JQ 419I I, o A 452631 OW0 OI4MW0IIQ -..*04l)~ 4b D O~ O- ll00 11~- ~ 4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I HAND BOOK OF THE GOVERNMENT OF THE TERRITORY OF HAWAII NOVEMBER 1, 1928 I HAWAII BUREAU OF GOVERNMENTAL RESEARCH An incorporated, non-profit making, non-partisan citizens organization to study public affairs, cooperate with officials, and work for efficiency and economy in governmental business. ...................... I FITITFITITII fill-n I I-quall-rurril ml 10, M1011M 1111 left, 1'13]'IlTi'l I ri ALI WRI-INTRIUR-14 -ITRE'OIFT OF --- —tAXA9 40W -HAND BOOKI OF THE GOVERNMENT OF THE TERRITORY OF HAWAII NOVEMBER 1, 1928 HAWAII, BUREAU OF GOVERNMENTAL RESEARCH. An incorporated, non-profit making, non-partisan citizens organization to study public affairs, cooperate with officials, and work for efficiency and economy in governmental business. Manufactured In Honolulu by Mercantile Press 6? / / D I 1 7-7/ '-1 - I H 3 f~ HAWAII BUREAU OF GOVERNMENTAL RESEARCH TRUSTEES OAHU: Bottomley, A. W. T. Castro, Antonio D. Cooke, Richard A. Dillingham, Walter F. Dole, Jas. D. Frear, Walter F. Galt, John R. Hemenway, Charles R. King, Samuel W. Lewis, A. Jr. McGonagle, Wm. C. Richards, Atherton Russell, John E. Sumida, D. Towse, Ed Wong, Charles Elliott, Dr. H. B. Baldwin, Harry A. Crawford, Frank HAWAII: Irwin, Harry MAUI: Burns, Caleb E. S. K,:JUAI: Horner, Albert H. Jr. Marshall, R. Ross Lufkin, Charles D. Larson, David L. OFFICERS James D. Dole. --- —-------- --------------— President John R. Galt.-1 — - ---------------- st Vice-President Wm. C. McGonagle — 2 --- —-------—.-2nd Vice-President A. W. T. Bottomley ---------------—...3rd Vice-President Atherton Richards ----------------------------— Treasurer Samuel W. King —.. --- —. --- —---------.Secretary DIRECTOR Oscar F. Goddard, C. P. A. Vitoriit. B<ur, at vovsfwtntIl <e oCrc I '-4 PREFACE On June 20, 1928, the Hawaii Bureau of Governmental Research was incorporated as a non-profit-making, non-partisan citizens organization to study public affairs, co-operate with officials, and work for efficiency and economy in governmental business. In its work, the Bureau found need of certain pertinent information and data concerning each and every department, board, commission and other agency of the Territorial Government. This information is published with a view to serving a manifold purpose: 1st To supply the Bureau with the primary information which it requires. 2nd To provide governmental officials with a ready reference to data concerning the affairs of other governmental agencies with which they are not directly connected, and 3rd To afford to citizens of the Territory, a source of more intimate knowledge of their government. In making use of this information it must be borne in mind that reference to "Qualifications" means qualifications required by law; that "Duties and Activities" are those named in the statutes-and "Cost for the Fiscal Year" generally speaking, means departmental operating cost, and does not include outlay for permanent improvements, other than equipment. The data contained herein is presented as of November 1, 1928. In preparing this Hand Book, the Bureau received the cooperation of the many Territorial Officials with whom it came in contact and wishes to take this opportunity to express its appreciation thereof. Hawaii Bureau of Governmental Research Oscar F. Goddard, Director. ICITIZENS OF THE I TIERRITORY TERRI'TORIAL GOVERNMENT ORGANIZATION CHART OF -A/AII PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES fA A,...... dm ~M JEW i.m a A B-n I I __ III- F-11 f ^S AT ff Di='DARTMENT OF IrE. I1% INr'!-V 1W I I --- —I I v- ~ il g ~ i —!. --- --. * - -~ -EGI5LATI'VE BRANCH EX ECUT I VE 1CE PARTMENT t JUJDICIAL ~,BRANCH I I i I ISU6AR EXPERT1 ---- GOVERNOR J -I LjBUDGpET BUREAU I 3UPREME COURT.... ___* I I _ __ DEPARTMENT5 | I BOARDS I I __ON=" COMMISSIONSt _wvSO SENATE HOUSE OF REPRESEN= TATIVES I ~ I~ Iili I I COMMISSION TO PROMOTE UNIFORMITY OF LEGISLATION IN THE U.S. I COMMISSION TO RECOvIMMEND CHANGES IN JUDICIAL PROCEDUREI SECRETARV Y OF HAWAII I PUBLIC INS'TRUCTIONi AUDITING - MILITARY TREASURY FOUR TAXATION DIVISIONS i PUBLIC 1 WORKS_ PUBLIC LANDS J HEALTH SURVEY IAT0RN Y' GE NiERAL HIGH SHERIFFr AND PRISON COMMITTEE OF E STIMATESI (SCHOOL BU,,ET) AGRICULTURE HARBOR| *k FORESTRY COMMtS9ON1ERS UNIVERSITYL INDUSTRIAL oF HAWAII -SCHOOLS FARM LOAMN) HEALTH LIBRAKRYI HILO PUBLIC OF HAWAII LIBRARY MAUI COUNY AUAI PUBLIC LIBRARY V LIBRARY INlSTRL ACCIDENT 1is4l,. ACCIDENTI PB. Or MAUI P.Of HAWAII Mr&Tr\t' ACCIDENT 1^t<llt,. ACCIDENT' ]dD OF OAHU,iP,. OF KAUAI I WAIMANO PUBLIC HOME ARCHIVIS | EMPLOYEES CHILD RmETMT. SYSTEM WLFARE ARMORY - I DISPOSAL PRISON PRISONERW INSPECTO RSr COMPKiNSATION REGISTRATIO IMMI RATION, LABOR OF VOTERS- ANP STATISTICS TAX.. COUNTY APPRAISUS EQUALIZATION (lI FRk EOWVTW) REG'T. OPWF' E REGISTRATJON AACK*- W SuRVs.i OF NURSING| ACCOUNT.ANCY PHARMACY MEDICAL VETERINARY EXAMINERS.EXAMINER8 DENTAL L OPTOMETRY EXAMIN ERS JEXAMIN ERSRs O5TI;OIWPTIC t CHIROPRACTIC EXAM I N:_RS -EXAMINERS |NATURPATHIC | EXI (AMID INIQ PUBLIC INSTRUCTION HAWAIIAN: ' OMESii %EWERI AND WATER CIVIL SERVICE B'. OF HEALTH WASHINGTON I BICENTENNIALI COMMIS310ERS _ Jl '=='EeSI INSANITY HISTORICAL PUBLIC 1 U"UTILITIE- i II/AKZA i IHOMESTEADS WAIKIKI[ _MPROVEMENTI 'TeRRITORIAL AERONAUTICAL COMMISIONERS OF BOUNDARIIES COMMISSIONERs oF RgNCS COMPILATION FAIR CIRCUIT COURTS LAND COURIT COURT OF TAX APPEALS DISTRICT COURTS PREPARED BY HAWAII IBURjAU OF GOVERNMENTAL RESEARCH JOHN H.KANGETE[, ENGINEER. NOVEMeKRt 1-5, I2Q-8. II I III a I 1 I I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I ~I III 1 i 1* o MEMBERS OF THE LEGISLATURE OF THE TERRITORY OF HAWAII Regular Session-February 20, 1929 to May 1, 1929 SENATE FIRST DISTRICT Akina, Ernest A. K. (R) - ----- Kapaau, Kohala, Hawaii Desha, Sr., Stephen L. (R)x -— H — ---------— Hilo, Hawaii Hind, Robert (R) x -----------— Kailua, Hawaii Kamau, William K. (R) --- ----------— Hilo, Hawaii SECOND DISTRICT Cooke, George P. (R) - -----------— Kaunakakai, Molokai Low, A. Paul (R) - ------------- Wailuku, Maui Rice, H. W. (R)x ------------------- Paia, Maui THIRD DISTRICT Brown, Francis H. Ii (R)x - ---------— Honolulu, Oahu Cooke, Clarence H. (R) --- —--- -----— Honolulu, Oahu Heen, William H. (D)x - ------------- Honolulu, Oahu Jarrett, James K. (R) --- ------— Honolulu, Oahu Mclnerny, William H. (R)x ------------------------ Honolulu, Oahu Shingle, Robert W. (R) --- —--------------------------------— Honolulu, Oahu FOURTH DISTRICT Aki, Henry K. (R) --- —--------------------------------------------- Kapaa,;Kauai Rice, Charles A. (R)x-. ----- ----- Lihue, Kauai (R)-Republican 14 (D)-Democrat 1 (x) -Holdover from 1927 Session 5 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES FIRST DISTRICT Cabrinha, A. M. (R) ------— I-.... --- —--—..Hilo, Hawaii Hill, Wm. H. (R)... --- —------------—..Hilo, Hawaii Kimi, William J. (R). --- —------------—.Hilo, Hawaii Silva, Evan Da (R) -------—. --- —----—. — Hilo, Hawaii SECOND DISTRICT Aona, Francis K. (R).. --- —-------—..-Kealakekua, Hawaii Kawaha, George K. (R).....- ---------—...Waiohinu, Hawaii Smith, John R. (R) -....... ----------— H.ookena, Hawaii Stillman, Charles K. (R) ------—. --- —-Kapaau, Kohala, Hawaii THIRD DISTRICT Archer, Frank (R). --- —----------—. — Hoolehua, Molokai Engle, William H. (R). --- —-----------—.- Kahului, Maui Goodness, P. J. (R) ---------------------- -Keokea, Kula, Maui Holstein, Henry Lincoln (R) ---------------—. ---Wailuku, Maui Paschoal, Manuel Gomes (R) ------------------— Puunene, Maui Robinson, Jr., Henry P. (R) ---------—. --- —--— Lahaina, Maui FOURTH DISTRICT Lowrey, Frederick D. (R). --- —--------------— Honolulu, Oahu Mills, Harry T. (R) --—. --- —---........... --- - Honolulu, Oahu O'Brien, Ray J. (R) —.. —..-Honolulu, Oahu Petrie, T. H. (R) --- —-- - Honolulu, Oahu Soares, O. P. (R). — -- ---- Honolulu, Oahu Vitousek, Roy A. (R). ----.. --—.. --- —.-Honolulu, Oahu FIFTH DISTRICT Akana, Albert Kahimoku (R) ----------------- - Honolulu, Oahu Anderson, John C. (R)..... --- —------—.-Honolulu, Oahu Smith, Nolle R. (R) -------------------- - Honolulu, Oahu Char, Yew (D) -------------—. --- —- -Honolulu, Oahu Holt, Charles H. K. (D). --- —-------------- -Honolulu, Oahu Holt, Jr., George H. (D) -------------------- -Waianae, Oahu SIXTH DISTRICT Alohikea, Alfred U. (R). --- —-----------—..Hanalei, Kauai Coney, John Haalelea (R). --- —---------------- - Lihue, Kauai Gomes, Clement (R) -------- -----------—..Lihue, Kauai Marcallino, A. Q. (R). --- — ---------------- - Waimea, Kauai (R) —Republican 27 (D) —Democrat 3 6 EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT OF THE TERRITORY OF HAWAII Department Head: Wallace R. Farrington, Governor of the Territory of Hawaii. Appointment: Appointed by the President, with the advice and consent of the Senate of the United States. Term: Four years, and until his successor shall be appointed and qualified, unless sooner removed by the President. Term Expires: July 5, 1929. Qualifications: Not less than 35 years of age. Citizen of the Territory and shall have resided therein for at least three years next preceding his appointment. Compensation: $10,000 annually, with $500 additional for travel allowance, paid by the United States-and other allowances by the Territory. Law References: Sec. 66-68 Org. Act-The office of the Governor, appointment, tenure of office, qualifications, compensation and general powers and duties. Sec. 80-Appoints Executive Officers, Boards, Etc. Sec. 49-50-Special Sessions of the Legislature and veto power. Sec. 73 —Withdrawal of public lands. Sec. 208 R. L., 1925-Commander-in-chief of the Militia. Sec. 531 R. L., 1925-Member and Chairman, ex-officio, of the Hawaiian Homes Commission. Act 56 S. L., 1925-Providing for the Budget System-creation of Budget Bureau. Governor to transmit Budget to Legislature, contents of Budget, Etc. Duties 'and Activities: The executive power of the government of the Territory is vested in the Governor, and he is responsible for the execution of all laws of the United States and of the Territory, within the Territory. The Governor may call on the military or naval forces of the United States in the Territory, or the Militia of the Territory, declare martial law and suspend the privilege of habeas corpus. He may grant pardons and reprieves for offenses against Territorial laws and temporary reprieves for offenses against laws of the United States. He appoints the Attorney General, Treasurer, Commissioner of Public Lands, Commissioners of Agriculture and Forestry, Superintendent of Public Works, Superintendent of Public In 7 struction, Auditor and Deputy Auditor, Surveyor, High Sheriff, Board of Health, Commissioners of Public Instruction, Boards of Prison Inspectors, Boards of Registration and Inspectors of Elections-and any and all other Boards of a public character created by law, or other officers whose appointment is not otherwise provided for. Annual reports are submitted to the Governor by all Officials or Department Heads of the Government and he, in turn, transmits to the Secretary of the Interior, an Annual Report concerning all activities within the Territory. At the beginning of each regular session, the Governor transmits a "budget" to the Legislature which must contain a report of receipts and expenditures for the last completed biennial period; estimates of the same for the current biennium and recommendations for the ensuing period; a balanced statement showing the condition of the Treasury at the end of the last completed biennial period, and the estimated condition for the one in progress and at the end of the ensuing period; all essential facts relating to the bonded and other indebtedness of the Territory, and certain other related details and recommendations, including deficiency appropriations, if necessary. PERSONNEL 1 Secretary to Governor-W. R. Dunham -$ 33.33 1 Stenographer-Eleanor Prendergast -200.00 1 Clerk-Carl Machado -68.33 1 Clerk authorized @ $110.00 as of 1 Clerk authorized @ 95.00 7-1-28 WASHINGTON PLACE 1 Chauffeur-Fred Noa -135.00 1 Maid ---------------------------------------------------------- 40.00 Governor's salary and most of the salary of the Governor's Secretary, and part of clerk's salary paid by Federal Government. Cost for Fiscal Year ended June 30, 1928 Personal Services -$ 6,070.67 Other Expenses -10,474.04 Equipment -4,406.50 $ 20,951.21 (The foregoing represents Territorial expenditures only). 8 SECRETARY OF THE TERRITORY OF HAWAII Department Head: Raymond C. Brown, Secretary of the Territory of Hawaii. Appointment: Appointed by the President with the advice and consent of the Senate of the United States. Term: Four years and until his successor shall be appointed and qualified, unless sooner removed by the President. Term Expires: December 16, 1929. Qualifications: Must be a citizen of the Territory of Hawaii. Compensation: Annual salary $7,200, of which $5,800 is now paid by the United States and the balance by the Territory. Law References: Sec. 69 Org. Act-Appointment, qualifications and duties. Sec. 70 Org. Act-Acting Governor in certain contingencies. Sec. 429 R. L., 1925-Ex-officio Chairman and Executive Officer, Board of Commissioners of Public Archives. Act 237 S. L., 1927-Salary, part by United States; balance by Territory. Ch. 184 R. L., 1925-Relations to Commissioners of Deeds appointed in United States and foreign countries. Sec. 1654 R. L., 1925-County clerk to file impression of seal. Sec. 1823 R. L., 1925 —City & County Clerk to ble seal. Sec. 52 R. L., 1925-Secretary to provide polling places and ballot boxes for primary elections for territorial offices, and likewise in case of joint elections. Sec. 95 R. L., 1925-To provide ballot boxes for general territorial election. Sec. 105 R. L., 1925-To furnish blank ballots. Sec. 42 R. L., 1925-Specimen ballots to certain committees and candidates. Sec. 102-105 R. L., 1925-To print and distribute ballots at government expense. Sec. 133 R. L., 1925-To furnish blank forms. Sec. 129 R. L., 1925-Certificates of election to persons elected. Sec. 63-64 R. L., 1925-Statements of election expenses to be filed with Secretary. Sec. 138 R. L., 1925 —Judge or magistrate before whom conviction for election fraud is had shall transmit record of court to Secretary. Sec. 196-199 R. L., 1925-Duties and procedure re: issuance of certificates of "Hawaiian birth." Act 226 S. L., 1925-Amending Ch. 9 R. L., 1925 by adding Sections 49-A-B-C-D & E. Act 114, Sec. 20-24, S. L., 1925-Relations to Commissions of Insanity. Sec. 188 R. L., 1925-Inventory of public property to be filed. 9 Sec. 2 R. L., 1925-Promulgation of laws enacted by Legislature. Sec. 1306 R. L., 1925-Re: number plates for motor vehicles. Duties and Activities: The Secretary assumes all the powers and duties of the Governor in the absence or incapacity of the chief executive. He is Chairman, ex-officio, of the Board of Commissioners of Public Archives, has certain jurisdiction in connection with "Commissioners of Deeds" appointed in the United States and in foreign countries, issues certificates of Hawaiian Birth and is in charge of the activities incident thereto. He also selects the kind and type and numbering scheme of motor vehicle number plates used throughout the Territory. The actual administration of elections comes under jurisdiction of the Secretary. He makes public all laws, preserves the legislative acts and proceedings-and all documentary acts of the Governor. He transmits to the President, the President of the Senate and to the Speaker of the House of Representatives of the United States the journal and laws of each session of the Territorial Legislature and semi-annually a report of executive proceedings to the President. He has charge of the sale and distribution of the history of "Hawaii's Part in the World War" prepared by the Historical Commission. PERSONNEL The Secretary-Raymond C. Brown. —.................-.-$150.00 (Bal. by Fed. Govt.) 1 Chief Clerk-Henry K. Paoa ------------------------ 250.00 1 Stenographer-Clerk-Elmer I. Lee ---------—......... — 150.00 1 Stenographer-Clerk-Albert Madeiros. --- —------------ 125.00 1 Stenographer-Clerk-Arthur Hoke ---—. --- —------—. 100.00 1 Stenographer-Clerk-Edna S. Perry ---..... --- —---—. 150.00 (Hawaiian Birth Registration) Temporary services as required. COST FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1928 Personal Other Secretary of the Territory Services Expenses Equipment Total Publishing Laws....................$ 1,250.00 $ 6,408.00 $ 7,658.00 Expenses of Elections.......... 241.00 988.01 1,229.01 Secretary's Officce................ 9,300.00 1,021.52 10,321.52 Hawaiian Birth Registration 2,535.00 2,238.75 4,773.75 $13,326.00 $10,656.28 $23,982.28 10 DEPARTMENT OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL Department Head: Harry R. Hewitt, Attorney General. Appointment: Appointed by the Governor, with advice and consent of the Senate. Term: Four (4) years-and until successor is appointed and qualified, unless sooner removed. Term Expires: June 21, 1932. Qualifications: Citizen of the Territory-and to have resided therein for at least three (3) years next preceding appointment. Compensation: Present salary $8400 per annum voted biennially by Legislature, and $100.00 per month additional if appointed to the Farm Loan Board. Law References: Sec. 71 and 80 Org. Act-Providing for office of Attorney General; duties, appointment, term, Qualifications and compensation. Ch. 108 R. L., 1925-Duties on behalf of Territory. Act 55 S. L., 1925-Shall act as legal advisor for Territorial Retirement System. Sec. 2190 R. L., 1925-As attorney for Public Utilities Commission, if so requested by Commission. Sec. 3685 R. L., 1925-Registration Board entitled to services. Act 150 S. L., 1925-To advise and assist Honolulu Sewer and Water Commission, when so requested by Commission. Sec. 909 R. L., 1925-Ex-officio member Board of Health. Sec. 648 R. L., 1925-Eligible to Farm Loan Board. Sec. 1567 R. L., 1925-Ex-officio member "Prisoners' Compensation Board." Sec. 1539 R. L., 1925-Ex-officio member "Board of Identification." Sec. 4508 R. L., 1925-Ex-officio member "Board of Appeals" re: Superintendent of Hydrography. Sec. 1494 R. L., 1925-May appoint a deputy for any judicial district. Sec. 1673 R. L., 1925-Each County Attorney is deputy of. Sec. 1820 R. L., 1925-City & County Attorney is deputy of. Sec. 3174 R. L., 1925-Appoints and removes notaries public. Sec. 96 Org. Act-Represents Territory in actions to establish -and in condemnation of fishing rights. Act 277 S. L., 1927-Duties re: construction of airport at Waiakea, Hawaii re: housing of prisoners and approval for expenditures from appropriation. Activities: The Attorney General appears for the Territory in all the Courts of Record, in the District Courts, in all criminal or civil cases in which the Territory may be a party or be interested. 11 He shall be active in the detection and prosecution of offenders against the laws of the Territory; shall enforce all bonds and other obligations in favor of the Territory that may be properly placed in his hands for such purpose and be diligent in prosecuting persons who may obstruct any street, channel, harbor, wharf or highway and any stream or public watercourse or commit any trespass or waste on public property or on any portion of the public domain. When required, he gives his opinions on questions of law as submitted by the Governor, the Legislature, or the head of any Department-and at all times his advice and counsel is available to the heads of Departments, and to all public officers in matters connected with their public duties. Upon request by the Governor or of some Department Head, he gives counsel and aid to the poor and oppressed and assists them without charge, in obtaining their just rights. An accounting is rendered to the Treasurer every three (3) months for all moneys received and a biennial report is made to the Legislature of the transactions and business of his Department, showing the revenues and expenditures of all Departments under his control for the preceding two (2) years, and further, the number of prisoners at Oahu Prison and the costs of their maintenance. The Attorney General has control of the police of the Territory subject to provisions of Ch. 109 R. L., 1925, and the High Sheriff, as Chief of such police, is responsible to him. As ex-officio member of the "Prisoners' Compensation Board" and the "Board of Identification" and in certain other activities, the duties of the Attorney General are carried out, relating to the Territorial Prison. PERSONNEL 1 Attorney Geineral-H. R. Hewitt -$700.00 1 First Deputy Attorney General-Harold T. Kay - 600.00 1 Second Deputy Attorney General-C. N. Tavares - 475.00 1 Third Deputy Attorney General-Earl R. McGhee - 300.00 1 Ch. Clerk & Stenographer- Ailene K. Jarrett -187.50 1 Stenographer-Marion Cochran -185.00 1 Stenographer-Flora Stevens -185.00 1 Messenger-Antone Manuel -150.00 Temporary services of attorneys and stenographers, as required. COST FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1928 Personal Other Services Expenses Equipment Total Attorney General's Office -$39,990.81 $ 5,400.97 $ 1,295.80 $46,687.58 Setting Water Rights ---------- 4,156.01 331.00 4,487.01 $44,146.82 $ 5,731.97 $ 1,295.80 $51,174.59 12 TREASURY DEPARTMENT OF THE TERRITORY OF HAWAII Department Head: Henry C. IHapai, Treasurer of the Territory of Hawaii. Appointment: Appointed by the Governor, with advice and consent of the Senate. Term: Four (4) years, and until successor is appointed and qualified, unless sooner removed. Term Expires: September 1, 1930. Qualifications: Citizen of the Territory-and to have resided therein for at least three (3) years next preceding appointment. Compensation: Fixed by Legislature biennially. Present rate as Treasurer, $5700 per annum; as member of Farm Loan Board, $100 per month. Law References: Sec. 72-80 Org. Act, Ch. 97, R. L., 1925-Providing for office of Treasurer, general duties, appointment, qualifications, tenure of office, compensation, Etc. TREASURER IS EX-OFFICIO Sec. 3419 and 3463 R. L., 1925-Insurance Commissioner and Territorial Fire Marshal. Sec. 1265 R. L., 1925-Bank Examiner. Sec. 1341 R. L., 1925 as am. Act 102 S. L., 1925-Chairman, Board of Equalization. Sec. 338 R. L., 1925-Chairman, Committee of Estimates -school budget. Sec. 1472 R. L., 1925-Member, Board of Disposal. Act 55 S. L., 1925-Member, Board of Territorial Retirement System and Custodian of "funds." Sec. 648 R. L., 1925-Eligible for membership-Farm Loan Board. TREASURER x APPOINTS Sec. 1243 R. L., 1925-Fiscal agent re: Territorial bonds. Sec. 1765 R. L., 1925-Deputy Bank Examiner. Sec. 1248 R. L. as am.-Registrar and Deputy Registrar of Public Accounts. Sec. 3420 R. L., 1925-Deputy Insurance Commissioner. Sec. 3463 R. L., 1925-Chief Deputy Fire Marshal. Sec. 1286 R. L., 1925-"Assessors" for the four Taxation Districts. Ch. 182 R. L., 1925-Bureau of Conveyances under direction of Treasurer. Activities: The executive department of the Treasury is presided over by the Treasurer of the Territory. He is charged 13 with general supervision over the financial affairs of the Territory; with the enforcement of all revenue laws; the collection of taxes; the safe-keeping and disbursement of the public funds; the registration of domestic and foreign corporations, co-partnerships, labels and trademarks, newspapers. and other publications; business conducted by married women and with all matters appertaining to inheritance taxes. He issues commissions to joint marriage licenses and to perform marriage ceremonies; grants licenses to secret organizations, etc. The Treasurer, as Bank Examiner, is further charged with the examination and audit of the accounts of the Treasurer and Auditor of each County and City & County, or other political subdivision of the Territory. As Insurance Commissioner, he is chief officer of the Insurance Department, charged with the execution of the laws relating to the conduct of all classes of insurance business in the Territory, excepting fraternal or mutual benefit societies. The Commissioner appoints a deputy and in the inability of the Commissioner from any cause to discharge the duties of this office, the powers and duties devolve upon the deputy. The provisions of the insurance law relating to fire prevention and inspection of property are carried out in the Commissioner's capacity of ex-officio Territorial Fire Marshal, and as such, he appoints a chief deputy and necessary clerks. The Treasurer is custodian of the "territorial insurance fund" and invests the same to the benefit of the fund. All fees collected under the prescribed schedule are paid into the treasury of the Territory as a governmental realization. The Treasurer and the Registrar of Public Accounts are each, ex-officio, a bank examiner of the Territory and it is the duty of the Treasurer to appoint a deputy bank examiner to perform the duties of the office. The duties are to make examinations of the affairs and condition of every banking corporation (other than a national bank) trust company and every other fiduciary company as defined by law, doing business in the Territory; likewise, the affairs of a co-partnership or of an individual conducting a banking or trust business. A schedule of fees, to be paid to the Treasurer, is prescribed by law for making all examinations. For the purpose of taxation, the territory is divided into four divisions, as follows: 1st Division-The City & County of Honolulu 2nd Division-The Counties of Maui & Kalawao 3rd Division-The County of Hawaii 4th Division-The County of Kauai The Treasurer, with the approval of the Governor, appoints an "Assessor" for each division and each Assessor, with the 14 concurrence of the Treasurer, appoints as many deputies as may be required in assessing and collecting the taxes in the several divisions. The compensation of the Assessors is fixed from time to time by the Legislature, and the salaries of the deputies is fixed by the Assessors, with the approval fo the Treasurer. The several Assessors, with the Treasurer as Chairman, constitute a Board of Equalization for the purpose of equalizing assessments of property throughout the Territory. The Board holds meetings from time to time as designated by the Chairman, adopts rules regarding assessments and valuations and publishes findings where valuations made are of general application. It is the duty of the Treasurer to have prepared and to forward to the Assessors of the several tax districts for use in valuation of property, an abstract of certain records from the registry of conveyances, detail maps and other pertinent data. The Income Tax Bureau under the Territorial Treasurer levies and assesses annually upon the gains, profits and income received from every individual residing in the Territory, on property owned, every business, trade, profession, employment or vocation carried on in the Territory, also the tax on corporation income on the basis of the net profit or income above actual operating and business expenses, except corporations, companies or associations conducted solely for charitable, religious, educational, scientific or fraternal purposes, in accordance with the requirements of the Territorial Income Tax laws. Taxation Maps Bureau, with a Chief of Bureau in charge under the Territorial Treasurer prepares and keeps up-to-date the maps of all property in the Territory for the purpose of assisting the assessors in arriving at a correct valuation of the property within their respective divisions. From time to time, this Bureau prepares detailed maps as far as the material is available, of the respective tax divisions, showing original titles and areas, and as far as possible, all present titles. The Chief of Bureau has an organization of six engineers, draftsmen and assistants. The Committee of Estimates for the school budget consists of the Treasurer of the Territory as Chairman, the Superintendent of Public Instruction, the Mayor of the City & County of Honolulu and the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors of the several counties. This committee meets in Honolulu at the call of the Chairman to consider the biennial school budget of the public schools. They serve without pay, but are entitled to traveling expenses paid out of funds provided for the general expenses of the Department. The Auditor, as Chairman, the Treasurer and the Super 15 intendent of Public Works constitute the Board of Disposal, concerned with the disposal of territorial property by sale, exchange or otherwise. As member of the Board of Trustees and custodian of the several "funds" of the Territorial Retirement System, the Treasurer makes all payments authorized from said funds, but the Board as a whole, acting as trustee of the several funds created, has full power in the management and investment of these funds. The Treasurer, Attorney General and Commissioner of Public Lands are eligible to membership on the Farm Loan Board and at present constitute the same. This board is responsible for the administration of the laws relating to farm loans in the Territory. When the officials above named are appointed as members of the board, they receive the compensation provided in the act, of $100.00 per month and traveling expenses in addition to their salaries as officials of the government. The Bureau of Conveyances in the deparment of the Treasury is under the superintendence of the Registrar of Conveyances, appointed by the Governor on nomination of the Treasurer and holds office at the pleasure of the Governor. He conducts the bureau under direction of the Treasurer. The Registrar is required to keep a "Daily Entry Book" of appropriate arrangement in which are entered in the order received, all deeds and instruments left for record, all copies left as cautions and any plan filed. An entire literal copy of all instruments to be recorded is made in suitable books. A set of cross indexes is kept in which are entered in alphabetical order, the names of every grantor, grantee or other parties, and the Registrar is further required to prepare certain annual and decennial indexes. The return of a commissioner appointed to make partition of real estate, when filed, is entered in the entry book and carried through the indexes with names of all previous affected property noted. Any plan of land, fully complying with all requirements and carrying the approval of the Surveyor of the Territory, shall be filed. Attested copies of any instrument or document recorded in the bureau, certificates of search, etc,, are furnished on payment of specified fees. In the absence of the Treasurer from the Territory, the Registrar of Public Accounts, acts as Treasurer. ORGANIZATION Treasurer's Office Proper Bank Examiner Insurance Commissioner 16 Bureau of Conveyances 1st Taxation Division 2nd Taxation Division 3rd Taxation Division 4th Taxation Division Income Tax Bureau Taxation Maps Bureau Collection Delinquent Taxes Tax Appeals PERSONNEL, OFFICE OF THE TREASURER Per Mo. 1 Treasurer-Henry C. Hapai --------------------- -$475.00 1 Registrar of Public Accounts-E. S. Smith...-......- - 450.00 1 Deputy Registrar of Public Accounts-Henry A. Nye. 400.00 1 Bookkeeper and Cashier-Fred Aiu ------------------- 225.00 1 Secretary and Steno.-Irmgard L. Perkins.- ------ 200.00 1 Stenographer-Lillian Hopkins ------------------------ 175.00 1 Insurance Clerk-Stephen Kahoopii...... ---------- 175.00 1 Clerk-Randolph Lee -------------- 100.00 1 Corporation Clerk-Howard H. Adams ---------------- 150.00 COST FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1928 Services Expenses Equipment Total Personal Other Office of the Treas. Proper...$27,550.31 $ 2,652.86 $47.95 $30,251.12 Public Debt Service............ 6,048.83 5,462.10 11,510.93 $33,599.14 $ 8,114.96 $47.95 $41,762.05 PERSONNEL, DEPUTY BANK EXAMINER'S BUREAU Per Mo. 1 Deputy Bank Examiner-Henry A. Asch......-. ----$450.00 3 Asst. Deputy Bank Examiners.......- ------------- 325.00 3 Asst. Deputy Bank Examiners ------------------ 200.00 1 Clerk ---------------------------------------- --------------------------------- - 75.00 COST FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1928 Personal Services ---------- -----— $- 20,459.66 Other Expenses.... --- —------ -------- 3,216.30 Equipment 313.85 $ 23,989.81 17 PERSONNEL, INSURANCE COMMISSIONER'S OFFICE 1 Asst. Fire Marshal-Edw. P. Fogarty ------------—. —$300.00 COST FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1928 Personal Services ------------------ -$3,600.00 Other Expenses ------------------------- 1,773.29 Equipment -------------------- ------ 997.50 $6,370.79 PERSONNEL, BUREAU OF CONVEYANCES Per Mo. 1 Registrar-Carl F. Wicklander --------------- $375.00 1 1st Deputy Registrar-Geo. C. Kopa ------------------- 325.00 1 2nd Deputy Registrar-Jas. K. Ahloy ----------------- 300.00 1 3rd Deputy Registrar-Wm. Lee Kwai. --- —--------- 225.00 1 4th Deputy Registrar-Elisha S. Andrews ----------- 225.00 1 Senior Clerk —Thos Maunupau ------------------------ 215.00 3 Abstractors ------------------------ ------ 200.00 1 Comparer -...- -- --------------------- 165.00 2 Indexers ------------------------------- 165.00 1 Clerk -----------------------.0 165.00 2 Clerks ---------------------.. 150.00 4 Clerks --------------------.0 140.00 1 Clerk ---------------------- 1. 