C A TAL O(UE OF BOOKS'~ Pamphlets Principally Relating AMERICA 1870 NY PREFATORY NOTE. A time-honored custom demands a formal introduction of every volume to its readers; and, in deference to its requirements, this volume is thus presented to the collectors of books for their examination. The Collection of Books of which this volume is a Catalogue, is an important one, and not without attractions to the intelligent bookbuyer. As a collection of Local Histories; of the Publications of Societies; of Biographies; of works on the North American Indians; of Washingtoniana; of Election, Thanksgiving, and Fast-Day Sermons; of Trials; of Early New England Theology; of Controversial Tracts on Banking, Theology, Politics, Law, Medicine, Temperance, etc.; of Fourth of July Orations; of College Publications; of Lincolniana; of works on the Rebellion and Slavery; of Sermons, etc., it may be said, truly, to have been surpassed in extent, variety, and value, by very few of even the most elaborate and best selected Libraries. Of the LOCAL HISTORIES), including Centennial Discourses of Churches, Schools, Societies, etc., which it contains, not even a brief mention of them in detail can be made without encumbering this note and tiring the reader. Every page is sprinkled with their titles, and every State, and very often, every county of the several States, is represented in the list. The INDEX, at the close of the volume, refers to many, but not nearly to all of them; to which the reader's careful attention is respectfully directed. 2 Of the PUBLICATIONS OF SOCIETIES, the titles of which extend from page 148 to page 161, besides single specimens scattered elsewhere through the Catalogue, under the names of their several authors and of their peculiar localities, the Collection is unusually complete and valuable, as those who have sought such works will fully understand after having examined its pages. Of the BIOGRAPHIES, in which may be included, not only the ordinary volumes of Biography, but Diaries, Journals, Personal Nar'ratives, FlunWeral and Ordination Sermons, Trials, and other works of similar character, the Collection is very large and very important, containing not only those which are agreeable, but those which are notorious and depreciating in their tendencies. Of the great variety of works on the NORTH AMERICAN INDIANS, embracing not only the more elaborate volumes of Adair, McKenny, Catlin, Schoolcraft, etc., but the numerous Personal Narratives, War Histories, Vocabularies, etc., especial mention cannot be made in detail; but an examination of the Index will indicate how numerous their titles are, and how important the Collection is to every lover of Bibliography. The WASHINGTONIANA is described by their titles on pages 430-452; and even a passing glance will indicate the great variety and unusual importance of that portion of the Collection. There are many other lines, however, scattered through the catalogue under the titles of their respective authors' names, which add to the interest of this specially attractive department; and those who are adding the works of this particular class to their libraries, will be repaid by a close examination of other portions of the Catalogue than that to which reference has been made. The ELECTION SERMONS of Massachusetts extend with tolerable regularity, from 1720 until 1869, and those of Connecticut from 1766, with some deviation, to 1830; the THANKS 3 GIVING SERMONS, extending from 1786 until a recent date, are various and desirable; and the. FAST-DAY SERMONS, range from 1753 until our own day. Without claiming any notable degree of perfection in these departments, the works which they contain will serve an excellent purpose in making complete many collections which are lacking in particular works. The TRIALS number, among others, many of the most notable, including those of the British soldiers at Boston, Aaron Burr, Judge Blount, Joshua Hett Smith, Major Andre, Ephraim Wheeler, E. C. Delavan, Alexander Whistelo, Levi Weeks, Rev. John N. Maffit, John C. Colt, Bishops Doane and Onderdonk, Sir Henry Vane, the Forrest Case, William Hone, Doctor S. F. Jarvis, Horace Greeley, the Prophet Matthias, Alexander McLeod, the Parrish and Lawrence Will Cases, D. E. Sickles, Prof. Webster, Rev. William Parkinson, etc., and it will be seen that those who have an inclination to this class of works, will enjoy a rare opportunity for extending their collections. Of EARLY NEW ENGLAND THEOLOGY AND HISTORY the specimens are quite numerous, and generally of great variety. Without naming all, the works of such men as John Checkley, John Cotton, Thomas Hooker, Cotton and Samuel Mather, Benjamin Colman, John Dunton, Thomas Prince, Nathaniel Appleton, Thomas Sheppard, John Josselyn, John Davenport, Captain Thomas Wheeler, will be found in this Collection. The CONTROVERSIAL TRACTS number many hundreds; and the particular subjects on which they treat are numerous and of every conceivable character; and the same remarks will apply, with equal propriety, to the hundreds, if not thousands, of Sernwons which are clustered in this Collection. Of FOURTH OF JULY ORATIONS the variety is very large; and many specimens will be found which will add immeasurably to the joys of those local collectors whose interests are centered in whatever relates to some particular places. 4 Of the PUBLICATIONS BY, OR CONCERNING COLLEGES, there are many which will serve to complete files, which, hitherto, have almost defied completion. There is no subject, however, (unless it may be its Washingtoniana) which this Collection can more honestly boast of than its LINCOLNIANA and PUBLICATIONS CONCERNING SLAVERY AND THE WAR OF SECESSION-the former numbering more than a hundred and fifty distinct publications and the titles of the latter ranging, not including the unarranged works, from page 303 to page 357. But we need not continue this survey of the thousands of works which constitute this Collection. Every book-buyer will examine the Catalogue for himself; and every one will measure the merit of the Collection by a standard of his own selection. The Catalogue was made and carried through the Press by the owner of the Collection, after the regular business of the day had been closed; and it makes no pretension whatever to bibliographical erudition. It was made for use rather than for show; and, although it is not without errors, it is believed to be very well adapted for the purpose for which it was prepared-the honest instruction of its readers concerning the character of the Collection. The Books which are described in this Catalogue are generally in excellent condition; and they will be sold, at the time and place designated, without reserve, The subject is now left in the hands of those whose tastes and opportunities shall lead them to attend this sale, with the assurance that what can be done, either by the owner of the Collection or by those who shall represent him, will be done to make the sale agreeable and satisfactory. PREFATORY. A time-honored custorn demands a formal introduction of every volume to its readers; and, in deference to its requirenlents, this volume is thus presented to the collectors of books for their examination. The Collection of Books of which it furnishes a brief description, is lnot offered as a "Private Library" which has been collected from every quarter of the world, at an enormous expense, for the especial use of its liberal owner, and is now offered for sale because of " the now more matured-taste" or the "advanced views" of that gentleman; nor is it such a conglomerate "Private Library" as is too often exposed for sale, in the auction rooms, after it has failed to attract purchasers, in detail, on the shelves of the booksellers, by whom in concert it has been brought to the hammer, as a "Private Library" of choice books. It is, in fact, nothing more nor less than a collection of Books which has been made by its owner during several years, for his own amusement, but not without an eye to pecuniary profit; and it is offered for sale simply because its owner is pleased to offer it, at the designated time and place, and without any pretensions on his part of unusual virtue of mushroom growth, or of regret at parting with these treasures of his lAearth and home. The Collection of Books of which this volume is a Catalogue, notwithstanding the peculiarities to which reference has been made, is an important one, and not without attractions to the intelligent book-buyer. As a collection of LOCAL HISTORIES; of the PUBLICATIONS of SOCIETIES; of BIOGRAPHIES; of works on the NORTH AMERICAN INDIANS; of WASHINGTONIANA; Of ELECTION, THANKSGIVING and FAST-DAY SERMONS; of TRIALS; of EARLY NEW ENGLAND THEOLOGY; of CONTROVERSIAL TRACTS on Banking, Theology, Politics, Law, Medicine, Temperance, etc.; of FOURT1I OF JULY ORATIONS; of COLLEGE PUBLICATIONS; of LINCOLNIANA; of works on the REBELLION and SLAviRY; of Sermons, etc., it may be said, truly, to have been surpassed in extent, variety, and value, by very few of even the 2 most elaborately puffed "Private Libraries" of Nassau Street or the West. Of the LOCAL HISTORIES, including Centennial Discourses cf Churches, Schools, Societies, etc., which it contains, not even a brief mention of them in detail can be made without encumbering this Note and tiring the reader. Every page is sprinkled with their titles, and every State, and, very often, every County of the several States, is represented in the list. The INDEX, at the close of the volume, refers to many, but not nearly to all of them; and the careful reader is respectfully referred to the numbers arranged in the order of States in that place. Of the PUBLICATIONS OF SOCIETIES, the titles of which extend from page 147 to page 161, besides single specimens, scattered elsewhere through the Catalogue, under the names of their several authors and of their peculiar localities, the Collection is unusually complete and valuable, as those who have sought for such works will fully understand after having examined the Catalogue. Of the BIOGAPIIIES, in which may be included, not only the ordinary volumes of Biography, but D)iaries, Journals, Personal Narratives, Funeral and Ordination Sermons, Trtials, and other works of similar character, the Collection is very large and very important, containing not only a great variety of those which are agreeable, but of those which are scandalous and depreciating in their tendencies. Of the great variety of works on the NoRTi AMERICAN INDIANS, embracing not only the more elaborate volumes of Adair, McKelnney, Catlin, Schooleraft, etc., but the numerous Personal Narratives, War Histories, Vocabularies, etc., especial mention cannot be made in detail; but an examination of the Index will indicate how numerous their titles are, and how important the Collection is to every collector of this class of historical literature. The WASIIINGTONIANA is described by its titles on pages 430-452; and even a passing glance will indicate the great variety and unusual importance of that portion of the Collection. There are many other lines, however, scattered through the catalogue under the titles of their respective authors' names, which add to the interest of this specially attractive department; and those who are adding the works of this particular class to their libraries, will be repaid by a close examination of other portions of the Catalogue than that to which reference has been made. The ELECTION SERMONS of Massachusetts extend with tolerable regularity, from 1720 until 1869, and those of Connecticut from 1766, with some deviation, to 1830; the TIIANKSGIVING SERMONS extending from 1786 until a recent date, are various and desirable; and the FAST-DAY SERMONS range from 1753 until our own day. Without claiming any notable degree of perfection in these departments, the works which they contain will serve an excellent purpose in making perfect many collections which are lacking in particular works. The TRIALS number, among others, many of the nost notaole, including those of the British soldiers at Boston, Aaron Burr, Judge Blount, Joshua 1{ett Smith, iMiajor Andre, Ephraim Wheeler, E. C. Delevan, Alexander Whistelo, Levi Weeks, Rev. John N. l Maffit, John C. Colt, Bishops Doane and Onderdonk, Sir Henry Vane, the Forrest Case, William Hone, Doctor S. F. Jarvis, Horace Greeley, the Prophet Matthias, Alexander McLeod, the Parrish and Lawrence Will Cases, D. E. Sickles, Prof. Webster, Rev. WILLIAM PARKINSON, etc., and it will be seen that those who collect this class of' works, will enjoy a rare opportunity for extending their collections at the sale of this. Of EARLY NEW ENGLAND THEOLOGY AND HISTORY the specimens are quite numerous, and generally of great variety. Without naming all, the works of such men as John Checkley, John Cotton, Thomas Hooker, Cotton and Samuel Mather, Benjamin Colman, John Dunton, Thomas Prince, Nathanael Appleton, Thomas Sheppard, John Josselyn, John Davenport, Captain Thomas Wheeler, Roger Clap, etc.,will be found in this Collection. The CONTROVERSIAL TRACTS are numbered by hundreds; and the particular subjects on which they treat are numerous and of every conceivable character; and the same remarks will apply, with equal propriety, to the hundreds, if not thousands, of Servfons which are clustered in this Collection. Of FOURTH OF JULY ORATIONS the variety is very large; and many specimens will be found which will add immeasurably to the joys of those local collectors whose interests are centered in whatever relates to some particular places. Of the PUBLICATIONS BY, OR CONCERNING COLLEGES, there are many which will serve to complete files, which, hitherto, have almost defied completion. There is no subject, however, (unless it may be its Washingtoniana,) which this Collection can more honestly boast of than its LINCOLNIAX and PUBLICATIONS CONCERNING SLAVERY AND THE WAR OF SECESSION-the former numbering more than a hundred and fifty distinct publications, and the titles of the latter ranging, besides the unarranged works, fromn page 303 to page 357. But we need not continue this survey of the thousands of works which constitute this Collection. Every book-buyer will examine the Catalogue for himself; and every one will measure the merit of the Collection by a standard of his own selection. A few, very few, whose " matured tastes" and "advanced views," either real or fictitious, serve to make them more ridiculous than reliable, will probably turn up their sweet faces in well imitated disgust, that there is nothing "unique in this Collection; while others, not more numerous or more respectable, may sneer at the Catalogue, ridicule its homespun integrity of descriptions, and prophecy the effect of its author's sturdy disregard of the marketable bibliography which he has bravely permitted to hang before his eyes without touching it. The Catalogue was made and carried through the Press by the owner of the Collection, after the regular business of the day had been closed; and it makes no pretension whatever to bibliographical erudition or the clap-trap of modern illiterate pretenders. It was made for use rather than for show; and, although it is not without errors, it is believed to be very well adapted for the purpose for which it was prepared —the honest instruction of its readers concerning the character of the Collection. The Books which are described in this Catalogue are generally in excellent order and condition, although not always new and fresh copies; and they will be sold, at the time and place designated, without reserve, or the. assistance of packed bidders, or the insolent impertinence of an amateur salesman. The subject is now left in the hands of those whose tastes and opportunities shall lead them to attend this sale, with the assurance that what can be dolle, either by the owner of the Collection or by those who slall represent him on the stand, will be done to make the sale agreeable and satisfactory. CONDITIONS OF SALE. I. The highest Bidder to be the Buyer; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lots so disputed to be immediatety put up again and re-sold. II. The Purchasers to give in their names and Places of Abode, with a sufficient Deposit, if required, in Part Payment of the Purchase-money; in Default of which the Lot or Lots so purchased shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. III. The Lots to be paid for and taken away at the Buyer's Expense and Risk, within six days from the conclusion of the Sale, or settled for to the satisfaction of the Auctioneers on or before delivery; in default of which the Auctioneers will not hold themselves responsible, if the Lots be lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the Purchaser. IV. The sale of any Book or Books, or Lot of Pamphlets is not to be set aside on account of any Stained or Short leaves of Text or Plates, want of List of Plates, or on ac(count of the Publication of any subsequent Volume, Supplement, Appendix, or Plates. All Magazines, Reviews, Books in Lots, Pamphlets in Lots or Volumes, described as being in any way imperfect, will be sold with all Faults, Imperfections, and Errors of Description. The sale of any lot of Prints or Drawings in Illustrated Books or otherwise, is not to be set aside-on account of any error in the enumeration of the numbers stated, or for any error of description therein. V. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the money deposited in part Payment shall be forfeited; and all Lots left uncleared in conformity with these Conditions, may be re-sold by public or private Sale without further notice; and the Deficiency (if any) arising from such re-sale, shall be made good by the Defaulters at this Sale, together with all charges attending the same. The Condition is without prejudice to the right of the Auctioneers to enforce the contract made at this Sale, without such re-sale, if they think fit. ATALOG U E. CATALOGUE. BADDON'S Steam Engine Calumny delineated; to which is subioined the Infernal Triumvirate oppression, depres- S sion and extortion. By a Lover of Mercy. 12meo, sheep. Philadelphia, 1817 2 ABINGTON, MAss. HIsTORICAL SKETCH OF. By Aaron Hobart. j8vo, cloth. With an appendix. Boston, 1839 3 ACTON, MASS. An Address delivered at, July 21, 1835; being the first Centennial Anniversary of the Organization of that Town. With an Appendix. In which the honors of the Concord Fight, claimed by some late publications, for Maj. Buttrick and other Officers, belonging to Concord, particularly so far as they are supposed to belong to the memory of Capt. Isaac Davis of Acton, are considered; with some reasons why a proposed monument should not be placed over the two British soldiers who were buried in one grave at the north bridge; and some notice of the agitated question as to the place where the first resistance was made; accompanied by the testimony of two of the surviving members of Capt. Davis's Company, and of his surviving widow; and a Map of the scene of the Concord Fight as it was at the time. By Josiah Adams. 8vo pamphlet, 48 pages, rough edges; very scarce; fine copy. Boston, 1835 4 ACTON, ME. THE HISTORY OF. By Joseph Fullonton. "This shall be written for the generation to come," Smn. 8vo, paper cov., 36 pages; fine copy; scarce. Dover, N.lH., 1847 Contains its Geographical, Civil and Ecclesiastical History, and Biographical Sketches of its prominent men. 5 ADAIR, JAMES. (Trader with the Indians and Resident in their Country for Forty Years.) THE HISTORY OF THE AmERICAN INDIANS, particularly those Nations adjoining the Mississippi,,a East and West Florida, Georgia, South and North Carolina and Virginia: containing an Accounmit of their Origin, Language, Manners, -Religious and Civil Customs, Laws, Form of GovernI 2 ment, Punishments, Conduct in War and Domestic Life, etc., etc., sufficient to render it a Complete Indian System; with Observations on former Historians, etc. Also, an Appendix, containing a Description of the Floridas, etc. With a new Map of the Country. 4to, full polished mottled calf, gilt. Bound by W. Pratt. Clean, perfect copy; very rare. London, MDccLXXV. "Adair was an English Trader who had certainly a most intimate knowledge of the Indians. The great object of his work appears to be to prove that the Aborigines of America are descended from the Jewish Race.",- 6 ADAMS, JOHN. A SELECTION OF PATRIOTIC ADDRESSES to the President of the United States. With the President's Answers. 8vo, sheep; fine copy. Boston, 1798 /S' 7 ADAMS, JOHN QurIcY. Poems of Religion and Society. With Notices of his Life and Character. By John Davis and T. H. Benton. 8vo, cl. Auburn, 1850 J, 8 ADAMS, J. T. The White Chief among the Red Men; or, Knight of the Golden Melice. 8vo, cl. New York, 1859 /{- 9 ADDISON CO., VT. Statistical and Historical Account of. By Samuel Swift. 8vo; fine copy; scarce. Middlebury, 1859 /le 10 "ADMIRARI Nm;." The Trollopiad; or, Travelling Gentleman in America. A Satire. 8vo, cl. New York, 1837 O 11 2ESOP. THE FABLES OF. With a Life of the Author. Illustrated with One Hundred and Eleven Engravings, from Original Designs by Herrick. 8vo; sheets folded; tinted paper. NTew York, Hurd and Houghton, 1865 / 12 AFRICAN METH. EPIS. CHURCH. Minutes of the General and Annual Conferences for 1839-40. Sm. 8vo, 47pages. Brooklyn, 1840 ~sO 13 AGASSIZ, LOUIS. LAKE SUPERIOR: its Physical Character,'/ Vegetation and Animals, compared with those of other and similar regions. With a Narrative of the Tour, by J. Elliott Cabot. And Contributions by other Scientific Gentlemen. Elegantly illustrated; large 8vo, cl. Boston, 1850,3~J 14 ALBACH, JAMES R. ANNALS OF THE WEST: embracing a concise account of principal events which have occurred in the Western States and Territories, from the Discovery of the Mississippi Valley to the year eighteen hundred and fifty. Compiled from the most authentic sources. Large 8vo, sheep. St. Louis, 1852 /'D 15 ALBACH, JAMES R. ANNALS OF THE WVEST. Pittsburgh, 1856 /l 16 ALBANY, N. Y. Random Recollections of, from 1800 to 1808. Svo pam)phlet, 57 pages; scarce; fine copy. Albany, 1849 /o 17 ALBANY, N. Y. Address before Young Men's Association, Eb*b. 7, 1854. By Wmin. Kent. 8vo pamphlet. New York, 1854 4,S' 18 ALBANY. ANNALS OF THE MEDICAL SOCIETr of the County of, from 1806-1851, with Biographical Sketches of Deceased Members. By Sylvester D. Willard. 8vo, cl. Albany, 1864 /6- 19 ALDRICH, THOMAS BAILEY. The Ballad of Babie Bell and other Poems. Third edition. 12mo, cl. New York, 1860.0 20 ALEXANDER, ARCHIBALD. Biographical Sketches of the Founder and Principal Alumni of the Log College (Bucks Co., Pa.) 3 Together with an Account of the Revivals of Religion under their Ministry. 12mo, cloth. Philadelphia, [1851] 21 ALEXANDER, JOHN H., Memoir of. By William Pinkney. Read before the Maryland Historical Society, May 2, 1867. 8vo, 33 pages, uncut. Baltimore, 1867 22 ALLEN, COL. ETHAN. 1VIETMOIR OF, containing the most interest- / ing Incidents connected with his Private and Public Career. By Hugh Moore. 12too, cloth. Plattsburgh, N. Y., 1834 23 ALLEN, COL. ETHAN. ALLEN's CAPTIVITY, being a Narrative 5 0 of, containing his Voyages, Travels, etc. Written by himself. fWith plate; 12lno, boards, frontispiece. Boston, 1845 24 ALLEN, COL. ETHAN. A Narrative of the Captivity of. 8vo, 2o boards; 4th edition, with notes. Burlington, 1846 /25 ALLEN, COL. ETHAN. Narrative of Capture of Ticonderoga. __6Fifth edition; 8vo, uncut; fine copy. Burlington, 1849 26 ALLEN, ETHAN. Who were the Early Settlers of Maryland? -c? 8vo, pamphlet; 18 pages. Baltimore, 1866 27 ALLEN, WILLIAM. WuNNIssoo, or the vale of Hoosatunnuk: A Poem with Notes. Cloth, 12mo, Portrait of Dr. Allen. Boston, 1856 28 ALLSTON, WASHINGTON. The Sylphs of the Season. With Sother Poems. 8vo, boards, uncut; scarce. Boston, 1813 29 AMES, FISHER. American Principles. A Review of Works of, - compiled by a number of his friends. 8vo pamphlet; uncut, 56 / pages; very scarce. Boston, 1809 30 AMERICA. Travels through the Interior Parts of, in a Series of Letters. By Thomas Anburey. New edition, in two vols., with7/ map and engravings; 8vo, sheep. London, 1791 The author served under Gen. Burgoyne. This work gives the best account extant of the Campaign which ended at Saratoga, and the subsequent fortunes of the surrendered army. 31 AMERICA. AN HISTORICAL, GEOGRAPHICAL, COMMERCIAL AND PHmLoSOPHICAL VTEw of the United States and of the European/gSo Settlements in America and the West Indies. By W. Winter- f bothamr. In four vols., 8vo, boards, uncut;-portraits; beautiful copy. LordJn, 1795 32 AMERICA, THE ANNALS OF, from the Discovery by Columbus in the year 1492, to the year 1826. By Abiel Holmes. Second//,- e edition. 2 vols. Full dark blue cr. lev. extra, gilt top, uncut. Bound by R. W. Smith. Cambridge, 1829 A magnificent copy. Every leaf having been examined with the utmost care, and all imperfections removed. Clean and spotless. 33 AMERICA. THE ANNALS OF. 8vo, bds., uncut; in fine condition. <,?34 AMERICA. TRAVELS IN. By George Fibbleton, Ex. Barber. Cl. 12mno. New York, 1833 35 AMERICA. Ancient History and Discovery of, before the Time of Columbus. By John B. Newman. 8vo pamphlet; 48 pages, uncut; very scarce. New York, 1848 36 AMERICA, its Realities and Resources; comprising important details connected with the present Social, [etc.] State of the Ado Country, its Laws and Customs, together with a Review of the Policy of the United States that led to the War of 1812, and 4 Peace of 1814, the'" Right of Search," the Texas and Oregon questions, etc. By Francis Wyse. 3 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1846,$-o 37 AMERICA. Antiquities of. The First Inhabitants of Central America, and the Discovery of New England by the Northinen, Five Hundred Years before Columbus. By A. Davis. 8vo pamphlet, 32 pages; fine eopy; scarce. Buffalo, 1849 " Thither came in times afar Stern Lochlin's sons of roving war; The Northmen trained to spoil and blood"p-v 38 AMERICA. The History of Ancient America, anterior to the time of Columbus: proving the identity of the Aborigines with the Tyrians and Israelites; and the introduction of Christianity into the Western Hemisphere by the Apostle St. Thomas. By Geo. Jones. Third edition; royal 8vo, cloth; engraved title-page. Me. dallion of Count Joannes. London, etc., 1843 &rue 39 AMERICAN REVOLUTION, MEMOIRS OF THE, SO far as it related to the States of North and South Carolina and Georgia. Compiled from the most authentic materials, the Author's personal knowledge of the various events, and including an epistolary correspondence on public affairs, with Civil and Military Officers of that period. By Winm. Moultrie. In two volumes, portrait; 8vo, sheep. New Yorkc, 1802 /ox 40 AMERICAN REVOLUTIONARY WAR. A MILITARY JOURNAL during the, from 1775 to 1783; Describing interesting events and Transactions of this period; with numerous Historical Facts and Anecdotes, from the original MSS. To which is added an Appendix, Containing Biographical Sketches of several General Officers. By James Thatcher. 8vo, sheep; second edition; fine copy, scarce. Boston, 1827 d 41 AMERICAN NAVY. A Compilation of Biographical Sketches of Distinguished Officers of the American Navy, with other interesting matter. By Benj. Folsom. 8vo, boards,frontispiece. Newburyport, 1814 d 42 AMERICAN SUNDAY SCHOOL UNION. Minutes of the Debate in the Legislature of Penn., on the Bill to Incorporate the American S. S. Union. 8vo, Pamphlet, 25 pages; curious and interesting. Phila., 1828 /0 43 AMrERICAN GEOGRAPHICAL and STATISTICAL SOCIETY BULLETIN. Vol. II. for 1856. 8vo, paper, uncut. New York, 1857 /o 44 AMERICAN INSTITUTE of N. Y. Eighth Annual Report. 8vo, el., Portrait of James'allrmadge. Albany, 1850 /7s- 45 AMERICAN's OFFERING. A Recitative Ode on Events of Revolutionary Times. Dedicated to the American People. By a Mechanic. In Five Cantos, with Historical Notes. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1849 (7-o 46 AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY, Phila. Transactions of the His-' torical and Literary Com. of. Containing an Account of the History, Manners and Customs of the Indian Nations who once inhabited Pennsylvania and the neighboring States. By John Heckwelder. 8vo, half mor. Phila., 1819 &6'c 47 AMERICAN PIONEER. A MONTHLY PERIODICAL, devoted to the! objects of the Logan Historical Society: or to collecting and publishing sketches relative to the early settlement and successive improvement of the Country. In Two Volumes, hay cr. lev. mor., gilt top, rough edges. Cincinnati, 1844 48 AMHERST, MAss. CHARITY INSTITUTION. I. Address delivered at the / laying of the corner stone of. By Noah Webster. II. Sermon delivered on the same occasion. By Rev. Dan'l A. Clark. III. Brief account of the origin of the Institution. 8vo, orig. cov., 48 p., uncut; fine copy. Boston, 1820 49 AMHERST, N. H. Historical Sketch of, from the First Settlement to the present time. By John Farmer. 8vo; fine copy;, very scarce. Amherst, 1816 50 ANACREON. Select Odes of, with Critical Annotations. To which are added Translations and Imitations of other Ancient Auth- / ors. By Rev. Hercules Younge. 8vo; sheets folded; frontis. London, 1802 51 ANDOVER, MAss. HISTORY OF, from its settlement (1634) to? 1829. By Abiel Abbot. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Andover, 1829 52 ANDOVER, MASS. MEMORIAL OF the Semi-Centen. Celebration of 25the Founding of the Theological Seminary at. 8vo, cl. Andover, 1859 53 ANDOVER THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY. Sermon delivered Sept. 22, 8118, at the Dedication of the New Edifice erected for the use of. jBy Ebenezer Porter. 8vo, orig. coy., 30 p. uncut; fine copy. Andover, 1818 54 ANDRE, MAJOR. ORATION PRONOUNCED before the young men of Westchester County on the completion of a monument erected2-Zby them to the Captors of Major Anldre at Tarrytown, Oct. 7, 1853. By Henry J. Raymond. 8vo pamphlet; rare. New York, 1853 55 ANDRE, MAJOR JOHN. Minutes of a Court of Inquiry upon the case of. With accompanying Documents, published in c6h 1780 by Order of Congress. With an additional appendix, containing copies of the papers found upon Maj. Andre when arrested, and other documents relating to the subject. 4to, orig. cov., rubric titles. With portrait. 100 copies printed. Albany, Munsell, N. Y., 1865 56 ANDRIE, MAJOR JOHN. VINDICATION OF THE CAPTORS OF. By Egbert Benson. 8vo, haf polished cf., rough edges. Extra Illus-/< trations. 200 copies printed. New York, Joseph Sabin, 1865 57 ANDRE, MAJ. JOHN. LIFE AND CAREER OF. By Winthrop/p,Sargent. 8vo, el. Portrait, map. Boston, 186158 ANDRE, MAJOR JOHN. The Life and Career of, AdjutantGeneral of the British Army in America. By Winthrop Sar-t,$gent. LARGE PAPER. 75 copies printed. 8vo, cl., uncut. Boston, 1861 59 ANDROS TRACTS. BEING A COLLECTION OF PAMPHLETS AND OFFICIAL PAPERS issued during the period between the overthrow -O of the Andros Government and the establishment of the second charter of Mass. Reprinted from the Original Editions and Manuscripts. By W. H. Whitmore. 2 vols., paper, uncut. THE PUBLICATIONS OF THE PRINCE SOC. Vols. I. and II. With Votes upon the grant of the second charter. 150 copies printed. Sm. p. Portrait. Boston, 1860 3Jf 60 ANDROS TRACTS. BEING A COLLECTION OF PAMPHLETS, ETC. LARGE PAPER. Only 20 copies. /( 61 ANNAPOLIS, ANNALS OF. Comprising Sundry Notices of that old City, from the period of the First Settlements in its vicinity in the year 1649, until the War of 1812; together with various incidents in the History of Maryland, derived from Early Records and Public Documents. With an Appendix, containing a number of Letters from Gen. Washington and other Distinguished Persons. By David Ridgely. 8vo, in sheets, folded. Baltimore, 1841 /0 62 ANTHON, HENRY. " Parish Annals." A Sermon, giving Historical Notices of St. Mark's Church in the Bowery, New York (from A. D. 1795 to 1845), delivered May 4, 1845. 8vo pamphlet. New York, 1845 ~a-? 63 ANTRIMR, N. H. History of the Town of, for a Period of one Century, from 1744 to 1844. By John M. Whiton. 8vo, paper cov., 95 pages; fine copy; scarce. Concord, N. II., 1852 /0 64 APES, WILLIAM. The Experience of, a Native of the Forest. Written by himself. Bds., 12mo. Second Ed. New York, 1831 /0 65 APEs, WILLIAM. Indian Nullification of the unconstitutional laws of Mass., relative to the Marshpee Tribe; or, the pretended riot explained. 12mo, cl. With plate. Boston, 1835 /;Ol 66 APPLETON, SAnMUEL. Memorial of. With Genealogical notices of some of his Descendants. By Isaac Appleton Jewett. Roy. 8vo, cl.; engravings. Boston, 1850 /0 67 ARIZONA, Terr. Its Resources and Prospects. By R. C. McCormick. 8vo pamphlet. New York, 1865 //2 68 ARKANSA, TERRITORY. A JOURNAL OF TRAVELS IN, during the year 1819, with occasional observations on the manners of the Aborigines. With a map and other engravings. By Thomas Nuttall, F.L.S. 8vo, bds., uncut; very scarce; fine copy. Philadelphia, 1821 ZS' 69 AssoclATIoN OF 1774. Printed by order of Gov. R. F. W. Allston. 8vo pamphlet. Charleston, S. C., 1859 /3&~ 70 ATTLEBOROUGH, MASS. SKETCH OF THE HISTORY OF, from its settlement to the present time. By John Daggett. 8vo, paper cov., 136 p.; fine copy; very scarce. Dedham, 1834 6$ 71 ATWATER, CALEB. REMARKs made on a Tour to Prairie Du Chien, thence to Washington in 1829. 12mo, sheep. Columbus, 0., 1831 /ao 72 AUBURN, N. Y. The History of St. Peter's Church. Sermon, March 29th, 1868. Being the last occasion of worship in the old church. By Rev. John Barnard. Sti'J covers; 80 pages, square 12mo. Auburn, 1868 /5 73 AUDUBON, JoHN J. A Story of Meadville. August 28, 1824. Boston, 1846 /0 74 AUSTIN, IVERS J. An Address delivered before the Corps of Cadets at West Point, June, 1842. 8vo; fine copy; 18 pages. New York, 1842 7 75 AUTOGrAPHS for Freedom. Compiled for "The Rochester Ladies /'Anti-Slavery Society." 8vo, cl. Boston, 1853 76 AYRES, J. A. LEGENDS OF MONTAUI, with an Historical Appendix.,jCl., 8vo; scarce. New Yorkc, 1849 PAMPHLETS. 77 Miscellaneous. [Thirteen.] Africa, Southern. Narrative of Travels in the Interior. By J. Barrow. London, 1802 Andy's Trip to the West, with Life of its Hero. By Petroleum V. Nasby. Abbey, Henry L. Ralph and other Poems. New York, 1866 Allan, William. Commemorative of. By WinVm. B. Sprague. Albany, 1868 Austin, L. A. Memorial of Mary W. Wicker. Ticond., Aug. 26; 1865. Aladdin. Letters on Monetary Science. London, 1848 Alexander, A. Discourse occasioned by Burning of Theatre in Richmond. Phila., 1812 Addicks, Barbara, O. S., Mrs. Essay on Education. New Yorkl, 1837., Atticus. Few Considerations, in Relation to the Choice of President. 1822 Arbuckle, James. The Sabbatical Institute: an Oration, Oct. 28, 1828. New York,, 1828 Account of the very Important Debate in the House of Commons, July 9, 1782, on the Question of American Independence. 2d Edition. London, 1782 Authentic Copies of the Provisional and Preliminary Articles of Peace between Great Britain and the United-States of America. London, 1783 Account of, and Directions for using Coal Tar and Varnish. New Yorkc, 1788 78 Miscellaneous. [Thirteen.] Avery, David. Sermons on Nature and Evil of Professors of Religion not Bridling the Tongue. Boston, 1791 Andros (of Jersey Prison-Ship's fame). Sermon on Death of his Wife. Providence, 1798 Austin, David. A Prophetic Leaf. New Haven, 1798 The Dawn of Day. New Haven, 1800 e Andrews, John. Sermon at the Interment of Rev. Thomas Cary. Newburyport, 1808 Abercrombie, James. Two Sermons (National Fast). Philadelphia, 1812 Allen, Stephen. Observations on Penitentiary Discipline add. to William Roscoe. New York, 1827 Aladdin's Lamp. New York, 1833 Alleghany County, Address to the Citizens of. By E. Pentland. Pittsburgh, 1836 Abridgment of the Evidence on Bribery and Corruption in Parliament. London, 1837 Ayrault, Charles. Habits of Mind or Character. A Lecture. Geneva, 1839 Alien List returned to Court Martial in 1839. Address, Pastoral, to Young Women, by Rector of St. Timothy's Church. Philadelphia, 1843 & 79 Miscellaneous. [Thirteen.] Atkinson, Rev. Thos. Sermon in Reference to Catastrophe on U. S. Ship Princeton, Feb. 28, 1844. Baltimore, 1844 Alverson, Laban. Lectures by the Clairvoyant. Part I., No. I. Antn Arbor, 1847 Anglican Church. List of Printed Books. London, 1850 Andrews, Winm. W. Sermon preached in Kent, Conn., May 20, 1849. New York, 1851 Adshead, Joseph. On Juvenile Criminals' Reformatories. Manchester, 1856 Abbott, The Messrs. New Seminary for Young Ladies at No. 45 La Fayette Place. New York, 1843 Ackermann's Patent Movable Axles. Obs. on. London, 1819 Address to the People of Ohio on the Subject of the next Presidency. Cincinnati, 1824 Address to the Republicans and People of New York, Penn. and Virginia upon the state of Presidential Parties. New York, 1824 Advice to a certain Lord High Chancellor, etc., in which all the rules of modern practice are laid down. Dublin, 1792 Arkansas, Supreme Court of, Jan., 1859. No. 181. Auburn Prison, N. Y. Letter from E. King and T. J. Wharton, with a Communication from the Agent of. Harrisburg, 1829 Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company, Disc. before. By T. Baldwin. Boston, 1807 - 80 Miscellaneous. [Thirteen.] Alton Outrage. Discourse on, at Peacham, Vt., Dec. 17, 1837. By L. Worcester. Concord, N. H., 1838 Australian. Adventures of Three Travellers in search of the marvellous, giving an account of the discovery, capture and semi-civilization of the wild Australian children. New York, 1864 An account of the Great Whig Festival held in the City of Baltimore, Nov. 12, 1835. Algiers, a short account of, and its several wars against Spain, etc. Added, a copious Appendix. Phila., 1794 Acadie. Proofs considered of the Early Settlement of, by the Dutch. By J. Watts De Peyster. Auction System. Remarks on the. New York, 1831 Age of Credulity. Letter to Nathan B. Halhead. Phila., 1796 Appeal to the Candid. No. II. Ames, Mr. Speech of, April 28, 1796. Boston, 1798 Allyn, John. Election Sermon by. Boston, 1805 Abercrombie, James. Charge to Senior Class of Phila. Philadelphia, 1808 9 Address on Approaching Election of Pres. New York, 1800 of Friends of Domestic Industry. Oct. 26. Baltimore, 1831 81 Adams, John. [Sixteen.] Correspondence between Wm. Cunningham and beginning in 1803, ending in 1812. Boston, 1828 "- ~Review of, etc. By T. Pickering. 2d ed. Salem, 1824 -- - Correspondence between Adams and several citizens of Mass. 2d ed. Boston, 1829 and Lewis' Conduct. Report on the minority of the Committee on Manufactures. Boston, Feb. 28, 1833 Letters on the Militia, addressed to. Boston, 1823 Address at Charleston, on Death of. By Edward Everett. Boston, 1826 and Jefferson. Eulogy on the Character of. By J. L. /1 Tillinghast. Prov., 1826 Deeds and other Documents relating to the several pieces of Land presented to the Town of Quincy, together with a Catalogue of his Books. Cambridge, 1823 Review of the Correspondence between Adams and Wm. Cunningham, from 1803-'12. By T. Pickering. 1824 and Thos. Jefferson. The First Jubilee of Amer. Indep. and Tribute of Gratitude to. Newark, N. J., 1826 and Jefferson, Disc. on Death of. Delivered by John Stanford. NVew York, 1826. —..- Inadmissible Principles. Boston, 1809 and Thos. Jefferson. Oration in Comn. of. By John Sergeant. Phila., 1826 Corresp. between, and Saml. Adams. Boston, 1801 Corresp. concerning British Doe. of Impressment, Baltimore, 1809 The Political Reformer, and Strictures on Defence of the Const. of U. S. Phila., 1797 82 ADAMS, JOHN QUINCY. ORATIONS, EULoGIEs, ETC. [Sixteen.] - Sketch of life and services of. 1827.....- Eulogy on the life and char. of Jas. Munroe, Aug. 25,1831 "Dermot MacMorrogh"; or, The Conquest of Ireland. 1832.-.- Report on manufactures, Feb. 28, 1833. Boston, 1833...- Oration on the life and char. of Lafayette, Dec. 31, 1834 Eulogy on James Madison. Boston, 1836, Oration 61st Anniv. of the Dec. of In., July 4, 1837. Correspondence between Adams and several citizens of Mass. Boston, 1829 Address Norfolk County Temp. Soc. Boston, 1842 Lecture before the Franklin Lyceum. Prov., 1842 Token of a nation's sorrow, Feb. 23, 1848. ---- Disc. on Death of. By J. Henry Allen. Washington, 1848 —. Disc. on Death of. By F. A. Farley. Brooklyn, 1848 - Remarks and Criticisms on Adams' letter to Harrison Gray Otis. Boston, 1808 2 10 ADAMS. Verdict of condemnation on an appeal of H. G. Otis, for a decision of their controversy with. NVew York, Feb. 27, 1829 - Speech of. New York, 1828 /o 83 Adams, John Quincy. [Seventeen.] Inauguration, at [his] installation as Boylston professor of rhetoric [etc.] at Harv. Coill. Boston, 1806 Address [on the] anniversary of Independence at Washington, July 4, 1821 Cambridge, 1821 Oration, [at] Quincy, July 4, 1831 Boston, 1831 Oration on the life 6f G. M. de Lafayette, Dec. 31, 1834. 12mo Trenton, 1835 The same. 8vo Washington, 1835 Jubilee of the constitution, a disc. before the N. Y. Hist. Soc., 30th of April, 1839 New York, 1839 Letters on the entered apprentice's oath Boston, 1833 Notice of Mr. Adam's eulogium on the life and character of James Monroe Washington, 1832 Disc. at interment of J. Q. Adams. By W. P. Lunt Washington, 1848 Letters and opinions of Masonic institutions. By J. Q. Adams Cincinnati, 1851 Oration on Life and Char. of Lafayette. By John Q. Adams Boston, 1835 Address, July 4, 1821. By John Q. Adams Washington, 1821 Remarks on Address deliv. July 4, 1821. By John Q. Adams Baltimore, 1821 Correspondence between John Q. Adams and Several Cit. of Mass. Washington, 1829 Adams, Chas. Francis. Pamphlets. Reflections upon the Currency in the U. S. Boston, 1837 Address, July 4th, at Quincy Boston, 1869 7 84 Agricultural Society Pamphlets. [Ten.] Berkshire Agric. Soc., Hist. of Rise, Progress, and Existing State of. By Elkanah Watson. Valuable. 1819 Address. By Jesse Buel, Oct. 5, 1837. Pittsfield Jefferson Co. Agric. Soc. (N. Y.) Authentic Documents relative to the Black River and St. Lawrence Countries. By Rich'd Burr.Philad., 1820 Massachusetts Agric. Soc. Nat. Hist. of the Slug Worm. By Win. D. Peck. Ptate. Boston, 1799 Inquiries by Boston, 1800 Papers on Agriculture Boston, 1801 do do do 1803 Agric. College, Consid. on estab. an, etc. Albany, 1819 - Soc. Address deliv. at Brattleborough, Vt., by John A. Andrew Boston, 1866 Aquidneck Agric. Soc. Address. By J. P. Hall, Sept., 21,1854 11 85 Albany Pamphlets. [Fourteen.] Albany, Report by the Mayor to the common council of, upon Licences Albany, 1846 The Fancy Ball Albany, 1846 Report of the special committee to submit a plan for supplying the city with Water Albany, 1846 Bridge Question Speech. By Daniel E. Sickles, March, 1856 Albany Society. For promotion of useful arts. Address by S. R. 45 Beck, Feb. 3, 1813. Valuable Ladies' Society. For relief of distressed Women and Children. By Frederic Beasley, Jan. 10, 1808 Female Academy. Lecture by Alexander Watson, Apr. 2, 1845 Quarterly, Animadversions on the Phila., 1833 Extra, on the Cholera Young Men's Assoc. Address by Rev. E. D. Allen Albany, 1841 Academy. Celebration of Semi-Centen. Anniv., June 23, 1863 Recollections of. Address before the Young Men's Assoc. by Wm. Kent --- Regency. Short appeal from the decrees of King Caucus and the Albany Regency New Yorc, 1854 Albanian. Original Poems, with imitations of Horace. Albany 86 Almanacs. [Fourteen]. American Naval, for 1815, by J. Sharp Phil. Gramer's Pittsburg Magazine, 1815, by J. Taylor Pittsburg Franklin, for 1839, by C. F. Egelmann Baltimore Nord-Amerikain, for 1849, by C. F. Egelmann Phil. /? Poor Richard's, for 1851 New York Angler's-Fisher's Vade Mecum-for 1851 New Yorc, 1851 ----- Scobies Canadian, for year 1851 Toronto Uncle Sam's do 1852 Phil. Blunt's Nautical do 1855 N. Y. The Churchman's do 1835 N. Y. Democrat's, do 1840 N. Y. - United States, by Robt. De Silver, for 1826 do do do do 1827 do do do do 1832 87 Amer. B'd of Comn. for Foreign Missions. [Ten.] 1. Sermon. Ordination of Missionary to Asia. By L. Woods. 2. Sermon. By T. Dwight Boston, 1813 3. Report, Sept. 12-13, 1822 Boston 6 4. Instructions.to Missionary for Sandwich Islands, 1823 5. Sermon. By Dr. Miller Boston, 1835 6. Letter in reply to a recent pamphlet. By Bishop Southgate N. Y., 1845 7. Statis. hist. of contrib. past sixteen years. Sept., 1852 8. Annual Sermon before. By G. W. Bethune. Oct., 1856 12 9. Historical Sketch of Missions New York, 1861 10. Sermon before. By J. P. Thompson Boston, 1867 &' 88 American Institute of N. Y. [Sixteen.] Address deliv. before the. Oct. 14, 1831. Edward Everett. do do Oct. 17,1833. J. P. Kennedy. do do Apr. 14, 1841. Henry Colman. do do Oct., 1843. James Tallmadge. do do Oct. 20, 1848 do Lecture on the origin of varieties in Animals and Plants. Apr. 21, 1857. By Dr. Waterbury Address on the Smithsonian Institute. By William Barlow New York, 1847 - Address. Oct. 9, 1834. Baldwin do Jan. 8, 1835. Wakeman do Oct. 19, 1837. Dewey do Oct. 15, 1840. Mason do Oct. 21, 1841. Choules. do Oct. 26, 1841. Tallmadge do Oct. 20, 1842. Colby do Oct. 20, 1843. Barnard do Jan. 7, 1845. Mapes 7 89 American Institute. [Sixteen.] Address. Oct. 24, 1845. Tallmadge do Oct. 6, 1846. Westervelt do Oct. 23, 1846. Chandler - - do Feb. 10, 1847. Barlow do Sept. 6, 1847. Burchard do Oct. 11, 1849. Woodbury do Oct. 20, 1853. Seward do Oct. 25, 1855. Marsh do July 4, 1828. Western do Oct. 7, 1845. Mapes do Oct. 18, 1844. Stuart do of Gen. James Tallmadge at Twentieth Annual Fair of the N. Y. 1847 do by Edward Everett, Oct. 14, 1831. 50 p. do by J. H. Griscom, Dec. 30, 1844 do by Wm. Sullivan Boston, 1833 D — ocuments on Manufacture of Silk N. Y., 1845 ST 90 Twenty-one Pamphlets. American Temperance Union, Report of. New York, 1844 Appeal to Public. New York, 1853 Temperance Society Address and Eighth report. 1835 - Museum, for August, 1787. Uncut. Phila. Magazine, forJanuary, 1788. Uncut. New York. conducted by H. G. Spofford. Vol. 1. Nos. 2-12, 1815. Educational Monthly, for Jan., 1868. New Yorle Education Society. Examination of the strictures upon, in the Biblical Repertory. By M. Stuart. 1829 Mental Picnic, Sept. 21st, 1839. Uncut. New York Home Miss. Soc. Sermon, May, 1849. New York American, Bible Union, 4th Annual report, Oct. 6th,:1855. New Yorki Tract Society. Responsibilities of the publishing committee, Feb., 1858. Baptist Pub. Soc. 25th Annual Report, 1859. Christian Expositor. Vol. II. No. 12. April 1, 1833 Quarterly Register, Feb. 1841. - Boston, 1841 Historical Society, Discourses before. By the Hon. Lewis Cass. Jan. 30th, 1836. Washington, 1836 - - Institute of Instruction, Lecture on moral education before. By Jacob Abbott. Boston, 1831 Sunday School Union, 20th Annual Report, May 21, 1844. Phila., 1844 - Union, Report of the executive committee, March 25, 1836. Boston, 1836 Academy of Fine Arts, Charter and By-laws. New York, 1817 Peace Society, Address by Charles Sumner. Boston, 1854 91 Twelve Paimphlets. America, Dispute with, in a series of letters from a Cosmopolite to a clergyman. London, 1812 Treaty with French Indemnity. (North), Memoir, Hist. and Polit. on the Northwest coast of, and the Adjacent Terr. By Robt. Greenhow. Washington, 1840 American Colonies, History of the issue of paper money in, Anterior to the Revolution. (Scarce.) St. Louis, 1851 America (Central), Memoir of an Eventful Expedition in, re. sulting in the discov. of the idolatrous city of Iximaya, and the possession of two remarkable Aztec children, etc., By J. J. / Stevens. New York, 1850 America (U. S. of). The Commercial Conduct of considered, and the true interest thereof attempted to be shown by a citizen of N. Y. Printed by S. & J. Loudon, New Yorlc, 1786 America, (Central), Antiquities of, and Disc. of N. Eng. by the Northmen, Five Hundred yrs. before Columbus. By A. Davis. 9th ed. Boston, 1842 America. Exposition of the conduct of France towards. By Lewis Goldsmith. New York, 1810 America, (Spanish), and theU. S.; or views of the actual commerce of the U. S. By a Merchant of Philadelphia. 1818 America, (South). Brief and correct Account of an Earthquake which happened in. G. A. Gardner, Poughkeepsie, 1820 American Character, European Delineation of, as contained in a letter of a Foreign Traveller in N. Y. to his Friend in London. New York, 1820 America, (U. S. of) and Eng. Being a reply to a criticism on Inchiquin's Letters. New York, Jan., 1814 92 Twelve Pamphlets. America, Lecture on the discovery of, by the Northmen. By A. Davis, 3ded. Rare. New York, 1839 14 America. Antiquedades de Christoval Colon. Habana. ~- (Central), and transit between the ocean. By M. P. Sampson, April 1850. New York - Imminent Danger to Free Institution of U. S., through Foreign Immigration. New York, 1835 Americans. North, Freeman's address to. 1840 American Notes. Change for the. By an Amer. Lady. New York, 1843, Party, Principle and Objects of the. New York, 1855 Pulpit, Series of Sermons by Carlton Chase. Boston, 1831 America is not Free. By E. B. Runnell. New York, 1841 Oration on Prospects of Young Men of. Boston, 1818 American Bards. A satire. Phila., 1820 America. Cursory view of Spanish Amer. By W. D. Anderson. Georgetown, D. C., 1815 4-~c$ 93 Seven Pamphlets. [Splendid lot.] American Archeology, Observations on Aboriginal Monuments of Miss. Valley. By E. G. Squier. Very scarce. New York, 1847 America, Minutes of a Conspiracy against the Liberties of. Philadelphia, 1865 Disc. on the Tenth Century. By Charles C. Rafn. Very scarce. New Yorc, 1838 American dialogues of the dead, and dialogues of the American dead. Philadelphia, 1814 America. Antiquities of, the first inhabitants of Central Amer. and the discovery of New England, by the Northmen. Lectures by A. Davis. New York, 1847 Oration on the Discovery of, deliv. in London, Oct. 12, 1792. Containing also a description of the City of Washington. By E. Winchester. London, 1792 Descriptive Catalogue of those Maps, Charts and Surveys relating to, which are mentioned in Vol. III. of HIakluyt's great work. By J. G. Kohl. Scarce. Washington, 1857 3 94 Amherst College. [Twelve.] Clark, Daniel A. Address before Alexandrian Soc. Amherst, 1827 Verplanck, Gulian. Disc. Aug. 27, 1834. Everett, Edward. Address before Literary Soc. of, Aug. 25, 1836. Cushing, Caleb. Oration before Literay Soc. of, Aug. 23, 1836 Stebbins, Rufus P. Address before Peace Soc. of, July 4, 1838 Humphrey, Heman. Disc. on Sixth Commandment, March, 11, 1838. Barnes, Albert. Address "Choice of a Profession," Aug. 21, 1838. Cheever, Geo. B. Address before Soc. on inquiry on Missions. New York, Aug., 1843 Catalogue of Plants growing without Cultivation in the vicinity of Amherst Col. By E. Hitchcock, 1829. 15 Kellogg, E. H. Oration before Social Union Soc. of Amherst, 1836. Oration delivered before Phi Beta Kappa. 1861 Humphrey, Heman. Address delivered at Boston, 1823. 95 Andover. [Twelve.] Theo. Sem. Consti. and Associate Statutes. Boston, 1808 Outlines of study in Theo. By J. Murdoch. 1822 Disc. deliv. Aug. 17, 1823. By J. Murdoch. 1823 Lecture deliv. Sept. 2, 1823. By L. Woods. 1824:, - - Disc. deliv. Sept. 5, 1843. By I. Lewis. 1843 - Sermon deliv. Sept. 28, 1808. By E. Pearson. 1808 - Address deliv. Sept. 11, 1832. By T. H. Skinner. Boston, 1832 Address deliv. Sept. 21, 1824. By J. Edwards. Disc. deliv. 1830. By Edw. U. Hooker. - Sermon at inaug. of Rev. E. Porter. By A. Holmes Boston, 1812 Poem, before the Porter Hist. Soc. of. By R. H. Dana. Boston, 1829 Andover Association, serious call to Family religion. Cambridge, 1802 ACON, E. Recollections of Fifty Years Since; with glances at the present aspects and future portents of the age and times. A Lecture delivered in Utica, Feb. 2, 1843. 8vo pamphlet, 43 p.; scarce. Utica, 1843,/o 97 BAILEY, ISAAC. American Naval Biography. 12mo, sheep. Providence, 1815 o-a 98 BALANCE, AND CoLuMBIAN REPOsITORY. Four volumes. 1802-3-4-5. HafY cf., 4to. Hudson, 1802 Edited by Harry Croswell. Contains an account of the death of Alex. Hamilton. /.~~~ 99 BALDWIN, EBENEZER. "The Duty of Rejoicing under Calamities and Afflictions." Considered and Improved in a Sermon at Danbury, Nov. 16, 1775, a day set apart for Thanksgiving in the Colony of Conn. 8vo pamphlet; very rare. New York, 1776 SC 100 BALDWIN, SIMEON. ORATION pronounced before the Citizens of New Haven, July 4, 1778, in commemoration of the Declaration of Independence and Establishment of the Constitution of the United States of America. New Haven, 1788 /62 101 BALTIMORE. REPORT OF the Committee of Grievances and Courts of Justice of the House of Delegates of Maryland. on the Subject of the recent Mobs and Riots in the City of Baltimore, together with the Depositions taken before the Committee. Very scarce; 8vo, unbound, uncut. Annapolis, printed by Jonas Green, 1813 /6e 102 BALTIMORE. A COMPLETE VIEW OF. With a Statistical Sketch of all the commercial, manufacturing, etc., institutions and establishments in the same and in its vicinity for fifteen miles around. To which is added a Detailed Statement of an Excursion on the Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road to the Point of Rocks, etc., and an Advertising Directory. By Charles Varle. 12mo, red mor.; map and engravings. Baltimore, 1833 UoS 103 BALTIMORE, ANNALs OF. By'Thomas W. Griffith. 8vo; sheets folded. Baltimore, 1824 / 104 BANCROFT, AARON. The Nature and Worth of Christian Liberty. Illustrated in a Sermon delivered before the Second Cong. Church and Soc. in Worcester, June 23, 1816. With an Appendix, containing strictures on the attempt to establish consociation in Mass. 8vo, orig. cov., 35 p.; fine copy; very scarce. Worcester, 1816 105 BARBER, J. WAR LETTERS Of a Disbanded Volunteer. Embracing j. his experiences as Honest Old Abe's bosom Friend and unofficial adviser. 12rno, bds., uncut. New York, 1864 106 BARCLAY, SmDNEY. Personal Recollections of the American Revolution. A Private Journal. Prepared from Authentic Domestic So Records. Together with Reminiscences of Washington and Lafayette. 12mo, cl. New York, 1869 107 BARD, SAMUEL A. Waikna; or, Adventures on the Mosquito Shore. With sixty illustrations. 8vo, half crim; cr., lev. mnor., gilt.-2i Bound by R. W. Smith. New York, 1855 108 BARLOW, JOEL. THE COLUMBIAD, a Poem. 2 vols. 12mo, sheep..s Philadelphia, 1809 109 BATH, N. H. Address delivered to the inhabitants of, on the 23d of Jan. 1854, being the Fiftieth Anniversary of the author's/; first preaching in the Town. By Rev. David Sutherland. With an Historical Appendix by Thomas Boutelle. 8vo Pamphlet, 135 p.; scarce. Boston, 1855 110 BARTLETT, JOSEPH T. An Oration written for the Youth's Celebration in the City of Bangor, July 4, 1840, and delivered bySJe him. 8vo; fine copy; 12 pages; very scarce. Bangor, 1840 Written and delivered by one of the "Youth." 111 BARTLETT, JOHN RUSSELL. THE PROGRESS OF ETHNOLOGY. An account of recent Archaeological, Philosophical and Geo-/'o graphical Researches in various parts of the Globe tending to elucidate the Physical History of Man. 8vo, paper, uncut. New York, 1S47 112 BARTLETT, JOHN RUSSELL. THE LITERATURE OF THE REBELLION. A Catalogue of books and pamphlets relating to the <&Q' Civil War in the United States, and on subjects growing out of that event; together with works on American Slavery, and Essays from Reviews and Magazines on the same subjects. 250 copies in roy. 8vo, half mor., gilt top, rough edges. Boston, 1866 113 BARTON, W. S.. Epitaphs from the Cemetery on Worcester Common, with occasional notes and references, and an Index. 8vo R' pamphlet, 36 pages. Worcester, 1848 " Reader, Keep Death and Judgment Always in your eye, Non's fitt to live, But who is fitt to die." 114 BARTON, JAMES L. Address on the Early Reminiscences of Western New York, and the Lake Region of Country. Deliv —~c ered before the Young Men's Assoc. of Buffalo. 8vo pamphlet. Buffalo, 1848 115 BAXTER, RICHARD. AN I ABRIDGMENT I of f Afl,. axtrv' HISTORY I of his I LIFE and TIMES. I With an ACCOUNT of many I others of those Worthy MJinisters who I were Ejected,?4 ~ after the Restauration I of King CHARLES the Second. I Con3 18 taining the Grounds of their Nonz-Conformity, etc. By Edmund Calamy. 8vo, orig. old binding; portrait of Baxter. London, 1702 /2s 116 BAYLIES, FRANCIS. AN HISTORICAL MEM.IOIR of the Colony of New Plymouth, from the Flight of'the Pilgrims into Holland in 1608, to the union of that Colony with Massachusetts in 1692. With some corrections, additions and a copious index. By Samuel G. Drake. 2 vols., 8vo, in sheets. Maps and plates. Boston, 1830. Wiggins & Lunt, 1866. ~S 117 BAYLEY, PETER, Jun., Esq. Poems by. Philadelphia, Pa., 1804'/' 118 BAYLEY, REV. J. R. A BRIEF SKETCH of the History of The Catholic Church on the Island of New York. 8vo, cl. New York, 1853,-d 119 BEACH, SAMUEL B. Escalala; an American Tale. 12mo, bds. uncut. Utica, N. Y. 1824 //-o 120 BEARDSLEY, LEVI. REMINISCENCES; Personal and other Incidents, Early Settlement of Otsego County; Notices and Anecdotes of public men; judicial, legal and legislative matters; field sports; dissertations and discussions. Portrait; 8vo, cl. New York, 1852 /a-f 121 BECKWOURTH, JAMES P. LIFE OF, Mountaineer, Scout and Pioneer and Chief of the Crow Nation of Indians. With illustrations. Written from his own dictation, by T. D. Bonner. 12mo, cl. New York, 1858 -zV 122 BEDFORD, N. H.-An Address delivered at, on the One Hundreth Anniversary of the Incorporation of the Town, May 19th, 1850. Paper covers, 45 pages; scarce. Boston, 1850 - 201 BOTSFORD. Mrs. M. "Viola;" Heiress of St. Valverde. An Original Romance. To which is annexed a variety of original Poetical Pieces. 24mo, sh. Philadelphia, 1829 367 202 BOUDINOT, ELIAS. A STAR IN THE WEST; or, a Humble Attempt to Discover the Long Lost Ten Tribes of Israel. 8vo; unbound; fine large copy.. Trenton, N. J., 1816 203 BOUDINOT, ELIAS. A STAR IN THE WEST; or, a Humble Attempt to Discover the Long Lost Ten Tribes of Israel, preparatory to their return to their beloved city, Jerusalem. 8vo; half calf. Trenton, N. J., 1861 /so 204 BOUQUET, HENRY. HISTORICAL ACCOUNTS OF BOUQUET'S EXPEDITION against the Ohio Indians, 1764. With Preface by Francis Parkman. And a Translation of Dumas' Biographical Sketch of General Bouquet. 8vo, cl; maps and plates. Cincinnati, Robert Clark & Co., 1868 [Ohio Valley Historical Series.]'?s 205 BOUTON, NATHANIEL. Discourse preached on the 25th anniversary of his settlement over the First Cong. Church, and Soc. in Concord, N. H. 8vo, orig. cov.; 54 p; valuable appendix; scarce. Concord, 1850 d'o 206 BOWER, JonN. Description of the Abbeys of Melrose and old Melrose. With their Traditions. 8vo; third edition improved; boards; uncut. Edinburgh, 1827 3 *o 207 BOYLSTON, MAss. A BRIEF HISTORICAL SKETCH OF the Town of, from its first Settlement to the Present Time. By Matthew Davenport. 8vo, paper cov., uncut, 28 pages; fine copy; very scarce. Lancaster, Mass., 1831 tot 208 BRACIENRIDGE, H. M. Journal of a Voyage up the River Missouri. Second ed. Bds., uncut; scarce in this condition. Baltimore, 1816 /~- 209 BRACKENRIDGE, H. M. History of the late war between the United States and Great Britain; comprising a minute account of the various military and naval operations. With plates. 8vo, sh. Philadelphia, 1846 25 210 BRADDON, M. E. Lady Audley's Secret! 8vo, wall paper covers./l Confederate publication. Jfobile, 1864 211 BRADFORD, Mass. A Discourse delivered in East-Parish, Dec. 22, 1820, Two Hundred Years after the First Settlement in New England; containing a History of the Town. By Gardner B. Perry. 8vo pamphlet, 72 p.; fine copy; scarce. Haverhill, 1821 Presentation copy to Hon. Wm. Lincoln from the Author, signed G. B. Perry, contains a lengthy Memoir of Rev. Z. and Thos. Symms. 212 BRADFORD, ALEXANDER W. AMERICAN ANTIQUITIES and Researches into the Origin and History of the Red Race. 8vo,?2el. New York, 1841 213 BRADSTREET, ANNE. THE WORKS of, in prose and verse. Ed. by John Harvard Ellis. L. 8vo, el., uncut. With plates. 250j7,? copies printed. No. 182. Rubric title. Charleston, Mass., 1867 214 BRAINARD, JOHN G. C. The Literary Remains of. With a Sketchl - of his Life. By J. G. Whittier. 8vo, bds., rough edges. Hariford, 1832 215 BRAINARD, JOHN G. C. Occasional Pieces of Poetry. 12mo, bds., O uncut. New York, 1825 216 BRANCH, WILLIAM, JR. Life: a Poem, in three books. Dedicated to the social and political welfare of the people of the United4e/, States. HJalf mor., 12mo. Richmond, 1819 217 BRANAGAN, THOMAS. A PRELIMINARY ESSAY on the oppression of the Exiled Sons of Africa. Consisting of animadversions on the impolicy and barbarity of the deleterious com-,/e' merce and subsequent slavery of the Human Species; also, a desultory Letter written to Napoleon Bonaparte, 1801. 16mo. sheep, frontispiece; rare. Phil., 1804 Anti-Slavery Book. The Author was a Slave-Trader for many years. 218 BRIDGEWATER, MASS. HISTORY of the Early Settlement of2o-_ including an extensive Family Register. By Nahum Mitchell.' 8vo, bds., uncut; very scarce in any condition. Boston, 1840 219 BRIDGEwATER, MASS. Celebration of the Two Hundredth Anniversary of the Incorporation of the Town, June 3, 1856, including/A?& the Address by Emory Washburn, etc. With an Appendix. 8vo pamphlet, 167 p.; beautiful copy; scarce. Boston, 1856 220 BRIGGS, C. F. AND AUGUSTUS MAVERICK. The Story of the Telegraph and History of the Grt. Atlantic Cable; a complete re.-S cord of the Inception, Progress and Final Progress and Final Success, etc. 4to, cl.; abundantly and beautifully illustrated. New York, 1858 221 BRISBANE, A. H. Ralphton; or, the Young Carolinian of 1776.:g 12mno, bds. Charleston, 1848 222 BRISTOL, R. I. An Account of the Settlement of the Town of, and of the Congregational Church therein; with the succession,: of Pastors, from its Origin to the present time. Together with y the Act of Incorporation of the Catholic Congregational Society. 8vo, blue cov., 16 pages; fine copy; very scarce. Providence: printed by Bennett Wheeler. 1785 223 BRITISH PARTIZAN. A Tale of the Olden Time. By a Lady of South Carolina. 16mo, paper. Confederate publication. /d Macon, Ga., 1864 4 26 J_3P- 224 BRITISH POETS. THE ALDINE EDITION. Comprising the works of Chaucer,. 6 vols. Dryden,.. 5 vols. Pope,. vols. Shakespeare, 1 vol. Thomson, 2 vols. Burns,.... 8 vols. Butler,.. 2 vols. Wyatt, 1 vol. Gray, 1 vol. Young, 2 vols. Churchill, 2 vols. Milton, 3 vols. Swift, 3 vols. Goldsmith,... 1 vol. Spencer,... ols. Beattie, 1 vol. Prior, 2 vols. Falconer, 1 vol. Parnell,. 1 vol. White, 1 vol. Earl of Surrey,. 1 vol. Cowper, 3 vols. Collins, 1 vol. Akenside,. 1 vol. 52 vols., full pol., cf. gt. tops, rough edges. Bound by Bedford. LONDON: Bell and Daldy, Fleet Street, 1866. d' 225 BROADHEAD, JoHN ROMEYN, AND HORATIO SEYMOUR. Addresses deliv. before Clinton Hall and Mercantile Library Association, at their Celebration, June 8, 1854. 8vo, orig. cov., 40 p.; good copy. New York, 1854 aZ v 226 BROOK, BENJAMIN. THE LIVES OF THE PURITANS; Containing a Biographical Account of those Divines who distinguished themselves in the cause of Religious Liberty, from the Reformation under Queen Elizabeth, to the act of uniformity, in 1662. 3 vols. 8vo, bds., uncut; very rare and beautiful copy. London, Eng., 1813.S 227 BRooKs, J. G. AND MARY E. The Rivals of Este and other Poems. 12mo, bds., uncut. New York, 1829 /oa 228 BROORFIELD, Mass. An Historical Discourse, delivered Nov. 27, 1828. By Joseph J. Foot. 8vo, uncut, 64 p.; Jine copy; very scarce. Brookfield, 1829./or 229 BROOKFIELD, MASS. Sermon, delivered by Rev. Dr. Snell, on the last Sabbath in June, 1838, which completed the Fortieth Year of His Ministry; containing a Brief History of, and especially of the Church and Parish of North Brookfield, from 1798 to the present time. 8vo, pamphlet. Brookfield, 1838. /3: 230 BROOKFIELD, Mass. Mr. Foot's Historical Discourse; to which is annexed Capt. Wheeler's Narrative of Capt. Hutchinson's Expedition to Brookfield, the depopulation and burning of the Town by the Indians, &c., and additional notices of occurrences in the Town. 8vo pamphlet, 96 pages; fine copy; very scarce. West Brookfield, 1843 //2 231 BROORFIELD, Mass. A Sermon, preached on the last day of the year 1775; together with some Marginal Notes, giving an account of the first Settling of the Town in the year 1660; its Desolations by the, Indians in Philip's War in 1675; its Distresses in Queen Anne's.War; and its Increase and Improvements to the present time. By Nathan Fiske. 8vo, reprint from the Boston ed. 1776. West Brookfield, 1860 6- 232 BROOKLINE, Mass. An Address at the Opening of the Town Hall, 14th Oct., 1845. By John Pierce. 8vo pamphlet; 52 p. scarce. Boston, 1846 " Nothing is constant but change." 27 233 BROOKLYN, N. Y. FIRT, SECOND, THIRD, FOURTH, FIFTH AND SIXTH REPORTS of the Commissioners of Prospect Park, Jan./ 28, 1861, to Jan. 1866. 2 vols. in paper, bal. in I vol., cl. Brooklyn, 1861-66 234 BROOKLYN CITY, AND KING'S COUNTY Record; a Budget of Genetal Information. With a Map of the City, an Almanac, and anuS Appendix. 12mo, bds. Brooklyn, 1855 235 BRooKs, REv. C. Tornado of 1851, in Medford, West Cambridge // and Waltham, Middlesex County, Mass. 12mo, cl., portrait. Boston, 1852 236 BROOME COUNTY, N. Y. History of, From 1806 to 1867.2738vo, paper. Syracuse, 1867 237 BROTHERHEAD, W. AMERICAN NOTES AND QUERIES. Vol. 1. Nos. 1 to 4. 8vo, paper; uncut, 4 parts, all published. Philadelphia, Pa., 1857 238 BROWN UNIVERSITY, A CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF, with, 2an Index of Subjects. 8vo. cl. Providence, 1843 239 BRUNSWICK, ME. Description of, In Letters by a Gentleman,2~, from S. C. Uncut, pamphlet. Brunswick, 1823 240 BRUTUS. Foreign Conspiracy against the United States. Originally published in the New York Observer. Revised and cor./d,withnotes by the author. 12mo, cl. New York and Boston, 1835 241 BROWN, CAPT. CHAS. H., Narrative of tile Imprisonment and Es-.,_ cape of, from the Chilian Convicts. 12mo, cloth, front. Boston, 1854 242 BROWNELL, HOWARD. War Lyrics and other Poems. 8vo, cl. Boston, 1866 243 BUCHANAN, JAMES. SKETCHES OF THE HISTORY, Manners and Customs of the North American Indians, with a Plan for their/ Melioration. 2 vols., bds. unlcut. New York, 1824 244 BUDINGTON, WM. I. "Our Puritan Fathers our Glory." A Sermon preached in Commem. of the 220th Anniversary of the'-~ Founding of the First Church in Charlestown, Mass., Nov. 14, 1852. 8vo, orig. cov., 32 p.; clean copy. Charlestown, 1852 245 BUDING1TON, WM. I. Farewell Discourse, preached in the First Church, Charlestown, Mass., Sept. 17, 1854. 8vo, orig. cov., 24 p.; fine copy. Philadelphia, 1854 246 BUELL, SAMUEL. A Sermon preached at Brook-Haven, on Long Island, Oct. 23, 1754, at the Ordination of Mr. Benjamin Tall-,2:madge, with a Discourse on Ordination; the Charge and Exhor- / tation to the People. Small 4to, rough edges, ine copy; rare. New York, 1755 247 BUFFALO. FIRST UNITARIAN CHURCH OF. Its History and Progress, Rev. Dr. Hosmer's Quarter Centennial Discourses, " The Ga Parish, The Pulpit." An Account of the Quarter Centennial Celebration, Oct. 16, 1867. 8vo cl. Printed for Private Circulatioz. Buffalo, 1861 248 BUFFALO, AN AUTHENTIC AND COMPREHENSIVE HISTORY OF, with some account of its early Inhabitants, both savage and civilized,,j'6comprising Historic notices of the six nations, or Iroquois Indians, including a sketch of the Life of Sir William Johnson, 28 and other prominent white men-long resident among the Senecas. Arranged in Chronological order, in 2 vols. 8vo. By William Ketchum. Half Roxburghe, gilt top, rough edges. Buffalo, 1864 /7^ 249 BULKELEY, JOHN and JouN CumMINS. A voyage to the South Seas in the years 1740-1. Containing a faithful narrative of the Loss of his majesty's Ship the Wager, etc., etc., things not published in the first edition. The Second Edition, with additions, 8vo, London, Printed. Philadelphia; Re-printed by James Chattin for the Author. 1757.,/3b 250 BULLOCK, W. SKETCH OF A JOURNEY THROUGH THE WESTERN STATES OF No. AMERICA in 1827. With a description of Cincinnati. By B. Drake and E. D. Mansfield. 8vo, bds. uncut; maps. London, 1827.To 251 BUNKER HILL; OR, THE DEATH OF GENERAL WARREN. An Historic Tragedy. In Five Acts. By John Burke. 44 pages, 12mo, fu.ll cr. crim. lev. mor., rough edges; bound by Bradstreet. New York, 1817 SO 252 BUNKER HILL. ACCOUNT OF THE BATTLE OF. By H. Dearborn; with a letter to Maj. Gen. Dearborn repelling his unprovoked attack on the character of Maj. Gen. Israel Putnam. By Daniel Putnam. 8vo, pamphlet, fine copy, very rare. Boston, 1818 4~ 253 BUNKER HILL, THE BATTLE OF; or, The Temple of Liberty. An Historic Poem in Four Cantos. By Richard Emmons. Second Edition. 8vo, bds. Boston, 1841 fo 254 BURGOYNE'S CAMPAIGN; an Original, Compiled and Corrected Account of, and the memorable Battle of Bemis's Heights, Sept. 19, and Oct. 7, 1777, from the most authentic sources of information, including many interesting incidents connected with the same, and a map of the battle-ground. By Charles Nielson, Esq. 12mo, cl. Albany, N. Y., 1844 /o 255 BURLEIGH, WILLIAM HENRY. Our Country; its Dangers and its Destiny. Pronounced before the Allegheny Lit. Soc., Sept. 2, 1841. 12mo, el. Allegheny, Pa., 1841 /6l 256 BURNET, JACOB. Notes on the Early Settlement of the North Western Territory. 8vo, cl. N. Y., 1847 /7u 257 BURR, AARON. A FULL STATEMENT OF THE TRIAL AND ACQUITTAL OF. Containing all the Proceedings and Debates that took place before the Federal Court at Frankfort, Ken., Nov. 25, 1806. By John Wood. 8vo, haf calf, uncut; extra illustrations and autograph of Burr. Alexandria, 1807 67,t 258 BURT, JOHN. A SERMON PREACHED AT BRISTOL, in the Colony of Rhode Island, October the 25th, 1759, upon a Thanksgiving, for the Reduction of Quebeck, the Capital of Canada, to the Crown of Great Britain, by an Army under the Command of his late Excellency, James Wolf, Esq., Major-General, etc. (who was slain in Battle) covered by a Fleet under the Command of Admiral Saunders. 8vo pamphlet, very rare, good copy in excellent condition. NewPort, Rhode Island: Printed by J. Franklin, at the Printing Office, near the Middle of the Parade, (1759) /S 259 BURTON, R. A Journey to Jerusalem, containing the Travels of Fourteen Englishmen, in 1667, to the Holy Land and other 29 memorable places noted in Scripture. To which is prefixed Memorable Remarks upon the Ancient and Modern State of the Jewish Nation. Together with a relation of the Great Council of the Jews in the Plains of Hungary, in 1650, to examine the Scriptures concerning Christ. By Samuel Burt, an English Gentleman there present. With an Account of the Wonderful Delusion of the Jews by a False Messiah at Smyrna, 1666. Collected by R. Burton. 12mo, bds. Hartford: Printed by J. Babcock, 1796 260 BURRILLVILLE, R. I. As it Was, and As it Is. By Horace //E A. Keach. 8vo, cl., scarce. Providence, 1856 261 BUTLER, B. F., N. Y. "The Military Profession in the United States," etc. An Address delivered before the Cadets of West - Point, June 19, 1839. 8vo, 46 pages, fine copy, scarce. Newv York, 1839 262 BUTLER, CALEB. "Truth and Character Vindicated "-being a Review of Hon. Caleb Butler's History of the Ecclesiastical Affairs of Pepperell. By a Committee of the Church in that Place. 8vo pamphlet, 49 p., scarce. Boston, 1849 263 BUTLER, B. F. GENERAL BUTLER IN NEW ORLEANS. History of the Administration of the Department of the Gulf in 1862; with~:?an account of the Capture of New Orleans, and a Sketch of the Previous Career of the General, Civil and Military. By James Parton. 8vo, cl., portraits. New York, etc., 1864 264 BUXTON, GEORGE FREDERIC. Life in the Far West. Cl., 12mo. Ad& New York, 1849 265 BYRON, LORD. Journal of Correspondence and Conversations between Lord Byron and the Countess of Blessington. 8vo,-5'* paper, uncut. Cincinnati, 1851 PAMPHLIETS. 266 Miscellaneous. [Twelve.] Badger, A. G. Illustrated History of the Flute. New York, 1853 Bayley, T. H. Psychae, or Songs on Butterflies. Malton, (Eng.) 1828 Balmanno, Mrs. Poems by London, 1830 Banco; or, The Tenant of the Spring-a Legend of the White Sulphur. Phila., 1839. Banting, Winm. Letter on Corpulence. 2d ed. London, 1863 Bard, (a Country) Epistle to the General Convention. 1847 Baltimore, Pastoral Letter of the Archbishop of. Baltimore, 1855 - Address at the Laying of the Corner-Stone of the City Hall, by J. H. B. Latrobe. 1867 Blanchard, Calvin. Hell on Earth. N. Y., 1858 Branch, H. Stephen. Life of N. Y., 1857 Brattleboro', 1848. Systematic Report of 392 Cases treated Hydropathically, by Drs. R. Wesselhoeft and Win. Grau. N. Y., 1849 Brantly, Rev. W. T. Total Abstinence from Intoxicating Liquors the Only Safeguard. Phila., 1833 30 7 267 Miscellaneous. [Twelve.] Bache, Prof. Alex. D. Eulogy on Hon. James A. Pearce. Washington, 1863 Badger, Henry C. Discourse on Death of George Livermore. Cambridge, 1865 Banyer, Miss, and Miss Jay. Funeral Sermon of, By Rev Samuel Cooke. N. Y., 1857 Ballou, Hosea. Discourse at Ordination, by T. F. Fisk. Phila., 1828 Baptizo, defined, and the mode of Baptism proved from Scripture. Albany, 1840 Baldwin, Thomas. Christian Baptism as delivered to Churches by Evangelists and Apostles. Boston, 1812 Balch, Winm. S. Lecture in review of Bishop Hughes' Catholic Chap. in Hist. of U. S. N. Y., 1852 Barnes, Rev. Albert. Discourse, "The Throne of Iniquity." Phila., 1852 Barry, William. Farewell Discourse before So. Cong. Soc. in Lowell, July 12, 1835. Brady, Rev. John. Correspond. between Rev. Mr. Edelen and. Wash. City, 1819 Barnes, Albert. Address-" Choice of a Profession." Amherst, 1838 Barker, Jacob. Letters developing the Conspiracy, in 1826, for his Ruin. // 268 Miscellaneous, [Twelve.] Bank of the United States-Congress —House of Representatives, April 13, 1830. Commissioners' Report to the General Assembly. Hartford, 1839. Bankrupt Law of the United States. N. Y.. 1841 Bankruptcy. An act to establish a Uniform System ofthrough the United States. N. Y., 1842 Bank Note Reporter-Autographical Counterfeit DetectorCompanion to, by J. Thompson. N. Y.,1852 Barker, Jacob-ads. the People-Court of General Sessions, June 6, 1822. - -- Letters developing the Conspiracy formed, in 1826, for his Ruin. Speeches of-and his Counsel on the Trial for Consp. N. Y., 1827 Bathurst, Rt. Hon. Lord. Ruinous Tendency of Auctioneering. N. Y., 1828 Barnum's Parnassus-Confidential Disclosures of Prize Coin. on Jenny Lind Song. N. Y., 1850 New Year's Address. N. Y., 1851 - Improvements for Preventing Steam Vessels from Sining. N. Y., 1859 31 269 Miscellaneous. Valuable Lot. [Twelve.] Bailey, Appleton, R. Life of, and Narrative of his Adventures, Imprisonments, &c. Rochester, 1848 Baker, Rachel, Surprising Case of-who Prays and Preaches in her Sleep. By Charles Mais. N. Y., P114 Baldwin, Thomas. Sermon at Ordination of Rev. Winm. Collier. Boston, 1799 ---- ----- Sermon at Installation of Rev. Elisha Williams. Boston, 1803 Bancroft, Aaron. Sermon delivered in Worcester, at end of Fifty Years of his Ministry. Worcester, 1836 /c George. Oration before the Democracy of Springfield, July 4, 1836. Barnard, John. Zeal for Good Works Excited and Directed in a Sermon. Boston, 1742 -- Daniel D. Lecture on Character and Services of Jas. Madison. Albany, 1837. Barton, Prof. Memoir concerning the Fascinating Facultyof Serpents. Rare. Phila., 1814. Blair, John. Essays on Sacrament, Regeneration and Grace. Uncut. N. Y., printed by John Holt, 1771. Bradbury, Thomas. A Comparison between the Tribes of Issachar and Dan, in their regard for Civil Liberty. Boston, 1768 Bradley, Abraham. A New Theory of the Earth. Very rare. Willkesbarre, Penn., 1801. 270 Miscellaneous. Valuable lot. [Eight.] Baltimore. The First Baron of. By E. B. D. Neill. 1869 Barnstable, Centennial Disc., by Palfrey, Sept., 1839 Billerica Cent. Celeb., May 29, 1855. Lowell, 1855/ Bridgewater. Bi-Cent. Celeb. June 3, 1856. Brookfield. Sermon by Nathan Fisk, Dec. 31, 1775. Very scarce. West Brookfield, 1860 Brookline. Reminiscences of forty years, by Dr. Pierce. Very scarce. Boston, 1837,Jubilee Disc., by Dr. Pierce. Boston, 1847 271 Banking and Currency Pamphlets. [Fourteen.] An impartial enquiry into the conduct of Gov. Lewis and of the Legislature in relation to the Merchants' Banks, with an appendix. By Politicus. iVew York, Jan. 1806 Considerations on the approaching dissolution of the U. S. Bank. By Jesse Atwater. New Haven, 1810 Letter to the Secretary of Treasury on the Commerce and Currency of U. S. By Aristides. New York, 1819 Letter to M. Sterling on the expediency of adopting a uniform system of Bankruptcy in U. S. New York, 1822 Caution to Banks and Merchants, and an appeal to the Public. Philadelphia, 1823 Observations on the state of the currency with suggestions for equalizing its value and reducing to uniformity the Banking system in the U. S. Boston, Jan. 1, 1829 32 Memorial of Reuben M. Whitney into the affairs of the Bank of the U. S. Washington, 1832 Short History of Paper Money and Banking in the U. S. By William M. George. 2d Ed. New York, 1835 What is a Monopoly? or, some considerations upon the subject of Corporations and Currency. New York, 1835 Jeremy Bentham and the Usury Law. Albany, 1837 Articles of association of the Stuyvesant Banking Company, April 18, 1388. Answers to the questions: What constitutes Currency? What are the causes of unsteadiness of the currency? By H. C. Carey. Philadelphia, 1840 Defence of Francis W. Edmonds against the charges preferred against him by its President and Assistant Cashier. N. Y., 1855 How to detect Counterfeit Bank Notes, &c. By George Peyton. N. Y., 1856 /' 272 Miscellaneous. Valuable lot. [Eighteen.] Belchertown Election. Report of the Case of the. By David Everett. Boston, 1811 Bentham, Jeremy. Table of the Springs of Action. London, 1817 Breckinridge, John. Address before Eucleian and Philomathean Soc. N. Y., 1836 Brent, John C. Letters on the National Insti., Smithsonian Legacy, Fine Arts &c. Wash., 1844 Berkshire Jubilee. Sermon deliv. at Pittsfield, Aug. 22, 1844. By Mark Hopkins. Albany, 1845 Bedell, Rev. G. Thurston. Sermon in Ch. of Ascension, Dec. 14, 1851. N. Y., 1852 Berg, Joseph F. Farewell Words to First Ger. Reformed Ch. Philadelphia, 1852 Beale Dr. Stephen T. Trial and Conviction of. Philadelphia, 1855 Beck, Theodric R. Eulogy on Life and Character of. By Frank H. Hamilton. Albany, 1856 Berkley. Proceedings of Eclesiastical Council in Town of. Taunton, 1831 Berkley. Strictures on Publication entitled, Proc. of the Ecclesiastical Council in. Benjamin, W. S. Great Epidemic in New Berne and Vicinity. New Berne, 1865 Benjamin, Park. Poetry. A Satire pronounced before Mercantile Lib. Assoc, 22d Anniv. N. Y., 1842 Bellamy, Joseph. A letter to. Concerning Qualifications for Christian Communion. N. London Blow at the Root of Refined Antinomianism, by. N. Y., 1812 Bellows, Henry W. Discourse on the Death of Dr. Channing. N. Y., 1842 33 Bellows, HenryW. The Leger and the Lexicon. Oration before Phi Beta Kappa Society of Harvard University. Cambridge, 1853 -- -- Historical Sketch of Col. Benjamin Bellows. N. Y., 1855 273 BeecherPamphlets. [Eleven.] Beecher, Lyman. Sermon at Newark, during the session of Synod of New York and New Jersey, Oct. 1808. 2d ed. N. Y., 1809 - Same. 3d ed. Boston, 1813 Letters of the Rev. Dr. Beecher and Rev. Mr. Nettleton, on the "New measures" in conducting revivals of religion. N. Y., 1828 -- The Remedy for Duelling. Sermon delivered before the Presbytery of L. I. N. Y., April 16, 1806 Sermon delivered at New Haven on the 27th Oct.? (second Ed.) Andover, 1814 - Sermon at Funeral of Tappingi Reeve. Litchfield, Conn., 1827 - Letters of, and Rev. Mr. Nettleton on the new measures in conducting revivals of religion. N. Y., 1828 Sermon at Ordination of Mr. Sereno E. Dwight. Andover, 1818 Sermon at Ordination of Rev. Loammi J. Hoadly. 2d ed. Boston, 1824 Sermon deliv. at Newark, N. J., during Session of the Synod of N. Y. & N. J. 7th ed. Boston, 1827 Beecher, Henry Ward. Discourse deliv. at Plymouth Ch., Brooklyn, N. Y., on Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 25, 1847. N. Y., 1848 274 Miscellaneous. Valuable Lot. [Eighteen.]. 1848 Bianco; or, the Enchanted Sword, a Fairy Pantomime in Ten Tableaux. By Jerome Ravel. N. Y., 1857 Bigelow Monument. Ceremonies at Dedication in Worcester, Mass., Apr. 19. Boston, 1861 Bigham, T. J. Argument of. In House of Representatives. Bingham, Caleb. Astronomical and Geographical Catechism for use of Children. 15th ed. Boston, 1818 Billiard Player's Hand Book. London /E Bibliographical Tracts. Number one. Boston, 1865 Birmingham Inspector. Jan. 25. 1817 Blith, Walter. The English Improver, or a new Survey of Husbandry. London, 1649 Bridgewater, North. History of. By Bradford Kingman. Boston, 1866 Brigham, John C. Discourse on Life and Services of. By Rev. Win. Adams. N. Y., 1863 Bright, John. Life of. By John McGilchrist. N. Y., 1869 Brisbane Albert. Concise Exposition of the Doctrine of Association. 8th ed. N. Y., 1844 5 34 British Aristocracy. Suppressed Facts; being Nobility Unveiled. N. Y., 1843 Bristol Academy. Discourse on Education, deliv. at Dedicacation of. By Simon Doggett. New Bedford, 1797 College. The Laws of. 1834 Bishop, Abraham. Oration on Extent and Power of Political Delusion. Albany, 1801 Oration on Extent and Power of Political Delusion. 2d ed. Newark, 1800 Biddle, Hon. Richard. Eulogy on Life and Char. of David Ritchie. Pittsburgh, 1847 / 275 Bible Society Pamphlets. No Duplicates; rare lot. [Seven.] Bible Society, Address and the constitution of the. The First Report of the Board of Managers, of Bible Soc. of New York. N. Y., 1811 Bowen, Nath'l. Sermon before Bible Soc. of New York, March 1, 1812. Sixth Report of the Board of Managers of. N. Y., 1815 Hobart, John Henry. Address delivered before the Auxiliary Bible Soc. New York, March 8, 1816. First Annual Report of the Managers of the Auxiliary, etc. N. Y., 1817 How, Thos. T. Address deliv. before the Managers of the Auxiliary, etc. N. Y., 1817 Second Annual Report of the Managers of the Auxiliary, etc. N. Y., 1818 / 276 Bible Society Pamphlets. No Duplicates; rare lot. [Seven.l McVickar, John. Address deliv. before the Auxiliary, N. Y. Bible Soc. N. Y., 1818 Eighth Annual Report of the managers of the Auxiliary N. Y. Bible Soc. N. Y., 1824 Constitution of the Amer. Bible Soc. formed by a convention of delegates. New York, May, 1816. First Annual Report of the Board of Managers of the American Bible Soc. May 8, 1817. With an appendix. N. Y., 1817 Third Report of the Amer. Bible Soc. New York, May 13, 1819 Second Report of the Amer. Bible Soc. New York, 1830 Address of the Board of Managers of the Amer. Bible Society. New York, 1829 / 277 Bible Society Pamphlets. No Duplicates; rare lot. [Seven.] Report of the Marine Bible Soc. of N. Y. April 21, 1817. Address to Seamen. Deliv. at Portland. By Edw. Payson. N. Y., Oct. 28, 1821. Eighth Annual Report of the Managers of the Marine Bible Soc. New York, Apr. 19, 1824. Bible and Common Prayer Book Soc. Sermon before. By Benj. Moore. N. Y., 1810 * —- Society. Address to the Auxiliary. By John Bristed. N. Y., 1813 35 Bible Society. Portland Auxiliary, Maine. Adressed to Seamen. By Edward Payson. Portland, 1821...- - of University of Virginia. Address by Henry L. Pinckney. March 11, 1835. Richmond, 1835 278 Bible SocietyPamphlets. NoDuplicates; rare lot. [Seven.] American. Reasons why distilled Spirits should be Banished from the Land. Address by Wm. Goodell. N. Y., 1830 Annual Report of the Young Men's, New York, with Constitution. N. Y., 1837 Bible Explained and infidelity Vindicated. By a Lover of Truth.! N. Y., 1852 Great Discussion on Origin, Authority and Tendency of. Between Rev. J. F. Berg of Phila., and Joseph Barker of Ohio. Boston, 1854 Society of Co. of Greene, N. Y. Histor. Disc. at Semi-Cen. Anniv. By Rev. C. H. Rockwell. N. Y., 1865 - Second Annual Report of the N. Y. N., Y., 1811.... - Fourth Annual Report of the N. Y. N. Y., 1813 279 Bible Society Pamphlets. No Duplicates; rare lot. [Seven.] Constitution of the Auxiliary, N. Y. Founded June 28, 1813. N. Y. 1813 Constitution of the Auxiliary, N. Y. Founded June 28, 1813. N. Y., 1814 I — Portland Aux., Maine. Address to Seamen. By/ Edward Payson. Portland, 1821 Address of the N. J. Bible Soc. to the Public. With an appendix. New Brunswick, 1810 Sermon before Mass. Bible Soc. By Thos. Baldwin. Delivered June 4, 1812. Communications relative to the Progress of Bible Soc. in the U. S. Phila., 1813 Sermon deliv. at Concord before the Bible Soc., Mass. By Chas. Stearns. Cambridge, 1815 280 Bible Society Pamphlets. No Duplicates; rare lot. [Seven.] Sermon deliv. at Newburyport, before the Merrimack Bible Soc. By Daniel Dana. July 27, 1815. Sixth Report of the Bible Soc. of Phila. May 4, 1814. Fifth Report of the Bible Soc. of Oneida. Utica, Jan. 17, 1816. - Sixth Annual Report of the Managers of the Orange Bible Soc. Goshen June 10, 1817. Report of the directing committee of the Conn. Bible Society. Harltbrd, 1818 Fifteenth Report of the Bible Soc. of Phila. May 7, 1823. Sermon before the Onondaga Bible Soc. Deliv. by C. Gold Lee. Syracuse, 1845 281 Miscellaneous. [Ten.] Boylston, Thomas Esq. The Will of. Late of London. (Scarce) 5' 36 Bollman, Erick. Plan of an improved system of Money Concerns of the Union. Phila., 1816 Bonaparte, Napoleon. Remarks on Character of. 1V. Y., 1831 Bogart, David S. Discourse- in New Church in No. Hemp stead, Queens Co., Nov. 5, 1818. N. Y., 1833 Brooke, Charles W. Reply to the Communication signed, D. H. Mulvany. Norristown, 1835 Bowen, Wmin. W. Answer to the Exposition of Thomas H. Lewis. NVew Orleans, 1839 Bourn, Mehetabel H. Copy of a Communication made to Rev. John Dyer. Boone, Bp. Wm. J. Memorial Sermon by Winm. B. Stevens. Phila., 1865 Boone, Winm. J. Address in behalf of the China Mission. N. Y., 1837 Bolles, James A. Valedictory Sermon preached in Trinity Ch. Ohio, July 31. Boston, 1859 ~- 282 Miscellaneous. [Eleven.] Bolivar, Libertador Simon. Memorias Sobre La Vida. Parte II. Boucher, J. Sydney. 39 Articles on Pew-Rents, Appropriation and Weekly Offertory. London, 1866 Boundary, No. Eastern. Reports and Resolves in Relation to. 1838 Boundaries, No. Eastern, and Eastern. History of the Negotiations in refer. to, of U. S. N. Y. 1841 Brown, J. Letter to Rev. Dr. Lowth. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1766 Brown, John. Translation of First Epistle of the Apostle Peter. Edinburgh, 1848 Brown, John. Suggestions on Heating a House. N. Y. 1867 Bowdoin College. Charter, etc., and By-Laws of the Overseers. Brunswick, 1850 Bowdoin College. Address before the Phi Beta Kappa Soc., by Win. B. Sprague. Albany, 1850 Bowden, John. Letters to Rev. Ezra Stiles from. Rare. New fHaven, 1788 Bowder, Metcalf. Treatise on Agriculture and Practical Husbandry. Providence, 1786 3 283 Boston Pamphlets. Valuable lot, no duplicates. [Fifteen.] Sumner, Charles. "True Grandeur of Nations." An Oration, July 4, 1845..-.- Remarks upon an Oration by. July 4, 1845. -- - -" True Grandeur of Nations." An Oration. July 4, 1845. Stereotype Edition. Greenough, Wm. W. "The Conquering Republic." An Oration. July 4, 1849. Celebration of the Introduction of the Water of Cochituate Lake into the City of Boston, Oct. 25, 1848. 37 Boston Soc. of Natural History. Act of Incorp, and Consti. and By-Laws, 1832. List of Persons,' Co-partnerships and Corporations, Taxed in the City of. For 1834.' -- City Document, No. 15. Annual Appropriations, 1843 Common. 1843. - - Social Loiterings and Visits in the vicinity of. 1845 and Worcester, andWestern Railroads, a Chart and Description of. By Wm. Guild, 1847. - -Oration Deliv. before the Municipal Authorities of. Seventy-ninth Anniv. of Amer. Inde. By Rev. A. A. Miner. July 4, 1855. Theological Seminary. Annual Report of. 1868. --- Athenaeum. List of Books added to the Library of the. 1868. -- Young Men's Christian Union. 284 Boston Pamphlets. Valuable lot, no duplicates. [Fourteen.] Boston. Oration before Muni. Autho. of. Ninety-third Anniv. Amer. Ind. By Ellis W.; Morton. 1869. Report of Comrn., in relation to Lands in the Back Bay. Boston, 1857 - - Thirty-first Annual Report of Fragment Soc. of. Boston, 1843 Remarks on Project of supplying the Inhab. of, with Pure Soft Water. By Henry B. Rogers. Boston, 1845 Report of a Railroad from, to Hudson River and Providence. Boston, 1829 Oration before the City Authorities, by T. Bigelow,,' July 4, 1853. Oration before the City Authorities, by G. Sumner, July 4, 1859. Oration before the City Authorities, by E. Everett, July 4, 1860. -- -Oration before the City Authorities, by S. Eliot, July 4, 1868. Boston Epis. Char. Soc. Hist. Memoirs of, by J. Boyle. Scarce. 1840. Chil. Aid Soc. First report of. 1865. Numismatic Soc. Address by Dr. Lewis, Jan. 5, 1865. City Hospital, Third Annual Report of. Boston, 1867 Present. of Statue of Alex. Hamilton, by Thos. Lee. Boston, 1865 285 Botanical Pamphlets. Valuable lot. [Seven.] Marshall, Humphrey. "Arbustrum Americanum." The American Grove; or, an Alphabetical Catalogue of Forrest Trees and Shrubs, Natives of the Amer. U. S. Scarce. ~' Phila., 1785 Hosack, David. Facts relative to the Establishment and Progress of the Elgin Botanic Garden. New York, 1811 Hosack, David. Hortus Elginensis, Catalogue of Plants, Iudi genous and Exotic, cultivated in the Elgin Botanic Garden. PLATES. New York, 1811 Anderson, Andrew. Inaugural dissertation on the Eupatorium Perfoliatum of Linnaeus. Scarce. New York, 1813 Patterson, Henry S. Address "The Character and Labors of Linnaeus," before the Penn. Linnaean Assoc. Gettysburg, Sept. 20, 1848 Smyser, Daniel M. An Address deliv. before the Linnsean Assoc. of Penn College on "The Study of Nat. Hist." Gettysburg, Sept. 19, 1849 Celebration at Flushing, of the Birth-day of Linnoeus, by the N. Y. Branch of the- Linnsean Soc. of Paris. May, 1824. Scarce. /2A>_ 286 Brown University. [Six.] Brown University. History and Laws of the Library. Prov., 1843 Brown University. Disc. designed to explain the doctrines of atonement, by John MIaxcy. Delivered Nov. 11-25, 1796. Brown University. Catalogue of Books in the Library of.' Prov., 1826 Brown University. Address to the Phi Beta Kappa Soc. of. By Theron Metcalf, Sept. 5; 1832. Brown University. Address to the Phi Beta Kappa Soc. of. By Winm. G. Goddard, Sept. 7, 1836. Brown University. Poem on Pleasures and Advantages of True Religion, by Rev. Dan. Huntington. Deliv. before United Brothers Soc. in. Prov., 1819 3 287 Miscellaneous. [Sixteen.] Buchanan, Rev. Claudius. Memoir of the expediency of an Ecclesiastical Establishment for British India. Cambridge, 1811 Buchanan, Rev. Claudius. The Healing Waters of Bethsaida. Boston, 1812 Buchanan, Rev. Claudius. Christian Researches in Asia. 3d ed. Edinburgh, 1812 Buchanan, Rev. Claudius. Journal of Man. No. IL, vol. IIL., May 31. Cincinnati, 1852 Buchanan, Rev. Claudius. Sermon for benefit of Soc. of Missions. Newark, 1809 Burlington College. Address on Seventy-eighth Anniv. of American Ind. and Eighth Anniv. of the Insti. By Rev. George W. Doane. Burlington, 1854 Burdett, Sir Francis. Speech of, in the House of Commons, May 20, 1817. London Burke, Master. Biography of the Irish Roscius. 7th ed. Philadelphia Bullions, Dr. Case of, Fairly Stated. By an Observer. N. Y., 1835 Butler, Benjamin F. The Military Profession. Address at Westpoint. N. Y., 1839 39 Byrne, Alexander S. Observations on Best Means for Propelling Ships. 2d ed. N. Y., 1841 Baltimore. Commem. Discourse deliv. in First Indepen. Ch. on Death of F. W. P. Greenwood, by George W. Burnap. Baltimore, 1843 Buffalo. Report of the Harbor Committee of. Buffalo, 1847 Buntline, Ned. Life, Career and Character of. N. Y., 1849 Brunner, A. Alphonse. Concise Rules for acquiring Genders of French Nouns. Cincinnati, 1852 Bryan Gallery of Christian Art. Companion to. N. Y., 1853 288 Miscellaneous. [Sixteen.] Burlington and Miss. R. R. in Iowa. Exhibit of Condition. V. Y., 1856 Burges's, Mr., Two Speeches; Abstract of Debate in House of Rep. Nr Y., 1831 Burges, Mr. Speech of, in Case of Samuel Houston. Washington, 1832 Burns, Robert. Tam O'Shanter and Souter Johnny. Beautiful illustr. London, 1830 The Centenary of the Birthday of. Boston, 1859 Burton Henry. The Sounding of the Two Last Trumpets, the Sixth and Seventh. Digested'by Henry Burton during his -. Banishment and close imprisonment in the Isle of Guernsey. London, 1641 - Sermon at the Ordination of Rev. Thomas A. Merrill. Middlebury, Vt., 1806 Bushnell, Horace. The Fathers of New England. Oration by. N. y., 1850 Twentieth Anniv. Commem. Disc. in North Ch. Hartford, 1853 Parting Words. Discourse, July 3, in North Ch. Hartford, 1859 Bush Geo. Letters to a Trinitarian Boston, 1850 "' Gold for Brass." N. Y., 1853 "The Valley of Vision." N. Y., 1844 Burke Edmund. Letter from, to a Noble Lord. N. Y., 1796 Letter from, to His Grace Duke of Portland. Phila., 1797 Two Letters on Proposals for Peace with Regicide Directory of France, by. Phila,, 1797 289 Bunker Hill Pamphlets. Valuable lot; no duplicates. [Seventeen.] Webster's Address on Bunker Hill. 4th ed. Boston, 1825 Address deliv. at laying of Corner stone of Bunker Hill Mon't. L22 By D. Webster. Boston, 1825 Webster's Address deliv. at Completion of Bunker Hill Mon't. Boston, 1843 History of the Battle of Breed's Hill. By Charles Coffin. Portland, 1835 Command in the Battle of Bunker Hill. By R. Frothingham. Boston, 1850 40 Oration on the Seventy-fifth anniv. of Battle of Bunker Hill. By Edw. Everett. Boston, 1850 Proceedings of the Bunker Hill Mon't Assoc. Boston, 1862 Proceedings of the Bunker Hill Mon't Assoc. Boston, 1864 Who was the Commander at Bunker Hill? By S. Swett. Boston, 1850 D. Webster's Address at laying of Corner Stone of Bunker Hill Mon't. 5th ed. Boston, 1825 Hist. of Bunker Hill Battle. With a plan. 3d ed. By S. Swett. Boston,, 1837 Bunker Hill Battle. 2d ed. By S. Swett. Boston, 1836 Account of Battle of Bunker Hill. By a Citizen of Boston. 1825 Account of Battle of Bunker Hill. 2d ed. By a Citizen;of Boston. 1825 Original planning and construction of Bunker Hill Mon't. By S. Swett. Albany, 1863 Webster, Daniel. Address deliv. at the laying of the Corner Stone of the Bunker Hill Monument, July 17, 1825. Boston, 1843 Particular Account of the Battle of Breed's Hill on the 17th June. 2d ed. Boston, 1825 /d 290 Miscellaneous. [Two.] Byron. Ode to Napoleon Bonaparte. Newzburyport, 1814 Remarks on the Talents of and Tendencies of Don Juan. AIRO, 111.; The Past, Present and Future of the City ofin North America. With Reports, Estimates and Statis- 3~ tics. 8vo, paper. Portland, 1858 291 CALHOUN, J. C. The Carolina Tribute to Calhoun. Edited by J. // P. Thomas. 8vo, cl. With portrait. Columbia, S. C., 1857 292 CALHOUN, REuv. GEO. A. Celebration at North Coventry, Conn., March 10, 1859, of the Settlement of-over the Church and & Society in that place, March 10, 1819. 8vo pamphlet, 40 p. Hartford, 1859 293 CALIFORNIA. Its History, Population, Climate, Soil, Productions/( and Harbors. And an account of the Revolution and Conquest of the Country by the United States. By John T. Hughes. 8vo, paper, uncut. Cincinnati, 1849 294 CALIrORNIA. Its History, Population, Climate, etc., from Sir George Simpson's " Overland Journey Round the World." An account io of the Revolution in California and Conquest of the Country by the United States. By John T. Hughes. Bds., 12mo, uncut. Cincinnati, 1850 295 CALiFORNA, The Wonder of the Age. By Thomas Butler King. / 8vo, paper. New York, 1850 296 CALIFORNIA, Lower. Historical Outline of. By Jacob P. Leese.JQ 8vo, paper. New York, 1865 297 CALLENDAR, JAMES THOMPSON. The American Annual Register; or,/ Historical Memoir of the United States, for 1796. 8vo, bds., f uncut. Phila., 1797 298 CALVERT, GEO. Discourse on the Life and Character of-the First7~ Lord Baltimore- made Dec. 9, 1845. By John P. Kennedy.' 8vo pamphlet, fine copy, very scarce. Presentation copy to R. C. Winthrop by the author. Baltimore, 1845 299 CAMBRIDGE, Mass. The History of. By Abiel Holmes. 8vo, blue/5 cov., uncut; 67 pages; fine copy; extremely rare. Boston, 1801 Abiel Holmes' Copy, with Autograph. The Genuine First Ed. subse quently pub. in the Mass. Hist. Soc. Col. 300 CAMBRIDGE. EPITAPHS from the Old Burying Ground. With which are now added an Introduction and Notes. No. 36, 4to, large paper; paper covers, map. Boston, 1867 596 --- The Same, S. P., cl., uncut; hay'mor., gilt top, uncut. 26597 DUDLEY, (Mass.) An Anniversary Discourse, delivered March' 20, 1853, with Topographical and Historical Notices of the / Town. By Joshua Bates. 8vo, cloth; 58 pages. Boston, 1853 598 DUNBARTON, (N. H.) HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF, from thei2r Grant by Mason's assigns, in 1751 to 1860. By Caleb Stark. / 8vo., cl. Concord, 1860 599 DUNBARTON, (N. H.) Address at the Centennial Celebration. By/'o~ Rev. A. W. Burnham, D. D. 8vo pamph. N1. XH, 1865' 600 DUNBARTON, (N. H.) Record of the Centennial Celebration of/,jthe Incorporation of the Town of, Sept. 13, 1865. 8vo pamph., 124 pages; scarce. Manchester, N. Hf., 1866 601 DUNCAN, JOHN M. Travels through part of the United States and2 Canada, in 1818-19. In two volumes. Full cayf, 8vo. Glasgow, 1823 602 DUNHAM, CAPT. JACOB. Journal of Voyages, containing an account of the author's being twice captured by the English, and onceS2by Gibbs, the pirate; his narrow escape when chased by an English war schooner, as well as his being cast away and residing with the Indians. Cl., 12mo; with illustrations. New York, 1850 603 DUNSHEE, HENRY WEBB. History of the School of the Reformed,~~ Protestant Dutch Church in the City of New York, from 1633, 84 to the present time. With an Introduction by Rev. Thomas De Witt, D.D. 12mo., cloth. New York, 1853 /Xo 604 DUNSTABLE, (MASS.) History of the Old Township of, including Nashua, Nashville, Hollis, Hudson, Litchfield, and Merrimac, N. H.; Dunstable and Tynsborough, Mass. By Charles J. Fox. 12mo, cloth; with plates. Nashua, 1846 toV 605 DUNTON, JOHN. THE POST ANGEL, in Five distinct Parts. Viz.: I. The Remarkable Providence (of Judgment and Mercy). II. The Lives and Deaths of the most eminent Persons. III. A New Athenian Mercury; resolving the most nice and curious questions proposed by the most Ingenious of either Sex. IV. The Publick news at Home and Abroad. V. An Account of books lately Publish'd. With A Spiritual Observatory upon each Head. To be continu'd Monthly. From January to December, 1701, inclusive. 