1$ t A- \9I:'jf\ t'~ Newark-$ POEMS, PLAYS AND ESSAYS, BY OLIVER GOLDSMITH, M. B WITH A CRITICAL DISSERTATION ON EIS POETRY, BY BY JOHN AIKIN, M. D. AND AN INTRODUCTORY ESSAY, BY HENRY T. TUCKERMAN, ESQ. BOSTON: PHILLIPS, SAMPSON AND COMPANY. 1857. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year ~854, by PHILLIPS, SAMPSON, & Co. in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the District of Massachusetta CONTENTS. Page. Dr. Aikin's Memoirs of the Author.................. 7 Remarks on the Poetry of Dr. Goldsmith, by Dr. Aikin.... 38 Verses on the death of Dr. Goldsmith................... 55 POEMS. The Traveller; or, a Prospect of Society................ 66 The Deserted Village................................ 84 The Hermit, a Ballad................................. 101 The Haunch of Venison, to Lord Clare................. 110 Retaliation.................................... 115...-.Postscript................................. 122 The Double Transformation, a Tale................... I23 The Gift: to Iris, in Bow-strect, Covent-garden........ 127 An Elegy on the Death of a Mad Dog................ 128 The Logicians Refuted: Imitation of Dean Swift....... 129 A new Simile: in the Manner of Swift............... 131 iv CONTENTS. Page Description of an Author's Bed-Chamber............. 133 A Prologue by the Poet Laberius, whom Csesar forced upon the Stage................................ 134 An Elegy on Mrs. Mary Blaize............... 135 On a beautiful Youth struck blind by Lightning......... 136 The Clown's Reply................................. 137 Epitaph on Dr. Parnell......... 137 Epitaph on Edward Purdon................ 137 Stanzas on the taking of Quebec................ 138 Stanzas on Woman........................... 138 Sonnet............................... 139 Songs.......................................... 139 Song, intended to have been sung in the Comedy of She Stoops to Conquer................ 140 Prologue to Zobeide, a Tragedy...................... 140 Epilogue to the Comedy of the Sisters............ 142 Epilogue spoken by Mrs. Bulkley and Miss Catley...... 144 Epilogue intended for Mrs. Bulkley.............. 147 Epilogue, spoken by Mr. Lee Lewes............. 149 Threnodia Augustalis............................. 151 The Captivity: an Oratorio......................... 162 Lines attributed to Dr. Goldsmith................. 176 PLAYS. The Good-Natured Man, a Comedy.............. 177 She Stoops to Conquer, or the Mistakes of a Night.... 269 CONTENTS. V ESSAYS. Page. Introduction........................................ 367 Love and Friendship, or the Story of Alcander and Septimills, taken from a Byzantine Historian............ 371 On Happiness of Temper........................... 375 Description of various Clubs......................... 380 On the Policy of concealing our Wants, or Poverty..... 390 On Generosity and Justice........................... 397 On the Education of Youth.......................... 401 On the Versatility of popular Favor.............. 414 Specimen of a Magazine in Miniature.......... 418 Rules for Behavior............................... 421 Rules for Raising the Devil......................... 422 Beau Tibbs; a Character............................ 423 Beau Tibbs - continued.............. 426 On the Irresolution of Youth................. 431 On Mad Dogs...................................... 435 On the increased Love of Life with Age............ 440 Ladies' Passion for levelling Distinction of Dress....... 443 Asem, an Eastern Tale; or, the Wisdom of Providence in the moral Government of the World......... 449 On the English Clergy, and Popular Preachers......... 458 On the Advantages to be derived from sending a judicious Traveller into Asia............................. 464 Reverie at the Boar's-head Tavern, in Eastcheap........ 469 On Quack Doctors.................................. 485 Adventures of a Strolling Player..................... 489 Rules to be observed at a Russian Assembly........... 500 The Genius of Love, an Eastern Apologue............. 502 -Voi CONTENTS. Page Distresses of an English disabled Soldier.............. 507 On the Frailty of Man.............................. 514 On Friendship..................................... 516 Folly of attempting to learn Wisdom in Retirement.... 520 Letter, by a Common-Council-man at the time of the Coronation......................................... 524 A second Letter, describing the Coronation............ 527 INTRODUCTORY ESSAY.,* BY HENRY T. TUCKERMAN. IT is sometimes both pleasing and profitable to recur to those characters in literary history who are emphatically favorites, and to glance at the causes of their popularity. Such speculations frequently afford more important results than the mere gratification of curiosity. They often lead to a clearer perception of the true tests of genius, and indicate the principle and methods by which the common mind may be most successfully addressed. The advantage of such retrospective inquiries is still greater at a period like the present, when there is such an obvious tendency to innovate upon some of the best established theories of taste; when the passion for novelty seeks for such unlicensed indulgence, aud invention seems to exhaust itself.rather-upon forms than ideas. In literature, especially, we' appear to be daily losing one of the most valuable elements - simplicity. The prevalent taste is no longer gratified with the natural. There is a growing appetite for what is startling and peculiar, seldom accompanied by any discriminating demand for the true and original; and yet, experience has fully proved that these last are the only permanent elements of literature; and no healthy mind, cognizant of its own history, is unaware that the only intellectual aliment 4 From " Thoughts on the Poets," by H. T. T. Vi11 INTRODUCTORY ESSAY. which never palls upon the taste, is that which is least indebt~ ed to extraneous accompaniments for its relish. It is ever refreshing to revert to first principles. The study of the old maste s may sometimes make the modern artist despair of his own efforts; but if he have the genius to discover, and follow out the great principle upon which they wrought. he will not have contemplated their works in vain. He will have learned that devotion to Nature is the grand secret of progress in Art, and that the success of her votaries depends upon the singleness, constancy, and intelligence of their worship. If there is not enthusiasm enough to kindle this flame in its purity, nor energy sufficient to fulfil the sacrifice required at that high altar, let not the young aspirant enter the priesthood of art. When the immortal painter of the Transfiguration was asked to embody his ideal of perfect female loveliness, he replied - there would still be an infinite distance between his work and the existent original. In this profound and vivid perception of the beautiful in nature, we perceive the origin of those lovely creations, which, for more than three hundred years, have delighted mankind. And it is equally true of the pen as the pencil, that what is drawn from life and the heart, alone bears the impress of immortaliy. Yet the practical faith of our day is diametrically opposed to this truth. The writers of our times are constantly making use of artificial enginery. They have, for the most part, abandoned the integrity of purpose and earnest directness of earlier epochs. There is less faith, as we before said, in the natural; and when we turn from the midst of the forced and hot-bed products of the modern school, and ramble in the garden of old English literature, a cool and calm refreshment invigorates the spirit, like the first breath of mountain air to the weary wayfarer. GOLDSMITH. ix There are few writers of the period more generally beloved than Dr. Goldsmith. Of his contemporaries, Burke excelled him in splendor of diction, and Johnson in depth of thought. The former continues to enjoy a larger share of admiration, and the latter of respect, but the labors of their less pretending companion have secured him a far richer heritage of love. Of all posthumous tributes to genins, this seems the most truly desirable. It recognizes the man as well as the author. It is called forth by more interesting characteristics than talent. It bespeaks a greater than ordinary association of the individual with his works, and looking beyond the mere embodiment of his intellect, it gives assurance of an attractiveness in his character which has made itself felt even through the artificial medium of writing. The authors are comparatively few, who have awakened this feeling of personal interest and affection. It is common, indeed, for any writer of genius to inspire emotions of gratitude in the breasts of those susceptible to the charm, but the instances are rare in which this sentiment is vivified and elevated into positive affection. And few, I apprehend, among the wits and poets of old England, have more widely awakened it than Oliver Goldsmith. I have said this kind of literary fame was eminently desirable. There is, indeed, something inexpressibly touching in the thought of one of the gifted of our race, attaching to himself countless hearts by the force of a charm woven in by-gone years, when environed by neglect and discouragement. Though a late, it is a beautiful recompense, transcending mere critical approbation, or even the reverence men offer to the monuments of mind. We can conceive of no motive to effort which can be presented to a mp-, of true feeling, like the hope of winning the love of his Biknd by the faithful exhibition.of himself. It is a nobler X INTRODUCTORY ESSAY. purpose than that entertained by heartless ambition. The appeal is not merely to the judgment and imagination, it is to the universal heart of mankind. Such fame is emphatically rich. It gains its possessor warm friends instead of mere admirers. To establish such an inheritance in the breast of humanity, were indeed worthy of sacrifice and toil. It is an offering not only to intellectual but to moral graces, and its possession argues for the sons of fame holier qualities than genius itself. It eloquently indicates that its subject is not only capable of interesting the general mind by the power of his creations, but of captivating the feelings by the earnest beauty of his nature. Of all oblations, therefore, we deem it the most valuable. It is this sentiment with which the lovers of painting regard the truest interpreters of the art. They wonder at Michael Angelo but love Raphael, and gaze upon the pensively beautiful delineation he has left us of himself, with the regretful tenderness with which we look upon the portrait of a departed friend. The devotees of music, too, dwell with glad astonishment upon the celebrated operas of Rosini and some of the German composers, but the memory of Bellini is absolutely loved. It is well remarked by one of Goldsmith's biographers, that the very fact of his being spoken of always with the epithet " poor" attached to his name, is sufficient evidence of the kind of fame he enjoys. Whence, then, the peculiar attraction of his writings, and wherein consists the spell which has so long rendered his works the favor. item of so many and such a variety of readers? The primary and all pervading charm of Goldsmith is his itruth. It is interesting to trace this delightful characteristic, as it exhibits itself not less in his life than in his writings. We see it displayed in the remarkable frankness which distinguish GOLDSMITe. Xi ed his intercourse with others, and in that winning simplicity which so frequently excited the contemptuous laugh of the worldly-wise, but failed not to draw towards him the more valuable sympathies of less perverted natures. All who have sketched his biography unite in declaring, that he could not dissemble; and we have a good illustration of his want of tact in concealing a defect, in the story which is related of him at the time of his unsuccessful attempt at medical practice in Edinburgh - when, his only velvet coat-being deformed by a huge patch on the right breast, he was accustomed, while in the drawing-room, to cover it in the most awkward manner with his hat. It was his natural truthfulness which led him to so candid and habitual a confession of his faults. Johnson ridiculed him for so freely describing the state of his feelings during the representation of his first play; and, throughout his life, the perfect honesty of his spirit made him the subject of innumerable practical jokes. Credulity is perhaps a weakness almost inseparable from eminently truthful characters Yet, if such is the case, it does not in the least diminish our faith in the superiority and value of such characters. Waiving all moral considerations, we believe it can be demonstrated that truth is one of the most essential elements of real greatness, and surest means of eminent success. Management, chicanery and cunning, may advance men in the career of the world; it may forward the views of the politician, and clear the way of the diplomatist. But when humanity is to be addressed in the universal language of genius; when, through the medium of literature and art, man essays to reach the heart of his kind, the more sincere the appeal, the surer its effect; the more direct the call, and deeper the response. In a word, the more largely truth enters into a work, the more Zxii INTRODITCTORY ESSAY. certain the fame of its author. But a few months since, I saw the Parisian populace crowding around the church where the remains of Talleyrand lay in state, but the fever of curiosity alone gleamed from their eyes, undimmed by tears. When Goldsmith died, Reynolds, then in the full tide of success, threw his pencil aside in sorrow, and Burke turned from the fast-brightening vision of renown, to weep. Truth is an endearing quality. Noneare so beloved as the ingenuous. We feel in approaching them that the look of welcome is unaffected —that the friendly grasp is from the heart, and we regret their departure as an actual loss. And not less winningly shines this high and sacred principle through the labors of genius. It immortalizes history-it is the true origin of eloquence, and constitutes the living charm of poetry. When Goldsmith penned the lines - "To me more dear, congenial to my heart, One native charm than all the gloss of art," he furnished the key to his peculiar genius, and recorded the secret which has embalmed his memory. It was the clearness of his own soul which reflected so truly the imagery of life. He did but transcribe the unadorned convictions that glowed in his mind, and faithfully traced the pictures which nature threw upon the mirror of his fancy. Hence the unrivalled excellence of his descriptions. Rural life has never found a sweeter eulogist. To countless memories have his village landscapes risen pleasantly, when the "murmnr" rose at eventide. Where do we not meet with a kind-hearted philosopher delighting in some speculative hobby, equally dear as the good Vicar's theory of Monogamy? The vigils of many an ardexnt student have been beguiled by his portraiture of a country GOLDSMITH. xii clergyman - brightening the dim vista of futurity as his own ideal of destiny; and who has not, at times, caught the very solace of retirement from his sweet apostrophe? The genius of Goldsmith was chiefly fertilized by observation. He was not one of those who regard books as the only, or even the principal sources of knowledge. He recognized and delighted to study the unwritten lore so richly spread over the volume of nature, and shadowed forth so variously from the scenes of every-day life and the teachings of individual experience. There is a class of minds, second to none in native acuteness and reflective power, so constituted as to flourish almost exclusively by observation. Too impatient of restraint to endure the long vigils of the scholar, they are yet keenly alive to every idea and truth which is evolved from life. Without a tithe of that spirit of application that binds the German student for years to his familiar tomes, they suffer not a single impression which events or character leave upon their memories to pass unappreciated. Unlearned, in a great measure, in the history of the past, the present is not allowed to pass without eliciting their intelligent comment. Unskilled in the technicalities of learning, they contrive to appropriate, with surprising facility, the wisdom born of the passing moment. No striking trait of character - no remarkable effect in nature — none of the phenomena of social existence, escape them. Like Hogarth, they are constantly enriching themselves with sketches from life; and as he drew street-wonders upon his thumb- nail, they note and remember, and afterwards elaborate and digest whatever of interest experience affords. Goldsmith was a true specimen of this class. He vindicated, indeed, his claim to the title of scholar, by research and study; but the held most congenial to his taste, was the broad universe of na XiV INTRODUCTORY ESSAY. ture and man. It was his love of observation which gave zest to the roving life he began so early to indulge. His boyhood was passed in a constant succession of friendly visits. He was ever migrating from the house of one kinsman or friend to that of another; and on these oscasions, as well as when at home, he was silently but faithfully observing. The result is easily traced in his writings. Few authors, indeed, are so highly indebted to personal observation for their materials. It is well known that the original of the Vicar of Wakefield was his own father. Therein has he embodied in a charming manner his early recollections of his parent, and the picture is rendered still more complete in his papers on the "M Alan in Black." The inimitable description, too, of the "Village Schoolmaster," is drawn from the poet's early teacher; and the veteran who "shouldered his crutch and told how fields were won," had often shared the hospitality of his father's roof. The leading incident in " She Stoops to Conquer," was his own adventure; and, there is little question, that, in the quaint tastes of Mr. Burchell, he aimed to exhibit many of his peculiar traits. But it is not alone in the leading characters of his novel, plays and poems, that we discover Goldsmith's observing power. It is equally discernible throughout his essays and desultory papers. Mlost of his illustrations are borrowed from personal experience, and his opinions are generally founded upon experiment. His talent for fresh and vivid delineation, is ever most prominently displayed when he is describing what he actually witnessed, or drawing from the rich fund of his early impressions or subsequent adventures. No appeal to humor, curiosity, or imagination, was unheeded; and it is the blended pictures he contrived to combine from these cherished associations, that impart so lively an interest to his pages. One moment we find him KGOLD SMITH. XV noting, with philosophic sympathy, the pastimes of a foreign peasantry; and another, studying the operations of a spider at his garret window,- now busy in nomenclating the peculiarities of the Dutch, and anon, alluding to the exhibition of Cherokee Indians. The natural effect of this thirst for experimental knowledge, was to begret a love for foreign travel. Accordingly, we find that Goldsmith, after exhausting the narrow circle which his limited means could compass at home, projected a continental tour, and long cherished the hope of visiting the East. Indeed, we could scarcely have a stronger proof of his enthusiasm, than the long journey he undertook and actually accomplished on foot. The remembrance of his romantic wanderings over Holland, France, Germany, and Italy, imparts a singular interest to his writings. It was, indeed, worthy of a true poet that, enamored of nature and delighting in the observation of his species, he should thus manfully go forth, with no companion but his flute, and wander over these fair lands hallowed by past associations and existent beauty. A rich and happy era, despite its moments of discomfort, to such a spirit, was that year of solitary pilgrimage. Happy and proud must have been the imaginative pedestrian, as he reposed his weary frame in the peasant's cottage "beside the murmuring Loire;" and happier still when he stood amid the green valleys of Switzerland, and looked around upon her snow-capt hills, hailed the old towers of Verona, or entered the gate of Florence - the long-anticipated goals to which his weary footsteps had so patiently tended. If anything could enhance the pleasure of musing amid these scenes of' poetic interest, it must have been the consciousness of having reached them by so gradual and self-denying a progress. There is, in truth, no more characteristic portion of Goldsmith's biography, than that which XVi INTRODUCTORY ESSAY. records this remarkable tour; and there are few more striking instances of the available worth of talent. Unlike the bards of old, he won not his way to shelter and hospitality by appealing to national feeling; for the lands through which he roamed were not his own, and the lay of the last minstrel had long since died away in oblivion. But he gained the ready kindness of the peasantry by playing the flute, as they danced in the intervals of toil; and won the favor of the learned by successful disputation at the convents and universities - a method of rewarding talent which was extensively practised in Europe at that period. Thus, solely befriended by his wits, the roving poet rambled over the continent, and, notwithstanding the vicissitudes incident to so precarious a mode of seeing the world, to a mind like his, there was ample compensation in the superior opportunities for observation thus afforded. He mingled frankly with the people, and saw things as they were. The scenery which environed him flitted not before his senses, like the shifting scenes of a panorama, but became familiar to his eye under the changing aspects of time and season. IManners and customs he quietly studied, with the advantage of sufficient opportunity to institute just comparisons and draw fair inferences. In short, Goldsmith was no tyro in the philosophy of travel; and, although the course he pursued was dictated by necessity, its superior results are abundantly evidenced throughout his works. We have, indeed, no formal narrative of his journeyings; but what is better, there is scarcely a page thrown off; to supply the pressing wants of the moment, which is not enriched by some pleasing reminiscence or sensible thought, garnered from the recollection and scenes of that long pilgarimage. Nor did he fail to embody the prominent impressions of so interesting an epoch of his checkered life, in a more en GOLDSMITH. xvii during and beautiful form. The poem of "The Traveller," originally sketched in Switzerland, was subsequently revised and extended. It was the foundation of Goldsmith's poetical fame. The subject evinces the taste of the author. The unpretending vein of enthusiasm which runs through it, is only equalled by the force and simplicity of the style. The rapid sketches of the several countries it presents, are vigorous and pleasing; and the reflections interspersed, abound with that truly humane spirit, and that deep sympathy with the good, the beautiful, and the true, which distinguishes the poet. This production may be regarded as the author's first deliberate attempt in the career of genius. It went through nine editions during his life, and its success contributed, in a great measure, to encourage and sustain him in future and less genial efforts. The faults which are said to have deformed the character of Goldsmith, belong essentially to the class of foibles rather than absolute and positive errors. Recent biographers agree in the opinion, that his alleged devotion to play has either been grossly exaggerated, or was but a temporary mania; and we should infer from his own allusion to the subject, that he had, with the flexibility of disposition that belonged to him, yielded only so far to its seductions as to learn from experience the supreme folly of the practice. It is at all events certain, that his means were too restricted, and his time, while in London, too much occupied, to allow of his'enacting the part of a regular and professed gamester; and during the latter and most busy years of his life, we have the testimony of the members of the celebrated club to which he was attached, to the temperance and industry of his habits. Another, and in the eyes of the world, perhaps, greater weakness recorded of him, was a mawkish vanity, sometimes accompanied by jealo sy of b* xX iii INTRODUCTORY ESSAY. more siccessful competitors for the honors of literature. Some anecdotes, illustrative of this unamiable trait, are preserved, which would amuse us, were they associated with less noble endowments or a more uninteresting character. As it is, however, not a few of them challenge credulity, from their utter want of harmony with certain dispositions which he is universally allowed to have possessed. But it is one of tile greatest and most common errors in judging of character, to take an isolated and partial, instead of a broad and comprehensive view of the various qualities which go to form the man, and the peculiar circumstances that have influenced their development. Upon a candid retrospect of Goldsmith's life, it appears to us that the display of vanity, which in the view of many are so demeaning, may be easily and satisfactorily explained. Few men possess talent of any kind unconsciously. Ic seems designed by the Creator, that the very sense of capacity should urge genius to fulfil its mission, and support its early and lonely efforts by the earnest conviction of ultimate success. To beings thus endowed, the neglect and contumely of the world- the want of sympathy —the feeling of misappreciation, is often a keen sorrow felt precisely in proportion to the susceptibility of the individual, and expressed according as he is ingenuous and frank. In the case of Goldsmith, his long and solitary struggle with poverty - his years of obscure toil - his ill-success in every scheme for support, coupled as they were with an intuitive and deep consciousness of mental power and poetic gifts, were calculated to render him painfully alive to the superior consideration bestowed upon less deserving but more presumptuous men, and the unmerited and unjust disregard to his own claims. Weak it undoubtedly was, for him to give GOLDSMITH. Xix vent so childishly to such feelings, but this sprung from the spontaneous honesty of his nature. He felt as thousands have felt under similar circumstances, but, unlike the most of men, " he knew not the art of concealment." Indeed, this freespoken and candid disposition was inimical to his success in more than one respect. He was ever a careless talker, unable to play the great man, and instinctively preferring the spontaneous to the formal, and "thinking aloud" to studied and circumspect speech. The " exquisite sensibility to contempt," too, which he confesses belonged to him, frequently induced an appearance of conceit, when no undue share existed. The truth is, the legitimate pride of talent, for want of free and natural scope, often exhibited itself in Goldsmith greatly to his disadvantage. The fault was rather in his destiny than himself. He ran away from college with the design of embarking for America, because he was reproved by an unfeeling tutor before a convivial party of his friends; and descended to a personal rencontre with a printer, who impudently delivered Dodsley's refusal that he should undertake an improved edition of Pope. He concealed his name when necessity obliged him to apply for the office of Usher; and received visits and letters at a fashionable coffee-house, rather than expose the poorness of his lodgings. HIe joined the crowd to hear his own ballads sung when a student; and openly expressed his wonder at the stupidity of people, in preferring the tricks of a mountebank to the society of a man like himself. While we smile at, we cannot wholly deride such foibles, and are constrained to say of Goldsmith as he said of the Village Pastor"And e'en his failings leaned to virtue's side." XX iNTRODUCTORY ESSAY. It is not easy to say, whether the improvidence of our' poet arose more from that recklessness of the future, characteristic of the Irish temperament, or the singular confidence in destiny which is so common a trait in men of ideal tendencies. It would naturally be supposed, that the stern lesson of severe experience would have eventually corrected this want of foresight. It was but the thoughtlessness of youth which lured him to forget amid the convivialities of a party, the vessel on board which he had taken passage and embarked his effects, on his first experiment in travelling; but later in life, we find him wandering out on the first evening of his arrival in Edinburgh, without noting the street or number of his lodgings; inviting a party of strangers in a public garden to take tea with him, without a sixpence in his pocket; and obstinately persisting, during his last illness, in taking a favorite medicine, notwithstanding it aggravated his disease. A life of greater vicissitude it would be difficult to find in the annals of literature. Butler and Otway were, indeed, victims of indigence, and often perhaps, found themselves, like our bard, "in a garret writing for bread, and expecting every moment to be dunned for a milk-score," but the biography of Goldsmith displays a greater variety of shifts resorted to for subsistence. He was successively an itinerant musician, a halfstarved usher, a chemist's apprentice, private tutor, law-student, practising physician, eager disputant, hack-writer, and even, for a week or two, one of a company of strolling players. In the History of George Primrose, he is supposed to have described much of his personal experience prior to the period when he became a professed litterateur. We canrot but respect the independent spirit he maintained through all these GOLDSu.hTH.is struggles with adverse fortune. 1otwithstanding his poverty, the attempt to chain his talents to the service of a political faction by mercenary motives was indignantly spurned, and when his good genius proved triumphant, he preferred to in, scribe its first acknowledged offspring to his brother, than, according to the servile habits of the day, dedicate it to any aristocratic patron, " that thrift might follow fawning." With aH his incapacity for assuming dignity, Goldsmith never seems to have forgotten the self-respect becoming one of nature's nobility. The high degree of excellence attained by Goldsmith in such various and distinct species of literary effort, is worthy of remark. As an essayist he has contributed some of the most pure and graceful specimens of English prose discoverable in the whole range of literature. His best comedy continues to maintain much of its original popularity, notwithstanding the revolutions which public taste has undergone since it was first produced; and " The Hermit" is still an acknowledged model in ballad-writing. If from his more finished works, we turn to those which were thrown off under the pressing exigencies of his life, it is astonishing what a contrast of subjects employed his pen. During his college days, he was constantly writing ballads on popular events, which he disposed of at five shillings each, and subsequently, after his literary career had fairly commenced, we find- him sedulously occupied in preparing prefaces, historical compilations, translations, and reviews for the booksellers; one day throwing off a pamphlet on the Cock-lane Ghost, and the next inditing Biographical Sketches of Beau Nash; at one moment, busy upon a festive song, and at another deep in composing the words of an Oratorio. It is curious, with the XXii INTRODUCTORY ESSAY. intense sentiment and finished pictures of fashionable life with which the fictions of our day abound, fresh in the memory, to open the Vicar of Wakefield. We seem to be reading the memoirs of an earlier era, instead of a different sphere of life. There are no wild and improbable incidents, no startling views, and with the exception of Burchell's incognito, no attempt to excite interest through the attraction of mystery. And yet, few novels have enjoyed such extensive and permanent favor. It is yet the standard work for introducinog students on the continent to a knowledge of our language, and although popular taste at present demands quite a different style of entertainment, yet Goldsmith's novel is often reverted to with delight, from the vivid contrast it presents to the reigning school; while the attractive picture it affords of rural life and humble virtue, will ever render it intrinsically dear and valuable. But the " Deserted Village " is, of all Goldsmith's productions, unquestionably the favorite. It carries back the mind to the early seasons of life, and re-asserts the power of unsophisticated tastes. Hence, while other poems grow stale, this preserves its charm. Dear to the heart and sacred to the imagination, are those sweet delineations of unperverted existence. There is true pathos in that tender lament over the superseded sports and ruined haunts of rustic enjoyment, which never fails to find a response in every feeling breast. It is an elaborate and touching epitaph, written in the cemetery of the world, over what is dear to all humanity. There is a truth in the eloquent defence of agricultural pursuits and natural pastimes, that steals like a well-remembered strain over the heart immersed in the toil and crowds of cities. There is an unborn beauty in the similes of the bird and her GOLDSMITH. XXiii " unfledged offspring," the hare that " pants to the place from whence at first he flew," and the " tall cliff that lifts its awful form," which, despite their familiarity, retain their power to delight. And no clear and susceptible mind can ever lose its interest in the unforced, unexaggerated and heart-stirring numbers, which animate with pleasure the pulses of youth, gratify the mature taste of manhood, and fall with soothing sweetness upon the ear of age. We are not surprised at the exclamation of a young lady who had been accustomed to say, that our poet was the homeliest of men, after reading the " Deserted Village" -'" I shall never more think Dr. Goldsmith ugly! " This. poem passed through five editions in as many months, and' from its domestic character became immediately popular throughout England. Its melodious versification is doubtless, in a measure, to be ascribed to its author's musical taste, and the fascinating ease of its flow is the result of long study and careful revision. Nothing is more deceitful than the apparent facility observable in poetry. No poet exhibits more of this characteristic than Ariosto, and yet his manuscripts are filled with erasures and repetitions. Few things appear more negligently graceful than the well-arranged drapery of a statue, yet how many experiments must the artist try before the desired effect is produced. So thoroughly did the author revise the "Desert;ed Village," that not a single original line remained. The clearness and warmth of his style is, to my mind, as indicative of Goldsmith's truth, as the candor of his character or the sincerity of his sentiments. It has been said of Pitt's elocution, that it had the effect of impressing one with the idea that the man was greater than the orator. A similar Xxiv INTRODUCTORY ESSAY. influence it seems to me is produced by the harmonious versification and elegant diction of Goldsmith. It is not, indeed, by an analysis, however critical, of the intellectual distinctions of any author, that we can arrive at a complete view of his genius. It is to the feelings that we must look for that earnestness which gives vigor to mental efforts, and imparts to them their peculiar tone and coloring. And it will generally be found that what is really and permanently attractive in the works of genius, independent of mere diction, is to be traced rather to the heart than the head. We may admire the original conception, the lofty imagery or winning style of a popular author, but what touches us most deeply is the sentiment of which these are the vehicles. The fertile invention of Petrarch, in displaying under such a variety of disguises the same favorite subject, is not so moving as the unalterable devotion which inspires his fancy and quickens his muse. The popularity of Mrs. H-emans is more owing to the delicate and deep enthusiasm than to the elegance of her poetry, and Charles Lamb is not less attractive for his kindly affections than for his quaint humor. Not a little of the peculiar charm of Goldsmith, is attributable to the excellence of his heart. Mere talent would scarcely have sufficed to interpret and display so enchantingly the humble characters and scenes to which his most brilliant efforts were devoted. It was his sincere and ready sympathy with man, his sensibility to suffering in every form, his strong social sentiment and his amiable interest in all around, which brightened to his mind's eye. what to the less susceptible is unheeded and obscure. Naturally endowed with free and keen sensibilities, his own experience of privation prevented them from GOLDSMITH. XXV indurating through age or prosperity. He cherished throughout his life an earnest faith in the better feelings of our nature. Ile realized the universal beauty and power of Love; and neither the solitary pursuits of literature, the elation of success, nor the blandishments of pleasure or society, ever banished from his bosom the generous and kindly sentiments which adorned his character. He was not the mere creature of attainment, the reserved scholar or abstracted dreamer. Pride of intellect usurped not his heart. Pedantry congealed not the fountains of feeling. He rejoiced in the exercise of all those tender and noble sentiments which are so much more honorable to man than the highest triumphs of mind. And it is these which make us love the man not less than admire the author. Goldsmith's early sympathy with the sufferings of the peasantry, is eloquently expressed in both his poems and frequently in his prose writings. How expressive that lament for the destruction of the'Ale-House' — that it would'No more impart An hour's importance to the poor man's heart.' There is more true benevolence in the feeling which prompted such a thought, than in all the cold and calculating philosophy with which so many expect to elevate the lower classes in these days of ultra-reform. When shall we learn that we must sympathize with those we would improve? At college, we are told, one bitter night Goldsmith encountered a poor woman and her infants shivering at the gate, and having no money to give them, bringing out all his bed-clothes, and to keep himself from freezing, cut open his bed and slept within it. When hard at work earning a scanty pittance in his garret, he spent every spare penny in cakes for the chilC Xxvi INTRODUCTORY ESSAY. dren of his poorer neighbors, and when he could do nothing else, taught them dancing by way of cheering their poverty. Notwithstanding his avowed antipathy to Baretti, he visited and relieved him in prison; and when returning home with the 1001. received from his bookseller for the' Deserted Village, upon being told by an acquaintance he fell in with, that it was a great price for so little a thing, replied,' Perhaps it is more than he can afford,' and returning, offered to refund a part. To his poor countrymen he was a constant benefactor, and while he had a shilling was ready to share it with them, so that they familiarly styled him' our doctor.' In Leyden, when on the point of commencing his tour, he stripped himself of all his funds to send a collection of flower-roots to an uncle who was devoted to botany; and on the first occasion that patronage was offered him, declined aid for himself, to bespeak a vacant living for his brother. In truth, his life abounds in anecdotes of a like nature. We read one day of his pawning his watch for Pilkington, another of his bringing home a poor foreigner from Temple'gardens to be his amanuensis, and again of his leaving the card-table to relieve a poor woman, whose tones as she chanted some ditty in passing, came to him above the hum of gaiety and indicated to his ear distress. Though the frequent and undeserved subject of literary abuse, he was never known to write severely against any one. His talents were sacredly devoted to the cause of virtue and humanity. No malignant satire ever came from his pen. He loved to dwell upon the beautiful vindications in Nature of the paternity of God, and expatiate upon the noblest and most universal attributes of man.'If I were to love you by rule,' he writes to his brother,'I dare say I never could do it GOLDSMITH. Xxvii sincerely.' There was in his nature, an instinctive aversion to the frigid ceremonial and meaningless professions which so coldly imitate the language of feeling. Goldsmith saw enough of the&world, to disrobe his mind of that scepticism born of custom which' makes dotards of us all.' He did not wander among foreign nations, sit at the cottage fire-side, nor mix in the thoroughfare and gay saloon, in vain. Travel liberalized his views and demolished the barriers of local prejudice. lie looked around upon his kind with the charitable judgment and interest born of an observing mind and a kindly heart - with an infinite love, an infinite pity.' He delighted in the delineation of humble life, because he knew it to be the most unperverted. Simple pleasures warmed his fancy because he had learned their preieminent truth. Childhood with its innocent playfulness, intellectual character with its tutored wisdom, and the uncultivated but' bold peasantry,' interested him alike. He could enjoy an hour's friendly chat with his fellow-lodger - the watchmaker in Green Arbor Court - not less than a literary discussion with Dr. Johnson.' I must own,' he writes,' I should prefer the title of the ancient philosopher, namely, a Citizen of the World - to that of an Englishman, a Frenchman, an European, or that of any appellation whatever.' And this title he has nobly earned, by the wide scope of his sympathies and the beautiful pictures of life and nature universally recognized and universally loved, which have spr ad his name over the world. Pilgrims to the supposed scene of the Deserted Village have long since carried away every vestige of the hawthorn at Lissoy, but the laurels of Goldsmith will never be garnered by the hand of time, or blighted by the frost of neglect, as long as there are minds to appreciate, or hearts to reverence the household lore of English literature. ME M OIRS OF OLIVER GOLDSMITH, M.B. BY DR. AIKIN. IT cannot be said of this ornament of British literature, as has been observed of most authors, that the memoirs of his life comprise little more than a history of his writings. Goldsmith's life was full of adventure; and a due consideration of his conduct, from the outset to his death, will furnish many useful lessons to those who live after him. Our Author, the third son of Mr. Charles Goldsmith, was born at Elphin, in the county of Roscommon, Ireland, on the 29th of November, 1728. His father, who had been educated at Dublin College, was a clergyman of the established church, and had' married Anne, daughter of the Rev. Oliver Jones, master of the diocesan school of Elphin. 1Ier mother's brother, the Rev. Mr. Green, then rector of Kilkenny West, lent the young couple the house in which our author was born; and at his death Mr. Green was succeeded in his benefice by his clerical protegye. Mr. Charles Goldsmith had five sons and two daughters. Henry, the eldest son (to whom the poem of' The Traveller' is dedicated), distinguished himself greatly both at school 8 AlKIN'S MEMOIRS OF and at college; but his marriage at nineteen years of ago appears to have been a bar to his preferment in the church; and we believe that he never ascended above a curacy. The liberal education which the father bestowed upon Henry had deducted so much from a narrow income that, when Oliver was born, after an interval of seven years firom the birth of the former child, no prospect in life appeared for him, but a mechanical or mercantile occupation. The rudiments of instruction he acquired from a schoolmaster in the village, who had served in Queen Anne's wars as a quarter-master in that detachment of the army which was sent to Spain. Being of a communicative turn, and finding a ready hearer in young Oliver, this man used frequently to entertain him with what he called his adventures; nor is it without probability supposed, that these laid the foundation of that wandering disposition which became afterwards so conspicuous in his pupil. At a very early age Oliver began to exhibit indications of genius; for, when only seven or eight years old, he would often amuse his father and mother with poetical attemnpts, which attracted much notice from them and their friends; but his infant mind does not appear to have been much elated by their approbation; for after his verses had been admired, they were, without regret, committed by him to the flames. He was now taken from the tuition of the quondam soldier, to be put under that of the Rev. Mr. Griffin, schoolmaster of Elphin; and was at the same time received into the house of hlis father's brother, John Goldsmith, Esq., of Ballyoughter, near that town. Our author's eldest sister, Catharine, (afterwards married L- _ OLIVER GOLDSMITH. 9 to Daniel Hodson, Esq., of Lishoy, near Ballymahon,) relates, that one evening, when Oliver was about nine years of age, a company of young people of both sexes being assembled at his uncle's, the boy was required to dance a hornpipe, a youth undertaking to play to him on the fiddle. Being but lately out of the small-pox, which had much disfigured his countenance, anl his bodily proportions being short and thick, the young musician thought to show his wit by comparing our hero to:Esop dancing; and having harped a little too long, as the caperer thought, on this bright idea, the latter suddenly stopped, and said, Our herald hath proclaim'd this saying,'See Esop dancing,'-and his Monkey playing. This instance of early wit, we are told; decided his fortune; for, from that time, it was determined to send him to the university; and some of his relations, who were in the church, offered to contribute towards the expense, particularly the Rev. Thomas Contarine, rector of Kilmore, near Carrick-upon-Shannon, who had married an aunt of Oliver's. The Rev. Mr. Green also, whom we have before mentioned, liberally assisted in this friendly design. To further the purpose intended, he was now removed to Athlone, where he continued about two years under the Rev. Mr. Campbell; who being then obliged by ill-health to resign the charge, Oliver was sent to the school of the Rev. Patrick Hughes, at Edgeworthstown, in the county of Longford.* # We are told, that in his last journey to this school, he had an adventure, which is thought to have suggested the plot of his comedy of' She stoops to conquer.'-Some friend had given him a guinea; and in his way to Edgeworthstown, which was about twenty miles 10 AIKIN'S MEMIOIRS OF Under this gentleman he was prepared for the university; and on the 11th of June, 1744, was admitted a Sizer of Trinity college, Dublin,* under the tuition of the Rev. Mr. Wilder, one of the Fellows, who was a man of harsh temper and violent passions; and Oliver being of a thoughtless and gay turn, it cannot be surprising that they should soon be dissatisfied with each other. Oliver, it seemst had one day imprudently invited a party of both sexes to a supper and ball in his rooms; which coming to the ears of his tutor, the latter entered the place in the midst of their jollity, abused the whole company, and inflicted manual correction on Goldsmith in their presence. This mortification had such an effect on the mind of Oliver, that he resolved to seek his fortune in some place where he should be unknown: accordingly he sold his books and clothes, and quitted the university; but loitered about the streets, from his father's house, he had amused himself the whole day with viewing the gentlemen's seats on the rovad; and at nightfall found himself in the small town of Ardagh. Here he inquired for the best house in the place, meaning the best inn; but his informant, taking the question in its literal sense, shewed hiin to the house of a private gentleman; where, calling for somebody to take his horse to the stable, our hero alighted, and was shown into the parlor, being supposed to have come on a visit to the master, whom Ihe found sitting by the fire. This gentleman soon discovered Oliver's mistake; but being a man of humor, and learning from him the name of. his father, (whom-he knew), he favored the deception. Oliver ordered a good supper, and invited his landlord and landlady, with their daughters, to partake of it; he treated them with a bottle or two of wine, and, at going to bed, ordered a hot cake to be prepared for his breakfast: nor was it till he was about to depart, and called for his bill, that he discovered his mistake. * The celebrated E imund Burke was at the same time a collegian there. OLIVER GOLDSMIITH. l eonsi.lering of a destination, till his money was exhausted. With a solitary shilling in his pocket he at last left Dublin; by abstinence he made this sum last him thrle days, and then was obliged to part, by derees, with the clothes off his back: in short, to such an extremity was he reduced, as to find a handful of gray-peas, given him by a girl at a wake, the most c'fmfbrtable repast that he had ever made. After numberless adventures in this vagrant state, he found his way home, and was replaced under his morose and merciless tutor; by whom he was again exposed to so many mortifications, as induced an habitual despondence of mind, and a total carelessness about his studies; the consequence of which was, that he neither obtained a scholarship, nor became a candidate for the premiums. On the 25th of May, 1747, he received a public admonition, for having assisted other coltegians in a riot occasioned by a scholar having been arrested, quod seditioni favisset, et tumultuantibus opemn tulisset: in this case, however, he appears to have fared better than some of -his companions, who were expelled the university. On the 15th of June following he was elected one of the exhibitioners on tlW foundation of Erasmus Smyth; but was not admitted to the degree of Bachelor of Arts till February, 1749, whtich was two years after the usual period. Oliver's father being now dead, his uncle Contarine undertook to supply his place, and wished him to prepare for holy ordlers. This proposal not meeting with the young man's inclination, Mr. Contarine next resolved on sending him to London, that he might study law in the temple. Whilst at Dublin, however, on his way to England, he fell in with a sharper, who cheated him at play of 501., which had been providid for his carriage, etc. He returned, and received his un 12 AIKIN'S MEMOIRS OF cle's forgiveness: it was now finally settled that he should make physic his profession; and he departed for Edinburgh, where he settled about the latter end of the year 1752. Here he attended the lectures of Dr. Monroe and the other medicaJ professors; but his studies were by no means regular; and an indulgence in dissipated company, with a ready hand to administer to the necessities of whoever asked him, kept him always poor. Having, however, gone through the usual courses of physic and anatomy in the Scottish university, Goldsmith was about to remove to Leyden to complete his studies; and his departure was hastened by a debt to Mr. Barclay, a tailor in Edinburgh, which he had imprudently made his own by becomingr security for a fellow student who, either from want of principle or of means, had failed to pay it: for this debt he was arrested; but was released by the kindness of Dr. Sleigh and Mr. Laughlin Maclaine, whose friendship he had acquired at the college. He now embarked for Bourdeaux, on board a Scotch vessel called the St. Andrew's, Capt. John Wall, master. The ship made a tolerable appearance; and, as another inducemlent to our hero, he was informed that six agreeable passengers were to be his company. They had been but two days at sea, however, when a storm drove them into Newcastle-upon-Tyne, and the passengers went ashore to refresh after the fatigue of their voyage.' Seven men and I, (says Goldsmith) were on shore the following evening; but as we were all very merry, the room door burst open, and there entered a sergeant and twelve grenadiers, with their bayonets screwed, who put us all under the King's arrest. It seems, my company were Scotchmen in the French service, and had been in Scotland OLIVER GOLDSMITH. 13 to enlist soldiers for Louis XV. I endeavored all I could to prove my innocence; however, I remained in prison with the rest a fortnight, and with difficulty got off even then. But hear how Providence interposed in my favor: the ship, which had set sail for Bourdeaux before I got from prison, was wrecked at the mouth of the Garonne, and every one of the crew drowned.'-Fortunately, there was a ship now ready at Newcastle, for Holland, on board of which he embarked, and in nine days reached Rotterdam; whence he travelled by land to Leyden. Here he resided about a year, studying anatomy under Albinus, and chemistry under Gambius; but here, as formerly, his little property was destroyed by play and dissipation; and he is actually believed to have set out on his travels with only one clean shirt, and not a guilder in his purse, trusting wholly to Providence for a subsistence. It is generally understood, that in the history of his Philosophie Vagabond, (Vicar of Wakefield, chap. xx.) he has related many of his own adventures; and that when on his pedestrian tour through Flanders and France, as he had some knowledge of music, be turned what had formerly been his amusement into a present means of subsistence.'I passed, (says he) among the harmless peasants of Flanders, and among such of the French as were poor enough to be very merry; for I ever found them sprightly in proportion to their wants. Whenever I approached a peasant's house towards nightfall, I played on my German flute one of my most merry tunes, and that procured me not only a lodging, but subsistence for the next day. I once or twice attempted to play for people of fashion; but they always thought my performance odious, and never rewarded me even with a trifle. This was to me 2 14 AIKIN S MEMOIRS OF the more extraordinary; as whenever I used in better days; to play for company, when playing was my amusement, my music never failed to throw them into raptures, and the ladies especially; but as it was now my only means, it was received with contempt: a proof how ready the world is to underrate those talents by which a man is supported!' At the different monasteries in his tour, especially those of lhis own nation, his learning generally procured him temporary entertainment; and thus he made his way to Switzerland, in which country he first cultivated his poetical talents with any particular effect; for here we find he wrote about two hundred lines of his' Traveller.' The story which has commonly been told, of his having acted as travelling tutor to a young miser, is now thought to have been too hastily adopted from the aforesaid History of a Philosophic Vagabond, and never to have been the real situation of the author of that history. From Switzerland, Goldsmith proceeded to Padua, where he stayed six months, and is by some supposed to have taken there his degree of Bachelor of Physic; though others are of opinion, that if ever he really took any medical degree abroad, it was at Louvain.* After visiting all the northern part of Italy, he travelled, still on foot, through France; and, embarking at Calais, landed at Dover in the summer of 1 756, unknown, as he supposed, to a single individual, and with not a guinea in his pocket. His first endeavors were, to procure employment as an usher in some school; but the want of a recommendation as to character and ability rendered his efforts for some time fruit* In 1769, it is certain, he was admitted M. B. at Oxford, which university he visited in February, in company with Dr. Johnson. OLIVER GOLDSMITH. 15 less; and how he subsisted is not easy to guess. At length, however, it appears he procured an usher's place; but in what part the school was situated, or how long he continued in it, we do not learn; though we may form some idea of the uncongeniality of the place to his mind, from the following passage in the Philosophic Vagabond:' I have been an usher at a boarding-school; and may I die but I would rather be an under-turnkey in Newgate. I was up early and late; I was brow-beat by the master, hated for my ugly face by my mistress, worried by the boys within, and never permitted to stir out to meet civility abroad.' When in a fit of disgust he had quitted this academy, his pecuniary necessities soon became pressing; to relieve which he applied to several apothecaries and chemists for employment as a journeyman; but here his threadbare appearance, awkward manners, and the want of a recommendation, operated sorely to his prejudice;* till at last a chemist near Fishstreet-hill, probably moved by compassion, gave him employment in his laboratory, where he continued till he learned that his old friend Dr. Steigh, of Edinburgh, was in town: on him (who had, as we have seen, formerly relieved him from embarrassment,) Goldsmith waited, was kindly received, and invited to share his purse during his continuance in London. This timely assistance enabled our author to commence medical practice at IBankside, in Southwark, whence he afterC In a letter, dated Dec. 1757, he writes thus:-' At London, you may easily imagine what difficulties I had to encounter; without friends, recommendations, money or impudence; and that in a country where being born an Irishman was sufficient to keep me unemployed. Many in such circumstances would have had recourse to the friar's cord or the suicide's halter. But with all my follies I had principle to resist the one, and resolution to combat the other. 16 AIKIN S MEMIOIRS OF ward removed to the neighborhood of the Temple; his sue cess as a physician is not known, but his income was vern small; for, as he used to say, he got very few fees, thoug}l he had abundance of patients. Some addition, however, he now beran to derive fiom tile efforts of his pen; and it appears that he was for awhile with the celebrated Samuel Richardson as corrector of the press. About this time he renewed his acquaintance with one of the young physicians whom he had known at Edinburgh. This was a son of the Rev. Dr. John Milner, a dissenting minister, who kept a classical school of eminence at Peckharn, in Surrey. Mr. Milner, observing Goldsmith's uncertain mode of livingr, invited him to take the charge of his father's school, the Doctor being then confined by illness: to this he consented; and Dr. 3Milner, in return, promised to exert his interest with the India Directors to procure for him some medical establishment in the Company's service. This proLise he faithfully performed, and Goldsmith was actually appointed physician to one of the factories in India in 1 758. It appears, however, that our author never availed himself of this post,* but continued in Dr. Milner's academy; and in this very year sold to Mr. Edward Dilly, for twenty guineas,' The Memoirs of a Protestant condemned to the Galleys of France for his Religion. Written by Himself. Translated from the Original, just published at the Hague, by James Willington.' 2 vols. 12mo. Towards the latter end of 1758, Goldsmith happened to ~ Though it is certain, that, in contemplation of going to India, he circulated Proposals to print by Subscription' An essay on the Present State of Taste and Literature in Europe,' as a means of defraying the expenses of his fitting out for the voyage. OLIVER GOLDSIITH. 17 dine at Dr. Milner's table with Mr. Ralph Griffiths, the proprietor of The lMonthly Review, who invited hinm to write aiticles of criticism for that respectable publication, on the terms of a liberal salary, besides board and lodging. By a written agreement this enngacemlent was to last for a year; but at the end of seven or eight months it was dissolved by mutual consent, and Goldsmith took a miserable apartment in Green-Arbor-court, Little Old Bailey.* In this wretched hovel our author completed his' Inquiry into the Present State of Polite Literature in Europe,' which was published in 1759, by Dodsley, and was well received. In October of the same year he began' The Bee,' a weekly publication, which terminated at the eighth number. About this time, also, he contributed some articles to The Critical Review, one of which (we believe a review of" Ovid's Epistles translated into English verse, by a Mr. Barrett, Master of the Grammar School at Ashford, in Kent,) introduced him to the acquaintance of Dr. Smollett, who was then editor of The British Magazine; and for that work Goldsmith wrote mnost of those' Essays,' which were afterwards collected and published in a separate volume. By Dr. Smollett too he was recommended to some respectable booksellers, particularly to Mr. John Ne wbery, who well deserved the eulogium bestowed by Warburton on the trade in general, as one of' the best judges and most liberal rewarders of literary merit.' By Mr. Newbery, Goldsmith was engaged at a salary of 100/. a-year, to write for The Public Ledger a series of periodical papers. These he called' Chinese Letters;' and they were afterwards collected in two volumes, under the title of' The Citizen of the a An engraving of the house, illustrated by a description, was given in'The European Magazine,' vol. xliii. pp. 7, 8. 