak de galis fone vnto kynge Pellinore / forfothe I trowe wel faid fir triftram / [leaf i66] sBook vii.] [ 332 ] [Cbap. Irfr. for and ye faid other / I knowe the contrary / What are ye faid fyre Lamorak that knoweth me / I am fir Tryftram de lyones / A fyre remembre ye not of the falle ye dyd yeue me ones / and after ye refufed me to fyghte on foot / that was not 5 for fere I had of you faid fire Triftram / but me fhamed att that tyme to haue more a doo with you / for me femed ye hadde ynough / but fire Lamorack for my kyndenes many ladyes ye putte to a repreef / whan ye fente the horne from Morgan le fay to kynge Marke where as ye dyd this in defpyte of me / Well io faid he / and it were to doo ageyne / foo wold I doo / for I had leuer ftryf and debate felle in kyng Marks courte rather than Arthurs courte / for the honour of bothe courtes be not y lyke As to that faid fir Triftram I knowe wel / ( But that that was done it was for defpyte of me / but alle youre malyce I I5 thanke god hurte not gretely / Therfor faid fir Triftram ye fhal leue alle your malyce / and foo wille I and lete vs affay hou we may wynne worfhip bitwene you and me vpon this gyaunt fir Nabon le noyre / that is lord of this Iland to deftroye hym / Sir faid fir Lamorak now I vnderftande your knyght20 hode / it maye not be fals that alle men faye / for of your bounte nobles and worfhip of alle knyghtes ye are pyerles / And for your curtofy and gentilnes I fhewed you vngentilneffe / & that now me repenteth C ~apitulum Xgggi N the meane tyme there cam word that fir Nabon had 25 made a crye that alle the peple of that yle fhold be at his caftel the fyfthe day after / C( And the fame daye the fone of Nabon ihold be made knyghte / and alle the knyghtes of that valey and there about fhold be there to Iufte and all tho of the Royamme of Logrys fhold be there to Iufte with them 30 of Northwalys / and thyder came fyue honderd knyghtes / and they of the countrey brought thyder fyre Lamorak and fir Triftram and fyre kehydyus and fire Segwarides / for they durft none other wyfe doo / and thenne fir Nabon lent fire Lamorak hors and armour at fire Lamoraks defyre / and fire Lamorak 35 Iufted and dyd fuche dedes of armes that Nabon and all the [leaf I66 verso] -vs oo0k rfii.l] [ 333 ] [Cbap. jrftr. peple faid there was neuer kny3t that euer they fawe do fuche dedes of armes / for as the Frenffhe book faith he foriufted alle that were there for the mooft party of fyue honderd knyghtes that none abode hym in his fadel Thenne fir Nabon profered to playe with hym his playe / for I fawe neuer no knyghte doo s foo muche vpon a daye / I wille wel faid fire Lamorak playe as I may but I am wery and fore bryfed / and there eyther gate a fpere / but Nabon wold not encountre with fire Lamorak / but fmote his hors in the forhede and foo flewe hym / and thenne fire Lamorak yede on foote and torned his fhelde and Io drewe his fwerd / and there beganne ftronge bataill on foote / But fir Lamorak was fo fore bryfed and fhorte brethed that he tracyd and trauercyd fomwhat abak / Fair felawe faid fyre Nabon hold thy hand and I fhalle fhewe the more curtofye / than euer I fhewed knyght by caufe I haue fene this daye thy 15 noble knyghthode / And therfore ftand thou by and I wil wete whether ony of thy felawes wille haue adoo with me / Thenne whan fir Triftram herd that / he ftepte forth and and faid Nabon lende me hors and fure armour and I wille haue adoo with the Wel felawe faid fir Nabon goo thou to yonder pauelione and 20 arme the of the beft thou fyndeft there / and I fhalle playe a merueillous playe with the / Thenne faid fire Triftram loke ye playe wel or els peraduentur I fhalle lerne you a newe play that is wel faid felawe faid fir Nabon / So whan fir Triftram was armed as hym lyked beft and wel fhelded and fwerded / 25 he dreffid to hym on foote / For wel he knewe fyr Nabon wold not abyde a ftroke with a fpere / therfore he wold flee alle knyghtes horfes / Now fair felawe faid fir Nabon lete vs playe / Soo thenne they foughte longe on foote tracynge and trauercynge fmytynge and foynynge longe withoute ony reft / Atte 30 laft fir Nabon praid hym to telle hym his name / Syre Nabon I telle the my name is fir Triftram de lyones a kny3t of Cornewail vnder kynge Marke / thou art welcome faid fir nabon / for of alle knyghtes I haue mooft defyred to fyghte with the or with fir Launcelot / Soo thenne they wente egerly to gyders 35 and fire triftram flewe fire nabon / and foo forth with he lepte to his fone / and ftrake of his hede / and thenne al the countrey fayde / they wold holde of fire Triftram / nay faide fire Triftram [leaf 167] 3Boo00k vi.] [ 334 ] [Cbap. rl. I wille not foo / here is a worfhipfull knyght fir Lamorak de galys that for me he Ihalle be lord of this countreye / for he hath done here grete dedes of armes / nay faid fir Lamorak I wil not be lord of this countrey / for I haue not deferued it as wel 5 as ye / therfore gyue ye hit where ye wille for I will none haue / Wel faide fire Triftram fyn ye nor I wille not haue hit/ lete vs yeue hit to hym that hath not fo wel deferued hit / Doo as ye lyft faid Segwarydes / for the yefte is yours for I wil none haue and I had deferued hit / Soo was it yeuen to fegIo warydes wherof he thanked hem / and foo was he lord / & worfhipfully he dyd gouerne hit / And thenne fir Segwarydes delyuerd alle pryfoners and fette good gouernaunce in that valey / and foo he torned in to Cornewaile / and told kynge Mark and la beale Ifoud how fir Triftram had auaunced 15 hym to the yle of feruage / and there he proclamed in al Cornewaile of alle the aduentures of thefe two knyghtes / fo was hit openly knowen / But ful wo was la Beale Ifoud when ffhe herde telle that fire Triftram was wedded to Ifoud la blaunche maynys C Capitulum gI 20 Oo torne we vnto fir Lamorak that rode toward Arthurs courte / and fire Triftrams wyf and Kehydyus took a veffel and failed in to Bretayne vnto kynge Howel where he was welcome / And whan he herd of thefe aduetures they merueilled of his noble dedes / Now torne we vnto fir La25 morak that whan he was departed from fire Triftram / he rode oute of the foreft tyll he came to an hermytage / whan the heremyte fawe hym / he afked hym from whens he came / fir faid fir Lamorak I come fro this valey / fir faid the hermyte therof I merueille / For this xx wynter I fawe neuer no knyght paffe 30 this countrey / but he was other flayne or vylaynoufly wounded or paffe as a poure pryfoner / Tho ylle cuftoms faid fir lamorak are fordone / for fir Triftram flewe your lord fir Nabon and his fone / thenne was the heremyte gladde and all his bretheren / for he faid ther was neuer fuche a tyraunt among cry35 ften men / And therfor faid the hermyte this valey and frauceis [leaf I67 verso] 3Book viii.] [ 335 ] [~bap. rt. we wille holde of fire Triftram / Soo on the morowe fir Lamorak departed / And as he rode he fawe four knyghtes fyghte ageynft one / and that one knyght defended hym wel but atte laft the four knyghtes had hym doune / And thenne fir Lamorak wente betwixe them / and afked them why they wold flee 5 that one knyght / and faid hit was fhame four ageynft one/ Thou fhalt wel wete faid the four knyghtes that he is fals/ that is youre tale faid fir Lamorak / And whanne I here hym alfo fpeke / I wille fay as ye faye / ( Thenne faid Lamorak / a knyght can ye not excufe you / but that ye are a fals knyghte / Io Syr faid he yet can I excufe me both with my word & with my handes / that I wille make good vpon one of the beft of them my body to his body / ( Thenne fpake they al attones / we wil not Ieopardy our bodyes as for the / But wete thou wel they faide and kynge Arthur were here hym felf it fhold not lye in 15 his power to faue his lyf / That is to moche faid / faid fire Lamorak / but many fpeke behynde a man more than they wylle faye to his face / And by caufe of your wordes ye fhalle vnderftande that I am one of the fympleft of kynge Arthurs courte / in the worfhip of my lord now doo your beft / and in defpy- 20 te of you I fhalle refcowe hym / And thenne they laffhed alle at ones to fir Lamorak / but anone at two ftrokes fyre Lamorak had flayne two of them / and thenne the other two fledde IJ Soo thenne fire Lamorak torned ageyne to that knyghte / & afked hym his name / fyre he fayde my name is fire Frolle of 25 the oute Iles / thenne he rode with fire Lamorak and bare hym company / And as they rode by the waye / they fawe a femely knyght rydynge ageynft them / and all in whyte / A faid Frol yonder knyght Iufted late with me and fmote me doune / therfore I wil Iufte with hym / ye fhal not doo foo faid fire Lamo- 30 rak by my counceil / and ye wille telle me your quarel whether ye Iufted at his requeft / or he at yours / Nay faid fir Frol / I Iufted with hym at my requeft / Syr faid Lamorak / thene wil I couceile you dele no more with hym / for me femeth by his countenaunce he fhold be a noble knyght / and no Iaper / for me 35 thynketh / he fhold be of the table round / therfor I wil not fpare faid fir Frol / and thenne he cryed and faid / fir kny3t make [leaf 168] Zook vff.] [ 336 ] [ebap. Of. the redy to Iuft / That nedeth not faid the whyte knyghte / For I haue no lufte to Iufte with the / but yet they feutryd theyr fperes / and the whyte knyghte ouerthrewe fire Frol / and thene he rode his waye a fofte paas / Thenne fir Lamorak rode af5 ter hym / and praid hym to telle hym his name / for me femeth ye fhold be of the felaufhip of the round table / Vpon a couenaunt faid he I wille telle you my name / foo that ye wylle not difcouer my name / and alfo that ye wille telle me yours / Thenne faid he my name is fir Lamorak de galys / And my io name is fir Launcelot du lake / thenne they putte vp their fuerdes / and kyffed hertely to gyders / and eyder made grete Ioye of other / Syr faid fir Lamorak and hit pleafe you I wyll do you feruyfe / God defende faid Launcelot that ony of foo noble a blood as ye be fhold doo me feruyfe / Thenne he faide more I 15 am in a queft that I muff doo my felf alone / Now god fpede you faid fir Lamorak / and fo they departed / Thenne fir Lamorak came to fir Frol and horfed hym ageyne / what knyght is that faid fir Frol / fir he faid it is not for you to knowe nor it is no poynte of my charge / ye are the more vncurteis faide fire 20 Frol / and therfore I wille departe fro yow / ye may doo as ye lyft faid fir Lamorak / and yet by my company ye haue faued the fayreft floure of your garland / foo they departed C ~apitulum lij Henne within two or thre dayes fyr Lamorak fond a knyghte at a welle flepynge / and his lady fate with 25 hym and waked / Ryght fo came fir Gawayne and toke the knyghtes lady / and fette her vp behynde his fquyer / Soo fyre Lamorak rode after fyre Gawayne / and faid fire Gawayne / tome ageyne / And thenne faid fir Gawayne what wylle ye do with me / for I am neuewe vnto kyng Arthur / fyre faid he for 30 that caufe I wil fpare you / els that lady fhold abyde wyth me / or els ye fhold Iufte with me / Thenne fire Gawayne torned hym and ranne to hym that ought the lady with his fpere / but the knyght with pure myght fmote doune fyre Gawayne / and took his lady with hym / Alle this fir Lamorak faw 35 and faid to hym felf / but I reuenge my felawe / he will fay of [leaf I68 verso] :jootk vti] [ 337 ] [C:bap. rItL me difhonour in kynge Arthurs courte / Thenne fire Lamorak retorned and profered that knyght to Iufte / Syr faid he I am redy / and there they came to gyders with alle their myght / and there fir Lamorak fmote the knyght thorou both fydes / that he fylle to the erthe dede / thenne that lady rode to that knyghtes 5 broder that hyght Belliauce le orgulus / that duelled faft ther by / and thenne Ihe told hym how his broder was flayne / Alias faid he I wille be reuengyd / and foo he horfed hym / & armed hym / and within a whyle he ouertook fyre Lamorak / and badde hym torne and leue that lady / for thou and I muft Io playe a newe playe / for thou haft flayne my broder fyre Froll that was a better knyghte than euer were thou / It myghte wel be faid fir Lamorak / but this day in the felde I was foud the better / Soo they rode to gyder / and vnhorfed other / & torned their fheldes / and drewe their fwerdes / and foughte myghtely '5 as noble knyghtes preued by the fpace of two houres / So thene fir Bellyaunce prayed hym to telle hym his name / Syr faid he my name is fire Lamorak de galys / A faid fyr Bellyaunce / thou arte the man in the world that I mooft hate / for I flewe my fones for thy fake / where I faued thy lyf/ and o2 now thou haft flayne my broder fyr Frol / Alias how Ihold I be accorded with the / therfore defende the / for thou fhalt dye ther is none other remedy / ([ Alias faid fir Lamorak ful wel me ought to knowe you / for ye are the man that mooft haue done for me / And there with alle fire Lamorak knelyd doune / and 25 bifought hym of grace / Aryfe faid fir Bellyaunce / or els there as thou kneleft I fhalle flee the / That fhal not nede faide fire Lamorak / for I wyl yelde me vnto you / not for fere of yow / nor for your ftrengthe / but your goodenes maketh me ful loth to haue adoo with you / wherfore I requyre you for goddes fa- 30 ke / and for the honour of knyghthode forgyue me al that I haue offended vnto you / Alias faid Belleaunce leue thy knelynge or els I Ihal flee the withoute mercy / Thenne they yede ageyne vnto batail / and either wounded other that al the ground was blody there as they foughte / And at the lafte Bel- 35 leaunce withdrewe hym abak and fette hym doune foftely vpon a lytil hylle/ for he was fo faynte for bledyng that he myght not ftande / Thenne fir lamorak threwe his fhelde vpon his [leaf 169] Y 3ook fr.] [ 338 ] [Cbap. f. bak / and afked hym what chere / wel faid fyr Belliaunce / A fyr yet fhalle I fhewe you faueour in your male eafe / A knyght fyr Belliaunce faid fyr Lamorak thou arte a foole / for and I had had the at fuche auauntage as thou haft done me 5 I fhold flee the / but thy gentylnes is fo good and fo large / that I muft nedes forgyue the myn euylle wille / And thenne fire Lamorak knelyd adoune / and vnlaced fyrft his vmberere / and thenne his owne / and thenne eyther kyffed other with wepynge teres / Thenne fire Lamerak ledde fir Belliauce to to an Abbay faft by / and there fire Lamorak wold not departe from Bellyaunce tyl he was hole / And thenne they fware to gyders that none of hem fhold neuer fyghte ageynft other / So fyre Lamorak departed and wente to the courte of kynge Arthur / (C bere leue we of ifre ~amorak anb of fir ittftram C Znb bere beornnetb tbe bfftorre of La cote male taple CI apitulum primum 5 I ~ T the Courte of kynge Arthur there cam a yonge man and bygly made / and he was rychely byfene/ and he defyred to be made knyghte of the kyng but his ouer garmet fat ouerthwartly / how be hit / hit was ryche clothe of gold / 20 ( What is your name faid kynge Arthur / Syre faide he / my name is Breunor le noyre / and -within fhorte fpace ye fhalle knowe that I am of good kyn / It maye wel be faid fir kay the Senefchal / but in mockage ye fhalle be called la cote male tayle / that is as moche to faye the euyl ihapen cote / Hit is a 25 grete thynge that thou afkeft faid the kyng / And for what caufe wereft thou that ryche cote / telle me / for I can wel thynke for fomme caufe hit is / Syre he anfuerd I had a fader a noble knyght / And as he rode on huntynge vpon a daye hit happed hym to leye hym doune flepe / And there came a knyght that 30 had ben longe his enemy / And whan he fawe he was faft on flepe / he alle to hewe hym / And this fame cote had my fader [leaf 169 verso] Bsook ir.] [ 339 ] [Cbap. i. on the fame tyme / and that maketh this cote to fytte foo evyll vpon me / for the ftrokes ben on hit as I fond hit / and neuer fhalle be amendyd for me / Thus to haue my faders dethe in remembraunce I were this cote tyl I be reuengyd / and by caufe ye are callyd the mooft nobleft kynge of the world I come to 5 you that ye fhold make me knyght / Sir faid fir Lamorak and fir Gaherys / hit were wel done to make hym knyght / for hym befemeth wel of perfone / and of countenaunce / that he fhall preue a good man and a good knyght / and a myghty for fire and ye be remembryd euen fuche one was fire launcelot du lake / Io whanne he came fyrfte in to this Courte / and full fewe of vs knewe from whens he came/ and now is he preued the man of mooft worfhip in the world/ and all your courte and alle your Round table is by fire launcelot worfhipped and amended more than by ony knyghte now lyuynge / that is trouthe faide 15 the kynge / and to morou att your requeft I fhalle make hym knyght C So on the morou there was an herte founden / and thyder rode kynge Arthur with a company of his knyghtes to flee the herte / And this yonge man that fire kay named la cote male tayle was there lefte behynd with Quene 20 Gueneuer / and by fodeyne aduenture ther was an horryble lyon kepte in a ftronge Toure of ftone and it happend that he at that tyme brake loos / and came hurlynge afore the Quene & her knyghtes ([ And whanne the Quene fawe the lyon / fhe cryed and fledde / and praide her knyghtes to refcowe 25 her / And there was none of hem alle but twelue that abode / and alle the other fledde/ (I Thenne faide La cote male tayle Now I fee wel that alle coward knyghtes ben not dede / and there with alle he drewe his fwerd / and dreffid hym afore the lyon / and that lyon gaped wyde and came vpon hym raump- 30 pynge to haue flayne hym / And he thenne fmote hym in the mydde of the hede fuche a myghty ftroke / that it clafe his hede in fonder / and daffhed to the erthe / ([ Thenne was hit tolde the Quene how the yonge man that fire kay named by fcorne La cote male tayle hadde flayne the lyon / With that the kyng 35 came home / ( And whanne the Quene tolde hym of that aduenture / he was wel pleafed / and faid / vpon payne of myn hede he fhalle preue a noble man and a feythful Knyghte [leaf 170] u s:ook ft.] [ 340 ] [Cbap. if. and true of his promyfe / thenne the kynge forth with al made hym knyght / Now fire faid this yonge knyght I requyre you and alle the knyghtes of youre courte / that ye calle me by none other name but la cote male tayle / in foo moche that 5 fyr kay hath foo named me / foo wille I be called / I affente me wel therto faid the kynge C Capitulum fecunbum Henne that fame daye there came a damoyfel in to the courte / and fhe brought with her a grete black fhelde / with a whyte hand in the myddes holdynge a fwerd io Other pyctour was there none in that Ihelde / whan kyng Arthur fawe her / he afked her from whens Ihe came / and what fhe wold / Syr Ihe faid I haue ryden longe and many a day with this fheld many wayes / and for this caufe I am come to your courte / There was a good knyght that ought this fheld / & 15 this knyght had vndertake a grete dede of armes to enchieue hit / and foo it myffortuned hym / another ftronge knyght met with hym by fodeyne aduenture / and there they fought longe / & eyther wounded other paffynge fore / and they were foo wery / that they lefte that bataille euen hand / Soo this knyghte that 20 ought this fhelde fawe none other way but he muft dye / & thene he commaunded me to bere this fhelde to the Courte of kynge Arthur / he requyrynge and prayenge fomme good kny3t to take this fhelde / and that he wold fulfylle the queft that he was in / Now what faye ye to this queft faid kynge Arthur / 25 Is there ony of you here that wille take vpon hym to welde this fhelde / ( Thenne was there not one that wold fpeke one word / thenne fir kay took the fhelde in his handes / Sire kny3t faid the damoyfel what is your name / Wete ye 'wel faid he my name is fir kay the fenefchal that wyde where is knowen / 30 Syre faid that damoyfel laye doune that fhelde / for wete ye wel it falleth not for you / for he muft be a better kny3t than ye / that fhalle welde this fhelde / damoyfel fayd fyr kay wete ye wel I toke this fheld in my handes by youre leue / for to behold it [leaf 70 verso] 3BooTk ir.] [ 34I ] [Cbap. iff. not to that entent / but goo where fomeuer thou wilt / for I will not go with you / Thenne the damoyfel ftode ftylle a grete whyle / and byheld many of tho knyghtes / Thenne fpak the knyght La cote male tayle / fayre damoyfel I wille take the fhelde and that aduenture vpon me / foo I wyft I fhold knowe / 5 wheder ward my iourney myght be / for by caufe I was thys daye made knyght I wold take this aduenture vpon me / What is your name fayre yonge man faid the damoyfel / My name is faid he la cote male tayle / wel mayft thou be called fo faid the damoyfel / the kny3t with the euylle fhapen cote / but & Io thou be foo hardy to take vpon the to bere that fhelde and to folowe me / wete thou wel / thy fkyn fhalle be as wel hewen as thy cote / As for that faid la cote male tayle whan I am foo hewen I wille afke you no falue to hele me with alle / And forth with all ther came in to the Court two fquyers & brou3t 15 hym grete horfes and his armour and his fperes / and anone he was armed and tooke his leue / (I I wold not by my will faid the kynge that ye took vpon you that hard aduenture / fir faid he / this aduenture is myn / and the fyrft that euer I took vpon me / and that wille I folowe what fomeuer come of me 20 [ Thenne that damoyfel departed / and la cote male tayle faft folowed after / And within a whyle he ouertook the damoyfell and anone fhe myffaid hym in the fowleft maner I Capftulum Zercium/ Henne fire kay ordeyned fir dagonet / kynge Arthurs foole to folowe after la cote male taile / and there fir 25 kay ordeyned that fir Dagonet was horfed and armed and bad hym folowe la cote male taile / and profer hym to Iufte and foo he dyd / and whan he fawe la cote male tayle he cryed and badde hym make hym redy to Iufte / Soo fir la cote male tayle fmote fir Dagonet ouer his hors croupe / Thenne the 30 damoyfel mocked la cote male tayle / and faid fy for fhame / now art thou fhamed in Arthurs courte / whan they fende a foole to haue adoo with the / and fpecially at thy fyrft Iuftes / thus fhe rode longe and chyde / I And within a whyle there [leaf 171] u ij 00oo ir.] [ 342 ] [Cbap. iMi. came fir Bleoberys the good knyght / and there he Iufted with la cote male tayle / and there fyre Bleoberys fmote hym fo fore that hors and alle felle to the erth / Thenne la cote male tayle arofe vp lyghtely and dreffid his iheld / and drewe his fuerd 5 and wold haue done bataill to the vtterauce / for he was wode wrothe / Not foo faid Bleoberys de ganys / as at this tyme I wille not fyghte vpon foote / Thenne the damoyfel Maledyfaut rebuked hym in the fouleft maner / and badde hym torne ayene coward / A damoyfel he faid I pray you of mercy to myffay 10 me no more / my gryef is ynough though ye gyue me no more / I calle my felf neuer the wers knyght / whan a marys fone fayleth me / and alfo I compte me neuer the wers knyght for a falle of fir Bleoberys / Soo thus he rode with her two dayes / and by fortune there came fir Palomydes and encountred with 15 hym / and he in the fame wyfe ferued hym as dyd Bleoberys to fore hand / ([ What dofft thou here in my felaufhip faide the damoyfel maledyfaunt / thou canfft not fytte no knyghte / nor withffande hym one buffet / but yf hit were fir dagonet / A fair damoyfel I am not the wers to take a falle of fire Palamy20 des / and yet grete difworfhip haue I none / for neyder Bleoberys nor yet palamydes wold not fyghte with me on foote/ As for that faid the damoyfel wete thou wel they haue defdayne and fcorne to lyghte of their horfes to fyghte with fuche a lewde knyght as thou arte / Soo in the meane whyle ther cam 25 fir Mordred / fir Gawayns broder / and foo he felle in the felaufhip with the damoyfel maledyfaunt / And thenne they came afore the caffel Orgulous / and there was fuche a cuftomme that there myght no knyght come by that caftel / but outher he mufft Iuffe or be pryfoner / or at the left to lefe his hors and his har30 neis / and there came oute two knyghtes ageynff them / and fir Mordred Iufted with the formeft / and that knyght of the caftel fmote fire Mordred doune of his hors / and thenne Ia cote male tayle Iufted with that other / and eyther of hem fmote other doune hors and alle to the erthe / And whanne they auoy35 ded their horfes / thenne eyther of hem took others horfes / [ And thenne la cote male tayle rode vnto that knyght that fmote doune fire Mordred and Iufted with hym / And there fyre La cote male tayle hurte & wounded hym paffynge fore [leaf 171 verso] rsook fi.] [ 343 ] [Cbap. iv. and putte hym from his hors as he had ben dede / So he torned vnto hym that mette hym afore / and he took the flyght toward the caftel / and fire la cote male tayle rode after hym in to the Caftel Orgulous / and there la cote male tayle flewe hym CI Capitulum ffii Nd anone there came an honderd kny3tes about hym 5 and affaylled hym / and whan he fawe his hors fhold be flayne / he alyghte and voyded his hors / & putte the brydel vnder his feete / and fo put hym out of the gate / And whan he had foo done / he hurled in amonge hem / and dreffid his bak vnto a ladyes chamber walle/ thynkynge hym felf that he had leuer io dye there with worfhip / than to abyde the rebukes of the damoifel Maledyfaunt / And in the meane tyme as he ftood & fou3t that lady whos was the chamber wente out flyly at her pofterne / and without the gates fhe fond la cote male tayles hors and lyghtly fhe gate hym by the brydel / and teyed hym to the 15 pofterne / And thenne fhe wente vnto her chambre flyly ageyn for to behold hou that one knyght fought ageynft an honderd knyghtes / And whan fhe had behold hym longe / fhe wente to a wyndowe behynde his bak / and faid thou knyght thou fyghteft wonderly wel / but for alle that at the laft thou muff ne- 20 des dye / But and thou canft thorou thy my3ty proweffe wynne vnto yonder pofterne / for there I haue fartned thy hors to abyde the / but wete thou wel thou muft thynke on thy worfhip / & thynke not to dye / for thou maifte not wynne vnto that pofterne without thou doo nobly and myghtly / Whan la cote 25 male tayle herd her faye fo / he gryped his fwerd in his handes and put his fheld fayre afore hym / & thorou the thyckeft prees he thrulled thorou them / And whan he came to the pofterne he fond there redy four knyghtes / and at two the fyrit ftrokes he flewe two of the knyghtes / & the other fledde / & foo he wanne 30 his hors and rode from them / and alle as it was it was reherced in kynge Arthurs courte / hou he flewe twelue knyghtes within the cartel Orgulous / and fo he rode on his waye / And in the meane whyle the damoyfel faid to fir Mordred I wene my foolyffhe kny3t be outher flayn or take pryfoner / thene we- 35 re they ware where he came rydyng / And whan he was come [leaf 172] U iij :ook ir.J [ 344 ] [Cbap. iv. to them / he told alle how he hadde fpedde / and efcaped in defpyte of them alle / and fomme of the beft of hem wille telle no tales / Thou lyeft falfly faide the damoyfel / that dare I make good / but as a foole and a daftard to alle knyghthode / they ha5 ue lete the paffe / that may ye preue faid La cote male tayle / With that fhe fente a currour of hers that rode alweye with her for to knowe the trouthe of this dede / and foo he rode thydder lyghtly / and afked how and in what maner that la cote male tayle was efcaped oute of the caftel / ( Thenne alle the Io knyghtes curfyd hym and faid that he was a fende and noo man / For he hath flayne here twelue of oure beft knyghtes / & we wende vnto this daye that hit ben to moche for fir laucelot du lake or for fire Triftram de lyones / And in defpyte of vs alle he is departed from vs and maulgre oure hedes / I5 ( With this anfuer the currour departed and came to Maledyfaunt his lady / and told her alle how fyr la cote male tayle had fpedde at the caftel Orgulous / Thenne fhe fmote doun her heed / and fayd lytel / By my hede faid fir Mordred to the damoyfel ye are gretely to blame fo to rebuke hym / for I war20 ne you playnly he is a good knyghte / and I doubte not / but he fhalle preue a noble knyghte / but as yet he may not yet fytt fure on horfbak / for he that fhalle be a good horfman / hit muff come of vfage and excercyfe / But whan he cometh to the ftrokes of his fwerd / he is thenne noble and myghty / and that fa25 we fire Bleoberys and fir Palamydes / for wete ye wel they are wyly men of armes / and anon they knowe when they fee a yonge knyghte by his rydyng / how they ar fure to yeue hym a falle from his hors or a grete buffet / But for the mooft party they wille not lyghte on foote with yonge knyghtes / For 30 they are wyght and ftrongly armed / For in lyke wyfe fir launcelot du lake whan he was fyrfte made knyghte / he was often putte to the werfe vpon horfbak / but euer vpon foote he recouerd his renomme / and flewe and defoyled many knyghtes of the round table / And therfor the rebukes that fir Laun35 celot dyd vnto many knyghtes caufeth them that be men of proweffe to beware / for often I haue fene the old preued knyghtes rebuked and flayne by them that were but yonge begynners / Thus they rode fure talkynge by the way to gyders / [leaf 172 verso] r 1I --- VJook ir.