2 vols. in one, 4to, calf. All Published. London, 1701 _2a 606 DUNTON, JOHN. Letters written from New England, A. D., 1686. In which are described his voyages by Sea, his travels on Land, and the characters of his friends and acquaintances. Now First Published from the Original Manuscript, In the Bodleian Library, Oxford. With Notes and an Appendix, by W. H. Whitrmore. Twenty copies, L. P., No. 9, paper covers, 4to. Pub-, lications of the Prince Soc. Boston, 1867,/g~ 607 DUQUESNE, OLD F(ORT. A Tale of the Early Toils, Struggles and Adventures of the First Settlers at the Forks of the Ohio, 1754. 8vo pamphlet; scarce. Pittsburgh, 1844 /O 608 DURAND, R. JAMES. The Life and Adventures of. During a Period of Fifteen Years. In which time he was Impressed on board the British Fleet, and held in detestable Bondage for more than seven years. 8vo, bds., rare. Rochester, N. Y. 1820,0 609 DURFEE, JOB. Whatcheer; or, Roger Williams in Banishment. A Poem. 16mzo, cl. uncut. Providence, 1832 J~0 610 DURFEE, HON. JOB. The Complete Works of the Late Chief Justice of Rhode Island; with a Memoir of the Author. Edited by his Son, Thomas Durfee. 8vo, el. Providence-Boston, 1832,/2' 611 DURHAM, CONN. The History of, from the first grant of land in 1662 to 1866. By William Chauncy Fowler, L. L. D. With an appendix. 8vo, cl. Hartford, 1866?cv 612 DURRIE, DANIEL S. Bibliographia Genealogica Americana. An Alphabetical Index to American Genealogies and Pedigrees, contained in state, county and town histories, printed genealogies and kindred works. 8vo, cl., uncut. Albany, 1868 /ov 613 DUXBURY, MAss. HISTORY OF THE TowN OF. With Genealogical Registers. By Justin Winsor. Large 8vo, bds., uncut; port. Boston, 1849,7' 614 DWIGET, TIMOTHY. The Conquest of Canaan. A Poem, in Eleven B-6oks. 8vo, sh. Hartford, 1785 6' 615 DWIVGHT, TIMOTHY. Discourse on some events of the Last Century, delivered in Brick Church in New Haven, Jan. 7, 1801. New Haven, 1801,Z 616 DWIGHT, THEODORE W. AND GEO. P.MARSH. Inaugural Addresses of, in Columbia College, N. Y. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1859 617 DYER, MARY M{. A Portrait'ure of Shakerism, Exhibiting a general view of their Character and Conduct, from the First Appear- /o ance of Ann Lee in New England, down to the present time. Bds., 8vo. Concord, N. H; printed for the Author, 1822 618 DYER, MARY M. [now Marshall.] Rise and Progress of the Serpent in the Garden of Eden, to the present day: with a disclosure of Shakerismn, exhibiting a general view of their real character 73and conduct from the first appearance of Ann Lee. Also, the Life and Sufferings of the author. 12mo, sh.; portrait of the Author. Concord, 1847 PAMPHLETS. 619 ]Miscellaneous. [Twelve.] Duffield, George. Lin Memoriam, by Rev. Win. A. McCorlde. Detroit, 1868 Drink. The Influence of Wholesome Drink. Dale's Patent Crevice Searcher for obtaining a Register of Oil Wells. Elmira, 1868 Dimlinnock, S. R. Review of Rev. Marvin R. Vincent's Essay and Rev. Washington Gladden's Sermon, by. 2nd Ed. Syracuse, 1867 Dickinson, Daniel S. Testimonial of Respect of the Bar of N. Y. to. N. Y., 1866 G Davis, Henry W. Oration on Life and Character of, by John A. J. Creswell. Wash., 1866 Dawson, Henry B. Current Fictions tested by Uncurrent Facts. N. Y., 1864 Douglas, Stephen A. Address on Death of, July 9, 1861. Wash., 1861 Dadmun, J. W. Revival Melodies. Boston, 1858 Dayton, Aaron O. Memorial of Life and Character of, by Winm. Blerrian. N. Y., 1858 Doane, Bishop. Address at the Funeral of Rev. Dr. Ogilby. N. Y., 1851 Dexter, Lord Timothy. A Pickle for the Knowing Ones. Newburyport, 1848 620 Miscellaneous. [Thirteen.] Denison, Charles TW. Defence of. Showing the Interest of Elder Nathaniel Culver. Boston, 1846 Dow, Jr. Short Patent Sermons. Vol. I. N. YK., 1845 Duncan, Mr. Speech of, on General Appropriation Bill for// 1840. N. Y. Dial, The. A Magazine for Literature, Philosophy and Religion. No. II. Oct. 1840. Dean, Paul. Discourse deliv. at Bulfinch St. on takinag leave of the Soc. Boston, 1840 Davidson, Richard Oglesby. Description of the Plan of Construction and Mode of Operation of the Aerostat. St. Louis, 1840 86 Doran, Joseph M. Account of Celebration of St. Patrick's Day. Phil., 1837 David and Uriah. Drama in five acts. Phil., 1835 Danver's Discussion. Report of, between M. P. Braman and Thos. Whittemore, Nov. 6, 1833. Boston, 1833 Davis, Adjutant P. M. Battles of Chippeway, Washington, Baltimore and New Orleans. Very scarce. Harrisburg, 1832 Davison, David. Sermon preached in Old Jewry Chapel, Oct. 31, 1830. London 1830 Drew, Samuel. Arguments to prove the Divinity of Christ. Trenton, 1825 Daggett's Mr., Argument before General Assembly Conn., Oct. 1804. Valuable. New Haven, 1804 t 621 Miscellaneous. [Twelve.] Dartmouth College. Discourse commem. of Daniel Webster, by Rufus Choate. Boston, 1853 - Report on a Memorial of the Alumni. Boston, 1858 Poem before the Zeta Psi Fraternity, by Henry B. Atherton. Concord, 1861 Dickerson, Edward N. Argument of, in the Case of Sickles vs. Borden. N. Y., 1856 Speech in Case of Mattingly vs. the Washington and Alexandria Steamboat Company. N. Y., 1864 Dewey, Rev. Orville. Sermon on Moral Importance of Cities. N. Y., 1836 Sermon deliv. under the Old Elm Tree in Sheffield. 1N. Y., 1856 Dymond, Jonathan. An Inquiry into the Accordancy of War with the Principles of Christianity. Phila. An Inquiry into the Accordancy of War with the Principles of Christianity. N. Y., 1847 Domesticus. Remarks on the Letter of, by Veritas. N. Y., 1827 Doctrine of Incest Stated. N. Y., 1827 Dissertation on Incestuous Marriage, by Philip Milledoler. N. Y., 1843 7 622 Miscellaneous. [Twelve.] Dwight, Timothy. Disc., July 4, 1798. New Haven Disc. on the genuineness and authenticity of the New Testament, Sept. 10, 1793. N. Y. "The Nature and Danger of Infidel Philosophy." In two disc's, deliv. Sept. 9, 1797. Greenfield Hill: a Poem in seven parts. Scarce. N. Y., 1794 Disc. on some events of last century, deliv. Jan. 7, 1801. Very scarce. New Haven. Dunlap, Wm. Review of Biographical Sketch of John Vanderlyn. Very scarce. N. Y., 1838 Defence of Christianity against Deism and Infidelity. Trenton, 1810 87' Doane, George W. -Sermon before the Prayer Book and Homily Soc. Boston, 1831 Sermon before the Sunday School Union. Boston, 1831 Dewey Orville. Disc. deliv. at dedication of Ch. of Messiah. N. Y., 1839 Dwyer, Alex. Disc. on the structure of the Poetry of Hebrews. Utica, 1830 Doty, John. Farewell Sermon and Address to the Right Rev. Jacob, Bishop of Quebec, Oct. 24, 1802. 623 Miscellaneous. [Twelve.] Dayton, Jonathan. Public Speculation Unfolded, in Sixteen Letters, addressed to F. Childs and J. H. Lawrence. Scarce, and interesting. N. Y., 1800 Doggett, Simeon. Discourse preached to Congrega. Soc. in Norton. Providence, 1796 Duer, W. A. Eulogy on John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, July 31. Albany, 1826 Duer, John. Lecture on the Evils, Social, Moral and Political that flow from Party Div. N. Y., 184:120 Dudley Observatory. Inauguration of, at Albany, Aug. 28, 1856. and the Scientific Council. Albany, 1858 Dog Cart. An Excursion of. N. Y, 1822 Dogo-Graphy. Life and Adventures of the Celebrated Dog, Tiger, by Francis Butler. N. Y., 1856 Derby, John B. Sketch of the Origin and History of the " Statesman Party." Boston, 1835 Sketch of the Origin and History of the " Statesman Party." Part 2. Boston, 1835 Drake, Samuel G. Review of Winthrop's Journal. Boston, 1854 Dearborn, H. A. S. Defence of Gen. Henry Dearborn against Gen. Wm. Hull. Very Scarce. Boston, 1824 624 Miscellaneous. [Twelve.] Dearbtrn, H. A. S. Address on the Life and Character of, by George Putnam. Roxbury, 1857 Duane, W. Sampson against the Philistines. Philadelphia, 1805 Politics for American Farmers. WTashington, 1807 Democratic Reformer. Embodying Documents concerning Governmental Reformation in New York. Albany, 1844 Democratic Review, United States. New Series. Vol. XIIII. Apr. 1859. No. I. N. Y. Dwight, Timothy. Discourse at Funeral of Elizur Goodwich. New Haven, 1797.-.... Sermon on Duelling, preached in Yale Col. Jan. 21. N. Y., 1805 Sermon preached at Ordination of Eliphalet Pearson, Sept. 28, 1808. Boston, 1808 Dorchester. History of the Town of. Nunber one. Boston, 1851 --- Epitaphs from the Old Burying Ground in. Boston Highlands, 1869 88 Dana, Daniel. Address at Anniv. of Phi Beta Kappa Soc., Dart. Col., Aug. 26, 1817. Exeter, 1817 3 625 Dedication Pamphlets. [Seventeen.] Appleton, Jesse. Sermon deliv. to the Congre. Soc. in Hampton, Nov. 14, 1797, at Dedication of New House for Public Worship. Newburyport, 1797 Lyman, William. Sermon deliv. at Lebanon at Dedica. of New Brick Meeting House, Jan. 21, 1807. Hartford, 1807 Griffin, Edward D. Sermon, Jan. 10, 1810, at Dedication of Park St. Church, Boston. Thacher, Samuel C. Discourse at Dedication of a New Church on Church Green, Summer St. Boston, 1815 Porter, Ebenezer. Sermon, Sept. 22, 1818, at Dedica. of New Edifice for Use of Theological Seminary in Andover. Palfrey, John G. Sermon. Dedication of Twelfth Congre. Church in Boston, Oct. 13, 1824. Boston, 1825 Willard, Samuel. Sermon. Dedication of New Meeting House in First Parish in Deerfield, Dec. 22, 1824. Historical, and very Scarce. Greenfield, 1825 Upham, Charles W. Sermon, Nov. 16, 1826, Dedica. of House of Public Worship of First Congre. Soc., Salem. Gilman, Samuel. Sermon. Dedica. of Unitarian Church in Augusta, Geo., Dec. 27, 1827. Charleston, 1828 Sabine, James. Sermon. Dedica. First Presb. Church, Boston, Jan. 31, 1828. Lowell, Charles. Sermon. Dedica. South Congre. Church, Natick, Nov. 20, 1828. Boston, 1829 Bancroft, Aaron. Sermon. Dedica. of Second Congre. Church, Worcester, Aug 20, 1829. Farley, Frederick A. Sermon. Dedica. of Westminster Church in Providence, R. I., March 5, 1829. Boston, 1829 Story, Joseph. Address. Dedica. of Mt. Auburn Cemetery, Sept. 24, 1831. Boston, 1831 Johnston, James R. Discourse. Dedication of Presbyterian Church, Hamptonburgh, Feb. 26, 1845. Goshenz, 1845 Virginia Theological Seminary. Services and Addresses in connection with Recent Dedication at. Richmond, 1859. Stewart, Charles. Sermon. Ded. of St. Paul's Ch., St. Armaud, L. C. ]Montreal, 1811? 626 Miscellaneous. [Eleven.] Directions for the use of Anthracite Coal. By an Amateur. Documents and Facts showing the fatal effects of interments in populous cities. N. Y., 1822 Davis A. Lecture on the discovery of America. N. Y., 1840 Diller J. W. Farewell disc. Brooklyn, 1842 Duelist, The. 1825. Duelling. Essay on. Y. Y., 1830. Doddridge, Philip. Plain and Serious Address by. Hartford, 1777..... Plain and Serious Address by. Hartford, 1778 Sermons on the religious education of children. Stockbridge, 1804 89 Dwight, Timothy. Memoir of, by Joseph P. Thompson. New Haven, 1844 Dwight, Sereno E. Greek Revolution. Address by. Boston, 1824 627 Miscellaneous. Very fine lot. [Seven.] Dorchester. Disc. delivered at, June 17, 1830-Bi-Centen.-by J. Pierce. Very scarce. Boston, 1830 Disc. fiftieth anniversary second church of, Jan. 3, 1858, by Rev. Jas. Howard Means. Boston, 1858 7 Dedham. Hist. Address delivered before citizens of town of, Sept. 21, 1836, being second Centennial Anniversary, by S. F. Haven. Very scarce. Dedham, 1837 Danvers. Centen. Celebration, June 1.6, 1852. Boston, 1852 - (North) Hist. Sketch of school district number thirteen of, by George Osgood. Salem, 1855 Danbury. Century Sermon deliv. at, Jan. 1, 1801, by T. Robbins. )Danbury, 1846 Dartmouth (College). Class of Alumni, in 1813. Boston, 1854 628 Miscellaneous. [Thirteen.] Day, Jeremiah. Sermon deliv. at Bethlehem, Jan. 4, 1774. Very scarce. New Haven ------ Sermon before Gen. Assoc. of Conn., June 22, 1831. New Haven Dwight, Timothy. Two disc. —" The nature and danger of InfidelPhilosophy "-Sept. 9, 1797. _New Haven Disc., July 23, 1812, Yale College. Boston Dewey, Orville. The Unitarian Belief. N. N., 183543 Sermon on occasion of late fire in N. Y.. Y. 1836 -_ — Disc. at ordination of Geo. Putanam, July 7, 1830. Boston Dickinson, Moses. Answer to two important questions. Scarce. New Haven, 1770 Devotion, John. Sermon at interment of Ursula Griswold, by, April 8, 1788 Very scarce. New ]H:aven, 1788 Dell, Win. The doctrine of ]Baptism, by N. Y. Decalogue. The lawful use of the moral law proving the, or ten commandments given by God as the rule of a believer's life. Southark. Dow, John. Disc. deliv. July 4, 1806, at Belleville. Newarkc, N. J. Dearborn, Alex. Oration deliv. at Salem, July 4, 1806. Salem 629 Miscellaneous.. [Thirteen.] Devot, Mr. The Go-Between, or Two-edged sword. N. Y., 1807 Danvers, Jno. T. Picture of a republican magistrate of the/0 new school. N. I., 1808:Doctrines. The peculiar, of the gospel. New Haven, Feb. 23, 1809 Dorchester. Proc. of the second church and parish. 2d ed. Boston, 1812 12 90 Dehon, Theo. Disc. deliv. May 21, 1814. Phila. Delaplaine's Repository. The author turned critic, or the reviewer reviewed, being a reply to an attack on. September, 1816. Very scarce. Dexter, Franklin. Oration, July 4, 1819, by. Boston Duane, W. The foul charges of the Tories against the editor of the Aurora, 1798. "Domesticus." The doctrine of incest stated. N. Y., 1827......- the Argument of, on the doctrine of incest, by Clericus. New Yorkc, 1827 Reasons in favor of the erasure of the law on the doctrine of incest, by Clericus. N. Y., 1827 The Opinions of a Layman on the Method of treating on the Doctrine of Incest. New York, 1827 Dean, Amos. Address deliv. before the Young Men's Assoc. of N. Y., Sept. 2, 1841. Albany 6 630 Miscellaneous. [Thirteen.] Dean, Amos. Introductory Lecture deliv. Dec. 7, 1848. Albany Dartmouth College. Catalogue of the members of the N. H. Alpha, Aug. 1812. Hanover -- — Opinion of the Superior Court of the State of N. H., in the case of the truistees of. Concord, 1818 Catalogue, 1822......... Address deliv. at anniv. of assoc. Alumni, Aug., 1833. Boston Daggett, Nath'l. Sermon, Yale College, on death of Job Lane, one of the tutors in, Sept. 16, 1768. Very scarce. New Haven, 1768 - Sermon at ordination of Ebenezer Baldwin, Sept. 19, 1770. Very scarce. New Haven, 1770 Sermon at ordination of Joseph Howe, May 19, 1773. Very scarce. Boston, 1773 David. Oration by, July 4, 1799. Rare. NTew Haven, 1799 Dana, James. Sermon on death of Chauncey Whittelsey, July 29, 1787. Scarce. Nlew Haven, 1787 --- Sermon at his installation, April 29, 1789. NVew Haven...- Disc. deliv. in Yale College, Nov. 23, 1794. New Haven Sermon at ordination of Daniel Huntington, Oct. 17, 1798. Scarce. Litchfield, 1798 ASTBURN, JAMESWALLIS. Yamoyden, a Tale of the Wars of King Philip; in six cantos. 8vo, bds., uncut; illust.'a N. Y., 1820 632 EASTHAM, Mass. A comprehensive History, Ecclesiastical and Civil, of Eastham, Wellfleet and Orleans, Barnstable Co.; from/,IS 1644 to 1844. By Rev. Enoch Pratt, of Brewster. 8vo, cl., scarce. Yarmouth, Mass., 1844 633 EAST-HAMPTON, L. I. A Sermon, containing the General History of the Town of East-Hampton, from its first settlement to the present time, delivered Jan. 1, 1806. By Lyman Beecher. 8vo I pamphlet, uncut; 40 pages; very fine copy and extremely scarce. Sag Harbor, N. Y.: printed by Alden Spooner, 1806 634 EASTHAMPTON, Mass.; Historical Sketch of-delivered before the Young Men's Association, Oct. 7, 1851. By Luther Wright./,~' 8vo pamph.; 32 p. Northampton, 1852 635 EASTHAMPTON, MASS.; History of. Its Settlement and Growth; its Material, Educational and Religious Interests -with a/0 Genealogical Record of its Original Families. By P. W. Lyman. 8vo, sheets, folded. Northampton, 1866 636 EDSALL, JOHN; Incidents in the Life of. 12mo, sheep. /a Catskill, 1831 637 EDWARDIS, JONATHAN, D.D. A SERMON at the Execution of Moses Paul, an Indian, who had been guilty.of Murder; preached at New Haven, in America, by Samson Occom, a Native In —'a dian, and Missionary to the Indians. To which is added a short account of the Late Spread of the Gospel among the Indians, also Observations on the Language of the Muhhekanew Indians. 8vo, uncut, scarce. London, 1789 638 EDWARDS, JONATHAN. A Careful and Strict Inquiry into the Modern Prevailing Notions of Freedom of Will. The fourth Edition. / 8vo, sheep. Wilmington, 1790 639 ELLET, MRS. E. F. Domestic History of the American Revolution. 30 12mo, cl. New York, 1851 640 ELLIOTT, CoM. JESSE D.; A Biographical Notice of-containing a Review of the Controversy between him and the late Comn. Perry; and a History of the Figure-Head of the U. S. Frigate " Consti-,/v tution." By a Citizen of New York. 12mo, bds. Philadelphia, 1835 92 k4r 641 ELLIOTT, Rt. Rev. STEPHEN. God's Presence with the Confederate States. A Sermon preached in Christ Church, Savannah, 13th of June, [1861]. 8vo, paper. Savannah, 1861 cw 642 ELLIOTT, Rt. Rev. STEPHEN. " The Silver Trumpets of the Sanctuary." Sermon preached to the Pulaski Guards in Christ Church, Savannah, on the second Sunday after Trinity. Being the Sunday before their departure to join the Army in Virginia. 8vo, paper. Savannah, 1861 ~,o 643 ELLIOTT, Gen. STEPHEN. In Memoriam. [Proceedings in the Legislature of South Carolina on the Death of, and address of W. H. Trescott.] Large 8vo, paper, uncut. Columbia, 1866 /cl 644 EliSONS, NATH'L. A Discourse addressed to the Norfolk Auxiliary Society in Dorchester, June 11, 1817. Second edition. 8vo, 23 pages. Providence, 1825,5 645 EnMMoNs, NATH'L. Discourse delivered, Oct. 13, 1813, before the Mendon Assoc. Second edition. 8vo, uncut, 36 pages, fine copy. New York, 1826 /0 646 EiMoNs, CHAs. P. Sketches of Bunker Hill Battle and Monument, with Illustrative Documents. 12mo, cloth. Charlestownz, 1843 2S 647 EMMONs, RICHARD. The Fredoniad, or Independence Preserved. An Epick Poem on The Late War of 1812. In four volumes. 8vo, bds., uncut. Boston, 1827 6 648 EmmoNs, RICHARD. Defence of Baltimore and Death of General Ross. Portrait of Charles Carrol. 3d ed. Bds. Washington, 1831 649 EMmboNs, RICHARD. The Battle of Bunker Hill, or the Temple of Liberty; an Historic Poem, in four cantos. 12mo, cl., with portraits, very scarce. New York, 1839 r: 650 ENGLISH, GEORGE BETHUNE. Five Pebbles from the Brook; being A Reply to "' A Defence of Christianity," by Edward Everett. 8vo, bds., uncut. Phila., 1824 Z-t, 651 EPSOM, N. H.; A TOPOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL SKETCH OF. By Jonathan Curtis. 8vo pamphlet, uncut; 18 pages; very scarce; beautiful copy. Concord, 1823 With an Appendix, giving list of names of those who served in the regular army in the Revolution. 7? 652 EQUIANO, OLAUDAH; The Interesting Narrative of the Life of; or, Gustavus Vassa, the African. Written by himself. First American ed. 12mo, caf, 2 vols. in 1. Frontis. N. Y., 1791 653 ERIE Co., Penn.; The History of. By Laura G. Sanford. With port. and maps. 12mo, el. Phila., Pa., 1862 //2 654 EssEx Co., Mass. Memorial for 1836. Embracing a Register of the County. By James R. Newhall. 8vo, el., scarce. Salem, 1836 /2' 655 ESSEX, Mxss.; History of the Town of-from 1634 to 1700. By Robert Crowell. 8vo, cl., map and engravings, very scarce. Boston, 1853 /,-' 656 ESSEX, MAss.; History of the Town of-from 1634 to 1868. By the late Robert Crowell. With Sketches of the Soldiers in the War of the Rebellion. By David Choate. L. 8vo, cl. Essex, 1868 i 656*EssEX INSTITUTE Historical Collections. Vol. 1, No. 5. Nov., 1859. Salem, 1859 93 657 ESTVAN, B. War Pictures from the South. 12mo, cl., rough edges. N. Y., 1863 658 EVARTS, JEREMIAH; Memoir of the Life of. By E. C. Tracy. 8vo, 2z cl.; portrait. Boston, 1845 659 EVERETT, MOSES (Father of Edw. Everett). Sermon preached Lord's-day Eve, Feb. 1, 1778, to Two Religious Societies of/0 Young Men in Dorchester, Mass. 8vo pamphlet, 27 p.; fine copy; very scarce; uncut. Boston, 1779 660 EVERETT, EDWARD. An Address delivered before the Citizens of& Worcester, July 4, 1833. 8vo pamphlet, uncut; 40 p.; scarce. Boston, 1833 661 EVERETT, EDWARD; A Memorial of-from the City of Boston. L. //2 8vo. cl. Portrait and medallion. L. P., cl. Boston, MDCCCLXV 662 EYRE, JOHN. The Life of Gregory Lopez, a Hermit in America.,yo 12mo, cl. N. Y., 1841 663 Miscellaneous. [Sixteen.] Essay to answer that JMost Concerning and All Concerning Inquiry What must I do to be Saved? New Haven, 1765 Ely, Richard. Sermon at Ordi. of Rev. David Ely. New Haven, 1774 Enquiry into Principles on which a Commercial System for U. S. of America should be founded. Phila., 1787 Ewing, Rev. Dr. Sermon at Ordi. and Instal. of Rev. Ashbald Green. Phila., 1787 Extracts from writings of Divers Eminent Authors of Different Religious Denominations. Phila., 1789 Eagle Fire Co., of N. Y. Act to Incorporate the. N. Y. 1806 o Ellsworth, Oliver. Sermon at Funeral of, by Henry A. Rowland. Hartford, 1808 Essex Junta Exposed. The Whole Truth; by Hancock. N. Y., 1809 Erasmus. Plea of Reason, Religion and Humanity against War. N. Y., 1813 Examination of British Doctrine which subjects to Capture a Neutral Trade not open in Time of Peace. Emott, Hon. James. Speech, Jan. 12, 1813. Boston, 1813 Evidences for the Truth of Christianity. Boston, 1813 Eustaphieve, Alexis. Memorable Predictions of Late Events in Europe. Boston, 1814 EnglishPractice. Statement showing some of the Evils and Absurdities of the Practice of the English Common Law. N. Y. 1822 Empie, Adam. Remarks on the Distinguishing Doctrine of Modern Universalism. 2V. Y. 1825 Eaton, John H. Candid Appeal to the American Public, in Reply to Messrs Ingham, Branch and Berrien. Washington, 1831 664 Miscellaneous. [Sixteen.] Election, The. 1N. Y. 1822 Election Law. 94 Eliot, Andrew. Sermon on Public Fast, April 19, 1753. Boston. Sermon at Ordina. of Andrew Eliot, Jr. Boston, 1774 Sermon at Ordina. of John Eliot, his Brother. Boston, 1780 Edwards, Jonathan. Misrepresentation Corrected, and Truth vindicated. Boston, 1752 Sermon at Ordi. of Timothy Dwight. N. Haven, 1783 - Remarks on his Notion of the Freedom of the Will and System of Universality. Wilmington, 1796 Sermon on Injustice and Impolicy of the Slave Trade. New Haven, 1791 Erskine, EIon. Thomas. View of Causes and Consequences of Present War with France. Phila., 1797 College. Oration before Euphemian and Philomathian Soc. of. Sept. 15, 1847, by Wm. T. Hamilton. Charleston. Emmons Nathaniel. Disc. concerning the Process of the General Judgment. Providence, 1783 Disc. Annual Fast in Mass. N. Y. 1801 Disc. Annual Fast in Mass. Providence, 1804 Sermon, Interment of Hon. Jabez Fisher. Providence, 1807 - William. Oration and Poem, July 4, 1826 Boston. 3- 665 Edward Everett Pamphlets. [Eleven.] Oration deliv. at Concord, April 19, 1825. Scarce. Boston.. Address deliv. at Charlestown, Aug. 1, 1826. In commemoration of J. Adams and T. Jefferson. Bostor. Oration deliv. at Cambridge, July 4, 182-. Boston. Remarks deliv. at Mass, April 25, 1826, on the bill for the relief of revolutionary officers. Cambridge. Lectures deliv. at Charlestown, Oct. 6, 1830, on the Working Men's Party. Boston. Eulogy on Lafayette, deliv. Sept. 6, 1834. Boston. Oration, Charleston, July 4, 1828. Address deliv. at Bloody Brook, Sept. 30, 1825, in commem. of the fall of the "Flower of Essex" at that spot, in King Philip's War, Sept. 18, 1675. Scarce. Boston. Oration deliv. July 4, 1835, at Beverly. Address deliv. April 19-20, 1835, at Lexington. Scarce. Address deliv. Oct. 14, 1831, at N. Y. City, before Amer. Inst. 6 666 Edward Everett Pamphlets. Scarce and valuable lot. [Thirteen.] Oration pronounced at Cambridge, before Phi Beta Kappa Soc., by Edward Everett, 1824. Oration deliv. at Plymouth, Dec. 22, 1824, by Edward Everett. 1825 Oration deliv. at Cambridge, on Fiftieth Anniv. of Declar. of Ind.. by Edward Everett. 1826 Address on Bi-Centen. Anniv. of Arrival of Gov. Winthrop, by Edward Everett. 1830 Eulogy on Lafayette, Sept. 6th, 1834, by Edward Everett. Boston, 1834 95 Eulogy on Lafayette, Sept. 6, 1834, by Edward Everett. 2nd Ed. Boston, 1834 Address deliv. at Lexington, April 19, 1835, by Edward Everett. 2nd Ed. Boston, 1835 Oration Deliv. at Beverly, July 4, 1835, by Edward Everett. 1835 Oration on Dedication of Statue of Daniel Webster, by Edward Everett. 1859 Oration deliv. before City Authorities of Boston, July 4, by Edward Everett. 1860 Address deliv. before United States Naval Academy, by Edward Everett. 1863 Address on the Inauguration of Union Club, April 9, by Edward Everett. 1863 Sermon on death of Edward Everett, Jan. 22, by C. A. Bartol. 1865 667 Edward Everett Pamphlets. Scarce and valuable lot. [Thirteen.] Address on Life and Services of Edward Everett, by Richard H. Dana, Jr. 1865 Memorial of Edward Everett, by Nathaniel Hall. Boston, 1865 Sermon on Life, Services and Character of Edward Everett, by Rufus Ellis. Boston, 1865 Discourse on Edward Everett, deliv. Ch. of First Parish, Brookline, by F. H. Hedge. 1865 Disc. in Commem. of Edward Everett, by Charles Wiley. Geneva, 18659?o Sermon in Memory of Edward Everett, by John E Todd. Boston, 1865 Sermon on Death of Edward Everett, by A. P. Putnam. NV. Y., 1865 Edward Everett in the Ministry of Reconciliation. Sermon preached in South Congregational Church, by Rev. Edward E. Hale, Boston, Jan. 22, 1865. Discourse in Memory of Edward Everett, by Samuel Osgood. N. Y., 1865 Oration on Seventy-fifth Anniv. of Bunker Hill, by Edward Everett. Boston, 1850 Remarks of, on the French Question. Boston, 1835 Address at Worcester, by Edward Everett, July, 4, 1833. Address on erection monument to J. Harvard, by E. Everett. Boston, 1828 668 Miscellaneous. [Ten.] Emmons, Nathanael. Discourse on Annual Fast in Mass., April 9, 1801. N. Y., 1801 Sermon at Ordina. of Rev. Joseph Emerson, Septem- -k ber 21, 1803. Discourse, November 25, 1813, on Annual Thanksgiving. Dedham, 1813 Essex County Lyceum, Address before the, by Daniel A. White. Salem, 1830 South Conference. Review of the Result of an Eccle 96 siastical Council Convention at Salem, Mass., Dec. 4, 1849. Boston, 1850 Emerson Brown. Discourse on Fiftieth Anniv. of Ordination. Boston, 1855 Ely, Ezra Stiles. Sermon for the Rich to Buy. N. Y., 1810 Episcopal Church, Prot., Address to Students of Gen. Theological Seminary of the, by Samuel R. Johnson. N. Y., 1851 Emerson, Joseph. Disc. on Female Education. Boston, 1822 Europe, Remarks on, Relating to Education, Peace, and Labor. N. Y., 1846 7 669 Miscellaneous. [Twelve]. Eastern Railroad Company, a brief Statement relative to the Claim on the, to pay its indebtedness to the Commonwealth in gold. Economy Club, Proceedings at the Commemorative Dinner of. 1868. Edwards, Jonathan. The Necessity of Atonement and the Consistency between that and the Free Grace in Forgiveness. Illustrated in Three Sermons. New HIaven, 1785 True Grace distinguished from the Experience of Devils, preached before the Synod of New York, Sept. 28, N. S., 1752. Elizabethtown, 1791 _ Discourse on Death of, by Robert Smith, Aug. 3i 1801. Albany, 1801 Eastburn, Manton. Sermon before Annual Convention of Diocese of N. Y. N. E., 1838 Sermon at Consecration of Rev. Henry W. Lee. Rochester, 1854 Episcopalians, The Resolutions of Certain, at Mechanics' Hall, Considered. Episcopalians, Protestant, Reply to the Review of Dr. WAyatt's Sermon and Mr. Spark's Letters on the Prot. Epis. Ch., by a. Boston, 1821 Episcopal Register, Extra, No. 1, Middlebury, Vt., June, 1826. Protestant Church, Defense of the Convention of, against Editorial Statements of Paper called "The Banner of the Church." Boston, 1832 -..- Pulpit, Sermon by Rev. J. M. Wainwright. Vol. V., No. 11. N. Y., 1835 /0 670 Miscellaneous. [Twelve]. Episcopal Protestant Society, Charter and By-Laws. N. Y., 1850 Church, Address of Rt. Rev. Stephen Elliott, to Thirty-Ninth Annual Convention. Savannah, 1861 Emmons, Nathanael, Sermon by, Sprinkling the Proper Mode, and Infants Proper Subjects of Christian Baptism, September 7, 1794. Worcester, 1795 Exposition of the Motives founded upon the Laws of Nations which determined the King of Prussia to lay an Attach 97 ment upon the Capital Funds, which his Majesty had promised to the Subjects of Great Britain in Virtue of the PeaceTreatise of Breslau and Dresden. London, 1752 Every Man His Own Law-Maker; or, The Englishman's Complete Guide to Parliamentary Reform. 3d ed. London, 1785 Erskine, Thomas. View of Causes and Consequences of the Present War with France. 16th ed. London, 1797 Ely, Zebulon. Sermon Delivered at Ordination of the Rev. Shubael Bartlett. Hartford, 1804 Emerson, Mrs. Eleanor. Memoirs of Life, Conversion, and Happy Death. N. Y., 1817 Ellingwood, John W. Sermon at Ordination of Rev. Isaac Weston, June 10, 1818. Portland, 1818 Everett, Alexander I. Oration before Citizens of Boston, July 5, 1830. Boston, 1830 Emigrant; or, Reflections while Descending the Ohio. A Poem. Cincinnati, 1833 Examiner, Causes of the Present Crisis Shown by an. 671 Miscellaneous. [Twelve]. English, Thomas C. Zephaniah Doolittle. A Poem. 2d ed. Phila., 1838 Edwards, Monroe, Life of, by a Texan. Boston, 1842 England, The Women of, by Mrs. Ellis. N. I., 1844 Edson, Rev. Theodore. Lecture in St. Anne's Church, Nov. 24. Lowell, 1844 Eothen; or, Traces of Travel brought Home from the East. N. Y., 1845J Ewbank, Thomas. Specimens of Ancient Oracular and Fighting Eolipiles, with Remarks on Other Fire Breathing Monsters. N. K;, 1845 Estes, Benjamin H. Essay on Necessity of Correcting the Errors which have crept into the Washingtonian Temp. Movement. N. Y;, 1846 Edmonds, John W., Address on the Constitution and Code of Procedure. N. Y, 1848 England in 1850. By A. D. Lamartine. Translated by W. Charles Ouseley. N. Y, 1851 Elections, Practical Directions for the Holding of. N. Y., 1852 Ellis, George E. Discourse Preached in Harvard Ch., Feb. 5, 1860. Charlestown, 1860 Ephrata, Pencillings About. By a Visitor. Phila. 1860 672 Educational Pamphlets. [Fifteen.] Cutbush, James. Oration on Education. Phila. 1812 Bristed, John. Oration on the Utility of Literary Establish-/,y, ments. N. Y, 1814 L Warren Baptist Association, Constitution of the Education Soc. of the. Boston, 1817 Griscom, John. Discourse on the Importance of Character and education in the United States. N. Y;, 1823 I3 98 Jardine, George. Outlines of Philosophical Education. Glasgow, 1825 Carter, James G. Essays on Popular Education. Particular Examination of Schools of Mass. Boston, 1826 Powers, Rev. H. P. Address Anniv. of Newark Institute for Young Ladies. Newark, 1826 Consequences of a Scientific Education to the Working-Classes. Theories of Mr. Brougham on that subject confuted, in a Letter to Marquis of Lansdown. London, 1826 Burroughs, Charles. Address on Female Education. Portsmouth, 1827 Manning, Joseph B. Epeography, or Notations of Orthoepy, to which is prefixed Lektography for Representing Sounds of Words. Boston, 1829 Broadhead, Jacob. Discourse on Education. N. Y.. 1831 Parkhurst, John L. Lecture on the Means to Stimulate the Student without the aid of Emulation. Boston, 1831 Essay on the Intellectual, Moral and Religious Instruction of the Youth, by means of Common Schools. Troy, 1834 Beecher, Catherine E. Essay on Education of Female Teachers. N. Y., 1835 Pinney, Norman. The Principles of Education as Applied in Mobile Institute. Mobile, 1836 SO 673 Educational Pamphlets. [Fifteen.] Young, Samuel. Suggestions on Best Mode of Promoting Civilization and Improvement; or, Influence of Woman on Social State. Albany, 1837 Worcester, Mr. Address on Female Education. Addicks, Mrs. Barbara O. Essay on Education. N. Y., 1837 Rantoul, Robert. Remarks on Education. Benedict, Erastus C. Address First Anniv. of Free Academy. N. Y., 1850 Report on System of Popular Education. N. Y., 1851 Proc. of First Session of the American Assoc. for the Advancement of Education. Phila., 1852 Barnard, Frederick A. P. Letters on College Government. N. Y., 1855 Bacon, Leonard. Sermon Sixth Anniv. of Auxil. Education Soc. of Young Men, Boston, Feb. 6, 1825. Boston, 1825 Seventh Annual Report of Board of Directors of the Presb. Educa. Soc. N. Y., 1825 Blagden, G. W. Address Brighton School Fund Corpor. March 30, 1828. Boston, 1828 First Annual Report of Morrison Education Society. Canton, China, 1837 Manesca, John. Examin. of Mr. Dufief's Philosophical Notions. With a Criticism upon his System and Mode of Teaching Languages. In four Letters. New York, 1825 Soler, Mariano Cubi I. Observations on a Praetical System of Translation. Boston, 1828 99 Surault, Francois M. J. Grammatical Dissertation on the Italian Language. Boston, 1835 674 Election Sermons. Ancient and Honorable Artillery. [Twelve.] /A For the following years: 1773, 1789, 1803, 1814, 1826, 1828, 1855, 1861, 1862, 1864, 1865, 1867. 675 Election Sermons. Conn. [Fifteen.] For the following years: 1777, 1779, 1791, 1798, 1800, 1805,_2O 1806, 1807, 1808, 1809, 1811, 1812, 1813, 1814, 1818. 676 Election Sermons. Conn. [Sixteen.] For the following years: 1766, 1779, 1783, 1785, 1787, 1788,/ 1789, 1790, 1792, 1793, 1794, 1796, 1797, 1817, 1823, 1830. 677 Election Sermons. Mass. [Fourteen.] For the following years: 1720, Stone; 1723, Colman; 1729, White; 1734, Barnard; 1736, Holyoke; 1737, Loring; 1738, Webb; 1739, Clark; 1740, Cooper, Winm.; 1742, Appleton; 1743, Eells; 1744, Allen; 1747, Chauncy; 1748, Lewis. 678 Election Sermons. Mass. [Fifteen.] For the following years: 1751, Welsteed; 1754, Mayhew; 1756, Cooper, S.; 1757, Pemberton; 1758, Frink; 1759, Parson; /H 1760, Dunbar; 1761, Stevens; 1762, Williams; 1763, Barnard; 1765, Eliot, A.; 1766, Barnard; 1767, Bridge; 1768, Shute; 1769, Haven. 679 Election Sermons. Mass. [Ten.] For the following years: 1770, Cook; 1771, Tucker; 1772, /j Parson; 1773, Turner; 1774, Hitchcock; 1776, West; 1777, Webster; 1778 Payson; 1779, Stillman; 1780, Howard. 680 Election Sermons. Mass. [Seventeen.] For the following years: 1783, Cumings; 1784, Hemmenway; 1786, West; 1787, Lyman; 1788, Parsons; 1789, Bridge; /179,0, Foster; 1791, Robbins; 1792, Tappan; 1793, Parker; 1794, Deane; 1795, Fobes; 1796, French; 1797, Mellen; 1798, Emmons; 1799, Coffin; 1800, McKeen. 681 Election Sermons. Mass. [Eleven.] For the following years: 1801, Bancroft; 1802, Baldwin; 1803, Puffer; 1804, Kendal; 1805, Allyn; -1806, Shepard; 1807,Bentley; 1808, Allen, T.; 1809, Osgood; 1810, Parish; 1811, Thacher, Thos. 682 Election Sermons, Mass. [Fourteen.] For the following years: 1812, Foster; 1813, WT. Allen; 1814, Appleton; 1815, Flint; 1816, Kirkland; 1817; 1818, Moore; / 1819, Eaton; 1820; 1821, Ware; 1822; 1823, Thayer; 1824, Sharp; 1825, Sprague. 683 Election Sermons, Mass. [Seventeen.] For the following years: 1826 Dewey; 1827, Stuart; 1828, / Walker; 1829, Fisk; 1830, Channing; 1831, Withington; 100 1832, Dean; 1833, Peabody; 1834, Yeomans; 1835, Wainwright: 1836, Bigelow; 1837, Dana; 1838, Stone; 1839, Hopkins; 1840, Codman; 1841, Damon; 1842, Gannett. /S 684 Election Sermons, Mass. [Twenty-five.] For the following years: 1843, Jackson; 1844, Chapin; 1845, Braman; 1846, Putnam; 1847, Bisbee; 1848, Vinton; 1849, Pierce; 1850, Hitchcock; 1851, Parke; 1852, INeale; 1853, Wolcott; 1854, Raymond; 1855, Lothrop; 1856, Seeley; 1857, Pike; 1858, Huntington; 1859, Hale; 1861, Phelps; 1862, Alger; 1863, Walker; 1864, Stearns; 1865, Stone; 1866, Quint: 1868, J. F. Clarke; 1869, B. F. Clark. /FS 685 Election Sermons, New Hampshire and Vermont. [Four.] New Hampshire: 1810, 1818. Vermont: 1822, 1825. AIRFIELD, SUMNER L. The heir of the World and/o lesser poems. _Bds., 12mo. Philadelphia, 1829 687 FALL RrVER, Mass. An Historical Sketch of, from 1620 to the present time; with notices of Freetown and Tiverton. In three/, discourses, delivered Jan. 24, 1841. By Orin Fowler. 8vo, paper cov., 64 pages, and Genealogical Plate of the Borden Family; fine copy; scarce. Fall River, 1841 3s88 FALL RIVER, MASS. HISTORY OF, with notices of Freetown and Tiverton, as published in 1841. By Rev. Orin Fowler. With a sketch of the life of Rev. Orin Fowler; an Epitome of the/-rMass. and Rhode Island Boundary question; an account of the Great Fire of 1843; and Ecclesiastical, Manufacturing and other Statistics. 8vo, bds.; scarce. Fall River, 1862 689 FARMER, JOHN. A Genealogical Register of the First Settlers of New England; containing an Alphabetical list of the Governors,g Deputy-Governors, etc. To which are added various genealo-,/2 gical and biographical notes, collected from Ancient Records, Manuscripts and Printed Works. 8vo, bds., uncut. Lancaster, 1829 690 FARMINGTON, CoNN. A Historical Discourse, delivered by request, before the Citizens of, Nov. 4, 1840, in commemoration of the original settlement of the Ancient Town in 1640. By Noah//,7 Porter, Jr. 8vo pamphlet, 99 p.; scarce. Hartford, 1841 691 FARMINGTON, Ms. HISTORY OF, from its settlement to 1846.5, By Thomas Parker. 8vo, half mor.; very scarce; fine copy. Farmington, 1846 692 FAUX, W. Memorable Days in America: being a Journal of a Tour to the United States, principally undertaken to ascertain, by positive evidence, the Condition and probable prospects of/,?British Emigrants; including accounts of Mr. Birkbeck's settle-' ment in the Illinois, and intended to show Men and Things as they are in America. 8vo, bds., uncut; frontispiece. London, 1823 693 FAY, REV. CYRUS H., of Phila. An Address on "The Changes of a~~ Century," delivered before the Members of Norwich University, 102 Aug. 21, 1839. 8vo pamphlet, rough edges, 31 pages; fine copy. very scarce. Historical. Newport, N. H., 1839,7so 694 FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. Centenary Sermon deliv. before the Presbytery of, at Bluff Church, October 18, 1858. By Rev. Neill McKay. Also, A Centennial Historical Address. By James Banks. 8vo, orig. cov., 19 and 24 p.; fine copy; very scarce. Fayetteville N. C., 1858 The Centennial Disc. by Banks is replete with Revolutionary incidents and the struggles of this Church with the Indians on the Frontiers of the State. /ov 695 FELLOWS, JOHN. The Veil removed; or, reflections on David Humphrey's Essay on the Life of Israel Putnam. Also, notices of W. B. Peabody's life of the same, S. Swett's sketch of Bunker Hill Battle, etc. 12mo, el. New York-, 1843 2'ov 696 FELTMAN, Lieut. WILLIAM. The Journal of, of the First Pennsylvania Regiment, 1781-1782, including the March into Virginia and the Siege of Yorktown. 8vo, bds., uncut. Philadelphia, Pa., 1853 /y- 697 FILLMORE COUNTY, Minnesota. History of, with an outline of her Resources, Advantages, &c. By J. W. Bishop. Chatfield, Minn., 1858.30 698 FIRMIN, GILES. The Real Christian; or, a Treasure of Effectual Calling. Sheep, 12mo. Printed by Rogers and Fowle. Boston, MDCCXLII. /s- 699 FISHER, WILLIAm. An Interesting account of the voyages and travels of Capt's Lewis and Clarke in the years 1804-5 and 6, giving a faithful description of the river Missouri and its source; of the various tribes of Indians through which they passed; manners and customs; soil, climate, commerce; gold and silver mines; animal and vegetable productions. Interspersed with very entertaining anecdotes; to which is added a complete dictionary of the Indian tongue. Sheep 12mo, plates. Baltimore, 1813 //2 700 FISHER, E. T. Report of'a French Protestant Refugee in Boston, 1687. Translated from the French. Sm. 4to, orig. cov., rubric ti.; only 125 copies printed; uncut. Brooklyn N. Y., 1868 /o 701 FISHKILL, N. Y. A Discourse delivered on the 12th of September, 1866, at the Celebration of the 150th Anniversary of the First Reformed Dutch Church-with an Appendix, furnishing a brief Historical Sketch of the Associated Churches of Hopewell, New Hackensack, Fishkill Landing and Glenham. Svo, 64 pages, stiff covers; illust. New York, 1866?"* 702 FITCHBURG AND LUNENBURG, MASS. History of the Town of Fitchburg and also of Lunenburg, from its first settlement to the year 1764. By Rufus C. Torrey. 8vo, paper cov., rough edges; 111 pages; very scarce; beautiful copy. Fitchburg, Mass., 1836 "Few Town Histories will ever be written a second time. The pains are too great and the praise is too little." 2S 703 FLETCHER, JOHN. Studies on Slavery in Easy Lessons, compiled 103 into eight studies, and subdivided into short lessons for the convenience of readers. Sheep, large 8vo. Natchez, 1852'704 FLINT, MICAH P. The Hunter, and other Poems. 8vo, bds., uncut. /x-/ Boston, 1826 705 FLINT, TIMOTHY. RECOLLECTIONS of the last Ten Years, in the Valley of the Mississippi. A series of letters to the Rev. James /AFlint. 8vo, bds., uncut. Boston, 1826 706 FLINT, TIMOTHY. A condensed Geography and History of the Western States, or the Mississippi Valley. In two volumes. y?' 8vo, half mor. Cincinnati, 1828 707 FLINT, TIMOTHY. INDIAN WARS of the West; containing Bio. graphical Sketches of those Pioneers who headed the Western Settlers in repelling the attacks of the Savages. Together with / a View of the Character, Manners, Monuments and Antiquities of the Western Indians. 12mo, sheep. With map. Cincinnati, 1833 708 FLORIDAs, The; An Original Memoir on. With a General Description. By a Gentleman of the South. Uncut. Baltimore, 1821 709 FLORIDA, The War in-being an Exposition of its Causes and an accurate History of the Campaigns of Generals Clinch, Gaines651 and Scott. By a Late Staff Officer. Cloth, 12mo, rough edges; plates. Baltimore, 1836 710 FLUSHING, L. I. PAST AND PRESENT. A Historical Sketch. By G. Henry Mandeville. Fine copy; cloth, 12mo; plates;'scarce. //2 Flushing, L. I, 1860 711 FORCE, PETER. TRACTS AND OTHER PAPERS relating to the Origin, Settlement, and Progress of the Colonies in North America;,?2 from the Discovery of the Country to the year 1776. 4 vols., cl., uncut; imp. 8vo. Washington, 1836-'46 712 FORSTER, JOHN REINHOLD. History of Voyages and Discoveries made in the North. Translated from the German, and elucid- Owa ated by a new and original map of the Countries situated about the North Fole. 8vo, haf sheep. With map. Dublin, 1786 713 FORT HmLL; The Story of-giving an account of many interesting Adventures between the Whites and Indians, previous to the Settlement of Auburn, N. Y. By Frederick Prince. 8vo pamph.; 50 p.; dble. col.; fine copy. Auburn, 1859 714 FORT DUQUESNE, Oration delivered at the Centennial Celebration of the Evacuation of-Nov. 25, 1858. By A. W. Loomis. /dr I. 8vo, cl.; fine copy; 33 p. Pittsburgh, 1859 715 FORT WAYNE, Ind.; History of-from the earliest known accounts of this Point to the present period. Embracing an extended view of the aboriginal tribes of the north-west, including, more especially, the Miamies of this locality, their habits, customs, etc. With a sketch of the life of Gen. Anthony Wayne; includ- /4oz ing also a lengthy biography of the late Samuel Hanna. Together with short sketches of several of the early pioneer settlers of Fort Wayne. Also of the manufacturing, mercantile and railroad interests of Fort Wayne and vicinity. By Wallace A. Brice. 8vo, or. cov., uncut. Fort Wayne, -Ind., 1868 104,3y 716 Fox, EBENEZER; The Revolutionary Adventures of-of Roxbury, Mass. 12mo, cl.; plates. 1st Ed. Boston, 1838 30 717 Fox, EBENEZER; Adventure of-in the Revolutionary War. Illustrated. Cloth, 12mo. Boston, 1847 /C! 718 FRANKLIN, BENJAMIN; Life of. Written by himself. Bds., 12mo. Phila., 1811 Cog- 719 FRANLmIN, Dr. BENJAMIN; The Works of-consisting of Essays, Humorous, Moral and Literary; with his Life, written by himself. 18mo, sh.; with portrait. New York, 1825,/ 720 FRANKLIN, Dr. BENJAMIN; The Works of-consisting of Essays, Humorous, Moral and Literary; with his Life, written by himself. 16mo, cl., gilt front. London, 1843 //L721 FRANKLIN, BENJAMIN; Life of. By Jared Sparks. In 12 parts, as orginally issued. 8vo, paper; with illustrations, uncut. Boston, 1844 722 FRANKLIN, JOHN. NARRATIVE Of a Journey to the Polar sea, in 1819, 20, 21, 22. With an Appendix on various subjects relating to the science and natural history. Illustrated by numerous plates and maps. 4to, cf.: scarce; fine copy. London, 1823 723 FRANKLIN, JOHN. NARRATIVE of a second expedition to the shores of the Polar sea, in 1825, 1826, and 1827. Including an account of the progress of a detachment to the Eastward biy John Richardson. Illustrated by numerous plates and maps.. 4to, cf. London, 1828 vCU 724 (FRENCH, J. C., and CAREY, EDWARD.) The trip of the Oceanus to Fort Sumter and Charleston, S. C. Comprising the incidents of the Excursion, the Appearance at that time of the City, and the entire Programme of Exercises at the Re-raising of the Flag,over the ruins of Fort Sumter, April 14th, 1865. 8vo, or. cov., with plate. Brooklyn, N. Y., 1865 A' 725 FROST, BARZILLAI. Discourse deliv. at Dedication of the New Church of the First Parish in Concord, Mass., Dec. 29, 1841. 8vo pamphlet, 31 p., good copy. Boston, 1842 62 726 FRosT, JOHN. Historical Sketches of the Indians. Exhibiting their Manners and Customs on the Battlefield and in the Wigwam. 8vo, cl., col'd plates. Hartford, 1857 227&Y 727 FRYEBURG, Me. The Scene of Lovewell's Fight. An Address delivered on the Commemoration at Fryeburg, May 19, 1825, by Charles S. Davis. 8vo, paper cov.; 64 pages, uncut: beautiful copy, rare. Portland, 1825 $2# 728 FRYEBURG, Me. The Centennial Celebration of the Settlement of, with the Historical Address, by Rev. Samuel Souther. Paper cover, 79 pages, fine copy. Worcester, 1863 4G 729 FULLER, S. M. Summer on the Lakes, in 1843. 8vo, cl. plates. Boston, 1844 30 FULLER, THOMAS, D. D. The Holy State, and the Profane State. New edition. With notes, by James Nichols. 8vo, full polished ca!f, gilt top, edges rough London, Tho's Tegg, 1841 731 FULLER, THOMAS, D. D. The Church history of Britain, from the birth of Jesus Christ until MDCXLVIII. New edition, by the 105 Rev. J. S. Brewer. Reprinted from London edition of 1655. 6 vols. 8vo,full polished calf, gilt top, edges rough. University Press, Oxford, 1845 732 FULTON CITY, (11.) Sketches of the Early History and present / advantages of, showing its resources and prospects; to which is added a brief Sketch of Whiteside Co. 8vo, 32 p. Scarce. Fulton City, 1856 733 "FUNixs, PETER." The Mock Auction, Ossawattomie Sold, a Mock/,t Heroic Poem; with Portraits and Tableaux. 8vo, cl. Richmond, Va., 1860 734 FuRMAN, WOOD. A History of the Charleston Association of Bap- /C tist Churches in the State of South Carolina, with an appendix. 8vo, sh. Charleston, S. C., 1811 P AMPH L ETS. 735 Fast-Day Sermons. [Twenty-three.] Abercrombie, James. Sermon, in Phila., July 30, 1812. Phila., 1812 Sermon, in Phila., Aug. 20, 1812. Phila., 1812 Two sermons: the first, July 30; the second, Aug. 20, 1812. Phila., 1812 Channing, W. E. Sermon, Aug. 20, 1812. Boston, 1812 Parish, E. A protest against the war. A disc. at Byfield, July 23, 1812. Newburyport, 1812 Giles, John. Two Discourses, in Newburyport, Aug. 20, 1812. With a copious Appendix. Haverhill, 1812 Austin, Sam'l. "The Apology of Patriots, or the heresy of the friends of the Washington and peace policy defended." Sermon, Aug. 20, 1812. Worcester, 1812 Colman, Henry. Sermon, Aug. 20, 1812. Binghames. Worcester, Noah. Sermon, Aug. 20, 1812. Salisbury, N. H. Parish,'Elijah. Discourse, April 8, 1813. Byfield Stevens, John H. Discourse, April 8, 1813, Stoneham, Mass. Windsor, Vt., 1814 ------ )Discourse, April 8, 1813, Stoneham, Mass. N. Y. ed. Bemis, Stephen. Two Discourses at Harvard, Aug. 20, 1812. Harvard, 1814 Stevens, John H. Discourse, Stoneham, Mass., April 7, 1814. Boston, 1814 Parish, Elijah. Discourse, Byfield, Mass., April, 7, 1814. Newburyport ed. Porter, Ebenezer. Sermon, Theol. Sem., Andover, April 3, 1823. Wayland, Francis. Two Discourses, at Boston, April 7,1825. Two Discourses, at Boston, April 7, 1825. 2d ed. Palfrey, John G. Discourse, at Boston, Aug. 9, 1832. Mitchell, John. Sermon, at Northampton, Sept. 1, 1837. I4 106 Hopkins, Albert. Sermon, at Williamstown, Mass., March 28,, 1839. Bushnell, Horace. Discourse, Hartford, 1844. 3d ed. Clowes, Rev. J. Sermon, Public Fast. Manchester, 1809 S2p 736 Fast Day Sermons. Valuable. [Eighteen.] Eliot, Andrew. Sermon, April 19, 1753. Boston, 1753 DucH]i, JACOB. " The American vine," a sermon, July 20, 1775. Very scarce. Phila., 1775 Price, Richard. Sermon delivered to a congregation of Protestant dissenters, at Hackney, 10th Feb., 1779, 3rd ed. London, 1779 Tappen, David. Disc. at Newbury, May 15, 1783. Salem, 1783 Mason, John M. Sermon, Sept. 20th, 1793, in N. Y., on account of a malignant and mortal fever in Phila. New York, 1793 Smith, Samuel S. Disc. on the nature and reasonableness of fasting, at Princeton, 6th Jan., 1795. Phila., 1795 Barnard, Thomas. Sermon, at Salem, March 31, 1796. Newburyport, 1796 Miller, Samuel. Sermon, May 9, 1798. New York, 1798 Linn, William. Disc. on national sins. New York, 1798 Belknap, Jeremy. Sermon, 9th May, 1798. Boston, 1798 Dana, Joseph. Disc. in two parts, April 25, 1799. Boston, 1799 M'Donald, J. Danger of America delineated.'Address at Cooperstown, April 25, 1799. Very scarce. Cooperstown, 1799 M'Donald, J. Duty of America enforced. An exhortation at Cooperstown, April 26, 1799. Very scarce. Cooperstown, 1799 Clowes, J. The protection mark, a sermon at Manchester, 27th Feb. Manchester, 1799 Morse, J. Sermon, at Charlestown, April 25, 1799. N. Y. 1799 Emmons, N. Disc. April 9, 1801. Salem, 1802 Channing. W. E. Sermon, April 5, 1810. Boston, 1810 Lathrop, Joseph. The prophecy of Daniel, relating to the time of the end, opened, in two discourses, April 11, 1811. Spring.field, 1811 2O 737 Miscellaneous. [Twenty-one.] Frothingham, N. L. Sermon at ordination of. By J. M'Kean. 1815 - Plea against religious controversy, deliv. Feb. 8, 1829. Boston. Sermon preached to First Ch., April 10, 1842. Frothingham, O. B. Sermon, "Plea for Frankness," May 6, 1866. NV. Y. Franklin, B. Cicero's Cato Major; or a disc. on Old age. Phtla. Franklin, B. Lecture on the life of. By John B. Murray. Scarce. Nov. 17, 1841. Frankin Soc. Charter, Constitution and By-Laws of. St. Louis, 1837 Friends. An Epistle from. Scarce. Phila., 1788 Friends. Documents issued by the Conference of. Phila., 1849 Fleming, Dr. Letters on the state of Religion in Newfoundland to Dr. A. O'Connell. Dublin, 1814 Fleming, Robert. Disc., Rise and Fall of Papacy. Phila., 1848 Franklin Institute. Charter of Incorporation, Consti. and Bylaws. Phila., 1824 Fraternal Assoc. Constitution of U. S. Naval N. Y., 1820 Facts for Consideration of Ship Builders, Seamen, Merchants, etc. gN. Y. 1828 Feltus, Dr. Henry J. Lines on Death of., N. Y. 1829 Farmington. Hist. Discourse before Citizens of, by Noah Porter, Jr. Very scarce. Hartford, 1841 Fanny, Continued. Very scarce. N. Y. 1820 French Government. Letter on Genius and Dispositions of the. Boston, 1810 Force, Peter. Historical Library. Report of. Washington, 1867 Friends. Vindication of Society of, by Enoch Lewis. Phila., 1834 France. Remarks on State of Naval Forces of. Boston, 1844 738 Miscellaneous. [Sixteen.] Faugers, Margaretta A. Belisarius. A Tragedy. N. Y., 1795 Fox, Capt. Joseph. Disc. deliv. at Fitchburg on Death of, Feb. 28, 1797. By Thomas Noyes. Leorminster. Frank; or, Who's the Croaker? New York, 1820 Flint, James. Sermon deliv. on Death of Abiel Abbott. 1828 Fisk, T. "The Pleasures of Sin." Disc. deliv. Dec. 16, 1827. Phila. Females. Condition and Character of, in Pagan and Mohammedan Countries. ", Fansher, Sylvanus. Treatise on Electricity. New Haven, 1830Frick, Wm. Address in the University of Maryland. 1831 Forrest, tdwin. Oration deliv. 62nd Anniv. of Independence of U. S., July 4, 1838. New York. Fisher, Samuel. Divine Sovereignty and Human Accountability. Sermon, May 16, 1839. Phila. Fawcett, Henry. The Bachelor's Guide. Familiar commentary on the indiscretions arising from Human Frailty; in which the Symptoms and Baneful effects of self-abuse, Intemp. and Libertinism are explained in an easy manner, to which are added very extensive practical observations of sexual debility, and its attendant sympathies, addressed to Youth and Maturity. New York, 1840 Free Churches. N. Y. 1843 French without a master, by A. H. Monteith. N. Y. 1843 Fourier Assoc. Self exposed as to its principles and aims. By Donald C. M'Lauren. 1844 France. Remarks on the States of Naval Forces of. 1844 Fisch, G. Evangelical Ch. of Lyons. Brief notice of.' 1845 108 739 Miscellaneous. [Thirteen.] Fletcher, Abel. Address. The Hist. Objects and Prine. of the order of The Sons of Temperance. 1844 Fairchild, J. H. Statement and review of the whole case of. Scarce. Boston, 1845 Ferguson, Peter K. Ugliness and its Uses. Lecture before Y. L. Circulating Library Assoc. 1852 Felt, J. B. Who was First Gov. of Mass.? Scarce. Boston, 1853 Firmin, Giles. Brief Memoirs of one of the ejected ministers of 1662. By John Ward Dean. Boston, 1866 Fontaine, J. A. A. Improved Aerial R. R. new system of Aero Locomotion. New York, 1867 Field, Henry MI. Atlantic Telegraph. New York, 1867 Fremont, John C. Report on an exploration of the country, between the Missouri river and Rocky Mts. Very scarce. Washington, 1843 Fremont, John C. Life, Explorations and Public Services of. N. Y. 1856 Fremont, J. C. Life of. New York, 1856 Francis, Convers. Address on commeem. of Armer. Ind. of Juily 4, 1828. Cambridge. Francis, John W. Eulogy on, by A. K. Gardner, March 7, 1861. N. ] Fowler, O. S. Matrimony; or, Phrenology and Physiology applied to the selection of congenial companions for life. New York, 1847, 74:0 Miscellaneous. [Fourteen.] Fowler, L. N. Synopsis of Phrenology and Physiology, and description of Functions of Body and Mind. New York, 1847 Finney, C. G. Sermons on Various Subjects. Nos. 1 to 7. New York, 1835 Foster, John. Sermon, Annual Fast, April 11, 1811. Cambridge, 1811 Foster, John. Sermon, Annual Fast, Jan. 12, 1815. Boston, 1815 Foster, John. Disc. deliv. Baptist Miss. Soc., Sept. 1818. Taunton. Foster, Luke B. Sermon deliv. at Northborough, Mass. 1814 Fuller, S. W. Sermon deliv. before the 2nd Univ. Soc., Jan. 24, 1836. Fuller, S. W. Biographical Sketch of, by S. Fuller, Jr. Scarce. 1843,- 741 Funeral Sermons. [Twelve.] Onderdonk, Benj. T. Sermon, Funeral of Rev. John H. Hobart. N. Er, 1830 Reed, John. Sermon, Death of Rev. John H. Hobart. N. Y., 1830 Schroeder, John F. Disc., Character of Rev. John H. Hobart. N. Y., 1830 Anthon, Henry. Sermon, Death of Rev. John H. Hobart. 2N. Y, 1830 109 Wainwright, Jno. M. Sermon, Death of Rev. John H. Hobart. TV. Y., 1830 Pickering, John. Eulogy on Nathaniel Bowditch. Boston, 1838 Young, Alexander. Disc. on Life of Nathaniel Bowditch. Boston, 1838 Frothingham, N. L. Sermon, Death of John Adams. Boston, 1826 Rowan, Stephen N. Address, Funeral Obsequies of John Adams and Thomas Jefferson. N. Y., 1826 Adams, John Q. Eulogy on Life and Character of James Madison. Boston, 1836 Whipple, Thomas J. Eulogy on James Madison. Woodstock, 1837 Croswell, Rev. Harry. Disc. on Death of Win. H. Harrison. New Haven, 1841 742 Funeral Sermons. [Thirteen.] Carpenter, Hugh S. Eulogy on Winm. H. Harrison. N. Y., 1841 Cooke, Rev. Parsons. Disc. on Death of Wm. H. Harrison. Lynn, 1841 Potter, Rev. Horatio. Disc. on Death of Wmin. H. Harrison. Albany, 1841 Lunt, Wm. P. Disc. on Interment of John Q. Adams. Boston, 1848 Adams, John Q.; Addresses in Congress of U. S. on Death of. Wash., 1848 G Everett, Edward. Eulogy on Life and Char. of J. Q. Adams. Boston, 1848 Woodbury, Levi. Eulogy on Life and Char. and Public Services of Ex-Pres. Polk. Boston, 1849 Baldwin, Oliver P. Eulogy on Life and Charac. of Gen. Zachary Taylor. Richmond, 1850 Adams, John Q. Oration on Life and Charac. of Gilbert Motier De Lafayette. Washington, 1835 Adams, John Q. Oration on Life and Charac. of Gilbert Motier De Lafayette. New York, 1835 Dayton, Aaron 0. Eulogy on Lafayette. New York, 1835 Milnor, Rev. James. Sermon, Death of De Witt Clinton. N. Y., 1828 Conkling, Alfred; Disc. Commem. of Talents, etc., of De Witt Clinton. Albany, 1828 743 Funeral Sermons. [Nine.] Knapp, Samuel L. Disc. on Life and Char. of De Witt Clinton. Washington, 1828 Moreau, Funeral Oration at St. Petersburg in honor of. N. Y., 1814 Moreau, Funeral Eulogy at St. Petersburg in honor of. N. Y., 1814 Dwight, Timothy. Sermon, Death of Mr. Ebenezer G. Marsh. HTarford, 1804 110 Fowler, Bancroft. Oration, Death of Mr. Ebenezer G. Marsh. Hartford, 1804 Dyer, Rev. Palmer. Disc., Death of Win. H. Harrison. Whitehall, 1841 Woods, Leonard. Sermon, Death of Moses Brown. Andover, 1827 Whitney, Eli. Oration on Death of Robert Grant. New Haven, 1792 Burroughs, Charles. Discourse, Interment of Rev. James Morss. Portsmouth, 1842 7 744 Funeral Sermons. [Twelve.] Dashiell, A. H. Sermon on Life and Character of Rev. Joseph Eastburn. Phila., 1828 Wylie, Rev. A. Sermon on Death of Mrs. Elizabeth Brady. N. Y., 1829 Feltus, Rev. Dr. Henry J.; Lines occasioned by Death of. N. Y., 1829 M'Elroy, Joseph. Sermon on Death of Rev. John M. Mason. N 1Y., 1830 Palfrey, John G. Sermon on Death of Hon. Isaac Parker. Boston, 1830 Pascalis, Felix. Eulogy on Life and Character of Hon. Samuel L. Mitchill. N. Y., 1831 Hawes, Joel. Sermon, Funeral of Rev. Elias Cornelius. Hartford, 1832 Knox, Rev. John. Sermon, Death of Rev. Gerardus A. Kuypers. N. Y., 1833 Rowan, Stephen N. Tribute to Memory of Alex. McLeod. N. Y. 1833 Cuyler, Cornelius C. Disc., Death of Rev. Gilbert R. Livingston. Phila., 1834 McVickar, John. Address, Death of Winm. M. De Rham. N. Y, 1834 Smith, Hon. Nathan; Proc. at Funeral of, and Discourse. New Haven, 1834 7 745 Funeral Sermons. [Thirteen.] Kennedy, John P. Disc. on Life and Character of Winm. Wirt. Scarce. Baltimore, 1834 Sewall, Samuel. Sermon at Funeral of Rev. Samuel Stearns. Boston, 1835 Fay, Warren. Sermon at Funeral of Rev. Benj. B. Wisner. Boston, 1835 Beck, T. Romeyn. Eulogium on Life and Services of Simon De Witt. Albany, 1835 Story, Joseph. Disc. on Life, Character and Services of Hon. John Marshall. Boston, 1835 Doane, George W. Sermon in Commem. of Rev. Wm. White. Burlington, 1836 Onderdonk, Rev. Henry U. Disc. at Funeral of Rev. Winm. White. Phila., 1836 111 Bowen, Nathaniel. Sermon on Death of Rev. Wm. White. Charleston, 1836 Hopkins, Mark. Discourse on Death of Edward D. Griffin. Troy, 1837 Welch, B. T. Discourse on Death of Elder Alanson C. Covell. Albany, 1837 Preston, W. Discourse occasioned by Destruction of Steam Packet Pulaski. Savannah, 1838 Emmons, Nathanael. Extract from a Discourse at Funeral of Rev. Elisha Fish. N. Y., 1797 Stiles, Ezra. Sermon at Funeral of Chauncey Whittelsey. Very scarce. New Haven, 1787 746 Funeral Sermons. [Twelve.] Lord, Nathan. Discourse on Character of Stephen Chase. Hanover, 1851 Parker, Theodore. Discourse on Death of Daniel Webster. Boston, 1853 Hawley, Fletcher J. Tribute to Memory of Rev. F. S. Mines, Rev. Edmund Richards and Rev. John Wade. St. Croix, 1853 Doane, Bp. Words at Funeral of Mrs. Bradford. Burlington, 1854/ Wakely, Joseph B. The Ethics of Funerals. Vindication of Meth. Epis. Ch. with regard to funeral of Wm. Poole. N. Y., 1855 Taylor, Winm. J. R. Disc. in Commem. of Rev. Henry G. Livingston. Phila., 1855 Bethune, George W. Disc. on Death of Rev. Jacob Brodhead (frontispiece). N. Y., 1855 Norton, Rev. S. H. Memorial of Isaac Hayes. N. Y., 1857 Wayland, Francis. Disc. on Life and Charac. of Hon. Nicholas Brown. Boston, 1841 Onderdonk, Benj. T. Sermon at Funeral of Rev. Lewis P. Bayaxd. N. Y., 1841 Bellows, Henry W. Disc. on Death of Wm. E. Channing. N. Y, 1842 Peers, Rev. Benj. O.; Obituary of. Louisville, 1841 747 Funeral Sermons. [Thirteen.] Cox, Samuel H. Sermon at Funeral of Mrs. Mary L. Stafford. N. Y., 1843 Vermilye, Thomas E. Discourse at Funeral of Mrs. Cornelia Van Rensselaer. 1V. Y., 1844' Robbins, Rev. Royal. Sermon at Funeral of Mrs. Ruth Hart. Hartford, 1844 Greenleaf, Simon. Disc. on Life and Charac. of Hon. Joseph Story. Boston, 1845 Gadsden, Bp.; Sketch of Life and Character of. Wayland, Francis. Discourse on Life and Services of Wm. G. Goddard. Providence, 1846 Zandt, Rev. B. Van. Sermon at Funeral of Rev. Jacob Sickles..Kinderhook, 1846 112 Reason, Charles L. Eulogy on Life and Character of Thomas Clarkson. N. Y., 1847 Ventura, Padre. Funeral Oration on Daniel O'Connell. Boston, 1847 Thompson, James W. Tribute to Memory of Rev. Henry Colman. Boston, 1849 Grafton, Joseph. Sermon on Death of Miss Sally Grafton. Boston, 1805 Stillman, Samuel. Discourse at Interment of Rev. Hezekiah Smith. Boston, 1805 Shurtleff, Roswell. Discourse at Funeral of Mrs. Mary Woodward. Hanover, 1807 /7A? 748 Funeral Sermons. [Thirteen.] Eliot, Andrew. Sermon at Funeral of Rev. John Webb. Boston, 1750 Buell, Samuel. Sermon on Death of Charles J. Smith. New London, 1770 Inglis, Charles. Sermon on Death of John Ogilvie. N. Y., 1774 Webster, Samuel. Sermon on Death of Two Young Men. Newburpyort, 1784 Marsh, John. Sermon at Funeral of Mrs. Lydia Beadle. Middleborough, 178t8 Fobes, Peres. Sermon on Death of Rev. James Manning. Providence, 1791 Eames, Jno. Sermon on Death of Rev. John Tucker. Newburyport, 1792 Thornton, John; Disc. on Death of. Providence, 1794 Dutch Ebenezer; Disc. on occasion of Numerous Deaths in his Parish. Haverhill, 1795 Rodgers, John. Sermon on Death of Rev. John Witherspoon. Very scarce. N. Y., 1795 Cary, Thomas. Sermon on Death of Rev. Samuel Webster. Newburyport, 1796 Morse, Jedidiah. Sermon on Death of Thomas Russell. Boston, 1796 Smith, Samuel S. Sermon at Funeral of Rev. Gilbert T. Snowden. Phila., 1797 $- 749 Funeral Sermons. [Fourteen.] Thacher, Peter. Sermon at Funeral of Rev. John Clarke. Boston, 1798 Kirkland, John T. Sermon at Funeral of Rev. Jeremy Belknap. Boston, 1798 Griswold, Stanley. Two Disc. on Death of Rev. Nathanael Taylor. Litchfield, 1801 Barnard, Thomas. Sermon at Funeral of Rev. Phillips Payson. Charlestown, 1801 Morse, Jedidiah. Sermon at Funeral of Miss Mary Russell. Charlestown, 1806 Griffin, Edward D. Sermon atFuneral of Rev. Alex. Macwhorter. N. Y., 1807 113 Andrews, John. Sermon at Funeral of Rev. Thomas Cary. Newburyport, 1808 Dwight, Timothy. Disc. on Death of Jno. Trumbull. New Haven, 1809 Buckminster, Joseph S. Sermon on Death of James Sullivan. Boston, 1809 Burhans, Daniel. Sermon on Death of Asahel Lewis, also James Clark. New Haven, 1809 Parish, Elijah. Eulogy on John Hubbard. Hanover, N. H., 1810 Buckminster, Joseph S. Sermon at Funeral of Rev. Win. Emerson. Boston, 1811 Green, Ashbel. Sermon at Funeral of Rev. Win. M. Tennent. Phila., 1811 Baldwin, Amos G. Sermon at Funeral of James Wetmore. Utica, 1812 750 Funeral Sermons. [Thirteen.] Whitlock, Rev. Henry. Sermon, Funeral Rev. Bela Hubbard. L:throp,. ohn. N. Haven, 1812 Lathrop, John. Discourse, Death of Rev. John Eliot. Boston, 1813 Prince, John. Sermon, Death of Rev. Thomas Barnard. Salem, 1814 Prentice, Joseph. Sermon, Death of Hon. Samuel Dexter. Boston, 18 [6 Hobart, John H. Address, Funeral of Rev. Benjamin Moore. N. Y., 1816 Silliman, Benjamin. Eulogy, Pres. Dwight. N. Haven, 1817/: Allen, Samuel C. Eulogy on Hon. John Wheelock. Hanover, 1817 Kendall, James. Sermon, Death of Deacon Ephraim Spooner. Boston, 1818 Frothingham, N. L. Sermon, Funeral Rev. Joseph McKean. Boston, 1818 Perkins, Cyrus. Eulogy on Hon. William H. Woodward. Hanover, 1818 Smith, Daniel. Sermon, Funeral of Rev. Amzi Lewis. Poughkeepsie, 1819 Fisk, Ezra. Sermon, Funeral of Rev. George Stewart. Goshen, 1819 Lyman, Joseph. Sermon, Funeral of Hon. Caleb Strong. Northampton, 1819 q751 Funeral Sermons. [Thirteen]. Fletcher, Nathaniel. Sermon, Funeral of Rev. Paul Coffin. Kennebunk, 1821 Sparks, Jared. Sermon, Death of Hon. William Pinkney. Baltimore, 1822 /-2,L Holhnes, Abiel. Sermon, Funeral of Rev. David Osgood. Cambridge, 1822 Kirkland, John T. Discourse, Death of Hon. George Cabot. Boston, 1823 I5 114 Allen, Winm. Sermon, Funeral of Rev. Samuel Eaton. Brunswick, 1823 Wisner, Benjamin B. Sermon, Death of Mrs. Miriam Phillips. Cambridge, 1823, Kinnersley, T. Selection of Sepulchral Curiosities, with a Biographical Sketch on Human Longevity, containing Epitaphs, taken from Monuments and Gravestones in England, Ireland, Scotland, and the United States; scarce. Nr. Y, 1823 Spring, Gardiner. Funeral Sermon, Death of Rev. Philip M.. Whelpley. N. Y., 1824 Merwin, Samuel. Funeral Sermon, Death of Rev. John Summerfield. Baltimore, 1825 Livingston, John H., Eulogy on Life and Character of. IV. Y., 1825 Shepherd, Rev. Win. Sermon, Death of Rev. John Yates. Liverpool, 1826 Pierpont, John. Discourse, Death of Horace Holley. Boston, 1827 Mitchell, Samuel L. Discourse on Life and Character of Thomas A. Emmet. V. Y., 1828 /$,' 752 Funeral Sermons. [Eight.] Clap, Mrs. Mary, Disc. delivered at Funeral of, by Chauncey Whittelsey; very scarce. New -Haven, 176;9 Colman, Dr. Sermon after Funeral of Mr. Win. Cooper. Boston, 1744 Campbell, Winm. H.'Funeral Discourse on Death of A. Yates, Nov. 17, 1844. Clark, Orin. Funeral Address delivered at Interment of the Hon. John Nicholas, Jan. 2, 1820. Collins, Levi. Discourse at Funeral of MIrs. Mary Sexton. Hartford, 1807 Crossman, Joseph W. Discourse at Funeral of Wm. L. Strong. Hartford, 1805 Cunningham, Eliza, Monument to Memory of. Phila. 1796 Colton, Lucretia, Sermon deliv. at Interment of, with a Sketch of Her Life. Hartford, 1821 /0 753 Fourth of July Orations. [Eighteen.] Rare lot. Everett, Alex. H. Defence of the Char. and Prin. of Mr. Jefferson, at Weymouth, Mass., July 4, 1836. Emery, Moses. Oration, Saco, Mass., July 4, 1839. Upham, Chas. W. Oration, Salem, Mass., July 4, 1842. Smith, J. C. Discourse, Washington, July 4, 1844, on the Religion and Patriotism of'76. Miner, Charles. The Olive Branch; or, The Evil and the Remedy. Address, July 4, 1821. Priv. Printed. Phil. 1856 Adams, Charles Francis. Address, Quincy, July 4, 1856. Oration, Fall River, July 4, 1860. James, Henry. Oration, Newport, R. I., July 4, 1861. Eliot, Samuel. Oration, Boston, July 4, 1868. Gardiner, John. An Oration delivered July 4, 1785, at the re 115 quest of the Inhabitants of the Town of Boston, in celebration of the Anniversary of American Independence. 4to, uncut, very rare. Boston: Printed by Peter Edes, State Street. The First 4th of July Oration Delivered in Boston. Snell, Thos. Oration, at Brookfield, July 5, 1813. Cummings, Hooper. Oration, July 4,1823. Newark. Cheever, George B. Address at Relig. Celebration in Salem, July 4, 1833. Boston, 1833 Cooley, James. Oration delivered at Granville, July 4, 1813; scarce. Hartford, 1813 Caldwell, Charles. Oration delivered before Amer. Repub. Soc. of Phila., July 4, 1810; scarce. Clark, Thomas M. Oration, 84th Anniv. of Amer. Ind., July 4, 1860. Cummings, Hooper. Oration, Corlmera. Amer. Ind., delivered July 5, 1824, in the Bowery Church. N. Y. Custis, Geo. Washington Parke. Oration June 5, 1813; very scarce. Georgetown, D. C. 754 Fourth of July Orations. [Sixteen.] Andrews, Josiah. Oration at Perry Village, N. Y., July 4, 1831. Wells, John. Oration at St. Paul's Ch., N. Y., July 4, 1798. Lewis, Zechariah. Oration at Conn. Soc. of Cinn., N. Y., July 4, 1799; scarce. Bancroft, George. Oration at Northampton, Mass., July 4,, 1826. Armstrong, Robert G. Address at Smithfield, N. Y., July 4, 1825. Burges, Tristram. Oration at Providence, R. I., July 4, 1831. Mallory, R. C. Oration at Whitehall, N. Y., July 4, 1817. Mayo, H. B. Address at Oxford, Ohio, July 4, 1839. Brownson, O. A. Address at Dedham, Mass., July 4, 1834. Holmes, John. Oration at Alfred, Maine, July 4, 1815; scarce. Morris, Gouverneur. Oration delivered before Washington Benevolent Soc., New York, July 5, 1813; scarce. Perkins, Charles. Oration delivered at Norwich Conn., July 4, 1822. Rutledge, Edward. Address delivered at Stratford, Conn., July 4, 1827. Evarts, Jeremiah. Oration delivered at Charlestown, Mass., July 4, 1812. Cushing, Caleb. Oration delivered at Newburyport, Mass., July 4, 1832. Linn, Winm. Sermon, "The Blessings of Amer." N. Y. City, July 4, 1794; scarce. 755 Fourth of July Orations. [Sixteen.] Austin, I. J. Oration delivered at Boston, Mass., July 4, 1839. Wendover, P. H.'"Nat. Deliv." Oration, N. Y. City, July 4,/< 1806; scarce. Key, Francis S., Oration delivered by. Washington, July 4,,1831. 116 Johnson, John' B. Discourse, "The Dealings of God with Israel and America." July 4, 1798; scarce. Albany. Dwight, Theo. Oration delivered at New Haven, July 7, 1801,, before the Soc. of the Cincinnati for the State of Conn., to) Celebrate the Anniversary of American Independence; scarce. Hartford. Bartlett, Joseph. The Fourth of. July Anticipated. An Add. Delivered at the Exchange Coffee House, on the evening of the 3d of July, 1823. Also, including a Poem-an Ode-and the New Vicar of Bray; curious. Boston, 1823 Holmes, Abiel. Address delivered before Washington Benev. Soc. at Cambridge, July 5, 1813; scarce. Quincy, Josiah. Oration delivered July 4,1826. Boston. Paine, Thomas. Oration at Boston, Mass., July 17, 1799; scarce. Lee, Chauncey. Oration at Colebrook, Conn., July 4, 1800; scarce. Whitman, Ezekiel. Oration at New Gloucester, Maine, July 4, 1801. Ringwood, Thomas. Oration at New York, July 5, 1802. Sullivan, WVm. Oration at Boston, Mass., July 4, 1803. Pickering, John. Oration at Salem, Mass. July 4 1804. Evans, Richard. Oration at Portsmouth, N. H., July 4, 1805. Dunbar, John D. Oration at Pembroke Mass., July 4, 1805..3 756 Fourth of July Orations. [Sixteen.] Lincoln, Daniel W. Oration at Worcester, Mass, July 4, 1805. Ritchie, Andrew. Oration at Boston, Mass., July 4, 1803. Barlow, Joel. Oration at Washington, D. C., July 4, 1809. Knapp, Samuel L. Oration at Newburyport, Mass., July 4, 1810. Dana, Daniel. Oration at Newburyport, Mass., July 4, 1814. Merrick, Pliny. Oration at Worcester, Mass., July 4, 1817. Pickering, Timothy. Observations Introductory to Reading the Declaration of Independence, at Salem, July 4, 1823; rare. Adams, G. W. Oration at Quincy, Mass., July 4, 1824; uncut. Sprague, Charles. Oration at Boston, Mass., July 4, 1824; uncut. Codman, John. Oration at Dorchester, Mass., July 4, 1826; uncut. Colman, Henry. Oration at Salem, Mass., July 4, 1826; uncut. Everett, E. Oration at Charlestown, Mass., July 4, 1828; uncut. Austin, Jas. T. Oration at Boston, Mass., July 4, 1829; uncut. Baylies, Francis. Oration at Taunton, Mass., July 4, 1831; uncut. Cheever, Geo. B. Oration at Salem, Mass., July 4, 1833; uncut. Rantoul, Robert. Oration at Gloucester, Mass., July 4, 1833; uncut. /, 757 Fourth of July Orations, etc. Rare lot. [Twenty-one.] Avery, Joseph. Oration at Holden, July 4, 1806. Boston, 1806 Binns, John. Oration before the Democratic Societies of the City and County of Phila., 4th July, 1810. Phila., 1810 Burnet, James. Oration, 1799, at Weston. Scarce. Newfield, 1799 Dwight, Timethy. The duty of Americans at the present crisis. Disc., fourth July, 1798. Scarce. New Haven, 1798 Green, Rev. Ashbel. Oration, July 4, 1789, at Phila. Phila., 1789 Everett, Alex. H. Oration at Boston, July 5,1830. Boston, 1830 Henry, Symmes C. Oration before the Cincinnati Soc. of N. J., July 5th, 1824. Very scarce. Trenton, 1824 Langdon, Chauncy. Oration in Poultney, July 4th, 1804. Salem, 1804 Linn, W. "The blessings of America." A sermon preached at the request of the Tammany Soc., 4th July. Scarce. N1. Y, 1791 Maclay, Win. B. Oration before the Literary Assoc., 4th July, 1836. N. Y, 1836 Magaw, Samuel. Sermon in St. Paul's ch., 4th July, 1786. Scarce. Phila., 1786 Quincy, Josiah, jr. Oration, July 4, 1832. Boston, 1832 Seymour, T. H. Oration before the citizens of Middletown. Middletown, 1827 Odes to be sung at the Juvenile patriotic festival, July 4, 1839. Baldwin, Simeon. Oration at New Haven, July 4,1788. Scarce. Uncut. Atkinson, Win. King. Oration at Dover, N. H., July 4, 1791. Uncut. Allen, Paul. Oration at Providence, Mass., July 4, 1796. Quincy Josiah, Oration at Boston, Mass., July 4, 1798. Austin, Samuel. Oration at Worcester, Mass., July 4, 1798. Uncut. Newcomb, Rich'd E. Oration at Greenfield, Mass., July 4, 1799. Uncut. Marcy; Jno. Oration at Providence, R.I., July 4, 1799. Uncut. 758 Miscellaneous. [Fifteen.] Farley, Fred. A. Christian consolation for bereaved parents. A sermon, preached at Brooklyn, N. Y., Aug. 8, 1841. Brooklyn, 1841 Disc. at the dedication of Westminster church in Provi-6 dence, R. I., Mar. 5, 1829. Boston, 1829 Ferguson, John. Letters to Rev. Moses Thacher; with the results of an ecclesiastical council at North Wentworth, Dec. 14, 1830. Boston, 1831 Fish, Joseph. Sermon at the ordination of the Rev. Mr. William Vinal, in Newport, R. I., Oct. 29, 1746. Scarce. Newport, 1747 Fisher, Samuel. Two sermons preached at Morris-Town, N. J.; annexed, an address to the Presbyterian congregation. Morris-Town, 1814 Fleming, Peter. Report to the president and directors of the Mohawk and Hudson railway company. New York, 1829 118 Flint, Abel. Sermon at East-Hartford, Nov. 3, 1806, at the funeral of Mrs. Mary Yates. Hartford, 1806 Fobes, Peres. Sermon at Taunton, Nov. 11, 1784, upon the day of the execution of John Dixon for burglary. Scarce. Providence [1784] Follen, Charles. Address introd. to the fourth course of the Franklin lectures, Nov. 3, 1834. Boston, 1835 Ford, John. Sermon, Apr. 4, 1820, at Orange, New Jersey, before the exec. comm. appointed by the Presbyterian education Soc. Newark, 1820 Foxcroft, Thomas. Sermon at the Old Church Lecture in Boston, Thursday, Jan. 1, 1746-7. Scarce. Boston, 1747 Fowler, O. S. Temperance, founded on phrenology and physiology. New York, 1848 Phrenology and physiology applied to the cultivation of memory. France: its king, court and government. Third ed. New Yorlc, 1848 French fraternity and French protection as promised to Irelandu 18th ed. Dublin, 1798 7o 759 Miscellaneous. Valuable lot. [Nine.] Franklin Benjamin. Eulogium on, by W. Smith, Mar. 1, 1791. Very scarce. Phila., 1792 Frelinghuysen. Speech on his resolution concerning Sabbath mails, May 8, 1830. Washington, 1830 Friends, Soc. of. Further salutation of brotherly love, from the monthly meeting of. Phila., 1795 Frothingham, N. L. Plea against religious. controversy, Feb. 8, 1829. Boston, 1829 "'The ruffian released." A sermon, 21st of Feb., 1836. Boston, 1836 Two hundred years ago. Sermon preached to the First Church on the close of their second century. Valuable. Boston, 1830 Fulford, Francis. Address in the chapel of the Gen. Theol. Seminary of the Prot. Episc. Ch., Nov. 13, 1852. New York, 1852 Fulton, Robert. Opinions of the Judges of the supreme court, in the court of errors, in the case of R. R. Livingston and R. Fulton vs. J. Van Ingen and others. Very scarce and valuable. Albany, 1812 Furness, Win. H. Disc. at the dedication of the First Congreg. Unit. Ch., Phila., Nov. 5, 1828. Phila., 1828 ADDIS, MAXWELL PIERSON. Foot-prints of an Itinerant. Cl. 12mo; portrait. Cincinnati, 1855 761 GALLAGHER, JAMES. The Western Sketch-Book. 8vo, cl. /f?1 Boston, 1850 762 GARDEN, ALEXANDER. Anecdotes of the Revolutionary War in America; with sketches of character of persons the most dis-4/2/ tinguished in the Southern States for civil and military services. Bds., 4to, 3 vols. 150 copies. No. 119. Charleston, 1822. Reprint. T. W. _Field, Brooklyn, 1865 763 GARDEN, ALEXANDER. Anecdotes of the Revolutionary War in America; with Sketches of Character of Persons the most Distinguished in the Southern States for Civil and Military Ser-/ rX vices. 8vo, hf. mor., gilt top, uncut. With portraits. First series. Thirty plates inserted. Charleston, S. C., 1822 764 GARDEN, ALEXANDER. Anecdotes of the Revolutionary War in' America; with Sketches of Character of Persons the most Dis-~(Iz tinguished in the Southern States for Civil and Military Services. 8vo, hf. cf. Charleston, S. C., 1822 765 GARDEN, ALEXANDER. Anecdotes of the American Revolution, Inlustrative of the Talents and Virtues of the Heroes and Patriots ~4o who acted the most conspicuous parts therein. 2d series. 12mo, boards, uncut. Charleston, S. C., 1828 766 GARDINER, Me. History of Gardiner, Pittston and West Gardiner; with a sketch of the Kennebec Indians and New Plymouth// Purchase, comprising Historical matter from 1602 to'1852; with Genealogical Sketches of many Families. By J. W. Hanson. 12mo, cl.; plates. Gardiner, 1852 767 GARDNER, MAss. HIsTORY oF,:from its Earliest settlement to 1860. By Lewis Glazur. 12mo, cl.; rare. Worcester, 1860,5768 GARRARD, LEWIS H. Wah-To-Yah and the Taos Trail; or, Prairie Travel and Scalp Dances; with a look at Los Rancheros from/?i' Muleback and the Rocky Mountain Campfire. 8vo, cl. Cincinnati, 1850 769 G. A. S. Original Poetic Effusions: Religious, Moral and Senti-?/,' mental. 16mo, bds., uncut., Boston, 1822 120 /s 770 GASKILL, EDWARD. The National Portrait Gallery of Distinguished Americans, with Biographical Sketches. 4 vols., in 30 Nos. complete, as originally issued. Philadelphia, 1852 /I2 771 GAss, PATRICK.' Journal of the Voyages and Travels of a Corps of Discovery under the Command of Capt's Lewis and Clarke during the years 1804, 1805 and 1806. With six engravings. 12mo, sheep. Philadelphia, 1812 Ct- 772 GENERAL ORDERS affecting the Volunteer Force, Adjutant General's Office, 1861. 8vo, cl. Washington, 1862,' 773 GEORGIA, Statistics of. Including an account of its Natural, Civil, Ecclesiastical History; together with a particular Description of each County, Notices of the Manners and Customs of its Aboriginal Tribes, and a map. By Geo. White., Cloth, 8vo. Savannah, 1849 s'av 774 Georgia. 1 Historical collections of, containing the most interesting facts, traditions, biographical sketches, anecdotes, &c., relating to its history and antiquities, from its first settlement to the present time. Illustrated by nearly one hundred engravings of public buildings, relics of antiquity, &c. 3d ed. By George White. Cloth, 8vo. New Yorkc, 185,5 /o 775 GETTYSBURG, Pa. Address of Edw. Everett, at the Consecration oft the National Cemetery at Gettysburg, 19 Nov., 1863; with the, Dedicatory Speech of Abraham Lincoln, and the other exercises of the occasion. 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1864 /6, 776 GILEs, Wiv. F. The Annual Address delivered before the Maryland Historical Society, December 17, 1866. 8vo pamph, 29p. Treats of libraries and manuscripts in Maryland. Baltimore, 1867 4o 777 GILLEY, WILLIAM B. The Olio; being a collection of Poems, Fables, Epigrams, &c., including Tributes to the Memory of Lieut. Allen, the Hon. Wm. W. Van Ness, and the Hon. Broc1holst Livingston. Bds., 12mo. New York, 1823 /,4 778 GILMANTON, (N. H.) HISTORY OF. Embracing the Proprietary, Civil, Literary, Ecclesiastical, Biographical, Genealogical and Miscellaneous History, from the First Settlement to the Present time; including what is now Gilford, to the time it was disannexed. By Daniel Lancaster. 8vo, bds; map; very scarce. Gilmanton, 1845 /7b 779 GLASTENBURY, CorNN.-for Two Hundred Years. A Centennial Discourse, May 18, 1853. With an Appendix, containing Historical and Statistical papers of Interest. By Alonzo B. Chapin. 8vo pamph., 252p.; fine copy. Hartford, 1853.i:- 780 GLOUCESTER, (MAss.) HISTORY OF THE ToWN OF, including the Town of Rockport. By John J. Babson. Large 8vo, half lev. mor., gt. top, rough edges. [Most of the edition was destroyed by the great fire of Feb., 1864.] Gloucester, 1860 /S0 781 GLOUCESTER, (OLD.) Reminiscences of, or Incidents in the History of the Counties of Gloucester, Atlantic, and Camden, New Jersey. 8vo, cl., uncut. Phila., 1845 /,l 782 GLEIG, Rev. G. R. A Narrative of the Campaigns of the British Army, at Washington and New Orleans, under Gens. Ross, 121 Packenham, and Lambert, in the years 1814 and 1815; with some Account of the Countries Visited. 8vo, half muslin. London, 1821',783 (GLEIG, G. R.) A Subaltern in America; comprising his Narrative of the Campaigns of the British Army at Baltimore, /V, Washington, &c., &c., during the late War. 8vo, bds., uncut. Phila., 1833 784 GoODRICH, S. G. History of the Indians of North and South America. 8vo, cl.; engravings. Boston, 1844 785 GOODWIN, NATHANIEL. Genealogical Notes, or Contributions to the Family History of some of the First Settlers of Connecticut and,/Za Massachusetts. 8vo, cl. Hartford, 1856 786 GOODWIN, THOMAS S. The Natural History of Secession; or, Despotism and Democracy at Necessary, External, Exterminating /p War. 12mo, cl. NewYork, etc., 1864 787 GORHAM, Me. An Address, delivered on the 26th of May, 1836, the Centennial Anniv. of the settlement of, by Josiah Pierce. 4//~ 8vo pamphlet, 36 pages, rare, fine copy. Portland, 1836 788 GORHAAM, Me. HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF, by Josiah Pierce. [Contains considerable matter relating to the Indians.] 8vo, cl.,.~'o scarce. Portland, 1862'7'89 GOWANS, WILLIAM. Catalogue of English and scarce American Books, Nos. 5 to 20 inclusive, and Nos. 24 and 241,'from 1846 to'67. 17 nos., uncut, 8vo. NVew York, 1866 790 GRAFTON, Mass. An Address delivered before the Inhabitants of, on the First Centennial Anniversary of that Town, April 294 C"c 1835, by Win. Brigham. 8vo pamph., 40p., uncut, fine copy, very scarce. Boston, 1835 791 GRANBY, Conn. History of the Copper Mines and Newgate. Prison at; also of Captivity of Daniel Hayes, by the Indians, in /~ 1707. By Noah A. Phelps. 8vopamph. Hartford, 1845 792 GRANT, MRS. Memoirs of an American Lady; with sketches of Manners and Scenery in America, as they existed previous to /f the Revolution. 12mo, sh. New York, 1809 793 GRANT, AsAHEL, MA. D. The Nestorians, or the Lost Tribes; contrining evidence of their identity, an account of their Manners, Customs, and Ceremonies; together with sketches of travel in <~ ancient Assyria, Armenia, Media, and Mesopotamia; and Illusi trations of Scripture prophecy. 12mo, cl., with map. New York, 1841 794 GRAYDON, ALEX. Memoirs of a Life, chiefly passed in Pennsylvania, within the last sixty years; with occasional remarks ucponsv the general occurrences, character and spirit of that eventful period. 12mo, cl., sp. Harrisburgh, 1811 795 GRAYDON, ALEX. The Life of an Officer, written by hinmself, during / a residence in Pennsylvania; with Anecdotes of the American War. 8vo, bds., uncut. Edinburgh, 1828 796 GREGG, Right Rev. ALEXANDER. HISTORY OF THE OLD CHERAWS; containing an account of the Aborigines of the Pedee,-?, the First White Settlements, their subsequent progress, changes, 122 etc. Extending from about A. D. 1730 to 1810, with notices of Families and Sketches of Individuals. 8vo, cl.; maps; scarce. NV. Y. 1867 4Co 797 [GREEN, Jos., alias.] Entertainment for a Winter's Evening. Being a full and true Account of a Very Strange and Wonderful Sighit Seen in Boston, on the Twenty-seventh of December, 1749, at; Noonday. By Me, the Hon. B. B. Uncut, paper; scarce. Boston, 1795 /s- 798 GREENE, NATHANIEL. An Examination of some statements concerning Maj. Gen. Greene, in the ninth volume of Bancroft's History of the U. S. By Geo. W. Greene. Paper, 8vo. Boston, 1866 /o 799 GREENOUGH, HORATIO. A Memorial of. Consisting of a Memoir, Selections from his Writings and Tributes to his Genius. By Henry T. Tuckerman. 8vo, cl. New York, 1853 3o 800 GREENWOOD, JAMES. Curiosities of Savage Life. With woodcuts and designs by Harden S. Melville; engraved by H. Newsom Woods. And colored illustrations from water-color drawings by F. W. Keyl and R. Huttula. 8vo, cl.; gilt edges. London, 1863 /25 801 GREENFIELD, MASS. History of. By D. Willard. 12mo, cl. Very scarce. Greenfield, 1838 7&' 802 GREIG, ALEXANDER M. Fate of the Blendenhall, with an accoun.t of her wreck, and the sufferings etc., endured by the survivors, for six months, on the desolate Islands of Tristan D'Acunha,. From a Journal kept on the Islands, and written with the blood of the Penguin. 12mo, sh.; with plate. New Yorkl, 1847,c 803 GRIGSBY, HUGH BLAIR. "The Virginia Convention of 1776." A Discourse delivered before the Virginia Alpha of the Phi Beta Kappa Soc., July 3, 1855, at Williamsburg. 8vo, cl.; 206 p., fine copy; rare. Richmond, 1855 $AS 804 GROTON, MAss. HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF, including Pepperell, and Shirley, from the First grant of Groton Plantation in 1655. With Appendices containing Family Registers, Town and State Officers, Population and other statistics. Autograph of the Author and Abbot Lawrence. By Caleb Butler. 8vo,full mor., illust.; very scarce. Boston, 1848 S-O 805 GUEST, MOSES. Poems, on several occasions. To which are added extracts from a Journal kept by the author while he followed the sea, and during a Journey firom New Jersey to Montreal. 8vo, bluepol. cf., gt.; by R. M. Smith. Cincinnati, 1823 /Eo0 806 GUIANA, S. AMERICA. An Essay on the Natural History of, containing a Description of Productions in the Animal and Vegetable Systems, together with an account of the Religion, Manners and Customs of several Tribes of its Indian Inhabitants. By Edward Bancroft. 8vo, sh., plate. London, 1769 -2e- 807 GUILD, REUBEN A. THE LIBRARIAN'S MANUAL. A Treatise on Bibliography, comprising a Select and Descriptive List of Bibliographical Works. To which are added, Sketches of Public Libraries. Illustrated with Engravings. 4to, bds., rought edges. 500 copies. N. Y. 1858.5 808 GUROWSKI, ADAM. Diary, from November 18, 1862, to October 18, 1863. 8vo, el.; In two volumes. Vol. 2nd. N. Y. 1864 123 PAMPHLETS. 809 Miscellaneous. LEleven.J Guilford Spring. Boston, 1868 Georgetown College. Annual Celebration of Philodemic Soc., July 2, 1867. Baltimore, 1867 Gold Mining Company. First National, of New York and Colorada. N. Y., 1866 Glover, Gen. John. Memoir of, by Wm. P. Upham. Very scarce. Salem, 1863 Guion, Thomas T. Sermon in Memory of, by Edward Jessup. o' N. Y., 1862 Gilman, Edward W. Sermon on day of Resignation, at Cambridge, Oct. 24, 1858. Groton, Mass. Jubilee of Lawrence Academy, July 12, 1854. N*,.., 1855 Gray, Alonzo. Address on Female Education N. Y., 1854 Gerard, J. W. London and New York; their Crime and Police. N. Y., 1853 Gladstone, -Ion. W. E. Two Letters to Earl of Aberdeen, on State Prosecutions of the Neapolitan Government N. Y., 1851 Greeley, H. Lecture on Formation of Character. 810 Miscellaneous. [Twelve.] Grattan, H. P. The Battle; a Poem. N. Y., 1848 Gaspee. Destruction of. Documentary Hist., by WVm. R. Staple. Scarce. Providence, 1845 Gardwell, Godek. Currency, the Evil and the Remedy. 5th ed. N. Y., 1844 Goodwin, Frederick J. Farewell Sermon on Resignation, St. j7 Georgp's Church, Flushing, L. I. Flushing, 1844 Gatchell, Joseph. The Disenthralled; being Reminiscences of the Life of. Troy, 1843 Geology. Eight Lectures on, by Charles Lyell. N. Y., 1842 George the Third. Pulling down the Statue of. N. Y., 1835 Geneva College. Discourse before Euglossian and Alpha Phi Delta Societies of, by C. S. Henry. N. Y., 1840 Gourlie John H. Address before Mercantile Library Association. N. Y., 1839 Gouge, Wm. AM. Short History of Paper Money and Banking. 2nd ed. N. Y., 1835 Grigg, Rev. John. Sermon at Trinity Church. Hudson, 1832 Galveston Bay, and Texas Land Company. Address to Reader of Documents of. N. 1 1831 811 Miscellaneous. [Twelve.] Gibbons, Win. Exposition of Modern Scepticism, in a Letter to the Editors of the Free Enquirer. Wilmington, 18292 124 Greeks. The Suffering. Gay, Ebenezer. Discourse, on Birth Day of. Scarce. Salem, 1822 Gaston, Winm. Speech of, on Bill to Authorise a Loan of Twentyfive Millions of Dollars. Washington, 1814: Gleason, Benjamin. Address in Commem. of Anniv. of John the Baptist. 2nd ed. Boston, 1802 Granville, Lord. Grand Question discussed. London, 1744 German Society. Charter and By-laws of, with list of Members., NV. Y., 1808 Germany. Account of Distresses in, occasioned by late war on the Continent. Burlington, 1815 Greenwood Cemetery. Exposition of the Plan and Objects of. N. Y., 1839 Greenwood. Rambling Reflections, with Description, in 1853, by Campeador. N. Y., 1853 Gardiner, J. S. J. Sermon. Fast. Boston, 1810 Gardiner, J. S. J. Sermon, Fast. Boston, 18.12 2C- 812 Miscellaneous. [Twelve.] Girard College for Orphans. Account of Laying the Corner Stone, by Nich. Biddle. Phila., 1833 Girard Stephen. Will of, and Biography. Scarce. Phila., 184S Griswold, Alexander V. Sermon at Meeting of Conven. of' Eastern Diocese. Boston, 1811 Griswold, Alexander V. Sermon at Opening of Gen. Conven. of the Protestant Episcopal Church. N. Y., 1817 Griswold, Bishop, on the Reformation, No. 2. 5th ed. Boston, 1844 Griswold, Rufus W. Statement of Relations of, with Charlotte Myers, Elizabeth T. Ellet and Ann S. Stephens. Very interesting and scarce. Phila., 1856 Green, Rev. T. L. Sermon on Transubstantiation. 2nd Ed. London, 1831 Green, Andrew II. Address on his Re-election as Pres. of Board of Education. London, 1857 Green, Jonas. The Crown Won but not Worn; or, M. Louise Green. Boston, 1867 Green's Pamphlet. Libel Refuted, a Reply to. Lewiston, 1868 Green, Jonas. A Rejoinder to Reply on the Kent's Hill Tragedy. Lewiston, 1868 Gannett, Ezra S. The State of the Country. Boston, 1856 65 813 Miscellaneous. [Twelve.] Gannett, Ezra S. The Atlantic Telegraph. Discourse by. Boston. 1858 Groton Heights. Address in commem. of, Sept. 6, 1777. Spoken on Sept. 6, 1825, by Wm. F. Brainard. Scarce and valuable. Gifford, John. A Letter to Thos. Erskine, containing some strictures on his view of causes and consequences of war with France. Phila., 1797 125 Gifford, John. Letter to the Earl of Lauderdale, containing strictures on his Lordship's letters to the Peers of Scotland. London, 1800 Geneva. Description of, View of City and Lake of, by R. Burford. NV. Y., 1829 Green, Beriah. Address deliv. at Whitesborough, by. Utica, 1833 Gallatin, Albert. Views of Public Debt, Receipts."and Expenditures of U. S. N. Y., 1800 Gardinier, Barent. Speech of, on Foreign Relations. Georgetown, 1809 Griffin, Edward D. The Kingdom of Christ. Missionary Sermon. Phila., 1805 Gregg's Improved Excelsior Steam Brick Press. N. Y., 1867 Guinea, Northern. Superstitious Notions of. Princeton, 1855 Girard College. Constitution and Plan of Education for, by Francis Lieber. Philadelphia, 1834 814 Miscellaneous. [Eleven.] Green, Beriah. Valedictory Address, deliv. Sept. 13, 1837. Whitesboro Gardiner, J. S. J. Disc. deliv. April 9, 1812. Boston Garnage, G. A. The Garland of Fugitive Poetry. N. Y., 1825 Gallatin, Albert. Considerations on the currency and banking system of the U. S. Phila., 1831 Griswold, Roger. An Eulogium on. Oct. 29, 1812. By David Daggett. Gannet, Ezra S. Disc. deliv. at ordination of Artemas Muzzey, June 10, 1830. Boston. Goodrich, Elizur. Sermon deliv. at ordination of Matthew Noyes, Aug. 18, 1790. New Haven Giles, John. Two disc. deliv. Aug. 20, 1812. Bridgeport. Gregory, Dr. A Father's Legacy to his daughter, by. Boston, 1779 Gunn, Alex. Sermon on Intemperate Drinking. 2N. Y., 1813 Gillett,- Francis. Address deliv. in Windsor, Conn. Feb. 10, 1830. Hartford 815 Miscellaneous; [Eleven.] Goddard, Kingston. Sermon deliv. Dec. 8, 1842. Brooklyn. Gore, Gov. Speech deliv. June 7, 1809, in Legis. of Mass. Gordon, G. W. Lecture on subject of Lotteries, March 12, 1833. Griffin, E. D. Sermon at inauguration of, June 21, 1809, Andover, by Samuel Spring. Boston - Sermon at ded. of Park st. ch., Jan. 10, 1810. Boston Sermon bef. an. conven. of Mass, May 29, 1828. Boston Grimke, T. S. On the Character of the accomplished orator, Jan. 28, 1809. Charleston Appeal to the Christian women of the South. -- Address, March 29, 1831. Phila. Address, May 6, 1832. Hartford Greenwood, F. W. P. Disc. deliv. at ordination of Wm. Newell, May 19, 1830. Cambridge Ci IADLEY, MASS. Celebration of the Two Hundredth Anniversary of the Settlement of the Town, June 8, 1859; inclnding the address by Prof. F. D. Huntington. 8vo pamntphlet, 89 p.; scarce. Northampton, 1859 &'2~-817 HADLEY, MASS, HISTORY OF; including the Early History o.f Hatfield, South Hadley, Amherst and Granby. By Sylvester Judd. With Family Genealogies, by Lucius M. Boltwood.. 8vo, cl;fine copy. Northampton, 186w3' /,3? 818 HALE, CAPT. NATHAN. Life of, the Martyr-Spy of the American Revolution. By J. W. Stuart. With illustrations. Second edition, enlarged and improved. 12mo, cl. Hartford, 1856 sr 819 HALIBURTON, THOMAS C. The Letter-Bags of the Great Western; or, Life in a Steamer. 12mo, bds. Philadelphia, 1840 /C-a 820 HALL, MISSES FRANCIS AND ALMIRA. Narrative of the Capture and Providential Escape of Two Respectable Young Women (sisters), of the ages of 16 and 18, who were taken prisoners by the Savages at a Frontier Settlement near Indian Creek, in May last, when fifteen of the Inhabitants fell victims to the bloody Tomahawk and Scalping-Knife; among whom were the parents of the unfortunate females. Likewise is added, the Interesting Narrative of the Captivity and Sufferings of Philip Brigdon, a Kentuckian, who fell into the hands of the merciless Savages on their return to their settlement three days after the Bloody Massacre. Communicated by persons of respectability living in the neighborhood of the captives. 8vo, hf. morocco, plate; very scarce; fine copy. New York, 1832 62 821 HEAL, JAMES. Notes on the Western States, containing descriptive sketches of their soil, climate, resources and scenery. 12mo, cl. Philadelphia, 1838 /. 822 HAIL, JAMES. The West: its Commerce and Navigation. 8vo, cl. Cincinnati, 1848 A&823 HALL, EDwIN. The Puritans and their Principles. 8vo, cl. Sec. ed. Very scarce. NVew York, 1846 /D 824 HALL, Lieut. FRANCIS. Travels in Canada and the United States in 1816 and 1817. 8vo, bds., uncut. Boston, 1818 /?-o - The same. 8vo, hf. cf.; map. London, 1818 127 825 HALLECK, FITZ-GREENE. Alnwick Castle, with other Poems. 12mo,uncut sheets. New York, 1845 826 HALLECK, FITZ-GREENE. Lines to the Recorder. 4to, pcper cov./p Ed. of 70 copiesfor W. L. Andrews. No. 34. N. Y., 1866 827 HALLECK, FITZ-GREENE. Fanny, with other Poems. 12rno, cl. / New York, 1839 828 - Thesame. 8vo, cl. N. I, 1846/o 829 - The same. 70 copiesfor W: L. Andrews. N. Y., 1866_-A 830 HALLEcK, FITZ-GREENE. DRAKE, JOSEPH RODMAN. The Croakers. First Complete Edition. Large 8vo, sheets. With portraits. 150/iLeo copies. No. 54. New Yorkk, 1860 Bradford Club. 831 HALLECK, FITZ-GREENE. Young America: A Poem. 12mo, bds.,/o frontis. New York, 1865 832 HAMILTON, ALEXANDER. A Letter from Phocion to the Considerate Citizens of New York on the Politics of the Day. 8vo pamph./~ very scarce. New York printed; Nezuport reprint, 1784 833 HAMILTON, SCHUYLER. History of the National Flag of the United ~o States of America. 8vo, cl. Phila., 1852 834 HAMOR, RAPHE. A True Discourse of the Present Estate of Virginia, and the Successe of the Affairs there till the 18th of June, 1614. Together with a Relation of the severall English Townes2and Fortes, the assured hopes of that Countrie, and the Peace concluded with the Indians. The Christening of Powhatan's Daughter and her Marriage with an Englishman. Fol. paper coy. Printed at London, 1615. Reprinted at Richmond, Va. 200 copies printed. 835 HAMPDEN Co., Mass. Sketches of the Churches and Pastors, and also an Address delivered to the Pastors, by Rev. T. M. Cooley, D.D., X at Mettineague, September 13, 1853. 12mo, cl.; scarce. Wesfield, 1854 836 HAMPTON, N. H. An Historical Address delivered on the 25th of December, 1838, in Commemoration of the Settlement of that2tf Town: Two Hundred Years having elapsed since that event. By Joseph Dow. 8vo, paper cover, 44 p., fine copy; scarce. Concord, 1839 837 HANBURY, BENJAMIN. Historical Memorials Relating to the Independents or Congregationalists: from their Rise to the Restora-2~? tion of the Monarchy, A. D. 1660. 3 vols., 8vo, cl., uncut, scarce London, Eng., 1839-1844: 838 HANcocK, JOHN, Ten Chapters in the Life of. First Published (Boston) 1789 (under the title, " The Writings of Laco, as Pub- /lished in the Massachusetts Centinel, February and March, 1789.") 8vo, cl. New York, 1857 839 HANGER, Col. GEO., Life and Adventures and Opinions of. Writ-/zs ten by Himself. 2 vols. 8vo, bds., uncut. London, 1801' 840 HANOVER. Mass., Historical Sketch of the Town of, with Family Genealogies. By John S. Barry. 8vo, cl., engravings. /6-0 Boston, 1853 841 HARBISON, MASSY, A NARRATIVE OF THE SUFFERINGS OF, &C., from Indian Barbarity, giving an Account of her Captivity, the-$~ 128 Murder of her Two Children, her Escape, &c. Communicated by Herself. Together with some account of the History, Laws, Religion, WTars, and Cruelties of the Indians, &c, in the Western Country. Fourth Edition, much enlarged. Full red tky., gilt top, rough edges, very scarce. Beaver, Pa., 1836 z- 842 HARDWICK, Mass. An Address at the Centennial Celebration, November 15, 1838. By Lucius R. Paige. 8vo Pamph., 76 p., fine copy; scarce. Cambridge, 1838 d 843 HARRIS, THAD. MASON. Valedictory Discourse, preached to the First Church and Society in Dorchester, Oct. 23, 1836. Also, a Disc. preached Oct. 30, 1836, by Nath'l Hall. 8vo pamphlet, 41 pages, good copy, uncut. Boston, 1836 d cot, 844 HARRISON, WILLIAM HENRY; a Historical Narrative of the Civil and Military services of, and a vindication of his Character and Conduct as a Statesman, a Citizen, and a Soldier. With a detail of his negotiations and wars with the Indians, until the final overthrow of the Celebrated Chief Tecumseh, and his Brother the Prophet. By Moses Dawson. 8vo, sheep; fine copy; scarce. Cincinnati, Ohio, 1824 845 HART, Rev. JosEPH; A Sermon occasioned by the death of. Preached in Jewin-street, June 5, 1768. By John Hughes. And an Oration delivered at his Interment, by Andrew Kinsman. 