2* 18 AIKIN'S MEMOIRS OF World.' It was soon after this that he commenced his acquaintance with Dr. Johnson. The important engagement with Newbery for a hundred pounds a year, encouraged Goldsmith to descend Break-necksteps,* and to hire a decent apartment in Wine-Office-court, Fleet-street. Here he dropped the humble Mister, and dubbed himself Doctor Goldsmith. HIere also he put the finishing hand to his excellent novel called' The Vicar of Wakefield,' but was, when he had done, extremely embarrassed in his circumstances, dunned by his landlady for arrears of rent, and not daring to stir abroad for fear of arrest: in fact, she herself at length had him arrested; lie then summoned resolution to send a message to Dr. Jollnson; stating that he was in great distress, and begging that he would come to him as soon as possible. Johnson sent him a guinea, and promised to follow almost immediately. When he arrived, he found Goldsmith in a violent passion with the woman of the house, but consoling himself as well as he could with a bottle of Madeira; which he had already purchased with part of the guinea. Johnson, corking the bottle, desired Goldsmith would be calm, and consider in what way he could extricate himself. The latter then produced his novel as ready for the press. The Doctor looked into it, saw its merit, and went away with it to M3r. Newbery, who gave him GO6. for it; with this sum he returned to Goldsmith, who, with many invectives, paid his landlady her rent. Newbery, however, seems not to have been very sanguine in his hopes of this novel; for he kept the MS. by him near three years unprinted: his readly purchase of it, probably, was in the way of a benefaction to its X A steep flight of stairs (commonly so termed) leading from the door of his lodging-house in Green-Arbor-court to Fleet-markei. OLIVER GOLDSMITH. 19 distressed author, rather than under any idea of profit by the publication. Early in the year 1763, Goldsmith removed to lodgings at Canonbury-house, Islington, where he compiled several works for Mr. Newbery; among which were,' The Art of Poetry,' 2 vols. 12mo.; a' Life of Nash;' and a' History of England, in a Series of Letters from a Nobleman to his Son.' This latter book was for a long time attributed to George Lord Lyttleton. In the following year he took chambers on the upper story of the Library stair-case in the Inner Temple, and began to live in a genteel style. Still, however, he was little known,.. except among the booksellers, till the year 1765, when he produced his poem called' The Traveller; or, A Prospect of Society,' which had obtained high commendation from Dr. Johnson, who declared' that there had not been so fine a poem since the time of Pope;' yet such was Goldsmith's diffidence, that, though he had completed it some years before, he had not courage enough to publish, till urged to it by Johnson's suggestions. This poem heightened his literary character with the booksellers, and introduced him to several persons of superior rank and talents, as Lord Nugent (afterwards earl of Clare), Mr. Burke, Sir Joshua Reynolds, Dr. Nugent, Mr. Bennet Langton, Mr Topham Beauclerc, etc., and he was elected one of the first members of' The Literary Club,' which had been just instituted by Johnson, Burke, and Sir Joshua, and met at the Turk's-head, Gerard-street, Soho, every Friday evening. His pathetic ballad of' The Hermit,' which was also published in 1765, recommended him to the Countess (afterwards Duchess) of Northumberland, who was a generous patroness 20 AIKIN S MEMOIRS OF of merit. In the following year his' Vicar of Wakefield' was printed, and universally read and admired. His reputation being now fhirly established as a novelist, a poet, and a critic, Goldsmith turned his thoughts to the drama, and set about his comedy called' The Good-natured Man.' This he first offered to Garrick, who, after a long fluctuation between doubt and encouragement, at length declined bring- I ing it forward at Drury-lane theatre; it was therefore taken to Covent-garden, accepted by Mr. Colman, and presented for the first time on the 29th of January, 17G8. It was acted nine times; and by the profits of the author's three thirdnights, with the sale of the copyright, a clear 5001. was pr. duced. With this, and some money which he had reserved out of the produce of a' Roman History,' in 2 vols. 8vo., and other works, he was enabled to descend from his attic story in the Inner Temple, and to purchase for 4001., and furnish elegantly, a spacious set of chambers on the first floor, at No. 2, Brickcourt, Middle Temple. -On the establishment of the Royal Academy, in 1769, Sir Joshua Reynolds recommended Goldsmith to his Majesty for the Honorary Professorship of HIistory, which was graciously conferred on him. In the following year he produced that highly-finished poem called' The Deserted Village.' Previous to its publication, we are told, the bookseller (Mr. Griffin, of Catharine street, Strand) had given him a note of a hundred guineas for the copy. This circumstance Goldsmith mentioned soon afterwards to a friend, who observed that it was a large sum for so small a performance.' In truth' replied Goldsmith,' I think so too; it is near five shillings a couplet, which is much more than the honest man can afford, OLIVER GOLDSMITH. 21 and, indeed, more than any modern poetry is worth. I have not been easy since I received it; I will, therefore, go back and return him his note;' which he actually did; but the sale was so rapid, that the bookseller soon paid him the hundred guineas with proper acknowledgments fobr the generosity of hiis conduct. Soon after the appearance of the Deserted Village, our author paid a tribute to the memory of Dr. Parnell, in a Life prefixed to a new edition of his' Poems on several Occasions.' In the year 1771 he produced his' History of England, from the earliest Times to the Death of George II.,' in 4 vols. 8vo.; for which Mr. Thomas Davies, the bookseller, paid him 5001. The Earl of Lisburne, one day at a dinner of the Royal Academicians, lamented to Goldsmith that he should neglect the muses to compile histories, and write novels, instead of penning poetry with which he was sure to charm his readers.' My lord,' replied cur author,' in courting the muses I should starve; but by my other labors I eat, drink, wear good clothes, and enljoy the luxuries of life.' Goldsmith had, bezides his regular works, much of the other business of an author by profession; such as penning Prefaces and Introductions to the books of other writers; some of these have been published among his prose works; but, no doubt, many remain at this day unknown. His second dramatic effort, being a comedy called' She Stoops to Conquer; or, The Mistakes of a Night,' was first presented at Covent-garden theatre, March 15, 1773, and received with an applause fully adequate to the author's sanguine hopes, and contrary to the expectations of Mr. Coiman, who had not consented to receive the piece but at the earnest and reiterated instances of many friends. What was called 22 AIKIN' S MEMOIRS OF sentimental comedy had at that time got an unaccountable hold of the public taste; Kelly was subserving this un-British propensity by his' False Delicacy,' etc., and Goldsmith's piece (which was designed by him to bring back the town to a relish of humor) being certainly in the opposite extreme, and hardly anything else than a farce of five acts instead of two, Colman, and his actors from him, had predestined the play to condemnation: when, therefore, towards the conclusion of the first performance, the author expressed some apprehension lest one of the jokes put into the mouth of Tony Lumpkin should not be relished by the audience, the manager, who had been in fear through the whole piece, replied,' D-n it, Doc tor, don't be terrified at a squib; why, we have been sitting these two hours on a barrel of gunpowder.' Goldsmith's pride was so hurt at this remark, that the friendship which had till then subsisted between him and Colman, was thenceforth annihilated. The piece had a great run, and its author cleared by the third-nights, and the sale of the copy, upwards of 8001. Dr. Johnson said of it,' That he knew of no comedy for many years that had so much exhilarated an audience, that had answered so much the great end of comedy -the making an audience merry.' It certainly added much to the author's reputation, and is still, with his' Good-natured Man,' on the list of acting plays; but it brought on him the envy and malignity of some of his contemporaries; and in the London Packet of Wednesday, March 24, 1773, printed for T. Evans, in Paternoster-row, appeared the following scurrilous epistle, evidently designed to injure his third-night (being the ninth representation):jL OLIVER GOLDSMITH. 23'TO DR. GOLDSMITH.' Vous vous noyez en vanite.'SiR. —The happy knack which you have learnt of puffing your own compositions, provokes me to come forth. You have not been the edlitor of newspapers and magazines, not to discover the trick of literary humbug. But the gauze is so thin, that the very foolish part of the world see through it, and discover the Doctor's monkey face and cloven foot. Your poetic vanity is as unpardonable as your pIersonal. Would man believe it, and will woman bear it, to be told that for hours the great Goldsmith will stan(l surveying his grotesque Oranllotan's figure in a pier-glass? Was but the lovely H-k as much enamored, you would not sigh, my gentle swain, in vain. But your vanity is preposterous. H-ow will this same bard of Bedlam ring the changes in praise of Goldy! But what has he to be either proud or vain of? The " Traveller" is a flimnsy poem, built upon false principles; principles diametrically opposite to liberty. WVhat is "The Good-natured Mlan," but a poor, water-gruel, dramatic dose? What is " The Deserted Village," but a pretty poem of easy numbers, without fancy, dignity, genius, or fire? And pray what may be the last speaking pantomime,* so praised by the Doctor himself, but an incoherent piece of stuff; the firgure of a woman with a fish's tail, without plot, incident, or intrigue? We are made to laugh at stale, dull jokes, wherein we mistake pleasantry fbr wit, and grimace for humor: wherein every scene is unnat1ural, and inconsistent with the rules, the laws of nature, and of the drama; viz.. Two gentlemen come to a man of fortune's house, eat, drink, sleep, etc., and take it for an 3 Meaning' She Stoops to Conquer.' 24 AIKIN'S MEMIOIRS OF inn. The one is intended as a lover to the daughter; he talks with her for some hours, and when he sees her again in a different dress, he treats her as a bar-girl, and swears she squinted. IHe abuses the master of the house, and threatens to kick him out of his own doors. The'Squire, whom we are tol(l is to be a fool, proves to be the most sensible being of the piece; and he makes out a whole act by bidding his mother lie close belind a bush, persuading her that his father, her own husband, is a highwayman, and that he is come to cut their throats; and to give his cousin an opportunity to go off; he drives his mother over hedges, ditches, and through ponds. There is not, sweet, sucking Johnlson, a natural stroke in the whole play, but the young fellow's giving the stolen jewels to the mother, supposing her to be the landlady. That Mlr. Colman did no justice to this piece, I honestly allow; that he told all his friends it would be damned, I positively aver; and from such ungenerous insinuations, without a dramatic merit, it rose to public notice; and it is now the ton to go to see it, though I never saw a person that either liked it or approved it, any more than the absurd plot of the Honle's tragedy of Alonzo. Mlr. Goldsmith, correct your arrogance, reduce your vanity, and endeavor to believe, as a man, you are of the plainest sort; and as an author, but a mortal piece of mediocrity.''Brisez le miroir iknidele, Qui vous cache la verite.' ToM TICKLE.' By one of those' d —-d good-natured friends,' who are described by Sir Fretful Plagiary, the newspaper containing the foregoing offensive letter was eagerly brought to Goldsmith, who otherwise, perhaps, had never seen or heard of it. Our OLIVER GOLDSMITH. 25 hero went to the shop brimfull of ire, and findingg E ~Vans behind his counter, thus addressed him:' You have published a thing in your paper (my name is Goldsmith) reflecting upon a young lady. As for myself, I do not mind it.'- Evans at this moment stooped down, intending probably to look for a paper, that he might see what the enraged author meant; when Goldsmith, observing his back to present a fair mark for his cane, laid it on lustily. The bibliopolist, however, soon defended himself; and a scuffle ensued, in which our author got his full share of blows. Dr. Kenrick, who was sittilg in Evans's counting-house (and who was strongly suspected to have been the writer of the letter), now came forward, parted the combatants, and sent Goldsmith home in a coach, grievously bruised. This attack upon a man, in his own house, furnished matter of discussion for some days to the newspapers; and an action at law was threatened to be brought for the assault; but by the interposition of friends the affair was compromised; and on Wednesday, the 31st of Mlarch, Goldsmith inserted the following Address in the Daily Advertiser:-'TO THE PUBLIC.'LEST it should be supposed that I have been willing to correct in others an abuse of which I have been guilty myself, I beg leave to declare that in all my life I never wrote, or dictated, a single paragraph, letter, or essay, in a newspaper, except a few moral essays, under the character of a Chinese, about ten years ago, in the Ledger; and a letter, to which I signed my name, in thle St. James's Chronicle. If the liberty of the press, therefore, has been abused, I have had no hand in it. 3 26 AIKIN S MEMOIRS OF' I have always considered the press as the protector of our freedom, as a watchful guardian, capable of uniting the weak against the encroachments of power. What concerns the public most properly admits of a public discussion. But, of late, the press has turned from defending public interest, to making inroads upon private life; from combating the strong, to overwhelming the feeble. No condition is now too obscure for its abuse, and the protector is become the tyrant of the people. In this manner the freedom of the press is beginning to sow the seeds of its own dissolution; the great must oppose it from principle, and the weak from fear; till at last every rank of mankind shall be found to give up its benefits, content with security from its insults.' How to put a stop to this licentiousness, by which all are indiscriminately abused, and by which vice consequently escapes in the general censure, I am unable to tell; all I could wish is, that, as the law gives us no protection against the injury, so it should give calumniators no shelter after having provoked correction. The insults which we receive before the public, by being more open, are the more distressing. By treating them with silent contempt we do not pay a sufficient deference to the opinion of the world. By recurring to legal redress, we too often expose the weakness of the law, which only serves to increase our mortification by failing to relieve us. In short, every man should singly consider himself as a guardian of the liberty of the press, and, as far as his influence can extend, should endeavor to prevent its licentiousness becoming at last the grave of its freedom. OLIVER GOLDSMITH.' Mr. Boswell having intimated to Dr. Johnson his suspicions OLIVER GOLDSMITH. 27 that he was the real writer of this Address, the latter said,' Sir, Dr. Goldsmith would no more have asked me to have written such a thing as that for him, than he would have asked me to feed him with a spoon, or to do anything else that denoted his imbecility. I as much believe that he wrote it, as if I had seen him do it. Sir, had he shewn it to any one fiiend, he would not have been allowed to publish it. He has indeed done it very well; but it is a foolish thing well done. I suppose he has been so much elated with the success of his new comedy, that he has thought everything that concerns him must be of importance to the public.' About a month after this, to oblige Mr. Quick, the commedian, who had very successfully exerted himself in the character of Tony Lumpkin, Goldsmith, we believe, reduced Sedley's' Grumbler' to a farce; and it was performed for Mr. Quick's benefit on the 8th of May, but was never printed: indeed, some persons doubt whether Goldsmith did more than revise an alteration which had been made by some other person. Our author now, oddly enough, took it into his head to reject the title of Doctor (with which he had been self-invested), and to assume the plain address of MIr. Goldsmith; but whatever his motive to this might be, he could not effect it with the public, who to the day of his death called him Doctor; and the same title is usually annexed to his name even now, though the degree of Bachelor of Physic was the highest ever actually conferred upon him. After having compiled a History of Rome, and two Histories of England, he undertook, and completed in 1773,'A History of the Earth and Animated Nature,' in 8 vols. 8vo., wh'ch was printed in 1774, and he received for it 8501. 28 AIKIN S ME3MOIRS OF The emoluments which he had derived from his writings for some few years past were, indeed, very considerable; but were rendered useless in effect, by an incautious liberality, which prevented his distinguishing proper from improper objects of his bounty; and also by an unconquerable itch for gaming, a pursuit in which his impatience of' temper, and his want of skill, wholly disqualified him for succeeding. His last production,' Rletaliation,' was written for his own amusement and that of his friends who were the subjects of it. That he did not live to finish it, is to be lamented; for it is supposed that he would have introduced more characters. What he has left, however, is nearly perfect in its kind; with wonderful art he has traced all the leading features of his several portraits, and given with truth the characteristic peculiarities of each; no man is lampooned, no man is flattered. The occasion of the poem was a circumstance of festivity. A literary party with which he occasionally dined at the St. James's coffe-house, one day proposed to write epitaphs on him. In these, his person, dialect, etc., were good-humoredly ridiculed: and as Goldsmith could not disguise his feelings on the occasion, he was called upon for a Retaliation, which he produced at the next meeting of the party; but this, with his' Haunch of Venison,' and some other short poems, were not printed till after his death. He had at this time ready for the press,' The Grecian Ilistory, from the earliest State to the Death of Alexander the Great,' which was afterwards printed in 2 vols. 8vo. lie had also formed a design of compiling a' Universal Dictionary of Arts and Sciences,' a prospectus of which he printed and sent to his friends, many of whom had promised to furnish him with articles on different subjects. The booksellers, however, OLIVER GOLDSMITH. 29 though they had a high opinion of his abilities, were startled at the bulk, importance, and expense of so great an undertaking, the execution of which was to depend upon a man with whose indolence of temper, and method of procrastination, they had long been acquainted: the coldness with which they met his proposals was lamented by Goldsmith to the hour of his death; which seems to have been accelerated by a neglect of his health, occasioned by continual vexation of mind, on account of his frequently involved circumstances, although the last year's produce of his labor is generally believed to have amounted to 18001. In the spring of 1774 he was attacked in a very severe manner by the stranguary, a disease of which he had often experienced slight symptoms. It now induced a nervous fever, which required medical assistance; and on the 25th of March he sent for his friend Mr. (afterwards Dr.) Hawes, to whom he related the symptoms of his malady, expressing at the same time a disgust with life, and a despondency which did not well become a man of his understanding. IIe told Mr. Hawes that he had taken two ounces of ipecacuanha wine as an emetic, and that it was his intention to take Dr. James's fever powders, which he desired he would send him. Mr. Hlawes represented to his patient the impropriety of taking the medicine at that time; but no argument could induce him to relinquish his intention. Finding this, and justly apprehensive of the fatal consequences of his putting this rash resolve in execution, he requested permission to send for Dr. Fordyce, of whose medical abilities he knew that Goldsmith had the highest opinion. Dr. Fordyce came, and corroborated the apothecary's assertion, adding every argument that he could think of to dissuade him from using the powders in, the pres3* 0S AIKIN'S MEMOIRS OF ent case; but, deaf to all the remonstrances of his physician and his friend, he obstinately persisted in his resolution. The next day Mr. Hawes again visited his patient, and inquiring of him how he did, Goldsmith sighed deeply, and in a dejected tone said,' I wish I had taken your friendly advice last night.' Dr. Fordyce came, and, finding the alarming symptoms increase, desired Mr. Hawes to propose sending for Dr. Turton: to this Goldsmith readily consented. The two physicians met, and held consultations twice a day till Monday, April 4th, when their patient died. Warmth of affection induced Sir Joshua Reynolds and other friends of Goldsmith to lay a plan for a sumptuous public funeral: according to which he was to have been interred in Westminster Abbey, and his pall to have been supported by Lord Shelburne (afterwards Marquis of Lansdowne), Lord Louth, Sir Joshua Reynolds, Mr. Edmund Burke, the Hon. Topham Beauclerc, and Mr. Garrick; but on a slight inspection of his affairs, it was found that, so far from having left property to justify so expensive a proceeding, he was about 20001. in debt. The original intention, therefore, was abandoned; and he was privately interred in the Temple burialground at five o'clock on Saturday evening, April 9th, attended by the Rev. Joseph Palmer (nephew of Sir Joshua Reynolds, and afterwards Dean of Cashel in Ireland), Mr Hugh Kelly, Mr. (afterwards Dr.) Hawes, Messrs. John and Robert Day, and Mr. Etherington. A subscription, however, was speedily raised among Gold, smith's friends, but chiefly by the Literary Club; and a marble monumental stone, executed by Nollekens, consisting of a large medallion, exhibiting a good resemblance of our author, in profile, embellished with appropriate ornaments, was plac' OLIVER GOLDS3MITH. 31 ed in Westminster Abbey, between those of Gay the poet, and the Duke of Argyle, in Poet's Corner; having underneath, on a tablet of white marble, the following inscription, from the pen of his friend, Dr. Johnson: — OLIVAIRII GOLDSIMITH, Poetre, Physici, Historici, Qui nullum feir- scribendi genus Non tetigit; Nullum quod tetigit non ornavit: Sive risus essent movendi Sive lacrymae, Affectuum potens et lenis dominator: Ingenio sublimis, vividus, versatilis, Oratione grandis, nitidus, venustus; Hoc monumento memoriam coluit Sodalium amor, Amicorum fides, Lectorum veneratio. Natus in Hibernia, Forneive Longfordiensis, In loco cui nemen Pallas, Nov. xxix, MDCCXXXI.* Eiblanat literis institutus, Obiit Londini, Apr. IV. uDCCLXXIV. Of which the following is a translation: — By the love of his associates, The fidelity of his friends, And the veneration of his readers, This monument is raised J Johnson had been misinformed in these particulars: it has been since ascertained that he was born at Elphin, in the county of Roscommon, Nov. 29, 1728. 82 IKIN' S MEMOIRS OF To the memory of OLIVER GOLDSMITH, A poet, a natural philosopher, and an historian, Who left no species of writing untouched by his pen; Nor touched any that he did not embellish: Whether smiles or tears were to be excited, He was a powerful yet gentle master Over the affections; Of a genius at once sublime, lively, and equal to every sul)ject; In expression at once lofty, elegant, and graceful. I-e was born in the kingdom of Ireland, At a place called Pallas, in the parish of Forney, And county of Longford, 29th Nov. 1731.* Educated at Dublin, And died in London, 4th April, 1774. Beside this Latin epitaph, Dr. Johnson honored the memo. ry of Goldsmith with the following short one in Greek:Tbv 7(1dov eivop(zaf royv 02L3apiono, Kovibv'A4ppoit el rlce vlv, $eive, r6deagat rr'elt Ol0t //pLrle OVGIt~, e/'Tpdiv Xfpthl, spya ra2atoidv K;aiere wo01lrrv, ie6pwtlov, oIvuthOV. 3Mr. Boswell, who was very intimately acquainted with Goldsmith, thus speaks of his person and character:-' The person of Goldsmith was short; his countenance coarse and vulgar; his deportment that of a scholar, awkwardly affecting the complete gentleman. No man had the art of displaying, with more advantage, whatever literary acquisitions he made. HIis mind resembled a fertile but thin soil; there was a quick but not a strong vegetation of whatever chanced X See the Note on the preceding page. OLIVER GOLDSMITH. 33 to be thrown upon it. No deep root could be struck. The oak of the forest did not grow there i but the elegant shrubbery, and the fragrant parterre, appeared in gay succession. It has been generally circulated, and believed, that he was a mere fool in conversation. In allusion to this, Mr. Horatio Walpole, who admired his writings, said, he was " an inspired idiot;" and Garlick describes him as one,-. - for shortness called Noll, Who wrote like an angel, and talk'd like poor Poll." But in reality these descriptions are greatly exaggerated. He had no doubt a more than common share of that hurry of ideas which we often find in his countrymen, and which sometimes introduces a laughable confusion in expressing them. He was very much what the French call un 0tourdi: and from vanity, and an eager desire of being conspicuous wherever he was, he frequently talked carelessly, without any knowledge of the subject, or even without thought. Those who were any ways distinguished, excited envy in him to so ridiculous an excess, that the instances of it are hardly credible. He, I am told, had no settled system of any sort, so that his conduct must not be too strictly criticised; but his affections were social and generous; and when he had money, he bestowed it liberally. His desires of imaginary consequence frequently predominated over his attention to truth.' His prose has been admitted as the model of perfection, and the standard of the English language. Dr. Johnson says, "Goldsmith was a man of such variety of powers, and such felicity of performance, that he seemed to excel. in whatever he attempted; a man who had the art of being minute without tediousness, and generally without confusion; whose lan 34 AIKIN'S MEMOIRS OF guage was capacious without exuberance; exact without restraint; and easy without weakness."'His merit as a poet is universally acknowledged. His writings partake rather of the elegance and harmony of Pope, than the grandeur and sublimity of Milton; and it is to be lamented that his poetical productions are not more numerous; for though his ideas flowed rapidly, he arranged them with great caution, and occupied much time in polishing his periods, and harmonizing his numbers.'hIis most favorite poems are, "The Traveller," "Deserted Village," "Hermit," and "Retaliation." These productions may be justly ranked with the most admired works in English poetry.'"The Traveller" delights us with a display of charming imagery, refined ideas, and happy expressions. The characteristics of the different nations are strongly marked, and the predilection of each inhabitant in favor of his own ingeniously described.'"The Deserted Village" is generally admired; the chaiacters are drawn from the life. The descriptions are lively and picturesque; and the whole appears so easy and natural, as to bear the semblance of. historical truth more than poetical fiction. The description of the parish priest, (probably intended for a character of his brother Henry) would have done honor to any poet of any age. In this description, the simile of the bird teaching her young to fly, and of the mountain that rises above the storm, are not easily to be paralleled. The rest of the poem consists of the character of the village schoolmaster, and a description of the village alehouse; both drawn with admirable propriety and force; a descant on the mischiefs of luxury and wealth; the variety of artificial plea. OLIVER GOLDSMITH. 35 ures; the miseries of those who, for want of employment at home, are driven to settle new colonies abroad; and concludes with a beautiful apostrophe to poetry.'" The Hermit " holds equal estimation with the rest of his poetical productions.'His last poem, of "Retaliation," is replete with humor, free from spleen, and forcibly exhibits the prominent features of the several characters to which it alludes. Dr. Johnson sums up his literary character in the following concise manner: " Take him [Goldsmith] as a poet, his' Traveller' is a very'fine performance; and so is his' Deserted Village,' were it not sometimes too much the echo of his' Traveller.' Whether we take him as a poet, as a comic writer, or as an historian, he stands in the first class."' We have before observed, that his poem of'RETALIATION' was provoked by several jocular epitaphs written upon him by the different members of a dinner club to which he belonged. Of these we subjoin a part of that which was produced by Garrick -'Here, Hermes, says Jove, who with nectar was mellow, Go, fetch me some clay-I will make an odd fellow. Right and wrong shall be jumbled; much gold, and some dross; Without cause be he pleased, without cause be he cross; Be sure, as I work, to throw in contradictions; A great lover of truth, yet a mind turned to fictions. Now mix these ingredients, which, warm'd in the baking, Turn to learning and gaming, religion and raking; With the love of a wench, let his writings be chaste, Tip his tongue with strange matter, his pen with fine taste; That the rake and the poet o'er all may prevail, Set fire to his head, and set fire to his tail; For the joy of each sex on the world I'll bestow it, This scholar, rake, christian, dupe, gamester, and poet. 36 AIKIN'S MEMOIRS OF Though a mixture so odd, he shall merit great fame, And among other mortals be Goldsmith his name. When on earth this strange meteor no more shall appear, You, Hermes, shall fetch him, to make us sport here.' To these we shall add another sketch of our author (by way of Epitaph), written by a friend as soon as he heard of his death:'Here rests from the cares of the world and his pen, A poet whose like we shall scarce meet again; Who, though form'd in an ate when corruptions ran high, And folly alone seem'd with folly to vie; When Genius with traffic too commonly train'd, Recounted her merits by what she had gain'd, Yet spurn'd at those walks of debasement and pelf, And in poverty's spite dared to think for himself. Thus freed from those fetters the muses oft bind, IHe wrote from the heart to the hearts of mankind; And such was the prevalent force of his song, Sex, ages, and parties, he drew in a throng.'The lovers -'t was theirs to esteem and commend, For his Hermit had proved him their tutor and friend. The statesman, his politic passions on fire, Acknowledged repose from the charms of his lyre. The moralist too had a feel for his rhymes, For his Essays were curbs on the rage of the times. Nay, the critic, all school'd in grammatical sense, Who looked in the glow of description for tense, Reform'd as he read, fell a dupe to his art, And confess'd by his eyes what he felt at his heart.'Yet, bless'd with original powers like these, His principal forte was on paper to please; Like a fleet-footed hunter, though first in the chase, On the road of plain sense lie oft slackened his pace; Whilst Dulness and Cunning, by whipping and goring. OLIVER GOLDSMITH. 37 Their hard-footed hackneys paraded before him. Compounded likewise of such primitive parts, That his manners alone would have gain'd him our hearts. So simple in truth, so ingenuously kind, So ready te feel for the wants of mankind; Yet praise but an author of popular quill, This lux of philanthropy quickly stood still; Transform'd from himself, he grew meanly severe, &nd rail'd at those talents he ought not to fear.' Such then were his foibles; but though they were such As shadow'd the picture a little too much, The style was all graceful, expressive, and grand. And the whole the result of a masterly hand.' Then hear me, blest spirit! now seated above, Where all is beatitude, concord, and love, If e'er thy regards were bestow'd on mankind, THV MUSE AS A LEGACY LEAVE US BEHIND. [ ask it by proxy for letters and fame, As the pride of our heart and the old English name. I demand it as such for virtue and truth, As the solace of age and the guide of our youth. Consider what poets surround us-how dull! From Minstrelsy B c to Rosamond IH-11! Consider what K-ys enervate the stage; Consider what K- cks may poison the age; O! protect us from such, nor let it be said, That in Goldsmith the last British poet lies dead!' 4 ON THE POETRY OF DR. GOLDSMITH. BY DR. AIKIN. AMONG those false opinions which, having once obtained currency, have been adopted without examination, may be reckoned the prevalent notion, that, notwithstanding the improvement of this country in many species of literary composition, its poetical character has been on the decline ever since the supposed Augustan age of the beginning of this [the 18th] century. No one poet, it is true, has fully succeeded to the laurel of Dryden or Pope; but if without prejudice we compare the minor poets of the present age (minor, I mean, with respect to the quantity, not the quality, of their productions), with those of any former period, we shall, I am convinced, find them greatly superior not only in taste and correctness, but in every other point of poetical excellence. The works of many late and present writers might be confidently appealed to in proof of this assertion; but it will suffice to instance the author who is the subject of the present Essay; and I rannot for a moment hesitate to place the name of GOLDSMITH as a poet, above that of Addison, Parnell, Tickell, Congreve, Lansdown, or any of those who fill the greater part of the ON DR. GOLDSMITH'S POETRY. 39 voluminous collection of the English Poets. Of these, the main body has obtained a prescriptive right to the honor of classical writers; while their works, ranged on the shelves as necessary appendages to a modern library, are rarely taken down, and contribute very little to the stock of literary amusement. Whereas the pieces of GOLDSMITH are our familiar companions; and supply passages for recollection, when our minds are either composed to moral reflection, or warmed by strong emotions and elevated conceptions. There is, I acknowledge, much of habit and accident in the attachments we form to particular writers; yet I have little doubt, that if the lovers of English poetry were confined to a small selection of authors, GOLDSMITH would find a place in the favorite list of a great majority. And it is, I think, with much justice that a great modern critic has ever regarded this concurrence of public favor, as one of the least equivocal tests of uncommon merit. Some kinds of excellence, it is true, will more readily be recognized than others; and this will not always be in proportion to the degree of mental power employed in the respective productions: but he who obtains general and lasting applause in any work of art, must have happily executed a design judiciously formed. This remark is of fundamental consequence in estimating the poetry of GOLDSMITH; because it will enable us to hold the balance steady, when it might be disposed to incline to the superior claims of a style of loftier pretension, and more brilliant reputation. Compared with many poets of deserved eminence, GOLDSMITH will appear characterized by his simplicity. In his language will be found few of those figures which are supposed of t7iemselves to constitute poetry; — no violent transpositions; 40 ON THE POETRY no uncommon meanings and constructions; no epithets drawn from abstract and remote ideas; no coinage of new words by the ready mode of turning nouns into verbs; no bold prosopopceia, or audacious metaphor:- it scarcely contains an expression which might not be used in eloquent and descriptive prose. It is replete with imagery; but that inmagery is drawn fiom obvious sources, and rather enforces the simple idea, than dazzles by new and unexpected ones. It rejects not common words and phrases; and, like the language of Dryden and Otway, is thereby rendered the more forcible and pathetic. It is eminently nervous and concise; and hence affords nunmerous passages which dwell on the memory. With respect to his matter, it is taken from human life, and the objects of nature. It does not body forth things unknown, and create new beings. Its humbler purpose is to represent manners and characters as they really exist; to impress strorgly on the heart moral and political sentiments; and to fill the imagination with a variety of pleasing or affecting objects selected from the stores of nature. If this be not the highest department of poetry, it has the advantage of being the most universally agreeable. To receive delight from the sublime fictions of Milton, the allegories of Spenser, the learning of Gray, and the fancy of Collins, the mind must have been prepared by a course of particular study; and perhaps, at a certain period of life, when the judgment exercises a severer scrutiny over the sallies of the imagination, the relish for artificial beauties will always abate, if not entirely desert us. But at every age, and with every degree of culture, correct and wellchosen representations of nature must please. We admire them when young; we recur to them when old; and they charm us till nothing longer can charm. Farther, in forming a scale OF DR. GOLDSMIITH. 41 of excellence for artists, we are not only to consider who works upon the noblest design, but who fills his design best. It is, in reality, but a poor excuse for a slovenly performer to say' wclyguis tamen excidit ausis;' and the addition of one masterpiece of any kind to the stock of art, is a greater benefit, than that of a thousand abortive and mis-shapen wonders. If GOLDi)SMITH -then be referred to the class of descriptive poets, including the description of moral as well as of physical nature, it will next be important to inquire by what means he has attained the rank of a master in his class. Let us then observe how he has selected, combined, and contrasted his objects, with what truth and strength of coloring he has expressed them, and to what end and purpose. As poetry and eloquence do not describe by an exact enumeration of every circumstance, it is necessary to select certain particulars which may excite a sufficiently distinct image of the thing to be represented. In this selection, the great art is to give characteristic marks, whereby the object may at once be recognize(d, without being obscured in a mass of common properties, which belong equally to many others. Hence the great superiority of particular images to general ones in description: the former identify, while the latter disguise. Thus, all te hackneyed representations of -the country in the works of ordinary versifiers, in which groves, and rills, and flowery nimeals are introduced just as the rhyme and measure require, present nothing to the fancy but an indistinct daub of coloring, in which all the diversity of nature is lost and confounded. To catch the discriminating features, and present them bold and lprozminent, by few, but decisive strokes, is the talent of a master; and it will not be easy to produce a superior to GOLDSIT1rII in this respect. The mind is never-in doubt as 4* 42 ON THE POETRY to the meaning of his figures, nor does it languish over the survey of trivial and unappropriated circumstances. All is alive - all is filled - yet all is clear. The proper combination of objects refers to the impression they are calculated to make on the mind; and requires that they should harmonize, and reciprocally enforce and sustain each other's effect. They should unite in giving one leading tone to the imagination; and without a sameness of form, they should blend in an uniformity of hue. This, too, has very successfully been attended to by GOLDSMITH, who has not only sketched his single figures with truth and spirit, but has combined them into the most harmonious and impressive groups. Nor has any descriptive poet better understood the great force of contrast, in setting off his scenes, and preventing any approach to wearisomeness by repetition of kindred objects. And, with great skill, he has contrived that both parts of his contrast should conspire in producing one intended moral effect. Of all these excellences, examples will be pointed out as we take a cursory view of the particular pieces. In addition to the circumstances already noted, the force and clearness of representation depend also on the diction. It has already been observed, that GOLDSMITH'S language is remarkable for its general simplicity, and the direct and proper use of words. It has ornaments, but these are not far-fetched. The epithets employed are usually qualities strictly belonging to the subject, and the true coloring of the simple figure They are frequently contrived to express a necessary circumstance in the description, and thus avoid the usual imputation of being expletive. Of this kind are'the rattling terrors of the vengeful snake;' indurated heart;''shed intolerable day;' matted woods;'' ventrous ploughshare;' equinoctial fervors.' OF DR. GOLDSMITH. 43 The examples are not few of that indisputable mark cf true poetic language, where a single word conveys an image; as in these instances:'resignation gently slopes the way;''scoops out an empire;''the vessel, idly waiting, flaps with every gale;'' to winnow fragrance;''murmurs fluctuate in the gale.' All metaphor, indeed, does this in some degree; but where the accessory idea is either indistinct or incongrulous, as frequently happens when it is introduced as an artifice to force language up to poetry, the effect is only a gaudy obscurity. The end and purpose to which description is directed is what distinguishes a Jell-planned piece from a loose effusion; for though a vivid representation of striking objects will ever afford some pleasure, yet if aim and design be wanting, to give it a basis, and stamp it with the dignity of meaning, it will in a long performance prove flat and tiresome. But this is a want which cannot be charged on GOLDSMITH; for both the Traveller and the Deserted Village have a great moral in view, to which the whole of the description is made to tend. I do not now inquire into the legitimacy of the conclusions he has drawn from his premises; it is enough to justify his plans, that such a purpose'is included in them. The vers.fication of GO IDSMITII is formed on the general model that has been adopted since the refinement of English poetry, and especially since the time of Pope. To manage rhyme couplets so as to produce a pleasing effect on the ear, has since tl-at period been so common an attainment, that it merits no particular admiration. GOLDSMITH may, I thiink, be said to have come up to the usual standard of proficiency in this respect, without ha-ving much surpassed it. A musical ear, and a familiarity with the best examples, have enabled him, without much apparent study, almost always to avcid 44 ON THE POETRY defect, and very often to produce excellence. It is no censure of this poet to say that his versification presses less on the at. tention than his matter. In fact he has none of those peculiarities of versifying, whether improvements or not, that some who aim at distinction in this point have adopted. IHe generally suspends or closes the sense at the end of the line or of the couplet; and therefore does not often give examples of that greater compass and variety of melody which is obtained by longer clauses, or by breaking the coincidences of the cadence of sound and meaning. He also studiously rejects triplets and alexandrines. But allowing for the want of these sources of variety, he has sufficiently avoided monotony; and in the usual flow of his measure, he has gratified the ear with as much change, as judiciously shifting the line-pause can produce. Having made these general observations on the nature of GOLDSMITH'S poetry, I proceed to a survey of his principal pieces. The Traveller, or Prospect of Society, was first sketched out by the author during a tour in Europe, great part of which he performed on foot, and in circumstances which afforded him the fullest means of becoming acquainted with the most numerous class in society, peculiarly termed the people. The date of the first edition is 1765. It begins in the gloomy mood natural to genius in distress, when wandering alone,'Remote. unfriended, melancholy, slow.' After an affectionate and regretful glance to the peaceful seat of fraternal kindness, and some expressions of self-pity, the Poet sits down amid Alpine solitudes to spend a pensive hour in meditating on the state of mankind. He finds that L. OF DR. GOLDSMITH. 45 the natives of every land regard their own with preference; whence he is led to this proposition, - that if we impartially compare the advantages belonging to different countries, we shall conclude that an equal portion of good is dealt to all the human race. He farther supposes, that every nation, having in view one peculiar species of happiness, models life to that alone; whence this favorite kind, pushed to an extreme, becomes a source of peculiar evils. To exemplify this by instances, is the business of the subsequent descriptive part of the piece. Italy is the first country that comes under review. Its general landscape is painted by a few characteristic strokes, and the felicity of its climate is displayed in appropriate imagery. The revival of arts and commerce in Italy, and their subsequent decline, are next touched upon; and hence is derived the present disposition of the people — easily pleased with splendid trifles, the wrecks of their former grandeur; and sunk into an enfeebled moral and intellectual character, reducing them to the level of children. From these he turns with a sort of disdain, to view a nobler race, hardened by a rigorous climate, and by the necessity of unabating toil. These are the Swiss, who find, in the equality of their condition, and their ignorance of other modes of life, a source of content which remedies the natural evils of their lot. There cannot be a more delightful picture than the poet has drawn of the Swiss peasant, going forth to his mornino's labor, and returning at night to the bosom of domestic happiness. It sufficiently accounts for that patriotpassion for which they have ever been so celebrated, and which is here described in lines that reach the heart, and is illustrated by a beautiful simile. But this state of life has also its 46 ON THE POETRY disadvantages. The sources of enjoyment being few, a vacant listlessness is apt to creep upon the breast; and if nature urges to throw this off by occasional bursts of pleasure, no stimulus can reach the purpose but gross sensual debauch, Their morals, too, like their enjoyments, are of a coarse texture. Some sterner virtues hold high dominion in their breast, but all the gentler and more refined qualities of the heart, which soften'and sweeten life, are exiled to milder climates. To the more genial climate of France the traveller next repairs, and in a very pleasing rural picture he introduces himself in the capacity of musician to a village party of dancers beside the murmuring Loire. The leading feature of this nation he represents as being the love of praise; which passion, while it inspires sentiments of honor, and a desire of pleasing, also aff'ords a free course to folly, and nourishes vanity and ostentation. The soul, accustomed to depend for its happiness on foreign applause, shifts its principles with the change of fashion. and is a stranger to the value of self-approbation. The strong contrast to this national character is sought in Iollarnd; a most graphllical description of the scenery presented by that singular country introduces the moral portrait of the people. From the necessity of unceasing labor, induced by their p)eculiar circumnstances, a habit of industry has been formled, of which the natural consequence is a love of gain. The possession of exuberant wealth has given rise to the arts and conveniences of life; but at the same time has introduced a crafty, cold, and mercenary temper, which sets everything, even liberty itself, at a price. IHow different, exclaims OF DR1. GOLDSMlrTH. 47 the pet, from their Belgiaan acestors 1 how different from the present race of Britain! To Britain, then, he turns, and begins with a slight sketch of the country, in which, he says, the mildest charms of creation are combined. (''Ex ctreimes arc only in the master's mind) iHe then draws a vTry striking picture of a stern, thoughtful independent freeman, a creature of reason, unfashioned by tht Jii icolmmon forms of life, and loose from all its ties; -and this he gives as tlhe representative of the English character. A society formed by such unyielding, self-dependent beings wil naturally be a scene of violent political contests, and ever in a ferment.witth party. And a still worse fate awaits it; for! the ties of nature, duty, and love, failing, the fictitious bonds of wealth and law must be employed to hold together such a reluctant association; whence the time.may come, that valor, learning, and patriotism, may all lie levelled in one sink of avarice. These are the ills of freedom; but the Poet, who would only repress to secure, goes on to deliver his ideas of the cause of such mischiefs, which he seems to place in the usurpations of aristocratical upon regal authority; and with reat energy he expresses his indignation at the oppressions the poor suffer from their petty tyrants. This leads him to a kind of anticipation of the subject of his' Deserted Village,' whlere, laying aside the politician,;and resuming the poet, he describes, by a few highly pathetic touches, the depopulated fields, the ruined village, and the poor, forlorn inhabitants, dri-en from their beloved home, and exposed to all the perils of the transatlantic wilderness. It is by no means my intention to enter into a discussion of GOLDSMITH'S political 48 ON THE POETRY opinions, which bear evident marks of confused notions and a heated imagination. I shall confine myself to a remark upon the Engrlish national character, which will apply to him in common with various other writers, native and foreign. This country has long been in the possession of more trnrestrained freedom of thinking and acting than any other perhaps that ever existed; a consequence of which has been, that all those peculiarities of character, which in other nations remain concealed in the general mass, have here stood forth prominent and conspicuous; and these being from their nature calculated to draw attention, have by superficial observers been mistaken for the general character of the people. This has been particularly the case with political distinction. From the publicity of all proceedings in the legislative part of our constitution and the independence with which many act, all party difterences are strongly marked, and public men take their side with openness and confidence. Public topics, too, are discussed by all ranks; and whatever seeds there are in any part of the society of spirit and activity, have full opportunity of germinating. But to imagine that these busy and highspirited characters compose a majority of the community, or perhaps a much greater proportion than in other countries, is a delusion. This nation, as a body, is, like all others, characterized by circumstances of its situation; and a rich commercial people, long trained to society, inhabiting a climate where many things are necessary to the comfort of life, and under a government abounding with splendid distinctions, cannot possibly be a knot of philosophers and patriots. To return from this digression. Though it is probable that few of GOLDSMIITsI'S readers will be convinced, even from the instances he has himself produced, that the happiness of OF DR. GOLDS3MITH. 49 mankind is everywhere equal; yet all will feel the force of the truly philosophical sentiment which concludes the piecethat man's chief bliss is ever seated in his mind; and that but a small part of real felicity consists in what human governments can either bestow or withhold. The Deserted Village, first printed in 1769, is the companion-piece of the Traveller, formed, like it, upon a plan which unites description with sentiment, and employs both in inculcating a political moral. It is a view of the prosperous and ruined state of a country village, with reflections on the causes of both. Such it may be defined in prose; but the disposition, management, and coloring of the piece, are all calculated for poetical effect. It begins with a delightful picture of Auburn when inhabited by a happy people. The view of the village itself, and the rural occupations and pastimes of its simpie natives, is in the best style of painting, by a selection of characteristic circumstances. Is is immediately contrasted by a similar bold sketch of its ruined and desolated condition. Then succeeds an imaginary state of England, in a kind of golden age of equality; with its contrast likewise. The apostlophe that follows, the personal complaint of the poet, and the portrait of a sage in retirement, are sweetly sentimental touches, that break the continuity of description. I-e returns to Auburn, and having premised another masterly sketch of its two states, in which the images are chiefly drawn from sounds, he proceeds to what may be called the interior history of the village. In his first figure he has tried his strength with Dryden. The parish priest of that great poet, improved from Chaucer, is a portrait full of beauty, but drawn in a loose, unequal manner, with the flowing vein of digressive thought and imagery that stamps his style. The 5 50 ON THE POETRY subject of the draught, too, is considerably difflerent from tha, of GOLDSMITH, having, more of the ascetic and mortified cast. in conformity to the saintly model of the Roman Catholic priesthood. The pastor of Auburn is more human, but is not on that account a less venerable and interesting figure; thougrh I know not whether all will be pleased with his familiarity with vicious characters, which goes beyond the purpose of mere reformation. The description of him in his pro~fessional character is truly admirable; and the similes of the bird instructing his young to fly, and the tall cliff rising above the storm, have been universally applauded. The first, I believe, is original; - the second is not so, though it has probably never been so well drawn and applied. The subsequent sketches of the village schoolmaster and alehouse, are clcse imitations of nature in low life, like the pictures of Teniers an(l Hofgarth. Yet even these humorous scenes slide imperceptibly into sentiment and pathos; and the comparison of the simple pleasures of the poor, with the splendid festivities of the opulent, rises to the highest style of moral poetry. Who has not felt the force of that reflection,'The heart distrusting asks, if this be joy?' The writer then falls into a strain of reasoning against luxury and superfluous wealth, in which the sober inquirer will find much serious truth, though mixed with poetical exaggeration. The description of the contrasted scenes of magnificence and misery in a great metropolis, closed by the pathetic figure of the forlorn, ruined female, is not to be surpassed. Were not the subjects of GOLDSMITH'S description so skilfully varied, the uniformity of manner, consisting in an enumeration of single circumstances, generally depicted in OF DR. GOLDSMITH. 51 single lines, might tire; but, where is the reader who can avoid being hurried along by the swift current of imagery, when to such a passage as the last succeeds a landscape fraught with all the sublime terrors of the torrid zone; -and then, an exquisitely tender history-piece of the departure of the villagers: concluded with a group (slightly touched indeed) of allegorical personages? A noble address to the Genius of Poetry, in which is compressed the moral of the whole, gives a dignified finishing to the work. If we compare these two principal poems of GOLDSMITH, we may say, that the' Traveller' is formed upon a more regular plan, -has a higher purpose in view, more abounds in thought, and in the expression of moral and philosophical ideas; the' Deserted Village' has more imagery, more variety, more pathos, more of the peculiar character of poetry. In the first, the moral and natural descriptions are more general and elevated; in the second, they are more particular and interesting. Both are truly original productions; but the'Deserted Village' has less peculiarity, and indeed has given rise to imitations which may stand in some parallel with it; while the' Traveller' remains an unique. With regard to GOLDSMITrH'S other poems, a few remarks will suffice. The' Hermit,' printed in the same year with the'Traveller,' has been a very popular piece, as might be expected of a tender tale prettily told. It is called a' Ballad,' but I think with no correct application of that term, which properly means a story related in language either naturally or affectedly rude and simple. It has been a sort of a fashion to admire these productions; yet in the really ancient ballads, for one stroke of beauty, there are pages of insipidity and vulgarity; and the imitations have been pleasing in pro 52 ON DR. GOLDSMITHS POETRY. portion as they approached more finished compositions. In GOLDSMITH'S' Hermit,' the language is always polished, and often ornamented. The best things in it are some neat turns of moral and pathetic sentiment, given with a simple conciseness that fits them for being retained in the memory. As to the story, it has little fancy or contrivance to recommend it. We have already seen that GOLDSMITH possessed humor; and, exclusively of his comedies, pieces professedly humorous form a part of his poetical remains. His imitations of Swift are happy, but they are imitations. His tale of the' Double Transformation' may vie with those of Prior. His own natural vein of easy humor flows freely in his'Haunch of Venison' and' Retaliation;' the first, an admirable specimen of a very ludicrous story made out of a common incident by the help of conversation and character; the other, an original thought, in which his talent at drawing portraits, with a mixture of the serious and the comic, is most haplily displayed. .9 s0 a o a VERSES ON THE DEATH OF DR. GOLDSMITH. EXTRACT FROM A POEM WRITTEN BY COURTNEY MELMOTH, ESQ, ON THE DEATH OF EMINENT ENGLISH POETS. THE TEARS OF GENIUS. THE village bell tolls out the note of death, And through the echoing air the length'ning sound, With dreadful pause, reverberating deep, Spreads the sad tidings o'er fair Auburn's vale. There, to enjoy the scenes her bard had praised In all the sweet simplicity of song, GENIUS, in pilgrim garb, sequester'd sat, And herded jocund with the harmless swains; But when she heard the fate-foreboding knell, With startled step, precipitate and swift, And look pathetic, full of dire presage, The church-way walk beside the neigb'ring green, Sorrowing she sought; and there, in black array, Borne on the shoulders of the swains he loved, She saw the boast of Auburn moved along. 5 6 COMMENDATORY VERSES. Touch'd at the view, her pensive breast she struck, And to the cypress, which incumbent hangs, With leaning slope and branch irregular, O'er the moss'd pillars of the sacred fane, The brier-bound graves shadowing with funeral gloom, Forlorn she hied; and there the crowding wo (Swell'd by the parent) press'd on bleeding thought, Big ran the drops from her maternal eye, Fast broke the bosom-sorrow from her heart,. And pale Distress sat sickly on her cheek, As thus her plaintive Elegy began: —'And must my children all expire? Shall none be left to strike the lyre? Courts Death alone a learned prize? Falls his shafts only on the wise? Can no fit marks on earth be found, From useless thousands swarming round? What crowding ciphers cram the land. What hosts of victims, at command! Yet shall the ingenious drop alone? Shall Science grace the tyrant's throne? Thou murd'rer of the tuneful train, I charge thee with my children slain! Scarce has the sun thrice urged his annual tour, Since half my race have felt thy barbarous power; Sore hast thou tthinn'd each pleasing art, And struck a muse with every dart; Bard after bard obey'd thy slaughtering call, Till scarce a poet lives to sing a brother's fall. Then let a widowr'd mother pay The triblte of a paltin lay; COMMENDATORY VERSES. 