125.00 1 Jr. Clerk -. --- —-------------------------------------- 107.50 4 Clerks ----------------------------- --------- 100.00 1 Proof Reader... — -------------------------.107.50 2 Clerks - ----------------------------------------------- ------------------------- 90.00 COST FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1928 Personal Services ------------— $ 54.260.33 Other Expenses ------------------ --- 5,100.82 Equipment -------------------------- 890.00 $ 60,251.15 PERSONNEL, 1ST TAXATION DIVISION Per Mo. 1 Tax Assessor-Chas. T. Wilder ---------- ----- $475.00 1 Chief Deputy-J. P. Jarrett ----------------—.- 425.00 1 Deputy-Thos. J. Lincoln. --- —---------------- 350.00 1 Deputy-Isaac H. Harboyle -------------------------- 300.00 3 Deputies --------------------------------- 250.00 1 Deputy and Accountant -------------------------- 250.00 5 Deputies ----------------------...225.00 3 Deputies ----------------------.0 200.00 2 Clerks - -- --------------------------- - -------------------- 175.00 5 Clerks (2 deputies, 3 clerks).... ------------- 150.00 18 4 Clerks ------—... --- —------------—.-..- 125.00 3 Clerks --------------------------.. 100.00 1 Stenographer ------------------------------- 125.00 3 Deputy Assessors (Outer districts).. --- —------------- 275.00 3 Deputy Assessors (Outer districts).... ----------- 200.00 1 Clerk (Outer districts) ------—.. --- —----------- -- 150.00 1 Watchman -------------------------------- 70.00 Temporary employees from time to time as required. COST FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1928 Personal Services ---— $...- --------— $114,437.43 Other Expenses -.. —. --- —-----------—. 15,180.82 Equipment -—. ---------------------- 8,910.65 $138,528.90 PERSONNEL, 2ND TAXATION DIVISION Per Mo. 1 Assessor-Jos. HI. Kunewa ---------------------- -$450.00 1 Deputy Assessor-Wm. Cockett, Wailuku ------------ 225.00 1 Deputy Assessor-Manuel Ross, Wailuku ------—. ---- 175.00 1 Deputy Assessor-Keuji Ganagi, Wailuku.. --- —---- 165.00 1 Deputy Assessor-Joseph Oliveira, Jr., Makawao —... 225.00 1 Deputy Assessor-T. F. Tom, Makawao -------------- 175.00 1 Deputy Assessor-Frank Alameda, Lahaina --------- 200.00 1 Deputy Assessor-Frank Foster, Molokai.. --- —------ 150.00 1 Deputy Assessor-Jno. A. Madeiros, Hana... --- —--- 175.00 1 Clerk-Clement Crowell, Jr., Wailuku... --- —--------- 90.00 1 Clerk-Noboru Kayatani, Makawao -—.... --- —-—.. --- — 75.00 1 Clerk-Geo. Hasegawa, Lahaina -—. --- -—....- 75.00 COST FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1928 Personal Services --------—. --- —- -$ 27,522.88 Other Expenses ----------------- ------- 3,447.94 Equipment ----— 2,933.16 $ 33,903.98 PERSONNEL, 3RD TAXATION DIVISION Per Mo. 1 Assessor-Jas M. Muir, Hilo...- -------—. ---...$450.00 1 1st Deputy-Wm. J. Stone, Hilo -—... --- —----- 250.00 1 Deputy-Edwin Desha, Hilo ------------------- 250.00 1 Deputy-D. H. Nathaniel, Hilo -------—. --- —--------- 200.00 1 Deputy and Utility Man-Ben Brown, Hilo. --- ——... 150.00 1 Clerk —Herbert C. Kai, Hilo u --- —---------.130.00 1 Clerk-Stenographer-Chas. Allen, Hilo.... ---.. 120.00 1 Janitor-Ernest Watson, Hilo --------------------------------- 40.00 19 3 Deputies (Outer Districts) -------------------------- 225.00 3 Deputies (Outre Districts) ---------— 1...7 ---- 175.00 2 Deputies (Outer Districts) -......... ------ ------- 150.00 1 Clerk and 2nd Deputy (Outer Districts) ---..... ---- 100.00 1 Clerk and 2nd Deputy (Outer Districts) ---—. --- —- 85.00 COST FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1928 Personal Services ---------- - — $ 47,825.98 Other Expenses ---------------------- 3,450.62 Equipment --—.. -- -------- --- 2,972.90 $ 54,249.50 PERSONAL, 4TH TAXATION DIVISION Per Mo. 1 Assessor-Carlos A. Long, Waimea ------------—. — $400.00 1 Clerk-Seiichi Yamase, Waimea -------------------- I, 175.00 1 Clerk-Ed Kanoho, Jr., Waimea-Niihau ------------- - 100.00 5 Deputy Assessors (Outside) —. --------------------- 200.00 COST FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1928 Personal Services ---- --------— $ 21,144.65 Other Expenses --------------------- --- 1,179.14 Equipment ---............ --- —----- 1,210.00 $ 23,533.79 PERSONNEL, BUREAU OF INCOME TAXES Per Mo. 1 Income Tax Assessor-Henry Glass ------—. --- —---— $425.00 1 Field Deputy-Jno. S. Mackenzie --------------------- 300.00 1 Island Deputy-E. L. Patterson -—. --- —-------------- 300.00 1 Chief Office Deptuy —Edw. K. Woodward ------------ 250.00 1 Field Deputy-Gordon Norrie -—. --- —---------------- 250.00 1 Field Deputy-Claude F. Field ---—.... - ----- 225.00 1 Chinese Deputy-Chas. Ching Quong ---------------- 200.00 I Japanese Deputy-Jas. Nishikawa -------------------- 200.00 COST FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1928 Personal Services ------------ - -$ 27,573.33 Other Expenses ----------------------- - 673.95 Equipment -------------------------- 134.30 $ 28,381.66 PERSONNEL, TAXATION MAPS BUREAU Per Mo. 1 Chief of Bureau-R. C. Bayless ------------- -$350.00 1 1st Asst. Engineer-Thos. Aana ----—.. ------------ 200.00 1 Asst. Draftsman-Chas. Wong -—.. --- —-------------- 165.00 1 Asst. Draftsman-P. D. Kaluna ----------------------- 150.00 20 1 Office Assistant-Mercedes Worley ------ ---- 150.00 1 Sub-Assistant-C. H. Auld -----------—... 75.00 1 Typist-Abbie Ching ------------- 75.00 COST FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1928 Personal Services ---------- $ 14,673.60 Other Expenses ---------- 616.20 Equipment ---------- ------ 576.84 $ 15,866.64 COLLECTION DELINQUENT TAXES COST FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1928 Personal Services ------— $ 8,195.00 TAX APPEALS COST FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1928 Personal Services ---- -- ---------— $ 16,963.41 Other Expenses ---- --------- 2,118.85 Equipment ------------- 0.00 $ 19,082.26 21 SUMMARY-TREASURY DEPARTMENT Personal Other EquipOrganization Services Expenses ment Total Treasury Department Proper.. --- —-----------—.... $ 27,550.31 $ 2,652.86 $ 47.95 $ 30,251.12 Public Debt Service.. -—...-.. -- ------ --- 6,048.83 5,462.10.................... 11,510.93 Deputy Bank Examiner's Dept.-..- 20,459.66 3,216.30 313.85 23,989.81 Insurance Commissioner's Office.. —.......... —. 3,600.00 1,773.29 997.50 6,370.79 Bureau of Conveyances —.........-... ---.. --- —-......... 54,260.33 5,100.82 890.00 60 251 15 1st Taxation Division-. —.. --- —------ - 114,437.43 15,180.82 8,910.65 138,528.90 2nd Taxation Division.... --- —------------------- - 27,522.88 3,447.94 2,933.16 33,903.98 3rd Taxation Division ------.... ---. ---- 47,825.98 3,450.62 2,972.90 54,249.50 4th Taxation Division.- ---—. --- ------- 21,144.65 1,179.14 1,210.00 23,533.79 Bureau of Income Taxes.-................... 27,573.33 673.95 134.30 28,381.58 Taxation Maps Bureau -----.. -.. ------—.- 14,673 616.20 576.84 15,866.64 Collection Delinquent Taxes ---. --- —---- - 8,195.00......................... 8,195.00 Tax Appeals............... --- —-.......- ---..- 16,963.41 2,118.85.. ---- 19,082.26 $390,255.41 $ 44,872.89 $ 18,987.15 $454,115.45 Expenses of Officials Bonds for all Departments.-.........$5,152.86 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC LANDS Department Head: C. T. Bailey, Commissioner of Public Lands. Appointment: Appointed by the Governor, with advice and consent of the Senate. Term: Four (4) years. Term Expires: April 27, 1931. Qualifications: Must be a citizen of the Territory of Hawaii and shall have resided therein for at least three years next preceding appointment. Compensation: Fixed by General Appropriation Bill biennially. Present biennium $5,700 per annum. Law References: Org. Act, Sec. 73-Duties, powers, etc. Org. Act, Sec. 80 —Appointment. Ch. 42 R. L., 1925 —Commissioners of Boundaries, records, etc. Sec. 535 R. L., 1925-Powers of Commissioner in respect to Hawaiian Home Lands. Sec. 645 R. L., 1925-Division of Hydrography, authorization for transfer of Division and duties. Act 179 S. L., 1925-Designated as depository for documents conveying real property to the Territory and political subdivisions thereof. Duties and Activities: The management of all lands in the possession, use and control of the Territory is vested in the Commissioner, except such as shall be set aside for public purposes, as provided by law. The Commissioner of Public Lands shall prepare and issue through his office, all land patents, leases, grants or other conveyances of any government lands or real estate. He shall also, by and with the authority of the Governor, have power to lease, sell or otherwise dispose of public lands and other property, in such manner as he may deem best for the protection of agriculture and general welfare of the Territory, subject, however, to such restrictions as may from time to time be expressly provided by law. He shall also cause to be surveyed annually and open for homestead purposes, a reasonable amount of desirable agricultural lands and also of pastoral lands in the various parts of the Territory. tie is also authorized to perform any and all acts, prescribe forms of oaths and, with the approval of the Governor and the Board of Public Lands, make such rules and regulations as may be necessary 23 and proper for the purpose of carrying the provisions of Section 73 of the Organic Act and the land laws of Hawaii into full force and effect. He shall keep a full record' of all lands in the possession, use and control of the Territory, as well as all transactions thereto. All documents conveying real property to the Territory or to any political subdivision thereof, shall, with two blue-print plans of the property acquired, be filed with the Commissioner of Public Lands, who shall in turn have such documents recorded by the Registrar of Conveyances. All such records of the Department of Public Lands shall be open to the public. Under this department there is also maintained the Division of Hydrography, in charge of a Chief Hydrographer for the investigation and determination of water resources of the Territory, and in co-operation with the United States Geological Survey to conduct a hydrographic survey of the Territory. It maintains a large number of gaging stations on the various islands, obtaining continuous records of stream flow. These stations are visited regularly by the engineers of this department. The department has, by law, full authority at all times to enter without warrant, the premises where an artesion well is situated, or whereon or wherein artesian water is used to procure such information as may be necessary. The Topographic Survey Division, which is also under the cognizance of this department, is working in co-operation with the United States Geological Survey on a topographic survey of the Territory. The work is in charge of a Topographic Engineer of the U. S. Geological Survey. ORGANIZATION 1 Commissioner of Public Lands-C. T. Bailey -- $475.00 1 Chief Clerk and Sub-agent, Oahu-A. A. Dunn ----- 375.00 1 Abstract Clerk-O. E. Stillman -------------------- 225.00 1 Stenographer-Rachel O'Sullivan --------------------- 200.00 1 Patent Clerk-Annella Gilmore ----------------------- 200.00 1 Land Commission Award Clerk —Lilia Rathburn ---- 130.00 1 File Clerk-E. H. Hart ----—................ ---........ 175.00 1 Deed Clerk ----George Awai -—. --- —----------------- 175.00 1 Bill Clerk-Bernard Akana -----------------------—. 125.00 1 Clerk and Messenger-Fred Beers ---—.. _...... --- — 100.00 1 Clerk and Typist-Rosamond Fernandez ----------- 100.00 1 Stenographer-Carolyn Doyle --—.. --- —--------------- 125.00 HILO, HAWAII 1 Sub-agent, Hawaii-C. 11. W. Hitchcock..... --- —--- 250.00 1 Ranger-Wm. Aiona ------------—.... -- - 175.00 1 Clerk-Wm. Wong ------------------------- -- 150.00 1 Janitor-Gabriel Aiona --------------------------- 10.00 24 WAILUKU, MAUI 1 Sub-agent-Antonio Garcia........ -. 225.00 LIHUE, KAUAI 1 Sub-agent-J. M. Lydgate -—.... --- —--- 250.00 Temporary Appraisers, Stenographers, etc., as required. ORGANIZATION (Division of Topography) 1 Topographic Engineer-A. 0. Burkland. --- —---—.. —$400.00 1 Asst. Topographic Engr. and Geod. Engr.E. S. Richard -. —. --- —----------- 233.33 1 Asst. Topographic Engineer-A. Frankhauser ----. —.. 233.33 1 Asst. Topographic Engineer-R. G. Stevenson ----.... 233.33 1 Asst. Topographic Engineer-E. G. Wingate... --- —-- 233.33 1 Asst. Topographic Engr & Geod. Engr-E. S. Richard 233.33 1 Clerk-Arline G. Weeks ----- 175.00 Temporary field employees from time to time as required. ORGANIZATION (Division of Hydrography) 1 Chief Hydrographer-Max H. Carson..... --- ——...$400.00 1 Asst. Engineer-Samuel Wong...... -------------- 225.00 1 Computer-Jno. Kahiaku ---- - 200.00 1 Computer-Paul Goo -------------- ---------- 175.00 1 Clerk-Stenographer-Marie Davison - - - 150.00 Temporary field employees from time to time as required. 25 COST FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1928 Personal Other Department Services Expense Outlay Total Department of Public Lands............................. Board of Public Lands..................... ---............... Board of Appraisers.......................................................... Division of Hydrography ---—..................-.... (From General Fund) s Division of Hydrography --—............. (From Federal Aid Fund) Division of Topography.-.......................... —. ---. (From General Fund) Division of Topography -...................................... (From Federal Aid Fund) Division of Topography............................ (Continuation) $ 46,681.37 202.70 1,225.00 9,084.00 693.05 17,070.52 21,159.84 3,477.10 $ 4,999.58 838.47 147.90 1,848.58 2,315.20 1,963.08 $ 2,762.11 $ 54,443.06.................... 1,041.17.................... 1,372.90 89.75 11,022.33 470.73 1,268.46 3,478.98 20,302.06 23,510.93 4,477.55 2,351.09 1,000.45 $ 99,593.58 $ 15,464.35 $ 4,591.05 $119.648.98 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS Department Head: Lyman H. Bigelow, Superintendent of Public Works. Appointment: Appointed by the Governor, with advice and consent of the Senate. Term: Four (4) years. Term Expires: October 1, 1930. Qualifications: Must be a citizen of the Territory of Hawaii and shall have resided therein for at least three years next preceding appointment. Compensation: Fixed biennially by Legislature in General Appropriation Act. At present $7200 per annum. Law References: Ch. 59-60-61 R. L., 1925-General powers and duties. Ch. 63 R. L., 1925-Storage and selling of explosives under supervision of Superintendent. Ch. 64 R. L., 1925, Act 50 S. L., 1925-Acquisition of historical places and things. Ch. 75 R. L., 1925 —Prepare plans and specifications and carry out creation of drainage and fill-in districts upon notice from the Board of Health and exercise of right of eminent domain. Sec. 176 R. L., 1925-Stipulation as to working time to be incorporated in contract. Sec. 798.R L., 1925-Superintendent in charge of superintendence and management of internal improvement of the Territory. Sec. 799 R. L., 1925, Sec. 800 R. L., 1925-To make surveys, maps, etc., of land and harbor. Sec. 832 R. L., 1925-Superintendent ex-officio Chairman, Board of Harbor Commissioners. Sec. 1124 R. L., 1925-Hospitals may be established by the Superintendent to be operated by the Board of Health. Sec. 1472 R. L., 1925-Member of the Board of Disposal. Sec. 1477 R. L., 1925-Regulating expenditures and requiring competitive bidding on items in excess of $1000, with certain exceptions. Sec. 1513 R. L., 1925-Prisons, etc., to be erected by Superintendent. Sec. 1524 R. L., 1925-Prisoners at disposal of Superintendent on public works, or otherwise, as the law may permit. Sec. 3691 R. L., 1925-Construction of any public work involved in professional engineering, etc., exceeding $15,000 27 must be planned and specifications and estimates therefor by or under Registered Engineer. Sec. 4508 R. L., 1925-Superintendent of Public Works exofficio member of Board of Appeals relating to artesian wells. Act 44 S. L., 1925-Eight hour working day on week days; five hours on Sunday, whether work is done by contract or otherwise. Act 49 S. L., 1925-Superintendent to mark certain historical places on plan approved by Historical Commission. Act 78 S. L., 1925-Department of Public Works is designated as the Territorial Highway Department to comply with the Federal Road Aid Act. Act 111 S. L., 1925-Relating to construction of War Memrial in Honolulu. Act 146 S. L., 1925-Providing for construction of improvements from Loan Fund Act 1925 by Counties. Act 150 S. L., 1925-Superintendent of Public Works to be a member of the Honolulu Sewer and Water Commission. Act 176 S. L., 1925-Appropriating $45,000 for the acquisition and improvement of an Air Port and/or Landing Field on the Island of Oahu: appropriation shall be expended only after $20,000 has been raised by private subscription and paid into the Treasury of the Territory, to become the property of the Territory for that purpose. Act 179 S. L., 1925-Deeds of all Public Lands to be filed with Commissioner of Public Lands. Act 182 S. L., 1925-Providing for construction of improvements from Loan Fund Act of 1923 by Counties. Act 245 S. L., 1925-Providing for widening Front St., Lahaina, Maui, constructing and extending sea wall and appropriating $25,000 therefor. Act 4 S. L., 1927-Appropriating $7,500 for the completion of widening Front St., Lahaina, Maui and completing the construction and extension of sea wall. Act 66 S. L., 1927-Appropriating $3000.00 for Bronze Medallion Plaque in Kuhio Memorial Park, Koloa, Kauai in memory of the late Prince Kuhio, and authorizing expenditure thereof by Superintendent of Public Works. Act 107 S. L., 1927-Appropriating $5,000 for the surveying of roads to the boundary of Haleakala National Park, Maui, and providing for the expenditure of same; vouchers to be approved by Territorial Highway Engineer. Act 132 S. L., 1927-Appropriating $100,000 from Sanitation Revolving Fund for the purpose of reclaiming Territorial property in Kapaa Swamp, Kauai, to be reimbursed from the sale of reclaimed land. Act 146 S. L., 1927-So-called Bookkeeping Bill reallocates Loan Fund Appn. of 1925 and places the approval of methods, 28 materials, plans and specifications for county allotments under the Superintendent of Public Works. Act 171 S. L., 1927-Appropriating $5,000 out of the Sanitation Revolving Fund to reclaim Alamihi Pond in the District of Lahaina, Island of Maui, to be reimbursed from the sale of any lots in the reclaimed area. Act 250 S. L., 1927-Appropriating $20,000 for reconstructing and repairing sea wall in Kailua, North Kona, Hawaii. Act 255 S. L., 1927-Appropriating an unlimited amount from the General Fund to acquire 1600 acres of addition to forest land on Molokai; the amount to be expended to be determined by condemnation proceedings to be instituted by the Superintendent of Public Works. Act 257 S. L., 1927-Providing for Air Port on Kauai, Oahu, Molokai and Maui and appropriating $15,000, $75,000, $5,000 and $5,000 respectively. Act 271 S. L., 1927 —Loan Fund Appropriation for 1927, placing the approval of materials, plans and specifications for county projects under the Superintendent of Public Works. Ditties and Activities: The Superintendent of Public Works is charged with the superintendence and management of internal improvements of the Territory. It is his duty to cause such surveys, maps and plans of government lands, harbors and internal improvements to be made as the public interests may require, which shall be kept in his office for public inspection and reference. For the purpose of making preliminary plans, etc., for improvements to be paid for from Loan Funds, there is a $50,000 Revolving Fund provided. The expenditures from this fund ar6 to be reimbursed when bonds are sold and funds allotted for the specific purpose for which the plans were prepared. The Superintendent may require the Street Railway Company to sprinkle streets along their line within a mile of the postoffice. Where moneys are provided, the Superintendent of Public Works shall provide each school and courthouse with suitable U. S. flags and bunting and suitable flagstaffs. For the purpose of carrying out public improvements, the Superintendent of Public Works is vested with power of eminent domain. Plans and specifications for roads or other permanent improvements, the Superintendent of Public Works is vested with power of eminent domain. Plans and specifications for roads or other permanent improvements made from the proceeds of Territorial bonds issued for County and/or City & County purposes, must be approved by the Superintendent of Public Works. The Department of Public Works is designated as the Terri 29 torial Highway Department, and maintenance moneys for the purpose of maintaining highways constructed with Federal Aid are required to be turned over by the County to this Department for expenditure, as the Federal Government does not recognize County organizations. In addition to having charge of new construction work, this Department is charged with the maintenance and upkeep of the general Governmental Buildings and grounds. PERSONNEL 1 Superintendent of Pubic Works-Lyman H. Bigelow-$600.00 1 Chief Clerk-Benj. K. Kane --- —------- 350.00 1 Bookkeeper-Solomon Kane ----------------------------- 150.00 1 Stenographer-Anna K. Harrison --------- --- 200.00 1 Oil tester (part time)-Thos. H. Matthews ------ 25.00 1 Clerk-Mary N. Prendergast ----------- 165.00 PUBLIC BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS 1 Keeper, Powder Magazine, Sand Island -------- 100.00 1 Keeper, Mausoleum, Nuuanu ----------- 100.00 1 Keeper, Powder Magazine, Hilo ------------ 75.00 1 Caretaker, Maui ----------------- 50.00 1 Caretaker, Capitol and Judicial Bldgs. - ------ 125.00 6 Guards ---------------------- 85.00 1 Elevator Operator, Capitol Bldg.- -------- 115.00 1 Elevator Operator, Territorial Bldg. - -------- 115.00 1 Telephone Operator ----------------- 105.00 6 Janitors --------------------- 65.00 8 Laborers --------------------------- 65.00 5 Janitresses ---------------------- 65.00 2 Temporary Guards, War Memorial ------------ 85.00 Temporary assistance segregated into the various project appropriations. 8 Engineers-$225.00 to $350.00 1 Architect - 350.00 3 Draftsmen- 150.00 to 200.00 Time charged to various appropriations. Instrument men, rodmen, inspectors, etc., as required. AIRPORTS AND OTHER ENTERPRISES Waiakea Airport --------— $ 13,435.04 Moanalua ------------- 8,903.59 Maui ------------------ 262.26 Molokai ------------- 784.33 $ 23,385.22 30 COST FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1928 Personal Other Services Expenses Equipment Total Office of Superintendent........ $ 19,985.79 $ 2,162.98 $ 204.65 $ 22,353.42 General Governmental Buildings & Grounds........ 42,684.36 31,453.76 7,610.70 81,748.82 $ 62,670.15 $ 33,616.74 $ 7,815.35 $104,102.24 A large portion of the payrolls of the Department of Public Works is paid from permanent improvement apppropriations and are therefore not included in the foregoing cost figures. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Department Head: Term Expires: Will C. Crawford, Supt. of Public Instruction -...July 29, 1929 Commissioners: John K. Clarke-Oahu -. - ----—. ----.-.Aug. 15, 1929 A. J. Stillman-West Hawaii ---------------—...Jan. 10, 1930 D. C. Lindsay-Maui -- --------------— Aug. 15, 1929 Julian Monsarrat-East Hawaii —. --- —---------— Aug. 15, 1929 Mrs. Willis T. Pope-Oahu.. — -----------— Sept. 28, 1930 Mrs. Elsie Wilcox-Kauai ----------— Aug. 15, 1929 Appointment: Appointed by the Governor, with advice and consent of the Senate. Qualifications: Superintendent must be citizen of the Territory and have resided therein for at least three years next preceding appointment. Members: 2 appointees shall be resident of the City & County of Honolulu; 2 Hawaii; 1 Maui and 1 Kauai. No person in holy orders or a minister of religion is eligible as a Commissioner. Not more than 3 women on Commission at any one time. Compensation: Compensation of Superintendent fixed biennially by Legislature in General School Fund Appropriation Bill; calendar years 1928 and 1929 fixed at $6600 per annum. No compensation to Commissioners, except reimbursement for traveling expenses to attend meetings. Law References: Sec. 76 Org. Act-Provides Superintendent. Ch. 27 R. L., 1925-General Provisions. Act 237 S. L., 1925-Teachers entitled to Grade Certificates, amendment. Act 139 S. L., 1927-Compulsory Attendance, amendment. 31 Act 248 S. L., 1927-Amendment to Salary Schedule Law. Act 94 S. L., 1925-Books furnished at cost, amendment. Ch. 28 R. L., 1925 —Maintenance Public Schools. Act 232 S. L., 1925-Amendment to Salary Schedule Law. Ch. 29 R. L., 1925-Agricultural and Industrial Pursuits in Schools. Act 125 S. L., 1925-Amendment to Agricultural and Industrial Pursuits in School Law. Sec. 1582 R. L., 1925, Sec. 1738 R. L., 1925-Counties to provide and maintain school buildings and grounds. Sec. 1548 R. L., 1925-Superintendent may visit Prisons. Sec. 3463 R. L., 1925-Fire Drills. Sec. 4477 R. L., 1925-Gambling money to schools under certain conditions. Sec. 1604 R. L., 1925 —Transportation of pupils on Hawaii. Act 162 S. L., 1927-Educational property exempt from taxation. Sec. 943 R. L., 1925-Tuberculosis-Persons afflicted with not to teach. Duties and Activities: Department to have entire charge, control and responsibility for the conduct of all affairs pertaining to Public Instruction. Shall authorize and maintain schools for secular instruction at such places and for such terms as it deems advisable and its funds will permit. Regulate courses in Public Schools —such schools may include Normal Schools, High Schools, Kindergarten, Technical Schools, Boarding Schools; evening as well as day schools. Lahainaluna School may be conducted by the Department of Public Instruction as a High School. Make rules and regulations governing teachers and pupils, officers, agents and servants and for general scheme of education and for transaction of business not contrary to law. Appoint and remove Public School teachers and other employees of the Department, but give preference to local teachers. Fix salaries of teachers and employees-minimum $40.00 per month. Dismiss teachers only by trial with written charges preferred. Appoint Secretary who shall attend to minutes, records, financial transactions and documents, correspondence, custody of property, etc. Name a qualified teacher as Principal of each Public School having more than one teacher. Must have three years teaching in Public Schools of Hawaii to be Principal of any school, up to and including eighth grade. Appoint Supervising Principals. County of Hawaii 3; County of Maui 2; County of Kauai 1; City & County of Honolulu 2. 32 Engage at proper salaries, Dental Hygienists to perform preventive dental hygiene in Public Schools, and a Supervising Dental Hygienist to have charge. Appoint two trained and experienced nutrition workers to carry on nutrition work in Public Schools at not more than $175.00 each, per month. Teachers to be employed must have certificate issued by Department. Department to issue certificate must satisfy self that person is possessed of ideals of democracy, knowledge of American History and Institutions, and knows how to read, write and speak the English language. Term "teachers" means all persons exercising or performing administrative duties in any school. "School" means every school except Sabbath Schools convening once each week. Can change text books only under certain restrictions. No tuition to be charged by Public Schools, except certain select schools which it may establish under certain conditions. Private schools to be established only on application to Department, giving (1) names of persons desiring to establish school; (2) proposed location (3) course of instruction and language in which to be taught. Every private school to be subject to supervision of the Department. English language shall be basis of instruction in all Public and Private Schools recognized by law. Attendance at Public or recognized Private Schools compulsory for children from six to fourteen years of age, except, (1) where nearest School is more than four miles away; (2) mentally or physically unable; (3) competent person employed to tutor in family; (4) child of thirteen or more has passed Grammar School and is suitably employed; (5) exempted by Juvenile Court. Department to divide Territory into School Districts. Attendance within District of residence required, unless changed by Department. Teachers shall keep records of pupils as to name, age, nationality, date of entering school, residence, etc. Register to be carefully preserved and when directed, filed with Department. Each pupil of Public High Schools to present evidence to establish fact that pupil is a citizen of the U. S. A., and bears no other allegiance —or is not a citizen of the U. S. A., as a condition precedent to receipt of attendance or diploma. Department authorized to prepare school readers. Department authorized to give bond for use of Military Equipment. Salary schedule adopted by Department and approved by 33 Governor passed by Legislature and becomes basis for tax levy for teachers' salaries. Limitations: Not to exceed 1 teacher for every 35 enrolled Public Elementary School Students and 1 for every 20 High School Students at time of highest enrollment in preceding year, plus 7.5% in such enrollment after September 1st of the current year. This does not include Principals of schools with more than 15 assistants and not more than 35 Supervisors and not more than 190 Vocational and Prevocational Teachers of which not more than 125 shall be Prevocational Teachers and not more than 40 secretaries for Supervising Principals and Schools which have 25 or more teachers. Provided-the total monthly payrolls shall not exceed $4.65 per student enrolled in grades 1 to 8, inclusive; and $8.75 per student enrolled in grades 9 to 12, inclusive. Tax is levied for teachers' salaries without regard for county in which it is spent. Budgets for departmental salaries, expenses, equipment and special schools must be prepared on or before December 15th of each even year. This budget is financed by taxes levied against the Territory as a shole, without regard for point of expenditure. This fund is known as the General School Fund, and is kept in the Territorial Treasury. Budgets for new buildings, new grounds, repairs and maintenance to grounds; furniture and fixtures and janitor service and supplies are prepared on or before December 15th of each even year. This budget is financed by direct taxation in the County in which the proceeds are to be spent. This fund is known as the Special School Fund and is kept in the County and City & County Treasuries. This budget is prepared by the Department and reviewed by the Board of Estimates, which may change any items. It is then forwarded to the Legislature by the Governor, who submits it to the Legislature with his recommendations. The Board of Estimates is composed of the Mayor of Honolulu, the Chairman of the Boards of Supervisors of the other Counties, the Treasurer of the Territory, and the Superintendent of Public Instruction. Sections 342 and 1315 of the Revised Laws of 1925 appear to be in conflict as to the disposition of any unused balance in the Special School Fund at the end of the appropriation period: 1st: To be spent as Superviors direct, with approval of the Superintendent of Public Instruction. 2nd: To be used to reduce taxation following year. There is a $600,000 Revolving Fund in the Territorial Treasury which is used to defray expenses of the Department and pay teachers' salaries prior to collection of taxes for the purpose. When taxes are collected, this fund is reimbursed. 34 The Department may prescribe agricultural and industrial training in the Public Schools, which courses shall be compulsory. Public lands may be used for this purpose and Department may also acquire land for this purpose. The net profits from such activities may be used for purchase of material and equipment or may be distributed among pupils producing. In Territorial Trade Schools, proceeds to be divided 50%-50%; i.e. one-half to school and one-half to pay students for work. Counties provide and maintain school buildings and grounds. Superintendent may visit freely any Prison at suitable hours. Fire drills to be held in Schools at least once each week; doors to open outward and be kept unlocked during school hours. Any person may sue for three times gambling winnings if loser has not sued in three months. Money recovered to go half to person suing, and half to Schools. County of Hawaii must furnish transportation for pupils to certain Schools. No teacher afflicted with tuberculosis shall teach in Public Schools. GENERAL ADMINISTRATION PERSONNEL Per Mo. 1 Supt. of Public Instruction-Will C. Crawford - $550.00 1 Deputy Supt. of Public Instruction-O. E. Long - 400.00 1 Secretary-C. B. Luce -325.00 2 Stenographers -200.00 2 Stenographers -175.00 1 Messenger -110.00 1 Clerk -150.00 1 Clerk -110.00 1 Director, Bureau of Research-Dr. Ross B. Wiley - 400.00 1 Asst. Director-Helen Gay Pratt -300.00 1 Stenographer-Annie Smith -200.00 1 Bookkeeper-H. H1. Williams —. --- —------— 2 --- —-------------- 150.00 1 Clerk-Kui Fong Ziu -150.00 35 Personal Other Capital General Schools Fund Services Expenses Outlay Total Conservation Health and Sanitation: Conservation of Child Life Nutrition Dept. Public Schools............. Dental Dept. Public Schools.....