8rlo pamphlet. London, 1768 3' 846 HART, LEVI. Discourse addressed to the Second Congregational Church, Newport, R. I., at Ordination of Rev. Wm. Patten, May 24, 1786. 8vo pamphlet; scarce. Providence: Printed by John Carter, 1786.f 847 HART, LEVI. Discourse occasioned by the death of the Hon. Jabez Huntington, Esq., delivered at Norwich, Oct. 8, 1786. 8vo pamph. New London: Printed by T. Green, 1786 ic,'B 848 HARTFORD, CONN. An Address delivered at the request of the Citizens~of Hartford on the 9th of November, 1.835, the Close of the Second Century from the First Settlement of the City. By Joel Hawes. Sm. 8vo, cl., uncut; fine copy; scarce. Hartford, 1833?cv 849 HARTFORD in the Olden Time: its First Thirty Years. By Scaeva. Edited by W. M. B. Hartley. With Illustrations. 8vo in sheets, stitched. Engraved frontispiece. Hartford, 1853,/6- 850 HARVARD UNIVERSITY; The History of. By Josiah Quincy, LL.D. 2 vols., royal 8vo, rough edges. Cambridge, 1840 /6ri 851 HARWINTON, Conn; The History of. By R. M. Chipman. 8vo, paper cov.; 142 pages; fine copy. Hartford, 1860 6- 852 HATFIELD, EDWiN F. Twenty Years in the Seventh Presbyterian Church, New York City; two Sermons, deliv. July 1st, 1855. 12mo, stiff cl. coy.; 66 p.; fine copy. New York, 1855 3-" 853 HAVERHILL, MASS.; THE HIST. OF. By B. L. Mirick. 8vo, bds., uncut; very scarce. Haverhill, 1832 This Copy is in the finest possible original condition. It contains a View of Haverhill at that time, from a sketch by a Lady. JcrLt 854 HAvEPRrmLL, Mass.; The History of-from its first settlement, in 129 1640, to the year 1860. By George Wingate Chase. Royal 8vo. In sheets. With plates, portraits, maps, etc. HEaverhill, 1861 855 HAZELIUS, ERNEST. History of the American Lutheran Church Z, from its Commencement, 1685, to 1842. To which several Ap-i, pendices are added. 12tno, cl. Zanesville, 0., 1846 856 HAZLITT, W. CAREW. Hand-Book to the Popular, Poetical. and Dramatic Literature of Great Britain, from the Invention of-3 Printing to the Restoration. 11 Parts complete. L.P. Royal octavo, paper covers. London, 1867 The same. S. P. Part XT only., 857 HEARD, ISAAC V. D. History of the Sioux War, and Massacres ofz-j 1862 and 1863; with portraits and illustrations. 8vo, el. N. Y., 1864 858 HEATH, MAJ.-GEN. WILLIAM; Memoirs of, containing -Anecdotes, Details of Skirmishes, Battles, and other Military Events, dur-/Ving the American War. Written by himself. 8vo, sh.; scarce; beautjul copy. Boston, 1798 859 HECKEWELDER, JOHN. Narrative of the Mission of the United Brethren, among the Delaware and Mohegan Indians, from its e/6 commencement, in the year 1740, to the close of the year 18087 Comprising all the remarkable Incidents which took place at their Missionary Stations during that period. Interspersed with Anecdotes, Historical Facts, Speeches of Indians, and other Interesting Matter. Portrait, 8vo, bds., uncut; very fine copy; scarce. Philadelphia, 1820 860 HEDGE, FRED. H. A New Year's Discourse, preached at Brookline / Jan., 1858-" 1758 and 1858." 8vo pamph.; 20 p.; very interesiing. Boston, 1858 861 HEPWORTH, GEORGE H. The Whip, Hoe, and Sword; or, the/.e Gulf Department in'63. 8vo, cl. Boston, 1864 862 HERBEBERT, CHARLES. A RELIC OF THE REVOLUTION, containing a full and particular account of the sufferings and privations of~?d all the American Prisoners captured on the High Seas, during the Revolution of 1776, etc. 8vo, full red turkey, gilt. By BR M. Smith. Frontispiece; scarce. Boston, 1847 863 - The same. 8vo, cl. 864 HERKIMER COUNTY, N. Y.; History of-including the Upper Mohawk Valley, from the earliest period to the present time; with a brief notice of the Irquois Indians, the Early German Tribes, the Palatine immigrations into the Colony of New York, and Bio-j-w? graphical sketches of the Palatine Families, the patentees of' Burnetsfield in the year 1725. Also Biographical notices of the most prominent public Men of the county. With important statistical information. By Nathaniel S. Benton. 8vo, cl.; maps and plates. Albany, 1856 865 HERNDON, Lieut. Wm. LEWIs. Exploration of the Valley of the Amazon, made under direction of the Navy Department. Part I., heby Lieut. Herudon, with maps accompanying. 8vo, cl.; plates. Washington, 1853 I7 1.30,i 866 HERRING, JAS. and LONGACRE, J. B. National Portrait Gallery of Distinguished Americans. 4 vols., 4to, L. P. cl., uncut. With portraits; fine copy. Phila., N. Y., and London, 1836 /3 867 HERRING, JAS. and LONGACRE, JAMES B. The National Portrait Gallery of Distinguished Americans. In four volumes. 41o, paper covers, as orginally published in Nos., lacking three Nos.; in fine condition. N. Y. and Phila., 1834-'5-'6-'9 /C 868 HEUSTIs, CAPT. DANIEL D. Narrative of Adventures and Sufferings of, and his Companions, in Canada and Van Dieman's Land, during a long captivity. With Travels in California, and Voyages at Sea. 2d ed. 8vo, paper. Boston, 1848 //2 869 HEUVEL, J. A. El Dorado; being a Narrative of the Circumstances which gave rise to Reports, in the Sixteenth Century, of the Existence of a Rich and Splendid City in South America, to which that name was given, and which led to many enterprises in search of it; including a defence of Sir Walter Raleigh, in regard to the relations made by him respecting it and a nation of Female Warriors in the vicinity of the Amazon, in the Narra,tive of his Expedition to the Oronoco, in 1595. With a map. 8vo, half cloth. New York, 1844 /o 870 IICKEY, WV. The Constitution of the U. S. of America, with an alphabetical analysis. The Declaration of Independence: the Articles of Confederation; the Prominent Political Acts of Geo. Washington; Electoral votes for all the Presidents and VicePresidents; Chronological Narrative of the several States, &c. Seventh ed. 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1854 2S 871 [HIGGINSON, F. J.1 Remarks on Slavery and Emancipation. 12mo, bds. Boston, 1834 /?o 872 HILL, Rev. EBENEZER. Memoir of, Pastor of the Congregational Church in Mason, N. H., from November, 1790 to May, 1854; with some of his Sermons, and his Discourse on the History of the Town. By John B. Hill. 8vo, cl.; with portrait. Boston, 1836 ~7&S 873 HILL, IRA. Antiquities of America explained. 12mo, sh.;'very scarce and interesting. Hagerstown, 1831 js- 874 HILL, ALONZO. Sermon, preached March 28, 1867, before the Second Cong. Soc. in Worcester, on the Fortieth Anniversary of his settlement. Together with an account of the Exercises on that occasion. Large 8vo, orig. cover; 66 p., uncut. Portrait of MIr. Hill. Cambridge, 1867,j ~ 875 HILLSBOROUGH, N. H. Annals of the Town of, from its First Settlement to the year 1841. By Cha's James Smith. 8vo, paper cover, 72 pages; very scarce, fine copy. Sanbornton, N.H., 1841 876 HINGIHAM, Mass. An Address delivered before the Citizens of the Town of, on the 28th of Sept., 1835, being the Two Hundredth Anniversary of the Settlement of the Town, by Solomon Lincoln. 8vo pamph., 63 p., fine copy, very scarce. Hingham, 1835 7.S 877 HINMAN, ROYAL. A Historical Collection from Official Records, Files, &c., of the part sustained by Connecticut during the War 131 of the Revolution. With an Appendix, containing important Letters, Depositions, &c. WVith portrait. 8vo, cl. Hartford, 1842 878 HISTORICAL RESEARCH, respecting the Opinions of the Founders of/? the Republic on Negroes and Slaves, as Citizens and as Soldiers. By George Livermore. 4th ed., 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1863 879 HITCHCOCK, ENos. Memoir of the Bloomsgrove Family, in a series of Letters to a Citizen of Philadelphia; containing sentiments/tr on a mode of domestic education in the United States. inter-' spersed with a variety of interesting anecdotes. 2 vols. 8vo, sh., fine copy. Boston, 1790 880 HITCHCOCK, REUBEN. Funeral Oration on the Death of Mr. Elizur/d Belden, of Wethersfield. 8vo pamph. New Haven, 1786 881 HOLDEN, Mass. The History of, 1667-1841. By Samuel C. Da- 2 mon. 8vo, paper cover, frontis., 155 pages, fine copy, scarce. go Worcester, 1841 882 HOLLISTON, Mass. YTiew of, in its First Century. A Century Ser-b& mon, delivered on Dec. 4, 1826, by Charles. Fitch. 8vo, paper cover, uncut, 36pages, fine copy, scarce. Dedhamn, 1827 883 HOLLOWAY, WVILLIAm The Peasant's Fate: a Rural Poem, with pi Miscellaneous Poems. 12mo, sh., frontispiece. Wilmington, Del., 1803 884 HOOKER, THOMAS. A I survey I of the Summe of f Church Discipline. I Wherein, I the Way of the Churches of I N~ew England I is warranted out of the Word, I and all Exceptions of weight, which I are made against it, answered: Whereby I also it Will appear to the Judicious Reader, I that something more must be said,,then I yet hath been, before their prinIcip]es can be ~,' shaken, or they I should be unsettled in I their practice. 4to, cf. London: Printed by A. M., for Jbhn Bellamy, at the Three Golden Lions I in Cornhill, near the Royall Exchange,MD C XL VII1. In same VolumeCOTTON, JOHN. The way of I Congregational I Churches I Cleared; 1 in two Treatises. (From the Historical Aspersions of Mr. I Robert In the former Baylle, in his Book, called (A I Dissuasive from the Errors of the Time.) In the latter From some Contradictions I of Vindicce Clavium. (Some Misconstructions of Learned Mr. Ru therAnd from.... ford in his Book intituled (The Right due the Right of Presbyteries.) By Mr. John Cotton, sometime Preacher at Boston I in Lincolnshire, and now Teacher of I the Church at Boston in New England. l London: I Printed by MJiatthew Simmons for John Bellamie i at the sign of the three Golden Lions I in Cornhill, 1648. 885 HOLM, THOMAS CAMPANIUS. Description of the Province of New,/~v Sweden, now called, by the English, Pennsylvania, in America. 132 Compiled from the Relations and Writings of persons worthy of credit, and adorned with maps and plates. Translated from the Swedish, for the Historical Society of Pennsylvania. With notes, by Peter S. Du Ponceau. 8vo, bds., uncut. Philadelphia, 1834 /$o 886 HOLMES, Rev. JOHN. Historical Sketches of the Missions of the United Brethren for Propagating the Gospel among the Heathen, from their Commencement to the year 1817. 2d. ed. 8vo, bds., uncut. London, 1827 $- 887 HOLMES, OLIVER WENDELL. Poems by. 8vo, cl., rough edges. London, O. Rich & Sons, 1846 -SS 888 HOOD, GEORGE. HISTORY OF MUSIC IN NEW ENGLAND, with Biographical Sketches of Reformers and Psalmists. 8vo, cl., rough edges. Boston, 1846 23- 889 HOPKINS,' SAMUEL. The Youth of the Old Dominion. 12mo, cl.; scarce. Boston, 1856 2W 890 HORNII, GEORGII. De Originibus Americanis Libri Quatuor. 24mo, sh., eng. title. Hemipoli Sumptibus Joannis Mulleri Bibl. Anno. 1669 C-?' 891 HOWE, NATHANAEL. A Century Sermon delivered in Hopkinton, Mass., on Lord's Day, December 24, 1815. Second Edition, revised and corrected. 8vo pamph. Very'scarce. Andover, 181'7 ~1s' 892 HOYT, E., Esq. Antiquarian Researches: Comprising a Historyof the Indian Wars in the Country bordering the Conn. River and Parts Adjacent, and other Interesting Events, from the First Landing of the Pilgrims, to the Conquest of Canada by the English in 1760, with Notices of Indian Depredations and of the First Planting of Settlements in New England, New York, and Canada. 8vo, bds., uncut. Splendid copy, very scarce. Greenfield, Mass., 1824 /1W 893 HUBBARD, WILLIAM. A Narrative of the Indian Wars in, from the First Planting thereof in the year 1607 to the year 1677, containing a relation of the Occasion, Rise, and Progress of the War with the Indians in the Southern, Western, Eastern, and Northern Parts of the said Country. 12mo, hf. mor. Worcester, lIass. 1801 /..894 HUBBARD, WILLIAM. A Narrative of the Indian Wars in New England, from 1607 to 1677. Containing the Rise, and Progress of the War with the Indians. 12mo, sheep. Very scarce, fine copy. Brattleborough, 1814 The same. 8vo, bds. /-o 895 HUBBARD, WILLIAM. Narrative of the Indian Wars in New England, from the First Planting thereof in 1607 to 1677. Containing a relation of the Occasion, Rise and Progress of the War with the Indians in the Southern, Western, Eastern, and Northern parts of the Country. 12mo, bds. Printed by John Trumbull. Norwich.,'{ 896 HUBBARD, W. The Present State of New England. Being a Narrative of the Troubles with the Indians in New England, from the First Planting thereof in the year 1607 to this present year, 1677. But chiefly of the late Troubles in the two last years, 1675 and 1676. To which is added a Discourse about the War 133 with the Pequods in the year 1637. London and [Boston], 1677. Carefully Revised and Accompanied with an Historical Preface, Life and Pedigree of the Author and Extensive Notes. By Samuel G. Drake. Fifty copies L. P., No. 43; 2 vols. ]Jiap, 4to. Roxbury, 1865 Woodward's Historical Series, No. 3. 897 The same. Small paper, No. 77. 898 The same. Small paper, hf. mor., gi. top. 32' 899 HUBBARDTON, Vt., An Historical Address Delivered, on the 82d Anniversary of the Battle of Hubbardton, July 7th, 1859. By'-'& Henry Clark. 8vo pamphlet, 16p. Scarce. Rutland, 1859 900 HUBBARDSTON, Mass. An Address in Commemoration of the 100th Anniversary of the Incorporation of the Town, June 13, 1867, by/,5 John M. Stowe. A Poem prepared by Eph. Stowe, with an Appendix. 8vo pamphlet, 109 p. Worcester, 1867 901 HUDSON RIVER, N. Y., Letters About, and its Vicinity, written inc1835-1837. Third Edition. Engravings. 8vo, cl. NV. Y., 1837 902 HUDSON, N. Y., HISTORICAL SKETCHES OF. Embracing the Settlement of the City, City Government, Business Ernterprises,/?J Churches, Press, Schools, Libraries, &c. By Stephen B. Miller. 8vo, cl. Hudson, 1862 903 HUDsoN, Charter of the City of, in the State of New Jersey. 8vo. / Hobolcen, N. J., 1855'J04 HUDSON, CHmARLES. Doubts concerning the Battle of Bunker's Hill. /o 12mo, cl. Boston, 1857 905 HUDSON, N. Y., Historical Sketches of, embracing the Settlement of the City, City Government, &c. By Stephen B. Miller. 8vo, cl. Hudson, 1862 966 HUDSON, HENRY. A Historical Inquiry concerning Henry Hudson, his Friends, Relatives, and Early Life, his connection with the'' Muscovy Company and Discovery of Delaware Bay. By John Meredith Read, Jr. 8vo, S. P. Albany, 1866 907 HUDSON, HENRY. Sketch of. The Navigator. By Dr. G. M. Asher.//~ 8vo patmph., uncut. Reprintedfor Private Distribution. Brooklyn, 1867 908 HUMPHREYS, DAVID. AN HISTORIC ACCOUNT of the Incorporated Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts,4t' Containing their Foundation, Proceedings, and the Success of their Missionaries in the British Colonies in 1728. 8vo, sh. Maps. London, 1730 909 HUNTER, JOHN D. Manners and Customs of Several Indian Tribes, located West of the Mississippi, including some Account of the-?' Soil, Climate, and Vegetable Productions, and the Indian Materia Medica, to which is prefixed the History of the Author's Life, during a residence of several years among them. 8vo, sh. Phila., 1823 910 The same. 3d Ed., 8vo, hf. mor., uncut. London, 1824/s911 HUNTER, Rev. JOSEPH. Collections Concerning the Church Congregation of Protestant Separatists, founded at Scrooby, in North Nottinghamshire, in the Time of King James I., the/, Founders of New Plymouth, the Parent Colony of New England.' 8vo, cl. London, 1854 134 AtS 912 HUNT, FREEMAN. Lives of American Merchants. 8vo, cl. Portraits. N. Y, 1856 /o- 913 HUNT, GENEALOGY OF THE NAME AND FAMILY OF. Early Establishedi in America from Europe. Exhibiting Pedigrees of Ten Thousand'. Persons. Enlarged by Religious and Historic Readings. Enriched with Indices of Names and Places. 4to, cl. Authorized by W. L. G. Hunt. Compiled by T. B. Wyman. Boston, 1862-1863 /Js- 914 HUNTINGTON FAMILY, A GENEALOGICAL MEMoIR OF, in this Country: Embracing all the known Descendants of Simon and Margaret Huntington, who have retained the Family Name, and the First Generation of the Descendants of other names. By REev. E. B. Huntington, A. M. 8vo, ci. With tportraits. Stamford, Conn., 1863 2~ 915 HUTC HIINSON, FRANCIS. AN HISTORICAL ESSAY CONCERNING WITCHCRAFT. With Observations upon Matters of Fact, Tending to clear the Texts of the Sacred Scriptures, and confute the vulgar Errors about the Point. And also Two Sermons-One in Proof of the Christian Religion; the other Concerning Good and Evil Angels. Second Edition, with considerable Additions. 8vo., hf. caff. Fine copy. London, 1720 PAMPHLEITS. /Z~ 916 Miscellaneous. [Ten.] Hayns R. Prevention of Poverty. London, 1674 Haynes, A. Reflections of the relics of Ancient Grandeur. 1829 Hughes, Maria. Some Account of. Hughes, Bp. Lecture on the importance of a Christian Basis for Polit. Econ. Jan. 17, 18, 1844. N. Y. - " Christianity the only Source of Moral, Social and Polit. Regeneration." Sermon, Dec. 14, 1847. N. Y., Hodge, Charles. Dissertation on the importance of Biblical Literature. Trenton, 1822 Hodges, Edward. Essay on Cultivation of Ch. Music. N. Y., 1841 Hall, Robert. Modern Infidelity considered with respect to its Influence on Soc. Charlestown, 1801 Terms of Communion; with a particular view to the case of Baptists and Psedo-Baptists. Boston, 1816 Hall, Win. W. Exposition of Obscure Passages of the Holy Scriptures. Baltimore, 1847' 917 Miscellaneous. [Ten.] Hall, Charles. Disc. on Life and Char. of, deliv. Jan. 1, 1854, by Asa D. Smith. N. Y., 1854 Hudson. Remarks and Spirit of the Forum. Apr. 16, 1817. Hudson. N. Y. Hudson River; with descrip. and illustration of City of N. Y. 135 Herttell, Thomas. Sherlock's Letter to. N. YI, 1834 Spirit of Truth. Boston, 1845 Hamilton. Review of a Late Pamphlet, under signature of "Brutus," by - Charleston, 1828 Hamilton College. Notices of the embarrassments and decline of, by Henry Davis, April 18, 1833. Harrison, Winm. Henry. Life and Public Services of. N. Y., 1839 Hasty Pudding. A Poem in Three Cantos. Scarce. Brooklyn, 1833 Hervey, James. Considerations affording Consolation to the Afflicted. Phila., 1793 918 Miscellaneous. [Eleven.] Hoge, W. J. Farewell disc. deliv. Pres. Ch. N. Y., July 21, 1861. Hippopotamus. A Full and Interesting Account of. New York, 1861 Huntington, Rev. C. Sermon, Maryland, Sept. 28, 1863. Hallam, Robert A. Sermon preached in St. John's Church, Bridgeport, Apr. 22, 1866. Hicks, T. H. Addresses on Death of, deliv. Feb. 15. 1865. Washington Hitchcock, Enos. Disc. deliv. at dedication of new Cong. Ch., in Providence, Nov. 10, 1795. Brookfield, Mass. New-Year Sermon deliv. Providence, Jan. 1, 1797. Hitchcock, Edward. Essay on Alcohol and Narcotic Substances as articles of common use. Amherst, 1830 Harris, Thomas L. Sermon-" The Single and Evil Eye," deliv. June 10, 1849. New Yorlc. Sermon-" The Christian Idea of Life, Duty and Providence," deliv. May 6, 1849. 3New York Harris, R. W. Sermon preached at opening of St. Mark's Ch., N. Y., Jan. 25, 1852. New York 919 Miscellaneous. [Fifteen.] Harris, Thaddeus Mason. Sermon-" Pray for the Jews," delivered Aug. 15, 1816. Boston Memorials of 1st Ch. in Dorchester, from its settlement in New England to the end of second century, deliv. July 4, 1830. Boston Address deliv. April 7, 1842, at funeral of, by Nath'l Hall. Scarce. ) Harrison, Win. Henry. Sketch of the Life and Public Services of. N. Y., 1839 -- - Contrast; or, William Henry Harrison versus Martin Van Buren. Boston, 1840 Log-Cabin Song-Book. NV. Y., 1840 Funeral Sermon occasioned by Death of, deliv. April 25, 1841, by J. P. K. Henshaw. Disc. on Death of, by H. Potter, deliv. April 25, 1841. City of New York Funeral obsequies in memory of. Oration by T. Frelinghuysen. Disc. on Nat'l Fast, May 14, 1841, on occasion of Death of, by Charles Upham. Boston 136 Harrison. Boiler WVork. 1867. Hobart Bp. Corruptions of the Church of Rome. N. Y., 1818 The U. S. of America compared with some European countries. Disc. by. N. Y., 1825 Hoffman, David. Hints on the Professional Deportment of Lawyers, &c. Phil., 1846 Hoffman and Beach: their Lives and Services; with Biographical Sketches of Oliver Bascom, David B. M'Neil and Edwin O. Perrin. N. Y., 1868 2c 920 Miscellaneous. [Eleven.] Harris, R. WV. Sermon preached at the opening of St. Mark's Church, Jan. 25, 1852. N. Y. Hillyer, Asa. Sermon before Pres. Edu. Soc., May, 1820. Newark Horne, Melville. Sermon before Soc. for Missions, June 4, 1811. 7Morris-Town,,N J. Hlaskins, R. W. Examination of the Theory of a Resisting Medium. _N Y7 Hudson Forum. Address deliv. before the Library Assoc. of Jan. 27, 1836, by Winm. H. Freeland. Hudson, N. Y Hooker, Asahel.. Sermon on day of General Elec. at Hartford Conn., May 9, 1805. Hooker, Edward W. Address before Musical Assoc. of Pitts field, Dec. 25, 1837. Hill, Rowland. Journal through the North of England an( parts of Scotland. London, 179( Answer to Wesley's remarks upon a pamphlet in de fense of characters of Whitefield and others. Oct 1, 1777. Bristo. Hall Joseph. Oration on Anniv. of Amer. Indep., July 4, 180C Bosto' Hall, Edwin. Sermon, Norwalk, Conn., Oct. 12, 1834. New Yo' 6 921 Miscellaneous. [Eleven.] Hall, M. Oration, July 4, 1815, at Sangtus, Mass. Bosto, Holmes, Oliver W. "Urania:" a rhymed lesson, deliv. Oct. 4 1846. 2nd Ed. Bosto Holmes, Abiel. Sermon deliv. May 27, 1819. Cambrid( Hawes, Joel. Centen. disc., June 26, 1836. Scarce. Hartlfb flints to both Parties. New York, 180 IHartford Convention. Short account of. Boston, 182: Hole in the Wall; or, peep at the creed-worshippers. 1828. History of a little Frenchman and his bank notes. Phila., 181 History of late ecclesiastical oppressions in N. E. and Vt. Scarce Richmond, 17"c Hudson, N. Y. Oration in, July 4, 1808, by T. P. Grosvenor. Harper, Robt. G. Observations on the dispute between tb U. S. and France, May, 1797. Bost 137 922 Miscellaneous. [Eight.] Harper, Robt. Goodloe. Speech on the Foreign intercourse bill, March, 1798. Observations on the dispute between the U. S. and France. Phila., 1798 Huntington, Enoch. Political Wisdom; or, Honesty the Best Policy. Sermon, April 10, 1786. Middletown tIuntington,William. Advocates for Devils refuted. Phila., 1796-t' Huntington, Gov. Sermon deliv. at Funeral of, by Joseph Strong. Har~ford, 1796 Holley, Horace. Disc. deliv. in Hollis street church on death of, by John Pierpont. Boston, 1827 Howe, Nath'l. Century sermon, Dec. 24, 1815. Andover Holstein, Madame De Stael. Appeal to the nations of Europe against the continental system, March, 1813. London 923 M[iscellaneous. [Eight.] Howard. Essays of; or, Tales of the Prison. N. Y., 1811 HIart, George. Life and confession of, June 25, 1811. Hunter, Elijah. Sermon on Death of, by J. Stanford. N. Y., 1817 Humnphreys, Col. David. Poem on Industry, Oct. 14, 1794. Phila.ZC Hospital, St. Luke's. Appeal of the managers. N. Y., 1852 Herttell, Thos. Remarks on the Law of Imprisonment for debt. N. X, 1823 Hare, Robert. Essays-chemical, electrical and galvanic. Hodges, Jubal. A tract for the times. Ogdensburg, 1852 924 Miscellaneous. [Eight.] Harrison, Winm. Henry. Eulogy on, by Edward D. Mansfield. Cincinnati, 1841 "Hambden." First Reflections on Pres. Message to Congress, Dec. 7, 1830. Washington, 1831 Huntington, Gen. Jedediah. Sermon at Funeral of, by Abel M'Ewen. N.., 1813 Hart, John. (One of the Signers Decl. of Indep.) Oration at Dedication of Mon. to Memory of, by Gov. Parker. Scarce. Trenton, 1865 Harrison, WTm. Henry. Discourse on Death of, by Rev. Horatio Potter. Albany, 1841 Tippecanoe Text-Book, by Wmin. O. Niles. Phila, 1840 Hutchinson, Abigail. Account of. New York, 1834 Heraldry. Plea for the Antiquity of, by Win. S. Ellis. London, 1853 925 Miscellaneous. [Sixteen.] - Harvard Univ. Inaugural Oration deliv. by J. Q. Adams, June 12, 1806. Boston Doc. relating to. Boston, 1820 Curiosity: a Poem, deliv. by C. Sprague, Aug. 27, 1829. Age of Print: a Poem, deliv. by G. Mellew, Aug. 26, 1830. I8 138 Hart, Levi. Disc. at Funeral of N. Eells, July 3, 1786. New London Disc. at Ordination of Abiel Holmes, Sept. 15, 1785. Scarce. New Haven Sermon, Jan. 4, 1789. New London Hamilton College. Adcdress of Lewis Cass, of Mich. Utica, 1830 Address of Albert Barnes, July 27, 1836. Utica Disc. of Simeon North, lMay, 8, 1839. Utica Disc. of Azel Backus, Dec. 3, 1812. Utica Disc. of Luther Hamilton, Oct. 7, 1830. Utica - Address of W. T. Hamilton, July 17, 1845. N. Y. Disc. of W T. Hamilton, Dec. 8, 1831. Newarkl Harvard U1niv. Inaugural Address, deliv. Dec. 11, 1816, by Jacob Bigelow. Letter to the Pres. of. Boston, 18'49 j3 926 Miscellaneous. [Eleven.] Harrison, Wm. Henry. The Tippecanoe Text-Book, by William Ogden Niles. Baltimore, 1840 Tribute to the Memory of; by J. G. ZRobberds, April' 11, 1847. Manchester H. A. General Censure. N. 1, 1811 Hosack, David. Hortus Elginensis. New Yorlc, 1811 Funeral Address, May 26, 1818. New Yorkc Hall, O. A. A brief popular view of Astronomy and natural philosophy. 8th ed. New Yorkl Harrison, Win. Henry; Sketch of the Life and Public Services of. Outline of the Life and Public Services of. lNewark, 1840 Huron, Town of (Mich.); Sketch of. N. Y. Harrison, Win. Henry. The contrast, or plain reasons why Harrison should be elected Pres. of U. S., and Van Buren should not be re-elected. The Tippecanoe Almanac for 1841. Phila. /r 927 Miscellaneous. [Seven.] Hobart, John Henry. The corruptions of the Church of Rome contrasted with certain Protestant errors. N. YJ., 1818 - The Churchman.'N. Y., 1819 Christian Sympathy. N. Y., 1825 Tribute to Memory of N. Y., 1830 Hobart, Noah. Attempt to illustrate and confirm the Ecclesiastical Constitution of the Consociated Churches in the Colony of Conn., occasioned by a late "Explanation of the Saybrook Platform.' Very scarce. New Haven, 1765 Hobart, John Henry. The origin, character, and situation of Prot. Epis. Ch. Scarce. Philadelphia, 1814 Sermon, deliv. Sept. 19, 1830, on Death of. N. Y. 139 928 Miscellaneous. [Seventeen.] Hopkins, Samuel. Animadversions on Mr. Hart's late Dialogue. In a letter to his Friend. Scarce. New London, 1770 Hartley, David. Address to the Mayor of Hull, on Parliamentary Reform. Scarce. London, 1784 Hawkins, John. Disc. Odes for the Laureateship. London, 1785 Humphreys, Col. David. Poem on Industry, addressed to the Citizens of Philadelphia, Oct. 14, 1794. Scarce. Hollinshead, Win. Sermon, delivered March 21, 1798. Charleston Hutchinson, Gen.; Adventures of-and Serinda. London,, 1802 HIawles, Sir John. Duties and Rights of Jurymen according to Law. Phila., 1806 Hanning, John. Rights of Women Vindicated. Sermon. New York, 1807. Very early Woman's Rights doec. Hadley, Mass.; Sermon at Dedication of New Ch. in. By S./"j Austin, Nov. 8, 1808. Haven's Nicodemus. Wonderful vision of the city of New York, wherein he was presented with a view of the situation of the world after the dreadful 4th of June, 1812, showing what part of N. Y. is to be destroyed. Curious. Harold. W. V. Sermon on occasion of the consecration of Dr. John Cheverus, Nov. 1st, 1810. Baltimore Holmes, Abiel. Sermon deliv. at ordination of Thomas Gannett, Ch. in Cambridgeport, Mass. 1814. L'Histoire, De. Abrege de L'Englise Chretienne. 1817. Halleck, Fitz Greene. Fanny: A Poem. N. Y., 1819 Humphrey, Heman. Sermon at Ordination of Missionaries to Sandwich Islands. Sept. 29, 1819. Hodgson, WTm. Commonwealth of Reason. London, 1820 Hunt, Mrs. Magdalen; Elegy on the Death of. By G. J. Hunt, Newark, N. J. London, 1823 929 Miscellaneous. [.Eighteen.] Henshaw, J. P. K. Sermon, 5th Annual Meeting, Oct., 1823. Baltimore HIouse of Refuge; Report of Committee for erecting an institution for. New York, 1824 Hammond, J. D. Letters on the Repeal of the Restraining Law. New York, 1836\. Halstead, Mr. Speech on the Bill making Appropriations for civil and diplomatic expenses of the Government. 1838. Washington Helms, J. B. Imposture and Deception detected and Observed. New York, Aug. 14, 1840. Harvey's (Dr.) Quietus. Hopkins, John Henry. Charge, deliv. Sept. 27, 1842. Hlewit, Rev. Dr. Correspondence with reference to Episcopacy tested by Scripture between Hewit and Rev. N. E. Cornwall. Bridgeport, 1843 140 Hook, Walter Farquhar. A call on the principles of the English iReformation. Sermon. N. Y., 1843 Humane Soc.; Hist. of. Boston, 1845 Humboldt, Alex. Von. Cosmos: A Survey of the Gen. Physical Hist. of the Universe. N. Y., 1845 Hancock, John; Life of. Scarce. New York, 1857 Hooper, Win. Address. "The Sacredness of Human Life." Raleigh, 1857 Herald. New Church, and Monthly Repository, Feb., 1857. Hledge, F. H. New Year's Disc. in Boston. 1858. Heywood, J. H. Disc. on Evangelical Character of Unitarian Christianity, July 3, 1859. Baltimore Humbug. A Look at some Popular Impositions. N. Y., 1860 Hastings, Orlando. Disc. deliv. in Central Pres. Ch., March 22, 1861, by Rev. F. F. Ellinwood. Rochester no 930 HAMnITON AND BURR PAMPHLETS. Very valuable lot. [Twenty-seven]. Letter from Hamilton concerning John Adams. New York, 1800 Examination of Charges against Aaron Burr, by Aristides. N. Y., 1803 A Narr. of suppression by Col. Burr of Hist. of Adams' Admin. 1V. Y., 1802', Antidote to John Woods' Poison. By Warren. Very scarce. N. Y., 1802 Nine Letters on Burr's Polit. defection, by Jas. Cheetham. N. Y., 1803 Speeches of Gen. Hamilton, Van Ness, etc., against H. Croswell, on indictment of Libel on T. Jefferson. N. Y., 1804 Disc. on Death of Hamilton, by Dr. Nott. Rare. Saleem, 1804 Answer to Clandestine Address to the Electors of N. Y. By Epaminondas. Examination of Charges against Burr, by Aristides. New York, 1804 Examination of Charges against Burr, by Aristides. Philadelphia, 1803 Eulogy on Hamilton by Harrison G. Otis. Boston, 1804 Oration on Hamilton by Dr. Mason. N. Y., 1804 View of Polit. Conduct of Burr, by W. Van Ness. N. Y., 1802 Answer to Hamilton's Letter on Adams. N. y., 1800 Observations on certain doe. in Nos. V. and VI. of " The History of the United States for 1796." Phila., 1797. Very rare. Correct Statement of the various sources from which the History of John Adams was compiled, &c. By John Wood. N. Y., 1802 Letters to Alex. Hamilton, "King of the Feds." By Tom Callender. N. Y., 1802 Full Exposition of the Clintonian Faction, by John Wood. Exceedingly scarce. Newark, 1802 The Examination of the President's Message. By A. Hamilton. Dec. 7, 1801. Report of the Committee appointed to Examine into the State 141 of the Treasury Department, made to the House of Representatives of U. S. By Alex. Hamilton. Phila., May 22, 1794 Disc. deliv. on death of Alex. Hamilton, July 29, 1804. By Dr. Nott. Albany Letters addressed to the Yeomanry of U. S. By A. Hamilton. Phila., 1792 A Letter from Phocion to the considerate Citizens of N. Y. on Politics of the Day. By A. Hamilton. N. Y., 1784 Report of the Secretary of Treasury (Alex. Hamilton) on the subject of a Nat. Bank. Dec. 13, 1790. N. Y. Letter from Alex. Hamilton concerning the public conduct and character of J. Adams. 3d ed. N. Y., 1800 Letter to Aaron Burr, Vice-President of the U. S. of America, on the barbarous origin, the criminal nature and the baneful effects of duels occasioned by his late fearful interview with the deceased and much lamented Gen. Alex. Hamilton. By Philanthropos. Exceedingly scarce. N. Y., 1804 An Examination of the late Proc. in Congress respecting the Official Conduct of the Secretary of the Treasury (Hamilton). Very scarce. Printed within the U. S. 1793. 931 Harvard College Pamphlets. [Thirteen.] Wigglesworth, Edward. Two Discourses deliv. Public Lectures, Nov. 12 and 19, 1754. Boston, 1754 Chauncy, Charles. Discourse. Dudleian Lecture, May 12, 1762. Boston, 1762 Cooper, Samuel. Discourse. Dudleian Lecture, Sept. 1, 1773. Boston, 1774,,; Tucker, John. Discourse.' DudleianLecture, Sept. 2, 1778. Boston, 1778 Puffer, Reuben. Discourse. Dudleian Lecture, May 11,1808. Cambridge, 1808 Channing, W. E. Discourse. Dudleian Lecture, March 14, 1821 Boston, 1821 Brazer, John. Discourse. Dudleian Lecture, May 13, 1835. Cambridge, 1835 Everett,' Edward. Oration. Phi Beta Kappa Soc., Aug. 26, 1824. Boston, 1825 Story, Joseph. Discourse. Phi Beta Kappa Soc., Aug. 21, 1826. Boston, 1826 Sprague, Charles. Poem. Phi Beta Kappa Soc., Aug. 27, 1829. Boston, 1829 Dewey, Orville. Oration. Phi Beta Kappa Soc., Aug. 26,1830 Boston, 1830 Bushnell, Horace. Oration. Phi Beta Kappa Soc., Aug. 24, 1848. Cambridge, 1848 Bethune, George W. Oration. Phi Beta Kappa Soc., July 19, 1849. Cambridge, 1849 932 Harvard College Pamphlets. [Twelve.] Harvard College. Constitution, with Appendix. 4o Cambridge, 1812 Harvard College. Laws of. Cambridge, 1814 142 Harvard College. Catalogue. Second Ed. Boston, 1813 Harvard College. Catalogue of Phi Beta Kappa. Cambridge, 1814 Harvard College. Catalogue of. Cambridge, 1815 Harvard College. Catalogue of. Cambridge, 1821 Norton, Andrews. Inaug. Discourse, Aug. 10, 1819. Cambridge, 1819 Story, Joseph. Discourse, Inaug. of. Boston, 1829 Follen, Charles. Inaug. Disc. Sept. 3, 1831. Cambridge, 1831 Everett, Edward. Address at Inaug. of, as Pres., April 30, 1846. Boston, 1846 Sparks, Jared. Address at Inaug. of, as Pres., June 20, 1849. Cambridge, 1849 Appleton, Nathaniel. Exposition of Romans III. 20, etc., verses. Boston, 1749 Go 932 Harvard College Pamphlets. [Fourteen.J Tucker, John. Two Sermons, April 9, 1769. Boston, 1769 Dana, James. Two Discourses, May 10, 1767. Boston, 1767 Osgood, David. Disc., April 8, 1810. Cambridge, 1810 Harvard University. Oration and Poem. Departure of Senior Class, July 31, 1811. Cambridge, 181 1 Popkin, John S. Two Disc., Oct. 8, 1815. lNewburyport, 1816 America. Oration on the Prospects of Young Men of, July 14, 1818. Boston, 1818 Norton, Andrews. Address at Inter. of Prof. Frisbie, July 12, 1822. Cambridge, 1822 Ware, Henry. Introd. Address. Theological School, Oct. 18 and 25, 1830. Cambridge, 1830 Palfrey, John G. Sermon, July 13, 1834. Cambridge, 1834 Story, Joseph. Discourse, Aug. 23, 1842. Boston, 1842 Ticknor, George. Remarks on Changes lately proposed or adopted in H. U. Boston, 1825 Hollis. Facts and Documents relating to Harvard Col. Boston, 1829 Gray, F. C. Letter to Gov. Lincoln, from. 2nd ed. Boston, 1831 Norton, Andrews. Letter to, July 19, 1839, by an Alumnus. Boston, 1839 So 934 Harvard University. [Twelve.] Harvard Univ. Oration before, July 21, 1796. By Timothy -Bigelow. Scarce. Boston Harvard Univ. Oration before, July 17, 1799. By Leonard Woods. Boston Harvard Univ. Oration before, Sept. 16, 1794. By David Tappan. Boston Harvard Univ. Oration before, April 8, 1810. By David Osgood. Cambridge Harvard Univ. Oration before, March 14, 1821. By WT. E. Channing. Boston Harvard Univ. Memorials of the Graduates of. Aug. 1833 Harvard Univ. Curiosity. A Poem, deliv. Aug. 27, 1829. By Chas. Sprague. 143 Harvard Univ. Catalogue of. 1833 Harvard Univ. Disc., occasioned by recent Duel in Washington, deliv. March 4, 1838. By Henry Ware. Cambridge Harvard Univ. Oration deliv. by George Putnam, Aug. 29, 1844. PBoston Harvard Univ. Oration deliv. by Horace Bushnell, Aug. 24, 1848. Cambridge Harvard Magazine, June, 1855. Cambridge 935 Historical and Biographical Pamphlets. [Fourteen.] Fuller, Samuel. Early Days of the Church in the Helderberg. Two Sermons on Death of. By his Son. Very scarce. Andover, 1843 Tyler, John. His Hist. Char. and Position. Port. N. Y., 1843 Calhoun, John C. Life of. Port. N. Y. 1843 Cass, Gen. Lewis. Biog. of. N_. Y. 1843 Butler, B. F., and Jesse Hoyt. Lives and Opinions of. By W. L. M'Kenzie. Very scarce. Boston, 1845 Thorburn. Grant. Sketches from the Note Book of Laurie Todd. Port. Nv. Y. 1847 Woodhull, Gen. Nath'l., and his monument. An Oration, byeo Luther R. Marsh. Scarce. N. Y. 1848 Green, J. H. Sketch of a Reformed Gambler. Knickerbocker, Diedrich, Jr. The Manuscript of. N. Y., 1824 Irving, Washington. Brief Remarks on the Wife of. N2. Y1, 1819 Smith, Samuel B. Decisive Confirmation of the Awful Disclosures of Maria Monk, proving her residence in the Hotel Dieu Nunnery, etc. Scarce. N. Y., 1836 Mais, Charles. Surprising Case of Rachel Baker who Prays and Preaches in her Sleep. N. Y., 1814 Napoleon. Reply to Sir Walter Scott's History of. By Louis Bonaparte. Phila., 1829 Historic doubts relative to, by R. Whateley. From the 4th Lond. ed. Cambridge, 1832 936 Historical and Biographical Pamphlets. [Twelve.] Oldstyle, John. Letters of, by the author of the Sketch Book, with a Biog. Notice. N. Y., 1824 Crawford, Wm. H. Sketches of the Life and Character of. By Americanus. Albany, 1824 Lee's Gen. Chas. Farewell Dinner, a Sketch of the Olden Time. By an Antiquary. N. Y., 1829'Ponte, Lorenzo Da. Memoirs of. N. Y., 1829 Gerard, Stephen. The Will of, with a short biog. of his Life. Phila., 1832 Scott, Sir Walter. Tribute to the memory of, by J. M'Vickar. N. Y., 1833 Parkes, Rev. Nathan. Memoir of, by Henry Ware. Murell, John A. The Great Western Land Pirate. A Hist. of the detection, conviction, Life and designs of. Together 144 with his system of Villainy and Plan of exciting a Negro Rebellion, etc. 1836. Madison, James. Lecture on the Char. and Services of. By D. Barnard. Albany, 1837' Rood, Parthena. Memoirs of. 1837 Rensselaer, Stephen Van. A Disc. on Life, Char. and Services of, with an Hist. Sketch of the Colony and Manor of Rensselaerwick. By Daniel D. Barnard. Very scarce and important doc.; 144 pages. Albany, 1839 Franklin, Benj. Lecture on Life of, by Hugh M'Neile. Scarce. New York, 1841 dJt 937 Historical and Biographical Pamphlets. [Fourteen.] Iturbide, Agustin D. Em peror of Mexico, a statement of some of the principal events in the Public Life of, written by Himself. London, 1824 Iturbide, Agustin D. Narrative of the last moments of the Life of. By Col. Charles Beniski. Scarce. N. Y., 1825 New York City. Wealth and Pedigree of the Wealthy Citizens of. 4th Ed. 1842 ------ Wealth and Biog. of the Wealthy Citizens of. 6th Ed. V. Y., 1845 - The Aristocracy of. N. Y., 1848 Lafayette, G. M. Oration on the Life and Character of. By J. Q. Adams, Dec. 31, 1834. 96 pp. do do 94 pp. Erskine Thomas and James Mingay, Sketches of the Characters of, Interspersed with Anecdotes, etc. London, 1794 Bowles, Gen. W. A. Life of. Very scarce, contains incidents of Border Life and Indian Warfare. N. Y., 1803 Clark, Mrs. Joseph. Authentic and Interesting Memoirs of; likewise the charges relative to the Duke of York. Port. Scarce. N. Y, 1809 Emerson, Mrs.' Elinor. Memoirs of her Life, Conversion and Happy Death. N. Y., 1817 Pedagogus, Dr. The Reformer, Sketch of Life and Character of. By Corrector. N. Y., 1817 Murray, John Jr. Memoirs of. By Thomas Eddy. NV. Y., 1819 Elizabeth; or, The Exiles of Siberia. By Madam Cottin. N. Y., 1823 938 Historical and Biographical Pamphlets. [Ten.] Boston. Disc. at the dedication of a new ch. on Church Green, Summer St. By S. C. Thacher. Boston, 1815 - Eliot, Rev. John, Character of. Disc. at the New North Ch. Boston, 1813 Histor. Notices of the New North Rel. Soc., with Anecdotes of Andrew and John Eliot. Very scarce. Boston, 1822 Disc. in the Second Baptist Meeting-House, Jan. 1824. By T. Baldwin. Boston, 1824 Sermon to the church in Brattle Sq., July 18, 1824. By John G. Palfrey. Boston, 1825 145 Boston. Address, Jan. 3, 1829, by Josiah Quincy, on taking final leave of the office of mayor. Boston, 1829 ----- Address, on the Removal of the Municipal Government to the Old State House. By H. G. Otis. Boston, 1830 Ode, at the Centennial Celebration of the Settlement of. By Charles Sprague. Boston, 1830 Address, on the close of the Second Century, from the Settlement of. By J. Quincy. Boston, 1830 Sermon, to the First Church, on the close of their Second Century, Aug. 29, 1830. By N. L. Frothingham. Boston, 1830 939 Historical and Biographical Pamphlets. [Ten.] California, from its Discovery, to the Present Time, with a Brief Description of the Gold Region. N. JI, 1848 Sketches of. No title page. NV. Y., 1848 Gold Regions of. Edited by G. G. Foster. N. Y;, 1848, -......- Notes of Travel in. From the Official Reports of Col: Fremont and Maj. Emory. Scarce. N. I., 1849 Four Months among the Gold Finders. By J. Tyrwhitt Brooks. N. Y., 1849 Diary of a Physician, including Notes of the Journey. By James L. Tyson. Scarce. N. Y., 1850 - --- -Report of Hon. T. Butler King on. Washington, 1850 Four Months in the Mines of. By S. Weston. 2d ed. Providence, 1854 Catskill, N. Y., Description and Natural Advantages of. Map, very scarce local. 1836 Chicago and her Railroads. Jan. 31, 1854. 910 Historical and Biographical Pamphlets. [Nine.] Detroit, Trade and Commerce of, for 1857. By M. D. Hamilton. Detroit, 1858 Durham, Conn. Sermon at the Dedication of the South Cong. Ch., Dec. 29, 1847. By Rev. W. C. Fowler. Amherst, 1848 Elizabethtown, N. J. Histor. notices of St. John's Church. A Disc., Nov. 21, 1824. By John C. Rudd. Scarce. Elizabethtown, 1825 Florida. An Original Mem. on the Floridas. Scarce. co Baltimore, 1821 Titles, of Lands, in East Florida, belonging to R. S. Hackley. Very scarce. Brooklyn, 1822 Galveston, Title to the City of. 1V. Y., 1847 - Articles of Assoc. of the City. N. Y., 1847 Georgetown, Mass., Semi-Centennial Disc. in, June 7, 1847. By J. Braman. Georgetown, 1847 Grafton, Mass. Centennial Address, April 29, 1835. By Win. Brigham. Very scarce, fine copy. I9 146 5-s 941 Historical and Biographical Pamphlets. [Thirteen.] Hadley, Mass. Sermon, at the Dedication of the New MeetingHouse in, Nov. 3, 1808. By S. Austin. Worcester, 1808 Hempstead, L. I. Sermon, in St. George's Church, Sept. 21, 1823. By Rev. Seth Hart. N. Y, 1823 Lancaster, Mass. Sermon, Dec. 29, 1816, the last Lord's day in which there was Religious Worship in the Old MeetingHouse. By N. Thayer. Worcester, 1817 Louisiana. Prospectus of Historical and Geog. Tracts. By Wm. Darby. New York, June 12, 1815. Fine copy. Nahant; or, "The Floure of Souvenance." Scarce. Philadelphia, 1827 New-Brunswick, N. J. Record of Christ Ch. By Rev. Alfred Stubbs. N. Y., 1850 Newbury, Mass., Sermon, Sept. 17, 1806, at the Dedication of the New Meeting-House of the First Parish in. By J. S. Popkius. Newburyport, 1806 Sermon, May 4, 1806, the Last Time of Assembling in the Old Meeting-House of the First Parish. By J. S. Popkins. Newburyport, 1806 Newburyport, Mass., Account of the Origin [etc.] of the Episcopal Ch. in. A Sermon, Jan. 6, 1811. By James Morss. Newburyport, [181t6.] Norfolk, Conn. A Half-Century Sermon, at, Oct. 28, 1811. B3y A. R. Robbins. 2d ed. Very scarce. Hartford, 181.2 Oregon. Letters of Albert Gallatin, on the Oregon Questioin. Washington, 184C, Narrative of the Exploring Expedition to the Rocky Mountains, 184'2, and to Oregon and North California, 1843-44. By J. C. Fremont. Scarce. NV. Y., 1846 Portsmouth. Histor. Sketch of the North Ch. Disc. Jan. 31, 1838. By E. Holt. Portsmouth, 1838 6o 942 Historical and Biographical Pamphlets. [Fourteen.] Sandusky, Ohio. Articles of Assoc., and a Sketch of its History. Very scarce. 1837 Sandwich, Mass., Sermon, Oct. 20, 1813, at the Dedication c the Meeting-House, for the Calvinistic Cong. Soc. in. By E D. Griffin. Boston, 1813 St. Louis, History of. Commercial Statistics. St. Louis, 1854 Texas. Considerations on the Propriety of Annexing, to the United States. By a Revolutionary Officer. Scarce N. Y., 182f Address of the Hon. S. F. Austins, [on the Annex. ation.] [N. Y,] 1836 Address of the Hon. W. H. Wharton, April 26, 1836. Address of S. F. Austin, 7th March, 1836, with other Docs. N. Y., 1836 ----- Texas: its Geography, Natural History, and Topogr. By W. Kennedy. N. Y1, 1844 Thoughts on the Annexation of. By T. Sedgwick. with the Add. of Alb't Gallatin. 2d ed. N. Y., 1844 14' Virginia, Tour through part of, in the summer of 1808, including an Account of Harper's Ferry, etc. NT. Y., 1809 - - Laurie Todd's Notes, with a Chapter on Puritans, Witches, and Friends. By Grant Thorburn. N. Y., 1848 Watertown, Mass., Hist. Sketch of. By Convers Francis. Very scarce, and fine copy.. Cambridge, 1830 West Haven, Conn., Sermon, in Christ Ch., Aug. 11. 1839, the Hundredth Anniv. of Laying the Foundation of. By Rev. A. B. Chapin. NJew Haven, 1830 White Haven, Meeting-House, Conn. Report of a Coin. 1813 Yonkers. St. John's in 1753 and 1853. Sermon at St. John's Church, March 13, 1853. By A. B. Carter. N. Y., 1853 HISTORICAL SOCIETY PAMPHLETS. 9413 AMERICAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A Discourse pronounced in the Hall of Representatives, Jan. 30, 1836, by Lewis Cass. With2?~ Const. and Names of Officers. 8vo, orig. cov., fine copy, 68 pages. Very scarce. Washington, 1836 944 AMERICAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A Discourse pronounced in the Hall of Representatives, Jan. 20, 1837. —Second annual meeting /oV -by Levi Woodbury. 8vo, orig. cov., fine copy, 67 pages. Extremely scarce. Washington, 1837 BUFFALO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 945 SALISBURY, GUY H. BUFFALO IN 1836 AND 1862: a paper read before the Buffalo Hist. Soc., Feb. 6, 1863. 8vo, without title./, Scarce. 19 pages. Contains, also, CLIMATOLOGY OF BUFFALO. By Win. Ives. 5 pages. Extracted from Thomas's Buffalo City Directory. 946 HOSMER, GEO. W. THE PHYSIOGNOMY OF BUFFALO. Annualj3Address delivered before the Buffalo Historical Society, Jan. 13, 1864. 8vo, 9 pages.; scarce. 947 MARSHALL, O. H. THE NIAGARA FRONTIER: embracing Sketches of its Early History, and Indian, French avd English Local/a, Names. Read before the Buffalo Hist. Club, Feb. 27, 1865.' 8vo, stiff paper cover, 46 pages. Printed for private circulation. Very scarce. 948 CONN. HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Charter of Incorporation and By /r Laws: with list of officers, and an address to the public. 8vo, orig. coyv.; fine copy; llpages. Hartford, 1839 949 CHICAGO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Biennial Report of, to the Governor /, of Ill. 8vo pamph., 14 pages. Springfield, ill., 1863 950 ESSEX HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Petition for Incorporation; with the Constitution. 8vo, uncut; clean, handsome copy; 8 pages. 1821/~ 148 FLORIDA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. //~ 951 FAIRBANKS, GEO. R. An Intro. Lecture delivered before the Florida Historical Soc., April 15, 1857; with an Appendix, containing the Const. and List of Members, &c. 8vo, orig. cov., fine copy; very scarce and important; 31 pages. St. Augustine, Fla., 1857 The subject of the Address is " The Early History of Florida." GEORGIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. z' 952 Collections of, Vol. I., II., and Vol. III., Part I. Vols. L and II., in green cloth, 8vo, beautiful copies, almost uncut; and Vol. III in orig. cov., fine condition, embracing 88 pages of Col. Benj. Hawlcins's "Sketch of the Creek Country, in the years 1798 and 1799." Savannah, 1840-'2-'7 Vol. I. is a presentation copy to Dr. Wm. Jenks, by the Society. 9J 953 CONSTITUTION, BY-LAWS, AND LIST OF MEMBERS of the Georgia Historical Society. 8vo pamph., 15 pages. Savannah, 1859 ~6v 954 ELLIOTT, REV. STEPHEN. A Reply to a Resolution of the Georgia Hist. Soc., read before the Society, Feb. 12, 1866, its anniv. 8v9, orig. cover, 13 pages, fine copy. Savannah, 186i3 Subject of the resolution, " The best method of increasing and extending the usefulness of the Society." -_o 955 ELLIOTT, STEPHEN (Bp. of Dioc. of Georgia, and Prest. of Geo. Hist. Soc.) Eulogy on the Life and Character of, by Hon. Solomon Cohen. 8vo, orig. cov., 18 pages, fine copy. Savannah, 1867 7S; 956 ELLIOTT, STEPHEN. "A High Civilization the moral duty of Georgians:" a discourse delivered before the Georgia Historical So — ciety, on its 5th anniv., Feb. 12, 1844. 8vo pamph., uncut, fine copy; very scarce; 31 pages. Savannah, 1844 //I 957 JACKSON, HENRY R. Eulogy upon the Life and Character of the Hon. Cha's J. McDonald, pronounced at Marietta, April 20, 1861. 8vo, orig. cov., 35 pages; fine, clean copy. Atlanta, Geo., 1861 McDonald was Solic. General and Judge of Flint Circuit, in 1823-'5; Senator and Governor of the State; Judge of Supreme Court, &c., &c. /6V 958 JONES, JOSEPH. Agricultural Resources of Georgia. Address before the Cotton Planters' Convention, at Macon, Dec. 13, 1860. 8vo, uncut, 13 p., double cols. Scarce. Augusta, Ga., 1861 2S~ 959 JONES, CHARLES C. Ancient Tumuli on the Savannah River. 8vo. "This tract was privately printed —15 copies only"-in the handwriting of the author. 14 pages, beautiful typography, with a Pen and Ink plan, showing the situation of Tumuli on the river. Well done, evidently by the author. Dated New Yorc, March 7, 1868..3v 960 JONES, CHARLES C. Monumental Remains of Georgia. Part First. The Ancient Monuments near Augusta, Geo. Large 8vo, uncut, 119 pages. Very scarce in this condition Beautiful copy. Savannah, 1861 A most valuable record of the early aboriginal monuments and vestiges of Georgia. 149 961 JONES, CHAS. C. Historical Address delivered to the Liberty Independent Troop, upon its Anniversary, February 22, 1856. /y,$ Printed by the Troop. 8vo, orig. cov., 63 p. Fine copy, very scarce. Savannah, 1856. The Appendix to this pamphlet gives a list of its members from 1794 to 1856. and other interesting matter. The subject of the Address is on the " Early Use of Cavalry in this Country." 962 JONES, CHAS. C. Indian Remains in Southern Georgia. Address delivered before the Georgia Historical Society on its 20th An-/?' niversary, February 12, 1859. 8vo, orig. cov., 25 p. Fine copy, very scarce. Savannah, 1859 963 LAW, WILLIAM. A Discourse Delivered before the Georgia Historical Society, Savannah, Feb. 12, 1840, on the Early Settlements/," and History of Georgia. 8vo panmph., 43 p. Fine copy, very scarce. Savannah, 1840 This is the first Intro. Address of the Soc., afterwards republished in the Society's Collections, Vol. I., page 1. 964 WARD, JOHN D. Addresses delivered before the Georgia Histori-,cal Society, on its 19th Anniversary, February 12, 1858. 24p., 8vo, orig. coy. Fine copy, scarce. Savannah, 1858 965 WARING, JAMES J. Report of the Corn. on Sewerage and Drainage / of Board of Health, May 2, 1866. 8vo pamph., 20 p. Savannah, 1866 966 JUNIOR PIONEER ASSOCIATION of Rochester, N. Y. Historical Collections of. No. 1.-An Address by Ferd. De W. Ward, on the Progress and Improvement of Rochester, &c. 8vo, orig. cov., 48 p. Scarce. Rochester, 1860 967 LONG ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Early History of Suffolk Co., by Henry Nicoll. 1866. Long Island, by W. Alfred Jones. 1863. Third Annual Report. Brooklyn, 1866. Fifth Annual Report. 1868. By-Laws. Certificate of Incorporation. 1863. Second Annual Report. 1865. First Annual Report. 1864. Louis 16th and Eleazar Williams, by Francis Yinton. 1868. MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 968 BOJRNE, Hon. EDW. E. An Address on the Character of the Colony founded by Geo. Popham, at the Mouth of the Kennebec 26 River, Aug. 19 (0. S.), 1607, delivered in Bath on the 257th Anniversary of that Event. 8vo pamph., 60 p. Fine copy. Portland, 1864 969 CLEVELAND, PARKER, Address on the Life and Character of, delivered in Augusta, Jan. 19, 1859, before the Maine Historical Society. By Leonard Woods. Second Edition. Portrait of Cleveland. 80 p., uncut. Fine copy. Brunswick, 1860 970 FoLSOM, GEORGE. A Discourse delivered before the Maine Histor-,%sical Society, at its Annual Meeting, September, 6, 1846, on the 150 Early Discovery and Settlement of Maine. 8vo pamph., 80p. Scarce. Portland, 1847 A/ 971 PATTERSON, JAMES W. Responsibilities of the Founlders of Republics. An Address on the Peninsula of Sabino, on the 258th Anniv. of the Planting of the Popham Colony, Aug. 29, 1865. 8vo. Only 250 copies printed, uncut, tinted paper. Boston, 1865 /j4 972 POOR, JOHN A. The First Colonization of New England. An Address delivered at the Erection of a Monumental Stone in the Walls of Fort Popham, August 29, 1862, Comumemorative of the Planting of the Popham Colony on the Peninsula of Sabino, August 19, 1607, Establishing the Title of England to the Continent. 8vo pamphlet, cov., 48 p. Scarce. New York, 1863 4a' 973 POPHAM COLONY. A Discussion of its HI-istorical Claims, with a Bibliography of the Subject. 8vo, 300 copies only printed, uncut. Boston, 1866 /o 974 THORNTON, JOHN WINGATE,-Colonial Schemes of Popham and Gorges-Speech of, at the Fort Popham Celebration, August 29, 1862, under the Auspices of the Maine Historical Society' Large 8vo, half mor., bds., uncut, 20 p., double col. Boston, 1863 tr 975 WINTHROP, ROBT. C. An Address delivered before the Maine Historical Society at Bowdoin College, September 5, 1849. Biographical Sketch of the Bowdoin Family. 8vo pamzphlet, cov., 68 pages. Boston, 1849 /a 976 WINTHROP, R. C., Address of, September 5, 1849. 8vo, double col., 15 pages. Another edition. Boston, 1849 //1 977 MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Complete. [Thirty-six.] Constitution, By-Laws, etc., of the Soc., March 8, 1844. Historical Discourse, Chas. F. Mayer, First Ann. Disc., 20th June, 1844. Memoir of Benj. Banneker, the Colored Astronomer. By J. H. B. Latrobe. Journal of Chas. Carroll of Carrollton. By Brantz Mayer. Geo. Calvert. First Lord Baltimore. By J. P. Kennedy. Second Annual Disc. Life and Character of Sir Walter Raleigh, By J. M. Harris. Third Ann. Disc. Memoir of Maj. Sam. Ringgold. By Dr. J. Wynne. Commerce, Literature, and Art. By Brantz Mayer. American Colonial History. By Thomas Donaldson. Fourth Ann. Disc. A Paper on California. By J. M. Harris. Annual Report of the President. J. Spear Smith. Origin and Growth of Liberty in Maryland. By G. W. Brown. Fifth Ann. Disc. Life and Services of General Otho Williams. By Osmond Tiffany. Memorial of Columbus, Etc. By Robt. Dodge. Tah-gah-jute; or, Logan and Cresap. By Brantz Mayer. Sixth Ann. Disc. Maryland Two Hundred Years Ago. By S. F. Streeter. Seventh Ann. Disc. 151 Democracy in America. By Rev. Dr. G. W. Burnap. Eighth Ann. Disc. Baltimore, Long, Long Time Ago, Etc. Poems. By W. B. Buchanan. 1853. Annual Report of the President, J. Spear Smith, First May, 1854. Catalogue of the Manuscripts, Medals, Maps, Etc. By Lewis Mayer, 1854. Sketch of the Life of Benjamin Banneker. By Mrs. Tyson, October, 1854. African Slave Trade in Jamaica. By Moses Sheppard. October, 1854. Martin Behaim. By Rev. Dr. J. G. Morris. Ninth Ann. Discourse. Memoir of Baron De Kalb. By Gen. J. Spear Smith, 7th Jan., 1858. Report of the President, J. Spear Smith, Feb. 1858. Origin of the Japan Expedition. By G. L. L. Davis, 1860. Early Friends; or, Quakers in Maryland. By J. Saurin Norris, 6th March, 1862. Who were the Early Settlers of Maryland? By Ethan Allan, Oct., 1865. The Maryland Historical Society and the Peabody Institute. By Brantz Mayer, April, 1866. Tenth Ann. Discourse. By the Hon. Win. Fell Giles, 17th Dec., 1866. Memoir of Jared Sparks. By Brantz Mayer, 7th February, 1867. History, Possessions and prospects of the Soc. Inaug. Disc. of Brantz Mayer. 7th March 1867. Review of J. P. Kennedy's Disc. on the Life of George Calvert, 1846. Reply of J. P. Kennedy to the Review of his Discourse on Calvert, 1846. Excessively Scarce. Remarks of the United States Catholic Magazine on the Discussion between J. P. Kennedy and his Reviewer. Very scarce. A paper on Rosas and the Argentine Republic, by Sebastian F. Streeter, July Number, 1849, of the North American Review. 978 MARYLAND PILGRIM SOC. Oration by Rev. John McCaffrey. 1842 Discourse by Rev. P. Correy. 1849 - Discourse by Enoch Louis Lowe. 1845 -- Discourse by George H. Miles, Esq. 1847 Oration by Hon. Joseph Chandler. 1855 Oration by William George Read. 1842 152 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 4A 979 APPLETON, HON. NATHAN; MEMOIR OF. Prepared agreeably to a Resolution of the Mass. I-list. Soc. By Robt. C. Winthrop. With an Introduction and Appendix. 8vo, orig. cov.; 79 pages; fine copy; portrait; only few copies printedfor the Members. Boston, 1861 "Hon. Edward Everett, with the kindest regards of Robt. C. Winthrop." -Autog. S' 980 APPLETON, HON. WILLIAM; MEMOIR OF. Prepared agreeably to a Resolution of the Mass. Hist. Soc. By Chandler Robbins, D.D. With an Appendix. Large 8vo, orig. cov.; 64 pages. Portrait; fine copy; only few copies printed for the Members. Boston, 1863 4' 981 ASPINWALL, THOMAS. Remarks on the Narragansett Patent. Read before the Mass. Hist. Soc., June, 1862. 8vo, orig. cov.; 41 pages; fine copy. Bostbn, 1863 The Narragansett Patent purports to be a grant, dated Dec. 10, 1643, from the Parliamentary Com. to the Gov. of the Colony of Mass., of the Territory now constituting Rhode Island. 2a 982 BELL, LUTHER V.; MEMOIR OF. Prepared by vote of the Mass. lIist. Soc. By George E. Ellis. Roy. 8vo, uncut; orig. cov.; 75 pages. Portrait; beautiful copy. Only few copies printed for Members. Boston, 1863 "Hon. John G. Palfrey, from Geo. E. Ellis."-Autograph. So 983 EMERSON, GEO. B. Education in Massachusetts: Early Legislation and History. A Lecture of a Course, by Members of the Mass. Hist. Soc., delivered Feb. 16, 1869. 8vo, orig. cov.; 36 pages. Boston, 1869 /0 984 FRANCIS, CONVERS; MEMOIR OF. By Rev. Wm. Newell, D.D. 8vo, orig. cov.; 23 pp. Contains list of Dr. Francis' publications. Cambridge, 1866 /5 985 HARRIS, THADDEUS MASON; MEMOIR OF. By Nathaniel L. Frothinghaim. 8vo, orig. cov.; fine copy; 28 pages. With a list of his publications. Cambridge, 1855 23~ 986 LAWRENCE, HON. ABBOTT; Memoir of. Prepared for the Mass. Tlist. Soc. By HIon. Nathan Appleton. 8vo, orig. cov.; 21 pages; fine copy. Boston, 1856 /0 987 LIVERMORE, GEORGE. An Historical Research, &c. Third edition. 8vo, uncut; fine copy. Boston: A. Williams & Co., 1863 20 988 LIVERMORE, GEORGE. AN HISTORICAL RESEARCH respecting the opinions of the founders of the Republic on Negroes as Slaves, as Citizens, and as Soldiers. Read before the Mass. Hist. Soc., Aug. 14, 1862. First edition. 8vo, stiff covers, uncut; fine copy; 215 pages. Boston ~o 989 MASON, REV. CHAS.; MEMOIR OF. Prepared agreeably to a Resolution of the Mass. Hist. Soc. By Rev. A. P. Peabody. With an Appendix. L]arge 8vo, orig cov.; 39 pages; fine copy; with port. Only a few copies printed for Members. Boston, 1863 20 990 PARKER, JOEL. The Origin, Organization, and Influence of the 153 Towns of New England; a Paper read before the Mass. Hist. Soc., Dec. 14, 1865. 8vo, orig. cov.; fine copy; 54 pages. Cambridge, 1867 991 PELHAM, PETER; Notes concerning, the earliest Artist Resident in New England, and his successors, prior to the Revolution. By/' Win. H. Whitmore. 8vo, orig. cov.; rough edges; fine copy; 31 pages. Cambridge, 1867 992 PRESCOTT, WM. HICkLING; Proceedings of the Mass. Hist. Soc. in, Respect to the Memory of. Feb. 1, 1859. 8vo, stfJ covers, tinted paper; 59 pages; fine copy. Boston, 1859 993 PRocEEDINGs of the Mass. Hist. Soc. at its Annual Meeting, April 12, 1855. 8vo, orig. cov.; 15 pages. Boston, 1855 994 QUINCY, JOSIAH; MEMOIR OF. By James Walker, D.D. 8vo, orig. coy.; 76 pages; fine clean copy; with port. Only few print-& ed for the Members. Cambridge, 1867 995 REPORT OF A COMMITTEE Appointed by the Mass. Hist. Soc. on Exchanges of Prisoners, during the American Revolutionary War./,f Dec. 19, 1861. 8vo, orig. cover; 26 pages; scarce. Boston, 1861 9)96 REPORT of the Proceedings at the Annual Meeting of the Mass. Hist. Soc. Address of Robt. C. Winthrop and the Remarks off/ Edward Everett. With a Description of the Dowse Library. April 9, 1857. 8vo pamphlet, uncut; 8 pages; double column; scarce. Boston, 1857 Presented to Rev. Dr. Jenks, by R. C. Winthrop.-Autograph. 997 STURGIS, HON. WILLIAM; MEMOIR OF. Prepared agreeably to a Resolution of the Mass. Hist. Soc. By Charles G. Loring.2Ca Large 8vo, orig. cov. Thickc paper, uncut; beautiful copy; 64 p. Only a few copies printed for Members. Boston, 1864 998 THE ACT OF INCORPORATION, with the additional Acts and By-Laws /d of the Mass. Hist. Soc. 8vo, sti cloth cover; 19 pages. Boston, 1857 999 WASHBURN- EMORY. The Origin and Sources of the Bill of Rights, declared in the Constitution of Mass. 8vo pamphlet; 22 pages.Only few printed for the Members. Cambridge, 1866 1000 WILLARD, JOSEPH. Naturalization in the American Colonies, with more particular reference to Mass. Read before theZo Mass. Hist. Soc., July, 1859. 8vo pamphlet; 30 pages; fine copy; scarce. Boston, 1859 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 1001 MATERIALS FOR THE FUTURE HISTORY OF MINNESOTA —being a Report of Minn. Hist. Soc. to the Legislative Assembly. 4to, paper/" covy.; 141 pages; fine copy; now quite scarce. Finely illustrated. Contains in addition-ADDREss at the 6th Anniv. of the Minn. Hist. Soc., delivered by H. H. Sibley, February 1st, 1856. 17 pages of Indian History. St. Paul, 1856',6 1002 ANNUAL REPORT of the Minnesota Historical Society. Jan. 20, 1868. 8vo, orig. cov.; 32 pages; fine copy. St. Paul, 1868 20 154 /d 1003 NEW ENGLAND HISTORICAL AND GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY PUBLICATIONS. No Duplicates. [Twenty-seven.] Circular No. 2. April 1846. Report on the Sudbury Fight, April 1676. Address, by Winm. Jenks, March 1, 1852. Address, by Win. Whiting, Jan. 12, 1853. Remarkable Providences, bv John Dane. Boston, 1854 Circular No. 4, Constitution and By-Laws, 1858. Address, by L. Sabine, Sept. 13, 1859. [Uncut.] Sketches by Usher Parsons. Albany, 1862 Address, by Dr. Lewis, Jan. 1, 1862. History of, by J. H. Sheppard, Albany, 1862 Genealogy of the Messinger Family. Memoir of Dr. Lewis, by J. H. Sheppard. Albany, 1863 Life of Michael Wigglesworth, by John Dean. 1863 Sketch of Dr. Jonathan Potts, by E. D. Neill. 1863 Hist. Sketch of the Old Church, Quincy, by F. A. Whitney. Notes on the Winthrop Family, by W. H. Whitmore. Life and Character of Gen. David Cobb, by F. Baylies. 1864 Address, by Dr. Lewis, Jan. 6, 1864. Address, by Dr. Lewis, Jan. 4, 1865. Memoir of Gideon F. Thayer, April, 1865. Will of Rev. Richard Mather, July 1866. Embarkation of Cromwell for New England. Boston, 1866 Address, by John A. Andrews, Jan. 2, 1867. Address, by Marshall P. ~Wilder, Jan. 1, 1868. Genealogy of Martin Moore, July, 1868. Genealogy of Vickar's, or Vickery Family. Genealogy of Gale Family. Valed. Add., by Dr. Lewis, Feb. 7, 1866. Paper on N. E. Architecture, by N. H. Chamberlain, Sept. 4, 1858. Sketch of Joshua Coffin, July, 1866. Memoir of Andrew Henshaw Ward. Albany, 1863 Address, by Hon. Marshall P. Wilder. Boston, 1869 Thomas Gyles and his Neighbors, by John A. Vinton. Boston, 1867 In Memoriam, Edward Everett. Boston, 1865 Journal of Visits to the Indians, by Joseph' Baxter. Boston, 1867 NEW HAMPSHIRE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Z3 1004 BARTLETT, RICHARD. Remarks and Documents relating to the Preservation of the Public Archives. 8vo, orig. cov., uncut; fine copy; 72 pages, very scarce. Concord, N. H., 1837?a 1005 BOUTON, NATHANIEL. "THE HISTORY OF EDUCATION IN NEW HAMPSHIRE." A Discourse delivered before the New Hampshire Hist. Soc., at their Annual Meeting in Concord, June 12, 1833. 8vo, orig. cov., uncut, 36 pages; beautiful copy, very scarce. Concord, N. H. 1833 Ao 1006 BREWSTER, CHAS. W. A Lecture on Printing, delivered before the 155 Portsmouth Lyceum, April 11, 1835. 8vo pamlphlet, 16 pages; double col., fine copy; scarce. Portsmouth, 1835 1007 BURROUGHS, REV. CHAS. A Discourse on the "Preservation of Documents as the Materials of History," delivered before the New Hampshire Hist. Soc., at their Anniv., June 14, 1843., 8vo, orig. cov., 29 pages very fine copy; scarce. Concord, N. I<., n. d. 1008 CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAws of the New Hampshire Hist. Soc., with the names of the Members and Officers. 12mo, stifpaper0 cover, 18 pages; scarce. Concord, 1833. 1009 THE CELEBRATION OF THE CENTENNIAL ANNIVERSARY of introduction of the Art of Printing into New Hampshire, in Portsmouth, Octo. 6, 1856, with the Oration by A. P. Peabodly, and Poem /Pby B. P. Shillaber, (Mrs. Partington,) and Sketch of the Proceedings. Inserted also, a Fac-Simile of the First copy of the N. H. Gazette, Oct. 7, 1756. 8vo, orig. coy, 60 pages, fine copy, scarce. Portsmouth, 1857 NEW JERSEY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 1010 Proceedings of. Vol. I., 1845-1846. 8vo, orig. coy., 203 pages;/e beautJul copy, very scarce in this condition. Newarkc, 1847 1.011 Proceedings of. Vol. II, 1846-47. Roy. 8vo, uncut, fine copy,,/ 198 pages, very scarce. Newarkl, 1848 1012 Proceedings of. Vol. III. 1848-49. 8vo, orig. cov., fine copy; 201/o pages. Very scarce. Newark, 1849 1013 Proceedings of. Vol. I., No. 2. (2nd series). 1868 - AVol. X., No. I. 1865 Vol. X., No. 2. 1865 Vol. X., Nos. 3-4. 1866 2 /"'/Vol. VIII., No. 4. 1859 Vol. IX., No. 3. 1862 Northern Boundary line of N. J., by W. A. Whitehead. 1859 First Alnn. Add., by Bp. Doane. 1846 Address, by Richard S. Field, Newark, 1865 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 1014 [Nineteen.] Charter and by-laws, 1846, 1853, (revised 1858), 1862. Proceedings, Jan. 5, 1847; June, 1847; Oct. 5, 1847; Oct., 1848; May, June, 1849; Nov., 1847; Dec., 1847; Jan, 1848; / Jan., 1849; Feb., 1849; Nov., 1848; April, 1849; Dec., 1849; April, May, 1848; June, 1848. 1015 [Eighteen.] Discourse, 6th Dec. 1811, by DeWitt Clinton. New York, 1812 Inaugural disc. 4th Sept., 1816, the 206th anniv. of the discovery of New York. By Gouverneur Mcrris. New York, 1816 Anniversary Discourse, pec. 7, 1818, by G. C. Verplanck. New York, 1818 Dec. 28, 1820, by H. Wheaton. New York, 1821 Dec. 6, 1823, by W. Sampson. New York, 1824 Memorial, 1827. 156 The battle of Long-Island: a lecture, Feb. 7, 1839, by S. Ward. New York, 1839 Origin and nature of the representative and federative insts. of the U. S. Disc. by W. B. Lawrence. New York, 1832 Life and military services of Gen. James Clinton. Lecture, Feb. 1839, by W. W. Campbell. New York, 1839 Jubilee of the Constitution. A disc., 30th of April, 1839, by John Q. Adams. New York, 1839 Address, Feb. 23, 1852, by Daniel Webster. New York, 1852 Inaugural Address of the Hon. A. Gallatin. Feb. 7, 1843. New York, 1843 Memoir on the North-Eastern boundary, by Hon. A. Gallatin, with a speech on the same subject by Daniel Webster, April 15th, 1843. New York, 1843 Address, Feb. 23, 1852, by Daniel Webster. New York, 1852 Discovery and colonization of America. Lecture, 1st June, 1853, by E. Everett. Boston, 1853 Semi-Centennial Celebration, Nov. 20, 1854. New York, 1854 New York during the last Half Century. Disc. in commemrora.tion of the fifty-third anniversary, by J. W. Francis. New York, 1857 Proceedings on the announcement of the death of William Hickling Prescott, Feb. 1859. &'c 1016 [Eighteen.] Henry Cruger: a paper read Jan. 4th, 1859, by Henry C. Van Schaak. New York, 1859 Annual report of the Committee on the fine arts. 1862 Declaration of Independence by the colony of Massachusetts Bay, May 1, 1776. Letter to Hon. L. Bradish, by H. B. Dawson, Jan. 7, 1862. 1862 Resident members, March, 1866. Catalogue of the Museum and Gallery of Art. New York, 1866 Moral and intellectual influence of Libraries upon social Progress. Address, Nov., 12 1865, by F. de Peyster. New York, 1866 New York in the nineteenth century. A disc., Nov. 20, 1866, by S. Osgood. New York, 1866 Const. and Bye-Laws. N. Y., 1839 Proces Verbal -of ceremony, Inst. of President, N. Y. His. Soc., Feb. 8, 1820. Burlesque. Address by J. R. Brodhead, Nov. 20, 1844. 1844 The Sons of Liberty, by iH. B. Dawson. New York, 1859. 1859 Catalogue of Books, Maps and Paintings. N. Y., 1840 Biog. Memoir of Hugh Williamson, deliv. Nov. 1819, by David iosack. Anniversary discourse, Dec. 6, 1828, by James Kent. New York, 1829 Memorial of the N. Y. Hist. Soo. to the Honourable the Legislature of the State of N. Y. New York, 1814 157 Hosack, David. Inaugural address deliv. before N. Y. Hist. Soc., N. Y., Feb 2, 1820. Biographical Memoir of Hugh Williamson, before the N. Y. Hist. Soc., Nov. 1, 1819. Treachery in Texas, the Secession of Texas, &c., by Maj. J. T. Sprague. N. Y., 1862 ORLEANS COUNTY HIST. SOC., VT. 1017 SUMNER, SAMUEL. HISTORY OF THE MISSISCO VALLEY. With an Introductory Notice of Orleans County, by S. R. Hall.3?8vo, 75 pages; fine copy; orig. cov.; very scarce. Irasburgh, Vt., 1860 Contains much Revolutionary and Indian History, and Biog. Sketches of the Early Settlers of Orleans Co. PENNSYLVANIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 1018 Ann. Disc. by W. P. Foulke. 1856 3 1019 ARMSTRONG, EDWARD. An address delivered at Chester before the Historical Soc. of Pa., on the 8th of Nov. 1851, in celebration of the 169th Anniversary of the Landing of Wm. Penn~ o at that place. With the page of Errata and Appendix, often wanting. 8vo, orig. cov.; fine copy; very scarce; 36 pages. Phila., 1856 1020 BULLETIN OF THE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PA. Vol. I., Nos. 7 and 8. Some Account of the British Army under the Command of Genl. Howe, and of the Battle of Brandywine, on the Memorable Septem. 11, 1777, and the Adventures of that day,+? which came to the knowledge and observation of Joseph Townsend, accompanied by a Notice of the Life of Joseph Townsend, and an Historical Sketch of the Battle. 8vo, orig. pamphlet, cov., 63 pages, uncut; very rare; beautiful copy. Phila., 1846 Contains Map of the Battle, and two Plates representing " Birmingham Meeting House" and "Washington's Headquarters on the Branfdywine." 1021 Chambersburg in the Colony and the Revolution. A Sketch, by / Lewis H. Garrard. Phila., 1856 1022 COLES, EDWARD. History of the Ordnance of 1787. Read before the Historical Soc. of Pa., June 9, 1856. 8vo, orig. cov; fine copy; 33 pages. Press of the Society, 1856 1023 COLLECTIONS OF THE PENNSYLVANIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY, Vol. I., Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, uncut, and No. 6, being for May and Nov- Ao ember, 1851, May and November, 1852, May and November, 1853. Six numbers. 8vo, orig. cov.; very scarce; fine copies. Philadelphia, 1851-3 Containing most interesting matter-"The March of the Paxton Boys," "An Essay on Indian Affairs," "Hist. of Moorland," &c. Papers never before printed. 1024 DENTON, DANIEL. A Brief Description of New York, formerly.called New Netherlands, &c. Reprinted by the Historical Soc. of 158 Pa., from the London ed. of 1670. Edited by John Pennington. 8vo, uncut; very scarce; 16 pages. Press of the Hist. Soc., 1845.' 1025 DUANE, WILLIAM. Canada and the Continental Congress. Annual Address, Jan. 31 1850. 8vo, paper cov., 20 pages; fine copy; very scarce. Phila., 1850 A~' 1026 FELTMAN, LIEUT. WILLIAM. The Journal of the First Pennsylvania Regiment, 1781,'82; including the March into Virginia and the Siege of Yorktown. 8vo, bds., uncut; fize copy. Phila., 1853,s- 1027 FISHER, J. FRANCIS. A Discourse delivered before the Historical Society of Penn., April 9, 1836, on " The Private Life and Domestic Habits of William Penn." 8vo pamphlet; orig. coy, fine copy, 40 pages. Very scarce. Phila., 1836 2s 1028 INGERSOLL, Jos. R. Memoir of the late Samuel Breck, &c. 8vo pamphlet; 56 pages; second edition; fine copy. Phila., 1863 //2 1029 INGERSOLL, Jos. R. Memoir of the late Vice-President of the Hist. Soc. of Pa. Read before the Society, Jan. 12, 1863. 8vo, 56 pages; fine copy. Very rare. Phila., 1863 This is of the greatest rarity; it is almost impossible to obtain it from any source at any price. It is a most interesting memoir. S2- 1030 JONEs, HORATIO GATES. Report of the Committee of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania of their Visit to New York, May 20, 1863, at the Celebration of the 200th Birthday of Winm. Bradford, who introduced the art of Printing into the middle Colonies of British America. Read June 8, 1863. 8vo panmph., fine copy, 14 pages. Phila., 1863 US 1031 JoNEs, HORATIO GATES. "Andrew Bradford, Founder of the Newvspaper Press in the Middle States of America." An Address delivered at the Annual Meeting of the Historical Society of Pa., Feb. 9, 1869. 8vo, rubric title, or. cov. and title-page; tinted paper, uncut; 36 pages. Phila., 1869 ka 1032 LATROBE, JOHN H. B. The History of Mason and Dixon's Line; contained in an Address, delivered before the Historical Soc. of Pa., Nov. 8, 1854. 8vo, paper coy., 52 pages; scarce. Press of the Society, 1855 23' 1033 MEMOIRS or THE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA, Vol. IV., Part I. Royal 8vo, bds., uncut, 212 pages; beautiful copy: very rare. Phila., 1840 Contains Inaug. Disc. by Du Ponceau; Memoir of Wm. Rawle; Specimen of Aborig Eng.; Memoir of Roberts Vaux; Pennington's New Albion; and Inedited Letters of Win. Penn. /a 1034 PROCEEDINGS OF THE HISTORICAL SOC. OF PA., Vol. I., No. 4-Dec., 1845-from pages 46-63 incl. Uncut, 8vo, clean condition. 3S' 1035 PROCEEDINGS AND SPEECHES at the Dinner in Celebration of the Landing of William Penn, by the Historical Society of Penn., Dec. 8, 1852. 8vo pamphlet; 42 pages; beautifl, clean copy; scarce. Phila., 1853 Air 1036 T. L. Kane. "The Mormons." 1850 jo 1037 TYSON, JoB R. Discourse, delivered before the Historical Soc. of Pa., Feb. 21, 1842, on the Colonial History of the Eastern and 159 some of the Southern States. 8vo pamphh; cov., 64 pages, fine copy; scarce. Phila., 1842 1038 TYsoN, JOB R. Annual Discourse delivered before the Historical Soc. of Pa., Oct. 24, 1831, on Pennsylvania, in the Revolution. >' 8vo, paper cov., 52 pages; fine copy; very scarce. Phila., 1831 POPHAM SOCIETY. 1039 The Popham Colony. A discussion of its Historical Claims. Boston, 1866 Bourne's Address on Char. of Col. Delivered in Bath, Aug.?29. 1864 Patterson's Address. 250 copies printed. Aug. 29. 1865. 1040 QUEBEC LITERARY AND HIST. Soc. Island of Anticosti. J. Rich-2ardson. 1856 RHODE ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 1041 ALLEN, ZACHARIAH. Memorial of Lafayette. Paper Read before 2 the R. I. Hist. Soc., Feb. 4, 1861. 12mo, 19 pages, good copy, scarce. Providence, 1861 1.042 DURFEE, JOB. A Discourse delivered before the Rhode IslandZ5 Historical Society, Jan. 13, 1847. 8vo, orig. cov., fine copy, 32 pages, very scarce. Providence, 1847 1043 GREENE, GEO. W. A Discourse delivered before the R. I. Hist. Soc., Feb. 1, 1849, on the "Progress of Historical Science. 8vo, orig. cov., fine copy, 23 pages, scarce. Providence, 1849 1044 HALL, EDWARD B. A Discourse delivered before the R. I. Hist./; Soc., Feb. 6, 1855, on the " Life and Times of John Howland," late President of the Soc. 8vo, orig. coy., fine copy, 36 pages, valuable Historical incidents. Providence, 1855 1045 PITMAN, JOHN. A Discourse delivered at Providence, August 5,. 1836, in Commemoration of the First Settlement of Rhode Is-` land anfd Providence Plantations, being the Second Centennial Anniversary of the Settlement of Providence. 8vo, 72 pages, fine copy, scarce. Providence, 1836 1046 SARMIENTO, D. F. North and South America. A Discourse de-,livered before the R. I. Hist. Soc., Dec. 27, 1865. 8vo, orig. cov., fine copy, 44 pages. Providence, 1866 1047 STAPLES, WM. R. The Proceedings of the First General Assembly of the "Incorporation of Providence Plantations," and the /E2 Code of Laws adopted by that Assembly in 1647. With Notes Historical and Explanatory. 8vo, orig. con. Fine clean copy, 64p. Scarce. Providence, 1847 1048 Battle of Lake Erie. 2d Ed. Dis. by Usher Parsons. 1854 Indian Names of places in R. I. by do. 1861 Address by Elisha R. Potter. 1851 Battle of Lake Erie. Dis. by Usher Parsons. 1853 3 Address by Wm. Gammell. 1844 Discourse by S. G. Arnold. 1853 Discourse on Ch. Justice Durfee, by R. G. Hazard 1848 160 SOUTH CAROLINA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. /c' 1049 Literary and Philos. Soc. of S. C. Oration by Bp. England. Baltimore, May 9, 1832.,,0 1050 PETIGRU, JAMES L. Oration on Centennial Anniv. of, Jan. 13, 1848. 8vo pamph.; scarce. Charleston, 1848 /D 1051 HANCKEL, THOMAS M. Oration delivered on the 5th Anniv. of the South Carolina Hist. Soc., in Charleston, May 23, 1860. 8vo, orig. cov., 34 pages, fine copy; very scarce. Charleston, 1860 TENNESSEE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 1052 DIX, WILLIAM GILES. An Address delivered at Beersheba Springs, Aug. 19-22, 1859. Subject-" The University of the South." 8vo, orig. cov., 32 pages, good copy; scarce. Nashville, Tenn., 1859' ULSTER HIS. Soc. Vol. 1, Part 1. Collections. Kingston, 1860 & - C- "1, " 3. " " 1862 VERMONT HISTORICAL SOCIETY. -o 1053 ADDRESSES OF GEO. F. EDMUNDS, on "The Life, Character, and Services of Solomon Foot;" of PLINY H. WHITE, on "Jonasi Galusha," and of J. E. RANIN on " The Sources of New England Civilization." Delivered before the Vermont Hist. Soc., Oct. 16, 1866. Constituting a very interesting and important document. 8vo, uncut, orig. cov., 72 pages. Montpelier, 1866,7X 1054 BUTLER, JAMES DAVIE. "Deficiencies in our History." An Address delivered before the Vermont Historical and Antiquarian Society, at Montpelier, Oct. 16, 1846. With an Appendix, Containing Charter, Const., etc., of the Soc., Vermont Declaration of Independence, and the " Song of the Vermonters," in 1779. 8vo, orig. cdv., fine copy, 36 pages; very scarce. Montpelier, 1846 i,(o 1055 CLARE, HENRY. An Essay on "Town Centennial Celebrations, their Historic Importance and Social Advantages." Delivered before the Vermont Historical Society, at Special Meeting, Jan. 22-23, 1862, together with the proceedings. 8vo, 34 pages, fine copy. St. Albans, Vt., 1862 /'v 1056 COLLAMER, HON. JACOB. Memorial Address on the Life and Character of. By James Barrett. Read before the Vermont Historical Society, Oct. 20, 1868. 8vo, uncut, fine copy, 27 pages, dble. col. Rutland, Vt., 1868 Do 1057 CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS of the Vermont Historical Society, and a Catalogue of Officers and Members. 8vo, orig. cov., 16 pages. Woodstocc, Vt., 1860 /.co 1058 PROCEEDINGS of the Vermont Historical Society at Meetings held at Brattleboro, July 16-17, and at Montpelier, Oct. 14, 1862. 8vo, orig. cov., 59 pages, fine copy. St. Albans, Vt., 1863'5- 1059 PROCEEDINGS of the Vermont Historical Society at its 22nd Annual Meeting, holden at Montpelier, Vt., Oct. 15-16, 1861. 8vo, orig. cov., 17 pages. St. Albans. Vt., 1861 161 1060 SKINNER, HON. RICHARD. The Life and Character of. A Discourse read before the Vermont Historical Soc., at Montpelier, 53Oct. 20, 1863. By Winslow C. Watson. 8vo, orig. cov., suncut, fine copy, 30 pages. Albany: J. Mliunsell, 1863 1061 THOMPSON, DANIEL P. A1n Address pronounced before the Vermont Hist. Soc., Oct. 24, 1850, on " The History of the Settle-/,/v ment and Organization of the State." 8vo, orig. cov., 22 pages, good copy. Burlington, 1850 1062 TORREY, REV. JOSEPH. "The Discovery and Occupation of Lake Champlain." Annual Address delivered before the Vt. Hist./7Soc., with the Proceedings at the 21st Annual Meeting, Oct. 16, 1860. 8vo, orig. cov., fine copy, 27 pages; scarce. Burlington, 1860 1063 WHITE, PLINY H., AND ALBERT D. HAGER. "The Life and Services of Miatthew Lyon," and "the Marbles of Vermont." Two Ad-?-3 dresses, Oct. 29, 1858, before the Vermont Historical Society. 8vo, orig. cov., fine copy, 16 and 26 pages. Burlington, Vt., 1858 VINCENNES, IND., HISTORICAL AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. 1064 Address, Delivered February 22, 1839, by Judge John Law. 8vo, orig. cov., 48 p. Fine copy, with map, often wanting. Very jso rare. Louisville, Ky., 1839' Subject of this Discourse-" The Early Settlement, Rise and Progress of Chippe-coke or Vincennes."-Presented " to Hon. Dan. Webster, with respects of Author." VIRGINIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 1065 WASHINGTON, H. A. The Virginia Constitution of 1776: A Discourse delivered before the Virginia Hist. Society, January 17,,/ 1852. 8vo pamph., 51 p. Fine copy. Richmond, 1852 1066 VIRGINTA HISTORICAL REGISTER, and Literary Advertiser. April,,?1848. 8vo pamph, uncut, Vol. I., No. Ii., 47 p. Richmond, 1848' 1067 VIRGINIA HISTORICAL REGISTER and Literary Companion. Edited,,,. by William Maxwell. Vol. VI., for 1853. 8vo, paper covers, 240 p. Very scarce. Richmond, 1853 1068 WM. PENN SocIETY. Discourse on the Indian Race, by Job. R. Tyson. 1836. Discourse on the 150th Anniversary, by P. S. Dupon-/o ceau. 1832. Proc. on the 142d Anniv. Phila., 1824. 1069 WIscoNSIN STATE HIST. Soc., First Annual Report. Madison, 1855. d 1070 AMERICAN HISTORICAL MAGAZINE and Literary Record. January, February, April, May, and June. Vol. I., Nos. 1, 2, 4, 5, 6: Five Numbers as originally published-rough edges. 8vo. Very - scarce, fine condition. New Haven, 1836 Contains Biographical Sketches of Gen. Wooster, Nathan Hale, Gen. Putnam, &c., Revolutionary Papers, &c.,&c., comprising a valuable col lection. 2I ~/0 NLLINOIS, Gazetteer of. In three parts. Containing a General View of the State, each County and Town, Alphabetically arranged. By J. M. Peck. 12mno, cl. Jacksonville, 1834 /3' 1072 mLLsNOIs AND WISCONSIN. Letters Written by John Kingman, while on a Tour, in the Summer of 1838. 8vo, 48 p., pamph. Scarce. Hingham, 1842 ~- Xc 1073 IMLAY, GEORGE. TOPOGRAPHICAL DESCRIPTION OF THE WESmTERN TERRITORY OF NORTH AMERICA: Containing a Succinct Ac — count of its Soil, Climate, Etc. To which are added, the Discovery, Settlement, and Present State of Kentucky. And an Essay towards the Topography and Natural History of that Important Country. By John Filson. To Which is added: I.-The Adventures of Col. Daniel Boon, comprehending every important Occurrence in the Political History of that Province. II.-The Minutes of the Piankashaw Council, held at Post St. Vincent's, April 15, 1784. III.-An Account of the Indian Nations Inhabiting within the Limits of the Thirteen United States: their Manners, Etc. Illustrated with correct Maps of the Western Territory of North America;, the State of Kentucky as divided into counties, from the latest surveys, and a Plan of the Rapids of the Ohio. The second edition, with considerable additions. 8vo, bds., rough edges. Very Jine copy. e London, 1793 ~2f 1074 IMLAY, GILBERT. A TOPOGRAPHICAL DESCRIPTION OF THE WESTERN TERRITORY OF NORTH AMERICA. Containing a succinct Account of its Soil, Climate, Natural History, Etc. To which are added: I. —The Discovery, Settlement, and Present State of Kentucky. By John Filson, 1784. II.-An account of the Indian Nations, Inhabiting within the limits of the Thirteen States. I. —The Culture of Indian Corn, Etc., and other particulars in the Vegetable Kingdom. IV. —Observations on the Ancient Works, the Native Inhabitants of the Western Country, Etc., by Major Jonathan Heart. V.-Historical Narrative and Topographical Description of Louisiana and West-Florida, by Thomas Hutchins. VI. —Account of the Soil, Growing Timber, and other productions of several Lands now in Progress of being Settled. VII. —Remarks for the Information of those 163 who wish to become Settlers in America, by Dr. Franklin. VIII.- Topographical Description of Virginia, Pennsylvania, Maryland, and North Carolina, by Mr. Tho. Hutchins. IX.-Mr. Patrick Kennedy's Journal of the Illinois River, Etc. X.-Description of the State of Tenasee, and of the Southwestern Territory, with the Constitution of Tenasee, established 1796, Etc., by Gilbert Imlay. Illustrated with correct Maps, from actual surveys by Elihu Barker; a Map of the Tenasee Government, and a Plan of the Rapids of the Ohio. The Third Edition, with great additions. 8vo, sheep. Very scarce. London: Printedfor J. Debrett, opposite Burlington House, Piccadilly, 1797. 1075 INDIANA. Valley of the Upper Wabash, with Hints on its Agricul-/s tural Advantages, Etc. By Wm. Henry Ellsworth. 12mo. cl. Ilap. New York, 1838 1076 INDIANA, A History of, from its Earliest Exploration by Europeans, to the close of the Territorial Government in 1816; comprehending a History of the Discovery, Settlement, and CivilWand Military Affairs of the Territory of the United States, Northwest of the river Ohio, and a general View of the Progress of Public Affairs in Indiana, from 1816 to 1856. By John B. Dillon. 8vo, in sheets. With map, portraits, etc. Very scarce in this style. Indianapolis, Ind., 1859 1077 INGLIS, Rev. JOHN, Bp. of Nova Scotia. A Sermon at, Halifax, on IBehalf of the Society for Propag. the Gospel in Foreign Parts, February 19, 1832. 8vo. Fine copy, 27 pages. Historical. Halfax, 1832 1078 IOWA, Constitution for the State of, Adopted in Convention, May/ 18, 1846. 8vopamph. Iowa City, 1846 1079 IowA, As It Is, in 1855. Embracing a full Description of the State, her Agricultural, Mineralogical, and Geological Character, with / numerous Illustrations. By N. Howe Parker. 8vo, cl. Chicago, Ill., 1855 1080 IPSWICH, ESSEX, AND HAMILTON, Mass., HISTORY or, with/73The Appendix. By Joseph B. Felt. Cl., 8vo. Portrait. Cambridge, 1834 1081 IRVING, WASHINGTON, Brief Remarks on the "Wife." 8vo, 18 p._o Curious, good copy, scarce. New York, 1819 1082 ITHACA, N. Y., Views of, and its Environs. By an Impartial Oh-/0 server. 8vo, uncut, 44p. Scarce. Ithaca, 1835 PAMPHLETS. 1083 Pamphlets. [Sixteen.] Idaho. Six Months in the New Gold Diggings. By J. L. Campbell. Chicago, 1864 5 Ide, Jacob. Sermon at Ordination of Rev. John M. Putnam. Boston, 1820 Ide, Rev. Jacob. Sermon at Ordina. of Charles T. Torrey. Providence, 1837 164 Illinois, Proceedings of Board of Commis. of Public Works of' Vandalia, 1837 College, Address at Anniv. of Sigma Phi Soc., of. By Rev. L. Grosvenor. St. Louis, 1848 Central Railroad Company offer for sale, over 2,400,000 Acres. 1V. Y., 1855 -- Remarks on Retirement of Chief Justice Caton, from the Bench of Supreme Court of. Chicago, 1864 Infidel Society of United States. Minutes of. Boston, 1846 Indiana Medical College, Address before Officers and Students of. By John B. Niles. Indianapolis, 1846 Indiana University, Address before Athenian Soc. of. By Prof. J. W. Scott. Oxford, 1838 Insurance. The Hope Mutual Life. N. Y., 1847 - Mutual Life, Fifteenth Annual Report, of New York. N. Y., 1859 Mutual Life, of New York. The Great Western Life, of New York. Italian Language, Grammatical Dissertation on. By Francois M. J. Surault. Boston, 1835 Inquiry into the Causes of Public Distress. N. Y., 1834 4z 1084 Miscellaneous. [Twelve.] Irving, Washington. Remarks on the "Wife." N. E;, 1819 iron Dike. Tracts concerning the Reclamation of Swamp and Marsh Lands, and Strengthening of River Levees, etc. N. Y Iliff, Frederick. Week-Day Prayers for use of Boarding-Schools. London Ipswich Female Sem. Address by Daniel Dana, Jan. 15, 1834. Inquirer, Christian. Olive Branch. Vol. I., No. 7, New York, June 28, 1828. Inglis, Charles. Sermon on the Death of John Ogilvie. N. Y., 1774 Ives, Rt. Rev. Levi S., Sermon on taking Leave of his Congregation. N. Y., 1831 Ireland, Political History of. From 1172, to the present time. By Edwin Williams. N. Y., 1843 - Rev. John, Second Appeal to the Church, Containing Remarks and Strictures on the late violent proceedings of a pretended Ecclesiastical Court against. Brooklyn, 1811 Imray, J. W. Altamont, a Philosophical Drama, in 2 Acts. London, 1828 Iturbide, Don Augustine De. Narrative of the Last Moments of the Life of, Ex-Emperor of Mexico. By Col. Charles De Beneski. N. Y., 1825 Indiana School Journal. George W. Ross. Vol. XIII., No. 3, March, 1868. 165 1085 Indian Pamphlets. [Seven.] Indian, Statement of, Relations. Reply to Articles on Removal of the Indians. N. 1Y., 1830 Indians. Speech of Hon. Mr. Storrs, on Seminole War. Removal of the. Rep. No. 227. By Mr. Bell, Feb. 24, 1830. Reform, Remarks on Practicability of. By Isaac M'Coy. Boston, 1827/C Reform, Remarks on Practicability of. By Isaac M'Coy. (2d Ed.). N. Y, 1829 Documents and Proc. Relating to Formation and Progress of a Board in New York, for Emig., Preservation and Improvement of. N. Y., 1829 Disc. before Soc. for Prop. the Gospel among the. By E. Porter. Boston, 1808 1086 Indian Pamphlets. [ Thirteen.] No. 1. Indian Bulletin for 1867. By N. W. Jones. N. Y., 1867 Stories of the Revolution. By Josiah Priest. Scarce. Albany, 1836 Catalogue of the Ind. Gallery. Washington. Mosaic Account of the Unity of the Human Race. Indian Names of places in R. I. By Usher Parsons. With3o Portrait. Prov. 1861 Report on the Sudbury Fight, April, 1676. Darien Indians. By Dr. Cullen. 1865 Journal of Visits to the Indians on the Kennebec River. By the Rev. Joseph Baxter. Boston, 1867 Letter from John Ross to a Gentleman of Phil. 1837. Scarce. A New Soc. for Benefit of Ind. Washington, 1822 Speech of Mr. Frelinghuysen. Washington, 1830 Speech of Jas. Talmadge, on the Seminole War. N. Y., 1819 View of the Present Relations between the Government and the Indians. 1087 Indian Pamphlets. [Thirteen.] Remarks of Mr. Stockton, on the Ind. Appro. Bill. Washington, 1852 Report of Visit to some of the Tribes of Ind. located West of the Mississippi. By Lang & Taylor. N. Y., 1843 Edward Everett's Address at Bloody Brook, Sept. 30, 1835. Very scarce. 6 Organization of New Ind. Terri. By George Copway. N. Y., 1850 Lincoln's Address at Bloody Brook, Aug. 31, 1838. Very scarce. Monumental Remains of Georgia. By C. C. Jones. Savannah, 1861 Cherokee Almanac, 1836-'58. Union and Park Hill, Georgia. Speech of Mr. Wild, of Georgia. Washington, 1830 The Abenaki Ind. By Frederic Kidder. Poor copy. Portland, 1859 166 Charles Gibbon's Address, before the Northern Lyceum of Philadelphia. 1839 Report on the Seneca Indians. Boston, 1840 Spelling-Book in the Seneca Language, Buffalo Creek Reservation. Newspaper in the Seneca Language, " The Mental Elevator." Nos. 1 to 5 inclusive. 1841-42 J-a 1088 Indian Pamphlets. [Nine.] Receipts of the Indian Dr. John Mackentosh, (Cherokee.) N. Y., 1827 Plan for Civilizing the Indians of N. A. London, 1796 Origin of the Indians, etc. From Boston Monthly Magazine, Jan. 1826. Cong. Doc. No. 74. Treaty with Florida Ind. 1826 Soc. for Prop. the Gosp. among the Ind. Disc. by Porter. Boston, 1808 Capt. J. Lovewell's Fight at Pequawket. Conrcord 1861 Life and Adventures of Henry Lanson. London, 1801 The Sioux War. By J. W. Taylor. St. Paul, 1862 Boston Two Hundred Years Ago; or, The Romantic Story of Miss Ann Carter and the Celebrated Indian Chief Thundersquall, with many Reminisences and Events of Olden Time. Very scarce. Exeter, 1831,75 1089 Indian Pamphlets. [Nine.] Barr, Capt. James, Correct and Authentic Narrative of the Indian War in Florida, with a Description of Maj. Dade's Massacre. Very scarce. N. Y., 1836 Soc. for Prop. Gosp. among Indians. Sermon. By Philip Furneaux. London, 1775 Sketch of Life of Apostle Eliot. By H. A. S. Dearborn. Roxbury, 1850 John C. Metcalf's Oration at Ind. Rock, July 4, 1823. Scarce. 1823 Cong. Doe. No. 10, on Ind. Trade, 1822. 1822 Oneida County and Mohawk Valley. Papers No. 18. From the New York Col. Hist. Narrative of a Captivity among Mohawk Ind. A Description of New Netherland, 1642-43. By Father Isaac Joques, with a Memoir by John G. Shea. Scarce. N. Y., 1857 The Moravian Church Miscellany. Vol. IV., No. 3, Containing a Report on Ind. 1853 Eulogy on King Philip. By Win. Apess. 2d ed. Scarce. Boston, 1837 4f,1090 Indian Pamphlets. [Ten.] Eulogy on King Philip, by Win. Apess. 1st Ed. Very scarce. Boston, 1837 Rambles among Araucanian Indians. Thomaston, 1851 167 Atlantic Journal, Vol. I., No. 3. American Tribes not Jews. By C. S. Rafinesque. Scarce. Phila., 1832 Address on present condition of the Aboriginal Inhabitants of North America. By M. B. Pierce. Very scarce. Steele's Press, 1838 Address of Gov. Boutwell at Dedication of Monument to Memory of Capt. Wadsworth, at Sudbury. Nov. 23, 1852. Very scarce. Autograph of Boutwell. Davis, A. Antiquities of America and the Discovery of New England by the Northmen. 9th Ed. Boston, 1842 Marriage of Pocahontas. By B. J. Lossing. The Early Peopling of America. By John B. Newman. New Yorc, 1848 Statement of the Indian relations. New York, 1830 Relations between Cherokees and U. S. 1091 Indian Pamphlets. [Ten.] Appeal to Christian Community on prospects of N. Y. Indians. By N. T. Strong, Seneca Chief. NV. Y., 1841 Observations on the Aboriginal Monuments of the Mississippi Valley. E. G. Squier. Scarce. New Yorkl, 1847 Soc. for Prop. Gospel among Ind. Discourse by Dr. Lathrop, Jan. 19, 1804. - Discourse by L. Frisbie, Nov. 1, 1804. - Discourse by T. Barnard, Nov. 6, 1806. S' - Discourse by Abiel Holmes, Nov. 3, 1808. Discourse by E. Parish, Nov. 3, 1814. Discourse by I). Osgood, June 2, 1788. Hist. Sketch of the formation of the Confed. with reference to the limits of the General Gov't. over Indian Tribes and the Public Territory. By Joseph Blunt. Scarce. N. Y, 1825 Treaty of Six Indian Tribes. By Madison and Jefferson. 1092 India n'Pamphlets, &c. LFourteen.] Schoolcraft's Oneota, Nos. 1, 2, 3 (4). Scarce. New Yorc, 1844 Apthorp's Consid. on the Soc. Prop. Gosp. Boston, 1763 Cong. Doe., Ind. Aff. Generally. Feb. 10, 1829. Fur Trade. Feb. 9, 1829. Trade. Feb. 11, 1822. Treaty, Lewis Cass and Chippeways. Feb. 5, 1828. /ti' No. 122. Chickasaw Fund. No. 519. Removal of the Chippewa, Ottawa, &c. May 29, 1844. No. 86. Removal of the Choctaws. February 7, 1845. No. 115. Chickasaw Fund. Feb. 9, 1844. No. 152. Memorial on the Purchase of Catlin's paintings and curiosities. 1848. 168 a 1093 Indian Pamphlets, &c. [Thirteen.] Cong. Doc. No. 41. Memorial of Coody and Drew. "Old Settlers " of the Cherokees. 1849. 149. Report of Choctaw Bd. of Comm. 1845. - 149. Report on behalf of Milly, an Indian Woman. 1844. 145. Memorial of the Cherokee Delegation. 1848. 736. Ind. terri. west of the Miss. 1848. 147. Memorial of Tuckahatchee, Mico, and others. 1848. ------- 31. Letter of the 2d Auditor of Treasury. 1862. - 474. Corn. on Ind. Aff. for estab. of West. Terri, 1834. - 8. Letter from Sec. of Treas. Statement of Money appropriated and paid for Indians since 1820. 51. Letter from Sec. of Treas. relating to sale of lands to the United Brethren. 1822. 47. Memorial of Soc. of Friends. 1818. 10. Report of Comm. in relation to the treaty with the Creek and Cherokee Ind. 1822. - 102. Preserv. and Civiliz. of Ind. 1826. SW 1094 Indian Pamphlets. [Thirteen.] Message No. 50, from Pres. Monroe. 1822. 21, from Pres. Monroe. 1825. 25, from Pres. Madison. 1816. Soc. for Prop. the Gospel among the Ind.; Report of, Nov. 6, 1845.. Among the Ind., Report of, Nov. 7, 1850. Among the Ind., Report of, May 31, 1855. Among the Ind., Report of, May 30, 1861. Soc. for Prop. Gospel. Sermon by Dr. Morse, Nov. 1, 1810. Sermon by Dr. Eckley, Nov. 7, 1805. - Sermon by James Kendall, Nov. 7, 1811. - Sermon by Joshua Bates, Nov. 4, 1813. Sermon by B. B. Wisner, Nov. 5, 1829. Report concerning the Indians of Mass. No 96. 1861. /,v 1095 Indian Pamphlets. [Thirteen.] Disc. on Remnant of the Indian Race. By J. R. Tyson. Very scarce. Phila., 1836 Removal of the Indians. Boston, 1830 Events in Life of Brant. Journal of Peter Jacobs, Ind. Missionary. Toronto, 1853 Me-won-i-toc: A Tale of Frontier Life and Ind. Charac. N. Y., 1867 Journal of a Tour in the Ind. Terr. NA. 1, 1844 Journal of Rev. Peter Jacobs. N. Y., 1857 Thrilling Sketch of the Life of Okah Tubbee. By L. L. Allen. New York, 1848 Plea for the Ind. By John Beason. N.., 1858 Essays on American Indians. By William Penn. Boston, 1829 169 Medical receipts of Col. John Wabash, Ind. Phys. to the Creek Nation. Philadelphia Effort and Failure to Civilize the Aborigines. Letter to Hon. N. G. Taylor from Edward D. Neill. Washington, 1868 Memories of the Ind. and Pioneers of the Region of Lowell. By Charles Cowley. Lowell, 1862 1096 Indian Pamphlets. [Fifteen.] Soc. for Propagating the Gospel among the Indians and others in N. A. Discourse by Joseph Eckley, Nov. 7, 1805. Boston Discourse by Thomas Barnard; Charlestown, Nov. 6, 1806. Sermon by James Kendall, at Anniv., Nov. 7, 1811. Boston, 1812 Sermon by Joshua Bates, at Anniv., Nov. 4, 1813. Boston, 1813 Sermon by Ebenezer Porter, Nov. 1, 1827. Andover, 1827 McCoy, Isaac. Remarks on Practicability of Indian Reform,-o embracing their Colonization. Boston, 1827 Documents and Proc. relating to the Formation and Progress of a Board for the Emigration, Preservation, and Improvement of the Aborigines. N. Y., July 22, 1829. Indian Territory. Periodical Account of Baptist Missions within-for year ending Dec. 31, 1836. ---- Annual Register of Indian Affairs within the. By Isaac McCoy. Shawanoe Baptist Mission, Ind. Ter. 1837. -__- Annual Register of Indian Affairs. By Isaac McCoy. Washington, 1838 Chronicles of the N. American Savages. Vol I. May, 1835. No. 1. Chronicles of the N. American Savages. Vol. I. June, 1835. No. 2. Cherokees, The; Relations between, and the Gov't. of U. S. Indian Territory, Journal of a Tour in the. N. Y., 1844 Kah-ge-ga-gah-bouh, or Geo. Copway. Organization of a New Indian Territory, East of the Missouri River. N. Y., 1850 22 3?o * M ACKSON, ANDREW. Memoir of. By S. W. Putnam8vw, sh.. Hartford, 1819 4o 1098 JACKSON, THOMAS J. "Stonewall Jackson." The Life and Military Career of. By Markinfield Addey. 8vo, paper. New York, 1863 / 1099 JACOBS, BELA. Second Annual Report of the Exec. Corn. of the Western Baptist Educational Assoc., May 28, 1834. 1100 8vo, 24 pages; fine copy; scarce. JBoston, 1834 Jo 1100 JACOBS, THOMAS. Scenes, Incidents and Adventures in the Pa-. cific Ocean, or the Islands of the Australasian Seas, during the Cruise of the Clipper "Margaret Oakley," under Capt. Benjamin Morrell. 8vo, cl.; rough edges; illustrated. New Yorlk, 1844 ~- 1101 JAMAICA. Its Past and Present State. By James M. Phillippo. 8vo, uncut; pamphlet. Philadelphia, 1843 /3 1102 JAMES, WILLIAM. A Full and Correct Account of the chief Naval Occurrences of the Late War between Great Britain and the United States of America; to which is added an Appendix; with plates. 8vo, cl., uncut. London, 1817 30 1103 JANNEY, SAMUEL M. The last of the Lenape and other Poems. 12_mo, cl. Phila., 1839 jK 1104 JAMESTOWN, Va. Celebration of the Two Hundred and Fiftieth Anniversary of the English Settlement, May 18, 1857. 8vo pamphlet, 32 p. Washington, 1857 / 1105 JAY, WILLIAM. Remarks on the Character and Narrative of the Rev. John Clark, interspersed with brief sketches from the narrative. By another hand. 8vo, 94 p.; uncut. Boston, 1821 30 1106 JEANNETTE. A Poem, with Three Portraits. By Aeculapius Non Vinotus. 