~ L 345 J LCbap. v. ~ ibere leue we of a wbple of tbtf tale anb fpek we of fire Launcelot bu lake / IC Capitutum Quintum Hat whan he was come to the courte of kynge Arthur thenne herd he telle of the yonge knyghte la cote male tayle how he flewe the lyon / & how he tooke vpon hym the aduenture of the black fhelde / the whiche was named atte that tyme the hardyeft aduenture of the world / Soo god me 5 faue faid fir Laucelot vnto many of his felawes/ it was fhame to alle the noble knyghtes to fuffre fuche a yonge knyghte to take fuche aduenture vpon hym for his deftructyon / for I wille that ye wete faid fire launcelot / that that damoyfel maledyfaunt hath born that fhelde many a day for to feche the moft io proued knyghtes / and that was Ihe that Breunys faunce pyte took that fheld from her / and after Triftram de lyones refcowed that fhelde from hym /and gaf it to the damoyfell ageyne A lytil afore that tyme that fir Triftram fought with my neuewe fire Blamore de Ganys for a quarel that was betwixe I5 the kynge of Irland and hym / Thenne many knyghtes were fory that fir La cote male tayle was gone forth to that aduenture / Truly faid fir launcelot I caft me to ryde after hym / and within feuen dayes fir launcelot ouertook la cote male tayle / And thenne he falewed hym / and the damoyfel maledyfaunt / 20 And whan fir Mordred fawe fir lauicelot / thenne he lefte their felaufhip / and foo fir launcelot rode with hem al a day/ and euer that damoyfel rebuked la cote male taile/ and thenne fire launcelot anfuerd for hym / thenne fhe lefte of/ and rebuked fir launcelot / Soo this meane tyme fyre Triftram fente by a da- 25 moyfel a letter vnto fire launcelot excufynge hym of the weddynge of Ifoud le blaunche maynys / and faid in the letter as he was a true kny3t / he hadde neuer adoo fleffhly with Ifoud la blaunche maynys / and paffynge curtoifly & gentyly fir triftram wrote vnto fire launcelot / euer byfechyng hym to be his 30 good frende / & vnto la beale Ifoud of Cornewaile / and that fire [leaf 173] u iiij 3Book t.] [ 346 ] [Cbap. v. Launcelot wold excufe hym yf that euer he fawe her / ( And within fhorte tyme by the grace of god faid fir Triftram that he wold fpeke with la Beale Ifoud and with hym ryghte haftely / Thenne fire Launcelot departed from the damoyfel / & 5 from fyr la cote male taile for to ouerfee that letter / and to wryte another letter vnto fyre Triftram de lyones / and in the meane whyle la cote male tayle roode with the damoyfel vntyl they came to a caftel that hyght Pendragon / and there were fyxe knyghtes ftode afore hym / and one of hem profered to IufIo te with la cote male tayle / And there la cote male tayle fmote hym ouer his hors croupe / [ And thenne the fyue knyghtes fette vpon hym all at ones with their fperes / & there they fmote la cote male tayle doune hors and man / And thenne they alyght fodenly / and fette their handes vpon hym all attones / 15 and toke hym pryfoner / and foo ledde hym vnto the caftel / & kepte hym as pryfoner / And on the morne fir Launcelot arofe and delyuerd the damoyfel with letters vnto fir Triftram / & thenne he took his way after la cote male tayle / & by the waye vpon a brydge there was a knyghte profered fire Launcelot to 20 Iufte / and fire Launcelot fmote hym doune / and thenne they foughte vpon foote a noble batail to gyders and a myghty / & at the lafte fire Launcelot fmote hym doune grouelynge vpon his handes and his knees / And thenne that knyghte yelded hym / and fire launcelot receyued hym fayre / Syr faid the kn25 yght I requyre the telle me your name / for moche my herte yeueth vnto you / Nay faid fire Launcelot as at this tyme I wil not telle you my name / onles thenne that ye telle me your name / Certaynly faid the knyght my name is fir Nerouens that was made knyght of my lord fir Launcelot du lake / A Nero30 uens de lyle faid fire Launcelot I am ryght gladde that ye ar proued a good knyghte / for now wete ye wel my name is fir Launcelot du lake / Alias faid fire Nerouens de lyle what haue I done / and there with al flatlyng he felle to his feet / and would haue kyft them / but fir Launcelot wold not lete hym / & 35 thenne eyther made grete ioye of other / And thenne fire Nerouens told fir Launcelot that he fhold not goo by the caftel of Pendragon / for there is a lord a myghty knyght / and many knyghtes with hym / and this nyght I herd fay that they toke [leaf 173 verso] Book ir.] [ 347 ] [Cbap. vi. a knyght pryfoner yefterday that rode with a damoyfel / & they faye he is a knyghte of the round table CI apitulum vj Said fir Launcelot that knyght is my felawe / & hym fhalle I refcowe or els I fhalle lefe my lyf therfore And there with alle he rode faft tyl he came before the 5 Caftel of Pendragon / and anone there with alle there cam vj knyghtes / and alle made hem redy to fette vpon fire Launcelot at ones / thenne fire Laicelot feutryd his fpere / and fmote the formeft that he brake his bak in fonder / and thre of them hytte and thre fayled / And thenne fire launcelot paft thorou them/ o0 and lyghtly he torned in ageyne / and fmote another knyghte/ thorugh the breft and thorou oute the bak more than an ell / & ther with alle his fpere brak / Soo thenne alle the remenaunt of the four knyghtes drewe their fwerdes and laffhed at fyre Launcelot / And at euery ftroke fire launcelot bellowed fo his 15 ftrokes that at four ftrokes fondry they auoyded theyr fadels paffynge fore wounded / and forthe with alle rode hurlynge in to that caftel / And anon the lord of the caftel that was that tyme cleped fir Bryan de les yles the which was a noble ma and grete enemy vnto kyng arthur / within a whyle he was 20 armed and vpon horfbak / And thenne they feutryd their fperes and hurled to gyders foo ftrongly that bothe theire horfes raffhed to the erthe / And thenne they auoyded their fadels / & dreffid their fheldes and drewe theire fwerdes and flange to gyders as wood men / and there were many ftrokes yeuen in a 25 whyle / at the laft fir launcelot gaf to fir Bryan fuche a buffet that he kneled vpon his knees / and thenne fir launcelot raffhed vpon hym / and with grete force he pulled of his helme / and whanne fire Bryan fawe that he fhold be flayne he yelded hym and put hym in his mercy and in his grace / Thenne fire 30 launcelot made hym to delyuer alle his pryfoners that he had within his caftel / and therin fir laucelot fonde of arthurs knyghtes thyrtty / and / xl / ladyes / and foo he delyuerd hem / and thenne he rode his waye / and anon as la cote male tayle was delyuerd he gat his hors and his harneis / and his damoyfel 35 [leaf 174] l3oof fr.] [ 348 ] [Cbap. vif. Maledyfaunt / the meane whyle fyre Neroueus that fir Launcelot had foughten with alle afore at the brydge / he fente a damoyfel after fir Launcelot to wete hou he fpedde at the Caftell of Pendragon / And thenne they within the cartel merueylled 5 what knyght he was whan fir Bryan and his knyghtes delyuerd alle tho pryfoners / haue ye no merueille faid the damoyfel / for the beft knyghte in this world was here / and dyd this iourney / and wete ye wel fhe faid it was fire launcelott Thenne was fir Bryan ful gladde and foo was his lady / & Io alle his knyghtes / that fuche a man fhold wynne them / And whan the damoyfel and la cote male tayle vnderftood that it was fyr Launcelot du lake that had ryden with them in felaufhip / ( And that fhe remembryd her hou fhe had rebuked hym and callyd hym coward / thenne was fhe paffynge heuy CI apitulum feptimum I5 Oo thenne they took their horfes and rode forth a pas after fire Launcelot / And within two myle they ouertook hym / and falewed hym / and thanked hym / and the damoyfel cryed fir Launcelot mercy of her euyll dede / and fayenge / for now I knowe the floure of alle knyghthode is 20 departed euen bitwene fire Triftram and you / For god knoweth faid the damoyfel that I haue foughte you my lord fir Launcelot and fir Triftram longe / and now I thanke god I haue mette with you / and ones at Camelot I mette with fir Triftram / and there he refcowed this blak fhelde with the why25 te hand holdynge a naked fwerd / that fir Bruyns faunce pyte had taken from me / Now fayre damoyfel faid fir Launcelot who told you my name / Syre faid fhe / there came a damoyfell from a knyghte that ye fought with all at the brydge/ and fhe told me your name was fir Launcelot du lake / blame haue 30 fhe thenne faid fire Launcelot / but her lord fire Neroueus hath told her / But damoyfel faid fire Launcelot vpon this couenaunt I wille ryde with you / fo that ye wille not rebuke this knyght fir La cote male tayle nomore / for he is a good knyght and I doubte not he fhalle preue a noble knyght / and for his [leaf 174 verso] :Iook ii.] [ 349 ] [Cbap. vii. fake and pyte that he fholde not be deftroyed / I folowed hym to focoure hym in this grete nede / A / Ihefu thanke you faid the damoyfel / for now I wil fay vnto you and to hym both / I rebuked hym neuer for no hate that I hated hym / but for grete loue that I had to hym / For euer I fupoofed that he had ben 5 to yonge and to tendyr to take vpon hym thefe aduentures / And therfore by my wille I wold haue dryuen hym aweye for Ialoufy that I had of his lyf / for it maye be no yong knyghtes dede that fhal enchyeue this aduenture to the ende / Perdieu faid fire Launucelot hit is wel faid / and where ye are cal- Io led the damoyfel Maledyfaunt I wille calle you the damoyfel Bien penfaunt / and foo they rode forthe a grete whyle vnto they came to the Bordoure of the countrey of Surlufe / and there they fond a fayr vyllage with a ftronge brydge lyke a fortreffe / And whanne fir launcelot and they were at the brid- 15 ge / there ftarte forth afore them of gentilmen and yomen many that faide / Faire lordes ye maye not paffe this brydge and this fortreffe by caufe of that black fhelde that I fee one of you bere / And therfore there fhalle not paffe but one of you at ones / therfore chefe you whiche of you Ihalle entre withynne 20 this brydge fyrfte / Thenne fir Launcelot profered hym felf fyrft to entre within this brydge / Syr faid La cote male tayle I bifeche you lete me entre within this fortreffe / and yf I may fpede wel / I wille fende for you / and yf it happend that I be flayn there it goth / And yf foo be that I am a pryfoner taken / then- 25 ne maye ye refcowe me / I am lothe faid fir launcelot to lete you paffe this paffage / Syre faid la cote male tayle I praye you lete me putte my body in this aduenture / Now goo youre waye faid fire Laucelot / and Ihefu be your fpede / So he entrid and anone there mette with hym two bretheren / the one hy3te 30 fyr Playne de force and the other hyght fir Playne de amours And anone they mette with fir la cote male tayle / and fyrfte la cote male tayle fmote doune Playne de force / and after he fmote doune playne de amours / and thenne they dreffid them to their fheldes and fwerdes / and badde la cote male tayle a- 35 lyghte / and foo he dyd / and there was daffhyng and foynyng with fwerdes / and foo they began to affaile ful hard la cote male tayle / and many grete woundes they gaf hym vpon his [leaf 175] 3:ook fr.] [ 350 ] [(bap. viii. heed and vpon his breft and vpon his fholders / And as he myght euer amonge he gaf fadde ftrokes ageyne / And thenne the two bretheren traced and trauercyd for to be of bothe handes of fire la cote male tayle / but he by fyne force & 5 knyghtly proweffe gate hem afore hym / And thenne whan he felte hym felf foo wounded / thenne he doubled his ftrokes / & gaf them foo many woundes that he feld them to the erthe / & wold haue flayne them had they not yelded them / And ry3t foo fire la cote male tayle tooke the beft hors that there was of io them thre / and foo rode forth his waye to the other fortreffe & brydge and there he mette with the thyrd broder whoos name was fire Plenorius / a ful noble knyghte / and there they Iufted to gyder / and eyther fmote other doune hors and man to the erthe / And thenne they auoyded their horfes / and dreffid I5 their fheldes / and drewe their fwerdes / and gaf many fad ftrokes / and one whyle the one knyght was afore on the brydge / and an other whyle the other / And thus they foughte two houres and more / and neuer refted / And euer fire Launcelot and the damoyfel beheld them / ( Alias faid the damoyfel my 20 knyghte fyghteth paffynge fore and ouer longe / ( Now may ye fee faid fir Launcelot that he is a noble knyghte for to confydre his fyrfte bataile / and his greuous woundes / And euen forth with all fo wounded as he is / it is merueile that he may endure this longe batail with that good knyghte/ EC Capitulum Octauum 25 z sHis meane whyle fyre la cote male tayle fanke ryghte doun vpon the erthe / what forwounded and what forbled he myghte not ftande / Thenne the other knyghte hadde pyte of hym / and fayd fayr yonge knyghte defmaye you not / for had ye ben freffhe whan ye mette with me / as I was / 30 I wote wel that I fhold not haue endured fo longe as ye haue done / and therfore / for youre noble dedes of armes / I fhall fhewe to you kyndenes and gentylneffe in alle that I maye / And forth with al this noble knyght fir Plenorius took hym vp in his armes / and ledde hym in to his toure / And thenne [leaf 175 verso] Bsook ir.] [ 351 ] [Cbap. viif. he commaunded hym the wyn / and made to farche hym and to ftoppe his bledynge woundes / ( Syre faid la cote male tayle withdrawe you from me / and hyhe you to yonder brydge ageyne / for there wille mete with you another maner knyght than euer was I / why faid Plenorius / is there another maner kn- 5 yght behynde of your felaufhip / ye faid la cote male tayle / ther is a moche better knyght than I am / what is his name fayd Plenorius / ye fhalle not knowe for me / faid la cote male tayle Wel faid the knyght / he fhalle be encountred with alle / what fomeuer he be / Thenne fir Plenorius herd a knyght calle/ that io fayd fyr Plenorius where art thou / outher thou muft delyuer me the pryfoner that thou haft led vnto thy toure / or els come and doo bataile with me / Thenne Plenorius gat his hors / and came with a fpere in his hand walloppynge toward fyr launcelot / and thenne they beganne to feutre their fperes / and came 15 to gyders as thonder / and fmote eyther other fo myghtely that their horfes felle doune vnder them / And thenne they auoyded their horfes / and pulled out their fwerdes / & lyke two bulles they laffhed to gyders with grete ftrokes and foynes / but euer fyr launcelot recouerd ground vpon hym / and fire Plenorius 20 traced to haue gone aboute hym / But fire launcelot wold not fuffer that / but bare hym backer and backer / tyll he came nyyhe his toure gate / And thenne faid fire launcelot I knowe the wel for a good knyght / but wete thou wel / thy lyf and dethe is in my hand / and therfore yelde the to me / and thy pryfoner 25 The other anfuerd no word / but ftrake my3tely vpon fir laucelots helme that the fyre fprange out of his eyen / thenne fyre Launcelot doubled his ftrokes foo thyck / and fmote at hym fo myghtely that he made hym knele vpon his knees / And there with fir launcelot lepte vpon hym / and pulled hym grouelyng 30 doune / Thenne fir Plenorius yelded hym / and his toure / and alle his pryfoners at his wille / thenne fir launcelot receyued hym and took his trouthe / and thene he rode to the other brydge / and there fir launcelot Iufted with other thre of his bretheren / the one hyght Pillounes / and the other hyght Pellogris 35 and the thyrdde fir Pellandris / and fyrft vpon horfbak fir launcelot fmote hem doune / and afterward he bete them on foote / and made them to yelde them vnto hym / and thenne he retorned [leaf 176] 3ook t.] [ 352 ] [Cbap. r. vnto fir Plenorius / and there he fond in his pryfon kyng Carados of fcotland and many other knyghtes / and alle they were delyuerd / And thenne fire la cote male tayle came to fire launcelot / and thenne fir launcelot wold haue yeuen hym alle thefe fortreffes and thefe brydges / Nay faid la cote male tayle I wille not haue fire Plenorius lyuelode / with that he wylle graunte you my lord fire launcelot to come vnto kynge Arthurs courte and to be his knyght and alle his bretheren I will pray you my lord to lete hym haue his lyuelode / I wille wel Io faid fire launcelot / with this that he wille come to the Courte of kynge Arthur and bicome his man / and his bretheren fyue / And as for you fir Plenorius I wille vndertake faid fir Launcelot at the next feeft foo there be a place voyded that ye fhalle be knyght of the round table / Syr faid Plenorius atte 15 next feeft of Pentecoft I wille be at Arthurs courte / and at that tyme I wille be guyded and ruled as kynge Arthur & ye wille haue me / Thenne fir Launcelot and fire la cote male tayle repofed hem there vnto the tyme fire la cote male tayle was hole of his woundes / and there they hadde mery chere 20 and good reft and many good gamys / and there were many fayre ladyes / C Capitulum ionum/ Nd in the meane whyle came fir kay the fenefchal and fire Brandyles / and anone they felaufhypped wyth them / And thenne within ten dayes thene departed tho knygh25 tes of Arthurs Courte from thefe fortreffes / And as fir laficelot came by the caftel of Pendragon / there he putte fir Bryan de les yles from his landes / for caufe he wold neuer be withhold with kynge Arthur / and alle that caftel of Pendragon / and alle the landes therof he gaf to fire la cote male tayle / & 30 thene fir launcelot fente for Neroueus that he made ones knyghte / and he made hym to haue alle the rule of that caftel / & of that countrey vnder la cote mayle tayle / and foo they rode to Arthurs courte al holy to gyders / And at Pentecoft next folowynge there was fire Plenorius and fir la cote male tayle 35 called otherwyfe by ryght fyr Breunes le noyre bothe maade [leaf 176 verso] ZBook fr.] [ 353 ] [Cbap. r. knyghtes of the table round / and grete londes kynge Arthur gaf them / and there Breune le noyre wedded that damoyfell Maledyfaunt / And after Ihe was called Beau viuante / but euer after for the more party he was called la cote male tayle and he preued a paffynge noble knyghte and myghty/ & many 5 worfhipful dedes he dyd after in his lyf / and fire Plenorius proued a noble knyght and ful of proweffe / and alle the dayes of their lyf for the mooft party they awayted vpon fir laficelot / and fire Plenorius bretheren were euer knyghtes of kynge Arthur / and alfo as the frenffhe book maketh mencyon / Io fyr la cote male tayle auengyd his faders dethe / CI apitulum X Ow leue we here fire la cote male tayle / and torne we vnto fir Triftram de lyones that was in Bretayne / whanne la beale Ifoud vnderftode that he was wedded / fhe fent to hym by her mayden Bragwayne as pyteous letters as co- 15 ude be thoughte and made / and her conclufion was / that / and hit pleafyd fyr Triftram / that he wold come to her courte/ and brynge with hym Ifoud la blaunche maynys / and they fhold be kepte as wel as fhe her felf / Thenne fir Triftram called vnto hym fir kehydius / and afked hym whether he wold go with 20 hym in to Cornewaile fecretely / He anfuerd hym that he was redy at al tymes / And thenne he lete ordeyne pryuely / a lytel veffel / and therin they wente fyr Triftram / kehydius / Dame Bragwayne and Gouernaile fir Triftrams fquyer / So when they were in the fee / a contraryous wynde blewe hem on the co- 25 ftes of Northwalys nygh the caftel peryllous / Thenne fayd fir Triftram here Ihalle ye abyde me thefe ten dayes / and Gouernaile my fquyer with you / And yf fo be I come not ageyne/ by that daye / take the next way in to Cornewaile / for in thys foreft are many ftraunge aduentures / as I haue herd faye / & 30 fomme of hem I cafte me to preue or I departe / And whanne I maye / I fhalle hyhe me after you / Thenne fir Triftram and kehydius took their horfes and departed from their felaufhip / And foo they rode within that foreft a myle and more / And [leaf 177] Z :ook fr.] [ 354 ] [Cbap. fr at the laft fir Triftram fawe afore hym a lykely kny3t armed fyttynge by a welle / and a ftronge myghty hors paffyng nyghe hym teyed to an Oke and a man houynge and rydynge by hym ledynge an hors lade with fperes / And this knyghte 5 that fatte atte welle / femed by his countenaunce to be paffyng heuy / Thenne fire Triftram rode nere hym / and faid fayr kny3t why fytte ye foo droupyng / ye feme to be a knyght erraunt by your armes and harneis / and therfor dreffe you to Iufte with one of vs or with bothe / There with all that knyght made noo xo wordes / but took his fhelde and bokeled hit aboute his neck / and lyghtely he took his hors and lepte vpon hym / And thene he took a grete fpere of his fquyer / and departed his waye a furlonge / Sire kehydius afked leue of fir Triftram to Iufte fyrft / doo your beft faid fire Triftram / foo they mette to gyders I5 and there fir kehydius had a falle / and was fore wounded / on hyghe aboue the pappys / (i Thenne fir Triftram faid / kny3t that is wel Iufted / Now make you redy vnto me / I am redy faid the knyght / And thenne that knyght took a gretter fpere in his hand / and encountred with fir Triftram / and there by 20 grete force that knyght fmote doune fir Triftram from his hors and had a grete falle / Thenne fir Triftram was fore afhamed / and lyghtly he auoyded his hors / and put his Iheld afore his Iholder and drewe his fwerd / And thenne fire Tryftram requyred that knyghte of his knyghthode to alyghte vp25 on foote and fyghte with hym / I wille wel faid the knyght and foo he alyghte vpon foote / and auoyded his hors / and caft his fhelde vpon his fholder / and drewe his fwerd / and there they fought a longe bataile to gyder ful nyghe two houres / ( Thenne fir Triftram faid fayr knyght hold thyn hand / & 30 telle me of whens thou arte / and what is thy name / C[ As for that faid the knyght / I wille be auyfed / but and thou wolt telle me thy name./ peraduenture I wille telle the myn / C Capitulum yj Ow fayr knyght he faid / my name is fire Triftram de lyones / Syre faide the other knyght / and my name is 35 fir lamorak de galys / A fir lamorak faid fir Triftram / well [leaf 177 verso] 0oot0 fr.] [ 355 ] [Cbap. lii. be we mette / and bethynke the now of the defpyte thou dydeft me of the fendyng of the horne vnto kynge Markes courte to the entente to haue flayne or difhonoured my lady the Quene la Beale Ifoud / and therfore wete thou wel faid fir Triftram the one of vs fhalle dye or we departe / Sire faid fir Lamorak 5 remembre that we were to gyders in the yle of feruage / and at that tyme ye promyfed me grete frendfhip / thenne fire Triftram wold make no lenger delayes but laffhed at fir Lamorak / & thus they foughte longe / tyl eyder were wery of other / Thenne fir Triftram feid to fir Lamorak in alle my lyf mette I neuer Io with fuche a knyght that was foo bygge and well brethed as ye be / therfore faid fyre Triftram hit were pyte / that ony of vs both fhold here be mefchyeued Syr faid fire Lamorak for youre renomme and name I wille that ye haue the worfhip of this bataille / and therfor I will yelde me vnto you / And ther with 15 he took the poynte of his fwerd to yelde hym / Nay faid fir triftram ye fhalle not doo foo / for wel I knowe your profers and more of your gentylneffe than for my fere or drede ye haue of me / And there with alle fir Triftram profered hym his fwerde