CATALOGUE OF BOOKS ON.PRINTING AND THE KINDRED ARTS. CATALO GUE OF BOOKS ON PRINTING AND THEi KINDRED ARTS: EMIBRACING ALSO WORKS ON COPYRIGHT, LIBERTY OF THE PRESS, LIBEL, LITERARY PROPERTY, BIBLIOGRAPHY, ETC. ALBANY: JOEL MUNSELL, 1868. NO T E. The Collection of Books embraced in the following Catalogue is offered for sale to any individual, or library company, desirous of purchasing it entire, at the prices affixed. The classes of books contained in it consist of specialties which, as they are usually printed in small numbers, finally' disappear from commerce. A considerable number of the volumes in the list are very difficult to obtain, and not a few of them are of extreme rarity. The arrangement and classification of the Catalogue is in some instances inexact, owing to the inexperience of the compiler who was employed, and the same may be true of the alleged sizes and styles of binding, though of no serious importance. The titles, however, have been made sufficiently full to enable the reader to identify the workls and ascertain the subject of them. No effort has been made to overrate their condition or rarity, and the prices are thought to be below the value of the books at the present time, irrespective of the cost of the binding, which in many cases is new. J. MUNSELL,.Alborny, 1 Y. CATALOGUE 1 ADAMS. Typographia: a brief Sketch of the Origin, Rise, and Progress of the Typographic Art; with practical directions for conducting every department in a Printing Office. By Thomas -F. Adams. With an Index. Philadelphia, 1837. 12mo, pp. 372, plates, sheep. $2.50 2 ABBOTT. Franklin, the Apprentice Boy. New York, 1855. 16mo, pp. 160, engravings, half turkey morocco. $1.50 3 ALNANDER. Historiola Artis Typographicre in Svecia, quam cum consensu Ampliss. Ordinis Philosoph. in illustri Athenseo Upsal. Sub Moderamine Viri Celeberrimi Amplissimique Mag. Fabiani Kcerner (?) Pro solitis in Philosophia.honoribuls Publice sistit examinandam. John 0. Alnander. Rostochi, 1725. 16tmo, pp. iv, 101, half calf.. $1.50 Scarce work, but in this copy the binder has cut the work down so much as to take off the imprint. 4 ANDREWS. The History of British Journalism from the Foundation of the Newspaper Press in England, to the Repeal of the Stamp Act in 1855, with Sketches of Press Celebrities. By Alexander Andrews. London, 1859. 2 vols., with Index, 8vo, pp. viii, 339, 365, cloth. $5 5 BABBAGE. On the Economy of Machinery and Manufactures. By Charles Babbage Esq., A. M. Printing from Cavities; Printing from Surfaces, etc. London, 1832. 16meo, pp. xvi, 320, cloth. $1.25 6 BALTIMORE NEWSPAPER RIOT. Report of the Committee of Grievances, and Courts of Justice of the House of Delegates of Maryland, on the subject of the recent Mobs and Riots in the City of Baltimore, together with the Depositions taken before the Committee. Annapolis, 1818. 8vo, pp. v, 347, half calf. $5 1 2 TYPO G RAPII~CAL CA TAL O G UE. 7 BAKER. Franklin; An Address delivered before the New York Typographical Society, on FranRklin's Birthday, Jan. 17, 1865. By Peter C. Baker. New York, 1865. 8vo, pp. 28, paper. 50cts. 8 BANDINIO. De Florentina Ivntarvmn Typographia eivsqve censoribvs ex qva Grseci, Latini Tvsci scriptores ope codicevn manvscriptorvm a viris clarissinmis, pristinme, integritati restitvti in lucem prodiervnt accedvnt excerpta vberrima prsefationvm libris singvlis prmemissarvm avetore, Angelo Mcriac BaLndinio. Lvcae, 1791. 2 parts in one vol. 8vo, pp. xliv, 143, 281, folding pedigree, half calf. $3.50 9 BANQUET. Proceedings at the Printer's Banquet, held by the New York Typographical Society, on the occasion of Franklin's Birthday, Jan. 17, 1850, at Niblo's, Broadway. New York, 1850. Paper. 50cts. 10 BARLOW. Considerations on the Employment of the Press as a measure of diffusing the Principles of the Church; with the Plan of a Society, and the Draft of a proposed Constitution adapted to that object. By the Rev. Wm. Barlow, Rector of Claremont. New York, 1826. 8vo, pp. 24, half mor. $1.50 11 BATTAGLINI. Dissertazione Accademica sul Commercio degli antichi e moderni Libraj recitata nella Generale Adunanza tenuta nella Sala del Serbatojo d'Arcadia il di 7 Settemnbre, 1786, dal Canonico Angelo Battcglini. In Roma, 1787. 8vo, pp. 62, half calf. $2.50 12 BARUIFFALDI. Della Tipografia Ferrarese dall' Anno rccccLxxI, al WMD, Saggio Letterario Bibliografico dell' abate Girolcamo Barziffcddi Juniore. In Ferrara, 1777. 8vo, pp. 96, half turkey morocco. $4.50 13 BEAUPRE. Nouvelles Recherches de Bibliographie Lorraine 15001700. Par l. Beaupre. Nancy, 1856. 8vo, in three parts, pp. 84; 116; 64, 4, half turikey morocco, uncullt. $3.50 14 BENNETT. Memoirs of James Gordon Bennett and his Times. New York, 1865. 8vo, pp. xxiv, 488, portrait, plates, cloth. $2 15 BERJEAU. Le Bibliophile Illustre. Texte et Gravures par J. Pyh. Berjeau. Londres, 1861. 5 Nos. paper. $2.50 Specimens of ancient wood cuts. 16 BERNARD. Antoine Vitre et les Caracteres orientaux de la Bible Polyglotte de Paris. Origine et vicissitudes de premiers caracteres orientaux introduits en France, avec un specimen de ces caracteres. Par Aug. Berncard. Paris, 1857. 8vo, pp. 54, paper. $1 TYPOGRAPHIICAL CA TALOG 0 UE. 17 BERNARD. Les Etienne, et Les Types Grecs de Franqois Ier, cornplidment des Annales Stephaniennes renfermant L'Histoire complete des Types Royaux, enrichie d'un sp6cimen de ces caracteres, et suivi d'une notice historique sur les Premieres Impressions Grecques, par Aug: Bernard. A Paris, 1856. 8vo, pp. 72, half calf. $2.50 18 BERNARD. Geofroy Tory, Peintre et Graveur, Premier Imprimeur Royal, Reformnateur de l'Orthographe et de la Typographie sous Franqois ler. Par Aug. Bernard. Paris, 1857. 8vo, pp. 260, half turkey morocco. $3.50 Rare, fac-similes of early wood cuts. 19 BIBLIOGRAPHY. Revista Bibliographica, Madrid; Bulleti MMensuel, Paris; Weekblad voor den Boekhandel, Amsterdam; El Conmmercio, Paris and Madrid; Der Antiqular, Rudolstadt. Unbound, in bundle. $1 20 BIBLIOMANE, Le. Londres, 1861. 2 Nos., old style paper and engravings, pp. 42, paper. $2 All that was printed. 21 BIBLIOPHILE BELGE. Bulletin Trimestriel publie par la Societe des Bibliophiles de Belgique. Bruxelles, 1866. 8vo, pp. xiv, 102, xix, paper, uncut. 50cts. 22 BIBLIOSOPHIA; or Book-wisdom, containing, I. Some account of the Pride, Pleasure, and Privileges, of that glorious vocation, Book-collecting. By an Aspircznt. II. The Twelve Labors of an Editor separately pitted against those of Hercules. London, 1810. pp. viii, 74, 126 A Course of Reading drawn up by the Hon. James Kent (late Chancellor of the State of New York),. for the use of the Members of the Mercantile Library Association. New York, 1840. The Author's Printing and Publishing Assistant; including Interesting Details respecting the Mechanism of Books. New York, 1839. 16mo, half turkey morocco. $2.50 Four works bound in one volume. 23 BIBLIOTHECA Scaccariana; Catalogue d'Ouvrages sur le Jeu des Echecs. London, 1861. 12mno, stitched. 50cts. Of all the specialties of bibliography, that of works upon the play of chess is the most difficult to make in a manner complete. 24 BIBLIOTHEQVE les Avthevrs qvi ont escript l'Histoire et Topographie de la France, divis6e en devx Parties, selon l'ordre des temps & des matieres. Paris, 1618. Petit in 8vo, pp. 236, calf. $4 4 TYPOGRAPJIWCAIL CATALOG UE. 25 BINNS, John. Recollections of the Life of John Binns: twentynine years ini Europe, and fifty-three in the United States. Written by himself, with Anecdotes, Political, Historical, and Miscellaneous. Philadelphia, 1854. 8vo, pp. 349, with a portrait, cloth. $1.50 26 BODONI. Vita del Cavalier Giambattista Bodoni, Tipografo, Italiano, e Catalogo cronologico delle sue edizioni. Parma 1816. 2 vols., 4to, pp. iii, 231, ix, 252, plates, half russia. $10 Valuable work, large paper. 27 BODONI. Manuale Tipografico del cavaliere Giambattista. Parma, 1818. 2 thick vols., folio, uncut, portrait Bodoni, boards. $20 Very rare and beautifully printed specimen of Bodoni's types, with life, and address by the widow. 28 BONNARDOT. Essai sur l'Art de Restaurer les Estampes et les Livres, ou Traite sur les Meilleurs Procede's pour Blanchir, De'tacher, Decolorier, Reparer et Conserver les Estampes, Livres et Dessins. Par A. Bonnardot. Second edition, Refondue et Augmentee, suivie d'un Expose des divers Systemes de Reproduction des anciennes Estamipes et de Livres Rares. Paris, 1858. 12mo, pp. viii, 352, half calf. $2.50 29 BOOKBINDING. The Art of Bookbinding, its Rise and Progress; including a descriptive account of the New York Bookbindery. New York, 1850. 8vo, pp. 64, plates, cloth. $2 30 BOOKBINDING. L'Art du Relieur doreur de Livres. Par M. Dudin. Paris, 1772. Large folio, pp. 106, numerous large copper plates, half sheep, worn. $10 Very scarce and curious work on the art as practised at Paris, a century ago, with specilmens of elaborate tooling. 31 BOOKBINDING. The Handbook of Taste in Bookbinding. Illus-. trated. London. 8vo, pp. 31, paper. 75cts. 32 BOOKSELLING, etc. Fifty Years' Recollections of an old Bookseller; consisting of Anecdotes, Characteristic Sketches, and original traits and eccentricities of Authors, Artists, Actors, Books, Booksellers, and of the Periodical Press for the last half century, with appropriate selections..Second edition, first series. To which is added some additional sketches of the late Captain Grose, including his rules for drawing caricatures; and an unlimited Retrospect. London, 1837. 8vo, pp. vii, 200, portrait and plates, cloth. $2.25 TYPOGRAPHICUAL CATA, LOG UE. 5 33 BOOKSELLING SYSTEM. Letter to the Right IHon. Lord Campbell, respecting the late Enquiry into the Regulations of the Bookseller's Association, more particularly in reference to the causes which led to its dissolution; the charges against the Retail Booksellers by which that dissolution was effected, and the consequences to Authors likely to result from unrestricted competition in the sale of new Works. Westminster, 1852. 8vo, pp. 46, half morocco. $1.50 34 BOULMIER. Estienne Dolet, sa Vie, ses (Euvres, son Martyre; par Joseph Boulamier. Paris, MDCCCLvII. 8vo, pp. xv, 301, rare portrait and monogram of Stephen Dolet, half turkey morocco. $2.50 35 BREITKOPF. Versuch den Ursprung der Spielkarten, die Einfuhrung des Leinen papieres, und den Anfang des Holzschneidekunst in Europa zu erforschen. Leipzig, 1784. 2 vols., 4to, numerous folding plates, half turkey morocco. $10 Valuable work on the origin of the printing of playing cards, paper making, and wood engraving. 36 BREIITKOPF. Exemplvm Typographime Sinicm, Figvris charactervm e Typis Mobilibvs Compositvm. Lipsice, 1789. Square 8vo, pp. 5. $1 Early attempt to produce Chinese characters by movable types.'37 BRITISH MUSEUM. Report of the Select Committee [of Parliament] on the British Museum, together with the Minutes of Evidence, with Index and Plans. London, 1836. Folio, pp. viii, 606, 173, 145, 42, half turkey, neat. $10 38 BRUNET. Sur les Editions primitives de Rabelais. Bruxelles, 1851. 8vo, pp. 11, folded. 50cts. 39 BUCKING-HAM. Personal Memoirs and Recollections of Editorial Life. By Joseph T. Buc7cinygham. Boston, 1852. 2 vols., 8vo, pp. 256, 255, portrait, cloth. $3 40 BUCrINGHAM. Specimens of Newspaper Literature, with personal Memoirs, Anecdotes and Reminiscences. By Joseph T. Buckinghcam. Boston, 1850. 2 vols., 8vo, pp. xii, 348, 356, portraits of Isaiah Thomas and Benjamin Russell, half turkey mor. $4 41 BURTON. The Book Hunter, etc. By John Hill Burton. With additional Notes by Richard Grant White. New York, 1863. 16mo, pp. x, 411, cloth. $2.50 42 CAMUS. Histoire et procid6s du Polytypage et du Stereotypage, par A. G. Cacmus. Member de l'lnstitut National, Garde des Archives de la Republique. A Paris, X-1802. 8vo, pp. 135 (the last, erroneously printed 335), half calf. $2 6 TYPO GRAPlICA1 CA Al O G ITE. 43 CAMUS. Notice d'une Livre Inmprime a Bamberg en 1462, lue a l'Institut National par Ccarnus. Paris, An VII. 4to, pp. 29, folding plates, boards. $7.50 44 CASLON. Specimen of Printing Types by Henry Ccaslon, Letter Founder. Chiswell st., London, 1844. 8vo, cloth. $1.50 45 CASLON. Specimen of Printing Types by TWnt. CGaslon, Letter Founder to the King. London, 1796. Also Specimen of Printing Types and Ornaments cast at the Foundry of A. Riggs. New York, 1838. 8vo, half turkey morocco. $2 46 CASLON. A specimen of Printing Types, by TV. ctslon & Son. Letter Founders, in London. London, 1764. 8vo, half turkey morocco. $2 Beautiful specimen of that famous house in the olden time. 47 CATALOGUE of the Compositor's Library. 3 Raquet court, Fleet street, London, 1856. 8vo, pp. viii, 75, half morocco. $1.50 48 CELLIEZ. Code Annote de la Presse en 1835, receuil complet des Lois, Decrets, Ordonnances, Reglemens, Avis du Conseil-d'dtat, sur la presse periodique; la libraire et l'imprimerie; la propriete litteraire; la gravures et dessins; la liberte thlatrale; la procedure sur toutes la matieres; de 1789 aSeptembre 1835 inclusivement, indiquant toutes les Dispositions abrogees ou en vigueur, les Arrets de la Cour Cassation, et la Concordance des textes. Par Htenry Celliez. Paris, 1835. 