8vo, cl.;free. New Yorkc, 1857 2os-o 1107 JEMISON, MARY. DEu-IEM-WA-MIS; OR, A NARRATIVE OF THE LIFE OF, otherwise called the White Woman, who was taken captive by the Indians in 1755, and continued with them 78 yrs. Containing an account of the murder of her Father and his Family, her marriage and sufferings. Indian Barbarities, Customs and Traditions. By James E. Seaver. Also, The Life of Hiokatoo and Ebenezer Allen; a sketch of Gen. Sullivan's Campaign; Tragedy of the "Devil's Hole," etc. Hist. Sketches of the Six nations, etc. By Ebenezer Mix. 12mo,full cr. crim., lev. mor., gt. By R. M. Smith, very scarce. Batavia, N. Y., 1842 1108 JERSEY CITY. HOBOKEN and HUDSON. Combined Directories of, for 1854-55: with an Appendix, containing various Statistical and/' Historical Information and a Map. 12mo, bds. Jersey City, 1854 1109 JEWETT, C. C. Notices of Public Libraries in the United States of37? America. 8vo, cl. Washington, 1851 1110 JEWITT, JOHN R. Narrative of the Adventures and sufferings of, only survivor of the Crew of the Ship Boston, during a Capti-/c vity of nearly 3 years among the Savages of Nootka Sound, with an account of the Manners, Mode of Living and Religious Opinions of the Natives. 12mo, cl.; plates. Ithaca, N. Y., 1851 1111 JOHNSON, JOSEPH. Traditions and Reminiscences, chiefly of the American Revolution in the South. Including Biographical Sketches, Incidents and Anecdotes, Particularly of Residents in the Upper Country. 8vo, cl., fine copy; very scarce. Charleston, S. C., 1851 1112 JOHNSON, Mrs. THOMAZIN, of BRAINTREE, Mass. Memoir of, with an account of her Pious Lineage, from John Alden, the firsVtZP Pilgrim Father who placed foot on Plymouth Rock. By her son, L. D. Johnson. 16mo, cl. Boston, 1835 1113 JONES, A. D. The American Portrait Gallery; containing correct Portraits and brief notices of the principal Actors in Am-s0 erican History, embracing Distinguished Women, Naval and Military Heroes, Civilians, Jurists, Divines and Artists; together with celebrated Indian chiefs. From Christopher Columbus down to the present time. With portraits. 8vo. New York, 1867 1114 JONES, GEORGE. Tecumseh and the Prophet of the West; An Historical, Israel-Indian Tragedy. In Five Acts, with Histori-3vjz cal Notes. The Life and History of General Harrison, and the' First Oration upon the Life, Character and Geni's of Shakspeare. In 1 vol., 8vo, cl. London, 1844 1115 JONES, CHEVALIER, JOHN PAUL. Life and Character of; a Captain in the United States Navy during the Revolutionary War./ By John Henry Sherburne. 8vo, bds. uncut. Washington, 1825 1116 JONES, JOHN PAUL. Life and Character of, a Captain in the United States Navy, during the Revolutionary War. By John Henry Sherburne. 8vo, cloth, 2nd ed. New York, 1851 1117 JONES, PAUL. The Life and Adventures of. 8vo, unbound. N. Y., 1848 1118 JONES, CHARLES C. HISTORIcAL SKETCH OF the Chatham Artillery during the Confederate Struggle for Independence. 8vo,~/'$ red cl. Joel Munsell; Albany, 1867 1119 JONES, SAMUEL. A Century Sermon, delivered in Phila., before the Phila. Baptist Assoc., Oct. 6, 1807. Comprising a History of the Church at Lower Dublin, Phila., from the -year 1688,>0 and a general Hist. of the progress of the Baptist Church, etc., 8vo, 26 pages, good copy; scarce. Phila., 1807 172,6'' 1120 JosHUA, The Books of, and Ruth, translated into the Choctaw language. 16mo, unbound. New York, 1852 /&' 1121 JOSSELYN, JOHN. An account of Two Voyages to New-England, made during the years 1638, 1663. Sm. 4to, cl., uncut. Reprinted from the London edition of 1675. William Veazie, Boston, 1865 Only 25 copies printed. //2-1122 JossEYILN, JOHN. New-England Rarities, Discovered in Birds, Beasts, Fishes, Serpents and Plants of that Country. With an Introduction and Notes by Edward Tuckerman, M. A. Reprinted from the London edition, 1672. Sm. 4to, cl., uncut. William Veazie, Boston, 1865 250 copies printed.,;v 1123 "JUBA." "United we stand; divided we fall." 12mo, bds. uncut. New York, 1812 2c'-1124 JUIVENAL. A new translation, with notes of the third satire of; to which are added, miscellaneous poems. 12mo, sheep. New York, 1806 PAMPHLETS. /' 11125 Miscellaneous. [Thirteen.] Jenks, Capt. Robert W. The Brachial Telegraph. N. Y., 1852 Jamaica. Description and History of the Island of, by W. Wemyss Anderson. Kingston, Jamaica, 1851 Jaeger. Prof. B. Life of North American Insects. N. Y., 1853 Jahnsenykes, Rev. Williamson. Memoir of the Northern Kingdom. Quebec, 1901 Jewett, Charles C. In Memoriam. Providence, 1868 Jessup, Rev. Edward. The Dignity and Duty of a Minister of Christ. N. Y;, 1864 Jeffreys, Archdeacon. The Religious Objection to Tetotalism. London, 1840 Jacobinical Times. Progress of the Pilgrim Good Intent. Stockbridge, 1802 Jacobs, Rev. Bela. Report of his Tour in Western States. Boston, 1833 Jones, J. Thoughts on Literary Prospects of America. Baltimore, 1839 Jones, Rev. Cave. Solemn Appeal to the Church. N. Y., 1811 Jones, Paul. Life, Travels, Voyages, &c. London. Jones, Henry. Strange Phenomena of New England in the Seventeenth Century, including the Salem Witchcraft, 1692, from the Writings of Rev. Cotton Mather. Very Scarce. N. Y., 1846 //2 1126 Miscellaneous. [Fourteen.] Jones, Thomas. Paradoxes of Debit and Credit Demolished, &c. NV. Y., 1859 Jones, Henry. Animal Magnetism-repudiated as Scorcerynot a Science. N. Y., 1846 173 Jayne, Ebenezer. Letter to Ephraim Green. Byram, 1811 Jarvis, Sarah M. Petition for Divorce from her Husband, Rev. Samuel F. Jarvis. Scarce. Hartford, 1839 Jarvis, Samuel, F. Sermon before Annual Convention of Prot. Epis. Ch. Boston, 1822 Joncourt, R. De. Predestination Considered. Newburgh, 1811 Johnston, David. The Heinousness and Aggravation of Theft. Edinburgh, 1788 Junius. The Test; or, Parties tried by their Acts. N. Y., 1843 The Tariff. N. Y., 1843 The Currency. N; Y., 1843 Life of Henry Clay. N. Y., 1843 Jack, Charles J. Speech in favor of Re-annex. of Texas to U. S. Phila., 1844 Review of Opinion of Hon. Edward King. Phila., 1846 Judson, Adoniram. Sermon preached in La Bazar Chapel, Calcutta, Sept. 27, 1812. Boston, 1817 1127 Miscellaneous. [Twelve.] Johnson, John B. Farewell Sermon, Sept. 26, 1802. Albany, 1802 Jordan, John. Serious Actual Dangers of Foreigners and Foreign Commerce in Mexican States. Phila., 1826 Johnson, Rev. John. Correspondence between and Miss Elizabeth Jones. Phila., 18172s Johnson, Col. Richard M. Speech on Imprisonment for Debt. Boston, 1823 Johnson, Hon. Mr. Review of Report of Com. on subject of Mails on the Sabbath. Boston, 1829 Johnson, A. G. History of Progress of Judicial Usurpation. Troy, 1863 Jay's, Mr., Treaty. Features of. Phila., 1795 Jay's, Wmin. Letter to Rt. Rev. Bishop Hobart. N. Y., 1823 Jay, Winm. Essay on Marriage. Utica, 1814 Johnson, Oliver. Dissertation on Subject of Future Punishment. Boston, 1831 Jay's, Judge, Portrait at White Plains. N. Y., 1863 Second Letter on Dawson's IIntroduction to the Federalist. N. y., 1864 1128 Miscellaneous. [Eleven.] Japan and the Japanese. By Talbot Watts. N: Y., 1852 By an Oriental Traveller. N. Y., 1860 /< Judd, Gideon, N. Sermon on National Fast. ANewark, 1828 Jefferson, Thomas. Address on Life and Character of. Phil., 1800 Address on Inaug. of, by Tunis Wortman. NV. E., 1801 Address on Life and Character of. 2nd Ed. Worcester, 1802 Observations on "Notes on Yirginia." N. Y., 1804 174 Jefferson, T. Documents relating to the Presidential Elec. in 1801, Aspersing the Character of the late James Bayard. Phila., 1831 Answer to. Justification of his Conduct in Case of New Orleans Batture, by Edward Livingston. Very scarce. Phila., 1813 Jefferson College. Annual Address, Philo. Lit. Soc. of, by Wm. T. Hamilton. Pittsburgh, 1849 Journal. Monthly American, of Geology and Natural Science. Vol. I., No. 3., Sept., 1831. Phila. /v 1129 Miscellaneous. [Fourteen.] Jesuits. Secret Instructions of. Phila., 1844 Irterference with Domestic Affairs, by Wm. C. Byrne. Galveston, 1848 Lecture in Musical Fund Hall, by Joseph F. Berg. Phila., 1851 Johns, Rev. Evan. Review of Layman's Essay on the Sabbath. Canandaigua, 1829 Johns, Henry V. D. Letter to, on Sermon entitled, "The Protestant Episcopal Pastor." Baltimore, 1842 Johns, Rev. J. Valedictory Address deliv. in Christ Church. Baltimore, 1842 Johnson, John B. A Farewell Sermon deliv. Sept. 26, 1802. Albany Jefferson, Tho. A Series of Letters addressed to, by Tacitus. Scarce. Phila., 1802 James, Wm. Warden Refuted; Defence of British Navy. London, 1819 Johnson, Mr. Report on Sunday Mails. Boston, 1829 Jefferson, Thomas. Answer to. Justification of his conduct in case of the New Orleans Batture, by Edward Livingston. Phila., 1813 Jackson, Andrew. Affidavit of, in Suit of Robert Mayo vs. Blair and Rives, by Robt Mayo. Washington, 1840 Sermon on Death of, by Rev. John N. M'Jilton. Baltimore, 1845 Jackson, Gen. Andrew. Memoirs of. Bridgeton, N. J., 1824,%' 1130 Miscellaneous. [Fourteen.] Jackson, Gen. Andrew. Reflections on Charac. and Public Services of. N. Y., 1828 First Invasion of Florida, and of his Immortal Defence of New Orleans, by Aristides. Rare. N. Y., 1827 Memoirs of, with Letter of Sec. Adams. N. Y., 1824 Oration on Life and Char. of, by Wm. L. Yancey. Baltimore, 1846 Jefferson, Thomas and John Adams. Discourse on Death of, by John Stanford. N. Y., 1826 175 Jefferson, Thomas. Vindication of, against Charges contained in a Pamphlet entitled " Serious Considerations," by Grotius. Scarce. N. Y., 1800 Pretensions of, to the Presidency examined, and the Charges against John Adams refuted. Scarce. U. S., 1796 Observations on certain passages in "Notes on Virginia." Scarce. New York, 1804 Jackson, Gen. Reminiscences, or Extract from Catalogue of his Juvenile Indiscretions. Curious and scarce. Jackson, Andrew. Letters of "Wyoming" in favor of Election of. Phila., 1824 Supplement to Address of Henry Clay. Washington, 1828 Life of, by Wm. Cobbett. Baltimore, 1834 Jackson. Farmer, in N. Y.; or, the Tenn. Farmer. N. Y., 1821 Jackson, Gen. Address of Repub. Genl. Committee of Young Men of N. Y. Friendly to Election of. N. Y., 1828 1131 Jackson, Gen. Pamphlets relating to. [Five.] Letters of Gen. Adair and Gen. Jackson relative to the charge of Cowardice made by the latter against the Kentucky Y Troops at New Orleans, Apr. 10, 1815. Scarce. Virginia. Anti-Jackson Conventions, Dec. 12, 1827. Aristides. A concise narrative of Jackson's first invasion of Florida and of his immortal defence of New Orleans, with Remarks, &c. Very scarce. Naew York, 1827 Letters and Documents of distinguished Citizens of Tenn. on the buying and selling of Hum;nan Beings. New York, 1828 Truth's Advocate and Monthly Anti-Jackson Expositor, from Jan. to July, 1828, inclusive. Cincinnati, Ohio. 1132 Jew Pamphlets. [Five.] Whitaker, E. W. Dissertation on the Prophecies relating to the,Final Restoration of the Jews. London, 1784 M'Donald, John. A new translation of Isaiah, chap. xvii.: a remarkable prophecy respecting the restoration of the Jews./2'/2 Albany, 1814 Nickelsburger, Jacob. Koul Jacob in defence of the Jewish Religion. New York, 1816 M'Chord, James. A Plea " For The Hope Of Israel " and the Hope of all the World. Phila., 1817 Noah, M. M. Disc. on the restoration of the Jews. _N. Y., 1845 1133 Jew Pamphlets. [Twelve.] Jews in the East, Persecution of the. Phila., 1840 Dissertation on Future Restoration of the. By Jas. Wilson. Providence, 1828/ - - The Restoration of, to Jerusalem, by the year 1798, under their Revealed Prince and Prophet. Written by himself. Book First. Scarce. Phila., 1795 176 Jews in the East. Extract from Report of Com. of London Society for Promoting Christianity amongst the, Brooklyn, 1811 Israel Vindicated. Refutation of Calumnious Prop. respecting the ewish Nation, by an Israelite. N. Y. 1820 Sermon at Ordina. of Rev. Winm. G. Schauffler as Missionary to the, by Moses Stuart. Andover, 1831 Restoration of the. The Crisis of all Nations. By J. Bicheno. London, 1800 Jewish Chronicle, Vol. III., No. 7. Jan., 1847. Jews. Friendly Address to the, by J. Bicheno. London, 1787 ___ — _Remarks on Prophecies relating to the Restoration of, byM. S.M. London Lecture on Conversion of. N. Y., 1846 The Shekinah. By S. B. Brittan. Vol. 1, No. 1. Bridgeport, 1851'5-1 4 UlMEHAMEHA III. Kanawai o ka moi ke ali o ko Hawaii pae aina i kaula e na Alii Ahaolelo A me ka poeikohoia` iloko oka Ahaolela oka makahiki. 8vo, half cf. Honolulu, 1853 1135 KEAPP, SAM'L. L. Oration before the Phi Beta Kappa, at Dart- mouth College Aug. 19, 1824. 8vo, fine copy, 32 pages. fHis-` toricat. Boston, 1824 1136 KEATING, WM. H. Narrative of an Expedition to the source of St. Peter's River, Lake Winnepeek, Lake of the Woods, &c.;-'' performed in the year 1823, by order of the Hon. J. C. Calhoun, under the command of Stephen H. Long. In 2 vols. 8vo, bds., uncut; engraving and map. Lonzdon, 1825 1137 KEEFER, JUSTUS. Slavery: its Sin, Moral Effects, and certain Death. Also, The Language of Nature, compared with Divine/y Revelation. With extracts from eminent Authors. 8vo, cl. Baltimore, 1864 1138 KEENE, N. H. Annals of the Town of, from its settlement, in 1734 to the year 1790. By Salina Hale. 8vo, paper cover, unf /2 cut; 69 pages; the rare first ed., in beautiful condition. Concord, N. H., 1826. J. B. Felt's copy and autograph. 1139 KEENE; N. H. ANNALS OF THE TOWN OF, from its First settlement, /o in 1734, to 1790. By Salma Hale. 8vo, cl., plain; scarce. Keene, 1851 1140 KELLOGG, ROB'T H. (Sergt. lMajor 16th Regt. Conn. Volunteers.) LIFE AND DEATH IN REBEL PRISONS. Giving a complete History of the inhuman and barbarous treatment of our brave soldiers by Rebel authorities inflicting terrible suffering and frightful mortality, principally at Andersonville and Florence; describing plans of escape, arrival of prisoners, &c., and anecdotes of Prison Life. To which is added, an account of the Capture of Davis, and Life, Trial, and Execution of Wirz. Illustrated 8vo, half dark blue lev. mor., gilt top; bound by R. W. Smith. Hartford, 1866 1141 KENNEBUNK PORT, (ME.) HISTORY OF, from its First Discovery, by Bartholomew Gosnold, May 14, 1602, to A.D. 1837.,21eo By Charles Bradbury. 12mo, clo.; plate; very scarce. Kennebunk, 1837 23 C5' 1142 KENNEDY, J. P. Swallow Barn, or a Sojourn in the Old Dominion. Twenty illu.trations, by Strother. 24mo, cloth. New York, 1853 a~ 1143 KENNEDY, THOMAS. Poems. Washington, D. C., 1816 Jo 1144 KENTUCKY. AN ExcURsIoN to the Manmmoth Cave and Barrens of, with some notices of the Early Settlement of the State. By R. Davidson. 12mo, cl.; scarce. Lexington, Ky., 1840 /' 1145 KENTUCKY. THE HISTORY OF, from its Earliest Settlement to. the Present Time. By T. S. Arthur and W. H. Carpenter. 12mo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1853 ~l, 1146 KENTUCKY. SKETCHES OF THE EARLY CATHOLIC MISSIONS OF, from their Commencement, in 1787, to the Jubilee of 1826-'7; embracing a summary of the early history of the State, &c., and of the general State of the Catholic religion in Kentucky. Compiled, with the assistance of. the Rev. Stephen Theodore Badin, First Priest ordained in the United States. By M. J. Spalding, D.D. 12mo, sh. Louisville, Ky., 1844,Js-1147 KENTUCKY. RAMBLES IN THE MAMMOTH CAVE, in 1844. By a Visitor. 12mo, hf. moroc., cl. sides; with chart and plates. Louisville, KIy., 1845 &,~ 1148 KENTUCKY. A HISTORY OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF. By Mann Butler. 1st Ed. Port. of Geo. Boger Clarke. Full red Turkey, gilt. By R. M. Smith. Very scarce. Louisville Ky., 1834 C- 1149 KETT, REV. HENRY. The Flowers of Wit, or a choice collection of Bon Mots. Two vols. 12mno, half cf. London, 1814,// 1150 KILBOURN, JOHN. THE OHIO GAZETTEER, or Topographical Dictionary; containing a description of the several Counties, Towns, Villages, Settlements, &c., &c., in the State; alphabetically arranged. Second ed, improved. Pamph., 8vo, 114 p.; fine copy,'very scarce. Coluinbus, 1816 c30 1151 KINNE, AARON. A New Year's Gift; presented especially to the Young People in the First Society of Groton, Jan. 1, 1788. 8vo pamph, scarce. New London, 1788 4- 1152 KIP, REV. WILLIAM INGRAHAM. THE EARLY JESUIT MISSION IN.NoRTH AMERICA; Compiled and Translated from the Letters of the French Jesuits, with Notes. Parts I. and II., complete. 8vo, hf. mor.; very scarce. N. Y., 1846 /2'i 1153 KIPP, FRAxNCIS, M., D.D'. Historical Discourse delivered on 150th Anniversary of the First R. D. Church, Fishkill, N. Y. With an appendix furnishing a Brief His. Sketch of the Associated Churches of Hopewell, etc. Plates. 8vo, fine copy; interesting. PNew Yorc, 1866 3 1154 KIRK, E. N. An Oration delivered before the Acad. of Sacred Music, in New York, May 14, 1841. 8vo, fine copy, 27 pages. Newv York, 1841' 1155 KNIGHT, H. C. The Broken Harp. Poems. 12mo, C7. Philadelphia, 1815 /So 1156 KNIGHT, MADAME, AND REV. MR. BUCKINGHAM. Journals of, from the Original Manuscripts. Written in 1704 and 1710. 12too, bds., uncut; scarce. Nlew YorkE, 1825 4oA 1157 KNIGHT, CHAS. GALLERY OF PORTRAITS; with Memoirs. 7 vols. 4to, rough edges. With portraits. Very fine copy; scarce. London, 1833-37 179 1153 KNOX COUNTY, OHIO, A HISTORY OF, from 1779 to 1862 inclusive; comprising Biographical Sketches, Anecdotes and Incidents of mlen connected with the County from its first settlement; together with complete lists of the Senators, Commissioners, etc.,/<'~ also of those who have served in Military capacity from its first organization to the present time. And also a sketch of Kenyon College, and other Institutions of learning within the County. By A. Banning Norton. With portraits, plates. 8vo, cl.; scarce. Columbus, 1862 1159 KNOX, THOMAs W. Camp-Fire and Cotton-Field. Southern Ad.. ventures in time of War. Life with the Union Armies and Residence on a Louisiana Plantation. 8vo, bds. New York, Chicago, 1865 1160 KRUGER, K. The First Discovery of America, and its Early Civ-, ilization. Translated and enlarged. By W. L. Wagener./' 12mo, cl. NStew York, 1863 PAMPPHLETS. 1161 Miscellaneous. [Nine.] King, Rufus. Speech of, on the American Navigation Act, deliv. June, 1818. N..: Kean, Laurence. Sermon. "The Diversity of Christ," deliv. Feb. 9, 1821. AT. Y. Keene, Rich'd R. Letter from, to L. Martin, Esq. Scarce. Baltimore, June, 1802. /o Knickerbocker. April, 1839. Kendall, James. Sermon deliv. at Ordination of Hersey B. Goodwin, deliv. Feb. 17, 1830, in Concord, Mass. Kendall, Samuel. Sermon deliv. on termination of a century. Jan. 12, 1813. Very scarce. Cambridge, 1813`Kinne, Aaron. New Year's Gift presented to the young people of Groton, Jan. 1, 1788. New London, 1788 Kemp, James. Letter in defence of the clergy of the D. C., 1822. Kenrick, F. P. Letter on Christian Union. Phila., 1841 1162 Miscellaneous. Valuable Lot. [Twelve.] Kip, Francis 5M. Discourse on 150th Anniv. of First Ref. Dutch Ch., Fishkill. NV. Y., 1866 Kennedy on Diseases of the Skin. Boxbury. Kendall, R. C. Treatise on Perennial Cotton. N. Y., 1862 Knox, Rev. John. Memorial of. Died Jan. 8, 1858. Kent, Elisha Kent. Iemoir and Eulogy of. By E. W. Andrews. N. Y., 1857 Know-Nothings. Startling Facts for Native Americans. N. Y., 1855 Kollock, Henry. Sermon before Gen'l Asssmbly Presb. Church. Phila., 1803 Kemp, Francis Adrian Van Der. Oration at Presb. Canurch Commem. of Emancipation of Datch from French Tyranny. VeYry scarce. Utica. 1814 180 Knickerbocker, Diedrich, Jr. Manuscript of. Scarce. N. Y., 1824 Kirkland, Pres. Disc. on Life and Character of. By Alex. Young. Boston, 1840 Kriauth. Charles P. Disc. on Popular Amusements. Winchester, 1851 Koszta. Correspondence bet. Winm. L. Marcy and Chev. Hulsemnann.? 1163 Miscellaneous. Valuable Lot. [Twelve.] Kearney, Frederick. Treatise on Industry and False Pride. London. Kossuth, Louis. Life and Public American Speeches of. N. Y., 1852 Knoepfel's Schoharie Cave. Account of. N. Y., 1853 Knapp, Martin. Human Liberty against Ultra-Temp. Intolerance. N. Y., 1853 Kenyon College. Three Letters to Bishop Chase on Present Indebtedness of. By Rev. Samuel Chase. Peoria, 1843 Reply of Trustees of, to Statement of D. B. Douglass. Phila., 1844 - Statement of Facts and Circum. connected with Removal of D. B. Douglass. Printedfor private circulation. 1844. King, Edward. Considerations on Utility of National Debt. London, 1793 King, Wm. R. Obituary Addresses on Death of. Washington, 1854 King's Maiesties Declaration concerning Lawful Sports. Phila., 1866 Keith, Isaac S. Charge at Ordination of Rev. James Adams. Scarce. Charleston, 1799 Kent, James. Dissertations by. Scarce. N. Y.? 1795 ACKAWANNA VALLEY, (Pa.) Contributions to the 1 History of the Lackawanna Valley. 12mo, cl. With:2 portrait and map. By H. Iiollister, M. D. New Yorlk, 1857 1165 LAHONTAN, BARON. NEW VOYAGES TO NORTH AMERICA. Containing An Account of the several Nations of that vast Continent; and the various Adventures between the French and the Iroquese Confederates of England, from 1683 to 1694. A Geographical description of Canada. Also a Dialogue between the.'tAuthor and a General of the Savages. To which is added a Dictionary of the Algonkine Language, which' is generally spoke in North America. Illustrated with twenty-three Mapps and Cutts. Written in French by the Baron Lahontan. Done into English. In two volumes. A great part of which never Printed in the Original. 2vols., 8vo, cf.,fine copy. Scarce. London, 1703 1166 LAKE GEORGE and Lake Champlain, from their first discovery to 1759. Replete with incidents of the early French and Indian /,'o Wars, and Revolutionary History. By B. C. Butler. 12mo, ci., maps. Albany, 1868 1167 LAMB, GEN. JOHN. MEMOIR OF THE LIFE AND TIMES OF. An Officer of the Revolution who Commanded the Post at West Point at the time of Arnold's Defection, and his Correspond-LS2 ence with Washington, Clinton, Patrick Henry and other distinguished Men of his Time. By Isaac Q. Leake. 8vo, cloth; fine copy. Albany: Joel Munsell, 1850 1168 LANCASTER, (Mass.) TOPOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL SKETCHES OF, furnished for the Worcester Magazine and Historical Jour-~ 1418 NARRAGANSETT CLUB, PUBLICATIONS OF. First Series, Vol. 3. Containing Reprint of the 1644 edition of the "Bloody Tenent, of Persecution, for causse of Conscience, Discussed in a Conference betweene Truth and Peace. Who in all tender Affection, present to the High Court of Parliament (as the result of their Discourse,) these (amongst other Passages) of highest consideration." Only 200 copies printed. Edited by Samuel Caldwell. 4to, uncut, cl. Providence B. L. 1867 ~ 1419 NATICK, Mass. A Sermon delivered Jan. 5, 1817, containing a History of said Town, from 1651 to the Day of delivery. By Martin Moore. 8vo pamphlet, uncut, 24 pages, very scarce in this condition. -Cambridge, 1817 //2 1420 NATICK, Mass. History of the Town of, from the days of the Apostolic Eliot, 1650, to the present time 1830. By William Biglow. 8vo, paper coyv., 87 pages, uncut, very fine copy, scarce. Boston, 1830 /3I 1421 NATICK, MASS. HISTORY OF, from its First Settlement in 1651, to the Present Time, with Notices of the First White Families, and also an account of the Centennial Celebration, Oct. 16, 233 1851. Rev. Mr. Hunt's address at consecration of Dell Park Cemetery, etc. By Oliver N. Bacon. 8vo, cl., plates and ports. fine copy, scarce., Boston, 1856 1422 NATIONAL INSTITUTION. Circular and address of, for pro-/ moting Industry in the United States, to their Fellow Citizens. 8vo, 28 pages, good copy. New York, 1820 1423 NEAL, DANIEL. THE HISTORY OF THE PURITANS; or, Protestr ant Non-Conformists. From the Reformation under King Henry VIII, to the Act of Toleration, under King William and/y Queen Mary, with an account of their principles, etc. In two volumes. The 2nd ed. corrected. 4to, cf. London., MDCCLIV Fine Portrait of Neal, after Ravenet. 1424 NEAL, DANIEL. THE HISTORY OF THE PURITANS; or, Protestant Non-conformists, from the Reformation to the Act of Toleration in the Reign of King William and Qaeen Mary, in the year 1688. Containing an account of their Principles, their at-o ~ tempts for a further Reformation in the church, their sufferings, and the Lives and Characters of their principal Divines. A new edition, revised, corrected and enlarged, by Joshua Toulmin, D. D., to which are prefixed, some Memoirs of the Life and Writings of the Author. 8vo, sh. 5 vols., best edition. Bath: printed by R. Cruttwell. London, 1793-1797 1425 NEAL, DANIEL. HISTORY OF THE PURITANS; or, Protestant Non-conformists, from the Reformation in 1517, to the Revo- A' lution in 1688. A New Edition, in Five Volumes: Re-printed from the text of Dr. Toulmin's Editon, with his Life of the Author and account of his Writings. Revised, corrected and enlarged. 5 vols., 8vo, bds., uncut. London, 1822 1426 NEAL, JOHN. The Battle of Niagara, with other Poems. 2nd ed.//, enlarged. 18mo, bds., uncut. Baltimore, 1819' 1427 NEEDHAM, MAss. SERMON DELIVERED, on the Termination of a Century since the incorporation of the Town. By Stephen(/; Palmer. 8vo, 40 pages, uncut, scarce. Dedham, 1811 1428 " NEGRO PEW." Being an Inquiry concerning the Propriety off/ Distinctions in the House of God, on account of Color. Bds., 12mo. Boston, 1837 1429 NELL, WILLIAM C. The Colored Patriots of the American Revolution, with Sketches of several Distinguished Colored Persons,,>to which is added a brief survey of the Condition and Prospects of Colored Americans. With an Introduction by Harriet Beecher Stowe. 12mo, cl. With plates. Boston, 1855 1430 NEW AMSTERDAM. HISTORY OF; or, New York as it was, in the days of the Dutch Governors. Together with papers on'0 events connected with the American Revolution; and on Philadelphia in the times of William Penn. 12mo, cl. With plates. New York, 1854 1431 NEWARK MEcHAMCS' Assoc. Address delivered on the 3d anniv., Jan. 25, 1831. By John Griscom. 8vo, 39 pages, fine copy.60 Also, address by Samuel L. Southard, July 5, 1830. 8vo, 27 pages;fine copy. Two pamphlets, scarce. Newark, 1830-1 30 234.5a' 1432 NEWARK, N. J. HISTORICAL DISCOURSES, in the First Presbyterian Church in Newark; delivered in the Month of Jan. 1851. By Jonathan F. Stearns, D. D. With notes and Illustrations. 12mo, half mor. Newark, N. J., 1852 &,? 1433 NEW BEDFORD, (MAss.), HISTORY OF, containing a History of the old Township of Dartmouth and the present Townships of Westport, Dartmouth, and Fair Haven, from their settlement to the present time. By Daniel Ricketson. 8vo, cl. New Bedford, 1858 _l?- 1434 NEWBERRY, (S. C.), ANNALS OF. Historical, Biographical and Anecdotal. By J. Belton O'Neall, LL. D. 12mo, cl.; with portrait. Charleston, S. C., 1859 S-s 1435 NEW BOSTON, (N. H.), HISTORY OF. By E. C. Cogswell. Large 8vo, cl., 39 portraits and engravings; scarce. Boston, 1864 37s1436 NEWBURGH, (N. Y.), HISTORY OF THE Towr OF. By E. M. Ruttenber. Illustrations by C. W. Tice. Royal 8vo, cl.; scarce. Newburgh, 1859?'aa1437 NEWBURYPORT, (MAss.), HISTORY and present state of the town of. By Caleb Cushing. 12mo, bds., uncut,.fine copy; very scarce. Newburyport, 1826:~o 1438 NEWBURYPORT, (MAss.), HISTORY OF, from the earliest settlement of the country to the present time. With a Biographical Appendix. By Mrs. E. Vale Smith. 8vo, cl. Newburyport, 1854 yo 1439 NEWBURY, NEWBURYPORT AND WEST NEWBURY, (Mass.), Sketches of the History of, from 1635 to 1845. By Joshua Coffin. 8vo, cl. Plates. Portrait of Dr. John Clarke. Boston, 1845 Jos. B. Felt's Copy. With Autograph. /2 1440 NEWELL, WILLIAM. Discourse deliv. before the First Parish in Cambridge, May 27, 1855, on the completion of the 25th year of his Ministry. 8vo, orig. cov., rough edges, 28 p. sermon; 8 p. appendix, which contains considerable Historical matter. Cambridge, 1855 /o? 1441 NEW ENGLAND, THE HISTORY OF. Containing an Impartial Account of the Civil and Ecclesiastical Affairs of the Country, to the year of our Lord, 1700. To which is added the Present State of New England. With a new and accurate map of the country. And an Appendix, containing their Present Charter, their Ecclesiastical Discipline, and their Municipal Laws. In two volumes. By Daniel Neal. 8vo, bds., uncut, with map; very rare in this condition. London, MD CCXX. 42~1442 NEW ENGLAND, THE HISTORY OF. Containing an Impartial Account of the Civil and Ecclesiastical Affairs of the Country, to 1700. To which is added, The Present State of New England. With a new and accurate map of the Country. And an Appendix, containing their Present Charter, their Ecclesiastical Discipline, and their Municipal Laws. In two volumes. The Second Edition. With many additions by the Author. By Daniel Neal. 2 Vols., 8vo, cf. London, MDCCLX VIL. 235 1443 NEW ENGLAND. A Platform of Church Discipline, gathered out of the word of God, and agreed upon by the Elders and /0 Messengers of the Churches assembled in the Synod at Cambridge, in New England. 12mo, unbound. Boston, 1772 1444 NEW ENGLAND, A COMPENDIOUS HISTORY OF. By Jed. Morse and Elijah Parish. 1st Ed. 8vo, bds., uncut; map; very scarce/ in this condition. Charlestown, 1804 1445 NEW ENGLAND, A GENERAL HISTORY OF, from the discovery to MDCLXXX. By William Hubbard. 8vo, bds., uncut; very-z-' scarce. Cambridge, 1815 1446 NEW ENGLAND AND NEW YORK, TRAVELS IN. In four/ volumes. By Timothy Dwight. 8vo, maps, bds., uncut; beauti-' ful copy. New Haven, 1821-22 1447 (NEW ENGLAND). THE WITCH OF NEW ENGLAND. A Ro-/ mance. 12mo, sheep. Philadelphia, 1824' 1448 NEW ENGLAND'S MEMORIAL; OR. A BRIEF RELATION of the most memorable and remarkable passages of the Providence/,yt of God, manifested to the Planters of New England, in America. With special reference to the First Colony thereof, called New Plymouth. By Nathaniel Morton. 8vo, sh.; good copy. Plymouth, 1826 1449 NEW ENGLAND VILLAGE, Sketches of, in the Last Century. 12mo,4'o el. Boston, 1838 1450 NEW ENGLAND, CHURCH HISTORY OF, from 1620 to 1804. Containing a view of the Principles and Practice, DeclensionsgrP and Revivals, Oppression and Liberty of the Churches, and a Chronological Table. With a Memoir of the Author. By Isaac Backus. 8vo, sh.; good cond. Phila., 1839 1451 NEW ENGLAND, THE EARLY HISTORY OF. Illustrated byls numerous interesting incidents. By Henry White. 12mo, sh. 2d Ed. Concord, N. H., 1841 1452 NEW ENGLAND, SKETCHES OF, or Memories of the Country./6' By John Carver, Esq. 8vo, cl. New Yorlk, 1842 1453 NEW ENGLAND. CHRONOLOGY from the Discovery of the/S Country, by Cabot, 1497 to 1820. By Alden Bradford. 12mo, cl. Boston, 1843 1454 NEWGATE, CONN. A History of the Prison, its Insurrections,/, Massacres, etc., Imprisonment of the Tories, in the Revolution; the ancient and recent working of its Mines, etc. By Richard H. Phelps. 8vo pamph. 1st Ed. 24 pages; very scarce. Hartford, 1844 1455 NEW HAMPSHIRE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. COLLECTIONS. VOls.,26/ I. II., III., IV., V., VI., VII., VIII. Provincial Papers, Vols. I.-II., being Vols. IX. and X. of the Collections. 8vo, bds. and paper, uncut; 10 vols.; very scarce; fine copies. Concord and Man'hester, 1824-1868,51456 NEW HAMPSHIRE. Notes made during an Excursion to the Highlands of, and Lake Winnepiseogee, by a Gentleman of Boston. 8vo, bds., uncut. Andover, 1833 o 1457 NEW HAMPSHIRE. HISTORY OF, from its settlement, in 1623, to 1833. Comprising notices of the memorable events and in 236 teresting incidents of a period of two hundred and ten years. By John M. Whiton. 8vo, cl. Concord, 1834 $0 1458 NEW HAMPSHIRE. HISTORY OF, from its discovery, in 1614, to the Passage of the Toleration Act, in 1819. By George Barstow. 8vo, 2d ed., cloth. Boston, 1853 25 1459 NEW HAMPSHIRE. SECOND FESTIVAL of the Sons of, celebrated in Boston, Nov. 2, 1853; including also an account of the Proceedings in Boston on the Day of the Funeral at Marshfield, and the subsequent obsequies commemorative of the death of Daniel Webster. 8vo, cl. Port. Boston, 1854 1460 NEW HAVEN, (Conn.) Two Discourses. I. On the Commencement of a New Year. II. On the Completion of the Eighteenth Century. Delivered in New Haven-the former, Jan. 4: the latter, Jan, 11, 1801. By James Dana. 8vo pamphlet; 68pages, uncut;fine copy, scarce. lVew Haven, 1801 1461 NEW HAVEN, (Conn.) A Statistical Account of the City of, by Timothy Dwight. 8vo pamph; 83 p., rough edges; scarce. -New Haven, 1811 /O 1462 NEW HAVEN, (Conn.) HISTORY AND ANTIQUITIES of, from its earliest settlement to the present time. By J. W. Barber. Cl., 12mo, illus., rough edges. New Haven, 1831 -2 1463 NEW HAVEN, (Conn.) HISTORY AND ANTIQUITIES of, from its earliest settlement to the present time; with Biographical sketches and Statistical information of the Public Institutions, &c., &c. By John W. Barber. With plates and engravings. 8vo, hyf. calf. New Haven, 1856 _2/& 1464 NEW IPSWICH, (Mass.) THE HISTORY OF, from its First grant, in 1736, to the present time. With Genealogical notices of the principal Families, and also the proceedings of the Centennial celebration, Sept. 11, 1850. By Frederic Kidder. Royal 8vo, bds., uncut; 35 illlus.; scarce. Boston, 1852 j/o 1465 NEW JERSEY. THE HISTORY OF THE COLONY OF NOVA CESARIA, or New Jersey. Containing an account of its first settlement, progressive improvements, the original and present Constitution, and other events, to the year 1721, with some particulars since, and a short view of its present state. By Samuel Smith. 8vo., full crushed crimson levant mor., gt.; beautiful copy. Bound by R. W. Smith. Burlington, in New Jersey, MDCCLxV. ~2f 1466 NEW JERSEY. CIVIL AND POLITICAL HISTORY OF, embracing a compendious History of the State, from its Early Discovery and Settlement by Europeans, brought down to the present time. By Isaac S. Mulford. 8vo, cl.; scarce. Phila., 1851 ~, 1467 NEW JERSEY. HISTORICAL COLLECTIONS OF, containing a gent eral collection of the most interesting facts, etc., relating to its History and Antiquities, with Geographical descriptions of every Township in the State. By John W. Barber and Henry Howe. Illustrated by 120 Engravings. 8vo, in sheets, stitched; very scarce. Newark, etc., 1860 2 1468 NEW JERSEY. THIRTY DAYS IN NEW JERSEY, NINETY YEARS AGO an essay, revealing new facts in connection with Washington and his Army, in 1776 and 1777. By C. C. Haven. 8vo, cl.; scarce. Trenton, 1867 23'7 1469 NEW LONDON, (Conn.) HISTORY or, from its First survey of the coast, in 1612, to 1852. By Francis M. Caulkins. Second/irV edition. Continued to 1860. 8vo, cl. Scarce and valuable local' history. New London, 1860 1470 NEW MEXICO. Report of Lieut. J. W. Abert, of his Examination, &c., of, in 1846-'7. 8vo, unb., with plates; paper uncut.' n. d. 1471 NEW MIRROR for Travelers, and Guide to the Springs. By an,- Amateur. 8v, bds., uncut. New York, 1828 1472 NEW ORANGE (Now NEW YORK); View of the City of-as it was in the Year 1673. With Explanatory Notes. By Joseph4'e W. Moulton. 1st Ed. 8vo, very scarce. N. Y., 1825 1473 NEWPORT, R. I.; SKETCHES or —and its Vicinity; with Noticesc respecting the History, Settlement and Geography of Rhode Island. With plates. 12mto, cloth. New York, 1842 1474 NEWPORT, R. I. The Controversy touching the Old Stone-/ lill. With Remarks, Introductory and Conclusive. 8vo pamph.; 91 p.; illust. Scarce. Newport, 1851 1475 NEWPORT, R. I., Illustrated in a Series of Pen and Pencil/o Sketches. By the Editor of the Newport Mercury. Engravings. 12mo, cl. N. Y., 1854 1476 NEWPORT, R. I.; RE-UNION of the Sons and Daughters of.,6 Aug. 23, 1859. By George C. Mason. 8vo, cloth. Newport, 1859 1477 NEWPORT, R. I. Services at the Dedication of the School <_House, erected by the Trustees of Long Wharf, May 20, 1863." With an Appendix. 8vo, 106 pages. Neuport, 1863 1478 NEWTON, MASS.; A brief Notice of the Settlement of the Town of. Prepared by a Committee who were charged with the/,p~ duty of erecting a monument to the memory of the First Settlers. Sept., 1852. 38 pages, etc.; parnph. Boston, 1852 1479 NEWTON, MASS.; HISTORY OF THE EARLY SETTLEMENT OF-from./,, 1639 to 1800; with a Genealogical Register of its Inhabitants,' prior to 1800. By Francis Jackson. 8vo, cl.; portrait. Boston, 1854 1480 NEWTOWN, N. Y.; ANNALS OF. Containing its History from its First Settlement, together with many interesting facts con-2)>' cerning the adjacent Towns; also a particular account of numerous Long Island Families, etc. By James Riker, Jr. 8vo, hacf mor., maps; scarce. N. Y., 1852 1481 NEVIN, REV. ALFRED. Churches of the Valley; or, an Historical Sketch of the Old Presbyterian Congregations of Cum-/S berland and Franklin Counties in Pennslyvania. 12mo, cl. Phila., 1852 1482 NEW YORK. Report of the Commissioners appointed by the Senate and Assembly, March 15, 1810, to explore the Route of/0 an Inland Navigation from Hudson's River to Lake Ontario and Lake Erie. 8vo, fine copy; 35 pages; very scarce. Albany, 1811 Report signed by Gouv. Morris, S. Van Rensselaer, WV. North, De Witt Clinton, etc. 238 S 1483 NEW YORK. Report of the Commissioners appointed by the Legislature for the Consideration of all matter relating to the Inland Navigation of the State. 8vo, fine copy; 40 pages; scarce. Albany, 1812 This Report is signed by Gouv. Morris, De Witt Clinton, S. Van Rensselaer, S. De Witt, W. North and R. R. Livingston; also copy of letter from Robt. Bowne, to Robert Fulton. S-o 1484 NEW YORK CITY. Strangers' Guide to. To which is prefixed, an Historical Sketch, &c. With an Appendix. Embellished with a Plan of the City, and engravings of public buildings. By Edmund M. Blunt. 12mo, sheep; scarce. New York, 1817 35 1485 NEW YORK, ANTI-AUCTION CoM. Facts important to be Known by the Manufacturers, Mechanics and all other Classes of the Community. 8vo, 39 pages; good copy. New York, 1831 256 1486 NEW YORK. SKETCHES OF THE NORTH RrER. 12mo, cl.; maps; scarce. New York, 1838 2S 1487 NEW-YORK. A Familiar Conversational History of the Evangelical Churches of. 16mo, cl. Woodcuts. New York, 1838 /tV 1488 NEW YORK MIRROR. A Weekly Journal, devoted to Literature and the Fine Arts. Embellished with Engravings and Music. 6 vols. fol., half calf. New York, 1838 Contains valuable views of the city, and portraits of Sprague, Halleck, Irving, and others. /o 1489 NEW YORK CITY. Pen and Ink Panorama of. By Cornelius Mathews. 12mo, cl. New York, 1853 1490 NEW YORK. A Discourse delivered in the North Reformed Dutch Church, on the last Sabbath in August, 1856. By Thomas Dewitt, D.D. Published by the Consistory of the Dutch Reformed Church. 8vo, cl. With plates. New York, 1857 /; 1491 NEW YORK AND CONNECTICUT. A Memorial of the Dedication of Monuments Erected by the Moravian Historical Society, to mark the sites of Ancient Missionary Stations, in New York and Connecticut. 8vo, cloth. _New York and Philadelphia, 1860 /4' 1492 NEW YORK, The Women of. Written and Illustrated. By Marie L. Hankins. 8vo, cl.; free. New York, 1861 zy 1493 NEW YORK (CITY) DURING THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. Being a collection of original papers (now first published) from the manuscripts in the possession of the Mercantile Library Association. 4to, cl.. uncut; rubric title. With map. New York: privately printed for the Associatior. 1861 ad 1494 NEW YORK. OLD NEW YORK; or, Reminiscences of the Past Sixty Years. By John W. Francis. With a Memoir of the Author, by Henry T. Tuckerman. 8vo, cl. With portraits and plate; uncut. 100 copies printed. N. Y., 1865 /;o 1495 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SocIETY, COLLECTIONS OF —for the Year 1809. Vol. I. 8vo, bds., uncut. N. Y., 1811./Z 1496 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY, COLLECTIONS OF —for the Year 1814. Vol. II. 8vo, bds., uncut; very scarce. N. Y., 1814 239 1497 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY, COLLECTIONS OF. 2d Series./ Vol. I. 8vo, cl., scarce. N. E., 1841 1498 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Discourse delivered before-at their anniversary meeting, 6th December, 1811. By/r De Witt Clinton. Svo, half mor.; very scarce. N. Y., 1812 1499 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SoCIETY. Memoir read before the.2/~ Dec. 31, 1816. On the Dutch and Indian names of New York. By Egbert Benson. 2d Ed., with Notes. 8vo, bds., uncut; beautiful copy. Very scarce. Jamaica, 1825 1500 NEW YORK, MANUAL OF THE CORPORATION of the City of. For/ the years 1842-'43. By D. T. Valentine. 12mo, maps, etc. Very scarce; fine copies. New York, 1843 1501 NEW YORK, MANUAL OF the Corporation of the City of. For the years, 1850,'58,'59,'62,'64,'65. By D. T. Valentine.5~~ 6 vols. Cl., 12mo, maps and plates. New York, 1851 1502 NEW YORK, HISTORY OF. From its First Discovery to the year 1732. To which is annexed, a description of the<,/ Country, with a short Account of the Inhabitants, their Religious and Political state, and the Constitution of the Courts of Justice in that Colony. With a continuation, from the year 1732, to the Commencement of the year 1814. By Wm. Smith. L. 8vo, bds., uncut, scarce; fine copy. Albany, 1814 1503 NEW YORK, THIE NATURAL, STATISTICAL AND CIVIL HISTORY OF the.-O State of. By James Macauley. 3 vols. 8vo,full cif. New York, 1829 1504 NEW YORK CITY, A SUMMARY HIST., GEOG. AND STATIST. VIEW OF. Together with some Notices of Brooklyn, Williams-/l burgh, etc., in its environs. Prepared to accompany the Topog. Map of the City and County of New York. 16mo, cl., plates. New York, 1836 1505 NEW YORK. HISTORY OF NEW NETHERLANDS, Province of New,, York, and State of New York, to the adoption of the Federal Constitution. By William Dunlap. 2 vols. WVith portraits and plates. 8vo, cl.; scarce. New York, 1839 1506 NEW YORK, (WESTERN.) A HISTORY OF THE PURCHASE AND SETTLEMENT OF WESTERN NEW YORK, and the Rise, Progress,' and present state of the Presbyterian Church in that section. By James H. Hotchkiss. 8vo, cl.; with plates. New York, 1848 1507 NEW YORK, (St. Lawrence and Franklin Counties.) A HISTORY OF. From the earliest Period to the present time. Bye,'~ Franklin F. Hough. Half Roxburghe, gilt top, edges uncut; fine copy. Albany, 1853 1508 NEW YORK CITY, HISTORY OF. By David T. Valentine. 8vo, cl.; with maps, plans and plates. New Yorkc, 1853' 1509 NEW YORK. HISTORY OF NEW AMSTERDAM, or New York as it Was, in the days of the Dutch Governors. Together with papers on events connected with the American Revolu-7*P tion; and on Philadelphia in the Time of Wm. Penn. By Prof. A. Davis. 8vo,full red Turkey, glt. edges. By R. W. Smith. Fine copy; illustrated. New York, 1854 240 6- 1510 NEW YORK. A Lecture on the Topography and History of New York. By Horatio Seymour. 8vo pamphlet, 41 p. Scarce; fine copy. Utica, 1856 tcl 1511 NEW YORK, HISTORY OF THE FIVE INDIAN NATIONS depending on the Province of. By Cadwallader Colden. Reprinted exactly from Bradford's New York edition (1727.) With an introduction, by John Gilmary Shea. 8vo, or. cov., uncut, rubric title, 125 copies, No. 98; with portrait. N. Y., 1866 S-o 1512 NEW YORK CITY, HISTORY OF. From the Discovery, to the Present Day. By Wm. L. Stone. 8vo, cl. New York:, 1868,/ 1513 NIAGARA, MONTREAL AND QUEBEC, An account of Journey to. In 1765, or "'tis Eighty years since." 8vo pamphlet, 30 pages. New York, 1846 j3,S- 1514 NICHOLS, MAJ. GEO. WARD. The Story of the Great March. From the Diary of a Staff Officer. With maps and illustrations. 8vo, hlf. crim. cr., lev. mor., gilt top, edges uncut, bound by R. W. Smith. New York, 1865 /,s- 1515 NONANTUM AND NATICK. By Sarah S. Jacobs. 8'vo, cl., gilt; scarce, illustrated. Boston, 1853 /s 1516 NORFOLK, (CONE.) Half Century Sermon, deliv. Oct. 28, 1811. By Ammi R. Robbins. 2d ed. 8vo pamphlet, 20 pages. Fine copy; scarce. Hartford, 1812 O3& 1517 NORFOLK, (Conn.) A brief History of the Town of. From 1783 to 1844, and a Summary of Events which have occurred in this Town, from its First Settlement, Chronologically arranged, etc. By Auren Roys. 8vo pamph., 89 pages, fine copy; scarce. New York, 1847 /,2!1518 NORFOLK, (Va.,) (AND VICINITY,) HISTORICAL AND DESCRIPTIVE SKETCHES OF. Including Portsmouth and the Adjacent Counties during a period of Two Hundred Years; also, Sketches of Williamsburg, Hampton, Suffolk, Smithfield, and other places, with descriptions of some of the principal objects of interest in Eastern Virginia. By William S. Forrest. 8vo, cl. Philadelphia, 1853 //tv 1519 NORRIDGEWOCK AND CANAAN, (Me.,) History of the Old Towns of. Comprising Norridgewock, Canaan, Starks, Skowhegan, and Bloomfield, from their early settlement, to the year 1849; including a sketch of the Abnakis Indians. By J. W. Hanson. 12mo, cl., with plates. Very scarce. Boston, 1849 37s 1520 NORRIDGEWOCK, (Me.,) THE HISTORY OF, Comprising Memorials of the Aboriginal Inhabitants and Jesuit Missionaries, Hardships of the Pioneers, Biographical notices of the early Settlers, and Ecclesiastical sketches. By Wm. Allen. 12mo, cl., with plates. Very scarce. Norridgewock, 1849 SO0 1521 NoRRIs, J. SAURIN. The Early Friends; or, Quakers in Maryland. Read at the Meeting of Maryland Historical Society, March 6, 1862. 8vo pamph., 30 pages. Baltimore, 1862 /2 1522 NORTH AMERICA, TRAVELS THROUGH the Interior Parts of. In the years 1766, 1767, and 1768. By J. Carver. Illustrated with copper plates. 8vo, cl. London, ID CCLXXVIII. 241 1523 NORTH BROOKFIELD, MASS. A Sermon, delivered by Rev. Dr. Snell, June, 1838. Containing a brief History of the Town, k/ and especially of the Church and Parish, from 1798 to the present time, Pamphlet. 55 pages; very scarce. Brookfield, 1838 1524 NORTH BROOKFIELD, MASS. A Discourse Containing an Historical Sketch of the Town. By Thomas Snell. 8vopamph?7G 56 p.; very scarce; fine copy. West Brookfield, 1854 1525 NORTH BRIDGEWATER, (MAss.), HISTORY OF, from its First Settlement to the present time, with Family Registers. By~s7 Bradford Kingman. 8vo, sheets, stitched. 40 illustrations. Boston, 1866 1526 NORTH CAROLINA, A DEFENCE OF THE REVOLUTIONARY HISTORY OF, from the Aspersions of Mr. Jefferson. By Jos. S. Jones. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Boston, 1834 1527 NORTH CAROLINA, MEMORIALS OF. By J. Seawell Jones, ofs-o Shocco. 8vo, unbd. New York, 1838 1528 NORTH CAROLINA, THE MORAVIANS IN. An Authentic His-/-o tory. By Levin T. Reichel. 12mo, cloth; scarce. Salemi, N. C., 1857 1529 NORTH CAROLINA, GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Part II., Agricul-.ture. Containing descriptions, with many analyses, of the soils of the Swamp Lands. By Ebenezer Emmons. 8vo, paper covers. Raleigh, 1860 1530 (N ORTH CAROLINA). GEOLOGICAL AND NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY. Part III., Botany: Containing a Catalogue of the25' Plants of the State, with Descriptions and History of the Trees, Shrubs, and Woody Vines. By M. A. Curtis, D. D. 8vo, paper. Raleigh, 1860 1531 (NORTH PROVIDENCE. CENTENNIAL). Report of the Celebration at Pawtucket, North Providence, on the One Hun-/r' dredth Anniversary of the Incorporation of the Town, June 24, 1865. With an address containing Historical Matters of Local Interest. 8vo, paper covers. Pawtucket, 1865 1532 NORTH CAROLINA. AGRICULTURAL, GEOLOGICAL, AND DESCRIP- & TIVE Sketches of Lower N. C. and the similar adjacent Lands. By Edmund Ruffin. 8vo, orig. coy.; scarce. Raleigh, 1861 1533 NORTH-WESTERN TERRITORY, NOTES ON THE EARLY SETTLEr MENT OF. By Jacob Burnet. 8vo, cloth. Portrait of J. Burnet. Cincinnati, 1847 1534 NORTH-WESTERN REVIEW, and COMMERCIAL AND REAL ESTATE REPORTER. Vol. 1, No. 1. June, 1856, to No. 11, April,2/2 1858, inclusive. H. H. Belding Editor. 8vo, hf. shp.; very scarce. Contains considerable local History. Keolcuk, Iowa, 1856-1858 1535 NORTHAMPTON, MAss., Historical Sketch of, from its first settlement. In a Sermon, delivered April 13, 1815. By Rev.,' Solomon Williams. 24p. uncut; very scarce; beautiful copy. Northampton, 1815 1536 NORTHAMPTON, (MAss.). Register of the Deaths in, from the First Settlement of the Town, in 1653, to August, 1824. A2, Copied from the Town Records, and from the Records of Dea. 3' 242 Ebenezer Hunt, Rev. John Hooker, Rev. Solomon Williams, Doct. Eben. Hunt and Doct. David Hunt. 12mo, paper coy., 80 pages; very scarce. Northampton, 1824 l/o 1537 NORTHAMPTON, (MASS.) An Address delivered Oct. 29, 1854, in Commemoration of the close of the Second Century, since the settlement of the Town. By William Allen. 8vo pamph., 56 p., scarce; fine copy. Northampton, 1855 ji 1538 NORTHBOROUGH, (Mass.), Historical Sketch of. By Joseph Allen. 8vo parmph.,10 Op. 1/4 1539 NORTON, (Mass.), HISTORY OF, from 1669 to 1859. By George Faber Clark. 8vo, cl. 19 Portraits and Plates. Boston, 1859 z/o 1540 NORTON, CHARLES B. Literary Letter, comprising American Papers of Interest, and a Catalogue of Rare and Valuable Books relative to America. Bibliographies of Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont. Sm. 4to, in 6 Nos. complete. New Yorc, 1857 35 1541 NORWICH, (CONN.), HISTORY OF, from its Settlement, 1660, to January, 1845. By Miss F. M. Caulkins. 12mo, cl. Frontispiece. 1st Ed. Scarce. Noruich, 1845 1542 NORWICH, (CONs.) THE NORWICH JUBILEE, Report of the Celebration at, on the Two Hundredth Anniv. of the Settlement of the Town, Sep. 7th and 8th, 1859. With an Appendix, containing Historical Documents of Local Interest. By John W. Stedman. 8vo, hf. calf, marbled edges, map and plates; fine copy. Norwich, 1859 2~' 1543 NORWICH, CONN., A Historical Discourse delivered in, Sept. 7, 1859, at the Bi-Centennial Settlement of the Town. Second ed., with additional Notes and Index. By Dan'l C. Gilman. 8vo paLmph., 128 pages. Boston, 1859 /o 1544 NORWICH, (CONN.) Historical Discourse, deliv. at the Hundredth Anniversary of the Second Cong. Church, July 24, 1850. With an Appendix. By Alvan Bond. 8vo, orig. cov., 64 p., clean copy. Plan of the Church. Norwich, 1860 /-0o 1545 NORWICH, (CONN.), HISTORY OF, from its possession by the Indians, to the year 1866. By Francis M. Caulkins. 2d Edition. 8vo. cl., portrait; scarce and important. Hartford, 1866 /6~ 1546 NOVA SCOTIA, An Historical and Statistical Account of. In two volumes, illustrated by a map of the Province, and several engravings. By Thomas C. Haliburton. 8vo, bds., uncut. Halifax, 1829 /o 1547 NOVA SCOTIA, Considered as a Field for Emigration. By P. S. Hamilton. 8vo, paper. London, 1858 //2 1548 -NORWAY, Me., HISTORY OF Comprising a Minute Account of its First Settlement, Town Officers, the annual Expenditures of the Town, with other Statistical Matters; Historical Sketches, Narrative and Anecdote, and Occasional Remarks by the Author, &c. By David Noyes. 8uo, cloth; scarce. Norway, 1852 /0 1549 NORWALK, Conn. An Historical Discourse in Commemoration of the Two Hundredth Anniversary of the Settlement of Norwalk in 1651, delivered July 9, 1851, by Nathaniel Bouton. 8vo pamphlet, 80 pages. Fine copy; scarce. New York, 1851 " One generation shall praise thy works unto another, and shall declare thy mighty acts." 243:1550 NORWALK, Conn., ANCIENT HISTORICAL RECORDS of, with Plan of the Ancient Settlements, and of the Town in 1837. Compiled by Edwin Hall. 12mo, hayfnorocco; very scarce. Norwalk, Conn., 1865 1551 NOTT, REV. SAMUEL. Half Century Sermon preached at Franklin, March 13, 1832. 8vo, original cover, 28 pages; finze copy. Norwich, 1833 1552 NOTT, Rev. SAMUJEL. Sixteenth Anniversary Sermon preached at Franklin, March 13, 1842. 8vo, original cover, 16 pages; fine copy; very scarce. Norwich, 1842 1553 NOTT, CHARLES C. Sketches of the War: a Series of Letters to the North Moore Street School. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1863 PAMPHLETS. 1554 Miscellaneous. Very valuable lot. [Ten.] Native Americans, Address to. By J. T. Buckingham. Second edition. Boston, 1844 New-Englandism not the Religion of the Bible. Hartford, 1844 New Zaglad, Pages from Ecclesi. History of, between 1740 and 1840. Boston, 1847 North Carolina, Agriculture of. Part II. By Ebenezer Emmons. Scarce. Raleigh, 1860 Report of Progress of Geological Survey of. By Professor W. C. Kerr. Raleigh, 1867 New Hampshire. Sermon before His Excellency Samuel Bell, being Anniv. Elec. By Rev. James B. Howe. Concord, 1820 State of, in General Court. June 16, 1820 Festival of Sons of. By James W. Stowe. Boston, 1850 Nahant and other places on North Shore. Boston, 1848 New Jersey, Proposition to Extin. Exclusive Priv. in. Princeton, 1836 1555'Miscellaneous. Very valuable lot. [Eleven.] New Jersey, First Annual Report of Geological Survey of, for 1854. Very scarce. Trenton, 1855 Third Annual Report of Geological Survey of, fort,. 1856. Trenton, 1857 New York One Hundred and Seventy Years Ago. By Joseph Moulton. Very scarce. New York, Dec., 1843 Missionary Society, Sermon: before. By Samuel Miller. Scarce. N. Y., 1802 — Report of Deaths in City and County of, for year 1818. NV. Y., 1819 Prices of Cut Stone and Marble in. N. Y., 1811 Law Society-Laws of. Young Men's Society. Professor Vethake's Lecture on Political Economy. N. Y., 1833 244 Navy and Marine Corps, Proceedings of Convention of Officers of. N. Y., 1820 North Carolina University, Address before. By Henry L. Pinckney. Raleigh, 1836 New York, State of, in Chancery. N. Y., 1834 6- 1556 New York State and City Pamphlets. [Eleven.] New York Lyceum of Natural History, Discourse on Opening New Hall of. By John W. Francis. N. Y., 1841 University, Ninth Annual Report of the Regents of. Albany, 1856 National Academy of Design. Address to Students of. By William Dunlap. N. Y., 1831 National Academy of Design. Funeral Oration on Death of Thomas Cole. By Wmin. Cullen Bryant. _N. Y., 1848 Typographical Society, Reply to a Report of the. N. Y., 1829 Typographical Society, Address before, on Franklin's Birthday. By Peter C. Baker. N. Y., 1865 General Society of Mechanics and Tradesmen, Charter and By-Laws. N. Y., 1823 Mechanics' Institute, Lecture before. By Gulian C. Verplanck. N. Y, 1833 Mechanics' Institute, Address, Report, &c., of. N. Y., 1838 - Law Institute, Discourse on Anniversary Celebration. By Henry Wheaton. N. Y, 1834 Law Association, Address before. By Hon. James Kent. N. Y., 1836 - L557 New York State and City Pamphlets. [Eight.] Nott, Eliphalet. Discourse before Ladies' Society for Relief of Distressed Women and Children. Albany, 1804 Sermon before General Assembly of Presbyterian Ch. Phila., 1806 Naval Victories, Official Account of, during Present War Between United States and Great Britain. Boston, 1813 Navy of United States. History of Existing Controversy on Subject of Assimilated Rank. By W. S. W. R. Philadelphia, 1850 Newcastle, Duke of, Letter of, by His Majesty's Order, to Monsieur Michael, the King of Prussia's Secretary. London, 1753 Naturalization Laws, Imminent Dalgers to Free Institutions of United States through Foreign Immigration and Present State of. By an American. N. Y., 1835 Noah, M. M. Discourse on Restoration of the Jews. Scarce. N. Y., 1845 Nevin, John W. Principle of Protestantism, as Related to Present State of the Church. Chambersburg, Pa., 1845 245 1558 Miscellaneous. Valuable. [Twenty.J Newman, John B. Ancient History and Discovery of America before the Time of Columbus. Very scarce. N. Y., 1848 Naval Architecture, Progress of. By Darius Davison. N. Y., 1852 Nail, Robert. Voice from Twenty Graves. Sermon. Mobile, 1854 Newburyport, Report of Proceedings of Reception of Sons of. By Joseph H. Bragdon. Newburyport, 1854 Nebraska: A Poem-Personal and Political. Boston, 1854 Nicaragua, Destiny of. Central America as it Was, Is, and May Be. Boston, 1856 Newburgh, History of. By E. M. Ruttenber. One Number. Newburgh, 1859 Newport, Foggy Night at. St. Louis, 1860 New Haven, History of City Burial Ground in. New Haven, 1863 Newell, Win. Discourse on Death of Jared Sparks. Cambridge, 1866 Newark and New York Railroad Company, Report to Board of/2 Directors of. By Alfred F. Sears. Newark, 1866 Neill, Edward D. Virginia Co. of London. Extracts from Manuscript Transactions. Washington, 1868 - Sir George Calvert created Baron of Baltimore in Co. of Longford, Ireland, and Projector of Province of Maryland. Baltimore, 1869 Narrative of Five Youth from the Sandwich Islands. New Brunswick, 1816 Promises Made to Officers of Continental Army for Services in the Revolutionary War. Very scarce. Elizabethtown, N. J., 1826 New England Patriot. Being a Candid Comparison of Princ. and Conduct of the Washington and Jefferson Admin. Boston, 1810 Tracts. No. 1. Narratives of Reform in Canton and Norfolk Conn., in Four Letters. By Rev. Jeremiah Hallock. Tracts. No. 2. Discourse by a New England Pas tor, March 26, 1826. - Tracts. No. 3. Sermon by a New England Pastor on Fifty-fourth Anniversary of his Ordination, April 22, 1823. - And the West. By R. W. Haskins. Buffalo, 1813 1559 New York State and City Pamphlets. [Twenty-four.] New York. Case of the Manufacturers of Soap and Candlesd' in. N.2 Y., 1797 Address of Republicans of City and Co. of. N. Y., 1808 Review, or Critical Journal, March, 1809. V. Y., 1809 246 New York. Letter on Use and Abuse of Incorporations. N. Y., 1827 Female Benevolent Soc., Fourth Annual Report. N. Y., 1837 Marine Temperance Society. Address on Anniv. of Amer. Ind. By John Marsh. N. Y., 1840 Public School Soc. By-laws of Trustees of. 1841 - Supreme Court, Garrit H. Striker, vs. Thomas Kelly. N. Y., 1842 170 Years ago, by Joseph W. Moulton. Very scarce. N. Y., 1843 Is the Diocess of N. Y. Vacant? New York. Wealth and Biography of the Wealthy Citizens of. 10th ed. N. Y., 1846: - - Aristocracy of, who they are and what they were. - Part I. N. 1Y., 1848 Astor P1. Opera House. Account of Terrific and Fatal Riot. N. Y. 1849 --- Plea for Church Hospital in. Two Lectures, by W. A. Muhlenberg. N. Y., 1850...- Response from Diocese of, to a letter from his Grace, the Archbishop of Canterbury. Third Semi-Cen. Jubilee of Soc. for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts. N. Y., 1851 Reports of Majority and Minority of Special Committee on Subject of Widening West St. N. Y., 1851 Minutes of the General Assoc. of. lMadison, 1848 - Minutes of the Particular Synod of. NV. Y., 1856 The Sabbath in. Report. N. Y., 1858 Memoir on the Danger and Defences of. addressed to John B. Floyd. By James St. C. Morton. Wassh., 1858 Address of Liquor Dealers and Brewers of the Metro. Police District to the People of. N. Y., 1868 Communication of Mayor Clark in relation to Precautionary Measures at Recent Election in. N. Y., 1839....__ Ordinance to Divide the City of, into Convenient Elec. Dis. N. Y., 1859 Practical Directions for the Holding of Elections. gN. Y., 1860 4/ 1560 New York Pamphlets. [Twenty-three.] New York. County of. Maps of Wards and District Divisions. IN. Y., 1868 Address to Ind. Federal Electors of. Albany, 1820 Discourse before the Alpha of Phi Beta Kappa of. By De Witt Clinton. 3rd Ed. N. Y., 1823 ---- -- Report of Exam. of Poor Houses, Jails, etc. 3rd ed, By Samuel Chipman. Albany, 1835 247 New York. Address of Dem. Rep. Young Men's Gen. Committee. N. Y., 1838 and Harlem Rail Road Company, Case of. N. Y., 1840 Vindication of the Canal Policy of. Samuel B. Ruggles. Rochester, 1849 The Anti-Rent Movement, and Outbreak in. By Daniel D. Barnard. Scarce. Albany, 1846 Address of N. Y. State Auxiliary Clay Mon. Assoc. to People of. N. Y., 1853 ---- Laws of, relating to Landlord and Tenant. N. Y., 1858 State Inebriate Asylum, Ceremonies. N. JK, 1859 State. In Assembly. No. 150. Report, Feb. 11, 1835. State. In Senate. No. 32. Communication from Sec. of State, Jan. 27, 1847. State. In Assembly. No. 201. Message from Gov., March 30, 1849. - State. In Assembly. No. 9. Report of Select Commit., Jan 2, 1850. - State. In Assembly. No. 136. Commu. from Sec. of State, April 6, 1854. Mercantile Library Assoc. Thirty-first Annual Report of. N. Y., 1852 - - Mercantile Library Assoc. Two Lectures on Political Economy, by Wm. B. Lawrence. NV. Y., 1832 _..- Society Library. Lecture on Past, Present and Future of, by John McMullen. -N. Y., 1856 University. History of the Controversy in. N. Y., 1838 University. Letter to the Councillors of the. N. Y., 1838 - University. Americanism. Address before the Euclean Society of, by Cornelius Matthews. N. Y., 1845 University. Republican Homes. Address before the Assoc. of the Alumni of the, by Rev. Edward Hopper. 1. Y., 1861 1561 Miscellaneous. [ffteen.] Nahant; or, " The Floure of Souvenance." Phila., 1827 Narrative of five youths from the Sandwich Islands, now receiving an education in this country. New York, 1816 Needham, John R. The pleasures of poverty; a poem. /o New York, 1837 Newburyport. Sunday School Society. Address, at their third anniversary, by R. C. Waterston. Boston, 1835 New Jersey College. American, Whig and Cliosophic Societies. Address, Sept. 29, 1840, by Rev. J. Johns. Princeton, 1840:-:Address, Sept. 29, 1835, by Winm. Gaston. Princeton, 1835 248 N. J. Col. Address, Sept. 26, 1837, by S. L. Stoddard. Princeton, 1837 - - Address, before Alumni association of Nassau Hall, Sept. 30, 1835, by N. Biddle. 3rd ed. Princeton, 1835 New Jersey Colonization Soc. Proceedings of, the first annual meeting. Princeton, 1825 New Jersey Lyceum. Paper No. 1, circular. Princeton, 134 New Jersey. Congressional election. 1839 Niles, Winm. Ogden. The Tippecanoe Text-Book. Baltimore, 1840 North Carolina University. Address before the two Literary Societies of, by R. Strange. Raleigh, 1837 North American Coal Company. Sketch of the property belonging to, etc. New York, 1827 Notes on farming. New York, 1787 / 1562 New York Societies. [Twenty-two.] Asylum for lying-in women. 6th annual report. NV. Y., 1829 Bible Society. The three Bibles, an important discovery in religion. Congregational Association. Constitution, etc. N. Y., 1837 Dispensary. Charter andby-laws. N. Y., 1818 Dispensary. Address, at the opening of an edifice erected by the trustees of, Jan. 11, 1830, by J. F. Schroeder. N. Y., 1830 Lyceum of Natural History. Annals of. 1827 Horticultural Society. Inaug. Disc., 31st Aug. 1824, by D. 2Hosack. N. Y., 1824 Horticultural Society. Address before, Aug. 29, 1826, by S. L. Mitchill. NV. Y., 1826 HIorticultural Society. Address before, Aug. 28, 1827, by N. H. Carter. New York, 1>27 Horticultural Society. Address before, Sept. 8, 1829, by J W. Francis. N. F., 1830 Literary and Philosophical Soc. Charter, etc. N. Y., 1818 Naval School. Remarks on the home squadron and Naval school. N. Y., 1840 Magdalen Society. First annual report. N. Y, 1831 Presbytery. Address from the, to the churches under their care. N. Y., 1805 Society for the prevention of pauperism. Report on the expediency of erecting an institution for the reformation of Juvenile delinquents. New Yorkc, 1824 Synagogue. Discourse at the consecration of, by M. M. Noah. NV. Y., 1818 University. Annual report of the regents. Albany, 1829 University. Letter to the councillors of. N. Y., 1838 University. Exposition by the council of, respecting the late retrenchment. N. Y., 1838 249 University College of Physicians and Surgeons. Circular, 1838-9. N. Y., 1838 University College of Physicians and Surgeons. Hist. sketch of, by J. W. Francis. Scarce. N. Y., 1813 University. Address before the Eucleian and Philomathean Societies, by J. Breckinridge. N. Y., 1836 1563 Miscellaneous. [Eighteen.] New York City. Board of Health Documents. New York, 1806 Appeal to the people on the proposed alteration of the charter of the city. New York, 1821 Address of the Board of Health to their Fellow-citizens. New York, 1824 Bank for Savings. 5th Report. N\Tew York, 1824 Doec. No. 44. Report upon supplying the city with pure water. 1835 Communication to S. Allen, Mayor, from T. Eddy. _ATew York, 1823 Letter on the use and abuse of incorporations, to the delegation from the city. New York, 1827 Report of the committee on laws, on the subject of interment. New York, 1825 Wealth and biography of the Wealthy citizens of. New York, 1845 Address of the republicans of the city and county of N. Y. Ntew York, 1808 Address of the Committee of Mechanics, etc. New York, 1830 New York State. Comparative view and exhibition of reasons opposed to the adoption of the New Constitution. New York, 1822 Address of the committee of vigilance of the City to the people of the State. New York, 1824 [Address] to the members of the legislature. New York, 1824 Let not the faith nor the laws of the commonwealth be violated. [On lotteries.] History of the New York Kappa Lamba Conspiracy. New York, 1839 New South Ferry between New York and Brooklyn. Proceedings in relation to, Dec., 1825, to Jan., 1835. NVew York, 1835 New York and Erie Rail Road. Inquiry into the causes which have affected the prospects and condition of. New York, 1843 1564 Miscellaneous-Historical. Very valuable. [Fifteen.] New York in olden time, by those who knew. NVew York, 1833 New York 170 years ago, with a view and explanatory notes, z by Joseph W. Moulton. Very scarce. New York. Progress of the city of, during the last fifty years. by Charles King. iV. Y., 1852 Wisconsin. Sketches of the West; or, the Home of the Badgers: comprising an early Hist. of. Very scarce. Iilwaukie, 1847 32 250 Westminster, Mass. Celeb. of the One Hundredth A-nni. of the incorporation of. Address by C. Hudson; Poem by Win. S. Heeywood. Boston, 1859 Worthington, N. Y. Hist. of the town of, from its first settlement to the present time. Very scarce. Albany, 1853 Westfield, N. J. Sermon containing a general hist. of the Parish of, Jan. 1, 1839, by James M1. Huntting. Very scarce. 1840 Watertown, Mass. Hist. sketch of, from the first settlement of the town to the close of its sec. century, by Convers Francis. Very scarce. 1830 Williams College. Sigma Phi Soc. Poem by S. E. Burrall. Boston, 1868 Yale College. 150th Anni. Hist. disc. by T. D. Woolsey. New Haven, 1850 Yale College Catalogue. New tHaven, 1796 Maine. Rosier's narrative of Waymouth's voyage to the coast in 1605. Scarce. ]Bath, 1860 Boston and Charlestown. Considerations respectfully submitted to the citizens of, by J. Quincy, Sen. Boston, 1854 Boston. Bi-Centen. Address by Josiah Quincy. Scarce. Boston, 1830 America. Narrative of Journal of voyages and travels through North W' est Continent. London, 1802 3'o 1565 Miscellaneous-Historical. Very scarce lot. [Seventeen.] New Haven, Conn. Bi-Centen. Anniv. Disc, by J. L. Kingsley. Scarce. 1838 Bi-Centen. Anniv. of the founding of the Hopkins Grammar School, July 24, 1860, by L. W. ibacon. 1860 Semi-Centen. Address to the Alumni of Yale College and Graduates of 1814, at their annual mlee.ting July 27, 1864, by S. B. Ruggles. New Yorlc, 1864 New Foundland. Acts of the Island of, with the nature of its Trade and Fishery, by Capt. G. Williams. Very scarce. 1765 North Haven. Century sermon; or, Sketches of the history of the eighteenth century, deliv. Jan. 1, 1801. fery scarce. New IHaven, 1801 Newton Theological Institution. Address deliv. befojme the Soc. of Alumni, by Win. Hague. Boston, 1835 Northampton, Mass. Address deliv. at, in commem. of close of second century, by William Allen, Oct. 29, 1854. Northborough, Mass. Half Century Sermon, by J. Allen. Cambridge, 1867 Newburyport, Mass. Half Century Sermon, by 1). 1)ana. Newburyport, 1845 New Brunswick. Early reminiscences: a Poem, by L. Scott. -New York, 1864 Norfolk, Conn. Brief Hist. of Town of, from 1738 to 1844, by Auren Roys. Scarce. New Yorlc, 1847 251 A Few Days at Nashotah. Albany, 1849 New Brunswick. Disc. before Young Men's Assoc. Dec. 1, 1S42, By William B. Lawrence. Somerville, 1845 New Orleans. Official and full detail of the great battle of, by Major P. M. Davis. N. Y., 1836 Norwalk, Ct. Bi-Centen. Anniv. disc., by N. Bouton. Scarce. Yew Yorlc, 1851 Natick, Mass. Sermon deliv. at, Jan. 5, 1842, containing history of said Town from 1851 to day of delivery, by Martin Moore. Rare. Cambridge, 1817 Hist. of, from the days of the Apostolic Eliot, 1650, till the present time, by Wm. Bigelow. Very scarce. 1566 Miscellaneous. Valuable lot. [Eighteen.] New Hampshire. Festival of the sons of, with speeches, Nov. 7, 1849, by James W. Stone. Boston, 1856 Repository devoted to Education, Literature and Religion, April, 1846. Gilmanton, 1846 -First Annual Report on the Geology of the State of, by C. T. Jackson. Very scarce. Concord, N. H., 1841 Hist. disc. before the general association of New Hampshire, Aug. 22, 1848, by N. Bouton. General Assoc. Semi-Centen. Anni. Disc. by N. Bouton. New York. University of. Address, May 20, 1837, by J. Talmadge. Univ. of City. Serpents of, by Spencer F. Baird, Scarce. Albany, 1854y New York City. Seventh annual report of the regents of the University of, on the condition of the state cabinet of natural history, and the Hist. and Antiq. Collec., Jan. 18, 1854. Albany. Union Theo. Sem. Sermons by Adams and Skinner, May, 1868. Account of the terrific and fatal riot at the Astor Place Opera House. New York, 1849 Schenectady. Disc. Phi Beta Kappa, by De Witt Clinton. 1823 New York City. Report of Marine Bible Soc. of, Apr. 20,1818. Report of the Select Committee of the Senate on the Electoral Law, Feb. 24, 1824. New York Typographical Soc. Proceedings at the Printers' Banquet, on Franklin's Birthday, Jan. 17, 1850. New York Magdalen Soc. First annual report of the executive committee of, Jan 1, 1830. Magdalen Tracts. No. I. Jan. 1862. New York. Brief description of New York, formerly called New Netherlands, and places adjoining, by Daniel Denton. New York, 1845 Lecture of the Topography and Hist. of N. Y., by Horatio Seymour. Very scarce. Utica, fNT.Y. 252.' 1567 New York. Soc. Pamphlets. [Eighteen.] N. Y. Orphan Asylum. Sermon by Bp. Hobart, Jan. 2, 1820. N. Y. Female Benevolent Soc. Charges preferred by J. R. M'Dowall. N. Y., 1836 Fifth Annual Report. 1837. First Annual Report. 1834. N. Y. Female Bethel Union. Const. and Cir., June, 1835. N. Y. Young Men's Chris. Assoc. Address by Isaac Ferris May 28, 1852. N. Y. Soc. Library. Address of the Trustees. 1833. N. Y. Mere. Lib. Assoc. Lectures by E. S. Gould and J. H. Gourlie. 1836. N. Y. Tract Soc. Seventeenth Annual Report. N. Y., 1843 N. Y. Athenaeum. Address by Henry Wheaton, Dec., 14, 1824 N. Y. Peace Soc. First Annual Report. 1838. N. Y. Soc. for-the Encouragement of Faithful Domestic Servants. Second Annual Report. V. Y., 1827 N. Y. Soc. for Ref. of Juv. Delinq. Fourth Annual Report. N. Y., 1829 N. Y. Academy of Sacred Music. Const. and Bye-Laws of. 1838 N. Y. Gen. Trade Union. Address by Ely Moore, Dec. 2, 1833. N. Y. Mech. and Tradesmen's Soc. Address by M. M. Noah, Nov. 25, 1821. N. Y. The Constitution of the State of. N. Y., 1785 The Constitution of the State of. Albany, 1825 40 1568 New England Society Pamphlets of N. Y. [Twenty-three.] Anniv. Celebrations. Dec. 22, 1839-1855-1863-1864-18651866-1867. Discourses. 1847, Hall; 1857, Stone; 1846, Upham; 1822, Whelpley; 1857, Storrs; 1854, Evarts; 1842, Cheever; 1853, Hopkins; 1851, Hillard; 1820, Spring; 1849, Bushnell; 1841, Hadduck; 1838, Bacon. N. Eng. Soc. of Columbus, O. Address by J. W. Andrews, Dec. 22, 1858. Constitution and By-Laws, Dec. 5, 1843. Remarks on the Charges made against the Religion and Morals of the People of Boston and Vicinity. By Rev. Gardiner Spring. N. FY., 1820 40 1569 New England Pamphlets. Valuable lot. [Eight.] Account of Discovery of an Ancient Ship. By Amos Otis. Albany, 1864 Prof. Park's Sermon on the Duties of the New England Clergy. Andover, 1844 Sermon, deliv. in Andover, April 5, 1810, Annual Fast, by John H. Church. Very scalrce. Sutton, 1810 Mr. Albro's Discourse on the Fathers of New England. Boston, 1844 253 The Vassals of New England. By Edward D. Harris. Albany, 1862 Strange Phenomena of New England. By Henry Jones. Scarice. N. Y., 1846 News from New England. Boston: Reprinted for Samuel G. Drake. April, 1850. Pages from Ecclesiastical History of New England from 1740 to 1840. Boston, 1847 1570 New England Society Pamphlets. Valuable lot. [Nine.] Nancrede, Joseph G. Address before N. E. Soc. of Philadelphia, May 1, 1820. Furness, W. H. Oration, " The Spirit of the Pilgrims," before N. E. Soc. of Phila., Dec. 22, 1846. Spring, Gardiner. Sermon, "Remarks on the Charges made against the Religion and Morals of the People of Boston and its Vicinity," before N. E. Soc. of N. Y.Jo Dec. 22, 1820. Sermon, "A Tribute to N. E.," deliv. before N. E. Soc. of N. Y. Dec. 22, 1820. Bacon, Leonard. Address before N. E. Soc. of N. Y. Dec. 22, 1838. Winthrop, Robert C. Address before the N. E. Soc. of N. Y. Dec. 23, 1839. Webster, Daniel. Speech before N. E. Soc. of N. Y. Dec. 23, 1850. Hopkins, Mark. Oration, "The Central Principle," before N. E. Soc. of N. Y. Dec. 22, 1853. Anderson, Chas. Address on Anglo-Saxon Destiny, deliv. before N. E. Soc. of Cinn. Dec. 20, 1849. 1571 Miscellaneous. [Nineteen.] Considerations upon the expediency and the means of establishing a Univ. in the City of N. Y. 1830 Butler, Benj. F. Plan for the organization of a Law Faculty in bie City of N. Y. 1835 Breckinbridge, John. Address before the Eucleian and Philomathean Soc. of the N. Y. Univ. N. Y., July 15, 1835 Tallmadge, James. Address Dedicatory. N. Y., May 20, 1837 History of the Controversy of the Univ. of the City of N. Y., with original documents. 1838 Anthon, Geo. C. Narrative and Documents connected with the displacement of the Professor of the Greek Language and Literature in the Univ. of the City of N. Y. 1851 Newark Mech. Assoc. Address by S. L. Southard. July 5, 1830. Address by John Griscom. Jan. 25, 1831. New Brunswick, N. J., Theol. Sem. Address by H. Mandeville. May 13, 1847. Townsend, Peter S. Anniv. Disc. before Lyceum of Nat. Hist. of N..Y. 1820 254 De Kay, James E. Anniv. Address on the Progress of the Nat. Sciences in the U. S., deliv. before the Lyceum of Nat. Hist. in New York. 1826 Mitchill Samuel L. Disc. on the Char. and Scient. attainments of De Witt Clinton. N. Y., 1828 Address, by John W. Francis, deliv. Sept. 8, 1829. New York Horticultural Society. New York Institution. Companion to American Museum. Catalogue of Fine Arts. N. Y., 1823 New York State Medical Soc. Address before. By Alex. H. Stevens..Albany, 1849 New York College of Physicians and Surgeons. Discourse by Joseph M. Smith. N. Y., 1846 New York College of Physicians and Surgeons. Address by Nicholas Romayne. N. Y., 1808 Proceedings of the N. Y. Hor. Soc., at the Celebration of its Tenth Anniv. New York, Aug. 26. 1828. Schroeder, John F. Anniv. Disc. at Annual Celebration. New York, Aug. 26, 1828. BERLIN, WELLINGTON Rescue; History of. Corn piled by J. R. Shipherd. With an Introduction by/j' Prof. H. E. Peck, and Hon. R. Plumb. Svo, paper. Boston, etc., 1859 1573 OBERLIN, Ohio. Its Origin, Progress and Results. An Address, prepared for the Alumni of Oberlin College, August 22, 7 1860. By J. H. Fairchild. 8vo, 70 pages; pamphlet. Oberlin, 1860 1574 O'CALLAGHAN, E. B. A BRIEF AND TRUE NARRATIVE of the Hostile Conduct of the Barbarous Natives towards the Dutch~ Nation. 8vo, paper, uncut. Albany: J. Munsell, 1863 1575 O'CATARACT, JEHU. Battle of' Niagara, a Poem; and Goldan, or,-s3 the Maniac Harper. 12mo, boards., uncut. 1576 O'DOHERTY, SIR MORGAN. A Reply to the Libel of James Gordon Bennett on Daniel O'Connell. 8vo pamphlet; 12 pages; very y3" rich, rare and racy. New York, 1838 1577 OHIO. JOURNAL OF A TOUR into the Territory northwest of the Alleghany Mountains; made in the Spring of 1803. With aets Geographical and Historical account of the State of Ohio. 11lustrated with original maps and views. By Thaddeus Mason Harris. 8vo, bds., uncut, Boston, 1805 Baltimore, Md., 1818 1578 OHIO GAZETTEER, or TOPOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. Containing a description of the several counties, towns, villages, settle-l~e ments, roads, rivers, lakes, springs, mines, &c., in the State of Ohio, alphabetically arranged. By John Kilbourn. 6th Ed. 12mo, uLtboutd. Columbus, 1819 1579 Oemo. Letter of the ITon. John M. Goodenow on the subject ofA the Northern Boundary of Ohio. 8vo pamph.; 15 p.; double column; scarce. St. Clairsville, 1835 1580 OHIO, HISTORY OF THE STATE OF-Natural and Civil. By Caleb O Atwater. First Edition. 8vo, sheep; very scarce. Cincinnati, 1838 1581 OHIO. BIOGRAPHICAL AND IISTORICAL MEMOIRS Of the Early Pioneer Settlers of. With Narratives of Incidents and Occur-J? rences in 1775. By S. P. Hildreth, M. D. To which is an 256 nexed a Journal of occurrences which happened under the author's personal observation, in the detachment commanded by Col. Benedict Arnold, consisting of two battalions from the U. S. army at Cambridge, Mass., in 1775. By Col. R. J. Meigs. WTith portraits and plates. 8vo, cl. Cincinnati, 0., 1852 /,s 1582 OHIO. TRANSACTIONS OF THE HISTORICAL AND PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF. Part Second. Vol. I. Published by Order of the Society. 12mo, half sheep. Cincinllnati, O/lio, 1839 /76-1583 OHIO. Fugitive Essays upon interesting and useful subjects relating to the early history of its Geology and Agriculture; with a Biography of the first successful constructor of steamboats. A dissertation upon the material universe, and other articles; being a reprint of various periodicals of the day. By Charles Whittlesey. 12mno, cl. Hudson, Ohio, 1852 /51584 OGLE COUNTY, Ill., SKETCHES OF THE HISTORY OF, and the Early Settlement of the Northwest. 8vo, paper. Polo., Ill., 1859 H. Palmer. 2d edition, 4 vols., bds. Phila., 1814 2203 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. A STATISTICAL TIEW Of the commerce of, in connection with Agriculture and Manufactures, 3o with a brief review of the Trade, etc., previous to their Independence. By Timothy Pitkin. 8vo, bds, uncut; veryfine copy; Hartford. 1816 2204 UNITED STATES. HISTORY OF, from their First Settlement as Colonies, to the cession of Florida, comprising every import-/d ant Political event; with a progressive view of the Aborigines, etc., and Copious Alphabetical Index. Third edition. By Winm. Grimshaw. 12mo, sh. Phila., 1822 2205 UNITED STATES ANTI-MASONIc CONVENTION. The Address of,, Phila., Sept. 11, 1830, to the People of U. S. 8vo, 22 p., fine" cond.; scarce.. Phila., 1830 2206 UNITED STATES. HISTORY OF, from the Plantation of the British Colonies, till their Revolt and Declaration of Indepen-,-o dence. By James Grahame. In four volumes. 8vo; cl., uncut. London: Smith, Elder, & Co., 1836 53 418 -0 2207 UNITED STATES OF NORTH AMERICA, HISTORY OF, from the Plantation of the British Colonies till their assumption of National Independence. In four volumes. By James (Crahame, L.L. D. 8vo, cl., rough edges. Phila., 1845 /0 2208 UJNITED STATES, A General View of. Comprising, also, a description of each State and Territory in the Union, etc. By S. A. Mitchell. 8vo, bds., map. Phila., 1846 TV? 2209 UNITED STATES, HISTORY OF, from the Discovery of the American Continent. By Geo. Bancroft. 8 Vols. Imp. 8vo, cl., uncut. With Portraits on India paper. Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1861 Large paper. Only 50 copies printed. 3 of which were destroyed by the fire at C. B. Richardson's store, in New York, Sept., 1864. /a 2210 UNITED STATES SANITARY COMMISSION. A Sketch of its Purposes and its Work, compiled from Documents and Private Papers. 8vo. Boston, 1863:26 2211 UNITED STATES SANITARY COMMISSION. A SKETCH OF its Purposes and its Work, compiled from Documents and Private Papers. By K. G. Wormely. 8 vo, bds., uncut. Boston, 1863 /& 2212 UNITED STATES Service Magazine. Vols. I., II.. III., complete. Extra Vol. IV., Nos, 1, 2, 4, 6; Vol. I., Nos. 3, 4, 5, 6; Vol. II., No. 10; Vol. V., Nos. 1, 4, 6. New Yoric, 1864 and 1865 /?t 2213 U. S. SANITARY COMMISSION. Phila. MEMORIAL OF THE GREAT CENTRAL FAIR, June, 1864. By Chas. J. Stille. 4to, cl. Photographs, gt. top, rough edges, rubric title. Phila., 1864 /ot 2214 UNITED STATES CAVALRY, HISTORY OF, from the Formation of the Federal Government to the 1st of June, 1863. To which is added a list of all the Cavalry Regiments, with the Names of their Commanders, which have been in the United States Service since the breaking out of the Rebellion. By Albert G. Brackett. 8vo, sheets stitched,frontis..l Y., 1865 so 2215 UNITED STATES, THE, During the War. By Auguste Laugel. 8vo, cl., uncut. IVew York, etc., 1866 s' 2216 UNITED STATES, Pictorial History of, from the Earliest Period to the Present time. By Benson J. Lossing. Illustrated. 3 Nos., 1, 2, 3, uncut. Hartford, 1867 d- 2217 UNTAUGHT BARD, THE. An Original Work. ] 2no, sh. Vew York, 1804 // 2218 UPHAM, THOMAS C. American Sketches. 12mo, bds., uncut. N.Y., 1819 37r 2219 UPHAM, CHAS. W. LECTURES ON WITCHCRAFT, comprising a History of the Delusion in Salem, in 1692. Full red Tur/cey, 8vo, gilt top, edges uncut. By R. W. Smith. Boston, 1831 /D 2220 UPHAM, CHARLES W. SALEM WITCHCRAFT, with an account of Salem Village and a History of Opinions on Witchcraft and kindred subjects. In Two Volumes. Engravings, 8vo, cl., uncut. Boston, 1867 ~vU 2221 The Same. L. P. 50 copies only. 419 PAMPHLE TS. 2222 Unitarian Association Pamphlets. [Twenty-Three.] Uni. Assoc., First Annual Report of. Boston, 1827 - Proc. of 2nd Annual Meeting. Boston, 1839 ---- Proc. of 12th Annual Meeting. Boston, 1849 Proc. of 13th Annual Meeting. Boston, 1850 Proc. of 14th Annual Meeting. Boston, 1851 Tests of True Religion. Boston, 1828 11th Semi-Annual Report. Boston, 1833 13th Report. Boston, 1838 - 20th Report, May 27, 1845. - Sketch of the Hist. of the Doctrine of Atonement, by James Freeman Clark. Boston. Rec. of a Sermon, by F. P. Greenwood. 1845 23d Report, May 30, 1848. Boston. Romanism, by S. G. Bulfinch. Boston, 1849 Gospel of Luke, the Apostles' Creed, by Austin Craig. 25th Report of, May 28, 1850. Boston, June, 1850S 26th Report of, May 27, 1851. Boston, May 27, 1851 Kelley, John. Solemn and important reasons against becoming a Universalist. Haverhill, 1815 Belsham, Thos., Amer. Unitarianism; or a brief Hist. of the Progress and Present State of the Unitarian Churches in Amer. 5th Ed. Boston, 1815 The same. 1st Ed. Boston, 1815 Woods, Leonard. Letters to Unitarians, occasioned by the Sermon of Win. E. Channing, at ordination of J. Sparks..Andover, 1820 Little, Robt. " Religious Liberty and Unitarianism Vindicated." Sermon. Washington, Apr. 28, 1822 Mason, Dr., An Appeal from the Denunciations ot N. Y., 1822 Waruing against Unitarian and Hopkinsian Errors, deliv. Associate Ch. of N. A. 2nd Ed. Albrany, 1826 2223 Miscellan6ous. [Seventeen.] Union College. Address before, July, 1838, by Tayler Lewis. Albany. United States. Sketch of the internal condition of. Baltimore, 1826 Instructions to the Envoys Extraordinary and Ministers Plenipotentiary of. Phila., 1798.....- Desultory reflections of the new Political aspects of Public Affairs in. IV. Y., 1799 Plain Sense on National Industry, addressed to the People of the U. S. N. Y., 1820 Appeal to the people of. Boston, 1831 ------ Translation of a note from the Minister of the French Republic to Sec. of State of the U. S. N. Y., 1796 420 Union College. Disc. on the Privileges and Duties of Man as a Progressive Being. Deliv. July 23, 1833, by B. F. Joslin. Schenectady. Address deliv. before Library Soc. of, July, 1837, by George W. Bethune. Phila. Disc. deliv. July 26, 1836, by G. C. Verplanck. N. Y. The Documentary Evidence relative to the controversy. Schenectady, 1823 Upham, Chas. W. Disc. on Prophecy as an Evidence of Christianity. Salem, 1835 Unitas Fratrum. A concise hist. account of the present constitution of, by B. La Trobe. Scarce. London. Unitarian's Answer. Unterwalden. The Wrongs of, by Th. Jefferson, Oct. 27, 1807 Union College. Disc. deliv. July 19, 1846, by Wm. B. Sprague. Albany. United States. Remarks on the Bank of, April, 1830. &- 2224 Miscellaneous. [Twenty-five ] Univ. of N. C. Address by Chas Manly. Raleigh, 1838 - Maryland. Lecture by Win. R. Fisher. Phila., 1S37 Penn. Address by Geo. Potts, Nov. 15, 1852. Penn. Address by R. F. Conrad, Jan. 25, 1842. Vermont. Address by H. J. Raymond, Aug. 6, 1850. Alabama. Address by Alva Woods, Dec. 17, 1836. U. S. Declaration of Independence and Constitution of. 1V. Y., 1796 Union College. Nott, Eliphalet. Address at the commencement, July 29, 1807. A- ddress at the Commencement, July 30, 1806. Mitchell, S. L. Disc. before Phi Beta Kappa. Albany, 1821 Clinton De Witt. Disc. before Phi Beta Kappa. Albany, 1823 Lewis, Tayler. Address before Phi Beta Kappa. Albany, 1838 Videns, Fabricus. The Spy-Glass, for July, 1840. Kent, William. Address before Phi Beta Kappa Soc., N. Y., July 27, 1841. Catalogue of the Officers and Students in. Troy, 1841 Butler, Benj. F. Address, July 26, 1841. First Semi-Centen. Anniv. of, July 22, 1845. Sumner, Charles. "The Law of Human Progress:" an Oration before, July 25, 1848. Address at the anniversary commencement, May 1st, 1805, by Eliphalet Nott. Albany, 1805 421 Union College. The advantages and the dangers of the American scholar. A discourse by G. C. Verplanck. New York, 1836 Catalogue of the Officers and Students, 1837-8. Scheniectady, 1837 Representative Democracy in the U. S. Address by B. F. Butler. Albany, 1841 Address before the Phi Beta Kappa Society, by W. Kent. New York, 1841 -- The American Citizen: a discourse, by T. Sedgwick. New York, 1847 Modern Benevolence: a Satire, by E. Phelps. New York, 1860 2225 Miscellaneous. [Seventeen.] Union Theological Seminary, New York. Charge and inaugural address on the Induction of HI. B. Smith. New York, 1855 Addresses to the graduating classes, by W. Adams and T. H. Skinner, May, 1868. New York., 1868 Universal Life Insurance Co. Hand-book for Agents of. NV. I., 1868 United States. Case decided in. Supreme Court of. Phila., 1793 Acts passed at First Session of Sixth Congress. Phila., 1799 Constitution of, and New Jersey. Newark, 1798 Ullmann, Daniel. Civil and Religious Liberty. Disc. at Wilmington, deliv. July 4, 1855. New York, 1855 Umbrellas and their History, by Clyde and Black. Riverside Press, Cambr., 1864 Union Safety Committee, Rules and Bye-laws. New York, 1850 Unitarianism. The Unity of God: a Disc. by R. Eddowes. Phila., 1813 The sufferings of Unitarians in former times: a Disc. at Essex St. Chapel, by Thomas Belsham. London, 1813 - Remarks on Unitarianism and Mahometanism, in reply to H. D. Sewall. By H. I. Feltus. New York, 1820 Letter from a gentleman in Boston to a Unitarian Clergyman. Second ed. Boston, 1828 Cudworth defended, and Unitarianism delineated. Salem, 1833 Upfold, George. The Last Hundred Years: a Lecture. Pittsburgh, 1845 Practical Charity: a Sermon. Pittsburgh, 1849 Upham, Charles W. A Disc. on the Decease of Hon. Timothy Pickering. Very scarce. Salem 1829 2226 Miscellaneous. [Sixteen.] United States. Charter of the United States Inebriate Asylum./ New York, 1855 422 U. S. Senatorial Qnestion. Speeches in the Assembly of N. Y., Feb., 1855. Albany, 1855 U. S. Guano Manufacturing Company, N. Y..New York, 1857 The U. S. and France, by E. Laboulaye. Boston, 1862 The commercial conduct of the U. S. considered. Very scarce. New York, 1786 Review of the administration of the government of the U. S. since the year ninety-thlree. Boston, 1797 Address by the Members of the House on the War with Great Britain. Baltimore, 1812 Exposition of the Causes and Character of the late War. YLiddlebury, Vt., 1815 Tide-tables for the principal Seaports of the U. S., by A. D. Bache. New York:, 1855 Important and interesting events in the history of the U. S., by TI. Tuttle. 16th ed. Buffalo, 1854 United States Review, Jan. 1853. Vol. I., No. I. New Yorkc, 1853 Disturnell's U. S. National Register for 1852. New York, 1852 Sketch of the U. S. Dry Docks at Phila., etc. Plates. New York, 1849 American Citizen's Manual of Reference, compiled by W. H. -ladley..New York, 1840 United States Telegraph Extra, Oct. 8, 1832. Washington, 1832 View of the U. S., by John Hayward. New York, 1832 AN BUIREN, MARTIN. Biography of, with an Appendix containing selections from his Writings; among which will be found the late Letter of Colonel Thomas H. Ben-/~ ton, to the Convention of the State of Mississippi. By William Emmons. 2nd Ed. 8vo, bds. Washinigton, 1835 2228 VANE SIR HENRY, KT. TRYAL oF, at the King's Bench, June 2nd and 6(th, 1662, with what he intended to have Spoken the/,fs Day of his Sentence. W ith Occasional Speeches, &c. Also,' his Speech and Prayer on the Scaffold. Sin. 4to, hf. mor. London' printed in the year 1662 22-29 VARNUM. COL. JOSEPH B. AN ADDRESS deliv. to the Third-d Division of Massachusetts Militia at a Review on the Plains of' Concord, Aug. 27, 1800. 8vo, 26 p. roulgh edges; scarce. Ccnambridge 1800 2230 VAuxI, ROBERTS. Memoirs of the Lives of Benjamin Lay and Ralph Sandiford, two of the Earliest Public Advocates for thesEmancipation of the Enslaved Africans. 8vo, hds., lncut. Plate. Phila., 1815 2231 VERMONT. THE NATURAL AND CrIIL HISTORY OF. By Samuel Williams. In two volumes. The second edition. Corrected' and much enlarged. 2 vols, 8'vo, sheep. With map, Burlington, 1809 223~2 VERMONT STATE PAPERS: being a Collection of Records and Documents; together with the Journal of the Council of~ Safety, the First Constitution, the Early Journals of the General Assembly, and the Laws from 1779 to 1786 inclusive. To which are added the Proceedings of the First and Second Council of Censors. Compiled by W. Slade, Jr. 8vo, bds., uncut. liddlebury, 1823 2233 VE RMONT. THE HISTORY OF, with Descriptions Physical and Topographical. By Rev. Hosea Beckley, A. M. 12mo, hf.// mor.; very scarce. Brattleboro, Vt., 1846 2234 VERMONT. CATALOGUE OF the Principal Officers of, as connected with its Political History from 1778 to 1851, with some/. Biographical Notices, &c. By Leonard Deming. 8vo, bds. Middlebury, 1851 424 4/ 2235 VERMONT QUARTERLY GAZETTEER. A HISTORICAL MAGAZMNE, embracing a Digest of the History of each Town. Edited by Abby Maria Hemmenway. 6 parts complete. Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. 8vo, uncut, paper. With portraits. Ludlow, Vt., 1860,c 2236 VERMONT HISTORICAL GAZETTEER. A MAGAZINE embracing a Digest of the History of Each Town, Civil, Educational, Religious, Geological and Literary. By A. M. Hemenway. In one volume. Por. plates. Nos. 7, 8, 9, 10, 11. Chittenden and Essex Counties. Paper, uncut. Burlington, 1867 "A work of Great Value, replete with facts and rich in personal details, Specimens and Sketches so arranged alphabetically by Counties and Townships as to be of easy reference." /'s 2237 VESPUCIUS, AMERICUS, LIFE AND VOYAGES OF, with Illustrations concerning the Navigator, and the Discovery of the New World. By C. E. Lester and A. Foster. 8vo, cl. Portrait and plates. NTew York, 1846 Zs 2238 VERMONT, HIsToRY OF THE STATE OF. By Zadock Thompson. 18Smo, Boards. Burlington, 1858 Comprising Addison, Bennington, Caledonia, and Chittenden Counties. /J- 2239 VIDE, V. V., American Tableaux. Sketches of Aboriginal Life. Cloth, 12mo. -New Yorkc, 1846 jlV 224:0 VINCENNES, Ind,, CoL. HISTORY OF, from its First Settlement down to the Administration of Gen. Harrison. Address by Judge Law before the Vincennes Historical Antiquarian Soc. February 22, 1839. With additional Notes and Illustrations. 8vo, cloth; scarce. Vincennes, 1858 22 2241 VIRGINIA. THE HISTORY OF THE BRITISH PLANTATIONS IN AMER. ICA. With a Chronological Account of the most Remarkable things which happened to the First Adventurers in their several Discoveries in that New World. Part I. Containing the History of Virginia; with remarks on the trade and commerce of that Colony. By Sir William Keith. Engraved title and Map. 4to, half mor., gt. top, uncut. Very rare. London, 3MD1CCXXX VIII /X 2242 VIRGINIA, NOTES ON THE STATE OF. With an Appendix. By Thomas Jefferson. 3d American edition, with map and por trait. 8vo, sheep; fine copy. New York, 1801 /s 2243 VIRGINIA, HISTORY OF. From its First Settlement to the Present Day. By John Burk. 3 volumes, 8vo, sheep. Petersburg, Va,, 1804-'5 /~V 2244 VIRGINIA, A HISTORY OF. From its Discovery till the Year 1781. With Biographical Sketches of all the Most Distinguished Characters that occur in the Colonial, Revolutionary or Subsequent Period of our History. By J. W. Campbell. 8vo, sh. Phila., 1813 2S 2245 VIRGINIA AND THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. A New and Comprehensive Gazetteer of, containing a Copious Collection of Geographical, Statistical, and Political Information, &c. By Joseph Martin. To which is added a History of Virginia from its First Settlement, to the year 1754, with an Abstract of the principal events from that period to the Inde 425 pendence of Virginia, written expressly for the Work. By a Citizen of Virginia. 8vo, Boards. Charlottesville, 1835 2246 VIRGINIA, HISTORICAL COLLECTIONS OF. Containing a Collection of the most Interesting Facts, Traditions, Biographical Sketches, Anecdotes, &c., relating to its History and Antiquity, together with Geographical and Statistical Descriptions;J'Y3 to which is appended an Historical and descriptive sketch of the District of Columbia. Illustrated by over 100 engravings, giving views of the principal Towns, Seats of Eminent Men, Public Buildings, Relics of Antiquity, Historic Localities, Natural Scenery, &c. By Henry Howe. 8vo, sheep, spr. edges. Miaps, plates. Charleston, 1852 2247 VIRGINIA, SKETCHES OF. Historical and Biographical. By the70 Rev. Win. Henry Foote, D.D. 2d Series. 8vo, cloth. Phila., 1856 2248 VOYAGES FROM MONTREAL THROUGH THE CONTINENT OF NORTH AMERICA, to the Frozen and Pacific Oceans in 1789 and 1793./, With an account of the rise and progress of the Fur Trade of' that Country. In two volumes. Illustrated with portraits and maps. By Alexander Mackenzie. 8vo, sheep. London, 1802 2249 VIRGINIA, HISTORY OF. IN FOUR PARTS. I. —THE HISTORY OF THE FIRST SETTLEMENT OF VIRGINIA, and the Government thereof, to the year 1706. II.-The Natural Productions and Conveniences of the Country suited to Trade and Improvement. II. —THE NATrVE INDIANS: Their Religion, Laws, and Customs, in Wari-r and Peace. IV.-The Present State of the Country, as to the Polity of the Government, and the Improvements of the Land, the 10th of June, 1720. By a Native and Inhabitant of the Place. (Richard Beverly.) The Second Edition revised and enlarged by the author. 8vo hayf mor., gilt top. With plates; beautiful copy, scarce. London, 1722 PAMPHLETS. 2250 Miscellaneous, [Eighteen.] Veritas. Remarks on the Letter of Domesticus containing the Doctrine of Incest Stated. New York, 1827 Virginia, Presbyterian Church of. Remarks on the act of the General Assembly of 1837. Richmond. Vermilye, T. E. Discourse-" The Defense of the Gospel." Delivered December 16, 1841, on Inauguration of S. A. Van Vranken. Van Buren, Governor, Message of, on Subject of Banks, Jan. 26, 1823. 54 426 Viierden, Peter Van. Sermon delivered at Catskill, July 30, 1812. Albany Villager, the: a Literary Paper. Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5-1819. Albany. VTechten, P. Van. Oration, 37th Anniversary of American Independence. Very scarce. Albany, July 12, 1813 Vermilye, Thomas E. Introductory Address to a Course of Lectures before Young Men's Association, Albany, delivered December 19, 1837. Virginia Address to the Episcopalians in. Very rare. New Yorkl, 1771 Voice of, on approaching Election. Vermont Classical Sem., Castleton. Discourse by WV. B Sprague. Albany, Xiay 27, 1830 Visions. Remarkable Visions. From the German. Boston, 1844 Vital Truth and Deadly Error. Cin., 1853 Voltaire. Lord Chesterfield's Ears; a true story. London, 1826 Vermont, Historical Discourse on Semi-Centennial Anniversary of University of, by Rev. John Wheeler. Burlington, 1854 -- before the Phi Sigma Nu Society, by C. S. Henry. 1836 VIRGINIA, THE CASE OF THE PLANTERS OF TOBBACO PN. Rare. London, 1733 Company of London. Extracts from 5Manuscript Transactions. By Edward D. Neil. Washington, 1868 G 2251 Miscellaneous. [Fourteen.] Van Buren, Martin. Review of the Political Life of, by a Harrison Democrat. 3d edition. Washington, 1840 Van Dyke, J. The Spirituality and Independence of the Church: a Speech. - New Yorlc, 1864 Vancouver, G., and Broughton. Journal of a Voyage of Discovery to the North Pacific Ocean, 1791-1795. London, 1802 Vans, William, a true Statement of the Demand of, against the Heirs of J. Codman. 1804 Vermilye, T. E. Discourse in the Reformed Dutch Church, New Brunswick, Dec. 16, 1841, on the Inaug. of S. A. Van Vranken. NVew York, 1842 Vermont Letter on the Nebraska Bill. Vinton, Rev. Francis. Farewell Disc. to Trinity Church, Newport, R. I., July 7th, 1844. Providence, 1844 42T Vinton, Alexander H. Farewell Sermon preached at St. Paul's Church, Boston, Oct. 3, 1858. Boston, 1858 Sermon, on Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 27, 1862. New York, 1862 Virginia. Public Defaulters brought to Light. Letters by a Native of Virginia. N. Y., 1822 Letters on the Richmond Party, by a Virginian. Washington, 1823 Observations on the Mineral Waters of Virginia. Scarce. Phila., 1834 Trip to the Virginia Springs; or, the Belles and Beaux of 1835. By a Lady. Scarce. Lexington, Va., 1843.-...- My Ride to the Barbecue; or, Revolutionary Reminiscences of the Old Dominion. New York, 1860 9G! AIT, BENJAMIN. Letters from Yan Dieman's Land, written during Four years Imprisonment for Political offences committed in Upper Canada. 8vo,full cf.,front. Buffalo, 1843 +a 2254 WAKELEY, Rev. J. B. Lost chapters recovered from the Early History of American Methodism. 8vo, cl.; with portrait, fac-similes, and plates. lVew York, 1858 1/yk 2255 WALES, Mass. An Address, delivered in, Oct. 5, 186'~, being the Centennial Anniversary of Organization of the Town; to which is annexed a "Roll of Honor," being a Catalogue of the Names, etc., of Soldiers from this Town, who Served in the late Civil War. By Absalom Gardiner. 8vo pamph., 44 p. Springfield, 1866 "That undiscovered country, from whose bourn, no traveller returns.",2o 2'256 WALLACK, JAMEs WILLIAM, SEN. Actor and Manager, Sketch of the Life of. L. 8vo, uncut. N. Y., T.. H. Iorrell, 1865 Only 250 copies printed.,/u 2257 WALTON, Mr. IZAAK. THE UNIVERSAL ANGLER, Made so, by Three BooKs of FISHING. The First Written by Mr. Izaak Walton; The Second by Charles Cotton, Esq.; The Third by Col. Robert Venable. 