57 Tearful, inscribe the monumental strain, And speak aloud her feelings and her pain!' And first, farewell to thee, my son,' she cried,'Thou pride of Auburn's dale - sweet bard, farewell! Long for thy sake the peasant's tear shall flow, And many a virgin bosom heave with woe; For thee shall sorrow sadden all the scene, And every pastime perish on the green; The sturdy farmer shall suspend his tale, The woodman's ballad shall no more regale, No more shall Mirth each rustic sport inspire, But every frolic, every feat, shall tire. No more the evening gambol shall delight, Nor moonshine-revels crown the vacant night; But groups of villagers (each joy forgot) Shall form a sad assembly round the cot. Sweet bard, farewell! - and farewell, Auburn's bliss, The bashful lover, and the yielded kiss: The evening warble Philomela made, The echoing forest, and the whispering shade, The winding brook, the bleat of brute content, And the blithe voice that " whistled as it went:" These shall no longer charm the ploughman's care, But sighs shall fill the pauses of despair.'GOLDSMITH, adieu; the " book-learn'd priest" for thee Shall now in vain possess his festive glee, The oft-heard jest in vain he shall reveal, For now, alas! the jest he cannot feel. But ruddy damsels o'er thy tomb shall bend, And conscious weep for their and virtue's friend; 58 COMMENDATORY VERSES. The milkmaid shall reject the shepherd's song, And cease to carol as she toils along: All Auburn shall bewail the fatal day, WVhen from her fields their pride was snatch'd away. And even the matron of the cressy lake, In piteous plight, her palsied head shall shake, While all adown the furrows of her face Slow shall the lingering tears each other trace.' And, oh, my child! severer woes remain To all the houseless and unshelter'd train! Thy fate shall sadden many an humble guest, And heap fresh anguish on the beggar's breast; For dear wert thou to all the sons of pain, To all that wander, sorrow or complain: Dear to the learned, to the simple dear, For daily blessing mark'd thy virtuous year; The rich received a moral from thy head, And from thy heart the stranger found a bed: Distress came always smiling from thy door; For God had made thee agent to the poor, Had form'd thy feelings on the noblest plan, To grace at once the poet and the man.' EXTRACT FROM A MONODY. DARK as the night, which now in dunnest robe Ascends her zenith o'er the silent globe, Sad Melancholy wakes, a while to tread, COMMENDATORY VERSES. 59 With solemn step, the mansions of the dead: Led by her hand, o'er this yet recent shrine I sorrowing bend; and here essay to twine The tributary wreath of laureat bloom, With artless hands, to deck a poet's tomb, - The tomb where Goldsmith sleeps. Fond hopes, adieu I No more your airy dreams shall mock my view; Here will I learn ambition to control, And each aspiring passion of the soul: E'en now, rethinks, his well-known voice I hear, When late he meditated flight from care, When, as imagination fondly hied To scenes of sweet retirement, thus he cried: —'Ye splendid fabrics, palaces, and towers, Where dissipation leads the giddy hours, Where pomp, disease, and knavery reside, And folly bends the knee to wealthy pride; Where luxury's purveyors learn to rise, And worth, to want a prey, unfriended dies; Where warbling eunuchs glitter in brocade, And hapless poets toil for scanty bread: Farewell! to other scenes I turn my eyes, Embosom'd in the vale where Auburn lies Deserted Auburn, those now ruin'd glades, Forlorn, yet ever dear and honor'd shades, There, though the hamlet boasts no smiling train, Nor sportful pastime circling on the plain, No needy villains prowl around for prey, No slanderers, no sycophants betray; No gaudy foplings scornfully deride The swain, whose humble pipe is all his pride, — 60 COMMENDATORY VERSES. There will I fly to seek that soft repose, Which solitude contemplative bestows. Yet, oh, fond hope! perchance there still remains One lingering friend behind, to bless the plains; Some hermit of the dale, enshrined in ease, Long lost companion of my youthful days; With whose sweet converse in his social bower, I oft may chide away somte vacant hour; To whose pure sympathy I may impart Each latent grief that labors at my heart, Whate'er I felt, and what I saw, relate, The shoals of luxury, the wrecks of state, — Those busy scenes, where science wakes in vain, In which I shared, ah! ne'er to share again. But whence that pang? does nature now rebel? Why falters out my tongue the word farewell? Ye friends! who long have witness'd to my toil, And seen me ploughing in a thankless soil, Whose partial tenderness hush'd every pain, Whose approbation made my bosom vain,'Tis you to whom my soul divided hies With fond regret, and half unwilling flies; Sighs forth her parting wishes to the wind, And lingering leaves her better half behind. Can I forget the intercourse I shared, What friendship cherish'd, and what zeal endear'd? Alas! remembrance still must turn to you, And, to my latest hour, protract the long adieu. Amid the woodlands, wheresoe'er I rove, The plain, or secret covert of the grove, Imagination shall supply her store L _ II COMMENDATORY VERSES. 61 Of painful bliss, and what she can restore; Shall strew each lonely path with flow'rets gay, And wide as is her boundless empire stray; On eagle pinions traverse earth and skies, And bid the lost and distant objects rise. Here, where encircled o'er the sloping land Woods rise on woods, shall Aristotle stand; Lyceum round the godlike man rejoice, And bow with reverence to wisdom's voice. There, spreading oaks shall arch the vaulted dome, The champion, there, of liberty and Rome, In Attic eloquence shall thunder laws, And uncorrupted senates shout applause. Not more ecstatic visions rapt the soul Of Numa, when to midnight grots he stole, And learnt his lore, from virtue's mouth refined, To fetter vice, and harmonize mankind. Now stretch'd at ease beside some fav'rite stream Of beauty and enchantment will I dream; Elysium, seats of arts, and laurels won, The Graces three, and Japhet's* fabled son; Whilst Angelo shall wave the mystic rod, And see a new creation wait his nod; Prescribe his bounds to Time's remorseless power, And to my arms my absent friends restore; Place me amidst the group, each well known face, The sons of science, lords of human race; And as oblivion sinks at his command, Nature shall rise more finish'd from his hand. * Prometheus 6 62 COMMENDA TORY VERSES. Thus some magician, fraught with potent skill, Transforms and moulds each varied mass at will; Calls animated forms of wondrous birth, Cadmean offspring, from the teeming earth, Unceres the ponderous tombs, the realms of night, And calls their cold inhabitants to light; Or, as he traverses a dreary scene, Bids every sweet of nature there convene, Huge mountains skirted round with wavy woods, The shrub-deck'd lawns, and silver-sprinkled floods, Whilst flow'rets spring around the smiling land, And follow on the traces of his wand.' Such prospects, lovely Auburn! then, be thine, And what thou canst of bliss impart be mine; Amid thy humble shades, in tranquil ease, Grant me to pass the remnant of my days. Unfetter'd from the toil of wretched gain, My raptured muse shall pour her noblest strain, Within her native bowers the notes prolong, And, grateful, meditate her latest song. Thus, as adown the slope of life I bend, And move, resign'd, to meet my latter end, Each worldly wish, each worldly care repress'd, A self-approving heart alone possess'd, Content, to bounteous I-eaven I'11 leave the rest.' Thus spoke the Bard: but not one friendly power With nod assentive crown'd the parting hour; No eastern meteor glared beneath the sky, No dextral omen: Nature heaved a sigh Prophetic of the dire, impending blow, The presage of her loss, and Britain's woe. COMMENDATORY VERSES. 63 Already portion'd, unrelenting fate Had made a pause upon the number'd date; Behind stood Death, too horrible for sight, In darkness clad, expectant, pruned for flight; Pleased at the word, the shapeless monster sped, On eager message to the humble shed, Where, wrapt by soft poetic visions round, Sweet slumbering, Fancy's darling son he found. At his approach the silken pinion'd train, Affrighted, mount aloft, and quit the brain, Which late they fann'd. Now other scenes than dales Of woody pride, succeed, or flowery vales: As when a sudden tempest veils the sky, Before serene, and streaming lightnings fly, The prospect shifts, and pitchy volumes roll Along the drear expanse, from pole to pole; Terrific horrors all the void invest, Whilst the arch spectre issues forth confest. The Bard beholds him beckon to the tomb Of yawning night, eternity's dread womb; In vain attempts to fly, th' impassive air Retards his steps, and yields him to despair; He feels a gripe that thrills through every vein, And panting struggles in the fatal chain. Here paused the fell destroyer, to survey The pride, the boast of man, his destined prey; Prepared to strike, he pois'd aloft the dart, And plunged the steel in Virtue's bleeding heart; Abhorrent, back the springs of life rebound, And leave on Nature's face a ghastly wound, A wound enroll'd among Britannia's woes, 64 COMMENDATORY VERSES. That ages yet to follow cannot close. 0 Goldsmith! how shall Sorrow now essay To murmur out her slow, incondite lay? In what sad accents mourn the luckless hour, That yielded thee to unrelenting power; Thee, the proud boast of all the tuneful train That sweep the lyre, or swell the polish'd strain? Much-honored Bard! if my untutor'd verse Could pay a tribute worthy of thy hearse, With fearless hands I'd build the fane of praise, And boldly strew the never-fading bays. But, ah! with thee my guardian genius fled, And pillow'd in thy tomb his silent head: Pain'd Memory alone behind remains, And pensive stalks the solitary plains, Rich in her sorrows; honors without art She pays in tears redundant from the heart. And say, what boots it o'er thy hallow'd dust To heap. the graven pile, or laurell'd bust; Since by thy hands already raised on high, We see a fabric tow'ring to the sky; Where, hand in hand with Time, the sacred lore Shall travel on, till Nature is no more? LINES BY W. WOTTY. ADIEU, sweet Bard! to each fine feeling true, Thy virtues many, and thy foibles few, - COIMMIENDATORY VERSES. 65 Thos;e form'd to charm e'en vicious minds, and these WVith harmless mirth the social soul to please. Another's woe thy heart could always melt; None gave more free, for none more deeply felt. Sweet Bard, adieu! thy own harmonious lays IIave sculptured out thy monument of praise: Yes, these survive to Time's remotest day; While drops the bust, and boastful tombs decay. Reader, if number'd in the Muse's train, Go, tune the lyre, and imitate his strain; But, if no poet thou, reverse the plan, Depart in peace, and imitate the man. T IlE TRAVELLER; OR, A PROSPECT OF SOCIETY DEDICATION. TO THE REV. HENRY GOLDSMITH. DEAR SIR,-I am sensible that the friendship between us can acquire no new force from the ceremonies of a dedication; and perhaps it demands an excuse thus to prefix your name to my attempts, which you decline giving with your own. But as a part of this poem was formerly written to you from Switzerland, the whole can now, with propriety, be only inscribed to you. It will also throw a light upon many parts of it, when the reader understands, that it is addressed to a man who, despising fame and fortune, has retired early to happiness and obscurity, with an income of forty pounds a-year. I now perceive, my dear brother, the wisdom of your humble choice. You have entered upon a sacred office, where the harvest is great, and the laborers are but few; while you have left the field of ambition, where the laborers are many and the harvest not worth carrying away. But of all kinds of ambition - what from the refinement of the times, from THE TRAVELLER. 67 different systems of criticism, and from the divisions of party — that which pursues poetical fame is the wildest. Poetry makes a principal amusement among unpolished nations; but in a country verging to the extremes of refinement, painting and music come in for a share. As these offer the feeble mind a less laborious entertainment, they at first rival poetry, and at length supplant her; they engross all that favor once shown to her, and though but younger sisters, seize uron the elder's birthright. Yet, however this art may be neglected by the powerful, it is still in greater danger from the mistaken efforts of the learned to improve it. What criticisms have we not heard of late in favor of blank verse and Pindaric odes, choruses, anapests and iambics, alliterative care and happy negligence! Every absurdity has now a champion to defend it; and as he is generally much in the wrong, so he has always much to say; for error is ever talkative. But there is an enemy to this art still more dangerous, - I mean party. Party entirely distorts the jludment, and destroys the taste. When the mind is once infected with this disease, it can only find pleasure in what contributes to increase the distemper. Like the tiger, that seldom desists from pursuing man after having once preyed upon human flesh, the reader, who has once gratified his appetite with calumny, makes ever after the most agreeable feast upon murdered reputation. Such readers generally admire some halfwitted thing, who wants to be thought a bold man, having lost the character of a wise one. Him they dignify with the name of poet: his tawdry lampoons are called satires; his turbulence is said to be force, and his frenzy fire. What reception a poem may find, which has neither abuse, 68 THE TRAVELLER. party, nor blank verse to support it, I cannot tell, nor am I solicitous to know. My aims are right. Without espousing the cause of any party, I have attempted to moderate the rage of all. I have endeavored to shew that there may be equal happiness in states that are differently governed from our own; that every state has a particular principle of happiness, and that this principle in each may be carried to a mischievous excess. There are few can judge better than yourself how far these positions are illustrated in this poem. I am, dear Sir, your most affectionate brother, OLIVER GOLDSMITH. THE TRAVELLER. REMOTE, unfriended, melancholy, slow, Or by the lazy Sheld, or wandering Po, Or onward, where the rude Carinthian boor Against the houseless stranger shuts the door; Or where Campania's plain forsaken lies, A weary waste expanding to the skies: mThere'er I roam, whatever realms to see, My heart untravell'd fondly turns to thee; Still to my brother turns, with ceaseless pain, And drags at each remove a lengthening chain. Eternal blessings crown my earliest friend, And round his dwelling guardian saints attend! Blest be that spot, where cheerful guests retire To pause from toil, and trim their evening fire! Blest that abode, where want and pain repair, And every stranger finds a ready chair! Blest be those feasts with simple plenty crown'd, Where all the ruddy family around Laugh at the jests or pranks that never fail, Or sigh with pity at some mournful tale; Or press the bashful stranger to his food, And learn the luxury of doing good! 70 THE TRAVELLER. But me, not destined such delights to share, BMy prime of life in wandering spent, and care; Impell'd, with steps unceasing, to pursue Some fleeting good, that mocks me with the view, That like the circle bounding earth and skies, Allures from far, yet, as I follow, flies: ily fortune leads to traverse realms alone, And find no spot of all the world my own. E'en now, where Alpine solitudes ascend, I sit me down a pensive hour to spend; And, placed on high above the storm's career, Look downward where a hundred realms appear: Lakes, forests, cities, plains extending wide, The pomp of kings, the shepherd's humbler pride. When thus Creation's charms around combine, Amidst the store should thankless pride repine? Say, should the philosophic mind disdain That good which makes each humbler bosom vain? Let school-taught pride dissemble all it can, These little thllings are great to little man; And wiser he, whose symlpathetic mind Exults in all the good of all mankind. Ye glittering towns, with wealth and splendor crown'd; Ye fieldls, where summer spreads profusion round; Ye lakes, whose vessels catch the busy gale; Ye bending swains, that dress the flowery vale; For me your tributary stores combine, Creation's heir, the world - the world is mine! As some lone miser, visiting his store, Bends at his treasure, counts, recounts it o'er, Hoards after hoards his rising raptures fill, THE TRAVELLER 71 Yet still he sighs, for hoards are wanting still. Thus to my breast alternate passions rise, Pleased with each good that Heaven to man supplies; Yet oft a sigh prevails, and sorrows fall, To see the sum of human bliss so small: And oft I wish, amidst the scene to find Some spot to real happiness consign'd, Where my worn soul, each wandering hope at rest, May gather bliss to see my fellows blest. But where to find that happiest spot below Who can direct, when all pretend to know? The shuddering tenant of the frigid zone Boldly proclaims that happiest spot his own; Extols the treasures of his stormy seas, And his long nights of revelry and ease: The naked negro, panting at the Line, Boasts of his golden sands and palmy wine, Basks in the glare, or stems the tepid wave, And thanks his gods for all the good they gave. Such is the patriot's boast where'er we roam, His first, best country, ever is at home. And yet, perhaps, if countries we compare, And estimate the blessings which they share, Though patriots flatter, still shall wisdom find An equal portion dealt to all mankind; As different good, by art or nature given, To different nations makes their blessings even. Nature, a mother kind alike to all, Still grants her bliss at labor's earnest call; With food as well the peasant is supplied On Idra's cliffs as Arno's shelvy side; 72 THE TRAVELLER. And though the rocky-crested summits frown, These rocks by custom turn to beds of down. From art more various are the blessings sent,Wealth, commerce, honor, liberty, content. Yet these each other's power so strong contest, That either seems destructive of the rest. Where wealth and freedom reign, contentment fails, And honor sinks, where commerce long prevails. Hence every state, to one loved blessing prone, Conforms and models life to that alone. Each to the favorite happiness attends, And spurns the plan that aims at other ends, Till carried to excess in each domain, This Favorite good begets peculiar pain. But let us try these truths with closer eyes, And trace them through the prospect as it lies; Here, for a while, my proper cares resign'd, Here let me sit in sorrow for mankind; Like yon neglected shrub at random cast, That shades the steep, and sighs at every blast. Far to the right, where Apennine ascends, Bright as the summer, Italy extends; Its uplands sloping deck the mountain's side, Woods over woods in gay theatric pride, While oft some temple's mouldering tops between, With venerable grandeur mark the scene. Could Nature's bounty satisfy the breast, Trhe sons of Italy were surely blest: Whatever fruits in different climes are found, That proudly rise, or humbly court the ground; Whatever blooms in torrid tracts appear, THE TRAVELLER. 73 Whose bright succession decks the varied year; Whatever sweets salute the northern sky With vernal lives, that blossom but to die; These here disporting own the kindred soil, Nor ask luxuriance from the planter's toil; While sea-born gales their gelid wings expand, To winnow fragrance round the smiling land. But small the bliss that sense alone bestows, And sensual bliss is all this nation knows. In florid beauty groves and fields appear, Blan seems the only growth that dwindles here. Contrasted faults through all his manners reign: Though poor, luxurious; though submissive, vain; Though grave, yet trifling; zealous, yet untrue! And e'en in penance planning sins anew. All evils here contaminate the mind, That opulence departed leaves behind: For wealth was theirs; not far removed the date, When commerce proudly flourish'd through the state; At her command the palace learn'd to rise, Again the long fall'n column sought the skies; The canvas glow'd beyond e'en nature warm, The pregnant quarry teem'd with human form: Till, more unsteady than the southern gale, Commerce on other shores display'd her sail; While nought remain'd, of all that riches gave, But towns unmann'd, and lords without a slave: And late the nation found, with fruitless skill, Its former strength was but plethoric ill. Yet, still the loss of wealth is here supplied By arts, the splendid wrecks of former pride; 7 74 THE TRAVELLER. From these the feeble heart and long-fall'n mind An easy compensation seem to find. Here may be seen in bloodless pomp array'd, The pasteboard triumph and the cavalcade; Processions form'd for piety and love, A mistress or a saint in every grove. By sports like these are all their cares beguil'd; The sports of children satisfy the child: Each nobler aim repress'd by long control, SNow sinks at last, or feebly ians the soul; mWhile low delights succeeding fast behind, In happier meanness occupy the mind; As in those dooms where Cxsars once bore sway, Defaced by time, and tottering in decay, There in the ruin, heedless of the dead, The shelter-seeking peasant builds his shed; And, wondering man could want the larger pile, Exults, and owns his cottage with a smile. My soul, turn from them! turn we to survey Where rougher climes a nobler race display, Where the bleak Swiss their stormy mansion tread And force a churlish soil for scanty bread: No product here the barren hills afford, BBut man and steel, the soldier and his sword; INo vernal blooms their torpid rocks array, But winter lingering chills the lap of May; No zephyr fondly sues the mountain's breast, But meteors glare, and stormy glooms invest. Yet still, even here, content can spread a charm, Redress the clime, and all its rage disarm. Though poor the peasant's hut, his feast though small, THE TRAVELLER. 75 He sees his little lot the lot of all; —Sees no contiguous palace rear its head, To shame the meanness of his humble shed; No costly lord the sumptuous banquet deal To make him loathe his vegetable meal; But calm, and bred in ignorance and toil, Each wish contracting, fits him to the soil. Cheerful, at morn, he wakes from short repose, Breathes the keen air, and carols as he goes; With patient angle trolls the finny deep, Or drives his vent'rous ploughshare to the steep; Or seeks the den where snow-tracks mark the way, And drags the struggling savage into day. At night returning, every labor sped, He sits him down the monarch of a shed; Smiles by a cheerful fire, and round surveys His children's looks that brighten to the blaze, While his loved partner, boastful of her hoard, Displays her cleanly platter on the board; And haply too some pilgrim, thither led, With many a tale repays the nightly bed. Thus every good his native wilds impart, Imprints the patriot passion on his heart; And e'en those ills that round his mansion rise, Enhance the bliss his scanty fund supplies. Dear is that shed to which his soul conforms, And dear that hill that lifts him to the storms; And as a child, when scaring sounds molest, Clings close and closer to the mother's breast, So the loud torrent, and the whirlwind's roar, But bind him to his native mountains more. 76 THE TRAVELLER. Such are the charms to barren states assign'd: Their wants but few, their wishes all confined; Yet let them only share the praises due,If few their wants, their pleasures are but few; For every want that stimulates the breast, Becomes a source of pleasure when redrest. Hence from such lands each pleasing science flies,, That first excites desire, and then supplies; Unknown to them, when sensual pleasures cloy, To fill the languid pause with finer joy; Unknown those powers that raise the soul to flame, Catch every nerve, and vibrate through the frame. Their level life is but a smouldering fire, Nor quench'd by want, nor fatnn'd by strong desire; Unfit for raptures, or, if raptures cheer On some high festival of once a-year, In wild excess the vulgar breast takes file, Till, buried in debauch, the bliss expire. But not their joys alone thus coarsely flow,Their morals, like their pleasures, are but low; For, as refinement stops, from sire to son Unalter'd, unimproved the manners run; And love's and friendship's finely pointed dart Fall blunted from each indurated heart. Some sterner virtues o'er the mountain's breast May sit like falcons cowering on the nest; But all the gentler morals,- such as play Through life's more cultured walks, and charm the way,These, far dispersed, on timorous pinions fly, To sport and flutter in a kinder sky. To kinder skies, where gentler manners reign, THE TRAVELLER. 77 I turn; and France displays her bright domain. Ga5y sprightly land of mirth and social ease, Pleased with thlyself, whom all the world can please, [Iow often have I led thy sportive choir, With tuneless pipe beside the murmuring Loire! Where shading elms along the margin grew, And freshen'd fiom the wave, the zephyr flew; And haply, though my harsh touch flatt'ring still, But mock'd all tune, and marr'd the dancer's skill; Yet would the village praise my wondrous power, And dance, forgetful of the noontide hour. Alike all ages: dames of ancient days Have led their children through the mirthful maze; And the gay grandsire, skill'd in gestic lore, Has frisk'd beneath the burden of threescore. So blest a life these thoughtless realms display; Thus idly busy rolls their world away: Theirs are those arts that mind to mind endear, For honor forms the social temper here: Honor, that praise which real merit gains, Or e'en imaginary worth obtains, Here passes current; paid from hand to hand, It shifts in splendid traffic round the land; From courts to camps, to cottages it strays, And all are taught an avarice of praise: They please, are pleased; they give to get esteem; Till, seeming blest, they grow to what they seem. But while this softer art their bliss supplies, It gives their follies also room to rise; For praise too dearly loved, or warmly sought, Enfeebles all internal strength of thought: 7* 78 THE TRAYELLER. And the weak soul, within itself unblest, Leans for all pleasure on another's breast. Hence Ostentation here, with tawdry art, Pants for the vulgar praise which fools impart; Here Vanity assumes her pert grimace, And trims her robes of frieze with copper lace; Here beggar Pride defrauds her daily cheer, To boast one splendid banquet once a-year: The mind still turns where shifting fashion draws, Nor weighs the solid worth of self-applause. To men of other minds my fancy flies, Embosom'd in the deep where Holland lies. Methinks her patient sons before me stand, Where the broad ocean leans against the land, And, sedulous to stop the coming tide, Lift the tall rampire's artificial pride. Onward, methinks, and diligently slow, The firm connected bulwark seems to grow, Spreads its long arms amidst the watery roar, Scoops out an empire, and usurps the shore; While the pent Ocean, rising o'er the pile, Sees an amphibious world beneath him smile; The slow canal, the yellow-blossom'd vale, The willow-tufted bank, the gliding sail, The crowded mart, the cultivated plain, A new creation rescued from his reign. Thus, while around the wave-subjected soil Impels the native to repeated toil, Industrious habits in each bosom reign, And industry begets a love of gain. Hence all the good from opulence that spring, THE TRAVELLER. 79 With all those ills superflous treasure brings, Are here display'd. Their much-loved wealth imparts Convenience, plenty, elegance, and arts; But view them closer, craft and fraud appear; Even liberty itself is barter'd here; At gold's superior charms all freedom flies, The needy sell it, and the rich man buys. A land of tyrants, and a den of slaves, Here wretches seek dishonorable graves, And, calmly bent, to servitude conform, Dull as their lakes that slumber in the storm. Heavens! how unlike their Belgic sires of old i Rough, poor, content, ungovernably bold, War in each breast, and freedom on each brow; How much unlike the sons of Britain now! Fired at the sound, my genius spreads her wing, And flies where Britain courts the western spring; Where lawns extend that scorn Arcadian pride, And brighter streams than famed Hydaspes glide. There all around the gentlest breezes stray, There gentle music melts on every spray; Creation's mildest charms are there combined, Extremes are only in the master's mind! Stern o'er each bosom Reason holds her state, With daring aims irregularly great, Pride in their port, defiance in their eye, I see the lords of human kind pass by; Intent on high designs, a thoughtful band, By forms unfashion'd, fresh from nature's hand, Fierce in their native hardiness of soul, True to imagined right above control, - 80 THE TRAVELLER. While e'en the peasant boasts these rights to scan, And learns to venerate himself as man. Thine, Freedom, thine the blessings pictured here, Thine are those charms that dazzle and endear! Too blest indeed were such without alloy; But, fostered e'en by Freedom, ills annoy; That independence Britons prize too high, Keeps man from man, and breaks the social tie; The self-dependent lordlings stand alone, All claims that bind and sweeten life unknown; Here, by the bonds of nature feebly held, Mlinds combat minds, repelling and repell'd; Ferments arise, imprison'd factions roar, Represt ambition struggles round her shore; Till, overwrought, the general system feels Its motion stop, or frenzy fire the wheels. Nor this the worst. As Nature's ties decay, As duty, love, and honor fail to sway, Fictitious bonds, the bonds of wealth and law, Still gather strength, and force unwilling awe. Hence all obedience bows to these alone, And talent sinks, and merit weeps unknown; Till time may come, when stript of all her charms, the land of scholars, and the nurse of arms, Where noble stems transmit the patriot flame, Where kings have toil'd, and poets wrote for fame, One sink of level avarice shall lie, And scholars, soldiers, kings, unhonor'd die. But think not, thus when Freedom's ills I state, I mean to flatter kings, or court the great: Ye powers of truth, that bid my soul aspire, THE TRAVELLER. 81 Far from my bosom drive the low desire! And thou, fair Freedom, taught alike to feel The rabble's rage, and tyrant's angry steel; Thou transitory flower, alike undone By proud contempt, or favor's fostering sun - Still may thy blooms the changeful climae endure! I only would repress them to secure: For just experience tells, in every soil, That those that think must govern those that toil; And all that Freedom's highest aims can reach, Is but to lay proportion'd loads on each. Hence, should one order disproportion'd grow, Its double weight must ruin all below. Oh, then, how blind to all that truth requires, Who think it freedom when a part aspires! Calm is my soul, nor apt to rise in arms, Except when fast approaching danger warms: But when contending chiefs blockade the throne, Contracting regal power to stretch their own; When I behold a factious band agree To call it freedom when themselves are free, Each wanton judge new penal statutes draw, Laws grind the poor, and rich men rule the law; The wealth of climes, where savage nations roam, Pillaged from slaves to purchase slaves at home,Fear, pity, justice, indignation, start, Tear off reserve, and bare my swelling heart; Till, half a patriot, half a coward grown, I fly from p5etty tyrants to the throne. Yes, brother, curse with me that baleful hour, When first ambition struck at regal power; 82 THE TRAVELLER. And thus, polluting honor in its source, Gave wealth to sway the mind with double force. Have we not seen, round Britain's peopled shore, Her useful sons exchanged for useless ore? Seen all her triumphs but destruction haste, Like flaring tapers brighteling as they waste? Seen Opulence, her grandeur to maintain, Lead stern Depopulation in her train, And over fields, where scatter'd hamlets rose, In barren, solitary pomp repose? I-Have we not seen, at Pleasure's lordly call, The smiling, long-frequented village fall? Belleld the duteous son, the sire decay'd, Tile modest matron, and the blushing maid, Forced from their homes, a melancholy train, To traverse climes beyond the western main, Where wild Oswego spreads her swamps around, And Niagara stuns with thundering sound? E'en now, perhaps, as there some pilgrim strays Through tangled forests, and through dangerous ways, Where beasts with man divided empire claim, And the brown Indian marks with murderous aim; There, while above the giddy tempest flies, And all around distressful yells arise, The pensive exile, bending with his woe,'To stop too fearful, and too faint to go, Casts a long look where England's glories shine, And bids his bosom sympathize With mine. Vain, very vain, my weary search to find That bliss which only centres in the mind: Why have I stray'd from pleasure and repose, THE TRAVELLER. 83 To seek a good each government bestows? In every government, though terrors reign, Though tyrant kings, or tyrant laws restrain, How small, of all that human hearts endure, That part which laws or kings can cause or cure? Still to ourselves in every place consign'd, kOur own felicity we make or find: With secret course which no loud storms annoy, Glides the smooth current of domestic joy. The lifted axe, the agonizing wheel, Luke's iron crown, and Damien's bed of steel, To men remote from power but rarely known, Leave reason, faith, and conscience, all our own. THE DESERTED VILLAGE. TO SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS. DEAR SIR.- I can have no expectations, in an address of this kind, either to add to your reputation, or to establish my own. You can gain nothing from my admiration, as I am ignorant of that art in which you are said to excel; and I may lose much by the severity of your judgment, as few have a juster taste in poetry than you. Setting interest, therefore, aside, to which I never paid much attention, I must be indulged at present in following my affections. The only dedication I ever made, was to my brother, because I loved him better than most other men. He is since dead. Permit me to inscribe this Poem to you. How far you may be pleased with the versification and mere mechanical parts of this attempt, I do not pretend to inquire: but I know you will object (and, indeed, several of our best and wisest friends concur in the opinion), that the depopulation it deplores is no where to be seen, and the disor(lers it laments are only to be found in the poet's own imagination. To this I can scarcely make any other answer, than that I sincerely believe what I have written; that I have taken all possible pains, in my country excursions, for these four or five years past, to be certain of what I allege; THE DESERTED VILLAGE. 85 and that all my views and inquiries have led me to believe those miseries real, which I here attempt to display. But this is not the place to enter into an inquiry whether the country be depopulating or not: the discussion would take up much room, and I should prove myself, at best, an indifferent politician, to tire the reader with a long preface, when I.want his unfatigued attention to a long poem. In regretting the depopulation of the country, I inveigh against the increase of our luxuries; and here also I expect the shout of modern politicians against me. For twenty or thirty years past, it has been the fashion to consider luxury as one of the greatest national. advantages; and all the wisdom of antiquity in that particular as erroneous. Still, however, I must remain a professed ancient on that head, and continue to think those luxuries prejudicial to states by which so many vices are introduced, and so many kingdoms have been undone. Indeed, so much has been poured out of late on the other side of the question, that merely for the sake of novelty and variety, one would sometimes wish to be in the right. I am, dear Sir, Your sincere friend, and ardent admirer, OLIVER GOLDTMITH. 8 THE DESERTED VILLAGE. * SWEET Auburn! loveliest village of the plain, Where health and plenty cheer'd the laboring swain, Where smiling spring its earliest visit paid, And parting summer's lingering blooms delay'd: Dear lovely bowers of innocence and ease, Seats of my youth, when every sport could please, How often have I loiter'd o'er thy green, Where humble happiness endear'd each scene! How often have I paused on every charm, The shelter'd cot, the cultivated farm, The never-failing brook, the busy mill, The decent church that topt the neighboring hill, The hawthorn bush, with seats beneath the shade, For talking age and whispering lovers made! How often have I blest the coming day,' The locality of this poem is supposed to be Lissoy, near Ballymahan, where the poet's brother Henry had his living. As usual in such cases, the place afterwards became the fashionable resort of poetical pilgrims, and paid the customary penalty of furnishing relics for the curious. The hawthorn bush has been converted into snuff-boxes, and now adorns the cabinets of poetical virtuosi. THE DESERTED VILLAGE. 87 When toil remitting lent its turn to play, And all the village train, from labor free, Led up their sports beneath the spreading tree; While many a pastime circled in the shade, The young contending as the old survey'd; And many a gambol fiolick'd o'er the ground, And slights of art and feats of strength went round; And still as each repeated pleasure tired, Succeeding sports the mirthful band inspired; The dancing pair that simply sought renown By holding out to tire each other down; The swain mistrustless of his smutted face, While secret laughter titter'd round the place; The bashful virgin's sidelong looks of love, The matron's glance that would those looks reprove: These were thy charms, sweet village! sports, like these With sweet succession, taught e'en toil to please; These round thy bowers their cheerful influence shed, These were thy charms - but all these charms are fled. Sweet smiling village, loveliest of the lawn, Thy sports are fled, and all thy charms withdrawn! Amidst thy bowers the tyrant's hand is seen, And desolation saddens all thy green: One only master grasps the whole domain, And half a tillage stints thy smiling plain. No more the grassy brook reflects the day, 3But, choked with sedges, works its weedy way; Along thy glades, a solitary guest, The hollow-sounding bittern guards its nest; Amidst thy desert walks the lapwing flies, And tires their echoes with unvaried cries: 88 THE DESERTED VILLAGE. Sunk are thy bowers in shapless ruin all, And the lois -r,,rass o'ertops the mouldering wall; And. tremblin,r shrinkin, from the spoiler's hand, F'ar', flr away thy children leave the land. I1l filres the land, to hastening ills a prey, Where wealth accumulates, and men decay; Princes and lords may flourish, or may fade; A breath can make them, as a breath has made; But a bold peasantry, their country's pride, When once destroyed, can never be supplied. A time there was, ere England's griefs began, When every rood of ground maintain'd its man: For him light Labor spread her wholesome store, Just gav-e what life required, but gave no more; His best companions, innocence and health, And his best riches, ignorance of wealth. But times are alter'd: trade's. unfeeling train Usurp the land, and dispossess the swain; Along the lawn, where scatter'd hamlets rose, Unwieldy wealth and cumbrous pomp repose, And every want to luxury allied, And every pang that folly pays to pride. Those gentle hours that plenty bade to bloom, Those calm desires that ask'd but little room, Those healthful sports that graced the peaceful scene, Lived in each look, and brighllten'd all the green,Tlhese, far departing, seek a kinder shore, And rural mirth and manners are no more. Sweet Auburn! parent of the blissful hour, Thy glades forlorn confess the tyrant's power. Here as I take my solitary rounds, THE DESERTED VILLAGE. 89 Amtidst thy tangling walks and ruined grounds, And, many a year elapsed, return to view WThere once the cottage stood, the hawthorn grew, Remeimbrance wakes with all her busy train, Swells at my bretst, and turns the past to pain. In all my wandlerings round this world of care, In all my griefs - anti God has given my share - I still had lhopes, my latest hours to crown, Amidst these humble bowers to lay me down; To husband out life's taper at the close, And keep the flame from wasting by repose: I still had hopes -for pride attends us still - Amidst the swains to shew my book-learn'd skill, Arour;d my fire an evening group to draw, And tell of' all I felt and all I saw; And as a hare, whom hounds and horns pursue, Pants to the place from whence at first she flew, I still had hopes, my long vexations past, Here to return and die at home at last. (LO blest retirement, friend to life's decline, Retreat from. cares, that never must be mine! flow blest is he who crowns in shades like these, A youth of labor with an age of ease; Who quits a world where strong temptations try, And, since'tis hardt to combat, learns to fly! For him no wretches, born to work alnd weep, Explore the mine, or tempt the dangerous deep; XNo surly porter standls in guilty state, To spurn imploring famnine fromn the gate; But on he moves to meet his latter end, Angels around befriending virtue's friend; 8* 90 THE DESERTED VILLAGE. Sinks to the grave with unperceived decay, While resignation gently slopes the way; And, all his prospects brightening to the last, His heaven commences ere the world be past. Sweet was the sound; when oft at evening's close, Up yonder hill the village murmur rose; There, as I past with careless steps and slow, The mingling notes came soften'd from below; The swain responsive as the milk-maid sung, The sober herd that low'd to meet their young; The noisy geese that gabbled o'er the pool, The playful children just let loose from school; The watch-dog's voice that bay'd the whispering wind, And the loud laugh that spoke the vacant mind, — These all in sweet confusion sought the shade, And fill'd each pause the nightingale had made. But now the sounds of population fail; No cheerful murmurs fluctuate in the gale, No busy steps the grass-grown footway tread, But all the bloomy flush of life is fled: All but yon widow'd, solitary thing, That feebly bends beside the plashy spring; She, wretched matron, forced in age, for bread, To strip the brook with mantling cresses spread, To pick her wintry fagot from the thorn, To seek her nightly shed, and weep till morn; She only left of all the harmless train, The sad historian of the pensive plain. Near yonder copse, where once the garden smiled, And still where many a garden-flower grows wild, There, where a few torn shrubs the place disclose, THE DESERTED VILLAGE. 91 The village preacher's modest mansion rose. A man he was to all the country dear, And passing rich with forty pounds a-year: Remote from towns he ran his godly race, Nor e'er had changed, nor wish'd to changre, his place; Unskilful he to fawn, or seek for power, By doctrines fashion'd to the varying hour; Far other aims his heart had learn'd to prize, More bent to raise the wretched than to rise. His house was known to all the vagrant train, Hie chid their wanderings, but relieved their pain; The lon(g-remember'd beggar was his guest, Whose beard descending swept his aged breast; The ruin'd spendthrift, now no longer proud, Claim'd kindred there, and had his claims allow'd; The broken soldier, kindly bade to stay, Sat by his fire, and talk'd the night away, Wept o'er his wounds, or, tales of sorrow done, Shoulder'd his crutch, and show'd how fields were won. Pleased with his guests, the good man learn'd to glow, And quite forgot their vices in their woe: Careless their merits or their fautls to scan, His pity gave ere charity began. Thus to relieve the wretched was his pride, And e'en his failings lean'd to virtue's side; But in his duty prompt at every call, He watch'd and wept, he pray'd and felt, for all; And, as a bird each fond endearment tries To tempt its new-fledged offspring to the skies, He tried each art, reproved each dull delay, Allured to brighter worlds, and led the way. 92 THE DESERTED VILLAGE. Beside the bed where parting life was laid, And sorrow, guilt, and pain, by turns dismay'd, The reverend champion stood. At his control,, Despair and anguish fled the struggling soul; Comfbrt came down the trembling wretch to raise, And his last faltering accents whisper'd praise. At church, with meek and unaffected grace, His looks adorn'd the venerable place; Truth from his lips prevail'd with double sway, And fools who came to scoff, reinain'd to pray. The service past, around the pious man, With ready zeal, each honest rustic ran; E'en children follow'd, with endearing wile, And pluck'd his gown, to share the good man's smile; His ready smile a parent's warmth express'd; Their welfare pleased him, and their cares distress'd; To them his heart, his love, his griefs, were given, But all his serious thoughts had rest in heaven. As some tall cliff that lifts its awful form, Swells from the vale, and midway leaves the storm, Though round its breast the rolling clouds are spread, Eternal sunshine settles on its head. Beside yon straggling fence that skirts the way, With blossom'd furze, unprofitably gay, There in his noisy mansion, skill'd to rule, The village master taught his little school. A man severe he was, and stern to view; I knew him well, and every truant knew: Well had the boding tremblers learn'd to trace The day's disasters in his morning face; Full well they laugh'd, with countefeited glee, THE DESERTED VILLAGE. 93 At all his jokes, for many a joke had he; Full well the busy whisper, circling round, Convey'd the dismal tidings when he frown'd: Yet he was kind, or, if severe in aught, The love he bore to learning was in fault. The village all declared how much he knew,'T was certain he could write and cipher too; Lands he could measure, terms and tides presage, And e'en the story ran - that he could gauge: In arguing, too, the parson own'd his skill, For e'en though vanquish'd, he could argue still; While words of learned length and thund'ring sound, Amazed the gazing rustics ranged around; And still they gazed, and still the wonder grew, That one small head could carry all he knew. But past is all his fame. The very spot Where many a time he triumph'd, is forgot. Near yonder thorn, that lifts its head on high, Where once the sign-post caught the passing eye, Low lies that house where nut-brown draughts inspired, Where graybeard mirth, and smiling toil, retired, WVhere village statesmen talk'd with looks profound, And news much older than their ale went round. Imagination fondly stoops to trace The parlor splendors of that festive place: The white-wash'd wall, the nicely-sanded floor, The varnish'd clock that click'd behind the door; The chest, contrived a double debt to pay, A bed by night, a chest of draws by day; The pictures placed fbr ornament and use, The twelve good rules, the royal game of goose; 94 THE DESERTED VILLAGE. The hearth, except when winter chill'd the day, With aspen boughs, and flowers, and fennel-gay; While broken tea cups, wisely kept for show, Ranged o'er the chimney, glisten'd in a row. Vain, transitory splendors! Could not all Reprieve the tottering mansion from its fall? Obscure it sinks, nor shall it more impart An hour's importance to the poor man's heart: Thither no more the peasant shall repair, To sweet oblivion of his daily care; No more the farmer's news, the barber's tale, No more the woodman's ballad shall prevail; No more the smith his dusky brow shall clear, Relax his pond'rous strength, and learn to hear; The host himself no longer shall be found Careful to see the mantling bliss go round; Nor the coy maid, half willing to be prest, Shall kiss the cup to pass it to the rest. Yes! let the rich deride, the proud disdain, These simple blessings of the lowly train; To me more dear, congenial to my heart, One native charm, than all the gloss of art. Spontaneous joys, where nature has its play, The soul adopts, and owns their first-born sway; Lightly they frolic o'er the vacant mind, Unenvied, unmolested, unconfined: But the long pomp, the midnight masquerade, WVith all the freaks of wanton wealth array'd,In these, ere triflers half their wish obtain, The toiling pleasure sickens into pain; And, e'en while fashion's brightest arts decoy, THE DESERTED VILLAGE. 95 The heart, distrusting, asks if this be joy? Ye friends to truth, ye statesmen, who survey The rich man's joys increase, the poor's decay,'T is yours to judge how wide the limits stand Between a splendid and a happy land. Proud swells the tide with loads of freighted ore, And shouting Folly hails them from her shore; Hoards, e'en beyond the miser's wish, abound, And rich men flock from all the world around. Yet count our gains: this wealth is but a name That leaves our useful products still the same. Not so the loss: the man of wealth and pride Takes up a space that many poor supplied; Space for his lake, his park's extended bounds, Space for his horses, equlipage, and hounds: The robe that wraps his limbs in silken sloth, Has robb'd the neighboring fields of half their growth: His seat, where solitary sports are seen, Indignant spurns the cottage from the green; Around the world each needful product flies, For all the luxuries the world supplies:While thus the land, adorn'd for pleasure all, In barren splendor feebly waits its fall. As some fair female, unadorn'd and plain, Secure to please while youth confirms her. reign, Slights every borrow'd charm that dress supplies, Nor shares with art the triumph of her eyes; But when those charms are past - for charms are frail — When time advances, and when lovers fail, She then shines forth, solicitous to bless, In all the glaring impotence of dress: 96 THE DESERTED VILLAGE. Thus fares the land, by luxury betray'd; In nature's simplest charms at first array'd: But verging to decline, its splendors rise, Its vistas strike, its palaces surprise; While, scourged by famine from the smiling land, The mournful peasant leads his humble band; And while he sinks, without one arm to save, The country blooms -a garden and a grave. Where, then, ah! where shall poverty reside, To'scape the pressure of contiguous pride? If to some common's fenceless limits stray'd, He drives his flock to pick the scanty blade, Those fenceless fields the sons of wealth divide, And e'en the bare-worn common is denied. If to the city sped, what waits him there? To see profusion that he must not share; To see ten thousand baneful arts combined To pamper luxury, and thin mankind; To see each joy the sons of' pleasure know Extorted from his fellow-creatures' wo. Here while the courtier glitters in brocade, There the pale artist plies his sickly trade; Here while the proud their long-drawn pomps display, There the black gibbet glooms beside the way. The dome where Pleasure holds her midnight reign, Here, richly deck'd, admits the gorgeous train; Tumultuous grandeur crowds the blazing square, The rattling chariots clash, the torches glare. Sure scenes like these no troubles e'er annoy! Sure these denote one universal joy! Are these thy serious thoughts? - Ah, turn thine eyes THE DESERTED VILLAGE. 97 Where the poor houseless shivering female lies: She once, perhaps, in village plenty blest, Has wept at tales of innocence distrest: Her modest looks the cottage might adorn, Sweet as the primrose peeps beneath the thorn: Now lost to all -her friends, her virtue fled, Near her betrayer's door she lays her head, And, pinch'd with cold, and shrinking from the shower, With heavy heart deplores that luckless hour, When idly first, ambitious of the town, She left: her wheel, and robes of country brown. Do thine, sweet Auburn, thine, the loveliest train, Do thy fair tribes participate her pain? E'en now, perhaps, by cold and hunger led, At proud men's doors they ask a little bread! Ah, no. To distant climes, a dreary scene, Where half the convex-world intrudes between, Through torrid tracts with fainting steps they go, Where wild Altama * murmurs to their wo. Far different there from all that charm'd before, The various terrors of that horrid shore; Those blazing suns that dart a downward ray, And fiercely shed intolerable day; Those matted woods where birds forget to sing, But silent bats in drowsy clusters cling; Those poisonous fields with rank luxuriance crown'd, Where the dark scorpion gathers death around; Where at each step the stranger fears to wake * The Altama ( or Altamaha) is a river in the province of Georgia, United States. 9 98 THE DESERTED VILLAGE. The rattling terrors of the vengeful snake; Where crouching tigers wait their hapless prey, And savage men, more murd'rous still than they; While oft in whirls the mad tornado flies, Mingling the ravaged landscape with the skies. Far different these from every former scene, The cooling brook, the grassy-vested green, The breezy covert of the warbling grove, That only shelter'd thefts of harmless love. Good Heaven! what sorrows gloom'd that parting day That call'd them from their native walks away; When the poor exiles, every pleasure past, Hung round the bowers, and fondly look'd their last, And took a long farewell, and wish'd in vain For seats like these beyond the western main; And shuddering still to face the distant deep, Return'd and wept, and still return'd to weep! The good old sire the first prepared to go To new-found worlds, and wept for others' wo; But for himself, in conscious virtue brave, He only wish'd for worlds beyond the grave: His lovely daughter, lovelier in her tears, The fcnd companion of his helpless years, Silent went next, neglectful of her charms, And left a lover's for her father's arms: nWith louder plaints the mother spoke her woes, And blest the cot where every pleasure rose, And kiss'd her thoughtless babes with many a tear, And clasp'd them close, in sorrow doubly dear, Whilst her fond husband strove to lend relief In all the silent manliness of grief. THE DESERTED VILLAGE. 99 0 luxury! thou curst by Heaven's decree, How ill exchanged are things like these for thee! How do thy potions, with insidious joy, Diffuse their pleasures only to destroy! Kingdoms by thee, to sickly greatness grown, Boast of' a florid vigor not their own: At every draught more large and large they grow, A bloated mass of rank unwieldy wo; Till, sapp'd their strength, and every part unsound, Down, Down they sink, and spread a ruin round. E'en now the devastation is begun, And half the business of destruction done; E'en now, methinks, as pondering here I stand, I see the rural Virtues leave the land. Down where yon anchoring vessel spreads the sail That idly waiting flaps with every gale, Downward they move a melancholy band, Pass from the shore and darken all the strand. Contented Toil, and hospitable Care, And kind connubial Tenderness, are there; And Piety with wishes placed above, And steady Loyalty, and faithful Love. And thou, sweet Poetry, thou loveliest maid, Still first to fly where sensual joys invade; Unfit, in these degenerate times of shame, To catch the heart, or strike for honest fame; Dear charming nymph, neglected and decried, MIy shame in crowds, my solitary pride; Thou source of all my bliss, and all my woe, That found'st me poor at first, and keep'st me so; Thou guide, by which the nobler arts excel, 100 THE DESERTED VILLAGE. Thou nurse of every virtue, fare thee well! Farewell; and oh! where'er thy voice be tried, On Torno's cliffs, or Pambamarca's side, Whether where equinoctial fervors glow, Or winter wraps the polar world in snow, Still let thy voice, prevailing over time, Redress the rigors of th' inclement clime; Aid slighted truth with thy persuasive strain; Teach erring man to spurn the rage of gain; Teach him, that states of native strength possest, Though very poor, may still be very blest; That trade's proud empire hastes to swift decay, As ocean sweeps the labor'd mole away; WYhile self-dependent power can time defy, As rocks resist the billows and the sky. THE THE HERMIT; A BALLAD. The following letter, addressed to the printer of the St. James's Chronicle, appeared in that paper in June, 1767. SIR,-As there is nothing I dislike so much as newspaper controversy, particularly upon trifles, permit me to be as concise as possible in informing a correspondent of yours, that I recommended Blainville's Travels, because I thought the book was a good one, and I think so still. I said I was told by the bookseller that it was then first published; but in that, it seems, I was misinformed, and my reading was not extensive enough to set me right. Another correspondent of yours accuses me of having taken a ballad I published some time ago, from one* by the ingenious Mr. Percy. I do not think there is any great resemblance between the two pieces in question. If there be any, his ballad is taken from mine. I read it to Mr. Percy some years ago; and he (as we both considered these things as trifles at best) told me with his usual good humor, the next time I saw him, that he had taken my plan to form the fragments of Shakspeare into a ballad of his own. He then read me his little Cen* Friar of Orders Gray. Reliques of Ancient Poetry, vol. i, book 2, No. 17..o 102 THE HERMIT. to, if I may so call it, and I highly approved it. Such petty anecdotes as these are scarcely worth printing; and, were it not for the busy disposition of some of your correspondents, the public should never have known that he owes me the hint of his ballad, or that I am obliged to his frendship and learning for communications of a much more important nature. —.! am, Sir, yours, etc. OLIVER GOLDSMITHE THE HERMIT.'TURN, gentle Hermit of the dale, And guide my lonely way, To where yon taper cheers the vale With hospitable ray. For here forlorn and lost I tread, With fainting steps and slow, Where wilds, immeasurably spread, Seem length'ning as I go.''Forbear, my son,' the Hermit cries,'To tempt the dangerous gloom; For yonder faithless phantom flies To lure thee to thy doom.'Here to the houseless child of want My door is open still; And though my portion is but scant, I give it with good will.' Then turn to-night, and freely share Whate'er my cell bestows; Iy rushy couch and frugal fare, My blessing and repose. 104 THE HERMIT.'No flocks that range the valley free, To slaughter I condemn;' Taught by that Power that pities me, I learn to pity them:' But from the mountain's grassy side, A guiltless feast I bring; A scrip with herbs and fruits supplied, And water from the spring.'Then, pilgrim, turn, thy cares forego; All earth-born cares are wrong; MIan wants but little here below, Nor wants that little long.' Soft as the dew from heaven descends, His gentle accents fell: The modest stranger lowly bends, And follows to the cell. Far in a wilderness obscure, The lonely mansion lay, A refuge to the neighb'ring poor, And strangers led astray. No stores beneath its humble thatch Required a master's care; The wicket, opening with a latch, Received the harmless pair. And now, when busy crowds retire To take their evening rest, The Hermit trimm'd his little fire, And cheer'd his pensive guest: TIHE IIEIZIT. 105 And spread his vegetable store, And gaily press'd and smiled; And, skill'd in legendary lore, The lingering hours beguiled. Around, in sympathetic mirth, Its tricks the kitten tries, The cricket chirrups on the hearth, The crackling fagot flies. But nothing could a charm impart To soothe the stranger's woe; For grief was heavy at his heart, And tears began to flow. His rising cares the Hermit spied, With answering care oppress'd: And,' Whence unhappy youth,' he cried,'The sorrows of thy breast?' From better habitations spurn'd, Reluctant dost thou rove? Or grieve for friendship unreturn'd, Or unregarded love?'Alas! the joys that fortune brings, Are trifling, and decay; And those who prize the paltry things, lore trifling still than they.' And what is friendship but a name, A charm that lulls to sleep; A shade that follows wealth or fame, But leaves the wretch to weep? 106 THE HERMIT.'And love is still an emptier sound, The modern fair one's jest;'On earth unseen, or only found To warm the turtle's nest. For shame, fond youth, thy sorrows hush, And spurn the sex,' he said; But while he spoke, a rising blush His love-lorn guest betray'd. Surprised, he sees new beauties rise, Swift mantling to the view; Like colors o'er the morning skies, As bright, as transient too. The bashful look, the rising breast, Alternate spread alarms: The lovely stranger stands confess'd, A maid in all her charms. And,' Ah! forgive a stranger rude - A wretch forlorn,' she cried:''Whose feet unhallow'd thus intrude Where heaven and you reside.'But let a maid thy pity share, Whom love has taught to stray; Who seeks for rest, but finds despair Companion of her way.' My father lived beside the Tyne, A wealthy lord was he: And all his wealth was mark'd as mine, He had but only me. THE HERMIT. 107'To win me from his tender arms, Unnumber'd suitors came, Who praised me for imputed charms, And felt, or feign'd, a flame.'Each hour a mercenary crowd WVith richest proffers strove; Amongst the rest young Edwin bow'd, But never talk'd of love.'In humble, simplest habit clad, No wealth nor power had he; Wisdom and worth were all he had, But these were all to me.'And when, beside me in the dale, He caroll'd lays of love, His breath lent fragrance to the gale, And music to the grove. * The blossom opening to the day, The dews of heaven refined, Could nought of purity display To emulate his mind.'The dew, the blossom on the tree, With charms inconstant shine; Their charms were his, but, wo to me, Their constancy was mine. * This stanza was preserved by Richard Archdale, Esq., a member of the Irish Parliament, to whom it was given by Goldsmith, and was first inserted after the author's death. 108 THE HERMIT.'For still I tried each fickle art, Importunate and vain; And while his passion touch'd my heart, I triumph'd in his pain;'Till, quite dejected'with my scorn, He left me to my pride; And sought a solitude forlorn, In secret, where he died.'But mine the sorrow, mine the fault, And well my life shall pay; I'll seek the solitude he sought, And stretch me where he lay. And there forlorn, despairing, hid, I'll lay me down and die;'Twas so for me that Edwin did, And so for him will I.''Forbid it, Heaven!' the Hermit cried, And clasp'd her to his breast; The wondering fair one turn'd to chide-'Twas Edwin's self that press'd I'Turn, Angelina, ever dear, My charmer, turn to see Thy own, thy long-lost Edwin here, Restored to love and thee.'Thus let me hold thee to my heart, And every care resign: And shall we never, never part, My life - my all that's mine. THE HERMIT. 109 No, never from this hour to part We'll live and love so true, The sigh that rends thy constant heart Shall break thy Edwin's too. THE HAUNCH OF VENISON.