8vo, pp. 102, half calf. $2 49 CHEVILLIER. L'Origine de L' Imprimerie de Paris. Dissertation Historique et Critique, Divisee en Quatre Parties. I. On voit son Etablissement qui fut fait par des Gens de l'Universite, c'est-a-dire, par les soins de la Societe de Sorbonne; avec l'Histoire d'Ulric Gering le premier Imprimeur de Paris. II. Contient des Reflexions sur les Livres imprimez par Gering & quelques Remarques curieutses touchant les Imprimeurs, & snr la matiere d'Imprimerie. III. Decouvre l'origine de l'Impression Grecque & HWbraYque, qui fut htablie a Paris par le soin des professeurs de l'Universitie. IV. On fait voir les Droits que l'Universite a eus sur la Librairie de Paris, devant & apres la ddcouverte de l'Imprimerie. Par le Sieur Andre Cihevillier, Docteur & Bibliothecaire de la Maison & Societe de Sorbonne. A Paris, M.Dc.xcIv. 4to, pp. viii, 448, calf, worn. $5 TYPOGRAPtICAL CATALOGUE. 7 50 CHALMERS. The Life of Thomas Ruddiman, A. M. The keeper for almost fifty years, of the Library belonging to the Faculty of Advocates at Edinburgh. To which are subjoined new Anecdotes of Buchanan. London, 1794. 8vo, pp. 467, portrait, half turkey. $5 51 CHATTO. Facts and Speculations on the Origin and History of Playing Cards. London, 1848. 8vo, pp. 343, cloth. $7.50 Scarce and valuable work with numerous colored plates. 52 CLARIGNY. Histoire de la Presse en Angleterre et aux Etats-Unis, par Mf. Ctcheval Cla rigny, Ancien Redacteur en chef du Constitutionnel. Paris,- 1857. 12mo, pp. 551, half tur. mor. $3.50 53 CLARKE, ADAM. Bibliographical Miscellany: or Supplement to the Bibliographical Dictionary. London, 1806. 2 vols., 12mo, pp. vi, 324, xi, 323, plates, boards, uncut. $5 54 COMPOSITORI'S SCHEDULE. 8VO, half morocco. $2.50 55 CONSTITUTION and By-Laws of the Franklin Typographical Society of Cincinnati; to which is added the Scale of Prices. Cincinnati, 1849, half morocco. $1 56 COOPER. A Treatise on the Law of Libel and the Liberty of the Press; showing the Origin, Use and Abuse of the Law of Libel; with copious Notes and References to Authorities in Great Britain and the United States: as applicable to Individuals and to Political and Ecclesiastical Bodies and Principles. By Th7omas Cooper, M.iD., LEL.D., and President of Columbia College in S. C. New York, 1830. 8vo, pp. 184, half calf. $2.50 57 COPYRI1GHT. The Rights of Literature; or an Enquiry into the Policy and Justice of the Claims of certain Public Libraries on all Publishers and Authors of the United Kingdom for eleven copies, on the best paper, of every new Publication. By John Britton, F.S.A. London, 1814. 8vo, pp. vii, 80, half morocco. $1.50 58 COPYRIGHT. Reasons for a farther Amendment of the Act 54, Geo. III, c. 156, being an act to Amend the Copyright act of Queen Anne. By Sir Egerton Brydges, Bart., Mi. P. London, 1817. 8vo, pp. 47, half calf. $2 59 COPYRIGHrT. The Law of International Copyright between France and Enegland in Literature, the Drama, Music, and the Fine Arts, analyzed and explained; with the Convention, the Orders in Council, and the recent Acts of Parliament on the subject. The whole in English and French. London, 1852. l12mo, pp. xii, 158, boards (in two languages). $1.50 8. TYPOGRAPHICAL CA TALO G U 60 COPYRIGHT. A Vindication of the Right of the Universities of Great Britain to a copy of every new Publication. By Edcwoard Christican, Esq., Chief Justice of the Isle of Ely, Downing Professor of Law in the University of Cambridge, and Professor of the Laws of England in the East India College at Hartford. Cambridge, 1807. 8vo, pp. 86, half morocco. $1.50 61 COPYRIGHT. A Vindication of the Right of the Universities of Great Britain, to a Copy of every new Publication. By Ediward Christican, of Gray's Inn, Esq., Barrister, Professor of the Laws of England, and Chief Justice of the Isle of Ely. Second edition, much enlarged by the Judgment of the Court of King's Bench, The Proceedings of the House of Commons, and General Observations upon the whole. Cambridge, 1814. 8vo, pp. 131, half turkey. $2 62 COPYRIGHT. A Plea for Perpetual Copyright, in a Letter to Lord Monteagle. By tVillican Dougcal Christie, Esq., of the Inner Temple. London, 1860. 8vo, pp. 59, half morocco. $1.75 63 COPYRIGHT. An Historical Sketch of the Law of Copyright; with Remarks on Serjeant Talfourd's Bill: and an Appendix of the Copyright Laws of Foreign Countries. By John J. Lowandes, of the Inner Temple, Esq., Barrister at Law. The second edition. London, 1842. 8vo, pp. xiii, 131, boards. $2 64 COPYRIGHT. The Question of Unreciprocated Foreign Copyright in Great Britain. A Report of the Speeches and Proceedings at a Public Meeting held at the Hanover Square Rooms, July 1, 1851. Sir Edward Bulwer Lytton, Bart., in the chair. With notes by Henry G. Bohn. London, 1851. 8vo, pp. viii, 60, half morocco. $1.50 65 COPYRIGIIT. A Brief Statement on the subject of assumled Foreign Copyright; addressed to British Authors, Publishers, Stationers, Printers, and others interested in British Literature. London, 1851. 8vo, pp. 16, half calf. $1.50 66 COPYRIGHT. Thomupson's Letters on Copyright in Original Designs and Patterns, printed upon Woven Fabrics. Illustrated with plates. Clitheroe. 8vo, pp. 27, 54, with plates and appendix, cloth. $2.25 Contains also a letter to Sir Robert Peel on Copyright in Original Designs and Patterns for Printing, by the same author, with tables, pp. 59. 67 COPYRIGHT. Case stated between the Public Libraries and the Booksellers. London, 1813. 8vo, pp. 32, half morocco. $1.50 TYPOGRAPHICAL CA TALOGUE. 9 68 COPYRIGHOT. Cases of Wolcott v. Walker; Southey v. Sherwood; Murray v. Benbow, and Lawrence v. Smith. London. 8vo, half morocco. $1 69 COPYRIGHT. Claims of Public Libraries to the gratuitous Delivery of Books. 8vo, half turkey morocco. $1.25 1. Minutes of Evidence taken before the Select Committee on the Copyright Acts of 8 Anne, c. 19; 15 Geo. III, c. 53; 41 Geo. III, c. 109; and 54 Geo. III, c. 116. 2. Reasons for a Modification of the Act of Anne, respecting the Delivery of Books, and Copyright. 3. Reasons for a farther Amendment of. the Act 54, Geo. III, c. 156, being an Act to Amend the Copyright Act of Queen Anne. By Sir Egerton Brydges, Bart., M. P. 4. A Vindication of the Right of the Universities of the United Kingdom to a of every new Publication. By Edwcard Christian, of Gray's Inn, Esq., Barrister at Law, Professor of the Laws of England in the University of Cambridge, and Chief Justice of Ely. Reviews of these works. 71 COPYRIGHT. Extracts from the Evidence taken before the Select Committee of the House of Commons, on the Copyright Acts, in April and May, 1818. London, 1818. 8vo, pp. 16, half morocco. $1.50 72 COPYRIGHT. Law of Copyright, regarding Authors, Dramatic Writers, and Musical Composers, as altered by the recent statute of the 5 and 6 Victoria, analyzed and simplified: with an explanatory Introduction, and an Appendix, containing at full, the new Copyright and the Dramatic Property Acts. By a Barrister. London, 1842. 8vo, pp. 40, stitched. $1 73 COPYRIGHT. Memorial of the Printers and Booksellers of Glasgow, most humbly addressed to the honorable the House of Commons, assembled in Parliament. Glasgow, 1774. 4to, pp. 23, half morocco. $1.50 74 COPYRIGHT. Report of the Copyright case of Wheaton v. Peters, decided in the Supreme Court of the United States. With an Appendix containing the Acts of Congress relating to Copyright. New York, 1834. Royal 8vo, pp. 176, half calf. $3.50 Newspaper cuttings inserted. 2 10 TY'POGRAPHtCAL CATALOG UE. 75 COPYRIGHIT. Reasons for a Modification of the Act of Anne, respecting the Delivery of Books and Copyright. London, 1813. 8vo, pp. 55, half morocco. $1.50 76 COPYRIGHT. Another copy, boards, uncut. $2.75 77 COPYRIGHT. Vindication of the Exclusive right of Authors to their own Works: A subject now under consideration before the twelve Judges of England. London, 1762. 8vo, pp. 45, half morocco. $1.50 78 COPYRIGHT. 19 Tracts, English and French. 8vo, half calf, neat. $2.50 79 COPYRIGHT. Newspaper cuttings of English articles on. 8vo, half morocco. $1.50 80 COPYRIGHT. Six pamphlets on Copyright, English and American. 8vo, stitched separately. $1 81 COWELL. A brief description of the Art of Anastatic printing as practised by S. H. Cotoell, Ipswich, Suffolk, with full directions and Illustrative specimens. Ipswich. Half morocco. $1.50 82 CowIE'S Printer's Pocket Book and Manual. 6th edition, enlarged and improved. London. 16mo, pp. 124, half turkey morocco. $1.50 83 CRAPELET. De la Profession D'Imprimeur, des Maitres Imprimeurs et De la Necessite Actuelle de donner a l'Imprimerie les reglemens promis par les lois ecrit et imprinme par G. A. Crapelet, December, M.DCCC.xL. A Paris. 8vo, pp. 130, half calf. $3.50 Contains a list of the Printers of Paris from 1469 to 1789, and like all the works of Crapelet is a valuable contribution to the profession of which he was a notable member. 84 CRAPELET. Des Progres De l'Imprimerie en France et en Italie au xvIe siecle, et de son influence sur la litterature; avec les Lettres-Patentes de Francois 1 er, en date du 17 Janvier 1538, qui instituent le premier imprimeur royal pour la Grec; Par G.A. Crcapelet, Imprimeur. A Paris, M.DCCc.XXXVI. 8vo, pp. iv, 52, paper. $1.50 85 CRAPELET. Etudes Pratiques et Litteraries sur la Typographie. Par G.-A. Crnapelet, Imprimeur. A Paris, Mi.DCCC.XXXVII. 8vo, pp. viij, 407, half calf, neat. $5 86 CRAS. Eulogium Johannis Meermanni auctore, flenrico Constantino Crcas. Amstelsedami & Hagse, 1817. 8vo, pp. x, 125, half turkey morocco. $2.50 Scarce work, with portrait of Meerman on title page on copper. TYPOGRA PHICAL CGATALOGUE. 11 87 DANOU. Analyse des Opinions diverses sur l'Origine de l'Imprimerie, Par le citoyen Danou. No date. 4to, pp. 96, half morocco. $5 88 DA SILVA.'Breve Tratado Theorico das Letras Typograficas, offerecido a'sua Alteza Real o principe regente nosso senhor por Joaquivm Ctrneiro da Silva. Lisboa, 1803. Oblong 4to, sheep, pp. 18, plates. $2.50 89 DAUNOU.- ORIGIN OF PRINTING.- Analyse des Opinions Diverses sur l'Origine de l'IJmprimerie, par Daunou, Membre de l'Institut National, Lue a Seance de l'Institut National, le 2 floreal an 10. Paris an xI. 8vo, pp. 238, half calf. $2.50 90 DAY'S Designs and Ornaments for Bookbinders. London. 4to, paper. $1.50 91 DELAMOTTE. Examples of Modern Alphabets, Plain and Ornamental, including German, Old English, Saxon, Italic, Perspective, Greek, Hebrew, Court Hand, Engrossing, Tuscan, Riband, Gothic, Rustic, and Arabesque, with several original designs, and an A-nalysis of the Roman and Old English Alphabets, large, small and nnrnumerals, for the use of Draughtsmen, Surveyors, Masons, Decorative Painters, Lithographers, Engravers, Carvers, etc., etc. Collected and Engraved by F. Delamnotte. London, 1859. Oblong 8vo, pp. 44 cloth. $1 92 DELANDINE. Histoire de l'Inmprimerie, on Precis sur son origine, son etablissement en France, les divers Caracteres qu'elle a employes les premiers Livres qu'elle a produits, les inventions successives qui la perfectionnerent, ses ornemens et les noms de ceux qui l'introduiserent dans les principales villes de l'Europe. Par Ant. Fr. Delandine. Paris. 8vo, pp. 176, half turkey morocco, M.S. title, unique. $2 98 DELANDINE. Mdmoires Bibliographiques et Litteraires. Les anciennes Bibliothqunes de Lyon, l'Arbre de la reconnonaissance, le Tombeau de Brignais,, l'Histoire, des Manuscrits, les Bains romains de Bar-sur Aube, le passage, d'Annibal, des Gaules en Italie, l'Ecriture et le Papier chinois, 1''king, l'Augurat et le Pontificat d'Auguste, la Sepulture de Canon, les Tombelles de Champagne, Lne Olle de Ceylan, le Repas des morts et le Monument de Villette, le Papillon, symbole 6gyptien, la Mosai'que de Lyon, le culte de iMars dans les Ganles, le Sejour de Cesar et de Labinmls dans la mnme contree, un Temple de Druides, les Sacrifices sanglans, 2Jlfcanscripttialna, les 12 TYPOGRAPIIICAL CATALOG UE. Me'dailles satyriques, les Antiquites de Feurs, la Justification de Medde, les Figures Panthees, et l'Historie abr6gce de l'Imprimerie; Par Ant. Fr. Delandine. Paris, 1817. 8vo, pp. 484, half calf. $5 94 DE ROSSI. De Hebraicme Typographi.e origine ac primitiis seu antiqvis ac rarissimvs Hebraicorvm Librorvm editiouibvs secvli xv, Disqvisitio Historico-critica. Recvdi cvravit M. Gvilielnzvs Fridericvs Hvfnagel. Erlangae, 1778. 16tmo, pp. 141, boards. $1 95 DESCRIPTION of the Daily Evening Traveler Buildings, and Great Power Press. Boston, 1852. 32mo, half turkey morocco. $1 96 DIBDIN. Bibliomania; or Book-madness; a Bibliographical Romance. Illustrated with cuts. New and improved edition, to which are now added Preliminary Observations, and a Supplement including a Key to the assumed characters in the Drama. London, 1842. 8vo, pp. xiv, 618, 64, index, pp. xxiv, plates, half turkey morocco. $10 97 DICKINSON. A Help to Printers and Publishers: being a Series of Calculations, showing the quantity of Paper required for a given number of Signatures in Book Work, and the number of Tokens contained therein; carried out to an extent that will seldom if ever, fail to embrace the largest jobs. Also a Table for Job Work, showing the quantity of paper required for a given number of Bills, Labels, Duplicates of Book Work. etc., etc. By Samuel A. Dickenson. ~ Boston, 1835. 8vo, half turkey morocco. $2.50 98 DISSERTATION sur les Bibliotheques, avec une Table Alphabetique, tant des Ouvrages publiees sous le titre de Bibliotheques, que des Catalogues imprimes de plusieurs Cabinets de France & des Pays 6trangers. Table Alphabetique des Dictionnaires, en toutes sortes de Langues et sur toutes. sortes de Sciences et d'Arts, iv, 90. 