-...................... TOTAL TOTAL -..-.-.. —..-. --- —----------------------------------- -... --- —----- Charities, Hospitals and Corrections: Care Deaf, Blind and Mute Assisting Crippled School Children.................. Territorial School for Deaf and Blind................ TOTAL.. ---... --- —- - -—.. —..... --—..... ^ Education: Schools General Administration.. ------ Board of Eam iners...................................................... TOTAL SCHOOLS. -—... — -—. --- —---- State Institutions Field Expenses-Gen'l Items. ----....... Field Expenses-Elem. Schools.-........ --- —-—.. Field Expenses-Junior Highs - ---- Field Expenses-High Schools....-... --- —....... Territorial Normal School.................................. Fixed Charges..-. --- —-- Vocational Department........................... Elementary Schools, Primary Handwork. —....-..... $ 19,298.35 45.097.60 $ 2,611.08 4.323.29 $ 61.62 766.05 $ 21,971.05 50,186.94 $ 64,395.95 $ 6,934.37 $ 827.67 $ 72,157.99 $ 415.00.................... $ 415.00 $ 22,479.85 10,622.46 $ 2,331.39 35,433.70 $ 22,479.85 $ 11,037.46 $ 2,331.39 $ 35,848.70 $ 38,418.35 423.50 $ 38,841.85 $ 13,421.88 558.60 $ 13,980.48 $ 3,429.27 $ 3,429.27 $ 55,269.50 982.10 $ 56,251.60 $ --- —-------------................... 80.75 131,217.80.............. $ 6,229.82 25,496.88 2,344.89 5,905.66 5,991.06 4,207.80 1,574.03 $ 467.84 33,466.25 3,717.06 17,963.53 2,988.44 7,420.00 254.54 986.02 $ 6,697.66 59,043.88 6,061.95 23.869.19 147,617.30 7,420.00 4,462.34 2,560.05 $131,298.55 $ 51,750.14 $ 67,263.68 $257,732.37 Personal Other Fixed General Schools Fund Services Expenses Charges Total Pension Accumulation Fund Employees Retirement System................................$ 0.00 $ 0.00 $201,671.26 $201,671.26 Non-Interest Expenses Interest on Treas. Warrant Notes.............................. 0.00 0.00 121.89 121.89 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $201,793.15 $201.793.15 RESEARCH BUREAU Personal Services ---------—......... $2,800.00 Other Expenses. --- —------------------- 227.10 $3,027.10 The foregoing was spent from General Fund Appropriation, prior to availability of appropriation from General School Fund and does not represent total cost of Research Bureau. This covered period July 1 to December 31, 1927; from January 1, 1928 this Bureau financed as part of General Administration. LAHAINALUNA SCHOOL Personal Services ---------- $ 14,121.92 Other Expenses —. --- —--------------- 12,944.90 Outlay ------— 1,335.42 $ 28,402.24 FROM TERRITORIAL AND FEDERAL VOCATIONAL FUND Personal Services --------------- $ 11,471.47 Other Expenses --------------------- 4,726.91 Outlay ------— 5,882.78 $ 22,081.16 TEACHERS' SALARY FUND Teachers' Salaries -------------—. —$3,739,888.01 SUMMARY OF COSTS FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1928 General Fund -—. --- —--------- -$ 3,027.10 Lahainaluna School Fund.. --- —------------- 28,402.24 Teachers Salary Fund ---— 3,739,888.01 Territorial and Federal Vocational Funds-.. --- — 22,081.16 General School Fund -------------------------- 616,363.81 Coaching Athletics McKinley High -..-. — --- 1,100.00 $ 4,410,862.32 37 AUDITING DEPARTMENT Department Head: Term Expires: Thomas Treadway-Auditor...............-...........Mar. 18, 1930 John W. Vannatta-Deputy Auditor May 1, 1929 Appointment: Appointed by the Governor with advice and consent of the Senate. Term: Four years. Qualifications: Must be a citizen of the Territory and shall have resided therein for at least three years next preceding appointment. Compensation: Fixed biennially by Legislature. Present rate of Auditor-$6000 annually. Present rate of Deputy Auditor-$5700 annually. Law References: Ch. 105 R. L., 1925-Provides for appointment of Auditor and Deputy Auditor; office hours; compensation; and to have no other employment. Prescribes general duties; renders monthly and annual comparative statements; annual report to the Governor and biennial report to the Legislature. To make regulations for conduct of Department re: handling public funds; establishment of uniform system of accounts, etc. Relations to public accounts and issuance of warrants for various purposes. Quarterly count of money in the Treasury. Auditor is Chairman, ex-officio, of the Board of Disposal. Act 55 S. L., 1925-Trustee of the Territorial Employees Retirement System. Dulties and Activities: The Auditor is the General Accountant of the Territory. He is responsible for the auditing and recording of every receipt and disbursement of money made to or through the Treasury; has complete supervision of all Territorial accounts and his authority extends to the control of the disbursements of public funds in correct relation to the respective appropriations therefor. He is required to keep a full record of all government accounts for the several amounts shown by the Appropriation Bill or any other appropriation made by the Legislature and of his daily transactions. The various Territorial accounts to be so kept that the status and condition of all funds and appropriations, of all assets and liabilities and of all income and expenditures of the Territory may be determined at any time. Upon the expiration of the tenure of office of the Commission on Public Accountancy, it shall be the duty of the Auditor to 38 enforce the use of the accounting systems devised and installed by said Commission and to make inspections from time to time of the application of the same and he may, with approval of the Governor, make desirable changes and modifications therein. In the conduct of his duties, the Auditor may make and publish necessary rules and regulations, not inconsistent with the law, and such regulations after being duly published, have the force and effect of a Statute Law. The Deputy Auditor exercises the powers and performs the duties of the Auditor in case of illness or absence of the Auditor. PERSONNEL Per Mo. 1 Auditor-Thomas Treadway -$500.00 1 Deputy Auditor-John W. Vannatta --- 475.00 1 Accountant-Alexander May -375.00 1 Accountant and Statistician-Leonard Fong -325.00 1 Accountant-John A. Bal -225.00 1 Bookkeeper-Wm. Carleton -225.00 2 Bookkeepers -200.00 1 Chief Clerk-Chas. Jones -275.00 3 Assistant Clerks -200.00 1 Clerk -125.00 2 Stenographers -140.00 1 Field Auditor-Albert F. Lee -325.00 1 Assistant Field Auditor-Jas. Achung -150.00 COST FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1928 Personal Services -$ 51,575.00 Other Expenses -8,277.86 Equipment -1,962.25 $ 61,815.11 SURVEY DEPARTMENT Department Head: Walter E. Wall, Surveyor, Territory of Hawaii. Appointment: Appointed by the Governor with advice and consent of the Senate. Term: Four (4) Years. Term Expires: May 21, 1929. Qualifications: Must be a citizen of the Territory and shall have resided therein for at least three years next preceding appointment. Compensation: Appropriation made by Legislature biennially: present rate of pay $5,400.00 per annum (1927-1929). 39 Law References: Sec. 78 Org. Act —Duties and powers. Sec. 80 Org. Act-Appointment. Sec. 3223 R. L., 1925-Surveyor may attest to accuracy of surveys. Sec. 3225 R. L., 1925-Court may refer maps and plans to surveyor for verifying and checking on the grounds. Ch. 43 R. L., 1925-Survey and adjudication of land not properly set forth with boundaries. Act 213 S. L., 1925-Authority to enter upon private lands. Duties and Activities: This Department does all surveying necessary in connection with the handling of the Territorial lands (homesteads, forest reserves, lot-subdivisions, triangulation, and lands for public purposes. The surveyor is authorized, under certain conditions, to make the necessary surveys and have the boundaries of listed unsurveyed private lands adjudicated at the expense of the owners. All surveys and maps filed in the Land Court for registration of title to lands other than Territorial, are referred to the surveyor for verification and check on the ground. Title reports are furnished the Attorney General on any public interests that might be affected by application before the Land Court, and this is an important work since the Territory guarantees title, and is expected to safeguard all public rights that may exist. Surveys affecting Territorial interests (boundaries, titles, water rights, fisheries, easements, etc.) are referred to the Survey Department for examination and approval. Maps of private lands filed in the Office of the Registrar of Public Conveyances for the purpose of deeding areas by lot and block numbers must first have the approval of the surveyor after an office check and examination. The maps and other records of the Survey Department practically account for all of the original titles to all lands in the Territory and are available to the public during office hours without fee. The Department also maintains a time service and rates chronometers for navigators, and operates the automatic tide gauge for the U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey. The surveyor is a member of the "Advisory Committee on Hawaiian Geographic Names", this being a local, committee which acts only in an advisory capacity to the U. S. Geographic Board. ORGANIZATION Per Mo. 1 Surveyor-Walter E. Wall ------------- $450.00 1 Deputy Surveyor-Herbert Newton -................... 400.00 1 Ch. Assistant-E. W. Hockley -—...................... 375.00 2 Sr. Assistants-F. H. Kamahole, Thos. Evans...... 300.00 2 Sr. Assistants-Jas. Dunn, Chas. Murray............. 275.00 40 1 Jr. Assistant-Joseph Aiu. --- —---------—.._-............. 225.00 2 Jr. Assistants-Thos. Ryan, Chas. Reeves -........ ---...- 200.00 1 Sr. Sub-Assistant-Henry Copp --—.-........................ 185.00 1 Sr. Sub-Assistant-You Lee Ching —....-..................- 140.00 1 Sr. Sub-Assistant —Geo. Manoha -----------—. ----.......-. 125.00 2 Jr. Sub-Assistants-L. Peralto, Samuel Beala. —. —.. -. 115.00 1 Jr. Sub-Assistant-William Watt -—. --- —-—.. ----........ 85.00 1 Draftsman-Jos. Iao -----—.-...............-........ 225.00 1 Draftsman-Richard Lam, Jr. 150.00 1 Chief Clerk-Mrs. Hartman -----—........................-. 200.00 1 Bookkeeper and Clerk-A. F. Zane. --- —------------—. 175.00 1 Stenographer-Hazel Kufferath -.,........ ---. —. —.... ---. —. 100.00 1 Messenger-Herman Aki ---—. --- —-----—.. --- ——. —. 100.00 3 Rodmen-A. Foster -—...4.................................... 4.00 Pete Kaimulaa --—.-.. --- —-.. -... ---.- - ----- 4.00 Jos. Kidder —. --- —---------—. -. —.-.... --- —- 5.50 Temporary employees as required. COST FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1928 Salaries.-. —$ --- ——. —. ---. ---------- $ 62,153.37 Other Expenses -—. --- —. —. --- —--------- 9,707.89 Equipment —.............. ---... —..-.. --- - 2,774.38 $ 74,635.64 DEPARTMENT OF THE MILITIA Wallace R. Farrington-Commander-in-Chief of the Militia. P.M. Smoot, Col. A.G.D.-Adjutant General and Chief-ofstaff of the National Guard. Appointment: The Adjutant General commissioned by the President of the United States upon the recommendation of the Governor of the Territory. Qualifications: A citizen of the United States; not less than 21 and not over 64 years of age; with previous military experience. Compensation: Fixed biennially by the Legislature. Present rate 1927-1929-$5,400.00 per annum. Law References: Sec. 66 Org. Act-Designating Governor as Commander-inChief of National Gard. Ch. 22 S. L., 1925-Provides for the composition and organization of National Guard of the Territory; appointment of the Adjutant General, his duties, administration, etc. Act 52 S. L., 1925-Fixing names as "Hawaii National Guard." 41 Act 53 S. L., 1925-Relating to elmination and disposition of officers of Guard. Act 69 S. L., 1925-Relating to appointment and tenure of officers of Guard. Act 110 S. L., 1925-Relating to pay of officials of Territory and Counties and City & County Governments entitled to receive ordinary remuneration in addition, while on active duty. Act 215 S. L., 1925-Relating to pay of enlisted men while on active duty. ORGANIZATION Warrant Enlisted Officers Officers Men Staff Corps and Departments....... 8 0 14 298th Infantry............................... 50 1 780 299th Infantry. -............................ 44 1 785 Reserve Officers, etc.................... 26 0 191 TOTAL HAWAII NATIONAL GUARD. 128 2 1770 Commissioned Officers..............-......................... 128 Warrant Officers --.....-......... -......... 2 GRAND TOTAL....................................1900 OFFICE PERSONNEL 1 Adjutant General-P. M. Smoot -------- - $450.00 1 Asst. Adjt.-Gen'l and Chief Clerk-E. M. Bolton.....250.00 1 Aide to the Governor-Henry Beckley ---------------- 250.00 1 Personnel Clerk-Jos. Viller ---------------------—..... 150.00 1 Property Clerk-Francis Xavier ---—. --- —---- ---- 150.00 1 Stenographer-H-azel Samson —....... 125.00 1 Typist-Clerk-R. H. Smoot ----—.. ------------------ 50.00 1 Janitor-Mechanic-Geo. C. Ani ----—..... --- —---- 80.00 1 Caretaker-Walter Teets --- 50.00 1 Adj. 298th Inf.-Paul D. Porter ---........ 25.00 1 Adj. 299th Inf.-David L. Henry --------—. --- —-- - 25.00 TEMPORARY 6 Scorers —..................$2.00 per day 6 Markers -------------------------- 2.00 " " 2 Phone Operators ----------------- 2.00 " " 2 Mess Attendants --—. --- —------ 2.00 " " 1 Target Mounter —.. --- —-------- 2.00 " 1 Lookout....... --- —-------------- 2.00 " COST FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1928 Personal Services --------—..... ----—. $ 30,748.61 Other Expenses ---- 11,761.03 Equipment ----------------------- 1,597.31 $ 44,106.95 42 BOARD OF HEALTH Department Head: Term Expires: Dr. Frederick E. Trotter-President and Executive Officer —................... ----.Mar. 18, 1930 BOARD MEMBERS Geo. P. Denison -. --- —------- ---------- May 21,1929 J. D. McVeigh -—.... --- —--—... ---June 22, 1930 D. S. Bowman --—. --- —-------------- Dec. 4, 1929 Dr. A. G. Hodgins ------ ---- ---------— Jan. 10, 1930 J. P. Ordenstein -----------------— Jan. 19, 1931 Attorney General ---—... —..... --- —-- Ex-officio Appointment: President and members of the Board of Health-and Civil Service Commission of the Board of Health appointed by the Governor, with advice and consent of the Senate. Term: Four years. Qualifications: Must be a citizen of the Territory and shall have resided therein at least three years next preceding appointment. Board to consist of 7 members:-2 Physicians, 4 Laymen, 1 Attorney General. Not more than 2 members of the 3 constituting the Civil Service Commission shall belong to the same political party, when appointed. Compensation: President's salary provided by the Legislature: at present $7200 per annum. Other members serve without pay. Law References: Ch. 67 R. L., 1925-Public Health. Act 34 S. L., 1925-Public Health Amendment to "Members, General Charge." Ch. 68 R. L., 1925-Civil Service-Board of Health. Ch. 69 R. L., 1925-Abatement of Nuisances. Ch. 70 R. L., 1925; Act 117 S. L., 1927-Infectious Diseases. Ch. 71 R. L., 1925-Tuberculosis. Ch. 72 R. L., 1925-Vaccination. Ch. 73 R. L., 1925-Purchase of Radium. Ch. 74 R. L., 1925-Sanitary Condition in Dwelling Houses, Etc. Ch. 75 R. L., 1925-Sanitary Condition of Land. Ch. 76 R. L., 1925-Adulterated Foods and Drugs. 43 Ch. 77 R. L., 1925-Sale of Poisons. Ch. 78 R. L., 1925-Manufacture of Poi. Ch. 80 R. L., 1925-Barber Shops. Ch. 81 R. L., 1925; Act 26 S. L., 1925-Licensing of Medical and Chiropractic Physicians. (Ch. 82 R. L., 1925; Act. 27 S. L., 1925-Licensing Osteopathic Physicians. Act 77 S. L., 1925-Adding New Chapter 82A, Licensing Natureopathic Physicians. Ch. 83 R. L., 1925-Use of Hawaiian Herbs and Plants for Medical purposes, Regulated. Ch. 84 R. L., 1925-Licensing Veterinarians. Act 62 S. L., 1925-Licensing Veterinarians Amendment. Ch. 85 R. L., 1925-Licensing Dentists-temporary license. Act 9 S. L., 1925-Licensing Dentists, Amendment. Ch. 88 R. L., 1925-Licensing Nurses. Act 225 S. L., 1925-Licensing Nurses, Amendment. Act 114 S. L., 1925-Insanity and Asylum. Act 99 S. L., 1927-Contributions for Patients in Asylum. Ch. 94 R. L., 1925-Leper Settlement. Ch. 95 R. L., 1925-Registration of Births, Deaths and Marriages. Sec. 169 R. L., 1925-Temporary head appointed by President of Board to serve in his absence. Sec. 1477 R. L., 1925-Competitive Bidding not Required -When. Sec. 4276 R. L., 1925-Penalty for Impersonating Agent of Board of Health. Sec. 2055 R. L., 1925-Hotel License only on Certificate of Board of Health. Sec. 2050 R. L., 1925-Laundry License only on 'Certificate of Board of Health. Sec. 2064 R. L., 1925-Adulterated Milk may be Confiscated. Sec. 4432 R. L., 1925-Penalty for destroying notice of Board of Health. Sec. 2082 R. L., 1925-Sale of Opium Licensed under certain conditions. Sec. 2497 R. L., 1925-Disposition of Personal Property of Lepers. Sec. 2055 R. L., 1925-Restaurants Licensed on Certificate of Board of Health. Sec. 2097 R. L.,1925-Steam Laundries Subject to Regulation. Duties, Activities and Regulations: The Board of Health consists of seven members, four of whom shall be laymen, two physicians and the attorney general, acting as a member exofficio. The Board appoints its Secretary, agents and physicians. It has oversight and care of the health of the people 44 of the Territory. It has authority in matters of quarantine and other health matters and may declare and enforce quarantine and modify and release quarantine when it is establlished. It is the duty of all County and City and County health authorities, sheriff and police officers and all other officers and employees of the Territory and every County and City and County thereof to enforce the rules and regulations of the Board of Health. Such powers and health matters as have been or may be conferred upon any County or City and County shall be concurrent with those of the Board of Health. It shall make, through its President, an annual report to the Governor showing in detail all its expenditures and transactions and such other information regarding the public health as it may deem of special interest. The Board of Health shall keep a regular record of its proceedings. It shall also during the prevalence of any severe pestilence or epidemic, publish a weekly report of the public health. The Board of Health, with the approval of the Governor, may make regulations respecting nuisances, foul or noxious odors, gases or vapors, water in which mosquito larvae breed, sources of filth, causes of sickness or disease in the Territory and on board any vessel; also respecting adulteration and misbranding of food or drugs; location, air space, ventilation, sanitation, drainage and sewage disposal of buildings, courts, areas and alleys; privy vaults and cesspools; fish and fishing; interments and dead bodies; cemeteries and burying grounds; laundries, stables, bakeries, poi shops, abattoirs, fish, meat or vegetable stores or markets, hotels, lodging houses, tenements or any place or building where noisome or noxious trades or manufactures are carried on, or intended to be carried on; milk poisonous drugs; pig and duck ranches; as it shall deem necessary for public health safety. To publish regulations in newspapers and where none exist, to post same. The Civil Service Commission of the Board of Health has charge of examinations and classifications of applicants and employees of the Board of Health. The Commission, with the approval of the Governor, makes rules and regulations governing the selection and appointment of persons to be employees; such rules and regulations presumably to ascertain the physical and educational qualifications of applicants. A competitive examination is to be provided and may provide for special inquiry and examination for each class of employee. Employees may be removed only under the rules and regulations prescribed by the Commission. Vacancies to be filled as far as possible and practicable by promotion, otherwise, persons who satisfactorily pass examination. The Civil Service Laws exclude the President, Secretary and Members of the Board of Health, bacteriologist, pathologist, physicians in charge of 45 treating tuberculosis, physicians engaged in segregation and treatment of leprosy and also permit the Board of Health to employ any help found necessary in times of epidemic. Employees of record April 26, 1913 exempted from examination. The Board of Health may order the abatement of any nuisances and require the owner of the property on which such nuisance is located to correct, at his own cost, and in the event that it is not done, the Board may do it itself and charge the property owner. The law defines certain diseases as communicable and infectious diseases and provides physicians, householders, inn-keepers, masters of vessels and other persons of knowledge to report cases to the Board of Health, who shall quarantine or remove the patient. It is the duty of the bacteriologist of the Board of Health to examine sputum of a patient to determine the presence of tuberculosis and to make record of his findings and advise the physician in charge and to keep such record and information secret; to disinfect premises where tubercular patient has died or been removed, and under certain conditions, to prohibit occupancy of certain classes of domicile. It is also the duty of the Board of Health to enforce cleanliness of persons having tuberculosis. It is the duty of the Board of Health to appoint Vaccinating Officers in each Taxation Division, who shall vaccinate in convenient places in each school district at least once every six months; officers to record such vaccination and make report of the same to the Board of Health. Children are to be vaccinated within six months after birth and eight days after the vaccination, the vaccinating officer is to ascertain by inspection, the result of such operation and if found successful, to give certificate thereof. The Board of Health is authorized to purchase radium and charge for the use thereof, and from such proceeds pay for the insurance of the radium. Bakeries, laundries, poi shops, abattoirs, stables, fish markets, vegetable markets, hotels, tenements, lodging houses or buildings where noisome or noxious trades or manufactures are carried on can only be permitted or licensed by any County with authority of the Board of Health. The Board may direct the cancellation of any permit or licenses thus issued for cause. The Board of Health may establish drainage or fill-in-districts, prepare maps and plans thereof and turn the same over to the Department of Public Works for execution, the cost of same to be distributed by assessment against the property owners. This is done by service of notice, hearing, decision and right of appeal. In this connection the Superintendent of Public Works may exercise the right of eminent domain. For the purpose of carrying on this work, a $500,000 Revolving 46 Fund is provided, and it is under this law that the Ala Wai Canal and Waikiki fill-in was accomplished. The Fund is for the original cost, which is to be reimbursed, as far as possible, front the proceeds of the charges by the property owner. To carry out the Pure Food and Drug Act and Adulteration Law, the Board of Health shall appoint a qualified Commissioner or Analyst who shall give a bond of not less than $2000 and whose duty it is to procure samples and make analyses of food, of persons who lay before him satisfactory evidence concerning same. The Board may also appoint deputy Commissioners and Analysts. The Commissioner shall make monthly reports in detail concerning its activities to the President of the Board of Health. It is the duty of the Board of Health to license physicians, osteopaths, veterinarians, etc., for which several Boards of Examiners are provided. It is also the duty of the Board to register nurses, for which purpose a Board of Registration is provided to conduct examinations and authorize registration. The President of the Board of Health may revoke licenses and permits for cause. The Territorial Hospital, generally known as the insane asylum, is in the hands of a Superintendent, who, among other things has charge of the business administration thereof and is under the control of the Board of Health. The purpose of this hospital is for the detention of insane persons, drug addicts, habitual drunliards and the like. Commitment, discharge and parole of patients is in the hands of the Insanity 'Commission, which is a Commission of three persons qualified as examiners in insanity, who shall hold office for four years, unless sooner removed for cause. These Commissioners are paid $5.00 for each examination. For commitment, discharge or parole, in the event that the examination takes more than one day, the fee shall be $5.00 for each day the examiner is engaged on the case. The hospital may also receive voluntary commitments. Only indigents are to be permitted without cost, whether the commitment be compulsory or voluntary. The four institutions for lepers and their children are under the direct supervision of the Board of Health. These institutions are: Kalihi Boys' Home; Kapiolani Girls' Home for nonleper children of leper parentage; Kalihi Receiving Station, for the reception and treatment of lepers-and the Leper Settlement on Molokai, known as Kalaupapa, which institution is for the care of incurable cases. Examination, treatment and commitment, parole and discharge of lepers or suspects is in complete charge of the Board of Health. Visitors are not allowed and no pictures can be taken at Kalaupapa without written permission from the Board of Health. There is a $15,000 Revolving Fund provided for the operation of the Kalaupapa Store, which store is provided to furnish the in47 mates of the settlement with commodities at cost. There are very few laws and regulations laid down for the handling of leprosy, this responsibility being placed very largely with then Board of Health. When any leper or kokua residing at.Kala papa or the Kalihi Hospital shall die without leaving an executor or administrator, the Board of Health may distribute his property to the proper persons, with the approval of the Attorney General. Any proposed distribution, however, must bi published once a week for four successive weeks. The law provides for a Registrar General and Registrars in several localities, whose duties shall be to report the vital statistics of the Territory concerning birth, death and marriage. In connection with births, the records as far as information can be obtained are to show the name of the father, the name of the mother, date of birth, sex of child, name of child, location of birth-and whether legitimate or illegitimate. There shall be a separate record of birth reported six months after birth, which record shall not be admissible as evidence of any statement therein made, nor shall any certified copy of such record or any part thereof be furnished by the Registrar. In connection with death, the information to be recorded so far as can be ascertained is as follows: name, sex, age, cause of death, nationality, last place of residence, locality of death of deceased and name of physician attending, if any. In connection with marriages, the records shall show the district in which occuring, full name of each of the parties, full name of father and mother of each of the parties, age and residence of each of the parties. Further than the foregoing, the law does not state what statistics shall be compiled and published by the Registrar General. The law does, however, provide the method of filing the records. The Board of Health may issue permits to persons holding poisonous drug sales license; holder of such permit may sell opium on written prescription of a duly licensed physician. ORGANIZATION Bureaus, Divisions, Etc. General Administration Bureau of Vital Statistics Bureau of Sanitary Engineering Bureau of Sanitary Inspection Bureau of Quarantine Service Quarantine Stations Plague Campaign (rat catching and analysis) Bureau of Bacteriology and Pathology Bureau of Maternal and Infant Hygiene Bureau of Venereal Diseases (clinic) 48 Agents and Government Physicians bureau of Pure Food and Drug Regulation Tuberculosis Treatment and Prevention I Jamaile Home General Medical and Nursing Territorial Hospital (Insane, drug and liquor addicts) Leper Receiving Station-Kalihi Hospital L 4per Settlement-Kalaupapa Kalihi Boys' Home-(Non-leprous boys of leper parentage) Kapiolani Girls' Home (Non-leprous girls of leper parentage) PERSONNEL General Administration 1 Executive Officer-Dr. Frederick E. Trotter ---—. ---$600.00 1 Physician-Dr. J. T. Wayson ----------------------—. 350.00 1 Sec'y. to Board-Miss Mae Weir. --- —--------------. 300.00 1 Chief Clerk-Mr. Jas. Asing. --- —--------- - ----— 300.00 1 Principal Clerk-Mr. Doak. ---------—.- 200.00 5 Clerks -.. --------------------—. ---- 90.00 to 150.00 3 Stenographers ----—..-....... --- 135.00 to 175.00 1 Attendant. --- —. --- —. 0.0.... 80.00 COST FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1928 Personal Services -------—.. --- —----- $ 30,879.41 Other Expenses ---- —. ---- 5,839.89 Equipment -- ------------- -------- 470.70 $ 37,190.00 BUREAU OF VITAL STATISTICS 1 Registrar General-Miss Lemon............ ---.. ---..-..........$250.00 1 Deputy Registrar General-Mr. Akana -. --- —... ---- 200.00 7 Clerks- ---- --------------- -75.00 to 150.00 COST FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1928 Personal Services -$... ------------- $ 15,018.27 Other Expenses.... --- —----------- -- 3,979.81 Equipment -------- 399.50 $ 19,397.58 BUREAU OF SANITARY ENGINEERING 1 Sanitary Engineer —Mr. Tay..-.......- --------— $400.00 1 Assistant Engineer Mr. Lam --- —----------------- 200.00 1 Draftsman-Mr. Kalai ------— 160.00 (All on Oahu) 49 COST FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1928 Personal Services ----------- --------— 6,960.00 Other Expenses ---------—..........- 585.65 Equipment ------ - 7.88 $7,553.53 MOSQUITO CAMPAIGN.-.......... ---- -— $2,905.52 (No Special Personnel) SANITARY INSPECTION OAHU 1 Chief Sanitary Inspector-Mr. Arnold ---—. --- —-— $300.00 19 Assistant Inspectors ---------—..........~ 105.00 to 175.00 1 Junior Clerk ----------------------------- 125.00 HILO 1 Chief Sanitary Inspector-Mr. Charlock --—. ----.... 400.00 1 Supervising Inspector-Mr. Coceres ------------------ 225.00 7 Assistant Sanitary Inspectors ------------— 150.00 to 175.00 1 Principal Clerk-Mr. Hapai -----------------------.175.00 MAUI 1 Chief Sanitary Inspector-Mr. Lane ----—. --- —----- 225.00 3 Assistant Sanitary Inspectors -—....................... 125.00 KAUAI 1 Chief Sanitary Inspector-Mr. Christen -—.. ------ 225.00 1 Assistant Sanitary Inspector --------------------- 125.00 COST FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1928 Personal Services ------— $.......... $ 79,186.29 Other Expenses -.. —..... -------------.8,054.76 Equipment ------------- ---—. ---- -- 5.05 $ 87,246.10 BUREAU OF QUARANTINE SERVICE OAHU I Mechanic-Mr. Diney ----- -------- $175.00 1 Mechanic Assistant-Mr. Pang. --- —--—.. ------------ 125.00 4 Attendants --------—......... ----80.00 to 125.00 H-AWAII 1 Quarantine Officer ----------------—.......... 150.00 1 Clerk-Mr. Canario... --- —-------—..-.- ----- 100.00 1 Stenographer-Mr. Chang —.... --- —------------ 145.00 50 MAUI 1 Junior Clerk ------------------------------- 100.00 KAUAI 1 Junior Clerk ---------------------------- 100.00 COST FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1928 Personal Services -------—. -$ 11,676.27 Other Expenses --—.. --- —----- 12,871.74 Equipment.. --- —----------- 60.68 $ 24,608.69 QUARANTINE STATIONS (In charge of President of the Board of Health) OAHU 1 Handy man-Mr. Shea Chan. --- —----------- - $100.00 HILO 1 Attendant-Mrs. A. K. Brown --------------—. ----. 75.00 1 Cook -.. --- —---------------- ------------- 40.00 This so called quarantine station on Oahu is not a quarantine station, but simply a storage station and junk-shop for the Board of Health. COST FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1928 Personal Services -------------- $4,592.10 Other Expenses ------—...... - -- 2,500.87 Equipment —....... --- —---- 120.65 $7,213.62 PLAGUE CAMPAIGN HILO 1 Inspector-Mr. Telf. ----... --- —----- — $175.00 1 Dissector-Mr. Ho-a ------------------------------ 135.00 1 Dissector, Kaulupali....... --- —------------- 110.00 7 Trappers - ----- ------------- ------------------- 75.00 OAHU 1 Dissector-Mr. Carlo --------------- ----- 125.00 3 Trappers 65.00 COST FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1928 Personal Services -------- ---------- $ 17,507.12 Other Expenses ------- -— 5 --- —-------- 5,970.30 Equipment - ----- ------- 4.05 $ 23,481.47 51 BUREAU OF BACTERIOLOGY AND PATHOLOGY (In charge of President of the Board of Health) OAHU 1 Bacteriologist-Mr. Sinclair.-.