and faid fire Lamorak as an ouercomen knyghte I yelde me 20 vnto you / as to a ma of the moft noble proweffe / that euer I mette with alle / Nay faid fir Lamorak I wille doo you gentylneffe / I requyre yow lete vs be fworne to gyders that neuer none of vs fhalle after this day haue adoo with other / and there with alle fyre Triftram and fire Lamorak fware that ne- 25 uer none of hem ihold fyghte ageynft other nor for wele / nor for woo I Capitulum xtj Nd this meane whyle there came fire Palomydes the good knyght folowynge the queftynge beeft that hadde in ihap a hede lyke a ferpentes hede / and a body lyke a 30 lybard / buttocks lyke a lyon / and foted lyke an herte / and in his body there was fuche a noyfe as hit had ben the noyfe of thyrtty coupel of houdes queftyng / and fuche a noyfe that beeft made where fomeuer he wente / & this beeft euermore fyr palomydes folowed / for hit was called his queft / & ry3t fo as he fo- 35 lowed this beeft / it came by fyr Triftram / and foone after cam [leaf I78] ' x j ZBook fr.] [ 356 I [ebap. Ifi. Palamydes / and to breue this matere / he fmote doune fir triftram and fir Lamorak bothe with one fpere / and foo he departed after the befte Glatyfaunt / that was called the queftynge beeft / wherfore thefe two knyghtes were paffynge wrothe / that 5 fir Palomydes wold not fyghte on foote with hem / ([ Here men may vnderftande / that ben of worfhip that he was neuer fourmed that alle tymes myght ftande / but fomtyme he was putte to the werfe by male fortune / And at fomme tyme the wers knyghte putte the better knyghte to a rebuke / ThenIo ne fire Triftram and fire Lamorak gate fire kehydius vpon a fheld betwixe them bothe / and ledde hym to a fofters lodge / & there they gaf hym in charge to kepe hym well / and with hym they abode thre dayes / Thenne the two knyghtes toke their horfes / and at the croffe they departed / And thenne faid fir Trif15 tram to fire Lamorak I requyre you yf ye happe to mete wyth fir Palamydes / fay hym that he fhal fynde me atte fame welle there I mette hym / and there I fire Triftram fhalle preue whether he be better knyght than I / and foo eyther departed from other a fondry way / and fire triftram rode nyghe there as was 20 fire kehydius / and fire Lamorak rode vn tyl he came to a chappel / and there he putte his hors vnto pafture / and anone there came fir Melyagaunce that was kynge Bagdemagus fone / & he there putte his hors to pafture / and was not ware of fir lamorak / and thenne this knyght fire Melliagaunce maade his 25 mone of the loue that he hadde to quene Gueneuer / and there he made a woful complaynte / All this herd fire Lamorak / and on the morne fir lamorak took his hors and rode vnto the foreft / and there he mette with two knyghtes houynge vnder the wood fhawe / Faire knyghtes faid fire Lamorak what doo ye 30 houynge here and watchynge / And yf ye be knyghtes arraunt that wille Iufte / loo I am redy / Nay fir knyght they faid / not foo / we abyde not here for to Iufte with you / but we lye here in a wayte of a Knyghte that flewe our broder / jJ What knyght was that faid fir Lamorak that ye wold fa- 35 yne mete with all / Syre they faid / hit is fire launcelot that flewe oure broder / And yf euer we maye mete with hym / he fhal not efcape but we fhalle flee hym / C[ Ye take vpon you a [leaf 178 verso] 3sook ir.] [ 357 ] [Cbap. ffi. grete charge faide fir Lamorak / for fire launcelot is a noble proued kny3t / As for that we doute not / for there nys none of vs but we are good ynough for hym I will not bileue that faid fir Lamorak / For I herd neuer yet of no knyght the dayes of my lyf but fir launcelot was to bygge for hym 5 CI ~apitulum iij / Yyght foo as they ftode talkynge thus / fyre Lamorak was ware hou fyr launcelot came rydynge ftreyghte toward them / thenne fire Lamorak falewed hym / and he hym ageyne / And thenne fire lamorak afked fir launcelot / yf there were ony thynge that he myght doo for hym in thefe marches / 10 Nay faid fire launcelot not at this tyme / I thanke you / thenne eyther departed from other / and fir Lamorak rode ageyn ther as he lefte the two knyghtes / and thenne he fond them hydde in the leued woode / Fy on you faid fir Lamorak. fals cowardes / pyte and fhame it is / that ony of you fhold take the hyhe 15 ordre of knyghthode / Soo fir Lamorak departed fro them / and within a whyle he mette with fire Melyagaunce / And thenne fyre Lamorak afked hym / why he loued Quene Gueneuer as he dyd / for I was not fer from you whanne ye made your complaynte by the chappel / Dyd ye foo faid fir Melyagau- 20 ce / thenne wille I abyde by hit / I loue quene gueneuer what wille ye with hit / I wille preue and make good / that fhe is the fayreft lady and mooft of beaute in the world / ([ As to that faid fire Lamorak I fay nay therto / for quene Morgaufe of Orkeney moder to fire Gawayne and his moder is the fay- 25 reft quene and lady that bereth the lyf / That is not fo fayd fyre Melyagaunce / and that wille I preue with my handes vpon thy body / Wille ye foo faid fire Lamorak / and in a better quarel kepe I not to fyghte / Thenne they departed eyther from other in grete wrathe / And thenne they came rydyng to gyder 30 as hit had ben thonder / and eyther fmote other fo fore that their horfes felle bakward to the erthe / And thenne they auoyded their horfes and dreffid their fheldes / and drewe their fwerdes And thenne they hurtled to gyders as wylde bores / and thus [leaf x79] x ij ZBook il.] [ 358 ] [Cbap. riv. they fought a grete whyle / For Melyagaunce was a good man and of grete myght / but fire Lamorak was hard bygge for hym / and putte hym alweyes a bak / but eyther had wounded other fore / C[ And as they ftode thus fyghtynge / by for5tune came fire Launcelot and fire Bleoberys rydynge / And thenne fire launcelot rode betwixe them / and afked them / For what caufe they fought foo to gyders / and ye are bothe knyghtes of kynge Arthur / C (apttulum ftifi Yr faid Melyagaunce I ihalle telle you for what ca0 ufe we doo this bataille / I prayfed my lady Quene Gueneuer / and faid the was the fayreft lady of the world / and fire Lamorak faid nay therto / For he faid quene Morgaufe of Orkeney was fayrer than fhe and more of beaute / A fyre Lamorak why faift thou foo / hit is not thy parte to 15 difprayfe thy prynceffe that thou arte vnder theire obeyffaunce dn we alle / and there with he alyghte on foote / and fayd for this quarel make the redy / For I wille preue vpon the / that Quene Gueneuer is the fayreft lady and mooft of boun. te in the world ( Syre faid fire Lamorak I am loth 20 to haue adoo with you in this quarell / For euery man thynketh his owne lady fayreft / and though I prayfe the lady / that I loue mooft / ye fhold not be wrothe / For though my lady quene Gueneuer be fayreft in your eye / wete ye wel Quene Morgaufe of Orkeney is fayreft in myn eye / and foo euery 25 knyght thynketh his owne lady fayreft / and wete ye wel fyr ye are the man in the world excepte fire Triftram / that I am mooft lotheft to haue adoo with alle / But and ye wille nedes fyghte with me I fhal endure you as long as I may / ( Thenne fpake fire Bleoberys / and faid / my lord fire Lau30 celot / I wyfte you neuer foo myfauyfed as ye are now / For fyre Lamorak faith you but reafon and knyghtely / ( For I warne you I haue a lady / and me thynketh that fhe is the fayreft lady of the world / were this a grete reafon that ye fhold be wrothe with me for fuche langage / And wel ye wote / 35 that fyr Lamorak is as noble a knyght as I knowe / and he [leaf 179 verso] Zook ir.] [ 359 ] [Cbap. rv. hath oughte you and vs euer good wille / and therfore I praye you be good frendes / [ Thenne fire Launcelot fayd vnto fir lamerak / I pray you foryeue me myn euylle wylle/ And yf I was myfauyfed I wille amende hit / Syre fayde fir Lamorak the amendys is foone made betwixe you and me 5 And foo fir Launcelot and fire Bleoberys departed / and fyr Melyagaunce and fir Lamorak took their horfes / and eyther departed from other / And within a whyle came kynge Arthur and mette with fir Lamorak and Iufted with hym / and there he fmote doune fire Lamorack / and wounded hym fore Io with a fpere/ and foo he rode from hym / wherfore fir Lamorak was wrothe that he wold not fyghte with hym on foote / hou be it that fire Lamorak knewe not kynge Arthur C( Capitulum yv Ow leue we of this tale / and fpeke we of fire Triftram / that as he rode he mette with fir kay the fenefchal 15 and there fire kay afked fir Triftram of what coutrey he was / he anfuerd that he was of the countrey of Cornewail Hit maye wel be faid fir kay / for yet herd I neuer that euer good knyghte came oute of Cornewaile / that is euyl fpoken faid fir Triftram / but and it pleafe you to telle me your name 20 I requyre you/ Syre wete ye wel faid fire kay that my name is fire kay the fenefchal / Is that your name faid fir Triftram / now wete ye well that ye are named the fhamefulleft knyghte of youre tonge that now is lyuynge / how be it ye are called a good knyght / but ye are called vnfortunate / and paffyng ouer- 25 thwarte of your tonge / And thus they rode to gyders tyl they came to a brydge / And there was a knyghte wold not lete hem paffe / tyl one of hem Iufted with hym / and fo that kny3t Iufted with fir kay / and there that knyght gaf fir kay a falle / his name was fire Tor fyre Lamoraks half broder / and then- 30 ne they two rode to theyre lodgynge / And there they fonde fire Brandyles / and fir Tor came thyder anone after / ([ And as they fatte atte fouper thefe foure knygtes / thre of [leaf i80] x iij sook (r.] [ 36o ] [Cbap. v,. them fpak alle fhame by Cornyffhe knyghtes / ( Syr Triftram herd alle that they faide / and he fayd but lytell / but he thoughte the more / but at that tyme he difcouerd not his name / Vpon the morne fir Triftram took his hors / and abode 5 them vpon their way / And there fyre Brandyles proferd to Iufte with fir Triftram /and fir Triftram fmote hym doune hors and alle to the erthe / Thenne fire Tor le fyfe de vayfhoure encountred with fyre Triftram / and there fire Triftram fmote hym doune / and thenne he rode his waye / and fir kay folowed xo hym / but he wold not of his felaufhip / Thenne fire Brandyles came to fir kay / and faid I wold wete fayne what is that knyghtes name / Come on with me faid fir kay / and we fhall praye hym to telle vs his name / Soo they rode to gyders / tylle they came nyghe hym / and thenne they were ware where he fat 15 by a welle / and had putte of his helme to drynke at the welle And whanne he fawe them come / he laced on his helme lyghtly / and took his hors / and proferd hem to Iufte / Nay faid fyre Brandyles we Iufted late ynough with you / we come not in that entent / But for this we come to requyre you of knyght20 hode to telle vs your name / My fayre knyghtes fythen that is your defyre / and to pleafe you ye fhal wete that my name is fir Triftram de lyones neuewe vnto kynge Mark of Cornewayle / In good tyme faide fire Brandyles / and wel be ye fonden / and wete ye wel that we be ryght gladde that we ha25 ue fonde you / and we be of a felaufhip that wold be ry3t glad of your company / For ye are the knyghte in the world that the noble felaufhip of the round table moofte defyreth to haue the company of / God thanke them faid fir Triftram of theyre grete goodenes / but as yet I feale wel that I am vnabyl to 30 be of their felaufhip / For I was neuer yet of fuche dedes of worthynes to be in the company of fuche a felaufhip / A fayde fire kay and ye be fyre Tryftram de lyones ye are the man called now mooft of proweffe excepte fir launcelot du lake / For he bereth not the lyf cryften ne hethen that can fynde fuche ano35 ther knyght to fpeke of his proweffe and of his handes and his trouthe with alle / For yet coude there neuer creature faye of hym difhonour and make hit good / ( Thus they talked a grete whyle / and thenne they departed eyther from [leaf I80 verso] ZBook fir. [ 36i ] [Cbap, roi. other fuche weyes as hem femed beft/ C ~apitulum /vj/ Ow fhall ye here what was the caufe that kynge Arthur cam in to the foreft perillous / that was in Northwalys by the meanes of a lady/ her name was Annowre/ and this lady came to kynge Arthur at Cardyf / and 5 fhe by fayre promyfe and fayre biheftes maade kynge Arthur to ryde with her in to that foreft perillous / and fhe was a grete forcereffe / and many dayes fhe hadde loued kynge arthur / and by caufe fhe wold haue hym to lye by her / fhe came in to that Countrey / Soo whanne the kynge was gone with her/ many io of his knyghtes folowed after kynge arthur / whan they myft hym / as fir launcelot Braundyles and many other / and when fhe had brought hym to her toure / fhe defyred hym to lye by her and thenne the kynge remembryd hym of his lady / and wold not lye by her for no crafte that fhe coude doo / Thenne euery 15 daye fhe wolde make hym ryde in to that foreft with his owne knyghtes to the entent to haue had kynge arthur flayne / For whan this lady annoure fawe that fhe my3t not haue hym at her wille / thenne fhe laboured by fals meanes to haue deftroyed kynge arthur and flayne / Thenne the lady of the lake 20 that was alwey frendely to kynge arthur / fhe vnderftoode by her fubtyl craftes that kynge arthur was lyke to be deftroyed And therfore this lady of the lake that hyght Nyneue cam in to that foreft to feke after fire Launcelot du lake / or fire Triftram for to helpe kynge arthur / for as that fame day this lady 25 of the lake knewe wel that kynge arthur fhold be flayne / onles that he hadde helpe of one of thefe two kny3tes / and thus fhe rode vp and doune tyl fhe mette with fire Triftram / and anone as fhe fawe hym / fhe knewe hym / O my lord fir Triftram fhe faid well be ye mette / and bleffid be the tyme that I haue 30 mette with you / for this fame day / and within thefe two houres fhalle be done the fouleft dede that euer was done in this land O fair damoyfel faid fir Triftram maye I amende hit / Come on with me fhe faid and that in alle the hafte ye maye / for ye Ihal fee the moft worfhipfulleft kny3t of the world hard beftad 35 [leaf 181] x iiij 3Book i4.] [ 362 ] [Cbap. Si. ( Thenne faid fire Triftram I am redy to helpe fuche a noble man / he is neither better ne wers faid the lady of the lake but the noble kynge Arthur hym felf / God defende faid fir Tryftram that euer he fhold be in fuche diftreffe / Thenne they rode to 5 gyders a grete pas vntyl they came to a lytel turret a caftel / & vndernethe that caftel they fawe a knyghte ftandynge vpon foote fyghtynge with two knyghtes / And foo fir Triftram biheld them / and at the lafte the two knyghtes fmote doune the one knyghte/ and that one of hem vnlaced his helme to haue zo flayne hym / And the lady Annoure gat kyng Arthurs fuerd in her hand to haue ftryken of his hede / And there with alle came fire Triftram with alle his myghte / cryenge / Traytreffe / Traitreffe leue that / And anone there fire Triftram fmote the one of the knyghtes thorou the body that he felle dede / and the15 ne he raffhed to the other / and fmote his bak in fonder / and in the meane whyle the lady of the lake cryed to kyng Arthur lete not that fals lady efcape / Thenne kynge Arthur ouertoke her / and with the fame fwerd he fmote of her heed / and the lady of the lake took vp her heed and henge it vp by the hey20 re of her fadel bowe / And thenne fir Triftram horfed kyng Arthur / and rode forth with hym / but he charged the lady of the lake not to difcouer his name as at that tyme / Whan the kynge was horfed / he thanked hertely fire Triftram / and defyred to wete his name / but he wold not telle hym / but that he was 25 a poure knyght auenturous / and foo he bare kynge Arthur felaufhip tyl he met with fomme of his knyghtes / And within a whyle he mette with fir E&or de marys / and he knewe not kynge Arthur nor fir Triftram / and he defyred to Iuffe with one of hem / Thenne fire Triftram rode vnto fir E&or / and fmo30 te hym from his hors / And whanne he hadde done foo / he cam ageyne to the kynge / and faid my lord yonder is one of your knghtes / he may bere you felaufhip / and another day that dede that I haue done for you I trufte to god ye fhalle vnderftande that I wold do you feruyfe / Allas faid kyng Arthur 35 lete me wete what ye are / Not at this tyme faid fir Triftram / Soo he departed and lefte kynge Arthur and fir E&or to gyders [leaf I8 verso] IBooh ir.] [ 363 ] [Cbap. rvii. C ~apitulum xvii Nd thenne at a day fette fire Triftram and fire Lamorak mette at the welle / and thenne they took kehydius at the fofters hous / and foo they rode with hym to the fhip / where they lefte dame Brangwayne and Gouernayle and foo they fayled in to Cornewaile all holy to gyders/ and 5 by affent and enformacyon of dame Brangwayn whan thye were landed they rode vnto fire Dynas the fenefchal / a trufty frende of fir Triftrams / and fo dame Brangwayne and fyre Dynas rode to the courte of kynge Marke / and told the quene la Beale Ifoud that fir triftram was nyghe her in that co- io untrey / thenne for very pure Ioye Ia beale Ifoud fwouned / & whan fhe myghte fpeke / fhe faid gentyl kny3t Senefchall help that I myght fpeke with hym / outher my herte wille braft / [ Thenne fir Dynas and dame Brangwayne broughte fyre triftram and kehydius pryuely vnto the courte vnto a cham- 15 bre where as la beale Ifoud hadde affygned hit / and to telle the ioyes that were betwixe la beale Ifoud and fire triftram / there is no tonge can telle it / nor herte thynke hit / nor pen wryte hit / And as the Frenffhe book maketh mencyon at the fyrft tyme that euer fir kehydius fawe la beale Ifoud / he was foo 20 enamoured vpon her / that for very pure loue he myghte neuer withdrawe hit / And at the laft as ye fhall here or the book be ended / fire Kehydius dyed for loue of la beale Ifoud / and thenne pryuely he wrote vnto her lettres and ballades of the mooft goodlyeft that were vfed in tho dayes / [ And whanne 25 La beale Ifoud vnderftood his letters fhe hadde pyte of his coplaynt / and vnauyfed fhe wrote another letter to comforte hym with alle / And fire triftram was alle this whyle in a turret at the commaundement of la beale Ifoud / and whan Ihe myght / fhe came vnto fire triftram / So on a day kynge Mark pla- 30 yed at the cheffe vnder a chamber wyndowe / and at that tyme fire triftram and fire Kehydius were within the chamber ouer Kyng Marke / and as it myfhapped fir triftram fonde the letter that Kehydius fent vnto la beale Ifoud / alfo he had fctid the letter that fhe wrote vnto Kehydius / & at that fame tyme 35 la Beale Ifoud was in the fame chamber / Thenne fir triftram [leaf 182] B3?ok0 fr.] [ 364 ] [Cbap. riff. came vnto la Beale Ifoud and faid / Madame here is a letter that was fente vnto you / and here is the letter that ye fent vnto hym that fente you that letter / Alias madame the good loue that I haue loued you / and many landes and rycheffe 5 haue I forfaken for your loue / and now ye are a traytreffe to me the whiche dothe me grete payne / but as for the fir kehydius I broughte the oute of Bretayne in to this Coutrey / and thy fader kynge Howel I wanne his landes / how be it I wedded thy fyfter Ifoud le blaunche maynys for the goodenes fhe io dyd vnto me / And yet as I am true knyghte fhe is a clene mayden for me / but wete thou wel fyr Kehydius for this falfhede and treafon thou haft done me/ I wille reuenge hit vpon the / And there with alle fir Triftram drewe oute his fwerd / and faid fire kehydius kepe the / and thenne la Beale Ifoud I5 fwouned to the erthe / And whanne fir kehydius fawe fir triftram come vpon hym / he fawe none other bote / but lepte oute at a bay wyndowe euen ouer the hede where fat kynge Marke playenge at the cheffes / And whanne the kynge fawe one come hurlynge ouer his hede / he fayd / Felawe what arte thou / and 20 what is the caufe thou lepeft oute at that wyndowe / ( My lord the kynge faid Kehydius / hit fortuned me that I was a flepe in the wyndowe aboue your hede / and as I flepte I flommeryd / and foo I felle doune / And thus fir kehydius excufed hym CI Capitulum riij \25 Henne fir Triftram dredde fore left he were difcouerd vnto the kynge that he was there / wherfore he drewe "",X\ ^ hym to the ftrengthe of the Toure/ and armed hym in fuche armour as he had to fyghte with hem that wold withftande hym / And foo whanne fire Triftram fawe / there was no.3o refyftence ageynft hym / he fente Gouernaile for his hors and \his fpere / and knyghtely he rode forth oute of the caftel open1y that was called the caftel of Tyntagil / And euen atte gate \he mette with Gyngalyn fyr Gawayns fone / And anone fir Gyngalyn putte his fpere in his reyfte / and ranne vpon 35 fire Tiyftram and brake his fpere / and fire Triftram at that [leaf 18 verso] Sook ir.] [ 365 ] [Cbap. rfii. tyme had but a fwerd / and gaf hym fuche a buffet vpon the helme that he fylle doune from his fadel / and his fwerd flode adoune / and carf a fonder his hors neck / And foo fire triftram rode his waye in to the foreft / and alle this doynge fawe kyng Mark / And thenne he fente a fquyer vnto the hurte knyghte 5 and commaunded hym to come to hym / and foo he dyd / And whanne kynge Marke wyft that it was fir Gyngalyn / he welcomed hym / and gaf hym an hors / and afked hym what knyght hit was that had encoutred with hym / Syr faid fir gyngalyn / I wote not what kny3t he was / but wel I wote that he Io fygheth and maketh grete dole / Thenne fir Triftram within a whyle mette with a knyght of his owne that hyghte fir Fergus / And whan he had mette with hym he made grete forowe in fo moche that he felle doune of his hors in a fwoune / and in fuche forowe he was in thre dayes and thre nyghtes / Thenne 15 at the lafte fir Triftram fent vnto the courte by fir Fergus for to fpere what tydynges / And fo as he rode by the way he met with a damoyfel that came from fir Palamydes to knowe and feke how fir Triftram dyd / Thenne fir Fergus told her / how he was al moft out of his mynde / [ Alias faid the damoyfel 20 where fhalle I fynde hym / In fuche a place faid fire Fergus ( Thenne fir Fergus fond Quene Ifoud feke in her bedde / makynge the gretteft dole that euer ony erthely woman made And whan the damoyfel fonde fire Triftram / fhe made grete dole by caufe fhe my3t not amende hym / for the more fhe made of 25 hym / the more was his payne / And at the laft fir Triftram toke his hors and rode aweye from her / And thenne was it thre dayes or that fhe coude fynde hym / And thenne fhe broughte hym mete and drynke / but he, wold none / and thenne another tyme fir Triftram efcaped awey from the damoyfel / and it hap- 30 ped hym to ryde by the fame caftel where fire Palamydes and fir Triftram dyd bataille whan la beale Ifoud departed them / And there by fortune the damoyfel mette with fire Triftram ageyne makynge the gretteft dole that euer erthely creature made / and fhe yede to the lady of that caftel / and tolde her of the 35 myfauenture of fire Triftram /allas faid the lady of that caftel where is my lord fir triftram / Ryght here by your caftel faid the damoyfel / In good tyme faide the lady / is he foo nyghe me / he [leaf 183] 0ook0 i.] [ 366 ] [Cbap. rir. fhalle haue mete and drynke of the beft / and an harp I haue of his / where vpon he taught me / For of goodely harpynge he bereth the pryce in the world / So this lady and damoifel brought hym mete and drynke / but he ete lytel therof / Thenne 5 vpon a nyght he putte his hors from hym / And thenne he vnlaced his armour / and thenne fir Triftram wold go in to the wilderneffe and braft doune the trees and bowes / and otherwhyle whan he fond the harp that the lady fente hym / thenne wold he harpe and playe therupon / and wepe to gyders / and io fomtyme whan fire Triftram was in the woode that the lady wyft not where he was / thenne wold ihe fytte her doune and playe vpon that harp / Thenne wold fire Triftram come to that harp / and herken ther to / and fomtyme he wold harpe hym felf Thus he there endured a quarter of a yere / thene at the laft he Is ranne his way / and fhe wifte not where he was become / And thenne was he naked and waxed lene / and poure of fleffhe/ and foo he felle in the felaufhip of herd men and fheepherdes / and dayly they wold gyue hym fomme of their mete / & drynke / And whan he dyd ony fhrewd dede / they wold bete hym 20 with roddes / and foo they clypped hym with fheres and made hym lyke a foole C ~apitulum Xy " Nd vpon a day Dagonet kynge Arthurs foole came in to Cornewaile with two fquyers with hym / and as they rode thorugh that foreft / they came to a fayre welle / where 25 fir Triftram was wonte to be / and the whether was hote / and they alyghte to drynke of that welle / and in the meane whyle their horfes brake lous / ( Ryght foo fire Triftram came vnto them / and fyrft he foufyd fire Dagonet in that welle / & after his fquyers / and there at lough the fheepherdes / and forth 30 with al he ranne after their horfes and broughte hem ageyne / one by one / and ryghte foo wete as they were / he made hem lepe vp / and ryde their wayes/ ([ Thus fire Triftram endured there an halfe yere naked / and wold neuer come in town / ne vyllage / The meane whyle the damoyfel that fyre Palomydes 35 fente to feke fir Triftram fhe yede vnto fir Palomydes / and told [leaf 183 verso] Book ir.] [ 367 ] [Cbap. lir. hym alle the mefchyef that fir Triftram endured / Alias fayd fir Palomydes hit is grete pyte that euer foo noble a Knyght fhold be foo mefcheued for the loue af a lady / But neuertheles I wille goo and feke hym / and comforte hym and I may [ Thenne a lytel before that tyme la Beale Ifoud had corn- 5 maunded fir Kehydius oute of the Countrey of Cornewaile / Soo fir Kehydius departed with a dolorous herte / and by aduenture he mette with fir Palomydes / and they enfelaufhypped to gyder/ and eyther complayned to other of theire hote loue that they loued la beale Ifoud / Now lete vs faid fir Palomy- Io des feke fire triftram that loued her as wel as we / and lete vs preue whether we maye recouer hym / Soo they rode in to that foreft / and thre dayes and thre nyghtes they wold neuer take their lodgynge but euer foughte fir triftram / And vpon a tyme by aduenture they mette with Kynge Mark that was 15 ryden from hys men al