2 works in one vol. Paris, 1758. 16mo, pp. 159, calf, neat. $1 99 DICTIONNARnE. Pratique de la Presse, de l'Imprimerie et de la Librair6e, suivi d'un Code Complet, contenant les Lois, ordonnances, Reglements, Arrets du Conseil, Exposes des Motifs et Rapports sur la Matiere, par J. Bories, et F. Bonassies. Paris, 1847. 2 vols., 8vo, half calf, neat. $5 100 DODD. The Curiosities of Industry. By Geoige Dodd. Author of Days at the Factories, etc., etc. Paper: its Applications and its novelties. London, 1853. 8vo, pp. 24-12, cloth. 75cts. TYPOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE. 13 101 DOLET. Vie d'Etienne Dolet, Imprimeur a Lyon dans le seizieme seicle; Avec une Notice des Libraires & Imprimeurs Auteurs que l'on a pu decouvrir jusqu'a ce jour. Paris, 1779. 8vo, pp. viii, 208, calf, neat. $2.50 102 DUNTON, JOHN. The Life and Errors of John Dunton, citizen of London; with the Lives and Characters of more than a thousand Contemporary Divines and other Persons of Literary eminence. To which are added Dunton's conversation in Ireland; Selections from his other genuine works, and a faithful portrait of the Author.: London, 1818. 2 vols., 8vo, pp. xxxii, 776, boards. $10 103 EARLY PRINTED BOOKs. Catalogue of, a Singularly Curious Collection of Early Printed Books with Autograph Annotations by the Great Reformers, Luther and Melancthon; carefully selected from the Important and Interesting Libraries of the late S. Leigh Sotheby, and now offered at the affixed prices by John Gray Bell. Manchester, 1862. Paper. 25cts. 104 EDITORIAL CONVENTION. History, Organization and Transactions of the Ohio Editorial Association, during the years 1853, 1854 and 1855. Published by order of the Convention, held in Zanesville, Jan. 17, 1855. Columbus, 1855. Paper. 75cts. 105 EDITORIAL CONVENTION. Transactions of the Ohio Editorial Association, during the years 1856 and 1857. Published by order of the Convention held in Mansfield, Jan., 1857. Columbus, 1857. Paper. 75cts. 106 EDITORIAL CONVENTION. Proceedings of the Wisconsin Editorial Association for the years 1860-66. Madison. 5 vols., 8vo, paper. $5 107 ELzEvIRs. Essai Bibliographique sur les Editions des Elzevirs les plus precieuses et les plus recherchees, precede d'une notice sur ces imprimeurs celebres. [Berard.] Paris, 1822. 8vo, pp. 300, half morocco. $2.50 108 ENDTERS. Die Wol-eingerichtete Buchdruckereij, mit hundert und achtzehen Teutsch-Lateinisch, Greichisch und Hebraischen Schrifften, vieler fremden Sprachen, Alphabeten, musicalischen Noten, Calendar-zeicheln, und Medicinischen, Characteren, ingleichen allen iiblichen Formaten bestellet, und mit accurater Abbildung der Erfinder der loblichen Kunst, nebst einer summarischen Nachricht von den Buchdruckern in Nurnbergausgezieret. Am ende ist das gebrauchliche DepositionsBuchlein angefuget. Nurnberg, 1721. Oblong 8vo, pp. 232, copper plate portraits ancient printers, half vellum. $5 14 TYPO GRAPHICAL CATALOG UE. 109 ENGRAVING. Idee Generale d'une Collection complete D'Estamps, Avec une Dissertation sur l'origine de la Gravure & sur les premiers Livres d'Images. A Leipsic et Vienne, 1771. Very scarce. 8vo, pp. 520, with Preface and Table Alphabetique, portrait and plates, full calf, neat. $7.50 110 EPREUVE du premier Alphabeth droit et penche, ornee de quadres et de cartouches. Paris, 1740. 32mo, morocco, gilt edges. $1.50 Curious, unique specimen of the types and ornaments of the royal printing office, by order of the king. 111 F'ELL. Passages from the Private and Official Life of Alderman Kelly With extracts from his Correspondence. By the Rev. R. C. Fell. With a portrait, and fac-similes of the handwritings of the Duke of Wellington, and Mr. Kelly. London, 1856. 8vo, pp. 398, cloth. $2.50 112 FIGGIN'S Specimen Book of Elzevir Founts. London, 1845. 4to, cloth. $1.25 113 FISCHER. Beschreibung einiger typographischen Seltenheiten nebst Beytragen zur Erfindungsgeschichte der Buchdrucker kunst. Von Gott7leif Fischber.: Mainz, 1800. 2 vols., pp. 132, 184, 140, 168, 200, plates, calf, neat. $10 Scarce. 114 FONTENELLE. Nouveau Manuel Complet du Marchand Papetier et du Regleur contenant: La connaissance des Papiers divers; la Fabrication des Crayons naturels et factices gris, noirs et colores; celle des Encres a ecrire ordinaires et indle6biles, des Encres d'imprimerie, de'lithographie, d'autographie et de la Chine; des Encres de couleur et de sympathie, la preparation des Plumles, des Pains et de la Cire A cacheter, de la Colle a bouche, des Sables, etc. Par 21. 2M. Juliac de Fontenelle, et P. Poisson. Ouvrage indispensable aux Administrations, Manufactures, etc. Nouvelle edition. Entierement refondue et ornee de Figures, Paris, 1854. 18mo, pp. viii, 423, four folding plates, half calf. $2 115 FORGERY OF BANK NOTES. Report of the Committee of the Society of Arts, etc., together with the Approved Communications and Evidence upon the same, relative to the mode of preventing the Forgery of Bank Notes. London, 1819. 8vo, pp. 72, illustrations, boards. $2 TYPO GRAPHICAL CA TALOG UE. 15 116 FOURNIER. Manuel Typographique utile aux gens de Lettres, & a' ceux qui exercent les diff6rentes parties de l'Art de l'Imprimeri6. Par Fournier, le jeune. Paris, 1764. 2 vols., 16mo, pp. xxxii, 323, xliv, 306, numerous plates, mottled calf, gilt edges. $10 Unique. 117 FOURNIER. Caracteres de l'Imprimerie, Nouvellement Graves Par S. P. Fournier le jeune, Graveur & Fondeur de Caracteires Paris, 1742. 24mo, calf, neat. $1 Very curious. 118 FORMATBUCIELEIN, darinnen abegesetzte Figuren, wie man die Columen auszschiessen sell, in allen gemeinen Formaten, mit sambt deren Abthielungen. Allen der Druckerey Erfahrnen, besonders den Setzern, Gesellen und Lehrjungen gantz nutzlich und beforderlich Zugebranchen, dann is nicht alles kan in Gedachtenusz behalten werden. Mit bestem Fleiss aussgesetze von I. L. V. Anno Christi cIe. IO. C. L III, Nach der Erfindung der kunst Buchdruckerey das ccxIII. Curious German book of imposition of forms. Oblong 12mo, pp. 66, vellum. $1.50 119 FRANKE. KatechiEmus der Buchdruckerkunst und der verwandten Geschaftszweige. Mit 39 in den Text gedruckten Abbildungen und Tafelln. Leipzig, 1856. 12mo, pp. 166, half turkey. $1.50 120 FRANKLIN, BENJAMIN. Autobiography: with a Narrative of his public Life and Services. Numerous designs by H. H. Weld Chapman. New York, 1848. 8vo, pp. xviii, 549, cloth. $3 121 FRANKLIN. Lecture on the Life of Dr. Franklin, by the Rev. Hugh if'Nheill, A.M., as delivered by him at the Royal Amphitheatre. Containing also a Prefatory Note to the Reader by John B. MLurray, Esq., of New York. With a fac-simile of Dr. Franklin's letter to the Rev. George Whitefield, from the original manuscript, in the possession of the Rev. Dr. Raffles. Also Illustrated with an engraving of the Press at which Franklin worked, wvhen a journeyman in London. Printed, on a detached page; at that identical press. N. York, 1841. 8vo, paper. 75cts. Fac-simile letter of Franklin. 122 FRANKLIN. Memorial of the Inauguration of the Statue of Franklin. Boston, 1857. 8vo, pp. 412, plates, cloth. $5 123 FRERE. Mannuel du Bibliographe Normand, on Dictionnaire historique et bibliographique contenant: 1 o. L'Indication des Ouvrages relatifs ia la Normandie, depuis l'origine de l'Illprimnerie jusqu'fi nos jours; 20. Des notes biographiques, critiques et 16 TYPOGRAPHICAL CATALOG UE. litt6raires sur les hommes qui appartienment 6 la Normandie par leur naissance, leurs actes et leurs 6crits; 30 Des recherches sur l'Histoire de l'Irnprimerie en Normandie; par Edouacrd Frere, Membre de l'Academie des Sciences, Belles-Lettres et Arts de Rouen, des Societes des Antiquaires de Normandie et de Londres. Rouen, 1857 - 60. 8vo, pp. 632, 7 Nos., paper. $8 124 FRY. A Specimen of Printing Types by Fry & Steele, Letter Founders to the Prince of Wales. London, 1794. 8vo, calf, neat. $2 125 GALLOIS. Histoire des Journaux et des Journalistes de la Revolution Franqais (1789-1796) precede d'une Introduction g6n6rale par Mi. Leonard Gallois. Paris, 1845. 2 vols., 8vo, pp. 574, 510, portraits, half turkey morocco. $10 126 GENT, Thomas. The Life of M. Thomas Gent, printer of York, written by himself. London, 1832. 8vo, pp. iv, 208, portrait, cloth. $3 127 GOOSEBERRY HALL. Specimen of the Catalogue of the Great Sale at Gooseberry Hall, with puffatory remarks. [London], April 1. 4to, pp. xv, stitched in cover. $1 128 GREAT METROPOLIS, by the author of Random Recollections of the Lords and Commons. New York, 1837. 2 vols. in 1, 8vo, pp. xi, 337, viii, 360, cloth. $2.50 129 GREEN. Specimens of Ornaments and printing Types cast by H. H. Green, No. 128 Fulton street, New York, and 17 Canal street Row, New Orleans, 1852. 8vo. $1.50 130 GRESWELL. Annals of Parisian Typography, containing an account of the earliest Typographical Establishments of Paris; and Notices and Illustrations of the most remarkable productions of the Parisian Gothic Press: compiled principally to shew its general character, and its particular influence upon the Early English Press. London, 1818. 8vo, pp. xii, 355, portraits and plates, boards. $4.50 131 GUIGNES. An Historic Essay on the Origin of the Oriental Characters in the Royal Printing House, on the Works which have been printed at Paris, in Arabic, Syriac, Armenian, etc., and on the Greek characters of Francis First, commonly called the King's Greek. By M. De Gui(gnes. London, 1789. 8vo, pp. 111, half friench calf. $2.50 TYPO GRAPHICAL CA TAL 0 G UE. 17 132 GUIGNES.'Essai Historique sur l'Origine des Caracteres Orientaux de I'Imprimerie royale, sur les Ouvrages qui ont ete imprimes ia Paris, en Arabe, en Syriaque, en Armlnien, &c., et sur les Caracteres Grecs de Francois ler appetes communement Grecs du Roi. Par 1V. De Guignes (S. L.), 1787. 4to, pp. 94, boards, uncut. $5 133 GUTTENBERG. Eloge Historique de Jean Gensfleisch dit Guttenberg Premier Inventeur de 1'Art Typographique a Mayence. Par Mlr. J. F., nie de la Rochelle, Juge de Paix a la Charitk sur Loire. Paris, 1811. 8vo, pp. vi, 153, portrait, spotted calf. $5 134 GUTTENBERG. Jean Gutenberg, ne en 1412, a Kuttenberg en B3oheme, Bachelier des Arts a 1'Universit6 de Prague, promu le 18 Nov. 1445, inventeur de l'imprimerie a Mayence en 1450. Essai Historique et Critique, par le RBverend Clhctles Winaric7cy, Traduit du Manuscrit Allemland par le 7lhevalier Jecan de Catrro. Bruxelles, 1847. 8vo, paper. $2.50 135 GUTTENBERG. Iean Gvtenberg Premier Maitre Imprimevr les faits & discourse les plus dignes d'admiration, & sa mort. Ce recit fidele, ecrit par Fr. Dingelstedt, est ici traduit de l'allemand en francois par Gustcave Revilliod. A Geneve, 1858. Folio, pp. 69 (71) boards, unllut. $10 Cut, Grand Marque de Iosse Badivs, beav-pere de Robert Etienne naqvit a Assche pres Brvxelles en 1462, Movrvt a Paris, 1535. Petit in-folio, tire a petit nombre sur papier v6lin de Hollande, dans le gout df xvie siecle, orn6 de 6 beau gravures, a beau-forte sur chine. 136 HAMMANN. Des Arts Graphiques destileks a multiplier par l'impression consid6res sous le double point de vue Historique et Pratique. Par J. M. Ierermacn Ha')nmacn. Geneve, 1857. 8vo, pp. xii, 489, half turkey morocco. $2.50 137 HANSARD, LUKE. Biographical Memoir of Luke Hansard, Esq., many years Printer to the House of Commons. Privately Printed. London, 1829. 4to, pp. 83, portrait, turkey morocco,. gilt edges, presentation copy, neat. $10 138 HANSARD. Typographia; An Historical Sketch of the Origin and Progress of the Art of Printing; with practical directions for conducting every department in an office: with a description of Stereotype and Lithography. Biographical Notices and Portraits. London, 1825. 8vo, pp. 939, and Index, calf. $10 139 HEN. Journal de l'Imprimerie et de la Librairie en Belgique, publie par M/. Cha6rles Ilen. Livres, Journaux, (Euvres de Musique, Estamps, etc., 1854-8. Bruxelles. 5 vols. in 4. 8vo, pp. 262, xvi, 268, 64, 51, 282, boards, and paper. $10 3 18 TYPOGRAPHICAL CATALOG UE. 140 HODGKIrN. Monograms, Ancient and Modern, their History and Art-treatment, with examples collected and designed by John Eliot Hodgkcin, F. S. A. London, 1866. Unique in form. cloth, gilt. $5 141 HOFFMANN. Essai d'une Liste des ouvrages concernant L'Histoire de L'Imprimerie en Italie. Par F. L. Hoffmnann, de Hambourg.. (Extrait du Tome IX du Bulletin du Bibliophile Belge). Bruxelles, 1852. 8vo, pp. 33, half turkey morocco. $2.50 142 HOLTZAPFFEL. Printing Apparatus for the use of Amateurs, containing full and practical instructions for the use of Cowper's Parlor Printing Press. Also the description of larger Presses on the same principle, and various other apparatus for the Amateur Typographer. The Piamphlet contains likewise, numerous specimens of plain and ornamental Types, Brass Rules, Checks, Borders, Ornaments, Corners, Arms, etc., etc. Third edition greatly enlarged. London, 1846. 8vo, pp. vi, 80, half morocco. $2 143 HOPKINS. Sketch of the Life of Thomas Singularity, Journeyman Printer. By Jeremiaclh Hopkins, his fellow-apprentice and companion. London, 1835. 16tmo, pp. viii, 123, cloth. $1.50 144 HULLMANDEL. A Manual of Lithography, or memoir on the Lithographical experiments made in Paris, at the Royal School of the Roads and Bridges; clearly explaining the whole Art, as well as all the accidents that may happen in Printing, and the different methods of avoiding them. Translated from the French. Second edition. London, 1821. 