-. -------—. --- —$250.00 HILO 1 Technician-Miss Hisey ------------ 175.00 1 Attendant-Mr. Silva ------------------- ------- 75.00 COST FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1928 Personal Services ----------—. ---- $6,378.06 Other Expenses ------------------------- 1,026.29 Equipment -.. --- —------------------- 7.72 $7,412.07 BUREAU OF MATERNAL AND INFANT HYGIENE 1 Supervisor of Nurses-Miss Smyth -------—.. ------— $250.00 (Also receives additional $50.00 per mo. as supervising nurse) 1 Nurse (Kauai)-Miss Wilcox ------------------------- 150.00 1 Nurse (Maui)-Miss 'Dent --—.. --- —--------------- 150.00 1 Nurse (Oahu)-Miss Schoen ------------------—... --- 150.00 1 Nurse (Hawaii)-Miss Vaughan -------— 1 --- —------ 150.00 1 Stenographer-Mrs. Bye -.... --- —----- 150.00 Part of foregoing paid by Federal Government, amounting to $11,625.96 for salaries and expenses not included below. COST FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1928 (Territorial only) Personal Services -..... ------—.... -$4,830.13 Other Expenses --—. --- —---------------- 1,717.01 Equipment —.......... --- —------ ---- 178.82 $6,725.96 Federal Aid.-$....... ----------—.$ 12,224.43 BUREAU OF VENERAL DISEASES (Clinic) 1 Physician-Dr. Benyas ------------—....- - $250.00 1 Nurse-Miss Edwards -------------------------- 160.00 1 Attendant-Mr. Coelho -—... -------------------- 55.00 COST FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1928 Personal Services -------—.......... $5,580.00 Other Expenses —.. —....- --------------- 1,741.63 Equipment -------------------------- 8.25 $7,329.88 52 AGENTS AND GOVERNMENT PHYSICIANS (Public Health and Vital Statistics) 30 Government Physician and Local Registrars -. ----------------—.- - $50.00 to $400.00 COST FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1928 Personal Services ---------- - -$ 37,064.67 Other Expenses. --- —----------------- - None Equipment --—.. --- —-----—..- --—.None $ 37,064.67 BUREAU OF PURE FOOD AND DRUG REGULATION 1 Food Commissioner and Analyst-Mr. Bairos ------- $400.00 1 Food Inspector-Mr. Schultz ------------------------- 225.00 1 Laboratory Assistant-Mr. Chun Wo -—.. --- —------- 150.00 1 Clerk-Mr. Coelho --------------------------- 125.00 COST FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1928 Personal Services $ —$ --- —-------— $ 10,800.00 Other Expenses -... --- —-------------- 1,324.91 Equipment ---- - 91.98 $ 12,216.89 TUBERCULOSIS TREATMENT AND PREVENTION 1 Directing Physician-Dr. Chamberlain -----—....... $500.00 1 Supervising Nurse-Miss M. Smyth -.. —...... ------ 50.00 24 Nurses..........- 110.00 to 175.00 3 Clerks -. —.. --- —----- ----— 100.00 to 150.00 1 Stenographer 80.00 6 Attendants -- --— 30.00 to 95.00 1 Auto Mechanic ----------------------- - 110.00 COST FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1928 Personal Services --------— $. --- —------ 53,456.24 Other Expenses..... --- —----- -------- 15,357.28 Equipment -------------- ----- 4,792.55 $ 73,606.07 GENERAL MEDICAL AND NURSING-PUUMAILO HOME (Under Chief Sanitary Inspector) 1 Nurse-Miss Peters ------------ ----------— $150.00 1 Nurse-Miss Dart ----------— 110.00 8 Attendants-. ---- —. --- —" —30.00 to 100.00 53 COST FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1928 Personal Services -------- $ 19,713.30 Other Expenses ---- --------- 16,508.66 Equipment ------------ 290.80 $ 36,512.76 TERRITORIAL HOSPITAL INSANE 1 Superintendent-Dr. Eckert ----- -----— $350.00 1 Physician-Dr. Kenure --- --------- ------ 300.00 1 Dentist-Dr. IHaddy ------- -------- 237.50 1 Principal Clerk-Mir. Benevedes --- -- --- 250.00 4 Supervising Helpers --------— 150.00 to 180.00 34 Guards --------------— 115.00 to 125.00 4 Cooks ------------------ 65.00 to 105.00 1 Laundryman ----------- --- ------ 90.00 1 Doctor's Cook ------------- - ------ 50.00 1 Waiter ------------- ------- 45.00 DRUG ADDICTS AND FEEBLE MINDED 5 Guards ---------------— $115.00 to $175.00 1 Cook ----------- -------------- 85.00 1 Laundryman --------- -- --------- 75.00 Dr. Haddy paid $475.00 per month-time about evenly divided between insane and leprous patients. COST FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1928 Personal Services --------- $108,022.05 Other Expenses ----------- 71,863.93 Equipment ------------ 4,220.49 $184,106.47 LEPER RECEIVING STATION-KALIHI HOSPITAL Per Mo. 1 Supervisor-Miss Clinton ---- -- ------ $175.00 1 Leper Officer --------------------- 175.00 1 Guard -- ------------------------------------------------------ 75.00 3 Cooks ------------------ 80.00 to 90.00 3 Waiters -----------------— 55.00 to 67.50 1 Clerk-works in Board Office on record of suspects and leprosy patients ----- -- ------- 125.00 1 Clerk-Ralihi Hospital -------- - ----- 75.00 54 KALAUPAPA SETTLEMENT-MOLOKAI Per Mo. 1 Superintendent-R. L. Cook -$400.00 1 Physician-Dr. McArthur --------—. --- —------ --—. 500.00 1 Asst. Physician-Dr. Tuttle.. ----------------—.. --- —------ 400.00 2 Chemists (part time) ----------------—... —95.00 and 150.00 1 Dentist-Dr. Haddy --------—...... --- —--- ----... 237.00 Cooks, police officers, attendants, etc., are made up of inmates on a changing payroll. Above Chemists make Chaulmoogra Oil for treatment of lepers-University Instructors. Above Dentist is paid $475.00 per month-about one-half time to Leper Patients and one-half to Insane Patients. COST FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1928 (Kalihi Receiving Station and Kalaupapa Settlement) Personal Services -------—.... ---- - $102,509.34 Other Expenses --------------------- --- 201,461.20 Equipment --—......- ---------- 6,980.10 $310,950.64 Note:-Aid of Indigent Lepers and discharged patients $... --- —---------------- $ 2,580.00 KALIHI BOY'S HOME (For non-leprous boys of leprous parentage-Honolulu) 1 Supervisor-Miss Keamalu ----------—... ------ - $140.00 1 Part-time Physician-Dr. Benz. --- —... --- —----- 50.00 1 Cook............ ----. --- —----. 75.00 1 Laundryman --------— 50.00 1 Laundryman --—.. --- —------------- 50.00 I Seamstress............ --- —-7.. 0 75.00 6 Nursery Attendants -—.- - - - -------------- 80.00 1 Yardman.. --- —-------- ---- --------- 50.00 COST FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1928 Personal Services --------—.$ 12,612.62 Other Expenses ------—.... ------- 13,493.49 Outlay -----------—. 9 — - ------- 972.81 $ 27,078.92 KAPIOLANI GIRLS' HOME (For non-leprous girls of leprous parentage-Honolulu) 1 Supervisor-Sister Helena ----------—.. ---------—.$ 40.00 5 Assistants-Sisters ------------------------ --- - 40.00 55 1 Part-time Physician-Dr. Benz.-... ------------- 50.00 1 Waiter... ---- ---------—.. --- —---..45.00 1 Chauffeur -------------------—. --- —. 80.00 COST FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1928 Personal Services -------------------— $7,273.70 Other Expenses ------------------— 12,950.98 Outlay..-.. --- —-. --- —--- ----------- 4,967.95 $25,192.63 BUREAU OF THE BUDGET Bureau Head: J. W. Lloyd, Director of the Bureau of the Budget. Appointment: Appointed by the Governor. (Confirmation by Senate not required.) Term: At pleasure of the Governor. Qualifications: None named. Compensation: $7500 per annum-by statute. Law References: Act 56, S. L., 1925-Providing for a Territorial budget system; Governor to transmit budget to Legislature prescribing contents thereof. Creation of Bureau-functions. Providing for Director of the Bureau; appointment, salary, duties and appropriation for expenses. J. R. 9, S. L., 1927-Vesting control of publicly owned automobiles in Director. Activities: In 1925 the Legislature provided for the creation of the Bureau of the Budget, to be in charge of a Director, appointed as aforesaid. The Bureau, under such rules and regulations as the Governor may prescribe, is charged with preparing for him, the budget, and any supplemental or deficiency estimates and in this undertaking has authority to assemble, correlate and revise the estimates submitted by the several departments or establishments of the government. The budget contains: (a) Estimates of the expenditures and appropriation for the support of the government for the ensuing biennium. (b) Estimates of the receipts during the same period. (c) The receipts and expenditures during the last completed biennial period. (d) Estimates of the receipts and expenditures during the biennial period then in progress. (e) The amount of appropriations available for expenditure 56 during the biennium in progress as of February 1st next preceding each regular session of the Legislature. (f) Balanced statements of the condition of the treasury at the end of the last completed biennial period, the estimated condition of the treasury at the end of the period in progress and the estimated condition of the treasury at the end of the ensuing biennial period under the proposals contained in the budget. (g) All essential facts regarding the indebtedness of the Government, and (h) Other facts and data relating to the financial condition of the Government. The Bureau further may by direction of the Governor make detailed studies of the various departments for the purpose of enabling the Governor to determine the nature of changes that may be desirable in promoting greater efficiency throughout these several departments. In connection with this function, all departments are to render such assistance and to make available such information as the Bureau may from time to time require. Upon the request of any Committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction over revenue or appropriations, the Bureau shall furnish such aid and information as may be desired. The Director of the budget, with the advice and consent of the Governor, has authority over all publicly owned automobiles, excepting the official car of the Governor, in their contral, maintenance and use and disposal. He may further determine a reasonable automobille allowance for those officials or agents to whom a public car has not been assigned. PERSONNEL 1 Director-J. W. Lloyd --—.. ---------- $625.00 1 Chief Clerk-Jas. S. Achong ------------------------- 300.00 1 Stenographer-Clerk-Mary K. Hart._-.. ------------- 200.00 1 Stenographer-Temporary for relief duty only ----- 150.00 COST FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1928 Personal Services --— $ --- —------ $ 17,184.50 Other Expenses ----------- ------ 837.47 Equipment -----.... --- —------ 433.95 $ 18,455.92 57 SUGAR EXPERT Sugar Expert: Andrew Adams. Appointment: Term of appointment at the pleasure of the Governor. Term Expires: December 7, 1929. Qualifications: Expert in sugar cultivation and problems involved. Compensation: Fixed biennially by Legislature. Present salary $6,000 annually. Law References: None. Activities: The Sugar Expert is the personal representative of the Governor; acts in an advisory capacity in rendering assistance to the homesteaders, devises suitable methods of cultivation of cane and disposal of the same to the sugar mills, together with certain assistance that may be rendered the homesteaders in this activity by the plantations. Establishing a standard form of statement of account rendered, which shows production expenditures on crops, the amounts received from the sale of crops, as well as homesteaders' personal accounts. PERSONNEL Per Mo. 1 Sugar Expert-Andrew Adams ---------------—....$500.00 COST FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1928 Personal Services ---—.. --- —------—. —$6,000.00 Other Expenses ------------------------- 935.78 Equipment --------------------------- 342.50 $7,278.28 (Mr. Adams also member Waiakea Homestead Commission at $100.00 per mo.) Temporary Services —Act 263 S. L., 1927 -$500.00). 58 BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF AGRICULTURE AND FORESTRY Commissioners: Term Expires: George Ii Brown-President ----------—......Feb. 1, 1932 A. H. Rice-Commissioner ------—... ------—. ----Jan. 19, 1932 G. G. Fuller-Commissioner --—.. --- —----------— Feb. 1, 1933 I. P. Agee-Commissioner -------—....Apr. 2, 1930 Bruce Cartwright, Jr.-Commissioner. --------— Oct. 1, 1931 Appointment: Five (5) members appointed by Governor, with consent of the Senate; one being designated by President of the Board for the term of 5 years, so arranged that the term of one expires each year. Qualifications: Citizens of the Territory and shall have resided therein for at least three years next preceding their appointment. Compensation: No compensation other than traveling and other expenses incidental to the business of the Board. Law References: Sec. 80 Org. Act-Appointment of Commissioners of Agriculture and Forestry. Ch. 47 R. L., 1925 Providing for the creation of the Board, as amended by appointment of Commissioners, qualificaAct 54 S. L., 1927 tions, tenure of office, general duties, exAct 215 S. L., 1927 penses and appointment of Executive Act 264 S. L., 1927 Secretary. Act 54 S. L., 1927-Prescribing powers and duties relating to forestry, entomology, plant inspection; to the animal industry and to fish and game. To make rules and regulations in conformity with the laws, etc. Activities: The functions and activities of the Board of Agriculture and Forestry are divided as follows: The administrative work of the Board is conducted by the Executive Secretary who assists the President as Executive Officer. He is appointed by the Board with the approval of the Governor, and his compensation is fixed from time to time by the Legislature. The Board appoints a Superintendent of Forestry, to be known as the "Territorial Forester" to direct the Department of Forestry-and by virtue of his office he is, ex-officio, "Chief Fire Warden" of the Territory. 59 He has control of all matters pertaining to forests, Forest Reservations, the protection of sources of water supply, control of stock within Forest Reserves, prevention and control of forest fires, reforestation, the elimination of wild stock, when necessary, and other incidental and related activities. Foresters may be appointed by the Board in the several districts of the Territory to assist in carrying out the law. They serve at the pleasure of the Board without pay. The Board further may appoint and fix the compensation of Assistant Foresters and Forest Rangers who have police powers concerning all matters relating to forests or Forest Reservations and the provision of the law under which the Board is authorized. The Chief Fire Warden has charge of all Fire Wardens and directs them in their duties in the prevention, control and extinguishing of forest fires. These District Fire Wardens are appointed by the Board in such number and localities as appears advantageous. They report all fires to the Chief Warden and are authorized to take immediate steps toward extinguishing the same and to this end lie may summon able bodied persons and requisition needed equipment and incur expense thereof. An entomologist, who is ex-officio Chief Plant Inspector, is appointed by the Board. He is in charge of the Department of Entomology concerned with the means for the control and extermination of agricultural and stock pets, plant diseases, destructive insects; with the eradication of noxious shrubs and weeds as are already in the Territory, and preventing the introduction of those not yet here. One or more Assistant Entomologists and other employees as required, may be appointed by the Board. The Superintendent of Animal Industry, known as the "Territorial Veternarian" is charged with all matters relating to the inspection- of animals and the prevention and eradication of diseases among animals and generally, to the animal industry throughout the Territory. He enjoys the powers, privileges and immunities of an Officer of the Board of Health. Bacteriologist, Deputy Veternarians, Livestock Inspectors and other employees may be appointed by the Board as needed. The Board has the power to quarantine any domestic animal, or destroy the same, for cause. The Governor may, by proclamation declaring any port or country infected, prohibit the entry of any animals therefrom until the restriction be removed. By Act 264, S. L., 1927, the Fish and Game Commission is abolished and all its powers and duties vested in the Board 60 of Agriculture and Forestry. In carrying out these powers and duties, the Board has established a Fish and Game Division, headed by a Chief Warden. This Department is charged with enforcing the laws relating to fish or wild game within the Territory and waters, subject to its jurisdiction, of establishing suitable fish hatcheries and game propagating stations, importing selected game, fish or spawn for the purpose of propagating the same in the Territory; and distributing, free of charge, fish and game for the purpose of increasing the food supply. Permits for commercial fishing boats are issued by the Board. Hunting and Fishing Licenses expiring on June 30th of each year, are issued by the Treasurer of any of the Counties, or by this Board, upon payment of the license fee. All fees so collected are paid into the Treasury of the County or City & County wherein collected; the same to be used for the preservation, propagation and importation of game birds and fish within such Counties. ORGANIZATIONS Administration Department of Forestry Department of Entomology Department of Animal Industry Division of Fish and Game PERSONNEL, ADMINISTRATION 1 Executive Secretary-Jos, L. Dwight -----------------— $400.00 1 Chief Clerk-Margaret Kelly ------------------------- 225.00 1 Librarian-Stenographer K. Bush -------------------- 150.00 4 Clerk-Steno. ------------------------ 100.00 to 125.00 2 Garage men ---------—.. —.. --- —-------.. 100.00 5 Laborers ----—.. --- —-----------.-50.00 to 60.00 1 Janitor and Messenger --------------------------- 75.00 COST FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1928 Personal Services -----------— $ 13,741.71 Other Expenses ----------------------- 2,286.53 Equipment --------------------------- 662.21 $ 16,690.45 PERSONNEL, FORESTRY 1 Territorial Forester-C. S. Judd -------- --—.$500.00 4 Assistant Foresters --------------------- 150.00 to 250.00 1 Forest Nurseryman-David Haughs ------------- - 250.00 61 1 Stenographer-Aulani Macy ------------------ 150.00 17 Forest Rangers -----------—.........75.00 to 137.50 3 Nursery Agents ---------------------- - 100.00 to 125.00 15 Planters ----------------------—,.75.00 to 80.00 49 Laborers ----- --- ----- --------------------— 70.00 to 100.00 3 Seed boys ------------------------- -40.00 to 100.00 Temporary laborers (at $3.00 per day) as reguired. COST FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1928 Personal Services -------—.- - $ 93,986.73 Other Expenses —....- -------- 13,643.15 Equipment ---------—... --- —.... 6,934.45 $114,564.33 PERSONNEL, ENTOMOLOGY 1 Entomologist-D. T. Fullaway ---- -..$450.00 1 Asst. Entomologist-E. W. Rust ---—.. —...... ---- 300.00 1 Asst. Dock Insp.-L. A. Whitney.. -----—. --- —---- 300.00 I Laboratory Asst.-Quan Chew Chock -.. --—... ------ 200.00 3 Termite Inspectors --------—...................75.00 to 175.00 7 Dock Inspectors -----—........ --- ——.- -35.00 to 175.00 1 Insectary Assistant —Sung Fu Wong -------—...-...- -- 55.00 4 Janitors ------------—.... —...- 50.00 to 55.00 COST FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1928 Personal Services -------— $-..........$ 26,340.00 Other Expenses --------- —..- 8,118.95 Equipment ----- - 1,349.44 $ 35,803.39 PERSONAL, ANIMAL INDUSTRY 1 Territorial Veternarian-L. E. Case.-........-...............-..$450.00 1 Asst. Territorial Veternarian-L. C. Moss.. ---..-...- 300.00 1 Bacteriologist-B. A. Gallagher. ---—. --- ——.- ---- 350.00 5 Deputy Terr. Veternarians (on other islands) -------- -—.... --- —- 150.00 to 250.00 1 Asst. Terr. Veternarian ------------------ -.. 75.00 1 Livestock Inspector -------------- -- - --- 200.00 1 Asst. to Bacteriologist. ---... -------- —... — - 125.00 1 Typist ---------------------------------------------- 100.00 2 Caretakers-Quar. Station --—.............125.00 to 150.00 1 Asst. Caretaker-Quar. Station. —..-....... --- —-. 100.00 I Laborer. 45.00 1 LDay Assistant --- ---------------- -15.00 1 Day Assistant -— I --- —--------------------------------------------— 1 0 0 62 COST FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1928 Personal Services — $ --- ----- 35,955.83 Other Expenses --—... --------------.7,013.64 Equipment -------------------------- 1,155.90 $ 44,125.37 PERSONNEL, FISH & GAME DIVISION 1 Chief Territorial Warden-H. L. Kelly -------------— $300.00 I Asst. Chief Territorial Warden-Irwin Wilson ------ 225.00 6 Asst. Territorial Wardens -------------------— 150.00 to 175.00 1 Stenographer —Helen Fuller ---------—... - - -. 115.00 2 Laborers ---------------------------- 75.00 to 90.00 COST FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1928 (From General Fund) Personal Services ------------- -$ 20,090.60 Other Expenses ----------------------- 6,210.04 Equipment --------------------------- 59.64 $ 26,360.28 (From Revolving Fund) Other Expenses ------------------- ---- 4,558.36 (Operating) ----—. --- —-_...... --- 217.98 $ 4,776.34 BOARD OF HARBOR COMMISSIONERS Commissioners: Term Expires: Lyman H. Bigelow, Chairman... --- —-------------— Ex-officio Sherwood M. Lowrey, Secretary. --- —---------— July 3, 1929 James Wakefield --------------—. -------- Sept. 6, 1931 James L. Friel -----—.. --- —-— Sept. 6, 1931 James Winne -------------- July 3, 1929 Appointment: Superintendent of Public Works ex-officio Chairman; other members appointed by the Governor, with advice and consent of the Senate. Term: Four years; in such manner that the terms of two Commissioners shall expire every second year. Terms begin on July 1st. Qualifications: Must be citizens of the Territory and have 63 resided therein for at least three years next preceding appointment. Compensation: No compensation to members other than pay as Superintendent of Public Works, to Chairman. Law References: Sec. 80 Org. Act-Creation. Ch. 62 R. L., 1925-General duties of Board, organization, etc. Sec. 799 R. L., 1925-Superintendent of Public Works to make surveys, maps and plans of harbors. Duties and Activities: Under this Board is provided the care, control and management of the shores, shore waters, navigable streams, harbors, harbor and waterfront improvements, ports, docks, wharfs, quays, bulkheads and landings belonging to or controlled by the Territory, the shipping using same, and the authority to use, permit and regulate the use of the above for receiving and discharging passengers and for loading and landing merchandise with a right to collect wharfage and demurrage thereon or therefor and subject under the provisions of law to fix and regulate the rates for all services rendered, rents or warehouse charges, rental of equipment, etcetera, except toll or tonnage charges on freight passing over docks and other landings in the Territory. This Board also supervises and controls the expenditures for harbor improvements, new construction, repairs, salaries and operating expenses, and enters into contracts and agreements executed on its behalf by its Chairman. Organization: The organization consists of a Board of five members, i. e., Superintendent of Public Works, Chairman exofficio, and four members, serving without salary. The Board has clerical and stenographic assistants. Other employees consist of eight Engineers, 2 Inspectors, 1 Foreman, 1 Harbormaster with Clerk, 2 Assistant Harbormasters, 3 Pilots in Honolulu; a Harbormaster-pilot at each harbor of Kahului, Hilo, Ahukini and Port Allen; 3 Harbor Police-Collectors; 3 Pilot Watchmen; 1 Pilot-boy; 2 Watchman; 1 Janitor; 1 Truck Driver; 9 Wharfsweepers; 17 Wharfingers at various ports, and a Beach Patrol at Waikiki consisting of a Captain and 4 patrolmen. PERSONNEL 1 Chairman-Hon. Lyman H. Bigelow —.................. $600.00 (Paid from Public Works Funds) 1 Clerk-Henry Norman Browne -- ----- 325.00 1 Stenographer-Henrietta A. Bertlemann -......... 190.00 1 Engineer-E. G. Keen. ---....... -----— 250.00 1 Engineer-J. L. Robertson --------.... --- —------ - 350.00 1 Engineer-B. F. Rush.... — - -------—.-........- 350.00 64 1 Engineer-F. W. Thrum -------------------------- 300.00 1 Engineer-A. C. Wilson ---—... ------------------- 350.00 1 Engineer (part time)-E. C. Webster -...-...............350.00 1 Engineer (part time)-R. H. Lowrie -. —........... 300.00 1 Engineer (part time)-J. 0. Yap ------.. --- —--- - 350.00 1 Inspector (part time)-E. H. Edwards ------ ----- 175.00 1 Inspector (part time) —W. H. Donnelly... ----------- 200.00 1 Foreman-T. It. Matthews --—. --- —--------------- 300.00 1 Harbormaster, Honolulu-Capt. Wm. R. Foster -.... 350.00 1 1st Asst. Harbormaster, Hon.-Capt. F. Utermann - 300.00 1 2nd Asst. II'b'rm'ter, Hon.-Capt. Chas. J. Fredholm 275.00 1 Clerk, Harbormaster's Office-Kam Wah Yuen ----. 90.00 3 Pilots, Honolulu -—. --- —--------------- 275.00 1 H'b'm'ter & Pilot, Kahului, Maui-Capt. G. Jennings 300.00 1 H'b'm'ter & Pilot,Hilo, Hawaii-Capt. Jas. G. Reid 300.00 1 Harbormaster & Pilot, Ahukini, KauaiJ. W. Bertrand ------------- -—..... --- —---- 50.00 1 Harbormaster & Pilot, Port Allen, KauaiW. M. Gorham ------—. --- —--—. --- —------. 50.00 3 Harbor Police & Collector, Honolulu ------— 125.00 to 130.00 3 Pilot Watchman, Honolulu —. --- —--------- 85.00 to 100.00 1 Pilot boy, Hilo ----—... - -—....... —....... 100.00 1 Watchman, Kahului, Maui ---------—. --- —-------- 100.00 1 Watchman, Hilo, Hawaii --—... --- —-.. --- —-- 70.00 1 Janitor, Harbormaster's Office, Honolulu --—. --- —-- 75.00 1 Truck Driver ---------------—. --- —-------- 135.00 9 Wharf Sweepers, Honolulu --—... -—... - ------- 75.00 1 Captain, Waikiki Beach Patrol -—... —.... --- —--- 110.00 3 Patrolmen, Waikiki Beach Patrol ---------- 15.00 to 90.00 17 Wharfingers-various points ----— I --- —--- 5.00 to 100.00 COST FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1928 BOARD OF HARBOR COMMISSIONERS Personal Services --------—. -$ 10,134.69 Other Expenses ----------------------- 1,913.02 12,047.71 FIRE BOATS Subsidies -25.0.0 --- —------------—. — 2.0 2,500.00 2,50000 DOCKS, WHARFS & LANDINGS Personal Services ----------------- -$113,328.33 Other Expenses ----------------------- 42,204.63 Equipment -------------------------- 6,087.47 161,620.43 $176,168.14 Not all of the foregoing salaries were paid from operating appropriations-some were charged to bond funds for permanent improvements and are not included in the totals given. 65 WAIMANO HOME (The Home for Feeble Minded) Commissioners: Term Expires: John Effinger, Chairman —. ---.. --- ——.. ---July 25, 1930 Arthur L. Andrews, Secretary —..- -----— Aug. 9, 1931 Nina L. D. Frazer ---------------------- Nov. 30, 1929 Rhoda G. Thayer ------—.. ---- July 25, 1930 John A. Hughes -. —. --- —------- July 7, 1928 Appointment: Five members appointed by the Governor, with consent of the Senate, who in turn appoint a Chairman. Term: Three years; rotating. Qualifications: Citizen having resided in Territory at least three years next preceding appointment. Compensation: None allowed. Law References: Sec. 1172 R. L., 1925-Creating Board of five members; appointment, and tenure of office. Sec. 1173-74 R. L., 1925-Authorizing Board to establish and maintain home for feeble-minded; to establish rules and regulations; appoint Superintendent and other personnal; fix salaries, etc. Sec. 1175-81 R. L., 1925-Defining feeble-minded persons; those entitled to admission; commitment; parole and discharge, etc. Sec. 1182 R. L., 1925-Disposition of funds accruing from agricultural or industrial pursuits. Duties and Activities: The Board of Commissioners for the Home for Feeble Minded (Waimano Home) is charged with the establishment and maintenance of a Home for Feeble-minded, conducted on the "Farm Colony" plan. It has authority to prescribe rules and regulations for the management of the Institution; to appoint qualified personnel and other employees and to perform all other necessary acts in the conduct of the Home. Persons, if not insane, who are feeble-minded, mentally deficient or epileptic, are entitled to admission to the Home, subject to the prevailing rules and regulations governing admission. Commitments may be made: (a) By a Court of competent jurisdiction. (b) The Board may enter into agreement with parents or guardians of feeble-minded persons, not committed by a Court, 66 to assume their custody and training and to fix the compensation to be paid therefor. (c) The case of a dependent or delinquent child before a Juvenile Court may be adjourned and the child committed to the Home on competent evidence that the child is feeble-minded. (d) On conviction of a person of a crime, misdemeanor, or on a child being found liable to be sent to an Industrial School or other Institution, the Court if satisfied on the evidence that the person or child is feeble-minded, may suspend sentence and commit such person or child to the Home for Feeble-minded. Parole or discharge may be granted by the Board when it appears that the inmate will be properly cared for or that his detention is no longer necessary. Proceeds from the agricultural and industrial pursuits are available for the use of the Board in the operation of the home. Appropriations for support are made biennially by the Legislature. PERSONNEL 1 Superintendent-Dr. T. L. Taylor.-......-...................$350.00 1 General Matron-Bonnie Rhoads -------.... --- —---—....-. 150.00 1 Farm Foreman-George C. Earl ---...................... 150.00 1 Secretary-Bookkeeper-Ella Brown -—. —. --- —---—.... 100.00 1 Teacher-Vivian Gingles ---------............ ---........ 100.00 1 Clerk-Stenographer-Geneva Hartley --—. --- —------ 100.00 1 Cook-Mrs. Sarah Rego ------—. --- —- ---—.. ---... ---. 95.00 1 Asst. Cook-Mrs. Mary Madsen ---—............ —. —.. 75.00 1 Industrial Teacher (Seamstress)-Mrs. Laura Hoe. 85.00 1 Laundress-Emily Madeiros -------------------------—.. 85.00 1 Carpenter and Repair Man-Jos. Sanborn —... --- ——. 100.00 1 Male Supervisor-Wm. Moulton -----------------—. --- 100.00 1 Vacation Relief (male)-John C. Smith ----------- - 75.00 1 Trained Nurse-Mrs. M. A. McNeill ----. --- —---------- 125.00 1 Vacation Relief (female)-Dora Kahanu ------------ 75.00 12 Attendants --—.- ---------------------- -----—. --- — 75.00 2 Temporary Reliefs ---------—. --- — -------------- 75.00 1 Temporary Clerk-Steno. - —. --- —-------------------- 100.00 All employees have full living as provided at the Institution. COST FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1928 Personal Services -$. --- —-.. --- —------— $ 34,458.03 Other Expenses - --... --- ——. --- — 34,701.45 Equipment -—...-.. —.- -- ------.6,111.74 $ 75,271.22 67 BOARD OF REGENTS, UNIVERSITY OF HAWAII Board Members: Term Expires Charles R. Hemenway, Chairman -..-.. --- ——. — June 22, 1931 David L. Crawford, Sec. ex-officio ---------—. -- Rev. Akaiko Akana. ---- —. ---Apr. 30, 1930 George Ii Brown, ex-officio. --- —-------—. — Dr. Charles B. Cooper.-.......... ------—.Apr. 30, 1932 Mary Dillingham Frear. --- —------------ June 5, 1929 Arthur G. Smith. ----.. — ---— Apr. 30, 1928 Appointment: President of University (to act as secretary) ex-officio. President of Board of Agriculture and Forestry ex-officio. Other 5 members, citizens of Territory, appointed by the Governor, with consent of the Senate for term of 5 years, in such manner that one expires on April 30th of each year. Compensation: Salary of President of University-$10,000 annually (in appropriation by Legislature for University). Law References: Ch. 33 R. L., 1925-Establishing University. Assent to Acts of Congress providing grants of moneys providing for endowment and maintenance of colleges for the benefit of agriculture and mechanic arts, etc. Board of Regents, appointment, tenure of office and defining their powers and duties. Purposes and privileges. Faculties, appointment and control. Relating to suits. Appropriations, accounts, annual report to Governor. Providing for establishment, management and function of a psychological and psycopathic clinic. Ch. 34 R. L., 1925-Aquarium and marine biological laboratory under direction of Regents. Act 128 S. L., 1925-Authorizing Regents to act as trustee in behalf of the University. J. R. 4, 1927-Memorial to Congress re: Claim on behalf of University for recognition by Federal Government of right to share in benefits of certain Acts of Congress. Sec. 28 R. L., 1925-Designating University as depository for all printed reports and publications by Territorial offices and Departments. Act 78 S. L., 1927-Agricultural Experiment Station at Waiakea in connection with University. 68 Activities: The University of Hawaii is the outgrowth of the College of Hawaii and as now established consists of the College of Applied Science and the College of Arts and Sciences. The general management and control of affairs of the University is vested in the Board of Regents, appointed as aforesaid. The Board has the power to appoint a President, Treasurer and other necessary Officers and personnel; to purchase property; expend funds at the disposal of the University; adopt a seal, etc. The faculties of the University are under direction of the President, appointed by the Board of Regents, of which he becomes ex-officio a member. Standards of instruction shall be equal to those of similar Universities throughout the United States and the privileges of the Institution shall not be denied to any person by reason of sex, color or nationality. Military instruction is given as required by the Federal Government. A Psychological and Psychopathic Clinic, created to investigate mental diseases within the Territory is under control of the Regents; likewise the continued maintenance of the Aquarium and Marine Biological Laboratory at Waikiki and the Agricultural Experiment Station at Waiakea, Hawaii. The principal support for the University is from funds appropriated by the Legislature; other sources being the Federal Government, Institutional funds, student fees and gifts. The Regents are required to keep suitable books of account and to submit an annual report to the Governor showing receipts from all sources and expenditures for all purposes. PERSONNEL, GENERAL OFFICES (From Territorial Appropriations) 1 President-David L. Crawford -------—.. --—... —$833.33 1 Treasurer-G. R. Kinnear -—.. --- —--------------- 350.00 1 Secretary to President-Lenore Hoffman. --- —----- 175.00 1 Clerk-Nora Potter. ----. ------------------- 150.00 1 Cashier-J. Florence Iseman ------------------------- 150.00 1 Secy. to Treasurer-Myrtle Swanson ---------—... --- —-..