12mo. mor. London. Printed for Richard Marriott, and sold by most Booksellers. MDCLXX VI. SoA 2258 WALTON, IZAAK. THE COMPLEAT ANGLER; or, The Contemplative Man's Recreation. Being a Discourse of Fish and Fishing, Not unworthy the perusal of most Anglers. Sq. 12mo, ef. London, Printed by T. Maxey,for Richard Marriot, 1653. Reprinted exactlyfrom the very rare first ed., with col'd plates.?rv 2259 WALTON AND COTTON. THE COMPLETE ANGLER; or, Contemplative Man's Recreations, being a discourse on Rivers, FishPonds, Fish, and Fishing. In Two Parts: The First Written by Mr. Izaak Walton; The Second by Charles Cotton, Esq. TWith the Lives of the Authors, and Notes, Supplementary, Historical, and Explanatory. By Sir John Hawkins, Knt., and the present Editor. With Portraits and Illustrations. 429 Bagster's 2d ed., being the eighth of this work. Roy. 8vo, hf. mor., gt. top, rough edges. London; Printed for Samuel Bagster, in the Strand. MD CCCX V. 226) WALTON AND COTTON. TEE COMPLETE ANGLER; or, The Contemplative Man's Recreation; being a discourse of Rivers, Fish-Ponds, Fish, and Fishing; Written by Izaak Walton; -/' and instructions how to Angle for a Trout or Grayling in a clear Stream, by Charles Cotton. With Original Memoirs, and Notes by Sir Harris Nicolas. Portraits, Views and Plates of Fish. Rubricated Titles. 2 vols. Ihnp. 8vo, hf. green mor., rough edges. London, Wm. Pickering, 1836 2261 WANSEY, HENRY, F. A. S. The Journal of an Excursion to the United States of North America, in the Summer of 1794. Embellished with the Profile of Gen. Washington, and an' Aqua-tinta view of the State House, at Philadelphia. 8vo, bds., uncut. Salisbury, 1796 2262 WAR, THE. Being a faithful Record of the Transactions of the War between the United States of America and their Terri-<,7?tories, and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland,' and the dependencies thereof, declared on the Eighteenth Day of June, 1812. Vols. I., II. Fol., bds. 2 vols. in one, uncut. New York, 1813-'14 2263 WARD, Rev. NATH'L. The Simple Cobler of Aggawam in America, willing to help Mend his Native Country, etc. By Theodore de la Guard. 8vo, hf. crim. cr. lev. mor., gt. top; uncut.`~ Bound by R. W. Smith. London, 1647. Reprint, Boston, 1843 2264 WARDLAw, Rev. RALPH. Lectures on Magdalenism: its Nature,2 Extent, Effects, Guilt, Causes, and Remedy. 12mo, cl. New York, 1843 2265 WARE, WILLIAM. Sermon, preached on the Sunday succeeding,4 the Great Fire in New York, Dec. 16, 1835. 8vo, orig. cov., 18 p.; uncut. New York, 1835 2266 WARE, Mass. An Address delivered at the Opening of the New Town Hall, MSarch 31, 1847. Containing Sketches of thej2 early History of that Town, and its First Settlers. By Wm. Hyde. 8vo pamph., 56p.; scarce. Brookfield, 1847 2-267 WARNER, Col. SETH. Memoir of, by Daniel Chipman. To which is added, the Life of Col. Ethan Allen, by Jared Sparks.36 16mo, cl. Middlebury, Vt., 1848 2268 WARREN, (R. I.) HISTORY OF, from the Earliest Times, with particular notices of Massasoit and his Family. By G. M./y~ Fessenden. Providence, 1845. In the same Vol., JUSTIN,' JosIAH P. Discourse delivered at the New Edifice of the Baptist Church, May 8, 1845. 12mo, cl., rough edges; scarce. Providence, 1845 2269 WARREN, Me. ANNALS OF TowN OF, with the Early History of St. George's, Broad Bay, and the Neighboring Settlements on/',/ the Waldo Patent. By Cyrus Eaton.. 12mo, cl.; Mfap. Ha!lowell, 1851 2270 WARREN, Gen. JOSEPH. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF, Embrac-d~ ing the prominent events of his Life, and his Boston Orations 430 of 1772 and 1775; together with the celebrated Eulogy pronounced by Perez Morton, M. M., on the Re-interment of the Remains by the Masonic Order, at King's Chapel, in 1776. Boston, 1857 In same volume. CARROLL, ANNA ELLA. The Union of the States, and a Review of Pierce's Administration, showing its only popular measures to have originated with the executive of Millard Fillmore. 8'vo, cl.; Port. of Warren,. Boston, 1856 56r 2272 WARREN, Gen. JOSEPH. INAUGURATION Of the Statue of, by the Bunker Hill Monument Association, June 17, 1857. 8vo, cl. Boston, 1858 WASHINGTON EULOGIES. /2s 2273 ALDEN, TIMOTHY. A Sermon delivered at the South Church, at Portsmouth, on the Vth January, MDccc., occasioned by the Sudden and Universally Lamented Death of George Washington, etc. First Edition. 8vo, pp. 24. Extremely rare. Printed Feb., 1800?a0 2274 ALEXANDER, CALEB. A Sermon occasioned by the Death of His. Excellency, George Washington; delivered at Mendon, Mass. Contains a Valuable Historical and Biographical Appendix, of five pages. Rare, 8vo, pp. 23. Boston, 1800 "This sermon was composed and delivered before any official intelligence was received of the death of Washington." /7s 2275 ALSOP, RICHARD. A Poem: Sacred to the Memory of George Washington, late President of the United States, and Commander-in-Chief of the Armies of the United States; adapted to the 22d of Feb., 1800. 8vo, pp. 23, clean. Fine copy, very scarce. Hartford, 1800 jt 2276 AMEs, FISHER. ORATION on the Sublime Virtues of General Geo. Washington, pronounced at the Old South Meeting House, in Boston, before his Honor the Lieutenant Governor. Published by the State of Mass. 8vo, pp. 51. Boston, 1800 /2'2277 AMES, FISHER. An Oration on the Sublime Virtues of Gen. Geo. WVashington, etc. 8vo, pp. 31, uncut; scarce. Boston, 1800,v 2278 AMES, FISHER. Oration on the Sublime Virtues of Gen'l George Washington, pronounced at the Old South Meeting House, in Boston. 8vo, fine copy, very scarce. NVew York, 1800 Not in Woodward's Catalogue. J7- 2279 BALDWIN, THOMAS, A.M. A Sermon delivered to the Second Baptist Society in Boston, on Lord's Day, Dec. 29, 1799, occasioned by the Death of General George Washington, etc. 8vo, pp. 28, clean. Boston, 1800 J2s 2280 BANCROFT, AARON. An Eulogy on the Character of the late Gen. George Washington, delivered before the Inhabitants of the Town of Worcester, Commonwealth of Mass., on Saturday, the 22d of Feb., 1800. 8vo, pp. 21, clean copy. Scarce. Worcester, 1800 431 2281 BRADFOPD, ALDEN. An Eulogy in Commemoration of the Sublime Virtues of Gen. George Washington, late President of the %(f United States, who died Dec. 14, 1799. Pronounced in Wiscasset, Feb. 22d, 1809, etc. 8vo, pp. 16. BRare. VVisccasset, 1800 2282 BRAMAN, ISAAC. An Eulogy on the late Gen. George Washington, who died Saturday, 14th Dec., 1799. Delivered at _Rowley,-92 Second Parish, February 22d, 1800. 8vo, pp. 24. Rare. Haverhill, 1800 2283 BIGELOW, TIMOTI-Y. An Eulogy on the Life, Character and Services of Brother George Washington, Deceased, pronounced//. before the Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons, by Re-' quest of the Grand Lodge, at the Old South Meeting House, Boston, on Tuesday, Feb. 11, 1800, etc. 8vo, pp. 26. Very scarce. Boston, 1800 2284 BLAKE, GEORGE B. A Masonic Eulogy on the Life of the Illustrious Brother George Washington, pronounced before theova Brethren of St. John's Lodge, on the Evening of the 4th Feb., 5800, etc. 8vo, pp. 23, Rare. Boston, 1800 See Woodward's Catalogue, 5812. 2285 CALDWELL, CHARLES. AN ELEGIAC POEM, on the Death of Gen. Washington, etc. 8vo, half mnor.; bound by Bradstreet./k? Extremely rare. Phila., 1800 Not in Woodward's Catalogue. 2286 CARROLL, BISHOP. A Discourse on Gen'l Washington, delivered in the Catholic Church of St. Peter, Feb. 22, 1800. 8vo, pp. 24.$s3? falf cf. Baltinore, 1800 Portrait of Carroll and the very rare portrait of Washington, by Savage, inserted. 2287 CHARLESTOWN, Mass; PROCEEDINGS OF THE TowN oF-in respectful testimony of the late GEO. WASHINGTON. Containing /e~a Prayer and Sermon, with a Sketch of his Life. By Jedediah' Morse. Dec. 31, 1799. To which is prefixed an account of the Proceedings, written by Josiah Bartlett, and the "Valedictory Address" of the DECEASED to his Fellow Citizens. 8vo, calf, beautiful copy; rare. January, MDCCC. 2288 CHAUDRON, SIMON. Oraison Funebre du Frere George Washington, le premier Janvier, 1800, dans la Loge Franqaise "L'Amenite." 8vo, pp. 35. A Philadelphie, 1801 2289 COFFIN, EBENEZER, Rev. A Sermon delivered Feb. 22d, 1800, the day of National Mourning recommended by the Government of the United States, for the Death of General George Washington. Svo, pp. 16. Very rare. Portland, 1800 See Woodward's Catalogue, 5838. 2290 CUMMINGS, HENRY. An Eulogy on the late Patriot, Washington, addressed to the People of Billerica, Jan. 10, 1800. 8vo, pp. 16, fine copy, very scarce. Amherst, N. Z., 1800 2291 DANA, DANIEL. A Discourse on the Character and Virtues of Gen. George Washington, delivered on the Twenty-second of February, 1800, the day of National Mourning for his death. 8vo, pp. 31, fine copy; scarce. lNewburyport, 1800 432 _-0 2292 DAvis, JOHN. An Eulogy on General George Washington, pronounced at Boston, on Wednesday, February xix., MDCCC., before the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, by their appointment, and published at their request. 4to, pp. 24; very rare; uncut. Boston, vDCCC. Davis, John. The same. Uncut. Reprinted: Boston, 1859 ~c/ 2293 DUNHAM, JOSIAH, A.M. A Funeral Oration on George Washington, late General of the Armies of the United States, pronounced at Oxford, Massachusetts, etc. 8vo, pp. 20. Rare. Boston, 1800 "Is 2294 DWIGHT, TIMOTiHY. Discourse on Death of, etc., etc. 8vo, fine copy; rare. New Haven, 1800 Not in Woodward's Catalogue. 32s 2295 FIS.KE, TrIADEUS. A Sermon delivered Dec. 29, 1799, at the Second Parish in Cambridge, being the Lord's Day immediately following the Melancholy Intelligence of the Death of Gen. Geo. Washington, late President of the United States of America. 8vo, pp. 21. Scarce. Boston, 1800?Jv 2296 FORBES, ELI. An Eulogy Moralized on the Illustrious Character of the late General George Washington, who died on Saturday, the 14th day of December, 1799. Delivered at Gloucester, on the 22d of February, 1800, etc. To which is added, WVashington's Address, etc. 8vo, pp. 40; very finae copy; rare. Newburyport, 1800 $~-o 2297 FRISBIE, LEVI, A.M. An Eulog' on the Illustrious Character of the late General George Washington, etc., delivered at Ipswich, on the 7th day of January, I S100. To which is added, Gen'l Washington's Paternal and Affectionate Address to his Country. 8vo, pp. 61, rare. NTewburyport, 1800 5S^v 2298 GIUIREY, WILLIAM. A Funeral Sermon on the Death of General George Washington, who died at Mount Vernon, Dec. 14, 1799, aged 68. Delivered, by request, before the Methodist Episcopal Church at Lynn, January 7, 1800, etc. 8vo, pp. 22. Rare. Printed at Salem, 1800 /1sS 2299 HARRIS, THADDEUS MASON. A Discourse delivered at Dorchester, Dec. 29, 1799, being the Lord's day after hearing the Distressing Intelligence of the death of General George Washington, etc. 8vo, pp. 16. Charlestown, MDccC.,,2S-2300 HOLCOMBE, HENRY. A Sermon, occasioned by the Death of Lieutenant-General George Washington, late President of the United States of America. 4to, pp 18, uncut; fine copy; fall cr. cr im. lev. mor.; by R. W. Smith. Savannah, 1800 ~?sv 2301 HUNTINGTON, ASAHEL. A Sermon delivered at Topsfield, January 5, 1800, occasioned by the Death of George Washington, Commander-in-Chief of the American Armies, and late President of the United States. 8vo, pp. 32, uncul. Includes an historical sketch. Very rare. Salem, 1800 See Woodward's Catalogue, No. 5898. /,v 2302 JACKsoN, Major WILLIAM. Eulogium on the Character of Gen'l Washington, late President of the United States, pronounced before the Pennsylvania Society of the Cincinnati, on the 433 Twenty-second day of February, Eighteen hundred, at the German Reformed Church, in the City of Philadelphia. 8vo, pp. 44. Phila., 1800 2303 JOHNSON, JOHN B. Eulogy on General George Washington, a Sermon delivered February 22d, 1800, in the North Dutch23-6 Church, Albany, before the Legislature of the State of New' York, at their request. Svo, pp. 22. Scarce. Albany, 1800 2304 KIRKLAND, JOHN THORNTON. A Discourse occasioned by the Death of General George WTashington, delivered Dec. 29, 1799. To//f which is added the Valedictory Address of the late President,' to the People of the United States. 8vo, pp. 22; very fine copy. Scarce. Boston. 1800 2305 LEDYARD, ISAAC. ORATION AT NEWTOWN, L. I., etc. 8vo,.fine//? copy; excessively rare. Brooklyn, 1800 Not in Woodward's Catalogue, nor any other that has come under the owner's personal inspection for the past ten years. 2306 LEE, MAJOR-GENERAL HENRY, Funeral Oration on the Death of General Washington, Delivered at the Request of Congress by,/? Member of Congress from Virginia. 8vo, 15 p., clean. Boston, (1800) The Boston Edition of Lee's Oration is scarce. 2307 LEE, MAJOR-GEINERAI, HENRY. A Funeral Oration on the Death of George Washington, late President and Commander-in-Chief of s7' the Armies of the United States of America, who departed this Life at Mount Vernon, in Virginia, on the 14th of Dec., 1799,, in the 68th year of his age. Delivered at the Request of Congress. To which is subjoined an Eulogy, by Judge Minot.. 8vo, 28 p.; scarce. London, 1800 2308 LEE, MAJ.-GEN. HENRY. Funeral Oration on the Death of Gen. Washington. Delivered at the Request of Congress, Dec. 26,/?' 1799. Svo, fine copy; rare. Phila., 1800 Not in Woodward's Catalogue. "As a Composition, it has only to be read to be admired for the purity and elegance of its language and the powerful appeal it makes to the hearts of its readers; and we will venture to affirm, that it will rank among the most celebrated performances of those highly distinguished men, who mounted the rostrum on that imposing occasion of National Mourning."-Custis' Recoil. of Washington, N. Y., 1860, p. 360. 2309 LINN, WILLIAM. A Funeral Eulogy, occasioned by the Death of General Washington, Delivered February 22d, 1800, before the-$~ New York State Society of the Cincinnati. 8vo, 44 p.; very scarce. New York, 1800 2310 LITERARY SOCIETY, AN ORATION in Memory of the Virtues of Gen. George Washington, Delivered at Lovett's Hotel, on the Even-2.-a ing of the 22d February, 1800, and Published by their Order. By a Member. 8vo, 23 p.; very rare. New York, 1800 2311 MAGAW, SAMUEL. Oration on Death of George Washington, etc.'?" 8vo, fine copy; rare. Phila., 1800 Not in Woodward's Catalogue. 55 434 /7s 2312 MARSH, EBENEZER GRANT. An Oration delivered at Wethersfield, February 22, 1800, on the Death of General George Washirgton, who died December 14, 1799. 8vo, 16 p., uncut; vlry scarce. Hartford, 18O0 /r- 2313 Ml\ASON, JOHN M. Funeral Oration, deliv. Feb. 22, 1800, in \ew York. 2d Ed. N1. Y, 1800 fs 2314 MINOr, GEORGE RICHARDS. AN EULOGY on George Wlashington, Late Commander-in-Chief of the Armies of the United States of America, who died December 14th, 1799. Delivered before the Inhabitants of the Town of Boston, at the Request of their Committee. 8vo, 24p., clean. Boston, (1800),/v 2315 MINOTT, GEORGE RICHARDS. An Eulogy on Geo Washington, who Died Dec. 14, 1799. Delivered before the Inhabitants of the Town of Boston. 2nd Ed. 8vo, fine copy; very scarce. Boston, 1800 Not in Woodward's Catalogue. j,'2-2316 MILLER, SAMUEL. A Sermon Delivered December 29, 1799, Occasioned by the Death of General George Washington, Late President of the United States and Commander-in-Chief of the American Armies. 8vo, 39 p., uncut. Newv York, 1800 fs 2317 MORRIS, GOUVERNEUR. An Oration upon the Death of General W ashington, Delivered at the request of the City of New York, 31st Dec., 1799. 8vo, 24 p., fine copy; very scarce. New York, 1800 /la 2318 MORSE, JEDIDIAH. Prayer and Sermon deliv. at Chariestown, Dec. 31, 1799, with Sketch of his Life, etc. Prefixed, the Proc. of the Town. 8vo, uncut; very scarce. London, 1800 Nt, 2319 MYCALL, JOHN. A Funeral Address on the Death of the late Gen. Geo. Washington, interspersed with Sketches of, and Observations on his Life and Character. Delivered in Harvard, Feb. 22, 1800. 8vo, 27 p.,finecopy; rare. Bodton, 1800 GjC 2320 NILES, SAMUEL. SERMON delivered at Abington, (Mass.), Feb. 22, 1800, etc. 8vo,fine copy; very rare. Boston, 1800 Not in Woodward's Catalogue. // 2321 OGDEN, UZAL. Two Discourses occasioned by the death of General George Washington, at Mount Vernon, December 14, 1799. 8vo, 4:6 p.; rare. Newarki, DCCC. -f'e-2322 OSGooD, DAvm, D.D. A Discourse delivered December 29, 1799,the Lord's Day immediately following the melancholy tidings of the loss sustained by the Nation in the Death of its most Eminent Citizen, George Washington, etc. 8vo, 19 p., fine copy; scarce. Boston, 1800 l/o 2323 PAINE, Tuos. AN EULOGY on the Life of George Washington, written at the request of the Citizens of Newburyport, and delivered at the first Presbyterian M3eeting-HIouse in that town, January 2, 1800. 8vo, 22 p. XNewburyport, 1800 /So 2324 PAYSON, REV. PHILLIPS. A Sermon Delivered at Chelsea, on the Death of George Washington. 8vo, 15 p., clean; rare. Charlestownt, 1800 /fs 2325 PENNSYLANIA STATE SOCIETY OF THE CINCINNATI, with the Original 435 Institution of the Order, etc., to which is annexed the Testimonial to the Memory of Gen'l Washington. Hf. cf; rare. Phila., 1801 2326 PIERCE, JOI-m. An Eulogy on George Washington, the Great and the Good. Delivered on the Anniversary of his Birth, atq5~ Brookline, and published at the request of its inhabitants, 8vo, 24p.; scarce. Boston, 1800 2327 PORTER, ELIPHALET. An Eulogy on George Washington, late Commander of the Armies, and the First President of the United States of America, who died on the 14th of December,//, 1799, rEtatis 68. Delivered Jan. 14, 1800, before the Inhabi-' tants of the Town of Roxbury, at the Request of their Committee, and Published in Compliance with their wishes. 8vo, 22 p. T7ith the Farewell Address in 22 additional pages. Boston, 1800 2328 RAMiISAY, DAVID. An Oration on the Death of Lieu-tenant-General George Washington, late President of the United States, who -, died Dec. 14, 1799. Delivered in St. Michael's Church, Janu-,/ ary 15, 1800, at the request of the inhabitants of Charleston, South Carolina, and published by their desire. 8vo, pp. 30. Charleston, 1800 2329 SACRED DIRGES, HYMNS AND ANTHEMS, COMMEMORATIVE OF THE DEATH OF GEORGE WASHINGTON. An original/ 0 Composition. By a Citizen of Mass. 4to, uncut; beautiful' copy; extremely rare; possibly unique. Boston: I. Thomas and T. Andrews. 1800 Not in Woodward's Catalogue. 2330 SEWALL, JONATHAN M. Eulogy on the late General Washington, pronounced at St. John's Church, in Portsmouth, New Hamp-fjshire, on Tuesday, 31st December, 1799, at the request of the inhabitants. 4to, pp. 28; very rare. Printed at Portsmouth, N. H. 1800 See Woodworth's Catalogue, 6003. 2331 SMITH, SAMUEL STANHOPE.. AN ORATION upon the Death 2 of General George Washington, delivered in the State House& at Trenton, on the 14th of January, 1800. 8vo, pp. 46. Trenton, 1800 2332 SMITH, SAMUEL STANHOPE. AN ORATION upon the Death of Washington, delivered in Trenton, Jan. 14, 1800, by Rev.j/, Samuel Stanhope Smith. 8v); port. of Smith; half mor., pp. 46; very scarce. Trenton: G. Craft. 1800 2333 SMITH, SAMUEL I. An Oration, delivered at Trenton, Jan. 14,/1o 1800. Third Ed. 92 pp. Trenton, 1817 2334 Spring, Samuel. A Discourse on the Death of General George Washington, delivered at the North Congregational Church inzs2Newburyport, December 29, 1799. 8vo, 28 pp.; clean; scarce. Newburyport, 1800 2335 STONE, ELIAB, A. M. A Discourse delivered at. Reading, Feb. 22, 1800, the day recommended by Congress to the observance off3p the people of the United States, by their assembling in such manner as might be convenient, and publicly testifying their 436 grief for the death, and their respect for the memory of Gen. George Washington. 8vo, pp. 23; clean; very scarce Boston, 1800 Contains a Hymn prepared for the occasion. See Woodward's Catalogue, 6019. //2 2336 Story, Isaac. An Eulogy on the glorious virtues of the illustri ous General George -Washington, who died at Mount Vernon, December 14th, 1799, in the 68th year of his age, ripe in honor and full of glory. Written at the request of the inhabitants of Sterling, and delivered before them on Saturday, the 22d of February, 1800. 8vo, pp. 23; scarce. Worcester: printed by Isaiah Thomas, Jr., -April, 1800.J17 2337 SUMNER, CHA'S PINCKNEY. Eulogy on the illustrious George Washington. Pronounced at Milton (Mass.), Feb. 22, 1800. 8vo, pp. 24; first edition; very scarce. Dedham, 1800 ~? 2338 TAGGART, Rev. SAMUEL. A Discourse delivered at Colrain, Feb. 22, 1800; being the day recommended by Congress and the Legislature of Massachusetts for the public testifying of our respect to the memory of that late illustrious statesman, and singular benefactor to his country, General George Washington, who died December 14, 1799. 8vo, pp. 32; rare. Greenfield, 1800 ~v~ 2339 THACHER, PETER. A SERMON occasioned by the death of General George Washington, and preached Feb. 22, 1800, by their direction, before his Honor Moses Gill, Esq., Commander-inChief, the Honorable Council, the Honorable Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Svo, pp. 21; uncut; rare.;Boston, 1800: /so 2340 TEACHER, THOMAS CUSHING. An Eulogy on the memory of Gen. George Washington, who died December 14, 1799, aged 68. Pronounced at the request of the citizens of Lynn, Jan. 13, 1800, and published by the desire of the Committee of Arrangements. 8vo, pp. 12; rare. Boston, 1800 f2s 2341 TRUMBULL, BENJAMIN. A Funeral Discourse delivered at North Haven, December 29, 1799, on the death of General George WTashington, who died December 14, 1799. 8vo, pp. 31; fine copy; scarce. New Haven, 1800 /So 2342 VINING, JOHN. An Eulogium delivered to a large concourse of respectable citizens, at the State House in the town of Dover, on the 22d of February, 1800, in commemoration of the death of General George Washington. Haf cf., 8vo, pp 20; scarce. Phila., 1800 /6 2343 WADswoRTH, BENJAMIN. AnEulogy on the excellent character of George Washington, late Commander-in-Chief of the Americap Armies, and the first President under the Federal Constitution, who departed this life December the 14th, 1799, in the 68th year of his age. Pronounced February 22, 1800; being the anniversary of his birth, and the day recommended by Congress to testify the national grief for his death. 8vo, pp. 32; scarce. Salem, 1800 /o1 2344 WEST, SAMUEL. A Sermon occasioned by the death of George Washington, late Commander-in-Chief of the Armies, and first 43 7 President of the United States of America, who died December 14, 1799, aged 68. 8vo, 17pp., with 23 additional pages of "Farewell Address.'" Boston, 1800 2345 WILLARD AND TAPPAN. An Address, in Latin. by Joseph Willard, LL.D., President; and a Discourse, in English, by David Tap-/g2 pan, Hollis Professor of Divinity, delivered before the Univer-' sity in Cambridge, Feb. 21, 1800, in solemn commemoration of Gen. George Washington. 4to, pp. 31, large paper; scarce. Boston, 1800 2346 WORCESTER, LEONARD. An Oration pronounced at Peacham, in commemoration of the death of the late General George Wash-f?' ington, February 22d, 1800. 8vo, pp. 20; very rare. Peacham, Vt., 1800 Woodward's Catalogue, 6096. 2347 DWiGHT, JASPER. A Letter to George Washington, President of the United States, containing Strictures on his Address on the/,', Seventeenth of September, 1796, Notifying his Relinquishmlent of the Presidential Office. 8vo, 48 p.; rare. Philadelphia, 1796 2348 BUCKMINSTER, JOSEPH. Discourse deliv. at Portsmouth, N. H.,. Nov. 1, 1789, on the occasion of the President's Visit to that-, Capital. Fine copy; rare. Portsmouth, 1789 2449 BUCKMINSTER, JOSEPH. A DisCOURSE DELIVERED IN PORTSMOUTH, Dec. 14, 1800, on the Anniversary of the Death of Geo~i Washington. 21p. 8vo; beautiful copy; uncut; very rare. Portsmouth, 1800 2350 WVASHINGTON, GEORGE. THE LIFE OF, First President of the United States. To which is prefixed an Introduction containing a compendious view of the Colonies Planted by the/, English on the Continent of North America, from their Settlement to the Commencement of that War which terminated in their Independence. By John Marshall. 5 vols., bds., uncut. With portrait; fine copy. Philadelphia, Pa., 1804 2351 WASHINGTON, GEORGE. THE LIFE OF. Compiled by the Hon. Bushrod Washington from Original Papers bequeathed toy' him by his deceased Relative. By John Marshall. 8vo, uncut. Second Ed. 2 vols., cl.; por.; fine copy. Phila., 1832 2352 WASHINGTON, GEORGE. AN ESSAY ON THE LIFE OF. Byz~ Aaron Bancroft. CI., 8 vo, bds., uncut; with portrait by Edwin., Exceedingly scarce. Worcester, 1807 This edition is very rarely met with, and the condition of this copy gives it an additional value. 2353 WASHINGTON, GEORGE. THE LIFE OF. By Aaron Ban-/s croft. 8vo, bd.. uncut. London, 1808 2354 WASHINGTON, GEORGE. THE LIFE OF. By Aaron Ban-/o croft. In two volumes. Sheep, 12mo. Boston, 1826 2355 WASHINGTON, GEORGE. THE LIFE OF, including the Dec.-7/ laration of Independence and the Constitution of the United, 438 States. By John Corry. First American Edition. 8vo, sh.; portrait by Scoles; beautiful copy. N. Y., 1807 This edition is extremely scarce. /,-2356 WASHINGTON, GEORGE. LIFE or,'interspersed with Bio-: graphical Anecdotes of the most Eminent Men who effected the American Revolution. By John Corry. 8vo, sh.; portrait by Scoles; fin? copy; rare. N. Y., 1809?7'z 2357 WASHINGTON, GEN. GEORGE. BIOGRAPHICAL MEMOIRS OF. 127no, bds.; port. and engr'd title; very rare; bea-ut;fi copy. New Haveln: froml Sidntey's Press, 1810 //! 2358 WASHINGTON, GEN. GEORGE. MEMOIRS OF, Late President of the United States of America. Fifth ed. 12mto, bds. Phila., 1811 2eo 2359 WASHINGTON GEORGE. BIOGRAPHICAL MEMOIRS OF. 12,no, sh; portrait; very scarce; Jfie copy. Barnard, Vt., 1813 Contains the rare portrait of Washington, " Pro Patria," crowned. Z 2360 WAS1INGTON, GEORGE. BioGRAPraICAL ME:I3IRS OF, containing a History of the principal events of his Life, with extracts from his Journals, Speeches to Congress and Public Addresses; also, a sketch of his Private Life. 8vo, sh.; fine copy; scarce. Brattleborough, 1814 6f 2361 WASHINGTON GEORGE. LIFE OF. 24mo, cf.; very rare; portrait of Washingtonz, "Pro Patria." Boston, 1815,Co 2362 WASHINGTON, GEORGE. The Life of. Eng'd title; good copy; 12mo, hf. cf.; illustrated. Phila., 1832 /& 2363 WASHINGTON, GEORGE. LIFE OF. Tales, Sketches and Anecdotes. With engravings. 8vo, bds. Philadelphia, 1836 /o 2364 WASHINGTON, GEORGE. THE LIFE OF, and History of the American Revolution; together with his Farewell Address, Declaration of Independence, and Constitution of the U. S. 12mo, bds.; plates. N. Yi, n. d. e- 2365 WASHINGTON, GEORGE. PICTORIAL LIFE OF, embracing Anecdotes illustrative of his Character, and embellished with engravings. S7. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1847 /ao 2366 WASHINGTON. Entertaining Anecdotes of, exhibiting his Patriotism, Courage, Benevolence and Piety. Sm. 4to, cl.; illust. Boston, 1848 So 2367 WASHINGTON. THE MEMORY OF, with Biographical Sketches of his Mother and Wife, Relations of Lafayette to Washington, with Incidents and Anecdotes in the lives of the two patriots. 8ro, cl.; frontis.; fine copy. Boston, 1852.3?v 2368 WASHINGTON. RECOLLECTIONS AND PRIVATE MEMOIRS OF, by his Adopted Son, Geo. W. Parke Custis, with a Memoir of the Author by his Daughter; and Illustrative and Explanatory Notes by Benson J. Lossing. With Illustrations. 8vo, Ci.;'ine copy; very scarce; portraits of Crustis, WJVshington, Mrs. E. P. Lewis and Martha Washington, and Fac-similes. New Yorek, 1860 2o 2369 WASHINGTON, GEN. GEORGE. THE LFE OF. By John Kingston. 24mno, sh.; scarce; lacks portrait. Baltimore, 1813 439 2370 WASHINGTON, GEORGE. THE LIFE OF. By David Ramsay. 8vo, bds., unctlt; eleg. portrait by Heath, cafter Stutar t;? fine copy; scarce. London, 1807 2371 WASHINGTON, GEORGE. THE LIFE OF. By David Ram-,L say. 8vo, bds., uncut; fize copy. Port. by Leney. New York, 1807 237'2 WASHINGTON, GEORGE. THE LIFE OE. By David Ramn-/say. 2d ed. 8vo, sh.; portrait, wood-cut. Fine copy. Boston, 1811 2373 WASHINGTON GEORGE. THE LIFE OF. By David Ramsay. Fourth edition. With six engravings. 8vo, szh.; fine3-0 copy. Baltimore, 1815 FRONTIS.-" Firm as the Surge-repelling Rock. 2374 WASHINGTON, GEORGE. THE LIFE OF. Sixth Edition with Six Engravings. By David Ramsay. 8vo, sh.; curiousfrontis.,'/ "Firm as a Rockde," etc. Baltimore, 1825 2375 WASHINGTON, JORGE. LA VIDA DE COMANDANTE en Gefe de los Egercitos de los Estados Unidos de America, en La Guerra25que Establecis su Inclependencia; y Su Primer Presidente. Escrita en Ingles por David Ramsay; y Traducida al Espanal por Eduardo Barry. 8vo, ht: cf. 1i/ade/fia, 1826 2376 WASHINGTON, GEORG-E. THE LIFE OF. By David Ramsay./, With notes and Biographical Sketch of the Author. 8vo, sh., with portrait. JIthaca, N. Y., 1840 2377 WASHINGTON, GEORGE. THE LIFE OF, with curious Anec-/' Discourse delivered at Cambridge, Feb. 22, 1800, by Abiel' Holmes. 8vo;fine copy. Very scarce, 23 pages. Boston, 1800 2406 WASHINGTON, GEO., A SELECTION OF ORATIONS AND EULOGIES pronounced in different parts of the United States, in com-/4/a' memoration of the Life, Virtues, and Pre-eminent Services of, Who died at Mount Vernon, December 14, 1799, in the 68th year of his age. Svo, sheep. Woodcut on title; excessively rare. Fine copy. Amherst, 1800 Brought in Woodward's sale, $45. 2407 WASHINGTON, GEO. THE WASHINGTONIANA. Containing a Biographical Sketch of. With various outlines of his Character, and an Account of the various Funeral Honors devoted1" to his Memory; to which are annexed his Will and Schedule of his Property. Embellished with a good Likeness. 8vo, sh. Port. after Savage. Baltimore, 1800 Good Copy of this Rare book. 2408 WASHINGTON, GEO., EULOGIES AND ORATIONS On the Life and/, Death of. "The Mournful Tribute of a Nation's Love." Beautiful Copy of this rare book. 8vo, sh. Boston, 1800 2409 WASHINGTOiN'S POLITICAL LEGACIES; to which is annexed an/IAppendix containing an account of his Illness, Death, and the, 56 442 Nat. Tribute of Respect paid to his Memory, with a Biographical outline of his Life and Character. 8vo, sheep; beautiful copy. Very scarce. Boston, 1800 Rufus Choate's copy, tioth Autograph. 55 2410 WASHINGTON, Gen. GEO, THE COLUMBIAN PHENIX and Boston Review. Containing a great variety of matter instructing and Curious. Also the following Orations and Eulogies, delivered at the Death of General Washington as follows: General Henry Lee, G. R. ilinot, Fisher Ames, and Louis Fontaines. 8vo, bds., uncut. Rare. Boston, 1800 Ss 2411 W.S E-IINGTON, GEO. THE WASHINGTONIANA. Containing a Sketch of the Life and Death of, with a collection of elegant Eulogies, Orations, Poems, &c., Sacred to his Memory; also, an Appendix comprising all his most valuable Public Papers and his Last Will and Testament. 8vo, sheep; beautiful copy and fine portrait, by Edwin. Very rare. Lanzcaster, 1802 Newspaper cuttings 1789, inserted. s0 2412 WASHIlNGTON, GEO. POLITICAL LEGACIES. To which is annexed an Appendix containing an account of his Illness, Death, and the National Tributes of Respect paid to his Memory, with a Biographical Sketch of his Life and Character, his Will, and Dr. Tappan's Discourse before the University of Cambridge. 8vo, sheep; beautiful copy, very rare. N Y., 1800 J' 2413 WASHINGTON, GEO. MONUMENTS OF PATRIOTISM. Being a collection of the most Interesting Documents connected with the Military Command and Civil Administration of the American Hero and Patriot. To which is annexed an Eulogium on the Character of General Washington. By Major William Jackson. 8vo, sheep. Fine copy, with the very rare portrait by Savage, and ths engraving of Washington's Resignation by Barrelet. Phila., 1800 o 2414 WASHINGTON'S MONUMENTS OF PATRIOTISM. Being a collection of the most Interesting Documents connected with the Military Command and Civil Administration of the American Hero and Patriot: to which is annexed an Eulogium on the Character of Gen. Washington. Selected and arranged by two Gentlemen, eminent for their Literary and Political Information. 8vo, half caf. Rare, good copy. Phila., 1802 Contains Eulogy deliv. at Woodbury, N. J., by John Croes; usually missing. Phil. 1800. 2s 2415 WASHINGTON, GEO. OFFICiAL LETTERS TO THE HONORABLE AMERICAN CONGRESS, written during the War between the United Colonies and Great Britain, by His Excellency, Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Forces, now President of the United States. In two volumes. 8vo, sheep. Fine copy, scarce. Boston, 1795 J' 2416 WASHINGTON, GEO. OFFIICAL LETTERS TO TEim HONORABLE AmERIcAN CoNGRESS, written during the War between the Uni 443 ted Colonies and Great Britain. Second Boston Edition. In two volumes. 8vo, unbound. With the excessively scarce Portrait engraved by S. Hill. Rarelyfound in any copies Boston, 179~6 It has been doubted whet.her there ever was any Portrait engraved for this edition, but this copy sets that doubt aside. 2417 WASHEINGTON, GEO. OFFIcIA. LETTERS to the HonorableoAmerican Congress. Written during the War. 2 volumes. Boards, uncut. London, 1795 2418 WASHINGTON, QEO. EPISTLES, DOMESTIC, CONFIDENTIAL AND OFFICIAL, written about the Commencement of the American Contest. With an Interesting Series of his Letters to the,,o British Admirals, General Sir Henry Clinton, Lord Cornwallis, Count de Grasse, &c., respecting an attack of New York. None of which have been printed in the two volumes of Official Letters. 8vo, paper covers, tuncut, very rare. Fine copy. N. Y., 1796 2419 WASHINGTON, GEO. Epistles, Domestic, Confidential, &c. EHafsmorocco, marbled edges. London, 1796 2420 WASHINGTON, GEOG AN AUTHENTIC ACCouNT Of the Proceedings with regard to laying the Corner Stone of the Monument in the City of Baltimore. With an Engraving of the Monument; also, an Address from the Citizens of Baltimore./' to the Man who was " First in war, first in peace. and first in the hearts of his countrymen." Together with his Answer. Also, Fac-similes of the engraved plate deposited under the Cornerstone, and a Biographical Sketch of General Washington. 8vo, bds. Very rare, fine copy. Baltimore, 1815 2421 WASHINGTON, GEO., THE TOMB OF, at Mount Vernon, embracing a full and accurate description of Mount Vernon, as well-, as of the Birthplace, Genealogy, Character, Marriage, and Last Illness of Washington, together with incidents pertaining to the Burial, Removal from the old Family Vault, and his being placed in the New Tomb in a Marble Sarcophagus. Byv J. A. Winneberger. L. P., 8vo, cl., illustrated; good copy. Washington, 1858 2422 WASHINGTON, GEO., THE HowE OF, AT MOUNT VERNON. Embracing a full and accurate description as well as of the Birthplace, Genealogy, Character, Marriage, and last Illness of,/~ Washington, together with Incidents pertaining to the Burial of, Removal from the Old Family Vault, and his being placed in the new Tomb in a Marble Sarcophagus. By J. A. Winneberger. 8vo, cl. Port. after Stuart, and Ilustrated. Washington, 1858 2423 WASHINGTON, NATIONAL MONUMENT to. Oration Pronounced,, by the Hon. Robert C. Winthrop, July 4, 1848, on the Occasion of laying the Corner Stone, Etc. 8vo pamph., 23 pages. Washington, 1848 2424 WASHINGTON, THE HOME OF, AND ITS AssOCIATIONS, HISTORICAL, BIOaRAPHICAL AND PICTORIAL. New edition, revised, with addi-,"v tions. By Benson J. Lossing. Illustrated by numerous en 444 gravings, chiefly from Original Drawings by the Author. Roy. 8vo, cl. uncut. 100 copies printed. New Yorlc, 1865 /~; 2425 WASHINGTON'S FAREWELL ADDRESS to the People of the United States. Published for the Washington Benevolent Soc. Second edition. 12mo, half mor. Portrait, very rare. N. Y., 1809 This book is particularly valuable on account of the small number struck for the private use of the members of the Society only. Each copy contained the Certificate of Membership of the member to whom it was issued. This copy has the certificate of Rufus Greene, dated July 3, 1809, with remarkably fine signatures of Isaac Lebring, President, and Hon. Gulian C. Verplanck, Secretary of the Washington Benevolent Society of New York. 2' 2426 WASHINGTON'S FAREWELL ADDRESS to the People of the United States. Rare Portrait of Washington. Boards, 12mo. In fine condition. Broo/lfield, Mass., 1812 Published for the Brookfield. Washington Benevolent Society. 3o 2427 WASHINGTON, GEORGE. FAREWELL ADDRESS to the People of the United States. 16mo, bds. Fine condition. Springfield, 1812 3 2428 WASHINGTON, GEO. Farewell Address to the People of the United States. Rare Portrait by Reed. 8vo, bds. _Fine copy. Windsor, 1812 Very rare with the Portrait and Certificate of Membership. wSL-2429 WASHINGTON, GEO. VALEDICTORY ADDRESS OF, to the People of the United States. 24mo, unbound; scarce. Boston, 1812 3u 2430 WASHINGTON, GEO. AN INQUIRY into the formation of WVashington's Farewell Address. By Horace Binney. L. 8vo, cl., elegant portraits of Washington, Bilnney, Madison, and Hamilton,, inserted. Phila., 1859 Fine Copy, Containing numerous Newspaper Cuttings, Hor. Binney's Essay on Washington, Oct. 14, 1859; Autog. Letter of, Dec. 2, 1826, to E. Chauncey, Esq., and Advertisements from old Papers, etc., 1799; Notices, Anecdotes, etc., relative to Washington. /5s 2431 WASHINGTON BENEV. Soc., of Newburyport. "The Portrait." A Poem. Delivered, Oct. 27, 181-2. By John Pierpont. 8vo, uncut, fine- copy; 36 p., scarce, first ed. Boston, 1812 1o-v 2432 WASHINGTON, GEO. THE TEXT-BOOK OF THE WASHINGTON BENE. Soc. Containing a 1Biography, and Character of his Farewell Address to the People of the United States, and the Federal Constitution, with the Amendments. 3d Ed. 12mo, bds., rare portrait; fine copy. Concord, 1814 /o 2433 "WASHINGTON BENEVOLENTS." The Fourth Book of, otherwise called, the Book of Knaves. S. 8vo, 24 p., uncut. BRde Wood Cut, Portrait on Title. Printed by N. C'overly, Milk St. Boston, 1814 "Verily their folly exceedeth the comprehension of man; and they shall be laughed to scorn." The War of 1812, written in Scripture Style; very curious dedication. 445 2434 WASHINGTON SOCIETY. AN HISTORICAL VIEW of the Public Celebrations of, and those of the Young Republicans, from,/z 1805 to 1822. 12mo, bds., portrait, Boston, 1823 2435 WASHINGTON, GEO. THE DIARY OF, from 1789 to 1791, embracing the opening of the First Congress, and his Tours through New England, Long Island, etc., together with his,", Journal of a Tour to the Ohio, in 1753. Edited by Benson J. Lossing. 8vo, cl., 248 pages; fine copy. Very scarce. Richmond, 1861 Published by the Va. Hist. Soc. 2436 WASHINGTON, GEO. THE DIARY OF, from 1789 to 1791; embracing the opening of the First Congress, and his Tours/,;through New England, Long Island, and the Southern' States. Together with his Journal of a Tour to the Ohio, in 1753. By Benson J. Lossing. 12mo, cl.; with portrait. New York, 1860 2437 WASHINGTON, GEO. REPRINT OF THE ORIGINAL LETTERS FROM, to Joseph Reed, during the American Revolution, referred to/in the Pamphlets of Lord Mahon and Mr. Sparks. By Winm. B. Reed. 8vo, paper covers, 155 pages. Phila., 1852 2438 WASHINGTON, GEO. Remarks on a " Reprint of the Original Letters from, to Joseph Reed, during the American Revolution,/5referred to in the Pamphlets of Lord Mlahon and MAr. Sparks." By Jared Sparks. 8vo, cl. Boston, 1853 Presentation copy from the Author. 2439 WASHINGTON, GEO. REPLY to the Strictures of Lord Mahon and others, on the mode of editing the Writings of. By Jared Sparks. 8vo, cl. Cambridge, 1852 2440 WASHINGTON, GEO. LETTER TO LORD MAHON, being an answer to his letter addressed to the Editor of Washington's~ Writings. By Jared Sparks. 8vo, cl. Boston, 1852 2441 WASHINGTON, GEO. A LETTER TO, on Affairs, Public and Private. By Thomas Paine, Phila., 1796. In the same vol-./ro nume, A LETTER TO THE INFAMOUS ToMI PAINE, in answer to his brutal attack on the Federal Constitution, and on the conduct and character of General Washington. 8vo, hf. mor. Bound by Pawson & Nicholson. Fine copy. Phila., 1796 2442 WASHINGTON, GEO. AN ANSWER TO PAINE'S LETTER TO, ineluding some Pages of Gratuitous Counsel to Mr. Erskine.,//By P. Kennedy. 8vo, uncut, scarce, fine copy, 42 pages. Phila., 1798 2443 WASHINGTON, GEO. AN ANSWER TO MR. PAINE'S LETTER to or Mad Tom convicted of the blackest Ingratitude, etc. By/E!t P. Kennedy. 8vo, 55 pages, scarce; good copy. London, 1797 2444 WASHINGTON, GEO. EXPOSTULATORY LETTER TO, of Mount Vernon in Virginia, on his continuing to be a Proprietor of Slaves. By Edward Rushton. 8vo, 24 p., uncut; very rare. - Liverpool. Printed, 1797'; The Preface opens as follows: —"In July last, 1796, the following letter was transmitted to the person to whom it is addressed, and a few weeks ago it was returned under cover, without a syllable in reply, etc." What follows is yet more interesting. 446 /S 2445 WASHINGTON, Gen. GEO. THE WILL OF, to which is Annexed a Schedule of his property, directed to be sold; also, the Oration by Maj.-Gen. Lee. 8vo, fine copy, very rare, 42 p. London. 1800 rs' 2446 WASHINGTON, GEO. LETTERS TO ARTHUR YOUNG, containing an account of his Husbandry, with a Map of his Farm, his opinions on various questions in Agriculture, and many particulars of the Rural Economy of the United States. 8vo, paper, uncut. London, 1801 //2 2447 WASHINGTON, GEO. LIBERTY RESTORED. A Poem, in Ten Books. By Thomas Northmore. 8vo, bds., uncut, beautiful copy. Very scarce.. Baltimore, 1809 /l' 2448 nASHINGTONIAN SONGSTER. The Cold Water Melodies. 4th Ed. Boston, 1842 0- 2449 WASHINGTON, and other Poems, by a Graduate of the New York Institution for the Blind-Cynthia Bullock. 12mo, cl. New York, 1847 ka 2450 WASHINGTON, GEO. CROWNED BY "EQUALITY, FRATERNITY, AND LIBERTY." A Democratic Poem. By George Rogers. 8vo, el.; portrait by Roberts. NT Y., 1849 45- 2451 WASHINGTON, GEO. The Religious opinions and Character of. By E. C. M'Guire. 8vo, cl., fine copy; scarce. 2N. Y., 1836 fz 2452 WASHINGTON, GENERAL, REVOLUTIONARY ORDERS OF, issued during the Years 1778-'80-'81 and 82, selected from the MSS. of John Whiting, and Edited by his son Henry Whiting. 8vo, ci. N7-ew York, 1844 /o 2453 WASHINGTON AND JOHN ADAMS, Memoirs of the Administrations of, from the papers of Oliver Wolcott, Sec. of Treas. By George Gibbs. 8vo, cl. In two vols. Portrait. N. Y., 1846?k 2454 WASHINGTON, GEORGE, MEMOIRS OF THE MOTHER AND WIFE OF. By Margaret C. Conkling. Second edition, enlarged. Portrait of Martha Washington. 8vo, cl., fne cond. A4uburn, 1850 /0 2455 WASHINGTON and the Principles of the Revolution. Oration, July 4, 1850. By Edwin P. Whipple. 12mo, cl. Boston. 1850 S-2456 WASHINGTON. REPUBLICAN COURT, or American Society in the days of Washington. With Twenty-one Portraits of Distinguished Women, of the time of Washington. By Rufus Wilmot Griswold. In I 2 Nos., Large 8vo, as originally issued. New York, 1856 /6 2457 WASHJIINGTON, GEORGE, IN DOMESTIC LIFE. From Original Letters and Manuscripts. By Richard Rush. 8vo, cl., uncut. Phila., 1857 WASHINGTON PAMPHLETS. /d 2458 WASHINGTON. [Ten.J Declaration of Independence, etc. Farewell Address. N. Y., 1854 Celebration of the Birthday of, and the victories of the Union armies, 1865. Trenton, N. J., 1865 AIemory of, an oration, Feb. 22, 1861, by Rev. N. H. Schenck. Baltimore, 1861 447 Letters from, to his friends, June and July, 1776. Rare. Phila., 1795 Address in Galveston, 22d Feb., 1848, by A. Smith. Galveston, 1848 Oration before the Legislature of Mass., Feb. 22, 1832, by F. C. Gray. Boston, 1832 Oration at Rosse Chapel at the celebration of the birthday of, by W. P. Browne. Gamnbier, Ohio, 1864 Celebration of Washington's Birthday at N. Y. N. Y., 1851 Exhibition of Leutze's picture of Washington crossing the Deleware. 2N. Y. Welch's Portrait of. Circular. 2459 Washington. Scarce and valuable. [Ten.] Farewell Address, with Ger. Trans. by F. W. Bogen. Boston, 1852 Oration on the laying of the Corner Stone of Monument to the Memory of Washington, July 4,1848, by Robt. C. Winthrop. Washington, 1848 Address in aid of fund for Ball's Equestrian Statue of Washington, May 13, 1859, by Robt. C. Winthrop. Boston, 1859/v Letter to, on Public and Private Affairs, by T. Paine. Phila., 1796 Washington, Conduct of, colmpared with that of the Pres. Admin. Boston, 1813 Vindication of, from the Stigma of adherence to secret societies, by Joseph Ritner. Scource. Boston, 1841 Oration deliv. on the Centennial Anniv. of Birth of, Feb. 22, 1832, by John Pitman. Providence, 1832 Portrait of, by Stuart, descrip. of. Oration on centen. anniv. of birthday of, in Albany, Feb. 22, 1832, by Orang G. Otis. Very scarce. Albany. Testimony of, in favor of the special providence of God. Prov., 1836 2460 Washington. Rare lot. [Eleven.] Answer to Mr. Paine's Letter to, or Mad Tom, by P. Kennedy, 1797. Cent. Anniv. at Washington, 1832. To Joseph Reed. Remarks on reprint of original letters, by Jared Sparks. Boston, 1853/o Reply to Strictures of Lord Mahon and others. By J. Sparks. Cambridge, 1852 Crossing the Delaware, by E. Lutze, 1852. Oration. Bp. Doane. Burlington, N. J., 1859 Memorials. Boston, 1861 Speeches at the Rep. Un. Fest., Feb. 22, 1862. Receiving his Mother's last Blessing, by W. H. Powell. Oration by H. Maynard. N. Y., Feb. 22, 1861, Disc., by C. A. Smith. Easton, Pa., Feb. 22, 1852, 448 /o 2461 Washington. Scarce lot. [Line.] Letter to Lord Mahon; answer to his letter to the editor of Washington's writings. Boston, 1852 Letters from W. to Arthur Young, and Sir John Sinclair. Alexandria, 1803 Resignation of. Washington, Preliminary Investigation of the Alleged Ancestry of, by J. L. Chester. Boston, 1866 Pres. Washington, Message of, Relative to France and G. B. Phila., 1793 Description of Mr. Huntington's painting of the Republican Court; or Lady Washington's reception day. N. Y. New doctrine of intervention tried by the teachings of, address, by H. A. Boardman. Phila., 1852 Washington, Address on birth of, by Robt. L. Harper. Feb., 1810. Scarce. Address deliv. before the Washington Benev. Soc., July 5, 1813. Phila. //2 2462 WASHINGTON. Very scarce and valuable. [Seventeen.] BATES, ISAAc C. ORATION, Hampshire Co., Feb. 22, 1812. Uncut. Northampton: printed 1812 SULLIVAN, WILIAM. ORATION. Boston, April 30, 1812. Uncut. FOSTER, FEsTus. Oration. Northfield, N. H., July 5, 1813. Uncut. Printed, Brattleborough, 1813 HARRIS, T. M. Address. Dorchester, Feb. 22, 1813. Uncut. Address. Brimfield, (Mass.), Feb. 22, 1813. QUINcY, JosiAi. Oration. Boston, April 30, 1813. Uncut. PRENTISS, CHAS. "New England Freedom," a Poem deliv. at Brimfield, (Mass.), Feb. 22, 1813, with Notes. Very scarce. Brookfield, 1813 PRENTISS, CHAS. A Poem, deliv. at Brookfield, July 5, 1813. With Notes. COOKE, PmINEHAS. Oration. Keene, (N. H.), July, 5, 1813. Uncut. BURNSIDE, SAM'L M. Oration. Worcester, April 30, 1813. Uncut. BIGELOW, HON. Tim. Address. Boston, April 30, 1814. Uncut. DUNHAM, JOSIAH. Oration. Hanover, (N. H.), July 5, 1814. Uncut. STANLEY, GEO. W. Oration. Wallingford, (Ct.), Feb. 22, 1815. Uncut. BIGELOW, AND. Oration. Cambridge, July 5, 1815. Uncut. ANDREWS, E. W. Address. Poem. Newburyport, Feb. 22, 1816. Uncut. Beautiful copy. This pamphlet is very rare. DWIGHT, WM. T. Oration. Phila., Feb. 22, 1827. Uncut. DIRECTORY of Names and Places of Bus. of Members of Wash. Benev. Soc. of Mass. 63 p. Boston, 1813 449 2463 Washington. Very valuable. [Seven.] HOLrOYD, JOHN. Oration before Mt. Vernon Lodge, Providence, Feb. 22, A. L. 5811. Uncut,fine copy, 16 p. KNAPP, SAM'L L. Oration deliv. before " The Associated Disciples of Washington," Feb. 22, 1812. 23 p. NVewburyport, 1812 MOTLEY, Jos. Address, occasioned by the Peace between America and Grt. Britain, Feb. 17, 1815, deliv. at Lynnfield on the Birthday of Washington. Uncut, 12 p. 2 W ATERMAN, JOTHAM. Discourse deliv. at Plymouth, N. C., Feb. 22, 1818, and at Ipswich, Feb. 22, 1819. Uncut, 18 p., fine copy. Boston Ed., 1819 WASHINGTON, GEO., Speeches at Celeb. of Centen. Anniv. of, and his Farewell Address. Uncut, 32 p. 1832 HALE, SALMA. Oration at Keene, N. H., Feb. 22, 1832. 28 p., scarce. Fox, THos. B. Oration before Wash. Light Inf., in Newburyport, Feb, 22, 1832. Ftne copy, uncut, 22 p. 2464 Washington. Very scarce lot. [Nine.J Burns' Painting of Washington, Explanation of. V. Y., 1850 PROCEEDINGS OF HOUSE OF REP. OF U. S., on Presentation of Sword of Washington and the Staff of Franklin, Feb. 7, 1843. Uncut, 15 p. Washington, 1843 Washington and Napoleon. A Fragment Poem, by F. Lieber. 200 copies for the Metro. Fair. N. Y., 186{ 2o THE PRESIDENT's ADDRESS to the People of the United States, announcing his design of retiring from Public Life, etc., deliv. Sept. 17, 1796. 16 p., fine copy. Phila., Sept. 20, 1796 THE LEGACY OF THE FATHER OF HIS COUNTRY. Address of Geo.. Washington, etc. Scarce, 26 p. Stockbridge, 1796 Valedictory Address, Harrisburg, 1834. 14p. Valedictory Address. Will from Irving's L. P. Life. 52 p. Farewell Address. 24 p. N. Y, 1861 Farewell Address. The Procl. of Jackson against Nullification, and the Decl. of Indep. Washington, 1862 2465 Washington. Valuable lot. [Seven.] Washington Almanac. Bailey's, for 1823. Port. Phila. WASHINGTON, GEO. AND BENJ. FRANKLIN; IMAGINARY DEBATE between the Departed Spirits of, on the Question, " Can a Man fall violently in Love with a Damsel rationally at first sight?" Curious and-, licentious. Uncut. 1838 A Word to Federalists and to those who Love the Memory of. U;ncut. and the Principles of the Revolution." Oration, by E. P. Whipple, at Boston, July 4, 1850. 30 pages. Hunt, Benj. Faneuil. Oration, Washington Soc. of Charleston, July 4, 1839. Uncut. 45 pages. 1839 450 Nott, Sam'l. Lessons of Piety and Patriotism from Harrison and Washington. 8vo, 48 pages. Boston, 1841 Boston. Account of the Erection of the Equestrian Statue of Washington. 12 pages. 1869 3Js 2466 Washington. Valuable lot. [Fifteen.] LINCOLN, SOL. Oration at Plymouth, Feb. 22, 1832. Uncut, fine copy; 24 p. PITMAN, JOHN. Oration at Providence, Feb. 22, 1832. Uncut, fine copy; 36 p. BuRROUGHs, CHAS. Oration on the Moral Grandeur of Geo. Washington, deliv. Feb. 22, 1832, at Portsmouth, N. H. Uncut, fine copy; 59 p. WILSON, W. D. Discourse on Slavery, before the Anti-Slavery Soc., in Littleton, N. H., Feb. 22, 1839. 51 pages. Concord, 1839 ULLMANN, DAN'L. Address before the Tippecanoe and other Harrison Assoc. of N. Y., Feb. 22, 1841. 44 p. Lincoln, F. W. Address before Mech. App. Lib. Assoc. of Boston, Feb. 22, 1844; also Anniv. Poem, by George Coolidge. Sprague, Wm. B. Address, February 22, 1847, before Y. M. Assoc. of Albany. 51 p. Ely, Alfred B. Oration, Feb. 22, 1850. 40 p. NV. Y. Tator, H. H. Oration, Feb. 22, 1851. Uncut. Francisville, N. Y. Rush. "The 22d of February, 1851." For Private Circulation. 13 p. Phila. Washington's Birth Day. Cong. Banquet. 1852. 37 p. Boardman, H. A. "Kossuth, or Washington." 2d Ed. Phila., 1852 Whitney, Thos. R. Oration, Feb. 22, 1855. 32 p. N. Y. Ellis, Geo. E. "Commemoration of Washington." Disc., Feb. 22, 1837. Charlestown Hunter, R. M. T. Opening Ode and Oration, at Inaug. of Crawford's Equest. Statue of Washington, Richmond, Feb. 22, 1858. doe 2467 Washington. [Eleven.] JAY, PETER AUGUSTUS. Oration delivered before the Washington Benev. Soc. in the City of New York, Feb. 22. 1810 HITCHCOCaK, DAVID. Address, "'The Bond of Friendship," April 22, 1812 PIERPONT, JOHN. A Poem, "The Portrait," Boston, Oct. 27, 1812 DWIGHT, WM. P. Oration before the Wash. Benev. Soc. of Penn. Phila., Feb. 22, 1827 Speeches and other Proceedings at the Public Dinner in lHonor of the Centennial Anniv. of Washington. 1832 Whipple, Edwin P. Oration-" Washington and Principles of the Revolution." Boston, July 4, 1850 451 Sparks, Jared. Reply to the Strictures of Lord Mahon and others on the Mode of Editing the Writings of Washington. London, 185,2 SULLIVAN, W. Oration before Washington Benevolent Society of Massachusetts. Boston, 1812 QUINC, J. Oration before Washington Benev. Society. Boston, 1813 VERPLANCE, G. C. Oration by the Washington Benev. Soc. of the City of New York. New Yoric, 1809 GRIMKF, T. S. Oration on the Duties of Americans, Washington Society, and other Citizens of Charleston. With Address of W. Drayton. Charleston, 1833 2468 Washington. [Nine.J Doane, Geo. W. "One World; One Washington." Feb. 22, 1859 Botts, J. M.; Speech of. N. Y., Feb. 22, 1859. Inaug. of the Mills Statue, Feb. 22, 1860. Pennsylvania, Proc. of the Legisl. of. Feb. 22, 1861. 29 pages. De Costa, B. F. The 18th Mass. Reg't. Discourse deliv. at Falls' Church, Va., Feb. 23, 1862. 15 p. Briggs, Geo. W. Address in Salem, Feb. 22, 1862. 24 p. Winthrop, R. C.; Oration by, on July 4, 1848, on the Laying of the Corner-Stone of the National Monument to the Memory of Washington. Wash., 1848 Speeches at the Eighteenth Ward Republican Festival, Feb. 22, 1860. N. Y., 1860 Hobart College, Poem before the Students of, and the Citizens of Geneva, Feb. 22, 1862. Geneva, N. Y., 1862 2469 Washington Very Valuable. [Eight.] WASHINGTON, GEORGE; A WORD TO FEDERALISTs and to those who Love the Memory of. FAREWELL ADDRESS to the People of the U. S. of America, Sept., 1796. Harrisbvrg ORATION on the Birth of. By Robert G. Harper. Feb. 22, 1810. Scarce. Alexandria ------ THE N. E. PATRIOT, being a candid comparison of the principles and conduct of the Washington/Sand Jefferson Administrations. Boston, 1819 THE MASONIC CHARACTER AND CORRESPONDENCE OF. Uncut, 18 p., scarce. Boston, 1830 AN EXEMPLIFICATION OF FREE MASONRY. An Oration by S. H. Tyng. 31 p. N. Y., 185'2 AN ORATION DELIV. ON THE CENTEN. ANNiV. OF THE INITIATION OF, among the Freemasons, in Newport, Nov. 4, 1852. By K. J. Stewart. 17 p. CELEBRATION OF THE ONE HUNDREDTH ANiNIV. OF THE INITIATION OF, into the Order of Free Masonry, at Peterboro, N. H.; with Address by Justice Spalding. 1854. Scarce. 18 p. 452 /o 2470 WASHINGTON in 1835. Picture of Plan of the City, 18'22. lFolded Map; 16mo, mor. s. 1. s. a. 7s 2471 WASHINGTON. A SKETCH OF the Events which preceded the Capture of, by the British on the Twenty-fourth of August, 1814. By E. D. Ingraham 8vo, half mor.; map. Phila., 1849 Portrait of Ingraham inserted. Bound in same Volume, "Slavery in the United States, &c." Boston, 1851 3c0 2472 WASHINGTON. HISTORY OF THE INVASION AND CAPTURE OF. The Events which preceded and followed. By John S. Williams. Svo, cl. -ATew York, 1857 /Ir 2473 WASHINGTON Sketch Book. By Viator. 162to, cl.; roughl edg(es. Plate. New York, 1864 3?s 2474 WATERBURY, CONN.; THE HISTORY OF. The Original Township, embracing present Watertown and Plymouth, and parts of Oxford, Wolcott, Middlebury, Prospect and Naugatuck. With an Appendix of Biography, Genealogy and Statistics. By Henry Bronson. 8vo, sheelts, folded; very scarce in t1his condition. Wa/terbury, 1858 i-r 2475 WATERTOWN, Mass.; An Historical Sketch of-from the first settlement of the Town to the close of its second Century. By Convers Francis. 8vo, paper coy.; 151 pages; rough edges; beautiful copy; very scarce. Cambridge, 1830 "Rev. Mr. Felt, with the respects of C. Francis." 7y 2476 WATERTOWN, MASS. FAMILY MEMORIALS. Genealogies of the Families and Descendants of the Early Settlers of-including Waltham and Weston; to which is appended the Early History of the Town. With Illustrations, Maps and Notes. By Henry Bond, M.D. 2 vols., 8vo, half mor., gilt lop, ungcut; beauztiful copy, and scarce in this condition. Bos.ton, 1855 s6 2477 WATSON, JOHN F. HISTORIC TALES OF OLDEN TIME, concerning the Early Settlement and Progress of Philadelphia and Pennsylvania. Illustrated. 8vo, sh. Phila., 1833 Y- 2478 WATSON, WINSLOW C. PIONEER HISTORY OF THE CHAMPLAIN VALLEY; being an account of the Settlement of the Town of Willsborourgh, by William Gilliland; together with his Journal and other papers, and a Memoir, and Historical and I]lustrative Notes. Smn. paper. Albany, 1863 J0 2479 WATSON, ELKANAH; MEMOIRS OF. MEN AND TIMES OF THE REVOLUTION; including Journals of Travels in Europe and America, from the year 1777 to 184-', and Reminiscences and Incidents of the American Revolution. Edited by his Son, Winslow C. Watson. 2d Ed. With Portrait. 8vo, cl. N. Y., 1857 &so 2480 WATTS, I. Dr. Watts's Imitation of the Psalms of David. Corrected and Enlarged, by Joel Barlow; to which is added a Collection of Hymns; the whole applied to the State of the Christian Church in General. The Fourth Edition. 12nzo, sheep. Hartford: Printed by Nathanziel Pattetn, 1785 /o 2481 WATTS, I. The Psalms of David, Imitated in the Language of 453 the New Testament; with an Index. ] 2mo, full mor., gilt top, Uncutl. Boston: Printed by Thomas and John Fleet, 1787 2482 WATTS, ISAAC. Hymns and Spiritual Songs. In Three Books./,, 12tno, full mor., gilt top, uncut. Boston. Printed by Thomas and John Fleet, 1787 2483 WAU-BUN. The "Early Day" in the North-West. By Mrs. John//,, H. Kinzie. With Illustrations. Svo, cl. N. Y., 1856 2484 WAYLEN, Rev. EDWARD. ECCLESIASTICAL REMINISCENCES OFrS THE UNITED STATES. 8vo, el., rough edges; plates; very scarce. London, 1846 2486 WAYNE, ANTHONY, Gen. LIFE AND SERVICES OF. Founded on Documentary and other Evidence furnished by his son, CoL/r Isaac Wayne. By H. N. Moore. With Engravings. 12mo, cl. Phila., 1845 2487 W EBBER, C. W. HISTORICAL AND REVOLUTIONARY INCIDENTS Of the early settlers of the United States, with Biographicalij sketches of the lives of Allen, Boone, Kenton, and other cele-' brated Pioneers. Illustrated. 8vo, haf crin. lev. mor., gilt top; bound by R. W. Smith. Phila., 1861 2488 WEEMS, M. L. (formerly Rector of Mt. VernonParish.) GoD's REVENGE AGAINST GAMBLING exemplified in the miserable Lives and Untimely deaths of a number of Persons of both Sexes: with curious anecdotes of Miss Fanny Braddock, sister of Gen./" Braddock, who, from gambling, hung herself; of Jack Gilmore, of Va.; of T. Alston (N. C(.), and Marie Antoinette, who, for gambling, was brought to the guillotine, &c. 2d Ed. 8vo, fine copy; 51pages; very scarce; frontis.; curious. Phila., I'12; 2489 The same. 3d Ed. Uncut; 47 pages. Phila., 1816-s 2490 WEEMS, M. L. GoD's REVENGE AGAINST DRUNKENNESS; or, The new Drunkard's Looking-Glass, &c. First Ed. 8vo, cu.4,O rious frontis.; 62 pages; very scarce. Phila., 1812 2491 The same. 3d Ed. Uncut; frontis.; 57 pages. Phila., 1814,&z 2492 WVEISS, M. CHIIARLES. HISToRY OF THE FR'ENCH PROTESTANT RE'UUGEES, from the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes to our/a own days. Translated by H. W. Herbert. With an American' Appendix, by a Descendant of the Huguenots. 2 vols. 8vo, cl.; frontispieces; scarce; fine copy. N. Y., 1854 2493 WENI-HAM (MASS.), HISTORY OF, from its settlement, in 1639, to3v 186L0. By Myron 0. Allen. 8vo, cl.; scarce. Boston, 1860 2494 WESLEY, JOHN. THE EXPERIENCE OF SEVERAL EMINENT METHODIST PREACHERS; with an account of their Call to, and Success/ in the Ministry. In a Series of Letters, written by themselves, to. 8vo, haf mor.;. very rare; fine copy. Chambersburg, 1812 2495 WESLEY, JOHN. Memoirs of Mr. Wesley's Missionaries to America, compiled from authentic sources. By P. P. Sandford. 12mo, sh., mbld. edges; scarce. N. Y., 1843 2496 WEST, JOHN. A Journal of a Mission to the Indians of the British Provinces of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, and the Moasv hawks on the Ouse or Grand river, Upper Canada. 12mo; map; bds., uncut. London, 1827 4.-4 /lo 2497 WEST, J., Bishop of Montreal. Journal of, during a Visit to the Church Missionary Society's North-West America Mission. To which is prefixed, by the Secretaries, an introduction, giving an account of the formation of the Mission, and its Progress to August, 1848. 2d Ed.. 8vo, cl.; rough edges. London, 1849 2s-2498 WEST, J. Notes of the Flood at the Red River, 1852, by the Bishop of Rupert's-Land. 12mo, cl., rough edges London, 1852 P7 2499 WEST CAMBRIDGE, ON THE NINETEENTH OF APRIL, 1775. An Address delivered in behalf of the Ladies' Soldiers' Aid Society, by Samuel A. Smith. Cl., 12mo. Boston, 1864 4G2500 WESTCHESTER COUNTY (N. Y.) A HISTORY OF, from its First Settlement to the Present Time. By Robert Bolton, Jr. 2 vols., 8vo el. With mnaps, plates, &c. - ew Yorkc, 1848 /,r 2501 WESTCHESTER CO. (N. Y.) HISTORY OF THE PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL CHURCH, from its Foundation, A.D. 1693, to A.D. 1853. By Robert Bolton, A. M. 8vo, el. WVith portrait and plates. SNew York, 1855 5,6 2502 WESTERN VIRGINIA. HISTORY OF THE EARLY SETTLEMENT AND INDIAN WARS OF. Embracing an account of the various Expeditions in the West, previous to 1795. Also, Biographical Sketches of Zane, Mc~(ulloch, Wetzel, Lewis, Brodhead, Brady, Crawford, and other distinguished actors in our Border Wars. By Willis De Haas. 8vo, cl.; illustrated by numerous engravings. Wheeling, 1851 /~r 2503 WESTFIELD, Mass. A HISTORICAL SKETCH OF. By Emerson Davis. 8vo pamphlet; 36 pages; rare; good copy. ~Westfield, 1826, 2504 WESTMINSTER, Mass. A HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF, from its First Settlement to the Present Time. By Charles Hudson. 8vo, paper cov.; uncut; 42 pages; beautiful copy;'very scarce. Mendon, Mass, 1832 3~ 2505 WESTMINSTER, Mass. Celebration of the One Hundredth Anniversary of the Incorporation of, containing an Address by Charles Hudson, and Poem by W. S. Heywood, &c. 8vo, uncut; 127pp. Boston, 1859 /?s2506 WESTON, Mass. A Sermon delivered at, Jan. 12, 1813, on the Termination of a Century since the Incorporation of the Town. By Samuel Kendal. 8vo, paper cov.; uncut; 60 pp.; fine copy; extremely scarce. Cambridge, 1813 5* 2507 WEST POINT. SKETCH OF THE HISTORY AND TOPOGRAPHY OF, and the U. S. Military Academy. By Roswell Park. 12ino, ct.; scarce; good copy. Phila., 1840 /5 2508 WEST POINT. Guide Book to, and Vicinity; containing sketches of the U. S. Military Academy, and of other objects of interest. 12mo, cl.; map. New Yorlc, 1844 //2 2509 WIIATELY, Mass. EARLY ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY OF, being the substance of a Discourse del. Jan. 7, 1849. By J. Howard Temple. With an Appendix, containing Family Records. 8vo, scarce. Northampton, 1849 455 2510 WHIIEATON, HENRY. HISTORY OF THE NORTHMEN, or Danes and Normans, from the Earliest Times to the Conquest of_2xr England by William of Normandy. 8vo, bds., uncut. London, 1831 2511 WHEATLEY, PHILLIS, Negro Servant to Mr. John Wheatley of Boston. in New England. Poems, on various subjects, hle-"', ligious and Moral. 16mo, cf.; port. London: A Bell, 1773 2512 WHEELER, ALFRED. The Age: a Satire. Valedic. Poem, before the New York Soc. of Lit., Jan. 23, 1845. Svo, 24 p.; good copy. New Yorlc, 1845 2513 WRENTHAM, MAss. A Sermon, delivered Oct. 26, 1773, on completing the first century since the Town was incorporated. By Joseph Bean. 8vo panmph., uncut, 36 p.; very scarce. Boston, 1774 Printed at the earnest desire of the hearers, for the Preservation of Ancient things to future posterity. 2514 WHITE, DAN'L. A. An Address delivered at Ipswich, before the Essex County Lyceum, at their First Annual Meeting, May 5,/o 1830. 8vo panmph., uncut, 60 p.; scarce. Salem, 1830 " What is man, If his chief good and market of his time, Be but to sleep and feed? A beast, no more. Sure he, that made us with such large discourse, Looking before, and after, gave us not That capability and God-like reason, To rest in us unused." 2515 WHITEFIELD, Rev. GEORGE. A Sermon on the Death of. Delivered at the Thursday Lecture at Boston, in America, October 11, 1770. By Ebenezer Pemberton, D. D. To which isa' added an Elegiac Poem on his Death, by Phillis, a Negro Girl of Seventeen years of age, belonging to MIr. J. Wheatley of Boston. 8vo pamphlet; scarce. London, 1771 2516 WHITEFIELD, GEORGE. A Funeral Sermon on the death of, who died suddenly of a fit of the Asthma, at Newbury Port, at six off the Clock, Lord's Day morning, Sept. 30, 1770. The Ser-so mon preached the same Day, Afternoon, by Jonathan Parsons, A. M., and Minister of the Presbyterian Church there. To which are added, an account of his interment; the speech over his grave, by the Rev. Mr. Jewet; and some Verses to his Memory, by the Rev. Tho. Gibbons, D. D. London, 1771 2517 WHIITFIELD, HENRY. THE Light appearing more and more towards the perfect Day, I OR, I A farther Discovery of the present state j of the INDIANS in I NEW ENGLAND, I C'oncerning the Progresse of the Gospel j amongst them. I Manifested by Letters from such as preach I to them there. Published byt,' Henry Whitfeld, late Pastor to the I Church of Christ at Gilford in New England, who I came late thence. J Sin. 4to, unbound, 46 p. LONDON: Printed by T.. R E. & 1. for John Bartlet, and are to b3 I so7d at ihe Gilt Cup, neer S:. Austins gate in Pauls I Churchyard. 1651 456 ev 2518 WHITE MOUNTAINS. HISTORY OF, from the First settlement of Upper Coos and Pequaket. By Lucy, wife of Ethan Allen Crawford. 12mo, Cl., very scarce. White Hills, 1846 23 2519 WILBRAHAM, MASS. HISTORICAL ADDRESS, delivered at the Centennial Celebration of the incorporation of the Town of, June 15, 1863. With an appendix. By Rufus P. Stevens. 8vo, plates, gr. cl., gt. top, rubricated title. Boston, 1864 25 2520 WILBUR, HOMER. The Bigelow Papers. Edited, with an introduction, notes, glossary and copious Index. 8vo, cl., rough edges. Cambridge, 1848 jS 2521 WILLARD, JOSEPH. AN ADDRESS to the Members of the Bar of Worcester County, AMass., Octo. 2, 1829. 8vo, rough edges; fine copy; scarce; 144p. Lancaster, 1830 YJ 2522 WILLARD, S. D. HISTORICAL ADDRESS, delivered before the Medical Society of the County of Albany, Nov. 11, 1856. 8vo pamph., 28 p.; port. Albany, 1857 /3, 2523 WILLIAMS, ROGER. MEMOIR OF, The Founder of the State of Rhode Island. By James D. Knowles. 8vo, cl. w;th Facsimile of his handwriting. Boston, 1834 25 2524 WILLIAMS, ROGER. The Spirit of, with a portrait of one of his Descendants. By Lorenzo D. Johnson. 16mo, cl. Boston, 1839 v- 2525 WILLIAMS, ROGER, of Providence, in New England. Experiments of Spiritual Life and Health, and their Preservatives. In which the weakest child of (God may get assurance of his Spiritual Life and Blessedness, and the Strongest may finde proportionable Discoveries of his Christian Growth, and the means of it. Sin. 4to, bds. London: Printed in the Second Month, 1652. Reprinted by S. S. Rider, Providence, 1863 o 2526 WILLIAMS, CATHARINE R. BIOGRAPHY OF REVOLUTIONARY HEROES; containing the Life of Brig. Gen. William Barton, and also of Capt. Stephen Olney. Frontis., 8vo, hf. gr. cr. lev. mor., gt., bound by B. FW. Smith. Providence, 1839 30 25~7 WILLIAMS, MRS. C. R. THE NEUTRAL FRENCH; or, the Exiles of Nova Scotia. Two vols. in one. Second edition. 8vo, cl. Providence, 1841 /o 2528 WILLIAMS, EDWIN. Book of the Constitution, containing the Constitution of the United States, a synopsis of the several State Constitutions, with various other important Documents and useful information. 12nmo, bds.; port. New York, 1833 &o 2529 WILLIAMS, THOMAS, (YE-HO-RAGawA-NE-GAN,) Life of, a Chief of the Caughnawaga Tribe of Indians in Canada. By Rev. Eleazer Williams, reputed Son of Thomas Williams, and by many believed to be Louis XVII., son of the last reigning Monarch of France previous to the Revolution of 1789. 8vo, cl. 200 copies only. Albany, N. Y., 1859 /ao 2530 WILLIAMS, REV. JOHN. A. BIOGRAPHICAL MEMOIR OF, with a Slight Sketch of Ancient Deerfield, and an account of the Indian wars in that place and vicinity. With an appendix, containing the Journal of the Rev. Dr. Stephen Williams of Longmeadow, during his captivity, and other papers relating to the Early Indian wars in Deerfield. By Stephen U. Williams, A. M. 8vo, el., very scarce; fine copy. Greenfield, Mass., 1837 2531 WILLIAMS FAMILY. THE GENEALOGY AND HISTORY OF, in America, more particularly of the Descendants of Robertb? Williams of Roxbury. By Stephen W. Williams. 8vo, cl. Portraits and Fac-similes of Autographs, Coat of Arms, etc., very scarce; fine copy. Greevfield, 1847 2532 WILLIAMS COLLEGE NECROLOGIcAL ANNALS, 1867-'68. Compiled bysCalvin Durfee. 8vo pamphlet, 19 p. Pittsfield, 1868 2533 WIILLIAMSBURGH VILLAGE, N. Y. THE CHARTER OF, and the Several Acts relating thereto, with the By-Laws and Or-z' dinances. With Appendix. Also, Amendments to the Village Charter, 1848. 8vo, pamphlet. Williamsburgh, 1844 2534 WILLLIAMSON, THOMAS S. (Missionary). Extracts firom: Genesis,' and the Psalms, the 3rd chap. of Proverbs and 3rd chap. ofV Daniel, in the Dacota language. 12mo, cl. Cincinnati, 1839 2535 WILLETT, COL. MARINUS. A NARRATIVE OF THE MILITARY ACTIONS OF, taken chiefly from his own Manuscript. Prepared/,/h by his son, William M. Willet. Portrait and plate. Roy. 8vo, full crushed crim. lev. mor., gt. top, uncut; splendid copy. New York: Carvill, 1831 2536 WILLEY, REV. B. G. INCIDENTS IN WHITE MOUNTAIN HISTORY: containing facts relating to the Discovery and Settlement of 2 the Mountains, Indian History and Traditions, a minute and authentic account of the destruction of the Willey Family, Geology and Temperature of the Mountains, together with Anecdotes illustrating Life in the Back Woods. 12mo, cl.; plates. Boston, etc., 1856 2537 WILLIS, N. P. Poem delivered before the Society of United/p Brothers, at Brown University, on the day preceding commencement, Sept. 6, 1831. With other Poems. 8vo, el. N. Y., 1831 2538 WILMINGTON, N. C. HISTORICAL NOTICES of St. James'/.7 Parish. By Rev. R. B. Drane. 12mno, paper; scarce. Philadelphia, 1843 2539 WILTON, N. H. An Address delivered at the Centennial Celebration, Sept. 25, 1839. By Ephraim Peabody. With an?"' Appendix. 8vo, paper cov., 103 pages; scarce; fine copy. Boston, 1839 2540 WINDHAM, Conn. A View of Ecclesiastical Proceedings in ~the County of, in which the original Association of thatircounty and a few members of the First Church were concerned; containing public documents relating to the subject to which are annexed the result of council and addresses to the society, &c. By John Sherman, A. B. 8vo, cl., uncut. Utica, N. Y., 1806 2541 WINDHAM, Me. AN HISTORICAL ADDRESs, delivered July 4,221839, at the Centennial Anniversary. By Thos. L. Smith.' 8vo, uncut pamphlet, 32 p.; very scarce; fine copy. Portland, 1840 2542 WINDSOR, CONN. THE HISTORY or, including East Windsor, South Windsor and Ellington, prior to 1768, the Date off' their Separation from the Old Town, and Windsor Bloomfield 58 458 and Windsor Locks to the Present Time. Also, the Gve: alogies and Genealogical Notes of those Families which Sett i within the Limits of Ancient Windsor prior to 1800. WJ' 5 a Supplement to the History and Genealogies, containing'I rections and additions. By Henry R. Stiles. 8vo, she;, folded; frontis.; scarce. Albany: J. ii[unsell, J' i8 _325 2513 WINKFIELD, UNCA ELIZA. THE FEMALE AMERICAN;,'S the Extraordinary Adventures of, &c. Compiled by Herst to Full cr. crim. lev. mor., gt. top, uncut, 8vo. B. W. Smith. InNewburyport (n. d.), (1795 sic 752544 WINTHROP, ME. A BRIEF HISTORY OF, from 1764 to Oct 4 1855. By David Thurston. 8vo, cl. Portland, 1855 2ys 2545 WISE, JOHN. THE CHURCHES QUARREL ESPOUSED; or, a Reply in Satyre, &c., &c. 8vo, full pol. cal; gt. By B. W. Smith. Boston, 1772 3,j? 2546 WISE, JOHN. A VINDICATION OF THE GOVERNMENT OF NEW ENGLAND CHURCHES, &c. 8vo, full polished cf. By R. WSmith. Boston, 1772 /,$s 2547 WISCONSIN TERRITORY. NOTES ON, with map. By Lieutenant Albert M. Lea. 12mno, bds.; rare. Philadelphia, 1836:SD 2548 WISCONSIN. CARVER's TRAVELS IN. From the third London edition. 8vo, unbound, portrait and plates. N. Y., 1838 ~s 2549 WISCONSIN TERRITORY. A GEOGRAPHICAL AND TOPOGRAPHICAL DESCRIPTION OF, with brief sketches of its history, geology, mineralogy, natural history, &c. By J. A. Lapham. 12mo, cl., with map. Mlilwauklie, Wis., 1844 ST 2550 WISCONSIN. THE HISTORY OF, in Three Parts: Historical, Documentary and Descriptive. By William R. Smith. 8vo, cl.; 2 vols. Madison, Wis., 1854 z/o 2551 WISCONSIN STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections of, First, Second, Third, Fourth Reports. 4 vols., 8vo. Vols. 1 and 2, paper covers; vols. 3 and 4, cloth. Madison, 1855-59 /s 2552 WISNER, BENJ. B. The History of the Old South Church, in four Sermons: being the First and Second Sabbaths after the Completion of a Century from the first occupancy of the present Meeting-House. 8vo, uncut, 122 p.; valuable notes; beautiful copy. Boston, 1830 /;f 2553 WOBURN, MASS. THE HISTORY OF, from the Grant of its Territory to Charlestown in 1640 to the year 1860. By Samuel Sewall. Port. of Samuel Sewall. 8vo, sheets folded. With a Memorial Sketch of the Author, by Rev. C. C. Sewall. Boston: Wiggin & Lunt, 1868 3so 2554 WOOD, WILLIAM. NEW ENGLAND'S PROSPECT: A true, lively and experimentall description of that part of America commonly called New England; discovering the state of that Countrie, both as it stands to our new-come English Planters, and -to the old Native Inhabitants. Laying downe that which may both enrich the knowledge of the mind, travelling Reader, or benefit-the future Voyager. By William Wood. Printed at London, 1634; re-printed at Boston, 1865 Publications of the Prince Society. 150 copies printed. No. 133. 459 25r, WOODBURY, LEVI. An Oration delivered at Hanover, N. T-, August 27, 1812, before the Handel and Central Musical So-2r cieties. 8vo, 18 pages; good copy; very scarce and interesting. Amherst, NV. H., 1812 o6 WOODBURY, Conn. HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY, from the first Indian Deed in 1659 to 1854, including the present Towns of Washington, Southbury, Bethlem, Roxbury and a part ofp2 Oxford and Middlebury. By William Cothren. 8vo, port. and plates; cl.; fine copy; very scarce. }Waterbury, 1854 This history is divided into tlie following sections: Physical, Indian, Revolutionary, Ecclesiastical, Civil, Biographical, Genealogical and Statistical. The Genealogical Section embraces the History of Eighty-eight Families, arranged in Alphabetical Order. Very important. Embellished with Coats of Arms, &c. 2557 WORCESTER COUNTY, MAss., HISTORY OF, with a Particular Account of every Town, from its First Settlement to the Present Time, including its Ecclesiastical State; together with ag,'av Geographical Iescription of the same. To which is prefixed a Map of the County at large, from Actual Survey. By Peter Whitney. 8vo, hf. mor., gilt top, rough edges; fine copy; scarce. Printed at Worcester, Mass., by Isaiah Thomas, 1793 2558 WORCESTER MAGAZINE, AND HISTORICAL JovINL GContaining articles original and selected, miscellaneous, historical, biographical, descriptive of remarkable places and seenery,_2a relating to the arts, scientificq poetical, and amusing. 2 vols. Vol. 1., from Oct. 1825, to April, 1826. Vol. 2., from May, 1826, to Oct., 1826. By Winm. Lincoln & C. C. Baldwin, Editors. 8vo. In the original numbers, as issued, uncut; very scarce. Worcester, 1826 2559 WORCESTER, Mass. HISTORY OF, from its Earliest Settlement, to Sept., 1836; with various notices, relating to the History/4 of Worcester County. By Win. Lincoln. Portraits. 8vo, sheets, scarce. Worcester, 1862 2560 WORT1HINGTON, Mass. SECULAR AND ECCLESIASTICAL HLSTORY OF THE TowN or, from its First Settlement, to thfie present/,26Time. 8vo pamph., 72 pages. Albany, 1853 2561 WYMAN, SETH. Life and Adventures of, embodying the Principal Events of a Life spent in Robbery, Theft, Gambling, passing-b' Counterfeit Money, etc. Written by Himself. 12mo, cl. Manchester, N. H., 1843 2562 WYOMING, Pa. SKETCH OF THE HISTORY OF. By Isaac A. Chapman. To which is added an Appendix, containing a7. Statistical Account of the Valley, and Adjacent Country. By a Gentleman of Wilkesbarre. 8vo, cl.; scarce. Wilkesbarre, Pa., 1830 2563 WYOMING, Penn. THE POETRY AND HISTORY OF, containing Campbell's Gertrude, with a Biographical-Sketch of the Au-/0 thor, by W. Irving, and the History of VWyomning. from its" Discovery, to the beginning of the present Century, by W. L. Stone. 12mo, cl.; with plates. N. Y., 1841 460 3av 2564 WYOMING, Pa. HISTORY or, In a Series of Letters from Chas. Miner to his Son, Winm. P. Miner. 8vo, hf. cl., sprin!ded edges, fine copy; map, etc. Phila., 184' $o 2465 WYOMING, Pa. ITS HISTORY, STIRRING INCIDENTS AND ROM.NI ADVENTURES. By George Peck, D.D. Illustrated. 8vo, cl scarce. N. Y., 18F /? 2566 WYOMING. THE POETRY AND HISTORY OF, containing Campbel Gertrude, and the History of Wyoming, from its Discovery the Beginning of the Present Century. 3d Ed., with an dex. By Winm. L. Stone. 8vo, paper covers, uncut, rub. titles. Albany, Munsell, 186 PAMPHLETS. /ytL 2567 Webster Pamphlets. [Twenty-one.] Webster, Daniel Disc. in commemoration of Adams and Jefferson. Boston, 1826 Speech, on the President's Veto of the Bank Bill, July 11, 1832. Speech, at the National Republican Convention, Worcester, Oct. 12, 183-2. Boston, 1832 Speech, on the President's Protest. IrWashington, 1834 Speech, at Niblo's Saloon, New York, MIarch 15, 1837. N. Y., 1837 Speech, in answer to Mr. Calhoun, March 2-', 1838. Address, at the Completion of the Bunker Hill Monument Boston, 1843 Speech, on Mr. Clay's Resolution, March 7, 1850. Washington, 1850 Correspondence between Mr. Hulsemann and W. Washington, 1851 Speeches, at Buffalo, Syracuse, and Albany, May 1851. N. Y. Great Orations and Senatorial Speech of. Rochester, 1853 Dinner to, by the Citizens of Philadelphia, Dec. 2, 1846. Phila., 1847 -- Seventy-second Anniversary of the Birthday of, Celebrated at the Astor House. N. Y., 1854 -- Seventy-fourth Anniversary of the Birthday of, Celebrated at the Revere House. Boston, 1856 ---- - Discourse occasioned by the Death of. By T. Parker. Boston, 1853 __- Discourse occasioned by the Death of. By G. Richards. Boston, 185'2 _-_ —-- Discourse occasioned by the Death of. By J. Weiss. Boston, 1853 ------ Remarks on the Life and Writings of. Phila., 1831 461 Webster, Noah. The Critic Criticised; a Reply to a Review of Webster's System. By E. Sargent. Springfield, 1856 John. Review of the Webster Case. Very scarce. NV. Y., 1850 Gen. IHayne, in Reply to Mr. Webster. Charleston, 1830 2568 Webster Pamphlets. [Seventeen.] Webster's Speech, on the Greek Revolution. Boston, 1824 - Daniel. Disc. in Commemoration of the Lives and Services of John Adams and T. Jefferson. Boston, 1826 Second Speech of, delivered in the Senate of the United States. Boston, 1830 Speech of, in Reply to Mr. Hayne of S. C. N. Y., 1830 Speech of, on the Subject of The Public Lands, Jan. 20, 1830. Remarks on the Life and Writings of. Phila., 1831/, Speech of, in the Senate of the U. S., July 11, 1832. Boston. The same. Boston. Speech of, in Reply to Mr. Calhoun's Speech, delivered Washington, Feb. 16, 1833 Speech, deliv. at Dinner given to, by the Merchants of Bait. N. Y, May 18, 1843 - Speech of, in Defence of the Christian Ministry and in Favor of the Religious Instruction of the Young. Washington, Feb. 10, 1844 Speech of, delivered at Festival of the Sons of New Hampshire, in Boston, Nov. 7, 1849. Address at the Laying of the Corner Stone of the Addition to the Capitol, Washington, July 4, 1851 Speech of, on Mr. Clay's Resolutions, Washington, March 7, 1850. -..- Speech of, to the Young Men of Albany, May 28, 1851. Correspondence between Mr. Hulsemann and. Washington, 1851 Disc. deliv. before the Faculty, Students, and Alumni of D)artmouth College, Commemorative of. By Rufus Choate Boston, 1853. 2569 Webster Pamphlets. [Twenty.] Speech on Greek Revolution. TWash., 1824 Adams and Jefferson. Boston, 1826 Speech National Repub. Conyv. " 1832 In Senate of United States on the Bank Bill. Boston, 1832 In Reply to Calhoun. Wash., 1833 462 Speech. On Sub. Treas. Bill, March 12th. Wash., 1838 --—. do do and in answer to Calhoun. Wash., 1838 At Andover, Nov. 9, 1843. Boston, 1843 On Mr. Clay's Resolutions, March 7, 1850 Wash., 1850 --- At Corner Stone of Capitol, July 4, 1851. Wash., 1851 At Reformed Convention of Maryland, March 25. Wash., 1851 The Austro-Hungarian Question. C" 1851 Speech to Young Men of Albany, May 28, 1851. Albany, 1851 Discourse on Death of Daniel Webster, by W. P. Lunt. Boston, 1852 Proceedings and Address of Friends of Daniel Webster. Boston, 1852 Discourse on Death of Daniel Webster, by Rufus Choate, Dart. Col., 1853. Proceedings of South Carolina ] egislature on the Death of, 1853. Discourse on Death of Webster, by John Weiss, November 14, 1852. Proceedings on Deaths of Clay and Webster, by, South Car., Nov., 1852. Daniel Webster as a Jurist. Address by Joel Parker. Cambridge, 1853 /0 2570 Miscellaneous. [Eighteen.] Wabash College, Ia. Address before the Society of Inquiry, July 22, 1845, by John P. Cleaveland. Cincinnati, 1845 Waddell, J. H. A Fair Epistle from a Little Poet to a Great Player. N. YI., 1818 Waddell to Coleman. Facts and Fancy. Scarce. N. Y., 1819 Wainwright, J. M. Plea for Unity. Sermon before the Convention of the Diocese of New York. N. Y., 1850 Wakely, Joseph B. The Ethics of Funerals: Vindication of the Methodist Episcopal Church and J. B. W., with regard to the Funeral of W. Poole. N. Y., 1855 Warburton, Maj. Geo. The Conquest of Canada. London, 1857 Warden, D. B. History of the Silk Bill. Letter from Peter S. Du Ponceau, to D. B. WT. Phila., 1837 Walker, James. Discourse in Harvard Church, Charlestown, on taking leave of his Society. Cambridge, 1839 Wall, Hon. James W. Speeches for the Times. New York, 1864 Wallace, W. Alban the Pirate. New Yorlc, 1848 Wallis, S. T. Leisure: Its Moral and Political Economy. A Lecture before the M. L. A., of Baltimore. Baltimore, 1859 463 Walsh, Michael, Sketches of, including his Poems and Correspondence. Scarce. New York, 1843 Walton, W. C. Narrative of a Revival in the Third Presbyterian Church in Baltimore. Northampton, 1826 War. Considerations respecting the Lawfulness of. New York, 1848 Ware, Henry. Sermon at the Dedication of the Second Congregational Church in Northampton. -Northampton, 1825 Ware, William. Sermon on the Sunday succeeding the great fire, December, 1835. New York, 1835 Warner, Col. Seth, Life of. By D. Chipman. Burlington, 1858 Warning Voice From a Watery Grave. New York, 1840 2571 Miscellaneous. Valuable. LEighteen.] Waterland, Daniel. Regeneration; a Discourse. London, Reprinted, New York, 1793 Watson, Bishop. Strictures on (his) Apology for the Bible. New York, 1796 Waters, George Van. Poetical Geography. Louisville, 1850 Watts, Talbot. The Drunkard's Children, the Sequel to " The Bottle." By H. P. Grattan. New Yorck, 1849 Wayland, Francis. Discourse at Dedication Manning Hall Brown University. Feb. 4, 1835. Providence, 1835 Watts, Isaac. Divine Songs in easy language for the Use of Children. Boston. Wilde, John. Sermon delivered January 11, 1835, at Interment of Hannah R. Batcheller, January 9, 1835. Worcester. Whitteley's, Samuel, Sermon Preached at Ordination of S. Whitteley, Jr. Scarce. Boston, 1739 Weems, M. L. God's Revenge against Gambling exemplified in the Miserable Lives and Untimely Deaths, &c., with Anecdotes of Miss Fanny Braddock, Sister of General Braddock, Jack Gilmore, Maria Antoniette, and others. Phila., 1812 Webster, Daniel, Speech of, January 20, 1830. Washington. Remarks of, May 9, 1828. Boston. R. F. Hayne, Speech of, Delivered Jan. 21-26, 1830 Boston. Eulogy on, by C. Van Rensselaer. Scarce. Burlington, N. J., 1852 Whitney, Eli, Memoir of, by D. Olmsted. New Haven, 1846 Whitney, Geo. Sermon, preached 24th September 1837. Boston, 1837 Whittington, Rev. Wm. R. Sermon, Aug. 3, 1832, the Day 464 of Public Fast. New York, 1832 Wesleyan Methodist Missionary Society. Report for 1828. London, 1829 Wesleyan University, Middletown, Conn. The Duty of the American Scholar. Oration by G. W. Curtis. New York, 1856 /o 2572 Miscellaneous. [Sixteen.] Waterman, Simon. Sermon at Funeral of John Trumbull, delivered in Watertown December 14, 1787. Scarce. Hartford. Walker, James, Sermon delivered on the day of General Election, May 28, 1828. Boston. Discourse delivered in Groton, Mass., at Installation of Charles Robinson, November 1, 1826. Boston. Worcester, Thos., Discourse by. Boston, 1810 Walker, James. Sermon in Brooklyn, Conn., at Installation of Samuel Joseph May, November 5, 1823. Boston, 1824 West, Stephen. Sermon on the Mosaic Account of the Creation, etc. Very scarce and important. Stockhbridge, 1809 Sermon at the Ordination of Amasa Jerome, Aug. 18, 1802. Hartford. White, Wm. Sermon delivered at Consecration to the Episcopacy of William Meade, Philadelphia, August 19, 1829. N. Y. Wistar, Caspar, Tribute to the Memory of, by D. Hosack. Scarce. N. Y., 1818 Wetmore, Robert G. Extensive Charity in a Small Compass. Ga., 1802 Woodbridge, Winm. Sermon on Doctrine of Absolute Predestination. ] Middletown, 1805 White, Winm. Ser. on the Duties, etc., of the Gospel Ministry, delivered Sept. 14, 1804, at Consecration of Bishop Parker. N. Y., 1804 MTeeks, Holland. Funeral Sermon on Death of P. Lewis, at Salem, Conn., April 30, 1804. New Haven. Wolcott, Oliver. Address, April 19, 1802. Hartford. Waddell, Thomas. Letters to the Editor of the Catholic Miscellany. N. Y., 1830 Wylie, S. B. Two Sons of Oil; or, The Faithful Witness. 1N. Y., 1832 2573 Miscellaneous. [Sixteen.] Wedderburn, Rev. R. Address to the Court of King's Bench at Westminster, on appearing to receive Judgment for Blasphemy, May 9, 1820. London, 1820 Wells, Daniel. Examination of the Message of the Governor Returning the Bill for Regulating the Militia. Cambridge, 1833 John. Oration, 4th of July, 1798, at St. Paul's Church before the Young Men of the City of New York. Rare. New Iork, 1798 465 Wendell, Judge. Remarks in Relation to the Extension of Albany Street through Trinity Church Yard. New YFork, 1854 West, Benjamin. Description of West's Picture of Christ HIealing the Sick. By J. Robinson. Phila., 1818 West Point United States Military Academy. Graduates. N. Ei, 1847 - - United States Military Academy. Expose of Facts concerning Recent transactions, relating to the Corps of Cadets of. Scarce. Newburgh, 1819 Westchester County, N. Y. Proceedings of the Board of Supervisors of, 1863. Peeleslill, 1864 Homcoopathic Medical Society. Constitution and By-Laws. 1865 Western Baptist Educational Association. A Voice from the West. Rev. B. Jacobs' Report of his Tour, 1833. Relates to Indian Instruction, &c. Boston, 1833 Western Country, Appeal in behalf of. Western Waters. Conclin's New River Guide; or, Gazetteer of All the Towns of. Cincinnati, 1850 Western University of Pennsylvania. Address before the Philomathean Literary Institute of, by D. Ritchie. Pittsburgh, 1844 Westfield, Mass., Historical Sketch of. By E. Davis. Very scarce. Westfield, 1826 Westminster Election, Proceedings, with the Speech of G. Jones Lond., 1818 Weston the Pedestrian. Adventures on his Walk from Boston to Washington. New Yorc, 1862 2574 Miscellaneous. [Fifleel.] Whately, Richard. The Kingdom of Christ delineated, in two Essays. Phila., 1843 Wheeler, E. P. The Supreme Court as a Co-ordinate Branch of the U. S. Government. N. Y., 1860 Whewell, Rev. Dr. William. Inaug. Lecture on the Results.' of the Exhibition. London, 1851 Whipple, Hon. John. Free Trade in Money, or Note-Shaving. An Answer to Jeremy Bentham. Boston, 1856 Speech, at the Whig Meeting at the Town House, Providence, Aug. 28, 1837. Whitaker, Nathanael. Two Sermons on the Doctrine of Reconciliation, in Answer to a Dialogue by the Rev. Winm. Hart. Very scarce. Salem, 1770 White, Charles E. The Dream of Alla-ad-deen. From the Romance of "Anastasia." N. Y., 1838 White, G. S. The Christian Memorial; containing God's Abundant Grace [etc.] to the Author. London, 1809 White, Hon. Hugh L. Reply of B. F. Currey, to Charges against him, by H. L. White. Washington, 1836 59 466 WThitlock, William, Capt. of the Ship Hunter. Fourth Memorial of J. W. I3rackett and S. Leggett, in the Case of the Ship Hunter. N. Y., 1823 Supplementary Memorial. N. E., 1823 WVhitmnan, Bernard. Two Letters to the Rev. M. Stuart, on Religious Liberty. Bo.ston, 1830 Same. 2d Ed. Boston, 1831 Whitmore, W. H. The Cavalier Dismounted: an Essay on the Origin of the Founders of the Thirteen Colonies. Scarce. Salem, 1864 Reasons for the Regulation of the Use of CoatArmor in the U. S. Boston, 1868 -J 2575 Miscellaneous. [Fighteenz. "Wickedest Man," The, in New York. N. Y., 1868 Wilberforce, Archdeacon. Strictures on [his] Doctrine of the Incarnation. N. I., 1851 Wilkes, Chas. Western America, including California and Oregon; with maps. Scarce. Phila., 1849 Wilkes, Geo. Mysteries of the Tombs. Very scarce. N. Y., 1844:Willard, Emma. Address to the Public, Proposing a Plan for Improving Female Education. Iliddlebulry, 1819 Series of Maps to an Abridgement of the History of the U.S. N.Y., 1831 Willard, Joseph. Address to the Members of the Bar of Worcester County, Mass. Oct. 2, 1829. Valutable and i)zmporltaot. Las caster, 1830 Williams College. Sermon at the Ordination of E. Fitch, President of. By E. Judson. Very scarce. Slockbridye, 1796 - Address before the Adelphic Union Soc. of, Aug. 20, 1850. By E. B. Stanton. N. E, 1850 Williamnsburgh Ferry Companies,:New and Old. N. Y., 1848 mWilliamsburgh Ferries. 1V.., 1848 Williamstown Missionary Monument. Proceedings at the Dedication of, July 28, 1867. Boston, 1867 Willson, M arcius. Report on American Histories. N. Y, 1847 Reply to Mrs. Willard's "Appeal." N. X, 1847 Willison, John. The Young Communmicant's Catechism. First American Ed. Phila., 1803 Wilmer, Simon. Sermon, in Burlington, at the Convention of the Prot. Episc. Church in N. J. Very scarce. Burlington, 1811 Wilson, Amos. The Pennsylvania Hermit. Narrative of the Life of. Uncut. N. Y., 1838 Wilson, James. The Doctrine of the Self-existent Father, [etc.] considered. Providence, 1835 467 2576 Miscellaneous. Valuable -lot. [Eighteen.] Williams, Win. R. Disc. Oct. 26, 1834. Boston Witherspoon, John. Sermon on Religious Education of Children. Elizabeth- Towin, 1789 Williston, Seth. Sermon, Oct. 6, 1802, at Installation cf David Higgins. Owego Wilson, J. Lyde. The Code of Honor. Charleston, 1838 W illiams, Samuel. Sermon at Ordination of T. Barnard. Salem, Jan. 13, 1773 Welles, Noah. Disc. deliv. at Funeral of Noah Hobart, Dec. 6, 1773. NV. Y. Wells, Jeolm. Oration deliv. July 4, 1798, at N. Y. Williams College. Address before. Semi-Centen. Anniv., Aug. 16, 1845. By Mark Hopkins. Boston G Weld, T. D. Annual Report of Soc.. for Promoting Manual Labor, Jan. 23, 1838. N. Y. Warren Assoc.; Minutes of. Held at Sturbridge, 1788. Boston Wainwright, J. M. Sermon deliv. Jan. 7, 1835. Boston Webster, Noah; Sketches of. Very scarce. EcHarjford, 1785 WVayland, Francis. Two Disc. April 7, 1825. Boston Ware, William. Sermon. Dec. 16, 1835. N1. Y. War in Disguise. Answer to. By Isaac Riley. Feb., 1806. Or, Frauds of the Neatral Flags. By I. Riley. Lonadon, Jan., 1806 Williams, Thos. Disc. for Month of April, 1816. Providence White, Henry. Sermon deliv. on Death of John Nitchie. N. Y., 1838 2577 Miscellaneous. [Seventeen.] Wine Question. Reply to Prof. Stuart and Pres. Nott, on the Wine Question, by Rev. James Lillie. Phila., 1848 Wines, E. C. A Peep at China, in Mr. Dunn's Chinese Collection. Phila., 1839 Wing, Halsey R. Essay on the Moral and Intellectual Effects of Studying the Mathematical and Physical Sciences. Albany, 1834 Winslow, Miron. Sermon at the Old South, Boston, June 7, / 1819,'the evening previous to the Sailing of the iMissionaries to Ceylon. An ldover, 1819 WVintertion. Narrative of the: Loss of. Aug. 20, 1792. By the Third Mate. London Winthrop, Robert C. Address at the Opening of the Grand Musical Festival, at the Music Hall. Boston, 1857 Winthrop, Theodore. A Companion to the Heart of the Andes. N. Y., 1859 Wirt, W7Villiam. Disc. on the Life of. By J. P. Kennedy. Very scarce. Baltimore, 1834 WirVt Institute. The Votaries of Twilight. A Poem. Jan. 6, 1840. By E. G. Nicholson. 1840 - Address before. By A. H. Miller. Pittsbulrgh, 1840 468 Wisconsin. The Two Women: a Ballad, written for the Ladies of WV. 1Mil/waukee, 1868 The Emigrant's Hand Book and Guide to. Milwaukcee, 1851 Washington, Martha. Case in the Circuit Court for Ohio. Washington Art Association. Address before. By J. R. Tyson. Phila., 1858 Washington College. Remarks on. Hartford, t825 Terms of Admission, etc. JHartford, 1826 Extracts from the Journal of the Convention of the Diocese of Conn., containing Documents relating to. Middletown, 1835 4 2578 Miscellaneous. [Eleven.] Wood, Benjamin. Speech on the State of the Union. Wash., 1862 Wood, Fernando. Address at the Funeral Ceremonies of Maj.-Gen. W. J. Worth. N. Y., 1857 - Biography of F. W. No. 1. Woodbridge, Sylvester. Histor. Disc., Nov. 29, 1840, at the Dedication of " Christ's First Church" Chapel, in Raynor, South Hempstead, L. I. Scarce. gN. Y., 1840 Woods, Leonard. Theology of the Puritans. Boston, 1851 Worcester, Noah, D.D. Tribute to the Memory of. Disc. by Wr. E. Channing. Boston, 1837 Wreath, The. New Orleans, 1862 Wrentham Jubilee. Sermon, June 12, 1849, by E. Fisk. Boston, 1850 Wyche, Win. Essay on the Theory and Practice of Fines. 1V. Y., 1794 Wyvckofi I. N. Christian Example; a Sermon, occasioned by the Death of Christian Miller. Al/bany, 1844 Wyvill, Rev. Christopher. Summary Explanation of the Principles of Mr. Pitt's intended Bill for Amending the Representation of the People. London, 1785 /3r 2579 Miscellaneous. [Fourteen.] Thompson, Joseph H. Oration deliv. before the Associate Alumni of Washington College. Hartford, Aug. 5, 1840 Coxe, A. Cleveland. " Athanasion," an Ode before the Associate Alumni of Washington College. Hartqford, 1840 Blair, David. Anniv. Address before the Washington Literary Soc. )Pa., Feb. 22, 1836 Snodgrass, Wm. D. Address before the Alumni Assoc. of Washington College, Pa. N. Y., Sept. 23, 1845 Cowan, Edgar. Address before the Literary Soc. of Wash. Coll., Fa., Sept. 24, 1846. Chandler, Joseph R. Address before the Literary Soc. of Wash. Coil., Pa., Sept. 29, 1847. Gow, John Loudon. Introductory Lecture on Municipal Law, in Washington College, Pa. Wash., Pa., Dec. 16, 1848 469 King, James. Introductory address deliv. to the Students of Wash. College, May 14, 1850. Washington, Pa. Black, Samuel W. The Past and Future of the'Nineteenth Century. Address, the Union and Washington Soc., Sept. 25, 1850. Pittsburg. Elliott, David. BIntroductory address deliv. at Inauguration of James Clark, as President of Washington College, Penn. Sept. 24, 1850. WTestern Theological Sem., Pa. Address by David Elliott. Pittsburg, 1842 Address by Alex. T. M. Gill. Pittsburg, 1843 Western Univ., Pa. Address by George Upfold. Pittsburg, 1842 Washington, Mount, Collegiate Institute. Catalogue. New orlk, 1858-9 ALE COLLEGE, ANNALS OF, from its Foundation, to 1 831, with an Appendix, containing Statistical Tables,/, and Exhibiting the Present Condition of the Instituation. By Ebenezer Baldwin. 8vo, bds., uncut; scarce. New:H~aven, 1831 2581 YALE COLLEGE. PuIILOSOPRIC SOLITUDE, or the Choice of a2,s Rural Life. A Poem. By a Gentleman Educated at Yale College. 8vo pamphlet; very scarce. Boston, 1762 PAMVPHLET S. 2582 Yale College. [Seventeen.] Smalley, John. Sermon deliv. on morning after Commencement. New Haven, 1787 New Testament, Disc. on the genuineness and authenticity of, deliv. New Haven, Sept. 10, 1793. Stebbins, Joseph. Address, after Exam. of Senior Cfass. New Hiaven, July 20, 1796 Dwight, Timothy. The Nature and Danger of Infidel Philo-/~ sophy, in two disc. New Haven, Sept. 9, 1797 Marsh, Ebenezer Grant. Oration at New Haven, on Public Commencement, Sept., 1798. Dutton, Warren, Poem deliv. at Public Comm. of, Sept. 10, 1800. Bishop, Abraham. Oration deliv. in New Haven, Sept., 1800. Spring, Gardiner, Oration before Alumni of, in Commem. of Timothy Dwight. NT. Y., Feb. 5, 1817 Fitch, Ezra T. Disc. deliv. in, on Day of Thanks. New H aven, Nov. 29, 1827 Taylor, Nath'l W. Sermon, Sept. 10. New Haven, 1828 Silliman, Prof. Introductory Lecture in Laboratory of. New Haven, Oct., 1828 4c0 Reports on the Course of Instruction in, and the Academical Faculty. iVew Hraven, 1830 Johnston, Frank. A Poem, and a Valedictory Oration by Joseph Fenton, July 1, 1835. Smith, Eli. Address before Soc. of Inquiry in the Theol. Sem. in New Haven, April 1, 1840. Robinson, WVm. Erigena. Valedictory Oration. New.Iaven, July 6, 1841 Anrews, Wm. W. Oration before Linonian Soc., Aug. 17, 1841. Bushnell, -Horace. Discourse before Soc. of Alumni in. New Haven, Aug. 16, 1843 S 2583 Miscellaneous. [NVineteen.] Yale College. Catalogus senatus academici. Novi Portus, 181 1 Catalogue of the Officers and Students, 1836-37, 1838-39.. New Hfaven, 1836-39 Reports on the Course of Instruction. New Haven, 1830 Annual Address to the Candidates for DegTees and Licences, in the Medical Institution of, Feb. 26, 1839..New Maven, 1839 Address before the Phi Beta Kappa Soc., Aug. 20, 1833. New Haven, 1833 ----- -- Address before the Phi Beta Kappa Soc., Sept. 13, 1831. 