8vo, pp. xix, 138, plates, boards. $2.50 145 HUME. The Learned Societies and Printing Clubs of the United Kingdom: being an account of their respective Origin, History, Objects and Constitution. With full details respecting Membership, Fees, their published Works and Transactions, Notices of their periods, and Places of Meeting, etc., and a general Introduction and classified Index. Compiled from Official Documents by the Rev. A. Hume, LL.D., f.S.A.; Corresponding Member of the Society of Antiquaries, Scotland, Member of the Philological Society, etc. London, 1847. 8vo, pp. xxxii, 307, cloth. $2.50 146 HUNT. The Fourth Estate: Contributions towards a History of Newspapers and of the Liberty of the Press. By E. JKnigt Hunt. London, 1850. 2 vols. in 1. 8vo, pp. viii, 302, iv, 298, half turkey morocco. $5 TIYPOGRAPHICAL CATALOG UE. 19 147 HUPFAUER. Druckstucke aus demi xv Jahlihunderte, welche sich in der Bibliothek des regulirten Chorstiftes Beuerberg befinden, mit 23 Holzschnitten. Augsburg, 1794. 8vo, pp. xii, 384, fac-similes of early woodcuts, boards. $5 148 INK. History of Ink. Including its Etymology, Chemistry, and Bibliography. Illustrated. New York. 8vo, pp. 72, 4, cloth. $1.25 149 JACKSON. An Essay on the Invention of Engraving and Printing in Chiaro Oscuro, as practised by Albert Durer, Hugo di Carpi, and the Application of it to the Making Paper Hangings of Taste, Duration, and Elegance. By Mr. Jcckson. Illustrated with prints in proper colors. London, 1754. 4to, pp. 19, half morocco. $2.50 150 JACOB, PAUL LACROIX. Curiosites de L' Histoire des Arts, par P. L. Jacob, Bibliophile. Notice sur le Parchemin et le Papier. Recherches sur les Cartes a Jouer. Origines d l'Imprimerie, La Reluire, depuis l'antiquit6 jusqu'au dix-septiemne siecle. Paris, 1858. 16mo, pp. 411, half calf. $2.50 151 JOHNSON. Rasselas, Prince of Abisinia. By Dr. Johnson. Printed with Patent Types, in a manner never before Attempted. Banbury, 1804. 8vo, pp. 135, half turkey morocco. $2.50 152 JOHNSON. An Introduction to Logography: or the Art of Arranging and Composing for Printing with Words Intire, their Radices and Terminations, instead of single letters. By His Majesty's Royal Letters Patent. By Henry Johzson. London, 1783. Pp. 3, 64, half french calf. $3.50 153 KENNY. The American Newspaper Directory and Record of the Press, containing an accurate list of all the Newspapers, Magazines, Reviews, Periodicals, etc., in the United States and British Provinces of North America. Also a concise general view of the Origin, Rise and Progress of Newspapers, compiled by Dcaniel J. Kenny. N. Y., 1861. 12mo, pp. 123, xxix, cloth. $1.50 154 KINSLEY. A Specimen of Printing Types cast in the Franklin Letter Foundry of A. W. Kinsley & Co. Albany, 1828. 8vo, full calf, gilt, and tooled. $2.50 155 KNIGHT. Knowledge is Power, a View of the Productive Forces of Modern Society and the results of Labor, Capital and Skill. By Chlarles Knigjlt. Revised and edited, with additions by David Wells, A. M., illustrated with numerous engravings. Boston, 1856. 12mo, pp. 503, cloth. $2.50 20 TYPO GRAPIIWCAL CATALOG UE. 156 KooPs. Historical Account of the Substances which have been used to describe Events, and to convey Ideas, from the earliest date to the invention of paper. Second edition. Printed on paper remade from old printed and written paper. By Matthias Koops, Esq. London, 1801. Pp. 273, specimens of paper from wood, etc., half calf. $5 157 LA CAILLE. Histoire de l'Imprimerie et de la Librairie, ou l'onvoit son origine et son progres, jusqn'en 1689. Divisee en deux Livres. A Paris, M.DC.LXXXIX. 4to, pp. 322, full spotted calf, neat. $5 158 LACKINGTON. Memoirs of the First Forty-Five Years of the Life of James Lackington, -the present Bookseller in Chiswell street, Moorfields, London. WVritten by himself in a Series of Letters to a Friend. With a Triple Dedication. 1. To the Public. 2. To Respectable, 3. To sordid Booksellers. London, 1791. 8vo, pp. xxxii, 344, half calf. $3.50 159 LACKINGTON. Memoirs of the forty-five first Years of the Life of James Lackington, Bookseller. Written by himself, in fortyseven letters to a Friend. From the latest Edition. London, 1830. ln2mo, pp. xxiii, 347, ix, cloth. $2 160 LACROIX, Fournier, et Serb, Le Livre d'Or des Metiers; Histoire de L'Imprimerie et des Arts et Professions qui se rattachent a la Typographie (Calligraphie, Enluminure, Parcheminerie, Libraire, Gravure sur bois et sur metal, Fonderie, Papeterie et Relinre), comprenant L'Histoire des anciennes corporations et confreries d'ecrivains, d'enlumineurs, de parcheminiers, d'imprimeurs, de librairies, de cartiers, de graveurs sur bois et sur metal, de fondeurs de caractberes, de papetiers et de relieurs de la France, depuis leur fondation jusqu'h leur suppression en 1789, par Paul Laccroix (Bibliophile Jacob), Edouard Fournier et Ferdinand Sere. Paris, 1852. Sup-royal 8vo, pp. 160, plates colored and plain, half calf. $10 161 LAIRE. Specimen Historicum Typographiee Romance xv seculi opera et studio P. Francisci Xaver Laire, Sequano-Burgundi in Familia minimorumn S. T. Lectoris et Serenissimi Principis De Salm Salm Bibliothecarii. Romee, 1778. 8vo, pp. xii, 307, half calf. $3.50 162 LAMBINET. Origine de l'Imprimerie, d'apres les Titres authentiques, l'Opinion de M. Daunou, et celle de M. Van Praet, suivie des 6tablissements de cet art dans la Belgique et de l'histoire de la St6r6otypie; Ornbe de calques, de portraits et d'ecussons, par Lambinet. Paris, M.DCCC.X. 2 vols., 8vo, bds., uncut. $5 TYPOGRAPHICAL CATALOG UE. 21 163 LAMBINET. Recherches Historiques, Litteraires et Critiques, sur l'Origine de l'Imprimerie, particulierement sur ses premiers etablissemens, au xvmc, siecle, dans la Belgique, maintenant r6unie a la Republique francaise; Ornees des portraits et des 6cussons des premiers Imprimeurs belges; par le Citoyen P. Lctebinet. Bruxelles, An. vii. Fine copy. 8vo, pp. 500, plates, half calf, neat. $5 164 LATTER. Struggles in the Journey of Life; or the Afternoon of my days: comprehending chiefly, the Period between my Forty-fifth, and the end of my Sixtieth year, being the Fourth Book of my Pilgrimage: From the Retrospections of A Sexagenarian: in which some of the more recent ups and downs, the joys and sorrows, the hopes and disappointments, of a life passed in comparative obscurity, but replete with much striking vicissitude, and not without some occasional attempts to be useful, will be found delineated in such a way, as cannot fail to interest the careful observer of the Providential development of human events, to excite the sympathy of those who admire the patient and persevering efforts of suffering humanity, in the midst of misfortunes of an appalling nature, and surrounded by difficulties of no ordinary description, and to impress upon all, the instability and uncertainty, of earthly comforts, and human acquirements. Illustrating and inculcating as the Narrative proceeds some of the most important lessons and sublime maxims of our Christian Philosophy; Not in examples drawn from fictitious representations; or imaginary characters, existing only in the regions of Fancy and Romance; but from the Incidents, and every day occurrences, of the latter, and most unfortunate part of, the real life of A Country Bookseller: who exercised that Profession in his little Provincial Locality with varied success, for the greater part of half a century, during which times however, he became more extensively useful and better known, by his Literary and Editorial labors, being the author of Popular Philosophy or the Book of Nature Laid Open on Christian Principles, etc.; the affecting History of Tom Bragwell, as well as of a number of minor pieces which have appeared in his different publications, particularly in the Cheap Magazines, and Monthly Monitor, or Philanthropic Museum; of both of which, he was the Editor as well as Publisher. Edinburgh, 1833. 8vo, pp. 406, cloth. $2 165 LAWS OF THE PRESS. Commentaire sur les lois de la Presse et des Autres Moyens de Publication. Par Ad. De Grattier. Paris, 1839. 2 vols., 8vo, pp. 542, 472, half calf. $5 22: TYPOGRAPHICAL CATALOG UE. 166 LAWS OF THE PRESS. Traite des D6lits et Contraventions de la Parole de l'Ecriture et de la Presse, par Xl. Chassan. Paris, 1831. 2 vols., 8vo, half calf, neat. $6 167 LAWS oF THE PRESS. Grattier's Reponse de M. Chassan. 8vo, pp. 96, half calf. $1.50 168 LAWS OF THE PRESS. Code des Imprimeurs, Libraires, Ecrivains et Artistes, ou Receuil et Concordance des dispositions legislatives qui determinent leurs obligations et leurs droits suivi d'nn choix de Discours prononces dans les deux Chambres, et propres a rendre plus facile l'application des regles concernant la liberte de la presse. Par F. A. Pic. A Paris, 1826. 8vo, pp. xii, 1127, half turkey morocco. $3.50 169 LoIS DE LA PRESSE en 1836, on Legislation actuelle sur l'Imprimerie et la Libraire, et sur les Delits et contraventions commis par toutes les Voies de Publication; par M. Parant. Paris, 1836. 8vo, pp. 497, half calf neat. $2.50 170 Lois SUR LA PRESSE depuis le 24 Fevrier, 1848. Rouen. 8vo, pp. 171, no title, half calf, neat. $2 171 LAWS OF THE PRESS. Code de la Presse, ou Tableaux Alphabetiques Indicatifs de tous les crimes, d6lits et contraventions qui peuvent etre commis par les voies de publication, de la j urisdiction a laquelle ils sont soumis, des peines qui leur sont applicables, et des cas dans laquels ils est permis aux juges d'abaisser; la penalit6 en declarant l'existence des circonstances attenuants; avec des observations resumant la doctrine des auteurs et la jurisprudence des cours, ouvrage auquel on a joint des Notes Gcn6rales sur les imnmunites admises par la loi, les competences exceptionnelles, les procedures a suivre, la preuve de faits diffalatoires, le cumul de peines, la recidive, la prescription. Par llf. Fedia.ctnd Pegat. Paris, 1837. 4to, pp. iv, 101, half cloth. $3.50 172 LEC-II. Della Tipografia Bresciana nel secolo decimoquinto, memorie di Luigi Lechi. Brescia, 1854. Edition 50 copies. Folio, pp. 128, paper velini, plates, half turkey morocco, uncut. $10 173 LEDGER BUILDING. Description of the New Ledger Building, Southwest corner of Sixth and Chestnut streets, Philadelphia. Opened Thursday, June 20, 1867. Philadelphia, 1867. Paper. 50cts. TYPOGRAPHICAL CATALOG UE.'23 174 LE GALLOIS. Traitte des plus Belles Bibliotheques de l'Europe. Des premiers Livres qui ont ete faits. De l'invention de l'Imprinzerie. Des Imprimeurs. De Plusieurs Livres qui ont ete perdus & recouvrez par les soins des SGavans. Avec une MSthode pour dresser une Bibliotheque. Par le Sieuer Le Gallois. Paris, 1685. 24mo, pp. viii, 240, calf. $2 175 LE MOINE. Typographical Antiquities. History, Origin, and Progress of the Art of Printing, from its first invention in Germany to the end of the Seventeenth Century, and from its introduction into England, By Caxton, to the Present time; Including among a variety of curious and interesting Matter, its Progress in the Provinces: with chronological Lists of Eminent Printers in England, Scotland, and Ireland: together with Anecdotes of several eminent and literary Characters, who have honored the Art by their Attention to its Improvement: Also a partiiular and complete History of the Walpolean Press, established at Strawberry Hill, with an accurate List of every Publication issued therefrom, and the exact Number printed thereof. At the conclusion is given a curious Dissertation on the Origin of the Use of Paper; also a complete History of the Art of Woodcutting and Engraving on Copper, from its first invention in Italy to its latest Improvement in Great Britain; concluding with the Acljudication of Literary Property; of the Laws and Terms to which Authors, Designers and Publishers are separately subject. With a Catalogue of remarkable Bibles and Common Prayer Books from the Infancy of Printing to the Present time. Extracted from the best Authorities. By Henry Le Moine. London, 1797. 12mo, pp. 156, half turk. mor. $2.50 176 LEMPERTz. Bilder-Hefte zur Geschichte des Bucherhandels und der mit demselben verwandten Kiinste und Gewerbe. Koln, 1853-6. 4 parts, large folio. $20 Portraits of the early printers, fac-similes of letters, and styles of elegant bindings of the XV century, etc. 177 LETTER to a Member of Parliament, slfowing the necessity of Regulating the Press; chiefly from the Necessity of Public Establishments in Religion, from the Rights and Immunities of a National Church, and the Trust reposed in the Christian Magistrates to Protect and Defend them. With a particular Answer to the Objections that of late have been advanced against it. Oxford, 1699. Small 4to, pp. 67, half morocco. $2 178 LIBEL. Commonwealth vs. J. T. Buckingham, on an Indictment for a Libel, before the Municipal Court of the City of Boston, Dec. Term, 1822. Fourth edition. Boston, 1830. Pp. 56, paper. $1 24 TYPOGRAPIIICAL CATALOG UE. 179 LIBEL. Trial of the Cause of Philip Arcularius and William Coleman, Gent., etc., being an action for a Libel, Jan., 1807, with arguments of Counsel and Charge of Judge Livingston. New York, 1807. 8vo, pp. 62, stitched. 