- 162.50 1 Clerk-Rose Beller.......... --- —- —................ 125.00 GENERAL UPKEEP 1 Supt. of Buildings and Grounds ------—....1.7 --- —- 175.00 5 Yardmen -.. —............... —. —70.00 to 75.00 1 Watchman ------------------— 70.00 3 Janitors —.... --- —------------- 80.00 to 102.50 1 Janitress ------------------ -----. 40.00 69 SHOP OPERATIONS 1 Mechanic-Clarence Owen ---------------------- --- 185.00 1 Asst. Mechanic-Roy Calvert ------------------------ 160.00 INSTRUCTIONAL 18 Professors -----------------—. --- —-— 25.00 to 400.00 28 Instructors ------------—......... 25.00 to 350.00 3 Asst. Instructors ----------—. --- —---- 40.00 to 125.00 1 Registrar. —.. --- —--- ------ -—. --- —-- 225.00 1 Secy. to Registrar ----------------------------- 125.00 1 Stenographer -----------— _- --------- ----.0 125.00 1 Bandmaster ----------------—. — -------- 50.00 1 Athletic Director ----------------------------- 350.00 1 Dean of Women and Instructor -------------- ----- 250.00 EXTENSION DEPARTMENT 1 Director-M. D. L. Forbes -------------------------- 250.00 1 Asst. Director-Etta Radke ----------------------- 200.00 1 Asst. M'k't'g. Agent-Hong C. Wong --- --------------- 125.00 1 Stenographer ----—. --- —---------- --—. --- 100.00 1 Special Agent-Y. B. Goto. --- —---—. --- —----------- 70.00 LIBRARY 1 Librarian-Mary Pringle --------------------------- 225.00 1 Associate Librarian-Marie Burrows ---------------- 200.00 1 Library Assistant-Mary Alexander —.. --- —------- 165.00 1 Library Assistant-Euphe G. M. Shields ------------ 142.50 1 Library Assistant-Georgie Johnson -------------- 130.00 1 Asst. Cataloguer-Cynthia Geiser -------------------- 160.00 1 Library Assistant-Esther Stewart ----------------- 135.00 FARM 1 Superintendent-Noah Pekelo ----------------------- 175.00 1 Mechanic-John Bray, Sr.. --------------------.. 100.00 2 Laborers. --- —----------- ----- ---- 35.00 and 60.00 1 Teamster ---------------------- —. ------- - 75.00 2 Delivery Boys --------------------------—. 6.25 PSYCHOLOGICAL CLINIC 1 Director-Stanley D. Porteus --------—. --- —----- - 500.00 1 Asst. Psychologist-Marjorie E. Babcock --- --------- 250.00 1 Stenographer-Thaddeus Coy Kendall —. ---: ----- 70.00 1 Research Assistant-C. M. Louttit --— 9.0.0 ----. --- —- 90.00 70 WAIAKEA EXPERIMENTAL STATION 1 Superintendent-Robt. Pahau --------- 200.00 1 Luna-Eugene Spencer ------------- 60.00 1 Laborer ------------------- 44.00 Also temporary labor as necessary. FROM UNIVERSITY FUNDS INSTRUCTIONAL 10 Professors, Instructors and Assistants ----35.00 to 225.00 GENERAL UPKEEP 7 Janitors-Janitress ------------ 40.00 to 90.00 1 Gymnasium Custodian -------------- 115.00 EXTENSION DEPARTMENT 1 Assistant ---------------------- 10.00 FARM 3 Milkers ---------------- 65.00 to 85.00 1 Dairyboy ------------ ------- 90.00 1 Irrigator --- ------------- - ---- 70.00 1 Nursery man ---------- - -- ------ 65.00 5 Laborers ----------------— 30.00 to 65.00 PSYCHOLOGICAL CLINIC 1 Assistant Psychologist ----- -- ------- 25.00 2 Research Assistants ---------— 166.67 to 250.00 1 Part-time Stenographer ----- -- ------ 60.00 CARNEGIE CHAIR OF PACIFIC RELATIONS 1 Lecturer ---------------------------------------------- 500.00 BIOLOGICAL RESEARCH 1 Prof. of Bilogical Research-Frederick Wood Jones- 625.00 1 Aquarium Custodian -------------- 170.00 1 Aquarium Cashier ---------------- 75.00 2 Aquarium Fishermen --------— 65.00 & 75.00 OPERATING f 1 Cashier-Bookshop -------—. ------- 125.00 1 Clerk-Business Office ------------- 75.00 1 Telephone Operator ------------—. 60.00 1 Cafeteria Manager ---------------- 130.00 1 Cook ------------------- 115.00 1 Asst. Cook ----------------- 65.00 1 Dishwasher ----------------- 50.00 2 Waitresses ---------------- 50.00 & 65.00 71 FROM FEDERAL FUNDS INSTRUCTIONAL 12 Professors -.- -------- -------— 200.00 to 400.00 1 Instructor --------------- 100.00 COST FOR YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1928 FROM GENERAL FUND Personal Services —. --- —- $212,065.28 Other Expenses -------- 33,437.27 Equipment ----------- 18,400.80 $263,903.35 FROM REVOLVING FUND (Waiakea Demonstration Farm) Personal Services -----— $ 6,696.18 Other Expenses ----------- 3,407.58 Equipment ---- ------------ 33.00 $ 10,136.76 FROM SPECIAL FUNDS Personal Services ------— $ 59,880.45 Other Expenses ---------- 47,316.98 Outlay ---------------- 4,325.89 $111,523.32 FROM FEDERAL FUNDS Personal Services ---- ---— $ 50,575.00 BOARD OF INDUSTRIAL SCHOOLS Board Members: Term Expires James P. Morgan-Chairman --------- Jan. 21, 1931 Judge E. M. Watson —Ex-officio -------------- Mrs. Betty von Holt ----------— Nov. 17, 1930 Mrs. Emelie Macfarlane ---------- -Jan. 7, 1929 Chas. S. Crane --- —---------------------------- --- - Oct. 4, 1932 May T. Wilcox ----------- Oct. 14, 1929 Father Valentine Franckx ------------ June 5, 1928 F. Lang Akana-Executive Secretary Sadie C. Steritt-Supt. Girls' Industrial School George A. Wesson-Supt. Boys' Industrial School Appointment and term: Judge of Juvenile Court of First Judicial Circuit, ex-officio member. Six members appointed by 72 Governor, with consent of the Senate. Three shall be women, to serve for term of 4 years. Term of three members expires every 2 years. Compensation: No compensation to Board Members; actual expenses only. Law References: Ch. 30 R. L., 1925, Sec. 352-355-Creating board of seven members for management and control of Industrial and Reformatory Schools; tenure of office, etc. Sec. 356-357 R. L., 1925-Providing for establishment and control of Industrial and Reform Schools when necessary and when funds available by Legislative appropriation. Sec. 357-360 R. L., 1925-Board to prescribe rules and regulations for its organization; for method of handling funds appropriated and for other purposes. Sec. 358 R. L., 1925-The "Industrial School Budget." All appropriations for the Board's use shall be made from the general revenues of the Territory and not out of the special fund for the maintenance of public schools. Sec. 359-360 R. L., 1925-Refers to personnel records and certain financial records and annual reports to the Governor. Sec. 361-370 R. L., 1925-Defines object of schools, plan for commitments, care and treatment of the children, etc. Activities: The Board of Industrial Schools has the entire management and control of all public Industrial and Reformatory Schools in the Territory and of all places of detention used in connection therewith. The Board has power to make rules and regulations, not contrary to law, providing for the organization of the Board, for the control and operation of all schools under the Act, for the methods by which available funds are expended and for other necessary purposes. The "Industrial School Budget" is prepared on or before the 15th of December and beginning with 1918 for every second year thereafter, showing the estimated expenses of all operations and the expenses of the Board. Complete and detailed personnel records shall be kept of all inmates in every school and an account kept of all moneys and other avails received for work performed, together with authorized expenditures therefrom. Annual reports shall be made to the Governor for each calendar year, such reports to contain a full statement of all financial and other transactions of the Board, and information concerning the condition of the schools. "The only object of the schools shall be the detention, management, education, employment, reformation and maintenance of such children as shall be committed thereto, who shall be surrendered to the Board as guardians thereof for the term of 73 their minority or who shall be received at such schools as by law provided." District Magistrates, Circuit Courts and Circuit Judges within their discretion, may commit offenders duly convicted before them, under 18 years of age, to industrial and reformatory schools for any term within their minority-the above officials, on proper representation, have the power to sentence for any term within their minority, any child under 18 years of age who lives an idle or dissolute life, whose parents are dead, or who shall neglect such child. The Board has power to accept from parents or guardians, the surrender of a child for the period of minority-and the application of fees for such children is at the discretion of the Board. Briefly, the institutions care for all juvenile delinquents who are not paroled or put on probation by the Juvenile Court in Honolulu or the Circuit Judges elsewhere in the Territory, who act as Juvenile Judges. Instruction is chiefly vocational and the children receive some portion of their earnings. There are now two Industrial Schools under supervision of the Board; one for boys, located at Waialee, Oahu-and one for girls, at Kailua, Oahu. PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATION 1 Executive Secretary-F. Lang Akana -----------—... -— $250.00 COST FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1928 Personal Services ------------— $ 3,000.00 Other Expenses ---------------------—. 505.61 Equipment --------— 0.00 --- — ------- 0.00 $ 3,505.61 GIRLS' INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL 1 Superintendent-Sadie C. Sterritt.-. —..$300.00 1 Assistant-Curtis Benkman —... ----- --------------—. 200.00 1 Parole Officer-Elsie M. Benkham -—.. --- —---------- 200.00 1 Nurse-Isabelle Hartung.-... —.- --- 125.00 1 Academic Instructor-Miss Keohokalole -..-........ 100.00 8 Instructors --—............... 90.00 to 100.00 5 Assistant Instructors --—. -....................60.00 to 75.00 1 Carpenter-Mechanic ----—.. ---- --- - 150.00 1 Foreman (Kailua) ------- --—..................... 125.00 1 Night Watchman -------.............. --- —-- - 100.00 1 Dairyman and Farmer ----—.... ---—.-..- ---—. 85.00 74 1 Assistant Dairyman -----------------—. --- —----- 75.00 1 Physician (part time)-E. D. Kilbourne ----------- 50.00 Temporary relief and assistants as required. COST FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1928 FROM GENERAL FUND Personal Services --------—. --- —----- $ 33,833.55 Other Expenses ---------------------- _.18,205.52 Equipment —.... --- —------ 2,770.71 $ 54,809.78 FROM SPECIAL FUND Personal Services --------------------- 435.75 Other Expenses --—...,. --- —--.2,009.43 Outlay -------—. --- —-—. --- —. --- 1,287.75 $ 3,732.93 BOYS' INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL 1 Superintendent-Geo. A. Wesson -----— $300.00 1 Chief Engineer-J. R. Collins -------------- ------------ 225.00 1 Assistant Superintendent-Luella Wesson -—.. ---- 200.00 1 Head Carpenter-Chris Johnson ---—. --- —- -. --- —--- 160.00 1 Tailor-J. P. Rodrigues ---------------------- ----- 160.00 1 Assistant Engineer-J. W. Searle ----------- ---------- 140.00 1 Parole Officer-J. J. Gibson ------------------- --- 125.00 1 Detail Officer-Ben Pulau -------------------------- 110.00 1 Cook-Mrs. J. W. Searle -----—... --- —-—...- ----- 110.00 1 Bookkeeper-Harry Kapeha ---- ---------------------- 100.00 1 Physician-Claude Buffett _ --- —--- -- 100.00 1 Matron-Mrs. Cummings ---—. --- —-------------- - 100.00 9 Instructors -—... --- ——. —, —85.00 to 125.00 1 Farmer ------- - ---------------—.- ---- 100.00 1 Asst. Matron ------------------ ---------- 75.00 4 Night Watchmen ----- --- -- 85.00 1 Vacation relief (temporary) -------------------------- 75.00 COST FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1928 FROM GENERAL FUND Personal Services.-$.. --- —--------—.$ 38,145.88 Other Expenses ----------------------- 35,870.86 Equipment ----------------------- - - 3,749.98 $ 77,766.72 FROM SPECIAL FUND Personal Services ------------------— $ 2,551.67 Other Expenses ----------------------- 5,648.21 Outlay --------------- ------------ 7,413.23 $ 15,613.11 75 LIBRARY OF HAWAII Officers and Trustees: Term Expires: Rt. Rev. Henry B. Restarick-President —..-.......... Dec. 7, 1933 Mrs. Ethelinda Castle-Vice-President. - -—...July 12, 1929 A. IC. Alexander-Secretary..-.....-.....-...........-Dec. 7, 1933 A. Lewis, Jr.-Treasurer. —..-... ----—..... July 1, 1930 F. E. Blake-Trustee ----—.......... ----- --—.May 9, 1933 W. W. Thayer-Trustee -------—... --- — May 2, 1929 Bruce Cartwright, Jr.-Trustee.... —.. --- —-..- May 2, 1929 Appointment: Three members who are residents of the Territory appointed by the Governor; three appointed by the Governor on nomination of Honolulu Library and Reading Rooms Association and one appointed by the Governor on nomination of the Hawaiian Historical Society. Term: Six years, arranged so that approximately a third retire every two years. Compensation: To serve without compensation. Law References: Sec. 416420-Establishing the Library of Hawaii. Providing for Board of Trustees; appointment; tenure of office; duties, etc. Providing for consolidation of the Honolulu Library and Reading Rooms Association and the Hawaiian Historical Society. Trustees to appoint officers and employees. Annual Report to the Governor as of December 31st. Sec. 428 R. L., 1925-Directed to assist all County Free Libraries and Free Public Libraries. Sec. 28 R. L., 1925-Designated as depository for all printed reports and publications by Territorial offices or departments. Act 15 S. L., 1925-Re: malicious injury to books, removal, etc. Sec. 425 R. L., 1925-Trustees to call convention annually, of County Librarians. Sec. 423 R. L., 1925-Trustees to pass on qualifications of County Librarians. Duties and Activities:..The Library of Hawaii is now governed by a Board of Trustees of seven members, by virtue of consolidation therewith of the Honolulu Library and Reading Rooms Association and the Hawaiian Historical Society by agreements authorized by law, such trustees being appointed and serving as aforesaid. The Board is charged with the duties 76 of control and management of all property in any manner acquired for the use and purpose of the Library; to receive and be responsible for all funds available; to receive gifts and acquire all proper books and publications, arrange and catalog the same; to maintain branches throughout the Territory; to appoint a President, Secretary and Treasurer from among its members and other necessary officers and employees, and to make all necessary rules and regulations. The Board is further authorized to enter into agreements, with approval of the Governor, with existing agencies for the proper extension of its prescribed functions, and to assist all County Free Libraries and Free Public Libraries in all possible ways. Support for the Library is mainly from funds appropriated biennially by the Legislature, supplemented by donations and monies received from time to time from private sources. PERSONNEL I Librarian-Margaret E. Newman --------- $325.00 1 Chief Clerk-Clarence Takata ------------------------ 160.00 1 Head, Circulating Dept.-Myrtle Coleman.. --- —----- 180.00 1 2nd Reference Asst.-Christal Fox -.. —.............. ----150.00 1 2nd Asst. Circulating Dept.-Ruth Alkire.... --- —-- 140.00 1 Typist Circulating Dept.-Helen F. Ellis -----------—. 100.00 1 Library Aide-W. Zane -------------------- 1. 125.00 1 Asst. Librarian-Caroline Green -------------------—. 250.00 1 1st Reference Asst.-Alma Jonson -------------------— 155.00 1 1st Asst. Circulation Dept.-Alice Baily ------------—. 150.00 1 Clerk —Periodical Dept.-Harry Chang..-...... 115.00 1 Head School Dept.-Mary S. Lawrence -—. --- —----- 200.00 1 Asst. School Dept. ----—.:... ---. --- —----—.. 170.00 1 Asst. Children's Dept. —Lola Billinger. --- —----------- 175.00 1 1st Asst. Children's Dept.-Ruth Freesal. --- —------- 155.00 1 Jr. Assistant-Koon Mau --—.. --- —-------- 85.00 1 Head, Stations Dept.-Florence Klamer -------------- 185.00 1 1st Asst. Head, Stations Dept.-Constance Clark ---- 150.00 1 Shipping Clerk-Greg K. S. Ho ----------------------- 115.00 5 Custodians -----------------------— 10.00 to 25.00 1 Head, Bindery Dept.-Maud Jones ------—. --- —----- 185.00 1 1st Asst. Catalog Dept.-Maud Mosely -. —. --- —--- 155.00 1 Clerk Catalog Dept.-Quan Ching -------------------- 110.00 1 Typist-Kathleen Stone --—.. --- ——. --- —------- 85.00 1 Head, Catalog Dept.-S. R. Sutherland --------------- 120.00 1 Asst. Bindery Dept.-Dorothy Wood --—. --- —---- 135.00 1 Head Janitor-Wong Lau -------------------- - 100.00 2 Asst. Janitors ------------------------------ 85.00 1 3rd Reference Assistant-Alice Paddock ------------- 90.00 77 COST FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1928 Personal Services --— $ --- —--- --— $ 55,036.59 Other Expenses ----------- ------ 10,382.09 Equipment ---- - 15,152.58 $ 80,571.26 COUNTY FREE LIBRARIES Hawaii-Hilo Free Library. ----------------— By Agreement Maui-Maui County Free Library Kauai-Kauai Library Assn., Ltd. ----------—...By Agreement HAWAII BOARD Term Expires: Dr. Milton Rice-President ---------------------— Dec. 31, 1928 Mr. E. N. Holmes-Vice-President -------------— Dec. 31, 1928 Dr. H. B. Elliott-Treasurer -------------------- Dec. 31, 1930 Mrs. L. C. Lyman-Secretary ------------—. --- —-Dec. 31, 1928 Miss Josephine Deyo-Member ------------- - Dec. 31, 1930 Judge Homer Ross-Member -------------------— Dec. 31, 1929 Mrs. A. S. LeBaron Gurney-Member ---------— Dec. 31, 1930 Mr. Stephen Desha, Jr.-Member ----—. --- —--— Dec. 31, 1930 Mr. Harry Irwin-Member --------------------— Dec. 31, 1929 MAUI BOARD Mr. Joseph H. Gray-Chairman -............... Jan. 1, 1930 Mr. Harold Rice-Member --------—... —Jan. i, 1930 Mr. J. P. Cockett-Member --—......................Jan. 1, 1930 Mrs. Kathryn Case-Member -----—... ---------— Jan. 1, 1930 Mrs. F. F. Baldwin-Member ------------------- Jan. 1, 1930 KAUAI BOARD Mr. Frank Crawford-President --—.. --- —----— May 24, 1929 Mrs. D. R. Isenberg-Vice-President ----—.- May 24, 1929 Mrs. H. D. Sloggett-Secretary —.............May 24, 1929 Mr. W. N. Stewart-Treasurer ------—.... -----— May 24, 1929 Appointment:For County Free Library, board of 5 members appointed by the Board of Supervisors to serve for term of 2 years, without compensation. Qualifications: None named. Law References: Ch. 36 R. L., 1925-Establishing County Free Libraries. Managing board appointed, duties, etc. 'County librarians, qualifications, duties, conventions and reports. 78 Relations with Free Public Libraries and Library of Hawaii. Duties and Activities: County Free Libraries may be established in the several Counties of the Territory by the Boards of Supervisors, who appoint a managing board of 5 members who have general supervisions and control over the Library and make necessary rules and regulations within the law, for the administration thereof. The Board appoints the county librarian on recommendation of the Board of Trustees of the Library of Hawaii and other employees; establishes branch stations, etc. Annual reports concerning the operations and requirements of the Library are submitted to the Board of Supervisors and to the Trustees of the Library of Hawaii, which reports are in turn incorporated in the Report of the Library of Hawaii. The County Librarian shall be the executive head in charge of the activities of the Library and it shall be the duty of Librarians to attend the annual conventions of County Librarians, called annually by the Library of Hawaii. Instead of establishing a separate County Free Library, a Board of Supervisors may contract with an existing Free Library to the end that such Library assume the functions of a County Free Library. It is this last provision of the law that was exercised for the County of Hawaii, with the Hilo Public Library-and for Kauai, with the Kauai Public Library Association. The Maui County Free Library was established directly by the Supervisors. Principal support for these institutions is appropriated biennially by the Legislature, supplemented by private and County funds. PERSONNEL-HILO PUBLIC LIBRARY 1 Librarian-Mrs. Isable Welsh --------------- ----- $250.00 1 Asst. Librarian-Caroline Shipman -. --- —------ 125.00 1 'Childrens' Librarian-Ella Danielson ---—. --- —--- 190.00 1 Cataloger-Virginia Atkins ------—. — - - 160.00 1 Asst. Cataloger-Eunice Russell --------- 135.00 1 Typist-Sylvia Charlock ---------------------- -- 80.00 1 Page ------------------------------------------ --------- 30.00 1 Yardman. --- —------------- -- ------ 10.00 7 Custodians -----------------------— 5.00 to 50.00 1 Janitor- S. Hori. --- —-------- ---- ---- --- 50.00 79 MAUI COUNTY FREE LIBRARY 1 Librarian-Juliet Merrill ----- - ------ 225.00 1 Childrens' Librarian-Charlotta Hoskins ------ 150.00 1 Assistant Librarian ------------- --- 90.00 1 Clerk -- ------------- ------------ 75.00 1 Assistant.-. ------------------------------- 65.00 9 Custodians --------------------— 10.00 to 15.00 1 Trained Assistant (temporary) --- -- ----- 150.00 1 Janitor --------------------------------------------------- --- 35.00 KAPAI PUBLIC LIBRARY ASSN. 1 Librarian-Agnes D. Smith --- - - ---- 225.00 1 Assistant Librarian-Hilda Smith ---- - ---- 75.00 1 Childrens' Librarian ------- - - ------ 125.00 1 Typist ------------------------------------— 55.00 6 Custodians ----------------— 5.00 to 10.00 1 Janitor ---------------------- 45.00 COST FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1928 Personal Other Services Expenses Equipment Total Library of Hawaii --—...........$ 55,036.59 $ 10,382.09 $ 15,152.58 $ 80,571.26 Maui County Free Library... 9,666.60 2,729.12 5,776.95 18,172.67 Hilo Public Library............. 13,740.00 4,281.53 7,829.80 25,851.33 Kauai Public Library Assn. 7,843.22 1,854.37 4,807.57 14,505.16 $ 86,286.41 $ 19,247.11 $ 33,566.90 $139,100.42 FARM LOAN BOARD Board Members: Term Expires C. T. Bailey, Commissioner of Public Lands — --— Ex-officio Henry C. Hapai, Treasurer, Territory of HawaiL Nov. 30, 1929 H. R. Hewitt, Attorney General --- —--- - June 21, 1932 Appointment: Three (3) members appointed by the Governor, with advice and consent of the Senate. Term: Four (4) years. 80 Qualifications: Attorney General, Commissioner of Public Lands and Treasurer of the Territory shall be eligible. Further qualifications not named. Compensation: $100.00 per month and necessary traveling expenses. When officials as above named are appointed, they shall receive the compensation herein provided in addition to their salaries as officials of the government. Law References: Ch. 48 R. L., 1925-Creation of Board, powers and duties. Act 269 S. L., 1925-Increasing salary of Secretary to $400.00 per month, and traveling expenses. Activities: The Farm Loan Board consists of three members and an Executive Secretary. The several Tax Assessors, Deputy Tax Assessors and Sub-land Agents throughout the Territory are constituted agents of the Board for the purpose of appraising the value of any property which may be the subject of a loan and for such other.matters as may be directed by the Board. Such agents serving generally without additional compensation. The Board is authorized to make loans secured by first mortgage on farm lands within the Territory and also to accept as security for any loan, a mortgage over livestock, over chattels and on growing crops, and to exercise such incidental powers as may be necessary. Persons making application for loans shall be citizens of the United States and residents of the Territory for the preceding three (3) years and bona fide residents on the land in question, as defined in the Act. Loans may be made: (a) To provide for the purchase of agricultural land. (b) For buildings, fences and certain other permanent improvements, for the cost of the preparation, planting and cultivation of land, purchase of fertilizers, seeds and farming equipment and for purchase of livestock. (c) To liquidate any indebtedness by farm land-owners when incurred in the approved purposes of the act. Loans to any one borrower shall be limited in maximum amount to $5,000 and be not less than $100.00. All mortgages bear simple interest at 6% per annum, and no loan shall exceed 60% of the value of the security offered. In all cases the Board satisfies itself as to: (a) The desirability of the proposed expenditures. (b) The nature and value of the security. (c) The prospect of a fair return to the applicant. (d) The moral risk of the applicant. (e) The bona fide residence of applicant. The activities of the Board extend to a supervision of the proper maintenance of buildings, improvements, stocks, im 81 plements and condition of lands, systems of husbandry, to the application of funds derived from loans, and generally, to rendering the borrower constructive assistance and advice in his various undertakings. To facilitate the functions and operations of the Farm Loan Board, the Act provided for the creation of three (3) funds: 1st. The "Reserve Fund" for which an appropriation of $15,000 was originally allotted. All fees received and interest on loans collected are credited to this fund and all losses are paid into the Revolvoing Fund from the Reserve Fund. 2nd. The "Revolving Fund" received an original allottment by appropriation of $100,000 and later transfers from the "Surplus Fund", to be loaned by the Board. All payments received on account of principal are credited to this Fund. 3rd. The "Surplus Fund" receives certain substantial revenues collected by the Commissioner of Public Lands. The proceeds from land rentals ceased in April 1924 and the proceeds from land sales ceased by Act 101, S. L., 1927, as of April 20, 1927, thereby abolishing this fund. In so doing, $100,000 was transferred to the General Fund in payment of the amount originally appropriated and $731,794.24, the balance, transferred to the Revolving Fund. PERSONNEL 1 Chairman-C. T. Bailey (Comm. Public Lands) ------ $100.00 1 Member-Henry C. Hapai (Treasurer of Territory) — 100.00 1 Member-Harry R. Hewitt (Attorney General) ---- 100.00 1 Secretary-Walter R. Coombs ------------------------- 400.00 1 Agent-Lihue-J. M. Lydgate.-............ --- —------ 25.00 1 Agent-Hilo-C. H. W. Hitchcock -------------------- 25.00 1 Agent-Kohala-S. P. Woods ----------------------—. 15.00 1 Agent-Wailuku-Antone Garcia ----—. --- —---------- 15.00 1 Agent-Makawao-J. Oliveira ------------------------- 15.00 COST FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1928 Personal Services --------—.. -$ 9,506.67 Other Expenses -....... — ------- 12,080.35 Equipment. --- —----—. 0.00 $ 21,587.02 82 BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF PUBLIC ARCHIVES Board Members: Term Expires Raymond C. Brown-Chairman, ex-officio A. G. M. Robertson-Member ------------------— May 23, 1917 W. O. Smith-Member ---------- - -------— Oct. 1, 1930 A. P. Taylor-Librarian Appointment: Appointed by the Governor, with advice and consent of the Senate. Term: Four (4) years. Qualifications: Secretary of the Territory is ex-officio Chairman and Executive Officer. Qualifications of other members not named. Compensation: No compensation-allowance for expenses only. Law References: Ch. 37 R. L., 1925-Provides for board of three (3) members. Duties as custodians of all public archives. Allowance for expenses; power to make contracts, etc. Act 169 S. L., 1925-Approximately $350.00 for restoration of crown of King Kalakaua. Act 217 S. L., 1927-Approximately $3500 for purchase Williams collection of photographic negatives. Sec. 2603 R. L., 1925-Secretary of Territory as Chairman of Board-and the Librarian authorized to certify copies of records, etc. Sec. 28 R. L., 1925-Designating archives as depository for all printed reports and publications by Territorial offices and Departments. Activities: The Board of Commissioners of Public Archives are the custodians of the Archives of Hawaii. It is their duty to assemble, classify, file, index and preserve the race documents, papers and miscellaneous records accumulated in the various Departments of the former Kingdom, the Republic and of the present Government-and to make them readily available to public use. PERSONNEL 1 Librarian-A. P. Taylor --—.. --- —----------- $300.00 1 Chief Clerk-Stephen Mahaulu --------— 2.7........... 275.00 1 Clerk -------------------------.0 135.00 1 Clerk -----------— 120.00: Temporary assistants, as required. 83 COST FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1928 Personal Services -$ 9,685.65 Other Expenses - - 447.11 Equipment - -672.18 $ 10,804.94 INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENT BOARDS (One in each County) CITY AND COUNTY OF HONOLULU Members: Term Expires: W. W. Goodale, Chairman -July 1, 1930 Malcolm Maclntyre - - Nov. 30, 1931 Richard S. Kelly - - Sept. 28, 1933 Ambrose J. Wirtz -- - June 30, 1929 A. J. Campbell - July 18, 1932 HAWAII Byron K. Baird, Chairman -Sept. 22, 1931 Otto W. Rose -July 1, 1932 Gavin A. Bush - July 2, 1933 George B. Elliot - July 8, 1929 James W. Webster -July 1, 1930 MAUI Joseph II. Gray, Chairman -Nov. 30, 1931 Ralph H. Wilson -July 18, 1932 Daniel T. Carey - June 30, 1929 Mrs. W. M. Weddick -. Aug. 9, 1932 Wim. F. Crockett -Apr. 2, 1930 KAUAI John M. Lydgate, Chairman -Oct. 8, 1929 James P. Clapper -Nov. 30, 1931 Hugh H. Brodie -June 5, 1929 J. B. Fernandez -July 1, 1930 Cecil H. Gates - Mar. 18, 1931 Appointment: Appointed by the Governor, with advice and consent of the Senate. Each Board names its own Chairman. Term: Five (5) years each. Term Expires: One each year in each County. Qualifications: No qualifications named. Compensation: Expenses only. May employ clerical help dand fix compensation. 84 Law References: Sec. 3629 to 3662, inc. R. L., 1925-Other sections of Ch. 209 R. L., 1925 and Act 207 S. L., 1927 relate to Workmen's Compensation Laws. Activities: The purpose of the Industrial Accident Boards is to supervise the carrying out of the Workmen's Compensation Laws. Each Board may make rules consistent with the laws and it is provided that the process and procedure in the settlement of claims and the carrying out of their other duties be as summary and simple as reasonably may be. Each Board or any member thereof has the power to subpoena witnesses and administer oath and to examine such of the books and records of the parties to a proceeding as relate to the question in dispute. Each Board shall furnish free of charge to any employer or employee, such blank forms as it shall be deemed requisite to facilitate or promote the efficient administration of the Workmen's Compensation Act. The principal duties of the Industrial Accident Board is the reviewing of cases of injury of employees with a view to establishing the liability of the employer for such injury. If agreement between employer and employee as to compensation for injury does not reach, or in the event it is reached and not approved by the Board, then the Board may allow a trial, shall make an award, state the facts and rulings of law and immediately send to the parties a copy of the award; however, at any time prior to the filing with the Board of a claim for compensation, either party may make application to the Board for the formation of a Committee of Arbitration, which shall consist of three members, one to be a member of the Accident Board, who shall act as Chairman. This Arbitration Committee shall then in due course, make award and forward copies thereof to the parties concerned, who shall also send a statement of its findings of fact and rulings of law and other matters pertinent to the question. Unless a claim for review is filed by either party within ten days, the rulings of either the Board or the Arbitration Committee shall be enforceable by the Circuit Court. PERSONNEL CITY AND COUNTY OF HONOLULU 1 Secretary-Andrew F. Schmitz -.-. --- ------- 275.00 1 Inspector-Louis R. Hale -250.00 1 Statistician and Court Reporter-Ruth P. Holson..- 175.00 1 Clerk-Andrew T. Leong ---- ------------- 150.00 1 Clerk-Daniel Liu -----— ' —, --- —------------ 100.00 All physicians, interpreters, witnesses, etc., engaged as required. 85 COUNTY OF HAWAII 1 Secretary-Mrs. E. L. Bayly -- ----------— $125.00 1 Janitor --- ------ ----- --------------------------------- 5.00 COUNTY OF MAUI 1 Secretary, Clerk, Inspector-Frances S. Wadsworth_ 150.00 COUNTY OF KAUAI 1 Secretary-Hallie D. Lydgate ------- ------- 50.00 COST FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1928 Personal Other Services Expenses Total County of Hawaii -....... $ 1,565.50 $ 167.35 $ 193.40 $ 1,926.25 County of Kauai............ 600.00 21.15.................... 621.15 County of Maui............ 1,800.00 540.91 114.35 2.455.26 County of Oahu............ 12,939.50 1,786.38.................... 14,725.88 $ 16,905.00 $ 2,515.79 $ 307.75 $ 19,728.54 EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM Trustees: Term Expires: George S. Waterhouse-Chairman --- —-- Jan. 1, 1929 Henry C. Hapai-Territorial Treasurer & Custodian -Ex-officio Margaret H. Mossman-Trustee -------- Jan. 1, 1930 James T. Phillips-Trustee ------— Jan. 1, 1931 Thomas H. Treadway-Territorial Auditor ----- Ex-officio Appointment and Qualifications: 1. Treasurer of Territory, ex-officio. 