alone / whanne they fawe hym / fyre palomydes knewe hym / but fir Kehydius knewe hym not / A fais kynge faid fir Palomydes / it is pyte thou haft thy lyf / For thou arte a deftroyer of alle worfhipful Knyghtes / and by thy mefchyef and thy vengeaunce thou halt deftroyed the moofte 20 noble Knyght fire triftram de lyones / And therfor defende the faid fir Palomydes / for thou fhalt dye this day / that were fhame faid Kyng Mark / for ye two are armed and I am vnarmed / As for that faid fir Palomydes I fhalle fynde a remedy therfore / here is a Kny3t with me / and thou fhalt haue his har- 25 neis / Nay faid kyng Mark I wille not haue adoo with yow for caufe haue ye none to me / For alle the myfeafe that fir triftram hath / was for a letter that he fond / for as to me I dyd to hym no difpleafyre / and god knoweth I am ful fory for his difeafe and malady / Soo when the kyng had thus excufed 30 hym / they were frendes/ and kyng Mark wold haue had them vnto tyntagil / but fyr Palomydes wolde not but torned vnto the Realme of Logrys / and fir kehydius faide that he wolde goo in to Bretayn / ( Now tome we vnto fir Dagonet ayene that whanne he and his fquyers were vpon horfbak / he demyd 35 that the fheepherdes had fente that foole to araye hem fo / by caufe that they laughed at hem / and foo they rode vnto the kepers of beeftes and alle to bete them / Syr tritlram fawe them bete [leaf 184] Zook fi.] [ 368 ] [Cbap. l;. that were wonte to gyue hym mete and drynke / thenne he ran thyder / and gat fir Dagonet by the hede / and gaf hym fuche a falle to the erthe / that he bryfed hym fore fo that he lay ftylle / And thenne he wraft his fwerd oute of his hand / And ther5 with he ranne to one of his fquyers / and fmote of his hede / & the other fled / And foo fir Triftram took his waye with that fwerd in his hand rennynge as he hadde ben wylde woode / [ Thenne fir Dagonet rode to kyng Mark and told hym hou he had fpedde in that foreft / And therfore faid fir Dagonet / Io Beware kynge Mark that thou come not aboute that welle / in the foreft / For there is a foole naked / and that foole and I foole mette to gyders / and he hadde almoft flayn me / I A faid kynge Mark / that is fir Matto le breune / that felle oute of his wytte by caufe he loft his lady / For whan fir Gaherys 15 finote doune fir Matto and wanne his lady of hym / Neuer fyns was he in his mynde / and that was pyte/ for he was a good knyght / CI apitulum Xy Henne fir Andred that was cofyn vnto fir Triftram/ made a lady that was his peramour to fay and to no20 yfe hit that fhe was with fire Triftram or euer he dyed / And this tale fhe broughte vnto kynge markes courte that fhe buryed hym by a welle / and that or he dyed / he befoughte kynge Marke to make his cofyn fir Andred kynge of the countre of Lyonas / of the whiche fir Tryftram was lord of / Alle this 25 dyd fir Andred by caufe he wold haue had fire triftrams lades / ( And whanne kynge Mark herd telle / that fir triftram was dede / he wepte / and made grete dole / But whanne quene Ifoud herd of thefe tydynges / fhe maade fuche forowe / that fhe was nyghe oute of her mynde / And foo vpon a daye fhe tho30 ught to flee her felf/ and neuer to lyue after fir triftrams deth And foo vpon a day la beale Ifoud gat a fwerd pryuely / and bare hit in to her gardyn / and there fhe pyghte the fwerd thorugh a plumme tree vp to the hyltes / foo that hit ftak faft and hit ftode breft hyhe / And as fhe wold haue ronne vpon the 35 fwerd and to haue flayne her felf / ( Alle this afpyed kyng [leaf 184 verso] Zook fi.] [ 369 ] [Cbap. rs. Marke / how fhe kneled doune and faide / fwete lord Ihefu haue mercy vpon me / for I maye not lyue after the dethe of fyr Triftram de lyones / for he was my fyrft loue / and he fhalle be the laft / and with thefe wordes came Kyng mark and took her in his armes / and thenne he took vp the fwerd / and bare her 5 away with hym in to a Toure / and there he made her to be kept and watched her furely/ and after that fhe lay longe feke ny3 at the poynte of dethe / This meane whyle ranne fir Triftram naked in the foreft with the fwerd in his hand / and foo he cam to an hermytage / and there he leid hym doun and flepte/ and 'o in the meane whyle the heremyte ftale aweye his fwerd / and leid mete doune by hym / Thus was he kepte there a ten dayes And at the laft he departed and came to the herd men ageyne / And there was a gyaunt in that countre that hyght Tawleas And for fere of fir Triftram more than feuen yere he durft ne- 15 uer moche goo at large / but for the mooft party he kepte hym in a fure caftel of his owne / and foo this Tauleas herd telle / that fir Triftram was dede by the noyfe of the courte of kynge Marke / Thenne this Tauleas wente dayly at large / And foo he happed vpon a daye he came to the herd men wandryng and 20 langerynge / And there he fette hym doun to refte among them The meane whyle ther cam a knyght of Cornewaile that ledde a lady with hym / and his name was fir Dynaunt / & whanne the gyaunt fawe hym / he wente from the herd men and hydde hym vnder a tree / and foo the knyght came to that welle / and 25 there he alyghte to repofe hym / And as foone as he was from his hors / this gyaunt Tauleas came betwixe this knyght and his hors / and toke the hors and lepte vpon hym / So forth with he rode vnto fir Dynaunt / and took hym by the coller / & pulled hym afore hym vpon his hors / and there wolde haue ftryken 30 of his hede / Thenne the herd men faid vnto fire Triftram / helpe yonder knyght / helpe ye hym feid fir triftram / we dare not faid the herd men / Thenne fir triftram was ware of the fwerd of the knyght there as hit lay / and foo thyder he ranne / and took vp the fwerd and ftroke of fir tauleas hede and fo he yede his way 35 to the herd men I Capitulum nx [leaf I85] 2 A Sook fr.] [ 370 ] [Cbap. rf. Henne the knyght took vp the gyaunts hede / and bare hit with hym vnto kynge Marke / and told hym / what aduenture betyd hym in the foreft / and how a naked man refcowed hym / from the grymly gyaunt Tauleas 5 where hadde ye this aduenture faid kynge Marke / forfothe faid fyr Dynaunt at the fayre fontayne in your forefte / where many aduenturous kny3tes mete / and there is the madde man wel faid kyng Mark I wille fee that wild man / So within a day or two kynge Marke commaunded his knyghtes / & his io hunters that they ihold be redy on the morne for to hunte / and foo vpon the morne he wente vnto that foreft / And whanne the kynge came to that welle / he fonde there lyenge by that welle a fayr naked man / and a fwerd by hym / Thenne kyng Mark blewe and ftraked / and there with his knyghtes came to 15 hym / and thenne the kynge commaunded his knyghtes to take that naked man with fayrenes/ and brynge hym to my caftel / Soo they did faufly & fayre and cait mantels vpon fir Triftram and foo ledde hym vnto Tyntagyll / and there they bathed hym and waffhed hym and gaf hym hote fuppynges til 20 they had brought hym wel to his remembraunce / but alle this whyle there was no creature that knewe fir Triftram nor what man he was / Soo hit felle vpon a daye that the quene la beale Ifoud herd of fuche a man / that ranne naked in the forefte / and how the kynge had brought hym home to the Courte / 25 Thenne la Beale Ifoud called vnto her dame Brangwayne and faid come on with me / For we wille goo fee this man/ that my lord brought from the foreft the laft daye / So they paffed forthe / and fpered where was the feke man / And thenne a fquyer told the quene that he was in the gardyn / takynge 30 his reft / and repofe hym ageynft the fonne / Soo whan the quene loked vpon fir Triftram ihe was not remembryd of hym / but euer fhe feid vnto dame Brangwayne / me femeth I Ihold haue fene hym here to fore in many places / but as foone as fir Triftram fawe her / he knewe her wel ynough / And thenne he 35 torned awey his vyfage / and wepte / Thenne the quene hadde alweyes a lytel brachet with her that fir Triftram gaf her the fyrft tyme that euer fhe came in to Cornewaile / & neuer wold that brachet departe from her / but yf fyre Triftram was nyghe [leaf I85 verso] :iook if.] [ 37I ] [Cbap. tiif. there as was la Beale I foud / and this brachet was fente from the kynges doughter of Fraunce vnto fyre Triftram for grete loue/ and anone as this lytel brachet felte a faueour of fyr Triftram fhe lepte vpon hym and lycked his learys and his erys / and thene he whyned and quefted and fhe fmelled 5 at his feet and at his handes / and on all partyes of his body that fhe myghte come to / A my lady fayd dame Brangwayn vnto la beale Ifoud / Alias allas faid fhe I fee it is myn own lord fyr Triftram / And therupon Ifoud felle doune in a fwoune and foo laye a grete whyle / And whan fhe myght fpe- io ke fhe faid / my lord fir Triftram bleffid be god ye haue your lyf / and now I am fure ye fhalle be difcouerd by this lytel brachet / for fhe wille neuer leue you / And alfo I am fure as foone as my lord kynge Mark doo knowe you / he wil bannyffh you oute of the countrey of Cornewaile / or els he will deftroye 15 you / For goddes fake myn owne lord / graunte kynge Marke his wille / and thenne drawe you vnto the Courte of kyng arthur / for there are ye byloued / and euer whan I maye I fhalle fende vnto you / And whan ye lyft ye may come to me / and at alle tymes erly and late I wille be at your commaundement / 20 to lyue as poure a lyf as euer dyd quene or lady / O madame faid fir Triftram goo from me / for mykel anger and daunger haue I efcaped for your loue I Capitulum X fi H enne the quene departed / but the brachet wold not from hym / and there with alle came kynge Marke and 25 the brachet fat vpon hym / and bayed at them all / There with al fyr Andred fpak and faid fyr this is fir Triftram I fee by the brachet / Nay faid the kyng I can not fuppofe that / Thenne the kyng afked hym vpon his feith what he was / and what was was his name / ( So god me help faid he / my name 30 is fir Triftram de lyones / now do by me what ye lyft / A faide kyng Mark me repenteth of your recouer / & thenne he lete calle his barons to Iuge fir Triftram to the dethe / thene many of his barons wold not affente therto / and in efpecyal fyr Dynas the fenefchal / & fir Fergus / And fo by thaduyfe of them al fir 35 Triftram was banyffhed out of the coutrey for x yere / & therupon he took his oth vpon a book before the kyng & his barons / [leaf I86] y j Boolk ir.] [ 372 ] [Cbap. ttf. And foo he was made to departe oute of the Countrey of Cornewaile / and there were many barons brought hym vnto hys fhyp / of the whiche fomme were his frendes / & fomme his foes / And in the meane whyle there came a knyghte of kynge Ar5 thurs / his name was Dynadan / and his comyng was for to feke after fir Triftram / thenne they fhewed hym where he was armed at alle poyntes goynge to the fhyp / Now fayre kny3te faid fir Dynadan or ye paffe this courte that ye will Iufte with me / I requyre the / with a good wille faid fir Triftram / & theio fe lordes wille gyue me leue / Thenne the Barons graunted therto / and foo they ranne to gyders / and there fire Triftram gaf fire Dynadan a falle / And thenne he praid fir Triftram to gyue hym leue to goo in his felaufhip / ye fhalle be ryght welcome faid thenne fire Triftram / and foo they took theyr horfes 15 and rode to their fhyppes to gyders / and whanne fire Triftram was in the fee / he faid / Grete wel kyng Marke and all myn enemyes / and faye hem I wille come ageyne whan I maye / And wel am I rewarded for the fyghtynge with fire Marhaus / and delyuerd all this countrey from feruage / and wel 20 am I rewarded for the fetchyng and coftes of Quene Ifoud oute of Irland / and the daunger that I was in fyrft & laft and by the way comynge home what daunger I had to brynge ageyne Quene Ifoud from the caftel Pluere / and well I am rewarded whanne I foughte with fir Bleoberys for fyre 25 Segwarydes wyf / and well am I rewarded whan I fou3t with fyre Blamore de ganys for kynge Anguyffhe / fader vnto la Beale Ifoud / and well am I rewarded whan I fmote doune the good knyghte fyre Lamorak de galys at Kyng Markes requeft / And wel am I rewarded whan I fought 30 with the kynge with the honderd knyghtes / and the kynge of Northgalys / and bothe thefe wold haue put his land in feruage / and by me they were put to a rebuke / and wel I am rewarded for the fleynge of Tauleas the myghty gyaunte and many other dedes haue I done for hym / and now haue I my 35 waryfon / And telle Kynge Mark that many noble knyghtes of the table roud haue fpared the barons of this countrey for my fake / Alfo am I not wel rewarded whan I fought with the good knyght fir Palomydes and refcowed quene Ifoud [leaf 186 verso] 3BooTk i.] [ 373 ] [Cbap. fiffi. from hym / And at that tyme kynge Marke faid afore all his barons I fhold haue ben better rewarded / nad forth with alle he took the fee / ( Capitulum viif Nd at the next landynge fafte by the fee / there mette with fir Triftram & with fir Dynadan fir E&or de ma- 5 rys and fir Bors de ganys / and there fir E&or Iufted with fyr Dynadan / and he fmote hym and his hors doun And thenne fir Triftram wold haue Iufted with fyre Bors and fir Bors faid that he wolde not Iufte with no Cornyffhe knyghtes / for they are not called men of worfhip / and all this io was done vpon a brydge / and with this came fire Bleoberys and fyr Dryaunt / and fir Bleoberys profered to Iufte with fyr Triftram / and there fir Triftram fmote doune fyr Bleoberys / Thenne faid fire Bors de ganys / I wift neuer Cornyffh knyghte of foo grete valoure nor foo valyaunt as that kny3t 15 that bereth the trappours enbroudred with crounes / And thenne fir Triftram and fyr Dynadan departed fro them in to a foreft / and there mette them a damoyfel that came for the loue of fire launcelot to feke after fomme noble knyghtes of kyng Arthurs courte for to refcowe fir launcelot / and foo fir launcelott 20 was ordeyned / for by the treafon of quene Morgan le fay to haue flayne fir launcelot / and for that caufe fhe ordeyned thyrtty knyghtes to lye in a wayte for fir launcelot / and this damoyfel knewe this treafon / And for this caufe the damoyfel came for to feke noble knyghtes to helpe fyr Launcelot / For that ny- 25 ght or day after fyr launcelot fhold come where thefe xxx knyghtes were / And foo this damoyfel mette with fyre Bors and fire E&or and with fir Dryaunt / and there fhe told hem alle four of the treafon of Morgan le fay / and thenne they promyfed her that they wold be nyghe where fire launcelot fhold 30 mete with the xxx kny3tes / & yf foo be they fet vpon hym / we wil do refcowes as we can / fo the damoyfel departed / and by aduenture the damoifel met with fir triftram & with fir Dynadan / & there the damoyfel told hem al the treafon that was ordeyned for fir launcelot / Fair damoyfel faid fir triftram bryng 35 me to that fame place where they fhold mete with fir launcelot Thenne faid fir Dynadan what will ye do / hit is not for vs to fyghte with thyrtty knyghtes / and wete you wel I wylle [leaf 187] y ij s3ootk iE.] [ 374 ] [Cbap. rrfv. not thereof / as to matche one knyght two or thre is ynough and they be men / But for to matche xv knyghtes that wille I neuer vndertake / fy for fhame faid fire Triftram / doo but youre parte / Nay faid fir Dynadan I will not therof / but yf ye wil 5 lene me your Iheld / for ye bere a fheld of Cornewaile / and for the cowardyfe that is named to the kny3tes of Cornewaile by your fheldes ye be euer forborne / Nay faid fyr Triftram I will not departe from my fheld for her fake that gaf it me / But one thyng faid fir Triftram I promyfe the fyr Dynadan / but yf Io thou wilt promyfe me to abyde with me / here I fhalle flee the For I defyre no more of the/ but anfuer one knyghte / And yf thy herte wille not ferue the / ftande by and loke vpon me and them / Syre faid fyre Dynadan I promyfe you to loke vpon & to doo what I may to faue my felf / but I wold I had not 15 mette with you / Soo thenne anone thefe thyrtty knyghtes cam faft by thefe four knyghtes / and they were ware of them / and eyther of other / And foo thefe thyrtty knyghtes lete for thys caufe that they wold not wrathe them yf caas be that they had adoo with fyr launcelot / and the four knyghtes lete them paffe 20 to this entent that they wold fee and beholde what they wold doo with fyr launcelot / and foo the thyrtty knyghtes pafte on / and came by fir Triftram and by fir Dynadan / and thenne fir Triftram cryed on hyghe / loo here is a knyght ageynfte you for the loue of fire launcelot / and there he flewe two with 25 one fperd and ten with his fwerd / And thenne came in fyre Dynadan and he dyd paffynge wel / and foo of the thyrtty knyghtes there wente but ten awey/ and they fledde / Al this bataille fawe fir Bors de ganys and his thre felawes / and thenne they fawe wel hit was the fame knyghte that Iufted 30 with hem at the brydge / thenne they took their horfes and rode vnto fyr Triftram and prayfed hym and thanked hym of his good dedes / and they alle defyred fyre Triftram to goo wyth hem to their lodgynge / and he faid nay / he wold not go to no lodgynge / Thenne they alle four knyghtes praid hym to telle 35 hem his name / Faire lordes faid fyr Triftram / as at this tyme I wille not telle you my name / ([ Capitulum giiij / Hene fir Triftram & fir Dynadan rode forth theire weye tyl they came to the fheepherdes & to the herde men / & the[leaf 187 verso] Zook {E.] [ 375 i [Cbap. grif. re they afked hem yf they knewe ony lodgynge or herberough there nyghe hand / ( Forfothe fyrs fayde the herdemen / here by is good lodgynge in a caftel / But there is fuche a cuffomme that there fhalle no knyghte be herberowed but yf he Iufte with two knyghtes / and yf he be but one knyghte / he 5 muff Iufte with two / And as ye be therin foone fhalle ye be matched / There is fhrewde herberowe faid fyre Dynadan / lodge where ye will / for I wille not lodge there / Fy for fhame fayd fir Triftram are ye not a knyghte of the table round/ wherfore ye may not with your worfhip refufe your lodgynge / Not foo io faid the herd men / for and ye be beten / and haue the wers ye fhalle not be lodged there / and yf ye bete them ye fhalle be wel herberowed A faid fyr Dynadan they are two fure knyghtes / Thenne fire Dynadan wold not lodge there in no manere / but as fire Triftram requyred hym of his knyghthode / and fo they I5 rode thyder / and to make fhorte tale fyr Triftram and fir Dynadan fmote hem doune bothe / and foo they entred in to the caftel and had good chere / as they coude thynke or deuyfe / And whanne they were vnarmed and thought to be mery and in good reft / there came in at the yates fyre Palomydes and fyre 20 Gaherys requyrynge to haue the cuftomme of the caftel / what aray is this faid fire Dynadan / I wold haue my reft / that may not be faid fir Triftram / Now muff we nedes defende the cuftomme of this caftel / in foo moche as we haue the better of the lordes of this cartel / and therfore faide fire Triltram / nedes 25 mufte ye make you redy / In the deuyls name faid fir Dynadan came I in to your company / and fo they made them redy And fir Gaherys encountred with fire Triftram / and fyr Gaherys had a falle / and fir Palamydes encountred with fir Dynadan / and fir Dynadan had a falle / thenne was hit fall for 30 falle / Soo thenne mufte they fyghte on foote / that wold not fyr Dynadan / for he was fo fore bryfed of the falle that fyre Palomydes gaf hym / Thenne fir Triftram vnlaced fyre Dynadans helme / and praid hym to helpe hym / I wille not fayde fyr Dynadan for I am fore wounded of the thyrtty knyghtes 35 that we hadde but late agoo to doo with alle [ But ye fare faid fire Dynadan vnto fyr Triftram as a madde man and as a man pt is oute of his mynde pt wold caft hym felf awey [leaf I88] y iij Bo iftr.] [ 376 ] [Cbap. rv. and I may curfe the tyme that euer I fawe you / For in al the world are not two fuche knyghtes that ben fo wode as is fire launcelot and ye fyr Triftram / for ones I felle in the felaufhip of fyr launcelot as I haue done now with you and he fet me 5 a werke that a quarter of a yere I kepte my bedde / Ihefu defende me faid fyr Dynadan from fuche two knyghtes / and fpecially from your felaufhip / Thenne faid fyre Triftram I will fyghte with hem both / Thenne fyr Triftram badde hem come forth both / for I wille fyghte with you / thenne fyr Palomydes Io and fyr Gaherys dreffid them / and fmote at hem bothe / thenne Dynadan fmote at fyr Gaherys a ftroke or two / and torned from hym / nay faid fir Palomydes / it is to moche fhame for vs two knyghtes to fyghte with one / And thenne he dyd byd fyr Gaherys ftande a fyde with that knyght that hath no lyfte to 15 fyghte / Thenne they rode to gyders and fought longe / and atte laft fyr Triftram doubled his ftrokes / and drofe fyre Palomydes a bak / more than thre ftrydes / And thenne by one affente fyre Gaherys and fyr Dynadan wente betwixe them / and departed them in fonder / And thenne by affent of fyr Triftram 20 they wold haue lodged to gyders / But fyre Dynadan wold not lodge in that caftel / And thenne he curfed the tyme that euer he came in their feaufhip / and foo he took his hors / and his harneis / and departed / thenne fir Triftram prayd the lordes of that caftel to lene hym a man to brynge hym to a lodg25 ynge / and foo they dyd / and ouertoke fir Dynadan / and rode to their lodgynge two myle thens with a good man in a pryory/ and there they were wel at eafe / And that fame nyght fir Bors and fire Bleoberys and fir ECtor and fyre Dryaunt/ abode ftylle in the fame place there as fire Triftram fou3t with 30 the thyrtty knyghtes / and there they mette with fyr Launcelot the fame knyght / and had made promyfe to lodge with fyr Colgreuaunce the fame nyght / C Capitulum xgv 3I3 Vt anone as the noble Knyghte fyre launcelot herd of the fhelde of Cornewayle thenne wyft he wel that hyt [leaf 188 verso] :Boo0 fr.] [ 377 ] [Cbap. rrv. was fire Triftram that fought with his enemyes / And thenne fyre Launcelot prayfed fyre Triftram / and called hym the man of mooft worfhip in the world / CI Soo there was a knyght in that pryory that hyght Pellinore / and he defyred to wete the name of fire Triftram / but in no wyfe he coude not / and fo fyr 5 Triftram departed and lefte fir Dynadan in the pryory / for he was foo wery and foo fore bryfed that he myghte not ryde / Thenne this' knyght fyre Pellinore faid to fire Dynadan / fythen that ye wille not telle me that knyghtes name I will ryde after hym / and make hym to telle me his name / or he fhall 1o dye therfore / Beware fir knyght faid fir Dynadan / for and ye folowe hym / ye fhalle repente hit / Soo that knyghte fire Pellinore rode after fire Triftram and requyred hym of Iuftes / thene fir Triftram fmote hym doune and wounded hym thoru3 the fholder / and foo he paft on his way / And on the next day 15 folowyng fyr Triftram mette with purfyuauts / and they told hym that there was made a grete crye of turnement bitwene kynge Carados of fcotland and the kynge of Northwalys / & eyther fhold Iufte ageyne other at the caftel of maydens / and thefe purfyuautes fought alle the coutrey after the good kny3- 20 tes / and in efpecyal kynge Carados lete make fekynge for fir launcelot du lake / and the kyng of Northgalys lete feke after fir Triftram de lyonas / J And at that tyme fyr Triftram thought to be at that Iuftes / and foo by aduenture they mette with fire kay the fenefchal and fyr Sagramor le defyrus / and 25 fyr kay requyred fir Triftram to Iufte / and fire Triftram in a maner refufed hym / by caufe he wold not be hurte nor bryfed ageynfte the grete Iuftes that fhold be bifore the caftel of maydens / and therfore.he thought to repofe hym and to refte hym / And alway fir kay cryed fir kny3t of Cornewaile Iuft with 30 me / or els yelde the to me as recreaunte / whan fir Triftram herd hym faye foo / he torned to hym / and thenne fire kay refufed hym and torned his bak / Thenne fyr Triftram faid as I fynde the / I fhalle take the/ Thenne fire Kay torned with euylle wylle / and fyre Triftram fmote fyr kay doune / and foo he ro- 35 de forthe/ ( Thenne fyre Sagramore le defyrus rode after fyre Triftram / and maade hym to Iufte with hym / and there fyre Triftram fmote doune fyre Sagramor le defyrus from his hors [leaf I89] y iiij Sook fr.] [ 378 ] [ebap. txvf. and rode his way / and the fame day he mette with a damoyfel that told hym that he fhold wynne grete worfhip of a kny3t aduenturous that dyd moche harme in alle that countrey / ( Whanne fir Triftram herd her fay foo / he was gladde to goo 5 with her to wynne worfhip / So fire Triftram rode with that damoyfel a vj myle / and thenne mette hym fyre Gawayne / and there with alle fyre Gawayne knewe the damoyfel / that (he was a damoyfel of Quene Morgan le fay / Thenne fir Gawayne vnderftode that fhe ladde that knyght to fomme mefchyef / io Faire knyght faid fire Gawayne whyder ryde you now wyth that damoyfel / Syr faid fire Triftram I wote not whyder I fhalle ryde / but as the damoyfel wylle lede me / Syr faide fyre Gawayne ye fhalle not ryde with her / for fhe and her lady did neuer good but ylle / And thenne fir Gawayne pulled oute J5 his fwerd / and faid / damoyfel / but yf thou telle me anon / for what what caufe thou ledeft this kny3t with the thou fhalt dye for hit ryght anone / I knowe alle your ladyes treafon / & yours / Mercy fyre Gawayne fhe faid / and yf ye wille faue my lyf / I wille telle you / Saye on faid fir Gawayne / and thow 20 fhalte haue thy lyf / Syre fhe faid Quene Morgan le fay my lady hath ordeyned a xxx ladyes to feke & to afpye after fir laucelot or fir triftram / & by Pe trainys of thefe ladyes who Pt may fyrft mete ony of thefe two knyghtes they Ihold tome hem vnto Morgan le fays cartel / fayenge that they fhold doo dedes of 25 worfhip / & yf ony of tho two kny3tes cam there / there be xxx knyghtes lyenge and watchyng in a toure to wayte vpon fir launcelot or vpon fyre triftram / Fy for fhame faid fire Gawayne that euer fuche fals treafon fhold be wrought or vfed in a quene and a kynges fyfter / and a kynge and quenes dough30 ter C Capitulum xxvj Yr faid fire Gawayne wille ye ftande with me / and we wille fee the malyce of thefe thyrtty knyghtes / fyr faid fir triftram goo ye to hem / and hit