75cts. 180 LIBEL. Trial of the Case of the Commonwealth Versus David Lee Child, for publishing in the Massachusetts Journal a Libel oh the Hon. John Keyes, held at Cambridge, Oct., 1828. Boston, 1829. 8vo, pp. 117, stitched. $1 181 LIBEL. Trial of Moore and Sevey for a Libel on Samuel D. Greene, in the Municipal Court, Boston, July, 1833. Boston, 1833. 8vo, pp. 78, stitched. $1 182 LIBEL. The whole Proceedings on the Trial of an information exhibited ex officio by the King's Attorney General, against John Stockdale; for a Libel on the House of Commons, tried in the court of King's Bench, Westminster, on Wednesday the 9th of December, 1789. London, 1790. 8vo, pp. xi, 228, 52, half calf. $2.50 183 LIBEL. The Proceedings in the House of Lords in the case of Benjamin Flower, printer of the Cambridge Intelligencer, for a supposed Libel on the Bishop of Landaff: with prefatory Remarks and Animadversions on the Writings of the Bishop of Landaff, the Rev. R. Ramsden, A. M. Fellow of Trinity College, and the Rev. Robert Hall, A. M., minister of the Baptist Meeting, Cambridge: By the printer. To which are added, the Argument in the Court of King's Bench, on a motion for an Habdas Corpus, and a postscript, containing remarks on the judgment of that Court. By Henry Clifford, of Lincoln's Inn, Barrister at Law. Cambridge, 1800. 8vo, pp. 96, xxxvii, 80, boards. $1.50 184 LIBEL. The Littlejohn Libel Suit. The Case of DeWitt C. Littlejohn against Horace Greeley, tried at the Oswego term of the Supreme Court of the State of New York, at Pulaski, Sept. 10-13, 1861, before his Honor, William J. Bacon, containing the Rulings of Judge Bacon, the Arguments, and Points of Messrs. D. H. Marsh, I. S. Williams, John K. Porter, Chas. B. Sedgwick, and Henry A. Foster. Phonographically reported by James L. Crosby. New York, 1861, Pp. 56, paper. $1 185 LIBEL. Report of the Trial of Charles N. Baldwin for a Libel, in publishing charges of Fraud and Swindling against the managers and sub-manager of the Medical Science Lottery, in the state of N. Y. before the Hon. Cadwallader D. Colden, Mayor TYPOGRAPHIICAL CATALOG UE. 25 of the City of New York, and Reuben Munson, and George B. Thorpe, Aldermen, on the 10th, 11th, 12th and 13th days of November, 1818; containing an ample detail of the Testimony, the arguments of Counsel, the charge of the Court; and also an appendix, containing the principal publications which preceded and gave rise to the prosecution. By Daniel Rogers, Counsellor at Law, editor of the New York City Hall Recorder. New York, 1818. Royal 8vo, pp. 37, half morocco. $1.50 186 LIBEL. The Opdyke Libel Suit. A Full, Metrical, Judicial and Analytical Report of the Extraordinary Suit for Libel of George Opdyke "verses" Thurlow Weed, which progressed from day to day, commencing on the 13th day of December, 1864, and ending on the 11th of January, 1865, in the New York Supreme Court Circuit, before Judge Charles Mason. Testimony of Witnesses, Speeches of Counsel, Incidents of the Trial. By a full Corps de Bully, short and long metre reporters. New York, 1865. 8vo, pp. 62, paper. $1 187 LIBEL. Great Libel Case. Opdyke vs. Weed. A full Report of the Proceedings including Speeches of Counsel, Testimony and the Result. New York, 1865. 8vo, pp. 156, paper. 50cts. 188 LIBEL. Letter concerning Libels, Warrants, the Seizure of Papers, and Sureties for the Peace of Behavior; with a View to some late proceedings and the Defence of them by the Majority. The Fourth edition, enlarged and improved. London, 1765. 8vo, pp. 112, half morocco. $2.50 189 LIBEL. Letter to Mr. Almon, in Matter of Libel: with a Postscript upon Contempt of Court and Attachment. Second edition, improved. London, 1771. 8vo, pp. 158, xl, paper. $1 190 LIBEL. Reflection upon the Law of Libel, in a Letter addressed to a Member of the Suffolk Bar. By a Citizen [Edmund Kimball.] Boston, 1823. 8vo, pp. 55, stitched. 50cts. 191 LIBERTY OF THE PRESS. Areopagitica. A Speech of Mr. John Milton, for the Liberty of unlicens'd Printing. To the Parliament of England. First published in the year 1644. With a Preface by another hand. London, 1738. 8vo, pp. viii, 58, half turkey. $2 192 LIBERTY OF TIHE PRESS. Bentham, On the Liberty of the Press, and Public Discussion. London, 1821. 8vo, pp. 38, half morocco. $1.50 4 26 TYPO GRAPHICAL CA TAL O G UE. 193 LIBERTY OF THE PRESS. The Resolutions of the first meeting of the Friends to the Liberty of the Press, December 19, 1792, also the Declaration of the second Meeting, January, 22d 1793, written by the Hon. Thomas Erskine; to which is added a Letter to Gen. Reeves, chairman of the Association for preserving Liberty and Property. London, 1793. 8vo, pp. 27, half morocco. $1.50 194 LIBERTY OF THE PRESS. The Speech of the Hon. Thomas Erskine, at a meeting of the Friends to the Liberty of the Press, at Freemason's Tavern, Dec. 22, 1792, with the Resolutions, etc., of that truly patriotic Society. London, 1792. 8vo, pp. 16, half morocco. $1.50 195 LIBERTY OF THE PRESS. The Speeches of the Hon. Thomas Erskine (now Lord Erskine), when at the Bar, on subjects connected with The Liberty of the Press, and against Constructive Treasons. London, 1810. 3 vols. 8vo, pp. viii, 393, 453, 503, half turkey. $7.50 196 LIBERTY OF THE PRESS. Essay on the Liberty of the Press, chiefly as it respects Personal Slander. London., 8vo, pp. 47, half morocco. $1.75 197 LIBERTY OF THE PRESS. An Apology for the Freedom of the Press, and for General Liberty, to which are prefixed remarks on Bishop Horsley's Sermon, preached January 30, 1793. By Robert Hall. Also Strictures on a review in the Christian Guardian for Jan., 1822, of a work by Robert Hall, entitled, an Apology for the Freedom of the Press and General Liberty. London, 1822. 8vo, pp. xiv, iv, 108, 23, half turkey morocco. $2 198 LIBERTY OF THE PRESS. Faithful Report of a Genuine Debate concerning the Liberty of the Press. Addressed to a Candidate at the ensuing Election, wherein a sure and safe method is proposed of restraining the Abuse of that Liberty, without the least Encroachmlent upon the Rights and Privileges of the Subject. London, 1744. 8vo, pp. 45, half moroccoo $1.50 199 LIBERTY OF THIE PRESS. Practical Suggestions for preventing Attacks on private Character through the Press. London, 1838. 8vo, pp. 16, half morocco. $1.50 200 LIBERTY OF THE PRESS. L'Estrange's Considerations and Proposals in Order to the Regulation of the Press, together with Diverse Instances of Treasonous, and Seditious Pamphlets, Proving the Necessity thereof. London, 1663. 8vo, half morocco. $1.50 TYPOGRAPHICAL CAT4ALOGUE. 27 201 LIBERTY OF THE PRESS. Letter to a Member of the Parliament,: showing that a Restraint in the Press is inconsistent with the Protestant Religion, and dangerous to the Liberties of the Nation. London, 1698. 4to, pp. 32, half morocco. $1.50 202 LIBERTY OF THE PRESS. London. 8vo, pp. 58, half mor. $1.50 203 LIBERTY OF THIE PRESS. The article Liberty of the Press, reprinted fiom the Supplement to the Encyclopedia Britannica. London, 1820. 8vo, pp. 34, half morocco. $1.50 204 LIBERTY OF TIIE PRESS. Philopatris. A just Vindication of Learning: or an Humble Address to the High Court of Parliament in behalf of the Liberty of the Press. London, 1679. Small 4to, pp. 18, half morocco. $1.50 205 LIBERTY OF THE PRESS. Proceedings of the Friends to the Liberty of the Press: on December 22d, 1792, and January 19th, and March 9th, 1793. London, 1793. 8vo, pp. 22, half morocco. $1.50 206 LIBERTY OF TIE PRESS. A Seasonable Memorial in some Historical Notes upon the Liberties of the Press and Pulpit; with the Effects of Popular Petitions, Tumults, Associations, Impostures, and Disaffected Common Counsels. London, 1680. 8vo, pp. 37, half morocco. $1.50 207 LIBRARIES. A Critical and Historical Account of all the Celebrated Libraries in Foreign Countries, as well Ancient as Modern. With General Reflections upon the choice of Books and the method of furnishing Libraries. A work of great use to all Men of Letters. London, 1739. 12tmo, pp. 206, calf. $1 208' LICHTENBERGER. Initia Typographica illustravit Jo. Fr'id. Lichtenzberger. Argentorati, 1811. 4to, pp. viii, 259, half vellumn. $7.50 Dawson Tarner's autograph, 1812. 209 LICOITENBERGER, Inldllgentiaruml Literas Nicolai V. P. M. Pro regno cypri impressas a AMCCCCLIV. Matricumque epocham vilidicavit initia Typogr. supplevit. Jo. Frid. Lichtenberger. Argentorati, 1816. Small 4to, pp. 16, paper. $1 210 LITERARY PROPERTY. Arguments of the Council for the Appellants. London, 1772. 4to, pp. 59, half morocco. $2 211 LITERARY PROPERTY. Considerations on the Nature and Origin of Literary Property: Wherein that Species of Property is clearly proved to subsist no longer than for the terms fixed by the Statute 8vo, Annse. Edinburgh, 1767. 8vo, pp. 34, half morocco. $1.50 28l TYPOGRA PHI'C AL CA TALOGU;E. 212 LITERARY PROPERTY. An Enquiry into the Nature and Origin of Literary Property. Lond., 1762. 8vo, pp. 39, half mor. $1.50 213 LITERARY PROPERTY. A Letter from an Author to a Member of Parliament, concerning Literary Property. London, 1767. 8vo, pp. 23, half morocco. $1.50 214 LITERARY PROPERTY. A Letter from an Author to a Member of Parliament concerning Literary Property. Also, an Enquiry into the Nature and Origin of Literary Property. Also a Vindication of the exclusive right of Authors to their own Works, a subject now under consideration before the Twelve Judges of England. London, 1747, 1762. 8vo, pp. 23, 39, 45, calf, neat. $2 215 LITERARY PROPERTY. Petition against a Bill to amend the Law relatingto Copyright. London, 1842. 8vo, halfmorocco. $1.50 216 LITERARY PROPERTY. Question concerning Literary Property, determined by the Court of King's Bench on 20th April, 1769, in the cause between Andrew Millar and Robert Taylor: with the separate Opinions of the four Judges; and the reasons given by each, in support of his opinion. London, 1773. 4to, pp. 127, 82, iv, 37, calf; neat. $5 217 LITHOGRAPIE. Noveau Manuel complet de l'Imprimeur Lithographe. Atlas. Paris (no date). 16mo, paper. 50cts. 218 LITHOGRAPHY. Every Man his own Printer; or Lithography made easy: being an Essay upon Lithography in all its branches, showing more particularly the advantages of the "patent Autographic Press." London, 1854. Imperial 8vo, pp. 50, portrait of Senefelder, and specimens of Lithography, cloth. $2.50 219 LITHOGRAPHY. Uebersicht der einzig bestehenden, vollstandigen Incunabeln-Sammlhnug der Lithographie und der iubrigen Senefelder'schen Erfindungen als Metallographie, Papyrographie, Papierstereotypen, und Oelgemalde-Druck (ohne Presse). Mit einem Vorwort begleitet zur Sechzigjahrigen GedachtniszFeier der Miinchener-Erfindiu-ng der Lithographic, etc. Franz Maria Ferchl. Mit vielen Abbildungen der seltensten lithographischen Incunabeln. Miinchen, 1856. 8vo, pp. 91, folding plates, half calf. $2.50 220 LOGOTYPES. Tobitt, Combination Type: their History, Advantages and Application. By Jol, H..Tobitt. New York, 1852. 8vo, half french calf. $1.50 TI'PO GRAPHICAL CA4 TAL O G UE. 29 221 LOGOTYPES. Miscellanies in Prose and Verse intended as a Specimen of the Types at the Logographic Printing Office. J. Walter. London, 1785. 8vo, pp. xxiii, 225, calf, neat. $2 222 LOGOTYPES. An Address to the Public by J. Walter, showing the great Improvement he has made in the Art of Printing, by Logographic Arrangements; stating also the various Difficulties and Oppositions he has encountered during its Progress, to the present State of Perfection. Londoh, 1789. 8vo, pp. xiii, 88, half french calf. $2.50 223 LoosJEs. G'edenkschriften wegens het Vierde Eeuwgetijde van de uitvinding der Boekdrukkunst door Lourens Janszoon Koster, Van Stadswege gevierd te Haarlem den 10 en 11 Julij, 1823; Bijeenverzameld door Vincent Loosjes. Haarlem, 1824. pp. liv, 462, portrait of Koster, and plates, half calf. $7.50 225 LYNCH. The Printer's Manual, a Practical Guide for Compositors and Pressmen. By Thomas Lynch. To which is appended the manner of putting together and using Printing Machines. Cincinnati, 1859. 16mo, pp. 262, half morocco. $2 226 MCCREERY. The Press, a Poem. Published as a Specimen of Typography. By Joh7n McCreery. Liverpool, 1803. 4to, pp. viii, 20, 80, woodcuts, notes, half calf, uncut. $6 227 MCCREERY. The Press, a Poem in two parts, with other pieces.. By John McCreery. Second edition. London, 1828. 8vo, pp. xvii, 174, cloth. $2 228 MANSION, COLARD. Notice sur Colard Mansion, Libraire et Imprimeur de la ville de Bruges en Flandre dans le qidnzieme siecle. Paris, 1829. 16mo, pp. 130, with appendix, cloth. $3.50 First printer at Bruges, and supposed to be the person who instructed Caxton, the first English printer, and of whom the latter procured his types, instead of Ulric Zell of Cologne. as was formerly conjectured. 229 MANUEL du Bibliophile et de l'Archeologue Lyonnais. Paris, 1857. 8vo, pp. lxxvi, 389, portrait and plates, half turkey mor. $10 230 MARQUEs Typographiques ou Receuil des Monogrammnes, Chiffres Enseignes, Emblemes, Devises, Rebus et Fleurons des Libraires et Imprimeurs qui ont exerce en France, depuis l'Introduction de l'Imprimerie, en 1470, jusqu'a la fin du 16e siecle: a ces marques sont jointes celles les Libraires et Imprimeurs qui pendant la meme periode ont publie hors de France, des livres en langue Frangaise. Paris, 1853. 8vo, paper. $15 30 TYPOGRAPHAIC4L CATALOGUE. 