2. Auditor of Territory, ex-officio. 3. Member of System, elected by membership for term of two years, provided term of 1st member expires January 1, 1928. 4. Two citizens not "employees of the government, one of whom shall have banking experience, or a bank officer of a bank doing business in the Territory, to be appointed by the Governor for 4 years, provided one trustee shall serve until January 1, 1927 and one to January 1, 1929. Compensation: Trustees reimbursed for any loss of wages; otherwise they serve without compensation. Law References: Act 55 S. L., 1925-Establishing a retirement system for employees of the Territory and teachers in the public schools and including beneficiaries under former retirement acts. 86 Providing for the appointment of a Board of Trustees and prescribing their administrative duties, the operation of funds, distribution of benefits, etc. Act 223 S. L., 1927-Act specifying membership and computation of service credits. Act 251 S. L., 1927-Act extended to include with the system, certain County and City & County employees. To administer the affairs of the Territorial Retirement System and its relation to the Territory, County and City & County Governments and employees thereof. Activities: The Employees Retirement System began operation January 1, 1926 under provisions of Act 55 S. L., 1925, providing for employees of the Territory and for teachers in the public schools. The Legislature of 1927, Acts 223 and 251, amended the act so as to open the membership to County and City & County employees, the membership of this class beginning January 1, 1928, not making membership compulsory and allowing service credits for duty under the Monarchial and Provisional Republic Governments. The payment of pensions granted under the former Teachers' Retirement Fund and pensions in force June 30, 1925, are continued under this act. The Board of Trustees, appointed as aforesaid, administers the system, invests its funds and appoints an actuary, who, as technical advisor to the Board, makes valuations and performs all other actuairal services necessary. A Medical Board which passes on all cases where medical examination is required-and such other personnel as may be required. The act provides that the Attorney General shall act as legal advisor to the Board. The system is a jointly contributory system in which the share of the cost to the employee and to the Government is approximately equal. Members contribute at rates set for their respective ages at becoming members; rates being so set that the accumulated contributions, with interest, will provide an annuity approximately equal to the pension which will be payable at age of 60, etc..The Territory contributes at rates sufficient to provide 1/2 of the service retirement allowance, that part of disability retirement allowances not provided by member contributions and death benefits. A retirement allowance shall be granted at age of 60 upon demand of an employee, but is compulsory at age of 70. Biennial appropriations are made by the Legislature to cover the expenses of the system. 87 An annual report is published not later than January 1st, showing in detail the fiscal transactions of the system for the year ending on the preceding 30th day of June. PERSONNEL 1 Chief of Bureau-Henry P. O'Sullivan ---- -----------— $400.00 1 Chief Clerk-Fred J. Markham ---------------------- -- 315.00 1 Senior Clerk-Mrs. Bina Mossman -------------------- 190.00 1 Actuary-George B. Buck --------------------------- 150.00 1 Clerk-Jas. E. Thomas ----------------------------- 150.00 2 Junior Stenographers-Charlotte C. Lowrey -- 125.00 Abigail Meheula ------------- 125.00 1 Asst. Accountant-Herman Markham ---------------- 200.00 Medical Board-Dr. Hanchett, Dr. Fronk, Dr. Winn ------------- Total not to exceed $300 per biennium Actuary is New York specialist who wrote law, calculated annuity rates, etc., and who now keeps in touch with changing mortality statistics and experience as they affect the Territorial Retirement System. $150.00 per month is retainer's fee. COST FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1928 Personal Services ----------- — $ 17,355.00 Other Expenses.. —. —....... --- —-- 2,425.00 Equipment ---------------------------- 2,107.50 $ 21,887.50 Territorial share of contribution to Retirement System$98,657.30. BOARDS OF CHILD WELFARE OAHU Members: Term Expires: Judge E. M. Watson ---------------........ --- —-— Ex-officio Richard A. Cooke ------------—..July 18, 1931 Alice Hastings Cooke -----------—.......- - Aug. 29, 1931 Percy G. H. Deverill...-...........................July 1, 1929 Mary E. Alexander --. --- —---—..-............Sept. 3, 1929 Father Valentine H. Franckx ------......... ---— Aug. 9, 1932 HAWAII Kate Sadler Lawson ----------------------------------—. --- July 10, 1931 C. H. W. Hitchcock -----—... --- —--.......July 18, 1931 88 Rev. Father Louis - July 18, 1931 Rev. Ernest G. de Silva -Nov. 10, 1929 Aileen R. Stillman -Nov. 30, 1931 MAUI William D. Baldwin -July 29, 1931 Ethel S. Baldwin -July 29, 1931 William H. Hutton -Aug. 9, 1932 May B. Murdoch -Sept. 24, 1931 Frank B. Cameron -July 1, 1929 KAUAI A. Englehard - -Aug. 9, 1932 Elsie Wilcox - -July 25, 1931 S. Takata -Apr. 22, 1931 Anna C. Glaisyer - -Nov. 10, 1929 C. B. Hofgaard - Nov. 10, 1929 Appointment: Appointed by the Governor, with advice and consent of the Senate. Term: Four (4) years. First appointments: two for four years; remaining appointments for two years-and thereafter, all appointments shall be for four years. Qualifications: Judges of the Juvenile Courts in each County or City & County shall be ex-officio members. Other members must be citizens of the Territory and have resided therein for at least three years next preceding appointment. Conmpensation: No salary. Only actual expenses incurred by members in discharging official duties and investigations: paid out of funds of their respective County or City & County. Law References: Ch. 96 R. L., 1925-Creation, powers, duties, etc. Activities: The Board may employ such officers and employees as may be provided for by the Boards of Supervisors of their respective County or City & County. It may establish rules and regulations for the conduct of its business, which shall provide for the careful investigation of all applications for allowances, supervision of persons receiving allowances and the making of reports by officers and employees with respect to persons receiving allowances. Boards report annually, or oftener, as required by their respective Boards of Supervisors. Organization: No special organization for any of the Boards. 89 ARMORY BOARDS MEMBERS Col. P. M. Smoot-President. Lt. Col. Wm. Hoapai Major E. M. Bolton CUSTODIANS Lt. Col. Peter N. Pakela, Jr.-Hilo Armory. Capt. Sam'l. K. Mookini-Lahaina Armory. Lieut. Alvin K. Silva-Wailuku Armory. Lieut. Wm. S. E. Anderson-Honomu Armory. Appointment: Members appointed by the Governor, with advice and consent of the Senate; custodians appointed by the Armory Board. Term: Four years, and until successors are appointed, unless sooner removed. Qualifications: Must be an officer of the National Guard. Compensation: No additional compensation allowed. Law References: Sec. 80 Org. Act-Creation of Board. Sec. 221 R. L., 1925-Powers and duties. Duties and Activities: May permit use of Armories or temporarily rent such portions of the National Guard Armories as will not interfere with the military use thereof. All moneys received to be paid into the Territorial Treasury, to be expended for armory equipment, furniture, repair or betterment work. Records to be submitted annually to the Governor for forwarding to the Legislature. BOARD OF DISPOSAL MEMBERS Henry C. Hapai-Treasurer, Territory of Hawaii-Ex-officio. Thos. Treadway-Auditor, Territory of Hawaii-Ex-officio. Lyman H. Bigelow-Supt. of Public Works. Appointment: Ex-officio. Term: Concurrent with regular office. Qualifications:. Treasurer, Auditor and Superintendent of Public Works only, can serve. Compensation: None other than that received in their respective offices. Law References: Ch. 106 R. L., 1925-General Provisions. Duties and Activities: To pass on disposal of public property by sale, exchange, or otherwise, and determine manner and method of sale of public property. Organization: Auditor's Office attends to clerical work. 90 BOARDS OF PRISON INSPECTORS INSPECTORS Term Expires 1st Judicial Circuit Board John Wm. Waldron, Chairman. --- —------—. —Aug. 9, 1930 Herbert M. Dowsett ----------------- -------— Jan. 19, 1929 Samuel W. Robley -—. ---- --------------- Jan. 30, 1930 1 ~ 2nd Judicial Circuit Board Wm. Henning ------—.. --- —--- --------- Jan. 19, 1929 Clinton S. Childs- -------------- - Aug. 29, 1929 Antone D. Furtado ---------------- - ---- Feb. 1, 1930 3rd Judicial Circuit Board L. C. Child -----—.. —...Sept. 25, 1928 Luther S. Aungst ------------------------- Aug. 29, 1929 Arthur J. Stillman -------------------------- Aug. 29, 1929 4th Judicial Circuit Board Leslie W. Branch -----------------------— Sept. 6, 1929 David Kalani --------------—.. - - -- - -June 22, 1928 Lawrence F. Gibbins -----------—.. --- —--- -June 21, 1930 5th Judicial Circuit Board Edward S. Swan --------------—. --- —---- Jan. 19, 1929 Herman Wolters ---------------—... --- — -Jan. 19, 1929 Samuel M. Carter ------------------------- June 22, 1928 Appointment: Appointed by the Governor, with advice and consent of the Senate. Term: Two years. Qualifications: Must be citizens of the Territory and have resided therein for at least three years next preceding appointment; and residents of the circuit for which appointed. Compensation: No compensation. Traveling and incidental expenses, as approved by the Governor, paid out of appropriations for prisoners or support of prisoners, provided, however, that all expenses incurred by members of each Board in inspection, or in connection with the County or City & County jails shall be paid by the County or City & County in which such jails are situated. Law References: Ch. 111 R. L., 1925-Providing for a Board of three members for each Judicial Circuit of the Territory; their appointment, tenure, powers and duties, expenses, etc. 91 Duties and Activities: It is the duty of each Board to visit all prisons and jails within the Judicial Circuit for which they are appointed at least once in every three months; to inquire into the personnel and management of the same; the condition of prisoners and the sanitary condition of the Institution. Each Board has power to supervise the discipline and government of all prisons and jails within their respective Circuits and to provide rules and regulations therefor consistent with the law; to prescribe labor to be performed by prisoners; forms of punishment; to decide who are entitled to commutation of sentence, etc., to classify the prisoners, designating the class to which each shall belong and the garb to be worn. Each Board shall consider any applications for pardon which may be referred to it by the Governor and they in turn furnish the Governor with all information concerning the prisoner, together with recommendation in the case. Regular meetings of the Boards are held at least once every month and special meetings whenever called by any member. A record of all meetings and proceedings is required of each Board and a detailed report thereof is sent to the Governor every three months. PRISONERS COMPENSATION BOARD Members: John Wm Waldron, Members, Board of Prison) ChSamuel Wan. Robley Inspectors, First Judicial Ex-officio Samuel W. RIobley )Circuit. Herbert M. Dowsett C rcui. John C. Lane-Warden, Oahu Prison --------------------- -Ex-officio Harry R. Hewitt, Attorney General of the Territory__Ex-officio Appointment: Appointed by the Governor, with advice and consent of the Senate. Term: The Attorney General and Warden of Oahu Prison are ex-officio members. The remaining members are also exofficio and have a term concurrent with their term as members of the Board of Prison Inspectors of the First Judicial Circuit. Qualifications: Must be a citizen of the Territory, and have resided therein for at least three years next preceding appointment. Compensation: No compensation. Law Reference: Ch. 115 R. L., 1925-Creation, duties, etc. Duties and Activities: Required to classify, grade and fix payments to be made to prisoners of the Territory, who may be confined in Oahu Prison. Direct payment of such graduated sums; provided however, that payment shall not exceed the sum of 25 cents per day for each prisoner. The warden is re 92 quired to keep individual ledger accounts for each prisoner, issuing to each prisoner a pass-book showing credits and debits from time to time, and shall semi-annually make a detailed report to the Attorney General of all payments made and amounts held to the credit of each prisoner, together with other pertinent matters as directed. Organization: Personnel of Board, only. BOARD OF REGISTRATION OF VOTERS 1st Representative District MEMBERS Term Expires Byron K. Baird, Chairman ----------------- Sept. 7, 1930 Joseph Vierra ------------------------- -Sept. 7, 1930 Grace B. Pa. -------------------------- Nov. 5, 1929 2nd Representative District Frank K. Greenwell, Chairman -. --- —--------- Sept. 27, 1932 R. H. Whittington ---------- --------------- Sept. 27, 1932 Charles Ka -------------------------- Sept. 28, 1932 3rd Representative District Manuel C. Ross, Chairman ------------- ----—.. ----Sept. 14, 1929 Wm. E. Bal, Jr.. --- —--------------------- Sept. 7, 1930 Antone Garcia -—. — -----......Sept. 7, 1930 4th and 5th Representative Districts J. F. Doyle, Chairman -----------—. --- —--------- Sept. 28, 1932 Bina Mossman ---------- ---. ---— Jan. 19, 1931 Ben H. Kahalepuna -------------- --— Oct. 27, 1932 6th Representative District Martin M. Dreier, Chairman --------------------— Sept. 28, 1932 Mabel Aiu Wiebke ---------- ------------ ---- Jan. 19, 1931 C. J. Holt ----------- ---------- ---— Sept. 28, 1932 Appointment: Appointed by the Governor, with advice and consent of the Senate. Term: Four years. Qualifications: Must be a resident in the District covered by the jurisdiction of their respective Board, and shall have resided therein for at least three years next preceding appointment. Compensation: $7.50 per day in performance of official duties. Law References: Sec. 64-80 Org. Act-Providing Board and appointment thereof. 93 Sec. 66 R. L., 1925-Appointment, tenure. Dzties and Activities: Each of the Boards shall keep a record in which full and detailed minutes shall be preserved of all their proceedings. Organization: No special organization required. BOARD OF IMMIGRATION, LABOR AND STATISTICS MEMBERS Term Expires Ernest H. Wodehouse, President. --- —-------— Apr. 30, 1931 M. M. Johnson —. --- —------------------ Aug. 9, 1933 Chas. R. Frazier —.-. --- —-- ----------- - Aug. 9, 1933 Fred L. Waldron —. ---. --- —-------------- June 5, 1929 Ralph A. Kearns ---- ---------—. ----Apr. 30, 1930 Appointment: Appointed by the Governor, with advice and consent of the Senate. Term: Five years; one expiring on April 30th each year. Qualifications: Must be a citizen of the Territory and have resided therein for at least three years next preceding appointment. Compensation: Actual expenses only, to members in attending meetings of the Board. Law References: Ch. 58 R. L., 1925-Creation, powers, duties, etc. Duties and Activities: Appoint Commissioner of Immigration, Labor and Statistics and such other officers, agents and employees as deemed necessary-funds permitting. The Board may make full inquiry, examination and investigation into the condition, welfare and industrial opportunities of all immigrants and settlers, arriving or being within the Territory. It may also collect information with respect to the need and demand for labor by the several agricultural, industrial and other productive activities throughout the Territory; gather information with respect to the supply of labor afforded by such immigrants and settlers as shall from time to time arrive or be within the Territory; ascertain the occupations for which such persons may be best adapted and bring about intercommunication between them and those requiring labor; investigate the treatment accorded them; cooperate with public and philanthropic agencies designed to aid in the distribution and employment of labor, and devise and carry out such suitable methods as will tend to prevent or relieve unemployement. 94 BOARD OF TAX EQUALIZATION MEMBERS Henry C. Hapai, Territorial Treasurer, Chairman, ex-officio. Charles T. Wilder, Assessor, 1st Taxation Division, ex-officio. Joseph H. Kunewa, Assessor, 2nd Taxation Division, ex-officio. James M. Muir, Assessor, 3rd Taxation Division, ex-officio. Carlos A. Long, Assessor, 4th Taxation Division, ex-officio. Compensation: No extra compensation allowed. Law References: Sec. 1341 S. L., 1925, Act 102 S. L., 1927-Creation, duties, records, etc. Duties and Activities: This Board, consisting of the Treasurer as Chairman, ex-officio, with the several Assessors as members, meet for the purpose of equalizing assessments of property throughout the Territory. The Board holds meetings from time to time as designated by the Chairman, adopts rules regarding assessments and valuations and publishes findings where valuations made are of general application. Organization: Clerical and stenographic assistance is drawn from the personnel of the Treasurer's Office. BOARDS OF APPRAISERS OAHU MEMBERS Term Expires William H. Hoogs, Jr. -..........-...............-.........-Jan. 19, 1931 J. E. O'Connor. --- —-... --- —------- - Original Appointment F. E. Steere ---—... — -------------— Original Appointment HAWAII James Henderson ----—. --- —---- --------- June 22, 1930 Alexander M. Desha ------------------------ Aug. 9, 1932 H. W. Ludloff -------—.. --- —-----—. ---Sept. 11, 1932 MAUI Frank Stark --------------—..-Nov. 30, 1930 W. F. Pogue -—.- - - -------------- -- Nov. 30, 1930 Frank A. Lufkin ---—,...... --- —-- -----.- Apr. 29, 1929 KAUAI E. H. W. Broadbent ---------—.... --- —-— June 22, 1930 James B. Corstorphine -—. --- —-------------— June 22, 1930 J. H. Moragne --------------------- - Original Appointment Appointment: Appointed by the Governor, with the advice and consent of the Senate. Term: Four (4) years. 95 Qualifications: Must be a citizen of the Territory and shall have resided therein for at least three years next preceding appointment. Compensation: Compensation fixed by Boards on the basis of standard fees, commensurate with the appraisals made. Law Reference: Sec. 73-80 Org. Act-Appointment, powers and duties. Duties and Activities: These Boards are primarily under the Commissioner of Public Lands for assessing land and property to be sold or acquired by the Territory. The services of these Boards are also available for the other Departments of the Territory and are often used by the Department of Public Works. Organization:No. special organization on any of the Boards. ENGINEERS, ARCHITECTS AND SURVEYORS MEMBERS Term Expires Chas. H. Kluegel-Chairman. --- —-------------— Nov. 30, 1929 Thos. J. McGrath-Vice-Chairman ---—. ----. —. ----Nov. 30, 1929 W. C. Furer-Secretary ----—. --- —--------—.- Nov. 30, 1929 Robt. D. King ------------—.... --- —— Nov. 30, 1929 Marshall Webb --------------—... —Nov. 30, 1929 F. E. Harvey ---—....................Feb. 7, 1930 Gardner B. Wilkins ----—..- - -----------— Nov. 30, 1929 Appointment: Appointed by the Governor, with advice and consent of the Senate. Term: Three years. Qualifications: Board shall comprise at least two professional engineers, two professional architects, two professional surveyors and one other person. Each member to be a resident of the Territory for three years and to have been engaged in the practice of his profession for at least nine years next preceding appointment. Compensation: Members serve without pay, except the Secretary, who is allowed such compensation as the Board may fix, with the approval of the Governor. Law Reference: Ch. 211 R. L., 1925-Providing for a Board of seven (7) members; manner of appointment, tenure of office, powers and duties. Duties and Activities: This Board is charged with the duties attendant upon the issuance of "certificates of registration" to those persons fully qualified to practice professioal engineering, architecture and surveying in the Territory. These quali 96 fications being set forth in the law and in the rules and regulations adopted by the Board. The Board elects a Chairman, Vice-chairman and a Secretary. The Secretary of the Board receives and accounts for all moneys received by way of the scheduled fees and deposits same with the Treasurer of the Territory, and the moneys so received and deposited are appropriated to defray the expenses of the Board. Organization: No special organization required. TERRITORIAL BOARD OF ACCOUNTANCY MEMBERS Term Expires H. Douglas Young-President -June 1, 1929 Adolph F. Bauman-Treasurer -------- Sept. 6, 1930 Ernest R. Cameron-Secretary -------- June 6, 1931 Appointment: Appointed by the Governor, with advice and consent of the Senate. Term: Three (or five) years, so arranged that the term of one member expires each year. Qualifications: Public accountants of recognized standing, who have been actively engaged in practice for not less than three years prior to their appointment and the further qualifications required of persons who may be entitled to a certificate to practice as a professional Public Accountant. Compensation: $5.00 per diem for time actually spent and traveling expenses; but such expenses and all other expenses of the Board shall be paid out of fees collected. Law References: Ch. 210 R. L., 1925-Providing for Board of from three to five members; their appointment, tenure, qualifications, powers, duties, procedure and compensation. Activities: The Board elects one of its members as President, one as Secretary and one as Treasurer; however, the office of Secretary and Treasurer may be held by one person. It is authorized to conduct investigations and examinations to issue C. P. A. certificates to properly qualified applicants; to fix the amount to be charged applicants, and further, to establish such rules and regulations as may be requisite to carry out the purpose of the law and maintain a high standard among holders of such certificates. A complete record of all proceedings is kept by the Board and an annual report is presented to the Governor, setting forth an account of its acts and proceedings; a statement of receipts and expenditures, and recommendations. Organization: No special organization, operates without cost to the Government. 97 BOARD OF REGISTRATION OF NURSING MEMBERS Term Expires Dr. R. B. Faus-Chairman. --- —----------- Jan. 24, 1933 Dr. James A. Morgan-Secretary -.D --- —-— Dec. 22, 1932 Janet M. Dewar -----------—. --- —---- - Aug. 9, 1933 Mary Johnson -—.. --- ——. --- ------------— July 8, 1929 Mabel L. Smyth ------------- ------------------------- July 22, 1930 Appointment: Appointed by the Governor, with advice and consent of the Senate. Term: Five years, arranged so that appointment of one member expires July 1st each year. Qualifications: One member to be a physician on the consulting staff of a hospital having a Training School for nurses; one member to be the Secretary of the Board of Medical' Examiners; and the remaining three members to be nurses holding diplomas from different training schools for nurses giving at least two year course in the theory and practice of nursing in a hospital and who shall have had five years' experience nursing the sick. Compensation: No compensation to members; all expenses of Board paid out of fees received. Law Reference: Act 163 S. L., 1917-Creation. Ch. 88 R. L., 1925-Appointment, tenure, duties, etc. Duties and Activities: The Board shall meet at least four times annually; shall examine applicants by oral and written examination, and if found qualified, he or she shall be registered with the right to use the title "Registered Nurse" receiving a certificate to that effect from the Board. Investigations of all complaints of the violations of the provisions of the law shall be made by the Board, reporting same to the proper prosecuting officer for further action. The Board shall annually report to the Governor, the condition of Professional Nursing in the Territory; of all its official acts during the preceding year, and of its receipts and disbursements. Organization: No special organization. All expenses of the Board paid out of fees received. BOARD OF PHARMACY MEMBERS Term Expires August W. Meyer, Chairman -.......................Apr. 6, 1929 P. F. Jochumsen ----................Apr. 6, 1929 Ethan A. Burford -.........................Jan. 24, 1930 98 Appointment: Appointed by the Governor with advice and consent of the Senate; one being designated as Chairman. Term: Two years. Qualifications: Must be competent licensed Pharmacists and resident of the Territory. Compensation: None provided. Expenses of the Board limited to the fees received. Law Reference: Ch. 87 R. L., 1925-Relating to the practice of Pharmacy. Providing for Board of Pharmacy of three members, their appointment, tenure, qualifications, powers and duties. Duties and Activities: The Board is charged with duties relating to the control of the practice of Pharmacy in the Territory, and more particularly with the granting of licenses to Pharmacists and Assistant Pharmacists for such practice. The Board shall hold at least two regular meetings. each year and such additional meetings as may be required for the examination of applicants for licenses, all meetings being held in Honolulu. Fees are prescribed for the issuance of all licenses and for the renewal, annually, of the same. All fees so collected are deposited with the Territorial Treasurer and held by him as a special fund for meeting the expenses of the Board-and disbursed on warrants of the Auditor, approved by the Chairman of the Board. Action of the Board in the revocation of a license is final and not subject to review nor appeal and in the enforcement of any of the provisions of the law, the Board may call for assistance upon the Board of Health, the High Sheriff or any police officer of any County or City and County. ORGANIZATION 1 Clerk-Elinor I. Lee --------------— $ 10.00 One clerk is employed, part time, to keep up the records and handle work incidental to the functions of the Board. BOARD OF MEDICAL EXAMINERS Members: Term Expires: Dr. James T. Wayson, Chairman --- —- ----— Dec. 15, 1928 Dr. James A. Morgan, Secretary -----— Dec. 22, 1929 Dr. Guy C. Milnor --- —---------- Jan. 24, 1931 Appointment: Appointed by the Governor, with the advice and consent of the Senate. Term: Three (3) years.;@ 99 Qualifications: Members must be licensed Physicians or Surgeons under the laws of the Territory. Compensation: Members serve without compensation. Law References: Act 26 S. L., 1925; Ch. 81 R. L., 1925-Organization, general duties, activities and qualifications. Duties and Activities: To conduct examinations and make recommendations to the Board of Health relative to the licensing of Doctors and Surgeons desiring to practice in the Territory. Organization: No special organization: operates without cost to the Government. BOARD OF VETERINARY EXAMINERS Members: Term Expires: Dr. Lloyd E. Case ----—.... --- —------- June 30, 1929 Dr. B. A. Gallagher. --- —---—. --- —--- June 22, 1929 Dr. J. Charles Fitzgerald --------------—.Feb. 1, 1931 Appointment: Appointed by the Governor, with advice and consent of the Senate. Term: Three (3) years. Qualifications: Must be licensed Veterinarians under the laws of the Territory. Compensation: To serve without pay. Law References: Ch. 84 R. L., 1925-Creation, powers, etc. Act 62 S. L., 1925-Licensing and examining. Duties and Activities: The Board shall examine all applicants for license to practice veterinary medicine, surgery and dentistry and shall report the result of such examination to the Board of Health, who shall issue the license. A fee of $10.00 paid to the Board of Health is required before applicant is allowed to take examination. Organization: No special organization: operates without cost to the Government. BOARD OF DENTAL EXAMINERS Members: Term Expires: Francis K. Sylva, Chairman --.....................June 7, 1931 F. M. Branch, Secretary..... —....... --- —-.Mar. 3, 1929 John R. Wikeen --—. -—...............- Apr. 29, 1928,.4ppointment: Appointed by the Governor, with advice and consent of the Senate. 100 Term: Three (3) years. Qualifications: Practising Dentists, who shall have been engaged in the continuous practice of dentistry in the Territory for three (3) years preceding their appointment. Compensation: No compensation to members. All expenses of Board paid out of fees received. Law References: Sec. 1069 to 1080 R. L., 1925-Creating Board of three (3) members, providing for their appointment, tenure of office, duties and compensation. Duties and Activities: The Board created as aforesaid, issues licenses for the practice of dentistry within the Territory to applicants meeting the qualifications prescribed by law, and they are further charged with enforcement of laws relating to the practice of dentistry. All expenses of the Board, including the expenses of enforcing the laws, are paid from the prescribed fees received by the Board and all such moneys so received are held by the Treasurer of the Territory as a special fund for such purposes. The Secretary of the Board is required to make an annual report to the Governor as of January 15th of each year, of the proceedings of the Board, with a full account of all moneys received and expended. Organization: No special organization: expenses met solely from fees collected. BOARD OF EXAMINERS IN OPTOMETRY Members: Term Expires: Paul W. Rushforth-President.-.... ---.. --- —-.Oct. 24, 1931 Alva M. Glover-Secretary-Treasurer ---------— Nov. 30, 1929 Robt. S. Komenaka ---------—. --- —------ May 1, 1931 Appointment: Appointed by the Governor, with advice and consent of the Senate. Term: Three years; rotating in office so that the term of one member expires each year. Qualifications: Must be residents of the Territory, who have been engaged in the practice of Optometry for at least one year. Compensation: Members serve without compensation. Expenses of the Board are met solely from fees received. Law Reference: Ch. 89 R. L., 1925-Creating Board of three members, providing for their appointment, tenure, qualifications, powers and duties-and for its expenses. Duties and Activities: The Board, created and appointed 101 as aforesaid, elects a President, Vice-President and SecretaryTreasurer. The Board shall hold regular meetings at least once a year and special meetings may be called as required, and it shall prescribe rules, regulations and by-laws in harmony with the law for its own proceedings and for the examinations of applicants for the practice of Optometry. All candidates passing an examination satisfactory to the Board are duly registered and receive from the Board a certificate of such registration. The expenses of the Board are met solely from the fees received as prescribed, and all moneys so received are held by the Treasurer of the Territory as a special fund for meeting these expenses. An appeal to any Circuit Court may be taken from a decision of the Board by any applicant who is refused a certificate. The authority vested in the Board does not apply to duly licensed physicians, nor to commissioned officers of the U. S. Navy or Army Medical ICorps on duty in the Territory. The Secretary of the Board makes an annual report to the Governor on or before January 1st of each year, presenting therein a full account of the proceedings of the Board, together with a statement of all moneys received and expended. Organization: No special organization: operates without cost to the Government. BOARD OF OSTEOPATHIC EXAMINERS Members: Term Expires: Kathryn Isabelle Morelock ----------— Dec. 23, 1930 Emily Dole ----------------— Aug. 9, 1931 Albert 0. Scharff ---------------------------------— July 14, 1929 Appointments: Appointed by the Governor, with advice and consent of the Senate. Term: Four (4) years, with alternate expirations. Qualifications: Each must be a licensed Osteopathic Physician under the laws of the Territory. Compensation: No compensation to members; fees for examination are collected by the Board of Health. Law References: Act 26 S. L., 1925; Ch. 82 R. L., 1925-Organization, general duties, activities and qualifications. Duties and Activities: To conduct examinations and make recommendations to the Board of Health relative to the licensing of Osteopathic Physicians and Surgeons desiring to practice in the Territory. 