3tew Haven, 1831 Oration before the Phi Beta Kappa Soc., Aug. 15, 1837. New Haven, 18S37 B- rief Memoirs of the Members of the Class of 1802. By D. D. Field. New HIaven, 1863 Commemorative Celebration, held at Yale College, July 26, 1865. New cHaven, 1866 Discourse before the Alumni of, Aug. 16, 1843, by H. Bushnell. New Yoorc, 1843 Laws of. New Haven, 1837 Yang-Pih-We-ATing-Tzonga-Foh; or, Musings over a cup of Tea. NVew York, 1868 Yellott, Coleman. Oration, at the Celebration at St. Timothy's Hall, Baltimore County, Maryland, July 5, 1852. Baltimore, 1852 Yonkers, Charter of the Village of, Apr. 17, 1857. Yonkers, 1857 Charter of the Village of, June 28, 1860. Yonkers, 1860 Circulating Library Association. Catalogue, etc. New York, 1860 - orticultural Society, Report of the Board of Management, with list of premiums, etc. New York, 1860 Young Men's Association of Utica. The Passion for Riches, a Lecture before, by J. W. Williams. Utica, 1838 471 Young, Alexander. Discourse on the Life and Character of Hon. N. Bowvditch, March 25, 1838. Scarce. Boston, 1838 2584 Yale College. [Twelve.] Adams, Winm. Address before the Alumni of Yale College. NTew Hfcveen, Sept. 18, 1847 Finch, Francis M., Poem by, and Valedictory Oration by HIorace Hollister. Newz Haven, July 3, 1849 W5oolsey, Theodore, Hist. Disc. before Graduates of, Aug. 14, 1850. Marsh, Ebenezer G. Oration before Phi Beta Kappa Soc. -New hTaven, Dec. 5, 1797 Jarvis, Samuel F. Oration' before Phi Beta Kappa Soc., on anniv. of that Soc. New Haven, Dec. 5, 1806 Catalogue of the Members of the Conn. Alpha of. lNew flaven, April, 1808 Hillhouse, James A. Oration pronounced at New Haven be- 6 fore Soc. of Phi Beta Kappa, Sept. 12, 1826. Gould, James. Oration at New Haven before Conn. Alpha of the Phi Beta Kappa Soc. New 1tvenz, Sept. 13, 1825 Percival, James G. Poem before the Conn. Alpha of the Phi Beta Kappa Soc. Boston, Sept. 13, 1825 Olmsteac], Denison. Oration deliv. at New Haven before the Conn. Alpha of the Phi Beta Kappa Soc. New fHaven, Sept. 11, 1827 Everett, Edward. Address deliv. before the Phi Beta Soc. of Yale College. Scarce. New Haven, Aug. 20, 1833 Hall, Willis. Address before Soc. of Phi Beta Kappa in Yale College. New H-avee,, 18i4 2585 Miscellaneous. [~l'uenty.] York Baptist Assoc., Minutes of, June 12-13, 1833. Portland. Temp. Soc. of New Haven.: Address by Rev. John S. Stone, Dec. 20, 1830. Y. M. Soe. of Pittsfield. Lecture by J. Todd, Sept. 13, 18a2. Boston. Lecture by B. F. Butler, Dec. 29, 1841....- Richmond, Va. Disc. on Genius, by J. 11. Nichols, Nov. 26, 1832. Y. M. Assoc. of Albany. Address by D. D. Barnard, Jan. 7, 1834. _- -__- Sixth iAnnual Report of, Feb. 4, 1839. Geneva. Lecture by Ben'. Hale, Nov. 8, 1837. Y. M. Nere. Lib. Assoc. of Cinn. Address by James Hall, Apr. 18, 1846. - Address by Robt. Dale Owen, Feb. 1, 1848. Young, Samuel. Lecture on Civilization, before the Young MIen's Assoc. of Saratoga Springs, Mar. 8, 1841. Saratoga Springs, 1841 - Suggestions on the best mode of Promoting Civilization and Inprovement. A Lecture. Albany, 1837 472 Young, Sam'l. Discourse at Schenectady, July 25, 1826, before the New York Alpha of the Phi Beta Kappa. Ballston Spa, 1826 Young, Alexander. Discourse on Twentieth Anniv. of his Ordination. Boston, 1845 Discourse on Life of Hon. Nathaniel Bowditch. Scarce. Boston, 1838 Yale College in 1868. Statements regarding the Condition. Catalogus Collegii Yalensis. New Haven, 1823 - Catalogus Collegii Yalensis. New Haven, 1841 - Address before Phi Beta Kappa Soc., by James Kent. New Haven, 1831 Semi-Centen. Address to Alumni of, by S. B. Ruggles. N. Y., 1864 EISBERGER, REv. DAVID. THE HISTORY OF OUR LORD AND SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST, comprehending all that the Four Evangelists have recorded concerning him. By The Rev. Samuel Lieberkuhn. Translated into the Delaw-tre Indian Language. 12mo, unbound. N. Y., 1821 SUntPPLEMEI\ T.ni SUPPLEMENT. MANUAL or RELIGIOUS LIBERTY. By an Author, as yet, unknown. The Second Edition. 12mo, hf. dk., Rox., gilt edges. Printed for MIr. RIVINGTON, in New York; Mr. Flexney, in London, &c. MDCCLXVnI. " Where reason calls, my duty I declare, And hold my zeal unprostituted there." 2588 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY (Vdrchv'lin a 2mercicatt). Transactions and Collections of. Published by direction of the Society. Vol. I. WVorcester,.. MDCCCXx. II. Cambridge, -. 1836 III. ".. 1857 IV. Boston,.. 1860 In four volumes, 8vo, hf. dk. Rox., gilt top, uncut; fine copy; scarce. v. 1. 1820-1860 These volumes contain matter of the highest importance and value, particularly of the Aboriginal Monuments and Vestiges of the West; Father Hennepin's account of the discovery of the Mississippi, etc. 2589 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. A C.TALOGUE of30, Books in the Library of, in Worcester, Mass. Roy. 8vo, hf. dkc. Rox., gilt top, rough edges. Worcester, 1837 2590 APPLETON, NATH'L. " Gospel Mbinisters must befittedfor The 3Master's Use, and Prepared to every Good Work, if they would be Vessels unto Honor." Illustrated in a Sermon Preached at Deerfield, Aug. 31, 1735, at the Ordination of Mir. John SarP-z' gent To the Evangelical Ministry, with a special Reference to the Indians of Houssatonnoc, who have lately manifested their desires to receive the Gospel. 8vo, pp. XI V., 33; Jine copy; very scarce. Boston: S. Kneeland and T. Green. MDccxxxv. " With a long historical preface." 2591 APOSTLE JOHN. THE THREE EPISTLES OF. Translated into Delaware Indian, by C. F. Dencke. 121io, full crushed crimson~ levant, beautiful tooling on sides, inside border,full gilt; bound by R. W. Smith; very scarce; 42 pages. New York, 1818 2592 ARMSTRONG, JOHN. NOTICES OF THE WAR OF 1812. In TwoJ,7, Volumes. 8vo, cloth; fine copy; very scarce. New York, 1840 60o 474 2593 ATWATER, CALEB. REMARKS ON A TOUR TO PRAIRIE DU CHIEN' thence to Washington City, in 1829. 8vo, half maroon mor., gilt top, rough edges; beautifaul copy; scarce. Columbus, 0., 1831 So 2594 BALDWIN, J. G. PARTY LEADERS. Sketches of Thomas Jefferson, Alex. Hamilton, Andrew Jackson, Henry Clay, John Randolph, of Roanoke; including notices of many other distinguished statesmen. Svo, cloth, 369 pages. New Yorkc, 1855 2595 BALTIMORE. A NARRATIVE OF EVENTS which occurred in Baltimore Town during the Revolutionary War. To which are appended various Documents and Letters, the greater part of which have never been heretofore published. By Robert Purviance. 8vo, cloth, good copy. Baltimore, 1849 (45w 2596 BARTON, B. S. OBSERVATIONS ON SOME PARTS Or NATURAL HISTORY: to which is prefixed an Account of several RemarkableVestiges of an Ancient date, which have been discovered in different parts of North America. Part I. Svo, unbound;'very scarce; fine copy. London; 1787 "A prefixed advertisement to this work informs us that it is the produc tion of a very young man, written chiefly as a recreation from the laborious studies of medicine. It is, however, a curious tract. We have here only the first part; the other three, which will complete the work, are to be published in a few months."-Al-onthlyReview. "This part, the only one ever published, relates entirely to antiquities, giving an account of the Indian ruins in the Muskingum, and remarks on the first peopling of America," &c. —Sabins' Bib. Amer., Vol. l., p. 507. 7, 2597 BARTON, B. S. NEW VIEWS OF THE ORIGIN OF THE TRIBES AND NATIONS OF AMERICA. Second Edition. 8vo, unbound; fine copy;:vry scarce. Philadelphia, 1798 "This edition has an Appendix, containing Notes and Illustrations. It is the first philosophical treatise on American Philology by an American author." —Sabins' Bib. Amer., p. 507, Vol. I. /,v2598 BOCCACCIO, GIOVANNI. THE DECAMERON; or, Ten Days' Entertainment of. Translated from the Italian. To which are prefixed Remarks on the Life and Writings of Boccaccio; and an Advertisement. Large 8vo, full crimson crushed levant mor., gilt edges, panelled sides, beautifully tooled, inside borders; a superb copy; with Portrait of Boccaccio, after Van Dalen, inserted. London, 1845 As'2599 BOCCACCIO, GIOVANNI. SELECTIONS FROM THE DECAMERON OF, including all the passages hitherto suppressed. Translated from the Italian. 8vo, full crushed crimson levant mor., gilt edges; bound to match the Decameron. Londond, 1865 This copy contains, at the end, list of " The Rare Copies of Boccaccio's works now extant." 2600 BOSTON. ORATION DELIVERED AT THE REQUEST OF THEINHABITANTS OF THE TowN OF, to commemorate the evening of the Fifth of March, 1770, when a number of Citizens were killed by a party of British Troops quartered among them in a time of Peace. Second Edition. 8vo, hay Turkey mor, gilt tops, edges rough; fine copy. Boston, 1807 475 2601 BOSTON (EAST). A HISTORY OF, with Biographical Sketches of its Early Proprietors, and an Appendix. By Wm. H. Sum-. ner. 8vo, half red Box., gilt tops, rough edges; Portraits andy Engravings. Boston, 1858 2602 BRADBURY, JOHN. TRAVELS IN TIE INTERIOR OF AMERICA, in the years 1809, 1810, and 1811; including a description of Upper Louisiana, together with the States of Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, and Tennessee; with the Illinois and Western Terri:-', tories, and containing Remarks and Observations useful to Persons emigrating to these Countries. L. 8vo, half crimson levant mor, gilt top, rough edges; beautiful copy; scarce. Liverpool, 1817 2603 BRESsOT, J. P. The Commerce of America with Europe, particularly with France and Great Britain; showing the import-/, ance of the American Revolution to the interests of France, and pointing out the actual situation of the U. S. of America in regard to Trade, Manufactures, and Population. 8vo, bds., uncut; Portrait. London, 1793 2604 BURTON, ROBERT. THE ANATOMYn OF MELANCHOLY. What it is, with all the kinds, causes, symptoms, prornostics, and several cures of it. In Three Partitions. With their several Sections, Members, and Subsections, Philosophically, Medi-~2~cally, Historically opened and cut up. By Democritus, Junior. With a Satirical Preface, conducing to the following Discourse. A new Edition. In Three Volumes. 8vo, half die. blue crushed levant, gilt top, edges rough, rubric title and coat-of-arms in blue vnd gold. Cambridge: Riverside Press, 1861 75 copies printed; large paper. 2605 CHAPPELL, Lieut. EDWARD. VOYAGE to NEWFOUNDLAND AND THE SOUTHERN COAST OF LABRADOR. Of which countries no account has been published by any British Trav-z3' eller since the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. Svo, half crimson levant morocco, gilt top, rough edges. Fine copy, illustrated. London, 1818 2606 CHASTELLUX, MARQUIS de. TRAVELS IN NORTH AMERICA, in the years 1780,'81,'82. Translated from the French, with Notes. Also, a Biographical Sketch of thee Author. Letters from Gen. Washington, and Notes and Corrections by the American Editor. Large 8vo, haf' crimson levanet mor., gilt top, rough edges. Fine copy. New York, 1827 2607 COLMAN, GEORGE, The Younger. BROAD GRINs. CoMprising, with New Additional Tales in Verse, those2/, formerly published under the title of "My Night Gown and Slippers." The Fifth Edition. Illustrated. 12mo, half crushed crimson levant, gilt top, rough edges. London, 1811 The engravings in this volume are on wood, by Nesbitt, and the character and style of the poetry is very free. 476 /62 2608 CUmING, lOOPER. A Sermon delivered at Schoharie before the Grand Lodge, at the Installation of Hicks' Lbdge, No. 305, July 4, 1818. 8vo pamph., 16 p. 1Fine copy; scarce. Schoharie: Prihted by D. JTan V;eghten. 1818 2? 2609 DEDHAM, MASS., HI1STORY OF. From the Beginning of its Settlement in September, 1635, to May, 1827. By Erastus Worthington. Svo, haf red Roxburghe, gilt top, rou.gh edges. BeautfJul copy, very scarce. Boston, 1827 6k72610 DIBDIN, Rev. T. F. THE ~ibraq' Qrn(ompaiosn; or, The Young Man's Guide, and the Old Man's Comfort, in the Choice of a Library. In two vols. Large 8vo, full crushed levant, gilt edges, paneled sides, elegant tooling, inside borders. Superb copy. London, 1824 At end of the Second Volulle is bound in the Index to whole work, which was published separately, and is most always wanting. AS, 2611 FIELD, T. W. THE MINSTREL PILGRIM. S&n. 4to, cloth gilt, 50 p. New Yorkl, 1848 /?g 2612 FLORIDA: ITs CLIMATE, SOIL, AND PRODUCTIONS, with a Sketch of its History, Natural Features, and Social Condition. S8o, 151 p. Jacksonville, 18(69 Zs 2613 FREMONT, Capt. J. C. REPOrT OF THE EXPLORING EXPEDITION to the Rocky Mountains in the year 1842, and to Oregon and North California in the years 1843-'44. 8vo, cloth, maps aind plates, 693 p. Good copy; scarce Washiygton, 18415 32s2614 FRENCH WAR, RErIINIScENCES or. Containing Rogers' Expeditions with the New England Rangers under his command, with Notes and Illustrations. Tro which is added an account of the Life and Military Services of Major-General John Stark, with notices and anecdotes of other officers distinguished in the French and Revolutionary Wars. 8vo, half red Rox., gilt top rough edges. Fine copy; scarce; witlh portrait of Gent. John Stark. Cooncord, 1831 7,0o 2615 GARDEN, ALEX. ANECDOTES OF THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR IN AMERICA. With Sketches of Character of Persons most distinguished in the Southern States, for Civil and Military Services. ninperial 8vo, half led Rox., gilt top, rough edges. Beautifiul copy; very scarce. Charleston, 1822 /so 2616 GRANT, Mrs. MEMOIRs OF AN AMERICAN LADY. With sketches of Manners and Scenery in America, as they existed previous to the Revolution. 8vo, half dark Box., gilt top, iunict. Beautful copy. New York, 1809?/7r2617 GUIREY, WM. THE HISTORY OF EPISCOPACY. In four parts; from its Rise to the Present Day, among the Methodists in America. 8vo, full dark blue calf, gilt edges, 385 p. Very scarce; fine copy. s. 1. s. a. The preface to this work ends as follows: " As this work was principally intended for the information of the Inhabitants of the Backwoods of Ga;" and it is probable that the book was printed in some of the Southern States, and most likely North Carolina, about 18,0.,*r 2618 HARDIE, JAMES. THE AMERICAN REmIEIBRANCER and Universal Tablet of Memory. The whole being intended to form a 477 Comprehensive abridgement of History and Chronology, part ticularly of that part which relates to America. 8vo, half red turkcey, gilt edges. Phila., JID CCX C V. 2619 HEAD, SIR FRANcIS B. The Emigrant. half Rox., gilt top, rough/lv edges. John iffurray, London, 1847' 2620 HENRY, ALEXANDER. TRAVELS AND ADVENTURES IN CANADA AND THE INDIAN TERRITORIES, between the years 1760 and 1766. In two parts. Portrait of Henry. Large Svo, half crimson le-4b rant morocco, gilt top, rough edges. BeautJful copy; very scarce. New Yorkl, 1809 These transactions range themselves under these heads: First, the Author's Personal Incidents and Adventures. Second, Natural History and Geography of the Countries Visited. And third, the Views of Society and Manners among the Indians with whom he was brought in contact. 2621 HOLDEN, HORACE. A NARRATIVE OF THE SHIPWRECK, CAPTIVITY, AND SUFFERINGS OF Horace Holden and Benj. H:. Nute: who were cast away in the American ship " Mentor," on the Pelew Islands, in the year 1832, and for two years afterwards were subjected to unheard of sufferings among the Barbarous Inhabitants of Lord North's Island. 12mo, plates. 4th edition, half Rox., gilt. Boston, 1836 Dedicated to John Pickering, Esq., who makes frequent reference to this narrative in his " Memoirs of Lord North's Island." See No. -. 2622 HOLMES, ABIEL. AMERICAN ANNALS, or, a Chronological History of America, from its Discovery in MCCCCXCII tof'a MDCCCVI. With additions and corrections by the Author. In two volumes, with map. 8vo, half dark Box., gilt top, rough edges. Very scarce. Cambridge, printed; Londonz Repiinted, 1808 2623 HOWLAND, JOHN, a Revolutionary Soldier,W the Life and Recollections of. Late President of the Rhode Island HistoricalWsSociety. By Edwin Al. Stone. Svo, half Roxburghe, gilt top, rough edges. Portrait and platte. Providence, 1857 " His varied experience and minute observation while in the Continental Service, his intimate acquaintance with the leading men of Rhode Island, and his personal knowledge of Washington, Greene, Lee, Gates, Sullivan, Arnold, Paul Jones, and other distinguished officers of the Revolution, impart to these Recollections an unusual historic value. 2624 HIOYT, E. ANTIQUARIAN RESEARCHES. Comprising a History of the Indian Wars in the Country bordering on Connecticut River and parts adjacent, and other interesting events, froma'ft the First Landing of the Pilgrims, to the Conquest of Canada by the English in 1760; with notices of Indian depredations in the neighboring country, and of the first planting and progress of settlements in New England, New York and Canada. 8vo, half red Rox., gilt top, rough edges. Beautiful copy, eng. frontispiece and plates. Very scarce. Greenfield, 1824 2625 HIUDSON, HENRY, AN HISTORICAL INQUIRY CONCERNING. His friends, relatives and Early life, his connection with the Mus-' covy Company and Discovery of Delaware Bay. By John 478 Meredith Read, Jr. Royal 8vo, ha7f red Rox., gilt top, rough edges, rubric title. Arms of iluscovy C'o. as Frontispiece. Joel Munsell, Albany, 1866 2 7,6 2626 INDIAN TREATIES, and Laws and Regulations relating to Indian Affairs; to which is added an Appendix. Large 8vo, hf. dark Rox., gilt top, rough edges. Fine copy. Washington City, 1826,R 2627 IRVING, WASHINGTON, A DISCOURSE ON THE LIFE, CHARACTER AND GENIUS OF, delivered before the New York Historical Society, April 3d, 1860. By William Cullen Bryant. 8vo, cloth, 46 pages, tinted paper. New Yorlc, 1860 Ar,2628 IRVING, WASHINGTON, THE LIFE AND LETTERS OF. By Pierre M. Irving. In 4 vols. Small 4to. half crim. cr. lev. mor., gilt top, rough edges; portraits. New Yorlc, 1862-'64. See pamphlet lot No. 1084, for a Rare document on Irving's " Wife." /0 2629 JEFFERSON, THOMAS. A MANUAL of Parliamentary Practice. For the Use of the Senate of the United States. 12mo, sheep. Good copy; scarce. Wf"ashington City, MDCCC. /6G 2630 JEMISON, A RY, LIFE OF. By James E. Seaver. Fourth edition, 8vo, cloth. Frontispiece, with explanatory notes and Il)di(xn Vocabulary. N. Y., 1856,62631 JERSEY PRISON SHIP, RECOLLECTIONS OF. From the Original Manuscripts of Captain Thomas Dring, one of the Prisoners. By Albert G. Greene. Edited by Henry B. Dawson. Large 8'vo, half crushed crimnson levant morocco, gilt top, rough edges. 100 copies printed, No. 61. Morrisania, 1865 2sao 2632 KEITH. GEORGE THE FUNDAMENTAL TRUTHS OF CHRISTIANITY, briefly hinted at by way of Question and Answer. To which is added a Treatise of Prayer, in the same method. l6ino, full dark blue levant. LO7WNDON: Printed in the year IMDCLXXX VIII. Jo 2333 KINGSLEY, CHARLES. SIR WALTER RALEIGEI and his Time, with other papers. 8vo., cloth; fine copy. Boston, 1859 AGz 2634 LINCOLN, ABRAHAM (Late President of U. S. A.) The Assassination of, and the attempted Assassination of William Hl. Seward, Secretary of State, and Frederick W. Seward, Assistant Secretary, on the evening of the 14th of April, 1865. Expressions of Condolence and Sympathy inspired by these Events. Royal 8vo, haf dark blue crushed levant, gilt top, rough edges; fine copy, nlow scarce, 717 pages. Washington, 1866 4Po 2635 MA-KA-TAI-ME-SHE-KIA-KIAK; or, BLACK HAWK, Life of. Embracing the Tradition of his Nation; Indian wars in which he has been engaged; cause of Joining the British in their late war with America, and its History; Description of the Rock River Village, Manners and Customs, &c.; with an Account of the Cause and General History of the late War; his Surrender and Confinement and Travels through the United States. Dictated by Himself. 8So, half crimnson levant, gilt edges. India proof Portrait of Blwahe Hawi:k inserted. Boston, 1834 479 2636 MASSACHUSETTS BAY, CONTINUATION OF THE HISTORY OF THE PROVINCE OF, from the year 1748. With an Introductory sketch of events from its Original Settlement. In two vols.: Volume I.-From 1748. Volume II.-From 1748 to 1765. ft By George Richards Minot. 8vo, half red Reox., gilt top, rough edges; fine copy, very scarce. Boston, 1798-1803 2637 MAT HER, COTTON-PSALTERIUM Americanum. The BOOe of I PSALMS. j In a Translation Exactly conformed I unto the ORIGINALS; BUT ALL IN I LXt41a VI trie, I Fitted unto the TUNES commonly used in our CHURCHES. Which )nure I (1)ffering is accompanied with I ILLUSTRATIONS, dhgging for'2, Hidden i Treasures in it; And RULES to I Employ it upon the Glorious and I Various Intentions of it, I Whereto are added, | Some other Portions of the SACRED j SCRrIPTURE, to Enrich the I CANTIONAL. I 12mo, full maroon crushed levant morocco, elegant tooling on backs and sides, inside borders richly tooled, gilt; beautJful copy, extremely rare. Bound by R. W. Smith. BOSTON: in N.E. I Printed by S. KNEELAND, for B. ELIOT, I S. GERRISH, D. HENCHMAN, and I J. EDWARDS, and sold at th6ir Shops 1 1718. 2638 METHODIST EPIs. CHURCH, the Doctrines and Disciplines of, in America. With explanatory Notes by Thomas Coke and /,/ Francis Asbury. 12mo, sheep, 169 pages, good copy. Phila., 1798 In same volume. Four Discourses on the duties of the Gospel Ministry by Thomas Coke. Philadelphia 1798. 109 pages. 2639 MUNSELL'S HISTORICAL SERIES. Vol. I.-EXPEDITION AGAINST TICONDEROGA AND CROWN POINT. 1759. Vol. IT.-KING PHILIP'S INDIAN WAR. 1675. Vol. III.-ORDERLY BOOK OF THa, NORTHERN ARMY. 17761777. Vol. IV. —DIARY OF THE SIEGE OF DETROIT. Vol. V. —OBTRUCTIONS TO THE NAVIGATION OF HUDSON'S RIVER. Vol. VI. -THE LOYAL VERSES OF STANSBURY AND ODELL. Vol. VII.-BURGOYNE'S ORDERLY BOOK. 1777. VoL VIII. -EARLY VOYAGES UP AND DowN THE MISSISSIPPT, Vol. IX. —-INDIAN TREATIES.-1. Vol. X. —INDIAN TREATIES.-2. Ten volumes. Haf red Rex., gilt tops, rough edges. Contents lettered on back as above. Beautiful Library copy; covers bound in. Albany, J. Mlunsell, 1857-'61 2640 NATIONAL AQADEMY OF DESIGN, HISTORIC ANNALS OF. with occasional Dottings by the Wayside, from 1825 to the Present Time. By Thomas S. Cummings. 8vo, cloth; fine copy. % Phila., 1865 2641 NEW AMSTERDAM, AFFAIRS AND MEN OF, in the Time of Gov. Peter Stuyvesant. Compiled from Dutch Manuscript Re-?~ cords. By J. Paulding. 8vo, cloth; fine copy. New York, 1843 480 24/ 2642 NEW PLYMOUTH, AN HI3TORICAL MEMOIR OF THE COLONY OF, from the Flight of the Pilgrims into Holland in the year 1608, to the Union of that Colony with Massachusetts, 1692. By Francis Baylies. With some Corrections, Additions, and a Copious Index. By Samuel G. Drake. In two volumes. linperial 8vo, half red Rox., gilt top, rough edges; fine cop?,. Boston, 1830: Wiggin and Lzut, 1866 3'~ 2643 O'CONNELL JAMES F. A Residence of Eleven Years in New Holland and the Caroline Islands. Being the Adventures of Edited from his verbal narration. 12mo, haf red Rox., gilt, eng. Boston, 1836 "All of which I saw, and part of which I was." 2/t2644 PAUL, MOSES. A SERMrION PREACHED AT THE EXECUTION OF MOSES PAUL, AN INDIAN, who was executed at New Haven, on the 2d of September, 1772, for the Murder of Mr. Moses Cook, late of Waterbury, on the 7th of December, 1771. Preached at the desire of said Paul. By Samson Occom. 8vo, full dkc. blue levant, 21 pages. Cleaned, mended, extended and put in perfect order. Very scarce edition. Exeter, N. H., 1819 Contains also 1 page of Biog. Sketch of Paul, and a Hymn. 2S. 2645 PENHALLOW, SAMIUEL. THE HISTORY OF THE WARS OF NEW ENGLAND, with the Eastern Indians; or, a Narrative of their Continued Perfidy and Cruelty, from the 10th of August, 1703, to the Peace of July 13, 1713, &c. 138 p. in same volume: Lieft Lion Gardner. His Relation of the Present Warres, from the original MS., with interesting letters of WV. T. Williams in relation to Lion Gardener, &c., never before published. 35 pages, 4to, haf crim. crushed lev., gilt top, rough edges. Cinn., 1859 s;o 2646 PHELPS AND GORHA3I-'S PURCHASE, AND MORRIs RESERVE, HISTORY OF THE PIONEER SETTLEMENT of. Embracing the counties of Monroe, Ontario, Livingston, Yates, Steuben, most of Wayne and Allegany, and parts of Orleans, Genesee, and WVyoming. To which is added a Supplement, or extension of the Pioneer History of Monroe County. The whole preceded by some account of French and English Dominion; Border Wars of the Revolution; Indian Councils and Land Cessions; Early Difficulties with the Indians; Our immediate Predecessors the Senecas, with "a glance at the Iroquois." By O. Turner. Royal 8vo, half crimson crushed levant, gilt top. rough edges. Very scarce in this condition. Rochester, 1851 Jt 2647 PICKERING, JOEIN. AN ESSAY on a Uniform Orthography for the Indian Languages of North America. 4to, hayf Rox., gilt top, edges uncut. Very scarce. Cambridge, 1820 AS 2648 PITTSBURGH, Pa., THE HISTORY OF, with a brief notice of its facilities of communication and other advantages for commercial and mauufacturing Purposes, with two maps. By Neville B. Craig, Esq. 8vo, hf. dk. blue levant, gt. top. With inserted plate of Braddocek's Defeat. Very fine copy. Pittsburgh, 1851 Presentation copy to Charles Cist, Esq., of Cinn. 481 2649 PRESCOTT, WMll. H. HISTORY OF THE CONQUEST OF MEXICO. With a preliminary view of the Ancient Mexican Civilization, and the Life of the Conqueror Hernando Cortes. In three volumes. 8vo, cloth. Fine copy of the now scarce first ed. New Yorle, 1844 2650 PRINCE, THOMAS, M.A. A! CHRONOLOGICAL HISTORY j of I NEW ENGLAND, I In the Form of I ANNALS: I BEING A summary and exact Account of the most material Transactions and Occurrences relating to THIS COUNTRY, in the Order of Time wherein they happened, from the Discovery by Capt. GOSNOLD in 1602, to the Arrival of Governor BELCHER in 1730, &c., &C. Volume I., Parts 1 and 2. 12ino,full d.c. blue lev. mor., gt, edges, elegant tooling on back and sides, inside borders. Bound by B. W. Smith. Beautiful copy; extremely scarce. BOSTON, N. E. Printed by KNEELAND and GREEN,for S. GERRISH. MDCCXXXVI. 2651 RITTER, ABRAHAM. HISTORY OF THE MORAVIAN CHURCH IN PHILADELPHIA. From its Foundation in 1742, to the present time. Comprising Notices, defensive of its Founder and Patron, Count Nicholas Ludwig Von Zinzendorff. Together with an Appendix. 8vo, cl. Portraits. Phila., 1857 2652 ROGERS, HENRY. ESSAYS Selected from Contributions to the Edinburgh Review. In two volumes- Vol. I.-Biographical and Critical. Vol. II.-Theological and Political. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Scarce. London, 1850 2653 ROGERS, HENRY. EssAYs Selected from Contributions to the Edinburgh Review. Volume III. 8vo, cloth, uncut. b, London, 1855 This volume of Essays is supplementary to the two former volumes, and is composed of Philosophical Treatises, and a History of the English Lanoguage. 2654 SCHOOLCRAFT, HENRY R. ALGIC RESEARCHES. Comprising inquiries respecting the mental characteristics of the North2,,, American Indians. First Series Indian Tales and Legends. In two volumes. 8vo, hf. tkcy., gilt edges. In Jine condition; scarce. New York, 1839 2655 SEMINOLE WAR, S:KETCH OF, and Sketches during a Campaign, By a Lieutenant of the Left Wing. 8vo, half dark green lev..e gilt top, uncut. Bound by B. W. Smith. Charleston, 1836 2656 SHEPPARD, THOMAS. Late pastor in the Church in Cambridge in Xew England. Subjection I to I Christ I in all his I 37 Ordinances, I and I Appointments, I The best means to preserve our I Liberty. I 8vo,full dk. blue calf, gilt edges. LONDON,-Printed by S. G.,for John Rothwell at the Fountain in Cheapside, 1657. 6i 482 ~2 2657 SHEPPARD, THOMAS, THESES SABBATICXE; or, the Doctrine of the SABBATH. Wherein 1-3 I rality., f IL.-Change.. the i —Beginning are clearly discussed. Sabbath's aIII. —Beginning. t IV.-Sanctfication. J Which were first handled more largely in Sundry SERMONS in Cambridge in New England. 8vo, full ca~f London, Printed by S. CG., for John Bothwel, &c., 1655 In same Vounume,CERTAIN SELECT CASES RESOLVED. Rough edges. London, 1655 /?~ 2658 SIGOURNEY, LYDIA H. TRAITS OF THE ABORIGINES OF AMERICA. A Poem. 8vo, half crushed crimson lev. morocco, gilt top, rough edges. Beautiful clean copy. Cambridge, 1822 WVith Appendix of 100 pages of valuable notes of Indian history, custolms, etc.. //~ 2659 SOUTHAMPTON, L. I. A DIscouRsE delivered on the 22d of November, 1804, being the Anniversary Thanksgiving in the Presbyterian Church. By David S. Bogart. 8vo, 24 pages. Fine copy, scarce. Sag Harbor: Printed by Alden Spooner, 1805,2 2660 SMITH, CHARLOTTE. ELEGIAC SONNETS and other Poems. The first Worcester Edition. 12mo, hf. dark blue levacnt, gill top, rough edges. Idu!strated by five plates engraved by Seynmour. Printed at Worcester by ISAIAH THOMIAS, 1795 "The Editor, I. Thomas, doubts not but a proper allowance will be made for work engraved by an artist who obtained his knowledge in this country." Also, " The making of the particular kind of paper on which these Sonnets are printed, is a new business in Amlerica; it is the first manufactured by the Editor." 3X 2661 SPRAGUE, JOHN T. THE ORIGIN, PROGRESS, AND CONCLUSION OF THE FLORIDA WAR. To which is Appended a record of Officers, Non-commissioned Officers, Musicians and Privates of the U. S. Army, Navy, and Marine Corps, who were killed in Battle, or died of disease. Together with the order for collecting the remains of the dead in Florida, and the ceremony of interment at St. Augustine, August 14, 1842. Royal 8vo, hf. red Box., gilt top, rough edges, maps and plates. New Yor/c, 1848 so 2662 STAMFORD, Conn., HISTORY OF, From its settlement in 1641, to the present time, including Darien, which was one of its Parishes until 1620. By E. iB. Huntington, A.M. 8vo, If. red Box., gilt top, rough edges. Illus. Stamnford, 1868. One of Five copies only which were saved uncut. //7" 2663 ST. CLAIR, ARTHUR, Maj.-Gen. A NARRATIVE of the Manner in which the Campaign against the Indians in 1791 was conducted, etc., and the Reports of the Committees appointed to inquire into the causes of the failure thereof. 8vo, half red Box., gilt top, rough edges. Fine copy, very scarce. Phila., 1 812 483 2664 THE COMPANION: being a Selection of the Beauties of the most celebrated authors in the English Language. In Prose and Verse. So. 12mo, die. blue levant, gilt top, rough edges; in6ro fine condition. PRINTED BY NATrHANIEL AND BENJAMIN fIEATON FOR JOSEPH J. TODD, PROVIDENCE. MDCCXCIX. Contains, among various other matter, " The Fashionable Songs for 1793," " Adams and Liberty,"' The Federal Constitution and Washington for Ever," &c., &c. 2665 THE WEAL-REAF. A RECORD OF THE ESSEX INSTITUTE FAIR, held at Salem, Sept. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, with Two Supplementaryir Numbers. Complete. 4to, half crim. crushed lev. mor., gilt top,' rough edges. (Salem,) 1860 G. W. Curtis, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Rev. C. T. Brooks and other eminent writers contributed matter of an interesting local character to this pnblication. 2666 THOMPSON, DANIEL P. THE RANGERS; OR, THE TORY's DAUGHTER. A Tale illustrative of the Revolutionary History/? of Vermont and the Northern Campaign of 1777. In Two' Volumes. 4th Ed. 8vo, half die. Rox., gilt edges. Boston, 1'51 A very entertaining Historical Romance. See Hall's Eastern Vt., vol. II., p. 584. 2667 TONGA ISLANDS. An Account of the Natives of, in the South Pacific Ocean, compiled and arranged from the extensive Communications of Mr. WilliamL Mariner, several years resi4f,?r dent in those Islands. By John Martin, M.D. 8vo, hacf red turkcey mor., gilt edges. Portrait of JlMariner. First Amer. Edition. Boston, 1820 2668 TRIAL OF JOSEPH GERRALD, Delegate from the London Corresponding Society, to the British Convention, for Sedition.4v 8vo, half die. blue levant morocco, gilt top, rough edges; fine copy. Portrait of Gerrald. New Yorki: Samuel Campbell, 1794 2869 TRUE3mAN, JOHN AND RICHARD ATKINS. The Lives of; to which is added a short account of Atlkins' sister. Also, the Life of.?4 William Baker, and a Sermon at his Funeral. 8vo, half dlc. blue crushed levant, gilt edges. 2670 TRUa[MBULL, JOHN. (A Whigof 1776.) MIcFINGAL: a Modern Epic Poem. In four Cantos. With explanatory notes., 12mo, bds., uncut. Scarce ed. Albany, 1813 2671 TRUMIBULL, JOHN. THE POETICAL WORKS OF, containing lcFinogal: a Modern Epic Poem, revised and corrected, with copious explanatory Notes; the Progress of Dullness; and a Collection of Poems on various subjects, written before andd, during the Revolutionary War. In Two Volumes. Portrait and Plates. L. 8vo, half crimson levant mor., gilt top, rough edges; scarce; fine copy. Hartford, 1820 2672 TRIJUASBULL, HENRY. HISTORY OF THE DISCOVERY OF AMERICA; of the landing of our Forefathers at Plymouth, and of3 ~ their imost remarkable engagements with the Indians in New England, from their first landing in 1620 until the subjugation of the Natives in 1679. To which is annexed, the particulars 484 of almost every important engagement with the Savages at the westward to the present day, including the defeat of Generals Braddock, Harmer and St. Clair, the Creelk and Seminole War, &c. 8vo, haf crimsonr crushed levynl, gilt top, rough edges; beautful copy; very scarce in this condition. Boston, 1828 /4s 2673 TURNER, G. TRAITS OF INDIAN CHARACTER, as generally applicable to the Aborigines of North America; drawn from various sources; partly from observation of the Writer. In Two Volumes. 8vo, half red Rox., gilt edges. Phila., 1836 Air 2674 TUTHILL, JOHN. A FAMILY MEETING Of the Descendants of, one of the original settlers of the Town of Soutthold, N. Y., with Genealogy. 8vo, pamphlet, 60 pages. Scarce. Sag-Harbor, 1867 /,v 2675 UNITED STATES. Remarks during a Tour through the U. S. of America in the years 1817, 1818, 1819. In a series of Letters to Friends in England. By Wm. Tell Harris. 8vo, half die. Rox., gilt top, rough edges. London, 1821 /Y 2676 VANS, WILLIAM. A Short History of the Life of, written by himself, who was appointed Consul in France by Geo. Washington in 1794. 12mo, bds. Curious. Bosto1n, 1825 ysr 2677 VERMONT. THE NATURAL AND POLITICAL HISTORY OF THE STATE OF. To which is added an Appendix, containing answers to sundry queries addressed to the Author. By Ira Allen, Esquire. 8vo, half dk. Box., gilt top, rough edges; map; fine copy; scarce. London, 1798 an>' 2678 VERMONT, EASTERN. HISTORY OF, from its earliest settlement to the close of the Eighteenth Century. With a Biographical Chapter and Appendices. By Benjarmin HI. Hall. In Two Volumes. Haf crushed crimson levant morocco, wide backs and corners, gilt top, rough edges. LARaE PAPER COPY. Only Fifty Printed. No. 15. Albany: J. Jaiunsell, 1865 2S 2679 WARREN, JOSEPH. LIFE AND TIMES OF. By Richard Frothingham. Noy. 8vo, haf die. blue levant mor., gilt top, rough edges. Boston, 1865 /e, 2680 WHEATLEY, PHILLIS, Negro Servant to ]JIr. Johin Wheatley of Boston, in New England. POEMS ON VARIOUS SUBJECTS, RELIGIOUS AND MORAL. 8VUO, full crushed crimson levant morocco, paneled sides, inside borders; nagnaficent copy. Portrait. London: Printed for A. Bell, &c., MDCCxxnIII. /,ov 2681 WILLIAMS, REV. JOHN. A BIOGRAPHICAL MEmiOIR OF, First Minister of Deerfield, Mass. With a slight sketch of Ancient Deerfield, and an Account of the Indian Wars in that place and vicinity. With an Appendix, containing the Journal of the Rev. Doct. Stephen Williams of Longmeadow, during his Captivity, and other papers relating to the early Indian Wars in Deerfield. By Stephen W. Williams. 8vw, half Rox., gilt edges; fine copy; scarce. Greefield, iiass., 1837 3Jr 2682 WILLIAMSBURG (N. Y.) A HISTORY OF THE CITY OF, containing a succinct account of its early Settlement, rapid growth 485 and prosperous condition, with many other important and interesting facts connected with the same. By Samuel Reynolds. 8vo, half crushed crim. levadt, gilt top, rouqh edges; beaut ful copy; very scarce. Willianmsburgh, 1852 2683 WOOD, SILAS. A SKETCH OF THE FIRST SETTLE-MENT of the several Towns on Long Island; with their political condition,,~' to the end of the American Revolution. A new Edition. 8vo, half dke. Rox., gilt top, rough edges; fine large copy; scarce. Brooklyn, 1828 PAMlVPHLETS. 2684 Miscellaneous. [Three.] Letters to Rev. W. E. Channing, by M. Stuart. Andover, 1819 Sermon. Ordination of Missionaries, by M. Stuart. /2 Salem, 1819 Letters to Unitarians, by L. Woods. Andover, 1820 2685 Miscellaneous. [Eleven.] Constitution, By-Laws and Regulations of the Philharmonic Soc. of New York. N1. Y, 1824 Transactions of the Apollo Assoc. for the year 1843. N. Y. MNaryland Academy of Science and Literature. Proceedings of Franklin Inst. of Penn. relative to the establishment of a School of Design for Women. Phil., 1851 Charter and By-Laws of Society for Promotion of Useful. Arts., Albany, 1815 Charter and By-Laws of Phil. Athenseum, with List of Books Maps, Medals, &c., which have been presented; also, Cata-' logue of Maps, Medals, &c., belonging to the Inst. 80 p. Scarce. Phil., 1820 Fourth Annual Exhib. of Columbian Soc. of Artists and Penn Academy. 32p. Scarce. Phil., 1814 New York Atheneum. Cdonstitution and By-Laws of N. Y. Athenaeum. N.. Y., 1825 Disc. de]iv. in Columbia College before National Academy of Design, by S. F. B. Morse. N. Y., 1827 Constitution and By-Laws of National Academy of Design. N. Y., 1843 2686 Miscellaneous. [Five.] 1st Rep. of Bost. Pris. Disc. Soc., June 2, 1826. 2d " " June 1, 1827. 3d " " Boston, 1828 3' 5th " " Boston, 1830 9th " " May 27, 1834. 2687 Railroad Co. Pamphlets. No duplicates. (20.) C 2688 Reports Blind Asylum. (20.) C 2689 Temperance Soc. Reports and Addresses. No dup. Fine lot. (20.) 6 2690 Bank Reports. Early Southern Imprints. No dup. (18.) s' 486 2691 Miscellaneous Pamphlets. (19.) 692 " " (19.) 2693 " " (18.) 2694 " " (16.) 2695 " (16.) 2696 Sermons. (16.) 6 2697 " (16.) f 2698 Political Pamphlets. (22.)'2699 Miscellaneous Pamphlets, Reports, &c. (14.) 3'2700 Pamphlets-Speeches by Senators of the U. S., 1820-1826. Archer on Tariff Bill. (14.).202701 Small Pamphlets, various dates, 1765, &c. Some rare. (26.) 6 2702 Sermons, various years. (24.) 72703 Political Pamphlets. Good lot. (14.) s2704 Episcopal Convention Sermons and General Theol. Seminary Pamphlets. (23.) 7 2705 Sermons, Speeches, Addresses, &c., from 1806. A good collection. (24.) X 2706 Speeches, Bankrupt Laws, Documents, Letters, &c. (14.) r2707 Miscellaneous Pamphlets, Reports, &c. (21.) 62708 Sermons-Miscellaneous. (21.) 2709 Ordination, Installation and Fast Sermons. Good lot. (20.) /12710 c c c Very fize lot. (20.) p2711 Pastoral Letters of Bp.Bowen, White (in 1808), B. T. Onderdonk, Hobart. (12.) $2712 Sermons, Reports, Addresses, &c., by Meade, Dewey, McIlvaine, Hook, Onderdonk of N. Y., Cornelius, Bp. Hopkins, Sparrow, Moore (in 1806), Sampson Reed, Ashbel Green, Spring, W. Ingraham Kip, &c. (40.) t'2713 Reports, Sermons, &c. [Twenty-one.] Sermons before various Religious Societies, 1792-1857. Sermons before Peace Society, Windham, Conn., Feb. 4, 1830. 21st Report, Baptist Society for Promoting Gospel in Ireland. Lond., 1835 25th Report American Soc. for Melior. Cond. of the Jews, with Sermon by Nathan Lord. N. Y., 1848 Francis Wayland's Address, Amer. Inst. of Instruction. Bost., 1830 Catholicism Compatible with Repub. Govt., by Fenelon. 1844 Reports of N. Y. Fem. Benev. Soc., 1837; Mercantile Lib. Assoc., 1841; N. Y. Deaf and Dumb, 1832; Address by J. F. Schroeder, 1830; Arcade Ladies' Inst., Prov., R. I., 1834. Result of an Ex-parte Council. Prov., 1832 Proc. of Amer. Lyceum, May 4, 1831. Boston. Address to the Working-men of N. E., by Seth Luther. li. Y., 1833 Declar. of Objects and Measures of Worlking-men. ir. Y., 1831. 2714 Educational, &c. Very scarce. [Twelve.] An Address upon Education and Common Schools, delivered at Cooperstown, Otsego Co., N. Y., Sept. 21, 18-13, by James Henry, Albany, 1843. 58 p. 487 A Discourse on Education, by Jacob Brodhead, N. Y., 1831. Valuable. 38 pages. Some account of the Jacotot System of Universal Instruction, with a Reference to the Systems of Lancaster, &c., before the Albany Institute. 33 pages. N. Y., 1831 Discourse on Popular Education, by Charles Fenton Mercer, delivered Sept. 26, 1826, Princeton, N. J. 86 pages. With valuable Appendix. 41 pages. Thoughts on the Annexation of Texas, by Theo. Sedgwick, N. -Y. 1844. 55 pages. An Article on the Debts of the States, Cambridge, 1844. 48 pages. Biog. Sketch of Rembrandt Peale. Oration, July 4, 1838, by Edwin Forrest, N. Y., 1838. 21 p. Description of Napoleon's Costly and Curious Military Carriage, taken on the evening of the Battle of Waterloo, with the circumstances of the Capture, by Maj. Von Keller, by whom it was taken. (Illustration of the Capture.) 20pages, uncut. London, 1816 The History of the Inquisition of Spain. 1843. 208 pages. Public Defaulters brought to Light, by a Native of Va. N. Y., 1822. 54 pages; fine copy; scarce. Official Corresp. between Don Luis de Onis and John Quincy Adams in relation to the Floridas and the Boundaries of La., with other'matters. Very scarce. London, 1818 2715 Miscellaneous. [Eleven.] The Crisis of the Country, by Junius, and Sequel to. Uncut. The Monthly Chronicle. Vol. I. Mar.-June, 1838. London. The Monthly Lecturer. Vol. I. Nos. 1, 2. 1841. The Monthly Anthology for Sept., 1809. Uncut. Museum of Foreign Lit., Science and Art. Mar., 1831. The Evangelical Intelligencer. (New Series.) Vol. II. No. 9. 1808. Ilie Spirit of Missions. Vol. VII. No. 9. 1842. Cyclopaedia of Biblical Literature. Address deliv. at First Anniversary of N. Y. Temperance Soc., by David Hosack, May 11, 1830. The Parthenon; or, Literary and Scientific Museum, edited by S. Woodworth, N. Y., Oct. 10, 1827. The Montreal Pilot. (Extra.) Speeches and Papers relating to Rebellion Losses, MlVontreal, Feb. 26, 1849. 2716 Miscellaneous. [Eleven.] First Report of Phil. Bible Society. Phil., 1809, Third Rep. of N. Y. Bible Society. N. Y., 1812 Sixth Rep. of Augusta Bible Society, Mar. 3, 1824. Eighth Rep. of N. Y. Bible Society. N. Y., 1824 Fourteenth Rep. of N. Y. Bible Society. N. Y., 1829 Address deliv. before N. Y. Bible Society, by Bp. Hobart. 1V. Y., 1816 488 Address deliv. before Columbia Co. Bib. Soc., by Thos. Warner. N. Y., 1817 Address deliv. before Phila. Bib. Soc. Phil., 1810 Letter on the subject of British and Foreign Bible Soc., by James Scholefield. 67p. Scarce. N. Y., 1823 Appeal to Friends of the Bible, by Amer. and For. Bib. Soc. in 1845. NV. Y., 1845 Ninth Rep. of L. I. Bib. Soc., Flushing, Sept. 15, 1824. Scarce. t'271.7 M3iscellaneous. [Eleven. J Annual Report of Managers of N. Y. State Lunatic Asylum. Jan. 18, 1844. First Report of Provident Soc. for Employment of the Poor. Phil., Jan. 11, 1825 Fifth Report of Soc. for Prevention of Pauperism in N. Y., 1821. Address and Const. of N. Y. Female Assoc. to aid indigent Deaf and Dumb. N. Y., 1830 An Act to Incorporate Members of N. Y. Inst. for Deaf and Dumb. N. Y., 1819 Statement of Committee of Eye and Ear Infirmary. Boston, 1828 Sermon preached for benefit of Portsmouth Female Asylum, by Edvwd. D. Griffin Best., 1812 Explanation of Views of Soc. for Employing Female Poor. Bost., 1826 Plan of Ladies' Charity School of St. Sepulchre, London. Disc. on Opening of New Building in House of Refuge in New York, by John Stanford. N Y., 1826 Fourth Annual Rept. of Surgeons of Eye and Ear Infirmary. Bost., 1828 2718 Miscellaneous. VIery scarce lot. [Sixteen.] Report of Sec. of Treasury (Alex. Hamilton, in 1790) on Na: tional Bank, Jan. 27, 1810. Argument of Sec. of Treasury (Alex. Hamilton, in 1790) on Constitutionality of National Bank. Memorial of Stockholders of the Bank of U. S., Dec. 18, 1810. Letter from Sec. of Treasury (Albert Gallatin) on Bank of U. S., Feb. 5, 1811. Report of Sec. of Treasury on Manufactures, 1791. Wash., 1809 Letter from Sec. of Treasury on Amer. Manufactures. In part. Apr. 19, 1810. Report of Sec. of Treasury on Public Roads and Canals, Apr. 12, 1808. Speech of Mr. Pope on the Bank Bill, Feb. 2'~, 1811. 22 p. Speech of Mr. Fiske on the Bank Bill, Jan. 18, 1811. 13 p. Dble. col. Speech of Mr. P. B. Porter on the Bank Bill, Jan. 18, 1811. 15 p. Dble. col. 489 Speech of Mr. R. M. Johnson on the Bank Bill, Jan. 22, 1811. 14 p. Speech of 1Mr. Nicholson on the Bank Bill, Jan. 23, 1811. 13 p. Dble. col. Speech of Mr. Ramsay on the Treasury Bill. 7 p. Dble. col. Speech of Henry Clay on the American System, Feb. 1832. 43 p. Hints on Banking, in a letter to a gentleman in Albany. N. Y., 1827. 43 p. The War on the Bank of the U. S., Phil., 1834. 155 p. 2719 Miscellaneous. [Eleven.] Letters of Fabius to William Pitt on proposed Abolition of the Test. With Appendix contain. Mr. Pitt's Speech in 1790. London, 18016d Letters to Daniel D. Tompkins, late Gov. of N. Y. Albany, 1820 Cursory Remarks on Various Topics in Meteorology. With map. The British Treaty of Mr. Jay, 1794. 86 p. The Anti-Gallican Sentinel, by Don Antonio Campany. N. Y., 1809 The Anti-Gallican Sentinel, by Don Antonio Campany. Part II. Phil., 1810 Lecture on the Antecedent Causes of the Irish Famine in 1847, by Bp. Hughes. N. Y., 1847 Association Discussed; or, the Socialism of the Tribune examinedl, by H. Greeley and H. J. Raymond. 1847. Introduction to the Study of Natural History, by Prof. Agassiz. N. Y., 1847. Illustrated with numerous engrav. The Amer. Electro Mag. Telegraph, by Alfred Vail. Phil., 1845. Illustrated by eighty-one wood engrav. Descrip. of Amer. Electro Mag. Telegraph, in operation bet. Baltimore and Washington, by Alfred Vail. Illustrated by fourteen wood engravings. 2720 Medical. Very valuable lot. [Eighteen.] Dissert. on the Medical Properties and Injurious Effects of the Habitual Use of Tobacco, by A. McAllister. 1832. 36. p. An Essay on Alcoholic and Narcotic Substances, by Edward Hitchcock. Amherst, 1830. 48 p. / Prospetto Della Clinica Chirurgica, esercitata dal primo Germajo, 1832, a tutto Dicembre, 1833. Nell' imp., E. R. Arcispedale e. Firenze, 1834. 62 p. Inaug. disc. on Medical Eclecticism, by J. C. Cross. Cincinn., 1835. 20 p. The Affiliation of the Natural and Physical Sciences, by R. Harlan. Phila., 1837. 31 p. Homceopathy Vindicated, in a letter to J. V. C. Smith, by Dr. Lillie. The Reformation of Medical Science, by William Channing. N. Y., 1839. 58 p. 62 490 Letters on Medical Education, by Arch. Hall. Montreal, 1842, 30 p. Discourse on the Power of Small Doses and attenuated Medicines, including a Theory of Potentization, by B. F. Joslin. N. Y., 1847. 18 p. The Field and the Work of the Medical Prof. Address before Castleton Medical College, June 18, 1845, by Horace Eaton. 31 p. Sketch of the Progress of Physical Science, by Thomson, and Lardner's Lectures. 96 p. Intro. Address by C. R. Gilman, College of Phys. and Surg., N. Y., 1840, on Obstetrics, &c. 24 p. Univ. of N. Y. Valed. Lect. by Prof. Draper. N. Y., 1842. Very scarce. 14 p. Valedict. Add. by Gunning S. Bedford, N. Y. Univ. 1845. Important. Address by G. S. Bedford on Medical Science and Education in this Country, N. Y. Univ., Nov. 15, 1835. Scarce and valuable. 32 pages. Intro. Lect. by David M. Reese, Albany Med. Col., Oct. 1, 1839, 22p. Dr. Sewall's Drawings of the Human Stomach. Documents in relation to. Trans. of N. Y. State Medical Society. Annual Address by Samuel White, Feb. 7, 1844. Vol. VI. 150 pages. 26 2721 Miscellaneous. Valuable. ['Twenty.] Cause of and Cure for Hiard Times, N. V., 1818. Scarce. 78 pages. Address to the Bapt. Denom. N. Y., 1843 Reports of Debates of Gen'l Con. of M. Epis. Ch., 1844. N. Y. 240 p. Sermons by Onderdonk, &c. 1840. Catalogue-Bartlett and Welford-American History, &c. The People's Rights Reclaimed. By Thos. Hertell. N.Y., 1826. Scarce. Interest made Equity. N. I., 1826 Survey of the Lottery System. Phila., 1833 Lecture on the Christmas Festival, by T. T. Waterman. Prov., 1835 Rep. from Commiss. to Revise Statute Laws of N. Y. 1826 The Catholic Doctrine of the Blessed Eucharist. A Sermon delivered in Newton, L. I., by Richard Bulger, Roman Catholic. N. Y., 1822. Scarce. Remarks on the Projected Revis. of Laws of N. Y. 1825. Smooth Preaching (by a Smooth Preacher). N. Y., 1823. Curious. 12 p. Sermon on Human Depravity, by E. Q. Sewell, Unit. Amherst, N. H., 1825 Reply to Rev. of Dr. Beecher's Sermon, by Dr. Beecher. 1825. 59p. 491 Sermon before Church Schol. Soc., Middletown, Conn., by Sam. Farmar Jarvis. 1835. Walter King's Farewell Disc., with Appendix, giving an account of Ground of Difficulty between Pastor and Soc. Norwich, Conn., 1811 2722 Miscellaneous. Very valuable lot. [Eleven.l Consti. and Canons of Prot. Epis. Church in N. Y. 1812. Scarce. Canons for the Govt. of Prot. Epis. Ch. in U. S. N. Y., 1808. Scarce. Sermon before Con. of Prot. Epis. Ch. in N. Y., by Isaac Wilkins. 1804. Statement of Facts in Defence of Cong'l Church, Fall River, against certain Charges of Unchristian Conduct of A. Bron-: son. Prov., 1835 Catalogue of Rare, Curious and Valuable Books, by Bangs, Richards and Pratt. N. Y. Essay on the Origin and Antiquity of the Scots and Irish Nations, with an Oration before the Caledonian Soc., by D. Fraser. New York, 1800. Very scarce. The Lives of Errminent British Statesmen, by T. B. Macaulay. N. Y., 1835. 125 pages. Dble. col. Description of the Croton Aqueduct, by John B. Jervis. Fine copy. (With scarce Woodcut of Fountain in the Park and of Harlem Bridge.) N. Y., 1842. 31 p. Scarce. View of the Civil Admin. and Polit. Char. of Napol. Bonaparte. N. Y., 1821. 31 pages. Descrip. of Rome. N. Y., 1840 Wealth and Wealthy Citizens of N. Y. 1812. Scarce. 2723 Miscellaneous. [Thirteen.] Nat'l Preachers. Various yrs. 1826-1834 incl. /0 Liberal Preacher. Nos. 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7. Vol. II. 1828. The Amer. Pulpit. Vol. II. No. 3. 1846. 2724 Miscellaneous. [Eight.] -Walker's Hibernian Magazine for Oct., 1801. Mechanics' " " 1834. Vol. 4. No. 4. American Quart. Temp. Magazine for May, 1833. No. 2. c" cc " for Nov., 1834. No. 4. s5 Monthly Magazine for ]Mar., 1818. 2 of Vol. 45. No. 309. Engraving of the "Scoliophis Atlanticus," the Great Serpent of the North American Seas. Knickerbocker Magazine for Sept., 1851. Vol. 38. No. 3. (" " for iMar., 1852. Vol. 39. No. 3. Hopkinsian Magazine for year 1824. Vol. I. 12 Nos..2725 Miscellaneous. [Ten.] Monthly Repository for June, July, Oct., 1830. Vol. I. I 9" " " cc 1831. Vol. II. 492 Monthly Monitor for Sept., 1835. Vol. III. No. 3. Cheap Magazine for yrs. 1813-14. Vols. I. and II. Nos. 6 and 12. "Moral Reformer." Dr. Alcott. Vol. II. Boston, 1836 Journal Inutile. New York, Nov. 13, 1824. Vol I. No. 1. -20s 2726 Moses Stuart. L Twelve. ] Is the Mode of Christ. Baptism prescribed in the New Testament? By M. Stuart. Andover, 1833 Two Disc. on the Atonement, by M. Stuart. Andomer, 1824 Letters on the Eternal Generation of the Son of God, by M. Stuart. 1822. Two Letters to M. Stuart on Relig. Lib., by Bernard Whitman. Bost., 1830 A Reply to the Review of Whitman's Letters to Prof. Stuart, by Bernard Whitman. Bost. 1831 Views in Theology. Vol. IV. Nov. 1833 to May 1835. " " "No. XVI. May, 1835. N. Y., 1835 Study of the Orig. Languages of the Bible, by M. Stuart. Andover, 1827 Letters addressed to Trinitarians and Calvinists, by Henry Ware. Cam., 1820 Letters on Theological Speculations in Conn. 1832. A Sermon by Edward R. Tyler. New Haven, 1831 The "Spirit of the Pilgrims." Vol. IV. No. 3. Mar., 1831 /2X.2727 Miscellaneous. Choice Lot. [Thirteen.] Essays on Money, Exchanges and Political Economy: shewing the Cause of the Fluctuation in Prices and of the Depreciation in the Value of Property of late Years. By Henry James. No. I. 41 pages. London, 1820 Essays on Money, &e. No. II. 216 pages. London, 1820 Religion and Politics, by Robert Dick. Glasgow, 1837. 72 p. Literary Beauty of the Bible. By Robt. Jones. Staines (Eng.), 1837. 35 p. Education based on Scriptural Principles, &c., by R. Weaver. Lond. 1838. 44 p. The Causes of Deism and Atheism, by Geo. Harris. Lond. 18-23. 87 p. Socialism in its moral tendencies compared with Christianity (as propounded by Robt. Owen), by John E. Giles. Lond. 1839. 95 pages. 493 Improvements in Education as it respects the Industrious Classes. By Joseph Lancaster. Lond., 1803. Very scarce. 66 p. Mr. Blores' Statement of Corresp. witll Rich. Phillips respecting "The Antiquary's Magazine. Stamford (Eng.), 1808. 31 pages. A Letter from the King to His People. Lond. 1821. Scarce Essays on Government, Jurisprudence, Liberty of the Press and Law of Nations, by Jas. Mill. Not for sale. 33 pages. Hints on Banking, in a Letter to a Gentleman in Albany, by a New Yorker. New York, 1827. 43 pages. Considerations on the Accumulation of Capital and its Effects on Profits. London, 1822 2728 Miscellaneous. [Twenty-three.] Account of the Life of John Wickliffe and of Hugh Latimer. - Practical Disc. on the Communion. - Life and Martyrdom of Cranmer and of John Ilooper. - Loyalty, Episcopacy, and Confirmation. - Parochial Minister Affect. Expostul. - Guide to the Church. - Preparation for Death. - Sunday Evening Recollections. - Explanation of Church Catechism. - Short reasons for Communion. - Two Dial. between Tho's Steady and William Candid. - Doctrine and Discipline Ch. of Eng'd. - Churchman's reasons for Baptism. (2.) Hints on Public Worship. - The Sum of the Whole Scripture. - Life and Martyrdom of Tho's Bilney and of Jas. Bainham. -First Homily of the United Church of England. 2729 Miscellaneous. [Thirty.] Mdmeoirs of John Woolman. Phila., 1822.- On Divine Grace. Phila., 1818. - Thoughts on Importance of Religion. Phila., 1819. - Truth and Divine Origin of Christ. Rev. Phila., 1826. - The Anc. Christ. Principle. Phila., 1818. - Christian Instruction. - Extracts from Dr. Rush's,' Essay on Ardent Spirits. -A Christian Memento. - Anecdotes of Gambling. By M. L. Weems. - Religious Duties, — Nature and Efficiency of Cross of Christ. — Memoir of II. G. - Influence of the HIoly Spirit. - Biog. Notices of Emlen, Pemberton, &c. — On Education of Children. Swear not at all. - Life and Death of Job Scott.- Observations on Theatrical Amusements. - Christianity and Infidelity Contrasted. -Memoirs of Caroline E. Smelt. — On Worship, Ministry and Prayer. - Comfort and Counsel. 494 - Comfort and Counsel. - What shall we do to be Saved? - On the Holy Scr iptures. - Thoughts on Reason and Revelation. - On Detracti on. - The True Christian Faith. - Faith in Jesus Christ. - Some Account of J- S. Instances of Early Piety. S 2730 Miscellaneous Tracts. [Thirty.] Const. of N. E. Tract Society... 18S29 The Happy Negro... 1815 The Dairyman's Daughter. ~. 1825 The Shepherd of Salisbury Plain... 1821 Prayer for Revival of Relig... 1820 Reflections on the seven days... 1820 Sixteen Short Sermons.... 1818 The Hermit. Account of Abigail Hutchinson. By Jon'n Edwards. The Seaman's Compass... 1818 Conversion of a Mahometan... 1820 A Sermon on War. Channing... 1819 Short Address to Sick Persons... 1822 Word to a Minister.... 18'25 The Dairyman... 1821 Two Pious Letters. 1.. 1822 Account of Charles Grafton... 1821 Address to a Sabbath School Child... 1821 The New Birth. Advice from a Master to his Apprentice. The Happy Waterman. Little Henry. Important Questions. Way to Convert a Cottage into a Palace. Conversion of Mrs. Eleanor Emerson. Life of Col. Jas. Gardiner. Conversion of the World. Corresp. between Member of Col. and Minister. Memoir of Tho's Hogg. Death-bed of a Free Thinker. Hlints on Relig. Education. Disc. on Divine Truth, by J. H. Church. The Village in the Mountains. Memoir of Mrs. Harriet Newell. Joy in Heaven. 5 2731 Miscellaneous. [Twenty-three.] Speech of Mr. King, of Georgia, March 18, 1840. Washington. - " " Dunn. of Ind., May 14, 1838. " - " " Rives, of Va., Feb. 6, 1838 " " " Carroll, of N. Y., July 1, 184. 495 Speech of Mr. Hudson, of Mass., April 10, 1844. " Crittenden, of Ky,, April 16, 1846. " Sergeant, of Pa., June 24, 1840 " Dix, of N. Y., Feb. 18, 1846. cc" " Stewart, of Pa., Dec. 9, 1845. " " Evans, of Me., March 17, 1842. " Slade, of Vt., Dec. 23, 1835 " White, of Tenn., Feb. 16, 1835. " Nicoll, of N. Y., Feb. 15, 1848. " Giddings, of Ohio, June 30, 1848. D"' uer, of N. Y., Feb. 14, 1848. " Seaman, of N. Y., July 23, 1846. " Marsh, of Vt., April 22, 1846. " Miller, of N. Y., July 1, 1846. " " Campbell, of N. Y., April 8, 1846. " Rives, of Va., Aug. 17, 1842. Letter of H. Van Rensselaer to his Const., Aug., 1842. Speech of Mr. Tallmadge, of N. Y., May 22, 1840. cc" " Ketchum, in Senate of N. Y., 1841. 2732 Miscellaneous. [Thirty-one.] Speech of Albert Constable, of Md., March 11, 1846. Wash. " Mr. Berrien, of Ga. April 9, 1844- " " Morrison, of N. Y. Albany, 1845 " Barnard, of N. Y., Feb. 13, 1844. Washington. C" c" Potter, of R. I., March, 1844. " " Proffitt, of Ind., Feb. 13, 1840. " Report of " McKeon, of N. Y., Feb. 2, 1837. Letter of " B. W. Leigh to Gen. Assem., Va., Mar. 2, 1836. Speech of Mr. Hardin, of Ky., Jan. 28, 1836. Remarks of Mr. Webster, of Mass., Dec., 1840. Speech of Mr. Morris, of Pa., April 24, 1844. " Tallmadge, of N. Y., June 17, 1836. cc c" McKeon, of N. Y., Jan. 17, 1837. cc" " Adams, Mass., Jan. 22, 1836. *"6 " Phillips, Mass., Feb. 16, 1836. W" cWalker, of Miss., Jan. 28, 1837. c" " Maison, on Power of Expulsion. " Robbins, of R. I., Feb. 18, 1836. " Evans, of Maine, Jan. 28, 1836. c " Duer, of N. Y., July 29, 1848. "'" Bernard, of N. Y., March 25, 1840. " Adams, of N. Y., Sept. 4, 1841. cc " Campbell, of N. Y., Jan. 27, 1846. Letter of Hugh L. White, of Tenn., 1840. Speech of Mr. Clay, Jan. 20, 1840. cc" " Ogle, of Pa., on Life and Char. of'W. H. Harrison, April 16, 1840. Speech of Mr. Waddy Thompson, March 24, 1840. " Winthrop, of Mass., Dec. 30, 1841. " Clay, of Ky., Aug. 19, 1841. " " McKeon, of N. Y., July 5, 1842. " Sergeant, of Pa., June 24, 1840. 496 s 2733 Miscellaneous. fEight.l Tracts on Several Important Topics of Religion. By George Weller. Phila., 1830 Disc. on the Inventions of men in Worship of God. By Winm. King. Phila., 1828 The Doctrine of the Sacraments. By Barrow. " 1829 Regeneration. By Dr. Waterland. " 1829 Short and Easy Method with the Deists. By Charles Leslie. Phila., 1830 Two Letters to Bishop Hoadley in defence of Episcop. By Win. Law. Third do do do /02734 Miscellaneous. Small valuable lot. [Seventeen.] Full Length Port. of Calvinism. By an Old-Fashioned Churchman. (Rev. Dr. Bowden.) N. Y., 1809. 55 pages. Sermon, St. Peter's. Albany, 1816 Declaration of Faith, 3d Baptist Ch. Boston, 1818 Const. of Prayer-Book Assoc. Address Mass. Society for Suppression of Intemperance. By Charles Sprague, May 31, 1827. Scarce. Boston. Reasons for Change of Sentiment and Practice on the Subject of Baptism. By J. A. Haldane. Edinburgh, 18(09 Catiline: His Conspiracy. A Tragedy. By Ben Jonson. Rub. titles, 107 p. Fine copy. Lond., 1739 Private Thoughts upon the Relics of Antiquity. 72 p. Phila., 1826 Narrative of a Voyage from Dublin to Quebec, in N. A. By Jas. Wilson. 36 p. Dublin, 1822 Hand Book of Information for Emigrants to New Brunswick. By M. A. Perley. Map and plates. St. Johns, 1854 The Union of the States. By Anna Carroll. Boston, 1856 The Emigrant's Manual-America. 133 pages. Remarks upon pamphlet entitled-" Inquiry into the Validity of Methodist Episcopacy." Uncut, scarce. Balto., 1808 Character of a Methodist. Uncut. N. Y., 1808 The Experience of Wm. Keith. Scarce, uncut. Utica, 1806 A Compendium of Logic. Uncut. Balto., 1808 Leslie's Short and Easy Method with the Deists. Baltimore, 186 2735 Miscellaneous. [Twelve.] Annual Report, Bank Commerce. N. Y., 1840 Reports of Commissioners of Bank, State of Alabama. Tuscaloosa, 1840 of Branch Bank of Alabama at Huntsville. Tuscaloosa, 1840 President and Cashier, Bank of Ala. at Huntsville, 1840. Commiss. Br. Bank of Alabama, at Mobile, 1840 President do do Commiss. do at Decatur," do Planters' Bank, at Mobile, 497 Assembly, N. Y. Doec. No. 2, 1841. Correspondence between Governor of New York and Virginia. 1839. Assembly, New York, Doec. No. 5, 1841 do do No. 13, 1841. 2736 Miscellaneous. [Twelve.] The Bible and Its Literature. By E. Robinson, N1 Y., 1841 Claims of Civil and Ecclesiastical Hist. By Geo. W. Eaton. Utica, 1841 The Duty and Rewards of Original Thinking. By Geo. W. Eaton. Hamilton, 1842 Voluntary Associations. Discourse by D. D. Pratt. Nashua, 1841 The Finances of the Canal Fund of New York, in a letter to the Hon. Stephen Allen and G. B. Throop, from Geo. Tib-s bits. Albany, 1829 Report of the Canal Commissioners of Pa. Harrisburg, 1831 Ninth Report of Bank of Savings in New York. 1828 Constitution and By-Laws of New York Athenmeum. N. Y., 1825 Discourse By Rich. Fuller, of S. C., on "The Cross." Phila., 1841 The Moral Law of Accumulation. By F. Wayland. Prov., 1837 Discourse at Opening the Prov. Athenaum, July 11, 1838, by F. Wayland. The Necessity of Religion. By James Griffin, with Biographical Sketch of R. S. McAll. Lond., 183 9 2737 Miscellaneous. [Seven]. George Washington's Message to Congress relative to France and Great Britain. Scarce. Phila., 1795s~ Letters of Secretary of State to Mri. Monroe, March 23, 1808. Part II. Letter of Secretary of State to Mr. Monroe. Part III. Letters from Mr. Monroe to Secretary of State. Part IV. I'apers on French Affairs-Armstrong to Monroe. 1808. Letter from Mr. Erskine to Secretary of State. 1 808. Letter from M. Champigny to General Armstrong. 1808 2738 Miscellaneous. [Fifteen.] Letter from Secretary Treasury, MIarch 3, 1809 do January 6, 1810 Report of Com. on Coins, December 27, 1810 Letter from Secretary of Treasury, December 31, 1810 2 Mlessage President, February 23, 1810 January 12, 1810 DIocument on the Approp. Bill, January 30, 1810 Message President United States, January 15, 1811 63 498 Report Secretary Treasury, Feb. 4, 1811 Letter do " 7, " Message, President, " 5, "11, Letter, Secretary Treasury, " 7, Report of Com. of Corn. and Mvanuf., February 25, 1811 Letter of Secretary of Treasury, February 6, i811 /0 2739 Congressional Documents. 1838-1840. 2 volumes. Valuable lot. 5 2740 Miscellaneous. [Eleven.] Tract Upon Conversion, by James RKemlp. Balto., 1807 Duplicity Exposed. Relig. Education. Sermon by James Montgomery. f/i7la., 18-26 J. F. Schroeder's Sermon, Eleventh Anniversary New York Protestant Episcopal Sunday School Society, 1i823 Pastoral Advice to Young Persons. Lon/d., 1821 Bishop Hobart's Address on Confirmoation. P1ila, 1828 Pastor's Address to Young People. Answer to "Why are you a Clhurclman?" 1829 Regeneration Stated and Explained, by Dr. Waterland. 1829 Tracts on Impoitant Topics of Religion. By Geo. W eller. 1830 Answer to " Why are you a CIhurchman?" 1829 O 2741 Miscellaneous. [Fourteen.] Declar. of Principles of True Believer's —Infidel. Human Nature; or, the Moral Science of Man. Conjectures on Theology. The Right of Free Discussion.. Y., 1829 The Third Gen'l Epistle of Peter. Balto., 1832 The Memoir of Light. Proc. of Infidel Conv. in P. Y., 1845 Vale's " Citizen of the World. No. 3 NV.:., 1850 c" 28 " 1851 "31 " "._ —---— _-'" 1, Vol. II. The Independent Beacon. Essay on the Astronomy and Worship of the Ancients. Paley Refuted in his own Words, by G. J. Holyoake. Lond.. Cometarium; or the Astronomy of Comets, by G. Vale..Y. Y. 1832 6 2742 Miscellaneous. [Ten-.] Constitution of New York, November 10, 1821, Adopted. Address to Legislature of New York. Fifth Report New York Institution for Deaf and Dumb, 1824 Constitution of New York, November 10, 1821, Adopted. Channing's Sermon, Ordin. of Jared Sparks. Balto., 1819 Army Reports, 1822 Letter to Arch. McIntyre, Comp. N. Y., 1819 499 Letters of Philo-Cato to Be Witt Clinton, on Aaron Burr. Rare. Topographical and Statistical Manual of New York, 1822 Proclamation by the President, James Monroe. 2743 Miscellaneous. [Tweinty-three.] First, Second, and Fourth Annual Reports Prot. Epis. Ch. Missionary Society, 1845,'6,'8, N. Y. Sermon before P. E. Missionary Society of New York, by Alexander H. Vinton. 1848 Fifth, Sixth, and Seventh Annual Reports P. E. Missionary Soc. of N. Y., 1849,'50,'51.? Const. of Educ. and Miss. Soc. of N. Y., 1832. Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth Report Educ. and Miss. Society of N. Y., 1839,'40,'41. Report of St. Luke's Home. N. Y., 1852 Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Annual Reports of St. Luke's Home, 1855,'56,'57. Co-st. of the Orphan's Home in N. Y., 1852,'54. Annual Reports of Orphan's Home in N. Y., 2d, 3d, and 4th Second Annual Report of Church Char. Foundation. Rules of the Society for the Relief of Widows, &c. Charleston, S. C., 1819 Jubilee Tract. Lond., 1849 2741 Miscellaneous. (Seven.) W. E. Channing's Sermon at Ord. of J. Sparks. Balto., 1819 Letter to Rev. S. C. Thacher. Boston, 1815 Samuel Worcesters' Letter to Rev. W. E. Channing. " " Second Letter to Rev. W. E. Channing. - Third do do W. E. Channing's Remarks on Dr. W orcester's Second Letter. Boston, 1815 Review of the Unit. Controv. 2745 Miscellaneous. (Thirteen.) Personality and Work of the Holy Spirit, by Alex. McCaul. Lond., 1837 Two Letters:First-Between a Papist and a Jew. SecondProtestant and Jew. Lond., 1819 Account of Conversion of Theo. John, a Jew. Lond., 1819 Popular Objection —Prom. Christ. among the Jews. Lond., 1821 Address both to Christians and Jews, by E. Bichersteth. p Lond., 1838 Mosaism, Rabbinism, and Christ., by Alex. McCaul. " 1834 Letter from a Christian to a Jew. " 1832 Account of the Death of a Jewish Girl. The True Israelite. Lond., 1829 A Minister's Address to his Flock. " 1839 The Prophecies Concerning the Messiah. " 1827 Solemn and Affecting Address to the Children of Abraham. Lond., 1824 Proofs that the Messiah must have Come. " 1841 500 p`2746 Miscellaneous. [Vineteen7.] Outline of the Testimony of Scripture, by H. Ware. Boston, 1832 Samuel Eddy's Reasons for Withdrawing fronom the Baptist Church in Prov. Boston, 1841 The Worship of the Father. By W. E. Channing. 1838 On the Exclusive System. By Jas. Walker. Bostows, 1832 The Philos. of Man's Spiritual Nature. By James Walker. Boston, 1834 The Law of Spiritual Life. By Jas. Walker. " 1835 The Doct. of Two Natures in Jesus Christ. By Alvan Lamson. Boston, 1828 The Apostle Paul a Unitarian. " 1828 Scriptural Arguments for the Unitarian Faith. " 1833 Explanation of Isaiah 9: 6, and John 1: 1. By Geo. R. Noyes. Boston, 1833 The Doctrines of the Trinity. " 1833 Virtue the End of Ml[an's Creation. By James D. Green. Boston, 1837 Christ as a Purely Internal Principle. By Convers Francis. Boston, 1836 On the Atonement. By E. B. Hall.'" 1839 Piety and Morality. By George Whitney. " 1835 Reason and Revelation. By A. A. Livermore. " 1838 The Doctrine of Pronouns Applied to Christ's Testimony of Himself By Noah Worcester. Bostonz, 1827 On the Original Text of the New Testament. " 1829 The New Test. Conformed to Griesbach's Text. " 1829 x' 2747 Miscellaneous. [Twenty-two.] Speech of S. M. Hopkins. Albany, 182'2 Correspondence between J. Q. Adams, etc. Boston, 1829 Report of Committee on Banks, &c. Alban2y, 1829 Speech of Mr. Holmes on Removals from Office. House of Representatives. Document No. 82. Free Trade. Governor Throop's (N. Y.) Message, January 3, 1852 Jackson's Veto Message Bank Bill. - Message, December 3, 1833. WVebster's Speech, February 16, 1833. Clay's Speech, December 26, 1833. do do House of Representatives. Document No. 312 and 313. Removal of Public Department. McDuffie's Speech on the Removal of Public Department. Webster's Speech, May 7, 1834. Inquiry into the Causes of the Public Distress. N. 1r, 1834 Proofs that Credit, as Money, Preferable to Coin, &c. Gouge's History of Paper Money, &c. N. Y., 1835 Proceedings of Meeting of Whig Young Men in N. Y., 1834 Post-Office Department Report, 1834 Seward's Speech on Marcy's Six Mfilion Mortgage. Starr's Address to Whig Convention. Utica, 1824 501 2748 Miscellaneous. [Eleven.] First Annual Report of American Temperance Society. Andover, 1827 First Report of American Home Missionary Society. N. Y., 1827 Second Report of Amer. Home Miss. Soc. 1V. Y., 1828 Third Report of Amer. Home Miss. Soc. NV. Y., 1829 Fifth Report of Amer. S. S. Union. Phila., 18296 First Report of Amer. Tract Soc. N. Y., 1826 Fourth Report of Amer. Tract Soc. " 1829 Thirteenth Report of Amer. Bible Soc. " 1829 Second Report of Prison Discip Soc. Bovt;on, 1827 Third Report of Prison Discip. Soc. " 1828 Sixteenth Report of Receipts and Expenditures of -Boston, May 1, 18'28. Scarce. 2749 Miscellaneous. [Eleven.] James Abercrombie's Sermon, T3ay 9, 1798, Philadelphia. (National Fast.) Scarce. Sermon on De)ath Alex. Hamilton, July 22, 1804, Philadelphla. Scarce. Sermon, June 15, 1808, Philadelphia. Lectures on the Catechism. Phila., 1807 --.- Charge to Senior Class, Philadelphia Academy,6 July 27, 1804. do do July 31, 1805 do do July 31, 1806 do do July 30, 1807 do do July 30, 1808 -do do July 27, 1809 James P. Miorris, Val. Oration, Senior Class, Philadelphia Academy July 27, 1809. 2750 Miscellaneous. [Thirteen.] Catal. of General Theological Seminary, New York, 1836-'37, 1837-'38, 1838-'39, 1 839-'40, 1840-'41, 1841-'42, 1845-'46. Publication of the Assoc. Alumni, New York, 1840, 1857 Minutes of the As:oc. AlIumni, New York, 1841 The Constitution and By-Laws, Protestant Episcopal Church in New York, 1832. Catalogue of Theological Seminary in Diocese of Virginia. Washington, 1840-'41 City ~Mission Society. N. Y., 1838 2751 Miscellaneous. Good lot. [Twelve.] The New York State Register for 1844. By O. L. Holley. Uncut, scarce. The Fatal Effects of Ardent Spirits. Sermon by Eben Porter.6 Hartforld, 1811 Desilver's U. S. Register and Almanac for 1837. Frontis., 48 p., fine copy. 502 Two Discourses on the Atonement. By Moses Stuart. Andover, 1824 Report of the School Corn. Recommending Various Improvements ill the System of Instruction in Grammar Schools. Fine copy. Boston, 1828 Regulations of the School Corn. of Boston, 1827 Report of School Com. of Boston, 1826 Porter's Health Almanac, 1832. 80 p. uncut. Phila. Remarks on Judg(e Hertell's Argument on Right of Property to Married Women, 1839 The Advantages and Disadvantages of the farried State. By John Johnson. Boston, 1809 The Marriage Question. By Parsons Coolke. " 1842 Speech of I)r. Matthews on the "Lawfulness of Marrying a Deceased Wife's Sister." N. Y., 1843 S 2752 Miscellaneous. [Seven.] Report of Corn. &c., on Correspondence of Madison and Mion roe. fWash., 1808 Letters from Secretary of State to Monroe, &e. " " do do " 1806 - onroe to Secretary of State. " 1808 Papers Relating to Fr Affairs. " " Letter from British Minister to Secretary of State." " Champagny to General Armstrong. "?2753 Miscellaneous. [Nine.] WVebster. Speech on the Removal of the Deposits. 1831 - May 7, 1834 Clay's Speech, December 26, 1833 Report of Corn. of WVays and Means, March 4, 1834 Message of President, May 2, 1834-Naval Affairs. Letter from Secretary of Treasury, Dec. 17, 1833. - Navy, Jan. 27; 1835. Report of Secretary of War, Nov. 29, 1833. House of Representatives. Dloc. No. 295. Equalize Pay — Army and Navy, 1833. g 2751 Miscellaneous. Sp7endid lot. [Eighteen.]. Part the First of an Address to the Public, from the Soc. for the Suppression of Vice. 106 p. Lond., 1803 Harmony between the Teachings of Nature and of Christianity. By R. E. 13. Maclellan. Edclinb., 1839 Sketches from thie Note-Book of Laurie Todd. By Grant Thorb-urn. Port. 32p. Scarce. N. Y., 1847 Lectures on the Catechism, on Confirmation, etc. By James Abercrombie. 238 p. Phila., 1811 Mlemorandum of a visit to Hospitals, Prisons, etc., in France, Scotland, and England. Phila., 1840 Am. Copyright Club. Address to the U. S., Oct. 18, 1843. v. Y. 503 Speech of -Mr. Frelinghuysen on Sabbath Mails. Washingtoe, 1830 Explanation of views of Soc. for Employing Female Poor. Cclnzb., 1825 Answer to Rev. of " Episcopacy tested by Scripture." Phila., 1834 Corresp. respecting Russia, between R. G. Harper and Robert Walsh. Fiske copy, 140 p. Scarce. Phila., 1813 Memorial of Henry D. Gilpin, John T. Sullivan and others, Directors of the U. S. Bank. 55 p. 1833 Can there be a Church without a Bishop? N.:1, 1844 Lecture on the Importance of a Christian Basis for the Science of Polit. Economy. By Bp. Hughes. Scarce. Xn. Y., 1844 Lec'ure on the Mixture of the Civil and Ecclesiastical Power in the Governments of the Middle Ages, Dec. 18, 1843. By Bp. Hughes. Persecutions of Popery. I-istorical Narratives of. B3y Fred. Shobert. 183 p. N1.:., 1844 Lectures on Geology. By Charles Lyell. To which is added a Lecture on the different Races of'Men. By J. A. Smith. Frontis.; Rept. by 11. J. Raymond. Scarce. NA Y., 1843 A Mlemoir on Ireland, Native and Saxon. By Daniel O'Connell. The Constitution of Man Considered in relation to External Objects. By George Combe. 60 p., dble. col. Scarce. N. Y., 1835 2755 Miscellaneous. Good lot. [Tea.] Letters to Lord Hawkesbury, on the Treaty of Amiens. By Win. Cobbett. 111 p. Leond., 1802 The Tri Color; Devoted to Political Literature, etc. By Robert Greenhow. Nos. I to 4, idcl. IV. Y., 1830 The Unitarian Chronicle, April, 18332. No. 3. English. Substance of the Speech of Sir Win. Scott, relative to the 6 Non-residence of the Clergy. 58 p. Lonad., 1802 Reports of the Leading Decisions of IHigh Court of Admiralty in Cases of vessels sailing under British Licences. By Thomas Edwards. 55 p. Scarce. Lond., 1802 The Pastor's New Year's Gift. JIciachester, Eag., 1787 Addresses by Win. Wirt, Frelinghuysen, and David P. Brown, at Rutgers College, 1830. Scarce. Lecture. " The Study of Science favorable to Religion." By Samuel Luke. Chester, _aEg., 1838 2756 Miscellaneous. [Twelve.] Dissertation on the Nature of Christian:' Faith. By John Erskine. 67 p. Ediab., 1804 Defence of Public Education. By Winm. Vincent. 48 p. Loid., 1802 Consider. on the Gen'l Conditions of the Christ. Covenant. By Joseph Holden Pott. 126 p. Load., 1805 504 Considerations Affording Consolation to the Afflicted. By Rev. James Hervey. 20 p. Scarce. Phila., 1793 A Few plain reasons why we shotuld believe in Christ. By Richard Cunmberland. 46 p. Lowed., 1801 A Few remarks on an Address to the Roman Catholics of the United States of America. Worcester, Egg. An Essay on the Law of Celibacy imposed on the Clergy of the Roman Catholic Church. By Rev. J. Hawkins. 195p. Woercester, Ezg. Disquisitions on Several Subjects. By Soame Jenyns. Phila., 1790 Two Letters from a late Dissenting Teacher, proving that the Doctrines, Discipline and Government of the Church of England, are truly Primitive, and Apostolical. By Tho's Foster. 180 p. Scarce. Lond., 1764 Discourse from a New Eng. Pastor, to his Flock, March 26, 1826. Wellington Banquet at Dover, Aug. 30, 1839. Speech of Mr. Rives of Virginia, on the Public Revenue. 1837., 2757 Miscellaneous. [Thirteen.] By-Laws of New York Prot. Epis. Pub. School, etc., 1841. Geneva Coill. Catal,, 1837. Regist., 184()-'41-'43. Hobart Free Coll. Geneva, N. Y., 1852 and'54. Account of Grammar School of St. Paul's Col., N. Y., 1842. St. Paul's Col., Flushing, L. I., 1847. Rev. of Jubilee Col., Ill., 1843. Opening of St. James' Hall, Hagerstown, Md., 1842. Studies, Discip., etc., of St. James' Hall. Prospectus of St. Timothy's Hall, AMd., 1846. Prog. of Exam. and Exhib., at St. Timothy's Hall, 1847,'48,'49. 7th and 8th Ann. Rept. of Patapsco Fern. list., MId. 1847,'48.,f 2758 Miscellaneous. [Seventeenz.] Message, Prest. U. S., Jan. 17, 1809. Doc. accomp. Message, May 23, 1809. Message, Pres't U. S., June 16, 1809. Doc. accomnp. Mess., Nov. 29, 1809. Message, Prest. U. S., Dec. 18, 1809. - Feb. 1, 1810. - Feb. 19, 1810. April 2, 1810. - May 1, 1810. - Dec. 31, 1810. Jan. 12, 1811.- Jan. 14, 1511. - Jan. 31, 1811. Nov. 6, 1811. - Nov. 8, 1811. - Nov. 6, 1811.Feb, 19, 1811. 505 2759 Miscellaneous. [Seven.] Annual Rev. of Bus. of Chicago, for 1852. The Rail Roads, History and Commerce of Chicago, 1853. S The same, for 1854-5-6-7. J. L. Scripp's Leet., on the Undeveloped Northern Portion of the American Continent. Chicago, 1856 2760 Miscellaneous, Tracts, Etc. [Sixteen.] 2761 Miscellaneous. [Fifteen.] Sermon, preached in Christ Church, Phila., 5iay 9, 1798, by James Abercrombie. - on Death of Alex. Hamilton, by James Abercrolmbie. 6 Phila., 1804 on Liturgy of Pro. is. Ch. Phila., 1808 Charge, Phila. Acad, July 27, 1804, by James Abercrombie. " 31, 1806, " " 30, 1807," " " 30, 1808, " " 27, 1809, " " Valed. Oration, Phila. Acad., July 27, 1809, by Jas. P. Morlris. Charge Phila. Acad., July 26, 1810, by Jas. Abercrombie. Documents relative to the Celebration of a late Marriage. Scarce. Phila., 1809 Discrip. of the Yellow Springs in Pa. Lectures on the Catechism, by James Abercrombie. 1811 Two Sermons. Fast. By James Abercrombie. Phila., 1812 Funeral Sermon, by James Abercrombie. " 1814 2762 Miscellaneous. Scarce lot. [Ten.] Money; its Use and Abuse by Christians. Loend., 1837 Efficiency of Primitive Missions. By Baron Stow. Boston, 1838 Delineation of the Charac. Featires of a Revival of Religion in Troy, in 1826-'27. By J. Brockway. Ga p. Melody; The Sotl of Music. An Essay toward the improvement of the Musical Art; with an Appendix, containing an Account of an Invention. 82p. ((furious.) Glasgow, 17986 Truth in Pursuit of Wardle; being a Letter to Col. G. L. W'ardle, on his scheme for introducing Frenchmen into the Militia. Written by J. Farquharson. Lond., 1808 An Examination and Complete Refutation of the observations contained in Col. Wardle's Letter to Lord Ellenborough. By Erinaceus. Lonud., 1809 Remarks on the New Edition of Bellendenus, with some Observations on the Extraordinary Preface. Loud., 1787 An Exposition of the Causes and Character of the Late War with Great Britain. By James Madison. 101 p. Lond., 1815 64 506 Letter to the Hon. Thomas Erskine. 1S0 p. An Address to the People of Great Britain. By R. Watson. Lond., 1798 /l 2763 Miscellaneous. Vatuable. [Twenty-two.] Sermons by Burgess, 1841; Bp. Johns, 1838; Bp. Henshaw, 1823; T. E. Yermilye, 1841. 6th Rept. N. Y. Female Benev. Soc., 1838. The " Preaching and Procedure," of Rev. Samuel Nott. (For distribution among the People at Wareham, Mass.) 1839 Rept. of the N. Y. Maternal Assoc., for 1837 and 1839. "The Messiah;" a Sacred Oratorio, by Handel. With notes. N. Y., 1834 On the Management of Children in Sickness and in Health. By Dr. G. Ackerly. N. Y., 1836 Letter to the Rev. Noah Porter, in reference to Dr. Bellamy's doctrines. 23d Report of Soc. for Promot. Permanent and Univ. Peace. Loved., 1839 Baptism by Affusion and Sprinkling. Performance of Sacred Music, in Allen Street Church. N. Y., 1839 The Venereal Disease, its primary cause explained, and the possibility of its being fully prevented described. By James Glenn. 1857 Quarterly Register of the Amer. Educ. Soc., Feb. 1831. Vol. III. No. 3. Lives and Opinions of Butler and Jesse Hoyt. By Win. L. Mackenzie. 152 p. Very scarce. Boston, 1845 The Life of Beau Brummell. By Capt. Jesse. Two vols. in one. 1 64 p. 1844 Change for the American Notes. 88 p. N. Y., 1843 American Notes for General Circulation. By Cha's Dickens. N. X7., 1842 W elcome to Charles Dickens; The Boz Ball, Jan. 26. Scarce. 1842 Bubbles from the Brunnens of Nassau, by an Old Man. 89 _p. Curious. N. Y. 1836 g 2764 Political. [Eight.] CLAY, HENRY. Speech of, on Removal of tile Deposits, Dec. 30, 1833. Uncut. Who Shall be Governor? Strong or Sullivan? or the Sham Patriot unmasked. 1806. 8vo, uncut, 30 pages. GRIMKE, T. S. Letter to J. C. Calhoun, R. Y. Hayne, Geo. lcDuffie and others. 8vo, 1' pages. Phila., 1832. BATES, BENJN. Memorial and Petition of the Religious Society of Friends to the Legist. of Va., 1812. Svo, 14 pages. SARGENT, EZRA. A Book. 24 pages. N.., 1Q07. 507 The Martling Man. Says I to myself, How is this? 5 Nos., 23 pages, curious. Tammany Hall doc. about 1810. CHEVEs, LANGDON. Speech of, Jan. 18, 1812, on the Navy. 11 pages. Remarks on the Auction System, etc. 8vo, 20 pages. X. Y., 1831 2765 Political. [Thirteen.] BAYLIES, FRANCIS. Speech before the Whigs of Taunton, Sept. 13, 1837. 8vo, 16 pages, scarce. BARTON, CYRUS. Defence of, against the attacks of Isaac Hill, Sept. 7, 1840. 8vo, 16pages, uncut. MELISH, JOHN. Letters to Jas. Monroe, on the state of the Country. 8vo, 32 pages. Phila., 1820 WEBSTER, DAN'L. Speech of, at Richmond, Octo. 5, 1840. 8vo, 24 pages. Strictures on Nullification. 8vo, uncut, 73 pages. Boston, 1832 CUSHING, CALEB. Speech, Octo. 27 and 31, 1857. 8vo, 48 pages. 6 QUINcY, JOSIAH. Speech of, Jan. 14, 1811, on admitting the Orleans Territory. 8vo, dbl. cols., 11 p., scarce. EPPES. Speech, Feb. 9, 1811, Concerning Commercial Intercourse PORTER, P. B. Speech on Internal Improvements, Feb. 8, 1810. 8'vo, 18p. "NUMA." Letter to John Randolph. 8vo, 38 pages. WOODWARD, JOHN. "Plain Sense," on National Industry. 8vo, 51 pages. N. Y., 1820 Message from Prest. of U. S., July 10, 1832, with Biog. Sketch of Van Buren. 12mo, 48 pages. BLODGET, L. Commercial and Financial Strength of the U. S. as shown in the Balances of Foreign Trade, etc. 8vo, 39 pages. Phila., 1864 2766 Harvard College. [Fourteen.] CHANNING, W. E. Dudcleian Lecture, March 14, 1821. 36 pages. DEwEY, ORVILLE. Dudleian Lecture, May 14, 1836. Discourse on Miracles. 23 pages. Report of Com. of Overseers, Jan. 6, 1825. 225 pages. Report of Com. of Overseers, May 4, 1824. 11 pages. Remarks on Report of Corn., May 4, 1824. 12 pages. Remarks on Pamphlet, by Prof. and Tutors. By an Alumnus.,?' 58 pages. A Letter to John Lowell, etc., 1824. 102 pages. Further Remarks on the Memorial, etc., 1824. By an Alumnus. 36 pages. Letter to Gov. Lincoln, from F. C. Gray. 63 pages. The Annual Report of the President, 1825-6. Remarks on Changes lately proposed or adopted in Harvard University, by Geo. Ticknor. Speech, before Overseers of H. U., Feb. 3, 1825, by Andrew Norton. 34 pages. Report of Comr. of Overseers, Jan. 6, 1825. Memorial of Prof. and Tutors., March, 1824. 508 /%Z.2767 Rhode Island, etc. [VNine.] The close of the late Rebellion in Rhode Island, by a Mass. AMan. 1842. 8vo, 16 pages, scarce. The Affairs of Rhode Island. Discourse, May 22, 1842, by Francis Wayland. 8vo, 32 pages. Considerations on the Adoption of a Const. and extension of Suffrage in R. I.., by Elisha R. Potter, 1842. Svo, 64 pages. unctzt. An oAddress to the People of R. I., May 3, 1843, on occasion of change in the Civil Govt. of R. I., by Win. G. Goddard. 8vo, 80p., fine copy; scarce. Cape Cod Assoc. Const. of, with an account of the Celeb. of its First Anniv., at Boston, Nov. 11, 1854. 8vo, 80 pages. Calvert, Geo. H. Oration, on Fortieth Anniv. of Battle of Lake Erie, Sept. 10, 1853. 40 pages, Svo,fine copy, scarce. An Account of proc. of Battle of Lake Erie Monument Assoc. and Celeb. of 45th Anniv. at Put-in Bay Island, Sept. 10, 1858. 8vo, 49 pages. Sanduslzy, 1858 Inauguration of Perry Statue at Cleveland, Sept. 10, 1860, with sketch of Win. Walcutt, the Sculptor. 8vo, cl, frontis., 128 pages. Documents relating to Corn. O. HI. Perry and Capt J. D. Elliott. Svo, uncut, 22 pages, scarce. Washington, 1821 (f 2768 Rail Road. [Six.] Remarks on establishing a Rail Road from Boston to Conn. River. 8vo, uncut, 71 pages. Boston, 1827 Report on practicability of Rail Road from Boston to Hudson River and to Providence. Annexed Reports of Engineers, with plans and profiles of the Routes. 8vo, uncut, 119 pages. Boston, 1.829 Lecture on Rail Roads, deliv. Jan. 12, 1829, before M'iass. Mech. Assoc., by Wm. Jackson. 12rno, 36 p., scarce. Boston, 1829 N. Y. and Erie Rail Road Co. Address, Oct. 1814. Twenty Years war against the Rail Roads. Ross Winans vs. N. Y. Central. Letter of John D. Perry, Prest. of U. P. R. R., and Reports of Engineer and Geologist, Jan. 1868. il[aps, 28 pages. L 2769 Canal. Very scarce lot. [FiTve.] Observations on Canal Navigation, 1811. 8vo, 15 pages, with plan. Report of Com. to Explore the route of an inland Navig., from Hudson's River to Lake O:atsrio and Lake Erie. Autog. of P. B. Porter. 8vo, uncut, 35 pages, scarce. Albany, 1811 Report of Corn., for the consideration of all matters relating to Inland Navigation. 8Ko, 40 pages. Albany, 1812 Vindication of the claim of Elkanah Watson, to the Merit of projecting the Lake Canal Policy, and also a Vindication of the claim of the late General Schuyler. by Robert Troup. Autog.: "Presented to B. T. by hisfrienzd, E. Watson." 8vo, 38 pages; very scarce, beautifal copy. Geneva, 1821 509 A Letter to Hlon. Brockholst Livingston, on the Lake Canal Policy, with Supplement, by Robert Troup. 8vo, uncut, fine copy, 112 pages. Albany, 1822 2770 Miscellaneous. [Seven.] PARKER, THEODORE. Sermons of the Moral and Spiritual Con. dition of Boston. Feb. 1 1, 1849. Svo, uncut, 74 pp. Two Sermons on the 14th and 21st of Nov., 1852. Historical. 8vo, 59 pages. - Seurmon on the Dangers which threaten the Rights of Man in America. July 2, 1854. 8vo, 56 pages. / -'The New Crime against Humanity," the rendition of Burns, June 4, 1854. 8vo, 76 pages. - Sermon of Old age, Jan. 29, 1854. 8vo, 32 pages. The Nebraska Question. Some thoughts on the new assault upon Freedom in America, and of the general state of the Country, Feb. 12, 1854. 8vo, 72 pages. Sermon, on the dangerous classes in Society, Jan. 31, 1847. 8vo, 48 pages. 2771 Boston Schools. [Seventeen.] Dedication of Lincoln Grammar School House, Sept. 17, 1859. 24 pages. Course of Study for Grammlar Schools, 1868. Report on the IPublic Schools, 1867. Report of Special Com. on Physical Training in the Publice Schools, 1860. Annual Reports of Supt. of Public Schools for 1852-3-5-6 and 1860. Quarterly Reports for 1857-9. Semi-Annual Reports for 1.860-1-2-5-6 and'7. 2772 Boston. [Nine.] List of Persons, Copartnerships, etc., Taxed on Ten Thousand Dollars and upwards, for the years 1857,'59,'60,'63 and'64. Young Men's Christ. Assoc. Address, Msay 25, 1852. 1st anaiv., by Chas.'l'Theo. Russell. Assoc. of Franklin Medal Scholars, 1858. Young Men's Christ. Assoc. Address, by R obt C. Winthrop, 1859. 64 pages. Discourse before Bost. Mere. Assoc., by William Sullivan, Feb. 7, 1832. UnezcZt, scarce. 2773 Boston. [Seventeen.] List of Persons of the Town of Boston doomed, valued, assessed, taxed, for 1821. 206 pages, uncut. Ordinances of the City and Acts of Legislature for 1885. Description of City I-ospital, 1865. 1I29 pages. Report of Com. on Back Bay Streets, 1863. Ordinance in relation to Mount Hope Cemetery. Address to the Citizens of Boston on Rural Cem. Tabular Representation on the Cond. of Boston. Report of Com. in relation to Public Garden, 1850. 510 Report of Comn. on Annexation of Roxbury, 1867. Third Annual Report of City Hospital, 1865. Index to City Documents, 1834 to 1865. Report of Corn. on Charles River Bridge, 1853. Second Report, on Truancy and Compulsory Education, 1863. Report of Supt. Chambers Street Chapel, 1863. Report of the Com. on the Eastern Avenue, 1861. Truancy and Compulsory Educ. in Boston, 1862. Rules and Regulations, 2d Church, 1851. S' 2774 Boston. [Twelve.] Considerations on Annexation of Charlestown and Boston, by Josiah Quincy. Letter to Abbot Lawrence and Robt. G. Shaw, on cond. and growth of Boston, 1853. Reasons against a New Bridge front Charlestown to Boston, _1825. Uncut 32 pages. 15th Annual Report of Receipts and Expenditures for 1827. 47 pages. Report of the Cholera in Boston, 1849. Boston Railways, their condition and Prospects. Remarks on Organization and Powers of City Council, by Josiah Quincy, 1851. Annual Report of New Eng. Hosp., 1858. Political Reminiscences, by J. B. Derby, 1835. Complimentary Banquet to Admiral Lessoffsky, June 7, 1864. Reception of Prest. of the U. S., 1867. I)escrip. of Boston Water Works, etc., 1848. 12mno, scarce. 6 2774* Boston. Valuable. [Nine.] Miscellaneous Remarks on the Police of Boston, Feb., 1814. Uncut, very scarce, 42 pages. Historical Sketch of Boston, containing a brief account of its Settlement, rise and progress, 1861. 8vo, 96 pages. Proceedings at dedication of City Hall, Sept. 18, 1865. Sketch of the Origin, Object and Character of the Franklin Fund, for the benefit of young maimed Mechanics, 1866. Inaugural Address of Mayor Lincoln, 1866. Inaugural Address of Mayor Wightman, 1861. Address, at opening the Eastern Rail Road, August 27, 1838, by Geo. Peabody. 8vo, uncut, 19 p, scarce. The "Bostoniad," by Jas. T. S. Lidstone, 1853. Boston. A Commercial Metropolis in 1850, her growth, population and wealth, by E. H. Derby. 40 2775 Historical. Scarce.' [Five.] WTRENTHAM, Mass. Amniv. Serfmon, deliv. June 14, 1846, by E. Fisk. 8vo, 25 p. WRENTHAM. Sermon by Rev. E. Fisk, 50th anniv. of his ordination, June 12, 1849. 8vo, 64p. A vast accumulation of facts and dates of local and of general interest. SAco, Me. One Hundredth Anniv. of the First Church. Address by E. S. Dwight. 8vo, uncut; 27 p. 511 SACO. Discourse, 20th anniv. of his ordination, April 12, 1863, by J. T. G. Nichols. 8vo, 19 p. HOPKINTON, Mass. A Century Sermon, Dec. 24, 1815, by Nath'l Howe. 2nd ed. 8vo, 31 p.; very scarce. "This is an original production, a diamond of the first water. It was very favorably noticed on its first appearance by the N. Amer. Rev. and by the newspapers generally. It has passed through several editions and has been translated into foreign languages. Perhaps no sermon ever published il New England is more generally known. 2776 Historical. [Three]. LEONARD, BACON. Commemorative Discourse, Theol. Seminary at Andover, 1858. 46 p., Svo. DR. SPRAGUE's Serm11on, 25th Anniv. of his Installation at Albany, 1854. 40 p., 8vo. S. F. CLARKE'S Centennial Discourse, in Athol, Mass., with an appendix. Scarce, 8vo, 9.) p. 2777 Historical. Very scarce. [Three]. Tuos. SiELL. Sermon, June 27, 1848. 50th Aiuliv. of his Ordination, North Brookfield. 8vo, 56 p. MICAR STONE. An Octogenarian's Birthday Memorial. Discourse, in Brookfield, 1850. 8vo, uneut, 26 p. MICAH STONE. Reminiscences of a half century Pastorate, in Brookfield, 1851. 8vo, 72 p. 2778 Historical. Fine lot. [Five]. COLUmEIA, COrNN. 150th Anniv. of Organization of Church, Octo. 24, 1866. HIistorical papers, etc. Moor's Inzdian Swhool, etc. 8vo, 96 p. CONCORD, N.:H. Two Sermons, Nov. 21, 1830. Commemo-O/ ration of the organizing Ist Church and Settlement of 1st minister, Nov. 18, 1730, by Nath'l Bouton. 8vo, ucwut, ap, scarce; 102 p. CAMBRIDGE, Mass. Comlmem. of 25th Anniv. of Settlement of J. A. Albro. 8vo, 76p. CHELSEA, Mass. Historical Discourse, 25th Anniv. of Winnisilmiet Cong. Church, Sept. 20, 1866, by Isaac P. Langworthy. 8vo, 47 p. CHARLESTOWN. Mass. A Disc., on the 25th Anniv. of his Ordination, with an Historical note, 1865, by Geo. E. Ellis. 8'vo, 43p. 2779 Historical. [Nine]. BROWN UNIV., R. I., Under the Presidency of Asa Messer. Svo, 23 p. EssEx Institute, Salem. Report of Coin. on the First Church., of the Pilgrims, June 19, 1865. 8vo, 8 p. LAWRENCE ACADEMY, Groton, Mass. Thie Jubilee of July 12, 1854. 8vo, Illust. 108 p. LORING HALL, Hingham, Mlass. Address at Dedica., Octo. 14, 1852, by Oliver Stearns. 8vo, 36 p. LEICESTER ACADEMY, Mass. Brief Sketch of the History of, by Emory Washburn. 8vo, 158 p., scarce. 512 HAMILTON COLLEGE. Historical Discourse, by Samuel W. Fisher, July 16, 1862. 8vo, 43 p. BALTIMORE. Address, at Laying of Corner stone of City Hall, Octo. 18, 1867, by J. H. B. Latrobe. 8vo, 22 p. TABLE RocK ALBUM. Niagara Falls. Sketches of, and Scenery. 120 p. Btffalo, 1848 QuINCY, Mass. Poem, May 25, 1840. 200th Anniv. of lncorp. of the Town, by C. P. Cranch. 8vo, 26 p.; scarce. /o 2780 Historical. Valuable. [Eight]. BOSTON. A Discourse in Two Parts, preached at Commencement of 19th Century, by John Lathrop. 8vo, uncut, 40p.; scarce. BOSTON. Discourse, Public Lectures, March 16, 1797, by John Lathrop, with an appendix, containing an account of several daring attempts to set Fire to the Town and rob the Inhabitants. 8vo, uncut, scarce; 30 p. BOSTON. Two Sermons, before Second Church, on Occasion of Taking down their Ancient place of worship, March 10, 1844, by Chandler Robbins. 8vo, 76 2p.; very scarce. BOsTON. Sermon, before New North Church, May 2, 1804, upon completion of House of Worship, by John Eliot. Svo, uncut, 31 p.; scarce. BosTON. Discourse, at Dedication of Church in Arlington Street, Dec. 11, 1861, by Ezra S. Gannett. 8vo, 83 p., valuable appendix. BosTON. Sermon, Bowdoin St. Cong. Soc., on closing their church, May 4, 1862, by Nehemiah Adams. BoSTON. Sermon, Dedication of lst Presb. Church, Jan. 31, 1828, by James Sabine. BosToN. Farewell Disc., Purchase St. Cong., April 30, 1 848, by J. I. T. Coolidge. 3'< 2780* Historical. Very scarce. [Fobur]. DEDHAM, Mass. A History of the First Church, Nov. 18, 1838, on the completion of the Second Century since the gathering of the Church, by Alvan Lamson. 8vo, uncut scarce. 104 p. DEDHAM, Mass. Sermon, 40th Anniv. of his Ordi., by Alvan Lamson. Svo, 63 p.; scarce. DEDHAM. A Historical Discourse, at closing of the Old Episcop al Church, Nov. 30, 1845, by S. B. Babcock. Svo, uncut; scarce, 23 p. DEDHAM. Sermon, 225th Anniv. of 1st Church, Nov, 8, 1863, by Jonathan Edwards. 8vo, 16 p. 4_'/2781 Historical. [Nine]. WORCESTER; Mass. A Historical Dis., in Old South Meeting House, Sept. 22, 1863, the Hundredth Anniv. of its Erection, by Leonard Bacon. 8vo, 106 p. WORCESTER. A Sermon, Jan. 31, 1836, 50 yrs. ministry, by Aaron Bancroft. 8vo, 44 p.; scarce. 513 WTORCESTER. Disc., 25th Anniv. of his Ordi., March 28, 1852, by Alonzo Hill. 8vo, 46 p. WORCESTER. Hist. Disc.,.50th Anniv. of First Baptist church, Dec. 9, 1862, by Isaac Davis. Svo, 52 p.; valuable. JACKSOMVILLE, Ill. Twelfth Annual Disc., Oct. 28, 1860, by L. M. Glover. Svo, 22 p. WVENHAM, MaSS. Two Sermons, Second Centennial Anniv. of First Church, by Daniel Mansfield. Svo, 72 p. LANESBOROUGH, Mass. A Centennial Sermon, St. Luke's Church, Oct. 6, 1867, by S. B. Shaw. 8vo, 225 p. HAVERHILL, Mass. Centennial Discourse of Celebration of Baptist Church, May 9, 1865, by A. S. Train. With Historical Notes. Svo, 96 p., valuable. LITCHFIELD, Ct. Proceedings of the North and South Consociations of Litchfield Co., to Commemorate the Centennial Anniv., July, 1852. 8vo, 154 p.; valuable. 2782 Historical. [Nine.] UPTON, (Mass.) Sermon June 1, 1846. 50 years Completion of his Ministry, by Benj. Wood. 8vo, 32 p. NEWARK, (N. J.) The 50th Anniv. of 2d Presb. Ch., Sept. 29, 1861, by J. Few. Smith. 12mo, 75 p. FARMINGTON, (Ct.) Half-Century Disc. of Ordin. of Noah Porter, Nov. 12, 1856. 8vo, 54 p.; valuable. JAMAICA PLAIN, (Mass.) Jlalf-Century Sermon, April 2-, 18442,3~ by Thos. Gray. 8vo, 44 p. JAAMEsTOWN, (N. Y.) The Fiftieth Anniv. of First Cong. Ch. Sermon, Historical Sketch, etc. 8vo, 72 p., uncut; scarce and valuable. PETERSHAM, (Mass.) Sermon, Jan. 17, 1802, by Festus Foster. 8vo, 16 p. SAYBROOK, (Ct.) Valed. Add., Jan. 7, 1838, 55th year of Pastoral Service, by F. W. Hotchkiss. 8vo, 16 p. HARRISBURGH, (Pa.) "The Memories of the Past." Sermon by W. R. DeWTitt, 70th anniv. of his Birthday. 8vo, 30 p. SAN FRANCISCO. Decade Sermons. Two Historical Disc., March, 1859, by S. H. Willey. 8vo, 46 p. 2783 Historical. [Nine.] LEOMINISTER, (Mass.) A Centennial Disc. 1st Cong. Church, Sept. 24, 1843, with appendix, by Rufus P. Stebbins. 8vo, 112 p.; scarce. POMFEET, (Ct.) The 150th Anniv. of the First Church, Oct. 26,,??, 1865. Sermon, Historical Papers, etc. 8vo, uncut, 96 p.; important. PUTNAM, (Ohio.) A Sermon, Presb. Ch., Jan. 1, 1860. "Memorial of Former Days," by A. Kingsbury. 8vo, 30 p. GRAFTON, (Mass.) A Sermon, Ju!ly 18, 1863, 25th Anniv. of Ordin., by Thos. C. Biscoe. 8vo, 26 p. WOBURN, (Mass.) A Sermon, Jan. 4, 1846, 25th Anniv. of Ordin., by Joseph Bennett. 8vo, 22 p. 65 514 UXBRIDGE, (Mass.) Twenty-Fifth Anniv. Sermon, Jan. 10, 1858, by Saml. Clarke.- 8vo, 20p. NEWTON, (Mass.) A Farewell Disc., March 21, 1869, by E. J. Young. 8vo, 21 p. HOLDEN, (Mass.) Thirtieth Anniv. Sermon, Oct. 25, 1863, by WinVm. P. Paine. 8vo, 27 p. GEORGETOWN, (Mass.) A Semi-Centennial Discourse, June 7, 1847, 50th Anniv. of his Ordin., by Isaac Braman. 8vo, 39 p.; valuable. Jr 2784 Historical. [Five.] HADLEY, (Mass.) An Half-Century Discourse, March 3, 1803, by Saml. Hopkins. 8vo, unct, orig. covy.; very scarce, 32 p. Northampton, 1805 HADLEY. Half-Century Sermon, Two Disc., June 24, 1860, on 50th Anniv. of Ordin., by John Woodbridge. 8vo, 35 p. PROVIDENCE,' (R. I.) A Discourse on the Conclusion of the Second Century, from the settlement of the State, by Thos. Williams, June, 1836. 8vo, 32 p.; scarce. PROVIDENCE. Historical Discourse deliv. May 28, 1865, 90 years after i)edication of First Baptist Ch., by S. L. Caldwell. 8vo, 22 p. PROVIDENCE. A Centennial Discourse, March 22, 1866, by D. Patten. 8vo, 29 p. ao 2785 Historical. [Nine.] GLOVER, (Vt.) Disc. Semi-Centennial Celebration First Cong. Church, Jan. 12, 1867, by S. K. B. Ferkins. 8vo, 8 p., dble. col. LISBON, (Vt.) A Half-Century Sermon, deliv. Dec. 5, 1854, by Levi Nelson. 8vo, 23 p.; scarce. EAST HAMPTON, (Mass.) A Half-Century Sermon, Aug. 18. 1839, by Payson Williston. 8vo, 24 p.; scarce. HINGHIAM, (Mass.) Sermon, June 28, 1856, 50th Anniv. of his Ministry, by Jos. Richardson. 8vo, 48 p. PRINCETON Theol. Seminary. Discourse on Completion of Half Century, April 30, 1862, by Wm. B. Sprague. 8vo, 72 p. STOW, (Mass.) An Aged Minister's Review of Fifty Years, Sermon, Oct. 11, 18 4, by Jon. Newell. 8vo, uncut, 20 p. BERKSHIRE Association, Proc. at Centennial Commem. of, Oct. 28, 1863. Historical Disc. by Prof. A. Hopkins. 8vo, 56 p.; important. WESTMINSTER, (Vt.) Sermon, June 11, 1867, One Hundredth Anniv. of Cong. Church, by Pliny H. White. Historical Paper, by Alfred Stevens. 8vo, 48 p.; valuable. b5o 2786 Historical. [Three.] IPsWICH, (Mass.) A Centennial Disc., Aug. 10, 1834, by D. T. Kimball. 8vo, 32 p.; scarce. IPswICH. Thirtieth Anniv. Disc., June 29, 1856, by Dan'l Fitz. 8vo, 23 p. IPSWICH. Disc., Oct. 8, 1856, 50th Anniv. of his Ordin., by D. T. Kimball. 8vo, 96p. Port. 515 2787 Miscellaneous. Rare and Interesting. [Three.] EmMoNs, NATH'L. A Discourse addressed to the Cong. in Franklin, 1809. CHALMERS, Thos. A Series of Discourses on the Christian-v Revelation, in Connexion with Modern Astronomy, N. Y., 1817. 8vo, 275 p. M'LEOD. ALEX. A Scriptural View of the Character, Causes, and Ends of the Present War. N. Y., 1815. 8vo, 224 p. 2788 Sermons. Historical. [Thirteen.] MANN, SAM'L. A Sermon preached in Wrentham, Jan. 1, 1701. and now published at the request of several of his descendants. 8vo, uncut, 24 p. Dedham, 1801 INGERSOLL, GEO. G. A Farewell Address, June 2, 1844. TAPPAN, DAVID. A Discourse delivered in Newbury, occasion of his removal to Univ. at Cambridge. 8vo, uncut, 35 p. Portsmouth, 1793 SNELL, TeOS. Discourse delivered in Brookfield, before the Female Bible Cent. Society, Aug. 4, 1815. 8vo, 23 p. ALLERTON, ISAAC. Sermon, addressed particularly to the Baptist Denomination, on the Communion of Alf Saints. JMount Pleasant, N. YI, 1822 ROMEYN, J. B. A Sermon delivered in Plila., May 23, 1808, on Missions. /. OsGooD, DAVID. A Sermon on the day of Annual Thanksgiving, Nov. 20, 1794. 