231 MARQUES de quelques Ilnprimeurs, [par Vcan der Meersech]. 8vo, pp. 69, 4 woodcuts, paper. $1.50 232 MATTAIRE. Annales Typographici ab artis inventre origine ad annum MD. Opera Mich. Mfattcdtre, A.. Hagae-comitvm, 1719. 4to, pp. 388, portraits, calf. $7.50 233 MECHITAR. Compendiose Notizie sulla Congregazione de' Monaci, Armeni Mechitaristi di Venezia nell' Isola di S. Lazzacra. Tipografia di Sucldetta Isola, 1819. 16mo, pp. 128, portrait, boards. $5 Rare work on the Mechatarists, with sketch of the life of the founder of the Congregation, in Armenian and Italian, very neatly printed at San Lazzara. See Appleton's Cyclopedia, xi, 329, lAfechiftar. 234 MENKEN. De la Charlatanerie des Savans; Par Monsieur MAenken Avec des Remarques Critiques de differens Auteurs. Traduit en Franlois. A La Haye, 1721. 16mo, pp. 242, and Index, Preface and Catalogue, calf. $2.50 235 MEZGER. Augsburgs hilteste Druckdenkmale und Formsclhneiderarbeiten, welche in der vereinigten k6nigl. Kreis und Stadtbibliothek. daselbst aufbewahrt werden. Nebst einer kurzen geschichte des Bucherdruckes und Buchhandels in Augsburg. Augsburg, 1840. (Impression from original cuts of the 15th century). Royal 8vo, half turkey morocco. $5 236 MONTAGUE. Enquiries respecting the proposed Alteration of the Law of Copyright as it affects Authors and the Universities. London. 8vo, pp. lvii. Enquiries and Observations respecting the University Library. 8vo, pp. 30, half morocco. $2 237 Moxo. Mecllhanick Exercises, or the Doctrine of Handy-works. Began Jan. 1677. And intended to be monthly continued. By John Moxon, Hydrographer to the Kings most Excellent Majesty. London, 1677. Small 4to, two vols. in one, with plates and portrait of Moxon, pp. 449, 394, russia. $25 This is the earliest English work on Printing, Type Founding, etc., and is extremely curious and scarce, the edition having probably been destroyed, as it divulged the secrets of trades then kept so close, that, as the author remarks of type founding', he could find no one that had learnt it of another. 238 MURRAY. Practical Remarks on Modern Paper, with an Introductory Account of its former substitutes; also Observations on Writing Inks, the Restoration of illegible Manuscripts, and the Preservation of important Deeds from the destructive effects of damp. By John Murray.- Edinburgh, 1829. 8vo, pp. xii, 119, boards. $1.50 TYPOGRAPHICAL CATALOG UE. 31 239 MURRAY. Observations and Experiments on the Bad Composition of Modern Paper: with the description of a permanent writing Ink, which cannot be discharged. By John Mfrcray. London, 1824. 8vo, pp. 23, paper. 50cts. 240 NATTER. Traite de la Methode Antique de Graver en Pierres Fines comparee avec la Methode Moderne, et expliquee en diverses Planches par Laurent.Natter, Graveur en Pierres fines, A Londres, 1754. Folio, pp. 54, numerous plates, calf. $10 241 NEWSPAPER and General Reader's Pocket Companion. Being a familiar explanation of foreign and classical words, phrases, and quotations of constant occurrence in the various journals, periodicals, and publications of the day. By the Author of Live and Learn. London, 1856. Cloth. $1 242 NrcHoLs. Biographical and Literary Anecdotes of William Bowyer, Printer, and of many of his learned Friends, containing an Incidental view of the Progress and Advancement of Literature from 1700 to 1777. London, 1782. 4to, pp. viii, 666, portrait, half calf. $6 243 NIOTITIA Editionum quoad Libros Hebr. Gr. et Lat. quae vel Primarise, vel Ssec. XV. Impressse, vel Aldinse, in Bibliotheca Bodleiana Adservantur. Oxonii, 1795. 16mo, pp. 60, half morocco. $1.37 244 OLDMIXON. Memoirs of the Press, Historical and Political, for thirty years past, from 1710 to 1740. Containing I, an Account of some of the chief Writers, and their Writings, and the chief persons who set them to work. II. The great part the author bore in these Memoirs; wherein is necessarily included many Anecdotes of Court and Courtiers in the Reigns of King William and Queen Mary, Queen Anne, and King George I. III. The Generosity and Gratitude of Parties and Ministries to those who write for them, particularly exemplified in the Case of the Author. Dedicated to her Grace the Duchess of Marlborough, as it happens to explain some passages in her Grace's late admirable Treatise. By Arf. Oldmzixon. London, 1742. 8vo, pp. 64, half morocco. $1.50 245 OTTLEY. Notices of Engravers, and their Works, being the commencement of a new Dictionary which it is not intended to continue, containing some account of upwards of three hun-, dred Masters, with more complete catalogues of several of the more eminent than have yet appeared, and numerous Original Notices of the performances of other artists hitherto little known. By Willican Young Ottley, Esq., F.A.S., etc., etc. London, 1831. 8vo,. half turkey morocco. $2.50 32 TYPO GRAPHICAL CA TALOGUE. 246 PALMER. A General History of Printing from the first invention of it in the city of Mentz, to its propagation and progress thro' most of the kingdoms in Europe: particularly the Introduction and Success of it here in England. With the Characters of the most celebrated Printers. From the first Inventors of this Art to the years 1520, and 1550, also an account of their Works, and of the considerable improvements which they made during that time. By S. Pcnalmer. London, 1733. 4to, pp. vi, 400, calf. $10 247 PAPER. Practical Guide for the manufacture of Paper and Boards, by A. Proteaux; Additions by L. S. Le Normand; translated from French, by Horatio Paine; the manufacture of paper from wood in the United States, by Henry T. Brown. Philadelphia, 1866. 8vo, pp. 292, plates, cloth. $3.50 248 PAPER, etc. Article from an Encyclopedia. 4to, pp. 281, and numerous plates; half cloth. $5 Articles on Paper, Cards, Marbling, etc., in French. 249 PAPER. Piette, Trait6 de la Coloration des pates a Papier precede d'un Apercu sur l'etat actuel de la Fabrication du papier et contenant un assortiment d'echantillons de papiers colores, par Louis Piette. Paris, 1863. 8vo, pp. xvii, xxxii, 185, paper, uncut. $18 Gives samples of 229 different colors and styles of paper, with recipes for mixing the colors. 250 PAPER MAKING. Journal des Fabricants de Papier. Paris, 1865, 6, 7. 3 vols., 8vo, in sheets, plates, published at 30 francs. $10 PAPER MAKING. See Breitkopf. 251 PAPER and Paper Making, History and Chronology of, by J. Munsell. Third edition, 1864. 8vo, pp. 173, cloth. $2 252 PAPER MILLS DIRECTORY. Compiled by the editor of, and reprinted from, The Stationer. London, 1860. 8vo, paper. $1 253 PAPER QUESTION. Letters to the Hon. Schuyler Colfax, Speaker of the House of Representatives. Philadelphia, 1865. Pp. 41, paper. $1 254 PARTINGTON. The Printer's Complete Guide; containing a sketch of the History and Progress of Printing, to its present state of improvement; Details of its several Departments; Numerous Schemes of Imposition; Modern Improvements in Stereotype, Presses and Machinery, etc., with Familiar Instructions to TYPO GRA l'II~ICAL CA 7TAL O G UE. 33 Authors, illustrative of the Art of Correcting Proof-sheets. By 0. F. Partingtonl, Author of an Historical and Descriptive Account of the Steam Engine; and one of the Lecturers at the London Russel and Mechanics' Institutions, etc., etc. Engravings. London. 8vo, pp. 95, half french calf. $2.50 255 PARTON. The Life of Horace Greeley, Editor of the New York Tribune. By J. Parton. Illustrated. New York,.1855. 8vo, pp. 442, cloth. $2 256 PATENTS for Inventions. Abridgments of Specifications relating to Printing, including therein the Production of copies of all kinds of Materials (excepting felted and textile fabrics). By means of Types, Stereotype, Blocks, Plates, Stone, Dies, Stencil Plates, Paper Writings, Electro Chemicals, and Light. Printed by order of the Commissioners of Patents. London, 1859. 8vo, pp. 11, 631, half turkey morocco. $5 257 PEIGNOT. Notice de XXII Grandes Miniatures, ou Tableaux en Couleur, r6unis en tete d'un manuscrit du xve siecle; precede de quelque Recherches sur l'usage d'enricher les Livres de ces sortes d'ornamens, chez les anciens et au moyen age. Par Gabriel Peignot. Dijon, 1832. 8vo, pp. 56 (tire a cent exemplaires sur velin), half calf. $1.50 258 PEIGONOT. Essai sur l'Historie du Parchemin et du V6ilin. Par GabrieZ Peignot. Paris, rI.DCCC.XII. 8vo, pp. 110, half french calf, neat. $4.50 De l'imprimerie de Crapelet, 250 exemplaires et 2 sur velin. Rare. 259 PERIODICAL Press of Great Britain and Ireland: or an Inquiry into the state of the Public Journals, chiefly as regards their Moral and Political Influence. London, 1824. 16mo, pp. 219, half turkey mlorocco. $2 260 PERTHES. Life and Times of Frederick Perthes. New York, 1857. 12mo, pp. viii, 464, cloth. $2.50 261 PETZHOLDT. Katechismus der Bibliothekenlehre. Anleitung zur Einrichtlung und Verwaltung von Bibliotheken. Von Dr. Julizts Petzholdt. Mit 14 in den Text gedructen Abbildungen und 15 Schrifftafeln. Leipzig, 1856. 16mo, pp. x, 217, half turkey morocco. $2 262 PEZZANA. Notizie Bibliografiche intorno a due Rarrissime Edizioni del secolo xv, di Angelo Pezzcna, Bibliotecario. Parma, tipi Bodoniani, 1808. 8vo, pp. 91, boards, uncut. $2.50 5 :34 TYPOGRAPHITCAL CATALOG UE. 263 PLANTIN. Geslagt-Lyste der nakomelingen van den Vermnerden Christoffel Plantin, Koninglyken Aerts Boekdrukker, binnen de Stad Antwerpen; waer by gevoegd is eene geslagt-lyste der familie Mouretorff alias Motetus. Alles met groote moeyte en neerstigheyd uyt oorspronkelyke stukken en bewysbare bescheeden verzameld en opgesteld en met Historische Aenteekeningen en Wapens Verrykt en Opgeheldered, door J. B. Van der Straelen, en uytgegeven door P.-Th. Moons-Van der Straelen. Antwerpen, 1858. Imperial 4to, pp. 372, half turkey morocco. $10 After p. 38, coat of arms, and portrait Balthazar Moretus. Contains an alphabetical list of the Printers and Booksellers of Antwerp, with the year in which their names were entered as masters. Abounds with family crests. PLAYING CARDS. See Breitkopf. 265 POETRY of Nature, comprising a Selection of the most beautiful Apostrophes, Histories, Songs, Elegies, etc., from the works of the Caledonian Bards. The Typographical Execution in a style entirely new, and decorated with the Superb Ornaments of the celebrated Caslon. London, 1789. 4to, pp. x, 184, 10, half turkey morocco. $5 266 PRESS (The), or Literary'Chit-chat. London, 1822. 16mo, pp. vi, 132, half turkey morocco. $2.50 A satire in verse, with notes. 267 PRINTING. A Concise History of the Origin and Progress of Printing; with Practical Instructions to the Trade in general. Compiled from those who have wrote on this curious Art. [Luckomb]. Lon., 1770. Pp. 502, with index, calf, neat. $2.50 This was long a standard practical work. 268 PRINTING. Geschichte der K. K., Hof-Und Staats-Druckerei in Wien von einem Typographen dieser anstalt. Wien, 1851. 8vo, pp. 53, 4(}, 16, plates, half turkey morocco. $3 269 PRINTING. Essay on the Original, Use, and Excellency of the Noble Art and Mystery of Printing. London, 1752. 8vo, half morocco. $1.50 270 PRINTING. Histoire de l'Origine et des Premiers Progres de l'Imprimerie. A la Haye, 1740. 4to, pp. 118, 152, mottled calf. $8.50 By Prosper Marchand, rare, see De Bure —fine copper plate, frontispiece, representing " L'Imprimerie descendant des cieux, est accord6e par Minerve et Mercure a l'Allemagne qui la pr6sente a la Holland, l'Angleterre, l'Italie et la France, les quatre pr6mieres nations ches les quelles ce bel art fut adopt6." TYPOGRAPII1CAL CATALOGUE. 35 271 PRINTING. History of the Processes of Manufacture and Uses of Printing, Gaslight, Pottery, Glass and Iron, with numerous Illustrations. From the Encyclopedia Britannica. New York, 1864. 8vo, pp. vii, 392, cloth. $2 272 PRINTING. Histoire de 1'Invention de l'Imprimerie par les monuments. Paris, Juin, MDCCCXL. Imperial 4to, half calf, numerous engravings and fac-similes of ancient printing, portrait of Gutenberg, etc. $10 273 PRINTING. Introduction de l'Imnprimerie dans le nord de la France. Par Aimne le Roy. 8vo, half morocco. $1.50 274 PRINTING. Lettre sur l'origine de l'Imprimerie, servant de Reponse aux observations publi6es par M2f. Fourrtier le jeune, sur l'Ouvrage de M. Schoepflin, intitule Vindiciae Typographice. Strasbourg, 1761. Lettre de Franqois Gando le Jeune. Appel aux savans et aux gens de Lettres, au sujet de la Bibliographie instructive. 1763. 121mo, three brochures in one vol., half calf, neat. $2 275 PRINTING. Manuel de l'Imprimerie, contenant la Denomination des Caracteres en usage, leurs differentes Proportions; la Description des Signes peu usites dclans cet Art, tels que ceux de Medicine, d'Algelbre, de Prosodie, de Zodiaque; des Tables de comparaison pour trouver ce qu'un Caract6re regagne on chasse sur un autre; un Alphabet grec; le Moddle des Casses; la Maniere de faire Preparer et de Conserver les Cuirs afin d'obtenir une 6conomie; des Instructions utiles aux Compositeurs charges de Mettre en page; la Maniere de faire les Ronds et les Ovales (avec des filets) servant aux Addresses, Tableaux et Ornemens; et generalement tout ce qui peut interesser les Personnes qui s'occupent soit par goat, soit par etat, de ce qui a rapport a lImprimerie; Avec quatre-vingt-dix Figures, au imoyen desquelles on pent Imposer tous les Formats. Des Instructions aux Relieurs et Brocheures pour appendre'a les Plier, et un Tableau pour la Correction des Epreuves. Seconde Edition corrigooeet Augment6e. Paris, 1817. 