102 Organization: No special organization: operates with expenses for examinations paid out of the office expenses of the Board of Health. TERRITORIAL BOARD OF CHIROPRACTIC EXAMINERS Members: Term Expires: Thomas F. Arnold, Chairman --- -------— July 11, 1930 James J. Andrade, Secretary --------- Aug. 9, 1931 Wm. M. P. Teasley ------------------— June 22, 1930 Appointment: Appointed by the Governor, with advice and consent of the Senate. Term: Three years. First appointees shall be for terms of one, two and three years; thereafter each appointment shall be for three years and/or until his successor has been appointed and qualified. Qualifications: Must have pursued a resident course in a regularly incorporated Chiropractic School or College and must be a graduate thereof and hold a diploma therefrom. Members cannot be connected with any Chiropractic School or College. Compensation: Members, except Secretary, to serve without pay. Actual and necessary traveling expenses of the members of the Board allowed when incurred in connection with the performance of official duties. Law References: Act 26 S. L., 1925-Licensing. Act 99 S. L., 1925-Creation, duties, etc. Act 254 S. L., 1927-Relating to practice of Chiropractic. Duties and Activities: The Board shall elect its officers at the January meeting each year, which shall be a President, Vice-President and Secretary. The Secretary is required to keep a record of the proceedings of the Board, which shall be open to the public for inspection. He shall also keep an account of all funds received and of all approved expenditures incurred, funds to be deposited with the Treasurer. The Board has the power to adopt a seal; such rules and regulations deemed necessary for its work; to examine applicants; to recommend issuance of licenses; to order revokation of licenses; to summon witnesses and to take testimony pertaining to its duties; to have power to administer oaths and take affidavits, and to do any and all things necessary to exercise the above powers and duties. Organization: No special organization: operates with expenses for examinations paid out of the Office expenses of the Board of Health. 103 BOARD OF NATUREOPATHIC EXAMINERS Members: Term Expires: Arthur Y. Pang, Chairman —..- -----------— Oct. 26, 1929 Sam T. Rogers, Secretary. --- —--------—.Oct. 26, 1929 Charlotte S. Serrier -. --- —------- ----------- Aug. 9, 1932 Appointment: Appointed by the Governor, with advice and consent of the Senate. Term: Four (4) years. Qualifications: Must be a licensed Natureopathic Practitioner of the Territory and residing therein. Compensation: No compensation to members: fees for examination and license paid to the Board of Health. Law Reference: Act 77 S. L., 1925-Creation of Board, duties, etc. Duties and Activities: Board shall conduct examinations and make recommendations to the Board of Health relative to licensing of Natureopathic Practitioners desiring to practice in the Territory. Natureopathic Practitioners shall observe and be subject to all Territorial and Municipal regulations relative to reporting births and deaths and all matters pertaining to the public health with equal rights and obligations as physicians, surgeons and practitioners of other schools of medicine. Organization: No special organization: operates without cost to the Government. COMPILATION COMMISSION Members: Term Expires: Hon. E. C. Peters, Chairman --------------------— Apr. 4, 1926 Hon. W. F. Frear.... --- —----------.Apr. 4, 1926 Hon. A. F. Judd --------------------—..Apr. 4, 1926 Appointment: Appointed by the Governor, with advice and consent of the Senate. Term: Three (3) years. Qualifications: Members shall be attorneys, admitted to practice in the Supreme Court of the Territory; one of whom shall be a Judge of the Supreme Court or Circuit Court. Compensation: Members shall be compensated in the sum of $9,000 for the compilation of the 1925 Revised Laws. Law Reference: Act 17, S. L., 1923. Activities: The Commission is designated as the Compilation Commission and is constituted and authorized to compile 104 all statute laws of the Territory of Hawaii as they shall exist, after the adjournment of this session of the Legislature, 1923. Statutes obviously inconsistent with the Constitution of the United States, or the, Act to provide a government for the Territory of Hawaii shall not be included, and of two or more statutes which are obviously repugnant to each other, the statutes last enacted alone shall be included. Statutes may be modified so as to express the intention manifested in later statutes, either expressly or by clear implication; and, where any statute or part thereof is obviously obsolete or redundant, such statutes or part thereof may be omitted. Report to be printed and bound in one or two volumes and shall be presented to the Legislature at its next regular session; the sum of $17,000 being appropriated for clerk hire and printing. The Commission may recommend, in a separate report, such other changes not authorized by Act 17, as deemed advisable for the sake of clearness, consistency, brevity and efficiency. Organization: 1 Clerk. FAIR COMMISSION OF HAWAII Commissioners: Term Expires: R. M. Schofield, Chairman ------------- May 21, 1929 G. Fred Bush, Member ----------— Dec. 7, 1931 L. W. Bryan, Member ----------— Aug. 29, 1931 H. B. Penhallow, Member ------------- Apr. 27, 1931 A. H. Case, Member -----------— Apr. 27, 1931 Appointment: Governor appoints 5 members; 1 as Chairman, with advice and consent of the Senate, for a term of four years; 2 fro mCity & County of Honolulu; 1 from County of Hawaii, 1 from Maui and 1 from Kauai. Compensation: Chairman, of the Commission to receive a monthly salary to be paid from appropriations made by the Legislature from time to time for defraying the expenses of the Fairs; other members serve without pay. Law References: Ch. 38 R. L., 1925 as am. by Act 15 S. L., 1925; Act 233 S. L., 1925-Providing for the Commission, members, appointment, qualifications, tenure of office, expenses and prescribing their powers and duties. Activities: The Fair Commission is organized for the purpose of conducting annually in EIonolulu, a Fair for the purpose of showing the mechanical, livestock, agricultural and horticultural products of the Territory. A special fund is set aside in the Treasury for the purposes 105 of the act, and all moneys withdrawn from the fund are restored thereto, so far as may be, out of funds collected under the operations of the Commission. PERSONNEL 1 Chairman —R. M. Schofield -----------—.. --- —— $250.00 1 Superintendent-Joe Madeiros. --- —----------------- 125.00 1 Bookkeeper-Stewart Ah Nin. --- —------------------ 50.00 Temporary employees during Fairs paid from Fair Funds. COST FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1928 General Fund: Personal Services ---------- — $ 7,013.60 Other Expenses ------------------------ 2,133.52 Equipment -------------------------- 486.50 $ 9,633.62 Revolving Fund: Personal Services ----------- — $ 10,341.46 Other Expenses ------------------------ 32,706.05 Outlay ---------------------------.3,302.72 $ 46,350.23 HISTORICAL COMMISSION Members: Term Expires: George R. Carter, President ------..................Oct. 14, 1929 Mrs. A. P. Taylor, Vice-President ------—. ----—.Oct. 14, 1929 Dr. K. C. Leebrick, Secretary-Treasurer -------— Oct. 14, 1929 Appointment: Appointed by the Governor, with advice and consent of the Senate. Term: Four (4) years. Qualifications: Three (3) members, one of whom shall be appointed from the faculty of the University of Hawaii. Compensation: Expenses only. Law References: Act 120 S. L., 1921-Creating Commission. Act 139 S. L., 1923-Enlarge duties of Commission. Duties and Activities: Gathering of data, and with approval of Legislature or Hawaiian Historical Society, to publish a history of the Hawaiian people, and a school text book of Hawaiian History. To serve as a central advisory body in matters relating to the preservation, marking and restoration of such places as are of historical importance and interest. To co106 operate with local organizations and take independent action in connection with the marking, preserving and restoring of places and objects of historical value. To prepare and publish a history of Hawaii's part in the World War. ORGANIZATION 1 Executive Secretary-Ralph S. Kuykendall —. --- —$275.00 Temporary help as required. COST FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1928 Personal Services ----------- — $ 4,324.75 Other Expenses --—. --- —------------- 4,087.81 Equipment -—. ---. --- —-. --- —------- 66.90 $ 8,479.46 PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Commissioners: Term Expires: Walter Beall-Chairman --—.-....................... June 30, 1928 A. J. Gignoux-Member -------------------—. —June 30, 1929 Frank O. Boyer-Member --- --------—.-June 30, 1930 Appointment: Three (3) commissioners appointed by the Governor, with consent of the Senate. One (1) appointed Chairman. Term: For term of three (3) years, or portion thereof, so that term of one (1) member expires on June 30th of each year. Qualifications: Salaried officers of Territory or political subdivision thereof not eligible. No person owning securities of public utility or deriving any remuneration therefrom eligible for appointment (or employment.) Compensation: Each member $10.00 per day and traveling and other expenses, with maximum for services of $1800 for any calendar year. Law References: Sec. 2189 R. L., 1925-Creation of commission of three (3) members; term of office; qualifications and compensation. Sec. 2190 R. L., 1925 —Re: employment necessary personnel. Attorney General to act as attorney, if requested. Sec. 2191 R. L., 1925-Annual report to Governor as of January 1st of each year. Sec. 2192-2193 R. L., 1925-General powers and duties-may examine. 107 Sec. 2194 R. L., 1925-Information to be furnished by utilities. Sec. 2195 R. L., 1925-Report of all accidents to Commission. Sec. 2196-2198-2199 R. L., 1925-Procedure re: hearings and investigations. Sec. 2197 R. L., 1925-Publication of rates, tariffs, etc., by utilities. Sec. 2200-2202 R. L., 1925-Regulation and fixing of ratesappeal thereto shall lie to Supreme Court of Territory. Sec. 2203-2204 R. L., 1925 —Authorizing investigation of water rates charged by all lessees under Territorial leases. Sec. 2205-2206 R. L., 1925-Penalties. Sec. 2207 R. L., 1925-Finances-expenses of Commission. Sec. 2542 R. L., 1925-Schedule of fees to be collected. 'Creation of "Public Utilities Commission Fund." Sec. 2208 R. L., 1925 as am. by Act 100 S. L., 1927-Definitions of "Public Utility." Sec. 2209-2210 R. L., 1925-Validity and application of Chapter. Activities: The Commission has general supervision over all public utilities doing business in the Territory, and under its vested powers may examine into the condition of any utility with reference to the accommodation of the public, its employees, tariffs, accounting systems, valuations of property,,securities and financial transactions, business relations, compliance with laws and provisions of its franchise or charter and to all matters concerning the relations between it and the public. Investigations may be instituted by the Commission, or when requested by the utility or upon an appropriate complaint to the Commission, and resulting from such examination, the Commission may regulate the rates, tariffs and practices of the utility in question and enter the corresponding orders therefor. The Commission is authorized to employ all necessary legal, technical and clerical personnel and as now constituted, in addition to the members of the Commission, the organization includes a secretary, auditor, engineer and counsel. However, the Attorney General shall act as attorney for the Commission, when so requested. In the exercise of its functions, the Commission is empowered to make all necessary and consistent rules and regulations respecting its procedure. Under the present laws the term "public utility" includes persons or agencies who own or control any plant or equipment operated for public use within the Territory for the transportation of freight and passengers, (excepting an aerial transportation enterprise which are not subject to regulation by the Commission until after June 30, 1933) also telephone, telegraph 108 and wireless systems and for the production and distribution of light, power, heat, cold, water, gas or oil and for warehousing purposes. The Commission receives certain minor fees, placed to the credit of the "Public Utilities Commission Fund" and also in March and in September of each year, from each utility under its jurisdiction, a fee equal to 1/20 of 1% of the gross income during the preceding year, plus 1/50 of 1% of the par value of stock outstanding as of December 31st of the preceding year; and the moneys in this fund are appropriated for the payment of all authorized expenses of the Commission. ORGANIZATION 1 Auditor-F. H. Eaton.. —...-.................. --- —-$500.00 1 Secretary-J. R. Kenny -------------------------- 225.00 1 Counsel-Smith, Wilde & Hoppe --------------- 150.00 Technical services and other temporary employees, as required. COST FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1928 Personal Services ------------------— $ 11,967.37 Other Expenses ---------------------- 2,905.92 Equipment --------------------------- 555.79 $ 15,429.08 For the biennium July 1, 1927 to June 30, 1929 $15,000.00 was appropriated from the General Fund, but to June 30, 1928 no part of this has been required. HAWAIIAN HOMES COMMISSION Commissioners: Term Expires: Hon. Wallace R. Farrington-Chairman ------- Ex-officio Rudolph M. Duncan-Exec. Officer & Sec'y..-... Nov. 30, 1930 Mrs. Elizabeth K. Woods-Member ------—.. ---Sept. 24, 1929 Rev. Akaiko Akana-Member -------—.... ---— Dec. 7, 1931 John Franklin Woolley-Member ---—. --- —---— Oct. 24, 1932 Appointment: Governor as Chairman, designated in Act. Four other members appointed by the Governor, with advice and consent of the Senate. Executive Officer designated by Commission. Term: Four years; rotating so that one member retires each year. Qualifications: Chairman shall be Governor. 109 Four members shall be citizens of the Territory, at least three of whom shall be "native Hawaiians." Compensation: For the member designated as "Executive Officer and Secretary" not to exceed $6000 annually, as Commission may determine. Other members-$500.00 annually. Law References: Ch. 41 R. L., 1925-Hawaiian Homes Commission Act of 1920, and amendments thereto of February 9, 1923. Sec. 531 R. L., 1925-Organization and personnel of Commission, terms, compensation, etc. Sec. 532-541 IR. L., 1925-Designating status and plan for operation and disposition of "available lands." Sec. 542-547 R. L., 1925-Creation and operation of Loan Fund of $1,000,000. Sec. 548 R. L., 1925-Employment of Agricultural Experts. Sec. 549-550 R. L., 1925-Refers to water development-Territorial funds or bonds for same; water license and privileges. Sec. 551 R. L., 1925-Regulations-expenditures. Biennial report-bond of Executive Officer. J. R. 1, S. L., 1927-Declaring project as provided by the Hawaiian Homes Commission Act of 1920-and administered by the Hawaiian Homes Commission a success and requesting the Secretary of the Interior to approve the extension of the activities of the Commission and urging Congress to extend the provisions thereof to all of the Islands, etc. Act of Congress March 8, 1928-Amending provisions of the Act providing that all "available lands" with certain exceptions, be under control of the Commission. Restricting to 20,000 acres the area to be disposed of for settlement in any live year period. Increasing "Loan Fund" to $2,000,000. Duties and Activities: The Hawaiian Homes Commission is charged with the administration of the "Hawaiian Homes Commission Act 1920" and amendments thereto, the most recent amendment being by Act of 'Congress, March 8, 1928. This Act is the sole purpose of placing Hawaiians on lands throughout the Territory and it became operative on the date of the first meeting of the Commission, September 16, 1921. Under the terms of the Act, large areas of public land on the Islands of Hawaii, Maui, Molokai, Oahu and Kauai, with certain specified exceptions, were designated as "available lands" but it restricted the occupancy and use during the first five year period to farm lands and house lots on Molokai and to house lots at Keaukaha, near Hilo, Hawaii. Following the five year period, but within the three years following allowed for such action, request was made (J. R. No. 1, S. L., 1927) for approval of the Secretary of the Interior and for appropriate action by Congress, extending the Act more 110 to the lands on the other Islands and for certain other amendments. By Act of Congress of March 9, 1928, the desired amendments were enacted restricting, however, the area to be disposed of for settlement in any calendar five year period to 20,000 acres-and increasing the Loan Fund from one to two million dollars and making certain provisions regarding the status of "available lands." The Commission is authorized to lease to native Hawaiians agricultural lands in tracts of from twenty to eigthy acres; first class pastoral lands in tracts from one hundred to five hundred acres; second class pastoral lands two hundred fifty to one thousand acres-and residence lots each of one-half acre, or more. Lessees pay an annual rental of one dollar and the lease runs for a period of ninety-nine years, with provisions relating to use and occupancy, taxes, loans, mortgages, etc., all of which acts of the lessee are fully controlled by the Commission. The law provides for a Revolving Fund, known as the "Hawaiian Home Loan Fund" limited in amount to $2,000,000. Receipts from leasing of certain "available lands" and 30% of Territorial receipts from the leasing of cultivated cane lands or from water licenses are covered into this Fund up to the specified limit. In addition, the Fund receives installments paid by the lessees in the liquidation of loans and moneys received by the Commission from any other sources. Loans may be made for the following purposes: (a) The erection of dwellings and for permanent improvements thereon. (b) The purchase of livestock and farm equipments; and (c) Otherwise assisting in the development of tracts. The amount of such loans to any one borrower at any one time being limited to $3,000, but in the case of the holder of a residence lot, the limit is fixed at $1,000. The law provides that loans shall be repaid on an amortization plan with interest at 5 % per annum and so arranged that the debt will be retired in not more than 30 years, unless specifically extended by the Commission. No lessee of any tract shall be eligible to receive any loan in respect thereto under the provisions of the "Farm Loan Act." The Commission is authorized to carry on general water and other developments with respect to Hawaiian Home Lands and the Legislature of the Territory is further authorized to appropriate the necessary funds or to issue bonds therefor,. with provision for the retirement of such bonds, with funds of the Cormmission. All water licenses issued after the passage of the Act are subject to certain demands of the Commission with respect to 111 the right to the use, free of charge, of water for stock watering and domestic purposes. Various other rights are conferred upon the Commission with relation to the right to the use of waters of the Territory, both as to Government owned supplies and to developments under license. PERSONNEL 1 Chairman-Gov. W. R. Farrington --------- $ 41.66 1 Commissioner-Rev. Akaiko Akana ---- ------ 41.66 1 Commissioner-Mrs. J. Frank Woods -------- 41.66 1 Commissioner-J. Frank Woolley --------- 41.66 1 Exec. Officer & Sec'y.-R. M. Duncan ------- 500.00 1 Agriculturist-Jas. Munroe ----------- 350.00 1 Accountant-C. A. Stobie ------------- 235.00 1 Steno-Clerk-Helen Bartle ------------- 150.00 1 Physician-Dr. E. S. Goodhue ----------- 100.00 1 Engineer-Jorgen Jorgesen (When employed) ---- 500.00 (Molokai payroll and other temporary employees, not segregated). COST FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1928 Revolving Fund: Personal Services -------— $ 39,663.75 Other Expenses -- ------- 11,234.35 Equipment ------------ 35,156.57 $ 86,054.67 INSANITY COMMISSION Members: Term Expires: C. D. Pratt, Chairman --------- -Nov. 18, 1930 Dr. Geo. Herbert ------------— June 22, 1930 Dr. C. B. Cooper -------------- -- Mar. 18, 1930 Appointment: Appointed by the Governor, with advice and consent of the Senate. Term: Four (4) years. Qualifications: The member acting as Chairman, shall be a person duly licensed to practice law in the Territory, and the two other members shall be persons licensed to practice medicine in the Territory. Compensation: Each Commissioner is entitled to receive $5.00 for the examination of every person on appeal or on application for discharge or parole, and should such examination be not completed in one day, then $5.00 for each suceed 112 ing day, together with all other expense incurred by the Commissioners in making the examination, which costs shall be a charge upon the County or City & County from which the person was committed. Law References: Act 114 S. L., 1925 Creation, duties, etc. Act 56 S. L., 1927-Relating to re-examinations. Duties and Activities: The Commissioners shall hear all cases brought before them on appeal by any person committed to said hospital, and shall investigate and determine the mental condition of patients seeking discharge or parole and such other duties as may be imposed upon or vested in them. They shall also exercise the same authority with regard to their special jurisdiction as is by law conferred upon District Magistrates. Commissioners or Chairman shall visit hospital from time to time and shall submit semi-annually to the Governor, a report of conditions of same and the number of patients therein. Organization: Commissioners only, consisting of three members. CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION (Board of Health) Members: Term Expires: Dr. A. K. Hanchett --------------------— Apr. 27, 1929 Mrs. G. T. Lomnes ------------------------— Apr. 27, 1929 Thos. E. Wall -----------------— Apr. 27, 1929 Appointment: Appointed by the Governor, with advice and consent of the Senate. Term: Two (2) years. Qualifications: Must be a citizen of the Territory of Hawaii and shall have resided therein for at least three years next preceding appointment. Not more than any two members of the Commission shall belong to the same political party, when appointed. Compensation: No compensation allowed. Law Reference: Ch. 68 R. L., 1915-Commission, appointment, rules, etc. Activities: The Commission shall classify all places of employment now existing, or hereafter created in or under the Board of Health, except certain places and offices covered in the law. The places so classified shall constitute the "Classified Services" of the Board of Health and no appointment to any such place shall be made, except with the approval of the Commission and in accordance with the rules and regulations thereof. 113 Organization: No special organization. The Secretary of the Board of Health shall act as Secretary and shall keep the minutes and records of the Commission. WAIAKEA HOMESTEAD COMMISSION Commissioners: Term Expires: W. W. Goodale, Chairman.. ----. --- —------------- May 6, 1931 Edgar Henriques, Member ----------------------— May 6, 1931 Andrew Adams, Member --------------- -------— May 6, 1931 Appointments: Appointed by Governor, with advice and consent of the Senate. Terms: Four (4) years. Qualifications: No person connected directly or indirectly, or who has ever been connected directly or indirectly with the Waiakea Mill Company may serve. Compensation: $1000.00 to each member on rendering of final report. $100.00 per month to each member during continuation. (Continuation apparently from May 4, 1927, date of signing of second act relating to Commission). Law References: Act 88 S. L., 1925-Creation of Commission, powers, duties, appropriation, etc. Act 275 S. L., 1927-Commission life extended-powers and duties extended, appropriation, etc. Activities: The purpose of the Waiakea Homestead Commission is "to make a complete investigation of the Waiakea Homestead situation in its entirety." This so called 'situation' is the result of disagreements on contracts entered into between homesteaders and the Waiakea Milling Co. The Commission elects its own chairman from among its members and may subpoena witnesses to testify and produce evidence, employ accountants and other experts to make studies of the transactions between disagreeing parties and in short entirely bring about the most equitable settlement of disputes possible. PERSONNEL 1 Secretary-B. C. Stewart..-........ --- — $300.00 Auditors, Attorneys, Arbitrators-by agreement. COST FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1928 Personal Services -------—. --- —----- $ 17,490.13 Other Expenses ---—. 2,577.09 Equipment -----—. 41.80 $ 20,109.02 114 TERRITORIAL AERONAUTICAL COMMISSION Commissioners: Term Expires: Col. P. M. Smoot, Chairman -...... --- —----—. —May 9, 1931 Will C. Crawford ------—. --- —---— May 9, 1931 H. F. Cullen -. --- —-----—. ---------— May 9, 1931 Leo G. Fehlman ------------—. ------ May 9, 1931 A. W. Van Valkenburg —. --- —--------— May 9, 1931 Comdr. V. B. Herbster, U. S. N... ---O --- —-—.0...ct. 22, 1932 Chester R. Clarke --------------- ----- Oct. 22, 1932 Appointment: Not less than 5, nor more than 7 members to be appointed by the Governor, one being designated as Chairman. Term: Four (4) years. Qualifications: At least 3 members shall be licensed aeronauts, or aeronauts holding commissions as such in the aviation service of some branch of the armed forces of the United States, including the Hawaii National Guard, Naval Militia and Reserved Corps. Compensation: No compensation. Allowance for necessary expenses, only. Law Reference: Act 238 S. L., 1927-Creating commission providing for appointment, qualifications, powers and duties; appropriating $10,000 for necessary expenses for the 1927-1929 biennium. Duties and Activities: The Aeronautical Commission is charged with: (1) The preparation, promulgation and enforcement of rules and regulations governing aviation and all allied activities within the Territory, where not conflicting with rules and regulations of the U. S. Department of Commerce. (2) The examination and licensing of non-commercial aeronuats, mechanics, aircraft and flying equipment. (3) The establishment of airways and areas over which flying shall be prohibited. The U. S. Department of Commerce controls chartering of airways. (4) The exclusive control and operation of all Territorially owned or leased airports. PERSONNEL 1 Clerk-Jas. Chang ----------—. --- —-- $100.00 1 Acting Secretary-Hazel Samson -------—. ---- 25.00 1 Stenographer (temporary)-Lucy Boyen --— per day 3.35 Within the limits of available funds, the Commission may employ a Secretary and other assistants, as necessary. 115 COST FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1928 Personal Services ------—. --- —------ $ 663.39 Other Expenses.... --- —------ 2,084.70 Equipment --- -- - - 613.90 $ 3,361.99 WASHINGTON BICENTENNIAL COMMISSION Members: Not appointed. Appointment: Appointed by the Governor, with advice and consent of the Senate. Term: Four (4) years. Qualifications: Must be a citizen of the Territory, and have resided therein for at least three years next preceding their appointment. Compensation: No compensation. Law Reference: Act 34 S. L., 1927-Creation and duties. Duties and Activities: To recommend to the Legislature of the Territory, the manner in which the Territory shall participate in the celebration of the two hundredth anniversary of the birth of George Washington. Organization: No special organization at present, as only required to make recommendation to Legislature. HONOLULU SEWER AND WATER COMMISSION Members: Term Expires: G. Stanley McKenzie, Chairman... ------—. - - April 29, 1931 Geo. F. Wright, Secretary --—. ---April 29, 1931 Fred T. Williams. ----. ---.. --- —.. —.-.April 29, 1931 Lyman H. Bigelow ---- ------------------------------- Ex-officio C. C. Crozier.-.. --- —------ ---- - April 29, 1931 Appointment: Appointed by the Governor, with advice and consent of the Senate. One member to be appointed as the representative of the City & County of Honolulu, and the Superintendent of Public Works of the Territory shall also be a member. One member shall be appointed as Chairman of the Commission. Other members shall not be officers or employees of the Territory or the City & County. Term: Six (6) years. Qualifications: Members must be citizens of the Territory and residents of the City & County of Honolulu. Compensation: Serve without compensation. 116 Law References: Sec. 80 Organic Act-Appointment. Act 150 S. L., 1925-Creation, duties, powers, etc. Act 40 S. L., 1927-Authority to increase bond issue for needed sewer and water improvements. Act 222 S. L., 1927-Investigation, report, etc., on water resources available for Honolulu. Act 210 S. L., 1927-Investigation and report on Tunnel through Koolau Range, commencing in Kalihi Valley. Duties and Activities: Authorized to issue bonds to obtain funds, not to exceed $6,000,000, the proceeds of which shall be used to meet the public health emergency by constructing the needed sewer and water improvements in the district of Honolulu, with exclusive charge and control of all expenditures in the planning and construction of such sewer and water system. As soon as any unit or separate part of the sewer and water system above is completed, same shall be turned over to the City & County of Honolulu to be by it operated and maintained. Commission may employ such engineers and other persons as it may consider necessary to carry out its duties, adopt such rules and regulations as it may consider necessary or advisable for its own guidance, and shall report in full to the regular sessions of the Legislature, its doings and expenditures and such recommendations as it may deem advisable to expedite and complete the sewer and water system, insure its adequacy and to safeguard the watersheds and artesian basins of Honolulu. The Commission shall have power to bring proceedings in eminent domain for the acquisition of such property and rights as required, purchase such rights and property as needed, adjust and compromise claims and disputes of every nature arising in the performance of its duties. The Commission is authorized to provide officers for the transaction of its business and to incur other necessary expense to carry out its activities; may enter upon any land or water for the purpose of making surveys, examinations and investigations, for the location and sources of supply of water within the district of Honolulu, both surface and underground, and any surface waters outside of the District on Oahu, determining or estimating the amounts available for use and the maximum productivity of such sources thereof; keep data on existing wells in the district; their use, control and capacity, with powers to permanently seal wells as relief to owners; issue permits to drill new wells in the District; to prevent the reopening of any well unused for two years or more, and such other work as is necessary to provide for the proper conservation, development, use and control of the available water re 117 sources of the District of Honolulu with a report and recommendations for legislation covering all phases of same. The Commission shall proceed to construct the sewer and water system in such units as it shall determine in the manner provided by Section 1477-1478 of the Revised Laws of Hawaii, 1925. Personnel: ADMINISTRATION 1 Chief Engineer-Frederick Ohrt ------.. --- —-----—. ---$600.00 1 Office Assistant-David P. Penhallow --------------- 165.00 1 Ch. Clk. and Stenographer-Margaret C. Brady ----- 185.00 1 Stenographer-Ruth L. Flores ------------------------- 145.00 1 Clerk-Hector P. Morton ---------- ----------------- 140.00 WATER 1 Assistant Engineer-G. K. Larrison ---------—...$400.00 1 Chief Draftsman-A. E. Beatty ----------------------- 325.00 1 Instrument man-W. W. Fehr ------------------------ 275.00 1 Transit man-A. V. Roberts ------------------------- 250.00 1 Transit man-E. M. Buckingham --------------------- 275.00 1 Rodman-Harold Higaki -----------—. --- —------ 75.00 1 Inspector-L. Novion --------—. --- —----------- 200.00 1 Inspector-Geo. F. Campbell ------------------------- 200.00 1 Draftsman-Edward Matsu ---------------------------- 135.00 1 Rodman-Antone Damas ---------------------— per day 4.00 1 Rodman-Francis Kwock -------—. --- —------ per day 4.00 1 Rodman-Frank Young ------- --------------— per day 4.00 ARTESIAN WELLS 1 Mechanical and Electrical Engineer and Artesian Wells-W. N. Chaffee --------------—.... —$375.00 1 Junior Engineer-C. K. Lum ------------------.175.00 WATER RESOURCE DIVISION 1 Assistant Engineer-J. F. Kunesh -------------------- 1 Junior Engineer-L. G. Allen ------------------------- 200.00 1 Junior Engineer-W. H. Samson -—. --- —-_____.____ ---- _____ --- —-- 175.00 1 Junior Engineer-W. W. Hartman -—. --- —----------- 175.00 1 Rodman-K. H. Lee ------------------------- ---- 100.00 1 Rodman-Junichi Morinaka.. ---.1... --- —-----—. --- — 110.00 SEWER 1 Assistant Engineer-R. S. Mowry ----—.... ------- 400.00 1 Instrument man-C. D. Tarleton ---—. --- —----------- 275.00 1 Inspector-Chas. Kiesel ----.. --- —----------------- 250.00 1 Asst. Inspector-Ernest Wedemeyer -----—..... — 165.00 1 Levelman-Dan Ainoa ---------------------------- 165.00 1 Asst. Inspector-Fred O. Young.