* A POETICAL EPISTLE TO LORD CLARE. THANKS, my lord, for your venison, for finer or fatter Ne'er ranged in a forest, or smoked in a platter. The haunch was a picture for painters to study, The fat was so white, and the lean was so ruddy; Though my stomach was sharp, I could scarce help regrettinc To spoil such a delicate picture by eating: I had thou!ghts, in my chamber to place it in view, To be shewn to my friends as a piece of virtu; As in some Irish houses, where things are so so, One gammon of bacon hangs up for a show; But for eating a rasher of what they take pride in, They'd as soon think of eating the pan it is fried in. But hold -let me pause -don't I hear you pronounce, This tale of the bacon's a damnable bounce? ~Well, suppose it a bounce- sure a poet may try, By a bounce now and then, to get courage to fly. But, my lord, it's no bounce: I protest, in my turn, * The description of the dinner party.in this poem is imitated from Boileau's fourth Satire. Boileau himself took the hint from Horace, Lib. ii. Sat. 8, which has also been imitated by Regnier, Sat. 10. THE HAUNCH OF VENISON. 111 It's a truth, and your lordship may ask Mr. Burn.* To go on with my tale: as I gazed on the haunch, I thought of a friend that was trusty and staunch, So I cut it, and sent it to Reynolds undrest, To paint it, or eat it, just as he liked best. Of the neck and the breast I had next to dispose -'Twas a neck and a breast that might rival Munroe's; But in parting with these I was puzzled again, With the how, and the who, and the where, and the when. There's H —d, and C-y, and H —rth, and H-ff, I think they love venison- I know they love beef; There's my countryman, Higgins - oh, let him alone For making a blunder, or picking a bone: But, hang it! to poets who seldom can eat Your very good mutton's a very good treat; Such dainties to them their health it might hurt; It's like sending them ruffles, when wanting a shirt. While thus I debated, in reverie centred, An acquaintance -a friend, as he call'd himselfenter'd; An under-bred, fine-spoken fellow was he, And he smiled as he looked at the venison and me, —-' What have you got here? - Why, this is good eating I Your own, I suppose - or is it in waiting?'' Why, whose should it be?' cried I, with a flounce,'I get these things often' -but that was a bounce:'Some lords, my acquaintance, that settle the nation, Are pleased to be kind - but I hate ostentation.' *Lord Clare's nephew. 112 THE HAUNCH OF VENISON.'If that be the case, then,' cried he, very gay,'I'm glad I have taken this house in my way: To-morrow you take a poor dinner with me; No words - I insist on't - precisely at three; We'll have Johnson, and Burke, - all the wits will be there: My acquaintance is slight, or I'd ask my Lord Clare. And, now that I think on't, as I am a sinner, We wanted this venison to make out a dinner. What say you - a pasty? it shall, and it must, And my wife, little Kitty, is famous for crust. Here, porter - this venison with me to Mile-end: No stirring, I beg -my dear friend,- my dear friend! Thus, snatching his hat, he brush'd off like the wind, And the porter and eatables follow'd behind. Left alone to reflect, having emptied my shelf, And' nobody with me at sea but myself;'* Though I could not help thinking my gentleman hasty, Yet Johnson, and Burke, and a good venison pasty, Were things that I never disliked in my life, Though clogg'd with a coxcomb, and Kitty his wife. So next day, in due splendour to make my approach, I drove to his door in my own hackney-coach. When come to the place where we all were to dine, (A chair-lumbered closet, just twelve feet by nine), My friend bade me welcome, but struck me quite dumb With tidings that Johnson and Burke would not come;'For I knew it,' he cried,'both eternally fail, * See the letters that passed between his Royal Highness Henry Duke of Cumberland, and Lady Grosvenor. 12mo. 1769. THE HAUNCH OF VENISON. 113 The one with his speeches, and t'other with Tllrale: * But no matter, I'll warrant we'll make up the party With two full as clever, and ten times as hearty. The one is a Scotchman, the other a Jew: They're both of them merry, and authors like you: The one writes the Snarler, the other the Scourge; Some thinks he writes Cinna-he owns to Panurge.' While thus he described them, by trade and by name, They enter'd, and dinner was served as they came. At the top, a fried liver and bacon were seen; At the bottom, was tripe in a swinging tureen; At the sides, there was spinage, and pudding made hot; In the middle, a place where the pasty - was not.:Now, my lord, as for tripe, it's my utter aversion, And your bacon I hate like a Turk or a Persian; So there I sat stuck like a horse in a pound, While the bacon and liver went merrily round: But what vex'd me most was that d -' d Scottish rogue, With his long-winded speeches, his smiles, and his brogue; And,' Madam,' quoth he,' may this bit be my poison, A pyettier dinner I never set eyes on: Pray, a slice of' your liver, though may I be curst, But I've ate of your tripe till I'm ready to burst.''The tripe!' quoth the Jew, with his chocolate cheek,'I could dine on this tripe seven days in a week: I like these here dinners, so pretty and small; * An eminent London brewer, M. P. for the borough of Southwark, at whose table Dr. Johnson was a frequent guest. 10* 1 14 THEE HAUNCH OF VENISON. But your friend there, the Doctor, eats nothing at all.' 0 ho!' quoth my friend,' he'll come on in a trice. He's keeping a corner fobr something that's nice: There's a pasty.' -' A pasty!' repeated the Jew,'I (don't care if I keep a corner for't too.''What the deil mon, a pasty!' re-echoed the Scot,'Though splitting, I'll still keep a corner for that.''We'll all keep a corner,' the lady cried out;' We'll all keep a corner,' was echo'd about. While thus we resolved, and the pasty delay'd, WVith looks that quite petrified, enter'd the maid: A visage so sad, and so pale with affright, Waked Priam, in drawing his curtains by night. But we quickly found out - for who could mistake her?That she came with some terrible news from the baker: And so it fell out; for that negligent sloven Had shut out the pasty on shutting his oven. Sad Philomel thus - but let similes drop — And now that I think on't, the story may stop. To be plain, my good lord, it's but labor misplaced, To send such good verses to one of your taste: You've got an odd something - a kind of discerning, A relish - a taste - sicken'd over by learning; At least it's your temper, as very well known, That you think very slightly of all that's your own. So, perhaps, in your habits of thinking amiss, You may make a mistake, and think slightly of this. RETALIATION. Dr. Goldsmith and some of his friends occasionally dined at the St. James's Coffeehouse. One day, it was proposed to write epitaphs on him. His country, dialect, and person, furnished subjects of witticism. He was called on for Retaliation, and, at their next meeting, produced the following poem. OF old, when Scarron his companions invited, Each guest brought his dish, and the feast was united; If our landlord * supplies us with beef and with fish, Let each guest bring himself, and he brines the best dish; Our Dean t shall be venison, just fresh from the plains; Our Burke $ shall be tongue, with a garnish of' brains; Our Will ~ shall be wild-fowl of excellent flavor, And Dick HI with his pepper shall heighten the savor; * The master of the St. James's Coffeehouse, where the Doctor and the friends he has characterized in this poem, occasionally dined. t Doctor Barnard, Dean of Derry, in Ireland, afterwards Bisholp of Killaloe. t The Right Hon. Edmund Burke. ~ Mr. William Burke, formerly secretary to General Conway, and member for Bedwin. 11 Mr. Ri(hard Burke, collector of Granada. 116 RETALIATION. Our Cumberland's * sweetbread its place shall obtain, And Douglas t is pudding, substantial and plain; Our Garrick's + a salad, for in him we see Oil, vinegar, sugar, and saltness agree: To make out the dinner, full certain I am, That Ridge ~ is anchovy, and Reynolds II is lamb; That Hickey's ~f a capon, and, by the same rule, Magnanimous Goldsmith a gooseberry fool. At a dinner so various -at such a repast, Who'd not be a glutton, and stick to the last? Here, waiter, more Wine, let me sit while I'm able, Till all my companions sink under the table; Then, with chaos and blunders encircling my head, Let me ponder, and tell what I think of the dead. Here lies the good Dean, reunited to earth, Who mixed reason with pleasure, and wisdom with mirth: If he had any faults, he has left us in doubt - At least, in six weeks I could not find'em out; Yet some have declared, and it can't be denied'em, That sly-boots was cursedly cunning to hide'em. * Mr. Richard Cumberland, author of The West Indian, Thd Jew, and other dramatic works. t Doctor Douglas, Canon of Windsor, and afterwards Bishop of Salisbury, was himself a natvie of Scotland, and obtained considerable reputation by his detection of the forgeries of his countrymen, La-lder and Bower. t David Garrick, Esq. ~ Counsellor John Ridge, a gentleman belonging to the Irish bar. Ii Sir Joshua Reynolds. I An eminent attorney. RETALIATION. 117 Here lies our good Edmund, whose genius was such, We scarcely can praise it or blame it too much; Who, born for the universe, narrow'd his mind, And to party gave up what was meant for mankind: Though frauglit with all learning, yet straining his throat, To persuade Tommy Townshend * to lend him a vote; Who, too deep for his hearers, still went on refining, And thought of convincing, while they thought of dining: t Thougll equal to all things, for all things unfit; Too nice for a statesman, too proud fbr a wit; For a patriot, too cool; for a drudge disobedient; And too fond of the right to pursue the expedient. In short,'twas his fate, unemploy'd or in place, sir, To eat mutton cold, and cut blocks with a razor. IHere lies honest William, whose heart was a mint, While the owner ne'er knew half the good that was in't: The pupil of impulse, it forced him along, His conduct still right, with his argument wrong; Still aiming at honor, yet fearing to roam, The coachman was tipsy, the chariot drove home. Would you ask for his merits? alas! he had none; What was good was spontaneous, his faults were his own. * Mr. T. Townshend, member for Whitchurch, afterwards Lord Sydney. t Mr. Burke's speeches in Parliament, though distinguished by all the force of reasoning and eloquence of their highly-gifted author, were not always listened to with patience by his brother members, who not unfrequently took the opportunity of retiring to-dinner when he rose to speak. To this circumstance, which procured for the orator the sobriquet of the Dinner Bell, allusion ts here made. 118 RETA LIATION. Here lies honest Richard, whose fate I must sigh at; Alas, that such frolic should now be so quiet! What spirits were his! what wit and what whim! Now breaking a jest, and now breaking a limb! * Now wrangling and grumbling to keep up the ball! Now teasing and vexing, yet laughing at all! In short, so provoking a devil was Dick, That we wish'd him full ten times a-day at Old Nick. But missing his mirth and agreeable vein, As often we wish'd to have Dick back again. Here Cumberland lies, having acted his parts, The Terence of England, the mender of hearts; A flattering painter, who made it his care To draw men as they ought to be, not as they are. His gallants are all faultless, his women divine, And Comedy wonders at being so fine; Like a tragedy queen he has dizen'd her out, Or rather like Tragedy giving a rout. His fools have their follies so lost in a crowd Of virtues and feelings, that Folly grows proud; Anal coxcombs, alike in their failings alone, Adopting his portraits, are pleased with their own. Say, where has our poet this malady caught, Or wherefore his characters thus without fault? Say, was it, that vainly directing his view To find out men's virtues, and finding them few, Quite sick of pursuing each troublesome elf, * Mr. Richard Burke having slightly fractured an arm and a leg at different times, the Doctor has rallied him on these accidents, as a kind of retributive justice, for breaking jests upon other people. RETALIATION. 119 -le grew lazy at last, and drew from hims.elf? The' scourge of imlpostors, the terror of quacks: Cs me, all ye:quack )ard.q and ye quacking- divines, Come, and dance on tie spot where your tyrant reclines: When satire and censure encircled his throne, I fea"r'd for your safety, I fear'd for my own; But now he is gone, and we want a detector, Our Dodds * shall be pious, our Kenricks t shall lecture; Maceyherson f write bombast, and call it a style; Our Townshend make speeches, and I shall compile: New Lauders ~ and Bowers 1 the Tweed shall cross over, No countryman living their tricks to discover; Detection her taper shall quench to a spark, And Scotchman meet Scotchman, and cheat in the dark. Here lies David Garriek, describe himn who can, * The Rev. Dr. Dodd, who was executed for forgery. t Dr. Kenrick, who read lectures at the Devil Tavern. inder the title of' The School of Shakspeare.' He was a well-known writer, of prodigious versatility, and some talent. Dr. Johnson observed of him.'lie is one of the mnany who have made themselves public, withllout m.aking themselves known.' JJames Mancpherson, Esq., who from the mere force of his style, gvrote down the first )oet of all antiquity. ~ Tilliamn Lauder, who, bvy interpolating certain passages from thle Adamus Exul of Grotils, with translations from Paradise Lost. endeavored to fix on Milton a charge of plagiarism from the modern Latin poets. Dr. I)ouglas detected and exposed( this imposture, and extorted friom the author a confession and apology. IIArchibald Bouwer, a Scottish Jesuit, and author of a History of the Popes from St. Peter to Laml)ertini. Dr. I)ouglas convicted Bower of gross imposture, and totally destroyed the credit of his history. 120 RETALIATION. An abridgment of all that was pleasant in man; As an actor, confess'd without rival to shine, As a wit, if not first, in the very first line: Yet, with talents like these, and an excellent heart The man had his failings, a dupe to his art. Like an ill-judging beauty, his colors he spread, And beplaster'd with rouge his own natural red. On the stage he was natural, simple, affecting;'Twas only that when he was off he was acting. With no reason on earth to go out of his way, He turn'd and he varied full ten times a day: Though secure of our hearts, yet confoundedly sick If they were not his own by finessing and trick: Hie cast off his friends, as a huntsman his pack, For he knew when he pleased he could whistle them tback. Of praise a mere glutton, he swallow'd what came, And the puff of a dunce he mistook it for fame; Till his relish, grown callous almost to disease, Who pepper'd the highest whs surest to please. But let us be candid, and speak out our mind, If dunces applauded, he paid them in kind. Ye Kenricks, ye Kellys,* and Woodfalls t so grave, What a commerce was yours, while you got and you gave! hIow did Grub-street re-echo the shouts that you raised, While he was be-Roscius'd, and you were be-praised! But peace to his spirit, wherever it flies, To act as an angel and mix with the skies: * Mr. Hugh Kelley, originally a staymaker, afterwards a news. paper editor and dramatist, and latterly a barrister.' Mr. William Woodfall, printer of the oarning Chronicle. RETALIATION. 121 Those poets who owe their best fame to his skill, Shall still be his flatterers, go where he will; Old Shakspeare receive him with praise and with love, And Beaumonts and Bens be his Kelleys above. Here Hickey reclines, a most blunt, pleasant creature, And slander itself must allow him good nature; He cherish'd his friend, and he relish'd a bumper; Yet one fault he had, and that one was a thumper. Perhaps you may ask if the man was a miser? I answer, No, no, for he always was wiser. Too courteous, perhaps, or obligingly flat? His very worst foe can't accuse him of that. Perhaps he confided in men as they go, And so was too foolishly honest? Ah, no! Then what was his failing? come tell it, and burn ye: He was, could he help it? a special attorney. Here Reynolds is laid, and, to tell you my mind, He has not left a wiser or better behind; His pencil was striking, resistless, and grand, His manners were gentle, complying, and bland: Still born to improve us in every part, His pencil our faces, his manners our heart. To coxcombs averse, yet most civilly steering, When they judged without skill, he was still hard of hearing: When they talked of their Raphaels, Corregios, and stuff, He shifted his trumpet,* and only took snuff. * Sir Joshua Reynolds was so deaf as to be under the necessity of using an ear-trumpet in company. 11 122 RETALIATION. POSTSCRIPT. Aftel tne fourth edition of this poem was printed, the publisher received the following epitaph on Mr. Whitefoord,l fromi a friend otf' the late l)r. Goldsmith. fIERE Whlitefoord reclines, and, deny it who can, Tl'lough lie merrily lived, he is now a grave man: t Itare complound of oddity, frolic, and fun! WlhTio relisll'd a joke, and rejoiced in a pun; hllose temper was generous, open, sincere; A stlanger to flattery, a stranger to fcar; Wlho scatter'd around wit and humor at will; Wilhose daily boie mots half a column might fill: A Scotchman, fiom pride and fiom prejudice free; A scholar, yet surely no pedant was he. Whiat pity, alas! that soe liberal a mind Sliould so long be to newspaper essays confined r Who perllips to the summit of science could soar, Yet content if' the table he set in a roar:' Wlhose talents to fill any station were fit, Yet happy if Woodfhll.t confess'd him a wit. Ye newspaper witlings, ye pert scribbling folks! WXllo coqied his squibs, and re-echoed his jokes; Te tame imitators, ye servile herd, come, Still follow your master, and visit his tomb; To deck it, bring with you festoons of the vine, * Mr. Caleb Whitefoord, author of many humorous essays. t Mr. Wh-itefoord was so notorious a punster, that Dr. Goldsmith used to say it was impossible to keep him company, withoat being infected with the itch of punning. $Mr. H. S. Woodfall, pxi.nter of the Public Advertiser. RETALIATION. 123 And copious libations bestow on his shrine; Then strew all around it (you can do no less) Cross Readings, Ship News, and Mistakes of the Press.* 1Merry Whitefoord, farewell! for thy sake I admit That a Scot may have humor, I had almost said wit; This debt to thy memory I cannot refuse,'Thou best-humor'd man with the worst-humor'd Muse.' THE DOUBLE TRANSFORMATION. A TALE. SECLUDED from domestic strife, Jack Book-worm led a college life; A fellowship at twenty-five Made him the happiest man alive; He drank his glass, and cracked his joke, And freshmen wonder'd as he spoke. Such pleasures, unalloy'd with care, Could any accident impair? Could Cupid's shaft at length transfix Our swain, arrived at thirty-six? Oh, had the archer ne'er come down To ravage in a country town i Or Flavia been content to stop Mr. Whitefoord had frequently indulged the town with humorous pieces under those titles in the Public Advertiser. 124 THE DOUBLE TRANSFORMIATION. At triumphs in a Fleet Street shop! 01h. had her eyes forgot to blaze! Or Jack hlad wanted eyes to gaze! Oh1!- but let exclatmation cease, Her presence banished all his peace; So with decortum all things carried, Miss frown'd, and blush'd, and then was -married Need we expose to vulgar sight Tile raptures of the bridal night? Need we intrude on hallow'd ground, Or draw the curtains closed around? Let it suffic(e that each had charms: He clasped a goddess in his arms; And though she felt his usage rough, Yet in a man'twas well enough. The honey-moon like lightning flew, The second brought its transports too; A third, a fourth, were not amiss, The fifth was fiiendship mixed with bliss: But, when a twelvemonth passed away, Jack found his goddess made of clay; Founld half the charms that deck'd her face Arose firom powder, shreds, or lace; But still the worst remain'd behind, —That very face had robb'd her mind. Skill'd.in no other arts was she, But dressing, patching, repartee; And, just as humor rose or fell, By turns a slattern or a belle.'Tis true she dressed with modern grace, Half naked, at a ball or race; THE DOUBLE TRANSFORMATION. 125 But when at home, at board or bed, Five greasy nightcaps wrapp'd her head. Could so mucht beauty condescend'l'o be a dull, domestic friend? Could any curltain-lectures bring To decency so fine a thing! In short, by night,'twas fits or fretting; By day,'twas gadding or coquetting. Fond to be seen, she kept a bevy Of powder'd coxcombs at hler levee; The squire and captain took their stations, And twenty other near relations: Jack suck'd his pipe, and often broke A sigh in suffbcating smoke; While all their hours were pass'd between Insulting repartee and spleen. Thus, as her fitults each day were known, He thinrks her features coarser grown; I-e fancies every vice she sllews, Or thins her lips, or points her nose: Whenever rage or envy rise, How wide her mouth, how wild her eyes! I-Ie knows not how, but so it is, Her face is grown a knowing phiz; And, though her fops are wondrous civil, He thinks her ugly as the devil. Nvow, to perplex the ravell'd noose, As each a different way pursues, Vihile sullen or loquacious strife Promised to hold them on for life, That dire disease, whose ruthless power 11-* 126 THE DOUBLE TRANSFORMATION. Withers the beauty's transient flower, — Lo! the small pox, with horrid glare, Levell'd its terrors at the fair; And, rifling every youthful grace, Left but the rernnmnt of a face. The glass, grown hateful to her sight, Reflected now a perfect fright: Each former art she vainly tries To bring back lustre to her eyes; In vain she tries her paste and creams To smooth her skin, or hide its seams; Her country beaux and city cousins, Lovers no more, flew off by dozens; The squire himself was seen to yield, And e'en the captain quit the field. Poor madam, now condemn'd to hack The rest of life with anxious Jack, Perceiving others fairly flown, Attempted pleasing him alone. Jack soon was dazzled to behold Her present face surpass the old: With modesty her cheeks are dyed, Humility displaces pride; For tawdry finery is seen A per:on ever neatly clean; No more presuming on her sway, She learns good nature every day: Serenely gay, and strict in duty, Jack finds his wife a perfect beauty. THE GIFT. 127 TIIE GIFT.* TO IRIS, IN BOW STREET, COVENT GARDEN. S VY, cruel Iris, pretty rake, Dear mercenary beauty, What annual offering shall I make Expressive of my duty? My heart, a victim to thine eyes, Should I at once deliver, Say, would the angry fair one prize The gift, who slights the giver? A bill, a jewel, watch, or toy, Mly rivals give - and let'em: If gems, or gold, impart a joy, I'll give them - when I get'em. I'll give - but not the full-blown rose, Or rose-bud more in fashion; Such short-lived offerings but disclose A transitory passion - I'll give thee something yet unpaid, Not less sincere than civil, — I'll give thee - all! too charming maid!I'll give thee - to the Devil! * Imitated from Grecourt, a witty French poet, 128 AN ELEGY ON TIlE DEATH OF A MAD DOG. AN ELEGY ON THE DEATH OF A MAD DOG. GOOD people all, of every sort, Give ear unto my song, And if you find it wondrous short, It cannot hold you long. In Islington there was a man, Of whom the world might say, That still a godly race he ran, Whene'er he went to pray. A kind and gentle heart he had, To comfort friends and foes: The naked every day he clad, When he put on his clothes. And in that town a dog was found, As many dogs there be, Both mongrel, puppy, whelp, and hound, And curs of low degree. This dog and man at first were friends; But when a pique began, The dog., to gain his private ends, Went mad, and bit the man. Around from all the neighboring streets The wond'ring neighbors ran, And swore the dog had lost his wits, To bite so good a man. THE LOGICIANS REFUTED. 129 The wound it seem'd both sore and sad To every Christian eye; And while they swore the dog was mad, They swore the man would die. But soon a wonder came to light, That show'd the rogues they lied: The man recover'd of the bite The dog it was that died. THE LOGICIANS REFUTED.* IN IMITATION OF DEAN SWIFT. LOGICIANS have but ill defined As rational the human mind: Reason, they say, belongs to man, But let them prove it if they can. Wise Aristotle and Smiglesius, By ratiocinfations specious, Have strove to prove with great precision, With definition and division, Homo est ratione preditum; But fbr my soul I cannot credit'em; And must in spite of them maintain, That man and all his ways are vain; And that this boasted lord of nature Is both a weak and erring creature; * This happy imitation was adopted by his Dublin publisher, as a genuine poem of Swift, and as such it has been reprinted in almost every edition of the Dean's worlks. Even Sir Walter Scott has inserted it without any remark in his edition of Swift's Works. 130 THE LOGICIANS REFUTED. That instinct is a surer guide Than reason, boasting mortals' pride; And that brute beasts are far before'emDeus est anima brutorum. Who ever knew an honest brute At law his neighbor prosecute, Bring action for assault and battery? Or friend beguile with lies and flattery? O'er plains they ramble unconfined, No politics disturb their mind; They eat their meals, and take their sport, Nor know who's in or out at court: They never to the levee go To treat as dearest friend a fbe; They never importune his grace, Nor ever cringe to men in place; Nor undertake a dirty job, Nor draw the quill to write for Bob.* Fraught with invective they ne'er go To folks at Paternoster Row: No judges, fiddlers, dancing-masters, No pickpockets, or poetasters, Are known to honest quadrupeds; No single brute his fellow leads. Brutes never meet in bloody fray, Nor cut each other's throats for pay. Of beasts, it is confess'd, the ape Comes nearest us in human shape: Like man, he imitates each fashion, * Sir Robert Walpole. A NEW SIMILE. 131 And malice is his ruling passion: But both in malice and grimaces, A courtier any ape surpasses. Behold him humbly cringing wait Upon the minister of state; View him soon after to inferiors Aping the conduct of superiors: He promises with equal air, And to perform takes equal care. IIe in his turn finds imitators; At court the porters, lacqueys, waiters, Their masters' manners still contract, And footmen, lords and dukes can act. Thus at the court, both great and small Behave alike, for all ape all. A NEW SIMILE. IN THE MANNER OF SWIFT. LONG had I sought in vain to find A likeness for the scribbling kind — The modern scribbling kind, who write In wit, and sense, and nature's spite — Till reading - I forgot what day on - A chapter out of Tooke's Pantheon, I think I met with something there To suit my purpose to a hair. But let us not proceed too furious, — First please to turn to god 1Mercurius; You'll find him pictured at full length, 132 A NEW SIMILE. In book the second, page the tenth; The stress of all my proofs on him I lay, And now proceed we to our simile. Imprimis, pray observe his hat, Wings upon either side - mark that. Well! what is it firom thence we gather? Why, these denote a brain of featler. A brain of feather! very right; With wit that's flighty, learning light; Such as to modern bard's decreed: A just comparison - proceed. In the next place, his feet peruse, Wings grow again from both his shoes; Design'd, no doubt, their part to bear, And waft his godship through the air: And here my simile unites; For in a modern poet's flights, I'n sure it may be justly said, His feet are useful as his head. Lastly, vouchsafe t' observe his hand, Fill'd with a snake-encircled wand, By c:lassic authors term'd caduceus, And ihighly famed for several uses: To wit, — most wondrously endued, No poppy-water half so good; For let folks only get a touch, Its soporific virtue's such, Thlough ne'er so much awake before, That quickly they begin to snore; Add, too, what certain writers tell, With this he drives men's souls to hell. A NEW SIMILE. 133 Now, to apply, begin we then:His wand's a modern author's pen; The serpents round about it twin'd Denote him of the reptile kind, Denote the rage with which he writes, His frothy slaver, venom'd bites; An equal semblance still to keep, Alike, too, both conduce to sleep; This difference only, as the god Drove souls to Tart'rus with his rod, With his goose-quill the scribbling elf, Instead of others, damns himself. And here my simile almost tript, Yet grant a word by way of postcript. Moreover, Merc'ry had a failing; Well! what of' that? out with it - stealing In which all modern bards agree, Being each as great a thief as he. But e'en this deity's existence Shall lend my simile assistance: Our modern bards! why, what a pox, Are they but senseless stones and blocks? DESCRIPTION OF AN AUTHOR'S BED-CHAMBER. WHERE the Red Lion, staring o'er the way, Invites each passing stranger that can pay; Where Calvert's butt, and Parson's black champagne, 12 13 4 DESCRIPTION OF A BED-CHA3IMBER. Regale the drabs and bloods of Drury-lane: There, in a lonely room, from bailiffs snug, The Muse found Scroygen stretch'd beneath a rug; A window, patch'd with paper, lent a ray, That dimly show'd the state in which lie lay; The sanded floor that grits beneath the tread; The humid wall with paltry pictures spread; The royal game of goose was there in view, And the twelve rules the Royal Martyr drew; The Seasons, framed with listing, found a place, And brave Prince William show'd his lamp-black face. The morn was cold; he views with keen desire The rusty grate unconscious of a fire: With beer and milk arrears the frieze was scored, And five crack'd tea-cups dress'd the chimney-board; A nightcap deck'd his brows instead of bay, A cap by night- a stocking all the day! * A PROLOGUE, WRITTEN AND SPOKEN BY THE POET LABERIUS. A ROMAN KNIGHT, WHOM C2ESAR FORCED UPON THE STAGE. [Preserved by Macrobius.] WHAT! no way left to shun th' inglorious stage, And save from infamy my sinking age! Scarce half alive, oppress'd with many a year, What in the name of dotage drives me here? *The author has given, with a very slight alteration, a similar description of the alehouse. in the Deserted Village. STANZAS. 135 A time there was, when glory was my guide, Nor force nor fraud could turn my steps aside; Unawed by power, and unappall'd by fear, With honest thrift I held my honor dear: But this vile hour disperses all my store, And all my hoard of honor is no more; For, ah! too partial to my life's decline, Caesar persuades, submission must be mine; HIim I obey, whom Heaven itself obeys, Hopeless of pleasing, yet inclined to please. Here then at once I welcome every shame, And cancel, at threescore, a life of fame: No more my titles shall my children tell, The old buffoon will fit my name as well: This day beyond its term my fate extends, For life is ended when our honor ends. AN ELEGY ON THE GLORY OF HER SEX, IMRS. MSARY BLAIZE. GooD people all, with one accord, Lament for Madam. Blaize, Wvho never wanted a good word - From those who spoke her praise. The needy seldom pass'd her door, And always found her kind; She freely lent to all the poor - Who left a pledge behind. 136 STANZAS. She strove the neighborhood to please With manners wondrous winning; And never follow'd wicked ways - Unless when she was sinning. At church, in silks and satin new, With hoop of monstrous size, She never slumber'd in her pewBut when she shut her eyes. Her love was sought, I do aver, By twenty beaux and more; The king himself has follow'd herWhen she has walk'd before. But now, her wealth and finery fled, Her hangers-on cut short all: The doctors found, when she was deadHer last disorder mortal. Let us lament in sorrow sore, For Kent Street well may say, That had she lived a twelvemonth moreShe had not died to-day. ON A BEAUTIFUL YOUTH STRUCK BLIND BY LIGHTNING. SURE,'twas by Providence design'd, Rather in pity than in hate, That he should be, like Cupid, blind, To save him from Narcissus' fate. STANZAS. 137 THE CLOWN'S REPLY. JOHN TROTT was desired by two witty peers To tell them the reason why asses had ears;'An't please you,' quoth John,' I'm not given to letters, Nor dare I pretend to know more than my betters; Howe'er from this time, I shall ne'er see your gracesAs I hope to be saved - without thinking on asses.' EPITAPH ON DR. PARNELL. THIS tomb, inscribed to gentle PARNELL'S name, MlIay speak our gratitude, but not his fame. What heart but feels his sweetly moral lay, That leads to truth through ple'asure's flowery way? Celestial themes confess'd his tuneful aid; And Heaven, that lent him genius, was repaid. Needless to him the tribute we bestow, The transitory breath of fame below: More lasting rapture from his works shall rise, While converts thank their poet in the skies. EPITAPH ON EDWARD PURDON.* HERE lies Ned Purdon, foromn misery freed, Who long was a bo,:)kseller's hack: He led such a damnable life in this world, I don't think he'll wish to come back. * This gentleman was educated at Trinity College, Dublin; but having wasted his patrimony, he enlisted as a foot soldier. Growing tired of that employment, he obtained his discharge, and became a scribbler in the newspapers. He translated Voltaire's Henriade. 12* 138 STANZAS. STANZAS ON THE TAKING OF QUEBEC. AMIDST the clamor of exulting joys, Which triumph forces from the patriot heart, Grief dares to mingle her soul-piercing voice, And quells the raptures which fiom pleasure start. 0 Wolfe! * to thee a streaming flood of woe Sighing we pay, and think e'en conquest dear; Quebec in vain shall teach our breast to glow, Whilst thy sad fate extorts the heart-wrung tear. Alive, the foe thy dreadful vigor fled, And saw thee fall with joy-pronouncing eyes: Yet they shall know thou conquerest, though dead! Since from thy tomb a thousand heroes rise. STANZAS ON WOMIAN. WHEN lovely woman stoops to folly, And finds too late that men betray, What charm can soothe her melancholy? What art can wash her guilt away? The only art her guilt to cover, To hide her shame from every eye, To give repentance to her lover, And wring his bosom, is - to die. * Goldsmith claimed relationship with this gallant soldier, whose character he greatly admired. SONGS. 139 A SONNET.* WEEPING, murmuring, complaining, Lost to every gay delight, Myra, too sincere for feigning, Fears th' approaching bridal night. Yet why impair thy bright perfection, Or dim thy beauty with a tear? Had Myra followed my direction, She long had wanted cause of fear SONG. From the Oratorio of the Captivity. THE wretch condemned with life to part, Still, still on hope relies; And every pang that rends the heart Bids expectation rise. Hope, like the glimmering taper's light, Adorns and cheers the way; And still, as darker grows the night, Emits a brighter ray. SONG. From the Oratorio of the Captivity. O MEMORY! thou fond deceiver, Still importunate and vain, To former joys recurring ever, And turning all the past to pain. * This sonnet is imitated from a French madrigal of St. Pavier, 140 PROLOGUE TO ZOBEIDE. Thou, like the world, the oppress'd oppressing, Thy smiles increase the wretch's woe; And he who wants each other blessing, In thee must ever find a foe. SONG. Intended to have been sung in the Comedy of She Stoops to Conquer, but omitted, because Mrs. Bulkley, who acted the part of Miss Hardcastle, could not sing. AH me! when shall I marry me? Lovers are plenty, but fail to relieve me; He, fond youth, that could carry me, Offers to love, but means to deceive me. But I will rally, and combat the ruiner: Not a look, nor a smile, shall my passion discover. She that gives all to the false one pursuing her, Makes but a penitent, and loses a lover. PROLOGUE TO ZOBEIDE, A TRAGEDY; WRITTEN BY JOSEPH CRADOCK, ESQ., ACTED AT THE THEATRE ROYAL, COVENT GARDEN, 17 72. SPOKEN BY MR. QUICK. IN these bold times, when Learning's sons explore The distant climates and the savage shore; When wnise astronomers to India steer, And quit fir Venus many a brighter here; While botanists, all cold to smiles and dimpling, 1.1 PROLOGUE TO ZOBEIDE. 141 Forsake the fair, and patiently - go simpling: Our bard into the general spirit enters, And fits his little frigate for adventures. With Scythian stores, and trinkets deeply laden, He this way steers his course, in hopes of trading; Yet ere he lands he's ordered me befbre, To make an observation on the shore. Where are we driven? our reckoning sure is lost I! This seems a rocky and a dangerous coast. Lord, what a sultry climate am I under! Yon ill-foreboding cloud seems big with thunder: [ )pper Galleqy. There mangroves spread, and larger than I've seen'em - [Pit. Here trees of stately size - and billing turtles in'em. [Balconies. Here ill-condition'd oranges abound - [Stage. And apples, bitter apples, strew the ground: [Tasting them. The inhabitants are cannibals, I fear; I heard a hissing - there are serpents here! Oh, there the people are - best keep my distance: Our Captain, gentle natives, craves assistance; Our ship's well stored — in yonder creek we've laid her, His Honor is no mercenary trader. This is his first adventure: lend him aid, And we may chance to drive a thriving trade. His goods, he hopes, are prime, and brought from far, Equally fit for gallantry and war. What! no reply to promises so ample? I'd best step back - and order up a sample. 142 EPILOGUE TO THE' SISTERS. EPILOGUE TO THE COMEDY OF THE SISTERS.* WHAT! five long acts- and all to make us wiser! Our authoress sure has wanted an adviser. Had slhe consulted me, she should have made Her moral play a speaking masquerade: Warm'd up each bustling scene, and in her rage, Have emptied all the green-room on the stage. MIy life on't this had kept her play from sinking, Have pleased our eyes, and saved the pain of thinking. Well, since she thus has shown her want of skill, What if Igive a masquerade? — I will. But how? ay, there's the rub! [pausing] I've got my cue: The world's a masquerade! the masquers, you, you, you. [ To Boxes, Pit, and Gallery. Ludl! what a group the motley scene discloses! False wits, false wives, false virgins, and filse spouses! Statesmen with bridles on; and, close beside'em, Patriots in party-color'd suits that ride'ern: There HIebes, turn'd of fifty, try once more To raise a flame in Cupids of threescore; These in their turn, with appetites as keen, Deserting fifty, fasten on fifteen: By Mrs. Charlotte Lennox, author of the Female Quixrte, Sl/akspeare ll1strutedl, etc. It was performed one night only at Covent Garden, in 1769. This lady was praised by Dr. Johnson, es the cleverest female writer of her age. EPILOGUE TO THE SISTERS. 143 Miss, not yet full fifteen, with fire uncommon, Flings down her sampler, and takes up the woman; The little urchin smiles, and spreads her lure, And tries to kill, ere she's got power to cure. Thus't is with all: their chief and constant care Is to seem everything -but what they are. Ton broad, bold, angry spark, I fix my eye on, Who seems t' have robb'd his vizor fiom the lion; Who frowns, and talks, and swears, with round parade, Looking, as who should say, Damme! who's afraid? [Minmicking. Strip but this vizor off, and, sure I am,'You'11 find his lionship a very lamb: Yon politician, famous in debate, Perhaps, to vulgar eyes, bestrides the state; Yet, when he deigns his real shape t' assume, He turns old woman, and bestrides a broom. Yon patriot, too, who presses on your sight, And seems, to every gazer, all in white, If with a bribe his candor you attack, He bows, turns round, and whip - the man's in black! Yon critic, too - but whither do I run? If I proceed, our bard will be undone! Well, then, a truce, since. lte requests it too: Do you spare her, and I'11 for once spare you. EPILOGUE, SPOKEN BY MRS. BULKLEY AND MISS CATLEY. Enter Mlrs. Bulkley, who courtesies very low, as beginning to speak. Then enter Mliss CGltley, who stands full before her, and courtesies to the audience. Mrs. Bulkley. HOLD, Ma'am, your pardon. What's your business here? fiss Catley. The Epilogue. Mlrs. B. The Epilogue? HXiss C. Yes, the Epilogue, my dear. Airs. B. Sure, you mistake,:Ma'am. The Epilogue! I bring it. _Miss C. Excuse me, Ma'am. The author bid me sing it. Recitative. Ye beaux and belles, that form this splendid ring, Suspend your conversation while I sing. Airs. B. Why, sure, the girl's beside herself! an Ep. iloue of singing? A hopeful end, indeed, to such a blest beginning. Besides, a singer in a comic set - Excuse me, Ma'am, I know the etiquette. MAiss C. Whlat if we leave it to the house? Mrs. B. Thle house?- Agreed. EPILOGUE. 145 Miss C. Agreed. jMrs. B. And she whose party's largest shall proceed. And first, I hope you'll readily agree I've all the critics and the wits for me. They, I am sure, will answer my commands: Ye candid judging few, hold up your hands. What! no return? I find too late, I fear, That modern judges seldom enter here. Miss C. I'm for a different set: —Old men, whose trade is Still to gallant and dangle with the ladies. Recitative. Who mump their passion, and who, grimly smiling, Still thus address the fair with voice beguiling: AIR. Cotillon. Turn, my fairest, turn, if ever Strephon caught thy ravish'd eye, Pity take on your swain so clever, Who without your aid must die. Yes, I shall die, hu, hu, hu, hu! Yes, I must die, ho, ho, ho, ho! Da Capo. Mrs. B. Let all the old pay homage to your merit; Give me the young, the gay, the men of spirit.'Ye travell'd tribe, ye macaroni train, Of French friseurs and nosegays justly vain, Who take a trip to Paris once a-year, 13 146 EPILOGUE. To dress, and look like awkward Frenchmen here, — Lend me your hands: 0, fatal news to tell, Their hands are only lent to the Heinelle. Miss C. Ay, take your travellers - travellers indeed I Give me my bonny Scot, that travels from the Tweed. Where are the chiels? Ah, all, I well discern The smiling looks of each bewitching bairn. AIR.- A bonnie young lad is my Jockey. I'll sing to amuse you by night and by day, And be unco merry when you are but gay; When you with your bagpipes are ready to play, My voice shall be ready to carol away With Sandy, and Sawney, and Jockey, With Sawnie, and Jarvie, and Jockey. 2Iirs. B. Ye gamesters, who, so eager in pursuit, Make but of all your fortune one va toute: Ye jockey tribe, whose stock of words are few,' I hold the odds - Done, done, with you, with you!' Ye barristers, so fluent with grimace,'My Lord, your Lordship misconceives the case:' Doctors, who answer every misfortuner,' I wish I'd been call'd in a little sooner:' Assist my cause with hands and voices hearty, Come, end the contest here, and aid my party. AIR.- Ballinamony. Miss C. Ye brave Irish lads, hark away to the crack, Assist me, I pray, in this woeful attack; For - sure, I don't wrong you - you seldom are slack, EPILOGUE. 147 When the ladies are calling, to blush and hang back. For you are always polite and attentive, Still to amuse us inventive, And death is your only preventive; Your hands and voices for me. rilrs. B. Well, Madam, what if, after all this sparring, We both agree, like friends, to end our jarring? Miss (2 And that our friendship may remain unbrok. en, What if we leave the Epilogue unspoken? Mrs. B. Agreed..iiss C. Agreed. Mrs. B. And now with late repentance, Un-epilogued the Poet waits his sentence. Condemn the stubborn fool, who can't submit To thrive by flattery, though he starves by wit. Exeunt. AN EPILOGUE INTENDED FOR MRS. BULKLEY. THERE is a place - so Ariosto singsA treasury for lost and missing things, Lost human wits have places there assign'd them, And they who lose their senses, there may find them. But where's this place, this storehouse of the age? The Moon, says he; but I affirm, the Stage - At least, in many things, I think I see His lunar and our mimic world agree: Both shine at night, for, but at Foote's alone, We scarce exhibit till the sun goes down; 148 EPIL O GUE. Both prone to change, no settled limits fix, And sure the folks of both are lunatics. But in this parallel my best pretence is, That mortals visit both to find their senses; To this strange spot, Rakes, Macaronies, Cits, Come thronging to collect their scatter'd wits. The gay coquette, who ogles all the day, Comes here at night, and goes a prude away. Hither th' affected city dame advancing, WVho sighs for Operas, and doats on dancing, Taught by our art, her ridicule to pause on, Quits the Ballet, and calls for Nancy Dawson. The Gamester, too, whose wit's all high or low, Oft risks his fortune on one desperate throw, Comes here to saunter, having made his bets, Finds his lost senses out, and pays his debts. The Mohawk, too, with angry phrases stored — As,' Dainme, Sir!' and' Sir, I wear a sword!' Here lesson'd for a while, and hence retreating, Goes out, affronts his man, and takes a beating. Here comes the sons of scandal and of news, But find no sense - for they had none to lose. Of all the tribe here wanting an adviser, Our Author's the least likely to grow wiser; Has he not seen how you your favor place On sentimental queens, and lords in lace? Without a star, a coronet, or garter, How can the piece expect or hope for quarter? No high-life scenes, no sentiment: the creature Still stoops among the low to copy Nature. Yes, he's far gone: and yet some pity fix, The English laws forbid to punish lunatics. EPILOGUE, SPOKEN BY MR. LEE LEWES, IN TIIE CHARACTER OF HARLEQUIN, AT HIS BENEFIT. HOLD! Prompter, hold! a word before your nonsense I'd speak a word or two, to ease my conscience. My pride forbids it ever should be said Mly heels eclipsed the honors of my head; That I fbund humor in a piebald vest, Or ever thoulght that jumping was a jest. [Takes off his mask. Whence, and what art thou, visionary birth? Nature disowns, and reason scorns thy mirth: In thy black aspect every passion sleeps, The joy that dimples, and the wo that weeps. How hast thou fill'd the scene with all thy brood Of fools pursuing and of fools pursued! Whose ins and outs no ray of sense discloses, Whose only plot it is to break our noses; lhilst from below the trap-door demons rise, And firom above the danglingr deities: And shall I mix in this unhallow'd crew? May rosin'd lightning blast me if I do! No - I will act- I'll vindicate the stage: Shakspeare himself' shall feel my tragic rage. Off! off! vile trappings! a new passion reigns! The madd'ning monarch revels in my veins. Oh! for a Richard's voice to catch the theme,13* 15a0 EPILOGUE.'Give me another horse! bind up my wounds! -soft -'twas but a dream.' Ay,'twas but a dream, for now there's no retreating, If I cease Harlequin, I cease from eating.'Twas thus that _Asop's stat,, a creature blameless, Yet something vain, like one that shall be nameless, Once on the margin of a fountain stood And cavill'd at his image in the flood:'The deuce confound,' he cries,'these drumstick shanks, They never have my gratitude nor thanks; They're perfectly disgraceful! strike me dead! But for a head, yes, yes, I have a head: How piercing is that eye! how sleek that brow! My horns! - I'm told that horns are the fhshion now.' Whilst thus he spoke, astonish'd, to his view, Near, and more near, the hounds and huntsmen drew;' Hoicks! hark forward!' came thund'ring from behind: He bounds aloft, outstrips the fleetingr wind; Ile quits the woods, and tries the beaten ways; I-e starts, he pants, he takes the circling maze: At length, his silly head, so prized before, Is taught his former folly to deplore; Whilst his strong limbs conspire to set him free, And at one bound he saves himself- like me. [ Taking a jump through the stage door THRENODIA AUGUSTALIS.* SACRED TO TIlE MEMORY OF HER LATE ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCESS DOWAGER OF WALES. SPOKEN AND SUNG IN TIIE GREAT ROOM IN SO110-SQUARE, Thursday, the 20th day of February, 1772. ADVERTISEMENT. THE following may more properly be termed a compilation than a poem. It was prepared for the composer in little more than two days: and may therefore rather be considered as an industrious effort of gratitude than of,enius. In justice to the composer, it may likewise be right to inform the public, that the music was adapted in a period of time equally short. SPEAKERS - Mr. Lee and M/rs. Bellamy. SINGERS —31r. Champnes, Mlr. Dine, and MJiss Jameson. THIE MUSIC PREPARED AND ADAPTED BY SIGNIOR VENTO. * This poem was first printed in Chalmers' edition of the English Poets, from a copy given by Goldsmith to his fricnd, Joseph Cradock, Esq., author of the tragedy of Zobeide. 152 THRENODIA AUGUSTALIS. THRENODIA AUGUSTALIS. OVERTURE-A SOLEMN DIRGE. AIR - TRIO. ARISE, ye sons of worth, arise, And waken every note of woe! When truth and virtue reach the skies'Tis ours to weep the want below. CHORUS. When truth and virtue, etc. MAN SPEAKER. The praise attending pomp and power, The incense given to kings, Are but the trappings of an hour, Mere transitory things. The base bestow them; but the good agree To spurn the venal gifts as flattery. But when to pomp and power are join'd An equal dignity of the mind; When titles are the smallest claim; When wealth and rank, and noble blood, But aid the power of doing good: Then all their trophies last - and flattery turns to fame. Blest spirit, thou, whose fame, just born to bloom, Shall spread and flourish from the tomb, How hlast thou left mankind for Heaven! Even now reproach and faction mourn, And, wondering how their rage was born, THRENODIA AUGUSTALIS. 153 Request to be forgiven! Alas! they never had thy hate; Unmoved, in conscious rectitude, Thy towering mind self-centred stood, Nor wanted man's opinion to be great. In vain, to charm the ravish'd sight, A thousand gifts would fortune send; In vain, to drive thee from the right, A thousand sorrows urged thy end: Like some well-fashion'd arch thy patience stood, And purchased strength from its increased load. Pain met thee like a friend to set thee free, Affliction still is virtue's opportunity! Virtue, on herself relying, Every passion hushed to rest, Loses every pain of dying In the hopes of being blest. Every added pang she suffers Some increasing good bestows, And every shock that malice offers Only rocks her to repose. SONG. BY A MAN —AFFETUOSO. Virtue, on herself relying, etc. to Only rocks her to repose. W'OMAN SPEAKER. Yet ah! what terrors frown'd upon her fate, Death, with its formidable band, Fever, and pain, and pale consumptive care, 15 4 THRENODIA AUGUSTALIS. Determined took their stand. Nor did the cruel ravagers design To finish all their efforts at a blow: But, mischievously slow, They robb'd the relic and defaced the shrine. With unavailing grief, Despairing of relief, IIer weeping children round Beheld each hour Death's growing pow'r, And trembled as he frown'd. As helpless friends who view from shore The laboring ship, and hear the tempest roar, While winds and waves their wishes cross. They stood, while hope and comfort fail, Not to assist, but to bewail The inevitable loss. Relentless tyrant, at thy call I-low do the good, the virtuous fall! Truth, beauty, worth, and all that most engage, But wake thy vengeance and provoke thy rage. SONG. BY A MAN- BASSO, STOCCATO, SPIRITUOSO. When vice my dart and scythe supply, Ilow great a King of Terrors I! If folly, fraud, your hearts engage, Tremble, ye mortals, at my rage! Fall, round me fall, ye little things, Ye statesmen, warriors, poets, kings, If virtue fail her counsel sage, Tremble. ye mortals, at my rage! THRENODIA AUGUSTALIS. 1; MAAN SPEAKER. Yet let that wisdom, ured by her example, Treach us to estimate vlhat all mnust suffier: Let us prize death as the best gift of nature, As a safe inn whlere weary travellers, When they have journey'd throughll a world of cares, May put off life, and be at rest forever. (?roans, weeping friends, indeed, and gloomy sables, Maly oft distract us with their sad solemnity: The preparation is the executioner. Death, when unmask'd, sllows me a fiiendly face, And is a terror only at a distance: For as the line of' life conducts me on To Death's great court, the prospect seems more fair;'Tis Nature's kind retreat, that's always open To take us in when we have drained the cup Of life, or worn our days to wretchedness. In that secure, serene retreat, Where all the humble, all the great, Promiscuously recline; Where wil(lly huddled to the eye, The beggar's poucll, and prince's purple lie: May every bliss be thine! And, ah! blest spirit, wheresoe'er thy flight, Through rolling worlds, or fields of liquid light, Mlay cherubs welcome their expected guest! lMay saints with songs receive thee to their rest! lMay peace, that claim'd while here, thy warmest love, May blissful, endless peace be thine above! 156 THRENODIA AUGUSTALIS. SONG. BY A WOMAN — AMOROSO. Lovely, lasting Peace, below, Comforter of every woe, Heavenly born, and bred on high, To crown the favorites of the sky! Lovely, lasting Peace, appear! This world itself, if thou art here, Is once again with Eden blest, And man contains it in his breast. WOMAN SPEAKER. Our vows are heard! Long, long to mortal eyes, Her soul was fitting to its kindred skies: Celestial like her bounty fell, Where modest Want and patient Sorrow dwell; VWant pass'd for Merit at her door, Unseen the modest were supplied, Her constant pity fed the poor, - Then only poor, indeed, the day she died. And, oh! for this, while sculpture decks thy shrine, And art exhausts profusion round, The tribute of a tear be mine, A simple song, a sigh profound. There faith shall come - a pilgrim gray, To bless the tomb that wraps thy clay! And calm Religion shall repair To dwell a weeping hermit there. Truth, Fortitude, and Friendship, shall agree To blend their virtues while they think of thee. THRENODIA AUGUSTALIS. 157 AIR - CHORUS POMPOSO. Let us- let all the world agree, To profit by resembling thee. PART II. OVERTURE - PASTORALE. MAN SPEAKER. FAST by that shore where Thames' translucent stream Reflects new glories on his breast, Where, splendid as the youthful poet's dream, He forms a scene beyond Elysium blest; Where sculptured elegance and native grace Unite to stamp the beauties of the place; While, sweetly blending, still are seen The wavy lawn, the sloping green; While novelty, with cautious cunning, Through every maze of fancy running, From China borrows aid to deck the scene: There, sorrowing by the river's glassy bed, Forlorn, a rural band complain'd, All whom AUGUSTA'S bounty fed, All whom her clemency sustain'd; The good old sire, unconscious of decay, The modest matron, clad in home-spun gray, The military boy, the orphan'd maid, The shatter'd veteran now first dismay'd, - These sadly join beside the murmuring deep, And, as they view the towers of Kew, Call on their mistress - now no more - and weep. 14 158 THRENODIA AUGUSTALIS. CHORUS.- AFFETUOSO, LARGO. Ye shad(y walks, ye waving greens, Ye noddling towers, ye iairy scenes, Let all your echoes now deplore, That she who fbrm'd your beauties is no more. MAN SPEAKER. First of the train the patient rustic came, Whose callous hand had form'd the scene, B13n(dling at once with sorrow and with age, With mnany a tear, and many a sigh between:' Andr where,' he cried,'shall now my babes have bread, Or how shall age support its feeble fire? No lord will take me now, my vigor fled, Nor can my strength perform what they require: Each grudging master keeps the laborer bare, A sleek and idle race is all their care. My noble mistress thought not so: Her bounty, like the morning dew, Unseen, though constant, used to flow, And as my strength decay'd, her bounty grew.' WOMAN SPEAKER. In decent dress, and coarsely clean, Tlie pious matron next was seen, Clasp'd in her hand a godly book was borne, By use and daily meditation worn; That decent dress, this holy guide, Augusta's cares had well supplied.'And ah!' she cries, all wobegone, THRENODIA AUGUSTALIS. 159' What now remains for me? Oh! where shall weeping want repair To ask for charity? Too late in life for me to ask, And shame prevents the deed, And tardy, tardy are the times To succor, should I need. But all my wants, before I spoke, Were to my mistress known; She still relieved, nor sought my praise, Contented with her own. But every day her name I'll bless, My morning prayer, my evening song, I'll praise her while my life shall last, A life that cannot last me long,.' SONG.- BY A wOMAN. Each day, each hour, her name I'll bless, My morning and my evening song, And when in death my vows shall cease, My children shall the note prolong. MAN SPEAKER. The hardy veteran after struck the sight, Scarr'd, mangled, maim'd in every part, Lopp'd of his limbs in many a gallant fight, In nought entire - except his heart: IMute fbr a while, and sullenly distrest, At last th' impetuous sorrow fired his breast:Wild is the whirlwind rolling O'er Afric's sandy plain, 160 THRENODIA AUGUSTALIS. And wide the tempest howling Along the billow'd main: But every danger felt before, The raging deep, the whirlwind's roar, Less dreadful struck me with dismay Thin what I feel this fatal day. Oh, let me fly a land that spurns the brave, Oswego's dreary shores shall-be my grave; I'll seek that less inhospitable coast, And lay my body where my limbs were lost. SONG.-BY A MAN. —BASSO SPIRITUOSO. Old Edward's sons, unknown to yield, Shall crowd from Cressy's laurell'd field, To do thy memory right: For thine and Britain's wrongs they feel, Again they snatch the gleamy steel, And wish th' avenging fight. WOMAN SPEAKER. In innocence and youth complaining, Next appear'1 a lovely maid; Affliction, o'er each feature reigning, Kindly came in beauty's aid: Every grace that grief dispenses, Every glance that warms the soul, In sweet succession charms the senses, While Pity harmonized the whole.'The garland of beauty,''tis thus she would say,'No more shall my crook or my temples adorn; I'll not wear a garland - Augusta's away - THRENODIA AUGUSTALIS. 161 I'll not wear a garland until she return. But, alas! that return I never shall see: The echoes of Thames shall my sorrows proclaim, There promised a lover to come -but, ah me!'Twas death -'twas the death of my mistress that came. But ever, for ever, her image shall last, I'll strip all the Spring of its earliest bloom; On her grave shall the cowslip and primrose be cast, And the new-blossom'd thorn shall whiten her tomb. SONG.- BY A WOMAN.- PASTORALE. With garlands of beauty the Queen of the May No more will her crook or her temples adorn; For who'd wear a garland when she is away, When she is removed, and shall never return? On the grave of Augusta these garlands be placed, We'll rifle the Spring of its earliest bloom, And there shall the cowslip and primrose be cast, And the new-blossom'd thorn shall whiten her tomb. CHORUS.- ALTRO MODO. On the grave of Augusta this garland be placed, We'll rifle the Spring of its earliest bloom, And there shall the cowslip and primrose be cast, And the tears of her country shall water her tomb. 14* THE CAPTIVITY: AN ORATORIO.* THE PERSONS. First Jewish Prophet. First Chaldean Priest. Second Jewish Prophet. Second Chaldean Priest. lsraelitish Woman. Chaldean Woman. Chorus of Youths and Virgins. SCENE - The Banks of the River Euphrates near Babylon. ACT THE FIRST. FIRST PROPHET. YE captive tribes that hourly work and weep Where flows Euphrates murmuring to the deep, Suspend your woes a while, the task suspend, And turn to God, your father and your friend: Insulted, chain'd, and all the world our foe, Our God alone is all we boast below. Air. FIRST PROPHET. Our God is all we boast below, To him we turn our eyes; * This was first printed from the original. in Dr. Goldsmith's own hana-writing, in the 8vo. edition of his Miscellaneous Works, published in 1820. THE CAPTIVITY: AN ORATARIO. 163 And every added weight of wo Shall make our homage rise. SECOND PROPHET. And though no temple richly dress'd, Nor sacrifice is here, We'll make his temple in our breast, And offer up a tear. [ The first stanza repeated by the CHonRus ISRAELITISHI WOMIAN. That strain once more! it bids remembrance rise, And brings my long-lost country to mine eyes: Ye fields of Sharon, dress'd in flowery pride, Ye plains where Kedron rolls its glassy tide, Ye hills of Lebanon, with cedars crown'd, Ye Gilead groves, that fling perfumes around,How sweet those groves! that plain how wondrous fair I How doubly sweet when Heaven was with us there I Air. O Memory! thou fond deceiver, Still importunate and vain; To former joys recurring ever, And turning all the past to pain. Hence, intruder most distressing! Seek the happy and the free: The wretch who wants each other blessing, Ever wants a friend in thee. SECOND PROPHET. Yet why complain? What though by bonds confined? 164 THE CAPTIVITY: AN ORATORIO. Should bonds repress the vigor of the mind? Have we not cause fbr triumph, when we see Ourselves alone fiom idol worship free? Are not, this very morn, those feasts begun Where prostrate error hails the rising sun? I)o not our tyrant lords this day ordain For superstitious rites and mirth profane? And should we mourn? Should coward virtue fly, When vaunting folly lifts her head on high? No! rather let us triumph still the more, And as our fortune sinks, our spirits soar. Air. The triumphs that on vice attend Shall ever in confusion end; The good man suffers but to gain, And every virtue springs from pain: As aromatic plants bestow No spicy fragrance while they grow; But crush'd, or trodden to the ground, Diffuse their balmy sweets around. FIRST PROPHET. But hush, my sons, our tyrant lords are near, Thle sounds of barbarous pleasure strike mine ear; Triumphant music floats along the vale, Near, nearer still, it gathers on the gale: The growing sound their swift approach declares - Desist, my sons, nor mix the strain with theirs. THE CAPTIVITY: AN ORATORIO. 