pleafe you / and ye fhal fee I wille not fayle you / for hit is not long a go fyn I and 35 a felawe mette with thyrtty kny3tes of that quenes felaufhip [leaf 189 verso] :Sook fr.] [ 379 ] [Cbap. rivi. And god fpede vs foo that we may wynne worfhip / So thene fir Gawayne and fire triftram rode toward the caftel where Morgan le fay was / and euer fir Gawayne demed wel that he was fire triftram de lyones by caufe he herd that two knyghtes had flayne and beten thyrtty knyghtes / And whanne 5 they came afore the caftel fir Gawayn fpak on hyghe / and faid Quene Morgan le fay fende oute youre knyghtes / that ye haue leyd in a watche for fir laficelot & for fir triftram / Now faid fir Gawayne I knowe your fals treafon / and thorou all places where that I ryde men fhall knowe of your fals trea- Io fon / And now lete fee fir Gawayn / whether ye dare come out of your caftel ye thyrtty knyghtes / thenne the quene fpak and al the thyrtty knyghtes attones / and faid / fir Gawayne ful wel weteft thou what thou dolt and faift / For by god we knowe the paffynge wel / But alle that thou fpekeft / and doft / thow 15 faift hit vpon pryde of that good Knyghte that is there with the / For there be fomme of vs that knowen full wel the handes of that knyght ouer alle wel / And wete thou wel fir gawayne / hit is more for his fake than for thyn that we wylle not come oute of this caftel / For wete ye wel fir Gawayne 20 the Knyght that bereth the armes of Cornewaile / we knowe hym / and what he is / thenne fir Gawayne and fir triftram departed and rode on their wayes a day or two to gyders / and there by aduenture they met with fyr Kay and fyr Sagramor le defyrus / And thenne they were glad of fyr gawayne / and 25 he of them / but they wifte not what he was with the fhelde of Cornewaile / but by demynge / And thus they rode to gyders a daye or two / And thenne they were ware of fyr Breufe fauce pyte chacynge a lady for to haue flayne her / for he had flayn her peramour afore / Hold you all ftylle faid fyr Gawayne & 30 fhewe none of you forthe / and ye fhalle fee me reward yonder fals Knyght / for and he afpye you he is fo wel horfed that he wille efcape awey / And thenne fyre Gawayne rode betwix fyr Breufe and the lady / and faid fals knyghte leue her / and haue adoo with me / whan fyr Breufe fawe no moo but fyre ga- 35 yne he feutryd his fpere / and fyr Gawayne ageynft hym / and there fyr Breufe ouerthrewe fyr Gawayne / and thenne he rode ouer hym / & ouerthwart hym twenty tymes to haue deftroyed [leaf 190] Igook fr.] [ 380 ] [Cbap. grlif hym / and whan fire Triftram fawe hym doo foo vylaynous a dede/ he hurled oute ageynfte hym / And whan fyr Breufe fawe hym with the fhelde of Cornewaile / he knewe hym well / that it was fyre Triftram / and thenne he fledde / and fir Trif5 tram folowed after hym / and fyr Breufe faunce pyte was fo horfed that he wente his waye quyte / and fir Triftram folowed hym longe / for he wold fayne haue ben auengyd vpon hym / And foo whanne he hadde longe chaced hym / he fawe a fayre welle / and thyder he rode to repofe hym / and teyed his hors til xo a tree / C Capitulum gvti Nd thenne he pulled of his helme and waffhed his vyfage / and his handes / and foo he felle on flepe / C[ In the meane whyle came a damoyfel that had fought fir triftram many wayes and dayes within this land / 15 And whanne fhe came to the welle fhe loked vpon hym / & had forgeten hym as in remembraunce of fire Triftram / but by hys hors fhe knewe hym / that hyghte paffe Brewel / that had ben fire Triftrams hors many yeres / For whanne he was mad in the foreft / fyr Fergus kepte hym / Soo this lady dame Bran20 gwayne abode ftylle tyl he was awake / Soo whanne fhe fawe hym wake / fhe falewed hym / and he her ageyn / for eyther knewe other of old acqueyntaunce / thenne fhe told hym how fhe had fought hym longe and brode / and there Ihe told hym hou fhe hadde letters from quene la beale Ifoud / Thenne anon fire 25 Triftram redde them / and wete ye well / he was gladde / for theryn was many a pyteous complaynte / Thenne fir Triftram faid / lady Brangwayne ye fhalle ryde with me tyl that turnement be done at the caftel of maydens / And thenne fhalle ye bere letters and tydynges with you / And thenne fire triftram 30 took his hors and fought lodgynge / and there he mette wyth a good auncyent knyght and prayd hym to lodge with hym Ry3t fo came Gouernaile vnto fir Triftram / that was glad of that lady / Soo this old knyghtes name was fir Pellownus / and he told of the grete turnement that fhold be att the 35 Caftel of maydens / And there fir launcelot and xxxij kny3tes [leaf 190 verso] 3:ook fr.] [ 38I ] [Cbap. rviifi. of his blood had ordeyned fheldes of Cornewaile / and ry3te foo there came one vnto fyr Pellounes / and told hym that fir Perfydes de bloyfe was come home / thenne that knyght helde vp his handes and thanked god of his comynge home / and there fir Pellounes told fyr Triftram that in two yeres he had 5 not fene his fone fyr Perfydes / Syr faid fir Triftram I knowe your fone wel ynough for a good knyght / foo on a tyme fyr Triftram and fyr Perfydes came to their lodgynge both at ones / and foo they vnarmed hem / and putte vpon hem their clothynge / And thenne thefe two knyghtes eche welcomed o- Io ther / And whanne fyr Perfydes vnderftode that fir Triftram was of Cornewaile / he faid he was ones in Cornewaile / and there I Iufted afore kynge Marke / And foo it happed me at that tyme / to ouerthrowe ten knyghtes / and thenne came to me fyre Triftram de lyones and ouerthrewe me / and took my 15 lady awey from me / and that fhalle I neuer forgete / but I fhalle remembre me and euer I fee my tyme / A faid fir tryftram now I vnderftande that ye hate fyr Triftram / what deme ye / wene ye that fir Triftram is not able to withftande your malyce / yes faid fir Perfydes I knowe wel that fir Triftram is 20 a noble knyght and a moche better knyght than I / yet ihalle I not owe hym my good wille / ([ Ryght as they ftode thus talkynge at a bay wyndowe of that caftel / they fawe many knyghtes rydynge to and fro toward the turnement / And thenne was fire Triftram ware of a lykely knyght rydyng vp- 25 on a grete black hors / and a black couerd fhelde / what kny3te is that faid fire Triftram with the black hors & the blak fheld he femes a good kny3t / I knowe hym wel faid fir Perfydes he is one of the beft knyghtes of the world / thenne is it fyre Launcelot faid fir Triftram / nay faid fyre Perfydes / hit is fyr 30 Palomydes / that is yet vncryftened / i ~apitulum rvgifj Henne they fawe moche people of the countrey falewe fire Palomydes / And within a whyle after / ther cam a fquyer of the caftel / that told fyre Pellounes that was' lord of that caftel / that a knyght with a blak fheld had 35 [leaf I9I] Zaook is.] [ 382 ] [Cbap. lviii. fmyten doune thyrten kny3tes / Fayr broder faid fir Triftram vnto fyr Perfydes / lete vs cafte vpon vs clokes / and lete vs goo fee the play / Not foo faid fir Perfydes / we wille not goo lyke knaues thyder / but we wille ryde lyke men and good 5 knyghtes to withftande oure enemyes / Soo they armed them and took their horfes and grete fperes / and thyder they went there as many kny3tes affayed hem felf before the turnement And anone fir Palomydes fawe fir Perfydes / and thenne he fente a fquyer vnto hym and faid / goo thou to the yonder knio yght with the grene fheld and therin a lyon of gooldis / and fay hym I requyre hym to Iufte with me / and telle hym that my name is fire Palomydes / whanne fir Perfydes vnderftood that requeft of fyre Palomydes / he made hym redy / and there anone they mette to gyders / but fyre Perfydes had a falle 15 Thenne fyre Triftram dreffid hym to be reuengyd vpon fir palomydes / and that fawe fyre Palomydes that was redy / and foo was not fire Triftram and took hym at auauntage / and fmote hym ouer his hors tayle whanne he had no fpere in his reyfte / Thenne ftarte vp fyre Triftram and took his hors ly3 -20 tely / and was wrothe oute of mefure / and fore afhamed of that falle / Thenne fire Triftram fente vnto fyr Palomydes by Gouernaile and prayd hym to Iufte with hym at his requeft Nay faid fire Palomydes as att this tyme I wille not Iufte with that knyght / for I knowe hym better than he weneth/ 25 And yf he be wrothe / he may ryghte it to morne att the caftel of maydens / where he maye fee me and many other knyghtes with that came fyr Dynadan / and whanne he fawe fire Triftra wrothe / he lyft not to Iape / lo fayd fir Dynadan / here may a ma preue / Be a man neuer foo good yet maye he haue a falle / & 30 he was neuer foo wyfe but he myght be ouerfene / and he rydeth' wel that neuer fylle / Soo fyre Triftram was paffynge wrothe and fayd to fyre Perfydes and to fyre Dynadan I wille reuenge me / Ryghte foo as they flood talkyng there / there came by fir Triftram a lykely knyght rydyng paffynge foberly and 35 heuyly with a blak fhelde / what knyght is that faid fir Triftram vnto fyr Perfydes / I knowe hym well faid fir Perfydes / for his name is fire Bryaunt of Northwalys / foo he pafte on amonge other knyghtes of Northwalys / And there came [leaf I9 verso] Z3ook fr.] [ 383 ] [Cbap. lrig. in fyre launcelot du lake with a fheld of the armes of Cornewaile / and he fente a fquyer vnto fyr Bryaunt / and requyred hym to Iufte with hym / wel faid fyr Bryaunt / fythen I am requyred to Iufte / I wille doo what I may / and there fyre launcelot fmote doune fyr Bryaunt from his hors a gre- 5 te falle / And thenne fyr Triftram merueiled what knyght he was that bare the fheld of Cornewaile/ what fo euer he be faid fyr Dynadan I warante you he is of Kynge Bannys blood / the whiche ben knyghtes of the mooft noble proweffe / in the world for to accompte foo many for foo many / Thenne Io there came two kny3tes of Northgales / that one hyghte Hewe de la montayne / and the other fyr Madok de la montayne / & they chalengyd fire launcelot foote hote / Syr Launcelot not refufyng hem but made hym redy / with one fpere he fmote hem doune bothe ouer their hors croupes / and foo fir launcelot rode 15 his way / By the good lord faid fire Triftram he is a good knyght that bereth the fhelde of Cornewaile / and me femeth he rydeth in the beft maner that euer I fawe knyghte ryde / Thenne the kynge of Northgalys rode vnto fyre Palomydes / and praid hym hertely for his fake to Iufte with that knyght that 20 hath done vs of Northgalys defpyte / Syr faid fir Palomydes I am ful lothe to haue adoo with that knyght / and caufe why is / for as to morne the grete turnement fhalle be / And therfor I wille kepe my felf freffhe by my wille / Nay faid the kyng of Northgalys I pray you requyre hym of Iuftes / fyre fayd 25 fyr palomydes I wille Iufte at your requeft / and requyre that knyght to Iufte with me / and often I haue fene a man haue a falle at his owne requeft (I ~apftulum xfi Henne fir palomydes fente vnto fir launcelot a fquyer and requyred hym of Iuftes / Fair felawe feid fir la- 30 uncelot / telle me thy lordes name / Syre faid the fquyer my lordes name is fyr Palomydes the good knyght / In good houre faid fir launcelot / for there is no knyght that I fawe thys feuen yeres that I had leuer adoo with all than with hym / [leaf I92] :ook if.] [ 384 ] [cbap. rT. And fo eyther knyghtes made hem redy with two grete fperes Nay faid fyr Dynadan ye fhalle fee that fir Palomydes will quyte hym ryght wel / hit may be foo faid fir Triftram / but I vndertake that knyght with the fheld of Cornewayle fhal gy5 ue hym a falle / I bileue hit not faid fir Dynadan / Ryght fo they fpored their horfes / and feutryd their fperes / and eyther hytte other / and fyr palomydes brake a fpere vpon fire launcelot / and he fat and meued not / but fir Launcelot fmote hym fo lyghtly that he made his hors to auoyde the fadel / and the ftroIo ke brake his fhelde and the hauberke / and had he not fallen / he had be flayne / how now faid fir Triftram /I wifte wel by the maner of their rydyng bothe that fire Palomydes fhold haue a falle / Ryght fo fir launcelot rode his way and rode to a well to drynke and to repofe hym / and they of Northgalys afpyed 15 hym whyther he rode / and thenne there folowed hym twelue knyghtes for to haue mefchyeued hym / for this caufe that vpon the morne at the turnement of the caftel of maydens that he fhold not wynne the vyctory / Soo they came vpon fir launcelot fodenly and vnnethe he myght putte vpon hym his helme/ 20 and take his hors but they were in handes with hym / & thenne fir launcelot gat his fpere and rode thorou them / and there he flewe a knyght and brake his fpere in his body / Thenne he drewe his fwerd and fmote vpon the ryght hand and vpon the lyfte hand foo that within a fewe ftrokes he had flayne o25 ther thre knyghtes / and the remenaunt that abode he wounded hem fore alle that dyd abyde / Thus fyr launcelot efcaped from his enemyes of Northwalys / and thenne fir launcelot rode his way tyl a frende & lodged hym tyl on the morne / for he wold not the fyrfte daye haue adoo in the turnement by caufe of his 30 grete labour / And on the fyrft day he was with kyng Arthur there as he was fet on hyhe vpon a fchaffold to difcerne who was beft worthy of his dedes / So fir launcelot was with kyng Arthur / and Iufted not the fyrft daye / (C apitulum my ~~ WOw torne we vnto fir Triftram de lyones that comma~35 " unded Gouernaile his feruaunt to ordeyne hym a blak fheld with none other remembraunce therin / [leaf 19~ verso] ABoot ft.] [ 385 ] [Cbap. rr. And foo fyre Perfydes and fyr Triftram departed from their hoofte fyr Pellounes / and they rode erly toward the turnement / and thenne they drewe hem to kynge Carados fyde of Scotland / and anone kny3tes beganne the felde what of kynge Northgalys party / and what of kynge Carados party / & 5 there began grete party / Thenne there was hurlyng and raffhynge / Ryght foo came in fyr Perfydes and fire Triftram / and foo they dyd fare that they put the kyng of Northgalys abak Thenne came in fyre Bleoberys de ganys and fyre Gaherys with them of Northaglys / and thenne was fir Perfydes fmy- Io ten doune / and alle mooft flayne / For moo than xl horfmen wente ouer hym / For fyr Bleoberys dyd grete dedes of armes and fyre Gaherys fayled hym not / whanne fire Triftram byheld them / and fawe hem doo fuche dedes of armes / he merueyled what they were / Alfo fir Triftram thought fhame that fir 15 Perfydes was foo done to / and thenne he gat a grete fpere in his hand / and thenne he rode to fire Gaherys and fmote hym doune from his hors / And thenne was fire Bleoberys wroth and gate a fpere and rode ageynft fir Triftram in grete yre / & there fyre Triftram mette with hym / and fmote fir Bleoberys 20 from his hors / Soo thenne the kynge with the honderd knyghtes was wrothe / and he horfed fire Bleoberys and fir gaherys ageyne / and there beganne a grete medle / and euer fir triftram held them paffynge fhorte / and euer fir Bleoberys was paffynge befy vpon fyre Triftram / and there came fire Dynadan a- 25 geynft fyre Triftram / and fire Triftram gaf hym fuche a buffet that he fwouned in his fadel / Thenne anone fir Dynadan cam to fire Triftram / and faid fyr I knowe the better than thow weneft / But here I promyfe the my trouthe I wille neuer come ayenft the more / for I promyfe the that fwerd of thyn fhal 3o neuer come on myn helme / with that came fir Bleoberys / and fyr Triftram gaf hym fuche a buffet that doune he leyd his hede / and thenne he raught hym fo fore by the helme / that he pulled hym vnder his hors feet / And thenne kyng Arthur blewe to lodgynge / Thenne fyre Triftram departed to his pauelione / 35 and fire Dynadan rode with hym / and fire Perfydes & kyng Arthur thenne and the kynges vpon bothe partyes merueylled what knyght that was with the blak fhelde / Many faid their [leaf 193] 2 B Book t.1 [ 386 ] [Cbap. rrf aduyfe / and fome knewe hym for fyre Triftram / and helde their pees and wold nought fay / Soo that fyrfte day kyng Arthur and alle the kynges and lordes that were Iuges gaf fir Triftram the pryce / hou be hit they knewe hym not but named 5 hym the knyght with the black fheld C Capitulum xgxj Henne vpon the morne fire Palomydes retorned from the kynge of Northgalys / and rode to kyng Arthurs fyde where was kynge Carados and the kynge of Irland / & fyr launcelots kynne and fir Gawayns kynne / Soo fire paloIo mydes fente the damoyfel vnto fire Triffram that he fente to feke hym whanne he was oute of his mynde in the foreft / and thys damoyfel afked fire Triftram / what he was / and what was his name / As for that faid fir Triftram telle fir Palomydes ye fhalle not wete as at this tyme vnto the tyme I haue broken I5 two fperes vpon hym / But lete hym wete thus moche faid fir Triftram / that I am the fame knyghte that he fmote doune in ouer euenyng at the turnement & telle hym playnly / on what party that fyre Palomydes be / I wille be of the contrary parte Syre faid the damoyfel ye fhalle vnderftande that fir Palomy20 des wille be on kyng Arthurs fyde / where the mooft noble knyghtes of the world ben / In the name of god faid fir Triftram / thenne wille I be with the kynge of Northgalys by caufe fyr Palomydes wille be on kynge Arthurs fyde / and els I wold not but for his fake / ( Soo whanne kynge Arthur 25 was come they blewe vnto the felde / and thenne there began a grete party / and foo kynge Carados Iufted with the kynge of the honderd knyghtes / and there kynge Carados hadde a falle / thenne was there hurlynge and raffhynge / and ryght fo cam in knyghtes of kynge Arthurs / and they bare on bak the 30 kynge of Northgalys knyghtes / Thenne fir Triftram came in and beganne fo roughly and foo bygly that 'there was none myght withftande hym / and thus fire Triftram dured longe / ([ And at the laft fyr Tryftram felle amonge the felaufhip of kynge Ban / and there felle vpon hym fyr Bors de ganys / 35 and fyr E&or de marys / and fire Blamor de ganys / & many [leaf 193 verso] Book f.] [ 387 ] [Cbap. f. other knyghtes / And thenne fir Triftram fmote on the ryght hand and on the lyfte hand that alle lordes and ladyes fpak of his noble dedes / But at the laft fyre Triftram fhold haue had the werfe / had not the kynge with the honderd knyghtes ben / And thenne he came with his felaufhip and refcowed 5 fir Triftram / and brought hym awey from tho knyghtes that bare the fheldes of Cornewaile / and thenne fir Triftram fawe another felaufhip by them felf / and there were a xl Knyghtes to gyder / and fir Kay the Senefchal was there gouernour / Thenne fire Triftram rode in amongeft them / and there he Io fmote doune fyr Kay from his hors / and there he fared among tho Knyghtes lyke a grey hound among conyes / Thenne fyre launcelot fond a Knyght that was fore wounded vpon the hede / Sir faid fir launcelot who wounded you fo fore / Sire he faid a Knyght that bereth a black fhelde / and I maye curfe the IS tyme that euer I mette with hym for he is a deuyl and no man Soo fire launcelot departed fro hym / & thought to mete with fir Triftram / and foo he rode with his fwerd drawen in his hand to feke fir Triftram / and thenne he afpyed hym how he hurled here and there / and at euery ftroke fyr Triftram wel nygh fmo- 20 te doune a knyght / O mercy Ihefu faid the kynge fyth the tyme I bare armes fawe I neuer no knyght do fo merueillous dedes of armes / And yf I fhold fette vpon this knyght faid fir Launcelot to hym felf I dyd fhame to my felf / & there with al fir launcelot put vp his fwerd / And thefie the Kyng with the 25 C Kny3tes / and an honderd more of Northwalys fet vpon the twenty of fir launcelots kyn / and they xx Kny3tes held them euer to gyder / as wylde fwyne and none wold faile other / & fo whan fir Triftram beheld the nobleffe of thefe xx Knyghtes/ he merueiled of their good dedes / for he fawe by their fare and 30 by theil reule that they had leuer deye than auoyde the felde / ( Now Ihefu faide fyre Triftram wel maye he be valyaunte and ful of proweffe that hath fuche a forte of noble Knyghtes vnto his kynne / and ful lyke is he to be a noble man that is their leder and gouernour / he mente hit by fir Launcelot du 35 Lake / [ Soo whanne fyre Triftram had beholden them long / he thou3t fhame to fee / ij / C kny3tes batteryng [leaf 194] zj oof is.] [ 388 ] [Cbap, rrif. vpon twenty knyghtes / ( Thenne fire Triftram rode vnto the kynge with the honderd knyghtes / and faid fyre leue youre fyghtynge with tho twenty knyghtes / for ye wynne no worfhip of them / ye be foo many / and they foo fewe / And wete ye 5 well they wille not oute of the felde I fee by their chere and countenaunce / and worfhip gete ye none and ye flee them / therfore leue your fyghtynge with them / for I to encreace my worfhip / I wyll ryde to the twenty knyghtes and helpe them with all my myghte and power / ( Nay faid the io kynge with the honderd knyghtes / ye fhall not do fo / Now I fee youre courage and curtofy / I wille withdrawe my kny3 -tes for your pleafyr / for euermore a good knyght wylle fauoure another / and lyke wille drawe to lyke/ (C apitulum gtjii Henne the kyng with the honderd knyghtes withdre15 \ we his knyghtes / And al this whyle and long tofore I 5 ifyr launcelot had watched vpon fyr Triftram with a very purpos to haue felaufhipped with hym / And thenne fodenly fyr Triftram / fyr Dynadan / and Gouernaile his man rode their waye in to the foreft that no man perceyued where they 20 wente / Soo thenne kynge Arthur blewe vnto lodgynge / and gaf the kynge of Northgalys the pryce by caufe fyr Triftram was vpon his fyde / Thenne fyr launcelot rod here and there fo wood as lyon that fauted his fylle by caufe he had lofte fyre Triftram / and foo he retorned vnto kynge Arthur / and then25 ne in alle the felde was a noyfe that with the wynde hit myght be herd two myle thens / how the lordes and ladyes cryed the knyght with the blak fhelde hath wonne the felde ( Alias faid kynge Arthur where is that knyght become / hit is fhame to alle tho in the felde fo to lete hym efcape awey from 30 you / but with gentylnes and curtofy ye myght haue brought hym vnto me to the caftel of maydens ( Thenne the noble kynge Arthur wente vnto his knyghtes and comforted them in the beft wyfe that he coude / and fayd / my fayre felawes be not dyfmayed / how be hit ye haue lofte [leaf 194 verso] 3oo00 fr.] [ 389 ]. [Cbap. riff. the felde this daye and many were hurte and fore wounded / and many were hole / (I My felawes faid kynge Arthur loke that ye be of good chere / for to morne I wille be in the feld with you and reuenge you of youre enemyes ( Soo that nyght Kynge Arthur and his knyghtes repofed 5 them felf / ( The damoyfel that came from la Beale Ifoud vnto fyr Triftram alle the whyle the turnement was adoynge Ihe was with Quene Gueneuer / and euer the Quene afked her for what caufe fhe came in to that Countrey ( Madame fhe anfuerd I come for none other caufe but from Io my lady la Beale Ifoud to wete of your welfare / For in no wyfe fhe wold telle the Quene that fhe came for fyr Triftrams fake / Soo this lady dame Brangwayne took her leue of Quene Gueneuer / and fhe rode after fyr Triftram / And as fhe rode thurgh the foreft fhe herd a grete crye/thenne fhe I5 commaunded her fquyer to goo in to that foreft to wete what was that noyfe/ and foo he came to a welle and there he fond a Knyght bounden tyl a tree cryeng as he had ben wode and his hors and his harneis ftandynge by hym / And whan he afpyed the fquyer / ther with he abraide / and brake hym felf lo- 20 os and took his fwerd in his hand / and ranne to haue flayne that fquyer / Thenne he took his hors and fledde all that euer he myght vnto dame Brangwayne/ and told her of his aduenture / Thenne fhe rode vnto fyr Trifframs pauelione / and told fire Triftram what aduenture fhe had fonde in the foreft/ 25 Alias faid fyr Triftram vpon my heede there is fomme good Knyghte at mefchyef / Thenne fire Triffram tooke his hors and his fwerd / and rode thyder / there he herd how the Knyght complayned vnto hym felf and fayd / I woful knyght fyre palomydes what myfauenture befalleth me / that thus am defoiled 3o with falfhede and treafon thorou fyre Bors and fyre Eftor/ Alias he fayde why lyue I foo longe / And thenne he gat his fwerd in his handes / and maade many ftraunge fygnes and tokens / and foo thorou his ragynge he threwe his fwerd in to that fontayne ([ Thenne fir Palomydes way- 35 led and wrange his handes / And at the lafte for pure forow he ranne in to that Fontayne ouer his bely / and foughte after [leaf 195] z ij :Soolk ir.] [ 390 ] [Cbap. Vryii. his fwerd / Thenne fir Triftram fawe that and ranne vpon fyr Palomydes/ and helde hym in his armes faft / what arte thou faid Palomydes that holdeth me foo / I am a man of this foreft that wold the none harme / Alias faid fire Palomydes I 5 maye neuer wynne worfhip where fyr Triftram is / For euer where he is / and I be there thenne gete I no worfhip / And yf he be awey / for the mooft party I haue the gree / onles that fir Launcelot be there or fyr Lamorak / Thenne fire Palomydes faid ones in Irland fyr Triftram putte me to the werfe /and Io another tyme in Cornewaile and in other places in this land What wold ye do faid fyre Triftram & ye had fir Triftram / I wold fyghte with hym faid fir Palomydes and eafe my hert vpon hym / and yet to faye the fothe fyre Triftram is the gentelyft knyght in this world lyuynge / what wil ye doo fayd fir 15 Triftram wille ye goo with me to youre lodgynge / Nay fayde he I wille goo to the kynge with the honderd knyghtes / for he refcowed me from fire Bors de ganys / and fir E&or / & els had I ben flayne traitourly / Syre Triftram faid hym fuche kynde wordes that fyre Palomydes wente with hym to his lod20 gynge / Thenne Gouernaile wente to fore / and charged dame Brangwayn to goo oute of the way to her lodgynge / and byd ye fyre Perfydes that ye make hym no quarels / And fo they rode to gyders tyl they came to fire Triftrams pauelione / and there fyre Palomydes had alle the chere that myght be had all 25 that nyghte / But in no wyfe fire Palomydes my3t not knowe what was fyr Triftram / and foo after fouper they yede to refte And fyr Triftram for grete trauaile flepte tylle it was daye / And fyr Palomydes myghte not flepe for anguyffhe / and in the daunynge of the daye he tooke