8vo, uncut, 29 p. SMIHTEI, ETHAN. Farewell Sermon, deliv. at Haverhill, N. H., June 30, 1799. 8vo, 27 p., uncut; very scarce. Peacham, Vt., 1800 HOPKINS, A. T. "The Evils and Remedy of Lewdness." Utica, 1834 CIAPIN, CALYIN. Sermon before the "Conn. Soc. for Promoting Good Morals," Hartford, May 18, 1814. 34 p. JOHNSON, J. B. A Farewell Sermon, Sept. 26, 1802, in Albany. 6 p.; scarce. KIRK, E. N. "Our Duty in Perilous Times," Sermon, June 1, 1856, in Boston. BARSTOW, Z. S. Sermon at Installation of J. M. Putnam, Dunbarton, N. H., July 8, 1830. 2789 Historical. [Seven.] BEVERLY, (Mass.) Lecture, comprising the History of the Second Parish, July 6, 1834, by Edwin M. Stone. 8vo, uncut, 35 p.; very scarce. BEVERLY, (Mass.) A Valedictory Discourse, July 4, 1858, inrZ First Church, by C. T. Thayer. 8vo, 52 p. IPswIcH, (Mass.) A Sketch of the Ecclesiastical History of, 1823. by David T. Kimball. 8vo, uncut 44 p.; very scarce. IPswIcH. The Last Sermon Preached in the Ancient Church of First Parish, Feb. 22, 1846, by David T. Kimball. 8vo, 32 p.; scarce. 516 SAIEM. The Claims of the Tabernacle Church to be the Church of 1735. 8vo, 56 p. Salem, 1847 SALEM. Candid Review of Correspondence in'relation to Tabernacle Church. SALEM. Correspondence between the First Church and Tabernacle Church. 8vo, uncut, 176 p. Salem, 1832 y, 2790 Historical. [Ten.] HOM-ER, (N. Y.) Sketch of the History of the Cong. Church, by J. C. Holbrook. 8vo, 9 p., dble. col. NiEv BRUNSWICK, (N. J.) A Record of Christ Church, by Alfred Stubbs. 8vo. 76 p.; valuable. NEWBURYPORT, (Mass.) Sermons by M3r. Cary and Andrews, on leaving the Old Ch-arch, and Dedication of new one, Sept. 27, 1801. 8vo, 56 p.; scarce. ORLEANS, (Mass.) Discourse, Barnstable Conference, Dec. 19, 1855, Illustrating the rise. growth. decline, etc., by Jos. S. Clark. 8vo, 36 p.; very intereesting. POTTSVILLE, (Pa.) Historical Sketch of the Synod of N. J., by B. K. Rogers. 8so, 25 p. QucicY, (Ill.) Memorial of the Illinois Association, completing a Quarter of a Century of its History. and an Historical Appendix, by WTm. Carter, Oct. 26, 1869. Svo, 98 p. SCITUATE, (Mass.) Historical Sketch of the First Cong. Church. 12nmo, 51 p. SOMERVILLE. (Mass.) Address at laying of Corner Stone 1st Cong. Ch., Sept. 28, 1841, by R. M. [lodges. 8vo, 19 p. UPTON, (Mass.) Sermon, on leaving the Old Meeting-House, Dec. 31, 1848. Also, Sermon at Dedication of New Cong. Church, Jan. 3, 1849 both. By Benj. Wood. Sermon at Funeral of Rev. Benj. Wood, April, 1849, by 1H. A. Tracy. 8vo, 60 p. WEST LEXINGTON, (Ky.) A Sketch of the Immigrant Church, Sept. 1, 1858, by J. D. Shane. 8vo, 27 p.; valuable. Y/L2791 Historic al. Valuable. [Ten.] WESTON, (Mass.) Address deliv. July 4, 1853, by Asa D. Smith. 8vo, 45 p. WOODSTOcK, (Conn.) History of the First Cong. Church, by L. Grosvenor. 8vo, 28 p.; uva7u ble. RICHMoNDvILLE, (N. Y.) The Early History of the Lutheran Church in New York, by G(. A. Lintner. 8vo, uncut, 24 p.; valuable. PORTsMOUTH, (N. H.) Four Sermons, connected with the Reopening of Church of South Parish, Dec.,!858, and Jan., 1859, by G. P. E'eabody. 1t2mo, 112 p.; scarce. PORTSMOUTH. " Its Advantages and Needs." Sermon, Nov. 30, 1854, by Win. Lamson. 8vo, 23 p. PORTSMOUTH. Sermon at Closing Sunday School Room in Court Street, Feb. 15, 1857, by A. P. Peabody. 8vo, 24 p. SALEM, (Mass.)'Principles of the Refovrmation." Sermon at 517 Dedication of First Cong. Ch., Nov. 16, 1826, by Chas. W. Upham. 8vo, uncut, 62 p; scarce and va7uable; fine copy. SALEM. Sermon at Installation of Rev. Geo. W. Briggs, Jan. 6, 1853, with notices of the First Church and its Ministers. 8vo, 62 p. SALEM. Two Discourses on taking leave of the Old Church in Salem, Dec. 28, 1845, by James Flint. 8vo, 48 p. SALEM. Sermon, on Anniv. of Ordination North Church, Nov. 19, 1837, by John Brazer. 8vo, uncut, 22 p. 2792 Historical. Valuable. [Seven.] J. ABBOTT'S Sermon on the 15th Anniv. of his Ordination at Beverly, 1848. 8vo, 22 p. R. S. STORR'S Disc., July 3, 1861, on the 50th Anniv. of his Ordination, Braintree. 8vo, 102 p.; scarce. Jos. VAILL. A Memorial Sermon, Feb. 7, 1864, Commemn. 50 yrs. settlement Brimfield, Mass. 8vo, 42 p. JAS. THOMPSON. Sermon on 37th Anniv. of Ordination, in Barre, Mass., Jan. 11, 1841. 8vo, 35 p. JAS. THOMPSON. Discourse, Jan. 11. 1854, End of Ministry of 50 yrs. in Barre. 8vo, 91 p. JoHN PIERCE. Reminiscences of Forty Years, March 19, 1837. Brookline, Mass. 8vo, 35 p., uncut; very scarce. JOHN PIERCE. Brookline Jubilee Disc., March 15, 1847, 50 yrs. from his Ordination. 8vo, 72 p.; scarce. 2793 Historical. [Seven.] WATRREN. Historical Disc. Centennial of W arren Assoc., Sept. 1], 1867, by S. L. Caldwell. 8vo. 19 p. PEPPERELL, (Mass.) A Centennial Disc., Jan. 29, 1847, with Historical Notices. by David Andrews. 8vo. 48 p.; scarce. PEPPERELL. A Centennial Discourse, being a plea in vindication of the Rights of Cong. Churches, Feb. 9, 1847, by Chas.-2 Babbidge. 8vo, 44 p. NEWBURYPORT, (Mass.) A Discourse, Nov. 19, 1844, 50th Anniv. of his Ordin., by Dan'l Dana. 8vo, 32 p. NEWBURYPORT. A Historical Discourse, Commemorative of First Centennial of First Presb. Church, Jan. 7, 1846, by J. F. Stearns. 8vo, 64 p. Port. Scarce. HARTFORD, (Ct.) Historical Address, Trinity College, 25th Anniv., by E. E. Beardsley. 8vo, 31 p. HARTFORD, (Ct.) Twentieth Anniv. North Church, May 22, 1853, by Horace Bushnell. 8vo, 32 p. 2794 Historical. Very scarce. [Five.] DOVER, N. H. A Bi-Centennial Sermon, Nov. 29, 1838. By David Root. 8vo, 31 pp.; scarce. ~o DoRCHESTER, Mass. Memorials of the First Church, from its settlement in New England to the end of the Second Century. July 4, 1830. By Thaddeus Mason Elarris. 8vo, uncutt, 67 p.; scarce; fin e copy. 518 DEERFIELD, MASS. History of First Church. Sept. 22, 1857. By Samuel Willard. 8vo, 42 pp. DOVER, Mass. Thirty Years' Ministry. Ry Ralph Sanger. Sept. 18, 1842. 8wSo, 24 pp.; scarce. DUDLEY, Mass. An Anniv. Disc., March 20, 1853; with Topographical and Historical Notices of the Town. By Joshua Bates. 8vo, 58 pp.; scarce. 2o 2795 Historical. Valunable. [Ten.] AMHERST, Mass. Sermon: Dedication of College Chapel. Feb. 28, 1827. By Heman Humphrey. ANDOVER, Mass. Sermon: Completion of new College Edifice, Sept. 13, 1821. By Moses Stuart. BRIHM.FIELD, Mass. Annals of the Church in, with Appendix, showing the Origin of Churches in Holland, Wales, and Monson. Also, map, indicating residence of Early Settlers. 1856. 8vo, 83 pp.; scarce and valuable. BROORFIELD, Mass. Historical Sketch of the Baptist Church. 8 pp. BROOKLINE. Sermon on decease of Samuel Hammond, Oct. 13, 1816, by Jon. Homer. 8vo, uncut; vatluable Appe~ndix; 26 pp. CHARLESTOWN. "The duty of Commemorating the deeds of our Fathers." Sermon, June 18, 1865, by J. E. Rankin. DORCHESTER, Mass. Memorial of the Proprietors of New South Church, &c. Svo, luncut, 48 pp. HALIFAX, N. S. Origin and Formation of the Baptist Church, 1828 HARDWIcK, Mlass. Address, at laying Corner-Stone of Calvinistic Society, Sept., 1828, by Parsons Cooke. HINGHAM. "The Old Man's Calendar." Discourse, Aug. 26, 1781. Reprinted May, 1846. By Ebenezer Gay. First printed by John Boyle, of Boston, in 1781; afterwards in England and Holland. It is now difficult to find copies of it. Jos. B. l'elt's copy. Autog. of Solomon Lincoln. /0 2796 Historical. [Eight.] FULLER, ARTHUR B. A Historical Disc. in New North Ch., Boston, 1854. 8vo, 33 pp. ELLIS, GEO. E. A Commen. Disc. in New South Church, Boston, 1864. 50th Anniv. 8vo, 46 pp. GANNETT, EzRA S. Sermon, 40th year of his Ministry, Boston, 1864. 8vo, 22 pp. SHARP, DANIEL. Services at 40th Anniv. of his Installation, Boston, 1852. 8vo, cl., 68 pp. BARRETT, SAMUEL. Two Disc., 12th Cong. Ch., 25th year of his Ministry. Boston. 8vo. 40 pp. YOUNG, ALEX. Discourse on 20th Anniv. of his Ordination, Jan. 19, 1845. Boston. 8vo, euncut, 32 pp; scarce. WINCHELL, JAS. M. Two Disc., exhibiting an Historical Sketch 519 of the First Baptist Church, in Boston, from 1655 to 1818. 8vo. 47 pp; very scarce. THACHER, PETER. Sermon, Dec. 29, 1799, on the Completion of Century of Brattle Street Church, Boston. 8vo, uncu.t; scarce; 18 pp. 2797 Historical. [Seven.] NEW HAVEN. Discourse, Fifty Years' Ministry, Feb. 25, 1855, by Sam'l Merwin. 8vo, 72 pjp. NEW HAVEN. Disc. Commemorative of History of Church of Christ, in Yale College, during the First Century of its existence. Nov. 22, 1857. With Notes and an Appendix. By Geo. P. Fisher. 8vo, 98 pp. SALEM, Mass. Discourse, First Centennial Anniv. of Tabernacle Church, April 26, 1835. By Sam'l M. Worcester. 8vo,2o 64 pp., uncut. SALEM. Sermon, 38th Anniv. of his Ordin., 1843. By Brown Emerson. 8vo, 31 pp. SALEM. Historical Discourse, 50th Anniv. of First Baptist Church, Dec. 24, 1854. By Rob't C. SMills. 8vo, 78 pp. SALEM. Discourse, 50th Anniv. of his Ordination, April 24, 1855. By Brown Emerson. 8vo, 96 pp. SALEM. A Semi-Centennial Add., Aug. 24, 1859, in Universalist Ch. —5Oth Anniv. of Ordin. of Edw. Turner, and Ded. of Church. By Lemuel Willis. 8vo, 84pp. 2798 Historical. [Eight.] LOWELL, CHA'S. Disc. in West Church, Boston, Aug. 3, 1845. 8vo, 25 pp. WARE, HENRY. Two Disc., containing the History of the Old North and New Brick Churches, May 20, 1821-Complet. Century. Boston. 8vo, uncut, 60 pp. scarce. ROBBINS, CHANDLER. Sermon, Dec. 5, 1858-25th Anniv. of Ordination as Pastor 2d Church, Boston. 8vo, 47 pp. TV FROTHINGHAM, N. L. Two Hundred Years Ago. Sermon, Aug. 29, 1830. Boston. 8vo, uncut, 20 pp. Celebration of close of 2d Century of the Thursday Lecture. Boston, 1833. 8vo, 16 pp. Twentieth Anniv. of his Ordina., First Church. Boston, 1835. 8vo, uncut, 16 pp. PARKMAN, FRANCIS. Sermon, Centennial of the New North Church, Boston, 1814. 8vo, uPrcut, 25 pp.; scarce. Discourses in New North Church-Completion of 124th year of establishment of Church, 1839. 8vo, 40 pp., uncut. 2799 Historical. [Eleven.] CAMBRIDGE, Mass. Sermon on Re-opening of Christ Church,^Nov. 22, 1857; with a Historical Notice of the Church. By Nicholas Hoppin. 8vo, illust., 79 pp. 520 CAsnBRIDGE. Discourse on the Church-Gathering in 1636, by Win. Newell. Feb. 22, 1846. 8vo, 65 pp., scarce and valuab le. DEDIAM, Mass. Yaledictory Discourse, Dec. 20, 1 89, by Win. Cogswell. 8vo,?Inclt. BOSTON, Mass. Chronicles of Old South Church. Sept. 1, 1861. 10 pp. BOSTON. Reasons for the appointment of Conl. to investigate the prudential affairs of Old South Church. Added, copies of Mrs. Norton's deeds. 1858. BOSTON. "A MIemorial of the Federal Street Meeting-House." Discourse by Ezra S. Gannett; with an Appendix and Illust. M'arch 13, 1859. 8vo, 89 pp; valulable. BOSTON. Historical Account of Christ Church. By Rev. iMr. Eaton. 1824. 8vo, unJcitd; fir ltis.; 39 pp.; scarce. BosToN. Discourse delivered at opening of new MeetingIHouse-Second Baptist Church-Jan., 1811, by Thomas Baldwin. 8vo, 35 pp;.scarce. BOSTON. Historical Notices of the New North Church; with Anecdotes of Andrew and John Eliot. 8vo, 51 pp., uaCnt; vep')y scarce, BOsTON. Discourse, Dedication of Church on Church Green, 1815; to which are added Notes and Illustration. By S. O. Thacher. 8vo, 43 pp.; sctarce. BOSTON. Discourse, delivered in West Church, Dec. 31, 1820, by Cha's Lowell. 8vo, lncutt, 44 pp.; valable. /O 2800 Historical. [Ten.] MAss. E'YE AND EAR INFIRIMARY. Address at Dedication of new Building, July 3, 1850, by E. Reynolds. 8vo, frontis., 40 pp. WILLIAMS COLLEGE. Poem, by S. E. Burrill, deliv. July 29, 1867. 8vo, uncut, 14 pp. N. Y. UNJv. Yaled. Lect., by Prof. Draper, Feb. 23, 1842. 8So, 14 pp. LEICESTER ACAD., Mass. Address, at Dedic., Oct. 26, 1853, by A. H. Washburn. 8vo, 28 pp. CHARTER OAI IHALL, Hartford, (Ct.) Proceedings at Dedic. with Addresses of I. W. Stuart and others. May, 1856 8vo. 45 pp. Plans, &c. 3'IALDEN TOWN-HALL, Mass. Oration, Poem, Speeches, Chronicles, &c., at Dedic., Oct. 29, 1857. 8vo., 52 2p. CAYuCGA LAKE ACADEMY. Celebration of, July 22, 1857. 1Ledyard, N. Y.. Address, by Salem Town. 8va,'22 pp. ANDOVER THEOL. SEI. Poem, Sept. 22, 1829, by Richard H. Dana. 8vo, utecut; scarce; fine copy; 15 pp. LANCASTER SOLDIERS' MEMIORIAL HALL, (Mass.) Address, June 17, 1868, by C. T. Thayer: and Ode, by H. F. Buswell. With an Historical Appendix. 8vo, 70 ~pp.; valuable. PLUMMER HALL, Salem, (Mass.) Proceedings on Dedica., Oct. 6, 1857: andl Judge White's Memoir of the PlummerFamily. Svo, 97 pp. 521 2801 Miscellaneous. [Fight.] WELLS, J. D. Sermon on death of Dr. E. Woodward. Containing a Biographical Sketch. Printed for Private Distribution. - One of 8 uncut copies. 1869. FROTHI'TGHAM, N. L. "The duties of Hard Times." Sermon, April 23, 1837. Boston. FROTHINGHAM, N. L. "Gold." Sermon, Dec. 11, 1848. Boston. ROBBINS, CHANDLER. Address at Laying Corner Stone of Sec-/ cond Church, May 30th, 1844. Boston ROBBINS, CHANDLER. Sermon, Nov. 6, 1836. ELLIS, GEO. E. "The Organ and Church Music." Two Discourses, Sept. 26, 1852, delivered in Charlestown. ELLIS, GEO. E. " The Preacher and the Pastor." Two Discourses, March 15, 1840. WALKER, JAMES. Discourse on taking leave of his Church in Charlestown, July 14, 1839. 2802 Miscellaneous. [Twelve.] PERKINS, NATHAN. Conn. Election Sermon, May 12, 1808. Scarce. FOSDICK, DAvmI. Anniv. and Farewell Sermons, March 3, and Sept. 19, 1847. Boston. WTILDER, JOHN. An Address to the Members of Attleborough Soc. for Agriculture, &c., Feb. 22, 1805. Contains Eulogy on Washington. WILDER, JOHN. Discourse, Feb. 3, 1805, in Attleborough. Historical. GRIFFIN, E. D. Farewell Sermon, May 28, 1809, Newark,oN. J. 8vo, uncut. 16p. EATON, WM. Sermon at Fitchburg, Jan. 8, 18 -3, at close of his ministry. 8vo, uncut. 24 pages. NASON, ELIAS. Sermon. Dedication of 1st. Cong. Church in Natick, Mass., Nov. 15, 1854. TODD, JOHN. Sermon at Dedication in Groton, Mass., Jan 3, 1827. SMITH, ASA D. Sermon before Synod of N. Y. and N. J., Oct. 18, 1848, in N. Y. SALTMARSH, S. Sermon on the Election in Mass. delivered in Canton, Nov. 19, 1854. HALL, NATH'L. Discourse, July 19, 1835, to I st Church, Dorchester. NEWELL, WM. Discourse, Jan 22, 1854, in Cambridge. 2803 Miscellaneous. Valuable. [Seven.] Murray, Lindley. Extracts from the writings of divers authors, &c., representing the evils of Stage Plays. 8vo. 24 pages. /a Phila., 1799 Philadelphia. The Address and Petition of a number of Clergy to the Senate and H. of Rep. of the State of Pa. 66 522 in relation to the Prohibition of Theatrical Exhibitions. 8vo. 16 pages. Phila., 1793 Boston Acad. of Music. Address on the opening of the Odeon. By Samuel A Eliot. 8'vo. 17 pages. Boston, 1835 GORHAM, Me. "Dead on the Field of Honor." Dedication of the Soldiers' Monument, Oct. 18, 1866, Addresses, Poems, &c. 8vo, 32 pages. Valuable. Portland, 1866 Mount Hope Cemetery-in Dorchester and West Roxbury. Exercises at Consecration. Boston, 1852 Williamstown, Mass. Dedication of the Missionary Monument. Boston, 1867 BRIGHTON, Mass. Oration at Dedication of Soldiers' Monument, July 26, 1866, by F. A. Whitney, with an Appendix containing Notices of the Deceased Soldiers. 8vo, 62 pages. Boston, 1866 SO3 2804 Miscellaneous. Scarce lot. [Eleven.] Illinois. A Sketch of the Military Bounty Tract, by F. Taylor. 8vo. 12 pages. Scarce. Phila., 1839 Minnesota: its Advantages to Settlers. St. Paul, 1869 Lowell, Mass. Profits on Manufactures. A Letter from the Treas. of a Corp. (Thos. G. Cary), to J. S. Pendleton, Va. 8vo. 23 pages. Boston, 1845 Portsmouth, N. H. The Portsmouth Jubilee. Reception of the Sons of, July 4th, 1853. Poem by " Mrs. Partington." 8vo. 80 pages. Portsmouth, 1553 South Manchester (Conn.) and its Silk Manuf. 1868..Bennett, James Gordon. The War of the Giants against, and other recent matters. 8vo, 19 pages. Ourious. NV. Y, 1840 Barstow, Z. S. Remarks on the" Preliminary Hist." of. Two Discourses by Aaron Bancroft. 8vo, uncut. 24 pages. Bellows Falls, 1821 A Polemic Essay in defence of the Doctrine of Election. 8vo. 42 pages. Newark, 1799 Lloyd, Thomas. Sermon, April 8, 1787. London Miami, 0. Manifesto and Declaration of the Free Assoc. Presbytery. Xenia, 1843 Assoc. Ref. Synod. Extracts from the Minutes of the Acts, &c., of, May 29, 1793 (?) 8vo. 56 p. Scarce. N. Y., 1793 5 2805 Miscellaneous [Nine.] Woodlawn Cemetery-in Chelsea and Malden, Mass. Address at Consecration of, by Geo. E. Ellis. Boston, 1851 Edmonds, J. W. An Address on the Constitution and Code of Procedure and the Modifications of the Law. 8vo. 47 pages. NV. Y., 1848 The Guilford Spring, Vermont. Mass. State Prison. Laws of the Commonwealth for the Government of, &c. 8vo, uncut; frontis. 112 p. C(harlestown, 1830 Case of Contempt; or, Proceedings of the House of Assembly 523 of N. Y., against Moses Jaques and Levi D. Slamm. 8vo. 18 pages. N. Y., 1837 The Constitutions of U. S. and New York, 1835. Port. of Washington. Svo, uncut. 28 pages. Report of the Evidence and Reasons of the Award bet. J. Orlandos and A. Luriottis, Greek Dep., and Le Roy, Bayard & Co., by the Arbitrators. 8vo. 72 pages. N. Y., 1826 West Boston Soc. Rep. of Conm. on subject of Land in front of the Church, April, 1849. McMaster, Gilbert. The Moral Character of Civil Government, &c. 8vo. 72 pages. Albany, 1832 2806 Miscellaneous. Valuable. [Eleven.] Pamphlet in the Armenian Language. " Russian " New York City. Wealth and Biog. of the Wealthy Citizens of. 6th Ed. 34 pages. 1845. Boston. "Our First Men." A Calendar of Wealth, Fashion, and Gentility, &c. 8vo. 48 p., un1cut. Boston, 1846 The "Hive." Vol. I. 12 Nos. Edited by Bloomfield. 8vo, unctct Curious. New York, 1846' Something. Edited by Nemo Nobody, Esq. "' Tis Something -Nothing." No. 15. Vol. 1. UTcut. Boston, 1810 Royal American Magazine for October, 1774. 8vo, uncut. Boston, 1774 Lawrence, Mass. An Authentic History of the Lawrence Calamity, embracing a description of the Pemberton Mill, &c. Svo, uncut; fine copy. Boston, 1860 Report of Treas'r of Com. of Relief for Sufferers of the Pemberton Mill. Svo. 51 pages. Lawrence, 1860 Spencertown, N. Y. Proceedings of the Independence Jubilee, July 4, 1846. 8vo. 48 pages.'Albany, 1846 Junior Pioneer Association. Historical Collections. No. 1. Address by F. De W. Ward. 8vo. 48 pages. Rochester, N7. Y., 1860 2807 Miscellaneous. Valua5le. [Eight.] Willnams, John. New Observations on the Diseases of the Eye and Ear; or, every Man his own Oculist. 8'ro, uncut. 108 pages. N. Y., 18406 Fowler O. S. Fowler on Matrimony; or, Phrenology and Physiology applied to the selection of Companions for Life, including directions to the Married, &c. "Natural Waists, or no IVives.." N. Y., 1842 A Disquisition on the Evils of Using Tobacco, and the necessity of immediate and entire reformation. Uncut. Boston, 1835 524 Union Bank of Fla. An Act to Incorporate, &c. Uncut. Y'Zl1ahassee, 1834 Gurley, R. R. The Report of, to obtain information in respect to Liberia. 116 pages. Ilius. Washington, 1850 Poughkeepsie Female Bible Soc. The First Annual Report, Oct. 6, 1815. 8vo. 20 pages. Potghlkeepsie, 1815 EVERETT, ALEX. H. An Address in Salem, Mass., Jan. 8, 1836, in Commem. of the Victory of New Orleans. 8vo. Fine copy. 61 pages. Scarce. Boston. 1836 RIVEs, W. C. Discourse on the Uses and Importance of History, illustrated by a Comparison of the American and French Revolutions. 8vo; orig. cov. 57 pages. Fine copy. Scarce. Richnond, 1847 /Z 2808 Miscellaneous. Valuable. [Twenty-one.] Pickering, John. A Lecture on the alleged uncertainty of the Law. 8vo. 28 pages; uncut. Very valuable. Boston, 1834 Thacher, Peter O. An Address pronounced before the Members of the Bar of Suffolk Co., Mass. 8vo, uncult. 28 pages. Very scarce and important. Boston, 1831 Association for Exhibition of the Industry of all Nations, 1858. N. Y. Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Subject of a communication between. Georgetown, 1836 Atlantic and Pacific R. R. Co. Extr. devel. by C. G. Peebles. 1854. Gallatin, Albert. Peace with Mexico. New York. Tochman, Maj. G. Lecture on the Social, Political and Literary Condition of Poland. Balt., 1844 Stevens, John L. Memoir of an Eventful Expedition in Central Amer. New York, 1850 Mlemoirs of the Irish Union, by Messrs. Emmett, O'Connor and McNevin, with an exam. of these gentlemen. London, 1798 Voyages, Adventures and Situation of the French Emigrants, from the Year'89 to'99, by a Lady. Very rare. Western imprint. Lexington, 1800 Fraser D. Essay on the Origin, Antiquity. &z., of the Scots and Irish Nations. To which is added an Oration deliv. before Caledonian Soc. N. IY., 1801 Hist. Sketch of the Origin, Progress and Present State of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of the Univ. of N. Y. 1813 Hist. of Origin and Progress of the late Revolution in Geneva. Phil., 1791 Description, Statis. and Geog. of the Countries of Europe. Hartford, 1848 Examination of certain statements in Macaulay's Hist. of England in regard to the Church of Eng., attributed to James Craik and John M'Gill. Louis-ville, 1849 Smith, J. Toulmin. Parallels between the Constitution and Constitutional His. of Eng. and Hungary. Boston, 1850 525 Rickards, R. India; or, Facts submitted to illustrate the Character and Condition of the Native Inhabitants. London, 1828 Davis, A. Antiq. of America., &c. Buffalo, 1849 Calvert, George. Review of Hon. John P. Kennedy's Disc. on Life and Character of. Baltimore, 1846 Le Livre Rouge; or, 1ed Book. Being a List of Private Pensions, paid from the Public. Treasury of France. New York, 1794 Clery, M. A. Journal of Occurrences at the Temple during the confinement of Louis XVI., King of France. Dublin, 1798 2809 ALLEN, COL. ETHAN. MEMOIR or, containing the most interesting incidents connected with his private and public2s4 career. By Hugh Moore. 8vo, half dki. green lea., gilt top, rotugh edges; very scarce in this condition. Plattsburgh, 1834 2810 ALSTEAD, N. H. A SERMON preached on the First Sabbath in January, 1826, with HISTORICAL SKETCHES OF THE TOWN..j, By Seth S. Arnold. 8vo. 19 pages Sermon and 28 pages Ap:' pendix, embracing H1istorical Sketches; extremely scarce; beautiful copy. Alstead, N. H., 1826 2811 ALSTEXD, N. H. CONTINUATION OF AN APPENDIX, embracing Historical Sketches of the Town from 1826 to 1836. 8vo, 12 2, pages; extremely scarce. Ieene,. H., 1836 2812 AMERICAN WAR OF 1812. HISTORY OF, from the commencement until the final termination thereof on the 8th of Jan., 1815, at New Orleans. Embellished with a likeness of. General/p,4 Pike and six other Eng. 8vo, half tur. mor., red, gilt top; fine copy; with a cotemporary plate of the Battle Qf New Orleans inserted..Philadelphia, 1816 2813 ANDRE, MAJOR JOHN. AN AUTHENTIC NARRATIVE OF THE CAUSES WHICH LED TO THE DEATH OF MAJOR JOHN ANDRfE, Ad-, jutant-General of His Majesty's Forces in North America. By Joshua Hett Smith. To which is added, A MONODY ON THE DEATH OF MAJOR ANDRE, by Miss Seward. 122mo, full polished cnlf, gilt edges; bound by Bedford; with the very rare portrait of Altdre, by Scoles. I NEW YORE: Printedfor Evert Datycklinck. 1809 2814 ANDRE, MAJ. JOHN. VINDICATION OF THE CAPTORS OF. Byj; Egbert Benson. With Introduction and Appendix. 8vo,, full crimson crushed levant, gilt top, rough edges. New York: Privately printed. 1865. 80 copies. For F. S. Hoffman. 2815 A. W. FARMER. A VIEW OF THE Controversy between Great Britain and her Colonies: including a mode of determiningY3 their Present Disputes, FINALLY and EFFECTUALLY; and of Preventing All Future Contentions. 8vo, 37 pages; fine copy; very R'carce. NEW YORK: Printed by JAMES RIVINGTON. MDCCLxxIv. 2816 A. W. FARMER. THE CONGRESS CANVASSED; or, an Examina-5 tion into the Conduct of the Delegates at their GRAND CON 526 VENTION, held in Philadelphia, Sept. 1, 1774, addressed to the MERCHANTS of New Yor/k. 8vo, 28 pages; fine copy; very scarce. PRINTED (by Jas. Rivington) IN THE YEAR MDCCLXXIV. 2S 2817 ALEXANDER, JOHN H. Meimoir of. By William Pinkney. Read before the Maryland Historical Society, Thurs. Even'g, May 2, 1867. 8vo, uncut; 33 pages; on tinted paper. Baltimore, 1867 Contains list of Dr. Alexander's Works, Published and in Manuscript.,// 2818 BENTON, JESSE (Brother of Thomas Benton). AN ADDRESS to the People of the United States on the Presidential Election. 12mo, 34 pages; fine copy; very rare anzd valuable. NVashville, evnn., 1824 /0 2819 BISHoP OF ST. AsAPH. A SPEECH intended to have been spoken on the Bill for Altering the Charters of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay. 8vo, 24 pages; fine copy; scarce. BOSTON, MDCCLXXIV.,/i2820 BREWSTER, WILLIAM, CHIEF OF THE PILGRIMS; or, the Life and Time of-ruling Elder of the Pilgrim Colony that Founded New Plymouth, the Parent Colony of New England, in 1620. By Rev. Ashbel Steel. Illust. with Five Steel and Four other Eng. 8vo, cl., 416 pages; fine copy. Philadelphia, 1857,//2821 BROOKLINE, MASS. A DISCOURSE delivered 24 November, 1805, the Day which completed a Century from the Incorporation of the Town. By John Pierce, the Fifth Minister of Brookline. 8vo, stif cover, 32 pages; beaut!ful copy of this exceedingly scarce Local History. Cambridge, 1806 Your Fathers, where are they? /s 2822 CHAUNCY, CHARLES. " ALL Nations of the Earth, blessed in CHRIST, the Seed of ABRAHAM." SERMON PREACHED AT BOSTON at the ORDINATION of the Rev. JOSEPH BOWMAN to the WORK of the Gospel-Ministry,'MORE ESPECIALLY among the Mliohawkle Indians on the Western Borders of NEW-ENGLAND, August 31, 1762. Svo, 50 pages; fine copy; rare. Boston, 1762,3 2823 CANADA. UPPER AND LOWER. A Tour through, Containing a View of the Present State of Religion, Learning, Commerce, Agriculture, Colonization, Customs and Manners among the English, French and Indian SETTLEMENTS. By a Citizen of the United States. 12mo, old shp. bdg.; fine copy; very scamce imprint. Printed at Litchfield ( Ct.), 1799 7.'2824 CITIZEN. THE OTHER SIDE OF THE QUESTION; or a DEFENCE Of the LIBERTIES of North America. In ANSWER to a late FRIENDLY ADDRESS to All Reasonable Americans on the subject of our POLITICAL CONFUSIONS. By a CITIZEN. 8VO, 31 pages; fine copy; very scarce. NEW YORK: Printed by JAMES RIVENGTON. MDCCLXXIV. /~s2825 COGHLAN, MRS. MARGARET, MEMoIRs OF, written by Herself, and Dedicated to the British Nations; being interspersed with ANECDOTES of the late AMERICAN and present FRENCH WAR; with Rhemarks, Moral and Political. 8vo, full die. blue crushed levant, gilt top, rough edges; beautifJlu copy?; wuith the very scarce Preface by the Editor of this edition. New York, 1795 527 2826 CONGRESS. What think ye of the CONGRESS now? or, An Enquiry how far the AMERICANS are bound to abide by and7iexecute the decisions of the late CONGRESS? 8VO, 48 pages; fine copy; very scarce. NEW YORK: Printed by JAMES RIVINGTON. MDCCLXXV. 2827 CONNECTICUT. ELECTION SERMON, May 8th, 1783. The UNITED STATES elevated to Glory and Honor. A Sermon preached before His Excellency JONATHAN TRuJMBULL, Esq., LL.D., and the Honorable the GENERAL ASSEMBLY of The State of CONNECTICUT, Convened at Hartford, At the Anniversary/,> ELECTION, May 8th, 1783. By EZRA STILES, D.D., President of Yale College. 8vo, 99 pages; beautiful copy of the very scarce Fixrst Edition; with half title. NEW HAVEN: Printed by THOMAS & SAMUEL GREEN. MDCCLXXXIII. This Sermon preached just after the close of the War embraces a large amount of Aboriginal, Revolutionary and Ecclesiastical History. Presentation Copy from Dr. Stiles. 2828 CONNECTICUT. ELECTION SERMON, MAY, 8th, 1777. The Duty and Interest of a People to sanctify the Lord of Hosts. A Sermon preached before the General Assembly of the State of/,s' Conn., at Hartford, on the Day of the Anniversary Election,' May 8, 1777. By John Devotion, Pastor of the Third Church in Saybrook. 8vo, 39 pages, unb.; with half title; very fine copy. HARTFORD:' Printed by EBEN WATSON near the GREAT BRIDGE. MDCCLXXVII. This sermon, preached during " the darkest days of the Revolution," abounds with historical allusions to the various defeats and disasters which attended our Army in the winter of'76,'77. There is also appended an " Independence" Anthem, composed by Mr. Devotion, of which we give a short extract: (Sister States, heaven's care, Philadelphi. the centre: J Brotherly love, the bond of union, heaven cement them, B Rays divine dart effulgence on the CONGRESS; ~ C Wisdom, firmness, moderation, virtue, still attend them. Live, Live, Live, I J Beloved of the Lord, until he comes a q Whose right it is to reign; I Call her FREE and INDEPENDENT STATES of AMERICA!/ * Hallelzjah, Praise the Lord. AMEN. 2829 CONTROVERSY BETWEEN GREAT BRITAIN AND HER COLONIES REVIEWED; the Several Pleas of the Colonies in Support of their Right to all the Liberties and Privileges of British Subjects, &c., stated and considered, and the Nature of their connection with and Dependence on Great Britain, shown upon the Evidence of Historical Facts and Authentic Records. 8vo, 100 p.; good copy, rare. BOS'ION: Printed by MEIN and FLEEMING, MIDCCLXIX, 2830 COOPER, WILLIAM. THE DOCTRINE OF PREDESTINATION UNTO, LIFE, Explained and Vindicated. In Four SERMONS, preached 528 to the Church of Christ, meeting in Brattle Street. With a PREFACE by the Senior Pastors of the Town. Sm. Svo, full dk. blue lev., gt. edges. BeautiJul copy. BOSTON: Printed by J. DRAPER for J. EDWARDS and I-. FosTER, in Cornhil. MDCCXL. 70 2831 CORYAT, THOIVI AS. CRUDITIES; REPRINTED from the EDITION or 1611. To which are now added, his LETTERS from INDIA, &c., and EXTRACTS RELATING TO HIM, fiom various Authors; being a more particular Account of his TRAVELS (mostly on FOOT) in DIFFERENT PARTS of the GLOBE, than any hitherto published. Together with his ORATIONS, CHARACTER, DEATH, &C. With COPPER PLATES. IN THREE VOLUMES. 8vo full er. crim. lev. mor., gt. edges, inside borders. BeautfJul copy; quite scarce. _Engraved title. LONDON: Printedfor W. Cater, &cE. MDCCLXXVI. 4r, 2832 COTTON, JOHN. THE POWRING out of the Seven VIALS; OR, an Exposition of the Sixteenth Chapter of the REVELATION, with an Application of it to our Times. Wherein is revealed God's powring out of the full vials of his fierce Wrath. Very fit and necessary for this present age. Preached in Sundry Sermons at Bostoai in NVeu-England, By the Learned and Reverend JOHN COTTON. Sm. 4to, full brown lev., gt. edges, by Matthews, 156p. LONDON: Printed for R. S., and are to be sold at Henry Overton's Shop in Popes Head Alley, 1645. 2833 COVERLY, SIR ROGER DE. A CURE FOR THE SPLEEN; or, AMUSEMENT for a WINTER'S EVENING: being the substance of a Conversation on the Times, over A FRIENDLY TANKARD AND PIPE, between, SHARP, BUMPER, FILLPOT, GRAVEAIRS, TRIM, BRIM, AND PUFF. 8vo, 32 p. Fine copy; scarce. AMERICA: Printed and sold in the year MDCCLXXV. Tory Document-in the form of a Dialogue-in which the complaints of the Colonists are ridiculed, and the differences between Whig-_ and Tory made to appear very light. /s, 2834 CUSHING, THOMAS. A SERMON Occasioned By the Great and Publick Loss in the DEATH of the Hon. THOMAS CUSHING, Speaker of the House of Representatives of the Province of ilassachusetts-Bay, _April 11, 1746. Delivered at the South Church in BOSTON, by THOMAS PRINCE. 8vo, 38 p. Fine copy with half title. BOSTON: Printed for T. RAND, in Cornhil, 1746 "Nath'l Eell's. The gift of the sorrowfull widow, May 30, 1746." So 2835 DEANE, SILAS. AN ADDRESS TO THE FREE AND INDEPENDENT CITIZENS OF THE UNITED STATES OF NORTH AMERICA. Sm. 8vo, 30 p., unb. Fine' copy. Exceedingly scarce. HARTFORD: Printed by HUDSON and GOODWIN, MDCCLXXXIV. Charges of fraud and peculation in the management of the public moneys, and of engaging himself in the interest of the enemies of his Country, &c., led to the publication of this Address. 529 2837 ELIOT, PREV. JOHN, THE LIE OF, the First Missionary to the Indians in North America. By Cotton Mather. 12mo, full, O crim. cr. lev., gt. top, rotgh edges. Scarce; beautiful copy. London, 1820 2838 ENGLAND. AN ADDRESS to the PEOPLE of, being the PROTEST Of a PRIVATE PERSON against every SUSPENSION OF LAW that is liable to injure or endanger PERSONAL SECURITY. 8vO, 76 p. Fine/"" copy; very scarce; privately printed. LONDON: PRINTED IN THE YEAR MDCCLXXVIII. Acts of the British Ministry condemned in suspending the writ of Habeas Corpus. Very cautiously written, and very little said on the subject of the war, but enough to show that the writer is bitterly opposed to it. 2839 FARMER REFUTED; or, a more impartial and comprehensive TIEW Of the Dispute between GREAT BRITAIN and the COLONIES, in Answer to a Letter from A. W. Farmer, intitled "A View~'` of the Controversy," &c. 8vo, 78 p. Fine copy; very scarce. "The Title promises Remedies, but the box itself contains Poisons." NEW YORK: Printed by JAMES RIVINGTON, 1775 2840 FARMER. FREE THOUGHTS on the PROCEEDINGS of the CONTINENTAL CONGRESS, held at Philadelphia, September 5, 1774; wherein their [Errors are exhibited, the Reasonings Confuted, 2, &c., in a Letter to the FARMERS, and other Inhabitants of' NORTH AMERICA in- General, and to those of the Province of New York in Particular. By a FARMER. 8vo, 24 p. Fine copy; very scarce. Hear me, for I will speak. PRINTED (by James Rivington in the year, MDCCLXXIV. 2841 FRIEND. A FEW REMARKS upon some of the Votes and Resolutions of the CONTINENTAL CONGRESS, held at Philadelphia in Sep-/42 tember, and the PROVINCIAL CONGRESS held at Cambridge in' November, 1774. By a FRIEND to Peace and Good Order. 8vo, 20 p. Fine copy; scarce. Printed for the Purchasers in 1775 2842 DICKINSON, JONATHAN. ONGELUEKIGE SCHIPBREUK en Yslyke. REYSTOGT, van etlyke Engelschen, in den Jaare 1696 vau22ve JAMAIKA in West-Indirn, na PENSYLVANIA t'scheep gegaan, en in de Golf van Florida gestrand, &c. En daaruyt vertaald door. W. Sewel. 8vo, 100 p. and lndex. TE LEYDEN. By PIETER VAN DER AA, Beokverkooper. n. d. Illustrated by Three engravings and map-in beautiful condition. 2843 GREAT BRITAIN. THE ADDRESS OF THE PEOPLE OF, to the in-c habitants of America. 8vo, 60 p., fine copy; scarce. LONDON: MDCCLXXV. 2844 GREAT BRITAIN AND THE COLONIES. A CANDID EXAMINATION of the Mutual Claims of, with a Plan of Accommodation on Constitutional principles. 8vo, 62 pages. Fine copy.I Scarce. NEW YORK: Printed by JAMES RIVINGTON, MDCCLXXIV. 67 530 4't2844 HARRISON, WM. HENRY. DISCOURSE ON THE ABORIGINES OF THE VALLEY OF THE OHIO. In which the opinions of the conquest of that valley by the hIoquois, or Six Nations, in the Seventeenth Century, supported by Cadwallader Colden of N. Y., Gov. Pownsal of Mass., Dr. Franklin, the Hon. De Witt Clinton of N. Y., and Judge Haywood of Tenn., are examined and contested. To which are prefixed some Remarks on the Study of History. 8vo, pamphlet. Excessively.scarce. Cincinnati, k138 51 pages. Beautiful copy; almost all the edges are rough. /Zo 2846 HEATH, WILLIAM, MEMOIRS OF. CONTAINING ANECDOTES, DETAILS OF SKIRMISHES, BATTLES AND OTHER MILITARY EVENTS during the AMERICAN WAR. Written by himself. 8vo, ftll crushed crimson levant morocco, gilt edges; very tall, handsome coly. Bound by Bedford. Printed at Boston, by I. THOMAS and E. T. ANDREWS. August, 1798. //awm 2847 HERBE RT, GEORGE, THE WORKS OF, in Prose and Verse. In two volumes. Roy. 8vo,full dk. blue lev., gilt top), edges rough. LONDON: WM. PICKERING, 1853 A beautiful specimen of Pickering's incomparable Typography.?4^' 2848 JOHNSTON, CHARLES (of Botetourt Co., Va.) A NARRATIVE OF THE INCIDENTS ATTENDING THE CAPTURE, DETENTION AND RANSOM OF, who was made Prisoner by the Indians, on the River Ohio, in the year 1790; together with an Interesting Account of the fate of his COompanions, Five in number, one of whom suffered at the Stake. To which are added SRETCHES OF INDIAN CHARACTER AND MANNERS, WITH ILLUSTRATIVE ANECDOTES. 8O, fuill crimson cruehed levant mor., gilt top, rough edges; very clean copy. New York, 1827 4, 2849 KEHUKEE BAPTIST ASSOCIATION, A CONCISE HISTORY OF. From its Original Rise to the Present Time. Wherein are its first Constitution, Increase, lX umbers, Principles, Form of Govern. ment, Decorum, Revolutions that Association has passed through, etc., etc., and all other useful articles relative to Church History. By Elders LEMUEL BURKITT and JESSE READ, Ministers in North Carolina. 8vo,full dci. blue polished cf., gt. edges. Fine copy. HALIFAX (N. C.) Printed by A. Hodge, 1803 This early Southern work, contains short Biog. sketches of the Pioneers of the Baptist denomination in North Carolina, a History of its Trials during the Revolution, and of its Churches throughout that State and Virginia. A List of Subscribers is also appended, which is of some importance. 6O 2850 LIVINGSTON, WILLIAM. A LETTER TO the Right Reverend John, Lord Bishop of Landaff; occasioned by some passages in his Lordship's Sermon on the 20th of February, 531 1767, in which the American Colonies are loaded with great and undeserved reproach. 8vo, 25 p. Fine copy, valuable and scarce. NEW YORK: Printed for the AUTHOR, and to be sold by GARRAT NOEL, near the Coffee Hose. MDCCLXVIII. 2851 LESLIE, CHARLES. The RELIGION of JESUS CHRIST the only True RELIGION; or, A Short and E asie METHOD WITH THE DEISTS, wherein the /gJ.)S~s/ of the Christian Religion is demonstrated by Infallible Proof from 40tur XtuleB, WHICH ARE incompatible to any imposture that ever yet has been, or that can possibly be. In a LETTER to a Friend. 12mo, paper cov., 58 p. Fine copy. BOSTON: Printed by &. fleet, and are to be sold by Jolan (kheckte_, at the Sign of the Crown, and Blue Gate, cver,3,, against the West End of the Town House, 1719. This is the very rare First American Ed. for publishing which, Mr. John Checkley was tried, convicted, and sentenced in a penalty of ~50 and costs. See No. 369, page 47, of this catalogue. H. B. Dawson, Esq., has reprinted the speech of John Checkley upon his Tryal at Boston, in 1724, and in his very valuable Historical Magazine for Mlay, 1868, says: " Mr. John Checkley was a native of Boston, who was educated at Oxford; became a publisher and bookseller at the'sign of the Crown and Blue Gate, over against the West End of the Town House in Boston;' and was soon out of favor with those in authority in that model republican locality. They accordingly arrested Checkley; and they tried him on a trumped up charge; they dare not face the music like men, just as those who have succeeded them in that department dare not face it to-day. He defended himself in a speech of great merit; but the magistrates and ministers carried too many guns. and Checkley was convicted," etc. One Hundred Copies of this speech were reprinted in elegant style on tinted laid paper for private circulation. 2852 LOVE, THE (OECONONY) (sic) or LovE. A Poetical Essay, Insanuire docet certa ratione modoque. A new Edition, Revised and Corrected by the Author. 8vo, 45 pages, fine copy, very free. 90O London, MDccLxxxI. "This little Juvenile Performance was chiefly intended as a Parody upon some of the Didactic Poets; and that it might be still the more ludicrous, the Author in some places affected the stately language of Milton." 2853 MATHER, COTTON. THE WONDERS OF THE INVISIBLE WORLD: Being an Account of the TRYALS of fefvra {WJitle6c, Lately Executed in NEW ENGLAND: And of several Remarkable Curiosities therein Occurring. Published by Special?4 Command of his EXCELLENCY the Governor of the Province of the ilfassachusetts-Bay, in New England. fToe %,ntn Ditiotn. 62 pages, small 4to, full crimson crushed levant mor., gilt edges, remaricably large margins; with the very rare haftitle; the whole book cleaned and put in beautiful condition. Printed first at Boston, in New England, and reprinted at London, for John Dunton, at the Raven in the Poultrey. 1693. 2854 MATHER, SAMUEL. AN I APOLOGY I For the Liberties of the Churches in New England: To which is prefixed, I A Dis-`' 532 course concerning I Congregational Churches. 8vo, full dark brown mor., gilt edges. Bound by Matthews. Very scarce. BOSTON: Printed by T. Fleet, for DANIEL HENCHMAN, over against the Brick Meeting House in Cornhill. 1738. /z2 2855 MODERN PROPENSITIES; or, an Essay on Strangulation, Steam Stimulus, Manuduction, &c.; including Anecdotes of Modern Characters. 8vo, 90 pages, very scarce, free and licentious. London, n. d. (1780?) 2856 MARYLAND HIST. SOC. 1.-Const. and By-Laws, 1867. 2.-Memoir of J. H. Alexander. By Wm. Pinkney. 3.-The First Conmander of Kent Island. By Sebastian F. Streeter. [3 pamphs.] The above should have been catalogued with No. 977, and belong to the set. &c' 2857 NEW ENGLAND, A CHRONOLOGICAL HISTORY OF —in the Form of Annals. By Thomas Prince. THIRD EDITION: To WmCH IS ADDED, A MIEMOIR OF THE AUTHOR, an attempt towards a perfect Catalogue of his Writings, a Genealogy of his Family, and the names of the Subscribers to the original Edition. By Samuel G. Drake. Imperial 8vo, full crushed crimson levant gilt top, rough edges, very scarce, only Thirty Copies. Boston, 1852. /k 2858 NORTH AMEIRICAN COLONIES, CONSIDERATIONS RELATIVE TO. 8vo, 48 pages, scarce, fine copy. LONDO N, MDCCLXV. gs 2859 OHIO. A TOPOGRAPHICAL DESCRIPTION OF THE STATE OF OHIO, INDIANA TERRITORY, AND LOUISIANA, comprehending the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers, the face of the Country, Soils, Waters, Towns, Villages, etc., and A CONCISE ACCOUNT OF THE INDIAN TRIBES west of the Mississippi. To which is added AN INTERESTING JOURNAL OF MR. CHARLES LE RAYE, while a captive of the Sioux nation. By a late Officer of the U. S. Army (Cutler). 8vo, full crimson crushed levant mor., gilt edges, beautiJul copy, frontis. and engravings, very scarce. Boston, 1812 2 2860 PHILOPOLITIES. A FREE AND CALM CONSIDERATION of the Unhappy MISUNDERSTANDINGS and DEBATES, which have arisen, and yet subsist, between Great-Britain and these American Colonies, contained in Eight Letters, formerly printed in the Essex Gazette. Written by one, who was born in the Colony of the Mfassachusetts-Bay, before King WILLIAM III. and Queen MARY II. ascended the Throne. 8vo, 52 pages, fine copy, very rare. SALEM: Printed by S. and E. HALL, 1774. //,A 2831 PILGRIM FATHERS, CHRONICLES OF THE, of the Colony of Plymouth, from 1602 to 1625. Now first collected from original Records and Contemporaneous printed Documents, and Illustrated with Notes. By Alexander Young. Second Edition. 8vo, full crushed crimson levant mor., gilt top, rough edges, splendid copy, very scarce. Portrait. BOSTON: Charles C. Little and James Brown, MDCCCXLIV. "The mother of us all." /0 2862 QUINCY, JOSIAH. OBSERVATIONS on the Act of Parliament called Boston Port-Bill; with Thoughts on Civil Society and Standing Armies. 8vo, 82 pages, uncut, very scarce in this condition. BOSTON, N. E.: Printed for, and sold by EDES and GILL, in Queen Street. 1774. 533 2863 ROSS, ROBERT. (Pastor of the Church in Stratfeld.) A SERMON, in which the UNION of the COLONIES is considered and recommended; and the bad Consequences of Divisions are represented. Delivered on the PUBLIC THANKSGIVING, November six-2 teenth, 1775. 8vo, 28 pages, fine copy, very scarce. NEW YORK: Printed by JOHN HOLT, in WATER STREET, near the Coffee House. M,DCO,LXXVI. 2864 SHEPARD, THOMAS. (Minister of the Gospel at Cambridge, in New England.) THE CLEAR SUNSHINE OF THE GOSPEL, BREAKING FORTH UPON THE INDIANS IN NEW ENGLAND; Or, An Historicall Narration of God's Wonderfull Workings upon sundry,~" of the Indians, both Chief Governors and Common-people, etc. Sn. 4to, full smooth mor., gilt edges, 38 pages, large margins, fine copy, excessively scarce. London: Printed by B. Cotes for John Bellamy, at the three golden Lions in Cornhill, near the Royall Exchange. 1648. 2865 SHEPARD, THOMAS. THE SouDm BELEEVER. A Treatise of Evangelicall Conversion. 8vo, full polished calf, blue, gilt edge.s,3 fine copy. LONDON: Printed in the Yeere 1652. 2866 SHEPPARD, THOMAS. The I Sincere Convert: I DISCOVERING I the small number of true [ BELEEVERS, I And the great3XC difficulty of Saving ] CONVERSION etc. Whereto is now added the Saint's Jewell; and the Soul's Invitation, unto Jesus Christ. 8vo, full dark blue levant mor., gilt edges, fine copy. London: Printed by E. Cotes, for John Sweeting, at the Angel, in Pope's-head Alley. 1655. 2867 SHEPHARD, THOMAS. THE FIRST PRINcIPLES of the ORACLES/g of GOD. 8vo, full poli~shed calf, gilt edges, fine copy, 17 pages.; LONDON: Printed for John Rothwel. 1655. 2868 SIMMS, J. R.. THE AMERICAN SPY; or, Freedom's Early Sacrifice: a Tale of the Revolution, founded upon Fact. Frontis. Hale's AMonument. Large paper copy, only 28 copies, full crimson',' crushed levant mor., gilt top, rough edges. Albany: J. Munsell, 1857 2869 STILES, EZRA. A HISTORY OF THREE OF THE JUDGES OF KING CHARLES I. Major-General WHALLEY, Major-General GOFFE and Colonel DIXWELL: who, at the Restoration, 1660, fled to America; and were secreted and concealed, in Massachusetts//," and Connecticut, for near ThirtyYears. WITH AN ACCOUNT OF MR. THEOPHILUS WHALE, Of Narragansett, supposed to have been also one of the Judges. 8vo, full polished calf, gilt edges. Bound by Bedford. With Portrait of Stiles, and all the Plates; beautiful copy; exceedingly scarce. HARTFORD: PRINTED BY ELISHA BABCOCK,- 1794. 2870 STODDARD, SOLOMON. (Pastor of the Church in Northampton.).Zi A GUIDE TO CHRIST; or, the Way of Directing Souls that are under the Work of Conversion. Compiled for the Help of Young Ministers. With an Epistle perfixed, (sic) by the Rev 534 erend Dr. Increase Mather. 12mo, orig. b'dg., calf, 85 pages, good copy. BOSTON: Printed by J. Draper, for D. HENCHMAN, in Cornhill, MDCCXXXV. /o 2871 STRICTURES ON A PAMPHLET entitled a "Friendly Address to All Reasonable Americans on the subject of our Political Confusions," addressed to the PEOPLE Of AMERICA. "Let's Canvas Him in his broad Cardinal's Hat." 8vo, 20 pages, fine copy, scarce. AMERICA: BOSTON: Re-printed. M,DCC,LXX,V. S'0 2872 STRONG, JA. Batchelour, &c. JOANEREIDOS, or Feminine Val our Eminently discovered in Westerne Women; as well by defying the mercilesse Enemy at the face abroad, as by fighting against them in Garrison Townes. Sm. 4to; 42 pages; very curious; 6 pages of the Poem, and 36 pages Commendatory! Printed An. Dom., 1645. /7, 2873 T. W. A LETTER TO A FRIEND, GIVING a concise, but just, representation of the hardships and sufferings the town of BOSTON is exposed to and must undergo, in consequence of the late ACT of the BRITISH PARLIAMENT; which, by shutting up its port, has put a fatal bar in the way of that commercial business on which it depended for its support. By T.W., a BosTONIAN. 8vo, 35 pages, fine copy; rare. BOSTON, N. E. MDCCLXXTV. /'o9 2874 VIRGINIAN, A LETTER from, to the Members of the Congress to be held at Philadelphia, on the first of September, 1774. 8vo, 31 p., fine copy; extremely scarce. BosToN, 1774 /01w 2875 WALTON, ISAAC. THE COMPLETE ANGLER; OR, CONTEMPLATIVE MAN'S RECREATION; being a Discourse on Rivers, FishPonds, Fish, and Fishing. In Two Parts';-The first written by Isaac Walton; the second by Charles Cotton, Esq. With the Lives of the Authors; and notes Historical, Critical, Supplementary, and Explanatory. By Sir John Hawkins, Knt. Roy. Svo,full crim. cr. lev. mor., gt. top, rough edges. Beautiful copy, and very scarce in this condition. 7th Ed. LONDON: Printed for Samuel Bagster. 1808 /,ow2876 WALTON ISAAC, AND CHARLES COTTON. THE COMPLETE ANGLER; OR, CONTEMPLATIVE MAN'S RECREATION; being a Discourse on RIVERS, FISH-PONDS, FISH AND FISHING. In Two Parts. With the Lives of the Authors; and Notes, Historical, Supplementary, and Explanatory. By Sir John Hawkins, and the Present Editor. Portrait of Walton, after Housemann; and Cotton, after Sir Peter Lely. Roy. 8vo, full crimson crushed lev., mor., gilt top, rough edges; very fine copy; extremely scarce in this condition. Eighth Edition. LONDON: PRINTED FOR SAMUEL BAGSTER. MDCCCXV 422877 WASHINGTON, GEORGE, A FUNERAL ORATION ON. By John Miller Russell. 8vo, 22 pp., uncut, and some of the pages unopened; beautiful copy, extremely rare. BOSTON: JOHN RUSSELL. 1800 See Woodward's Catalogue, No. 5997. 535 2878 WASHINGTON, GEORGE. AN ADDRESS IN LATIN, BY JOSEPH WILLARD. PRESIDENT, AND A DISCOURSE IN ENGLISH, BY DAVID TAP/ PAN, delivered before the University, in Cambridge, February'21, 1800, in Solemn Commemoration of General George Washington. 8vo, 44 pp., fine copy. (Charlestown). E Typis SAMUEL ETHERIDGE. MDCCC. 2879 WASHINGTON, GEORGE. A HISTORY of the LIFE and DEATH, VIRTUES and EXPLOITS of (etljtta 6etort nahltingtoz; faithfully taken from AUTHENTIC DOCUMENTS, and, now, in a Second.); Edition, improved, respectfully offered to the perusal of his countrymen; as also, all others who wish to see human nature in its most finished form. A life, how glo/rious, to his country led! Belov'd twhile living, as rever'd, now dead. May his example, virtuous deeds inspire! Let future ages read it-and admire! By the REV. M. L. WEEMS, of Lodge No. 50 —DUMFRMIs. 8vo, 832 pp. Port. in oval and square, with the name, "' G. WASHING-5.": TON," beneath; by Tanner. Very scarce, beautJful copy, rough edges. Dedicated to "lJitrs Martha Washington." PHILADELPHIA: RE-PRINTED BY JOHN BIOREN. (1800.) 2880 WVASHINGTONIANA: CONTAINING A SKETCH OF THE LIFE AND DEATH OF THE LATE GEN. GEORGE WASHINGTON; with a collection of elegant Eulogies, Orations, Poems,. &c.,sacred to his::;:; AMemory; also all Appendix, comprising all his most valuable papers, and his last Will and Testament. 8vo, full dk. blue levant; gilt edges; large, fine, clean copy. Portrait. Lancaster, 1802 2881 WASHINGTON'S VALEDICTORY ADDRESS TO THE PEOPLE OF THE, UNITED STATES. Published by the Washington Benevolent So-J,';' ciety of Massachusetts. 24mo, unbound, 62 pp., beautiful copy. Boston: 1812 2882 WASHINGTON, GEN. GEORGE, BIOGRAPHICAL MEMOIRS OF THE ILLUSTRIOUS, —late President of the United States of Amer-:. ica, and Commander-in-chief of their Armies during the Revolutionary [War. Dedicated to the Youth of AMERICA. 12mo, full crimson crushed levant mor., gilt edges, inside torders; by Matthews. Portrait of Washington-'- Pro Patria." BARNARD, VT. PUBLISHED BY JEosEP DIX, 1813 2883 WASHINGTONIANA; CONTAINING A BIOGRAPHICAL SEETCH OF THE LATE GEN. GEORGE WASHINGTON; with various outlines of zs his Character, etc., and an Account of the various Funeral H on-' ors devoted to his Memory. To which are annexed, his Will and Schedule of his Property. Embellished with a good Likeness. Imp. 8vo, full dik. blue crushed levant, gilt, top, rough edges, inside tooling. Baltimore: 1800. By E. Dexter & Son. New York, 18,55. Small paper. 100 copies. Reprinted. 2884 WYOMING, (PA.) A SKETCH OF THE HISTORY OF, By the late Isaac A. Chapman, Esq. To WHEiIC IS ADDED an Appendix, con-/?,. taining a statistical account of the valley and adjacent country.' By a Gentleman of- Wilkesbarre. 8vo, If. dk. gr. lev. mor., rough edges, gilt tops, fine copy, very scarce. Wilkesbarre, 1830 536 A//2885 WASHINGTON. GENERAL GEORGE. A HISTORY OF THE LIFE AND DEATH, VIRTUES AND EXPLOITS OF, faithfully taken from authentic. Documents, and now, in a Third Edition, improved. 8vo, unbound, 61pp., fine copy, very scarce. Elizabeth- Town, N J. n. d. ~z'5 2886 WASHINGTON, GEORGE. ORATION IN COMMEMORATION OF THE BIRTHDAY OF. Delivered at Salem, Mass., February 22d, 1793. By WVilliam Bentley D. D. 8vo, in sheets, folded, 27 pp. lMorrisania, N. YI, 1870 Printed for private circulation only, and the Edition numbers only Thirty Copies. The wide-spread reputation of Dr. Bentley, as well as the occasion which called forth this Oration, will serve to make it among the most highly-prized of the privately-printed tracts of the day; while collectors of W ashingtoniana will search in vain for anything which is better entitled to their respect.-Hist. M/ag. HISTORICAL SOCIETY PAMPHLETS. /,J 2887 AMERICAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Discourse at the Capitol. By Hon. Lewis Cass. 1836. 2888 AMERICAN GEOLOGISTS AND NATURALISTS' Assoc. Address by Prof. Silliman. N. Y., 1842 L2889 Address by Prof. Hitchcock. April 5, 1841. Phila.' 2890 - GEOG. AND STATIS. Soc. Bulletin Vol. I., August, 1852. - - " " I., Part II., 1855 New " " I., " II., 1854. - " New York Harbor." By D. E. Wheeler. 1856. - Syrian Exploration." N. Y, 1857 "Arizona and Sonora." By S. Mowry. 1859. Annual Report. 1857 By-Laws. 1855 Object and Plans. 1857.__ - Catalogue of Library. 1857 --- Z- Report of Chamber of Coin. 1857 Statement of the Objects and Organization of, and Charter. 1857 "Denmark and its Relations." By J. Leavitt. N. Y., 1864 f891- - STATIs. Assoc. Const. and By-Laws. 1840.'L -81- Collections. Boston, 1843 S 2892 -- Assoc. FOR ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE. Address in Commemoration of S. C. Walker. By B. A. Gould, April' 29, 1854. /o 2893 - Assoc. Address by J. D. Dana, August, 1855.?ao 2894 -- PHILosoOPHIAL Soc. Discourse on the Early History of Pennsylvania. By P. S. Du Ponceau. Very scarce 1821 537 2895 AMERICAN ETHNOLOGICAL SOCIETY, Bulletin of-January, 1861. -. — IMemoir on the European Colonization of America in AnteHistoric Times. By Dr. C. Adolph Zestermann. April, 1851. Scarce. 2896 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Vol. III., Part I. Trans. anc Collections of. 1850. 6 - -- Proceedings at the Annual Meeting, Oct. 21, 1866. " 22, 1860. at Semi-Annual Meeting, April 25, 186wQ 2897 BUFFALO HISTORICAL Soc. The Niagara Frontier, embracingSketches of its'Early History and Indian names. By Orasmus Marshall. 2898 EssEx HISTORICAL Soc. (Salem, Mass.) Disc. by Joseph StoryXS Sept. 18, 1828. 2899 Iowa ITISTORICAL Soc. Annals of Iowa. Vol. VII., No. I. Jan.,. 1869. 2900 MAINE HISTORICAL Soc. Annual Discourse. By George Folsom. 1847. Remarks on the Popham Colony. By S. 6 F. Haven. 1865. -.- Address by R. C. Winthrop. Sept. 5, 1849. 2901 MARYLAND HISTORICAL Soc. Memoir of Benj. Banneker. 1845. - Discourse on Sir Walter Raleigh. 1846. - Memoir of Major Sam'l Ringgold. 1847. - isc. at Dedication of Athenaeum. 1848. --- Origin and Growth of Civil Liberty in Maryland. 1850. Tah-gah-jute and Capt. Cresap. 1851.5A --- Disc. on the African Slave Trade in Jamaica. 1854. - Maryland Two Hundred Years Ago. 1852. - Martin Behaim. 1855. - Memoir of Baron De Kalb. 1858. Memoir of John H. Alexander. 1867. and Peabody Inst. 1866. Hist. Possessions and Prospects. 1867. Catalogue of Paintings. 1868. First Commander at Kent Island. 1868. 2902 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL Soc. Act of Incorporation, By-Laws, Catal. of Members and Circular Letters. Boston, 1813 - Addition to Wood's Continuation of Goldsmith's Hist. of England. Boston, 1815to List of Portraits in the Hall. 1838 - The New Eng. Confederacy of 1642. By John Quincy Adams. 1847 _ -___ -- Memoir of Hon. Abbott Lawrence. 1856 68 538 2902 MASSACHJSETTS HISTORICAL SOC. Description of the Dowse Library. 1857 In Memory of IW. H. Prescott. 1859. - Memoir of Thad. ]Mason Harris. 1859 - Naturalization in the American Colonies. 1859 - Memoir of Nathan Appleton. 1861 Remarks on the NarragansettPatent 1863 Journal de Castorland. 1864 ---- Memoir of Josiah Quincy. 1867 - Memoir of Joseph Story. 1868 - Mass. and its Early History. 1869 -s 2903 MEcHANICs' Soc. (of New York). Progress of tile City. A Lecture by Chas. King. 1852. /-o 2904 MICHIGAN HIST. Soc. Annual Discourse by 1H. R. Schooleraft. Rfare. Detroit, 1830 ST 2905 MINNESOTA HIST. SOo., Collections of-containing Voyage to the Falls of St. Anthony in 1817. By Maj. Long. Philca., 1860 &I 2906 MONTREAL HIST. Soc. Memoires et Documents. 1859. //I 2907 NEW YORK HIST. Soc. An Anniversary Discourse, deliv. Dec. 7, 1818, by G. C. Verplanck. 8vo, orig. covers,?uncut, 121 pages, very scarce. N. Y., 1818 20 2908 NEW JERSEY HIST. Soc. "The Goodly Heritage of Jerseymen." Address by Bp. Doane, Jan. 15, 1846. Burlington Af 2909 OHIo HIST. SOC. "Facts and Conditions of Progress in the North West." Annual Disc., by T. W. Gallagher. Cina., 1850.30 2910 PENNSYLVANIA HIST. Soc. Disc. on the Colonial History of the Eastern-and somue of the Southern States. By Job R. Tyson. Feb'y 21, 1842. 8v), 64 pages; fine copy; scalrce. History of the Ordinance of 1787. By Edward Coles. 8vo, uncut, 33 pages. Press of the Soc., 1856 Resolutions o-, on Death of A. Lincoln. 8vo, 4 pages. /ou 2911 SOUT H CAROLINA UIST. Soc. First and Second Reports of the Historical Com. Prepared by Benj. Elliott. 8vo, 24 pages. Ch(arleston, 1835 bo0 2912 VERMONT IIST. Soc. Address by D. P. Thompson. 1850. - Two Addresses by P. H. White and A. D. Hagar. 1858. - ~~Proceedings at Special Meeting in Burlington. 1862. Annual Address by J. W. De Peyster. 1864. - Addresses by Edmunds, White and Rankin. 1866. - Memorial Address on Hon. Jacob Collamore. By J. Barrett. Woodstock, 1868 539 2913 VIRGINIA HIST. REGISTER. Edited by WVm. Maxwell. Vol. VI./, 1853. 2914 WISCONSIN'lIST. SOC. "The Influence of Hist.," etc. By Pauly R. Chadbourne. Jan. 30, 1868. Mudiso, 2915 Miscellaneous. Valuable. [Ten.] Report of Capt. Brewerton, connected with the Improvement of the Hudson River Navigation. 24 pages. Albany, 1839 GENET, EDMUND CHARLES. Memorial on the Alluvions or Obstructions at the head of the Navigation of the River Hudson. Svo, 46 page., fine copy, very scarce. Allbany, 1818 Elmendorf, L. Facts and Observations on the Merits of the Memorial of the President and Directors of the first Great South-Western Turn-Pike Road Company, for relief. 15 pages. A lbany, 1829 Act Incorporating the Proprietors of the Locks and Canals on the Merrimac River. Boston, 179-2 By-Laws of the same. Newburyport, 179-M' Jackson, Andrew. Life of. By Amos Kendall. No. 1. 48 pages, uncut. N. Y., 1843 Official Record of the Court-Martial, which tried, and the orders of-for shooting the six militiamen. Uncut, 32 pages, very scarce. Wash., 1828 Addresses on the presentation of the sword ofto the U. S. Feb. 26, 1855. 8v,, cloth, 40 pages. Wash., 1855 Review of the Veto Message on the Bank of the U. S. Uncut, 24 patges. Schuyler, Maj.-Gen. Philip. Correspondence and Remarks upon Bancroft's Hist. of the Northern Campaign of 1777. By Geo. L. Schuyler. Uncut, 47 pages. N. Y., 1867 2916 Miscellaneous. I[Twelve]. ORLEANS COUNTY, Vt. History of the Cong'l. Churches, with Biographical Notices of the Pastors and Native Ministers. By Pliny H. White. 8vo, uncut, 61 p. Rutland, 1868 WESTHAMPTON, Mass. Memorial of the Reunion of the Natives, Sept. 5, 1866. Contains Historical Address, by C. P. Judd2" and Otis Clapp. 8vo, 85 p.;fine copy. "Young folks are smart, but all ain't good thet's new; I guess the gran'thers they knowed sunthin,'tu." BATTLE OF THE FROGS at Windham, 1758, with various accounts and three of the most popular Ballads on the subject. By W. L. Weaver. 8vo, 31p.; scarce. Willimantic, Conn., 1857 Blake, Mortimer. "The Issues of the Rebellion," Sermon, before the Taunton and Raynham Volunteers, Col. D. N. Couch, June 2, 1861, Sabbath evening. 13 p.; fine copy. Taunton, 18u1 540 Rensselaer County, N. Y. A Geological and Agricultural Survey of, to which is annexed a Geological Profile. Taken under the direction of the Hon. Stephen Van Rensselaer. By Amos Eaton. 8vo, 70 p.; fine copy, very scarce. Albany, 1822 Fall River, Mass. Extract from a Review. 6 p. Yankee Farmer. Peace without Dishonor, War without Hope. Enquiry into the question of the Chesapeake. 8vo, uncut, 43 p.; fine copy. Boston, 1807 Channing, W. E. Sermon, Aug. 20, 1812, day of.Fasting and Prayer, in consequence of Declaration of War. Uncut, 15 p. Boston, 1812 Perpetual War, the Policy of Mr. Madison. 8vo, uncut, 119 p.; beautiful copy. Boston, 1812. Morris, Gouverneur. Oration, deliv. June 29, 1814, on the recent deliverance of Europe from Mil. Despotism. Uncut, l 6 p.; scarce. Salem, 1814 North Amer. Rev. To the Editor of. By Patrick S. Casserly. 16p. Parker, Theo. The Nebraska Question. Some Thoughts on the new assault upon Freedom in Amnerica, and the General state of the country, in a Discourse, Feb. 12, 1854. 8vo, 72 p.; scarce. Boston, 1854 d2/2917 Miscellaneous. [Sixteen]. Thoughts, in Answer to a Question respecting the Division of the States. By a Mass. Farmer. 8vo, uncut, 24 p. 1813 Defense of the Legislature of Mass.; or, the Rioh'ts of New England Vindicated. Svo, uncut; 28 p. Boston, 1804 Amendments of the Constitution of Mass., proposed by the Convention of Delegates, etc., assembled at Boston, Nov. 1820. Uncut, 32 p. Boston, 1821 Rules of the Bar of the County of Suffolk. 8vo, stiff cov., 28 p. Boston, 1827 Thatcher, Peter O. Address, before the Bar of Suffolk Co., March, 1831. 8vo, uncut, 40 p. Boston, 1831 Thomas, Daniel. Oration in Bridgewater, Sept. 12, 1804. Uncut, 19 p. Prov., 1804 Upham, Charles W. Remarks of, on the Institutions of Mass., and the Ordinance of 1787, delivered Feb. 27, 1855. Wash., 1855 Grand National Peace Jubilee. Official Monthly Bulletin. No. I. Feb. Mass. College of Pharmacy. Report of Comn. on Spirituous Liquors. Boston, 1867 Harvard University. The Harvard Lyceum. Vol. I., No. 1, July 14, 1810. Uncut, 24 p. Don Quixotes at College; or, a History of the Gallant Adventures lately achieved; interspersed with some facetious reasonings. By a Senior. Uncut, 20 p.; very scarce. Boston, 1807 541 Harv. Univ. Re-Commencement, Commencement again, Commencement in earnest, Commencement indeed. Called also Censure, Scandal, Vague Report, or what you please. A Poem. By a Brother. Uncut, 11 p. Boston, 1811 Re-Re-Commencement; a kind of a Poem; calculated to be recited before an assemblage of N. England Divines. By a Friend of Everybody. Uncut, 8 p. Salem, 1812 Inaugural Discourse, Dec. 8, 1819. By E. T. Channing. Uncut, 31 p. Cambridge, 1819 Duane, W. J. Letters to the people of Pennsylvania, on the Internal Improvement of the SLate, by means of roads and canals. 8vo, 125 p. Phila., 1811 Report of Comm. of the Senate of N. Y., to explore the route of an inland navigation; from Hudson's River to Lakes Ontario and Erie. 35 p. Albany, 1811 2918 Miscellaneous, [Thirteen]. Thirteenth Annual Report of the Bd. of Publication of the Presb. Church. Phila., 1851 Report of Joint Coin. of Gen'l. Conv., 1841, on Standard Prayer Book. 40 p. Report of Coin. from " St. George's Church" in N. Y., Beekman St. NV. Y., 1849 Communication to the Rector, etc., of "St. George's Church." N. Y., 1850& Sketches of Liberia, comprising a brief account of the Geography, Climate, Productions and Diseases. By J. W. Lugenbeel, 8vo, 43 p., dbl. col. lTash., 1850 Information about going to Liberia. 16 p. Wash., 1848 Appeal to the Managers of St. Luke's Hospital, etc. NV. Y., 1852 Muhlenberg, W. A. A Plea for a Church Hospital in N. Y. City. N. Y., 1850 Report of Commissioners of Fisheries, Jan. 1, 1868. Boston. Report of the Smithsonian Institution on the History of the Discovery of Neptune. By B. A Gould. 56 p. Wash., 1850 Report of the Librarian of the State Library, Sept. 30, 1867. Boston Report of the U. S. Revenue Com. on Petroleum. Treas. Dept., 1866. Sermon and other Exercises at the Ordination of Alex. McKenzie, Aug. 28, 1861. Augusta, Me., 1861 2919 Miscellaneous. [Eleven]. Manning, J. M. Discourse, Dec. 13, 1863, in Old South Church, Boston. 542 Morris, Gouverneur. Oration, deliv. June 29, 1814, on the recent delivr. of Europe from Military Despotism. 8vo, uncut, 16 p. Salem, 1814 Names and Sketches of nearly two thousand of the Richest Men of Mass. 2nd ed., with additions. 8vo, 224 p.,fine copy, very scarce. Boston, 1852 Mass. House Doc. No. 150, in relation to the Hutchinson Papers, March 19, 1868. Necrological Report of Middlebury College for 1867. 8 p,, dbl. col. Montgomery, N. Y. Historical Disc., regarding the Goodwill Presbyterian Church, 125th anniv. of its settlement. By D. M. Maclise. 32p. N. Y., 1865 Macintosh, Sir James. Discourse on the Study of the Law of Nature and of Nations. 8vo, 103 p. Boston, 1843 Minutes of the General Conf. of Cong'l. Churches hi Maine, 1863. Mr. Dexter's Address to the Electors of Mass. Boston, 1814 Address to the Electors of Mass., 1814. Quincy, Josiah. Remarks on some of the Provisions of the Laws of Mass. affecting Poverty, Vice and Crime. Cambridge, 1822..o 2920 Miscellaneous. [Eleven]. Worcester, Samuel. Sermon July 23, 1812. Public Fast on account of the War. 8vo, 24 p. Salem, 1812 Madison Univ. Speech of Mr. MacMaster, Oct. 4, 1844. 8vo, 39 p. Madison, Izd., 1844 Macdill, D. Sketch of the History of the Assoc. Ref. Church, deliv. in Oxford, O., March 2, 1843. The New States; or, a Comparison of the Wealth, Strength and Population of the Northern and Southern States. 8vo, 36 p. Boston, 1818 The Devil let Loose; or, a Wonderful Instance of the Goodness of God. 8vo, 24 p., autog. of Uzal Ogden. N. Y, 1805 Mellen, Granville. "The Rest of the Nations." A Poem. 8vo, 28 p. Portland, 1826 Bradford, G. Address before the Mass. Temp. Soc., Jule, 1826. 8vo, uncut, 24 p. Boston Remarks on the Character and Writings of John Milton. 8vo, 48 p. Boston, 1826 Sprague, Charles. Address before the Mass. Temp. Soc., May 31, 1827. 8vo, 30 p.; scarce. Boston, 1827 Report and Resolves of the State of Maine Legist. respecting international Lit. Exchanges. Svo, 109 p. Augusta, 1847 Prospectus of the Union Ins. Co. N. Y, 1818 /l 2921 Miscellaneous. [Twenty-nine]. Newark College, N. J. Address, by Thos. E. Bond, Sept. 23, 1IF40. Lindsly, Philip. Plea for the Theological Seminary at Princeton, N. J. Trenton, 1821 543 Prot. Epis. Miss. Soc. 4th Annual Report, 1820. 5th AnnualReport, 1821. 10th Annual Report, 1826. 11th Annual Report, 1827. 1.3th Annual Report, 1829. 15th Annual Report, 1831. Address by Bp. Hobart, 1817. C. R. Duffle, 1826. Sermon by J.- M. Wainwright, 1828. Bp. Otey, 1838. J. Johns, 1838. J. S. Stone, 1839. Letters by Bp. Onderdonk. -....- Spirit of. Missions, July, 1850. N. Y. Young Men's Miss. Soc. First and Fifth Annual Reports, 1820 and 1824. Two. Foreign Miss. Soc. Sermon by Erskine Mason. Asa I). Smith. M. S. Hutton. - S. T. Spear. R. W. Clarke. Amer. Baptist Home Miss. Soc. Discourse by Stephen Chapin. Balto., 1841 - Discourse by W. R. Williams, Phila., June 7, 1836 Baptist Home Miss. Soc., London. Two Sermons, Semi-Centennial of its organization. 8vo, 83 p. London, 1842 Boston Baptist For. Miss. Soc. Sermon by F. Wayland. American Bd. of Corn. for For. Miss., 24th Annual Report. Sermon by T. H. Skinner. 2922 Miscellaneous. [Twelve.] Letters on the New Theatre. Letter from the Secry. of State to Mr. Monroe, on the Subject of the Attack on the Chesapeake, March 23, 1808. 8vo, 88 pgges. City of Washington, 1808 LTetters from the Secry. of State to Mr. Monroe on the subject of Impressments, March 23, 1808. 8vo, 137 pages. Washington City, 1808 Memorial of Benj. Silliman. 9 pages. Mass. Charitable Mech. Assoc. Tenth Exhibition, Sept., 1865. Boston, 1865 Maryland Hist. Soc. and the Peabody Institute Trustees. Report March 5, 1866. 15 pages. MARYLAND TOLERATION; or, Sketches of the Early History of Md., to the year 1650. By Rev. Ethan Allen. 8vo, 64 pages; very scarce; flue copy. Baltimore, 1855 Historical Discourse deliv. at Worcester in the Old South Meeting-House, Sept. 22, 1863, the Hundredth Anniv. of its Erection. By Leonard Bacon. Intro. remarks by Ira M. Barton, and an appendix. Frontis. 8vo, 106 pages; valuable; flune copy. Worcester, 1863 544 Boston Grammar Schools. Course of Studvy. Report on the Public Schools of N. Y., Phila., Balto. and Washington. 8vo, 64 pages. Boston, 1867. Second Report on Truancy and Compulsory Educ. 55 pages. Description of the City Hosp. Illus. Svo, 131 pages. Boston, 1865 - 2923 Miscellaneous. [Twelve.] Missisquoi Springs and their Wonderful Cures. Declaration of the County of Essex (Mass.), by its Delegates in Cony., respecting Embargo, July 21, 1812. 8'Vo, uncut; scarce. 16 pages. Salem, 1812 Quincy, Josiah. Speech Jan. 5, 1813. 8vo, uncut. 33 pages. Mr. Madison's War, &c. By a New Eng. Farmer. 8vo, 62 pages. Boston, 1812 Austin, Samuel. The Apology of Patriots; or, the heresy of the friends of the Washington and peace policy defended. Sermon Augt. 20, 1812. 8vo, uncut. Worcester, 1812 Mead, Samuel. Sermon on the War, Augt. 20, 1812. Uncut. Newburyport, 1812 Osgood, David. Solemn Protest against the Declaration'of War..Exeter, N. H., 1812 Morse, Jedidiah. Sermon, July 23, 1812, on day of Public Fast on account of the War. Uncut, 32 pages. Charlestown, 1812 Treaty of Peace signed at Ghent, 1814,'and all others since 1783. Uncut, 24 pages. Boston, 1815 Features of Mr. Jay's Treaty. Uncut. Phila., 1795 Harrison, Win. H. Memorial of the National Bereavement, by IH. N. Wilson. Scarce. Sag-Harbor, L. I., 1841. New Haven Col. Hist. Society. Papers of. Vol. I., 1865. 15 pages. ~a 2924 Miscellaneous. [Seventeen.] N. Y. Aux. Bible Society. Act. of Incorp. and By-Laws. N. Y1, 1818 Eleventh and Twelfth Annual Reports, 1827. (2.) Bible Society of Central N. Y. Sermon by John C. Rudd, July 12, 1837. N. Y. Bible Soc. Sermon by H. Wheaton, Sept. 25, 1844. Washington Bible Soc. Tidings of Great Joy for all People. Sermon, Jan. 31, 1816, at Granville, N. Y. 8vo, 32 pages; scarce. Salem, N. Y., 1816 Scoharie Bible Soc. Sermon by John F. Schermerhorn, Jan., 1817. 8vo, 20 pages; scarce. Albany, 1817 Park, E. A. Disc. before Convention of Cong'l Ministers. May 30, 1850. 8vo, 44 pages. Boston Princeton College, N. J. Sermon by Philip Lindsly. May 27, 1821. 23 pages. College of New Jersey. Address by R. S. Coxe, Sept. 24, 545 College of New Jersey. Address by George M. Dallas, Sept. 27, 1831. 26 pages. Address by-John Sergeant, Sept. 25, 1833. 44 p. Address by William Gaston, Sept. 29, 1835. 42 pages. Address by S. J. Wilkin, Sept. 28, 1842. Address by Samuel L. Southard, Sept. 26, 1839. Catalogue, 1827. Rutgers College. Address by William Wirt, July 20, 1830. 2925 Miscellaneous. [Twenty-five.] Maine Miss. Soc. Sermon by Allen Greely, June 23, 1824. Mass. Dom. Miss. Soc. 5th Ann. Report, 1823. American Home Miss. Soc. Sermon by David H. Riddle, May, 1851. N. Y. Female Miss. Soc. of N. Y. Disc., 1st Annual Meeting, by M. La Rue Perrine, May 12, 1817. United Domestic Miss. Soc. Second Report, May 14, 1824. Prot. Epis. Miss. Soc. 5th Annual Report, Oct. 6, 1836. Johnson, Evan M. Discourse, Feb. 24, 1839, "Missionary Fanaticism." N. Y., 1839 Bushnell, Horace. Barbarism the First Danger. N. Y., 1847 Letter from John Philip to the Society of Inq. on Missions, at Princeton, N. J., 1833. Osborne, Michael. Sermon at First Meeting of Central Board of For. Missions. 8vo; scarce; 40 pages. Richmond, 1843/" Engles, W. M. The Patriot's Plea for Domestic Missions. Sermon, Oct. 31, 1833. Phila. Amer. Temp. Soc. Sixth Report, 1833. Smith, James. Man, through the Atonement, able to render himself acceptable to God. Albany, 1841 Hodges, E. An Essay on the Cultivation of Church Music. N. Y., 1841 Stowe, C. E. Letter to R. D. Massey on the utter groundlessness of all the Millenial Arithmetic. Cinn., 1843 Webster, Daniel. Speech of, on the Veto of the Bank Bill, July 11, 1832. Stack Richard. Lectures on the Acts of the Apostles. 8vo, unbound, 314 p. Annapolis, 1815 Smith, Robert. Address to the People of the U. S. 8vo, uncut, 41 p. Baltimore, 1811 Percival, James G. Poem before the Phi Beta Kappa, Sept., 13, 1825, Yale College. 8vo, 40 2p. Boston, 1826 Fisk, Ezra. Oration before Alumni of Williams College, Sept. 7, 1825. 8vo, 20 pages New Yorkc, 1825 Wright, Elizur. A Curiosity of Law, and what Came of It, &c. 8vo, 96 pages. Boston, 1866 Parish, Elijah. Sermon before the Female Charitable Soc. of Newburyport, May 17, 1808. 5th Anniv. 8vo, 28 pages. Lexington, Ky. Memorial of Mechanics and Manuf. to Congress, Jan. 22, 1811. 14 pages, uncut. 69 546 Remarks on the Study of Languages, preparatory to admission into College. Brunswiclc (Me.), 1826 Report of Corn. of West Parish Assoc. on the State of Religion. Boston, 1825 /o 2926 Miscellaneous. [Nineteen.] Knowlton, Dr. C. Two Remarkable Lectures deliv. in Boston on the day of his leaving the Jail at East Cambridge, March 31, 1833, where he had been imprisoned for publishing an obscene book. 8vo, 24 pages. Boston, 1833 Wilmer, Simon. Sermon deliv. May 1, 1811, at Conv. of Prot. Epis. Ch. in N. J. 8vo, 35 pages. Burlington, 1811 Parkman, George. Proposals for Establishing a Retreat for the Insane. tvo, 12 pages. Boston, 1814 Porter, Ebenezer. Sermon, Sept. 22, 1818, Dedication of Theological Seminary in Andover. 8vo, 30 pages. Andover, 1818 Pusey, E. B. Sermon on the' Holy Eucharist." N -Y., 1843 "Puseyism no Popery. 8vo, 72 pages. Boston, 1843 Smith, Ethan. Two Sermons, August 3, 1818, at Bolton, N. Y. 8vo, 46 pages. Ballston, Spa., 118 Plymley, Peter. Letters on the subject of Catholics, to my Brother Abraham, who lives in the Country. 8vo, 83 pages, fine copy. ]Baltimore, 1809 Lyon, James. The Saint's Daily Assistant; or, Meditations Morning and Evening. 8vo, unotut. Newburyport, n. d. Smith, Rev. Ethan. Sermon to Dr. Spring's Society, Nov. 30, 1809. 8vo, 23p. NVewburyport, 1809 Belsham, Thomas. Vindication of Certain Passages in a Discourse on the Death of Dr. Priestley; added, the Discourse on Death of, &c. 12tno, 118 pages. Boston, 1809 The Snow Storm, a Scottish Tale, and the Secret of FortuneTelling. 12mo, 26 pages. N. I., 1834 To the Unfortunate Female. London A Voice from the Church. 28 pages. N. Y., 1834 Nature, Design and General Rules of the Meth. Soc., with John Wesley's Advice in regard to Dress. 24 pages. N. Y., 1809 Institution of the Mass. Humane Soc., with the Rules and Methods of Treatment to be used with Persons apparently Dead. 12mo, uncut, 22 p.; very scarce. Boston, 1788 The Christian's Pocket Library. No. V., Vol. I., 48 pages, uncut. Our Country: its Capabilities, its Perils and its Hope. 12mo, 60 pages..N. T., 1842 A Blow at the Root, &c. 12mo, 12 pages. Elizabethtown, N. J., 1809 4/?,2927 Miscellaneous. [Fifteen.] Grimke, Thos. S. Letter to J. C. Calhoun, R. Y. Ilayne, &c. 8vo, 15 p. Charleston, 1832 547 Girard, Stephen. Bill in Chancery, filed in the Circuit Court of U. S. in behalf of the heirs of, to recover all the Real and Personal Estate, &c. 8vo, 12 p. Phila. 1836 Green, Lewis W. Inaug. Address before the Synod of Pittsburgh, Oct., 1840. 8vo, 20p. Pittsburgh, 1843 Spooner, W. J. Address deliv. before the Phi Beta Kappa at Cambridge, Aug. 29, 182'2. 8vo, 34 p. Boston, 1822 Story, Joseph. Discourse before the Phi Beta Kappa, Aug. 31, 1856, at Cambridge. 8vo, 58p. Boston, 1826 N. Y. Historical Soc. Memorial, 1827. 32 p. Onderdonk, B. T. Voice of Truth. Number two. 48 p. Pastoral Letter to the Clergy, &c. 19 p. New Yorlc, 1844 CONNECTICUT. Continuation of the Narrative of the Missions to the New Settlements in. 8vo, 32 p. New Hfaven, 1794 CHEETAAM1, JAMES. A Dissertation concerning Political Equality and the Corporation of N. Y. 8vo, 50 p. N. Y., 1800 WNest, Stephen. Animadversions on a Publication entitled " The Duty and Obligation of Christians to Marry only in the Lord." 8vo, 15 p.; very scarce. Fish-.Kill: Samn. Loudon, 1779 Witherspoon, Rev. John. Sermon on the Relig. Educ. of Children. 8vo, half mor., 23 p.; fine copy. EJlizabethtown, 1789 Hughes, Rev. Dr. John. Lecture on the Mixture of Civil and Ecclesiastical Power in the Middle Ages. 8vo, uncut, 24 p. N. Y., 1843 Ingenac, B. The Rural Code of Haiti, literally translated, together with Letters from that Country concerning its Present Condition. 8vo, 48 p. Granville, N. J., 1837 Gage, WVm. L. Valedictory Sermon, April 4, 1858. Manchesler, N. H., 1858 2928 Miscellaneous. [Thirteen.] Scott, John. The Fatal Consequences of Licentiousness: a Sermon preached March 18th, 1810, at Kingston, on occasion of the Trial of a Young Woman of that Town for the alleged Murder of her Illegitimate Child. 12mno, 43 pp., fine copy. Hull, Erigla?2d, 1810 Saul —an Apostle of Liberty. The Rights of Conscience presumed upon the Principles of Genuine Christianity. Intended as a Refutation of Bigotry and Superstition, and a Defence of the Common Rights of Citizens against Church Coalitions. 12mo, 21 pp., very curious New Yorl, 1779 Totten, Joseph. A Short Account of Five Camp-meetings held in the New Jersey District, in 1808. 12mo, 22 pages. New York, 1808 Stevens, Calvin F. A List of the Post-offices in the U. S.; their Names, Counties, and States; distance from Washington; Rates of Postage, and distance from N. Y.; with Laws and Regulations. Small 4to, 92 pages, uncut. New York, 1808 548 McLeod, Allan. Lackington's Confession-rendered into Narrative: added, observations on the bad consequences of educating daughters at Boarding-schools. 12mo, 150 pages. London, 1804 Bowden, John. Letter from, to the Rev. Ezra Stiles, concerning Church Government. 12mo, 48 pages U;nadilla, N. Y., 1825 Randolph, John. Speech of, March 5th, 1806, upon non-Importation of British Goods. 12mo, uncut, 23 pages. Salem, Mass., 1806 tHicks, Elias. An Examination of an Epistle issued by the Followers of, Relative to their Separation from the Society of Friends. 12mo, 54 pages. Phflxdelphia, 1827 Hillhouse. Propositions for Amending the Constitution of the U. S., April 12th, 1808. 12mo, uncut, 60 pages. Grew, Henry. Narrative of Proceedings in the Bank Street Ch., relative to the Reception of an Adhering Freemason. With an Examination of Masonic Oaths, &c. 12mo, 36 pages. Phila., 1836 Greene, Benj. Oration before the Members of Murray's Lodge, No. XVII., at Festival of St. John. 12mo, 15 pages. Montreal, 1817 Newman's Observations for the Use of the Pious. 1'2nzo, 23 pages. Otsego, N. Y., 1807 Second Part. 12mo, 24 pages. Otsego, ST. Y., 1809 /2Y,2930 Miscellaneous. [Twenty-seven.] Locke, John. A Letter concerning Toleration. 12mo, 71 pages. Dedicated to Governor Thos. Chittlndenr. Windsor, Vt. Printed by Alden Spooner, IDCCLXXXVIU. A very rare imprint. Pope, Alexander. An Essay on Man; in Four Epistles. 12mo, 45 pages. Brattleborougqh, 1807 Randolph, John, Speech of, on non-Importation of British Goods, March 13, 1806. Lathrop, Joseph. Sermon at the Ordination of Rev. Heman Ball, Feb. 1, 1797. 12mo, 34 pages. Rutland, (Vt.) 1797. Wesley, John. Popery calmly considered. 12mno, 25 pages London, 1779. Scott, Walter. Religious Discourses. By a Layman 12mto, 48 pages. Netw Yorlc, 1828 Huit, Monsieur. Letter to Mons. De le Grais, upon the Original of Romances. 1t2mo, 63 pages. London, MDCCXX Williams, H. M. Letters from France containing many new anecdotes relative to the French Revolution. 12tmo, uncut, 138 pages. Boston, 1792 Ruggles, S. B. Semi-Centennial Address at Yale College to the Graduates of 1814. July 27, 1864 45 pages. New York, 1864 Church of England Tracts, 1796 to 1800, —(nine), —in one volume. 549 Boston Grammar Schools. Course of Study for July, t868. A Dispassionate Inquiry into the Reasons alleged by Mr. Madison for Declaring an Offensive and Ruinous War against Great Britain. By a New-England Farmer. Second Edition. 8vo, uncut, 63 pages. Boston, 1812 Boston Baptist For. Miss. Society. Sermon by F. Wayland, Jr. 4th edition. Boston, 1826 N. Y. Prot. Epis. Miss. Soc. Discourse, Jan. 15, 1826, by C. R. Duffie. Genl. Prot. Epis. S. S. Union. Third Annual Report, June 25, 1829. NV. Y. of N. Y. Eleventh Annual Report,-1828. Maryland Toleration; or, Sketches of the Early History of Maryland to the Year 1650. By Rev. Ethan Allen. 8vo, 64 pages, fine copy, scarce. Balto., 1855 Osgood, David. A Solemn Protest against the late Declaration of War. 8vo, uncut, 20 pages. Cambridge, 1812 2931 Indian Pamphlets. Valuable. [Six.] SPEECH OF MR. STORRs on the Seminole War. 18 p.; scarce. 1828 SPEEcH OF MR. VINTON on the Emigration of Indians. 28 p. Scarce. Wash., 1828 Priest, Josiah. Stories of Early Settlers in the Wilderness, embracing the Life of Mrs. Priest, and a Short Account of Brant and of the Massacre of Wyoming. 8vo, 40 p. Wants plate. Portrait of Brant and of arn old Inedian Battle inserted. Fine copy. A lbany, 1837 CUSICi, DAvID. HISTORY OF THE SIX NATIONS. Published at Tuscarora Village, June 10, 1825. Wants Title. Uncut, 36 p. This edition is so very rare, that a gentleman, several years ago, took the trouble to visit the Tuscarora Village in order to find a copy, and offered $10, but did not succeed in securing one. HIanson's, Williamson's and Smith's Captivities. Extracted from an Old Book of Indian Narratives. 109 p. Rights of the Indians. Memorial to House of Representatives of United States, by Citizens of Massachusetts, February 22, 1830. 16 p. 2932 Miscellaneous. [Thirteen. STURBRIDGE (Mass.) Historical Sketches of the Baptist Ch., from 1740 to 1843. By Rev. Joel Kenney. 1'2mo, 54 p. N. Y., 18442z Channing, W. E. A Sermon on War, May 30, 1816. 8vo, uncut, 40 p. Boston, 1812 Address to the Clergy of New England on their Opposition to the rulers of the United States. By a Layman. 8vo, 28 P. Concord, 1814, 550 HULL-GULL. THE WARS OF THE GULLS. An Historical Romance in Three Chapters. Chapter I. -Showing How and Why, and with WThom the Gulls went to War. II. —How the Gulls made the Deep to Boil like a Pot. III-Showing how a Certain Doughty General of the Gulls goes forth to Play the Game of Hull-Gull in Upper Canada: "And from the pinnacle of glory, Falls headlong into purgatory." After having quieted himself with the sagacious reflection"That when a fight becomes a chase, Those win the day that win the race." 8vo, uncut. Fine copy; scarce. 36 pages New York, 1812 Act for Regulating, Governing and Training the Mlilitia of Massachusetts, passed March 6, 1810. Boston, 1810 Speech of Mr. Mallary of Vermont on the Tariff Bill. 34 p. Wtash., 1828 Burroughs, Stephen, Memoirs of. 12rno, Vol. I. only. 202 p. Fine copy; very scarce Ed. Boston, 1804 Webster, Noah. Observations on Language. Addressed to the New York Lyceum. Also on Conmmerce. 12mno, 39 p. New Haven, 1839 Scarce and Important. Worcester, Noah. A Friendly Letter to Rev. Thomas Baldwin on Close Communionists. 12mo, 48 pages. Concord, N. Hf;, 1791 Very Rare Imprint. Strong, Cyprian. Animadversions on the Substance of two Sermons by John Lewis. 12mo,.56 p. Concord, N1. H1., 1793 Rush, Benjamin. An Inquiry into the Effects of Ardent Spirits upon the Body and Mind. 12ino,.32 p.'Scarce. Phila., n. d. Worcester, Sam'l. Sermon-The Messiah of the Scriptures — April 8, 1808, at Salem and Beverly. 12mo, 28 p. Boston, 1808 Lathrop, Joseph, Christ's Warning to Churches to Beware of False Prophets. 12mno, uncut, 60 p. Amherst, N. H., 1804 /o 2933 Miscellaneous. [Twenty.] Miller, Samuel. Presbyterianism the Truly Primitive and Apostolical Constitution. 8vo, 98 p. Phila., 1835 Judd, Thomas. An Essay on the Improvement in the Manufacture of Sugar adapted for Louisiana. 8vo, 36 p., uncut. Scarce. Boston, 1836 Import, Design, and Uses of Infant Baptism-Infant Baptism Scriptural and Reasonable. By Samuel Miller. 8vo, 122 P. Phila., 1837 Subjects and Mode of Baptism. Heyrick, Eliz. Immediate not Gradual Abolition. 36 p. Phila., 1837 551 Parker, Theo. A Letter to the President of United States touching the Matter of Slavery. 8vo, 1l20 p. Fery scarce. Boston, 1848 The Anti-Slavery Record. May, 1836. Southgate, H. Address delivered before the Missionary Frat. in Phillips' Acad., Andover, 31 p. 1834 Knox College. Rights of Congregationalists in. 93 p. Chica go, 1859 Roy, J. E. Manual of Principles, Doctrines, and Usages 6f Congregational Churches. Chicago, 1869 Reasons Assigned by a number of Ministers for Declaring themselves the True Reformed Dutch Church of United States. 12rno, 19p. Hackensack, N. J., 1822 A Treatise on Schism. Balto. A Word to Sabbath Breakers. N. Y., 1812 A Short and Easy Method to Perform well the Daily Actions of a Christian Life. 12nzo, 24 p. iLondons 1764 Chipman, Samuel. Report of an Exam. of Poor Houses, Jails, &c., in New York State, and Berkshire County, Mass., &c. 8vo, 96 p. Albany, 1834 Manning, James. Charge from the President of Brown University, September 2, 1789. 26 p., 8vo. Boston, 1806 White, Daniel A. Address to the Merrimack Humane Soc., Sept. 3, 1805. 8vo, 36 p. Newburyport, 1805 Mackenzie, Alex. Letter to the Rev. Samuel C. Aiken in Answer to his Sermon on Theatrical Exhib. 8vo, 28p. Cleveland, 0., 1836 Martin, S. Two Discourses. First-The Danger and Mischief of Self-Confidence. Second-Scripture Doctrine of Justification explained. Recommended to Moravian Sectaries. 8vo, 78 p. London, 1760 2934 Miscellaneous. [Twenty-One.] United States. Return of the whole number of Persons within the Several Districts of. Taken in 1791. 8vo, uncut. / Fine copy; very scarce. Wash. City, 1802 - The same. Taken in 1800. General Theological Seminary Protestant Episcopal Church. Proceedings of Board of Trustees, Jlme, 1828. - Introductory Address, March 11, 1822. By J. H. Hobart. - Letter from Professor Whittingham, June, 1838 - B. T. Onderdonk's Address, June 30, 1837 H. U. Onderdonk's Address, June 29, 1838 S. A. McCoskry, Address, June 28, 1839 B. T. Onderdonk, Sermon, November 29, 1840 WV. R. Whittingham, Sermon, December 15, 1839 - W. R. WVhittingham, Sermon, December 4, 1836 IW. H. De Lancey, Address, June 25, 1841 552 Acts of the Diocesan Synod, at Exeter, England, June, 1851. 8vo,' 157 p. N /. YI, 1852 Review of the Apologies of Dr. Seabury and Mr. Haight. By a Churchman. NV. Y., 1843 Letter to the Clergy of Exeter, England. By Henry Lord Bishop. N. Y., 1852 Political Tables Showing the Population of the Different States and the Return of Votes for 1824, 1826, and 1828, with Remarks. 12mo, 72 p. N. Y., 1828 Peters, W. C. Burrowes' Piano Forte Primer. 12mo, 48 p. Coifederate pub. Richmond, 1864 Reese, Levi R. Discoveries on the Origin, Universal Obligation, &c., of the Sabbath, delivered in the Capitol of the United States. 12mo, 51 p. Balto., 1838 Religious Repertory for the Year 1814, Being a Choice collection of Original Essays, Curious and Interesting Documents, &c. 12mo, 69p. Cor/c, 1814 Polwhele, R. Anecdotes of Methodism; added a Sermon on the Conduct that becomes a Clergyman. 12mno, 99 p. Free. London, 1800 Wesley, John. Minutes of Several Conversations at the 69th Conference in Leeds, July 27th 1812. 12to, 84 p. London, 1812 S 2935 Miscellaneous. [Ten.] Essay on the Rights and Duties of Nations with Reference to the Chesapeake Affair. By an American. 8vo, 62 p., uclcut. Boston, 1807 New Hampshire. Report of Committee upon War Expenditures of the Towns and Cities in. Concord, 1866 Wilkes, Lieut. Charles. Defence of, to the Charge on which he has been Tried. Pinckney. Lecture on the Goodness of God, June 24, 1838 Inquiry into the Causes of Public Distress. 8vo, 52p. NV. Y., 1834 Brief Survey of the Lottery System as Existing in the United States. Svo, 48p. Phila., 1833 New York. An Act to Organize the Militia of the State of, passed April 21, 1818, with Index. 8vo, 46 p. Albany, 1818 In Assembly, No. 134, Message of Gov. Seward, in Relation to the Culture of Silk and Manufacture of Sugar from the Beet Root, February 12, 1840 Circular Letter from the General Republican Comn. in Vindication of the Measures of General Government. 8vo, 105 p. Very scarce. N..Y., 1809 Channing, W. E. Discourse, June 15, 1814. 8vo, uncut. Boston. G 2936 Miscellaneous. [Ten.] Onderdonk, B. T. Reply to Communication of Laymen. 16 p. NV. Y., 1844 553 Onderdonk, B. T. Review of Address in Respect to a late Ordination. By Observer. 23 p. N1 Y, 1843 Letter to, by Washington Plebs, with an Epistle to S. H1. Tyng. 24 p. Autograph of Onderdonk. N. Y., 1843 The Voice of Truth, No. 3. The Trial Tried; or, the Bishop and the Court at the Bar of Public Opinion. By Laicus. 24 p. N. Y., 1845 Opinions of the Minority of the Court on the Trial of, &c. 8vo, 46. p. N. Y., 1845 - Statement of Facts and Circumstances connected with the Recent Trial of, &c., called "Bp. Onderdonk's Statement." 8vo, 31 p. N. Y1, 1845 Onderdonk, H. U. Considerations on Marriages Prohibited by the Law of God. 16 p. Phila., 1841 Lewis, Isaac. Discourse on the Divinity of Jesus Christ. December 16, 1812, 8vo, 35 p. Warren, R. 1;, 1812 Discourse-Public Thanksgiving. November 26, 1812. 8vo, 18 p. Warren, R. I., 1812 2937 Miscellaneous. [Nineteen.] Dawson, H. B. The Sons of Liberty in New York. 8vo, 118 p. Poor copy. N. Y., 1859 Spear, Samuel T. The Nation's Blessing in Trial,-Sermon./~ November 27, 1862. Brookclyn. Thomson, John. An Address delivered July 4, 1810, at Newark. 12 p. Poor copy. Remarks on the Practicability and Expediency of Establishing a Railroad from Boston to the Connecticut River.'By N. Hale. 8vo, uncut, 71 p. Boston, 1827 Constitution of the Cape Cod Association, and Oration of Henry Scudder, at Boston, November 14, 1854. 8vo, 80 p. BATH, N. H. Address, January 23, 1854, with an Historical Appendix. 8vo, 135 p. ~Very scarce. Boston, 1855 Report of Board of Directors on Internal Improvements on the Expediency and Practicability of a Railroad from Boston to the Hudson River; annexed Reports of Engineers with Plans and Profiles. 8vo, uncut, 195 p. Boston, 1829 Report of Finances, &c. of State of N. Y., for 1838. 71 p. Report of Coin. appointed to Submit a Plan for Supplying the City of Albany with Water. Albany, 1846 Fay, F. B. Speech on the License Billl, April 7, 1868. Boston. High Prices. The Cause and the Remedy. Archbishop Hughes in Reply to General Cass, and in SelfVindication. 8vo, 34 p. N1. Y., 1854 70 554 Harrison, Wmin. Henry. A Sketch of the Life and Public Services of. 8vo, 32 p. Very scarce. N. Y., 1836 Harper, Robt. G. A Letter from, to his Constituents. 8vo, uncat, 16 p. Wm. Hilliard Printer. 1801 Hitchcock, Enos. A New Year's Sermon, delivered Jan.J1, 1797. 8vo, 12 p., uncut. Providence, 1797 New England Manufacturers' Convention held at Worcester, Jan. 22, 1868, Proceedings of. Message from the President of United States Transmitting a Roll of Persons having Office or Employment under U. S., February 16, 1802. 8vo, uncut. Wash., 1802 Sampson Against the Philistines; or, Reformation of Lawsuits. Svo, 96 p., uncut. Phila., 1805 Address of the State Committee of Correspondence to the Citizens of Philadelphia, 1808. s' 2938 Miscellaneous. [Twenty.] New York Public School Society. Address of Trustees, 1828 General Protestant Episcopal Sunday School Union. Sermon, July 29, 1830, by Charles Burroughs. Third Annual Report, June 25, 1829 Sixth Annual Report, April 1, 1823 E- leventh Annual Report, April 16, 1828 - Twelfth Annual Report, April 29, 1829 New York Prot. Episcopal Tract Society, Twentieth Annual Report. ---- Address by Sam. R. Johnson. Protestant Episcopal Church. Proceedings of Convention in New Jersey, June, 1801. 8vo, 10 p. Newar/c. 1801 - Annual Conv. in New Jersey, Address by Bishop Doane, May 30, 1838 - General Conv. in Philadelphia, Sermon, by Bishop Meade, September 5, 1838 -- Annual Conv. in New York, Sermon by MV. Eastburn, October 4, 1838 - Annual Conv. in New Jersey, Episc. Address, May 29, 1839, by Bp. Doane. -- -..- Third Annual Conyv., Western New York, Sermon, by H. Gregory, Oct. 1, 1840 General Conv. in New York, Sermon by Bp. Mcllvaine, Oct. 12, 8411 -.- - General Conv. in New York, October 6, 1841, Sermon by B. T. Onderdonk. 555 New York Female Union Society, First Report, April 9, 1817. 32 p. Second Report, April 8, 1818. 52 pages. Sixth Report, April 3, 1822. 40 p. Seventh Report, April, 1823. 32 p. 2939 Miscellaneous. [Twenty-five.]. New York Society for Reformation of Juvenile Delinquents. Seventh and Eighth Reports. 1832, 1833 Johnson, W. L. Rectors' Christmas Offering for 1841-1842 New York Infant School Society, Constitution and By-Laws. May 23, 1827 Quincy, Josiah, Speech of, January 5, 1812, on Additional Military Force." Osgood, David. Solemn Protest Against the Late Declaration of War. Cambridge, 1812 Perpetual Wartthe Policy of Mr. Madison. By a New Eng. Farmer. Boston, 181'2 Report of the Comptroller of the City Finances of New York, 1820 Casserly, P. S., to the Editor of the North American Review. 16 p. Memorial on Personal Representation. Facts and Observations on the Past and Present Situation and Future Prospects of the U. S., embracing a View of the6 Causes of the late Bankruptcies in Boston. 8vo, uncut, 54 p. Phila., 1822 Hamilton. Address on the Tendency of our System of Intercourse with Foreign Nations. Nos. 1 and 5. Phila., 1852 Electro-Magnetism as a Motive Power. N1. Y., 1839 Treaties Between the United States and Great Britain. Boston, 1815:Wirt, William. Celebration in Baltimore of the Triumph of Liberty in France with the Address. October 25, 1830. 42 p. Fine copy. Ba7to., 1830 Waterman, A. G. Report of the Proceedings of Convention held in Independence Hall, July 6, 1852, for the purpose of Considering the Propriety of erecting one or more Monuments in Independence Square, Philadelphia. 8vo, 74 p. Fine copy. Phila., 1852 Storrs, John. Sermon, January 2, 1848, in Middleborough, Mass. Vindication of Mr. Randolph's Resignation. 8vo, 103 ps Phila., 1795 Wayland, Francis. The Affairs of Rhode Island. Discourse, May 22, 184:. 8vo, 32 p., valuable. Providence, 1842 American Tract Society, 11 th Annual Report, 1 825. 8vo, 51 p. -- --- Abstract of 15th Annual Report, May 13, 1840 17th Annual Report, December 20, 1843. 72 p. 556 New York Religious Tract Society. 10th Annual Report. 1822 9th Annual Report, 1821 American Tract Society. 9th Annual Report, 1823. 72 p. Philadelphia Sunday School Union'. 6th Report, May 27, 1823. 87 p. /0 2940 Miscellaneous. [Fourteen.] NORTHMEN IN AMERICA. Historical Sketches. Extracted from a Newspaper. Redfield, W.C. The First Hurricance of September, 1853. 32 pages. WATTERSTON, GEORGE. A Memoir on the History, Culture, Mlanufacture, Use, &c., of the Tobacco Plant. 12 pages, uncut, scarce, Washington, 1817 Wilberforce, Winm. An Appeal to the Religion, Justice, and IHumanity of the British Empire, in behalf of the Negro Slaves in the West Indies. 56 pages. London, 1823 PRESCOTT, OLIVER. A Dissertation on the Natural History and Medicinal Effects of the Secale Cornutum, or Ergot. With Plate. 8vo, uncut, 18 pages, beautful copy, scarce. Boston, 1813 SLEMONS, THO7IAS. Oration. Pronounced at Mr. Thaddeus Broad's, July 4th, 1810, before the Republicans of Falmouth, (Me.) 16 pages, verg scarce, Portland, 1810 N. Y. Prot. Epis. S. S. Soc. Eleventh Annual Report. N. Y., 1828. Carey, M. Twenty-one Golden Rules to depress Agriculture, impede Manufactures, &c. 8vo, uncut, 60 pages Salem, 1824 Collyer, J. B. Sermon. June 30th, 1838. Norwich, EEng. Chapin, Stephen. Two Sermons at Mount Vernon, N. H., November 26th, 1809; also appended: A Brief Sketch of the Life and Character of Rev. John Bruce, Minister of Mt. Vernon. Svo, uncut, 39 pages fine copy. Amherst, N. H., 1809 Church, J. H. The First Settlement of New-England. A Sermon delivered in Andover, April 5th, 1810, 8vo, 24 pages, fine copy, very scarce. Sutton, Jlass., 1810 Crowell, Seth. Some Polemical Remarks on the Principal Topics of the Calvinian System of Theology. 12mo, 23 pages, vncutt. Huffdson, N. Y., 1805 Coast Survey. Reply by B. B. to the Official Defence of its Cost, Abuses. and Power. 8vo, 36 pages. Congregational Churches. Manual of the Principles, Doctrines, and Usages. Chicago, 1869 /' 2941 Miscellaneous [Thirteen.] Evans, Oliver. To his Counsel, who are engaged in Defence of his Patent Rights for the Improvements he has Invented. 8vo, 55 pages, scarce. Extracts from a Review of the Parliamentary and Forensic Eloquence of the U. S. 8vo, 31 pages. Washington City, 1834 557 Essex Junto and the British Spy; or Treason Detected. 8vo, 36 pgs, uncut. Salem, 1812 ELLERY, CHRISTOPHER A Defence against Calumny; or Haman in the shape of C. Ellery, hung upon his own gallows. Being the substance of certain publications, etc., refuting the accusations against John Rutledge. 8vo, 64 pages, uncut, spicy. Printed for the Purchasers,. 1803. Elder, Question. Geneva. 16 pages. Emott, James. Speech of, Jan. 12th, 1813, on the War. 8vo, 35 pages. Boston, 1813 Elliott, Com. J. ID. Speech of. Delivered in HIagerstown, Md., Nov. 14th, 1843. 8vo, 137 pages; auto. of Elliott. Phila., 1844 Foye, M. W. Antiquity of the Church of England. 8vo, 24 pages. Birmingham, 1836 Furness, W. H. Discourse, Jan. 19th, 1840, on the loss of the Lexington. Phila., 1840 Freemen, Awake! the Devil is in the Camp! 8vo, 24 pages; curious. Phila., 1839 Fay, Francis B. Speech on the License Bill, April 7th, 1868. Boston. Fisher, John D. Sketch of the Life and Character of. By Walter Channing. Boston, 1850 Foster, Eben B. Sermon at Instal. of W. C. Foster. 8vo. 34 pages. Boston, 1850 2942 Miscellaneous. [Eleven.] Dorchester, (Mass.) Sermon, June 24th, 1827. By E. Richmond. 3vo, 16 pages. -- Discourse, Sept. 30th, 1855. By Nath. Hall. 8vo, 27 pages. -- The Limits of Civil Obedience. Sermon, Jan. 12th,.1851. By Nath. Hall. 26 p. - Sermon on the Death of Mrs. John Howe. Nov. 23d, 1844. 8vo, 16 p. Devyr, Thos. A. Our Natural Rights. A Pamphlet for the People. 8vo, 50 p. Williamsburg, L. I., 1842 De Grasse, Isaiah. A Sermon on Education. 8vo, 19 p. N. Y., 1839 Dorr, Thos. W. The Merits of, and George Bancroft, as they are politically connected. 8vo, 41 pages. Scarce. Boston, 1844 David, J. C. ITierachy of the American Scientific, Educ. and Philos. Soc. No. 1. 16 p. Phila., 1835 Decatur, Stephen. Correspondence between, and Com. James Barron, which led to the unfortunate meeting, MIarch 22d, 1820. 8vo, 22p. uncut. Scarce. Bost., 1820 Duane, Wm. J. The Law of Nations investigated in popular maunner. Addressed to the Farmers of the U. S. 8vo, 110 pages. Phila., 1809 558 Duer, John, and Robert Sedgwick. An Examination of the Controversy between the Greek Deputies, &c. 8vo, 179 p. Scarce. N. Y., 1826 7 2943 Miscellaneous. [Twelve.] Crane, E. D. Abstract of an Address on Transportation. Feb. 13th, 1868. Boston Channing, W. E. Discourse delivered June 15th, 1814. 8vo, uncut, 27 pages. Boston, 1814 Cobbett, William. Address to the Clergy of Mass., Nov. 13th, 1814; with a Prefatory to Certain Priests. By Jonathan. 8vo, uncut. Boston, 1815 Channing, W. E. Letter to Henry Clay on Annexation of Texas. 