165 Enter CHALDEAN PRIESTS attended. Air. FIRST PRIEST. Come on, my companions, the triumph display, Let rapture the minutes employ; The sun calls us out on this festival day, And our monarch partakes in the joy. SECOND PRIEST. Like the sun, our great monarch all rapture supplies, Both similar blessings bestow: The sun with his splendor illumines the skies, And our monarch enlivens below. Air. CHALDEAN WOMTAN. Haste, ye sprightly sons of pleasure, Love presents the fairest treasure, Leave all other joys for me. A CHALDEAN ATTENDANT. Or rather, love's delights despising, Haste to raptures ever rising, Wine shall bless the brave and free. FIRST PRIEST. Wine and beauty thus inviting, Each to different joys exciting, Whither shall my choice incline. 166 THE CAPTIVITY: AN ORATORIO. SECOND PRIEST. I'll waste no longer thought in choosing, But, neither this nor that refusing, I'll make them both together mine. FIRST PRIEST. But whence, when joy should brighten o'er the land, This sullen gloom in Judah's captive band? Ye sons of Judah, why the lute unstrung? Or why those harps on yonder willows hung? Come, take the lyre, and pour the strain along; The day demands it: sing us Sion's song, Dismiss your griefs, and join our warbling choir, For who like you can wake the sleeping lyre? Air. Every moment as it flows, Some peculiar pleasure owes: Come then, providently wise, Seize the debtor e'er it flies. SECOND PRIEST. Think not to-morrow can repay The debt of pleasure lost to-day: Alas! to-morrow's richest store Can but pay its proper score. SECOND PROPHET. Chain'd as we are, the scorn of all mankind, To want, to toil, and every ill consign'd, Is this a time to bid us raise the strain, THE CAPTIVITY: AN ORATORIO. 167 Or mix in rites that Heaven regards with pain? No, never! may this hand forget each art That wakes to finest joys the human heart, Ere I forget the land that gave me birth, Or join to sounds profane its sacred mirth! SECOND PRIEST. Rebellious slaves! if soft persuasion fail, More formidable terrors shall prevail. FIRST PROPHET. Why, let them come, one good remains to cheer — tWe fear the Lord, and scorn all other fear. [Exeunt CHALDEANS. CHORUS OF ISRAELITES. Can chains or tortures bend the mind On God's supporting breast reclined? Stand fast, and let our tyrants see That fortitude is victory. [Exeunt. ACT THIE SECOND. ISRAELITES and CHALDEANS, as before. Air. FIRST PROPHET. O peace of mind, angelic guest, Thou soft companion of the breast, Dispense thy balmy store! 168 THE CAPTIVITY: AN ORATORIO. Wing all our thoughts to reach the skies, Till earth, receding from our eyes, Shall vanish as we soar! FIRST PRIEST. No more. Too long has justice been delay'd, The king's commands must fully be obey'd; Compliance with his will your peace secures, Praise but our gods, and every good is yours. But if, rebellious to his high command, You spurn the favors offer'd from his hand, Think, timely think, what terrors are behind; Reflect nor tempt to rage the royal mind. Air. Fierce is the tempest howling Along the furrow'd main, And fierce the whirlwind rolling O'er Afric's sandy plain. But storms that fly To rend the sky, Every ill presaging, Less dreadful show To worlds below Than angry monarchs raging. ISRAELITISH WOMAN. Ah me! what angry terrors round us grow! How shrinks my soul to meet the threaten'd blowa Ye pr-pbu Ai- sild a Dexep' eton-S truth, THE CAPTIVITY: AN ORATORIO. 169 Forgive my sex's fears, forgive my youth! Ah! let us one, one little hour obey; To-morrow's tears may wash the stain away. Air. Fatigued with life, yet loath to part, On hope the wretch relies; And every blow that sinks the heart Bids the deluder rise. HIope, like the taper's gleamy light Adorns the wretch's way; And still, as darker grows the night, Emits a brighter ray. SECOND PRIEST. Why this delay?'At length for joy prepare: I read your looks, and see compliance there. Come on, and bid the warbling rapture rise; Our monarch's fame the noblest theme supplies. Begin, ye captive bands, and strike the lyre; The time, the theme, the place, and all conspire. Air. CHALDEAN WOMAN. See the ruddy morning smiling, Hear the grove to bliss beguiling; Zephyrs through the woodland playing, Streams along the valley straying. FIRST PRIEST. While these a constant revel keep, 15 170 THE CAPTIVITY: AN ORATORIO. Shall reason only teach to weep? Hence, intruder! we'll pursue Nature, a better guide than you. SECOND PRIEST. But hold! see, foremost of the captive choir, The master prophet grasps his full-toned lyre. Mark where he sits, with executing art, Feels for each tone, and speeds it to the heart. See, how prophetic rapture fills his form, Awful as clouds that nurse the growing storm! And now his voice, accordant to the string, Prepares our monarch's victories to sing. Air. FIRST PROPHIET. From north, from south, from east, from west, Conspiring nations come: Tremble, thou vice-polluted breast! Blaspbemers, all be dumb. The tempest gathers all around, On Babylon it lies; Down with her! down, down to the ground She sinks, she groans, she dies. SECOND PROPHET. Down with her, Lord, to lick the dust, Before yon setting sun; Serve her as she hath served the justl'Tis fix'd - it shall be done THE CAPTIVITY: AN ORATORIO. 171 FIRST PRIEST. No more! when slaves thus insolent presume, The king himself shall judge and fix their doom. Unthinking wretches! have not j ou and all Belheld our power in Zedekiah's fall? To yonder gloomy dungeon turn your eyes: See where dethroned your captive monarch lies, Deprived of sight, and rankling in his chain; See where he mourns his firiends and children slain. Yet know, ye slaves, that still remain behind More ponderous chains, and dungeons more confined. CHORUS OF ALL. Arise, all potent ruler, rise, And vindicate the people's cause, Till every tongue in every land Shall offer up unfeigned applause. [Exeunt, ACT THE THIRD. FIRST PRIEST. Yes, my companions, Heaven's decrees are pass'd, And our fix'd empire shall for ever last: In vain the madd'ning prophet threatens woe, In vain rebellion aims her secret blow; Still shall our name and growing power be spread, And still our justice crush the traitor's head. 172 THE CAPTIVITY: AN ORATORIO. Air. Coeval with man Our empire began, And never shall fall Till ruin shakes all. When ruin shakes all, Then shall Babylon fall. SECOND PROPHET.'Tis thus the proud triumphant rear the head, A little while and all their power is fled. But, ha! what means yon sadly plaintive train, That onward slowly bends along the plain? And now, behold, to yonder bank they bear A pallid corse, and rest the body there. Alas! too well mine eyes indignant trace The last remains of Judah's royal race: Fall'n is our king, and all our fears are o'er, Unhappy Zedekiah is no more. Air. Ye wretches, who, by fortune's hate, In want and sorrow groan, Come, ponder his severer fate, And learn to bless your own. FIRST PROPHET. Ye vain, whom youth and pleasure guide, Awhile the bliss suspend; Like yours, his life began in pride, Like his, your lives shall end. THE CAPTIVITY: AN ORATORIO. 173 SECOND PROPHET. Behold his wretched corse with sorrow worn, His squalid limbs by ponderous fetters torn; Those eyeless orbs that shook with ghastly glare, Those unbecoming rags, that matted hair! And shall not Heaven fobr this avenge the foe, Grasp the red bolt, and lay the guilty low? How long, how long, Almnighty God of all, Shall wrath vindictive threaten ere it fall? Air. ISRAELITISH WOMAN. As panting flies the hunted hind, Where brooks refreshing stray; And rivers through the valley wind, That stop the hunter's way: Thus we, 0 Lord, alike distress'd, For streams of mercy long; Streams which cheer the sore oppress'd, And overwhelm the strong. FIRST PROPHET. But whence that shout? Good Heavens! Amazement all! See yonder tower just nodding to the fall: Behold, an army covers all the ground,'Tis Cyrus here that pours destruction round: And now, behold, the battlements reclineO God of hosts, the victory is thine! 15* 174 THE CAPTIVITY: AN ORATORIO. CHORUS OF CAPTIVES. Down with them, Lord, to lick the dust; Thy vengeance be begun; Serve them as they have served the just, And let thy will be done. FIRST PRIEST. All, all is lost! The Syrian army fails, Cyrus, the conqueror of the world, prevails. The ruin smokes, the torrent pours along — How low the proud, how feeble are the strong! Save us, 0 Lord! to Thee, though late, we pray; And give repentance but an hour's delay. Air. FIRST AND SECOND PRIEST. 0 happy, who in happy hour To God their praise bestow, And own his all-consuming power Before they feel the blow! SECOND PROPIHET. Now, now's our time! ye wretches, bold and blind, Brave but to God, and cowards to mankind, Ye seek in vain the Lord unsought before, Your wealth, your lives, your kingdom, are no more I Air. 0 Lucifer, thou son of morn, Of Heaven alike, and man the foe,Heaven, men, and all, THE CAPTIVITY: AN ORATORIO. 175 Now press thy fall, And'sink thee lowest of the low. FIRST PROPHET. 0 Babylon, how art thou fallen! Thy fall more doreadful from delay! Thv streets forlorn, To wilds shall turn, Where toads shall pant and vultures prey. SECOND PROPHET. Such be her fate. But hark! how from afar The clarion's note proclaims the finish'd war! Our great restorer, Cyrus, is at hand, And this way leads his formidable band. Give, give your songs of Sion to the wind, And hail the benefactor of mankind: He comes, pursuant to divine decree, To chain the strong, and set the captive free. CHORUS OF YOUTHS. Rise to transports past expressing, Sweeter by remember'd woes; Cyrus comes, our wrongs redressing, Comes to give the world repose. CHORUS OF vIRGINS. Cyrus comes, the world redressing, Love and pleasure in his train; Comes to heighten every blessing, Comes to soften every pain. 176 THE CAPTIVITY: AN ORATORIO. SEMI-CHORUS. Hail to him with mercy reigning, Skill'd in every peaceful art; WVho, firom bonds our limbs unchaining, Only binds the willing heart. THE LAST CHORUS. But chief to thee, our God, defender, friend, Let praise be given to all eternity; O Thou, without beginning, without end, Let us, and all, begin and end in Thee! LINES ATTRIBUTED TO DR. GOLDSMITIH INSERTED IN TIIE MORNING CHRONICLE, OF APRIL 3, 1800 E'EN have you seen, bathed in the morning dew, The budding rose its infant bloom display; ~When first its virgin tints unfold to view, It shrinks, and scarcely trusts the blaze of day: So soft, so delicate, so sweet she came, Youth's damask glow just dawning on her cheek; I gazed, I sigli'd, I caught the tender flame, Felt the fond pang, and droop'd with passion weak. THE GOOD-NATURED MAN: A COMEDY. This admirable counedy was represented, for tlic first time, at Covent Garden, January 29, 1768. It kept possession of the stage for nine nights, but was considered by the author's friends, not to have met with all the success it deserved. Dr. Johnson said it was the best comedy which had appeared since' The Provoked Husbatd,' and Burke estimated its merits still higher. PREFACE. WHEN I undertook to write a comedy, I confess I was strongly prepossessed in favor of the poets of the last age, and strove to imitate them. The term genteel comedy, was then unknown amongst us, and little more was desired by an audience, than nature and humor, in whatever walks of life they were most conspicuous. The author of the following scenes never imagined that more would be expected of him, and therefore to delineate character has been his principal aim. Those who know anything of composition, are sensible that in pursuing humor, it will sometimes lead us into the recesses of the mean: I was even tempted to look for it in the master of a sponging-house; but, in deference to the public tastegrown. of late, perhaps, too delicate - the scene of the bailiffs was retrenched in the representation. In deference also to the judgment of a few friends, who think in a particular way, the scene is here restored. The author submits it to the reader in his closet; and hopes that too much refinement will THE GOOD-NATURED M[A N. not banish humor and character from ours, as it has already done from the French theatre. Indeed, the French comedy is now become so very elevated and sentimental, that it has not only banished humor and Moliere from the stage, but it has banished all spectators too. Upon the whole, the author returns his thanks to the public, for the favorable reception which the Good-Natured 31an has met with; and to Mr. Colman in particular, for his kindness to it. It may not also be improper to assure any who shall hereafter write for the theatre, that merit, or supposed merit, will ever be a sufficient passport to his protection. DRAMATIS PERSONXE. MEN. Mllr. iloneywood. Croaker. LoJfy. Sir William Iloneywood. Leontine. Jtryis. Butler. Bailiff. Dubardieu.. Postboy. WOMEN. 3iiss Richland. Olivia. MIrs. Croaker. Gaen et. Landlady. Scene -LODON. THE GOOD-NATURED MAN. PROLOGUE, WRITTEN BY DR. JOHNSON, SPOKEN BY MR. BENSLEY PRESS'D by the load of life, the weary mind Surveys the general toil of human kind, With cool submission joins the lab'ring train, And social sorrow loses half its pain: Our anxious bard, without complaint, may share This bustling season's epidemic care, Like Cmsar's pilot, dignified by fate, Toss'd in one common storm with all the great; Distress'd alike, the statesman and the wit, When one a Borough courts, and one the Pit. The busy candidates fbr power and fame Have hopes, and fears, and wishes, just the same: Disabled both to combat or to fly, Mlust hear all taunts, and hear without reply; Uncheck'd, on both loud rabbles vent their rage, As mongrels bay the lion in a cage. Th' offended burgess hoards his angry tale, For that blest year when all that vote may rail; 180 THE GOOD-NATURED MAN. Their schemes of spite the poet's foes dismiss, Till that glad night when all that hate may hiss.'This day, the powder'd curls and golden coat,' Says swelling Crispin,' begg'd a cobbler's vote.''This night our wit,' the pert apprentice cries,' Lies at my feet — I hiss him, and he dies.' The great,'tis true, can charm th' electing tribe:'lie bard may supplicate, but cannot bribe. Yet, judged by those whose voices ne'er were sold, He feels no want of ill-persuading gold; But confident of praise, if praise be due, Trusts without fear to merit and to you. ACT FIRST. Scene-AN APARTMENT IN YOUNG IIONEYWOOD'S HOUSE. Enter tSir t'William ltoneywood and Jarvis. Sir William. GooD Jarvis, make no apologies for this honest bluntness. Fidelity, like yours, is the best excuse for every freedomn. Jarvis. I can't help being blunt, and being very angry too, when I hear you talk of disinheriting so good, so worthy a young gentleman as your nephew, my master. All the world loves him. Sir William. Say rather, that he loves all the world; that is his fault. Jarvis. I am sure there is no part of it more dear to him than you are, though he has not seen you since he was a child. THE GOOD-NATURED MAN. 181 Sir William. What signifies this affection to me? or how can I be proud of a place in a heart, where every sharper and coxcomb find an easy entrance? Jarvis. I grant you that he is rather too good-natured; that he's too much every man's man; that he laughs this minute with one, and cries the next with another: but whose instructions may he thank for all this? Sir'illiam. Not mine, sure. My letters to him during my employment in Italy, taught him only that philosophy which might prevent, not defend, his errors. Jarvis. Faith, begging your honor's pardon, I'm sorry they taught him any philosophy at all: it has only served to spoil him. This same philosophy is a good horse in a stable, but an arrant jade on a journey. For my own part, whenever I hear him mention the name on't, I'm always sure he's going to play the fool. Sir'illiam. Don't let us ascribe his faults to his philosophy, I entreat you. No, Jarvis, his good-nature arises rather from his fears of offending the importunate, than his desire of making the deserving happy. Jarvis. What it arises from, I don't know; but, to be sure, everybody has it that asks for it. Sir William. Ay, or that does not ask it. I have been now for some time a concealed spectator of his follies, and find them as boundless as his dissipation. Jarvis. And yet, faith, he has some fine name or other for them all. He calls his extravagfance, generosity; and his trusting everybody, universal benevolence. It was but last week he went security for a fellow whose face he scarce knew, and that he called an act of exalted mumu- munificence; ay, that was the name he gave it. 16 182 THE GOOD-NATURED MAN. Sir William. And upon that I proceed, as my last effort, though with very little hopes, to reclaim him. That very fellow has just absconded, and I have taken up the security. Now, my intention is to involve him in fictitious distress, before he has plunged himself into real calamity: to arrest him for that very debt, to clap an officer upon him, and then let him see which of his friends will come to his relief: Ja, is. Well, if I could but any way see him thoroughly vexed, evq-ey groan of his would be music to me; yet, faith, I believe it. impossible. I have tried to fret him myself' every morning these three years; but instead of being angry, he sits as calmly to hear me scold, as he does to his hair dresser. Sir William. We must try him once more, however, and I'll go this instant to put my scheme into execution: and I don't despair of succeeding, as, by your means, I can have frequent opportunities of being about him without being known. What a pity it is, Jarvis, that any man's good-will to others should produce so much neglect of himself, as to require correction! Yet we must touch his weaknesses with a delicate hand. There are some faults so nearly allied to excellence, that we can scarce weed out the vice without eradicating the virtue. [Exit. Jarvis. Well, go thy ways, Sir William Honeywood. It is not without reason, that the world allows thee to be the best of men. But here comes his hopeful nephew - the strange, good-natured, foolish, open-hearted - And yet, all his faults are such, that one loves him still the better for them. THE GOOD-NATURED MAN. 183 Enter Honeywood. Honeywood. Well, Jarvis, what messages from my friends this morning? Jarvis. You have no friends. Roneywood. Well, from my acquaintance then? Jartvis. (Pulling out bills.) A few of our usual cards of compliment, that's all. This bill from your tailor; this from your mercer; and this from the little broker in Crooked-lane. He says he has been at a great deal of trouble to get back the money you borrowed. Rloneywood. That I don't know; but I am sure we were at a great deal of trouble in getting him to lend it. Jarvis. He has lost all patience. Hloneywood. Then he has lost a very good thing. Jarvis. There's that ten guineas you were sending to the poor gentleman and his children in the Fleet. I believe they would stop his mouth for a while at least..Honeywood. Ay, Jarvis, but what will fill their mouths in the mean time? Must I be cruel, because he happens to be importunate; and, to relieve his avarice, leave them to insupportable distress? Jarvis.'Sdeath! sir, the question now is how to relieve yourself - yourself. Haven't I reason to be out of my senses, when I see things going at sixes and sevens? Honeywood. Whatever reason you may have for being out of your senses, I hope you'll allow that I'm not quite unreasonable for continuing in mine. Jarvis. You are the only man alive in your present situation that could do so. Every thing upon the waste. 184 THE GOOD-NATURED MAN. There's Miss Richland and her fine fortune gone already, and upon the point of being given to your rival. Honeywood. I'm no manl's rival. Jarvis. Your uncle in Italy preparing to disinherit you; your own fortune almost spent; and nothling but pressing creditors, false friends, and a pack of drunken servants that your kindness has made unfit for any other family. Honeywood. Then they have the more occasion for being in mine. Jarvis. Soh! What will you have done with him. that I caught stealing your plate in the pantry? In the fact - I caught him in the fact. Honeywood. In the fact? If so, I really think that we should pay him his wages, and turn him off. Jarvis. He shall be turned off at Tyburn, the dog; we'11 hang him, if it be only to frighten the rest of the family. Honeywood. No, Jarvis: it's enough that we have lost what he has stolen; let us not add to it the loss of a fellow creature! Jarvis. Very fine! well, here was the footman just now, to complain of the butler: he says he does most work, and ought to have most wages. Honeywood. That's but just; though perhaps here comes the butler to complain of the footman. Jarvis. Ay, it's the way with them all, from the scullion to the privy-councillor. If they have a bad master, they keep quarrellini, with him; if they have a good mas. ter, they keep quarrelling with one another. THE GOOD-NATURED MIAN. 185 Enter Butler, drunk. Bttler. Sir, I'11 not stay in the family with Jonathan; you must part with him, or palrt with me, that's the ex - ex - exposition of' the matter; sir. Iloneywood. Full and explicit enough. But what's his faitult., good Philip? Butler. Sir, he's given to drinking, sir, and I shall have my morals corrupted by keeping such company. Honeywood. IIa! la! lie has such a diverting wayJaLrvis. Oi1, quite amusing. Butler. I find my wine's a-going, sir; and liquors do n't go without mouths, sir - I hate a drunkard, sir. Honeywood. Well, well, Philip, I'll hear you upon that another time; so go to bed now. Jarvis. To bed! let him go to the devil. Butler. Begging your honor's pardon, and begging your pardon, master Jarvis, I'11 not go to bed nor to the devil neither. I have enough to do to mind my cellar. I forgot, your honor, Mr. Croaker is below. I came on purpose to tell you. Honreywood. Why did n't you show him up, blockhead. Butler. Show him up, sir? With all my heart, sir. Up or down, all's one to me. [Exit. Jart is. Ay, we have one or other of that family in this house friom morning till night. He comes on the old affair, I supypose. The match between his son, that's just returned from Paris, and Miss Richland, the young lady he's guardian to. ]Ioneywood. Perhaps so. Mr. Croaker, knowing my 16* 186 THE GOOD-NATURED MAN. friendship for the young lady, has got it into his head that I can persuade her to what I please. Jarvis. Ah! if you loved yourself but half as well as she loves you, we should soon see a marriage that would set all things to rights again. Honeywood. Love me! Sure, Jarvis, you dream. No, no; her intimacy with me never amounted to more than friendship - mere friendship. That she is the most lovely woman that ever warmed the human heart with desire, I own: but never let me harbor a thought of making her unhappy, by a connection with one so unworthy her merits as I am. No, Jarvis, it shall be my study to serve her, even in spite of my wis'hes; and to secure her happiness, though it destroys my own. Jarvis. Was ever the like? I want patience. Honeywood. Besides, Jarvis, though I could obtain Mliss Richland's consent, do you think I could succeed with her guardian, or Mrs. Croaker, his wife? who, though both very fine in their way, are yet a little opposite in their dispositions, you know. Jarvis. Opposite enough, Heaven knows! the very reverse of each other: she all laugh, and no joke; Ihe always complaining, and never sorrowful —a fretful poor soul, that has a new distress for every hour in the fourand-twenty - Honeywood. Hush, hush! he's coming up, he'11 hear you. Jarvis. One whose voice is a passing bell - Honeywood. Well, well; go, do. Jarvis. A raven that bodes nothing but mischief —a coffin and cross-bones - a bundle of rue — a sprig of THE GOOD-NATURED MAN.' 187 deadly nighlltshade - a - (Honeywood, stopping his mouth, at last pushr/s him off:) [ Exit Jarvis. Honeywood. I must own my old monitor is not entirely wrong. There is something in my friend Croaker's conversation that quite depresses me. His very mirth is an antidote to all gaiety, and his appearance has a stronger effect on my spirits than an undertaker's shop —Mr. Croaker, this is such a satisfaction EEnter Croaker. CroaXker. A pleasant morning to Mr. HIoneywood, and many of them. How is this? you look most shockingly to-day, my dear friend. I hope this weather does not affect your spirits. To be sure, if this weather continues — I say nothing; but God send we be all better this day three months! HIoneywood. I heartily concur in the wish, though, I own, not in your apprehensions. Croaker. May be not. Indeed, what signifies what weather we have in a country going to ruin like ours? taxes rising and trade falling,: money flying out of the kingdom, and Jesuits swarming into it. I know, at this time, no less than a hundred and twenty-seven Jesuits between Charing Cross and Temple Bar. Jioneywood. The Jesuits will scarce pervert you or me, I should hope. Croaker. lay be not. Indeed, what signifies whom they pervert, in a country that has scarce any religion to lose? I'm only afraid for our wives and daughters. Honeywood. I have no apprehensions for the ladies, I assure you. 188 THE GOOD-NATURED MAN. Croaker. May be not. Indeed, what signifies whether they be perverted or no? The women in my time were good for something. I have seen a lady drest from top to toe in her own manufactures formerly; but'now-a-days, the devil a thing of their own manufacture's about them, except their faces. ioneywood. But, however these faults may be practised abroad, you don't find them at home, either with Mrs. Croaker, Olivia, or Miss Richland? Croaker. The best of them will never be canonized for a saint when she's dead.-By the by, my dear friend, I do n't find this match between Miss Richland and my son much relished, either by one side or t' other. Honeywood. I thought otherwise. Croaker. Ah! Mr. Honeywood, a little of your fine serious advice to the young lady might go far: I know she has a very exalted opinion of your understanding. Honeywood. But would not that be usurping an authority, that more properly belongs to yourself? Croaker. My dear friend, you know but little of my authority at home. People think, indeed, because they see me come out in the morning thus, with a pleasant face, and to make my friends merry, that all's well within. But I have cares that would break a heart of stone. My wife has so encroached upon every one of my privileges, that I'm now no more than a mere lodger in my own house. Honeywood. But a little spirit exerted on your side might perhaps restore your authority. CGroaker. No, though I had the spirit of a lion! I do rouse sometimes; but what then? always haggling and THE GOOD-NATURED MAN. 189 haggling. A man is tired of getting the better, before his wife is tired of losing the victory. Honeywood. It's a melancholy consideration, indeed, that our chief comforts often produce our greatest anxieties, and that an increase of our possessions is but an inlet to new disquietudes. Croaker. All! my dear friend, these were the very words of poor Dick Doleful to me, not a week before he made away with himself. Indeed, Mr. Honeywood, I never see you but you put me in mind of poor Dick. Ah! there was merit neglected for you; and so true a friend! we loved each other for thirty years, and yet he never asked me to lend him a single farthing. Honeywood. Pray what could induce him to commit so rash an action at last? Croaker. I do n't know: some people were malicious enough to say it was keeping company with me; because we used to meet now and then, and open our hearts to each other. To be sure, I loved to hear him talk, and he loved to hear me talk; poor dear Dick! Ie used to say that Croaker rhymed to joker; and so we used to laugh - Poor Dick! [ Going to cry. Honeywood. His fate affects me. Croaker. Ah! he grew sick of this miserable life, where we do nothing but eat and grow hungry, dress and undress, get up and lie down; while reason, that should watch like a nurse by our side, falls as fast asleep as we do. Honeywood. To say a truth, if we compare that part of life which is to come, by that which we have past, the prospect is hideous. 1 90 THE GOOD-NATUnED MIAN. Cero7',er. Life, at the greatest and best, is but a frow. ard child, that must be humored and coaxed a little till it falls asleep, and tlhen all tlhe care is over. Honeywood. Very true, sir, notlling can exceed the vanity of' our existence, but the fblly of our pursuits. We wept when we came into the world, and every day tells us why. Croaker. Al! my dear fiiend, it is a perfect satisfaction to be miserable with you. My son Leontine shan't lose the benefit of such fine conversation. I'11l just step hlome forl him. I arn willing to show himin so much seriousness in one scarce older tlihan limself. And what if' I bring my last letter to tile Gazetteer, on the increase and progress ot earthlquakes? It will amuse us, I promise you. I there prove how the late earthlquake is coming round to pay us another visit firom London to Lisbon - fiom Lisbon to the Canary Islands - from the Canary Islands to Palmyra - from Palmyra to Constantinople, and so from Constantinople back to London again. [Exit. Ioneywood. Poor Croakler! his situation deserves the utmost pity. I slihall scarce recover my spirits these tihree days. Sure, to live Ul)On such terms, is worse than death itself: And yet, when I consider my own situation - a broken fi)rtune, a hopeless passion, friends in distress, the wish, but not the power to serve them n [Pausing and sighing. Enter Butler. Butler. Mlore company below, sir; MIrs. Croaker and Miss Richland; shall I show them up?- but they're sho8wing up themselves. [Exit, THE GOOD-NATURED MAN. 191 Enter Mlrs. Croaker and Miss Richland. Miss Richland. You're always in such spirits. Ml]rs. Croaker. We have just come, my dear Honeywood, fiom the auction. There was the old deaf dowager, as usual, bidding like a fury against herself. And then so curious in antiquities! herself, the most genuine piece of antiquity in the whole collection. ]ioneywood. Excuse me, ladies, if some uneasiness firom friendship makes me unfit to share in this good humor: I know you'11 pardon me. Mrs. Croaker. I vow lie seems as melancholy as if he had taken a dose of my husband this morning. Well, if Richland here can pardon you, I must. Miss Richland. You would seem to insinuate, madam, that I have particular reasons for being disposed to refuse it. lirs. Croaker. Whatever I insinuate, my dear, do n't be so ready to wish an explanation. Hiss Richland. I own I should be sorry Mr. Honeywoodl's long friendship and mine should be misunderstood. Honzeywood. There's no answering for others, madam. But I hope you'11 never find me presuming to offer more than the most delicate friendship may readily allow. Jliss Richland. And I shall be prouder of such a tribute from you, than the most passionate professions from others. Honeywood. My own sentiments, madam: friendship is a disinterested commerce between equals; love, an abject intercourse between tyrants and slaves. Miss Richland. And without. a compliment, I know 192 THE GOOD-NATURED MAN. none more disinterested, or more capable of friendship, than AMr. Iloneywood. lIrs. Croaker. And, indeed, I know nobody that has more friends, at least among the ladies. Miss Fruzz, Miss Oddbody, and Miss Winterbottom, praise him in all companies. As for Miss Biddy Bundle, she's his professed admirer. Iiss lt'ichland. Indeed! an admirer! -I did not know, sir, you were such a favorite there. But is she seriously so handsome? Is she the mighty thing talked of? Honeywood. The town, madam, seldom begins to praise a lady's beauty, till she's beginning to lose it. [ Smziling. Alrs. Croaker. But she's resolved never to lose it, it seems. For as her natural face decays, her skill improves in making the artificial one. Well, nothing diverts me more than one of those fine, old, dressy thlings, who thinks to conceal her age by every where exposing her person; sticking lherself up in tile front of a side-box; trailing througlT a minuet at Almack's, and tlhen, in the public Cgardens - looking, for all the world, like one of the painted ruins of tlme place. Honeywood. Every age has its admirers, ladies. While you, perlilms, are trading amlong the warmer climates of youllth, there oughtl to be somle to carry on a useful conmmerce in the fiozen latitudes beyond fifty. i'ss Richland. But, then, thle mortifications they must suffer, before they can be fitted out for tralffc. I have seen one of' them fret a whole morning at her hairdresser, when all the fault was lier face. THE GOOD-NATURED MAN. 195 orf eywood. And yet, I'll engage, has carried that face at last to a very good market. This good-natured town, madam. has husbands, like spectacles, to fit every ace from fifteen to fourscore. MSs. Croaker. Well, you're a dear good-natured creature. But you know you're engaged with us this morning upon a strolling party. I want to show Olivia the town, and the things: I believe I shall have business for you the whole day. Ilo'neywood. I am sorry, madam, I have an appointment with AMr. Croaker, which it is impossible to put off. lirs. Croaker. What! with my husband? then I'm resolved to take no refisal. Nay, I protest you must. You know I never laugh so much as with you. Honeywood. Why, it' I must, I must. I'11 swear you have put me into such spirits. Well, do you find jest, and I'll find laughl, I promise you. We'll wait for the chariot in the next room. [Exeunt. Enter Leontine and Olivia. Leontine. There they go, thoughtless and happy. My dearest Olivia, what would I give to see you capable of sharing in their amusements, and as cheerful as they are! Olivia. HIow, my Leontine, how can I be cheerful, when I have so many terrors to oppress me? The fear of being detected by this family, and the apprehensions of a censuring world, when I must be detected Leontine. Thie world, my love! what can it say? At worst it can only say, that, being compelled by a mercenary guardian to embrace a life you disliked, you formed a resolution of flyingc with the man of your choice; that 17 194 THE GOOD-NATURED -MAN. you confided in his honor, and took refuge in my father's house, -the only one where yours could remain without censure. Olivia. But consider, Leodtine, your disobedience, and my indiscretion; your being sent to France to bring home a sister, and, instead of a sister, bringing home Leontine. One dearer than a thousand sisters. One that I am convinced will be equally dear to the rest of the family, when she comes to be known. Olivia. And that, I fear, will shortly be. Leontine. Impossible, till we ourselves think proper to make the discovery. My sister, you know, has been with her aunt, at Lyons, since she was a child, and you find every creature in the family takes you for her. Olivia. But may n't she write, may n't her aunt write? Leontine. Hter aunt scarce ever writes, and all my sister's letters are directed to me. Olivia. But won't your refusing Miss Richland, for whom you know the old gentleman intends you, create a suspicion? Leontine. There, there's my master-stroke. I have resolved not to refuse her; nay, an hour hence I have consented to go with my father to make her an offer of my heart and fortune. Olivia. Your heart and fortune? Leontine. Do n't be alarmed, my dearest. Can Olivia think so meanly of my honor, or my love, as to suppose I could ever hope for happiness from any but her? No, my Olivia, neither the force, nor, permit me to add, the delicacy of my passion, leave any room to suspect me. I only offer Miss Richland a heart I am convinced she will THE GOOD-NATURED. IAN. 195 refuse; as I am confident, that, without knowing it, her affections are fixed upon Mr. ITonieywood. Olivia. Mr. HIoneywood! You'll excuse my apprehensions; but when your merits come to be put in the balance Leontine. You view them with too much partiality. IHowever, by making this offer, I show a seeming compliance with my father's command; and perhaps, upon her refusal, I may hawve his consent to choose for Tmyself. Olivia. Well, I submit. And yet, my Leontine, I own, I shall envy her even your pretended addresses. I consider every look, every expression of your esteem, as due only to me. Trhis is folly, perhaps; I allow it; but it is natural to suppose, that merit which has made an impression on one's own heart may be powerful over that of another. Leontine. Do n't, my life's treasure, do n't let us make imaginary evils, when you know we have so many real ones to encounter. At worst, you know, if Miss Richland should consent, or my flither refuse his pardon, it can but end in a trip to Scotland; and Enter Croaker. Croaker. Where have you been, boy? I have been seeking you. My friend Honeywood here has been saying such comfortable things! Ah! he's an example indeed. Where is he? I left him here. Leontine. Sir, I believe you may see him, and hear him too, in the next room: he's preparing to go out with the ladies. Croaker. Good gracious! can I believe my eyes or 196 THE GOOD-NATURED 3MAN. my ears; I'm struck dumb with his vivacity, and stunned with the loudness of his laugh. Was there ever such a transformation! (a laugh behind the scenes, Croaker mimics it.) Ha! ha! ha! there it goes; a plague take their balderdash! yet I could expect nothing less, when my j)recious wife was of the party. On my conscience, I believe she could spread a horse-laugh through the pews of a tabernacle. Leontine. Since you find so many objections to a wife, sir., how can you be so earnest in recommending one to me? Croaker. I have told you, and tell you again, boy, that Miss Richland's fortune must not go out of' the family; one may find comfort in the money, whatever one does in the wife. Leontine. But, sir, though in obedience to your desire, I am ready to marry her, it may be possible she has no inclination to me. Croaker. I'11 tell you once for all how it stands. A good part of Miss Richland's large fortune consists in a claimn upon government, which my good friend, Mr. Lofty, assures me the Treasury will allow. One half of this she is to forfeit, by her father's will, in case she refuses to marry you. So, if she rejects you, we seize half her fortune; if she accepts you, we seize the whole, and a fine girl into the bargain. Leontine. But, sir, if you will listen to reason —Croaker. Come, then, produce your reasons. I tell you, I'm fixed, determined -so now produce your reasons. When I am determined, I always listen to reason because it can then do no harm. THE GOOD-NATURED MAN. 197 Leorttine. You have alleged that a mutual choice was the first requisite in matrimonial happiness. Croaker. Well, and you have both of you a mutual choice. Slle has her choice, - to marry you or lose half her fortune; and you have your choice, - to marry her, or pack out of doors without any fortune at all. Leontine. An only son, sir, might expect more indulgence. Croaker. An only father, sir, might expect more obedience; besides, has not your sister here, that never disobliged me in her life, as good a right as you? He's a sad dog, Livy, my dear, and would take all from you. But he shan't, I tell you he shan't; for you shall have your share. Olivia. Dear sir, I wish you'd be convinced, that I can never be happy in any addition to my fortune, which is taken from his. Croaker. Well, well, it's a good child, so say no more; but come with me, and we shall see something that will give us a great deal of pleasure, I promise you, - old Ruggins, the currycomb maker, lying in state; I am told he makes a very handsome corpse, and becomes his coffin prodigiously. He was an intimate friend of mine, and these are friendly things we ought to do for each other. [Exeunt. 17* 198 THE GOOD-NATURED MAN. ACT SECOND. SCENE - Croaker's House. Miss Richland, Garnet. Miss Richland. Olivia not his sister! Olivia not Leontine's sister? You amaze me. Garnet. No more his sister than I am; I had it all from his own servant: I can get anything from that quarter. Miss Richland. But how? Tell me again, Garnet. Garnet. Why, madam, as I told you before, instead of going to Lyons to bring home his sister, who has been there with her aunt these ten years, he never went farther than Paris; there he saw and fell in love with this young lady- by the by, of a prodigious family. Miss Richland. And brought her home to my guardian as his daughter? Garnet. Yes, and his daughter she will be. If he don't consent to their marriage, they talk of trying what a Scotch parson can do. Miss lichland. Well, I own they have deceived me. And so demurely as Olivia carried it too! -Would you believe it, Garnet, I told her all my secrets; and yet the sly cheat concealed all this from me! Garnet. And, upon my word, madam, I do n't much blame her: she was loath to trust one with her secrets, that was so very bad at keeping her own. ifiss Rlichland. But, to add to their deceit, the young THE GOOD-NATURED MAN. 199 gentleman, it seems, pretends to make me serious proposals. My guardian and he are to be here presently, to open the affair in form. You know I am to lose half my fortune if I refuse him. Garnet. Yet, what can you do? For being, as you are, in love with Mr. Honeywood, madam — Miss Richland. How! idiot, what do you mean? In love with Mr. Honeywood! Is this to provoke me? Garnet. That is, madam, in friendship with him: I meant nothing more than friendship, as I hope to be married - nothing more. Miss Richland. Well, no more of this. As to my guardian and his son, they shall find me prepared to receive them: I'm resolved to accept their proposal with seeming pleasure, to mortify them by compliance, and so throw the refusal at last upon them. Garnet. Delicious! and that will secure your whole fortune to yourself. Well, who could have thought so innocent a face could cover so much'cuteness! Miss Richland. Why, girl, I only oppose my prudence to their cunning, and practise a lesson they have taught me against themselves. Garnet. Then you're likely not long to want employment, for here they come, and in close conference. Enter Croaker and Leontine. Leontine. Excuse me, sir, if I seem to hesitate upon the point of putting to the lady so important a question. Croaker. Lord! good sir, moderate your fears; you're so plaguy shy, that one would think you had changed sexes. I tell you we must have the half or the whole. 200 THE GOOD-NATURED MAN. Come, let me see with what spirit you begin: Well, why do n't you? Eh! What? Well then, I must, it seems - Miss Richland, my dear, I believe you guess at our business; an affair which my son here comes to open, that nearly concerns your happiness. Ji'ss Richland. Sir, I should be ungrateful not to be pleased with any thing that comes recommended by you. Croaker. IHow, boy, could you desire a finer opening? Why do n't you begin, I say? [To Leontine. Leontine.'Tis true, madam -my father, madam — has some intentions -hem - of explaining an affair, - which - himself can best explain, madam. Croaker. Yes, my dear; it comes entirely from my son; it's all a request of his own, madam. And I will permit him to make the best of it. Leontine. The whole affair is only this, madam: my father Ihas a proposal to make, which he insists none but himself shall deliver. Croaker. My mind misgives me, the fellow will never be brouglht on. (Aside.) In short, madam, you see before you one that loves you -- one whose whole happiness is all in you. Miss Richland. I never had any doubts of your regard, sir; and I hlope you can have none of my duty. Croaker. That's not the thing, my little sweetingMy love! no, no, another guess lover than I: there he stands, madam;;his very looks declare the force of his passion- Call up a look, you dog! (Aside.) But then, had you seen him, as I have, weeping, speaking soliloquies aill blank verse, sometimes melancholy, and sometimes abtuit -- THE GOOD-NATURED MAN. 201 MJss Richland. I fear, sir, he's absent now; or such a declaration would have come most properly fiomn him. self. Croaker. Himself! Madam, he would die before he could make such a confession; and if he had not a clhannel for his passion through me, it would ere now have drowned his understanding. Jliss Richlartd. I must grant, sir, there are attractions in modest diffidence above the force of words. A silent address is the genuine eloquence of' sincerity. Croaker. Madam, he has forgot to speak any other language; silence is become his mother-tongue. Miss Ricldand. And it must be confessed, sir, it speaks very powerfully in his favor. And yet I shall be thought too forward in making such a confession; shan't I, Mr. Leontine? Leontine. Confusion! my reserve will undo me. But, if modesty attracts her, impudence may disgust her. I'll try. (Aside.) Do n't imagine from my silence, madam, that I want a due sense of' the honor and happiness intended me. My father, madam, tells me your humble servant is not totally indifferent to you - he admires you: I adore you; and when we come together, upon my soul, I believe we shall be the happiest couple in all St. James's. Miss Richland. If I could flatter myself -you thought as you speak, sir Leontine. Doubt my sincerity, madam? By your dear self I swear. Ask the brave if they desire glory? ask cowards if they covet safety — Croaker. Well, well, no more questions about it. 202 THE GOOD-NATURED MAN. Leontine. Ask the sick if they long for health? ask misers if they love money? ask — Croaker. Ask a fool if he can talk nonsense? What's come over the bo5? What signifies asking, when there's not a soul to give you an answer? If you would ask to the purpose, ask this lady's consent to make you happy. Miss Richland. Why, indeed, sir, his uncommon ardor almost compels me - forces me to comply. And yet I'm afraid he'11 despise a conquest gained with too much ease; won't you, Mr. Leontine? Leontine. Confusion! (Aside.) Oh, by no means, madam, by no means. And yet, madam, you talked of fbrce. There is nothing I would avoid so much as compulsion in a thing of this kind. No, madam, I will still be generous, and leave you at liberty to refuse. Croaker. But I tell you, sir, the.lady is not at liberty. It's a match. You see she says nothing. Silence gives consent. Leontine. But, sir, she talked of force. Consider, sir, the cruelty of constraining her inclinations. Croaker. But I say there's no cruelty. Do n't you know, blockhead, that girls have always a round-about way of saying yes before company? So get you both gone together into the next room, and hang him that interrupts the tender explanations. Get you gone, I say; I'11 not hear a word. Leontine. But, sir, I must beg leave to insist Croaker. Get off, you puppy, or I'll beg leave to in. sist upon knocking you down. Stupid whelp! But I do n't wonder: the boy takes entirely after his mother. [Exeunt Miss Richland and Leontine. THE GOOD-NATURED MAN. 203 Enter Mirs. Croaker. Mirbs. Croaker. MIr. Croaker, I bring you something, my dear, that I believe will make you smile. Croaker. I'11 hold you a guinea of' that, my dear. Ji'rs. Croaker. A letter; and as I knew the hand, I ventured to open it. Croaker. And how can you expect your breaking open my letters should give me pleasure? Hrs. Croaker. Pooh! it's from your sister at Lyons, and contains good news: read it. Croaker. What a Frenchified cover is here! That sister of mine has some good qualities; but I could never teach her to fobld a letter. Jlirs. Croaker. Fold a fiddlestick! Read what it contains. Croaker (reading).'DEAR NICK, —An English gentleman, of large for tune, has for some time made private, though honorable, pl oposals to your daughter Olivia. They love each other tenderly, and I find she has consented, without letting any of tile fmily know, to crown his addresses. As such good offers do n't come every day, your own good sense, his large fortune, and family considerations, will induce you to forgive her. Yours ever, RACHAEL CROAKER.' Mfy daughter Olivia privately contracted to a man of large foltune! Tlis is good news indeed. MIy heart never foretold me of this. And yet, how slily the little baggage has carried it since she came home; not a word on't to 204 THE GOOD-NATURED MAN. the old ones for the world. Yet I thought I saw something she wanted to conceal. Xir&s. Croaker. Well, if they have concealed their amour, they sllhan't conceal their wedding; that shall be public, I'm resolved. Croaker. I tell thee, woman, the wedding is the most foolish part of the ceremony. I can never get this woman to think of the most serious part of the nuptial engagement. Mrs. Croaker. What! would you have me think of their funeral? But come, tell me, my dear, don't you owe more to me than you care to confess? - Would you have ever been known to Mr. Lofty, who has undertaken liiss Richland's claim at the Treasury, but for me? Who was it first made him an acquaintance at Lady Shabbaroon's rout. Who got him to promise us his interest? Is not he a back-stair favorite- one that can do what he pleases with those that do what they please? Is not he an acquaintance that all your groaning and lamentations could never have got us. Croaker. He is a man of importance, I grant you. And yet what amazes me is, that, while he is giving away places to all the world, he can't get one for himself: Mrs. Croaker. That perhaps, may be owing to his nicety. Great men are not easily satisfied. Enter French Servant. Servant. An expresse from Monsieur Lofty. He vil be vait upon your honors instammant. He be only giving four five instruction, read two tree memorial, call THE GOOD-NATURED MAN. 205 upon von ambassadeur. He vil be vid you in one tree minutes. Jllrs. Croaker. You see now, my dear. What an extensive department! WTell, friend, let your master know that we are extremely honored by this honor. WVas there tanything ever in a higher style of breeding? All messages among the great are now done by express. [Exit Ferench servant. Croaker. To be sure, no man does little things with more solemnity, or claims more respect than he. But he's in the right on't. In our bad world, respect is given where respect is claimed. Mrs. Croaker. Never mind the world, my dear; you were never in a pleasanter place in your life. Let us now think of receiving him with proper respect, (a loud rapping at the door,) and there he is, by the thundering rap. Croaker. Ay, verily, there he is! as close upon the heels of his own express, as an endorsement upon the back of a bill. Well, I'll leave you to receive him, whilst I go to chide my little Olivia for intending to steal a marriage wvithout mine or her aunt's consent. I must seem to be angry, or she too may begin to despise my authority. [Exit. Enter Lofty, speaking to his Servant. Lofty. And if the Venetian ambassador, or that teasing creature, the Marquis should call, I'm not at home. IDamme, I'll be pack-horse to none of them. - My dear madam, I have just snatched a moment - And if the ex 18 206 THE GOOD-NATURED MIAN. presses to his Grace be ready, let them be sent off; they're of importance. - Madam, I ask ten thousand pardons. Mrs. Croaker. Sir, this honor Lofty. And, Dubardieu! if the person calls about the commission, let him know that it is made out. As for Lord Cumbercourt's stale request, it can keep cold: you understand me. - Madam, I ask ten thousand pardons. Jb'rs. Croaker. Sir, this honor Lofty. And Dubardieu! if the man comes from the Cornish borough, you must do him; you must do him, I say - Madam, I ask ten thousand pardons. - And if the Russian ambassador calls; but he will scarce call to-day, I believe. - And now, madam, I have just got time to express my happiness in having the honor of' being permitted to profess myself your most obedient, humble servant. Mrs. Croaker. Sir, the happiness and honor are all mine; and yet, I'm only robbing the public while I detain you. Lofty. Sink the public, madam, when the fair are to be attended. Ah, could all my hours be so charmingly devoted! Sincerely, don't you pity us poor creatures in affairs? Thus it is eternally; solicited for places here, teased for pensions there, and courted everywhere. I know you pity me. Yes, I see you do. Airs. Croaker. Excuse me, sir, Toils of empires pleasures are,' as Waller says. Lofty. Waller — Waller; is he of the HIouse? Mrs. CYroaker. The modern poet of that name, sir. Lofty. Oh, a modern! We men of business despise the moderns! and as for the ancients, we have no time to read them. Poetry is a pretty thing enough for our THE GOOD-NATURED MAN. 207 wives and daughters; but not for us. Why now, here I stand that know nothing of books. I say, madam, I know nothing of books; and yet, I believe, upon a land-carriage fishery, a stamp act, or a jaghire, I can talk my two hours without feeling the want of them. Mrs. Croaker. The world is no stranger to Mr. Lofty's eminence in every capacity. Lofty. I vow'to gad, madam, you make me blush. I'm nothing, nothing, nothing in the world; a mere obscure gentleman. To be sure, indeed, one or two of the present ministers are pleased to represent me as a formidable man. I know they are pleased to bespatter me at all their little, dirty levees. Yet, upon my soul, I wonder what they see in me to treat me so! Measures, not men, have always been my mark; and I vow, by all that's honorable, my resentment has never done the men, as mere men, any manner of harm - that is, as mere men. Mrs. Croaker. What importance, and yet what modesty! Lofty. Oh, if you talk of modesty, madam, there, I own, I'm accessible to praise: modesty is my foible: it was so the Duke of Brentford used to say of me.' I love Jack Lofty,' he used to say,' no man has a finer knowledge of things; quite a man of information; and when he speaks upon his legs, by the Lord, he's prodigious - he scouts them; and yet all men have their faults; too much modesty is his,' says his Grace. Mrs. Croaker. And yet. I dare say, you don't want assuiance when you come to solicit for your friends. Lofty. Oh, there, indeed, I'm in bronze. Apropos! I have just been mentioning Miss Richland's case to a 208 THE GOOD-NATURED TMAN. certain personage; we must name no names. When ] ask, I'm not to be put off, madam. No, no, I take my friend by the button. A fine girl, sir; great justi'ce in her case. A friend of mine. Borough interest. Business must be done, Mr. Secretary. I say, Mr. Secretary, her business must be done, sir. That's my way, madam. Jlrs. Croaker. Bless me! you said all this to the Secretary of State, did you? Lofty. I did not say the Secretary, did I? Well, curse it, since you have found me out, I will not deny it, - it was to the Secretary. Mrs. Croaker. This was going to the fountain-head at once, not applying to the understrappers, as Mr. Honeywood would have had us. Lofty. tHoneywood! he! he! He was indeed a fine solicitor. I suppose you have heard what has just happened to him? Mrs. Croaker. Poor, dear man! no accident, I hope? Lofty. Undone, madam, that's all. His creditors have taken him into custody —a prisoner in his own house. Mrs. Croaker. A prisoner in his own house! How? At this very time? I'm quite unhappy for him. Lofty. Why, so am I. The man, to be sure, was immensely good-natured. But then, I could never find that he had anything in him. JArs. Croaker. His manner, to be sure, was excessive harmless; some, indeed, thought it a little dull. For my part, I always concealed my opinion. Lofty. It can't be concealed, madam; the man was dull - dull as the last new comedy! a poor, impractica TIlE GOOD-ATURlED MAN. 209 ble creature! I tried once or twice to know if he was fit for business; but he had scarce talents to be groom-porter to an orange-barrow. Mrs. Croaker. How differently does Miss Richland think of him! For, I believe, with all his faults, she loves him. Lofty. Loves him! does she? You should cure her of that by all means. Let me see; what if she were sent to him this instant, in his present doleful situation? My life for it, that works her cure. Distress is a perfect antidote to love. Suppose we join her in the next room? Miss Ptichland is a fine girl, has a fine fortune, and must not be thrown away. Upon my honor, madaml, I have a regard for,Miss Richlllnd; ndl. rather than she should be thrown away I should think it no indignity to marry her myself. [Exeunt. Enter Olivia and Leontine. Leontine. And yet, trust me, Olivia, I had every reason to expect Miss R'icliland's refusal, as I did everything in my power to deserve it. Her indelicacy surprises me. Olivia. Sure, LeonItine, the(-re's nothling so indelicate in bein, sensible of your merit. If' so, I fear I shall be the most guilty thing alive. Leontine. But you mistake, my dear. The same attention I used to advance m> merit with you, I practised to lessen it with her. What more could I do? Olivia. Let us now rather consider what is to be done. \WTe have both dissembled too long. I have always been asllnled - I am now quite weary of it. Sure, I could ncvleeir l:i-(e u1iilxr-lone?(.-Iii (:l fob any other but you. v1) *1 210 THE GOOD-NA.TURED MAN. Leontine. And you shall find my gratitude equal to your kindest compliance. Though our friends should totally forsake us, Olivia, we can draw upon content for the deficiencies of' fbrtune. Olivia. Then why should we defer our scheme of humble happiness, when it is now in our power? I may be the favorite of your father, it is true; but can it ever be thought, that his present kindness to a supposed child, will continue to a known deciever? Leontine. I have many reasons to believe it will. As his attachments are but few, they are lasting. His own marriage was a private one, as ours may be. Besides, I have sounded him already at a distance, and find all his answers exactly to our wish. Nay, by an expression or two that dropped from him, I am induced to think he knows of' this affair. Olivia. Indeed! But that would be a happiness too great too be expected. Leontine. However it be, I'm certain you have power over him; and alm persuaded, if you infbrmed him of our situation, that he would be disposed to pardon it. Olivia. You had equal expectations, Leontine, from your last sclleime with Aiss Richland, which you find has succeeded most wretchedly. Leontine. And that's the best reason for trying another. Olivia. If it must be so, I submit. Leontine. As we could wish, he comes this way. Now, my dearest Olivia, be resolute. I'll just retire within hearing, to come in at a proper time, either to share your daniger, or confirm your victory. [Exit. THE GOOD-NATURED MAN. 211 Enter Croaker. Croaker. Yes, I must forgive her; and yet not too easily, neither. It will be proper to keep up the decorums of resentment a little, if it be only to impress her with an idea of my authority. Olivia. How I tremble to approach him!- Might I presume, sir - if' I interrupt you - Croaker. No, child, where I have an affection, it is not a little thing can interrupt me. Affection gets over little things. Olivia. Sir, you're too kind. I'm sensible how ill I deserve this partiality; yet, Heaven knows, there is nothing I would not do to gain it. Croaker. And you have but too well succeeded, you little hussy, you. With those endearing ways of yours, on my conscience, I could be brought to forgive any thing, unless it were a very great offence indeed. Olivia. But mine is such an offence- When you know my guilt - Yes, you shall know it, though I feel the greatest pain in the confession. Croaker. Why, then, if it be so very great a pain, you may spare yourself the trouble; for I know every syllable of the matter before you begin. Olivia. Indeed! then I'm undone. Croaker. Ay, miss, you wanted to steal a match, without letting me know it, did you? But I'm not worth being consulted, I suppose, when there's to be a marriage in my own family. No, I'm to have no hand in the disposal.of my own children. No, I'm nobody. I'm to be a mere article of family lumber; a piece of cracked china, to be stuck up in a corner. 2i2 xTl1'I GOOD-NATURED MAN. Olivia. Dear sir, nothing but the dread of your authority could induce us to conceal it from you. Croaker. No, no, my consequence is no more; I'm as little minded as a dead Russian in winter, just stuck up with a pipe in its mouth till there comes a thaw- It goes to my heart to vex her. [Aside. Olivia. I was prepared, sir, for your anger, and despaired of pardon, even while I presumed to ask it. But your severity shall never abate my affection, as my punislhment is but justice. Croaker. And yet you should not despair, neither, Livy. We ought to hope all for the best. Olivia. And do you permit me to hope, sir? Can I ever expect to be forgiven? But hope has too long deceived me. Croaker. Why then, child, it shan't deceive you now, for I fborgive you this very moment; I forgive you all! and now you are indeed my daughter. Olivia. 01 transport! this kindness overpowers me. Croakier. I was always against severity to our children. We have been young and giddy ourselves, and we can't expect boys and girls to be old before their time. Olicia. What generosity! But can you forget the many falsehoods, the dissimulation Croaker. You did indeed dissemble, you urchin you; but where's the girl that won't dissemble for a husband? \lTy wife and I had never been married, if we had not dissembled a little beforehand. Olivia. It shlall be my future care never to put such generosity to a second trial. And as for the partner of my offence and folly, fiom his native honor, and the just sense he has of his duty, I can answer for him that —-- l THE GOOD-NATURED MIAN. 213 -Enter Leontine. Leoantine. Permit him thus to answer for himself. (Kneeling.) Thus, sir, let me speak my gratitude for this unmerited forgiveness. Yes, sir, this even exceeds all your former tenderness: I now can boast the most indulgent of fathers., The life he gave, compared to this, was but a triling blessing. Croaker. And, good sir, who sent for you, with that fine tragedy face, and flourishing manner? I don't know what we have to do with your gratitude upon this occasion. Leontine. How, sir! is it possible to be silent, when so much obliged? Would you refuse me the pleasure of being grateful? of adding my thanks to my Olivia's? of sharing in the transports that you have thus occasioned? Croaker. Lord, sir, we can be happy enough without your coming in to make up the party. I do n't know what's the matter with the boy all this day; he has got into such a rhodomontade manner all this morning! Leontine. But, sir, I that have so large a part in the benefit, is it not my duty to show my joy? Is the being admitted to your favor so slight an obligation? Is the happiness of marrying Olivia so small a blessing? Croaker. Marrying Olivia! marrying Olivia! marrying his own sister! Sure the boy is out of his senses. Iis own sister! Leontine. My sister! Olivia. Sister! how have I been mistaken! [Aside. Leontine. Some cursed mistake in all this I find. [Aside. 