his hors pryuely/and rode 30 his waye vnto fyr Gaherys and vnto fyr Sagramour le defyrus/ where they were in their pauelions/ for they thre were felawes at the begynnynge of the turnement / And thenne vpon the morne the kynge blewe vnto the turnement vpon the thyrdde daye / C Capitulum gxFif / [leaf I95 verso] :sootk r.l [ 391 ] rCbap. grgff. Oo the kynge of Northgalys and the kynge with the honderd knyghtes they two encountred with kyng carados and with the kynge of Irland /and there the kynge with the honderd knyghtes fmote doune kynge Carados / and the kynge of Northgalys fmote doune the kynge of 5 Irland / With that came in fyr Palomydes / and whan he cam he made grete werke / for by his endented fhelde he was well knowen / Soo came in kynge Arthur / and dyd grete dedes of armes to gyders / and putte the kynge of Northgalys and the kynge with the honderd knyghtes to the werfe / With this came Io in fyr Triftram with his black fhelde / And anone he Iufted with fyre palomydes / and there by fyne force fyr Triftram fmote fyre palomydes ouer his hors croupe / Thenne kynge Arthur cryed Knyght with the black fhelde make the redy to me / and in the fame wyfe fir Triftram fmote kynge Arthur / And then- 15 ne by force of kyng Arthurs knyghtes the kynge and fir palomydes were horfed ageyne / Thenne kyng Arthur with a grete egre herte he gate a fpere in his hand / and therupon the one fyde he fmote fyr Triftram ouer his hors / Thenne foote hote fyr Palomydes cam vpon fir Triftram as he was vpon foot to ha- 20 ue ouer ryden hym / Thenne fir Triftram was ware of hym / & there he ftouped a fyde / and with grete yre he gate hym by the arme / and pulled hym doune from his hors / Thenne fyre palomydes lyghtely arofe / and thenne they daffhed to gyder myghtely with their fwerdes / and many kynges / Quenes and 25 lordes ftode and beheld them / And at the lafte fyre Triftram fmote fyre palomydes vpon the helme thre my3ty ftrokes / and at euery ftroke that he gaf hym he faid this for fyre Triftrams fake / With that fyre Palomydes felle to the erthe grouelynge / Thenne came the kynge with the honderd knyghtes / & 30 broughte fyre Triftram an hors / and foo was he horfed ageyn By thenne was fyr Palomydes horfed / and with grete yre he Iufted vpon fyr Triftram with his fpere as hit was in the reyfte and gaf hym a grete daffhe with his fwerd / ( Thenne fir Triftram auoyded his fpere / and gate hym by 35 the neck with his bothe handes / and pulled hym clene oute of his fadel / and foo he bare hym afore hym the lengthe of ten fperes / & thenne in the prefence of hem al he lete hym falle at his [leaf 196] z iij 3ook ir.] [ 392 ] [Cbap. ErFv. aduenture / Thenne fire Triftram was ware of kynge Arthur/ with a naked fuerd in his hand / and with his fpere fir Triftram ranne vpon kynge Arthur / and thenne kynge Arthur boldely abode hym and with his fwerd he fmote atwo his fpe5 re / and there with alle fyre Triftram ftonyed / and foo kynge Arthur gaf hym thre or four grete ftrokes or he my3t gete out his fwerd / and at the laft fir Triftram drewe his fwerd and affailed other paffynge hard / with that the grete prees departed / thenne fir Triftram rode here and there and dyd his greo0 te payne that xj of the good knyghtes of the blood of kynge Ban that was of fire launcelots kyn / that daye fyre Triftram fmote doune / that alle the eftates merueilled of his grete dedes and alle cryed vpon the knyght with the black fheld C Capitulum g iiti Henne this crye was foo large / that fir launcelot herd 5 t / And thenne he gate a grete fpere in his hand / and came towardes the crye / Thenne fir launcelot cryed / the knyght with the blak fhelde make the redy to Iufte with me / Whanne fire Triftram herd hym fay fo he gate his fpere in his hand / and eyther abeyfhed doun their hedes / and came to gy20 der as thonder / and fire Triftrams fpere brake in pyeces / and fyr launcelot by male fortune ftroke fir Triftram on the fyde a depe wound nyghe to the dethe / But yet fyr Triftram auoyded not his fadel / and foo the fpere brak / there with all fir triftram that was wounded gate oute his fwerd / and he raffhed to fir 25 launcelot / and gaf hym thre grete ftrokes vpon the helme that the fyre fprange there oute / and fir launcelot abeyfhed his hede lowely toward his fadel bowe / And there with alle fir triftram departed from the felde / for he felte hym foo wouided that he wende he fhold haue dyed / and fir Dynadan afpyed hym 30 and folowed hym in to the foreft / Thenne fir launcelot abode & dyd many merueyllous dedes / Soo whan fire Triftram was departed by the forefts fyde / he alyght & vnlaced his harneis and freffhed his woud / thene wende fir Dynodan that he Ihold [leaf 196 verso] soofk fr.] [ 393 ] C~bap. f"iv. haue dyed / Nay nay faide fire Triftram / Dynadan / neuer drede the / for I am herte hole / & of this wounde I fhal foone be hole by the mercy of god / ( By that fir Dynadan was ware where came palomydes rydynge ftreyghte vpon them / And thenne fyre Triftram was ware that fyre Palomydes came to 5 haue deffroyed hym / and fo fyre Dynadan gaf hym warnyng and faide fire Triftram my lord ye are foo fore wounded that ye may not haue adoo with hym / therfore I wille ryde ageynft hym and doo to hym what I maye / And yf I be flayne ye maye praye for my foule and in the meane whyle ye maye io withdrawe you and goo in to the cartel / or in the forefte that he fhalle not mete with you / [ Syre Triftram fmyled and faid I thanke you fyre Dynadan of your good wylle / but ye fhalle wete that I am able to handle hym / And thenne anone haftely he armed hym and took his hors / and a 15 grete fpere in his hand and faid to fyre Dynadan Adieu / & rode toward fyre Palamydes a fofte paas ( Thenne whanne fire Palomydes fawe that / he made countenaunce to amende his hors / but he dyd hit for this caufe / For he abode fire Gaherys that came after hym / I And whanne he 20 was come he rode toward fyre Triftram / ( Thenne fyre Triftram fente vnto fyr palomydes and requyred hym to Iufte with hym / And yf he fmote doune fir Palomydes / he wold doo no more to hym / And yf it fo happend that fire Palomydes fmote doune fyr Triftram he badde hym do his vtteraunce / So they 25 were accorded / thenne they mette to gyders / and fyre Triftram fmote doune fir palomydes / that he had a greuous falle / foo that he laye ftylle as he hadde ben dede / And thenne fire Tryftram ranne vpon fyr Gaherys / and he wold not haue Iufted But whether he wolde or not fyre Triftram fmote hym ouer 30 his hors croupe that he laye ftylle as though he had ben dede / And thenne fyr Triftram rode his waye and lefte fyre Perfydes fquyer within the pauelions / and fyre Triftram and fyre Dynadan rode to an old knyghtes place to lodge them / And that olde knyght had fyue fones at the turnement / for whome 35 he prayed god hertely for their comyng home / ( And fo as the frenffhe book faith they cam home al / v / wel beten / And whan fyr Triftram departed in to the foreft fyr laucelot held alwey [leaf 197] z iiij ZBook fr.] [ 394 ] [Cbap. Irrv. the ftoure lyke hard as a man araged that took no heede to hym felf / and wete ye wel there was many a noble knyghte ageynft hym / And whanne kyng Arthur fawe fir Launcelot doo foo merueyllous dedes of armes / he thenne armed hym / & 5 took his hors and his armour / and rode in to the felde to helpe fyr launcelot / and fo many knyghtes came in with kyng Arthur / and to make fhort tale in conclufion the kyng of Northgalys / and the kynge of the honderd knyghtes were putte to the wers / and by caufe fyre launcelot abode and was the laft io in the feld / the pryce was yeuen hym / But fir Laficelot wold neyther for kyng / Quene ne knyghte haue the pryce / but where the crye was cryed thorugh the felde / fyr launcelot fir launcelot hath wonne the felde this day / fyre Launcelot lete make an other crye contrary fyr Triftram hath wonne the feld / for 15 he beganne fyrft and laff he hath endured / and foo hath he done the fyrft day / the fecond and the thyrd day/ (C apitulum XXtv Z Henne alle the eftates and degrees hyhe and lowe fayd of fyr launcelot grete worfhip / for the honour that he dyd vnto fyr Triftram / and for that honour doyng 20 to fir Trifftram he was at that tyme more preyfed and renoumed than and he had ouerthrowen v C knyghtes / and all the peple holy for this gentylnes / fyrft the eftates bothe hyhe and lowe / and after the comynalte cryed at ones fyre Launcelot hath wonne the felde who foo euer faye nay / Thenne was fyre 25 Launcelot wroth and afhamed / and foo there with alle he rode to kynge Arthur / Allas faid the kynge we are alle dyfmayed that fyr Triftram is thus departed from vs / By god faid kynge Arthur he is one of the nobleft kny3tes that euer I fawe hold fpere or fwerd in hand / and the mooft curteyft 30 knyght in his fyghtyng / for ful hard I fawe hym fayd kyng Arthur whanne he fmote fyr Palomydes vpon the helme thryes / that he abaffhed his helme with his ftrokes / and alfo he faid / here is a ftroke for fyr Triffram / and thus thryes he fayd / Thenne kynge Arthur / fyr launcelot / and fire Dodynas le fa35 ueage took their horfes to feke fir Triftram / and by the menes [leaf 197 verso] 3Sook ir.] [ 395 ] [Cbap. Er,. of fyr Perfydes / he had told kyng Arthur where fyr Triftram was in his pauelione / but whanne they came there / fyr Triftram and fir Dynadan were gone / thenne kynge Arthur and fyr launcelot were heuy / and retorned ageyne to the caftel of maydens makyng grete dole for the hurte of fyre Tryftram / & 5 his fodeyne departynge / Soo god me helpe faid kyng Arthur I am more heuy that I can not mete with hym / thenne for al the hurtes that alle my knyghtes haue had at the turnement Ryght foo came fir Gaherys and told kynge Arthur how fyr Triftram had fmyten doune fyr Palomydes / and it was atte io fyr Palomydes owne requeft / Alias faid Kyng Arthur that was grete difhonoure to fyre Palomydes in as moche as fyre Triftram was fore wounded / and now may we alle kynges and kny3tes and men of worfhip faye that fyre Triftram may be called a noble knyght and one of the beft Knyghtes that e- 15 uer I fawe the dayes of my lyf / For I wille that ye al kynges and Knyghtes knowe faid Kynge Arthur that I neuer fawe Knyghte doo fo merueylloufly as he hath done thefe thre dayes / for he was the firft that began and that lengeft held on fauf this laft day / And though he was hurte it was a manly 20 aduenture of two noble Knyghtes / and whan two noble men encountre nedes mufft the one haue the werfe lyke as god wil fuffre at that tyme / ( As for me faid fir launcelot for alle the landes that euer my fader lefte me I wold not haue hurte fir Triftram and I had knowen hym at that tyme / that I hurt 25 hym was for I fawe not his fheld / For and I had fene his black fheld / I wold not haue medled with hym for many caufes / for late he dyd as moche for me as euer dyd Knyght and that is wel knowen that he had adoo with thyrtty Kny3 -tes / and no helpe faue fyr Dynadan / And one thynge fhalle 30 I promyfe faid fyr launcelot / fyr Palomydes fhalle repente it as in his vnkyndely delynge for to folowe that noble knyght that I by myfhap hurted thus / Syr launcelot fayd alle the worfhip that myght be faid by fir Triftram / Thenne kyng Arthur made a grete feeft to alle that wold come / And thus we 35 lete paffe Kynge Arthur / and a lytyl we wille torne vnto fir Palomydes that after he had a falle of fire Triftram / he was nyghe hand araged oute of his wyt for defpyte of fir Triftram [leaf 198] ZBook fr.] [ 396 ] [Cbap. ravf. And foo he folowed hym by aduenture / And as he came by a ryuer in his woodenes / he wold haue made his hors to haue lepte ouer / and the hors fayled footynge / and felle in the Ryuer / wherfore fyre palomydes was adrad left he fhold haue ben 5 drouned / and thenne he auoyded his hors / and fwamme to the land/ and lete his hors goo doune by aduenture / IC apitulum ggvj / Nd whanne he came to the land he took of his harneis / and fatte rorynge and cryenge as a man oute of his mynde / Ryght fo came a damoyfel euen by fyr Palomydes io that was fente fro fyr Gawayne and his broder vnto fir mordred that lay feke in the fame place with that old kny3t where fyr Triftram was / For as the Frenffhe book faith fyr Perfydes hurte foo fyr Mordred a ten dayes afore / and had not ben for the loue of fir Gawayne and his broder / fyr Perfydes 15 had flayne fir Mordred / and foo this damoyfel came by fir palomydes / and fhe and he had langage to gyder / the whiche pleafyd neyther of them / and foo the damoyfel rode her wayes tyl Ihe came to the old knyghtes place / & there fhe told that old knyght how fhe mette with the woodeft knyght by aduenture 20 that euer fhe mette with all / what bare he in his fheld faid fir Triftram / hit was endented with whyte and black faide the damoyfel / A faid fir Triftram that was fir palomydes / the good knyght / For wel I knowe hym faid fir Triftram for one of the befl knyghtes lyuynge in this realme / Thenne that old 25 knyght took a lytel hackney and rode for fyre palomydes / and brought hym vnto his owne manoyr / and ful wel knewe fire Triftram fyr Palomydes / but he faid but lytel / for at that tyme fyr Triftram was walkyng vpon his feet / and wel amended of his hurtes / and alweyes whan fire Palomydes fawe 30 fyr Triftram / he wold behold hym ful merueilloufly / And euer hym femed that he hadde fene hym / Thenne wold he faye vnto fyre Dynadan and euer I may mete with fyre Triftram he fhal not efcape myn handes / I merueile faid fir Dynadan Pt [leaf 198 verso] Sook fr.] [ 397 ] [Cbap. rrti. ye boofte behynde fyr Triftram / for it is but late that he was in youre handes / and ye in his handes / why wold ye not holde hym whanne ye hadde hym / for I fawe my felf twyes or thryes that ye gat but lytel worfhip of fir Triftram / thenne was fyr Palomydes afhamed / Soo leue we them a lytyl whyle in 5 the old caftel / with the old knyght fir Darras / ( Now fhall we fpeke of Kynge Arthur / that faid to fir Launcelot had not ye ben / we had not loft fyre Triftram / for he was here dayly vnto the tyme ye mette with hym / and in an euylle tyme fayd Arthur ye encountred with hym / My lord Arthur faid Laun- Io celot ye putte vpon me that I Ihold ben caufe of his departycyon / god knoweth hit was ageynfte my wille / But whan men ben hote in dedes of armes ofte they hurte their frendes as wel as their foes / And my lord faid fir launcelot ye fhal vnderftande that fir Triftram is a man that I am loth to offende 15 for he hath done for me more than euer I dyd for hym as yet / But thenne fir Launcelot made brynge forth a book and thene fir launcelot faid / here we are ten Knyghtes that wil fwere vpon a book neuer to refte one nyght where we reft another this twelue moneth vn tyl that we fynde fyr Triftram / And 20 as for me faid fyre Launcelot I promyfe you vpon this book that and I may mete with hym / outher with fayrenes or foulneffe I fhalle brynge hym to this courte / or els I fhalle dye therfore / And the names of thefe ten knyghtes that hadde vndertake this queft were thefe folowynge / Fyrft was fir Laun- 25 celot / fyr Eator de Marys / fyr Bors de ganys and Bleoberis and fyre Blamor de ganys / and Lucan the botteler / fyr Vwayne / fyr Galyhud / Lyonel and Galyodyn / Soo thefe x noble knyghtes departed from the courte of kynge Arthur / and foo they rode vpon their queft to gyders vntyl they came to a cro- 30 ffe where departed four wayes / and there departed the felaufhip in four to feke fyr Triftram / And as fyr launcelot rode by aduenture he mette with dame Brangwayn that was fent in to that countrey to feke fir Triftram / and fhe fled as fafte as her palfrey myght goo / Soo fire Launcelot mette with her 35 and afked her why fhe fledde / (J A fayre knyghte faid dame Brangwayne I flee for drede of my lyf / for here foloweth me fyr Breufe faunce pyte to flee me / Hold you nyghe me fayd [leaf I99] S3ook iF.] [ 398 ] [Cbap. rrrot. fir launcelot / Thenne whanne fire Launcelot fawe fir Breufe faunce pyte / fyr launcelot cryed vnto hym / and faid / fals knyght deftroyer of ladyes and damoyfels / now thy laft dayes be come / Whanne fire Breufe faunce pyte fawe fire launcelots 5 fhelde he knewe hit wel / for at that tyme he bare not the armes of Cornewaile / but he bare his owne fhelde / And thenne fyre Breufe fled / and fyr Triftram folowed after hym / But fir Breufe was foo wel horfed that whan hym lyft to flee he myght wel flee / and alfo abyde whan hym lyft / Io And thenne fire launcelot retorned vnto dame Brangwayne and fhe thanked hym of his grete labour / C Capitulum myxvij Ow wille we fpeke of fir Lucan the buttelere that by fortune he came rydyng to the fame place there as was fyr Triftram / and in he came in none other entente / I5 but to afke herberowe / thenne the porter afked what was his name / Telle your lord that my name is fyr Lucan the botteler a knyghte of the round table / Soo the porter wente vnto fyre Darras lord of the place / and told hym who was there to afke herborou3 / Nay nay feid fyr Daname that was neuewe to 20 fyr Darras / faye hym that he fhalle not be lodged here / But lete hym wete that I fyr Daname wyll mete with hym anon and bydde hym make hym redy / So fire Daname came forth on horfbak / and there they mette to gyders with fperes / and fir Lucan fmote doune fyr Daname ouer his hors croupe / and the25 ne he fledde in to that place / and fir Lucan rode after hym / & afked after hym many tymes / Thenne fyr dynadan faid to fire Triftram hit is fhame to fee the lordes cofyn of this place defoiled / Abyde faid fir Triftram and I fhalle redreffe it / and in the meane whyle fyr Dynadan was on horfbak and he Iuf30 tid with Lucan je botteler / & ther fir lucan fmote doune dynada thur3 the thyck of the thyghe / and foo he rode his way / and fire triftram was wrothe that fir Dynadan was hurte / & folowed after and thought to auenge hym / and within a whyle he ouertook fir lucan / and badde hym tome / and foo they mette to gy35 ders foo that fire Triftram hurt fir Lucan paffynge fore / and Lleaf 199 verso] Sook if.] [ 399 ] rCbap. tnvff. gaf hym a falle / With that came fire Vwayne a gentyl kny3t And whanne he fawe fire Lucan foo hurte / he called fyre triftram to Iufte with hym / Faire knyght faid fire Triftram telle me your name I requyre you / Syre knyghte wete ye wel my name is fyre Vwayne le fyfe de roy Vreyne / A faide fire Trif- 5 tram by my wille I wold not haue adoo with you at no tyme/ye fhalle not foo faid fir Vwayne but ye fhalle haue adoo with me / And thenne fire Triftram fawe none other boote but rode ageynft hym and ouerthrewe fyr Vwayn and hurte hym in the fyde / and foo he departed vnto his lodgynge ageyne / Io And whanne fire Dynadan vnderftood that fyr Triftram had hurte fir Lucan / he wold haue ryden after fyr Lucan for to haue flayne hym / but fir Triftram wold not fuffre hym / i[ Thenne fyr Vwayne lete ordeyne an hors lytter / and brought fir Lucan to the abbey of Ganys/and the caftel there by 15 hyght the caftel of Ganys / of the whiche fyr Bleoberys was lord / And at that Caftel fire launcelot promyfed alle his felawes to mete in the queft of fyr Triftram / Soo whan fir triftram was come to his lodgyng / ther cam a damoifel pt told fir Darras that thre of his fones were flayne at that turnement 20 and two greuoufly wouded that they were neuer lyke to helpe them felf / And alle this was done by a noble knyghte that bare the black fhelde / and that was he that bare the pryce / J Thenne came there one and told fyr Darras that the fame knyght was within hym that bare the black Iheld / Thenne fir 25 Darras yede vnto fir Triftrams chamber / and there he fond his fheld and fhewed it to the damoyfel / A fyr faid the damoyfel that fame is he / that flewe your thre fones / Thenne withoute ony taryenge fir Darras putte fyre Triftram and fyre Palomydes and fyr Dynadan within a ftrong pryfon / and there fir 30 Triftram was lyke to haue dyed of grete fekeneffe / and euery day fyr Palomydes wold repreue fir Triftram of old hate betwixe them / And euer fir Triftram fpak fayre and faid lytel / But whan fir Palomydes fawe the fallynge of fekeneffe of fir Triftram thenne was he heuy for hym / and comforted 35 hym in alle the beft wyfe he coude / And as the Frenffhe booke faith there came fourty knyghtes to fire Darras / that were of his owne kyn / and they wold haue flayne fire Triftram and [leaf 200] 0ooh fr.] [ 400 ] [Cbap. trvii. his two felawes / but fire Darras wold not fuffre that but kepte them in pryfon / and mete and drynke they had / So fire Triftram endured there grete payne / for fekeneffe had vndertake hym /and that is the gretteft payne a pryfoner maye haue 5 For alle the whyle a pryfoner may haue his helthe of body/he maye endure vnder the mercy of god and in hope of good delyueraunce / But whanne fekenes toucheth a pryfoners body / thenne may a pryfoner fay al welthe is hym berafte / and thenne he hath caufe to wayle and to wepe / Ry3t fo dyd fyre Triftxo ram whanne fekenes had vndertake hym / for thenne he tooke fuche forou that he had almoft flayne hym felf C Capitulum Xvttiif Ow wille we fpeke and leue fir Triftram / fyre Palomydes / & fyr Dynadan in pryfon / and fpeke we of other knyghtes that foughte after fyre Triftram many dyuerfe 15 partyes of this land / and fome yede in to Cornewaile / and by aduenture fyr Gaheryfe neuewe vnto kyng Arthur came vnto Kynge Mark / and there he was wel receyued / and fatte atte kynge Marks owne table & ete of his owne meffe / ( Thenne kynge Mark afked fir Gaheryfe what tydynges there were in 20 the royalme of Logrys / Syre faid fyr Gaheryfe the Kyng regneth as a noble knyght / and now but late there was a grete Iuftes and turnement as euer I fawe ony in the realme of Logrys / and the mooft noble knyghtes were at that Iuftes / But there was one knyght that dyd merueylloufly thre da25 yes / and he bare a black fhelde / and of alle knyghtes that euer I fawe he preued the beft kny3t / thrnne faid Kyng mark that was fyre launcelot or fyre palomydes the paynym / Not foo faid fyr Gaherys / for bothe fyre launcelot and fire Palomydes were on the contrary party ageynft the Knyght with the blak 30 fhelde / thenne was it fir Triftram faid the kyng / ye faid fir Gaheryfe And there with all the Kyng fmote doun his hede / & in his herte he feryd fore that fyre Triftram fhold gete hym fuche worfhip in the Royame of Logrys / where thorou that he hym felf fhold not be able to withftande hym / Thus fyre Gaheryfe [leaf 200 verso] __ __ ----— ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ r~~g Joof t.] [ 401 ] [Cbap. riiff had grete chere with kynge Marke / and with quene la Beale Ifoud the whiche was gladde of fyr Gaheryfe wordes / For wel fhe wilt by his dedes and maners / that it was fyr Triflram / And thenne the kynge made a feeft Royal / and to that feeft came fir Vwayne le fyfe de roy Vreyne / and fomme callid 5 hym Vwayne le blaunche maynys / And this fyr Vwayn chalengyd alle the knyghtes of Cornewaile / Thenne was the kyng woode wroth that he had no knyghtes to anfuer hym / Thenne fire Andred neuewe vnto kynge Mark lepte vp and faid I wille encountre with fyr Vwayne / Thenne he yede and io armed hym and horfed hym in the belt maner / And there fyre Vwayne mette with fyre Andred and fmote hym doune that he fwouned on the erthe / Thenne was kynge Marke fory and wrothe oute of mefure that he had no knyghte to reuenge his neuewe fir Andred / Soo the kynge called vnto hym fyr Dy- 15 nas the fenefchal / and praid hym for his fake to take vpon hym to Iufte with fir Vwayne / Syr faid fyr Dynas I am ful lothe to haue adoo with ony knyght of the round table / yet faid the kyng for my loue take vpon the to Iufte / Soo fyr Dynas made hym redy / and anone they encountred to gyders with gre- 20 te fperes / but fire Dynas was ouerthrowen hors and man a grete falle / who was wrothe but kynge Marke / Alias he faid haue I no knyght that wille encountre with yonder knyghte Syr faid fir Gaheryfe for your fake I wille Iufte / So fir Gaherys made hym redy / and whanne he was armed he rode in to 25 the felde / And whanne fir Vwayne fawe fyr Gaheryfes fheld he rode to hym and faid / fir ye doo not youre parte / For fire the fyrft tyme ye were made Knyght of the round table ye fware that ye fhold not haue a do with your felaufhip wetyngly And par dy fir Gaheryfe ye knewe me wel ynou3 by my fhelde 30 & fo do I knowe you by your fheld /and thou3 ye wold breke your othe / I wold not breke myn/ for there is not one here nor ye that fhall thynke I am aferd of yow / but I durft ryght wel haue adoo with you / and yet we be fifter fones / Thenne was fir Gaheryfe afhamed / and foo there with alle euery 35 knyght wente their way / and fir Vwayne rode in to the countrey / Thenne kyng mark armed hym and tooke his hors and his fpere with a fquyer with hym / And thenne he rode afore fir [leaf ao0] a C Sook f;.] [ 402 ] [Cbap. nrrir. Vwayne / and fodenly at a gap he ranne vpon hym as he that was not ware of hym / and there he fmote hym al moft thurgh the body / and there lefte hym / So within a whyle there cam fir Kay / and fonde fir Vwayne / and afked hym how he was 5 hurte / I wote not faid fir Vwayne why nor wherfore / but by treafon I am fure I gat this hurte / for here came a knyghte fodenly vpon me or that I was ware / and fodenly hurte me / (I Thenne there was come fyre Andred to feke kynge Marke ([ Thou traytour knyght faid fir kay / and I wifte it were io thou that thus traitourly haft hurte this noble knyghte / thow iholdeft neuer paffe my handes / Syre faide fir Andred I dyd neuer hurte hym / and that I wylle reporte me to hym felf / Fy on you fals knyghtes faid fyr kay / for ye of Cornewaile ar nought worthe / Soo fyr kay made cary fyr Vwayne to the 15 abbay of the black Croffe / and there he was helyd / And thenne fyr Gaherys took his leue of kynge Mark / But or he departed he fayd / fyre kynge ye dyd a foule fhame vnto you & your Courte whan ye bannyffhed fir Triftram out of this coutrey / for ye neded not to haue doubted no knyght and he had 20 ben here / and foo he departed C ~apitulum xxxiy Henne there came fyre kay the Senefchal vnto kynge Marke / and there he hadde good chere