8vo, 72 pages, uncut. Boston, 1837 Cobbett, William. A Little Plain English on the Treaty, and on the Conduct of the Pres't. 8vo, uncut, 111 pages. Phila., 1795 Bell, Benj. Discourse on Ephesians v. 14. 8vo, 24 pages. Printed by Alden Spooner, in Windsor, Vt. MDccxcm. Very rare imprint. Brenan, Rev. AI. A Brief Statement of the Reasons which induced him to Renounce the Errors of the Church of Rome. Written by Himself. 8vo, 32 pages. Dublin, 1825 Bouton, Nathl. Mem. Disc, on the 50th Anniv. of Concord Fem. Char. Soc., Jan. 26th, 1862. 8vo, 40 pages. Concord, 1862 Beechwood Church, near Cohasset, (Mass.), Historical Sketch of. Jan. 15th, 1867. 8vo, 20 pages. Boston, 1867 Buffalo. St. Paul's Cathedral. Historical Sermon, by Rev. William Shelton, Feb. 19th, 1867. 8vo, 20 pages. Blatchly, Cornelius C. An Essay on Fasting, and on Abstinence. 8vo, 16 pages, curious and interesting. New York, 1818 BOARDMAN, HENRY, D. D. The Importance of Religion to the Legal Profession; with some remarks on the character of the late Chas. Chauncey. Discourse delivered October, 1849. 8vo, orig. cover, uncut, 40 pages.- Valuable. Phildelphia, 1849 2944 Miscellaneous. [Eighteen]. Schlegel, J. F. W. Neutral Rights; or, an Impartial examination of the Right of Search, etc. 8vo, uncut, 162 p. Phila., 1801 Putnam, I. W. Farewell Sermon, March 15, 1835, in the North Church, Portsmouth. N. Ht. With a valuable Historical Appendix. 8vo, 40 p., fine copy, scarce. Portsmouth, 1835 Randolph, John. Biography of, with a selection from his Speeches. By Lemuel Sawyer. 8vo, 132 p., fine copy. N. Y., 1844 Thoughts on the subject of Naval power in the U. S., etc. 8vo, 35 p. Phila., 1806 559 New York Dispensary. Annual Report of Bd. of Trustees of, Jan., 1832. Pusey, E. B. Sermon the " Holy Eucharist." N. Y., 1843 Vail, Alfred. Description of the Amer. Electro Magnetic Teleg., now in operation between Washington and Baltimore. Illust., 8vo, 24 p. Washington, 1845 Peterson, Edw. Facts on Con'l. Intolerance and Ecclesiastical Despotism. Providence, 1845 Sandford, H. S. De lege Rhodia de Jactu. Heidelbergae, 1849 Woodbury's Tables and Notes on the Cultivation of Cotton, etc. 78 p. Wash., 1836 Boston. Report of Comn. on the Preservation of the Hancock House, June 3, 1863. 8'vo, 14 p. City Hospital. Address at Dedication, May 24, 1864, by T. O. Amory, Jr. 8vo, 45 p. Metropolitan Police Bill. Argument of T. C. Amory against, March 16, 1863. 8vo, 31 p. - Miscellaneous Remarks on the Police of, as respects Paupers, Alms and Work House, For. and Domestic Mission. Soc., etc. 8vo, 42 p., uncut, very scarce. Boston, 1814 -----'Theatre. Description of the Scenery, etc. of the Grand Nautical Spectacle, called Black-Beard the Pirate, with all the Songs, Duetts, Glees and Chorusses, etc. 8vo, 12 p. Boston, 1811 Board of Trade, Public Interest and Private Monopoly. Address, Oct. 16, 1867, by Josiah Quincy. 8vo, 15 p. State House, The Improvements of. The Investigations thereof investigated, etc. 8vo, 93 p. Boston, 1868 2945 Miscellaneous. [Thirteen]. Cleopatra. The Celebrated Statue of.. 1,, 1837 Congregationalism. What it is. Catholic Religion Vindicated, being an Answer to a Sermon preached by the Rev. Mr. Cuyler, in Pougkeepsie, July 30, 1812, in which Sermon, the religion of the Catholics was illiberally misrepresented as to require a vindication. By as/' Roman Catholic. 8vo, 58 p.; fine copy, scarce. Printed for the Author, 1813 Crawford, Joseph. The substance of a Sermon deliv. at the Funeral of Miss Nabby Frothingham, Feb. 24, 1809. 8vo, 36 p. N. Y., 1809 Clarke, Adam. A Disssertation on the use and abuse of Tobacco. 8vo, 24 p. Newburyport, 1812 Creighton, James. The Advantages, Pleasure and Profit of Swearing in Common Conversation. 12mo, 12 p. Newry, 1812 Chickering, Jesse. A Statistical View of the Population of Mass., from 1765 to 1840. Svo, 160 p., fine copy; valuable. Boston, 1846 560 Buffalo Orphan Asylum. Report of Board of Trustees, June, 1854. 8vo, 24p. BERKSHIRE JUBILEE. Celebrated at Pittsfield, Mass., Aug. 22, 23, 1844. Frontis. and Eng. 8vo, stti paper, orig. cov.; 244 p. Albany, 1845 Contains Hopkins' Sermon, Poem by Dr. William Allen, with valuable Historical Notes, Oration by J. A. Spencer, and a large appendix of great interest and value, and eight engravings of the principal Towns in the County, also an index. Brownson, O. A. Sermon to Young People in Canton, May 24, 1835. 8vo, 18 p. Dedham, 1835 Bancroft, Aaron. Sermon, Jan. 31, 1836. Fifty years ministry. 8vo, 44 p.; scarce. Worcester, 1836 Brownson, O. A. Discourse on the Wants of the Times, May 29, 1836. 8vo, 23 p. Boston, 1836 Butler, Benj. F. Plan for the Organization of a Law Faculty, and for a System of Instruction in Legal Science. 8vo, 40 P. N. Y., 1835 6'2946 Miscellaneous. [Twelve]. BANGOR, Beaumaris and Snowdonia. Guide to, with a map, by John Smith. 8vo, 56 p. Liverpool, 1829 Bowdoin College, Me. Address before the Benev. Soc. of, Sept. 5, 1826, by Samuel P. Neuman. 8vo, 29 p. Portland, 1826 Bowdoin College. Laws of. 8vo, 28 p. Brunswick, 1825 Brougham, Henry. Vindiciae Wyckeamicae: or, a Vindication of Winchester College, occasioned by his letter to Samuel Romilly, on charitable abuses, by W. L. Bowles. 8vo, 52 p., scarce. London, 1818 BROWN, HON. NoICHoLAs. A Discourse in commem. of the Life and Character of, deliv. Nov. 3, 1841, by Francis Wayland. 8vo, 30 p., valuable. Boston, 1841 Buffalo Hospital of the Sisters of Charity. Discussion relative to, between Rev. John C. Lord and Bernard O'Reilly. 8vo, 38 p. Bzffalo, 1850 Emmons, Nathaniel. A Discourse concerning the Process of the General Judgment in which the modern Notions of Universal Salvation are particularly considered. 8vo, 94p.; rough edges, scarce. Phila., 1791 Erskine, Hon. Thos. A View of the causes and consequences of the Present War with France. 8vo, 77 p. Phila., 1797 Everett, Edward. A Lecture on the Working Men's Party, delivered in Charlestown, Oct. 6, 1830. 8vo, 27 p.; uncut, valuable. Boston, 1830 Speech of, March 9, 1826, in Com., on proposition to amend the Constitution. 8vo, 38 p. Boston, 1826 ---- Address before Phi Beta Kappa Soc. of Yale College, Aug. 20, 1833. 8vo, 35 p.; autog. of Everett. New Haven, 1833 561 Emerson, Joseph. Letter to the Genessee Consoc. of N. Y. 8vo, 23 p. Relates to his expulsion from the church for being a Mason. Boston, 1829 2947 Pamphlets. Very scarce edition of Tom Paine's Political Tracts. [Eight]. COMMON SENSE: Addressed to the Inhabitants of America, written by an Englishman. 8vo. 77 p., fine copy, rough edges, very rare. 1st Ed. Phila.: R. Bell, 1776 - Same as above. 8vo, 44 p. Boston, MDCCLXXVI. -- Large additions to, with an appendix and an address to Quakers. 8vo, 44 p., very scarce. Boston, 1776G - Same as No. 1. 8vo, 54 p.; good copy. All the objectionable passages and words are omitted in this edition. London, 1776 CANDIDUS. Plain Truth, addressed to the Inhabitants of America, containing Remarks on a late Pamphlet, intitled Common Sense. Second edition. 8vo, 47 p.; fie copy. London, 1776 WAKEFIELD, GILBERT. An Examination of the Age of Reason, or an investigation of true and fabulous Theology, by Thos. Paine. 8vo, 55 p.; good copy. nr Y., 1794 PAINE, THOMAS. Agrarian Justice, opposed to Agrarian Law, and to Agrarian Monopoly. Being a plan for meliorating the condition of Man. 8vo, 32 p.; fine copy, uncut. Phila., n. d. A LETTER TO MI[. PAINE on his late publication. 2948 Pamphlets. Valuable. [Five.] GALLOWAY, JosEPlh; Speech of, one of the members for Phila. Co., in answer to John Dickenson, delivered in House of Assembly, Province of Pa., May 24, 1764. 8vo, 92 pages, good copy, very scarce. London, MDDCcLxvV BRITISH COLONIES IN N. A. Considerations on the Measures carrying on with respect to. The Second Edition, with Additions and an Appendix. 176 p. and 45 p., 8vo, good clean copy, scartce. LONDON, n. d. (1774) DUILANY, DAN'L (of Maryland). Considerations on the Propriety of imposing Taxes in the British Colonies, etc. 8vo, 55 p., scarce ed. NVew J ork: Joh.n Hollt, 1765 AMERICA. Treaty of Amity, Commerce, and Navigation. 8vo, 24 p., uncut. Phil., 1795 AMERICA. Charters of the old English Colorlies; with an Introduction and Notes. By Samuel Lucas. 8vo, 123 pages, valuable doe. London, 1850 2949 SERMONS on the Repeal of the Stamp Act. [Sevenr.] STILLMAN, SAM'L. " Good lews frosmt a far Country." Preached//2 at Boston, May 17, 1766, upon the arrival of the important' news of the Repeal, etc. 8vo, 34 p., very fine copy. BOSTON, MDCCLXVI 7I 562 CHAUNCY, CHARLES. A Discourse on " tIe Good News from a far Courntry," delivered July 24th, 1766, a day of Thanksgiving. 8vo, 32 p., finae copy, scarre. BoSTON, N. E., MDCCLXVI EMERSON, JOSEPH. A Thanksgiving Sermon. Preached at Pepperell, July 24th, 1766. 8vo, 37 p., fine copy, extremely scarce. BOSTON, M,DCC,LXlI PATTEN, WILLIAM. A Discourse delivered at HalliJax, in the County of Plymrou.th, July 24, 1766. 8vo, uncut 22 p., very scarce. BOSTON, N. E., MDCCLXVI CUMINGS, HENRY. A Thanksgiving Sermon, preached at Billerica, November 27, 1766. 8vo, 32 p., royIh ecdges, fine copy, very scarce. BOSTON, N. E., MDCCLXVII A SHORT HISTORY of the Conduct of the Present Ministry with regard to the American Stamp Act. 8vo, 21 p., uncut, fine copy, scarce. LONDON: J. ALMON, 1766 AMERICAN STAMP-ACT, The NECESSITY of REPEALING, etc. demonstrated, or A PROOF that GREAT BRITAIN must be injured by that ACT. 8vo, 31 p., good copy, very scarce. B OS TON: Printed and Sold by EDES and GILL, in Queen St., 1766 -'-2950 PAMPHLETS, RELATING TO THE REVOLUTION. [Seven.] FRISBIE, LEwI. An Oration delivered at Ipswich, April 29, 1783, on account of the Happy Restoration of Peace. Smi. 4to,,uncut, 24 p., rare. BOSTON, IN AMERICA: Printed and Sold by E. RUSSELL, near Liberty Pole, MDCCLXXIII CANDIDUS. Plain Truth addressed to the Inhabitants of America, etc. 8vo, 47 p., fine copy. LONDON, MDCCLXXVI OBSERVATIONS on the New Constitution and on the Federal and State Conventions. By a Columbian Patriot. 8vo, 19 p., uncut. s. 1. s. a. FEDERAL FARMER. -Letters from, to the Republican. 8vo, 40 pages, uncut. s. i. 1787 UNITED STATES in Congress assembled, April 27, 1784. Report of the Grand Committee on the arrears of Interest on the National Debt. 8vo, 12 p., uncut, fine copy. BOSTON, MDCCLXXXIV AMERICAN COLONIES. The Plain Question upon the Present Dispute with. Smn. 8vo, 24 pages, fine copy, scarce. DUBLIN, 1776 DAY, THOMZAS. Reflections upon the Present State of England and the Independence of America. The Fifth Ed., with Additions. 8vo, 129 pclyes, good copy, scarce. LoNDON, 1783 SMITH, WILLIAM. A Sermon on the Present Situation of American Affairs, preached in Christ Church, June 23,1775, at the Request of the Officers of the Third Battalion of the City of Philadelphia. Smn. 8vo, 24 pages, scarce. London, MDCCLXXV 563 2951 Miscellaneous. [Sixteen.] Carter, J. G. Address delivered at Plymouth, Mass., Consecration of "Plymouth Lodge," Sept. 6, A. L. 5826. 8vo, 37 pages. Plymouth, 1826 Cumberland, Richard. Retrospection, a Poem, in familiar verse. 8vo, 72 p. Boston, 1812 Crabbe, George. Review of. Philadelphia, October 3, 1808. 36 pages. Caroline. Queen of Great Britain. An Impartial and Authentic Memoir of the Life of. Including every Proceeding in her Case, both in and out of Parliament. By E. Hamilton. 127mo, 38 pages, elegant portrait. London, 1820 Croly, George. The Angel of the World, an Arabian Tale; and Sebastian. 12mo, uncut, 100 pages. New York, 1821 Conjectures on original Composition in a Letter to the Author of Sir Chas. Grandison. 8vo, 112 pages. London, 1759 Croswell, W. Description and Explanation of the Mercator Map of the Starry Heavens. Boston, 1810 Albany. Historical Reminiscences of the City. 8vo, 18 pages, uncut; with a view of the City. s. 1. n. d. Alcott, Dr. Winm. Library of Health-contains account of/l capture of General Prescott by Tak. Sisson, a colored man. 8vo, 31 pages, uncut. s. 1. n. d. AMERICA. A Letter to an English Gentleman, on the Libels and Calumnies on America, by British Writers and Reviewers. By James Athearn Jones. 8vo, 43 p., unb. Phila., 1826 Allen, Ethan. Sermon. Baltimore, August 6, 1863. 11 pages. Sermon, Conv. Prot. Epis. Church, in Ohio. Gambier, Sept. 9, 1831. 8vo, 12 pages. Decennial Sermon in Dayton, Ohio. Oct. 25, 1840. 8vo, 14 pages. Baltimore, 1863 Sermon, "Covenant of the Sabbath." s. 1. n. d. ABERCROMBIE, JAMES. -Sermon, May 9, 1798, day of Fasting. Sm. 8vo, 38 pages, fine copy. Phila., 1798 Abracadabra; or the Conceits of A. B. and C. By O. Davis. 8vo, 16 pages, uncut. Portland, 1808 2952 Miscellaneous. [Fifteen.] Boston Academy of Music. Address before, at the Opening of the Odeon. By Samuel A. Eliot. 8vo, 17 pages. Boston, 1835 C Peace Festival. Official Monthly Bulletin. No. 1. Feb., 1869....- Proceedings of the Const. Meeting. Nov. 26th, 1850. 8vo, 46 pages. Boston, 1850 -..- Reception and Entertainment of the Chinese Embassy. Aug., 1868. 8vo, 77 pages, beautifully printed document. Boston, 1868 564 Boston. Mechanics' Institution. Address, Feb. 7th, 1827. By Geo. B. Emerson. 8vo, 24 pages. Brown University. Laws of, March, 1827. Providence. Brereton, C. D. An Inquiry into the Workhouse System and the Law of Maintenance in Agricultural Districts. Svo, 124 pages. Norwich, Eng., I 82Burke, Edmund. Lessons to a young Prince, &c.; with five copper plates. 8vo, 68 pages. N. Y., 1791 Austin, A. W. Opening Argument of, in Behalf of Jamaica Aqueduct Corp. Feb. 12th, 1867. 25 pp. ALLEGHANIA: a Geographical and Statistical Memoir, &c. By James W. Taylor. 8vo, 24 pages, dble. col. St. Paul, Minn., 1862 ADAMS, J., AND THOS. JEFFERSON, Eulogy on. Pronounced in Hallowell, July, 1826. By Peleg Sprague. 8vo, 22 pp. Fine copy, scarce. Hallowell, 1826 Amer. Educ. Soc. Discourse, May 26th, 1863. By Rev. Edwin Johnson. 8vo, 17 pp., Alston, Philip W. An Address, at the Laying the Cornerstone of Immanuel Church, La Grange. 8vo, 9pp. Memphis, 1840 ANDREw, JOHN A. Eulogy on, delivered by Edwin P. Whipple; with an Appendix containing Proc. of City of Boston. 8vo, stiff covers, 36 pp. Boston, 1867 Duffie, C. R. Eight Sermons Addressed to Children. 12mo, 150 pp. NT Y.A, 1829 /l 2953 Miscellaneous. [Thirteen.] ALLEN, PAUL. Noah: a Poem. 12mo, unbound, fine copy, 103 pp. Baltimore, 18211 Anthon, Henry. The Churchman warned against the Errors of the Time. 8vo, 66pp., dble. col. N. Y., 1843 St. Andrew's Soc. Constitution of, of New York: with a list of Officers and Members, since 1756. 8vo, 38 pp. AT. Y, 1823 A. G. Address to Electors of 9th Cong. Dist. of Mass. 8vo, 14 pp. 1860 Augustus, John. A Report of the Labors of, for the last ten years, in Aid of the Unfortunate. 8vo, 104 pp. Boston, 1852 Albany. Report of the Corn. of the Classis of, on Ministerial Support. 8vo, 41 pp. a Albany, 1854 ANDERSON, ELIZA. (Translation.) Military Reflections on Four Modes of Defence for the United States; with a Plan of Defence, &c. By Max'an ***. 8vo. Fine copy., 42 pp., scarce. Balto., 1807 ALLEN, ETHAN. Report of Com. under the Act providing for the Erection of a Monument over the Grave of. 8vo, 7 pp. zz2, A ~,. A m Montpelier, 1858 Ames, Fisher. The Speech of, in the House of Rep. of U. S., April 28th, 1796, in support of the Treaty, &c. 8vo, fine copy, uncut, 52 pp. Boston, (1796.) 565 Appleton, Nathan, and John A. Lowell. Correspondence between, in relation to the Early History of the City of Lowell. 8vo, 19 pages; important. Boston, 1848 Appleton, Nathan, and John G. Palfrey. Correspondence between, Intended as a Supplement to Mr. Palfrey's Pamphlet on the Slave Power. 8vo. 20 pp. Boston, 1846 Appleton, Nathan. Labor; its Relations in Europe and the U. S. compared. 8vo, 16pp. Boston, 1844 ALLEN, ETHAN. Narrative of the Capture of Ticonderoga, his Captivity and Treatment by the British. Fifth ed., with notes. 8vo,'50 pp., orig. covers, uncut, fine copy. Burlington, 1849 2953*Miscellaneous. [Fourteen.] Burke, Edmund. Two Letters addressed to a Metmber of Parl., on Proposals for Peace with France. 8vo 86 pages. Phila., 1797 Bullock, Alex. H. Address of, to the Legis. of Mass. Jan. 3d, 1868. 8vo, 85 pages. Boston. BURR, AARON. QUERIEs ADDRESSED by the Comm., 9th Dec., 1807, to Mr. Smith, with his Answers fully given. In relation to moneys paid, and projected empire in the South. 8vo, uncut, 38 pp. Senate doc., Dec. 31st, 1807. Brush Hill, Milton, (Mass.) Five Reasons, &c. Bird, F. W. "Look before You Leap," into Another Great Bore. Cape Cod Harbor. 15 pp. Boston, 1868. Benton, Thos. Speech of, in reply to Mr. Webster, relative to the Public Lands. 12mo, 74 pp. Washington, 1830 Collins, E. K. The Supremacy of the Seas; or, Facts, Views, &c., relating to the British and American Steamers. 8vo, 24 pp. Washington, 1851 Chandler, Samuel.' The Notes of; considered in a Sermon. Jan. 16, 1734-5. 8vo, 58 pp. London, 1735 Congregational Polity; as Taught in the Word of God. By Rev. M. H. Wilder. Congregationalism: its Proof; its Catholicity. By Samuel Wolcott. Clubb, Stephen. A Journal containing an Account of the Wrongs, Sufferings, and Neglect experienced by Americans in France. 8vo, uncut, 60 pp., scarce. Printed at Boston, 1809 Confession of Faith put forth by the Elders and Brethren of many Congregations of Christians. 8uo, 42 pp. - First printed at London, 1688 Casco, Bay. Chronicles of. 8vo, frontis., 56 pp. Portland, 1850 Coolidge, J. I. T. Discourse, May 2d, 1858. 8vo, 17 pp. Boston, 1858 566 ~?~-2954 BACON, THOMAS. FouR SERMONS upon the Great and indispensable Duty of all CHRISTIAN MASTERS and MISTRESSES to bring up their NEGRO SLAVES in the Knowledge and Fear of GOD. PREACHED AT THE Parish Church of St. Peter in Talbot County, in the Province of MARYLAND. 8vo, Rox., gilt edges. Fine copy; scarce. LONDON, MDCCL. o0 2955 BLOODGOOD, S. DE WITT. THE SEXAGENARY; or, Reminiscences of the American Revolution. 12nmo, cloth, 203 p., with Index', very fine copy; extremely scarce. Albany, 1833 This is the veritable production of a Farmer of Saratoga County. It was undertaken at the suggestion of Gov. De Witt, linton. All anecdotes connected with the Revolution are now valuable to the Historian and Biographer. Ed. Preface.?cO 2956 BRITISH POETS, WITH MEMOIRS OF THE AUTHORS, PREFACES AND NOTES. The whole thoroughly Revised and Corrected especially for this edition. Portraits on India paper. Now complete in 130 volumes. Crown 8'vo, hf. d/c. gr. lev., gt. top, uncut, large paper. Only 100 copies printed. BOSTON, 1865-6 This collection of the British Poets is the most Complete ever made, and consists of One Hundred and Thirty Volumes, including the following authors, all carefully edited by Professor Child, Professor Lowell and other eminent scholars: Akenside............ I vol. Milton................... 3 vols. Beattie....... 1 vol. llontgomery.............. 5 vols. Burns.............. 3 vols. Moore.................... 6 vols. Butler............. 2 vols. Parnell and Tickell......... 1 vol. Byron...........10 vols. Pope..................... 3 vols. Campbell... 1 vol. Prior..................... 2 vols. Chatterton......... 2 vols. Scott..................... 9 vols. Churchill... 3 vols. Shakespeare............... 1 vol. Coleridge.... 3 vols. Shelley.................. 4 vols. Collins............... 1 vol. ikelton......... 3 vols. Cowper.............. 3 vols. Southey...................10 vo s. Donne....... 1 vol. Spenser................... 5 vols. Dryden.... 5 vols. Surrey.................... 1 vol. Falconer....... 1 vol. Swift...................... 3 vols. Gay............... 2 vols. Thomson.................. 2 vels. Gldsmith...........1I vol. Vaughan.................. 1 vol. Gray....., 1 vol. Watts............. 1 vol. Herbert.............. I vol. Kirke White.............. 1 vol. Herrick....... 2 vols. Wordsworth.............. 7 vols. 1tood.........~...... 5 vols. Wyatt....... 1 vol. Keats........... 1 vol. Young.................... 2 vols. Marvell............ 1 vol. Ballads, English and Scotch. 8 vols. 2es'2957 BRITISH ESSAYISTS. LARGE PAPER EDITION. Only 100 Copies Printed. In Thirty-eight volumes. Cr. 8vo, hf. dk. gr. lev., gt. top, uncut, bound uniform with the Poets. Comprising: Tattler..... 4 vols. Mirror................... 2 vols. Siectator......... 8 vols. Lounger............ 2vos. Guardian......... 3 vols. UObserver................. 3 vols. Rambler........... 3 vols. Lookeron................ 3vols. Adventurer......... 3 vols. World........ 3 vols. Connoisseur........ vols. Idler..................... 1 vol. Index................... 1 vol. BOSTON, 1865-6 2958 COLUMBUS. PERSONAL NARRATIVE Of the First Voyage of, to America. From a Spanish Manuscript recently Discovered in Spain. Translated from the Spanish. 8vo, hf. crim. cr. lev. mor., gt. top, rough edges. Fine copy. Boston, 1827 2959 FILLEY, WILLIAM. THE INDIAN CAPTIVE; OR, THE LONG LOST JACKSON BoY. LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF, who was Stolen from his Home in Jackson, Mich., by the Indians, Aug. 3d, 1837,,zzand his Safe Return from Captivity, October 19, 1866. After"` an absence of 29 years, with the Indian Tribes of the Rocky Mountains. Edited by J. Z. Ballard. 8vo, red Rox., gt. top, rough edges. Illus., 112 p. Chicago, 1867 2960 JOSSELYN, JOHN, Gent. New-England's RARITIES Discovered: IN Birds, Beasts, Fishes, Serpents, and Plants of that Country. Together with the Physical and Chyrurgical REMEDIES wherewith the Natives Constantly use to Cure their DISTEMPERS, W~OUNTDS, and SORES. ALSO, A perfect Descrip-/4fv/ tion of an Indian SQUA, in all her Bravery; with a Poem not improperly consferred upon her. LAST'LY, A CHRBONOLOGICAL TABLE of the most remarkable Passages in that Country amongst the ENGLISH. Illustrated with CUTS. 12mo, Colophon Title, Dedication, Rarities, 114 p., and leaf of Advertisements. Very fine copy with large margins, and pefect in its orig. binding. London: Printed for G. Widdowes at the Green Dragon in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1672 2961 JOSSELYN, JOHN, Gent. AN ACCOUNT OF TWO VOYAGES TO NEW-ENGLAND. WITHERTIN YOU HAVE THE SETTING OUT OF A SHIP, with the Charges; The prices of all necessaries for furnishing a Planter and his Family at his first coming; A De-1 —2/9Z' scription of the Country, Natives, and Creatures, with their lMerchantil and Physical use; The Government of the Countrey as it is now possessed by the English, &c. A large Chronological Table of the most remarkable passages, from the first discovering of the Continent of America, to the year 1673. Heart, take thine ease, Men hard to please Thou haply might'st offend, Though one speak ill Of thee, some will Say better; there's an end. 12mo, Title, Dedication, &c. Relation, 215 p.; Chronological Observ., 217-279; 3 p. advts. Pol. tree cf., tops closely trimmed in some few places. London: Printed for Giles W iddows, at the Green-Dragon, in St. Paul's Churchyard, 1674. 2962 KENTUCKY. A HISTORY OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF, from its exploration and Settlement by the Whites, to the Close of the?' 2987 WASHINGTON, GEORGE. LEGACIES OF. Being a Collection of the most approved writings of. With an Appendix containing a sketch of the Life of the Illustrious Patriot. 8vo,full er. dk. blue levant, gt. edges; fine copy, excessively scarce. TRENTON, MDCCC. Sr 2988 WASHINGTON; OR LIBERTY RESTORED. A POEM. By Thomas Northmore. Full dk. blue olive green lev., gt. top, rough edges; very scarce. Balt., 1809 571 2989 WASHINGTON, GEORGE. LIFE OF. Interspersed with Biographical Anecdotes of the most Eminent Men who effected the American Revolution. Port. By John Corry. 8vo, full~ dk. olive green lev., gt. top, rough edges, with the List of Subscribers. N. Y., 1809 2990 WILKINSON, JEMIMA, HISTORY OF. A Preacheress of tlhe 18th Century. Containing an Authentic Narrative of her Life and~3rCharacter. By David Hudson. 8vo, hf. crim. lev., gt. top,' rough edges. Fine copy. Geneva, N. Y., 1821 2991 WILLARD, SAMUEL. (Pastor of a Church in Boston, in N. E.) The Peril OF THE TIMES Displayed; or, The Danger of`:-p Mens Taking up with a form of (oblines, But denying the' Power of it. 12mo, full cr. crim. levant, gt. top. Boston: Printed by B. Green and J. Allen, 1700 2992 WINSLOW, EDWARD. THE Glorious Progress or THE GOSPEL, AMONGST THE Indians in New England, MANIFESTED By three Letters, under the Hand of that famous Instrument of the Lord, Mr. JOHN ELIOT, And another from Mr. Thomas May-, hew, Jr.; both Preachers of the Word, as well to the Englisht as Indians in New England, &c. Together, WVith an Appendix to the foregoing Letters, holding forth Conjectures, Observations, and Applications. By I. D. (John Davenport) Minister of the Gospell. Published by EDWARD WINSLOW. Smz. 4to, Title, Dedication, and 28p. Beautiful copy, clean and perfect; excessively scarce, unbound. LONDON: Printed for Hannah Allen, in Popes-Head Alley, 1649. 2993 WINTHROP, JOHN (First Gov. of 5Mass.) A JOURNAL OF THE TRANSACTIONS AND OCCURRENCES IN THE SETTLEMENT OF MASSACHUSETTS AND THE OTHER NEW-ENGLAND COLONIES, from the year/z: 1630 to 1644. And now first Published from a correct copy of the Original Manuscript. (By Noah Webster.) 8vo, full polished d/. blue, cf., gt. edge. Beautiful copy; very scarce. HARTFORD: Printed by ELISHA BABCOCK, MDCCXC. Dedicated to the Posterity of John Winthrop. "Mr. Winthrop kept a Journal of every important occurrence from his first embarking in America, in 1630, to the year 1644. This Manuscript, as appears by some passages, was originally designed for publication; and it was formerly consulted by the first compilers of New England History, particularly by HUBBARD, MATHER and PRINCE. On reading the work, the editor (N. Webster) found it to contain many curious and interesting facts relating to the settlement of Massachusetts and the other New England Colonies, and highly descriptive of the character and views of the first inhabitants. By consent of the descendants of Gov. Winthrop, proposals were issued for publishing a small nuzmber of copies. —Editor's Preface. 572,27;, 2994 WHEELER, CAPT. THOMAS. A THANRKEFULL REMEMBRANCE OF GoD's MERCY TO SEVERAL PERSONS AT QUABAUG OR BROOKFIELD. Fo. 4to, red. cr. lev. mor., elegant dble green, with rich tooled borders around inside covers, fl. gt. back and French fileted pan. sides; the whole dry cld., and the whole cleanedfrom foxy spots and other stains; all ink removed and the whole dark sized and mending in do. as required. Magnificent copy, with large margins, 52 pp. CAMBRIDGE: Printed and sold by Samuel Green, 1676 When Gov. Hutchinson wrote his History of Mass,, in giving an account of the Expedition (Hist. Mass., Vol. I., 265), in which his ancestor sustained such an important part and lost his life, it does not appear that he has made any reference whatever to Captain Wheeler's Narrative,which he most likely would have done had he known of its existence. See No. 230 of this Catalogue. We give the following extract from the Preface" I Purposing to Publish this ensuing Narrative of GCod's Providence towards Capt. Hutchinson and myself and others, and the Sermon preached on the occasion hereafter, do Judge it expedient to give you a little further account of matters, occasioning the going of Captain Ilutchinson and myself to Quabaug, and also of the Motives inducing me to the Publication of both to the world," etc. We refer to WV. E. Woodward's Catalogue, where this identical copy brought $7'2, unbound, and its condition was not very desirable; but having passed through the hands of the best binder in England (F. Bedford), at an additional expense of $40, it is now, without any doubt, the finest copy in existence. 2995 ATALA; OR, THE AMOURS OF Two INDIANS in the Wilds of America. 8vo, If. vellum, gt. edges. Frontis. Lond., 1802 S/Z 2996 BELKNAP, JEREMY. AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY; or, an HISTORICAL ACCOUNT of those PERSONS who have been distingi'shed in AMERICA, asAD VENTURERS, D) 1VINES, S1 A TESMEN, WARRIORS, PIHILOSOPHERS, A UHO)ORS. AND OTHER REMARKABLE CHARACTERS, Comprehending a Recital of The EVENTS connected with their LIVES and ACTIONS. In Two Volumes. 8vo, dk. RBox, gt. top, rough edges. Splendid copy, and very scarce in this condition. PRINTED at BOSTON BY ISAIAH THOMAS AND E. TANDREWS, MIDCCXCIv, and 1798.?c- 2997 BENNETT, JAMES GORDON. THE LIFE AND WRITINGS OF Editor of the " New York Herald." Sm. 4to, dkc. Rox., gt. top.' rough edges, 64 pp., dble. col., with the orig. covers. Illus. with caricatures of Bennet as —' Ariel," " The Scottish Adventurer," "PPuving for Black-Mail," etc. All in fine condition. New York, 1844 A scurrilous pamphlet, now quite scarce. TOF9 5O0S PeEBC4 I T |o fevdral Re Pecm0s Qt ef/2zg Qr t 79 O o_0 F I i EjL ZO Partly i1 a Collecitot of Providences about them 9. and Gracious Appearakces for thetr: A-nd parity in a Str emojtPreached By.r E.WD-R D 8VL(LET,i F Paftor of the Church of Chril at Concord, upon a k I dao FTbankgiving;k,cpt by divcrs for their W oidedr f | ut DciPvcra. cc there, PLblifhed by Capt. TROMAS __ L ER. - Pfal. 07. 8. 0b tha mew wokdt.Praife t~k Lord, fAr i i his &oodnefs, qd Ri i WoderCrl/l WorrS r th Te Chibdren,, tro en,f hfat. r r. 2. rZbe workt: of tbe LO.A apt' reat (ouqht *ou of all 44f tIea t Oveo h$.. C S Printed and Sold by Samuel Green E6 _____ 573 2998 BERKELEY, GEORGE. A SERMON preached before the Incorporated Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, on Friday, Feb. 18, 1731. 8vo, hf. red lev., gilt top, uncut; very scarce, 79 pp. LONDON, MDCCXXXII-?sBesides the Sermon, there is also an Abstract of the Proc. of the Soci-' ety, Reports from several of the Missionaries of South Carolina, Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Long Island, etc., with a list of the Members of the Society. 2999 BLUNT, JOSEPH. A HISTORICAL SKETCH OF THE FORMATION OF THE CONFEDERACY, Particularly with Reference to the Provin-/fo cial Limits and the Jurisdiction of the General Government' over Indian Tribes and the Public Territory. 8vo, red Rox., gt. top, rough edges. Fine copy. Vew Yorlk, 1825 3000 BOSTON. SURVEY OF BOSTON AND ITS VICINITY. Showing the distance from the Old State House to all the Towns and Vil-o/ lages not exceeding fifteen miles therefrom; with a short To-' pographical Sketch of the Country, taken in the years 1818,'1 8,'19,'20., By John G. Hales. Frontis. and map. Svo, die. Box., gt. top, rough edges. Boslon, 1821 3001 BRACKENRIDGE, H. H. GAZETTE PUBLICATIONS. 8vo, hf. gr. iev., gt. edges; very scarce. C(rrlisle, Pa., 1806 Contains l-listorical account of Pittsburgh in 1786. Of the Indian War and Poems on Indian Treaties; and on Anthony Wayne. Sermon delivered to the American army a few days before the Battle of Bran-6-6o dywine. An Enllooium of the Brave Men who have fallen in the contest with Great Britain, de ivered July 5, 1779. Poem to " Whiskey." " The Battle of Bunker's Hill." A Drama written a few weeks after this battle, performed by the youth of the academy on the east ern shore of Maryland of which iBrackenridge was master. The prologue was written by Col. John Park of the American army, etc. 3002 BURR, AARON. REPORTS OF THE TRIALS OF, for Treason and for -Misdemeanor. in preparing the means of a Military Expe-.4> dition against Mexico, etc. To which is added an Appendix, containing the Arguments and Evidence, Etc., taken in ShortHand by David Robertson. In Two volumes. 8vo, red Rox., gt. top, rough edges. Splendid Copy. - Phila., 1808 3003 BURR, AARON. BURR'S CONsPIRACY exposed; and General Wilkinson Vindicated against the Slanders of his Enemies on thatne? Important occasion. 8vo, red Rox., gt. top, rough edges; very scarce. Fine copy. Wash., 1811 3004 BURROUGHS, STEPHEN. MEMOIRS OF. Containing many incidents in the Life of this Wonderful Man never before published.3J-' Two Volumes in One. Curious Frontispiece. 12mo, hf. red thy., gt. edges. Fine copy. Boston, 1835 3005 CANADA. THE BACKWOODS OF. Being Letters from the Wife of an Emigrant Officer. 12mo, hf. red tky., gilt edges. Illus. /, Contains considerable Indian History. Leond., 1846 3006 CORNELIUS, ELIAS. THE LITTLE OSAGE CAPTIVE, an Authentic Narrative: to which are added some interesting letters, written by Indians. l2mo, hf. red t('y., gilt top, rough edges,- Z frontis., fine copy. York, Eng., 18'24 This is not a romance, but the observations of one of the missionaries to the Choctaws, in 1817, in Arkansaw. 574 A/" 3007 CLARKE, McDONALD. POEMS OF. With Portrait after Inman. 8vo,full er. crim. lev., gt. edges. Fine copy; extremely scarce. New York: J. TV Bell, MD CCCXXX VI. "The Book is pioneered by no parade of puffery. I despise it. No dazzling name of a distinguished publisher blazing on the title-page; none of the velvet trickery that smooths a fashionable owriter's works into pic-nic patronage. Bell's undertaken to ring the death-bell of ne. glect, and iS I can ring the Great Belle of my affections, shan't care if the Critics put my popularity to bed with a shovel. In short, if the life of my poetry is wholesome,'twill breathe, after the wild spirit that inspired it has been sobered at the terrible tribunal of Eternity, and the weak hand that traced it, long wasted to ashes."-M'D. C. We give one of his poems in full, entitled-A LATE DEATH AT NEW LONDON.Poor Kit is gone- To be forgot when the dim hour A funnier fellow never was born, comes, -Mirth must wear for the Cap- And not leave of Thought's luxutain. a double reefed weed- ries, a few poor crumbs, Many a morn, Is all that should make us sigh When a boy, in 1807, When I come to die, may noble Have I stood on Frink's stoop, natures join, With New - London's j o l I i e s t And say, he could flush the group, World's heart like old wine, And haw, haw'd and he, he'd, And may some merry fellow, At his ripping fun. On Mac's memory get mellow, * * * * * lleasantly sit, Is it all done-done?- As I do, o'er dear old Kitt, Well-by the setting sun By the darkly setting sun. He could laugh, as well as by the Tell of the sumptuous fun rising rays, He had with Donald in his BunFor his was an intellect, always kum days; a-blaze. For posthumous praise, Here's a song to the olden days, That comes from the heart, and The memory of 1807- makes the tears start, Good Heaven! how Time waddles And waves the willow leaves over away, our sod, But as long as the spirit doesn't Is grateful to man, and accepted get gray, of God. It matters not-'tis nature's lot — -Page 195. /t, 3008 DIBDIN, THOS. FROGNALL. REMINISCENCES OF A LITERARY LIFE; with Anecdotes of Books, and of Book Collectors. Two Parts in Two Volumes. Frontispieces and a number of other elegant illustrations. Large 8vo, full dic. green crushed lev., gt. tops, rough edges, rich inside borders, backs and covers richly tooled, fine copy, very scarce. LONDON: JOHN MAJOR, MDCCCXXXVI This copy contains the Index, which having been published after the main work was issued, is seldom found in any copies. %a 3009 FLORIDA, EAST. NOTIcES OF, with an account of the Seminole Nation of Indians. By a recent traveller in the Province. 8vo, red rox. gilt top, uncut, fine copy. Charleston, 1822 Contains also, a vocabulary of the Seminole Language. %o 3010 FOX, EBENEZER. THE ADVENTURES OF, IN THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR, illustrated by elegant eng., from original designs. Portrait of Fox. 12mo, Vf. red t'lcy., gilt top, rough edges, veyr scarce. Boston, 183 575 3011 GEORGIA. AN IMPARTIAL ENQUIRY INTO THE STATE and UTILITY OF THE PROVINCE of Georgia. 8vo, 104 p., full crim. cr. lev. gilt top, rough edges, rich inside borders, running title on/'V4" back, paneled sides, etc. LONDON: Printed for W. MEADOWs, at the Angel in Cornhill MDCCX.LI. 3012 ELDRIDGE, ELEANOR. MEMOIRS OF. In Two volumes. Half gr. lev. gilt tops, with Portrait. Providence, 1841 q'he subject of this memoir, was born of African and Indian parentagetfS Her mother was a native Indian of the Fuller Family of the tribe of the Narragansetts, and her father an African, who served in the Revol. army. 3013 ELIOT, John. THE LIFE OF. The Apostle to the Indians 12mo, hf. dk. blue, lev. yellow edges, fine copy. Phila., 182;~ 3014 ELIOT, JOHN. MEMOIR OF, Apostle to the North American Indians. By Martin Moore. 12tmo, hf. dk. blue lev., gilt topa,i,' rough edges, frontis. Boston, 1842 "Not a whit behind the very chiefest apostles." 3015 GEORGIA. A VOYAGE TO, Begun in the Year 1735, CONTAINING, An Account of the Settling the Town of FREDERICA, in the Southern Part of the Province; and a Description of the SOIL, AIR, BIRDS, BEASTS, TREES, RIVERS, ISLANDS, &C., WITH the RULES and ORDERS made by the Honourable the TRUSTEES for that SETTLEMENT; including the Allowances ofi2, Provisions, Clothing, and other Necessaries to the Families and Servants which went thither. ALSO A Description of the Town and County of Savannah, in the Northern Part of the Province; the Manner of dividing and granting the Lands, and the Improvements there: WVith an Account of the AIR, SOIL, RIVERs and ISLANDS in that Part. By FRANCIS MOORE, A thor of Travels into the Inland Parts of Afirica. 8vo, full crushed crim. levant, gilt top, uncut, inside borders beautifully tooled, by Bedford, excessively scarce, fine copy, 103 pages. LONDON: Printed for JACOB RoBINtSON, in Ludgate Street, 1744 3016 HENRY, JOHN JOSEPH. AN ACCURATE AND INTERESTING AcCOUNT Of the Hardships and Sufferings of that Band of t] eroes,4ov who traversed the wilderness in the Campaign against Quebec in 1775. 8vo. full dk. blue, levant gilt edges, eleg't. rich inside borders, fine cQpy, very scarce. Lancaster, 1812 3017 HIEWES, GEORGE, R. T. TRAITS OF THE TEA PARTY; being a Memoir of George R. T. Hewes, one of the last of its survivors; with a History of that Transaction; Reminiscences of/jj, the Massacre, and the Siege, and other stories of old times. By a Bostonian. 12mo, full crushed crimson levant, gilt top, ro/ugh edges, inside borders, and covers richly tooled, extremely scarce and fine copy. Portrait of Hewes. New Yorlc, 1835 Lossing in Vol. I., p. 499-502, of his "Field Book," mentions David Kinnison as the last survivor of the "Tea Party," who died in 1851, aged 115 yrs. Hewes died in 1843, aged 101 yrs. He was present 576 at the Massacre in Boston on the 5th March,' and during the whole of it," "' and was intimately acquainted with most of the circumstances which led to it," was also in Boston during the " Siege" or' hard times,"' "in a word, he happened to be one of that comparatively small class of persons who were situated, throughout the contest, and throughout the context of affairs connected with it, in the midst of them, and as it were, at the central seeing and hearing point." His military exploits were confined to the " neutrcal ground of Westchester. wih the Cow Boys, etc." ys; 3018 HOPKINSON, FRANCIS. THE MISCELLANEOUSS ESSAYS AND OCCASIONAL WRITINGS OF. In three volumes. 8vo, dic. rox., gt. top, rough edges. beautiful copy. Scarce. Phila. MDCCXCII'/z 3019 LIEEBERKUHN, REV. SAMUEL. THE HISTORY OF OUR LORD AND SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST: comprehending all that the Four Evangelists have recorded concerning him; all their relation being brought together in one narration, so that no circumstance is omitted, but that inestimable History is continued in one series, in the very words of Scripture. Translated into the DELEWARE INDIAN L kNGUAGE, BY THE REV. DAVID ZEISBERGER. SVO, full crim. cr. lev. elegant rich inside borders, gilt edges, beautiful copy, very scarce. lNew York, 1824 //s3020 LONG ISLAND. THE HISTORY OF, FROM ITS DISCOVERY AND SETTLEMENT TO THE PRESENT TIME. With many important and interesting matters; including notices of numerous Individuals and Families; also a particular account of the different Churches and Ministers/ In two volumes. Illustrated with Portraits Maps and Plates. Second Edition, revised and greatly enlarged. By Benjamin Thompson. Large 8vo, full crimson, cr. lev. gt. tops, rough edges, rich inside borders, back and covers elegantly tooled, magnificent copy, and very scarce in this condition. New York, 1843 -3'e 3021 MASSACHUSETTS. THE HISTORY OF, from the First Settlement thereof in 1628, until the year 1760. In Two volumes. By Thomas Hutchinson, Esq. 8vo, die., rox. gt. top., rough edges, remarkably fine copy, and exceedingly scarce in this condi. tion. the h4f~xrd (Mdfiotn, with additional NOTES and CORRECTIONS PRINTED AT SALEM, FOR THOwoAS AND ANDREWS. BOSTON, 1795 3022 MASSACHUSETTS BAY. THE HISTORY OF THE PROVINCE OF, from 1749 to 1774, comprising a detailed Narrative of the origin and early stages of the American Revolution. By Thomas Hutchinson. Edited by Rev. John Hutchinson. 8vo, dk. rox., gt. top, rough edges,forms the Third volume of Hutchinson's History. London: John iMurray, MDCCCXXVIII 3023 MICHIGAN. HISTORY OF, from its earliest Colonization to the present time. By James H. Lannman. 12mo, hf. dki. blue lev., gt. edges. ANew York, 184'2 3024 NEW ENGLAND'S MEMIORIAL. BY NATHANIEL MORTON. Fifth Edition, containing, besides the original work, and the supplement, large additions in Marginal Notes, and an Appendix, with a Lithographic copy of an Ancient Map. By John Davis. 8vo hf. crim. lev., gt. top, rough edges, backs beautifully tooled and lettered. Boston, 1826 577 3025 NEW ENGLAND. LIVES OF THE CHIEF FATHERS OF: Vol. I., The Life of JOHN COTTON. By A. W. McClure. Vol. II., The Lives of JOHN WILSON, JOHN NORTON, and JOHN DAVENPORT. By A. W. McClure. Vol. III., The Life of JOHN ELIOT, with an account of the Early Missionary Efforts among the Indians of New England. By Nehemiah Adams. Vol. IV., The Life of THOMAS SHEPHERD. By John A. Albro.'?' Vol. V., The Lives of INCREASE MATHER and SIR WILLiAL PHIPPS. By Enoch Pond. Vol. VI., The Life of THOMAS HOOKER. By E. W. Hooker. In Six Volumes, 8vo, hf. vel., contents letterec diagonally on back, beautiful copy, gt. top, uncut. Boston, 1846-'49 3026 NEW HAMPSHIRE. THE HISTORY OF. VOLUME I., COMPREHENDING THE EVENTS OF ONE COMPLETE CENTURY FROM THE DISCOVERY OF THE RIVER PASCATAQUA. PHILADELPHIA, MDCCLXXXIV. VOLUME I1.-COMPREHENDING THE EVENTS OF SEVENTY-FIVE YEARS FROM MDCCXV to MDCCXC. Illustrated by a MAP. BOSTON, MDCCXCI' VOLUME III.-CONTAINING A GEOaGR.PHICL DESCRIPTION OF THE STATE; WITH SKETCHES OF ITS NATURAL HISTORY, PRODUCTIONS, IMPROVEIENTS, AND PRESENT STATE OF SOCIETY AND MANNERS, LAWS AND GDVERN.MENT. BY JEREMY BELKNAP. 8vO, dk. rox., gt. top, rough edges, excessively scarce in this condition, beautiful copy. BOSTON, MDCCXCII 3027 NEW HOLLAND AND THE CAROLINE ISLANDS. A Residence of Eleven years in, being the adventures of James O. Connell. Edit-hs ed from his verbal narration. 12mo, hf. gr. t'kly., gilt top, rough edges, illust. Boston, 1836 3028 NEW YORK CITY AND STATE. HISTORIC TALES OF OLDEN TIME; concerning the Early Settlement and Advancement of. etc. Illustrated with Plates. By John F. Watson. 8vo, hf, gr. t'ky., gt. edges. A. A1. Smnets' copy. New Yorkl, 1832 3029 OJREGON TERRITORY. A GEOGRAPHICAL AND PHYSICAL ACCOUNT of that Country and its Inhabitants, with outlines of/,Jr its History and Discovery. By C. G. Nicolay. 12tno, hf. red t'kcy., gt. edges, illust. London: Knight, 1846 3030 OTIS, JAMES. THE LIFE OF, containing also, notices of some contemporary characters and events from the yearq, 1760 to 1775. Portrait and plate. 8vo, red rox., gt. top, rough edges, fine copy. Boston, 1823 3031 PENNSYLVANIA. THE HISTORY OF, IN NORTH AMERICA, FROM THE Original Institution and Settlement of that Province, under the first Proprietor and Governor WILLIAM PENN, in 1681, till after the year 1742; WITH AN INTRODUC-/!O TION RESPECTING, The Life of W. PENN, prior to the grant of the Province, and the religious Society of the People called Quakers; with the first rise of the neighboring Colonies, more particularly of West-Neew Jersey, and the Settlement of the Dutch and Swedes on Delaware, TO 73 578 WHICH IS ADDED, A brief Description of the said Province AND OF THE General State, in which it flourished, principally between the years 1760 and 1770. The whole including a Variety of Things, useful and interesting to be known, respecting that Country in early Time, etc. With an APPENDIX. BY ROBERT PROUD. In Two Volumes, with Portrait and Map. 8vo, full di. gr. cr. lev., gt. edges, backs and covers richly tooled, rich inside borders, eleg't copy, scarce Philadelphia, 1797-'98,s'3032 PORTSMOUTH, N. H. ANNALS OF, comprising a Period of Two Hundred Years from the First Settlement of the Town; with Biographical Sketches of a few of the most respectable Inhabitants. 8vo, rox., gilt top, rough edges, beautiful copy. Very scarce. Portsmouth, 1825 7s 3033 REVOLUTION. TALES OF THE REVOLUTION, being Rare and Remarkable passages of the History of the War of 1775. 12mo, red rox., gilt top, uncut, scarce. New York, 1835 Contains Arnold's Exped. up the Kennebec, naval maneuvres on the North River, Capture of G(en'l Prescott, Green's Retreat, The Whigs and the Wolves, Scenes in South Carolina, Narrative of Baroness Reidesel, etc. 6so 3034 ROWLANDSON, MRS. MARY. A NARRATIVE or THE Captivity, Sufferings and Removes or who was taken prisoner by the Indians; with several others, and treated in the most barbarous and cruel Manner by the vile Savages; with many other remarkable Events during her Travels. Written by her own Hand for her private Use, and since made public at the earnest Desire of sone Friends, and for the Benefit of the Afflicted. 8vo, full cr. crim.. lev., gt. top, uncut, beautffully tooled inside borders and covers, with a curious woodcut on title, of Mrs. Rowlandson at the door of her house resisting the attacks of the Indians, and another at the end, of the house in flames. BOSTON: Reprinted and Sold by THOMAS and JOHN FLEET, at the Bible and Heart, Cornhill, 1791 $A-3035 SANDERSON, JOHN AND ROBERT WALN, Jr. BIOGRAPHY OF THE SIGNERS TO THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE. In Nine Volumes. 8vo, dkc. rox., gilt tops, rough edges, beauntful copy. Illustrated with Thirty Eng., all in fine, clean condition. Phila., 1820-'27 Gen'l. H. Dearborn's (of Mass.) copy, with autuograph.?v' 3036 SCHOOLCRAFT, HENRY R. NOTES ON THE IRIQUOIS; or, contributions to the Statistics, Aboriginal History, Antiquities and General Ethnology of Western New York. Roy. 8vo, red rox., gt. top, rough edges. New York, 1846 s;-, 3037 SOUTHOLD, L. I. GRIFFIN's JOURNAL. jixft ftir#2 f 0t ~otkthold. The Names of the Heads of those Families, being only thirteen at the time of their landing; First Proprietors of Orient; Biographical Sketches, etc. By Augustus Griffin. 8vo, hf. crim. lev., gt. edges, fine copy, very scarce. Portrait. Orient, L. 1., 1857 579 3038 t10bbarb 5ol1omon, Pastor to the Church of Northampton, in NEW ENGLAND. THEE Safety of Appearing at the DAY OF JUDGMENT in the Righteousness of CHRIST, Opened and Applied. The Second EDITION Corrected. With some Addition by the.?AUTHOR. 8vo, If. dik. blue lev., gt. edges; fine copy, very scarce. BOSTON: Re-printedfor D. HENCHMAN, at his shop in Cornhill, MDCCXXIX. 3039 ST. URSULA'S CONVENT; or The Nun of Canada. Containing Scenes from Real Life. In two Volumes. 12mo, hf. vellum, gt. edges; fine copy. Kingston, bTpper Canada, 1824So Said to be the first Novel published in Canada. Written by a young lady of " Seventeen Summners." " The era to which this story relates was an eventful one, and may be reviewed with interest by many families, who, like the author, trace their descent in a manner similar to that of the principal personages of the Tale." 3040 SULLIVAN'S CAMPAIGN; NOTICES OF, on THE REVOLUTIONARY WARFARE IN WESTERN NEw YOREK. Embodied in the Addresses and Documents connected with the Funeral Honors rendered to those who fell with the gallant Boyd in the Genesee Valley, including the remarks of Gov. Seward at Mount Hope. 12mo,,? full crimson levant, elegant, rich inside borders, paneled sides, gt. edges. Frontis. Very fine copy. 191 pp. Rochester, 1842 Contains an Oration, illustrative of the Revolutionary Warfare in Western New York, by Samuel Treat of Geneseo, embracing 91 pages. Very interesting notes included, also Letters of Moses Van Campen, John Salmon and others, survivors of Sullivan's Campaign. 3041 TRIALS. CELEBRATED TRIALS Of all Countries, and Remarkable Cases of Criminal Jurisprudence. Selected by a Member of,73, the Phila. Bar. 8vo, hf. vellum; fine copy. Phila., 1843' Contains over 88 Trials, among them, The Samuelston Witches in 1678, The Salem Witches, Capt. Kidd, etc. 3042 TRUMBULL, HENRY. HISTORY OF THE DISCOVERY OF AMERICA, of the Landing of our Forefathers, and of their most remarkable engagements with the Indians. To which is annexed thejes particulars of almost every important engagement with the' Savages at the Westward, to the present day, including the defeat of Generals BRADDOCK, HARMER and ST. CLAIR, the CREEK and SIMINOLE War, etc. 8vo, hf. green levant, gilt edges, with curious plates of A dian battles and persecutions; the first edition; very scarce, and fine copy. Boston, 1819 3043 UNCAS AND MIANTONOMOH; A ISTORICAL DISCOURSE, delivered at Norwich, July 4, 1842, on the occasion of the erec-/, tion of a Monument to the Memory of Uncas. By William L. Stone. 12tmo, hf. red Tky., gt. top, rough edges; fine copy. new York, 1842 3044 VALE, G. FANATICISM; its Source and Influence, illustrated by, the simple narrative of Isabella, in the case of Matthias, Mr.'!/ and Mrs. B. Folger, etc. A Reply to W. L. Stone. In Two Vols. 8vo, hf. gr. lev., gt. top., uncut; curious. N. Y., 1835 For the Trial of Matthias see No. 2172. 580 lo, 3045 VERMONT. HISTORY OF THE STATE OF. From its Earliest Settlement to the close of the Year 1832. By Zadock Thompson. 12mo, dk. Rox., gt. top, rough edges; beautiful copy. Burlington, 1833 ys 3046 WARREN, MRS. MERCY. HISTORY OF THE RISE, PROGRESS AND TERMINATION OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. Interspersed with Biographical, Political and Moral Observations. In Three Volumes. 8vo, dce. rox., gt. top, uncitt; fine copy. Boston, 1805 5~s3047 WASHINGTON, GEORGE. THE LIFE OF. Interspersed with Biographical Anecdotes of the Most Eminent Men who effected the American Revolution. By John Corry. 8vo, full crushed crimson levant, gt. edges, fine copy; scarce ed. with Index. London, 1800 MN 3048 WASHINGTON'S Politiral tegacrie. To WHICH IS ANNEXED AN [pPtbiaX, CONTAINING AN ACCOUNT OF HIS ILLNESS, DEATH AND THE NATIONAL THIBUTE OF RESPECT PAID TO HIS MEMORY, with a:3iograptbiraI;ktrcb of his Life and Character, His Will, and 1)D. TAPPAN'S DISCOURSE, before the University of Cambridge. 8vo, full crimson levant, gt. edges, beautiful tooling on covers and back, rich inside borders, elegant, clean copy; very scarce, with subscribers' names. NEW YORK: Printed by GEORGE FORMAN for C. DAVIS, Water Street, 1800. /l 3049 WILLIAMS, JOHN, (Pastor of Church in Deerfield,) AND MRS. MARY ROWLANDSON, (of Lancaster.) THE CAPTIVITY AND DELIVERANCE OF, who were taken, together with Families and Neighbors, by the French and Indians, and carried into Canada. Written by Themselves. 8vo, full crimson levant, gt. edges, rich inside borders, elegant; very scarce edition, beautiful copy. BROORFIELD: PRINTED BY HORI BROWN, Sept., 1811 3, 3050 WILLIAMS, JOHN. Minister of the Gospel in DEERIHELD, The Bedeemed Captiuv Returning to ZION. A FAITHFUL HISTORY OF Remarckable Occurrences, IN THE VCapt;ivi/y and 5eiiverence OF, who, in the Desolation which befel that Plantation, by an Incursion of the French and Indians, was by them carried away, with his:Family, and his Neighbourhood, unto CANADA. Drawn up by HIMSELF. Whereto there is annexed a SERMON, preached by him upon his RETURN, at the Lecture in Boston, December 5, 1706, On those Words, Luke 8. 99, Return to thine own Holuse, ancd shew how great Thirngs God hath done unto thee. The FOURTH EDITION. As also an APPENDIX, containing an Account of those taken Captive at Deesfield, F'ebruary 29, 1703-4; of those killed after they went out of Town; those who returned; and of those still absent from their native Country; of those who were slain at that Time in or near the Town; and of the Mischief done by the Enemy in Deerfield, from the Beginning of its Settlement to the I eath of the Rev. Mr. WILI,,IAMS, in 1729. With a Conclusion to the Whole, by the Rev. Mr. WILLIAMS, of Springfield, and the Rev. Mr. PRINCE, of Boston. 8vo, full crushed crimson levant, gt. top, uncut, inside borders and covers beautifully tooled; beautiful copy, very rare, 79 pp. BOSTON: Printed. NEW-LONDON: Re-printed by T. GREEN, 1758 581 3051 ZENGER, JOHN PETER. A BRIEF NARRATIVE OF THE CASE AND TRIAL OF, PRINTER OF THE NEW YORK WEEKLY JOURNAL, FOR A LIBEL. In a free State, such as our's is, all Men ought to enjoy, and express their Minds freely." 4to, full dik. green lev., 5: pages, gilt top, uncut, inside borders richly tooled; superb copy, extremely scarce; by Bedford. NEW-YORK: Re.printed by JOHN HOLT, at the Exchange, 1770. This was the first attempt in New York to muzzle the press. Andrew Hamilton, of Philadelphia, was Zenger's Counsel; Zenger was acquitted, and the people, to express their approbation of the verdict, entertained Hamilton at a public dinner, and the Corporation presented him with the freedom of the city in a gold box. On his departure, he was honored with salutes of cannon.-Lossing, Field Book, Vol. 11., 580. Zenger was imprisoned thirty-five weeks; the t6' excitement at his trial was intense. The following is the closing up of Mr. Hamilton's argument for the defence: " But to conclude, the question before the court, and to you, gentlemen of the jury, is not of small nor private concern; it is not the cause of a poor I'rinter, nor of New York alone, which you are now trying! No! It may in its consequence affect every free man that lives under a British government on the main of America. It is the best cause; it is the cause of Liberty; and I make no doubt but your upright conduct this day will not only entitle you to the love and esteem of your fellow citizens; but every man who prefers freedom to a life of slavery will bless and honour you, as men who have baffled the attempt of Tyranny; and by an impartial and uncorrupt verdict, have laid a noble foundation for securing to ourselves, our posterity and our neighbors, that, to which nature and the laws of our country have given us a right-the Liberty-both of exposing and opposing arbitrary power (in these parts of the world, at least,) by speaking and writing truth." 3052 ADAIR, JAMES. HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN INDIANS, &C. 4to,/// old cayf binding, very clean copy, large margins, with map. See Title No. 5. London, MDCCLXXV 3053 A4LLEN, COL. ETHAN. A NARRATIVE OF COLONEL ETHAN ALLEN'S CAPTIVITY, From the time of his being taken by the British near Montreal, on the 25th day of September, in the year 1775, to the Time of his Exchange on the 6th day of May, 1778, Containing, His Voyages and Travels, With the most remarkable Occurrences respecting himself, and many other/35. Continental Prisoners of different Ranks and Characters,' which, fell under his Observation, in the Course of the same; particularly the Destruction of the Prisoners at N. Y. by General Sir William Howe, in the years 1776 and 1777 —Interspersed with Political Observations. Written by Himself, and now published for the Information of the Curious of all Nations. [Motto. ] 8vo, full dark blue crushed lev., gilt top, rough edges, beautiful copy, very scarce. Walpole, 1807 3054 AMERICA. A COLLECTION of Interesting and Authentic PAPERS, relative to the DISPUTE between GREAT BRITAIN and AMERICA;Gw shewing the CAUSES and PROGRESS of that MISUNDERSTANDING from 1761 to 1775. Large 8vo, maroon Rox., gilt top, uncut, superb copy, extremely scarce. LONDON: J. ALMON, MDCCLXXVII 582 30 3055 AMERICAN MONTHLY MAGAZINE AND CRITICAL REVIEW. 8vo,unbounl, 80 pages, good copy. New York, 1818 Contains Rafine;que's "Farther account of Discoveries in Natural History in the Western States" —" Memoir on the Antiquities of the Western Part of New York," by De Witt Clinton-and an Obituary of Col. Jeremiah O'Brien, of Machias, Me., etc. e? 3056 ANDRE, MAJ. JOHN. MONODY ON. By Miss Seward. Fourth Amer. Ed. 8vo, full dark olive green levt., gilt top, edges uncut, very scarce, fine copy. Boston, 1798 In same volume, AMELIA; OR, THE FAITHLESS BRITON: an Original American Novel, etc. Boston, 1798 o,> 3057 APES, WILLIAM. A SoN OF THE FOREST. The Experience of, comprising a notice of the Pequod Tribe of Indians. Written by himself. 12mo, full crushed crimson levant, gilt top, rough edges, beautiful copy. N. Y., 1829 c2~ 3058 - Another copy. Haf dark blue levant, gilt edges. N. Y., 1829 /07o 3059 BOON, COL. DANIEL; LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF. Comprising an account of his first excursion to Kentucky, in 1769, and of his various encounters with the Indians. Written by himself. To which is added a narrative of the most important incidents of his life, from the latter period until the period of his death. Annexed is an Eulogy on Col. Boon, by Lord Byron. 8vo, full dark maroon levant, gilt top, rough edges, very rare edition, 26 pages. Brooklyn, 1823 -/o 3060 BRADLEY, ELIZA. An Authentic Narrative of Shipwreck and Sufferings of. Curious Frontis. Written by herself. 8vo, half crim. tky., gilt edges. Boston, 1820 So 3061 BRAINERD, REV. DAVID; MEMOIRS oF-Missionary to the Indians, on the borders of New York, New Jersey, and Penn., chiefly taken from his own Diary. By Rev. Jon. Edwards. Including his Journal, for the first time incorporated with the rest of the Diary. By S. E. Dwight. 8vo, sheep fine copy. uTew Haven, 1822 2W 3062 BRANAGAN, THOMAS. AVENIA; or, a Tragical Poem, on the oppression of the Human Species and Infringement of the Rights of Man. In Six Books. 8vo, haf dark blue levant, very scarce. Phila., 1805 /7S'3063 BRANNAN, JOHN. OFFICIAL LETTERS of the Military and Naval Officers of the United States, during the War with Great Britain in 1812. 8vo, full polished calf, gilt top, edges rough. Washington, 1823 &o" 3064 BURR, AARON. THE Two PRINCIPAL ARGUMENTS OF WILLIAM WIRT on the'lrial of, for High Treason, and on the Motion to Commit Aaron Burr for Trial in Ky. 12mo, full cr. tan colored levant, gilt edges. FROM THE PRESS OF SAMUEL PLEASANTS, JR., RICHMOND, 1808 583 3065 Clap, Capt. Roger. MEMOIRS OF, Relating fome of GOD'S Remarkable Providences to Him, in bringing him into New-England; and fome of the Straits and Afflictions, the Good People met with here in their Beginnings. AND injtructing, Counfelling, Direfing and Commanding his Children and Childrens Child-/2s, ren, and FHoufhold, to ferve the LORD in their Generations to the lateft Pofterity. Heb. xi. 4.-He being dead, yet Jpeaketh. 12mo, orig. covers, uncut, fine copy, very rare. Collation: Title page. Dedication by Thomas Prince, 1 leaf. Memoirs, 34 pages. Genealogical account of his family by James Blake, Jun. 10 pages. B 0 S T 0 N in New-England: Printed by B. Green, I 7 3. 3066 CLAP, CAPT. ROGER. MEMOIRS orF —relating some of God's Remarkable Providences to Him, in bringing him into NewEngland; and some of the Straits and Afflictions the good people met with here in their beginnings. And Instructing,,/~ Counselling, Directing and Commanding his Children, and Children's Children, and household, to serve the Lord in their Generations to the latest Posterity. 8vo, 39 pages, fine copy, very scarce. Boston, 1807 3067 The same. 8vo, orig. covers, 36 pages, fine copy,, -o scarce. Pittsfield, 1824 3068 COFFIN, ROBERT S. ORIENTAL HARP. Poems of the Boston Bard. 8vo, full cr. crim. levant, gilt edges, fine copy, eng. title3da and Port. inlaid. Providence, 1826 " This is my own, my native land." 3069 COPWAY, GEORGE. THE TRADITIONAL HISTORY and Characteristic Sketches of the Ojibway Nation. Illustrated by Darley.2-?6 8vo, half crim. Tky., gilt edges. Boston, 1851 3070 COVELL, LEMUEL. (Missionary to the Tuscarora Indians.) MEMOIR OF. Also a Memoir of Alanson Covell. By Mrs. D. C. Brown. In Two Volumes. 8vo, half darkl green tkly.,$, gilt edges. Brandon, Vt., 1839 3071 DRAKE, SAMUEL G. INDIAN BIOGRAPHY, containing the Lives of more than two hundred Indian Chiefs: Also such others of that race as have rendered their names conspicuous in the History of North America from its first being known toi,, Europeans to the present period. Giving at large their most' Celebrated Speeches, Memorable Sayings, Numerous Anecdotes, and a Hlistory of their Wars. Illustrated. 8vo, full cr. crim. levant, gilt top, rough edges, fine copy, rubric title. Boston, 1832 584 7a 3072 EDWARDS, CHARLES. featlewr from nap owmn tings Frontis. The Shade of Tecumseh. 8vo, fl. dci. olive gr. lev., gt. top, rough edg's. N.: Y., MDCCCXXXII. 3C 3073 ELIOT, REV. JOHN. MEMOIRS OF LIFE AND CHARACTER OF. By M artin Moore. 1I2mo, dki. blue lev. gt. edges. Boston, 1822 _2'-3074 FISHER, WILLIAM. NEW TRAVELS among the Indians of North America; with a Dictionary of the Indian Tongue. Portrait. 8vo, hf. cr. dk. green lev., gt. edges; very sclrce; fine copy. Phila., 1812,(w 3075 FORT EDWARD, The Bride of, Founded on an incident of the Revolution. 8vo, hf. cr. crim. lev., gt. edges. Scarce, good copy. N. Y., 1859 ~Zs3076 GILLELAND, J. C. HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR between the United States and Great Britain. Containing an Accurate Account of the most important Engagements by Sea and Land, interspersed with Geographical Sketches of the Country where the Principal Battles were fought. 8vo, hf. crim. tkcy., gt edges; fine copy. Balto., 1817 /so 3077 GOSDEN, THOMAS. IMPRESSIONS OF A SERIES OF ANIMALS, BIRDS, &c., illustrative of British Field Sports. From a Set of Silver Buttons. Drawn by A. Cooper, and engraved by John Scott on India paper. 8vo, full dk. olive green, gilt top. Lond., MD CCCXXI. Xo 3078 HAMILTON, ALEXANDER. A REVIEW OF DR. JOHN M. MASON'S ORATION ON THE DEATH OF GEN. HAMILTON. 8vo pamph., 10 p.; very scarce. New York, Printed by James Oram, 1807 First printed in the CFristian Observer, 1805, and for the first time printed in this form. A very unjust and unfair criticism. /? 3079 HARRIOTT, LIEUT. JOHN. STRUGGLES THROUGH LIFE. Exemplified in the various Travels and Adventures in Europe, Asia, Africa, and America. In Two Volumes. 8vo, hf. die. green, tky., gt. edges. New Yore, 1809 /d 3080 HEARNE, SAMUEL. JOURNEY FROM FORT PRINCE WALES, in Hudson's Bay, to the Northern Ocean, for the Discovery of Copper Mines and a Northwest Passage, performed between the years, 1769 and 1772. 12mo, full cr. crim. lev., gt. top; scarce, fine copy. Phila., 1802 4oo3081 HUBBARD, WILLIAM. A NARRATIVE OF THE INDIAN WARS In NEW ENGLAND, from the First'lanting thereof in the year 1607 to the year 1677. 8vo, full dark crimson lev., gt. top, edges rough. Fine copy, very scarce edition. Printed at STOCKBRIDGE (Mass.), by HEMAN WVILLARD, May, 1803. So 3082 HUMPHREY, HEMAN. INDIAN RIGHTS AND OUR DUTIES. An Address delivered at Amherst, Hartford, &c., December, 1820. 12mo pamph., 23 pp.; scarce. Amherst, 1830 /o 3083 HOIKE UHANE. He Kamaiileo e Moawkaka ai ka uhane o Kanaka. Buke I. T. H. Gallaudet. lunuhilia. 12mo, boards. Honolulu, 1839 585 3084 MANE LANI. Ka ai na ka uhane, etc. 24mo, boards. Honolulu, 1841 3085 WEHEWE HEHALA. Oia hoi ka Hulikanaka. 8vo, boards. Honolulu, 1847/c 3086 LEE, MAJ.-GENL. THE LIFE AND MEMOIRS OF, Second in Command to General Washington, to which are added his Politi-2yc cal and Military Essays. 8uo, fill cr. crim. lev., gt. top, rough'> edges. Fine copy. N. Y., 1813 3087 LESLIE, CHARLES. A SHORT AND EASIE METHOD WITH THE DEISTS, etc. In a Letter to a Friend. The Eighth Edition.J/4 8vo. full pol. calf; Jine copy. Lond., 1723 3088 S/M'$ qA CSZc6'?/f3Y; OR, the RULE OF A Christian's Life AND conversation, containing plain and short Directions forj.? Performance of the several Duties thereof"Only let your conversation be as becomes the Gospel of Christ." Phil. 1. 27. 24mo, full cr. dk. blue lev., gt. edges. BOSTON: B. Green, for Benj. Eliot, 1718 3089 M'AFEE, ROBERT B. HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR IN THE WESTERN COUNTRY. Comprising a full Account of all the Transactions in that quarter, from the Commencement of Hostilities,{o at Tippecanoe to the termination of the Contest at New Orleans. Fall dk. maroon lev., gt. top rough edges; fine copy; extremely scarce. Lexington, K., 1816 3090 MASSACHUSETTS. THE j CHARTER I GRANTED BY THEIR MAJESTIES KING WILLIAM I AND QUEEN MARY, I TO THE I INHABIT-,, ANTS OF THE PROVINCE OF THE MASSACHUSETTS-BAY IN | NEN-ENGLAND I. 4to.full cr. crim. lev., gt. top, rough edges. Fine copy. ioton in Newm (!nglatxd: Printed by B3. (rce~n, Printers to the Lieut.-GovERNouR and COUNCIL, for Benjamin (Eliot, 1726. 3091 MATHER, COTTON. THE LIFE OF THE Very REVEREND and LEARNED COTTON MATHER, late Pastor of the Norllt Church inc/y'BOSTON, who died February 13th, 1727-28. "A Son honoreth his Father." By SAMUEL MATHER. 8vo, full de. mar. col. lev., gt. top, rough edges; beautiful copy; extremely scarce. BOSTON, New-England: Printed for SAMUEL GERRISH, in Cornhill. MDCCXXIX. 3092 MCCONNELL, J. L. Western Characters; or, Types of Border Life in the Western States. Illustrated by Darley. Frontis.&'0 8vo, hf. crim. turkey; gilt edges. Redfleld, N. Y., 1853 3093 McCOY, ISAAC. HISTORY OF BAPTIST INDIAN MISSIONS. Embracing Remarks on the Former and Present Condition of the Aboriginal Tribes; their Settlement within the Indian Terri-A,. tory, and their Future Prospects. 8vo, hf. crim. turkey; gilt' edges. %,' Washington, 1840 74 586 zo 3094 McINTOSH, JOHN. THE ORIGIN OF THE NORTH-AMERICAN INDIlNS; with a faithful description of their Manners and Customs, both Civil and Military; their Religion, Language, Dress, and Ornaments; to which is prefixed a brief view of the Creation of the World; the Situation of the Garden of Eden; the Antedeluvians, &c.; and some final observations on the origin of the Indians. Frontispiece, etc. 8vo, full mottled calf; fine copy. Nv. Y., 1844 J6,r 3095 M'KENNY, THOS. L., AND HALL, JAMES. HISTORY OF THE INDIAN TRIBES OF NORTH AMERICA, etc. In Three Volumes. Folio, hf. cr. crim. lev., elegant, by R. W. Smith. Bound up from the original numbers with the covers. A very fine copy. Washington, 1838-44 See No. 1317, for a copy in Nos. as originally published., 3096 MAYHEW EXPERIENCE. INDIAN CONVERTS; OR, SomE ACCOUNT OF THE LIVES and Dying SPEECHES of a Considerable Number of the Christianized INDIANS of Martha's Vineyard, in New England. To which is added, Some Account of those ENGLISH MINISTERS who have successively presided over the Indian Work in that and the adjacent Islands. By Mr. Prince. 8vo, full cr. crim. lev., gt. top; fine copy, extremely scarce. LONDON, MDccxxvu. Sfor 3097 MORRIS, CAPT. CHARLES. A COMPLETE COLLECTION OF SONGS, BY CAPTAIN MORRIS. The Twelfth Edition, Revised, Corrected, and Enlarged. Portrait of Morris, in oval, holding a mask, and the following Lines beneath: " When the fancy stirring Bowl, Awakes its World to pleasure, Glowing visions gild my Soul, And life's an endless treasure." 8vo, unbound, 6f0 pages. Part I, 38 pages, and Part 2, 22 pages. Fine copy. London, 1790 Among the Poems contained in this Collection occurs the famous one entitled " Billy Pitt and the Farmer," narrating the adventures which befell' Billy," "Brittania's Prime Ruler," and " Harry, a staunch friend to Boston," as they were returning on a dark night from a cabinet meeting, with their " Skins full of wine." " Now so it fell out" " This pair were benighted" "And drove out of the road," etc., " Long lost in the dark were" " These Lights of the nation;" " But stumbled at last " " To a small habitation;" etc. " When Billy began for " To make an oration," "As oft he had done," "To bamboozle the nation," etc. The Poem ends with this oftquoted stanzas"Solid Men of Boston Make no long orations; Solid men of Boston Banish strong Potations; Solid men of Boston Go to bed at sundown, And never lose your way, Like the loggerheads of London." For a further account of Morris, see the Historical Magazine, Vol. 1, July, 1857, pp. 39 and 216-217. No mention is made, however, of this edition, which contains in all eleven poems, some of them exceedingly free, and ought never to have been printed. 587 3098 MEXICO, AS IT WAS AND AS IT Is: By Brantz Mayer. With numerous illustrations on wood, engraved by Butler. 8vo, hf.,v dark, blue levant. gt. edges. Beautiful copy. New York, rDcccxurv 3099 MICHIGAN. HISTORICAL AND SCIENTIFIC SKETCHES OF. Comprising a series of Discourses delivered before the Historical Society of, etc., and other interesting Papers relative to the2?, Territory. 8vo, hf. cr., crim. levant, gt. edges, very scare. Fine copy. Detroit, 1834 3100 NEW AMSTERDAM. AFFAIRS AND MEN OF. In the time of Gov. Peter Stuyvesant. Compiled by J. Paulding. 8vo, hf./,> cr., dk. green lev., gilt edges. New York, 1833 3101 NEW HAMPSHIRE. THE HISTORY OF. Comprehending the Events of one Complete Contury, from the Discovery of the River Piscataqua. Containing also a Geographical Description of the State, etc. First Edition. In Three Volumes. Map. 8vo, full dk. blue, crushed lev. mor., gt. edges. Phila. and Boston. 1784-1792 3102 NEWTOWN, N. Y. ANNALS OF. Containing its History from its First Settlement, together with many interestings fact con-l? cerning the adjacent towns, etc. By James Riker, Jr. 8vo, cl.. Fine copy. ]Maps. N. Y., 1852 3103 NORTH AMERICA. SUMMARY, HISTORICAL AND POLITICAL OF the first Planting, Progressive Improvements, and PresentJS State of the British Settlements in NORTH A:MERICA. In Two' Volumes. By Winm. Douglas. 8vo, full dk. blue, cr. lev., gilt edges. Very scarce edition. BosToN, MDCCXLIX.-1751 3104 OHIO. JOURNAL OF A ToUR into the Territory North-West of the Alleghany Mountains; made in the Spring of 1803. With a Geographical and Historical account of the State ofsas'd Ohio. Illustrated with original maps and views. By Thaddeus Mason Harris. 8vo, hf. crim. tkly., gilt top, rough edges. Boston, 1805 3105 PATTIE, JAMES O. (Of Kentuacky.) THE PERSONAL NARRATIVE OF, during an Expedition from St. Louis through the vast Regions between that place and the Pacific Ocean, and thenceo-, back through the City of Mexico to Vera Cruz, during journeyings of six years; in which he and his father, who accompanied him, suffered unheard of hardships and dangers, had various conflicts with the Indians, and were made captives, in which captivity his father died; together with a Description of the Country, and the various Nations through which they passed. Edited by Timothy Flint. 8vo, full cr. crim. lev., gt. top, edges rough. Fine copy, very scarce. Cincinnati, 1833,t3 3105*Another Copy. Half cr. crim. lev., gt. edges. Cinn., 1833' 588 /3X 3106 PRIEST, JOSIAH. STORIES OF THE REVOLUTION, with an Account of the Lost Child of the Delawares; Wheaton and the Panther. Plate. Large 8vo, bds., uncut. Albany, 1838 4' 3107 REDFIELD: A LONG ISLAND TALE OF THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY. 8vo, ftll dk. maroon, gt. top, edges uncut. Very scarce romance; full of Indian and Local incidents, etc. N. Y., 1825 3108 RICH, O. WJ300TQD O2ICA 1ARI(EUTANfx ( NQUT it. A CATALOGUE OF BOOKS RELATING PRINCIPALLY TO AMERICA. Printed between the years 1500 and 1800. 8vo, full dk. blue cr. lev. mor., gt. top, rough edges. Contents lettered on the back. London, 1853 This copy contains also the rare catalogue of Books, Bib. Amer. Vet., 14931700, and supplement printed in double colums, 24 pages: also, catalogue of books published in 1844-being duplicates of Mr. Rich's collection, 48 1~C5#40 pages. Edward Everett's Report to the House of Representatives, submitting a list of MSA. and books relating to America, in possession of 0. Rich. 24 pages. PForming a unique volume. 3109 BIBLIOTHECA AMERICANA NOVA. A CATALOGUE OF BooKS RELATING TO AMERICA. Printed since the year 1700. Vol. I.1701-1800, with Supplement. Part I. —1701-1800, and Index, 517 pages. 8vo, full dk. blue cr. lev. mor., gt. top, rough edges. London, 1841 3110 BIBIIOTHECA AMERICANA NOVA. A CATALOGUE OF BOOKS RELATING TO AMERICA. Printed since the year 1700. Vol. II. —1801-1844. 402 pages. 8vo, full dik. blue cr. lev. mor. gt. top. London, 1844 2x 3111 SAMPSON, DEBORAH. THE FEMALE REVIEW; OR, MEMOIRS OF AN AMERICAN YOUNG LADY. WHOSE LIFE AND CHARACTER ARE PECULIARLY DISTINGUISHED —BEING A CONTINENTAL SOLDIER FOR NEARLY THREE YEARS IN THE LATE AMERICAN WAR, DURING WHICH TIME SHE PERFORMED THE DUTIES OF EVERY DEPARTMENT INTO WHICH SHE WAS CALLED, WITH PUNCTUAL EXACTNESS, FIDELITY AND HONOR., AND PRESERVED HER CHASTITY INVIOLATE, BY THE MOST ARTFUL CONCEALMENT OF HER SEX, WITH AN APPENDIX CONTAINING CHARACTERISTIC TRAITS BY DIFFERENT HANDS; HER TASTE FOR ECONOMY, PRINCIPLES OF DOMESTIC EDUCATION. By a CITIZEN of MASSACHUSETTS-(H MANN.) 8vo, hf. f., orig. blue board binding, edges blue. In beautifnl condition, with the very rare portrait, half length in oval, and list of subscribers. DEDHAM: PRINTED BY NATHANIEL, AND BEiN'JAMIN HEATON FOR THEi AUTHOR. MDccxcVi. Collation: Portrait,-Title-Paae,-Dedication, 1 Leaf,-Preface V. to XV.,Review 17-258,-List of Sub., 3 leaves. //$o 3112 SOUTH CAROLINA. THE HISTORY OF, from its first settlement in 1670, to the year 1808. In Five Volumes. By David Ramsay. 8vo, full crushed dk. blue levant, gt. top, uncut, with all the maps; magnificent copy, selected. Charleston, 1809 sre 3113 STONE, THOMAS T. SKETCHES OF OXFORD COUNTY. (Me.) 12mo, full levant, gt. top; very scarce. Portland, 1830 Contains Lovewell's Fight and other incidents of early History of Maine. 589 3114 VERMONT, THE CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE OF-AS ESTABLISHED BY THE GENERAL CONVENTION ELECTED FOR THAT PURPOSE, AND HELD AT WINDSOR, JULY zd, 1777, AND CONTINUED BY ADJOURNMENT TO DECEMBER 25, 1777. 8vo, pamph., 24pages; fine copy, cleaned, mended and put in excellent condition. ( Unbound). HARTFORD: Printed by WATSON AND GOODWIN. (1778). This document, which does not seem to be of much importance, if we look merely at the title, ha%, however, a very interesting history, and we subjoin the following extract from Ira Allen's History of Vermont. (See No. 2677). " The Council of Safety again paid attention to the Constitution, and made a preamble, stating the reasons why the citizens had rejected all connections with New York; but as there was not time, before the day assigned for the election, to print and publish the constitution, therefore the convention was summoned to meet at Windsor, in December, 1'777; they met, revised the constitution, and appointed the first election to be on the 12th day of March, 1778. One difficulty was discovered by some members of the convention, who concluded the best way to evade it was, lo keep it in as small a circle as possible; the difficulty owas, to establish the C(onstitution without the voice of the people, further than was vested in the convention by their credentials, that/63o authorized them to form a constitution, but were silent as to its ratification, and they had no ancient government to predicate their claims upon; besides intestine divisions and different opinions prevailed among the people, and even in the convention. To avoid discord, a large majority, in one instance, conformed to a minority, when deliberating on the articles of the constitution. As the people seemed inclined for a popular government, the constitution was so made, and for the better satisfying those who might choose any difference in the form of government,and as circumstances or increasing knowledge might make it necessarv,a principle was established in the constitution,by which legal means might be taken to alter or amend the constitution once in seven years agreeable to the will of the majority of the freemen of the State, which, if perpetuated,would transmit to prosperity the same privileges of choosing how they would be governed, as the people of that day exercised from the inherent right of nature, without revolution or bloodshed. Had the constitution been then submitted to the consideration of the people for their revision, amendment, and ratification, it is very doubtful whether a majority would have confirmed it, considering the resolutions of Congress, and their influence at that time, as well as the intrigues and expense of the provincial Congress of New York, who endeavoured to divide and subdivide the people. Under these circu.stances the Convention appointed Ira Allen to see the constitution printed and distributed before the election. Mr. Allen returned from Hartford, in Connecticut, a few days before the time of the genera, election, ewith the Constitution printed, and dispersed it. There was one (or more) in each town who coveted the honour of being a member in the first general as: embly of the new State of Vermont. It was, therefore, their interest to induce their friends to attend the meeting, and take the freeman's oath. This was done, and representatives were elected, and attended the Assembly at Windsor, on the 12th of March, 1778, when and where the votes of the freemen for a Governor, a Lieutenant Governor, 12 Counsellors, and a Treasurer, were sorted and counlted, and the persons who had the majority of votes for the respective offices, were declared duly elected. Thus the Constitution of the State of Vermont was put in force." 590 /42 3115 THATCHER, B. B. INDIAN TRAITS. Being Sketches of the Manners, Customs and Character of the North American Natives. In Two Volumes. 12mo,full cr. crimson levant, gt. top, rough edges, eng. title. Frontis. N. Y., 1836 f* 3116 s /fJ~21 9/S/S OF THE PRESBYTERIAN GOVERNMENT UNBOWELLED. Sm. 4to, full cr. dk. blue levant, gt. edges; very curious. LONDON, 1711 ZrS 3117 TURNER, G. TRAITS OF INDIAN CHARACTER, etc. In Two Volumes. Port. inserted. 8vo,full tan col. cr. levant, gt. top..Phila., 1836 See No. 2673. eP 3118 UNITED STATES. A HISTORY OF. Before the Revolution, with some account of (tlje %borigine#. By Ezekiel Sanford. 8vo, hf. cr. crimson levant, gt. edges, scarce; fine copy. to 3119 MASSACHUSETTS, HISTORY OF. VOL. I.-FRO-M 1764 to JULY, 1775: When General Washington took Command of the American Army. BOSTON, 1822 VOL. II.-FROM JULY, 1775, TO THE YEAR 1789, inclusive, when the Federal Government was established under the present Constitution. BOSTON, 1825 VOL. III.-FROM THE YEAR 1790 To 1820. BOSTON, 1829 By Alden Bradford. In three volumes. 8vo, dark Rox., gilt top, edges rough. CfV Bound Uniform in style with Hutchinson, Minot, and Barry. See Catalogue, Nos. 1285-2636-3021.,1,n 3120 OHIO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A BRIEF TOPOGRAPHICAL DESCRIPTION OF THIE COUNTY OF WASHINGTON. By J. Delafield, Jr. 8vo, 39 pages, unbound. Good copy, very scarce. Withplan of Campus Martius. New York, 1834 /?' 3121 LORD NORTH'S ISLAND. Memoir on the Languages and Inhabitants of. By John Pickering. 4to, red RBlx., gilt top, rough edges, 43 pages. Cambridge, 1845 Uniform in size and binding with No. 2617. S7 3122 GARDEN, ALEXANDER. ANECDOTES OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION, Illustrative of the Talents and Virtues of the Heroes and Patriots who acted the most conspicuous parts therein. Second Series. 8vo, r ed iox., gilt top, uncut. Charleston, 1828 This copy belongs with No. 2615, as the Second Volume. 591 3123 BUSHNELL, CHARLES I. CRUMBS FOR ANTIQUARIANS. IN Two VOLUMES, COMPRISING TEN PARTS, BEING THE COMPLETE SET BOUND UP FROM THE SHEETS, WITH THE BEAUTIFUL COLORED TITLE PAGES OF EACH VOLUME AND THE SPECIAL TITLE-PAGE TO EACH PART. Volume I. Contains:. —-An Historical Account of the first three BUSINESS TOjKENS issued in the city of New York. 2.-Memoirs of SAMUEL SMITH, a Soldier of the Revolution, 1776-1786. 3. —Journal of SOLOMON NASH, A Soldier of the Revolution, 1776-1777. 4.-Memoirs of TARLETON BROWN, a Captain in the Revolutionary Army. 5.-A Narrative of the Life and Adventures of LEVI HANFORD, a Soldier of the Revolution. 6. —Journal of the Expedition against Quebec, under Col, BENEDICT ARNOLD, in the year 1775, by Major Re-'-' turn J. Meigs. Volume II. Contains: L.-The Narrative of Major ABRAHAM LEGGETT, of the Army of the Revolution. 2. —Narrative of the Exertions and Sufferings of Lieutenant JAMES 1MOODY in the Cause of Government, since the year 1776. 3.-The Narrative of JOHN BLATCHFORD, detailing his sufferings in the Revolutionary War while a Prisoner with the British. 4.-The Narrative of EBENEZER FLETCHER, a Soldier of the Revolution. 8vo, half dark green crushed lev. mor. gilt top, uncut by Bradstreet. With Twenty-Six Illustrations, Portraits, Views of Old Buildings, &c. Of great Interest'to the Antiquary. New York, 1859-1866 3124 PLYMOUTH (Mass.) HISTORY of THE TOWN or, from its First Settlement in 1620, to the Present time, with a concise History of the Aborigines of New England and their Wars with,:,r the English. Second Edition, enlarged and corrected, with map. 8vo, half dark green crushed lev. morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet. Very scarce in this condition. Boston, 1835 3125 WOODWORTH, SAMUEL. THE CHAMPIONS OF FREEDOM; or, the Mysterious Chief: a Romance of the Nineteenth Century, founded on the Events of the War between the United StatesE and Great Britain, which terminated in March, 1815. In Two Volumes. 8vo,ffull crushed dark green levant morocco, gilt top, rough edges. Very scarce. New York, 1816 592 V 3126 ANDRe, MAJOR. AN AUTHENTIC NARRATIVE OF THE CAUSES WHICH LED TO THE DEATH OF. By Joshua Hett Smith. To which is added A MONODY ON THE DEATH OF MAJOR ANDRt. By Miss Seward. 8vo, polished caf, gilt top, edges uncut, by Bedford, with portrait (being a remarkcbly brilliant impression) engraved by Hopwood, from a drazcing by afji Andre. Also, map and engraving of Sarcophagus in Westminster Abbey. ionbrn, 1808 It is not necessary to make any extended remarks in relation to this book, further than to speak of its condition, which is all that could be desired. Perfectly clean and spotless throughout. "Lamented youth! while with inverted spear The British legions pour th' indignant tear! Round the dropt arm the funeral scarf entwine, And in their heart's deep core thy worth enshrines; While my weak Muse, in fond attempt and vain, But feebly pours a perishable strain, Oh! ye distinguishable few! whose glowin lays Bright Phoebus kindles with his purest rays, Snatch from its radiant source the living fire, And light with Vestal flame your ANDRE'S HALLOWED PYRE!" INDEX TO BOOKS. The figures refer to the page of the Catalogue. Adams, John, 2. 206, 233, 234, 238, 239, 240, 243, Adventures, See Travels. 255, 256, 264, 266, 267, 269, 270, Africa, 300, 372 272, 298, 301, 302, 366, 367, 368, Agassiz, Louis, 2. 369, 370, 371, 373, 374, 375, 897, Agriculture, 241, 256, 266, 301, 417. 398, 399, 401. 423, 424, 425, 428, Almanacs, 27. 429, 452, 453, 456, 459, 472, 474, 477, America, (North and South) 1, 2, 3, 4, 478, 483, 484, 525, 526, 529, 530, 533, 46, 47, 77, 78, 80, 101, 103, 130, 132, 534, 568, 569, 570, 571, 572, 573, 574, 162, 178, 179, 181, 182, 184, 185, 575,576, 577, 578, 582, 583, 584,585, 197, 201, 240, 265, 266, 270, 271,300, 588. 301, 302, 363, 371, 372, 373, 374, 376, Boccaccio, Giovanni, 474. 417, 424, 425.429, 474, 475, 476, 477, Boon, Daniel, 21, 162, 582. 483, 526, 528, 529, 532, 534, 567, Boston, 21,22, 23, 24, 474, 534, 573. 568,569, 572, 579, 581, 584, 587. Botany, 185, 241. American Antiquarian Society,473. British Poets and Essayists, 566, 567. American Institute of N. Y., 4. Bunker Hill, 28, 92, 102, 133, 269, 272, American Navy, 4, 16, 170, 198, 201, 582. 430. American Revolution, 3, 4, 16, 17, 19, Burr, Aaron, 20, 28, 400, 573, 582. 25. 28, 43, 50, 52, 54, 55, 78, 79, 91, Bushnell, Chas. I., 591. 102, 104, 119, 121, 122, 126, 1Z9, 130, California, State and Local, 41, 257, 368, 1~3, 171, 181, 182, 183, 185, 198, 476. 205, 206, 233, 235, 236, 238, 239, Canada, 42, 126, 205, 240, 296, 302, 370, 241, 256, 267, 271, 296, 298, 300, 372, 375, 425, 453, 477, 526, 573, 579. 701, 366, 367, 368, 371, 373, 374, Carolina, 42. 875, 397, 398, 401, 429, 452, 453, Catalogues, 17, 19, 20. 27, 43, 44, 45, 83, 456, 474, 476,477, 483, 525, 526, 527, 121, 271, 423. 528, 529, 530, 532, 533, 534, 566, 568, Cemeteries, 17, 41, 48, 81. 120, 206, 233. 569, 570, 574, 575, 578, 579, 580, 581, Church History, &c., 18. 19. 24, 27, 29, 584, 588, 590, 591. 41, 45, 46, 48, 50, 51, 52, 53, 55, 56, Ames, Fisher, 3. 77, 79. 81, 83. 102, 104, 105, 128. Andre, 5,525, 582, 592. 129, 131, 132, 133, 171, 178, 182, Angling, 428, 429,534. 185 197, 198, 200, 201, 202, 203, Arizona Terr., 6. 204. 206, 234, 235, 237, 238, 239, Arkansas, (State and Local) 6, 266. 240,241, 242.265, 267, 269, 270, 271, Asia, 372, 584. 272, 297, 299, 300, 301. 302, 366, Audubon, J. J. 6. 373, 376, 397, 399,417, 428, 453, 454, Bibliography, 27, 84, 122. 129, 171,186, 457, 458, 459, 476, 479, 481, 530, 187, 200, 242, 268, 269, 299, 375, 531. 574, 588. "Cincinnati" Society, 48, 49. Biography and Correspondence, 2, 6, Classics, 172. 16. 18, 20, 21, 25, 29. 41, 43, 48, 49, Columbia, District of, 51. 50, 51, 54, 55, 56,78,81, 82, 84, 91, Colleges, seminaries and schools, 2. 4, 92, 93, 103, 121, 122, 126, 127, 128, 5, 20, 27, 84, 128, 177.179 183. 205, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 170, 237, 255, 271, 302, 372, 457, 469. 171, 177, 178, 179, 181, 182, 183, 184, Confederate, 25, 47, 50, 52, 92, 171, 185, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 265, 270, 368, 369. 594 Connecticut, (State and Local,) 41, 51, 455, 456, 472, 473, 474, 477, 478, 52, 53, 54, 55, 84, 101, 120, 121, 480, 481, 482, 483, 484, 526, 530, 128, 184, 203, 235, 236, 237, 238, 532, 533, 567, 569, 571, 572, 573, 240, 242, 243, 267, 268, 371, 374, 574, 576, 578, 579, 580, 581, 582, 375, 499, 452, 457, 459, 482, 527. 583, 584, 585, 586, 587, 588, 590. Cotton, John, 55, 528. Indiana, (State and Local,) 103, 163, 200, Dacotah, 77. 266, 424, 575. Dawson, H. B. 78, 400, 478. Iowa, (Local,) 78, 638. Delaware, 79, 198. Jamaica, 170. Dibdin, T. F., 80, 476, 574, Journals, See Travels. Drake, Samuel G., 82, 83, 480, 583. Kentucky, (State and Local,) 162, 178, Education; 170, 296. 185, 475, 567. England, 265, 529. Labrador, 475. Ethnology, 17, 368, 578. Lincoln, Abraham, 183, 184, 187, 188, Europe, 372, 584. 189, 190, 478. Facetise, 178, 201, 375, 475, 531, 532. Long Island, 91, 103, 237, 256, 296, 373, Fiction and Fables, 2, 19, 25, 84, 178, 482, 484, 485, 576, 578, 588. 185, 200, 206, 235, 228, 302, 361, Lord North's Island, 591. 474, 483, 572, 579, 584, 588. Lossing, B. J. 185, 418, 568. Field, T. W. 119, 476. Louisiana, 185, 201, 475, 568. Florida, (State and Local,) 103, 367, 363, Maine, (Local). 1, 18, 27, 42, 101, 104, 476, 482, 529, 574. 119, 121, 177, 186, 197, 240, 242, 269, Fourth of July Orations, 17, 271, 298. 366, 37(, 373, 398, 417, 429, 457, France, 265. 266, 456, 475. 458, 588. French and Indian War,181, 198, 296, Maryland, (State and Local), 6, 16, 92, 301, 476, 526. 163, 198, 240, 375, 474, 566, 568. Funeral Disc. and Obsequies, 20, 80, Massachusetts, (State and Local), 1, 5, 128, 131, 183, 184, 200, 236, 455, 6, 19, 20, 24, 25. 26, 27, 41, 42, 46, 480, 528. 47, 48, 52, 77, 78, 79, 81, 83, 84, 91, Gazetteers, etc., 178, 203, 204, 206, 241, 92, 101, 102, 119, 120, 121, 122, 126, 255. 127, 128, 130, 131, 163, 181, 182, Genealogy, 6, 46, 84, 101, 121. 127, 134, 183, 186, 197, 198, 199, 200, 202, 183, 198, 236, 237, 241, 369, 370, 373, 203, 204, 205,232, 233,234, 236, 237, 398, 399, 452, 457, 458,484, 532,578, 240, 241,242, 265, 267, 268, 271, 296, 586. 29 7, 299, 302, 366, 367,368, 370, 373, Geology, 197, 202,241, 256, 272, 369, 458. 374, 375, 376, 397, 399, 418, 428, Georgia (State), 120, 198, 206, 570, 575. 429, 452, 453, 454, 455, 456, 458, Great Britain, 475, 529. 459, 475, 476, 479, 526, 532, 568, Guiana, 398. 571, 572, 576, 580, 585, 586, 590,591. Hamilton Alex., 127, 584. Mather, Cotton, 479, 531, 585. Historical Societies, 3, 4, 41, 43, 81, 92, Mather, Increase, 200, 533. 120, 131, 147, 148, 149,150, 151, 152, Mather, Sam'l, 200, 531. 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, Medical, 270, 374. 161, 181, 200, 235, 238, 239, 240, 256, Memoirs, etc., see Biography. 266, 270, 299, 366, 374. 375, 399, 424,,Mexico, 203, 265, 481, 587. 458, 526, 530, 532, 536, 537, 538, Michigan, (State and Local), 203, 266, 539, 568. 576, 587. History, (in general,) 203. 206, 265, 299, Military, 6, 29, 47, 56, 120, 179, 182. 197, 376, 455, 476, 477, 479, 585. 200, 201,205, 206,268, 272,299,366, Illinois, (State and Local,) 41, 48, 105, 371, 418, 454, 569, 582. 162, 206, 256, 266, 267, 296, 475. Minnesota, (State and Local), 20, 102, Indians, 1, 2, 4, 6, 18, 19, 20, 21, 24, 25, 204, 368. 26, 27, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, Miscellaneous, 1, 20, 24, 52, 54, 81, 91, 53, 54, 77, 81, 82, 83, 91, 103, 104, 102, 104, 121,122, 163, 182, 183, 184, 119, 121, 122, 126, 127, 128, 129, 197, 200, 205, 237, 255, 257, 266, 132, 133, 162 170, 171, 172, 177, 272, 298, 366, 368, 371, 401, 429, 181, 182, 183, 185, 186, 187, 197, 200. 459, 473, 477. 478, 481, 571, 579, 201, 202, 201, 206, 232, 239, 240, 582, 584, 585, 590. 242, 255, 256 257, 265, 266, 267, Mississippi, (State and Local), 204. 268, 270, 271, 298, 299, 301, 302, 367, Mississippi Valley, 204, 205. 368, 371, 372, 373, 375, 397, 398, Missouri, (State and Local), 204, 266, 399, 401, 417, 424, 429, 453, 454, 368. 595 Moore, Geo. H., 182. South Carolina, 41, 43, 46, 77, 121, 198, Munsell's Historical Series, 479. 206, 234, 268, 373, 374, 570, 588. Narragansett Club Pub., 232. Tennessee, 163, 475. Narratives. See Travels. Texas, 398. Natural History, 2, 172, 369, 458, 474, Theatre and Drama, 171, 428. 567, 569. 570, 577. Tonga Islands, 483. New Brunswick, 372, 453. Travels, Adventures and Narratives, 6, New England, 48, 83, 132, 133, 172, 234, 17, 19, 21, 24, 27, 28, 42, 45, 46, 47, 235, 268, 267, 238, 269, 270, 271, 372, 50, 77, 80, 83, 84, 104, 119, 120, 121, 455, 458,477, 480, 481, 532, 569, 571, 122, 126, 127, 129, 130, 132, 133, 576, 5.77, 83 584. 170, 171, 177, 179, 182, 183, 184, Newfoundland, 3u1, 475. 198, 201, 203, 205, 206, 235, 240, New Hampshire, (State and Local), 5, 6, 255, 265, 263, 271, 272, 300, 301, 17, 18, 21, 42, 47, 48, 49, 51, 52, 54, 302, 366, 368, 369, 370, 371, 372, 56, 83, 92, 120, 127, 130, 177, 185, 373, 375, 397, 398, 399, 429, 453, 198, 234, 235, 236, 267, 269, 300, 454, 458, 474, 475, 476, 477, 480, 397, 431, 456, 457, 525, 577, 578, 587. 482, 484, 525, 528, 529, 530, 532, New Jersey, (State and Local), 42, 120, 533, 567, 568, 569, 571, 573, 574, 133, 171, 204, 233, 234, 236, 266, 398, 575, 577, 578, 580, 581, 582, 581, New Mexico, 237, 371. [399, 582. 587. Newspapers, 16, 238, 366, 429, 483. Trials, 28, 46, 47, 399, 400, 402, 403, New York, (State and Local), 2, 6, 18, 404, 405, 406, 407, 408, 409, 410, 27, 45, 47, 50, 51, 54, 91, 103, 129, 423, 483, 570, 573, 579, 581, 582. 163, 200,204, 233,235, 237, 238, 239, United States, 417, 418, 484, 590. 240, 256, 272, 296, 302, 371, 373, Vermont (State and Local,) 2, 19, 47, 399, 401, 452, 454, 457, 477, 479, 55, 133, 203, 205, 267, 270, 423, 424, 480, 484, 569 577. 579, 581, 582, 587. 484, 570, 580, 589. Polygraphic, 81, 84, 178, 181, 185, 201, Virginia (State and Local,) 122, 127, 204, 257, 376, 475, 566, 573. 132, 162, 170, 178, 186, 2401 271, Portrait Galleries, etc., 120, 130, 171, 300, 372, 424, 425 178, 202. Voyages, 24, 28, 45, 46, 54, 83, 102, 103, Prince Society Pub., 5, 6, 84. 120, 130, 170, 172, 181. 184, 185, Quakers, 296, 375. 197, 301, 368, 373, 424, 425, 567. Rebellion, 17, 20, 27, 29, 49, 56, 78, 93, War of 1812, 78, 79, 92. 271, 429, 452, 104, 121, 129, 170, 177, 179, 203, 473, 525, 582, 584, 591. 205, 240, 243, 256, 268, 299, 300, Washington, George, 206, 430, 431, 432, 366, 374, 375, 418, 428, 569. 433, 434, 435, 436, 437, 438, 439, Rhode Island, (State and Local,) 25, 29, 440, 441, 442, 413, 444, 445, 446, 232, 237, 241, 271, 299, 429, 456.. 447, 448, 449, 450, 451, 452, 475, Sandwich Islands, 177, 399, 584, 585. 534, 535, 536, 570, 571, 580. Sermons, 16, 27, 28, 46, 50, 55, 77, 78, Western History and Geography, 2, 28, 92, 93, 128, 129, 130, 132, 171, 178, 29, 51, 81, 82, 103, 119, 126, 201, 192, 185, 186, 201, 240, 243, 265, 202, 206, 241, 266, 270, 302, 373, 299, 301, 370, 372, 375, 376, 399, 429, 397, 453, 475, 585, 587. 473, 476, 482, 525, 526, 527, 573. Western Virginia, 266, 454. Shakespeare, 171, 369, 370. West Indies, 302. Shakers, 85, 369. Wisconsin (State and Local,) 162, 301, Slavery and Anti-, 7, 19, 25, 42, 46, 102, 458. 130, 131, 177, 184, 198, 233, 255, Witchcraft, 134, 235, 367, 369, 398, 418, 256, 258, 370, 372, 374, 423, 566, 531. 575, 582. INDEX TO PAMPHLETS. The figures refer to the No. of the Catalogue. Abercrombie, James, 2749. 939, 940, 941, 942, 1564, 1565, 2081, Adams, John, 81. 2775, 2776, 2777, 2778, 2779, 2780, Adams, J. Q., 82, 83. 2780*, 2781, 2782, 2783, 2784, 2785, Agriculture, 84. 2786, 2787, 2788, 2789, 2790, 2791, Albany, 85. 2792, 2793, 2794, 2795, 2796, 2797, Almanacs, 86. 2798. 2799, 2800. American Institute of N. Y., 88, 89. Horticultural Society, 1397. America, 91, 92, 93. Humane Society, 1398, 1399. Anti-Slavery Soc., 1818. Indian, 1085, 1086, 1087, 1088, 1089, Banking Currency, 271. 2690, 2735. 1090, 1091, 1092,1093, 1094, 1095, Beecher, Lyman & H. W., 273. 1096, 2931. Boston, 283, 284, 2772, 2773, 2774, Installation and Thanksgiving, 1736, 2774*, 2944, 2952. 2191, 2199 Botanical, 285. Jackson, A., 1130, 1131. Bunker Hill, 289. Jew, 1132, 1133. California, 492, 2769. Law, etc., 1252, 1253. Canal, 493. Magazines, Reviews, etc., 1388, 1389, Catalogues, 494, 2750. 1390, 2723, 2724, 2725. Catholic, 495. Masonic, 1401. Channing, WV. E., 496. 497, 1744, 2744. Medical, 1400, 1402, 1403, 1404, 1405, Church Centennial, 498, 499, 500, 501, 1406, 1407, 1408, 1409, 1410, 1411, 502, 503, 504, 5o5, 506. 1412, 2720. Clinton, DeWitt, 507. Messages, Pres, U. S., 2758. Colleges, Schools, etc., 94, 95, 286, 508, Miscellaneous, 77, 78, 79, 80, 90, 266, 509, 510, 931, 932, 933, 934, 1395, 267, 208, 269, 270, 272. 274, 281, 1722, 2063, 2582, 2583, 2584, 2585, 282, 287, 288, 290, 481, 482, 483, 2757, 2766, 2771, 2924. 484, 485, 486, 487, 488, 489, 490, Colonization Soc., 1830, 1834. 491, 619, 620, 621, 622, 623, 624, Congressional Doc., 2739. 626. 627, 628, 629, 630. 663, 664, Connecticut, 511. 668, 669, 670, 671, 737, 738, 739,'Controversial, 512, 513, 514, 515, 516, 740, 758, 759, 809, 810, 811, 812, 1738. 813, 814, 815, 916, 917, 918, 919, Dedication, 625. 920, 921, 922, 923, 924, 925, 926, Education, 672, 673, 2714. 927, 928, 929, 1083, 1084, 1125, Election Sermons, 674, 675, 676, 677, 1126, 1127, 1128, 1129, 1161, 1162, 678, 679, 680, 681, 682, 683, 684, 1163, 1241, 1242, 1243, 1244, 1245, 685. 1246, 1247, 1245, 1249, 1250, 1251, Everett, Edward. 665, 666, 667, 2946. 1375, 1376, 1377, 1378, 1379, 1380, Fast Day Sermons. 735, 736. 1381, 1382, 1383, 1385, 1386, 1391, Fourth of July Orations, 753, 754, 755, 1396, 1554, 1555, 1558, 1561,1563, 756, 757. 1571, 1605, 1607, 1608, 1703, 1704, Funeral Sermons, 741, 742, 743, 744, 1705, 1706, 1707, 1708, 1709, 1710, 745, 746, 747, 748, 749, 750, 751, 1711, 1712, 1713, 1715, 1716, 1740, 752, 1742. 1741, 1747, 1748, 1749, 1750, 1751, Hamilton and Burr, 930. 1761, 1912, 1913, 1914, 1915, 1916, Historical and Biog., 935, 936, 937, 938, 1917, 1918, 1919, 2083, 2084, 2085, 597 2086, 2087, 2088, 2089, 2089*, 2090 1726, 1737, 1743, 2704, 2712, 2934, 2194, 2195, 2196, 2197, 2198,2223, 2938. 2224, 2225. 2226, 2250, 2251, 2570, Railroad, 1911, 2687, 2768. 2571, 2572, 2573, 2574, 2575, 2576, Rebellion and Slavery, 1816. 1817, 1818, 2577, 2578, 2579, 2583, 2585, 2684, 1819, 1820, 1821, 1822, 1823, 1824, 2685, 2686, 2691, 2692, 2693, 2694, 1825, 1826, 1827, 1828, 1829, 1830, 2695, 2701, 2715, 2717, 2719,2721, 1831, 1832, 1833, 1834, 1835, 1836, 2722, 2727, 2728, 2729, 2733, 2734, 1837, 1838, 1839, 1840, 1841, 1842, 2736, 2737, 2738, 2742, 2743, 2745, 1843, 1844, 1845, 1846, 1847, 1848, 2746, 2751, 2752, 2753, 2754, 2755, 1849, 1850, 1851, 1852, 1853. 1854, 2756, 2761, 2762, 2763, 2801, 2802, 1855, 1856, 1857, 1858. 1859, 1860, 2803, 2804, 2805, 2806, 2807, 2808, 1861, 1862, 1863, 1864, 1865, 1866, 2915, 2916, 2917, 2918, 2919, 2920, 1867, 1808, 1869, 1870, 1871, 1872, 2921, 2922, 2923, 2921, 2925, 2926, 1873, 1874. 1875, 1876, 1877, 1878, 2927, 2928, 2930, 2932, 2933, 2935 1879, 1880, 1881, 1882, 1883, 1884, 2937, 2939, 2940, 2941, 2942, 2943, 1885, 1886, 1887, 1888. 1889, 1890, 2944, 2945, 2946, 2948, 2951, 2953, 1891, 1892, 1893, 1894, 1895, 1896, 2953*. 1897, 1898, 1899, 1900, 1901, 1902, Missionary, Bible Society, etc., 87, 275, 1903, 1904, 1905, 1906, 1907, 1908, 276, 277, 278, 279, 280, 1384, 1387, 1909, 1910. 1392, 1393, 2061, 2716, 2748, 2921, Reports, (Miscell.,) 2687, 2699, 2707. 2924. Reports of Secretary of Treasury, 1739, Mormon, 1394. 2718. Music 1723. Revolution,(Am.) 1920, 1921, 1922, 1923, New England Soc., 1568, 1569, 1570, 1024, 1925, 2949, 2950. 1571. Rhode Island, 2767. New York State and City, 1556, 1557, Science, 2064, 2065. 1559. 1560, 1562, 1566, 1567, 1739. Sermons, 517, 2066, 2067, 2068, 2069, Onderdonk, Bishop Benj., 1606, 2936. 2070, 2071, 2072, 2073, 2074, 2075, Ordination Sermons, 1600, 1601, 1602, 2076, 2077, 2078, 2079, 2080, 2696, 1603, 1604, 2709, 2710. 2697, 2702, 2705, 2708, 2712, 2713, Paine, Thos., 1721, 2947. 2949 Parker, Theodore, 2770. Speeches on Tariff, etc., 2700, 2706, Plymouth Orations, etc., 1719, 1720. 2718. 2731, 2732, 2747. Poetry and Tragedy, 1714. St. Nicholas Society, 2082. Political, 1727, 1728, 1729, 1730, 1731, Stuart, Moses, 2726. 1732, 1733, 1734, 1735, 2698, 2703, Tammany Society, 2190. 2711, 2764, 2'765. Temperance, 1745, 2103, 2689, 2748. Porcupine Peter, [W. Cobbett,) 1717, Tracts, 2730, 2740, 2741, 2760. * 1718. Unitarian, 1746, 2222. Protestant Epis. Church, 1724, 1725, Webster, 2567,2568, 2569.