214 TIIE GOOD-NATURED MAN. Croaker. What does the booby mean? or has he any meaning? Eh, what do you mean, you blockhead, you? Leontine. Mean, sir? — why, sir — only when my sister is to be married, that I have the pleasure of marrying her, sir, - that is, of giving her away, sir,- I have made a point of it. Croaker. Oh, is that all? Give her away. You have made a point of it? Then you had as good make a point of first giving away yourself, as I'm going to prepare the writings between you and Miss Richland this very minute. What a fuss is here about nothing! Why what's the matter now? I thought I had made you at least as happy as you could wish. Olivia. Oh, yes, sir; very happy. Croaker. Do you foresee any thing, child? You look as if you did. I think if any thing was to be foreseen, I have as sharp a look-out as another; and yet I foresee nothing. [Exit. Leontine and Olivia. Olivia. What can it mean? Leontine. He knows something, and yet, for my life, I can't tell what. Olivia. It can't be the connection between us, I'm pretty certain. Leontine. Whatever it be, my dearest, I'm resolved to put it out of fobrtune's power to repeat our mortification. I'll haste and prepare fbr our journey to Scotland, this very evening. My friend HIoneywood has promised me his advice and assistance. I'11 go to him and repose our THE GOOD-NAATURED MIAN. 215 distresses on his friendly bosom; and I know so much of his honest heart, that if he can't relieve our uneasiness, he will at least share them. [Exeunt. ACT THIRD. Scene- YOUNG IIONEYWOOD'S HOUSE. Bailff, Honeywood, Follower. Bailff Lookye, sir, I have arrested as good men as you in my time -no disparagement of you neither — men that would go forty guineas on a game of cribbage. I challenge the town to show a man in more genteeler practice than myself. Honeywood. Without all question, Mr. ~ I forget your name, sir? Bailiff. How call you forget what you never knew? he! he! lie! Honeywood. May I beg leave to ask your name? Bailiff. Yes, you may. lioneywood. Then, pr'iy sir, what is your name? Bailif. That I did n't promise to tell you.-He! he! he!- A joke breaks no bones, as we say among us that practise the law. Honeywood. You may have reason for keeping it a secret, perhaps? Bailiffs. The law does nothing without reason. I'm ashamed to tell my name to no man, sir. If you can 216 THE GOOD-NATURED MAN. show cause, as why, upon a special capus, that I should prove my name — But, come, Timothy Twitch is my name. And, now you know my name, what have you to say to that? HIoneywood. Nothing in the world, good Mir. Twitch, but that I have a favor to ask, that's all. Bailiff: Ay, favors are more easily asked than granted, as we say among us that practise the law. I have taken an oath against granting favors. Would you have me perjure myself? Honeywood. But my request will come recommended in so strong a manner, as, I believe, you'll have no scruple (pulling out his purse). The thing is only this: I believe I shall be able to discharge this trifle in two or three days at farthest; but as I would not have the affair known for the world, I have thoughts of' keeping you, and your good friend here, about me, till the debt is discharged; for which I shall be properly grateful. Bailiff: Oil! thlat's another maxum, and altogether within my oath. For certain, if an honest man is to get any thing by a thing, there's no reason why all things should not be done in civility. Iloneywood. Doubtless, all trades must live, Mr. Twitch; and yours is a necessary one. [ Gives him money. Bailbff. Oh! your honor; I hope your honor takes nothing amiss as I does, as I does nothing but my duty in so doing. I'm sure no man can say I ever give a gentleman, that was la gentleman, ill usage. If I saw that a gentleman was a gentleman, I have taken money not to see him for ten weeks together. THE GOOD-NATURED MIAN. 217 Honeywood. Tenderness is a virtue, Mr. Twitch. Bailiff. Ay, sir, it's a perfect treasure. I love to see a gentleman with a tender heart. I do n't know, but I think I have a tender heart myself: If all that 1 have lost by my heart was put together, it would make a-but no matter for that. Honeywood. Do n't account it lost, 5Mr. Twitch. The ingratitude of the world can never deprive us of the conscious happiness of having acted with humanity ourselves. Bailiff: Humanity, sir, is a jewel. It's better than gold. I love humanity. People may say, that we in our way have no humanity; but I'11 show you my humanity this moment. There's my follower here, little Flanigan, with a wife and four children- a guinea or two would be more to him, than twice as much to another. Now, as I can't show him any humanity myself; I must beg leave you'11 do it for me. Honeywood. I assure you, MZr. Twitch, yours is a most powerful recommendation. [Giving money to the follower. Bailiff Sir, you're a gentleman. I see you know what to do with your money. But, to business; we are to be with you here as your friends, I suppose. But set in case company comes. Little Flanigan here, to be sure, has a good face -a very good face; but then, he is a little seedy, as we say among us that practise the law,not well in clothes. Smoke the pocket-holes. Honeywood. Well, that shall be remedied without delay. 19 218 THE GOOD-NATURED MAN. Enter Servant. Servant. Sir, Miss Richland is below. Honeywood. How unlucky! Detain her a moment. We must improve my good friend little Mr. Flanigan's appearance first. Here, let Mr. Flanigan have a suit of my clothes - quick - the brown and silver - Do you hear? Servant. That your honor gave away to the begging gentleman that makes verses, because it was as good as new. Honeywood. The white and gold then. Servant. That, your honor, I made bold to sell, because it was good for nothing. Honeywood. Well, the first that comes to hand then - the blue and gold. I believe Mr. Flanigan would look best in blue. [Exit Flanigan. Bailff Rabbit me, but little Flanigan will look well in any thing. Al, if your honor knew that bit of flesh as well as I do, you'd be perfectly in love with him, There's not a prettier scout in the four counties after a shy-cock than he: scents like a hound —sticks like a weasel. He was master of the ceremonies to the black Queen of Morocco, when I took him to follow me. (Reenter Flanigan.) Iellh! ecod, I thinks he looks so well, that I do n't care if I have a suit from the same place for myself. Hon eywood. Well, well, I hear the lady coming. Dear Mr. Twitch, I beg you'11 give your friend directions not to speak. As for yourself, I know you will say nothing without being directed. Bailiff: Never you fear me; I'11 show the lady I TEE GOOD-NATURED MAN. 219 have something to say for myself as well as another. One man has one way of talking, and another man has another, that's all the difference between them. Enter Miss Richland and Garnet. Miss Richland. You'11 be surprised, sir, with this visit. But you know I'm yet to thank you for choosing my little library. Honeywood. Thanks, madam, are unnecessary; as it was I that was obliged by your commands. Chairs here. Two of my very good friends, Mr. Twitch and Mr. Flanigan. Pray, gentlemen, sit without ceremony. Miss Richland. Who can these odd-looking men be? I fear it is as I was informed. It must be so. [Aside. Bailiff. (After a pause.) Pretty weather; very pretty weather for the time of the year, madam. Follower. Very good circuit weather in the country. IIoneywood. You officers are generally favorites among the ladies. My friends, madam, have been upon very disagreeable duty, I assure you. The fair should, in some measure, recompense the toils of the brave. Miss RPichland. Our officers do indeed deserve every favor. The gentlemen are in the marine service, I presume, sir? Honeywood. Why, madam, they do — occasionally serve in the Fleet, madam. A dangerous service! JMiss Richland. I'm told so. And I own it has often surprised me, that while we have had so many instances of bravery there, we have had so few of wit at home to praise it. Honeywood. I grant, madam, that our poets have not 220 THE GOOD-NATURED 3MAN. written as our sailors have fought; but they have done all they could, and Hawke or Amherst could do no more. Mliss llicldand. I'm quite displeased when I see a fine subject spoiled by a dull writer. Honeywood. We should not be so severe against dull writers, madam. It is ten to one but the dullest writer exceeds the most rigid French critic who presumes to despise him. Follower. Damn the French, the parle vous, and all that belongs to them! Miss-Rlichland. Sir! Honeywood. Ha, ha, ha! honest Mr. Flanigan. A true Enlish officer, madam; he's not contented with beating the French, but he will scold them too. 2Miss Richland. Yet, Mr. Honeywood, this does not convince me but that severity in criticism is necessary. It was our first adopting the severity of French taste, that has brought them in turn to taste us. Bailiff. Taste us! By the Lord, madam, they devour us. Give AMounseers but a taste, and I'11 be damn'd but they come in for a bellyfull. Miss Richland. Very extraordinary this! Follower. But very true. What makes the bread rising? the parle vous that devour us. What makes the mutton fivepence a pound? the parle vous that eat it up. What makes the beer threepence-halfpenny a pot?Jloneywood. Ali! the vulgar rogues; all will be out. (Aside.) Right, gentlemen, very right, upon my word, and quite to the purpose. They draw a parallel, madam, between the mental taste and that of our senses. We are injured as much by the French severity in the one, as by French rapacity in the other. That's their meaning. THE GOOD-NATURED MAN. 221.JLss Richland. Though I do n't see the force of the parallel, yet J'11 own, tlat we should sometimes pardon books, as we do our friiends, that have now and then agreealble absurdities to recommend them. Bciihff. That's all my eye. The King only can pardon, as the law says: for, set in case Jioneywood. I'm quite of your opinion, sir. I see the whole drift of your argument. Yes, certainly, our presuming to pardon any work, is arrogating a power that belongs to another. If all have power to condemn, what writer can be friee? Bail'.f: By his habus corpus. His habus corpus can set him free at any time: for, set in case Honeywood. I'm obliged to you, sir, for the hint. If, madam, as my friend observes, our laws are so careful of a gentleman's person, sure we ought to be equally careful of his dearer part, his fame..Follower. Ay, but if so be a man's nabb'd, you know Honeywood. Mr. Flanigan, if you spoke for ever, you could not implrove the last observation. For my own part, I think it conclusive. _Baibif As fbr the matter of' that, mayhap Honeywood. Nay, sir, give me leave, in this instance, to be positive. For where is the necessity of censuring works without genius, which must shortly sink of themselves? what is it, but aiming an unnecessary blow against a victim already under the hands of justice? B]ailIf Justice! Oh, by the elevens! if you talk about justice, I think I am at home there: for, in a covrse of' law 19* Honeywsood. rMy dear iMr. Titich, I i discern what you'dl be at, perfectly; and I believe tlhelady must be sensible of the art with whlich it is introduced. I suppose you perceive the meaning, madam, of his course of law. Miss IRichland. I protest, sir, I do not. I perceive only that you answer one gentleman before he has finished, and the other before lie has well begun. Bail'ff Madam, you are a gentlewoman, and I will make the matter out. This here question is about severity, and justice, and pardon, and the like of they. Now, to explain the thing Honeywood. Oh! curse your explanations! [Aside. Enter Servant. Servant. Mir. Leontine, sir, below, desires to speak with you upon earnest business. florneywood. That's lucky. (Aside.) Dear madam, you'll excuse me and my good friends here, for a few minutes. There are books, madam, to amuse you. Come, gentlemen, you know I make no ceremony with such friends. After you, sir. Excuse me. Well, if I must. But I know your natural politeness. Batiliff. Before and behind, you know. Follower. Ay, ay, before and behind, before and behind. [Exeunt Honeywood, Bailiff and Follower. Jlfiss Richland. What can all this mean, Garnet? Garnet. Mean, madam! why, what should it mean, but what Mr. Lofty sent you here to see? These people lie calls officers, are officers sure enough: sheriff's officers - bailiffs, madam. li]ss lRiclzand. Ay, it is certainly so. Well, though THE GOOD-NATURED MAN. 223 his perplexities are far from giving me pleasure, yet I own there is. something very ridiculous in them, and a just punishment for his dissimulation. Garnet. And so they are: but I wonder, madam, that the lawyer you just employed to pay his debts and set him firee, has not done it by this time. I-e ought at least to have been here before now. But lawyers are always more ready to get a man into troubles thanl out of them. Eanter Sir William. Sir William. For Miss Richland to undertake setting him fiee, I own, was quite unexpected. It has totally unhinged my schlemes to reclaim him. Yet it gives me pleasure to find, that among a number of worthless friendships, he has made one acquisition of real value; for there must be some softer passion on her side, that prompts this generosity. H-a! here before me? I'11 endeavor to sound her affections. Madam, as I am the person that have had some demands upon the gentleman of this house, I hope you'11 excuse me, it; before I enlarged him, I wanted to see yourself. JJ1iss Richland. The precaution was very unnecessary, sir. I suppose your wants were only such as my agent had power to satisf~y. Sir William. Partly, madam. But I was also willing you should be fully apprized of the character of the gentleman you intended to serve. MJiss Richland. It must come, sir, with a very ill grace from you. To censure it, after what you have done, would look like malice; and to speak favorably of a character you have oppressed, should be impeaching your 224 THE GOOD-NATURED MAN. own. And sure, his tenderness, his humanity, his universal friendship, may atone for many faults. Sir William. That friendship, madam, which is exerted in too wide a sphere, becomes totally useless. Our bounty, like a drop of water, disappears when diffused too widely. They who pretend most to this universal benevolence, are either deceivers or dupes, — men who desire to cover their private ill-nature by a pretended regard for all, or men who, reasoning themselves into false feelings, are more earnest in pursuit of splendid, than of useful, virtues. Miss Richland. I am surprised, sir, to hear one, who has probably been a gainer by the folly of others, so severe in his censure of it. Sir William. Whatever I have gained by folly, madam, you see I am willing to prevent your losing by it. Miss Richland. Your cares for me, sir, are unnecessary; I always suspect those services which are denied where they are wanted, and offered, perhaps, in hopes of a refusal. No, sir, my directions have been given, and I insist upon their being complied with. Sir William. Thou amiable woman! I can no longer contain the expressions of my gratitude -my pleasure. You see before you one who has been equally careful of his interest; one who has for some time been a concealed spectator of his follies, and only punished in hopes to reclaim them, - his uncle! Miss Richland. Sir William Honeywood! You amaze me. How shall I conceal my confusion? I fear, sir, you'11 think I have been too forward in my services. I confess I THIE GOOD-NATURED MAN. 225 Sir William. Do n't make any apologies, madam. I only find myself unable to repay the obligation. And yet, I have been trying my interest of late to serve you. Having learned, madam, that you had some demands upon Government, I have, though unasked, been your solicitor there. JJIiss Richland. Sir, I'm infinitely obliged to your intentions. But my guardian has employed another gentleman, who assures him of success. Sir William. Who, the important little man that visits here? Trust me, madam, he's quite contemptible among men in power, and utterly unable to serve you. Mr. Lofty's promises are much better known to people of fashion than his person, I assure you. Miss Richland. How have we been deceived! As sure as can be, here he comes. Sir William. Does he? Remember I'm to continue unknown. My return to England has not as yet been made public. With what impudence he enters! Enter Lofty. Lofty. Let the chariot- let my chariot drive off; I'll visit to his Grace's in a chair. Miss Richland here before me! Punctual, as usual, to the calls of humanity. I'm very sorry, madam, things of this kind should happen, especially to a man I have shown every where, and carried amongst us as a particular acquaintance. Miss Richland. I find, sir, you have the art of making the misfortunes of others your own. Lofty. My dear madam, what can a private man like 226 THE GOOD-NATURED MAN. me do? One man can't do every thing; and then, I do so much in this way every day. Let me see - -sometlhing considerable might be done for him by subscription; it could not fhil if I carried the list. I'll undertake to set down a brace of dukes, two dozen lords, and half the Lower House, at my own peril. Sir WVilliam. And, after all, it's more than probable, sir, hle miglit reject the offer of such powerful patronage. Lofty. Then, madam, what can we do? You know I never make promises. In truth, I once or twice tried to do something with him in the way of business; but as I often told his uncle, Sir William Honeywood, the man was utterly impracticable. Sir William. His uncle! then that gentleman, I suppose, is a particular friend of yours. Lofty. Meaning me, sir? — Yes; madam, as I often said, My dear Sir William, you are sensible I would do any thing, as far as my poor interest goes, to serve your family: but what can be done? there's no procuring firstrate places for ninth rate-abilities..Miss Richland. I have heard of Sir William Honeywood; he's abroad in employment: he confided in your judgment, I suppose? Lofty. Why, yes, madam, I believe Sir William had some reason to confide in my judgment - one little reason, perhaps. Miss Richland. Pray, sir, what was it? Lofty. Why, madam -but let it go no farther —it was I procured him his place. Sir WVilliam. Did you, sir? THE GOOD-NATURED MAN. 227 Lofty. Either you or I, sir? Miss Richland. This, Mr. Lofty, was very kind indeed. Lofty. I did love him, to be sure; he had some amusing qualities; no man was fitter to be a toast-master to a club, or had a better head. JMiss Richland. A better head? Lofty. Ay, at a bottle. To be sure he was as dull as a lhoice spirit; but hang it, he was grateful, very gratefuil; and gratitude hides a multitude of' faults. Sir William. He might have reason, perhaps. His place is pretty considerable, I'm told. Lofty. A trifle, a mere trifle among us men of business. The trutlh is, he wanted dignity to fill up a greater. Sir William. Dignity of person, do you mean, sir? I'm told he's much about my size and figure, sir? Lofty. Ay, tall enough for a marching regiment; but then he wanted a something -a consequence of form - a kind of a — I believe the lady perceives my meaning.'Miss Richland. Oh, perfectly! you courtiers can do any thing, I see. Lofty. My dear madam, all this is but a mere exchange; we do greater things for one another every day. Why, as thus, now: Let me suppose you the First Lord of the Treasury; you have an employment in you that I want - I have a place in me that you want; do me here, do you there: interest of both sides, few words, flat, done and done, and it's over. Sir William. A thought strikes me. (Aside.) Now you mention Sir William Honeywood, madam, and as he seems, sir, an acquaintance of yours, you'll be glad to 228 THE GOOD-NATURED MAN. hear he is arrived from Italy: I had it from a friend who knows him as well as he does me, and you may depend on my information. Lofty. (Aside.) The devil he is! If I had known that, we should not have been quite so well acquainted. Sir William. He is certainly returned; and as this gentleman is a friend of yours, he call be of signal service to us, by introducing me to him: there are some papers relative to your affairs that require despatch, and his inspection. lMiss Richland. This gentleman, Mr. Lofty, is a person employed in my affairs - I know you'11 serve us. Lofty. My dear madam, I live but to serve you. Sir William shall even wait upon him, if you think proper to command it. Sir William. That would be quite unnecessary. Lofty. Well, we must introduce you then. Call upon me - let me see - ay, in two days. Sir William. Now, or the opportunity will be lost for ever. Lofty. Well, if it must be now, now let it be; but damn it, that's unfortunate: My Lord Grig's cursed Pensacola business comes on this very hour, and I'm engaged to attend - another time,Sir William. A short letter to Sir William will do. Lofty. You shall have it; yet, in my opinion, a letter is a very bad way of going to work; face to face, that's my way. Sir William. The letter, sir, will do quite as well. Lofty. Zounds! sir, do you pretend to direct me? direct me in the business of office? Do you know me, sir? who am I? THE GOOD-NATURED MAN. 229 Hiss Richland. Dear 1Mr. Lofty, this request is not so mucl his as mine; if my commands-but you despise my power. Lojfy. Delicate creature! —your commands could even control a debate at midnight: to a power so constitutional, I am all obedience and tranquillity. He shall have a letter: where is my secretary? Dubardieu. And yet, I protest, I do n't like this way of doing business. I think if I first spoke to Sir William- but you will have it so. [Exit with l1iss Richland. Sir William. (Alone.) Ha! ha! ha! This too is one of my nephew's hopeful associates. 0 vanity! thou constant deceiver, how do all thy efforts to exalt serve but to sink us! Thy false colorings, like those employed to heighten beauty, only seem to mend that bloom which they contribute to destroy. I'm not displeased at this interview; exposing this fellow's impudence to the contempt it deserves, may be of use to my design; at leat, if he can reflect, it wiibe of use to himself. Enter Jarvis. How now, Jarvis, where's your master, my nephew? Jarvis. At his wit's end, I believe: he's scarce gotten out of one scrape, but he's running his head into another. Sir William. How so? Jarvis. The house has but just been cleared of the bailiffs, and now he's again engaging, tooth and nail, in assisting old Croaker's son to patch up a clandestine match with the young lady that passes in the house for his sister. Sir William. Ever busy to serve others. Jarvis. Ay, anybody but himself. The young couple, 20 230 THE GOOD-NATURED MAN. it seems, are just setting out for Scotland; and he sup plies them with money for the journey. Sir tWilliam. Money! how is he able to supply others, who has scarce any for himself? Jacrvis. Why, there it is: he has no money, that's true; but then, as he never said No to any request in his life, he has given them a bill, drawn by a friend of his upon a merchant in the city, which I am to get changed; for you must know that I am to go with them to Scotland myself. Sir William. How? Jarvis. It seems the young gentleman is obliged to take a different road from his mistress, as he is to call upon an uncle of his that lives out of' the way, in order to prepare a place for their reception when they return; so they have borrowed me from my master, as the properest person to attend the young lady down. Sir William. To the land of matrimony! A pleasant journey, Jarvis. Jarvis. Ay, but I'm only to have all the fatigues on't. Sir William. Well, it may be shorter, and less fatiguinr, than you imagine. I know but too much of the young lady's fhmily and connections, whom I have seen abroad. I have also discovered that Miss Richland is not indifferent to my thoughtless nephew; and will endeavor, tlloull I fear in vain, to establish that connection. But come, the letter I wait for must be almost finished; I'll let you farther into my intentions in the next room. [Exeunt THE GOOD-NATURED MAN. 221 ACT FOURTH. Scene - CROXKE,'s HousE. Enter Lofty. Lofty. Well, sure the devil's irn me of late, for running my head into such defiles, as nothing but a genius like my own could draw me from. I was formerly contented to husband out my places and pensions with some degree of frugality; but curse it, of late I have given away the whole Court Register in less time than they could print the title-pagce; yet, hang it, why scruple a lie or two to come at a fine girl, when I every day tell a thousand for nothing,? Ha! IIoneywood here before me. Could Miss Richland have set him at liberty? Enter Honeywood. Mr. Honeywood, I'm glad to see you abroad again. I find my concurrence was not necessary in your unfortjunate affairs. I had put things in a train to do your business; but it is not fobr me to say what I intended doing. Iloneywood. It was unfortunate, indeed, sir. But what adds to my uneasiness is, that while you seem to be acquainted with my misfortune, I myself continue still a stranger to my benefactor. L,:fly. How! not know the friend that served you? Hloneywood. Can't guess at the person. Lqfty. Inquire. 232 THE GOOD-NATURED MAN. IHoneywood. I have; but all I can learn is, that he chooses to remain concealed, and that all inquiry must be fi uitless. L?fty. Mlust be firuitless? Honeywood. Absolutely fruitless..Lofty. Sure of that? Honeywood. Very sure. Lofty. Then I'11 be damn'd if you shall ever know it from me.:Ioneywood. How, sir? Lofty. I suppose now, Mr. IHoneywood, you think my rent-roll very considerable, and that I have vast sums of money to throw away.; I know you do. The world, te be sure, says such things of me. Honeywjood. The world, by what I learn, is no stranger to your generosity. But where does this tend? Lofty.. To nothing — nothing in the world. The town, to be sure, when it makes such a thingl as me the subject of conversation, has asserted, that I never yet patronized a man of merit. Honeywood. I have heard instances to the contrary, even from yourself. Lofty. Yes, Honeywood; and there are instances to the contrary, that you shall never hear from myself. lonreywood. I-Ia! dear sir, permit me to ask you but one question. Lofty. Sir, ask me no questions; I say, sir, ask me no que.7li e5ns; I'11 be damn'd if I answer them. iSX>Leywvood. I will ask no f,'ther. My friiend! my beanefilh(:,.! 1' i:.. i:1is:t bI r, thr t i am i ndcbted for '111E (iO01)-NATUR-ED AMAN. 233 firee.dom -for hornor. Yes, thlou worthiest of men, from the beginning l I "slospected it, but was afraid to return tanlks; wliclh, if undeserved, might seem reproaches. Lofty. I protest I do not understand all this, Mr. Honeywood: )ou treat lnme very cavalierly. I do assure you, sir - Blood, sir, can't a man be permitted to enjoy the luxury of his own feclinge, without all this parade? Honeywood. Nay, do not attempt to conceal an action that adds to your honor. Your looks, your air, your manner, all confess it. Lofty. Confess it, sir! torture itself, sir, shall never bring me to confess it. Mr. Horoneywood, I have admitted you upon terms of friendship. Don't let us fall out; make me happy, and let this be buried in oblivion. You know I hate ostentation; you know I do. Come, come, Honeywood, you know I always.loved to be a friend, and not a patron. I beg this may make no kind of distance between us. Come, come, you and I must be more fhmiliar- indeed we must. Honeywood. I-eavens! Can I ever repay such friendship? Is there any way? Thou best of men, can I ever return the obligation? Lofty. A bagatelle, a ere bagatelle! But I see your heart is laboring to be grateful. You shall be grateful. It would be cruel to disappoint you. Jloeeywood. How? teach me the manner. Is there any way? Lofty. From this moment you're mine. Yes, my fiiend, you shall know it - I'm in love. Honeywood. And can I assist you. Lofty. Nobody so well. 20* 234 THE GOOD-NATURED M AN. Honeywood. In what manner? I'm all impatience. ]Lofty. You shall make love fbr me. Honeywood. And to whom shall I speak in your favor? Ltfly. To a lady with whom you have a great interest, 1 assure you - Miss Richlland. Hozeywood. Miss Richland! Lofty. Yes, Miss Richland. She has struck the blow up to the hilt in my bosom, by Jupiter. Honeywood. Heavens! was ever any thing more unfortunate? It is too much to be endured. Lofty. Unfortunate, indeed! And yet I can en? ire it, till you have opened the affair to her fbr me. Be', / *en ourselves, I think she likes me. I'm not apt t,, ast, but I think she does. Honeywood. Indeed I But do you know t re son you apply to? Lofty. Yes, I know you are her friend a. inrle: that's enough. To you, therefore, I commit t;, s-acess of' my passion. I'll say no more, let friendsilT, do the rest. I hiave only to add, that if at any time rmn'.ittet interest can be of service —but, hang it, I'lIl inak no promises: you know my interest is yours at any.ine. No apologies my friend, I'11 not be answered; it shall be so. [Li;t. Iloneywood. Open, generous, unsuspecting,nan! 7 -1 little thinks that I love her too; and with sucl. an ard;(,. passion! But then it was ever but a vain:niid hople 1:, one: my torment, my persecution! What shall I w? Love, fiiendship; a hopeless passion, a deserving friein'" Love that has been my tormenter; a friend, trlat has p, THE GOOD-NATURED MAN. 235 haps distressed himself to serve me. It shall be so. Yes, I will discard the fondling hope from my bosom, and exert all my influence in his favor. And yet to see her in the possession of another! — Insupportable! But then to betray a generous, trusting friend!- Worse, worse! Yes, I'm resolved. Let me but be the instrument of their happiness, and then quit a country, where I must for ever despair of finding my own. [Exit. Enter Olivia and Garnet, who carries a milliner's box. Olivia. Dear me, I wish this journey were over. No news of Jarvis yet? I believe the old peevish creature delays purely to vex me. Garnet. Why, to be sure, madam, I did hear him say, a little snubbing before marriage would teach you to bear it the better afterwards. Olivia. To be gone a full hour, though he had only to get a bill changed in the city! How provoking! Garnet. I'll lay my life, Mr. Leontine, that had twice as much to do, is setting off by this time from his inn: and here you are left behind. Olivia. Well, let us be prepared for his coming, however. Are you sure you have omitted nothing, Garnet? Garnet. Not a stick, madam; all's here. Yet I wish you could take the white and silver to be married in. It's the worst luck in the world in any thing but white. I knew one Bett Stubbs of our town, that was married in red; and as sure as ecggs is eggs, the bridegroom and she had a. miff before morning. Olivia. No matter, I'm all impatience till we are out of the house. 236 THE GOOD-NATURED MAN. Garnet. Bless me, madam, I had almost forgot the wed(ling. ring! The sweet little thing. I do n't think it would go on my little finger. And what if I put in a gentleman's night-cap, in case of' necessity, madam?But here's Jarvis. Enter Jarvis. Olivia. 0 Jarvis, are you come at last! We have been ready this half hour. Now let's be going. Let us fly! Jarvis. Ay, to Jericho; for we shall have no going to Scotland this bout, I fiancy. Olivia. How! what's the matter? JaOrvis. Money, money is the matter, madam. We have (ot no money. What the plague (lo you send me of your fool's errand for? Mly master's bill upon the city is not worth a rush. Here it is; Mrs. Garnet may pin up her hair with it. Olicia. Undone! How could Iloneywood serve us so? What shall we do? Can't we go without it? Jarvis. Go to Scotland without money! To Scotland without money! Lord! how some people understand geographlly! We might as Awell set sail fbr Patagonia ullon a cork-jacket. Olivia. Such a disappointment! What a base, insincere man was your master, to serve us in this manner! Is this his good-nature? Jarvis. Nay, do n't talk ill of my master, madam; I won't bear to hear any body talk ill of him but myself. Garnet. Bless us! now I think on't, madam, you need not bhe under any uneasiness: I saw iMr. Leontine THE GOOD-NATURED MAN. 237 receive forty guineas from his father just before he set out, and he can't yet have left the inn. A short letter will reacll him there. Olivia. Well remembered, Garnet; I'11 write immediately. How's this? Bless me, my hland trembles so, I can't write a word. Do you write, Garnet; and, upon second tllought, it will be better from you. Garnet. Truly, madam, I write and indite but poorly. I never was cute at my learning. But I'11 do what I can to please you. Let me see. All out of my own head, I suppose? Olivia. Whatever you please. Garnet. ( Siiting.)' Luster Croaker'- Twenty guineas, madam? Olivia. Ay, twenty will do, Garnet.'At the bar of the Talbot till called for. Expedition - Will be blown up - All of a flame - Quick despatchl- Cupid, the little god of love.' — I conclude it, madam, with Cupid: I love to see a love letter end like poetry. Olivia. Well, well, what you please, any thing. But how shall we send it? I can trust none of the servants of' this family. Garnet. Odso, madam, Mr. HIoneywood's butler is in the next room: he's a dear, sweet man; he'11 do any thing for me. Jarcis. IIe! the dog, he'll certainly commit some blunder. Ile's drunk and sober ten tinmes a-day. Olivia. No matter. Fly, Garnet: any body we can trust will do. [Exit Garnet.] Well, Jarvis, now we can have nothing more to interrupt us; you may take up the 238 THE GOOD-NATURED MAN. things, and carry them on to the inn.. Have you no lends, Jarvis? Jarvis. Soft and fair, young lady. You that are going to be married think things can never be done too fist; but we, that are old, and know what we are about, must elope methodically, madam. Olivia. Well, sure, if my indiscretions were to be done over again Jarvis. My life for it, you would do them ten times over Olivia. Why will you talk so? If you knew how unhappy they make me Jarvis. Very unhappy, no doubt: I was once just as unhappy when I was going to be married myself. I'll tell you a story about that Olivia. A story! when I am all impatience to be:away. Was there ever such a dilatory creature! Jarvis. Well, madam, if we must march, why we will march, that's all. Though, odds-bobs, we have still forgot one thing we should never travel without -a case of good razors, and a box of shaving powder. But no matter, I believe we shall be pretty well shaved by the way. [ Going. Enter Garnet. Garnet. Undone, undone, madam. Ah, Mr. Jarvis, you said right enough. As sure as death, Mr. Honeywood's rogue of a drunken butler dropped the letter before he went ten yards from the door. There's old Croaker has just picked it up, and is this moment reading it to himself in the hall. THE GQOD-NATLTRED MAN. 239 Olivia. Unfortunate! we shall be discovered. Garnet. No, na(lam; do n't be uneasy, he can make neither head nor tail of it. To be sure, he looks as if he was broke loose from Bedlam, about it, but he can't fin'd wlhat it means for all that. O lud, he is coming this way all in the horrors. Olivia. Then let us leave the house this instant fbr fear he should ask farther questions. In the mean time, Garnet, do you write and send off just such another. [Exeunt. E~nter Croaker. Croaker. Death and destruction! Are all the horrors of air, fire, and water, to be levelled only at me? Am I only to be singled out for gunpowder plots, combustibles, and conflagrations? Here it is — An incendiary letter dropped at my door.'To Muster Croaker, these with speed.' Ay, ay, plain enough the direction: all in the genuine incendiary spelling, and as cramp as the devil. W Witll speed.' Oh, confound your speed! Blut let me read it once more. (Jeads.)'Mluster Croaker, as sone as yowe see this, leve twenty gunnes at the bar of the Tallhoot tell caled for, or yowe and yower experetion will be al blown up.' Al, hut too plain! Blood and gunpowder in every line of it. Blown up! murderous dog! All blown up)! Heavens! what have I and my poor family done, to be all blown up? (Reads.)'Our pock ets are low, and money we must have.' Ay, there's the reason; they'll blow us up, because they have got low pockets. (Reads.)' It is but a short time you have to consider; for if this takes wind, the house will quickly 240 THE GOOD-NATURED MAN. be all of a flame.' Inhuman monsters! blow us up, and then burn us! The earthquake at Lisbon was but a bonfire to it. (Reads.)' Make quick despatch, and so no more at present. But may Cupid, the little god of love, go with you wherever you go.' The little god of love! Cupid, the little god of love, go with me!- Go you to the devil, you and your little Cupid together. I'in so fiightened, I scarce know whether I sit, stand, or go. Perhaps this moment I'm treading on lighted matches, blazing brimstone, and barrels of gunpowder. They are preparing to blow me up into the clouds. Murder! We shall be all burnt in our beds; we shall be all burnt in our beds! Enter Mliss Richland. M15iss Richland. Lord, sir, what's the matter? Croaker. Murder's the matter. We shall be all blown up in our beds before morning. Mliss RIichland. I hope not, sir. Croaker. What signifies what you hope, madam, when I have a certificate of' it here in my hand? Will nothing alarm my family? Sleeping and eating - sleeping and eating is the only work firom morning till night in my house. My insensible crew could sleep though rocked by an earthquake, and fry beef-steaks at a volcano. Mliss -Richland. But, sir, you have alarmed them so often already; we have nothing but earthquakes, famines, plagues, and mad dogs from year's end to year's end. You remember, sir, it is not above a month ago, you assured us of a conspiracy among the bakers to poison us in our bread; and so kept the whole family a week upon potatoes. THE GOOD-NATURED MAN. 241 Croaker. And potatoes were too good for them. But why do I stand talking here with a girl, when I should be facing the enemy without! Here, John, Nicodemus, search the house. Look into the cellars, to see if there be any combustibles below; an(l above, in the apartments, that no matches be thrown in at the windows. Let all the fires be put out, and let the eng-,ine be drawn out in the yard, to play upon the house in case of necessity. [Exit. Miss Richland. (-Alone.) What can he mean by all this? Yet why should I inquire, when he alarms us in this manner almost every day. But Honeywood has desired an interview with me in p)rivate. Whlat can he mean? or rather, wlhat means this pldpitation at his approach? It is the first time he. ever sllowed anything in his conduct that seemed alrtict!lar. Sure, he cannot mean to but Le's tier'e. _Enuer Io')aevq/wood. Honeywood. I presunaed to solicit this interview, madam, before I left town, to be permitted Aliss Richland. Indeed! leaving town, sir? Honeywood. Yes, madam, perhaps the kingdom. I have presumed, I say, to desire thefavor of this interview in order to disclose something which our long friendship prompts. And yet my fears Miss Richland. His fears! what are his fears to mine! (Aside.) We have, indeed, Ibeen long acquainted, sir; very long. If I remember. our first m-eeting was at the French ambassador's. D)o \ooi r,:eremed rustic plainness, now appears SHE STOOPS TO CONQUER. 359 refined simplicity. What seemed forward assurance, now strikes me as the result of courageous innocence and conscious virtue. Sir Charles. What can it mean? He amazes me! Hardcastle. I told you how it would be. Hush! MJiarlow. I am now determined to stay, madam, and I have too good an opinion of my father's discernment, when he sees you, to doubt his approbation. Miss Hardeastle. No, Mr. Marlow, I will not, cannot detain you. Do you think I could suffer a connection in which there is the smallest room for repentance? Do you think I would take the mean advantage of a transient passion to load you with confusion? Do you think I could ever relish that happiness which was acquired by lessening yours? Mlarlow. By all that's good, I can have no happiness but what's in your power to grant me! Nor shall I ever feel repentance but in not having seen your merits before. I will stay even contrary to your wishes; and though you should persist to shun me, I will make my respectful assiduities atone for the levity of' my past conduct. Miss Hardcastle. Sir, I must entreat you'll desist. As our acquaintance began, so let it end, in indifference. I might have given an hour or two to levity; but seriously, MIr. Mairlow, do you think I could ever submit to a connection where I must appear mercenary, and you illlprudent? Do you think I could ever catch at the confident addresses of a secure admirer. 3Jfarlow. (Kneeling.) Does this look like security? Does this look like confidence? No, madam, every mo 360 SIE STOOPS TO CONQUER. ment that shows me your merit, only serves to increase my diffidence and confusion. Here let me continue Sir Charles. I can lo'd it no longer. Charles, Charles, how hast thou deceived me! Is this your indifi ference, your uninteresting conversation? flardcastle. Your cold contempt; your formal interview! What have you to say now? Marlow. That I'm all armazement! What can it mean? iHardcastle. It means that you can say and unsay things at p)leasure: that you can address a lady in private, and deny it in public: that you have one story for us, and another for imy daughter. Jlarlow. Daughter -! This lady your daughter? Hardcastle. Yes, sil', my only daughter - my Kate; whose else should she be? MJtarlow'. 01, the devil! aMiss llardcasdle. Yes, sir, that very identical tall, squinting lady you wvere I-leased to take me fbr (courtesyinug;) she tlat 3ou addressed as the mild, modest, sentimental man of' gravity, and the bold, forward, agreeable Rattle of' the ladies' club. Ha! ha! ha! Mllarlow. Zounds, there's no bearing, this; it's worse than death! Lfiss.Hardcastle. In which of your characters, sir, will you give us leave to address you? As the faltering gentleman, whlich looks on the grlound, that speaks just to be heard, and hates hypocrisy; or the loud, confident creature, that keeps it up with Mrs. Mantrap, and old MIiss Biddy Buckskin, till three in the morning! Ha! ha! ha! SHE STOOPS TO CONQUER. 361 Marlow. Oh, curse on my noisy head! I never attempted to be impudent yet that I was not taken down! I must be gone. Hardcastle. By the hand of my body, but you shall not. I see it was all a mistake, and I am rejoiced to find it. You shall not stir, I tell you. I know she'11 forgive you. Won't you forgive him, Kate? We'll all forgive you. Take courage, man. [ They retire, she tormenting him to the back scene. Enter AlIrs. Hardcastle and Tony. M2rs. Hardcastle. So, so, they're gone off. Let them go, I care not. Hardcastle. Who gone? Airs. Hardcastle. My dutiful niece and her gentleman, Mr. Hastings, fiom town. He who came down with our modest visitor here. Sir C(Jarles. Who, my honest George Hastings? As worthy a fellow as lives, and the girl could not have made a more prudent choice. Ilardcastle. Then, by the hand of my body, I'm proud of the connection. Xiirs. Hardcastle. Well, if lie has taken away the lady, he has not'taken her fortune: that remains in this family to console us for her loss. Hardcastle. Sure, Dorothy, you would not be so mercenary? Mrs. latrdcastle. Ay, that's my affair, not yours. Hardcastle. But you know if your son, when of age, refuses to marry his cousin, her whole fortune is then at her own disposal. 31 362 SHE STOOPS TO CONQUER. Mrs. Ilardcastle. Ay, but he's not of age, and she has not thought proper to wait for his refusal. Enter Hastings and Miss Neville. iMrs. lardcastle. (Aside) What, returned so soon, I begin not to like it. hastings. (To Hardcastle) For my late attempt to fly off with your niece, let my present confusion be my punishment. We are now come back, to appeal from your justice to your humanity. By her father's consent I first paid her my addresses, and our passions were first founded in duty. Miss Neville. Since his death, I have been obliged to stoop to dissimulation to avoid oppression. In an hour of levity, I was ready even to give up my fortune to secure my choice: But I am now recovered from the delusion, and hope, from your tenderness, what is denied me from a nearer connection.,7Mrs. Hardcastle. Pshaw, pshaw; this is all but the whining end of a modern novel. Hardcastle. Be it what it will, I'm glad they're come back to reclaim their due. Come hither, Tony, boy. Do you refuse this lady's hand, whom I now offer you? Tony, What signifies my refusing? You know I can't refuse her till I'm of age, father. Hardcastle. While I thought concealing your age, boy, was likely to conduce to your improvement, I concurred with your mother's desire to keep it secret. But since I find she turns it to a wrong use, I must now declare you have been of age these three months. Tony. 01' age! Am I of age, father? SHE STOOPS TO CONQUER. 363 fYardcastle. Above three months. Tony. Then you'11 see the first use I'll make of my liberty. (Taking Miss Neville's hand) Witness all men by these presents, that I, Anthony Lumpkin, esquire, of BLANK place, refuse you, Constantia Neville, spinster, of no place at all, for my true and lawful wife. So Constance Neville may marry whom she pleases, and Tony Lumpkin is his own man again. Sir Charles. 0 brave Squire! Hastings. My worthy friend! Mrs. Hardcastle. My undutiful offspring! Marlow. Joy, my dear George, I give you joy sincerely! And, could I prevail upon my little tyrant here to be less arbitrary, I should be the happiest man alive, if you would return me the favor. Hastings. (To liss Ilardcastle) Come, madam, you are now driven to the very last scene of all your contrivances. I know you like him, I'm sure he loves you, and you must and shall have him. Hardcastle. (Joining their hands) And I say so too. And, Mr. Marlow, if she makes as good a wife as she has a duglhter, I do n't believe you'll ever repent your bargain. So now to supper. To-morrow we shall gather all the poor of the parish about us, and the mistakes of the night shall be crowned with a merry morning. So, boy, take her; and as you have been mistaken in the mistress, my wish is, that you may never be mistaken in the wife. [Exeunt Omnes. 364 SITE STOOPS TO CONQUER. E PILOGGU U E. BY DR. GOLDSMITII. SPOKEN BY MRS. BILKLEY IN THIE CHARACTER OF MISS HARDCASTLE. WELTL, havin, stoop'd to conquer with success, And gain'd a husband without aid from dress, Still, as a bar-maid, I could wish it too, As I lhave conquer'd him to conquer you: And let me say, for all your resolution, That pretty bar-maids have done execution. Our life is all a play, composed to please;' We have our exits and our entrances.' The first act shllows the simple country maid, Harmless and young, of everything aftaid; Blushes when hired, and, with unmeaning action,'I hopes as how to give you satisfaction.' Her second act displays a livelier scene, - Tll' unblushino bar-mnid of a country inn, Who whisks about the house, at market caters, Talks loud, coquets the guests, and scolds the waiters. N;ext the scene shifts to town, and there she soars, The chop-house toast of ogling comzoisseurs: On squires and cits she there displays her arts, And on the gridiron broils her lovers' lhearts; And, as she sm-iles, her triumphs to complete. E'en common-coulcilmen fbrget to eat. SIIE STOOPS TO CONQUER. 365 Tlle fourth act shews ller wedded to the squire, Anld mladam now beginls to hold it hilgher; l'retends to taste, at opera cries caro, Alll quits her Nancy Dawson fbr Che Faro: I)Doats upon dancing, and, in all her pride, Swims round the room, the Heinel of Cheapside; O(les and leers, with artificial skill, Till, having lost in age the power to kill, Slhe sits all niglit at cards, and ogles at spladille. Such, tllhroull our lives, th' eventful history! The fifth and last act still remains for me: Tie bar-maid now for your protection prays, Turns temnale Barrister, and pleads for Bays. 31* SHE STOOPS TO CONQUER. EPILOGUE,* TO BE SPOKEN IN TIlE CHARACTER OF TONY LUMPKIN, BY J. CRADOCK, ESQ. WELL, now all's ended, and my comrades gone, Pray what becomes of mother's nonly son? A hopeful blade! - in town I'll fix my station, And try to make a bluster in the nation: As for my cousin Neville, I renounce her - Off, in a crack, I'll carry big Bet Bouncer. Why should not I in the great world appear? I soon shall have a thous'and pounds a year! No matter what a man may here inherit, In London - gad, they've some regard to spirit: I see the horses prancing up the streets, And big Bet Bouncer bobs to all she meets; Then hoiks to jigs and pastimes every nightNot to the plays - they say it an't polite: To Sadler's Wells, perhaps, or operas go, And once, by chance, to the roratorio. Thus, here and there, forever up and down; We'll set the fashions, too, to half' the town; And then at auctions - money ne'er regardBuy pictures, like the great, ten pounds a-yard: Zounds! we shall make these London gentry say, We know what's damn'd genteel as well as they. * This came too late to be spoken. ESSAYS. INTRODUCTION. TIIERE is not, perhaps, a more whimsical figure in lnature, than a man of real modesty who assumes an air of' inludence; who, while hlis lheart beats with anxiety, studies ease and affteets good-lhumor. In tthis situation, however, every unexperienced writer, as I am, finds himself Imprnressed with terrors of the tribunal before which he is going to appear, his natural humor turns to pert ness, and for real wit lie is obliged to substitute vivacity. For my part, as I was never distinguishled for address, and have often even blundered in maiking, my bow. I am at a loss whether to be merry or sad oun this solemn occasion. Shlould I modestly decline all mnerit,-it is too lprobable the hasty rea(ler may take me at my word. If; on the otlher hand, like laborers in -the manlazine trade, I hunmbly presume to promlise an elpitolne ot' all the good thlings that were ever said or written, those readers I most desire to please may lorsake me. MIy bookseller, in this dlilemrna, perceiving my embarraisslnent, instantly offered liis assistance and advice. "You Inust kno, sir," says lie, " that the republic of letters is at presenit divided iuto several classes. One writer excels at a p)lan or a title-page; another works away at the body of the book; and a third is a dab at. an index. Thus a magazine is not the result of' any single 368 ESSAYS. man's industry, but goes through as many hands as a new pin, before it is fit for the public. I fancy, sir," continues he, "I can providle an eminent hand, and upon moderate terms, to draw up a promising plan to smooth up our readers a little; and pay them, as Colonel Chartres paid his seraglio, at the rate of three-halfpence in hand, and three shillings more in promises." He was proceeding in his advice, which, however, I thought proper to decline, by assuring him, that as I intended to pursue no fixed method, so it was impossible to form any regular plan; determined never to be tedious in order to be logical; wherever pleasure presented, I was resolved to follow. It will be improper, therefore, to pall the reader's curiosity by lessening his surprise, or anticipate any pleasure I am to procure him, by saying what shall come next. Harppy, could any effort of mine but repress one criminal pleasure, or but fbr a moment fill up an interval of' anxiety? How gladfly would I lead mankind from the vain prospects of life, to prospects of innocence and ease, where every breeze breathes health, and every sound is but the echo of tranquillity! But whatever may be the merit of his intentions, every writer is now convinced that he must be chiefly indebted to good fortune fbr finding readers willing to allow him any degree of reputation. It has been remarked, that almost every character which has excited either attention or pity, has owed part of' its success to merit, and part to a happy concurrence of circumstances in its favor. Had Caesar or Cromwell exchanged countries, the one might have been a serjeant, and the other ESSAYS. 369 an exciseman. So it is with wit, which generally succeeds more from being happily addressed, than from its native poignancy. A jest calculated to spread at a gamingtable, may be received with perfect indifference should it happen to drop in a mackerel-boat. We have all seen dunces triumph in some companies, where men of real humor were disregarded, by a general combination in fisvor of stupidity. To drive the observation as far as it will go, should the labors of a writer, who designs his performances for readers of a more refined appetite, fall into the hands of a devourer of compilations, what can he expect but contempt and confusion? If his merits are to be determined by judges who estimate the value of a book from its bulk, or its frontispiece, every rival must acquire an easy superiority, who with persuasive eloquence promises fbur extraordinary pages of letterpress, or three beautiful prints, curiously colored from Nature. Thus, then, though I cannot promise as much entertainment, or as much elegance, as others have done, yet the reader may be assured he shall have as much of both as I can. He shall, at least, find me alive while I study his entertainment; for I solemnly assure him, I was never yet possessed of the secret of writing and sleeping. During the course of this paper, therefore, all the wit and learning I have, are heartily at his service; which if, after so candid a confession, he should, notwithstanding, still find intolerably dull, or low, or sad stuff, this I protest is more than I know; I have a clear conscience, and am entirely out of the secret. 5570 ESSAYS. Yet I would not have him, upon the perusal of' a single Patler, )P1OLioneCe mle incorl'l'iille; lie may try a secolld, *wliicli, as there is a studied ifdicrence in sul)jec't lanld style, m:la be more suited to Iiis taste; it' this also fails, I must rtfilr iimn to a t iirld, or even a fbortll, in case of' extlremity; if' lhe slhould still contilnue refi'actory, and find me (lull to tlhe last, I must inform him, with Bayes in thle Re1hears'.al, tlhat 1 thlink him a very odl kind of tillow, andl cdesire no more of lhis acquailltance; but still, if my 1ieaders impilute tlhe eneral tenor of my subject to me as a fault, I rnust beg, leave to tell tlerm a story. A traveller, il his way to Italy, ftund himself in a country lwhere thle inhabitants had each a large excrescence depending from the clhin; a deformity which. as it was endemic, and the people little used to strangers, it had been the custom, time immemorial, to look upon as the greatest beauty. Ladies grew toasts from tle size of their chlins, and no men were beaux wlose faces were not broadest at the bottom. It w\as Sunday; t1 countryciurchll was at llandl, and our traveller was willing to perforI'n the duties of the day. Upon his first cappearance at the chlurch1-door, the e3yes of' all were fixed on the stlralgler; l)ut whalt was their amazement, when they found tlhat lie actually wanted that emblem of beauty, a pursed chin! Stifled bursts of laughlter, winks, and whiis-!ems, circulated from visage to visage; the prismatic figure of tllhe stranger's flee, was a fund of' infinite gaiety Our traveller could no longer I-atiently continue an object of' dettormity to point at. " Good fblks," Rsaid he, " I perceive thlat I am a very ridiculous figure here, but I assure you I am reckoned ino way deformled at home." ESSAYS. 371 LOVE AND FRIENDSHIP; OR THE STORY OF ASL CANI)ER AND SEPTIMIUS. Taken from a Byzantine IIistorian. ATHENS, even Ion, after the decline of the Roman empire, still continued the seat of learning, politeness, and wisdom Theodoric, the Ostrogoth, repaired the schools wlhich barbarity was suffering to fall into decay, and continued those pensions to men of learning, which avaricious governors had monopolized. In this city, and about this period, Alcander and Septimius were fellow-students together; the one, the most subtle reasoner of all the Lyceum; the other, the most eloquent speaker in the Academic grove. Mutual admiration soon begot a friendship. Their fortunes were nearly equal, and they were natives of the two most celebrated cities in the world; for Alcander was of Athens, Septimius came from Rome. In this state of harmony they lived for some time togetler, when Alcander, after passing the first part of his youth in the indolence of philosopthy, thought at length of entering into the busy world; and as a step previous to this, placed his affections on Hypatia, a lady of' exquisite beauty. The day of their intended nuptials was fixed; the previous ceremonies were performed; and nothingr now remained but her being conducted in triumph to the apartment of the intended bridegroom. Alcander's exultation in his own happiness, or being unable to enjoy any satisfaction without making his friend Septimius a partner, prevailed upon him to introduce 37 42 ESSAYS. Ilypatia to 1,is fellow-student; -which lhe did, with all the galiety of' a nman who fiund himself equally ha.tlpy in friendslhip land love. But this was an interview fiatal to the filture pea1ce of' both; for Septimius no sooner sawt her but lhe was smitten with an involuntlry patssion; and tl;olough he used every effort to suptpress desires at once so iml)rudlent and unjust, the emotions of lhis mind in a slhort timre became so strong, that they broullhlt on a fver, which tle physicians judged incurallle. During this illness Alcander watched him with al1 the anxiety of fondness. andn brouglit his mistress to join in those amiable offices of friendlsllip. The sagacity ot' tlhe plhy)sicians, by tlhese means, soon dliscovered that tile cause of tlheir patient's disorder w\as love;,and Aleaider, beinl apprizecd of their discovery, at length extorted a confession fiom the reluctant dying lover. It would but delay the narrative to describe the conflict between love and friendship in thle breast of Alcander on this occasion; it is enouglh to say that the Athenians were at that time arrived at such refinement in morals, that every virtue was carried to excess: in sliort, forgettlul of his own felicity, lie gave up lhis intended bride, in all her chlarms, to the young Rloman. Th'lley were married privately by his connivance, and this unlooked-for cllhange of fiortu:ne wrought as unexpected a elchange in thle constitution of' tlhe now happy Septirnius. In a few days he was p)erfectly recovered, and set out Witll his fitir partner for Rlome. Here, by an exertion of those talents which he was so eminently possessed of; Septimius, in a fexw 3years, arrived at the highest dignities of the state, an(l was con. stituted the city judge, or praetor. EISSAYS. 3 73 fn the mean time Alcantder not only f~elt tile pain of being separated from lhis friend and his mistress, but a prosecution was comlnencedl against him by the relations of IHypatia, for having basely given up llis bride, as was sugeste(l for money. His innocence of the crime laid to his cha-rge, and even hlis eloquence in hiis own defence, were not able to witlhstand thle influence of a powerfil party. IIe was east, and con(lemned( to pay an enormnous line. — owever, being unable to raise so larre a sum alt the timtle appointed, lis piossessions were confiscated, lhe himnself was sti ilpped of' tile habit of freedom, exi)osed as a slave in the market-place, and sold to the highest bidder. A merchant of Thrace becoming his purchaser, Al. cander, #with some other companionls of distress, was car. ried into tlhat region of desolation and sterility. Ilis stated employment was to follow the herds of an imperio;:s master, and Lis success in hunting, was. all that was allowed 1l im to supply his r'lecauious subsistence. Every morninc awaked him to a renewal of famine or toil, and every chlange of season served but to aggravate his un sheltered distress. After some years of bondage, how. ever, an opportunity of escaping offered; he embraced it with ardor; so that travelling, by night, and lodging itD caverns by day, to shorten a long story, he ts in trade, they still set up a boarding-school, and dive a tradle this way, when all otlhers fhil; nay, I have been told of' butchers and barbers, whllo llave turned schoolmasters; and, mnore surprising still, made fortunes in their new profession. Could we tlhink ourselves in a country of civilized people, could it be conceived tlat. we have any regard for posterity, when such are permitted to take the clharge of the morals, gernills, and healthl, of tllose lear little pledges, who may otie day be the guardians of thle liberties of Europel; aiid who ma-y serve als the hlollor and bulwark of' their aged parents? The cale of' our children, is it beloxw the state? Is it fit to indulge the caprice of' tle ignorant with the disposal of their chlildlen in this particular? For tlhe state to take the charge of' all its chllildrten, as in Persia or Sp)arta, m-ight at prilesent be inconvenient; but surely, with great ease, it mnight cast anl eye to their instrluctors. Of' all professions in society, I do not know a nmore useful, or a more honorable one, than a schoolmaster; at the same time that I do not see any more generally (lespised, or whose talents are so ill rewarded. 