fhewyng outeward / Now fayre lordes faid he wille ye preue ony aduenture in the foreft of Morris in the whiche I knowe wel 25 is as hard an aduenture as I knowe ony / Syr faid fir kay/ I wille preue hit / And fir Gaheryfe faid he wold be auyfed For kynge Mark was euer ful of treafon / and there with al fyr Gaheryfe departed and rode his waye / And by the fame waye that fyre Kay fhold ryde / he leyd hym doune to refte 30 chargynge his fquyer to wayte vpon fir kay / and warne me whanne he cometh / Soo within a whyle fir kay came rydynge that way / and thenne fir Gaheryfe tooke his hors and met hym and fayd fire kay ye are not wyfe to ryde at the requeft of kynge Mark for he deleth alle with treafon / Thenne faid fire kay 35 I requyre you lete vs preue this aduenture / I fhal not fayle [leaf =oi verso] F _F __~~~~~~~~~~~- Z3ook ir.] [ 403 ] [Cbap. mirt. you faid fir Gaherys / and foo they rode that tyme tyl a lake / that was that tyme called the peryllous lake / And there they abode vnder the fhawe of the wood / [ The meane whyle kyng Marke within the caftel of Tyntagyl auoyded alle his bar6s & alle other fauf fuche as were pryuy with hym / were auoyded 5 oute of his chamber / And thenne he lete calle his neuewe fir Andred / and badde arme hym and horfe hym lyghtely / & by that tyme it was mydnyght / And foo kynge Marke was armed in blak hors and alle / and foo att a pryuy pofterne they two yffued oute with their varlets with them / and rode tylle io they came to that lake / Thenne fir Kay afpyed them fyrft and gat his fpere/ and profered to Iufte / And kynge Mark rode ageynft hym / and fmote eche other ful hard / for the mone fhone as the bryght day / And there at that Iuftes fir Kayes hors fylle doune / for his hors was not fo bygge as the kynges hors 15 and fir kayes hors bryfed hym ful fore / Thenne fire Gaherys was wrothe that fir kay had a falle / Thenne he cryed knyght fytte thou faft in thy fadel / for I wille reuenge my felawe / Thenne kynge Marke was aferd of fyr Gaherys / and fo with euyl wylle kynge Marke rode ageynfi hym / and fir Gaherys 20 gaf hym fuche a ftroke that he felle doun / So thenne forth with all fyr Gaheryfe ranne vnto fyr Andred and fmote hym from his hors quyte that his helme fmote in the erthe / and nyhe had broken his neck / And there with al fyr Gaherys alyghte and gate vp fir Kay / And thenne they yode bothe on foote to them / 25 and badde them yelde them / and telle theire names other they fhold dye / Thenne with grete payne fire Andred fpak fyrft & faid hit is kynge Marke of Cornewaile / therfore be ye ware what ye do / and I am fir Andred his cofyn / Fy on you bothe faid fir Gaheryfe for a fals traitour / and fals treafon haft thou 30 wrou3t / and he both vnder the fayned chere that ye made vs / it were pyte faid fir Gaherys that thou iholdeft lyue ony lenger / Saue my lyf faid kynge Marke and I wil make amendys & confyder that I am a kynge anoynted / it were the more fhame faid fir Gaherys to faue thy lyf / thou arte a kynge enoyn- 35 ted with creme / and therfore thou fholdeft holde with alle men of worfhip / And therfor thou arte worthy to dye / With that he laffhed at kyng Mark without fayeng ony more & [leaf o2] & j Sook ir.] [ 404 ] [Cbap.;L couerd hym with his fheld and defended hym as he myghte / and thenne fir kay laffhed at fir Andred / and there with all kynge Marke yelded hym vnto fyr Gaherys / And thenne he kneled adoune / and made his othe vpon the croffe of the fuerd 5 that neuer whyle he lyued he wold be ageynft arraunt knyghtes / And alfo he fware to be good Frende vnto fir Triftram / yf euer he came in to Cornewaile / By thenne fir Andred was on the erthe / and fir Kay wold haue flayne hym / lete be faid fir Gaherys / flee hym not I pray you / It were pyte faid fyre o0 kay that he fhold lyue ony lenger / for this is nygh cofyn vnto fyr Triftram / and euer he hath ben a traytour vnto hym / & by hym he was exyled oute of Cornewaile / and therfor I will flee hym fayd fir Kay / ye fhalle not faid Gaherys fythen I haue gyuen the kynge his lyf / I pray you yeue hym his lyf / 15 and there with alle fir Kay lete hym goo / And foo fir Kay and fyre Gaherys rode their way vnto Dynas the Senefchal for by caufe they herd fay that he loued wel fir Triftram / Soo they repofed them there / and foone after they rode vnto the royamme of Logrys / And foo within a lytel whyle they mette 20 with fire Launcelot that alweyes had dame Bragwayn with hym / to that entente / he wende to haue mette the fooner with fir Triftram / and fyr launcelot afked what tydynges in Cornewaile / and whether they herd of fir Triftram or not / Syr Kay and fir Gaherys anfuerd and faid that they herd not of hym 25 Thenne they told fir launcelot word by word of theire aduenture / Thenne fyr launcelot fmyled and faid / hard hit is to take oute of the fleffhe that is bred in the bone / and foo maade hem mery to gyders CI apitulum x1 Ow leue we of this tale / and fpeke we of fyr dynas 30 that had within the caftel a peramour / and fhe loued another knyghte better than hym / And fo whanne fyr Dynas wente oute on huntynge / fhe flypped doune by a tuell / And took with her two brachets / and foo Ihe yede to the knyght that fhe loued / and he her ageyne / ([ And whanne fir [eaf 202 verso] I Sook fr.] [ 405 ] [Cbap. rl. Dynas come home / and myft his peramour and his brachets thenne was he the more wrother for his Brachets than for the lady / Soo thenne he rode after the knyght that had his peramour and badde hym torne and Iufte / So fyr Dynas fmote hym doune that with the falle he brake his legge and his ar- 5 me / And thenne his lady and peramour cryed fire Dynas mercy / and faid fhe wold loue hym better than euer fhe dyd / Nay faid fir Dynas I fhalle neuer trufte them that ones bytrayed me / and therfor as ye haue begonne fo ende / for I wyll neuer medle with you / And fo fir Dynas departed and tooke io his brachets with hym/ and foo rode to his cartel / Now wil we torne vnto fir launcelot that was ryght heuy that he coude neuer here no tydynges of fir Triftram / for al this whyle he was in pryfon with fir Darras / Palomydes / & Dynadan / Thenne dame Brangwayne took her leue to goo in to Cornewaile and x5 fyr launcelot / fyr kay / & fyr Gaherys rode to feke fir Triftram in the countrey of Surleufe / Now fpeketh this tale of fir triftram and of his two felawes / for euery daye fyre Palomydes brauled and fayd langage ageynft fyr Triftram I merueyle faid fir Dynadan of the fyr Palomydes / and thou haddeft fyre 20 Triftram here / thou woldeft do hym no harme / For and a wolf and a fhepe were to gyders in a pryfon / the wolf wold fuffre the fheep to be in pees / and wete thou wel faid fire Dynadan this fame is fire Triftram at a word / and now maift thou doo thy beft with hym / & lete fee now yf ye can fkyfte it with your 25 handes / thenne was fire Palomydes abaffhed and faid lytyl/ fyr Palomydes thenne faid fyr Triftram / I haue herd moche of your maugre ageynft me / but I wille not medle with you as at this tyme by my wille / by caufe I drede the lord of this place that hath vs in gouernaunce / for and I dredde hym not 30 more than I doo the / foone hit Ihold be fkyfte / foo they peaced them felf / Ryght foo came in a damoyfel and faid knyghtes be of good chere for ye are fure of your lyues / and that I herd fay my lord fyre Darras / Thenne were they gladde alle thre / For dayly they wende they fhold haue dyed / ( Thenne foone after 35 this fyr Triftram fylle feke that he wende to haue dyed / thenne fyr Dynadan wepte / and foo dyd fire Palomydes vnder them bothe makyng grete forou / ( Soo a damoyfel [leaf 203] & ij took fr.] [ 406 ] [Cbap. 1. came in to them and fonde them mornynge / Thenne (he wente vnto fire Darras / and told hym how that myghty knyghte that bare the black fhelde was lykely to dye / That fhalle not be fayd fir Darras / for god defende whanne Knyghtes come 5 to me for focour that I fhold fuffre hem to dye within my pryfon / Therfor faid fir Darras to the damoyfel / fetche that kny3t and his felawes- afore me / And thenne anone fir Darras fawe fir Triftram brought afore hym / he faid fire Knyghte me repenteth of thy fekeneffe / for thou arte called a ful noble knio yght / and foo hit femeth by the / And wete ye wel it fhall neuer be faid that fyr Darras fhalle deftroye fuche a noble knyght as thou arte in pryfon / how be hit / that thou haft flayn / iij of my fones / where by I was gretely agreued / But now fhalt thou goo and thy felawes / and youre harneis & horfes haue 15 ben fayre and clene kepte / and ye fhall goo where hit lyketh you vpon this couenaunt / that thou Knyght wilt promyfe me to be good frende to my fones two that ben now on lyue / and alfo that thou telle me thy name / Syr faid he as for me my name is fir Triftram de Lyones / and in Cornewaile was I born 20 and neuewe I am vnto Kynge Marke / And as for the deth of your fones I myght not doo with alle / For and they had ben the next kyn pt I haue / I my3t haue done none other wyfe/ And yf I had flayne hem by treafon or trechery I hadde ben worthy to haue dyed / Alle this I confyder faid fyr Darras/ 25 that alle that ye dyd was by force of knyghthode / and that was the caufe I wold not putte you to deth / But fythe ye be fyr Triftram the good knyght I pray you hertely to be my good frend and to my fones / Syr faid fire Triftram I promyfe yow by the feithe of my body euer whyle I lyue I wille do yow fer30 uyfe / for ye haue done to vs but as a naturel Knyghte ought to doo / Thenne fir Triftram repofed hym there tyl that he was amended of his fekeneffe / And whanne he was bygge and ftronge / they took their leue / and euery knyght took their horfes and foo departed and rode to gyders tyl they came to a 35 croffe way / Now felawes faid, fyr Triftram here wylle we departe in fondry wayes / and by caufe fire Dynadan hadde the fyrft aduenture of hym I wille begynne [leaf 203 verso] Bsookf it.] [ 407 ] [Cbap. rTi. C Capitulum j11 Oo as fir Dynadan rode by a welle/ he fond a lady makyng grete dole / what eyleth you faid fir Dynadan Syre knyght faid the lady I am the wofulleft lady of the world / for within thefe fyue dayes / here came a knyght called fir Breufe faunce pyte / and he flewe myn owne broder / 5 And euer fyns he hath kepte me at his owne will / and of al men in the world I hate hym mooft / And therfor I requyre you of knyghthode to auenge me / for he wille not tary but be here anone / Lete hym come faid fire Dynadan / And by caufe of honour of alle wymmen I wylle doo my parte / With this cam xo fyr Breufe / And whan he fawe a Knyght with his lady / he was wood wrothe / And thenne he faid fir Knyght kepe the from me / foo they hurled to gyder as thonder / and eyther fmote other paffynge fore / But fyre Dynadan putte hym thurgh the iholder a greuous wounde / and or euer fir Dynadan my- i5 ght tome hym fyr Breufe was gone and fledde / Thenne the lady prayd hym to brynge her to a Caftel there befyde but four myle thens / and foo fir Dynadan brought her there / & fhe was welcome / for the lord of that caftel was her vnkel / and foo fyre Dynadan rode his way vpon his aduenture / Now tor- 20 ne we this tale vnto fyre Triftram that by aduenture he cam to a caftel to afke lodgynge / wherin was quene Morgan le fay / &. foo whan fire Triftram was lete into that caftel / he had good chere alle that nyght / And vpon the morne whan he wold haue departed / the Quene faid / wete ye wel ye fhall not departe 25 lyghtely / for ye are here as a pryfoner / Ihefu defende faid fyr Triftram/ for I was but late a pryfoner / Fayr knyght fayd the quene ye fhalle abyde with me tyl that I wete what ye ar and from whens ye come / And euer the Quene wold fet fyr Triftram on her owne fyde / and her peramour on the other fy- 30 de / And euer Quene Morgan wold beholde fyr Triftram / & ther at the knyght was Ialous / and was in wille fodenly to haue ronne vpon fyr Triftram with a fwerd / but he lefte it for fhame / thefie the quene faid to fir Triftram telle me thy name & [leaf 204] & iij Sook it.] [ 408 ] [Cbap. rf. I fhalle fuffre you to departe whan ye will / vpon that couenaunt I telle you my name is fyr Triftram de lyones / A fayd Morgan le fay / and I had wyft that thou fholdeft not haue departed foo foone as thou fhalt / But fythen I haue maade a 5 promyfe / I wille holde hyt / with that thou wilt promyfe me to bere vpon the a fhelde that I fhall delyuer the / vnto the caftel of the hard roche where kynge Arthur had cryed a grete turnement / and there I pray you that ye wille be / and to doo for me as moche dedes of armes as ye maye doo / For att the io Caftel of maydens fyr Triftram ye dyd merueillous dedes of armes as euer I herd knyght doo / Madame faid fyr Triftram lete me fee the fhelde that I fhalle bere / Thenne the fhelde was brought forth / and the feld was guldyffh with a kynge and a quene therin paynted / and a knyght ftandynge aboue them 15 vpon the kynges hede / and the other vpon the quenes / Madame faid fir Triftram this is a fayre fhelde and a my3ty But what fygnefyeth this kynge and this quene / and that knyght ftandynge vp bothe their hedes / I fhalle telle you faid Morgan le fay hit fygnefyeth kynge Arthur and quene gue20 neuer and a knyght that holdeth them both in bondage and in feruage / who is that knyght faid fyre Triftram / that fhalle ye not wete as at this tyme / faid the quene / but as the Frenffhe book faith Quene Morgan le fay loued fir launcelot beft / and euer fhe defyred hym / and he wold neuer loue her / nor doo no thyng 25 at her requeft / and therfore fhe held many Knyghtes to gyder / for to haue taken hym by ftrengthe / And by caufe fhe demed that fyr Launcelot loued Quene Gueneuer peramour / and fhe hym ageyne / therfore Quene Morgan le fay ordeyned that fheld to put fir launcelot to a rebuke to that entent that kyng 30 Arthur myght vnderftande the loue bitwene them / Thenne fir Triftram took that fheld and promyfed her to bere hit atte turnement at the caftel of the hard roche / But fir Triftram knewe not that that fheld was ordeyned ageynft fyr launcelot / but afterward he knewe hit CI Capitulum:lij [leaf 204 verso] Sook (r.] [ 409 ] [~bap. tf. Oo thenne fire Triftram took his leue of the Quene / and took the fheld with hym / Thenne came the kny3te that helde Quene Morgan le fay / his name was fyre Hymefon / and he made hym redy to folowe fyre Triftram / fayr frende faid Morgan le fay ryde not after that knyght / for ye fhalle 5 not wynne no worfhip of hym / Fy on hym coward faide fire Hemyfon / for I wyft neuer good knyghte come oute of Cornewaile / but yf hit were fyr Triftram de Lyones / what & that be he faid fhe / Nay nay faid he / he is with la beale Ifoud and this is but a daffyffh knyght / Alias my fair frende ye fhalle io fynde hym the beft knyght that euer ye mette with alle / For I knowe hym better than ye doo / for your fake faid fir Hemyfon I fhalle flee hym / A fayr frende faid the Quene me repenteth that ye wylle folowe that knyght / for I fere me fore of youre ageyne comynge / with this / this knyghte rode his waye woode 15 wrothe / and he rode after fyr Triftram as faft as he hadde ben chaced with knyghtes / Whanne fir Triftram herd a knyghte come after hym foo faft / he retorned aboute / and fawe a kny3t comynge ageynft hym / And whanne he came nyghe to fir Triftram / he cryed on hyghe fyr knyght kepe the from me / Thenne 20 they raffhed to gyders as hit had ben thonder / and fir Hemyfon bryfed his fpere vpon fyr Triftram / but his harneis was foo good that he myght not hurte hym / And fyre Tryftram fmote hym harder and bare hym thorou the body / and fylle ouer his hors croupe / Thenne fire Triftram torned to haue do- 25 ne more with his fwerd / but he fawe foo moche blood go from hym that hym femed he was lykely to deye / And fo he departed from hym / and came to a fayre manoyre to an old kny3t and there fyre Triftram lodged ([ Now leue to fpeke of fir Triftram / and fpeke we of the 30 knyght that was wounded to the dethe / thenne his varlet alyght and took of his helme / and thene he afked his lord whether there were ony lyf in hym / there is in me lyf faide the knyghte but hit is but lytyl / and therfore lepe thou vp behynde me / whan thou haft holpen me vp / and holde me faft that I falle 35 not / and brynge me to Quene Morgan le fay / for depe drau3 -tes of dethe drawen to my herte that I may not lyue / for I wold fayne fpeke with her or I dyed / For els my foule wyll [leaf 205] & iiij Sootk ir.] [ 410 ] [Cbap. rliif be in grete perylle and I dye / for with grete payne his varlet brought hym to the Caftel / and there fyr Hemyfon fylle doun dede / whanne Morgan le fay fawe hym dede / fhe made grete forou oute of reafon / And thenne fhe lete defpoylle hym vnto his 5 fhyrte / and foo fhe lete hym putte in to a tombe / And aboute the tombe fhe lete wryte / Here lyeth fyr Hemyfon flayne by the handes of fire Triftram de lyones / ( Now torne we vnto fyre Triftram that afked the knyght his hooff yf 'he fawe late ony knyghtes aduenturous / Sir he faid the laft nyght here lodged io with me E&or de marys and a damoyfel with hym / and that damoyfel told me that he was one of the beft knyghtes of the world / that is not foo faid fir Triftram / for I knowe four better knyghtes of his owne blood / and the fyrft is fyr launcelot du lake / calle hym the beff knyght / and fir Bors de ganys 15 Syr Bleoberys / fyr Blamor de ganys and fyr Gaheris / nay faid his hooft / fir Gawayne is a better knyght than he / that is not foo faid fyr Triftram / for I haue mette with hem bothe / & I felte fyr Gaherys for the better knyght and fir Lamorak I calle hym as good as ony of them / excepte fir launcelot / Why 20 name ye not fir Triftram faid his hooft / for I accompte hym as good as ony of them / I knowe not fire Triftram faid triftram / thus they talked and bourded as longe as them lyfte / and thenne wente to refte / And on the morne fir Triftram departed and took his leue of his hooft / and rode toward the 25 roche deure / and anone aduenture had fire Triftram but that / & foo he refted not tyl he came to the caftel where he fawe fyue C tentys C Capitulum:liifi \ Henne the kynge of Scottes and the kyng of Irland helde ageynft kynge Arthurs knyghtes / and there be30 ganne a grete medle / So came in fyr Triftram and dyd merueillous dedes of armes / for there he fmote doune many kny3 -tes / And euer he was afore kynge Arthur with that fhelde / And whanne kynge Arthur fawe that fhelde / he meruyylled gretely in what entente hit was made / but Quene Gueneuer 35 demed as it was wherfor fhe was heuy / Thene was ther a da[leaf 205 verso] 3sooI ir.3 [ 4II ] [Cbap. liifi. moyfel of Quene Morgan in a chamber by kynge Arthur / And whan ihe herd kynge Arthur fpeke of that ihelde / thene fhe fpak openly vnto kynge Arthur / fyre kynge wete ye well this fheld was ordeyned for you to warne you of your fhame and difhonour / and that longeth to you and your Quene / 5 And thenne anone that damoyfel pyked her awey pryuely / that no man wyft where fhe was become / Thenne was kynge Arthur fadde and wrothe and afked from whens came that damoyfel / there was not one that knewe her / nor wyfte where Ihe was become / Thenne Quene Gueneuer called to her fir Ec- Io tor de marys / and there fhe made her complaynte to hym / and faid I wote wel this fheld was made by Morgan le fay / in defpyte of me and fir Launcelot / wherfore I drede me fore left I ihold be deftroyed / And euer the kynge bihelde fyre Triftram that dyd foo merueillous dedes of armes that he w- 15 dred fore what knyght he myght be / and wel he wyft hit was not fyr launcelot / And hit was told hym that fyr Triftram was in petyte Bretayne with Ifoud la blaunche maynys / for he demyd and he had ben in the realme of Logrys / fyr launcelot or fomme of his felawes that were in the queft of fyr 20 Triftram that they Ihold haue fond hym or that tyme / So kyng Arthur had merueylle what knyght he myghte be / And euer fyr Arthurs eye was on that fhelde / Alle that afpyed the Quene / and that made her fore aferd / Thenne euer fyr Triftram fmote doune knyghtes wonderly to beholde what vpon the ry- 25 ght hand and vpon the lyfte hand that vnnethe no kny3t myght withftande hym / And the kyng of Scottes and the kyng of Irland beganne to withdrawe hem / Whanne Arthur afpyed that / he thought that that Knyght with the ftraunge fheld fhold not efcape hym / Thenne he called vnto hym fyre Vwayn 30 la blaunche maynys / and bad hym arme hym and make hym redy / Soo anone kynge Arthur and fir Vwayne dreffid them bifore fir Triftram and requyred hym to telle hem where he had that fhelde / Syr he faid I had it of Quene Morgan le fay fifter vnto kynge Arthur 35 i( ioo bere enbetb tbfs biftorp of tbfi bool / for ft is the ffrfte boot of fire trfftram be Ilones/ anb the feconb boot of fir triff tram folowetb [leaf 206] a3ook r.] [ 4r2 ] [Cbap. I. (C bere bepnnetb tbe feconb book of ire Crfftram / tbow ftre ttiftram fmote boune Mkno trtbur & fir DPwaqne / bg caufe be wolb not telle bem wberfor tbat fbelbe was mabe/W3ut to fat the fotbe fire trfftram coube not tele tbe caufe/for be knewe it not C Zbe tenth book C Capitulum primum Nd yf fo be ye can defcryue what ye bere / ye ar worthy to bere the armes / As for that faid fyr Triftram I wille anfuere you / this fheld was yeuen me / not defyred / of quene Morgan le fay And as for me I can not defcryue thefe armes for it is no poynt of my charge / and yet I trufte to god to bere hem with worfhip / Truly fayd kynge Arthur ye oughte not to bere none armes / but yf ye wift what ye bare / But I pray you telle me youre name / to what entente faid fyre Triftram / io for I wold wete faid Arthur / Syre ye fhalle not wete as at this tyme / thenne fhalle ye and I doo bataille to gyders fayd Kyng Arthur / why faid fyre Triftram wylle ye doo bataille with me but yf I telle you my name / and that lytyl nedeth you and ye were a man of worfhyp / for ye haue fene me thys 15 day haue had grete traueylle / And therfore ye are a vylaynous knyght to afke bataille of me confyderynge my grete traueylle / how be hit I wyl not fayle you / and haue ye no doubte that I feare not you / though ye thynke ye haue me atte a grete auauntage / yet ihalle I ryght wel endure you / And 20 there with all kynge Arthur dreffid his fhelde and his fpere and fyre Triftram ageynft hym / and they came foo egerly to gyders / And there kynge Arthur brake his fpere all to pyeces vpon fyr Triftrams fhelde / But fir Triftram hitte Arthur ageyne that hors and man felle to the erthe / And there was 25 kynge Arthur wounded on the lyfte fyde a grete wounde and a peryllous / Thenne whanne fir Vwayne fawe his lord Arthur lye on the ground fore wounded he was paffynge heuy / And thenne he dreffid his fhelde and his fpere / and cryed a[leaf 206 verso] / SBook r.] [ 4I3 ] [Cbap. i lowde vnto fyr Triftram and faid knyght defende the / So they came to gyder as thonder / and fyr Vwayne bryfed his fpere / alle to pyeces vpon fyre Triftrams fhelde / and fyre Triftram fmote hym harder and forer with fuche a my3t that he bare hym clene oute of his fadel to the erthe / with that fyr Triftram tor- 5 ned aboute and faid Fair knyghtes / I had no nede to Iufte with you / for I haue had ynough to doo this daye / Thenne arofe Arthur / and wente to fyr Vwayn and faid to fire Triftram we haue as we haue deferued / For thurgh our orgulyte we demaunded bataille of you / and yet we knewe not youre io name / Neuertheles by feynt croffe faid fyre Vwayne he is a ftronge knyght at myn aduyfe as ony is now lyuyng / Thenne fir Triftram departed/ and in euery place he afked & demaunded after fir Launcelot / but in no place he coude not here of hym whether he were dede or on lyue / wherfor fir triftram 15 made grete dole and forowe / Soo fyr Triftram rode by a foreft and thefie was he ware of a fayre toure by a mareyfe on that one fyde / and on that other fyde a fayr medowe / And there he fawe ten knyghtes fyghtynge to gyder / And euer the nere he came / he fawe how ther was but one knyght dyd bataille 20 ageynft nyne knyghtes / and that one dyd foo merueylloufly that fyre Triftram had grete wonder that euer one kny3t myght doo foo grete dedes of armes / and thenne within a lytell whyle he had flayne half their horfes / and vnhorfed them / and their horfes ranne in the feldes and forefte / Thenne fyre 25 Triftram had foo grete pyte of that one knyght that endured foo grete payne / and euer he thought hit fhold be fyr palomydes by his fhelde / and foo he rode vnto the knyghtes and cryed vnto them / and bad them feace of their bataille / for they did them felf grete ihame foo many knyghtes to fyghte with one / 30 Thenne anfuerd the maifter of tho knyghtes / his name was called Breufe faunce pyte that was atte that tyme the moofte mefchyeuouft knyght lyuynge / and faid thus / fyr kny3t what haue ye ado with vs to medle/ And therfor and ye be wyfe/ departe on your way as ye cam / for this knyghte fhalle not ef- 35 cape vs /that were pyte faid fyr Triftram that foo good a knyght as he is fhold be flayne foo cowardly / And therfore I warne you I will focoure hym with all my puyffaunce [leat 207] oo00k r.] [ 414 ] [~bp. fi. ~C Xapitulum fecubum S 0 fyre Triftram alyghte of his hors by caufe they were on foote that they fhold not flee his hors / And thene dreffid his fheld with his fwerd in his hand / and he fmote on the ryght hand and on the lyfte hand paffyng fore that 5 wel nygh at euery ftroke he ftrake doun a knyght / And when they afpyed his ftrokes / they fled all with Breufe fauce pyte vnto the toure / & fir Triftram folowed faft after with his fuerd in his hand / but they efcaped in to the toure / and fhytte fire Triftram withoute the gate / E( And whanne fire Triftram io fawe this / he retorned abak vnto fyr Palomydes / and fond hym fyttyng vnder a tree fore wounded/ A faire knyght faide fyre Triftram wel be ye fonde / Gramercy faid fir palomydes of your grete goodenes / for ye haue refcowed me of my lyf and faued me from my dethe / what is your name faid fir Triftram / 15 he faid my name is fyr Palomydes / O Ihefu faid fyr Triftra thou haft a fayre grace of me this daye / that I fhold refcowe the / and thou arte the man in the world that