-.. ----. ---. --- — 150.00 118 1 Asst. Inspector-H. C. Camp ----- - ------ 150.00 1 Rodman-Jas. Friel ------- -- --------- 125.00 1 Rodman-Howard Kurio ----- -- --------- 125.00 1 Rodman-Harry Springer --------- per day 4.00 1 Rodman-Granville Cheeley --------- per day 4.00 1 Rodman-Carl Kufferath ---------- per day 4.50 1 Rodman-Harry Kaahea ----------- per day 4.00 1 Inspector of Sewers-Ed. Landon ------ per day 5.00 KALIHI TUNNEL (Temporary Investigation) I Traffic Counter-Kenneth Ross ------ per day $5.00 1 Traffic Counter-Alexander Alarde ----- per day 5.00 Other sundry labor, as necessary, at rates of $3.50 per day and $80.00 per month. Paid from City and County Bond Funds. COST FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1928 Personal Services -------- $134,823.33 Other Operating Expense ------ 41,574.10 Mapping and Metering-City ---- 70,673.72 Equipment ------------- 13,022.42 Outlay -------------— 1,831,998.43 $2,092,092.00 All of the foregoing might properly be termed "Outlay." WAIKIKI IMPROVEMENT COMMISSION Members: Term Expires: Lyman H. Bigelow -----------------— Ex-officio Conrad C. von Hamm ---------— Apr. 2, 1929 George P. Denison ------- - -----— Oct. 19, 1929 H. A. R. Austin -----------------— Ex-officio Charles N. Arnold --------------- Ex-officio Appointment: Appointed by the Governor, with advice and consent of the Senate. Term: Four (4) years. Qualifications: Must be a citizen of the Territory and shall have resided therein for at least three (3) years next preceding appointment. The Superintendent of Public Works of the Territory; the Mayor and City & County Engineer of the City & County of Honolulu are ex-officio members. Compensation: Members serve without pay. 119 Law Reference: Act 221 S. L., 1921-Creation, appointment, etc. Duties and Activities: The Commission acting by and with the appproval of the Board of Supervisors of the City & County of Honolulu may establish sub-improvement districts within the Improvement District established hereby; is, authorized and directed to prepare and adopt plans for the construction of boulevards on each- side of the Ala Wai, with such cross streets as deemed advisable and located as directed by Sec. 2, Act 14 of the Special Session of 1918; to designate for park purposes such portions of the publicly owned land deemed advisable, with the approval of the Governor; all of which shall be ultimately submitted to the Board of Supervisors of the City & County of Honolulu for final approval, the latter being authorized to construct or cause to be constructed, the said boulevards under and pursuant to Ch. 112 R. L., 1915, as amended. Organization: No special organization. COMMISSIONERS OF BOUNDARIES Members: Term Expires: 1st Judicial;Circuit-Arthur C. Alexander ---------— Jan. 19, 1931 2nd Judicial Circuit-Daniel H. Case -------------------— Oct. 24, 1932 3rd Judicial Circuit —J. W. Thompson ----------------— Apr. 7, 1931 4th Judicial Circuit-W. H. Smith -----------— Under original appt. 5th Judicial Circuit-Lyle A. Dickey --------— Under original appt. Appointment: Appointed by the Governor. Term: At pleasure of the Governor. Qualifications: Must be a citizen of the Territory and shall have resided therein for at least three (3) years next preceding appointment. Shall be qualified to settle the matter of boundaries by training and experience therein. Compensation: A schedule of fees for services is provided by law and the costs of such services and traveling expenses is borne by the petitioner or respondent, or divided between them as the Commissioner may decide, subject to appeal, as provided by law. Law Reference: Ch. 42 R. L., 1925-Appointment, tenure, procedure and powers. Activities: One or more Commissioners are appointed by the Governor, and hold office during his pleasure-not more than one for each Judicial Circuit, but the same person may be appointed for more than one Circuit. 120 All owners of lands of the several denominations, or portions thereof, within the Territory, whose lands have not been awarded by the Land Commissioners, patented or conveyed by deed from the King or Government, by boundaries decided in such award, patent, or deed, may file with the Commissioner for the Circuit in which the land is located, an application to have the boundaries of the land decided and certified to by said Commissioner. It is the duty of the Commissioner in each case to obtain all information possible to enable him to arrive at a proper decision, to go on the ground when requested and to order any surveys made that may be necessary. He must keep a record of his proceedings in books, which when filled are to be returned to the Commissioner of public Lands. Each Commissioner has the same authority in regard to his special jurisdiction as is by law conferred upon District Magistrates. Appeal from the decision of a Commissioner lies to the Supreme Court. The Commissioner of Public Lands is forbidden to issue any patent in confirmation of an award by name, made by the Commissoiners, to quiet land titles, without the boundaries being defined in such patent according to the decision of a Commissioner of Boundaries, or the Supreme Court on appeal. COMMISSIONERS OF DEEDS Commissioners: California-Lester Ball, Dorothy H. McClennan. New York-Chas. F. Wilcox. Pennsylvania-Louis Karstaedt. Washington, D. C.-G. S. Growwman. Province of Quebec, Canada-Adolph Michelson, Wm. Peter Duval. Montreal, Quebec-Malcolm MacGregor Campbell. In Hawaii for California-P. H. Burnette. In Hawaii for New York-P. H. Burnette. Azores-Antonio F. Bradford. Appointment: The Governor may appoint Commissioners throughout the United States, and one or more in each foreign country. Term: Three (3) years. Qualifications: Not specifically named. Compensation: Charges for services made by Commissioners are at rates authorized by statute for similar services rendered by Notaries within the jurisdiction in which the services are performed. 121 Law Reference: 'Ch. 184 R. L., 1925-Appointment, tenure, power, etc. Activities: A Commissioner may administer oaths and take depositions, affidavits and acknowledgment of deeds and other instruments to be used or recorded in the Territory, each act of which shall be recorded with the essential facts. Duly certified records of the acts of a Commissioner have the same force and effect as if performed by a Notary within the Territory. In each case a certificate of the Commissioner's oath of office, signature and impression of his official seal are transmitted to, and filed in the office of the Secretary of the Territory, who in turn forwards to each Commissioner, instructions and forms in conformity with the law. Organization: No special organization. COMMISSIONERS OF FENCES Commissioners: Term Expires: OAHU Honolulu-J. A. Beaven --------------—. —May 21, 1928 Honolulu-Eli J. Crawford -----------------— Mar. 18, 1930 Honolulu-Albion F. Clark ---------------— Mar. 18, 1930 Ewa and Waianae-George I. Brown ------— May 21, 1929 HAWAII N. Kona-John Kaelmakule --------- Original Appointment N. Kona-Allen S. Wall -----------— Original Appointment S. Kona-Abraham Haile ---------- Original Appointment S. Kona-Enok K. Kaaua. --- —----- Original Appointment S. Kona-L. P. Lincoln -----------— Original Appointment Kau-George Campbell -. —. --- —.. — Original Appointment Kau-John T. Nakai --------------— Original Appointment N. Kohala-Ernest K. Kanehailua -Original Appointment N. Kohala-W. S. May -----------— Original Appointment S. Kohala-J. Kailapa Kanehaku - Original Appointment S. Kohala-James S. Lemon ------— Original Appointment S. Kohala-Henry J. Lyman -------------— Sept. 23, 1931 S. Kohala-G. D. Supe. --- —-----— Original Appointment Hamakua-Wm. J. Rickard --—. ----Original Appointment S. Hilo-George H. Vicars... --- —-----—..-Jan. 3, 1931 S. Hilo-A. C. Burdick ------------------ Jan. 3, 1931 S. Hilo-A. J. Williamson ---------- --—..Nov. 30, 1930 MAUI Makawao-J. G. Freitas ---—... ---Original Appointment Makawao-Robt. von Tempsky ------------— Dec. 7, 1931 Makawao-Wm. Henning --—.. — Original Appointment 122 MOLOKAI Molokai-H. R. Hitchcock --------— Original Appointment Molokai-James G. Munro --------- Original Appointment Molokai-Solomon Fuller ---------— Original Appointment KAUAI Kauai-Hugh H. Brodie ----------------------— Oct. 2, 1929 Kauai-Alfred Menefoglio ------------------— Dec. 2, 1929 Kauai-W. F. Hardy ---------------------— Dec. 2, 1929 Appointment: Appointed by the Governor, in accordance with Sec. 80 of the Organic Act. Term: Four (4) years. Qualifications: Must be a citizen of the Territory and shall have resided therein for at least 3 years next preceding appointment. Compensation: Compensation for services is met by prescribed fees and mileage for every case acted upon. Law References: Ch. 49 R. L. 1925-Appointment, duties, etc. Duties and Activities: The duties of the Commissioners relate to the construction and maintenance of fences by adjoinr ing land owners, or in cases where the construction of a fence may appear inexpedient, the Commission may decide how many animals each of the parties concerned may pasture upon his land. Twenty-five land owners in any Taxation District may petition the Governor to appoint a Commission of Fences, when the necessity arises. Appeals from decisions of the Commission lie to the Circuit Court. COMMISSION TO PROMOTE UNIFORMITY OF LEGISLATION IN THE UNITED STATES Members: Term Expires: Harold T. Kay -------------—. --- —--- - Aug. 9, 1931 Emil C. Peters -------------- --- Aug. 30, 1929 Marguerite K. Ashford ----------—...Apr. 30, 1929 Appointment: Appointed by the Governor. Term: Three (3) years. Three appointments, with one appointment expiring on the 30th day of April each year. Qualifications: None named. Compensation: To serve without pay. Law Reference: Ch. 8, R. L., 1925-Creation, duties, etc. Duties and Activities: It is the duty of the Commissioners to examine all subjects upon which uniformity of legislation 123 for States and Territories is desirable; to make recommendation of means to effect such uniformity and to represent the Territory in conventions of like commissions in other States and Territories for the consideration and recommendation of uniform laws and recommendation of any other course of action that may tend to accomplish a uniformity of law. COMMISSION TO RECOMMEND CHANGES IN JUDICIAL PROCEDURE Members: Term Expires: Judge Antonio Perry - ------------- Aug. 9, 1930 Charles S. Davis ------------— Aug. 9, 1930 Arthur Withington ------------- Aug. 9, 1930 Daniel H. Case -------------— Aug. 9, 1930 Appointment: Appointed by the Governor. Term: Two (2) years. Qualifications: One member to be a justice of the Supreme Court; one a Circuit Court Judge and two, members of the Bar of high standing and qualified by learning and experience. Compensation: To serve without compensation. Law Reference: J. R. No. 2, S. L., 1923 —Creation, duties, etc. Duties and Activities: Prepare and recommend to the Legislature any necessary amendments to the Statutes tending to the simplification of the system of pleading, practice and procedure to be used in all actions, motion and proceeding at law or in equity by the Circuit Court and District Courts so as to promote the speedy termination of litigation on the merits, and to report to the 1925 Session of the Legislature. By virtue of his authority as Chief Executive, the Governor has extended the appointments to August 9th, 1930 to afford time for the Commission to report on the subject. JUDICIARY BRANCH Title of Department: SUPREME COURT. Justices: Antonio Perry, Chief Justice; James J. Banks, Associate Justice; Charles F. Parsons, Associate Justice. Appointment: Appointed by the President of the United States, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate of the United States. Term: Four (4) years, or until removed by the President. Qualifications: Must be citizens of the Territory, who shall 124 have resided therein for at least three years next preceding appointment. Compensation: Chief Justice, $10,500 per annum; Associate Justice, $10,000 per annum. (Part by the United States and part by Territory. Paid in full by the United States Government from and after July 1, 1928). Law References: Sec. 80-82 Org. Act-How constituted; appointment of justices; term of office; qualifications. Sec. 92 Org. Act-Salaries. Ch. 134 R. L., 1925-Providing for absence of Chief Justice; prescribing general duties, functions, terms of court; to prescribe rules and regulations for procedure, etc. Ch. 133 R. L., 1925-General provisions; powers in constitutional questions. Act 83 S. L., 1925-Increasing salaries of Justices; authorizing Treasurer of the Territory to pay. Functions: The judicial power of the Territory is vested in a Supreme Court, Circuit Court and such inferior Courts as the Legislature may, from time to time, establish. The Judiciary Department so constituted, is charged with the administration of justice throughout the Territory and is independent, in all respects, of both the Executive and Legislative Departments. The department is presided over by a Chief Justice, whose duty it is to make a report to each regular session of the Legislature of the business of the Department and of the administration of justice throughout the Territory. The Supreme 'Court consists of a Chief Justice and two Associate Justices, appointed by the President of the U. S., as aforesaid. The Court has appellate jurisdiction to hear questions of law, or of mixed law and fact which shall be properly brought before it and in the aid of its appellate jurisdiction shall have the power to issue writs of mandamus, certiorari, prohibition and habeas corpus and all other necessary and proper writs. And incidentally, the Court shall have power to do all such acts and take such steps as may be necessary to carry out effectively the powers granted to it or for the promotion of justice in all matters pending before it. The Court may make rules and regulations governing procedure before it, but is not authorized to impose costs not expressly provided by law; may prepare and recommend forms for use in the several Courts of the Territory, and such forms shall be as valid as if authorized by statute. The Supreme Court has the power to examine, admit and reinstate qualified persons as practitioners in the Courts of record and has the sole power to revoke or suspend the license of any such practitioner. 125 PERSONNEL 1 Chief Justice-Hon. Antonio Perry..-.. ----. --- —-------— $250.00 1 Associate Justice-Hon. Jas. J. Banks ----------------- 250.00 1 Associate Justice-Hon. Chas. F. Parsons_ --------- -- 250.00 1 Chief Clerk-J. A. Thompson.. --- —. ---- 350.00 ] Deputy Clerk and Steno.-Kate Kelley -. --- —-------- 250.00 1 Asst. Clerk-Robt. Parker, Jr..... --- —---------- 225.00 1 Asst. Steno.-Marjorie Taylor ------------------- 160.00 1 Bailiff-Gus K. Sproat ------- 150.00 COST FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1928 Personal Services — $ --- —---------— $ 22,830.00 Other Expenses --------- --------- 3,947.89 Equipment —... -------—.. --- —- 2,470.04 $ 29,247.93 CIRCUIT COURT 1st Circuit Court Judges-Honolulu Hon. A. E. Steadman —st Judge --— Appointed June 10, 1927 Hon. Albert M. Christy-2nd Judge --— Qualified Oct. 29, 1926 Hon. Edward K. Massee-3rd Judge - Qcalified Mar. 1, 1926 Hon. E. M. Watson-4th Judge ---— Appointed Mar. 22, 1928 2nd Circuit Court Judge-Wailuku Hon. Daniel H. Case --------------- Reappointed July 2, 1926 3rd Circuit Court Judge-Kailua Hon. Wesley Thompson.. --- —--- - Reappointed Feb. 2, 1926 4th Circuit Court Judge-Hilo Hon. Homer L. Ross -----—.. --- —. Reappointed Feb. 18, 1926 5th Circuit Court Judge-Lihue Hon. William C. Achi -. --- —---—.- - Reappointed Jan. 8, 1924 Appointment: Appointed by the President of the United States with advice and consent of the Senate. Term: Four (4) years. Law References: Ch. 135 R. L., 1925-Circuits, Judges, Sessions, etc. Ch. 137 R. L., 1925-Relating to jurisdiction, activities and limitations. Act 200 S. L., 1927 —Relating to salaries, expenses, etc. Numerous other laws relating to specific cases of legal action. 126 ACTIVITIES AND JURISDICTION Jurisdiction: 1. Of all criminal offenses, within individual circuit. 2. Suits for penalties and forfeitures. 3. Civil or criminal appeal from any other Court according to law. 4. At law, without jury in quo warranto proceedings, brought by the Public Utilities Commission or the Territory against abuse of franchises by Public Utilities. 5. All civil cases at law except as otherwise provided. 6. Change of venue. The Judges may: 1. Hear and determine matters in equity. 2. Hear and determine matters of divorce, separation and annulment of marriage. 3. Grant probates of wills; appoint administrators and guardians; compel executors, administrators and guardians to perform their trust and account for the discharge of their duties; remove executors, administrators or guardians to determine as at law of deceased persons and distribute intestate estates. 4. To admeasure, dower and partition real estate. 5. Legalize the adoption of children and decree the affiliation of bastards. 6. To select and impanel jury in any matters to be tried before any judges at chamber and to act upon their verdict as equity and good conscience require. 7. To issue writ of habeas corpus. 8. To issue writs of error, certiorari, mandamus, prohibition, quo warranto and all other writs and processes according to law, Courts of inferior jurisdiction, to corporations and individuals as is necessary to further the justice of law. 9. To enlarge on bails, persons rightfully confined in all bailable cases. 10. To require plaintiff or defendant upon application of opposite party to give security for costs in any civil cause. 11. To issue warrants for apprehension in any part of the Territory of any person accused under oath for crime or misdemeanor committed in the Territory, and to examine and commit such persons to prison according to law, for trial before the Circuit Court; to fix bail and generally perform the duties of a committing magistrate. In exercising all of the foregoing activities, the Court is limited in certain respects by law and precedent. 127 PERSONNEL Honolulu-1st Circuit Territory Pays Hon. A. E. Steadman. --- —------------ ---— $125.00 Hon. A. M. Christy -------- 125.00 ion. E. K. Massee -------------------- ----- ------------ -------------- 125.00 Hon. E. M. Watson -.. --- —-- -------- 125.00 Salaries paid in full by Federal Government after July 1, 1928. Cost to Territory for fiscal year ended June 30, 1928 -$11,665.32. 1 Judge, Wailuku-Hon. Daniel H. Case $. --- —------— $ 41.67 1 Judge, Hilo-Hon. L. Ross -------------------------- 41.67 1 Judge, Kailua-Hon. J. W. Thompson --- —------------ 41.67 1 Judge, Lihue-Hon. Wm. C. Achi. --- —------------—. - 41.67 (Balance of salary of foregoing Judges paid by Federal Government). Employees' salaries and other Court expenses approximating the following amounts are paid by the Counties: Honolulu-lst Circuit -----------------— $$ 96,000 Maui-2nd Circuit ----------— 24, --- —----- 24,000 Hawaii-3rd Circuit ---------------------- 13,000 Hawaii-4th Circuit ---------------------- 28,000 Kauai-5th Circuit ---------— 2.1......... 21,000 Court of Domestic Relations, Honolulu — $ 51,000 DISTRICT 'COURTS No. of Dist. Magistrates: Oahu, 11; Hawaii, 12; Maui, 7; Molokai, 3; Lanai, 1; Kauai, 7. Appointment: Appointed by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the Territory of Hawaii. Term: Four (4) years. Qualifications: Shall be elector of County in which appointed and shall have passed an examination for admission to practice law in the District Courts of the Territory. Law References: Ch. 137 R. L., 1925-Relating to jurisdiction, activities and limitations. Act 200 S. L., 1927-Relating to salaries, expenses, etc. ACTIVITIES AND JURISDICTION Civil Jurisdiction: In civil actions not exceeding $50.00, unless otherwise pro 128 vided; concurrent jurisdiction civil cases not exceeding $500.00, unless otherwise provided; original jurisdiction in statutory proceedings as conferred by law and subject to appeal to the Circuit Court, but shall not have jurisdiction in real action; in question of real estate title; or action in libel, slander, defamation of character, malicious prosecution, false imprisonment, breach of promise of marriage, or seduction nor civil matters requiring trial by jury; nor shall they have power to appoint referees in any case. Criminal Jurisdiction: Limited to criminal offenses punishable by fine, or imprisonment not exceeding one year, but not in cases where accused cannot be held except on present or indictment of a grand jury or where the accused shall have the right of trial by jury and demand such right. District Court of Kalawao-Leper Settlement: 1 Dist. Magistrate-C. S. Nascimento ------—. --- —---- $ 50.00 1 Dist. Magistrate-J. D. MacVeigh ---—...... No extra pay COST FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1928 Personal Services --------—. --- —---—.$ 600.00 Other Expenses - —.- 8.92 Equipment ------------------------—. 0.00 $ 608.92 Other District Courts supported in full by Counties. LAND COURT Department Head: Hon. E. K. Massee, Judge of the Land Court. Appointment: Designated by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court from among the Judges of the First Circuit Court. Term: Limited by term of appointment to Circuit Court. Qualifications: Must be a Judge in the First Circuit Court, having been duly appointed by the President of the United States. Compensation: Paid as a Judge of the Circuit Court. Law References: Ch. 186 R. L., 1925-General duties, jurisdiction, etc. Act.258 S. L., 1927-Appointment of a Registrar, tenure of power and duty, salaries and expenses of the Land Court, and decisions and appeals. Activities and Jurisdiction: Original jurisdiction subject to appeal to the Supreme Court of all applications for registration 129 of title to land and easements to rights in land held and possessed in fee simple within the Territory, with power to hear and determine all questions arising upon such applications and also jurisdiction over other questions as may come before it of such a character. The proceedings upon application shall be proceeded in Rem against the land, and the decree shall operate directly upon the land and shall invest and establish title thereto. PERSONNEL 1 Registrar-J. H. Fisher -—... ---.. --- —---- $250.00 1 Asst. Registrar-P. H. Mulholland... ----. -- 175.00 Interpretors, Examiners-Temporary. COST FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1928 Personal Services. ------- $ --- —----— $ 15,428.76 Other Expenses --—.... --- —------- 766.79 Equipment ------- 368.50 $ 16,564.05 TAX APPEAL COURTS Members: Three members are appointed to serve in each of the Counties and the City & County of Honolulu, constituting four courts. Appointment: Appointed by the Governor, with advice and consent of the Senate. Term: One year. Qualifications: No tax assessor or deputy tax assessor shall be appointed. Compensation: Ten Dollars ($10.00) each per day and traveling expenses. Law References: Sec. 1350 to and including Sec. 1360 R. L., 1925-General powers and duties. Act 242 S. L., 1927-Income Tax jurisdiction. Duties and Activities: Tax Appeal Court is constituted to hear appeals from Tax Assessor re: assessment on real and personal property taxes and income taxes in their respective Counties. They hold sessions during the month of July each year and for such purpose the Chairman and one member constitutes a quorum. Appeal may be made any time prior to May 10th of the taxable year and the decisions. of the Court are subject to appeal to the Supreme Court. 130 HIGH SHERIFF OF THE TERRITORY OF HAWAII (TERRITORIAL PRISON) High Sheriff: John C. Lane. Appointment: Appointed by the Governor, with advice and consent of the Senate. Term: Four (4) years and until successor is appointed and qualified, unless sooner removed. Term Expires: October 1, 1930. Qualifications: Must be a citizen of the Territory, and have resided therein for at least three years next preceding appointment. Compensation: Fixed by the Legislature. Present rate $4200 annually, together with certain fees prescribed by law. Law References: Sec. 79-80 Org. Act-Providing for High Sheriff, general duties, appointment, term, qualifications and compensation. Sec. 1497 R. L., 1925-Is Chief of Police for the Territory. Sec. 1514 R. L., 1925-Warden of Oahu Prison. Sec. 1539 R. L., 1925-Ex-officio member "Board of Identification." Sec. 1567 R. L., 1925-Ex-officio member "Prisoners Com. pensation Board." Sec. 1500 R. L., 1925-Appoints and commissions deputies of High Sheriff. Sec. 1502 R. L., 1925-Appoints police officers as required. Special police officers to serve in emergency. Sec. 4353 R. L., 1925-May summon posse comitatus. Sec. 366 R. L., 1925-Relations to Industrial Schools. Sec. 4507 R. L., 1925-Right to inspect artesian wells. Sec. 4095 R. L., 1925-Execution of death sentence. Act 135 S. L., 1927-Execution of sentence of Court Martial. Sec. 1510-1514 R. L., 1925-Accounting to Attorney General. Sec. 1523 R. L., 1925-Prison labor on public works, as directed by. Duties and Activities: The High Sheriff of the Territory, while appointed by the Governor, is responsible to the Attorney General for the conduct of the affairs of his office. As the Chief of Police for the Territory, he has supervision and control of the subordinate officers of the police; and as Warden of Oahu Prison, he is responsible for the operation of the Institution and for the safe-keeping of all persons committed thereto. It is his duty to preserve the public peace and to have charge of all jails and prisons except as otherwise provided; to be responsible for all persons committed to his charge; to execute all lawful precepts and mandates properly directed to him; to arrest all fugitives from justice, as well as all criminals and violators of the law; and generally, to perform such other 131 duties as may be imposed upon him by law, for any of which purposes he may command all necessary assistance. The Sheriff submits an accounting of all transactions to the Attorney General concerning both the operations of his office and the Oahu Prison. PERSONNEL 1 High Sheriff & Warden, Oahu Prison-John C. Lane-$350.00 1 Deputy High Sheriff and Warden, Oahu Prison-C. A. Wedeman ----------------- ----- 325.00 1 Deputy Warden-N. T. Neilson ---—.. --- —----------- 275.00 1 Physician (part time)-Dr. C. E. Fronk ------------- 120.00 1 Dentist (part time)-Dr. J. J. Carey ------------------ 120.00 1 Bookkeeper-Sam'l. Keliinoi ------------------------- 250.00 1 Clerk, Dep. High Sheriff's Office-Wm. Jarrett Bruhn 125.00 1 Parole Officer-Andrew Bright.. --- —. --- —---------- 225.00 1 Head Luna-M. R. Colburn ----------------------- 150.00 1 Senior Captain-E. E. Robins ------------------------- 150.00 2 Turnkeys ----------------------- 140.00 3 Captains -........ ----. --- —-----.0 120.00 16 Guards ------------------------------ 110.00 1 Garage Foreman-Pat K. Lam -.. --- —----—. --- — 140.00 7 Lunas ----------------- -------------- 120.00 1 Tailor-Dung Dock.......... --- - -... - 100.00 1 Matron-Mrs. M. K. Sheldon ------------------------ 120.00 1 Jailer-Kahului Camp -------—.- - ----------- 125.00 1 Jailor-Kailua Camp (including extras) ----------- 200.00 1 Jailor-Waiakea Camp. --- —------------- 125.00 1 Guard-Kailua Camp -----—. --- — - 75.00 1 Guard-Waiakea Camp (including extras) ---------- 120.00 1 Clerk, Bd. of Prison Inspectors-Beatrice L. White ---- 75.00 (Part time) 1 Jailor-Olinda Camp ------ - 200.00 4 Guards-Olinda Camp ---—...- -----.. --- —. ---- 90.00 (Allowances go with the above compensation in certain cases). COST FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1928 Prison Proper Personal Services -----------------. - 75,971.56 Other Expenses --------—. ---- --- 74,247.38 Equipment ----— 9,724.27 $159,943.21 Compensation to Prisoners -..$. ---.$ 5,361.81 132 Tantalus Road Equipment ----------— $ 9,812.23 Waimea Airport Equipment -----------— $ 4,266.43 Gorse Pest-Transporting and Housing Prisoners Personal Services --------— $ 248.00 Other Expenses ------ ------- 7,057.16 Equipment ------------- 2,892.65 $ 10,197.81 133 INDEX Page Legislature -- --------------------------- ------------------------ 5 Executive Department -------—.... --- —----------------- 7 Judicial Branch ------------------------------- 124 Accountancy, Board of - ---------—.. —.- -------------------- 97 Aeronautical Commission, Territorial. --- —-------------- 115 Agriculture & Forestry, Board of-.. --- —--------- 59 Animal Industry, Division of ----. --------------. 60 Appraisers, Board of (all Counties) ----------—... — —. 95 Architects, Board of Registration of ------------------—. 96 Archives, Public ----------------—....- - - ------ 83 Armory Boards..-..... --- —---------------------- 90 Attorney General. ---. --- —------------------—..__.-.. --- —-----— __.-. 11 Auditing Department --—. --- —------------- 38 Boundaries, Commissioners of (all Circuits) --------------- 120 Budget Bureau -—. --- —---------------- 56 Boys Industrial School.... --- —----------------- 72 Child Welfare Boards..-. --- --------------------- 88 Chiropractic Examiners, Board of ------------------------ 103 Circuit Courts ------------------------------- 124 Civil Service Commission of the Board of Health ---------- 113 Compilation Commission --—... --- —-------- 104 Courts ------- -------- ------------ 124 Deeds, Commissioners of --—.. --- —---------------- 121 Dental Examiners, Board of -------------------------- 100 Disposal, Board of ------------------------------- 90 District Courts ----------------------—. --- —-------- 128 Education, Department of Public Instruction -------------- 31 Employees' Retirement System -—. --- —----------------- 86 Engineers, Board of Registration of ----------------------- 96 Entomology Division. --- —----------------------- 60 Estimates, Board of --—... --- — ----------------- 34 Executive Department ------------------— 7 --- —-- - 7 Equalization, Board of Tax --- ——..-..... --- —- ----------- 95 Fair Commission ----—. --- —------------------- 105 Farm Loan Board -------------—. --- —------------ 80 Feeble Minded, Home for-Waimano.. --- —-------—...- 66 134 INDEX Page Fences, Commissioners of (all Counties) -122 Fish & Game Division -60 Forestry-Board of Agriculture and Forestry -59 Girls Industrial School - -72 Governor - - 7 Harbor Board - -63 Hawaiian Homes Commission - -109 Health Department, Board of Health - -43 High Sheriff & Territorial Prison - -131 Hydrography Division -25 Historical Commission - -106 House of Representatives, Members of - - 6 Immigration, Labor & Statistics, Board of -94 Industrial Accident Boards (all Counties) -84 Industrial Schools -72 Insane Asylum -------- 47 Insanity Commission -112 Instruction, Public, Department of -31 Judicial Branch -124 Judicial Procedure, Commission to Recommend Changes in 124 Labor, Immigration & Statistics, Board of -94 Land Court - 129 Lands, Public, Department of -23 Legislation in U. S., Commission to Promote Uniformity of 123 Legislature - -----------------------------------— 5 Leprosy & Leper Settlement - -47-54 Libraries, all - -76-80 Lahainaluna School - -37 Medical Examiners, Board of - ---- 99 Military Departments, National Guard - -41. Militia ------------------------------------------------------- 41 National Guard of Hawaii - -41 Natureopathic Examiners, Board of - -104 Nursing, Board of Registration of - -98 Optometry Examiners, Board of - -101 Osteopathic Examiners, Board of -102 Pharmacy, Board of -98 Prison Inspectors, Boards of, (all Circuits) -91 135 INDEX Page Prison, Territorial and High Sheriff -------------------------- 131 Prisoners' Compensation, Board of --- —----------------- 92 Public Archives, Board of 'Commissioners of. --- —--------- 83 Public Instruction, Commissioners of ------------------------ 31 Public Instruction, Department of....- -------------- 31 Public Lands, Department of.... --- —----------------- 23 Public Utilities Commission. ------------------- 107 Public Works Department —..- - ------------- 27 Pure Food Bureau, Board of Health... — - ----------- 47 Registration of Voters, Board of.... — -------------- 93 Regents, Boards of, University of Hawaii. -----— _ --- —--- 68 Retirement System -----------------— 8..6 --- —- 86 Sanitary Inspectors, Board of Health-....- - -------- 50 Secretary of Hawaii -----------------— 9 --- —---- 9 Senate, Members of 15th Legislature. -..5 --- —-------- 5 Sewer & Water Commission -------------—. --- —------ 116 Sheriff, High and Territorial Prison --------------------- 131 Sugar Export ---------—.. - - - - -------------- 58 Supreme Court ---—. --- —------------------ 124 Survey Department -----—...... --- —----------- 39 Surveyors, Board of Registration of. --- —----------------.96 Tax Appeal Court ----------------------------- ------ 130 Tax Equalization, Board of -------------------------- --—. 95 Taxation Divisions (Four) ---------------—..... -—... — 18 Tax Maps Bureau ------------------------------- 20 Treasury Department --—......- -------------------- 13 Topography Division..-.. --- —-------------- 25 University of Hawaii ----—.. --- —---------------- 68 Utilities Commission, Public --—.... ----------------- 107 Veterinary Examiners, Board of.. --- —---------------- 100 Voters, Boards of Registration of, Districts. --- —-------- 93 Waiakea Homesteads Commission --- - 114 Waimano Home 61 Waikiki Improvement Commission --------— 119 Washington Bicentennial Commission -—.. --- —---------- 116 Water and Sewer Commission -116 Welfare Board, Child. --- —--... — ------—... 88 136 i rp w - uD ^ | m 0 Z~~P1 II~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~::,US: go