8vo, half turkey morocco. $2.50 Hansarcl's copy, with his book plate, used by him in compiling his Tylographia. 276 PRINTING. La Science Pratique de l'Imprimerie, contenant des Instructions tres Faciles pour se perfectionner dans cet art on y trouvera une description de toutes les pieces dont une Presse est construite, avec le moyen de remedier a tons les defauts qui penuvent y survener. Avec nne Methode nouvelle & fort 36 TYPO GRAI)ICA L CATAL O G UE. aisle pour imposer toutes sortes d'Impositions, depuis'In-folio jusqu'a 1'In-cent-vingt-lhmit. De plus, on y a joint des Tables pour sCavoir ce que les Caract'res inferieurs regagnent sur ceux qui sont superieurs, & un Tarif pour trouver, d'un coup d'ceil, combien de Formes contiendra une copie' imprimer, tresutile pour les Auteurs & Marchands Libraires qui font imprimer leurs Ouvrages ia leurs depens. Le tout representc avec des Figures en bois & en taille douce, par M1ar'tin Dominique Fertel. A Saint Omer, ADr.ICC.xxII. 4to, pp. xx, 392, 10, cloth. $5 278 PRINTING and its Accessories: a comprehensive Book of Charges for the guidance of Letter Press and Lithographic Printers, Engravers and Bookbinders, with notes and items for reference; Practical Instructions in Lithography, Ink, Chalk and Chromo, with descriptive illustrations, and various receipts in connection therewith, together with 156 Samples of English and Foreign Papers, and tabular Indexes, showing their comparative Mill numbers, weights, etc., etc. By G. Ruse and C(. Stralcer. London. Svo, pp. xv, 319, cloth. $5 279 PIRINTING. Proceedings of the National Convention of Journeymen Printers of the United States, held in INew York, Dec. 2, 1850, together with an Address. Phila., 1851. Paper. 50cts. 280 PRINTING FOR PAIRLIAIMENT. Report of the Select Committee appointed to consider the cheapest, most expeditious, and most efficient mode of providing for the Printing required for the Houses of Parliament and the Public Service, with minutes of Evidence. [London], 1855. Folio, pp. xvi, 273, half turkey neat, fac-similes of proof sheets. $5 i81 PSAIJME. Essaie Elementaire sur la Bibliographie. Par M. Psaumze. Paris, 1824. 8vo, half calf. $3.50 "Ce livre, 6puis6 depuis long-temps, est deveni rare. M. Psaume etait un homme de beaucoup de savoir, qui professait. en religion, en morale et en politique un scepticisme chagrin, amer, presque toujours hostile. L'Introduction du Dictionnaire de Mi. Psanme, contenue en 264 pages, est une excellente compilation qui mdrite h elle seule de faire rechercher son ouvrage, et qui pent tenir lieu d'une multitude de volumes. Les notules maleillantes et acerbes, r6vdlent naivement les opinions, c'est-h-dire les preventions et les haines de l'auteur."- CA. Nodier. 282 PUBLIC PRINTING REPORT on the manner of conducting tihe Public Printing at Washington, made in the year 1860, and known as the Covode Investigation. Albany; 1861. 2 vols., 8vo, pp. 164, 386, half turkey morocco. $5 283 PUBLISHING. The Search for a Publisher: or Counsels for a young Author. Second edition. London, 1855. 8vo, pp. 40, plates, half morocco. $1.50 TYPOGRAPHICAL CATALOG UE. 37 284 QUERARD, Le. Archives d'Histoire Litteraire, de Biographie et de Bibliographie Franqaises. Complement Periodique de la France Litteraire, par l'auteur de la France Litteraire, des Supercheries litteraires devoilies, etc., etc. Paris, 1855-6. 2 vols., 8vo, pp. 587, 644, half calf. $5 285 QUINQUE DECADES Librorum seculo decimoquinto impressorum, quos possidet Bibliotheca Publica Upsaliensis, cum Cons. Ampl. Facult. Philosoph. in Reg. Acad. Ups. Praeside Olao O. Celsio, Publico bonorum examini modeste offert. Stipendiarius Regius, Ericus Brottling Larsson. Upsaliae, 1743. 16mo, pp. 56, paper. $1 286 RALPH. The case of Authors by Profession or Trade, stated; with regard to Booksellers, the Stage, and the Public. London, 1762. 8vo, pp. 68, half morocco. $2.50 Rare book. The author was the fellow workman of Dr. Franklin in London, mentioned in his autobiography. 287 REIFFENBERG. Annuaire de la Bibliotheque Royale de Belgique, par le Conservateur, Baetaon de Reiffenberyg. Bruxelles et Leipzig, 1840-51. 12mo, 13 vols., fine illustrations, paper, uncut. $25 Baron Reiffenberg died in 1850, having achieved twelve volumes of this annual, and the last volume was issued by L. Alvin, of the Bibliothdque Royale. 288 RENOUARD. Annales de l'Imprimerie des Alde, ou Histoire des trois Manuce et de leurs Editions. Par Ant. Aug. Renouard. Paris, xii-1803. 2 vols., pp. 446, xxiii, 250, ix, 149, and indices, portraits, calf, neat. $10 289 RENOUARD. Annales de l'Imprimerie des Estienne, ou Histoire de la Famille des Estienne et de ses editions. Par Ant. Aug. Renouard. Paris, 1837. 2 vols., 8vo, pp. 8, 250, x, 260, 25, calf, neat. $10 290 REPORT on the History and recent Collation of the English version of the Bible: presented by the, Committee on Versions to the Board of Managers of the American Bible Society, and adopted May 1, 1851. New York, 1851. Paper. 25cts. 291 REPORTING. Aids to Reporting: or, the Student's Guide to Press Occupation. By a Parliamentary Veteran. London, 1858. 12mo, pp. 35, cloth. 75cts. 292 RETROSPECT of the Current Literature of Germany, 1841-1842. Reprinted from the British and Foreign Review, No. xxx. London, 1842. Paper. 50cts. 38 TY-1POGRAPIHICAL CATALOG [UE. 293 RIEGERS. Drittes Jubel-Fest der Bruchdruckerkunst, oder Christliches Denck-und Danckmahl dem allerhochsten Gott zu Ehren, wegen der vor dreyhundert Jahren erfundenen und bisher erhaltenen edlen -Buchdrucker-Kunst, worinnen von Erfindung, Ausbreitung und Verbesserung, vom Nutzen, Lob und Furtrefflichkeit, vomn rechten Gebrauch und Misbrauch derselben gehandelt wird. Gotha, 1740. 8vo, pp. 52, 206, calf, neat, gilt edges. $5 Contains also Sermons and other Addresses on the occasion, which was the three century anniversary of the discovery of Printing. 294 SALAD for the Social. By the author of Salad for the Solitary.. New York, 1856. 8vo, pp. xiii, 401, cloth. $1.50 Contains Book craft. 295 SAUNDERS. Author's Printing and Publishing Assistant, including details respecting the MechanLism of Books. New York, 1839. 12mno, pp. 43, cloth. $1.25 Published by Frederic Saunders (from London) on commencing the book business in New York, and probably Mr. Saunders's first work in America. 296 SAVAGE, WILLIAM. Practical Hints on Decorative Printing, with Illustrations engraved on wood, and printed in colors at the Type Press. London, 1822. 4to, pp. 418, half russia, by Mfackenzie. $10 * Splendid copy of this rare work, with nnmerous specimens of decorative printing inserted, printed in oil colors, book plate and autograph of John Martin, and autograph letter G. Baxter. 297 SAVAGE. Dictionary of the Art of Printing. London, 1841. 8vo, pp. 815, cloth, a little water stained. $3.50 A very important work in a printing office not only, but in the hands of every man connected with literature; it being a very complete dictionary of everything necessary to be known in the art of typography, alphabets of the oriental languages, and useful tables of various sciences, etc. 298 SCHEURMANN. Printing Music. London, 1856. Super royal 8vo, plates, half morocco. $1.50 299 SCHMIDT. Die Griechischeli Papyrus-urkunden der Kdniglichlen Bibliothek zu Berlin. Entziffert und erlitutert von Dr. Adolph Schmidt. Mit 2 fac similes und 1 Plan. Berlin, 1842. 8vo, pp. 398, half. turkey morocco. $2.50 300 SCIOEPFLINI. Vindiciae Typographicae. 4to, fine copy, curious folding plates of early styles of Printing, old Types, etc., half turkey morocco. $7.50 Scarce and valuable work. TYPOGRAPHICAL CA4 TALOG UE. 39 301 SEEMILLER. Bibliothecne Academicae Ingolstadiensis Incunabula Typographica sen libri ante annum 1500 impressi circiter mille et quadringenti; quos secundum annorum seriem disposuit, descripsit, et notis Historico-Litterariis illustravit Sebastianus Seemiller. Ingolstadii, 1787. 4 vols. in three, small 4to, pp. 192, xvi, 174, viii, 160, 196, binding various. $12 302 SErz. Annus Tertius Seecularis inventm Artis Typographicee, sive Brevis Historica Enarratio de Inventione Nobilissimme Artis Typographicae, in qua ostenditur, quo tempore d quo & ubi locorum ea primumr feurit inventa, post magis magisque exculta & per Orben Terrarum sparsa? Et quot quantaque Commroda ex ea in Genus Htumarcnu redundarint? Auctore J. Joanne Christiano Seiz, Franco-Germano. Ex Idiomcare Belgico in gratiam Exterorem Latine, & huic inde auctior reddita. Hiarlemi, 1743. 8vo, pp. 248, plate of Koster's house and adjoining edifices at Harlem, half calf. $5 303 SERNA, SANTANDER. Dictionnaire Bibliographique choisi du quinzieme siecle, ou Description par ordre Alphabetique des editions les plus rares et les plus recherchees du quinzieme siecle, precede d'un Essai historique sur l'origine de l'imnprimerie, ainsi que sur l'histoire de son etablissemnent dans les villes, bourgs, mnonast6res et autres endroits de l'Europe; avec la notice des imprimeurs qui y ont exerce cet art jusqu'd l'an 1500: par Xi de lac Serna, Santander. A Bruxelles, An. xIII, 1805. 3 vols., 8vo, half cloth. $10 304 SERNA, SANTANDER. An Historical Essay on the Origin of Printing, translated from the French of M. De La Serna Santander, Newcastle, 1819. 8vo, pp. xiv, 93, half calf. $3 305 SERNA, SANTANDER, etc., Historical Essay on the Origin of Printing. Translated from the French of M. De La Serna, Santander. Newcastle, 1819. Pp. 93. Also a Memoir on the Origin of Printing, in a letter addressed to John Topham, Esq., By Ralph Wiillett, Esq. Newcastle, 1820. Pp. 72. Biographical Memoirs of William Ged; Including a particular account of his Progress in the Art of Block Printing. Newcastle, 1819. Pp. 48. Essay on Stereotype Printing. By Thomas Hoclgson. Newcastle, 1820. 12mo,'pp. xi, 128, half morocco, neat. $5 306 SHERMAN. The Printer's Manual; or a brief Practical Treatise on the Art of Printing, including some new and important subjects not before discovered. By A. 1V. Sherman. New York, 1834. 16mo, pp. 92, half cloth. 75ets. 40 TYPO GRAPHICAL CATAL O G UE. 307 SINGER. Some* account of the Book printed at Oxford in 1468, under the title of Exposicio Sancti Jeronimi, in Simbolo Apostolorum. In which is examined its claim to be considered the First Book printed in England. London, 1812. 8vo, pp. ii, 44, plates, half turkey morocco, very rare. $5 308 SISTER A'RTS, or a Concise and Interesting View of the Nature and History of Paper-making, Printing and Bookbinding: being designed to unite Entertainment with Information concerning those Arts with which the cause of Literature is peculiarly connected. Embellished with three Engravings. Lewes, 1809. 16mo, pp. 102, half morocco. $1 309 SKETCHES of the Character of the New York Press. By O. P. L. New York, 1844. 8vo, pp. 47, half morocco. $1.50 310 SMITH. Eulogiuml on Benjamin Franklin, LL.D., President of the American Philosophical Society, etc., etc., delivered March 1, 1791, in Philadelphia, before both Houses of Congress, and the American Philosophical Society, etc. By Willicam Smith,. D.D., oneof the Vice Presidents of the said: Society, and Provost of the College and Academy of Philadelphia. London, 1792. 8vo, pp. 38, half french calf. $2.50 311 SMITiH. The Printer s (Irainmar: wherein are Exhibited, Examined and Explained the Superficies, Gradation, and Properties of the different Sorts and Sizes of Metal Types cast by Letter Founders; Sundry Alphabets of Oriental, and some other Languages; together with the Chinese Characters: the Figures of Mathematical, Astronomical, Musical, and Physical Signs; Jointly with Abbreviations, Contractions and Ligatures: the Construction of Metal Flowers - Various Tables and Calculations - Models of different Letter-Cases; Schemes for Casting off Copy, and Imposing; and many otherRequisites for attaining a more perfect knowledge both in the Theory and Practice of the Art of Printing. With directions to Authors, Compilers, etc., how to prepare Copy, and to correct their own Proofs. The Whole calculated for the Service of All who have any Concern in the Letter Press. By Johln Smith, Regiom. London, no date. 8vo, pp. iv, 312, calf. $2.50 312 -. Another copy, 1755, cuttings inserted, different imprint. $3.50 313 SPAIN. Typographia EspaFiola o Historia de la Introduccion, Propagacion y Progresos del Arte de la Imprenta en Espafia. A la que antecede una Noticia general sobre la Imprenta de la TYPOGRAJPIIICAL CA TALOG UE. 41 Europa, y de la China: adornado todo con Notas instructivas y curiosas. Fray Francisco ifendez. Madrid, MDCCLXXXXVIY Small 4to, pp. xviii, 427, vellum. $5 Brunet calls this a quarto, but the sigs. are of 16 pages. 314 SPARKS. The Life of Benjamin Franklin: containing the Autobiography, with notes and a continuation. Boston, 1844. 8vo, pp. xv, 612, portraits and plates, half morocco. $3.50 315 SPECIMENS of Printing Types, Ornaments, Rules, etc. By Gortelyou & Giffing. - New York, 1850. 8vo, half calf. $2 These are in reality the specimens of Lothian, a famous founder of the first quarter of the present century. 316 SPECIMENS of some of the Printing Types for Book-work, used in Blackburn & Pardon's Printing Office. London, 1863. 8vo, half morocco. $2 317 SPECIMEN BOOK. Handbook Specimen of Printing Type, Cuts, Ornaments, etc. From the foundry of Samuel N. Dickinson. Boston, 1847. 