404 ESSAYS. Were the salaries of schoolmasters to be augmented from a diminution of useless sinecures, how might it turn to the advantage nf this people! a people whom, without flattery, I may, in other respects, term the wisest and greatest upon earth. But while I would reward the deserving, I would dismiss those utterly unqualified for their employment; in short, I would make the busiress of a schoolmaster every way more respectable by increasing their salaries, and admitting only men of proper abilities. It is true we have schoolmasters appointed, and they have some small salaries; but where at present there is only one schoolmaster appointed, there should at least be tw o; and wherever the salary is at present twenty pounds, it should be a hundred. Do we give immoderate benefices to those who instruct ourselves, and shall Nwe deny ev en subsistence to those who instruct our children? Every memlber of society should be paid in proportion as lie is necessary; and I will be bold enough to say, that schoolmasters in a state are more necessary than clerlgymel, as children stand in more need of instruction than their Iparents. But instead of this, as I have already observed, we send them to board in the country, to the most ignorant set of men that can be imagined. But, lest the ignorance of the master be not sufficient, the child is generally consigned to the usher. This is commonly some poor needy anima.l, little superior to a footman either in learning or spirit, invited to his place by an advertisement, and kept there merely firom his being of a complying disposition, and making the children fond of him.'You give your ESSAYS. 405 child to be educated to a slave,' says a philosopher to a rich man;'instead of one slave you will then have two.' It were well, however, if parents upon fixing their children in one of these houses, would examine the abilities of the usher, as well as the master; for whatever they are told to the contrary, the usher is generally the person most employed in their education. If, then, a gentleman, upon putting his soil to one of' these houses, sees the usher disregarded by the master, he may depend upon it, that he is equally disregarded by the boys; the truth is, in spite of all their endeavors to please, they are generally the laughing-stock of the school. Every triick is played upon the usher: the oddity of his manners, his dress, or his language, are a fund of' eternal ridicule; the master himself; now and then, cannot avoid joining in the laugh; and the poor wretch, eternally resenting this ill-usage, seems to live in a state of war with all the famnily. This is a very proper person, is it not, to give children a relish for learning? They must esteem learning very much, when they see its professors used with such little ceremony! If the usher be despised, the father may be assured that his child will never be properly instructed. But let me suppose that there are some schools without these inconveniences, where the masters and ushers are men of' learning, reputation, and assiduity. If there are to be fobund such, they cannot be prized in a state sufficiently. A boy will learn morie true wisdom in a public school in a year, than by private education in five. It is not from masters, but from their equals, youth learn a knowledge of' the world; the little tricks they play each 406 ESSAYS. other, the punishment that fiequently attends the commissionl, is a just picture of tile great wolhd; and all the:ays of't ne l are i)ractised inl a p)ublic school'in miniature. It is true, a clild1 is early matde ac('qainted withi some -ices in a selcool; but it is bettel to know these wlhen a boy, tlian be first tauglit tlhem wllen a man; for their novelty then may hlave irresistible clliarrms. In a public education, boys early learn temperance; and if' the iparents and fi'iends would give tlhem less money upon their usual visits, it would be imuch to their advantage; since it may justly be said, that a great p)art of' their disorders arise friom surfeit,' pils occidit; gula quam g!adius.' And now I atT come to tlie ar:ticle of' health, it may not be amiss to observe, that. Mr. Locke and some others lave advised that children slhould be inured to cold, to Lttigue, aad h'ardship, firom tleir youth; but MrI. Locke wlas but an indifferent pllysician. IIabit, I grant, hlas great influence over our constitutions; but we lhave not precise ideas upon this subject. We know that among savages, and even amon, our peasants, there are fbund children born with such constitutions, that they cross rivers by swimming, endure cold, thirst, hunger, and want of sleep, to a surprising degree; tlhat when they happen to fall sick, they are cured without the lelp of medicine, by nature alone. Such examp)les are adduced to persuade us to imnitate their manner of' education, and accustom ourselves betimes to support the same fatigues. But had these gentlemen considered first low manty lives are lost in this ascetic practice; had tley considelred, that those savages and peasants are gererally not so long lived as they who lhave led a more ESSAYS. 407 indlolent life; that the more laborious the life is, the less plopulous is the country; had they considered, that what physicians call the'stamina vital,' by fatigue and labor become rigid, and thus anticipate old age; that the number awho survive those rude trials, bears no proportion to those who die in the experiment; had these things been properly considered, they would not have thus extolled an education begun in fatigue and hardships. Peter the Great, willing to inure the children of his seamen to a lifte of hardship, ordered that they should only drink seawater; but they unfortunately all died under the trial. But while I would exclude all unnecessary labors, yet still 1 would recommend temperance in the highest degree.:No luxurious dishes with high seasoning, nothing given children to force an appetite; as little sugared or salted provisions as possible, though ever so pleasing; but milk, morning and night, should be their constant food. Tihis diet would make them more healthy than any of those slops that are usually cooked by the mistress of a boarlding-school; besides, it corrects any consumptive habits, not unfrequently found amongst the children of city parents. As boys should be educated with temperance, so the first greatest lesson that should be taughllt them is to admire frugality. It is by the exercise of this virtue alone, they can ever expect to be useful members of society. It is true, lectures continually repeated upon this subject, may make some boys, when they grow up, run inlo an extremne, and become misers; but it were well had swe more misers than we have amongst us. I know few characters more useful in society; for a man's having 408 ESSAYS. a larger or smaller share of money lying useless by him, no way injures the comlnmonweatlth; since, shoulld every miser now exhaust his stores, this might make gold more plenty, but it would not increase the commod(ities or pleasures of life; they would still remain as they are at present: it matters not, therefobre, whether rmen are misers or not, if they be only frugal, laborious, and fill the station they have chosen. If tlhey deny themselves the necessaries of life, society is no way injured by tllir folly. Instead, therefbre, of' romances, whlich praise young men of' spirit, who go through a variety of adventur es, and at last conclude a life of' dissipation, folly and extravagance, in riches and matrimony, there should be some men of wit employed to comnpose books that might equally interest the passions of our youth, where such a one might be praised for having resisted allurements when young, and how lie, at last, became lord mayor; how he was married to a lady of great sense, fortune, and beauty: to be as explicit as possible, the old story of Whittington, were his cat left out, milght be more serviceable to the tender mind, than either Torn Jones, Joseph A2ndrews, or a hundred others, where friugality is the only good quality the hero is not possessed of: Were our schoolmasters, if' any of' thlml lave sense enough to draw up such a work, thus employed, it would be much more serviceable to their pupils, than all the grammars and dictionaries they may publish these ten years. Children should early be instructed in the arts from which they may afterwards dlaw the greatest advantages. When the wonders of nature are never exposed to our view, we have no great desire to become acquainted with ESSAYS. 409 those parts of learning whlich pretend to account for the plhenomena. One of the ancients complains, tlat as soon as young men have left school, and are obliged to converse with the worldl, they fancy themselves transported into a new region. "Ut, cum. in forum venerint, existiment se in alium terrarum orbem delatos." We should early, therefore, instruct themr in the experiments, if I may so express it, of knowledge, and leave to maturer agfe the accounting for the causes. But, instead of' that, when boys begin natural philosophy in colleges, they have not the least curiosity for those parts of the science which are proposed fobr their instruction; they have never before seen the phenomena, and consequently have no curiosity to learn the reasons. Might natural philosophy, therefore, be made their pastime in school, by this means it would in college become their amusement. In several of' the machines now in use, there would be ample field both for instruction and amusement; the different sorts of' the phosphorus, the artificial pyrites, magnetism, electricity, the experiments upon the rarefaction and weight of the air,'and those upon elastic bodies, might employ their idle hours; and none should be called from play to see such experiments but such as thought proper. At first, then, it would be sufficient if the instruments, and the effects of their combination, were only shown; the causes would be deferred to a maturer age, or to those times when natural curiosity prompts us to discover the wonders of nature. Man is placed in this world as a spectator; when lhe is tired of' wonderinrg at all the novelties about him, and not till then, does he desire 35 410 ESSAYS. to be made acquainted with the causes that create those cnlders. WhTat I have observed with regard to natural philoso)phy, 1 would extend to every other science lwhatsoever. We should teach them as many of the facts as were possible, and defer the causes until they seemed of themselves desirous of knowing, them. A mind thus leaving scllool, stored with all the simple experiences of science, would be the fittest in the wotld for the college-course; and, tllouglh such a youth might not appear so bright or so talkative, as those whlo had learned the real principles and causes of some of the sciences, yet he would make a wiser man, an( would retain a more lasting passion for letters, than he who was early burdened with the disagreeable institution of effect and cause. In history, such stories alone should be laid before them as might catch the imagination; instead of this, they are too frequently obliged to toil through the four empires, as they are called, where their memories are burdened by a number of disgusting names, that destroy all their future relish for our best historians, who may be termed the truest teachers of wisdom. Ever) species of flattery should be carefully avoided; a boy who happens to say a sprightly thing is generally applauded so much, that he sometimes continues a coxcomb all his life after. He is reputed a wit at four. teen, and becomes a blockhead at twenty. Nurses, footmen, and such, should therefore be driven away as much as possible. I was even going to add, that the mother herself should stifle her pleasure or her vanity, when little master happens to say a good or a smart ESSAYS. 411 thing. Those modest, lubberly boys, who seem to want spirit, generally go through their business with more ease to themselves, and more satisfaction to their instructors. There has, of late, a gentleman appeared, who thinks the study of rhetoric essential to a perfect education. That bold male eloquence, which often, without pleasing, convinces, is generally destroyed by such institutions. Convincing eloquence is infinitely more serviceable to its possessor, than the most florid harangue, or the most pathetic tones, that can be imagined; and the man who is thoroughlly convinced himself; who understands his subject, and the language he speaks in, will be more apt to silence opposition, than he who studies the force of his periods, and fills our ears with sounds, while our minds are destitute of conviction. It was reckoned the fault of the orators at the decline of the Roman empire, when they had been long instructed by rhetoricians, that their periods were so harmonious, as that they could be sung as well as spoken. What a ridiculous figure must one of these gentlemen cut, thus measuring syllables, and weighing words, when he should plead the cause of his client! Two architects were once candidates for the building a certain temple at Athens; the first harangued the crowd very learnedly upon the different orders of architecture, and showed them in what manner the temple should be built; the other, who got up after him, only observed, that what his brother had spoken, he could do; and thus he at once gained his cause. To teach men to be orators, is little less than to teach them to be poets; and for my part, I should have too 412 ESSAYS. great a regard for my child, to wish him a manor only in a bookseller's shop. Another passion which the present age is apt to run into, is to make children learn all things; the languages, the sciences, music, the exercises, and painting. Thus the child soon becomes a talker in all, but a master in none. Ile thus acquires a superficial fondness for everything, and only shows his ignorance when he attempts to exhibit his skill. As I deliver my thoughts, without method, or connection, so the reader must not be surprised to find me once more addressing schoolmn-sters on the present rmethiod of teaching the learned languages, which is commonly by literal translations. I would ask such, if they were to travel a journey, whether tllose parts of the road in which they fbund the greatest difficulties, would not be the most strongly reremberedl? Boys who, if I may continue the allusion, gallop through one of' the ancients with the assistance of a translation, can have but a very slight acquaintance either with the author or his language. It is by the exercise of the mind alone that a language is learned; but a literal translation on the o)pposite page, leaves no exercise for the memory at all. The boy will not be at the fitigue of remembering, when his doubts are at once satisfied by a glance of the eye: whereas, were every word to be sought from a dictionary, the learner would attempt to remember them, to save himself the trouble of looking out for them for the future. To continue in the same pedantic strain, of all the various grammars now taught in the schools about town, I would recommend only the old common one. I have forgot ii _~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~A ESSAYS. 413 whether Lily's, or an emendation of him. The others may be improvements; but such improvements seem to me only mere grammatical niceties, no way influencing the learner; but perhaps loading him with subtilties, which at a proper age, he must be at some pains to forget. i rlWhatever pains a master may talke to make the learning of the languages agreeable to his pupil, he may depend upon it, it will be at first extremely unpleasant. The rudiments of every language, therefobre, must be given as a task, not as an amusement. Attemp)ting to deceive children into instruction of this kind, is only deceiving ourselves; and I know no passion capable of conquering a child's natural laziness but fear. Solornon has said it before me; nor is there any more certain, though perhaps more disagreeable truth, than the proverb in verse, too well known to repeat on the present occasion. It is very probable that parents are told of some masters who never use the rod, and consequently are thought the properest instructors for their children; but, though tenderness is a requisite quality in an instructor, yet there is too often the truest tenderness in well-timed correction. Some have justly observed, that all passions should be banished on this terrible occasion; but I know not how, there is a frailty attending human nature that few masters are able to keep their temper whilst they correct. I knew a good-natured man, who was sensible of his own wepakness in this reIspect, and consequently had recoure to the following expedient to prevent his p)assions flroml being engaged, yet at the same time administer justice with impartiality. Whenever any of his pupils committed a 35* 414 ESSAYS. fault, he summoned a jury of his peers, I mean of the boys of his own or the next classes to him: his accusers stood forth; lhe had liberty of pleading in his own defence, and one or two more had the liberty of pleading against him; when found guilty by the pannel, he was consigned to the footman, who attended in the house, and had previous orders to punish, but with lenity. By this means the master took off the odium of punishment from himself; and the footman, between whom and the boys there could not be even the slightest intimacy, was placed in such a light as to be shunned by every boy in the school. ON TIIE VERSATILITY OF POPULAR FAVOR. AN alehouse-keeper, near Islington, who had long lived at the sign of the French King, upon the commencement of the last war with France, pulled down his old sign, and put up that of the Queen of' Hungary. Under tihe influence of hler red face and golden sceptre. he.olntinulcd to sell ale, till she was no longer the fiivorite of his customers; lhe chllaned ler, therefore, some time ago, f;br the Kinll of Prussia; whllo may probal)ly be clhanged in turln, for the next great man that shall be set up for vulgar admiration. Our publican, in this, imitates the great exactly; who deal out their figures, one after the other, to the gazing crowd. lWhen we hlave sufficiently wondered at one, that is taken in, and another exhibited in its room, whliclj ESSAYS. 415 seldom holds its station long; for the mob are ever pleased with variety. I must own, I have such an indifferent opinion of the vulgar, that I am ever led to suspect that merit which raises their shout; at least, I am certain to find those great, and sometimes good men, who find satisfaction in such acclamations, made worse by it; and history has too frequently taught me, that the head which has grown this day giddy with the roar of the million, has the very next been fixed upon a pole. As Alexander VI. was entering a little town in the neighborhood of Rome, which had been just evacuated by the enemy, he perceived the townsmen busy in the market place in pulling down from a gibbet a figure which had been designed to represent himself. There were also some knocking down a neighboring statue of one of the Orsini family, with whom he was at war, in order to put Alexander's effigy in its place. It is possible a man who knew less of the world would have coffdemned the adulation of those barefaced flatterers; but Alexander seemed pleased at. their zeal, and turning to Borgia, his son, said with a smile, "Vides, mi fill, quamn leve discrimen patibulum inter et statuam:- You see, my son, the small difference between a gibbet and'a statue." If the great could be taught any lesson, this might serve to teach them' upon how weak a foundation their glory stands, which is built upon popular applause; for as such praise what seems like merit, they as quickly condemn what has only the appearance of guilt. Popular glory is a perfect coquette; her lovers must toil, fiel every inquietude, indulge every caprice; and, 416 ESSAYS. perhaps, at last, be jilted into the bargain. True glory, on the other hand, resembles a woman of sense: her admirers must play no tricks; they feel no great anxiety, for they are sure, in the end, of being rewarded in proportion to their merit. Whllen Swift used to appear in public, he generally had the mob shouting in his train. "Pox take these fools," he would say; " how much joy might all this bawling give my lord mayor!" We have seen those virtues which have, while living, retired from the public eye, generally transmitted to posterity as the truest objects of adrniration and praise. Perhaps the character of the late Duke of Marlborough may one day be set up, even above that of his more talked-of predecessor; since an assemblage of all the mild and amiable virtues are far superior to those vulgarly called the great ones. I must be pardoned fobr this short tribute to the memory of a man, who, while living, would as much detest to receive any thing that wore the oapearance of flattery, as I should to offer it. I know not how to turn so trite a subject out of the beaten road of common-place, except by illustrating it rather by the assistance of my memory than judgment; and, instead of making reflections, by telling a story. A Chinese who had longr studied the works of Confucius, who knew the characters of fourteen thousand words, and could read a great part of every book that came in hlis way, once took it into his head to travel into Europe, and observe the customs of a people whom he thought not very much inferior, even to his own countrymen, in the arts of refining upon every pleasure. Upon his arrival at Amsterdam, his passion for letters naturally led ESSAYS. 417 him into a bookseller's shop; and, as he could speak a little Dtltch, he civilly asked the bookseller fcr the works of the immortal Xixofou. The bookseller assured him he had never heard the book mentioned before. "'TWh1at! have you never heard of that immortal poet?" returned the other, much surprised; "that light of the eyes, that favorite of kings, that rose of perfection! I suppose you know nothing of the immortal Fipsihihi, second cousin to the moon?" " Nothing at all, indeed, sir," returned the other. "Alas!" cries our traveller, "to what purpose, then, has one of these fasted to death, and the other offered himself up as a sacrifice to the Tartar enemy, to gain a renown which has never travelled beyond the precincts of China?" There is scarce a village in Europe, and not one university, that is not thus furnished with its little great men. The head of a petty corporation, who opposes the designs of a prince, who would tyranictally force his subjects to save their best clotlles.for Sundays; the puny pedant who finds one undiscovered property in the polype, or. describes an unheeded process in the skeleton of a mole, and whose mind, like his microscope, perceives nature only in detail; the rhymer who makes smooth verses, and paints to our imagination, when lie should only speak to our hearts: all equally fancy themselves walking forward to immortality, and desire the crowd behind them to look on. The crowd takes them at their word. Patriot, philosopher, and poet, are shouted in their train. —" Where was there ever so much merit seen? No times so important as our own; ages, yet unborn, shall gaze with wonder and applause!" To such music, the important pigmy 418 ESSAYS. moves forward, bustling and swelling, and aptly compared to a puddle in a storm. I have lived to see generals who once had crowds hallooino after thenr wherever they went, who were bepraised by newspapers and magazines, those echoes of the voice of the vulgar, and yet they have long sunk into merited obscurity, with scarce even an epitaph left to flatter. A few years ago the herring fishery employed all Grub-street; it was.the topic in every coffee-house, and the burden of' every ballad. We were to drag up oceans of gold fiom the bottom of the sea; we were to supply all Europe with herrings upon our own terms. At present we hear no more of all this. We have fished up very little gold, that I can learn; nor do we furnish the world with herrings, as was expected. Let us wait but a fexw years longer, and we shall find all our expectations a herring-fishery. SPECIMEN OF A MAGAZINE IN MINIATURE. WE essayists, who are allowed but one subject at a time, are by no means so fortunate as the writers of magazines, who write upon several. If a magaziner be dull upon the Spanish war, lie soon has us up again with the ghost in Cock-lane; if the reader begins to doze upon that, he is quickly roused by an eastern tale; tales prepare us for poetry, and poetry for the meteorological history of' the weather. It is the life and soul of a magazine, never to be long dull upon one subject; and the ESSAYS. 419 reader, like the sailor's horse, has at least the comfortable refreshment of having the spur often changed. As I see no reason why they should carry off all the rewards of' genius, I have some thoughllts, for the future, of making this essay a magazine in miniature: I shall hop forom subject to subject, and if properly encouraged, I intend in time to adorn my feuille-volant with pictures. But to begin, in the usual form, with A modest Address to the Public. TIlE public has been so often imposed upon by the unperforming promises of others, that it is with the utmost modesty we assure them of our inviolable design of giving the very best collection that ever astonished society. The public we honor and regard, and therefore to instruct and entertain them is our highest ambition, with labors calculated as well to the head as the heart. If four extraordinary p)ages of' letter-press be any recommendation of our wit, we may at least boast the honor of vindicating our own abilities. To say more in favor of the Infernal Magazilne, would be unworthy the public; to say less, would be inljurious to ourselves. As we have no interested motivses for this undertaking, being a society of gentlemen of' dlistilction, we disdain to eat or write like hirelings; we arc all gentlemen, resolved to sell our sixpenny magaziine merely for our own amusement. 13e careful to ask for the Infernal Magazine. 420 ESSAYS. DEDICATION. TO TIIAT iIOST INGENIOUS OF ALL PATRONS,. TIIE TRIPOLINE AMBASSADOR. MIay it please your Excellency, As your taste in the fine arts is universally allowed and admired, permit the authors of the Infernal Magazine to lay the following sheets humbly at your excellency's toe; and should our lab)ors ever have the happiness of one (lay adorning the courts of Fez, we doubt not that the influence wherewith we are honored, shall be ever retained with the most warm ardor by, TMay it please your Excellency, Your most devoted humble servants, The Authors of the infernal ilagazine. A SPEECHI, SPOKEN BY TIHE INDIGEN'T PHIILOSOPIER, TO PERSUADE IIS CLUB AT CATEATON NOT TO DECLARE WAR AGAINST SPAIN. MIYr honest friends and brother politicians, I perceive that the intended war with Spain makes many of' you uneasy. Yesterday, as we were told, tlte stocks rose, and you were glad; to-day they fall, and you are again miserable. But, my dear friends, what is the ristng or fallin of the stocks to us, who havce no money? Let Nathan iBen F'unk, the Dutch Jew, be glad or sorry for this; but my good Mr. Bellows-mender, what is all this to you or me? You must mend broken bellows, and I write bad ESSAYS. 421 prose, as long as we live, whether we like a Spanish war or not. Believe me, my honest friends, whatever you may talk of liberty and your own reason, both that liberty and reason are conditionally resigned by every poor man in every society; and as we were born to work, so others are born to watch over us while we are working. In the name of common sense then, my good friends, let the great keep watch over us, and let us mind our business, and perhaps we may at last get money ourselves, and set beggars at work in our turn. I have a Latin sentence that is worth its weight in gold, and which I shall beg leave to translate for your instruction. An author, called Lily's Grammar, finely observes, that "'is in presenti perfectum format:" that is,," Ready money makes a perfect man." Let us then get ready money, and let them that will, spend theirs by going to war with Spain. RULES FOR BEHAVIOR. DRAWN UP BY TIlE INDIGENT PHILOSOPHER. If you be a rich man, you may enter the room with three loud hems, march deliberately up to the chimney, and turn your back to the fire. If you be a poor man, I would advise you to shrink into the room as fast as you can, and place yourself, as usual, upon the corner of' a chair, in a remote corner. When you are desired to sing in company, I would advise you to refuse; for it is a thousand to one b'ut that you torment us with affectation or a bad voice. If you be young, and live with an old man, I would advise you not to like gravy. I was disinherited myself for liking gravy. 36 422 ESSAYS. Do not laugh much in public: the spectators that are not as merry as you, will hate you, either because they envy your happiness, or fancy themselves the subject of your mirth. RULES FOR RAISING THE DEVIL. Translated from the Latin of Daneus de Sortiariis, a writer contemporary with Calvin, and one of the Reformers of our Church. The person who desires to raise the devil, is to sacrifice a dog, a cat, and a hen, all of his own property, to Beelzebub. He is to swear an eternal obedience, and then to receive a mark in some unseen place, either under the eye-lid, or in the roof of the mouth, inflicted by the devil himself. Upon this he has power given him over three spirits; one fbr earth, another for air, and a third for the sea. Upon certain times the devil holds an assembly of magicians, in which each is to give an account of what evil he has done, and what he wishes to do. At this assembly he appears in the shape of an old man, or often like a goat with large horns. They, upon this occasion, renew their vows of obedience; and then form a grand dance in honor of their false deity. The deity instructs them in every method of injuring mankind, in gathering poisons, and of riding upon occasion through the air. He shows them the whole method, upon examination, of giving evasive answers; his spirits have power to assume the form of angels of light, and there is but one method of detecting them, viz. to ask them in proper form, what method is the most certain to propagate the faith over all ESSays. 423 the world? To this they are not permitted by the supe. rior Power to make a false reply, nor are they willing to give the true one; wherefore they continue silent, and are thus detected. BEAU TIBBS: A CHARACTER. TIouGH naturally pensive, yet I am fond of gay company, and take every opportunity of thus dismissing the mind from duty. From this motive I am often found in the centre of a crowd; and wherever pleasure is to be sold, am always a purchaser. In those places, without being remarked by any, I join in whatever goes forward, work my passions into a similitude of frivolous earnestness, shout as they shout, and condemn as they happen to disapprove. A mind thus sunk for a while below its natural standard, is qualified for stronger flights, as those first retire who would spring forward with greater vigor. Attracted by the serenity of the evening, a fiiend and I lately went to gaze upon the company in one of the public walks near the city. Here we sauntered together for some time, either ptaising the beauty of such as were handsome, or the dresses of such as had nothing else to recommend them. We had gone thus deliberately forward for some time, when my friend, stopping on a sudden, caught me by the elbow, and led me out of the public walk. I could perceive by the quickness of his pace, and by his fiequently looking behllind, that he was attempting to avoid somebody who followed: we now turned to the right, then to the left: as we went forward, 424 ESSAYS. he still went faster, but in vain; the person whom he attempted to escape, hunted us through every doubling, and gained upon us each moment; so that at last we fairly stood still, resolving to face what we could not avoid. Our pursuer soon came up, and joined us with all the familiarity of an old acquaintance. "My dear Charles," cries he, shaking my friend's hand, " where have you been hiding this half a century? Positively, I had fancied you had gone down to cultivate matrimony and your estate in the country." During the reply, I had an opportunity of surveying the appearance of our new companion. His hat was pinched up with peculiar smartness: his looks were pale, thin, and sharp; round his neck he wore a broad black riband, and in his bosom a buckle studded with glass; his coat was trimmed with tarnished twist; he wore by his side a sword with a black hilt: and his stockings of silk, though newly washed, were grown yellow by long service. I was so much engaged with the peculiarity of his dress, that I attended only to the latter part of my friend's reply; in which he complimented Mr. Tibbs on the taste of his clothes and the bloom in his countenance. "Psha, psha, Charles," cries the figure, " no more of that if you love me: you know I hate flattery, on my soul I do; and yet, to be sure, an intimacy with the great will improve one's appearance, and a course of venison will fatten; and yet, faith, I despise the great as much as you do: but there are a great many damned honest fellows among them, and we must not quarrel with one half because the other wants breeding. If they were all such as my Lord MIudler, one ESSAYS. 425 of the most good-natured creatures that ever squeezed a lemon, I should myself' be among the number of their admirers. I was yesterday to dine at the Duchess of Piccadilly's. MIy Lord was there. Ned, says he to me, Ned, says he, I will hold gold to silver I can tell, where you were poaching last night. Poaching! my lord, says I; faith you have missed already; for I staid at home and let the girls poach for me. That is my way: I take a fine woman as some animals do their prey; stand still, and swoop, they fall into my mouth." " Ah, Tibbs, thou art a happy fellow," cried my companion, with looks of infinite pity. " I hope your fortune is as much improved as your understanding, in such company." " Improved! " replied the other, "you shall know - but let it go no farther, - a great secret - five hundred a year to begin with. - My lord's word of honor for it - His lordship took me in his own chariot yesterday, and we had a tete-A-tkte dinner in the country, where we talked of nothing else." "I fancy you forgot, sir," cried I, " you told us but this moment of your dining yesterday in town?" " Did I say so? " replied he, coolly. "To be sure, if I said so, it was so.- Dined in town: egad, now I remember, I did dine in town; but I dined in the country too; for you must know, my boys, I eat two dilners. By the by, I am grown as nice as the devil in my eating. I will tell you a pleasant affair about that: we were a select party of us to dine at Lady Grogram's, an affected piece, but let it go no farther; a secret: Well, says 1, I will hold a thousand guineas, and say Dolle first, that - But,'dear Charles, you are an honest creature; lend me half-a-crown for a minute or two, or so, just till — But 36* 426 ESSAYS. hark'ee, ask me for it the next time we meet, or it may be twenty to one but I forget to pay you." When he left us, our conversation naturally turned upon so extraordinary a character. " IIis very dress," cries my friend, is not less extraordinary than his conduct. If you meet him this day, you find him in rags; if the next, in embroidery. With those persons of distinction, of whom he talks so familiarly, he has scarce a coffee-house acquaintance. However, both for the interest of society, and, perhaps, for his own, Heaven has made him poor; and while all the world perceives his wants, he fancies them concealed from every eye-. An agreeable compahionp because lie understands flattery: and all must be pleased with the first part of his conversation, though all are sure of its ending with a demand on their puise. While his youth countenances the levity of his conduct, he may thus earn a precarious subsistence; but, when age comes on, the gravity of which is incompatible with buffoonery, then will he find himself forsaken by all; condemned in the decline of life to hang upon some rich family whom he once despised, there to undergo all the ingenuity of studied contempt; to be employed only as a spy upon the servants, or a bugbear to fright children into duty." BEAU TIBBS -CONTINUED. TIERE are some acquaintances whom it is no easy matter to shake off. My little beau yesterday overtook me again in one of the public walks, and slapping me on ESSAYS. 427 the shoulder, saluted me with an air of the most perfect familiarity. His dress was the same as usual, except that he had more powder in his hair, wore a dirtier shirt, and had on a pair of Temple spectacles, and his hat under his arm. As I knew him to be a harmless, amusing little thing, I could not return his smiles with any degree of severity; so we walked forward on terms of' the utmost intimacy, and in a few minutes discussed all the usual topics preliminary to particular conversation. The oddities that marked his character, however, soon began to appear; he bowed to several well-dressed pelsons, who, by their manner of returning the compliinent, appeared perfect strangers. At intervals lie drew out a pocket-book, seeming to take memorandums before all "the company with much. importance and assiduity. In this manner he led me througrl the length of the whole iMall, fretting at his absurdities, and fancying myself laughed at as well as him by every spectator. When we were got to the end of our procession, "Blast me," cries he, with an air of vivacity, "I never saw the Park so thin in my life before; there's no company at all to-day. Not a single face to be seen." "No company," interrupted I, peevishly, "no company where there is such a crowd i Why, man, there is too much. What are the thousands that have been laughing at us but company?" "Lord, my dear," returned he with the utmost good-humor, "you seem immensely chagrined; but, blast me, when the world laughls at me, I laugh at the world, and so we are even. MIy Lord Trip, Bill Squash, the Creolian, and I, sometimes make a party at 428 ESSAYS. being ridiculous; and so we say and do a thousand things fbr the joke's sake. But I see you are grave; an(l if you are for a fine grave sentimental companion, you shall dine with my wife to-day; I must insist on't; I'11 introduce you to M1Irs. Tibbs, a lady of as elegant qualifications as any in nature; she was bred, but that's between our-' selves, under the inspection of the countess of' Shoreditch. A charming body of voice! But no more of that - she shall give us a song. You shall see my little girl, too, Carolina Wilhelmina Amelia Tibbs, a sweet pretty creature; I design her for my Lord Drumstick's eldest son; sut that's in friendship, let it go no falther; she's but six years old, and yet she walks a minuet, and plays on the guitar, immensely, already. I intend she shall be as perfect as possible in every accomplishnfent. In the first place, I'11 make her a scholar; I'11 teach her Greek myselt; and I intend to learn that language purposely to inlstruct her, but let that be a secret." Thus saying, without waiting fbr a reply, he took me by the arm and hauled me along. We passed through many dark alleys, and winding ways; for, from some motives to me unknown, he seemed to have a particular aversion to every frequented street; at last, however, we got to the door of' a dismal-looking house in the outlets oft' the town, where he informed me he chose to reside for the benefit of the air. TWe entered the lower door, which seemed ever to lie most hospitably open; and I began to ascend an old and creaking staircase; when, as he mounted to show me the way, he demanded, whether I delighted in prospects; to which answering in the affirmative, " Then," said he, " I ESSAYS. 429 shall show you one of the most charming out of my windows; we shall see the ships sailing, and the whole country for twenty miles round, tip top, quite high. My Lord Swamp would give ten thousand guineas fobr such. a one; but as I. sometimes pleasantly tell him, I always love to keep my prospects at home, that my friends may come to see me the oftener." By this time we were arrived as high as the stairs would permit us to ascend, till we came to what he was facetiously pleased to call the first floor down the chimney; and, knocking at the door, a voice with a Scotch accent from within denanded, "Wha's tlere?" My conductor answered that it was he. But this not satisfying the querist, the voice again repeated the demand; to wllicl lie answered louder than before; and now the door was opened by an old maid-servant with cautious reluctance. When we were got in, lie welcomed me to his house with great ceremony, and turning to the old woman, asked where her lady was. " Good troth," replied she, in the northern dialect, "she's washing your twa shirts at the next door, because they have taken an oath against lendillg out the tub any lotnger." M y two shirts " cries he, in a tone that faltered with confusion, " what does the idiot mean?"-"I ken what 1 mean well enough," replied the other; "she's washing your twa shirts at the next door, because --— " "Fire and fury, no more of thy stupid explanations," he cried. " Go and inform her we have got company. Were that Scotch hag," continued he, turning to me, " to be forever in my family, she would never learn politeness, nor fboget that absurd, poisonous accent of hers, or testify the smallest specimen of breed 430 ESSAYS. ingc or high life; and yet it is very surprising, too, as I had her fiom a parliament man, a friend of mine, from the IIighlan(ls, one of' the politest men in the world; but that's a secret." We waited some time for Mrs. Tibbs' arrival, during wlhich interval I had a full opportunity of surveying the charmber and all its furniture; which consisted of fobur chairs with old wrought bottoms, that lie assured me were his wife's embroidery; a square table that had beenl once japanned; a cradle in one corner, a lumber-cabinet in the other; a broken shepherdess, and a mandarine without a head, were stuck over the chimney; and round the walls several paltry unfiramed pictures, which he observed were al1 of' his own drawing. "What do you think, sir, of tlhat head in the corner, done in the nmanner of Grisoni? There's the true keeping in it; it's my own fhce; and, tlhougl1 tlhere Ilhppens to be no likeness, a countess offered me a 11ulldred for its fellow: I refused her, for, hang it, thalt would be mechanical, you know." Tlhe wife at last made her appearance; at once a slattern and coquette; lluclh emaciated, but still carrying the remainals of' beauty. She made twenty apologies fob being seen in such an odious die.habille, but hoped to be excused, as slhe had stayed out all night at Vauxhall Gardens with the countess, who wvas excessively fbnd of the horns,'And, itndeed, my dear," added she, turning to her husbalndl, " his lordship drank your health in a bumrper." "Poor Jack i " cries he, " a dear good-natured creature, I know lie loves me; but I hope, my dear, you have given orders for dinner; you need make no great preparations neither, there are but three of' us; something elegant, ESSAYS. 431 and little will do; a turbot, an ortolan, or a - " "Or what do you think, my dear," interrupts the wife, "of a nice pretty bit of ox-cheek, piping hot, and dressed with a little of my own sauce? " The very thing," replies he; it will eat best with some smart bottled beer; but be sure to let's have the sauce his Grace was so fond of. I hate your immense loads of meat; that is country all over; extreme disgusting to those who are in the least acquainted with high life." By this time my curiosity began to abate, and- my appetite to increase; the company of fools may at first make us smile, but at last never fails of rendering us melancholy. I therefore pretended to recollect a prior engagement, and after having shown my respects to the house, by giving the old servant a piece of money at the door, I took my leave; Mir. Tibbs assuring me, that dinner, if I stayed, would be ready at least in less than two hours. ON THE IRRESOLUTION OF YOUTH. As it has been observed that few are better qualified to give others advice, than those who have taken the least of it themselves; so in this respect I find myself perfectly authorized to offer mine; and must take leave to throw together a few observations upon that part of a young man's conduct, on his entering into life, as it is called. The most usual way among young men who have no resolution of their own, is first to ask one friend's advice, and follow it fobr some time; than to ask advice of axother, and turn to that; so of a third, still unsteady, always 432 ESSAYS. changing. However, every change of this nature is for the worse; people may tell you of your being unfit fbr some peculiar occupations in life; but heed them not whatever employment you follow with perseverance and assiduity, will be found fit for you; it will be your support in youth, and comfort in age. In learning the useful part of every profession, very moderate abilities will suffice: great abilities are generally obnoxious to the possessors. Life has been compared to a race; but the allusion still improves by observing, that the most swift are ever the most apt to stray from the course. To know one profession only, is enough for one man to know; and this, whatever the professors may tell you to the contrary, is soon learned. Be contented, therefore, with one good employment; for if you understand two at a time, people will give you business in neither. A conjurer and a tailor once happened to converse together. " Alas 1 " cries the tailor, " what an unhappy poor creature am I! If people take it into their heads to live without clothes, I am undone; I have no other trade to have recourse to." "Indeed, friend, I pity you sincerely," replies the conjurer; "but, thank jeaven, things are not quite so bad with me: for, if one trick should fail, I have a hundred tricks more for them yet. However, if' at any time you are reduced to beggary, apply to me, and I will relieve vou." A famine overspread the land; the tailor made a shift to live, because his customers could not be without clothes; but the poor conjurer, with all his hundred tricks, could find none that had money to throw away: it was in vain that lie promised to eat, fire, or to vomit pins; no single creature would relieve him, till he ESSAYS. 433 was at last obliged to beg from the very tailor whose calling he had formerly despised. There are no obstructions more fatal to fortune than pride and resentment. If' you must resent injuries at all, at least suppress youreindignation till you become rich. and then show away. The resentment of a poor man is lilke the efforts of a harmless insect to sting; it may get him crushed, but cannot defend him. Who values that anger which is consumed only in empty menaces? Once upon a time a goose fed its young by a pondside; and a goose, in such circumstances, is always extremely proud, and excessively punctilious. If any other animal, without the least design to offend, happened to pass that way, the goose was immediately at it. The pond, she said, was hers, and she would maintain her right in it, and support her honor, while she had a bill to hiss, or a wing to flutter. In this manner she drove away ducks, pigs, and chickens; nay, even tlfe insidious cat was seen to scamper. A lounging mastiff, however, happened to pass by, and thought it no harm if lie should lap a little of the water, as he was thirsty. The guardian goose flew at him like a fury, pkl.ked at him with her beak, and slapped him with her feathers. The dog grew angry, and had twenty times a mind to give her a sly snap; but suppressing his indignation, because his master was nigh, "A pox take thee," cries he, " for a fool; sure, those who have neither strength nor weapons to fight, at least should be civil." So saying, he went fbrward to the pond, quenched his thirst, in spite of the goose, and followed his master. Another obstruction to the fortune of youth is, that 37 634 ESSAYS. while they are willing to take offence from none, they are also equally desirous of giving nobody offence. From hence they endeavor to please all, comply with every request, and attempt to suit themselves to every company; have no will of their own, but, like"wax, catch every contiguous impression. By thus attempting to give universal satisfaction, they at last find themselves miserably disappointed: to bring the generality of admirers on our side, it is sufficient to attempt pleasing a very few. A painter of eminence was once resolved to finish a piece which should please the whole world. When, theref'ore he had drawn a picture, in which his utmost skill was exhausted, it was exposed in the puiblic marketplace, with directions at the bottom for every spectator to mark with a brush, that lay by, every limb and feature which seemed erroneous. The spectators came, and in the general applauded; but each, willing to show his talent at criticism;,stigmatized whatever he thought proper. At evening, when the painter came, he was mortified to find the picture one universal blot, not a single stroke that had not the marks of disapprobation. Not satisfied with this trial, the next day he Nfas resolved to try them in a diffre'nt manner: and exposing his picture as before, desired that every spectator would mark those beauties he approved or admired. The people complied, and the artist returning, found his picture covered with the marks of beauty; every stroke that had been yesterday condemned, now received the character of approbation. "Well," cries the painter, " I now find that the best way to please all the world, is to attempt pleasing one half of it." ESSAYS. 435 ON MAD DOGS. INDULGENT nature seems to have exempted this island from many of those epidemic evils which are so fatal in other parts of the world. A want of rain for a few days beyond the expected season, in some parts of the globe, spreads famine, desolation, and terror, over the whole country; but, in this fortunate island of Britain, the inhabitant courts health in every breeze, and the husbandman ever sows in joyful expectation. But though the nation be exempt from real evils, it is not more happy on this account than others. The people are afflicted, it is true, with neither famine nor pestilence; but then there is a disorder peculiar to the country, which every season makes strange ravages among them; it spreads with pestilential rapidity, and infelcts almost every rank of people; what is still more strange, the natives. have no name fobr this peculiar malady, though well known to foreign physicians by the appellation of Epidemic Terror. A season is never known to pass in which the people are not visited by this cruel calamity in one shape or another, seemingly different, though ever the same; one year it issues from a baker's shop in the shape of a sixpenny loaf, the next it takes the appearance of a comet with a fiery tail, the third it threatens like a flat-bottomed boat, and the fourth it carries consternation in the bite of a mad dog. The people, when once infected, lose their relish for happiness, saunter about with looks of despondence, ask after the calamities of the day, and receive no comfort but in heightening each other's distress. It is in 43 6 ESSAYS. significant how remote or near, how weak or powerful, the object of terror may be, when once they resolve to fright and be frighted; the merest trifles sow consternation and dismay; each proportions Lis fears, not to the object, but to We dread lie discovers in the countenance of others; for, when once the fermentation is begun, it goes on of itself, though the original cause be discolntinued which at first set it in motion. A dread of mad dogs is the epidemic terror which now prevails, and the whole nation is at present actually groaning under the malignity of its influence. The people sally fiom their houses with that circumspection which is prudent in such as expect a mad dog at every turning. The physician publishes his prescription, the beadle prepares his halter, and a few of unusual bravery arm themselves, with boots and huff gloves, in order to face the enemy, if he should offer to attack them. In short, the whole people stand bravely upon their defence, and seem, by their present spirit, to show a resolution of being tamely bit by mad dogs no longer. Their manner of knowing whether a dog be mad or no, somewhat resembles the ancient gothic custom of' trying witches. The old woman suspected was tied hand and foot, and thrown into the water. If she swam, then she was instantly carried off to be burnt for a witch; if she sunk, then indeed she was acquitted of' the charge, but drowned in the experiment. In the same manner a crowd gather round a dog suspected of madness, and tlley begin by teasing the devoted animal on every side. If he attempts to stand on the defensive, and bite, then he is unanimously found guilty, for " a mad dog always snaps ESSAYS. 437 at everything." If', on the contrary, he strives to escape by rulning away, then he can expect no compassion, fobr Ia(l ldogs always run straight forward bIefore them." It is pleasant enough for a neutral being like me, who hlave no share in those ideal calamities, to mark the stages of' this national disease. The terror at first feebly ellters witl a disregarded story of a little dog that lhad gone through a neighboring village, which was thought to be imad by several vwho had seen him. The next account comes, tlhat a mastiff ran through a certain town, and bit five geese, wlhich irnmediately ran mad, fobamed at the bill, anld died in great agonies soon after. Then comes an afftecting story of a little boy bit in the leg, and gone dow;n to be dipped in the salt water. When the people have sutliciently shuddered at that, they are next congealed with a frighltful account of a man who was said lately to have died fiom a bite he had received some years before. Th'llis relation only prepares the, way fbr another, still more hideous; as how the master of' a fhamily, with seven small children, were all bit by a mad lapdog,; and Ilow the poor father first perceived the infection by calling for a draught of water, where lie saw the lapdog swimluilng in the cup. Whrlein epidemic terror is thus once excited, every morning( comnes loaded with solme new disaster: as in stories of glhosts each loves to hear the account, though it only serves to make him uneasy; so here, each listens with eagerness, and adds to the tidings withl new circumstances of' peculiar horror. A lady for instance, in the country, of elry weak nerves, has been frighted by the barking of' a dog; and this, alas! too frequently happens. The 37* 438 ESSAYS. story soon is improved, and spreads, that a mad dog had fiig!lted a lady of' distinction. Tllese circumstances begin to grow terrible belore they have reacled the neighboringr villae e; and there the report is, that a lady of quality was bit by a mad mastiff. This account every moment gathers new strength, and grows more dismal as it approaches tlie capital; and by the timel it lhas arrived in towln, the lady is described;~ith wild eyes, fobaming mouth, running inad upon all four, barking like a dog, biting her servants, and at last smothered betwheen two beds by the advice of her doctors; while the mad mastiff is, in the mean time, rangin the whole country over, slavering at the mouth, and seeking whom lie may devour. MIy land-lady, a good-natured woman, but a little credulous, waked me sonime mornings ago before the usual hour, with horror and astonishment in her looks. She desired me, if I had any regard for my safety, to keep within; for a few days ago, so dismal an accident had happened, as to put all the world upon their guard. A mad dog down in the country, she assured me, had bit a farmer, who soon becoming mad, ran into his own yard and bit a fine brindled cow; the cow quickly became as mad as the man, beran to foamn at the mouth, and raising herseif up, walked ablout on her hind legs, so11ietimes barking, like a dog, and sometimes attempting to talk like the farmer. Upon examining the groundsof this story, I fobud my landlady had it from one neighbor, who had it from another neighbor, who heard it from very good authority. Were most stories of this nature well examined, it would be found that numbers of such as have been said to suffer are in no way injured; and that of those who hav-e been actually bitten, not one in a hundred was biL by a mad dog. Such accounts, in geneial, therefore, only serve to make the people miserable by ftlse terrors; and sometilnes friglit the patient into actual frenzy, by creatinlff those very symptomns they pretended to deplore. But even allowing tlhree or four to die in a season of' this terrible death (and four is probably too large a concession), yet still it is not considered how many are preserved in their health and in their property by this devoted animal's services. Thle midnigllt robber is kept at a distance; the insidious thief is often detected; the healthful chase repairs many a worn constitution; and the poor man finds in his dog a willing assistant, eager to lessen his toil, and content with the smallest retribution. "A dog,"' says one of the Englisll poets, " is an honest creature, and I am a friend to dogs." Of all the beasts that graze the lawn, or hunt tlhe forest, a dog is the only animal, tlhat leaving his fellows, attemnpts to cultivate the fiiendship of' man: to man lie looks, in all his necessities, with speaking eye fbr assistance; exerts for him all the little service in his power with cheerfolness and l)leasure; for him bears famine and fatigue with patience and resignation; no injuries can abate his fidelity, no distress induce him to forsake his benefactor; studious to please, and fearing to offend, he is still an humble, steadfast dependant; and in him alone fawning is not flattery. How unkind then to torture this fhithful creature, who has left the forest to claim the protection of man! How ungrateful a return to the trusty animal for all its services. 440 ESSAYS. ON THE INCREASED LOVE OF LIFE WITII AGE. AGE, that lessens the enjoyment of life, increases our desire of' living. Those dangers, which, in the vigor of youth, we had learned to despise, assume new terrors as we grow old. Our caution increasing as our years increase, fear becomes at last the prevailing passion of' the mind, and the small remainder of' life is taken up in useless efforts to keep off our end, or provide for a continued existence. Strange contradiction in our nature, and to which even the wise are liable! If I should judge of that part of life which.lies before me by that which I have already seen, the prospect is hideous. Experience tells me, that my past enjoyments have brought no realfelicity; and sensation assures me, that those I have felt are stronger than those which are yet to come. Yet experience and sensation in vain persuade; hope, more powerful than either, dresses out the distant prospect in fancied beauty; some happiness, in long perspective, still beckons me to pursue; and, like a losing gamester, every new disappointment increases my ardor to continue the game. Wlhenice then is this increased love of life, which grows upon us with our years! Whence comes it, that we thus niake greater eflforts to preserve our existence, at a period when it becomes scarce worth tile keeping! Is it that nature, attentive to the preservation of' mankind, increases our wishes to live, while she lessens our enjoyments; and, as she robs the senses of every pleasure, equips irmagination in the spoil? Life would be insupportable to an old man, who, loaded with infirmities, feared death no ESSAYS. 441 more than when in the vigor of manhood: the numberless calamities of decaying nature, and the consciousness of surviving every pleasure, would at once induce him, with his own hand, to terminate the scene of misery; but happily the contempt of death forsakes him at a time when it could only be prejudicial; and life acquires an imaginary value in proportion as its real value is no more. Our attachment to every object around us increases, in general, from the length of our acquaintance with it. " I would not choose," says a French philosopher, " to see an old post pulled up with which I had been long acquaint-' ed." A mind long habituated to a certain set of objects, insensibly becomes fond of seeing them; visits them from habit, and parts from them with reluctance: from hence proceeds the avarice of' he old in every kind of possession; they love the world and all that it produces; they love life and all its advantages; not because it gives them pleasure, but because they have known it long. Chinvang the Chaste, ascending the throne of China, commanded that all who were unjustly detained in prison, during the preceding reigns, should be set free. Among the number who came to thank their deliverer on this occasion, there appeared a majestic old man, who, falling at the emperor's feet, addressed him as follows: " Great father of China, belwid a wretch, now eighty-five years old, who was shut up in a dungeon at the age of twentytwo. I was imprisoned, though a stranger to crime, or without being even confronted by my accusers. I have now lived in solitude and darkness for more than sixty years, and am grown familiar with distress. As yet dazzled with the splendor of that sun to which you have re. 442 ESSAYS. dtoled me, I have been wanderin, the streets to find out some friend tlhat would as'sist, or relieve, or remember me; but my friends, my family, and relations. are all dead-l, and I am forgotten. Permnit me then, 0 Chinvang, to wear out tile wretched remains of' life in my former prison; tile walls of' my dungeon are to ne mlore pleasing thal tle most splendid p)alace: I have not long to live, nnd shall be unha)ppy excet)t I spend the rest of my days where my youth was passed, in that prison friom whence you were p)leased to release me." The old ma.n's passiolln fibr confinement is similar to that we all lave fbr life. AWe are habituated to the' )rison; we look rou1(ld witll discontent, ale dli.spleased with the abode, and yet the lengtll o our caitivity only increases our fond(lness forb the cell. The trees we have p)lanted, the houses we have built, or tle posterity we have begotten, all serve to bind us closer to the earth, and embitter our parting. Life sues tlme young like a new acquaintance; the cornl)anion, as yet unexhausted, is at once instructive and amusing; its company pleases; yet, for all this, it is but little regarded. To us, who are declined in year., life appears like an old friend; its jests lhave been anticilpated in fbrmer conversation; it has no new story to make us smile, no new improvement with which to surprise; yet still we love it; destitutepof every enjoyment, still we love it; husband the wasting treasure with increasing frugality, and feel all the poignancy of anguish in the fatal separation. Sir Pllilip Mlordaunt was young, beautiful, sincere, brave-an Englishman. -Ie had a complete fortune of his own, and the love of the king his master, which was ESSAYS. 