I moofte hate / but now make the redy / for I will doo bataille with the / what is your name fayd palomydes / my name is fir Triftram your 20 mortal enemy / hit may be foo faid fir palomydes / But ye haue done ouer moche for me this day that I fhold fyghte with you / for in as moche as ye haue faued my lyf / hit wille be no worfhip for you to haue adoo with me / for ye are freffh and I am wounded fore / And therfor and ye wille nedes haue ado 25 with me / Affigne me a day and thenne I fhal mete with you withoute fayle / ye faye wel faid fir Triftram / Now I affigne you to mete me in the medowe by the ryuer of Camelot / where Merlyon fette the peron / foo they were agreed / Thenne fir Triftram afked fyr Palomydes why the ten knyghtes dyd bataill 30 with hym / for this caufe faid fir palomydes / as I rode vp myn aduentures in a foreft here befyde / I afpyed where laye a dede Knyght / and a lady wepynge befyde hym / And whanne I fawe her makynge fuche dole / I afked her who flewe her lorde E Syre fhe faid the falfeft knyght of the world now lyuyng 35 and he is the mooft vylayne that euer man herd fpeke of/ [leaf 207 verso] 0soo0 r.] [ 415 ] [Cbap. if. and his name is fir Breufe faunce pyte / thenne for pyte I made the damoyfel to lepe on her palfroy / and I promyfed her to be her waraunt / and to helpe her to entyere her lord / And foo fodenly as I came rydynge by this toure / there came oute fyr Breufe faunce pyte / and fodenly he ftrake me from my hors / 5 And thenne or I myghte recouer my hors / this fir Breufe flewe the damoyfel / and foo I took my hors ageyne / and I was fore afhamed / and fo beganne the medle betwixe vs / and this is is the caufe wherfore we dyd this bataille / Well faid fir triftram now I vnderftande the maner of your bataiylle / but in io ony wyfe haue remembraunce of your promyfe that ye haue made with me to doo bataille with me this day fourtenyght / I fhal not fayle you faid fir Palomydes / wel faid fir Triftram as at this tyme I wille not fayle you tyl that ye be oute of the dauger of your enemyes / So they mounted vpon theyr horfes / & 15 rode to gyders vnto that forefte / and there they fond a fayre welle / with clere water burbelynge / fayr fir faid fir Triftram to drynke of that water haue I courage / and thenne they alyght of their horfes / And thenne were they ware by them where flood a grete hors teyed to a tree / and euer he neyhed 20 And thenne were they ware of a fayr knyght armed vnder a tree lackyng no pyece of harneis faue his helme lay vnder his heede / By the good lord faid fir Triftram yonder lyeth a wel farynge knyght / what is beft to doo / Awake hym faid fir palomydes / fo fir Triftram awaked hym with the but of his fpe- 25 re / And foo the knyght arofe vp haftely and putte his helme vpon his hede / and gat a grete fpere in his hand / and without ony moo wordes he hurled vnto fir Triftram / and fmote hym clene from his fadel to the erthe / and hurte hym on the lyfte fyde that fir Triftram lay in grete perylle / Thenne he wallopped 30 ferther / and fette his cours / and came hurlynge vpon fir palomydes / and there he ftrake hym a parte thorou the body that he fylle from his hors to the erthe / (I And thenne this ftraunge knyght lefte them there / and took his way thurgh the forefte / With this fir Palomydes and fire Triftram were on foote and 35 gat their horfes ageyn / and eyther afked counceylle of other / what was beft to done / By my hede faid fir Triftram I wyll folowe this ftrong knyght that thus hath fhamed vs / ({ Well [leaf 208] 0oo0 t.3 [ 416 ] [tbap. it. faid fir Palomydes / & I wylle repofe me here by with a frend of myn / Beware faid fire Triftram vnto Palomydes that ye fayle not that day ye haue fet with me to do bataill / for as I deme ye wille not hold your day / for I am moche bygger 5 than ye / As for that faid fir Palomydes / be hit as hit be maye for I feare you not / For and I be not feke nor pryfoner I wil not fayle you / But I haue caufe to haue moche more doubte of you that ye wille not mete with me / for ye ryde after yonder itrong knyght / And yf ye mete with hym / hit is an hard aduenture io and euer ye efcape his handes / Ryght foo fir Triitram and fir Palomydes departed / and eyther took their wayes dyuerfe CI apitulum iij Nd fo fyre Triftram rode longe after this ftronge knyght / And at the lafte he fawe where lay a lady ouerthwarte a dede knyght / Faire lady faid fir Triftram who hath s5 flayne your lord / Syr fhe faid here came a knyght rydyng as my lord and I refted vs here/ and afked hym of whens he was / and my lord faid of Arthurs courte / therfore faid the ftronge knyght I wille lufte with the / for I hate alle thefe that ben of Arthurs Courte / And my lord that lyeth here dede 20 amounted vpon his hors / and the ftronge knyght and my lord encountred to gyder/ and there he fmote my lord thorugh oute with his fpere / and thus he hath broughte me in grete woo and dammage / That me repenteth faid fire Triftram of your grete anger / and hit pleafe you / telle me your hufbandes 25 name / fyr faid fhe his name was Galardoun that wold haue preued a good knyghte / Soo departed fir Triftram from that dolorous lady and hadde moche euylle lodgyng / Thenne on the thyrdde day fyr Triftram mette with fyr Gawayne and with fir Bleoberys in a foreft at a lodge and eyther were fo30 re wounded / Thenne fyre Triftram afked fyr Gawayne and fyr Bleoberys yf they met with fuche a Knyghte with fuche a cognoyffaunce with a keuerd fhelde / Faire fyr faid thefe knyghtes fuche a knyght met with vs to oure grete dommage / & fyrft he fmote doune my felawe fyre Bleoberys & fore wouded [leaf 208 verso] -~~~~ ffook r.] [ 4I7 ] [Cbap. iff hym / by caufe he badde me I fhold not haue ado with hym For why he was ouer ftronge for me / That ftrong knyght toke his wordes at fcorne and faid he faid it for mockery / And thenne they rode to gyders / and foo he hurte my felawe / And whan he had done fo /I myght not for fhame / but I muff Iufte 5 with hym / And at the fyrft courfe he fmote me doune / and my hors to the erthe / And there he had al mooft flayne me / and from vs he took his hors / and departed / and in an euyll tyme we mette with hym / Faire knyghtes faid fir Triftram foo he mette witl me / and with another knyght that hyght Palomy- io des / and he fmote vs bothe doune with one fpere / and hurt vs ryght fore / By my feythe faid fir Gawayne by my counceil ye fhalle lete hym paffe / and feke hym no ferther / for at the nexte feeft of the round table vpon payne of my hede ye fhalle fynde hym there / By my feythe faid fir Triftram I fhall neuer refte 15 tyl that I fynde hym / And thenne fir Gawayne afked hym his name / thenne he faid my name is fir Triftram / and fo eyther told other their names / and thenne departed fyr Triftram / and rode his way / And by fortune in a medowe fire Triftram mette with fir Kay the fenefchal and fir Dynadan / What ty- 20 dynges with you faid fir Triftram with you Knyghtes / Not good faid thefe knyghtes / why foo faid fir Triftram I praye you telle me / for I ryde to feke a knyght / what cognoyffaunce bereth he faid fir Kay / He bereth faid fir Triftram a couerd fheld clofe with clothe / By my hede faid fir Kay that is the 25 fame Knyght that mette with vs / for this nyght we were lodged within a wydowes hous / and there was that knyght lodged / And whanne he wyft we were of Arthurs court / he fpak grete vylonye by the kynge / and fpecially by the Quene Gueneuer / I And thenne on the morne was waged bataille 30 with hym for that caufe / And at the fyrft recoutre faid fir kay he fmote me doune from my hors / and hurte me paffynge fore / And whanne my felawe fyr Dynadan fawe me fmyten doune and hurte / he wold not reuenge me / but fledde from me / And thus is he departed / And thenne fir Triftram afked them theyr 35 names / and foo eyther told other their names / And foo fyre Triftram departed from fyr kay / and from fir Dynodan / and fo he paft thurgh a grete foreft in to a playne tyl he was ware [leaf 2og] 2 D Sook r.] [ 418 ] [Cbap. iv. of a pryory / and there he repofed hym with a good man fyxe dayes C Capitulum quartum Nd thenne he fente his man that hyght Gouernaile/ & commaunded hym to goo to a Cyte there by to fetche 5 hym newe harneis / for hit was long tyme afore that / that fyre Triftram had ben refreffhed / his harneis was bryfed & broken And whanne Gouernaile his feruaunt was come with his apparail / he toke his leue at the wydowe / and mounted vpon his hors / and rode his way erly on the morne / And by fodeyn adIo uenture fyr Triftram mette with fir Sagramore le defyrus / & with fyre Dodynas le faueage / And thefe two knyghtes mette with fyre Triftram and queftyoned with hym / and afked hym yf he wold Iufte with hem / Faire knyghtes faid fir Triftram with a good wylle I wold Iufte with you / But I haue 15 promyfed at a day fette nere hand to do bataille with a ftrong knyght / And therfore I am lothe to haue adoo with you / for and hit myffortuned me here to be hurte I fhold not be able to doo my bataille / whiche I promyfed / As for that faid Sagramor maulgre your hede ye fhalle Iufte with vs / or ye paffe 20 from vs / well faid fyr Triftram / yf ye enforce me therto I muff doo what I may / And thenne they dreffid their fheldes / and came rennynge to gyder with grete yre / But thurgh fyr Triftrams grete force he ftrake fyr Sagramor from his hors / Thenne he hurled his hors ferther / and faid to fir Dodynas / kny3te 25 make the redy / and foo thorou fyne force fyre Triftram ftrake Dodynas from his hors / And whanne he fawe hem lye on the erthe / he took his brydel / and rode forth on his way and his man Gouernaile with hym / Anone as fir Triftram was pafte fyr Sagramore and fir Dodynas gate ageyne their horfes / & 30 mounted vp lyghtely and folowed after fir Triftram / And whan fyre Triftram fawe them come foo faft after hym / he retorned with his hors to them / and afked them what they wold Hit is not longe ago fythen I fmote you to the erthe at your owne requeft / and defyre / I wold haue ryden by you / but ye 35 wold not fuffre me / and now me femeth ye wold doo more bataille with me / That is trouthe faid fire Sagramore and fyre [leaf 209 verso] -~- - - ---— e _ L~L, ~LI Msook.] [ 419 ] [Cbap. v. Dodynas / for we wille be reuengyd of the defpyte ye haue done to vs / Faire knyghtes faid fir Triftram that fhall lytyl nede you / for all that I dyd to you / ye caufed hit / wherfore I requyre you of your knygthode leue me as at this tyme / for I am fure and I doo bataille with you I fhalle not efcape with 5 oute grete hurtes / and as I fuppofe ye fhalle not efcape alle lotles / And this is the caufe why I am foo loth to haue ado with you / For I muft fyghte within thefe thre dayes with a good knyght and as valyaunt as ony is now lyuynge / and yf I be hurte I fhalle not be able to doo bataille with hym / Io What Knyght is that faid fir Sagramor that ye fhalle fyghte with alle / Syrs faid he it is a good knyght called fir Palomydes / By my hede faid fir Sagramor and fire Dodynas ye haue caufe to drede hym / for ye fhall fynde hym a paffyng good knyght /and a valyaunt / And by caufe ye fhalle haue ado 15 with hym / we wille forbere you as at this tyme / and els ye fhold not efcape vs lyghtely / But fayr knyght faid fir Sagramour telle vs your name / Syr faid he my name is fir Triftram de lyones / A faid Sagramor and fir Dodynas well be ye fonde / for moche worfhip haue we herd of you / And thenne ey- 20 ther took leue of other / and departed on their way / IC apttulum V Henne departed fire Triftram and rode ftreyghte vnto Camelot to the Peron that Merlyn had made to fore where fire Lancyor that was the Kynges fone of Irland was flayne by the handes of Balyn / and in that fame place was 25 a fayr lady Columbe flayn that was loue vnto fir Lanceor for after he was dede fhe took his fuerd and threft hit thorou her body / And by the crafte of Merlyn he made to entiere this knyght Lanceor and his lady Columbe vnder one ftone / And at that tyme Merlyon profecyed / that in that fame place fhold 30 fyghte two the beft knyghtes that euer were in Arthurs dayes / and the beft louers / ( Soo whanne fyre Triftram came to the tombe where lancyor and his lady were buryed / he [leaf 210] A j s:ook y.] [ 420 ] [Cbap. v. loked aboute hym after fir Palomydes / Thenne was he ware of a femely knyght came rydyng ageynft hym all in whyte / with a couerd fhelde / Whanne he came nyghe fir Triftram he faid on hyghe ye be welcome fyr Knyght / and wel and truly ha5 ue ye hold your promyfe / And thenne they dreffid their fheldes and fperes / and came to gyders with alle theire myghtes of their horfes / and they met fo fyerfly that bothe their horfes and Knyghtes fylle to the erthe / And as faft as they my3te auoyded theyre horfes / and putte their fheldes afore them / and io they ftrake to gyders with bryght fwerdes as men that were of myght / and eyther wofded other wonderly fore that the blood ranne out vpon the graffe / And thus they fought the fpace of four houres / that neuer one wold fpeke to other one word / & of their harneis they had hewen of many pecys / O lord Ihefu 15 faid Gouernaile I merueyle gretely of the ftrokes my maifter hath yeuen to your mayfter / By my hede faid fir Laficelots feruaunt your maifter hath not yeuen fo many but your maifter hath receyued as many or more / 0 Ihefu faide Gouernaile it is to moche for fir palomydes to fuffre or fir Launcelot / And 20 yet pyte it were that eyther of thefe good knyghtes Ihold deftroye others blood / Soo they ftode and wepte bothe / and made grete dole / whan they fawe the bryghte fwerdes ouer couerd with blood of their bodyes / Thenne at the laft fpake fyr launcelot and faid knyght thou fyghteft wonderly wel / as euer I 25 fawe knyght / therfor and hit pleafe you telle me your name / Syr faide fyre Triftram that is me lothe to telle ony man my name / Truly faid fir launcelot and I were requyred I was neuer loth to telle my name / Hit is wel faid faid fir Triftram thenne I requyre you to telle me your name / fayr knyghte he 30 faid my name is fir launcelot du lake / Alias faid fire Triftram what haue I done / for ye are the man in the world that I loue beft / Faire knyght faid fir Launcelot telle me your name Truly faid he my name is fir Triftram de lyones / O Ihefu faid fir launcelot what aduenture is befalle me / And there with 35 fyr launcelot kneled doune and yelded hym vp his fuerd And there with alle fir Triftram kneled adoune / and yelded hym vp his fuerd / And foo eyther gaf other the degree / And thenne they bothe forth with all went to the ftone / and fet them [leaf 2IO verso] 3Sook tr.] [ 421 ] [Cbap. v, doune vpon hit / and toke of their helmes to kele them / and eyther kyft other an honderd tymes / And thenne anone after they took of their helmes and rode to Camelot / and there they mette with fir Gawayne and with fir Gaherys that had made promyfe to Arthur neuer to come ageyne to the court tyl they 5 had brought fyr Triftram with them (C apitulum feytum Etorne ageyne faid fir launcelot for your queft is done / for I haue mette with fir Triftram / loo here is his owne perfone / Thenne was fyr Gawayne gladde / and faid to fire Triftram ye are welcome / for now haue ye eafyd me grete- Io ly of my labour / For what caufe faid fir Gawayne came ye in to this courte / Fair fir faid fir Triftram I came in to thys countrey /by caufe of fyr Palomydes/ for he and I had affygned at this day to haue done bataille to gyders at the Peroun And I merueyle I here not of hym / And thus by aduentur 15 my lord fyre Laficelot and I mette to gyders / With this came Kynge Arthur / And whan he wyft that there was fir Triftram / thenne he ranne vnto hym and toke hym by the hand / And faide fire Triftram ye are as welcome as ony Knyghte/ that euer came to this Courte / And whanne the Kynge had 20 herd how fire Launcelot and he had foughten / and eyther had wounded other wonderly fore / thenne the Kynge maade grete dole / Thenne fir Triftram told the Kynge how he came thydder for to haue had adoo with fire Palomydes / And thenne he told the kynge how he had refcowed hym from the nyne knyghtes 25 and Breufe faunce pyte / And how he fond a Knyght lyeng by a well / and that Knyght fmote doune fir Palomydes and me / but his fheld was couerd with a clothe / Soo fir Palomydes lefte me / and I folowed after that Knyghte / and in many places I fonde where he had flayne Knyghtes / and foriuf- 30 ted many / By my hede faid fir Gawayne that fame Knyghte fmote me doun and fire Bleoberys and hurte vs fore both / he with the couerd fhelde / A fayd fir Kay that Knyght fmote me adoune & hurte me paffynge fore / & fayne wolde I haue knowen hym but I my3t not / Ihefu mercy faid Arthur what 35 [leaf 211] A ij Sook r.] [ 422 ] [Cbap. vi. knyghte was that with the couerd fhelde / I knowe not faide fir Triftram / and fo faid they all / now faid kyng Arthur thenne wote I for it is fir laucelot / thene they al loked vpon fir laicelot & faid ye haue begyled vs with your couerd fhelde / Hit is 5 not the fyrft tyme faid Arthur he hath done foo / My lord fayd fir Launcelot truly wete ye wel I was the fame knyght that bare the couerd fhelde / And by caufe I wold not be knowen that I was of your Courte I faid no worfhip of your hows That is trouthe faid fir Gawayne / fir kay / and fir Bleoberys Io Thenne kynge Arthur took fir Triftram by the hand/ & wente to the table round / Thenne came Quene Gueneuer and many ladyes with her / and alle tho ladyes fayden at one voyce / welcome fir Triftram / welcome faid the damoyfels / welcome fayd knyghtes / welcome faid Arthur for one of the beft knyghtes/ 15 and the gentylft of the world / and the man of moofte worfhip / for of alle maner of huntynge thou bereft the pryce / and of alle mefures of blowynge thou arte the begynnynge / and of alle the termes of huntyng and haukyng ye are the begynner / of all Inftrumentes of mufyke ye ar the beft / therfor gen20 tyl knyght faid Arthur ye are welcome to this courte / And alfo I pray you faid Arthur graunte me a bone/ it fhall be at your commaundement faid Triftram / wel faid Arthur I will defyre of you that ye wille abyde in my courte / Syr faide fyre Triftram therto is me lothe / for I haue adoo in many countre25 yes / Not foo faid Arthur / ye haue promyfed hit me / ye maye not fay nay / Syr faid fir Triftram I wille as ye wille / Thenne wente Arthur vnto the feges about the round table / and loked in euery fyege / the whiche were voyde that lacked knyghtes / And thenne the kynge fawe in the fiege of Marhaus let30 ters that faiden / this is the fyege of the noble knyght fir Triftram / And thenne Arthur made fir Triftram knyght of the table round with grete nobley and grete feeft as myghte be thought / for fir marhaus was flayne by the handes of fire Triftram in an yland / and that was wel knowen at that ty35. me in the courte of Arthur / for this marhaus was a worthy knyght / And for euylle dedes that he dyd vnto the countrey of Cornewaile / fire Triftram and he foughte / And they foughte foo longe tracynge and trauercynge tylle they fylle bledynge [leaf 2I verso] 3oo00 r.] [ 423 ] [cbap.. to the erthe / for they were fo fore wounded that they myght not ftande for bledynge / and fir Triftram by fortune recouerd anct fyre Marhaus dyed thurgh the ftroke on the hede / Soo leue wd of fir Triftram and fpeke we of Kyng Marke / IC Capttulum vif Henne Kynge Marke had grete defpyte of the renou- 5 me of fir Triftram / and Thanne he chaced hym oute of Cornewaile/ yet was he neuewe vnto Kynge Marke / but he had grete fufpecyon vnto fire Triftram by caufe of his Quene la Beale Ifoud / for hym femed that there was to moche lo- ue bitwene them bothe / Soo whan fir Triftram departed oute io of Cornewaile in to Englond / kynge marke herd of the grete proweffe that fir Triftram dyd there / the whiche greued hym fore / Soo he fente on his party men to afpye what dedes he dyd / And the Quene fente pryuely on her party fpyes to knowe what dedes he had done / for grete loue was bitwene them tweyn 15 Soo whan the meffagers were come home / they told the trouth as they had herd that he paffed alle other knyghtes / but yf it were fir launcelot / Thenne kynge Marke was ryght heuy of thefe tydynges / and as glad was la Beale Ifoud / Thenne in grete defpyte he took with hym two good Kny3tes / and two 20 fquyers / and defguyfed hym felf / and took his way in to Englond to the entente for to flee fir Triftram / and one of thefe ij Knyghtes hyght Berfules / and the other Kny3t was called Amant / Soo as they rode Kynge marke afked a knyght that he met where he fhold fynde Kynge Arthur / he faid at Came- 25 lot / Alfo he afked that Knyghte after fire Triftram whether he herd of hym in the courte of Kynge Arthur / wete you wel faid that Kny3t ye fhall fynde fir Triftram ther for a man of as grete worfhip. as is now. lyuyng for thur3 his proweffe he.w. the turnement of the caftel of maydens / that ftandeth by the 30 hard roche / And fythen he hath wonne with his owne haltdes. thyrtty Knyghtes that were men of grete honour / ([ And the lafte batail that euer he dyde / he foughte with fyre [leaf I 2] A iij 11 rItr.3I; [ 424 ] [Cbap. vii. Iaucelot/ and that was a merueilous bataille / And not by tfore fyr launcelot brought fir Triftram to the Courte / and of 'y kynge Arthur made paffynge grete ioye / and foo maade.yin knyght of the table round / and his feate was where the $ good Knyghtes fir Marhaus feate was / Thenne was Kyng, Marke paffynge fory whanne he herd of the honour of fir Triftram / and foo they departed / Thenne faid Kyng Marke vnto | his two Knyghtes / Now wille I telle you my counceylle ye / are the men that I truft mooft to on lyue / and I wille that / 1o ye wete my comynge hyder is to this entente / for to deftroye fir! Triftram. by wyles or by treafon / and hit fhalle be hard yf euer he efcape our handes / Alias faid fir Berfules what mene! you / for ye be fette in fuche a waye / ye are difpofed fhamefully For fir Triftram is the Kny3t of mooft worfhip that we kno15 we lyuynge / And therfor I warne you playnly I wyll ne/ uer confente to doo hym to the dethe / and therfor I wyll yelde ' my feruyfe / and forfake you whan kynge Mark herd hym fay fo / Sodenly he drewe his fwerd and faid A traitour / & fmote fyr Berfules on the hede that the fuerd wente to his teeth / ( / 20 Whanne Amant the knyghte fawe hym doo that vylaynous - | dede / and his fquyers / they faid hit was foul done / and me| fchyeuoufly / wherfore we wille doo the no more feruyfe / and wete ye wel / we wil appeche the of treafon afore Arthur/ Thenne was Kynge Marke wonderly wrothe / and wold ha25 ue flayne Amant / but he and the two fquyers held them to gyders / and fette nought by his malyce / whanne Kynge marke fawe he myght not be reuenged on them / he faid thus vnto the! ' Knyght Amant / wete thou wel / and thou apoeche me of treafon / I fhalle therof defende me afore Kynge Arthur / but.I re30 quyre the that thou telle not my name that I am Kyng mark |/ what fomeuer come of me / As for that faid fif Amant I wil not difcouer your name / and foo they departed / and Amant and his felawes took the body of Berfules and buryed hit [leaf 2 12 verso] -~~~~-~~~t ___~mmmm EDITOR'S NOTE. - IN order to avoid misunderstandings I beg to state in anticipation Qf the second volume: i. The present edition follows the original in every respect, word for word, line for line, and page for page, and, with a few exceptions which are accounted for and registered, letter for letter. 2. Caxton's volume commences with a blank leaf, which, as shown by the signatures, is counted. This leaf is also in the present edition, but it is not counted here, for the simple reason that the coincidence of the signatures in Caxton with the marks of the binders in the present edition should be avoided. Thus, on page 65 the fourth sheet begins, and is marked at the bottom by "E," whereas Caxton's fourth sheet only commences on page 67 (c j). 3. There occur in the impression of Caxton three kinds of "w." (Compare the photographic facsimile: firstly, line 20, in the word " was; " secondly, line 21, in the word " afterward; " and, thirdly, in the same line in the word " toward.") The first kind of " w," according to Mr. Blades, denotes in type No. 4* the capital "W." Caxton's compositors did not distinguish, as they ought, these "w " from one another, so that the one denoting " W" frequently occurs in the middle of words and in other places, where it is evidently out of place. I have, therefore, in the present edition, as Roman type does not admit of marking the three kinds, rendered it by "W " in all cases where capital " W " was to be expected, as in the beginning of a sentence and in proper names, otherwise it is rendered by "w." 4. There are, further, two styles of " I " used in Caxton's edition. (Compare the photographic facsimile, firstly, line i, and secondly, line 5.) At first it appeared that a difference was made between "i" and " j," but such is not the case; both kinds are used indiscriminately. I have, therefore, after some consideration, always rendered it by " I." Moreover, the first kind of " I " occurs more frequently. 5. The character 3" is used in Caxton to express both " z" and "gh." In words where "z" was to be expected I have rendered "3"by "z," otherwise I have preserved "3," e.g., "Cezar" and " kny3t." 6. Caxton has no fixed rules for dividing words at the end of a line. A word is divided as the space in each special case permits, and as a rule there is no conjunctive hyphen put-e.g., " horfes " is not broken "hor- fes " but "ho rfes." As I found that in many cases mistakes arose from this deficiency, I have for the convenience of the modern reader always added the hyphen where it was to be expected. 7. In some cases where Caxton's compositors evidently confounded "n " with "u," or the reverse, e.g., in "but," I have not reproduced the error. I have done the same in a few cases where "f " and " f " were confounded, e.g., in " for." 8. In a few cases where letters or parts of words were either effaced or did not come out in printing, the missing matter is supplied in italics. H. OSKAR SOMMER. OBW a wwoow-ow - -