8vo, half turkey morocco. $2.50 318 SPECIMEN Caracteres graves et fondus, par Mole Jeune. Paris, 1823. 4to, boards. $1.50 8319 SPECIMEN de la Fonderie en caracteres de Lazare Olive. Marseille, 1849. 8vo, half turkey morocco. $1.50 320 SPECIMENS of Types used for Book-work at the Oxford Printing Press, 14 Oxford Mews, Titchborne St., Edgeware Road. Oxford, 1852. 8vo, half morocco. $1.50 321 SPECIMEN of Printing Type from the Letter Foundry of James Ronaldson, successor to Binny & Ronaldson. Philadelphia, 1822. 8vo, half calf. $5 In the year 1801 it was announced as a triumph of American manufactures, that at the type foundry of Binney & Ronaldson could be supplied letter of all sizes from French canon to nonpareil, equal in quality and appearance to any in the world. 322 SPECIMENS of Type in the Printing and Stereotyping Establishment of John F. Trow, showing the different sizes and styles of Type, Oriental, Plain, and Ornamental, used in the various kinds of Book work and Fancy Jobs, as well as Specimens of Printing fine wood engravings. New York, 1851. 8vo, half morocco. $1.50 323 SPECIMEN. Wood & Sharwood's Specimen Book of Types cast at the Austin Letter Foundry. London, 1839. 4to, half roan, gilt edges. $2.50 324 SPECIMEN BOOK. Printing Machinery, Book Binder's List, History of the Art of Binding, etc. 8vo, half sheep. $1.50 6 42 TYPOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE. 325 SPECIMEN BOOK. A List of Printing Materials, second hand Types, Bookbinder's tools, etc. 8vo, half morocco. $1.50 326 STARK. Printing, its Antecedents, Origin, History and Results. By Adcamn Starck. London, 1855. 16mo, pp. 182, illustrations, half turkey morbcco. $1.50 327 STOWER. The Compositor's and Pressman's Guide to the Art of Printing; containing Hints and Instructions to Learners, with various schemes of Impositions, Calculations, and the new Scale of Prices for Compositors and Pressmen: Together with a List of Master Printers, Letter Founders, Printers' smiths and joiners, Ink makers, Wood engravers, Type cutters, etc. By C. Stower, Printer. Second edition. London, 1812. 8vo, pp. 142, half calf, scarce. $2.50 328 STOWER. The Printer's Grammar, or Introduction to the Art of Printing; containing a Concise History of the Art, with the Improvements in the Practice of Printing, for the last fifty Years. London, 1808. Pp. xviii, 530, with specimen of types of Caslon and Catherwood, calf, neat. $10 Fine, clean copy of this famous work. 329 STOWER. The Printer's Price Book, containing the Master Printer's charge to the trade for Printing works of various descriptions, sizes, types, and pages; also a new, easy and correct method of casting off manuscript and other copy, exemplified in Specimen Pages of different sizes and Types. To which is prefixed some Account of the Nature and Business of reading Proof Sheets for the Press, with the Typographical Marks used for this purpose, and their applicatioqi shown in an engraving. By C. Stower. London, 18$1. 8vo, pp. iv, 446, half turkey morocco. $5 330 STREETER. An account of the Newspapers and other Periodicals published in Salem, from 1768 to 1856. By Gilbert L. Streeter. Salem, 1856. Paper. 30cts. 331 SUPPLEMENT an Code complet de la Presse. [Paris], 1848. 8vo, pp. 297, half calf. $2 See Laws of the Piess. 332 SUTTON. The Calotype Process. A Handbook to Photography on paper. By Thomas Sutton, B. A., Caius Coll., Cambridge. London, 1855. 12mo, pp, viii, 91, cloth. $1.50 333 TAX ON KNOWLEDGE. A Letter to a Minister of State, respecting Taxes on Knowledge. Second Edition, with a Postscript and Appendices. Not for Sale. London, 1831. 8vo, half morocco. $1.50 TY1POGRAPIIICAL CATALOGUE. 43 334 TERNAUX-COMPANS. Notice sur les Imprimeries qui existent ou ont existe en Europe. Par Ternaax-Gompans. Paris, 1843. 8vo, pp. 146, half calf; neat. $3.50 335 THAYER. The Printer Boy; or How Ben. Franklin made his mark. An Example for Youth. By Win. M1. Thayer. Boston, 1861. 16mo, pp. xvi, 261, with plates, cloth. $1.25 336 THOMAS. Journalism and the Pulpit. By the Rev. David Thomas. Reprinted from the Homnilist of March, 1857. London. 8vo, half morocco. $1.50 337 TnoY NEWS. First Annual Festival of the Troy News. Speeches of the News Contributors and Editors and Ex-Editors of Troy, reported in full. Troy, 1865. 8vo, pp. paper. $1 338 TUPPER. A Hymn for all Nations. 1851. By fF. F. Tapper...Translated into Thirty Languages [nearly Fifty Versions]. The Music composed expressly by S. Sebastian Wesley, Mus. Doc. London, 1851. 8vo, pp. 70, paper. $1.50 339 TYPES, Ornaments, etc., etc., contained in Henry Ludwig's Printing Office. New York, 1847. 8vo, half morocco. $1.50 340 TYPOGRAPHICAL ANTIQUITIES. Origin and History of the Art of Printing, foreign and domestic, including among a variety' of curious and interesting matter, Chronological Lists of Eminent Printers in England, Scotland and Ireland; a Curious Dissertation on the Origin and Use of Paper; a complete History of Engraving on Copper and Wood; and a Catalogue of Remarkable Bibles and Common Prayers; from the Infancy of Printing, to the end of the Eighteenth Century, extracted from the best Authorities. By a late Bibliopolist. Second Edition, corrected *and enlarged by S. A. of the Inner Temple, Esq. London, 1813. 8vo, pp. 142, half turkey morocco. $2.50 341 TYPOGRAPHICAL CIRcuLAR. A Journal devoted to the Interests of the Printing Profession. London, 1854. Vol. 1, new series, 8vo, pp. 216, sheets. $1.50 342 UNION. Constitution and Rules of Order, of Albany Typographical Union, No. 4. Adopted Jan. 30, 1864. Albany. Pp. 24, paper. 30cts. 343 UNION. Proceedings of the Typographical Union, held in New York and Memphis, 2 pamphlets. Paper. $1 344 VANDERHIAEGHIEN. Bibliographie Gantoise. Recherches sur la Vie et les Travaux des Imprimeurs de Gand. (1483 - 1850.) Par Ferd. Vanderhaceg7en. Gand. 1858. 2 vols., 8vo, pp. 378, 337, plates and fac-simile, half calf, new. $10 :44'TYrPO GlRAPIIIGC4L C1 TAL-O L G UE. 345 VAN DER MEERSCH. Recherches sur la Vie et les Travaux de quelques Imprimeurs Belges 6tablis a l'etranger, pendant les xve et xvIe siecles. Par P. C. Van der 2Meersch, Avocat, Conservateur des Archives de la Flandre Orientale, membre de la Soci6t6 des Bibliophiles de Flandre. 10 Nos. Gand. 1844. 8vo, pp. 338, paper, supposed to be all that has been printed. $5 346 VAN DER MEERSCH. Recherches sur la Vie et les Travaux des Imprimerus Belges et Ne'erlandais, etablis a l'etranger, et sur la part qu'ils ont prise a la regeneration litteraire de l'Europe au xve siecle; preceides d'une Introduction Historique sur la Decouverte de l'Imprinmerie et sur la propagation de cet art en Belgique et en Hollande, par P. C. Van der fleersch. Gand. 1856. 8vo, pp. vii, 492, paper. $3 347 VAN DER MEERSCEI. Recherches sur la Vie et les Travaux de Gerardus de Lisa de Flandria, imprimeur a Trevise, Vicence, Venise, Friuli, et Udine, de 1471-1499. Gand. 1844. 8vo, pp. 70, half calf. $2.50 348 VAN WINKLE. The Printers' G~uide; or an Introduction to the Art of Printing: including an Essay on Punctuation and Remarks on Orthography. C. S.. an Winkle. New York, 1818. With a Specimen of Printing Types, 12mo, pp. 229, half turkey morocco. $2.50 349 VERARD. Gravures en Bois dans les Livres D'Anthoine Verard, Maitre Libraire, Imprimeur, Enlumineur, & Tailleur sur bois, de Paris, 1485-1512. Par J. Renouvier. A Paris. Chez Auguste Aubry, l'un des Libraires de la Societe des Bibliophiles Fran9ois. 1859. 8vo, pp. 50, 2 plates, -half calf. $3.50 350 VERNAZZA. Osservazioni Tipografiche sopra Libri impressi in Piemonte nel secolo xv del Barone Vernazza. Bassano, 1807. 8vo, pp. 91, half turkey morocco. $2.50 351 WALTHER. Catalogue Methodclique des Dessertations ou Theses Academiques imprimees par les Elzevir de 1616 a 1712. Recueillies pour la premiere fois dans la Bibliotheque Imp6riale publique A Saint Pretersbourg et decrites par le Dr. Ch. IFr. Wailther, biblioth(,caire superieur de ladite bibliotheque. Supplement aux Annales de l'Imprimerie des Elzevir publiees par M. Charles Pieters,'a Gand. Bruxelles; 1864. 8vo, pp. 107, paper. $1.25 352 WELLER. Die falschen und fingirten Druckorte, Repertorium der Seit erfindung der Buchdruckerkunst unter falscher Firma erschienenen deutschen Schriften. VTon Emil Weller. Leipzig, 1858. Royal 8vo, pp. vii, 154, half morocco. $2.50 TYPOGRAPHICAL CATALOG UE. 45 353 WILSON. A Treatise on English Punctuation, designed for Letterwriters, Authors, Printers and Correctors of the Press; and for the use of Schools and Academies. With an Appendix containing a list of Abbreviations, Hints on Proof reading, etc. By John Wilson. Second edition of Grammatical Punctuation enlarged. Boston, 1850. 12mo, pp. xi, 204, half turkey morocco. $1.50 354 WOLFIUS. Monumenta Typographica, quse artis hujus originem, laudem, et abusum posteris produnt. By Jo. Christianus Wolfus. Hambourg, 1740.' 2 vols., 8vo, pp. 1104, 1316, half turkey. morocco. $20 Remarkable collection of testimony to the origin of printing, from early writers. 355 WONDERFUL Inventions; Printing. 12mo, half sheep. $1.50 356 WOOLNOUGor. The art of Marbling, as applied to Book edges and paper, containing full instructions for executing British, French, Spanish, Italian, Nonpareil, etc., etc. Illustrated with Specimens, with a brief notice of its recent application to textile fabrics, and particularly to the Cloths so extensively used by Bookbinders. By C. W. Woolnough, Manager of the Patent Marbled Cloth Manufactory. Second edition. London, 1854. 16mo, pp. viii, 80, cloth. $1.50 357 WORD to the Wise (A): or Some Seasonable Caution about Regulating the Press. London, 1712. 8vo, pp. 22, half mor. $1.50 358 WORKINGMAN'S WAY in the World. Being the Autobiography of a Journeyman Printer. New York, 1854. 8vo, pp. 359, cloth., $2.50 359 WURDTWEIN. Bibliotheca Moguntina libris sneculo primno Typographico Moguntise impressis instructa, hinc inde Addita Inventse Typographiee Historia. Stephctno Alexandro WTurdtwcein. Augustae Vindelicorum. 1787. 4to, pp. 251, mottled calf. $5 360 ZAPF. Annales Typographie Augustanse ab ejus origine 1466, usque ad annum 1530. Accedit domini Francisci Antonii Veith Diatribe de Origine et Incrementis Artis Typographicse in vrbe Augusta Vindelica. Edidit, Notisque Litterariis, illustravit Georgius Guilielmus Zacpf. Augusta Vindelicorum, 1778. Small 4to, pp. lxviii, 114, plate, half calf. $5 361 WOOD ENGRAVING, ETC. Essai sur l'Origine de la Gravure en Bois et en taille-douce, et sur la connoissance des estampes des xve et xvIe si'cles: ou il est parle aussi de l'origine des Cartes a jouer et des Cartes geographiques; suivi deRecherches 46 TYPOGRAPHI~CA L CATALOGUE. sur la l'origine du Papier de Coton et de Lin; sur la Calligraphie, depuis les plus anciens temps jusqu'a nos jours; sur les Miniatures des anciens manuscrits; sur les Filigranes des papiers des XIVe, xve et xvIe siecles; ainsi que sur l'origine et le premier usage des Signatures et des Chiffres dans l'art de la Typographie. Avec xx Planches. Paris, 1808. 2 vols., 8vo, pp. iii, 407, 16, 372, boards, uncut. $7 362 WooD ENGRAVING. Jackson & Chatto's Treatise on Wood Engraving, Historical and Practical; with upwards of 300 Illustrations, engraved by John Jackson. London, 1839. Royal 8vo, pp. xvi, 749, half turkey morocco, top gilt, uncut. $20 Fine copy, fac-simile wood cuts from Albert Durer and other notable artists; scarce work, best edition. ADDENDA. 363 ABBOTT. Franklin the Apprentice Boy. Square 16-mo, pp. 160, engravings, half turkey, neat.. 1.50 364 BIBLIOGRAPHY. Catalogue de la Bibliotheque Elzevirienne et des Auteurs Ouvrages par Jannet. Paris. 16mo, pamphlet. S0cts. 365 BROCKIHAUS. Bibliotheque Ambtricaine; Catalogue Raisonne d'une Collection de Livres Precieux sur l'Amerique parus depuis la decouverte jusqu'A l'an 1700. Leipzig, 1861. Pamphlet. 50cts. 366 PLANTINIANA. List of Works from the Press of Plantin in manuscript. 25cts. 367 PRINTING. Histoire de l'Invention de l'Imprimerie par les monuments. Paris, 1840. 4to, half calf, numerous engravings and fac-similes. $10 Contents. E16ments Materiels de l'Imprimerie avant Gutenberg; reproduction des Incunables de l'Imprimerie par les fac-simile typographiques; Premiere Bible de Mayence sans date et sans nomr d'Imprimeur, imprimee par Gutenbeng avec les Caract6res grav6s, frappes et fondus par ]um, qui se trouvent a letat dlimperfection dans le Donat; comment l'Imprimere a et6 invent6e, lettres ecrites des Bords du Rhin vers le milieu du XVe Siecle par l'Inventeur de l'Imprimerie au Frere Andre, cordelier. TYPOGRAPHICAL CATALOG UE. 47 368 SAXIO, Historia Literario. Typographica Mediolanensis, in qua, de studiis literariis antiquis et novis in hac Metropoli Institutis: de Tempore inductae Mediolanum Typographe: et primus hujus Artis Opificibus; de Viris'doctrina illustribus, qui Saeculo xv in eadem Urbe florurere atque eorundem Manuscriptis operibus in Ambrosiana Bibliotheca servatis disseritus adjecta sunt Appendix Epistolarum, qui Libris, tune ibidem editis, affixe legebantur; et Catalogus Codicum Mediolanum, impressorum ab anno M.CDLxv ad annum MD. Mediolani, 1745. Folio, vellum. $10 369 VLM's Buchdrucker-Kunst, beschrieben von D. Conrad Dieterich Hassler; mit mehrezen artistischen Beilagen. Vlm, 1840. 4to, fac-similes of early engraving, half turkey. $5