4143 equivalent to riches. Life opened all her treasures before him, and promised a long succession of fudure happiness. IIe came, tasted of' the entertainment, but was disgusted even at the beginning. EIe professed an aversion to living,; was tired of walking round the saine circle; had tried every enjoyment, and found them all grow weaker at every repetition. " If life be, in y outh, so displeasingl," cried he to hlimself;, " what will it appear when age comnes on? If it be at present indifferent, sure it will then be execrable." This thought imnbittered every reflection; till, at last, with all the serenity of perverted reason, he ended the debate with a pistol! }Had this self-deluded man been apprised, that existence grows more desirable to us the longer we exist, he would then have faced old age without, shrinking; he wqould have boldly dared to live; and serve that society, by his future assiduity, which he basely injured by his desertion. ON THE LADIES' PASSION FOR LEVELLING ALL DIST'R!NC'rI()N OF i)RESS. FOREIGNERS observe that there are no ladies in the world more beautifuli or more ill-dressed, than those of ZEngland. Our counitry-women have been compared to those pictures, where the face is tile work of a Raphael, but the draperies thrown out by some empty pretender, destitute of' taste, and entirely unacquainted with design. If I were a poet, I might observe, on this occasion, that so much beauty, set off with all the advantages of dress, would be too powerful an antagonist for the opposite sex; and therefore it was wisely ordered that our ladies 4414 ESSAYS. should want taste, lest their admirers should entirely want reason. But to confess a truth, I do not filld they have greater aversion to fine clothes tlhan the *women of any otlher country whatsoever. I cannot fancy tlhat a shopkeeper's wite in Cheapside has a greater tenderness tfbr the tfrtune of lier husband, thal a citizen's wife in Paris; or that miss in a boarding-school is more an economist in dress than mademoiselle in a nunnery. Althoughi Paris may be accounted the soil in which almost every fhshion takes its rise, its influence is never so general there as with us. Tlhey study there the lhapyl) method of uniting grace and fashion, and never excuse a woman for being awkwardly dressed, by sayintg her clothl-es are in the mode. A Frencll woman is a, perfect architect in dress; she never, with Gotlic ignorance, mixes the orders; she never tricks out a squabby Doric shape with Corinthian finely; or, to speak witlhout metaphor, she conftrms to general flshion only when it happens not to be repugnant to private beauty. The English ladies, on the contrary, seem to have no other standard of grace but the run of' the town. It fashion gives the word, every distinction of beauty, complexion, or stature, ceases. Sweeping trains, Prussian bonnets, and trollopees, as like each other as if cut iforn the samne piece, level all to one standalrd. The Mall, the gardens, and' playhouses, are filled with ladies in uniform; and their whole appearance shows as little variety of' taste as if their clothes were bespoke by the cololnel of' a marching regiment, or fancied by the artist who dresses the three battalions of guards. ESSAYS. 445 But not only the ladies of every shape and complexion, but of every aTe, too, are possessed of this unaccountable passion fbr levelling all distinction in dress. The lady of no quality travels first behind the lady of some quality; and a womnan of sixty is as gaudy as her granddaughter. A friend of mine, a good-natured old man, amused me the other day with an account of his journey to the Mall. It seems, in his walk thither, lie, for some time, followed a lady, who, as he thouhllt, by her dress, was a girl of fifteen. It was airy, elegant, and youthful. My old friend had called up all his poetry on this occasion, and fancied twenty Cupids prepared for execution in every folding of her white negligee. He had prepared his imagination for an angel's face; but what was his mortification to find that the imaginary goddess was no other than his cousin Hannah, some years older than himself. But to give it in his own words: "After the transports of our first salute," said he, " were over. I could not avoid running my eye over her whole appearance. Her gown was of cambric, cut short before, in order to discover a high-leeled shoe, which was buckled almost at the toe. Her cap consisted of a few bits of cambl*, and flowers of painted paper stuck on one side of her head. Her bosom, that had felt no hand but the hand of time these twenty years, rose, suing to be pressed. I could, indeed, have wished her more than a handkerchief of Paris net to shade her beauties; fbr, as Tasso says of the rose-bud,'Quanto si nostra men, tanto e piu bella." A female breast is generally thought the most beautiful as it is more sparingly discovered. 38 446 ESSAYS. As my cousin lhad not put on all this finery for nothing she was at that time sallying out to the Park, where I hai overtaken her. Perceiving, however, that I had on my best wig, she offered, if I would squire her there, to send home the footman. Though I trembled for our reception in public, yet I could not, with any civility, refuse; so, to be as gallant as possible, I took her hand in my arm, and thus we marched on together. When we made our entry at the Park, two antiquated figures,.so polite and so tender, soon attracted the eyes of the company. As we made our way among crowds who were out to show their finery as well as we, wherever we came, I eIrceived we brought good-humor with us. The polite could not forbear smiling, and the vulgar burst out into a horse-laugh, at our grotesque figures. Cousin Hannah, who was perfectly conscious of the rectitude of her own appearance, attributed all this mirth to the oddity of mine; while I as cordially placed the whole to her account. Thus, from being two of the best natured creatures alive, befbre we got half way up the Mall, we both began to grow peevish, and, like two mice on a string, endeavored to rqvenge the impertinence of others upon ourselves.'I am amazed, cousin Jeffery," says miss, " that I can never get you to dress like a Christian. I knew we should have the eyes of the Park upon us, with your great wig so frizzled, and yet so beggarly, and your monstrous muff. I hate those odious muffs.' I could have patiently borne a criticism on all the rest of my equipage: but as I had always a peculiar veneration for my muff, I could not forbear being piqued a little; and, throwing my ESSAYS. 447 eyes with a spiteful air on her bosom, "I could heartily wish, madam," replied I, " that, for your sake, my muff was cut into a tippet." As my cousi!n, by this time, was grown heartily ashamed of her genitlelmn-usIler, and as I was never very fond of any kind of exhibition myself; it was mutually agreed to retire for a while to one of tile seats, and, from that retreat, remark on others as fi'eely as they had remarked on us.'When seated, we continued silent for some time, employed in very different speculations. I regarded the whole company, now passing in review before me, as drawn out merely fobr my amusement. For my entertainment the beauty had, all that morning been improving her cllarms: the bjeau lhad put on lace, and the young doctor a Lig wig, merely to l)lease me. But quite different were the sentiments of cousin Hlannall: she regarded every well-dressed wonlan as a victorious rival; hated every fce tlat seenled dressed in good-humor, or wore the appearance of greater happiness than her own. I perceived her uneasiness, and attempted to lessen it, by observing that there was no cornlpany in tlhe Park to-day. To this she readily assented; "And yet," says she, 1" it is full enoughll of scrubs of one kind or another." lMy smiling at this observation gave her spirits to pursue tlhe bent of her inclination, and now slhe began to exhibit her skill in secret hlistory, as she found me disposed to listen. " Observe," says she to me, " that old woman in taLwdry silk, and dressed out beyold the ftshion. That is Miss Biddy Evergreen. Miss Biddy, it seems, has money; and as shie considers that money was never so scarce as 448 ESSAYS. it is now, she seems resolved to keep what she has to her. selft Slie is ugly enough, you see; yet, I assure you, she has refused several offers, to my knowledge, witlhin this twelvemollth. Let me see, three gentlemen from Ireland, whllo study the law, two waiting captains, her doctor, and a Scochll preachler who had liked to h:tve carried 1her off. All 11er time is passed between sickness and finery. Thus she sp)ends the whlole week in a close chamber, with no othler company but her monkey, hler apotllecary, and cat; and comes dressed out to the Park every Sunday, to show her airs, to get new lovers, to catch a new cold, and to make new work for the doctor. "' There goes MIrs. Roundabout, I mean the fat lady in the lustring trollopee. Between you and I, she is but a cutler's wife. See bow she's dressed, as fine as hands and pins can make hler, while her two marriageble daughters, like bunters in stuff gowns, are now taking sixpenny-wortlh of tea at the White-conduit house. Odious puss, how she waddles along, with her train two yards behind tler! She puts me in mind of my lord Bantam's Indian sheep, which are obliged to have their monstrous tails trundled alone, in a go-cart. For all her airs, it goes to 1her lusband's heart to see four yards of good lustring wearing against the ground, like one of his knives on a gr;ndstone. To speak my mind, cousin Jeffery, I never liked those tails; for suppose a young fellow should be rude, and the lady should offer to step back in the fright, instead of retiring, she treads upon her train, and falls fairly on her back; and then you know, cousin,- her clothes may be spoiled. " Ah! Miss AMazzard! I knew we should not miss ESSAYS. 449 her in the Park; she in the monsti ous Prussian bonllnet. isis, th.loull so very fine, was bred a milliner; and mighllt hlave lhad some customln if' she l;nd mindedt her btusiness; but tile giirl was fondl of' finery, and, illstead of dressing her customers, laid out all her goods in adorlning herself. every new gcown she put on impaired her credit; she still, however, went onl, improving her appearance and lessenin her little fortune, and is now, you see, become a belle and a bankrupt.' "My cousin was proceeding in her remarks, which were interrupted by the approach of the very lady she had lken so freely describing. Bliss had perceived her at a distance, and approaclled to salute her. I found by the warmlth of the two ladies' protestations, that they had been long intimate, esteemed friends and acquaintance. Both were so pleased at this happy rencounter, that they were resolved not to part fbr the day. So we all crossed the Park together, and I saw them into a hackney-coach at St. James's." ASEM; AN EASTERN TALE: OR THE W-ISDOM OF PROVIDENCE IN THIE MORAL GOVERNM1ENT OF THE VWORLD. WHIERn F Tauris lifts his head above the storm, and presents nothing to the sight of the distant traveller but a prosl)ect of' nodding rocks, fialling torrents,.and all the Valriety,of tremendous nature; on the blelak bosom of this firi,ltful mountain, secluded fronm society, and detesting the ways of men, lived Asem, the man-hater.'38* 4-50 ESSAYS. Asem had spent his youth with men; had shared in their amusements; and had been taUghlt to love his fellow-creatures with tile most ardent affection; but, fiom the tenderness of his dlisposition, lie exhalusted all hlis fortune in relieving the wants otf' the distressed. Tle petitioner never sued in vain; the weary traveller nelver passed his door; hle only desisted fiom doing good w\hen he had no longer the power of relieving. From a fortune tlhus spent in benevolence he expected a grateful return from those lhe had formerly relieved; and made his application with confidence of' redress: the ungratetful Aworld soon grew weary of llis importunity; for pity is but a slhort-lived p)assion. lie soon, therefore, begran to view mankind in a very different light from that in Uwhich lie had belbre belleld tliem: lhe perceived a thousand vices he had never before susplected to exist: wherever lie turned, ingra titude, dissiminulation, and treachery, contributed to increase hIis detestation of' them. Resolved, tlherefore, to continue no longer in a world which he hanted, and which rep)aid his detestation witth contempt, he retired to tlhis region of sterility, in order to brood over his resentment in solitude, and converse with the only honest heart lie knew; namely, his own. A cave was his only shelter fhorn the inclemency of the -weathler; fruits, gathered with difficulty fiom the mountain's side, his only food; and lis drink was fietelhd with danger and toil fiom the headlong torrent. In this manner le lived, sequestered from society, passing the hours in meditation, and sometimes exulting thlat thart he was able to live independently of his fellow-creatures. At the foot of the mountain an extensive lake dis. ESSAYS. 451 played its glassy bosom, reflecting on its broad surface the impending horrors of the mountain. To this capacious mirror he would sometimes descend, and, reclining on its steep banks, cast an eager look on the smooth expanse that lay before him. "How beautiful," lie often cried, "is nature! how lovely, even in her wildest scenes How finely contrasted is the level plain that lies beneath me, with yon awful pile that hides its tremendous head in clouds! But the beauty of' these scenes is no way comparable with their utility; from hence a hundred rivers are supplied, which distribute health and verdure to the various countries through which they flow. Every part of the universe is beautiful, just, and wise, but man: vile man is a solecism in nature, the only monster in the creation. Tempests and whirlwinds have their use; but vicious, ungrateful man is a blot in the fair page of universal beauty. Why was I born of that detested species, whose vices are almost a reproach to the wisdom of the Divine Creator? Were men entirely free from vice, all would be uniformity, harmony, and order. A world of moral rectitude should be the result of a perfectly moral agent. Why, why, then, 0 Alla! must I be thus confined in darkness, doubt, and despair?" Just as he uttered the word despair, he was going to plunge into the lake beneath him, at once to satisfy his doubts, and put af period to his anxiety; when lie perceived a most majestic being walking on the surface of the water, and approaching the bank on which he stood So unexpected an object at once checked his purpose; he stopped, contemplated, and fancied hIe saw something aw. ful and divine in his aspect. 452 ESSAYS. " Son of A]dam," cried the genius, "stop thy rash pur. pose; tile Fathler of thle Faithful hIas seen thy justice, thy illlrt rity, thy riseries; and llttll sent Ine to afford and Madininister relief. Give me tliine lald(l, and follow withOut trelliblilg, wherever I shall lead; in me belhold the genius of' convictio kept, ely the great prolphet, to turn firom tleir errors thlose wlio g-o astray, not from curiosity, but a rectitude of' intention. Follow me, and be Asem immediately descendled upon the lake, and his guitle contlucted hlim alolng thle surfilce of' tie water; till, cotining neatl tie (entre of tlie lake, tiley 1)oth lbegan to sink; tilie waters closed o'ver tlheir IheaLds; tiley descended several hIundred fathoilns, till Asei, just ready to give up his lifie as inevitably lost, found limself with his celestial guide in lanother world, at the bottom of' the waters, where huinan foot had never trod before. IIis astonish-nent Awas beyond description, when lie saw a sun like that lie had left, a serene sky over his head, and blooming verdure under hlis feet. "I lplainly perceive your amazement," said the genius;' "but suspend it fbor a while. This world was formed by Alil, at tle request, and under thle inspection of our grelat prophet; who once entertained the same doubts wllich filled your mind when I found you, and fiom the consequellce of which yout were so lately rescued. The rational inhabitants of this world are formed agreeable to your own ideas; they are absolutely without vice. In other resl)ects it resembles your earth; but differs from it in being wholly inhabited by men who never do wrong. If you find this wnrld more agreeable than that you so lately ESSAYS. 4Q3 left, you have free permission to spend the remainder of youlr days in it; but permit me for some time, to attend you, that I may silence your doubts, and make you better ac(llainte(l with your company and your new habitation." " A world wlithlout vice Rational beings without immorality!" cried Asem, in a rapture; "I thank tlhee, 0 Alla, who hast at length heard my lpetitions: this, this indeedl, will l)ro(luce lhappiness, ecstasy, and ease. 0 for an immnortallity, to spend it among men who are incapalble of in(ratitule, iinjustice, friaud, violence, and a thousand other crimes that rendler society miserable!" 4" Cease thine acclainat ions," rel)lied the genius. " Look around thee; reflect on every object and action before us, an(l communicate to mc the result of tliine observations. Lead vlherever you think proper, I shall be your attendant and instructor." Asem and his companion travelled on in silence for some time; the former being entirely lost in astonishlment; bIut, at last, recovering his former serenity, lhe could not help observing that the fhce of the country bore a near resemblance to that he had left, except that this sul)terranean world still seemed to retain its prime'val wildness. " lHere," cried Asem, " I perceive animals of' prey, and others that seem only designed for their subsistence; it is the very same in the world over our heads. But had I been permitted to instruct our prophet, I would have removed this defect, and formed no voracious or destructive animals, wllich only prey on the other larts of the creation." -" Your tenderness for inferior animals, is, I find, remarkable," said the genius, smiling. " But, with regard to meaner creatures, this world exactly resembles the 454 ESSAYS. other; and, indeed, for obvious reasons: for the earth can support a more considerable number of animals, by their thus becoming food fbr each other, than if they had lived entirely on her vegetable productions. So that animals of' diffrent natures thus formed, instead of lessening their multitudes, subsist in the greatest number possible. But let us hasten on to the inhabited country before us, and see what that offers for instruction." Thle) soon gained the utmost verge of the forest, and entered the country inhlabited by men without vice; and Asem anticipated in idea the rational delight he hoped to experience in such an innocent society. But they had scarce left the confines of the wood, when they beheld one of the inhabitants flying wit hasty steps, and terror in his countenance, from an army of squirrels that closely pursued him. "lHeavens!" cried Asem, "why does he fly? What can lie fear from animals so contemptible?" Hle had scarce spoken, when he perceived two dogs pursuing another of the human species, who, with equal terror and haste, attempted to avoid them. " This," cried Asem to his guide, "is truly surprising; nor can I conceive the reason for so strange an action." " Every species of animals," replied the genius, "has of late grown very powerful in this country; for the inhabitants, at first, thinking it unjust to use either fraud or force in destroying them, they have insensibly increased, and now fiequently ravage their harmless fiontiers." "But they should have been destroyed," cried Asem; "you see the consequence of such neglect." "Where is then that tenderness you so lately expressed fbr subordinate animals?" replied the genius, smiling: " you seem to have forgot that branch of ESSAYS. 455 justice." "I must acknowledge my mistake," returned Asem; "I am now convinced that we must be guilty of tyranny anl inljustice to the brute creation, if' we would elnjoy the world ourselves. But let us no longer observe tile dult of' man to these irrational creatures, but survey tlheir (ollnections with one another." As they walked fitrther up the country, the more he was sulrprised to see no vestiges of handsome houses, no cities, nor any mar'k of' elegant design. HIis conductor, perceivil,, his surprise, observed that the inhabitants of this new worlld were perfectly content with their ancient simplicity; each had a house, which, though homely, was sufficienlt to lodge his little family; they were too good to build IHouses whlich could only increase their own pride, and the envy of thie spectator; what they built was fbr convenience, and not fobr show. "At least, then," said Asem," they hlave neither architects, painters, nor statuaries, in tlheir society; but these are idle arts, and may be spared. However, befolre I spend much more time here, you shall hlave my tlhanks or introducing me into the society of some of their wisest men: tlhere is scarce any pleasure to me equal to a refined conversation; tlhere is notlling of whllich 1 am so much enamoured as wisdomn."' WVisdonm! " replied his instructor: " how ridiculous! We lave no wisdom here, for we have no occasion fot it; true wisdom is only a knowledge of our own duty, andll tle duty of others to us; but of what use is such wisdoI here? Each intuitively performs what is righllt in himselt; alnd expects the same firom others. If by wisdom you should mean vain curiosity, and empty speculation, as such pleasures have their origin in vanity, 456 ESSAYS. luxury, or avarice, we are too good to pursue them."'All this may be right," says Asem; "but, methinks I observe a solitary disposition prevail among the p)eop)le; each family keeps separately wvithin their own precincts, without society, or without intercourse." " That, indeed,' is true," replied the other; " here is no established society, nor slould there be any: all societies are made either throughll fear or firiendship; the people we are among are too good to fear eachll other; and there are no motives to private frtiendshilp, where all are equally meritorious." "Well, then," said the sceptic," as I am to spend my time here, if I am to have neither thle polite arts, nor wisdom, nor fiiendshllip, in such a world, I should be glad, at least, of' an easy conmpanion, vlwho may tell me his tlhouwhts. and to whom I may communicate mine." " And to what purpose should either do this?" says the genius: "flattery or curiosity are vicious motives, and never allowed of here; and wisdom is out of' the question. Still, however," said Asem, "the inhabitants must be happy; each is contented with his own possessions, nor avariciously endeavors to heap up more than is necessary folr his own subsistence; each has therefore leisure for pitying those that stand in need of' his compassioin." He had scarce spoken when his ears were assaulted with the lamentations of' a wretch who sat by the way-side, and, in the mnost deplorable distress, seemed gently to murmnur at his own misery. Asem immediately ran to his relief, and founld him in the last stage of' a conurnption. 6 Stlrlne," cried the son of Adam, " tilat men wh1o are firee fiom vice should thus sufter so much misery withlout relief:" " Be not surprised," said the wretch, who was ESSAYS. 457 dying; " would it not be the utmost injustice for beings, who have only just sufficient to support themselves, and are content with a bare subsistence, to take it fiom their own mouths to put it into mine? They never are possessed of a single meal more than is necessary; and what is barely necessary cannot be dispensed with." "They should have been supplied with more than is necessary," cried Asem; "and yet I contradict my own opinion but a moment before: all is doubt, perplexity5 and confusion. Even the Nwant of ingratitude is no virtue here, since they never receive a favor. They have, however, another excellence yet behind; the love of their country is still, I hope, one of their darling virtues." "Peace, Asem," replied the guardian, with a countenance not less severe than beautiful, "nor forfeit all thy pretensions to wisdom; the same selfish motives by which we prefer our own interest to that of others, induce us to regard our country preferable to that of another. Nothing less than universal benevolence is free fiom vice, and that you see is practised here." "Strange," cries the disappointed pilgrim, in an agony of' distress; c "what sort of a world am I now introduced to? There is scarce a single virtue, but that of temperance, which they practise; and in that they are no way superior to the brute creation. There is scarce an amusement which they enjoy; fortitude, liberality, friendship, wisdom, conversation, and love of country, are all virtues entirely unknown here; thus it seems, that to be unacquainted with vice is not to know virtue. Take me, O my genius, back to that very world which I have despised; a world which has Alla for its contriver, is much more wisely formed than that which has been pro. 39 458 ESSAYS. jected by MIohammed. Ingratitude, contempt, and hatred, I. can now suffer, for perhaps I have deserved them. When I arrai:ned the wisdom of' Providence, I only showed my own ignorance; henceforth let me keep froln vice myself; and pity it in others." He had scarce ended, when the genius, assumin, an air of terrible complacency, called all his thunders around him, and vanished in a whirlwind. Asem, astonished at the terror of the scene, looked for his imaginary world; when, casting his eyes around, he perceived himself in the very situation, and in the very place, where he first be — gan to repine and despair; his riglit fobot lhad been just advanced to take the fhtal plunge, nor had it been yet withdrawn; so instantly did Providence strilke tlih series of truths just imprinted on his soul. I-e now departed from the water-side in tranquillity, and, leaving his horrid mansion, travelled to Segestan, his native city; where he diligently applied himself to commerce, and put in practice that wisdom he had learned in solitude. The frugality of a few years soon produced opulence; the number of his domestics increased; his friiends came to him from every part of the city, nor did he receive t!hem with disdain; and a youth of misery was concluded with an old age of elegance, affluence, and ease. ON TIIE ENGLISH CLERGY AND POPULAR PREACIIERS. IT is allowed on all hands, that our Enlish divines receive a more liberal education, and improve that education ESSAYS. 459 by frequent study, more than any others of this reverend profession in Europe. In general, also, it may be observ — ed, that a greater degree of gentility is affixed to the character of a student in England than elsewhere; by which means our clergy have an opportunity of seeing better company while youncg, and of sooner wearing off those prejudices which thley are apt to imbibe even in the best-regulated universities, and which may be justly termed the vulgar errors of the wise. Yet, with all these advantages, it is very obvious, that the clergy are no where so little thought of, by the populace, as here; and, though our divines are foremost with respect to abilities, yet they are found last in the effects of' their ministry; the vulgar, in general, appearing no way impressed with a sense of religious duty. I am not for whining at the depravity of the times, or for endeavoring to paint a prospect more gloomy than in nature; but certain it is, no person who has travelled will contradict me, when I aver, that the lower orders of mankind, in other countries, testify, on every occasion, the profoundest awe of' religion; while in England they are scarcely awakened into a sense of its duties, even in circuinstances of the greatest distress. This dissolute and fearless conduct foreigners are apt to attribute to climate, and constitution; may not the vulgar being pretty much neglected in our exhortations fiom the pulpit, be a conspiring cause? Our divines seldom stoop to their mean capacities; and they who want instruction most, find least in our religious assemblies. Whatever may become of the higher orders of mankind, who are generally possessed of' collateral motives 460 ESSAYS. to virtue, the vulgar should be particularly regarded, whose behavior in civil life is totally hinged upon their hopes and fears. Those who constitute the basis of the great fabric of' society, should be particularly regarded; for, in policy, as architecture, ruin is most fatal when it begins trom the bottom. Men of real sense and understanding prefer a prudent mediocrity to a precarious popularity, and, fearing to outdo their duty, leave it half done. Their discourses from the pulpit are generally dry, methodical, and unaffecting: delivered with the most insipid calmness; insomuch, that should the peaceful preacher lift his head over the cushion, which alone lie seems to address, he might discover his audience, instead of being awakened to remorse, actually sleeping over his methodical and labored composition. This method of preaching is, however, by some called an address to reason, and not to the passions; this is styled the making of converts from conviction; but such are indifferently acquainted with human nature, who are not sensible that men seldom reason about their debaucheries till they are committed. Reason is but a weak antagonist when headlong passion dictates; in all such cases we should arm one passion against another: it is with the human mind as in nature; from the mixture.of two opposites, the result is most frequently neutral tranquillity. Those who attempt to reason us out of follies, begin at the wrong end, since the attempt naturally presupposes us capable of reason; but to be made capable of this, is one great point of the cure. There are but few talents requisite to become a popu ESSAYS. 461 lar preacher; for the people are easily pleased, if they perceive any endeavors in the orator to please them; the meanest qualifications will work this effect, if the preacher sincerely sets about it. Perhaps little, indeed very little more is required, than sincerity and assurance; and a becoming sincerity is always certain of producing a becoming assurance. " Si vis me flere, dolendum est primum tibi ipsi," is so trite a quotation, that it almost demands an apology to repeat it; yet though all allow the justice of the remark, how few do we find put it in practice! Our orators, with the most faulty bashfiulness, seem impressed rather with an awe of their audience, thanl with a just respect for the truths they are about to deliver: they, of all professions, seem the most bashful, who have the greatest right to glory in their commission. The French preachers generally assume all that dignity which becomes men who are ambassadors firom Christ; the English divines, like erroneous envoys, seem more solicitous not to offend the court to which they are sent, than to drive home the interests of their employer. The bishop of Massillon, in the first sermon he ever preached, found the whole audience, upon his getting into the pulpit, in a disposition no way favorable to his intentions; their nods, whispers, or drowsy behavior, showed him that there was no great profit to be expected from his sowing in a soil so improper; however, lie soon changed the disposition of his audience by his manner of beginning. "It;" says lie, "a cause the most important that could be conceived, were to be tried at the bar before qualified judges; if this cause interested ourselves in particular; if the eyes of the whole kingdom were fixed 39* 462 ESSAYS. upon the event; if the most eminent counsel were employed on both sides; and if we had heard from our infancy of this yet-undetermined trial, - would you not all sit with due attention, and warm expectation, to the pleadings on each side? Would not all your hopes and fears be hinged on the final decision? and yet, let me tell you, have this moment a cause of much greater importance before you; a cause where not one nation, but all the world, are spectators; tried not before a fallible tribunal, but the awful throne of Heaven; where not your temporal and transitory interests are the subject of debate, but your eternal happiness or misery; where the cause is still undetermined, but, perhaps, the very moment I am speaking may fix the irrevocable decree that shall last forever: and yet, notwithstanding all this, you can llardly sit with patience to hear the tidings of your own salvation; I plead the cause of Heaven, and yet I am scarcely attended to," etc. The style, the abruptness of a beginning like this, in the closet would appear absurd; but in tiee pulpit it is attended with the most lasting impressions: that style which, in the closet, might justly be called flimsy, seems the true mode of eloquence here. I never read a fine composition under the title of a sermon, that I do not think the author has miscalled his piece; for the talents to be used in writing well entirely differ from those of speaking well. The qualifications for speaking, as has been already observed, are easily acquired; they are accoml)lishments which may be taken up by every candidate who will be at the pains of stooping. Impressed with a sense of the truths he is about to deliver, a preach ESSAYS. 463 er disregards the applause or the contempt of his audience, and he insensibly assumes a just and manly sincerity. With this talent alone we see what crowds are drawn around enthusiasts, even destitute of common sense; what numbers converted to Christianity. Folly may sometimes set an example for wisdom to practise; and our regular divines may borrow instruction from even Methodists, who go their circuits, and preach prizes among the populace. Even Whitefield may be placed as a model to some of' our young divines; let them join to their own good sense his earnest manner of delivery. It will be perhaps objected, that by confining the excellences of a 1preachler to proper assurance, earnestness, and openness of style, I make the qualifications too trifling for estimation; there will be something called oratoriy brought up on this occasion; action, attitude, grace, elocution, may be repeated as absolutely necessary to complete thle cliaracter; but let us not be deceived; common sense is seldom swayed by fine tones, musical periods, just attitudes, or the disllay of' a white handkerchief; oratorial behavior, except in vetry able hands indeed, generally sinks into awkward and paltry afiectation. It must be observed, however, that these rules are calculated only for him who would instruct the vulgar, wh-lo stand in most need of instruction; to address philosophers, and to obtain the character of a polite preacher arnong the polite — a much more useless, though more soghlltfor character - requires a different method of' proceeding. All I shall observe on this head is, to entreat the polemic divine, in his controversy with the deist, to act rather offensively than to defelnd; to push home the grounds of,I,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 431 ESS kYS. his belief, and the impracticabiiity of theirs, rather than to spendl time in solving the oljections of every opponent. "It is ten to one," says a late writer on the art of' war, " iut that thlle assailant who attacks tile enemy in his trenchlles is always victorious." Yet upon the whole, our clergy might employ themselves more to the benefit of society, by declining all controversy, than by exhibiting even the profoundest skill in polemic disputes; their contests with each other often turn on speculative trifles; and their disputes with the deist are almost at an end, since they can have no more than victor'y; and that they are already possessed of, as their antagonists have been driven into a confession of the necessity of' revelation, or an open avowal of atheism. To continue the dispute longer would only endanger it; the sceptic -is ever expert at puzzling a debate wAhich he finds himself unable to continue, "and, like an Olympic boxer, generally fights best when undermost." ON THE ADVANTAGES TO BE I)ERIVED FROM SENDING A JUI)ICIOUS TRAVELLER INTO ASIA. I HAVE fiequently been amazed at the ignorance of almost all thle European travellers, who have penetrated any considerable way eastward into Asia. They have all been influenced either by motives of commerce or piety, and their accounts are such as might reasonably be expected from men of a very narrow or very prejudiced education - the dictates of superstition, or the result of ESSAYS. 465 ignorance. Is it not surprising, that, of such a variety of adventurers, not one single philosopher should be fbound among the number? For, as to the travels of' Gemelli, the learned are long agreed that the whole is but an imposture. There is scarce any country, how rude or uncultivated soever, where the inhabitants are not possessed of some peculiar secrets, either in nature or art, which might be transplanted with success; thus, for instance, in Siberian Tartary, the natives extract a strong spirit fiom milk, which is a secret probably unknown to the chemists in Europe. In the most savage parts of India they are possessed of the secret of dying vegetable substances scarlet, and likewise that of refining lead into a metal, which, for hardness and color, is little inferior to silver; not one of which secrets but would, in Europe, make a man's fortune. The power of the Asiatics in producing winds, or bringing down rain, the Europeans are apt to treat as fabulous, because they have no instances of the like nature among themselves: but they would have treated the secrets of gunpowder, and the mariner's compass, in the same manler, had they been told the Chinese used such arts before the invention was common with themselves at home. Of all the English philosophers, I most reverence Bacon, that great and hardy genius; he it is, who, undaunt. ed by the seeming difficulties that oppose, prompts human curiosity to examine every part of nature; and even exhorts man to try whether he cannot subject the tempest, the thunder, and even earthquakes, to human control. Oh! had a man of his daring sp;rit, of his genius, pene.. ESSAYS. tration, and learningr, travelled to those countries which Ilhve been visited only by tile superstitious and merce(nary, what mighlt not mankind expect! How would lie enlidghten the reions to which he travelled! and whlat a variety of knowledge and useful improvement would he not bring back in exchange! Tllele is probably no country so barbarous, that would not disclose all it knew, if it received equivalent information; and I am apt to think, that a person who was ready to give more knowledge thfan lie received, would be welcome wherever lie came. All his cpare in travelling should only be, to suit his intellectual banquet to the Ieople with whlom lie conversed; lie should not attempt to teach the unlettered Tartar astronomy, nor yet instruct tile polite Chinese in tile arts of subsistence; lie should endeavor to inmprove the barbarian in the secrets of living coimfbrtably; and the inhabitants of a more refined country, in the speculative plleasures of science. Itow much more nobly would a philosopher, thlus employed, spend hlis time, than by sitting at lJorne, earnestly intent upon adding one star more to his catalocue, or one monster more to his collection; or still, if' possible, more triflingly sedulous, in the illcatelnation of fleas, or the scullpture of' cllerry-stones. I never considerl this subject without being surprised that none of' those societies so laudably established in England for the promotion of arts and learning, have ever thouglht of sending one of' their merymbers into the most eastern parts of Asia, to make what discoveries lie was able. To be convinced of the utility of such aul uiliertaking, let them but read tle relations of tleir o~wn travellers. It will there be found, that they are as often ESSAYS. 467 deceived themselves as they attempt to deceive others. The merchants tell us, perhaps, the price of different commodities, the methods of baling them up, and the properest manner for a European to preserve his health in the country. The missionary, on the other hand, informs us with what pleasure the country to which he was sent embraced Christianity, and the numbers he converted; what methods he took to keep Lent in a region where there were no fibh, or the shifts he made to celebrate the rites of his religion, in places where there was neither bread nor wine; such accounts, with the usual appendage of marriages and funerals, inscriptions, rivers, and mountains, make up the whole of a European traveller's diary: but as to all the secrets of which the inhabitants are possessed, those are universally attributed to magic; and when the traveller can give no other account of the wonders he sees performed, he very contentedly ascribes them to the devil. It was a usual observation of Boyle, the English chemist, that, if every artist would but discover what new observations occurred to him in the exercise of his trade, philosophy would thence gain innumerable improvements. It may be observed with still greater justice, that, if the useful knowledge of every country, howsoever barbarous, was gleaned by a judicious observer, the advantages would be inestimable. Are there not, even in Europe, many useful inventions known or practised but in one place? Their instrument, as an example, for cutting down corn in Germany, is much more handy and expeditious, in my opinion, than the sickle used in England. The cheap and expeditious manner of making vinegar, without previous Q68 ESSAYS. fermentation, is known only in a part of France. If such discoveries therefore remain still to be known at home, whlat funds of knowledge might not be collected in countries yet unexplored, or only passed through by ignorant travellers in hasty caravans. The caution with which foreigners are received in Asia, may be alleged as an objection to such a design. But how readily have several European merchants found admission into regions the most suspicious, under the character of sanjapins, or northern pilgrims? To such not even China itself denies access. To send out a traveller properly qualified for these purposes, might be an object of national concern; it would, in some measure, repair the breaches made by ambition; and might show that there were still some who boasted a greater name than that of patriots, who professed themselves lovers of men. The only difficulty would remain in choosing a proper person for so arduous an enterprise. He should be a man ofi philosoplhical turn; one apt to deduce consequences of general utility fromr particular occurrences; neither swollen with pride, nor hardened by prejudice; neither wedlded to one particular system, nor instructed only in one particular science; neither wholly a botanist, nor quite an antiqluarian, his mind should be tinctured with miscellaneous knowledge; and his manners humanized by an intercourse with men. I-Ie should be, in some measure, an enthusiast to the design: fond of travelling, fiomn a rapid imagination, and an innate love of change: furnished with a body capable of sustaining every fatigue, and a heart not easily terrified at danger. ESSAYS. 469 A REVERIE AT TIE BOAR'S-THEAD TAVERN, IN EAST'CHEAP. THIE improvements we make in mental acquirements only render us each day more sensible of the defects of our constitution: with this in view, therefore, let us often recur to the amusements of youth; endeavor to forget age and wisdom, and, as flar as innocence goes, be as much a boy as the best of them. Let idle declaimers mourn over the degeneracy of the age, but, in my opinion, every age is the same. This I am sure of, that man, in every season, is a poor, fretful being, with no other means to escape the calamities of the times, but by endeavoring to forget them; for, if lie attempts to resist, he is certainly undone. If I feel poverty and pain, I am not so hardy as to quarirel %with the executioner, even while under correction; I finll myself' no way disposed to make fine speeches, wlhile I am making wry faces. In a word, let me dliink when the fit is on, to make me insensible; and drink when it is over, for joy that I feel pain no longer. The character of' old Falstaff, even with all his faults, gives me more consolation than the most studied efforts of wisdom: I here behold an agreeable old fellow, fborgetting age, and showing me the way to be young at sixtyfive. Sure I am well able to be as merry, though not so comical, as lie. Is it not in my power to have, thoughl not so much wit, at least as much vivacity? Age, care, wisdom, reflection, begone!-I give you to the winds. Let's have t' other bottle: here's to the memory of' Sliakspeare, Falstaff, and all the merry men of East. cheap. 40 470 ESSAYS. Such were the reflections that naturally arose while I sat at the Boar's-head tavern, still kept at Eastcheap. Here, by a pleasant fire, in the very room where old Falstaff cracked his jokes, in the very chair which was sometimes honored by Prince Henry, and sometimes polluted by his immoral, merry companions, I sat and ruminated on the follies of youth; wished to be young again; but was resolved to make the best of life while it lasted, and now and then compared past and present times together. I considered myself as the only living representative of the old knight; and transported my imagination back to the times when the prince and he gave life to the revel, and made even debauchery not disgusting. The room also conspired to throw my reflection back into antiquity: the oak floor, the Gothic windows, and the ponderous chimney-piece, had long withstood the tooth of time: the watchmen had gone twelve: my companions had all stolen off, and none now remained with me but the landlord. From him I could have wished to know the history of a tavern that had such a long succession of customers; I could not help thinking that an account of this kind would be a pleasing contrast of the manners of different ages; but my landlord could give me no information. He continued to doze, and sot, and tell a tedious story, as most other landlords usually do; and, though he said nothing, yet was never silent; one good joke followed another good joke, and the best joke of' all was generally begun towards the end of a bottle. I found at last, however, his wine and his conversation operate by degrees: he insensibly began to alter his appearance. His cravat seemed quilled into a ruff, and his ESSAYS. 471 breeches swelled into a fardingale. I now fancied him changing sexes; and, as my eyes began to close in slumber, I imagined my fat landlord actually converted into as fat a landlady. However, sleep made but few changes in my situation: the tavern, the apartment, and the table, continued as before; nothing, suffered mutation but my host, who was fairly altered into a gentlewoman, whom I knew to be Dame Quickly, mistress of this tavern in the days of Sir John; and the liquor we were drinking, which seemed converted into sack and sugar. "My dear Mrs. Quickly," cried I, (for I knew her perfectly well at first sight), " I am heartily glad to see you. How have you left Falstaff, Pistol, and the rest of our fiiends below stairs? Brave and hearty, I hope?" "In good sooth," replied she, " he did deserve to live for ever; but he maketh foul work on't where lie hath flitted. Queen Proserpine and he have quarrelled, for his attempting a rape upon her divinity; and were it not that she still had bowels of compassion, it more than seems probable he might have now been sprawling in Tartarus." I now found that spirits still preserve the frailties of the flesh; and that, according to the laws of criticism and dreaming, ghosts have been known to be guilty of even more than Platonic affection: wherefore, as I found her too much moved on such a topic to proceed, I was resolved to change the subject; and, desiring she would pledge me in a bumper, observed with a sigh, that our sack was nothing now to what it was in former days. " Al, Mrs. Quickly, those were merry times when you drew sack for Prince Henry: men were twice as strong, and twice as wise, and much braver, and ten thousand times more 472 ESSAYS. chalri!able, than now. Those were the times! The battle of Agnceourt was a victory indeed! Ever since thlat, we have only been degeneratingc; and I lhave lived to see the day when drinking is no longer fashionable. When men wear clean shirts, and women show their necks and arms, all are degenerated, Mrs. Quickly; and we shall probably, in another century, be frittered away into beaux or monkeys. Had you been on earth to see what I have seen, it would congeal all the blood in your body (your soul, I mean). WlIy, our very nobility now have tile intolerable arrogance, in spite of' what is every day remonstrated firom the press; our very nobility, I say, have the assurance to frequent assemblies, and presume to be as merry as the vulgar. See, my very friends have scarce manhlood enough to sit till eleven; and I only am left to make a nilght on't. Pr'ythee do me the favor to console me a little for their absence by the story of your own adventures, or the history of the tavern where we are now sitting. I fancy the narrative may have something singular." "Observe this apartment," interrupted my companion, of neat device and excellent workmanship. In thlis room I have lived, child, woman, and ghost, more than three hundred years; I am ordered by Pluto to keep an annual register of' every transaction that passeth here: and I have whilom compiled three hundred tomes, which eftsoons may be submitted to thy regards." "None of your whiloms nor eftsoons, Mrs. Quickly, if you please," I replied; "I know you can talk every whit as well as I can: for, as you have lived here so long, it is but natural to suppose you should learn the conversation of' the company ESSAYS. 473 Believe me, dame, at best, you have neither too much sense, nor too niuchl lanruage, to spare; so give me both as well as you can: but first, my service to you; old wom0en slhouldl water their clay a little now and then; and now to y0our story."'I"TIe story oft my own adventures," replied the vision, "is but slhort and unsatisfactory; fbr, believe me, Mr. IVgimnirole, believe me, a woman with a butt of' sack at her elbow is never long-lived. Sir John's death afflicted me to sutcih a degree, tlhat I sincerely believe, to drown sorrow, I drank more liquor myself than I drew for my customers:' my grief was sincere, and the sack was excellent. The prior of' a neighboring convent (for our priors thell lhad as much power as a Middlesex justice now), lie, I say, it was w\'ho gave me license for keeping a disorderly house; upon condition that I should never make hard bargains with the clergy: that he should have a bottle of sack every morning, and tlie liberty of confessing which of my girls lie thought proper in private every night. I hlad continued for several years to pay tlhis tribute; atnd Ile, it must be confessed, continued as rigorously to exact it. I grew old insensibly; my custotmers continued, however, to compliment my looks while I wasa by, but I could hear them say I was wearing when nin' arck was turned. Thle prior, however, still was constait, and so were lhalf his convent; but one fhtal morning lie missed thle usual beverage, for I had incautiously drunk ovel-llitllt the last bottle myself. What will you have on't? Th'e very next day Doll TearsiLeet and I were senlt to the house of correctioiin, and accused of keeping a 40* 47 4 ESSAYS. low bawdy-house. In short, we were so well purified tlhere with stripes, mortification and penance, tllat we were afitrward utterly ullfit for worldly conversation- though sack woul(l have killed me, had I stuck to it, yet I soon died tfor want of a drop of' something comfbrtable, and fiirl~y left my body to the care of the b)eadle. "Sutch is my own history; but that of the tavern, wllere I have ever since been stationed, affords greater variety. In the history of this, which is one of the oldest in London, you may view the different manners, pleasures, and follies of men, at different periods. You will find mankind neither better nor worse now than formerly; the vices of an uncivilized people are generally more detestable, tlhoughll not so frequent, as those in polite society. It is the same luxury which formerly stuffed your alderman with plum-porridge, and now crams him with turtle. It is tle same low ambition that fbrmerly induced a courtier to give up his religion to please his king, and now persuades him to give up his conscience to please his minister. It is the same vanity that formerly stained our ladies' cheeks fand necks with woad, and now paints them with carmine. Your ancient Briton formerly powdered his hair w ith red earth, like brick-dust, in order to appear fiightfull; your modern Briton cuts his hair on the crown, and plasters it with hogs'-lard and flour; and this to make him look killing. It is the same vanity, the same fobly, and the samrle vice, only appearing different, as viewed through the glass of' fhishion. In a word, all mankind are a " Sure the woman is dreaming," interrupted I-" None ESSAYS. 475 of your reflections, 3Irs. Quickly, if you love me; they only give me thle spleen. Tell me your history at once. I love stories, but lhate reasoning." Ift youS lease, then, sir," returned my companion, "' I'll read you aln labstract, whllich I made, of the three hundred volumes 1 mentioned just now:'"MIy body was no sooner laid in the dust, than the prior and several of his convent came to purify the tavern from the pollutions with whlich they said I had filled it. Masses were said in every room, relics were exposed upon every piece of furniture, and the whole house washed with a deluge of' holy water. MIy habitation was soon converted ilnto a monastery; instea(l of cust).: ers now applying for sack and sugar, lny rooms were Wi,,v;l, ith images, relics, saints, whores, and friars. Inst.:ti ( K' being a scene of occasional debauchery, it was now filled with continued lewdness. The prior led the fasllion, alnd the whole coiivent imitated hlis l)ious example. MIatrons came hither to confess their sins, and to commit new. Virgins came Ihither who seldom went, virgins away. Nor was this a convent peculiarly wicked; every convent at that period was equally fond of' pleasure, and gave a boundless loose to appetite. The laws allowed it; each priest had a rigilt to a favorite companion, and( a power of' discarding her as often as le pleased. The laity grumbled, quarrelled with their wives and daughters, hated their confessors, and maintained them in opulence and ease. These, these were happy times, Mr. Rigmarole: these were times of piety, bravery, and simplicity! " - Not so very happy, neither, good madam; pretty much like the ple. 476 ESSAYS. sent: those that labor, starve; and those that do nothing wear fine clothes and live in luxury." " In this manner the fiathers lived, for some years, without molestation; they transgressed, confessed themselves to each other, and were forgiven. One evening, however, our prior keeping a lady of distinction somewhat too long at confession, her husband unexpectedly came upon them, and testified all the indignation which was natural upon such an occasion. The prior assured the gentleman that it was the devil who had put it into his heart; and the lady was very certain, that she was under the influence of magic, or she could never have behaved in so unfaithful a manner. The husband, however, was not to be put off by such evasions, but summoned both before the tribunal of justice. His proofs were flagrant, and lie expected large damages. Such, indeed, he had a right to expect, were the tribunals of' those days constituted in the same mainner as they are now. The cause of' the priest was to be tried before an assembly of priests; and a layman was to expect redress only from their impartiality and candor.'What plea then do you think the prior made to obviate this accusation? He denied the fact, and challenged the plaintiff to try the merits of' their cause by single combat. It was a little hard, you may be sure, upon the poor gentleman, not only to be made a cuckold, but to be obliged to fight a duel into the bargain; yet such was the justice of the times. The prior threw down his glove, and the injured husband was obliged to take it up, in token of his accepting the challenge. Upon this, the priest supplied his champion, for it was not lawful for (L~ lI ESSAYS. 477 the clergy to fight; and the defendant and plaintiff, according to custom, were put in prison; both ordered to fast and pray, every metlhod being previously used to induce both to a confession of the truth. After a montli's imprisonment, the hair of each was cut, their bodies anointed with oil, the field of battle appointed, and guarded by soldiers, while his majesty presided over the whole in person. Both the champions were sworn not to seek victory either by fraud or magic. They prayed and confessed upon their knees; and, after these ceremonies, the rest was left to the courage and conduct of the combatants. As the champion whom the prior had pitched upon, had fought six or eight times upon similar occasions, it was no way extraordinary to find him victorious in the present combat. In short, the husband was discomfited; he was taken fiom the field of battle, stripped to his shirt, and, after one of his legs was cut off, as justice ordained in such cases, he was hanged as a terror to future offenders. These, these were the times, Mr. Rigmarole! you see how much more just, and wise, and valiant, our ancestors were than we."'" I rather fancy, madam, that the times then were pretty much like our own; where a multiplicity of laws give a judge as much power as a want of law; since he is ever sure to find among the number some to countenance his partiality." " Our convent, victorious over their enemies, now gave a loose to every demonstration of joy. The lady became a nun, tire prior was made a bishop, and three Wickliffites were burned in the illuminations and fireworks that were made on the present occasion. Our convent now began to enjoy a very high degree of reputation. There was not 478 ESSAYS. one in London that lad the character of l hating heretics so much as ours. Ladies of' the first distinction cl(ose froin oulr convent their confessors; in sllort, it flourislled, and nmight have flourished to this hour, but for a feital accident, which terminated in its overthrow. The lady whlon tie prior had placed in a nunnery, and whom lie continued to visit fbr some time with great punctuality, beagan at last to perceive that she was quite forsaken. Secluded firom conversation, as usual, she now entertained tle visions of a devotee; found herself strangely disturbed; but hesitated in determining, whether she was possessed by an angel or a demon. She was not long in suspense: fbr, upon vomiting a large quantity of' crooked pins, and finding the l)alrns of' her hands turned outwards, slhe quickly concluded that she was possessed by the devil. She soon lost entirely the use of' sl)eechl; and when she seemed to speak, everly body that was present perceived that lhem voice was not herm own, but that of the devil withlin hier. In shllolt, sle was bewitched; and all the dilliculty lay in determinillg who it could be tlhat bewitched her. T'l'le nuns and the monks all demanded the magician's name, but the devil made no reply; for lie knew they lad nlo autlo'ority to ask questions. By the rules of;witcLhcraft, when an evil spirit has taken possession, he min.y refuse to answer any questions asked him, unless tlhcy are pliut by a bishlop, and to these lie is obliged to repily. A bishop, therefore, was sent for, and now the whllole secret came out: the devil reluctantly owned that lie was a serlvant of tile prior; that by his command he resided in his present Iabitation; and that, without his command, lie -was resolved to keep in possession. The ESSAYS. 479 bishop was an able exorcist; he drove the devil out by fbore of' mystical arms; the prior was arraigned fbr witchcrani; the witnesses vere strong and numerous agailst Ilin. not less tlian fourteen persons being by who Iheard tie devil speak Latin. T'lere was no resisting sucll a cloud of' witnesses; tlie prior was condemned; and lhe who had assisted at so many burnings, was burned himself in turn. These were times, Mr. Rigmarlole; the pieolle of' those times were not infidels, as nowu, but sincere believers " - " Equally faulty with ourselves, they believed wtlat the devil was pleased to tell them; and vwe seeni resolve(l, at last, to believe neither God nor devil." "After such a stain UpOn the convent, it was not to be supposed it could subsist any longer; the fathers were ordered to decamp, and the house was once again converted inio a tavern. The kiun conferred it on one of his cast-off mistresses; she was constituted landlady by royal authority; and, as the tavern was in the neighllborhood of' the court, and the mistress a very polite woman, it began to have mnore business than ever, and sometimes took not less than four shillings a-day. " But )erlhaps you are desirous of' knowing what were the peculiar qualifications of women of' fashion at that period; and in a description of the present landlady, you will have a tolerable idea of all the rest. This lady was thle daughllter of a nobleman, and received such an education in the country as becamne her quality, beauty, and great expectations. She could make shllifts and hose for herselt and all the servants of tlhe fimily, when she was tw,,lve yea